Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/unitedstatesianaOOhowe U.S.- 1 ANA • . -- IS - I i - U.S.- 1 ANA (1700-1950) A descriptive check-list of 11,450 printed sources relating to those parts of Gontmental North Anierica now comprising" the United States. * SELECTED BY WRIGHT HOWES New York R.R.BOWKER COMPANY 1954 Copyright 1954 R. R. Bowker Company Library of Congress Card Number: 54-11002 Printed and bound in the United States of America OH- 113 cop. a. Foreword In this country today more people, per capita, than ever before collect what they persist in calling — rather loosely — Americana. In the intervening years since the era of Sabin, attention to some phases of that subject has unmistakably in- creased steadily and grown more widespread, deep and ardent. The subject it- self, however, as a field of interest for the vast majority of collectors, has at the same time — both in temporal length and in territorial width — conspicuously narrowed. Towards many of its branches we have developed a marked indifference; meagre attention is now given to books relating to Canada, Mexico, our various sister republics further South, or even to those having to do with our own insular possessions. So pronounced and well-nigh universal has become concentration on books confined exclusively to the history of the United States proper that our collectors, as a whole, can no longer be considered as collecting Americana — in its broad, hemispherical and true sense — at all. They collect instead on only one isolated segment of that subject. They collect: U.S.-IANA. Nor has shrinkage halted there. Even in regard to affairs limited to this par- ticular republic, interest and curiosity has undergone notable constriction. Even in that limited field, the typical collector now confines his activities, rather rigidly, to books on some one region, state or era, to some conspicuous person or to some specific historical event. Whatever subject he selects will be found, generally speaking, to belong to a relatively recent past. Events of a more dim and remote antiquity are practically ignored. Adventures, movements and explorations of the last two hundred and fifty years, within our interior valleys and along the shifting rim of our far-flung Western frontier, seem to have more meaning than equally heroic, romantic and note-worthy occurrences of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, along the Atlantic seaboard: the nebulous episodes of original discovery, first settlement and early colonization. Collecting has gone somewhat modern and veers Westward with the Course of Empire. Changed taste and fashion in book-buying are vividly revealed when the li- braries of Barlow, Brevoort, Brinley, Carter-Brown, Church, Lenox and Menzies — all assembled in the latitudinarian tradition of a long-gone yesterday — are com- pared with those of Auerbach, Barber, Braislin, Holliday, Littell, Paullin and Shea — dispersed at public sale between 1927 and 19S4. All of these later collections unite in reflecting, along with an emphatic preference for books published since 1700, a predominant, almost complete, preoccupation with those relating to this country, notably so with those concerning affairs in the Ohio Valley or regions further West. Into the causes — doubtless many and complex — of these prevailing limitations in interest we need not go. The point is that they exist, and that, because of them, a bibliography of United States history patterned to meet the resulting reduced re- quirements of popular demand can be, in spite of its drastic compression, of definite usefulness to the larger portion of our present book-buying public. For the select and dauntless few who still collect in the grand manner, who still wield their sickle in a larger field, the diminished subject here selected for bibliographical treatment will obviously be inadequate. It should be sufficiently ample, however, to meet, in some measure, the needs of the group for which it was designed, that large group which sets its sights less high and which is composed of the average collector, the average librarian, the average antiquarian bookseller. As an aggregate of only two full-time working years could be devoted to this undertaking, the compiler feels grateful that his labors were confined to books in such a circumscribed field. His task, though thereby greatly lightened, was yet by no means devoid of difficulty. Still confronting him was what one might well ex- pect to find, on a subject holding world-wide appeal, through a sizable sweep of two hundred and fifty prolific printing years, — a formidable literature, in many languages. To cope with material so extensive obviously entailed considerable selectivity. Complete coverage could be aimed at only for books of great general interest, high importance and of more than ordinary commercial value, those arbitrarily graded, for the purposes of this work, as "scarce" and "rare" and worth twenty-five dollars and upwards. Of the innumerable books classifiable as merely "uncommon" — and having approximate current values of between ten and twenty-five dollars — only a highly selective representation has been attempted. Selectivity is increased for books belonging to this class when their appeal is of a local rather than of a national or regional character. Formal local histories are mostly excluded; those of a more unusual nature are rather scrupulously entered. Eliminated almost altogether from consideration are items so insignificant or so "common" as to command, currently, prices under ten dollars. The same is true of books, regardless of their value, belonging to the following categories: pamphlets of fewer than twelve leaves; works in sets of more than four volumes; almanacs; periodicals; serials; bibliographies; natural histories; juvenile literature; textbooks; sermons; orations; laws and legislative documents of a strictly governmental nature; dramatic, poetical and fictional compositions, even though based upon or dealing with historical subjects; and everything else of a primarily imaginative or literary nature. In a work such as this any attempt to give exact monetary values to individual entries would defeat any aspiration for its permanent usefulness. Desirable books in this particular field have, within the last half century, uniformly advanced in value. They will doubtless continue so to do, therefore the attaching of current market figures to them would prove of fugitive validity. In preparing this bibliography, however — as the preceding paragraphs will have already revealed — commercial value, used in an approximate, inexact or general sense, has, for certain other purposes, been freely employed. As a basis, both for determining an item's eligibility for inclusion and for indicating its relative grade or status in the hierarchy of books, it constitutes the most competent yardstick available. Willingness on the part of interested buyers, consistently and persist- ently, to pay, for a given book, prices within a certain general range, is the acid test of its over-all worthiness. This consensus of informed opinion furnishes, as nothing else can, a composite picture of a book's combined importance, desirability, the extent of public demand for it and the degree of difficulty involved in acquiring it. When first deciding to assign entries to various grades it was hoped that such grades might be clearly indicated without any reference to dollar values. This was found impossible. Differentiating books into grades merely as "uncommon," vi Foreword "scarce," "mildly rare," "quite rare," "very rare" and "inordinately rare" is too vague. To convey a clear concept of relative rank the suggestion as to where one grade ends and another begins must be made fairly precise. That problem can only be solved by giving some idea of the commercial values within which fall those various grades. To some mild extent gradations must be based upon a monetary standard. Owing to the inherent variability of book prices, as well as to the fluctuating uncertainty of money values, caution demands that grades to which values are at- tached must be in quite wide brackets. The values of books falling within each grade are thereby sublimated to an approximate hint only. As will be seen in the table of value-symbols which follows this "Foreword," the four grades to which are assigned all "rare" books are of such considerable variance in estimated value as not to be violently affected by normal change. On the other hand, between "uncommon" and "scarce" books no differentiation has been attempted. The table indicates the line of demarcation existing between these two, but the individual brackets they would occupy, if separate price distinctions were set up, would be so narrow as to be highly impermanent. Today's "uncommon" books very often become the "scarce" books of tomorrow. Consequently, these two categories are grouped indiscriminately together in a single grade. Just as restricted operating time has limited scope and selection, economic consideration — joined to a disinclination to produce a volume of unwieldy di- mensions — has dictated all attainable frugality in the matter of space. Titles have been shortened; descriptions are greatly abbreviated and largely unpunctuated; collations have been confined to essentials; and bindings — being merely the pro- tective covering apparatus of books and not strictly integral parts of them — are gone into only in the case of occasional pamphlets where wrappers were included in the printer's pagination. It is hoped that none of these devices will defeat identification or intelligibility. In entering anonymous and pseudonymous titles the first substantive word has been used, unless a proper name or place ap- pears prominently in the title, in which case the entry is indexed under that word. This is a departure from usual practice, but having been adopted years ago by the compiler in making the notes which form the basis of this work, it is followed here. It offers the distinct advantage of presenting together various entries on the same subject. Sabin employed it to a great extent. Locations of many "rare" books — those graded "b" or higher — are supplied, when repositories containing perfect copies are known to the compiler. Absence of a location symbol does not mean that no copies of that particular entry are known. It means only that the compiler has no information as to where copies may be found. It should also be explained that in giving the collation of the original edition of an entry the compiler feels his responsibility, in that particular, ends. Collations for later editions and translations have been included, when known, but have not been meticulously verified. Grateful acknowledgment is due to many sources of assistance: To the New- berry Library, of Chicago, without whose generous financial aid, accompanying its grant of a Fellowship in Bibliography to the compiler, this undertaking would have been impossible; to the Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America and to the California Book Club Quarterly, for publishing the proposed plan of this work, in 1952; to the New York Public Library and to the Yale University Library, for having their holdings checked against all entries graded herein as "rare," and to the American Antiquarian Society, for performing the same service for those relating to regions East of the Mississippi; to my assistant, Mrs. William C. Brown, by whose eternal vigilance many disfiguring blunders have been prevented; and to the vii Foreword following gentlemen, all of whom have contributed invaluable aid: Mr. Peter Decker, and Mr. Edward Eberstadt, of New York City; Mr. J. C. Dykes, of College Park, Md.; Bishop L. J. Fitz Simon, of Amarillo, Tex.; Mr. Everett D. Graff, of Winnetka, 111.; Mr. A. H. Greenly, of Hoboken, N. J.; and Mr. Thomas W. Streeter, of Morristown, N.J. The co-operation of those mentioned must be construed as merely an approval of the plan of the work, not of the manner in which it has been carried out. For its execution, for all shortcomings, errors and omissions, the compiler is alone responsible. Wright Howes Chicago, Illinois September 18, 1954 viii Abbreviations and Symbols Places of publication, printed in Italics, are not always completely written out. Boston ap- pears as B, Cambridge, Mass. as C, London as L and Paris as P. Others are shown in shortened form [their first three or four letters only being given, such as Alb for Albany, Amst for Amsterdam]. These are generally so obvious as to present no difficulty to the reader. A few of the less obvious follow: Des M for Des Moines. S F for San Francisco. Fredkbg for Fredericksburg. S L for Salt Lake City. Indp for Indianapolis. Sav for Savannah. Lis for Lisbon. St L for St. Louis. N Hav for New Haven. St P for Saint Paul. N Lond for New London. St Ptbg for St. Petersburg. N O for New Orleans. Wmsbg for Williamsburg. Book sizes are indicated by: F for folio. O for octavo. Q for quarto. D for duodecimo. Smaller sizes are shown in the ordinary manner. Other abbreviations follow common practice and require no long listing, but a few may be clarified to advantage: adds additions. p page [or, when plurality anr another. is indicated, pages], capt t caption title. pi plate, cor corrected. rptd reprinted, facs facsimile. tab table, front frontispiece. t title, impr imprint [i. e. place where published]. t-p title page. 1 leaf [or, when preceded by figures showing plurality, leaves]. Value symbols, showing relative grades of value, importance and scarcity are indicated by the following lower case letters: [when no symbol accompanies an entry "a" value or less is to be inferred] a - covers, under that one symbol, both those books that are merely uncommon [roughly of a value from $10.00 to $25. 00] and those that are scarce [worth from $25.00 to $100.00]. All of these "a" books are obtainable without much difficulty. b - represents books that are mildly rare, obtainable, only with some difficulty, at prices ranging between $100.00 and $300.00. c - represents books that are quite rare, obtainable, only with considerable diffi- culty, at prices ranging between $300.00 and $600.00. d - represents very rare books, obtainable, only with great difficulty, at prices be- tween $600.00 and $1000.00. dd - represents superlatively rare books, almost unobtainable, worth $1000.00 and upwards. For Further Clarification See Foreword. Location symbols. Many of the location symbols employed are such as should be self- explanatory. An abbreviation for a city followed by P refers to that city's Public Li- brary; if followed by K, it means its Historical Society; if followed by U, it refers to its University. [Examples: DenvP; ChiH; Chill]. ix Abbreviations and Symbols Similarly H, S or U following an abbreviation for a state should be interpreted as mean- ing that particular state's Historical Society, or its State Library, or its University. [Examples: KasH, IndS, KyU]. The list of symbols appended are the only ones requiring individual explanation: AA - Amer. Antiquarian Soc, Worcester, Mass. Ala A - Ala. Archives and Hist. Soc, Montgomery, Ala. B - Bancroft Library at the Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Calif. BA - Boston Athenaeum Library, Boston, Mass. BM - British Museum, London, England. BN - Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, France. BP - Boston Public Library, Boston, Mass. BurtH - Burton Hist. Collection, Detroit, Mich. Clem - Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan G - Private library of Everett D. Graff, Winnetka, 111. H - Harvard University Library, Cambridge, Mass. Hn - Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, Calif. IH - 111. State Hist. Soc, Springfield, 111. JCB - John Carter Brown Library, Providence, R. I. LC - Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Lincoln Life - Lincoln Life Ins. Co., Ft. Wayne, Indiana. MH - Mass. Hist. Soc, Boston, Mass. MoSH - Missouri State Hist. Soc, Columbia, Mo. N - Newberry Library, Chicago, 111. OHP - Ohio Hist. & Phil. Soc, Cincinnati, Ohio. Pn - Princeton Univ. Library, Princeton, N. J. S - Private library of Thomas W. Streeter, Morristown, N. J. StLMerc - St. Louis Mercantile Library, St. Louis, Mo. TransU - Transylvania Univ., Lexington, Ky. UCHO - Utah Church Hist. Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. WRH - Western Reserve Hist. Soc, Cleveland, Ohio. Y - Yale University Library, New Haven, Conn. U.S.- 1 ANA (1700-1950) A., AD D' 1 Esquisses a,mericaines, ou tablettes d'un voyageur aux Etats-Unis. . . . P 1841. 18° 178 a AA, PETER VAN DER, ed. & pub. 2 Naaukeurige versameling der gedenk- waardigste zee en land-reysen, na Oost en West-Indien Leyden 1707. 30v pis b — anr. ed., same impr., 1707-08. F 8v pis Collection of voyages from 1246 to 1696, embracing many to this continent. The plates were also issued separately, two volumes, folio. ABBATT, WILLIAM 3 The crisis of the revolution. . . story of Arnold and Andre NY 1899. Q [l2] 120 fold.map 70pls 2errata slips a 250copies ptd. ABBEVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA. 4 Incidents of a journey from: to Ocola LsicJ, Florida, by an observer of small things. Edgefield S C 1852. O 44 a ABBEY, JAMES 5 California. A trip across the plains. New Albany Ind 1850. D 64 c AA NYP Y ABBILDUNG 6 Abbildung nordarnericanischer Lander und eingebohrner Wilden Erfurt 1757. D [l2] 360 pi a — Rus. tr. St Ptbg 1765. O 420 ABB'S VALLEY The captives of. James Moore. See Brown, Rev. ABDY, E. S. 7 Journal of a residence and tour in the United States L 1835. O 3v: [l2] 395; [8] 415; [8] 408 a ABEL, ANNIE H. 8 The slaveholding Indians. . . . Clev 1915- 19-25. O 3v: 394; 403; 419 [maps & plans incl. in paginat. J a ABENTHEUERLICHE Abentheuerliche Ereignisse aus dem Leber der ersten Ansiedler an den Grenzen der mittleren und westlichen Staaten. . . . See Pritts, Jos. ABERT, LIEUTENANT [JAMES W.] 9 Message from the president. . . communicat- ing a report of an expedition led by: on the upper Arkansas and through the country of the Camanche Indians. [Sen. Doc. 438]. Wash 1846. O 75 map 12pls [col. in a few copies] a ABERT, LIEUTENANT j[AMES] W. 10 Report of the Secretary of war, communi- cating. . . a report and map of the examina- tion of New Mexico, made by: [Wash 1848]. Sen. Ex. Doc. 23. O 132 map 24pls a For another edition, accompanying Emory's Notes of a military reconnoissance, see that entry. ABHANDLUNGEN 11 Abhandlungen iiber die Kolonien iiberhaupt, uid die amerikanischen besonders. Bern 1779. O 152 a Concluded that by 1879 the seat of Eng- land's government would be in America. [ABILENE, KAS.] 12 A gem. . . Abilene 3urlington la 1887. 16 68 [incl. wraps & plsj a ABINGDON, EARL OF A letter to the Right Honourable Willoughby Bertie, by descent:. . . . See Lind, John. ABINGDON, EARL OF 13 Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke to the sheriffs of Bristol [john Farr and John Harris], on the affairs of America. Oxf[l777]. O 64 a — 5 other 1777 eds., same impr. & date, of which ed. 6 is the most complete [96p introd. added] — anr. ed. Dub 1777. O 48 — Am. ed. Lancaster Pa 1778. O 30 The leading British supporter of colonial rights attacks Burke for temporizing. ABNEY, A. H. 14 Life and adventures of L. D. Lafferty. . . from an adventurous boyhood in Arkansas, through a protracted life . . . upon the frontier of Texas NY [l875]. D 219 [incl. 4pls] a Purportedly a true biography; easy to read, but hard to swallow. 1 Abolition — Account ABOLITION 15 Abolition a sedition. By a northern man. Phil 1839. 18° [8] 187 a ABOLITION 16 Abolition (The) of slavery the right of the government under the war power. B 1861. D 24 a — rptd. B 1862. same collat. ABOLITIONISM EXPOSED 17 Abolitionism exposed, corrected. By a physician formerly resident in the south.. . . Phil 1838. O 40 a ABOLITIONISM UNVEILED 18 Abolitionism unveiled! Hypocrisy un- masked! and knavery scourged! By a physi- cian. . . resident of the south. N Y 1850. O 40 ACADIA 25 Remarks on the French Memorials concern- ing the limits of: L 1756. O [4] 110 + 2adv-p 2maps Lp57-64 frequently missing] a ACADIE 26 Considerations sur les differends des couronnes de la Grande Bretagne et de France, touchant:. . . fonde sur les Memoires des commissaires de deux puissances. Frankf 1756. D 172 a ACADIE (L') 27 Pieces justificatives des Memoirs con- cernant les limites de: P 1754. Q [2] 646 a ACCOUNT Account (An) of a late conference on the occurrences in America. See Steele, Joshua. ABOTT, ABOTT A. 19 The life of Abraham Lincoln. N Y 1864. 16° [2] 11-100 a — anr. issue, incl. assassination details. 16° 11-104 ABRAHALL, JOHN H. 20 Western woods and waters. L 1864. D 132J 419 map pi tab a Poetry; accompanied by a mass of inform- ative notes. ABRAMS, A. S. 21 A full. . . history of the siege of Vicksburg. Atlanta 1863. O 80 a ABREG6 DE LA REVOLUTION Abrege de la revolution de l'Amerique anglaise. . . . See Dubuisson, Paul U. ABRIDGEMENT 22 Abridgement (An) of the laws in force. . . in Her Majesty's plantations.. . . L 1704. D [4] 304 a ABRIDGEMENT 23 Abridgement (An) of the several acts. . . of parliament, relating to the trade and naviga- tion of Great Britain to, from and in the British plantations L 1739. F 44 a ABSARAKA Absaraka, home of the Crows . . . experi- ence of an officer's wife on the plains. See Carrington, Mrs. Henry B. ABSTRACTS 24 Abstracts of the principal regulations. . . in the acts of parliament relative to the trade of the British plantations. Charlestown Mass 1774. D 28 a ACCOUNT Account of a voyage up the Mississippi. . . from Mr. Pike's journal. See Pike, Zebulon M. ACCOUNT Account (An) of the conduct of the war in the middle colonies. . . . See Galloway, Jos., Letters to a nobleman. . . . ACCOUNT 28 Account (An) of the earthquakes ... in the United States . . . 1811-1812 Phil 1812. D 84 a ACCOUNT Account (An) of the European settlements in America. . . . See Burke, Wm. ACCOUNT 29 Account (An) of the French settlements in North America By a gentleman. B 1746. O 26 b AA H ACCOUNT 30 Account (An) of the interment of the re- mains of 11,500 American seamen... on board. . .prison ships at the Wallabout, dur- ing the American revolution. ...NY 1808. D 96 a — rptd. "Letters from the prisons. ..," N Y 1865. O 49 45copies ptd.; also 35copies issued in Q ACCOUNT Account (An) of the late intended insurrec- tion among. . . the Blacks of this city. . . . See Hamilton, James, Jr. ACCOUNT Account (An) of the rise and progress of the American war. See Galloway, Jos., Letters to a nobleman. . . . Account — Adams ACCOUNT 31 Account (An) of the Society for Propagat- ing the Gospel L 1706. Q [2] 97 front, a ACCOUNT Account (An) of the Spanish settlements in America. . .. See Campbell, John. ACCOUNTS Accounts of shipwreck and of other dis- asters at sea. . . . See Allen, Wm. ACHENWALL, D. GOTTFRIED 32 Anmerkungen uber Nord-Amerika und uber dasige grosbrittanische Colonien. Aus mund- lichen Nachrichten des Herrn Dr. Franklins verfasst. Stuttgart 1769. O 94 a — anr. ed. Frankf 1769. same collat. — rptd. Helmstedt 1777. O 72 — Dutch tr. Utrecht 1778. O [8] 85 ACKERMAN, WILLIAM K. Early Illinois railroads. . O 174 a 33 .... Mex 1729. F 36 1. [incl. one larger 1., double-folded] d JCB S [of 3copies located] First of these regulations issued by Mexi- can viceroys or the kings themselves for the government and conduct of affairs in frontier army garrisons, all of which throw valuable light on early conditions in these remote regions. For the last of such regulations, see Nueva Espaha. Reglamento . . .de: ADAIR, CORNELIA 39 My diary, August 30th to November 5th, 1874. Bath 1918. D 125 a Texas interest. ADAIR, JAMES 40 The history of the American Indians. . . . L 1775. Q [l2] 464 map b AA N NYP Y — rptd. Johnson City Tenn 1930. a — Ger tr. Breslau 1782. O [8] 419 a Best 18th century English source on the Southern tribes, written by one who traded forty years with them. ACKERMAN, WILLIAM K. 34 Historical sketch of the Illinois Central railroad Chi 1890. O 153 a ACKLEY, MARY E. 35 Crossing the plains and early days in California. . . . S F 1928. O 68 front, a Small ed. ACRELIUS, ISRAEL 36 Beskrifning om de Swenska Forsamlingars Forna och Narwarande Tilstand, uti det sa kallade Nya Swerige, sedan Nya Nederland Stockh 1759. Q [20] 534 b H N NYP — Eng. tr. Phil 1874. O [50] 17-468 map 2pls Most trustworthy contemporary authority on the Swedish settlements on the Delaware. ACROSS THE ATLANTIC Across the Atlantic. By the author of "Sketches of Cantabs. " See Lewis, John D. ACTES ET MEMOIRES Actes et memoires concernant les nego- ciations . . . entre la France et les Etats- Unis. . . . See Gebhardt, A. G. ACTS 37 Acts passed at a Congress of the United States . . . March 4th, 1789. N Y Childs & Swaine [l789]. F 105 d NYP — rptd., same impr. & date. O c First amendment to the Constitution, the so-called Bill of Rights. ACUNA, JUAN DE, Marques de Cosa- Fuerte 38 Reglamento para todos los presidios de las provincias internas de esta governacion ADAIR, GENERAL JOHN 41 Biographical sketch of: Wash 1830. O 24 a — rptd. Harrodsburg Ky 1831. Has been attributed to Judge James Blair; also to a Mrs. White. ADAIR, GENERAL I JOHNl, and 42 JACKSON, GENERAL [ANDREW] Letters of: relative to the charge of cow- ardice made by the latter against the Ken- tucky troops at New Orleans. Lex Thos Smith n.d. [l827?]. O 63 b ChiU Y Anti-Jackson campaign document, based on material in McAfee's War in the western country. ADAIR, WtlLLIAM] P. 43 The expediency. . . of organizing the Indian country into. . . the Territory of "Ok- la-ho-ma." [wash 1876]. O 37 a ADAMS, MISS [ABIGAIL], daughter of 44 John Adams Journal and correspondence of: written in France and England, in 1785. Ed. by her daughter [Mrs. Caroline Amelia (Smith) De Windt]. N Y 1841-2. D 2v: [12] 248; [l6] 219. 3pls a — vol. 2, rptd., with date on t-p unchanged, but pref. dated 1849 & with letters of John Q. Adams added. D [lO incl. 2adv-p] 214 219 port [of John Q. Adams] replacing the Trenton battle scene as front. ADAMS, AMOS A concise. . . view of the difficulties. . . which attended the planting [etc.] of New England B 1769. O 66 a — Eng. ed. L 1770. O [2] 68; B 1774; L 1776. 45 Adams — Adams ADAMS, AMOS 46 A dissertation. . . for the yeomanry of the western country. Marietta O 1810. D 36 a ADAMS, ANDY 47 The log of a cowboy B 1903. D [lo] 388 6pls a ADAMS, ANDY 48 The outlet B 1903. D [l2] 372 6pls a ADAMS, ANDY 49 Reed Anthony, cowman. ... B 1907. D [8] 385 front, a ADAMS, ISRAEL 60 A narrative of the life and travels of: Cortland N Y 1843. O 28 b — anr. ed. Utica 1847. O 36 a Includes War of 1812 services. ADAMS, JAMES CAPEN Adventures of: See Hittell, Theodore H. ADAMS, J[AMES] C[APEN]. 61 Life of: N Y 1860. 16° 29 + 3adv-p b Hn Y — anr. [later] issue, with adds. 53 + cover t. b — other eds., same impr.: 1874; 1884. a ADAMS, CHARLES F., ed. 50 Antinomianism in. . . Massachusetts Bay, 1636-8. B Prince Soc. 1894. sm Q 416 [incl. front cover] a ADAMS, CHARLES F. 51 A chapter of Erie. B 1869. 16° U] 152 a — anr. ed., with adds., 3 1871. D U] 429 ADAMS, GEORGE J. 52 A lecture on the authenticity. . . of the Book of Mormon. . . . B 1844. O 24 a [ADAMS, H. J.] 53 Report of. . . commissioners for the in- vestigation of [Kansas] election frauds. . . . Leavenworth 1858. D 142 errata 1. b KasH KasStateCollege Report to Governor Denver concerning vot- ing on the acceptance of the Lecompton con- stitution [forbidding slavery], doomed to failure by armed bands of pro-slave ruffians. ADAMS, HANNAH 54 A summary history of New England. . . . Dedham 1799. O 513 [3] a [ADAMS, HANNAH] 55 Women invited to war B 1787. O 36 a ADAMS, HENRY, ed. 56 Documents relating to New England feder- alism, 1800-1815. B 1877. O [12J437 a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1905. ADAMS, HENRY 57 The education of: Wash 1907. Q [6] 453 b N NYP lOOcopies ptd. — rptd. B 1918. O [lO] 520 a ADAMS, HENRY 58 History of the United States [during the administrations of Jefferson and Madison], 1801-1817. N Y 1888-91. D 9v 28maps a — rptd. several times ADAMS, JAMES T. 62 Atlas of American history. N Y [l943]. O [12] 360 [incl. 147maps] a ADAMS, JAMES T. 63 Memorials of old Bridgehampton \_N. Y.\. N Y 1916. O 399 a ADAMS, MR. [JOHN] A brief consideration of the. . . services which recommend: for the presidency. See Gardner, John. ADAMS, JOHN 64 Correspondence of: concerning the British doctrine of impressment Bait 1809. D 72 ADAMS, JOHN 65 A defense of the constitutions of govern- ment of the United States L 1787. O [32] 392 a — Am. eds.: Phil 1787. O [20] 3-390; N Y 1787. O [24] 390 [4]; B 1788. D [30] 317 — complete ed. L 1787-8. O 3v: [32] 392; [2] 651; [2] 528 [36] — rptd. L 1794. O 3v: [40] 392; [4] 452; [4] 528 [36]. port — anr. ed. "History of the principal re- publics. . . ," L 1794. O 3v: [38] 392; 451; 528 [36] — Am. ed. called ed. 3, Phil 1797. O 3v: [40] 392; [6] 451; [2] 528 [36]. port — Fr. tr. P 1792. O 2v [ADAMS, JOHN] Discourses of Davila. 66 B 1805. O 148 a ADAMS, HENRY The life of Albert Gallatin. Phil O [6] 697 [incl. map] 2ports a 59 ADAMS, JOHN, and ADAMS, SAMUEL 67 Four letters . . . correspondence between. . : on the important subject of government. B 1802. O 32 a ADAMS, JOHN 68 History of the dispute with America. . . . L 1784. O 90 + adv-1. a — Dutch tr. i4msr 1782. O [8] 156 port Separate [and abridged] publications of his Letters of Novanglus which had appeared Adams — Address serially in a Boston paper in 1774. For later edition, see below Novanglus and Massa- chusettensis. ADAMS, JOHN 69 Letters of: . . . to his wife. Ed. Charles F. Adams. B 1841. D 2v: [32] 286; [20] 282. port a ADAMS, JOHN, [and LEONARD, DANIEL] 70 Novanglus and Massachusettensis; or, political essays, published in. . . 1774 and 1775, on the. . . controversy between Great Britain and her colonies. . . . B 1819. O 312 a ADAMS, JOHN 71 Political sketches inscribed to. ..: By a citizen of the United States. L 1787. O [4] 96 a [ADAMS, JOHN] 72 Thoughts on government: applicable to the present state of the American colonies. . . . Phil 1776. D 28 a — rptd. B 1776. D 16 — abr. ed. B 1788. Written in opposition to ideas advanced in Paine's Common sense. ADAMS, NEHEMIAH The life of John Eliot. 79 1847. D 324 a ADAMS, NEHEMIAH 80 A south-side view of slavery. . . . B 1854. D [8] 7-214 a — ed. 3, with adds., B 1855. D [8] 7-222 + 4adv-p [ADAMS, SAMUEL] 81 An appeal to the world; or, a vindication of the town of Boston. ... 3 1769. D 37 a — Eng. ed. L 1769. D [2] 58 — rptd. L 1770. same collat. Attributed also to William Cooper. ADAMS, SAMUEL 82 An oration. . . at the State House in Phila- delphia. .. 1st of August, 1776. Phil ptd, L rptd 1776. O [2] 42 a Of this oration [never delivered], there was no Philadelphia edition [in spite of its being indicated by title-page]; it was, in fact a London forgery designed to show that the colonies were bent on independence. ADAMS, WILLIAM L. Lecture on Oregon. 83 B 1869. O 39 ADAMS, JOHN 73 Twenty-six letters., .respecting the revo- lution of America. . . . L [l786]. D 87 + adv-1. at front a — Am. eds.: N Y Fenno "for subscribers" 1789. D 89 — rptd. N Y Fenno "never before published" 1789. D 64 ADAMS, JOHN 74 A vindication of the character of: in reply to the Letter of General Hamilton. ...NY 1800. O 24 a ADAMS, JOHN Q-, e* al. 75 Correspondence between: concerning the charge of a design to dissolve the Union.. . . B 1829. O 80 a — ed. 2, B 1829. O 48 — rptd. Wash 1829. O 56 ADAMS, JOHN Q. 76 Life in a New England town. B 1903. O 204 port a ADAMS, WILLIAM L. 84 Oregon as it is. . . . Port Ore 1873. O 61 tabs a — rptd., same impr., 1875. First Oregon-printed Northwestern guide. ADDITIONAL Additional number (An) of letters prom [sic] the federal farmer. . . . See Lee, Richard H. ADDRESS 85 Address and recommendations to the states, by the United States in Congress as- sembled Phil 1783. O 35 1. a — anr. issue, with foot-note added, same impr. & date. O 37 1. — other 1783 eds.: B O 62; Trenton D 36; Rich O 60 — anr. ed. with a Conn, report added, Hart 1783. Q 2pts in 1: 50; 31. tab — Eng. ed. L 1783. O 91 On the necessity of raising national rev- enue, etc. Largely the work of Madison. ADAMS, JOHN Q. 77 Memoirs. . . portions of his diary from 1795 to 1848. Ed. Charles F. Adams. Phil 1874- 77. O 12v 3ports b AA N NYP Y 250sets ptd. ADAMS, NATHANIEL 78 Annals of Portsmouth [n. H.]. . . . Ports- mouth 1825. O 400 a ADDRESS 86 Address (An) of the members of . . . the Congress of the United States, to their con- stituents, on. .. the war with Great Britain. Alexandria 1812. O 35 a — other Am. eds., same date: B; Hart; Bait; N Y; Northampton; Phil; Portsmouth. — Eng. ed. L 1813. O Address — Aitken ADDRESS Address (The) of the people of Great Britain to the inhabitants of America. See Dalrymple, Sir John. ADDRESS Address (An) to the Confess of the United States. . . . 1809. See Brown, Chas. B. ADDRESS 87 Address to the deputies of North America in general congress. [Signed Freeman]. [Charleston SC 1774]. Q 47 a Plea to have Congress declare boldly American grievances. ADDRESS Address (An) to the inhabitants of the British settlements in America, upon slave- keeping. See Rush, Benj. ADDRESS 88 Address (An) to the Parliament. . . of Great Britain on. . . affairs between Spain and Great Britain respecting their American posses- sions. L Debrett 1790. O [2] 49 b LC NYP ProvL Victoria Nootka controversy. Written under pseu- donym Zetes. ADVENTURES Adventures of a Porcupine . . . genuine memoirs of a notorious rogue. . . . By Daniel Detector. See Henderson, A. ADVENTURES 94 Adventures of hunters and travellers, and narratives of border warfare. . . . By an old hunter. Phil 1852. D 308 [incl. pis] a — other Phil eds.: 1858; 1860. — rptd. "Daring adventures among the Indians," Phil 1869. Compilation, undiluted with anything of an original nature. AFFAIRES DE L'ANGLETERRE 95 Affaires de 1' Angle terre et de l'Amerique. Antwerp [P ptd] 1776-9. O 24pts, divided into 15v [usually bound in 17v] b NYP Y Edited by Franklin and others to give France a favorable American view of revo- lutionary events. A French counterpart of the English periodical, Almon's Remembrancer. AFFECTIONATE ADDRESS 96 Affectionate address (An) to the inhabit- ants of the British colonies in America. By a lover ... of mankind. N Y 1776. O [6] 55 a — anr. issue [Phi/] same yr. & collat. ADDRESS 89 Address (An) to the people of Great Britain in general. . . on the present crisis of Ameri- can politics. Bristol 1776. O 79 a AFRICAN RACE 97 African race in the United States (the). An enquiry into the condition. . . of: By an American. Phil 1839. D 214 a ADDRESS Address (An) to the people of the United States, on the policy of maintaining a perma- nent navy. See Bronson. Enos. ADDRESS Address (An) to the public. . . on the pres- ent political state of the American repub- licks. . . . See Thurston, Benj. ADDRESS Address to the Rt. respecting America. , 90 Hon. L-d M-sf-d. .. L 1775. O 35 a ADIRONDACK Adirondacks (the). Life it the Q. C. [N y] 1876. O 23 By one of ADMINISTRATION Administration (The) of the colonies. See Pownall, Thos. ADNEY, TAPPAN The Klondike stampede. 470 front. 4maps a 92 N Y 1900. D [12] AFTER THE MOONSHINERS After the moonshiners. By one of the raiders. See Atkinson, Geo. W. AGASSIZ, LOUIS Lake Superior: its physical character... B 1850. O [l2] 9-428 map 16pls [in some copies, the natural history pis col] a AGEE, GtEORGE] W. Rube Burrow, king of outlaws. . . . [Cin] 1890. D [l0] 194 pis a 98 99 AGNEW, DANIEL 100 A history of the region of Pennsylvania, north of the Ohio and west of the Allegheny. . . . Phil 1887. O [8] 246 a AINSWORTH, DANFORTH H. 101 Recollections of a civil engineer. Newton la 1901. O [2] 192 a [AITKEN, JAMES] 102 From the Clyde to California. . . . Greenock 1882. D [8] 152 8pls a ADVENTURES 93 Adventures (The) of a captain's wife. . . through the straits of Magellan to California in 1850 ivy 1877. D 63 a AITKEN, W. A. A journey up the Mississippi. . . to Nauvoo. As/iron Eng ptd by Williamson [1844?]. O 56 b Y Aken — Alderson — ed. 2, same impr. ptd. by Micklethwaite [1845?]. O 58 b Y AKEN, DAVID 104 Pioneers of the Black hills. . . . [Milw 1900?]. D 151 [incl. front cov.] front, a Narrative by one of the twenty-eight members of Gordon's gold-seeking expe- dition of 1874, made in defiance of govern- ment orders. AKERLY, SAMUEL 105 An essay on the geology of the Hudson river. ...NY 1820. D 69 map a AKIN, JAMES 106 The journal of: Ed. by E. E. Dale. Norman Okla 1919. O 32 [cover t.] a Seven of this 1842 ox-team party to Ore- gon died on the way. ALABAMA Alabama and the Floridas. A Catholic history of: By a member of the Order of Mercy. See Carroll, Mother Mary Austin. (ALABAMA) (Alabama) History of Co. B., 40th Alabama regiment. See Willett, Elbert D. ALABAMA Alabama. Scenes and settlers of: See Ravesies, PauL The career of: "ALABAMA" "Alabama" (the). 1864. O 43 a "ALABAMA" "Alabama" (the). The cruise of: . . an officer on board. See Haywood, P. By 'ALABAMA" "Alabama" (the). The cruise of: By one of the crew. See Haywood, P. D. [ALAMAN, LUCAS ] 108 Memoria presentada a los dos camaras del Congreso. . . por el Secretario de Estado. Mex Ll825j. O 51 a Contains material on the missions in Cali- fornia and Texas. [ ALAMAN, LUCAS] 109 Memoria que el Secretario de Estado y del Despacho de Relaciones Esteriores e Interiores, presentado al ... Congreso. Mex 1823. O 60 3charts a Contains account of California and of ex- plorations for an overland route thereto. ALASKA Alaska, the Eldorado of the midnight sun See Hall, Edw. H. ALASKA 111 Alaska. Compilation of narratives of ex- ploration in: Wash 1900. Q 856 27maps 33pls ALASKA Alaska gold fields (the). Latest informa- tion about: See Hiller, E. H. ALASKA 112 Alaska and the Klondike gold fields. New official map of: Chi 1897. D 28 fold.map a ALBACH, JAMES R. [comp.] Annals of the west. See Perkins, James H ALBANY [ORE.] 113 Albany [Ore.] city directory. . . historical sketch Albany Ore 1878. O [l9] 175 a 1813. See Fry, J., ALBANY [N. Y.] Albany directory . comp. ALBANY [N. Y.] Albany. Random recollections of: See Worth, Gorham A. ALBANY COUNTY [WYO.] 114 Albany county, Wyoming: its. . . resources. Also the city of Laramie. . . . Laramie 1896. O 51 map pis a [ALCAREZ, RAMON, et al] 115 Apuntes para la historia de la guerra entre Mexico y los Estados-Unidos. Mex 1848. D [8] 401 [3] 27maps & pis a — Eng. tr., ed. by A. C. Ramsey, "The other side: or notes for the history of the war between Mexico and the United States." N Y 1850. D [l6] 458 24maps & pis The original Spanish edition was sup- pressed by Santa Anna. ALDEN, TIMOTHY 116 An account of . . . missions . . . among the Senecas NY 1827. 16° 180 port a ALDEN, TIMOTHY 117 A collection of American epitaphs. . . . N Y 1812-14. 16° 5v: 292; 288; 288; 288; 288 + 4 1. of subscribers. 5pls a — vol. 1, rptd. 1814, usually found with sets, as the 1812 ed. of that vol. was issued in 4pts & is scarce. ALARM Alarm; or, a plan of pacification with America N Y [ca 178l]. 16° 64 a 110 ALDERSON, MATT W. 118 Bozeman; a guide. . . . Bozeman Mont 1883. D 54 map a Aldrlch — Algiers ALDRICH, LORENZO D. 119 A journal of the overland route to Cali- fornia!. . . Lansingburgh N Y 1851. O 48 dd A A Hn Y Lof 5copies known] — rptd. L A 1950. D 94 map a Reached San Diego, via Santa Fe route, Tucson and the Gila, early in December, 1849; the first printed account of a civilian journey through Arizona. ALDRIDGE, REGINALD 120 Life on a ranch NY 1884. D [8] 227 4pls a — Eng. ed. "Ranch notes [etc.]," L 1884. same collat. ALDRIDGE, WILLIAM [ed.] 121 A narrative of the Lord's wonderful deal- ings with John Marrant. . . . L 1785. O 38 a — eds. 2 & 3, same collat., 1785. — eds. 3 & 4, with adds., 1785. O 40 — rptd. L [1785]. O 40 — ed. 5, [L 1785]. Q 26 — anr. ed., title altered, [l?] 1787. O U] 22 — ed. 6, L 1788. O 40 — rptd. Dub 1790. D 32; L 1790. — ed. 7, L 1802. O 40 — other eds.: Halifax 1808; Leeds Davies 8s Co 1810; Leeds Preston & Co 1810; Halifax 1812; York 1812; Brighton 1813; Halifax 1813; Newry 1813; and 12 others before 1840. The wide and sustained popularity of this epitomized and historically unimportant cap- tivity can only be explained by its appeal to a fanatically religious age. Marrant 's book was, however, one of the earliest written by an American Negro. ALEGRE, FRANCISCO X. 122 Historia de la Compania de Jesus en Nueva Espana. Mex 1841-2. Q 3v: [8] 460; [6] 476; 310. 2ports a For continuation, see Davila y Arrillaga, Jose M. ALER, F. VERNON History of Martinsburg and Berkeley County, W. Va. . . . Hagerstown 1888. O 438[incl. front.] a ALEXANDER, EDWARD P. 124 Military memoirs of a Confederate. ...NY 1907. O [18] 634 map 3pls a — rptd. 1908. same impr. & collat. — Eng. ed. "The American civil war," same collat., L 1908. ALEXANDER, HARTLEY B. 126 Sioux Indian painting. . . . Nice France [ca 1938]. F 2v: 10; 6. 50col.pls b N NYP Y 400copies ptd. ALEXANDER, JAMES E. 127 Transatlantic sketches. .. . L 1833. O 2v: [24] 384; [16] 320. map lOpls a — rptd. Phil 1833. O 378 ALEXANDER, JESSE H. 128 Indian horrors of the fifties. . . . Synarep Wash [ptd Yakima] n.d. [l916]. O 170 front, a ALEXANDER, j[0HN] B. 129 Biographical sketches of the early set- tlers of the Hopewell section [n.C.J. Char- lotte 1897. O 104 port a ALEXANDER, T[0NY] 130 Experiences of a trapper. . . . Linton Ore 1924. O 118 + adv-p a ALEXANDER, TONY 131 Practical hunter's and trapper's guide.. . . N Y [1887]. D 121 pis a [ALEXANDER, WILLIAM, LORD 132 STIRLING] The conduct of Major Gen. Shirley. . . .L 1758. O [8] 131 a Relates to the attack on Niagara, etc. Ascribed also to Gen. Shirley, but probably by Alexander, his secretary. [ALEXANDER, WILLIAM, LORD 133 STIRLING] Memoirs of the principal transactions of the last war between the English and French in North America L 1757. O [8] 102 a — ed. 2, L 1758. — Am. ed. B 1758. O [4] 9-80 Ascribed also to the British commander, William Shirley, whose conduct of the cam- paign [against Louisbourg and the island of Cape Breton] is defended. ALEXANDRE, PHILIP L. 134 Alexandre's compendium. . . . Oklahoma City in detail, Oklahoma Territory in general, Kiowa and Comanche country in particular. Okla City 1901. 16° [4] 208[incl. illus] a ALEXIS 135 Alexis (The grand duke). . . in the United States C 1872. O [4] 224 port a Hunting expedition on the plains and large-scale destruction of the vanishing buffalo. ALEXANDER, HARTLEY B. 125 L'art et la philosophie des Indiens. . . . P 1926. o[8] 118 26 pis a ALGIERS 136 Algiers. A short account of: with.. . view of the origin of the rupture between Algiers Aliano — Allen and the United States Phil 1794. O I2J 46 map a — ed. 2, Phil 1794. O 50 map — enl. ed. "A short history of Algiers. . . ,' N Y 1805. 24° 106 [2] ALIANO, JACOPI Chronicles of Ohio. , See Allen, James. ALL THE MEMORIALS All the Memorials of the courts of Great Britain and France. . . . See Memoires des commissaires du roi. . . . [allain, mme. fred£ric| 137 Souvenirs d'Amerique et de France. P 1883. O 387 a ALLAN 138 Allan, Colonel John, an officer of the revolution. Memoir of . . . . Alb 1867. O 32 a ALLAN, WILLIAM 139 The Army of Northern Virginia in 1862. B 1892. 0[10]537 4maps port a ALLAN, WILLIAM 140 History of the campaign in the Shenandoah valley. . . . Phil 1880. O 175 9maps on 6pls a — -rptd. "Stonewall Jackson's campaign . . . ," L 1912. O [l6] 284 8maps [ALLARDICE, ROBERT B.l Agricultural tour in the United States. . . . See Barclay, Robt. ALLEN, MISS A. J. [comp.] 141 Ten years in Oregon. Travels and ad- ventures of Doctor E. White and lady. . . . Ithaca 1848. D 399 [incl. port] a — anr. issue, port, omitted, paginat. ex- tended to 430 [with extracts from Fremont] — rptd., same collat., 1850; with altered title, N Y 1859. White, fervent Presbyterian missionary and political propagandist, describes his trip out, in 1842, and back, in 1845, as well as his part in the civic organization of Oregon. cut river, which. . . had been patented by. . . New Hampshire Hart [l774]. O 211 d AA BA MH Y ALLEN, ETHAN, and FAY, JONES 145 A concise refutation of the claims of New- Hampshire and Massachusetts Bay to the territory of Vermont. . . . Hart [l780]. O 29 d AAHnY ALLEN, ETHAN 146 A narrative of [his] captivity. . . . Phil Bell 1779. O [2] 46 b — rptd. B 1779. O 40 b A A NYP — anr. ed. Phil Mentz 1779. O 64 b NYH — other eds.: Newbury 1780. O 80 a; Nor- wich 1780. same collat.; Walpole 1807. D 158 [2]; Alb 1814. D 144; Burl Vt 1838; B 1845; Burl 1846; Burl 1849; Dayton 1849. ALLEN, ETHAN 147 A vindication of the opposition of the in- habitants of Vermont to the government of New York, and of their right to form into an independent state. . . . [Dresden] 1779. sm Q 172 b AA LC Hn NYP Y One of the earliest non-legal Vermont im- prints, Dresden (now Hanover, New Hamp- shire) being then in Vermont. ALLEN, REV. ETHAN 148 Historical notices of St. Ann's parish in Ann- Arundel county, Md Bait 1857. D 131 a ALLEN, REV. ETHAN 149 Maryland toleration. . . early history of Maryland Bait 1855. O 64 a [ALLEN, LIEUT. G. N.] 150 Mexican treacheries and cruelties. . . . B 1847. O 32 a — rptd., same impr., 1848. Reasonably uncommon; utterly worthless. ALLEN, IRA 151 The natural and political history of . . . Vermont. . . . L 1798. O [8] 300 map[not issued in all copies] a ALLEN (ELIZA) 142 Allen (Eliza), the female volunteer, [dn 185 1]. O 68 a ALLEN, ETHAN 143 An animadversory address to the inhabit- ants of . . . Vermont. . . . Hart 1778. O 24 b AA BA JCB ALLEN, ETHAN 144 A brief narrative of the proceedings of the government of New- York, relative to their obtaining the jurisdiction of that large dis- trict of land to the westward from Connecti- ALLEN, IRA 152 Particulars of the capture of the ship Olive Branch. . . with a cargo of arms . . . destined for supplying the militia of Ver- mont . . . with the proceedings . . .before the High Court of Admiralty Vol. L L 1798. O [6] 406 b — vol. II, issued later, without t-p & un- finished [ending with p368], was also ptd, possibly at Phil, in 1804, & is sometimes found with v. I. — anr. ed. calling itself v. II, but really complete in itself as it includes a resume of v.L Phil 1805. O [30] 551 a — "Concise summary of the Second volume . .. ," Phil 1806. O 24 — rptd. Phil 1807. O An Admiralty "cause celebre"; Allen's ship was seized on suspicion that its cargo was going to Ireland. For an earlier edition, see below, Twenty thousand muskets. . . . ALLEN, IRA 153 Some miscellaneous remarks ... on a small pamphlet, dated in the convention ... of New York, October 2, 1776. . . . And some reasons . . . why the District of the New-Hampshire Grants had best be a state. Hart 1777. Q 26 b H NYH [ALLEN, IRA] 154 Twenty thousand muskets!!! Particulars of the capture of the ship Olive Branch. . . . L 1797. O [4] 106 a For amplification, see above, Particulars of the capture. . . . ALLEN, IRA 155 A vindication of the conduct of the general assembly of . . . Vermont. . . . Dresden [Han- over N H] 1779. D 48 b Hn ALLEN, JAMES 156 Chronicles of Ohio. . . snatched from oblivion and rendered into English, from. . . Chaldaic, by. . . Jacopi Aliano. . . . Columbus 1841. O 30? [no perfect copy known] a Harrison campaign political pamphlet. ALLEN, LIEUT. [JAMES] and 157 SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. Expedition to the northwest Indians. . . in 1832. [Wash 1834]. O 68 map a ALLEN, JOEL A. 158 The American bisons C 1876. Q [lO] 246 map & 12pls[each with 1. of letter press] b LC NYP Y — anr. ed., issued as vol.1, pt.2, Memoirs, Ky.Geol. Survey, a — abr. ed. "History of the American bison," without pis, from 9th annual report, U.S. Geol. Survey, Wash 1877. O [2J 443-587 ALLEN, JOHN 159 Uncle John Allen's rambles in the Rockies Hermitage Term 1917. D 94 a Crossed the plains in 1866, prospected a bit, then for thirty years hunted throughout the West. [ALLEN, REV. JOHN] 160 An essay on the policy of appropriations ... by the government ... for purchasing, liberating and colonizing, the slaves. . . . Bait 1826. O 40 a ALLEN, LEWIS L. 161 Pencillings of scenes upon the Rio Grande NY 1848. D 48 a ALLEN, L| EWISl L. 162 A thrilling sketch of . . . the distinguished chief Okah Tubbee ... of the Choctaw na- tion N Y 1848. D 43 a First part [all published] of a contem- plated series. See also Tubbee, Laah C. M. E. ALLEN, Ol BRIDGE] 163 Guide book and map to the gold fields of Kansas and Nebraska and Great Salt Lake City. Wash 1859. D 68 map[ptd. later fit probably not issued with the book, but found in one copy] c WisH Y [of 3copies known] For what is probably the proper book for this map, see Gunnison, John W., and Gilpin, William ALLEN, PAUL 164 A history of the American revolution. Bait 1819. O 2v: [12] 592; [l4] 510 a — rptd., same collat. Bait 1822. Allen's name on title-page, but actually written by John Neal. ALLEN, PAUL [ed.[ History of the expedition under. . . Lewis and Clark. See Lewis, Merriwether, and Clark, William. ALLEN, T. S., eomp. 165 Directory of . . . Mineral Point [Wis.] for 1859. Containing also a sketch of the his- tory Mineral Point 1859. O 64 a ALLEN, THADDEUS 166 An inquiry into the views ... of the leading men in the origination of our Union. . . . VoL I 86 v.II, pt.l [all]. B 1847-8. O v. 1 553; v.2, pt. 1 555-662 a [ALLEN, THOMAS] 167 The commerce and navigation of the valley of the Mississippi. . . . St L [l847]. O 32 a ALLEN, THOMAS 168 Pacific railroad commenced. St L 1850. O 46 b NYP StLP Y ALLEN, WALTER 169 Governor Chamberlain's administration in South Carolina NY 1888. O [ 16] 544 a ALLEN, WILKES 170 History of Chelmsford [Mass.]. . . . Haver- hill 1820. O 192 a ALLEN, WILLIAM, of Eng. 171 The American crisis: a letter ... on the present alarming disturbances ... a complete 10 Allen — Almon plan of restoring the dependence of America upon Great Britain. . . . L 1774. O [4] 72 a [ALLEN, WILLIAM] 1784-1868 172 Accounts of shipwreck and of other dis- asters at sea. . . . Brunswick Me 1823. D [24] 335 a ALLEN, WILLIAM 1784-1868 173 An American biographical. . . dictionary. C 1809. O 632 port a — ed. 2, B 1832. O [8] 800 — ed. 3, B 1847. O [lo] 896 — rptd. B 1857. O [lo] 905 ALLEN, WILLIAM, 1784-1868 174 The history of Norridgewock [Maine |. . . . Norridgewock 1849. D 252 6pls eng.t. a ALLEN, WILLIAM A. 175 Adventures with Indians and game. Chi 1903. O 302 25pls[l9 incl. in paginat.] a ALLEN, WILLIAM A. 176 The Sheep Eaters. N Y 1913. D 78 6pls a ALLEN, WILLIAM B. 177 History of Kentucky. . . . Louisv 1872. O 449 port a [ALLEN, WILLIAM M.| 178 Five years in the west. . . . Nashv 1884. D 211 a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1890. ALLEY, B. F., pub. 179 Linn county, Oregon, descriptive. . . . Al- bany Ore [1889]. O 111 a ALLEY, B. F., and 180 MUNRO-FRASER, J. P. Washington Territory. . . . Olympia 1886. O 142 tab a ALLISON, [EDWIN H.i 183 The surrender of Sitting Bull. . . . Dayton 1891. D 85 a ALLISON, J. 184 Trans-continental letters . . . across the plains to Colorado, Salt Lake and Cali- fornia. Milw 1871. D 67 b Y ALLSOP, ROBERT [ed.] 185 California and its gold mines. . . . L 1853. 16° 149 a [ALLSTON, JOSEPH] 186 A short review of the late proceedings at New Orleans. [Charleston?] 1807. O 42 [l] a — rptd. Rich 1807. O 35 Defense of Burr by his son-in-law, ex- coriating both Wilkinson and Jefferson. ALMBERT. ALFRED d' 187 Flanerie parisienne aux £tats-Unis. P 1856. D 279 a [ALMON, JOHN?] 188 An appendix to the Review of Mr. Pitt's administration. L 1763. O 36 a — other eds.: L 1763. O 40; L 1763. O 116 [ALMON, JOHN] ed. 189 A collection of interesting, authentic papers, relative to the dispute between Great Britain and America . . . causes and progress of that misunderstanding. .. 1764- 1775. L 1777. O 280 [3] a Usually cited as Prior documents, from its running title, these papers were intended to accompany the 17 volumes of The remem- brancer, described below. [ALMON, JOHN]? An impartial history of the late war . . 1749-1763. L 1763. D [4] 9-421 6pls a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. 190 ALLEYNE, C. H. 181 A description of Polk county, Florida. . . . Sanford Fla 1885. D 44 a ALLGEMEINE. ... 182 Allgemeine amerikanische Kriegsge- schichte, an den Flussen Ohio, St. Laurenz Franki 1756. D [l8] 121 + 3adv-p a ALLGEMEINE GESCHICHTE Algemeine Geschichte der Lander und Volker von America. . . . See Schroter, Johann F. ALLISON, CLAY Allison, Clay, of the Washita. . . . See Clark, O S. ALMON, JOHN 191 Almon, John, bookseller. . . . Memoirs of: L 1790. O 262 a [ALMON, JOHN] ed. 192 The remembrancer; or, impartial repository of public events, from 1775 to 1784. L 1775- 84. O 17v each separately paged, with sepa- rate t-p; some with separate index; 2maps in v.I, 2maps in v. IV, & port of Franklin in v.V b AA JCB NYP TorP Volume one only was reprinted — three times in 1775— in larger format, and an un- dated octavo edition without maps was is- sued later. A complete set should include volume noted above, A collection of interesting. . . papers; some sets include also Almon's 1776 or 1778 edition of the Journal ... 0/ 11 Almon — America(L') Congress, held at Philadelphia, May 10, 1775. [ALMON, JOHN?] 193 A review of Lord Bute's administration L 1763. O 116 port a [ALMON, JOHN?] 194 A review of Mr. Pitt's administration. L 1762. O 141 a — ed. 2, with adds., same impr. 1763. O [8] 7-150 6ports — ed. 3, same impr. & date. O 152 — ed. 4, L 1764. — ed. 5, L 1766. ALMONTE, GENERAL JUAN N. 195 Memoria del Ministerio de Estado. . . del gobierno supremo de Mexicana. Mex 1846. O 44 tables a Largely concerned with the Texas war and the attitude of the United States. ALMONTE, [GEN.] JUAN N. 196 Noticia estadistica sobre Tejas. . . . Mex 1835. O 96 [8] b N Y Official report based on extensive travel. ALONG THE OLD TRAIL Along the old trail. . . . See Vernon, Jos. S. ALRIC, HENRY J. A. 197 Dix ans . . . dans les deux Californies. Afex 1866. Q 53 errata slip a [ALSOP, RICHARD] ed. 198 A narrative of the adventures and suffer- ings of John R. Jewitt. . . during a captivity . . . among the savages of Nootka sound. . . . Middletown Loomis & Richards 1815. D 203 2pls a — anr. issue, impr. Seth Richards — later Am. eds.: N Y [ca 1815]; Middletown 1816; N Y 1816; Middletown 1820; Ithaca 1851. — Eng. eds.: Wakefield & L 1816; same 1820; Edin 1824. For the author's original Journal, ampli- fied by Alsop into above Narrative, see Jewitt, John R. ALTAMIRANO, PEDRO I. 199 Informe historico. . . por las missiones de la Compania de Jesus de la Nueva-Espana: en el expediente . . . sobre si richo . . . mis- siones de Sinaloa, Sonora y otras. . . . [Ma- drid ca 1755]. Q 44 c Y ALTER, J. CECIL 200 James Bridger S L C [l925]. O [l8] 546 18pls a — enl. ed. Columbus O 1951. O 601 18pls ALTON Alton. General city directory. . . of: 1858. See McEvoy & Bowron, pubs. ALVAREZ, FRANCISCO, ed. 201 Noticia del establecimiento y poblacion de las colonias inglesas en la America Septentrional. . . .Madrid 1778. sm Q 196 a ALVORD, LIEUT. BENJAMIN 202 Address before the Dialectic Society of the Corps of Cadets in commemoration of the . . . officers . . . who fell in the battles . . . in Florida NY 1839. O 62 a ALVORD, CLARENCE W., and 203 BIDGOOD, LEE The first explorations of the trans-Alle- gheny region by the Virginians. Clev 1912. O 275[incl. map & 4facsl map a ALVORD, CLARENCE W. 204 The Mississippi valley in British poli- tics Clev 1917. O 2v: 358; 396. 4maps [incl. in paginat.] a AMBLER, CHARLES H. 205 The life and diary of John Floyd, governor of Virginia. . . and the father of the Oregon country. [Rich 1918]. D 248 port a AMBLER, CHARLES H. Sectionalism in Virginia. , [10] 366 12maps a 206 Chi 1910. D AMERICA AND FRANCE 207 America and France. . . message of the President [i.e., John AdamsJ. . . covering the full powers to, and dispatches from, the Envoys. . .to the French republic. B 1798. O 71 a — Eng. ed. "American state papers. . . docu- ments. . . ," L 1798. sm Q 30 AMERICA America and the Americans. By a citizen of the world. See Boardman, James. AMERICA America as I found it. . . . See Duncan, Mrs. Mary (G. ) L. AMERICA America compared with England. Russell, Robt. W. See AMERICA DISSECTED America dissected. . . account of all the . . . colonies. . . . See MacSparran, James AMERICA(L') 208 America (L') geografico-storico politica . . . descrizione, e nome d'ogni provincia. . . . 12 America — American Political Venice 1785. Q 3v: [l6] 322; [o] 288; [l2] 236 a AMERICA America; or, a general survey. ... By a citizen of the United States. See Everett, Alex. H. AMERICA POIS'D 209 America pois'd in the balance of justice . . . the mother country and her colonies . . . considered in a new light. . . . By P — opli- cola H — istoricus. [l]1776. Q 40 2pls a AMERICA VINDICATED 210 America vindicated from. . . charge of in- gratitude and rebellion. ... By a friend. . . . Devizes Eng 1774. O [4] 48 a AMERICAN ALARM American alarm (The). . .for the rights, and liberties, of the people. . . . See Skill- man, Isaac. AMERICAN AND BRITISH 211 American and British chronicle (The) of war and politics . . . 1773-1783 L [l783]. O 64 1. a AMERICAN FIELD American (An) field of Mars. . . . See Eggleston, Benjamin. AMERICAN GAZETTEER 214 American gazetteer (The). . . account of all the parts of the new world L 1762. D 3v: [24j 324; 348; 348 6maps a — Ital. ed. "II gazzettiere americano. . . ," Leghorn 1763. Q 3v: [24] 217; 256; 253. 21maps 57pls AMERICAN HUSBANDRY American husbandry. L 1775. See Young, Arthur. AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE American independence the interest and glory of Great Britain. . . . See Cartwright, John. AMERICAN MARINERS American mariners (The), or the Atlantic voyage. . . . See Davis, John. AMERICAN MEMORANDA American memoranda . . . during a short tour in. . . 1843. See Lumsden, James. AMERICAN ANECDOTES 212 American anecdotes [on the revolution, etc.]. By an American. B 1830. D 2v: 300; 300 a Attributed to Freeman Hunt. AMERICAN ANNUAL REGISTER American annual register (The), or, histo- rical memoirs of the United States, for. . . 1796. See Callender, James T. AMERICAN ATLAS American atlas. Phil 1795. See Carey, Mathew. AMERICAN ATLAS American atlas (The). N Y Re id 1796. See Reid, John. AMERICAN MILITARY.... American military biography. . . . See Houck, Ross. AMERICAN MILITARY. ... 215 American military pocket atlas (The). . . . L Sayer & Bennet L1776]. O 8 6fold.maps a AMERICAN NAVAL BATTLES American naval battles: being a complete history.... See Kimball, Horace, The naval temple. . . . AMERICAN NEPOS American Nepos (The): . . . lives of. . . men, who have contributed to the discovery, . . . of America. See Wilmer, James J. AMERICAN ATLAS American atlas (The); or, a geographical description. . . . See Jefferys, Thos., A general topography. . . . AMERICAN COAST PILOT American coast pilot (The). . . . See Furlong, Laurence. AMERICAN CRISIS 213 American crisis (The). By a citizen of the world L 1777. O [4] 31 a AMERICAN PILOT 216 American pilot (The). [3\ jlohnj Norman 1793. F [6] llmaps b LC — rptd. D 1794. F [4] llmaps a — anr. ed. B w[illiam] Norman 1798. F [6] 9maps — rptd. B 1803. F [8] llmaps AMERICAN PIONEER American pioneer (The). . Williams, John S. 1842-3. See AMERICAN CRISIS American crisis (The). By the author of Common sense. See Paine, Thos. AMERICAN POLITICAI 217 American political and military biography rup. 1825. D 424 a 13 American Querist — Amerique (L') AMERICAN QUERIST American querist (The). ... By a North- American. See Cooper, Myles. AMERICAN REBELLION American rebellion (The). ... By an Ameri- can citizen. See Victor, Orville J. AMERICAN REGISTER American register (The); or, summary re- view. . . . See Walsh, Robt. AMERICAN REMEMBRANCER American remembrancer (The). . . relative ... to the treaty with Great Britain. See Carey, Mathew. AMERICAN REVIEW American review (The) of history and politics See Walsh, Robt. AMERICAN SKETCHES 218 American sketches. By a native of the United States. L 1827. D [ 18] 412 a AMERICAN SLAVERY American slavery, in reference to the present agitation. . . . By an adopted citizen. See Scholte, Henry P. AMERICAN SPY American spy (The); or, freedom's early sacrifice. . . . See Simms, Jepthra R. AMERICAN SPY American spy (an). Letters written in London by: See Letters written in Lon- don. . . . AMERICAN STATE PAPERS 219 American state papers. Documents, legis- lative and executive, of the Congress of the United States Ser. I & IL Wash 1832-61. F 38v b N NYP Y Classified as: Foreign Relations, 6v; Indian Affairs, 2v; Finance, 5v; Commerce and Navigation, 2v; Military Affairs, 7v; Naval Affairs, 4v; Post -Office, lv; Public Lands, 8v; Claims, lv; Miscellaneous, 2v. AMERICAN STATE PAPERS American state papers. Important docu- ments and dispatches. . . . See America and France. . . . AMERICAN TRAVELLER 220 American traveller (The) and emigrant's guide Shrewsbury 1817. O [2] 22 front, a AMERICAN TRAVELLER American traveller (The); or, observations on the present state. . . of the British colo- nies. ... By an old and experienced trader. See Cluny, Alex. AMERICANS Americans (The). By an American in London. See Colton, Calvin. AMERICANS Americans against liberty. , Ambrose. See Serle, AMERICANS Americans (The) as they are; described in a tour through the valley of the Mississippi. See Postl, Karl. AMERICANS Americans defended by an American. See Cary, Thos. G. AMERICANS Americans (The) roused, in a cure for the spleen. . . . See Sewall, Jonathan. AMERICANUS Americanus examined. . . vanian. See Fisher, Jabez. By a Pennsyl- AMERICA'S APPEAL 221 America's appeal to the impartial world . . . their resorting to arms . . . vindicated. Hart 1775. O 72 a AMERIKAI 222 Amerika! Treuer Rathgeber und Fuhrer des deutschen Auswanderers nach den Vereinig- ten Staaten. . . . Kreuznach 1849. O [4] 96 map a AMERIKA 223 Amerika und die Auswanderung dahin sum Bedenten Leip 1834. O 93 a — rptd., same impr., 1835. O AMERIKANISCHE JAGD Amerikanische Jagd-und Reiseabenteuer .... Von Armand. See Strubberg, Friedrich Armand. AMERIQUAIN(L') Ameriquain (L') aux Anglois, ou observa- tions. . . a divers ministres d'Angleterre .... See Vincent, N. AMERIQUE (DE L') Amerique (De 1') et des Americains. . . . See Bonneville, Zacharie de Pazzi de. AMERIQUE (L') Amerique (L') du nord. . . . See Bibli- otheque Americaine. . . . AMERIQUE (L*) 224 Amerique (L'), ou guide utile aux person- nes qui veulent connoitre ce pays. . . . Bel- tort 1824. Q28 a 14 Ames — Anderson AMES, AZEL 225 The Mayflower and her log B 1901. Q [22] 375 llpls a — ed. 2, enl., B 1907. Q 385 pis AMES, JOHN HENRY 226 Lincoln, the capital of Nebraska. A com- plete history [etc.]. Lincoln 1870. O 30 + 6adv-p a AMES, NATHANIEL Nautical reminiscences. 227 D 216 — Am. ed. B 1923. C 2v map 575 copies ptd. — Fr. trs.: P 1790; — rptd., 1792; U 2v map; P 1793. O 2v 4maps& pis — Ger. ed. "Reisen im Inneren von Nord- amerika. ..." Berlin 1792. O [8] 372 3maps&pls Capt. Anburey served with Burgoyne, but this account of his travels was largely plagiarized from Burnaby, Smyth and others. ANDERSON Anderson (Mr.). The history of the life and adventures of: ... . See Kimber, Edw. AMIS, MOSES N. Historical Raleigh. 230[incl. port & advs] — rptd. 1913. 228 ANDERSON, EDWARD L. 236 Raleigh 1902. D Soldier and pioneer. . . sketch of Lt. Col. Richard C. Anderson of the continental army. N Y 1879. D 63 facs front, a AMORETTI, CARLO Viaggio dal Mare Atlantico al Pacifico .... See Maldonado, Lorenzo F. AMORY, THOMAS C. 229 Life of James Sullivan. . . . B 1859. O 2v: [12] 414; [6] 424 a AMPERE, J[EAN] J. 230 Promenade en Amerique: Etats Unis. . . . P 1855. O 2v: [12] 421; [4] 425 a — rptd. P 1860; 1867; 1874; 1887. This distinguished scientist covered the east and the south, and as far west as Cin- cinnati and Chicago. AMPHLETT, WILLIAM 231 The emigrant's directory to the western states L 1819. D [8] 208 b ChiH LC Y AMPUDIA, GENERAL PEDRO DE 232 Ante el tribunal de la opinion, por los primeros sucedos ocurridos en la guerra a que nos provoca ... el gobierno de los Etados Unidos San Luis Potosi 1846. O 27 b Narrative of the beginning of the Mexican War, including movements on the Rio Grande. AMSDEN, CHARLES A. 233 Navaho weaving. Santa Ana Calif 1934. O [18] 261 a — rptd. Albuquerque 1949. O ]20] 263 AMVILLE, J. B. B. d' 234 Memoires pour la carte intitulee Canada, Louisiane, et les terres anglaises. P 1755. Q 26 map a [ANBUREY, THOMAS] Travels through the interior parts of America. ... By an officer. . . . L 1789. O 2v: [36] 467; [4] 558. map 7pls facs a — rptd. L 1791. O 2v: [l2] 414; 492. map 7pls; L 1792. same collat.. but au. named 235 ANDERSON, EPHRAIM McD. 237 Memoirs. . . including the campaigns of the First Missouri Confederate brigade. St L 1868. O [4] 436 [2] 4pls a ANDERSON, FULTON, et al 238 Addresses . . . before the Virginia state convention, February, 1861. Rich 1861. O 64 a Plea for Virginia to join her seceding sister states. [ANDERSON, JAMES] 239 Free thoughts on the American contest Edin 1776. O 59 a Severe condemnation of the colonies and of Paine 's Common sense. ANDERSON, JAMES 240 The interest of Great-Britain with regard to her American colonies. . . . L 1782. O [8] 136 [36] a Asserts that settling the colonies was un- wise and all subsequent aid impolitic; they were a detriment to British trade and power. However, he submits a plan for pacification. ANDERSON, JOHN E., and 241 HOBBY, WILLIAM J. The contract for the purchase of western territory . . . considered. . . . Augusta Ga 1799. O 93 2 1. [of errata, &o] inserted after t-p a — anr. issue. O 91 ANDERSON, MRS. MABEL W. 242 The life of General Stand Watie, the only Indian brigadier general of the Confederate army. . . . Pryor Okla [l915]. O 58[incl. pis] a — ed. 2, 1931. O 85 ANDERSON, MELISSA G. 243 The story of a Kansas pioneer. . . . \_Mt Vernon o] 1924. O 61 a 15 Anderson — Andrews ANDERSON, OSBORNE P. 244 A voice from Harper's Ferry. . . with in- cidents prior and subsequent to its capture by Captain Brown B 1861. D 72 a — rptd. Wash 1873. O 24 ANDERSON, RUFUS 245 Memoir of Catherine Brown, a Christian Indian of the Cherokee nation. . . . 3 1825. 16° 180 front, a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. 16 144 front. — other eds.: Cin 1827; B 1828. — rptd. Phil 1832. ANDERSON, W. F. 246 Map of southern Idaho and the adjacent regions. With an accompaniment ... by Chas. Drayton Gibbes. S F [l880]. O 55 fold, map a ANDERSON, WILLIAM J. 247 Life and narrative of: twenty-four years a slave Chi 1857. D 81 a ANDRADE, JUAN J. 248 Documentos . . . sobre la evacuacion de . . . San Antonio de Bejar. . . . Monterrey 1836. O 24 b B Hn Y Official papers on withdrawal of this garrison force from Texas. andr£, MAJOR JOHN Case of : . . . candidly represented, with re- marks. . . . See Inglis, Chas. ANDRE, MAJOR [JOHN] 249 Journal [l 777-1778]. Ed. by H. C. Lodge. B Bibliophile Soc. 1903. Q 2v: [20] 136; [10] 80. 3eng.t. 2ports 7facs 38maps[some fold., some double p. J a 467copies ptd. First printing of this military journal which lay undiscovered in England until 1902. ANDRE\ MAJOR (JOHN) 250 Papers concerning the capture . . . of: Ed. H. B. Dawson. Yonkers 1866. O [8] 246 a ANDRE, MAJOR JOHN 251 Proceedings of a board of general offi- cers . . . respecting: Phil 1780. O [2] 21 b AA Hn NYP Y — other 1780 eds.: Exeter O 15 NYP; Harr D 32; N Y O 13 NYP; Prov n.d. O 16 AA; Nor- wich D 16 all b value. — anr. ed. "The trial of:" Palmer 1810. O 24 a — anr. ed. "Minutes of a court of inquiry upon the case of:" Alb 1865. Q U] 66 port 100 copies[of which 10 on L. P.] a — anr. ed. "Andreana. Containing the trial . . . of:" Phil 1865. O [4] 67 [4] 12pls 175 copies a — Eng. ed. Dub 1781. a In the first issue of the first edition, page 7 was misnumbered 19. ANDRE, MAJOR [ JOHNl. Vindication of the captors of: See Benson, Egbert. ANDREAS, Al LFREDl T. 252 History of Chicago Chi 1884-6. Q 3v: 648; [40] 49-780; [14] 876. 3maps 36pl s [one double-p., one fold.] a ANDREE, KARL T. 253 Geographische Wanderungen. Dresden 1859. O 2v in 1: [l4] 762 a 254 ANDREE, KARL T. Kartenwerk zu Nord-Amerika. . . . Braun- schweig 1854. F [4] 28 18 maps a Intended to accompany author's Nord- Amerika. ANDREE, KARL T. 255 Nord-Amerika in geographischen und geschichtlichen Umrissen. Braunschweig 1851. O [14] 810 4 pis + atlas F [4] 28 18 maps a — ed. 2, same impr. 1854. same collat. German settlements in Texas, the Central West, etc. ANDREIS, FELIX de 256 Sketches of the life of: Bait 1861. D 276 port a Biography of the Vicar-General of the Diocese of New Orleans, with account of Catholicism in the United States. ANDREW, JAMES 0. 257 Miscellanies. . . . Louisv 1854. D 395 a — ed. 2, Nashv 1855. D [ANDREWS, CHARLES] 258 The prisoner's memoirs; or Dartmoor prison NY 1815. D 283 pi a — issue 1, prisoner's name not given on t-p — issue 2, prisoner's name on t-p —rptd. N Y 1852. D 152 Edited by Philip R. Hopkins. ANDREWS, CtHRISTOPHER] C. 259 Minnesota and Dacotah. . . tour through the north west Ed. 2. Wash 1857. D 215 map a —eds. 3 & 4, same impr. 66 date. The second edition was the first to appear in book form; it was so styled because of its previous publication in a Boston paper. ANDREWS, ELIZA F. 260 The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-5. N Y 1908. O [8] 387 16pls a 16 Andr Annates ANDREWS, ETHAN A. 261 Slavery and the domestic slave-trade in the United States. B 1836. D [l2] 9-201 a ANDREWS, GARNETT 262 Reminiscences of an old Georgia lawyer. Atlanta 1870. O 104 a ANDREWS, ISRAEL W. 263 Washington county and the early settle- ment of Ohio. Cin 1877. O 83 a ANDREWS, JOHN 264 The conduct of Holland . . . examined. L 1782. O 162 a Remonstrance against Holland's siding with the colonists and an exposition of French cunning and duplicity. ANDREWS, JOHN 265 History of the war with America . . . 1775- 1783. L 1785-6. O 4v: [4] 448; [2] 445; [2] 445; [2] 416 [60] + subscriber's list,14p. 31pls&maps a ANDREWS, JOHN D. 266 Eight years in the toils: sketches from a gambler's life. Butte 1890. D 225 port a [ANDREWS, P. AND JOHN] eng,. 267 A set of plans and forts in North America . . . . [l] 1763. obi Q eng.t. index 30plans c LC — 2d ed., same impr. & collat. 1765. c N NYP Best collection of its kind at the period. Sometimes cited under publisher's name, Rocque, Jean and Mary Ann. ANDREWS, SIDNEY 268 The south since the war B 1866. D [8] 400 a — anr. issue of 170copies on hand made paper a ANDREWS, WILLIAM L. 273 New York as Washington knew it. ... /V Y 1905. O [16] 92 [2] [incl.pls] a 32copies on Jap., & 135 on hand made paper ANDROS, THOMAS q 274 The old Jersey captive. ... B 1833. 16 80 a — rptd. "The museum of remarkable. . . events," Clev 1844. D: N Y 1857. D ANDROS TRACTS 275 Andros tracts (The). Ed. W. H. Whitmore 3 Prince Society 1868, 1869, 1874. sm Q 3v: 215; 346; 257 a some copies on L.P. ANECDOTES Anecdotes americaines, ou histoire . See Hornot, Ant. ANECDOTES Anecdotes anglaises et americaines.. . . See Espinasse de Langeac. [ANGEL, MYRON] ed. 276 History of Nevada Oakland 1881. Q 680 116pls tab a Exhaustive work on this state and its fifteen counties. [ANGEL, MYRON] 277 History of San Luis Obispo county [Calif.]. Oakland 1883. Q 391 a ANGEL, MYRON 278 La Nevada orientale P 1867. D [4] 164 [in Eng. fit Fr.] a — anr. ed. [in Eng. only], L 1868. 16° [4] 80 ANDREWS, WILLIAM L. 269 The Bradford map NY 1893. O 115 fold, map 10 pis b lOcopies on Jap. P. LC NYP — anr. issue of 142copies on plate paper a See below, James Lyne's survey. . . . ANGEL0, C. AUBREY 279 Idaho: a descriptive tour. . ..S F 1865. D 52 + 12adv-l. errata slip d CalS NYP Pn — rev. ed. "Sketches of travel in Oregon and Idaho." N Y 1866. O 181 + 7adv-l. map d Pn OreH Y ANDREWS, WILLIAM L. 270 Fragments of American history. ...NY 1898. D [22] 5-69 14pls a 30copies on Jap., & 80 on hand made paper ANDREWS, WILLIAM L. 271 James Lyne's survey. . . of the city of New York. . . in 1731 NY 1900. O [12] 3-38 3maps a 32copies on Jap., & 170 on hand made paper ANDREWS, WILLIAM L. 272 New Amsterdam. ...NY 1897. O [32] 13- 142 [2] maps pis b 30copies on Jap., with extra pis LC N NYP ANGLICANO, JACOBO Fortune's favourite. . . memoirs of: See Annesley, James, Memoirs of an unfortunate young nobleman. . . . ANMERKUNGEN 280 Anmerkungen aus der neuen und alten Welt bey Gelengenheit der Beschreibung des Siebenjahren Seekrieges zwischen England und den amerikanischen Staaten. . . .Berlin 1786. D 482 [2] a ANNALES 281 Annates de l'Association de la Propaga- tion de la Foi . . . collection faisant suite a 17 Annesley — toutes les editions des Lettres edifiantes P & LyonsLsome later vols. Lyons impr. only] 1823-90. O 62v + Index[l822-53, pub. 1854] b N NYP Y — Eng. tr.[in part], L 1841-5. O 6v a — Ital. tr., pub. at Lyons, simultaneously with the Fr. ed. For series to which these annual volumes were supplementary, see Lettres edifiantes. For similar American series see note to Quebec. Notices sur les missions ANNESLEY, THE HONOURABLE 282 JAMES The case of. ... a sequel to the Memoirs of an unfortunate young nobleman. L 1745. D [4] 215 a — rptd. L 1756. — abr. ed. n.p. 1756. O 38 See also, below, A plain historical ac- count ol the tryal between . . . James Annesley. . . . [ANNESLEY, JAMES] 283 Memoirs of an unfortunate young noble- man, returned from a thirteen years slavery in America, where he had been sent by. . . his cruel uncle L 1743. D 2v: [4] 277 + 7adv-p; [4] 235 a — anr. ed. "Fortune's favourite. . . ," n.p. 1744. O — ed. 2, rev., "The history of an unfortunate young nobleman. . . ," L 1769. O For a third volume, or sequel, see above The case of . . . James Annesley. Scott's Guy Mannering was based on this fight for an inheritance and an earldom. ANNESLEY, THE HONOURABLE 284 JAMES A plain historical account of the tryal be- tween: . . . and . . . the Earl of Anglesea. . . . L 1744. O 227 a ANNEWALT, E. H., comp. Mount Pleasant city directory. . . histo- rical sketch. . . . Burlington 1870. O 67 + 7adv-l. pi a 285 ANNUAL REGISTER Annual register (The) of Indian affairs 1835- See McCoy, Isaac. [anspach, f. r.] The sons of the sires; a history of the, American party. . . . Phil 1855. 16° 223 a 287 ANSTED, DAVID T. 288 The gold-seeker's manual. . . guide to all persons emigrating to the. . . gold regions of California. L 1849. D 96 a — rptd. TV Y 1849. same collat. — ed. 2, L 1849. D 172 + 4adv-p ANSWER 289 Answer (The) to a Colonel's letter. By a wooden-legged soldier. Wherein some Ameri- can matters are slightly touched upon. L 1766. O 36 a ANSWER Answer (An) to a pamphlet, call'd The conduct of the ministry impartially examined .... See Shebbeare, John. 290 ANSWER Answer (An) to a pamphlet, entitled Taxation no tyranny. . . . L 1775. O 63 a ANSWER Answer (An) to the declaration of the American Congress. See Lind, John. ANSWER 291 Answer (An) to the pamphlet . . . The conduct of the Paxton men. . . . Phil 1764. O 28 a For defense of the conduct of these murderers, to which this replies, see Barton, Thomas. ANSWER Answer (An) to War in disguise. . . . See Morris, Gouverneur. ANTICIPATION Anticipation: . . . the substance of His M y's most gracious speech. . .. See Tickell, Rich. ANNO REGNI GEORGII III 286 Anno Regni Georgii III Regis Magnae Britanniae . . . At the Parliament begun. . . the nineteenth day of May . . . 1761 ... to the tenth day of January 1765, being the fourth session of the twelfth Parliament. ... L Baskett 1765. O 66 a Some copies in F b — Am. eds.: B 1765. F 24; Phil [l76Sj. O 40; Annap [l765]. F [2] 16; TV Lond 1765. F 32; [Woodbridge TV / 1765]. O 40 Contains the momentous "Act for granting and applying certain Stamp duties. ..." ANTIDOTE Antidote (An) to John Wood's poison. See Cheetham, James. ANTIGALLICAN Antigallican (The); or, the lover of his own country. . . . By a citizen of New Eng- land. See Lowell, John. ANTILLES Souvenirs des: Voyage . . . aux Etats-Unis, etc. See Montlezun, Baron de. 18 Antrim — Archdale ANTRIM, JOSHUA 292 The history of Champaign and Logan counties [a] Bellefontaine 1872. D 460 front, a APACHE INDIANS 293 Memorial of outrages by: S F 1871. O 32 a APERCU Apercu de la situation interieure des Etats-Unis Par un Russe. See Poletica, Pierre. APOSTOLICOS AFANES Apostolicos afanes de la Compania de Jesus. . . por un Padre de la misma sagrada religion. ... Barcelona 1754. See Ortega, Jose. APPEAL 294 Appeal (An) to reason and justice, in be- half of the British Constitution. ... In which the . . . contest with the revolted colonies is impartially considered. . . . L 1778. O [4] 176 a Bewails colonial ingratitude to an in- dulgent mother-country. APPEAL 295 Appeal (An) to the American people. . . account of the persecutions of the Church of Latter Day Saints ... by the inhabitants of . . . Missouri. Cin Glezen & Shepard 1840. 16° 84 b Y — ed. 2, rev., same date & impr. Shepard & Stearns. D 60 b Y APPEAL Appeal (An) to the government and con- gress of the United States. ... By an Ameri- can citizen. See Bronson, Enos. APPEAL Appeal (An) to the justice people of Great Britain. of the See Lee, Arthur. APPEAL 296 Appeal (An) to the people of the United States. By a Georgian. Sav 1825. O 85 a APPEAL Appeal (An) to the people, on the causes . . . of a war with Great Britain. See Lowell, John. APPEAL Appeal to the people . . . relating to the re- jection of the British minister. . . . See Cole- man, Wm. APPENDIX Appendix (An) to The present state of the nation. . . . See Knox, Wm. APPLEGATE, JESSE 297 Recollections. ... Roseburg Ore 1914. O 99 a — rptd., with adds., "A day with the cow column. . . ," Chi Caxton Club 1934. D 207 300copies ptd. Embraces account of the great Oregon migration of 1843. Applegate established the southern route to Oregon. St L 1876. D 224 . . of the Younger APPLER, AUGUSTUS C. 298 The guerillas of the we: O 208 a — rptd., same impr., 1878, — anr. ed. "The true life, brothers," Chi 1880. D 287 — enl. ed., with James boys added, "Train and bank robbers. . . ," Chi 1882. D 2pts in 1: [4] 358; 287. 2fronts[incl. in paginat.] 12pls — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1884. APPLETON, NATHANIEL 299 A sermon. . . occasioned by the surrender of Montreal. . . . B 1760. O 36 a APPLETON'S RAILROAD Appleton's railroad and steamboat com- panion. . . . See Williams, Wellington. APPLICATION 300 Application (An) of some general political rules to the present state of Great Britain, Ireland and America. . . . L Almon 1766. O 86 a Has been attributed to a Mr. Gretrix, of Dublin. APUNTES Apuntes para la historia de la guerra entre Mexico y los Estados-Unidos. See Alcarez, Ramon. ARBUTHNOT &AMBRISTER An official account of the trial and execu- tion of: ... . See Davis, Paris M. ARBUTHNOT, A., & 301 AMBRISTER, R. C. The trials of: charged with exciting the Seminole Indians. . . . L 1819. O [4] 80 a ARCHBOLD, MISS ANN 302 A book for the married and the single. . . especially designed for steamboat passen- gers. E Plainfield O 1850. 16° 192 a Narrative of midwestern travel. ARCHDALE, JOHN 303 A new description of . . . Carolina: with a brief account of its discovery, settling [etc.]. L 1707. Q [8] 32 c N NYP — Am. ed. Charleston 1822. O 33 [l4] a 19 Arends — Armstrong Archdale, a Quaker, was one of the pro- prietors of this colony and served as Gover- nor, 1695-7. ARENDS, FRIEDRICH 304 Schilderung des Mississippithales; oder, des Westens der Vereinigten Staaten. • . . Emden 1838. O [l6] 631 a — Dutch ed. "Het Mississippi-Dai...," Groningen 1839. O [8] 354 fl] ARFWEDSON, CARL D. De colonia Nova Svecia. Q [4] 34 map a 305 Upsala 1825. ARFWEDSON, CARL D. 306 The United States and Canada. L 1834. O 2v: [8] 433; [8] 418. 2pls a — Swed. ed. "Forenta Staterna och Can- ada," Stockh 1835. D 2v in 1 ARGUMENT 307 Argument (An) in defence of the . . . right claimed by the colonies to tax themselves L 1774. O [8] 163 + 4adv-p a Said to have been written by a Mr. Parker. ARGYLE, ARCHIE 308 Cupid's album. N Y 1866. D [2] 332 a Narrative of a journey overland from St. Joseph. ARICKAREE INDIANS (THE) 309 Correspondence relative to hostilities of: General Gaines to the Secretary of War. [in Sen. Doc. 1 & H. Doc. 2, 18th Cong., 1st Sess.]. Wash 1823. O 55-108 a Complete pagination of these documents is 206. ARISTOCRACY Aristocracy in America. . . . See Grund, Francis J. ARIZONA 310 Arizona: its agricultural, mineral and other resources. . . . n.p. [l867?J. 16 40 a ARIZONA Memorial and affidavits showing outrages ... by the Apache Indians, in the Territory of: ... . See Dobbin, M. D. ARIZONA Resources of: ... . [l88l]. See Hamilton, Pat'k. ARIZONA The Territory of: ... . 1874. See Safford, A. P. K. ARIZONA TERRITORY 311 History of: S F Elliott & Co. 1884. F [8] 25-322 [2] map 62pls a ARIZONA TERRITORY Resources of: with a description of the Indian tribes; ancient ruins. . . . S F 1871. See Safford, A. P. K. ARfZPE, IGNACIO DE, and 312 PADILLA, J. A. Memoria del estado de Coahuila y Tejas. [no t.p.] dated Saltillo 1827. sm Q 9 14fold. tabs b Y Statistical reports from San Antonio and other points. ARlZPE, RAMOS DE 313 Idea general sobre la conducta politica de: Mex 1822. O 59 b Material on California, New Mexico and Texas. ARKANSAS 314 Arkansas and the Indian territory. Journal of a tour to: N Y 1844. O 74 map a Tour of observation made by an agent of the Episcopal Church. ARKANSAS 315 Mysteries and miseries of: or, a defence of the loyalty of the state. By a refugee. St L 1863. D 88 a ARMAND [pseud.] See Strubberg, Friedrich Armand. ARMES, ETHEL 316 The story of coal and iron in Alabama. Bitm [ptd N Y] 1910. O [34] 581 33pls a Many copies burned. ARMES, GEORGE A. 317 Ups and downs of an army officer.. . . Wash 1900. O [20] 784 port a [ARMROYD, GEORGE] 318 A connected view of the whole internal navigation of the United States. . . . Phil 1826. O 192 lOmaps a — best ed., enl., Phil 1830. O 617 fold, map 2profiles a Leading early authority on the subject. ARMSTRONG, A. N. 319 Oregon. . . . Chi 1857. D 147 a ARMSTRONG, BENJAMIN G. 320 Early life among the Indians. . . . Ash- land Wis 1892. D 266 front, a [ARMSTRONG, GEN. JOHN] 321 An enquiry respecting the capture of Washington [d. C.] Wash 1816. 16° 32 a ARMSTRONG, GEN. JOHN 322 Notices of the war of 1812. N Y 1836-40. D 2v: 264; ]4] 244 + slip containing pub's. 20 Armstrong — Arthur notice inserted in front of v. I of v.I are dated 1840 some copies ARMSTRONG, MOSES K. 3 23 History and resources of Dakota, Montana and Idaho. Yankton 1866. D 72 map dd H N Y — rptd. [Pierre 1928]. D 62 a First history of Dakota. ARMSTRONG, PERRY A. 324 The Sauks and the Black Hawk war. . . . Splingfield [sic] 1887. O [20] 7-72o[incl. pis] a ARNOLD Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton. Complot d': See Barbe-Marbois, Francois. ARNOLD, MAJOR GENERAL 325 [BENEDICT] Proceedings of a general court martial. . . for the trial of: Phil 1780. F 55 c 50 copies ptd H MH NYP Y — rptd. N Y 1865. O [30] 182 port a 100 copies + 35 on L P. ARNOLD, CHARLES H. 326 The new and impartial history of North and South America, and of the present. . . war. L Hogg [l782j. D [l2] 25-276 front, a — rptd. L 1790; L 1796. ARNOLD, HENRY V. 327 The early history of Ransom county. . . . [N.D.]. Larlmote 1918. D 74 plan a ARNOLD, HENRY V. 328 The early history of the Devils Lake country. . . . Larimore N D 1920. D 105 a Less than lOOcopies ptd. ARNOLD, HENRY V. 329 Forty years in North Dakota. . . . Larimore 1921. D 176 a Less than lOOcopies ptd. ARNOLD, SAMUEL G. 330 History of . . . Rhode Island NY 1859- 60. O 2v in 1: [12] 574; [4] 592. 2maps pi a — rptd: N Y 1874; N Y 1878; Prov 1894; Ptov 1899. ARNOUT, J. B. P. Voyage aux pays auriteres. . . . See La Carrieres, A. C. de. ARNY, WILLIAM F. M. 333 Interesting items regarding New Mexico Santa Fe 1873. O 112 a ARREDONDO, ANTONIO DE 334 Arredondo's historical proof of Spain's title to Georgia. ... Ed. H. E. Bolton. Berkeley 1925. O [20] 382 lOmaps & pis a First publication, with English transla- tion, of a Spanish manuscript written in 1742. ARRICIVITA, JUAN D. 335 Cronica serafica . . . del colegio de Propaganda Fide de la Santa Cruz de Queretaro. . . segunda parte. Mex 1792. F [20] 605 [8] paged erratically b N NYP Y Considerable attention paid to Texas missions and missionaries and to the two expeditions of Garces to California. Called part two, as it supplemented Espinosa's Chronica, of 1746, q.v. [ARRINGTON, ALFRED W.] 336 The desperadoes of the southwest. N Y 1847. O 48 front, a There are 3issues: one with only 42 lines on last p. and with printer's name on verso of t-p; two with 44 lines on that p., one with, and one without, printer's name on verso of t-p — rptd., with continuation — on duels and duellists — added, "The lives ... of the desperadoes of the south-west. . . ," N Y 1849. D 98 [4] — rptd., t. slightly altered, Phil [l849]. Though somewhat fictionalized, all of Judge Arrington's books show well the transition in the southwest from lynch law, or no law, to organized society. [ARRINGTON, ALFRED W.[ 337 Duelling and duellists of the south- west. ...NY 1847. O 54 front, a Continuation or sequel of preceding entry and issued with later editions of it. [ARRINGTON, ALFRED W. I 338 The rangers and regulators of the Tanaha N Y De Witt [1856]. D 397[incl. front.] a — rptd., with Mayne Reid stamped as au. on spine, N Y 1874. ARTHUR, JOHN P. 339 A history of Watauga county, North Caro- lina Rich 1915. O [10] 364 pis a ARNY, WILLIAM F. M. 331 Centennial celebration. . . historical address. . . Santa Fe 1876. O 64 + wraps cover Lonly a ARNY, GOV. WILLIAM F. M. 332 Executive message [on Confederate in- vasion of New Mexico], [Santa Fe] 1862. O 26 a ARTHUR, JOHN P. Western North Carolina. O 710[incl.front.] 12pls a 340 Raleigh 1914. 341 ARTHUR, STANLEY The American historical scene. Phil 1935 Q [20] 152 [2] pls[incLan original water col.] a lOOcopies ptd. — rptd. N Y 1937. O [20] 7-151 pis 21 ARTHUR, STANLEY C. 342 Old New Orleans NO 1936. O 246 [2] pis a 225copies ptd. — rptd 5 times by 1944. ARTICLES 343 Articles of confederation and perpetual union, between the colonies. . . .[Phil July 1776]. F 8 c — issue 2, word "colonies" changed to "states," [Phil Aug 1776]. F 6 b — 1777 eds.: Lancaster F 26 b AA; Lan- caster F 6 b Y; Annap F 8 b; Annap O 15 b NYP; B F [16] b AA NYP; Exeter F 8 b AA NYP; N Lond F 11 b AA NYP; Newbern F 9 b; Wmsbg F 4 b; [Norfolk] D 8 b AA — anr. ed. Wmsbg 1778. Q 15 a — Fr. tr. [Lancaster?] 1777. O 16 a ASBURY, FRANCIS 344 Journal of : . . . 1771-1815. N Y 1821. O 3v: [8] 400; 400; 420 a First complete edition; contains detailed accounts of travel throughout southern and middlewestern frontiers in the early period. A Vol. I, only, covering 1771-1778, was published at Philadelphia, 1792; and a Con- tinuation, 1802. ASBURY, HENRY Reminiscences of Quincy, Illinois. Quincy 1882. O 224 front, a 345 ASCHMANN, RUDOLF 346 Drei Jahre in der Potomac-Armee .... Richtersweil 1865. O [4] 228 a ASHE, THOMAS 347 Memoirs and confessions of: L 1815. D 3v: [8] 299; [4] 312; [2] 304 a Experiences of a shameless blackguard in the Ohio Valley, Washington, D. C, and Maryland. ASHE, THOMAS 348 Memoirs of mammoth and various other. .. bones . . . found in the vicinity of the Ohio Liv 1806. O 60 a ASHE, THOMAS 349 Travels in America L 1808. D 3v: [8] 328; [4] 292; [4] 310 a — rptd. in lv. L 1808; L 1809. — Am. eds.: Newburyport 1808. O 366; N Y 1808; N Y 1811. Interesting reading in spite of its snarling asperity and numerous lies. ASHER, C. W. 350 Ober die deutschen Handelsverhaltnisse zu den Landen des westlichen Amerika. . . . Berlin 1850. O 37 a ASHER, GEORGE M. 351 Henry Hudson the navigator. . . . L Hakluyt Soc. 1860. O [12] 218 [2] 292 2maps a ASHLEY, CLIFFORD W. 352 Whaleships of New Bedford. B 1929. Q [8] 60pls a ASHLEY, CLIFFORD W. 353 The Yankee whaler. B 1926. Q [26] 379[incl.pls] Ltd. ed.[of which 156 are signed & contain original drawing] a — rptd., same impr. 1938. Q [30] 156 pis ASHLEY, F. B. 354 Mormonism: an exposure. . . . L 1851. O 36 a ASHWORTH, HENRY 355 Recollections of a tour in the United States Bolton Eng [l859]. O 45 a — rptd. "A tour. .. ," L [l86l]. D 198 ASKIN PAPERS 356 Askin (The John) papers, 1747-1820. Ed. by M. M. Quaife. Det 1928-31. O 2v: [8] 657; [8] 829. 13maps & pis a Partner at various times with Major Robert Rogers, Alexander Henry, etc. Askin's papers shed light on the fur trade and other commercial activities of the lake region during his period. ASPIN, JEHOSHAPHAT 357 The naval and military exploits which have distinguished the reign of George the third. L 1820. D [lO] 784 + 4adv-p 36coLpls [incl. front.] a ASPLUND, JOHN 358 The annual register of the Baptist de- nomination in North America, to the first of December, 1790. . . . [Pref. dated Southamp- ton County, Virginia, July 14, 179l], [Phil 179l]? Q 1-58 67-72 a — con. as "The universal register of the Baptist denomination in North America for 1790-1-2-3-4," B 1794. D ASSALL, FRIEDRICH W. 359 Nachrichten uber die friihern Einwohler von Nordamerika und ihre Denkmaler. Heidelberg 1827. O [l6] 160 + atlas Q 12pls[on llsheets] a Chiefly a translation of the first volume of the Archaeologia Americana. The author lived three years in Ohio and Pennsylvania. [ATCHESON, NATHANIEL] 360 A compressed view of the points to be discussed, in treating with the United States. . . . L 1814. 0T4] 39 2maps a Some copies in Q 22 Atcheson — Afwater [ATCHESON, NATHANIEL] 361 On the origin and progress of the North West Company of Canada, with a history of the fur trade as connected with that con- cern. L 1811. O 38 map a ATCHISON CITY DIRECTORY Atchison city directory. . . for 1859-60. See Sutherland, James, and McEvoy, Henry N. ATHEARN, WALTER S. 362 Brief history of Keokuk county [la.]. Sigourney 1897. D 47 map a ATHERTON, WILLIAM 363 Narrative of the suffering and defeat of the northwestern army under General Win- chester Frankf Ky 1842. 16° 152 a ATKINSON, GEORGE H. 364 The northwest coast Port Ore 1878. O 56 map a By a missionary who came to Oregon in 1848. Called "second edition" as it first appeared serially in a newspaper. [ATKINSON, GEORGE W.] 365 After the moonshiners. . . . Wheeling W Va 1881. D 239[incl. front.] a Account of government attempts to suppress illicit stills in the southern moun- tain regions. ATKINSON, GEORGE W. History of Kanawha county, [w. Va.J. . Charleston 1876. O [6] 5-338 7pls a 300 copies ptd. 366 ATLANTIC NEPTUNE Atlantic nepture (The). See Des Barres, Joseph F. W. ATLAS Atlas Ameriquain Septentrional. . . . See under Jefferys, Thos., A general topography of North America. . . . ATLAS Atlas to accompany the official records of the Union and Confederate armies. See Cowles, Calvin D. ATSON, WILLIAM 370 Heart whispers. . . with sketches of a tour through nine southern states. . . . Memphis 1859. 16° [18] 27-368 a [ATTELLIS SANTANGELO, 371 GIDEON DE] The Texas question reviewed by an adopted citizen NY 1844. O 28 a ATTEMPT 372 Attempt (An) to demonstrate the practica- bility of emancipating the slaves of the United States. . . . By a New-England man. N Y 1825. O 75 a ATTEMPT Attempt (An) to shew, that America must be known to the ancients. . . . See Mather, Samuel. ATTUCKS, CRISPUS, SAMUEL GRAY, et nl The trial of the British soldiers for the murder of: See Hodgson, John. ATLANTA DIRECTORY 367 Atlanta directory. . . Lwith historical sketch by G. B. Haygood] for 1859-60. Atlanta 1859. O 230 a First directory and first history of At- lanta. See also, Barnwell, V. T. ATLANTE 368 Atlante dell' America. . . . Leghorn 1777. F [l5] 38maps 6pls[one, of Quebec, not listed] b N NYP — anr. issue, with Pescia impr. b Y Maps taken from Italian edition of The American gazetteer, q.v. ATLANTE Atlante novissimo. See Des Barres, Jos. F. W. ATWATER, CALEB 373 A history of . . . Ohio. . . . Cin 1838. O 403 a — ed. 2, Cin 1838. O 407 — ed. 3, Cin 1858. O [ATWATER, CALEB?] 374 Mysteries of Washington City, during the session of the 28th Congress. Wash 1844. 16° 218 [l] a ATWATER, CALEB 375 Remarks made on a tour to Prairie de Chien Columbus 1831. 16° [8] 296 a — anr. issue, unsold sheets of above, with new title: "The Indians of the north-west ... or remarks, [etc.]," Columbus, n. d. [l83l]. — rptd. 1850. same collat. ATLANTIC CITY 369 ATWATER, CALEB Atlantic City: its early and modern his- tory. By Carnesworthe [pseud.]. Phil 1868. 16° 96 a — rptd., same impr. 1888. First history of this city. 376 The writings of: Columbus 1833. O 408 lOpls a Reprints, with slight additions, his Re- marks . . . on a tour to Prairie du Chien [see above] and his Description of the antiqui- 23 ties discovered in the western country [from Am. Antiq. Soc. Colls., V.I, 1820]. ATWATER, H. COWLES 377 Incidents of a southern tour. . . . B 1857. O 120 a ATWOOD, ALBERT 378 Glimpses of life on Puget sound. Seattle 1903. D 483 port a AUBIN, MRS. PENELOPE 379 The life of Charlotta Du Pont. . . from her own memoirs. . . , how she was trepan'd by her stepmother to Virginia. . . . L 1723. D [6] 282 a — rptd. 1736. Of dubious authenticity. AUCHINLECK, G. 380 A history of the war between Great Britain and the United States. . . 1812-1814. Tor 1855. O [7] 408 [3] a AUDOUARD, MME. OLYMPE 381 A travers l'Amerique. Le far-west. P 1869. 18° 370 port a AUDOUARD, MME. OLYMPE 382 A travers l'Amerique. North America. Etats-Unis P 1871. D 372 a — anr. issue, pis not col. b — rptd. with adds, and re-titled "Western journal." C/ev 1906. O 249 [incl. 6pls] map + 10 adv.p a The 1852 edition was part one of a con- templated larger work abandoned from lack of encouragement; the four plates, in colored state, are of outstanding beauty. AUDUBON, MARIE R., ed. 388 Audubon and his journals. N Y 1897. O 2v: [l4] 532; [8] 554 [l]. 33pls 12facs a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1900 — Eng. ed., same collat., L 1898. AUFFORDERUNG 389 Aufforderung und Erklariing in Betreff einer Auswanderung. . . in die Nordameri- kanischen Freistaaten. Giessen 1833. O 28 a — ed. 2, with adds., same impr. & date. O 56 AUGER, EDOUARD 390 Voyage en Californie [l852-3]. P 1854. D [4] 238 a AUGUSTA [GA.] DIRECTORY 391 Augusta LGa.J directory and. . . advertiser, for 1841. Augusta 1841. D 82 + 36adv-p a First Augusta directory, with historical sketch. AUDUBON, JOHN J. 383 Journal of: . . . 1820-1821. B 1929. O [lO] 234 [2] port facs a Ltd. ed. AUDUBON, JOHN J. 384 Journal of: . . . 1840-1843. B 1929. O [6 5-7] 179 [2] front, a Ltd. ed. AUDUBON, JOHN J. 385 Letters of: 1826-1840. B 1930. O 2v: [8] 277; 278 [l] a Ltd. ed.of 225copies AUGUSTA [GA.] 392 Journal of the congress of the four southern governors . . . with the Five Nations of Indians, at: Charlestown S C 1764. Q [2] 45 d GaU NYP[of 3copies known] 50copies ptd. AUSF0HRLICHE nachrichten Ausfuhrliche Nachrichten (Der) von der Saltzburgischen Emigrantem. . . . See Url- sperger, Saml. AUDUBON, JOHN J. The life of: ed. by his widow. See Buchanan, Robt. AUDUBON, JOHN J. 386 Ornithological biography. . . with deline- ations of American scenery and manners. Edin 1831-39. O 5v a — Am. ed. Phil, same date & collat. — Fr. ed. "Scenes de la nature dans les £tats-Unis. . . ," P 1857. O 2v: [6] 460; 512 Issued, without plates, to serve as text for the folio edition of his Birds. AUDUBON, JOHN W. 387 Illustrated notes of an expedition through Mexico and California. N Y 1852. F [4] 48 4col pis dd Hn NYP Y AUSTIN, BENJAMIN 393 Constitutional Republicanism, in oppo- sition to fallacious Federalism. . . .B 1803. 327 a [AUSTIN, BENJAMIN] 394 Thoughts on the situation of the . . . set- tlers ... in the northwestern counties of Pennsylvania. Phil 1810. O 30 a AUSTIN, J. 395 Summer trip to California. [Prov 1896]. O 32 a lOOcopies ptd. AUSTIN, JAMES T. The life of Elbridge Gerry. . O 2v: [16] 520; [8] 408. port a 396 B 1828-9. 24 Austin — Averill AUSTIN, MRS. MARY 397 The land of little rain B 1903. O [l6] 280 [2] front, a [AUSTIN, MOSES] 398 A summary description of the lead mines in Upper Louisiana Wash 1804. O 22 b AA LC First United States' book on Missouri. AUSTIN, STEPHEN F. 399 An address delivered. . . in. . . Louisville .... Lexington 1836. D 30 a AUSTIN, STEPHEN F. 400 Esposicion al publico sobre los asuntos de Tejas. Afex 1835. D 32 d LC Y Vindication of himself and Texas from charges of disloyalty to Mexico written by him while a virtual p-isoner in Mexico. AUSTIN, STEPHEN F. 401 Map of Texas . . . with descriptive notes. Phil [1830]. F 30sections b — rptd., same impr., 1835; 1836. a 402 AUSTIN, [NEVADA] Harrington's directory of the city of:. With a historical. . . review. . . by Myron Angel. Austin 1866. O 119 b NYP Y AUSTRALIA 403 Australia, Vancouver's Island and Cali- fornia. Perils, pastimes and pleasures of an emigrant in: L 1849. D [2] 606 a AUSWANDERER 404 Auswanderer (Der) am Niederrhein. Meurs 1849-50. O 8nos in 1: 170 a AUSZUGE 405 Auszuge aus Briefen aus Nord-Amerika, geschreiben von zwein aus Ulm an der Donau gebilrtigen, num im Staate Louisiana ansas- sigen Geschwistern. . . . Ulm 1833. D [8] 214 pi a the pretended prophet Joe Smith. ...NY 1849. O 64 a AUTHENTIC NARRATIVE 409 Authentic narrative (An) of facts relating to the exchange of prisoners taken at the Cedars L 1777. O [4] 50 b LC N — Fr. tr. Montr 1873. O 44 a Congress had refused to ratify the ex- change cartel made by Arnold and the Brit- ish on the grounds that the American prison- ers had been maltreated by their captors. AUTHENTIC PAPERS 410 Authentic papers from America: submitted to the dispassionate consideration of the public. L 1775. O [2]. 33 errata slip a AUTHENTISCHE RELATION 411 Authentische Relation von dem Anlass, Fortgang und Schusse ... in Germantoun gehalten. (16). Continuations: Authentische Nachricht. . . , (16); Zuverlassige Beschreib- ung der dritten Conferenz der Evangelischen Religionen. . . in Pennsylvania, ([2] 43-56); Vierte general Versammlung der Kirche. . . , ([2] 59-76); Grundliche An-und Aufforderung .... ([2] 79-90). Phil B. Franklin 1742. Q 5pts b NYP For further accounts of Moravian confer- ences, see Muller, Johann J. AUTOBIOGRAPHY Autobiography of an English soldier. . . . See Ballentine, Geo. AUZIAS-TURENNE, RAYMOND 412 Voyage au pays des mines d'or. Le Klon- dike. P 1898. D [6] 318 [2] port a — eds. 2 & 3, P 1899. AVERETTE, MRS. ANNIE, tr. 413 The unwritten history of old St. Augustine . . . copied from the Spanish Archives. \St Augustine 1907?]. 16° 16[incl. initial blank 1.] 233 front, a AUTHENTIC COPIES 406 Authentic copies of the provisional and preliminary articles of peace. . . between Great Britain, France, Spain and the United States L 1783. O [4] 28 a AUTHENTIC EXPOSITION 407 Authentic exposition (An) of the "K. G. C. " "Knights of the Golden Circle"; or, a history of secession from 1834 to 1861. . . . Indp 1861. O 88 a — anr. ed. [Louisv 1862]. O AUTHENTIC HISTORY 408 Authentic history (An) of remarkable persons . . . including. . . the iniquities of AVERILL, CHARLES E. 414 Kit Carson, the prince of the gold hunters fl[l849]. O [4] 8-124 b Y — rptd. N Y [l849]. O 100 a Fictionalized biography. AVERILL, CHARLES E. 415 Life in California B 1849. O 108 a — ed. 2, B 1850. O 100 — rptd. B n.d. [l865]. same collat. Sequel to his Kit Carson. . . . AVERILL, CHARLES E. The Rob Roy of the Rocky mountains. N Y 1849. O 96 a 416 25 Avery — Bache — rptd. "The hunters of the west. . . , " N Y [l857]. same collat. Another sequel to author's Kit Carson. . . . AVERY, A. 417 Handbook. . . of New Mexico and Durango, Colorado Denver 1881. D 106 [u] fold. map b AVERY, ELROY McK. 418 A history of the United States. . . . Clev 1904-10. O 7v[all] + index vol. Tarrytown 1915. In all, 8v maps pis facs a AVERY, ISAAC W. 419 The history of. . . Georgia. . . 1850-1881 N Y [l88l]. O [l2] 754 errata slip map [not in all copiesj 41pls a — anr. issue, no index, thus ending with p715. AVERY, RUFUS, and 420 HEMPSTEAD, STEPHEN Narrative of Jonathan Rathbun, with. . . accounts of the capture of Grot on fort. . . and the sacking and burning of New London .... [AT Lond? 1840?]. D [4] 80 a — rptd. N Y 1911. AVERY, SAMUEL 421 The Susquehannah controversy examined Wilkesbarre 1803. D 142 b LC AVIRETT, JAMES B. 422 The memoirs of General Turner Ashby and his compeers. Bait 1867. D 408 port a AYER, I. WINSLOW 423 The great north-western conspiracy. . . to plunder and burn Chicago. . . . Chi 1864. O 112 a — anr. ed. Chi 1865. same collat. — anr. ed. "The great treason plot.. . ," Chi [1895]. O 453 AYER, I. WINSLOW 424 Life in the wilds of America. . . . Grand Rapids 1880. O 528 front, a B B., A. 427 Six letters of: on the difference between Great Britain and the United States.. . . L 1807. O 48 a B., J. The English party's excursion to Paris See Bill, John. B., J. M. DE. ... Lettres sur les Etats-Unis. . . . See Bins de St. Victor, Jacques M. B., W. D. Rosecrans' campaign. . . . See Bickham, Wm. D. BABB, Tl HEODOREl A. 428 In the bosom of the Comanches . . . told by a surviving captive. Amarillo [l912j. D 145 a BABBITT, CHARLES H. 429 Early days at Council Bluffs. Wash 1916. O 96 a BABBITT, E. L. 430 The Allegheny pilot . . . historical matter Freeport Pa 1855. O 64 + 14adv-p 16 maps a BABCOCK, RUFUS [ed.] 431 Forty years of pioneer life; memoir of John Mason Peck Phil [l864]. D 360 port pi a Backwoods life in Tennessee, Louisiana, Missouri and Illinois. BABER, D. F. ed. 432 The longest rope; the truth about the Johnson County cattle war. . . as told by Bill Walker. Caldwell Idaho 1940. O 320 port a BABSON, JOHN J. 433 History of. . . Gloucester [Mass.].. . . Gloucester 1860. O [12] 610 fold. map pis a Portion of the edition burned. AYERS, ELISHA 425 Journal of travel in different parts of the United States. . . . [Preston Conn]l847. O 52 a Travels, beginning in 1788, extended to Pittsburgh, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. [AYSCOUGH, SAMUEL] 426 Remarks on the Letters from an American farmer. . . pointing out the pernicious tend- ency of these letters to Great Britain. L 1783. O [2] 26 a BABSON, JOHN J. 434 Notes and additions to the History of Gloucester. Ser. I & II [all]. Gloucester 1876-91. O [4] 94; [2] 187 a BACA, MANUEL C. DE 435 Historia de Vicente Silva; sus cuarenta bandidos, sus crimenes y retribuciones. Las Vegas 1896. D 120 30pls a [BACHE, BENJAMIN F.], pub. 436 Remarks occasioned by the late conduct of Mr. Washington. . . . Phil 1797. O [4] 84 a 26 Bach< Bail* Vicious effort to depreciate the abilities of a great man. BACHE, WILLIAM 437 Historical sketches of Bristol Borough [Pa.]. Bristol 1853. 16° 60 a BACHELER, ORIGEN 438 Mormonism exposed. ...NY 1838. D 48 front, a BACKUS, ISAAC 439 An abridgment of the church history of New-England B 1804. O 272 a Because of additions contained, may be considered a fourth volume of his earlier 3-volume work, see below. BACKUS, ISAAC 440 A history of New-England, with particular reference to the . . . Baptists. . . . B 1777, Prov 1784, B 1796. O 3v: [8] 544 [l6]; [l6] 432; 335 + adv-1. b AA NYP Y — rptd. Newton Mass 1871. O 2v a [BACON, ANTHONY] 441 Considerations on the . . . state of the New England colonies. . . . L 1769. O 39 a [BACON, ANTHONY] 442 A short address to the government, the merchants . . . and the colonists in America ... on the present state of affairs. L, 1775. O [2] 40 a [BACON, ANTHONY?] 443 The true interest of Great Britain, with respect to her American colonies. . . . L 1766. O [4] 51 a BACON, EDWARD 444 Among the cotton thieves. Det 1867. O 299 a BACON, GEORGE W. 445 The life ... of Abraham Lincoln. ... L 1865. D [8] 183 port map[at rear] a — anr. issue, identical but different mapLat front] a — anr. ed. wraps. D 120 port[on cover] no map — Dutch tr. Amst 1865. D BACON, OLIVER N. 446 A history of Natick [Mass.]. B 1856. O [2] 261 pi a BACQUEVILLE DE LA POTHERIE, 447 CLAUDE, C. L. Histoire de l'Amerique-Septentrionale. . . . P 1722. D 4v: [l4, incl. eng. t.] 15-216 [erroneously numb 126] 227-370: [2] 168, 173-356 [7J; [12] 158, 157-310 [6]; [2] 271 [5]. 3maps 25pls b AA NYP Y — rptd., with new t-p, au's name omitted, "Voyage de l'Amerique. . . ," Amst 1723. D 4v same collat. except "Epitre," "Aver- tissement" and "Privilege" omitted, b N — anr. ed., au.'s name and original reading of t-p restored, P 1752. D 4v same collat. as in 1722 ed. Some copies carry date 1753. a Material on Indians of the Lake regions said to be based on lost manuscripts of Nicholas Perrot. Claims advanced as to an earlier [1616] edition entitled Nouveau voyage du Canada . . . may be dismissed as a bibliographical myth, at least until a copy has been produced. BADEAUX, J[EAN] B. 448 Journal des operations de l'armee ameri- caine lors de l'invasion du Canada en 1775-6. Montr 1871. O 43 a BADGER, REV. JOSEPH 449 A memoir of: ... . Hudson O 1851. D 185 a Came to Ohio in 1801. BADGER, JOSEPH E. 450 Joaquin, the saddle king: a romance of Murietta's first flight. N Y Beadle 1881. Q 28 a BADIA, MARC A. 451 Compendio della guerra nata per confini in America tra la Francia e l'Inghilterra. . . . Amst 1763. D [l6] 168 port a [BADIN, STEPHEN T.] 452 Origine et progres de la mission du Kentucke. . .par un temoin oculare. P 1821. O 32 a Badin was the first priest ordained in the United States. [BAGERT, JACOB] 453 Nachrichten von der amerikanischen Halbinsel Californien. . . . Mannheim 1772. D [l6j 358 errata 1. fold. map 2pls[not issued in all copiesj a — rptd. 1773. Relates chiefly to Lower California. BAGLEY, CLARENCE B. 454 In the beginning. . . . Seattle 1905. O 90 a BAILEY, MRS. ABIGAIL 455 Memoirs of: Ed. by Ethan Smith. B 1815. 16° 276 a BAILEY, ISAAC 456 American naval biography. Prov 1815. D 257 a BAILEY, J. T. An historical sketch of . . . Brooklyn. Bklyn 1840. D 72 map a 457 27 Bails Bake BAILEY, JAMES N. Sketches of Indian character. 1841. O 64 a BAILEY, ROBERT 459 The life and adventures of: Rich 1822. O [4] 9-348 [2] port 3pls a — rptd. 1828. Autobiography of an engaging scoundrel. A Southern prototype of Stephen Burroughs. BAILEY, WASHINGTON 460 A trip to California in 1853. Leroy 111 [1915]. O 50 port a BAILEY, WILLIAM 461 Records of patriotism and love of country. Wash 1825. D [16] 216 a — rptd., same collat. &• impr., 1826. Based almost entirely upon Alexander Garden's Anecdotes of the revolutionary war. BAILEY, WILLIAM F. 462 The story of the first trans-continental railroad [Pitt 1906]. D 164 a [BAILLIE, HUGH] 463 An appendix to a letter to Dr. Shebbeare. To which are added, Some observations on . . . Taxation no tyranny. . . . L 1775. O 80 a BAILLIE, HUGH 464 A letter to Dr. Shebear. . . refutation of his arguments concerning the Boston and Quebec Acts L 1775. O [2] 54 a BAILLIE-GROHMAN, WILLIAM A. 465 Camps in the Rockies. . . . L 1882. O [8] 438 map 4pls a — Am. ed. N Y 1882. same collat. — several later eds., Eng & Am. BAILLIE-GROHMAN, WILLIAM A. 466 Fifteen years sport and life in the hunting grounds of western America. . . . L 1900. O [l2] 403 3maps 16pls a BAILY, FRANCIS 467 Journal of a tour in unsettled parts of North America in 1796-7. L 1856. O [l2] 439 a BAINES, EDWARD 468 History of the late war, between the United States and Great Britain; with. .. appendix. . . by Ebenezer H. Cummins. Bait 1820. D 167 [47] a 458 BAIRD, CHARLES W. 470 History of the Huguenot emigration to America. N Y [l885j. O 2v: [2]354; [2] 448. 15maps & pis a BAIRD, GEORGE M. P. 471 The story of Barney May, pioneer [in the Fraser river gold regions]. O 61 pis a 100 copies ptd. BAIRD, ROBERT 472 Religion in the United States. . . . Glas 1844. O 756 map a — Am. eds.: N Y 1844. O [12] 9-343; N Y 1846. N Y 1856. O 696 — Dutch tr. Schoonhoven 1846-9. O 2v map — Fr. tr. P 1844. O 2v — Ger. tr. Berlin 1844. O [BAIRD, ROBERT] 473 View of the valley of the Mississippi. . . . Phil 1832. D [l2] 341 15maps & plans a — ed. 2, Phil 1834. D [l2] 372 ISmaps & plans Attributed also to Richard Bache and Robert Bache. BAKANOWSKI, ADOLF 474 Moje Wspomnienia. . . . [My memoirs]. Lwow [Lemberg] 1913. O [6J 226 a Missionary activities in the first Polish settlement in the United States, near San Antonio, Texas. BAKER, D. W. C. [comp.] 475 A Texas scrap-book NY [l875]. O 657[incl. illus.] front, a — rptd. N Y 1887. — anr. ed. Austin 1936. [BAKER, DELPHINE p.] Solon; or the rebellion of '61. 1862. O 74 a 476 469 BAIRD, CHARLES W. Chronicle of a border town. History of Rye [N. Y.] NY 1871. O [l8] 570 map a BAKER, H[0ZIAL] H. 477 Overland journey to Carson valley, Utah. Seneca Falls N Y 1861. O 38 port dd AA Y [of 4copies known] BAKER, LOUISA The adventures of: See West, Mrs. Lucy Brewer. BAKER, LOUISA An affecting narrative of: See West, Mrs. Lucy Brewer. [BAKER, S.] 478 Outline history of an expedition to Cali- fornia IVY 1849. obi 16° 32 1. + cover t. b LC Y Baker — Ballard BAKER, WILLIAM 479 A concise description of middle Tennes- see. Ed. 2. McMinnville 1868. O 127 a BAKER, WILLIAM S. 480 Itinerary of General Washington [1775- 1783]. Phil 1892. O [4] 334 port a BAKER, WILLIAM S. 481 Washington after the revolution [l784- 1789]. Phil 1898. O [2] 416 a BALBONTIN, MANUEL La invasion americana. 1883. O 137 4maps a 482 1846 a 1848. Mex BALCH, THOMAS 483 Les Francais en Amerique. . . 1777-1783. P 1872. O [8] 238 [2] map 3pls — Eng. tr., with added vol. on French regiments and officers, Phil 1891-5. O 2v: maps port BALCH, THOMAS, ed. 484 Letters and papers relating chiefly to the provincial history of Pennsylvania. . . . Phil 1855. D [138] 312 a Usually cited as the "Shippen Papers." BALDWIN, MRS. ALICE B. 485 Memoirs of . . . Frank D. Baldwin. ...LA 1929. 0[l6] 204 12pls a General Baldwin campaigned against Indians all over the West and was the only officer to receive twice the Medal of Honor. BALDWIN, BENJAMIN F. 486 Notices of the campaign of the Tennessee volunteers. . . 1836-7. Nashv 1843. O 30 b TennH[only copy located] BALDWIN, EBENEZER 487 Annals of Yale college ... to 1831. N Hav 1831. o[8] 324 a — ed. 2, to 183S. same impr. 1838. O [8] 343 BALDWIN, EBENEZER 488 Observations on. . . our colored population . . . emancipation and colonization. N Hav 1834. O 52 a — rptd. N Y 1836, same collat.; N Y 1837. Perhaps based on some actual incident of border horror in early Kentucky, but uncon- vincingly and rhapsodically presented. 492 1840. D 24 b BALESTIER, JOSEPH] N. The annals of Chicago. Ch AA ChiH NYP — rptd. Chi 1876. O 48; Chi 1879. same collat. a First history of this metropolis, and one of its earliest imprints. BALL, CHARLES 493 Slavery in the United States. . . . Lewis- town Pa 1836. D 400 a — rptd. N Y 1837. D [2] 517 — anr. ed. Pitt 1854. — anr. ed. "Fifty years in chains. . . ," Indp 1859. D 430 — Eng. ed. "The life of a Negro slave.. . , " L 1846. O 245 . — Ger. tr. Berlin 1854. O 2v: [4] 236; [4] 196 One of the few personal narratives of southern slaves that sounds veracious. BALL, J. P. 494 Ball's mammoth pictorial tour of the United States. Comprising views of the. . . slave trade. . . . Cin 1855. O 56 fold.pl a BALL, NICHOLAS 495 The pioneers of '49. ... B 1891. O [l6 incl front] 288 + adv-p 7 pis a BALL, NICHOLAS. 496 The voyages and travels of: 1838-53. B 1895. O 38 port a BALL, TtlMOTHY] H. 497 A glance into the great south-east; or, Clarke county, Alabama. . . 1540-1877. Grove Hill Ala [ptd. Chi] 1882. D 782 map a BALL, TtlMOTHY] H. Lake county, Indiana. . . map a — rptd. Crown Point 1884. 498 D 364 BALDWIN, HENRY 489 A general view of the origin and nature of the constitution and government of the United States. Phil 1837. O [6] 197 a BALDWIN, JOSEPH G. 490 The flush times of Alabama and Missis- sippi NY 1853. D [10] 330 a BALDWIN, THOMAS 491 Narrative of the massacre, by the savages, of the wife and children of : .... N Y 1835. O 24 fold col front, a BALL, TtlMOTHY] H. 499 Northwestern, Indiana. . . . La Porte 1900. D 570 2maps port a Amplification of his Lake county. BALLANCE, CtHARLES] 500 The history of Peoria. Peoria 1870. D [8] 271 a BALLARD, COLIN R. 501 The military genius of Abraham Lincoln L 1926. O [8] 246 front, maps a Ballard — Bandelier [BALLARD, D. P.] 502 Washington Territory and the far north- west Chi [1889]. O 60 a [BALLARD, WILLIAM] 503 Sketch of the history of Framingham, Mass B 1827. O 71 a BALLENSTEDT, C. W. T. 504 Beschreibung meiner Reise nach dem Goldminen Californiens. Schoningen 1851. D 103 a [BALLENTINE, GEORGE] 505 Autobiography of an English soldier in the United States army. L 1853. D 2v: [2] 306 + 24adv-p; [2] 313 + 16adv-p a — Am. ed. N Y 1853. D [12] 9-288 2pls — anr. ed. "The Mexican war. . . ," N Y 1860. same collat. Served at Ft. Pickens, Florida, and with Scott from Vera Cruz to Mexice City. BALLINGER, R. H. Does it pay? A book c of southwestern Kansas, Q48 a 506 n the stock industry Larned Kas 1883. BALTHASAR, JUAN ANTONIO 507 Carta del: en que da noticia de la exemplar vida . . . del ferveroso missionero . . . Francisco Maria Picolo. [Mex 1752]. Q 88 d Hn JCB N Sabin 2986 lists, without collation or location, a 1730 edition of this life of one of the earliest California missionaries; he also lists, by same author, lives of two other California Jesuits — Nicolas de Tamaral [l752], and Lorenzo Carranco [1751]. BALTIMORE 508 An exact. . . narrative of the events which took place in: on the 27th and 28th of July last n.p. [1812?]. 18° 71 a BALTIMORE 509 Interesting papers relative to the recent riots at: Phil 1812. O 89 a This shameful affair began with the de- struction of a Federal newspaper opposed to the -war of 1812 and ended with the killing of one of the proprietors and fatal injuries to General Henry Lee. BALTIMORE Picture of: Bait Lucas [l832]. 18' 249 map plan 2pls a 510 BALTIMORE 511 Proceedings of sundry citizens of: . . . . for the purpose of devising. . . means of im- proving. . . intercourse between that city and the western states. Bait i827. O 38 a Resulted in the construction of the first western railway, the Baltimore and Ohio. BALTIMORE 512 Remarks on the intercourse of: with the western country. . . . Bait 1818. O 30 map a BALTIMORE AND OHIO Baltimore and Ohio railroad (the). A history and description of: By a citizen of Baltimore. See Smith, Wm. Prescott. BANCROFT, AARON 513 An essay on the life of George Washing- ton Wore 1807. D [12] 552 port a — Am. ed. 2, "Life of George Washing- ton. ..." B 1826. D 2v: 223; 218. 2pls — rptd. several times — Eng. ed. "Life of George Washing- ton. ..." L 1808. O [l2] 560 port [BANCROFT, EDWARD] 514 Remarks on the Review of the contro- versy between Great Britain and her colo- nies L 1769. O [4] 126 a — Am. ed., au. named, N Lond 1771. O 130 Defends colonial rights. BANCROFT, GEORGE 515 History of the United States [to 1782]. B 1834-74. O lOv maps & ports a — rptd. several times, both in Eng. & Am. — rev. ed. [to 1789], with omissions, N Y 1883-5. O 6v — tr. into Dutch, Fr., Ger., and other languages BANCROFT, GEORGE 516 Reply of the United States to the case of . . . Her Britannic Majesty [Berlin 1872]. Q 120 a This case, in which the German Kaiser as arbitrator decided in favor of the United States, involved the Northwestern boundary, the San Juan Island trouble, etc. BANCROFT, HUBERT H. ed. 517 Alaska: 1730-1885. S F 1886. O 775 map a — rptd. "History of Alaska," same impr. & collat. 1890. BANCROFT, JOSEPH, comp. 518 Census of . . . Savannah. . . with historical notices Sav 1848. O 56 pi a — ed. 2, with commercial directory added, same date & impr. D 96 map a BANDELIER, ADOLPH F. A. 519 Contributions to the history of the south- western portion of the United States. C 1890. O [lO] 206 map a Early northward expansion from Mexico: Cabeca de Vaca, Nizza and Villazur; volume 30 Bandolier — Barbaroux V, Papers of the Archaeological Institute of America, American series. BANDELIER, ADOLPH F. A. The delight makers N Y [l890]. D 490 a 520 BANDELIER, ADOLPH F. A. 521 Final report of investigations among the Indians of the southwestern United States. Pts.l & 2[all]. C 1890-92. O 2v: [8] 323; [8] 591. map 13pls a Volumes III and IV, Papers of the Archae- ological Institute of America, American series. Most important work of its nature on Arizona and New Mexico; based on original sources, historical and archaeological. BANDELIER, ADOLPH F. A. 522 The gilded man NY 1893. D [6] 302 a BANKS, HENRY 530 The vindication of John Banks, of Vir- ginia . . . and ... of General Henry Lee. . . . Frankf Ky 1826. O 88 b AA NYP Trans U In defending his brother and Lee, General Nathaniel Green and his biographers — Cald- well and Johnson — are pilloried as scoun- drels and liars. [BANNISTER, SAXE] 531 Remarks on the Indians of North America L 1822. O [2] 64 a BANNON, A. H. 532 A hunter's summer in the Yukon Territory. Columbus 1911. D 48 8pls a BANTA, D[AVID] D. 533 A historical sketch of Johnson County, Indiana. Chi 1881. O 170 a BANDELIER, ADOLPH F. A. 523 Historical introduction to studies among the sedentary Indians of New Mexico. B 1881. o[4] 135 llpls a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat., 1883. Volume I, Papers of the Archaeological Institute of America, American series. BANKS, CHARLES E. 524 The history of Martha's Vineyard.. . . B 1911-25. O 3v: 535; [2] 209 147 74 82 68 35 27 18; [16] 565. 47maps & pis a Volume three Ldevoted to genealogy] has imprint of Edgarton. BANKS, CHARLES E. 525 The planters of the commonwealth. . . . B 1930. O [20] 3-231 9pls a 750copies ptd. Supplements and corrects previously published lists. BANKS, CHARLES E. 526 The Winthrop fleet of 1630 B 1930. O [26] 119 12maps & pis a 550copies ptd. BANKS, HENRY 527 A memorial to the Congress of the United States, relating to revolutionary events. Frankf Ky 1827. D 71 b NYP BANKS, HENRY 528 Observations shewing the benefits of . . . a turnpike road from Lexington in Kentucky to James river in Virginia. . . . Frankfort KY 1819. O 56 a BANKS, HENRY A review of political opinions . 529 , for the Ky 1822. f the pe 0[8] { BANTA, S. E., ed. 534 Buckelew, the Indian captive. . . .Mason Tex [l91l]. D [2] 112 pi a — rptd. Bandera Tex [l925], O [2] 7-188 [5] pi BANTA, WILLIAM, and 535 CALDWELL, J. W. Twenty-seven years on the frontier. Austin 1893. D [l6] 280 a — rptd. Council Hill Okla [l933]. D [8] 224 [2] front. BANVARD, JOHN 536 Description of [his] Panorama of the Mississippi. . . . B 1847. O 48[incl. wraps] a — anr. ed., with adds., N Y 1862. O 38 — Eng. eds.: L 1848; L 1849; both: O 48 [incl. wraps] — rptd. L 1850. O 32; L. 1852. same collat. Painted on three miles of canvas, cover- ing 1200miles of river, from the Missouri's mouth to New Orleans. BARAGA, F[REDERIC] 537 Abrege de l'histoire des Indiens de l'Amerique Septentrionale. Traduit de l'Allemand. P 1837. D 296 a — rptd. P 1843. same collat. BARBARITIES 538 Barbarities of the enemy exposed. . . . Troy 1813. D 178 errata 1. a — other eds.: Worcester 1814. D 192; Lex 1814. D 124 [BARBAROUX, CHARLES 0., and 539 LARDIER. J. A.] Voyage du General Lafayette aux Etats- Unis. ... P 1824-5. O 3pts in 1: 364 port a — anr. ed. Brus 1825. 16° 3v — anr. ed. P 1826. O [6] 3-30, 364 [2] map port 31 Borbe-Mgrbois — Bgrclo Corbollido y Zunlgo IBARBE-MARBOIS, FRANCOIS, 540 MARQUIS DEl Complot d' Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton P 1816. D [4] 44 184 map 2ports a — rptd. same collar.. P 1831. — Eng. tr. in American Register, v. 2 BARB£-MARBOIS, FRANCOIS, 541 MARQUIS DE Histoire de la Louisiane P 1829. O [6] 485 map a — Eng. tr. Phil 1830. O [l8] 15-456 BARBER, MISS, wife of "Squatting 542 Bear." The true narrative of the five years' suffering and . . . adventures of: .... Phil Barclay 1 1873?]. O [4 inch cover t.] 19-94 97-108L9pls incl. in paginat.] a — rptd. Phil [l880]. Probably as spurious as are the medical remedies contained. BARBER, REV. DANIEL 543 The history of my own times. Wash 1827- 8. O 2pts in 1: 48; 32 a — same, pt.3, Frederick Md 1832. O BARBER, DARIUS 544 Narrative of the tragical death of: and his seven children. . . butchered by the Indians in Camden County, Georgia. . . the captivity and sufferings of Mrs. Barber [etc.]. B Hazen [ca 1818]. D 24 front, b 4 perfect copies known BARBER, JOHN W., and 545 HOWE, HENRY All the western states and territories. . . . Cin 1867. O 704 map port a — rptd. same impr. 1868. O 733 map port BARBER, JOHN W. 546 Connecticut historical collections. . . .N Hav [l838l O 560 map 6pls a — ed. 2, same impr. U846]. O 576 map pis. — Best ed. N. »av.[l849] O fc] 5-584 map I2pls [3 in color] BARBER, JOHN W„ and 547 HOWE, HENRY Historical collections of. . . New Jersey N Y 1844. O 512 2col.fronts. map 8 pis a — other eds. [with N Y or N Hav impr.]: 1845; 1846; [l852]; 1857; 1868. BARBER, JOHN W., and HOWE, HENRY Historical collections of . . . New York. N Y 1841. O 608 map lOpls a —rptd.: N Y 1842; 1844; 1845; 1851; Cooperstown 1846. 548 BARBER, JOHN W. 549 Historical collections . . . relating to the history. . . of every town in Massachusetts .... Wore 1839. O 624 map front. 16 pis a — other eds.: Wore 1841. O 632 map pis: Wore 1844. O 624 map pis; Wore 1848. BARBER, JOHN W. 550 The history and antiquities of New Eng- land, New York, New Jersey and Pennsyl- vania. . . . Hart 184a O 576 pis a — other eds. [with Harf, Port, or Wore impr.]: 1841; 1843; 1846; 1847; 1848; 1856. BARBER, JOHN W. 551 History and antiquities of New Haven. . . . N Hav 1831. D 120 map 6col pis a — rptd. 1846. — ed. 2, same impr. 1856. D 180 5pls — ed. 3, enl., N Hav 1870. BARBER, JlOHN] W., ed. 552 Interesting events in the history of the United States N Hav 1828. D [6] 216 a — rptd. R n-d. same collat. — ed. 3, "Incidents in American history . ..," N Y 1847. D 404 — Ger. tr. Darmstadt 1849. O [8] 288 BARBER AND BAKER [pub.] 553 Sacramento illustrated. Sacr 1855. Q 36 32views[incl. in text] b — rptd. Sacr 1950. F [14] 135 a 300copies ptd. a BARBEY, THEODORE 554 Le Texas, [p] 1841. O [2] 22 map a BARBOUR COUNTY, KANSAS 555 Osage troubles in: Topeka 1875. O 68 a [BARCIA CARBALLIDO Y ZUNIGA, 556 ANDRES GONZALEZ DE] Ensayo cronologico, para la historia general de la Florida. . . . Madrid [l723]. F [40j 366 [56] tab b N NYP Covers early explorations in the whole continent north of Mexico and east of the Pacific coast. It was issued to accompany — as Part II — Barcia's edition of Garcilaso de la Vega's La Florida del Inca, published the same year, and is the principal authority on Florida itself during its two centuries of undisputed Spanish supremacy, 1567-1763. BARCIA CARBALLIDO Y ZUfllGA, 557 ANDRES GONZALEZ DE, ed. Historiadores primitivos de las Indias Occidentales Madrid 1749. F 3v: [4] 128 173 57 [18] 50 43 [l8] 70 [4]; 226 [60l 214 [46]; [8] 176 [28] 179-237 [l4] 31 [l8J 107 [34] 48 b 1500copies ptd, but all but about 200 were junked as waste-paper. N NYP Y 32 Borclc Though devoted chiefly to narratives re- lating to Mexico and South America, con- tains Cabeza de Vaca's Relacion, along with Ardoino's defense of its authenticity. BARCLAY, GRACE Diary; or, personal recollections of the American revolution. See Post, Lydia M BARCLAY, ROBERT 558 Agricultural tour in the United States. . . . Edin 1842. D [24] 181 a Dedication signed R. Barclay-Allardice. BARCLAY, SIDNEY, ed. Personal recollections of the American revolution. . . . See Post, Lydia M. BARD, JOHN 559 A letter to the proprietors of the great Nine-Partner's tract. . . Duchess County LN. Y.L N Y 1751. O 28 b Hn[only copy located] BARDE, ALEXANDRE 560 Histoire des comites de vigilance aux Attakapas. St Jean Baptiste La 1861. O [6] 3-428 a Prose masterpiece of the ante-bellum South, concerning the extra-judicial pro- ceedings of the outraged citizenry of Lafay- ette and Vermillion parishes, La., against an organized gang of ruffians. BARDE, FREDERICK S. 561 Life and adventures of "Billy" Dixon of Adobe Walls, Texas panhandle. . . . Guthrie [1914]. D 320[incl. pis] a — rev. ed. Dallas [l927]. o[l8] 251 pis BARLER, MILES 567 Early days in Llano [Tex.]. [Llano ca 1898]. 16° 68 cover t.only b TxU [one copy known] — rptd. [ca 1905]. 16° 49 a [BARLOW, JOEL]? 568 Observations generates et impartiales sur l'affaire du Scioto. P 1790. O 27 b JCB BARLOW, JOEL Political writings. N Y 1796. D 258 569 BARLOW (JOEL) 570 Barlow (Joel) to his fellow citizens in the United States. Letters I and IL [p 1799?]. O 2v: 55; 102 a — Eng. ed. "Letters from Paris. . . ," L 1799. O 2v: 32; 36 — anr. Eng. ed. L 1800. O 116 — Am. eds. [Phil 1799-1800]. D; [l800-0l]. D — anr. Am. ed., with a letter to Washington added, "Two letters. . . ," N Hav 1806. D 118 BARLOW, J[0HN] W., and 571 HEAP, D. P. Report of reconnaissance. . . of the upper Yellowstone in 1871. [Sen. Exec. Doc. 66]. Wash 1872. O [2] 43 fold, map a BARNARD, Fl REDERICKl A. P. No just cause for a dissolution of the Union. . . . Tuscaloosa 1851. O 36 a 572 BARNARD, GEORGE N. 573 Photographic views, illustrative of the civil war NY n.d. Q 285photos a BARHAM, WILLIAM, comp. Descriptions of Niagara. . [1847], O 180 2pls a 562 BARNARD, GEORGE N. Photographic views of Sherman's cam- paign NY [1866]. F [2] 61views a BARKER, EUGENE C. 563 The life of Stephen F. Austin. . . .Nashv 1925. O [l5] 551 2maps plan 6ports a some copies on L. P. BARKER (JACOB) 564 Incidents in the life of: . . . with historical facts Wash 1855. O [6] 285 2pls a [BARKER, JACOB] 565 The rebellion: its consequences. ...NO 1866. O 231 port a — anr. ed., same impr. & date. O 248 port BARKER, JAMES N. 566 Sketches of the primitive settlements on the river Delaware. Phil 1827. O 62 a BARNARD, DR. J. H. 575 Journal. . . giving an account of Fannin massacre. Goliad [1912?]. O [2] 36 BARNES, DEMAS From the Atlantic to the Pacific, land NY 1866. D 136 front, a 576 BARNES, JOHN S., ed. 577 The logs of the Serapis-Alliance-Ariel, N Y 1911. Q [44] 138[incl.pls] a 300copies ptd. BARNES, JOSEPH Remarks on Mr. Fitch's reply to Mr. James Rumsey's pamphlet. Phil 1788. O [16] 16 a 578 33 Barnes — Barrington BARNES, WILL[IAM] C. 579 Tales from the X-Bar horse camp. Chi 1920. D [12] 217 17pls a BARNES, WILLIAM C. Western grazing grounds. 390 pis a 580 . . Chi 1913. D BARNEY, JOSHUA 581 Report of the survey of a route from St. Louis to the big bend of the Red river. [Wash 1853]. O 59 map a BARNEY, LIBEUS 582 Early day letters from Auraria. Denver [1907]. O 88 port a BARNEY, MARY, ed. 583 A biographical memoir of. . . Commodore Joshua Barney B 1832. O [l6] 328 port a BARNUM, H. L. 584 The spy unmasked; or, memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch, the hero of Mr. Cooper's tale NY 1828. O [6] 9-206 + 2adv-p map 5pls a — ed. 2, Cin 1831. D 216 port — rptd., abr., N Y 1864. 16° 312 — Eng. ed. L 1828. D 2v: 234; 222 — rptd. L 1829. same collat. — anr. ed. N Y [ptd l] 1829. D 2v in 1 3pls BARNUM, JAMES H. 585 The traveller's guide ( or life of: . . . by himself. Gt Barrington 1847. O 52 b Hn Y Mississippi Valley travels and adventures, trips to the Missouri, etc. BARNWELL, V. T., camp. 586 Atlanta city directory. . .for 1867. Atlanta 1867. 288 a First "post-bellum" Atlanta directory, with the historical sketch by Colonel Hay- good, contained in the first directory of 1859, considerably amplified. BAROUX, ABB£ L. 587 Lettre de: a M. J. Deneve. . . superieur du College americain de Louvain. Orleans 1863. D 68 a Baroux worked 16 years as missionary among the Michigan Indians. BAROUX, ABB# L. 588 Notice sur la mission des Pottowatomies dans l'etat du Michigan. Caen 1859. O 48 a BARR, JAMES 589 A correct . . . narrative of the Indian war in Florida NY 1836. D 32 b LC N NYP BARRA, E. I. 59 A tale of two oceans . . . voyage from Philadelphia to San Francisco. . . . S F 1893. O 198 a [BARRATT, JOSEPH] ed. The Indian of New England. . town Conn 1851. D 24 a — eds. 2 & 3, same impr., date 591 collat. BARRETRO, ANTONIO 592 Ojeada sobre Nuevo-Mexico. . . . Puebla 1832. O 42 10 3tabs b B NYP For enlarged edition, see Pino, Pedro B. [BARREIRO, MIGUEL] 593 Resumen instructivo, que publica el comisario de division del exercito de operaciones sobre Tejas. . . . Matamoras 1837. O 36 2tabs b B Y Face-saving explanation for Mexico's failure against the despised Texans. BARRELL, GEORGE 594 Notes of voyages ... in a career of thirty years at sea. Springfield Mass 1890. O 223 b N Y Only record of his voyage to the North- west coast and California, 1824-5. BARRETT, JOSEPH 0. History of Traverse county [Minn.].. Brown's Valley 1881. O 32 a 595 BARRETT, THOMAS 596 Great hanging at Gainesville. . . . Gaines- ville Tex 1885. D [4] 31 a BARRETT, WALTER [pseud.] The old merchants of New York. See Scoville, Jos. A. BARRETT- LENNARD, CHARLES E. 597 Travels in British Columbia. . . and a trip to California. L 1862. O 307 pi a BARRINGTON, DAINES 598 Miscellanies. L 1781. Q [l2] 557 2ports 7maps & charts a Contains the journal of Maurelle, pilot with the fleet commanded by Don Juan de la Bodega, while exploring the coast north- ward of California in 1775; this portion was also issued in separate form. See Maurelle, Francisco A. [BARRINGTON, DAINES] 599 Proofs that Great Britain was successful against each of her numerous enemies be- fore the late victory of . . . Rodney. L 1782. [l] 39 a 34 Barron — Bartlett BARRON 600 Barron, Captain James, of the United States navy. Proceedings of a court of en- quiry upon: .... Wash 1821. O 111 a BARRON 601 Barron, Commodore James, et al, of the . . . "Chesapeake." Proceedings of the general court martial. . . for the trial of: Wash 1822. O 496 a [BARRON, WILLIAM] 602 History of the colonization of the free states of antiquity, applied to the present contest between Great Britain and her American colonies L 1777. Q [8] 151 a — Fr. tr., with adds., Utrecht 1778. O [8] 248 Justifies colonial taxation as an ancient practice. BARROW, SIR JOHN, 1764-1848 The life of Richard, Earl Howe. 1838. O [16] 432 port 2facs a 603 BARROW, JOHN, 1808-98 604 Facts relating to north eastern Texas. . . from notes made during a tour. . . . L 1849. O 68 map b N BARROWS, JOHN R. 605 Ubet. Caldwell Ida 1934. D 278 a One of the best cowboy narratives. BARROWS, WILLARD 606 Notes on Iowa Territory. Ciri 1845. 16° 92 map b 2copies located. BARROWS, WILLIAM 607 Eight weeks on the frontier. [B 1876]. 16° 24 + cov. t. a [BARROWS, WILLIAM] 608 The general; or, twelve nights in the hunters' camp B 1869. 16° [l4] 268 front, a — rptd. B 1870. Gives the adventures of General Willard Barrows, who crossed the plains to Cali- fornia in 1850 and to Idaho and Montana in the '60s. [BARRY, HENRY] 609 The Strictures on the Friendly address examined [b ?] 1775. O 14 a — anr. ed. B 1775. O 20 — rptd. as "The general attacked by a subaltern. . . ," with Lee's "Strictures" in- cluded, N Y Rivington [l775]. O 25 For pamphlet attacked, see Lee, Charles. BARRY, JOHN S. 611 The history of Massachusetts. . . . B 1855-7. O 3v: [l2] 516; [l2] 514; [l2] 468 a [BARRY, JOSEPH] 612 The annals of Harper's Ferry. . . . Hagers- town 1869. O 64 a — ed. 2, Martinsburg W Va 1872. O 126 BARRY, T. A., and PATTEN, B. A. 613 Men and memories of San Francisco in the "spring of '50." S F 1873. D 296 2pls a — rptd. "San Francisco. . . 1850," S F 1947. Q BARRY, THOMAS 614 Narrative of the singular adventures and captivity of: among the Monsipi Indians, in the unexplored regions of North America. Sommers Town Neil 1800. D 60 front, a — rptd. Manch n.d. [l801?] 16° 48 — ed. 2, "The singular adventures...," [l] 1802. D 62 [incl. col. front.] Unquestionably questionable. 615 BARRY, JOHN S. A historical sketch of. B 1853. O 448 pi a 610 Hanover, Mass. BARRY, WILLIAM E. The blockhouse and stockade fort. Kennebunk Me 1915. Q [8] 50 [20] 5pls a 34copies ptd. BARSTOW, GEORGE 616 The history of New Hampshire. . . . Con- cord 1842. O [4] 456 errata slip 6 ports a — ed. 2, B 1853. O [4] 456 6 ports BARSUKOV, IVAN I. 617 Innokenti, Metropolit Moskovskii i Kolomenskii po ego Sochineneim Pisjmam i Rozskazam Sovremennikov. [Biography of Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow, etc. J. Moscow 1883. O 769 3pls a See also Veniaminov, Ivan Y. BARTHOLF, J. F., and 618 BOGGESS, F. C. M. South Florida. . . . With a narration of in- cidents of the Seminole. . .war. Jackson- ville 1881. D 76 a BARTLETT, DAVID V. G. 619 The life. . . of Abraham Lincoln. N Y Dayton 1860. D 150 pref. dated June 1, words "Authorized Edition" not on front cover a First biography exclusively on Lincoln. BARTLETT, JOHN R. 620 A history of the destruction of His Britannic Majesty's schooner Gaspee. . . . Prov 1861. O 140 a 125copies ptd. [BARTLETT, JOHN R.] 621 Official despatches . . . connected with the Commission to. . . mark the boundary be- Bortlett — Barton tween the United States and Mexico. Sen. Ex. Doc. 119. [Wash 1852]. O 515 7maps a BARTLETT, JOHN R. 622 Personal narrative of explorations. . . in Texas, New Mexico, California, &c....with the United States and Mexican Boundary Commission. . . 1850-1-2-3. N Y 1854. O 2v: [24] 506; [20] 624. map 16pls [front, be- longing to v.2 was placed in v. 1 and only one geyser pi, not two as listed, is found in v.2, that deficiency being made up by an unlisted view of TucsonJ a — Eng. ed., same collat., L 1854. — anr. issue, 2v. in 1, same collat. except for omission of Tucson view, resulting in only 15 pis, N Y & L 1856. BARTLETT, JOHN R., ed. 623 Records of the colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations Prov 1856-65. O lOv: 549: [4] 609: [s] 595; U] 622; [4] 594; [4] 629; [4] 643; [4] 661; [4] 763; [4] 527. 4ports a 50copies issued on L. P. BARTLETT, JOHN R. 624 Report on the. . . boundary line between the United States and Mexico. Sen. Ex. Doc. 41. [Wash 1853]. 31 5maps a BARTLETT, JOSIAH 625 An historical sketch of Charlestown [Mass.] D 1814. O 24 a — rptd. 1880. BARTLETT, M. R. 626 A statistical. . . view of the United States. . . . Roch 1837. 16° 48 a [BARTLETT, NAPIER] 627 A soldier's story of the war; including the marches and battles of . . . Louisiana troops NO 1874. O [2] 259 251-252 [2] 13 [36] + 6adv-p 9pls a — rptd. "Military record of Louisiana," N O 1875. O 64 30 40 [12] 259 9pls Both editions issued also without plates. Pagination often varies. BARTLETT, [LIEUT.] WASHINGTON] A. A portion of the evidence, of: n.p, [l8S6]. O 32 a 628 the case BARTLETT, LIEUT. WASHINGTON A. 629 Reply of: to the testimony taken before the Naval Committee [on charges of mis- conduct in the conquest of California]. . . . Wash 1856. O 71 a BARTLETT, WILLIAM H. 630 American scenery. . . . L 1840. Q 2v: [lO incl. eng.t.] 140; [6 incl. eng.t. ] 106. map port 117pls a — rptd. several^ times Originally issued in 30 parts. A few copies of the plates, without text, were issued in folio. BARTLETT, WILLIAM H. 631 The pilgrim fathers L 1853. O 240 28pls a — ed. 2, L [1854]. — new ed. Edin 1866. O 230 28pls BARTLETT, WILLIAM P., ed. 632 Livermore valley, California. Livermote 1878. O 26 + 12adv-p a BARTON, BENJAMIN S. 633 New views of the origin of the tribes. . . of America. Phil 1797. O [l2] 109 83 a — ed. 2, enl., Phil 1798. O [30] 109 133 [32] — Eng. ed. L 1798. Pioneer investigation into American philology by an American. BARTON, BENJAMIN S. 634 Observations on some parts of natural history, to which is prefixed, an account of . . . vestiges of an ancient date ... in differ- ent parts of North America. Pt. l[all]. L [1787]. O [4] 76 map a BARTON, BENJAMIN S. 635 Papers relative to certain American an- tiquities. Phil 1796. Q [4] 39 2pls a BARTON, BENJAMIN S. 636 Remarks on the speech attributed, by Mr. Jefferson, to Logan. [Phil 1806]. O [8j 24 a Separate printing from Phil. Med. Trans. BARTON, CHARLES C. 637 Manifest of the charge . . . against Jesse Duncan Elliott . . . for unlawful conduct. . . . n.p. 1839. O 2pts in 1: 46; 24 a BARTON, JAMES L. 638 Address on the early reminiscences of western New York and the lake region. . . . But 1848. O 69 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. BARTON, JAMES L. 639 Commerce of the lakes. . . . But 1847. O 80 fold. tab a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. — rptd., t. shortened, Bui 1851. O 51 BARTON, JAMES L. 640 Lake commerce. . . . But 1846. O 34 tab a — ed. 2, with adds., same impr. & date. O 32 fold.tab — eds. 3 &, 4, same impr. & date. [BARTON, THOMAS] 641 The conduct of the Paxton-Men . . . with some remarks upon the narrative. . . lately 36 Barton — Bates published Phil 1764. D [2] 34 b NYH NYP PhilL Attempt to exculpate the back-country Pennsylvanians from accusations in Frank- lin's Narrative of the late massacres. BARTON, WILLIAM 642 Observations on the progress of popula- tion. . . in the United States. Phil 1791. Q [2] 38 a BARTON, WILLIAM 643 The true interest of the United States . . . considered. Phil Carey 1786. O 43 a — anr. issue, ptd. by Cist, same date. O [4] 31 BARTRAM, JOHN 644 Observations on the inhabitants, [etc. J in . . . travels from Pensilvania to Onondaga, Oswego L 1751. O [2] 94 map b A A N NYP Y — rptd. Roch 1895. O 94 map 2pls a 300 copies ptd. Bartram, an eminent botanist, accompanied Conrad Weiser on this friendly mission to the Iroquois. Included is a latter from Peter Kalm giving the first scientific description of Niagara Falls. BARTRAM, WILLIAM 645 Travels through. . . Carolina, Georgia. . . Florida Phil 1791. O [36] 522 map 8pls a — Eng. ed. L 1792. O [24] 520 [l2] map 8pls — rptd. 1794. same collat., except 8 instead of 12 final p. ed. Dub 1793. O [24] 520 [l2] map — Dutch tr. Haarlem 1794-7. O [30] 695 map 3pls — rptd. Amst 1797. map pi — Fr. tr. P [1799-1801]. O 2v: [6] 457 [l]; [4] 436 [l]. map 4pls tab — Ger. tr. Berlin 1793. O [28] 501 map 8pls Extensive travels, in the early years of the Republic, through the southern frontiers and among the Creeks and Cherokees. A work of high character well meriting its wide esteem. BASCOM, MAJ. DICK 646 The carpet-bagger in Tennessee. yClarks- ville Term 1869]. O 208[incl.advs] a BASKIN, R. N. 647 Reminiscences of early Utah. [S L C\ 1914. O 252 6ports a Written to correct false statements in Whitney's history of this state. Texas. Denton 1878. O 143 [front wrap, incl.] b [3copies known] — rptd. "Life and adventures of Sam Bass, Dallas, dated 1878 [but actually ptd. much later], a Written by a Dallas reporter named Morrison. BASS (SAM) Bass (Sam) the bandit. A sketch of: Dallas 1880. O 152 pis a 649 BASS (SAM) Bass (Sam) and his gang. Authentic history of: by a citizen of Denton county, 648 BASS, WILLIAM W., ed. 650 Adventures in the canyons of Colorado by . . . James White and H. W. Hawkins. Grand Canyon 1920. D 38[incl. front.] a BASTEROT, FLORIMOND JACQUES, 651 VICOMTE DE De Quebec a Lima. . . en 1858-9. P 1860. D [8] 338 a Travelled West to Minnesota, attended a Lincoln-Douglas debate in Illinois and visited Missouri and Kansas. BATCHELDER, GEORGE A. 652 A sketch of the history and resources of Dakota Territory. Yankton 1870. O 56 map b H N Y — rptd. Pierre 1928. O 71 a One of the earliest works on the Dakota- Wyoming frontier. BATCHELDER, JAMES 653 Notes from the life and travels of: [in- cluding a trip across the continent]. S F 1892. D 335 port a BATCHELDER, SAMUEL 654 Introduction. . . of the cotton manufacture in the United States B 1863. 16° [4] 108 BATCHELOR, CHARLES W. 655 Incidents in my life Pitt 1887. Q 262 12pls a — rptd. same impr. 1895. Activities of an old-time steamboat man on the Ohio, Mississippi and Missouri rivers, from the '40's to the '70's. BATES, MRS. D. B. 656 Incidents on land and water; or, four years on the Pacific coast. . . . B 1857. D 336 a — eds. 2, 3 & 4, same impr., date & collat. — anr. ed., same impr. & collat. 1858. BATES, ED[MOND] F. 657 History. . . of Denton county [Texas]. Denfon [l918]. O [4, 9-16] 412 5pls a BATES, W. R. 658 The history. . . of the Saginaws. E Saginaw 1874. O 133 panorama a 37 Batten — Bayard BATTEN, JOHN M. 659 Reminiscences of two years in the United States navy [ 1864-6]. Lancaster Pa 1881. D 125 a — enl. ed. "Random thoughts. . . ," Pitt 1896. D 320 port BATTEY, THOMAS C. 660 The life and adventures of a Quaker among the Indians B 1875. D [l2] 9-339 9pls a — rptd., same impr., 1876. BATTLE, KEMP P. 661 Sketches of the early history of . .. Ra- leigh Raleigh 1877. O [2] 71 a —enl. ed., same impr., 1893. O 144 BATTLEFIELDS 662 Battlefields of the south. ... By an Eng- lish combatant L 1863. D 2v: [44] 339; 399. 2maps a — Am. ed. N Y 1864. O [28] 517 2maps BATTY, JOSEPH 663 Over the wilds to California; or, eight years from home. Leeds Eng 1867. 16 [4] 64 a BAUDISSIN, ADELBERT 664 Der Ansiedler im Missouri-Staate. Den deutschen Auswanderer gewidmet. Iserlohn 1854. O [4] 181 map a BAUDRY DES LOZIERES, LOUIS N. 665 Second voyage a la Louisiane. . . . P [1803]. O 2v: [18] 415; [4] 411 a B[AUDRY DES] UOZIERES], 666 [LOUIS N.] Voyage a la Louisiane . . . 1794-1798 P [l802j. O [8] 382 map a [BAUSMAN, WILLIAM] 671 The idle and industrious miner. Sacr 1854. O 24 a Ascribed also to Alonzo Delano. BAXTER, JAMES P. ed. 672 The British invasion from the north. . . 1776-7, with the journal of Lieut. William Digby Alb 1887. Q [6, 5-8] 412 5pls a BAXTER, JAMES P. 673 The pioneers of New France in New Eng- land. Alb 1894. sm Q [2] 450 a BAXTER, JAMES P. 674 Sir Ferdinando Gorges and his province of Maine. B Prince Soc 1890. Q 3v: [lo] 353; [8] 271; [lO] 353. 2maps 6pls a BAXTER, WILLIAM 675 Pea Ridge and Prairie Grove . . . incidents of the war in Arkansas. Cin 1864. 16° 262 a BAXTER, WILLIAM E. 676 America and the Americans. L 1855. 16 [4] 224 a BAXTER, WILLIAM E. The social condition of the southern states L 1862. D 28 a 677 BAY CITY, MICHIGAN 678 History. . . of: Bay City H. S. Dow 1875. History . O 96 [24] i BAYARD, FERDINAND M. 679 Voyage dans l'interieur des Etats-Unis P Cocheris 1797. O [l8] blank 1. 336 a — ed. 2, enl., P Batilliot [l798]. O [26] 347[error for 349, p345-346 being omitted] BAUGHMAN, THEODORE 667 Baughman, the Oklahoma scout. Personal reminiscences Chi 1886. D 215[incl. front.] 11 pis a — rptd. Chi n.d. same collat. BAUGY, LOUIS HENRY DE 668 Journal d'une expedition contre les Iroquois en 1687. P 1883. O 210 a Describes Denonville's campaign against the Iroquois and expeditions to Michilmac- kinac and the Illinois country. BAUMBACH, L. VON 669 Briefe aus den Vereinigten Staaten. . . mit besonderer Rucksicht auf deutsche Aus- wanderer. Cassel 1851. D [4] 192 pi a BAUMBACH, L. VON 670 Neue Briefe aus den Vereinigten Staaten Cassell 1856. O [14] 336 a BAYARD, COLL. NICHOLAS 680 An account of the . . . tryal of: N Y 1702. F [4] 44 c Hn NYP — ed. 2, with adds., L 1703. F 32 b JCB NYP Bayard, New York mayor in 1685, was accused of treason by political enemies, sentenced to death and saved only by the Crown's decree that the proceedings were illegal. BAYARD, SAMUEL J. 681 Life of George Dashiell Bayard. ...NY 1874. D 337[incl. front.] map pi a Includes army services in Kansas, Utah and Wyoming, 1857-60. [BAYARD, SAMUEL J.] 682 A sketch of the life of Com. Robert F. Stockton NY 1856. O 210 [l3l] port a 38 Bayley — Beaubien's Clair BAYLEY, JAMES R. 683 Memoirs of the Right Reverend Simon Wm. Gabriel Brute, first bishop of Vincennes. . . . N Y 1860. O [l2] 9-223 [2] 9pls a 50 copies ptd. — rptd. N Y 1861. D BAYLIES, FRANCIS 684 An historical memoir of the colony of New Plymouth. B 1830. O 4pts in 2v: [l2J 322; [10] 286 [2]; [4] 193; [4] 170 a — rptd., with adds., ed. S. G. Drake, B 1866. O 5pts in 2v: [12] 322; [3-10] 286;[8] 193; [4] 170; 145. 2maps 2ports fold. 1. BAYLIES, FRANCIS 685 A narrative of Major General Wool's cam- paign in Mexico Alb 1851. O 78 port a [BAYLY, WILLIAM] 686 The original astronomical observations. . . in the course of a voyage [by Capt. James Cook] . . . wherein the north west coast of America and the north east coast of Asia . . . were explored. L 1782. Q [l2] 352 b Attributed also to John Rickman. [BAYNTON OR BAYNTUN, 687 MAJ. BENJAMIN] Authentic memoirs of William Augustus Bowles, ambassador from.. . Creeks and Cherokees to the court of London. L 1791. 16° [10] 79b H N NYP Y Restless and enterprising Maryland-born adventurer who abandoned civilization, be- came chief of the Lower Creeks and almost succeeded in establishing an independent empire. [BAYSWATER, J. W.] 688 Perils, pastimes, and pleasures of an emigrant in New Zealand, Vancouver's island and California. L 1849. O [2] 606 a BEACH, W[ILLIAM] W. 689 The Indian miscellany Alb 1877. O 490 port a [BEADLE, CHARLES] 690 A trip to the United States in 1887. [Oxf] 1887. o[6] 210 map a Visited Oregon, California, etc. BEADLE, J[0HN] H. 691 The undeveloped west; or, five years in the territories. Phil National Pub. Co. [1873]. O [2] 15-823 6pls a BEADLE, WILLIAM [a. I, OF 692 WEATHERSFIELD. A narrative of the life of : . . . the "horrid massacre" of himself and family. . .. Hart 1783. O 24 [incl. eng.t.] a —rptd. Windsor Vt 1795. D 24 [BEALE, EDWARD F.] 693 Wagon road from Fort Defiance to the Colorado river [l857-8] [Wash 1858]. O 87 map a BEALE, EDWARD F. 694 Wagon road — Fort Smith to Colorado river, 1858-9 [Wash I860]. O 91 map a BEALE, G[E0RGE] W. 695 A lieutenant of cavalry in Lee's army. B 1918. D 231 a Served with Stuart, Hampton and Fitz Hugh Lee. BEALE and PHELAN, comps. 696 City directory and history of Montgomery, Ala. Montg 1878. O 207 a First directory of this city. The history, by M. P. Blue, is important. BEALL, JOHN YATES Memoir of: See Lucas, Daniel B. BEALL, JOHN Y[ATES] 697 Trial of: as a spy NY 1865. O 94 a BEAMISH, NORTH L. 698 The discovery of America by the North- men L 1841. O [16] 239 [ll] fold. 1. 2maps pi a Chiefly translated from Rafn's Antiqui- tates Americanae. BEAN, EDWARD F. 699 History and directory of Nevada county, California. Nevada Calif 1867. O [12] 3-424 BEARDSLEY, LEVI 700 Reminiscences. . . early settlement of Otsego County [n. Y.] N Y 1852. O [10] 575 port a BEATSON, R. S. The plains of Abraham. O 48 map 2ports a 701 Gibralter 1859. BEATTY, CHARLES 702 The journal of a two-month's tour. . . among the frontier inhabitants of Pennsyl- vania and . . . among the Indians to the west- ward L 1768. O 110 b AA H N NYP Y — rptd. as app. to Brainerd's Journal, Edin 1798. some copies separately ptd Lwith either Edin or L impr] 1798. O 56 a — Ger. ed. "Tagebuch einer zween Reise ...," Leip 1771. O 157 First account of Indian towns in south- east Ohio. BEAUBIEN'S CLAIM 703 Beaubien's claim in the case of Jackson. Opinions of the Supreme Court of . . . Illinois in: Chi 1837. O 26 b ChiH 39 Beouchgmp — Beckwith BEAUCHAMP, JEREBOAM 0. 704 The confession of:. . . . Bloomfield Ky 1826. D 134 b KyH LC Y — rptd., with title variants, various times. BEAUCHAMP, JEREBOAM 0. 705 The life of : . . . hung at Frankfort, Ken- tucky, for the murder of Col. Solomon P. Sharp Frank f 1850. O [4] 24 a — rptd. Louisv 1851. BEAUCHAMP, JEREBOAM 0. 706 The trial of: for the murder of Colonel Solomon P. Sharp NY 1826. O 38 b For another account, see Dana, J. G., and Thomas, R. S. BEAUCHAMP, WILLIAM M 707 The Iroquois trail. Fayetteville N Y 1892. D [8] 154 [2] a [BEAUFOY, MARK] 708 Tour through parts of the United States and Canada. L 1828. O [8] 141 a BEAUGRAND, HONORE 709 Six mois dans les Montagnes-Rocheuses Montr 1890. O 324[incl. pi & preliminary advj map a BEAUJOUR, [LOUIS A.] FELIX DE 710 Apercu des Etats-Unis . . . 1800-1810. P 1814. O 274 map 17tabs a — Eng. tr. L 1814. O [20] 363 map 17tabs Original French edition suppressed as too favorable to England. Of the United States it was most uncomplimentary. BEAUMARCHAIS, PIERRE A. C. DE 711 Observations sur Le memoire justificatif de la cour de Londres. L &Phil 1779. O 56 a — rptd., same impr., 1780. For title to which this is a reply see Gibbon, Edward. [BEAUMARCHAIS, PIERRE A. C. DE] 712 La voeu de toutes les nations . . .dans l'abaissement et l'humiliation de la Grand- Bretagne. [p?] 1778. O [4] 3-74 a — ed. 2, cor.tP? 1778]. O [2] 74 BEAUMONT, WILLIAM 713 Experiments ... on the gastric juice. . . . Pittsburgh 1833. O 280 b LC NYP — rptd. B 1834. same collat. a — ed. 2, cor. Burlington Vt 1847. D 304 — anr. ed., ed. by Osier, C 1929. O [40] 280 port facs — Eng. ed. Edin 1838. D [20] 319 Most important American contribution to medical science. BEAUREGARD, GEN. G[E0RGE] T. 714 Official report of the "Battle of Manas- sas." Rich 1861. D 29 a BEAUREGARD, GEN. G[E0RGE] T. 715 Report of the defence of Charleston. Rich 1864. O 93 a BEAUVALLET, LEON 716 Rachel et le nouveau monde; promenades aux Etats-Unis P 1856. 16° [8] 304 a —Eng. tr. N Y 1856. D [l4] 404 BEAZLEY, CHARLES R. 717 John and Sebastian Cabot L 1898. O [6 11-20] 311 3pls a — Am. ed. N Y 1898. same collat. [BECHERVAISE, JOHN?] 718 Thirty-six years of a seafaring life. Portsea 1839. O 336 a Visited California in 1826 and 1827, with Captain Beechey. BECK, MRS. HENRY H. 719 On the Texas frontier. St L [l937]. D 295 a BECK, JOHN B. 720 An historical sketch of the state of medi- cine in the American colonies. . . . Alb 1842. O 35 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1850. O 63 BECK, LEWIS C. 721 A gazetteer of . . . Illinois and Missouri Alb 1823. O 352 map 5pls b LC N NYP Y One the earliest American books describ- ing in detail the Illinois settlements and the adjacent country west of the Mississippi. BECKLEY, HOSEA The history of Vermont. 1846. D 396 a 722 . Brattleboro [BECKLEY, JOHN J.] 723 Address to the people of the United States: with an epitome of the public life ... of Thomas Jefferson. Phil 1800. O 32 a — other eds.: Newport 1800 [2 eds.] O 32; Rich 1800. O 38; Wilm Del 1800. "Epitome of the life. . . of Thomas Jefferson,"; Wore 1802. O 32 BECKWITH, E[DWARD] G. 724 Report of exploration of a route for the Pacific railroad, near the 38th and 39th parallels, from the mouth of the Kansas to ... the great basin. [Wash 1855]. O [4] 149 a For series [House Executive Document 129] of which this formed a part, and which contained a map and a profile relating to Beckwith — Belcher this report, see Pacific railroad explorations. BECKWITH, E[DWARD] G. 725 Report of explorations for the Pacific railroad, on the line of the forty-first parallel [Wash 1855]. O 136 a For series [House Executive Document 129] of which this formed a part, see Pacific railroad explorations. BECKWITH. PAUL 726 Creoles of St. Louis. St L 1893. O 169 5fold. charts a BECKWOURTH, JAMES P. Life and adventures of: See Bonner, T. D. [BECOURS, MICH. V.] 727 Relation d'une traversee faite en 1812 d'Angleterre en Amerique. . . . Douay 1818. O [4J1O6 [2] a BEDFORD, HILORY G. 728 Texas Indian troubles. Dallas 1905. O 249 a The author lived for fifty years on the Texas frontier. BEDFORD, N. H. History of:. . . . B 1851. O 364 map a 729 BEEBE, GILBERT J. 730 A review and refutation of Helper's "Im- pending crisis." Middletown N Y 1860. D 64 a BEEBE, HENRY S. 731 History of Peru, Illinois. Peru 1858. 16° 162 errata 1. a BEECHER, EDWARD A narrative of riots at Alton. 1838. D 159 a 732 BEECHEY, FREDERICK W. 733 Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering's strait... 1825-6-7-8. L 1831. Q 2v: [22] 392 errata slip; [8] 393-742 errata slip. 3maps 23pls a issue on L. P. b NYP Y — rptd. L 1831. O 2v: [28] 472; [6] 452. 3maps 23pls a —new ed. 1831. O 2v: [22] 472; [4] 452. 3maps 23pls — Am. ed. Phil 1832. O 493 Interesting accounts of Monterey and San Francisco before the American conquest. For the zoological data gathered on this voyage see Richardson, Sir John. For botanical data see Hooker, Sir William J. BEER, GEORGE L. 734 British colonial policy, 1754-1765. N Y 1907. O [12] 328 [2] a — rptd. N Y 1933. same collat. BEER, GEORGE L. 735 The old colonial system, 1660-1754. Vols. I & Il[all], ending at 1688. N Y 1912. O 2v: [18] 381; [8] 382 a — rptd. N Y 1933. O 2v BEER, GEORGE L. 736 The origins of the British colonial sys- tem, 1578-1660. N Y 1908. O [10] 438 a BEERS, GEORGE A. 737 Vasquez. . . with. . . account of the cap- ture, trial and execution of the noted bandit. N Y De Witt [l875]. O 141 a Lurid, but reasonably authentic. BEESON, JOHN 738 A plea for the Indians; with facts and features of the late [Rogue river] war in Oregon. N Y 1857. D 144 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — ed. 3, same impr. & collat. 1858. For similar title, see Plea (A) for the Indians. BEGINNING 739 Beginning (The), progress and con- clusion of the late war. . . . L 1770. Q [2] 32 map a BEGLEY, REV. JOHN 740 The western missionary priest. IWichita 1894]. O 205 port a BEHR, OTTOMAR VON 741 Guter Rath fur Auswanderer nach den Vereinigten Staaten. . . mit besonderer Berucksichtigung von Texas. . . . Leip 1847. O [4] 107 a — Dutch tr. Arnheim 1849. O BELANI, H. E. R. [pseud.] Die Auswanderer nach Texas. . . . See Haeberlin, Carl L. BELCHER, EDWARD 742 Narrative of a voyage round the world. . . 1836-1842. L 1843. O 2v: [40] 387; [8] 474. 3maps 19pls a Visited California, the Columbia river and the northwest coast. BELCHER, JONATHAN 743 A conference held at Deerfield . . . August 1735, by and between: . . . and. . . chiefs of the Cagnawaga. . . and other Indian tribes. B 1735. sm Q [20] c AA 41 Belcher — Belleville BELCHER, JONATHAN 744 A conference of: . . . with Edewakenk, chief sachem of the Penobscot tribe, [ef al] at Falmouth in Casco bay, July 1732. [3 1732]. Q 23 [no t-p] errata slip c AA H [of ocopies known] — Eng. ed., t. slightly changed from pre- ceding capt.t., L [1732]. O 28 b N BELISLE, D[AV!D] W. 745 The American family Robinson; or, the adventures of a family lost in the great desert of the west. Phil 1854. D [2] 360 4pls — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1869. Imaginary adventures for juvenile entertainment. [BELISLE, ORVILLA S.] 746 The prophets: or, Mormonism unveiled. . . . Phil 1855. D [6] 11-412 a BELKNAP, JEREMY 747 American biography B 1794-8. O 2v: 416; 476 a — rptd. N Y 1843. 18° 3v: 370; 333; 315 BELKNAP, JEREMY 748 The history of New Hampshire. Phil 1784, B 1791-2. O 3v: [8] 361 [84]; 494; 480 [15]. map a — rptd. B 1792-3. map — anr. ed. [Dover] 1812. O 3v: 351; 377; 354. map — ed. 2, enl., B 1813. same collat. but dif- ferent map — anr. ed. with notes by Farmer, v.l[all]. Dover 1831. O [l6] 512 port [contains com- plete text of the earlier 3v. eds.J BELL, A. W. 749 The state register. . . account of Louisi- ana, from its earliest settlement as a terri- tory. . . . Baton Rouge 1855. O 164 a [BELL, ANDREW] Men and things in America. . perience of a year's residence. D [8] 296 a 750 the ex- . . L 1838. BELL, JOHN T. 753 History of Washington county, Neb.; its early settlement [etc.]. Omaha 1876. O 64 + 6adv-p a BELL, LANDON C. 754 The old free state. . . Lunenburg county and southside Virginia. Rich [l927]. O 2v: 623; 644. 3maps 4pls facs a BELL, MANUEL A. 755 South side view of Cotton is king; and the philosophy of American slavery. Atlanta 1860. O 47 a BELL, SOLOMON [pseud.] Tales of travels west of the Mississippi. See Snelling, Wm. J. BELL, WILLIAM A. 756 New tracks in North America. A journal of travel and adventure. . . in the survey for a southern railroad to the Pacific. . . . L 1869. O 2v: [68] 236; [lo] 322. 2maps 23pls a — ed. 2, same impr., 1870. O 2v in 1: [70] 564 2maps 23pls BELL, WILLIAM S. Old Fort Benton. , Helena 1909. O 31 a [BELLEGARDE. L'ABBE 75 JEAN B. M. DE] Histoire universelle des voyages. . . . Par M. Du Perier. P 1707. D [12] 50 [6] 458 a — rptd., au. cor. named, Amst 1708. 16 — anr. ed., au. cor. named, P 1711. — Eng. ed. "A general history of all By Mons. Du Perier," L 1708. voyages. . . . By Mc O[l0j 364 [8] 6ph — anr. Eng. ed., au. cor. named, "A com- plete collection of voyages. . . into North and South America. . . ," L 1711. O [8] 364 [8] 6pls Contradictory to its title, all voyages given were to America. BELLEGARRIQUE, A. Les femmes d'Amerique. P 1853. 16 759 96 a BELL, HORACE Reminiscences of a ranger, or early times in southern California. L A 1881. O [6] 9- — rptd. Santa Barbara 1927. D pis The most readable historical narrative of early southern California. 751 BELLEGRAVE, HENRIETTA DE 760 The true and affecting history of : . . . her shipwreck. . . rescue by a party of Indians NY 1821. D 40 a — rptd., same impr. & collat.: 1823; 1828. Fictitious. BELL, JAMES G. A log of the Texas-California cattle trail Austin [l932]. O 78 [2] a BELLEVILLE, ILL. 761 752 Revised ordinances of: with a brief history. . . by John Reynolds. . . . Belleville 1862. O 191 [12] a ;llin Bennett BELLIN, [JACQUES N.] 762 Remarques sur la Carte de l'Amerique Septentrionale. ... P 1755. Q 131 a Map referred to was in Bellin's Hydro- graphie francaise. . . . BELTRAMI, J. [i.e., Glacomo, C.] Constantino Beltrami, da Bergamo. See Rosa, Gabriele. BELTRAMI, J. [i.e., Glacomo] C. 763 La decouverte des sources du Mississippi et de la riviere Sanglante NO 1824. O [8] 328 errata slip a — Eng. ed., enl., "A pilgrimage in Europe and America, leading to the discovery of the sources of the Mississippi. . . , " L 1828. O 2v: [76] 472 [4]; [2] 546 [4]. port map 2plans 3pls errata slip [BENEZET, ANTHONY] 772 Serious considerations on several im- portant subjects: viz. on war. . . on slavery Phil 1778. D 48 a [BENEZET, ANTHONY] Some observations on the. . . Indian na- tives of this continent. Phil 1784. D 59 a 773 BENHAM, GEN. H. W. 774 Recollections of Mexico and the battle of Buena Vista. B 1871. O 27 a [BENJAMIN, J. J. [I.e., Israel J.] 775 Drei Jahre in Amerika. . . . Hannover 1862. O 3pts in l[pt.3 in 2sections]: [l6] 3-384; [8] 168; [8] 69; [2] 132. port a Of considerable interest on California, the Mormons and the Northwest. BELUZE, JEAN P. La colonie icarienne a Saint-Louis. P 1857. D 24 a BELUZE, JEAN P. Depart de Nauvoo du fondateur d'Icarie avec les vrais Icariens. P 1856. D 23 a 764 BENJAMIN, L. N. ed. 776 The St. Albans raid; or, investigations into the charges against Lieut. Bennett H. Young and command. . . . Montr 1865. O [4] 765 480 a — anr. issue, same date & collat., carries B impr. BELUZE, JEAN P. Lettre sur la colonie icarienne. , 1856. D 46 a BENJAMIN, MARCUS /ohn Bidwell, pioneer. 52 5pls a 777 Wash 1907. Q BELUZE, JEAN P. 767 Notre situation a Saint-Louis. P 1857. D 23 a BENDER, TEX Ten years a cowboy. See Post, Chas. C. BENEDICT, DAVID 768 History of the Baptist denomination in America. B 1813. O 2v: 606; 556 [24] a — rev. ed., with some omissions, N Y 1848. O [8] 970 port — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1849. BENEZET, ANTHONY 769 A caution. . . to Great Britain and her colonies in a short representation of the state of the enslaved Negroes. . . . Phil 1766. O 35 a — rptd., with adds., Phil 1767. O [2] 52 4 — Eng. eds., all L O 46: 1767; 1784; 1785. [BENEZET, ANTHONY?] 770 A mite cast into the treasury: or, observa- tions on slave-keeping. . . . Phil 1772. D [4] 24 a — rptd., same impr. [l785]. D BENEZET, ANTHONY 771 The potent enemies of America laid open: . . . spirituous liquors and the slavery of the negroes. Phil [l774]. D [2] 48 83 16 a BENNETT, EMERSON 778 Leni-Leoti; or, adventures in the far west. Cin 1849. O [2] 11-117 a — rev. ed. same impr. 1850. O 110 Sequel to the author's The prairie flower, in which the hero's adventures are con- tinued to 1844. Written by Bennett himself, hence undiluted fiction. BENNETT, EMERSON 779 The prairie flower; or, adventures in the far west Cin 1849. O [4] 9-128 b H Y — rev. ed. same impr. [ca 1850J. It seems probably that this romance was really written by Sidney W. Moss, who ac- companied Hastings to California in 1842, so some of the incidents may be factual. BENNETT, FREDERICK D. 780 Narrative of a whaling voyage round the globe L 1840. O 2v: [l6] 402; [8] 395. map 2pls a During this three year's voyage (1833-6), California was visited. BENNETT, JAMES 781 Overland journey to California. . . in 1850. [N Y 1932]. D 45 + cov.t. a 200copies ptd. BENNETT, JAMES GORDON Memoirs of: and his times. By a journal- ist. See Pray, Isaac C. 43 Bennett BENNETT, JOHN C. 782 The history of the saints; or, an expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism. B 1842. D [2] 344 5pls a — eds. 2 & 3, same impr., date & collat. BENNETT, NATHANIEL 783 Report of cases. . . in the Supreme Court of California. With a history of the alcalde system. . . account of San Francisco and its provisional government. S F 1851. O [l2j 657 errata 1. a Later editions omitted the historical portion. [BENNETT, THOMAS H.] 784 A voyage from the United States to South America. . . . Embracing ... an eighteen months cruise in a Nantucket whaleship. . . . Newburypott 1823. O 80 a 500copies ptd. — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — ed. 5, "Chili and Peru in 1824," B 1824. O [2] 5-80 Ascribed also to Washington Chase who took out the copyright. BENSCHOTER, GE0[RGE] E. 785 Book of facts concerning the early settle- ment of Sherman county [Neb.]. . . . Loup City Neb [ca 1897]. D [4] 76 a BENSON, EGBERT 786 Memoir read before the Historical Society of the State of New York N Y 1817. O 72 a — anr. issue, same date & impr. O 99 — ed. 2, Jamaica N Y 1825. D 128 + 4adv-p — rptd. N Y 1848. O 72 — anr. ed. "Vindication of the captors of Major Andrl," N Y 1865. O [lo] 134 115 copies[35 on L. P.] — rptd., same impr. & date. O 84 250copies [50 onL.P.] BENSON, HENRY C. 787 Life among the Choctaw and sketches of the southwest. Cin 1860. D 314 a Oxford defended, against the. . . aspersions of E[dmun]d B[urk]e; with. . . observations on the present rebellion. . . ," L [l776?]. O [4] 36 BENTON, JESSE 791 An address to the people of the United States, on the presidential election. Nashv 1824. D 34 a Venomous attempt to discredit Jackson; by the same hand that twelve years earlier fired the bullet his body still carried. BENTON, NATHANIEL S. 792 A history pf Herkimer county [N. Y. ]. . . . Alb 1856. O [6] 5-497 + 3adv-p 3maps[large one not in all copies] 2pls a BENTON, MR. [THOMAS H.] OP 793 MISSOURI Discourse of: . . . on the physical geogra- phy of the country between Missouri and California [Bait 1854]. O 16 a — anr. issue, with slight adds., Wash 1854. 24 —rptd. Wash 1855. O 21 [BENTON, THOMAS H.] 794 Historical and legal examination of that part of the decision. . . in the Dred Scott case, which declares the unconstitutionality of the Missouri compromise act. ...NY 1857. O [4] 3-193 a — rptd. 1858; 1860. BENTON, COL. [THOMAS H.] 795 Letter from: to the people of Missouri. Central. . . highway from the Mississippi river to the Pacific. [Wash 1853]. O 24 running t. only a A portion of this speech had been previ- ously printed [Washington, 1849] in an eight-page tract. BENTON, THOMAS H. 796 Selections of editorial articles ... on the subject of Oregon and Texas. . . 1818-19. St L 1844. O 45 b LC WisH Y BENT, JOSEPH A. 788 Hand-book of Kansas. . . . Chi 1869. D 77 fold, map a [BENTALOU, PAUL] 789 Pulaski vindicated from an unsupported charge ... in Judge Johnson's sketches of . . . Maj. Gen. Nathaniel Greene. Bait 1824. O 34 [3] a — rptd., au. named, t. altered, Bait 1826. 41 [BENTHAM, EDWARD] 790 De tumultibus Americanis. . . . Oxf 1776. O [4] 36 a — Eng. ed. "The honor of the University of BENTON, THOMAS H. 797 Thirty years view. . . 1820-50. N Y 1854-6. O 2v: [lO] 739; 788. 2pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat.: 1860; 1861; 1865; &c BENTON, THOMAS H. 798 The torch light. An examination of the origin. . . of the opposition to the adminis- tration, and an exposition of the official conduct of: [St l] 1826. O [6] 88 b MoH WRH BENWELL, J. An Englishman's travels in AmericJ L [1853?]. D [8] 231 front, a 799 44 Berghous — Bernhardi — rptd. L 1857. D Spent four years in the slave states and loathed their "peculiar institution." BERGHAUS, HEINRICH K. W. 800 Die Vereinigten Staaten. . . geographish- statistisch vorzugweise nach Van der Straten-Ponthoz geschildert, mit besonderer Ruchsicht auf die deutsche Auswanderung . . . . Gotha 1848. O [8] 98 2maps a BERGHOLD, ALEXANDER 801 Indianer-rache, oder, die schreckenstage von Neu-Ulm, im jahre 1862. New Ulm Minn 1876. O 112 a — Eng. ed. "The Indian's revenge [etc.]," S F 1891. D 240 front. 7pls BERGHOLD, ALEXANDER 802 "Land und Leute." Reisebilder und Skizzen. St P 1891. D 373 port a Travels embraced Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Idaho and the Pacific coast. BERKELEY, GRANTLEY F. 803 The English sportsman in the western prairies. L 1861. O [l4] 431 9pls a Buffalo hunting around Fort Riley and western Kansas. BERKH, VASILII N. 804 Kronologicheskaia istoriia otkrytiia Aleutskikh ostrovov. . . . (.Chronological history of the Aleutians and account of the Russian fur trade]. St Ptbg 1823. O [4] 169 map a BERKH, VASILII N. 805 Kronologicheskaia istoriia vsiekh. . . poliarnyia strany s prisovokupl. . . . [Chrono- logical history of voyages to polar lands]. St Ptbg 1821-3. O 2v in 1: 356 2maps lOpls a [BERKH, VASILII N. I 806 Pervoe morskoe pouteschestvie Rossiian predpriniatoe dlia reshenia geografisheskoi zadachi: Soediniaetsa li Aziia s Amerikoiu . . . 1727-8-9 St Ptbg 1823. O [4] 126 map fold, tab a Account of the Bering and Chirikov voy- age in which Asia and America were proven unconnected. BERKH, VASILII N. 807 Puteshestvie po sievermoi Amerikie. . . . St Ptbg 1808. sm Q [l4] 196 map a Translations from both Hearne and Mackenzie. BERKSHIRE, MASSACHUSETTS A history of the county of: By gentlemen in the county. . . . See Field, David D., and Dewey, Chester. BERLANDIER, LUIS, and 808 SHOVEL, RAPHAEL Diario de viage de la comision de limites . . . baja la direccion del . . . D. Manuel de Mier y Teran. . . . Mex 1850. O 298 [2] 2maps port a Journal of the Mexican Boundary Com- mission, 1827-1831. BERNARD, DAVID 809 Light on Masonry. . . embracing the re- ports ... in relation to the abduction of William Morgan. Utica 1829. D 552 [36] 2pls a [BERNARD, GOV. FRANCIS] 810 Copies and extracts of . . . newspapers printed in New England . . . referred to in the Letters transmitted from Francis Bernard n.p. [1765?]. F [6] 108 a BERNARD, GOVERNOR 811 [FRANCIS] et ol Letters to. . . the Earl of Hillsborough from: B 1769. F 83 a — rptd. Salem 1769. Q —Eng. ed. L [l769]. O 165 + 8adv-p The letters contained in this and the following collection cover one and a half years and represent New England political dissensions for that period. BERNARD, GOVERNOR 812 [FRANCIS] et al Letters to the ministry from:. . . . B 1769. O 108 a —Eng. ed. L [l769]. O 146 On the turbulent state of affairs in Boston resulting from the Stamp Act. BERNARD, GOVERNOR [FRANCIS] 813 Select letters on the trade and government of America L Payne 1774. O fio] 130 a — ed. 2, L Payne 1774. O [l2] 130 — anr. ed. L Bowyer &c. 1774. O [lo] 85 Discusses the taxation issue, and calum- niates the colonists. [BERNHARD, KARL, Duke of 814 Saxe-Weimar-Elsenach] Reise . . . durch Nord Amerika. Weimar 1828. O 2v[usually bound in l]: [34] 317; [6] 323. 9maps & plans 4pls a — Dutch tr. Dordrecht 1829. O 2v maps &pls — Eng. tr. Phil 1828. O 2v in 1: [4] 9-212; 238 BERNHARDI, MME. CHARLOTTE, tr. 815 Memoir of . . . Admiral Adam John de Krusenstern, the first Russian circum- navigator. Ed. Sir John Ross. L 1856. O [4] 75 port a 45 Bernheim Beukma BERNHEIM, GOTTHARDT D. 816 History of the German settlements. . . in North and South Carolina. . . . Phil 1872. D [16] 25-557 a [BERQUIN, H. K.] 817 Considerations relative to a southern confederacy Raleigh 1860. O 40 a [BERQUIN-DUVALLON] 818 Vue de la colonie espagnole du Missis- sippi, ou des provinces de Louisiane et Floride occidentale P 1803. O [20] 318 5 [4j 2maps a — ed. 2, P 1804. Same collat., au. named. — anr. ed., au. named, P 1805. — Eng. ed. "Travels in Louisiana.. . ," N Y 1806. D [8] 181 a — Ger. ed. "Schilderung von Louisiana. . . ," Weimar 1804. O [28] 344 map BERRY, HARRISON 819 Slavery and abolitionism, as viewed by a Georgia slave Atlanta Lynch 1861. O [8] 46 port a — anr. issue, Franklin Ptg. House, same date. O 41 [2] port BERRY, THOMAS F. 820 Four years with Morgan and Forrest.. . . Okla C 1914. D [l5, incl. front.] 476 13pls a BERTHOUD, EDWARD L. 821 Jefferson county [Colo.]; a statistical re- view Golden 1868. O 7 a — enl. ed. "Statistical review of Jefferson county," Go/den City 1882. O [2] 32 2pls BERTIN, GEORGES Joseph Bonaparte en Amerique. . 1893. 16° [16] 423 port a 822 BERTON, FRANCIS 823 Un voyage sur le Colorado. S F 1878. O 64 19maps & pis a 50copies ptd. BERTRAND, L. A. 824 Memoires d'un Mormon. P Jung [l862]. 16 329 a — anr. issue, same impr. 16° [4] 323 First book by a French Mormon, who spent four years in Utah. BESANCON, L. A. 825 Annual register of . . . Mississippi, for the year 1838. . . . Natchez 1838. D 342 fold, map BESCHKE, WILLIAM 826 The dreadful sufferings ... of an overland party of emigrants to California. St L 1850. O [2, 6-10] 13-72 4pls[2 on 1-1.] a — other issues [no 2 copies agree in col- lat.] have 60 and 70 p.; no priority established. — rptd. [N O 1946]. Romantic improbabilities purporting to be based on the diary of George Adam, one of the adventurers. Professor Beschke's in- ventive genius, here first demonstrated, later fructified in his 1865 patents for iron- clad ships and turrets. BESCHRYVINGE 827 Beschryvinge van eenige voorname Kusten in Oost-en West-Indien: als Zueriname, Nieuw-Nederland, Florida. . . . Leeuwarden 1716. sm Q [2] 150 eng.t. a BESKRIFNING 828 Beskrifning ofver de Engelska colonierne i Nord-America. . . . Stockh 1777. O 32 map a BESOM, A. 829 Pawnee county, Nebraska. . . . Atchison 1878. 16° 78 + 3adv-p pi a BESSON, J. A. B. 830 History of Eufaula, Alabama. . . . Atlanta 1875. O 32 [5] a BESTE, J|0HN| RICHARD 831 The Wabash: or, adventures of an English gentleman's family in the interior of America L 1855. D 2v: [8] 329; [8] 352. 2pls a BETAGH, WILLIAM 832 A voyage round the world. . . chiefly to cruize on the Spaniards in the great South ocean. . . . L 1728. O [l6] 342 [4] map a — ed. 2, same collat., 1737. Narrative of Shelvocke's buccaneering expedition of 1719 by one of his officers, differing greatly from Shelvocke's own ac- count, and exhibiting bitter animosity against that commander. Betagh himself never got to California. BETHEL, JOHN D., & CO., comps. 833 A general business and mining directory of Storey, Lyon, Ormsby and Washoe coun- ties, Nevada S F 1875. O 355 a BETHEL 834 Official reports of the battle of: Rich 1862. O 31 a BETTINGER, J. B., tr. ^ 835 Guide des emigrants aux Etats-Unis. Traduit de l'Allemand Lof Traugott Bromme's Reisen ]. Havre 1834. D [12] 127 a For another French edition, see Guide de l'emigrant. . . . BEUKMA, K. JZ. 836 Brieven van: bevorens landbouwer op de boerderij Castor, in het kerspel Zuurdijk, 46 Beveridge — Biddle gemeente Leens, doch verhuisd naar de Vereenigde Staaten. . . . Groningen 1835-8. O 3v in 1: [4] 33; [4] 88; [2] 48. map pi a — rptd., same sheets, but cover t. gives i4ms( impr. & 1849 date BEVERIDGE, ALBERT J. 837 Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1858. 3 1928. O 2v: [28] 607; [7] 741. 62pls ltd.ed.[of 500 sets] on hand made paper a — anr. ed. "Manuscript ed." [of lOOOsets]. O 4v 62pls & 1. of MS a — trade ed. O 2v 29pls — standard library ed. O 4v 62pls Most thorough investigation for the period covered. BEVERIDGE, ALBERT J. 838 The life of John Marshall. B 1916-19. O 4v: [28] 506 [2]; [20] 594 [2]; [24] 644 [2]; [20] 608 [2]. 38pls a — anr. issue, "Autographed ed. " same impr., date & paginat., but ptd. on H.M. paper & with 60pls a — same, "Standard Library ed. " on ordinary paper, but containing 60pls [BEVERLEY, ROBERT] 839 The history and present state of Virginia . ... By a native [etc.]. L 1705. O 4pts in 1: [32] 104; 40; 64; 84 + 4adv-p. eng.t. 14pls fold, tab b MH N NYP — ed. 2, rev., with adds, and omissions, L 1722. O [8] 284 [24] + 4adv-p front. 14pls a — Am. ed. Rich 1855. O [20j 264 front. 14pls a — Fr. tr. P [ptd Orleans] 1707. D [lO incl. eng.t.] 416 ft 8] 14pls fold, tab a — rptd. Amst 1707. D [8 incl. eng.t.] 432 [l6] fold, tab 14pls; Amst 1712; Amst 1718. After John Smith, the first account of this colony, the first one penned by a native and the best contemporary record of its aborigi- nal tribes and of the life of its early settlers. [BEVIER, ABRAHAM G. ] 840 The Indians. Or narratives of massacres and depredations . . . during the American revolution. By a descendant of the Hugue- nots. Rondout N Y 1846. D 79 a BEVIER, ROBERT S. 841 History of the Fir^t and Second Con- federate brigades. . . . St L 1879. O 480 [27] 2ports a BEY, ALI [pseud.] Extracts from a journal of travels in North America. . . . See Knapp, Saml. L. BEYER, EDtWARD] Album of Virginia. Rich 1856. obi F L40pls & decorated t.] + octavo vol. de- 842 scribing pls[issued separately] b — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1857; 1858 b AA NYP BEYER, MORITZ, and KOCH, LOUIS 843 Amerikanische Reisen. Leip 1839—41. D 4pts 38sheets a — enl. ed. "Lebensbilder und Reisen in Amerika, . . ," Leip 1850. D 2v. [lO] 447; [4] 437 BEYER, MORITZ 844 Das Auswanderungsbuch Oder Fuhrer und Rathgeber bei der Auswanderung nach Nord- amerika. . . . Leip 1846. O [l2] 236 pi a — rptd. 1846. — ed. 3, enL Leip 1850. O [l2] 297 2maps — Dutch ed. "Het boek der landverhuizers ...," Amst 1846. O [8] 120 BIARNES, ADOLPHE 845 Le droit des gens: la France et les Yankees. Nantes 1866. O 98 a BIBAUD, F. M. M. 846 Biographie des sagamos illustres de l'Amerique Septentrionale. . . . Mont 1848. O 309 a BIBLE BOY 847 Bible boy (The) taken captive by the Indians Phil [l845]. 16 35 front, a BIBLIOTHEQUE 848 Bibliotheque Americaine ... par une So- ciete de Savans 9nos.[all]. P 1807. O nos.l & 2, 195; no. 3, 123; no. 4, 127; nos.5 8s 6, 234; nos.7,8 & 9, 384. 6fold.tabs a Includes bitterly critical letters, written from 1795 to 1803 by a French resident, predicting early dissolution of the nation. The first four numbers were issued under title L'Amerique du nord. A table of con- tents was added in 1808. BICKHAM, GEORGE 849 The British monarchy. . . . L 1743. sm F 190 1. [incl. 34 describing American colo- nies], each 1. eng. a — rptd. 1747; 1748. [BICKHAM, WILLIAM D.j 850 Rosecrans' campaign with the. . . Army of the Cumberland Cin 1863. D 476 map a BICKLEY, GEORGE W. L. 851 History of the settlement and Indian wars of Tazewell county, Virginia. Cin 1852. O 267[incl.pls & map] a BIDDLE, CHARLES 852 Autobiography of: 1745-1821. Phil 1833. O [4 7-12J423 a 47 Biddle — Bighorn BIDDLE, CLEMENT 853 The Philadelphia directory Phil 1791. O[20] 188 a BIERCE, L. V. 862 Historical reminiscences of Summit county [O.]. Akron 1854. D 158 a BIDDLE, MRS. ELLEN McG. Reminiscences of a soldier's wife. Phil 1907. D 259 14pls a 854 BIGELOW, FRANCIS H. 863 Historic silver of the colonies. ...NY 1917. O [26] 476 front, a BIDDLE, HENRY D., ed. 855 Extracts from the journal of Elizabeth Drinker, 1759-1807. Phil 1889. O 423 a BIDDLE, JOHN 856 A discourse ... on the anniversary of the Historical Society of Michigan. Det 1832. O 31 a [BIDDLE, RICHARD] 857 Captain Hall in America. Phil 1830. O 120 a — Eng. ed. "A review of Capt. Basil Hall's Travels...," L 1830. O 149 — ed. 2, same impr. & date. [BIDDLE, RICHARD] 858 A memoir of Sebastian Cabot. . . . Phil 1831. O [8] 5-327 a — Eng. ed. L 1831. O [8] 5-333 errata slip — Eng. ed. 2, L 1832. same collat., but no errata slip, error being cor. by replacing 1. 77-78 with new 1. — rptd. Phil 1915. O [14] 5-327 2ports Author is said to have ordered both Ameri- can and English editions destroyed; the in- frequent appearance of the American edition would indicate that its publishers obeyed. I BIDWELL, BARNABAS] 859 The Susquehannah title examined. . . . Catskill 1796. O 115 a Defends Connecticut's claim in her con- troversy with Pennsylvania over the Wyom- ing Valley. BIDWELL, JOHN 860 Echoes of the past. . . . Chico Calil [1900?]. D [2] 91 pi a The three articles contained herein were reprinted in his Addresses, reminiscences . . . , see under the editor, Charles C Royce. BIDWELL, JOHN 861 A journey to California. [St L? or Liberty Mo? 1842]. D 32[?] dd B — anr. ed. S F 1937. Q [lo] 48 a First published narrative of an overland trip to California made with the purpose of settling. Only known copy of the original edition has no title-page and may have been so issued. Though Bidwell dates his journal 1842, it may not have been printed until 1843 or 1844. BIGELOW, JOHN 864 Retrospections of an active life. N Y 1909-13. O 5v a BIGELOW, TIMOTHY 865 Journal of a tour to Niagara falls in. . . 1805. B 1876. O [20] 121 a BIGGAR, HENRY P. 866 Early trading compwnies of New France Tor 1901. O [12] 308 map 600copies ptd. BIGGERS, DON H. 867 From cattle range to cotton patch. Abilene Tex n.d. D 156 a BIGGERS, DON H. 868 German pioneers in Texas. . . . Fredericks- burg Tex 1925. O [6] 230[incl.pls] a [BIGGERS, DON H. I 869 History that will never be repeated. [Ennis Tex 1902]. O 83, pis a — anr. ed., with adds., "Pictures of the past. . . ," Colorado Tex [l903]. O 2pts in 1: 75; 83, pis BIGGERS, DON H. 870 Shackleford county [Texas] sketches. Albany Tex 1908. Q 37 1. a [BIGGS, JAMES] 871 The history of . . . Miranda's attempt to effect a revolution in South America. . . . B 1808. D [12] 300 a — rptd. B 1809. D — ed. 2, B 1810. D [12] 312 — ed. 3, B 1811. same collat. — Eng. ed., au. named, L 1809. O [l6] 312 BIGGS, WILLIAM 872 Narrative of: while. . . a prisoner with the Kickapoo Indians, then living. . . on the west bank of the Wabash river. . .. n.p. 1826. O 22 d N WisH — rptd. [N Y] 1922. O 36"a 86 copies ptd. [5 on Jap. P.] A captivity relation of special interest for its account of southern Illinois in the first two years of American occupation. BIGHAM, R. W. California goldfield scenes. 1886. D 283 a 873 Biglc Birch BIGLER, GOV. JOHN 874 Message to the Legislature of. . .Cali- fornia on the overland route from the Mississippi river to the Pacific. . . .Sacr 1855. O 40 a BILBO, W. N. 875 The past, present and future of the Southern Confederacy. Nashv 1861. O 47 a Utters the prophesy that as absolutionism cost Charles the First his head, it may also cost Abe the First his. BILL, EDWARD L. 876 The last of the Danvers. ...NY [l894]. D [6] 173 front, a Contains an overland narrative. B[ILL], J[0HN] 877 The English party's excursion to Paris ... to which is added, a trip to America. . . . L 1850. D [6] 557 a The American trip extended through southern and mid-western states. BILL OF RIGHTS (THE) See Acts passed at a Congress of the United States . . . March 4th, 1789. BILLINGS, JOHN S. 878 A report on barracks and hospitals, with descriptions of military posts. [Circ. 4, Surg. Gen. Office]. Wash 1870. Q [34] 494 13maps & plans a — anr. ed. "Report on the hygiene of the. . . army, with descriptions of military posts," Wash 1875. Q [60J 567 map 12plans [To this Circ. 8 were added 95 new posts] BILLON, FREDERIC L. 879 Annals of St. Louis. . . . St L 1886-8. O 2v: [8] 500; [4] 465. 18pls a some copies on L. P. By a settler of 1825; based on personal knowledge, French and Spanish official documents and Chouteau and Gratiot family papers. [BILSON, B.I 880 The hunters of Kentucky; or the trials and toils of traders and trappers during an ex- pedition to the Rocky Mountains, New Mexico and California. N Y 1847. O 100 [incl. 4adv-p] b NYP Y Shameless piracy of James O. Pattie's overland narrative, Bilson's sole contribu- tion being a differently worded title-page, and a changing of the names of Pattie and son to those of Ben Bilson and son. BILTON, THOMAS Journal of a voyage, 1705. O [4] 28 b H — rptd. 1722. b to Virginia. 881 L BINET, G. , 882 Neuf mois aux Etats-Unis. . . . Geneva 1862. D 184 a BINGHAM, HELEN M. 883 History of Green county, Wisconsin. Milw 1877. D 310 front, a In preparing this history of the lead re- gion, over fifty settlers of the 1820's and 1830's were interviewed. BINGHAM, WILLIAM 884 A letter from an American, now resident in London, to a member of Parliament. . . containing strictures on Lord Sheffield's pamphlet on the commerce of the American states Phil 1784. O 2pts in 1: 48; [2] 29-48 a — Eng. ed. L 1784. O BINGLEY, WILLIAM 885 Travels in North America, from modern writers. . . . L 1821. D [8] 346 3pls a [BINS DE ST. VICTOR, JACQUES M,] 886 Lettres sur les Etats-Unis. . . . P 1835. O 2v: [14] 355; [4] 359 a Interesting account of conditions in the Jacksonian period. BIOGRAPHIA AMERICANA Biographia Americana. . . . 3y a gentleman of Philadelphia. See French, 3enj. F. BIOGRAPHY Biography of the signers to the declara- tion of independence. See Sanderson, John, BIORCK, TOBIAS E. 887 Dissertatio gradualis, de plantatione ecclesiae Svecanae in America. . . . Upsala [l73l]. Q [8] 34 map b Hn NYP This first book by a native-born American to be published in Sweden gives interesting data on the Swedish settlements on the Delaware. BIRCH, W| ILLIAMl 888 The city of Philadelphia. . . in 1800. Springland Cot Pa 1800. obi Q [6] plan eng.t. 28col.pls c LC NYP — rptd. same impr. 1802. — anr. ed. Phil 1841. Cf. Childs, C. G., Views in Phila- delphia. . . . BIRCH, W[ILLIAM] 889 The country seats of the United States Springland Pa 1808. Pt. l[all], obi Q [8] 20col.pls[incl.eng.t.] b LC Y Bird — Bismarck [BIRD, H. M.?l 890 A view of the relative situation of Great Britain and the United States L 1794. O [4] 43 a [BIRD, ISABELLA] 891 The Englishwoman in America. L 1856. D 464 a BIRGE, JULIUS C. 892 The awakening of the desert. . . . B [l912]. D 492 25pls a — ed. 2 K add. p. inserted before text] BIRKBECK, MORRIS 893 An address to the farmers of Great Britain, with an essay on the prairies of the western country. . . . L 1822. O 52 a BIRKBECK, MORRIS 894 An appeal to the people of Illinois on the question of a convention. Shawneetown 1823. O 25 b BA — Eng. ed. "Impartial appeal to. . .people of Illinois on the injurious effects of slave labour," L 1824. [t-p erroneously states it was rptd. from Phil, ed.] a BIRKBECK, MORRIS 895 Extracts from a supplementary letter from the Illinois . . . [and a] reply to the remarks of William Cobbett. N Y 1819. O 29 a — Eng. ed. L 1819. O [4] 36 BIRKBECK, MORRIS 896 Letters from Illinois. Phil 1818. D 154 2maps a — ed. 2, Phil 1818. O [l8] 126 2maps — anr. issue, B 1818. same collat. — Eng. ed. L 1818. O [l6] 114 — other 1818 Eng. eds.: 2 at L; 2 at Dub O [16] 112; anr. at Bell — Fr. ed. P 1819. O [l8] 156 map BIRKBECK, MORRIS 897 Notes on a journey in America ... to the Territory of Illinois Phil 1817. D 189 a — rptd. Phil 1819. D — Eng. ed. 1, L 1818. D [4] 144 map[ap- parently not in all copies] — other 1818 Eng. eds. O: 3 at L; others at Cork & Belt; 4 at Dub[by Courtney, by Hay- dock, 2 by Larkin] — Ger. tr. Jena 1818. D — Dutch tr. Amst [l820]. BIRMINGHAM 898 Birmingham city directory and county gazetteer for 1883-4. Atlanta 1883. O 294 a First directory of this city, with historical sketch. BISHARD, M. M., comp. 899 Business directory of the towns on the Des Moines Valley railroad. . . . Des M 1869. D 144 a [BISHOP, ABRAHAM] 900 Georgia speculation unveiled; in two numbers. Hart 1797. O 39 b AA — complete ed., 4 nos., Hart 1797-8. O 2pts; [paged continuously to 144] a Cf., under Georgia, State ot lacts. . . . BISHOP, ABRAHAM 901 Oration, in honor of the election of . . . Jefferson, and the. . . acquisition of Louisi- ana [Hart] 1804. O 24 c BP H N NYP [BISHOP, ABRAHAM?] 902 Strictures on a pamphlet, entitled, "An examination of the president's reply to the New-Haven remonstrance. ..." Alb 1801. O 38 a BISHOP, A[LBERT] W. 903 Loyalty on the frontier. ...St L 1863. D 228 a [BISHOP, FRANCIS A.] 904 Report of the chief engineer on the survey of the Placerville and Sacramento railroad. S F 1863. O 47 a BISHOP, HARRIET E. 905 Floral home; or, first years of Minnesota. N Y 1857. D 342 9pls a BISHOP, J[0HN] LEANDER 906 A history of American manufactures. . . . Phil 1861, 1864, 1866. O 3v: [4, 7-12] 642 [ll [2] 11-826; [6] 14-574 ports a — ed. 2, Phil 1866. O 3v: [2] 7-642; 13-654; [6] 14-574. ports — ed. 3, rev., Phil 1868. O 3v ports BISHOP, JUDSOKW. 907 History of Fillmore county, Minnesota Chatfield 1858. D 40 map a BISHOP, ROBERT H. 908 An outline of the history of the church in . . . Kentucky. . . [1783-1823]. Lex 1824. D 420 a Most important ecclesiastical history of the early West. BISHOP, W. W. 909 A journal of twelve months campaign of Gen. Shield's brigade, in Mexico. . . . St L 1847. O 48 b H BISMARCK 910 Directory of: . . . also history of Burleigh county. Bismarck 1879. O 40[incl. prelimi- nary adv-1.] [2] 41-144 a 50 Bixby — Blanchord BIXBY, L. A. 911 A statistical and chronological view of the United States Roch 1843. D 68 [3] a BLACK, A. P. ["OTT"] 912 End of the long horn trail. Self ridge N D [1936]. O 60[incl. wraps] a BLACK, AMOS, and WHITE, V. 913 Directory of Osage City [Kas.]. . . with a historical and business review. Osage City 1887. O 96 a [BLACK, CHAUNCEY F.] ed. 914 Some account of the work of Stephen J. Field. [N Y?] 188l[copyright date I882]. O 63 464 a — enl. ed. 1895. O 63 522 198 [4] [BLACK, ROBERT] 915 A memoir of Abraham Lincoln. . . .L 1861. D 126 port a First biography of Lincoln published out- side of the United States. BLACK, WILLIAM P., et ol 916 War sketches Muldrow Okla 1895. 16° 232[incl. initial blank 1. & 3ports] a BLACK HAWK 917 An account of the Indian chief; . . . with the. . . narrative of a lady who was taken prisoner. . . . Phil 1834. O 26[incl. front cov. & pi] a Copyrighted by Zephaniah Keach. BLACK HAWK Life of: dictated by himself. See Patter- son, J. B. BLACK HILLS (THE) 918 New map and guide to: Chi Rand McN. 1875. 16° 32 fold.map a BLACKBIRD, ANDREW J. 919 History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan. . . . Ypsilanti 1887. 16° 128 a — rptd. Harbor Springs 1897. D 94 BLACKFORD, DOMINIQUE DE 920 Precis de l'etat . . . des colonies angloises dans l'Amerique. . . . Milan 1771. D 99 a [BLACKLOCK, THOMAS?] 921 Remarks on the nature and extent of liberty. . . and on the justice and policy of the American war. . . . Edin 1776. O 70 a Ascribed also to Dr. Adam Ferguson. BLACKMAN'S ESCAPE 922 Blackman's (Louisa) escape from the Mormons. Indp 1867. O 23 a BLACKMAR, FRANK W. 923 Spanish institutions of the southwest. Bait 1891. O [26] 353 map 31pls a BLACKMORE, WILLIAM 924 Colorado: its resources.. . . L 1869. Q 217 3maps 2pls a BLACKWATER CHRONICLE (THE) See Kennedy, Pendleton. BLADA, V. [pseud.] Blada, V. [pseud, formed anagrammati- cally from author's given name] See Volck, Adalbert J. BLAIR, ED 925 History of Johnson county, Kansas. Lawrence 1915. O 489[incl.pls] a BLAIR, EMMA H., ed. 926 The Indian tribes of the upper Mississippi valley Clev 1911-12. O 2v: 372; 412. 15pls[incl. in paginat. ] a Translation of accounts by Nicholas Perrot, Bacqueville de la Potherie, etc. [BLAIR, JAMES, ed.] 927 Notices of the harbor at the mouth of the Columbia river. n.p. n.d. [Lancaster Pa? or Wash? 1846]. O 22 map a Disputes Captain Wilkes' opinion as to the danger in approaching this harbor. BLAIR, SAMUEL 928 A short . . . narrative, of the . . . revival of religion in. . . New-Londonderry, and other parts of Pennsylvania. Phil [l744]. D 46 a BLAKE, FRANCIS 929 An examination of the constitutionality of the embargo laws. . . . Wore 1808. O 61 a BLAKE, WILLIAM J. 930 The history of Putnam County, N. Y N Y 1849. D [4] 13-368 a BLANCHARD, CLAUDE 931 The journal of: commissary of the French auxiliary army sent to the United States. Tr. Wm. Duane. Alb 1876. O [l6] 207 a — original Fr. ed. "Journal de cam- pagne. .. ," P 1869. O 32 enl. Fr. ed. "Guerre d'Amerique.. . ," P 1881. O [12] 217 BLANCHARD, J. 932 Memoir of Rev. Levi Spencer. . . pastor. . . at Canton, Bloomington, and Peoria. Cin 1856. 16° 192[incl.port] a BLANCHARD, JEAN P[lERRE] 933 Journal of my forty-fifth ascension. . . the first performed in America. . . . Phil 1793. O 27 pi b AA NYP 51 Blanchard — Bledsoe — Fr. tr., same impr., date & collat. a First successful aerial flight made in this country. [BLANCHARD, JEAN P[lERRE]] 934 The principles, history, and use, of air- balloons N Y 1796. O 46 pi b AA BP NYP BLANCHARD, P., and DAUZATS, A. 935 San Juan d'Ulua. . . et d'un apercu general sur 1'etat actuel du Texas, par M. E. Maissin. P 1839. sm Q [l2] 591 18pls a BLANCHARD, RUFUS 936 The discovery and conquest of the north- west, including the early history of Chicago Wheaton III 1879. O 484 [2J30 [4] 7maps & pis a — rptd. same impr. 86 collat. 1880. [some copies bear Chi impr. J — anr. ed. Chi 1881. O 768 llmaps & pis [some copies bear Wheaton impr. J — enl. ed. Chi 1898-1900. O 2v.: 685[incL front., 2 pis & fold, map]; 689. The 2 vols. contain 2 maps & 41 pis. not incL in paginat. [vol.2, though dated 1900, did not appear until 1903 J. BLANCHARD, RUFUS 937 Handbook of Iowa. Chi 1867. 16° 92 map a — ed. 2, same impr., 1869. BLANCHARD, RUFUS 938 History of Illinois, to accompany an historical map. . . . Chi 1883. O 128 huge fold. map a [BLANCHET, FRANCIS N.] 939 Historical sketches of the Catholic church in Oregon. . . 1838-1878. Port Ore 1878. D [5]-186 cover t. b OreH WashU — anr. ed. [Port Ore 1884?]. O 72 a — ed. 2, Femdale Wash 1910. O 72 capt.t. only Blanchet went to Oregon in 1838 and be- came the first Bishop of that diocese. [BLANCHET, FRANCOIS X.] 940 Dix ans sur la cote du Pacifique. . . . Quebec 1873. D 100 a Ascribed also to Jean B. A. Brouillet. Blanchet, nephew of Bishop Blanchet, went to Oregon in 1863. BLAND, COL. [HUMPHREY] 941 An abstract of military discipline. . . . B 1755. 16° [4] 67 a Condensed from the larger Treatise by this author, published earlier in England. BLAND, RICHARD 942 The colonel dismounted; or, the rector detected. [Wmsbg 1764] O 47 b AA BLAND, RICHARD 943 An inquiry into the rights of the British colonies Wmsbg [l766], O [3l] a — rptd. L 1769. O 19[error for 23] — rptd. Rich 1922. O [lo] 37 lOOcopies ptd. BLAND, RICHARD 944 A letter to the clergy of Virginia. . . . Wmsbg 1760. O [6] 20 a Upholds the Assembly's attack on church property. BLAND, COLONEL THEODORICK, JR., 945 of Prince George county, Virginia The Bland papers ... a selection from the manuscripts of: Petersburg 1840-3. O 2v: [40] 160; [4] 9-130 a Important collection of material on the Revolution. BLAND, WILLIAM 946 The awful doom of the traitor. . . full dis- closure of the character. . . of General Lopez, who decoyed . . . our best and bravest citizens to an. . . untimely grave in Cuba. Cin 1852. O 32 b N [BLANE, WILLIAM N.] 947 An excursion through the United States and Canada. . . . By an English gentleman. L 1824. O [4] 511 2maps tab errata L a — rptd. "Travels through the United States. ..,' L 1828. O [4] 511 2maps tab Visited Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois BLANKENSHIP, GEORGIANA M., comp. 948 Early history of Thurston county, Washing- ton. . . . Olympia 1914. O 392 24pls a — rptd. 1916. same impr. &> collat. BLASPHEMY Blasphemy (The) of abolitionism exposed .... By Amor Patriae. See Comparison of slavery with abolitionism. . . . BLATCHFORD, JOHN 949 Narrative of remarkable occurrences in the life of: ... as a prisoner in the late war N Lond 1788. O 22 b — ed. 2, same impr. 1794. D 23 a — rptd., with adds., N Y 1865. O 127 2pls BLATCHLY, A. 950 Mining. . . in the Reese river region [of] . . . Nevada. N Y 1867. D 48 a [BLATCHLY, A., et al] 951 The silver districts of Nevada. N Y 1865. O 37 map cov.t.only a BLEDSOE, A[NTH0NY] J. 952 History of Del Norte county, California Eureka Cat 1881. O 176 [3] + 29adv-p b 52 Bledsoe — Blount With the possible exception of Cox, Annals of Trinity County, the rarest Cali- fornia local history. BLEDSOE, A[NTHONY] J. 953 Indian wars of the northwest. . . . S F 1885. O 505 errata slip at p9 a Best record of the California Indian troubles to 1865. BLEECKER, ANN ELIZA 954 The history of Maria Kittle. Hart 1797. D 70 b AA N Y — rptd. 1802. a BLEECKER, ANN ELIZA 955 The posthumous works of:. ... N Y 1793. D [12] 375 port a Includes, in fictionized form, captivity of Maria Kittlehuyne [Maria Kittle], 1744-8. BLEEKER, CAPT. LEONARD 956 The order book of: . . . in the campaign of 1779. N Y 1865. Q 138 a 250 copies [50 on UP.] [BLESSINGTON, JOSEPH P.] 957 The campaigns of Walker's Texas division, by a private soldier. ...NY 1875. O 314 a BLISS, EDWARD 958 A brief history of the new gold regions of Colorado . . . with hints ... to intending emigrants. N Y 1864. O 30 map c ColH NYP Y [of 7copies known] BLISS, LEONARD The history of Rehoboth. . . Massachu- setts. . . . B 1836. O [6] 294 [l] a 959 BLOCK, BISKOP 960 Rimelig formodning at de oprindelige Amerikanere nedstamme fra en mongolisk Aet, som i en meget tidlig Verdenalder er kommen over fra det nordosllige Asia til det nordvestlige Amerika. Copenh 1804. D 37 a [BLODGET, SAMUEL] 961 Economica: a statistical manual for the United States Wash 1806. O [8] 202 [l4] a — ed. 2, Wash 1810. O [8] 202 [14] 8 [BLODGET, SAMUEL] 962 Thoughts on the increasing wealth. .. of the United States Wash 1801. O 40 fold. tab. a Predicts that this nation will become the most powerful in the world. [BLODGET, WILLIAM] 963 Facts and arguments respecting the great utility of an extensive plan of inland naviga- tion in America. . . . Phil 1805. O 62 map a BLODGETT, HENRY W[lLLIAMS] 964 Autobiography of: Waukegan 111 1906. O 102 a Came to Chicago in 1830; was an intimate friend of John Kinzie and one of the pioneer settlers of Waukegan. BLODGETTE, GEORGE B. 965 Early settlers of Rowley, Massachusetts Salem 1887. O 239 a — rev. ed. Rowley 1933. O [l4] 472 map 30pls 250copies ptd. BLOIS, JOHN T. 966 Gazetteer of . . . Michigan. . . with a suc- cinct history Det 1838. D 418 errata slip a —rptd. 1839; [l840] BLOKOM [or BLOK], G. K. 967 [in Russian] A short geographical. . . description of California. .. its inhabitants . . . with the geological survey of the. . . gold region. St Ptbg 1850. O [4] 132 map b Y BLOOD, KATIE E. 968 Memoirs of a forty-niner. N Hav 1907. O 27 a Narrative of an 1849 trip to California by the author's father, John E. Brown. [BL00DG00D, SIMEON DE WITT] ed. 969 The sexagenary; or, reminiscences of the . . . revolution. Alb 1833. D 203 a — rptd. Alb 1866. O 234 3ports Also 50 copies on L.P. BLOOMINGTON . . . MINNESOTA A sketch of the town of: 1857. See Brewster, Wm. [BLOUIN, DANIEL] 970 A memorial. . . against Lieutenant Colonel John Wilkins. . . commandant of the English settlements in the Illinois country. .. . n.p. [1771?]. O 527 b NYH Blouin's memorial is followed by four other pieces, all concerning events in this region from 1768 to 1771, each with separate titles and text in English and French. BLOUNT, WILLIAM 971 Proceedings on the impeachment of Phil 1799. O 102 a Reveals the conspiracy to secure Louisi- ana and Florida for England. BLOUNT, WILLIAM. 972 Report of the committee. . . appointed to prepare. . . articles of impeachment against: [Phil 1797]. O [8] 3-16 [160] a Some copies contain an additional Further report, issued same year. This treasonable United States senator from Tennessee con- 53 Blowe — Bolduc spired with Indians and British to seize the Spanish Floridas and erect there a British colony. [BLOWE, DANIEL] 973 A geographical, historical [etc.] view of the United States L 1820. O [8] 3-746 [l6] 3maps tab a — rptd. , au. named, word "historical" dropped from title, Liv [l820?]. O 758 [36] port 2maps 4plans BLOWFIELD, T. M. [comp.] 974 Echoes from the Sioux. [Sioux Falls 1886]. D [4] 48 cover t.only a [BLUE, DANIEL] 975 Thrilling narrative of the adventures. . . oi Pike's Peak gold seekers. Chi 1860. D 23 d 2copies known LC Y — ed. 2, Morrison /// n.d. [ca 1890]. a BLUETT, THOMAS 976 Some memoirs of the life of Job. . .a slave about two years in Maryland. . . . L 1734. O 63 a BLUMHARDT, CHRISTIAN G. 977 Vie de David Zeisberger. . . . Neuchatel 1844. D 184 a BLUNT, EDWARD M. 978 Stranger's guide to the city of New York . . . historical sketch NY 1817. D [l7] 14-306 plan 3pls a — rptd., same impr. 1818; 1822. BLUNT, EDMUND M. 979 Traveller's guide to and through. . . Ohio, with sailing directions for lake Erie. N Y 1833. 32° 28 + 4adv-p map a BLUNT, EDMUND M. See under Furlong, Laurence, The Ameri- can coast pilot. . . . BLUNT, JOSEPH 980 A historical sketch of the formation of the confederacy. . . provincial limits and the jurisdiction. . . over Indian tribes. ...NY 1825. O [6] 116 a [BLYTH, STEPHEN C.] History of the war between the United States and Tripoli Salem 1806. D 144 a 981 [BOARDMAN, JAMES] America and the Americans. 430 a 982 BOARDMAN, TIMOTHY 983 Log-book of: during a cruise from New London, Connecticut, to Charleston, South Carolina and return in 1778. Alb 1885. Q 88 a [BOBO, WILLIAM M.| 984 Glimpses of New York city. Charleston S C 1852. D 215 a [BODMAN, ALBERT H.l 985 The hand-book of Chicago, or stranger's guide Chi [l859?]. 16 129 map a B0RNSTEIN, HEINRICH 986 Die Geheimnisse von St. Louis. Cassell 1851. O 10pts[usually bound in 2vols]. a — Eng. ed. "The mysteries of St. Louis . . . ," St L 1852. sq D 4pts in l[paged con- secutively]: [2] 3571 i.e. 359] eng.t. front. — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1853. In fictional form, presenting the startling thesis of a Jesuit conspiracy, with the aid of Southern malcontents, to dismember the Union and replace it with an American Catholic monarchy; also portrays an over- land trip to California. B0SCHE, EDUARD T. 987 Allgemeine Beschreibung der Erde und ihrer Bewohner Phil 1840. O [4] 793 map a BOGARDUS, J, P. The Stockton city directory. . . with a historical sketch. . . . S F 1856. O 96 a 988 BOGGESS, F. C. M. 989 A veteran of four wars . . . and . . . unwritten history of the Florida Seminole Indian wars. Arcadia Fla 1900. D 90 port a BOHUN, EDMUND . . . Chief 990 Justice of South Carolina The diary. . . of: Ed. S. W. Rix. Beccles Eng priv. ptd. 1853. Q [2, 2, 7-38] 148 7pls fold. tab a some copies on L.P. BOIES, HENRY L. 991 History of De Kalb county, Illinois. Chi 1868. O [2] 23-530 map 20pls a First comprehensive Illinois county history. BOILLOT, LEON Aux mines d'or du Klondike. [2] 256 map front, a — rptd. P 1909. 992 P 1899. O BOLDUC, JEAN-BAPTISTE Z. 9? Lettre et journal. [Written while on a mission to the Columbia river in 1842]. Quebec [ca 1843]. D 95 b Most of ed. de- stroyed by fire. N WashU Y — Deuxieme lettre et journal. Quebec 1845. D 28 b MontU Y 54 Bollan — Bonanza Kings [BOLLAN, WILLIAM] 994 Coloniae Anglicanae illustratae; or, the acquest of dominion, and the plantation of colonies ... in America, examined. . . . Pt. I [all]. L 1762. Q [lO incl.adv-1.] 142 b AA H N NYP Y [BOLLAN, WILLIAM] 995 Continued corruption, standing armies, and popular discontents considered; and the establishment of the colonies in America. . . examined L 1768. Q 82 pi a [BOLLAN, WILLIAM] 996 The freedom of speech and writing upon public affairs, considered. . . . L 1766. Q [2] 160 a — rptd., in part, as "A succinct view of the origin of our colonies. . . whereby the nature of the empire established in America. . . may be clearly understood. . . ," L 1766. O [2] 46 Bollan was the able English agent of Massachusetts. [BOLLAN, WILLIAM]? 997 The importance and advantage of Cape Breton truly stated. ... L 1746. O [8] 156 2maos a — Ger. tr. Leip 1747. O 174 BOLLER, HENRY A. 998 Among the Indians. Eight years in the far west: 1858-1866. Phil 1868. D 428 map [probably not issued in all copies] b MontH N NYP Y Most authoritative narrative of fur-trading among the plains Indians of the upper Missouri, for the period. BOLLES, ALBERT S. 999 The financial history of the United States, 1774-1885. N Y 1879-83-86. O 3v: [8] 371; [10] 621; [l2] 585 a — enl. & revised ed. JV Y 1891-4. O 3v: [l2] 371; [10] 621; [12] 585 BOLLES, ALBERT S. 1000 Industrial history of the United States. Norwich Conn 1878. O [12] 936 a — rptd. same impr. 1879; 1881 BOLLES, ALBERT S. 1001 Pennsylvania, province and state. .. 1609-1790. Phil 1899. O 2v: [lo] 582; [6] 532. 2ports a BOLTON, HERBERT E. [ed.] 1002 Anza's California expeditions. Berkeley 1930. O 5v: [22] 529; [l6] 473; [22] 436; [14] 552; [20] 426 14maps 106pls 47facs a Monumental work containing translations of the original MS. diaries of Anza, Diaz, Garces, Font and Palou relating to the 1773 and 1774 expeditions and the founding of both Monterey and San Francisco. BOLTON, HERBERT E. 1003 Athanase de Mezieres and the Louisiana- Texas frontier, 1768-80. Clev 1914. O 2v: 351; 392. map 2facs[one incl. in paginat.] a First publication of these manuscripts. BOLTON, HERBERT E., ed. 1004 Font's complete diary: a chronicle of the founding of San Francisco. Berkeley 1931. O [20] 552 20maps, pis & facs a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1933. Font left both a short official account and this elaboration of it. Both were incorpo- rated in Bolton's Anza's California ex- peditions, 1930; the shorter diary was also published, with Spanish and English texts, Berkeley 1913. BOLTON, HERBERT E. [ed.] 1005 Fray Juan Crespi. . . . Berkeley 1927. O [64] 402 6maps 4pls facs a BOLTON, HERBERT E. 1006 The rim of Christendom; a biography of Eusebio Francisco Kino. ...NY 1936. O [14] 644 8maps 12pls 3facs a BOLTON, HERBERT E., ed. 1007 Spanish exploration in the southwest, 1542-1706. N Y 1916. O [l4] 3-487 3maps a Two thirds of these contemporary narra- tives and reports were either never before printed in any language or are their first appearance in English. BOLTON, HERBERT E. 1008 Texas in the middle eighteenth century Berkeley 1915. O [l2] 501 13maps & pis a BOLTON, NATHANIEL 1009 Early history of Indianapolis and central Indiana. . . . Indpl. 1853. O 29 a BOLTON, ROBERT 1010 A history of the county of Westchester [New York] NY 1848. O 2v: [32] 559; [2] 582. 4maps & pis 21pedigree charts a — enl. ed., rev. by C. W. Bolton, t. slightly altered, N Y 1881. O 2v BOMAR, TOM 1011 Glimpses of Grayson county [Tex.]. Sherman 1894. O 28 a BONANZA KINGS 1012 Bonanza kings (The)! ... a plain history of swindles. S F 1878. O 38 pi a 55 BOND, FRED G. 1013 Flatboating on the Yellowstone, 1877. N Y 1925. Q 22 port a BOND, j[OHN] WESLEY 1014 Minnesota and its resources. ...NY 1853. D 364 + 20adv-p map front, illus.t-p a — anr. ed. N Y 1854. — anr. ed., same impr. & date, but paginat. increased to 412 — rptd. same collat. Phil 1857. BONDAGE 1015 Bondage a moral institution, sanctioned by the Scriptures. . . . By a southern farmer. Macon Ga 1837. O 78 front, a BONDI, AUGUST 1016 Autobiography of: 1833-1907. Galesburg 1910. O 178 13pls a Narrative of an Austrian Jew who operated with John Brown in the Kansas border war from 1856 to 1858. BONDUEL, FLl ORSMONDl J. Souvenir d'une mission indienne. Toumai 1855. O 44 map 3pls a 1017 BONDUEL, FL[ORIMOND] J. 1018 Tableau comparatif entre la condition morale des tribus indiennes de l'etat du Wisconsin: ou memoire partiel de l'etat des missions . . . du diocese de Milwaukie. . . . Toumai 1855. O 27 2pls a Bonduel was missionary among the Menominees. BONE, J. H. A. 1019 Petroleum and petroleum wells. . . oil regions of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio. N Y 1865. 16 95 a — ed. 2, enl., Phil 1865. 16° 153 BONNELL, GEORGE W. 1020 Topographical description of Texas. To which is added an account of the Indian tribes. Austin 1940. 16° [8] 7-150 b BA N Y BONNER, T. D. [ed.] 1021 Life and adventures of James P. Beck- wourth. N Y 1856. D 537 [incl. pis] front, a — Eng. ed., Am. sheets with new t-p, L 1856. front, omitted. — Fr. ed. "Le chasseur." P 1860. 18° [lo] 504 Highly colored, but basically authentic, narrative of a noted mountain character. [BONNET, ABBt J. E.] 1022 Reponse aux. . . questions. . . sur les Etats-Unis. . . par un habitant de la Penn- sylvanie. Lausanne 1788. O 2v: 23 [72] 312j 469 a — anr. ed., au. described as "un citoyen des £tats-Unis," Lausanne 1795. O 2v: 312; [2] 469 — rptd., au. named, "Etats-Unis ... a la fin du 18th siecle," P Maradan [l802]. O 2v: [12] 7-24 [62] 313; [4] 470 BONNET, M.-E % 1023 Tableau des Etats-Unis. . . au commence- ment du 19th siecle. P 1816. O [&] 175 map a BONNET, MAJOR STEDE 1024 Bonnet, Major Stede, and other pirates. . . . The trials of : . . . at Charles-Town, in. . . South Carolina L 1719. F [6] 50 b H NYP [BONNEVILLE, ZACHARIE DE 1025 PAZZI DE]? De l'Amerique et des Americains. . . . Berlin 1771. D 80 a — rptd. same impr. 1772. 16° 116 Attributed also to Pierre Poivre and Dom Pernety. BONNEY, EDWARD 1026 The banditti of the prairies. . . . Chi 1850. O [4] 9-195[incl. illus.t. & pis] c MH WisH — anr. ed. Chi 1853. b Y — rptd., "25th thousand" [probably pub's, hyperbole], Chi 1856. same collat. b LC Y — other eds.: 1857; 1858. b — rptd. Phil Peterson n.d. O 224; Chi Homewood Pub. Co. [l890]. D 248 a Sensational account of the tracking down of these confederated criminals — mostly Mormons — who murdered Colonel Davenport at Rock Island and terrorized the upper Mississippi valley, from 1843 to 1848. BONREPOS, le chevalier 1027 [Riquetl de Description du Mississippi. . . . Rouen & P [1720]. 46 b LC NYP — rptd. Rouen 1772. Also found included in Relations de la Louisiane, under Tonty, q.v. BONSAL, STEPHEN Edward Fitzgerald Beale. [l4] 312 19pls a 1028 N Y 1912. O [BONY, MONSIEUR] 1029 Vie de Mgr. Jean-Marie Odin, archeveque de la Nouvelle Orleans. P 1896. O 227 a Before his transference to the See of New Orleans in 1861, Odin had been, since 1847, bishop of Texas. BOOCOCK, JOHN The town of Huron. 1837. O 34 map a 1030 Michigan. ...NY Boogher — Bossu BOOGHER, WILLIAM F. 1031 Gleanings of Virginia history. . . . Wash 1903. O 443 a BOOK Book (A) of commandments, for the government of the Church of Christ. See Smith, Jos. BOOK Book (Ye) of copperheads. See Leland, Chas. G. BOOK Book (The) of nullification. By a spec- tator of the past. See Memminger, C. G. BOOK Book of the prophet Stephen. . . . See White, Richard G. BOON, COLONEL DANIEL The adventures of:. . . . 1786. See Trum- bull, Henry. BOONE, DANIEL, the Kentucky rifleman The adventures of: See Hawks, Francis L. [BOOTH, G. W.] 1032 Personal reminiscences of a Maryland soldier Bait 1898. O 177 a BOOTH, JOHN WILKES 1033 The life, crime, and capture of:. ...NY Dick & Fitzgerald [l865]. O 64 a BOOTH, JOHN WILKES 1034 Private confession of the murder of President Lincoln, and his terrible oath of vengeance; furnished by an escaped con- federate, [cover t.J [L 1865]. O 16 a — Fr. tr., with adds., P 1865. D 266 [6] a BOOTH, MARY L. 1035 History of the city of New York. N Y 1859. O 846 a — rptd. N Y 1860. O 850; N Y 1866. — anr. ed., with adds., N Y 1867. O 2v: 892 front, also lOOcopies on L.P. BOOTY, JAMES H. 1036 Three months in Canada and the United States. L 1862. O [4] 94 a only a few copies ptd. BORCKE, HEROS VON 1037 Memoirs of the Confederate war. . . . Edin 1866. O 2v: [10] 323; [8] 318. map a — rptd. Phil 1867. D 438 map — anr. ed. N Y 1938. O 2v map — Ger. ed. "Zwei Jahr im Sattel. . .," Berlin 1886. O map 2ports BORDEN, W. W. 1038 The past and present of Leadville. . . . New Alb [1879]. D 50 a BORDER STATES Border states (The). . . . See Kennedy, John P. BORDMAN, PAUL Facts for Klondikers. 36 a L A 1897. D BORRETT, GEORGE T. 1040 Letters from Canada and the United States L 1865. D [4] 294 a — rptd. "Out west; . . . letters from Canada and the United States," L 1866. same collat. BORTHWICK, J. D. 1041 Three years in California. Edin 1857. O [8] 384 8col. pis a — rptd. Oakland 1948. O 8pls Faithful picture of mining experiences made graphic by fine plates. BOSQUI, EDWARD 1042 Memoirs, [s F 1904]. O 281 c B G — rptd. Oakland Grabhorn 1952. O a 350 copies ptd. Of these reminiscences of a pioneer printer, who came to California in 1850, not over thirty copies of the original were issued. [BOSS, HENRY R.] 1043 Sketches of the history of Ogle County, 111., and the early settlement of the north- west. Polo 111 1859. 16° [2] 88 a BOSSHARD, HEINRICH 1044 Anschauungen und Erfahrungen in Nord- amerika. Zurich 1853-5, D 3v in l[paged continuously] 1151 a BOSSU, M. 1045 Nouveaux voyages aux Indes Occiden- tals P 1768. D 2v: [20] 244; [4] 264 [incl.9adv-p]. 4pls a — ed. 2, same place, date & collat. — anr. ed. Amst. 1769. D 2v: [20] 187; 193 [6]. 4pls — anr. ed. Amst [but ptd in p] 1777. D 2pts in 1 same collat. — ed. 3, enl., P 1789. D 2v 4pls — Dutch tr. Amst 1769. O 2v 4pls — Eng. ed. "Travels through. . . Louisiana . . . ," L 1771. O 2v: [8] 407; [4] 432 a — Am. ed., abr., "Arkansas," Ft Smith 1850. — Ger. trs.: Frankf 1771-4. O 2v; Helmstadt 1776. O 2v in 1 — Rus. tr. Moscow 1783. D 2v 57 This officer s first and second tours of service among the Indians from Alabama to Illinois. For comments, too critical of the ministry, Bossu was imprisoned and his book banned for awhile in France; this probably accounts for the scarcity of the first edition, of which Sabin found no record. BOSSU, to. 1046 Nouveaux voyages dans l'Amerique Sep- tentrionale. . . . Amst [but ptd in p] 1777. O [16] 392 4pls a — rptd. 1778, same sheets with new t. Of this account of Bossu's third tour through Louisiana there is no English translation. BOSTON An appeal to the world; or, a vindication of the town of: See Adams, Saml. BOSTON. . . . A fair account of the late unhappy dis- turbance at: See Maseres, Francis. BOSTON A letter to a friend, giving a concise. . . representation of the hardships. . . the town of: is exposed to. . . . See Chauncy, Charles BOSTON SPY (THE) 1047 Life in town, or:. ... By an Athenian. B 1844. O 56 a BOSTON Boston to the Connecticut river. Remarks on the practicability. . . of establishing a railroad. . . from: See Hale, Nathan. BOSTON 1048 Report of a committee of the inhabitants of: on the rights of the colonists. . .. B 1772. O 36 a BOSTON 1049 Report of a French Protestant refugee, in: Bklyn 1868. srn Q 42 a BOSTON 1050 Selections from the chronicle of:. ... IB 1822]. O 132 a Written in Biblical style. BOSTON 1051 A short narrative of the horrid massacre in: . . . the fifth day of March, 1770. B 1770. O 38 [80, 79-8l] b N — anr. issue, incl. "Additional observa- tions. ..." B 1770. O 48 [83] b AA Y — anr. issue, with adds., same impr. & date. O 48 [88] b AA —rptd. Phil 1770. O a; N Y 1849. O 122 pi plan; Alb 1870. — Eng. eds.: L Dilly 1770. O 166 pi; L Bingley 1770. O 38 [83] pi Probably written by James Bowdoin, chairman of the committee preparing the account. BOSTON Sketches of: See Homans, Isaac Smith. BOSTON A trip to: in a series of letters. . . . See Wines, Enoch C. BOSTON 1052 The votes and proceedings of the. . . in- habitants of: [Oct. 28, Nov. 2 & 20, 1772]. B [1772], O [4] 43 a — Eng. ed. with pref. by Franklin, L 1773. O [12J43 BOTH SIDES 1053 Both sides of the question: or, a candid and impartial enquiry into a certain doubtful character. . . remarkably acquited [sic\ by a C. . . t M. . . 1. L Mechell [l749]. O 28 a — ed. 2, with t-p slightly altered, same collat., L Mumfort [l749j. Severe critique of Oglethorpe's conduct of Georgia affairs and of his St. Augustine expedition. BOTSCHAFT 1054 Botschaft uber den Vertrag zwischsen den Vereinigten Staaten. [Bern? 1851?]. O 43 a BOTTA, CARLO 1055 Storia della guerra dell' independenza degli Stati Uniti Parigi 1809. O 4v: [22] 363; [4] 543; [4] 553; [4] 477 a — rptd. 20 times before 1860 — Fr. tr., & best ed., P 1812-13. O 4v: [6 96] 409; [4] 593; [4] 603; [4] 550. port 12maps — Eng. tr. Phil 1820. O 3v: 448; [6] 567; [12] 503 — Am. ed. 2, rev., B 1826. O 2v: [8] 6-414; 455; many reprints — Eng. ed. Glas 1844. O 584 Most valuable history of the Revolution up to its date. BOTTEN-HANSEN, PAUL 1056 Mormonismens Historie. . . . Christiania 1853. O [6] 52 a BOTTUM, ROSWELL 1057 History of . . . Orwell [vt.]. Rutland 1881. O 50 a BOUCARD, ADOLPHE 1058 Travels of a naturalist. A record of ad- ventures. . . in North America, California, Mexico L 1894. O [lO] 204 port a 58 Bouchacourt — Bowditch Went to California in 1851 and remained a year. BOUCHACOURT, CH[ARLES] 1059 Notice industrielle sur la Californie. . . . P 1849. O 72 a Largely translation of official documents on the gold discovery. [BOUCHER, JONATHAN] 1060 A letter from a Virginian to the members of Congress to be held at Philadelphia. . . . [N Y? Phil?] 1774. D [2] 29 a — rptd. B 1774. O 24; B 1774. O 50; B 1774. O 31 — Eng. ed. L 1774. O [6] 60 Appeasement plea. BOUCHER, JONATHAN 1061 Reminiscences of an American loyalist, 1738-1789. B 1925. O [12] 201 port a 575 copies ptd. First publication from the manuscript. BOUCHER, JONATHAN 1062 A view of the causes and consequences of the American revolution. L 1797. O [8] 94 [2] 596 a BOUDINOT, ELIAS, 1740-1821 1063 Journal; or historical recollections. Phil 1894. Q [8] 97, facs a 350copies ptd. [25 on L.P.] BOUDINOT, ELIAS, 1740-1821 1064 A star in the west. . . attempt to discover the long lost ten tribes of Israel. . . . Trenton N J 1816. O [4] 312 a BOUDINOT, ELIAS, d. 1839 1065 Letters relating to Cherokee affairs. Athens Ga 1837. D 66 a [BOUDINOT, ELIAS C.] 1066 The manners, customs. .. of the civilized Indians of the Indian Territory. n.p. [l872?]. O 431. capt.tonly a BOUDINOT, ELIAS C. 1067 Speech in behalf of a territorial govern- ment for the Indian territory [replying to William P. Ross's speech against such action]. Wash 1872. O 30 a BOUDINOT, ELIAS C. 1068 A territorial government for the civilized Indians of the Indian territory. n.p. [l873j. O 26 a This lecture includes much Cherokee history and folk-lore. BOUGHTON, JOSEPH S. 1 The Lawrence massacre by . . . Missouri ruffians under Quantrell. . . .Lawrence [1884?]. D 36 [cover t.] a 069 BOUIS, AMEDeE T. 1070 Le whip-poor-will, ou les pionniers de l'Oregon. P 1847. D 427 a Fiction. BOURGEOIS, [AUGUSTE A.] tr. Voyage aux Etats-Unis. . . . See Davidson, G. M., The fashionable tour. [BOURGEOIS, NICOLAS l_] 1071 Voyages interessans dans differentes colonies francaises, espagnoles, anglaises L 1788. O [9] 507 a — Ger. tr. Leip 1789. O Contains information on Massachusetts, New York, Louisiana, New Mexico, Porto Rico, etc.; the author lived 30 years in America. BOURKE, JOHN G. 1072 An Apache campaign in the Sierra Madre NY 1886. D [6] 112 front, a BOURKE, JOHN G. 1073 Mackenzie's last fight with the Cheyennes Governor's Island NY 1890. O 44 a BOURKE, JOHN G. 1074 On the border with Crook. N Y 1891. O [16] 491 7pls a — ed. 2, 1892. same collat. — rptd. Columbus O 1951. O BOURKE, JOHN G. 1075 The snake-dance of the Moquis ... a journey from Santa Fe L 1884. O [l8 incl. front.] 371 31 pis a Printed in Edinburgh; some copies have N. Y. imprint. [BOURNE, GEORGE] 1076 Picture of slavery in the United States Middletown 1834. 18° 228 a — rptd., same collat. B 1838. — Eng. ed. Glas 1835. D [6] 188 BOURNICHON, JOSEPH 1077 Sitting-Bull, le heros du desert: scenes de la guerre indie nne. . . . Tours 1879. O 308 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1885. O 324 Account not only of the Sioux war, but also of the Black Hills. BOUYER, A. C. [pseud.] Les tribulations d'un chercheur d'or. See Courcier, Adrien. BOWDITCH, NATHANIEL 1078 The new American practical navigator. . . . Newburyport E. M. Blunt 1802. O 590 [6] [incl.tabs & diagrams] 7pls & maps[one fold.] b N — ed. 2, same impr. 1807. O 312 276 613- 59 Bowdoin — Boyce 679[incl.tabs & diagrams] 12pls & charts a — rptd. ten times by 1838. First accurate navigator's guide. The publisher. Blunt, had issued, in 1799, a New American navigator, modelled on an English treatise of 1772, J. H. Moore's The new practical navigator. Bowditch planned revision only, but finding so many errors was compelled to produce an entirely new work. Earliest issue of the first edition has page ninety-six incorrectly numbered ninety- five. [BOWDOIN, JAMES] 1079 Opinions respecting the commercial inter- course between the United States. .. and. . . Great Britain B 1797. O 62 a [BOWEN, ABEL] 1080 The naval monument. . .battles fought be- tween the navies of the United States and Great Britain during the late war. . . . B 1816. O [18] 316 [2] errata slip 25pls a — rptd. B 1830. — rev. ed., with adds., B 1836. — other eds.: N Y [l837]; N Y 1838; B 1840. BOWEN, DANIEL 1081 A history of Philadelphia. . . . Phil 1839. O [4] 200 + 15adv-p a BOWEN, ELE [i.e., Eli] ed. 1082 The coal regions of Pennsylvania. . . . Pottsville 1848. O [4] 72 32, maps front, a BOWEN, ELE [i.e., Eli] 1083 Rambles in the path of the steam horse. . . historical and descriptive view ... of the travelled route from Baltimore to Harper's Ferry . . . Cincinnati and Louisville, Phil 1855. O [8 incl.front.] 432[incl.pls] a BOWEN, ELIZA A. 1084 Story of Wilkes County [Ga.]. [Washington Ga ca 1897]. O 108 108-127 [ending abruptly there, though some copies extend through pl34, also ending abruptly] b Emory GaU — rptd. Marietta 1950. O 192 a First edition of this unfinished history appeared originally in a local paper and a few copies only were issued in separate form, sewed and with no title-page. BOWEN, J. B. comp. 1085 The Wheeling directory. . . . Wheeling 1839. O [36] 19-90 [2] a BOWIE COUNTY [TEXAS] 1086 Bowie county [Texas]: a discriptive [sic] . . . history by an emigrant. n.p. rud. [ca 1850], O ca 64 b no copy known of this first Texas county history. BOWLAND, JAMES M. 1087 Pioneer recollections ... in Sandusky county. Fremont O 1903. D [2] 31 pis a BOWLBY, RICHARD 1088 Kansas, the seat of war in America. L 1856. O 36 a BOWLES, SAMUEL 1089 Across the continent. . . . Springfield Mass 1865. D [20] 437 + 6adv-p at end & adv-1. at front map a — rptd., with adds., same impr. 1866. D [20] 452 + blank 1. + same adv-p as ed. 1 map BOWLES, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS Authentic memoirs of: L 1791. See Bayn- ton, Maj. BOWLES, GEN. W[lLLIAM] 1090 A[UGUSTUS] The life of: NY 1803. O 31 b AA GaU NYP Reprinted from the London annual, Public characters for 1802; entirely different bi- ography from that of Maj. Baynton [q. v.]. [BOWNAS, SAMUEL] An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson. See Hanson, Elizabeth. BOWNAS, SAMUEL 1091 An account of the life, travels. . . of: [Ed. J. Besse]. L 1756. O 216 a — other Eng. eds.: L 1761. same collat.; L 1795. D 204 — Am. eds.: Phil 1759. O [2] 242; Stamford 1805. D 306 BOWRON, WATSON [comp.] 1092 The first annual directory of . . . Burling- ton [la.], for 1859. . . also a succinct history of the city [etc.]. Burlington 1859. D 108 b The first business directory of this city appeared in 1856; of each only one copy is located. BOWRON, WATSON, comp. 1093 Henry county [iowa] directory for 1859-60. Containing a history. . . . Burlington [l859]. D 132 a BOX, CAPT. MICHAEL J. 1094 Adventures and explorations in new and old Mexico NY 1861. D 344 a — rptd., same sheets with new t-p, same impr. 1869. [BOYCE, JAMES R.J 1095 Facts about Montana Territory and the way to get there. [Helena 1872]. O 24 a 60 Boyd — Brackett nd prison. See BOYD (BELLE) Boyd (Belle) in camp Hardinge, Belle B. [BOYD, JOHN P.] 1096 Documents and facts relating to military events, during the late war [of 1812]. n.p. n.d. [1815]. O 24 capt.t.only a Defence of the author's conduct in com- manding his brigade under Wilkinson at the disastrous battle of Chrysler's Farm, 1813. BOYD, MRS. ORSEMUS 1097 Cavalry life in tent and field. ...1VI' 1894. D 376 port a BOYER, LIEUT. 1098 A journal of Wayne's campaign. . .. Cin 1866. Q 23 a Published as appendix to Jacob's Life of Cresap, but also issued separately. BOYLE, CAPTAIN ROBERT The voyages and adventures of:. . . . See Chetwood, Wm. R. BOYNTON, C[HARLES] B., and 1099 MASON, T. B. A journey through Kansas; with sketches of Nebraska. Cin. 1855. D [10] 216 map a — eds. 2 & 3, same impr., date 86 collat. BOYNTON, EDWARD C. 1100 History of West Point NY 1863. O [20] 9—408 35maps& pis a Also lOOcopies on L.P. — ed. 2, N Y 1871. — Eng. ed. L 1864; L 1866. BOYNTON, WASHINGTON] W. 1101 The early history of Lorain county [Ohio], Elyria 1876. O 35 a BOZMAN, JOHN L. 1102 A sketch of the history of Maryland, during the first three years after its settle- ment. . . .Bait 1811. O 388 port a — best ed. "The history of Maryland. . . 1633-1660," Bait 1837. O 2v: [l2] 9-314; 728 a BRACKENRIDGE, H[ENRY] M. 1106 History of the late war between the United States and Great-Britain. . . . Hart 1816. D 363 6pls a — ed. 2, Bait 1817. same collat. — ed. 3, rev., Bait 1817. D 360 6pls — rptd. many times — Fr. tr. P 1820. O 2v: [4] 310; [4] 317. map — rptd. P 1822. — Ital. tr. Milan 1821. O BRACKENRIDGE, HENRY M. 1107 History of the western insurrection in western Pennsylvania... 1794. Pitt 1859. O 336 a Defends his father for defending the frontier "Whiskey Rebellion." BRACKENRIDGE, HENRY M. 1108 Mexican letters written during the progress of the late war No. l[all]. Wash 1850. O 85 a BRACKENRIDGE, HENRY M. 1109 Recollections of persons and places in the west. Phil [l834]. D 244 a — ed. 2, enL Phil 1868. D [8] 331 BRACKENRIDGE, H[ENRY] M. 1110 Views of Louisiana. . . [including journal of his voyage up the Missouri with Manuel Lisa, 18111 Pitt 1814. O 304 a — anr. ed. containing only the Missouri river journal, Bait 1815. D [81.247 — Ed. 2, rev. & enl. 1816. D [8] 247 — anr. ed. containing only "Views of Louisiana," Bait 1817. D 323 — Ger. ed. [complete], Weimar 1818. O BRACKENRIDGE, H[UGH] H. 1111 Gazette publications. Carlisle Pa 1806. D 348 a BRACKENBRIDGE, HUGH H. 1112 Incidents of the insurrection in the western parts of Pennsylvania. . . 1794. Phil 1795. O 3pts in 1: [2] 5-124; 5-84; 5-154 a Erratic pagination resulted from printers having planned for 3 volumes. BRABRANT, A. J. 1103 Vancouver island and its missions, 1874- 1900. n.p. [ca 1900]. O 89 a small ed. BRACHT, VIKTOR Texas im Jahre 1848, O [14] 322 map a — Eng. tr. San Antonio 1931. O 223 1104 .Elbertield 1849. BRACKENRIDGE, H[ENRY] M. 1105 Early discoveries by Spaniards in New Mexico. . . . Pitt 1857. O 48 b N NYP Y BRACKETT, ALBERT G. 1113 General Lane's brigade in central Mexico. Cin 1854. D 336 pi port a Operations of this command — including Hay's Texas Rangers — in the Puebla region. BRACKETT, ALBERT G. History of the United States Cavalry. . N Y 1865. D 337 [incl. front. & 6maps & pis] + 2adv-p a 61 Brackett — Brady [BRACKETT, GEORGE A.] 1115 A winter evening's tale. N Y 1880. O 31 9pls b N Experiences in the 1862 Sioux war. BRADBURY, CHARLES 1116 History of Kennebunk Port [Me.]. . . . Kennebunk 1837. D 301 pi a 500copies ptd. BRADBURY, JOHN 1117 Travels in the interior of America. . . [in- cluding a trip up the Missouri with Hunt's Astorian party and return with Bracken- ridge]. Liv 1817. O [l2] 9-364 errata slip a — ed. 2, L 1819. O [l4] 17-346 map a — Am. ed., ed. Thwaites, Clev 1904. O BRADDOCK, MAJOR-GENERAL 1118 The expedition of: to Virginia. . . . L 1755. O [2] 29 b Hn JCB BRADFORD, ALDEN 1119 History of Massachusetts, for two hundred years, 1620-1820. B 1835. O 480 map a BRADFORD, ALDEN 1120 History of Massachusetts, 1764-1820 B 1822-5-9. O 3v: 414; 376; 327 a [BRADFORD, ALDEN] 1121 A particular account of the battle of Bunker or Breed's hill. B 1825. O 26 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1825. O 27 BRADFORD, ALEXANDER W. 1122 American antiquities. ...NY 1841. O 435 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1843. BRADFORD, JOHN Notes on Kentucky. See Stipp, G. W., The western miscellany. BRADFORD, SAMUEL F. 1123 Imposter detected, or a review of some of the writings of Peter Porcupine, by Timothy Tickletoby. . . . Phil 1796. O 2pts in 1: 51; 23 a — rptd. B 1898. Q [78] 555 pis facs; rptd. same collat. 1899. —best ed. B 1912. O 2v: [l6] 452; [l4] 462. 62maps & pls[some fold.l — anr. ed., ed. S. E. Morison, N Y 1952. O [44] 448 [ 16] 4maps a — Eng. ed. in facs. of MS, L 1896. F [22] 535 facs a One of the best narratives of colonization ever penned. BRADFORD, WILLIAM J. A. 1127 Notes on the northwest, or valley of the upper Mississippi. ...NY 1846. D [8] 302 a BRADLEY, GLENN D. 1128 The story of the Santa Fe. B [l920], O 288 16pls a A sixteen-page supplement of notes, issued separately by the author, is inserted in some copies. BRADLEY, JAMES 1129 The Confederate mail carrier. . . . Mexico Mo 1894. D 275 15pls a BRADLEY, JOSHUA 1130 Accounts of religious revivals in many parts of the United States, 1815-1818. Alb 1819. 24° 300 a BRADLEY, STEPHEN R. 1131 Vermont's appeal to the candid and im- partial world Hart [l780]. O 51 b AA Hn Y BRADLEY, THOMAS H. 1132 O'Toole's mallet; or, the resurrection of the second national city of the United States . . . . n. p. n. d. O 65 a — ed. 2, same collat., Seattle 1894. Account of the founding of Port Angeles on Puget Sound, called by residents "the second national city," being located on a federal reserve; lots were sold in 1894 under the hammer by O'Toole, Register of the United States Land Office. BRADFORD, T[HOMAS] G. 1124 An illustrated atlas ... of the United States B [l838]. Q [6] 170 40maps a — rptd., same impr. 86 collat., 1839; 1842. BRADFORD, MAJOR WARD Biographical sketches of the life of: rup. [1893]. 16° 95 port a Life in Nevada gold fields, Indian troubles, etc. [BRADSTREET, LIEUT. COL. JOHN] 1133 An impartial account of . . . Bradstreet's expedition to Fort Frontenac. . . . By a volunteer L 1759. O [4] 60 b H LC N NYP — rptd. Tor 1940. O 32 map front, a One of the best contemporary accounts of the war, possibly written by Bradstreet himself. BRADFORD, WILLIAM History of Plymouth Plantation. Ed. Charles Deane. B 1856. O [20] 476 a 1126 BRADY, CYRUS T. Indian fights and fighters. D [24] 423 27pls a 62 Brady BRADY, CYRUS T. 1135 Northwestern fights and fighters. N Y 1907. O [26] 373 23pls a BRADY, CAPTAIN SAMUEL 1136 Sketches of the life and Indian adventures of: Lancaster 1891. O 24 a ISOcopies ptd. BRADY, WILLIAM 1137 Glimpses of Texas. Houston 1871. D 104 [2] map a Worth-while immigration booklet. BRADY, WILLIAM [N.] 1138 The naval apprentice's kedge anchor. . . . N Y 1841. O 328 front. 8fold.pls a — rptd. "The kedge-anchor, or young sailor's assistant," same impr. 1847. O 9pls; 1848; and later. BRAHM, WILLIAM G. DE See De Brahm, John G. W. vival of the slave trade. . . . Phil 1805. D 133 a BRANCH, [EDWARD] DOUGLAS 1145 The cowboy and his interpreters. N Y 1926. O [12] 278 front, a BRANNAN, JOHN, comp. 1146 Official letters of . . . officers of the United States during the war with Great Britain. . . 1812-15. Wash 1823. O 510 a BRANSTETTER, PETER L. 1147 Life and travels. . . . St Joseph Mo [l913]. D 203 port a Crossed the plains to California in 1850. BRATT, JOHN 1148 Trails of yesterday, Lincoln Neblptd. Chi] 1921. O [12] 302 22pls a A cow-puncher's experiences in the Platte valley. BRAIN, J. C. 1139 The new descriptive route book and traveller's guide to the great west. . . towns, stations, country. . . on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago R. R Chi 1859. D 104 a BRAINERD, C. N. 1140 My diary. . . a peep at the west. N Y 1868. 45 a BRAINERD, DAVID 1141 Mirabilia Dei inter Indicos, or the . . . work of grace amongst. . . Indians in the provinces of New-Jersey and Pennsylvania. . . . Phil [1746]. O [lOj 253 a some copies on better paper b AA NYP — Eng. ed. "An abridgement of . . . Brain- erd's journal among the Indians," L 1748. D [6] 3-110 [4] a —rptd. Phil 1748; Wore 1793. — many later eds., Eng. & Am., generally accompanying Jonathan Edwards' biog. of Brainerd. — Dutch tr. Utrecht 1756. O BRAKE, HEZEKIAH 1142 On two continents. . . . Topeka 1896. O 240 2ports a Experiences in Minnesota, New Mexico and Kansas in the '50's and '60s. BRAMAN, D. E. E. 1143 Information about Texas. Phil 1857 D 192 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1858 BRANAGAN, THOMAS 1144 Serious remonstrances ... to the citizens of the northern states ... on the recent re- BRAUN, JOHANNES 1149 Circular Schreiben an die Einwohner von Rockingham und Augusta, und den benach- barten Counties. Harrisonburg Va 1818. D [l0] 4-409 [2] a Largely concerned with slavery in Virginia. BRAUNS, ERNST [L.] 1150 Ideen uber die Auswanderung nach Amerika Gottingen 1827. O [32] 880 pi a BRAUNS, ERNST [L.] 1151 Neudeutschland in Westamerika. . . . Lemgo 1847. O [l4] 90 a BRAUNS, E[RNST L.] _ 1152 Praktische Belehrungen und Rathsclage fur Reisende und Auswanderer nach Amerika. Braunschweig 1829. O [4] 492 [3] a BRAUNS, E[RNST L.] 1153 Skizzen von Amerika. . . . Halberstadt 1830. D [8] 408 a [BRAUW, J. DE]? 1154 Herinneringen eener Reize naar Nieuw York. . . in den Jaren 1831 en 1832. Leyden 1833. O 220 a Also attributed to C. R. T. Krayenhoff. BRAWLEY, BENJAMIN G. 1155 A social history of the American Negro NY 1912. O [16] 420 a —rptd. N Y 1921. O [BRAXTON, CARTER] 1156 Address to the convention of . . . Virginia, on the subject of government. . . . Phil 1776. D 25 a 63 Braxton — Brewerton BRAXTON, CARTER M. 1157 Map of the battle field of Fredericksburg, explained by extracts from official reports .... Lynchburg 1866. O 44 fold. map a BRAY, MRS. ELIZABETH, ed. 1158 Judge G. C. R. Mitchell. Memoirs and memorials. . . .Davenport 1915. O 96 lOpls a Early Iowa, etc. BRAYTON, MATTHEW 1159 The Indian captive. A narrative of the ad- ventures ... of: C/ev 1860. 16° 68 c AA N Y — rptd. Fostoria O 1896. 16° 70 a After being stolen as a lad in northwestern Ohio, successively traded to various western tribes, and finally adopted by the Snakes, he wandered with them as far as California and Oregon. Basically authentic, though con- fused in its details and geography, it is one of the most remarkable and — in spite of its relatively late publication date — one of the rarest items belonging to captivity literature. Mr. E. J. Wessen concludes, from evidence uncovered, that this narrative was actually written by John H. A. Bone. BRAYTON, PATIENCE 1160 A short account of the life. . . of:. ...NY 1801. 16° 135 a — rptd., same date, New Bedford; N Y 1802. Contains her trip from New Jersey to Savannah, in 1771. BRAZELTON, B. G. 1161 History of Hardin county, Tennessee. Nashv 1885. D 135[incl.front.] a BREAKENRIDGE, WILLIAM 1162 Helldorado: bringing the law to the mes- quite. B 1928. O [20] 256 21pls a BREARLY, W. H. 1163 Recollections of the east Tennessee cam- paign. . . . Det 1871. O 43 a BREAZEALE, J. W. M. 1164 Life as it is . . . sketches of the explo- ration and first settlement of . . . Tennessee [etc.] Knoxv 1842. D 256 a BRECK, SAMUEL 1165 Sketch of the internal improvements. . . made by Pennsylvania; with observations upon. . . their extension. Phil 1818. O 48 [l] a — ed. 2, rev., same impr. & date. O 82 map Emphasizes Philadelphia's strategic position for trade with the rising West. BREESE, SIDNEY 1166 The early history of Illinois. . . . Chi 1884. O [l4] 422 port 3 maps a BREESE, SIDNEY 1167 Report, relative. . . a national railroad from the Mississippi to the Columbia river. [Wash 1846]. O 51 2fold.maps a [BRENTON, E. B.] 1168 Some account of the public life of the late Lieutenant-General Sir George Prevost. . . . L 1823. O [4] 197 100 [2] a Defends his campaigns on the Great Lakes. BRENTS, J. A. 1169 The patriots and guerillas of Tennessee and Kentucky NY 1863. D 171 2pls a BREVARD, CAROLINE M. 1170 A history of Florida. . . . Deland Fla 1924. O 2v: [22] 293; [8 incl. initial blank 1.] 309. 2maps 2ports a BREVARD COUNTY [FLA.] 1171 Brevard county LFla.J; a brief description. [Titusville] 1888. D 40 a — ed. 2, same impr., 1889. D 71 2maps BREVOORT, ELIAS 1172 New Mexico. Her natural resources [etc.] Santa Fe 1874. O 176 a BREVOORT, JAMES C. Verrazano the navigator. . 161 2maps a 250copies ptd. 1173 N Y 1874. O BREWER, CHARLES 1174 Reminiscences [of Alaska, etc.]. n.p. [1884]. O 67 a BREWER, LUCY The adventures of: See West, Brewer. 3. Lucy BREWER, MISS LUCY The female marine, or adventures of: See West, Mrs. Lucy Brewer. BREWER, WILLIAM H. 1175 Up and down California in 1860-1864. N Hav 1930. O [30] 601 map 32pls a No better record exists of California at this period. BREWER, WILLIS 1176 Alabama: her history. . . 1540-1872. Montg 1872. O 712 a Best general history of this state; ad- mirable supplement to Pickett. BREWERTON, G[E0RGE] D. 1177 The war in Kansas NY 1856. D 400 + 8adv-p 8pls a — rptd., without pis, "Wars of the western border. . . ," N Y 1860. D 400 64 Brewster — Briggs BREWSTER, CHARLES W. 1178 Rambles about Portsmouth [n. H.J. . . . Ser. 1 & 2. Portsmouth 1859-69. O 2v: 376; 375 a — ed. 2, both ser., same impr. 1869-73. O 2v BREWSTER, JARVIS 1179 An exposition of the treatment of slaves in the southern states. . . . New Brunswick 1815. O 34 a [BREWSTER, WILLIAM] 1180 A sketch of the town of Bloomington. . . Minnesota. St P 1857. D 24 map a BREWSTER & WRAY [pubs.] 1181 Directory of Guthrie. . . . Guthrie 1889. D 70 [inch adv-pp] b NYP This directory was issued when the town was only three months old. BRICE, JAMES 1182 Reminiscences of ten years experience on the western plains K C [l905]. O 24 cover t.only a BRICE, JAMES R. 1183 History of the revolutionary war. . . ac- count of the captivity. . . of Captain Dietz, and John and Robert Brice. . . taken prison- ers... by the British, Indians and Tories .... Vol. I [all]. Alb 1851. O 48 a Curious, but inconsequential. BRICE, WALLACE A. History of Fort Wayne. O [16] 324 33 7pls a 1184 Ft Wayne 1868. BRICKELL, JOHN 1185 The natural history of North Carolina. . . . Dub 1737. O [6, 3-16J 408 map 4pls a — ed. 2, Dub 1743. same collat. — rptd. [Raleigh 1910]. O [4] 418 map 4pls Shameless piracy from John Lawson's History of Carolina, q.v., with travel portion omitted and slight additions. BRIDEL, LOUIS 1186 Le pour et le contre, ou avis a ceux qui se proposent de passer dans les Etats-Unis . . . . P 1803. D [4] 162 [2] map a — Eng. tr. Buff 1914. D 56 map 25 copies ptd separately from Buffalo Hist. Soc. Pub. 18 — Ger. tr. Basel 1804. O 88 map This Swiss pastor who lived in America 20 years describes particularly western New York and Kentucky. [BRIDGE, ISAAC] 1187 Providential aspect and salutary tend- encies of the existing crisis. N O 168l[i.e. 186l]. O 36 a BRIDWELL, J. W., comp. 1188 The life and adventures of Robert Mc- Kimie, alias "Little Reddy," from Texas . . . desperado of the Black Hills region. . . . Hillsboro O 1878. O 56 b Y BRIEF ENQUIRY Brief enquiry (A) into the true nature. . . of our federal government. ... By a Virginian. See Upshur, Abel P. BRIEF EXAMINATION 1189 Brief examination (A) of the plan and con- duct of the northern expedition in America . . . and of the surrender of . . . Burgoyne. L 1779. O 52 a Severe attack. For others see under Burgoyne. BRIEF EXTRACT 1190 Brief extract (A). . . of important argu- ments ... in support of the supremacy of the British legislature and their right to tax the Americans. By a livery-man. L 1775. O [2] BRIEF POPULAR ACCOUNT 1191 Brief popular account (A) of all the finan- cial panics. . . in the United States. By members of the New York press. N Y 1857. D 59 a BRIEF REMARKS Brief remarks on the defence of the Hali- fax libel. . . . See Otis, James. BRIEF REVIEW 1192 Brief review (A) of the rise, progress, services and sufferings, of New England. . . . L 1774. O 32 a — rptd., same collat. Norwich 1774. BRIEFE Briefe aus Amerika fur deutsche Aus- wanderer. . . . See Kohler, Carl. BRIEFE 1193 Briefe aus Amerika von einem Basler Landmann. . . . Aarau 1806. D 127 a BRIEFE Briefe aus den Vereinigten Staaten. . . . See Jorg, Eduard. BRIEFE Briefe den gegenwartigen Zustand von Nord America. See Sprengel, Matthias C. BRIEVEN Brieven uit en over de Vereenigde Staten . . . Door Jonathan. See Swalue, E. B. [BRIGGS, CHARLES W.] 1194 The reign of terror in Kansas: as en- couraged by President Pierce, and carried 65 Briggs — Bristol out by the southern slave power. . . . B 1856. O 34 b BA Y [only copies located] [BRIGGS, JASON W. »t al] 1195 A word of consolation to the scattered saints, [janesville Wis 1853]. O 24 capt.t. only a BRIGGS, L[LOYD] VERNON 1196 California and the west. . . . [b] 1931. O 214 a BRIGGS, L[LOYD] VERNON 1197 History of shipbuilding on North river, Plymouth county, Massachusetts. . . . B 1889. Of 16] 421 51pls a BRIGHAM, ALASCO D. [comp.] 1198 Aurora [ill.] city directory, for 1858-1859. Aurora 1858. O 118 [3] + 6adv-p[4 front, 2 rear] a Includes historical sketch. BRIGHAM, ALASCO D. [comp.] 1199 Janesville city directory, history. . . for 1859-60. Janesville 1859. D 128 a First Janesville directory. BRING AS, DIEGO M. 1200 Sermon que en las. . . honras celebrados en obsequio de los VV. PP. predicadores apostolicos Fr. Francisco ... Garces, et al Madrid 1819. Q 94 b JCB NYP TxU Y Gives accounts of many Franciscan missionaries in Texas, Arizona, etc. BRINTON, DANIEL G. 1201 A guide-book of Florida and the south. . . . Jacksonville 1869. D 136 fold, map a BRINTON, DANIEL G. 1202 Notes on the Floridian peninsula. . . . Phil 1859. D [8] 13-202 a Contains the first attempt at a Florida bibliography; only 100 copies said to have been printed. BRISBIN, GENERAL JAMES S. 1203 The beef bonanza Phil 1881. D 222 8pls a BRISBIN, GEN. JAMES S., ed. 1204 Belden the white chief; or twelve years among the wild Indians. . . . Cin 1870. O bound in blue clo., gilt Indian on front cover. 513[incl.pls] front, a — anr. ed., same impr. , date & collat., bound in brown clo., Indian on front cover blind-stamped — rptd., "million ed.," same date, impr. &• collat. D — best ed., with adds., "Stories of the plains," St L 1881. D 541 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE, JACQUES. PIERRE The commerce of America with Europe. See Claviere, Etienne. BRISSOT DE WARVILLE, JACQUES- 1205 PIERRE Examen critique des voyages dans l'Amerique de . . . Chastellux. . . . L 1786. O 143 a — Eng. tr., with adds, by au., Phil 1788. O [2] 89 a — anr. ed. L 1778. O BRISSOT, DE WARVILLE, JACQUES- 1206 PIERRE Memoire sur les noirs de l'Amerique Septentrionale. P 1789. O 56 a BRISSOT DE WARVILLE, JACQUES- 1207 PIERRE Nouveau voyage dans les £tats-Unis. . . . P 1791. O 3v: [4] 52 395; [4] 460; [28] 448. tab a some copies ptd in large type — Eng. tr. L 1792. O [4] 483 [4] a there were 2 issues of t-p [one short text, the other longer text] — other Eng. eds.: Dub 1792. O [8] 483; with adds., L 1794. O [64] 348 port — Eng. ed. 2, cor., L 1794. O 2v: [l2] 416; [2] 64, 348. port tab — Am. ed. N Y 1792. D [264] 8 tab a; B 1797. O 276 [4] tab — Dutch tr. Amst [l794]. O 3v — Ger. trs.: Berlin 1792. O; D'urkheim 1792; Heidelberg 1792; Reutlingen 1797. —anr. Ger. tr. Bayreuth 1793-6. 3v — Swed. tr. Stockh 1799. D [4] 328 A favorable view of America, attracting to its shores many Europeans. BRISTED, JOHN 1208 The resources of the United States. . . . N Y 1818. O [l6] 506 a — Eng. ed. "America and her resources," L 1818. same collat. — Fr. ed. "Les Etats-Unis. . . , " P 1826. O 2v: 380; 320 — Ger. ed. "Der Hilfsquellen der Vereinig- ten Staaten. . . ," Weimar 1819. O BRISTOL, C. C. 1209 Traveller's guide through the United States. ... To which is added the routes to California. But 16° 48 b Y BRISTOL, REV. SHERLOCK 1210 The pioneer preacher: incidents. . . . Chi [1887]. D 330 port 5pls a — ed. 2, "The pioneer preacher: an auto- biography. . . ," with introd. added, N Y [1888]. D port 5pls — ed. 3, t. again altered, with different port. & anr. pi. added, Chi [l898]. D port 6pls Includes his 1852 trip to Oregon and expe- riences in California and Idaho mining camps. 66 Bristol BRISTOL, RHODE ISLAND 1211 Tales of an old sea port; . . . sketch of the history of: See Muiiro, Wilfred H. BRISTOW, G. 0. 1212 Lost on Grand river. Nowata Okla 1900. D [2] 131 a Outlaw operations in old Indian Territory. BRITISH EMPIRE British empire (The) in America. . . . See Oldmixon, John. BRITISH INFLUENCE British influence on the affairs of the United States. . . . See Wolcott, Oliver. BRITISH MECHANIC'S 1213 British mechanic's and labourer's hand book (The) and true guide to the United States. ... L 1840. D [6] 288 map 9pls a — rptd. "The British emigrant's guide to the United States. . . ," L 1847. 16° |>] 288 pis map BRITTAN (BELLE) Brittan (Belle) on a tour. Hiram. See Fuller, BRITTISCHE REICH 1214 Brittische Reich in America (Das), oder Kurzgefasste Beschreibung der England- ischen Pflanzstadte sammt ihrer Macht, Geschichte und Handlung in Nord-America Sorau 1771. Q 48 a BROCK, ROBERT A. 1215 Vestry book of Henrico parish. . . . Rich 1874. Q [18] 3-222 a lOOcopies ptd. BROCK, RtOBERT] A. 1216 Virginia and Virginians. . . . Toledo 1888. D 2v: 408[incl.plsj; 409-8 13[incl. pis]. 3 ports a [BROCK, SALLIE A.] 1217 Richmond during the war. ...NY 1867. D [4] 9-389 a BR0CKETT, L[lNUS] P. 1218 Our western empire Phil 1881. O 1312 9maps 14pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1882. Most elaborate "paste-pot" survey of the region. BR0CKWAY, REV. THOMAS 1219 America saved; or divine glory displayed in the late war Hart [l784], O 24 a BRODHEAD, JOHN R. 1221 History of the State of New York. ...NY 1853-71. O 2v: [l6] 801; [l6] 680. map a — vol. 1 was rptd., same collat & impr. 1859. BR0DIE, WALTER 1222 Pitcairn's Island, and the islanders, in 1850 . . . and a few hints upon California. . . . L 1851. D 260 4pls a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. BROMME, TRAUGOTT 1223 Gemalde von Nord-Amerika. . . . Stuttgart 1838-42. O 16pts eng.t. port 87pls a — ed. 2, "Des Universums neue Welt; Nord- Amerika in alien Beziehungen geschildert," same impr., date & collat. — anr. ed., in part, "Nordamerika's Bewohner. . . ," Stuttgart 1839. O 796 48pls — rptd. "Gemalde...," same impr. 1839-42. O 2v BROMME, TRAUGOTT 1224 Hand-und Reisebuch fur Auswanderer nach Texas. Bayreuth 1848. O 555 fold.tab a BROMME, TRAUGOTT Illinois und Missouri. in 1: 41; 43. fold, map a 1225 Bait 1835. D 2v [BROCKWAY, REV. THOMAS]? The European traveller in America. Hart 1785. O 40 a 1220 BROMME, TRAUGOTT 1226 Michigan. . . Skizze fur Einwanderer. . . . Bait 1834. D 91 fold.map a BROMME, TRAUGOTT 1227 Plan einer in Nord-Amerika zu grunden deutschen Kolonie. Bait 1834. D 26 a The proposed colony was for western Michigan. BROMME, TR[AUG0TT] 1228 Reisen durch die Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Bait [ptd in Dresden] 1834-5. O 3v: [6] 466; [10] 381; [12] 334. pi 2fold.tabs fold.map a — anr. ed. "Wohlfeile Hand-Bibliothek fur Auswanderer. . . ," Leip 1838. D 6v 3maps — portions also separately issued covering Ala. & Miss., 111., Mo., La., & Mich. — for Fr. tr., in part, see Bettinger, J. B. — for anr. Fr. ed., see "Guide de Immi- grant " BROMME, TRAUGOTT 1229 Taschenbuch fur Reisende in den Vereinigten Staaten Bait 1836. 16° [8] 200 map a — rptd. Stuttgart 1838-42. — enl. ed. "Neustes vollstandigstes Hand- und Reise-buch fur Auswanderer. . . ," Bay- reuth 1840. O; same impr. 1849. O [is] 605 map — 6 other eds., with titles sometimes altered. 67 Bromwell — Brotherhead — also extracts issued under various titles: "Rathgeber. . . ,"; "Wegweiser. . . , " "Leit- faden fur Auswanderer. . . ," etc. One of the most complete guides for settlers. BROMWELL, WILLIAM J. 1230 History of immigration to the United States. . . 1819-1855. N Y 1856. O [3] 12- 225 a BRONAUGH, W| ARRENl C. 1231 The Younger's fight for freedom. . . . Columbia Mo 1906. O 389[incl. pis] a BRONCHO JOHN [pseud.] See Sullivan, John H. BRONSON, EDGAR B. 1232 Reminiscences of a ranchman. N Y 1908. D 314 a — rev. ed., with illus., Chi 1910. O 369 — anr. ed. "Cowboy life on the western plains," N Y n.d. D 369 pis [BRONSON, ENOS] 1233 An address to the people of the United States, on the policy of maintaining a perma- nent navy. Phil 1802. O 51 a Ascribed also to Albert Gallatin. [BRONSON, ENOS] 1234 An appeal to the government and con- gress . . . against the depredations ... by American privateers on the commerce of nations at peace with us. N Y 1819. O 100 a BRONSON, FRANCIS S. 1235 . . . Traveler's directory, from New-York to New-Orleans. . . . La Grange Ga 1845. 16° 32 a — anr. ed. N Y 1845. 16° 64 BRONSON, HENRY 1236 A historical account of Connecticut currency n.p. [l865]. O [6] 192 a Separate publication of volume I, Papers of the New Haven Colony Historical Society. BROOKE, F. T. 1237 A narrative of my life. Rich 1849. 16° 90 a BROOKE, H. K. 1238 Annals of the revolution: or, a history of the Doans. Phil [l848]. 16° 84 a [BROOKE, ROBERT?] 1239 Remarks and conjectures on the voyage of the ships Resolution and Discovery, in search of a northerly passage from Kamp- schatka to England, after the death of Capt. James Cook. . . . L 1780. O 48 a [BROOKES, IVESON L.] 1240 A defence of southern slavery against the attacks of Henry Clay and Alex'r. Camp- bell. Hamburg S C 1851. O 46 [2] a BROOKES, IVESON L. 1241 Defence of the south, against the re- proaches ... of the north. . . . Hamburg S C 1850. O 48 a BROOKLYN DIRECTORY Brooklyn directory, for 1822. See Spooner, Alden. BROOKS, B. F. C. Memphis; her great men, leaders, editors and tools. O 86 a 1242 as secession .Memphis 1864. BROOKS, BRYANT B. 1243 Memoirs of: cowboy, trapper. . . . Glen- dale Calif 1939. O 370[incl. pis] a 250 copies ptd. BROOKS, ELISHA 1244 A pioneer mother in California. . . how the emigrants crossed the plains. . . . S F 1922. D 61 2ports a BROOKS, J. TYRWHITT Four months among the gold-finders in California. See Vizetelly, Henry. BROOKS, SARAH M. 1245 Across the isthmus to California in '52. S F 1884. D 79 a — rev. ed. B 1886. BROSS, WILLIAM 1246 Address on the resources of the far west NY 1866. O 30 a BROSS, WILLIAM 1247 History of Chicago Chi 1876. O 126 a Sometimes bound with Colbert, E., Chi- cago, Historical . . . sketch of the Garden City [BROSS, WILLIAM] 1248 Rock Island and its surroundings.. . . Davenport [but ptd at Chicago] 1854. O 36 a Some copies carry Chi impr., some Rock Island. BROTHERHEAD, WILLIAM, ed. 1249 The book of the signers Phil 1861. Q [8] 114[incl.pls & facs] a — anr issue, on L. P., with proof plates [only 99copies] — ed. 2, with adds., Phil 1865. Q [26] 53- 834 60pls a 160copies ptd. — rptd. "The centennial book of the signers," Phil [l875?]. F [8] 295[incl.pls] port Brothers — Brown For an earlier work, on which this was based, see Sanderson, John. BROTHERS, THOMAS 1250 The United States. . . as they are. L 1840. O [8] 517 a Bitter disparagement of this country and democracy by an Englishman who lived here fifteen years. BROUGHTON, WILLIAM R. 1251 A voyage of discovery to the north Pacific ocean. . . . L 1804. Q [20] 394 3charts 6pls b N NYP OreH SeattleP Y — Fr. tr. P 1807. O 2v: 4pls 3maps errata-1. a — Ger. tr. Weimar 1805. Q [20] 352 2maps pi tab Visited Nootka and sailed down the coast to California; in further explorations he solved what La Perouse had first attempted, the puzzle of the Aleutians, Japan and Korea. Great Britain's claim to the Oregon country was based largely on Broughton's exploration of the mouth of the Columbia. For another account of this expedition, see Vancouver, George. BROUILLET, JEAN B. A. 1252 Protestantism in Oregon; account of the murder of Dr. Whitman and the. . . calumnies of H. H. Spaulding. N Y 1853. D [4] 107 c OreH WashU Y — ed. 2, with J. Ross Browne's "The late Indian war in Oregon. . . ," Wash 1858. O 66 a — anr. ed. 2, "Authentic account of the murder of Dr. Whitman. ..." Port Ore [l869]. D 108 b N OreH WashU Y — ed. 3, Femdale 1912. O 40 a Convincing refutation of the accusation that Catholics instigated this massacre. BROWER, J. V. 1253 Memoirs of explorations in the basin of the Mississippi. St Paul 1898-1904. Q 8v b N Volume I, Quivira; II, Harahey; III, Mille Lac; IV, Kathio; V, Kakabikansing; VI, Minnesota; VII, Kansas; VIII, Mandan. BROWN, AARON V. 1254 A report on the Oregon territory. . . and the advisability of extending government and laws to that territory. Wash 1844. O 27 a BROWN, ALEXANDER 1255 The first republic in America. . . .B 1898. O [25] 688 port a BROWN, C. EXERA 1257 Gazetteer of the Chicago and North- western railway. . . and of the Union Pacific ... a guide and business directory. Chi 1869. O 360 map a Describes towns along these two systems from Chicago to Ogden. [BROWN, CHARLES BROCKDEN] 1258 An address to the Congress ... on the utility and justice of restrictions upon foreign commerce. . . . Phil 1809. O [8] 97 [i.e.95] a [BROWN, CHARLES BROCKDEN] 1259 An address to the government of the United States, on the cession of Louisiana to the French. Phil 1803. O [2] 92 a — new ed. 1803. O 56 — abr. ed. "Interesting account of the project of France respecting Louisiana. By a French Counsellor of State," Martinsburg Va 1803. 16° [2] 48 a Urges the seizure of this French territory for the protection of our Western people. [BROWN, CHARLES BROCKDEN] 1260 Monroe's embassy. . . in relation to our claims to the navigation of the Mississippi Phil 1803. O 57 a BROWN, CHARLES R. 1261 The old Northwest Territory: its forts, missions, and trading posts. Kalamazoo 1875. O 32 map a [BROWN, DAVID] 1262 The planter: or, thirteen years in the south. Phil 1853. D 276 a Defends the institution of slavery. [BROWN, EDWARD?] 1263 Notes on the origin and necessity of slavery. Charleston S C 1826. O 48 a BROWN, EDWARD M. 1264 An ocean voyage and around Cape Horn, 1849-50. n.p. 1900. D 67 a BROWN, GEORGE L. 1265 The centennial history of Butler county, Neb. Lincoln 1876. O 34 map a BROWN, GEORGE W. 1266 The truth at last. History corrected. Reminiscences of old John Brown. . . . Rock- ford 111 1880. O 82 a John Brown stripped of his halo by a leading abolitionist. BROWN, ALEXANDER The genesis of the United States.. . .J 1890. O 2v: [2, 5-38] 524; [2] 525-1157. lllpls a — Eng. ed., same sheets, L 1890. 1256 BROWN, HENRY 1267 3 The history of Illinois NY 1844. O [10] 492 map a Chronologically the first, intrinsically the worst, history of this state. 69 BROWN, HENRY 1268 A narrative of the anti-Masonic excite- ment, in. . . New York. . . . Batavia 1829. D [8] 244 a BROWN, IGNATIUS 1269 . . . History of Indianapolis, 1818-1868. Indp [1868]. O 100 a BROWN, J. ROBERT 1270 Journal of a trip across the plains. . . to California, 1856. Columbus 1860. O 119 c Pn Y [only copies knownj BROWN, JACOB 1271 Miscellaneous writings [on western Pennsylvania in pioneer times]. Cumberland 1896. O 325 port a BROWN, JAMES, of Kentucky 1272 An address to the public. . . exposing the . . . falsehoods contained in the pamphlet of Elisha L. Hall. Lex Bradford [ca 1803]. D 62 [3] a Hall, former Secretary of State of Tennes- see, is charged by Brown, Secretary of State of Kentucky, with being a cowardly poltroon and thief. BROWN, JAMES C. 1273 Calabazas, or amusing recollections of an Arizona city. S F 1892. D 251 a BROWN, J[AMES] HENRY 1274 Political history of Oregon. . . . Vol. I [all]. Port Ore 1892. O [8J462 map 2ports 2facs tab a Practically entire edition burned. BROWN, J[AMES] H[ENRY] 1275 The Salem [Ore.] directory. . . with a history. . . . Salem 1871. O 128 86 diagram b Y This first directory of Salem, by an 1847 pioneer, sketches overland expeditions, from 1829. [BROWN, REV. JAMES MOORE] 1276 The captives of Abb's Valley. . . . Phil Presby. Bd. of Pub. [l854]. 16° 168 2pls a — anr. issue, same impr. 16 169 — anr. ed., with adds., Staunton Va 1942. O [20] 94 254 front. In some copies of original edition copy- right notice is on an inserted slip. BROWN, JAMES S. 1277 Life of a pioneer S L C 1900. O [20] 9-520 port 2pls a BROWN, JESSE, and WILLARD, A. M. 1278 The Black hills trails. . . . Rapid City S D 1924. O [12] 17-572 2pls a BROWN [JOHN] INVASION Brown (The John) invasion. . . . See Drew, Thos. BROWN, JOHN, agitator 1279 The life, trial and conviction of:.. ..NY [1859]. O [2] 7-100 8pls a — new ed., with adds., "The life, trial and execution. . . ," same impr. [l859]. O [2] 7-108 8pls 1280 , N Hav 1907. BROWN, JOHN E. Memoirs of a forty-niner. O 28 a Day-by-day journal. BROWN, JOHN HENRY [of Calif.] 1281 Reminiscences and incidents. "The early days" of San Francisco. . . 1845-1850. S F [1886]. O 53 1. map b B CalS Y — rptd. S F [Grabhorn] 1933. O a — rptd. Oakland 1949. O 150 map pi BROWN, JOHN HENRY [of Texas], 1282 and SPEER, WILLIAM S. Encyclopedia of the new west. . . . Marshall Tex 1881. Q 611 269 77 38 13 [6] ports a Biographies of leading men of Arkansas, Colorado, Indian Territory, New Mexico and Texas. BROWN, JOHN HENRY [of Texas] 1283 History of Dallas county [Tex.] Dallas 1887. D 114 + 2adv-p a John H. Cochran issued what he called a supplement to this, Dallas 1928, in an octavo volume of 296 pages. BROWN, JOHN HENRY [of Texas] 1284 History of Texas. St L [ 1892-3]. O 2v: 631 + 2 index p after t-p; 591. 25pls a BROWN, JOHN HENRY [of Texas] Indian wars and pioneers of Texas. Austin & St L [l896]. O 762 124pls a 1285 BROWN, JOHN HENRY [of Texas] 1286 Life. . . of Henry Smith, the first American governor of Texas. Dallas 1887 O 395 port, a BROWN, JOHN MASON 1287 The political beginnings of Kentucky. . . . Louisv Filson Club 1889. Q 263 port a BROWN, JOHN M[ATHIAS] 1288 Brief sketch of the first settlement of the county of Schoharie, by the Germans. Scho- harie N Y 1823. O 23 b — anr. ed. Cobleskill N Y 1891. O 52 a Rarest New York county history. 70 [BROWN, JOSEPHINE] Biography of an American bondman [William Wells Brown]. B 1856. D 104 a BROWN, LONDON An old time cowboy, rup. n.d. 16 82 cover t.only a 1289 1291 BROWN, NAT. P., and DALLISON, JOHN K., pubs. Nevada, Grass valley and Rough and Ready directory. . . with an historical sketch of Nevada County [California]. Vol. l[all]. S F 1856. O [6] 133 [l8] a — rptd. S F 1862. [BROWN, PAUL] 1292 The radical; and advocate of equality. . . . Alb 1834. O 170 a BROWN, PAUL 1293 Twelve months in New-Harmony. . . . Cin 1827. O 128 b IndS WisH BROWN, SAMUEL 1294 A thrilling narrative of the . . . sufferings ... of: Ed. by J. F. McGaw, Urichsville O 1852. D 63 b G BROWN, SAMUEL R. 1295 Views on Lake Erie. . . . Troy 1814. O 96 a — anr. ed., enl., "Views of the campaigns of the northwestern army. . . ," Troy 1814. D 156 — rptd., same collat., Burl N J 1814; Phil 1815. front.added — best ed. "Authentic history of the second war for independence," Auburn 1815. D 2v: 228 [96]; 264 [l3l] BROWN, SAMUEL R. 1296 The western gazetteer; or emigrant's directory. Auburn N Y 1817. O 352 errata slip[of 3 lines] a — issue 2, with 4-line errata — anr. issue, with adds. 360p — ed. 2, Auburn 1820. O 360 — foreign eds.: Belfast 1819 O 399 map; L 1820. One of the earliest American-printed emigrant's guides. BROWN, TARLETON, a Captain in the revolutionary army Memoirs of: N Y 1862. O 64 1297 BROWN, THOMAS [of Mass.] 1298 A plain narrative of the uncommon suffer- ings . . . of: B 1760. O 27 d MH N [of 4 known copies] — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. c LC — ed. 3, B 1760. D 24 c N [only perfect copy knownj Narrative of a glutton for punishment who enjoyed three separate captivities by both Indians and French. Sickeningly rare, terrifically thrilling. BROWN, WILLIAM, of Leeds 1299 America: a four years' residence in the United States and Canada. . . . Leeds 1849. O [4] 108 a BROWN, COL. WILLIAM C. 1300 The Sheepeater campaign: Idaho 1879. Boise 1926. O 32 fold, map a BROWN, WILLIAM H[ENRY]. 1301 1808-83 Portrait gallery of distinguished American citizens. Hart 1845. F 111 27pls b LC PhilL — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1846. b AA NYP Y — anr. ed. N Y 1931. same collat. a 600 copies ptd.[200 with add. set of plsj BROWN, WILLIAM H[ENRY], 1836- 1302 1910 The history of the first locomotives in America NY 1871. O [lo] 9-242 lOpls a — rev. ed. same impr. 1874. — abr. ed. Phil [l877]. O 48, pis BROWN, WILLIAM H[UBBARD] 1303 An historical sketch of the early move- ment in Illinois for the legalization of slavery. . . . Chi 1865. O 44 a —rptd. Chi 1876. D 30 [2] [BROWN, WILLIAM WELLS]. Biography of: By his daughter. See Brown, Josephine. BROWN, W[ILLIAM] W[ELLS]. 1304 Narrative of: a fugitive slave. B 1847. D 110 port a — rptd. several times — Dutch tr. Zwolle 1850. O port BROWN COUNTY, WISCONSIN History of: See Swisher, Mrs. Bella French. BROWNE, J[0HN] ROSS 1305 Adventures in the Apache country; a tour through Arizona [etc.]. N Y 1869. D [3] 6- 535 a — rptd. 1871; 1878. — Ger. tr. Jena 1877. D BROWNE, J[0HN] ROSS 1306 Crusoe's island. . . with sketches of ad- venture in California and Washoe. N Y 1864. D436 a — rptd., same impr., 1872; 1875. 71 Browne — Brunswick BROWNE, J[0HN] ROSS 1307 Etchings of a whaling cruise. ...NY 1846. O [16] 580 + 8adv-p 13pls a — Eng. ed., Am. sheets with new t-p, L 1846. BROWNE, J[0HN] ROSS 1308 Report on the late Indian war in Oregon and Washington. [Sen. Exec. Doc. 40]. Wash 1858. O 66 a — anr. ed. [House Exec. Doc. 39], same impr. & date. O 48 Includes reprint of Brouillet's Protes- tantism in Oregon. . . . BROWNING, MESHACH 1309 Forty-four years of the life of a hunter. . . . Phil 1859. D [18] 13-400 pis a called rev. ed. but the first ed. in book form — rptd. Phil 1860; 1865. BROWNLOW, WILLIAM G. 1310 Americanism contrasted with foreignism, Romanism and bogus democracy ... in which certain demagogues in Tennessee . . . are shown up in their true colors. Nash 1856. O BROWNLOW, WILLIAM G. 1311 Helps to the study of Presbyterianism. . . . To which is added a brief account of the life and travels of the author. Knoxv 1834. D 299 a BROWNLOW, WILLIAM G., and 1312 PRYNE, A. Ought American slavery to be perpetuated? Phil 1858. D 305 a BROWNLOW, PARSON [WILLIAM G.] 1313 Brownlow, Parson [William G.] and the Unionists of east Tennessee. ...NY Beadle n.d.[l862]. 16° 96 a BROWNLOW, WILLIAM G. 1314 A political register. . . the princples Ls/cJ of the Whig and Locofoco parties. . . . Jonesborough Tenn 1844. O 349 a BROWNLOW, PARSON [WILLIAM G.] 1315 Portrait and biography of:. . . . Indp 1862. D 72 a BROWNLOW, WILLIAM G. 1316 Sketches of the rise, progress and de- cline of secession. . . . Phil 1862. D 458 port a BROWNSON, ORESTES A. 1317 The American republic; its constitution, tendencies and destiny. N Y 1866. O [l6] 439 a BRUCE, PETER HENRY 1318 Memoirs of: L 1782. O [l2] 446 a — rptd. Dub 1783. O [l6] 527 — Ger. tr. Leip 1784. O Among other adventures includes experi- ences among the Creek and Cherokee Indians. BRUCE, PHILIP A. 1319 Economic history of Virginia in the seventeenth century. N Y 1896. O 2v: [20] 634; [6] 647. map a — rptd. N Y 1935. O 2v BRUCE, PHILIP A. 1320 Institutional history of Virginia in the seventeenth century. . . . N Y 1910. O 2v: [14] 707; [6] 698 + 4adv-p a BRUCKNER, G. 1321 Amerikas Geographie und Naturgeschichte. St L 1858. D [4] 201 3pls a — anr. ed. "Amerikas wichtigste Charaker- istik. . . ," same impr. & collat. [l858]. — anr. ed. Ghenr 1858. BRUFF, J[0SEPH] G. Gold rush. . . . See Read, Georgia W., and Gaines, Ruth. BRUFFEY, GEORGE A. 1322 Eighty-one years in the west. Butte 1925. D 152 port a BRUMMELKAMPF, A[NTHONY] and 1323 VAN RAALTE, A. C. Landverhuizing. . . . Amst 1846. O [4] 56 a — rptd. several times, same impr., date & collat. BRUMMITT, STELLA W. 1324 Brother Van. N Y [l919]. D [lo] 172 [3] 2pls by CM. Russell a Ibrun, JEAN B.I Le triomphe du nouveau monde. . . . P 1785. O 2v: [lo] 242; [4] 298 [8] a 1325 BRUNCKOW, FREDERIC 1326 Report of: [concerning the Sonora Ex- ploring and Mining Co. of ArizonaJ. Cin 1859. O 48 map front, a BRUNNER, DAVID B. 1327 The Indians of Berks county, Pennsyl- vania. . . .Reading 1881. O 177 34pls a BRUNSON, REV. ALFRED 1328 A western pioneer; or, incidents of the life and times of: Cin 1872-9. O 2v. 418; 413 BRUNSWICK [ME.] A description of: ... by a gentleman of South Carolina. See Putnam, Henry. 72 Bryan BRYAN, DANIEL 1329 The mountain muse: comprising the ad- ventures of Daniel Boone, etc. Harrisonburg, Va. 1813 D 252 [l2] a BRYAN, EDWARD B. 1330 Letters to the southern people. . . in re- lation to the African slave trade. Charleston 1859. O 89 a BRYAN, CAPT. ROGER B- 1331 An average American army officer. . . . San Diego 1914. 16° 167[incl. front wrap, front. & preliminary blank l.J a [BRYAN, SAMUEL]? 1332 The genuine principles of the ancient. . . English constitution. . . . With some observa- tions, on their peculiar fitness, for the united colonies. By Demophilus. Phil 1776. 46 [l] a Contains possibly the earliest issue, in book form, of the Declaration of Independ- ence; advertisement at end is dated July 8th, 1776. BRYAN, WILLIAM S., and 1333 ROSE, ROBERT A history of the pioneer families of Missouri; with. . . sketches. . . relating to early days St L 1876. O [4] 528 2ports a — rptd., with index, [Columbia Mo 1935]. O [18] 569 [incl.pls] BRYANT, CHARLES S. 1334 A history of the. . . massacre by the Sioux ... in Minnesota Cin 1864. D 504 a — later printings, with A B. Murch as co-au, added to t-p, same impr., date & collat. — rptd. Cin 1868. BRYANT, EDWIN 1335 What I saw in California. . . journal of a tour. . . across the continent. . . and through California. . . 1846-7. N Y 1848. D 455 a — ed. 2, same collat., N Y 1848. — ed. 3, map added, N Y 1849. D 480 — eds. 4, 5, same impr. & collat. 1849. — ed. 6, same, with fold. map added. — Eng. ed. abr. L 1849. D 144 map[not same as in Am. ed.J — best ed. [incl. Wierzbicki's California as it is] Launcestown Tasmania 1850. c — anr. ed. , with adds., Santa Ana Calif 1936. O — Fr. tr. Brus 1849. D 4pls; P [lS49]. D; Brus 1850. 16° — for Swed. ed. see "Californien: en Skildring. ..." BRYCE, MRS, CAMPBELL 1336 The personal experiences of: during the burning of Columbia, S. C Phil 1899. D 53 a BRYCE, GEORGE 1337 The remarkable history of the Hudson's Bay Company L 1900. O [22] 502 31maps & pis a — rptd. L 1902. same collat. — ed. 2, L 1904. O [22] 502 31maps & pis — ed. 3, L 1910. O [24] 504 31maps & pis All three editions are also found bearing imprints both of New York and of Toronto. BRYCE, JAMES 1338 The American commonwealth. L 1888. O 3v: [32 incl. initial blank 1.] 592; [l2] 683; [lO] 699. map a — rptd., same impr. & date. O 2v. — many reprints [all omitting the chap, on the Tweed ring] Remains the most authoritative study of American political and social institutions. BUACHE, J[EAN] N[lC0LAS] 1339 Memoire sur les pays de l'Asie et de 1'Amerique, situes au nord de la Mer du Sud P 1775. Q 22 map b LC Y Objects to some conclusions voiced by Robert de Vaugondy in his similarly entitled pamphlet of 1754. BUACHE, PHILIP 1340 Considerations geographiques et phys- iques sur les nouvelles-decouvertes au nord de la grande mer, appellee. . . la Mer du Sud. P 1753-54. Q 3pts in 1 7, 6-158 16maps on 12pls d N NYP Y — some copies are accompanied by a 4-p. list of maps, dated 1755, and a 3-p. "Ex- pose des decouvertes au nord. ..." In addition to its Northwest interest [Russian and Spanish discoveries and Del Fonte's apocryphal onej deals also with California, New Mexico and Louisiana. [BUACHE, PHILIP] 1341 Explication de la carte des nouvelles de- couvertes au nord de la Mer du Sud. P 1752. Q [2] 18, fold, map by de L'Isle[in some copies, but probably sold separately] b LC NYP Y — Ger. ed. "Erklarung der charte. .. ," Ber- lin 1753. 16°_48 a See also Muller, Gerhard F., Lettre d'tm officier de la marine Russienne. . . , which is a reply to this pamphlet, and severely critical of the de L'Isle map of 1752. [BUCHANAN, FRANKLIN] 1342 In relation to the claims of the officers of the late Texas navy. N Y n.d. O 44 a BUCHANAN, JAMES, British consul 1343 Sketches of the history. . . of the North American Indians NY 1824. 16° 2v 182; 156 a —rptd. N Y 1825. same collat. 73 Buchanan — Buel — Eng. ed., omitting aa's "plan for melioration," L 1824. O [l2] 371 map BUCHANAN, ROBERT, ed. 1344 The life and adventures of John James Audubon. ... L 1868. O [8] 366 port a — Am. ed., with some alterations & no "adventures" in t., ed. by Mrs. Audubon, N Y 1869. D 443 port — anr. ed. N Y 1871. D BUCHANAN, W. JEFFERSON 1345 Maryland's hope: her trials and interests in connexion with the war. Rich 1864. O 62 a Sequel to the author's fifteen-page pamphlet of 1863, Maryland's crisis, both advocating Confederate affiliation. BUCHON, J. A. C. Atlas geographique . . . des deux Ameriques . . . traduit de l'atlas execute en Amerique .... See under Carey, Henry C., and Lea, J. BUCK, DANIEL 1346 Indian outbreaks. Mankato 1904. O 284 9pls a BUCK, SOLON J. 1347 The Granger movement. ... C 1913. O [l2] 384 4maps tab a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1933. BUCK, WILLIAM J. 1348 History of Bucks county [Pa. ]. . .. Willow Grove Pa 1855. O 118 [24] pis a BUCK, WILLIAM J. 1349 History of Montgomery county [Pa. J. . . . /Vorrisfovra 1859. O 124 [4] a BUCK, WILLIAM J. 1350 History of the Indian walk, performed for the proprietaries of Pennsylvania in 1737 .... Phil 1886. D 269 a 210copies ptd. BUCK, WILLIAM J. 1351 Local sketches. . . pertaining to Bucks and Montgomery counties, Pennsylvania. [Phil] 1887. D L6] 9-340 a 200copies ptd. BUCKINGHAM, j| AMES] S. 1352 America, historical, statistic and de- scriptive. L Fisher [l84l]. O 3v: [l6] 504; [14] 563; [12] 569 [20]. port map — Am. ed. JV Y 1841. O 2v: 515; [l4] 9-516. port Devoted to New England, New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland. BUCKINGHAM, j[AMES] S. 1353 The eastern and western states. . . . L Fisher [l842]. O 3v: [l6] 573; [8] 536; [lo] 495. 15pls a Covers the states of the Ohio and upper Mississippi valleys. BUCKINGHAM, JAMES S. 1354 The slave states of America. L Fisher &c. [1842]. O 2v: [24] 587; [l2] 588. 8pls 8adv-p[ front of v. l] a — anr. issue, with index added to v. 2, carrying paginat. to 600 BUCKINGHAM, JOSEPH T., ed. 1355 Miscellanies . . . from the public journals. B 1822-4. D 2v: 268; 255. port a BUCKINGHAM, JOSEPH T. 1356 Personal memoirs ... of editorial life. B 1852. D 2v: [2] 256; 255. port a BUCKINGHAM, JOSEPH T. 1357 Specimens of newspaper literature: with personal memoirs. . . . B 1850. D 2v: [l6] 348; [2] 356. 2ports a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1852. BUCKNER, SAMUEL 1358 The American sailor: a treatise on.. . seamanship. . . . Newport [l790]. O [4] 96 a First American work of its kind. BUCKSKIN MOSE Buckskin Mose; or, life from the lakes to the Pacific See Perrie, Geo. W. BUCYRUS Bucyrus, Gal ion, and Crestline [Ohio] directory for 1875-6. Containing. .. history of Crawford county. Bucyrus 1875. O 180 a B0CHELE, C. 1360 Land und Volk der Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Stuttgart 1855. O [8] 622 a [BUECHLER, JOHANN U.| 1361 Land-und Seereisen St. Gallischen Kanton- burgers nach Nordamerika. . . . St. Gallen 1819. D 228 a — ed. 2, Chur [l83-?]. O — Dutch tr. Haarlem 1819. D [lo] 221 Describes trip down the Ohio and Mississippi. BUEL, J| AMES I W. 1362 The border bandits St L Linahan 1881. D 252 [2] 148[incl. front. & pis] a — anr. issue, "The border outlaws... ," same collat. & date, St L Hist. Pub. Co. — rptd., same impr. & date. D 412[incl. front. & pis] + 4p notice, dated March 10, that "Heroes of the plains," will be pub. "June or July." In front, of this issue the ports of the Youngers, supplied by Cole Younger in Feb., are larger than in the previous printings. — anr. issue, pub. date of "Heroes" given as "July 1st." 74 Buel — Bunn — anr. issue, contains add. train robbery of July 15, 1881. — anr. ed., same impr., 1882. D 476[incl. front. & pis] — Hart 1882; Cin 1882. 1363 St L 1881. O [4] BUEL, J[AMES] W. Heroes of the plains. . 9-548[incl. front. & pis] — rptd., same impr.: 1882; 1883; 1884. —other eds.: Phil 1886; Phil [l89l]. BUEL, J[AMES] W. 1364 Life and. . . adventures of Wild Bill. . . . Chi 1880. D 93 front, b LC — rptd. 1888; 1891. a BOLOW, [HEINRICH] D. VON 1365 Der Freistaat von Nordamerika. . . . Berlin 1797. D 2v: [6] 309; 286 a Violent denunciation of the republic by one of the earliest European visitors. BUENA VISTA [COLO. 1 Buena Vista [Colo.] . . . mining camps. Buena Vista 1882. O 37 a 1366 BUTTNER, j[OHANN] G. 1367 Das jedem nach den Vereinigten Staaten .... Bayreuth 1849. D [10] 69 a BUTTNER, J[0HANN] G. 1368 Der Staat Ohio. . . Beschreibung fur Auswanderer Bayreuth 1849. D [8] 206 a BUTTNER, J[0HANN G.] 1369 Die Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Hamburg 1844. O 2v: [u] 440; [2] 450. tab a — anr. ed. "Briefe aus und uber Nord- amerika. ..." Dresden 1845. O 2v in 1: [l4] 440; [2] 450. tab — rptd. 1847. O 2v: [6] 440; 450. tab [BUGG, FRANCIS] 1373 News from Pensilvania. . . passages in the government of the Quakers in that province L 1703. O 36 b BM NYP BUHOUP, JONATHAN W. 1374 Narrative of the. . . army of Chihuahua, commanded by Brigadier General Wool. Pitt 1847. 16° 168 a BULFINCH, THOMAS 1375 Oregon and Eldorado; or, romance of the rivers. B 1866. D [l6] 464 a BULGER, CAPTAIN ANDREW | H.| 1376 An autobiographical sketch of the serv- ices of:. . . . Bangalore 1865. Q [2] 29 + app in 4sections: 11; 4; 4-6; 4 a Bulger, as British commandant at Prairie du Chien, had control over the upper Mississippi valley, 1814-15. BULL (JOHN) Bull (John) in America. See Paulding, James K. BULL RUN 1377 Bull Run and Manassas Junction. A narrative of the battles of:. . . . Charleston S C 1861. O 32+ cov.t. b LC BULLITT, THOMAS W. 1378 My life at Exmoor. Louisv 1911. O [8] 132 pis a Kentucky plantation life before the war. BULLOCH, JAMES D. 1379 The secret service of the Confederate States in Europe. L 1883. O 2v: [lo] 460; [6] 438 errata slip in v. 1 a — Am. ed. , from sheets of Eng. ed., N Y 1884. BUFFALO A directory for the village of:. . . . 1828. See Crary, L. P., pub. BUFFALO BILL Buffalo Bill and his wild companions. . . . Chi [1893]. D [6 incl.front.] 234 a BUFFALO CREEK RESERVATION 1371 Indian council held at: Bait 1842. O 83 a Negotiations by which the Ogden Land Company acquired vast tracts in Western New York. BUFFUM, E. GOULD 1372 Six months in the gold mines. . . . Phil 1850. D 172 a —Eng. ed. L 1850. D 256 Authoritative source on the early period of the gold discoveries by a resident of California at the time. BULLOCK, WtlLLIAM] 1380 Sketch of a journey through the western states. . . . L 1827. D [32, 8J 135 map plan a — rptd. Phil 1857. BUNCE, OLIVER B., ed. 1381 The romance of the revolution. ...NY 1852. O 454 6pls a — rptd. same impr. 1854; 1856; and later Phil eds. BUNKER... HILL A particular account of the battle of: By a citizen of Boston. See Bradford, Alden. BUNN, MATTHEW 1382 A journal of the adventures of:. . .. Prov for the au. [l796]. O 24 dd G [only copy known] — rptd. Litchfield 1796. O 24 d BurtH Y — other eds., with varying titles: Walpole 75 Bunnell — Burgoyne /V H 1796. d no perfect copy known; n.p. [Prov?] 1797. D 36 d AA Hn; Peacham 1806. O 55 c no perfect copy known; Datavia 1826. O 44 c N WRH; Batavia 1827. D 71 b WRH NYS; Batavia 1828. D 59 b AA LC Gives account of St. Clair's Ohio disaster and Bunn's Indian captivity thereafter. BUNNELL, DAVID C. 1383 The travels and adventures of:. . .con- taining an accurate account of the battle of lake Erie [etc.]. Palmyra N Y 1831. D 199 map 2pls a BUNNELL, LAFAYETTE H. 1384 Discovery of the Yosemite, and the Indian war of 1851 Chi Revell [l880]. D 331 map port 6pls a — anr. ed., with changes & adds., same impr. [l880]. D 349 + 4adv-p map port 6pls — several reprints BURCH, LtAWRENCE] D. 1385 Kansas as it is Chi 1878. D 142 fold, map a BURGES, TRISTRAM 1391 Battle of Lake Erie, with notices of . . . Elliot's conduct Prov 1839. D [l6] 132 3diagrams a 3td., same yr., with Phil & B imprs. D — rptd., [l6j 117 BURGOYNE, LIEUTENANT GENERAL 1392 An inquiry into. . . the conduct of:. . . . L 1780. O 50 + adv-1. a — ed. 2, same impr. &, date. BURGOYNE, LIEUT. GEN. 1393 A letter from: to his constituents, upon his late resignation L 1779. O [2] 37 a — rptd., in 5 other eds. — same impr., date & collat. BURGOYNE, LIEUT. GEN. 1394 A letter to: occasioned by a second edition of his State of the expedition from Canada. L 1780. O 32 a BURGOYNE, LIEUT. GEN. 1395 A letter to: on his Letter to his con- stituents. L 1779. O [2] 35 a BURCH, L[AWRENCE] D. 1386 Nebraska as it is Chi 1878. D 164 [20] map a BURD PAPERS (THE) 1387 Ed. by Lewis B. Walter. [Poffsvj//e] 1897-9. O 3v: 136; 80; 253. 3ports a small ed. Letters of Edward Burd and William Allen on colonial Pennsylvania and material on Braddock's expedition. The three volumes were issued separately, but are usually cited as a single work. BURDER, GEORGE 1388 The Welch Indians ... a people . . . said . . . to inhabit a. . . country on the west side of the Mississippi L [l797]. O 35 a BURGOYNE, JOHN 1396 Orderly book of: Alb 1860. Q [34] 221 map 5pls a 110 copies [lO on L. P.] BURGOYNE'S STATE 1397 Burgoyne's [General] State of the ex- pedition from Canada. Remarks on: L 1780. O [2] 60 a Defends the Ministry from blame. The military disaster was all the fault of the General. BURGOYNE'S [LIEUT. GEN.] Letter to his constituents. A reply to: See Germaine, Geo. BURGOYNE, GEN. 1398 Reponse a un des articles des Annales politiques de M. Linguet concernant la defaite du: L 1778. O 23 a BURGE, MISS SADAI C. 1389 Journal of: [Atlanta 1950]. D 3-79[incl. 5pls] a [BURGES, SIR JAMES B.] 1390 Narrative of the negotiations occasioned by the dispute between England and Spain ... in 1790. priv ptd [l 179l]. O [8] 307 capt.t.only b BM Prov Arch Victoria Exhaustive treatment of the Nootka Sound controversy, title to the northwest coast, etc., prepared by the Under Secretary of State while negotiations were in progress. The most valuable secondary source on this affair. BURGOYNE, JOHN 1399 A state of the expedition from Canada. . . . L 1780. Q [8] 140 62 [2] 5maps tab a — ed. 2, L 1780. O [l2] 192 109 5maps tab His chief defense against all charges. BURGOYNE'S (GEN.) SPEECHES 1400 The substance of:. . . with an appendix, containing General Washington's letter [to him] L1778. O [4] 42 [o] a — 5 other L, & one Dub, eds., same date. BURGOYNE, JOHN 1401 A supplement to the State of the expedi- tion from Canada. . . . L 1780. Q [2] 26[incl. plan] a 76 Burk — Burke — rptd. N Y 1865. Q 26 75copies ptd. Original edition was published without Burgoyne's authorization, BURK, JOHN [DALY] 1402 The history of Virginia Ptbg Va 1804- 5-16. O 4v: [8] 348; 335 [62]; 469; [8] 538 [17] b AA H N NYP Y Vol. 4 was the joint work of Sketon Jones and Louis H. Girardin, aided by Thomas Jefferson; most of the edition of that volume was burned. [BURKE, AEDANUS] 1403 An address to the freemen of . . . South Carolina. . . . Phil 1783. O 32 a [BURKE, AEDANUS] 1404 Considerations on the. . . order of Cin- cinnati . . . Charles-Town SC 1783. O 32 a — anr. ed. au.'s name surmised on t-p, Phil 1783. O 16 — other 1783 eds.: Hart rud. 23;iVyO 16; Hart O 23: Newport rud. O 16 [BURKE, EDMUND]? 1405 An account of the European settlements in America L 1757. O 2v: [lo] 3-312; [4] 3-300 [20]. 2maps a — rptd., in 9eds., L or Dub, before 1800. — best ed. L Stockdale 1808. Q 482 2maps — Fr. tr. P 1767. D 2v: [20] 384; [4] 352. 2maps — Ger. tr. Leip 1775. 16° 2v: [l4] 452; [8] 424 [8]. map — Dutch tr. Amst n.d. O 2v — Ital. tr. Venice 1763. O 2v 3maps Best contemporary account. Actually written by William Burke, but usually as- cribed to his more famous kinsman who gave substantial help. [BURKE, EDMUND]? 1406 An impartial history of the war in America between Great Britain and her colonies. . . . L 1780. O [12] 608 [44] map 13ports a — anr. issue, Carlisle 1780. same collat. a some copies of this issue had the ports col. b — anr. issue, L 1780, had only 31p in app. BURKE, EDMUND 1407 A letter from: ... to John Farr and John Harris. . . on the affairs of America. Bristol 1777. O 79 a —rptd. L 1777 O [2] 75 — 4 other eds. same year. [BURKE, EDMUND] 1408 Observations on a late State of the nation L 1769. Q [2] 97 a — eds. 2, 3 & 4, same impr. & date. O [4] 155 —-anr. ed. Duo 1769. O [2] 114 For pamphlet attacked and a rejoinder to this attack, see Knox, William. BURKE, EDMUND 1409 Second thoughts; or, observations upon Lord Abingdon's Thoughts on the Letter of: to the sheriffs of Bristol. By the author of the Answer to Mr. Burke's Letter. L 1777. O 74 a — ed. 2, same impr., date 86 collat. BURKE, EDMUND 1410 The speech of: on. . . conciliation with the colonies L 1775. Q [4] 65 b NYP Y — eds. 2 & 3, same impr. & date. O [4] 107 a — Dub 1775. O —Am. eds.: N Y 1775. O M 71; Phil 1775. BURKE, EDMUND 1411 Speech on American taxation, April 19, 1774. L 1774. Q [4] 58 a — rptd. Bristol 1774. D; L 1774. O 96 — eds. 2 & 3, L 1775. same collat. — ed. 4, same collat. & impr. 1776. — rptd. Bristol [l777]. —Am. eds.: N Y 1775. O 63; Phil 1778. O [4] 76 BURKE, EMILY P. 1412 Reminiscences of Georgia, [oberlin O] 1850. D [8] 252 port a BURKE, JOHN M. 1413 "Buffalo Bill" from prairie to palace. Chi 1893. D 275 a BURKE, WILLIAM, [1752-1836], a soldier of the revolution Memoir of: Hart 1837. D 126 a 1414 BURKE, WILLIAM M. D. 1415 The mineral springs of western Virginia N Y 1842. 16° 291 fold.map fold.pl a — ed. 2, enl. N Y 1846. D 394 map — other eds.: Rich 1851; Rich 1853. BURKE, W| ILLIAM] S., comp. 1416 Directory of. . . Council Bluffs, and emigrants' guide to the gold regions. . . . Council Bluifs 1866. O [24] 32 + 16adv-p[8 front, 8rear] map c NYP WisH Y BURKE, WflLLIAM S.] and ROCK, J. 1417 The history of Leavenworth. . . . Leaven- worth 1880. O 84 + 14adv-p[interspersed] a [BURKE, WILLIAM S.] comp. 1418 Military history of Kansas regiments during the war. . . . With accounts of the campaigns in Wyoming, along the Platte. . . . Leavenworth 1870. O 465 a BURKE, W[ILLIAM] S. 1419 An outline history of Council Bluffs. Chi 1867. O 31 b 77 Burkitt — Burpee BURKITT, LEMUEL, and READ, 1420 JESSE Concise history of the Kehukee Baptist Association [n.C.] Halifax 1803. 16° 319 a — rev. ed. Phil 1850. 16° 351 BURKLEY, FRANK J. 1421 The faded frontier. Omaha 1935. O 436 [6] a BURLAGE, JOHN, and HOLLINGS- 1422 WORTH, J.R Abstract of valid land claims . . . from the records of the general land office [etc.] of Texas. Austin 1859. O [8] 670 a [BURLEND, REBECCA] 1423 A true picture of emigration; or, fourteen years in the interior of North America. . . . L L1848]. 16° 64 [incl. covers] a — rptd., ed. Quaife, Chi 1936. 16° Account of an English family pioneering in Pike County, Illinois. BURLINGTON, [IOWA] 1424 Business directory. . . of: Burlington 1856. D [lO] 48 [l4] b IaH MinnH BURLINGTON AND MISSOURI 1425 Burlington and Missouri river railroad lands (the). Views and descriptions of:.... Burl [1872]. O 40 map 20pls a BURNABY, ANDREW 1426 Travels through the middle settlements in North America in 1759 and 1760. L 1775. Q [8] 106 [2] a — rptd. Dub 1775. D — ed. 2, L 1775. O [l6] 198 [2] — ed, 3 [and best] L 1778. Q [20] 209 map 2pls a — rptd. L 1798, same collat. — Fr. tr. Lausanne 1778; Hague 1778. O — Ger. tr. Hamburg 1776. D [l6] 192 BURNET, JACOB 1427 Letters relating to the early settlement of the Northwestern Territory. Cin 1839. O 334 port plan a — anr. issue, without port, pub. as Pt. 2, Vol. 1, Trans., Hist. & Philos. Soc. of Ohio. BURNET, JACOB 1428 Notes on the early settlement of the Northwestern Territory. Cin 1847. O 501 port[not issued in all copies] a — anr. issue, same collat., N Y 1847. a Amplification of his Letters listed above. [BURNET, WILLIAM] 1429 A letter from a Romish priest in Canada to one who was taken captive in her in- fancy, but. . . returned to this her native land B 1729. D [4] 26 b Clem LC Captured by Indians in 1689 and sold to the French, this New England girl escaped and returned home in 1714. [BURNETT, PETER H.]? 1430 Address to the inhabitants of New Mexico and California on the omission of Congress to provide them with territorial governments. N Y 1849. D 56 b B N NYP Y BURNETT, PETER H. 1431 Recollections. . . of an old pioneer. N Y 1880. O [14] 448 + 6adv-p a — rptd. "An old California pioneer," Oak- land 1946. O [4] 287 3maps facs Covers early days in both Oregon and California. BURNEY, JAMES 1432 A chronological history of North-eastern voyages of discovery. . . [including explo- rations along the northwest coast of America made by Bering, Cook, Tschirikov, et al\. L 1819. O [8] 310 3maps & charts a BURNEY, JAMES 1433 A chronological history of the discoveries in the South sea. . . including a history of the buccaneers L 1803-17. O 5v: [22] 391; [16] 482; [lo] 437; [l8] 580; [8] 237. 45maps & pis b N NYP Y Monumental and valuable synthesis, from original sources, of Pacific maritime ac- tivities, 1520-1764, including those — of Alarcon, Cabrillo, Drake, Viscaino, er al — along the California coast. The preceding item supplements this work. BURNS, ANTHONY 1434 Boston slave riot and trial of:. . . .B 1854. O 86 a BURNS, JABEZ 1435 Notes of a tour in the United States and Canada L 1848. 18° 180 a BURNS, JAMES R. Battle of Williamsburg. 119 a BURNS, JOHN H. Memoirs of a cow pony. 178[incl.pls] a 1436 N Y 1865. 24° . B [1906]. D 1437 BURPEE, LAWRENCE J. 1 The search for the western sea; . . . the exploration of north-western America. L 1908. O [60] 651 6maps 51pls a — Am. ed., same collat., N Y 1908. — Canad. ed., same collat. Tor [l908]. — rev. ed. Tor 1935. O 2v — rptd. N Y 1936. O 2v 78 Burr — Burson BURR, AARON 1439 The amorous intrigues of: N Y n.d. D 100 BURR, COLONEL AARON 1440 The examination of: before the chief justice Rich 1807. O 46 a BURR, AARON An examination of the various charges . . . against:. . . . See Van Ness, Wm. P. BURR, AARON A letter to: . . . on the . . . baneful effects of duels. By Philanthropos. See Ladd, Wm. BURR, AARON ET AL 1441 Message from the President. . . trans- mitting a copy of the proceedings, and of the evidence exhibited, on the arraignment of: Wash 1807. O L4] 332 [222] a BURR, COL. [AARON] A narrative of the suppression by: of the History of the administration of John Adams. See Cheetham, James. BURR, AARON, and 1442 HAMILTON, ALEXANDER Particulars of the late duel. . . between: N Y 1804. O 32 a BURR, AARON 1443 The private journal of: during his resi- dence ... in Europe. Ed. M. L. Davis. N Y 1838. O 2v: 451; 12] 9-453. pi a — rptd. [on thinner paperj, N Y 1856. — anr. ed. N Y 1860. 2v — best ed., unexpurgated, Roch 1903. O 2v: 501; 503. ports b AA N NYP 250copies ptd. BURR, COL. [AARON] 1444 Strictures upon the Narrative of the suppression, by: of Wood's History of the administration of John Adams. By a Yeoman. ap. n.d. O 26 a For the Narrative evoking this pamphlet, see Cheetham, James. BURR, AARON 1445 The trial of: [reported by T. Carpenter]. Wash 1807-8. O 3v: [2] 147, 135; 465; 416 [48] b KyS NYP Y — [reported by D. Robertson] Phil 1808. O 2v: [10] 596; [4J 539 a BURR, AARON 1446 The trial of: To which is added an ac- count of the subsequent proceedings. . . with notes by J. J. Coombs. Wash 1865. O [52] 392 a BURR, AARON A view of the political conduct of: See Cheetham, James. BURR, REV. AARON 1447 A discourse. . . at New- Ark. . . on. . . late encroachments of the French and their de- signs against the British colonies. ...NY 1755. Q41 a BURR, DAVID H. The American atlas. [2] 13fold.maps[col.] a 1448 n.p. [ca 1840?]. F BURR, DAVID H. 1449 An atlas of . . . New York. Ithaca [n Y ptd] 1829. F [4] 7-29 120[incl. 52maps] a — rptd. N Y 1838. O 98 [i.e. 158] incl. 58 maps — anr. ed. Ithaca 1839. F [4] 5maps — ed. 3, cor., Ithaca 1841. F [40] 50 1. 52 col. maps BURR, S. J. 1450 Life and times of William Henry Harrison. N Y 1840. 18° 300 port a BURR, WILLIAM 1451 Descriptive and historical view of Burr's moving mirror of the lakes . . . from Lake Erie to the Atlantic. N Y 1850. O 48 a BURRALL, W. T. 1452 A trip to the far west of British Columbia. Wisbech [l89l]. O 26 a BURRIS, MARTIN 1453 True sketches of the life and travels of: on the western plains, the Rocky mountains, [etc.]. [Salina Kas] 1910. O 67 port a 250 copies ptd. BURROUGHS, STEPHEN 1454 Memoirs of: Hanover N H 1798. O [4] 8- 296 a — V.2. B 1804 a — other eds. Otsego 1810. 16° 100; Alb 1811, with adds. D 396; N Y 1811. 16°; Brooklield 1814. 16° 107; B 1832. 16°; B 1835. D 2v Picaresque adventures, perhaps somewhat exaggerated, of a New England rogue. BURROWS, J[0HN] M. D. 1455 Fifty years in Iowa. . . 1838-1888. [Davenport] 1888. D [12] 182 2ports a — rptd., with adds., "The early days of Rock Island and Davenport," Chi Lakeside 1942. 16° [20] 315 BURSON, CAROLINE M. 1456 The stewardship of Don Esteban Miro. N O 1940. O [12] 327[incl. front.] a 79 lurt — Butcher BURT, sllLASl W., and BERTHOUD, 1457 El DWARDl L. The Rocky mountain gold regions. . • . Denver 1861. D 132 2maps No perfect copy known, dd — ed. 2, identical with ed. 1 except that 8 adv. p. and final unnumb. p. were added and that the cover t. reads "second edition" and gives Charles Collins as author, c ColH S that the colonies be permitted to act voluntarily. BUSHNELL, CHARLES I., ed. 1468 Crumbs for antiquarians. ...NY 1862-66. O lOpts in 2v: 17; 41; 65; 65; 80; 57; [4] 71; 98; 127; 86. 12pls a All of the ten Crumbs were also issued separately. BURT, WILLIAM A., and 1458 HUBBARD, BELA Reports of: on the geography . . . of . . . the mineral region of the south shore of lake Superior Det 1846. D [6] 109 map chart a First investigation into Michigan's mineral wealth. See also Houghton, Jacob. BURTHE, M. Contre Laussat. N O 1804. O 34 b 1459 BURTON, AMOS 1460 A journal of the cruise of the United States ship Susquehanna, 1860-3. N Y 1863. O 177 a BURTON, HARLEY T. 1461 A history of the J A Ranch. Austin 1928. O [lO] 147 map port a BURTON, SERGEANT [later Lieut.] 1462 JONATHAN Diary and orderly book of: 1775-1776. Concord N H 1885. O 38 a BUSHNELL, CHARLES I., ed. 1469 The destructive operation of foul air, tainted provisions. . . upon human constitu- tions; exemplified in the . . . cruelty of the British to the American captives at New York NY 1865. O 28 a 30copies ptd. BUSHNELL, CHARLES I. 1470 Narrative of the life and adventures of Levi Hanford, a soldier of the revolution. N Y 1863. O 80 2pls a [BUSHNELL, HORACE] 1471 California, its characteristics and pros- pects n.p. n.d. [B 1858]. O 43 a — anr. ed. [Hart 1858]. same collat. — rptd., t. slightly altered, S F 185a O 32 BUSHNELL, JOSEPH P. 1472 Business & resident directory of Council Bluffs. . . history. . . . Council Bluffs [l868]. O 120 a Map mentioned on title-page was appar- ently not included. BURTON, LEWIS W. Annals of Henrico parish. . . Virginia. Rich [1904]. O [6] 542 [4] 221 36pls a 1463 BURTON, RICHARD F. 1464 The city of the saints L 1861. O [l2] 707 3maps[on one sheet] plan 8pls a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat. 1862. — Am. ed. N Y 1862. O [l2] 574 map plan front, [other pis incl. in paginat.J BUSBY, ALLIE B. 1465 Two summers among the Musquawkies, relating to the early history of the Sac and Fox tribe. Vinton la 1886. D 238 errata slip a BUSCH, MORITZ 1466 Wanderungen zwischen Hudson und Missis- sippi. . . . Stuttgart 1854. O 2v in 1: [8] 381 a [BUSHE, GERVAISE P.] 1467 The case of Great-Britain and America L 1769. O [4] 35 a — ed. 2, cor., same impr.&date. O [4] 43 — rptd., same date & collat. Dub — Am. eds.: Phil 1769. O [2] 16; B rud. O 15 Attributed also to George B. Butler. Urges that England abandon colonial taxation, and BUSTAMANTE, CARLOS M. DE 1473 Campanas del general D. Felix Maria Calleja Mex 1828. O [8] 200 [24] 4maps with 1. explaining them port b B N Y Includes account of Colonel Gutierrez's Texas campaign of 1812-13. Intended to supplement his Quadro historico. . . . BUSTAMANTE, CARLOS M. DE 1474 El gabinete mexicano durante el segundo period o de la administracion de:. . . . Mex 1842. sm Q 2v: [6] 216 [8]; 249 [lO] 46 a Gives the Mexican side of the Santa Fe expedition and surrender of the Texans to General Armijo. BUSTAMANTE, CARLOS M. DE 1475 El nuevo Bernal Diaz del Castillo, o sea historia de la invasion de los Anglo- Americanos en Mexico. Afex 1847. O 2v in 1: [2] 162 [2]; 236 [4]. port a BUTCHER, S[0L0M0N] D. 1476 Pioneer history of Custer county, Ne- braska Broken Bow [ptd. Denver] [l90l]. O 403 a 80 Bute's Administration — Butterfield BUTE'S ADMINISTRATION Bute's (Lord) administration. A review of: .... See Almon, John. [BUTEL-DUMONT, GEORGE M.] 1477 Histoire et commerce des colonies angloises dans l'Amerique septentrionale L 1755. D [24] 336 a — anr. ed. Hague 1755. D [l6] 246 — Eng. tr. See Huske, John. — Ger. tr. Frankf 1755. D [l6] 238 — Span. tr. Madrid 1768. D Attributed also to De Forbonnais. BUTLER, CALEB 1478 History of the town of Groton. . . .B 1848. O [20] 9-499 2maps 4pls a BUTLER, FRANCES A. 1479 Journal. L 1835. D 2v: 252; 218 a — Am. ed., omitting pref., Phil 1835. D 2v: [6] 13-252; 218 — Fr. ed. "Journal of a residence in America," P 1835. O [6] 326 For another book by this author, see Kemble, Frances A. BUTLER, FRANCIS G. 1480 A history of Farmington. . . Maine. . . . Farmington 1885. O [2] 683 + errata 1. & 12 ruled p. for memos 27pls a Most of the edition burned. BUTLER, FREDERICK 1481 A complete history of the United States Hart 1821. O 3v: 468; 459; 459. port a — anr. ed., same collat. , Elizabethtown 1822. Pretentious, but superficial. BUTLER, JAMES 1482 American bravery displayed in the cap- ture of fourteen hundred vessels. . . . Carlisle Pa 1816. D 322 [8] a BUTLER, JAMES D. 1483 Nebraska. Its characteristics. . . . [Neb City 1871]. D 24 a — anr. ed. n.p. [l873]. D 38 BUTLER, JAMES D., ed. 1484 The new found journal of Charles Floyd, a sergeant under Captains Lewis and Clark. Wore 1894. O 30 a Separate printing from American Anti- quarian Society Proceedings. BUTLER, JOHN C. 1485 Historical record of Macon and central Georgia. . ..Mac on 1879. D 351 inserted slip at p348 errata 1. 2pls a BUTLER, MANN 1486 An appeal from the misrepresentations of James Hall, respecting the history of Ken- tucky and the west. . . . Frankfort 1837. O 32 a BUTLER, MANN 1487 A history of. . . Kentucky. Louisv 1834. D [12] 396 port a — ed. 2, enl., Cin [or Louisv] 1836. D [l6, 13-72] 551 a Disputes many of Marshall's findings; contains the Journal of Col. George Crog- han, one of the earliest accounts in English of the Ohio country, previously appearing only in magazine form. BUTLER, MANN 1488 An oration. . . at Fort Gibson, Mississippi, consisting principally of a sketch of the rise of the State of Mississippi, from. . . 1539, to the present time. Frankfort KY 1837. O 24 a BUTLER, LIEUT. WILLIAM F. 1489 Report. . . of his journey from Fort Garry to Rocky Mountain House. [Ottawa? 1871?]. F 23 [no t-p] c Y — anr. issue, no priority established, Ottawa 1871. O 29 c G Semi-official report on the Indian trade in Manitoba and the Saskatchewan, bitterly indicting the evil influence of Montana traders among the Blackfeet, Crees and Assiniboines. BUTTERFIELD, CONSUL W. 1490 An historical account of the expedition against Sandusky Cin 1873. O [lo] 403 port a BUTTERFIELD, CONSUL W. History of Brule's discoveries. 1898. O [l2] 184 map a 1491 BUTTERFIELD, CONSUL W. 1492 History of Seneca county [o. ]. . . . San- dusky 1848. D 252 a 2000 copies ptd, 1300 burned BUTTERFIELD, CONSUL W. 1493 History of the discovery of the northwest by Jean Nicolet in 1634. . . . Cin 1881. D 113 a BUTTERFIELD, CONSUL W. 1494 History of the Girtys. . . Thomas, Simon, James and George. . . . Cin 1890. O [l4] 425 a — rptd. Columbus O 1950. O BUTTERFIELD, CONSUL W., ed. A short biography of John Leith. . . . See Jeffries, Ewel. 81 Butterfield — Cabet BUTTERFIELD, CONSUL W. 1495 The Washington-Crawford letters ... con- cerning western lands. . . . Cin 1877. O 107 a BUTTERFIELD, CONSUL W. 1496 The Washington-Irvine correspondence Madison Wis 1882. O [8] 430 map 2ports BUTTERFIELD, F. E., and 1497 RUNDLETT, C. M., comps. Directory of the city of Dallas. . .history . . . . St L [1875]. O 140 port + adv-1. before BUTTERWORTH, WILLIAM 1498 Three years adventures ... in England, Africa, the West Indies, South Carolina and Georgia. Leeds 1823. D [l2] 492 port errata-1. a — rptd., same collat., Leeds 1831. — anr. issue, same collat., Leeds n.d. [1831?]. Butterworth's real name was Henry Schroeder. BUTTLES, JOEL 1499 Extracts from the diary of: [Newport 1889]. sm Q 47 a Describes conditions in early Ohio, to which he moved in 1804. line and other tracts," Rich 1866. O 2v in 1: [19] 233; [6] 276. map & pi 200 copies[20 on L. P.] a — best ed., ed. Bassett, "Writings," N Y 1901. O [6] 21 [9-88] 461 pis ltd. ed.[of which 15 copies on L. P.] BYRDSALL, F. 1506 The history of the Loco-Foco or Equal Rights Party NY 1842. D 192 a BYRNE, BERNARD J. 1507 A frontier army surgeon.. . Colorado in the eighties. [Crantord N J 1935]. O 160 3pls a 130copies ptd. BYRNE, BERNARD M. 1508 Letters on the climate. . . of Florida. Ralston Pa n.d. O 15 a — rptd. Jacksonville 1851. O 28 — rptd. "Florida and Texas. . . ," Ocala Fla 1866. O 40 BYRNE, WILLIAM S. 1509 Directory of Grass Valley township for 1865, containing an historical sketch. . . . [S F?] 1865. O [30] 114 a BUTTRICK, DANIEL S. Antiquities of the Cherokee Indians. Vinita 1884. O [4] 20 a 1500 C, B. R. A trip to the rockies. See Corwin, B. R. BUTTRICK, TILLY 1501 Voyages, travels and discoveries of: B 1831. D 58 c H LC Y Includes a trip to the Ohio valley in 1814 and another to New Orleans, returning over- land to Cincinnati. BYERS, WILLIAM N., and 1502 KELLOM, JOHN H. A hand book of the gold fields of Ne- braska and Kansas. . . . Chi 1859. D [2] 113 [l5] map c Hn Y [BYFIELD, SHADRACH] 1503 A narrative of a light company soldier's service . . . during the late American war; to- gether with some adventures amongst the Indian tribes. . . 1812-14. Bradford 1840. O 57 a BYRD, A. J. History ... of Johnson county LTe Marshall 1879. O 232 a BYRD, WILLIAM 1505 The Westover manuscripts. . . . Petersburg Va 1841. O [4] 144 a — rptd., ed. Wynne, "History of the dividing C, J. The siege of Penobscot. John. See Calef, C, T. Entertaining passages relating to King Philip's war. . . . See Church, Thos. C, T. E. A guide to Pomerade's. . . panorama of the Mississippi. . . . See Courtney, T. E. CABALLERIA Y COLLEL, JUAN 1510 History of San Bernardino valley.. . 1810- 51. San Bernardino 1902. O 130 a CABALLERIA Y COLLEL, JUAN 1511 History of . . . Santa Barbara. Tr. Edmund Burke. Santa Barbara 1892. D 111 a — rptd., same impr., 1928. [CABELL, MRS. JULIA M.I 1512 Sketches and recollections of Lynchburg [Va.]. Rich 1858. D 363 a CABET, £TIENNE 1513 Colonie icarienne. Guerre a mort de l'opposition contre le citoyen: . . . et memo- 82 rable seance de la nuit du 12 au 13 Mai 1856. . . . Nauvoo 1856. O 72 a CABET, ETIENNE 1514 Colonie icarienne. . . sa constitution, ses lois, sa situation materielle. . . .P 1856. D 240 a CABET, ETIENNE 1515 Colonie ou republique icarienne . . . son histoire P 1852. 16° 59 b — ed. 2, P 1854. a — rptd. P 1855. — Eng. tr. Nauvoo 1852. O 21 b Y — Ger. tr. Nauvoo 1853. CABET, ETIENNE 1516 Compte-rendu. . . sur l'etat de la colonie icarienne P 1854. 16° 32 a CABET, ETIENNE 1517 Depart de Nauvoo du fondateur d'Icarie avec les vrais Icariens. P 1856. D 23 a CABET, ETIENNE 1518 Icarie. P 1849. O 16 a — continued as "Realization d'Icarie. Nouvelles de Nauvoo," P 1849-50. O 17-144 CABET, ETIENNE 1519 Progres de la colonie icarienne etablie a Nauvoo P 1854. 16° 31 a CABET, GTIENNE 1520 Realization de la commonaute d'Icarie. P 1847. D 412 a CABET, £TIENNE 1521 Supplement a l'almanach icarien pour 1848. Specialement consacre a la descrip- tion du Texas P [l847]. D 214 3mapS a CABLE, GEORGE W. 1522 The Creoles of Louisiana. N Y 1884. O [lO] 320 [incl.pls] map a CABOT, SEBASTIAN Memoir of:. . . . See Biddle, Richard. CACKLER, CHRISTIAN 1523 Recollections of an old settler. [Kent O 1874]. O 38 b few copies known — ed. 2, [Kent] 1904. O 56 port a Narrative of a pioneer who settled in Ohio's Western Reserve in 1804. CADOGAN, GEORGE 1524 The Spanish hireling detected. . .a refuta- tion of the. . . falsehoods in a late pamphlet .. . "An impartial account of the late ex- pedition against St. Augustine under General Oglethorpe." L 1743. O [2] 68 a This defense of Oglethorpe was answered by the author of An impartial account in A lull reply to Lieut. Cadogan's Spanish hireling detected, q.v. CADWALADER, JOHN 1525 A reply to General Joseph Reed's "Re- marks on a late publication in the Inde- pendent Gazetteer," Phil 1783. O 54 a — rptd. Trenton 1846. D 56 For pamphlet here answered, see Reed, Joseph. CADY, JOHN H. 1526 Arizona's yesterday. . . . [Patagonia Ariz 1916]. D 127 pi a [CAHOONE, SARAH Sj 1527 Sketches of Newport and its vicinity. . . . N y 1842. D 213 a CAIN, JOSEPH, and BROWER, 1528 ARIEH C. Mormon way-bill, to the gold mines. . . Fort Hall, Salt Lake, and Los Angelos [sic]. . . including. . . various cut-offs. . . . G S L C 1851. 16° 40 dd Y [of 2copies known] First overland guide printed west of Missouri. CAIRD, SIR JAMES 1529 Prairie farming in America. . . . L 1859. D [8] 128 map a — Am. ed. N Y 1859. D 130 CAIRO [ILL.] 1530 Prospectus and engineers report, relative to the city of: St L 1839. O [8] 36 a CALDWELL, CHARLES 1531 Memoirs of the life. . . of the Hon. Nathaniel Greene Phil 1819. O [24] 452 [l] port 2facs a CALDWELL, J. F. J. 1532 The history of a brigade of South Caro- linians known first as "Gregg's" and sub- sequently as "McGowan's brigade." Phil 1866. D 247 addenda 1. inserted at p38 a One of the best chronicles of a Con- federate military organization. 1533 N Y 1809. O CALDWELL, JOHN E. A tour through Virginia. 31 a — Eng. ed. Beli 1810. [CALEF, JOHN] 1534 The siege of Penobscot by the rebels. . . . L 1781. O [4] 44 2charts on 1 sheet b BA H NYP CALEF, ROBERT 1535 More wonders of the invisible world. . . . L 1700. sm Q [l2] 156 errata list [not in all copies] b AA BP MH NYP Y 83 Calef — California — Am. ed. Salem 1796 [but not pub. till 1797]. D 318 [2] a — rptd. Salem 1823. D 312; B 1828. 16° 333 Antidote to the hysterical credulity of contemporary religious passion. CALEF, ROBERT Some few remarks, upon a scandalous book. . . by one:. . . . See Mather, Cotton and Increase. [CALHOUN, A. P., et al] 1536 An appeal to the state rights party of South Carolina ... on the present conditions of public affairs. Columbia 1858. O [12] 36 a CALHOUN, ARTHUR W. 1537 A social history of the American family. Clev 1917. O 3v: 348; [6] 9-390 + errata slip; 411a — rptd. N Y 1945. O 3v in 1 CALHOUN, JAMES S. 1538 Official correspondence of: while Indian agent at Santa Fe. . . . Wash 1915. O 554 4maps a CALHOUN, JOHN C. 1539 Correspondence with General Andrew Jackson on. . . the Seminole war. Wash 1831. O 52 a CALHOUN, JOHN C. 1540 Life of: NY 1843. O 74 port a [CALHOUN, JOHN C, and 1541 BUCHANAN, JAMES] Oregon: the claim of the United States. . . as stated in the letters of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun and the Hon. J. Buchanan. . . . L 1846. O [6] 3-55 16 map a CALHOUN, JOHN C 1542 The works of: [Ed. by R. K. Cralle]. N Y [l85l]-5. O 6v: [8] 406; [s] 652; [s] 648; [8] 578; [8] 461; [6] 445 a — all vols. rptd. several times, 1853-60; also 1883. CALHOUN, WILLIAM L. 1543 History of the 42nd Regiment, Georgia Volunteers. [Atlanta 1900]. O 46 port a CALHOUN COUNTY [MICH.] 1544 Calhoun county [Mich.] business directory for 1869-70 . . . historical sketch. . . . Battle Creek Rust 1869. O 425 fold, map a CALIFORNIA 1545 California and the wonderful gold regions. An account of: B [l849]. O 32 b Hn S Y Not seriously informative. Possibly com- piled by the publisher, J. B. Hall; whoever wrote it had never been to California. CALIFORNIA Adventures in:. V. See Huntley, Sir Henry 1546 CALIFORNIA All about: S F 1870. O 96 + advs a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O 64 [l6] + 30 adv-p map — other eds., same impr.: 1871; 1875. Written in part by John S. Hittell. CALIFORNIA (ALTA) 1547 California (Alta): embracing notices of the climate. . . of northern Mexico and the Pacific seaboard; also, a history of. . . oper- ations of the United States. . . 1846-7. By a Captain of Volunteers. Phil 1847. O 64 a CALIFORNIA The bonanza mines. . . of:. . . . See Dewey, Squire P. CALIFORNIA California and her gold regions, com- piled from the best sources. See Duganne, Augustine J. H. CALIFORNIA CHARACTERS California characters, and mining scenes By Whittlestick. See Williston, H. C. CALIFORNIA CRUSOE California Crusoe (The); or, the lost treasure found. See Richards, R. CALIFORNIA 1548 California, dess Klimat, och Guldminor, jemte rad for utvandrare. . . . [Wrapper title: Californien en skildring. . . .]. Stuckh 1850. D 205 map pi a A Swedish version of Edwin Bryant's What I saw in California. CALIFORNIA California, from its discovery, traveller. 1848. See Kells, C E. By CALIFORNIA GOLD REGIONS 1549 California gold regions. . . how to get there and what to take. . . . B [l849]. O 48 a — other issues, N Y and other cities. Probably compiled by the publisher, F. M. Pratt. CALIFORNIA GUIDE BOOK 1550 California guide book (The); comprising Col. Fremont's Geographical account... Major Emory's Overland journey. ... TV V 1849. O 29 3-83 186 2maps a — for anr. issue of a part of this, see be- low, "Notes of travel in California...." CALIFORNIA ILLUSTRATED California illustrated. . . . By a returned Californian. See Letts, J. M. 84 California CALIFORNIA California, its characteristics and pros- pects. . . . See Bushnell, Horace. CALIFORNIA California: its gold and its inhabitants. 2v. 1856. See Huntley, Sir Henry V. CALIFORNIA California: its past history, its present position; Letc.J. See Fleming, G. A. CALIFORNIA 1551 California: its present condition and future prospects, with. . . account of the gold regions. By a scientific gentleman. . . resident in California. Adelaide Australia 1850. O 52 [4] a CALIFORNIA 1552 California; its situation and resources L 1849. O 32 a CALIFORNIA SKETCHES California sketches, with recollections of the gold mines. See Kip, Leonard. CALIFORNIA California und seine Goldminen. Kieuznach 1849. O 32 a 1553 CALIFORNIA 1554 Coleccion de articulos con respecto a: Santiago Chile 1849. O 28 b Hn one copy known [CALIFORNIA] 1555 Coleccion de los principales trabajos en que se ha ocupado la junta nombrado para meditar y proponer. . . los medios . . . para promover el progreso de la cultura y civili- zacion de los territorios de la Alta y de la Baja California. [jVfex] 1827. D 7pts in 1: "Dictamen, " 16p; "Arreglo de las mis- siones," lip; "Colonizacion estrangera," 8p chart; "Colonizacion de nacionales," 18p 3tabs; "Plan politico mercantil," 14p; "Proyecto para el establecimiento de una compania de comercia. . . cuyo punto centrico debe ser Monterey," 14p; "Inici- ativa del ley. . . para el major arreglo del gobierno de los territorios de Cali- fornias," 44p. d B Hn Y Covers the ambitious grand strategy of the Junta de Fomento de Californias looking to California colonization and the establish- ing at Monterey of a commercial capital to dominate the whole Pacific trade. CALIFORNIA (LA). Diario historico de los viages . . . hechos al norte de: /Vfex 1770. See Costanso, Miguel. [CALIFORNIA] Disputatio geographica de vero Cali- forniae. . . . See Gmelin, Johan G. CALIFORNIA 1556 The emigrant's guide to:. . . . Also some useful information for. . . overland travellers through Texas. ... By a traveller recently re- turned from California. L Pelham Richardson [ca 1850]. O 65 [l3] map b Y Miscellaneous information compiled, probably by the publisher, from various sources, but basically a piratical transla- tion of Schmolder's Wegweiser fur Aus- wanderer. For a re-translation into German, see below Californien. Der Fuhrer fur Aus- wanderer nach: CALIFORNIA 1557 Exploits of the Attorney-General in: /V Y 1860. O 30 a Criticizes United States Attorney-General Black's conduct in handling California land claims. CALIFORNIA 1558 From England to: Life among the Mormons and Indians. . . . Sacr 1868. D 146 c B only copy located CALIFORNIA From ocean to ocean. . . diary of a three month's expedition from Liverpool to:. . . . See Flowers, R. W. CALIFORNIA From the Clyde to: See Aitken, James. CALIFORNIA 1559 Gids naar: Bevattende een verslag van de luchtstreek. . . . Amst 1849. D 38 map a CALIFORNIA 1560 The gold regions of:.. . . L Baily [l849]. O 79 map a CALIFORNIA Guide to the gold regions of:.. 18° 36 a 1561 .L 1850. CALIFORNIA An historical journal of the expedition. . . to the north of: L 1790. See Costanso, Miguel. CALIFORNIA 1562 Laws for the better government of: S F 1848. O 68 dd CalS Hn [only copies known] Regulations imposed on this Territory under American military occupation and first English book printed there; nearly all copies destroyed. 85 California — Californien CALIFORNIA Life in:.. . . By an American. 1846. See Robinson, Alfred. CALIFORNIA 1563 California and New Mexico. Message from the President. . . on the subject of: [h. Exec. Doc. 17]. Wash 1850. O 976 maps a CALIFORNIA HISTORY 1564 California (early) history. Misrepresenta- tions of: corrected S F 1894. O 37 a Issued by the Society of California Pioneers in remonstrance to unpalatable truths contained in H. H, Bancroft's histories. CALIFORNIA 1565 Mysteries of: Being an accurate journal of one who has seen the elephant. Syracuse 1850. O 52 b (CALIFORNIA) Northern California, Scott and Klamath rivers. ... By a practical miner. See Metlar, George W. CALIFORNIA 1566 Notes of travel in:. . . . N Y 1849. O 186 map a — Eng. eds.: L 1849. O 312; Dub 1849. D; L 1856. D 2v Made from Fremont's and Emory's reports. For another enlarged issue, see above, California guide book. . . . CALIFORNIA California and the placers. Notes on:. . By one who has been there. See Delavan, James. (CALIFORNIA) 1567 Opis Kalifornii pod wzgledem. . . . Cracow 1850. D 31 a First Polish book on the gold discovery. CALIFORNIA Outline history of an expedition to: See Baker, S. CALIFORNIA Pictorial view of: See Letts, J. M. CALIFORNIA (LA ALTA) 1568 Reglamento provisional para el gobierno interior de la ecma. diputacion territorial de: Monterey Zamorano 1834. 16 18 d First book printed in California; the only earlier printing was a broadside — from the same press and with the same date — Aviso at publico. CALIFORNIA 1569 The shortest route to: illustrated by a history of explorations of the great basin of Utah Phil 1869. O 58 a CALIFORNIA 1570 California, China and Japan. A sketch of the route to: via the Isthmus of Panama. . . . S F 1867. D 105 a (CALIFORNIA) The Volcano diggings; a tale of California law. By a member of the bar. See Kip, Leonard. CALIFORNIA^ SITU Californiae situ et conditione. Disputatio geographica de vero: See Gmelin, Johan G. CALIFORNIAS Noticias de la provincia de:. . . . See Sales, Luis. CALIFORNIAS 1571 Reglamento para el gobierno de la pro- vincia de: Mex 1784. F [2] 38 d N NYP — rptd. Santa Clara 1874. O 68 all but 6 copies burned c — Eng. tr. & original Sp. text, S F Grabhorn 1929. O 2v: [2] 56; [2] 56 [5] a This Reglamento remained in force until Mexico became independent. It embodied for the first time laws governing Upper California. CALIFORNIA Un an sur les bords du San- Joaquin. . . . See Dumas, Alex. CALIFORNIE (LA) 1572 Histoire Chretienne de: Par. . . la Com- tesse de Plancy 1851. D [2] 289 [2] 2pls a — Sp. tr. Afex 1864. O CALIFORNIE Voyage en: 1850-1. , Pierre Ch. de. See Saint-Amant, CALIFORNIEN (ALMANACH) 1573 Californien (Almanach): guide. . .pour tout le monde sur la Californie. . . . P Martimon [l850]. 16° 160 a CALIFORNIEN 1574 Californien und dessen gold reichthum. . . . Authentische Nachrichten uber: Bremen 1849. D 24 map a CALIFORNIEN 1575 Californien og dets Guldrigdom. Beret- ning om: Christiania 1849. 16° 125 map a 86 Camp CALIFORNIEN 1576 Californien, dessen Minen, Ackerbau, Handel und Gewerbe N Y 1851. 16° 32 a CALIFORNIEN Californien en skildring. . . . See Cali- lornia, dess Klimat, och Guldminor. . . . CALIFORNIEN 1577 Der Fuhrer fur Auswanderer nach: Leip 1849. D [16] 88 map pi a For prior English edition, see above, California. The emigrant's guide to: CALIFORNIEN Californien (der amerikanischen Halbin- sel). Nachrichten von: See Bagert, Jacob. CALIFORNIEN Rathgeber fur auswanderer nach: See Uhlenhuth, E. CALL, RICHARD E. 1578 The life and writings of Rafinesque. Louisv 1895. Q [l2] 227 2pls 3facs a CALLAHAN, JAMES M. 1579 The diplomatic history of the southern Confederacy. Bait 1901. O 304 a CALLAO Callao to San Francisco. Journal of a voyage from: By Long Tom. See Downes, S. T. [CALLENDER, JAMES T.] 1580 The American annual register, or his- torical memoirs of the United States, for.. . 1796. Phil 1797 O [8] 288 a — rptd., "The history of the United States for 1796. . . ," same impr. and date O [8] 312 [.Also issued in 8 weekly nos.J Chapters 5 and 6, charging him with fi- nancial dishonesty, forced Hamilton to issue his "Reynolds pamphlet." CALLENDER, [JAMES] T. 1581 Letters to Alexander Hamilton, king of the Feds NY 1802. O 64 a — rptd. N Y 1866. O [4] 89 60copies ptd[20 on L.P.] CALLENDER, JAMES T. 1582 The political register. Vol. I [all]. Phil 1795. O [8] 245 a [CALLENDER, JAMES T.] The prospect before us. . . O 3pts in 2v: 184; 152; 96 a 1583 Rich 1800-01. CALLENDER, JAMES T. 1584 Sketches of the history of America. Phil 1798. O 264 a CALLENDER, JAMES T. 1585 Trial of: for sedition. . . . [capt. t . only] rup. [Rich?] rud. [l800?]. O 76 a CALLENDER, JOHN 1586 An historical discourse on the civil and religious affairs of the colony of Rhode Island B 1739. O [l6] 121 a — rptd., with adds., as ed. 3 [having been previously issued in R. L Hist. Colls.] "The early history of Rhode Island," B 1843. O 270 facs CALLISON, JOHN J. 1587 Bill Jones of Paradise Valley, Oklahoma; his life and adventures for over forty years in the great southwest. . . . [Chi 1914]. D 328 front a CALM ADDRESS (A) Calm address (A) to the people of the eastern states. By the author of the Olive Branch. . . . See Carey, Mathew. CALVIN, MARTIN V. 1588 Augusta [Ga.] directory, for 1865-6. Con- taining a. . . history. . . . Augusta 1865. O 98 a CAMAC, TURNER 1589 Facts and arguments respecting the great utility of an extensive plan of inland naviga- tion in America. Phil 1805. O 61 a CAMACHO, SEBASTIEN 1590 Memoria de los ramos del Ministerio de Relaciones Interiores y Esteriores de la Republica. . . . Mex 1826. Q 33 + errata p a Organization of California missions, Indian troubles, etc. CAMBRAY, LOUIS-MARIE-JOSEPH 1591 Reminiscences. . . d'un ancien chirurgien de corsaires. . . pendant les annees 1800- 1803. Cambrai 1856. O 200 a Describes a visit to New Orleans. CAMBRIDGEPORT Cambridgeport and East Cambridge. Two hundred years ago; or, a brief history of: By S. S. S. See Simpson, S. S. CAMDEN, CHARLES 1592 Autobiography of:. . . . S F 1916. O 173 port pis a SOcopies ptd. Includes California experiences, 1849-50. CAMP, CHARLES L. [ed.] 1593 James Clyman, American frontiersman. S F 1928. O [6, incl. port on verso of 1/2 t.] 9-251 3maps port b MontH N OreH NYP Y One of the most trustworthy narratives of the far west, for the period 1842-6; the only Oregon overland journal of 1844. 87 Camp ipbe CAMP, MORTIMER M. 1594 Life and adventures of a New England boy. N Hav [l893]. D 129 pis a CAMPANA 1595 Campana contra los Americanos del Norte . . . por un official de infanteria. Pt. I [all]. Mex 1846. O 48[incl. 5tabs on 8p] 2plans a Criticizes Arista and other commanders for military ineptitude along the Rio Grande and at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. CAMPANIUS HOLM, TOMAS 1596 Kort beskrifning om Provincien Nya Swerige [etc.]. Stockh 1702. Q [l4 inch eng. t-p] 190 [2] 7maps &, pis b AA N NYP Y — Eng. tr. "Description of New Sweden . . . ," Phil 1834. O [6] 5-166 5maps & pis a Best early account of settlements on the Delaware. CAMPBELL, JAMES Y. History of Anderson county [rias.]. [Garnett Kas 1876?]. O 40 a 1604 1597 La Salle 111 1856. CAMPBELL, A. A glance at Illinois. O 32 a [CAMPBELL, ALBERT H., et al] 1598 . . . Reports upon the Pacific wagon roads [Wash 1859J. O 125 6maps a Issued both as House Executive Docu- ment 108 and as Senate Executive Document 36; former has priority. CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER Mormonism weighed in the balances. 1832. O 24 a — Eng. ed. same collat. L [l850]. 1599 .B 1600 . Edin 1816. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD A voyage round the world. O 288 map a -Am. eds.: TV Y 1817. D map; N Y 1819. D 219 map; Charleston S C 1822. D; Roxbury 1825. D map — Dutch tr. Amst 1818. O — Ger. tr. Jena 1817. O 162 Includes adventures on the Northwest coast. CAMPBELL, CHARLES 1601 History of. . . Virginia. Phil 1860. O [2] 11-765 a CAMPBELL, CHARLES 1602 Introduction to the history of . . . Virginia. Rich 1847. O 200 [8] a CAMPBELL, G. L. A relation ... of a late expedition to the gates of St. Augustine. . . .See Kimber, Edw. CAMPBELL, SIR GEORGE 1603 White and black. The outcome of a visit to the United States. L 1879. O [l8] 442 [40] a —Am. ed. N Y 1879. O [l8j 420 CAMPBELL, JESSE H. 1605 Georgia Baptists: historical. . . . Rich 1847. D 288 [2] a — ed. 2, enl., Afacon 1874. O 502 pi [CAMPBELL, JOHN] LL.D. 1606 A concise history of the Spanish America L 1741. O [12] 330 a some copies on L.P. — rptd. "A complete history of Spanish America. . . ," L 1742. same collat. — anr. ed. "The Spanish Empire in America ...," L 1747. O [12] 330 — best ed., with adds., "An account of the Spanish settlements in America. . . ," Edin 1762. O [16] 512 map a — Dutch trs.: Amst 1745-6; Amst 1750. CAMPBELL, JOHN, LL.D. 1607 Lives of the admirals and other eminent British seamen. . . . L 1742-4. O 4v a — ed. 2. rev. & enl., L 1750. O 4v: [4] 543; [2] 476 [24]; 488; [2] 453 [l6] — several later eds. CAMPBELL, JOHN, bookseller 1608 Negro-mania. . . examination of the falsely- assumed equality of the various races. . . . Phil 1851. O 549 a CAMPBELL, JOHN A. 1609 Recollections of the evacuation of Rich- mond. Bait 1880. O 27 a CAMPBELL, JOHN A. 1610 Reminiscences. . . relating to the civil war during 1865. Bait 1887. D 68 a CAMPBELL, J[0HN] L. 1611 Idaho: six months in the new gold diggings Chi 1864. O 62[incl.advs] + [2 add. adv-p] map d Hn Pn — anr. issue, with N Y impr., O 52 map c N Y — anr. ed. "Idaho and Montana gold re- gions. ..." Chi 1865. D [6] 6-52 [l6] + 15 adv-p interspersed, map ptd on verso of t-p, no copyr. notice at foot of t-p c Hn Y — same, anr. issue, with copyr. notice on t-p b — anr. ed. "Great agricultural and mineral west. . . ," Chi 1866. O 22adv-p [4] 15-78 + 22 adv-p map b Y — anr. ed. Chi Western News Co [l867]. 16° 98 Campbell's industry also produced a twelve-page traveller's guide to the Idaho and Colorado mines, with two maps, Chi- cago 1864. Some copies of the first edition have Chicago imprint on wrappers, others 88 Campbell — Candid give New York imprint. Variety of editions listed above do not exhaust the bewildering variants. [CAMPBELL, JOHN P.] 1612 The passenger; or a religious ramble through Kentucky and Ohio. Lex 1804. D 2pts in 1: 20; 22 b PresbyH[only copy known] [CAMPBELL, JOHN P.] ed. 1613 The southern business directory. . . . Vol. I [all]. Charleston S C 1854. O 404 173 a 1614 Phil [1813]. D CAMPBELL, J[0HN] W. A history of Virginia. 310 a — anr. ed. Petersburg Va 1813. same collat. CAMPBELL, JOHN w[lLS0N] 1615 Biographical sketches; with other literary remains of: Compiled by his widow. Colum- bus O 1838. O [8] 279 2ports a CAMPBELL, MRS MARIA 1616 Revolutionary services. . . of General William Hull: together with the history of the campaign of 1812 NY 1848. O [20] 17-482 a CAMPBELL, P[ATRICK] 1617 Travels in the interior inhabited parts of North America. . . 1791-2 Edin 1793. O [10] 388 3pls tab c AA N NYP Y — rptd. Tor Champlain Soc. 1937. O [22] 326 [l2] pis a 550copies ptd. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM PARKER 1618 The escape and wanderings of John Wilkes Booth, until ending of the trail by suicide in Oklahoma Okla C [l922]. D [6] 142 a — some copies have a leaf, p. 143-4, added. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM W. 1619 Annals of Tryon county. . . border warfare of New York during the revolution. ...NY 1831. O 191 [78] map facs a — ed. 2, "The border warfare of New York ...," N Y 1849. D 396 CAMPBELL, WILLIAM W. 1620 An historical sketch of Robin Hood and Captain Kidd. N Y 1853. D 263 a CAMPER, CHARLES, and 1621 KIRKLEY, J. W. Historical record of the First Regiment Maryland Infantry Wash 1871. D [lO] 312 a CAMPION, J. S. 1622 On the frontier L 1878. O [l6] 372 [incl. 8pls] a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. CANADA 162 The four kings of: . . . lately arriv'd from North America. . . description of their coun- try L 1710. O 47 b N — abr. ed. Wakefield [ca 1800]. O 8 a These were Iroquois chiefs taken to London by Col. Schuyler of Albany. Por- traits of these Sachems, engraved con- temporaneously at London in folio, did not form a part of this account. CANADA A letter from a Romish priest in: to one who was taken captive. . . . See Burnet, Wm. CANADA Mission du: relations inedites. . . . See Martin, Felix, and Montezon, F. de. CANADA (LOWER) Canada (Lower) and New Brunswick. Notes upon the south western boundary line of: . . . and the United States. . . . See Stuart, Andrew. CANADA On the origin and progress of the North West Company of:. . . . See Atcheson, Nathaniel. CANADA 1624 Relation des affaires du Canada, en 1696, et des missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus jusqu'en 1702. N Y 1865. O 42 a — enl. ed. N Y 1865. O 73 lOOcopies ptd. Forms Number 19 of Shea's "Cramoisy series." Includes letters by Jesuit mis- sionaries written from Detroit and Illinois. CANADA (LOWER) Canada (Lower) and New Brunswick. Succinct account of the treaties. . . relating to the boundary line between. . . : and the United States. . . . See Stuart, Andrew. CANADA Canada (Upper and Lower). A tour through: By a citizen of the United States. See Og- den, John C. CANAJOHARY Canajohary und Palatine, an der Mohawk- Rivier. Handbuch fur meine Freunde in den Districten von: See Runckler, Seb. CANDID... CONSIDERATIONS 1625 Candid and impartial considerations on the preliminary articles of peace with France and Spain, and the provisional treaty with the United States. By a country gentleman. L 1783. O [2] 53 a 89 Candid — Capers CANDID EXAMINATION Candid examination (A) of the mutual claims of Great Britain, and the colonies .... See Galloway, Jos. CANDID EXAMINATION Candid examination (A) of the objections to the treaty. . . between the United States and Great Britain. ... See Smith, Wm. L. CANDID RETROSPECT Candid retrospect (The): or, the American war examined. . . . See Smith, Wm., Jr. CANDID THOUGHTS 1626 Candid thoughts; or, an enquiry into the causes of national discontents. . . since the commencement of the present reign. L 1781. O 73 a Accuses the colonies of filial ingratitude, asserts that their taxation was just and ex- pedient, that the war, unavoidable and necessary, was bungled by Lord North's timidity and General Howe's incapacity, dissipation and treachery. [CANDLER, ISAAC] 1627 A summary view of America . . . the result of observations . . . during a journey in the United States. L 1824. O [8j 503 a CANFIELD, CHAUNCEY L., ed. 1628 The diary of a forty-niner. S F 1906. O [22 incl. map] 231 a — rptd. B 1920. D [l8 incl. map] 253 CANFIELD, T. H. [comp.] 1629 Business directory of. .. Oswego, Labette county, Kansas, containing a history of the town [etc.]. Oswego 1870. O 32 map a CANFIELD, THOMAS H. 1630 Life of: Burl Vt 1889. Q 48 port a CANFIELD, THOMAS H. 1631 Northern Pacific railroad; partial report ... of the reconnoissance . . . between lake Superior and the Pacific [n Y ? 1870]. O 96, 44 2maps b NYP WashU Y Printed for distribution to directors only, presenting facts and operations which at the time it was inadvisable to make public. CANNING (ELIZABETH) 1632 Canning (Elizabeth) in America. Virtue triumphant, or:. ... B ptd, L rptd 1757. O [2] 78 a Fiction. CANNON, GEORGE Q. 1633 Writings from the "Western Standard". . . . Liv 1864. O [16] 512 a Selections recording important Mormon events of 1856 and 1857. CANNON, J. P. 1634 Inside of rebeldom. Wash 1899. O 288 [incl. front. J a — rptd. same impr. 1900. CANNON, JOHN 1635 History of Grant's campaign for the cap- ture of Richmond L 1869. D [l2] 470 a CANOVA, ANDREW P. 1636 Life and adventures in south Florida. Palatka 1885. O 186 a — rptd. Tampa 1906. D 160 port CANTON, FRANK M. 1637 Frontier trails B 1930. D [l8] 236 12pls a CANT0NWINE, ALEXANDER 1638 Star forty-five, Oklahoma. . . . [Okla City] 1911. O 334 front, a CANTRELL, OSCAR A. 1639 Sketches of the First Regiment Georgia Volunteers Atlanta 1864. O 73 b Duke Emory CAPE BRETON 1640 The great importance of: demonstrated. . . . With the reasons that induced the people of New England to subdue this . . . rival. . . . L 1746. O [8] 72 2maps a CAPE BRETON The importance and advantage of: truly stated See Bollan, Wm. CAPE BRETON 1641 The importance of: consider'd; in a letter . . . from an inhabitant of New England. L 1747. O [2] 73 a CAPELLINI, GIOVANNI 1642 Ricordo di un viaggio scientifico nell' America Settentrionale. . . . Bologna 1867. D [12] 279 map a [CAPEN, NAHUM?] 1643 The republic of the United States; its duties. . . . Embracing also a review of the late war between the United States and Mexico NY 1848. O [l2] 322 a CAPERS, HENRY D. 1644 The life and times of C G. Memminger. Rich 1893. O 604 pis a Best account of the Confederacy's fi- nances; also brings out the growth of se- cession thought from 1832 to the formation of the Confederacy. CAPERS, HENRY D. 1645 Recollections of the civil service of the Confederate government. Pt. l[allj. Atlanta 1887. O 48 a 90 Capitulation — Carey Account of frenzied finance in the Con- federacy, by the Chief Clerk of its Treasury Department. CAPITULATION (THE) Capitulation (The); or, a history of the expedition conducted by William Hull.. . . By an Ohio volunteer. See Foster, James. CAPRON, El LISHAl S. History of California. 356 map a 1646 D [12] CAPTIVES (THE) Captives (The) of Abb's Valley. ... By the son of Mary Moore. See Brown, James Moore. CARAMAN, GEORGES J. V. R., 1647 comte de Les Etats-Unis il y a quarante ans. P 1852-4. O 54 31 30 20 a Reprinted from the Revue contemporaine. The author accompanied the French minister to this country in 1811. CARAYON, AUGUSTE 1648 Bannissement des Jesuites de la Louisi- ane P 1865. O [l2] 136 a CARDELLE, CARA [comp.] Letters from an early settler of Texas. See Dewees, Wm. B. CARDENAS Z CANO, GABRIEL DE Ensayo cronologico, para la historia general de la Florida. See Barcia Carballido y Zuniga, Andres Gonzalez [from which Cardenas z Cano was anagrammatically formed]. CARDOZO, JACOB N. 1649 A plan of financial relief. . . . Atlanta 1863. O 37 a CARDOZO, j[ACOB] N. 1650 Reminiscences of Charleston. Charleston S C 1866. D 144 a CAREW, MR. BAMFYLDE-MOOR An apology for the life of: See Goadby, Robt. CAREY, HENRY C, and LEA, J. 1651 [pubs.] A complete historical. . . American atlas Phil 1822. F [6] 118 1. [incl. 46maps] a — rptd., same collat., 1823; 1825; 1827. — Eng. ed. , abr., "The geography, history, [etc.] of America. . . ," L 1823. O 447 18maps 86 pis — rptd. L 1825. — Fr. ed. "Atlas geographique," P 1825. Q [14] 125 1. [incl. 57maps] — Ger. ed. "Atlas von Amerika. . . ," Weimar 1824-9. F [2] 45maps First atlas to use the discoveries of Lewis and Clark and of Long. [CAREY, JOHN L.] 1652 Some thoughts concerning domestic slavery Bait 1838. 18° [2] 5-115 a — ed. 2, au. named, Bait 1839. same collat. CAREY, MATHEW [pub.] 1653 American atlas. Phil 1795. F [2] 20maps chart b A A LC — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1800. a; same impr. 1805. F [2] 21maps — anr. ed. Phil 1809. F [2] 26maps a First American atlas printed in the United States; maps were first engraved for the American edition of Guthrie's Geography. Cf. Reid, John, The American atlas. CAREY, MATHEW 1654 American minor atlas. Phil 1806. O [2] 20maps a CAREY, MATHEW 1655 American pocket atlas. . . . Phil 1796. D 118 + starred dupl. pl3-16 19maps a — ed. 2, enl., Phil 1801. D [8] 114 19maps fold, tab — ed. 3, Phil 1805. B [4] 114 20maps tab — ed. 4, Phil 1814. D [4] 168 23maps 2fold. tabs [some copies dated 1813] [CAREY, MATHEW] ed. 1656 The American remembrancer . . . essays, [etc.] relative ... to the treaty with Great Britain. Phil 1795-6. O 12nos. in 3v: 288; 288; 312 a CAREY, MATHEW 1657 Autobiographical sketches: containing a view of the rise and progress of the Ameri- can system. Vol. l[all], Phil [l829]. D [l6] 156 a [CAREY, MATHEW] 1658 Brief view of the system of internal im- frovement of . . . Pennsylvania. Phil 1831. D 10] 36 a — anr. issue, au. named, same impr. & date. O 36 [CAREY, MATHEW] 1659 The dissolution of the Union. A sober address Phil Aug. 25, 1832. O 20 a — ed. 2, same impr. Sept. 1, 1832. O 35 — anr. ed., same impr., date & collat. — anr. ed., with changes, Charleston S C 1832. O 24 [CAREY, MATHEW] 1660 Essay on railroads. [Phil 1830]? O 26 [incl.diags] caption t. only a 91 Carey — Carmichael CAREY, MATHEW 1661 Essays on political economy . . . applied particularly to the United States. Phil 1822. O [14] 10-546 [10] a [CAREY, MATHEW]? 1662 A few remarks on Mr. Hamilton's late Letter concerning the public conduct. . . of the President. Bait 1800. O 24 a Attributed also to William Pinckney. [CAREY, MATHEW]. 1663 Reflections on the state of the Union. . . . Phil 1792. O 33 a [CAREY, MATHEW] 1664 Thirteen essays on the policy of manu- facturing in this country. . . . Phil 1830. O [2] 30 a [CAREY, T. J.] 1665 Klondike and all about it. N Y 1896. D 143 map diag. a — rptd. [ca 1897]. [CAREY, THOMAS] comp. 1666 History of the pirates. . . . Haverhill 1825. D 276 front, a — anr. ed. N Y 1827. — rptd. Hart 1829; same impr. 1834. D 283 [incl. pi] — anr. ed. "The history of the lives and bloody exploits of the pirates," Hart 1835. — enl.ed., events to 1835. Hart [l836]. D 298[incl. front.] 7pls; Hart 1850. D; Hart 1855. D; N Y 1860. D Earliest American compilation on this sub- ject; includes activities to May, 1825. Based largely on Johnson's History of the pirates. For similar work, see Ellms, The pirate's own book. [CARLET, JOSEPH A.] 1667 Quelques considerations sur 1'Amerique. P 1823. O 28 a CARLETON, GENERAL SIR GUY A list of the officers serving . . . under the command of: See Rivington, James. CARLETON, JAMES H. 1668 The battle of Buena Vista NY 1848. 16° [8] 238 2maps a CARLETON, JAMES H. 1669 Report on. . .the massacre at Mountain Meadows, in Utah. . . . Little Rock True Democrat 1860. O 32 c G S Y [only copies known] — anr. issue, with "Senate document" on t-p & impr. of ohnson [sic] and Yerkes. c KasU -—rptd. H. R. 605, Wash 1902. O 17 a Full account of this inhuman holocaust, in which perished at Mormon hands over 125 California-bound emigrants from Arkansas and Missouri. See also entry under Mountain Meadows. CARLETON, LATHAM C. 1670 Texas Joe: or, army life on the frontiers. N Y [1868]. D 100 pi a CARLETON, ROBERT [pseud.] The new purchase. . . . See Hall, Baynard R. [CARLI, comte GIOVANNI R.] 1671 Delle lettere Americane. Cosmopoli 1780. 16° 2v: 275 [8]; 318 [lo] a — enl. ed. Cremona 1781-3. O 3v: [32] 232; [8] 269; [10] 214 [3] — Fr. ed. "Lettres americaines. . . ," B & P 1788. [actually ptd at p]. O 2v: [24] 520; [6] 536. map — rptd. P 1792. O 2v — Ger. ed. "Briefe iiber Amerika, " Gera 1785. D 3v: 468; 502; 368. map — Sp. ed. "Les cartas Americanas," Mex 1821-2. Q 3v Confutes de Pauw's Recherches . . . sur les Americains, and ascribes the origin of the American natives to the Atlantides. CARLIER, AUGUSTE 1672 De l'esclavage dans ses rapports avec l'union americaine. P 1862. O [l6] 495 a CARLIER, AUGUSTE 1673 Histoire du peuple americain. . . et de ses rapports avec les Indiens . . . jusqu'a la revolution P 1864. O 2v: [32] 456 [l]; [4] 512 a CARLISLE, EARL OF, and 1674 CLINTON, SIR HENRY, et al Letters and other papers relating to the proceedings of His Majesty's Commissioners ... to treat . . . upon the means of quieting the disorders ... in certain of the colonies [N Y] Rivington [l778]. O 58 b NYP Y CARLISLE, THE EARL OF Two lectures. . . . See Howard, George W. F. CARMICHAEL, JOHN 1675 A self-defensive war lawful, proved in a sermon. . . before Captain Ross's company of militia Phil 1775. O 34 a — anr. ed. Lancaster [l775]. CARMICHAEL, MARY H., comp. 1676 Pioneer days. N Y 1917. D [12] 196 7pls a 92 Caro — Carrington CARO, RAM6N M. 1677 Verdadera idea de la primera campana de Tejas . . . despues de la accion de San Jacinto. Afex 1837. O [8] 162 b H N Y By Santa Anna's secretary; contains that officer's official report of this campaign. In reliability as a contemporary Mexican source on the Texas revolution ranks with Fili- sola's Memorias. . . . CARPENTER, STEPHEN] D. 1685 Logic of history. . . . Results of slavery agitation and emancipation. . . with chapters on despotism, usurpations and frauds. Ed. 2. Madison Wis 1864. O [4] 351 a Voices the unregenerate Copperhead be- lief that abolition Republicans strove to effect sectional rupture and did not want the Union restored. CAROLINA Allerneuste Beschreibung der. burg 1712. See Lawson, John. CARR, JOHN 1686 Early times in middle Tennessee. Nashv 1857. 16° 248 a CAROLINA Carolina (der beruhmten Landschaft). Ausfuhrlich-und umstandlicher Bericht von: . . , . See Kocherthal, Joshua. CARR, JOHN, 1827-96 1687 Pioneer days in California. Eureka Calif 1891. O [4] 11-452 port a — rptd. Louisiana Mo n.d. CAROLINA Carolina in the olden time. By the octo- genarian lady. . . . See Poyas, Mrs. Eliz. A. CAROLINA The case of protestant dissenters in:. See Defoe, Dan'l. [CAROLINA] 1678 Neue Nachricht alter und neuer Merck- wurdig-keiten. . . von der Landschafft Caro- lina. . . . Zurich 1734. O 80 a [CAROLINA] 1679 Der nunmehro in den Neuen Welt. . . Beschreibung des gegenwartigen Zustande der. . . Provinz Carolina. Bern 1734. O 46 a CAROLINA Party-tyranny. Defoe, Danl. as now practised in: See CAROLINA 1680 The present state of: with advice to the setlers. By R. F. L 1682. Q 36 c Hn[only copy located] CARPENTER, HERMAN 1681 Three years in Alaska. Phil [l90l]. D 105 a CARPENTER, L[EWIS] C. 1682 Tourist's guide to Colorado. . . . Denver 1879. D 80 a CARPENTER, RUSSELL L. 1683 Observations on American slavery, after a year's tour in the United States. L 1852. O [6] 59 a [CARPENTER, STEPHEN C.] 1684 Memoirs of the Hon. Thomas Jefferson. . . . Hf Y] 1809. O 2v: [4] 404; [2] 434 a Venomously critical; said to have been suppressed. CARR, SPENCER 1688 A brief sketch of La Crosse, Wisconsin. La Crosse 1854. O 28 a — rptd. same impr. 1917. First La Crosse imprint. CARRASCO Y GUISASOLA, 1689 FRANCISCO, ed. Documentos referentes al reconocimiento de la costas de las Californias. . . . Madrid 1882. O 2pts[continuously paged] 214 a First publication of material on Vis- caino's explorations, 1584-1602. CARREY, EDMOND, and 1690 FRIGNET, ERNEST Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Les etats du north-west et Chicago. P 1871. O 88 lOpls a The plates — actual photos taken just be- fore the fire — are of great local importance. CARREY, £MILE 1691 Grandeur et avenir des fitats-Unis. P 1863. O 48 a CARRIGAN, MRS. WILHELMINA 1692 Captured by the Indians . . . pioneer life in Minnesota. Forest City S D 1907. O [4] 3-40 pi a — rptd. [Buffalo Lake Minn] 1912. D 48 [20] CARRINGTON, FRANCES C 1693 My army life and the Fort Phil Kearney massacre. Phil 1910. O 318 3maps 39pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1911. By the second wife of General Carring- ton; her first husband fell with Fetterman in the massacre. CARRINGTON, HENRY B. 1694 History of Indian operations on the plains [Wash 1881]. O 56 a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1887. 93 Carrington — Carter CARRINGTON, HENRY B. 1695 The Indian question B 1884. O 32 map a — rptd. B 1909. O 32 2maps 2pls Includes General Carrington's report on the Fort Phil Kearney massacre. [CARRINGTON, MRS. HENRY 6.1 1696 Absaraka, home of the Crows . . . experi- ence of an officer's wife on the plains. . . . Phil 1868. D 284 map a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat., 1869. — ed. 3, enl., Phil 1878. D [20] 13-378 2maps 15pls — four other eds. by 1896. Editions after 1869 had variant sub-titles: i.e., "land of massacre" and "or, Wyoming opened." [CARRINGTON, MRS. HENRY B.] 1697 Ocean to ocean. The Pacific railroad and adjoining territories, with distances and fares Phil 1869. 18° 31 map a Usually attributed to Mrs. Carrington, but probably by her husband. CARROLL'S CLAIM 1698 Carroll's (Miss Anna E. ) claim before Congress, in connection with the Tennessee campaign of 1862. [Wash 1873]. O 55 a Asks remuneration for suggesting this decisive plan. CARROLL, ANNA E. 1699 A review of Pierce's administration. . . . B 1856. D 137 a CARROLL, ANNA E. 1700 The star of the west; or national men and national measures. B 1856. D 366 9ports a — rptd. twice with adds. CARROLL, BARTHOLOMEW] R. 1701 [comp.J Historical collections of South Carolina. N Y 1836. O 2v: [82] 9-533; 576. map a CARROLL, CHARLES, of 1702 Carrol Iton Journal of: during his visit to Canada in 1776 Bait 1845. O 84 a some copies on L.P. Q — rptd. Bait 1876. O 110[incl. front.] port CARROLL, GEORGE R. 1703 Pioneer life in and around Cedar Rapids . . . 1839-1849. Cedar Rapids 1895. D [l2] 25l[incl.pls] a [CARSON, CHRISTOPHER] 1705 Kit Carson's own story. . . . Ed. Blanche C. Grant. Taos N M 1926. O 138[incl.pls] a — rptd. "Kit Carson's autobiography," ed. M, M. Quaife, Chi 1935. 16° [38] 192 port facs CARSON, CHRISTOPHER The life and times of:. . . . See Ellis, Edward S. 706 [CARROLL, MOTHER MARY AUSTIN] A Catholic history of Alabama and the Floridas. Vol. l[allj. /V Y 1908. O 373 a 1704 CARSON, J[AMES] H. Early recollections of the mines.. . . Stockton 1852. O 64 map[by Gibbes] c Hn N NYH — rptd. Oakland 1950. O 113 2maps a 750 copies ptd. First book printed in Stockton, and only a few copies known. Called "second edition" on cover title because it had been issued previously as a newspaper supplement. CARSON, THOMAS 1707 Ranching, sport and travel. . . . L 1911. O 320[incl.front.J 15pls a — Am. ed. [same sheets] N Y [l912?]. CARTA 1708 Carta de un ciudadano Mexicano a un oficial del ejercito Norte-Americano. . . . Atlixco 1847. D 28 a CARTAS Cartas edificantes. See Lettres ed if ic antes. . . . CARTER, E. S. 1709 The life and adventures of:. . . . St Joseph Mo 1896. D 145 b N Y CARTER, H. L. 1710 A descriptive hand-book to the two lands of gold. . . Australia and California.. . . L [1853J. D 38 a CARTER, HOWELL 1711 A cavalryman's reminiscences of the civil war. N O [ca 1900]. D 212 ports a CARTER, LANGDON 1712 The rector detected. . . defense of the two-penny act. . . . Wmsbg 1764. O 40 a CARTER, RICHARD 1713 A short sketch of the author's life. . . . Versailles Ky 1825. O 2pts in 1: 465 a CARTER, ROBERT G. 1714 The Mackenzie raid from Texas into Mexico. Wash 1919. O 63 a Punitive chase of hostile Texas Indians by the Fourth Cavalry, in 1873, which didn't bother to halt at the international border. 94 CARTER, ROBERT G. 1715 The old sergeant's story; winning the west from the Indians and the bad men. . . . N Y 1926. O 220 port front, a CARTER, ROBERT G. 1716 On the border with Mackenzie; or, winning west Texas from the Comanches. . . . Wash [1935]. O [18] 418 [2] 419-542 3ports a CARTER, ROBERT G. 1717 On the trail of deserters Wash 1920. O 60 a 250copies ptd. CARTER, ROBERT G. 1718 Pursuit of Kicking Bird. . . in the Texas "bad lands" Wash 1920. O 44 a 100 copies ptd. CARTER, ROBERT G. 1719 Tragedies of Canon Blanco; a story of the Texas panhandle Wash 1919. O 97 port a 1720 CARTER, W. A. History of Fannin county, Texas. Bonham 1885. D 128 + 16adv-p a CARTER, W. C, and GLOSS- 1721 BRENNER, A. J. History of York county [Pa.]. York 1834. D 183 [30] front, a CARTER, WILLIAM 1722 A genuine detail of the several engage- ments. . . during the years 1775 and 1776. . . the blockade of Boston L 1784. Q [2] 50 errata slip plan c BA N NYP Y — ed. 2, same impr. & collat. , with errata cor., 1785. b CARTER, W[ILLIAM] H. 1723 Old army sketches. Bait 1906. D 203 5pls a CARTMELL, T[H0MAS] K. 1724 Shenandoah valley pioneers. . . . [Win- chester 1909]. O [8] 587 20pls a CARTWRIGHT, DAVID W. 1725 Natural history of western wild animals .. . also, narratives of personal adventure Toledo 1875. D [l2] 280 19pls a — ed. 2, same collat., 1875. [CARTWRIGHT, JOHN] 1726 American independence the interest and glory of Great Britain. ... L 1774. O [20] 72 a — new ed., with adds., L 1775. O [22] 72 15 30 52 map — Am. ed. Phil 1776. O 125 Urges British recognition of American independence; the two countries then to form a union, beneficial to both. I [CARTWRIGHT, JOHN] 1727 A letter to Edmund Burke. . . controverting the principles of American government, laid down in his. . . speech on American taxation L 1775. O 30 a Separate printing of a portion of the additions contained in the 1775 edition of his American independence. . . . CARTWRIGHT, PETER 1728 Autobiography of: NY 1856. D 525 port a — rptd. 1857; and many times later. CARTWRIGHT, W[lLLIAM] C. 1729 Gustave Bergenroth. . . . Edin 1870. D [l6] 315 a Contains his California experiences in 1850, including his formation of a motley crew of unsavory adventurers, one of whom was executed by Vigilantes. Leaving Cali- fornia in 1851, he ultimately earned inter- national fame as a scholar. CARUTHERS, E[Ll] W. 1730 Revolutionary incidents ... in the "Old North State" [Carolina]. Ser. 1 & 2. Phil 1854-6. D 2v: 431; 448. 2maps pi a CARUTHERS, E[Ll] W. 1731 A sketch of the life of the Rev. David Caldwell. . . including. . . revolutionary transactions and incidents. . . . Greensboro N C 1842. O 302 [2] a [CARUTHERS, WILLIAM A.] 1732 The lives of Sir Walter Raleigh and Capt. John Smith with an account of the Governors of Virginia. . . . Shepherds '-Town[now W. Va.] 1817. 16° 122 a CARVALHO, S[0L0M0N] N. 1733 Incidents of travel and adventure in the far west; with Col. Fremont's last expedi- tion. ...NY&L 1856. D [4] 7-380 Bears earlier date than N Y ed., but really formed from its sheets, with new t-p, and with front, omitted, a — anr. ed. N Y 1857. same collat., with front. — anr. issue, same impr. & date. D \A\ 250 130 front. [different] —rptd. 1858; 1859; 1860. Carvalho accompanied Fremont's fourth expedition as artist. Preliminary pages five and six, containing dedication to Mrs. Fremont, were suppressed in all early editions. CARVER, HARTWELL 1734 Proposal for a charter to build a railroad from lake Michigan to the Pacific ocean. Wash 1847. O 39 a 95 Carver — Casler One of the earliest transcontinental projects, with critical comments on the plans of Whitney and Wilkes. CARVER, JOHN [pseud.] Sketches of New England. . . . See Dodge, N. S. CARVER, JONATHAN 1735 Travels through the interior parts of North America. . . 1766-8. L 1778. O [20] 544 2maps 4pls a — rptd. Dub 1779. O [20] 508 map 2pls — ed. 2, L 1779. O [24] 544 2maps 4pls — ed. 3, L 1780. O [26] 543 port 2maps 5pls — same, issue 2, [best ed.], with biog. & index added, L 1781. O [4] 22 [24incl.blank 1.] 544 [20] port 2maps 5pls[4col.] — Am. & other eds.: Phil 1784. O 217; 1789; 1792; 1794; Portsmouth N H 1794; Phil 1795; 1796; B 1797; Edin 1798. map; Charlestown Mass 1802; Glas 1805; Edin 1807; 1808; Phil 1812; Walpole N H 1813; N Y 1838 [best Am. ed., being rptd. from issue 2 of the L ed. of 1781, with new t., "Travels in Wisconsin"]. O 376 port 2maps 5pls — Dutch tr. Leyden 1796. O 2v: [28] 248; [4] 280 [l6J. 6pls[4col.] map — Fr. tr. P 1784. O [24 28] 451 map; Yverdon 1784. D [26] 436 — Ger. tr. Hamburg 1780. D [24] 456 map Carver penetrated farther into the West than any other English explorer before the Revolution. Like his French predecessor — Verendrye — he was seeking a trans- continental waterway, but, aside from ex- ploring some tributaries of the Mississippi, he made no substantial contributions to geographical knowledge; his book, however, stimulated curiosity concerning routes to the Pacific, later satisfied by Mackenzie and Lewis and Clark. The tobacco plant plate, added first to the third edition, is some- times found inserted in copies of the first and second editions. It belongs properly to neither. CARVER, DR. WILLIAM F. 1736 Life of: B 1878. D 177 b G LC Captive for sixteen years with the Indi- ans; became the world's champion rifle shot. [CARY, THOMAS G.] 1737 Americans defended by an American. . . .L 1844. O 38 a CASE, C[HRISTOPHER] F. 1738 History and description of Lyon county [Minn.]. Marshall Minn 1884. O 98 map a CASE (THE) 1739 Case (The) and claim of the American loyalists impartially stated and considered. [l] ptd. by order of their agents 1783. O [2] 38 a -^-anr. issue, L Wilkie 1783. same collat. A 16-page pamphlet, The particular case of the Georgia loyalists, was issued at London in 1783 to accompany the above. CASE (A) 1740 Case (A) decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, February, 1793, in which was discussed the question "Whether a state be liable to be sued by a private citizen of another state?" Phil 1793. O [2] 120 [l] a — anr. ed. B 1793. O 80 In this suit, brought by Chisholm against the State of Georgia, was involved for the first time the problem of state sovereignty. The specific finding — that a State could be so sued — was of minor significance; it was ignored by the defendant, and, by a 1798 amendment, such suits were precluded. However, the "obiter dicta" assertion that State sovereignty was limited under the Constitution, had far-reaching implications of the greatest magnitude. It reversed the theory, hitherto unquestioned, that States were independent sovereign republics con- federated for some purposes only, but not to the extent of affecting their sovereignty. Years of bitter argument had to pass until a final decision resulted from the arbitrament of arms. CASE (THE) Case (The) of Great-Britain and America .... See Bushe, Gervaise P. CASE 1741 Case Lof William Trent and other traders who were despoiled by the Indians near Fort Pitt in 1763]. [l 1770?]. Q 8 [24] capt.t. only b NYP CI. Wharton, Samuel, View ot the title to Indiana. . . . CASE (THE) 1742 Case (The) stated on philosophical ground, between Great Britain and her colonies L 1777. O [38] 130 a — rptd. L 1778. O 166 Spirited argument favoring the plea of the colonies for independence. CASLER, JOHN 0. 1743 Four years in the Stonewall brigade. Guthrie 1893. D 495 fold.facs a — rptd. Girard Kas 1906. D 365 3ports[on 2sheets] CASLER, MELL[YER] 1744 A journal ... of a journey to California in 1859, by the overland route. . . . Toledo 1863. D 48 c Y [only copy known] 96 Casio — Caswall CASLO (ANTHONY) 1745 Life of: a Bonaparte soldier. . . in the armies of France, Spain, England and the United States. Det 1856. O 76 a and preceded all others into New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado. For English transla- tion of CastaiTeda [with other material on Coronado] see Winship, George P. CASS, LEWIS 1746 A discourse ... at the first meeting of the Historical Society of Michigan. Der 1830. O 52 a [CASS, LEWIS] 1747 Inquiries respecting the history [etc.] of the Indians. . . . Det 1823. D 64 b AA Clem Issued previously — about 1820 — at De- troit in two separate pamphlets: Inquiries ... , and Additional inquiries. . . . CASS, GENERAL LEWIS 1748 Life of: comprising. . . military services in the north-west. . . . Phil 1848. D 210 2 ports a CASS, GEN. LEWIS Outlines of the life. . . of: See School- craft, Henry R. [CASS, LEWIS] 1749 Remarks on the condition. . . of the Indi- ans. B 1826. O 70 a CASS 1750 The county of: and the city of Fargo [N. D.]. A sketch, historical. . . . Fargo 1888. D 48 map a CASTELLANOS, HENRY C. 1755 New Orleans as it was. ...NO 1895. D [8] 350 pis a CASTELNAU, FRANCIS, comte de 1756 Vues et souvenirs de l'Amerique du Nord. P 1842. Q [8] 166 [2] 35pls a — rptd., same collat., P 1844; P 1852. First book to contain a view of Chicago. [CASTERA, F.] 1757 The trials of the Honb. James Workman, and Col. Lewis Kerr. . . on a charge of. . . setting on foot, within the United States, an expedition for the conquest. . . of Mexico. N O 1807. D 180 a castets, Smile Mexique et Californie. 219 a 1758 . P 1886. D [4] CASTIGLIONI, LUIGI 1759 Viaggio negli Stati Uniti. . . 1785-6-7. . . . Milan 1790. O 2v: [l2] 403; [6] 402. 3tabs 5maps 9pls a — Ger. tr., vol.l[all], Memmingen 1793. O [16] 495 8pls & plans First Italian traveller through the South. CASSEDAY, BEN The history of Louisville. . . . Louisv 1852. D 255 [38] map a 1751 CASSLER, LAFAYETTE 1752 Thrilling experiences of frontier life in the early days of western Oklahoma. Cin [ca 1910?]. D 197 a CASTLE, EDWARD H. Life of: Chi 1893. D 29 port pis a Recollections of a California *49er. 1760 CASTLEMAN, ALFRED L. The Army of the Potomac. D [6] 288 a 1761 .Milw 1863. CASTANARES, MANUEL 1753 Coleccion de documentos relativos al Departamento de Californias. Mex 1845. O 70 + wraps b N NYP Cover title dated 1846. Information on missions and the pious fund, Russian estab- lishments, a gold discovery in 1843, &c. CASTANEDA DE NAG ERA, 1754 PEDRO DE Relation du voyage de Cibola, entrepris en 1540 P 1838. O [20] 392 a Issued as volume IX, Termaux-Campan's first series of Voyages, relations. . . . First appearance in any language of the chief source on Coronado's expedition, previously known of only from meager accounts found in Ramusio, Herrera, Gomara and Venegas. Coronado and his men were, aside from De Vaca, the first Europeans to visit Texas, CASTLEMAN, JOHN B. 1762 Active service. Louisv 1917. O [2] 269 60pls & facs a [CASTRO, HENRY] 1763 Le Texas en 1845. Castroville. . . sur la riviere Medina. . . . Antw 1845. O 24 pi plan a — anr. issue, same impr. 86 date. O 43 — anr. ed., text in both Fr. & Ger., n.p., n.d. O 39 Some editions of this promotion tract give author's name. Castro, Napoleonic veteran, founded Castroville. CASWALL, HENRY 1764 America and the American church. L 1839. D [20] 368 5pls map a — rptd. L 1849. — ed. 2, L 1851. D [12] 400 [2] maps & pis 97 Caswall — Cedarholme CASWALL, HENRY 1765 The city of the Mormons; or, three days at Nauvoo L 1842. 16° W 82 a — ed. 2, enl., L 1843. 16° [4] 87 front. CASWALL, HENRY 1766 The prophet of the nineteenth century; or, the rise. . . of the Mormons. ... L 1843. O [20] 277 pi a CASWALL, HENRY 1767 The western world revisited. Oxf 1854. 16° [l6] 351 a CATES, CLIFF D. 1768 Pioneer history of Wise county [Tex. J. . . . Decatur 1907. O 47l[incl.advs.] a CATLIN, GEORGE 1769 An account of an annual religious cere- mony practised by the Mandan tribe.. . . L 1865. O 67 b NYP Pn Y Only 50 copies were circulated in separate form of this unauthorized edition of what the author later issued as O-Kee-pa [etc.], but the publishers — Philobiblon Society — bound identical copies in volume VIII of their Miscellanies. CATLIN, GEORGE 1770 Letters and notes on. . . American Indi- ans. L 1841. O 2v: [8] 264; [8] 266. 3maps 309pls[not 312 as t-p states: there were no pis 23, 113, 114, 137, 142, 149, 159, 246 or 247, but nos 101 1/2, 210 1/2 and 3 un- numb pis were added J. Some copies carry Wiley and Putnam's imprint, others state "Pub. by the author," all have errata slips in v.I. a — Am. ed., Eng. sheets — even to errata slip — with new t-p, N Y 1841. a — many later eds., some with titles altered; a few copies of the L eds. of 1844, 1846 & 1866 had pis hand-col. b — anr. ed., first with pis printed in color, L 1876. O 2v a — for Ger. tr. of text see below, "North American Indian portfolio. " CATLIN, GEORGE 1771 North American Indian portfolio. L 1844. F [2] 18 25col pis b Y some copies have plates mounted on card-board, loose in portfolio NYP — anr. ed. L Catlin [l845]. F 12 25cols.pls b N — Am. ed. N Y 1845. F 16 25col pis c N NYP Y — ed. 2, L [1845?]. F no text, only t-p & 1. of contents 31pls|.25 numb., 6 unnumb. J with pis col b with pis uncol[as probably issued] a . ed. "Die Indianer Nord Amerikas und die wahrend. ..." Brus [ 1846]- 1848. O [10] 381 errata 1. 24col pis a — rptd. same impr. [l850]-1851. O 24pls [one only col.] As graphic delineations of Indian hunting and dancing scenes, these plates rank next to those of Bodmer. Text of German edition is translation of Letters and notes. . . . CATLIN, GEORGE 1772 O-Kee-pa: a religious ceremony; and other customs of the Mandans. L 1867. O [8] 52 13col pis a — Am. ed. [Eng. sheets with Phil t-p], same collat., 1867. Authorized version of an earlier garbled and surreptitious issue — see above An ac- count [etc.] — but, being for public con- sumption, with the lascivious details of the bull dance omitted. Some copies, however, carry [insertedj a separate printing of that rite entitled Folium reservatum, four pages. CATTERMOLE, E. G. 1773 Famous frontiersmen, pioneers and scouts ....Chi 1883. D 540 front, a —rptd., same impr. & collat., 1884. [CAUSTEN, JAMES H.] 1774 View of the claim of American citizens . . . assumed by the United States, in the Louisiana convention of the 30th April, 1803. Wash 1829. O 141 a CAVE, WILL 1775 Nez Perce Indian war of 1877. . . .Missoula n.d. O 24 port a CAVEAT (A) 1776 Caveat (A); or considerations against the admission of Missouri, with slavery, into the Union. N Hav n.d. O 40 a CAVELIER, JEAN Relation du voyage . . . par feu M. Robert Cavelier, sieur de la Salle. . . . See La Salle, Jean Cavelier de. [CAWTHORNE, J.] 1777 A plan of reconciliation with America. . . . L 1782. D [2] 48 a [CAZNEAU, MRS. WILLIAM L. ] 1778 Eagle Pass; or, life on the border. N Y 1852. D 188 a [CAZNEAU, MRS. WILLIAM L.] 1779 Texas and her presidents. N Y 1845. 16° 122 a CEDARHOLME, MRS. CAROLINE 1780 A narrative of the dangerous journey of: across the deserts to Arizona. St P 1872. O 32 a — anr. ed. Indp, same date. O 45 93 Celiz — Chamberl amberiain CtUZ, FRAY FRANCISCO 1781 Diary of the Alarcon expedition into Texas, 1718-19. Tr. F. L. Hoffman. L A Quivira Soc 1935. O [l2] 124 8pls 2maps a First publication in book form, in any lan- guage. Celiz accompanied this expedition which established Spanish government and missions in the region. CENSUS 1782 Census of the United States. [3rd census]. [Wash 1812?]. F 90 1. a For earlier issues see Return of the whole number of persons. . . ; later enumerations followed every decade, under varying titles; the tenth, of 1881: Quarto, two volumes: 667; [89] 375. CENTRAL PACIFIC Central Pacific railroad of California. For early reports, see Judah, Theo. D. CHALKLEY, THOMAS 1788 A collection of the works of:. . . . Phil 1749. O [16] 590 + blank 1. opp. p. 326 a — rptd. often in America and England, some giving only his "Journal." His Journal describes preaching trips to Quaker settlements from New England to Carolina and voyages, as a sea-captain, to the West Indies. CHALMERS, GEORGE 1789 An estimate of the comparative strength of Great Britain. . . . L 1782. Q 190 a — rptd., with 2nd app. added, same impr. & date. Q 197 — enL ed., same impr. 1786. O 250 — rptd. 1794. — other eds.: L 1802; L 1810; Edin 1812. O 443 The later editions show how British trade was benefitted by American independence. CENTRAL PACIFIC 1783 Central Pacific railroad of California (the). Railroad communication across the continent, with an account of:. ...NY 1868. O 32[incl. map & tabs] a CENTZ, P. C. [pseud.] Davis and Lee. . . . See Sage, Bernard J. [CERISIER, ANTOINE M.] 1784 Le destin de L'Amerique, ou dialogues. . . dans lesquels on developpe la cause des evenements . . . relativement a cette guerre . . . . L [probably ptd in Europe] n.d. [1780?]. O 104 a — Dutch ed. "Het Oor in het Kabinet. . . ," L [1780?]. O Purports to be translation from the Eng- lish, but actually an original work consist- ing of imaginary conversations between North, Bute, Franklin and others. The Dutch edition was probably printed in Holland. [CERISIER, ANTOINE M.] 1785 Observations impartiales d'un vrai Hol- landois . . .reponse au Discours d'un soi- disant bon Hollandois a ses compatriotes. [Together with "Suite" to same]. Arnhem [1778-9]. O 2v: [4] 60; [4] 74 a CHALFANT, W[lLLIE] A. 1786 Outposts of civilization [in early Cali- fornia and Nevada]. B [l928]. D 193 a CHALFANT, w[lLLIE] A. 1787 The story of Inyo [Calif.]. Chi 1922. D [l8] 358 errata slip map a —rptd. 1933. Best history of the California region east of the Sierras, the Owens Valley and Death Valley. CHALMERS, GEORGE 1790 An introduction to the history of the re- volt of the colonies. Vol. I [all]. L 1782. O [2] 496 b H NYP [of 5copies known, com- plete with title-1.] — Am. ed. — and first to contain v. II — B 1845. O 2v[usually bound in l]: [36] 414; [18] 376 a Of the first edition — suppressed by the author — only a few copies are extant, most of them being without the title-leaf. [CHALMERS, GEORGE?] 1791 The life of Thomas Pain [sic] Ed. 2. L 1791. O 35 port a — ed. 3, same impr. & date. O [2] 129 — several rpts. by 1793: also several abridged versions — anr. ed. Dub 1791. D 69; also Dub [l792?]. — Am. ed., Paine' s name on t-p spelled cor., B 1796. O 40 Chalmers never acknowledged authorship. CHALMERS, GEORGE 1 Political annals of the present united colonies. Book I [all]. L 1780. Q [lo] 695 702 CHALMERS, LIONEL 1793 An account of the weather and diseases of South Carolina. L 1776. O 2v: [8] 222; [4] 224. 2tabs a — Ger. tr. Stendal 1796. O 2v CHAMBERLAIN, HOPE S. 1794 History of Wake county, N. C Raleigh 1922. O 302[incl. port] a [CHAMBERLAIN, WILLIAM H., -t al] 1795 History of Yuba county, California. . . . Oakland 1879. Q [6] 21-150 maps pis a 99 Chambers — Charming CHAMBERS, ANDREW J. 1796 Recollections. . . . n.p. [l947]. D 40 b WashU Y small ed. ptd. Crossed the plains in 1845 and fought in the Oregon Indian wars of 1855-1856. CHAMBERS, JOHN, [second Gov., 1797 Iowa Territory] Autobiography. Ed. by J. C. Parish. Iowa City 1908. Q 49 3ports a CHAMBERS, MARGARET W. 1798 Reminisences [sic], n.p. [l903]. O 48 b OreH WashU Y Written in 1894; includes account of her 1851 overland journey. The authoress was the wife of Andrew J. Chambers, see above. CHAMBERS, T. J. 1799 Exposition of the part taken by: in the difficulties of Texas . . . and his views. . . upon separating Texas from Coahuila. . . . Brazoria 1833. O 27 b only 1 copy known CHAMBERS, THEODORE F. 1800 The early Germans of New Jersey. . . . [Dover 1895]. O [l6] 667 3maps 61pls a CHAMBERS, WILLIAM [of Eng.] 1801 Things as they are in America. L 1854. O [6] 364 a — Am. ed., same date & collat. Phil CHAMBERS, WILLIAM, [of Texas] 1802 Sketch of the life of Gen. T. J. Chambers of Texas. Galv 1853. O 63 a — ed. 2, rev. & enl., Galv 1853. O 63 [36] a From material furnished by an English officer with troops which took possession after the cession of this colony to England. [CHAMPIGNY, JEAN, 1806 CHEVALIER DE] La Louisiane ensanglantee. . . . L 1773. O [20] 124 [32 32] a Particulars of the revolt against Spanish authority, 1768-9. [CHAMPION, J.] 1807 Reflections on the state of parties. . . and the necessity ... of the present war with America. L 1747[error for 1776]. O [4] 64 a — ed. 2, "Reflections on the state of parties . . . and the necessity. . . of sup- Cessing the American rebellion," L 1746 rror for 1776]. same collat. [CHAMPION, RICHARD] 1808 Considerations on the present situation of Great Britain and the United States. . . to expose the dangerous tendency of the argu- ments ... in a late pamphlet ... by Lord Sheffield. L 1784. O [8] 3-157 errata slip a — ed. 2, au. named, with adds., L 1784. O [34] 274 36 CHAMPLIN, REV. JAMES 1809 Early biography, travels. . . . Columbus O 1842. D 192 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. D 206 CHANDLER, JOSEPH E. 1810 The colonial architecture of Maryland and Virginia. B 1892. F [6] 50pls a CHAMEROVZOW, L. A., ed. 1803 Slave life in Georgia . . . the life. . . of John Brown, a fugitive slave. . . . L 1855. 16° [4] 251 port a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — Ger. ed. by C. F. Grieb, "Sklavenleben in America. ..." Stuttgart 1855. D [42] 214 a CHAMISSO, LOUIS C. A. von 1804 Bemerkungen und Ansichten auf einer Entdeckungs-Reise. . . auf dem Schiffe Rurick Weimar 1821. Q [2] 240 fold, tab 2maps 13pls b — rptd. "Reise urn die Welt. ..." Leip 1836. O 2v a — Eng. ed. [Calif, portion only], "A sojourn at San Francisco bay. . . ," S F 1936. For other accounts of this voyage to the Northwest coast and California, see Choris, and also Kotzebue's voyage of 1815-18. CHAMPIGNY, [JEAN], 1805 CHEVALIER DE, ed. Etat-present de la Louisiane. . . . Hague 1776. O 147 [2] a — ed. 2, Amst 1781. same collat. CHANDLER, PELEG W. 1811 American criminal trials. B 1841-4. D 2v: [12] 436; [&] 387 a [CHANDLER, THOMAS B.] 1812 What think ye of the Congress now?. . . how far the Americans are bound to abide by. . . decisions of the late Continental Congress NY 1775. O 48 [4] a —rptd. L 1775. O [2] 90 Tory pamphlet severely critical of the rebel Congress. Attributed also to Myles Cooper. CHANDLESS, WILLIAM 1813 A visit to Salt Lake; being a journey across the plains and a residence in the Mormon settlements. L 1857. D [l2] 346 map a Some copies have no advertisement pages; some had sixteen dated April 1857; others twenty-four dated 1858. CHANNING, GEORGE G. Early recollections of Newport, R. I. 1793-1831. Newport 1868. 16 284 a 1814 100 Chapelle — Charlevoix CHAPELLE, HOWARD I. 1815 The Baltimore clipper. . . . Salem 1930. Q [12] 192 + adv-p 35pls a CHAPELLE, HOWARD I. 1816 The history of American sailing ships. N Y 1935. O[20] 400 23pls[l6double-p] a also 121copies on L.P., Q CHAPELLE, HOWARD I. 1817 The history of the American navy. ...NY [1949]. Q [24J 558 17pls 32f old. plans a CHAPMAN, ARTHUR 1818 The pony express. ...NY 1932. O 319 8pls a CHAPMAN, ISAAC A. 1819 A sketch of the history of Wyoming. . . . Wilkesbarre 1830. D 210 a First history of this valley. CHAPMAN, J. BUTLER 1820 History of Kansas and emigrant's guide. Akron 1855. D 116 c KasH MoH [of 4copies located] Only volume I published. CHAPMAN, JOHN A. 1821 History of Edgefield County [S. C.]. . . . Newbury S C 1897. O 521 fe] map a CHAPMAN, S. 1822 Handbook of Wisconsin. Milw 1855. 18° 117 a CHAPMAN, SAMUEL D. 1823 History of Tama county, Iowa. . . . Toledo 1879. O 296 a CHAPMAN, THOMAS J. 1824 The French in the Alleghany valley. Ctev [1887]. D 209 a CHAPMAN, THOMAS J. 1825 Old Pittsburgh days. Pitt 1900. D 237 a CHAPMAN, THOMAS J. 1826 The valley of the Conemaugh [Pa.] Altoona 1865. 16° 202 a CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE, [JEAN] 1827 Voyage en Californie pour l'observation du passage de Venus sur le disque du soleil .. . . P 1772. Q [4] 170 [2] plan 3pls fold.tab a — Eng. tr., with adds, on Newfoundland, L 1778. O [8] 215 plan Aside from astronomical data of little importance. CHAPPELL, ABSALOM H. 1828 Miscellanies of Georgia.. . . Columbus Ga 1874. O 3pts in 1: [4] 73 [2I: 137; 24 a — re-issued, same sheets with new t-pp., Atlanta 1900. CHAPPELL, PHILIP E. 1829 History of the Missouri river, [k C 1905]. O [2] 98 4pls a CHAPTER (A) 1830 Chapter (A) of American history. Sketches of the revolutionary war. . . . Written by an old sailor. . . . Columbus O 1853. O 54 a CHARDON, [FRANCIS A.] 1831 Journal at Ft. Clark, 1834-9 Ed. by Annie H. Abel. Pierre S D 1932. O [46] 458 port facs a CHARLESTON [S. C.] 1832 Directory and . . . guide for. . . : Charleston 1819. D 98 56 a CHARLES-TOWN, SOUTH-CAROLINA Extracts from the proceedings of the court of Vice-Admiralty in:. . . . See Laurens, Henry. CHARLESTON, S. C. 1833 Proceedings of the State Rights Associa- tion, at:. . . . Charleston 1830. D 56 a CHARLESTON, [S. C.] Reflections, occasioned by the late dis- turbances in: By Achates. See Pinckney, Thos. CHARLESTON [S. C.] 1834 Charleston [s. C.] and the towns of Ham- burg and Augusta. Report of a . . . committee to enquire into the cost ... of a railroad communication between: Charleston 1828. 32 a CHARLESTON [S. C.] The siege of: by the British. . . . See Hough, Franklin B. CHARLEVOIX, P. FRANCOIS-XAVIER 1835 Histoire et description . . . de la Nouvelle France, avec le journal historique d'un voyage . . . dans l'Amerique. . . . P 1744. Q 3v: [30] 64. 664; [20] 582; [24,14] 543. 28 maps 96pls[on 22 sheets] b AA H N NYP Y some copies on fine paper [collat. given varies in sequence in different copies, de- pending on vagaries of printer or binder] — anr. ed. P 1744. D 6v: [l4] 454: [2] 501; [2] 465; [2] 388; [30] 456; [2] 434 [4]. 28maps 96pls[on 44 sheets] a — Eng. tr., with notes, by Shea, N Y 1866- 72. Q 6v: 18maps 15pls 4facs a 25copies on L. P. — rptd. N Y 1900. same collat. — Ger. tr. Leip 1756. Q [8] 648 [40] 18maps 101 Charlevoix — Chastellux The principal work of this great Jesuit traveller and historian. For English transla- tions of the third volume of the French quarto edition, see below. CHARLEVOIX, P. FRANCOIS-XAVIER 1836 Journal of a voyage to North America. . . . L 1761. O 2v: [8] 128 149-382; [8] 380 [22]. map a — rptd. Chi 1923. O 2v map a — anr. ed., different tr., "Letters to the Dutchess[sic] of Lesdigueres. . . account of a voyage to Canada . . . and Louisiana. . . , " L 1763. O [l6] 384 map[generally missing and probably not inserted in all copies] a — rptd., same collat., 1764. — best ed. Dub 1766. O 2v: [8] 48, 228; UJ 336 [20]. 8maps 2pls b N CHARLTON, THOMAS U. P. 1837 Life of Major General [james] Jackson. Part I [all]. Augusta Ga 1809. O [l0] 70 b BA CharlestonL [of 3copies known] CHARTERS (THE) 1838 Charters (The) of . . . Virginia, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode-Island, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Bay and Georgia. To which is prefixed . . . proceedings of the . . . colo- nies in consequence of the late stamp act. L 1766. Q [2] 18 16 6 4 6 6 9 7 map[dated 1763] a rptd. "The charters of the British colo- nies. . . ," L Almon [l774]. O [2] 142 — anr. ed. Dub 1776, same collat. First collected edition of these colonial charters. CHAS, JEAN, and LEBRUN, M. 1839 Histoire . . . de la revolution de l'Amerique P [l80l]. O [8] 458 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. [l802l CHASE, BENJAMIN 1840 History of Old Chester [n. H.], Auburn N H 1869. O [l6] 702 map 15ports a CHASE, CtHARLES] M. 1841 The editor's run in New Mexico and Colorado . . . observations on territorial history. . . . Lyndon 1882. O 233 a CHASE, FREDERICK, and 1842 LORD, JOHN K. A history of Dartmouth college and. . . Hanover, New Hampshire. C 1891-1913. O 2v: [14] 682; [8] 725. 31pls a CHASE, LUCIEN B. 1843 History of the Polk administration. N Y 1850. O 512 a CHASE, BISHOP PHILANDER 1844 Reminiscences. Leapt, t. only]. Peoria Davis 1841-2, N Y Craighead 1843-4. O 2pts in 7nos: 480; 400 b G — anr. ed., unsold sheets of the above priv. ptd. ed., with 2t-p added, N Y Blake 1844. O 2v a — ed. 2, enl., brings events to 1847, B 1848. O 2v: [12] 548; [6] 564. port 4pls Autobiography of high interest concerning Ohio, Michigan and Illinois affairs. CHASE, SALMON P. 1845 A sketch of the history of Ohio. Cin 1833. O [2] 40 a First separate publication of the first general history of this state; it appeared earlier prefixed to the author's Statutes of Ohio [with title leaf and paged 9 to 48] under title A preliminary sketch of the history of Ohio. CHASE, THOMAS 1846 Sketches of the life ... of Paul Jones. Rich 1859. D 58 a Some of the author's information came from his grandfather who served under Jones. CHASLES, PHILARETE 1847 £tudes sur la litterature et les moeurs des Anglo-Americains P [l8Sl]. 16° [l2] 515 a — Eng. tr. N Y 1852. D [l2] 312 [CHASTELLUX, FRANCOIS J., 1848 marquis de] Discours sur les avantages . . . qui re- sultent . . . de la decouverte de l'Amerique. L 1787. O [8] 68 a ^ ^ — rptd. "Quelle a ete l'influence de l'Amerique. . . ," P 1792. O 86 CHASTELLUX, THE MARQUIS DE Remarks on the travels of: See Simcoe, John G. [CHASTELLUX, FRANCOIS J„ 1849 marquis de] Voyage de Newport a Philadephie [sic] Newport [ 178 1]. Q [4] 188 c less than 30 copies ptd H NYP — -unauthorized ed. "Voyage en Amerique ...," [Casse//] 1785. D 191 a — rptd. n.p. [P?] 1785. O 228 — rptd. P & Brus 1786. O 136 — Ger. tr. Hamburg 1785. D M 182; 3 other Ger. eds. in 1786 — complete & authorized ed. "Voyages dans l'Amerique. . . , " P 1786. O 2v: [8] 390; [4] 362 [2]. 2maps 3pls a — ed. 2, P 1788-91. O 2v: [8] 408; L4] 251, i.e.,351. 2maps 3pls Eng. ed. "Travels in North America. ..." 102 Chateaubriand — Cheetham L 1787. O 2v: [l6] 462; [l2] 432. 2maps 3pls — ed. 2, same date, impr. & collat. — rptd. Dub 1787. O 2v: [l6] 462; [l6] 430. 2maps 3pls — Am. ed., with adds., N Y 1827. O 416 some copies on L. P. — rptd., same collat. &• impr. 1828. In its completed form constitutes the first trustworthy record of life in the United States. CHATEAUBRIAND, FRANCOIS 1850 A. R., vicomte de Oeuvres inedites. . . . Voyages en Ameri- que, en France, et en Italie. P 1828. O 2v: [4, 92] 306; [4] 396 a — rptd. in part, "Voyages en Amerique et en Italie," P 1828. O 2v: [10] 400; [6] 423 — rptd., in part, "Voyage en Amerique," Brus 1828. 16° 2v — many later Fr. eds. under various titles — Eng. ed. "Travels in America and Italy," L 1828. O 2v: [6] 356; [4] 429 — Ger. tr. Freiburg 1828. 16 2v — Ital.*tr. P 1836. 16° 3v The distinguished author, fascinated by Indian character, roamed in 1791 throughout our interior frontiers, from western New York to the Floridas. CHATEAUBRIAND, FRANCOIS 1851 A. R., vicomte de Souvenirs d'ltalie, d'Angleteere et de 1* Amerique L 1815. O 2v a — Eng. ed. "Recollections. . . ," L 1815. O 2v: [12] 258; [4] 314 — anr. ed. L 1816. O 2v — Am. ed. Phil 1816. O [5] 364 — Ger. tr. Dresden 1816. O A luminous preface sketches maritime discovery from the earliest time to Bering, Vancouver, Mackenzie, Lewis and Clark, Pike and Schoolcraft. CHATHAM, THE EARL OF 1852 Letter to: concerning his speech.. . . To which are subjoined reflections on His Majesty's . . . speech from the throne, and an index to peace with America. L 1777. O 54 a Views British victory as impossible. CHATHAM, LORD A letter to: concerning the present war . ... By a gentleman of the Inner Temple. See Dawes, Matthew. CHAUMONOT, PIERRE J. 1853 La vie du: N Y 1858. sm Q 108 a 100 copies ptd. First printing of the autobiography of a Jesuit missionary, written in 1688, with his labors among Hurons and Iroquois. CHAUNCY, CHARLES 1854 A letter to a friend, containing remarks on ... a sermon. . . by John, Bishop of Landaff [sic] B 1767. O 56 a — Eng. ed., with suppl., L 1768. O 80 [CHAUNCY, CHARLES] 1855 A letter to a friend, giving a concise. . . account. . . of the Ohio defeat. . . . B 1755. Q [l5] c JCB NYP — Eng. ed. Bristol 1755. O [4] 30 b N NYP — anr. ed. L 1755. O 28 b AA Earliest account in book form of Brad- dock's defeat. [CHAUNCY, CHARLES] 1856 A letter to a friend, giving a concise. . . representation of the hardships . . . the town of Boston is exposed to. ... B 1774. O 35 a Ascribed also to Timothy Walker, as it is signed T. W. [CHAUNCY, CHARLES] 1857 Two letters to a friend, on the present critical conjuncture of affairs. . . . L 1755. O [2] 54 b AA N Y Reprints his First letter [on Braddock's defeat] and his Second letter [on Sir William Johnson's victory at Lake George], both of which had been printed at Boston earlier in the year; the Second letter contained only 16 pages and hence is not entered separately in this work. [CHEETHAM, JAMES] 1858 Answer to Hamilton's Letter concerning . . . John Adams. N Y 1800. O 32 a [CHEETHAM, JAMES] 1859 An antidote to John Wood's poison. N Y 1802. O 63 a CHEETHAM, JAMES 1860 A letter to a friend on the conduct of the adherents to Mr. Burr. N Y 1803. O 72 a CHEETHAM, JAMES 1861 The life of Thomas Paine NY 1809. O 347 a — Eng. ed. L 1817. O 187 [CHEETHAM, JAMES] 1862 A narrative of the suppression by Col. Burr of the History of the administration of John Adams NY 1802. O 72 a — ed. 2, rev., N Y same date & collat. — ed. 3, Bait [l802?]. same collat. CHEETHAM, JAMES 1863 Nine letters on. . . Aaron Burr's political defection. ...NY 1803. O 139 a For earlier edition see below, A view of the political conduct. . . . 103 Cheetham — Chetwood CHEETHAM, JAMES 1864 A reply to Aristides. N Y 1804. O 134 a For book replied to, see Van Ness, William P., An examination of charges against Burr. [CHEETHAM, JAMES] 1865 A view of the political conduct of Aaron Burr. N Y 1802. O 120 a For later edition see above, Nine letters. . . . CHENEY, TtHESEUS] APOLEON 1866 Historical sketch of the Chemung Valley [N. Y.]. N Y 1868. O [12] 59 a CHEROKEE NATION (THE) The case of: against the state of Georgia. See Peters, Richard. CHEROKEE TRIBE (THE) Cherokee tribe (the) of Indians. A faithful history of:. . . . See Stambaugh, Saml. C. CHEROKEE REPRESENTATIVES 1867 (THE) Memorial of: submitting the protest. . . of the treaty ... at New Echota. . . . [h. Doc. 286]. Wash [ 1836? J. O 167 a CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO 1873 Chesapeake and Ohio railroad (the). History of: Rich 1868. O 49 a CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO 1874 Chesapeake and Ohio canal convention (the). Proceedings of: Wash 1827. O 112 2fold.tabs a CHESNEY, C. C. 1875 A military view of . . . campaigns in Vir- ginia and iMaryland [through the battle of Chancellorsville]. L 1863. D [l2] 231 2maps errata slip a — ed. 2 [continuing through 1863], t. slightly altered, L 1364-5. D 2v: [12] 231; [8] 234 + 2adv-p. 7maps errata slip CHESNUT, MARY BOYKIN 1876 A diary from Dixie. N Y 1905. D [22] 424 + 2adv-p 16pls a CHESTER, GREVILLE J. 1877 Transatlantic sketches. L 1869. D [l6] 405 a Describes Chicago, Cincinnati, Pitts- burgh and early reconstruction conditions in the South, from St. Louis to New Orleans and Mobile. CHEROKEE INDIANS (THE) 1868 Some observations on the two campaigns against: In a second letter from Philo- patrios. Charles-Town S C 1762. O 88 fold, tab b PhilL CHEROKEE NATION (THE) 1869 Treaties between the United States... and: from 1785. Tahlequah 1870. O 144 [l] a other eds.: Tahlequah 1884. O 140 [l] — same [in Cherokee J. O 118 CHEROKEES (THE) 1870 An enquiry into the origin of: Oxf 1762. O [2] 27 a The learned author satisfied himself that this tribe stemmed from Japhet. CHEROKEES (THE) Treaty with: October 7th, 1861. See Pike, Albert. CHERRY CUMMINGS 1871 Cincinnati and Sonora Mining Association: maps and reports of the San Juan del Rio Ranche. . . . Cin 1866. O 138 2fold.maps a Includes personal narrative of his trip along the southern border of Arizona. CHESAPEAKE (THE) 1872 American evidences upon the capture of: L 1808. O [4] 75 a CHESTERTON, GEORGE L. 1878 Peace, war and adventure. . . . L 1853. D 2v: [12] 282; [8] 326 a Served with the British at Washington, Baltimore and New Orleans, in 1814. [CHETWOOD, WILLIAM R.] 1879 The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle. ... To which is added, the voyage ... of Richard Castleman. . . with a description of the city of Philadelphia. . . . L 1726. O [10] 374 pi a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat. 1727. — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1728. — other eds.: L 1735; Wolverhampton 1744; L 1762; L 1777; Edin 1778 & 1780; L 1787. — Am. ed. Greenfield Mass 1794. D 244 — Fr. tr. Amst 1730. D 2v: [8] 341; 276 + table [of 6 1.] 7pls — Ger. tr. Leip 1793. O — Ital. tr. Venice 1734. 18° 447 Though Boyle's narrative is purely imagi- nary, that of Castleman seems to be factual. [CHETWOOD, WILLIAM R.] 1880 The voyages, dangerous adventures. . . of Captain Richard Falconer L 1720. O [8] 72 136 179 front, a — rptd. many times — in England: 1724; 1726; 1727; 1728; 1734; 1735; 1744; 1762; 1764; 1777; 1780. — Am. ed. Greenfield Mass 1794. D 244 Tremendous — but undoubtedly imaginary 104 Chevalier — Chicago — adventures. Attributed also to Benjamin Victor and Daniel Defoe. CHEVALIER, [LOUIS] EDOUARD 1881 Histoire de la marine francaise pendant la guerre de l'indeoendance americaine. . . . P 1877. O [4] 517 i ■' • r i |2] CHEVALIER, MICHEL 1882 Histoire et description des voies de com- munication aux Etats-Unis. . . . P 1840-41. O 2v: [l4] 544; [4] 582 [l5] + atlas vol[of 19 maps] Q a — to above was added, 1857, "Table analytique des matieres." Q 53 Most elaborate early foreign work on American railroads and canals. The text volumes issued originally in parts; cover- title of last part carries 1843 date. CHEVALIER, MICHEL 1883 Lettres sur l'Amerique du Nord. P 1836. O 2v: [20] 472; [4] 528. map a — rptd. often at P & Brus, of which ed. 3 is best: P 1838. O 2v: [l6j 439; 535. map — ed. 3, rptd. Brus 1838. 16° 3v — Eng. tr., with omissions, "Society, man- ners and politics in the United States," B 1839. O [4] 467 CHEVES, LANGDON 1884 Speech in the southern convention, at Nashville [/Vashv] 185a O 36 a One of the earliest of radical secession utterances, practically an appeal to arms. CHICAGO 1885 An act to incorporate the city of: Chi 1837. O 23 dd G[only copy known] — anr. issue, adding on p. 23, a suppl.act of March 4th d ChiH First separate printing of the first Chi- cago charter and first important book printed there. CHICAGO 1886 Amendments to the city charter, [capt. t.] rup. n.d. [Chi 1842]. O 30 b ChiH S CHICAGO 1887 Biographical sketches of the leading men of: Chi 1868. sm Q [2] 693 97photos a CHICAGO 1888 Charter of: with the various amendments Chi 1847. O 32 b ChiH MH [of 3copies known] — anr. ed. Chi 1849. O 116 CHICAGO 1889 Chicago as it is. A strangers' and tourists' guide Chi 1866. 16° 129 fold. map 21pls a CHICAGO 1890 Chicago avant, pendant et apres l'in- cendie. Par Fortunio, temoin. . . dans ce grand drame P 1871. 18° 35 a CHICAGO 1891 Chicago; her commerce and railroads. Chi 1853. O 29 [wrapper t.only] a — anr. issue, "Illustrated annual re- view. ..." Continued annually, under various titles, through 1865. CHICAGO Chicago illustrated. 1866-7. See Jevne and AlminL CHICAGO The hand-book of: or stranger's guide. . . . See Bodman, Albert H. CHICAGO 1892 The laws and ordinances of . . . : Chi 1839. O 46 [6] b ChiH Contains a sketchy business directory added as an afterthought, pages 41-46; the city ordinances alone were first printed — in 21 pages, Chicago 1837. CHICAGO 1893 Official proceedings of the Democratic national convention, held in 1864, at: Chi 1864. O 64 a CHICAGO Out of town. . . the suburban towns. . . of: See Runnion, J. B. CHICAGO 1894 Proceedings of the harbor and river con- vention, held at: Chi 1847. D 79 a Held to protest President Polk's veto of a bill asking appropriation for Chicago harbor development. For the Committee's report see Memorial. To the Senate. . . . CHICAGO 1895 Proceedings of the national ship-canal convention, held at. . . : Chi 1863. O 248 a CHICAGO 1896 Proceedings of the. . . Republican con- vention held at: 1860. [Chi I860]. O 44 [capt. t.only] a — anr. ed.U/fa I860]. O [2] 153 CHICAGO 1897 Railroads, history and commerce of: Chi 1854. O 72 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O 80 — Ger. tr. same impr. & date. O 66 Fore-runner of the Annual review of com- merce. . . , which was continued for years. 105 Chicago — Choris CHICAGO ACADEMY 1898 Chicago Academy of Sciences (the). Transactions of: Vol.1, pts.I & IlLallj. Chi 1867-69. Q [12] 129 map 19pls[l2 in col.]; 131-337 port 34pls[some col.] b ChiU LC CHIPMAN, DANIEL 1909 The life of Col. Seth Warner, with an ac- count of the controversy between New York and Vermont, 1763-1775. Burl Vt 1858. 16° 84 a CHICKAMAUGA 1899 Official report of the battle of: Rich 1864. O 234 a CHILD, ANDREW 1900 Overland route to California. . . . Milw 1852. 24° 61 c Hn Y — rptd. L A 1946. O [lo] 60 [4] map 5pls a 775copies[25signed] One of the earliest dependable "plains guides," based on its author's own experience. [CHILD, DAVID LEE] 1901 An enquiry into the conduct of General Putnam, in relation to the battle of . . . Breed's hill. B 1819. O 58 a CHILD, DAVID L[EE] 1902 The taking of Naboth's vineyard, or history of the Texas conspiracy. . .for the dismemberment and robbery of . . . Mexico. N Y 1845. O 32 a Abolitionist argument against annexation. [CHILD, DAVID LEE] 1903 The Texan revolution. . . . [H^as/j ca 1843]. O 84 [capt. t.] a Includes attack on Commodore Jones' conduct in California. CHILD, FRANK S. 1904 South Dakota. . . gleanings of a journey N Y 1888. D 67 a CHILD, SIR JOSIAH, et al Select dissertations on colonies and plantations. By. . . : L 1775. O [6] 113 a 1905 CHIPMAN, DANIEL 1910 Memoir of Colonel Seth Warner [with life of Ethan Allen, by Jared Sparks]. Middle- bury 1848. 16° 226 a CHIPMAN, NATHANIEL 1911 Sketches of the principles of government Rutland 1793. D [4] 292 a — rptd. "Principles of government...," Burl Vt 1833. O [8] 330 CHIPMAN, R. MANNING 1912 The history of Harwinton, Connecticut. Hart 1860. O 152 a CHITTENDEN, HIRAM M. 1913 The American fur trade of the far west N Y 1902. O 3v: [26] 482; [10] 483-892; [4] 893-1029. map plan 3facs 6pls a — rptd., with omissions, ed. S. Vinton, N Y 1935. O 2v: [30] 482; [4] 483-1014. fold.map 16pls CHITTENDEN, HIRAM M., ed. 1914 History of early steamboat navigation on the Missouri river; life and adventures of Joseph La Barge. N Y 1903. O 2v: [l4] 248; [8] 249-461. 16maps & pis a CHITTENDEN, HIRAM M., ed. 1915 Life, letters and travels of Father Pierre- Jean De Smet NY 1905. O 4v: [l6] 402; [8] 403-794; [6] 795-1212; [6] 1213-1624. map 13pls 3facs a CHITTENDEN, NEWTON H. 1916 Travels in British Columbia and Alaska Victoria Can 1882. O 84 a CHILDS, C. G., engraver 1906 Views in Philadelphia and its vicinity. Phil 1827-[l830]. Q 38 1. [inch eng.t.] plan 24pls a Some copies on L.P. Originally issued in parts. CI. Birch, William, The city of Philadelphia. .. ; also Wild, J. C. CHILDS, JAMES E. 1907 History of Waseca county, Minnesota.. . . Owatonna 1905. O 847 a Contains eye-witness accounts of Sioux massacres, etc. CHILTON, FRANK B., comp. 1908 Unveiling. . . of monument to Hood's Texas brigade . . . history. . . . Houston 191 1. O 373 pis a CHOCTAW NATION (THE) 1917 Papers respecting the rights and interests of: Wash 1855. O 88 a CHOIR, MELODY 1918 Pioneer directory of. . . Seattle and King county; history. ... Pottsville Pa 1878. O 125 [inch map] b WashS WashU Y Second directory of Seattle. CHORIS, LOUIS 1919 Voyage pittoresque autour du monde. . . . P 1821-23. F 22pts divided into 7sections, each paged separately 3maps on 2sheets port 103pls[in some copies, all col.; in some, many col.; in some, none col.J all pis col. c G Y Elaborately handsome work by the artist 106 Chorpenning — Cincinnati with Kotzebue's 1816 expedition in which a long visit was made to the Pacific coast from California to Bering's sea. CHORPENNING, GEORGE 1920 Chorpenning, George vs. the United States. The case of: Wash 1874. O 56 a — enl. ed. "Statement ... of claim. . . , " Wash 1889. O 103 CHORPENNING, GEORGE 1921 The case of:. . . . [Wash 1880]. O 67 a Argument, by F. W. Hughes, before the Judiciary Committee of the House, present- ing the whole story of the earliest overland mail and pony express operations. CHOVEL, RAFAEL 1922 Diario du viage de la comision de limites que puso el gobierno de la republica, bayo la direccion de . . . Manuel de Mier y Teran. Mex 1850. O 298 a CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE (THE) By a Tennessean. See Haywood, John. CHRISTIE, ROBERT 1923 Memoirs of the administration of the colonial government of Lower-Canada, by Sir James Henry Craig, and Sir George Prevost . . . comprehending. . . operations. . . during the late war with the United States. Quebec 1818. O 150 [9] a — rptd. "The military and naval operations in the Canadas. . . ," N Y 1818. D 235 [CHRISTY, DAVID] 1924 Cotton is king; or, the culture of cotton, and its relation to agriculture. . . and to the free colored people. . . . Cin 1855. D 210 a — ed. 2, enl., au.named, N Y 1856. D 298 Attempts to show the impossibility of abolition success. CHRISTY, WILLIAM 1925 Proceedings in case of the United States versus: on a charge of having set on foot a military expedition in New Orleans, against . . . Mexico NO 1836. O 55 b CHRONOLOGICAL ANNALS Chronological annals of the war. . . . See Dobson, John. CHURCH, BENJAMIN History of King Philip's war. . . . See Church, Thos. CHURCH, JERRY 1926 Journal of travels. . . . Harrisburg 1845. O 72 b Y — ed. 2, Burl N J 1857. D 83 a — rptd. Harrisburg 1933. O 89 [CHURCH, THOMAS] 1927 Entertaining passages relating to King Philip's war By T. C. B 1716. Q [4] 120 dd AA LC N NYP Y — ed. 2, "Entertaining history of King Philip's war," with biog. of Benj. Church added and au. named, Newport 1772. O 199 2ports[by Paul Revere] b AA BA Hn Y Some copies bound with Morton's New England's memorial, same date. — ed. 3, with adds., B 1825. 304 a — rptd. 1827; 1828; 1829. many other eds. — best modern ed., by H. M. Dexter, B 1865. Q 2v: [l6] 205; [34] 203. map 285copies ptd [35 on L.P.] Most popular early account of this war, based on information obtained from the author's father, a participant. CHURCHES QUARREL Churches quarrel espoused (The).. . . See Wise, Rev. John. CHURCHILL, MRS c[AR0LINE] M. 1928 "Little sheaves". . . [travel in the Cali- fornia and Nevada towns and mining camps], S F 1874. D 99 a CHURCHILL, FRANKLIN H. 1929 Sketch of Bvt. Brig. Gen. Sylvester Churchill, Inspector General U. S. army. N Y 1888. O [6] 201 correction slip a Active in Florida and Mexican wars. CINCINNATI 1930 Cincinnati and the Miami country. Cele- bration of the forty-fifth anniversary of the first settlement of:. . . . Cin 1834. O 52 a Includes notable reminiscences by William Henry Harrison. CINCINNATI DIRECTORY (THE). ... 1931 By a citizen. Cin 1819. D [lo] 156 plan a First directory of any Ohio city; contains historical data. CINCINNATI 1932 Cincinnati past and present: or its in- dustrial history as exhibited in the life- labors of its leading men. Cin 1872. sm Q 433 eng.t. 119photos a CINCINNATI 1933 Memorial of the citizens of: to the Congress of the United States, relative to the navigation of the Ohio and Mississippi. Cin 1843. O 36 a James Hall had a part in drafting this plea for removing river obstacles. CINCINNATI 1934 Narrative of the late riotous proceedings against the liberty of the press in:. . . . Cin 1836. O 48 [2] a 107 Cincinnati — Clark CINCINNATI Recollections of:. . . . See Worth, Gorham A. CIST, CHARLES 1935 Cincinnati in 1841: its early annals. . . . Cin 1841. D 300 + 76adv-p 6pls a CIST, CHARLES [comp.] 1936 The Cincinnati miscellany, or antiquities of the west Cin 1845-6. O 2v: 272; 364 [4] a Above two volumes were all published of this annual. CIVIL PRUDENCE 1937 Civil prudence recommended to the thir- teen united colonies. . . . Norwich 1776. O 55 a CLACK, MRS. LOUISE 1938 Our refugee household. N Y 1866. D 226 a CLAIBORNE, JOHN F. H. [ad.] 1939 Life and times of Gen. Sam Dale.. ..NY 1860. D 233 + 6adv-p 13pls[incl. inpaginat.] Personal adventures of Alabama's most notable Indian fighter. CLAIBORNE, JOHN F. H. 1940 Life ... of John A. Quitman. ...NY 1860. O 2v: 400; 392. port map a CLAIBORNE, JOHN F. H. 1941 Mississippi as a province, territory and state Vol. I [all]. Jackson 1880. O [24] 545 [l] 7ports a CLAIBORNE, JOHN F. H. 1942 A sketch of Harvey's scouts. . . Jackson's division. Starkville Miss 1885. O [2] 24 a CLAIBORNE, NATHANIEL H. 1943 Notes on the war in the South; with. . . lives of Montgomery, Jackson, Sevier, er al. Rich 1819. 16° 112 a Inconsequential, but scarce. CLAIM (THE) Claim (The) of the American loyalists re- viewed. . . . See Galloway, Jos. CLAIM (THE) Claim (The) of the colonies to an exemp- tion from internal taxes. . . . See Knox, Wm. CLAMPITT, JOHN W. 1944 Echoes from the Rocky mountains. . . . Chi 1888. O 67l[incl. front. & 49pls] a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1889; 1890. CLAP, CAPT. ROGER 1945 Memoirs of: B 1731. O [6] 34 [lo] b AA II NYP NYS Of this important early New England auto- biography there have been six reprints, two in the 18th century. CLAP, THOMAS 1946 The annals ... of Yale-College N Hav 1766. O [4] 124 a CLAPP, JOHN T. 1947 A journal of travels to and from California. Kalamazoo 1851. O 67 d G Y 3copies known Day-by-day account of an 1850 crossing, from Council Bluffs to Sacramento. CLAPP, THEODORE 1948 Autobiographical sketches and recollec- tions, during a thirty-five years' residence in New-Orleans. B 1857. O [8] 419 port a — ed. 2, B 1858. CLAPP, W. WARLAND 1949 A record of the Boston stage. B 1853. 16° [14] 479 a [CLAPPE, LOUISE AMELIA 1950 KNAPP SMITH] The Shirley letters from the California mines. S F Russell 1922. O [52] 350 [2] 8pls a 450copies ptd. also special issues, one of 50, the other of 200, copies — anr. ed. S F Grabhorn 1933. O 2v: [20] 142 [6]; [20] 144 [6] 500copies ptd. First appearing serially in the Pioneer Magazine, under the pseudonym of "Dame Shirley," in 1854-5, these letters present a vivid and unexcelled picture of every-day life in the mines. CLARENCE, C. W. 1951 A biographical sketch of . . . Ralph Farn- ham. . . sole survivor of . . . Bunker hill. B 1860. D 48[incl.port] a [CLARK, AUSTIN S.] 1952 Reminiscences of travel, 1852-65. Middle- town [ca 1865]. O 54 port a Experiences in California and Idaho mining regions. Ascribed erroneously to Isbell, F. A. CLARK, C[HARLES] M. 1953 A trip to Pike's Peak Chi 1861. O [10] 134 [2] 18pls b N Pn Y About the best contemporary account of this gold rush. CLARK, DANIEL 1954 Proofs of the corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson, and of his connexion with Aaron Burr. Phil 1809. O [2] 150 199 a CLARK, FRANCIS D. 1955 The First Regiment of New York Volun- teers commanded by Col. Jonathan D. 108 Clark _ Clarke Stevenson in the Mexican war, 1846-1848. N Y 1882. O 94 2ports a — app. to above, N Y 1883. O 16 CLARK, GEORGE R. 1956 Sketch of his campaign in the Illinois. . . . Cin 1869. O [8] 119 port a Some copies on L.P. — rptd. Chi Lakeside 1920. 16° CLARK, JOSHUA V. [H.] 1966 Lights and lines of Indian character, and scenes in pioneer life. Syracuse 1854. D 375 port a CLARK, JOSHUA V. H. 1967 Onondaga . . . with notes on the several towns in the county, and Oswego. Syracuse 1849. O 2v: [l6] 402; U] 392 [2] lOpls map a CLARK, HIRAM C. 1957 History of Chenango county [n.Y.J Norwich N Y 1850. O 120 a lOOcopies ptd. CLARK, ISAAC 1958 Miscellany, in prose and verse. Nashv 1812. 16° [16] 9-120 c Hn WisH[of 3copies known] Describes trips to various parts of the country, from Alabama to Illinois. CLARK, JAMES A. The Wyoming valley. [8] 236 25pls a 1959 Scranton 1875. O CLARK, JOEL W. 1960 Miniature of Dansville village [N. Y.J. Dansville- 1844. D 72 a CLARK, JOHN 1961 Considerations on the purity of the principles of William H. Crawford. ... To which is added some remarks upon the intro- duction of Africans into this state. . . . Augusta Ga 1819. O 208 errata slip a — rptd., with pref., N Y 1823. O 78 CLARK, REV. JOHN "Father Clark";. . . sketches and in- cidents of: See Peck, John M. CLARK, DR. MARTIN V. B. 1968 The centennial sketch of Clay county, Nebraska Sutton Neb 1876. O [2] 22 a [CLARK, 0. S.] 1969 Clay Allison of the Washita. . . . Recol- lections of Colorado, New Mexico and the Texas panhandle. . . . [Attica Ind] 1920. O [2] 38 a — rptd. 1922. O 135 CLARK, THOMAS 1970 Sketches of the naval history of the United States Phil 1813. D [l6] 13-178 [l39] front, a — anr. issue, t. &collat., 1814. — ed. 2, enl., ' United States. slightly altered, same impr. The naval history of the Phil 1814. D 2v: 239; [4, 7-12] 17-255 2pl CLARK, WILLIAM 1971 The mania of emigrating to the United States and its disadvantages developed. . . . Pt. I [all]. L 1820. O a CLARK, GEN. WILLIAM 1972 Memorial and documents in relation to Indian depredations upon the citizens of Missouri. Wash 1826. O 90 fold.tabs a CLARK, JOHN A. 1962 Gleanings by the way. . . . Phil 1842. D 352 a Observations made on trips through the Ohio and Mississippi valleys. CLARK, JONAS 1963 The fate of blood-thirsty oppressors. ... A sermon. . .to commemorate the murder, bloodshed, and commencement of hostilities between Great-Britain and America.. . . B 1776. O 31 [8] a CLARK, J0NA[THAN] 1964 Life of General Washington. . . . Alb 1813. 18° 144 port a CLARK, JOSEPH G. 1965 Lights and shadows of sailor life. . . in- cluding. . . events of the U. S. exploring ex- pedition. B 1847. D 324 a — rptd. B 1848. same collat. with 6pls added CLARK, WILLIAM P. Indian sign language. 443 map + 4adv-p a 1973 Phil 1885. O CLARKE, ADELE 1974 John Clarke: his adventures. . . . Montreal 1906. O 47 5pls a Clarke, a partner of Astor, was at Astoria from 1811 to 1813. CLARKE, ASA B. 1975 Travels in Mexico and California. . . . B 1852. D 138 b AA N Y Went via central Mexico, Arizona and the Gila to Los Angeles, thence north to the mines. CLARKE, [GEORGE] 1976 Voyage of: to America. Ed. E. 13. O'Callaghan. Alb 1867. Q [8l] 126 pi a 100 copies ptd. 109 Clarke — Clay CLARKE, H. C. 1977 The Confederate States almanac . . . for 1862. Vicksburg [l86l]. D 176 a CLARKE, H. C. 1978 Diary of the war for separation. . . to the battle of Shiloh Vicksburg 1862. D 56 a — enl. ed. "including Walker's narrative of the battle of Shiloh," same impr. & date. D 191 — anr. issue, Augusta Ga 1862. same collat. CLARKE, HENRY 1979 A history of the Sabbatarians or Seventh Day Adventists in America. . . . Utica 1811. D 196 [4] a — rptd., same impr., 1813. D CLARKE, JOHN, Lieut, of Marines 1980 An impartial and authentic narrative of the battle ... on Bunker's hill L 1775. O [2] 32 c — ed. 2, with adds., L 1775. O [2] 36 b NYS — Am. ed. [n Y 1868]. O a 99copies ptd. CLARKE, LEWIS 1981 Narrative of the sufferings of: during a captivity. . . among the Algerines of Ken- tucky. . . . B 1845. D 108 port a — anr. ed. "Narratives of the sufferings of Lewis and Milton Clarke. . . during a cap- tivity. . . among slaveholders of Kentucky," B 1846. D 144 2ports — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1854. CLARKE, M[ATTHEW] ST. CLAIR, 1982 and HALL, D. A. Legislative and documentary history of the Bank of the United States. . . . Wash 1832. O [6] 9-832 799-808 a CLARKE, PETER D. Origin and traditional history of the Wyandotts Tor 1870. 16° [6] 158 a 1983 CLARKE, PEYTON N. 1984 Old King William homes and families. . . . Louisv 1897. O 211 20pls a [CLARKE, WILLIAM] 1985 Observations on the . . . conduct of the French. . . encroachments upon the British colonies in North America. ... To which is added, wrote by another hand; observations [etc.]. B 1755. Q [l2] 47 [l5] b AA Ba Hn NYP Y — Eng. ed., au. named, L 1755. O [lO] 54 a The added observations were by Franklin. CLARKSON, THOMAS S. 1986 A biographical history of Clermont or Livingston Manor. . . . Clermont N Y 1869. O 319 5pls a 150copies ptd. CLAUSSON, NIELS C. 1987 Undersogelse om Americas opdagelse har mere stadet end gavnet det mennestelige Kien. Copenh 1785. D [4] 160 a CLAVERS, MRS MARY [pseud.] See Kirkland, Mrs. Caroline M. CLAVIERE, ETIENNE, and BRISSOT 1988 DE WARVILLE, JACQUES P. De la France et des Etats-Unis. ... L 1787. O [48] 344 a — rptd. rup. [ca 1787]. D [24] 448 — Eng. ed. "Considerations on the relative situations of France and the United States ...," L 1788. O [18, 34] 326 port — anr. Eng. ed. "The commerce of America with Europe. . . ," L 1794. O [54] 348 port — Am. ed. N Y 1795. D [36] 228 port This title was also issued as a volume of both French and English editions of Nouveau voyage dans les Etats-Unis, q.v., under Brissot de Warville, Jacques P. CLAVIGERO, FRANCISCO J. 1989 Storia della California. Venice 1789. O 2v: 276 [2]; 212 [2]. map b B N NYP Y — Sp. ed., with Palou's life of Serra added, "Historia de la Antigua o Baja California," Mex 1852. O [l4] 252 [6] [map mentioned not issued] a — Eng. ed. abr. "Historical outline of Lower California," S F 1862. O 79 Essentially confined to Lower California affairs, but contains official license for Salvatierra and Kino's expedition. [CLAXTON, CHRISTOPHER] 1990 Naval monitor. . . observations on the naval actions with America. . . . L 1815. D [12] 235 a — rptd. L 1833. D [2] 263 CLAY, CASSIUS M. 1991 The life. . . of: Vol. l[all]. Cin 1886. O 600 7pls a CLAY, CASSIUS M. 1992 Writings. . . . Ed. by Horace Greeley. N Y 1848. O 536 port a CLAY, HENRY, and CAMPBELL, ALEX'R A defence of southern slavery against the attacks of: By a southern clergyman. See Brooks, Iveson L. CLAY, THE HON. HENRY Remarks upon slavery... addressed to: See Gibbes, Morgan. CLAY, JEHU C. 1993 Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware. Phil 1835. 16° 180 port a no Cloy _ Clifford — rptd. Phil 1854. — ed. 2, enl., Phil 1858. D 179 2pls CLAY, JOHN 1994 My life on the range Chi Ll924|. O L6J 366 [2] 17pls a CLAYSON, EDWARD 1995 Historical narratives of Puget sound. . . . [Seattle 191 1]. D 106 port a [CLAYTON, AUGUSTIN S.] 1996 A vindication of the . . . policy of . . . Georgia. Athens 1827. O [lO] 9-90 b NYP CLAYTON, VICTORIA V. 1997 White and black under the old regime. Milw 1899. 16° 195 7pls a CLAYTON, WILLIAM 1998 Journal. . . journey of the. . . Mormon pioneers, from Nauvoo to. . . Great Salt Lake. S L C 1921. D [lO] 376 port a From this day-by-day account, the official historian of the Mormon exodus prepared his famous Guide. CLAYTON, WILLIAM 1999 The Latter-Day Saints' emigrants' guide. St L 1848. D 24 dd Hn N Y — rptd., in facs., S L C n.d. D 24 a Best guide for the itinerary covered. Council Bluffs to Salt Lake. CLELAND, ROBERT G. 2000 The cattle on a thousand hills. Southern California, 1850-1870. San Marino Calif 1941. O [14] 327[incl.pls] a CLEMENS, ORION 2001 City of Keokuk in 1856. . . also, a sketch of the Black Hawk war [etc.]. Keokuk 1856. D 44 a This is same as following entry, with directory portion omitted. CLEMENS, ORION 2002 Keokuk city cirectory, for 1856-7. . . . Also, a sketch of the Black Hawk war [etc.] Keokuk 1856. D 112 + 40adv-p a By the brother of "Mark Twain." First Keokuk directory. [CLEMENS, SAMUEL L.] 2003 Life on the Mississippi. D 1883. O 624 [incl. pis] "Osgood" at bottom of spine; p441, cut of au. being cremated; p443, cap- tion for building pictured given as "St. Louis Hotel" a Some few copies had gilt edges. — Eng. ed., pub. 5days prior to Am. ed., same date, L. D advs dated March, 1883. — Canadian pirated ed. [portion onlyj, Tor 1876. D date in Arabic; verso of 1/2 t. blank; t. on front cover stamped diagonally [CLEMENS, SAMUEL L.] 2004 Roughing it. By Mark Twain [pseud. J Hart 1872. O 591 + ladv-p a Some copies had gilt edges — later issues show a battered "M" in line 1 of Contents, a damaged "y" in "My," first word of Chap. I, and missing words from lines 20/21, p. 242 — Eng. ed. and actual ed. 1, issued a week prior to Am. ed., L 1872. D 2v. [v. I "Rough- ing it," v.n "Innocents at home."] a Valuable as an autobiographical chapter in the author's life and as a vivid portrayal of Nevada mining life in the '60s. CLEMENT, JOHN 2005 Sketches of the first emigrant settlers in Newton township, Old Gloucester County, West New Jersey. Camden 1877. O 442 errata 1. 3maps port a [CLEMENT, SAMUEL] 2006 Truth is no slander. . . . Natchez 1827. D 72 a Rabid condemnation of Andrew Jackson's conduct at the battle of New Orleans, urging his unfitness for the Presidency. CLEMENTS, J. I. 2007 The Klondyke. ... A complete guide to the gold-fields. L A 1897. D 98 map a CLEVELAND, RICHARD J. 2008 A narrative of voyages and commercial enterprises. C 1842. D 2v: [l6] 249; [&] 240 a — ed. 2, enl. C 1843. D 2v in 1: [40] 249; [8] 244 — ed. 3, B 1850. D 407 4pls — ed. 4, "Voyages ... of the sons of New England," N Y 1855. — Eng. eds.: L 1842; L 1843. Includes voyages to California and the Northwest coast, 1799-1802. CLEVELAND 2009 Cleveland, past and present. . . . Clev 1866. O [6] 500 [6] 81ports a — rptd. Clev 1869. CLEVELAND A directory of:. . . . 1837. See McCabe, Julius F. B. CLEVER, CHARLES P. 2010 New Mexico: her resources. . . . Wash 1868. 47 a CLIFFORD, STAFFORD C. 2011 History and directory of Yates county, N. Y. Vol.lfall]. Penn Yan 1873. O [28] 766 [13] maps pis a 111 Clift — Coohuila y Tejas CLIFT, G. GLENN 2012 History of Maysville and Mason county [Ky.]. Vol.l[all]. Lex 1936. O [lo] 461 map a CLINCH, BRYAN J. 2013 California and its missions. . . . S F 1904. O 2v: 228; 538. 2fronts.incl.in paginat. a Almost the entire edition destroyed in the San Francisco fire. CLINTON, DE WITT 2014 Correspondence on the importance. . . of a railroad from New York to New Orleans. . . . N Y 1830. O [4] 23 a [CLINTON, DoWITT] 2015 A vindication of Thomas Jefferson; against the charges contained in a pamphlet, entitled "Serious considerations,".. ..NY 1800. O 47 a CLINTON, (GEORGE) [Gov. of N.Y.] 2016 A treaty between: and the Six. . . Nations . . . held at Albany. . . August and September, 1746. N Y 1746. F 23 b BA NYP CLINTON, SIR HENRY, and 2017 CORNWALLIS, EARL Correspondence between: [n Y 178l]. O 76 [4] a — Eng. ed. [l 1783]. CLINTON, LIEUT. GEN. SIR 2018 HENRY A letter from: to the commissioners of public accounts, relative to some observa- tions . . . which may be judged to imply censure on the late commanders. . . in America. L 1784. O 31 + explanatory slip Lin some copiesj a CLINTON, LIEUTENANT-GENERAL 2019 SIR HENRY Narrative of: relative to his conduct. . . in North- America. . . . L 1783. O [4] 115 errata slip a — 5 other Eng. eds., same yr. — ed. 7, L 1785. O [4] 87 — Am. ed. N Y 1783. Q [2] 39 — rptd. Phil 1866. CLINTON'S (SIR HENRY) 2020 CO-OPERATIONS Clinton's (Sir Henry) co-operations with Sir Peter Parker, on the attack of Sullivan's Island A narrative of: N Y [l780? 1781?]. O 39 b N NYH NYP CLINTON, SIR HENRY 2021 Observations on Mr. Stedman's History of the American war. L 1794. Q [4] 34 a — rptd. N Y 1864. same collat. CLINTON, LIEUT. GEN. SIR HENRY 2022 Observations on some parts of the Answer of Earl Cornwallis to Sir Henry Clinton's Narrative. L 1783. O [4] 35 114 fold.tab a — rptd. same impr. & collat., 1783. — Am. ed. Phil 1866. O [8] 35 116 tab 200 copies ptd. CLINTON'S NARRATIVE Clinton's (Sir Henry) Narrative. A reply to:. . . . See Cornwallis, Earl. CLINTON [IA.] DIRECTORY 2023 Clinton [la.] directory. .. and a historical sketch. . . . Clinton 1869. O 166 a Its first history as well as its first directory. [CLUNY, ALEXANDER] 2024 The American traveller; or, observations on the present state ... of the British colonies. . . . L 1769. Q [8] 122 map pi b AA JCB N NYP Y — anr. issue, differs only in not having au.'s printed signature to dedication —rptd. [L] 1770. D 89 a —Am. ed. [Phil] 1770. D 90 — Fr. tr., see under Mandrillon, Jos., "Le spectateur americain. ..." — Ger. ed., from Fr. ed., "Reisen durch Amerika. . . ," Leip 1783. O 238 A survey of Anglo-American trade just prior to the Revolution, showing that the colonies were no drain on British economy. CLUTE, J. J. Annals of Staten Island. [12] 464 front, a 2025 .N Y 1877. O CLYMAN (JAMES) Clyman (James), American frontiersman .... See Camp, Chas. L. COAHUILA & TEXAS 2026 The constitution of the republic of Mexico, and of the state of: containing also an abridgement of the laws. . . relating to colonization N Y 1832. O 113 a COAHUILA AND TEXAS 2027 Constitution of the United Mexican States; the general colonization law, and the colonization law of the state of: Natchez 1826. O 51 c S [only copy known] COAHUILA AND TEXAS 2028 Laws and decrees of the state of: To which is added the constitution of said state Houston 1839. O 354 [8] 7 a COAHUILA Y TEJAS 2029 Constitucion politica del estado libre de: Wex 1827. 16° 107 [2] c Hn TxU 112 Coahuilo y Tejas — Cobbett — anr. ed. Saltillo 1828. b — rptd. Saltillo 1829. 16° 82 [3] — Eng. tr. Natchitoches 1827. D 48 dd NYP STxU Y — anr. Eng. ed. Chillicothe 1829. O 34 [some copies have a 35-p. "Constitution of the Mexican States," bound inj c S — anr. Eng. ed., with adds., N Y 1832. O 113 a First Texas constitution, as a Mexican state. COAHUILA Y TEJAS 2030 Memoria en que el gobernador del. . . : da cuenta delos ramos de su administration .... Leona-Vicario 1833. O 7 + 15statistical tables b Y COAHUILA Y TEJAS 2031 Nota estadistica remitida por el gobierno supremo del estado de: con arreglo de la Constitucion Federal. Mex 1826. sm Q 99 a COALE, CHARLES B. 2032 The life and adventures of Wilburn Waters ...embracing early history of southwestern Virginia Rich 1878. O [l4] 17-265 a [COALE, EDWARD J.]? 2033 An original memoir on the Floridas. . . . Bait 1821. O 43 a COBB, GOVERNOR (HOWELL) 2034 Cobb, Governor (Howell) to Governor Means, on the boundary between Georgia and South Carolina. Columbia S C 1852. O 23 a COBB, HOWELL 2035 A Scriptural examination of . . . slavery in the United States; with its objects and purposes. Georgia 1856. D 173 a 2036 Phil 1851. D [8] COBB, JOSEPH B. Mississippi scenes. 13-250 + 6adv-p a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. [COBB, JOSIAH] 2037 A green hand's first cruise . . . with a residence of five months in Dartmoor. Bait 1841. D 2v: [8] 13-278; 329 a — anr. issue, same date & collat. B COBB, SANFORD H. 2038 Story of the Palatines NY 1897. O 319 a COBB, THOMAS R. R. 2039 An historical sketch of slavery. . . . Phil 1858. O [4] 23-302 a Separate printing of a portion of his larger work of same date, An enquiry into the law ol Negro slavery in the United States, of which volume one only appeared. COBBET, [sic] MR. WILLIAM 2040 British honour and humanity. . . exempli- fied in the modest publications ... of: ... by a friend to regular government. Phil 1796. O 58 a Attributed to both John Swanwick and Mathew Carey. COBBETT, WILLIAM 2041 The emigrant's guide . . . including. . . letters from English emigrants now in America L 1829. D [20] 153 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1830; 1838. [COBBETT, WILLIAM] 2042 The imposter detected, or a review of some of the writings of "Peter Porcupine." By Timothy Tickletoby. . . .Phil 1796. O 2pts in 1: 51; 23 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. [COBBETT, WILLIAM] 2043 A letter to the infamous Tom Paine. ... By Peter Porcupine. Ed. 2, Phil [l796]. O 64 + 5adv-p a —Eng. ed. L 1797. O 23 COBBETT, WILLIAM Letters on the late war, 407 a — anr. ed. "Letters on the American war ...," Phil 1815. D [8] 400 [COBBETT, WILLIAM] The life and adventures of Peter Porcu- pine. . . . Phil 1796. O 58 + adv-p a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O 56 — rptd. Phil 1797. D 58 — Eng. ed. "The life of William Cobbett, by himself," L 1809. O 2044 N Y 1815. O 2045 [COBBETT, WILLIAM] The life of Thomas Paine. [2] 60 a — Am. ed. Phil 1797. D 60 2046 . L 1797. O [COBBETT, WILLIAM] 2047 A little plain English. . . on the treaty, negotiated with his Britannic Majesty, and on the conduct of the President. . . . Phil 1795. O [8] 111 a — ed. 2, Phil 1796. O [&] 77 — Eng. ed. L 1795. O 110 [COBBETT, WILLIAM] 2048 A New- Year's gift to the Democrats; or observations on . . . "A vindication of Mr. Randolph's resignation." Phil 1796. O 71 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — ed. 3, Phil 1798. same collat. 113 Cobbett — Coffeen [COBBETT, WILLIAM] 2049 A pill for Porcupine. . . containing, a vindication of the American, French and Irish characters, against his scurrilities. By a friend to political equality. Phil 1796. O 83 a COBBETT, WILLIAM 2050 The pride of Britannia humbled; or, the queen of the ocean unqueen'd, "by the American cock boats,". ...NY 1815. D 216 a — new ed. Phil 1815. same collat. — rptd. Cin 1817. same collat. [COBBETT, WILLIAM] 2051 A rub from Snub; . . . addressed to Peter Porcupine. . . . Wherein [his I moral, political . . . character is fully illustrated. Phil 1795. O 80 a [COBBETT, WILLIAM] 2052 Tit for tat; or, a purge for a pill.. . answer to. . . "A pill for Porcupine. ..." Phil [1796]. O 34 25 a Ascribed also to Benjamin Davies. [COBBETT, WILLIAM] 2053 The trial of republicanism. . . injurious and debasing consequences of republican govern- ment and written constitutions. . . . L 1801. O 63 a COBBETT, WILLIAM 2054 A year's residence in the United States N Y Clayton & Kingsland 1818. 16° 3 separate pts, consecutively paged, 432 a — anr. issue, N Y for the au. 1818. 16° 3pts in 1 same collat. — rptd., same collat., N Y 1819. — Eng. eds.: L 1818-19. D 3pts port;L 1819. O 3pts in 1 map; Belt 1818. D; L 1822. 16° map; L 1828. D Hulme's Journal, embracing account of Birkbeck's Illinois settlement, is con- tained in the third part; for earlier printing of extracts from that journal see Smith, Thomas, of Liverpool. COBLER, FRANK, and SWANWICK, 2055 T. F., camps. Tucson and Tombstone.. . directory. . . with other. . . information concerning both cities. Tucson 1883. O 224 [2] a — ed. 2, enl., same impr. & date. O 2v: [l6] 428; [4] 344 + 1. of binder's directions 3maps 6pls[2col.] Journal of a year's residence on the shores of Bering's Sea, offering much on the explorations of Wrangel, Vassilieff and Kotzebue, and on the trade carried on by the Russian-American Fur Company. An Appendix ridicules Captain Burney's theory of a probable junction of the American and Asiatic continents. COCHRANE, JOSEPH Centennial history of Mason county, Illinois Springfield 1876. O 352 a 2058 CODE NOIR (LE) 2059 Code noir (Le), ou recueil des reglemens . . . concernant le gouvernement . . . la disci- pline et le commerce des negres dans les colonies francoises. P 1740. 16° 504 b — other eds., same impr.: 1742; 1743; 1752; 1767. a — most complete ed. P 1788. 16° 648 — Am. ed. N O 1778. b Includes edicts applicable to Louisiana slaves; in force until 1803, when the colony was ceded to the United States. CODY, WILLIAM F. 2060 The life of: . . . an autobiography. Hart [1879]. O 365 port a — anr. ed., amplified to include his later exploits and those of Boone, Crockett and Carson, "Story of the wild west. . . ," Phil [1888]. O 766 col. front. Probably ghost-written by Ned Buntline. CODY, WILLIAM F. 2061 True tales of the plains. N Y Empire Book Co. 1908. D [4] 259 16pls a — anr. issue, same date & collat., with 6adv-p added, N Y Cupples & Leon. COE, CHARLES H. 2062 Juggling a rope. . . also the truth about Tom Horn, "King of the cowboys". . . . Pendleton Ore 1927. D 114 front, a COE, GEORGE W. 2063 Frontier fighter. . . who fought and rode with Billy the Kid. D 1934. O [l6] 220 7pls a COCHRAN, MRS. M. A. 2056 Posie; or, from reveille to retreat. Cjn 1896. D 194 front, a COCHRANE, CAPT. JOHN D. 2057 Narrative of a pedestrian journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary. . . to the frozen sea and Kamtchatka, 1820-23. L 1824. O [8] 564 2f old. maps a COEUR D'ALENE COUNTRY (THE) 2064 A report on the labor unions of: with reference to the crimes. . . . Wardner Ida 1899. O 47 a COFFEEN, H[ENRY] A. Vermillion county [ill.], historical. Danville J//[l871?l D 116 map a 2065 114 Coffin — Coke COFFIN, CHARLES 2066 History of the battle of Breed's hill. . . . Saco 1831. O 38 a — rptd. Port 1835. O 36 COFFIN, CHARLES 2067 The life and services of Major General John Thomas. N Y 1844. O 33 a — enl. ed., with lives of 3 other revolu- tionary officers, N Y 1845. D 222 COFFIN, CHARLES C. 2068 The history of Boscawen and Webster. . . . Concord N H 1878. O [32] 666 map a COFFIN, ELIJAH 2069 The life of: with a reminiscence, by his son, Charles F. Coffin. . . . [Cin?]. 1863. O 307[incl.port] a Contains the day-by-day journal kept by this pioneer Indiana Quaker on travels in Kansas, Iowa, Carolina, etc., 1848—61. COFFIN, GEORGE 2070 A pioneer voyage to California and round the world, 1849-52 [Chi 1908]. O 235 lOpls a COFFIN, LEVI 2071 Reminiscences of: the reputed president of the underground railroad. . . . Cin Western Tract Soc. [l876]. O [8] 712 2ports a — ed. 2, Cin 1880. O [8] 732 2ports — Eng. ed. L 1876. O COFFIN, LEWIS A., and 2072 HOLDEN, ARTHUR C. Brick architecture of the colonial period in Maryland and Virginia. N Y 1919. Q 29 118pls a COFFIN, WILLIAM F. 2073 1812: the war, and its moral. . . . Vol. I [all]. Montr 1864. O 296 a Of negligible value. COGGESHALL, GEORGE 2074 A history of American privateers.. ..NY 1856. O [56] 438 8pls a — ed. 2, same impr., date 66 collat. — ed. 3, enl., N Y 1861. O [56] 482 pis COGGESHALL, WILLIAM T. 2075 Stories of frontier life. . . . Columbus O 1860. D [8] 313 a — rptd. 1861, with both Columbus & N Y impr. — anr. ed., t. slightly altered, N Y 1863. COGHLAN, MRS. [MARGARET] 2076 Memoirs of: L 1794. D 2v: [26] 152; [2] 172 a —rptd. Dub 1794. D [20] 171; Cork 1794. 16° [16] 138 — Am. ed. N Y 1795. D 184 p3-6 of Preface suppressed in many copies — rptd. N Y 1864. O [8] 158 120copies[20 onL.P.] Narrative of a lady famous for her affair with Colonel Burr in the Revolution. COGSWELL, ELLIOTT C. 2077 History of New Boston, New Hampshire. B 1864. O 470 map 38pls a COGSWELL, ELLIOTT C. 2078 History of Nottingham, Deerfield... N. H. Manchester 1878. O [l2J 790 60pls a COGSWELL, LEANDER W. 2079 History ... of Henniker ... New Hampshire .... Concord 1880. O 808 fold. map 21pls a COHEN, MYER M. 2080 Notices of Florida and the campaigns. Charleston SC 1836. D 240 map port a COKE, E[DWARD] T. 2081 A subaltern's furlough. .. in various parts of the United States. . . . L 1833. O [12] 486 map 13 pis a — Am. ed. N Y 1833. D 2v: [4] 9-222; [4] 188. Lpls called for were issued separately; see next entry]. COKE, EDWARD T. 2082 Views in North America. n.p.[N y] ? ptd., L Hullmandel [l833]. Q 12pls a Intended to accompany the American edition of A subaltern's furlough. COKE, HENRY J. 2083 A ride over the Rocky mountains to Oregon and California L 1852. O [10] 388 [2] port a On this perilous 1850 trip undertaken for sheer adventure by two young English sportsmen, two of their seven companions perished; the survival of any was a miracle. COKE, HENRY J. 2084 Tracks of a rolling stone. L 1905. O [6] 349 port + 2adv-p a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O [8] 360 port Incorporates some details of his 1850 overland trip not given in his earlier book. COKE, THOMAS 2085 Extracts from the journals of [his] three visits to America. L 1790. D 120 [l2] a — anr. ed., embracing 5 visits to America, L 1793. D 195 —rptd., Dub 1816; L 1817. Only his first, third and fourth visits were to the continent; the others were to the West Indies. 115 Coke — Cole COKE, REV. DR. [THOMAS] 2086 Journal of [his] fourth tour on the conti- nent of America. L 1792. D 23 a Visited Virginia, Carolinas and Georgia. COKE, THE REV. THOMAS, THE 2087 REV. FRANCIS ASBURY, et al Minutes of several conversations between: at a conference, begun at Baltimore. . . . Composing a form of discipline for the. . . Methodist Episcopal Church in America. Phil 1775. D 35 a The first Methodist Discipline, the foundation of this church in the United States. COLBERT, E. 2088 Chicago. Historical . . . sketch of the Garden City. . . . Chi 1868. O 120 a Sometimes bound with Bross, William, History of Chicago. . . . COLBURN, J. G. W., ed. 2089 The life of Sile Doty . . . noted thief and daring burglar Toledo 1880. O 269 3pls a — rptd. Det. 1948 D [16J288 port. A predatory profession, practised chiefly in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio, and told of with gusto by the old rogue at seventy-five; his horrified family succeeded in destroying many copies. COLBY, CHARLES 2090 Hand-book of Illinois. ...NY 1854. 18° 36 map a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1855. COLDEN, CADWALLADER, ESQUIRE, 2091 LATE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF NEW- YORK The conduct of: \l] 1767. O Ul 2-66 b H Y —Am. ed. [/V y] 1767. O [4] 2-56 b AA N NYP Vindication of his conduct concerning the Stamp Act, etc., with special reference to the New York riots. COLDEN, CADWALLADER 2092 An explication of the first causes of ac- tion in matter, and of the cause of gravita- tion. N Y 1745. D [6] 44 c ColumbiaU Hn NYP — Eng. ed. L 1746. D 75 b NYP — Eng. ed. 2, enl., L 1751. a — rptd., t. altered, L 1752. First New York scientific publication. COLDEN, CADWALLADER 2093 The history of the Five Indian Nations .... TV y 1727. D [20] 1 19 dd JCB N NYP Lof 10 known copies] — rptd., ed. Shea, N Y 1866. O [42] 18 141 map port a 125 copies[25 on L.P.] — Eng. ed., considerably altered, but with adds., L 1747. O [20] 90 [2] 91-204 283 map a — Eng. ed. 2, same sheets with new t-p, L 1750. some copies undated —Eng. ed. 3, L 1755. D 2v: [l6] 260; [4] 251 [8j. map First history of the Iroquois Confeder- ation and first historical work printed in New York. [COLDEN, CADWALLADER] ed. 2094 Papers relating to an act of assembly of . . . New- York;, for encouragement of the Indian trade. .' . . N Y 1724. F [2] 24map [first one made in N.Y.]. dd NYP 2copies known Incorporated in the second [London] and later editions of Colden's History of the Five Indian nations. COLDEN, CADWALLADER D. 2095 The life of Robert Fulton. . . . N Y 1817. O [6] 371 port a COLDEN, CADWALLADER D. 2096 Memoir. . . at the celebration of the com- pletion of the New York canals. N Y 1825-6. Q [8] 408 [2] 47maps & pis 8facs a COLDEN, CADWALLADER D. 2097 A vindication of the steam boat right, granted by the state of New York. . .. Alb 1818. D 178 a — rptd. N Y 1819. O 96 COLE, ARTHUR C. 2098 The Whig party in the south. Wash 1913. D [12] 392 fold, pis a COLE, CORNELIUS 2099 Memoirs of: N Y 1908. O [lo] 353 port a COLE, CYRENUS 2100 A history of the people of Iowa. Cedar Rapids 1921. O [l6J 572 2 maps 8pls a COLE, DAVID 2101 History of Rockland county, N. Y. N Y 1884. O 344 [75] maps & pis a COLE, GILBERT L. 2102 In the early days along the overland trail in Nebraska K C [l905]. D 125[incl. front.] a COLE, J. R. 2103 History of Greenbrier county [W. Va.J. Leesburg [l917]. O 347 a COLE, MAJOR WILLIAM L. 2104 California NY 1871. O 103 a Cover title is dated 1872. 116 Coleman — Colles COLEMAN, ELDER R. J. 2105 Life and ministerial labors of: Little Rock 1894. 16° [6] 80 port errata 1. a [COLEMAN, ROBERT M.] 2106 Houston displayed, or, who won the battle of San Jacinto? Velasco 1837. D 38 b TxU [of 2copies known] [COLEMAN, WILLIAM] 2107 Appeal to the people . . . relating to the re- jection of the British minister. ...NY 1810. O 120 a [COLEMAN, WILLIAM] ed. 2108 A collection of the facts and documents, relative to the death of . . . Alexander Hamilton. ...NY 1804. O [4] 238 a — abr. ed. same impr. & date. O 46 — anr. ed. complete, D 1904. O 276 430 copies ptd. [COLEMAN, WILLIAM] 2109 An examination of the president's reply to the New-Haven remonstrance. ...NY 1801. O 69 a —anr. ed. N Hav 1801. COLEMAN, WILLIAM H., comp. 2110 Historical sketch book and guide to New Orleans NY 1885. D [4] 324 map[l4 x 10 3/4] front, a — issue 1: Hearne's name omitted at foot of p299; if in wraps, front cover has an alli- gator holding a sign in its mouth, and at bottom words "Exposition edition." — issue 2: Hearne's name at foot of p299; map larger [37 1/2 x 27] COLESON, ANN 2111 Narrative of her captivity among the Sioux Phil 1864. O [2] 19-28 33-46 53- 58 63-70 front. 3pls [actually 40 pof text] a — anr. issue, same impr., date & collat., but carries wrap. & copyright date of 1866 — rptd. 1866; 1875; 1877. — Ger. ed. "Fangenskap bland Sioux-Indi- aneren. . . ," Minneap n.d. D 61 COLLECTION D'ESTAMPES 2112 Collection d'estampes representant les differents evenemens de la guerre qui a procure l'independance aux Etats Unis. . . . P Godefroy & Ponce Ll784? 1786?]. Q eng.t. 16pls [nos. 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16 not numb, at top] b NYP — anr. issue, no separate t-p [pi one, "Precis. . . ," serving as such, with its reading: "Recueil d'estampes. . . ,"] P Ponce & Godefroy [l784? 1786?]. Q 16 numb. pis a — rptd. P 1918. Q 16pls Some copies of orig. ed. were printed on Large Paper in folio. First French book with a title-page mentioning the United States. COLLECTION (A) Collection (A) of authentic discoveries . . . . L 1763. See under Voyages (The), ad- ventures and discoveries ot the following circum-navigators. . . . COLLECTION (A) 2113 Collection (A) of Indian anecdotes. Con- cord N H 1837. 64° 192 a COLLECTION (A) Collection (A) of interesting . . . papers, relative to the dispute between Great Britain and America. . . . See Almon, John. COLLECTION (A) Collection (A) of modern and contemporary voyages and travels. See Phillips, Sir Richard. COLLECTION 2114 Collection of papers containing Decla- ration of independence; Treaty of alliance between France and the United States. . . . N Y [1784]. O 96 a COLLECTION 2115 Collection of papers. . . relating to the proceedings of His Majesty's commissioners 2V Y 1778. O [2] 55 [l9] + [in some copies] 8p "Proposed Appendix" a COLLECTION (A) 2116 Collection (A) of papers, relative to half- pay. . . to officers of the army. . . . Fish-Kill 1783. Q 36 b BA N NYP Y — rptd. B 1783. Q 24 a — anr. ed., see Washington, Geo., "The last official address. ..." Contains Washington's famous Newburgh address which quelled a threatened revolt by some discontented officers. COLLECTION (A) 2117 Collection (A) of state papers relative to the first acknowledgement of the sovereignty of the United States . . . and the reception of their Minister by. . .the States General of the United Netherlands. Hague 1782. O 96 a — Eng. ed., with adds., L 1782. O [4] 100 COLLECTION (A) 2118 Collection (A) of sundry publications. . . in relation to the attack . . . upon the private armed brig General Armstrong. . . 1814. N Y 1833. D [l4] 55[mispaged 46] a COLLES, CHRISTOPHER 2119 Proposal of a design for the promotion of the interests of the United States. ..by 117 Colles — Collison means of inland navigable communication . . . . N Y 1808. O 22 pi map in some copies a COLLES, CHRISTOPHER 2120 A survey of the roads of the United States [N Y] 1789. sm Q 84eng. pls[incl.t-p] Of the 83 road-maps nos. 34-39 are found in no copies and were evidently not issued. Some copies have, inserted, a fold, sheet of "Proposals" for this work, c AA LC NYP Colles was the originator of the Erie canal plan; the maps represent the best engraving done in this country up to this time. In 1785 Colles issued a fourteen-page Proposals lor the speedy settlement of . . . lands or. the western frontiers of New York. . . , his first agitation for this scheme of inland navigation. COLLINS, CHARLES [eemp.] 2121 City directory of Leavenworth: embracing . . . historical data. . . . Leavenworth [1866J. D 260 a — anr. ed. [l868]. D 188[incl. advs] map a COLLINS, CHARLES 2122 History and directory of the Black Hills Central City Dak 1878. O 91 + 4adv-p b SDH Y [only 3copies known] First book printed in the Black Hills. COLLINS, CHARLES Lcomp.J 2123 Mercantile guide and directory for Vir- ginia City, Gold Hill, Silver City and Ameri- can City. . . with sketches . . . historical and statistical matter [etc.]. Virginia Nev [s F ptd] 1864-5. O 386 + 15adv-p at front b LC COLLINS, CHARLES [comp.J 2124 Omaha directory. . . and an appendix con- taining. . . historical data. . . . [Omaha 1866J. O [80J97-204 [inch advs] b NYP Y — [2nd directory] Omaha 1868. O 224 [incl. advs] map pi a COLLINS, HUBERT E. 2128 Warpath and cattle trail [in Oklahoma, etc.]. N Y 1928. O [22] 296 a [COLLINS, JAMES] 2129 Autobiography of a revolutionary soldier. Ed. by John M. Roberts. Clinton La 1859. D [4] 176 a Scouting services at King's Mountain and the Cowpens, with later adventures on the Georgia and Tennessee frontiers. COLLINS, J[0HN] S. 2130 Across the plains in 1864. Omaha 1904. D 151 a — ed. 2, & best, containing later frontier experiences, Omaha 1904-11. D 2pts in 1: 151; 152 9pls For ten years Collins was Post Trader at Ft. Laramie; he incorporates much un- written history on the early trans-Missouri region. COLLINS, LEWIS 2131 Historical sketches of Kentucky. Mays- ville 1847. O [16] 560 map pi a — anr. issue, same collat., Phil 1847. — other eds. 1848; 1850. — best ed., much enL by Richard H. Collins, Covington 1874. O 2v a — rptd. in lv. with omissions, Louisv 1877. O 912 port — anr. ed. Covington 1878. O 2v — anr. ed. 1882. O 2v COLLINS, MRS. NAT, THE CATTLE 2132 QUEEN OF MONTANA Comp. by Charles Wallace. St James Minn [ptd. Chi] 1894. O 249 32pls[3 by Russell] b G LC — rev. ed. Spokane [l898?]. O 260 pis a COLLINS, LIEUT. R. M. 2133 Chapters from the unwritten history of the war between the states. St L 1893. D 355 a COLLINS, CHARLES The Rocky mountain gold regions. . . . See Burt, Silas W., and Berthoud, Edward L. COLLINS, DANIEL 2125 Narrative of the shipwreck of the brig Betsy. . . and murder of five of her crew, by pirates, on the coast of Cuba. Wicasset Me 1825. O 52 a COLLINS, DENNIS 2126 The Indian's last fight; or, the Dull Knife raid [Girard Kan, 1915]. O 326[incl. front.] 7pls a [COLLINS, ELIZABETH] 2127 Memories of the southern states. Taunton Eng 1865. D [6] 116 a COLLINS, S. H. 2134 The emigrant's guide to . . . the United States Hull Eng 1829. D [4] 134 map a — ed. 2, same impr. , collat. & date — ed. 3, same impr. 1830. — ed. 4, same impr. rud. D [4] 180 Editions one and two can only be dis- tinguished when in original boards. COLLINSON, JOHN, and BELL, W. A. 2135 The Maxwell land grant ... in Colorado and New Mexico. . . . L 1870. O 32 map a COLLISON, WILLIAM H. 2136 In the wake of the war canoe . . . adventure amongst the savage. . . tribes of the Pacific coast. L 1915. O 351 map 16pls a — Am. eds.: same collat. Tor n.d.; N Y n. d. 118 Collot — Colton COLLOT, GEORGES H. V. 2137 A journey in North America, containing a survey of the countries watered by the Mississippi, Ohio [etc.]. P 1824-6. Q 2v: [12] 310; 372 + atlas [36maps & pis] d LC N — rptd. Florence 1924-6. O 2v + atlas Q 36maps & pis a — Lin Fr. J with app. to v. 2 not in the Eng. tr. P 1824-6. O 2v: [l4] 416 [2] 427 [72] + atlas [36maps & pis] b LC N NYP Gen. Collot's survey — the most detailed of the western interior up to his time — was made in 1796, probably in concert with Genet's abortive scheme for involving that section in attacking the Spanish posses- sions in Florida and Louisiana. Both Eng- lish and French editions were printed simul- taneously, in 1805, but not published till 1826, at which time all but 100 copies of the English and 300 of the French were deliberately destroyed. COLLYER, ROBERT H. 2138 Lights and shadows of American life. B [1844?]. O 40 cov.t.only a COLNETT, (CAPTAIN JAMES) 2139 The journal of: aboard the Argonaut. . . 1789-1791. Tor Champlain Soc. 1940. O [32] 328 21maps & pis a COLNETT, JAMES 2140 A voyage to the south Atlantic and. . . into the Pacific L 1798. Q [26] 179 port Lnot in all copies] 9maps & pis b U N NYP Y Attempting to establish an English fur- trading post on Nootka, Colnett's crew was seized and imprisoned by Spaniards, pre- cipitating a controversy which came close to resulting in war. First complete edition, said to have been written by William Combe. It was preceded by a sixteen-page abridged version printed at Trenton, 1787, and re- printed [27 pages] Philadelphia, 1797. COLONIAE ANGLICANAE Coloniae Anglicanae illustratae; or, the acquest of dominion. . . . See Bollan, Wm. COLONIE ICARIENNE.... See Cabet, Etienne. COLORADO BRAND BOOK 2141 Colorado brand book. No. 1. Denver, ptd. Chi, lea 1884J. 16° [8] 61 b G COLORADO BRAND BOOK 2142 Colorado brand book. No. 2. Denver [ca 1885]. 16° 92 [2]b G Supplementary brands for 1885. COLORADO 2143 Colorado; its resources, parks and pros- pects as a new field for emigration.. . . L 1869. Q 2v: [2] 55; [6] 133 [l6J\ 3maps a COLORADO 2144 First annual report of the Union Colony of: including a history of . . . Greeley. N Y 1871. O 40 mapLin some copies] a (COLORADO) 2145 The geography, descriptionLetc. J of cen- tral and southern Colorado. Pueblo 1869. D 32 b ColH H COLORADO Colorado, California, Florida. . . . Gypsy days in: See Led yard, L. Wolters. COLORADO GAZETTEER 2146 The Rocky mountain directory and: for 1871 Denver [ptd Chi 1870]. O 442 + 202 adv p. not incl. in paginat. a COLORADO 2147 Routes of travel in: Denver 1874. 16° 66 a COLORADO (SOUTHERN) 2148 Historical and descriptive of Fremont and Custer counties. . . . Canon City [ptd in Chi?] 1879. O 134 a COLORADO (WESTERN) 2149 Colorado (Western) and her resources. . . . lAspen 189lJ. O 73 + adv-pp map a COLORADO 2150 Colorado and New Mexico. The westward march of emigration. . . in its bearing upon the near future of: Lancaster Pa 1874. O 53 a COLORADO SPRINGS 2151 Among the mountains; a guide book to: Colo Springs 1873. D 137 [3] fold, map a COLT, MRS. MIRIAM [DAVIS] 2152 Went to Kansas. . . . Watertown N Y 1862. D 294 a COLT, NELSON 2153 The Devil's Hole, with an account of the visits made to it in 1679 by De la Salle. . . . Lockport 1844. D 24 a — anr. ed. Niagara City N Y 1859. D 15 COLT, SAMUEL 2154 Armsmear: the home, the arms and the armory of:. ... N Y 1866. Q 399 a [COLTON, CALVIN] 2155 The Americans. L 1833. O [12] 389 a Protests misrepresentations of American life by English travellers. 119 Colton — Colville COLTON, CALVIN 2156 History and character of American re- vivals of religion. L 1832. D [l6] 294 a — eds. 2 & 3, same impr. & date COLTON, CALVIN 2157 Manual for emigrants to America. L 1832. 16° [2, 7-10] 203 a Four chapters devoted to the Mississippi Valley. COLTON, C[ALVIN] 2158 Tour of the American lakes, and among the Indians ... in 1830 L 1833. D 2v. [32] 316; [8] 387 a [COLTON, CALVIN] 2159 A voice from America to England. L 1839. 0[l2] 321 a Four chapters deal with slavery and the unconstitutional tactics of abolition societies. COLTON, J[0SEPH] H. [pub.] 2160 The emigrant's handbook. . . directions. . . especially to those designing to settle in the great western valley. ...NY 1848. 16° 136 map a — Eng. ed. L 1848. 16° map See also similar publications entered under the name of Smith, John Calvin. COLTON, j[OSEPH] H. [pub.] 2161 The State of Indiana delineated. ...NY 1838. 18° 92 map[pub separately & found inserted in only a few copies] b ChiU NYP Y COLTON, j[OSEPH] H. [pub.] 2162 Traveler and tourist's guide book through the United States NY 1850. 16° [l4] 250 2maps[l fold.] a — rptd.: 1851; 1852; 1854; 1856. — anr. ed., comp. R. S. Fisher, N Y 1857. 16° [20] 354 map Essentially same as the various hand- books listed under Smith, John Calvin. In- cludes material on California, Oregon and Texas, with overland routes, etc. COLTON, J[0SEPH] H.^pub.] The western tourist, ietc.]. See Smith, John Calvin. COLTON, WALTER 2163 Deck and port NY 1850. D 408 front. 4col.pls[lith. by Sarony] a — issue 2, identical except that the pis are lith. by Sarony & Major and end papers are blank, while those of issue 1 were ptd. — other eds.: N Y 1854. same collat.; N Y 1860. D 408 front. COLTON, WALTER 2164 Three years in California. N Y 1850. D 456 12pls fold. facs. map a 120 — rptd. 1851; 1852; 1854; 1856; 1859. — anr. ed., title changed to "The land of gold." 1860. Colton was alcalde of Monterey; his narrative is interesting and valuable. COLUMBIA, S. C. 2165 Proceedings of the state rights meeting, in: Columbia 1830. O 46 a COLUMBIA, S. C. Sack and destruction of the city of: See Simms, Wm. G. [COLUMBIA, S. C] 2166 Who burnt Columbia? Pt. l[all]. Charleston 1873. D 121 a Depositions of claimants against the government and of Generals Sherman and Howard for the defense. COLUMBIA RIVER (THE) 2167 Message from the President. . . communi- cating. . . documents relating to an estab- lishment made at the mouth of: H. Doc. 45. Wash 1823. O 65 a COLUMBIA (THE) 2168 Message from the President . . . relative to the British establishments on: and the state of the fur trade Sen.Doc.39. Wash 1831. O 36 a Contains Pilcher's trip — probably at government instigation — to the far North- west, as well as others made by Jackson, Sublette and Jedidiah Smith to the Wind River headwaters, Ft. Vancouver, etc. COLUMBIA RIVER (THE) Notices of the harbor at the mouth of: See Blair, James. COLUMBUS [OHIO] . . . DIRECTORY Columbus LOhio] business directory for 1843-4. See Siebert, John. COLUSA COUNTY [CALIF.] ANNUAL 2169 Colusa county [Calif.] annual and di- rectory . . . with historical . . . sketches. . . . Colusa 1876. O 102 a COLVILLE, SAMUEL, comp. 2170 Marysville [Calif.] directory for. .. 1853. Marysville 1853. O 133 b Hn NYP 2copies known — same, for 1855, S F 1855. O [30] 96 [8] a Both editions contain historical sketcnes; the original issue was the first book printed in this town. COLVILLE, SAMUEL, comp. 2171 Sacramento directory for 1853-4. . . with a history Sacr 1853. O 110 [ 14] a — same, for 1854-5. S F 1854. O 116 + 30adv-l. Colville — Compendious Account COLVILLE, SAMUEL, comp. 2172 San Francisco directory. Vol. ilallj. S F 1856. O [82] 307 [2] map a In most copies, the list of Vigilantes, pages 226-227, was covered over by advertising. COLVOCORESSES, GEORGE M. 2173 Four years in the government exploring expedition. . . commanded by Captain Charles Wilkes. N Y 1852. D 372 + 3adv-p 20pls[l5 inch in paginat.J a — rptd. 4 times by 1855. COLYER, VINCENT 2174 Report on peace with the Apaches of New Mexico Wash 1872. O 58 a Includes a sickening account of the massacre, perpetrated by Tucson citizens and their Indian allies, of eighty-five friendly Apaches. COMAN, KATHARINE 2175 Economic beginnings of the far west. . . . N Y 1912. O 2v: [l8] 418; [lo] 450. 4maps 47pls a — rptd., same impr., 1925. O 2v in 1 — rptd. "Le nouveau-monde, scenes de la vie americaine," P 1861. 16° [l6] 375 — later eds.: 1863; 1864; 1868; 1870. — Sp. tr. Madrid 1858. Q 288 4pls COMMENTS 2181 Comments on the convention with Spain [relating to Nootka sound, etc.]. L 1790. Q 28 b BritColProvL PortOreL COMMERCE Commerce (The) and navigation of the valley of the Mississippi. . . . See Allen, Thos. COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY 2182 Commercial directory. . . of the Union. . . . Phil 1823. Q [8] 242 [2] 41 map 17pls a COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY 2183 Commercial directory of the western states and rivers. . . . St L & Chi 1867. Q [20] 1197 85 73 a COMMON SENSE: Common sense: addressed to the inhabit- ants of America. . . . See Paine, Thos. COMBATTANTS FRANCAIS 2176 Combattants francais de la guerre ameri- caine, 1778-83. P 1903. Q [22] 327 pis a — Am. ed., Sen. Doc. 77, Wash 1905. Q [2] 453 lOpls COMBE, GEORGE 2177 Notes on the United States . . . during a phrenological visit, 1838-40. Edin 1841. D 3v: [38] 372 L3]; [2] 400 [l]; [2] 488 [l] + 6 adv-p. map a —Am. ed. Phil 1841. D 2v: [l6] 13-374; [2] 9-405 COMBS, GENERAL LESLIE 2178 Narrative of the life of: embracing in- cidents in the early history of the north- western territory. N Y 1852. O 23 port cover t.only a — anr. ed. [Wash] 1852. O 20 — rptd. Wash 1855. O 24 COMETTANT, [JEAN P.] OSCAR 2179 L'Amerique telle qu'elle est; voyage anecdotique de Marcel Bonneau dans le nord et le sud des Etats-Unis. . . . P 1864. 16° [4] 392 a — best ed. "Voyage pittoresque. . . ," P 1866. O [8] 469 22plsL4 col.] COMETTANT, [JEAN P.] OSCAR 2180 Trois ans aux Etats-Unis. Etude de moeurs et coutumes. . . . P 1857. 16° [4] 364 a —anr. ed. Brus 1856-7. 16° 2v — ed. 2, cor., P 1858. 16° [2] 392 COMMON SENSE 2184 Common sense: in nine conferences be- tween a British merchant and a candid merchant of America. . . tracing the several causes of the present contests. . . . L 1775. Q[l0] 117 a Arguments supposed to have converted the "candid" Yankee seem quite unconvincing. COMMONS, JOHN R., ed. 2185 A documentary history of American in- dustrial society. C/ev 1910-11. O llv ports b N NYP COMMUNICATIONS 2186 Communications from several states on the Resolutions of the legislature of Vir- ginia, respecting the Alien and Sedition laws Rich [l80o]. D 104 a Amplified from an earlier undated tract of twenty pages with same title, printed at Richmond about 1799. COMPARISON (A) 2187 Comparison (A) of slavery with abolition- ism. . ..By Amor Patriae. N Y 1848. O 16 a — enl. ed. "The blasphemy of abolitionism exposed. . . ," N Y 1850. O 24 COMPENDIOUS ACCOUNT (A) 2188 Compendious account (A) of the most im- portant battles of the late war, to which is added, the curious adventures of Corporal Samuel Stubbs. . . . B 1815. D 24 port b AA LC 121 Compendious History — Conclir — rptd., same place & collat., 1817. a CI. Lathrop, John, A compendious history ... of which this is, in part, an abridgment. COMPENDIOUS HISTORY (A) Compendious history (A) of the late war. See Lathrop, John. COMPLEAT HISTORY (A) Compleat history (A) of Spanish America .... See Campbell, John. officers of the ship "Globe". . . . B 1850. D [4] 115 front, a CONARD, HOWARD L. 2196 "Uncle Dick" Wootton. ...Chi 1890. O 545[incl. front. & 65pls] + adv-p a — rptd. Columbus 1950. O 500 copies ptd. CONCERNING STEAM BOATS Documents without comments. See Ogden, Aaron. COMPLEAT HISTORY (A) Compleat history (A) of the late war. . . . See Wright, John. COMPLETE... ACCOUNT (A) 2189 Complete and accurate account (A) of the very important debate in the House of Com- mons ... in which the cause of Mr. Fox's resignation, and the great question of American independence came under con- sideration. . . . L 1782. O [4] 61 a — eds. 2 & 3, same impr., date & collat. — Am. ed. Phil 1845. O COMPLETE COLLECTION (A) 2190 Complete collection (A) of all the pro- tests of the Peers of Parliament. . .on the great questions of the cause and issue of the war. ...L 1782. O 126 a COMPLETE (A)... ATLAS Complete (A) historical.. . American atlas .... See Carey, Henry C, and Lea, J. COMPLETE HISTORY (A) 2191 Complete history (A) of the origin and f>rogress of the late war. . . . L 1763. O 2v: 4] 358; [2] 359-771 a — rptd. L 1764. O 2v in 1 same paginat. For similar title — ascribed, as is this, to Edmund Burke — see Wright, John. COMPLETE HISTORY (A) 2192 Complete history (A) of the present war . . . 1756-1760. L 1761. D [4] 548 a CONCESSIONS Concessions to America, the bane of Britain. . . . See Marryat, Jos. CONCILIATION (A) 2197 Conciliation (A) with America: adapted to the constitutional rights of the colonies and the supremacy of Great Britain. L 1778. O 55 a CONCILIATION 2198 Conciliation with America, the true policy of Great Britain. By a friend to British manufactures. L 1811. O 31 a CONCILIATORY ADDRESS 2199 Conciliatory address to the people of Great Britain and of the colonies on the present . . . crisis. L 1775. O [4] 56 a CONCILIATORY BILLS (THE) 2200 Conciliatory bills (The) considered. L 1778. O 39 a The Ministry white-washed. CONCILIATORY HINTS Conciliatory hints, attempting . . .to re- move party-prejudices. ... By Philodemus. See Tucker, Thos. T. CONCISE ACCOUNT (A) Concise account (A) of voyages for the discovery of a north-west passage. ... By a sea officer. See Pickersgill, Lieut. Richard. COMPRESSED VIEW (A) Compressed view (A) of the points to be discussed, in treating with the United States. . . . See Atcheson, Nathaniel. COMPTON, RICHARD J., ed. 2193 Pictorial St. Louis. . . . St L 1876. obi Q 215 HOplsb LC COMSTOCK, JOSEPH 2194 The tongue of time and star of the states . . . American antiquities. ...NY 1838. O 487 a COMSTOCK, WILLIAM 2195 The life of Samuel Comstock, the terrible whaleman . . . mutiny and massacre of the CONCISE . . . ACCOUNT (A) Concise historical account (A) of all the British colonies in North-America. .. .See We in, Paul. CONCISE HISTORY (A) Concise history (A) of the Spanish America. . . . See Campbell, John. CONCLIN, GEORGE, pob. A book for all travelers. . . .See Cumings, Sam'l., The western navigator. CONCLIN, GEORGE [comp.] New river guide. . . . See Cumings, Sam'l. 122 Condie — Connecticut [CONDI E, THOMAS] 2201 Biographical memoirs of the illustrious Gen. George Washington. . . . Phil Charless & Ralston 1800. 16° 243 a — ed. 2, Phil Folwell 1800. 16° 217 — ed. 3, Phil Folwell 1801. 16° 217 — ed. 4, Phil Johnson 86 Warner 1809. 16° 143; anr.ed. N Hav 1809, same collat. — anr. ed. 4, Brattleborough 1811. 16° 211; and many other eds. For similar title see under Corry, John. See also Trumbull, James; for a plagiarized version, see Kingston, John. CONDITION 2202 Condition of the Indian tribes. Report of the . . . special committee appointed under joint resolution of March 3rd, 1865. . . . Wash 1867. O 532 a Lurid details of Chivington's sickening massacre of unoffending Indians at Sand Creek, Colorado. CONDUCT (THE) 2203 Conduct (The) of a noble commander in America, impartially reviewed. . . . L 1758. O [2] 45 a — ed. 2, same impr., date 86 collat. Vindication of Lord Loudoun's conduct of the war, in 1756-7, probably written by himself, but also ascribed to J. E. Campbell. CONDUCT (THE) 2204 Conduct (The) of Great Britain respecting neutrals. Phil 1807. O 72 a CONDUCT (THE) Conduct (The) of the late administration examined. . . . See Lloyd, Chas. CONDUCT (THE) Conduct (The) of the late ministry. . . . See Moreau, Jacob N. , Memoire contenant les precis des faits. . . . CONDUCT 2205 Conduct of the ministry impartially examined. . . . L 1756. O 68 a — ed. 2, same impr., date 86 collat. Remonstrance, addressed to London mer- chants, against imprisoning of British traders on the Ohio. [CONDY, JONATHAN W. 2206 A description of the river Susquehannah Phil 1796. O [4] 60 map a CONE, ANDREW, and JOHNS, 2207 WALTER R. Petrolia: history of the Pennsylvania petroleum region. ...NY 1870. O 652 12pls a CONFEDERATE STATES (THE) 2209 Constitution of the provisional govern- ment of:. . . . Montg 1861. O 15 a CONFEDERATE STATES (THE) 2210 Journal of the general council of the Protestant Episcopal church in: Augusta Ga 1862-3. O 3pts in 1: 305 a CONFEDERATE STATES (THE) 2211 Provisional and permanent Constitutions . . . with the Acts ... of the first session of the provisional Congress of: Montg 1861. O 160 a — other eds.: Milledgeville Ga 1861. O; Rich 1861. O — rptd., with Acts of the 1st and 2nd sessions of the provisional Congress[en- acted at Montgomery] and the 3rd session [enacted at Richmond], R 1861. O CONFEDERATE STATES (THE) 2212 Uniform and dress of the army of: Rich 1861. F [10] 15pl[9 col] errata slip b Duke Emory Some copies have an added tipped-in strip illustrating field caps. Contained in General Order No. 9, Adjutant and Inspector General's Office. CONFEDERATE STATES 2213 PRISONER (A) Experiences of:. . . . Rich 1862. O 62 a CONFEDERATE WAR ETCHINGS Confederate war etchings. By V. Blada. See Volck, Adalbert J. CONFESSIONS 2214 Confessions, trials. . . of the most cold blooded murderers. . . executed in this country. . . . B 1840. D 408 a — anr. issue, same impr. 86 collat., 1841. — rptd. Hart 1844. D 420[incl. front.] CONGER, 0. T., ed. 2215 Autobiography of a pioneer: or, the travels, etc. of Rev. Samuel Pickard. . . . Chi. 1866. D 403 a Iowa and Illinois in the 'forties. CONGRESS (THE) Congress (The) canvassed. . . . See Sea- bury, Sam'l. CONNECTED VIEW (A) Connected view (A) of the. . . internal navigation of the United States. . . .See Armroyd, George. CONFEDERATE (THE) 2208 Confederate (The). By a South Carolinian Afobi/e[l863]. D 102 a CONNECTICUT The Blue Laws of:. . . . See below, The code of 1650. . .. 123 Connecticut — Considerant CONNECTICUT 2216 The code of 1650, being. . . the earliest laws of. . . : To which is added, some ex- tracts from the laws ... of New Haven colony, commonly called the Blue laws. Hart 1822. D 120 front, a — other eds., same impr.: 1825; 1830; 1833; 1836; 1838; 1842; Phil 1860; 1861; Cin 1867. For another edition see Hinman, Royal R., The blue laws of New Haven colony; for origin of this fictitious code, see Peters, Samuel R., A general history of Connecticut. CONNECTICUT GORE TITLE 2217 Connecticut G6re title (The), stated and considered. . . . Hart 1799. O 80 a — anr. ed. "The rise, progress and effect ... ," Hart 1802. Advocates Connecticut's right, based on royal grants, to this strip of land on the southwest border of New York. CONNECTICUT CLAIM Connecticut claim (the) to lands in Pennsylvania. An examination of: See Smith, Provost Wm. CONNECTICUT A general history of:. . . . By a gentleman of the province. See Peters, Sam'l. CONNECTICUT 2218 An historical narrative . . . showing the cause and rise of the Strict Congregational churches in:. . . . Prov 1781. D 44 a CONNECTICUT 2219 The politics of:. ... By a Federal Re- publican. Hart 1817. O 36 a Attributed to — Richards. CONNECTICUT Connecticut forty years since. Sketch of: See Sigourney, Mrs. Lydia 1L CONNELLEY, WILLIAM E. 2224 Doniphan's expedition and the conquest of New Mexico and California. . . . Topeka 1907. O [16] 670 2fold.maps front, a CONNELLEY, WILLIAM E. 2225 Quantrill and the border wars. . . . Cedar Rapids 1910. O 542 port 2maps a CONNELLEY, WILLIAM E. 2226 Wild BUI and his era NY 1933. O [l4] 229 12pls a CONNOLLY, JOHN 2227 A narrative of the transactions, imprison- ment, and sufferings of:. . . . L 1783. O [2] 62 b — rptd. N Y 1389. a Compensation sought by a Royalist for imprisonment in America resulting from at- tempts to form a Virginia regiment for the King. CONOVER, MRS. CHARLOTTE R. 2228 Concerning the forefathers: a memoir, with personal narrative and letters of... Col. Robert Patterson and Col. William Johnston, N Y 1902. O [18] 432 [20] 18pls a Both of these pioneers were prominent figures in the early Ohio Valley. CONRAD, AUGUST 2229 Schatten und Lichtbliche aus ameri- kanischen leben wahrend des Secessiones- Krieges. Hannover 1879. O [2] 205 a — Eng. ed. , in part, "The destruction of Columbia, S. C," Roanoke 1902. O 31 CONNECTICUT 2220 The public records of the colony of: . . . 1636-1767. Ed. J. H. Trumbull and Charles J. Hoadly. Hart 1850-81. O 12v a CONNECTICUT MEN 2221 Connecticut men in the . . . revolution. . . . Record of service of: Hart 1889. Q 3pts in 1: [18] 780; [2] 170; [2] 171-180 a CONNECTICUT 2222 Report of the committee to whom was re- ferred the consideration of accepting from . . . : a cession of the territory west of Pennsylvania. . . . Wash 1800. O 31 a CONNECTICUT 2223 The right of the Governor. . . of: to claim and hold the lands within the limits of their charter, lying west of . . . New- York. . . . Hart 1773. O 47 b AA BP N NYP [CONRAD, ROBERT T.] 2230 General Scott and his staff. . . . Phil 1848. D [6] 11-224 ports a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1849. CONRAD, T. N. The rebel scout. 2231 Wash 1904. D 220 a CONSIDERANT, VICTOR [P.] 2232 Au Texas. P 1854. O 194 2maps a — ed. 2, enl., Brus 1855. D [4] 326 map 4tabs —anr. ed., abr. P [l856?]. 16° 35 — Ger. tr. "Aus wanderung nach Hoch- Texas," with adds. Zurich. 1855. O 3v. Optimistic report of his visit to Texas and colonization plans. As a result of these ex- travagant promises, Considerant was able to acquire 57,000 acres near Dallas and to establish there his Reunion Community. 124 Considerant — Considerations CONSIDERANT, VICTOR [P.] 2233 Du Texas. P 1857. O 80 a — rptd. P 1859. Relates the failure of the Fourier colony near Dallas. CONSIDERANT, VICTOR [P.] 2234 European colonization in Texas. ...NY 1855. O 38 a CONSIDERANT, VICTOR [P.] 2235 The great west. A new social and in- dustrial life in its fertile region. N Y 1854. O [4] 60 a CONSIDERATIONS Considerations on behalf of the colonists. See Otis, James. CONSIDERATIONS 2236 Considerations on the American stamp act, and on the conduct of the Minister who planned it. L 1766. O [2] 38 a Recommends the repeal of the obnoxious Act. CONSIDERATIONS 2240 Considerations on the impropriety., .of renewing the Missouri question. . . . By a Pennsylvanian. Phil 1820. O 88 a CONSIDERATIONS Considerations on the Indian trade. . . . See Ogden, Peter S. CONSIDERATIONS Considerations on the measures . . . with respect to the British colonies. . . . See Robinson, Matthew, Baron Rokeby. CONSIDERATIONS 2241 Considerations on the mode and terms of a treaty of peace with America. L 1778. O 30 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. ■J-Am. eds.: Phil 1779. O 16; Hart 1779. O 23 CONSIDERATIONS Considerations on the nature and extent of the . . . authority of the British parliament. See Wilson, James. CONSIDERATIONS 2237 Considerations on the American war. . . . L 1776. O 60 a For different pamphlet with this title, see Williams, Joseph. CONSIDERATIONS 2238 Considerations on the Attorney-General's propositions for a bill for the establishment of peace with America. By an old member of parliament. ...L 1782. O 58 a CONSIDERATIONS Considerations on the Bank of North America. See Wilson, James. CONSIDERATIONS 2239 Considerations on the commencement of the civil war in America. ... By an American. L 1775. O [4] 46 a CONSIDERATIONS Considerations on the dependencies of Great Britain. . . . See Langrishe, Sir Hercules. CONSIDERATIONS Considerations on the expediency of ad- mitting representatives from the American colonies into the. . . House of Commons. See Maseres. Francis. CONSIDERATIONS Considerations on the . . . order of Cin- cinnati. ... By Cassius. See Burke, Aedanus. CONSIDERATIONS Considerations on the points lately brought into question as to the . . . right of taxing the colonies. . . . See Pownall, Thos. CONSIDERATIONS Considerations on the present situation of Great Britain and the United States. . . . See Champion, Richard. CONSIDERATIONS Considerations on the present state of affairs between England and America. See Dalrymple, Alex. CONSIDERATIONS Considerations on the propriety of im- posing taxes in the British colonies. . . . See Dulany, Daniel. CONSIDERATIONS Considerations on the provisional treaty with America. . . . See Kippis, Andrew. CONSIDERATIONS Considerations on the . . . removal of the seat of government. By Aristides. See Hanson, Alex. C. CONSIDERATIONS Considerations on the great western canal . . . . See Haines, Chas. G. CONSIDERATIONS Considerations on the . . . state of the New England colonies. . . . See Bacon, Anthony. 125 Considerations — Contestaciones Habidas CONSIDERATIONS Considerations on the trade and finances of this kingdom. . . . See Whately, Thos. CONSIDERATIONS Considerations relative to a southern con- federacy. ... By a citizen of North Carolina. See Berquin, H. K. CONSIDERATIONS Considerations relative to the North American colonies. See Fothergill, John. CONSIDERATIONS Considerations upon the American enquiry .... See Dallas, Robt. CONSIDERATIONS 2242 Considerations upon the French and American war. . . . L 1779. O 44 a CONSIDERATIONS 2243 Considerations upon the rights of the colonists to the privilege of British sub- jects. . , . N Y 1766. O [4] 1-4, 9-27 a Declares that the colonists will oppose any infringement upon their rights as free- born Englishmen. CONSOLATORY THOUGHTS Consolatory thoughts on American inde- pendence. . . . See Tod, Thos. CONSOLIDATION An account of parties in the United States. See Cooper, Thos. CONSTANT, L. 2244 Texas. Das verderben deutscher Aus- wanderer. . . . Berlin 1847 O 32 a CONSTANT, MLLE. R. DE, tr. 2245 Journal de la femme d'un missionaire dans les prairies. .. .Geneva 1857. D 154 a Purports to be translated from the English. CONSTANT, RILLIET 2246 Auszuge aus Briefen eines amerikan- ischen Colonisten uber die SchweLzercolonie Highland bei St. Louis. Berne 1849. D 58 fold. map tab a CONSTITUTION 2247 Constitution (The) defended, and Pen- sioner exposed; in remarks on The false alarm [by Samuel Johnson]. L 1770. O [2] 31 a CONSTITUTION 2248 Constitution for the United States of America. We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union ... do ordain and establish this: [Phil 1787]. F 4 dd [issued 2 days after adoption by convention] — anr. ed. with adds. [Phil] printed by Dun- lap & Claypoole [l787]. F 6 d Hn Y — anr. ed. \Phil] printed by Dunlap & Clay- poole [l787]. F 4 [issued as an extra by the Pennsylvania Packet, etc. — other 1787 eds.: Alexandria Richards & Co. n.d. F 3 b; Hart 16° 16 b; Prov John Carter n.d. F 2 b; B D 32 b NYP Y; Trenton a; N Y F c; Portsmouth n.d. a; Rich sm Q 12 b; New Brunswick b NYP Y; Phil O a — for anr. ed. see "Result of the delibera- tions of the federal convention. ..." — Eng. eds., see "Plan of the new constitution. ..." CONSTITUTIONAL MEANS 2249 Constitutional means (The) for putting an end to the disputes between Great-Britain and the American colonies. L 1769. O 33 a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT (THE) 2250 Constitutional right (The) of the legisla- ture of Great Britain to tax the . . . colonies in America L 1768. O [l6] 60 a CONSTITUTIONALIST Constitutionalist (The). . . . See Ford, Timothy. CONSTITUTIONS (THE) 2251 Constitutions (The) of the several inde- pendent states. . . ; the declaration of inde- pendence; the articles of confederation. . . . Phil Bailey 1781. D [2] 226 a 200 copies ptd. — later Am. eds.: B 1785; TV Y 1786; Phil 1791; Lex 1813. —Eng. ed. L 1782. O [8] 168; rptd., with adds., L 1783. — Eng. ed. 2, with adds., incl. "Decla- ration of rights," L 1783. O [36] 472 [2] port — other Eng. eds.: Dub 1783; Glas 1783. — Fr. ed. "Constitutions des treize Etats- Unisde I'Amerique," Phil [ptd at p] 1783. O [4] 540 600 copies ptd.[l00 on L. P.] — rptd., with longer t., same impr. & date — anr. Fr. ed., with 1787 Federal constitu- tion added, P 1792. O 2v: [4] 324; 317 The French translation was made by the Due de la Rochefoucault, at Franklin's suggestion, with over fifty footnotes by the latter, and shows on title the United States seal [eagle and stars and stripes], its first appearance in a book. For an earlier French collection, see Recueil des loix consti- tutives. . . . CONTEST Contest (The) in America between Great Britain and France. By an impartial hand. See Mitchell, John. CONTESTACIONES HABIDAS 2252 Contestaciones habidas entre el supremo gobierno Mexicano, el general en gefe del .ejercito Americano. . . . Afex 1847. D 36 a 126 Continued Corruption — Cook CONTINUED CORRUPTION Continued corruption, standing armies, and popular discontents. . . . See Bollan, Wm. CONTROVERSY Controversy (The) between Great Britain and her colonies reviewed. . . . See Knox, Wm. CONVERSE, LORING 2253 Notes of what I saw. . . . [including a trip to California and Mexico, with sketches of Arizona and New Mexico], Bucyrus 1882. O 454 pis a [CONWAY, CORNELIUS] 2254 The Utah expedition. . . with incidents of travel on the plains, [etc.]. By a wagon- master. . . . Cin 1858. O 48 c LC Y [only copies located] CONWAY, GENERAL [HENRY S.] 2255 The speech of:. . . on moving in the House of Commons. . . a bill for quieting the troubles ... in America. . . . L 1781. O U] 51 a CONWAY, MONCURE D. 2256 Barons of the Potomack and the Rappa- hannock, N Y Grolier Club 1892. O [l8] 290 [2] 9pls 2facs a 363copies[3 on veil.] a CONWAY, MONCURE D. 2257 The life of Thomas Paine NY 1892. O 2v: [20] 380; [4] 489. 2pls a — Eng. ed., with adds., L 1909. O 352 CONYERS, JOSIAH B. 2258 A brief history of the leading causes of the Hancock mob, in the year 1846. St L 1846. D 84 b AA BP of 3copies known CONYNGHAM, DAVID P. Sherman's march through the south. N Y 1865. D 431 a 2259 COOK, ANN, late Mrs. [jereboam 2260 A. Beauchamp]. Letters of: to her friend in Maryland, con- taining [aj short history of the life of that remarkable woman. Wash 1826. D 91 a COOK, DARIUS B. 2261 Six months among the Indians ... in the forests of Allegan county, Michigan... 1839-40 Niles Mich 1889. D I4] 101 a COOK, DAVID J. 2262 Hands up; or, twenty years of detective life in the mountains and on the plains. . . . Denver 1882. O 285 32pls b LC — enl. to cover 35 years, Denver 1897. O 442 pis a The rarity of the original edition has been explained as resulting from most copies having been used for gun wadding in an Indian scare. COOK, J. H. 2263 Guide book. . . giving the early history of St. Louis. ... St L 1867. 16° 44 map a [COOK, JAMES] An authentic narrative of a voyage to the Pacific. ... By an officer on board the Dis- covery. . . . Phil 1783. See under Rickman, John. [COOK, JAMES] Journal of Captain Cook's last voyage to the Pacific. . . 1776-1780. L 1781. See Rick- man, John. COOK, CAPTAIN JAMES, et ol The original astronomical observations See Bayly, Wm. COOK, CAPT. JAMES Remarks and conjectures on the voyage of the ships Resolution and Discovery. . . after the death of:. . . . See Brooke, Robt. COOK, JAMES, and KING, JAMES 2264 A voyage to the Pacific. . . for making discoveries ... to determine the position and extent of the west side of North America. . . 1776-1780. L 1784. O 3v: [lO, 96] 421; [l4] 549; [14] 556 [2] + Atlas F 81maps & pis [24 in text vol., 63 in atlas] a — eds. 2 & 3, same collat. 1785. — anr. ed. L 1784. O 4v: [20] 370; [2, 5-12] 359; [2, 5-12] 400; [2, 5-12] 310 [36 28] + 6adv-p. 2maps 49pls — anr. ed. Dub 1784. O 3v: [8] 98 421; [ 14] 549; [l2] 559. port 26maps & pis fold.tab — Fr. tr. P 1785. Q 4v: [8] 132 440; [4] 422; [4] 488; [4] 554. 88maps & pis — Ger. tr. Nurnberg 1786. O 2v map 2pls Official account of the first voyage at- tempting an adequate examination and chart- ing of our northwest coast; on Cook's dis- covery of Nootka, England based her claim to that region. Following the publication in above forms, various abridged editions, issued in one, two, three and four octavo volumes, were issued in New York, Wor- cester, Philadelphia, London, Dublin, and several French and German editions on the continent. For unofficial versions see under William Ellis, John Ledyard, John Rickman and Henry Zimmerman. Cook's two earlier voyages were confined to discoveries in the South Pacific. The official publication of the first, edited by Hawkesworth, appeared in 1773, three volumes quarto, 52 maps and plates; that of the second, by Cook himself, in 1777, two volumes quarto, 87 maps and plates. 127 Cook — Cooper COOK, JOHN R. The border and the buffalo. . 1907. O [l2j 352[incl. pis] a — rptd., ed. Quaife, Chi 1938. 2265 . Topeka COOK, JOSEPH W. 2266 Diary and letters of: Laramie 1919. D 137 [COOK, MRS. MARY L. (REDD)] 2267 Ante bellum; southern life as it was. Phil 1868. D 322 a COOK & SARGENT, pubs. 2268 Prairie versus bush. Iowa as an emigrant field. Davenport 1859. O 24 fold, map a COOKE, EDWARD 2269 Voyage to the South sea, and round the world.. . 1708-11. L 1712. O [24] 456 [l2 incl. 2 adv-p] 20maps & pis a — ed. 2, L 1712. O 2v: [22] 432 [lo]; [32] 328 [8], 27 maps & pis 3fold. tabs, b N — rptd. 1718 [with new t-p]; 1726 [with only 2pls] Originally issued hurriedly in one volume, with the voyage home compressed into the final chapter, in order to be on the market before the appearance of a rival publisher's account of the same voyage by Woodes Rogers. More leisure permitted for the second edition an amplification of that final chapter into a second volume; it was at the same time deleted from the 2nd edition of volume one. [COOKE, JOHN E.] 2270 The life of Stonewall Jackson. . . . By a Virginian. Rich 1863. D 305 port + 6adv-p a — anr. ed., same collat., different port, N Y 1863. — Eng. ed. L 1863. Cover of New York edition erroneously attributes authorship to John M. Daniels. [COOKE, JOHN E.] 2271 Wearing of the gray . . . personal portraits, scenes and adventures of the war. N Y 1867. O 601 lOpls a COOKE, JOHN H. 2272 A narrative of events in the south of France, and of the attack on New-Orleans. L 1835. D [4] 319 a COOKE, MRS. LUCY [R.] 2273 Crossing the plains in 1852. . . . Modesto Calif 1923. O 94 2pls a COOKE, PHILIP ST. GEORGE 2274 The conquest of New Mexico and Cali- fornia. N Y 1878. D [5] 307 map a Essentially a sequel to his Scenes and adventures. COOKE, PHILIP ST. GEORGE 2275 Report from the Secretary of War, com- municating., .the official journal of: from Santa Fe to San Diego. . . .[Wash 1849]. O 85 a First publication of the complete journal of this famous march of the Mormon Bat- talion; only extracts from it had been in- cluded in the 1847 edition of Emory's Reconnaissance. COOKE, LIEUT. COL. PHILIP 2276 ST. GEORGE Scenes and adventures in the army. Phil 1857. D 432 a — rptd. 1859. same collat., but t-p gives au. rank of Col. Personal narrative of service in the West with the 2nd Dragoons, escorting Santa Fe traders and Oregon emigrants, etc., 1829-45. COOL THOUGHTS Cool thoughts on the consequences. . . of American independence. . . . See Galloway, Jos. COOL THOUGHTS Cool thoughts on the present situation of our public affairs. . . . See Franklin, Benj. COOLIDGE, A[USTIN] J., and 2277 MANSFIELD, J. B. A history. . . of New England. . . . Vol. I [all]. Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. B 1859. O [28] 1024 3maps 22pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1864. — Separate histories — Maine, New Hamp- shire and Vermont — were published in 1860. COOLIDGE, LOUIS A. 2278 Klondike and the Yukon country. .. . Phil 1897. D 213 2maps 18pls a COOMBS, FREDERICK 2279 The dawn of the millenium. ...NY [l869]. O [6] 26 L p. 29-143 27 1. a Meaningless vaporings of a half-mad San Francisco photographer; of value only be- cause of illustrations depicting early Cali- fornia scenes and events. COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE 2280 The American democrat; or hints on the social and civic relations of the United States. . . . Coopers town N Y 1838. D 192 a COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE 2281 The battle of lake Erie. . . . Cooperstown 1843. D 118 a COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE 2282 The chronicles of Cooperstown [n. Y.J. Cooperstown 1838. D 108 a 128 Cooper — Cooper See also Livermore, Samuel T., with whose History of Cooperstown these Chronicles are incorporated. COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE 2283 The history of the navy of the United States Phil 1839. O 2v: 394; 282. map plan a — ed. 2, cor., Phil 1840. O 2v: 438; 417. pi — Eng. ed. L 1839. O 2v: [48] 456; [l2] 558 [2] 2ports map — other eds. P Baudry 1839. O 2pls: P Galignani 1839. O 2v 2pls — Fr. tr. P 1845-6. O 3v — Ger. tr. Ftankt 1840. 16° 4v COOPER, JlAMESl FlENIMOREl 2284 Lives of distinguished American naval officers. Auburn N Y 1846. D 2v: 252; 264 a — anr. ed. Phil 1846. D 2v in 1 4ports — ed. 3,lVy 1849. D 2v [COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE] 2285 Notions of the Americans. . . . L 1828. O 2v: [24] 459; [12] 477 a —Am. ed. Phil 1828. D 2v: 340; 359 — rptd., Phil 1838. D 2v; N Y 1850. D 2v — Fr. tr. P 1828. D 4v — Ger. tr. Stuttgart 1828. O 4v COOPER, JOHN 2286 An historical. . . sketch of Croydon, N. H. Concord N H 1852. O 52 a COOPER, JOSEPH W. 2287 Life and adventures of: among the. . . Indians Albany Ga [l879]. D 39 a [COOPER, MYLES] 2288 The American querist:. .. questions pro- posed relative to the present dispute be- tween Great Britain, and her. . . colonies. [N Y] 1774. O [4] 31 a — ed. 2? [called ed.io] N Y 1774. same collat. — rptd. B 1774. O 31 A copy of the first printing was burned at New York by the Sons of Liberty. Attributed also to Thomas B. Chandler. [COOPER, MYLES] 2289 A friendly address to all reasonable Americans. ...NY 1774. O [56] + errata p a — anr. issue, without errata p. America [n Y] 1774. O 55 — anr. ed., abr., N Y 1774. O 24 — Eng. ed., [ascribed to "A. W. Farmer"] L 1774. O 56; Dub 1774. Discussion of colonial actions regarding tea duties. Sometimes attributed to Thomas a Chandler. rebellion in America assigned. . . . Oxl 1777. Q [2] 24 a — ed. 2, Ed in 1778. O 20 Violent Tory sermon preached at Oxford University. [COOPER, REV. SAMUEL] 2291 The crisis [b] 1754. O 15 a —Eng. ed. L 1756. O — anr. Eng. ed. "The crisis, or a full de- fence of the colonies . . . the mother country cannot lay any arbitrary tax upon the Ameri- cans. ..." L 1766. O 30 COOPER, REV. [SAMUEL] 2292 The history of North America. . . ,L New- berry [l780?J. D [8] 13-184 6pls a — rptd. L 1789. same collat. — Am. ed. Lansinburg 1795. D [8] 159 6pls — ed. 2, same impr., date 86 collat. — several later Am. eds. [COOPER, THOMAS] 2293 Consolidation. An account of parties in the United States ... 1787 to the present period. Columbia S C 1824. O [2] 17+4+4 a — ed. 2, au. named, same impr. 1830. O 37 errata slip A second part — containing five essays — was published at Columbia, 1834. COOPER, THOMAS Political essays. 1799. O 64 a — ed. 2, enl., Phil 1800. O [4] 88 2294 Northumberland Pa COOPER, THOMAS 2295 Some information respecting America. L 1794. O [4] 240 map errata 1. a — rptd. Dub 1794; L 1795. map in both of these reprints — Fr. ed. "Renseignemens. . . , " P [l795j. O 292; Hamburg 1795. O [20] 218 74 map [COOPER, THOMAS] 2296 Thoughts on emigration. ... YL 1794]. O [2] 17 a — rptd. Leapt. t. onlyj "Extract of a letter ...," [L 1794]. O 11 —other eds.: [l] n.d. O 16; [l 1798]. O 29 Separate publication of Letter I of this author's Some information respecting America. COOPER, REV. [WILLIAM] 2297 The history of North America. . . . L 1780. 16° [8] 13-184 6pls a — rptd., same impr. &, collat., 1789. — Am. ed. Lansingburgh 1795. 16° [8] 159 6pls COOPER, MYLES 2290 National humiliation and repentance recommended, and the cause of the present COOPER, WILLIAM 2298 A guide in the wilderness; or, the history of the first settlements in the western 129 Coos Boy — Cornwall is counties of New York Dub 1810. O [2] 71 c Hn NYP — rptd. Roch 1897. O [8] 41 a 300 copies COOS BAY [ORE.]. 2299 Settlement and early settlers of: ... by a pioneer resident. . . . Marshiield Ore 1879. O 38 a COPIES 2300 Copies and extracts of documents on. . . British impressments of American seamen. L 1812. O 61 a — Am. ed. N Y 1813. O 64 COPIES Copies and extracts of . . . newspapers printed in New England . . . referred to in the Letters transmitted from Francis Bernard .... See Bernard, Francis. COPLEY, JOHN M. 2301 A sketch of the battle of Franklin. . . . Austin 1893. 16° 206 4pls a COPLEY, JOSIAH 2302 Colorado, and its relations to Kansas. Lawrence 1873. D 30 a — ed. 2, same impr., date &, collat. COPLEY, JOSIAH 2303 Kansas and the country beyond. .. .Phil 1867. O 86 [2] map a COPPINGER, JOS£ 2304 Manifesto. . . demonstrado el injusto y violento proceder ... en San Augustin de Florida, despojandole de orden de la autoridad gobernante . . . despues de la entrega de la provincia a los Estados Unidos Phil 1821. O 36 a throughout the United States. Wilm Del 1791. O 108 a CORBIN, DIANA F. M. Life of Matthew Fontaine Maury. 1888. O [6] 326 port a 2309 CORDIER, A. H. 2310 A Wyoming big game hunt. K C 1907. D 56 a COREY, ALLEN 2311 Gazetteer of the county of Washington, N. Y Schuylerville 1849-50. O [4] 200 227-264 2maps a [CORNELIUS, ELIAS] 2312 The little Osage captive: an authentic narrative. B 1822. 16 [4] 4-108 2pls a — Eng. ed. York 1824. 16° 182 + 2adv-p 2pls — ed. 3, B 1837. 16° In some copies of the York edition the final "4" in the date had become so broken as to resemble "1," hence the myth of an 1821 printing. cornell, mrs. charlotte 2313 [hawley] Reminiscences of a private life. N Y 1893. O 38 a California resident from 1852. CORNELL, WILLIAM M. 2314 The history of Pennsylvania. . . . Phil 1876. O 576 front, pi a — rptd. Phil n. d.; N Y 1879. CORNER, WILLIAM 2315 San Antonio de Bexar. San Antonio 1890. O 166 map 16pls a COPWAY, GEORGE 2305 The life, history and travels of: Alb 1847. O [8] 5-224 front, a — ed. 2, Phil 1847. D 158 front. — Eng. ed. "Recollections of a forest life ...," L 1850. D 256 —Eng. ed. 2, L 1854. D [l2] 248 — rptd., same collat., L [l855]. COPWAY, GEORGE 2306 Organization of a new Indian territory east of the Missouri NY 1850. O 32 a 2307 of the Ojibway COPWAY, GEORGE The traditional history. . . nation. L 1850. D [12] 298 a — Am. ed. B 1851. D 266 2pls — rptd. B 1851. CORAM, ROBERT 2308 Political inquiries: to which is added, a plan for the establishment of schools CORNEY, PETER 2316 Voyages in the northern Pacific... 1813- 1818, between the northwest coast of America. .. and China. Honolulu 1896. D [12] 84 75-138 [5] a First separate printing; of California, Oregon and Russian-American interest. CORNWALL, BRUCE 2317 Life sketch of Pierre Barlow Cornwall. S F 1906. 0[10] 87 6ports a Describes his 1848 overland journey to California. CORNWALLIS, EARL 2318 An answer to that part of the narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, which relates to the conduct of Lieutenant-General Earl Comwallis. L 1783. O [24] 260 errata slip fold. tab at p236 a — rptd. Phil 1866. O [12] 260 130 Cornwall is — Costanso CORNWALLIS, EARL 2319 Examination of: before a committee of the House of Commons, upon Sir William Howe's papers. L 1779. O 60 a [CORNWALLIS, EARL] 2320 A reply to Sir Henry Clinton's Narrative, wherein. . . errors are pointed out and the conduct of Lord Cornwallis fully vindicated. L 1783. O 109 a — ed. 2&3, L 1783. same collat. — Am. ed. N Y 1783. sm Q [2] 40 a — rptd. 1802. — Am. ed. N Y Hyer 1807. D 216 — anr. Am. ed., N Y Low 1807. D 349 [7] port — rptd. N Y 1809. D 239 [12] port — many later Am. eds., some abr. forms, giving no au., under t. : "Biographical memoirs of the illustrious General George Washington," same t. as the biography of Washington by Thos. Condie [q.v.L The first full-length English biography of Washington. CORNWALLIS, KINAHAN 2321 A panorama of the new world: travels. L 1859. D 2v: [8] 430; 390 a Of negligible North American interest. [CORSAN, W. C.] 2328 Two months in the Confederate States. . . . L 1863. O [2] 299 a CORRECT COPIES 2322 Correct copies of the two protests against the bill to repeal the American Stamp act L..p[l e. L.] 1766. O 24 a — anr. issue, the two protests ptd. sepa- rately, same impr. & date. O 2pts: 16; 15 CORRESPONDENCE 2323 Correspondence and official proceedings relating to the expeditions against the [Oregon] Indians. [Ore. H. Doc. 19]. Salem 1855. O 68 b OreH WisH CORRESPONDENCE 2324 Correspondence between this government and that of Great Britain on. . . the territory west of the Rocky mountains. [ll. Doc. 199]. Wash 1828. O 77 a CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence in relation to the capture of the British brigs Detroit and Caledonia .... See Elliott, Jesse D. CORRESPONDENCE 2325 Correspondence relating to the massacre of immigrants by the Snake Indians. In August 1854. Salem Ore 1854. O 25 b OreH OreS CORRESPONDENCIA Correspondencia entre la legacion de Mexico y los Estados Unidos sobre el paso del Sabina. . . . See Gaines, el General. C0RRILL, JOHN 2326 A brief history of the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints. . . . St L 1839. O [4] 7-50 b AA NYP WisH Y CORRY, JOHN 2327 The life of George Washington. . . . L Kearsley 1800. D 228 [3] a — rptd. L Myers 1800. D [8] 228; Dub 1800. D 228 [2] port; Dub 1801. — new ed. [i.e., ed. 2], L Crosby [l802]. D 57 [2] port CORTAMBERT, LOUIS R., and 2329 TRANALTOS, F. DE Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Histoire de la guerre civile P 1868. O 2v: [4] 389; [4] 350. 2maps 2pls a CORTAMBERT, LOUIS [R.] 2330 Voyage au pays des Osages. . . . P 1837. 94 a C[0RWIN], B. R. 2331 A trip to the rockies. N Y 1890. D 63 3pls COSAS 2332 Cosas de los Estados Unidos. Par Nazareno. NY 1864 O 364 port a [COSTANSO, MIGUEL] 2333 Diario historico de los viages . . . hechos al norte de la California. . . . {Mex 1770]. F [2] 56 dd JCB N NYP Y — rptd. Mex 1950. O 71 a HOcopies — Eng. ed. with important adds., L 1790. Q [4] 76 8maps[on 4 sheets] dd Hn NYP — anr. issue, probably the earlier, with only 4maps[on 2 sheets] d BM JCB — anr. ed. S F Grabhorn 1934. O a — Ger. tr. Tubingen 1792. F 32 map b Y Account of the Portola expedition and the establishment of the first settlements in upper California, at San Diego and Monterey. The original Spanish edition was immedi- ately suppressed by Spain to keep its in- formation from the rest of the world. In- trinsic importance and superlative rarity, combined with its status as the first book devoted entirely to California, place this item, either in Spanish or English, in the top rank of memorable and desirable Cali- fornia books. A preliminary account of this expedition — Extracto de noticias del puerto de Monterrey — had appeared at Mexico earlier in the year, in two issues [Folio, six pages; Quarto, eight pages]. 131 Cothren — Cowdery COTHREN, WILLIAM 2334 History of ancient Woodbury, Connecticut Waterbury 1854-79. O 3v: [n] 833; \_2 10] 841-1610; 706 [2]. map 5pls[one an adv- cardj a The compiler, devoting thirty-two years to this task, holds an all-time endurance record. COTTEAU, EDMOND Six milles lieues en soixante jours. Auxerre 1877. O 138 map a 2335 COTTEN, EDWARD R. 2336 Life of the Hon. Edward Macon, of North Carolina. . . . Bait 1840. D 272 a COTTON, A[LFRED] J. 2337 "Cotton's Keepsake": . . . with auto- biographical sketch. . . and a condensed history of the early settlement of Ohio and Indiana. . . . Cin 1858. D 526 port a Earliest history of Dearborn County, Indiana. — best ed. "Adventures on the western coast of South America, and the interior of California. . . ," L 1847. D 2v: [4, 7-24] 288; [2, 5-12] 278 COUNSEL 2343 Counsel for emigrants . . . with . . . letters from Canada and the United States. Aber- deen 1834. D 140 map a — ed. 2, enl., same impr. 1835. D 156 map — ed. 3, same impr., 1838. D map — rptd. L 1839. Ascribed to J. Mathison. For additions to this guide see Sequel to the Counsel for emigrants. [COURCIER, ADRIEN] 2344 Les tribulations d'un chercheur d'or. P rud. O 247 pis a COURTAULD, GEORGE 2345 Address to those . . . disposed to remove to the United States. . . . Including remarks on Mr. Birkbeck's opinions. . . . Sudbury [ptd.L] 1820. O 40 a COTTON, MRS. SARAH E., and 2338 HANLEY, ELVIRA J. Gen. David Thomson... a memorial volume. . . . n.p. [l922], O 56 a Based on the General's papers; he was, it is claimed, the actual slayer of Tecumseh at the battle of the Thames, in 1813. COTTON Cotton is king; or, the culture of cotton .... By an American. See Christy, David. COUCH, NEVADA 2339 Pages from Cherokee Indian history as identified with Samuel A. Worcester. ... St L [1884]. O 25 a — eds. 2 & 3, same impr. [l885?]. O 27 COUES, ELLIOTT, ed. 2340 Forty years a fur trader on the upper Missouri. . . 1833-72. By Charles Larpen- teur. N Y 1898. O 2v: [28] 236; [lo] 237- 473. 18maps & pis a — anr. ed., ed. Quaife, Chi 1933. 16° [COURTNEY, T. E.] 2346 A guide to Pomerade's . . . panorama of the Mississippi. ...NY 1849. O 84 8pls b r. ed. St L 1850. O [22] 84 8pls a COURTNEY, WILLIAM A., ed. 2347 The genesis of South Carolina: 1562- 1670. Columbia 1907. Q 239 6maps[3fold.] 6pls a COURTRIGHT, GEORGE S. 2348 An expedition against the Indians in 1864. Lithopolis O [l91l], 16° 31 a Address before a G. A. R. group, largely taken from the earlier pamphlet by George H. Pettis, Kit Carson's fight. . . . COUTANT, CHARLES G. 2349 History of Wyoming. Vol. I [all]. Laramie 1899. O 712 map 76pls a COUTS, CAVE J. 2350 From San Diego to the Colorado in 1849. L A 1932. 16° [8] 3maps on 2sheets a COUES, ELLIOTT, ed. New light on the early history of the. . . northwest. See Henry, Alex., and Thompson, David. COUES, ELLIOTT, ed. 2341 On the trail of a Spanish pioneer; the diary ... of Francisco Garces. ...NY 1900. O 2v: [30] 312; [8] 313-608. 3maps 5facs 12pls a COULTER, JOHN 2342 Adventures in the Pacific. . . . Dub 1845. D [12] 290 a COWAN, WILLIAM B. 2351 A description of Grand Tower, on the Mississippi. ...NY 1839. O 43 map b [COWDERY, DR. JONATHAN] 2352 American captives in Tripoli; or, Dr. Cowdery's journal. . . during his late cap- tivity. B 1806. D 34 a — ed. 2, B 1806. D COWDERY, OLIVER 2353 Letters ... on the origin of the Book of Mormon and the rise of the Church. .. . Liv 1844. O 48 a 132 Cowell — Coxe [COWELL, EBENEZER] 2354 A concise view of the controversy be- tween the proprietors of East and West- Jersey Phil 1785. D [6] 18 b Hn NYP COWELL, JOE 2355 Thirty years . . . among the players of England and America NY 1844. O 103 a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1845. COWLES, CALVIN D., comp. 2356 Atlas to accompany the Official records of the Union and Confederate armies. Wash 1891-5. F 2v: 29 154maps 21pls a COWLES, E. B. 2357 History. . . of Berrian County, Michigan .... Buchanan Mich 1871. O 384 a COX, G. W. 2358 Pioneer sketches ... of Montague county, Texas. [Montague 1905]. D 44 a COX, ISAAC 2359 The annals of Trinity county [Cal.J. S F 1858. O 206 d CalU H Y — rptd. 1926; 1940. a Earliest California county history, of which only seven copies are known. COX, JAMES, ed. 2360 Historical and biographical record of the cattle industry. . . . St L 1895. Q 743 col. front. 16pls b N NYP Nearly the entire edition burned in ware- house before copies circulated. COX, JOHN E. 2361 Five years in the. . . army. Owensville Ind 1892. O [4 incl. port] 171 a Campaigns in Dakota and Wyoming, 1875- 77. COX, ROSS 2362 Adventures on the Columbia river. . . . L 1831. O 2v: [24] 368; [8] 400. a — eds. 2 & 3 followed in 1832, t. slightly altered. O 2v: [20] 233; fc] 350 — Am. ed. N Y 1832. O [l5] 25-335 adv-1. before t-p The narratives of Cox, Alexander Ross and Franchere are chief sources for fur- trading history in the early Oregon country. COX, SANFORD C. 2363 Recollections of the early settlement of the Wabash valley. Lafayette Ind 1860. O 160 a [COX, ZACHARIAH] 2364 An estimate of commercial advantages by way of the Mississippi and Mobile rivers, to the western country. . . and the commence- ment. . . of a settlement on the Ohio river to facilitate the same. . . . Nashv 1799. D 70 b LC OHP [of 4 known copies] Earliest known Nashville imprint. COXE, DANIEL, [ed.] 2365 A collection of voyages and travels. . . . [l] 1741. O 3pts in 1: M 142; [8] 86; [54] 122. 3maps a Part 3, the editor's own work on "Caro- lana," was issued separately, as shown below. COXE, DANIEL 2366 A description of the English province of Carolana L 1722. O [54] 122 map b N NYP — ed. 2, same sheets with new t-p, L 1726. map b Y — rptd., same collat., L 1727. b AA; L 1741, with adds, map a — Am. ed. St L 1840. O [6] 90 map a Bold assertion of the rights of England to the entire gulf region [Ga., Fla. , Ala., Miss, and La.] which had been granted to the author's father, with a description based on a residence there. Coxe was the first Ameri- can Masonic Grand Master. His book first agitated a confederation of the colonies against French aggressions, later adopted as Franklin's "Albany Plan." [COXE, RICHARD S.] The extent and value of the. 2367 rights of the Hudson's Bay Company in Oregon. . . . [Montr 1849]. O [2] 51 a COXE, TENCH 2368 A brief examination of Lord Sheffield's Observations on the commerce of the United States. Phil Carey, Stewart & Co. 1791. O 48 a — enl. ed. Phil Carey 179L O [8] 136 — Eng. ed. L 1792. O [8] 127 [COXE, TENCH] 2369 An enquiry into the principles on which a commercial system for the United States. . . should be founded [Phil] 1787. O 52 a [COXE, TENCH] 2370 An examination of the conduct of Great Britain respecting neutrals. . . . Phil 1807. O 72 a — ed. 2, B 1808. same collat. COXE, TENCH 2371 An important statement of facts relative to the invalidity of the pretensions of Con- necticut claimants to Pennsylvania lands. Lancaster 1801. O 40 a [COXE, TENCH] 2372 Thoughts on the subject of naval power in the United States Phil 1806. O 35 a 133 Coxe — - Crakes COXE, TENCH 2373 A view of the United States. . . . Phil 1794. 513 a — Eng. eds.: L 1795. O [l6] 512 3tabs; Dub 1795. O [16] 439 COXE, WILLIAM 2374 Account of the Russian discoveries be- tween Asia and America. L 1780. Q [22] 344 [l3j 4maps pi a — ed. 2, L 1730. Q [24] 344 [ll] 4maps pi — ed. 3, with adds., L 1787. O [32] 388 [28] 417-454 [2] 4maps pi — ed. 4, enl. L 1803. O [24] 18 500 [4 p. book advs] 5maps pi — Fr. tr. Neuchatel 1781. O [24] 320; P 1781. Q 314 4maps pi — Ger. tr. Frankfort 1783. O [l6] 409 [8] 4maps pi Mainly a translation of Johann L. Schulze's Neue Nachrichten [q. v.], with considerable additions. Valuable as a sup- plement to Gerhardt F. Muller's Nachrichten. COXE, WILLIAM 2375 A comparative view of the Russian dis- coveries with those made by Captains Cook and Clerke L 1787. Q 31 a This supplement to the author's Account of the Russian discoveries was incorporated in the 1787 octavo edition of that title; some quarto copies were issued separately for owners of the earlier editions. 2376 scenes and events in .Cin 1847. D 15-255 COYNER, DAVID H. The lost trappers . the Rocky mountains + 6adv-p a — rptd. 1850; 1853; 1856; 1858; 1859. Thrilling narrative, but not of unques- tioned veracity. COZZENS, SAMUEL W. 2377 The marvellous country; or, three years in Arizona and New Mexico. D 1873. O 532 map 27pls[incl.eng.t. J a — rptd. D n.d. same collat. — anr. ed. D 1876. O 548 map 27pls[incl. eng.t.] CRABB, COLONEL, AND HIS 2378 ASSOCIATES Official information. . . in relation to the execution of: [Ex. Doc. 64]. Wash 1858. O CRADLEBAUGH, JOHN 2379 Utah and the Mormons. [Wasfc] 1863. O 67 capt.t.only a Official inquiry into the Mountain Mead- ows massacre and other outrages. CRAFTS, MRS. E[LIZA] P. R. 2380 Pioneer days in the San Bernardino val- ley. Redlands 1906. D 214 pis a CRAIG, B. F. 2381 The rough diamond: pen pictures of eventful scenes K C 1880. D 214 port a CRAIG, JOHN R. 2382 Ranching with lords and commons; or, twenty years on the range Tor [l903]. D 293 front. 16pls a Financial skulduggery connected with the operation of a great cattle company in the Northwest. For a different picture, see Alexander S. Hill's From home to home. CRAIG, NEVILLE B. 2383 Exposure of. . . the many misstatements in H. M. Brackenridge's History of the whiskey insurrection. Pitt 1859. 18° [6] 80 a CRAIG, NEVILLE B. The history of Pittsburgh. 312 2maps pi a 2384 Pitt 1851. D CRAIG, NEVILLE B. 2385 Lecture upon the controversy between Pennsylvania and Virginia, about the bound- ary line. Pirr 1843. O 30 a CRAIG, NEVILLE B. [ed.] 2386 The olden time; a monthly publication de- voted to. . . information in relation to the early exploration. . . of the country around the head of the Ohio. Vols. I and II [all]. Pitt 1846-8. O 2v: [8] 576; [4] 572. map facs. in 24 original monthly nos. b; bound a — ed. 2, with index, Cin 1876. O 2v: 582 [l]; 580. map a The first edition is seldom found com- plete with the final number, many copies having been confiscated at the printer's on a creditor's writ. CRAIG, NEVILLE B. 2387 Sketch of the life ... of Isaac Craig. . . during the revolutionary war. Pitt 1854. 18 70 a CRAIG, NEVILLE B. [ed.] 2388 Washington's first campaign. . . Brad- dock's defeat, [etc.]. Pitt 1848. O 32 map a CRAIGHEAD, ERWIN 2389 From Mobile's past. . ..Mobile 1925. 16° 258 port a CRAKES, SYLVESTER 2390 Five years a captive among the Blackfeet Columbus 1858. O 224 6pls b N Y 134 Cram — Crawford [CRAMER, ZADOK] Utterly devoid of plausibility, though a few incidents may have been based on some actual captivity. CRAM, JACOB 2391 Journal of a missionary tour in 1808 through New Hampshire and Vermont. Roch 1909. O 37 a 200copies ptd. CRAM, TtHOMAS] J. 2392 Memoir upon the northern inter-oceanic route . . . between . . . Puget sound . . . and . . . the St. Lawrence gulf Det [l869]. O 35 map plan a CRAM, THOMAS J. 2393 Topographical memoir. .. relative to the Territories of Oregon and Washington. Wash 1859. [H. Doc. 114]. O 126 a CRAMER,^ CHARLES 2394 Etwas uber die Natur-Wunder in Nord- America. St Ptbg 1837-40. O 2v: 40; [4 14] 5-86 [4]. lOmaps & pis a 2395 The Ohio and Mississippi navigator. . . . — eds. 1 85 2. No copies known to have been pub'd by Cramer, but there was a similar work, The Ohio navigator, of which two eds. were issued in 1798. See that title. — ed. 3, Pitt 1802. D 40 c AA PittU Y [only copies known] — ed. 4, [first to include the Mississippi] "The navigator," Pitt 1804. D 62 c BP [of 2 copies known] — other eds., all pub'd at Pitt: ed. 5, 1806. D 94 a; ed.6, enl., with Lewis and Clark material, 1808. D 156; ed. 7, 1811. D 295; ed.8, 1814. D 360; ed. 9, 1817. D 307; ed. 10, 1818. D 305; ed. 11, 1821. D 283; ed. 12, 1824. D 275 Most widely used guide to western waters in the early period, both before and after the application of steam in 1807. See also Mississippi (the). Notes on the navigation of: and Mississippi navigator (The); revised and corrected. CRAMP, W. E. H. 2396 The journal of a grandfather. [st L 1912]. O 239 15pls a Colonel Gramp served in the Confederate army and was later active in the Texas cattle industry. [CRANDALL, WARREN D.] 2397 History of the ram fleet and the Missis- sippi marine brigade. . . . St L 1907. O 464 [28] port a CRANE, CHARLES J. 2398 The experiences of a colonel of infantry. N Y 1923. O [12] 578 3ports a CRANE, EDWARD A. 2399 Examples of colonial architecture in Charleston. . . and Savannah B 1895. F [2] 52pls a CRANE, GEORGE B. 2400 A life history San Jose 1886. D [2 blank 1. 3—14] 3-243 port[pasted on front end paper] a Recollections of old-time life in New York, the South, Central West and California. CRANE, JAMES M. 2401 The past, the present and the future of the Pacific. S F 1856. O 79 a CRANE, VERNER W. 2402 The southern frontier. Durham N C 1928. O [l6] 391 front, map a CRANE, WILLIAM C. 2403 Centennial address embracing the history of Washington county, [Texas]. Galv 1876. O 40 a CRANE, WILLIAM C. 2404 Life ... of General Samuel Houston. Phil 1884. O 2v in 1: 672 6pls a CRANTZ [or CRANZ], DAVID 2405 Alte und neue Bruder-historie, oder, kurz gefasste Geschichte der evangelischen Bruder-unitat. Darby 1771. D [l6] 868 [55] a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat., 1772. — Eng. tr. by Benj. La Trobe, L 1780. O [l6] 622 [85] + 2 1. [one of errata, one of adv] Covers Moravian activities in Georgia, Carolina, Pennsylvania, etc., from 1734. [CRARY, C. G.] 2406 Pioneer and personal reminiscences. Marshalltown la 1893. O 105 a CRARY, L. P., pub. 2407 A directory for the village of Buffalo. . . . To which is added a sketch of [its] history. Dui 1828. 18° 55 map a First directory. Later editions appeared in 1837, 1841, 1842, 1844, 1847, etc. CRAVEN COUNTY [S. C.] Historical and social sketch of: n.p. [1852]. O 52 a 2408 CRAWFORD, CHARLES 2409 Observations upon Negro slavery. Phil 1784. D 24 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1790. D — Eng. ed. Tunbridge Wells n.d. O 42 135 Crawford — Crevecoeur CRAWFORD, CHARLES H. 2410 Scenes of earlier days in crossing the plains to Oregon. . . . Petaluma Cal 1898. D 186 port a — rptd. Tucson 1951. D 372 — ed. 2, with illus. added, S F [l885]. D A cavalry officer's adventures on the frontiers of Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. CRAWFORD, J. MARSHALL 2411 Mosby and his men. ...NY 1867. D 375 7ports a CRAWFORD, LEWIS F., ed. 2412 Rekindling camp fires; the exploits of Ben Arnold (Connor) ... as Indian fighter. . . . Bismarck N D [1926]. O [2] 324 map lOpls a also lOOspecial copies, signed. CRAWFORD, LUCY 2413 History of the White mountains. . . . Port Me 1846. 18° 204 [l] a — rptd. Porf 1883. 16° 230; Port 1886. 16° 228 CRAWFORD, MEDOREM 2414 Journal; an account of his trip across the plains with the Oregon pioneers of 1842. Eugene Ore 1897. O 26 a The only diary of the first large emigrant train to Oregon; it was issued previously at Washington, 1863, in fourteen pages [Senate Executive Document 17]. CRAWFORD, THERON C. 2415 An American vendetta; a story of barbar- ism in the United States. A' Y & Chi [l888], D 185[incl.front.] a Account of the Hatfield-McCoy feud on the Kentucky and West Virginia border. CRAWFORD, WILLIAM H. 2416 Sketches of the life. . . of: By Americanus. Alb 1824. O 38 a CRESPEL, EMANUEL 2421 Voiages . . . dans le Canada. . . . Frankf 1742. D [10] 3-158 b NYP — ed. 2, same impr. 1752. D [8] 135 a — anr. ed., notes added, "Voyage au Nouveau monde . . ." i4msr 1757. D [lo] 240 [erroneously paged 140] — rptd., Quebec 1884. D [28] 136 [ll] port — Eng. tr., "Travels in North America..." L 1797. D[28] 187 a — Ger. tr., Frankf 1751 D [8] 112 This Recollect priest, accompanied, in 1728, a punitive expedition against the Fox Indians [in present Wisconsin]. His ob- servations form an important sequel to the earlier relations of Sagard and Le Clercq. In the first edition all copies are initialed on page eleven by the editor, Louis Crespel. CREUZBAR, ROBERT [comp.] 2422 Route from the Gulf of Mexico and the lower Mississippi Valley to California and the Pacific ocean. N Y 1849. 16° 40 + 1 adv-p 5maps c N Y Some few copies seem to have been issued with a sixth map. The best authority on the route described. CREVECOEUR, FERDINAND F. 2423 [comp.J Old settlers' tales . . . sketches of the early settlement and settlers of... Potta- watomie and. . . Nemaha counties, Kansas Onaga Kas 1902. O 162 a CREECY, JAMES R. 2417 Scenes in the south. . . . Wash 1860. D 294 [l]a — anr. issue, same date & collat., Phil Prose and poetry. CREEK-INDIAN (A) The speech of:. . . . See Smith, Provost Wm. CREEK INDIANS 2418 Letter from the Secretary of War, trans- mitting documents in relation to hostilities of: [H. Doc. 276]. Wash [l836]. O 413 caption t.only a CREIGH, ALFRED 2419 History of Washington county, Pennsyl- vania. [Wash Pa 1870]. O 386 [l2l] a — ed. 2, rev., Harrisburg 1871. O 375 132 a CREMONY, JOHN C. 2420 Life among the Apaches. S F 1868. D 322 [CREVECOEUR, MICHEL- 2424 GUILLAUME SAINT JEAN DE] Letters from an American farmer. ... L 1782. O [16] 318 [2] + 8adv-p 2maps a — rptd. Dub 1782. D [8] 256 2maps; L 1783. O [l6] 326 [2] 2maps; Belt 1783. D [8] 208 2maps —Am. eds.: Phil 1793. D 240; Phil 1798. D 260 — Fr. tr., with adds., P 1784. O 2v: [32] 422 [2]; [8] 400 [2] — anr. issue paged [24] 422 [2]: [4] 392 — rptd. Maestricht 1785. D 2v: [l4] 458; [8] 432; n.p. 1785. D 2v — best Fr. ed. — and most complete of all eds.— P 1787. O 3v: [34] 478 [4]; [2] 438 fcjj [2] 593. 5maps 4pls a — Dutch ed. "Brieven van eenen Ameri- kaenschen Landman," Leyden 1784. O [l6] 328 — Ger. eds.: "Sittliche Schilderungen von Amerika. . . ," Leip & Leignitz 1784. D [lo] 462 2maps; Leip 1788-[l789]. D 3v pi 136 Crevecoeur — Crofutt Description of American life of great in- fluence in attracting European immigration in the post-revolutionary period. As litera- ture unexcelled by any American work of the eighteenth century. [CREVECOEUR, MICHEL— 2425 GUILLAUME SAINT JEAN DE Voyage dans la Haute Pennsylvanie. . . .P 1801. O 3v: [32] 427; [l4] 434; [12] 409. 11 maps & pis 4tabs a some copies on L.P., with pis in separate F atlas -^Ger. tr. Berlin 1802. O 472 2pls Original work of this author, presented under the guise of a translation. CREWE, E. 0. 2426 Gold fields of the Yukon. . . . Chi [l897]. O 61 2maps a CRICHTON, VISCOUNT 2427 A tour in British North America and the United States Dub 1864. O 63 a CRIPPLE CREEK MINING... 2428 Cripple Creek mining district (the). History and description of:. . . . Cripple Creek 1894. O 161 view a CRISIS Crisis (The). L 1775-6. See Moore, Wm. CRISIS 2429 Crisis (The): on the origin and conse- quences of our political dissensions.. . . By a citizen of Vermont. Alb 1815. O 96 a CRISIS Crisis (The); or, essays on the usurpa- tions of the federal government. By Brutus. See Turnbull, Robt. J. CRISIS Crisis (The): or nullification unmasked. See Pendleton, Edmund. CRISIS 2430 Crisis (The); or thoughts on slavery; occasioned by the Missouri question. Nos. 1 and 2 [all]. N Hav 1820. O 2pts: 14; 19 a CRISIS Crisis (The). Scire volunt, secreta domus atque inde timeri. See Cooper, SamL CRITICAL MOMENT 2431 Critical moment (The) on which the salva- tion or destruction of the British empire de- pends. Containing the rise. . . of our Ameri- can disputes. By Janus. L 1776. O 121 a Places the blame on administration policies. CROCKET, GEORGE L. 2432 Two centuries in east Texas. . . . Dallas [l932]. O [l2] 372 a CROCKETT, DAVID 2433 An account of LhisJ tour to the north and down east Phil 1835 D 234 + 34adv-p port, a — rptd., N Y 1845, same collat. Has been ascribed to his friend, Augustin S. Clayton, of Georgia. CROCKETT, DAVID 2434 Almanack, of wild sports in the west.. . . Nashv [1834]. O 48 [incl. covers] 6pls a — later Nashv eds. : annually, under various titles, from [l835] to [l848]. Some eds. carry N Y impr.; some, Phil CROCKETT, DAVID Exploits and adventures in Texas. . . . See Smith, Richard Penn. CROCKETT, COLONEL DAVID 2435 The life and adventures of: Cin 1833. D 113 b — new ed. "Sketches and eccentricities of Col. David Crockett," N Y 1833. D [4] 24- 209 a o — anr. issue, same impr. & date. 16 209 — Eng. eds. L 1834; L 1836. Spurious biography, not authorized by Crockett; attributed to James S. French. See below Crockett's Narrative. . . . CROCKETT, DAVID 2436 The life of Martin Van Bureru . . . Phil 1835. D 209 a — rptd. [as eds. 10 & 16, prob. eds. 2 & 3] same collat. Phil 1836; Phil 1837. — anr. ed. Cin 1839. same collat. Possibly written by Augustin S. Clayton. CROCKETT, COL. DAVID 2437 A narrative of the life of: written by him- self. Phil 1834. D 211 a — rptd. repeatedly, about 15 eds. before 1850. The authorized biography, probably ghost- written, at Crockett's dictation; issued to check-mate the spurious publication of 1833. CROFUTT, GEORGE A., AND 2438 CO. pub. Great trans-continental railroad guide. . . from the Atlantic to the Pacific. . . . Chi 1869. 16° 244 16pls a — rptd. Chi 1870. same collat. — anr. ed. "Great trans-continental tourists' guide. ..." N Y 1870. 16° 208 map 16pls — anr. ed. N Y 1871. D 215 map pis The compiler was H. Wallace At we 11. 137 Crogho CROGHAN, COL. GEORGE 2439 Journal of: . . . sent ... to explore the country adjacent to the Ohio river. . . . Burlington N J 1831. O 38 a lOOcopies ptd. as a separate from the "Journal of Geology." — rptd. 1875. CROOK, GEN. GEORGE 2450 Annual report of : . . . 1885. n.p. rud. [LX? 1885]. 16° 41 + cov.t. a [CROOKS, RAMSAY]? 2451 Indian trade [Detroit? 1820?]. O 14 10 b Y CROGHAN, GEORGE 2440 Journal of his trip to Detroit in 1767. . . . .4nn ^Irfaor 1939. O [8] 61 a CROGHAN, GEORGE 2441 Minutes of conferences held at Fort Pitt under the direction of: . . . with. . . the Ohio and other western Indians. Phil 1769. F 22 b PaH [CROGHAN, JOHN] 2442 Rambles in the Mammoth Cave. . . . Louisv 1845. D [l2] 9-101 6pls errata slip fold.map CROIX, [CARLOS F.], MARQUIS DE 2443 Correspondence du: . . . 1737-1786. Nantes 1891. Q [12] 336 [4] 2ports a 550 copies ptd [50 on Holland paper, numb.] Previously unpublished material on the Portola expedition to California, etc., during the period when the Marquis was Viceroy of Mexico. [CROKER, JOHN WILSON] 2444 The letters on the . . . naval war with America L 1813. O [4] 104 a CROLL, PHILIP C. 2445 Ancient . . . landmarks in the Lebanon valley [Pa.]. Phil 1895. O 334 port a [CROLY, DAVID G.] et a\ 2446 Miscegenation: the theory of the blending of the races, applied to the. . . white man and Negro. N Y 1864. D [2] 72 a First work advocating this solution to the race problem. CROME, A[UGUST] F. W. 2447 Etwas uber die Grosse, Volksmenge, Clima und Fruchtbarkeit des. . . nordameri- kanischen Freystaats. Dessau 1784. O [8] 64 a CROMWELL, 0. 2448 Directory, guide ... of the city of Charles- ton [S. C.]. Charleston 1829. 16° 107 a CROOK, GEN. GEORGE 2449 Annual report of: Prescott Ariz 1883. D 43 a Covers the Apache campaign and capture of Geronimo. CROOM, WENDELL D. 2452 The war history of Company "C". . . 6th Georgia Regiment. Fort Valley Ga 1879. O [4] 37 a CROSBY, JAAZANIAH 2453 History of Charlestown in New Hamp- shire. . . . Concord 1833. O 41 a CROSS, FRED J. The free lands of Dakota. 1876. O 32 a 2454 CROSS, FRED J. 2455 Information for persons seeking a home in the west. Dakota Territory as it is. Sioux Falls 1875. O 45 [3] a [CROSS, HENRY] 2456 An answer to an invidious pamphlet, intituled A brief state of the province of Pennsylvania L 1755. D [2] 80 a For pamphlet attacked, see Smith, Provost William. CROSS, MRS. JAMES T. H. 2457 Duncan Adair: or, captured in escaping. A story of one of Morgan's men. Macon Ga 1864. O 51 a CROSS, JOSEPH 2458 Camp and field. Papers from the portfolio of an army chaplain. 4books in 3v Macon & Columbia 1864. Books 1 & 2 Macon. 16° [10 incl. front cover] 13-141; 160[incl. front I cover]. Books 3 & 4 in lv Columbia. D 380 + covers b Emory CROSS, 0[SBORNE] 2459 A report, in the form of a journal, of the march of the regiment of Mounted Riflemen to Oregon. . . . Phil Sherman 1850. O 228 map 36pls c — anr. ed., in "Report of the Quartermaster General for 1850," [Sen. Exec. Doc l], in which it occupies pp. 126-244, with 37pls[in some copies only 34, 35, or 36] & no map a — anr. issue [h. R.J, pis omitted. — anr. ed., with separate t., Wash 1851. O [4] 218 The Philadelphia issue was of a few copies only, made up for the author, and can hardly be considered an edition. A twelve- page abstract, with caption title only, pre- ceded this Report. 138 Croswell — Culver CROSWELL, JOSEPH 2460 Sketches of the life ... of : for more than forty years ... an itinerant preacher. . . . B 1809. D 96 a CROTHERS, SAMUEL 2461 Strictures on African slavery. Rossville O 1833. O 46 a CROUCH, CARRIE J. 2462 Young county [Texas] . . . history. . . . Dallas 1937. O 339 a CROUSE, RUSSELL 2463 Mr. Currier and Mr. Ives. N Y 1931. O [l4] 138 46pls[32col.] a CROWELL, SETH 2464 The journal of: . . . his travels as a Meth- odist preacher, for twelve years. N Y 1813. D 108 a [CROWLEY, THOMAS] 2465 Letters and dissertations on various sub- jects L 1782. O 130 a — anr. ed. L n.d. [l782?]. O 258 Largely on the Stamp Act and other Ameri- can disputes. Four of the pieces had been published in 1774, in a ten-page pamphlet, Dissertations on the grand dispute. . . . CROWQUILL, ALFRED [pseud.] A good natured hint about California. . . . See Forrester, Alfred H. CROY, DUC DE 2466 Memoire sur le passage par le nord. . . . P 1782. Q 23 a Concludes that for practical purposes the tried routes to the Pacific— around Cape Horn or Cape of Good Hope— are best, re- gardless of whether a Northwest passage exists. CROY, C. G. 2467 Pioneer and personal reminiscences. Marshalltown la 1893. O 105 a Early days in Ohio, Kentucky, etc. CROZAT (MR.) 2468 A letter to a member of the P — t of G — t B— n, occasioned by the priviledge granted . . . to: L 1713. sm Q 44 b JCB Summarizes the commercial and political importance of Louisiana and the Missis- sippi valley. One of the earliest, if not the earliest English book on the subject. CROZIER, R[OBERT] H. 2469 The bloody junto; or, the escape of John Wilkes Booth. . . . Little Rock 1869. O 146 a CROZIER, R[OBERT] H. 2470 The Confederate spy: a story. . . .Gallatin Tenn 1866. D 406 a — rptd., same collat., Louisv 1871; 1885. CRUIKSHANK, ERNEST A. 2471 Documents relating to the invasion of Canada and the surrender of Detroit, 1812 .... Ottawa Can 1912. O [8] 258 2maps a CRUMPTON, H. J., and W. B. 2472 The adventures of : . . . . Montg 1912. D 238 2ports a Overland trip, in 1849, over the Southern route from Fort Smith to California. CRUMRINE, BOYD 2473 History of Washington county, Pennsyl- vania Phil 1882. Q [6] 13-1002 8maps 71pls a CUBA 2474 Apuntes historic os acerca de la ex- pedicion piratica que invadio la isla de: N O 1850. O 32 [8] 52 [4] a CUBA The history of the late expedition to: By one of the participants. See Davis, Capt. J. C CUFFEE, PAUL 2475 Memoir of: Liv 1811. O 12 a — rptd. same impr. & date. D 24; York 1812. D 36 — anr. ed. L 1840. 16° 64 port — Am. eds.: Phil 1816. O 12; Vernon 1839. D 21 Includes Revolutionary and War of 1812 services of this Massachusetts Negro, whaling, etc. CULBERTSON, THADDEUS A. 2476 Journal of an expedition to the Mauvaises Terres. . . . [Occupies 61p. in the 5th Annual Report, Smithsonian Inst.]. Wash 1851. O a Explored the Bad Lands and ascended the Missouri to a point several hundred miles north of Ft. Pierre. First account of those regions since Prince Maximilian of Wied. CULLEY, JOHN H. 2477 Cattle, horses and men of the western range. L A [l940]. O [l6] 337 pis a By the manager of the Bell ranch in New Mexico. CULLUM, GEORGE W. 2478 Campaigns of the war of 1812-15. ...NY 1879. O 412 port a N Y 1924. Q CULVER, HENRY B. The book of old ships. [26] 306 2pls[one col.J CULVER, J. HORACE [comp.] 2480 The Sacramento city directory. Sacra- mento 1851. D 96 a First directory of this city. 139 Culver — Curtis CULVER, J. Z., and CO. [pub.] 2481 Fort Scott [Kas.] city directory for 1869- 70, containing . . . reminiscences of its early days Ft Scott [ptd Chi] 1869-70. D 88 a — for 1871-2, Ft Scott, n.d. CUMBERLAND (THE) Annals of the army of: By an officer. See Fitch, John, judge. CUMING, FlORTESCUE] 2482 Sketches of a tour to the western country Pitt 1810. D 504 b AA N NYP Y — rptd., ed. Thwaites, Clev 1904. Oa Excellent and extensive observations on pioneer conditions throughout the Ohio and lower Mississippi valleys. CUMINGS, SAMUEL 2483 The western navigator. . . . Phil 1822. 2v: v. I F [2] 33charts[on 27pls] v. II O [4] 232 [6] b AA G WRH — rptd. frequently in lv., under various titles: "Western pilot," "New River guide," "River guide," "Traveller's companion," "Book for all travellers," etc. From 1825 to 1866 there were over 20 of these; in later issues Cumings' name was replaced by those of the publishers — Conclin or James. Poetic justice to one whose book was based, with- out credit, on Cramer's "Navigator"! CUMMINGS, HENRY 2484 A sermon. . . at Lexington on the 19th of April, 1781 . . . the anniversary of the com- mencement of hostilities. ... B 1781. O 39 a [CUMMINGS, HIRAM] 2485 Secret history of the perfidies ... of the Tyler dynasty No. lfall]. Wash 1845. O 64 a Political excoriation bordering on libel. CUMMINS, EBENEZER H. See Baines, Edw. CUMMINS, [JAMES R.] 2486 Jim Cummins' book . . . story of the James and Younger gang. . . . Denver 1903. D 191 13pls a CUMMINS, MRS. SARAH J. W. 2487 Autobiography and reminiscences. [La Grande Ore 1914]. O 63 port a — rptd. several times, but with different impr. [Walla Walla] Crossed the plains to Oregon in 1845. CUNNINGHAM, EDITH P. 2488 Owl's nest C 1907. O [l2] 323 13pls 2tabs a Account of the Cincinnati home of James H. Perkins, incorporating material on in- tellectual life in early southern Ohio. CUNNINGHAM, EUGENE 2489 Triggernometry; a gallery of gunfighters NY 1934. O [20] 441 21pls a — rptd. Caldwell Ida 1941. same collat. CUNNINGHAM, G. A. 2490 History of Neenah [Wis.]. [Neenah[ 1878. O 254 [53] 5pls[incl. in paginat.] a CUNNINGHAM, J. 0. 2491 A history of the early settlement of Cham- paign County, 111 Urbana 1876. O 24 a CUNYNGHAME, ARTHUR [A. T.] 2492 A glimpse at the great western republic L 1851. D [4] 337 a —rptd. L 1852. 16° 152; L 1863. D [4] 337 CURE (A) Cure (A) for the spleen. , Jonathan. . See Sewall, CURIOSITY 2493 Curiosity visits to southern plantations. By a northern man. L 1863. O 31 a CURLEY, EDWIN A. 2494 Glittering gold; the true story of the Black hills. Chi 1876. O 128 map + 16adv-p b LC Y CURRIE, WILLIAM, M. D. 2495 An historical account of the climates and diseases of the United States. . . . Phil 1792. O [6] 409 [5] a CURRIE, REV. WILLIAM 2496 A treatise on the lawfulness of defensive war Phil 1748. O [l8] 119 a CURRY, GEORGE L., comp. 2497 Correspondence, resolutions and me- morials of the [Oregon] Legislative Assem- bly Salem 1857. O 65 b Hn Y CURRY, JOHN P. 2498 Observations and experiences among the mineral regions of Nevada. ...NY 1865. O 24 front, b Y CURSORY REFLECTIONS 2499 Cursory reflections on the consequences . . . should Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Burr have equal votes. ...NY 1801. D 25 a CURTIS, EDWARD S. 2500 The North American Indian. N Y [ptd. in Mass] 1907-30. Q 20v [text] + 20portfolios of pis c N NYP Y 500sets pub'd. CURTIS, GEORGE T. 2501 History of the. . . Constitution of the United States NY 1854-9. O 2v: [36] 518; [16] 653 a —rptd. N Y 1860; N Y 1861; N Y 1865. 140 Curtis — Cutler CURTIS, STEPHEN 2502 Brief extracts from the journal of a voyage performed by the whale ship M[er- cury], of New Bedford. . . . B 1844. O 46 a CURTISS, DANIEL S. 2503 Western portraiture, and emigrant's guide NY 1852. D 351 a CURTIUS Letters of: 1851. See Grayson, Wm. J. CUR WEN, MASK ELL C. 2504 A sketch of the history of . . . Dayton. Dayton 1850. D 64 map a Calls itself "second edition," having previously appeared as part of Odell's Day ton directory, same year. CURWOOD, JAMES 0. 2505 The great lakes NY 1909. O [l6] 227 72pls a CUSHING, CALEB 2506 Oregon Territory: report [and supple- mental report]. Wash 1839. O 2v: 51; 61. map a Includes reports from Wyeth, Slacum and Kelley. CUSHING, FRANK 2507 Almost a life, or saved by the Indians [in New Mexico], [n Y ca 1879J. O 32 a CUSHING, FRANK H., comp. 2508 Zuni folk tales. ...NY 1901. O [l8] 474 12pls a — rptd. N Y 1931. O [36] 474 [2] 12pls CUSHING, JACOB 2509 Divine judgments upon tyrants. . . . Sermon preached at Lexington. . . in commemoration of the . . . war and rapine . . . perpetrated. . . by British troops in that town on the nine- teenth of April, 1775. B 1778. O 28 a CUSHING, S. W. 2510 Wild oats sowings N Y 1857. D 483 [incl.4pls] a Fascinating autobiography of an adven- turer; embracing experiences as a soldier at San Jacinto and as a sailor in the Texas navy. CUSHMAN, DAVID Q. 2511 The history of ancient Sheepscot and Newcastle [Maine] Bath Me 1882. O [l8] 458 map 2pls a CUSHMAN, H[ORATIO] B. 2512 A history of the Choctaw, Chickasaw and Natchez Indians. Greenville Tex 1899. O 607 port a The author lived among these tribes from 1820 to 1890. CUSHMAN, SAMUEL 2513 The gold mines of Clear Creek county, Colorado. Denver 1876. D 116 a CUSHMAN, SAMUEL, et al 2514 The gold mines of Gilpin county, Colo- rado. Central City 1876. D 136 cover-t.only a CUSICK, DAVID 2515 Sketches of ancient history of the Six Nations Lewiston N Y 1827. D 28 b N NYP Y — ed. 2, Tuscarora Village [i.e. Lewiston] but ptd. Lockport 1828. D 36 4pls[on one sheet] a — ed. 3, Lockport 1848. O 35[incl.4pls] CUSTER, ELIZABETH B. 2516 "Boots and saddles" NY 1885. D 312 a — anr. issue, same impr., date & paginat., with map & port added. CUSTER, GEORGE A. 2517 My life on the plains NY 1874. O 256 [inch 8pls] a — rptd., same collat., N Y 1876. — later eds., enl., issued at St L from 1883 to 1891, with t., "Wild life on the plains. . . ." [CUSTER, GENERAL GEORGE A.] 2518 The Northern Pacific railroad: character and climate of the country it traverses. . . . rup. [1871-4?]. O 32 a [capt.t.only] Reply to General Hazen's denunciation of this region. Hazen countered with Our barren lands, q.v. CUSTIS, GEORGE W. P. 2519 Recollections ... of General Washington .... Wash 1859. O 104 [2] a — rptd., with adds., ed. B. J. Lossing, N Y 1860. O 644 3pls 2facs CUTLER, CARL C. 2520 Greyhounds of the sea: the story of the American clipper ship. N Y 1930. Q [4 28] 3-592 30pls[8col.] a [CUTLER, JERVIS] 2521 Topographical description. . . of Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Louisiana. . .[in- cluding journal of Charles Le Raye who, in 1801, while a captive with Sioux on the upper Missouri, made trips to the Yellow- stone and Big Horn rivers]. B 1812. D 219 errata sheet 5pls[among them the earliest view of Cincinnati] b AA N NYP Y The highly interesting Le Raye journal is of questionable authenticity. 141 Cutler — Dakota CUTLER, JULIA P., ed. 2522 Life and times of Ephraim Cutler.. . . Cin 1890. O [6] 353 3pls a [CUTLER, MANASSEH] 2523 An explanation of the map which deline- ates that part of the Federal lands, com- prehended between Pennsylvania west line, the rivers Ohio and Sioto [sic], and lake Erie . . . and now ready for settlement. Salem 1787. O 24 b NYP WisH Y — rptd. Newport 1788. O 24 b — anr. ed. "Ohio in 1788. . . ," Columbus O 1888. D 104 a — Fr. tr. P 1789. O 30 b NYP First comprehensive description of the present state of Ohio. The map which it ex- plained was not issued with either French or English copies; it was published in both languages, but sold separately. CUTLER, MANASSEH 2524 Life, journals and correspondence of: Cin 1888. O 2v: [l2] 524; [4] 496 + 12adv-p. 3pls a CUTTS, JAMES M. 2525 Conquest of California and New Mexico .. . 1846-7. Phil 1847. D 264 port eng.t. [and 4maps & plans incl. in paginat.Ja — anr. ed., in wraps, with date 1848 on front cover — rptd. 1855. D D., C. 2526 Le Champ-d'Asile, au Texas, ou notice . . . sur la formation de cette colonie. . . . P Tiger [l820]. 16° 107 fold pi a DABNEY, OWEN P. 2527 True story of the lost shackle; or seven years with the Indians. [Salem Ore 1897]. O [6] 98 front, a DABNEY, ROBERT L. 2528 A defence of Virginia, (and through her, of the south) N Y 1867. D 356 + 2adv-l. DABNEY, R[0BERT] L. 2530 True courage: a discourse commemorative of Lieut. General Thomas J. Jackson. Rich 1863. D 26 a — ed. 2, with biog. added, same impr. & date. D 32 DABRY DE THIERSANT, CLAUDE 2531 De l'origine des Indiens du nouveau- monde et de leur civilization. P 1883. Q [4] 358 [2] a DACUS, JtOSEPH] A. 2532 Annals of the great strikes. . . . St L 1877. D 480 llpls a — anr. issue, same date & collat., Chi DACUS, j[0SEPH] A. 2533 Life and adventures of Frank and Jesse James. Si L 1880. D 383[incl. pis] a — anr. issue, same date & collat., Indp — en/, ed. with biogs. of the Youngers added, St L 1881. D [4] 442[incl. pis] — new ed. Cin 1882. D [20 incl. front. & 1. of ports] 13-498 — rptd. N Y 1882. D [20 incl.front. & 1. of ports] 13-520 —rptd. St L 1882. D [4] 458[incl.pls] — anr. issue. D [4] 496[incl.pls] DACUS, R. H. 2534 Reminiscences of Company H, First Arkansas mounted rifles. Dardanelle Ark 1897. O 48 a DAGGETT, JOHN 2535 Sketch of the history of Attleborough [Mass.]. Dedham 1834. O 136 a — rptd. 1835. [DAGGETT, THOMAS F.] 2536 Billy Le Roy, the Colorado bandit. N Y Fox 1881. O 66 a — rev. ed. "The life and deeds of Billy Le Roy, alias the Kid. . . ," same impr. & date. — rptd., with original t. restored, same impr. 1883. O 66 + lOadv-p Sensational and unauthentic, but the first biography of Billy the Kid. [DAGGETT, THOMAS F.] 2537 The outlaw brothers, Frank and Jesse James. ...NY Fox [l881?]. O 67 28pls a DABNEY, R[0BERT] L. 2529 Life of. . . Stonewall Jackson. L 1864-6. D 2v: [6] 333; [l6] 527. port a — Am. ed., t. slightly altered, N Y 1866. O [12] 732 port Written by a member of Jackson's staff, with the help of Jackson's family. Next to Henderson, his most authoritative biography. DAHLBERG, C. V. 2538 Settlement of the Blue valley, in the vicinity of Randolph [Kas.]. n.p. [l923]. D 31 a DAKOTA The Black hills of: Deadwood [l88l]. See Van Cise, Edwin. 142 Dakota — Dalrymple DAKOTA 2539 Dakota: how to go and what to do when you get there. Milw 1882. O 32 a (DAKOTA) 2540 The early history and rapid progress of that wonderland, Central Dakota. n.p. rud. [Chi 1882?]. O 32 capt.t.only a DAKOTA (SOUTHEASTERN) 2541 History of: Sioux City 1881. O 392 a DAKOTA Dakota and the Black Hills. New map and guide to: See Maguire, Henry N. DAKOTA (NORTHERN) Dakota (Northern): its soil, climate. Fargo 1877. O 24 map a 2542 DAKOTA (SOUTHERN) 2543 Dakota (Southern), the Black Hills. ... By an early pioneer Chi 1875. D 32 [incl. wrappers] map b Y DAKOTA (THE) 2544 Table of distances in: Wash 1875. O 28 3fold.maps 3tabs a DALCHO, FREDERICK 2545 An historical account of the . . . Episcopal Church in South-Carolina. Charleston S C 1820. O [8] 613 [3] a [DALCHO, FREDERICK] 2546 Practical considerations. . . relative to the slave population of South Carolina. . . . Charleston 1823. O 38 a DALE, EDWARD E. The range cattle industry. 1930. O 216[incl. pis] a 2547 Norman Okla [DALLAS, ALEXANDER J.] 2552 An exposition of the causes and character of the late war with Great Britain. Phil 1815. O 82 a — other 1815 eds., all O: Concord TV H 108; B 47; Middlebury Vt 55[and anr. issue 59]; Wash 72 — Eng. ed. L 1815. 101 Attributed also to President Madison. Official vindication of the Government. [DALLAS, ALEXANDER J.] Features of Mr. Jay's treaty. 1795. O [2] 51 a 2553 2554 DALLAS, SIR GEORGE A biographical memoir of . . . Sir Peter Parker. . . killed. . . near Baltimore.. . 1814. L 1815. Q [2] 111 port a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat. 1816. [DALLAS, ROBERT, JR.] 2555 Considerations upon the American en- quiry. L 1779. O [2j 55 a — rptd. same impr. & date Severely critical of the conduct of British commanders. DALLIBA, JAMES 2556 A narrative of the battle of Brownstown . . . during the campaign under . . . Hull. TV Y 1816. O 37 a DALLY, JOSEPH W. 2557 Woodbridge Ln.J.J and vicinity. ... TVew Brunswick, 1873 O 391 a Issued also in 12 pts. DALLY, NATHAN 2558 Tracks and trails ... of a Minnesota territorial pioneer. Walker Minn [l93l]. O L6] 138 map front, a DALE, HARRISON C. 2548 The Ashley-Smith explorations and the discovery of a central route to the Pacific, 1822-1829. Clev 1918. O 352[incl. maps & pis] a — rptd. Glendale 1941. DALE, HENRY Adventures ... of the Younger brothers ...TV Y 1890. D 19l[incl. front.] a 2549 DALL, WILLIAM H. 2550 Alaska and its resources. . . . B 1870. O 528 map 15pls a — Eng. ed., L 1870. same collat. 3ALL, W[ILLIAM] H., et al 2551 The Yukon Territory L 1898. O [l4 ncl.front.] 438 map 21pls a [DALRYMPLE, ALEXANDER] 2559 Considerations on the present state of affairs between England and America. L 1778. O [4] 39 a Advocates a middle ground; no war, no colonial independence. DALRYMPLE, ALEXANDER 2560 Plan for promoting the fur-trade and se- curing. . . by uniting the operations of the East-India and Hudson's-Bay Companys. L 1789. Q [4] 32 b Prov Arch Victoria Y [only copies located] DALRYMPLE, ALEXANDER 2561 The Spanish Memorial of the 14th June considered. L 1790. O 41 a Concerning the Nootka sound controversy. 143 Dolrymple — Daniel DALRYMPLE, A[LEXANDER] 2562 The Spanish pretensions fairly discussed. L 1790. O 19 b LegisL Victoria N NYP Violently British presentation of the Nootka controversy. [DALRYMPLE, SIR JOHN] 2563 The address of the people of Great Britain to the inhabitants of America. L 1775. O [4] 60 a Conciliatory plea, written for colonial consumption. [DALRYMPLE, SIR JOHN] 2564 The rights of Great Britain asserted against the claims of America: being an answer to the declaration of the General Congress. L 1776. O 92 a — rptd., in 9 other eds., same yr., pub. at L, Edin & Dub —Am. ed. Phil 1776. O 92 [4] — Fr. tr. 1776. Attributed variously to Lord George Germaine, Sir James Mackintosh, James McPherson and Henry Mackenzie. For an- other Answer, see Lind, Jonathan. DALTON, WILLIAM 2565 Travels in the United States, and part of upper Canada. Appleby 1821. D [8] 256 a DALY, JAMES 2566 For love and bears. A description of a hunting trip [to northern Idaho]. Chi [l886]. obi O 144 1. port a DALZELL, J. M. 2567 John Gray. . . the last soldier of the revo- lution. . . . Wash 1868. O 64 a DAMES, WILHELM Der Staat Wisconsin. , 29 a 2568 Neures 1849. O DAMON, SAMUEL C. 2569 The history of Holden, Massachusetts. Wore 1841. O [8] 156 a DAMON, SAMUEL C. 2570 A trip from the Sandwich islands to lower Oregon and upper California. Honolulu 1849. Q 56 b Y — rptd. S F Grab horn 1927. O [l2] 86 port a This description of conditions in the Columbia river region, San Francisco, etc., appeared in vol. VII of a Honolulu periodical, The Friend, and the book was made from its sheets, with title-page added. [DANA, C. W.] 2571 The garden of the world, or the great west B 1856. D 396 a — rptd., with au. named, "The great west ...," same impr. 86 collat. 1857. — several later eds. DANA, CHARLES A., ed. 2572 The United States illustrated. . . .N Y [ca 1855]. Q 2v: letter press & 76pls a DANA, EDMUND 2573 A description of the bounty lands in . . . Illinois: also a description of the principal roads and routes. . . . Cin 1819. D 108 a Some copies have, inserted, fold-map, not issued with the book b DANA, EDMUND 2574 Geographical sketches on the western country: designed for emigrants and settlers Cin 1819. D 312 a DANA, J. G., and THOMAS, R. S. 2575 A report of the trial of Jereboam O. Beau- champ. . . for the murder of Col. Solomon P. Sharp Frankfort Ky Hodges [l826]. O 153 b BP KyH Most famous of American criminal trials, the inspiration of a novel by Simms and poems by Poe and Chivers. [DANA, RICHARD H.] 2576 Two years before the mast NY 1840. 16 483. Issue 1: white or tan clo.; only 105 titles in ser. listed on rear cover; in copyr. notice, letter "i" [in "in"] dotted; p. 9 has heading in perfect type, c NYP Y — issue 2: same except more titles listed in enumeration of series b N NYP — issue 3: gray or black clo.; more titles listed; type damage to copyr. notice and on p. 9. a — new ed., incl. author's later California visit in 1859, B 1869. D h] 470 a — Eng. ed., L 1841 O [4] 124 This account of California in 1835 and 1836 surpassed in popularity all other books relating to that state. DANE COUNTY, WISCONSIN 2577 Statistics of: with a business directory ... of Madison. Madison 1851. O 24 front, a — rptd., same impr. 1852. O 16 [incl. front. & illus] — anr. ed. "Statistics of Madison and Dane County," same impr. & collat. 1853. DANIEL, JOHN M, 2578 The Richmond Examiner during the war; or, the writings of:. ...NY 1868. O 232 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1869. DANIEL, JOHN W. 2579 Character of Stonewall Jackson. Lynch- burg 1868. O 63 a DANIEL, R. JACKSON 2580 The trials and hair-breadth escapes of R. J. and Bud Daniel in Arkansas. [Atlanta 1885]. O 84 a 144 Daniels — D'arusmont DANIELS, ARTHUR M. 2581 A journal of Sibley's Indian expedition. . . 1863 Winona 1864. D 52 b G only 2 copies located DANIELS, WILLIAM M. 2582 A correct account of the murder of . . . Joseph and Hyrum Smith. . . .Nauvoo 1845. O 24[incl. wrappers] d NYP Y — anr. issue, same impr., date & collat., but 2pls added c G LC Author was an eye-witness of this tragedy. DARBY, JOHN F. 2583 Personal recollections. ...St L 1880. O 480 port a DARBY, WILLIAM 2584 The emigrant's guide to the western and southwestern states and territories.. ..NY 1818. O [6] 311 [13] 3maps 2tabs a DARBY, WILLIAM 2585 A geographical description of . . . Louisi- ana, etc. Phil 1816. O 270 [l 7] map a — ed. 2, enl. to incl.Miss. & Ala. TV Y 1817. O 356 [4] 2 maps and large fold, map in separate folder, a Some copies of the 1816 edition contain a list of subscribers. DARBY, WILLIAM 2586 Geographical, historical and statistical repository. Vol. I, nos. 1 & 2 [all]. Phil 1824. O 136 6fold.maps & profiles a DARBY, WILLIAM 2587 Lectures on the discovery of America, and colonization of North America. . . .Bait 1828. D 223 a DARBY, WILLIAM Memoir on the . . . history of Florida. Phil 1821 O [12] 5-92 map a 2588 DARBY, WILLIAM, and 2589 DWIGHT, THEODORE A new gazetteer of the United States. . . . TV y 1832. O [4] 9-630 a — rptd. Hart 1833. same collat. — ed. 2, rev., same impr. 1834. O; 1836. O DARBY, WILLIAM 2590 A tour from. . . New York, to Detroit. . . . TV y 1819. O 228 64 [7] 3maps[only 1 in some copies] errata slip a DARBY, WILLIAM 2591 View of the United States Phil 1828. 16° [4] 622 14maps a — anr. — best — issue, with index [carrying paginat. to 654] 12adv-p same impr., date & maps DARLEY, ALEXANDER M. 2592 The Passionists of the southwest. . . . Pueblo 1893. O 59 port a — rptd. B 1894. First full account of the unusual sect of Penitentes. DARLEY, FELIX 0. C. 2593 Scenes in Indian life Phil 1843. obi Q 5pts: [usually bound in 1 vol.] 14pls a DARLINGTON, MARY C, ed. 2594 Fort Pitt and letters from the frontier. Pitt 1892. O 312 3maps 3pls a 300 copies [lOO on L. P.] DARLINGTON, MARY C. 2595 History of Colonel Henry Bouquet and the western frontiers of Pennsylvania, 1747-64. Pitt 1920. O 224 a 600copies ptd. DARLINGTON, WILLIAM M. [ed.] 2596 Christopher Gist's journals, with notes .... Pitt 1893. O [2] 7-296 7maps a some copies on L. P. First printing of the second journal — of 1751-2 — and first publication containing the complete series of three. Gist's ex- plorations were among the earliest made by Americans into Ohio and Kentucky. For his first journal — of 1750 — see Pownall, Thomas, A topographical description. His third journal — of 1753 — had previously appeared only in the 1836 volume of the Massachusetts Historical Society Collections. DARNALL [or Darnell], ELIAS 2597 A journal, containing. . . account of the hardships. . . of those heroic Kentucky volunteers, commanded by General Win- chester. . . 1812-13 Paris Ky 1813. O [2] 57 [8] b NYP WisH [only copies known] — anr. ed. Frankfort Ky 1814. D 64 b NYP [only copy known] —anr. ed. Shelbyville Ky 1814. O 39 b WisH — other eds.: Phil 1834. 16° 87 a; Phil 1854. 16° 100 a DARTMOOR PRISON The prisoner's memoirs, or: See Andrews, Chas. [D'ARUSMONT, MME. FANNY 2598 (WRIGHT)] Views of society and manners in America By an English-woman. L 1821. O [lo] 523 a — ed. 2, L 1822. O [lo] 483 map —Am. ed. TV Y 1821. O [12] 388 — Am. ed. 2, TV Y 1821. same collat. — Dutch tr. Amst 1822. O 2v — Fr. tr. P 1822. O 2v: [l4] 351; [6] 359 — Ger. tr. BerTin 1824. 16° 2v 145 Daubeny — Davies DAUBENY, CHARLES [G. B.] 2599 Journal of a tour through the United States . . . 1837-8. Oxf 1843. D [6] 231 map a 100 copies ptd [DAVEIS, C. STEWART] 2600 The north-eastern boundary of the United States. 16° 100 a Ascribed also to Nathan Hale. [DAVEISS, JOSEPH H.] 2601 An essay on Federalism. [Frankfort? 1810?]. D 64 caption t. only a Usually bound with the author's Sketch of a bill for an uniform militia. . . , which bears imprint and date shown. DAVEISS, JOSEPH H. 2602 A view of the President's conduct, con- cerning the conspiracy of 1806. Frankfort Ky 1807. O 64 a — rptd. Cin 1917. Severely critical of Jefferson's actions in the mysterious Burr affair. [DAVENANT, CHARLES] 2603 An essay upon the government of the Eng- lish plantations on the continent of America L 1701. O [32] 86 [2] c AA N NYP Y DAVENPORT, B. M. Resources of Nebraska. 1869. O 24 a 2604 Nebraska City DAVENPORT, BISHOP 2605 A new gazetteer. . . of North America. . . . Bait 1832. O 471 2maps a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1833; Bait 1835. same collat. — anr. ed. "A history and new gazetteer ... ," N Y 1842. O DAVENPORT, BISHOP 2606 A pocket gazetteer, or traveller's guide through North America. . . . Bait 1833. 24° 468 map a — anr. issue, same date & collat., Trenton — rptd., same impr. 86 collat., 1834. DAVENPORT [lOWA] 2607 Davenport [iowa] city business directory. Davenport Patton 1853. D 48 b DavenportPL IaMasonic DAVENPORT CITY DIRECTORY 2608 Davenport City directory. .. for 1855-6. Davenport [l855j. D 40 [s] 26 a First city directory of this town. DAVID, ROBERT B., ed. 2609 Malcolm Campbell, sheriff, reminiscences Casper Wyo [l932]. D [8] 7-361 [5] 20pls a DAVID, URBAIN 2610 Les Anglais a la Louisiane en 1814 et 1816. ...NO 1845. O 60 a DAVIDSON, ALEXANDER, and 2611 STUVE, BERNARD A complete history of Illinois. . . .Spring- field 111 1874. O [10] 944 a — rptd., same impr. 1876. — ed. 2, same impr. 1884. O [l4] 1040 LlOj 33pls DAVIDSON, GEORGE 2612 The Alaska boundary. S F 1903. Q235 map port a small ed. DAVIDSON, GEORGE 2613 The tracks and landfalls of Bering and Chirikof on the northwest coast. . . .]_S f] 1901. O 44 map a DAVIDSON, GORDON C. 2614 The Northwest Company. Berkeley 1918. O [l2] 349 6maps & pis a [DAVIDSON, I. G.] 2615 Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. . . scenery along the line of the Northern Pacific railroad Port Ore [ca 1879]. F 41 col.t-p 53photos b SpokaneP Y DAVIDSON, RICHARD 0. 2616 A disclosure of the discovery of., .the aerostat; or, a new mode of aerostation. St L 1840. D 32 a DAVIDSON, RtOBERT] 2617 An excursion to the Mammoth Cave and the barrens of Kentucky Lex 1840. 24° tio] 148 a — ed. 2, same collat. Phil 1840. DAVIDSON, ROBERT 2618 History of the Presbyterian Church in. . Kentucky. N Y 1847. O [l2] 372 [8] a DAVIES, BENJAMIN 2619 Some account of . . . Philadelphia Phil 1794. D [4] 93 fold.tab. eng.plan[ issued separately, inserted in some copies] a DAVIES, EBENEZER 2620 American scenes and Christian slavery: a recent tour of four thousand miles in the United States. L 1849. O [l2] 324 a — rptd. L 1853. Though revolted by slavery, the pious ob- server revelled in attending slave auctions, of which he gives the most circumstantial account in all literature. [DAVIES, GEN. HENRY E.] 262 Ten days on the plains. N Y [l871?]. O 68 146 Davies — Davis Some copies had photos inserted. Best ac- count of General Sheridan's great buffalo hunt of 187 L DAVIES, J. J., comp. 2622 History and business directory of Madison county, Iowa. Des M 1869. O 254 pi map a DAVIESS, MRS. MARIA T. 2623 History of Mercer and Boyle counties, Kentucky. Harrodsbwg 1924. O 176 port a First appearing serially in a local paper in the early eighties, this is its first edition in book form. DA VI LA, F. T. 2624 Sonora historico y descriptive . .desde la llegada de los espanoles hasta nuestros dias. Nogales 1894. O [4] 328 a DAVILA Y ARRILLAGA, JOS£ M. 2625 Continuacion de la Historia de la Com- pania de Jesus en Nueva Espana del P. Francisco Javier Alegre. Puebla Mex 1888- 9. Q 2v: 334; 370 a DAVIS, A. C. Frauds of the Indian office. 36 a 2626 Wash 1867. O DAVIS, ANDREW McF. 2627 The journey of Moncacht-Ape . . . across the continent Wore 1883. O 30 a Study into the credibility of this legend of a 1700 overland trip to Oregon. Separate printing from American Antiquarian Society Proceedings. DAVIS, A[SAHEL] 2628 History of New Amsterdam. ...NY 1854. D [8] 240 6pls a DAVIS, CARLYLE C. 2629 Olden times in Colorado. L A 1916. O [16] 448 47pls map a DAVIS, CHARLES G. 2630 Ships of the past. Salem 1929. O L12J 170 + adv-p 31pls 12f old. plans at end a also 97 copies on L. P. [DAVIS, DANIEL] 2631 An address to the inhabitants of the District of Maine, upon the subject of their separation from. . . Massachusetts. By one of their fellow citizens. Port Me 1791. O 54 a DAVIS, DUKE 2632 Flashlights from mountains and plain. Bound Brook N J 1911. D [6] 13-266 2pls [not inch in paginat. J a DAVIS, EUGENE, reporter 2633 Can a Negro hold office in Georgia?. . . Arguments . . . and the decision ... in the case of Richard W. White . . . vs. . . . Wm. J. Clemens. Atlanta 1869. O 179 a DAVIS, F[RANKLINl C, pub. 2634 Great western business guide; or, the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago rail- way, and its connections. Phil 1861. 16 284 2 maps pi b Contains route to Pike's Peak. DAVIS, GEORGE 2635 Historical sketch of Sturbridge and South- bridge [Mass.]. West Brooktield 1856. O 233 a DAVIS, GEORGE, b. 1821 2636 Recollections of a sea wanderer's life. . . his trip to California in 1849 NY 1887. D [8] 408[incl.pls] a DAVIS, GEORGE L.-L. 2637 The day-star of American freedom. . . toleration, in the province of Maryland. . . . N Y 1855. D 290 a DAVIS, [COL.] GEORGE T. M. 2638 An authentic account of the massacre of Joseph Smith, the Mormon prophet. ... Si L 1844. O 47 b NYP Y [only 2copies known] DAVIS, COL. GtEORGE] T. M. 2639 Autobiography of. ..: N Y 1891. D 395 a DAVIS, HENRY T. 2640 Solitary places made glad. . . experiences for thirty-two years in Nebraska. Cin 1890. D 422 port a Davis also crossed the plains in 1850 and spent two years in California. DAVIS, HORACE 2641 Record of Japanese vessels driven upon the northwest coast Wore 1872. O 22 pis [DAVIS, CAPT. J. C] 2642 The history of the late expedition to Cuba iV O [1850]. O 64 b — anr. issue, with adds., N O 1850. O [2] 89 a DAVIS, J. J. 2643 History and business directory of Madison county, Iowa. Des M 1869. O 254 a DAVIS, JAMES D. 2644 The history of . . . Memphis. . . . Memphis 1873. D 320 front, a DAVIS, JEFFERSON 2645 Life of: from authentic sources. By a South Carolinian. L 1865. D [4] 96 a 147 DAVIS, JEFFERSON 2646 [DAVIS, PARIS M.?] 2656 The rise and fall of the Confederate An official account of the trial and execu- government. N Y 1881. O 2v: 1.24] 707 + 2 tion of Arbuthnot & Ambrister. . . . n.p. 1825. adv-1.; [20j 808 + 2adv-l. 14maps 19pls a D 45 a DAVIS, JEFFERSON 2647 Speeches delivered during the summer of 1858. Bait 1859. O 56 a Davis issued these ten speeches because of misrepresentations concerning them; he is willing "to stand or fall by their contents." [DAVIS, JOHN] b. 1774 2648 The American mariners. . . . To which are added naval annals. . . . Salisbury Eng L 182 2 J. D [l2] 384 a DAVIS, JOHN, b. 1774 2649 Travels . . . in the United States . . . 1798- 1802. L [ptd Bristol] 1803. O 454 a — rptd., with changes, "Personal adven- tures. . . ," L 1816. roy O 96 ■ — anr. ed., same collat. & impr., 1817. — Am. ed. N Y 1909. O [l2] 429 — anr. ed., ed. J. V. Cheney, B Bibliophile Soc. 1910. O 2v 487copies ptd. DAVIS, J[0HN E.] 2650 Mormonism unveiled ... by a deluded brother of the sect. Bristol Eng 1855. D 48 a — rptd. Bristol 1856; Cardiff 1858. Describes trip from Louisiana to Utah and sojourn there. DAVIS, JOSHUA 2651 Narrative of: an American citizen who was pressed and served on . . . six ships of the British navy B 181 1. D 72 a DAVIS, MATTHEW L. 2652 Memoirs of Aaron Burr. ...NY 1836. O 2v: 436; 453. 2ports facs a — rptd. N Y 1837; N Y 1858. DAVIS, NICHOLAS A. 2653 The campaign from Texas to Maryland. Rich 1863. D 166 2pls a — rev. ed. Houston 1863. O 87 DAVIS, PARIS M. 2654 An authentick history of the late war be- tween the United States and Great Britain Ithaca 1829. D 360 a — rptd., with t.reading "authentic," N Y 1836. D 360 5pls DAVIS, PLARISj M. 2655 The four principal battles of the late war Harrisburg 1832. O 32 pi a Extracted from his Authentick history, above. DAVIS, PARIS M. 2657 An official and full detail of the great battle of New Orleans NY 1836. D 60 pi DAVIS, REUBEN Recollections of Mississippi. . O [6] 446 port a — rptd., same impr.: 1890; 1891. 2658 .B 1889. DAVIS, ROBERT 2659 The Canadian farmer's travels in the United States But 1837. D 108 a Visited Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. [DAVIS, SAMUEL B.] 2660 Escape of a Confederate officer from prison Norfolk Va 1892. D 72 a Includes later service under Wirz at Andersonville prison. DAVIS, STEPHEN 2661 Notes of a tour in America. . . . Edin 1833. 18° 150 a DAVIS, WILLIAM HEATH 2662 Sixty years in California S F 1889. O [22] 639 a — anr. ed. with adds., "Seventy-five years in California." S F 1929. Q [32j 422 44maps & pis several issues, all ltd.; the Argonaut ed., of lOOcopies, has add. pis & p. of au's original MS. Most valuable Californian reminiscences. DAVIS, WILLIAM J., ed. The partisan rangers of the Confederate States army. . . . See Johnson, Adam R. 2663 the American whale- DAVIS, WILLIAM M. Nimrod of the sea, man. N Y 1874. O 403 a DAVIS, WILLIAM W. The civil war and reconstruction in Florida. N Y 1913. O [24] 769 a 2664 DAVIS, WILLIAM W. H. 2665 El Gringo; or, New Mexico and her people. N Y 1857. D 432 front, a DAVIS, W[|LLIAM] W. H. 2666 The history of Bucks county, Pennsyl- vania Doylestown 1876. O 875 [541 39pls & maps a — ed. 2, N Y 1905. O 3v DAVIS, WILLIAM W. H. 2667 The Spanish conquest of New Mexico. Doylestown Pa 1869. O 438 map port a 148 Davis — Day DAVIS, WINFIELD J. 2668 History of political conventions in Cali- fornia Sacr 1893. O [6] 711 errata slip a [DAVISON, GIDEON M.] 2669 The fashionable tour: or, a trip to the Springs, Niagara Saratoga 18 22. 24° 165 a — rptd., same impr.: 1825; 1828; 1830; 1833; 1834. — later eds., au. named, "The traveller's guide through the middle and northern states," same impr. 1837; 1840; 1848. — Fr. ed. "Tournee a la mode dans les rStats-Unis," P 1839. O [8] 199 map — anr. Fr. ed. "Voyage aux Etats-Unis ...," P 1834. map Later editions contained map and plates. [DAVISON, GIDEON M.] 2670 Routes and tables of distances ... in the Traveller's guide through the northern and middle states. . . . Saratoga Springs 1833. 16° 24 fold. map a DAVISON 2671 Davison and adjoining counties [DakotaJ. Carefully compiled facts concerning:. . . . [Mitchell 1883]. O [6incl. wrapper t. & 2 adv-p] 6 24 + 3adv-p a [DAVYDOV, GAVRILLA I.] 2672 Dvukratnoe puteshestvie v. Ameriku. . . . St Ptbg 1810-12. D 2v: 287; 234 b NYP WashU Y — Ger. ed. "Reise der . . . flottenofficiers . . .von durch Sibirien nach Amerika. . . ," Berlin 1816. b NYP Y Account of two voyages to Alaska, the Aleutian islands, etc. DAWSON, HENRY B., et al 2678 Major-Genera 1 Israel Putnam. . . . Morris- ania N Y 1860. O 169 a 250copies ptd[some burned] DAWSON, HENRY, B., ed. 2679 Record of the trial of Joshua Hett Smith, Esq., for. . . complicity in the treason of Benedict Arnold. Morrisania 1866. O [6] 116 a 50copies ptd. DAWSON, HENRY B., and 2680 DAVIS, WILLIAM J. Reminiscences of New York City.. ..NY 1859. D 350 a 50copies ptd. DAWSON, HENRY B. 2681 The Sons of Liberty in New York.[iV y] 1859. O 118 a For private circulation. DAWSON, HENRY B. 2682 Westchester county, N. Y., during the.. . revolution. Morrisania 1886. Q [6] 281 map port a 500copies ptd. DAWSON, MOSES 2683 A historical narrative of the civil and military services of Major General Harrison Cin 1824. O [8] 464 [8] errata slip a Not only the principal contemporary authority on Harrison, but also one of the most exhaustive and dependable sources on events of the war of 1812 in the western country, Tecumseh's uprising, etc. A few copies on Large — and thinner — Paper. DAWSON, NICHOLAS ["CHEYENNE"] 2684 California in '41. Texas in '51. [Austin ca 190 1]. D 119 [5] port b NYP Y — rptd. "Narrative of . . . "Cheyenne" Daw- son," S F Grabhorn 1933. O [l2] 100 [7] a [DAWES, MATTHEW] 2673 A letter to Lord Chatham, concerning the present war L[l776?]. O 60 a DAWES, THOMAS, JR. 2674 An oration. . . to commemorate the bloody tragedy of the 5th of March, 1770. B 1781. Q23 a DAWSON, SARAH M. 2685 A Confederate girl's diary. B. 1913 D [20] 440 [2] 8pls a DAWSON, THOMAS F., and 2686 SKIFF, F. J. V. The Ute war: a history of the White River massacre [etc.] Denver 1879. O 184 + 8adv-p c N NYP Y DAWSON, CHARLES 2675 Pioneer tales of the Oregon trail and Jefferson county, Nebraska. Topeka 1912. O 488 map pi a DAWSON, FRANCIS W. 2676 Reminiscences of Confederate service. Charleston S C 1882. O 180 a lOOcopies ptd DAWSON, HENRY B. 2677 The assault on Stony Point. . . . Morrisania V Y 1863. O [8] 156 250copies a DAY, SAMUEL P. 2687 Down south; or, an Englishman's ex- perience at the seat of the American war. L 1862. D 2v: 827[paged continuously] a DAY, SHERMAN Historical collections of. ....N Hav 1843. O 708 a 2688 Pennsylvania 149 DAY, THOMAS 2689 Reflections upon the present state of England, and the independence of America. L 1782. O [4] 102 2adv-p a Day — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — ed. 3, with adds., L 1783. O [2] 129 — several other eds. Acknowledgment of American independ- ence England's best policy. DAY, WILLIAM 2690 Slavery in America L 1841. D 84 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O 94 DAYS Days forever flown. See Haselhurst, Mrs. May A. DAYS Days of yore; or shadows of the past. By the ancient lady. See Poyas, Mrs. Eliz. A. DEAN, HENRY C. 2691 Crimes of the civil war Bait 1868. O [8] 512 a — anr. ed. same impr. 1869. O [8] 539 DEAN, JAMES 2692 An alphabetical atlas, or gazetteer of Vermont Montpelier 1808. O 44 a DEAN (CAPT. JOHN) and company 2693 Narrative of the sufferings . . . of: in the Nottingham-Galley . . . cast away on Boon Island, near New England L [l71l], D [6] 23 b H NYP —Am. ed. B 1711. Ob — later Eng. eds., with adds., all L. O: 1726; 1727; 1730; 1738. a — Am. ed. Morrisania N Y 1863. O [8] 156 For another account, blaming Captain Dean, see Langman, Christopher. DEAN, JOHN W., ed. 2694 Captain John Mason, founder of New Hampshire B Prince Society 1887. sm Q [l4] 492 map 2pls tab a 250copies ptd. DE ANDREIS, THE VERY REV. FELIX Sketches of the life of: See Semeria, J. B. [DEANE, CHARLES] ed. 2695 Records of the council for New England. C 1867. O 10 [16] 11-83 a DEANE, SAMUEL 2696 History of Scituate, Massachusetts.. . . B 1831. O [4] 406 [2] a Many copies burned — rptd. 1899. DEANE, SILAS 2697 An address to the . . . citizens of the United States Hart 1784. D 30 a — Eng. ed., with adds., t. altered, L 1784. O [4] 95 — rptd. N Lond 1784. O 54; anr. issue, Q 38 DEANE, SILAS 2698 Papers in relation to the case of: now first published from the original manuscripts. Phil Seventy-Six Soc. 1855. O [4] 17-201 [4] a DEANE, SILAS 2699 Paris papers . . . intercepted letters to his brothers NY [l782]. D [l2 32] 141 [2 24, i.e.34] b AA JCB NYP The publication of these private letters [advocating reconciliation with England] ruined Deane with his countrymen. They were written in the heat of bitterness en- gendered by the suspicions of Congress as to his conduct in buying war supplies in France and had appeared first in a Tory journal of 1781. For separate printing of the appendix, see Declaration (A) of independence . DEARBORN, H[ENRY] A. S. 2700 Defence of Gen. Henry Dearborn, against the attack of Gen. William Hull. B 1824. O 28 a Hull's alibi for surrendering Detroit was that Dearborn failed to keep the British occupied at Niagara. DEARBORN, H[ENRY] A. S. 2701 Letters on the internal improvements and commerce of the west. B Lewis 1839. O 75 a — anr. issue, B Dutton, etc. 1839. O 119 DEARBORN, NATHANIEL 2702 Boston notions. . . account of "that vil- lage" from 1630 to 1847 B 1848. 18° [20] 7-426 [2] 30pls a DEATHERAGE, CHARLES P. 270: Early history of greater Kansas City.. Vol. I [all]. K C 1927. roy O 700 map a DEATON, E. L. 270- Indian fights on the Texas frontier. . . . Hamilton Tex 1894. O 199 port[on cover] a — rptd. Ft Worth 1927. O [l4] 161 DEATON, L. B. 270 Eleven months of exile life in southern Illinois. Chi priv. ptd. 1862. O 128 a DEBAR, J. H. 270 The West Virginia handbook and immi- grant's guide Parkersburg 1870. O 200 fold, map a DE BARTHE, JOE 270 The life and adventures of Frank Grouard St Joseph Mo [1894]. O 545 67pls a — rptd., without pis, Buffalo Wyo n.d. DEBOUCHEL, V. 270 Histoire de la Louisiane NO 1841. D 197 a 150 De Bow — Declaration DE BOW, J[AMES] D. B. 2709 The industrial resources of the southern and western states NO 1852-53. O 3v: [8] 464; [4] 560; [4] 584 [10] a — Eng. ed. L 1854. O 3v — ed. 2, "Encyclopaedia of the trade. . . of the United States, more particularly of the southern and western states. . . ," N Y 1854. O 2v — ed. 3, "The industrial resources. . . of the United States. ..."NY 1854. O 3v in 1 — anr. issue [in part], "Cotton commerce and the southern states," Wash & N O 1856. O 560 — issued also under t.: "The southern states. . . ," Wash same date & collat. [DE BOW, JAMES D. B.] 2710 The interest in slavery of the southern non-slaveholder. . . . Charleston S C 1860 O 30 a [DE BOW, JAMES D. B.] 2711 The political annals of South Carolina. Charleston S C 1854. O 50 a DE BOW, J[AMES] D. B., ed. 2712 Statistical view of the United States. . . a compendium of the Seventh Census.. . . Wash 1854. O 400 map a DE BRAHM, JOHN G. W. 2713 History of the province of Georgia. . . . Worms loe Ga [Phil ptd] 1849. Q 57 6maps a 49 copies ptd. Written in 1772, but here first printed. [DEBRAY, COL. X. B.] 2714 A sketch of the history of Debray's (26th) regiment of Texas cavalry. Austin 1884. O 26 a DECALVES [or De Calves], 2715 DON ALONSO, pseud. New travels to the westward, or, unknown parts of America. Being a tour of almost fourteen months. Containing an account of the country, upwards of two thousand miles west of the Christian parts of North-America B Folsom [1788]. D [lo] 7-44 c AA Hn — anr. ed. Norwich 1788. D 34 [Evans erroneously lists a 1789 Norwich ed.] b Y — rptd. Norwich 1790. b — anr. ed. n.p. 1795. 16° [2] 58 b — other eds.: [Dover N h] 1796. O 34; N Lond 1796. D 36; Norwich [l796]; B [l796] a — anr. ed. with added "History of Charles Mortimer," n.p. 1797. D 81 a — other eds.: Hudson 1797; Rutland 1797; Sc/ienectac/y 1797; Hudson 1799; Hudson 1801; Hart 1801; Banbury 1802; Lex 1802; Cooperstown 1803; Greenwich Mass 1805. — Ger. ed. "Eine ganz neue und sehr merk- wurdige Reisebeschreibung. . . ," Phil 1796. DECALVES [or De Calves], 2716 DON ALONSO, pseud. Travels to the westward, or the unknown parts of America. . . 1786-7. Containing an account of the country to the westward of the . . . Mississippi Keene N H 1794. D 35 b JCB — ed. 2, Keene, for the purchaser, 1795. O 35 b AA JCB — anr. issue, Keene Blake & Co. 1795. D 35 b JCB — anr. ed. Port Me 1796. D 28 a — anr. ed. "2nd Dover ed." [for 1st Dover ed. of 1796 see, above, under "New travels "] [Dover 1797]. O 39 — anr. ed. "3rd Dover ed. " [Dover 1797?]. D 41 — anr. ed. Rutland 1797. D 48 — anr. ed. Windsor 1797. D 36 Decalves gives the fantastic narrative of an overland trip from New Orleans to the northwest coast in 1786-7. The journey described was undoubtedly imaginary and consequently he did not obtain, as claimed, from John Vandeleur's lips the story of his 7-year captivity among the Indians of the northwest coast; but the Vandeleur story, incorporated in all editions of the Decalves' narrative, undoubtedly has factual basis. For other accounts of it see Van Leason, James, A narrative of a voyage, and Vandeleur, John, A history of the voyages [etc. J. DECATUR... AND BARRON 2717 Decatur, Commodore Stephen, and Barron, Commodore James. Correspondence between: B 1820. O 22 a — anr. ed. Wash 1820. O 26 — other eds. Rich n.d. O; Charleston S C 1820. O Led to the famous duel in which Decatur was killed. DECATUR, ILLINOIS 2718 History of: Decatur 1871. O 51 a DECENNIUM Decennium luctuosum. Cotton. See Mather, 2719 wurdige 1 O 82 [2] iDECKER, WILLIAM R. (MUSTANG BILL)] Our great Indian war. The miraculous lives of Mustang Bill, and Miss Marion Fan- nin. . . among the hostile Sioux. . . . Phil Barclay n.d. [l876?]. O [2] 19-78 [2] [incl. pis] a — rptd. same impr.[l88l]; 1885. DECLARATION 2720 Declaration (The) and address of His Majesty's suffering loyalists to the people of America. L 1782. Q [6] 32 a 151 Declaration — Defence DECLARATION (A) 2721 Declaration (A) by the representatives of the United States ... in general congress assembled. Phil Dunlap [l776]. Broadside, d NYP 4copies known First printing of the Declaration of Inde- pendence [of July 4th, 1776]. For its first printing in book form, see Bryan, Samuel. DECLARATION (A) 2722 Declaration (A) of independence ... at Philadelphia in 1776. With a counter- declaration [n Y 1782?]. D [2] 24[i.e. 34] b LC Tory propaganda; issued both separately and as an appendix to another Tory pamphlet of the same year, Silas Dearie's Paris papers. DECLARATION (THE) 2723 Declaration (The) of the representatives of the United Colonies. . . setting forth the causes ... of their taking up arms Phil * Bradford 1775. O 13 a — other 1775 Am. eds.: Bristol; Newport; Watertown. — 1776 Am. eds.: Newport; Salem. — Eng. ed., with adds., L 1775. O [6] 3-32 The London edition was secretly issued, with no printer shown, as propaganda for American sympathizers. DE CORDOVA, j[ACOB] 2724 Lecture on Texas Phil 1858. D 32 a DE CORDOVA, JACOB 2725 Lectures on Texas and cotton cultivation L 1858. O 58 a — anr. ed. "Texas; her capabilities ," Manch 1858. D 114 DE CORDOVA, j[ACOB] 2726 The State of Texas; her capabilities. . . . Galv [1858?]. D 68 a — enl. ed. "Texas: her resources. .. ," Phil 1858. D 372 — anr. issue, same impr. & date, with 7-p. index added. Intended as a companion to the author's separately printed map published by Colton, New York, 1857. An earlier form of this map, by Creuzbar, prepared in 1847, copy- righted in 1848 and engraved by J. M. At- wood in New York, was published by De Cordova, Houston, 1849. DE CORDOVA, j[ACOB] 2727 The Texas immigrant and traveller's guide book. Austin 1856. D 103 a DE COSTA, BENJAMIN F. 2728 A narrative of events at Lake George. . . to the close of the revolution. N Y 1868. O 75 a 75copies ptd DE COSTA, B[ENJAMIN] F. 2729 The Northmen in Maine Alb 1870. O 146 a DE COSTA, B[ENJAMIN] F. 2730 The pre-Columbian discovery of America by the Northmen A lb 1868. O [62] 11-118 map a — ed. 2, same impr. 1890. O 196 map plan — anr. ed. same impr. 1901. O 230 map DE COSTA, B[ENJAMIN] F. 2731 Sketches of the coast of Maine NY 1869. Q 231 P l a 24copies ptd DE COSTA, BENJAMIN F. 2732 Verrazano the explorer: a vindication N Y 1880. [cover t.l88l]. Q 82 3maps 2ports DE COURCY, HENRY 2733 The Catholic church in the United States .... Translated and enlarged by John G. Shea. N Y 1856. D 591 a — ed. 2, N Y 1857. same collat. DEEDES, HENRY 2734 Sketches of the south and west. . . . L 1869. O [6] 170 a Travelled through the South, to Chicago, etc.; shows decided Southern sympathy. DEERFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS A brief sketch of the first settlement of: .... By one of the descendants of the first settlers. . . . See Koyt, Elihu. DEERING, RICHARD 2735 Louisville, her commercial. . . advantages. Including. . . history Louisv 1859. O 99 a DEFEBAUGH, JAMES E. 2736 History of the lumber industry in America. Chi 1906-09. O 4v pis DEFENCE (A) 2737 Defence (A) of southern slavery ... in which much of the false philanthropy and mawkish sentimentalism of the abolitionists is. . . refuted. By a southern clergyman. Hamburg S C 1851. O 46 [2] a DEFENCE Defence of the alien and sedition laws. . . By Virginiensis. See Lee, Chas. DEFENCE (A) 2738 Defence (A) of the American Congress in reply to Taxation no tyranny. By the author of Regulus. . . . L Williams n.d. O 92 a DEFENCE (A) 2739 Defence (A) of the people. . . confutation of . . . a late huge, angry pamphlet called Faction detected L 1744. O [2] 150 a 152 Defence — Delafleld For pamphlet attacked, see Perceval, John. DEFENCE (A) 2740 Defence (A) of the Resolutions and address of the American congress, in reply to Taxation no tyrrany. . . .L [1775J. O [2j 96 a DEFENCE (A) Defence (A) of the treaty . . . between the United States and Great Britain By Camillus. See Hamilton, Alex. DEFENSE Defense des Recherches philosophiques sur les Americains. Par M. de P. . . .See Pauw, M. Corneille de. DEFINITIVE TREATY 274) Definitive treaty (The) between Great Britain and the United States . . . signed at Paris, the 3rd day of September 1783. n.p. 1783. O 22 b Clem JCB Y — Eng. ed. L 1783. O 12 a Though not formally ratified until January 14, 1784, the terms embodied in this pre- liminary printing first acknowledged to the world the existence of the United States as a nation. On the title-page was shown its seal — the eagle device and "E pluribus unum" — its first appearance, unless pre- ceded by the French edition of the Consfi- tutions of the several states, printed at Paris the same year. DEFINITIVE TREATY (THE) 2742 Definitive treaty (The). . . between His 3ritannick Majesty, the most Christian king, and the King of Spain. . . at Paris, the 10th I day of February, 1763 L 1763. Q 48 b , AA NYP Y — Am. ed. Charlestown 1763. Q [4] 3-13 a — Fr. tr. P 1763. Q a — Sp. & Fr. tr. Madrid 1763. Q — Portuguese tr. Lis 1763. Q These peace terms, by which France re- linquished her North American claims and Spain ceded Florida, gave England un- disputed possession of the territory of the present United States from the Mississippi to the Atlantic. For preliminary arrangement, signed the year previous at Fontainebleau, see Preliminary articles ol peace. . . . [DEFOE, DANIEL] 2743 The case of Protestant dissenters in Carolina L 1706. Q 42, 67 b N NYP NYS Contains fourteen tracts at end including John Ash's The present state of affairs in Carolina, first published in 1682. [DEFOE, DANIEL] 2744 Party-tyranny. . . as now practised in Carolina L 1705. Q [2] 30 b Y DE FOREST, JOHN W. 2745 History of the Indians of Connecticut. . . . Hart 1851. O [26] 509 map a — rptd., same collat., .Hart 1852; Hart 1853; Alb 1871. Best account of these tribes. DE FOREST, T. R. 2746 Olden time in New York NY 1833. D 54 a DEFOURI, JAMES H. 2747 Historical sketch of the Catholic church in New Mexico [and Arizona!. S F 1887. O 164 a DEFOURI, JAMES H. 2748 The martyrs of New Mexico. . . lives and deaths of the earliest missionaries in the territory Las Vegas 1893. O [4] 78 a DE GROOT, HENRY 2749 Sketches of the Washoe silver mines. . . . S F 1860. O 24 + 4adv-p b N Y Earliest tract on Nevada; issued before that Territory was officially established. De Groot also published, in 1884, his sixteen- page Recollections of California mining life. DE HASS, CARL 2750 Wisconsin Elberfield Ger 1848. D 92 map pi a — rptd. same impr. 1849. D 140 map pi DE HASS, WILLS 2751 History of the early settlement and Indian wars of western Virginia. . . . Wheeling 1851. O 416 5pls a Valuable compilation based on reliable sources. DE KRAFFT, JOHANN C. P. VON 2752 Journal . . . 1776-1784. N Y 1888. O [8] 217 [10] 6pls a War diary of a Hessian officer. DELAFIELD, JOHN 2753 A brief topographical description of the county of Washington, in. . . Ohio. N Y 1834. O 39 pi a First Ohio county history. DELAFIELD, JOHN 2754 An inquiry into the origin of the antiqui- ties of America N Y 1839. Q 102 105-142 llpls[lfold.] a — anr. issue, same collat., Cin 1839. The folding plate — 18 feet long — is usually lacking. DELAFIELD, MAJOR JOSEPH 2755 The unfortified boundary. A diary of the first survey of the Canadian boundary line from St. Regis to the Lake of the Woods. . . . 153 Delaney — Demophilus N Y 1943. O [l2] 491 13maps &, pls[some fold.] a lOOOcopies ptd. DELANEY, CALDWELL 2756 Deep south. Mobile 1942. O 72 1. [incl. front. & pis] a 200copies ptd. DELANEY, MRS. MATILDA J. 2757 A survivor's recollections of the Whitman massacre. [Spokane ca 1920]. D 46 port a DELANO, ALONZO 2758 Life on the plains and among the diggings. Auburn 1854. D 384 4pls no mention on t-p of no. of thousands ptd a — rptd. NY 1854; 1857; 1859; 1861. One of the best "forty niner" narratives. 2759 Sacr 1856. O [DELANO, ALONZO] Old Block's sketch book. fc] 78 [incl. plsjb NYP Y [DELANO, ALONZO] 2760 Pen knife sketches; or chips of the Old Block Sacr 1853. O 112 [incl. pis] b N Y — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. a — rptd. S F [Grabhorn] 1934. a DELANO, JUDAH 2761 The Washington [d. C.] directory Wash 1822. 16° [20] 13-148 a First directory of this city. DELANO, REUBEN 2762 Wanderings and adventures of: . . . twelve years on a whaleship. Wore 1846. O [4] 13- 102 3pls a — rptd. N Y 1846. O DELAPLAINE, JOSEPH] pub. 2763 Delaplaine's repository of the lives and portraits of distinguished American charac- ters. Phil 1815-[l6]. Q 2v in l[all]: [l6] 223; 148. front. 18ports a [DELAVAN, JAMES] 2764 Notes on California and the placers. . . . N Y 1850. O 128 2pls b LC Y DELAWARE The biographical history of Dionysius, tyrant of: By Timoleon. See Tilton, James. DELAWARE (THE) 2765 Brief sketch of the military operations on: during the late war Phil 1820. D 96 map DELAWARE Ways and means for the inhabitants of: become rich. See Rawle, Francis. DE LEON, EDWIN , 2766 La verite sur les Etats Confederes. . . . P 1862. O 32 port a Propaganda pamphlet by a Confederate agent to induce French recognition. DE LEON, THOMAS C. 2767 Belles, beaux and brains of the 60's. N Y [1909 ]. O [20] 9-464 port a Binding of issue gold-stamped DE LEON, THOMAS C. 2768 Four years in rebel capitals. . . . Mobile 1890. O 376 a — rptd., same impr., 1892. O 12 376 port DELESSERT, EUGENE 2769 Voyages dans les deux oceans. .. 1844 a 1847. Bresil, Etats-Unis P 1848. O [8] 326 [2] 2maps 15pls a DE L'ISLE, or DELISLE, JOSEPH NICOLAS See L'Isle, Jos. N. DELLE LETTERE Delle lettere Americane. See Carli, Giovanni R. DEMBY, J. W. The war in Arkansas. 1864. 16° 64 a 2770 . .Little Rock DEMEUNIER, JEAN N. 2771 L'Amerique independante. . . avec un precis de l'histoire de chaque province. . . . Ghent 1790. O 3v: [2] 231; [2] 196; [2] 226 [4J. map a — suppl. [to above], Ghent 1791. O [2] 120 DEMEUNIER, JEAN N. 2772 Essai sur les Etats-Unis. P 1786. Q [2] 89 a [DEMING, EBENEZER]? 2773 Western emigration- a narrative of a tour to. . . "Edensburgh" [Illinois] by Major Walter Wilkey N Y Sackett.etc. 1839. O 24[incl. front.] a — anr. issue, same collat. & date, N Y Claiborne. Imaginary tour to, and residence in, an imaginary town, written as a burlesque ex- pose of emigration projects. DEMOCRATIC... CONVENTION 2774 Democratic national convention of 1860 ... at Charleston and Baltimore. . . .Clev 1860. O 188 a DEMOPHILUS, pseud. The genuine principles of the ancient . . . English constitution. . . . See Bryan, Saml. 154 Denison De Roos DENISON, E. S. 2775 Yosemite and the big trees. . . . S F [l88l]. 104 lo [incL2maps & 50pls] no text a DENKSCHRIFTEN 2776 Denkschriften der russischen geograph- ischen Gessellschaft zu St. Petersburg. Vol. 1 [all]. Weimar 1849. O [6] 652 4maps a Contains account of Sagoskin's voyage to the islands of the northwestern coast. [DENNIS, L. P.] 2777 An address to the people of Maryland, on the origin ... of French aggression. . . . Phil 1798. O 78 [4] a DENNY, ARTHUR A. 2778 Pioneer days on Puget sound. Seattle 1888. D 83 errata slip a — rptd. Seattle 1908. D 103 [l3] map 36pls DENNY, MAJOR EBENEZER 2779 Military journal of: . . . in the revolutionary and Indian wars. Phil 1859. O 288 port a DENNY (GEORGE) 2780 Denny (George); or sketches of life in the ! far west. By Chinquopin. S F 1856. D 80 a DENSON, A. C[LARK] 2781 Westmoreland: or secession ferocity. . . . St L 1865. D 48 a Account of the firing by Federals into the civilian steamboat "Westmoreland," near Memphis, in 1862. DENSON, JESSE 2782 The chronicles of Andrew. . . account of General Jackson's victories. . . . Lex 1815. D 35 a — anr. ed., priority not established, Mill- edgeville Ga 1815. D 38 — for rpt. see Hillard, Isaac, "A wonderful and horrible thing. ..." [l822 ed.]. DENTAN, REV. 2783 Voyage du missionaire. . . . Lausanne 1838. O 29 fold. map b Worked among the Indians at Mackinac, Prairie du Chien, etc. DENVER CITY 2784 Denver City and Auraria, the commercial emporium of the Pike's Peak gold region in 1859. [St L I860]. D 44 [incl. advs.] map pi b ColH Hn — anr. issue, with more advs., carries paginat. to 75 b S — reprint in facs of the 44-p issue, [Glen- dale 1942]. a DENVER Directory of. [l2] 18-264 a 2785 Denver 1873. O DENVER Denver, Utah, [etc.]. Guide to: Woolworth, S. B. DE PAUW, M. Dissertation sur l'Amerique . . . de: See Pernety, Antoine J. D. [DE PEYSTER, ARENT S.] 2786 Miscellanies; by an officer. Vol. I [all]. Dumfries 1813. Q 277 b OHP N NYP — rptd., with large adds., N Y 1888. O 2pts in 1: 80; 202 [6], map plan 4pls a By the British commander of forts Detroit and Niagara in the revolution. Pages 232- 77 relate chiefly to affairs in the Old Northwest. DePEYSTER, JOHN W. 2787 Personal and military history of Philip Kearny. ...NY 1869. O [6] 516 5pls a De PEYSTER, JOHN W. 2788 La royal. N Y 1872-4. O 7pts in 2v: 70; 150. 2maps 2ports a lOOcopies ptd. Military analysis of the final operations of the Army of the Potomac, severely critical of Grant. DE PUY, HENRY W. 2789 Ethan Allen and the Green-mountain heroes of '76. . . . Bui 1853. D 428 map 2 ports a — anr. issue, same date & collat., B — rptd. N Y 1860. same collat. DE 0UILLE, DAN [pseud.] History of the big bonanza. See Wright, Wm. DE QUILLE, DAN [pseud.] A history of the Comstock silver lode. . . . See, Wright, Wm. DERBY, E[LIAS] HfASKET] 2790 The overland route to the Pacific. . . . £? 1869. O 97 a Day-by-day journal of observations on a trip over the Union Pacific and Central Pacific lines. [DeRENNE, GEORGE W. -J.] 2791 Observations on Doctor Stevens's History of Georgia. Sav [Phil ptd] 1849. O 28 a 105 copies ptd[5 on L. P.] DERIENNI (THE) Derienni (The); or, land pirates of the isthmus. . . . See Orton, A. R. DE ROOS, FREDERICK] F. 2792 Personal narrative of travels in the United States and Canada. . . . L 1827. O [l2] 207 14pls & plans a 155 De Ryee — De Smet — ed. 2, same iinpr., date & collat. — ed. 3, same impr. & date. O [ 12] 235 14 pis & plans DE RYEE, WILLIAM, and 2793 MOORE, R. E. The Texas album, of the eighth legisla- ture. . . . Austin 1860. O 198 unnumb. I. 99 photos b DES BARRES, JOSEPH F. W. 2794 The Atlantic neptune. L 1774-82. F 4v in 2 \6 t-p, 2 contents 1., 2 reference 1., 6 ptd sheets] 93mapsLon 184sheets] 140views[on 46sheets] dd LC — Ital. ed. "Atlante novissimo," Venice 1775-85. F 4v 218maps c Executed at the expense of the British government. Probably the most magnificent collection of views and hydrographic charts ever published. Certainly the best American maps of the revolutionary period. The num- ber of maps varies in different copies, as do the even rarer views, many of which are finely colored. Any copy collating approxi- mately as above is desirable. DES BARRES, JOSEPH F. W. 2795 A statement. . . Respecting his services. The utility of his . . . Atlantic neptune. . . . n.p. [l795]. F [10] 99 b JC13 NYP DE SCHWEINITZ, EDMUND A. 2796 The life and times of David Zeisberger Phil 1870. O 747 a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1871. DESCRIPTION 2797 Description. . . of the air-ship City of New York. . . to be employed in aerial voyages to Europe NY 1859. 16° 24 a DESCRIPTION (A) 2798 Description (A) of the English and French territories, in North America ... an expla- nation of a new map. . . . Dub 1755. O 28 plan — anr. ed., same impr. 1756. D 32 fold. map plan DESCRIPTION (A) Description (A) of the golden islands. . . . See Montgomery, Sir Robt. [DESGEORGES, ABBEl^ a 2799 Monseigneur Flaget, Eveque de Bardstown et Louisville P 1851. O 328 port a — anr. ed., au. 'named, P 1855. O 388 See also Grelische, Henry. DE SHIELDS, JAMES T. 2800 Border wars of Texas. Tioga Tex 1912. O 400 a DE SHIELDS, JAMES T. 2801 Cynthia Ann Parker. The story of her cap- ture at the massacre of the inmates of Parker's Fort. . . her recapture [etc.]. St L 1886. D 80 front. 3ports a — rptd. San Antonio 1934. D DE SHIELDS, JAMES T. 2802 Frontier sketches. St L 1883. D 80 a DESLANDES, LE CHEVALIER 2803 Discours sur la grandeur et l'importance de la revolution. . . dans 1'Amerique Septen- trionale. Frankf 1785. D [8] 6-183 a DE SMET, [PIERRE-JEANl 2804 Cinquante nouvelles lettres. P 1858. D LlO] 502 errata-1. a — rptd. Brus 1860. 18° — Eng. tr., see, below "Western mis- sions. ..." IDE SMET, PIERRE-JEAN] et al 2805 Indian missions . . . under the care of the Missouri Province of the Society of Jesus. Phil 1841. D 34 b N Y His first and rarest book; consists of translations from the Lyons edition of Annates de la propagation de la foi. DE SMET, PIERRE-JEAN 2806 Letters and sketches; with a narrative of a year's residence among Indian tribes of the Rocky mountains. Phil 1843. D [l2 incl. front.] 13-252 llother pis & fold, allegori- cal 1. a — anr. issue with paginat.: 244 L 1 2 J — Fr. ed. see below, "Voyages aux Montagnes Rocheuses." DE SMET, [PIERRE-JEAN] 2807 De Smet et Vercruyse, P. P., missionaires beiges aux montagneuses rocheuses. Let- tres des: Ghent n.d. 16 48 map a DE SMET, PIERRE-JEAN 2808 New Indian sketches. N Y 1863. 16° 175 [incl. front. J pi. a — rptd. 1865, 1870, 1881, 1885. DE SMET, PIERRE-JEAN 2809 Oregon missions and travels over the Rocky mountains, 1845-6. N Y 1847. D 408 [incl. front. & eng.t.] [4] map 12pls a — same, later issue, pis omitted — Fr. tr., with adds., by De Smet, Ghent [1848], D [6 incl.eng.t. 14] 9-389 3maps 15pls — rptd. 1849. same impr. & collat. — anr. Fr. tr. by Bourlez, P 1848. D [8 incl. eng.t.] 7-408 13pls — Dutch tr. Ghenf 1849. D 423[incl.front. & eng.t.] 3maps 14pls 156 De Smet — Dew DE SMET, PIERRE-JEAN 2810 Voyage au Grand-Desert, en 185 L Brus 1853. 18° 2pts in lv: 36; 71. b Bibliot. Royal, Brussels S — rptd. in his "Cinquante nouvelles let- tres," above. DE SMET, PIERRE-JEAN 2811 Voyages aux Montagnes Rocheuses. . . . Malines 1844. D [4] [3-6] 304 port map 18 pis a — several other Fr. eds. and one Ital. ed. appeared before 1860. — Eng. ed. see above, "Letters and sketches." — Ger tr. St L 1865. D [4] 220 — Dutch tr. Deventer [l844?]. D DE SMET, PIERRE-JEAN 2812 Western missions and missionaries. N Y Kirker 1863. D [4] 7-532 a — rptd., same collat. with port, added, N Y Strong [ca 1870] — anr. ed., same collat., port., N Y Kenedy n.d. Translation of his "Cinquante nouvelles lettres," above. Publication intended earlier, as shown by 1859copyright date, but delayed till 1863 because of the business failure of the original publisher. Sabin erroneously attributes a portrait to the 1863 edition; it is only found LinsertedJ in presentation copies. DESPOTISM Despotism; or, the last days of the Ameri- can republic. By invisible Sam. See Vose, Reuben. [DESSAUSURE, HENRY W.] 2813 Letters on justice. . . . Charleston S C 1795. O 33 a [DESSAUSURE, HENRY W.] 2814 Notes on the finances of South Carolina. Charleston S C [l799]. O 32 2tabs errata 1. a Ascribed also to Judge William Johnson. DESTIN Destin (Le) de l'Amerique. . . . See Cerisier, Antoine M. DETALLE Detalle de las operaciones ocurrida en la defensa de la capital. . . . See Santa-Anna, Antonio Lopez de. DETROIT Sketches of the city of:. . . . See Roberts, Robt. E. DETROIT RIOT 2816 Detroit riot (The late). A thrilling narra- tive . . . of: Det 1863 O 24 a Race riot, with great destruction of property. DE TUMULTIBUS De tumultibus Americanis. . . . See Bent- ham, Edw. DEUTHER, CHARLES G. 2817 The life and times of. . .John Timon, first Roman Catholic Bishop of... Buffalo. Buf 1870. O 338 2pls a Includes his missionary activities in Missouri and Texas, 1819-1842. DEUTSCHEN Deutschen (Die) in Amerika. Berlin 1859. See Hollenberg, W. N. DEUX-PONTS, WILLIAM DE 2818 My campaigns in America. . . 1780-1. B 1868. O [l8] 176 150 copies a 25 copies on L. P. DE VEAUX, S[AMUEL] 2819 The falls of Niagara, or tourist's guide Bui 1839. 18° [8] 17-169 map 4pls a — rptd. many times as "The travellers' own book. . . " [DEVENS, SAMUEL A.] 2820 Sketches of Martha's Vineyard B 1838. 16° [8] 208 a Includes travels into Maine, New York, Virginia, etc. DEVINNY, V. 2821 The story of a pioneer. . . incidents per- taining to the early settlement of Colorado. Denver 1904. D 164 pis a DESULTORY REFLECTIONS 2815 Desultory reflections on the new political aspects of public affairs NY 1800. O 2pts: 62; 83 a — rptd. Phil 1800. O 26 DETAIL (THE) Detail (The) and conduct of the American war See View (A) of the evidence rela- tive to the conduct of the American war. DETAIL (A) Detail (A) of some particular services... in America. . . . See Town, Ithiel. DEVOL, GEORGE H. 2822 Forty years a gambler on the Mississippi. Cin 1887. O 300 a — rptd. N Y 1892. same collat. DE V0T0, BERNARD 2823 Across the wide Missouri. . . . B 1947. O [28] 483 81pls[some col.] on 48sheets a — also 265 signed copies. DEW, THOMAS R. 2824 Review of the debate [on slavery aboli- tion] in the Virginia legislature of 1831-2. Rich 1832. O 133 a 157 Dewees — Dickenson — rptd., same collat., Wash 1833. — ed. 2, "An essay on slavery," Rich 1849. O 115 DEWEES, F[RANCIS] P. 2825 The Molly Maguires Phil 1877. O [6 9-ll] 9-380[incl. map] a DEWEES, WILLIAM B. 2826 Letters from an early settler of Texas. . . . Louisv 1852. D 312 250 copies a — anr. ed. Louisv 1854. D 312 4maps & pis — anr. ed. [called 2nd ed. ] Louisv [ptd.New Albany Ind\ 1858, same paginat. but no map or pis DEWEY, D. 2827 Early Waupaca county [Wis.J. Waupaca 1855. O 96 a D' WOLF, JOHN 2837 A voyage to the north Pacific . . . more than half a century ago. C 1861. O W 147 b lOOcopies ptd Brit. Col. Leg. L NYP Y Captain D'Wolf, Herman Melville's uncle, took the Bristol brig "Juno" to Sitka in 1805; sold her to the Russian governor and returned with Langsdorff by way of Siberia and St. Petersburg. See also Munro, Wilfred H., Tales of an old sea port. . . . DE WOLFF, J. H. 2838 Pawnee Bill . . . his experience ... on the western plains. . . . n.p. 1902. O 108 [incl. pis] a DEXTER, A. HERSEY 2839 Early days in California. Denver 1886. D 214 a DEWEY, J. J. 2828 Knox county [Illinois] directory. [With historical sketches of the townshipsj. Gales- burg 1868. O 257 map 4pls a First history of this county. [DEWEY, SQUIRE P.] 2829 The bonanza mines of Nevada. ,..[sf] 1878. O 78 a — ed. 2, "The bonanza mines ... of Cali- fornia. . . ," [s F 1880]. O [6] 3-87 [DE WITT, CHARLES G.] 2830 Periodical sketches NY 1820. O 36 a Narrative of atrocities perpetrated by New York Indians. DE WITT, DAVID M. 2831 The assassination of . . . Lincoln. ...NY 1909. O [12] 302 a DE WITT, DAVID M. 2832 The impeachment. . . of Andrew Johnson N Y 1903. O [8] 646 + 2adv-p a DE WITT, DAVID M. 2833 The judicial murder of Mary E. Surratt. Bait 1895. D [6] 259 a [DE WITT, ROBERT M.l 2834 The life of Joaquin Murietta, the marauder of the mines NY 1865. O 160 a — anr. ed. N Y 1888. D 206 adv-1. — rptd. same impr. 1889. DE WITT, SIMEON, and 2835 BURR, DAVID H. An atlas of . . . New York NY 1829. F 29 52maps a — rptd., with adds., Ithaca 1839. F DEWITZ, PAUL W. H. 2836 Notable men of Indian Territory. . . . Muskogee [l905]. O [26] 186 a DIALOGUE (A) Dialogue (A) concerning the slavery of the Africans. . . . See Hopkins, Saml. DIALOGUE 2840 Dialogue on the principles of the [Eng- lish] constitution and legal liberty, com- pared with despotism: applied to the Ameri- can question. . . . L 1776. O 92 a DIARY Diary of a southern refugee. ... By a lady of Virginia. See McGuire, Mrs. John P. DICEY, EDWARD 2841 Six months in the Federal States. . . . L 1863. O 2v in 1: [lo] 310; [6] 326 + 4adv-p a DICK, EVERETT N. 2842 The sod-house frontier, 1854-90 NY 1937. O [20] 550 32pls a DICKENS, CHARLES 2843 American notes. . . . L 1842. D 2v: [4, 12- 16] 308; [8] 306 + 6adv-p at end of each v. a — Am. eds. N Y 1842: by Wilson, n.d. O 46; by Winchester, O 46; by Harper, O 92 — many later Eng. & Am. eds.; as well as trs. into Danish, Dutch, Ger. and other languages. DICKENSON [Dickinson], JONATHAN 2844 God's protecting providence ... in the re- markable deliverance of divers persons. . . . °hil 1699. O [12] 96 c N NYP [of 4 perfect copies known] — Am. ed. 2, Phil Franklin 1735. no copy known, if pub. — other Am. eds., some with variant titles ("Remarkable deliverance of Robert Barrow . . . ," "Narrative of a shipwreck in the Gulph of Florida. . . ,"): Phil 1751. O [8] 80 b NYP; Phil 1791. D 123 b; Dover N H 1792. 158 Dickenson — Dickson O [l2j 112 a; Stanford N Y 1803. D 96; Burl 1811; Salem O 1826. — Eng. ed. L 1700. O [lo] 90 + 8adv-p b Hn N Y — anr. issue collates [lo] 86 + 8adv-p b N — rptd. L 1701. same collat. a — other Eng. eds.: L 1720. O [lo] 94 [12]; L 1734; L 1741; L 1759; L Hinde [l772]; L 1787; L 1790. — Ger. trs.: Germantown 1756; Frankturt 1774. — Dutch tr. Leyden [l707]. The original edition of this popular narra- tive of a captivity among Florida Indians was the first book of general interest printed in Philadelphia. DICKENSON, LUELLA 2845 Reminiscences of a trip across the plains in 1846 S F 1904. D 118[incl. pis] b N Y The Dickensons got through to the Truckee valley just ahead of the snows which trapped the Donner party. DICKERSON, OLIVER M. 2846 American colonial government, 1696-1765 Ctev 1912. O 390 a I DICKERSON, PHILIP J. History of Andarko [Okla.J. . 190l]. D 60 [incl.advs] a DICKERSON, PHILIP J. History of the Osage Nation. 1906. D 144 + cover t. a 2847 \_Andarko 2848 Pawhuska DICKERSON, PHILIP J. 2849 History of Tulsa Tulsa 1903. D 36 + DICKERT, D. A. 2850 History of Kershaw's brigade. Newberry S C 1899. O 584 [8] pis a DICKEY, JOHN M. 2851 A brief history of the Presbyterian church in. . . Indiana. Madison Ind [l828?]. D 24 b Presb. Hist. Soc. [only copy known] [DICKINSON, JOHN] 2852 An essay on the constitutional power of Great Britain over the colonies. . . . Phil 1774. O [8] 128 a 1 — Eng. ed. "A new essay. . . on the consti- tutional power of Great Britain. . . ," L 1774. O [8] 126 [l] DICKINSON, JOHN, and LEE, 2853 ARTHUR The Farmer's and Monitor's letters to the inhabitants of the British colonies. Wmsbg 1769. sm Q 98 a [DICKINSON, JOHN] 2854 The late regulations respecting the British colonies Phil 1765. O 38 a —Eng. eds.: L 1765. O 62; L 1766. O [4] 39 [DICKINSON, JOHN] 2855 Letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania, to the inhabitants of the British colonies. Phil 1768. O 146 [2] a —rptd. B 1768. O 146 [2] — N Y 1768. D 118 — ed. 2, Phil 1768. O 71 — ed. 3, Phil 1769. O [2] 104 — other eds.: Wmsbg 1769; Phil 1774. — Eng. ed. L 1768. O L8] 118; rptd., with 29-p app., [Dub] 1768. — anr. Eng. ed. L 1774. O 136 — Fr. tr. Amst 1769. O [28] 258 DICKINSON, JOHN 2856 The letters of Fabius, in 1788, on the federal constitution; and, in 1797, on the present situation. . . . Wilm Del 1797. O [4] 203 a DICKINSON, JOHN 2857 The political writings of:. . . . Wilm Del 1801. O 2v: [16] 416; 384 +7 1. [of errata & subscriber's names] a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1814. [DICKINSON, JOHN] 2858 Remarks on a late pamphlet entitled Plain truth. Phil 1776. O 31 a For pamphlet referred to, see Galloway, Joseph. DICKINSON, JOHN 2859 A reply to a piece called the Speech of Joseph Galloway Phil 1764. O [4] 45 [13] —Eng. ed. L 1765. O [4] 62 [l] DICKINSON, JOHN 2860 A speech in the . . . Assembly of . . . Pennsylvania ... on occasion of a petition . . . praying His Majesty for a change of the government of this province [from a pro- prietary to a royal one]. Phil 1764. O [l2] 45 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O [l2] 30 — Eng. ed. L 1764. O [l6] 31 DICKISON, MARY E. 2861 Dickison and his men. Reminiscences of the war in Florida. Louisv 1890. O 266 13 pis a DICKSON, W. JONATHAN 2862 La guerre d'Amerique . . . avec ... la bio- graphie de J. Wilkes Booth. P 1865. 16° 240 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. 159 Didimus — Dissoluti DIDIMUS, HENRY [pseud.] New Orleans as I found it. See Durrell, Edw. H. DIEHL, LOUIS 2863 Meine Schicksale und Erlebnisse in Nord- amerika Darmstadt 1851. O [6] 96 a DIELITZ, THEODOR 2864 Amerikanische Reisebilder. . . . Berlin [1853]. D [8 incl. eng.t.] 336 7pls a — ed. 2, Berlin 1856. D 8pls[incl.eng.t.] Includes his trip to Santa Fe and experi- ences in the California mines. DIENST, ALEXANDER 2865 The navy of the republic of Texas. Temple Tex 1909. O 150 [7] a DIETRICHSON, JOHANNES] 2866 VILHELM C. Reise blandt de norske Emigranter i "de forenede nordamerikanske fristater." Sta- vanger 1846. O 128 a Describes Norwegian settlements in Wis- consin and Illinois. DIETZ, AUGUST 2867 The postal service of the Confederate States Rich 1929. O [l2] 439 2col.pls diagram a DIGBY, WILLIAM The journal of: See Baxter, James P. DILLIN, JOHN G. W. The Kentucky rifle. . . . 124 [6] a — rptd. same impr. 1946. 2868 Wash 1924. Q [8] DILLON, JOHN B. n 2869 The history of Indiana. . . . Vol. I [allj. Indp 1843. O [12] 456 a rptd. "History of the early settlement of the North-west Territory," Indp 1854. same collat. a — anr. ed. "A history of Indiana. . .," Indp 1859. O [12] 637 2maps 4pls a DILLON, JOHN B. 2870 Oddities of colonial legislation in America . . ..lndianap 1879. O 784 port a DIMSDALE, THOMAS J. 2871 The vigilantes of Montana. . . . Va City 1866. D 228 + 4adv-p b NYP WisH Y — ed. 2, Va City 1882. D 241 a — many later reprints — best ed., with a history of southern Montana, ed. A. J. Noyes, Helena [l915]. O 290 26pls 4facs Not only the first, but textually the most important, book ever printed in Montana. DINKINS, JAMES 2872 . . . Personal recollections and experi- ences of the Confederate army. Cin 1897. D 280 a DIOMEDI, ALEXANDER 2873 Sketches of modern Indian life. [Woodstock Md? 1894?]. O 79 a Experiences of a Catholic missionary among Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Wash- ington Indians. DIPLOMACY Diplomacy (The) of the United States. . . . See Lyman, Theo. DISCOURSES Discourses of Davila. A series of papers on political history. ... By an American citizen. See Adams, John. DISCOVERY 2874 Discovery (A) of a large, rich and plenti- ful country, in the North America. . . . L Boreham [ca 1720]. O [4] 22 + 2adv-p b NYP Propaganda, based on Hennepin, to ex- cite interest in the South Sea Company. DISCOVERY Discovery of a nation of Welshmen in the interior of America. . . . See Griffith, Maurice. DISPASSIONATE THOUGHTS Dispassionate thoughts on the American war. . . . See Tucker, Josiah. DISPUTE (THE) 2875 Dispute (The) with America, considered in a series of letters from a cosmopolite to a clergyman L [l812]. O [8] 220 a [DISRAELI, BENJAMIN] 2876 The life of Paul Jones, from. . . docu- ments in the possession of John Henry Sherburne L 1825. D [l2] 320 a Disraeli's first literary work. DISSERTATION (A) Dissertation (A) on the political union and constitution of the thirteen United States . . . by a citizen of Philadelphia. See Webster, Pelatiah. DISSERTATIONS Dissertations on government, the affairs of the bank. . . . See Paine, Thos. DISSERTATIONS Dissertations on the first principles of government. . . . See Paine, Thos. DISSOLUTION (THE) Dissolution (The) of the Union. ... By a citizen of Pennsylvania. See Carey, Mathew. 160 Disturnell — Dixon DISTURNELL, j[OHN], pub. 2877 The eastern tourist, ...NY 1848. 16° 144 pi a DISTURNELL, j[OHN], pub. 2878 The emigrant's guide to New Mexico, Cali- fornia, and Oregon N'Y 1849. 16° 45 + adv-L maplpub. by Coltonjb — issue 2 — and best — with map pub. by Dis- turnell b N Y — ed. 2, N Y 1850. 16° [8] 3-80 map a DISTURNELL, j[0HN], pub. 2879 Guide through the middle, northern and eastern states NY June 1847. 16° 80 map a — rptd., same collat.: N Y July 1847; N Y Jan. 1848. DISTURNELL, JOHN, pub. 2880 The northern traveller. .. Hudson river N Y 1844. 16° 84 2maps front, a DISTURNELL, JOHN, pub. 2881 Tourists guide to the upper Mississippi river NY 1866. 16° 84 fold.map a — rptd. N Y 1868. 16° 93 fold.map DISTURNELL, j[0HN], pub 2882 A trip through the lakes NY 1857. D 40b[incl. front. 2pls & adv-pp] 2maps 3pls a DISTURNELL, JOHN, pub. 2883 The Troy directory, for the year 1829 Troy 1829. 16° [l8] 15-70 a First directory of this city. DISTURNELL, JOHN, pub. 2884 Upper lakes of North America. ...NY 1857. 16° 200 a — rptd., with changes, "The great lakes or inland seas. . . ," N Y 1863. 16° 162 map — several later eds. DISTURNELL, JOHN [pub.] 2885 The western traveller. ...NY 1844. D 90 map a DISTURNELL, W. C, comp. 2886 Arizona business directory and gazetteer S F 1881. O 327 a [DIX, JOHN A.] 2887 Report of the organization. . . of the Union Pacific Railroad Co. N Y 1864. O [6] 58 [8 8 14 20 4] 2f old. maps a DIX, JOHN R., pseud. Amusing. . . adventures of a California artist. . . . B 1854. See Phillips, Geo. S. DIX ANS Dix ans sur la cote du Pacifique, par un missionaire canadien. See Blanchet, Francois X. [DIXON, — ] 2888 Transatlantic rambles. . . twelve months' travel in the United States L 1851. D [8] 168 a Gives considerable attention to the South, from Charleston to New Orleans. DIXON, "BILLY" Life and adventures of: See Barde, Frederick S. [DIXON, EDWARD H.] 2889 The terrible mysteries of the Ku-Klux- Klan. A full expose NY 1868. O 56 a DIXON, GEORGE 2890 Further remarks on the voyages of John Meares L-1791. Q 80 b Y Substantiates charges made in his Re- marks, to which Meares had replied in his Answer. . . . For reprint of the three pam- phlets see Howay, Frederick W. DIXON, GEORGE 2891 Remarks on the voyages of John Meares L 1790. Q 37 b Y Strictures on his geographical and other statements. For Meares' refutation see his Answer. . . . DIXON, GEORGE 2892 A voyage round the world. . . particularly to the north-west coast of America.. . 1785- 1788. L 1789. Q [32] 360 48 22pls & charts a — issue 2 on large and thick paper, with some pis col. and much of the errata cor. a — ed. 2, L 1789, same collat. a — Fr. ed., tr. by Lebas, P 1789. Q [2] 499 47 22pls & charts a — anr. Fr. ed. P 1789. D 2v 22pls fc charts — Dutch tr. Amst 1795. O map 9pls[incl.l. of music] Ghost-written by William Beresford, but usually cited as by Capt. Dixon. For abridged editions see Portlock, Nathaniel, and Dixon, George. DIXON, JAMES 2893 Methodism in America; with the personal narrative of the author, during a tour through a part of the United States and Canada. L 1849. D [12] 498 map a — — ed. 2, abr. "Personal narrative of a tour ...," N Y 1849. D 431 port DIXON, SAM H., ond KEMP, LOUIS W. 2894 The heroes of San Jacinto. Houston 1932. O 462 8pls a 161 Dixon — Documents DIXON [ILL.] 2895 City directory, for 1869-70. Chi Western Pub. Co.[l869]. O 120 a DIXON 2896 Dixon and Lee county [ill.]. History of: Dixon 1870. O 33 a DIXON 2897 Dixon and Lee county [ill.]. History of: Dixon 1880. O 66 + 22adv-p a DIXON 2898 Dixon and Palmyra [ill.]. History of: 1827-1880. Dixon 1880. O 66 map 4pls a DOANE, GUSTAVUS C. 2899 Report upon the so-called Yellowstone expedition of 1870. Sen. Exec. Doc. 51. [Wash 1873]. O 40 a DOBBIN, M. D., comp. 2900 Memorial and affidavits showing outrages ... by the Apache Indians, in the Territory of Arizona S F 1871. O 32 a [DOBSON, JOHN] 2906 Chronological annals of the war [1755- 1763]. Oxf 1763. O [l6] 327 [8] fold. tab a DOCK, CHRISTOPHER 2907 Eine einfaltige und grundlich abgefasste Schul-Ordnung. . . . Germantown 1770. O L8] 54 b — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O [6] 34 a First American work on educational management and methods. DOCTRINE (THE) 2908 Doctrine (The) of nullification examined .... Charleston S C 1832. D 24 a DOCUMENTARY HISTORY 2909 Documentary history of slavery in the United States. By a native of Maryland. Wash 1851. O 64 a DOCUMENTS Documents and facts relating to military events, during the late war [of 1812]. See Boyd, James P. DOBBINS, W[lLLIAM] W. 2901 History of the battle of lake Erie Erie Pa 1876. D 96 port a — ed. 2, same impr., 1913. O 156 port — -ed. 3, "Battle of lake Erie," same impr., 1929. O 202 pis DOBBS, ARTHUR 2902 An account of the countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay L 1744. Q [4] 211 map b AA BA N NYP Y some copies issued on L. P. (9" x liy 2 ") NYP Contains information on the lake region obtained from the Indian trader, Joseph La France; an abstract of all voyages and dis- coveries between the northwest coast and Asia, etc. DOBIE, JAMES F. 2903 Coronado's children Dallas [l930]. O 367 a Dedication to his father as "A cowman. ..." — later issues, dedication: "A clean cowman. ..." DOBIE, J[AMES] F. 2904 The longhorns. B 1941. O [24] 388 17 1. containing pis & explanatory text inserted between p346-347 a also ltd. issue, signed, of 265copies DOBIE, JAMES F. 2905 A vaquero of the brush country. . ..Dallas 1929. 0[l6] 314 6pls a — rptd. twice, same impr., date & collat. DOCUMENTS 2910 Documents . . . and . . . views of the Indian trade. Wash 1816. F 128 8tabs a DOCUMENTS 2911 Documents in relation to the boundary of the United States west of the Rocky moun- tains Wash 1828. O 83 a DOCUMENTS 2912 Documents relative to Indian affairs. . . . N Y Clayton & Kingsland [l817?]. O 28 b AA BA Treaty between this infant Republic and the Six Nations, with speeches of the chiefs, etc. DOCUMENTS 2913 Documents relative to the Indian trade Wash 1822. O 62 lOfold.tabs a DOCUMENTS 2914 Documents relative to the negotiations for peace between the United States and Great Britain. Phil 1814. D 63 map a DOCUMENTS Documents tending to prove the . . . ad- vantage of rail-ways. . . over canal naviga- tion. See Stevens, John. DOCUMENTS 2915 Documents to accompany the Message of the President. [Sen. Exec. Doc. l]. Wash 1823. O 108 a Document L. (pages 55-108) gives General Gaines' report, to Secretary of War Calhoun. Correspondence relative to hostilities of 162 Dodd — Dodge the Arickatee Indians [attack on Ashley's fur traders and other outrages]. neers, for 1866. Wash 1868. O 123 fold, map 6plsLincl.in paginat.J a DODD, A. CHARLES 2916 The contrast; or, strictures on... parts of Doctor Price's "Additional observations on civil liberty " L 1777. O [6] 56 a DODD, STEPHEN 2917 The East-Haven [Conn.] register TV Hav 1824. D 200 a DODD, WILLIAM E. 2918 Life of Nathaniel Macon. Raleigh 1903. D [8 13-16] 443 a DODDRIDGE, JOSEPH 2919 Notes, on the settlement and Indian wars, of the western parts of Virginia and Penn- sylvania Wellsburgh Va 1824. D [lo] 5- 316 b AA N NYP Y — rptd., with adds., Alb 1876. D [4] 331 a; Pitt 1912. O 320 front. Best of the many secondary sources on these border wars. DODGE, GEORGE A. 2920 A narrative of a whaling voyage Salem 1882. D 30 a Voyage made in 1831, with a brief stay at Monterey. DODGE, GRENVILLE M. 2921 Biographical sketch of James Bridger. . . . K C [1905]. O 18 [2] [incl.2pls] a — anr. issue, TV Y 1905. O 27 3pls[one fold.] DODGE, GRENVILLE M. 2926 Report of the chief engineer [of the Union Pacific] with accompanying reports of chiefs of parties, for. . . 1867. Wash 1868. O 85 a DODGE, GRENVILLE M. 2927 Romantic realities NY 1888. O 50 a — anr. ed. Omaha 1889. O 24 — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1891. — anr. ed., with adds., TV Y 1899. O 50 DODGE, (COLONEL) [HENRY] Journal of the march of a detachment of dragoons, under the command of: See Kings- bury, Gaines P. DODGE, J. R. 2928 Red men of the Ohio valley. . . . Springfield O 1859. D [10] 435 a — rptd., same collat., 1860. DODGE, JOHN 2929 A narrative of the capture and treatment of: by the English at Detroit. . . . Phil 1779. D 22 dd only lcopy known PhilL — ed. 2, "An entertaining. .. narrative [etc.]." Danvers 1780. O 32 d AA N NYP — rptd. Cedar Rapids 1909. Q 64 a [DODGE, N. S.] 2930 Sketches of New England TV Y 1842. D 286 a Fiction. DODGE, GRENVILLE M. 2922 How we built the Union Pacific railway and other papers. Council Bluffs [l908?]. O 171 30pls a — anr. issue, identical, except printer's name on p. before t-p —rptd. [TV Y? 1910?]. O [2] 5-171 30pls [DODGE, GRENVILLE M. 2923 Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting. . . Gen. Dodge's Report to the President of the Union Pacific for 1867. [h. Exec. Doc. 33l]. Wash 1868. O 71 a — anr. ed., slightly different t., same impr. & date. O 85 — same, for 1868-9. Wash 1870. O 61 map DODGE, GRENVILLE M. 2924 Report of the chief engineer of the Union Pacific Railway. . . on lines crossing the Rocky mountains. TV Y 1867. O 33 4pls fold, profile a DODGE, GRENVILLE M. 2925 Report of the chief engineer of the Union Pacific . . . with . . . reports of division engi- DODGE, ORVILLE 2931 Pioneer history of Coos and Curry counties, Oregon. Salem 1898. O 468 [l03] a DODGE, RICHARD I. 2932 The Black hills NY 1876. D 151 + 4adv-p map 14pls a DODGE, RICHARD I. 2933 A living issue Wash 1882. O 37 a Portions of Our wild Indians deemed by its publishers too impolitic to feed to the public. DODGE, RICHARD I. 2934 Our wild Indians Hart 1882. O [40] 29- 653 [incl. 17pls in black & white] 2ports 6col pis a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1883. DODGE, RICHARD I. 2935 The plains of the great west. ...NY 1877. O [55] 448 map 19pls a — Eng. ed. "Hunting grounds of the great west. . . ," L 1877. — Ger. ed. "Die heutigen Indianer des 163 Dodson — Donne fernen Westens. 330 16pls Vienna 1884. O L8j DODSON, CHARLES W. 2936 Life and adventures of Smith Maythe [or Mays]: the notorious robber of the west.. . . Cin 1841. O 48 a DOHENY, MICHAEL 2937 The history of the American revolution. Dub 1846. 16° 248 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1847. DOLLARD, ROBERT 2938 Recollections of the civil war and going west. . . . Scotland S D 1906. O 296 4ports a DOMENECH, EMl MlANUEL H. D. 2939 Erinnerungen aus Amerika, insbesondere aus Texas. Aus dem tagebuche von Emanuel Domenech. Marburg 1856. D [4] 95 a DOMENECH, EMMANUEL H. D. 2940 Le journal d'un missionaire au Texas et au Mexique. P 1857. O [l2] 477 errata 1. map a — ed. 2, P 1872. D [l2] 417 — Eng. ed., with omissions, "Missionary adventures in Texas and Mexico," L 1858. O [l5] 366 map + 26adv-p DOMENECH, EMMANUEL H. D. 2941 Manuscrit pictographique americain. . . .P 1860. O [8] 119 + 228facs pages of what the Abbe thought was an ancient Indian MS a Classic example of a would-be savant be- ing deluded. For its expose see Petzholdt, Julius. DOMENECH, EMMANUEL H. D. 2942 Seven years' residence in the great deserts of North America. L 1860. O 2v: [24] 445; [l2] 466 + 24adv-p. map 58pls a — ed. 2, L 1869. O 2v map pis — Fr. ed. "Voyage pittoresque, &c." P 1862. Q [6] 608 39pls — rptd. P n.d. DOMENECH, EMMANUEL H. D. 2943 Souvenirs d'outre-mer. . . . P 1884. D [8] 392 a Describes his return to Texas after many years absence. DOMENECH, EMMANUEL H. D. 2944 La verite sur le livre des sauvages. P 1861. O 54 lOpls a Defends the authenticity of his Manuscrit pictographique americain. . . . DOMENECH, EMMANUEL H. D. 2945 Voyage dans les solitudes americaines. Voyage au Minnesota. P 1858. 16° 224 a DOMESTIC MANNERS 2946 Domestic manners (The) of the Americans; or, characteristic sketches. By recent travelers. Glas 1836. D 60 a — rptd., with new t., "Five hundred curious . . . narratives. . . ," Glas 1838. same collat. DONAGHEY, GEORGE W. 2947 Autobiographical sketch of: \_Little Rock 1924]. O 31 port a Youthful range and trail driving days of an Arkansas governor. DONALD, JAY 2948 Outlaws of the border Cin 1882. D 520 6pls a — anr. issue, same date & collat., Phil DONALDSON, THOMAS C, ed. 2949 The George Catlin Indian gallery.. . . Wash 1886. O 939 3ports 139pls a — rptd. Wash 1887. In Part V of the Smithsonian Report for 1885. DONALDSON, THOMAS C. 2950 The public domain. Its history. . .. Wash 1880. O [10] 544 5maps a — ed. 3 — and best — Wash 1884. O [l2] 516 [2] 517-1343 17maps & plans — anr. issue, "Author's ed.," same impr. & date. O [l2] 1343 maps plans diags DONIOL, HENRI 2951 Histoire de la participation de la France a l'etablissement des Etats-Unis. . . . P 1886- 99. C 5v: [4 10] 707; U 2] 864; [4 10] 868; [4 12] " : 722; [4 6] 722 [3]. 16pls + suppl.to vol.V: [4 2] 259-398 [2] a DONKIN, MAJOR [ROBERT] pub. 2952 Military collections and remarks. N Y 1777. O [32] 264 front, b N NYP Y For the benefit of the families of "the valiant soldiers. . . butchered when peacably marching to and from Concord the 19th April 1775, by the rebels." Leaf 189/190 usually deleted or the portion excised which sug- gests that small-pox be smeared on arrows for shooting rebels. DONNAVAN, C[0RYD0N] 2953 Adventures in Mexico. . .during a cap- tivity of seven months. . . . Cin 1487 [error for 1847]. O 112 a — rptd. B 1848. D 132 port — Ger. tr. Kutztaun Pa 1848. O 144 DONNE, W[lLLIAM] BODHAM, ed. 2954 The correspondence of King George the Third with Lord North, from 1768 to 1783. L 1867. O 2v: [92] 370 [2]; 752 a 164 Donnell — Dow DONNELL, WILLIAM M. 2955 Pioneers of Marion county [la.]. Des M 1872. O 346 a DONNELLY, IGNATIUS 2956 A pamphlet in reference to Nininger City, Dakota County, [Minn.]. Phil 1856. O 32 2maps a DONOHO, MILFORD H. 2957 Circle-Dot; a true story of cowboy life . . . . Topeka 1907. D 256 front, a D00LITTLE, [BENJAMIN] 2958 A short narrative of mischief done by the French and Indian enemy on the western frontiers of the Massachusetts-Bay.. . .B 1750. O [2] 22 b AA NYP PhilL DOOM [THE] Doom LTheJ of slavery in the Union: its safety out of it. See Townsend, John. DORNIN, GEORGE D. 2959 Thirty years ago. 1849-1879. n.p. [l879]. O 62 2ports a Reminiscences of gold-rush days, etc. DOUBLEDAY, CtHARLES] W. 2960 Reminiscences of the "filibuster" war in Nicaragua. N Y 1886. D [lo] 225 map a The author, personal friend of Walker, commanded a company in two of his expeditions. DOUGHERTY, E. 2961 Availability of the counties of Cameron and Hidalgo [Tex. J for agriculture. .. . Brownsville 1869. O 57 a First Texas local history of which a copy is known. Cf. Bowie county. . . . DOUGHERTY, E. 2962 The Rio Grande valley. Brownsville 1867. O 30 a DOUGLAS, DAVID 2966 Journal . . . during his travels in North America, 1823-1827. L 1914. O [8] 364 port a 500copies ptd. Douglas explored the Oregon country, named the Cascade range, and first de- scribed the fir tree now known under his name. See also Hooker, Sir William J., A brief memoir of . . . David Douglas. . . . DOUGLAS, JUDGE [STEPHEN A.], and BLACK, ATTORNEY-GENERAL [JEREMIAH S.| Remarks on popular sovereignty, as main- tained and denied respectively by: 3y a southern citizen. See Johnson, Reverdy. DOUGLASS, FREDERICK 2967 Narrative of the life of: B 1845. D [l6] 125 port, a — rptd., B 1846; B 1847. — enl. ed., "My bondage and my freedom." N Y 1855. O 464 [8] port — many later eds. in Am. & Eng., with trs. into Fr. & Ger. [DOUGLASS, WILLIAM] 2968 A summary ... of the first planting. . . of the British settlements in North America B 1749-5l[i.e. 1752]. O 2v: [lo] 568; [4] 416 b AA N NYP Y Vol. H was re- issued, 1753 [1758?], with app.: O [4] 440 —Eng. ed. L 1755. O 2v: [lOj 568; [6] 416 + 8adv-p. map[by D'Anville, pub. Jefferys] not in all copies a — rptd. L 1760. same collat. mapLby Huske] First American history of the whole coun- try. The Boston edition was also issued in parts L36 for vol. I, 26 for vol. IlJ. A vast reservoir of untrustworthy information. DOW, GEORGE F., and EDMONDS, 2969 JOHN H. The pirates of the New England coast Salem 1923. O [22] 394 29pls a also L.P. issue of 85copies, Q DOW, GEORGE F. 2970 DOUGHTY, ARTHUR G. 2963 Slave ships and slaving. Salem 1927. O The siege of Quebec Quebec 1901-02. [38] 350 + adv-p 50pls a also 97copies on O 6v maps & pis a L.P., Q DOUGHTY, J. ond T., pubs. 2964 The cabinet of natural history and Ameri- can rural sports. Phil 1830-34. O 29monthly pts[usually bound in 3v] 57pls[54col.] c First American colored sporting prints. Volume three had only four numbers. DOUGLAS, C[LAUDE] L. 2965 Cattle kings of Texas. Dallas [l939]. O 376[incl. front.] pi a DOW, GEORGE F. 2971 Whale ships and whaling. . . . Salem 1925. O [l2] 446[incl.pls] + adv-p front, a also L.P. issue of 97copies, Q DOW, LORENZO 2972 History of Cosmopolite; or, the four volumes of Lorenzo's journal concentrated in one. . . also the "Journey of life," by Peggy Dow. N Y 1814. D 360 port a — ed. 2, enl., Phil 1815. O 554 port 165 — -ed. 3, further enl., Phil 1816. D 700 Unci. 2ports at front] — ed. 4, "The dealings of God, man and the deviL . . ," Norwich 1833. O 704. — many reprints under variant titles For first edition, see next entry. DOW, LORENZO 2973 The life and travels of:. . . . Hart 1804. D 308 b AA MH — Eng. ed. "The travels and providential experiences " ed. 2, Liv 1806. D 240 a — many later eds., under various titles [see preceding entry]. Most widely travelled and most eccentric of early American gospel ranters. DOW, PEGGY 2974 Vicissitudes exemplified; or, the journey of life. N Y 1814. 16* i24 port a — anr. ed. Phil 1815. 16° 264[incl.port] — rptd. "Vicissitudes in the wilderness . . . ," Norwich Conn 1833. D 214 port Describes one of the most amazing trips ever made by a woman; down the Ohio from Wheeling to Natchez on the Mississippi, thence overland through the hostile Creek country to the Georgia settlements, Carolina and Virginia. Some editions were incorpo- rated with Dow, Lorenzo, History of Cosmo- polite, q.v. DOWD, JEROME 2975 Life of Zebulon Vance. Charlotte 1897. O [6] 493 13pls a DOWD, JEROME 2976 The Negro in American life. N Y 1926. O [20] 647 a DOWN, ROBERT H. 2977 A history of the Silverton country [Ore.]. Port 1926. O [8] 258 front, a First Oregon local history to be based on modern research methods. [DOWNES, S. T.] 2978 Journal of a voyage from Callao to San Francisco. Liv 1852. D [5] 3-54 front, a DOWNES, SAMUEL 2979 The testament of the twelve patriarchs Manchester 1843. 16° 102 b DOWNIE, WILLIAM 2980 Hunting for gold. ...SF 1893. O 407 front. a Unassuming but valuable reminiscences of an inveterate miner and pioneer. DOWNING, MAJOR JACK 2981 The life of Andrew Jackson Phil 1834. D [4, 7-12] 263 a Written by some unknown imitator of Seba Smith, under his pseudonym. DOWNS, El DWARDl C. 2982 Four years a scout and spy. . . . Zanes- ville 1866. o[l2] 404[incl.l0pls] a — rptd., t. altered, N Y 1870. O DOWNS, S| OLOMONl W. 2983 Speech. . . on the annexation of Texas. N O [1844]. O 64 a DOWSE, THOMAS 2984 The new northwest. Montana Chi 1879. Q 24 a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1880. DOY, JOHN, of Lawrence, Kansas 2985 The narrative of: N Y 1860. D 132 a — anr. issue, B 1860. same collat. DOYLE, J[0HN] A. 2986 The English in America. L 1882-1907. O 5v: [16] 556; [l6] 442; [l6] 532; [l6] 563; [16] 630. 4f old. maps a — Am. ed. "English colonies in America," N Y same date. O 5v Volume I, Virginia, Maryland and Caro- linas; II and III, Puritan colonies; IV, Middle colonies; V, The colonies under the House of Hanover. DOYLE, JOHN T. 2987 Some account of the Pious fund of Cali- fornia S F 1880. O llpts in 1: [6] 14 20; 68; 8; 40; 12; 32; 8; 32; 38; 20; 7 b LC NYP DOYLE, JOSEPH B. 2988 Frederick William von Steuben and the ... revolution. . . . Steubenville O 1913. O [l8] 399 21pls a 600 copies ptd. DOYLi, WILLIAM 2989 Some account of the British dominions be- yond the Atlantic Pt. I [all]. L [l770]. O [20] 87 [2] map b JCB LC NYP Y Early British claim to the Northwest coast, with suggestion that Alaska be named Hyperia, that Canada be called Sebastia, etc. DRAGOON CAMPAIGNS Dragoon campaigns to the Rocky moun- tains. ... By a Dragoon. See Hildreth, James. DRAKE, BENJAMIN, and 2990 MANSFIELD, EDWARD D. Cincinnati in 1826. Cin 1827. D 100 2pls a DRAKE, BENJAMIN 2991 The life ... of Black Hawk. . . . Cin 1838. D 288[incl.port & pis] a 166 Drak« Drake — rptd. same collat. & impr. 1839. — 9 other Cin eds. prior to 1860. DRAKE, BENJAMIN 2992 Life of Tecumseh Cin 1841. D 235 a — 5 other Cin eds. prior to 1860. DRAKE, BENJAMIN 2993 Tales and sketches of the Queen City. Cin 1838. D 180 a — rptd., same collat., Cin 1839. DRAKE, DANIEL 2994 An anniversary discourse on the.. . Western Museum Society. . . . Cin 1820. 16° 36 a DRAKE, DANIEL Discourse on the history [etc. west. . . . Cin 1834. O 56 a 2995 DRAKE, DANIEL 2996 Discourses . . . before the Cincinnati Medical Library Association. Cin 1852. D 93 a One discourse is on early Cincinnati physicians and society. DRAKE, DANIEL 2997 Natural and statistical view. . . of Cin- cinnati and the Miami country. . . . Cin 1815. D 251 [4] 2maps a DRAKE, DANIEL 2998 Notices concerning Cincinnati. Cin 1810. O 28 [4] + p29-60[issued a few months later and not in all copies] c OHP Y Most desirable — and elusive — of Ohio local chronicles. DRAKE, EDWIN L. 3002 The annals of the Army of the Tennessee .... Vol.l[all]. Nashv 1878. O [6] 434 [lOO] fold. map a Issued originally as a periodical; later the numbers were bound, with a summary of battles added, shown here as supplemental pages 100. DRAKE, EUGENE B., comp. 3003 Jimeno's and Hartnell's indexes of land concessions S F 1861. O 18 69 b NYP DRAKE, FRANCIS S., ed. 3004 The Indian tribes of the United States [condensed from Schoolcraft]. Phil 1884. Q 2v: 458; 455. lOOpls a DRAKE, JAMES V. The life of General Robert Hatton. . . Nash 1867. O 458 port a 3005 DRAKE, RICHARD Revelations of a slave smuggler., 57. TV Y 1860. O 98 a 3006 1807- 3007 DRAKE, SAMUEL G. Annals of witchcraft in New England. . . . B 1869. Q 306 front, a Some copies on L.P. [of 275 ptd.] DRAKE, SAMUEL G. 3008 The history and antiquities of , . . Boston . . . 1630-1670. B 1856. roy O [lo] 840 20pls a — ed. 2, same impr. 1857. O [l2] 816 20pls Originally issued in sixteen parts. DRAKE, DANIEL 2999 Pioneer life in Kentucky. Cin 1870. O L46] 263 port some copies on L.P. a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1873. — anr. ed. TV Y [l948]. D [24] 257 9pls DRAKE, DANIEL 3000 Remarks on the importance of promoting literary and social concert, in the valley of the Mississippi. . . . Louisv 1833. O 26 a Fearing a possible dissolution of the Union, Drake proposes to circumvent disaster to the West by a solidarity of that section so that it might act in decisive con- cert when necessary. DRAKE, DANIEL 3001 A systematic treatise, historical [etc.], on the principal diseases of the interior valley of North America. . . . Cin 1850. O [16] 878 19maps & pis b Y — ser. 2, Phil 1854. O [20] 17-985 a DRAKE, SAMUEL G. 3009 Indian biography B 1832. D [2] 348 [2] pi a — ed. 2, B 1833. O 5bks in 1: [4j 22; 110; 124; 47; 135. front. — ed. 3, enl., "Biography and history of the Indians. . . ," B 1834. O 518 [30] 8pls — 7 other eds. by 1851. — ed. 15, "The aboriginal races. . .," Phil 1860. O 736 DRAKE, SAMUEL G. [ed.] 3010 Indian captivities. . . a collection of the most remarkable narratives. . . . B 1839. D 360[incl. front.] a — rptd. "Tragedies of the wilderness. . . ," B 1841. D 360 — anr. ed., same collat., B 1846. — later eds. — "Indian captivities or life in the wigwam,": Auburn 1850; Auburn 1851; But 1853; TV Y & Auburn 1855; B 1856; TV Y & Auburn 1856. 167 Drake — Drew DRAKE, SAMUEL G. 3011 The old Indian chronicle B 1836. D [4] 208 front, a 500 copies ptd. — rptd. B 1867. sm Q [12] 333 DRAKE, SAMUEL G. 3012 A particular history of the five years French and Indian war. . . 1744—1749, some- times called Governor Shirley's war. Alb 1870. Q 312 port a — anr. issue, identical, but with B impr. DRAKE, SAMUEL G. 3013 Result of some researches. . . for in- formation relative to the founders of New England B 1860. Q 143 map 2pls a — ed. 2, B 1862. Q [l2] 148 — ed. 3, B 1865. Q [22] 148 pis Also 75 L.P. copies DRAKE, SAMUEL G., ed. 3014 The witchcraft delusion in New England Roxbury 1866. Q 3v: [l02] 247; [30] 212; 244 a Some copies on L.P. DRANNAN, WILLIAM F. 3015 Thirty-one years on the plains and in the mountains Chi Rhodes & McClure 1899. D [2] 7-586 + 8adv-p 73pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1900 — later eds., pub. by Thos. W. Jackson, Chi n.d. D 654[incl. pis] Reminiscences — chiefly of adventures that never happened — by a senile braggart. DRANNAN, WILLIAM F. 3016 Drannan, William F. , chief of scouts. . . . Chi 1910. D [6] 17-407[incl.pls] a — rptd. ad nauseam Additional fabrications by this hoary- headed father of liars. DRAPER, ELIAS J. 3017 An autobiography of . . . a pioneer of Cali- fornia. Fresno 1904. O 76 port a Includes account of his overland journey. DRAPER, JOHN W. 3018 History of the American civil war. N Y 1867-70. O 3v: 567; 614; 701 a DRAPER, LYMAN C. 3019 King's mountain and its heroes. Cin 1881. O 612 map lOpls a — rptd. N Y 1929. 500copies ptd. This author's most notable work and one of our great historical monographs. DRAPER, LYMAN C. 3020 Madison, the capital of Wisconsin, its growth, progress. . . .Madison 1857. O 48 a For similar title, see under Madison. DRAPER, SETH 3021 Voyage — from Boston around Cape Horn to San Francisco, 1849. Prov 1870. D 80 a [DRAPER, SIR WILLIAM] 3022 The thoughts of a traveller upon our American disputes. L 1774. O 27 a Plea for forbearance; to exercise a legal right not always wise. DRAYTON, JOHN 3023 Letters . . . during a tour through the northern and eastern states. Charleston S C 1794. O [16] 3-138 3pls b AA N NYP Y — rptd. 1810. b DRAYTON, JOHN Memoirs of the American revolution. . . Charleston S C 1821. O 2v: [28] 430; [2] 400. port 2maps a 3024 DRAYTON, JOHN 3025 A view of South Carolina. . . . Charleston 1802. O [4] 252 + 1. of postscript[added later and not in all copies] map 2plans 3pls tab a [DRAYTON, WILLIAM] 3026 The south vindicated from the treason and fanaticism of the northern abolitionists. Phil 1836. D [10] 13-314 a [DRAYTON, WILLIAM H.] 3027 A letter from Freeman of South Carolina, to the deputies ... in the high court of Con- gress at Philadelphia. Charleston S C 1774. sm Q 47 b BA JCB NYP Y ! DREDGE, JAMES 3028 The Pennsylvania railroad: its organiza- tion. . . . L 1879. F [l6] 274 map port 82pls a — anr. issue has impr. N Y &. L DREW, ADMIRAL [ANDREW] 3029 A narrative of the capture and destruction of the steamer "Caroline" . L for priv. circulation 1864. O 31 a DREW, C[HARLES] S. 3030 An account of the origin. . . of the Indian war in Oregon. [Doc. 59J. Wash 1860. O 48 a DREW, C[HARLES] S. 3031 Official report of the Owyhee reconnois- sance. . . 1864 Jacksonville Ore 1865. O L2j 29 [4] c B N Y First exploration of this part of Idaho. [DREW, THOMAS] The John Brown invasion. 112 port a 3032 ,B 1860. O 168 Drewe — Duane DREWE, MAJ. EDWARD 3033 The case of: Exeter Eng 1782. O [6J 102 a Drewe served with the British at Bunker's Hill; his court-martial was for neglect of duty. DREWE, MAJ. EDWARD 3034 A letter to a young officer NY 1778. Q 24 a — enl. ed., au. named, "Military sketches . . . ," Exerer Eng 1784. O [2] 156 DRIGGS, GEORGE W. 3035 Opening of the Mississippi; or two years' campaigning in the southwest. A record of the. . . 8th Wisconsin Volunteers. Madison 1864. O 141 a DRING, THOMAS 3036 Recollections of the Jersey prison-ship. Prov 1829. D 168 pi a — rptd. N Y 1831; Morrisania N Y 1865. O [22] 201 3pls map 2diagrams also 50copies on L. P. DRINKER, ELIZABETH Extracts from the journal of: See Biddle, Henry D., ed. [DRINKER, JOHN] 3037 Observations on the late popular measures. Phil 1774. O 24 a Urges opposition to a tyrannical Parlia- ment, but deplores such mob action as the tea riots. DRIPS, SERGEANT j[OSEPH] H. 3038 Three years among the Indians in Dakota. Kimball S D 1894. O [4] 139 b N NYP Y Campaigned under Sully in the Upper Missouri country. DRISCOLL, FREDERICK 3039 The twelve days' campaign. . . the final campaign of the late war. Montr 1866. O 103 map a DROITS Droits (Les) de la Grande-Bretagne etablis contre les pretentions des Ameri- cains. . . . See Dalrymple, Sir John. DROWN, S[lME0N] DE WITT, comp. 3040 The Peoria directory for 1844, with a history. Peoria 1844. D 124 fold. map a First directory, first history and first Peoria book. DROWN, StlMEON] DE WITT 3041 Record and historical view of Peoria. . . to which is added a business directory. . . . Peoria 1850. D 164 a DROWNE, SOLOMON 3042 Journal of a cruise in. . . 1780 in the private-sloop of war, Hope. N Y Moreau 1872. O [4] 27 1. [4] 27pls a — anr. issue, N Y [Moreau & Drowne] same date. Q 27 1. port DRUMHELLER, DANIEL M. 3043 "Uncle Dan". . . tells thrills of western trails in 1854. Spokane 1925. D 131 2ports a DRURY, REV. P. SHELDON, ed. 3044 The startling. . . narrative of . . . Henry Madison, and his . . . accomplice, Miss Ellen Stevens . . . executed by the vigilance com- mittee of San Francisco. . . . Phil [l857]. O 36[incl.2pls & cover t.J a — other issues, same sheets with new t-p, giving Charleston S C and Cin imprints — rptd. Phil 1865. DRYSDALE, ISABEL 3045 Scenes in Georgia. Phil[ 1827]. 16° 83 [incl. front.] a — rptd., same impr. & collat., rud.Lca 1850?]. [DUANE, JAMES]? 3046 A state of the right of the colony of New- York with respect to its eastern boundary on Connecticut river NY 1773. F 28 b AA H Hn NYP Also printed in the Journal of the General Assembly of New York for 1773, p.93-118. See also A narrative of the proceedings. . . concerning the lands to the westward of Connecticut river, with which this title is frequently bound and to which it is an answer. [DUANE, WILLIAM] 3047 A letter to Washington by Jasper Dwight, of Vermont [pseud.] Phil 1796. O 48 a — anr. issue, with longer t., same impr., date & collat. Transcends in bitterness even Paine 's invective. Duane 's book-keeper, a Pole named Treziulney, has been cited as author. DUANE, WILLIAM J. 3048 Letters ... to the people of Pennsylvania, respecting the internal improvements. Phil 1811. O [2J 125 a DUANE, WILLIAM J. 3049 Mississippi question. Report of a debate in the Senate of the United States. . . con- cerning the violation of the right of de- posit in the island of New Orleans. Phil 1803. O [2] 198 a Influential showing of the necessity for acquiring Louisiana. 169 Ducme — Duden [DUANE, WILLIAM J.] 3050 The Mississippi question fairly stated Phil 1803. O [4j 48 a DUANE, WILLIAM J. 3051 Politics for American farmers Wash 1807. O [2] 200 a DUBOC, GUSTAVE 3052 Les nuees Magellaniques. I. Voyage au Chili, au Perou, et en Californie a la peche de la baleine. II. Le requin, ou la mer du sud. P 1853. O 2v: 200; 93 a Includes account of a short stay at Monterey in 1835. DU BOIS, JOHN VAN D. 3053 Campaigns in the west, 1856-1861. Tuc- son 1949. Q [14] 124 16pls fold. map a 300 copies ptd. by Grabhorn DU BOIS, WILLIAM E. B. 3054 The suppression of the African slave trade to the United States, 1638-1870. N Y 1896. o[l2] 335 a [DUBOIS-FONTANELLE, JEAN G,| 3055 Naufrage et aventures de . . . Pierre Viaud. Bordeaux 1770. O 144 b LC NYP — other 1770 eds.: Neuchatel D 299 a; Bordeaux D 340 — later Fr. eds.: Neuchatel 1771; Bordeaux 1780; P 1797. — Dutch ed. "Schipbreuk en lotgevallen, " Amst 1771. — Eng. trs.: L 1771. D [12] 276[incl.pl]; L 1798. D 112 2pls — Am. eds.: Phil 1774. D 2pts in 1: [l2] 144; [4] 108 + 4adv-p; Dover N H 1799. D [8] 203 Imaginary voyage and ship-wreck on the Florida coast; essentially the same text as in the author's earlier Ettets des passions, ou memoires de M. de Floricourt, [l768j, of which an English translation appeared in 1788. DuBOSE, JOHN W. 3056 General Joseph Wheeler and the Army of Tennessee. N Y 1912. O 476 7pls a DUBOSE, JOHN W. 3057 Life and times of William Lowndes Yancey Birm Ala 1892. O [l6] 752 9pls a — rptd. N Y 1942. O 2v: [l4] 406; [6] 346. port Authoritative historical contribution analyzing the development of the extreme States Rights theory in the deep South, from 1834 to 1864. DU BOSQUE, MONS. 3058 The history of America. . . . Tr. from the French. L 1770-71. O 2v: [l2] 387; [6] 384 a — ed. 2, L 1771. O 2v DUBROCA, LOUIS 3059 L'itineraire des Francais dans la Louisi- ane; contenant l'histoire P 1802. 16° [4] 104 map b AA LC Y DUBUISSON, [CHARLES R. I 3060 Official report. . . of the war which took place at Detroit, in 1712 Det 1845. O 24 a [DUBUISSON, PAUL U. I 3061 Abrege de la revolution de l'Amerique angloise . . . 1774-8, par M. xxx, americain. P 1778. D [2] 452 [6] a — rptd. Yverdon 1779. D [l2] 345 — Ger. tr. Bern 1779. O [l2] 352 — ed. 2, same impr. 1784. O [8] 374 — Ital. tr., with adds., Venice 1782-4. O 3v in 1; [8] 263; 183; [4] 199 4maps pi Day-by-day account of events from Gage's arrival at Boston until French recognition. DUBUQUE, (JULIEN) 3062 Memorial. . . praying for the confirmation of the title to a tract of land granted to:. . . . St L 1845. O 28 a DUBUQUE CITY DIRECTORY 3063 Dubuque city directory. . . . Also general and historical information. Dubuque [1856J. D 201 [16] a — anr. issue, identical except for change of advertiser's name on p. 186 from "Gilbert and Buchanan" to "Gilbert and Bauman." — anr. issue, identical with preceding ex- cept that front, is added and a calendar for 1857 placed on verso of t-p. DUBUQUE AND PACIFIC 3064 Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Company (the). Documents of:. ... Dubuque 1858. O 72 a DUBUQUE AND PACIFIC 3065 Dubuque and Pacific Railroad Company (the). Report of:. . . . Dubuque 1858. O 45 fold, map a DUCLOS, CAPT. FRANCIS 3066 A brief sketch of:. . . particularly during the American revolution. ... St Albans 1824. O 26 a DUDEN, GOTTFRIED 3067 Bericht uber eine Reise nach den west- lichen Staaten. . . und einen mehrjahrigen Aufenthalt am Missouri Elberfield 1829. 0[l6] 348 a 170 Dudley — Dulany — rptd. St. Gallen 1833. — ed. 2, enl., Bonn 1834. O [58] 404 map Exerted great influence in attracting European emigration to the Middle West. [DUDLEY, PAUL] 3068 An essay on the merchandize of slaves, B 1732. O [8] 63 a — Eng. ed., L 1732. O [6] 35 [35] DUDLEY, W1ILLIAM] H. 3069 The National Park from the deck of a cayuse Butte 1886. D [lo] 132 a DUDLEY, WllLLlAMl L., pub. 3070 Grand Forks and North Dakota manual .... Historical . . . sketches. . . . Grand Forks 1885. D 146 a DUER, WILLIAM A. 3071 The life of William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, Major General. . .during the revolu- tion. ...NY 1847. O [16] 272 port Smaps a DUER, WILLIAM A. 3072 Reminiscences of an old New Yorker. . . . N Y 1867. O 102 a 35copies ptd. DUER, WILLIAM A. 3073 Reply to Mr. Colden's Vindication of the steamboat monopoly. . ..Alb 1819. O 184 [28] a DUFEY, P. J. S. 3074 Resume de l'histoire des revolutions de l'Amerique septentrionale . . . P 1826. 16 2v.: [4] 371; [4] 452 a — rptd., title slightly altered. P 1827 D 2v. DUFFIELD, GEORGE, ed. Travels in the two hemispheres. See that title. DUFFIELD, GEORGE C. 3075 Memories of frontier Iowa. Des M 1906. O 54 port a The author's family settled west of the Des Moines river, in 1837. DUFLOT DE MOFRAS, EUGENE 3076 Exploration du territoire de l'Oregon, des Californies [etc.], 1840-1-2. P 1844. O 2v: [l6] 524; [4] 514 8pls + atlas F [6] 26maps & pis [on 19 1.] c LC NYP Y — Eng. tr. by Wilbur [of Pacific coast portion] Santa Ana Cat 1937. O 2v: [3-44] 273; [3-12] 353. 2maps 8pls a Issued under French government auspices, it forms an admirable supplement to Hum- boldt's account of the same region and is the only early illustrated work on the Pacific coast comparable in beauty to the Voyage pittoresque of Choris. DUFLOT DE MOFRAS, EUGENE 3077 L'Oregon. P 1846. O 44 a DUFUR, A. J. 3078 Statistics of . . . Oregon. . . . Salem Ore 1869. O 128 tab a [DUGANNE, AUGUSTINE J. H. 1 3079 California and her gold regions. . . . Phil 1849. 16° 70 b DU HAILLY, L., [pseud.] Campagnes et stations sur les cotes de l'Amerique. . . . See Vaneechout, Edouard P. DU HALDE, JEAN-BAPTISTE 3080 Description geographique . . . de la Chine et de la Tartarie chinoise. P 1735. F 4v: [68] 592; [8] 726; [8] 567; [6] 520. 50maps 14pls a sets with Atlas [see below] b N Y —rptd. Hague 1736. Q 4v: [80] 488 [3l]; [6] 834; [6] 652; [4] 606 [l29]. 52maps & pis a — Eng. tr. L 1736. Q 4v — 2 other Eng. eds. followed — Ger. tr. Rostock 1747-56. Q 5v First book describing any part of Alaska, containing a synopsis of Bering's unpub- lished report of his first voyage of 1728. D'Anville's Nouvel atlas de la Chine, folio, published at The Hague, 1737, to accompany the work, reproduced Bering's original map, along with forty-one others. DUHAUT-CILLY, A[UGUSTE B.] 3081 Voyage autour du monde. ..a la Californie et aux lies Sandwich. . . 1826-9. P 1834-5. O 2v: [14] 410; [4] 438. 2errata 1. 3pls, fold, tab a — Ital. tr. [with Botta's observations on Cal. Indians added] Turin 1841. O 2v: [l6] 296; 393 L2J. 4pls — rptd. Naples 1842 O 566 no pis. Most extensive contemporary account of California's missions and settlements in this period, over 300 pages being devoted to the author's seven month's stay. DUKE, BASIL W. 3082 History of Morgan's cavalry. Cin 1867. O 578 port a — rev. ed. "Morgan's cavalry. . . ," N Y 1906. O 441 9maps 4ports [DULANY, DANIEL] 3083 Considerations on the propriety of im- E>osing taxes in the British colonies. . . . Annap]? 1765. Q [55] a — ed. 2, Annap 1765. same collat. — other eds.: N Y 1765. O 55; B [l765]. O 69] Eng. ed. L 1766. O [6] 8l[numb. in error 171 Dulieu — Dunkle — Eng. ed. 2, same impr. & date, but pagi- nal error cor. Forceful argument against taxation with- out representation. DULIEU, MARIE-HENRI JOSEPH 3084 Mississippi et Indiana: souvenirs d'Amer- ique. Brus 1862. D [8] 310 a — anr. issue, same sheets with P impr. n.d. DUMAS, ALEXANDRE, ed. 3085 Californie. Un an sur les bords du San- Joaquin et du Sacramento. . . redigees sur les recits d'un emigrant. Brus 1852. 16 2v: 122; 133 a DUMMER, JEREMIAH 3086 A defence of the New England charters. L 1721. o[5] 80 a — rptd. L 1728. — Am. ed. B 1721. D 44 — rptd.: B 1745; B 1765; L [l765]. Notable contribution to colonial political thought, voicing the theory that, by reason of their contractual nature, these charters could not now, after the colonists had ful- filled their obligation by redeeming the wilderness, be abrogated and government restored to the Crown. [DUMMER, JEREMIAH] 3087 A letter to a friend in the country, on the late expedition to Canada.. . . L 1712. O 22 a [DUMMER, JEREMIAH] 3088 A letter to a noble lord concerning the late expedition to Canada. . . . L 1712. O 26 b NYP Y — Am. ed. B same yr. a — anr. Am. ed. B 1746. D 23 a Defends Massachusetts against Hovenden Walker's charges. DUMONT [DE MONTIGNY], M. Memoires historiques sur la Louisiane .... See Mascrier, L. L. [DUNBAR, JOHN B.] 3089 The Pawnee Indians. A sketch. [N Y 1883]. O 92 a DUNBAR, SEYMOUR 3090 A history of travel in America. . . . Indp ptd. by Braunworth [l915]. O 4v: [54] 340; [6] 341-740; [6] 741-1124; [6] 1125-1529. 2maps 12 col. pis a — L.P. issue, Q same collat. 250copies — rptd., identical except without printer's name — anr. ed. N Y 1937. O 4v in 1 DUNBAR, WILLIAM Discoveries made in exploring the Mis- souri, Red river and Washita. . . . Natchez 1806. See Lewis and Clark, Message ot the President. DUNCAN, JAMES 3091 A treatise on slavery. Vevay Ind 1824. O 88 a First Indiana anti-slavery publication. [DUNCAN, JOHN M.] 3092 A Sabbath among the Tuscarora Indians Glas 1819. 24° 69 pi a — ed. 2, same impr. 1821. 24° 69 pi DUNCAN, JOHN M. 3093 Travels through part of the United States and Canada Glasgow 1823. D 2v. [l6] 334; [12] 384. 14maps &, pis a — Am. ed. N Y 1823. D 2v [DUNCAN, MRS. MARY (G.) L.] 3094 America as I found it. . . . L 1852. 16 [12] 380 a —Am. ed. N Y 1852. 16° 440 DUNCAN, R. S. 3095 A history of the Baptists in Missouri. St L 1882. O 937[incl. front.] a DUNCAN, WILLIAM, comp. 3096 The New York directory N Y 1791. D [8] 146 [2] 71 plan b NYP Fourth directory of this city. DUNCUMB, JOHN 3097 The British emigrant's advocate. . . for the use of emigrants and travellers in British America and the United States. . . . L 1837. D [6] 362 map 2pls a DUNDASS, SAMUEL R. 3098 Journal of. . . including. . . route to Cali- fornia. . . 1849. Sreubenv/7/e O 1857. D 60 c IndU Y DUNHAM, JACOB 3099 Journal of voyages. ...NY 1850. D 243 [incl.2pls] a —rptd. N Y 1851. same collat. DUNIWAY, MRS. ABIGAIL J. 3100 Captain Gray's Company; or, crossing the plains and living in Oregon. Port Ore 1859. D 342 b AA LC NYP Y Romance, in the form of journal entries, embodying an 1850 overland trip based on the author's own experience in 1852. The first literary production written and printed in Oregon. [DUNKLE, JOHN J.] 3101 Prison life during the rebellion. . . . By Fritz Fuzzlebug [pseud.]. Singer's Glen Va 1869. O 48 [incl. covers] a 172 Dunlap — Dupre DUNLAP, WILLIAM 3102 A history of the American theatre. N Y 1832. O [8] 420 a — Eng. ed. L 1833. Q 2v: [n] 412; [6] 387 — rptd., with front, added & bound in lv., otherwise same collat. , impr. & date. DUNLAP, WILLIAM 3103 History of the . . . arts of design in the United States. iV Y 1834. O 2v: 435; [8] 480 a — rptd. B 1918. O 3v An American Vasari. DUNLAP, WILLIAM 3104 History of the New Netherlands. ...NY 1839-40. O 2v: 487; 282 [248]. 2maps port errata 1. a DUNTON, JOHN 3113 Letters written from New-England, A. D. 1686. . . . Now first published. . . . B Prince Soc. 1867. Q [24] 340 a 140copies [20 on L. P.] Interesting picture of New England life in the seventeenth century, but chiefly plagi- arized from Josselyn, Mather and others. DUNTON, JOHN 3l]4 The life and errors of: L 1705. O [18J 463 200-251 a — rptd. L 1818. O 2v paged continuously: [32] 776 port Curious experiences of a London book- seller in Boston. DUNLOP, W. S. 3105 Lee's sharpshooters. .. .Little Rock 1899. O 488 port a DUNLOP, DR. [WILLIAM] 3106 Recollections of the American war, 1812- 14 Tor 1905. D [8] 112 port a 250copies ptd. — ed. 2, same impr. 1908. D [l2] 112[incl. port] DUNN, JACOB PIATT 3107 Massacres of the mountains. A history of the Indian wars of the far west. N Y 1886. O [9] 784 map a Best single volume covering the subject. DUNN, JAMES E. 3108 Indian Territory, a pre-commonwealth. Indp 1904. D [2] 9-250 front, a DUNN, JOHN 3109 History of the Oregon Territory and British North American fur trade. L 1844. O [8] 359 map a — rptd. L 1846. same collat — Am. ed. Phil 1845. 16° [8] 13-236 Practically a history of Hudson's Bay Co. operations in the North-west; by one of their men. DU PONCEAU, PETER S. 3115 A discourse on the early history of Penn- sylvania Phil 1821. O 38 a DU PONCEAU, PETER S., and 3116 FISHER, J. FRANCIS A memoir of the history of the . . . treaty made by William Penn with the Indians. . . 1662. Phil 1836. O 63 a DUPONCEAU, MR. [PETER S.] 3117 Reply to: [on the New Orleans batture]. [N O 1809]. O 67 [capt.t] a — Fr. tr., same impr., date &• collat DU PONCEAU, PETER S. 3118 A review of the cause of the New Orleans batture Phil 1809. O [2] 52 a Answer to Thierry's Examination of the claim of the United States. DU PONT, CAPT. S[AMUEL] F. 3119 Extracts from private journal-letters of: . . . during the war with Mexico. IVilm Del 1885. O 444 b small ed. ptd. Y Privately printed account of California naval operations, where Du Pont commanded Stockton's flagship, the "Congress." DUNN, J[0HN] B. 3110 Perilous trails of Texas. Dallas [l932] O [10] 163 pis a DUNNINGTON, GEORGE A. 3111 History. . . of the county of Marion, W. Va. Fairmont W Va 1880. D 162 a DUNT, DETLEF 3112 Reise nach Texas. . . .Bremen 1834. D [8] 158 [2] b S First German book exclusively on Texas. DU PONT, REAR ADMIRAL 3120 [SAMUEL F.l Official dispatches and letters of:. .. 1846-8; 1861-3. Wilm Del 1883. O [4] 531 b LC N NYP Y DUPORTAIL, M. Love and patriotism! Or, the . . . adven- tures of: See Louvet de Couvray, Jean B. DUPRt, E. Atlas of the cit las 01 the city and county St L 1838. O L4] 30maps a and county of St Louis 173 Durand — Dwight DURAND, JAMES R. 3122 The life and adventures of: . . . 1810-1816, in which time he was impressed on board the British fleet Bridgeport 1817. D 83 a — rptd. Roch 1820. D 129 a DURANT, THOMAS C. 3123 Report of: ... in relation to the operations ... [of the Union Pacific railroad] to the close of . . . 1865. N Y 1866. O [2] 64 a DURANT, THOMAS C. 3124 Report of: . . . in relation to the surveys and exploration [for a route through Wyoming Territory] ... to the close of 1864. N Y 1866. O 8 24 12 15 4fold.maps 14pls a DUREAU, JEAN B. 3125 Les Etats-Unis en 1850. Notes et souve- nirs. P 1891. D [4] 540 a First printing of this survey of American life written in 1851, the fruit of a three- year's residence. Twelve chapters are given to slavery and the Mississippi Valley. DURO, CAESARIO F. 3126 Don Diego de Penalosa y su descum- brimiento del. . . Quivira. Madrid 1882. O 160 a Proves this pretended expedition to have been a hoax. See Freytas, Nicolas de. DU ROI, LIEUT. 3127 Journal of: N Y 1911. O 189 2facs a Translation of an unpublished manuscript by a Hessian officer on the Saratoga cam- paign and subsequent prison life. [DURRELL, EDWARD H.] 3128 New Orleans as I found it N Y 1845. O 125 a DU SIMITIERE. [PIERRE EUGENE] 3129 Portraits des generaux. . . celebres dans la revolution. P 1781. Q [2] 13ports[of Washington, Steuben, Gates, Arnold, et al] b — Eng. ed. "Thirteen portraits of American legislators, patriots and soldiers.. .," L [1783]. Q 13ports a — to this Eng. ed. were added 2 other series, same impr. & date; complete set: F 3v 60pls b DUSTIN, FRED 3130 The Custer tragedy Ann Arbor 1939. Q [22] 251 3maps a 200copies ptd. DUTTENHOFER, A. 3131 Bereisung der Vereinigten St a a ten. . . . Stuttgart 1835. O [8] 134 [2] 15maps & pis a DUVAL, JOHN C. 3132 The adventures of Big-foot Wallace, the Texas ranger Phil 1871. D 291 6pls a — eds. 2& 3, same impr. & collat., 1872; 1873. — anr. ed. 3, Macon Ga 1885. same collat. — rptd., with fanciful impr. & date of Macon Ga 1870. [Austin n.d., but after 1900]. — anr. ed. Austin 1935. O [l6] 309 pis DUVAL, JOHN C. 3133 Early times in Texas [2 pts. in 1, pt. 1, "Adventures of Jack Dobell"; pt. 2, "The young explorers"] Austin 1892. D 135; 253 [incl. blank 1. before app.] a — rptd. same impr. 1935. same collat. DUVALLON Vue de la colonie espagnole du Missis- sippi. . . . See Berquin-Duvallon. DUVERGIER DE HAURANNE, 3134 ERNEST Huit mois en Amerique. . . . P 1866. D 2v: [12] 439; 503 a Travelled extensively as far West as the Mississippi. DU VERNOY, GUSTAVE 3135 Freude nach Leid, oder die Ansiedler in Texas Regensburg 1866. O 340 a — rptd. same impr. 1868. O 346 DUYCINCK, EVERT A. National portrait gallery of eminent Americans. N Y [ 1864-7]. Q 2v: [4] 470; [4] 470. ports a 3136 DWIGHT, JASPER, of Vt. A letter to Washington. See Duane, Wm. DWIGHT, THEODORE, [JR.] 3137 History of the Hartford convention. ...NY 1833. O 447 a [DWIGHT, THEODORE, JR.] 3138 The northern traveller; . . . routes to Niagara NY 1825. D [2] 222 16maps 4pls a — ed. 2, N Y 1826. 16° [6] 382 maps & pis — ed. 3, N Y 1828. 16° [6] 403 19maps 11 pis — ed. 4, with information added [on Pa. & N. Eng.], N Y 1830. D [8] 19maps 9pls 444 — rptd. N Y 1831. same collat. — ed. 5, with app.[on the west], N Y [l834], 16° 432 19maps 12pls[incl.eng.t.l — ed. 6, au. named, N Y 1841. D [8] 250 17maps For similar title see Disturnell, John. [DWIGHT, THEODORE, JR.] 3139 Sketches of scenery and manners in the United States NY 1829. D 188 9pls a — rptd. "Life and manners in the United States," N Hav 1836. D 174 Dwlght — EardleyWIImot [DWIGHT, THEODORE, JR.] 3140 Things as they are . . . notes of a traveller through . . . the middle and northern states. N Y 1834. D 252 [incl. front.] 4pls a — ed. 2, au. named, "Summer tours, or notes of a traveller. . . ," N Y 1847. — Eng. ed. "Travels in America," Glas 1848. DWIGHT, TIMOTHY 3141 A sermon. . . occasioned by the capture of the British army . . . under Cornwallis. . . . Hart Patten [l78l]. O 34 a DWIGHT, TIMOTHY 3142 A statistical account of the towns. . . in the state of Connecticut. No. l[all], cover- ing New Haven only. N Hav 1811. O [l2] 84 a DWIGHT, TIMOTHY 3143 Travels in New England and New York N Hav 1821-2. O 4v: 524; 527; 534; 527 + errata slip 3maps a —Eng. ed. L 1823. O 4v: 1.32] 483; [l2] 504; [12] 574; [12] 514. port 3maps DWINELLE, JOHN W. 3144 The colonial history of . . . San Francisco . . . [.author's legal brief used in the U. S. District Court in support of San Francisco's suit against the U. S. for land on which the city was built]. S F 1863. O 3 1. [incl. map] 102 115 b Y — ed. 2, probably never issued — ed. 3, [containing add. material used after the suit was transferred to the U. S. Circuit Court] S F 1866. O 45 slip of errata 34 errata 1. 106 391 [2] 3pls map [a second fold, map inserted in some copies does not properly belong to them] c NYP Y — ed. 4, sheets of ed. 3, with new t-p. S F 1867. b Y In some copies 4 extra p. inserted after p365. — ed. 5, Phoenix 1875. a — anr. ed. San Diego 1924. Basic book for the beginnings of this city, with documents not available elsewhere. DWYER, CHARLES P. 3145 History of Buffalo. Pt. l[all]. [Buf] 1852. 0[l2] 16 a DWYER, CHARLES P. 3146 Memoir of Commodore O. H. Perry. . . in- cluding a faithful sketch of the great battle of lake Erie Clev 1860. O 32 a plot N Y 1866. O [6] 364 [4] — rptd. Phil 1868. DYER, CHARLES E. 3148 Historical address before the old settlers society of Racine County. Racine 1871. O 84 a DYER, MRS. D. B. 3149 "Fort Reno," or picturesque " Cheyenne and Arrapahoe army life," before the open- ing of Oklahoma. N Y 1896. D 216 lOpls a The author's husband, Oklahoma City's first mayor, resented certain allusions to his conduct and succeeded in destroying many copies. [DYER, ELIPHALET] 3150 Remarks on Dr. Gale's Letter to J. W., Esq. n.p. 1769. O 27 a Relative to the dispute between New York and Connecticut, concerning Susquehannah lands. For reply see Gale, Benjamin, Observations. . . . DYER, J. E. 3151 Dakota: the observations of a tenderfoot. [Fargo] 1884. O 129 + 15adv-p pi diag map Lwrapper t.onlyj b DYER, REV. JOHN L. 3152 The snow-shoe itinerant. ... Cin 1890. D 362 5pls a — ed. 2, enl., Cin 1891. D 374 15pls Dyer was the Peter Cartwright of the Rocky mountain region. DYER, JOHN W. 3153 Reminiscences; or, four years in the Con- federate army. . . . Evansville Ind 1898. O 323 pis a E EAGER, SAMUEL W. 3154 An outline history of Orange county [n. Y.] Newburgh 1846-7. O [2] 652 [V) errata slip a EAMES, WILBERFORCE, ed. 3155 John Eliot and the Indians, 1652-1657. N Y 1915. Q 31 1. port 20pls[each with separate 1. of description] a 150copies ptd. Sumptuous printing of two unpublished letters written by Eliot from Roxbury, and an account of his various books. DYE, JOHN S. 3147 The adder's den; or, secrets of the great conspiracy to overthrow liberty in America ....NY 1864. O 128 a EARDLEY-WILMOT, JOHN 3156 Historical view of the Commission for en- quiring into the losses ... of the American loyalists L 1815. O [8] 204 pi a 175 Earle — Eaton EARLE, ALICE M. 3157 Two centuries of costume in America, 1620-1820. N Y 1903. O 2v: [20] 338; [24] 389-824 + 3adv-p. 98pls a — rptd. 2v in 1, same impr. & collat. 1910. EARLE, E. W. 3158 Reminiscences of the Sioux Indian massa- cre in 1862. [Fairfax Minn 1907?]. D [47] 4pls a EARLE, J. P. 3159 History of Clay county [Texas]. Henrietta 1897. O [4] 64 a EARLE, SWEPSON 3160 The Chesapeake bay country. Bait 1923. O 510 [2] [pis incl. in paginat.] fold.map a — ed. 2, rev., same impr. 1924. O [lO] 13- 519[incl.plsJ fold.map — ed. 3, Bait 1929. Q 520[incl.pls] fold.map EARLE, SWEPSON, and 3161 SKIRVEN, PERCY G. Maryland's colonial eastern shore. Bait 1916. Q [20] 204 map a [EARLE, THOMAS] comp., 1796-1849 3162 The life, travels and opinions of Benjamin Lundy, including his journeys to Texas. . . . Phil 1847. D 316 port map a EARLE, THOMAS, 1796-1849 3163 Treatise on railroads and internal com- munications Phil 1830. O 120 2maps 4pls a First book on the subject written in this country. EARLY, JUBAL A. 3164 Autobiographical sketch and narrative of the war between the states. Phil 1912. O [26] 496 12pls a Enlarged from his earlier Memoir of the last year of the war. EARLY, JUBAL A. 3165 The campaigns of General Robert E. Lee. Bait 1872. O 47 a EARLY, JUBAL A. 3166 A memoir of the last year of the war for independence in the Confederate States. Tor 1866. O 144 a — rptd. Lynchburg 1867. O 136; N O 1867. O 112; Augusta Ga 1867. O EASTBURN, ROBERT 3167 A faithful narrative of the many dangers ... of: during his captivity among the Indi- ans Phil 1758. D 46 c AA N NYP — anr. ed. B 1758. O [4] 35 b PaH Y — for 1828 reprint, see Green Ashbel. — anr. ed. Clev 1904. O 76 a EASTLICK, MRS. LAVINA 3168 Thrilling incidents of the Indian war of 1862. . . . Lancaster [ptd.Mirmeap] 1864. O 37 b LC MinnH 3copies located EASTMAN, MRS. MARY [HENDERSON] 3169 The American aboriginal portfolio. . . . Phil [1853]. Q 84 [incl. eng. t-p] 26pls a EASTMAN, MRS. MARY [HENDERSON] 3170 Chicora and other regions. . . . Phil 1854. Q[4] 21 9-126 21pls a — anr. ed. "The American annual. .. ," Phil n.d. same collat. EASTMAN, MRS. MARY [HENDERSON] 3171 Dahcotah; or, life and legends of the Sioux NY 1849. D [l4] 268 4pls a EASTMAN, MRS. MARY [HENDERSON] 3172 Romance of Indian life Phil 1852. O 310 12col.pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1853. EASTON, REV. H. 3173 A treatise on the intellectual character ... of the colored people of the United States B 1837. O 54 [l] a Omission of the sermon mentioned in title is explained on final leaf. EASTON, JOHN 3174 A narrative of the causes which led to Philip's Indian war. . . . Ed. F. B. Hough. Alb 1858. Q [26] 207 map a 125copies[25 on L.P.] EASTON 3175 Minutes of conferences . . . with the Indi- ans at: . . . July and November, 1756 Phil 1757. F 32 dd Y EASTON 3176 Minutes of conferences . . . with the Indi- ans, at: . . . July, and August, 1757. Phil 1757. F 24 dd N NYP Y EASTON 3177 Minutes of conferences, held at: in October 1758, with. . . the Mohawks Phil 1758. F 31 dd N NYP PaH Y — ed. 2, Phil 1759. same collat. d Y — anr. ed. "Minutes of a treaty. . . ," Wood- bridge N J 1758. F 35 dd EATON, CYRUS 3178 Annals of . . . Warren [Me.]. . . . Hallowell 1851. D [12] 437 2maps port[incl.in paginat] a — ed. 2, same impr. 1877. D [l6] 680 maps pis EATON, CYRUS 3179 History of Thomaston. . . Maine. Hallowell 1865. D 2v: [l2] 468; [4] 472 a 176 Eaton — Edge EATON, JOHN H. 3180 Candid appeal to the American public, in reply to Messrs. Ingham, Branch and Berrien, on the dissolution of the late Cabinet. Wash 1831. O 55 a EATON, JOHN H. The life of Andrew Jackson. . . . See Reid, John, and Eaton, John H. EATON, LILLEY 3181 Genealogical history of... Reading, Mass. B 1874. o[28] 815 pis a EATON, MfOSES] 3182 Five years on the Erie canal. . . . Utica 1845. 16° [2] 156 a EATON, MRS. RACHEL C. 3183 John Ross and the Cherokee Indians. . . . Menasha Wis 1914. O [lo] 212 a — anr. ed. Muskogee Okla 1921. O [6] 153 EATON, S[AMUEL] J. M. 3184 Petroleum: a history of the oil regions of Venango county, Pa Phil 1866. D 299 fold, map pis a [EATON, WILLIAM] 3185 Interesting detail of the operations of the American fleet in the Mediterranean. . . . Springfield Mass. [l805]. O 31 a EATON, THE LATE GEN. WILLIAM The life of: See Prentiss, Chas. EBBUTT, PERCY 3186 Emigrant life in Kansas. L 1886. D [8] 237 13pls a EBENEZER 3187 Ebenezer, in der Provinz Georgien. Kurzgefasste Nachricht von dem Etab- lissement derer Lder?] Salzburgischen Emi- granten zu:. . . . Hamburg 1777. O 44 a EBERLEIN, HAROLD D. 3188 The colonial homes of Philadelphia. . . . Phil 1912. O [4] 366 [4] pis a ECCLESTON, ROBERT 3189 Overland to California on the southwestern trail, 1849 Berkeley 1950. O [24] 256 ll] 2maps port a ECKENRODE, HAMILTON J., and 3190 CONRAD, B. James Longstreet, Lee's war horse. Chapel Hill 1936. O [8] 3-399 front, a ECKENRODE, HAMILTON J., ed. 3191 List of the colonial soldiers of Virginia. Rich 1917. O 91 a ECKENRODE, HAMILTON J., ed. 3192 List of the revolutionary soldiers of Vir- ginia. Rich 1912-13. O 2v: a ECKENRODE, HAMILTON J. 3193 The political history of Virginia during the reconstruction. Bait 1904. O 128 a ECKENRODE, HAMILTON J. The revolution in Virginia. B 1916. 311 a 3194 ECKENRODE, HAMILTON J. 3195 Separation of church and state in Vir- ginia. Rich 1910. O 164 a ECLESTON, THOMAS 3196 Life of John Paterson, Major General in the revolutionary army. N Y 1894. O 293 15 maps & pis 6fold. charts a ECONOMICA Economica: a statistical manual for the United States See Blodget, Saml. ECONOMICAL CAUSES Economical causes of slavery in the United States. ... By a South Carolinian. See Middleton, H. EDDIS, WILLIAM 3197 Letters from America . . . comprising oc- currences from 1769 to 1777. . . . L 1792. O [50] 455 a EDDY, MARY BAKER 3198 Science and health. B 1875. D 456 errata — ed. 2, labelled "vol.2," Lynn 1878. D [6] 144 141-167 errata slip front, c — ed. 3, rev. Lynn 1881. D 2v b — ed. 6, rev., with "Key to the Scriptures" added, B 1883. a — ed. 21, rev. B 1886. D 590 port — ed. 50, with index added, B 1891. 16° [l2] 651 EDEN, WILLIAM, BARON AUCKLAND 3199 Four letters to the Earl of Carlisle. . . . Edin 1779. O 86 a — ed. 2, L same date. O [4] 163 England urged to continue the war until colonial resistance is crushed. EDES, PETER 3200 A diary of: . . . written during his confine- ment in Boston by the British . . . after the battle of Bunker hill. Bangor 1837. D 24 a — rptd. 1901. EDGE, FREDERICK M. 3201 The Alabama and the Kearsarge . . . account . . . from information furnished . . . by the . . . 177 prisoners of the Confederate privateer. L 1864. 16° 48 a — Am. ed. "An Englishman's view of the battle between the Alabama and the Kears- arge," N Y 1864. O 48 — anr. ed. B 1870. O 24 EDMONDS, GEORGE [pseud.] Facts and falsehoods concerning the war on the south. See Meriwether, Mrs. Elizabeth A. EDMUNDS, A. C. 3202 Pen sketches of Nebraskans. . . . Lincoln [Omaha ptd] 1871. D 511 20pls [all mounted photos] a There were two states of the frontis- piece, one having two minature portraits in left hand border. EDSALL, JOHN 3203 Incidents in the life of: Catskill 1831. 16° 156 a Served with Miranda's expedition and, later, in the United States navy, under Perry and McDonough in the War of 1812. EDWARDS, JOHN N. 3211 Shelby's expedition to Mexico. K C 1872. O 139 a — rptd., with adds., "John N. Edwards. Biography. . . ," K C 1889. D EDWARDS, JONATHAN, 1703-58 3212 An account of the life of. . . David Brainerd . . . from his own diary B 1749. O [20] 316 + adv-1. a — Eng. ed., with his journal while with Indians, etc., Edin 1765. O [l2] 504 — rptd., under various titles, numerous times. See also under Brainerd. EDWARDS, JONATHAN, 1703-58 3213 A faithful narrative of the surprising work of God in the conversion of many hundred souls in Northampton. . . in New England. L 1737. D [16] 132 a — ed. 2, L 1738. D [l6] 126 — rptd. Edin 1738. O [24] 93 — Am. ed., styled ed. 3, new pref. by J. Sewall, et al, B 1738. 16° [l6] 79 — many later eds., Eng. & Am., with slightly variant titles. EDWARD, DAVID B. 3204 The history of Texas. . . . Cin 1836. D 336 map a Conditions just prior to the Revolution described by an actual observer. EDWARDS, JONATHAN, JR., 3214 1745-1801 The injustice and impolicy of the slave trade [n Hav?] 1791. O [l\ 37 a — rptd.. with adds., Prov 1792. O 60 EDWARDS, A. 3205 The city of Fargo; with an account of Cass county Fargo 1883. O 40 map a EDWARDS, JONATHAN, 1847-1929 3215 Marcus Whitman, M. D. , the founder of the Pacific northwest. . . . Spokane 1892. O 48 ports a EDWARDS, CHARLES 3206 Texas and Coahuila NY 1834. O [6] 50 [2j map b LC NYP Y EDWARDS, EDWARD 3207 The life of Sir Walter Raleigh [l] 1868. O 2v: [56] 723; [98] 530. port facs 3 pedigree tabs a EDWARDS, FRANK S. 3208 A campaign in New Mexico with Colonel Doniphan. Phil 1847 [copies in wraps have cov.t. dated 1848]. D 184 map + 22adv-p a — rptd. 1848; 1849. — Eng. ed. L 1848. D [4] 134 map EDWARDS, JOHN N. 3209 Noted guerillas; or the warfare of the border St L 1877. O [4] 9-488 + 2adv-p front. 15pls a EDWARDS, JOHN N. Shelby and his men. . map pi a 3210 , Cin 1867. O 551 EDWARDS, JOSEPH L. Centennial history of Pawnee county, Nebraska. Pawnee City [l876]. O 50 a 3216 EDWARDS, LOUISA M. 3217 A pioneer home maker. . . Louisa Maria Montgomery, n.p. 1903. O 67 a Includes her journey to Ohio in 1807 and her life there to 1866. EDWARDS, MONROE [D.] 3218 Life and adventures of: N Y 1848. O 152 port a — anr. issue, same date & collat. Phil — rptd. N Y 1849. O Accomplished swindler, forger and Texas adventurer. EDWARDS, MUNROE [sic?] [D.] 3219 The life of the celebrated:. . .'. By a Texian. B 1842. D 33 a EDWARDS, MORGAN 3220 Materials towards a history of the Bap- tists in Pennsylvania [and Jersey]. . . . Phil 1770-92. D 2v [all]: 132; 155. pi a 178 Edwards — Egleston EDWARDS, GOV. [NINIAN W.] 3221 Communication to both Houses of Illinois Legislature [Kaskaskia 1814]. O 24 caption t.only b S [only copy located] This message, largely concerned with the War of 1812 on the western frontier, was the first pamphlet printed in Illinois. EDWARDS, NiNIAN W. 3222 History of Illinois, 1778-1833 Spring' field 111 1870. O 549 [3] port a EDWARDS, PHILIP L. 3223 California in 1837 Sacr 1890. D 47 a — rptd. "The diary of Philip Leget Ed- wards. ..," S F Grabhorn 1932. O [6] 47 front. 500copies ptd. Originally issued serially in an 1860 California magazine. EDWARDS, PHILIP L. 3224 Sketch of the Oregon Territory; or emi- grant's guide. Liberty Mo 1842. D 20 dd Y [only copy known] — rptd. [K C] 1951. a First guide to the Pacific coast. EELKING, MAX VON [ed.] 3231 Leben und Wirken des. . . Freidrich Adolph Riedesel Leip 1856. O 3v: [l6] 288; [lo] 450; [4] 400. map port a — Eng. tr. by Wm. L. Stone, "Memoirs and letters, and journals of Major-General Riedesel, during his residence in America," Alb 1868. O 2v: [8] 307; 284. 2pls a Also 50 copies on L. P. EELLS, MYRON 3232 History of Indian missions on the Pacific coast. Phil [1882]. D 270 6pls a EELLS, MYRON 3233 History of the Congregational Association of Oregon and Washington. . . . Port Ore 1881. D 124 tab a EELLS, MYRON 3234 Ten years of missionary work among the Indians. . . 1874-84. B [l886]. D 271 4pls a EFFECT Effect (The) of secession. Danl. See Lord, EDWARDS, RICHARD, comp. 3225 Commercial directory of the western states and rivers St L 1867-8. O 1371 a EGAN, WILLIAM M., ed. 3235 Pioneering the west, 1846 to 1878 Richmond Utah 1917. D 302 pi a EDWARDS, RICHARD, and 3226 HOPEWELL, M. Great west and her commercial metropolis St L 1860. O 604 116pls a EDWARDS, SAMUEL E. 3227 The Ohio hunter Battle Creek 1866. 16° 240 port a — ed. 2, same collat. & impr., 1880. — ed. 3, same impr., 1893. EDWARDS, T. A. 3228 The last war trail of the Modocs. . . . Erie 1884. O 110 a — rptd. many times under t. "Daring Donald McKay; or, the last war trail of the Modocs." EDWARDS, W. F., pub. 3229 Tourists' guide and directory of the Truckee basin Truckee Calif 1883. D 138 + 36adv-p a First book on this region. EELKING, MAX VON 3230 Die deutshen Hulfstruppen im nord- ;amerikanischen Befreiungskriege, 1776-83. Hanover Ger 1863. O 2v: [l2] 397; 271 a — Eng. tr., somewhat abr., ed. Rosengarten, "German allied troops. . . ," Alb 1893. O 360 port EGERSIROM, C. AX._ 3236 Berattelse om en fard till Kalifornien. . . . Stockh 1859. D 326 a EGGERLING, H. W. E. 3237 Kurze Beschreibung der Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Wiesbaden 1832. D [l4] 279 a — — ed. 2, enl., "Beschreibung der Vereinig- ten Staaten. . . ," Mannheim 1833. D 344 [EGGLESTON, BENJAMIN] 3238 An American field of Mars. . . . Vol.lLallJ. CJev 1839. D 464 a — anr. ed., possibly the 1st, "The wars of America. . . ," same collat. Bait 1839. EGLE, WILLIAM H. 3239 An illustrated history of. . .Pennsylvania Harrisburg 1876. O 1186 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1877. O 2v — ed. 2, rev., Phil 1880. O — ed. 3, Phil. 1883. O 1204 EGLE, WILLIAM H., ed. 3240 Notes and queries relating to Pennsyl- vania. Phil 1883-9. Sser. in 8v b AA — ser. 1 & 2 [originally ptd. 1883-4], rptd. 1894-5. a EGLESTON, THOMAS 3241 The life of John Paterson, major general in the revolutionary army. N Y 1894. O [l2] 293 front. 9maps 6tabs pis a 179 Egmont — Elliot — ed. 2, rev., N Y 1898. O [l4] 488 maps & pis EGMONT, JOHN PERCEVAL, 3242 EARL OF A journal of the transactions of the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia. Wormsloe Ga 1886. Q [lo] 494 a 49copies ptd. For other titles of this author see Perce- val, John. EHRENBERG, HERMAN 3243 Texas und seine revolution. . . . Leip 1843. O [4] 258 a — rptd. "Der Freiheitskampf in Texas im Jahre 1836," Leip 1844. 16° [6] 294 — anr. ed. "Fahrten u. Shicksale eines Deutschen in Texas," Leip 1845. O [4] 258 By the leading surveyor, map maker and explorer of the early Southwest. He was with Fannin in the Texas revolution, narrowly escaping the massacre of that command; went to Oregon in 1844 and to California in the gold rush; in the '50's ex- plored Arizona for the Sonora Mining Co. and met death there at the hand of the Indians in 1866. EICKMEYER, RUDOLF Letters from the southwest. 1894. O 111 a [n y] 3244 EINIGEWORTE_ 3245 Einige Worte fur Auswanderungs-lustige Bielefeld 1849. O 72 a ELDERKIN, JAMES D. 3246 Biographical sketches ... of a soldier of three wars. Det 1899. D [4] 202 3pls a ELGIN History of. 3247 : Chi 1867. D 41 a ELLET, MRS. E[LIZABETH] F. L., 3251 and MACK, MRS. R. E. The court circles of the republic . . Hart 1869. O [2] 586 15pls[all but front, incl. in paginat.J a — rptd. Phil 1872. O ELLET, MRS. [ELIZABETH F. L.] 3252 Domestic history of the . . . revolution. N Y 1850. D 308 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1851. ELLET, MRS. ELIZABETH F. [L.] 3253 Pioneer women of the west. N Y 1852. D 308 front, a — rptd. Phil 1873. O 434 front. ELLET, MRS. E[LIZABETH] F. L. 3254 The queens of American society. N Y 1867. D 464 13ports a ELLET, MRS. [ELIZABETH F. L.] 3255 Summer rambles in the west. N Y 1853. D 268 a ELLET, MRS. [ELIZABETH F. L.] 3256 The women of the . . . revolution. ...NY 1848-50. D 3v: 348; 312; 396. 7pls a — vols. 1 &, 2 were rptd. several times ELLICOTT, ANDREW 3257 The journal of:. . . . Phil 1803. Q [7] 299 151 14maps &, pis a — rptd. 1814. same collat. Most thorough American survey of the lower Mississippi valley and the Gulf region up to this time. ELLICOTT, ANDREW 3258 The unfortunate controversy between the warrantees and the actual settlers on the lands . . . lying north and west of the Ohio and Allegheny rivers. . . . Lancaster Pa 1810. D 28 a ELGIN History of: Elgin 1875. O 114 a ELIOT, JOHN, D. D. 3249 A biographical dictionary. . . of the first settlers ... in New England. B 1809. O [8] 512 a ELIOT, JOHN, the apostle of the Indians The life of:.... See Wilson, John. ELLENBECKER, JOHN G. 3250 The Jayhawkers of Death valley. Marys- ville Kas 1938. O 130 pi a Contains information on the tragic first emigration over the southern route not found in the previous accounts by Manly and Stephens. 3259 [ Wash 3248 [ELLIOT, GEORGE H.] The Presidio of San Francisco, 1874]. D 39 b Privately printed and based on Mexican documents destroyed in the 1906 disaster. ELLIOT, JAMES 3260 The poetical and miscellaneous works of: Greenfield Mass 1798. D 271 [5] b AA BA N NYP Y 300 copies ptd. Contains a journal of his 3-years' army service, 1793-6, on the Ohio frontier. ELLIOT, JONATHAN 3261 The debates. . . on the adoption of the Federal constitution as recommended by the general convention at Philadelphia.. . . Wash 1827-30. O 4v: [8] 358 [8]; 33-487; [8] 17- 322; [8] 272 404 [4] a 180 Elliot — Ellis — ed. 2, with Madison's notes, etc., added, Wash 1836-45. O 5v: [l6] 508; [12] 556; [12] 663; [12] 639; [22] 641 — rptd.; Phil 1861. O 5v; Phil 1866. O 5v; Phil 1896. O 5v; Phil 1901. O 5v 3262 ELLIOT, JONATHAN Historical sketches of the ten miles square forming the District of Columbia. . . . Wash 1830. D 554 pi a [ELLIOT, WILLIAM] 3263 The Washington guide Wash 1822. 18° [l2] 138 map a — rptd. Wash 1823. — ed. 2, with adds., Wash 1826. 18° [8] 150 —other eds., same impr.: 1830; 1837. 18° [l2] 310 map & pis ELLIOTT, A. B. 3264 Traveller's handbook across the continent Troy 1870. D 88 a ELLIOTT, REV. [CHARLES] 3265 History of the great secession from the Methodist. . . Church ... in the organization of . . . the "Methodist. . . Church South." Cin 1855. O 1144 a ELLIOTT, REV. CHARLES 3266 Indian missionary reminiscences, princi- pally of the Wyandot nation. ...NY 1837. 18° 216 [incl. prelim, blank 1.] a — ed. 2.NY 1850. 16° 216[incl. prelim, blank 1.J ELLIOTT, REV. CHARLES 3267 The life of the Rev. Robert B. Roberts ... of the Methodist . . . Church. Cin 1844. D 407 port a — rptd. N Y 1853. D Includes his trip to Arkansas and Kansas. ELLIOTT, REV. CHARLES Southwestern Methodism. . 469 port a 3268 .Cin 1868. D ELLIOTT, CHARLES W. The New England history. . . 986-1776 N Y 1857. O 2v: 479; 492. 2pls a 3269 [ELLIOTT, COM. JESSE D.] 3272 Correspondence in relation to the capture of the British brigs Detroit and Caledonia ... 1812. Phil 1843. O 29 front, a For similar title on the same affair, see Towson, Nathan. ELLIOTT, RICHARD S. 3273 Notes taken in sixty years. St L 1883. O [4] 336 port[not in later issues] a Council Bluffs Indian agent, 1834; with Doniphan's expedition, 1846. ELLIOTT, WILLIAM 3274 Carolina sports, by land and water. . . . Charleston 1846. D 172 a — rptd.: N Y 1850. same collat.; N Y 1859. D [8] 11-292 + 5adv-p 6pls — Eng. ed. L 1867. D [4] 3-292 + 2adv-p. no pis. ELLIS, ALBERT G. 3275 Hand-book of Stevens Point and the upper Wisconsin. . . early settlement [etc.]. Stevens Point 1857. D 45 + 17adv-p a ELLIS, ALBERT G. 3276 Some account of the advent into Wiscon- sin. Madison 1856. O 449 a ELLIS (DANIEL), the great Union 3277 guide of east Tennessee Thrilling adventures of:.. . .N Y 1867. O 430 a [ELLIS, EDWARD S.] 3278 The life and times of Christopher Carson ,...2V Y Beadle n.d. D 94 a [ELLIS, FRANKWILL] 3279 History and future of Minnehaha County, Dakota, and city of Sioux Falls. [Wrapper title only]. Sioux Falls [l887]. O 26 map a ELLIS, G. A. 3280 New Britain. A narrative of a journey. . . to a country ... in the vast plain of the Missouri L 1820. O [8] 336 a Allegorical fantasy in which is elaborated the author's theories for a Utopian society. ELLIOTT, DAVID S. 3270 Last raid of the Daltons. . . at Coffey- ville, Kansas. Coffeyville 1892. D 7l[incl. port] a ELLIOTT, E. N. ed. 3271 Cotton is king, and pro-slavery arguments ....Augusta Ga 1860. O [l6] 908 2ports a ELLIOTT, COM. JESSE D. A biographical notice of:. ... By a citizen of New York. See Jarvis, Russell. ELLIS, GEORGE E. 3281 Letters upon the annexation of Texas. D 1845. O 47 a ELLIS, JOHN B. 3282 Free love and its votaries; or, American socialism unmasked N nl87o]. O 502 [incl. front.] 12pls a ELLIS, LEONARD B. 3283 History of New Bedford [Mass.]. Syracuse 1892. O 732 [4] 175 2maps 65pls a 181 Ellis — Embury ELLIS, SAMUEL W. 3284 The emigrant's guide to Texas. . . with a table of distances, N O 1839. D 50 b 1 copy known. ELLIS, WILLIAM 3285 An authentic narrative of a voyage. . . by Captain Cook and Captain Clerke . .. 1776- 1780 L 1782. O 2v: [l2] 360; [8] 348. map 21pls b N — ed. 2, same collat. 1783. a — ed. 3, same collat. 1784. — Dutch tr. Frankl 1783. O [4] 324 map In defiance of the Admiralty's insistence that no private journal of this voyage be re- tained, those kept by several members were published anonymously; Ellis was the only Englishman who had the temerity to admit authorship. First edition, though dated 1782, was printed in December, 1781. Rickman's Journal, q.v., was dated 1781 and probably precedes this Ellis account. ELLISON, JAMES 3286 The afflicted family and awful effects of intemperance deleniated [sic] in a brief re- lation of . . . the unfortunate family of: in their attempted remove, in.. . 1841, from Pennsylvania to . . . Missouri, when, through the beastly inebriation of their father, three of the children perished by reason of hunger and cruel neglect. N Y 1842. O 23 a Apparently — and happily — only one copy is known to exist. ELLISTON, ROBERT H. 3287 The history of Grant County . . . Kentucky. Williamstown Ky 1876. O 37 a ELLISTON, THOMAS 3288 Slavery and secession in America, his- torical and economical. L 1861. D [l8] 371 map a d. 2, enl., L 1862. D [36] 371 [ELLMS, CHARLES] comp. 3289 The pirate's own book B 1837. D 432 front, eng.t. b — ed. 2, same date & collat., Portland a — rptd. Phil 1839; 1840; 1841; 1842; Port- land 1855; 1856; 1859. — anr. ed. Salem Mass 1924. D [l4] 470 front, also lOOcopies on L.P. Most popular American compilation on this subject; includes transactions to 1835. For an earlier compilation, with some identical chapters, see Carey, Thomas. ELLS, B. F„ ed. 3290 The western miscellany. Vol. l[all]. Day- ton 1848-9. O 384[incl.front.] a Contains, among other material, a History ot Oregon, in three installments, embodying information gathered by Slacum for the government in 1836. ELLSWORTH, HENRY W. Valley of the upper Wabash, Indiana. N Y 1838. D [12] 175 map 2pls plan a 3291 ELLSWORTH, SPENCER 3292 Records of the olden time [in Putnam and Marshall counties. 111.]. Lacon 1880. O [2] 9-772[incl.pls] fold. map a Four chapters are included on the blood- chilling sufferings of the Dormer party in 1846. ELLSWORTH AND PACIFIC 3293 Ellsworth and Pacific railroad (The): . . . information as to the routes — west of Kansas. Leavenworth 1868. O 30 b NYP ELMWOOD, ELNATHAN A Yankee among the nullifiers. . ..See Greene, Asa. EL PASO, TEXAS 3294 City and county of:. ...El Paso 1886. O 84 map a ELSNER, [CHRYSOSTOM] HEINRICH 3295 Die Befreiungs-kampf der nord-ameri- kanischen Staaten Stuttgart 1835. O 768 eng.t. 8ports a — ed. 2, Stuttgart 1838. O ELY, ELISHA, pub. 3296 A directory for the village of Rochester ... to which is added, a sketch of the history of the village [by Jesse Hawleyj. Roch 1827. D 142 + 14adv-p map a First directory and first history of this city. For separate issue of the history, see Hawley, Jesse. ELY, WILLIAM 3297 The Big Sandy valley [Ky.] Catletts- burg Ky 1887. D 500 front, a ELZAS, BARNETT A. 3298 The Jews of South Carolina. . . . [Charles- ton 1903]. O 4pts facs caption t.to pts. 1-3, cover t.to pt.4 a — best ed., Phil 1905. O 352 llpls 175 copies ptd. EMBURY, AYMAR 3299 The Dutch colonial house NY 1913. O [16] 108 pis a — rptd. same collat. N Y 1919. — anr. ed. "Building the Dutch colonial house," N Y 1929. same collat. EMBURY, AYMAR 3300 Early American churches. N Y 1914. O [l8] 190 52pls a 182 Emerson — Engel EMERSON, CHARLES L. 3301 Rise and progress of Minnesota Territory. St P 1855. O 72 b EMERSON, ELLEN R. 3302 Indian myths B 1884. O [l8] 677 front. EMERY, SAMUEL H. 3303 History of Taunton, Massachusetts. . . . Syracuse 1893. O 768 110 + suppl. dated 1894, of 13p 2maps 50pls a EMIGRANT'S GUIDE 3304 Emigrant's guide (The), or a picture of America. . . divested of democratic colouring .... By an old scene painter. L 1816. O 77 a EMIGRANT'S GUIDE 3305 Emigrant's guide (The), or pocket geogra- phy of the western states. . . . Cin 1818. 16° 266 a EMIGRANT'S GUIDE Emigrant's guide (The); or, sketches of Canada, with some of the northern and western states. . . . See Fraser, Wm. EMIGRANT'S HANDBOOK Emigrant's handbook (The). 1848. See Colton, Jos. H. EMIGRATION Emigration to America candidly con- sidered. . . . See Rickman, Thos. C. EMIGRATOR'S GUIDE 3306 Emigrator's guide (The) to the British settlements and United States. . . . L [ca 1819]. D 108 a EMORY, W[ILLIAM] H,, LIEUT-COL. 3311 Notes of a military reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth. . . to San Diego [including reports by Abert, Cooke and JohnstonJ. [House Exec. Doc. 4l]. Wash 1848. O 614 64pls 6maps & plans[incl. large fold, map, not in all copies] a — anr. ed., au.'s rank given also as Lieut. Col., omitting Johnston's Journal, and abridging Cooke's report. LSen. Exec. Doc. 7J. same impr. & date. O 416 40pls 4maps & plans[incl. large map in pocket] — same, issue 2, au. 's rank given as Brevet Maj. — rptd., Emory only, N Y 1848. O 230 maps pis That the House edition has priority is indicated by the fact that many copies were seemingly issued before the large map was available. The plates of scenery in the Senate edition were lithographed by Weber & Co.; in the House edition these are usu- ally all done by C. B. Graham, though in some copies the 24 plates in Abert's report were executed, in a superior manner, anonymously. EMORY, WILLIAM H. 3312 United States and Mexican boundary survey. . . . [Sen. issue]. Wash Nicholson 1857-8. Q 4pts in 2v: [16] 258; [8] 174; [6] 270 78; 62 33 35 86 [2J. 2maps[one fold.] fold. chart fold. profile 346pls[of which 33 contain 66 sketches] a — anr. issue [h. R.J, Wash Wendell 1857-9. Q same collat. ENCARNACION PRISONERS Encarnacion prisoners. . . . 1848. See Scott, John. EMMERT, D. B. 3307 Wichita city directory. . . historical sketches K C 1878. O 144[incl. front board cover & advs] 3mounted photo views a EMMONS, GEORGE F. 3308 The navy of the United States . . . 1775- 1853 Wash 1853. Q [6] 208 [l] a [EMMONS, WILLIAM]? 3309 Authentic biography of Col. Richard M Johnson NY 1833. D 107 a — rptd. B 1834. D 93 — anr. ed. "A biographical sketch of. . . ," N Y 1843. O 46 Ascribed also to Asahel Langworthy. EMMONS, WILLIAM 3310 Biography of Martin Van Buren. . . . Wash 1835. 16* [6] 296 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. ENCYCLOPEDIA Encyclopedia of the new west. . . .See Brown, John Henry, and Speer, Wm. S. ENEMIES Enemies [The] of the constitution dis- covered. ... by Defensor. See Thomas, Wm. ENGEL, SAMUEL 3313 Anmerkungen uber den Theil von Cap. Cook's Reise-Relation, so die meerenge zwischen Asia und Amerika ansiehet. . . . n. p. 1780. D [2] 30 a — Fr. ed. "Remarques sur la partie de la relation. . . ," Geneva 1781. Q 26 map — anr. Fr. ed. Berne, same date & collat. [ENGEL, SAMUEL] 3314 Essai sur cette question: . . . comment l'Amerique a-t-elle ete peuplee . . . ? Amst 1767. Q [18] 610 a — anr. ed., same impr. & date. D 2v: [28] 454; [2] 384 183 Engel — Enquiry American race indigenous, created co- evally with others prior to the deluge, which calamity didn't visit this continent. [ENGEL, SAMUEL] 3315 Memoires et observations. . . sur la situ- ation de pays septentrionaux de l'Asie et de l'Amerique Lausanne 1765. Q [22] 268 [8] 2maps a — rptd. "Extraits raisonnes des voyages " Lausanne 1779. Q [24] 268 2maps a — Ger. ed. tr. by au. with adds. "Geog- raphische und kritische Nachrichten. ..." Mietau [&c] 1772. Q[l8] 368 2maps — anr. issue, giving author's name Contains accounts of the Cabrillo, De Fonte and De Fuca exploring voyages up the Pacific coast and definitively refuted the conception of Californian insularity. ENGELANDS DWAASHEID 3316 Engelands Dwaasheid in den tegen- woordigen oorlog van het begin der onlusten met America tot op de oorlogsverklaring aan Holland, n.p. [l78l]. O 23 a ENGELHARDT, G., eomp. 3317 Reise des Kaiserlich-Russischen Flotten- Lieutenants Ferdinand von Wrangel langs der Nordkuste von Sibirien und auf dem Eismeere... 1820-24. Berlin 1839. O 2v: map tabs a — rptd. Leip 1885. O [l2] 212 map port — Eng. tr., abr., L 1840. o[l38] 413 map tab a — rptd., with adds., L 1844. O [20] 525 map port — Am. eds., abr., N Y 1841 D 302 map; 1845; 1855. — Fr. ed. "Le nord de la Siberie," P 1843. O 2v map 2pls — Russ. ed., complete, "Puteshestvie po Sievernym. . . ," St Ptbg 1841. O 2v 4maps ENGELHARDT, ZEPHYRIN 3318 The Franciscans in Arizona. Harbor Springs Mich 1899. O 235 map a ENGELHARDT, ZEPHYRIN 3319 The Franciscans in California. Harbor Springs Mich 1897. O [l6] 517 front, a ENGELHARDT, ZEPHYRIN 3320 The missions and missionaries of Cali- fornia S F 1908-16. O 5v[incl. index] maps & pis a — vol. 1 only, rptd. 1912. ENGLAND England and America. See Wakefield, Ed. G. A comparison. . ENGLANDISCHEN PFLANZETADTE 3322 Englandischen Pflanzetadte in Nord- America Stuttgart 1755. D [l4] 216 a [ENGLISH, MRS. MARY K. J.] 3323 Prairie sketches, or fugitive recollections of an army girl of 1899. [Denver? 1899?]. O 76 a ENGLISH, WILLIAM H. 3324 Conquest of the country northwest of the Ohio Indp 1896. Q 2v: 586; 587-1186 Lincl. pis] a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1898. ENGLISH (THE) English (The) in America. See Halli- burton, Thos. C. ENGLISHMAN (THE) 3325 Englishman (The); or, letters found in the state of Tennessee. Supposed to be the production of an Englishman, travelling through the United States as a spy. Rogers- ville Tenn 1815. 16° 80 b LC NYP [only copies known] ENGLISHMAN'S ANSWER (AN) Englishman's answer (An) to the address from the delegates, to the people of Great- Britain. . . . See Lind, John. ENGLISHWOMAN (THE) Englishwoman (The) ir Isabella. America. See Bird, ENNEMOSER, DR. FRANZ J. 3326 Eine Reise . . . nach New Orleans; Erin- nerungen und Belehrungen liber die poli- tischen. . . . Verhaltnisse in den nordameri- kanischen Freistaaten. . . . LMainzJ 1865. D 160 a — ed. 2, Kaiserslauten 1866. D ENNEMOSER, DR. FRANZ J. 3327 Eine Reise vom Mittelrhein. . . nach den nordamerikanischen Freistaaten. Kaisers- lautern 1857. D [4] 127 a — rptd. same impr. 1865. D 160 Chiefly concerning the South. ENOS, A. A. 3328 Personal recollections: across the plains in 1850. [Stanton Neb ca 1905]. large O 57 a ENGELS. L. 3321 ENQUIRY (AN) Nordamerika-Ohio. Reise nach Nord- amerika. Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen in Ohio 1848 and 1849 Elberfeld 1850. O [4] 108 a Enquiry (An) into the causes of the alien- ation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indi- ans from the British interest. . . . See Thom- son, Charles. 184 Enquiry — Escudero ENQUIRY (AN) Enquiry (An) into the constitutional authority of the supreme federal court. . . . By a citizen of South Carolina. See Ford, Timothy. ENQUIRY (AN) Enquiry (An) into the principles ... of certain public measures. See Taylor, John, of Va. ENQUIRY (AN) Enquiry (An) into the principles on which a commercial system for the United States . . . should be founded. . . . See Coxe, Tench. ENQUIRY (AN) Enquiry (An) whether the absolute inde- pendence of America is not to be preferred to her partial dependence. . . . L Bew L 1770?J. O 38 [l] a ENQUIRY (AN) Enquiry (An), whether the guilt of the present civil war, ought to be imputed to Great Britain or America. See Roebuck, John. ENSIGN, M. 3330 Colorado Springs, Manitou and vicinity. Colo Springs 1878. D 56 a ENSIGN('S) GUIDE 3331 Ensign, Bridgman and Farming's lake and river guide. . . with thrilling scenes in border warfare NY 1856. 16° 143 map a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1858. ENSIGN('S) GUIDE 3332 Ensign, Bridgman &, Fanning's traveller's guide through . . . Ohio, Michigan. ...NY 1857. 16° 36 map a ENTICK, JOHN 3333 The general history of the late war. . . in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. L 1763-4. O 5v: [4] 495; 464; 480; 480: 469 [27]. 8 maps 41ports a — rptd., same format & impr; 1765; 1766; 1775; 1779. EPHRATA Pencillings about: 1856. O 24 a — rptd. Phil 1860. 3334 By a visitor. Phil ERIE CANAL (THE) 3336 Facts and observations in relation to the origin and completion of: N Y 1825. O 36 a — ed. 2, Prov 1827. O 32 ERLAUTERUNGEN 3337 Erlauterungen iiber die Unternehmung eines Land-Ankaufs in den Vereinigten Staaten [Aarau Switzerland 1804J. 16° 24 [capt.t.only] b Explanation of a colonization project in the Central West. ERNST, FERDINAND 3338 Bemurkungen auf einer Reise durch das Innere de Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Hildesheim 1820. O [8] 183 pi a — Dutch ed. "Waernemingen op eine Reise . . . ," Amst 1821. D 2v: 54; 26 ERSKINE, MRS. GLADYS S. 3339 Broncho Charlie; the story of Charlie Miller, the last of the pony express riders iV Y 1934. O [l6] 316 24maps & pis a [ERSKINE, JOHN] 3340 Reflections on the rise, progress. . . of the present contentions with the colonies. Edin 1776. D [4] 54 a ERWIN, MILO 3341 The history of Williamson county, Illinois . . . also, a complete history of its "bloody vendetta". . . . Marion 111 1876. D [6] 286 a — rptd. [1914]. O 283 ERZAHLUNGEN 3342 Erzahlungen und Bilder aus Amerika. Erfurt 1852. O 98 8col.pls a ESCAPE Escape of a Confederate officer from prison. . . . See Davis, Saml. B. ESCOTT, G. S. 3343 History and directory of Springfield. . . [Mo.]. Springfield 1878. O 273 a ESCUDERO, JOS£ A., ed. Noticias. . . de Nueva-Mexico. See under Pino, Pedro B. ESCUDERO, JOSE A. 3344 Noticias estadisticas . . . de Chihuahua. Mex 1834. Q 253 155 160 a ERES, RUSO D' See Ruso d'Eres, Charles Dennis. ESCUDERO, JOS£ A. Noticias estadisticas de. 1849. smQ 72 a 3345 Durango. Mex ERIE CANAL (THE) 3335 Documents relating to the western termi- nation of: Black Rock 1822. D 60 fold. map a ESCUDERO, J0S£ A. 3346 Noticias estadisticas de Sonora y Sinaloa. Mex 1849. Q 148 fold, tab a Includes present Arizona. 185 Eshleman Essay ESHLEMAN, HENRY F. 3347 Historic backgrounds and annals of the Swiss and German pioneer settlers of south- eastern Pennsylvania. Lancaster 1917. O [4] 386 a ESPINASSE DE LANGEAC, 3348 CHEVALIER DE L* Anecdotes anglaises et americaines. . . 1776 a 1783. P 1813. D 2v: 298; 324 a ESPINOSA, CARLOS 3349 Exposicion que sobre las provincias de Sonora, Sinaloa, y ambas Californias. . . . Mex 1823. O 44 map a ESPINOSA, ISIDRO F. DE 3350 Chronica apostolica y seraphica de todas los colegios, etc., de esta Nueva-Espana, de missioneros Franciscanos. . . . Parte primera [all]. Mex 1746. F [lOO] 590 [24] b JCB N NYP Y Covers establishment of Texas missions and expeditions of Alonso de Leon and of the Marquis de Aguayo. For what passes as a 2nd part, see Arricivita, Juan D. ESPINOSA, ISIDRO F. DE 3351 Nuevas impressas del Peregrino ameri- cano septentrional Atlante. . . . Mex 1747. O [22] 46 a Issued to supplement following entry. ESPINOSA, ISIDRO F. DE 3352 El peregrino septentrional Atlante. . . . Mex 1737. O [38] 456 [4] pi b JCB N NYP Y — rptd., Valencia 1742. Q [lOj 412 [4] pi a Life of Padre Antonio Margil, with ac- count of the founding by him of Texas missions in 1716. In some copies of the original edition, title-page is printed in red and black. ESPINOSA Y TELLO, JOS£ 3353 Memorias sobre las observaciones astro- nomicas, hechas por los navegantes Es- panoles Madrid 1809. Q 2v in 5pts: [8] 170; [8] 184; [32] 224; [20j 199; [6] 320. 5 fold, pis b NYP Includes, among other Spanish exploring voyages up the Pacific coast, Malaspina's 1791 expedition to Alaska, etc., which the author accompanied. ESPY, JOSIAH 3354 Memorandum of a tour made by: in. . . Ohio and Kentucky. . . in 1805. [Together with] Two western campaigns in the war of 1812, by Samuel Williams. [And] The leatherwood god, by R. H. Taneyhill. Cin 1870. O 3pts in 1: [8] 29; 58; 53 a some L.P.copies Forms Number 7 of Clarke's Ohio Valley Historical Series, and carries the general title Miscellanies. ESQUISSE INT^RESSANTE 3355 Esquisse interessante du tableau fidele des causes qui ont occasione les revolu- tions. . . de l'Amerique septentrionale. . . . Phil 1783. O 124 a ESQUISSES AMERICAINES Esquisses americaines, ou tablettes d'un voyageur aux Etats-Unis. . . . Par Ad. d'A. See A., Ad. d' ESSAI Essai sur cette question: . . . comment l'Amerique a-t-elle ete peuplee. . . ? See Engel, Samuel. ESSAI Essai sur le commerce de Russie, avec 1'histoire de ses decouvertes. . . . See Mar- bault, Mons. de. ESSAY (AN) 3356 Essay (An) in defence of slave holding ... in the southern states. ... By a citizen of New York. N Y 1837. D 32 a ESSAY (AN) Essay (An) in vindication of the conti- nental colonies. . . . By an American. See Lee, Arthur. ESSAY (AN) 3357 Essay (An) on currency. Charleston S C 1734. O 24 b CharlestonL — rptd. [Charleston S C 1934]. O 24 a 100 copies ptd. First Carolina book. ESSAY (AN) Essay (An) on Federalism. See Daveiss, Jos. H. ■ ESSAY Essay on railroads. See Carey, Mathew. ESSAY (AN) Essay (An) on the constitutional power of Great Britain over the colonies. . . .See Dickinson, John. ESSAY 3358 Essay on the effects of slavery on the moral character. . . of a nation. . . . Hart 1793. O 66 a ESSAY (AN) 3359 Essay (An) on the interests of Britain in regard to America; or, an outline of the terms on which peace may be restored. . . . L 1780. O 23 a ESSAY [AN] Essay [An] on the merchandize of slaves .... By a gentleman. See Dudley, Paul. 186 Essay — Etats-Unls ESSAY (AN) Essay (An) on the policy of . . . purchasing, liberating and colonizing. . . slaves. By a citizen of Maryland. See Allen, Rev. John. ESSAY (AN) Essay (An) on the seat of federal govern- ment See Webster, Pelatiah. ESSAY (AN) 3360 Essay (An) on the trade of the northern colonies of Great Britain in North America. Phil 1764. O [4] 38 a — rptd., same date & collat., L ESSAY (AN) 3361 Essay (An) upon government, adopted by the Americans. Wherein, the lawfulness of revolutions, are demonstrated. . . .Phil 1775. Ol2S a ESSAY (AN) Essay (An) upon the government of the English plantations on the continent of America. . . . By an American. See Davenant, Chas. ESSAYS 3362 Essays on the origin of the federal govern- ment. . . it emanates not from the people collectively, but from the people of the re- spective states Charleston S C 1830. O ESSAYS 3363 Essays ... on the real and relative in- terests of imperial and dependent states, particularly those of Great Britain and her dependencies; displaying the probable causes of and a mode of compromising the present disputes. . . .Newcastle 1777. O [lo] 148 fold.tab a ESSEX JUNTO (THE) 3364 Essex junto (The) and the British spy; or, treason detected. Salem 1812. O 36 a ESTADOS-UNIDOS MEXICANOS Coleccion de constituciones de: Mex 1828. See Galvan Rivera, Mariano. ESTADOS-UNIDOS MEXICANOS (LOS) 3365 Constitucion federal de: [Afex 1824]. Q [4] 28 [2] b BA — anr. ed. [Mex 1824]. D [22] 62 [8] pi copies usually have a 12-p "Acta consti- tutive," with separate t-p, added a The first constitution of the Mexican Re- public under which operated our present southwestern states, from Texas to Cali- fornia. The Acta constitutiva — establishing the Provisional government and outlining the federal system on which it was based — operated from January 31 to October 4, when superseded by the Constitucion. ESTAING, M. [CHARLES HECTOR] 3366 LE COMTE D' Extrait du journal d'un officier. . . de l'escadre de: [P?] 1782. O [2] 158 port a — anr. issue. O 126 port[not same as in issue l] a — anr. issue. O [2] 94 —rptd. Amst 1783. O [2] 72 — Eng. tr., see Jones, Chas. C, "The siege of Savannah, in 1779." The unidentified author [possibly Captain Walsh, the Chevalier O'Connor] is highly critical of the conduct of his superior. ESTES, MATTHEW 3367 A defence of negro slavery. . . in the United States. Montg 1846. 24° 260 a ESTEVA, JOS£ I. 3368 Memoria sobre el estado de la hacienda publica Mex 1825. Q 52 [2] a Covers the history of California missions from 1726, the pious fund, etc. ESTLIN, JtOHN] B. 3369 A brief notice of American slavery, and the abolition movement. Bristol Eng. 1846. 24° 40 a — ed. 2, L [1853]. 24° 54 ESTVAN, B[ELA] 3370 War pictures from the south. L 1863. D 2v: [l6J 310; [lo] 320. map lOpls a — Am. ed. N Y 1863. D [8] 352 — Ger. tr. Leip 1864. O 2v in 1: [28] 435 ESTWICK, SAMUEL 3371 A letter to the Reverend Josiah Tucker, in answer to his Humble address and earnest appeal L 1776. O 125 a £TAT (DE L») Etat (De 1') et du sort des colonies. . . . See Sainte-Croix, Guillautne E. J. G, de Clermont-Lodeve. £TAT POLITIQUE ACTUEL 3372 Etat politique actuel de I'Angleteire. . . . Vol. l[aU]. n.p. 1757. 16° 3pts in 1: [8] 176; [4] 177-394; [4] 395-462 fold, map a Gives information gathered from every available source on the current war both in Europe and America. Stats confe^r^s Etats Confederes d'Amerique (Les), visites en 1863. . . . See Girard, Chas. F. E.TATS-UNIS (LES) Etats-Unis (Les) et I'Angleteire, ou souvenirs. . . . See Lee, Wm. 187 Etches — Evans [ETCHES, JOHN C.] 3373 An authentic statement of all the facts relative to Nootka sound. L 1790. O L2J 26 b N OreU WashU Y [ETCHES, JOHN C.] 3374 A continuation of An authentic statement of all the facts relative to Nootka sound. . . . L 1790. O 34 b NYP Etches was supercargo with Meares, and one of the owners of the ships captured by the Spanish. ETHELL, HENRY C. 3375 The rise and progress of civilization in the hairy nation and the history of Davis County [iowa]. Bloomfield la 1883. O 144 a ETOURNEAU, M[ONS.] 3376 Les Mormons. P 1856. 18° [l6] 282 2pls a ETOURNEAU, M[0NS.] 3377 De Paris au nouveau monde . . . narration d'un voyage de dix ans. P 1857-9. 16° 3v: [2] 312; 315; 408 a [EVANS, CALEB] 3383 A letter to. . .John Wesley occasioned by his Calm address to the American colonies. L 1775. D 24 a — rptd. Bristol 1775. same collat. — new ed., with adds., L 1775. D [8] 24 Colonial rights warmly defended. EVANS, CALEB 3384 Political sophistry detected. . . remarks on the Rev. Mr. Fletcher's. . . "American patriotism." Bristol Eng 1776. D 36 a — anr. ed. L 1776. D EVANS, CALEB 3385 A reply to the Rev. Mr. Fletcher's vindi- cation of Mr. Wesley's Calm address to our American colonies. Bristol, Eng [l775?]. D 103 a EVANS, ELWOOD 3386 The re-annexation of British Columbia to the United States, right, proper, [etc.]. Olympia [l87o]. O 24 a ETZENHOUSER, R. 3378 From Palmyra. . . to Independence. . . . Independence Mo 1894. D 444 a EVANS, ELWOOD 3387 Washington Territory; her past, her pres- ent, [etc.]. Olympia 1877. O 51 a EUROPEAN TRAVELLER (THE) European traveller (The) in America. . . . See Brockway, Rev. Thos. EUSTACE, MAJOR-GENERAL 3379 [JOHN S.] Exile of: . . . from the kingdom of Great- Britain L 1797. O [18] 48 a [EUSTACE, MAJOR-GENERAL 3380 JOHN S. 1 Lettres. . . sur les crimes du Roi George III. P l'imprimerie des Sans-Culottes [l794]. O 2pts in lv: [12] 80; 135 a — Eng. tr. P Jansen [l794]. O EUSTACE, MAJOR-GENERAL 3381 j[ohn] S. Official and private correspondence of: Pt. I [all]. P 1796. O [6] 152 a Exiled from England, Eustace came to America with the French army, serving as aide-de-camp to Generals Lee and Sullivan and as Adjutant General with Georgia troops. EVANS, ALBERT S. 3382 A la California S F 1873. O 379 a — rptd. with material on Yosemite added, same impr. 1889. EVANS, ESTWICK 3388 Essay on state rights. . . . Ser. 1 [all]. Wash 1844. O 40 a Calls itself second edition; possibly had appeared previously in some periodical. 3389 EVANS, ESTWICK A pedestrious tour, of four thousand miles, through the western states and terri- tories Concord N H 1819. D 256 port b AA KyU N NYP Y Visited Pittsburgh, Detroit, New Orleans, etc. In some copies is inserted a leaf giving copyright dated January 18, 1819, apparently to correct the regular one on verso of title which bears date December 10, 1818. EVANS, ISRAEL 3390 A discourse ... at Easton to the . . . sol- diers of the western army, after their return from an expedition [under Sullivan] against the Five Nations Phil 1779. O 40 a — rptd. [Easton 1914]. O EVANS, ISRAEL 3391 A discourse delivered near York in Vir- ginia, on . . . the surrender of the British army. . . before the. . . New York troops and the division, under. .. Lafayette. Phil 1782. o[46] 188 Evans — Ewell EVANS, JA[ME]S A. 3392 Report of: of exploration [for Union Pacific R. R.] from Camp Walbach to Green river. [Montrose Pa 1865]. O 24 b Pn Y First white man to thread Laramie Canyon. EVANS, JONATHAN, comp. 3393 A journal of the life, travels. . . of William Savery L 1844. D [8] 316 a Includes account of his missionary tour with Heckewelder to Sandusky in 1793. EVANS, LEWIS 3394 Geographical. . . essays. . . containing an analysis of a ... map of the middle . . . c olo- nies. Phil 1755. Q [4] 32 map[issued prior to book, but should accompany it] b AA NYP Y — ed. 2, Phil 1755. same collat. b AA N NYP Y — Eng. ed. Phil ptd, sold in L 1755. Q same collat. b NYP Y For republication of both map and analy- sis, see Pownall, Thomas, A topographical description. . . . The first state of this map [which was improved from one printed at Philadelphia in 1749, and reprinted in 1752] measures 20 1/4 x 26 3/4 inches, bears Philadelphia imprint and 1755 date; the second state, London 1758, measures 23 x 32'/2 inches. It was based on actual surveys or reliable information, gave valuable data on the Western country [then claimed by France] and was the best cartographical delineation of the colonies available at its time. Both American and English editions of Essays and Map should be accompanied by the second series of Essays, see below. EVANS, LEWIS 3395 Geographical. . . essays. No. II. Phil 1756. Q 43 b NYP — Eng. ed. L 1756. Q 35 b Y Answered objections made to his map and original volume of Essays and gave new material on the French claims, with pro- posals for resisting them. [EVANS, THOMAS] 3396 An address to the people of Virginia, re- specting the alien and sedition laws. Rich 1798. 16° 64 [4] a EVANS, THOMAS 3397 A series of letters addressed to Thomas Jefferson. . . . Phil 1802. O 170 a [EVARTS, JEREMIAH] 3398 Essays on the present crisis in the present condition of the . . . Indians. B 1829. O 112 a — rptd. Phil 1830. O 116 EVENTS Events in Indian history. . . . See Wimer, James. EVEREST, ROBERT 3399 A journey through the United States and part of Canada. L 1855. O [l2] 178 a [EVERETT, ALEXANDER H.] 3400 America; or, a general survey of the political situation of the several powers of the . . . continent. . . . Phil 1827. O [4] 9-364 a — Eng. ed. L 1828. O 356 — Ger. tr. Hamburg 1828. O 2v: [8] 270; [6] 208 [2] — Sp. tr. Northampton 1828. O [4] 296 Attributed also to William Wirt. EVERETT, EDWARD 3401 Address of: at the consecration of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg., .with the dedicatory speech of President Lincoln B 1864. O 88 map a First authorized edition of Lincoln's address. EVERETT, EDWARD 3402 An oration delivered on the battlefield of Gettysburg NY 1863. O 48 b I11H NYP Y First appearance of Lincoln's Gettysburg address in book form, antedated only by a 16-page Washington pamphlet, The Getrys- burg solemnities, which included a some- what garbled version and of which only two copies are known. EVERETT, FRANKLIN 3403 Memorials of the Grand River valley [Mich.]. Chi 1878. O [10 incl. front.] 546 [74] port a EVERETT, H[0RACE] 3404 Regulating the Indian department. . . [re- port from the committee on Indian affairsj. Wash [1834]. O 131 map a EVERHART, J. F., comp. 3405 Quincy [ill.] city directory for 1855-6. Quincy 1855. D 155 a Includes historical sketch. EVERSHAW, MARY 3406 Five years in Pennsylvania. L 1840. D [2] 227 a Sad story of an English girl who came to this country in 1830 and met with nothing but tribulation. EWELL, JAMES 3407 The medical companion. . . also a concise . . . history of the capture of Washington. Ed. 3. Phil 1816. O [16] 694[i.e., 698] a Earlier and later editions did not contain the historical portion. 189 Exposition EWELL, THOMAS T. A history of Hood county, Texas. Granbury Tex 1895. O [4] 160 [8] a 3408 EXAMEN Examen des Recherches philosophiques sur 1'Amerique. . . . See Pernety, Antoine J. D. EXAMEN Examen du gouvernement d'Angleterre, compare aux constitutions des Etats-Unis .... See Stevens, John. EXAMINATION (AN) 3409 Examination (An) into the conduct of the present administration. . . . And a plan of accommodation with America. By a member of parliament. L 1778. O [2] 69 a — ed. 2, L 1779. same collat. EXAMINATION (AN) Examination (An) of the British doctrine which subjects to capture a neutral trade not open in time of peace. . . .See Madison, James. EXAMINATION (AN) Examination (An) of the conduct of Great Britain respecting neutrals. . . . See Coxe, Tench. EXAMINATION [AN] Examination [An] of the conduct of the Executive . . . towards the French republic .... By a citizen of Pennsylvania. See Gallatin, Albert. EXAMINATION (AN) 3410 Examination (An) of the Constitution for the United States. By an American citizen Phil 1788. O 33 a EXAMINATION (AN) Examination (An) of the late proceedings in Congress respecting the official conduct of the Secretary of the Treasury. . . .See Taylor, John [of Va.]. EXAMINATION (THE) Examination (The) of the President's message. . . December 7, 1801. See Hamil- ton, Alex. EXAMINATION (AN) Examination (An) of the President's reply to the New-Haven remonstrance. . . .See Coleman, Wm. EXAMINATION (AN) Examination (An) of the rights of the colonies, upon principles of law. By a gentleman at the bar. L 1766. O 42 a Ascribed to John Wilson. 3411 EXAMINATION Examination of the Russian claims to the northwest coast of America. See Sturgis, Wm. EXAMINATION Examination of the treaty. . . between the United States and Great Britain. ... By Cato. See Livingston, Robt. R. EXAMINER (THE) 3412 Examiner (The) examined. A letter from a gentleman in Connecticut, to his friend in London. In answer to a letter from a gentle- man in London to his friend in America: intitled, The claim of the colonies to an exemption from internal taxes . . . examined. N Lond 1766. O 24 a Attributed to Ebenezer Devotion. EXCURSION (AN) Excursion (An) through the United States and Canada. ... By an English gentleman. See Blane, Wm. N. EXPEDIENCY (THE) 3413 Expediency (The) of securing our Ameri- can colonies by settling the country adjoin- ing the . . . Mississippi Letc.J 68 b H Edin 1763. D EXPERIENCE Experience of a Confederate States prisoner. . . . See West, Beckwith. EXPERIENCE Experience preferable to theory. ... See Hutchinson, Thos. EXPLICATION Explication de la carte des nouvelles decouvertes au nord de la mer du Sud. See Buache, Philip. EXPOSE^ 3414 Expose de l'eventualities d'un guerre entre les Etats Unis et l'Angleterre. P 1845. O 60 b NYP Y 3copies known This war — over Texas and Oregon — con- sidered almost certain. EXPOSE 3415 Expose des droits des colonies britan- iques pour justifier le projet de leur inde- pendence. Amst 1776. O [4] 43 74 a EXPOSITION (AN) Exposition (An) of the causes and charac- ter of the late war with Great Britain. See Dallas, Alex. J. EXPOSITION Exposition of the motives of the conduct of the King of France towards England. . . . See Gibbon, Edw. 190 Exposition — Faden EXPOSITION (AN) Exposition (An) of the weakness ... of the government of the United States. See Mercer, Chas. F. EXTRACT Extract of a letter from a gentleman in America ... on the subject of emigration. See Cooper, Th., Thoughts on emigration. EXTRACTS 3416 Extracts Irom the votes and proceedings of. . . Continental Congress. . . Philadelphia ... 5th of September 1774. Phil Oct. 24, 1774. O [36] a — anr. ed. Phil Oct. 27, 1774. D [28] [36] — anr. issue, Phil Oct. 27, 1774. D [32] [36] — anr. issue, Phil Oct. 27, 1774. O [4] 11 50 — other Am. eds. of 1774: Annap; B; Hart; N Lond; N Y; Newport; Norwich; Prov; Wmsbg — Am. eds. of 1775; N Y [2issues, of which one contains Journal complete]; Prov — Eng. eds. L 1774. O U] 82 + 2adv-p — rptd. same date & impr. O [2] 59 — other Eng. eds. "Journal of the pro- ceedings. . . ," Li.e., the portions not in- cluded in the previously ptd. "Extracts . . . ,"] L Dilly 1775. O [2] 66; rptd. same impr., date 86 collat., Almon. The forerunner of the Declaration of Independence. EXTRACTS 3417 Extracts from the votes and proceedings of . . . Continental Congress. . . Philadelphia, 10th of May, 1775. N Y 1775. O [4] 192 a — Eng. ed. "Journal of the proceedings ...," L 1776. o[2] 200 EYES (THE) Eyes (The) opened, or Carolinians con- vinced. . . . See Smith, Wm. L., A candid examination. . . . EYMA, LOUIS X. Les deux Ameriques. 3418 374 EYMA, LOUIS X. 3419 Excentricites americaines. P 1860. 16° 199 a EYMA, LOUIS X. 3420 Scenes de moeurs et de voyages dans le nouveau monde. P 1862. 16° 392 a EYMA, LOUIS X. 3421 La vie dans le nouveau monde. P 1862. 16° 355 a EYRE, JOHN 3422 The beauties of America. But 1836. D 72 a — for reprint, see next entry. EYRE, JOHN 3423 The Christian soectator.. . a journey from England to Ohio Alb 1838. 16° 72 a EYRE, JOHN 3424 The European stranger in America. N Y 1839. D 84 a A continuation of the author's The Chris- tian spectator. EYRE, JOHN 3425 Travels N Y 185 1. D 372 a — rptd. N Y 1852. Contains the author's previous books — The Christian spectator and The European stranger in America — with the addition of his travels through the eastern states. EYRON, PIERRE 3426 Le niveau de 1'Europe et de l'Amerique Septentrionale; ou, le guide de l'observateur. Phil 1795. O 147 a — Eng. ed. "The level of Europe and North America. . . ," Phil 1798. FABRICIUS Fabricius: or, letters to the people of Great Britain See Galloway, Jos. FACTION Faction detected, by the evidence of facts. . . . See Perceval, John, Earl of Egmont. FACTS Facts and arguments respecting. . . inland navigation in America. ... By a friend to national industry. See Blodget, Wm. FACTS 3427 Facts and documents, relating to the . . . controversy, between America and Great Britain. ... By a friend of truth B 1813. 31 a FADEN, WILLIAM, pub. 3428 Atlas of battles of the American revolu- tion. . . . [L 1793]. F 23maps b ChiH H [FADEN, WILLIAM] pub. The North American atlas, t-p 38maps on 44sheets d 3429 F 191 Fairbanks — False Alt — anr. ed. L 1777. F [4] 27maps on 63 sheets[in some copies 23maps on 54sheets; in others 30maps on 34sheets] c NYP FAIRBANKS, GEORGE R. 3430 The early history of Florida. An intro- ductory lecture . . . before the Florida His- torical Society St Augustine 1857. O 32 a FAIRBANKS, GEORGE R. 3431 History of Florida. . . 1512-1842. Phil 1871. D 350 a FAIRBANKS, GEORGE R. 3432 The history ... of St. Augustine NY 1858. O [12] 9-200 7pls a — ed. 2, 1868. — ed. 3, Jacksonville 1881. O [8] 117 map 4pls — rptd. same impr. 1898. FAIRBANKS, GEORGE R. 3433 The Spaniards in Florida. Jacksonville 1868. O 120 + 15adv-p a FAIRFIELD, ASA M. 3434 Pioneer history of Lassen county, Cali- fornia. ...SF 1916. O 506 map a FALCONBRIDGE, ALEXANDER 3435 An account of the slave trade on the coast of Africa. L 1788. O 55 a — ed. 2, L 1788. D 72 — anr. issue, without map. D Weightiest exposition of British claims to Oregon and contains the first English translation of La Salle's report and of Tonty's 1693 Memo/re. FALCONER, THOMAS 3439 The Oregon question. . . British claims ... in opposition to the pretensions of . . . the United States L 1845. O 46 map errata slip a — ed. 2, with 4p. postscript but no map, L 1845. O 50 — anr. issue, with a second postscript. O 50 4 rptd. L 1852. — Am. ed. N Y 1845. O 40 map Both Postscripts — one of four and one of twelve pages — were separately issued in 1845. FALDING, F. J. 3440 Notes of a journey round the world.. . . Sheffield 1876. D 208 Considerable attention given to Cali- fornis and the West. FALKENSTEIN, [CONSTANTINE] 3441 KARL Thaddaus Kosciuszko: nach seinem offent- lichen und hauslichen Leben. Leip 1827. a — ed. 2, Leip 1834. O [l8] 376 port facs — Fr. tr. P 1839. O [8] 303 FALCONER, CAPTAIN RICHARD The voyages, dangerous adventures. . . of: See Chetwood, Wm. R. FALCONER, THOMAS 3436 Expedition to Santa Fe . . . its journey from Texas . . . with particulars of its cap- ture. N O 1842. D 12 c N TxU — rptd., with adds., ed. F. W. Hodge, "Letters and notes on the Texas-Santa Fe expedition. . . ," N Y 1930. O 159 port a This narrative was appended to the seventh edition of Kendall's Santa Fe expedition. FALCONER, THOMAS 3437 Notes of a journey through Texas and New Mexico. . . 1841-2. [l 1844]. D 28 capt.t.only a Separate printing from Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, volume thirteen, part two. It was included in the 1930 reprint of Falconer's Expedition to Santa Fe, above. FALCONER, THOMAS 3438 On the discovery of the Mississippi, and on the south-western, Oregon, and north- western boundary. . . . L 1844. O 98[incl errata 1. ] 100 . -100 map a FALLING FLAG (THE) 3442 Evacuation of Richmond. Retreat and surrender at Appomattox. By an officer of the rear guard [a C. Boykin]. N Y 1874. D 67 a FALMOUTH, IN CASCO-BAY 3443 The conference with the Eastern Indians, at the ratification of the peace, held at: July and August, 1726. [s 1726?]. Q 23 b LC MH NYP FALMOUTH, IN CASCO-BAY 3444 Conference with the Eastern Indians, at the further ratification of the peace, held at: July 1727. [B 1727?]. Q 31 b MH NYP — rptd. B 1754. Q a FALMOUTH IN CASCO-BAY 3445 Falmouth in Casco-Bay . . . in New Eng- land. A journal of the proceedings at two conferences. . . held at: . . . between. . . William Shirley . . . and the chiefs of the Norridgwalk Indians B 1754. F 27 c AA MH N FALSE ALARM (THE) L Cadell 1770. See Johnson, Saml. 192 False Alarm — Farmer FALSE ALARM (THE) 3446 False alarm (The), addressed to... Richard Rigby. ... By Cincinnatus. L Coghlan 1782. O [4] 106 [2] a — anr. issue, same collat. & date. L Wilkie. Attempts to belittle British military re- verses in America. FALSE ALARM (THE) 3447 False alarm (The); or, the Americans mis- taken. L 1775. O 22 a FANATICISM Fanaticism, and its results. ... By a southerner. See McCabe, James D. FANEUIL HALL 3448 Address of the committee appointed by a public meeting held at: for. . . considering the recent case of kidnapping. . . .B 1846. O 42 a FANNING A fan for: and a touch-stone to Tryon. . . . See Husband, Harmon. FANNING, COLONEL DAVID 3449 The narrative of : . . . his adventures in North Carolina, 1775-1783. Rich 1861. Q [26] 92 a 60copies ptd.[l0 on thick paper] — rptd. N Y 1865. O [26] 86 a 250 copies ptd.[50 on L. P.] — Tor 1908. O [6] 55 The original edition was the first book printed in the Confederacy. FANNING, EDMUND 3450 Voyages round the world. . . . N Y 1833. O 499 5pls a — Eng. ed. L 1834. O same collat. Different work from next entry; but both give account of the first naval exploring ex- pedition sponsored by the United States government, commanded by the author. FANNING, EDMUND 3451 Voyages to the south seas. . . north-west coast NY 1838. D 324 front, a — 4 other eds., same impr., date & collat. — anr. ed. Salem 1924. O 32pls also 97 copies on L.P., Q In this narrative, Captain Fanning gives an account of the destruction of Astor's ship, the "Tonquin," at Nootka Sound. Really a second edition — and so named on title — of preceding entry. [FANNING, NATHANIEL] 3452 Narrative of the adventures of an Ameri- can navy officer who served . . . under the command of Com. John Paul Jones. ...NY 1806. D 270 b H NYP — rptd. "Memoir of the life of Captain Nathaniel Fanning," N Y 1808. D 270 a — rptd., ed. J. S. Barnes, N Y 1912. O [32] 258 300copies ptd. Earliest authoritative account of Jones' Revolutionary actions. FAR WEST (THE) Far west (The); a sketch of Illinois See under Mitchell, Saml. A., Illinois in 1837. FAR WEST (THE) Far west (The): its present, past and future. See Tefft, B. F. FAR WEST (THE) Far west (The); or, a tour beyond the mountains. See Flagg, Edmund T. FARDON, G. R. 3453 San Francisco album S F [l856]. Q 30photos, with t-p & index a First San Francisco book containing photographic views. [FARGO, FRANK F.] 3454 A true. . . history of the assassination of Tames King S F Sullivan [l856]. O 26 Lcover t.only] a For similar title, see Rivors, C. FARGO CITY DIRECTORY 3455 Fargo city directory. Fargo 1881. O 103 + lOadv-p a FARIA, FRANCISCO XAVIER DE 3456 Vida. Y heroycas virtudes del. . .Pedro de Velasco Mex 1753. O [l4] 170[i.e. 178] b JCB NYP TxU FARIBAULT COUNTY, MINNESOTA 3457 Its history. . . . Faribault 1868. D 24 a FARISH, THOMAS E. 3458 Central and southwestern Arizona. . . . [Phoenix] 1889. O 48 pi a Contains historical data. FARISH, THOMAS E. 3459 The gold hunters of California. Chi 1904. D 246 pis a FARISH, THOMAS E. 3460 History of Arizona. Phoenix 1915-20. O 8v[incl. Index vol. of 64p] pis a FARISH, THOMAS E. 3461 Southeastern Arizona. . . . Phoenix 1889. O 47 a Contains historical data. FARMER, JOHN, and MOORE, JACOB B., eds. Collections, topographical, historical relating principally to New Hampshire. . 3462 193 Concord 1822,3,4. O 3v: 296 [7]; [2] 387 103 [6]; [4] 388 88 [9] a Volume I was reprinted in 1831. Titles of volumes II and III differ slightly from that of volume I as entered above. FARMER, JOHN 3463 Emigrants guide Letc.J of the surveyed Fiart of Michigan. Alb 1830. 24° 32 map separately sold but inserted in some copies] b — ed. 2, Alb 1831. a — anr. ed. Det 1835. — enl. ed. 1836. First gazetteer of this Territory. FARMER, JOHN, and MOORE, 3464 JACOB B. A gazetteer of . . . New Hampshire. Con- cord N H 1823. D 276 map a FARMER, JOHN 3465 A genealogical register of the first set- tlers of New England. . . . Lancaster Mass 1829. O 352 port a FARMER, SILAS 3466 The history of Detroit and Michigan. . . . Det 1884. O [46] 1024 front, a — ed. 2, biog. vol. added, Det 1889. O 2v pis — ed. 3, "History of Detroit and Wayne county and early Michigan," Det 1890. O 2v fold, map pis FARMER (THE) Farmer (The) refuted . . letter from A. W. Farmer. Alex. in answer to a . . See Hamilton, FARNESWORTH, FREDERICK, ed. 3470 The man of the mountain. . . narrative of Mr. William Warland B 1818. O 24 front, a FARNHAM, ELIZA W. 3471 California, indoors and out.. ..NY 1856. D [16] 508 a FARNHAM, ELIZA W. 3472 Life in prairie land NY 1846. D 408 a — anr. ed. same impr. & collat. 1847. — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1852. 3473 , N Y Win- chester [l844], O 80 map a sd. 2, N Y Taylor 1845. O 83 map FARNHAM, THOMAS J. History of Oregon Territory. FARMER'S LETTER (A) Farmer's letter (A) to the people. See Lincoln, Levi. FARNHAM, THOMAS J. 3474 Travels in the Californias NY 1844. O 4pts paged continuously 416 map pi a — anr. issue, bd. in lv. — rptd. with titles altered, "Life. ..in California. . . ," etc., same collat., 1846; 1847. — other eds., with adds., 1849; and later. — anr. ed. "Early days in California.. .," Phil 1859. — rptd. Oakland 1947. O [l6] 166 map facs Essentially a sequel to his Travels in the great western prairies. FARNHAM, THOMAS J. 3475 Travels in the great western prairies. . . . Poughkeepsie 1841. D 197 a — rptd. Poughkeepsie [in some copies "Ploughkeepsie"] 1843; N Y [Wiley] 1843; N Y [Greeley] 1843. O 112 + wrap.t. — Eng-& best-ed. L 1843. D 2v: [23] 297; fe] 315 + adv-1. in v. 1 — Ger.tr. "Wanderungen iiber die Felsenge- birge in das Oregon-Gebiet," Leip 1846. D [8] 310 FARMER'S... LETTERS Farmer's and Monitor's letters (The) to the inhabitants of the British colonies. See Dickinson, John, and Lee, Arthur. FARMER'S HANDBOOK 3467 Farmer's handbook and emigrant's guide to northern Shawnee. . . counties [Kas.J. North Topeka 1879. D 32[incl.advs] a FARNSWORTH, OLIVER [pub.] 3476 The Cincinnati directory By a citizen. [Cin] 1819. D 156 plan b AA LC NYP WisH Y First Cincinnati directory. FARNSWORTH, R. W. C, ed. 3477 A southern California paradise. Pasadena 1883. D 132 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. D 142 First history of this place. FARNAM, HENRY W. 3468 Henry Farnam. [n Hav 1889]. D 136 L2J front, a lOOcopies ptd. [FARNESWORTH, FREDERICK?] 3469 An adventure on the banks of the Ohio .... Story of Mrs. Eliza Williamson. . . . B 1818. 16° 24 front, a FARRELL, NED E. 3478 Colorado, the Rocky mountain gem. . . . Chi 1868. 16° 72 map front, b LC NYP Y FARROW, EDWARD S. 3479 American small arms. ...NY 1904. O [2] 194 Farrow — Felt FARROW, EDWARD S. 3480 Mountain scouting Phil 1881. D 248 36 a — anr. issue, same collat. & date, TV Y — rptd. "Camping on the trail. . . ," Phil [1902]. D [4] 7-284 pis FASHIONABLE TOUR Fashionable tour (The): or, a trip to the Springs. . . . See Davison, Gideon M. FAUCHET, JOSEPH 3481 Coup d'oeil sur l'etat actuel de nos rap- ports politiques avec les Etats-Unis. P 1797. O 42 a — Eng. tr. Phil 1797. O 31 Fauchet replaced Genet as Minister to the United States. FEARON, HENRY B. 3491 Sketches of America. . . . L 1818. O [8] 462 a — ed. 2, L 1818. O [2, 5-12] 454 — ed. 3, L 1819. O [l6] 454 — Ger. ed. "Skizzen von Amerika," Jena 1819. Unflattering picture of the western frontier. FEARS, JESSE, ed. 3492 Confession of Richard H. Shuck, a mem- ber of the Owen and Henry county marauders, of . . . Kentucky. Frankf 1877. O 35 a FEATHERSTONAUGH, G[E0RGE) W. 3493 A canoe voyage up the Minnay Sotor. . . . L 1847. O 2v: [l4] 416; [8] 351. 2maps 2pls FAULKNER, T. C. 3482 History of the revolution in the southern states TV Y 1861. O 96 [8] a FAUQUIER [VA.] 3483 Six weeks in: ... by a visiter. TV Y 1839. 18° 67 pi a — re-issued, 2v in 1, without the maps FEATHERSTONAUGH, G[EORGE] W. 3494 Excursion through the slave states. . . . L 1844. O 2v: [30] 358; [lo] 394 + 16adv-p. map 2eng t. a — Am. ed. TV Y 1844. O 168 FAUVEL-GOURAUD, J. B. G. 3484 L'Hercule et la Favorite, ou la capture de l'Alexandre, et des pirates bordelais. . . a New-Port. . . suivi d'un apercu sur les moeurs . . . americaines. . . . P 1840. O 2v: [12] 518; 580. port a FAUX, W[ILLIAM] 3485 Memorable days in America. . . journal of a tour to the United States L 1823. O [l6] 488 pi a FAVEZ, L. 3486 Fragments sur les Mormons. . . . Lausanne 1854-6. D 2v: 84; 82 a FAWCETT, JOSEPH W. 3487 Journal of: . . . his trip in 1840 down the Ohio and Mississippi. . . . Chillicothe 1944. 16° 59 a FAY, [HEMAN] A., comp. 3488 Collection of the official accounts. . . of all the battles. . . 1812-1815. TV Y 1817. O 295 a FAY, T. C, comp Mobile directory, or strangers 1839. Mobile [l839j. D 104 96 a For first directory, see Mobile 3489 strangers' guide for FAY, THEODORE S., ed. 3490 Views in New York, and its environs, taken on the spot. . . by Dakin. TV Y 1831. Q 8pts[all] 64 map 38pls a FEDERALIST (THE) 3495 Federalist (The): containing some stric- tures upon. . . "The pretensions of Thomas Jefferson to the Presidency. ..." Phil 1796. O 2pts: 48; 27 a Vigorous defence of Jefferson in reply to William L. Smith's pamphlet; probably by Tench Coxe. FEDERALIST (THE) Federalist (The). . . essays in favour of the new Constitution. . . . See Hamilton, Alex. FEDIX, P. A. 3496 L'Oregon et les cotes de 1'ocean pacifique du nord P 1846. O 258 map b NYP OreH WashU Y FEDRIC, FRANCIS 3497 Slave life in Virginia and Kentucky; or, fifty years of slavery in the southern states. L 1863. D 120 a FELSENHART, J. 3498 Les colonies anglaises de 1574 a 1660 . . . et episode de l'emigration beige en Vir- ginie. Ghent 1868. O [8J 94 a FELT, JOSEPH B. 3499 The annals of Salem. Salem 1827. O 611 a Issued first in 6nos. — ed. 2, enl. Salem 1845-9. D 2v: [6] 5-535; 662 FELT, JOSEPH B. 3500 The customs of New England. . . .B 1853. O [2] 208 a 195 Felt Ferrer Maldonado FELT, JOSEPH B. 3501 History of Ipswich, Essex and Hamilton. C 1834. o[l6j 304 port a FELTMAN, LIEUT. WILLIAM 3502 The journal of: . . . 1781—82. Including the march into Virginia, and the siege of York- town. Phil 1853. O 48 a FEMALE REVIEW (THE) Female review (The): or, memoirs of an American young lady. . . . See Mann, Herman. FENDERICH, CHARLES 3503 Portfolio of living American statesmen. Wash [1837J. F [2] 70pls a FENTON, COL. JAMES 3504 Journal of the military tour by the Penn- sylvania volunteers and militia under com- mand of: to the frontiers of Pennsylvania and New York, Lake Erie. . . and from thence to Greenbush garrison. By a volunteer in the regiment. Carlisle Pa [l815], O 52 b IndU Lonly copy located — may lack one or two final pages.] FERGUS, ROBERT, pub. 3505 Fergus' historical series. Chi 1876-1903. D 35pts b AA N Y Important collection of reminiscences, historical sketches, etc., relating to Chi- cago and the region around. Numbers ten, twelve and fifteen are scarce. FERGUS FALLS [MINN.] 3506 Coarse fodder (bran, chips and sawdust . . . ) raked up by an old settler . . . relating to: Minneap 1881. O 24 map a [FERGUSON, DR. ADAM] 1724-1816 3507 Remarks on a pamphlet. . . by Dr. Price, intitled [sic], Observations on the nature of civil liberty L Cadell 1776. O [2] 61 a — anr. ed. "Remarks on Dr. Price's Ob- servations. . . ," L Kearsley 1776. O [4] 76 FERGUSON, ADAM, LL.D. 3508 Biographical sketch or memoir of Lieuten- ant-Colonel Patrick Ferguson. . . .Edin 1817. O 36 port a FERGUSON, ROBERT 3509 America during and after the war. L 1866. D [22] 280 a FERGUSON, DR. T. 3510 A complete history of the present civil war between Great Britain and the united colonies L 1779. O 358 a FERGUSON, THOMPSON B. 3511 The jayhawkers. A tale of the border war. Guthrie 1892. O [4] 415 a FERGUSON, WILLIAM 3512 America by river and rail. . . . L 1856. O [8] 511 2pls a South to Carolina, west to Iowa. FERGUSSON, ADAM 3513 Practical notes . . . during a tour in Canada, and a portion of the United States. . . . Edin 1833. D [16] 379 map a — ed. 2, with adds., Edin 1834. D [l6] 426 map Includes visits to Baltimore, Washington, western New York and Michigan. FERGUSSON, MAJOR D[AVID] 3514 . . . Report of: on the country . . . and the route between Tucson and Lobos bay, Arizona. Sen. Exec. Doc. l.[\Vash 1863], O 22 3maps a [FERGUSSON, JAMES] 3515 Notes of a tour in North America in 1861. [Edin 186 1]. D [4] 100 a F[ERNAGUS] D[E] GtELONE] 3516 Manual-guide des voyageurs aux fitats- Unis P 1818. D 196 a FERNANDEZ DE SAN SALVADOR, 3517 AUGUSTIN P. Los Jesuitas quitados y restituidos al mondo. Historia de la antigua California. Mex 1816. 16° [lo] 213 a FERNANDEZ DE TAOS 3518 A review of the boundary question. . . . Santa Fe 1853. O 32 b one copy known FERNOW, BERTHOLD 3519 The Ohio valley in colonial days. Alb 1890. O 299 a FERRALL, StlMON] A. 3520 A ramble of six thousand miles through the United States L 1832. O [l2] 360 facs 14adv-p a Author's name was actually O'Ferrall. FERRAN, [AUGUSTO], and 3521 BATURONE, [jOSEl Album Californiano. . . . Havanna [ca 1849-50]. Q 12pls b NYH Issued in three parts, of four plates each, with wrappers; in two states, with plates colored or uncolored. FERRER MALDONADO, LORENZO 3522 Viaggio dal Mare Atlantico al Pacifico per la via del Nord-Ouest fatto dal: Tradotto da una manoscritto spagnuolo inedito da Carlo Amoretti. Milan 1810. Q [4] 72 3maps a — rptd. n.p. 1810. same collat. — anr. ed. Milan 1811. Q [4] 98 3maps errata 1. 1. describing 3rd map 196 Ferri-Pisani — Field — rptd. Bologna 1812. Q [4] 96 3maps — Fr. tr. Plaisance 1812. Q [8] 84 W 12 maps[on 3sheets] This spurious voyage through Polar seas from the Atlantic to the west coast of America, claimed to have been made in 1588 by a famous Spanish navigator, excited much controversy when first published in 1810, but is no longer defended. A nineteen- page Appendix was issued at Milan, 1813. ,See also L., B. v., Die Glaubwurdigkeit. . . . FERRI-PISANI, [MARCEL VICTOR 3523 PAUL CAMILLE] Lettres sur les Etats-Unis P 1862. 16° [4] 455 a FERRIS, BENJAMIN 3524 A history of the original settlements on the Delaware Wilm Del 1846. O [l2] 312 7maps &pls a FERRIS, BENJAMIN G. 3525 Utah and the Mormons . . . from personal observation NY 1854. D 34 7[incl. front.] FERRIS, MRS. BENJAMIN G. 3526 The Mormons at home; with. . . incidents of travel from Missouri to California. ...NY 1856. D [8] 299 a FERRIS, WARREN A. 3527 Life in the Rocky mountains [1830-1835]. Ed. Paul C. Phillips. Denver 1940. O 464 map 5pls a — anr. ed., ed. J. C. Alter, S L C [l94o]. O 284 map 4pls First full-length description of the Yellow- stone region. FERRY, HYPOLITE [i.e., Hlppolyte] 3528 Description de la Nouvelle-Californie. . . . P 1850. D [4] 386 8maps & pis a — anr. ed., same yr., same collat. — Ital. tr. Venice 1851. O 340 pis Defends England's attitude on our neu- trality and hints that France was behind Burr's conspiracy. FETHERSTON, F. M. 3533 Yarns round a prairie camp fire: or tales of wild adventure in the far west. L [i860?]. D 61 a FEVRET DE ST.-M£MIN, 3534 CHARLES B. J. The St.-Memin collection of portraits. . . principally of distinguished Americans. . . . N Y 1862. F [8] 104 761ports[on 63pls] b NYP FEW NOTES (A) Few notes (A) respecting the United States See Stokes, C. FEW. ..REFLECTIONS Few political reflections (A) submitted to the consideration of the British colonies. See Wells, Richard. FIBBLETON, GEORGE [pseud.] Travels in America. See Greene, Asa. FIDFADDY, FREDERICK A. [pseud.] 3535 The adventures of Uncle Sam, in search after his lost honor. . . .Middletown Conn 1816. D 142 a Political allegory against the Democrats, chiefly concerned with War of 1812 affairs. The first book to symbolize the United States by the phrase "Uncle Sam." FIDLER, ISAAC 3536 Observations on professions, literature, manners ... in the United States and Canada L 1833. D [8] 434 + lOadv-p a — Am. ed. N Y 1833. D [8] 13-247[mispaged 248] Sweeping disparagement of a Republic whose citizens were neither gentlemen nor scholars. FERSLEW, WILLIAM C. L. E., comp. 3529 Kane county gazetteer. . . . Geneva 111 1857. D [4] 48 [2] 49-198 + adv-1. a FERSLEW, WILLIAM C. L. E., comp. 3530 Rockford city register. No. 1. Rockford 1857. D [l6] 25-136 + adv-1. at front a FESSENDEN, G[UY] M. 3531 The history of Warren, Rhode Island. Ptov 1845. 16° 125 a FIELD, DAVID D. 3537 A history of . . . Haddam and East Haddam [Conn.]. Middletown 1814. O 48 a — rptd. N Y 1892. O 200copies ptd. [FIELD, DAVID D., and DEWEY, 3538 CHESTER] A history of the county of Berkshire, Massachusetts Pittsfield 1829. D 468 2maps 5pls a FESSENDEN, THOMAS G. 3532 Some thoughts on the present dispute be- tween Great Britain and America. Phil 1807. 091 a FIELD, DAVID D. 3539 A statistical account of the county of Middlesex, in Connecticut. Middletown 1819. O 154 a 197 Field — Fillsola FIELD, JOSEPH E. 3540 Three years in Texas. Including a view of the . . . revolution . . . the principal battles [etc.]. Greenfield Mass 1836. D 36 b N S — anr. ed. f same impr. & date. D 47 b G LC — anr. issue, same collat., B 1836. b Y — rptd. Austin 1935. O 59 a Field was one of two survivors of the Goliad massacre. FIELD, STEPHEN J. Biographical notice of:. . . . [By H. J. Field]. [S F 1892]. O 112 a 3541 FIELD, STEPHEN J. 3542 Character and career of: as it is known in California. Field's infamy is Judge S. Terry's vindication, n.p. [l889?]. O 76 cover t.only a Answer to Judge Field's Personal reminiscences. FIGUEROA, JOS£ 3549 Manifiesto a la republica Mejicana. . . . Monterey Zamorano 1835. D [2] 184 errata 1. dd B Hn Y — Eng. tr. [S F] 1855. O [2] 105 c B H NYP Y Second California printed book, first one of importance; in it Figueroa records and de- fends his administration of California af- fairs, 1833-1835. FILISOLA, VICENTE 3550 Analysis del Diario militar del General D. Jose Urrea Matamoras 1838. O 180 b S Y FILISOLA, VICENTE 3551 Manifiesto a la nacion. Leona Vicaria Mex 1836. O 42 b Y [only copy known] Relates largely to the Texas war. FIELD, STEPHEN J. 3543 Personal reminiscences of early days in California n.p. [s F? 1880]. O 248 a — anr. ed., with adds. [Wash 1890]? O [6] 406 — anr, ed., with Gorham's account of Terry's attempted assassination of Field, [Wash 1893]. O [6] 472; also incl. in 1895 ed. of Chauncey F. Black's "Some account of the work of . . . Field," q.v. FIELD, STEPHEN J. A sketch of the life of: 36 a 3544 O FIELD, STEPHEN J. Some account of the work of: See Black, Chauncey F. FIELD, THOMAS W. 3545 The battle of Long Island Bklyn 1869. O [lo] 549 [l3] 7pls a some copies on L.P. FIELD, THOMAS W. 3546 Historic and antiquarian scenes in Brook- lyn Bklyn priv. ptd. 1868. O [8] 96 map llpls a only lOOcopies issued; of which there were 2 issues of p. 23-26. FIELDER, HERBERT 3547 The disunionist. . . the propriety of sepa- ration and the formation of a southern United States, n.p. 1858. O 72 a FIELDER, HERBERT 3548 A sketch of the life and times ... of Joseph E. Brown. Springfield Mass 1883. O [4] 785 port a FILISOLA, VICENTE 3552 Memorias para la historia de la guerra de Tejas Mex Rafael 1848-9. D 2v: 587; 625 b N Y — anr. issue, same impr. & date. D 2v in 1: 602 + errata 1.; 625 Vol. I contains paginat. errors and errata 1. not found in 2v issue, hence this issue may be the first, b Y FILISOLA, VICENTE 3553 Memorias para la historia de la guerra de Tejas Mex Cumplido 1849. O 2v: 512, i.e. 502 [2]; 267 b B NYP S Y May be considered, though not so stated, as an enlarged second edition of the pre- ceding entry, continuing the annals to the latter part of 1837, but also containing the earlier events, to San Jacinto as given in the other. Both reprint valuable papers, in- cluding Almonte's Statistical report on Texas, Lq.v.J. In this completed form, it is the only comprehensive history, from the Mexican point of view, of the war for Texas independence. General Filisola was active on this frontier from 1833, was Santa Anna's second-in-command, and led the Mexican army on its retreat from San Jacinto. FILISOLA, VICENTE 3554 Representacion dirigida al Suprema Gobierno, en defensa de su honor y acla- racion de sus operaciones como General en Gefe del ejercito sobre Tejas. Mex 1836. O 82 b N NYP Y — Eng. ed., "Evacuation of Texas.. . ," Columbia Tex 1837. D 68 c BA Y The English edition was, aside from legal publications, the first book printed in Texas. Account of the battle of San Jacinto by Santa Anna's second in command. 198 Filley — First Book FILLEY, WILLIAM 3555 Life and adventures of : . . . stolen from his home in Jackson, Mich., by the Indians. . . . Chi Fergus 1867. O 96 8 pis b — ed. 2, Chi Filley 66 Ballard 1867. O 112 [incl.8pls] a FILSON, JOHN 3556 The discovery, settlement [etc.] of Ken- tucke Wilm Del 1784. O 118 with map [which was ptd at Phil., sold separately & not issued with the book] dd AA LC PhilL without map d N Y — Eng. ed. L 1793. O 67 5adv-p map[by Hutchins] b N NYP Y — Fr. tr. with adds. P 1785. O [20] 234 map a — Ger. trs: Frankf 1785. O 254; Nuremb 1789. O 124; Leip 1790. O 124 First book on Kentucky and most notable product from the pen of a Western pioneer. FINAN, P. 3557 Journal of a voyage to Quebec . . . with recollections of Canada, during the late American war. . . 1812-14. Newry 1828. D [6] 400 errata slip a FINCH, J[0HN] 3558 Travels in the United States and Canada L 1833. O [16] 455 errata slip a FINCH, MARIANNE 3559 An Englishwoman's experience in America. L 1853. O [8] 386 a — rptd. L 1857. FINDLEY, WILLIAM 3560 History of the insurrection, in the four western counties of Pennsylvania. .. 1794 Phil 1796. O 328 a FINDLEY, WILLIAM 3561 Observations on "The two sons of oil" .... Pitt 1812. D 366 errata slip a [FINDLEY, WILLIAM] 3562 A review of the revenue system. ..under the federal constitution. . . . Phil 1794. O [4] 130 a FINERTY, JOHN F. 3563 War-path and bivouac, or the conquest of the Sioux Chi [l890J. O [22] 25-460 map 18pls a — rptd. without maps or pis, Chi n. d. FINEST PART Finest part (The) of America. . . .See Varlo, Charles. FINLAY, HUGH 3564 Journal. . . kept during his survey of the post offices between Falmouth. . . Massa- chusetts, and Savannah. . . . Bklyn 1867. Q [28] 94 2maps a 175copies[25 on L.P.] FINLAYSON, ARCHIBALD W. 3565 A trip to America Glas 1879. O 54 a [FINLAYSON, DUNCAN] 3566 Traits of American-Indian life and char- acter. By a fur trader. L 1853. D [ 16] 218 a — rptd. S F Grabhorn 1933. O 107 6pls a 500copies ptd. Attributed also to another Hudson's Bay Co. trader, Peter Skene Ogden, as many of his adventures in the Oregon country are related. FINLEY, A[NTH0NY], pub. 3567 A new American atlas. Phil 1826. F [4] ISmaps a FINLEY, ALEXANDER C. 3568 The history of Russellville and Logan county, Kentucky. . . . Vol. I [all]. Russell- ville 1878-90. O 5pts in 3: 60; 100; 63 a One wonders how the author could have remained in this community after perpetrating his unvarnished personal commentaries. FINLEY, ISAAC J., and PUTNAM, 3569 RUFUS Pioneer record of the early settlers. . . of Ross county, Ohio. Cin 1871. O 148 a FINLEY, JAMES B. 3570 Autobiography of: or, pioneer life in the west. Cin 1853. D 455[incl. front. & 7pls] a — rptd., same impr.: 1854; 1857. FINLEY, JAMES B. 3571 History of the Wyandotte mission at Upper Sandusky Cin 1840. D 432 a FINLEY, JAMES B. Life among the Indians. . . 548 2ports a — rptd., same collat., 1860; 3572 D 1868. FINLEY, JAMES B- 3573 Sketches of western Methodism. . . . Cin 1854. D 452 port a FIRST BOOK (THE) 3574 First book (The) of the American chroni- cles of the times. Chaps. 1-6 [all]. Phil [1774-5]. D 70 a — rptd. [5 chaps, only], same date, B D 58; Norwich, same collat. — anr. ed. [4 chaps, only], same date, Prov D 32 Covers, in scriptural style, events of 1774; each chapter was issued separately. 199 First Impressions — Fitch FIRST IMPRESSIONS First impressions of America. See Walter, John. .FIRST IMPRESSIONS First impressions of the new world. . . . See Trotter, Isabella. FIRST... PIONEERS 3575 First steamship pioneers, [s F 1874], Q L14j 393 llplsLin some copies only] a FISCH, GEORGES 3576 Les Etats-Unis en 1861. P 1862. D 238 a — Eng. ed. "Nine months in the United States. ..." L 1863. D [l6] 166 FISCHER, JOSEPH 3577 Die Enteckungen der Normannen. . . . Freiburg 1902. O [l2] 126 front. lOmaps a — Eng. ed. "The discoveries of the Norse- men in America. . . ," L 1902. large O [24] 130 [2] front. lOmaps — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1903. — Am. ed. St L 1903. [FISH, REEDER McCANDLESS] 3578 The grim chieftain of Kansas. ... By one who knows. Cherryvale Kas 1885. 16° [4] 145 a FISHER, ELIJAH 3579 Journal while in the war for independence. Augusta Me 1880. O 29 a FISHER, ELWOOD 3580 Lecture on the north and the south. . . . Charleston S C 1849. O 24 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — other eds., same date: Rich O 31; Cin O 64 FISHER, EZRA 3581 Correspondence of: n.p. [l919]. O 492 a Largely on early Oregon missions. FISHER, GEORGE 3582 Memorials ... to the Congress of Texas Houston 1840. O 87 + 21fold-p bBLC NYP Y Concerning General Mexia's 1835 ex- pedition against Tampico, the first armed demonstration by Texans against Mexico. [FISHER, JABEZ] 3583 Americanus examined, and his principles compared with those of the approved ad- vocates for America. Phil 1774. O 24 a "Americanus" was the pseudonym used by Caleb Evans in his Letter to John Wesley, q.v. FISHER, ORCENETH 3584 Sketches of Texas in 1840. . . . Springfield 111 1841. 16° 64 b IH LC [only 4copies known] FISHER, WILLIAM [comp.] 3585 New travels among the Indians . . . taken partly from the communications ... of Cap- tains Lewis and Clark and partly from other authors Phil 1812. D 300 2ports a some copies have 2t-p — anr. issue, "An interesting account of the voyages and travels of Captains Lewis and Clark. . . ," Bait 1812. D 326 2ports [incl. in paginat.J — rptd. Bali 1813. 16° 266 2ports 4pls[in some copies only 3] For an earlier edition of this spurious or unauthorized account of Lewis and Clark, see Lewis and Clark, Travels. FISK, JAMES, JR. A life of: N Y 1868. See Stafford, Marshall P. FISK, CAPT. JAMES L. 3586 Expedition from Fort Abercrombie to Fort Benton. . . . H. Exec. Doc. 80. [Wash 1863]. O 36 a In some copies is inserted a map, which was printed later. FISK, CAPTAIN [JAMES L.] 3587 Expedition of: to the Rocky mountains [Sen. Doc.]. Wash 1864. O 38 a — anr. issue, [House Doc], Wash 1864. O 39 Captain Fisk commanded an escort for an Idaho emigrant party. FISK, CAPT. JAMES L. 3588 Idaho; her gold fields and the routes to them. N Y 1863. 16° 99 map b MinnH WisH FISKE, FRANK B. 3589 The taming of the Sioux. . . . Bismarck [1917]. O [12] 17-186 front, a FITCH, A[BIGAIL] H. 3590 Junipero Serra. . . . Chi 1914. D 364 map 15pls a FITCH, F[RANKLYN] Y., ed. 3591 Life, travels and adventures of Alonzo de Milt . . . among the Indians ... in the gold mines NY [l883]. D [2] 228 12pls + 48 adv-p a FITCH, JOHN, 1743-98 3592 The original steam-boat supported; or, a reply to Mr. James Rumsey's pamphlet.. . . Phil 1788. O [34] [20] — issue 1, with cor. by hand & Rumsey's plan incl. a 200 Fitch — Fleischmann — issue 2, cor. by type & omitting Rumsey's plan, same impr. & date. O 34 [FITCH, JOHN, JUDGE] 3593 Annals of the Army of the Cumberland. . . . Phil 1863. O 671 map 22pls eng.t. a — rptd. several times, with au. named FITCH, JOHN. JUDGE 3594 Police record of the spies. . . detected within the limits of the Army of the Cumber- land. Phil 1864. O [6] 345-356 453-652 3pls a Selections from Annals of the Army of the Cumberland. FITCH, MICHAEL H. 3595 Ranch life and other sketches. Vol. I [all]. Pueblo 1914. D 309 [2] a [FITCH, THOMAS] 3596 Reasons why the British colonies. . . should not be charged with internal taxes by authority of Parliament. . . . N Hav 1764. O [39] b AA NYP Y FITCH [THOMAS] & CO., pob. 3597 Directory of . . . Placerville, Upper Placer- ville, El Dorado, Georgetown and Coloma, containing a history. . . . Placerville 1862. D 128 correction slip a FITE, EMERSON D., and FREEMAN, 3598 ARCHIBALD A book of old maps C 1926. F [l6] 299 [incl.74maps] col. map as front, a FITE, EMERSON D. 3599 Social and industrial conditions in the civil war. N Y 1910. O [8] 318 a FITHIAN, PHILIP V. 3600 Journals and letters. . . 1767-1774. Princeton 1900. O [24] 320 8pls a — Journals, 1775-76, Princeton 1934. — Journals, 1773-74, Wmsbg 1943. FITZGERALD, ROSS 3601 A visit to the cities and camps of the Confederate States. L 1865. D [6] 300 map a FITZHUGH, GEORGE 3602 Cannibals all! or, slaves without masters. Rich 1857. D 379 a Influenced profoundly southern belief in Negro inferiority. FITZHUGH, GEORGE 3603 Sociology for the south; or, the failure of free society. Rich 1854. D 310 a First work on sociology produced in this country. FITZ-JAMES, ZILLAH 3604 Fitz-James, Zillah, the female bandit of the southwest Little Rock 1852. O 32 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1855. — anr. ed., same collat., N v n,d. For her male consort, see Long, Green H. FITZMAURJCE, JOHN W. 3605 "The shanty boy," or, life in a lumber camp. . . discriptions LsicJ. . . in the lumber- ing shanties of Michigan and Wisconsin. Cheboygan 1889. O 246 + 12adv-p [4 front, 8 rear] b BurtonH LC Y As a narrative of the lumbering industry unequalled, as a picture of Michigan life comparable to The bark covered house. FIVE YEARS Five years in the west. . . . By a Texas preacher. See Allen, Wm. M. FLACK, CAPT. 3606 A hunter's experiences in the southern states L Longmans 1866. D [8] 359 a — rptd. several times, with variant titles: "The Texan rifle-hunter," "The Texan ranger," and "Prairie hunters." FLAGET, MONSEIGNEUR [BENEDICT J.] Eveque de Bardstown et Louisville. Sa vie . . . par le pretre qui accompaignait le prelat. . . . See Desgeorges, Abbe. [FLAGG, EDMUND T-] 3607 The far west; or, a tour beyond the moun- tains NY 1838. D 2v: [l6] 13-263; [l2] 9-241 a Extensive travels, by an Ohio journalist, through Missouri and Illinois. FLANDRAU, CHARLES E. 3608 Narrative of the Indian war of 1862-1864 ... in Minnesota, n.p. n.d. O 90 a FLANIGAN, J. H. 3609 Mormonism triumphant!. ... a reply to Palmer's Internal evidence against the Book of Mormon. Liv 1849. O 32 a FLEISCHMANN, C[ARL] L. 3610 Erwerbszweige, fabrikwesen und handel der Vereinigten Staaten Stuttgart 1850. O [l0] 616 a — ed. 2, same impr., 1852. O [4] 612 [5-10] 613-616 FLEISCHMANN, C[ARL] L. 3611 Neuste officielle Berichte an die Regier- ung der Verein. Staaten uber die. . . Cali- forniens. Stuttgart 1850. D [8] 64 b NYP Y A translation of Thomas Butler King's Report. . . , q.v. 201 Fleisehmann — Fletcher FLEISCHMANN, C[ARL] L. 3612 Der nordamerikanische Landwirth. . . . Frankf 1848. O [l4] 399 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1852. O [l4] 400 fold, map FLEISCHMANN, C[ARL] L. 3613 Wegweiser und Rathgeber nach und in den Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Stuttgart 1852 O [4] 500 map a FLEMING, E. B. 3614 Early history of Hopkins county, Texas n.p. 1902. D 183 a FLEMING, [WILLIAM H. !, & 3621 TORREY, comps. The Twin Cities directory; including Davenport . . . Rock Island . . . Moline. . . . Davenport 1856. D 144 a [FLETCHER, MISS A.] 3622 Within Fort Sumter; or, a view of Major Anderson's garrison family for one hundred and ten days. By one of the company. N Y 1861. D 72 a FLETCHER, CHARLES H. 3623 Centennial history of Jefferson county, Iowa. Fairfield la 1876. O 36 a [FLEMING, G. A.] 3615 California: its past history* its present position; [etc.], L 1850. O [8] 270 eng.t. 9pls map all col. by hand b Y One of the fullest and most interesting of contemporary accounts. The complete com- plement of nine plates is not found in all copies: the ordinary issue had only three. FLEMING, ROBERT 3616 Sketch of the life of Elder Humphrey, first Baptist missionary to the Cherokee Indians [Phil?] 1852. 16° 103 port a FLEMING, W. S. 3617 A historical sketch of Maury county [Tenn.]. Columbia Term 1876. O [2] 65 a FLEMING, WALTER L. 3618 Civil war and reconstruction in Alabama. N Y 1905. O [24] 816 + adv-p 12pls a FLEMING, WALTER L. 3619 Documentary history of reconstruction. Clev 1906-7. O 2v: [20] 493; [l8] 3-480. 9facs a — rptd. TV Y 1950. O 2v in 1 FLEMING, WILLIAM, and 3620 ELIZABETH A narrative of the sufferings . . . of: . . . taken captive by. . . Indians. . . in Pennsyl- vania [etc.]. Phil no printer named, for the benefit of the unhappy sufferers [l756]. D 28 d 1 copy known[Brinley] — other 1756 eds. [priority not determined]: Phil Jas. Chattin, for the unhappy sufferers, D 28 d no perfect copy known; B O 20 c AA MH; Lancaster c Evans [no collat. given]; N Y c Evans[no collat. given] — ed. 2, Phil Jas. Chattin 1756. c Evans [no collat. given] — Ger. tr. Lancaster 1756. 16° 29 b AA N PaH FLETCHER, DANIEL C. 3624 Reminiscences of California and the civil war. Ayer Mass 1894. O 196 port a FLETCHER, EBENEZER 3625 A narrative of the captivity [etc.] of: Am- herst 1798. O 26 c NHH NYP [of 3 known copies] — rptd. Windsor Vt 1813. D 22 b AA LC — anr. ed., styled "ed. 4," rev. & enl., New-Ipswich N H 1827. D 24 b AA N — rptd., same place, same collat., n.d. [1828?]. a — anr. ed., ed. Bushnell, with notes, N Y 1866. O 86 Fletcher was captured by Indians while serving in the 1777 campaign against Burgoyne. FLETCHER, LIEUT.-COLONEL 3626 [HENRY c] History of the American war. . . . L 1865-6. O 3v: [16] 454 + adv-1; [l2] 446 + adv-1.; [14] 550. 20pls 7maps a FLETCHER, REV. j[0HN] 3627 American patriotism farther confronted Shrewsbury Eng 1776. D [8] 130 a —rptd. L 1777. FLETCHER'S... ARGUMENTS 3628 Fletcher's (The Rev. John) arguments. . . in his "Vindication of the Calm address" in defence of the assumed right. . . to tax America, considered. By a member of the Rev. Mr. Wesley's Society. L \T76. O 70 a FLETCHER, REV. JOHN 3629 A vindication of the Rev. Mr. Wesley's "Calm address to our American colonies" L [1776]. D [4] 70 a — rptd. Dub 1776. O FLETCHER, WILLIAM A. 3630 A rebel private, front and rear. . . .Beau- mont Tex 1908. O 193[incl.port] a 202 Fleurieu — Florida Best personal narrative by a Confederate private. Most of the edition was destroyed by fire. FLEURIEU, C[HARLES] P. C. 3631 Voyage autour du monde. . . 1790-2. P [1798-1800]. Q 4v: [l2 144] 628 [3]; [l6 incl. initial blank 1.] 676 [2]; [l2] 432 [2]; [lo] 159. ISmaps pi tab b JCB N — anr. ed. P [1798-1800]. O 5v: [300] 294 [l]; [6] 530; [8] 475; [8] 494 [2]; [12] 560 [4] + Atlas Q [l5maps pi] a — Eng. tr. L 1801. Q 2v: [l40] 361; [l2] 503 105 + Atlas [8maps] b — anr. issue, same impr. & date. O 2v: Ll6j [192] 536; [14] 663 105 + Atlas Q [8maps] a — Ger. ed. "Die neuste Reise um die Welt . . . ," Leip n.d. O 2v map pi a This French circumnavigation, under Marchand, was preceded only by Bougain- ville's. It added considerably to the scanty knowledge of Northwest America and in- cluded a scholarly survey of earlier mari- time explorers. FLICKINGER, ROBERT E. 3632 Pioneer history of Pocahontas county [la. J. Fonda la 1904. O [24] 9-909 a FLINT, HENRY M. 3633 The railroads of the United States; their history Phil 1868. D 452 a FLINT, JAMES 3634 Letters from America, containing observa- tions on the. . . western states. Edin 1822. O [8] 330 a — Am. ed., ed. Thwaites, Clev 1904. O FLINT, TIMOTHY 3635 Biographical memoir of Daniel Boone, the first settler of Kentucky Cin 1833. D 267 port a —other Cin eds.: 1834; 1840; 1841; 1842; 1846; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1854; 1856; 1857; 1858. — rev. ed. "Life and adventures of Daniel Boone. . . ," Cin 1868. D 256 map 3pls FLINT, TIMOTHY 3636 A condensed geography and history of the western states Cin 1828. O 2v: 592; 520 a — ed. 2, enl., "The history and geography of the Mississippi valley. . . ," Cin 1832. O 2v in 1: 464; 276 — ed. 3, Cin 1833. O 2v in 1: 469; 310 — rptd. Cin 1839. FLINT, TIMOTHY Indian wars of the west. ... . Cir, 240 a — rptd., same impr. 1838. 3637 D FLINT, TIMOTHY 3638 Journal of: from the Red river, to the Ouachitta . . . in Louisiana, in 1835. {.Alex- andria La 1835]? D 31 b LC — rptd. in "Waldie's Library," Cin 1836; some copies carry Phil impr. a FLINT, TIMOTHY 3639 The lost child. B 1830. 16° 121 a Adventures of Henry Howe, stolen from his Arkansas home and found five years later in New Orleans. FLINT, TIMOTHY 3640 Recollections of the last ten years. . . in the valley of the Mississippi. B 1826. O [2] 395 a FLORIDA (EAST) Account of: . . . its future importance. . . . See Stork, Wm. FLORIDA An account of the surveys of:. . . .See Lorimer, John. [FLORIDA] 3641 The case of the inhabitants of East Florida St Augustine 1784. O [4] 58 dd JCB S [only copies located] First book printed in Florida, with possi- ble exception of Samuel Gale's Essay. . . on public credit, of the same date. Protest by Florida loyalists against this province be- ing ceded to Spain. FLORIDA Florida (la) y tierras adjacentes. Colec- cion de varios documentos para la historia de: See Smith, Buckingham. FLORIDA A concise narrative of General Jackson's first invasion of: By Aristides. See Van Ness, Wm. P. FLORIDA (LA) Crisis del Ensayo a la historia de: See Salazar, Joseph de. FLORIDA (EAST) A description of:. . . . L 1769. See Stork, Wm. FLORIDA (LA) 3642 Florida (la) y la Luisiana. Documentos historic os de: siglos XVI al XVIII. Madrid 1913. Q [8] 466 errata 1. a FLORIDA 3643 Documents in proof of the climate and soil of: NY 1835. O 68 [4] a 203 FLORIDA (LA) Ensayo cronologico, para la historia general de: See Barcia Carballido y Zuniga, Andres Gonzalez de. FLORIDA Florida and Texas . . . comparing the soil, climate. . , . See Byrne, Bernard M. FLORIDA COLONIST (THE) 3644 Florida colonist (The), or settler's guide. Jacksonville [l870]. O 68 a — ed. 2, enl., same impr. 1871. O [2] 86 map FLORIDA 3645 Florida: its climate . . . with a sketch of its history Jacksonville 1869. O [4] 151 a — anr. issue, N Y 1869. O 128 map pi — rptd. Jacksonville 1870. O 69 map pi FLORIDA PIRATE 3646 Florida pirate (The), or, an account of a cruise in the schooner Esparanza. . . .N Y Borradaile 1823. D 24 col. port a — anr. ed., ship's name given correctly as "Esperanza," Johnstone & Van Norden, same date. D 24 2pls This pirate, a colored man named Manuel, was hanged at Charleston. FLORIDA (EAST) 3647 Notices of: with an account of the Semi- nole nation. ... By a recent traveller [etc. J. Charleston 1822. D 106 b NYP Authorship has been ascribed to a Colonel Simmons. FLORIDA (WEST) 3648 Ordinances adopted by the convention of: Natchez 1810. O 32 b BP NYH FLORIDA 3649 Sketches of the Indian war in: N Y 1837. O 24 3pls[incl. in paginat.] b NYP FLORIDA A true and authentic account of the Indian war in: See Seminole war (the). An authentic narrative of:. . . . FLORIDA 3650 Verscheyde Scheeps-togten na: door Pontius, Ribald, Laudonniere, Gourgues en andere. . . . Leyden Vander Aa 1706. O [2] 171 [l8] map 33pls a FLORIDA The war in: . . . its causes [etc.]. By a late staff officer. See Potter, Woodburn. FLORIDAS (THE) 3651 Message from the President. . . com- municating the correspondence ... in rela- tion to the treaty for the session of: Wash 1820. O 32 [8] a FLORIDAS (THE) An original memoir on:. ... By a gentle- man of the south. See Coale, Edw. J. FLORIDE (LA) % Recueil de pieces sur:. . . . See Ternaux- Compans, Henri. FLORY, J. S. 3652 Thrilling echoes from the frontier. . . . Chi 1893. D 248 pi a FLOWER, GEORGE 3653 The errors of emigrants . . . and a descrip- tion of the . . . English settlement in Illinois ..„.L [l84l]. D 64 a FLOWER, GEORGE 3654 History of the English settlement in Ed- wards county, Illinois. . . . Chi 1882. O 402 line 1. front. J a FLOWER, RICHARD 3655 Letters from Lexington [rCy.] and the Illinois. . . . L 1819. O 32 b AA LC N Y FLOWER, RICHARD 3656 Letters from the Illinois; containing an account of the English settlement at Albion . . . . L 1822. O 76 a Supplements his earlier Letters from Lexington and the Illinois. [FLOWERS, R. W.] 3657 From ocean to ocean. . .diary of a three month's expedition from Liverpool to Cali- fornia. . . . [l] 1871. O 108 a FOGG, MAJOR JEREMIAH 3658 Journal of: during the expedition of Gen. Sullivan. . . . Exeter N H 1879. O [2] 24 a 150copies ptd. FOLLETT, FREDERICK 3659 History of the press of western New York ....Roch 1847. O [2] 76 a FOLSOM, BENJAMIN 3660 A compilation of biographical sketches of . . . officers in the American navy. Newbury- port 1814. O 187 a FOLSOM, GEORGE 3661 History of Saco and Biddeford . . . Maine. Saco 1830. D 331 map pi a [FOLSOM, GEORGE F.] 3662 Mexico in 1842. N Y 1842. 16° 256 map a Includes account of Texas and a narrative, by Franklin Coombs, of the Texas expedi- tion against Santa Fe. Ascribed also to Charles J. Folsom, publisher of the book. 204 Folsom — Forbes FOLSOM, JAMES M. 3663 Heroes and martyrs of Georgia ... in the revolution of 1861. Vol. I [all]. Macon 1864. O 164 a FOND DU LAC COUNTY [WIS.] 3664 Centennial directory of:. . . . Fond du Lac 1876. 412 a FONT'S... DIARY Font's [Pedro] complete diary. See Bolton, Herbert E. FONTAINE, FELIX G. DE 3665 History of American abolitionism. . . with a history of the Southern Confederacy. . . . N Y 1861. O 66 a — anr. issue, same date, impr. & collat., but with shortened title. [FONTAINE, FELIX G. DE] 3666 Marginalia; or gleanings from an army note-book. By "Personne." Columbia S C 1864. O [8] 248 + 8adv-p[incl. covers] a FONTAINE, JAMES 3667 A tale of the Huguenots; or, memoirs of a French Huguenot family. N Y 1838. D 266 a — anr. ed. enl. "Memoirs of a Huguenot family. . . ," N Y 1853. D 512 [incl. front.] port — rptd. N Y 1872; [l900]. Includes original journal of travels in Virginia, New York, etc., 1715-16. FONTANE, MARIUS t. 3668 La guerre d'Amerique. Recit d'un soldat du sud. P [ 1866-70]. D 2v: [4] 304; [2] 265. map a — Ital. tr. Milan 1870. D 400 F0NTE[0R FUENTEl, ADMIRAL DE The great probability of a north west passage. . . from observations on the letter of: See Jefferys, Thos. FONTELFUENTE], L'AMIRAL DE Nouvelles cartes des decouvertes de: See L'Isle, Jos. N. de. FONTENAY, MARIE L'autre monde. See Grandfort, Marie F. de. F0NTICELLI, ANTONIO 3669 Americologia; ossia osservazioni storiche .... Con un breve ragguaglio delle ultime scoperte fatte dai Russi nel mar Pacifico. Senoa 1790. D 123 a F00S, JOSEPH 3670 The highway of all nations. Columbus O 1820. O 24 b BA Y First book advocating American settle- ment of the Pacific coast. FOOTE, HENRY S. 3671 Bench and bar of the south and the south- west. St L 1876. O [8] 264 a FOOTE, HENRY S. 3672 Casket of reminiscences. Wash 1874. O [4] 498 a FOOTE, HENRY S. 3673 Texas and the Texans: or advance of the Anglo-Americans to the southwest. . . . Phil 1841. D 2v: [8] 13-314; 403. a — rptd. Austin 1935. D 2v Though no map was issued with the first edition, Young's map [published by Mitchell] is so frequently found inserted as to breed the conjecture that the publisher had acquired copies made to accompany a never-published but contemplated third vol- ume, and that he disposed of them to later buyers of the two volumes, for insertion therein. FOOTE, HENRY S. 3674 War of the rebellion. . . observations upon the causes, course and consequences of the late civil war NY 1866. D [2] 440 port a FOOTE, WILLIAM H. Sketches of North Carolina. O 557 a — rptd. 1912. 3675 N Y 1846. FOOTE, WILLIAM H. 3676 Sketches of Virginia. [Series i]. Phil 1850. O [8] 568 port a —[Series II] Phil 1855. O 596 port a — rev. ed. 1856. FORBES, ALEXANDER 3677 California: a history L 1839. O [l6] 352 port map 9pls errata slip a — rptd. S F 1919. O [26] 372 map lOpls 250 copies ptd. — anr. ed. S F 1937. O [32] 230 map front. 2facs First book in the English language de- voted exclusively to California and of permanent value on its Indians and early missions. FORBES, JAMES G. 3678 Sketches, historical [etc.] of the Floridas . . . .N Y 1821. O 226 + adv-1. map[not issued in all copies] a FORBES, ROBERT B. 3679 Personal reminiscences. B 1876. D [8] 382 [5] a — rptd., with pis added, B 1878; B 1892. D 412 4pls Maritime experiences; including a voyage to California in 1825 and later visits there. 205 Force — Forrester FORCE, PETER, ed. 3680 American archives. [Ser. IV, v. 1-6; ser. V, v. 1-3] all published. Wash 1837-53. Q 9v maps facs a More volumes, covering other periods of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, were planned, but only the above nine [six of the Fourth and three of the Fifth series] appeared. FORCE, PETER 3681 The Declaration of Independence, or notes on Lord Mahon's History. . . . L 1855. O66 a FORD, THOMAS 3689 A history of Illinois Chi 1854. D [2] 5_447 + 6adv-p a — rptd., ed. Quaife, Chi 1945-6. 16° 2v [FORD, TIMOTHY] 3690 The constitutionalist. . . . Charleston S C 1794. O 55 a [FORD, TIMOTHY?] 3691 An enquiry into the constitutional au- thority of the supreme federal court, over the several states Charleston S C 1792. 49 a FORCE, PETER, ed. 3682 Tracts . . . relating principally to the origin, settlement, and progress of the colonies in North America ... to 1776. Wash 1836-46. O 4v b AA B N NYP Y — rptd. [in part] "American colonial tracts . . . ," 18nos in 2v [all], Syracuse Humphrey 1897-8. a Some of these 52 tracts appeared here in print for the first time; all are separately paged, the reprinted ones with title-pages. FORD, GUY S., ed. 3683 Essays in American history dedicated to Frederick Jackson Turner. N Y 1910. O 293 FORE AND AFT Fore and aft; or, leaves from the life of an old sailor. By "Webfoot." See Phelps, Wm. D. FOREMAN, GRANT 3692 Indian removal; the emigration of the Five Civilized Tribes Norman Okla 1932. O 415 22pls 6maps a FOREMAN, GRANT 3693 Indians and pioneers. . . the American southwest before 1830. N Hav 1930. O [l8] 348 map 8pls a — rev. ed. Norman Okla 1936. O [l8] 302 map 8pls FORD, HENRY A. The history of Putnam and Marshall counties Lac on III 1860. 16° [8] 160 1 FORD, HENRY C. 3685 Etchings of the Franciscan missions of California NY 1883. F 28 24pls b only 50copies ptd. FORD, PAUL L., ed. 3686 Essays on the Constitution. . . 1787-1788. Bklyn 1892. o[^ 424 a SOOcopies ptd. FORD, PAUL L., ed. 3687 Pamphlets on the Constitution. Bklyn 1888. O [l2] 451 a 500copies ptd. FORD, SALLY [R.] 3688 Raids and romance of Morgan and his men. Mobile 1863. O 318 b — ed. 2, same impr. 1864. O 332 + 2adv-p a — rptd. N Y 1864. D 417[incl.port] Chiefly historical, but considerably fictionalized. Federal soldiers devoured this incendiary appeal for Southern inde- pendence; Rosecrans, fearing its effect, banned its being read by a general order of June, 1864. FOREMAN, GRANT 3694 3684 Pioneer days in the early southwest. . . . Clev 1926. O 349[incl. pis] fold. map a FORENSIC DISPUTE (A) Forensic dispute (A) on the legality of enslaving the Africans. . . .See Parsons, Theo., and Pearson, Eliphalet. FOREST, PtRUDENT] 3695 Voyage aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique en 1831. Lyon 1834. O 95 a FORMAN, HENRY C. 3696 Early manor and plantation houses of Maryland East on 1934. Q 271 front, a FORMAN, SAMUEL S. 3697 Narrative of a journey down the Ohio and Mississippi in 1789-90. Cin 1888. O 67 a FORNEY, JOHN W. 3698 What I saw in Texas.Phi/ [l872]. O 92 a FORREST, WILLIAM S. 3699 Historical. . . sketches of Norfolk. . . [Va.]. Phil 1853. O [32] 496 pi a [FORRESTER, ALFRED H.] 3700 A good natured hint about California. . . . L Bogue [1849]. obi O [&\ 35pls a 206 Forster — Foster FORSTER, JOHANN REINHOLD 3701 Geschichte der Entdeckungen und Schiffahrten im Norden Frankf 1784. O [24] 446 449-596 [2] 2maps front, a — rptd., au's. initials J. H., Berlin n.d. same collat. — Eng. ed. "History of the voyages and discoveries made in the north. . . ," L 1786. Q [24] 490 [16] + adv-1. 3maps a — rptd. Dub 1786. O [24] 489 [30] map — Fr. tr. P 1788. O 2v: [l6] 399; [l2j 410. 3maps FORSYTH, GEORGE A. 3702 The story of the soldier. N Y 1900. D [l2] 390 + lOadv-p 6pls a FORSYTH, GEORGE A. 3703 Thrilling days in army life NY 1900. D [8] 3-197 16pls a FORSYTH, JAMES W., and 3704 GRANT, F. D. Report of an expedition up the Yellow- stone Wash 1875. O 17 fold. map 5pls a FORT DEFIANCE Fort Defiance to the Colorado river. Wagon road from: See Beale, Edw. F. FORT DUQUESNE Fort Duquesne (Old); a tale. . . of the first settlers at the Forks of the Ohio. See Mc- Knight, Chas. FORT SCOTT... DIRECTORY 3705 Fort Scott [Kansas] city directory. . . for 1865-6. Containing ... a sketch of the city, a chapter on Price's raid [etc.]. [Ft. Scott 1865]. O 78 a FORT SILL COUNTRY Fort Sill country (The). 1894. O 31 map a 3706 .Duncan Okla FORT SMITH 3707 Fort Smith and Sebastian county. Hand book of: Chi 1887. Q 36 a FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS 3708 Fort Smith, Arkansas: its history. . . . n.p. [Ft Smith?] [ca 1893]. O 28 a — anr. issue, n.p. n.d. O 23 FORT SUMTER 3709 The battle of: and first victory of southern troops Charleston S C 1861. O 32 a — anr. issue, same date & impr. O 35 map a For similar title, see Smyth, Thomas. FORT SUMTER Fort Sumter (Within); or, a view of Major Anderson's garrison family. . . . See Fletcher, Miss A. FORT SUTTER PAPERS (THE) A transcript of: See Kern, Edw. M. FORTIER, ALCGE 3710 A history of Louisiana. P & N Y 1904. Q 4v: [20] 268; [l4] 342; [l4] 272; [l4] 299. 52pls a 1200sets ptd[200 on H.M. paper, with some pis in two statesj FORTIER, ALC^E 3711 Louisiana studies NO [l894j. D [6j 307 a FORTS HENRY AND DONELSON 3712 Report of the special committee on the . . . military disaster at:. . . .Rich 1862. O 194 a FOSS, JOHN 3713 Journal of the captivity. . . of: several years a prisoner in Algiers. . . . Newburyport 1798. D 189 a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat., n.d. [ca 1798]. FOSSETT, FRANK 3714 Colorado: a historical, descriptive and statistical work. Denver 1876. D 470 [lo] pis a — anr. ed., re-written, "Colorado, its. .. mines. . . ," N Y 1879. D 540 maps & pis — rptd. same impr. N Y 1880. FOSTER, CHARLES 3715 The gold placers of California. . . . Akron 1849. 16° 52, 55-56, 59-60, 63-94, 97-98, 101-106 map c S few copies known A California guide compiled from various sources, with overland routes briefly treated. The five pagination breaks represent pages planned to have been occupied by sections of the map, each of the five sections con- stituting two pages. FOSTER, REV. G. L. 3716 The past of Ypsilanti. . ..Der 1857. O 48 a FOSTER, GEORGE E. Literature of the Cherokees. . 1889. D [4] 70 28 12 + 7adv-p a 3717 FOSTER, GEORGE E. 3718 Reminiscences of travel in Cherokee lands. An address . . . Ithaca, N. Y 1898. Ithaca 1899. D [8] 76 a — ed. 2, enl., "Story of the Cherokee bible . . . address. . . Ithaca, 1897," [also contains his 1898 address] Ithaca 1899. D [6 3-10] 89 port FOSTER, GEORGE E. 3719 Sequoyah . . . biography of the greatest of redmen Phil 1885. D [20] 244 6pls a — rptd. Ithaca 1899. same collat. 207 Foster — Fo> FOSTER, GEORGE G. [ed.] 3720 The gold mines of California. ...NY 1848. O 80 map a — rptd., "Gold regions of California," same collar.., N Y 1848. — best ed., with fold. map in place of the single p. map of the earlier eds., N Y 1849. [FOSTER, JAMES] 3721 The capitulation; or, a history of the ex- pedition conducted by William Hull.. . . By an Ohio volunteer. Chillicothe 1812. D 78 [6] c IndH NYP Earliest Ohio book of national historical importance. FOSTER, JAMES S. 3722 Outlines of history of the Territory of Dakota Yankton 1870. O 127 map b MinnH Y — rptd. Pierre 1928. O 110 [2] a FOSTER, LILLIAN 3723 Wayside glimpses, north and south. N Y 1860. D 250 a FOSTER, MATTHEW WATSON 3724 Biographical sketch of: 1800-1863. By j[ohn] W. F[oster]. Wash 1896. O 86 port a Life in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys from 1817 to 1860. FOSTER, MRS. RtOXANA] C, ed. 3725 The Foster family, California pioneers. [San Jose 1889]. D 46 front, a — enl. ed. [Santa Barbara 1925]. D 285Uncl. pis] Contains three overland journals — 1849, 1852, 1853. [FOTHERGILL, JOHN] 3726 Considerations relative to the North American colonies. L 1765. O 48 a Condemns the Stamp Act as a precursor of revolution. FOUR DISSERTATIONS Four dissertations, on the reciprocal ad- vantages of a perpetual union between Great-Britain and her American colonies .... See Smith, Provost William. FOUR ESSAYS 3727 Four essays on the right and propriety of secession. ... By a member of the bar of Richmond. Rich 1861. O 36 a FOUR LETTERS 3728 Four letters on interesting subjects. Phil 1776. O 24 a Possibly by Thomas Paine. FOURNEL, HENRI 3729 Coup-d'oeil historique et statisque sur le Texas. P 1841. O 57 map a FOURTH LETTER 3730 Fourth letter to the people of England L M. Cooper 1756. O 43 a Not to be confused with Shebbeare's own pamphlet of the same year, with similar title; this pamphlet was an answer to the first three Shebbeare Letters. FOURTH LETTER (A) Fourth letter (A) to the people of England . See Shebbeare, John. FOWLER, JACOB 3731 The journal of: . . . from Arkansas through the Indian territory. . . to the sources of the Rio Grande del Norte 1821-2. Ed. by Elliott Coues. N Y 1898. O [24] 183 front, a First American traveller over much of the route. FOWLER, JOHN 3732 Journal of a tour in . . . New York. . . . L, 1831. D [l2] 333 a FOWLER, REGINALD 3733 Hither and thither; or, sketches of travel on both sides of the Atlantic. L 1854. O [8] 272 errata slip a FOWLER, CAPT. S[MITH] W. 3734 Autobiographical sketch of:. . . .Manistee Mich 1877. D [4] 37 a — anr. ed., with cancel t-p, adding unsold copies of his speeches which had appeared a yr. earlier. D [4] 37 61 Came to Michigan in 1843; describes visits to Kansas and Nebraska. FOWLER, WILLIAM C. 3735 History of Durham, Connecticut. . . . Hart 1866. O 144 a FOWLER, WILLIAM C. 3736 The sectional controversy. . . including the causes of the war NY 1862. O 269 a — ed. 2, N Y 1868. O 396 A Northern lawyer sums up Northern usurpations and tyranny and defends the constitutionality of state's rights. FOX, EBENEZER 3737 The revolutionary adventures of: B 1838. D 238 port a — rptd., slightly different t., B 1848. 16° 240 port 8pls — anr. ed., same impr. & collat. n.d. 208 Franklin FOX, EDGAR B., and DUDLEY, W. T. 3738 History and directory of Green Lake and Waukesha counties and the city of Ripon. Berlin Wis 1869. O 144 front, a FOX, JAMES D. 3739 A true history of the reign of terror in southern Illinois [in the civil war]. . . . Aurora 1884. O [8j 60 a FOX, RICHARD K. 3740 The outlaw brothers, Frank and Jesse James NY [l88l]. O 67 28pls a FOX, WILLIAM F. 3741 Regimental losses in the civil war. . . . Alb 1889. Q [6] 595 a FOX-BOURNE, HENRY R. 3742 English seamen under the Tudors. L 1868. 2v: [l6] 304; [l2] 314. 4maps a FOXCROFT, THOMAS 3743 Observations, historical and practical, on the rise and primitive state of New- England ,...D 1730. o[6] 46 a FRAMINGHAM, MASS. Sketch of the history of: See Ballard, Wm. FRANCHERE, GABRIEL 3744 Relation d'un voyage a la cote du Nord- ■ouest. . . [and employment there with Astor's Fur Co.], 1810-14. Montr 1820. O 284 b AA N NYP Y | — ed. 2 [in Eng. tr.] with added chap. & capp., N Y 1854. D 376 + 8 adv-p 3pls a Most important source on the Astor adventure. FRANCIS, CONVERS 3745 An historical sketch of Watertown in Massachusetts. C 1830. O 151 a FRANCIS, FRANCIS, JR. 3746 Saddle and moccasin. . . .L 1887. O [ll] 322 a An Englishman's experiences in 1882, in New Mexico, Arizona, etc. FRANCIS, JOHN W. 3747 New York during the last half century. V Y 1857. O 232 27 a 1 Later enlarged into the entry following. FRANCIS, JOHN W. 3748 Old New York; or, reminiscences of the oast sixty years. N Y 1858. D 384 a 100 :opies on L.P. ; — anr. ed., with memoir of au., N Y 1865. O .136] 400 3pls — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1866. FRANK, B. F., and CHAPPELL, H. W. 3749 The history and business directory of Shasta, California. Redding 1881. D 180 a "FRANKLIN" Letters of: on the conduct of the execu- tive, and the treaty . . . with the court of Great Britain. See Oswald, Eleazer. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN Autobiography of: See below, Memoires de la vie privee. . . . FRANKLIN [BENJAMIN] 3750 Franklin [Benjamin] before the privy coun- cil .. . on behalf of . . . Massachusetts, to advocate the removal of Hutchinson and Oliver. Phil priv.ptd. 1859. O [6] 134 pi a [FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN] 3751 Cool thoughts on the present situation of our public affairs Phil 1764. O 22 a FRANKLIN, DOCTOR BENJAMIN 3752 The examination of: . . . relating to the repeal of the . . . stamp act [Phil ? 1766]. O 16 a other eds.: B [l766], O 23; N Y 1766. O 16; Wmsbg 1766. — Eng. ed. [l 1766]. O 50 no t-p — anr. Eng. ed. [l] 1767. O [2] 50 — Fr. tr. Strasburg n.d. O 35 — Ger. tr. Phil 1766. O 43 FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN 3753 Experiments and observations on elec- tricity [with Pt.2] Supplemental experi- ments. . . . [and Pt. 3] New experiments and observations. L 1751-3-4. Q 3pts in 1: [4] 86 [2]; [2] 89-108; [4] 111-154, pi b NYP — ed. 2, "New experiments. . . ," [this t. for all 3pts], L 1754. Q 3pts in 1: [2] 86; [2] 89-110; [4] 111-154. pi a — ed. 3, L 1760-65. Q 3pts in l[3rd pt. called ed.4]: [6] 86; [2] 89-110; [2] 111- 154. pi — ed. 4 [lst complete ed.], "Experiments and observations. . . ," L 1769. Q [6] 496 [really 508] [l4] errata 1. 7pls b AA N NYP — anr. ed. C 1941. O [28] 453 2pls facs a — Fr. ed. "Experiences et observations .. . ," P 1752. 16° [24] 70 [10] 222 [29] pi — anr. Fr. ed. P 1756. D 2v 2pls — Ger. ed. "Briefe van der Elektricitot ...," Leip 1758. D [26] 354 pi [FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN]? 3754 An inquiry into the nature and causes of the present disputes between the British colonies . . . and their mother-country. . . .L 1769. O [4] 76 b NYP Y — — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. a 209 Franklin — Franklin FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN 3755 Letters to: from his family and friends Ed. by W. Duane. N Y 1858[some copies dated 1859]. O 195 2pls a 260copies[l0 on L.P.] FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN 3756 Memoires de la vie privee de: ecrite par lui-meme P 1791. O 2pts in 1: [8J 156; 207 [of which the last 3p are incorrectly numb 360-363] b AA N NYP Y — Ger. ed. " Jugendj ahre. ..," Berlin 1792. O 214 a; Weimar 1794; Tubingen 1795; Groningen 1798-1800. O 2v in 1 — Swed. ed. "Enskildta Lefwerne. . . ," Stockh 1792. D 218 front. — Eng. ed. "The private life of . . . Frank- lin. .. ," L 1793. 0[l6] 324 a — Eng. ed. 2, "Works. . . ," different tr. with 35 of his essays, L 1793. D 2v — Am. ed. "Works of . . . Franklin, consist- ing of his life. . . ," N Y Tiebout & Obrian for H. Gaine [l794]. 16° 2v in 1 [no 1/2 t. for v2] port eng.t. — issue 1: binder's instructions placed just a trifle above the middle of final page b AA NYP — issue 2: binder's instructions moved up to make room for adv a — other Am. eds.: Phil 1794; N Y T. & J. Swords 1794; Danbury 1795; Salem 1796; Charlestown 1796; N Y 1797; Alb 1797; N Y 1798. — enl. ed. "Pdemoirs of the life. . . of Frank- lin. . . continued to the time of his death by W. T. Franklin," L 1818-19. Q 3v: [lo] 450 [89]; [24] 449; 1 14] 570. map 8pls facs a — anr. issue. O 6v — Fr. tr. P 1818-19. Q 3v — 1st complete ed., "Autobiography of. . . Franklin," ed. by J. Bigelow, Phil 1868. D 410 port a lOOcopies on L.P. — best ed., giving 4texts, ed. M. Farrand, Berkeley Calif 1949. O [40] 422 FRANKLIN, the late DR. BENJAMIN 3757 Memoirs of: with a review of his. . . "In- formation to those who would wish to re- move to America." L 1790. O 94 port a For the pamphlet here censured, see below, Two tracts. . . . [FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN] 3758 A memorial of the case of the German emigrants settled in. . . Pennsilvania and the back parts of Maryland, Virginia. . . . L 1754. Q 20 [8] b NYP Y [FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN] 3759 A modest enquiry into the nature and necessity of a paper currency. Phil 1729. O 36 c His first American publication, preceded only by a 1725 London-printed Dissertation on liberty. [FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN] 3760 A narrative of the late massacres in Lancaster county. . . of a number of Indians .... [Phil] 1764. O 31 b N NYP Y Unprovoked wholesale murder of friendly Indians, perpetrated by a frenzied mob of Pennsylvania frontiersmen — the so-called Paxton Boys. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN 3761 Philosophical and miscellaneous papers . . . . L 1787. O [6] 186 3pls map a [FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN] 3762 Plain truth: or, serious considerations on the present state of. . . Philadelphia and. . . Pennsylvania. [Phil] 1747. O 22 b AA H PhilL Y — ed. 2, same impr. &. date. O 22 [2] a — Ger. ed. "Die lautere Wahrheit. . . ," [Phil] n.d. O 20 FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN 3763 Political, miscellaneous and philo- sophical pieces L 1779. Q [l2] 567 [7] port 3pls tab a some copies on L.P. [FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN] 3764 Some account of the Pennsylvania hospi- tal. . . [and] Continuation of the account. . . . Phil 1754-61. Q 2v: 40; 41-77 b AA NYP Y — rptd. Phil 1817. O 144 144-145 [p50 mis- numb. 53J a FRANKLIN, DR. [BENJAMIN] 3765 Two letters from: to the Earl of Shel- burne L [l782]. O [2] 31 a Probably not written by Franklin. [FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN] 3766 Two tracts: information for those who would remove to America. And, remarks con- cerning the savages L 1784. O 39 a — eds. 2 & 3, same yr. & collat. — anr. ed. Dub 1784. O 30 The second tract, Remarks. . . , had been previously published at Birmingham, same year [l6 pages]; it was issued in French at Paris, 1795 [28 pages]. Possibly there had also been a previous separate printing of the first tract, but no copy is known. FRANKLIN, DR. BENJAMIN Vida del: 1798. See Garces de Marcilla, Pedro. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN Works L 1793. See above, Memoires de la vie privee. . . . 210 Franklin — Freeman FRANKLIN, JAMES 3767 The philosophical and political history of the thirteen United States L 1784. O [12] 156 a First history of the United States. FRANKLIN, j[OHN] BENJAMIN 3768 A cheap trip to the great Salt Lake City. Ipswich Eng [i860?]. D 32 a Most — possibly all — copies are called either "third" or "fourth" edition. [FRANKLIN, WILLIAM] 3769 A humble attempt at scurrility. . . .Quil- silvania[i.e., Pennsylvania] 1765. O 48 b NYP PhilL Defence of Benjamin Franklin by his son. FRANKLIN COUNTY [OHIO] 3770 A brief history. . . of: to accompany Wheeler's map. Columbus [l840?J. 16° 229 a FRANKS, DAVID, comp. 3771 The New York directory TV Y 1786. D 82 dd Hn NYP — rptd. TV Y 1851. D 82 map a First directory of this city. The second followed, New York 1787, D 58. For the third, see Hodge, Allen and Campbell, publishers. FRANKS, J. M. 3772 Seventy years in Texas. . . .Gatesville Tex 1924. O 134 a FRANKS, LAN [pseud.] See Biggers, Don R. FRASER, CHARLES 3773 Reminiscences of Charleston [s. C.]. Charleston 1854. O 119 a [FRASER, WILLIAM] 3774 The emigrant's guide; or, sketches of Canada, with some of the northern and western states Glas 1867. D 72 a FREDERICKSBURG 3775 Map of the battle field of: . . . also, Gen. Robert E. Lee's report. . . . Lynchburg 1866. O 33 map a FREE... CONSIDERATION Free and calm consideration (A) of the. . . misunderstanding. . . between the Parliament . . . and these colonies. . . . See Prescott, Benj. FREE... REVIEW 3776 Free and candid review (A), of . . . "Ob- servations on the commerce of the American states" L 1784. O 108 a For work reviewed, see Holroyd, John B. FREE ENQUIRY 3777 Free enquiry (A) into the causes. . . for laying on the embargo. By a citizen of Vermont. Windsor VT 1808. O 28 a FREE REMARKS 3778 Free remarks on the spirit of the federal constitution. . . respecting the exclusion of slavery from the territories and new states. By a Philadelphian. Phil 1819. O 116 a FREE THOUGHTS Free thoughts on the American contest .... See Anderson, James. FREE THOUGHTS Free thoughts on the proceedings of the Continental Congress. . . . See Seabury, Sam'l. FREE TRADE 3779 Free trade and sailor's rights. . . victories of Hull, Jones, Decatur, Bainbridge. . . . Phil 1813. O 58 a FREEDOM Freedom (The) of speech and writing, upon public affairs. . . . See Bollan, Wm. FREEMAN [pseud.] OF SOUTH CAROLINA A letter from: to the deputies ... in the high court of Congress. . . .See Drayton, Wm. H. FREEMAN [pseud.] 3780 Some fugitive thoughts on a letter signed: addressed to the deputies ... in the high court of Congress. . . . By a back settler. Soufh Carolina 1774. Q 36 a FREEMAN and CUSTIS, MESSRS. 3781 An account of the Red river in Louisiana . . . from the returns of: to the war office . . . who explored the same in the year 1806. [Wash ? 1807?]. O 63 2tabs dd B Y Sometimes issued with Zebulon M. Pike's An account of a voyage up the Missis- sippi. . . . FREEMAN, DOUGLAS S. [ed.] 3782 Lee's dispatches . . . 1862-5. TV Y 1915. O [64] 400 port map a — anr. issue, identical except for words "second impression" on verso of t-p FREEMAN, DOUGLAS S. 3783 Lee's lieutenants NY 1942-3-4. O 3v: [58] 773; [46] 760; [48] 862. 2maps 24 pls[incl. in paginat.] a FREEMAN, DOUGLAS S. 3784 R. E. Lee: a biography. TV Y 1934-5. O 4v: [18] 647; [14] 621; [14] 559; [lo] 594. 64pls & facs a 211 Freeman — Fremont FREEMAN, DOUGLAS S. The south to posterity. [12] 235 a 3785 ,/V Y 1939. O 3786 . D 1856-8. O FREEMAN, FREDERICK The history of Cape Cod, 2v: 803; 803. ports a — rptd.: same impr. & collat., 1858-62; 1860-62; 1869. First issued in ten parts. FREEMAN, GEORGE D. 3787 Midnight and noonday; or, the incidental history of southern Kansas and the Indian Territory Caldwell Kas 1890. O 406 16 pis a — rptd., same collat., 1892. FREEMAN, 0. S. [pseud.] Letters on slavery. . . . See Rogers, Edw. C. FREEMAN, SAMUEL 3788 The emigrant's handbook and guide to Wisconsin Milw 1851. O 148 [incl.advs] a — Ger. tr. Milw 1852. O 134 FREEPORT, [ILL.] DIRECTORY 3789 Directory. . . for 1867. [Chi 1867]. D 126 [l0] a FREEPORT, ILL. 3790 The present advantages and future pros- pects of the city of: Freeport 1857. D 48 map a [FREER, R. L.] 3791 Memoirs, extracts of speeches, diary of a journey to America. . . . Hereford Eng 1866. O 294 3pls a FREJES, FRANCISCO 3792 Historia breve de la conquista de los estados independientes del imperio Meji- cano. [Zacafecas]l838. Q [6] 166 [2] b LC NYP — ed. 2, A/ex 1839. D [8] 302 [2] a — rptd. Guadalajara 1878. O 277 [2] Includes data on Texas and present Arizona. The 1878 edition is usually bound with this author's Conquista de Jalisco of same date, a reprint of the original edition of 1833. FRELIGH, J. H. 3793 The true position, interests and policy of the south. Union or secession: which is best? Memphis January 1861. O 35 a FREMANTLE, LIEUT. COL. [ARTHUR J. L.] Three months in the southern states. Edin 1863. D [10] 316 6ports a 3794 — Am. eds.: N Y 1864. D 309 port; Mobile 1864. O 158 FR£MAUX, LEON J. New Orleans characters. N O 1876. l7col.pls a 3795 FREMONT, JESSIE B. 3796 A year of American travel. N Y 1878. 18° 190 unci, preliminary advs.J + 2adv-p a Account of California in 1849, including three letters from her husband describing the horrors of his ill-fated last expedition. FREMONT, JOHN C. 3797 California claims: report of the Committee to which was referred the Memorial of: pray- ing an investigation. . . . Wash 1848. O 83 a Fremont states that the Bear Flag Revo- lution was launched on his discovery that Mexico was on the eve of transferring Cali- fornia to England. FREMONT, LIEUT. COL. 3798 j[ohn] C. Defence of: before the military court martial. . . . [Wash 1848]. O 78[incl. cover t.] FREMONT, JOHN C. 3799 Geographical memoir upon Upper Cali- fornia, in illustration of his map of Oregon and Washington. [Sen. Misc. Doc. 148] Wash 1848. O 67 map by PreussLnot issued in all copies, if in any, but intended to accompany the pamphlet] a — anr. issue [H. R. Misc. Doc. 5], same impr. 1849. O 40 map[different from that described above] His third expedition. For another edition, see McCarty, William. FREMONT, JOHN C. 3800 Memoirs of my life. Vol. I [all]. Chi 1887. Q [10, 13-20] 655 7maps 82pls a Embraces his first three exploring ex- peditions and the part played by him in the conquest of California. Issued also in parts, wrappers. FREMONT, JOHN C. 3801 The memorial of: praying an investigation of the claims of citizens of California, for money and supplies furnished for the use of the United States Wash 1848. O 83 a Adduces proof that the Bear Flag revolu- tion was precipitated to thwart Great Britain, Mexico being on the verge of trans- ferring California to that power. FREMONT, LIEUT. COL. [JOHN C.] 3802 Message from the President, communi- cating the proceedings of the court-martial 212 Fremont — Fridge ...of: [Exec. Doc. 33]. Wash 1848. O 447 a FREMONT, JOHN C. 3803 Report of the exploring expedition to the Rocky mountains. . . 1842, and to Oregon and north California. . . 1843-4. [Ptd. for Sen- ate]. Wash 1845. O 693 22pls 5maps[incl. large fold, one in pocket] a — anr. issue [h. R.], scientific data omitted, same impr. & date. O 583 22pls 5maps — other 1845 eds.: Wash Taylor. O 278 2 maps; Wash Polkinghorn. O 278 — anr. ed. Syracuse 1846. O 305 — anr. ed. Syracuse 1847. O 427 large map by Rufus Sage 2pls b — anr. ed. "Narrative of the exploring ex- pedition. . . ," N Y 1846. O 186 map port a — Eng. ed. , with omissions and different pis from those in the Wash ed., L 1846. O 324 [2] map pis Contains his first and second expeditions, both revised. FREMONT, JOHN C. 3804 A report on an exploration. . . between the Missouri river and the Rocky mountains. . . . [Sen. Doc. 243] Wash 1843. O 207 map 6pls a His first expedition. FRENCH, BELLA See Swisher, Mrs. Bella French. [FRENCH, BENJAMIN F.] Biographia Americana. ... N Y 1825. [8] 356 port a 3805 FRENCH, BENJAMIN F., ed. 3806 Historical collections of Louisiana. N Y tePhil 1846, 1850-1-2-3. O 5v: [lo] 222 + 6adv-p facs; [8] 301 map; [2] 252 facs; [80] 268 + 8adv-p map facs; [8] 291 port a — for separate issue of vol. 4, see Shea, John G., "Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi valley." FRENCH, BENJAMIN F. 3807 Historical collections of Louisiana and Florida. N Y 1869-75. O 2v: [6] 362 facs; [l8] 300 maps & pis a This series supplemented the original series shown above. By the brother of Field Marshal Sir John French. Only about half of his manuscript said to have been included. Too bad! FRENCH ENCROACHMENTS French encroachments exposed; or, Britain's original right. . . . See Payne, J. FRENCH POLICY 3810 French policy defeated . . . account of all the hostile proceedings of the French, against the . . . British colonies in America . . . . L 1755. O [2] 114 2maps a — rptd., same collat. & impr., 1760. [FRENEAU, PHILIP] 3811 Letters on various . . . subjects. . . . Phil 1799. O 142 + adv-p a FRERE, REV. JOHN 3812 The history of the Mormonites, or Latter Day Saints L 1850. D 24 a FREWEN, MORETON 3813 Melton Mowbray and other memories. L 1924. O [12] 311 16pls a Ten chapters on the author's disastrous cattle enterprise on Powder river, Wyoming. FREYTAS, NICOLAS DE 3814 The expedition of Don Diego Dionisio de Penalosa . . . from Santa Fe to the river Mischipi and Quivira in 1662. N Y 1882. O 102 a After his removal as Spanish Governor of New Mexico in 1668, Penalosa interested France in undertaking the conquest of that province. The narrative, here translated from a 17th century MS., of a fictitious journey, ascribed to a non-existent author, was presumably written by Penalosa him- self, to impress French authorities with the wealth of the region described and his ex- perience and knowledge thereof. There seems little doubt that if La Salle's last voyage had been successful, it would have been followed by another French expedition under this imposter. FRIBERT, LAURITZ J. 3815 Haandbog for Emigranter til Amerikas Vest [Christiania 1847]. O 100 a FRENCH, BENJAMIN F. 3808 History of . . . the iron trade of the United States NY 1858. O [l6] 179 a FRENCH, WILLIAM 3809 Some recollections of a western ranch- man L 1928. O [8] 284 + 8adv-p a — rptd., same impr. & collat., n.d. : — Am. ed., same collat., N Y [l928]? FRICKMANN, A. 3816 Cote occidentale de l'Amerique du Nord . . . de l'Oregon et du territore de Washington P 1872. O 112 a FRIDGE, IKE 3817 History of the Chisum war. . . cowboy life on the frontier. Ed. Jodie D. Smith Electra Tex [1927]. O 70 a 213 Friedrichsburg — Fry FRIEDRICHSBURG Friedrichsburg, die colonic . . in Texas. Von Armand. See Strubberg, Friedrich Armand. FRIENDLY ADDRESS (A) Friendly address (A) to all reasonable Americans. . . . See Cooper, Myles. FRIGNET, ERNEST 3818 La Calif ornie P 1866. O [l6] 479 a — ed. 2, P 1867. O [30] 479 map FRIGNET, ERNEST, and 3819 CARREY, EDMOND Les etats du nord-ouest et Chicago. P 1871. O 88 9photograph views a Issued just prior to the fire, the views are important. FRINK, F. W. 3820 A record of Rice county, Minnesota, in 1868 Faribault 1868. D 24 a — rptd. same impr .1871. D 32 FRINK, MARGARET A. 3821 Journal of the adventures of a party of California gold-seekers [Oakland 1897]. D 131 a FRISBIE, BARNES 3822 The history of Middletown, Vermont. . . . Rutland 1867. O 130 a FRISTOE, WILLIAM 3823 History of the Ketochton Baptist Associ- ation. Staunton 1808. D 162 a FRIZZEL, MRS. LODISA 3824 Across the plains to California in 1852. N Y 1915. O 30 map 3pls a FROEBEL, JULIUS 3825 Aus Amerika. Erfahrungen, Reisen und Studien. Leip 1857-[l858J. D 2v: [l6] 550; [16] 616 a — Eng. ed. "Seven years' travel. ..." L 1859. 0[l6] 587 8pls a — Fr. ed. "A travers l'Amerique." Brus 1861. D 3v: 344; 380; 358 Describes several trips over the Santa Fe Trail and a journey from Tucson and the Gila to Los Angeles. FROEBEL, JULIUS 3826 Die deutsche Auswanderung und ihre culturhistorische Bedeutung. Leip 1858, [6] 103 a FROST, DONALD McK., ed. 3827 Notes on General Ashley, the overland trail and South pass. Wore 1945. O 159 fold, map a — L. P. issue, of 50copies. Q Contains the letters of Daniel T. Potts who was in the Rocky Mountains with Ash- ley's men from 1822 to 1827. FROST, GRIFFIN 3828 Camp and prison journal. . . . Quincy 111 1867. D [8 incl. front.] 304 + 2adv-p a Day-by-day narrative of a Missouri Con- federate, published to show that Federal prisons were not guiltless of atrocities. All but 100 copies burned. FROST, JOHN 3829 Border wars of the west.. . .Auburn 1853. O 608 a — rptd.: same impr. 1856; N Y 1859. Wretched compilation with alluring title. 3830 Phil 1854. D FROST, JOHN Heroic women of the west 348 6pls a — rptd. Phil 1869. D Among many others, includes the Ten- nessee captivity of Jane Brown and family in 1788. FROST, JOHN 3831 History ... of California. . . .Auburn 1850. O 508 16pls + 4adv-p a — rptd., same impr. 1851; 1853; 1855; N Y n.d. Hasty and unreliable compilation. FROTHINGHAM, OCTAVIUS B. 3832 Transcendentalism in New England. N Y 1876. O[l0] 305 front, a FROTHINGHAM, RICHARD 3833 Life and times of Joseph Warren- B 1865. O [20] 558 port facs a — rptd. Life and services, same collat. B 1866. [FRY, E. A.] 3834 Descriptive pamphlet of Knox county, Neb [Creighton 1883?]. O 28 1. [incl. covers & advs] a fry, f[rederick] 3835 Traveler's guide ... of the great north- western territories. . . . Cin 1865. D 264 + 12adv-l. a Earliest accounts of the Idaho and Montana mines, visited in 1862 to 1864. FRY, JAMES B. 3836 Army sacrifices. . . . Sketches . . . illus- trating the services and experiences of the regular army ... on the Indian frontier. . . . N Y 1879. D [4] 254 a — rptd., illus. added, N Y 1887. 214 Fry — Fulton FRY, j[OSEPH] REESE, and 3837 CONRAD, ROBERT T. A life of Gen. Zachary Taylor. Phil 1847. D 332 lOpls & plans a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1848. FURSTENWARTHER, M. VON 3838 Der Deutsche in Nord America. Stuttgart 1818. D 124 a One of the earliest German emigration aids. FULKERSON, H. S. 3839 Random recollections of early days in Mississippi. Vicksburg 1885. O 158 a — rptd. "A civilian's recollections... ," Baton Rouge 1939. O Entertaining portrayal of life, duelling, steamboating, etc., in the lower Mississippi country. FULI ANSWER 3840 Full and particular answer (A) to all the calumnies. . . in a pamphlet called a Fourth letter to the people of England. L 1756. O [2] 61 a For pamphlet attacked, see Shebbeare, John. FULL REPLY 3841 Full reply (A) to Lieut. Cadogan's Spanish hireling. . . wherein "The impartial account of the late expedition to St. Augustine" is clearly vindicated. . . . L 1743. D [8] 63 a By the author of The impartial account . .., q.v. under Oglethorpe, Gen. James. FULL VINDICATION Full (A) vindication of the measures of Congress ... in answer to a letter under the signature of A. W. Farmer. See Hamilton, Alex. FULLER, C. L. [comp.] 3842 Pocket map and compendium of sta- tistics accompanied by a . . . history of the Black Hills of Dakota Rapid City 1887. 56 map a FULLER, MRS. EMELINE L. 3843 Left by the Indians. . . . [_Mt. Vernon la 1892]. 16° [4] 41 [incl. ports] cover t. only a —rptd. N Y 1936. 16° port 200copies ptd. Only account by a survivor of the suffer- ngs of the 1860 Utter-Myers emigrating >arty of fifty-four members, all but fifteen of vhom perished from hunger or were killed by ndians on the Snake river in Idaho. Among >verland disasters, equalled in horror only >y that of the Dormer party; cannibalism vas resorted to in both cases. [FULLER, HIRAM] 3844 Belle Brittan on a tour, at Newport and here and there. N Y 1858. D 359 a [fuller, hiram] North and south. . 3845 L 1863. D [6] 336 a 3846 Clev 1906. O FULLER, HUBERT B. The purchase of Florida. 399 19adv-p 2maps a FULLER, S[ARAH] m[ARGARET] Summer on the lakes. See Ossoli, Sarah M. FULLMER, JOHN S. Assassination of Joseph and Hiram Smith. Liv 1855. O 40 a 3847 fulton, a[lexander] r. 3848 The free lands of Iowa . . . description of the Sioux City land district. Des M 1869. D 44 [3] map a FULTON, ALEXANDER R. 3849 The red men of Iowa. . . .Des M 1882. O 559 26pls a FULTON, ALEXANDER R. 3850 Sketches of the northwest, including. . . historical account of Iowa. Des M 1878. O 256 pis a FULTON, AMBROSE C. 3851 A life's voyage; a diary of a sailor on sea and land NY 1898. D [8] 555 15pls a FULTON, FRANCES I. S. 3852 To and through Nebraska. . . . Lincoln 1884. 16° 273 a FULTON, R. L., comp. 3853 Truckee basin and lake Tahoe directory, for 1884-5. Reno [l884]. D 163 + advs a First book printed in the divorce capital of the world. FULTON, ROBERT 3854 Letters ... on sub-marine navigation and attack L 1806. O [8] 37 a FULTON, ROBERT 3855 Torpedo war and submarine explosions N Y 1810. obi Q 58 [3] 5pls a — anr. ed. "Letter to the Secretary of the Navy. . . on the practical use of the torpedo ...," Wash 1811. O 55 — Fr. ed. "De la machine infernale mari- time. ..," P 1812. O 5pls FULTON, ROBERT 3856 A treatise on the improvement of canal navigation L 1796. Q [l6] 144 17pls + adv-L a — Fr. tr. P 1799. O [12] 247 7pls & maps 215 Fulton City — Gaines FULTON CITY, ILLINOIS Sketches of the early history ... of: Fulton City 1856. O 32 a GAFFAREL, PAUL 3865 Histoire de la Floride francaise. P 1875. O[lo] 522 2 maps a FURBER, GEORGE C. 3858 The twelve months volunteer ... in the campaign in Mexico. . . . Cin 1848. O 640 [incl.pls] map a — rptd., same collat. & impr., 1849; 1850; 1851; 1857. FURLONG, LAURENCE 3859 The American coast pilot. . . . Newburyport Blunt & March 1796. o[lo] 3-125 b AA NYP — ed. 2, same impr., Edmund M. Blunt 1797. O a — ed. 3, improved, same impr., 1798. O 172 [8] 178-240 — rptd. innumerable times, in both Fr. & Eng. eds., under name of pub. Edmund M. Blunt FURMAN, GABRIEL 3860 Antiquities of Long Island. ...NY 1874. O 478 a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1875. FURMAN, GABRIEL 3861 Notes. . . relating to. . . Brooklyn. Bklyn 1824. D 119 a — rptd. Bklyn 1865. Q [34] 120 [39] 120 copies, 20 on L. P. a [FURMAN, GARRETT] 3862 Long Island miscellanies. N Y 1847. D 185 6pls a GAGE, THOMAS The history of Rowley. D [20] 484 pi a 3866 , [Mass.J. B 1840. GAGE'S INSTRUCTIONS 3867 Gage's (General LThomasj) instructions, of 22nd February 1775, to Captain Brown and Ensign d'Berniere. . . with a curious narrative ... of their doings . . . also, an ac- count of the transactions of the British troops, from the time they marched out of Boston. . . till their confused retreat back B 1779. O 20 b AA BA MH Contains de Berniere's narrative of his operations as a spy, later plagiarized and issued as A journal kept by Mr. John Howe ..., q.v. GAGE, GENERAL [THOMAS] 3868 A narrative, of the excursion and ravages of the King's troops under the command of: .... Wore [1775]. O 23 c AA Hn NYP Y One of the earliest sources on the Con- cord and Lexington affair, and the first book printed at Worcester. Author may have been Rev. William Gordon. GAGNON, [FREDERICK] ERNEST [A] 3869 Louis Jolliet, decouvreur du Mississippi Quebec 1902. O [l6] 284 a — ed. 2, Montr 1912. O [6] 11-364 port — ed. 3, same impr. 1926. O [6] 11-301 port FURNAS, ROBERT W., pub. 3863 Brownville and Nemaha county, [Neb.J Brownville 1859. D 99 a FURTHER EXAMINATION Further examination (A) ot our present American measures. . . . See Robinson, Matthew. FUZZLEBUG, FRITZ [pseud.] Prison life during the rebellion. .. .See Dunkle, John J. GAINES, EL GENERAL 3870 Correspondencia. . . sobre el paso del Sabina por las tropas que mandabo: Phil 1836 O [22] 59 map [earliest of the Republic of Texas] b Y — anr. ed., Mex 1837 O [30] 122 a — Fr. tr., P 1837 O [32] 91 map a Probably by Manuel E. Gorostiza, Mexican minister at Washington. For reply see Weaver, William A. GAINES, EDMUND P. 3871 Plan for the defence of the western frontier, [h. R. 31l]. [Wash 1838]. O 58 map G G., CAPT. J. C. Lee's last campaign. See Gorman, John C. "GAFF" [pseud.] 3864 Rambles through the great Kansas valley and in eastern Colorado. K C 1878. O [2] 84 fold. map a GAINES, FRANCIS P. The southern plantation. [10] 243 a 3872 N Y 1925. O 3873 GAINES, MYRA, VS. CHEW, ROLF, et al A full report of the. . . suit of: to recover the property of Daniel Clark NO 1850. O 216 GALATIAN, ANDREW B. 3874 History of Elmira Elmira 1868. O [8] 280 33 a GALATIAN, ANDREW B. 3875 History of Scranton. . . . Scranton 1867. O 416 a GALAUP, JEAN F., Comte de la Perouse See La Perouse. GALE, BENJAMIN 3876 Doctor Gale's Letter to J. W., Esq. .... Hart 1769. D 34 a Relates to Connecticut's Susquehanna claims. For reply see Dyer, Eliphalet, Remarks. . . . GALE, BENJAMIN 3877 Observations on a pamphlet, entitled Re- marks on Dr. Gale's Letter to J. W., Esq. Hart [ca 1769]. D 40 a A reply to Dyer, Eliphalet, Remarks. .. . GALE'S... LETTER Gale's (Dr. [Benjamin]) Letter to J. W., Esq. Remarks on: See Dyer, Eliphalet. GALE, GEORGE 3878 Upper Mississippi; or, historical sketches of the mound-builders, the Indian tribes [etc.]. Chi 1867. D 460[incl. 13pls] port a GALENA [ILL.]... DIRECTORY 3879 Galena [ill.] city directory. . . and sketch of Galena and the lead trade. Galena 1858. D 139 a GALENA, ILLINOIS Directory of: 1847. See Seymour, Wm. N. GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION 3880 Galena and Chicago Union Railroad Com- pany (The). Second annual report of: Chi 1849. O [2] 20 [2] a — Third annual report, Chi 1850. O [8] 16 16 a For the first report see Morgan, Richard P. [GALIANO, DIONISIO ALCALA] 3881 Relacion del viage hecho por las goletas Sutil y Mexicana en el ano de 1792 para reconocer el estrecho de Fuca. . . .Madrid 1802. Q [l6] 168 185 fold. sheet of missions + atlas F 4p 9maps 8pls d N NYP Y — Eng. ed. "A Spanish voyage to... the northwest coast. . . ," L 1930. O [l4] 142 map 6pls a — Apendice [to above], by Joseph de Es- pinosa, Madrid 1805. Q 20 c Y. Important voyage up the Pacific coast — and the last to be undertaken by Spain—; written probably by the commander, Galiano, but attributed also to Joseph de Espinosa and to Cayetano Valdes. The "Introduc- cion," giving a splendid historical sketch of earlier Spanish explorations in the same region, was the work of the maritime au- thority, Navarrete. These two Spanish ships cooperated with Vancouver. GALIN^E, RENE" DE BREHANT DE 3882 Exploration of the great lakes, 1669-1770. Part I [all]. Tor 1903. O [38] 89 5maps 10 pis plan facs a First English translation of this narrative of a trip along the shores of Lake Erie to Detroit river and Sault Ste. Marie. GALL, LUDWIG 3883 Meine Auswanderung nach den Vereinigten Staaten Trier 1822. O 2v: [lo] 408; [4] 428 [2]. 9maps & pis tab a After a year's residence in the Ohio val- ley the author found little basis for recom- mending it to emigrants. GALLAGHER, WILLIAM D. 3884 Facts and conditions of progress in the north-west Cin 1850. O 85 a GALLAND, l[SAAC] 3885 Iowa emigrant. . . . Chillicothe O 1840. O 32 map b LC N WisH — rptd. [lowa City 1950]. O [ 14] 28 map a [GALLATIN, ALBERT] 3886 An examination of the conduct of the Executive. . . towards the French republic Phil 1797 O [6] 72 a GALLATIN, ALBERT 3887 Letters . . . upon the Oregon question. . . . Wash 1846. O 30 a — best ed. "The Oregon question," N Y 1846. O 75 — rptd. n.p. n.d., same collat. GALLATIN, ALBERT 3888 Report on . . . public roads and canals. Wash 1808. O 123 a GALLATIN, ALBERT 3889 The right of the United States ... to the northeastern boundary. ...NY 1840. O [lO] 180 8maps 6pls a GALLATIN, ALBERT 3890 A sketch of the finances of the United States. N Y 1796. O [4] 9-205 3tabs a GALLATIN, ALBERT 3891 A synopsis of the Indian tribes . . . east of the Rockies, [in Am. Antiq. Soc. Colls., v.2] C 1836. O [32] 574 errata 1. map[best of western country up to this time] a 217 Gallatin — Galloway GALLATIN, ALBERT 3892 Writings. Ed. Henry Adams. Phil 1879. O 3v: [l4] 707; [lo] 666; W 646. 2fold.tabs a Important source on the political and fi- nancial history of the early republic. GALLATIN, E. L. 3893 What life has taught me. Denver [l900]. O [2] 215 port a Reminiscences of the maker of the Western saddle carrying his name; includes account of his trip from Denver to Virginia City, Montana, in 1864. GALLOWAY, DAVID H., comp. 3894 Directory of. . . Savannah, for 1849. Sav 1848. D 72 b GaU [only copy known] First regular directory of this city. [GALLOWAY, JOSEPH] 3895 A candid examination of the mutual claims of Great Britain, and the colonies TV Y 1775. O [2] 62 a There were 2 issues; one with, the other without, errata on verso of t-p — anr. ed., with "A reply to an address to the author. . . ," TV Y 1780. D — Eng. ed., also with "A reply. . . ," L 1780. O 116 One of the most famous Tory tracts, up- holding unlimited parliamentary supremacy. It was answered in An address to the author of A candid examination, which in turn evoked Galloway's A reply to An address . . . , see below. [GALLOWAY, JOSEPH] 3896 The claim of the American loyalists re- viewed and maintained. . . . L Almon [1783], O [8] 5-126 a — rptd. L Wilkie 1783. O [8] 138 — ed. 2, L 1788. [GALLOWAY, JOSEPH] 3897 Cool thoughts on the consequences. . .of American independence. . . . L 1780. O L4j 70 + adv-p a Fr. ed. "Reflexions impartiales. . . ," L 1780. D; Amst 1781. O [2J 70 GALLOWAY, JOSEPH 3898 The examination of: . . . before the House of Commons L 1779. O [2] 85 a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat., 1780. — Dutch tr. Amst 1781. O 107 — Am. ed., ed. Balch, Phil Seventy-Six Soc. 1855. O [4] 86 250copies ptd [GALLOWAY, JOSEPH] 3899 Fabricius: or, letters to the people of Great Britain: on the absurdity. . . of de- fensive operations only in the American war....L 1782. O [4] 111 a [GALLOWAY, JOSEPH] 3900 Historical and political reflections on the rise ... of the American rebellion. . . . L 1780. O [8] 135 + adv-p a In many copies passages on pages 38-39 and 107 are crossed out. Cf. Wesley, John, Reflections. . . . [GALLOWAY, JOSEPH] 3901 A letter from Cicero to the Right Hon. Lord Viscount H[ow]e L 1781. O [4] 43 a Scathing attack on both Admiral Lord Richard Howe and his brother Gen. Sir William Howe for the failure of their oper- ations in America. [GALLOWAY, JOSEPH]? 3902 A letter to the people of America, lately printed at New York L 1778. O W 74 a Reconciliation and submission urged as America's only salvation. The author con- demns General Howe's generalship at the battles of Long Island and White Plains, and his failure to move against Valley Forge. [GALLOWAY, JOSEPH] 3903 A letter to the. . . Viscount [Richard] H. . . e, on his naval conduct in the Ameri- can war. L 1779. O W 50 a — ed. 2, cor. L 1781. O W 50 — anr. ed. [abr. by John Wesley], "An ex- tract from A letter. . . ," L 1781. D 27 — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. [GALLOWAY, JOSEPH] 3904 Letters to a nobleman on the conduct of the war in the middle colonies. L 1779. O [8] 101 plan a — ed.2, L 1779. same collat. — eds. 3 & 4, L 1780. same collat. — Anr.ed. [abr. by John Wesley] "An ac- count of the conduct of the war, etc." L 1780. D 55 — ed.2, same impr. and date D 28 — ed. 5, slightly rev., "An account of the rise and progress of the American war," L 1780. D 56 " — Am. ed. See below "A short history, etc." [GALLOWAY, JOSEPH] 3905 Observations upon the conduct of sLir] W[illia]m Il[ow]e at the White Plains L 1779. O 44 a — Am. ed., au. named, Phil 1780. D Ascribed also to Israel Mauduit. [GALLOWAY, JOSEPH] 3906 Plain truth: or, a letter to the author of Dispassionate thoughts on the American war L 1780. O [8] 76 + adv-p a Ascribed also to George Chalmers, Alexander Hamilton, Charles Inglis, and Provost William Smith. 218 Gallc [GALLOWAY, JOSEPH] 3907 Political reflections on the royal, pro- prietary, and charter governments of the American colonies L 1782. O [4] 259 a — rptd. "Political reflections on the late colonial governments. . . ," L 1783. O [6] 259 GALLOWAY, JOSEPH 3908 A reply to An address to the author of . . . "A candid examination of the mutual claims of Great Britain, and the colonies".. ..NY 1775 [not pub until 1777]. O 42 b BA LC NYP — rptd. with this au.'s "A candid examina- tion. ..." iV Y 1780. — Eng. ed., also with "A candid examina- tion. ..," L 1780. O 116 Practically all copies of original edition destroyed by a New York mob. [GALLOWAY, JOSEPH] 3909 A reply to observations of Lieut. Gen. Sir William Howe, on. . . Letters to a nobleman . . . . L 1780. O [4] 149 + 3adv-p a — abr. ed. "An extract. . . ," L 1781. D 104 — ed. 2, with adds., L 1781. O [4] 157 — Am. ed. "A short history of the war in America...," Phil 1787. O 105 The Observations here answered were contained in Howe's Narrative. . . . GALLOWAY, JOSEPH 3910 A short history of the war in America, during the command of Sir William Howe Phil 1787. D [2] 106 a This American edition of the author's Letters to a nobleman incorporates several of Galloway's pamphlets. GALLOWAY, JOSEPH 3911 The speech of: in answer to the speech of John Dickinson Phil 1764. O 35 [4] 45 a — Eng. ed. L 1765. O [2] 92 [GALT, JOHN M.] 3912 Political essays [on Texas annexation, etc.]. Wmsbg 1852. O 3pts in 1: 38 a GALVAN RIVERA, MARIANO, comp. 3913 Coleccion de constituciones de Estados- Unidos Mexicanos. Mex 1828. 16° 3v: b LC NYP Y Includes constitution of the state of Coahuila and Texas. GALVESTON BAY Galveston Bay and Texas land company [The], Address to the reader of the docu- ments relating to: See Sumner, Wm. H. GALVESTON DIRECTORY Galveston directory for 1859-60. See Richardson, V.'. and D. GALVEZ, BERNARDO DE Diario de las operaciones. . . contra la Plaza de Panzacola. See Panzacola. GAMBIER, VICE-ADMIRAL 3914 A narrative of facts relative to the con- duct of: during his late command in North America L 1782. O [4] 73 a GAMMAGE, W. L. 3915 The camp, the bivouac, and the battle- field. . . a history of the Fourth Arkansas regiment. . . . Selma Ala 1864. O 164 a [GANILH, ANTHONY] 3916 Mexico versus Texas, a descriptive novel Phil 1838. D 348 a — ed. 2, au. named as A. T. Myrthe, "Am- brosio de Letinez; or the first Texian novel," N Y 1842. D 2v First Texan novel in English; a French novel, L'heroine du Texas, was published at Paris in 1819. GANO, the late REV. JOHN, 3917 of Frankfort [Ky.] Biographical memoirs of:. ... N Y Tiebout 1806. 16 6 151 a — anr. issue, ptd. by Southwick &c. Gano served as chaplain in the Revolution and came to Kentucky in 1787. GANTT, E. W. 3918 Address to the people of Arkansas [attack- ing Albert Pike]. Little Rock 1863. O 24 a GAPCES, FRANCISCO On the trail of a Spanish pioneer. . . . See Coues, Elliott. [GARCES DE MARCILLA, PEDRO] 3919 Vida del Dr. Benjamin Franklin. . . . Madrid 1798. O [22] 216 eng.t. a GARCIA, GENARO, ed. 3920 Dos antiguas relaciones de la Florida. Mex 1902. Q [6 3-102] 226 [2] a 500copies ptd. A 1568 account of the Menendez ex- pedition against French Huguenots and an- other relation on the Florida Indians. GARDEN, ALEXANDER 3921 Anecdotes of the revolutionary war, with sketches of . . . persons the most dis- tinguished, in the southern states. . . . Charleston S C 1822. O [6, 9-12] 459 [incl. errata 1. & 9p subscribers' list] a — ser. 2, t. slightly altered, Charleston 1828. D [12] 240 a — both series, with adds, by Thos. W. Field, Bklyn 1865. Q 3v: [8] 438; 32 [5]; [lo] 223 L6] a 150 copies ptd. + 25 on L. P. 219 Garden GARDEN (THE) Garden (The) of the world, or the great west By an old settler. See Dana, C. W. GARDINER, MISS ABIGAIL History of the Spirit Lake massacre!. . . . See Lee, L. P. GARDINER, DAVID 3922 Chronicles of the town of Easthampton . . . New York. N Y 1871. O [8] 121 a GARDINER, LION 3923 A history of the Pequot war. . . . Cin 1860. Q [2] 36 a — best ed. "Relation of the Pequott warres . . . ," Hart 1901. O [30] 33 facs 102copies ptd. The Cincinnati edition was issued as a separately paged appendix to Pennhallow's Indian wars, but some copies were bound separately. GARDINER, RICHARD, ed. 3924 Memoirs of the siege of Quebec. . . . L 176L Q [2] 39 b H J CB [GARDNER, ALEXANDER] 3925 Photographic sketch book of the war. Wash [1865-6]. obi F 2v: 53; 53. lOOpls b — rptd., ed. E. B. Eaton, "Original photo- graphs. . . ," Hart 1907. obi F 126 [2] a GARDNER, JOHN 3926 A brief consideration of the . . . services . . . which recommend Mr. Adams for the presidency. B 1796. D 31 a GARLAND, HAMLIN 3927 The book of the American Indian. N Y 1923. F [10] 274 35pls by Remington a GARNER, JAMES W. 3928 Reconstruction in Mississippi. N Y 1901 O [l4]422 a GARNIER, PIERRE 3929 Voyage medicale en Californie. P 1854. O 43 a GARRARD, LEWIS H. 3930 Memoir of Charlotte Chambers. Phil 1856. O [60] 135 a Consists largely of letters, relating to the early settlement of southern Ohio, written by Mrs. Chambers from her Cincinnati home, 1797-1821. GARRARD, LEWIS H. 3931 Wah-To-Yah, and the Taos Trail. Cin 1850. D [8l 349 a — anr. ed. S F Grabhorn 1936. O [l8] 290 [l] 550copies ptd. — rptd., ed. R. P. Bieber, Glendale Calif 1938. O 380[incl. map & pis] GARRETSON, MR. FREEBORN 3932 The experience and travels of:. . . . Phil Cruikshank 1791. 16° 252 a — anr. ed. Phil Hall same date. D 276 GARRETT, LEWIS Recollections of the west. 16° 240 b LC WisH 3933 .Nashv 1834. 3934 GARRETT, PAT F. The authentic life of Billy, the kid. . . . Santa Fe 1882. O 137 front, errata slip b Y — rptd., ed. M. G. Fulton, N Y 1927. O [32] 233 port a First genuine biography of America's most spectacular example of juvenile de- linquency, purportedly by the sheriff who shot him, but actually ghost-written by a journalist friend, Marshall A. Upson. GARRETT, WILLIAM 3935 Reminiscences of public men in Alabama Atlanta 1872. O 809 a GARSIDE, ALSTON H. 3936 Cotton goes to market. . . description of a great industry. N Y 1935. O [20] 411 pis diags a [GASS, JACOB, and MILLER, 3937 JOHAN P.] Chronicon Ephratense. . . .Ephrata 1786. Q L6] 250 [2] a issue 1, no community seal on t-p; issue 2, seal pasted on t-p; issue 3, seal ptd. on t-p — Eng. tr. Lancaster 1889. o[l6] 288 Chief source for the history of this Pennsylvania cloister founded by Conrad Beissel. GASS, PATRICK 3938 Journal of voyages and travels. Pitt 1807. D 262 a — rptd., same place & collat., 1808. — eds. 2 & 3, same collat., but with 6pls, Phil 1810 [&] 1811. — ed. 4, same collat., with map added, Phil 1812. — Eng. ed. — and best — L 1808. O [4] 381 — anr. ed. Chi 1904. O [56] 298 port 6pls [map mentioned on t-p not issued] some copies on L.P. a — Fr. tr., ed. Tardieu, with notes and adds., P 1810. 0[l8] 443 map — Ger. tr.: Weimar Ger 1814. O [lo] 362 map First full first-hand narrative of the Lewis and Clark expedition, preceding the official account seven years. 220 Gatchell — General Outline GATCHELL, H[ORATIO] P. 3939 Western North Carolina; its agricultural resources Milw 1870. D 24 errata slip a — rptd., t. slightly altered, N Y 1885. D 32 [incl. front.] GATES, CHARLES M., ed. 3940 Five fur traders of the northwest... narrative of Peter Pond, et al. . . . Minneap 1933. O [6] 298 a GATSCHET, ALBERT S. 3941 A migration legend of the Creek Indians Phil 1884; St L 1888. O 2v: [2] 251; [2] 207. 2maps pi a Of Vol. II, a separate from Transactions, Academy of Science of St. Louis, only a few copies were issued. Highly important con- tribution to the history of the southern Indian. GAULD, GEORGE, cartographer 3942 An account of the surveys of Florida. . . . L 1790. Q [4] 27 map[on 2sheets] a — anr. ed. "Observations on the Florida kays [sic], reef and gulf. ..." L 1796. Q 28 Text ascribed to Dr. John Lorimer. GAUSE, HARRY T. 3943 A detailed description of the scenes and incidents connected with a trip through . . . Colorado. [Wilm Del 187l]. D 205 a GAY, MARY A. 3944 Life in Dixie during the war. Atlanta 1892. D 255 a — anr. ed. same impr. 1901. D 404 GAYARR£, CHARLES 3945 Essai historique sur Louisiane. N O 1830. 16° 2v: [4] 210; [6] 231 [6] a GAYARRE^ CHARLES 3946 Histoire de la Louisiane. N O 1846-47. O 2v: [l4] 377; [8] 427 a Different work from his later history in English. Covers French period only. GAYARRE^ CHARLES 3947 History of Louisiana. [French domination, 2v. 1854; Spanish domination, 1854; Ameri- can domination, 1866]. /V Y 1854-66. O 4v: 540; [12] 380; [l2] 649; [8] 693. map a — rptd. N Y 1866. O 4v in 3 — ed. 2, N O 1879. O 4v — ed. 3 N O 1885. O 4v: 540; 383; 649; 693. maps — anr. ed., with bibliog. & index added, N O 1903. O 4v port & maps First two volumes — French domination — had previously appeared, New York, 1851-2, respectively entitled Louisiana; its colonial history. . . , and Louisiana . . . as a French colony, see below. GAYARRE, CHARLES 3948 Louisiana; its history as a French colony N Y 1852. O [12] 17-380 map a GAYARRE, CHARLES 3949 Romance of the history of Louisiana. . . . N Y 1848. D 265 a — enl. ed. "Louisiana; its colonial history and romance," N Y 1851. O 546 GAZETTEER 3950 Gazetteer and business directory of the new southwest St L 1881. O 224 [4] map GAZZETTIERE AMERICANO Gazzettiere americano (II). . . . See Ameri- can gazetteer. . . . GEARY, MAJOR GEN. JOHN W. 3951 Sketch of the early life of: . . . his trip to California in 1849 Phil 1866. O 32 a [GEBHARDT, A. G.] ed. 3952 Actes et memoires concernant les ne- gociations. . . entre la France et les Etats- Unis . . . 1793-1800. L 1807. O 3v: M 368; 451; 481 [3] a — Eng. ed. "State papers relating to the diplomatic transactions between the Ameri- can and French governments. . . ," L 1816. D 3v same paginat. [GEFFS, IRVIN] 3953 The first eight months of Oklahoma City. By Bunky. Okla City 1890. O 110 b OkH G — rptd. Okla City 1939. a GELLINE, P. L. 3954 Journal de mer d'un voyage a la Nouvelle- Orleans P 1842. O 40 a GEMELING, JOHAN G. See Gmelin. GENERAL (THE) General (The) attacked by a subaltern See Barry, Henry. GENERAL (THE) General (The); or, twelve nights in the hunters' camp. . . . See Barrows, Wm. GENERAL OPPOSITION (THE) 3955 General opposition (The) of the colonies to . . . the stamp duty. . . . L 1766. sm Q 40 a some copies on L.P. GENERAL OUTLINE (A) 3956 General outline (A) of the United States . . . her resources and prospects. . . . Phil 1824. O 238 a — rptd. same impr. 1825. 221 General Topography — George GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY General topography of North America. . . . See Jefferys, Thos. GENERAL VIEW 3957 General view of the late war between the United States. . . and Great Britain. n.p. [1815?]. 16° 118[incl. preliminary blank 1.] a GENERAL VIEW (A) 3958 General view (A) of the rise. . . of the American navy Bklyn 1828. D [8] 13-484 [incl. tabs] a GENESEE TRACT (THE) 3959 An account of the soil. .. in North America. And particularly the lands. . . known by the name of: n.p. 1791. sm Q [l] 37 map b AA NYP GENESEE COUNTRY (THE) Description of:.... See Williamson, Chas. GENESEE COUNTRY (THE) A view of the present situation of. . . : See Williamson, Chas. GENESEE-DISTRIKT Bericht uber den: See New York and Penn- sylvania. An account of the soil . . . of: GENET, EDMOND C. 3960 Memorial on the upward forces of fluids Alb 1825. O 112 5pls tab a First American work on aviation. GENTY, L'ABBE L[OUIS] 3961 L'influence de la decouverte de l'Amer- ique sur le bonheur du genre-humain. P [ptd at Orleans] 1787. O [lOJ 352 [2] errata L a — ed. 2, same impr. 1788. same collat., with front. & map added — ed. 3, Orleans 1789. D 2v: [8 36] 292; 296 A philosopher's warning that unless some of the evils be diminished and some ad- vantages fostered, no benefits would accrue to either the old world or the new. GENTZ, F. VON 3962 The origin and principles of the American revolution Phil 1800. O 73 a GEOGRAPHICAI DESCRIPTION 3963 Geographical and historical description (A) of the principal objects of the present war in the West Indies L 1741. O [8] 192 map a Contains three chapters on English at- tacks on Florida, from Drake to Oglethorpe. GEOGRAPHICAI ESSAYS 3964 Geographical, commercial, and political essays L 1812. O [l2] 323 a Includes remarks on Gass's Journal and other papers of American interest. GEOGRAPHICAI VIEW Geographical, historical [etc.] view (A) of the United States See Blowe, Dan'l. GEOGRAPHICAL VIEW (A) Geographical view (A) of the United States. . . . See Goodrich, Saml. G. GEOGRAPHISCHE . . .NACHRICHTEN Geographische und kritische Nachrichten . . . uber die Lage der nord lichen Gegenden von Asien und Amerika. . . . 1772. See Engel, Samuel. GEORGE III (ROD Lettres . . . sur les crimes du: . . . par un officier americain. See Eustace, Major- General John S. GEORGE, ALFRED 3965 Holidays at home and abroad. L 1877. O [24] 199 a Includes a trip from Chicago to Denver. GEORGE, HENRY 3966 Our land and land policy, national and state. S F 1871. O 48 fold.map a His first book; vigorous remonstrance against indiscriminate land concessions to corporate bodies. GEORGE, HENRY 3967 Progress and poverty: an enquiry into the cause of industrial depression. . . and the remedy. S F 1879. D 512 + slip asking that no reviews be ptd. issue 1: "Author's edi- tion." a 200copies ptd. — issue 2, trade ed., same impr. & date. The single tax theory is only incidental in this significant American contribution to economic and sociological thought. GEORGE, ISAAC 3968 Heroes and incidents of the Mexican war; containing Doniphan's expedition. . . . Greensburg Pa 1903. D 296 6pls a GEORGE, N[0AH] J. T. 3969 A concise. . . journal of the late war with Great-Britain, to which is added a short ac- count of the war with Algiers. n.p. n.d. \_ca 1815]. 24° plans — anr. ed. Haverhill 1821. GEORGE, NOAH J. T. 3970 A memorandum of the Creek Indian war. Meredith N H 1815. D 24 b AA only copy located. 222 George — Georgia GEORGE, N[OAH] J. T. 3971 A pocket. . . gazetteer of. . . Vermont. Haverhill N H 1823. 16° 264 a GEORGIA An account showing the progress of the colony of: See Martyn, Benj. GEORGIA A brief account of the causes that have retarded the progress of . . . : See Stephens, Thos. GEORGIA SALES (THE) Georgia sales (the) on the Mississippi. The case of: See Harper, Robert G. GEORGIA 3972 Cursory remarks on men and measures in: n.p. 1784. O [2] 30 a GEORGIA 3973 Documents accompanying the Report of the commissioners. . . for the amicable settlement of limits with the state of: Wash 1803. O 27 a Contains Documents "G" and "K" and intended to accompany Report of the com- missioners, entered below. GEORGIA 3974 Georgia and Florida. Documents ... re- lating to the boundary line between. . . : [Misc. Doc. 25]. Wash 1855. O [l2] 396 a GEORGIA 3975 Georgia and the Creeks. Examination of the controversy between:. ...NY 1825. O 30 a GEORGIA 3976 The general account of all the monies. . . expended by the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of: L 1736. F 29 a GEORGIA SPECULATION Georgia speculation unveiled. 1797-8. See Bishop, Abraham. GEORGIA... COMPANY 3977 Georgia Mississippi Company (the). Grant to: the constitution thereof, [etc.]. Augusta 1795. O 28 a — anr. ed. "by desire of the purchasers in Connecticut," Augusta 1795. O 39 — anr. ed. "by order of the directo [sic]," Augusta 1795. O 40 GEORGIA An impartial enquiry into the state and utility of the province of: See Martyn, Benj. GEORGIA 3978 The letters of a farmer to the people of: or, the constitutionality. . . of the late sales of western lands. . . . Charleston S C 1796. 041 a GEORGIA The letters of Sicilius on. . . the late sale of western lands in: See Jackson, James. GEORGIA 3979 Message from the President accompanying certain articles of agreement and cession . . . [and] Report of the commissioners. . . for the amicable settlement of limits with the state of: [Wash 1804]. O 140 a — anr. issue, with Act of Georgia Legisla- ture added. O 156 Complete Report here first published. [GEORGIA] Neuste und richtigste Nachricht von der . . . Georgia. See Martyn, Benj., A new. . . account of Georgia. GEORGIA A new voyage to: By See Tailfer, Pat'k. young gentleman. GEORGIA Observations on Doctor Stevens's History of: See De Renne, Geo. W.-J. GEORGIA 3980 Proceedings of the convention of the Equal Rights and Educational Association of:... Macon, Oct. 29th, 1866. Augusta 1866. O 25 a For later convention, see Proceedings of the American Equal Rights Association. GEORGIA 3981 Proceedings of the Freedmen's conven- tion of: Jan. 10th, 1866 Augusta 1866. O40 a First ex-slave convention — inspired doubtless by politically minded "carpet- baggers" — in which was established the Equal Rights Association. GEORGIA 3982 Progress of the colony of : . . . contrast to "State of the colony of Georgia." [l] 1743. O 24 10 a GEORGIA Reasons for establishing the colony of: See Martyn, Benj. GEORGIA 3983 Report of the attorney general to to [sic] Congress; communicating . . . documents relative to . . . title to the land situate in the south western parts. . . and claimed by 223 Georgia — Gerstacker certain companies under of: Phil 1796. O 171 a law of the state GEORGIA 3984 Report of the commissioners. . . for the amicable settlement of limits with the state of: Wash 1803. O 22 [2] 5-92 a See also above, Documents accompanying the Report. . . , and Message from the President. . . . GEORGIA 3985 Report of the committee appointed to examine into the proceedings of the people of: with respect to the province of South Carolina Charles-Town S C 1736. sm Q 120 errata 1. c JCB MH NYP First American printed book on Georgia. [GEORGIA] 3986 State of facts shewing the right of certain companies to the lands lately purchased by them from the state of Georgia. [Phil?] 1795. O 64 a GEORGIA A state of the province of: See Stephens, Wm. GEORGIA 3987 A true account of the colonies of Nova Scotia, and: [l ? 1774?]. O 24 a GEORGIA A vindication of the recent . . . policy of the state of:. . . . See Clayton, Augustin S. GERARD, A. G. 3988 Itineraire de Quebec a Chicago. Montr 1868. o[4] 170 pi a GERKE, HEINRICH C. 3989 Der nordamerikanische Rathgeber, nebst den, in den Jahren 1831 und 1832 Ham- burg 1833. D 598 a GERMAIN [sic], LORD G[E0RGE] 3990 Correspondance du: avec les generaux Clinton, Cornwallis, et al. Berne 1782. O [l6] 304 port 2tabs a — rptd. L 1784. same collat. Apparently there was no English edition. GERMAINE, LORD GEORGE 399! A letter to: L 1776. O 38 + adv-1. a Urges discontinuance of the American war as hopeless. This is entirely different from the pamphlet of similar title next described. GERMAINE, LORD GEORGE 3992 A letter to: giving an account of the origin of the dispute between Great Britain and the colonies L 1778. O 84 a Advocates peace, but not on the terms of American independence. "The Americans are in a state of insanity. . . everything done by them in that condition should be held void. ..." [GERMAINE, LORD GEORGE] 3993 A reply to Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne's Letter to his constituents. . . . L 1779. O [4] 46 a — eds. 2 &. 3, same impr., date & collat. Ascribed also to Sir John Dalrymple. GERSTACKER, FRIEDRICH 3994 Amerikanische-Wald-und Strombilder. Leip 1849. O 2v: 205; 224 a — anr. ed. Ghent 1856. O [4] 444 — anr. ed. Leip 1862. D 2v: [4] 218; W 219 GERSTACKER, FRIEDRICH 3995 Californische Skizzen. Leip 1856. O [4] 379 a — Fr. ed. "Scenes de la vie Californienne," Geneva 1859. D 260 [2] 6pls — rptd. same impr. 1860. — Eng. ed. "Scenes of life in California," S F Grabhorn 1942. O [l4] 188 pis 500copies ptd. — anr. Eng. ed. "California gold mines," Oakland 1946. O [l4] 149 map pis 500copies ptd. GERSTACKER, FRIEDRICH 3996 Der deutschen Auswanderer Fahrten und Schicksale. Leip 1847. O [4] 334 map a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1849; 1854. — Dutch ed. "Lotgevallen en Ontmoetingen . , . ," Amst 1847. O [4] 352 map pi — Eng. eds.: "The wanderings and fortunes of some German emigrants," N Y 1848. D 3-270; L 1848. D [8] 3 10; L 1850. same collat. Attempt to establish a German colony on the Mississippi. GERSTACKER, FRIEDRICH 3997 Gold! Ein Californisches Lebenbild aus dem Jahre 1849. Leip 1858. D 3v: [6] 327; [6] 322; [6] 341 a GERSTACKER, FRIEDRICH 3998 Kalifornien's Gold u. Quecksilber-District Leip 1849. O 32 map a — 3 other eds., same year GERSTACKER, FRIEDRICH Das kleine Goldgraber in Californien. Ghent 1857. 16° [6] 346 6pls a ,/99 GERSTACKER, FRIEDRICH 4000 Mississippi-Bilder, Licht-und Schatten- seiten transatlantischen Lebens. Dresden 1847-8. D 3v: [4] 343; [4] 386; [4] 371 a —rptd. Leip 1853-6. 16° 3v: [4] 352; [6] 414; [6] 363 224 — Eng. ed. "Western land and western waters," L 1864. O [12] 388 GERSTACKER, FRIEDRICH 4001 Nach Amerika! Jena 1855. O 6v: [l2] 260; 258; 296; 263; 274; 252. 32pls a r. ed. Leip 1855. same collat. GERSTACKER, FRIEDRICH 4002 Streif-und Jagdzuge durch die Vereinigten Staaten Dresden 1844. D 2v: [8] 311; [4] 323 a — anr. ed. Leip 1856. D 2v in 1 same collat. — Eng. tr. "Wild sports in the far west," L 1854. D [12] 396 8pls — rptd. L 1856; 1862. 16° — Am. eds.: D 1859; 1866. D Experiences in Arkansas, etc. GERSTACKER, FRIEDRICH 4003 Wie ist es denn nun Eigentlich in Amer- ika? Leip 1849. 16° 1.8] 127 a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1853. GERSTNER, CLARA VON 4004 Beschreibung einer Reise durch die Vereinigten Staaten Leip 1842. D [l2] 456 a Travelled throughout the South from Vir- ginia to Louisiana and to Illinois, Kentucky and Ohio. GERSTNER, FRANZ ANTON VON 4005 Berichte aus den Vereinigten Staaten. . . uber Eisenbahnen, Dampfschiffahrten, Banken Leip 1839. Q [4] 67 a GERSTNER, FRANZ ANTON VON 4006 Die innern Communicationen der Vereinig- ten Staaten Vienna 1842-3. Q 2v: [4] 376; [4] 339. map 34pls a GESCHICHTE Geschichte der englischen Kolonien in Nordamerika. . . . See Klausing, Anton E. GESCHICHTE 4007 Geschichte der Kxiege in und ausser Europa, vom Aufange des Austandes der brittischen Kolonien in Nordamerika an. . . 1776. [Nurnberg] Gabriel N. Raspe 1777-84. sm Q 30pts[usually bound in 7vols.J maps, plans, ports a Compiled — probably by the publisher — from German newspapers and other con- temporary sources. Ascribed also to Christopher Korn. GESCHICHTE 4008 Geschichte des amerikanischen Kriegs von 1812 Reading 1817. O [8] 273 port a To some copies a folding plate of the battle of New Orleans was added. GESCHICHTE Geschichte und Handlung der englischen Colonien. . . . See Butel-Dumont. GETZENDANER, W. H. and 4009 DICHMAN, A. M. A brief. . . history of Parson's Texas cavalry brigade. . . . Waxahachie Tex. 1892. O 96 a GEVERS DEYNOOT, W. T. 4010 Aanteekeningen op eene Reis door de Vereenigde Staten . . . e Canada. Hague 1860. O 264 6pls a Travels extended to Minnesota and Missouri. [GIBBES, MORGAN]? 4011 Remarks upon slavery. . . addressed to. . . Henry Clay, [p] 1839. O 23 a GIBBES, R[OBERT] W. 4012 Documentary history of the American revolution. . . chiefly in South Carolina, in 1781-1782. Columbia S C 1853. O [l6] 288 a — enl. ed., covering years 1764-1782. N Y 1855-57. O 2v: [l2j292; [l2] 293 a [GIBBON, EDWARD] 4013 Memoire justificatif pour servir de reponse a l'Expose. . . de la cour de France. L 1779. Q [2] 32 a — rptd., same impr., 1780. — Eng.tr. "Exposition of the motives.. ." L. 1780 Q Reply to the exposition, justifying French assistance to America, which had appeared at Madrid [in French] earlier in 1779. For reply see Beaumarchais, Pierre A. C de. GIBBS, MIFFLIN W. 4014 Shadow and light. An autobiography. . . . Wash 1902. D 372 a Describes an overland trip to California, in 1850, made by this educated negro, with later experiences in California and British Columbia. GIBSON, J. WATT 4015 Recollections of a pioneer. . . . [st Joseph Mo .1912]. O 216 port a GIBSON, JAMES 4016 A journal of the late siege by the troops from North America, against the French at Cape Breton L 1745. O [2] 50 fold.plan b AA JCB N NYP Y — rptd. "Narrative. . . ," L 1785. a — Am. ed. "A Boston merchant of 1745. .. ," B 1847. D 102 GIBSON, JOHN, pub. Guide and directory for. . . Louisiana. . . . See Louisiana. 225 Giddings — Gillette [GIDDINGS, MAJOR LUTHER] 4017 Sketches of the campaign in northern Mexico NY 1853. D 336 map plan a Ascribed also to M. E. Curwen. GIDDINS, EDWARD 4018 An inquiry into the causes of the rise and fall of the lakes Lockport N Y 1838. O 31 a GIDEON, D. C. 4019 Indian Territory N Y & Chi 1901. Q [16] 956 2pls a GILES, UEONIDASl B. 4030 Terry's Texas rangers, [/lusfin] 1911. D 105 a GILL, JOHN 4031 Reminiscences of . . . a private soldier in the Confederate army. Bait 1904. O 136 [2] port a GILL, OBADIAH, et al 4032 Some few remarks upon a scandalous book ... by one Robert Calef B 1701. D 72 b A A H N NYP GIFT, GEORGE W. 4020 Facts about Napa county. . . . Napa City Calif 1876. O 64 map a GIFT, GEORGE W. 4021 Settler's guide. ... Benicia Calif 1854. O 32 b — rptd. SrocWon 1857. O 24 b Y GIHON, JOHN H. 4022 Geary and Kansas. . . . Phil 1857. D 348 a — rptd. Phil 1866. GILBERT, AMOS 4023 Memoir of Fanny Wright, the pioneer woman in the cause of human rights. Cin 1855. D 86 a GILBERT, BENJAMIN A narrative of the captivity. . . of: See Walton, Wm. GILBERT, F. T. 4024 History of San Joaquin county [Calif.]. . . . Oakland 1879. Q 142 6maps 171pls a [GILBERT, OLIVE] 4025 Narrative of Sojourner Truth. B 1850. D 144 port a — several reprints GILBERT, R. R. 4026 Confederate letters. Austin 1894. O 75 a GILL, WILLIAM 4033 California letters of: written in 1850 to his wife NY 1922. Q 43 map port b LC NYP lOOcopies ptd. GILLELAND, J. C. 4034 The history of the late war between the United States and Great Britain. .. .Bait 1817. D 151 a ed. 2, same impr. & date. D 190 — ed. 3, same impr. 1818. 16° 175 GILLELAND, J. C. 4035 The Ohio and Mississippi pilot. . . . Pitt 1820. D 2pts in 1: 46[incl. 16maps]; 47-274 a — anr. ed., without the geography, "The Ohio pilot," Pitt 1826. 16° 34 Borrowed largely from the earlier Cramer's Navigator, and furthermore doesn't live up to its title, only the Ohio being charted. GILLELEN, F. M. L. 4036 The oil regions of Pennsylvania. . . . Pitt 1865. O 67 a GILLEM, COL. ALVAN C. 4037 Report on the Modoc war. . . . Benicia Barracks Cal 1874. D 24 a — rptd. [Wash] 1877. [Sen. Exec. Doc. l]. O 18 Earliest account of this disastrous campaign. [GILES, FRYE W.] 4027 Historical sketch of Shawnee county, Kansas. Topeka 1876. D 68 errata slip a GILES, FRYE W. 4028 Thirty years in Topeka. . . . Topeka 1886. O 412 front, a [lOO copies ptd] GILES, JOHN 4029 Memoirs of odd adventures [etc.] in the captivity of: B 1736. O [2] 40 [4] c H N [of 4 known copies] — rptd., with adds., Cin 1869. O 64 a 250 copies ptd GILLESPY, JOHN C, ed. 4038 History of Green Lake county [Wis.] ... as related by old pioneers. . . .Berlin Wis 1860. D 120[incl. advs] a GILLETT, JAMES B. 4039 Six years with the Texas Rangers. . . . Austin [l92l]. D 332 8pls a — rptd. N Hav 1925. O; ed. Quaife, Chi 1943. 16° GILLETTE, CHARLES 4040 A few historic records of the church in the diocese of Texas, during the rebellion. . . . N Y 1865. O 131 a 226 Gilliam — Girod-Chantrans GILLIAM, ALBERT M. 4041 Travels over the table-lands ... of Mexico . . . including a description of California. . . . Phil 1846. O 455 3maps 10 pis a — rptd. Aberdeen Scot 1847. D 312 GILLIES, JOHN 4042 Memoirs of the life of . . . George White- field L 1772. O [16] 358 2adv-p 2pls a — Am. ed. N Y 1774. D 312 port — rptd. many times in England & America. GILLILAND, WILLIAM 4043 Pioneer history of the Champlain valley Alb 1863. O 231 a 26copies on L.P. GILLMORE, PARKER 4044 Prairie and forest ... of North America, with personal adventures L 1874. O [ 10] 383 14pls a GILMAN, MRS. CAROLINE, ed. 4045 Letters of Eliza Wilkinson, during the . . . possession of Charleston, S. C. , by the British NY 1839. D 108 a GILMAN, MRS. CAROLINE 4046 The poetry of travelling in the United States NY 1838. D [lo] 430 a GILMAN, MRS. CAROLINE 4047 Recollections of a southern matron. N Y 1838. D 272 a — rptd. N Y 1839. same collat.; Charleston S C 1859. D 268 — anr. ed. "Recollections of a New England bride and of a southern matron," N Y 1852. D [2] 403 pi [GILMAN, CHANDLER R.] 4048 Legends of a log-cabin. N Y 1835. D [4] 277 a [GILMAN, CHANDLER R.] 4049 Life on the lakes NY 1836. D 2v: [4] 270; [4] 275. 2pls a Ascribed sometimes to Charles Lanman and sometimes to Margaret Fuller Ossoli; to the latter through confusion with her Summer on the lakes. GILMER, GEORGE R. 4050 Sketches of some of the first settlers of upper Georgia NY 1855. O 587 port a — rptd. Americus Ga 1926. GILMOR, HARRY 4051 Four years in the saddle. L 1866. D [8] 310 a —Am. ed. N Y 1866. D [l4] 291 GILMOR, ROBERT 4052 Memoir ... of Robert Gilmor of Baltimore .... [Bait 1840]. O 46 port a [GILPIN, HENRY D.] 4053 A northern tour: ... to Saratoga. . . . Phil 1825. D [8] 279 fold.map a GILPIN, JOSHUA 4054 A memoir on the . . . Chesapeake and Delaware canal Wilm Del 1821. O [4] 50 72 5maps a [GILPIN, THOMAS] Exiles in Virginia. 4055 Phil 1848. O 302 a GILPIN, WILLIAM, 1724-1804 4056 Memoirs of Josias Rogers. . . . L 1808. O [4] 184 front.' a GILPIN, WILLIAM, 1822-94 4057 The central gold region Phil 1860. O 3-194 6maps a — rptd., with adds., "Mission of the Ameri- can people. . . ," Phil 1873. O 217 6maps — rev. ed., same impr., 1874. O 223 6maps GILPIN, WILLIAM [1822-94] 4058 History of the life of: S F 1889. O 62 map port a Overland to Oregon, 1843; with Doniphan in New Mexico; Governor of Colorado; etc. GILPIN, WILLIAM, 1822-94 4059 Notes on Colorado [l 1870]. D 52 a — ed. 2, same collat. & impr., [l87l]. GILSON, WILLIAM R. 4060 Up-hill in Canada and south California. Montr 1923. O 86 a [GIRARD, CHARLES F.] 4061 Les Etats Confederes d'Amerique visites en 1863 P 1864. O 160 map a GIRARD, JUST [pseud.] Les aventures d'un capitaine francais. . . . See Roy, Just J. E. GIRDLESTONE, THOMAS 4062 Facts tending to prove that General [Charles] Lee was . . . the author of Junius. Yarmouth & L 1813. O [8] 138 errata slip port 2facs a Some of the letters contained relate to his American experiences. [GIROD-CHANTRANS, JUSTIN] 4063 Voyage d'un Suisse dans differentes colonies d'Amerique pendant la derniere guerre Neuchatel 1785. O [8] 416 tab a — rptd., same sheets with new t-p, L 1786. — Ger. ed. "Reisen eines Schweizers. . . ," Leip 1786. O 304 Travels chiefly restricted to Santo Domingo. 227 Gi st — Goddard GIST, CHRISTOPHER Journals. See Darlington, William NL GIVEN, ABRAHAM 4064 Overland trip to California in 1850. Frank- fort Ind [ca 1900]. O 24 a GLADSTONE, THOMAS H. 4065 Kansas; or, squatter life and border war- fare L 1857. D [8] 295 map 2pls a — Am. ed. "The Englishman in Kansas . ..," N Y 1857. D 328 — Ger. ed. "Bilder und Skizzen aus Kansas .. . ," Leip 1857. O; rptd. 1860. 4075 S F 1874. O [12] GLANCE (A) Glance (A) at the times. Phil 1827. D 52 a 4066 By a Yankee. GLASSCOCK, LEMUEL 4067 The life and travels of: \J\1aysville Ky 184l]? O 27 a GLAZIER, LEWIS 4068 History of Gardner, Massachusetts. . . . Wore 1860. 12° 163 a GLEED, CHARLES S. The Kansas memorial, fold, map front, a 4069 K C 1880. O 261 GLEESON, WILLIAM 4070 History of the Catholic church in Cali- fornia. S F 1872-1. O 2v: [l5] 446; 351. 4 maps & plans 9pls b LC — anr. ed. 2v in 1. 1872. Made from sheets of ed. 1 salvaged from the fire which had destroyed many copies, a [GLEIG, GEORGE R.] 4071 A narrative of the campaigns of the British army at Washington and New Orleans ....L 1821. O [4] 378 a — later Eng. eds.: L 1826, 1827, 1836. — Am. ed. Phil 1821. O 431 [GLEN, DR. JAMES] 4072 A description of South Carolina. . . . L 1761. O [8] 110 + 2adv-p b N NYP Y As a general history preceded only by Hewatt's Account of South Carolina and Georgia. . . . Has been ascribed to Governor James Glenn of South Carolina. GLENN, THOMAS A. 4073 Merion in the Welsh tract. . . . Norristown 1896. O [lo] 394 [2] a GLENN, THOMAS A. 4074 Some colonial mansions and those who lived in them Ser. I & II. Phil 1898- 1900. O 2v: [22] 17-482; [l4] 19-504. 20pls + 20explanatory 1. a GLISAN, RODNEY Journal of army life, 511 21pls tab a Served in Oklahoma, Washington and Oregon. GLOVER, THOMAS 4076 An account of Virginia. . . . Oxf 1904. O 31 a 250copies ptd. First separate printing; appeared previ- ously only in Transactions of the Royal Society, 1677. [GMELIN (or GEMELING), 4077 JOHAN G.J Disputatio geographica de vero Cali- forniae situ et conditione. Marburg [l739]. D 30 c B Lof a few copies known] GMELIN [or GEMELING], JOHAN G. 4078 Reise durch Siberien, 1733-1743. Gottingen 1751-2. O 4v: [l4] 467; [35] 652; [24] 584; [4] 692 [8]. 4maps 13pls b NYP Y — Dutch tr. Haarlem 1752-7. O 4v a — Fr. tr. abr., P 1767. D 2v: [22] 430; [8 erratically numb.] 324 [4]. 2pls a One of the earliest accounts of Bering's voyage to the Northwest mainland, written by the botanist of the expedition. For other accounts, see Muller, Gerhard F. [GOADBY, ROBERT] 4079 An apology for the life of Mr. Bampfylde- Moore Carew. . . king of the beggars. . . his many comical adventures, travels through America L [l749]. O 149 b LC — ed. 2, with 17-p dedication to Fielding, L rud. O a — rptd. often, some eds. with port For misdemeanors in England this rogue was banished to Maryland; he operated con- fidence games among colonial suckers from Virginia to Connecticut. GOBLE, BENJAMIN 4080 Narrative of incidents in the life of an Illinois pioneer. . . .Moline 1881. O 35[incl. front, (photo of au. )J b MolineP RocklslandP GOBRIGHT, L. A. 4081 Recollections of men and things at Wash- ington Phil 1869. D 420 a GODDARD, G. H. 4082 Report. . . on a reconnaissance of the. . . immigrant roads over the Sierra Nevada, and a survey of the eastern boundary of Cali- fornia. Sacr 1856. O 334 tab a GODDARD, SAMUEL A. 4083 Letters on the American rebellion. L 1870. O [10] 584 a 228 Godfrey — Golovnin GODFREY, CARLOS E. 4084 The commander-in-chief's guard. . . . Wash 1904. O 302[incl.front.] 6pls 9facs[2fold.] a GODLEY, JOHN R. 4085 Letters from America. L 1844. D 2v: [24] 272; [8] 243 a GOBEL, GERT 4086 Langer als ein Menschenleben in Mis- souri. St L [1877]. O [8] 234 a Autobiography of a pioneer who settled in Missouri in 1834. G0CKING, G. G. G'JNTHER 4087 Vollkommene Emigrations-Geschichte von denen aus dem Ertz -Biszthum Sallzburg. . . . Frankl 1734-7. Q 2v: [20] 822; [l2] 888 [72]. 2maps 2pls a Includes emigration to Georgia by this sect. [GOENS, R. M. VAN] 4088 Politiek Vertoog. . . . [utrecht ] 1781. F 151 a — unauthorized ed., same date. O [2] 346 [l] Disapproves of the assistance indirectly given to the American colonists by Holland during the Revolution. G0RLING, ADOLPH 4089 Die Neue Welt. Skizzen von Land und Leuten der. . . Freistaaten. Leip 1848. D 614 [l0] 69pls a Includes a comprehensive historical ac- count of the Ohio Zoarites, along with ex- tensive descriptions of many towns, etc., in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys. GOFF, LYMAN B. 4090 An 1862 trip to the west, [pawtucket 1926]. D 158 lOpls a Overland adventures from St. Paul to Fort Garry and among the Sioux. GOLD Gold in the Black hills, with explanatory notes See Smith, D. N. GOLDEN LAND (THE) 4091 Golden land (The) . . . history. . . of the Black hills gold region. Chi [l875]. O 104 map GOLDER, FRANK A. 4092 Russian expansion on the Pacific. . . . C/ev 1914. O 368[incl. maps & pis] a GOLDMANN, FREIDMUND 4093 Briefe aus Wisconsin. . . . Leip 1849. D [8] 96 a GOLDSBOROUGH, CHARLES W. 4094 The United States' naval chronicle. Vol. I [all]. Wash 1824. O 396 + errata slip pasted on last p. a GOLDSBOROUGH, W. W. 4095 The Maryland line in the Confederate States army. Bait 1869. D 357 9ports a — enl. ed. [Bait 1900]. O 371 21pls [GOLDSMITH, J.] 4096 The present state of the British empire in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. . . . L 1768. O [8] 486 5maps pi a GOLDSMITH, REV. J. [pseud.] A view of the character ... of the North- Americans. . . .See Phillips, Sir Richard. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER Overland in forty-nine. D 148 9pls b 4097 Detroit 1896. GOLDSON, WILLIAM 4098 Observations on the passage between the Atlantic and Pacific. . . . Portsmouth Eng 1793. Q [l2] 162 map b N Y GOLOVIN, IVAN 4099 Stars and stripes; or, American impres- sions. L 1856. D 312 a — Am. ed. N Y same date & collat. American democracy examined by a Rus- sian political exile and found by no means perfect. GOLOVNIN, VASILII M. 4100 Puteshestvie vokroug svieta po poveleniiu Gosudaria. . . 1817-19. St Ptbg 1822. Q 2v: [12] 512 44; [10] 206 127 2 fold tabs 15maps & pis b LC NYP Y On this Russian voyage around the world the northwest coast and California were visited. Golovnin was severely critical of the Russian-American Company for condi- tions among both settlers and natives. GOLOVNIN, VASILII M. 4101 Recollections of Japan. L 1819. O 302 a — ed. 2, "Memoirs of a captivity in Japan ... 1811-13," L 1824. O 3v — rptd. same impr. 1825. Golovnin's narrative itself appeared in earlier Russian, French and German editions; but to the English translation was added the important account, by Admiral Shishkov, of the fur-trading voyages of Khvostov and Davy-dov to the Northwest coast, 1804-7. GOLOVNIN, VASILII M. 4102 Sokrashcennyia zapiski flota. . . o plavanni ego na shlieupie Dianie. . . . St Ptbg 1819. Q 146 3maps a 229 Gomez Del Palacio Account of a Russian voyage in 1811 to the Kuril Islands, etc., completing Aleutian discoveries by La Perouse, Broughton and Krusenstern. Information on this voyage was also included in No. 4101. [GOMEZ DEL PALACIO, 4103 FRANCISCO] Claims of Mexican citizens against the United States for Indian depredations. . . . Wash 1871. O 162 + cov.t. a — Sp. tr. Mex 1872. D 259 — anr. issue, same impr. & date. O 172 + cov.t. GOOD Good fetched out of evil: a collection of memorables relating to our captives. See Williams, John. GOOD HUMOR Good humor; or, a way with the colonies .... See Tod, Nicholas. GOODE, G| EORGEi B. 4104 Virginia cousins Rich 1887. O [36] 526 + 10[4 after p32, 6 after p50] 5 1. [one each at 32, 36, 50, 110 & 164] slip at p302. map pi 51ports 2pedigree charts a GOODE, WILLIAM H. 4105 Outposts of Zion Cin 1863. D 464 front, a — rptd. 1864. Experiences of a frontier missionary, in Kansas, Nebraska, etc. [GOODENOW, STIRLING] 4106 A brief topographical and statistical manual of the state of New York. Alb 1811. O 34 a — ed. 2, enl. N Y 1822. O 88 GOODHUE, JOSIAH F. History of . . . Shoreham, Vermont. Middlebury 1861. O [6] 198 [2] a 4107 GOODNIGHT, CHARLES, et al Pioneer days in the southwest. . . . See under Hart, John A., History of pioneer days in Texas and Oklahoma. . . . GOODPASTURE, ALBERT V. 4111 Overton county [Tenn.]. Nash 1877. O 27 a GOODRICH, CHARLES A. 4112 The family tourist: a visit to the principal cities of the western continent. . . . Phil 1848. O 640 a [GOODRICH, SAMUEL G.] 4113 A geographical view of the United States. B 1827. O 130 [2] a — ed. 2, B 1828. —rptd. N Y 1829. D 120 GOODRICH, S[AMUEL] G. 4114 Recollections of a lifetime NY 1851. O 2v: 542; 563 a — rptd., same collat. & impr. 1857. [GOODRICKE, HENRY] 4115 Observations on Dr. Price's theory. . . of civil liberty York Eng 1776. O [8] 147 a — Dutch tr. Ley den 1777. O [GOODRICKE, HENRY] 4116 A speech on some political topics. . . in- tended to have been delivered in the House of Commons L 1779. D [8] 71 a Discusses at length complaints of the colonies. GOODWIN, CARDINAL L. 4117 The trans-Mississippi west. N Y 1922. O [l4] 528 6maps a GOODWIN, H. C. 4118 Pioneer history; or Cortland county and the border wars of New York NY 1859. D 456 3pls a GOODLANDER, C. W. 4108 Memoirs and recollections. . . of the early days of Fort Scott Ft Scott Kan 1899. 16 79 port pis a — rptd., same impr. 1900. 16 145 30pls GOODMAN, THOMAS M. 4109 A thrilling record Des M 1868. D 66 a Account of the Centralia massacre by Bill Anderson's guerillas, told by one of the few Federal soldiers who escaped. GOODWIN, W. A. R. 4119 Historical sketch of Bruton church, Williamsburg, Virginia. [Petersburg] 1903. O 183 16pls a GOOKIN, DANIEL 4120 Historical collections of the Indians in New England. . . . B 1792. O pp. 141-227 of Mass. Hist. Soc. Colls., V. I. a — rptd. B 1806. same collat. GOODMANE, W. F. 4110 Seven years in America. L 1845. O 32 a Compares Canada with the states [and Texas]. GOOKIN, FREDERICK W. 4121 Daniel Gookin, 1612-1687. . . his life and letters Chi 1912. O [l6 incl.front.] 208 [l] lOpls a 202copies ptd. 230 Gordon — Goss GORDON, THE HON. COLONEL 4122 COSMO The trial of: . . . for neglect of duty before the enemy ... in the Jerseys. . . . L 1783. O 118 a See Thomas, Frederick. GORDON, JAMES B. 4123 An historical. . . memoir of the North American continent; its nations and tribes .... Dub 1820. Q [l26incl.port] 305 errata slip & pub.'s note inserted a some copies on L.P. Two chapters on New Mexico, California and Northwest coast. GORDON, MR. JOHN The case of: with respect to . . . certain lands in East Florida. . . . See Walker, Fowler. GORDON, MARQUIS L. 4124 Experiences in the civil war. . . . B 1922. Q [l4j 3-72 pis a Small ed. [GORDON, PATRICK?] 4125 The history of the war in America, be- tween Great Britain and her colonies. . . . Dub 1779-85. O 3v: [8] 5-41 [2] 2-352 349- 399; 427 [4]; [l6] 432. map tab b N NYP GORDON, SAMUEL 4126 Recollections of old Milestown, Montana. Miles City 1918. O 42 19pls a States L 1788. O 4v: [26] 504; L8] 584; [8] 499; [8] 446 [34]. 9maps & plans a some copies on thick paper — Am. eds.: N Y 1789. O 3v: [12] 25-443; [10] 25-474; [36] 17-446. 2maps; N Y 1794. 3v: 431; 460; 448 — rptd. N Y 1801. O 3v First full-scale history of this war by an American; to its preparation Jefferson con- tributed some aid. [GORDON-MILLER, WILLIAM L.] 4133 Recollections of the United States army .... By an American soldier. . . . B 1845. 18° [12] 167[incl. 8pls] a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. See also Hildreth, James, Dragoon campaigns. . . . GORHAM, GEORGE C. 4134 The story of the attempted assassination of Justice Field n.p. n.d. O 198 a — rptd. in the 1893 ed. of Field's "Personal reminiscences. ..." Some copies of orig. ed have correction slips pasted over certain passages. GORIN, FRANKLIN 4135 The times of long ago. Barren county [Ky.] Louisv 1929. O 131 a Written in 1876, by the first white child born in this county and owner of the Mam- moth Cave, but here first published in book form. GORDON, THOMAS F. 4127 A gazetteer of . . . New Jersey. Trent 1834. O [4J266 map a Usually bound with this author's History of New Jersey, see below. GORDON, THOMAS F. 4128 Gazetteer of. . . New York Phil 1836. O 2pts in 1: [l4] 102; [2] 801. 2maps a GORDON, THOMAS F. 4129 Gazetteer of . . . Pennsylvania. Phil 1832. O 2pts in 1: 65; 508. map errata 1. a — rptd., same impr. 1833. GORDON, THOMAS F. 4130 The history of New Jersey Trent 1834. O [l2] 339 a Usually bound with this author's Gazet- teer ol New Jersey, see above. GORDON, THOMAS F. 4131 The history of Pennsylvania. . . . Phil 1829. O [8] 628 a GORDON, WILLIAM 4132 The history of rise, progress and estab- lishment of the independence of the United G[0RMAN], CAPT. J[0HN] C. 4136 Lee's last campaign. Raleigh 1866. 16° 59 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. 16° 71 GORMAN, SAMUEL The Pueblo Indians. 4137 , N Y 1860. O 25 a GOROSTIZA, M[aNUEL] E., late envoy . . . from Mexico Examination of a pamphlet. . . circulated by: See Weaver, Wm. A. GORRELL, JlOSEPHl R. 4138 A trip to Alaska. Newton la 1905. D 40 a [GOSCH, JOSIAS L.] 4139 Washington und die amerikanische Revo- lution. Giesen 1807. 16° [2] 280 a — rptd. "Washington und die nordameri- kanische Revolution," Giesen 1810. D — rptd. Giesen 1817; Giesen 1818. GOSS, C. CHAUCER 4140 Bellevue, Larimer and Saint Mary [Neb.], their history [etc.]. Bellevue 1859. D 48 [cover t. only] a 231 Goss — Graham GOSS, ELBRIDGE H. 4141 The life of Colonel Paul Revere. B 1891. O 2v: [24] 314; [20] 315-689. front, to v.I, other pis incl.in paginat. a — L.P. issue, roy O 2v same pis, col. 100 copies ptd. GOSSE, PHILIP H. 4142 Letters from Alabama, chiefly relating to natural history. L 1859. 16° 310 a [GOTTLIEB, G. A.] 4143 Nachrichten und Erfahrungen uber die Vereinigten Staaten. . . gesammelt auf einer Reise in den Jahren 1806 bis 1808 von einem Rheinlander. Frankf 1812. D [4, 3-4] 260 fold. tab pi a — rptd. same impr. &. collat. 1814. GOTTSCHALK, LOUIS M. 4144 Notes of a pianist; during. . . tours in the United States, Canada Phil 1881. O 480 port a Tours through the East, Middle West and far West by a musical prodigy from Louisi- ana, of whom Chopin predicted that he would become the king of pianists. GOUGHNOUR, E. Across the plains in '49. D [2] 54 port a 4145 1910]. GOULD, DANIEL 4146 A brief narration of the sufferings of the . . . Quakers [n Y 1700]. Q 38 a GOULD, EMERSON W. 4147 Fifty years on the Mississippi. . . . St L 1889. O [16] 750 front, a — rptd. Columbus O 1951. same collat. GOULD, JAY 4148 History of Delaware county and border wars of New York. . . . Roxbury Lptd Phil] 1856. O [16] 426 port a Many copies destroyed by fire and some of those escaping that fate were bought up and destroyed by the author. GOULD, JAY 4149 Life and death of: and how he made his millions. N Y [ca 1892]. D 208 a GOULD, JAY 4150 The Missouri Pacific Railroad Company . . . history of the title to its property. . . . N Y 1884. O 48 a GOULDER, WILLIAM A. 4152 Reminiscences. . . of a pioneer in Oregon and Idaho. Boise 1909. D 376 port a Goulder ascended the Missouri with Benton and Robidoux in 1844. [GOULDING, JOHN?] 4153 Statistics of the woolen manufactories in the United States N Y 1845. D 190 a GOVE, CAPT. JESSE A. 4154 The Utah expedition, 1857-8. Concord N H 1928. O 442 5pls a — L.P. issue, same impr., date &, collat. Q 50copies ptd. GRABER, H. W. 4155 The life record. A Terry Texas ranger, 1861-5 [Dallas 1916]? D 442 [incl.port] a small ed. ptd. GRABOWSKI, STANISLAUS 4156 Die Regulatoren von San Francisco. Ber- lin [ca 1850]. 16° 348 a GRACE, HENRY 4157 The history of the life and sufferings of: . . . during. . . captivity among the savages of North America. ... Basingstoke 1764. O 56 dd N NYP — ed. 2, same collat., 1765. d N Patterned after Feter Williamson's similar narrative, but far less credible. GRACE, JOHN S., and JONES, R. B. 4158 A new history of Parker county LTexas] Weatherford Tex 1906. O 206 [20] a GRADY, MR. 4159 A description of the famous new colony of Georgia, in South Carolina. . . in a letter from: Dub 1734. D [6] 3-138 a Fanciful hoax relating in no sense to Georgia except for a 1733 letter from Oglethorpe. GRAHAM, JAMES 4160 The life of General Daniel Morgan. ...NY 1856. D 475 port a — rptd., same impr. & collat.: 1858; 1859. By General Morgan's grand-son. GRAHAM, LIEUTENANT COLONEL 4161 [JAMES D.] Report of the Secretary of War, communi- cating. . . the report of: on the subject of the boundary line between the United States and Mexico. [Sen. Exec. Doc. 12l]. [Wash 1852]. O 250 2maps profile a GOULD, NATHANIEL D. 4151 Church music in America. . . . B 1853. D 240 a GRAHAM, JAMES J., ed. 4162 Memoir of General [Samuel] Graham, with notices of the campaigns in which he was 232 Graham — Grant engaged from 1779 to 1801. Edin 1862. D [20] 318 2maps 4pls a lOOcopies ptd. Graham served, as Captain, with Corn- wallis in Carolina and Virginia. GRANDGUILLOT, A. 4172 La reconnaissance du sud. P 1861. O [2J 310 [l] a Defends southern secession. GRAHAM, JOHN A. 4163 A descriptive sketch of the present state of Vermont. . . . L 1797. O [8] 187 port a GRAHAM, MRS. M[ARTHA] M. 4164 The polygamist's victim. . . experiences of the author S F 1872. D 72 b B H — rptd. "Life of Martha Morgan," S F 1875. b UCLA For another book by this authoress, see Morgan, Mrs. Martha M. GRAHAM, MARY 4165 Historical reminiscences of one hundred years ago S F 1876. D 40 a Account of San Francisco's first mission — Mission Dolores — and of Maria de la Concepcion Arguello, the betrothed of Rezanov. 4166 Raleigh 1904. O GRAHAM, WILLIAM A. Gen. James Graham. 385 map 12pls a Includes his Revolutionary correspondence. GRAHAM, WtlLLIAM] A. 4167 The story of the Little Big Horn: Custer's last fight. N Y Century [l926]. O [34] 174 26maps & pis a — ed. 2, Harrisburg [l94l]. O [42] 178 [44] maps pis GRAHAME, JAMES 4168 History of the rise ... of the United States, till. . . 1688. L 1827. O 2v: [l8] 531; [8] 529 a — Am. ed. N Y 1830. O 2v — anr. Am. ed. B 1833. O 2v GRAHAME, JAMES 4169 The history of the United States, from the plantation of the British colonies till their revolt L 1836. O 4v: [24] 451; [8] 448; [8] 436; [8] 462 a — Am. eds.: Phil 1845; B 1845; and several later GRAND FORKS... MANUAL 4170 Grand Forks and North Dakota manual for 1885 Grand Forks 1885. D 146 map a GRANDFORT, MARIE F. DE 4171 L'autre monde. P 1855. 16° [8] 259 [2] a — ed. 2, P 1857. D [4] 272 [12] ' — Eng. tr. N O 1855. O 144 [2] Conclusions concerning America even more malicious than those of Mrs. Trollope. For reply, see Inconnue (L') GRANDPIERRE, JEAN H. 4173 Quelques mois de sejour aux Etats-Unis P 1854. D 207 [4] a — Dutch tr. "Eenige maanden in de Vereenigde Staten," Amst 1854. O [12] 174 [2] — Eng. tr. "A Parisian pastor's glance at America," B 1854. 16° 132 GRANGER, ERASTUS, and 4174 RED JACKET Public speeches ... at the village of Buffalo. . . respecting the part the Six Na- tions would take in the present war against Great Britain. Buf 1812. D 32 a First book printed in Buffalo. [GRANGER, GIDEON] 4175 An address to the people of New-England [defending Jefferson's administration]. Wash 1808. O 38 a — rptd. 1809: Alb; Trenton; Phil; Portsmouth — anr. ed. n.p. n.d.[l809?]. D 36 capt.t.only [GRANGER, GIDEON] 4176 A vindication of the measures of the present administration. . . . Wash 1803. O 20 a — rptd. same year: Trenton. Q 16; Wilm Del. D 36; Hart. O 32; Portsmouth. O 23 GRANGER, J. T. 4177 A brief biographical sketch of . . . Major- General Grenville M. Dodge. N Y 1893. O 128 port a [GRANT, MRS. ANNE McV.] 4178 Memoirs of an American lady [i.e., Mrs. Philip Schuyler] L 1808. D 2v: [12] 322; [8] 344 a — ed. 2, 1809. same collat. — ed. 3, 1817. — Am. ed.: B 1809. D 2v: [4] 158; [2] 161 — other Am. Eds: N Y 1809. D 354; N Y 1836; N Y 1846. GRANT, BLANCHE C, ed. Kit Carson's own story. . . .See Carson, Kit. GRANT, FREDERICK J. 4179 History of Seattle NY 1891. O 526 53ports a GRANT, JEDEDIAH M. 4180 A collection of facts relative to the course taken by Elder Sidney Rigdon, in. . . Ohio, Missouri, Illinois Phil 1844. D 48 b Y 233 Grant GRANT, ULYSSES S. 4181 Report of . . . : 1864-5. Wash 1865. O 44 a — rptd. N y[l865]. O 77 port — other eds.: Wash 1866. O 44; N Y Beadle [18661. 16° 87 GRATTAN, THOMAS C. 4189 Civilized America. L 1859 O 2v: [20] 444; [8] 518 map a — ed. 2, same impr. &. date. O 2v: [42] 444; [8] 518 map GRANT, WILLIAM H. 4182 Observations on the western trade and its influence. . . . Poughkeepsie 1846. O 40 a GRANTHAM, SIR THOMAS 4183 An historical account of some memorable actions. . . . L 1714. O 71 c Hn [only copy known] — rptd., with t. somewhat extended, L 1716. same collat. b JCB VaH — anr. ed. Rich 1882. O [8] 71 a GRAPHIC SKETCHES Graphic sketches. . . illustrating the costume ... of the aborigines of America. . . . See White, John. GRASSE, ALEXANDRE-F.-A., 4184 COMTE DE Notice biographique sur 1'amiral comte de Grasse P 1840. O 48 a GRASSE, FRANCOIS J. P., 4185 COMTE DE Journal d'un officier de l'armee navale en Amerique en 1781 & 1782. Amst 1783. O 72 b MH Anonymous account, written in the interest of de Grasse — and possibly by him. An English translation is included in the second entry below. GRASSE, [FRANCOIS J. P.] 4186 COMTE DE Memoire du: sur le combat du 12 Avril, 1782 [P? or Amst 1782]. Q 26 [2] 8fold. plans b LC NYP Attempt at exoneration by the French ad- miral for his defeat in the West Indies. GRATWICK, CAPT. G. F. 4190 A trip west and back. Exeter Eng 1891. O 80 a 25copies ptd. Letters describing a tour of the Eastern states. GRAVES, H. A. 4191 Andrew Jackson Potter, the fighting parson of the Texas frontier.. . .Nash 1881. D 471 port a — anr. ed., same impr. & collat. 1882. — rptd. 1883; 1890. GRAVES, RICHARD S. 4192 Oklahoma outlaws [okla C 1915?]. D [6] 3-132 a [GRAVES, S. H.] 4193 On the "White Pass" pay-roll, by the president of the White Pass and Yukon route. Chi 1908. D 258 15pls a History of the first Alaska railroad. GRAVES, W[lLLIAM] 4194 Two letters. . . respecting the conduct of Rear-Admiral[Thomas] Graves in North America ... in 1781. [l 1782?]. Q 32 map b N NYP Y — anr. ed. n.d. Q 40 map b N NYP — anr. ed., with app., n.d. Q 48 [l4 9-19] map b N Y — rptd. Morrisania N Y 1865. Q [4] 40 a 100 copies ptd GRAVIER, GABRIEL 4195 Decouverte de 1' Amerique par les Nor- mands au X e siecle. Rouen 1874. O [40] 250 3pls a GRASSE, [FRANCOIS J. P.] 41f COMTE DE The operations of the French fleet under: N Y Bradford Club 1864. O 216 2pls a 150copies ptd. Includes translations of two anonymous French accounts: the favorable Journal described above [No. 4185], along with an ui favorable one previously unpublished. GRAVIER, GABRIEL 4196 Decouvertes. . . de Cavelier de la Salle P 1870. O [ 12] 411 4maps & pis a — anr. issue, Rouen, same date & collat. GRAVIER, HENRI 4197 La colonization de la Louisiane a l'epoque de Law. P 1904. O [8] 78 [2] fold, map a GRASSI, GIOVANNI A. 4188 Notizie varie sullo stato presente della repubblica degli Stati Uniti Rome 1818. D [8] 120 fold.tab a — ed. 2, Milan 1819. O 146 — ed. 3, enl., Turin 1822. O 140 GRAVIER, JACQUES 4198 Relation de ce qui s'est passe dans la mission. . . au pays des Ilinois . . . 1693- 1694. N Y 1857. D 66 a lOOcopies ptd. First printing of one of the earliest ac- counts of affairs at Kaskaskia. 234 Gravier — Groydon GRAVIER, JACQUES 4199 Relation. . . du voyage du: en 1700 depuis le pays des Illinois jusqu'a 1'embouchure du Mississipi. N Y 1859. D 68 a 100 copies ptd. [GRAY, ANDREW B.] 4200 Charter of the Texas Western Railroad Company and extracts from reports of CoL A. B. Gray. . . on the survey of the route . . . to California. Cin 1855. O 40 map a Incorporated as the Texas Western, in 1852; re-incorporated, soon, as the Vicks- burg and El Paso, then known for a while as the Texas Western; later, in 1856, the Southern Pacific R. R. of Texas; in 1872 merged into the Texas and Pacific R. R. GRAY, A[NDREW] B. 4201 Report of the Secretary of the Interior . . . communicating a report. . . of: relative to the Mexican boundary. [Ex. Doc. 55]. Wash 1855. O 50 2maps errata 1. a GRAY, A[NDREW] B. 4202 Survey of a route for the Southern Pacific R.R. Cin 1856. O 110 3maps 32pls errata slip b AA N NYP Y Best edition of Gray's Survey, enlarged and with a series of unrivalled Southwestern views. [GRAY, ANDREW B.] 4203 Texas Western Railroad. Survey of route ... in connection with the Pacific Railway .... Cin 1855. O 108 errata slip a GRAY, EDWARD F. 4204 Leif Eriksson, discoverer of America. . . . Oxt 1930. O [32] 188 17maps & pis a — Am. ed., same collat. & date, N Y GRAY, EDWARD H. 4205 Narrative of a Confederate prisoner. . . . Dub n.d. O 24[incl. wraps] cov.t.only a GRAY, FREDERICK W. 4206 Seeking fortune in America. L 1912. O 307 + 4adv-p front, a [GRAY, HENRY M.]? 4207 Judges and criminals. . . . History of the Vigilance Committee of San Francisco. . . . S F 1858. 16° 100 b G Hn two copies known [GRAY, ISAAC] 4208 A serious address to such. . . Quakers. . . as profess scruples relative to the present government Phil Bell 1778. O [6] 42 [2] a — ed. 2, Phil Steiner & Cist, same date. O 48 — Eng. ed. L 1788. Written to strengthen the wavering support of this sect to the patriot cause. Loyalists suppressed the first edition, but Steiner and Cist re-issued it at once. GRAY, J. 4209 A brief, historical. . . review of East Tennessee Leith 1842. O 71 map 2pls a [GRAY, JOHN] 4210 Doctor Price's notions of the nature of civil liberty. . . contradictory to reason. . . . L 1777. O [4] 123 a [GRAY, JOHN] 4211 Remarks on the New essay of the Penn- sylvania farmer L 1775. O [2] 62 a GRAY, JOHN W. 4212 Life of John Bishop . . . pioneer in the first settlement of Tennessee.. . .Nash 1858. D 236 + 2adv-l. a GRAY, THOMAS G. 4213 America defended . . . with answers to in- quiries concerning the books of Dickens and Marryat. B 1844. O 60 a GRAY, THOMAS R. [ed.] 4214 The confessions of Nat Turner, the leader of the late insurrection in Southampton, Va. Bait 1831. D 23 a — rptd. Rich 1832; N Y 1861; Ptbg Va [ca 1881], GRAY, WILLIAM F. 4215 From Virginia to Texas, 1835. Houston 1909. O [8] 280 a GRAY, WILLIAM H. 4216 A history of Oregon, 1792-1849 Port Ore 1870. O 624 front, a — enl. ed., with his Ore. journal, Port [n Y ptd. ca 1923]. Q [2] 706 pis Independable and biased, but, as the product of a pioneer of 1838, cannot be ignored. GRAY, WILLIAM H. 4217 The moral and religious aspect of the Indian question. . . .Astoria Wash 1879. O 2v: 36; 32 a Bitter arraignment of the Catholics for in- citing Indians against Protestant settlers in Oregon. [GRAYDON, ALEXANDER] 4218 Memoirs of a life, chiefly passed in Pennsylvania. . . . Harrisburg 1811. D 378 errata 1. a — anr. ed. Phil 1845. O [24] 13-504 — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1846. — Eng. ed. Edin 1822. O [8] 431 235 Gray jackets GRAYJACKETS (THE) Grayjackets (The) and how they lived. . . . See McCabe, James D. [GRAYSON, WILLIAM J.] 4219 Letters of Curtius. . . . Charleston S C 1851. O 53 a GREAT-BRITAIN 4220 Great-Britain undeceived in the conduct of government and views of America., .and a plan for the speedy termination of the. . . contest L 1778. D 128 a Advocates a brutal prosecution of the war, terrifying the colonists into submission. GREAT BRITAIN'S RIGHT Great Britain's right to tax her colonies .... By a Swiss. See Zubly, John J. GREAT CONSPIRACY (THE) Full account of the assassination plot .... See under Lincoln, Abraham, The terrible tragedy. . . . GREAT FALLS, MONTANA 4221 Great Falls, Montana, historic and scenic. By the Tribune. Great Falls [l899]. Q 78 pl[by Russell] cover t. only a GREAT NATIONAL OBJECT Proposed connection of the eastern and western waters. . . .See Lacock, Abner. GREAT PANIC (THE) 4222 Great panic (The). . . incidents connected with two weeks of the war in Tennessee. By an eye-witness. Nash 1862. O 36 a Effect on the public of the fall of Fort Donelson. GREAT STEAM-DUCK (THE) 4223 Great steam-duck (The). . . an invention for aerial navigation. Louisv 1841. 16 32 b — rptd. Tarrytown N Y 1919; N Y 1928. a The pioneer American attempt in this field. GREAT... EXCURSION 4224 Great Union Pacific railroad excursion Chi 1867. O 64 a — rptd. N y same date. O 84 GRECE, CHARLES F. 4225 Facts and observations respecting Can- ada, and the United States. . . comparative view of the inducements. . . in those coun- tries. L 1819. o[l6] 172 a GREELEY, HORACE 4226 A history of the struggle for slavery ex- tension or restriction. ...NY 1856. O UJ GREELEY, HORACE Letters from Texas. 4227 ,N Y 1871. O 56 a GREELEY, HORACE 4228 An overland journey from New York to San Francisco NY 1860. D 386 a GREELEY, HORACE 4229 Recollections of a busy life NY 1868. O 624 port a GREELEY, COLORADO 4230 First annual report of the Union colony of: including a history N Y 1871. O 40 a GREEN, ADAM T. 4231 Seventy years in California. S F 1923. O [8] 42 port a GREEN, MRS. ANNIE MARIA Sixteen years on the great American desert Titusville Pa 1887. O 84 a 4232 GREEN, ASHBEL 4233 Memoirs of Rev. Joseph Eastburn. . . . Phil 1828. D [6] 208 port a Contains reprint of the 1758 narrative of Eastburn's captivity among the Indians. , surgeon , under 4234 4235 4236 GREEN, EZRA. John Paul Jones Diary of: B 1875. O 28 port a GREEN, FRANK W. Notes on New York, San Francisco. Wakeiield Eng 1886. O [6] 173 a [GREEN, H. T., and TENNISON, 0. M.] Report and map of the superintendent and engineer of the Smoky Hill Expedition. . . . Leavenworth 1861. 18° 20 + cover t map dd S Y [3copies knownj [GREEN, JACOB?] 4237 Observations: on the reconciliation of Great-Britain, and the colonies. . . .Phil 1776. O 40 a — anr. issue, with comma after "Observations" — anr. ed. N Y 1776. O 16 GREEN, JOHN [pseud.] Remarks in support of the New chart of North and South America. . . .See Mead, Bra dock. GREEN, JOHN PATTERSON 4238 Recollections of the inhabitants, locali- ties, superstitions and Ku Klux outrages of the Carolinas Clev 1880. D 205 a 236 Green — Greene GREEN, JONATHAN S. 4239 Journal of a tour on the northwest coast in. . . 1829. TV Y 1915. O [4] 7-104 a 160 copies ptd[l0 on Jap. veil.] GREEN, NELSON W., ed. 4241 Fifteen years among the Mormons. . . narrative of Mrs. Mary Ettie V. Smith. . . .TV Y 1858. D 388 front, a — rptd., with adds., TV Y 1859. D 408 front.; TV Y 1860. same collat. — anr. ed., with further adds., "Mormonism: its rise. . . . Embracing the narrative of Mrs. Mary Ettie V. Smith. . . ," Hart 1870. D 472 + adv-p 4pls — rptd., with add. chap., Hart 1872. D 488 + adv-p 4pls — anr. ed., without final chap, of preceding ed. & au. not named, "Fifteen years' resi- dence with the Mormons.. .," Chi 1876. D [2] 5-472 4pls GREEN, RALEIGH T. 4242 Genealogical and historical notes on Cul- pepper county, Virginia. . . . Culpepper Va 1900. O [14 6-8] 120 [2] 160 [28] port a Includes an enlarged edition of Slaughter's History of St. Mark's parish, GREEN, SAMUEL B. 4243 A pamphlet on equal rights. . . . St Joseph Mo 1857. O 24 a Upholds slave-owner's rights to his property. GREENBURG, DAN W. 4248 Sixty years; a brief review. The cattle industry in Wyoming. . . . Cheyenne 1932. O 73 a [GREENE, ASA] 4249 Travels in America. By George Fibbleton . ... TV Y 1833. D 216 a Travesty on Isaac Fidler's book of the same title. [GREENE, ASA] 4250 A Yankee among the nullifiers. . . , TV Y Stodart 1833. 16° 152 a — ed. 2, TV Y Pearson 1833. 16° 143 GREENE, CHARLES W. 4251 A complete business directory of New Mexico. . . . Santa Fe 1882. O 256 a GREENE, CHARLES W. 4252 A sketch of Kingston [n.M.]. . . . Kingston 1883. O 48 a GREENE, GEORGE W. 4253 The life of Nathaniel Greene. ...NY 1867-71. O 3v: [24] 583; [lo] 514; [l4] 571. 4maps port a — vol.1, rptd. 1871. same collat. GREENE, REV. JESSE 4254 Life . . . and. . . writings of:. . . . Ed. by Mary Greene. Lexington Mo 1852. D 280 port a This itinerant Methodist preacher served in the War of 1812 and travelled widely through the Old Southwest. GREEN, THOMAS J. 4244 Journal of the Texian expedition against Mier. ... TV F 1845. O 487 13pls a — rptd. Austin 1935. GREEN, THOMAS J. 4245 Reply to the speech of Gen. Sam Houston in the Senate [Wash 1854]. O 67 a GREEN, THOMAS M. 4246 Historic families of Kentucky. Cin 1889. O 304 port a GREEN, THOMAS M. 4247 The Spanish conspiracy. . . . Containing proofs of the intrigues of James Wilkinson ....Cin 1891. O 406 [2] a GREEN HAND'S... CRUISE Green Hand's first cruise (A). . . . By Younker. See Cobb, Josiah. GREENE, JOHN P. 4255 Facts relative to the expulsion of the Mormons . . . from the state of Missouri, Cin 1839. O 43 b Y By a cousin of Brigham Young and eye- witness of the events described. GREENE, jlONATHANl H. 4256 Gambling unmasked. . . . Phil 1844. D 193 Lincl.pls] a some copies carry TV Y impr. — rptd. Phil 1847. D 312 9pls — other eds. with variant titles, ("The gambler's life," etc.) Adventures of a reformed gambler among card-sharps, counterfeiters, etc., infesting the Mississippi Valley, from Kentucky to Arkansas, Louisiana and Alabama. GREENE, J[0NATHAN] H., ed. 4257 The life, trial, death and confession of Samuel H. Calhoun, the soldier murderer. Cin 1862. 16° 96 2ports a Includes account of his earlier career in Arizona, etc. 237 Gregg GREENE, JtONATHAN] H. 4258 The secret band of brothers; or, the Ameri- can outlaws Phil 1847. D 192 4pls a — rptd., with adds., Phil 1848. D 312 4pls — other eds. N Y 1850. D 240; Phil [ca 1858]. Sequel to his Gambling unmasked.. . . GREENE, MAX 4259 The Kansas region. N Y 1856. D 168 173- 192 + adv-pp[6, 8 or 12] 2maps a GREENE, TALBOT 4260 American nights' entertainments.. . from pencilings of a United States senator: en- titled: A winter in the federal city. . . . Jonesborough Tenn 1860. 16° 266 a GREENE, TALBOT 4261 The bivouac; or, life in the central army of Kentucky. . . . No.l[all]. Bowling-Green Ky 1861. O 40 a GREENE, VIRGIL E. 4262 Central and western Idaho. . . . Boise 1886. O 122 a GREENE, W. P. 4263 The Green river LKy. ] country. Evansville Ind 1898. D 164 a GREENHOW, ROBERT [T.] 4264 The history of Florida, Louisiana, Texas, and California Vol. l[all]. TV Y 1856. O [4] 556 b LC Only seven copies privately printed from the stereotype plates left uncompleted at the author's death. Covers events to 1769. Famous Confederate spy whose informa- tion helped win the first battle of Bull Run and who was said by McClellan to have known his plans better than Lincoln or his cabinet. GREENLEAF, A. B. 4267 Ten years in Texas. Selma 1881. O 131 2pls cov.t.only a GREENLEAF, JONATHAN 4268 A history of the churches. . . in the city of New York NY 1846. 18° 379 a — ed. 2, with adds., same impr. 1850. D 430 GREENLEAF, JONATHAN 4269 Sketches of the ecclesiastical history of . . . Maine Portsmouth TV H 1821. D 293 [78] a GREENLEAF, MISS MARY C. 4270 Life and letters of: B [l858]. D 446 port a Description of missionary labors among the Chickasaws in Arkansas and Oklahoma. GREENLEAF, MOSES 4271 A statistical view of . . . Maine. . . . B 1816. O 154 map a — enl. ed. "A survey of . .. Maine. . . ," Port Me 1829. O 468 + atlas[of 7pls] GREENWOOD, ISAAC J. 4272 Captain John Manley, second in rank in the United States navy, 1776-1783. B 1915. O [30] 174 col. front. 9pls a lOOcopies ptd. GREENWOOD COUNTY, KANSAS Handbook. . . of: Chi 1886. O 30 a 4273 GREENHOW, ROBERT [T.] 4265 Memoir. . . on the northwest coast of North America Wash 1840. Sen.Doc.174. O [l2] 228 map a — rptd. Phil 1840; TV Y 1840. — anr. ed. "The geography of Oregon and California. . . ," B 1845. O 140 map; —enl. ed., "The history of Oregon and California. . . ," B 1844. O [l8] 482 map — rptd. L 1844. same collat. — ed. 2, adding an answer to Falconer's Strictures, B 1845. O [20] 492 map — ed. 3, TV Y 1845. same collat. — ed. 4, B Little 1847. same collat but no map; anr. issue, B Freeman 1847. same collat. Leading contemporary authority, well documented. Greenhow's Answer to the Strictures of . . . Falconer was also issued separately [Washington 1845, seven pages]. GREER, GEORGE C. 4274 Early Virginia immigrants, 1623-1666. Rich 1912. D 376 a GREER, JAMES K. 4275 Bois d'Arc to barbed wire. . . .Dallas 1936. O [12] 428 a GREGG, ALEXANDER 4276 A few historic records of the church in the diocese of Texas, during the rebellion NY 1865. O 131 a GREGG, ALEXANDER 4277 History of the old Cheraws . . . the abo- riginees of the Pedee. . . first white settle- ments [etc.], 1730-1810 N Y 1867. O [8] 546 4maps a — rptd. Columbia 1905. O [8] 629 front. 28 maps &. pis GREENHOW, MRS. ROSE O'N. 4266 My imprisonment, and the first year of abolition rule in Washington. L 1863. D [lo] 352 port a GREGG, ASA 4278 Personal recollection of the early settle- ment of Wapsinonoc township and the murder of Atwood by the Indians. With, . . directory 238 Gregg — Griesinger of . . . West Liberty, Iowa. H'esr Liberty lea 1875]. O 28 + 14adv-p b G N GREGG, JOSIAH 4279 Commerce of the prairies. . . . N Y 1844. D 2v: 320; 318. 6pls 2maps b N NYP Y — anr. issue, carries impr. N Y & L — ed. 2, index and glossary added, N Y 1845. 2v: 323; 327. 2maps 6pls a — same, 2nd issue, omitting fold, map [of Indian terr. &c.J — rptd. at Phil, 1849, 1851, 1855, 1856, all without fold, map — rptd. in lv, with altered title and omitting pref., glossary and index, Phil 1856 & 1857. map 4pls — anr. ed., ed. Quaife, Chi 1926. 16° — Ger. eds. Leip 1845; Stuttgart 1847 [and] 1851. D 2v 2maps 2pls Chief contemporary authority on the Santa Fe trade-route and traffic. GREGG, ROBERT D. 4280 The influence of border troubles on re- lations between the United States and Mexico, 1876-1910. Bait 1937. O 200 a GREGG, THOMAS 4281 History of Hancock county, Illinois. . . . Chi 1880. Q [6] 17-1036 map front, a Best history of the Mormons in Illinois, written by an eye-witness of many of the events described. GREGG, THOMAS 4282 The prophet of Palmyra. Mormonism. . . . N Y 1890. D [16 incl.front.] 552 9pls facs [with explanatory l.J a [GREGG, WILLIAM J.] 4283 The early pioneers of the west. Terre Haute 1891. O 60 a The author settled at Paris, Illinois, in 1827. GREGORY, JOHN 4284 Industrial resources of Wisconsin. Milw 1855. 16° 329 + 2[errata & adv] a — rptd. [Milw] See- Bote 1870. O 320 — anr. ed. Milw News Co. 1872. O 272 Planned originally for issuance in parts, by Gregory and Rounds in Chicago, but publication abandoned there in 1853, after only 3 parts had appeared; unsold sheets of those parts, with the balance added resulted in the first complete edition as above, with title page carrying imprint of the Star Print- ing Office. GREGORY, JOSEPH W. 4285 Guide for California travellers; via the isthmus of Panama. N Y 1850. O 46 a — rptd. S F 1949. O 22 map 375copies ptd. GREGORY, SAMUEL 4286 History of Mexico; with an account of the Texan revolution B 1847. O 100 a GRELISCHE, HENRY 4287 Essai ,sur la vie et les travaux de Mgr. . . . Flaget, Eveque de Bardstown et de Louis- ville. P 1851. O 192 port a Work of the first Western bishop, whose diocese, in 1811, comprised Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. See also Desgeorges, Abbe. GRENVILLE, GEORGE The regulations . . . concerning the colo- nies See Whately, Thos. GRENVILLE, RICHARD and GEORGE 4288 The Grenville papers Ed. W. J. Smith. L 1852-3. O 4v: [48] 494; [20] 535; [228] 397; [18] 592 a GREWINGK, CONSTANTINE C. A. 4289 Beitrag zur Kenntniss der orographischen . . . Beschaffenheit der Nord-West-Kuste Amerikas St Ptbg 1850. O 351 5maps 4pls a GREY, WILLIAM A picture of pioneer times in California. 1881. See White, Wm. F. GRIERSON, COL. B. H., commanding 4290 District of New Mexico Annual report of: [ 1886-7]. [Santa Fe?] 1887. D 18 1. [variously paged] cov.t.only a GRIERSON, COL. B. H. 4291 Annual report . . . Department of Arizona [1887-8], [Santa Fe?] 1888. D 14 1. [vari- •ously paged] blue-print map a GRIERSON, COLONEL B. H. 4292 Annual report of: comprising a summary of events in the Department of Arizona . . . 1888-1889. [L A?] 1889. D [2] 34 + roster, etc. [of 38 1. variously paged] a GRIERSON, GENERAL B. H. 4293 Report of : ... a summary of events in the Department of Arizona. . . Sept. 1889-July 1890. [L A?] 1890. D 34 1. [incl. roster, etc.] 3maps a This Department embraced also New Mexico and Southern California. GRIESINGER, THEODORE 4294 Lebende Bilder aus Amerika. Stuttgart 1858. O [6] 346 a — enl. ed. "Land und Leute. . . ," same impr. 1863. O [4] 882 map 239 grievances Gri ! GRIEVANCES (THE) Grievances (The) of the American colo- nies candidly examined. . . . See Hopkins, Stephen. GRIEVE, JAMES, tr. History of Kamchatka and the countries adjacent. . . . See Krasheninnikov, Stefan P. GRIFFIN, AUGUSTUS 4295 Griffin's journal. The first settlers of Southold [L. l]. Orient L. I. 1857. D 312 port a [GRIFFIN, GEORGE B.] 4296 Pocket guide of Los Angeles . . . history LA [1886]. 16° 94 a GRIFFIN, JOHN S. 4297 A historic sketch descriptive of Jesuit warfare. . . . Hillsboro Ore [ptd Keene N fi] 1881. O 49 a Almost outdoes Rev. Spalding's sweeping indictment of the Catholic church for com- plicity in the Whitman massacre. GRIFFIN, MARTIN I. J. 4298 The history of Commodore John Barry. Phil 1897. O [6] 262 [l4] 7pls 3facs a 200 copies ptd. — anr. ed. "Commodore John Barry...," Phil 1903. O [12] 424 pis 600copies ptd. [GRIFFITH, MAURICE] . . . Discovery of a nation of Welshmen in the interior of America. . . .See Interesting narratives and discoveries, including Maurice Griffith's. . . . GRIFFITH, THOMAS W. 4299 Annals of Baltimore. Bait 1824. O 240 errata-1. pi a — ed. 2, with "Sketches of. . . Maryland," Bait 1821-33. O 2v in 1 2pls GRIFFITH, THOMAS W. 4300 Sketches of the early history of Maryland. Bait 1821. O 77 pi a — ed. 2, with "Annals of Baltimore," Bait 1821-33. O 2v in 1 2pls GRIFFITH, WILLIAM 4301 Historical notes of the American colonies and revolution. . . . Burl N J 1843. O 300 [6] a GRIFFITHS, D., JR. 4302 Two years' residence in the new settle- ments of Ohio L 1835. D 197[incl. list of subscribers] front, b N NYP Y GRIMES, WILLIAM, the runaway slave Life of: NY 1825. D [4] 68 a 4304 GRIMES, GEN. BRYAN, C. S. A. Extracts from letters to his wife. Raleigh 1883. O 138 a — rptd. same impr. 1884. O 134 4303 GRIMSHAW, WILLIAM A. 4305 History of Pike county [ill.]. . . . Pittsfield 111 [1877J. O 46 a GRINNELL, GEORGE B. 4306 Bent's Fort and its builders. n.p. rud. O 64 map pis a GRINNELL, GEORGE B. 4307 The Cheyenne Indians: their history. . . . N Hav 1923. O 2v: [lO] 358; [8] 430. map 48 pis a GRINNELL, GEORGE B. 4308 The fighting Cheyennes. N Y 1915. O [lo] 431 llmaps 86 plans a [GRINNELL, JOSIAH B.] 4309 The home of the Badgers; or a sketch of the early history of Wisconsin. ... By Oculus. Milw 1845. D 36 b NYP WisH — ed. 2, "Sketches of the west, or the home of the Badgers: comprising an early history of Wisconsin. . . ," Milw [ptd N y] 1847. O 48 map a The first edition, though bearing a Mil- waukee imprint, was actually printed at Prairieville [now Waukesha] and was the earliest commercial printing done there. GRISSON, WILHELM 4310 Beitrage zur Charakteristik der Vereining- ten Staaten Hamburg 1844. O 480 a GRISWOLD, DAVID D. 4311 Statistics of Chicago. . .with a business . . . directory [Chi 1843]. O 24 b CrerarL IH First Chicago business directory. [GRISWOLD, J.] comp. 4312 James' rail road and route book for the western and southern states. Cin 1853. 16 [l2] 11-68 + 6adv-l. a — pub. also with James' "Traveller's com- panion," q.v., under Cumings, Saml. [GRISWOLD, RUFUS W.] 4313 Washington and the generals of the. . . revolution. Phil 1847. D 2v: 324; 336. 16 ports a — rptd. Phil 1848. D 2v Griswold was assisted by Simms, Ingraham and others. GRISWOLD, WAYNE Kansas: her resources. . pilot Cin 1871. O 95 a 4314 or the Kansas 240 GRONE, A. C[ARL] E. VON 4315 Briefe iiber Nord-Amerika und Mexico. . . . Braunschweig 1850. O [lO] 110 a GROOTE TAFEREEL (HET) 4316 Groote Tafereel (Het) der Dwaasheid, vertoonende de Opkomst Ums(] 1720. F [2] 26 [10] 52 26 29-32 77pls[many fold.] a — anr. issue, F [2] 26 52 26 29-32 8 10 77 pis Evidently issued in separate sections be- fore being assembled into one volume; hence copies vary both in pagination and in plates. GROSS, S[AMUEL] D. 4317 A discourse on the life ... of Daniel Drake, M. D. Louiav 1853. O 92 a GROSS, SAMUEL D. 4318 Lives of eminent American physicians and surgeons of the nineteenth century. Phil 1861. O 836[incl.port] a GROVE, JAMES P. 4319 Life ... of John S. Moseby [sic] . . . Colonel in the rebel army. [Urbana O 1865]? 16° 32 a GROVE, MR. [JOSEPH] 4320 A letter to a right honourable patriot; upon the glorious success at Quebec. . . . L 1759. O [2] 58 b JCB GROVER, LA FAYETTE [ed.] 4321 The Oregon archives: including the journals, governors' messages and public papers . . . from the earliest attempt ... to form a government. . . . Salem Ore 1853. O 333 [2] b NYP OreH Y Historically the most important issue of the early Oregon press; preceded only by publications of a strictly legal nature. GROVER, LAFAYETTE 4322 Report of : . . . on the Modoc war. . . . Salem Ore 1874. O 68 a GRUND, FRANCIS J. 4323 The Americans in their moral, social, and political relations. L 1837. O 2v: [8] 365; [4] 418 a —Am. ed. B 1837. D [2] 9-423 — Ger. tr. Stuttgart 1837. O [8] 444 GRUND, FRANCIS J., ed. 4324 Aristocracy in America. . . . L 1839. D 2v: [12] 319; [8] 331. 2ports a — Ger. tr. Stuttgart 1839. O 2v: [4] 223; 240. 2ports GRUND, FRANCIS J. 4325 Handbuch und Wegweiser fur Auswanderer nach den Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Stuttgart 1843. O 251 map a — ed. 2, Stuttgart 1846. O [4] 278 map GUADALUPE HIDALGO 4326 Message of the President [PolkJ, trans- mitting a communication. . . relative to the treaty of peace concluded at: House Exec. Doc. 50. [Wash 1848]. O 82 a GUNTHER, F. B. 4327 Berichte uber Ost- Tennessee und die deutsche Ansiedelung. Stuttgart 1849. O 48 a GUERIN, MRS. E. J. 4328 An autobiography. Mountain Charley, or the adventures of:. . . .Dubuque 1861. O 45 b one copy located Sensational, but basically veracious narrative of a Colorado counterpart of "Calamity Jane." GUERNSEY, ORRIN, and 4329 WILLARD, JOSIAH F. History of Rock county [Wis.] — .Janes~ ville 1856. O [l2] 350 4pls a GUEST, MOSES 4330 Poems. . . to which are annexed extracts from a journal kept by the author while he followed the sea [etc.]. Cin 1823. D [4] 160 [pi, called for by both Sabin and Thomson, is not in all copies, if in any] a — ed. 2, same collat. except for addition of leaf before t-p containing acrostic poem on Lafayette dated "Sept. 13, 1824," Cin 1824. Guest, a revolutionary soldier, came to Cincinnati in 1817 and gives some account of his residence there. His voyages were to the Georgia and Carolina coasts. GUIDE DE L'EMIGRANT 4331 Guide de l'emigrant aux Etats-Unis. Lausanne 1849. D 191 a Based on Traugott Bromme's German emigrant's guide (Taschenbuch), but adds numerous letters from Swiss settlers in Tennessee and Illinois. See also Bettinger, J. B. GUILD, JOSEPHUS C. 4332 Old times in Tennessee. . . . Nash 1878. O 503 a GUILD, REUBEN A. 4333 History of Brown University. . . . Prov 1867. sm Q [4] 443 5pls 310copiesLlO on L.P.] a GUNN, 0[TIS] B. 4334 New map and hand-book of Kansas and the gold mines. Pitt 1859. 71 [incl. advs.] map dd Hn NYP Y — rptd. Denver 1952. — later issues of the map only: Lecompton 1864; Lawrence 1866. 241 Gunnison — Hagerman GUNNISON, JOHN W., and 4335 GILPIN, WILLIAM Guide to the Kansas gold mines at Pike's Peak. Cin 1859. D 40 5adv-p map c ColH KCPL GUNNISON, JOHN W. 4336 The Mormons ... in the valley of the Great Salt lake: a history Phil 1852. D 168 [incl. front.] a — rptd., same impr., date & collat. 1853. — Ger. tr. Dresden 1857. HABERMEHL, JOHN 4345 Life on tne western rivers, 1811-1900. Pirr 1901. O 222 a HACHARD, MARIE M. Relation du voyage des. . . Ursulines.. . . See Tranchepain. HACO, DION 4346 J. Wilkes Booth, the assassinator of... Lincoln. N Y 1865. D [4 incl. front cov.] 15- 102 a GURNEY, JOSEPH J. 4337 A journey in North America. . . . Norwich Eng 1841. O [2] 416 a HADDEN, JAMES A history of Uniontown. [Uniontown] 1913. O 824 « 4347 Pennsylvania. GUROWSKI, ADAM 4338 Diary [1861-5]. B, N Y, Wash 1862-4-6. D 3v: [2] 315; 348; 413 a GUTHRIE... COUNTY Business and resident directory of: Guthrie [l892]. D 152 a 4339 GUYER, ISAAC D. 4340 History of Chicago Chi 1862. O 200 5pls a GUYER, JAMES S. 4341 Pioneer life in west Texas. Brownwood Tex 1938. D 185 a GUYOT, PAULINE 4342 Amitie et devouement ou trois mois a la Louisiane. Tours 1845. 16° [l2] 276 a — anr. ed. "Trois mois a la Louisiane," Tours 1857. D 191 — rptd. same impr. 1859; 1861. GWATHMEY, JOHN H. 4343 Historical register of the Virginians in the revolution Rich 1938. O 872 a GYLES, JOHN Memoirs of odd adventures. . . . See Giles, John. H HADDEN, LIEUT. JAMES M. 4348 A journal kept in Canada and upon Burgoyne's campaign . . . by:. . . . Alb 1884. Q [lOO] 581 4maps & plans 2facs errata slip a First printing of an unpublished manu- script. Fullest British account of this campaign. HADDOCK, WILLIAM J. 4349 A reminiscence. The prairies of Iowa. Iowa City 1851. sm Q Uj 71 a HADLEY, LEWIS F. 4350 A list of the primary gestures in Indian sign-talk Anadarko Indian Ter 1887. O 32 1. only 19copies ptd, being proofs given out for the purpose of obtaining corrections b LC — complete ed. "Indian sign-talk. .. ," [Chi 1893]. O [22] 206 1. [57 1.] port a HAEBERLIN, CARL L. 4351 Die Auswanderer in Texas.. .Leip 1841. O 3v: [2] 332; [2] 302; [2] 316 a — Dutch tr., "De landverhuizers naar Texas . . . Groningen 1842. O 2v. Historical romance. HAFEN, LE ROY R., and 4352 GHENT, W. J. Broken Hand, the life story of Thomas Fitzpatrick, chief of the mountain men. Denver 1931. O 316 map 8pls a — same, L.P. issue of lOOcopies H., E. M. 4344 Ranch life in California. L 1886. 16° |4| 172 2pls a HAFEN, LEROY R. The overland mail. , [incl. map & 7pls] a 4353 Clev 1926. O 361 H., E. P. A tale of home and war. See Howland, Mrs. E. P. H., L. F. L. Le Champ-d'Asile: tableau. . . du Tex; See L'Heritier, Louis F. HAGERMAN, HERBERT J. 4354 A statement in regard to certain matters concerning. . . political affairs in New Mexico [Roswell] 1908. O 113 a Defense of his gubernatorial conduct, with a discussion of mining and timber-land frauds. 242 Hagerty — Hale HAGERTY, FRANK H. 4355 A dictionary of Dakota. . . soon to become two states. Aberdeen [l888?]. O 32 a HAGERTY, FRANK, H. The Territory of Dakota. . . .Aberdeen 1889. O 3pts in 1: 119; 90; 102 a 4356 HAILEY, JOHN 4357 The history of Idaho. Boise 1910. O [loj 395 [5] port a [HAINES, CHARLES G.| 4358 Considerations on the great western canal, from the Hudson to lake Erie. Bklyn 1818. O 58 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O 81 [HAINES, CHARLES G. I ed. 4359 Public documents relating to the New York canals ... to connect the . . . lakes with the Atlantic NY 1821. O [52] 485 map a HAINES, ELIJAH M. The American Indian. 821 a 4360 HAINES, ELIJAH M. 4361 Historical and statistical sketches of Lake county. . . Illinois. . . . Waukegan 1852. 16° 112 front, b N Y Earliest Illinois county history. 4362 O 4363 resources. . . .P HAINES, HELEN History of New Mexico. ...NY 1891. [20] 63l[incl.pls] a HAINES, HIRAM The state of Alabama 1867. O 120 a — Fr. tr., same impr. & date. O 128 HAIR, JAMES T., comp. 4364 Gazetteer of Madison county [ill.]. . . historical sketches of Alton City Alton 1866. O [4] 9-292 + adv-1. &. 2inserted notices[at p91 & at end] pi a HAIR, JAMES T., comp. 4365 Iowa state gazetteer, embracing. .. his- torical sketches of counties, cities. . . . Chi 1865. O 722 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1866. O 76 722 First — and best — gazetter of this state; an encyclopedia of historical data. HAIRDRESSER'S EXPERIENCE (A) Hairdresser's experience (A) in high life. See Potter, Eliza. HAKLUYT, RICHARD 4366 A discourse concerning western planting. Ed. by Charles Deane. C ptd for Maine Hist. Soc. 1877. O [64] 253 5facs a First printing from a manuscript copy of this first elaborate argument for American colonization. HAKLUYT, RICHARD 4367 Early voyages, travels and discoveries of the English nation. A new edition, with additions. L for R. H. Evans, 1809-1812. Q 5v: [34] 670 [2]; [22] 684; [l6] 623; [6] 612; [4] 595 a The complete text of the original edition of 1599-1600 is supplemented by 14 similar voyages not included in either Hakluyt or Purchas. Only 325 copies printed [75 being on large paper]. HAKLUYT, RICHARD 4368 A selection of curious, rare, and early voyages. . . . chiefly published by: or, at his suggestion, but not included in his.. . com- pilation L R. H. Evans, 1812. Q 807 a Separate printing of the additions found in vol. IV and V of this publisher's edition of Hakluyt's voyages. HALBERT, HENRY S., and 4369 BALL, TIMOTHY H. The Creek war of 1813 and 1814. Chi 1895. D 331 [3] fold map [not issued in all copies] 4ports a Careful and detailed monograph on Ala- bama's last border war. HALE, C. R. 4370 Innocent of Moscow, the apostle of Kam- chatka and Alaska [Davenport] 1888. O 23 a HALE, EDWARD E. 4371 Kansas and Nebraska B 1854. O 256 map a HALE, JOHN, 1636-1700 4372 A modest enquiry into the nature of witch- craft B 1702. D 176 c AA BP Hn NYP — rptd. B 1771. O 158 Hale witnessed and approved the Salem persecutions of 1692, but seems now doubt- ful of their legality and justice. HALE, JOHN, of N.Y. 4373 California as it is ... a tour of the over- land route Roch 1851. D 40 dd G Y [of 3copies known] HALE, JOHN P. 4374 Trans-Allegheny pioneers. . . . Cin 1886. D [4] 7-330 llpls facs a — ed. 2, Charleston W Va 1931. D 340 [HALE, NATHAN] 4375 Notes . . . during an excursion to the high- lands of New Hampshire. . . . Andover 1833. D 184 a 243 Hale _ Hall [HALE, NATHAN] 4376 Remarks on the practicability. . . of estab- lishing a railroad . . . from Boston to the Con- necticut river. B 1827. O 71 a One of the earliest of such projects; carriages horse-drawn. HALE, SALMA 4377 Annals of . . . Keene [n. H.]. . . to 1790. Concord 1826. O 69 a — enl. ed., con. to 1815, Keene 1851. O 120 map HALE and EMORY, pubs. Marysville [Calif.] city directory. . . . 1853. See Colville, Saml. HALEY, J. EVETTS 4378 Charles Goodnight, cowman. . . . B 1936. o[l6] 485[incl. front.] a — rptd. Norman Okla 1949. same collat. HALEY, J. EVETTS 4379 The X I T ranch of Texas Chi 1929. O [l6] 261 [2] 2maps 30pls[containing 62 illus] a HALFERN, ALBERT VON 4380 Scenen aus den Kampfen der Indianer Floridas gegen die Weissen; oder, der Letzte der Seminolen. . . .Dresden 1846. 16 311 a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat. 1848. HALIFAX LIBEL (THE) Brief remarks on the defence of:.. . .See Otis, James. HALIFAX 4381 A defense of the "Letter from a gentle- man at: to his friend in Rhode Island." Newport 1765. O 31 a — in issue 1, last p. erroneously numb, as 30 HALIFAX 4382 A letter from a gentleman at: to his friend in Rhode Island, containing remarks upon a pamphlet, entitled "The rights of colonies examined." Newport 1765. O 22 a For pamphlet mentioned see Hopkins, Stephen. The "gentleman at Halifax" has been identified as Martin Howard, Jr. HALKETT, JOHN 4383 Historical notes respecting the Indians of North America L 1825. O [8] 408 a — rptd. L 1826. HALL, A. J., pub. 4384 Early and authentic history of Omaha. Omaha 1870. O 64 + interspersed adv-pp. a HALL, REV. B. M. 4385 The life of Rev. John Clark NY 1865. D 276 a Clark was Methodist missionary at Green Bay, 1832-6; and presiding elder at Chi- cago, 1836-54; with an interim transfer to Texas. HALL, CAPT. BASIL 4386 Forty etchings, from sketches ... in North America. Edin 1829. Q [6] 40pls on 20 1. 20 1. map a — 3 other eds. issued by 1830. HALL'S... TRAVELS Hall's (Capt. Basil) Travels in North America. A review of: By an American. See Biddle, Rich. HALL, CAPT. BASIL 4387 Travels in North America. . . . Edin 1829. D 3v: [8] 421; [6] 432; [8] 436. map tab a — rptd., with slight changes and 9-p app., Edin 1830. D 3v map tab — Am. ed. Phil 1829. D 2v: 322; [4] 9-329 — Fr. trs.: P 1834. O 2v map; Berlin 1834. O 2v; Brus 1835. D 2v [HALL, BAYNARD R.] 4388 The new purchase; or seven and a half years in the far west [i.e. Indiana]. N Y 1843. D 2v: [12] 300; [8] 316 + 12adv-p a — rptd. New Albany Ind [l855]. D 471 4pls — anr. ed. Princeton 1916. O [32] 522 map pis — Eng. ed., t. slightly altered, L 1855. D 471 HALL, BENJAMIN F. 4389 The land owners manual. ... Auburn 1847. O 477 a — rptd. "The early history of the north- western states. . . " Bui 1849. O 477 HALL, BENJAMIN H. 4390 History of eastern Vermont. ...NY 1858. o[l4] 799 a — rptd., same collat.. Alb 1865. Also L.P. ed., 50copies. Q 2v: [l4] 366; [4] 367-799. facs HALL, CARROL D., ed. 4391 Journal of a voyage from Boston to San Francisco, in 1849. Redwood City 1933. O 40 a 75copies ptd. HALL, CHARLES B., eng. 4392 Military records of general officers of the Confederate States NY 1898. F [lo] 108 108ports b N NYP WisH 244 Hall — Hall HALL, CHARLES S. 4393 Life and letters of Samuel Holden Par- sons, Major-General in the revolution. . . . Binghamton 1905. O [l4] 601 plan a 500 copies ptd. [HALL, EDWARD H.] 1858-1936 4394 Alaska, the Eldorado of the midnight sun . . . . N Y 1897. D 62 front, map a HALL, EDWARD H[EPPLE] 4395 The great west: emigrants'. . . hand-book to . . . California and Oregon NY 1864. D 89 map a HALL, EDWARD H[EPPLE] 4396 The great west: travelers'. . . hand-book to the western . . . states and territories. . . . N Y 1865. D 198 map [2 adv-1 at front and 5 at end] a — rptd., with t. somewhat altered, N Y n.d. [1866?]. D 181 map — Eng. ed. L 1870. D [8] 124 + 7adv-p Hall also issued at London — in 1856, 1857 and 1858 — an annual entitled Ho! tor the west! containing information on Canada and the middle west, (octavo, 32 p.). HALL, E[DWARD] H[EPPLE] 4397 The northern counties gazetteer. . . a guide to northern Illinois Chi 1855. O [2 4 3-8 8] 17-208 + 128adv-p a HALL, EDWIN 4398 The ancient. . . records of Norwalk, Con- necticut Norwalk 1847. D 320 3maps 4 pis a HALL, FAYETTE 4399 The secret. . . history of the war. . . show- ing how Abraham Lincoln came to be Presi- dent N Hav 1890. O 56 port 2pls a — anr. ed. "The Copperhead, or the secret . . . history of our Civil war. . . ," N Hav 1902. O 63 a Continuation of this bitter disparagement of Lincoln was planned, but never issued. [HALL, FAYRER] 4400 The importance of the British plantations in America. . . . L 1731. D [6] 114 a HALL, MISSES FRANCES 4401 AND ALMIRA Narrative of the capture and. . . escape of: [St L?] 1832. O 24[incl.pl] a Narrative begins "The present year (1832)" — rptd. same collat. 1833. — anr. ed. [l833]. O [4 inch front.] 7-26 Narrative begins "The preceding year" — anr. ed. n.p. 1834. O 24[incl. front.] — anr. ed. N Y 1835. O 21 — anr. ed. with adds. n.p. [l83b]. O 26 Probably by William P. Edwards in whose name it was copyrighted. Internal evidences point to him as also the perpetrator of similar questionable captivities ascribed to Mrs. Hannah Lewis and Mrs. Jane Lewis, q. v. The correct names of the Hall sisters were Rachel and Sylvia. HALL, LIEUT. FRANCIS 4402 Travels in Canada, and the United States, in 1816-17. L 1818. O U] 543 map a — ed. 2, L 1819. O [l2] 421 map — Am. ed. B 1818. O 332 Unflattering description of American life and character. HALL, FREDERIC 4403 The history of San Jose. . . . S F 1871. O [16] 537 fold, map 4pls a HALL, FREDERICK 4404 Letters from the east and from the west. Wash [l840]. O [l2] 168 a HALL, FREDERICK 4405 Statistical account of . . . Middlebury [vt.]. Pt. 1 [all]. B 1821. O 38 a HALL, HARVEY, comp. 4406 The Cincinnati directory for 1825. . . . Cin 1825. D 137 plan a Second directory of this city, more un- common than the first, of 1819; gives nativity of each citizen. HALL, HENRY 4407 The history of Auburn [n.Y.]. Auburn 1869. D [16] 580 a HALL, HILAND 4408 The history of Vermont. . . . Alb 1868. O [l2] 522 map a Also L. P. issue of 50copies. HALL, J. 4409 Travels and adventures in Sonora. . . . Chi 1881. O 302 a Includes travels, etc., in California and Arizona. HALL, CAPT. J. W. 4410 Marine disasters on the western lakes, during. . . 1869 Det 1870. 16° 120 a HALL, JAMES, 1744-1826 4411 A brief history of the Mississippi territory Salisbury N C 1801. 24° [2] 70 b LC NYP y First history of Mississippi, with some particulars of the author's travels from Nashville through the Chickasaw country. HALL, JAMES, 1793-1868 4412 The Harpe's head: a legend of Kentucky. Phil 1833. D M 256 a 245 Hall _ Hall — Eng. ed. "Kentucky: a tale," L 1834. D 2v: rptd. L 1845. HALL, JAMES, 1793-1868 4413 Legends of the west. Phil 1832. D [6] 265 — ed. 2, Phil 1833. D 257 — rev. ed. N Y 1853. D 435 — rptd., with 2pls added, N Y 1854. — other eds.: Cin 1857; Cin 1869; 1871; 1874. HALL, JAMES, 1793-1868 4414 Letters from the west L 1828. O [6] 385 a — rptd., same collat., L 1830. His first book; pirated from The portfolio. HALL, JAMES, 1793-1868 4415 A memoir of the public services of William Henry Harrison Phil 1836. 18° [6] 323 port a HALL, JAMES, 1793-1868 4416 Reply to strictures on Sketches of the west Phil 1838. D 24 a This reply to Mann Butler's attack is a separate printing of the preface to Hall's 1838 edition of Statistics of the west, see below. HALL, JAMES, 1793-1868 4422 The wilderness and the war-path. N Y 1846. D 174 a — Eng. ed., same date & collat. L. HALL, JAMES N., and NORDHOFF, 4423 CHARLES B., eds. The Lafayette Flying Corps. B 1920. O 2v: [20] 514; [l2] 362. 2col. fronts. 32pls [26col.] a [HALL, CAPT. JOHN] 4424 The history of the civil war in America. Vol.l[all]. L Payne 1780. O [12] 413 map a — anr. issue, same date & collat., L Sewall 1780. — ed. 2, with Articles of Confederation added, L Payne 1780. O [l2] 467 map Ascribed also to Major William C. Hall. Covers campaigns of 1775—6—7. HALL, J[0HN] L. Journal of the Hartford Union Mining and Trading Company. See Webster, George G. HALL, J[0HN] W. 4425 Marine disasters on the western lakes. . . . Det 1870. D 120 a — rptd. "Record of the western lakes. . . ," Toledo 1878. O HALL, JAMES, 1793-1868 4417 The romance of western history. . . . Cin 1857. D 420 [12] port a — rptd. 1869; 1871; 1885. HALL, JAMES, 1793-1868 4418 Sketches of history, life and manners in the west Vol. I [all]. Cin 1834. D 263 a — reissued, with vol. U added, Phil 1835. D 2v: 282 [2]; 276. pi For a castigation of this see Mann But- ler's Appeal. . . . HALL, JAMES, 1793-1868 4419 Statistics of the west, at the close of. . . 1836. Cin 1836. D [20] 9-284. a — rptd. 1837. — anr. ed. "Notes on the western states," Phil 1838. D [24] 13-304[incl.tabs] — other eds.: "The west; its commerce . . . ," Cin 1848. D [8] 328; "The west; its soil. . . ," Cin 1848. D 260 HALL, JAMES, 1793-1868 4420 Tales of the border. Phil 1834. D [2] 276 a — ed. 2, "Border tales," Phil 1835. same collat. HALL, JAMES [ed.], 1793-1868 4421 The western souvenir. . . for 1829. Cin [1828] 16° [2] 324 6pls b AA N NYP Y First annual published in the west. HALL, MARSHALL 4426 The two-fold slavery of the United States L 1854. D [14] 159 2maps a HALL, NEWMAN 4427 From Liverpool to St. Louis. L 1870. 16 [26] 294 a HALL, P. C. 4428 A Negro's opinion in a little book on big things. Vicksburg 1884. O 38 a Upholds rule of the tax-payer and state's rights. HALL, THOMAS W. 4429 Recollections of a grandfather. [Oak Park 111 ca 1895]. D 48 a small ed. Describes his 1849 trip to California and life in the mines. HALL, T[lMOTHY] D. 4430 Hudson [Wis.] and its tributary region. Hudson 1857. D 24 plan a First separate issue; originally in Wis- consin Historical Collections, volume III. HALL, WILLIAM 4431 The abominations of Mormonism exposed Cin 1852. 16° 155 a HALL, WILLIAM A. 4432 The historic significance of the southern revolution. . . . Petersburg Va 1864. O 45 a 246 HALL, WILLIAM M. 4433 Speech. . . railroad to Pacific. . . . Chi 1847. O 22 a — enl. ed. N Y [l853]. O 68 a Advocates the route proposed by George Wilkes. This speech — one of the earliest on the subject — appeared first in the Proceed- ings ol the Harbor and River Convention, see under Chicago. HALL-WOOD, MARY C. F. 4434 Santa Barbara as it is. Santa Barbara [1884]. O 101 fold.chart a HALLAGER, MORTEN 4435 Udforlige og troevaerdige efterretninger om de fra Rusland. . . . Copenh 1784. 16 [16] 350 a Account of the Russian discoveries of Bering and Chirikov, etc. HALLER, MAJOR GRANVILLE 0. 4436 The dismissal of: . . . also, a brief memoir of his military services. . . . Paterson, N J 1863. O 84 a Served on the plains and in Oregon, from 1848 to 1859. [HALLIBURTON, THOMAS C.] 4437 The English in America. . . . L 1851. D 2v: [20] 351; [l2] 272 a Covers the colonial period. [HALLOCK, CHARLES] 4438 A complete biographical sketch of "Stone- wall" Jackson. Augusta Ga 1863. O 38 [4] a — rptd. "Sketches of Stonewall Jackson," Halifax Can 1863. First life of Jackson. HALLOCK, CHARLES 4439 Vacation rambles in northern Michigan. [Grand Rapids 1878?]. O 5-58 [2] [incl. adv-pp] a HALLUM, JOHN 4440 Biographical . . . history of Arkansas VoL ifallj. Alb 1887. O [14] 581 port a Of the 147 biographical sketches, Albert Pike contributed fourteen, including one of himself. HALSELL, H. H. 4447 Cowboys and cattleland. Nashv Ll937]. D 276 5pls a HALSEY, FRANCIS W. 4442 The old New York frontier. . . . N Y 1901. O [l4] 432 2maps 14pls a — rptd., same collat. & impr., 1902. HALSEY, JOHN J. 4443 History of Lake county, Illinois. [Phil] 1912. OU2] 872 2maps a Best Illinois county history. HALSTEAD, MURAT 4444 The caucuses of 1860 Columbus 1860. O [4] 232 4-line errata slip a HALTON, RICHARD W. 4445 History. . . of Angelina county, Texas. Lufkin [1888?]. 16^ 66 + 32adv-p. b HALTON, RICHARD W. 4446 History.. . of Nacogdoches county, Texas. Nacogdoches 1880. D 73 + advs. b HAMBLETON, CHALKLEY J. 4447 A gold hunter's experience. Chi 1898. D [2] 116 [2] a HAMBLETON, JAMES P. 4448 A biographical sketch of Henry A. Wise, with a history of the political campaign in Virginia in 1855 Rich 1856. OL36] 509 port a — anr. issue, "A history of the political campaign. . . ," same impr., date & paginat., but no port HAMBLIN, GEORGE W. 4449 The Kansas guide Ottawa Kas 1871. O 62 [l] a HAMBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA. 4450 Origin of the town of: Augusta Ga 1837. O 18 I8L2] a HAMBURG 4451 Hamburg nach Philadelphia. Reise von: Hannover 1800. 16° 208 a HAMILTON [pseud.] 4452 Review of a late pamphlet, under the signature of "Brutus." Charleston S C 1828. O 105 a For work reviewed see The crisis: or, essays on the usurpations oi the federal government. HAMILTON, MAJOR-GENERAL ALEXANDER A collection of the facts and documents, relative to the death of: See Coleman, Wm. HAMILTON, GENERAL [ALEX- ANDER] and BURR, COL. [AARON] A correct statement of the late. . . affair of honor, between:. . . .See Wills, Thos. [HAMILTON, ALEXANDER] 4453 A defence of the treaty. . . between the United States . . . and Great Britain NY 1795. O 139 a [HAMILTON, ALEXANDER] 4454 The examination of the President's [Jefferson's] message. . . December 7, 1801. N Y 1802. O 127 a 247 Hamilton First separate edition; title-page state- ment "revised and corrected" refers only to its previous newspaper appearance. [HAMILTON, ALEXANDER] 4455 The Farmer refuted. . . in answer to a let- ter from A. W. Farmer intitled A view of the controversy between Great-Britain and her colonies. N Y 1775. O [4] 78 b AA BA LC NYP Y Hamilton's second work; a rejoinder to Samuel Seabury's answer to his first work — A full vindication . . . — which had replied to that author's Free thoughts on the proceed- ings of . . . Congress. [HAMILTON, ALEXANDER, et all 4456 The Federalist. . . essays in favour of the new Constitution. ..NY 1788. D 2v. [6] 227; [6] 384 c AA BA N Y some copies un- cut; some on large and thick paper d NYP — re-issued, same sheets, new t-p, 1799. b AA NYP — anr. ed., rev. & cor., with adds., N Y 1802. O 2v: [8] 318; [5] 351 a — Fr. tr. P 1792. O 2v: [52] 366; [4] 511 a — rptd., same yr., omitting the long introd. by the tr. Most famous and influential American political work. Written in collaboration with Jay and Madison. HAMILTON'S... LETTER Hamilton's (Mr.) late Letter, concerning the public conduct. . . of the President. A few remarks on: By Caius. See Carey, Mathew. [HAMILTON, ALEXANDER] 4457 A full vindication of the measures of Congress. . . in answer to a letter under the signature of A. W. Farmer. N Y 1774. D [35] b AA N NYP Y Hamilton's first publication, written, at the age of seventeen, in answer to Samuel Seabury's Free thoughts on the proceedings of . . . Congress. HAMILTON'S LETTER Hamilton's Letter concerning. . . John Adams. See Cheetham, James. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER 4458 Letter from: concerning the public con- duct ... of John Adams. ...NY ptd. by Hop- kins 1800. O 54 a — rptd. 3 times, N Y same date. — other eds.: Phil [l80o]. O 54 [8]; B 1809. O 56 [HAMILTON, ALEXANDER] 4459 A letter from Phocion ... on the politics of the day. N Y 1784. O 23 a — other eds., same impr. & date, 12 or 19p — rptd.: Newport 1784. D 12; Phil 1784. O 15; B 1784. O 23; B 1784. O 19 Advocates justice and toleration for Tories. HAMILTON, MAJOR-GENERAL 44< [ALEXANDER] A letter to: containing observations on his Letter, concerning the public conduct. . . of John Adams. ... By a citizen. N Y 1800. O 32 a — anr. ed., probably the 1st, Salem Mass 1800. D 28 [2] Ascribed to Ogden, Uzal. [HAMILTON, ALEXANDER] 4461 Letters of Pacificus. . . in justification of the President's proclamation of neutrality. Phil 1796. O 60 a — rptd. Wash 1845. O 102 For reply, see Madison, James, Letters of Helvidius. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER 4462 Observations on certain documents con- tained in. . . "The history of the United States, for the year 1796." Phil Fenno 1797. O 38 [58] a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1800; N Y 1800. same collat.; Phil Pro Bono Publico [l800]. same collat. Known as the "Reynold's pamphlet"; in it Hamilton confessed a personal irregularity in order to defend his public probity. The reprints of 1800 were published by his enemies. HAMILTON (the late Major- 4463 General Alexander) The official. . . papers of: Vol. l[all]. N Y 1842. O [4] 496 a [HAMILTON, ALEXANDER?] 4464 The political reformer; or a proposed plan of reformations in the laws and governments of the United States Phil 1797. O 73 a HAMILTON, ALEXANDER 4465 Report. . . containing a plan for the further support of public credit Phil 1795. O 90 5tabs a — Eng. ed. L 1795. O 96 5tabs [HAMILTON, ALEXANDER] 4466 Report. . . on the subject of manufactures [Phil] Childs & Swaine [l79l]. F [4] 58 b AA N — several Am. reprints a — Eng. eds.: Dub 1792. O 88 a; Dub 1793. same collat.; L 1793. O [4] 129 One of the great American state papers, "the Magna Carta of industrial America." 248 Hamilton — Hammond [HAMILTON, ALEXANDER] 4467 _ A second letter from Phocion: to the. . . citizens of New York NY 1784. O 43 a HAMILTON, DR. ALEXANDER 4468 Itinerarium. . . from Annapolis through Delaware, Pennsylvania. . . 1744. St L 1907. O [28] 264 fold. map 6pls 22facs a 487copies ptd. HAMILTON, B. B. 4469 Historical sketch of Jersey county, Illi- nois Jacksonville 111 1876. O 36 a HAMILTON, EDWARD [pseud.] The life of Paul Jones. See Mackenzie, Alexander S. [HAMILTON, H. W.] 4470 Rural sketches of Minnesota. . . . Milan O 1850. O 40 a HAMILTON, HENRY S. 4471 Reminiscences of a veteran. Concord 1897. D [10] 180 4pls a Narrative of western army life in the 'fifties. HAMILTON, J. G. DE R. 4472 Reconstruction in North Carolina. N Y 1914. O [10] 683 map a [HAMILTON, GOV. JAMES] 4473 An account of the late intended insurrec- tion among. . . the blacks of this city. . . . Charleston S C 1822. O 48 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — ed. 3, same impr. & date. Q 49 — anr. ed. "Negro plot. . . ," B 1822. O 50 — rptd.[as ed. 2], same impr., date & collat. Contemporary account of the Vezey uprising. HAMILTON, GOV. [JAMES] and 4474 HON. JOHN C. CALHOUN Important correspondence, on the subject of state interposition, between: Charleston S C 1832. D 27 a — rptd. "Correspondence...," n.p. L 1832J. O c apt. t. only [., au. named, Prescott 1881. O 120 — ed. 2, enl. S F [l883]. O 275 pis — anr. ed., further enl., S F 1884. D 415 fold, map 9pls HAMILTON, PETER J. 4478 Colonial Mobile B 1897. O [l4] 446 [l] 14maps & pis a — rev. ed. 1910. O [30] 594 60maps & pis — rev. & enl. ed. Mobile 1952. O Most valuable secondary work on the early history of the Gulf coast. [HAMILTON, SAMUEL S.] comp. 4479 Indian treaties, and laws. . . relating to Indian affairs. Compiled and published under orders of the Department of War. . . .Wash 1826. O [20] 529 a — rptd., with suppl. giving add. treaties to 1831, same impr. & date [but obviously ptd in 1831]. O[20] 661 Includes abstracts of all treaties made by the United States, along with much historical data. See also Treaties between the United States . . . and . . . Indian tribes. HAMILTON, SCHUYLER 4480 History of the national flag Phil 1852. D [8] 13-115 15col.pls a [HAMILTON, THOMAS] 4481 Men and manners in America. Edin 1833. D 2v: [16] 393; [6] 402 a — eds. 2 & 3, same impr. 1834. — new ed., with adds., Edin 1843. D [36] 454 port — Am. ed. 1, Phil 1833. O 410; Am. ed. 2, same impr. & date. D [6] 208 — Fr. tr. P 1834. D 2v 2pls — Ger. tr. Mannheim 1834. O 2v HAMILTON, WILLIAM T. 4482 My sixty years on the plains. N Y 1905. O 244 8pls[6 by Russell] a — ed. 2, 1905. — ed. 3, 1909. [HAMMETT, SAMUEL A.] 4483 A stray Yankee in Texas. N Y 1853. D [2] 416 eng.t. front, a HAMILTON, JAMES A. 4475 Reminiscences of: or, men and events ....NY 1869. o[l0] 647 a HAMILTON, JOHN C. 4476 The life of Alexander Hamilton. N Y 1834-40. O 2v: [8] 422; [6] 563. port a [HAMILTON, PATRICK] 4477 Resources of Arizona Indian tribes, early history [Florence Ariz 188l]. D 71 a HAMMOND, HENRY History of Harrison county, W. Va. Morgantown [l910]. O 451 pis a HAMMOND, ISAAC B. 4485 Reminiscences of frontier life. {Port Ore] 1904. D 134 port a Most of the edition "scrapped" to a paper mill. [HAMMOND, JABEZ D.] 4486 Letter to. . . Calhoun, on the annexation of Texas. Cooperstown 1844. O 34 a 249 Hammond — Hanson HAMMOND, JOHN 4487 ["In memoriam."] Chi 1890. O 90 3ports a Includes his 1849 trip to California over the southern route. HAMMOND, JOHN M. 4488 Colonial mansions of Maryland and Dela- ware. Phil 1914. O [14] 304 65pls a [HAMPSON, J.] 4489 Reflections on the present state of the American war. . . . L 1776. O [2] 30 a British might inevitably victorious; ad- vises the misguided rebels to sue for peace at once. HANAFORD, JEREMIAH L. 4490 History of Princeton. . . Massachusetts. Wore 1852. O 204 a HANCOCK, JOHN Ten chapters in the life of: See Higgin- son, Stephen. [HANCOCK, RICHARD R.] 4491 Hancock's diary; or, a history of the Second Tennessee Confederate cavalry. Nashv 1887. O 644 2pls a HANCOCK, WILLIAM 4492 An emigrant's five years in the free states of America. L 1860. D [6] 321 map front, a HANCOCK COUNTY [N. H.] 4493 The unmasked nabob of:. . . . Portsmouth 1796. D 24 a Protest against General Henry Knox's land claim. HANDLY, JAMES 4494 The resources of Madison county, Mon- tana. [S F 1872]. O 60 a Incorporates routes to the mines, business directory, etc. HANDSAKER, SAMUEL 4495 Pioneer life. Eugene Ore 1908. D 104 2 pis 2facs a Contains his 1853 overland journal and experiences in the Rogue River war. HANGER, GEORGE 4496 An address to the army; in reply to Strictures, by Roderick MacKenzie . . .on Tarleton's History of the campaigns of 1780 and 1781. L 1789. O [l6] 138 [8] a HANGER, GEORGE 4497 The life, adventures . . . of:. . . . L 1801. O 2v: [4] 339; [4] 475 + 4adv-p port a — Am. ed. AT Y 1801. O 2v in 1 Includes his services as Tarleton's second in command in the Revolution. Ghost-written by William Combe. HANNA, CHARLES A. 4498 Historical collections of Harrison county . . . Ohio NY 1900. O [8] 636 map 2pls a HANNA, CHARLES A. Ohio valley genealogies. [44] 128]incl. front.] a 4499 . N Y 1900. O HANNA, CHARLES A. 4500 The Scotch-Irish; or, the Scot in North Britain, North Ireland and North America. N Y 1902. O 2v: [l2] 623; [6] 602. 3maps a HANNA, CHARLES A. 4501 The wilderness trail; or, the ventures and adventures of the Pennsylvania traders on the Allegheny path N Y 1911. O 2v: [28] 383; [10J447. 81maps & pis a HANNA, JOHN S. [ed.] 4502 A history of the life and services of Capt. Samuel Dewees Bait 1844. D 360 port a HANNA, REV. WILLIAM 4503 History of Greene county, Pa. [l682- 178 1]. n.p. 1882. O 350 a HANNIBAL, PETER M. 4504 Thrice a pioneer Blair Neb [l90l]. D [6] 202 a HANS, FREDERIC M. 4505 The great Sioux nation. . . . Chi [l907]. O 575[incl. front.] a [HANSON, ALEXANDER C] 4506 Considerations on the . . . removal of the seat of government. Annap [1786]. D 62 a [HANSON, ALEXANDER C.] 4507 Political schemes and calculations. . . . Annap 1784. O [6] 38 a [HANSON, ALEXANDER C.] 4508 Remarks on the proposed plan of a federal government. . . . Annap [1788], D 42 a HANSON, ELIZABETH 4509 God's mercy. . . exemplified in the cap- tivity and redemption of: Phil 1728. D 40 No perfect copy known — ed. 2, Phil 1754. D 24 b PaH — ed. 3, Danvers Mass [l780]. O 32 a — anr. ed. 3, Stanford N Y. 1803. 16° 23 — anr. ed. "The remarkable captivity. . . of Elizabeth Hanson," Dover N H 1824. D — Eng. ed.: "An account of the captivity of Elizabeth Hanson. . . ," L 1760. O [2] 28 + adv-1. b N NYP Y 250 He — Hardmon — Eng. ed. 2, same collat. & impr. a —new ed.L 1782. D 26 [2]; rptd. L 1787. D 28; Cork 1791. D 22; and several later eds. Text of American editions — differing from English versions based on conversations with Mrs. Hanson by Samuel Bownas and Samuel Hopwood — may have been written by herself. HANSON, G. W. 4510 Early days in Nebraska. Cedar Rapids 1916. O 47 a HANSON, GEORGE A. 4511 Old Kent, eastern shore of Maryland. . . . Bait 1876. Q 383 [36] 5pls a some copies on L.P. HANSON, J. W. 4512 History of. . . Danvers [Mass. J. . . . Danvers 1848. O 304 a HANSON, J. W. 4513 History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner [Me.] Gardiner 1852. D 343 pis HARDEN, SAMUEL, cemp. 4520 Early life ... in Boone county, Indiana [indp 1887]. O 498 35pls a HARDEN, SAMUEL 4521 History of Madison county, Indiana. . . . Markleville Ind 1874. O [l2] 17-411 a HARDIE, JAMES 4522 The American remembrancer. . . . Phil 1795. D [8] 259 a — enl. ed. "The new universal biographical dictionary, and American remembrancer of departed merit. . . ," N Y 1801-05. O 4v 26 ports b AA NYP HARDIE> JAMES 4523 The description of the city of New York NY 1827. D [6] 360 map a HARDIE, JAMES, comp. 4524 The Philadelphia directory and register. Phil 1793. O [12] 234 a — ed. 2, Phil 1794. O [6] 232 map HANSON, J. W. 4514 History of the old towns Norridgewock and Canaan. . . [Me.]. B 1849. D 372 4pls a HANSON, JOHN H. 4515 The lost prince . . . identity of Louis XVII, of France, and the Rev. Eleazer Williams N Y 1854. D 479 3ports a HANSON, JOSEPH M. 4516 The conquest of the Missouri. . . life. . . of Captain Grant Marsh. Chi 1909. O [l4] 458 map 29pls a —other eds., same impr. & collat.: 1910; 1912. HARBAUGH, H. 4517 The life of Rev. Michael Schlatter. . . his travels. . . in Pennsylvania. . . services as chaplain in the French and Indian war and ... the revolution. Phil 1857. D [32] 26-375 front, a HARBISON, MASSY. 4518 Narrative of the sufferings of: . . . her captivity. . . cruelties of the Indians [etc.]. Pitt 1825. 16° 66 b N NYP — rptd. Pitt 1828. 16° 98 a — ed. 4, enl., Beaver Pa 1836. D 192 — anr. ed. Meadville 1847. D Important narrative on the Ohio-Pennsyl- vania frontier, with account of St. Clair's defeat. HARDIE, JAMES A short account of . . . Philadelphia. , Phil 1794. O 40 map a HARDEN, EDWARD J. The life of George M. Troup. 1859. O [8] 536 [22] port a 4519 4525 4526 HARDIE, JAMES A. Memoirs of: Wash 1877. D 79 port a Experiences in California in 1847 as second in command of Stevenson's regiment and later operations against the Spokane Indians. HARDIN, JOHN WESLEY 4527 The life of: . . . as written by himself. Seguin Tex 1896. D 144 a Opposite page three of correct first issue is a cut of Hardin's brother Joe, mistitled John W. Hardin. Some copies have full page portrait inserted. HARDING, BENJAMIN 4528 A tour through the western country. . . . N Lond 1819. O [4] 17 b AA ChiH H [HARDINGE, BELLE B.] 4529 Belle Boyd in camp and prison. L 1865. D 2v: [12] 291; [l6] 280. port a — Am. ed. N Y 1865. D 464 HARDMAN, FREDERICK, ed. 4530 Scenes and adventures in Central America [i.e. Louisiana, Texas and northern Mexico]. Edin 1852. O [8] 298 a — rptd. "Frontier life; or, scenes. .. in the southwest," Auburn 1853. D 376 Apparently translated from some German work. 251 Hardy — Harper HARDY, JOHN 4531 Selma: her institutions. . . . Selma 1879. O 200 a HARDY, LIEUT. [RICHARDSON] 4532 The history and adventures of the Cuban expedition Cin 1850. 16° 94 a HARE, G. H. 4533 Guide to San Jose and vicinity. . . its early history San Jose 1872. D 85 [27] 2maps a HARE, JOSEPH [T.] 4534 The dying confession of: Bait 1818. O 23 a — rptd., t.slightly altered, Phil 1818. O 24 — anr. ed., slightly abr., Auburn N Y 1818. O 16 HARE, JOSEPH T. The life and adventures of: See Howard, H. R. HAREMS (LES) Harems (Les) du nouveau-monde. . . . See Ward, Maria. HARFORD, JOHN S. 4535 Some account of the life. . . of Thomas Paine Bristol Eng 1819. O [8] 93 a — rptd., same impr., 1920. O 110 HARGRAVES, E. H. 4536 Australia and its gold fields. . . . L 1855. D [l6] 240 map port a Includes his California experiences in 1849. HARMAN, S. W. 4542 Hell on the border. . . history of the. . . criminal court at Fort Smith. . . and of crime and criminals in the Indian Territory. Ft Smith Phoenix Pub Co [l898]. O [l4] 720 port a — rptd., greatly abr., same impr. [ca 1920]. O 320 HARMAR, BRIG. GEN. JOSIAH 4543 The proceedings of a court of inquiry, held at the. . . request of: to investigate his conduct, as commanding officer of the ex- pedition against the Miami Indians. . . . Phil 1791. F [4] 31 a HARMON, DANIEL W. 4544 Journal of voyages and travels. . . from Montreal nearly to the Pacific. . . [including 19 years as a fur-trader with the Northwest Co.]. Andover 1820. O 432 port map errata slip a — rptd. N Y 1903. 16° map port Editor Daniel Haskel took some liberties with the narrative and the moral and re- ligious undertones woven into it are hardly consistent with life on the Indian frontier. An important book in spite of Mr. Haskel. HARMONIE 4545 Gedanken ueber die Bestimming der: [New Harmony Ind 1824]. D 96 b First publication of this community. HARNEY, GEN. WILLIAM S. 4546 Proceedings of a council held at Fort Pierre with nine tribes of Sioux Indians. Wash 1856. O 40 a HARLAN, JACOB W. 4537 California, '46 to '48. S F 1888. O 242 port a — rptd. Oakland 1896. Harlan arrived overland to California in 1846 just in time to join Fremont's battalion. HARLOW, ALVIN F. 4538 Old post bags: the story of the sending of a letter NY 1928. O [l8] 500 44pls a HARLOW, ALVIN F. 4539 Old towpaths: the story of the American canal era. N Y 1926. O [l6] 403 48pls a [HARPER, ROBERT G-] 4547 Case of the Georgia sales on the Missis- sippi, considered Phil 1797. O U] 109 a — rptd. Phil 1799. Q 91 issue, Phil 1799. O [4] 109 HARPER, ROBERT G. 4548 Observations on the dispute between the United States and France Phil 1797. O [2] 102 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O 79 — Eng. ed. L 1797. O 162 — rptd. 19 times by 1799, in Eng. & Am. — Fr. tr., L 1798. o[l8] 127 HARLOWE, ALVIN F. 4540 Old waybills: the romance of the express companies. N Y 1934. O [l4] 504 49pls a HARLOW, NEAL 4541 The maps of San Francisco bay. . . . S F Grabhorn 1950. Q [12] 140 21pls a 375copies ptd. HARPER, ROBERT G. 4549 Observations on the North American Land Company. . . in Philadelphia. . . to which are added, Remarks on American lands... particularly the pine lands of the southern and western states. L Galabin 1796. O 149 a — anr. issue. O [8] 145 — anr. ed. L Bannell & Savante, same date. O 149 252 Harper HARPER, ROBERT G. 4550 A short account of the principal pro- ceedings of Congress . . . and a sketch of the state of affairs between the United States and France Phil 1798. O 22 a — Eng. ed. L 1798. O 25 — same impr. & collat. 1799. HARPER, ROBERT G. 4551 . . . Speech to the citizens of Baltimore, on the expediency of . . . a connexion between the Ohio. . . and the waters of the Chesa- peake Bait 1824. O 78 fold, map a HARPER, CHANCELLOR 4552 WILLIAM C. Memoir on slavery. . . . Charleston S C 1838. O 61. errata slip a HARPER, CHANCELLOR 4553 [WILLIAM C. I et al The pro-slavery argument. . . . Charleston S C 1852. D [4] 490 a — rptd. B 1852. D; Phil 1853. D HARPER'S FERRY The annals of:. ... By Josephus. See Barry, Joe. HARPER'S FERRY 4554 Correspondence relative to the insurrec- tion at: Annap 1860. O 79 a HARRELL, JOHN M, 4555 The Brooks and Baxter war: . . . the re- construction period in Arkansas. St L 1893. O [8] 3-276 a HARRINGTON, ELISHA [pub.] 4556 The Utica directory: to which is added. . . account of the village Utica 1828. D 99 + 16adv-p & errata p map a Second directory of this city and first containing historical sketch. HARRINGTON, GRANT W. 4557 Annals of Brown county, Kansas Hiawatha Kas 1923. O 564 [54] pis a HARRINGTON, W. P., and 4558 ANGEL, MYRON ... Directory of the city of Austin [Nevada]. With a historical. . . review of Austin and the Reese river mining region. Austin 1866. O [6] 23-118 [3-16] b LC NYP Y only copies known HARRIOTT, JOHN Struggles through life. . . . [24] 375; [12] 347. port a — ed. 2, L 1808. D 2v 2pls — ed. 3, L 1815. D 3v: [26] [lo] 479. 3pls 4559 L 1807. D 2v: 443; [12] 428; — Am. eds.: Phil 1809. D 2v: 304; 267 — N Y 1809. D 2v same collat. The author operated farms in New York and Rhode Island and seems to have acted as agent in a gigantic British scheme to purchase from Georgia seventeen million acres bordering on the Mississippi. This, tied in with intrigues to acquire Florida from Spain and to take over the disaffected Western country from the United States, un- doubtedly had for object the confinement of the United States to the Eastern seaboard. HARRIS, A. C. 4560 Alaska and the Klondike gold fields. . . . [Phil 1897]. O [12] 17-528 2maps 16pls a HARRIS, ALBERT W. 4561 The cruise of a schooner. \_Chi 191 1J. D [l4] 266 36pls map[incl. in paginat.J a Overland journey from California to Wisconsin in 1910. HARRIS, ALEXANDER 4562 A review of the political conflict in America ... a survey of the struggle of parties which destroyed the republic, and virtually monarchised its government. N Y 1876. O 517 a HARRIS, BRANSON L. 4563 Some recollections of my boyhood. Indp [1908]. O [2] 70 port a Lived in Indiana from 1817. HARRIS, MRS. CAROLINE 4564 History of the captivity of: [by Texas Comanches]. N Y 1838. O 24 [incl. front.] b LC NYP Y — rptd. Rochester 1848. O 39 b CI., Narrative of Mrs. Clarissa Plummer. HARRIS, CHARLES H. 4565 History of the Venango oil regions. . . . Titusville Pa 1866. D [b] 108 2pls a HARRIS, D. W., and HULSE, B. M. 4566 History of Claiborne parish [La. J. ...NO 1886. D [8] 7-264 a HARRIS, J. MORRISON A paper upon California. 32 a 4567 Bait 1849. O [HARRIS, JOSEPH] 4568 The naval atlantis. . . characters of such flag officers as distinguished themselves during the last war. L 1788. O [8] 195 a [HARRIS, N. SAYRE] 4569 Journal of a tour in the "Indian Territory" NY 1844. O [4] 74 3maps a Observation tour in behalf of the Episcopal Church, from Arkansas to Ft. Leavenworth. 253 Harris _ H arnsse The report had previously appeared, in June 1844, with one map, as an Extra to Spirit of Missions. HARRIS, MRS. SARAH H. 4570 An unwritten chapter of Salt Lake, 1851- 1900. N Y 1901. D 89 a HARRISON, LIEUTENANT [E. J.] 4580 The thrilling. . . narrative of: . . . prisoner at Goliad C/n 1848. O 30 c G 2copies known HARRISON, FAIRFAX Virginia land grants. 4581 Rich 1925. O 184 HARRIS, THADDEUS M. 4571 Biographical memorials of James Ogle- thorpe. B 1841. O [22] 424 map 3pls a HARRIS, THADDEUS M. 4572 The journal of a tour into the territory northwest of the Alleghany mountains. . . . B 1805. O 271 5maps & pis a HARRIS, THOMAS 4573 The life. . . of Commodore William Bain- bridge Phil 1837. O 254 errata 1. port a HARRIS, W. A. 4574 The record of Fort Sumter. . . . Columbia 1862. O 50 addendum slip after p-12 a [HARRIS, WILLIAM] 1720-70 4575 An historical. . . account of Hugh Peters L 1751. O 72 port a — rptd. L 1818. Q 41 port HARRIS, WILLIAM 4576 Mormonism portrayed: its errors . . . ex- posed Warsaw 111 1841. O 64 d Hn NYP Said to have been ghost-written by Thomas C. Sharp. HARRIS, REV. W[lLLIAM] R. 4577 The Catholic church in Utah S LC [1909]. O [16] 350[incl. front.] map 25pls a Contains first English translation of Escalante's account of his Utah discoveries. HARRIS, WILLIAM T. 4578 Remarks made during a tour through the United States Liv [1819]. O 74 a — rptd. L 1821. D 196 — Ger. tr. Weimar 1822. O [8 i.e.6] 236 Highly favorable commentary, based on extensive investigations through Ohio, Ken- tucky, Indiana and Illinois. HARRIS, WILLIAM W. 4579 The battle of Groton Heights. . . 1781. N Lond 1870. O [l2] 123 a lOOcopies ptd — enl. ed., same impr. 1882. O HARRISON and WINCHESTER [GENERALS] Historical details, having relation to the campaign of the northwestern army under: See Winchester, James. [HARRISON, JESSE B. I 4582 Review of the slave question . . . showing that slavery is the essential hindrance to the prosperity of slave-holding states. . . . Rich 1833. O 48 a HARRISON, J[0NATHAN] B. 4583 The latest study on Indian reservations. Phil 1887. D 233 a — rptd., "6th thousand," same impr., date & collat. HARRISON, WALTER 4584 Pickett's men. ...NY 1870. D 202 2pls a HARRISON, WILLIAM HENRY A brief sketch of the life and public services of: NY 1835. O 32 a 4585 HARRISON, WILLIAM HENRY 4586 A discourse on the aborigines of the val- ley of the Ohio C/n 1838. O 51 map a —rptd. B 1840. D 47 HARRISON, MAJOR GENERAL 4587 WILLIAM HENRY Life of: . . . civil and military services. . . . Phil 1840. O 93 port 2pls a HARRISON, GOV. [WILLIAM 4588 HENRY] Message of the President . . . transmitting two letters from: reporting the particulars ... of the expedition. . . against the hostile Indians on the Wabash. Wash 1811. O 24 chart a Account of his victory at Tippecanoe. HARRISON, WILLIAM HENRY A sketch of the life and public services of See Jackson, Isaac R. HARRISON, MAJOR GENERAL 4589 WILLIAM HENRY Sketch of the life of: n.p. [l836?]. D 39 a HARRISSE, HENRY Les Corte-Real et leurs voyages au nouveau-monde. P 1883. O [l2] 2 72[inc facs] front. fold.map[in portfolio] a 4590 HARRISSE, HENRY 4591 Decouverte et evolution cartographique de Terre-Neuve et des pays circonvoisine. . . . P 1900. Q [4 72] 420 26maps a 254 Hartley HARRISSE, HENRY 4592 The discovery of North America. . . . L 1892. Q [l2] 804 + 2adv-p 23maps b N 380 copies[40copies, in 2v, on Hand Made Paper; 10 on Jap. Paper; 10 on Whatman Paper] HARRISSE, HENRY 4593 Jean et Sebastien Cabot P 1882. O [4] 400 map a Some conclusions here advanced were altered in his later English version — see below — and the claims of Sebastian utterly discredited. HARRISSE, HENRY 4594 John Cabot, the discoverer of North America L 1896. O [12] 503 9maps & facs 14adv-p a The author's definitive conclusions on this subject. HART, ADOLPHUS M. 4595 History of the discovery of the valley of the Mississippi. St L 1852. D 155 a — ed. 2, identical, but with Cin impr. — anr. ed. enl. "History of the valley of the Mississippi," Cin 1853. D 286 HART, ALBERT B., ed. 4596 The Varick court of inquiry to investigate the implication of Col. Varick in the Arnold treason. B 1907. Q 217 port eng.t. 6facs a 470copies ptd. HART, ALFRED A. 4597 The traveller's own book. . . via the . . . Chicago, Burlington &, Quincy R. R [Chi 1870]. obi. 16° 34 [lo] 14pls 3maps a First transcontinental railroad guide. [HART, WILLIAM] 4601 An appeal to the people: or, an exposition of the official conduct of Return J. Meigs, Governor of . . . Ohio. n.p. [Cin?] 1812. D 94 a HARTFORD CONVENTION (THE) 4602 Hartford convention (The) in an uproar! ... By Hector Benevolus. Windsor Vt 1815. O 46 [2] front, b A A NYP Y HARTFORD CONVENTION (THE) Letters developing the character and views of: By "One of the convention." See Otis, Harrison G. HARTFORD 4603 The proceedings of a convention of dele- gates ... convened at: Dec. 15th 1814. Hart Hosmer 1815. O 39 a — anr. issue. Hart for Andrus & Starr 1815. same collat. — anr. issue, Hart 1815. O 36 — other eds., same yr. : Alb; B; Newbury- port; N Hav HARTFORD CONVENTION (THE) 4604 A short account of: B 1823. O 36 a [harthill, a.] The river Mississippi, from St. Pe New Orleans N Y [l859]. D 120 4605 HARTLEY, CECIL B. 4606 Heroes and patriots of the south. . . . Phil 1860. D 320 pi a — rptd. "The life of Gen. Francis Marion . . . ," Phil 1866. same collat. HART, CHARLES H. 4598 Catalogue of the engraved portraits of Washington. N Y Grolier Club 1904. Q [26] 406 [l] 20pls a 425copies ptd. HART, JOHN A., et al 4599 History of pioneer days in Texas and Oklahoma [Guthrie 1906]. D [2] 249 12 pis a — anr. ed., with 2chaps.[on Ark.] added, [Guthrie 1909?]. D [2] 271 12pls —enl. ed. "Pioneer days in the southwest ...," same impr. 1909. D 320 12pls — anr. issue, same impr., date & paginat., but with 16pls[incl.col. front.] — ed. 2 [really ed.3], same impr., date & collat. HART, STEPHEN H., and 4600 HULBERT, ARCHER B., eds. Zebulon Pike's Arkansaw journal. . . . Col Springs [l932]. O [96] 200 4maps 3pls a HARTLEY, CECIL B. Hunting sports in the west. D 320 eng.t. a — rptd. often 4607 Phil 1859. HARTLEY, CECIL B. 4608 Life and adventures of Lewis Wetzel. . . . Phil 1859. D 320 a — anr. ed., same impr. & collat., 1860. — rptd., t. slightly changed, Phil 1869. HARTLEY, CECIL B. 4609 Life ... of Colonel Daniel Boone. . . . Phil 1859. D 351 [22] a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1860; 1869. HARTLEY, DAVID Letters on the American war. 92 a — rptd. 7 times by 1779. Favors reconciliation. 4610 L 1777. O 255 Hartley — Hastings HARTLEY, DAVID 4611 Substance of a speech in Parliament upon the state of the nation and the present civil war with America. L 1776. Q [2] 24 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat HARTLEY, W. M. B., ed. Hartford in the olden time. ... By Scaeva. See Stuart, Isaac W. HARTMAN, GEORGE W. 4612 A private's own journal of the battles in Mexico Greencastle Pa 1849. D 35 a HARTMANN, DR. CARL F. A. 4613 Geographisch-statistische Beschreibung von Calif ornien. . . . Weimar 1849. O 2v: [l6] 174; [4] 266. maps & pis a HARTMANN and MILLARD 4614 Le Texas, ou notice historique sur le Champ d'Asile P 1819. O [lo] 60 11-135 plan a HARTSUFF, GEORGE L. 4615 Outline descriptions of the posts. . . in the military division of the Missouri. . . . Chi 1870. D 93 a For later issues, see under Sheridan, Philip H. HARTWELL, HENRY, et al 4616 The present state of Virginia. . . .L 1727. O [4] 95 b H N NYP HARVEY, AUGUSTUS F. 4617 Nebraska as it is. . . . Lincoln 1869. D 37 [2] a First book printed in Lincoln. HARVEY, AUGUSTUS F., ed. 4618 Sketches of the early days of Nebraska City St L 1871. D 30 a Author's initial on title-page erroneously given as "E." HARVEY, HENRY 4619 History of the Shawnee Indians. . . . Cin 1855. D 316 pref. dated "Sept. 21," t. on spine "History of the Shawnee Indians" a — issue 2, port added, pref. dated "ninth month," t. on spine "Harvey's History of the Shawnee Indians" HARWOOD, THOMAS 4620 History of New Mexico Spanish and Eng- lish missions of the Methodist. . .church. Albuquerque 1908-10. D 2v: [8] 376; [l6 incl. initial blank] 44l[incl.pls] a Printed by Indian students at the Mission press. For another book on the work of this mission, see Kellogg, Harriet S. , Life of Mrs. Harwood. [HASELHURST, MRS. MAY A. ) 4621 Days forever flown. N Y 1892. O 401 25 pis a Travels through Alaska and the Northwest. HASENCLEVER, PETER, merchant 4622 The remarkable case of:. . . . L 1773. D [2] 97 c LC [of 2copies known] Complaint addressed to Parliament by a New Jersey potash and iron manufacturer. HASKEL, DANIEL, and SMITH, 4623 J. CALVIN A complete. . . gazetteer of the United States NY 1843. O 752 a — rptd., same impr.: 1844; 1847; 1850. HASKELL, BURNETTE G. 4624 Kaweah, a co-operative commonwealth. . . Tulare county, [Calif.]. S F 1887. 16° 16 a — enl. ed. "Pen picture of Kaweah.. . ," S F 1889. D 32 HASKELL, CALEB 4625 Diary . . . before Boston and with Arnold's expedition. Newburyport 1881. O 23 a HASKETT, WILLIAM J. 4626 Shakerism unmasked, or, the history of the Shakers Pittsfield 1828. O 300 a HASKIN, MAJOR WILLIAM L. 4627 History of the First Regiment of Artillery, from. . . 1821 Ft Preble Me[ptd. Portland]- 1879. O [l6] 668 a Over half of the volume devoted to per- sonal reminiscences by officers. HASKINS, C. W. 4628 The argonauts of California. By a pioneer. .V Y 1890. O 501 a Contains an index of 35,000 pioneers arriving prior to 1850. HASKINS, R. W. New England and the west. D 36 a 4629 But 1843. HASSAM, LOREN 4630 A historical sketch of Lafayette, Indiana .... Lafayette 1872. O 88 a HASSLER, EDGAR W. 4631 Old Westmoreland: a history of western Pennsylvania during the revolution. Pitt 1900. O [4 6] 5-200 a HASTINGS, FRANK S. 4632 A ranchman's recollections. . . . Chi 1921. D [l4] 235 14pls a HASTINGS, LANSFORD W. 4633 Emigrants' guide to Oregon and California. Cin 1845. O 152 dd B NYP Y 256 Hastings — Hawkins — ed. 2, Cin 1845. c — rptd., variously entitled "New description . . . ." and "New history. . . , " with 8 p. & front, added, 1847; 1848. b — other eds. with 168 p. & front. 1849; 1852; 1857. a Includes his 1842 overland trip to Oregon and his 1843 trip from Oregon to California. Historically, the first California guide book. HASTINGS, SALLY 4634 Poems — To which is added a . . . tour to the west. Lancaster 1808. D 220 a HASWELL, ANTHONY [ed.] 4635 Memoirs and adventures of Captain Matthew Phelps. . . . Particularly in two voyages from Connecticut to the river Mississippi Bennington Vt 1802. D [4] 210 64 [14] a HATCH, WILLIAM S. 4636 A chapter in the history of the war of 1812 Cin 1872. D 156 a HATFIELD, EDWIN F. 4637 History of Elizabeth, New Jersey. ...NY 1868. O 701 8pls a HATFIELD and DEERFIELD 4638 Papers concerning the attack on: by. . . . Indians from Canada, 1677. N Y Bradford Club 1859. O [8] 82 map a 100 copies ptd. First printing from original manuscripts. HATHAWAY, LEVI 4639 The narrative of: [and travels in the eastern states]. Prov 1820. D 140 a HATHEWAY, 0. P., and TAYLOR, 4640 J. H. I comps. I Chicago city directory. . . for 1849-50. Chi 1849. D 264 b ChiH LC HAUPT, HERMAN 4641 Reminiscences Milw 1901. O [40] 331 a On railroad transportation of Federal troops and supplies. HAUSER, Mliskal [i.e. MICHAEL] 4642 Aus dem Wanderbuch. . . . Briefe aus Cali- . fornien und Australien. Leip 1859. D 2v in : 1: 475 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1860. The California letters are dated San Francisco, March to December, 1853. HAVEN, C[HARLES] C. 4643 Annals of the city of Trenton. . . . Trenton 1866. 31 a HAVEN, CtHARLES] C. 4644 Washington and his army during their march through . . . New Jersey. Trenton 1856. O 56 a HAVEN, CHARLES T., and 4645 BELDEN, FRANK A. A history of the Colt revolver NY 1940. Q [24] 71l[incl.front.& pis] a HAVEN, SAMUEL F. 4646 Archaeology of the United States. . . . Wash 1856. Q [4] 168 errata slip a HAVERLY, CHARLES E. 4647 Klondyke and fortune. , . . L [l898]. D [4] 135 a HAWES, A. G. 4648 A historical sketch . . . of . . . Leavenworth Leavenworth 1857. D 32 a HAWES, MRS. A[NGELICA] H. 4649 The grafted bud: a memoir of Angelica Irene Hawes. N Y 1853. 16° 102 pi a — rptd. B n.d. Of Michigan interest; Sault Ste. Marie, Ft. Wilkins, etc. HAWES, GEORGE W., comp. 4650 Illinois state gazetteer and business di- rectory for 1858-9. Chi 1858. O [36 incl. preliminary blank 1.] 444]incl.pl] a HAWES, GEORGE W., AND CO. 4651 Missouri state gazetteer. . . for 1865. St L [ptd Indp 1865]. O [36] 418 3-112 fold.map b G Final 112 pages consisted of unsold sheets of the rare 1860 edition of Villard's guide to the Pike's Peak gold mines, q.v. HAWES, H. W. 4652 A comparison of the bars and harbors of the Gulf of Mexico, from the . . . Mississippi to Vera Cruz; and of the mines. . . in Cali- fornia, Nevada Lavaca Tex 1869. O 22 [2] + cover t. a HAWES, HORACE 4653 The missions in California and the rights of the Catholic church to the property. . . . S F 1856. O 46 errata slip b HAWKE, SIR EDWARD 4654 Authentic register of the British successes . . . from the taking of Louisbourgh. . . . L 1760. D [6] 126 a HAWKINS, BENJAMIN 4655 Sketch of the Creek country. . . 1798-9. [in Ga. Hist. Colls., v. 3, pt.l]. Savannah [ptd. N K]l848. o[2] 88 a 257 Hawkins — Hayden This self-styled volume 3, part 1, Georgia Historical Collections, was issued at the expense of W. B. Hodgson and is really an "extra" in the series of this Society; its regular volume 3 was published in 1873. HAWKINS, CHRISTOPHER 4656 The adventures of: . . . and escape from the Jersey prison ship. N Y 1864. O 316 2 pis a HAWKINS, JOHN P. 4657 Memoranda concerning. . . the Hawkins family [indp 1913]. O 137 17pls a Includes account of General Hawkins' army experiences in Minnesota and Nebraska, with much on General Canby and the Modoc war. [HAWKS, FRANCIS L.] 4658 The adventures of Daniel Boone, the Ken- tucky rifleman. N Y 1843. 16° 174 [22] a — rptd. same impr.: 1844; 1846. HAWKS, FRANCIS L. 4659 Contributions to the ecclesiastical history of the United States. . . [Virginia and Mary- land]. N Y 1836-9. O 2v: [2] 332; 523 a HAWKS, FRANCIS L., and 4660 PERRY, WILLIAM S., eds. Documentary history of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the United States. . . . N Y 1863-4. O 2v: [2] 328; 359 a HAWKS, FRANCIS L. 4661 History of North Carolina. Fayetteville 1857-8. O 2v: 254; 591. 8maps port pi a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — ed. 3, same impr. & collat. 1859. HAWLEY, D. E., comp. 4666 Sedalia [Mo.] city directory, for 1879-80 . . . historical sketch. . . . Sedalia 1879. O 220 fold, map a [HAWLEY, JESSE] 4667 Rochester in 1827. Roch 1828. D [4] 71- 156 map 14adv-p a For earlier issue, see Ely, Elisha. Pagi- nation begins at page seventy-one because original plan was to prefix a directory. HAWLEY, WALTER A. 4668 The early days of Santa Barbara. N Y 1910. O 105 5pls a — rptd., in altered form, Santa Barbara 1920. HAWLEY, ZERAH 4669 A journal of a tour through Connecticut [etc.], including a year's residence in that part of . . . Ohio, styled New Connecticut or Western Reserve. N Hav 1822. D 158 a Attempt to stem the tide of emigration to Ohio by accentuating its every unlovely feature. HAWTHORNTHWAITE, SAMUEL Adventures among the Mormons. 1857. O 132 a 4670 Manch HAY, JOHN 4671 Letters of: and extracts from[his]diary. Wash ptd but not pub 1908. O 3v: [24] 393; [2] 368; [2] 350 b N Y — rptd., in part, "Lincoln and the civil war . . . ," N Y 1939. O [14] 348 front, a HAY, THOMAS R. 4672 Hood's Tennessee campaign. N Y 1929. O 272 2maps a HAWKS, FRANCIS L., et al 4662 Revolutionary history of North Carolina Raleigh 1853. D 237 a HAWLEY, A. T. 4663 The climate, resources. . . of Humboldt county, California Eureka 1879. O 42 + 8 adv-p a HAWLEY, A. T. 4664 Condition, progress and advantages of Los Angeles city and county. ...LA 1876. O [2] 144 a HAWLEY, MRS. CHARLOTTE 4665 CORNELL Reminiscences of a private life. ...NY 1893. O 38 a Authoress crossed the Isthmus to Cali- fornia in 1852. HAYDEN, FtERDINAND] V. 4673 Sun pictures of Rocky mountain scenery N Y 1870. Q [8] 150 + atlas vol[30 mounted photos] a HAYDEN, FERDINAND V. 4674 The Yellowstone national park [etc.], B 1876. F [6] 48[incl. 2maps] 15col pls[by Moran] b G Y HAYDEN, HORACE E. 4675 Virginia genealogies. . . . Wilkes-Barre 1891. Q[l8] 759 12ports a — rptd. Wash 1931. Q 758 HAYDEN, HORACE H. 4676 Geological essays; or, an enquiry into some of the geological phenomena ... in various parts of America. . . .Bait 1820. O [8] 412 a 258 Hayden — Hazard HAYDEN, MARY J. 4677 Pioneer days. San Jose 1915. D 49 front, a Tells of her 1850 overland trip to Oregon, Indian wars, etc. HAYDEN, WILLIAM Narrative of: . . . his travels . . . whilst slave, in the south. Cin 1846. D 156 a 4678 HAYES, CHARLES W., ed. 4679 George Edward Hayes, a memorial. But 1882. O 174 port b N Y Describes an eventful trip across the plains in 1850. HAYES, CHARLES W. 4680 A long journey; the story of Daniel Hayes. Portland Me 1876. 16° 76 a lOOcopies ptd. Indian captivity of this Connecticut man, 1705-1712. HAYES, E. L. 4681 Illustrated atlas of the upper Ohio river and valley Phil 1877. obi F 231 maps pis a HAYMOND, CREED 4682 The Central Pacific Railroad. . . . Wash [1888]. O 181 a — anr. ed. [s F 1888]. O 286 Argument, delivered before a Senate com- mittee, defending this carrier from attacks urged on by Crocker, Huntington and Stan- ford. Practically a history of the overland railroad project. HAYNES, FREDERICK E. 4683 Third party movements since the civil war Iowa City [ 19 16]. O [ 12] 564 a HAYNES, LEMUEL 4684 The nature ... of true republicanism. . . . [Rutland Vt] 1801. D 24 a HAYNES, MARTIN A. 4685 Gen. Scott's guide in Mexico . . . Col. Noah E. Smith. Lake Village N H 1887. O 58 a HAYS, GILBERT A., comp. 4686 Life and letters of Alexander Hays. . . . Pitt 1919. O 732 9pls a After serving in the Mexican War, this West Pointer resigned, crossed the plains in 1850 and spent some time in the mines. HAYWARD, ARTHUR H. 4687 Colonial lighting. B [l923]. O [26] 159 lOOpls a —rev. ed. B 1927. O [24] 168 83pls HAYWARD, JOHN 4689 A gazetteer of the United States. . . . Hart 1853. O 861 map port a HAYWARD, JOHN 4690 The New England gazetteer. . . . B 1839. O 510 3pls a — rptd. 13 times by 1841. HAYWARD, JOHN 4691 A view of the United States. ...NY Day [1832]. O 21 1. [incLcov.t.] a — ed. 2, N Y Collins [l832]. same collat. For later edition see above, The Colum- bian traveller. . . . HAYWARD, SILVANUS 4692 History of . . . Gilsum, New Hampshire. Manchester N H 1881. O 468 2maps 71pls a 250copies ptd. [HAYWOOD, JOHN] 4693 The Christian advocate. By a Tennessean. Nashv 1819. D [6] 5-357 tab a Largely devoted to Indian antiquities; supports a Caucasian origin of our aborigines. HAYWOOD, JOHN 4694 The civil and political history of Ten- nessee, from its settlement up to 1796. Knoxv 1823. O [6] 504 + copyright slip be- tween t-p & pref a — rptd., with sketch of au., Nashv 1891. O 518; same impr. & collat. 1915. HAYWOOD, JOHN 4695 The natural and aboriginal history of Ten- nessee, up to. . . 1768. Nashv 1823. O [8] 390 [54] b AA BA N NYP Y Of great value on the pre-Caucasian period, its people and antiquities. [HAYWOOD, P. D.]? 4696 The cruise of the "Alabama". . . .Liv 1863. O 48 port a — rptd. "Our cruise on the. . . 'Alabama' ...," [L 1863?]. 64 — anr. ed. n.p. 1864. O 56 — enl. ed. B 1886. D 150 2maps pi Ascribed also to George T. Fullam. HAZARD, EBENEZER 4697 Historical collections . . . materials for an history of the United States. . . . Phil 1792- 4. Q2v: [4] 639 [lo]; [4] 654 a HAYWARD, JOHN 4688 The Columbian traveller. . . principally re- lating to the United States. fi[l833]. Q 40 4maps a HAZARD, LUCY L. 4698 The frontier in American literature. N Y Crowell [1927], D 308 a — rptd. N Y 1941. 259 Hazard — Hebard HAZARD, SAMUEL 4699 Annals of Pennsylvania... 1609-1682. Phil 1850. O [8] 664 a HAZARD, SAMUEL, ed. 4700 The register of Pennsylvania. . . . Phil 1828-36. O 16v: v. I, [4] 448; v. II. [8] 386; v.VI, [8] 432; other vols, each [8] 416 b AA N NYP Y Issued originally in 390 numbers. HAZARD, THOMAS B. 4701 Nailer Tom's diary B 1930. Q [24] 808 a 400copies ptd. HAZARD, THOMAS R. 4702 The Jonny-cake papers of "Shepherd Tom" . . . with Reminiscences of Narragan- sett schools B 1915. O [22] 430 fold. map pis a 600copies ptd. HAZELTON, JOHN H. 4703 The Declaration of Independence: its history. N Y 1906. O [l2] 3-629 12pls a HAZEN, Rl EUBENl W. 4704 History of the Pawnee Indians. . . . [Fre- mont Neb] 1893. D 80 pi a HAZEN, (MAJOR GENERAL [WILLIAM B.]) Hazen (Major General [ William B.]), on his post of duty . . . reviewed. See Sargent, John O. HAZEN, GEN. W[lLLIAM] B. 4705 Our barren lands Cin 1875. O 53 a In this and another pamphlet of eighteen pages published at St. Paul the same year, Some corrections of "Life on the plains," Hazen could see no economic possibilities in the northern interior. For a scathing re- ply, see Sargent, John O. HEAD, JAMES W. 4706 History ... of Loudon county, Virginia. [Wash 1908], O 186 port a HEAD, THOMAS A. 4707 Campaigns. . . of the 16th Tenn. Infantry Regiment. Nashv 1885. O 488 front, a HEADLEY, j[OEL] T. 4708 Washington and his generals. N Y 1847. D 2v: [348]; 372. 16pls a — rptd., same collat.: N Y 1853; N Y 1854- 5; N Y 1856. HEADLEY, JOHN W. Confederate operations in Canada and New York. N Y 1906. O 480 17ports a 4709 HEADLEY, RUSSELL, ed. 4710 History of Orange county, New York. Middletown N Y 1908. O [lo] 17-997 [20] [inch front. J pis a [HEALD, HENRY] 4711 A western tour, in a series of letters. . . during a journey through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and into . . . Illinois and Ken- tucky. . . . [Wilm Del 1819?]. O 91 capt. t. c NYP PittU HEAP, GWINN H. 4712 Central route to the Pacific, from the valley of the Mississippi to California. Phil 1854. O 136 13pls map[not inserted in all copies] advs at back[paged 1-46 in some copies, 17-32 in others] a HEARD, ISAAC V. D. 4713 History of the Sioux war and massacres N Y 1863. D 354 [incl. pis] a —rptd. 1864; 1865. HEART, CAPT. JONATHAN 4714 Journal of: on the march. . . to Fort Pitt, 1785. Ed. by C. W. Butterfield. Alb 1885. sm Q [16] 94 a 150copies ptd. HEARTSILL, W[lLLIAM] W. 4715 Fourteen hundred and 91 days in the Con- federate army. ... Or camp life; day-by-day, of the W. P. Lane Rangers. Marshall Tex 1874-6. O [8] 265 19pls[containing 61 pasted-in photos of members of this outfit] b N NYP TxS Printed by the author, page-by-page, on a hand-press; the rarest journal by a Con- federate combatant. HEATH, MAJOR-GENERAL 4716 [WILLIAM] Memoirs of: B 1798. O 388 a — rptd./V y 1901. O [10] 401 [3] 2ports some copies on L.P. — anr. ed. N Y 1904. D 435 HEBARD, GRACE R., and 4717 BRININSTOOL, E. A. The Bozeman trail Clev 1922. O 2v: 346; 306. 2fold.maps[other maps & pis incl. in paginat.] a HEBARD, GRACE R. 4718 Sacajawea, a guide and interpreter of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Glendale 1933. O 340[incl.pls & maps] a HEBARD, GRACE R. 4719 Washakie . . . Indian resistance of the covered wagon and . . . railroad invasions Clev 1930. O 338[incl. 7maps & 16pls] + adv-p a 260 Hempstead HEBERT, FRANK 4720 Forty years prospecting. . . in the Black hills [Rapid City 192l]. O 199 HEINRICH, PIERRE La Louisiane sous la Compagr Indes, 1717-31. P [l908]. O [80] 4730 nie des 298 map a HEBERT, WILLIAM A visit to the colony of Harmony, in Indiana L 1825. O 35 b LC Y 4721 .HEBISON, W[lLLIAM] C. 4722 Early days in Texas and Rains county. Emory Tex 1917. O [2] 50 a HECKE, J. VALENTIN 4723 Reise durch die Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Berlin 1820-21. O 2v: [l0j228; [lo] 326. front, a HECKENDORN and WILSON, pubs. 4724 Miners and business men's directory. . . of Tuolumne . . . counties. . . . Columbia Calif 1856. O [6] 104 front, b NYP HECKEWELDER, JOHN 4725 An account of the . . . Indian nations, who once inhabited Pennsylvania. . . . Phil 1818. O [6J 3-348 a — anr. ed. same impr. 1819. O [6] 465 errata 1. — rptd., t. altered, Phil 1876. O 465 port — Fr. tr., with adds., by Du Ponceau, P 1822. O [4] 571 — Ger. tr. by Schulze, Gottingen 1821. O [48] 582 [2] HECKEWELDER, JOHN 4726 Names given by . . . Delaware Indians to . . . places . . . in . . . Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia. . . .Phil 1833. Q 48 a — rptd. in Am. Phil Soc. Trans., vol.4 [1834]. — anr. ed. Bethlehem Pa 1872. O 58 HECKEWELDER, JOHN 4727 A narrative of the mission. . . among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians. . . 1740- 1808 Phil 1820. O [12] 17-430 port errata slip a — best ed., ed. Connelley, Clev 1907. Q [l8] 3-616 3maps 5pls a some copies on L. P. Standard authority on the Moravian mis- sions in Pennsylvania, Ohio, etc. HEINZELMANN, FRIEDRICH 4731 Reisebilder und Skizzen. . . auf die Lander des mejicanischen Golfes und Cali- fornien. Leip 1851. O [8] 476 map pi a Travels in Texas, New Mexico and California. HEISTAND, HENRY 0. S. 4732 The Territory of Alaska KC 1898. D 195 3maps 16pls a HELM, MRS. MARY S. 4733 Scraps of early Texas history. .. .Austin 1884. O 198 [2] a HELPER, HINTON R. 4734 The impending crisis of the south. ...NY 1857. D 420 a — rptd., same date; also 1859 & 1860. — abr. eds., "Compendium of the impending crisis. ..." N Y 1859. O 214; same impr. 1860. Voicing the conclusion that slavery was economically unsound, this work of a southern "poor white," officially banned in the South, vied in popularity and influ- ence with the sentimental Uncle Tom's cabin. HELPER, HINTON R. 4735 The land of gold. Reality versus fiction. Bait 1855. D 300 a — best ed., with 13pls added, Phil 1855. a HELPER, HINTON R. 4736 The Negroes in Negroland ... in America NY 1868. D 254 a HELVIDIUS Letters of: . . . in reply to Pacificus. . . . See Madison, James. HEMENWAY, ABBY M., ed. 4737 The Vermont historical gazetteer. . . . Burlington Vt 1867-91. O 5v 125pls[more in some copiesj a Originally issued in parts. An index volume, containing 1118 pages of text, was added, Rutland, 1923. HECKEWELDER, JOHN 4728 Reise von Bethlehem in Pensilvanien bis zum Wabashflusz Halle 1797. D 94 a — Eng. tr. Phil 1883. HEILPRIN, ANGELO 4729 Alaska and the Klondike L 1899. O [10] 315 3maps 35pls a issue, same collat. & date, N Y HEMPSTEAD, FAY 4738 A pictorial history of Arkansas. . . . St L 1890. O [12 5-10] 17-1240 front. 2maps a HEMPSTEAD, JOSHUA 4739 Diary of: . . . 1711-1758. With an account of a journey made from New London to Mary- land. N Lond 1901. O [l4] 750 front, facs a 500copies ptd. 261 Henderson — Henry [HENDERSON, A.] 4740 The adventures of a Porcupine . . . genuine memoirs of a notorious rogue. . . . Phil 1796. O 47 front, a Scurrilous lampoon on William Cobbett and his Life and adventures of Peter Porcupine, q.v. HENDERSON, GEORGE F. R. 4741 The campaign of Fredericksburg. L 1886. D [20] 143 4maps 2pls a HENDERSON, G[EORGE] F. R. 4742 Stonewall Jackson and the. . . civil war L 1898. O 2v: [l8] 550 + 32adv-p; [8] 641 + adv-p. 33maps 2ports a — ed. 2, with 14p. introd. by Wolsely added, L 1899. O 2v HENDERSON, JOHN G. 4743 Early history of the "Sangamon country" . . . notes on the first settlements in. . . Morgan, Scott and Cass counties [ill. J. Davenport la 1873. O 33 errata 1. a HENRY, THE BRITISH SPY! Documents from: See Seaver, Eben. HENRY, ALEXANDER, [d. 1814] the 4750 younger, and THOMPSON, DAVID New light on the early history of the greater northwest. The journals of:. . . . Ed. by E. Coues. N Y 1897. O 3v: [28] 446; [6] 447-916; [6] 917-1027. port 4maps, &c[in pocket at end] a 1100 copies ptd.[l00 on L.P.] HENRY, ALEXANDER, 1739-1824 4751 Travels and adventures... 1760-6. N Y 1809. O [8] 330 port[not issued in the earli- est copies, but collectors insist on its presence] a — rptd., with notes, ed. Jas. Bain, B 1901. O [44] 347 6maps & pis a some copies carry Tor impr. Authentic narrative of fur-trading among Indians of the upper lakes. A miraculous escape from massacre during Pontiac's war, captivity, &c. HENDERSON, THOMAS 4744 An easy system of geography . . . designed for schools. Lex Ky 1813. D 213 a Appendix devoted chiefly to the Missis- sippi Valley and the Old Northwest. HENDRY & FELL, comps. 4745 Residence and business directory of Billings, Montana. . . history. . . . Minneap 1883. O 96[incl.front.] a HENRY, J. T. 4752 The early and later history of petroleum . . . its development in western Pennsylvania .... Phil 1873. O 607 5pls 27ports a First comprehensive history of the in- fancy of this industry. HENRY, JAMES P. 4753 The Arkansas gazetteer and emigrant's guide. Little Rock 1873. D 123 a HENLEY, COLONEL DAVID 4746 Proceedings of a general court-martial. . . upon the trial of: Laccused by General Burgoyne of ill treatment of the British soldiers]. B 1778. sm O 88 b AA N NYP — Eng. ed. L 1778. O [4] 147 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. HENLEY, G. F. 4747 Guide to the Yukon-Klondike mines. . . . [Victoria Can 1897]. D 63 a — rptd. N Y 1898. D 60 HENLEY, PETER 4748 The life of: . . . his travels and adventures in America Calne Eng 1799. O 64 a After service in the French and Indian war, distinguished by two desertions, Hen- ley lived in Massachusetts under the name of Robertson, joined the Revolutionary army and lost his right hand at Bunker's Hill. HENNI, J. M. 4749 Ein Blick in's Thai des Ohio oder Briefe iiber den Kampf und das Wiederaufleben der katholischen Kirche im fernen Westen der Vereinigten Staaten Munich 1836. O 128 HENRY, JOHN J. 4754 An accurate. . . account of the hardships ... of that band of heroes who traversed the wilderness in the campaign against Quebec in 1775. Lancaster 1812. D 225 a — rev. ed. "Campaign against Quebec... ," Watertown 1844. D 212 — rptd., with memoir of au., "Account of Arnold's campaign against Quebec. . . ," Alb 1877. D [14] 198 map HENRY, JOSEPH 4755 A statement. . . respecting the condition and treatment of slaves, in. . . Vicksburg and its vicinity. . . . Medina O 1839. D 24 a HENRY, M[ATTHEW] S. 4756 History of the Lehigh valley. . . . Easton 1860. O [12] 436 map 31pls[one incl. in paginat.] a Originally issued in five parts; most copies of part five were burned, so complete sets in that form are rare. HENRY, ROBERT S. 4757 The story of the Confederacy. Indp [l93l]. o[8] 11-314 12pls[one double p.] a 262 Henry — Hesse HENRY, STUART O. 4758 Conquering our great American plains. . . . TV Y [l930]. D [16] 395 a HENRY, WILLIAM 4759 Account of the captivity of: in 1755, and of his residence among the Senneka [sic] Indians six years and seven months. . . . B 1766. Q 160 no copy known d HENRY, WILLIAM S. 4760 Campaign sketches of the war with Mexico. TV Y 1847. D 331 a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1848. HENRY, WILLIAM W. 4761 Patrick Henry: life, correspondence and speeches. TV Y 1891. O 3v: [24] 622; [l6] 652; [4] 672. port a HENSHAW, DAVID 4762 Letters on the internal improvements and commerce of the west. £? 1839. O 29 a HENSHAW, COL. WILLIAM 4763 The orderly book of: . . . 1775. B 1877. O [14] 86 port a — enl. ed. "The orderly books of:...," B 1881. 0[l4] 167 port facs HENTZ, J. P. Twin Valley [Ohio]; its settlement. Dayton 1883. 16° 288 a 4764 HERBERT, ARTHUR 4765 Sketches. . . of movements of the Seven- teenth Virginia infantry. Wash [ca 1900]. O [2] 41 + cov.t. a — rptd., same collat., n.p. [l909?]. HERBERT, CHARLES 4766 A relic of the revolution. . . sufferings . . . of all the American prisoners captured on the high seas B 1847. 18° [4] 258 pi a HERFF, DR. [FERDINAND] VON 4767 Die geregelte Auswanderung des deut- schen Proletariats mit besonderer Beziehung auf Texas. Frankf 1850. O 68 b BM HERMANN, ISAAC 4768 Memoirs of a veteran ... in the war be- tween the states. Atlanta 1911. O 285 port a HERMANN, RICHARD 4769 Julien Dubuque; his life and adventures. Dubuque 1922. O 91 a HERMES, K. H. 4770 Die Entdeckung von America durch die Islander im zehnten und eilften Jahrhunderte. Braunschweig 1844. O [8] 134 pi a HERNDON, MRS. SARAH [RAYMOND] 4771 Days on the road; crossing the plains in 1865. TV Y 1902. D [l6] 270 port a HERNDON, WILLIAM H., and 4772 WEIK, JESSE W. s Lincoln: the true story of a great life. . . . Chi [1889]. D 3v: [20] 199 + 5adv-p; [4] 205-418 + 6adv-p; [4] 423-638 + 4adv-p. 63pls a — ed. 2, Chi 1890. same collat. — ed. 3, ed. by H. White, with adds., TV Y 1892. D 2v: [28] 331; [lo] 348 + 2adv-p. 30pls Based on Herndon's intimate, first-hand knowledge, this will always be the most authoritatave single source for Lincoln's pre-Presidential period. HERRICK, FRANCIS H. 4773 Audubon the naturalist NY 1917. O 2v: [42] 451; [l6] 494. 53pls a — rptd. TV Y 1938. O [HERRING, ELBERT?] 4774 Touchstone to the people. . . on the choice of a president. TV Y 1812. O 56 a — issue 2, errata list added on p56. HERRING, JAMES, and LONG- 4775 ACRE, JAMES B., eds. The national portrait gallery of dis- tinguished Americans. TV Y 1834-9. roy O 4v 144ports, accompanied by biogs. a some L. PiCopies Q — anr. issue, Phil H. Perkins, same dates & collat. — anr. ed. Phil Longacre 1837. same collat. — later eds., with inferior impressions of pis, issued at Phil, both by Rice and by Rutter; anr. ed. by Rich & Hart, 4v in 3. For similar title — National portrait gal- lery ot eminent Americans. . . , see Duycinck, Evert A. HERRMANN, FRIEDRICH 4776 Die Deutschen in Nord-amerika. Lubben 1806. O [8] 192 a HERZ, HENRI Mes voyages en Amerique. P 1866. 328 port a 4777 HESSE, N. 4778 Das westliche Amerika in besonderer Beziehung auf die deutschen Einwanderer .... Paderborn 1838. O [22] 244 map[of pt. of Mo.J a Chiefly on Missouri; some information on Arkansas and Texas. 263 Hesse-Warteg — High Private HESSE-WARTEG, ERNST VON 4779 Prairie-fahrten. Reise-skizzen aus den nordamerikanischen Prairen. . . . Leip 1878. D [8] 167 [8] inch pis a HESSELIUS, ANDREAS 4780 Kort Berettelse om then Swenska Kyrkios narwarande tilstand i America. . . . Norkioping 1725. Q 24 b JCB N NYP By the pastor of the Swedish church in Pennsylvania. HEUSTIS, CAPTAIN DANIEL D. 4781 A narrative of the adventures and suffer- ings of: . . . in Canada and Van Diemen's Land . . . with travels in California. . . . B 1847. O 168 front, a — ed. 2, B 1848. HEUSTIS, JABEZ W. 4782 Physical observations. .. on the topogra- phy and diseases of Louisiana. TV Y 1817. O 165 a 4783 Towanda Pa HEVERLY, C. F. History of the Tow and as. 1886. D [6] 362 port a HEWATT [or Hewat], ALEXANDER 4784 An historical account of the rise and progress of the colonies of South Carolina and Georgia, [l] 1779. O 2v: [l6, inch final blank 1.] 347; [lo] 329 [last p. mis-numb. 309] a nephew and namesake, with t. "Across the plains and over the divide "TV Y [l906j D [4] 521 + 12adv-p map 58pls port a HEWSON, JOHN 4790 A brief history of the revolution. . , . Phil 1843. O 110 [l] a HEY, RICHARD 4791 Observations on the nature of civil liberty, and the principles of government. L 1776. O [4] 70 a HIATT, ISAAC 4792 Thirty-one years in Baker county [Ore. ]: a history of the county, 1861-1892. Baker City 1893. O 208 a HIATT, JAMES M. 4793 The war for the Democratic succession. . . battle of Rogue's Run. . . . Indp 1866. O 80 a Satirical account of "Copperhead" ac- tivities in Indiana and Illinois, with a vicious attack on Andrew Johnson. HIBERNICUS 4794 Hibernicus; or, memoirs of an Irishman . . . before and since his emigration .... Pitt 1828. D 251 a HICKCOX, JOHN H. 4795 An historical account of American coin- age. Alb 1858. O [8] 151 5pls a 205copies [5 on L.P.] HEWES, GEORGE R. T. Traits of the tea party. . . memoir of:. . By a Bostonian. See Thatcher, Benj. B. HEWETT, D[ANIEL] 4785 The American traveller. . . an account of all the great post roads. . .. Wash 1825. 16° 440 + starred p373-396 a HEWETT, D[ANIEL] 4786 A gazetteer of the New-England states TV Y 1829. D 84 a HEWITT, GIRART 4787 Minnesota: its advantages. . . . St P 1867. O 36 a — rptd. , same impr. & collat. , 1868. HEWITT, JOHN H. 4788 Shadows on the wall; or, glimpses of the past Bait 1877. D 249 a HICKMAN, GEORGE 4796 History of Marshall county [Dak.]. . . . Britton Dak 1886. O 5l[incl. 6 illus] + 20 adv-p a HICKMAN, WILLIAM A. 4797 Brigham's destroying angel; . . . life, con- fession. . . of: Ed. J. H. 3eadle. TV Y 1872. D 219 port a — rptd. often HICKS, ELIAS 4798 Observations on the slavery of the Africans TV Y 181 1. D 24 a —rptd. TV Y 1814. D [4] 23 [HIGGINSON, STEPHEN] 4799 The writings of Laco B 1789. O 39 a — rptd. "Ten chapters in the life of John Hancock," TV Y 1857. O 68 Annihilating attack on Hancock. HEWITT, JUDGE RANDALL H. 4789 Notes by the way. Memoranda of a journey across the plains [from Illinois to Washing- ton Territory]. Olympia 1863. D 58 dd B N Lof 6 copies known] — ed. 2, Olympia 1872. b — ed. 3, greatly enl. by Judge Hewitt's HIGGINSON, THOMAS W. A ride through Kansas. , 24 caption t.only a , [TV Y 1856]. D "HIGH PRIVATE" "High private" (The). ... By the guard." See Lombard, A. 'Corporal 264 HILDEBRAND, SAMUEL S. 4801 Autobiography of: the renowned Missouri "bushwhacker". . . . Comp. by James W. Evans and A. Wendell Keith. Jeff C 1870. D 312[incl.8pls] a [HILDRETH, JAMES] 4802 Dragoon campaigns to the Rocky moun- tains By a Dragoon. N Y 1836. O 288 a First active service of this newly organ- ized regiment, commanded by Col. Dodge; from St. Louis to Ft. Gibson and the Pawnee villages. According to the new third edition of Wagner-Camp, the. real author was an Englishman, William L. Gordon-Miller, Hildreth being merely the man who arranged publication. HILDRETH, RICHARD 4803 The history of the United States TV Y 1849-51-52. O 6v: [26] 33-570; 579; [2] 592 [l]; 704; 686; 740 a —rev. ed. N Y 1854-5. O 6v — Dutch tr. Hague 1854-7. O 6v HILDRETH, SAMUEL P. 4804 Biographical and historical memoirs of the early. . . settlers of Ohio. . . . Cin 1852. O 539 6pls a — rptd. Cin 1854. Col. Meig's Journal, announced on title as being annexed, is found in no copies. HILDRETH, SAMUEL P. 4805 Contributions to the early history of the north-west. . . . Cin Poe & Hitchcock 1864. 16° 240 a — rptd. Cin Hitchcock Cc Walden, n.d. same collat. HILDRETH, SAMUEL P. 4806 Original contributions to The American pioneer. Cin 1844. O [4] 144 7pls a Only a small number issued in this sepa- rate form. HILDRETH, SAMUEL P. 4807 Pioneer history . . . first examinations of the Ohio valley . . . early settlement of the Northwest Territory Cin 1848. O [l3] 525 map 8pls a —rptd. 1850. Of the original edition many copies were destroyed in a fire. HILGARD, THEODORE E. 4808 Meine Erinnerungen. {Heidelberg I860?]. D [2] 380 pis a Spent twenty-five years in southern j Illinois. HILL, A. J. 4809 History of Company E of the Sixth Min- nesota. . . . Lin the Sioux campaign]. St P 1899. O 45[incl.port] a HILL, ALEXANDER S. 4810 From home to home . . . wanderings in the northwest L 1885. O [10] 432 + 32adv-p 2maps 25pls a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — Am. ed., same collat. & date, N Y For attack on the questionable practices of Hill's Canadian ranch, see Craig, John R. The operations of this cattle combine ex- tended into the United States. HILL, MRS. ALICE P. 4811 Tales of the Colorado pioneers, [illus. by Eugene Field]. Denver 1884. D 319 a — rev. ed. "Colorado pioneers. . . ," [Den- ver 1915]. D [l6] 544 front. HILL, IRA 4812 Antiquities of America explained. Hagers- town 1831. 16° 131 a [HILL, ISAAC] 4813 Brief sketch of the life, character and services of Major General Andrew Jackson Concord 1828. D 51 port a HILL, JAMES; otherwise, James 4814 Hind; otherwise, James Actzen. The trial (at large) of: for. . . setting fire to the rope-house, in His Majesty's dock- yard at Portsmouth. Taken in short hand by Joseph Gurney. L Kearsley [ca 1777]. F 40 - — anr. ed. "The trial of James Hill, alias John the painter. . . . Taken in short hand by a gentleman at the trial," L Corrall Lea 1777]. O 55 port — anr. ed., called ed. 2, with adds., n.p. 1777. D 94 port pi — anr. ed., called ed. 3, "The life of James Aitken. . . ," Winton Wilkes n.d. O 62 port — rptd. Portsmouth n.d. — anr. ed. "The whole of the proceedings .... Taken in short hand by William Blan- chard," L n.d. Famous attempt at sabotaging British stores intended for use against the Colo- nists, undertaken, by this Scotch-American, either for patriotic motives of reprisal for destruction of American property, for monetary reward offered him by Silas Deane; or for both. HILL, JIM D. 4815 The Texas navy Chi 1937. O [l6] 224 4pls a HILL, JOHN B. 4816 History of . . . Mason, N. H B 1858. O 324 a 265 Hill _ Hines HILL, JOSEPH J. 4817 The history of Warner's ranch. ...LA 1927. O [8 7-12] 22l[incl.9pls] 2ports a 1300copies ptd.[300 for presentation] HILL, LUTHER B., ed. 4818 A history of . . . Oklahoma. Chi 1908. roy O 2v: [18] 555; [8] 533. 4maps 48pls a [HILL, MARK L.] 4819 A narrative shewing the promises made to the officers of the . . . continental army. . . . Elizabeth-Town 1826. O 48 a HILLARD, E[LIAS] B. 4820 The last men of the revolution. . . . Hart 1864. D 64 12pls[6 col.] facs a HILLARD, ISAAC 4821 A wonderful and horrible thing is com- mitted in the land. . . . Poughkeepsie 1814. O 96 a — rptd. with add. of "The chronicles of Andrew, containing. . . account of Gen. Jack- son's victories in the south, by Jesse Den- son," Hamilton O 1822. O 118 For earlier edition of The chronicles of Andrew, see Denson, Jesse. [HILLER, E. H.] 4822 Latest information about the Alaska gold fields Juneau [l897]. D 56 a HILLIARD D'AUBERTEUIL, 4823 MllCHEL R.] Essais historiques et politiques sur les Anglo-Americains. Drus 1781-2. O 2v in 4pts: [16] 198; [l2] 199-441; [l2] 208; [l4] 209-436 18maps & pis a —best ed. Drus 1782. Q 2v: [l2] 303; [6] 307. 18maps & pis a — anr. ed. Brus 1784. O 2v: [l2] 303; [4] 315. 18maps & pis — Ger. tr. Hamburg 1783. O 2v: 148 188; 178 176 HILLIARD D'AUBERTEUIL, M[lCHEL R.] Histoire de l'administration de Lord North .... See North, Lord. HILLSBORO . . . DIRECTORY Hillsboro and Hill county [Tex.] directory (The). . . . See Reavis, S. A. HILLSBOROUGH (the Right Honourable the Earl of) A letter to: on the connection between Great Britain and her American colonies. L 1768. O 47 a — rptd. Dub 1768. O 40 Ascribed to George Canning, Sr. 4824 HILLSBOROUGH (the Right 4825 Honourable the Earl of) A letter to: on the present situation. . . in America L 1769. O [l] 117 b NYP — Am. ed. B 1769. O 55 b NYP Y Exposition of American rights; probably by Samuel Adams. HILLYARD, ISAAC A wonderful and horrible thing is com- mitted in the land. . . . See Hillard, Isaac. HILLYARD, M. B. 4826 Letters descriptive of the climate.. . of central Mississippi. . . . McComb City 1876. O 203 a HIMES, JOSHUA V. 4827 Mormon delusions and monstrosities.. . .B 1842. D 90 a HINCHCLIFFE, JOHN 4828 Historical review of Belleville, Illinois .... Belleville 1870. O 80 a HINCHMAN, WALTER 4829 Sketches and poems: 1845-1920. n.p. 1920. O 253 map pis a Account of Indian adventures, etc., by a member of Palmer's 1867 exploring expedi- tion to select a southern railroad route to California. HINDMAN, DAVID 4830 The way to my golden wedding. Sr Joseph Mo 1908. D [6] 200 2pls a Trip to Illinois in 1846 and another in 1849 to California. HINDMAN, MAJOR GENERAL 4831 [THOMAS CARMICHAEL] Report of: of his operations in the Trans- Mississippi district Rich 1864. O 26 a HINDS, WILLIAM A. 4832 American communities . . . Economy, Zoar Oneida N Y 1878. D 176 a — enl. ed., Chi 1902. D 433 HINES, DAVID T. The life, adventures , D 195 a 4833 of: NY 1840. HINES, GUSTAVUS 4834 A voyage round the world; with a history of the Oregon mission, and notes of . . . resi- dence on the plains, bordering on the Pacific. ...But 1850. D 437 a — rptd. with port, added and new t. "Life on the plains of the Pacific. . . ," But 1851. — other eds. with variant t "Oregon: its history, etc."; "Wild life in Oregon." Hines arrived in Oregon in 1840 and his narrative is useful on the early period. 266 Hines — Historical Essay HINES, CAPT. THOMAS H. 4835 Thrilling narrative of the escape of Gen. John H. Morgan [Columbus o] 1887. D 38 port a HINKLE, JAMES F. 4836 Early days of a cowboy on the Pecos. Roswell N M 1937. O 35 a 35copies ptd. [HINMAN, ROYAL R. I comp. 4837 The Blue laws of New Haven colony. . . . Hart 1838. D 336 errata slip a For earlier editions, see Connecticut. The code of 1650 HINMAN, R[OYAL] R. 4838 A catalogue of the names of the first Puritan settlers of . . . Connecticut. . . . Hart 1846. O 367 port a — ed. 2, enl., t.slightly altered, Hart 1852- 6. O 884 ports Never completed beyond the name Daniel- son; the supplement to the second edition, however, included the Hinman family. HINMAN, ROYAL R. 4839 A historical collection. . . of the part sus- tained by Connecticut during the . . . revolu- tion Harr 1842. O 644 port a HINMAN (THE REV. S. D.) 4840 Hinman (The Rev. S. D. ), missionary to the Santee Sioux Indians. Journal of:. . . . Phil 1869. D [18] 87 a HINMAN, WILBUR F. Corporal Si Klegg and his Clev 1887. O [20] 704 a — rptd. often 4841 'pard. [HINTON, RICHARD J.] 4844 Rebel invasion of Missouri and Kansas Chi 1865. O [4] 35l]incl.pls] a — ed. 2, same impr. , date &, collat. HINTS Hints to emigrants . . . with copious ex- tracts from the journal of Thomas Hulme. . . . See Smith, Thos., of Liverpool. HISTOIRE 4845 Histoire de la derniere guerre. . . 1756- 1763. Nouvelle edition. Berlin 1768. 16° [8] 182 a — new ed. Cologne 1769. 16° 192 2maps eng.t. a — anr. ed., same impr. & collat. 1770. HISTOIRE Histoire de la derniere guerre, entre le Grande-Bretagne, et les Etats-Unis. . . . See Leboucher, Odet-Julien. HISTOIRE Histoire de la fondation des colonies des anciennes republiques. . . . See Barron, Wm. HISTOIRE Histoire de la guerre contre les Anglois .... See Poullin de Lumina. HISTOIRE 4846 Histoire de la guerre d'Amerique. Divisees par annees L 1783. O [32] 151 a HISTOIRE Histoire et commerce des colonies angloises dans l'Amerique septentrionale .... See Butel-Dumont, George M. HINTON, JOHN H., ed. 4842 The history and topography of the United States. L 1830-2. Q 2v: [22] 476; [lo] 580. 99maps & pis a — ed. 2, L 1834. Q 2v: [l8] 520; [lo] 580. 99maps & pis — ed. 3, L 1842. Q 2v: [20] 501; [lo] 580. maps & pis — ed. 4, most complete ed., with 17chaps. on Calif. & 3 on Texas, L [l850]. Q 2v 67 maps & pis —Am. ed. B 1834. Q 2v: [l4] 427; [l2] 508 map 40pls — several later Am. eds. Originally issued in monthly parts. Some copies of the first English edition were is- sued in folio; some had plates on India paper. HINTON, RICHARD J. 4843 The hand-book to Arizona. . . . S F 1878. D 432 adv-1. 102 + 43adv-p 4maps 16pls a HISTORIA Historia del establecimiento y commercio de las colonias Inglesas. .. .See Butel- Dumont, George M. HISTORICAI REFLECTIONS Historical and political reflections on the rise. . . of the American rebellion. 1780. See Galloway, Jos. HISTORICAL ANECDOTES 4847 Historical anecdotes. . . in a series of letters from America, in the years 1777-8 L 1779. O [6] 85 a Loyalist affairs in New York City. HISTORICAL ESSAY (AN) Historical essay (An) on the English con- stitution. . . . Wherein the right of parliament, to tax our distant provinces, is explained .... See Ramsay, Allan. 267 Historical Register — History HISTORICAL REGISTER (THE) Historical register (The) of the United States See Palmer, Thos. H. HISTORICAL REMARKS Historical remarks on the taxation of free states. . . . See Meredith, Sir Wm. HISTORICAL REVIEW (AN) 4848 Historical review (An) and directory of North America. . . . By a gentleman . . . re- turned from a tour of that continent. Dub 1789. 18° 2v: [28] 268; [lo] 377. 2fold.tabs a — rptd. Cork 1801. same collat. HISTORISCH-STATISTISCHE NOTIZ Historisch-statistische Notiz der gross- brittanischen Colonien in America. .. .See Schirach, G. B. von. HISTORISCHE...BESCHREIBUNG 4849 Historische und geographische Beschrei- bung des an dem grossen Flusse Mississippi . . . gelegenen herrlichen Landes Louisiana Leip 1720. O [6] 84 map port a — ed. 2, "Ausfiihrliche . . . Beschreibung . . . ," same impr. & date. 16 [6J 102 map — ed. 3, same impr. & date. O L6j 102 map port Some copies of the third edition contain an eleven-page appendix, Remarques. . . , with Frankfurt imprint. For similar work, in English and French, see Mississippi. A full and impartial account of the company of: HISTORISCHE... BETRACHTUNGEN 4850 Historische und politische Betrachtungen iiber die Colonien besonders in Rucksicht auf die Englisch-Amerikanischen. Bern 1779. o[4] 152 a HISTORISCHER ABRISZ Historischer Abrisz der in Nord Amerika vorge-fallenen Staats Veranderung. . . 1774- 1778. See Dubuisson, Paul U., Abrege de la revolution. . . . HISTORY 4851 History and explanation of the Russian lands. . . along the Pacific coast. . . . n.p. [ca I860]. O 32 a HISTORY 4852 History and lives of the most notorious pirates and their crews. . . . L 1725. 16 [l2j 156[incl. front.] a — ed. 3, L 1729. D [8] 132 — other L eds.: 1740; 1765; n.d.[ca 1825]. — Am. ed. A' Y 1824. Many of these pirates operated along our Eastern seaboard. Evidently a condensation of Charles Johnson's General history of the pirates, q.v. HISTORY (A) 4853 History (A) of all the engagements by sea and land . . . during the American revolution Manch 1787. O [4] 436 a HISTORY (THE) History (The) of America. . . extracted from the . . . Encyclopedia. See Morse, Jedidiah. HISTORY History of North America; comprising, a . . . view of the United States, [etc.]. See Talbot, John. HISTORY (THE) 4854 History (The) of North America. Contain- ing an exact account. . . . L Millar, etc. 1776. D [4] 284 map a HISTORY History of North America, from the first discovery. ... By Sylvanus Americanus. See Nevill, Sam'l. HISTORY (THE) History (The) of North and South America, containing, an account. . . .See Young, A. W. HISTORY (THE) 4855 History (The) of the American revolution, , including an impartial examination of the causes Charleston S C 1806. O v.l[all completed]: [lo] 384 [7] + lno.[of v.Il] 24 a HISTORY History of the American war of 1812.. . . See McCarty, Wm. HISTORY (THE) 4856 History (The) of the British dominions in North America L 1773. Q 2v in 1: [l2] 297; 275. map a — Ger. ed. "Geschichte der englischen Colonien in Nordamerika. ..." Leip 1775-6. 16° 2v: [l6] 452; [8] 424 [8j. map 4857 HISTORY (THE) History (The) of the British empire. . . 1765, to the end of 1783, containing an im- partial history of the. . . American revolu- tion. Phil 1798. O 2v: 475; 452 59. 2ports a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat., 1803. HISTORY (THE) History (The) of the civil war in America. By an officer of the army. 1780. See Hall, Capt. John. HISTORY History of the colonization of the free states of antiquity. . . . See Barron, Wm. 268 History — Hittell HISTORY History of the great lakes. See Mansfield, John B. HISTORY (A) History (A) of the Indian wars. . .particu- larly in New England. See Sanders, Daniel G. HISTORY History of the late war, between the United States and Great-Britain. . . .See Brackenridge, Henry M. HISTORY (THE) History (The) of the Moravian missions among the Indians. ... By a member. . . . L 1838. See Loskiel, Geo. H. HISTORY (THE) 4858 History (The) of the new world. . . .Dub [1776]. 24° 180 a — rptd. Dub 1787. HISTORY 4859 History of the organization of the Method- ist Episcopal Church South Nashv 1845. 275 a Statement explaining the reasons leading to the separation effected at the Louisville convention of the same year. HISTORY (THE) 4860 History (The) of the origin, rise and progress of the war in America. . . . B 1780. O 90 [continued as] The history of the rise and progress of the war in North-America B 1780. O 381 [34] [concluded as] The history of the war in America. . . . Vol. II. B 1780. O 84 [4] In all, 3v[usually bound in 2v, the first 2v together being probably in- tended as v.l] b A A Hn WisH Y All three title-pages indicate that this Boston edition was reprinted from a London edition; in reality it seems to have been constructed from several English sources, notably William Russell's History of America and Burke's An impartial history of the war in America, both of which were based on volumes of The annual register. HISTORY History of the pirates Haverhill 1825. See Carey, Thos. HISTORY History of the ram fleet. . . .See Crandall, Warren D. HISTORY (THE) History (The) of the United States for 1796. See Callender, James T., American annual register (The). HISTORY 4861 History of the United States, from their first settlement, to . . . 1815. N Y 1825. D [4] 337 a — Eng. ed. L 1826. O [4] 467 HISTORY History of the war between the United States and Tripoli. . . .See Blyth, Stephen C. HISTORY History (The) of the war in America, be- tween Great Britain and her colonies, from its commencement. . . . See Gordon, Patrick. HITCHCOCK,. ENOS 4862 A discourse on the causes of national prosperity. . . . Prov 1786. O 28 a HITCHCOCK, ETHAN A. 4863 Fifty years in camp and field. ...NY 1909. 0[l6] 514 port a HITCHCOCK, ETHAN A. 4864 Fraud in relation to the settlement of the claims of the half breed relatives of the Winnebago Indians. . . . n.p. [l839?]. O 48 a Exposure of the Pennsylvania political giant Simon Cameron and his co-plunderers by a subaltern disbursing officer at St. Louis. Cameron when in Lindoln's Cabinet saw to it that Hitchcock, whose rank then entitled him to the highest command, was side-tracked. HITCHCOCK, ETHAN A. 4865 A traveler in Indian territory. . . . Cedar Rapids 1930. O 270 fold.map 5pls a HITTELL, JOHN S. 4866 A history of. . . San Francisco. . . .S F 1878. O 498 a [HITTELL, JOHN S.] 4867 The prospects of Vallejo [Calif.]. . . . Vallejo 1871. O 56 map a [HITTELL, JOHN S.] 4868 The resources of Vallejo [California]. . . . [Vallejo] 1869. O [2] 72 map a HITTELL, JOHN S. 4869 Yosemite: its wonders. . . .S F 1868. D 59 map 20photo.pls a HITTELL, THEODORE H. [eds.] 4870 Adventures of James Capen Adams, mountaineer and grizzly bear hunter, of California. S F 1860. D 378 12pls a — rptd. B I860, same collat.; B 1861. Enjoyed — and merited — wide popularity. For another brief biography, see under Adams, James C. 269 Hittell — Hodgson HITTELL, THEODORE H. 4871 History of California. S F 1885-97. O 4v: [4] 9-799; [4] 7-823; 981; [4] 17-858 a — other eds. 1897; 1898. By a capable historian who used, for the Spanish period, documents since destroyed. HOAGLAND, EDWARD, et al 4872 Report to the convention to frame a con- stitution. .. of Kansas. Wyandotte 1859. O 27 a — rptd. 1861. Recites over 400 outrages in the border troubles between pro-slavers and free- staters. HOBART, CHAUNCEY 4873 History of Methodism in Minnesota. Red Wing Minn 1887. D [6] 5-397 20ports a First history of Methodism in this state, written largely from personal knowledge. HOBART, CHAUNCEY 4874 Recollections of my life. . . in the north- west. Red Wing Minn 1885. D 409 port errata slip a Missionary labors in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. Of two later editions, all copies of the second were burned. [HOBART-HAMPDEN, AUGUSTUS C] 4875 Never caught. Personal adventures ... in blockade-running during the American civil war. By Captain Roberts [pseud.]. L 1867. 16° [4] 123 a — rptd., with adds., "Sketches of my life," L 1887. D [6] 282 port Author later known to fame under his Turkish title, Hobart Pasha. HOBBS, JAMES 4876 Wild life in the far west Hart 1872. O 488 col. front. 20pls a — rptd. same impr. & collat.: 1873; 1874; 1875. Hobbs was a companion of Kit Carson, Kirker and other mountain men of the Southwest. [HOBBY, WILLIAM J.]? 4877 Remarks upon slavery; occasioned by at- tempts made to circulate improper publica- tions in the southern states. By a citizen of Georgia. Augusta Ga 1835. O 32 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. — rptd. Phil 1835. HOBSON, MRS. E| LIZABETHl C. 4878 Recollections of a happy life. N Y 1914. D 258 a Narrative of California life in Vigilante days. HOCKERSMITH, L. D. 4879 Morgan's escape. . . . Madisonville Ky 1903. O 75 a HODGE, ALLEN and CAMPBELL, 4880 publishers The New- York directory and register... for 1789. N Y 1789. D 144 map c AA NYP The third New York directory; another by same publisher followed in 1790. For earlier issues, see under Franks, David. HODGE, FREDERICK W. 4881 Handbook of American Indians north of Mexico. Wash 1907-10. O 2v: [lo] 972; [4] 1221. map a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1912. HODGES, M. 4882 The life and times ... of the adventurous . . . Captain Kirby. Cin 1865. O 32 front, a HODGES, WILLIAM R. 4883 Carl Wimar Galv 1908. O 37[incl.port] llpls a Painter of Indians and scenes on the upper Missouri in the 1840's. [HODGKINSON, JOHN]? 4884 Letters on emigration. By a gentleman, lately returned from America. L 1794. O [4] 76 a America, weighed on unfriendly scales, and found wanting. HODGSON, ADAM 4885 Remarks during a journey through North America NY 1823. O 335 a — best ed. "Letters from North America during a tour. . . ," L 1824. O 2v: [l8] 405; [8J 406 map pi 2errata slips some copies of v.2 have app. [461-473] HODGSON, JOHN, reporter 4886 The trial of William Wemms, James Hartegan, et al [other British soldiers im- plicated in the "Boston massacre"] B 1770. O 217 a — Eng. ed. L [l77l]. O 216 — anr. Am. ed. "The trial of the British soldiers . . . for the murder of Crispus At- tucks, Samuel Gray, et al...," D 1807. O 120 —rptd. B 1824. D 146 One of the most notable of American trials. HODGSON, JOSEPH 4887 The cradle of the Confederacy; or, the times of Troup, Quitman and Yancey.. . . Mobile 1876. O [8, 13-16] 528 a Political history of the deep South from the Southern view point 270 Hoding — Holland HODING, SARA 4888 A land log book. . . from the journal kept by the author ... in the United States. L 1836. D [2] 278 [2] a [HOEN, M. W.] 4889 Das Verlangte, nicht erlangte Canaan bey den Lust-Grabern; oder ausfiihrliche Be- schreibung von der unglucklichen Reise derer jungsthin aus Teutschland nach dem Engellandischen in America gelegenen Carolina und Pennsylvanien wallenden Pilgrim Frankf 1711. O [l6] 127 b Hn NYP — rptd. Hamburg 1712. O 384 [2} a HOHNE, FRIEDRICH 4890 Wahn und Ueberzengung. Reise ... in Weimar uber Bremen nach Nordamerika und Texas, 1839-41. We/mar 1844. 16° [lo] 436 [2] map 3pls a HOFFMAN, C^cemp. 4891 Zeitschrift fur Auswanderer nach Amerika .... Stolberg 1847. D 48 a HOFFMAN, CHARLES F. 4892 Wild scenes in the forest and prairie. L j 1839. D 2v: [8] 292; [4] 284. pi a —rptd. L [1842?]. D 2v in 1: [2] 292; 284. pi — Am. ed. N Y 1843. D 2v in 1: [8] 13-207; [4] 13-210 — Ger. tr. Dresden 1845. D 2v: [4] 194 [2]; [2] 202 [2] [HOFFMAN, CHARLES F.] 4893 A winter in the west. By a New Yorker ....NY 1835. D 2v: [4] 337; [4] 346 a — ed. 2, N Y 1835. D 2v: [l2] 282; [8] 286 — Eng. ed. "A winter in the far west," L I 1835. D 2v: [12] 336; [8] 340 HOFFMAN, OGDEN 4894 Reports of land cases . . . for the northern district of California. . . 1853-1858. Vol. I [all]. S F 1862. O 458 b NYP HOFFMANN, HEMMANN 4895 Californien, Nevada und Mexico. . . . Basel 1871. o[4] 426. [2] a — rptd., same impr. 1874. same collat. HOGAN, EDMUND 4896 The prospect of Philadelphia and check on the next directory. Pt. I [all]. Phil 1795. O 180 a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat. 1796. [HOGAN, JOHN] 4897 Thoughts about the city of St. Louis. . . . St L 1854. O 80 17pls a — anr. issue, cov.t. dated 1855, with fold, panorama added. HOGAN, JOHN J. 4898 On the mission in Missouri, 1857-68. K C 1892. D [4] 231 a HOLABIRD, LT. COL. SAMUEL B. 4899 Report of a reconnaisance made in the Department of Dakota Wash 1870. O 32 a HOLBROOK, SAMUEL F. 4900 Threescore years: an autobiography. . . . B 1857. O 504[incl. front.] a [HOLBROOK, SILAS P.] 4901 Sketches by a traveller. B 1830. D [4] 315 a Includes experiences in Oregon and Alaska. HOLCOMBE, HOSEA 4902 A history of . . . the Baptists in Alabama Phil 1840. D 375 a HOLDEN, A[USTIN] W. 4903 A history of the town of Queensbury. . . New York. Alb 1874. O [lo] 519 20pls a HOLDEN, WILLIAM C. 4904 The Spur ranch [in Texas]. B [l934]. O 229 diags a HOLDITCH, ROBERT 4905 The emigrant's guide to the United States L 1818. O [4] 124 a HOLGATE, JEROME B. 4906 Atlas of American history. . . . C 1842. F [lO] 6maps a — anr. issue, same date, N Y. F Ll9] 6maps HOLINSKI, ALEXANDER J. J. 4907 La Californie Brus 1853. D [l6] 414 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — rptd. 1855, same collat. HOLLAND, EDWARD 4908 To the Yukon and the Klondike gold fields. S F 1897. D 56 map a [HOLLAND, EDWIN C.] 4909 A refutation of the calumnies . . . against the southern and western states, respecting . . . slavery among them. Charleston S C 1822. O 86 [l] a HOLLAND, HENRY W. 4910 William Dawes, and his ride with Paul Revere B 1878. O [8] 128 12pls fold.tab a lOOcopies ptd. HOLLAND, JOSIAH G. 4911 History of western Massachusetts. . . . Springfield 1855. D 2v: 520; 619. map a 271 Mollenberg — Holmes [HOLLENBERG, W. N.] 4912 Die Deutschen in Amerika. Mittheilungen des Berliner Vereins fur die ausgewanderten Deutschen der evangerlischen Kirche in Westen Nordamerikas. Berlin 1859. O 40 a HOLLEY, FRANCES C. 4913 Once their home, or our legacy from the Dahkotahs Chi 1890. O 406 29pls a — eds. 2 & 3, Chi 1891 & 1892. O 420 [5] 32pls HOLLISTER, H. [m. D.] 4921 Contributions to the history of the Lacka- wanna valley. N Y 1857. D 328 map port a — ed. 2, re-written, "History of the Lacka- wanna valley. . . ," N Y 1869. O 442 front. — ed. 3, same collat., Scranton 1875. — two other eds. HOLLISTER, HIEL 4922 Pawlet Lvt. J for one hundred years. Alb 1867. D 272 a HOLLEY, MRS. MARY AUSTIN 4914 Texas. Observations, historical, geo- graphical and descriptive. . . . Bait 1833. D 167 map a — enl. ed. Lex 1836. D [lo] 410 map a — anr. ed. Bait 1838. — anr. ed. "Letters of an American travel- ler," Dallas 1933. By Stephen F. Austin's cousin. The 1833 edition was written to promote emigration; that of 1836, re-written, was essentially a different work seeking to encourage United States recognition. HOLLEY, ORVILLE L. 4915 A gazetteer of . . . New York Alb 1842. D 479 map pi a — rptd. 1848. HOLLISTER, OVANDO J. 4923 History of the First Regiment of Colorado Volunteers. Denver 1863. D 178 d AA N Y — rptd. "Boldly they rode. . . ," Lakewood Colo 1949. a Leading authority on early Colorado Indian wars and rarest book printed in this state. HOLLISTER, OVANDO J. 4924 The silver mines of Colorado. Central City 1867. D [8] 87 b U S Geol Surv Y — enl. ed. "The mines of Colorado... ," Springfield Mass 1867. D [7] 450 map a HOLLISTER, URIAH S. 4925 The Navajo and his blanket. Denver 1903. ,1 smQ 144 8col.pls a HOLLIDAY, F. C. 4916 Life and times of Rev. Allen Wiley; con- taining sketches of early Methodist preach- ers in Indiana Cin 1853. D 291 a HOLLIDAY, GEORGE H. 4917 On the plains in '65. . . cavalry service among the Indians of Nebraska, Colorado, Dakota n.p. 1883. D 97[incl.port] b NYP Y HOLLINGSWORTH, JOHN 4918 The journal of the First New York Volun- teers. . . 1846-1849. S F 1923. O [lo] 61 port HOLLOWAY, J. N. History of Kansas. O 584 a 4926 Lafayette Ind 1868. HOLLOWAY, W. R. 4927 Indianapolis. A historical and statistical sketch Indianap 1870. O [lo] 390 map 24pls a HOLLY, ISRAEL 4928 God brings about his holy and wise pur- pose. . . illustrated in a sermon, preached at Suffield . . . after the report arrived that the people of Boston had destroyed a large quantity of tea Hart 1774. Q 24 b NYP Y I 3copies known [HOLLIS, THOMAS] ed. 4919 The true sentiments of America:. . . . L 1768. O 82 [2] 83-158 a — rptd. Dub 1769. O 120 Consists of documents relating to taxation disputes between Massachusetts and Gover- nor Bernard. HOLLISTER, G. H. The history of Connecticut. . . . N Hav 1855. O 2v: 508; 663. 17ports a — ed. 2, enl., Hart 1857. O 2v: 613; 758 17ports —rptd.: 1858; 1859. 4920 HOLM, CAMPANIUS T. Kort Beskrifning om Provincien Nya Swerige. . . . See Campanius Holm, Tomas. HOLMAN, WOODFORD C. 4929 Twenty-four years' residence in Cali- fornia and Oregon. St L 1870. O 25 a HOLMES, ABIEL 4930 American annals. . . 1492-1806. C 1805. O 2v: [4] 484; 541. a — Eng.ed L 1808. O 2v map — anr. Eng. ed., with adds., L 1813. O 2v: [6] 412; [2] 457. 2maps — ed. 2 — and best — "The annals of Amer- 272 ica.. . 1492-1826," C 1829. O 2v: [l6] 584; [4] 599 a HOLMES, ABIEL 4931 The history of Cambridge [Mass.], B 1801. 67 a HOLMES, ABIEL 4932 The life of Ezra Stiles B 1798. O [6] 404 port a [HOLMES, ALEXANDER] 4933 The deplorable state of New-England. . . . [L]l708. O [8] 39 b H Hn NYP —Am. eds.: [b] 1720. 16° 36 b MH; B 1721. same collat. Vigorous arraignment of Gov. Dudley. As- cribed also to Cotton Mather, who probably shared in its preparation, John Wise and John Higginson. For similar pamphlet, see New-England. A memorial of the present deplorable state of: HOLMES, LIEUTENANT GENERAL 4934 [D. H.], et al Report of the battle of Helena Rich 1864. O 64 a [HOLROYD, JOHN B., Earl of 4941 Sheffield] Observations on the commerce of the American states. . . . L 1783. O 75 a — ed. 2, with adds., L 1783. O [4] 122 5tabs — enl. ed. L 1784. O [l6] 288 Utabs — rptd. Dub 1784. — ed. 6, L 1784. O [52] 345 [24] 29tabs — Am. eds.: Phil Bradford 1783. O 77; Phil Bell 1783. with adds. O [2] 78 62 — Fr. trs.: L 1789. O [l6] 336; Rouen 1789. Q Pointed out superciliously the helpless position of American commerce, and thus influenced the shaping of England's trade policy from 1783 to 1789, so detrimental to American commerce and shipping interests as to contribute greatly to the formation of a Federal union, better able, than were the separate federated states, to retaliate against British maritime might. HOLT, MISS [C. E.] 4942 An autobiographical sketch of a teacher's life. . . in the northern and southern states, California Quebec 1875. O 104 errata 1. a HOLMES, EZEKIEL Report of an exploration, tory on the Aroostook river. 1839. O 79 a 4935 of the terri- . Augusta Me HOLMES, ISAAC 4936 An account of the United States from actual observation, during a residence of four years L [l823]. O [8] 476 map tab a HOLMES, REV. JOHN B. 4937 Historical sketches of the missions of the United Brethren Dub 1818. O [lo] 472 a — ed. 2, L 1827. O [8] 470 errata 1. a HOLMES, JOSEPH T. 4938 Quincy [ill.] in 1857 Quincy 1857. 16° 69 a HOLMES, LEWIS 4939 The Arctic whaleman. . . wreck of the. . . "Citizen," of New Bedford. . . and subse- quent sufferings B 1857. D 296[incl. pis] a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1861. HOLMES, CHIEF JUSTICE OLIVER W. 4940 Speeches. B 1891. O [6] 55 a —other eds.: B 1896. O [6] 69; B 1900. O [6] 86 — rptd., same impr.: 1913; 1918; 1934. each O [6] 103 HOLTON, E. D. 4943 Travels with jottings. From midland to the Pacific. Milw 1880. O 94 port a 50copies ptd. [HOMANS, ISAAC SMITH] 4944 History of Boston. B 1856. O [30] 246 a [HOMANS, ISAAC SMITH] 4945 Sketches of Boston B 1851. D [8] 246 112 + 8adv-p a Attributed also to James L. Homer. HOMER, JONATHAN 4946 Description and history of Newton [Mass.]. [B 1798], O 28 a HONE, PHILIP 4947 The diary of: 1828-51. N Y 1889. O 2v: [10] 400; [2] 426. port a HONGLON, W. S. [comp.] 4948 History and statistics of Jackson county, Kansas Holton 1876. D 31 a HONOR (THE) Honor (The) of the University of Oxford defended. . . . See Bentham, Edw. HOOD, GEORGE 4949 A history of music in New England. . . . B 1846. 16° 252 + 3p of testimonials a 273 HOOD, JOHN B. Advance and retreat, map 2ports a 4950 ,N O 1880. O 358 HOOKER, SIR WILLIAM J. 4951 The botany of Captain Beechey's voyage . . . 1825-1828. L 1841. Q [4] 485 99pls a HOOKER, SIR WILLIAM J. 4952 A brief memoir of the life of Mr. David Douglas, with extracts from his letters [and journal]. L [ca 1837], O 104 b Y First printed in The Companion to Hooker's Botanical Magazine, volume II, London, 1835-1836, of which above is a separate printing. Also appeared in Ha- waiian Spectator, 1839. CI. Douglas, David, Journal. HOOKER, SIR WILLIAM J. Companion to Hooker's Botanical maga- zine. See Douglas, David, note. [HOOPER, JOHNSON J.] 4953 Some adventures of Captain Simon Suggs . . . and other Alabama sketches. Phil 1845. D 201 front, a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1846. — many later eds., with t. slightly altered. HOOTON, CHARLES 4954 St. Louis' Isle, or Texiana L 1847. O [16] 204 6pls a HOOVER, DAVID 4955 Memoir of: a pioneer of Indiana. . . . Rich- mond Ind 1857. O 44 a HOPEWELL, M. 4956 Legends of the Missouri and Mississippi. L n.d. 16° 506 a HOPKINS, GERARD T. A mission to the Indians. . . to Fort Wayne, in 1804 See Tyson, Martha E. HOPKINS, JEREMIAH [pseud.] Sketch of the life of Thomas Singularity .... See Singularity, Thos. HOPKINS, SAMUEL 4957 An address to the people of New-England . . . importance of attaching the Indians to their interest Phil 1757. O 27 b NYS PaH Y A reprint of the concluding part of his Historical memoirs, below, thus a continu- ation of its abridged version there entered. [HOPKINS, SAMUEL] 4958 A dialogue concerning the slavery of the Africans Norwich Conn 1776. O 63 a — rptd. N Y 1785. D 72 HOPKINS, SAMUEL 4959 Historical memoirs, relating to the Housatunnuk Indians. . . . B 17 53. sm Q [&] 182 b AA H N NYP Y — abr. ed. Phil 1757. O 40 b BP MH [HOPKINS, STEPHEN] 4960 The rights of colonies examined. Pub- lished by authority. Prov 1765 [ptd 1764]. O 24 b AA Hn NYP Y — anr. issue, without "Published by au- thority" on t-p b AA — Eng. ed., omitting a few paragraphs on p38. "The grievances of the American colonies candidly examined," L 1766. O 48 a Ascribed also to Silas Downer and to Samuel Ward. Replied to in Martin Howard's famous twenty-two-page Letter from a gentle- man at Halifax, Newport 1765. HOPKINSON, FRANCIS 4961 The pathetic . . . narrative of Miss Perine, of the massacre and destruction of Indian Key village Phil 1841. O 28 b [HOPKINSON, JOSEPH] 4962 What is our situation? and what our pros- pects? A few pages for Americans. [Phil 1798?]. O 40 a — Eng. ed., t. slightly altered, L 1799. same collat. [HOPLEY, CATHERINE C.] 4963 Life in the south. ... By a blockaded British subject L 1863. D 2v: [l6] 428; [8] 405 a Attributed also to Sarah L. Jones a pseudonym used by this authoress. [HOPLEY, CATHERINE C.] 4964 "Stonewall" Jackson. ... A biographical sketch. By the author of "Life in the south." L 1863. D [14] 178 map a — ed. 2, same impr., date £ collat. HOPPE, JANUS, and ERMAN, A. 4965 Californiens Gegenwart und Zukunst. . . . Berlin 1849. O [8] 152 2maps a — Danish ed. "Californien, dets Nutig og Fremtid," Copenh 1850. O map HORE, MAURICE P. 4966 Sketches. . . of the seat of the federal government . . . Virginia . . . during a residence of fifteen years. Cork 1832. O 95 a HORN, HOSEA B. 4967 Overland guide, from ... Council Bluffs ... to the City of Sacramento. N Y 1852. 16° 78[incl.advs] map + 18adv-p at end b — issue 2, N Y 1852. 16° 83[incl.adv-p] map + 18adv-p at end b Y 274 Horn — Hosmer — rptd., with different map & add.advs, N Y [1853]. 16° 84 + 24adv-p map a Best hand-book for the central route available at the time. The first issue has no newspaper comments on page eight. HORN, MRS SARAH ANN 4968 A narrative of the captivity of: [by Comanche Indians in Texas]. St L 1839. D 60 c N NYP Y — rptd., omitting prelim, note by E. House [stating he had written the narrative from Mrs. Horn's dictation] and a few final ob- servations on the habits of the Comanches, Cin 1851. O 32 a — anr. ed. Cin [l853]. same collat. Cf. Narrative of Mrs. Clarissa Plummer. [HORSMANDEN, DANIEL] 4976 A journal of the proceedings in the de- tection of the conspiracy ... for burning the city of New York NY 1744. Q [lo] 206 blank 1. [l6] c A A Hn NYP Y — Eng. ed., t. altered, L 1747. O [8] 425 [7] b NYP Y —rptd. N Y 1810. O 385 [7] a; N Y 1851. O 96 Chief source on the "Negro Plot" of 1741; of the 174 indicated two thirds were found guilty, on what seems frail evidence, 20 be- ing hanged and 13 being burned at the stake. HORTON, THOMAS F. 4977 History of Jack county [Tex.] Jacksboro [1932]. O 166 a most of edition burned. HORN, STANLEY F. 4969 The Army of Tennessee. Indp [l94l]. O 503 llpls a HOSACK, DAVID 4978 Memoir of DeWitt Clinton. ...NY 1829. Q[24] 21-530 port pi a HORNER, WILLIAM B. 4970 The gold regions of Kansas and Nebraska. Chi 1859. O 67 + 7adv-p 2maps d NYH LC Y [of 3copies knownj HORNER, W[lLLIAM] B., and 4971 CORNWALL, I. S., pubs. Horner's American railroad and steam- boat travelling guide Chi [l854]. D 48 map a [HORNOT, ANT ; ] 4972 Anecdotes americaines, ou histoire abregee des principaux evenements . . . de- puis sa decouverte P 1776. D [l6] 782 a [HORRY, CHARLES L. P.] 4973 A five minutes answer to Paine's Letter to Gen'l. Washington L 1797. O [4] 3-44 HORRY, PETER 4974 The life of General Francis Marion. [Ed. M. L. Weems]. Phil 1809. D 242 b no copy known — ed. 2, Bait 1814. D 270 a — ed. 3, Bait 1815. — ed. 4, Phil 1816. — Eng. ed., abr., Devon 1835. 18° 324 General Horry furnished the facts, Parson Weems the rhetoric; so much of it that Horry became indignant and disclaimed all con- nection with the book. Unabashed, Weems continued its publication through many editions. HORSFORD, EBEN N. 4975 John Cabot's landfall in 1497, and the site of Norumbega. C 1886. Q 42 8maps 2 pis a HOSKINS, NATHAN 4979 A history of . . . Vermont. . . . Vergennes 1831. D 316 a HOSKINS, NATHAN 4980 Notes upon the western country . . . Ohio, Indiana, Illinois . . . Michigan. . . . Greenfield 1833. D 108 c LC NYP WRH Interesting and valuable description; all too brief. HOSMER, H. P. 4981 Kate Clayton, the Indian captive of Cherry valley Roch 1855. D 90 c HOSMER, H[EZEKIAH] L. 4982 Early history of the Maumee valley. Toledo 1858. D 9-70 a Separate printing from the Toledo di- rectory, see below. HOSMER, HEZEKIAH L. 4983 Montana; an address NY 1866. O 23 cover t.only a HOSMER, Hi EZEKIAHl L., and 4984 HARRIS, W. H. Icomps. I Toledo directory. Containing: Early his- tory of the Maumee valley. . . . Toledo 1858. D 294 2maps a HOSMER, JOHN ALLEN 4985 A trip to the states by the way of the Yellowstone and Missouri. Va C Mont 1867. D 82 [12] d MontU Y [of 6copies known] — rptd. Missoula [l932]. O 27 a First narrative of travel printed in Montana. 275 Hosrier — Houghton HOSMER, MRS. MARGARET 4986 The child captives. A true tale of life among the Indians of the west. Phil [l870]. 18° 230 3pls a HOTCHKIN, A. 4987 Concise history of the town of Maryland [N.Y.] Scftenevus 1876. O 66 a HOTCHKIN, JAMES H. 4988 A history of the purchase and settlement of western New York NY 1848. O [l6] 600 pi a HOTCHKISS, CHARLES F. 4989 On the ebb: a few fog-lines from an old salt. N Hav 1878. D 127 a Reminiscences of a California '49er. HOTCHKISS, GEORGE W. 4990 History of the lumber and forest industry of the northwest. Chi 1898. Q 7S4[incl.port] HOTCHKISS, JED[EDIAH] and 4991 ALLAN, WILLIAM The battlefields of Virginia NY 1867. O 152 5maps port a HOTTEN, JOHN C. 4992 Original lists of persons of quality. .. who went from Great Britain to the American plantations. L 1874. O 580 + adv-p a —Am. ed. [N Y 1932]. O 580 HOUCK, LOUIS 4993 A history of Missouri from the earliest explorations Chi 1908. O 3v: [l8] 404; [10 7-8] 418; [lo] 380. 6pls[all in v.l] a HOUCK, LOUIS, ed. 4994 The Spanish regime in Missouri; a collec- tion of papers and documents. . . . Chi 1909. O 2v: [26J 414; [lo] 460. 8ports a [HOUCK, ROSS] 4995 American military biography. . . lives. . . of the officers of the revolution. . . . n.p. [Cin?J 1825. D [24] 240 184 5pls a — rptd. N Y 1826. D 431 5pls — rptd. Cin 1830. O 615 5pls; Cin 1831. O same collat.; Cin 1834. O same collat. HOUGH, EMERSON 4996 The story of the cowboy. N Y 1897. D [l2] 349 10pls[6 by Russell] a HOUGH, EMERSON 4997 The story of the outlaw NY 1907. D [l4] 401 17pls a — issue 2, identical except no printer's rules top of prelim, p. 5. HOUGH, FRANKLIN B. [ed.] 4998 Diary of the siege of Detroit in the war with Pontiac Alb 1860. Q [28] 304 a 136 copies ptd [lO on L. P.] The diarist was Lieutenant Jehu Hay. HOUGH, FRANKLIN B. 4999 A history of Jefferson county. . . New York. Alb 1854. O 601 port a HOUGH, FRANKLIN B. 5000 A history of Lewis county. . . New York Alb 1860. O [4] 319 21ports a — rptd. Syracuse 1883. O [8] 11-606 [37] pis HOUGH, FRANKLIN B. 5001 A history of St. Lawrence and Franklin counties. New York. . . . Alb 1853. O 720 [incl.pls] 3maps front, a HOUGH, FRANKLIN B. 5002 The northern invasion of October 1780. . . . N Y Bradford Club 1866. O 224 [3] map pi a 75 copies ptd. HOUGH, FRANKLIN B. 5003 Notices of Peter Penet and of his opera- tions among the Oneida Indians. . . . Low- ville N Y 1866. O 36 map a 50copies ptd. HOUGH, FRANKLIN B., ed. 5004 Papers relating to Pemaquid. . . Maine. . . . Alb 1856. O [8] 136 a — anr. issue, in vol.5, Maine Hist. Colls. HOUGH, FRANKLIN B., ed. 5005 Papers relating to the island of Nan- tucket Alb 1856. sm Q [l8] 163 map a 150copies ptd HOUGH, FRANKLIN B., ed. 5006 Proceedings of a convention of delegates from several of the New England states. .. 1780 Alb 1867. sm Q 80 pi a HOUGH, FRANKLIN B., ed. 5007 The siege of Charleston, by the British fleet and army Alb 1867. O 224 2ports a lOOcopies ptd. HOUGH, FRANKLIN B., ed. 5008 The siege of Savannah, by. . . forces, under the command of Gen. Lincoln and the Count d'Estaing.. . 1779. Alb 1866. O 187 port a lOOcopies ptd. HOUGHTON, H. H. 5009 A historical account of the lead mines of the north-west. N Y 1866. O 49 fold, map a 276 Houghton — Howard HOUGHTON, JACOB 5010 The mineral region of lake Superior. . . early history But 1846. D 191 2maps[on one fold, sheet] a See also Burt, Wm. A., and Hubbard, Bela. HOUGHTON, JACOB, and BRISTOL, T. W., eds. Reports ... on the . . . mineral regions of lake Superior. See Burt, Wm. A. , and Hub- bard, Bela. HOUSE, E. A narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Horn .... See Horn, Mrs. Sarah Ann. HOUST, REV. ANTHONY P. 5011 Kratke dejiny a seznam Cesko-Katolickych osad spoj. Stateck Americkych . . . Jose fa Hessouna. St L 1890. O 542 a Czech settlements in the United States. HOUSTON. TSAMl Houston LSamJ displayed. See Coleman, Robt. M. By a farn HOUSTON, SAM The life of: NY 1855. See Lester, Chas. Edwards. HOUSTON, SAM 5012 The malfeasance. . . of J. C. Watrous, Judge of the Federal Court in Texas. ...NY 1860. O 100 a Expose of Texas land frauds. HOUSTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA 5013 Houston county, Minnesota: its advantages Hokah 1858. 16° 34 a HOUSTOUN, MRS. [MATILDA C.] 5014 Hesperos, or travels in the west. L 1850. D 2v: [8] 293; [8] 279 [8] a — anr. ed. L [ca 1855]. D 2v in 1 4pls HOUSTOUN, MRS. [MATILDA C.] 5015 A yacht voyage to Texas and the gulf of Mexico. . . . L 1844. O 2v. paged consecu- tively 690 8 pis a — rptd., same impr., date & collat., as "Texas and the gulf of Mexico. . . ," —Am. ed., Phil 1845. 16° 28 8[incl. front.] Principally devoted to the Texas republic, with data on Louisiana and Florida. HOUZEAU, J. G. La terreur blanche 1862. D 108 a 5016 HOVEY, ALVIN P. 5017 Centennial historical sketch of Posey County, Indiana, [m Vernon Ind 1876]. O 24 [12] a HOW, DAVID 5018 How, David, a private in. . . Sargent's regiment. . . in the American revolution. Diary of: Morrisania N Y 1865. O [l6] 51 a 250copies ptd. HOW, NEHEMIAH 5019 A narrative of the captivity of:. ... B 1748. D 23 b AA BP issue 2, How's obituary moved to p. 22 and 2-p. list of subscribers added, B 1748. D 22 [2] b N NYP — rptd. C/ev 1904. O 72 facs a 267 copies ptd. Captured by Indians in the French war, this Vermonter was imprisoned in Quebec where he died after writing his valuable narrative. HOW TO GO WEST 5020 How to go west Chi 1872. O 73[incl. adv-pp] 3fold.maps a — rptd. same impr. 1873. O 78 maps [HOWARD, GEORGE W. F., the 5021 Earl of Carlisle] Two lectures, on the poetry of Pope, and on his own travels in America. Leeds 1850. Q44 a — anr. ed. L 1850. Q — rptd. L 1851. O 44 — Am. ed. "Travels in America. . . ," N Y 1851. D 135 HOWARD, H. R. [ed.] 5022 The history of Virgil A. Stewart, and his adventures in capturing. . . the great western land pirate and his gang. N Y 1836. D 273 Lincl. initial blank 1.] a — rptd. 1837; 1847, with ill-us. — anr. ed. "Pictorial life and adventures of John A. Murrell," Phil [l847?]. O 126 Compiled with Stewart's assistance. For another account of this desperado, see Walton, Augustus Q. [HOWARD, H. R.] 5023 The life and adventures of Joseph T. Hare, the bold robber NY 1847. O 107 a One of the most notorious of early out- laws, who operated for eighteen years throughout the southern states. HOWARD, SERGEANT J. W. 5024 Howard, Sergeant J. W., member of Com- pany B, 5th U. S. Cavalry. The life story of: n.p. [1930?]. O 24 a HOWARD, JAMES Q. 5025 The life of Abraham Lincoln. . . . Columbus 1860. D 102 b Clem IH 277 HOWARD, McHENRY 5026 Recollections of a Maryland Confederate soldier. Bait 1914. O [2] 423 fold.map llpls HOWARD, MARTIN, JR. See Halifax. A letter from a gentleman at: HOWARD, OLIVER O. 5027 Annual report [Nez Perce campaign]. Ft Vancouver Wash 1879. D 61 a HOWARD, OLIVER 0. 5028 Annual report of the Division of the Pacific. S F 1887. D 23 a HOWARD, OLIVER 0. 5029 Famous Indian chiefs I have known. TV Y 1908. D [10] 344[incl.pls] front, a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1912. HOWARD, OLIVER 0. 5030 My life and experiences among our hostile Indians Hart [l907]. O 570 2pls[others incl. in paginat.J a HOWARD, OLIVER 0. 5031 Nez Perce Joseph. B 1881. O [l4] 274 map 2ports a HOWARD, GENERAL 0[LIVER] 0. 5032 Report of:. . . . Vancouver Barracks Wash 1879. D 26 a HOWARD, 0[LIVER] 0. 5033 Report of: Oct. 15, 1878. Ft Vancouver 1879. D 53 a howay, f[rederick] w., ed. 5034 The Dixon- Meares controversy. . . . Tor [l929]. O [l6] 156 [2] [incl.front. & maps] 500copies ptd. a HOWBERT, IRVING 5035 The Indians of the Pike's Peak region.. . . N Y 1914. D [10] 230 4pls a — enl. ed. "Memories of a lifetime in the Pike's Peak region. . . ," N Y 1925. D [6] 298 front. HOWE, EBER D. 5036 Autobiography ... of a pioneer printer. Painesville O 1878. O 59 + cov.t. a Worked in Cleveland's first printing house, 1818; witnessed the launching of the first lake steamer, "Walk-on-the-Water," etc. HOWE, E[BER] D. 5037 Mormonism unvailed. . . . Painesville O 1834. D 290 pi a — rptd., sheets of ed. 1 with new t-p, "His- tory of Mormonism. . . ," Painesville 1840. First elaborate critique of this sect, the first to exploit the Spaulding manuscript and the best contemporary account of Mormon activities in Ohio. HOWE, FRANCES R. 5038 The story of a French homestead in the old northwest. Columbus 1907. D 165 2fold. maps a Most of the edition deliberately burned by the eccentric authoress. , HOWE, HENRY 5039 Historical collections of Ohio. Cin 1847 O 582 map a — ed. 2, Cin 1848. O 599 map —rptd. 1849; 1850; 1851. — other eds.: Cin 1857. O 620 map; Cin 1869. O [2] 599 map — enl. ed. Columbus 1890. O 3v in 2: 750 [26]; 634; 612 HOWE, HENRY 5040 Historical collections of the great west Cin 1851. O 2v in 1: [lo] 33-440 a — rptd., same impr. & collat.: 1852; 1853. — other eds. with adds., Cin 1854. O 440; Cin 1855. O 448 — anr. ed., enl., N Y 1857. O 576; rptd., same impr. & collat. 1859. HOWE, HENRY 5041 Historical collections of Virginia. . . . Charleston S C 1845. O [2] 544 eng.t. col. front, map 18pls a — rptd.: 1846; 1847; 1849; 1852; 1856. HOWE, MRS. JEMIMA 5042 A genuine and correct account of the captivity. . . of: B 1792. O 20 a — rptd. Watertown 1830. 16° 16 — Eng. ed., re-written, "The affecting his- tory of Mrs. Howe. . . ," L [l815]. D 28 front. HOWE, JOHN The emigrants' new guide of the United States. 5043 description Leeds 1822. O 52 a HOWE, JOHN, British spy 5044 A journal kept by: during the revolutionary war Concord N H 1827. D 44 a Thinly disguised plagiarism of the genuine spy narrative of Ensign de Berniere found in Gen. Gage's instructions, q.v. HOWE, OCTAVIUS T., and 5045 MATTHEWS, FREDERICK C. American clipper ships, 1833-58. Salem 1926-7. Q 2v: fl6] 372 + adv-p; [12] 373- 780. 58pls a HOWE, [RICHARD], LORD A candid and impartial narrative of the transactions of the fleet under See O'Beirne, Thos. L. 278 Howe — Howland H[OW]E, [RICHARD], the Right Hon. Lord Viscount A letter from Cicero to:. . . . See Galloway, HOWELL, PETER 5051 The life and travels of:. . . . Newbern N C [1849]. 16° [4] 320 port a H[0W]E, [RICHARD], the Right Honourable Viscount A letter to:. . . . See Galloway, Jos. HOWE, LORD VISCOUNT [RICHARD] Three letters to: See Mauduit, Israel. HOWE, MAJOR GENERAL [ROBERT] 5046 Proceedings of a general court martial. . . for the trial of: Phil 1782. F 31 b AA BP NYP Absolved Howe from all blame in the fall of Savannah in 1778, and affords the best account of that disaster. HOWE, SIR WILLIAM 5047 Campaignes tnilitaires du: en Amerique ....Hague 1781. O [8] 70 116 a ed. same date & collat. Rotterdam HOWE, LIEUT. GENERAL [WILLIAM] An extract from a Reply to the Observa- tions of:. . . . See Wesley, John. HOWE, LIEUT. GEN. SIR WILLIAM 5048 The narrative of : . . . relative to his con- duct. . . in North America; to which are added, some observations upon a pamphlet, entitled, Letters to a nobleman. L 1780. Q [2] 110 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. Q [4] 110 — ed. 3, same impr. & collat., 1781. h[owe], s[ir] w[illiam] Observations upon the conduct of: at the White Plains L 1779. See Galloway, Jos. HOWE'S ACCOUNT Howe's (Gen. [William]) account of his proceedings on Long Island. Remarks upon: See Mauduit, Israel. HOWE, LIEUT. GEN. SIR WILLIAM A reply to the observations of: on. . . Letters to a nobleman. . . . See Galloway, Jos. HOWE, LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR WILLIAM Three letters to: See Mauduit, Israel. HOWE, SIR WILLIAM 5049 Two letters from Agricola to:. . . .L 1779. 3 63 a HOWELL, GEORGE R. 5050 The early history of Southampton, L. I., *ew York. N Y 1866. D 318 a j— ed. 2, — and best, Alb 1887. D [8] 473 HOWELL, READING, et ol 5052 Copy of a report from: Ion exploration of the headwaters of the Delaware, Lehigh, Schuylkill. . . rivers]. Phil 1791. O 33 a HOWELLS, WILLIAM C. 5053 Recollections of life in Ohio. . . .Cin 1895. O 207 a HOWELLS, WILLIAM D. 5054 Lives and speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin. Columbus 1860. D 94 blank L 97-154 157-170 bound in wraps, with cut of Lincoln on front cover, view of Wigwam on rear cover and pub's announce- ment on inside of rear cover, stating that "materials. . . have been furnished from the intimate friends of Mr. Lincoln." b AA G [only copies known] — anr. issue, no priority established, same impr., date & collat., except that rear cover is blank, with no text or view, that view be- ing found on p95. b IllHLof 5copies known] — enl. ed., clo., same impr. 1860. D 406 errata slip, p74; no period after O in impr.; letter "i" missing, last line, p26. 2ports a HOWISON, JOHN 5055 Sketches of Upper Canada. . . and some recollections of the United States. . . . Edin 1821. O [18] 339 a — ed. 2, Edin 1822. O 9-353 — ed. 3, Edin 1825. same collat. HOWISON, NEIL M. 5056 Oregon: report of an examination. . . . [Wash 1848]. House Misc. Doc. 29. O 36 a The flag, taken ashore when, in 1846, Howison's vessel was wrecked in the Columbia, was the first to wave over Oregon. HOWISON, ROBERT R. A history of Virginia. 1848. O 2v: 496; 528 a 5057 Phil 1846-Rich HOWITT, EMANUEL 5058 Selections from letters written during a tour through the United States. . . . Notting- ham [l820j. D [22] 230 a Takes a dim view of the Republic, es- pecially the backwoods regions. H[OWLAND], MRS. E. P. 5059 A tale of home and war. Porf Me 1888. D 200[incl.port] a Experiences of the family of missionary Worcester Willey among the Cherokees of the Indian Territory during the Civil war. 279 Howland — Hudson HOWLAND, S. A. 5060 Steamboat disasters and railroad accidents in the United States Wore 1840. D [8] 13-408[incl.pls] a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — anr. ed., rev., no au. named, same impr. 1843. D 408 [incl. 9 illus] — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1846. HOWLETT, W[lLLIAM] J. 5061 Life of . . . Rev. Joseph P. Machebeuf, pioneer priest Pueblo Colo 1908. O 419 lOpls a Describes his trip in 1851 from New Or- leans to Santa Fe and his work there and at Albuquerque until transferred to Colorado in 1860. HOXSE, JOHN 5062 The Yankee tar. . . and the cruises of the U. S. frigate Constellation. . . . Northampton 1840. 16 200[incl. front.] a HOYT, COMFORT 5063 Memoirs of Dolly E. Hoyt, who died on the Arkansas river. . . on her passage to the Osage nation. Danbury Conn 1828. 16° 107 a Contains this young lady's journal of the trip made by her small party, through Penn- sylvania by wagon and down the Ohio and Mississippi, to the Arkansas. HUBBARD, JOHN M. 5070 Notes of a private [in Forrest's cavalry]. Memphis 1909. D [6] 189 2pls a — rptd. St L 1911. D HUBBARD, J[0HN] N. 5071 An account of . . . Red Jacket and his people. Alb 1886. O [l4] 7-356 3pls a HUBBARD, JOHN N. 5072 Sketches of border adventures, in the life ... of Moses Van Campen. . . . Dansville N Y 1841. D 310 a — anr. issue, Bath N Y, same date & collat. — rptd., same collat., Bath 1842. [2 issues, with minor differences] — rev. & enl. ed. Fillmore N Y 1893. D [22] 337 9pls facs For separate account of his 1780 Indian captivity, see Van Campen, Moses. HUBBARD, ROBERT 5073 Historical sketches of Roswell Franklin and family Dansvi//e N Y 1839. 16° 103 b AA N NYP HUBBARD, REV. WILLIAM 5074 A general history of New England. . . to 1680. C 1815. O [l4J 676 a — ed. 2, B 1848. O [20] 7-676 First printing of the original manuscript. [HOYT, ELIHU] 5064 A brief sketch of the first settlement of Deerfield, Massachusetts Greenfield 1833. D 48 pi a HOYT, E[PAPHRAS] 5065 Antiquarian researches: . . . the Indian wars in the country bordering Connecticut river Greenfield Mass 1824. O [l4] 312 pi a HOYT, HENRY F. 5066 A frontier doctor B 1929. O [l6] 260 16pls a HUBBARD, CAROLINE 5067 The history of.. .Manitowoc, Wis., 1850- 60. Manitowoc n.d. D 50 a HUBBARD, GURDON S. 5068 Incidents and events in the life of: Ed. by H. E. Hamilton. Chi 1888. O 18^9 port a — rptd. Chi Lakeside 1911. 16 HUBBARD, JEREMIAH 5069 Forty years among the Indians. . . . Miami Okla 1913. D 200 a Life of a Quaker missionary among vari- ous tribes in Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma. HUBBARDTON, VERMONT 5075 Sketches of the history of: By an old man Rutland 1855. D [4] 64 a HUBBELL (SETH) AND FAMILY 5076 A narrative of the sufferings of: in his be- ginning a settlement in the town of Wolcott . . . Vermont. Danville 1824. D 24 a — rptd., same impr. & collat.: 1826; 1829. HUBLEY, BERNARD 5077 The history of the American revolution. Vol. l[all]. Northumberland Pa 1805. O [4] 5[l] + 606 8p all numb 192 a HUDSON, CHARLES 5078 History of . . . Lexington . . . Massachusetts B 1868. O 2pts in 1: 449; 296. 22pls a Also 20copies issued on tinted paper — best ed. B 1913. O 2v: [24] 583 + 8p.of corrigenda; [8] 898. 33pls HUDSON, CHARLES 5079 History of . . . Marlborough. . . Massachu- setts B 1862. O [l6] 13-544 [l] 5pls a HUDSON, CHARLES 5080 A history of. . . Westminster [Mass.]. . . . Mendon Mass 1832. O 42 a 280 Hull HUDSON, DAVID 5081 History of Jemima Wilkinson. . . . Geneva N Y 1821. D 208 [20] a — rptd., Bath N Y 1844. 16° 288 port This remarkable preacheress, born in R.I., 1760, was the first religious charlatan of her sex in America. No author named in the 1844 edition. HUDSON, EDUARD M. 5082 Der zweite Unabhangigkeits-Krieg in Amerika. Berlin 1862. O 78 [2] a — ed. 2, same impr. 8t date. O [8] 100 — Eng. ed. "The second war of independ- ence in America," L 1863. O [2] 177 — Eng. ed. 2, same impr. & date. O [8] 132 HUDSON, FREDERIC 5083 Journalism in the United States, 1696- 1872. N Y 1873. O [4] 789 a — rptd., with adds., same impr. 1849. D 144 a The 1848 edition is sometimes found bound with Joel Palmer's Journal ot travels. HUGHES, JOHN T. 5089 Doniphan's expedition. . . . Cin 1847. O [8 incl. front wrapper] 9-144 c G Y — ed. 2, Cin 1848. O same collat. a — best ed., bound in clo., Cin 1848. D 407 map port[of Doniphan] a — same, issue 2, adding port of Price and list of illus. — rptd. O-in wrappers — same impr.: 1849; 1850; n.d. [ca 185l]. Doniphan's and Kearney's conquests gave the United States its claim to New Mexico and Arizona, finally acquired by the Gadsden Purchase. The 1847 edition has no date and no words "Cheap edition" on front wrapper. HUDSON RIVER PORTFOLIO See Wall, Wm. G. [HUBNER, MARTIN]? 5084 Politique Danois (Le), ou l'ambition des Anglais demasquee par leurs pirateries. .. ou l'on prouve . . . de quelle importance il est pour. . . d'abattre l'orgueil de ce peuple. . . . Copenh 1756. D [4] 364 [l] b N NYP Y — ed. 2, same impr. 1759. D a Includes, among England's piratical en- croachments upon the rights of other na- tions, Washington's operations on the Monongahela in 1754. HULSEMANN, JOHANN G. 5085 Geschichte der Democratic in den Vereinigten Staaten Gottingen 1823. O [24] 388 a HUGHES, F. W. The case of George Chorpenning. . . . See under Chorpenning. HUGHES, GEORGE W. 5086 Memoir. . . of the march of a division. . . under the command of Brigadier General John E. Wool, from San Antonio ... to Sal- tillo [Wash 1846]. O 67 map 4pls a — rptd. "Operations in Texas and Mexico," Wash 1850. O 67 2maps 8pls 250copies ptd. [HUGHES, JEREMIAH] A brief sketch of Maryland. . . . Annap 1845. 18° [6] 256 a Usually incorporated in The Maryland pocket annual, of 1846. 5087 HUGHES, LIEUT. MATTHEW 5090 A sketch of the life of: . . . serving on the Niagara frontier during the late war. . . . Alexandria 1815. O 56 a HUGUENOTS (THE) Huguenots (The) in France and America .... See Lee, Hannah F. HUISH, ROBERT, comp. 5091 A narrative of the voyages and travels of Captain Beechey to the Pacific and Behr- ing's straits . . . 1825-1828 L Wright [1836]. O [8] 704 map 9pls a HULBERT, ARCHER B., ed. 5092 The crown collection of photographs of American maps. Ser. 1: Clev 1904-09. F 5v [of 209maps] + index [o 43]; ser. 2: [Harrow Eng 1909-12]. F 5v [of 250maps]; ser. 3: [L 1914-16]. Q [of 250maps] c LC N NYP HULBERT, ARCHER B. 5093 Historic highways of America. Clev 1902-5. O 16v maps pis a Some sets on L.P. HULBERT, ARCHER B. 5094 The old national road.. . . Columbus 1901. O 151 a HULBERT, ARCHER B. 5095 Red-men's roads. . . of the central west. Columbus O 1900. O 37 7maps 4pls a MULING, EDMUND J. 5096 Reminiscences of gun boat life in the Mississippi squadron. Saratoga Springs 1881. 16* [4] 86 a HUGHES, JOHN T. California; its history. 105 + adv-1. b 5088 HULL, AUGUSTUS L. 5097 C;n [1848]. D Annals of Athens, Georgia. Athens 1906. O [l4 + errata 1.] 495 2ports 7pls a 281 Hull — Humphreys HULL, AUGUSTUS L. 5098 The campaigns of the Confederate army. Atlanta 1901. D 107 2maps pi a HULL, JOHN S. 5099 Remarks on the United States. . . .Dub [1801?]. O 72 a HULL, BRIGADIER GENERAL W[lLLIAM] Defense of: B 1814. D [48] 215 a 5100 HULL, WILLIAM 5101 Memoirs of the campaign of the north- western army ... 18 12. ... B 1824. O 229 [l0] a HULL, BRIG. GEN. WILLIAM 5102 Proceedings in the court martial in the case of: [capt. t.] n.p. n.d. D 37 a HULL, BRIG. GEN. WILLIAM 5103 Report of the trial of: NY 1814. O [4] 156 [119, 29] a HULL, BRIG. GEN. WILLIAM 5104 Trial of: B 1814. O 28 a HULSWITT, IGNATZ VON 5105 Tagebuch einer Reisen nach den Vereinig- ten Staaten Munster 1828. O [4] 379 a Describes a trading voyage to the North- west coast and experiences suspiciously similar to those of John Jewitt. HUMASON, W. L. 5106 From the Atlantic surf, to the Golden Gate Hart 1869. O 56 a HUMBLE ENQUIRY Humble enquiry into the nature of the de- pendency of the American colonies. . . . See Zubly, John J. HUMBOLDT, FRIEDRICH H. A. von 5107 Essai politique sur le royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne. P 1811. Q 2v: [l4 100] 350 [6]; [8] 351-904 [l] + Atlas F [8] 21 maps & pis b N some copies on L.P. NYP — anr. ed., same impr. fr date. O 5v: [l8] 456; [4] 520; [4] 420; [4] 564 [l]; [4] 350 + 2 adv-p. map tab a — ed. 2, P 1825-7. O 4v: [l8] 471; [4] 500; [4] 479; [4] 513. map profile — Eng. tr. L 1811. O 4v: [20 96] 290; [2] 532; [6] 494; [2] 374 [99] + Atlas Q [of maps 66 pis] — rptd., same collat., L 1814; 1822. —Am. ed. N Y 1811. O 2v[all]: [l2 92] 221; 377 — Sp. tr. "Minerva. Ensayo politico. . . ," Madrid 1818. O 2v: 448; 462 [2] — several later Sp. eds., all pub. P: 1822. O 4v; 1827. O 5v; 1836. O 5v Highly important for California. HUMBOLDT, FRIEDRICH H. A. VON 5108 Examen critique. . . de la geographie du nouveau continent. P 1814-19. F [12] 562 39maps b — anr. ed. P 1836-9. O 5v: [28] 362; 373; 407; 336; 263. 4maps a — rptd., with slight changes, P [l839]. O 2v 2maps — Ger. ed. "Kritische Untersuchengen. . . ," Berlin 1836-52. O 3v; same impr. 1852. O 3v Classic of historical scholarship on early American geographical discovery. HUMFREVILLE, j[AMES] L. 5109 Twenty years among our savage Indians .... Hart 1897. O 674[incl.pls] port a — ed. 2, Hart 1899. O [64] 49-674 port [other pis incl.in paginat.] — rptd. N Y [1899]. same collat. —rptd., t.altered, N Y [l903]. O [2, 11-36] 45-479 port[other pis incl.in paginat.] The 1903 edition was re-written and re- set throughout, with different illustrations. HUMPHREYS, A[NDREW] A., and 5110 WARREN, GtOUVERNEUR] K. An examination. . . of the reports of ex- ploration for railroad routes. . . to the Pa- cific Wash 1855. O 116 [l] a For series [House Executive Document 129] of which this formed a part, and which contained a map relating to this report, see Pacific railroad explorations. HUMPHREYS, A[NDREW] A. 5111 Preliminary report concerning explorations ... in Nevada and Arizona. . . . Wash 1872. Q 96 map a HUMPHREYS, DAVID 5112 The conduct of General Washington, re- specting the confinement of Capt. Asgill . . . .N Y Holland Club 1859. O 35 a small edition HUMPHREYS, DAVID 5113 An essay on the life of . . . Israel Putnam Hart 1788. D 187 a — rptd. Middletown 1794. D 168; Phil 1798. 16° 125 — many later eds., with variant titles. HUMPHREYS, DAVID 5114 An historical account of the. . . Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts L 1730. O [32] 356 2maps [of Carolina & of New England] a 282 Hundley — Hunter HUNDLEY, DANIEL R. 5115 Social relations in our southern states. N Y 1860. D [6] 367 a This — the ablest answer to abolition propaganda — came too late to be effective and furthermore most copies were burned prior to distribution. HUNNICUTT, JAMES W. 5116 The conspiracy unveiled. The south sacrificed; or, the horrors of secession. Phil 1863. D [l4] 13-454 port a HUNT, CHARLES H. 5117 Life of Edward Livingston. N Y 1864. O [24] 448 2ports a also 75copies on L. P. HUNT, CORNELIUS E. 5118 The Shenandoah; or the last Confederate cruiser. N Y 1867. D 273 [incl. front] a HUNT, FREEMAN 5119 Lives of American merchants. ...NY 1856-8. O 2v: [48] 33-576; 13-605. 19ports a HUNT, GEORGE W. 5120 A history of the Hunt family. . . . B 1890. D 79 a Contains much on early California and Oregon, Indian adventures, etc. HUNT, GILBERT J. 5121 The late war between the United States and Great Britain. TV Y 1816. D [l2] 15-334 lOpls a — rptd. "The historical reader. . . ," N Y 1819. D 233 5pls HUNT, ISAAC 5122 The political family. . . reciprocal ad- vantages . . . from an uninterrupted union be- tween Great Britain and her. . . colonies. No. I [all]. Phil 1775. O 32 a — anr. issue, "The family compact... ," same impr. & date. Isaac Hunt, father of Leigh Hunt and Philadelphia clergyman, for his appease- ment utterances, was drummed out of town to the tune of "Yankee Doodle." HUNT, JAMES H. 5123 A history of the Mormon war. . . . St L 1844. D 304 b CalU LC — anr. ed. "Mormonism. . . , " Lwith app. by G. W. Westbrook, on Mormon disturbances in 111. and the death of Joseph Smith] St L 1844. D [6] 304 36 errata 1. b NYP Y HUNT, JOHN W. 5124 Wisconsin gazetteer.. . .Madison 1853. O 256 map a HUNT, MEMUCAN 5125 Address to the people of Texas, solicit- ing the payment of his claims. . . . With a few of his . . . papers in behalf of what he deemed the best interests of Texas in 1836 Galv 1851. O 84 a HUNT, RICHARD S., and 5126 RANDEL, JESSE F. Guide to the republic of Texas. ...NY 1839 16° 64 map a — anr. ed., "A new guide to Texas.. ."NY 1844 16° 63 map — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1845; 1846. HUNT, WILLIAM E. 5127 Historical collections of Coshocton county [Ohio]. Cin 1876. O 264 a HUNTER, C. L. 5128 Sketches of western North Carolina. . . . Raleigh 1877. O [lo] 357 errata 1. a HUNTER, GEORGE 5129 Reminiscences of an old timer. . . . S F 1887. O [26] 454 16pls a — rptd., with adds., several eds., Battle Creek 1888; 1889; all: O [26] 508 pis HUNTER, HIRAM A. [ed.] 5130 A narrative of the captivity and sufferings of Isaac Knight from Indian barbarity. . . . Evansville Ind 1839. D 34 b N[only copy known] Captured in Kentucky, 1793, Knight en- dured two years of captivity in the Great Lakes region. This was the first book printed in Evansville. HUNTER, JOHN DUNN 5131 Manners and customs of several Indian tribes . . . west of the Mississippi ... to which is prefixed. . . a residence of several years among them. Phil 1823. O 402 a — Eng. ed. "Memoirs of a captivity among the Indians. To which is added, some ac- count. . . of the territory westward of the Mississippi," L 1823. O [lo] 448 a — new ed., with port, added, L 1823. O [12] 440 + 14adv-p at front port, dated 1823, faces right — ed. 2, with different port, facing left, L 1823. — ed. 3, with adds., L 1824. O [12] 468 port dated 1824 — Ger. tr. Dresden 1824. D 3v in 1: [8] 182; 174; 192. 2maps — Dutch tr. Dordrecht 1824. O; [Amst 1824?]. — Swed. tr. Mariefred 1826. O 320 [2] HUNTER, j[0HN] MARVIN, ed. 5132 The trail drivers of Texas. . . . [San An- tonio 1920-23]. O 2v: 498; [2] 496 + adv-p 2ports a 283 — rptd., with some omissions & adds., [1923-4]. O 2v — ed. 2, with adds., Nashv 1925. O 2v in 1: [16] 1044[incl.pls] HUNTER, JOHN W. 5133 Rise and fall of the mission San Saba [Texas] [Mason Tex 1906]? O 84 fold. plan a HUNTER, JOSEPH 5134 Collections concerning the early history of the founders of New Plymouth. . . . L 1849. O [2] 70 a — enl. ed. "Collections concerning the church... at Scrooby. . . ," L 1854. O [l6] 205 HUNTER, LOUIS C. 5135 Steamboats on the western rivers. C 1949. O [l4] 684 maps a HUNTER, SAMUEL J. 5136 The hunter's and trapper's. . . historical guide St L 1869. O 208 a Predominantly featured is game of the plains and Rockies, including the wild Indian, of whom "it is better to take a dozen of their scalps rather than lose one Christian one." HUNTINGTON, D. B. 5137 Vocabulary of the Utah and Sho-sho-nee . . . dialects. . . . Including a brief account of . . . Wah-ker, the Indian land pirate. S L C 1872. D 32 a HUNTINGTON, REV. E[LIJAH] B. 5138 History of Stamford, Connecticut. — Stamford 1868. O [8] 492 19pls a HUNTINGTON, GEORGE 5139 Robber and hero. The story of the raid on the First National bank. . . by the James- Younger band Northtield Minn 1895. D [8] 119 pis a HUNTINGTON COUNTY [iND.] 5140 Historical sketch of: Huntington 1877. O 41 a [HUNTLEY, SIR HENRY V.] 5141 California: its gold and its inhabitants. L 1856. D 2v: [4] 303; [2] 286 a small ed. ptd. — rptd. "Adventures in California...," L n.d. D 2v in 1 same collat., except vol.2 has no t-p HUNTON, EPPA. 5142 Autobiography of: Rich 1933. O [20] 268 port a lOOcopies ptd. HURD, JOHN C. 5143 The law of freedom and bondage in the United States. B 1858-62. O 2v: L48] 617; [44] 800 a Most profound legalistic treatise on slavery. HURLBURT, HENRY H. 5144 Chicago antiquities. . . . Chi 1881. O 673 eng.t. 10maps[one fold.] a HURLBURT, J. S. 5145 History of the rebellion in Bradley county, east Tennessee. Indianap 1866. O 280 [24] fold. map a [HURLBURT, S. S.] Early days at Racine, Wisconsin. Racine 1872. O 23 a 5146 HURON, MICHIGAN 5147 The town of: NY 1837. O 32 map a HURST, M. B. 5148 History of the Fourteenth Regiment Ala- bama Volunteers. . . .Rich 1863. D 48 a HURT-BINET, MARC-GABRIEL 5149 Neuf mois aux Etats-Unis. . . .Geneva 1862. 16° 184 a [HUSBAND or HUSBANDS?, 5150 HARMON or HERMAN?] A continuation of the . . . differences. . . in the province of North-Carolina. \_Newbern?\ 1770. 16° 39 b Hn [HUSBAND or HUSBANDS?, 5151 HARMON or HERMAN?] A fan for Fanning, and a touch-stone to Tryon. Containing an impartial account of the rise. . . of Regulation in North-Carolina. B 1771. O 80 b NYP Issued originally in 10 weekly parts. As- cribed also to Shubal Stearns. [HUSBAND or HUSBANDS?, 5152 HARMON or HERMAN?] An impartial relation of the. . . cause of the recent differences ... in the province of North Carolina [Newbern?] 1770. 16° 104 b JCB Of the first importance concerning pre- revolutionary political tumults and the formation of "Regulators." [HUSE, CHARLES E.] 5153 Sketch of the history of Santa Barbara. . . . Santa Barbara 1876. O 49 + 2adv-p a HUSE, WILLIAM 5154 History of Dixon county, Nebraska. . . . Norfolk Neb 1896. O [l2] 9-372 map 6pls [other pis incl. in paginat.] a 284 Hutchinson [HUSKE, JOHN] 5155 The present state of North America. . . . Pt. l[all]. L 1735 [i.e. 1755]. Q [2] 64 map [in some copies, but probably not issued with bookj b — ed. 2, L 1755. O [4] 88 a — rptd. Dub 1755. — Am. ed. B 1755. D [2] 64 + adv-p — Am. ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. Chiefly translated from Butel-Dumont's Histoire et commerce. . . . liberty. . . from foreign influence. N Y 1855. D 112 [incl. front.] a — anr. ed. " 'Young Sam' or native Ameri- can's own book. ..." N Y 1855. O [2] 119 HUTCHINSON, FRANCIS 5163 An historical essay concerning witch- craft. ... L 17 18. O [20] 270 a — ed. 2, with adds., L 1720. O [34] 336 Includes the New England cases and at- tacks Cotton Mather's arguments. HUSTON, CHARLES 5156 An essay on the history. . . of original titles to land in . . . Pennsylvania. Phil 1849. 484 a HUSTON, GEORGE 5157 Memories of eighty years [in Kentucky]. Morganfield Ky 1904. D [8] 153 port a HUTCHINS, JAMES 5158 An earnest appeal for justice. Lcover t. differs]. Black River Falls Wis 1876. O 62 a Includes a condensed history of Mormonism. HUTCHINS, JAMES 5159 Outline sketch of the travels of: Black River Falls Wis 1871. O 123 + cover t. b Y HUTCHINS, THOMAS 5160 An historical . . . description of Louisiana and West Florida Phil 1784. O 95 b AA N NYP Y HUTCHINS, THOMAS 5161 A topographical description of Virginia, Pennsylvania . . . the rivers Ohio . . . Missis- sippi [etc.]. L 1778. O [4] 68 tab 2plans fold. mapLsold separately & not issued with the book, but found, inserted, in some copies] d H NYP WRH without fold, map b Y — issue 1, with Hutchins described on t-p as "Captain in the 60th Regiment." — issue 2, cor., L 1778. O [4] 67 tab 2plans b AA LC N NYP Y — Am. ed. B 1787. O [4] 30 [2] tab 2plans c AA ChiP H NYP — anr. ed., ed. by Hicks, with biog. & bibliog., Clev 1904. O 143 tab 2plans fold, map 2facs a 260copies ptd[20 on hand-made paper] — Fr. tr. P 1781. O 68 [4] 3maps&plans [on 2sheets] 2tabs Valuable source for the western country during the late British period, written by the first — and only — official geographer of the United States, the originator of our range system of land surveys. [HUTCHINSON, E.] 5162 Startling facts for native Americans called "Know nothings". . . dangers to American HUTCHINSON, K. M. 5164 A memoir of Abijah Hutchinson, a soldier of the revolution. Roch 1843. O 22 b N NYH [only 2copies located] Includes his captivity among Canadian Indians. [HUTCHINSON, THOMAS]? 5165 The case of the provinces of Massachu- setts-Bay and New-York respecting the boundary line. . . . B 1764. F 30 tab b AA NYP HUTCHINSON, THOMAS, OLIVER, 5166 ANDREW, et al Copy of letters sent to Great Britain by: ....£? 1773. O 40 [8 incl. 2blank p] a — anr. ed. "The representations .. .con- tained in certain letters. . . ," B 1773. O [2] 94 a — anr. ed. Phil 1773. O 51 — Salem 1773. O 30 — Eng. ed., with changed t. & adds., L 1774. O [2] 134 — ed. 2, L 1774. O [4] 142 — rptd. Dub 1774. O 77 Publication of these letters— copies of which Franklin had secured in London — fanned revolutionary sentiment in America more than any other book. [HUTCHINSON, THOMAS]? 5167 Experience preferable to theory. An answer to Dr. Price's Observations on the nature of civil liberty L 1776. O [2] 102 a HUTCHINSON, THOMAS 5168 The history of. . . Massachusetts-Bay. B 1764. O [8] 566 — con. as v.2, B 1767. O M 539 — con. as "A collection of original papers ...," B 1769. O [4] 576 — concluded as v.3[ though actually v. 4], L 1828. O [4] 551 16p of pref. and dedication were issued in some copies, making 20 prelim, p. complete set b AA NYP Y Above 4 volumes constitute the complete work. There were early reprints of vols. I and II issued both in England and America. The Collection of original papers [really vol. 3, being an elucidating appendix to vols. I 66 2] was reprinted, in 1865, by the 285 lies Prince Society, as The Hutchinson papers, 2vols., quarto, 160 copies. For a further continuation, see Minot, George R. HUTCHINSON, THOMAS 5169 Speeches to the General Assembly of the Massachusetts-Bay B 1773. O [2] 126 a [HUTCHINSON, THOMAS] 5170 Strictures upon the Declaration of the Congress at Philadelphia L 1776. O 32 a Justifies parliamentary imposition of duties and taxes, but questions the wisdom of exercising the right and thus accelerating rebellion. Believes, however, that the colo- nies would, in time, have found other grounds for attaining their purpose. HUTCHISON, J. R. 5171 Reminiscences. . . during. . . forty-five years in Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. Houston 1874. D 262 a HUTTON, SIR EDWARD T. H. 5172 Col. Henry Bouquet. . . . Winchester Eng 1911. O 40 2maps port a HYDE, EZRA 5173 History of. . . Winchenden [Mass.].. . . Wore [1849]. D 136 a Most of the edition burned. HYDE, GEORGE E. 5174 Red Cloud's folk Norman Okla 1937. O [12] 332[incl.maps] port a HYDE, S. C. 5175 Historical sketch of Lyon County, la. Lemars la 1872. 16° 40 plan a — rptd., same collat., Sioux City 1873. HYPOCRISY UNMASKED Hypocrisy unmasked; or, a short inquiry , . . . See Johnson, Saml. HYPOCRITE (THE) 5176 Hypocrite (The); or sketches of American society from a residence of forty years. By Aesop. N Y 1844. O 120 port a publisher's hyperbole. Presents the same events as later given more fully and more authentically in Dimsdale's Vigilantes of Montana. IDAHO TERRITORY 5178 History of: S F Elliott 1884. Q 304 2maps 69pls 2facs tab a First full-scale history of Idaho. IDAHO DIRECTORY Idaho directory. . . . [l864]. See Owens, George. IDAHO... ASSOCIATION 5179 Idaho (The central) Stock Grower's Asso- ciation. Marks and brands of:. . . . Boise 1885. 16° 28 b G [IDE, SIMEON] 5180 A biographical sketch of . . . William B. Ide: with. . . account of one of the largest emigrating companies ... to the Pacific coast. . . account of "the virtual conquest of California ... by the Bear Flag party," as given by its leader. . . . [Claremont N H 1880]. 16° [4] 3-240 b N NYP Y — rptd., "The conquest of California," S F Grabhorn 1944. a 500copies ptd. The original edition printed on a hand- press by the author at 86 years of age was firobably small. It is sometimes cited following the half-title] as Scraps of Cali- fornia history never before published. Some copies are bound with Who conquered Cali- fornia, see below under Ide, William B. IDE, WILLIAM B. A biographical sketch of:. . . . See Ide, Simeon. IDE, WILLIAM B. 5181 Who conquered California?. . . . Claremont N H Simeon Ide [l880?]. 16° 137 8 [2] a Sometimes bound with Simeon Ide's Bio- graphical sketch of William B. Ide. IDLE. ..MINER Idle and industric Bausman, Wm. is miner (The). See (IDAHO) 5177 The banditti of the Rocky mountains, and vigilance committee in Idaho. Chi 1865. O 143[incl. lOpls] + 6adv-p b WashU Y — anr. issue [priority undetermined] iV Y 1865. same collat b LC Both Chicago and New York issues are styled "twentieth thousand," obviously a IKIN, ARTHUR 5182 Texas: its history [etc.]. . . for the use of the British merchant, and as a guide to emi- grants L 1841. 16° [8] 100 map b N NYP TxH Y Written by the first Texan consul in Lon- don to attract purchasers of Texas land, then being sold at seven shillings an acre. ILES, ELIJAH 5183 Sketches of early life and times in Ken- tucky, Missouri and Illinois. Springfield 111 1883. O 64 port a 286 i partial Major lies went to western Missouri in 1818; in 1821 established the first store in Springfield, Illinois; commanded the com- pany in the Black Hawk war in which Lin- coln served. ILLINOIS... LAND COMPANIES Illinois and Ouabache Land Companies (the). An account of the proceedings of: See Smith, Provost Wm. ILLINOIS CENTRAL 5184 Illinois Central Railway Company (the). Documents relating to the organization of: N Y 1851. Q 141 map a — ed. 2, N Y 1852. O 148 facs Practically a history of the first year of this road. ILLINOIS... REGISTER 5185 Illinois annual register. . . and western business directory. Chi 1847. D 120 + 36 adv-p + 12p. Calendar b ChiH WisH ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILWAY 5186 Illinois Central railway, a historical sketch. . . with statistical notes on. . . Illi- nois . . . Chicago, [etc.]. L 1855. O 44 a ILLINOIS Illinois in 1837; a sketch. . . .See Mitchell, Saml. A. ILLINOIS 5187 Invitation serieuse aux habitants des: par un habitant des Kaskaskias. Phil 1772. O 15 c 1 copy known — rptd., with adds., Prov 1908. O [30] 53 a ILLINOIS (L') Les matinees de Beaucaire ou recits d'une promenade sur: See Lumen, Dr. IMLAY, GILBERT 5188 A topographical description of the western territory L 1792. O [20] 247 a — rptd. Dub 1793. D [24] 249 — ed. 2, enL L 1793. O [20] 433 [20] 3maps & plans tab a — rptd. N Y. D 2v: 260; 204 3maps & plans — ed. 3 — and best — further enl. L 1797. O [12] 598 [30] 4maps &, plans — Ger. ed.[Ber7in]l793. O [l6] 168 In its final form, embodying many original narratives and the entire works of Filson and Hutchins, this work gave the most com- plete information on the trans-Alleghany region available at the end of the 18th cen- tury. Some editions give Imlay's Christian name as George. IMPARTIAL ACCOUNT (AN) Impartial account (An) of. . expedition to Fort Frontenac. teer. See Bradstreet, John. Bradstreet's . . By a volun- IMPARTIAI HISTORY (AN) Impartial and correct history (An) of the war between the United States and Great Britain. N Y 1815. See O'Connor, Thos. IMPARTIAL HISTORY (AN) 5189 Impartial history (An) of the late glorious war Manch 1764. O [2] 358 a — rptd. L 1764. same collat.; Manch 1767. same collat.; L 1767. same collat. IMPARTIAL HISTORY (AN) Impartial history (An) of the late war. . . . See Almon, John. IMPARTIAL HISTORY (AN) Impartial history (An) of the war in America L, 1780. See Burke, Edmund. ILLINOIS... LAND COMPANIES Illinois and Wabash Land Companies (the). Memorial of:. . . . See Smith, Provosr Wm. ILLINOIS Opinion of the Supreme court of: on Beaubien's claim, in the case of Jackson, on the demise of Murray M'Connell vs. De Lafayette. By Justice Smith. See Smith, Theophilus W. ILLINOIS Reminiscences of early life in: See Till- son, Christina H. ILLINOIS Sketches of: Phil 1838. See Mitchell, Saml. A. IMPARTIAL HISTORY (AN) Impartial history (An) of the war in America B 1781-4. See Murray, Rev. James. IMPARTIAL INQUIRER (THE) Impartial inquirer (The). . . . By a citizen of Mass. B 1811. See Lowell, John. IMPARTIAL REFLECTIONS 5190 Impartial reflections on the conduct of the late administration and opposition, and of the American colonies.. . . L [l782]. O 84 a IMPARTIAL REVIEW (AN) 5191 Impartial review (An) of the . . . con- troversy between. .. the Federalists, and Republicans Phil 1800. O 50 a 287 Impartial — Indiana IMPARTIAL VIEW (AN) 5192 Impartial view (An) of the conduct of the ministry in regard to the war in America. . . . L 1756. O 52 a IMPARTIAL VIEW (AN) 5193 Impartial view (An) of the real state of the black population of the United States Phil 1824. O 26 a IMPORTANCE (THE) Importance (The) of gaining. . . the friend- ship of the Indians. . . . See Kennedy, Archibald. IMPORTANCE (THE) Importance (The) of the British plantations in America. . . . See Hall, Fayrer. IMPRESSIONS Impressions of the west and south. . . . See Kingsford, Wm. IN PERILS In perils by mine own countrymen, clergyman. . . . See McNamara, J. By IN VINCULIS In vinculis; or, the prisoner of war. ... By a Virginia Confederate. See Keiley, A. M. INCH-BY-INCH 5194 Inch-by-inch, or guide of guides. Topeka 1878. O 39 a INCIDENTS 5195 Incidents and sketches connected with the early history of the west. Cin [l847]. O 72 lOpls a Fragmentary and historically useless. INCIDENTS Incidents of border life 1839. See Pritts, Joseph. INCONNUE (L') 5196 Inconnue (L') a Madame de Grandfort et a Madame L. . . [n O I860?]. 16° 29 a INDEPENDENCY 5197 Independency the object of the Congress in America. . . . L 1776. O [2] 70 a INDIAN ANECDOTES 5198 Indian anecdotes and barbarities. . . . Carre Mass 1837. O 40 [incl. front.] b AA N — rptd. Palmer 1841. a — other eds. "Indian atrocities. ,,,"BA, J. Wright [1845?]. O 32 [incl. front.] a; D Wright fit Hasty [l846?]. same collat.; B S. C. Fuller 1846. Contains, among other narratives and captivities, the experiences of John Colter, discoverer of the Yellowstone and first white entrant into Wyoming. For another book entitled Indian atrocities, see Knight, John, and Slover, John. INDIAN ATROCITIES See Indian anecdotes and barbarities. . . . INDIAN BATTLES 5199 Indian battles, captivities and adventures. N Y 1855. D 408 a INDIAN BATTLES Indian battles, murders, seiges \_sic\ and forays in the southwest.. ..See Wales, G. , and Roberts, M. INDIAN MISSIONS Indian missions in the United States. . . . Phil 1841. See De Smet, Pierre-Jean. INDIAN NARRATIVES 5200 Indian narratives . . . history of the Indian wars Claremont N H 1854. D 276 a Compiled largely from Henry Trumbull's History of the discovery ol America. . . and the captivity narratives of Mrs. Johnson and Zadock Steele. INDIAN (THE) Indian (The) of New England. . . . See Barrat, Joseph. INDIAN RAID Indian raid of 1878. 58 a 5201 Topeka 1879. O INDIAN TRADE Indian trade. From the Detroit Gazette .... See Crooks, Ramsay. INDIAN TREATIES Indian treaties and laws. . . relating to Indian affairs. . . . Wash 1826. See Hamilton, Sam'l. S. INDIAN TERRITORY (THE) The manners, customs ... of the civilized Indians of: See Boudinot, Elias C. INDIAN TERRITORY (THE) 5202 Proceedings of the convention to consider the opening of: K C 1888. O 80 a INDIANA (NORTHERN) 5203 History of the regulators of: Indp 1859. O 67 b Recital of the operations of organized counterfeiters, horse-thieves and murderers who ravaged this region from 1835 until dis- persed by outraged citizens in 1858. 288 Indiana — Ingham INDIANA TERRITORY (THE) 5204 Letters of Decius to the members of:. . . . Louisv 1805. 16° 44 a First Louisville imprint. INDIANA The state of: delineated. See Colton, j[oseph] H. INDIANA 5205 Thoughts on the destiny of man. . . by the Harmony Society of: Harmony 1824. O [2] 96 b IndS NYP — Ger. ed., "Gedanken uber die Bestimung [sic J des Menschen. . . ," Harmony 1824. O Only book printed in English by this Rappite community. It outlines the principles and objects of that society. .See Wharton, INDIANA View of the title to: Sam'l. INDIANAPOLIS 5206 Historical sketch of: [indp 18 57]. O 45 caption t. only a INDIANAPOLIS DIRECTORY 5207 Indianapolis directory. . . ; or, Indianapolis as it is in 1855. Indp 1855. O 264 map pis a First directory of this city. INDIANS (THE) Or narratives of massacres. . . . See Bevier, Abraham G. INDIANS TAXED 5208 Indians taxed and not taxed. Report on: Wash 1894. Q 683 many maps & pis a INFLUENCE f 5209 Influence de la revolution de l'Amerique sur l'Europe. Amst 1786. O 48 [ l] a INFLUENCE Influence of the railroads of the United States. . . . See Poor, Henry V. INFORME 5210 Informe dado a las cameras generales. . . por los diputados. . . Escalante y Gaxiola. Cosala 1827. O 22 [24] a First book printed at Cosala. Sonora and Sinaloa having been united into the single Estado de Occidente, an agitation to re- separate the two is here opposed by Sonora's representatives. INFORME 5211 Informe de la Comision Pesquisidora de la frontera del noroeste Mex [ 1875]. Q 669 a — enl. ed. Mex 1877. Q 760 — Eng. tr. N Y 1875. O [8] 3-443 3maps The 1877 edition included the earlier In- forme . . . de la frontera del norte. In that complete form is covered depredations on Mexican property by Apaches and Navajos from New Mexico and Arizona and by Mexi- cans and Texans operating from the Rio Grande to the Nueces, often with unblushing official connivance. INFORME 5212 Informe de la Comision Pesquisidora de la frontera del norte. . . . Mex 1874. Q 124 map a — rptd. Monterrey 1877. INGALLS, ELEAZER S. 5213 Journal of a trip to California. . . across the plains in 1850-51. Waukegan 111 1852. O 51 + 3adv-p d A A Y [INGERSOLL, CHARLES] 1805-82 5214 A letter to a friend in a slave state. Phil 1862. O 60 + cov.t. a 49copies of this ed. ptd. on L.P. INGERSOLL, CHARLES J., 1782-1862 5215 Historical sketch of the second war be- tween the United States . . . and Great Britain [Ser. 1 &■ 2]. Phil 1845-52. O 4v: [6] 13- 515; [8] 17-317; [6] 9-422; [4] 7-374 a INGERSOLL, CHARLES J., 1782-1862 5216 Recollections Vol.l[all]. Phil ptd. 1861, pub. 1886. O [10] 17-458 a INGERSOLL, CHARLES J., 1782-1862 5217 A view of the rights and wrongs, power and policy of the United States. . . . Phil 1808. O 157 a Strongly pro-Jefferson. INGERSOLL, CHESTER 5218 Overland to California in 1847. Chi 1937. D [4] 7-50 [2] a First separate printing of these letters as published in a Joliet newspaper, 1847-8. INGERSOLL, JARED 5219 Letters relating to the stamp-act. N Hav [1766]. O [6] 68 a INGHAM, GEORGE T. 5220 Digging gold among the Rockies.. . Lead- ville, Black hills and the Gunnison country Phil Hubbard [l880]. D 508 front. 28pls a — rptd. Phil Edgewqod Pub. Co. [l882]. D 452[incl.front. & pis] — anr. ed. Phil Hubbard 1888. INGHAM, HARVEY 5221 The northern border brigade [in Iowa]. [Des M 1926]. O 95 a 289 Ingham — Inquiry INGHAM, HARVEY 5222 Ten years on the Iowa frontier. . . . [Des M 1915]. O 46 1. [incl.front.j a lINGLIS, CHARLES] 5223 Case of Major John Andre. . . candidly represented, with remarks. ...NY 1780. Q 28 b JCB [INGL IS, CHARLES] 5224 Letters of Papinian: in which the conduct ... of the American congress are examined. N Y 1779. 16° [6] 130 a — anr. issue, same impr. 86 date. O 1 8] 86 — Eng. ed. L 1779. O [6] 86 [l] [INGLIS, CHARLES] 5225 The true interest of America impartially stated, in . . . strictures on a pamphlet in- titled Common sense. N Y 1776. Nearly all copies destroyed, b — other eds.: Phil 1776. O 71 a; ed. 2, same impr., date &• collat. Ablest Tory reply to Paine's Common sense. [INGLIS, CHARLES]? 5226 A vindication of the Bishop of Landaff's Ls/'c] sermon from the. . . reflections con- tained in Mr. William Livingston's Letter to His Lordship NY 1768. O [8] 82 a Inglis was royalist rector of Trinity Church, New York. [INGRAHAM, EDWARD D.] 5227 A sketch of the events which preceded the capture of Washington. . . . Phil 1849. O [4] 66 map a some L.P. copies, on blue hand- made paper [INGRAHAM, JOSEPH H.] 5228 The south-west. N Y 1835. D 2v: [l2] 294; [12] 276 a [INGRAHAM, JOSEPH H.] 5229 The sunny south; or, the southerner at home Phil 1860. D 526 a Detailed portrayal of life on tobacco, cotton and sugar plantations in ante-bellum Mississippi. INGRAHAM, JOSEPH W. 5230 A manual for. . . visiters [sic] to the falls of Niagara But 1834. 18° 72 a For another 1834 guide, claimed to be the first, see Parsons, Horatio A. INMAN, E., ed. 5231 Stories of Hatfield, the pioneer. . . his ex- perience in the wilderness of east Ten- nessee, Kentucky and southern Indiana. New Albany Ind 1889. D 278 port a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat. 1890. INMAN, HENRY, ed. 5232 Buffalo Jones' forty years of adventure Topeka 1899. O L12] 469 43pls a — anr. ed. L 1899. same collat. Authoritative plains narrative. INMAN, HENRY, and CODY, 5233 WILLIAM F. The Great Salt Lake trail. N Y 1898. O [14] 529 map Spls a bdg.l, blue clo.; bdg.2, brown clo. — rptd. Topeka 1899; 1914. INMAN, HENRY 5234 In the van of empire; sketches and anec- dotes of western adventure. K C 1889. D 122 a INMAN, HENRY 5235 The old Santa Fe trail NY 1897. O [18] 494 + 3adv-p map 9pls a — anr. issue, same impr., date & collat. — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1898; 1899. — anr. ed. Topeka 1916. same collat., ex- cept for omission of 1/2 t. & substitution of a different port INMAN, HENRY 5236 Stories of the old Santa Fe trail. K C 1881. D [8] 287 a — anr. issue [priority undetermined] on thinner paper, with 291p of text — rptd. "Tales of the trail," Topeka 1898. D [8] 280 INNIS, HAROLD A. 5237 The fur trade of Canada, Tor 1927. O 172 fold, tab a — enl.ed. "The fur trade in Canada," N Hav 1930. O [14] 444 map 2pls INNIS, HI AROLDl A. 5238 Peter Pond, fur trader and adventurer. Tor 1930. 0[l2] 153 fold map a INQUIRIES Inquiries respecting the history [etc.] of the Indians. . . .See Cass, Lewis. INQUIRY (AN) 5239 Inquiry (An) into the condition and pros- pects of the African race in the United States By an American. Phil 1839. D 214 a INQUIRY (AN) Inquiry (An) into the nature and causes of the present disputes. . . [l768]. See Frank- lin, Benj. INQUIRY (AN) 5240 Inquiry (An) into the nature and results of the anti-slavery agitation. . . . Part I. [all]. 290 Inquiry — Irving By a citizen of Alabama. Mobil- 1851. O 50 cover t. only a INQUIRY (AN) 5241 Inquiry (An) into the present state of the British navy. . . with reflections on the late war with America. . . . By an Englishman. L 1815. O 166 a INTEREST (THE) Interest (The) in slavery of the southern non-slaveholder. . . . See De Bow, James D. B. INTEREST (THE) Interest (The) of Great Britain considered .... See Jackson, Richard. INTEREST (THE) 5242 Interest (The) of the merchants and manu- facturers of Great Britain in the present con- test with the colonies L 1774. O [2] 50 a — Am. ed. B n.d. D 20 INTERESTING DETAIL Interesting detail of the operations of the American fleet in the Mediterranean. . . . See Eaton, Wm. INTERESTING NARRATIVES 5243 Interesting narratives and discoveries, in- cluding Maurice Griffith's Discovery of a nation of Welshmen in the interior of America .... Shrewsbury Eng 1817. O 64 a INTERIOR CAUSES 5244 Interior causes of the war: the nation demonized and its President a spirit-rapper. By a citizen of Ohio. N Y 1863. O 115 a INTRODUCTION Introduction to the history of America. 1787. See M'Culloch, John. IONIA COUNTY [MICH.]. 5245 History and directory of: Grand Rapids Dillenback [l872]. O 195 a IOWA (CENTRAL) 5246 A description of: with especial reference to Polk county and Des Moines. . . .Des M 1858. D 32 a IOWA 5247 Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota. The emi- grant's guide to: St P 1857. 16° 182 [2] + 8adv-p b G IOWA (WESTERN) 5248 History of: its settlement. . . . Sioux City 1882. O 57l[incl.preliminary blank l] a IOWA 5249 De Hollanders in: brieven uit Pella, van een Gelderschman. Arnhem 1858. D [4] 7- 189 2pls a IOWA (NORTHERN) 5250 By a pioneer. Dubuque Emig. Assoc. 1858. O 40 map 2pls a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. some copies carry Nonpareil Co. on t-p IRBY, RICHARD 5251 Historical sketch of the Nottoway Grays, afterwards Company G, 18th Virginia. . . . Rich 1878. O 49 a IRELAND, JAMES. . . pastor of the Baptist church . . . Virginia The life of: Winchester 1819. D 232 a 5252 IRELAND, JOSEPH N. 5253 Records of the New York stage, 1750- 1860. N Y 1866. O 2v: [4] 663; [2] 746 a 263copies issued[63 on L.P.J IRONS, CHARLES D., comp. Guide and directory of the Truckee basin .... See Edwards, W. F., pub. IRVING, JOHN B. 5254 A day on the Cooper river. Charleston S C 1842. D [4] 83 a — enl. ed. Columbia 1932. O [l6] 220 [l] port fold. map [IRVING, JOHN B.] 5255 The South Carolina Jockey Club. Charles- ton 1836. O 48 211 pi a IRVING, JOHN TREAT 5256 Indian sketches . . . during an expedition to the Pawnee tribes. Phil 1835. D 2v: [4] 9-272; [2] 5-296 a — Eng. ed. — and best — with "contents" added, L 1835. O 2v: [12] 273; [8] 301 a IRVING, THEODORE 5257 The conquest of Florida. . . . Phil 1835. D 2v: 290; 302 a — rptd., in lv, N Y 1851; 1857; 1869. D 457 —Eng. ed. L 1835. D 2v: [12] 296; [8] 280 Compiled from Herrera, Garcilaso de la Vega and the narrative of the gentleman of Elvas. IRVING, WASHINGTON 5258 Astoria. Phil 1836. O 2v: 285; 279 + 8 adv-p. map [earliest issue has map in vol. 1, no copyright notice on verso of that t-p & signature numeral at bottom of p. 5] a — Eng. ed. L 1836. D 3v: [2 16] 317; [lo] 320; [8] 294 — Fr. tr. P 1839. O 2v 291 Irving — Ivins — Ger. & Dutch trs. 1837. Classic account of the first American at- tempt at settlement on the Pacific coast, 1811 — initial action towards substantiating our claim to Oregon — including the earliest extended relation of Wilson P. Hunt's over- land expedition from St. Louis to that settlement. IRVING, WASHINGTON 5259 Biography of James Lawrence, late a captain in the navy. . . . New Brunswick 1813. 18 b 244 port a [IRVING, WASHINGTON] 5260 A history of New York NY 1809. D 2v: [24] 268; [2] 258. fold.pl[folding to the left, not vertically] c AA N NYP Y — ed. 2, with some changes, N Y 1812. D 2v: 292; 248. port pi a — ed. 3, Phil 1819. D 2v: 296; 265. port pi — Eng. ed. L 1809. D 2v — many other Am. & Eng. eds., also several European trs. — best ed., N Y Grolier Club 1886. O 2v pis a l75copies ptd. IRVING, WASHINGTON 5261 Life of George Washington NY 1855- 9. O 5v: 1,(1855), [lb] 504; II, (1855), [12] 518 + errata 1.; Ill, (1856), [l4] 523 + in- serted slip; IV, (1857), [10] 518; V, (1859), [l2] 456. 12maps 8pls facs a [All vols, carry on copyright p. name of the stereotyper Trow] — rptd. same collat. & impr. 1856-60. — anr. ed., with add. pis, N Y 1856-9. Q 5v — reissued in pts, "subscription ed.," tall 0,JVV 1857-61. — Eng. ed. L Bohn 1855-9. D 5v — anr. Eng. ed. L Murray 1856-9. D 5v — many later eds., incl. Dutch & Ger. trs. IRVING, WASHINGTON 5262 The Rocky mountains . . . adventures in the far west. [From Capt. Bonneville's papers and other sources]. Phil 1837. D 2v: 248; 248. 2maps a — rptd. "Adventures of Captain Bonne- ville," N Y 1847. same collat. — Eng. ed. "Adventures of Capt. Bonne- ville," L 1837. D 3v: [4] 303; [4] 292; [4] 302 — Fr. tr. P 1837. O 2v in 1 — Ger. tr. 1837. — Dutch tr. 1838. — many later eds. Explorations and fur-trade operations from Green river to Salt Lake and Walla Walla, 1832-5, including the first account of the trapping expedition over the Sierras to Cali- fornia, led by "Joe" Walker. IRVING, WASHINGTON 5263 A tour on the prairies. Phil 1835. D 274 + 12adv-l. a — issue 2, differs from issue 1 in having the words "No. 1" added to paper label, and in being ptd on whiter paper. — Eng. ed., L 1835, preceded Am. ed. D [14] 336 — Fr. & Ger. trs.: 1835. — Dutch tr. Amst 1835. O [l2] 206 eng.t. port ISBELL, F. A. 5264 Mining and hunting in the far west. Middle- town Conn [1870]? O 41 b NYP Y — rptd. Burlingame Calif 1948. O 36 port a 200copies ptd. ISELIN, ISAAC 5265 Journal of a trading voyage around the world, 1805-08 [n Y ca 1897]. O 110 a small ed. Visited California, Hawaii, etc. ISHAM, G. S. 5266 Guide to California and the mines. . . from a journal kept. . . in a journey to that coun- try in 1849-50. N Y 1850. D 32 dd 2 copies known: AA Y ISRAEL, RABBI BEN [pseud.] 5267 The books of the chronicles of the land of Georgia Rome Ga 1872. O 68 a ITHACA Ithaca and its environs. Views of: By an impartial observer. See Southwick, Solomon. IVANSHINSTOV, N. 5268 Obozrienie Pussikh krugosvietnykh puteshestvii. St Ptbg 1850. O 306 map 17 tabs b only 25copies ptd. — anr. ed. same impr. 1872. O a Review of Russian voyages, including those of Kotzebue, Krusenstern, Lisianski, et al. IVES, JOSEPH C. 5269 Report upon the Colorado river of the west .... H. Exec. Doc. 90. Wash 1861. Q Spts in 1: 131 3maps 25pls; 14; 154 6pls; 30; o [32] a — anr. issue, Sen. Exec. Doc, same date. Q 367 3maps 31pls IVINS, VIRGINIA W. 5270 Pen pictures of early western days. [Keokuk] 1905. O 157 [incl.front.] a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1908. Describes overland trip to California with her husband in 1853. IVINS, VIRGINIA W. 5271 Yesterdays [Keokuk 1908]. O 107 front, a 292 Izard — Jackson Reminiscences of Keokuk [founded by her uncle], of Ft. Edward, now Warsaw, Illinois [commanded by her father], and of other river towns in that area. IZARD, GEN. GEORGE 5272 Official correspondence . . . relative to the military operations of the American army. . . on the northern frontier. . . 1814-15. Phil 1816. O [8] 152 errata slip a [IZARD, RALPH] 5273 An account of a journey to Niagara. . . in 1765 N Y 1846. O 30 a IZARD, MR. RALPH, of South Carolina 5274 Correspondence of: 1774-1804. Vol. I [all]. N Y 1844. D [14] 389 [2] port a J., A., and A., I A narrative. . , Allen, Richard. See Jones, Absalom, and J., S. L. Life in the south. Catherine C. See Hopley, J., W. 5275 Perils, pastimes, [etc.], of an emigrant in Australia, Vancouver's island, and Cali- fornia. L 1849. D 404 a JACK, 0. G., comp. A brief history of Muscatine [iowa] Muscatine 1870. O 80 a 5276 JACKSON, A. P., and COLE, E. C. 5277 Oklahoma! . . . History and guide to the Indian Territory K C [l885]. D 150 map [not in all copiesj a JACKSON, ANDREW Biographical sketch of the life of: See Walsh, Robert, Jr. JACKSON, ANDREW A brief and impartial history of the life and actions of:. ... By a free man. See Snelling, Wm. J. JACKSON, MAJOR GENERAL ANDREW Brief sketch of the life, character. . . of: See Hill, Isaac. JACKSON, GENERAL [ANDREW] 5278 The case of the six mutineers, whose con- viction and sentence were approved of by: Alb 1828. O 32 a JACKSON, ANDREW 5279 Civil and military life of: By an American officer. N Y 1825. O 359 a JACKSON, GEN. ANDREW, and 5280 CALHOUN, JOHN C. Correspondence between: on the subject of the course of the latter, in the delibera- tions of the cabinet of Mr. Monroe, on the occurrences in the Seminole war. Wash 1831. O 52 a [JACKSON, ANDREW] Essays on the spirit of Jacksonism. . . . See McKenney, Thos. L. JACKSON, MAJOR GENERAL 5281 ANDREW A history of the life and public services of: n.p. 1828. O 37 a [JACKSON, ANDREW] The Jackson wreath, . . .See Walsh, Robt., Jr. JACKSON, GENERAL ANDREW 5282 Memoirs of: and Lhis] public acts in Florida. Bridgeton N J 1824. O 40 a JACKSON, GENERAL ANDREW 5283 Memoirs of:. ... By a citizen of western New York. Auburn 1845. O 270 a JACKSON, ANDREW Memoirs of:. . .compiled by a citizen of Massachusetts. See Smith, Jerome V. C. JACKSON, ANDREW Memoirs of the illustrious citizen and patriot:. ... By a citizen of Hagers-Town, Md. See Waldo, Saml. P. JACKSON, GEN. ANDREW 5284 Memoirs of: . . . with the letter of Mr. Secretary Adams, in vindication of the execution of Arbuthnot and Ambrister. . . . N Y 1824. O 40 a JACKSON, MAJ. GEN. ANDREW 5285 Memorial of: Wash 1820. O 61 a Elaborate defence of his conduct in Florida. JACKSON, LE g£n£RAL [ANDREW] Notice biographique sur: See Walsh, Robt., Jr. JACKSON, GENERAL 5286 Official records. . . of the proceedings of the court martial which tried, and the orders of: for shooting the six militia men. . . . Wash 1828. O 32 a — rptd. several times, same yr. 293 Jackson — Jackson JACKSON, GENERAL [ANDREW] 5287 The presidential election. . . relating to the Seminole war and the vindication of: By Philo-Jackson. Frankl & Louisv Ky 1823-4. O 6ser.: 35; 28; 48; 54; [8] 24; 47 a Defends Jackson's Florida invasion and extols his desire to expand national territory to Oregon. JACKSON, ANDREW 5288 Reflections on the character and public services of:. . . . By a native American. N Y 1828. O 48 a JACKSON, GENERAL [ANDREW] 5289 Some account of:. ... By a gentleman of the Baltimore bar. Bait 1828. O 272 a JACKSON, ANDREW, [Kentucky slave] 5290 Narrative . . . of : . . . his life while a slave Syracuse 1847. D 120 a — some copies have 11 letters [81 p.]; others, 12 letters [94 p.] b BA JACKSON, JAMES W. 5299 The life of: the Alexandria hero, the slayer of Ellsworth, the first martyr in the cause of southern independence. . . .Rich 1862. O 48 a [JACKSON, JONATHAN] 5300 Thoughts upon the political situation of the United States . . . with some observations on the constitution Wore 1788. O 209 a Attributed also to George R. Minot and to James Sullivan. JACKSON, JOSEPH H. 5301 Adventures . . . disclosing. . . Mormon villany . . . in Nauvoo. Warsaw 111 1844. D 32 dd c — rptd. same impr. 1846. D 36 b AA Y JACKSON, FRANCIS 5291 A history of the early settlement of New- ton. . . Massachusetts D 1854. D 556 map port a — rptd. later in exact facs. JACKSON, GEORGE Sixty years in Texas. . [10] 384[incl. pis] port a All copies are designated edition." 5292 [Dallas 1908]. O JACKSON, HALLIDAY 5293 Civilization of the Indian natives. . . con- duct of William Penn Phil 1830. O 120 a JACKSON, HtENRY] W. R. 5294 Confederate monitor and patriot's friend Atlanta 1862. D 120 a JACKSON, H[ENRY] W. R. 5295 Historical register, and Confederate's assistant to national independence. . . . Augusta Ga 1862. D 48 a JACKSON, H[ENRY] W. R. 5296 The southern women of the second Ameri- can revolution Atlanta 1863. O 120 [2] a [JACKSON, ISAAC R.?] 5297 A sketch of the life and public services of William Henry Harrison. N Y 1836. O 32 a — rptd. Phil 1836. O 36 — other eds.: Lex 1836; N Y 1839; Harris- burg 1840; Hart 1840; Det 1840. r. ed., with adds., Columbus 1840. O 50 [JACKSON, JAMES] 5298 The letters of Sicilius, to the citizens of Georgia on the. . . late sale of western lands [Augusta] 1795. O [lO letters] 66 b GaU JACKSON, MARY A. 5302 Life and letters of General Thomas J. Jackson NY 1892. O [l8] 479 5pls a — enl. ed. "Memoirs of Stonewall Jackson," Louisv [1895]. Q [24] 647 pis [JACKSON, RICHARD] 5303 The interest of Great Britain considered, with regard to her colonies. . . . L 1760. O [2] 58 a — rptd. Dub 1760. O 46 — ed. 2, L 1761. O [2] 58 — Am. eds.: Phil 1760. O 47; B 1760. O 56 [5] Franklin probably helped in preparing this work; the Boston edition names him as au- thor. Written in reply to Townshend, Charles, Remarks on the Letter addressed to two great men. JACKSON, SHADRACH 5304 Life of Logan Belt. . . desperado of southern Illinois. . . . Cave-in-Rock 1888. G 153 a JACKSON, "STONEWALL" A biographical sketch. By the author of "Life in the south." See Hopley, Cath. C. JACKSON, "STONEWALL" A complete biographical sketch of: See Hallock, Chas. JACKSON, STONEWALL The life of:. ... By a Virginian. See Cooke, John E. JACKSON, LIEUT. GEN. T. J. The life of: By an ex-cadet. See McCabe, James D. 294 Jackson — James JACKSON, STONEWALL Sketches of: See Hallock, Chas. JACKSON, W. H., and LONG, 5305 S. A., comps. The Texas stock directory; or book of marks and brands. Vol.l[allJ. San Antonio 1865. D 402 [50] b JACKSON, WILLIAM, 1737-1795 ed. The constitutions of the several inde- pendent states. See that title, of which it is the second [and best] English edition. JACKSON, WILLIAM, 1783-1855 5306 A lecture on rail roads. B Crocker & Brewster 1829. O 32 a — rptd. B Bowen same date. D 36 — eds. 3 It, 4, same impr., date & collat. One of the earliest treatises on the sub- ject, issued prior to the completion of any American railway. JACKSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS Historical sketches of: 1882. See New- some, E. JACKSON COUNTY, IOWA Gazetteer and directory of:. . . . See Owen Publishing Co. JACOB, J[0HN] G. 5307 Brook county. . . W. Va. Wellsburg 1882. D 194 14adv-p a JACOB, J[0HN] G. The life and times of Patrick Gass. Wellsburg Va 1859. D 280 4pls a 5308 JACOB, JOHN J. 5309 A biographical sketch of.. . Capt. Michael Cresap. Cumberland Md 1826. D 124 bLCN NYP Y — rptd., with adds., Cin 1866. Q 158 [23] a seme copies issued without the 23p. Boyer "Journal." Defense of Cresap from Jefferson's charges against him in the Logan affair. JACOB, T. 0. 5310 Reminiscences of the Army of Northern Virginia Forsyth Ga 1871. O 32 + wraps [cov.t.only] a JACOB, UDNEY H. 5311 Extracts from the peacemaker. Nauvoo 1842. D 37 c JACOBS, REV. BELA 5312 Memoir of: . . . from his letters and jour- nals, by his daughter. B 1837. D 305 port a JACOBS, [REV.] BELA 5313 A voice from the west. . . report of his tour B 1833. O 28 a Visited Ohio, St. Louis, Kaskaskia and Vincennes. JACOBS, ORANGE 5314 Memoirs of: . . . incidents of a life of eighty years . . . fifty-six ... in Oregon and Washington. Seattle 1908. O 234 port a Went overland to Oregon in 1852. JACOTOT, PROSPER Voyage d'un ouvrier dans la vallee du Mississippi. . , .Dijon 1888. O 30 a 5315 JACQUEMIN, [NICOLAS] 5316 Memoire sur la Louisiane. . . . P 1803. D [4] 68 a First separate publication; originally ap- peared in a twenty-four volume Collection de pieces curieuses. . . . 1752. JAMES, EDGAR 5317 The Allen outlaws [Bait 1912]. O 64 a Moonshine, mountaineers and murder. JAMES, EDWIN [ed.] 5318 Account of an expedition. . . to the Rocky mountains . . . [exploring the headwaters of the Platte and the courses of the Arkansas and Canadian rivers]. Phil 1823. O 2v: [ll] 503; [6] 442 [98] + atlas Q 21. 2maps chart 8pls b AA N NYP Y — rptd., ed. Thwaites, Clev 1905. O 4v a — Eng. ed., omitting some scientific data, L 1823. O 3v: [7] 344; [7] 356; [7] 347. map chart 8pls a Notable government expedition [com- manded by Maj. Stephen H. Long], supple- menting earlier discoveries of Pike and of Lewis and Clark, and pronouncing the plains region as nothing but a desert, in- capable of cultivation! The atlas volume of the original edition is dated 1822. JAMES, EDWIN [ed.] 5319 Narrative of the captivity and adventures of John Tanner during thirty years' residence . . . [among the Chippewa, Ottawa and Ojibwa tribes]. TV Y 1830. O 426 port a — Eng. ed. L 1830, same collat. a — Fr. tr. omitting vocabs. but with add. notes, P 1835. O 2v: [44] 355; [4] 416 — Ger. tr. omitting vocabs. Leip 1840. D [16] 328 Minute, vivid, but not altogether trust- worthy, account of all phases of Indian life. JAMES, FRANK The trial of: See Miller, Geo., Jr. 295 Janesville JAMES, GEORGE W. 5320 Indian blankets and their makers. Chi 1014. o[l8] 213 74pls[some col.] a JAMES, GEORGE W. 5321 The Indians of the painted desert region B 1903. O [22] 268 39pls a JAMES, GEORGE W. 5322 The wonders of the Colorado desert. . . . B 1906. O 2v: [44] 270; [l4] 271-547. 3maps 33pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1907. — anr. ed. B 1911. O [50] 547 maps & pis JAMES, J. A. & U. P., pubs. James's rail road and route book for the western and southern states. See Griswold, J. JAMES, CAPT. JASON W. 5323 Memories and viewpoints. Roswell N M 1928. D 183 a Buffalo hunting; ranching on the Rio Grande; with Johnston's Utah expedition in 1858; etc. JAMES, JESSE, and FRANK 5324 The life and daring adventures of: . . . with exploits of the Younger brothers. Written by "one who dares not disclose his identity." Phil [1886?]. O 96 a JAMES, JESSE E. 5325 Jesse James, my father.. . .Independence Mo 1899. D 194[incl. ports] a — rptd. Clev [l906]. O 189 Probably ghost-written by A. 13. McDonald. JAMES, THOMAS 5326 Three years among the Indians and Mexi- cans. Waterloo 111 1846. O [2] 130 dd MoH Y — rptd. with notes by Walter B. Douglas. St L 1916. O 316 map 12pls a One of the earliest narratives of the fur- trade; covering experiences on the upper Missouri, in 1809, and an expedition to Santa Fe, in 1821. Written from James' dictation by Nathan Niles, who, resenting local newspaper criticism, destroyed nearly all copies. [JAMES, THOMAS H.] 5327 Rambles in the United States [etc.], with a short account of Oregon. . . . L Clarke 1846. D [8] 259 pi a — anr. issue, pub. Ollivier, same collat. & date. — ed. 2, L Ollivier 1847. same collat. This Republic protrayed as "a living falsehood," its citizens "gasconading boasters," its future "inevitable ruin." JAMES, U[RIAH] P. [comp.] River guide. . . . See Cumings, Sam'l. JAMES, U[RIAH] P. [comp.] Traveler's companion. ... See Cumings, Samuel, The western navigator. JAMES, W[lLL] S. 5328 Cowboy life in Texas. Chi 1893. D [2] 9-213[incl.pls] a — anr. issue, "27 years a maverick, or life on a Texas range," Chi n.d. [l893]. — rptd. same impr. & collat. [l898]. JAMES, WILLIAM 5329 A full . . . account of the military occur- rences of the late war between Great Britain and the United States. L 1818. O 2v: [32] 476; [2] 582 [l6]. 4maps a JAMES, WILLIAM 5330 An inquiry into the merits of the. . . naval actions, between Great-Britain and the United States Halifax Canada 1816. O [6] 102 4tabs a — expanded ed. "A full . . . account of the . . . naval occurrences. . . ," L 1817. O [l6] 528 216 [l6] 3pls a JAMES, WILLIAM D. 5331 A sketch of the life of Brig. -Gen. Francis Marion Charleston S C 1821. O 182 [39] b NYP Y — rptd. Marietta Ga 1948. O a JAMESON, MRS. [ANNA B.] 5332 Winter studies and summer rambles. . . . L 1838. D 3v: [l4] 315; [6] 341; [6] 356 a — Am. ed. N Y 1839. D 2v: [lo] 9-341; [4] 339 — Ger. tr. Braunschweig 1839. D 3v: Almost half of this work is devoted to the authoress' travels through Michigan. JAMIESON, MATTHEW H. 5333 Recollections of pioneer and army life [including trip to Pike's peak]. K C [l91l]. O [8] 7-363 front, a JAMIESON, MILTON 5334 Journal and notes of a campaign in Mexico Cin 1849. O 105 errata 1. b LC JAMISON, JAMES C. 5335 With Walker in Nicaragua; or reminis- cences of an officer of the American phalanx. Columbia Mo 1909. O 181 3ports a Best eye-witness account of Walker's bid for empire, by one of his most dependable officers. JANESVILLE CITY DIRECTORY Janesville city directory. . .for 1859-60. See Brigham, Alasco D. 296 JANSON, CHARLES W. 5336 The stranger in America. . . observations made during a long, residence in that country L 1807. Q [22] 500 + 6adv-p plan 9col pis eng.t. b AA N Also issued with tinted pis a — rptd. N Y 1935. O [30] 502 [2] pis — rptd. [s F 1945]. O 25 map[on 4sheets] a 300copies ptd. JEFFERSON, THOMAS Address to the people of the United States: with an epitome. . . of the public life. . . of: See Deckley, John J. JAQUES, MRS. MARY J. 5337 Texan ranch life L 1894. O [l2] 363 12pls a JAQUITH, JAMES The history of: n.p. [l818]. O 32 ; — ed. 3, n.p. 1830. O 36 — ed. 4, n.p. 1831. O 34 Includes his adventures as a school- teacher in Kentucky and Indiana. 5338 JEFFERSON, THOMAS 5347 An appendix to the Notes on Virginia relative to the murder of Logan's family. Phil 1800. O 51 a — ed. 2 [with Sappington's testimony added]. O 58 JEFFERSON, THOMAS Defence of the character of:. Virginian. See Tucker, Geo. By a JARDINE, L. J. 5339 A letter from Pennsylvania to a friend in England: containing. . . information with re- spect to America. Bath Eng 1795. O [4] 31 a Recommends Pennsylvania above all. JARVIS, N[ATHAN] S. 5340 An army surgeon's notes of frontier service, 1833-48. [Repr. from "Journal of Service Institution."] n.p. [l907?]. O 8 12 12 10 20 16 fold.map capt.t.only a [JARVIS, RUSSELL] 5341 A biographical notice of Com. Jesse D. Elliott Phil 1835. D 480 a Defends Elliott's conduct as Perry's second in command at the battle of Lake Erie. JARVIS, SAMUEL F. 5342 A discourse on the religion of the Indian tribes N Y 1820. O lll[incl.tab] a JAY, JOHN 5343 Correspondence. . . . Ed. by H. P. John- ston. N Y [1890-93]. O 4v: [24] 461; [l4] 452; [26] 489; [22] 532. a 750sets ptd. JAY'S TREATY Jay's (Mr. (john]) treaty. Features of: See Dallas, Alex. J. JAY, WILLIAM 5344 Life of John Jay NY 1833. O 2v: [8] 520; [4] 502. port a JEFFERSON, H. E. 5345 Oklahoma: the beautiful land Chi 1889. D [4] 9-202 a JEFFERSON, T. H. 5346 Accompaniment to the map of the emigrant road from Independence to San Francisco NY 1849. D 11 map[on 4sheets] dd Pn [of 2copies known] JEFFERSON, THOMAS A defence of the measures of the ad- ministration of: By Curtius. See Taylor, John, of Va. JEFFERSON, THOMAS, and CABELL, JOSEPH C. Early history of the University of Vir- ginia, as contained in the letters of:. . . . Rich 1856. O [36] 528 a 5348 JEFFERSON,AND MADISON 5349 A letter, containing. . . observations on mankind and the . . . administrations of: By a farmer. Morris-Town 1810. D 37 a JEFFERSON, THOMAS 5350 A letter to: By Junius Philaenus. N Y 1802. O 64 a JEFFERSON (THE HON. THOMAS) Memoirs of:. . . .See Carpenter, Stephen C. [JEFFERSON, THOMAS] 5351 Notes on. . . Virginia, [p] 1782 [ptd 1785]. O [2] 391 fold tab c JCB N NYP 200 copies ptd: from a few p52-54 were replaced with new sheets giving changed text beginning on p52, line 8: "A second opinion, etc."; to other copies was added, from time to time, one, two or three appendices, — on a Va. constitution, on a money unit, on religious freedom — which give additional value to copies containing them. Original uncorrected copies have p. 5 1-4, 167-8, 181-2, & 183-4 in uncancelled state. — Fr. tr. and 1st pub'd ed., "Observations sur la Virginie," P 1786. O [l2] 390 + 2 errata lists[one covering 1/4 p, the other 2 1/2 p] fold mapLeng. by Neele] tab a — Eng. ed. and 1st pub'd ed. in that lan- guage, L 1787. O [4] 382 map a — Am. ed.: Phil 1788. O [4] 244 fold sheet a — Am. ed. 2, Phil 1788. O [4] 336 297 Jefferson's Notes — Jeffries — rptd. 1792. — anr. ed. 2, Phil 1794. O U] 336 map & tab — anr. ed. Bait 1800. O 194 [52] — rptd. same year, with add. of fold.tab & 21p on Jefferson's religious principles — other eds. [all 1801, and all with map & port]: N Y; Newark; B — anr. ed. Lwith Jefferson's corrections on Logan affair], Phil 1801. O [4] 436 56 map port view a — later eds.: B 1802; Trenton 1803 [lst ed. announcing app. on t-p]; N Y 1804; Phil 1812; Trenton 1812; Phil 1815; Phil 1825; B 1829; B 1832. — best ed. Lwith adds. incl. author's cor- rections intended for an ed. never pub'd] Rich 1853. O [8] 275 map 4pls fold sheet a — Ger. ed. "Beschreibung von Virginien," Leip 1789. JEFFERSON'S NOTES Jefferson's (Mr.) Notes on Virginia. Ob- servations upon certain passages in: See Rogers, Nicholas. JEFFERSON, THOMAS The pretensions of: to the Presidency examined. . . . See Smith, Wra. L. JEFFERSON, THOMAS A series of letters addressed to: concern- ing his official conduct. . . . See Evans, Thos. [JEFFERSON, THOMAS] 5352 A summary view of the rights of British America. ... By a native [etc. J. Williamsbg Rind [1774]. D 23 b NYH PhilL — rptd. Phil 1774; Norfolk Duncan & Co [1774]. a — Eng. ed., with adds., L 1774. Q [l6] 5-44 Submitted to the Virginia convention with the idea of its being sent as a petition to the King; it was deemed too strong to be sent, but some copies were printed by mem- bers. The Norfolk edition, entered by Evans, is doubtful. JEFFERSON, THOMAS A vindication of: against the charges. . . . See Clinton, DeWitt. [JEFFERYS, THOMAS] 5353 The conduct of the French with regard to Nova Scotia L 1754. O [2] 77 a — Fr. tr. L 1755. D [l6] 281 Contains much on the other British colo- nies in America. JEFFERYS, THOMAS, eng. 5354 A general topography of North America . . . . L Sayer fr Jefferys 1768. F [4] 93maps b — re-issued, "The American atlas. . . ," L Sayer fr Bennet 1775. F [4] 29maps[on 48 sheets] b Y — other eds.: L Sayer 1776. F [4] 30maps [on 49sheets] b H NYP SeattleP Y; L Sayer & Bennet 1778. same collat. a; L 1782. — Fr. ed. "Atlas ameriquain septentrional," P 1778. F 26maps pi Number of maps varies; some English editions have thirty maps on forty sheets, etc. [JEFFERYS, THOMAS]? 5355 The great probability of a north west passage; deduced from observations on the letter of Admiral de Fonte. . . . L 1768. Q [24] 154 3maps b N NYP OreH Y Ascribed also to Theodore S. Drage [or SwindrageJ. The authenticity of Fonte's Spanish voyage to the northwest coast is as questionable as the earlier one by Maldon- ado, but led to great exploring activity in that region by English, French and Spanish. JEFFERYS, THOMAS 5356 The natural and civil history of the French dominions in . . . America. . . . L 1760. F 2pts in 1: [8] 168; [4] 246 + duplicate starred p. 129-138 in pt.I 18maps & plans correction slip at p.80, pt.2 bAAMHN NYP Y — rptd., same collat., L 1761. a Additional information concerning the capture of Quebec, received after printing Part I, necessitated the insertion of the starred duplicate pages. [JEFFERYS, THOMAS] eng. 5357 The North- American pilot. ... Pt.I [for Newfoundland, etc.], Pt.II [for New Eng- land, New York, etc.]. L Sayer & Bennett 1775. F 2v: [8]; [2]. 35maps b — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1777-8. a — other Eng. eds.: L 1799; 1783; 1784; 1789; 1795. — new ed. L Laurie & Whittle 1799-1800. F 2v: [2]; [6]. 45maps — rptd. 1806-09. — Fr. tr. "Pilote americain," P 1778. F [4] eng.t. 20maps —rptd. P [1792]. JEFFERYS, THOMAS Voyages from Asia to America. ... See under Muller, Gerhard F. , Nachrichten von Seereisen. . . . [JEFFREY, J. K.] 5358 The Territory of Wyoming; its history [etc.]. Laramie 1874. O 84 b AA Hn NYP Y First book printed at Laramie. JEFFRIES, EWEL 5359 A short biography of John Leeth. . . his travels and sufferings among the Indians Lancaster O 1831. D 33 dd Wisll WRH [only copies known] 298 Jeffries Jewell — rptd., ed. Butterfield, Cin 1883. O 90 a 143 copies ptd; ed. Thwaites, Clev 1904. O 70 Captured by Delaware Indians in Ohio in 1772, during Dunmore's war, Leeth remained in captivity until 1790. — other eds., same impr.: 1839. same collat.; 1841. D [24] 51-578 map Intended as a continuation of John Kil- bourne's Ohio gazetteer, the 1833 edition of which had been revised anonymously by Jenkins. JEFFRIES, TtHOMAS] F. 5360 The book of sunshine; or the life and travels of: . . . through Virginia . . . Lto Ark., Mo., Kas. & Neb.]. Bait 1861. D 177 a JEMISON, MRS. MARY A narrative of the life of: See Seaver, James E. [JENINGS, EDMUND] 5361 A plan for settling the unhappy dispute between Great Britain and her colonies. . . . L 1775. D 16 b — ed. 2, n.p. 1776. D 26 b JCB NYP [JENINGS, EDMUND] 5362 A translation of the Memorial to the sovereigns of Europe upon the present state of affairs, between the old and the new world L 1781. O [2] 45 a — Fr. ed. "Pensees sur la revolution de l'Amerique-Unie. . . ," Amst [l780]. O [22] 50 — rptd. same impr. [l78l]. O [l8] 52 [JENKINS, GRIFFIN] 5363 A brief vindication of the purchassors against the proprietors, in a Christian man- ner. N Y 1745-6. D [ll] 37 c Hn NYP [of 3copies located] Relates to the New York-New Jersey boundary dispute and land-titles in the Newark region. JENKINS, H. M. 5364 Historical collections relating to Gwynedd . . . Montgomery county [Pa.]. Phil 1884. O 400 12pls a JENKINS, JAMES 5365 Autobiography of: Oshkosh 1889. O 110 a Includes accounts of trading voyages along the California coast, in the thirties. JENKINS, JEFF 5366 The northern tier, or, life among the home- stead settlers. Topeka 1880. D 205 a JENKINS, THOMAS J. 5367 Six seasons on our prairies and six weeks in our Rockies Louisv 1884. D 218 [2] a JENKINS, WARREN 5368 The Ohio gazetteer. . . . First revised edition. Columbus [l837]. D [24] 51-546 map JENKS, J. W. P. 5369 Hunting in Florida in 1874. n.p. [l884?]. O 70 fold, map a JENNESS, JOHN S. 5370 Notes on the first planting of New Hamp- shire. . . . Portsmouth 1878. O 91 2maps a JENNINGS, DAVID An abridgment of the Life of . . . Cotton Mather. See Mather, Samuel, The life of . . . Cotton Mather. JENNINGS, LOUIS J. 5371 Eighty years of republican government in the United States. L 1868. D [l6] 288 a — -ed. 2, same impr., date & collat — Am. ed. N Y 1868. same collat. JENNINGS, N[APOLEON] A. 5372 A Texas ranger. N Y 1899. D [l2] 321 a — rptd. Dallas 1930. JENSEN, J. M. 5373 Early history of Provo, Utah. Provo 1924. O 414 a [JENYNS, SOAME] 5374 The objections to the taxation of our American colonies. . . briefly considered. L 1765. Q 20 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. Q 23 JEROME, CHAUNCEY 5375 History of the American clock business N Hav 1860. D 144[incl. port] a JERVEY, THEODORE D. 5376 Robert Y. Hayne and his times. AT Y 1909. O [20] 555 a JEVNE and ALMINI [pubs.] 5377 Chicago illustrated. Chi 1866-7. obi. Q title 80 52 1. of letter press 52tinted pis d ChiH LC NYP Originally issued in 13parts. JEWELL, HORACE 5378 History of Methodism in Arkansas. Little Rock 1892. O [16] 445 a JEWELL, Mo H. [pub.] 5379 First annual directory of the city of Bis- marck, Dakota . . . with a review of early frontier life Bismarck 1879. D 144[incl. prelim. 1. of adv.] b Hn NDH 299 Jewitt — Johnsc — anr. issue with unnumb 1. between p. 40 and 41 and photo, view of Bismarck pasted on inside cover, a NDH First non-legal book printed in North Dakota. JEWITT, JOHN R. 5380 Journal kept at Nootka sound B 1807. 16* 48 a — rptd. N Y 1812. — anr. ed. B 1931. 16° front. lOOcopies ptd. First printed account of a remarkable captivity among natives of the Northwest coast. For a later account, based on this Journal, but so amplified as to be con- sidered a different book, see Alsop, Richard. JOBLIN, M[AURICE] and CO., pubs. 5381 Cincinnati past and present; or its in- dustrial history. . . in the life-labors of its leading men. Cin 1872. Q 433 127actual photos a JOBLIN, MAURICE, pub. 5382 Cleveland LOhioJ, past and present. . . sketches of pioneer settlers. . . . Clev 1869. O [4] 500 3views 80ports[all actual photos] a JOCKNICK, SIDNEY 5383 Early days on the western slope of Colorado. . . .Denver 1913. D 384 + inserted typed 1. at p322 25pls a JOGUES, ISAAC 5384 Narrative of a captivity among the Mo- hawk Indians, a description of New Nether- land in 1642-3, and other papers. Ed., with memoir of Jogues, by John G. Shea. N Y 1856. O 69 a — rptd. 1857. First printing of four letters written in 1643 and 1644. Issued also in New York Historical Collections, series 2, volume 3, pages 173-219. Jogues returned as a mis- sionary to these Indians and met martyrdom at their hands. JOGUES, ISAAC 5385 Novum Belgium: description de Nieuw Netherland. N Y 1862. O [4] 0-44 map a 100 copies ptd — Eng. tr. by John G. Shea + Fr. text, N Y 1862. Q [2] 54 map view 2ports 4 1. of facs lOOcopies ptd. First printing of a 1646 manuscript. One of the earliest descriptions of New York City. JOHANET, EDMOND 5386 Un Francais dans la Floride. . . . Tours 1889. O 240 a JOHNS, JAMES A brief sketch. . . of . , Huntington 1861. D 44 a 5387 Huntington [vt.]. JOHNS, MRS. JANE A narrative of the life and sufferings of: See Welch, Andrew. JOHNS, JOHN 5388 A memorial of the life of. . . William Meade, Bishop of Virginia Bait 1867. D [6] 537 2ports a [JOHNSON, A. S.?] 5389 Memoirs of a nullifier. . . . Columbia S C 1832. O [2] 110 a — anr. ed., with adds., N Y 1860. D Ascribed also to Dr. Thomas Cooper. [JOHNSON, ADAM R.] 5390 The partisan rangers of the Confederate . . . army. Louisv 1904. O [l4] 476 65pls a Includes his adventures in West Texas from 1854 to 1860 as Indian fighter, sur- veyor and overland mail agent, as well as the cavalry operations of his Confederate brigade. JOHNSON, ALLEN Stephen A. Dougls 503 a 5391 N Y 1908. o[l0] JOHNSON, AMANDUS 5392 The Swedish settlements on the Delaware, 1638-1664. [Phil] 1911. O 2v: [20] 466; [l2] 467-880. 6maps 88pls a Ablest monograph on the subject. [JOHNSON, ANNA C.3 5393 The Iroquois TV Y 1855. D 317 8pls a JOHNSON, BENJAMIN F. 5394 Why the "Latter Day Saints" marry a plurality of wives. . . answer to an attack S F 1854. O 23 a JOHNSON, CAPT. CHARLES 5395 A general history of the robberies. . . of the most notorious pyrates. . . . L Rivington 1724. O [22] 17-320 3pls a — ed. 2, enl., "A general history of the pyrates. . . ," L Warner 1724. O [20] 17-427 3pls —rptd. Dub 1725. D [8J 248 front. — ed. 3, with v.2 added, L 1725-4 1726]. O 2v: [20j 17-427 + 18p between p416-417; [14] 413 + 3adv-p 3pls fold.map [in v.2 of some copies] b — ed. 4, L 1726. same collat. b — rptd. L 1727. — anr. ed. L 1734. F [2] 486 26pls b — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1736. — Dutch tr. Amst 1725. O 2v 7pls a 300 Johnson — Johnson — Fr. tr. Utrecht 1725. D 315; L 1726. D [60] 360 [7] a Author's name said to be a pseudonym for Daniel Defoe. For a condensation, see History and lives of . . . notorious pirates. JOHNSON, C[HARLES] B. 5396 Letters from the British settlement in Pennsylvania Phil 1819. 16° [12] 25- 192 2maps a — rptd. "Letters from North America," Phil 1821. D[l2] 185 map — Eng. ed. L 1819. 16° 186 map Written to discourage emigration to Birk- beck's "fever prairies" or to other trans- Alleghany colonies. JOHNSON, CHARLES G. 5397 The Territory of Arizona. . . history. . . . S F 1869. F 3pts[paged continuously] 32 3 mounted photos b B S JOHNSON, DON CARLOS 5398 A brief history of Springville, Utah. . . . Springville 1900. O [oj 124 errata 1. front, a JOHNSON, JOHN W. 5406 Life of: Biddeford 1861. 16° 152 b Includes his Indian captivity. JOHNSON, JOSEPH 5407 Traditions and reminiscences of the. . . revolution in the south. . . . Charleston S C 1851. O [8] 592 3maps pi a JOHNSON, MRS. LAURA W. 5408 Eight hundred miles in an ambulance. Phil 1889. D 131 a Life in Wyoming army posts and Indian agencies. JOHNSON. OVERTON, and WINTER, 5409 WILLIAM H. Route across the Rocky mountains. . . . Lafayette Ind 1846. O 152 d N Y — rptd. Princeton 1932. D a Describes the 1843 Oregon migration, the Oregon region and California. In historical importance one of the greatest of early over- land narratives. JOHNSON, EDWIN F. 5399 Navigation of the lakes ... to the sea- board and to the Mississippi, and relation of the former to the lines of railway. . . to the Pacific. Hart 1866. O 48 a JOHNSON, EDWIN F. 5400 Railroad to the Pacific NY 1854. O 166 3maps 8pls a First edition in book form, but styles it- self 2nd edition, having previously appeared in a periodical. Favors the Northern route and predicts a great future for the Columbia River region. JOHNSON, ELIAS 5401 Legends ... of the Iroquois. . . and history of the Tuscarora Indians. Lockport N Y 1881. O 234[incl. front.] a 5402 St George Utah JOHNSON, GEORGE W. Jottings by the way. . 1882. 16° 64 b Y Mostly rhymed Mormon history, but with prose autobiography. JOHNSON, PHIL Life on the plains. . . . See Post, Chas. C. , Ten years a cowboy. [JOHNSON, REVERDY] 5410 Remarks on popular sovereignty, as main- tained and denied respectively by Judge Douglas, and Attorney-General Black. Bait 1859. O 40 a JOHNSON, RICHARD B. 5411 Very far west indeed L 1872. D [8] 280 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — rptd. several times; also Dutch & Fr. trs. JOHNSON, COL. RICHARD M., of Kentucky Authentic biography of: See Emmons, Wm. JOHNSON, R[0BERTl G. 5412 An historical account of the first settle- ment of Salem in West Jersey Phil 1839. 18° 173 a First local history of this state. JOHNSON, SIR JOHN 5403 Orderly book of: during the Oriskany cam- paign, 1776-7. Ed. W. L. Stone. Alb 1882. Q L60] 130 [4] 139-256 [2] 257-273 a JOHNSON, JOHN, Indian agent 5404 Recollections of sixty years. Dayton 1915. O 78 a JOHNSON, JOHN, 1829-1907 5405 The defense of Charleston harbor. . . 1863-5. Charleston 1890. O 2v in 1: 276; 176. 48maps & pis a JOHNSON, ROBERT U., and 5413 BUELL, CLARENCE C, eds. Battles and leaders of the civil war. . . by Union and Confederate officers. N Y Century [1887-8]. Q 4v: [24] 750; [20] 760; [20] 752; [20] 829 [paginat. of each vol. includes front. & initial blank l.J a Original "subscriber's edition" was in thirty-two parts. [JOHNSON, SAMUEL] 5414 The false alarm. L Cadell 1770. O 53 a — ed. 2, same irnpr., date & collat. 301 Johnson — Johnston For replies to this defense of the Ministry, see The constitution defended; see also Johnson, Samuel. A letter to: [JOHNSON, SAMUEL] 5415 Hypocrisy unmasked; or, a short inquiry into the religious complaints of our Ameri- can colonies. . . . L 1776. D 24 a — eds. 2 & 3, same impr., date & collat. Defends the Quebec Bill against colonial objections. JOHNSON, SAMUEL 5416 A letter to: L 1770. O 54 a Refutation of Johnson's The false alarm. JOHNSON, DR. SAMUEL A letter to: L 1775. See Towers, Jos. [JOHNSON, SAMUEL] 5417 Taxation no tyranny; an answer to the Resolutions and address of the American congress. L 1775. O [4] 91 a — eds. 2, 3 & 4. same impr., date & collat. JOHNSON, SAMUEL 5418 Taxation tyranny. Addressed to: L 1775. O 80 a JOHNSON, SIDNEY S. 5419 Some biographies of old settlers. . . . Vol.1 [all]. Tyler Tex 1900. O 400 a JOHNSON, MRS. SUSANNAH. 5420 A narrative of the captivity of: Walpole N H 1796. D 144 b N NYP AA — ed. 2, Windsor Vt 1807. same collat. a — ed. 3, enl., Windsor 1814. D 178 — other Am. eds.: Lowell 1834. 16° 150; N Y 1841. 16°; and others — Eng. eds., variant titles: Glasg 1797. D 72; Newcastle [l797]. same collat.; Air 1802. D 24 Captured by Indians in New Hampshire, in 1754, she spent four years, in their hands and in those of the French, before regaining her freedom. JOHNSON, THEODORE T. 5421 Sights in the gold region and scenes by the way. N Y 1849. D [l2] 278 a — ed. 2, enl. N Y 1850. D [l2] 324 map 7pls — ed. 3, with app. of Oregon material and new t. "California and Oregon, or sights in the gold region [etc.]," Phil 1851. D [l2] 348 map 6pls a — ed. 4, Phil 1853. 6pls but no map [though t-p calls for one] — rptd., still as ed.4, Phil 1854. lpl no map; same 1857; again 1865. — Eng. ed. Dub 1850. D 308 One of the earlier accounts of the gold fields. The 3rd, and best, edition contains Thurston's information on the emigrant trail to Oregon and particulars of the march to Oregon made by a regiment of U. S. rifle- men in 1849. JOHNSON, SIR WILLIAM 5422 An account of conferences . . . between: and the chief sachems. . . of the Mohawks, Oneidas L 1756. O [ 14] 3-77 b N JCB NYP Held with the object of restraining the Six Nations from participating with western tribes in French-inspired attacks on Penn- sylvania and Virginia settlements. JOHNSON, WILLIAM 5423 Sketches of the life. . . of Nathaniel Greene Charleston S C 1822. Q 2v: [l2] 516; [2] 476 [ l] + lip Appendix[not in all copies] port map 7plans a JOHNSON, W[ILLIAM] A. 5424 The history of Anderson county, Kansas. [Garnerr] 1877. O 289 a JOHNSTON, CHARLES 5425 A narrative of the incidents attending the capture. . . of: N Y 1827. D 264 a JOHNSTON, DAVID E. 5426 Four years a soldier. Princeton W Va 1887. D 447 a — rptd. "The story of a Confederate boy . . . ," [Port Ore 1914]. D [14] 379 pis JOHNSTON, MRS. ELIZABETH 5427 Recollections of a Georgia loyalist. Ed. A. W. Eaton. N Y 1901. D 224 a [JOHNSTON, F., and HAMILTON, 5428 W.| eds. The Washingtoniana; containing a sketch of [his] life Lancaster 1802. O 320 [78] blank 1. 401-441 port a Johnston, f[rederick] 5429 Memorials of old Virginia clerks. . . . Lynchburg 1888. D 405 [20] 3ports a JOHNSTON, GEORGE 5430 History of Cecil county, Maryland. . . . Elkton 1881. O 548 [l2] fold.map a [JOHNSTON, GEORGES MILLIGEN] 5431 A short description of . . . South Carolina L 1770. O 96 a Attributed also to Dr. Jacob Milligan. JOHNSTON, JAMES F. W. 5432 Notes on North America. . . . Edin 1851. D 2v: [16] 415; [l2] 512. map a — Am. ed. [from Eng. sheets], B 1851. same collat. 302 Johnston — Joly De St. Valier JOHNSTON, GENERAL JOSEPH E. 5433 Correspondence between the President [Davis] and:. . ..Rich 1864. O 64 a JOHNSTON, JOSEPH E. 5434 Narrative of military operations. ...NY 1874. O 602 + 6adv-p 6maps 15pls a JOHNSTON [JOSEPH E.] and 5435 BEAUREGARD [G. T.], GENERALS Official reports of: on the battle of Manassas Rich 1862. O 144 a JOHNSTON, JOSEPH E. 5436 Report of his operations in the department of Mississippi and East Louisiana. . . . Rich 1864. O 213 a JOHNSTON, JOSEPH E., et al 5437 Reports of the Secretary of War, with reconnaissances of routes from San Antonio to El Paso, by:. . . . [Sen. Exec. Doc. 64]. Wash 1850. O 250 2maps 72pls[nos 2, 21 & 39 not issued], a Contains, among other reports, R. B Marcy's [on his route from Ft. Smith to Santa Fe] and J. H. Simpson's [on his Navajo country expedition], q.v. for separate printings. JOHNSTON, JOSIAH S. [ed.] 5438 First explorations of Kentucky. . . . Louisv Filson Club 1898. Q [22] 222 2pls map a First complete printing of Thomas Walker's 1750 journal; also Gist's 1751 journal. [JOHNSTON, RICHARD M.] 5439 Georgia sketches. . . . [Augusta Ga] 1864. O 114 a JOHNSTON, WILLIAM G. 5440 Experiences of a forty-niner. . . . Pitt 1892. O 390 port 13pls [some copies contain a blue-print map and an extra port., both issued later for insertion] b N Y small ed. ptd. — rptd. "Overland to California. . . ," Oak- land 1948. Q map a Overland narrative, in diary form, of the first emigrant train entering California in 1849. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM J. 5441 Sketches of the history of Stephenson county. 111 Freeport 1854. D 102 a Second Illinois county history. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM P. 5442 The life of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston NY 1878. O [18] 755 + 4adv-p port 8 pis a JOHONNET [JOHONNOT], JACKSON 5443 The remarkable adventures of: . . . who served. . . in the expedition under General Harmar. . . . Containing . . . his captivity, sufferings, and escape from the Kickapoo Indians. D 1793. O 16 a other 1793 eds. [among which no priority is established]: Keene D 12; Newburyport D 12; Newburyport O 30; Prov O 15; Windsor O 16 — rptd.: Walpole 1795. D 12; Salem 1802. O 20; anr. Salem ed. n.d. [l802]. O 20; Green- field 1816. D 24 Flimsy conjectures of a Lexington Ken- tucky edition of 1791 may be dismissed, but this dubious narrative occupied eight pages of Beer's 36-page Almanac, Hartford [l792], which may be reckoned its first appearance in book form. [JOINVILLE, LE PRINCE DE] 5444 Campagne de l'armee du Potomac. P 1862. O 64 map a — rptd. "Guerre d'Amerique. . . ," P 1863. O 211 map — Am. ed. [in Fr.] N Y 1862. — Am. ed. [in Eng.] N Y 1862. — Ger. tr. Naumberg 1863. — Sp. tr. Madrid 1870. JOLIET, ILLINOIS Progress, resources ... of . O 40 a 5445 : Joliet 1856. JOLLIVET, [ADOLPHE] 5446 Documents Americains. Annexion Texas [etc.]. P 1845. O 40 a — [ser. 2] "Annexion du Texas. Nouveaux documents Americains," P 1845. O 55 a - — [ser.3] "Documents Americains. Les Etats-Unis . . et l'Angleterre [etc.], " P 1845. O 74 a JOLLIVET, [ADOLPHE] Plan de colonization [au Texas]. 1842. O 32 a 5447 JOLY DE ST. VALIER [LE SIEUR] 5448 Expose ou examen des operations des ministres en Angleterre depuis le commence- ment de la guerre contre les Americains jusqu'ici. . . . L n.d. Q L4] 59 a — rptd. L 1781. D 82 — Eng. tr. L 1781. O [8] 111 JOLY DE ST. VALIER [LE SIEUR] 5449 Expose ou examen. . . . [Pt.2 of abovej. Amst 1781. O [10] 52 a This French officer offered his services to the British and retaliated, for being snubbed, by these vindictive attacks. His books were banned and he himself im- prisoned for some time. 303 Joly De St. Volier — Jones JOLY DE ST. VALIER [LE SIEUR] 5450 Histoire raisonnee des operations. . . de la derniere guerre. . . . Liege 1783. O [l2] 236 + lOp suppl in some copies a Emphasizes French naval operations. JOLY DE ST. VALIER [LE SIEUR] 5451 Memoire du: ou expose de sa conduite avant et depuis qu'il a quitte la France pour venir offrir ses services a sa Majeste le Roy d'Angleterre L 1780. O U] 67 a — ed. 2, L 1780. O 93 JONES, A[BNER] D. Illinois and the west B 1838. 16 c 256 map a JONES, ABSALOM, and ALLEN, RICHARD A narrative of the proceedings of the black people ... in Philadelphia. . . . Phil 1774. O 28 a JONES, A[DOLPHUS] E. Extracts from the history of Cincinnati Cin 1888. O 133 llmaps & views a 5452 [6] 5453 5454 JONES, ALEXANDER 5455 The Cymry of '76; or, Welshmen and their descendants of the American revolution. . . . TV Y 1855. O [4] 132 errata a JONES, ALEXANDER 5456 Historical sketch of the electric telegraph NY 1852. O [14] 3-194 a JONES, ALFRED E. 5457 The old silver of American churches. . . . Letchworth Eng 1913. F [6 9-88] 566 [2] 145 pis a JONES, ANSON 5458 Letters, relating to the history of [Texas] annexation. Galv 1848. unbound sheets D 30 a — rptd., with same impr. and collat., but ptd. actually at Phil in 1852. Only difference between the two eds. is that the repr. was issued with wraps. JONES, ANSON 5459 Memoranda [etc.] relating to the republic of Texas. ...NY 1859. O [2] 648 port a JONES, REV. CHARLES C, 1804-63 5460 The religious instruction of the negroes in the United States. Sav 1842 D [14] 277 a — rptd. Sav 1855 16° 132 JONES, CHARLES COLCOCK, JR. Antiquities of the southern Indians. N Y 1873. O [16] 532 30pls a 5461 JONES, CHARLES COLCOCK, JR. 5462 The dead towns of Georgia. Savannah 1878. O 263 5plans a 250 copies issued as a separate from v. 4, Ga. Hist. Soc. Colls. JONES, CHARLES COLCOCK, JR. 5463 Hernando de Soto. The adventures en- countered and the route pursued. . . .Sav 1880. O 42 [2] port a JONES, CHARLES COLCOCK, JR. 5464 Historical sketch of the Chatham Artillery .... Alb 1867. O 240 3maps a some copies on L. P. JONES, CHARLES COLCOCK, JR. 5465 Historical sketch of Tomo-Chi-Chi, Mico of the Yamacraws. Alb 1868. O 133 a JONES, CHARLES COLCOCK, JR. 5466 The history of Georgia. B 1883. O 2v: [16] 556; [l6] 540 19maps and pis a Most scholarly history of the colonial and revolutionary periods of this state. JONES, CHARLES COLCOCK, JR., 5467 et al History of Savannah, Ga. Syracuse 1890. O 655 21ports a JONES, CHARLES COLCOCK, JR. 5468 The life. . . of Commodore Josiah Tattnall. Sav 1878. O [lo] 225 [4] port a JONES, CHARLES COLCOCK, JR., 5469 and DUTCHER, SALEM Memorial history of Augusta, Georgia. . . . Syracuse 1890. O 512 57 lOports a JONES, CHARLES COLCOCK, JR. 5470 Monumental remains of Georgia. Ft. I [all]. Savannah 1861. O 119 map a 250copies ptd[of which 100 were on medium L. P. & 35 on larger L. P.J JONES, CHARLES COLCOCK, JR. 5471 Reminiscences of the last days. . . of General Henry Lee. A lb 1870. Q 43 port a JONES, CHARLES COLCOCK, JR. 5472 The siege of Savannah in December 1864 Alb 1874. Q [lo] 184 errata slip a some copies on L. P. JONES, CHARLES COLCOCK, JR., ed. 5473 The siege of Savannah in 1779 as de- scribed in two. . . journals of French officers in the fleet of d'Estaing. Alb 1874. Q 70 [7] map a 100 copies ptd [not all had the 7-p. index] JONES, D[ANIELl W. 5474 Forty years among the Indians. ...SL C 1890. O 400 port[issued with a few copies] a 304 JONES, DAVID 5475 A journal of two visits made to . . . Indians on the west side of the . . . Ohio. . . .Burl N J 1774. O 96 dd AA JCB N NYP — rptd., with notes, N Y 1865. O [l2] 127 a some copies on L. P. A missionary's account of the Delaware and Shawnee tribes in 1772. Thomas Hutchins and George Rogers Clark were his travelling companions on the Ohio. JONES, EDWARD A. 5476 The loyalists of Massachusetts. L 1930. Q [24] 342 28pls a JONES, [MISS] ELECTA F. 5477 Stockbridge, past and present; or, records of an old mission station. Springfield Mass 1854. D 275 a Practically a history of the Mohegans. [JONES, EPAPHRAS] 5478 On the ten tribes of Israel and the aborigines of America. . . . New Albany Ind 1831. O 32 a JONES, EVAN ROWLAND 5479 Lincoln, Stanton and Grant. . . . L [l875j O [l2] 342 port, a [JONES, G. D.] 5480 Life and adventures in the South Pacific. N Y 1861. D 36l[incl. 21pls] front, a Whaling experiences, etc. JONES, GEORGE, of Eng. 5481 An original history of ancient America. . . identity of the aborigines with the people of Tyrus and Israel. . . . L 1843. O [20] 462 a — eds. 2 &, 3, same impr., date & collat. Curious attempt to prove that America was discovered 1824 years before Columbus. JONES, HENRIETTA C. 5482 Sketches from real life. Watertown N Y [1897?]. D 239 port a Illinois and California interest. JONES, HUGH 5483 The present state of Virginia. . . . L 1724. O [l2] 152 b AA H N NYP — rptd. N Y 1865. D [l4] 152 some copies on L. P. a Interesting and highly important. JONES. IGNATIUS, pseud. See Worth, Gorham A. JONES, J. 5484 The Elkhorn valley [Neb.]; its climate, soil. . . . West Point Neb 1880. O 60 map a JONES, JAMES ATHEARN 5485 A letter to an English gentlemen, on the . . . calumnies on America, by British writers .... Phil 1826. O 46 a [JONES, JAMES ATHEARN] 5486 Tales of an Indian camp L 1829. O 3v: [36] 312; [6] 336; [4] 341 a — ed. 2, with new introd. & au. named, "Traditions of the North American Indians . . . ," same impr. & date. O 3v: [30] 312; [6] 336; [4] 341. 6pls [some copies of this ed. carry the 34p. introd. of ed. 1, others carry both introds.] — anr. ed. forms vols. 24-26 of "The new liritish novelist," L [l830]. O 3v — Ger. ed. abr., "Sagen der . . . Indianer," Altenburg 1837. 16° [2] 346 pi JONES, J[0HN] B[EAUCHAMP] 5487 A rebel war clerk's diary. Phil 1866. O 2v: 392; 480 a JONES, jfOHNl B[EAUCHAMPl 5488 The war-path: a narrative of adventures Phil 185S. D 335 a — rptd. "Wild western scenes; or, the white spirit of the wilderness. , .," Rich 1863. D [4] 123 Second series of title immediately following. JONES, jfOHN] B[EAUCHAMP] 5489 Wild western scenes; a narrative of ad- ventures Bait 1841. O 6pts: 247[incl. 6 pis] b — anr. ed. N Y 1841. D same paginat. — ed. 2, au. not named, Phil 1845. D 247 — anr. ed., au. given as Luke Shortfield, Phil 1849. D 270 — rptd.: 1851; 1856; 1859; 1865; 1869. — Eng. eds.: au. given as Luke Shortfield, L 1850; Dub 1850. Fiction interwoven with a slender his- torical thread, JONES, REV. JOHN G. 5490 Concise history of the introduction of Protestantism into Mississippi and the southwest. St L 1866. D 257 a JONES, COMMODORE JOHN PAUL An account of . . . : from a manuscript, written by himself. Phil 1806. O 37 a 5491 [JONES, JOHN PAUL] 5492 The interesting life, travels, voyages and daring engagements of that celebrated and justly notorious pirate Paul Jones. . . . L 1802. O 36 front, a — rptd. "The life and history. . . ," L 1803. O 32 front. — rptd. in Eng. many times, sometimes with 305 Jones — Jones t. altered to "Life and history of Paul Jones," "The life and exploits of the cele- brated pirate Paul Jones," "The life, voy- ages and sea battles of that celebrated pirate Paul Jones," etc. — Am. eds. N Y 1807. D 36: Hudson N Y 1809. 16° 46; Alb 1809. 24° 96; N Y 1809. 16° 36; N Y 1809. 24° 108; Alb 1813. same collat.; Phil 1812. D 36 pi; Hart 1818. 16° 60; N Y 1823. D 28 pi — several Am. reprints, most of them dropping "pirate" from the t. JONES, the chevalier JOHN PAUI 5493 Life and character of: Wash 1825. O 387 port a JONES, JOHN PAUL Life and correspondence of: See Sands, Robt. C. JONES, [JOHN] PAUL The life of: from. . . documents in the possession of John Henry Sherburne. . . . See Disraeli, Benj. JONES, REAR-ADMIRAL JOHN PAUL 5494 Life of: . . . from his original journals. . . . Phil 1845. D 399 a — rptd., same impr.: 1847; 1853; 1858; 1869. JONES, [JOHN] PAUL 5495 Memoires de: P 1798. 16° [24] 244 port a This translation of the manuscript Journal presented to Louis XVI by Jones was made by his secretary, Citizen Andre, JONES, REAR-ADMIRAL [JOHN] 5496 PAUL Memoirs of: . . . from his original journals ....Edin 1830, D 2v: [l2] 331; [4] 341. port a — rptd. L 1843. D same collat. JONES, COM. JOHN PAUL Narrative of the adventures of an Ameri- can navy officer who served. . . under: See Fanning, Nathaniel. JONES (the unporalled and celebrated 5497 COMMODORE, [JOHN] PAUL) A narrative of: Tr. from a manuscript written by himself, n,p. n.d. D 23 a JONES [JOHN] PAUL 5498 Jones, [john] Paul-, ou proprieties sur l'Amerique, 1' Angleterre. . . . \_Basle ca 1781]. O 120 a JONES, J[0HN] WESLEY Amusing. . . adventures of a California artist. . . . B 1854. See Phillips, Geo. Spencer. JONES, JONATHAN H. 5499 A condensed history of the Apache and Comanche Indian tribes. , . . San Antonio 1899. O 235 [incl. illus.] a — rptd., as by Lehmann, Hermann, "Nine years among the Indians," Austin [l927]. D [lo] 235 pis Based chiefly on information supplied by Lehmann. JONES, JOSEPH, of Virginia 5500 Letters of: 1777-1787. Ed. W. C. Ford. Wash 1889. O [l4] 157 a 250copies ptd. Relate to Southern military operations and to Virginia politics following peace. JONES, JOtSEPH] SEAWELL 5501 A defence of the revolutionary history of . . . North Carolina. . . . B 1834. D [l2] 343 a [JONES, JOSEPH SEAWELL] 5502 The mammoth humburg; or, the adventures of Shocco Jones, in Mississippi. . . .Knoxv 1842. D 54 a JONES, J[0SEPH] SEAWELL 5503 Memorials of North Carolina. N Y 1838. O JONES, NATHANIEL V. 5504 A reply to "Mormonism unveiled." Cal- cutta 1853. O 120 b JONES, PETER History of the Ojebway Indians. , 1861, O [s] 278 16pls errata slip a — rptd, same c 5505 ollat. L [1862?]. JONES, POMROY 5506 Annals and recollections of Oneida County, New York. Rome 1851. O [l6] 893 a JONES, SAMUEL 5507 Pittsburgh in . . . eighteen hundred and twenty-six . . . with a directory. . . . Pitt 1826. D 153 pi + 9adv-l. a JONES, SHOCCO The mammoth humbug. . . . See Jones, Jos. Sea we 11. JONES, JUDGE T. E. 5508 Leaves from an argonaut's note book. , , . S F 1905. D 304 7pls a Most of the edition burned. JONES, THOMAS A. 5509 J. Wilkes Booth, . . his sojourn in southern Maryland after the assassination. , , , Chi 1893. D 126[incl,pls] a JONES, COMMODORE THOMAS AP. 5510 CATESBY Proceedings of a court martial on:, , , . Ex. Doc. 45. Wash 1851, O 400 a 306 JONES, THOMAS H. 5511 The experiences of: who was a slave. . „ . Wore 1849. O 48 a — other eds.: B 1850; Springfield 1854; Wore 1857; B n.d. — anr. ed. "Experience ... of Uncle Tom Jones. . . ," B 1855. O 54 front. JONES, U[RIAH] J. 5512 History of the early settlement of the Juniata valley. . . . Phil 1856. O 380 14pls a — rptd. Harrisburg 1889. O 429[incl.pls]; again [l940], O 440 pis JONES, WILLIAM A. 5513 Report upon the reconnaissance of north- western Wyoming. Wash 1874. O [6] 210 49 sheets of fold. plans a — ed. 2, t. changed, "..including Yellow- stone park. .. ," Wash 1875. O 331 49sheets of fold. plans [JONES, WILLIAM B.] 5514 Wonderful curiosity; or, a correct narrative of the celebrated Mammoth Cave. . . . Russellville 1844. D 67 a JONES, WILLIAM CAREY 5515 Letters ... on the subject of land titles in California. S F 1860. O 31 b LC Y JONES, WILLIAM CAREY 5516 Report on. . . land titles in California. . . . Wash 1850. O 60 b N — anr. ed., in "Report of the Secretary of the Interior," Wash 1851. O 136 map a — rptd. S F [1852]. O 55 b JONES, WILLIAM D. 5517 Mirror of modern democracy: a history of the Democratic party. . . . N Y 1864. O 270 a JORDAN, A. C, and CO., publishers 5518 The Norfolk directory. Norfolk 1806. D 82 a JORDAN, SAMUEL 5519 The restorer of the Union. . . to its original purity Augusta Ga 1866. O 171 a JORDAN, THOMAS, and PRY0R, J. P. 5520 The campaigns of Lieut. -Gen. N. B. Forrest NO 1868. O [l8] 17-704 6maps 6pls a JORDAN, THOMAS The south; its products. , 23 a 5521 .Edin 1861. O [JORG, EDUARD] 5522 Briefe aus den Vereinigten Staaten. . . . [written from a German settlement at High- land, Illinois]. Leip 1853. D [&] 274; [8] 358 a JOURNAL Journal d'un officier de l'armee naval en Amerique en 1781 & 1782. See Grasse, comte de JOURNAL Journal d'un voyage fait dans l'interieure de l'Amerique. . . . See Anburey, Thos. JOURNAL (A) Journal (A) of a tour from Boston to Savannah. . . . See Nason, Danl. JOURNAL Journal of a tour in the "Indian Terri- tory," N Y 1844. See Harris, N. Sayre. JOURNAL 5523 Journal of a voyage between China and the northwest coast. N Y 1868. O 40 a JOURNAL 5524 Journal of a wanderer. . .residence in India and six weeks in North America. L 1844. D [18] 250 port a JOURNAL 5525 Journal of an excursion to the United States and Canada. . . . By a citizen of Edinburgh. Edin 1835. D [8] 168 [4] a Relates largely to New York state. JOURNAL 5526 Journal of an expedition. . . under the com- mand of . . . Francis Nicholson. . . for the re- duction of Port Royal. . . . L 1711. Q 24 b JOURNAL 5527 Journal of the congress of the four south- ern Governors . . . with the Five Nations of Indians, at Augusta, 1763. Charles-Town S C 1764. F [2] 45 dd GaU NYP [only copies known] 50copies ptd. JOURNAL (A) 5528 Journal (A) of the expedition up the river St. Lawrence. ... By the sergeant major of Gen. Hopson's grenadiers. B 1759. 16° 24 b LC — Fr. tr. [Quebec 1855]. O 16 a JOURNAL (A) 5529 Journal (A) of the march of a party of pro- vincials from Carlisle to Boston, and Que- bec. . . . Glas 1776. D 36 b JOURNAL 5530 Journal of the proceedings of the Con- gress held at Philadelphia, September 5, 1774. Phil Bradford 1774. O [4] 132 b TCB NYP — rptd. with adds, same impr, but errone- ously dated "DCC.LXXIV." O [4] 132 [2] 133-144 a 307 Journal — Justice — anr. issue, same, but dated correctly. For later curtailed editions, see Extracts from the votes and proceedings . . . Sept. 5, 1774. JOURNAL 5531 Journal of the proceedings of the Con- gress, held at Philadelphia, May 10, 1775. N Y 1775. O [4] 140 a — anr. ed. Phil 1775. O [4] 239 For later curtailed editions, see Extracts horn the votes and proceedings . . .May 10th, 1775. JOURNAL 5532 Journal of the proceedings of the south- western convention. . . at the city of Mem- phis. Memphis 1845. O 127 a JOUTEL, HENRI 5533 Journal historique du dernier voyage que feu M. de La Sale fit P 1713. D [34] 386 map b H N NYP Y — Eng. tr. L 1714. O [32] 205 [5] map b AA Hn NYP Y — anr. issue, identical, but dated 1715. b — anr. issue, made from same sheets with changed t-p, L 1719. [map apparently not inserted in all copies] b N — Am. ed. Chi Caxton Club 1896. O map a 203 copies ptd. — rptd. A lb 1906. map front. — Sp. tr., with notes, "Diario historico ...," N Y 1831. D 156 a Most reliable eye-witness account of La Salle's two-years wanderings in Texas. The map, based on La Salle's Mississippi ex- plorations, was the first accurate deline- ation of that river. JOUVE, E[UGENE] Voyage en Amerique. 434; 533 a 5534 Lyon 1853-5. O 2v: [JUDAH, THEODORE D.] 5535 Report of the chief engineer of the Cen- tral Pacific Railroad Company of Cali- fornia, on his operations in the Atlantic states. Sacr 1862. O 30 a Efforts, in Washington, etc., securing the grant for this first transcontinental line. JUDD, A. N. 5538 Campaigning against the Sioux. . . from a diary kept during one of three expeditions . . . under General Alfred Sully in 1863-4-5 .... [Watsonville Calif 1906]. Q 45 port b Hn N Y only 40copies ptd. JUDD, H. 0. Look within for fact and fiction. Ga 1864. D 204 a 5539 , Macon JUDD, SILAS 5540 A sketch of the life and voyages of Capt. Alvah Judd Dewey. . . . Chittenango N Y 1838. D 114 a Dewey participated in Mina's filibustering expedition into Texas. JUDD, SYLVESTER, and BOLT- 5541 WOOD, LUCIUS M. History of Hadley . . . Massachusetts. Northampton 1863. O 636 a — rptd. Springfield 1905. O JUDGES 5542 Judges and criminals. . . . History of the Vigilance committee of San Francisco. . . . S F 1858. D 100 b Attributed to Dr. Henry M. Gray JUDSON, PHOEBE N. G. 5543 A pioneer's search for an ideal home. . . . Bellingham Wash 1925. D 309 [5] [incl. front.] a Describes her trip across the plains in 1853 and experiences on Puget sound. JUNEMANN, FRIEDRICH 5544 Rathgeber und Wegweiser fur Auswanderer . . . nach den Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Vienna 1949. o[l4] 146 a JULIUS, N[lK0LAUS] H. 5545 Nordamerikas sittliche Zustande. . . . Leip 1839. O 2v: [28] 514; [12] 502 [2]. map 13 pis 67tabs a JUNKIN, GEORGE 5546 Political fallacies: an examination of the false assumptions . . . which have brought on this civil war. N Y 1863. D 332 port a [JUDAH, THEODORE D.] 5536 Report. . . on the preliminary survey of the Central Pacific Railroad of California ....[Sacr? 186l]. O 36 a JUSTESEN, PETER 5547 Two years adventures of a Dane in the California gold mines. Gloucester 1865. D 78 a [JUDAH, THEODORE D.] 5537 Report . . , upon recent surveys ... of the Central Pacific Railroad of California. Sacr 1863. O 26 a JUSTICE (THE) 5548 Justice (The) and necessity of taxing the American colonies demonstrated. . . . L 1766. O 36 + 4adv-p a 308 JUSTICE (THE) 5549 Justice (The) and necessity of the war with our American colonies considered. n.p. [1775]. O [2] 50 a JUSTIFICATION 5550 Justification de la resistance des colo- nies americaines aux oppressions du gouvernement britannique. . , . Leyden 1776. O 30 a K K., J. M. Neuste . . . Nachricht, , , , See Kramer, Johann M. KAEMPFFERT, WALDEMAR 5551 A popular history of American inventions. N Y 1924. O 2v: [l6] 577; [l4] 457 [incl. fronts] a KALAMAZOO 5552 History of the settlement of: Kalamazoo 1855. O 72 a KALIFORNIEN 5553 Kalifornien, das Goldland. Mit Beruck- sichtigung der Auswanderung dorthin. . . . Rorschach 1849. 16° 30 a KALIFORNIENS. . . DISTRICT Kaliforniens Gold-und-Quecksilber- District. . . . See Gerstacker, Friedrich. KALM, PEHR [PETER] 5554 En resa til Norra America. . . . Stockh 1753-61. D 3v: [24] 484 [12]; [2] 526 [22]; [2] 538 [14]. view a — Ger. ed. "Beschreibungder Reise. ..," G~ottingen 1754-64. O 3v: [l8] 568; 592; [4] 648. 9pls a — Dutch ed. "Reis door Noord Amerika," Utrecht 1772. Q 2v: [l8] 233; [12] 240 [&]. map 4pls some copies on L. P. — Eng. ed. "Travels into North America . . . ," Warrington Eng 1770- L 1771. O 3v: [24] 400; 352; [8] 310 [l4]. map[not in all copiesj 6pls b H N — anr. issue, identical, but v. I has impr. L 1771. —Eng. ed. 2, L 1772. O 2v: [4, 3-12] 414; [4] 423 [8]. map 6pls Most trustworthy description of Swedish settlements in 18th century Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. [KANE, MRS. ELIZABETH D.] 5555 Twelve Mormon homes visited ... on a journey through Utah, . , . Phil 1874. O [4] 158 a KANE, PAUL 5556 Wanderings of an artist among the Indians of North America. ...L 1859. O [l8] 455 [8] map 8col pis a — Fr. tr. P 1861. 18° [7] 273 — Ger. tr. Leip 1862. O [l2] 225 4col pis — Dan. tr. Copenh 1863. O 344 Travels largely confined to Canada but visits to Wisconsin and Oregon and account of the murder of Dr. Whitman are included. KANE, THOMAS L. 5557 The Mormons. . . . Phil 1850. O 84 a — ed. 2, with postscript [of 7p] and Lat. quot. on t-p, Phil 1850. O 92 Most sympathetic Gentile appraisal of Mormon conduct. Kane describes their trek to Utah in which he participated. KANSAS 5558 A description of: B 1854. D 28 a KANSAS 5559 Facts. . . about: Lawrence 1870. O 64 map pi a KANSAS The grim chieftain of:. . . . By one who knows, See Fish, Reeder McCandless. KANSAS (WESTERN) Kansas (western) and Nebraska. Guide to the new gold region of: See Oliver, John W. KANSAS GUIDE (THE) 5560 Kansas guide (The). . . . Ottawa Kas 1871. O 62 [2] a KANSAS (SOUTH-EASTERN) 5561 A manual of: her counties, cities. . . . Lawrence 1872. O 64 a KANSAS REGIMENTS Kansas regiments during the war. . . . Military history of: See Burke, W. S. KANSAS Organization ... of the Emigrant Aid Com- pany; also a description of: See Webb, Thos, H. KANSAS 5562 Public documents of . . . : for the year 1862. Lawrence 1862. O 88 a KAMTSCHATKA Kamtschatka and the Kurilski islands.. History of: See Krasheninnikov, Stefan P. KANSAS The reign of terror in: L 1856J. See Briggs, Chas. W, 309 Kans Keily KANSAS TERRITORY Report of . . . commissioners for the in- vestigation of election frauds. . • .See Adams, H. J. KANSAS Six months in: Mrs. Hannah A. By a lady. See Ropes, KAPP, FRIEDRICH 5563 Geschichte der deutschen Einwanderung in America. Vol.l[all]. N Y 1867. O [8] 410 map a — rptd. Leip 1868. O map — other eds.: N Y 1869; abr., N Y 1884. KAPP, FRIEDRICH 5564 Geschichte der Sklaverei in den Vereinigten Staaten. ...NY [i860]. O [lo] 516 map a — rptd. Hamburg 1861. KAPP, FRIEDRICH 5565 Leben des Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben. Berlin 1858. O [36] 668 port a — anr. issue, same collat. & date, Phil — Eng. tr. N Y 1859. O [l6] 37-735 port — Eng. ed. 2, N Y 1859. same collat. KAPP, FRIEDRICH 5566 Leben des. . . Johann Kalb. Stuttgart 1862. O [l4] 306 port a —Eng. tr. N Y 1870. O [l2] 320 port — rptd. N Y 1884. O [lo] 337 port KAPP, FRIEDRICH 5567 Die Sklavenfrage in den Vereinigten Staaten. Gottingen 1854. 16° [6] 185 pi a KAPP, FRIEDRICH 5568 Der Soldatenhandel deutscher Fursten nach Amerika (1775 bis 1783). Berfin 1864. O [24] 300 a KATE, HERMANN F. C. TEN 5569 Reizen en onderzoekingen in Noord- Amerika. Leyden 1885. O [lo] 464 [l] map 2pls a KEATING, WILLIAM H. [cemp.] 5570 Narrative of an expedition to the source of St. Peter's river [etc.] under the command of Stephen H. Long. . . . Phil 1824. O 2v: [14] 9-439; [6] 5-459. map 15pls a —Eng. ed. L 1825. O 2v: [l6] 458; [6] 248 [l56]. map 8pls 3tabs — rptd., t.changed, same collat., L 1828. — Ger. ed. "Forschungsreise in dem nord- lichen Theile der Vereinigten Staaten... ," Jena 1826. O Cited as Long's Second expedition; for his First expedition see James, Edwin. KECKLEY, ELIZABETH 5571 Behind the scenes. ...NY 1868. D [6] 371 port. + 8adv-p a Account of the family life of the Lincolns by the White House dress-maker. Ghost- written by Hamilton Busbey. KEELER, WILLIAM J. 5572 Notes to accompany Keeler's Map of the U. S. . . . from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean. Wash 1867. Q 30 a — rptd., same impr. 1868. O 30 The map — National map of the United States — folding to quarto, with page of text, was issued separately, Washington 1867, and reprinted, folding to 16mo, 1868. The western part was the best at the time. KEEMLE, CHARLES, comp. 5573 The St. Louis directory, for. . . 1836-7: . . . with a sketch of the city St L 1836. D [10] 47 b — same, for 1838-9, St L 1838. D [l4] 67 [3] a —same, for 1840-1, St L 1840. D [12] 84 a KEENE, RICHARD R. 5574 A letter of vindication to. . . Colonel Monroe, President of the United States. . . . [Phil 1824]. O 47 a — Eng. ed. L 1824. O 86 Keene, the first American promised land for bringing settlers to Texas, was accused of being a party to Burr's conspiracy; of his Memoria, published at Madrid in 1815, only one copy is known. KEES, JOHN W., pub. 5575 Directory of . . . Springfield [o.] . . . con- taining. . . a brief history. . . . Springfield. 1852. D [2] 7-221 map 2pls a First directory of this city; the history is by R. C. Woodward. KEGLEY, FREDERICK] B. 5576 Virginia frontier... 1740-1783. Roanoke 1938. Q [36] 786 9maps a [KEILEY, ANTHONY M.] 5577 Prisoner of war, or five months among the Yankees. . . . Rich[ 1865]. O 120 a — enh ed. "In vinculis; or, the prisoner of war. ..." N Y 1866. D 216 [Some copies have Petersburg impr. J Either this or Pollard's Observations in the north was the last book of the Confederacy. KEILY, P. T., comp. 5578 Pierre city directory. [Pierre 1883]. D 44 a KEILY, RICHARD 5579 A brief descriptive. . . sketch of Georgia ... .L 1849. O 32 map a 310 Keim — Kellogg 5580 Wash [1898]. KEIM, DE BENNEVILLE R. Our Alaskan wonderland. . D 352 map 2pls a KEIM, DE B[ ENNEVILLEl R. 5581 Sheridan's troopers on the borders, . . . Phil 1870. O 308 8pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat.: 1885; [l889]. KEITH, CHARLES P. 5582 The provincial councillors of Pennsyl- vania. . . 1733-1776. Phil 1883. O [l4] 142 [2] 476 a KEITH, GEORGE 5583 A journal of travels from New-Hampshire to Caratuck [n.C.]. . . . L 1706. Q [4] 92 b AA H LC NYP KEITH, CAPT. THOMAS 5584 Struggles of: . . . including the manner in which he, his wife and child were decoyed by Indians; their temporary captivity. . . . L Tegg [1808?]. D 28 fold. front.[counted as 4p. in collat.] a — anr. ed. Edin 1813. D; L [l825]. D Fictitious. See also Smith, Sarah. KEITH, SIR WILLIAM 5585 The history of the British plantations. . . . Pt I [all]. Containing the history of Vir- ginia. . . . L 1738. Q [s] 187 2maps a Based largely on Beverley's history. KELLEHER, WILLIAM A. 5586 The fabulous frontier. Twelve New Mexico items. Santa Fe [l945]. O [l4] 317 llpls a KELEHER, WILLIAM A. 5587 Maxwell land grant.. . .Santa Fe [l942]. O [l4 inch front.] 168 8pls a KELL, JOHN Mel. 5588 Recollections of a naval life. . . , Wash 1900. O 307 port a KELLAND, PROF. [PHILIP] 5589 Transatlantic sketches. . . . Edin 1858. D [8] 77 a KELLER, G. R., and McCANN, J. M. 5590 Sketches of Paris [Ky.]. Paris 1876. O 46 a KELLER, GEORGE 5591 A trip across the plains, and life in Cali- fornia. YMassillon O 185l]. O 58 dd 5 copies known AA Hn Y KELLETT, ALEXANDER 5592 A pocket of prose and verse. . . . Bath Eng 1778. 18° [4] 283 c BM N NYP [only known copiesj — ed. 2, "The mental novelist. . . ," L 1783. 16° [4] 283 b JCB N [of 5 known copies] Includes narrative of David Menzies' cap- tivity among Georgia Cherokees, unques- tionably authentic. KELLEY, HALL J. 5593 A general circular to all persons of good character who wish to emigrate to the Oregon territory, embracing some account of . . . the country. . . . Charlestown Mass 1831. O 28 b AA N NYP OreH Y Earliest Oregon colonization scheme. KELLEY, HALL J. 5594 A geographical sketch of. . . Oregon. . . . B 1830. O 80 tab map[ first of Ore. to be ptd] c N NYP WashU Y — ed. 2, enl., B [l830]. same collat. b NYP Y KELLEY, HALL J. 5595 A history of the settlement of Oregon and the interior of upper California. . . . Spring- field Mass 1868. O [l7] 128 d H WashU Y — anr. issue, same date & impr. O [l8] 7 128 d LC NYP Supplements his 1852 Narrative ot events . . . ; a dangerously convincing facsimile has appeared, evidently with the deliberate at- tempt of deceiving. Buyers should examine the paper carefully by daylight. KELLEY, HALL J. 5596 A narrative of events and difficulties in the colonization of Oregon, and the settle- ment of California. . . . B 1852. O 92 c H OreH Y KELLEY, WILLIAM D. 5597 A history of Kansas City, Missouri. , . . K C 1873. O 67 map a KELLOGG, GEOl RGEl J. 5598 Narrative of: 1849 to 1915. . . . \janes- ville Wis 1915]. O [2] 38[incl. wraps] port cov.t. only a Includes his 1849 California overland diary. KELLOGG, MRS. HARRIET S. 5599 Life of Mrs. Emily J. Harwood, Albu- querque 1903. D [8 incl. front. 18 J 152 150- 373 [8] a Printed at the mission press. For another account of the work done by Mr. and Mrs. Harwood in New Mexico, see Harwood, Rev. Thomas. KELLOGG, LOUISE P. 5600 The British regime in Wisconsin. . . . Madison 1935. o[l8] 361 8pls 2maps a 311 Kellogg — Kenible KELLOGG, LOUISE P. 5601 The French regime in Wisconsin. . . . Madison 1925. O L 16] 474 30maps & pis a KELLOGG, LOUISE P. 5602 Frontier advance on the upper Ohio, 1778-9. Madison 1916. O 509 map 6pls a KELLOGG, LOUISE P. 5603 Frontier retreat on the upper Ohio, 1779- 1781. Madison 1917. O 549 2maps 7pls a KELLOGG, M. C. 5604 Notes concerning the Kelloggs. Battle Creek 1927. O 116 port a Contains account of an 1859 California overland. [KELLS, CHARLES E.] California, from its discovery. .. brief description of the gold region. 1848. D 32 b LC 5605 Lth a ,.N Y 5606 KELLY, CHARLES, and HOWE, MAURICE L. Miles Goodyear; first citizen of Utah, trapper, trader and California pioneer, S L C 1937. O 152 [7] [incl.front.] 9pls a — ed. 2, Chi 1880. D 285 12pls — ed. 3, Chi 1891. D 285 port KELLY, GEORGE FOX 5613 Eight months in Washington; or, scenes behind the curtain. . . . n.p. 1863. O 38 b LC — ed. 2, with app. , same date. n.p. O 51 b Investigation into California land frauds. KELLY, GEORGE F[OX] 5614 Land frauds of California. . . . [Santa Rosa?] 1864. O 37 b LC Y [of a few copies known] Sensational charges of how legitimate pre-emptors were, through conniving courts and government officials, deprived of legal rights. KELLY, J. WELLS [comp.] 5615 First directory of Nevada Territory, con- taining. . . a historical sketch [etc.]. S F 1862. O [18] 266 b BP NevH Y — 2nd directory, Virginia Nev [s F ptd] 1863. O 486 b Hn Earliest book on Nevada, preceded only by De Groot's pamphlet on the Washoe mines. KELLY, CHARLES 5607 Old Greenwood . . . trapper. . . . S L C 1936. O 128[incl. initial blank 1.] [5] a 350copies ptd. KELLY, CHARLES 5608 Outlaw trail. . . "Butch" Cassidy and his wild bunch. S L C 1938. O 339 a Includes other spectacular bandits infest- ing the mountains of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. KELLY, L. V. 5616 The range men. The story of the ranchers and Indians of Alberta. Tor 1913. O 468 a Though chiefly an account of the cattle trade in the Canadian prairie provinces, in- cludes Montana affairs, KELLY, WAYNE S. 5617 Lariats and chevrons; or, Corporal Jack Wilson Guthrie 1905. D 620 port a KELLY, CHARLES 5609 Salt desert trails. A history of the. . . early trails . . . seeking a shorter route to California. S L C 1930. O 178[incl. pis &, 2 initial blank 1.] [6 incl. initial blank 1.] a KELLY, E. S. 5610 Condensed sketch of . . . California, San Francisco and Oakland. Oakland 1879. D 46 KELLY (EBENEZER BERIAH) 5611 Kelly (Ebenzer Beriah): an autobiography. Norwich Conn 1856. D 100 a Experiences of an American sailor im- pressed into British naval service. KELLY, FANNY [WIGGINS] 5612 Narrative of my captivity among the Sioux Cin 1871. D 285 12pls a — rptd. Hart 1871. same collat.; Phil 1872; Hart 1872; 1873. — anr. ed. Tor_ 1872. D 304 2pls KELLY, WILLIAM 5618 Excursion to California. . . . With a stroll through the diggings L 1851. D 2v: [lo] 342; [8] 334. a — rptd. in 2 separate v. ["Across the Rocky Mountains" and "A stroll through the diggings. "]l 1852. 16° KEMBLE (FANNY) 5619 Kemble (Fanny) in America: or the journal of an actress reviewed, ... By an English lady, four years resident in the United States. B 1835. O 48 a For the Journal referred to, see Butler, Frances A. KEMBLE, FRANCES A. 5620 Journal of a residence on a Georgian plantation. . . . L 1863. D [8] 434 + 32adv-p, dated Jan. 1863 a — Am. ed. N Y 1863. D 337 + lOadv-p issue 1: "about" repeated, line 6, p314 312 Kemp — Kennedy [KEMP, FRANCIS A. VAN DER] 5621 Verzameling van stukken tot de dertien Vereenigdge Staaten . . . betrekkelijlc Leyden 1781. O L48] 300 [2] a KENDALL, AMOS 5622 Autobiography of:. . . . Ed. by William Stickney. B 1872. O [lo] 700 port 2pls facs a KENDALL, AMOS 5623 Life of Andrew Jackson NY 1843-4. O 288 a [issued also in 7nos.] KENDALL, EDWARD A. 5624 Travels through the northern parts of the United States. ...NY 1809. O 3v: [l2] 330; [6] 309; [6] 312 a KENDALL, GEORGE W. 5625 Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe expedi- tion. N Y 1844. D 2v: [2] 4C5; [l2] 11-406. map 5pls a — ed. 7, with 2 extra chaps, and part of Thomas Falconer's diary, relating to this ill-fated undertaking.^ Y 1856. D 2v: [l8] 452; [14] 11-442. map Spls — other 2v eds.: L 1844; L 1845; N Y 1847; N Y 1850; N Y 1857. — several later L eds. in lv. KENDALL, GEORGE W. 5626 The war between the United States and Mexico NY 1851. F [4] 52 12col.pls map b N NYP Y The fine plates by Carl Nebel were pro- duced at Paris, the text printed in New Or- leans, the book bound and sold by Appleton in New York. KENDERDINE, THADDEUS S. 5627 California revisited, 1858-1897. Newtown Pa 1898. O 310 a KENDERDINE, THADDEUS S. 5628 A California tramp. . . or, life on the plains and in the golden state thirty years ago Newtown Pa 1888. O 4 16 a Crossed by the southern route. KENLY, JOHN R. 5629 Memoirs of a Maryland volunteer.. . 1846- 7-8. Phil 1873. O [l2] 521 a KENNAWAY, SIR JOHN H. 5630 On Sherman's track; or, the south after the war. L 1867. O [lO incl. front.] 320 3pls KENNEBECK CLAIMS (THE) 5631 Statement of:. . . . B 1786. sm Q 29 a Favorable report by a committee of the Massachusetts Assembly on claims of the Plymouth Company. [KENNEDY, ARCHIBALD] 5632 The importance of gaining. . . the friend- ship of the Indians to the British interest N Y 1751. O 31 c AA NYP — Eng. ed., with 8-p. letter, by Franklin?, added, L 1752. O [2] 46 b N Y [KENNEDY, ARCHIBALD] 5633 Observations on the importance of the northern colonies under proper regulations. N Y 1750. O [4] 36 a Advocates colonial union and alliance with the Iroquois to thwart French aggressions from Canada. In 1754 a convention at Albany considered his plan. [KENNEDY, ARCHIBALD] 5634 Serious considerations on the present state of affairs of the northern colonies. N Y 1754. O [24] a — anr. ed. Phil 1754. — rptd. N Y 1756. — Eng. ed., au. named, L 1754. O 24 KENNEDY, JAMES 5635 Probable origin of the American Indians . . . . L 1854. 0I2] 42 a — enl. ed. "Ethnological. . . essays," L 1855. O 3pts in 1: 42; 57; 30 lOOcopies ptd. KENNEDY, JOHN [compj 5636 Iowa City directory. . . for 1857. Contain- ing a history [etc.]. Iowa City [l857]. D [36] 47 a First directory and first history of this city. [KENNEDY, JOHN P.] 5637 The border states; their power and duty [Bait 1861]? O 46 1/2 t.only a — anr. ed., au. named, Phil same date. O 47 KENNEDY, JOHN P. 5638 Memoirs of the life of William Wirt. . . . Phil 1849. O 2v: 417;451. port facs a — rptd. many times. KENNEDY, LIONEL H., and 5639 PARKER, THOMAS An official report of the trial of sundry Negroes, charged with an attempt to raise an insurrection in . . . South Carolina. . . . Charleston 1822. O [2] 188 [l4] a KENNEDY, P[ATRICK] 5640 An answer to Mr. Paine's Letter to Gen. Washington. . . . L 1797. O [2] 55 a — eds. 2 & 3, same date. — Am. ed. Phil 1798. O [2] 42 [KENNEDY, PENDLETON] 5641 The Blackwater chronicle. . . an expedi- tion into the land of Canaan, in Randolph county, Virginia NY 1853. D [2] 223 a 313 Kennedy — Kern Frequently attributed to the author's brother, John P. Kennedy. KENNEDY, WILLIAM, et d 5642 Correspondence. . . of: showing the danger of emigrating to Texas L 1841. O [2] 48 map a KENNEDY, WILLIAM 5643 Texas . . . rise, progress. . . . L 1841. O 2v: [52] 378; [4] 548. 2maps a — ed. 2, same collat., 1841. — anr. ed. Ft Worth 1925. O 939 2maps — rptd., in pt., "Texas; its geography.. . , " N Y 1844. O [10] 118 — Ger. tr. Frankf 1845. O 212 map; anr. Ger. ed., same impr., 1846. O Paints a favorable picture of Texas, and may have hastened English recognition of her independence. KENNEY, MARTIN M. 5644 An historical. . . sketch of Austin county, Texas. Brenham [l876]. O 25 cover t.only KENRICK, JOHN 5645 Horrors of slavery. C 1817. D 59 a KENT, L. A. 5646 Leadville in your pocket: the city and the mines. . . .Denver 1880. O 198 + lladv-p a KENT COUNTY, MICHIGAN 5647 History and directory of:. . . . Grand Rapids 1870. O 319 a KENTOUKEY Voyage au: Par M. . . . See Marechal, Pierre S. KENTUCKE Origine et progres de la mission du: See Badin, Stephen T. KENTUCKY 5648 The constitution ... for the state of: [and] brief commentary. . . . Fleminsburg Ky [ca 1820]. O 24 b KENTUCKY A description of; 1792. See Toulmin, Harry. KENTUCKY First explorations of: 1898. See Johnston, Josiah S. KENTUCKY ET INDIANA 5649 Kentucky et Indiana. Guide des emigrants francais dans les etats de:. . . . P 1834. O 66 a — rptd. same impr. 1835. O 55 KENTUCKY The hunters of: See Bilson, B. KENTUCKY Kentucky and Ohio. The passenger; or a religious ramble through: See Campbell, John P. KENTUCKY 5650 Proceedings of the convention establish- ing provisional [Confederate] government of: Augusta Ga 1863. O 39 b LQonly copy knownj KENTUCKY 5651 De Zegepraal van het Katholyke Geloof, ter beschaming van ongeloof . . . of Verhaal van de uitbreiding in: Uit eeneen eigen- handigen Brief van den eerw. Heer Neerinckx Amst 1819. O [6] 48 a KEOKUK CITY DIRECTORY Keokuk city directory, for 1856-7. . . . See Clemens, Orion. KER, HENRY 5652 Travels through the western interior of the United States. . . . Elizabethtown N J 1816. O 372 a Probably mendacious. KER, JOHN 5653 The memoirs of: L 1726-7. O 3v: [l6] 180 [4]; [10] 184 [6]; [2] 221 157 [2] + 16adv-p. map port a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — ed. 3, L 1727. O 3v in 2: [l6] 180 M; [10] 184 [6]; [10] 221 160 [l6] — Dutch tr. Rotterdam 1727. O 3v map port — Fr. tr. Rotterdam 1726-8. O 3v: 302; 228; 308. map port Volume II largely devoted to French en- croachments in the Mississippi Valley, etc. KERCHEVAL, SAMUEL 5654 A history of the valley of Virginia. Win- chester 1833. D [2] 486 a — ed. 2, some adds., some omissions, Woodstock Va 1850. O 347 — ed. 3, Woodstock 1902. O 403 One of the best collections on early border wars; as it should be, being largely pirated from Doddridge. KERGUELEN-TReMAREC, YVES 5655 J. DE Relation des combats . . . de la guerre maritime de 1778 entre la France et l'Angle- terre P 1796. O 403 a — rptd. P 1801. O [KERN, EDWARD M.] 5656 A transcript of the Fort Sutter papers. . . . [N Y 192l]. F 722 b N NYP Y 20copies ptd. 314 Kerr — Kilbourn Edited by Semour Dunbar from the manu- script papers, reports, etc., kept during Kern's administration of Fort Sutter, in 1846 and 1847. [KERR, WILLIAM S. R. f Marquess 5657 of Lothian I The Confederate secession. Edin 1864. D [8] 226 a KESSINGER, UAWRENCE] 5658 History of Buffalo county, Wisconsin. Alma Wis 1888. O [l6] 656 port map a [KESTER, JESSE Y.]? 5659 The American shooter's manual. . . . Phil 1827. D [4] 9-249 [2] 3pls Issue 1 has "ribbon" misspelled, p235 b AA NYP — issue 2 a — ed. 2, Phil [1827]. First American sporting book. KETCHUM, WILLIAM 5660 An authentic . . . history of Buffalo. . . . But 1864-5. O 2v: [l6] 432; [8] 443. 2maps a KETELTAS, ABRAHAM 5661 God arising and pleading his people's cause; or, the American war. . . shewn to be the cause of God Newbury-Port 1777. O 32 b BA MassH KEYES, BENJAMIN F. Historical memorandum. . Boylston, Massachusetts. . , [8] 84 a 5662 of West Wore 1861. D KEYES, ELISHA W. 5663 A reminiscent history of . . . Lake Mills, Jefferson County [Wis.]. n.p. [l894]. O 55 a KEYES, El RASMUS) D. 5664 Fifty years' observation of men and events ....NY 1884. D [8] 515 a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1885. KEYES, JAMES 5665 Pioneers of Scioto county, Ohio. Ports- mouth 1880. O [4] 122 a KEYES, WILLIAM 5666 History of Quincy, Illinois. . . . n.p. [l862j. O 105 a [KHELIEBNIKOV, KIRIL T,l 5667 Zhizneopisanie Aleksandra Andreevicha Baranova glavnago pravitelia rossiskikh kolonii v Amerikie. St Ptbg 1835. O [l2] 209 b NYP WashU Biography of A. A. Baranov, founder of the Russian colonies on the northwest coast of America where he spent twenty- eight years. KIDD, CAPT. WILLIAM 5668 The arraignment, tryal. . . of:. . . , L Nutt 1701. F 60 b JCB NYP — anr, ed. L Robinson 1703. D [27] a KIDD, CAPT. [WILLIAM] A full account of the actions of. .. : By a person of quality. See Mitchell, Dr. John, A full account. . . . KIDD, CAPT. [WILLIAM] A full account of the proceedings in re- lation to: See Mitchell, Dr. John. KIDDER, ALFRED V. 5669 An introduction to the study of south- western archaeology A' Hav 1924. Q [8] 151 50pls a — rptd. same impr., date & collat. KIDDER, DANIEL P. 5670 Mormonism. ...NY 1842. 16° 342 a — rptd., same impr. & collat.: 1845; 1852. KIDDER, FREDERIC 5671 The expeditions of Capt. John Lovewell B 1865. Q 138 [l] map a 200copies ptd [35 on L.P.] KIDDER, FREDERIC History of the Boston massacre. 1870. O [4] 291 map pi a 5672 Alb 5673 KIDDER, FREDERIC History of the First New Hampshire Regiment in the . . . revolution. Alb 1868. O [6] 184 a Probably the only history of a Revolution- ary regiment. KIDDER, FREDERIC, comp. 5674 Military operations in eastern Maine. . . during the revolution. . . from the journals and letters of Colonel John Allan. . . .Alb 1867. O [l2] 5-336 map a KIDWELL, MR. [ZEDEKIAH] 5675 Report on the impracticability of building a railroad ... to the Pacific. . . . Wash 1856. O 30 fold, map a KILBOURN, JOHN 5676 Columbian geography; or, a description of the United States. ... Chillicothe 1815. O 228 b KILBOURN, JOHN 5677 The Ohio gazetteer. . . . Columbus 1816. 16° [8] 13-166 a — ed. 2, rev., 1816. D 114 — 8 other eds. by 1831. — ed. 11, rev. 86 enl. "by a citizen of 315 Kilboorn King Columbus," Columbus 1833. 16° [48] 65- 512 map — for continuation, see Jenkins, Warren, [KILBOURN, JOHN] 5678 Public documents concerning the Ohio canals. , . comprising a complete official history. . . . Columbus 1828. O [4] 403 [2] a — anr. issue, enl., Columbus 1832-3. O [4] 452 [28, 55] KIMBALL, Ml ARIANl B. 5686 A soldier-doctor of our army. N Y 1917. D [14] 192 + 1. [colophon] 17pls a Served thirty years on the frontier, from Dakota to New Mexico. KIMBALL, [SIDNEY] FISKE 5687 Domestic architecture of the American colonies. ...NY 1922. F [20] 314 a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1927. KILBOURNE, DAVID W. 5679 Strictures, on Dr. I. Galland's pamphlet, entitled, "Villainy exposed". . . . Fort Madison la 1850. D 24 a First imprint of this city. KIMBALL, SOLOMON F. 5688 Thrilling experiences. S L C 1909. 16° 157 port a Indian fighting, etc., by Heber Kimball's son, in Utah and Idaho. KILBOURNE, PAYNE K. 5680 A biographical history of the county of Litchfield, Connecticut. ... N Y 1851. D 413 4pls a — rptd., enl. to 730p, N Y 1881. O KILBOURNE, PAYNE K. 5681 Sketches. . . of the town of Litchfield, Connecticut. . . . Hart 1859. O [8] 17-264 map llpls a [KIMBALL, CHARLES] 5682 A summer's vacation; or, a trip to the west [Alb] 1871. O 37 [3] pis a KIMBALL, CHARLES P. [comp.l 5683 The San Francisco directory. S F 1850. 24° 136[incl. advs] d B H only copies known — rptd. with 3 additional p. of "omitted names," [s F ca 1869] a —anr. ed. S F [l890]. First real directory of this city, preceded only by two business directories. KIMBALL, HEBER C. Journal of: See Thompson, Robt. B. [KIMBALL, HORACE] 5684 The naval temple . . . battles fought by the navy of the United States. ...B 1816. O 258 21pls a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — rptd. "American naval battles. . . ," B 1831. O 278 [2] 21pls; B 1836; B 1837; B 1840. — other eds. "Naval battles of the United States. . . ," B 1857. O 279 20pls; same impr. & collat. 1858. Attributed also to B. Badger, publisher of the first edition. KIMBALL 8. JAMES'... DIRECTORY 5689 Kimball &: James' business directory for the Mississippi valley .... Cin 1844. O [8] 546 4pls a [KIMBER, EDWARD] 5690 The history of the life and adventures of Mr. Anderson ... in Europe and America. L 1754. D [2] 288 b JCB N NYP Y — other eds.: Dub 1754. D 154 a; Berwick 1782. D 243; L n.d. [ca 1790]; Glas 1799. D 243 Supposedly compiled from Anderson's papers, tells of his being kidnapped in Eng- land, sold to a Maryland planter and later serving as a ranger against the Indians. If not authentic, it is the first work of fiction with an American setting. [KIMBER, EDWARD, alias G. L. 5691 CAMPBELL] Itinerant observations in America. . . . Savannah 1878. O 64 a 250 copies issued as a separate from v. 4, Ga. Hist. Soc. Colls. [KIMBER, EDWARD] 5692 A relation. . . of a late expedition to the gates of St. Augustine. By a gentleman. . . . L 1744. O 36 b N NYP Y — rptd., with notes, B 1935. O port facs 250copies ptd. a [KIMYSER, ARNOLD] 5693 Ontdekking van 't Geheel . . . Deel des Aardkloots America, Spaansche, Engelsche, Fransche. . . . Dordrecht 1782. O [l6] 198 [18] a Description of all North America, with emphasis on the new United States. KING, CAMERON H. 5694 Southern Arizona. Phoenix 1887. O 26 a KIMBALL, MARIAN B. 5685 My eighty years in Texas, New Mexico and Nebraska. B 1934. O 103 3pls a KING, CHARLES 5695 The Fifth Cavalry in the Sioux war. . . . Milw 1880. O [8] 134 b N 316 King — Kingsley Narrative of service in the Big Horn and Yellowstone campaigns. KING, CLARENCE 5696 Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. D 1872. D [6] 292 a — anr. issue, identical, except no pub's monogram on t-p recto and stereotyper's notice on t-p verso added. — rptd. D 1879. D 308 2maps — Eng. ed., from sheets of Am. 1st ed. , L 1872. — anr. Eng. ed., same impr. & date, but ptd, in Eng. 5697 Hart 1875. O 806 map KING, EDWARD The great south, 4pls a — Eng. ed. "The southern states. . . ," L 1875. same collat. KING, FRANK M. 5698 Longhorn trail drivers. . . . [l a] 1940. O 272[incL front.] a 400copies ptd. KING, FRANK M. 5699 Wranglin' the past, [l A 1935]. O 244 port a 300copies ptd. — rev. ed. [Pasadena 1946] . O 284[incl. front.] 8pls KING, JAMES, OF WM. A true . . . history of the assassination of: [1856]. See Fargo, Frank F. KING, RUFUS [pub.] 5700 Directory of . . . Milwaukee, for 1848-9, with a sketch of the city Milw 1848. D 204 map a Second Milwaukee directory and first to contain a map. For first directory, see Mc- Cabe, Julius P. B. KING, THOMAS B[UTLER] 5701 California: the wonder of the age, ...NY 1850. O 34 a — ed. 2 — and best, "Report on California . . . ," Wash 1850. O 72 errata slip — Eng. ed. L 1850. 16° 105 — Ger. ed., see Fleischmann, Carl L. , "Neuste officielle Berichte. .." [KING, THOMAS BUTLER] 5702 First annual report to the Directors of the Southern Pacific Railroad. . . with notes on the advantages of the route. ...NY 1856. O 71 a KING, V. 0. The battle of San Jacinto. O 45 a 5703 Austin 1878. KING, WILLIAM L. 5704 The newspaper press of Charleston, S. C. Charleston 1872. D [l2] 192 a KING'S MOUNTAIN Battle of: See Shelby, Isaac. KING'S MOUNTAIN 5705 Celebration of the battle of:. . . . Yorkville S C 1855. O 108 a KINGDOM, WILLIAM 5706 America and the British colonies. . .com- parative advantages. . . . L 1820. O [8] 360 a — ed. 2, same date & collat. Decides that the United States has less to offer than Canada. KINGMAN, BRADFORD 5707 History of North Bridgewater . . . Massa- chusetts. ...D 1866. 0[l2] 696 map 36pls a KINGMAN, HENRY 5708 The travels and adventures of: in search of Colorado and California gold, 1859-65. Delavan Kas 1917. O [2] 68 port 6pls a KINGMAN, JOHN 5709 Letters written. . . on a tour to Illinois and Wisconsin. . . 1838. Hingham 1842. D 48 b N NYP Y [only copies known] [KINGSBURY, GAINES P.] 5710 Journal of the march of a detachment of dragoons, under the command of Colonel Dodge... 1835. [Wash 1836], Sen. Ex. Doc. 209. O 38 2maps a — anr. issue [h. R. 18l], same impr., date & collat. Another journal of the same expedition — by Lt. T. B. Wheelock — occupied pages 73-93, Senate Executive Document I, Washington 1834. KINGSBURY, HARMON 5711 The immigrant's good Samaritan. N Y 1848. 16° 117 a [KINGSBURY, WILLIAM G.] 5712 A brief description of western Texas. . . with a report of the Stockraising Associa- tion. San Antonio 1873. O 64 a [KINGSFORD, WILLIAM] 5713 Impressions of the west and south, . . . Toronto 1858. O 83 a KINGSLEY, PROFESSOR [JAMES L.] 5714 A sketch of the history of Yale college ..../? 1835. O 48 a [KINGSLEY, ROSE G.] 5715 South by west; or, winter in the Rocky mountains. . . . L 1874. O [20] 41 1 map a [KINGSLEY, VINE W.] 5716 Reconstruction in America. N Y 1865. O [2] 134 a 317 Kingsley — Kirkland [KINGSLEY, Z.] 5717 A treatise on the patriarchal, or co- operative system of society, • . under the name of slavery. . . . n.p. 1828. O 23 a — ed. 2, n.p. 1829. O 16 — ed. 3, n.p. 1833. O 22 — ed. 4, n.p. 1834. O 24 KINGSTON, JOHN 5718 The life of General George Washington. Bait 1817. 16° 228 port a See Condie, Thomas, of whose biography of Washington this is a shameless plagiarism. KINO, EUSEBIO F. 5719 Historical memoir, . . of the beginnings of California, Sonora, and Arizona. . . . Tr. by H. E. Bolton. Clev 1919. O 2v: 379; 329. 7 maps & pis incl. in paginat. a — rptd. Berkeley 1948, O 2v in 1 First publication of the original manuscript. [KINZIE, MRS. JULIETTE A. (McGILL)l Narrative of the massacre at Chicago. Chi 1844. O 34 front, c LC N Y Most notable historical narrative from Chicago's pioneer press; based on con- versations with Mrs. Helm and other survivors. 5720 5721 KINZIE, MRS. JULIETTE A. [McGILL] Wau-Bun, the "Early Day" in the north- west. ...NY 1856. O 498 6pls a — ed, 2, same sheets with new t-p, Chi 1857. — rptd. Phil 1873; Chi Rand, &c. 1901; Chi Caxton Club 1901; Chi Lakeside 1932. KIP, LAWRENCE 5722 Army life on the Pacific NY 1859. D 144 a Best account, by a participant, of the 1858 campaign against the northwestern tribes. [KIP, LAWRENCE] 5723 The Indian council in the valley of the Walla-Walla. S F 1855. O 32 b only 25 copies printed H NYP OreH Y — rptd. Eugene Ore 1897. O 28 a KIP, LEONARD 5724 California sketches, with recollections of the gold mines. Alb 1850. D 57 a — rptd. L A 1946. O [l6] 58[incl.blank 1.] 8pls errata slip 775copies[25signed] [KIP, LEONARD]? The Volcano diggings. 5725 By a member of 131 + 12adv-p a KIP, WILLIAM I. 5726 The early Jesuit missions in North America NY 1846, D [l8] 321 map a — rptd., same collat., 1847. — best ed., with index, Alb 1866. D [l6] 325 map — rptd. Alb 1873. same collat, [KIP, WILLIAM I.] 5727 A few days at Nashotah [mission]. Alb 1849. O 31 a [KIPPIS, ANDREW] 5728 Considerations on the provisional treaty with America. . . . L 1783. O [4] 164 a — ed. 2, cor., same impr. & date. O [2] 94 Attributed also to Richard Price. Defends the proposed terms and British wisdom in discontinuing hostilities. KIPPIS, ANDREW 5729 The life of Captain James Cook. . . ,L 1788, Q [16] 527 port a — other 1788 Eng. eds.: Dub O [l6] 527; Basel O 2v — many Eng. reprints — Fr. tr. P 1789. O 2v: [44] 388; [4] 420; same impr. & date. Q 546 — Ger. tr, Hamburg 1789. O 2v: 284; 301. port Later editions entitled A narrative of the voyages . . . performed by . . . Cook. With an account of his life. . . . KIRCHOFF, THEODORE 5730 Californische Kulturbilder. Cassell 1886. O 376 a KIRCHOFF, THEODORE 5731 Reisebilder und Skizzen aus Amerika, . . . Altoona 1875-6. O 2v: 440; 426 a Travelled from Texas to Oregon in 1867, visited the Idaho mines, etc. KIRKHAM, GAWIN 5732 A holiday tour in America. . . . L [l884]. O 59 a Went West as far as Denver. [KIRKLAND, MRS. CAROLINE M.] 5733 Forest life. ...NY 1842. D 2v: 250: 234 a — Eng. ed. L 1842. D 2v: [l6] 302; [4] 320 — anr. Eng. ed. "The emigrant's home; or, real life in the west," L 1848. 32° 276 — L 1852. 16° [KIRKLAND, MRS. CAROLINE M.] 5734 A new home, who'll follow? or glimpses of western life. N Y 1839. D 317 a — ed. 2, N Y 1840. D 2v — ed. 3, same impr. 1841. D 298 — ed. 4, N Y 1850. D — ed. 5, N Y 1855. D 318 Kirkland — Klondyke — Eng. ed. "Montacute, or the new home ...," L 1840. D 2v — anr. Eng. ed., under original t., L 1844. 16° KIRKLAND, MRS. C[AR0LINE] M. 5735 Western clearings. ... /V y 1845. D [ lo] 238 a — rptd., same impr.: 1846; 1848. KIRKLAND, JAMES 5736 Chicago massacre of 1812. Chi 1893. O 221 a Gives Mrs. Heald's narrative differing from Mrs. Kinzie's account, which followed the Helm tradition. KIRKLAND, THOMAS J., and 5737 KENNEDY, ROBERT M. Historic Camden [S. C.J. . . . Columbia 1905-26. O 2v: 424; [8] 486. 3fold.maps 40 pis 6t plans a KIRKPATRICK, A. Y. 5738 The early settlers' life in Texas. . , . Hillsboro Tex [l909]. D 107 a KIRKUP, THOMAS, ed. 5739 A memoir of Duncan Wallace . . . his voyages Newcastle Eng 1862. D [lo] 210 port a Includes semi-piratical activities in the Gulf of Mexico in 1820 and later service in the United States Navy during which the Louisiana and Texas coasts were surveyed. KIRKWOOD, JAMES P. 5740 Report of the chief engineer upon the pre- liminary surveys. LContained in the first annual report of the Board of Directors of the Pacific Railroad]. St L 1851. O 70 fold, map 12charts & tabs a First annual report of the first chartered Pacific railroad, now the Missouri Pacific. KIRSTEN, A. 5741 Skizzen aus den Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Leip 1849. D [22] 347 a — rptd. Leip 1851. [KIRTLAND, JOHN T.] 5742 The life of Commodore Edward Preble, rup. [ca 1807]. O 30 port [l/2 t. only] a KISSINGER, L. 5743 History of Buffalo county [Wis.]. Alma Wis 1888. D 656 map port a KITTLITZ, FRIEDRICH H. VON 5744 Denkwurdigkeiten einer Reise nach dem russischen Amerika. . . .Gotha 1858. O 2v: [16] 384; [4] 464. 4pls a For an earlier narrative of this voyage see Litke, F.F.V. KITTLITZ, FRIEDRICH H. VON 5745 Twenty-four views of the vegetation of the coasts and islands of the Pacific. . . . L 1861. Q [10] 68 24pls a Baron Kittlitz accompanied Litke's ex- pedition of 1827-29 and reproduces re- markable scenery encountered on the coasts of northwest America, etc. See also Litke, F.F.V. KLAUPRECHT, EMIL 5746 Deutsche Chronik in der Geschichte des Ohio-Thales, [etc.]. Cin [l864]. O 198 a Important material on the early settlement of Ohio. Klauprecht wrote also a semi- fictionized narrative of life in the west, en- titled Cincinnati, oder Gehimnisse des Westens, Cincinnati, 1854. [KLAUSING, ANTON E.] tr. 5747 Geschichte der englischen Kolonien in Nordamerika. . . . Leip 1775-6. 16° 2v: [l6] 452; [8] 424 [8]. map a Published to give Germans a background of the Revolution. For original English edition see History ot the British dominions in North America. . . . KLERK, J. DE 5748 Van den oorspronk en der Kracht der Vooroordeelen, door J. T. Als mede een Koort Uyttreskel uyt de Aanteykeninge van de Baron de Lahontan, rakende de Zeden, 't Geloof, en't verstant van de Wilden tot Canada. . . . Amst 1710. D 52 b — rptd. Amst 1723. D 39 KLINCKOWSTROM, AXEL L. 5749 Bref om de Forenta Staterna forfattade under en resa till Amerika. Stockh 1824. O 2v: [4 10] 242 errata 1. eng.t. tab; [8] 274- 275 277-496 errata 1. eng.t. + Atlas F 5 maps & plans lOpls eng.t. 2 1. [one de- scribing a pi, the other listing pis] c NYP Y [both eng. & ptd. titles in the 2text vols.; these eng. titles are counted in the 17pls listed on sheet in Atlas vol. as pis 1 & 2] KLONDIKE (THE) 5750 Klondike (the) and the Yukon gold fields. Guide to:....Seaft/e 1897. D 115 a KLONDIKE Klondike and all about it. By a practical mining engineer. See Carey, T. J. KLONDIKERS 5751 Facts for: Seattle 1898. O 40 a KLONDYKE . . . GOLD FIELDS 5752 Klondyke Alaska gold fields (the). Guide, map and history of: Chi L. M. Lord & Co. n.d. D 46 map a 319 Klondyke — Knox KLONDYKE COUNTRY (THE) 5753 Klondyke country (the) and the gold fields of Alaska. The official guide to: Chi Conkey 1897. D 296 front. 7maps a KLOPFER, EMIL 5754 Travel, reminiscences and experiences. Alameda 1894. D 264 a Covers California and Oregon. KNAPP, HtORACE] S. 5755 A history ... of Ashland county, Ohio. . . . Phil 1863. 550 pi a KNAPP, HJORACE] S. 5756 History of the Maumee valley. . . . Toledo 1872. [6] 667 26pls a KNAPP, N. M. 5757 Historical sketch of Scott county, Illinois Winchester /// 1876. [2] 36 a [KNAPP, SAMUEL L.] 5758 Extracts from a journal of travels. . . con- sisting of an account of Boston. . . . B 1818. D 124 a KNAPP, SAMUEL L. 5759 The life of Aaron Burr. N Y 1835. D 290 a 5760 B 1838. 16° KNAPP, SAMUEL L. Life of Timothy Dexter 105 pi a — rptd., with adds., "Life of Lord Timothy Dexter. ..," fiewburyport 1848. 16° 108 [36] — rptdL, same impr. &• collat., 1852. — anr. ed., with introd. by "Cymon," B 1858. 16° 157 [KNAPP, SAMUEL L.] 5761 Memoirs of General Lafayette. With an ac- count of his visit to America. , . . B 1824. D 264 port a [KNAPP, SAMUEL L.] 5762 Sketches of public characters. . . . [Cal- houn, Webster, et el]. N Y 1830. D [8] 5- 260 a KNICKERBOCKER, DIEDRICH A history of New York. . . . See Irving, Washington. [KNIGHT, HENRY COGSWELL] 5763 Letters from the south and west. By Arthur Singleton [pseud.] B 1824. 158 a KNIGHT, JOHN 5764 The emigrant's best instructor, [cov.t.] Im- portant extracts from. . . letters: written by Englishmen, in the United States, [regular t.] Manch Eng 1818. 72 a — ed. 2, same collat., L[l818]. KNIGHT, DR. [JOHN], and SLOVER, 5765 JOHN Narratives of a late expedition against the Indians . . . the barbarous execution of Col. William Crawford and the wonderful escape of Dr. Knight and John Slover from captivity. Phil 1773[error for 1783]. 16° 38 dd PittU [only copy known] — issue 2, date corrected to 1783. dd PaU G [only copies known] — anr. ed., t. slightly altered and captivity of Mrs. Scott added, Andover Ames & Parker [1799?]. 16° 46 d AA NYP WisH — anr. ed. "Remarkable narrative. . . ," [Leominster] Chapman Whitcomb [l800?]. D 24 c AA — anr. ed. "Indian atrocities. . . ," ed., with adds., by H. H. Brackenridge, Nashv 1843. D 96 b Iln N NYP — rptd. Cin 1867. D 72 500 copies[75 on thick paperj a For interest and importance, in Ohio valley history of the period, comparable only to Fil- son's Kentucky and the narratives of Matthew Bunn and Col. James Smith. KNIGHT, LUCIAN L. 5766 Georgia's landmarks, memorials and leg- ends. ,4r/anra 1913-14. 2v: [l6] 1065; [l4] 1190. 54pls a KNIGHT, LUCIAN L. 5767 Reminiscences of famous Georgians.. . . Atlanta 1907-8. D 2v: [22] 763; [20] 723. 33pls errata slip in v. I a KNIGHT, MADAM [SARAH K.] 5768 The private journal of a journey from Bos- ton to New York. . . 1704. Alb 1865. Q 92 a 350copiesptd[50 on L.P.] —rptd: N Y [1869]; Norwich 1901; B 1920. For first edition, see following entry. KNIGHT, MADAM [SARAH K= 1 and 5769 BUCKINGHAM, THE REV. MR. The journals of: NY 1825. D 129 a See preceding entry for later editions of the Knight Journal. KNIGHT, THOMAS, and 5770 GREENE, NANCY L. Country estates of the Blue Grass, [c/ev] 1904. Q 200[incl.pls] a [KNOX, GEN. HENRY] 5771 A plan for the general arrangement of the militia of the United States, [n yi786]. 34 — rptd. N Y 1790. F 26 Advocating military service for all men over eighteen and under sixty-five. KNOX, J. A., and PRATT, J. G. 5772 All about the Klondike gold miners. N Y 1897. D 59 a 320 Knox — Kopfli & Suppiger KNOX, CAPT. JOHN 5773 An historical journal of the campaigns in North- America, 1757-1760. L 1769. 2v: [16] 405 [2]; [2] 465 [2]. map 2ports b AA JCB N NYP Y — rptd. Tor Champlain Soc 1914-16. 3v a 520 copies ptd. Reliable, full and interesting. KNOX, JOHN Jo 5774 A history of banking in the United States. TV Y 1900. [24] 880 pis a — rev. ed. N Y 1903. [22] 880 pis [KNOX, WILLIAM] 5775 An appendix to The present state of the nation.. . . L 1769. 62 a — anr. issue, with app., same impr. & date. 68 Attempt to answer Burke's Observations on a late State of the nation. [KNOX, WILLIAM] 5776 The claim of the colonies to an exemption from internal taxes imposed by . . . parliament L 1765. [2] 46 a [KNOX, WILLIAM] 5777 The controversy between Great Britain and her colonies reviewed. . . . L 1769. [4] 207 [55] a — Dub 1769. same collat. — Am. ed. B 1769. 100 Ascribed also to Thomas Whately, M. P. and former secretary to Lord Grenville, but probably by Knox, who was Under Secretary of State for America at this time. [KNOX, WILLIAM] 5778 The present state of the nation. . . its trade, finances. . . . L 1768. Q 48 + 4adv-p a — rptd. same impr. & date: 100; 155; 1769. [4] 9-107 — anr. ed. Dub 1768. This defense of Grenville's ministry and of American taxation has been erroneously as- cribed to Thomas Whately and to Grenville himself. For answer see Burke, Edmund, Observations. . . . KNOX COUNTY, NEB. Descriptive pamphlet of: See Fry, E. A. KNOXVILLE. 5779 The half-century of:. . . . Knoxv 1842. 106 a KNOXVILLE DIRECTORY 5780 Knoxville directory. . . for 1859-60. Knox- ville 1859. 87 72 a First directory of this city. KOBER, GEORGE M. 5782 Reminiscences of:. . . . Vol. l[all]. Wash 1930. [24] 403 a Includes his western experiences as an army surgeon. KOCH, ALBERT C. 5783 Description of the Hydrarchos Harlani. . . a gigantic fossil reptile. . . in the state of Ala- bama NY 1845. 16a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. 24 — Ger. tr. Dresden [l845?]. 32 KOCH, ALBERT C 5784 Description of the Missourium, or Missouri leviathan. . . its supposed habits and Indian traditions. . . . L 1841. 24 a — Am. ed., probably has priority, St L 1841. 16 — Am. ed. 2, enl., Louisv 1841. 20 — anr. ed. [called "ed. 5, enl."] Dub 1843. 28 — Ger. trs.: Magdeburg 1844. pi; Berlin 1845. 8pls KOCH, ALBERT C 5785 Reise durch einen Theil der Vereinigten Staaten... 1844-6. Dresden 1847. 162 2pls KOCH, FtRlEDRICH] C. L. 5786 Die deutschen Kolonien in der Nahe des Saginaw-Flusses. . . . Braunschweig 1851. 48 map plan a KOCH, KRIEDRICH] C L. 5787 Die Mineral-Regionen der obern Halbinsel Michigan's (N. A.) am Lake Superior und die Isle Royale. . . . Gortingen 1852. 248 map a KOCH, J. G. F. 5788 Versuch eines Kriegs-Rechts der Negern in Afrika und der Indianer in Amerika. Tu- bingen 1781. 86 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1786. [KOCHERTHAL, JOSHUA] tr. 5789 Ausfuhrlich-und umstandlicher Bericht von der beruhmten Landschaft Carolina. . . . Frankf 1709. 80 map a Abridged German version of John Lawson's New voyage to Carolina. . . . See Visher for a complete translation. [KOHLER, CARL] 5790 Briefe aus Amerika fur deutsche Auswan- derer. . . . Darmstadt 1852. D [6] 234 5pls a — ed. 2, enl., same impr., 1854. D [8J 288 6pls — ed. 3, same impr. & collat. 1856. KOB, KARL F. 5781 Wegweiser fur Ansiedler im Territorium Kansas NY 1857. 42 + 6adv-p a KOPFLI & SUPPIGER (FAMILIE). 5791 Reisebericht der: nach St. Louis... und Grundung von New-Switzerland im Staate Illi- 321 Korner — Kotzebue nois. Sursee 1833. 16° [6] 235 [2] front, b — ed. 2, same impr. & date. 16 [&] 298 [2] front, map b N NYP KORNER, GUSTAV [P.] 5792 Beleuchtung des Duden'schen Berichtes uber die westlichen Staaten. . . . Frankf 1834. 62 fold, map a KORNER, GUSTAV [P.] 5793 Das deutsche Element in den Vereinigten Staaten... 1818-1848. Cin 1880. 461 errata, 1. a — ed. 2, N Y 1884. 468 KOERNER, GUSTAVE [P.] 5794 Memoirs of: Cedar Rapids 1909. 2v: [l6] 628; [l2] 768. 2ports a KOHL, JtOHANN] G. 5795 Die beiden altesten General-Karten von Amerika Weimar 1860. F [lo] 186 2maps a KOHL, JtOHANN] G. 5796 Geschichte der Entdeckung Amerika's von Columbus bis Franklin. .. . Bremen 1861. [8] 454 a — Eng. ed. "A popular history of discovery of America . . ," L 1862. D 2v: [lo] 275; [6] 284. errata, 1.; rptd. L 1865. KOHL, JtOHANN] G. History of the discovery of Maine. Me 1869. [14] 9-535 22maps a 5797 Port 5798 KOHL, J| OHANNl G. Kitschi-Gami, oder Erzahlungen vom Obern-See. . . . Bremen 1859. 2v in 1: [8] 328; [2] 272 a —Eng. ed. "Kitchi-Gami. Wanderings round Lake Superior," L 1860. [12] 428lincl. 16pls] + 32adv-p a KOHL, JtOHANN] G. 5799 Reisen in Canada, und durch die Staaten von New- York und Pennsylvanien. . . . Stutt- gart 1856. [4] 576 a — Eng. tr. L 1861. 2v: [lo] 346; [4] 358. diag KOHL, JtOHANN] G. 5800 Reisen im Nordwesten der Vereinigten Staaten NY 1857. [6] 534 map llpls a — anr. ed. tperhaps the 1st], Neustadt n.d. same collat. — ed. 2, N Y 1858. same collat. — rptd. St L 1859. same collat. Gives a biography of Father Antonio Tempis, early California missionary. KOOTENAI GUIDE 5802 Kootenai guide. . . to the mining camps of British Columbia and Klondike. Rossland Can 1898. D 78 map a KORDUL, A. 5803 Der sichere fuhrer nach und in Texas. . . . Rottwel am Neckar 1846. 16° [&] 394 [4] a KORTE BESCHRIJVINGE 5804 Korte Beschrijvinge der Vereenigde Staten Nijmegen 1847. D 47 a KOSTERING, J. F. 5805 Auswanderung der sachsischen Lutheraner im Jahr 1838 ihre Kiederlassung in Perry-Co., Mo. St L 1866. 16° [24] 279 a KOTTENKAMPF, FRANZ Geschichte der Colonization Amerikas. Frankl 1850. 2v: [8] 606; t4] 459 a 5806 KOTTENKAMPF, FRANZ 5807 Der Unabhangigkeitskampf der spanisch- amerikanischen Colonien. Stuttgart 1838. [10] 459 a Supplementary volume to Ernst Munch's AUgemeine Geschichte der neusten Zeit, giving account of the acquisition of Florida, etc. KOTZEBUE, OTTO VON 5808 Entdeckungs-Reise in die Sud-See und nach der Berings-Strasse. . . 1815-18. Weimar 1821. Q 3v: [26] 168; 176; 240. 6maps 20pls[l9col] a — issue on L. P. b — rptd. Hannover 1821. 2v; Vienna 1825, 3v a — Eng. ed. "A voyage of discovery into the South sea and Beering's straits. . . ." L Longman 1821. 3v: [l6] 358; [4] 434; t4] 442. 7maps 9pls[8 col] tab b N Y —rptd. L Phillips 1821. 2pts in 1 4maps 8pls[2col] a — Dutch tr. Amst 1822. 3v maps pis a — Rus. ed. "PoutechestvTe v Toujenor okean. Voyage dans l'ocean de sud et au detroit de Bering. . . . " St Petersb 1821-3. 3v + atlas F Important Russian explorations of the northwest and California coasts. For an- other narrative of this voyage see Choris, Louis. KONSAG, FERNANDO 5801 Konsag, Fernando. . . visitador de las missiones de Californias. Carta del: a los &adres superiores de . . . Nueva-Espana. ifex 1748]. Q 43 capt.t.only b H JCB NYP Y KOTZEBUE, OTTO VON 5809 Puteshestvie vokrug svieta. . . na voennom shliupie Predpriiatii. . . 1823-6. St Ptbg 1828. t8] 200 4maps a — Ger. ed. "Neue Reise um die Welt. . . 322 Kowalski — Ku-Klux-Klan 1823-26," Weimar 1830. 2v: [24] 191; 178 [34]. 3maps 2col pis — Dutch tr. Haarlem 1830. 2v: [8] 254; [6] 274 [l]. 3maps 2pls — Eng. ed. "A new voyage round the world " L 1830. D 2v: [8] 341; [6] 362. port 3maps pi a Describes a lengthy stay at the Russian California settlement at Ft. Ross. KOWALSKI, HENRI 5810 A travers I'Amerique. . . . P 1872. [12] 268 a KRACKENFUSS, ABRAHAM 5811 Munchausen in California. . . . Bremen 1849. D [6] 73 a Wail from the victim of a fraudulent Cali- fornia mining project. [KRAITSIR, CHARLES V.] 5812 The Poles in the United States. . ..Phil 1837. 16° [8] 196 a K[RAMER], J[0HANN] M. 5813 Neuste und richtigste Nachricht von der Landschaft Georgia.. .. Gottingen 1746. 88 KRUEGER, MlAXl 5818 Pioneer life in Texas; an autobiography [San Antonio ca 1930]. [6] 3-226 [2] port a KRUSENSTERN, ADAM J. VON 5819 Atlas de 1'ocean Pacifique. . . . St Ptbg 1824-7. F [12] 34maps b — ed. 2, same impr. 1827[ptd 1838?]. F [l6] 34maps b Y For explanatory volumes on this Atlas, see below Beytrage zur Hydrographie. . . . KRUSENSTERN, ADAM J. VON 5820 Beytrage zur Hydrographie der grossern Ozeane als erlauterungen zu einer Charte. . . . Leip 1819. Q 248 map a — Rus. tr. St Ptbg 1823. Q 2v + suppl(Sf Ptbg 1826. lv Q) 3v in all b — Fr. ed. "Recueil de memoires hydrogra- phiques . . . d'explication a 1' Atlas de 1'ocean Pacifique," St Ptbg 1824-7. Q 2v + "sup- plemens" St Ptbg 1835. Q 172 map 3v in all b Both Russian and French editions should preferably be accompanied by the folio Atlas de 1'ocean Pacifique, entered separately above. KRASHENINNIKOV, STEFAN P. 5814 Opisanie zemli Kamchatki sochinennoe ....St Ptbg 1755. 2v: folcLpls & maps b — rptd. St Ptbg: 1786; 1818-19. a —Dutch tr. Amst 1770. [6 3-14] 384 [l4] 3pls eng.t. — anr. issue, with Haarlem impr. — Eng. ed., abr. by Grieve, "The history of Kamtschatka. ..." Gloucester 1764. Q [8] 280 [8] 2maps 7pls a — Fr. tr., from abr. Eng. tr., Lyons 1767. D 2v: [l6] 327; [8] 359. 2maps — anr. Fr. tr., unabr. from Russian original, Amst 1770. D 2v: [20] 439; [4] 493. map 7pls — Ger. tr., from abr. Eng. ed., by Kohler, Lemgo 1766. Q [l6] 344 4maps 3pls — rptd. same impr. 1789. Contains one of the earliest descriptions of Russian America and the Kurile Islands. KRUSENSTERN, ADAM J. VON 5821 Poutechestvie vokroug sveta. Voyage au- tour du monde. . . 1803-1806. St Ptbg 1809- 12-14. Q 3v; 1010 + F atlas [of 105pls] 1814. d Y — Ger. ed. "Reise urn die Welt. . . ." St Ptbg 1810-12-13-14. Q 3v + F atlas [of 105pls] c N NYP Y — rptd. Berlin 1811-12. 16° 2v in 3 map 14 pis a — Dutch ed. "Reise om de Wereld. . . , " Haarlem 1811-15. 4v map pis — Eng. tr. L 1813. Q 2v: L40] 314; [10] 404. 1., of binding directions map 2pls b N NYP Y — Fr. tr. P 1821. 2v: [l2J 418; [4] 531 + F atlas [4p 30maps & pis] a — Ital. tr. Milan 1818. 16° 3v First Russian voyage around the world; of great value for the Northwest coast. For other official accounts by co-commanders, see Lisianskii, and Langsdorff. KRESS, BRIG. GEN. JOHN A. 5815 Memoirs, [n Y 1936]. 51 front, a Author was stationed at Ft. Vancouver in the early 'seventies. KRETSCHMER, KONRAD 5816 Die Entdeckung Amerikas Berlin 1892. Q [24] 471 + Atlas F [6] 40col.pls a KROEBER, ALFRED L. 5817 Hand book of the Indians of California. Wash 1925. [l8] 995 fold.map[in pocket] 10 other maps 73pls[on 38sheets] a KU-KLUX-KLAN (THE). 5822 Horrible disclosures. A full and authentic expose of: Cin 1868. 9-109 a KU-KLUX-KLAN (THE). 5823 The masked lady of the White House; or: . . . startling exposure ... of this extensive secret band. Phil [l868]. 19-62 a KU-KLUX-KLAN (THE). 5824 The oaths, signs, ceremonies and objects of: By a late member. Clev 1868. D 30 a 323 Ku-Klux-Klan — Lade KU-KLUX-KLAN (THE). The terrible mysteries of:. . . . By Scalpel, M.D. See Dixon, Edw. H KUNZEL, HEINRICH 5825 Obercalifornien. . . . Darmstadt 1848. D L4j 41 map a First German pamphlet promoting Cali- fornia emigration. KURNBERGER, FERDINAND 5826 Der Amerika-Mude. . . . Frankf 1885. [4] 504 a — ed. 2, Leip [l889?]. 16° 580 Reactions towards American life by a dis- gruntled visitor. L., D. 5833 The diggers' handbook and truth about California. Sydney 1849. 110 a It has been suggested that these initials LD. L.J stand for Damned Liar; possibly by D. Lancelot, q.v. L., T. D. 5834 A peep at the western world. . . . L 1863. D [6] 126 a LA BORDE. MUXIMILIAN] 5835 History of the South Carolina College. . . to 1857. Columbia 1859. 464 a — ed. 2, brought to 1865, Charleston 1874, [44] 596 KUNSTMANN, FRIEDRICH 5827 Die Entdeckung Amerikas. Munich 1859. Q [4] 151 + Atlas F [4] Ucol.maps b BP N NYP Y Six of the maps, from an unpublished manuscript of the sixteenth century, give de- tails of the California coast; another, done in 1592, shows the coasts of Florida, Virginia, etc. KUNZE, JOHANN C. 5828 Eine Aufforderung an das Volk Gottes in Amerika zum frohen Jauchzen und Danken Phil 1784. D 101 a KURZ, RUDOLPH F. 5829 The journal of:. . . among fur traders ... on the Mississippi and upper Missouri rivers, 1846-52. Wash 1937. 382 48pls a KURZGEFASSTE...NACHRICHTEN 5830 Kurzgefasste historisch-geographische Nachrichten von den englischen Kolonien in Nord Amerika. .. . Hamburg 1778. D 31 a KUYKENDALL, W. L. 5831 Frontier days. .. . n.p. [Denver?] 1917. D 251 port a Personal narrative, by the presiding judge at the trial of Wild Bill Hickok's assassin, of life in the West after the Civil War. L„ M10NS.J DE Histoire impartiale des evenemens . . . de Is derniere guerre. . . . See Longchamps, Pierre LA BREE, BEN, ed. 5836 The Confederate soldier in the civil war, 1861-65. Louisv 1895. F 480 col. front, a — rptd. same impr. & coll at. 1897. LA CARRIERES, A. C. DE 5837 Voyage aux pays auriferes, Afrique, Mexique, Californie P [l855]. [4] 328 12pls a LACHAPELLE, A[LFRED] DE, ed. 5838 Le comte de Raousset-Boulbon et l'ex- pedition de la Sonore. P 1859. D [2] 318 [2] map port a [LACOCK, ABNER] 5839 Great national object. Proposed connection of the eastern and western waters, by a com- munication through the Potomac country. [Wash 1822]. 38 a Project was to connect the Delaware and Ohio rivers by a series of canals. Lacock was one of the commissioners appointed to survey the Potomac and the ninety-two page Report of that Commission sometimes ac- companies the above. LACOSTE, AUGUSTE 5840 Calif orniae. Fragments. .. d'un voyage autour du monde. P 1849. 32 a LACY, MARY 5841 The female shipwright; or, life and extra- ordinary adventures of Mayr [sic] Lacy. . . . Phil 1814. D 35 fold.pl a [LADD, WILLIAM] 5842 A letter to Aaron Burr ... on the . . . baneful effects of duels. N Y 1804. 32 a 5832 LADE, CAPITAINE ROBERT Die Glaubwurdigkeit von Maldonados nordwestlicher Schiffahrt. Gotha 1712. 52 a L., D. California. See Lancelot, D. 5843 Voyages du: en l'Afrique, 1'Asie et l'Ame- rique P 1744. D 2v: [l8] 370; [2] 400 [last p. numb, erroneously 360] 2maps a — anr. ed. Amst 1784. 591 2pls —rptd., P 1810 [l 6] 599 2 maps 324 Ladron De Guevara — Lahontan Purports to be a translation by Abbe Prevost, from the English, but no English ed- ition known. Contains a long account of af- fairs in the infant colony of Georgia, which probably was translated from some English work. LADRON DE GUEVARA, ANTONIO 5844 Noticias de los poblados, y tratos de que se componen el Nuevo Reyno de Leon, prov- incia de Coaguila, Nueva Estremadura, y provincia de las Texas. . . . [A/ex?] 1739. F 32 c JCB — rptd. , with changes, [A'exJ same date. F 36 Hn JCB Mercilessly critical of missionaries and governing authorities, military and civil, in the northern frontier region. LADUE, JOSEPH 5845 Klondyke facts NY [l897]. 205 18maps & pis a — anr. issue, same collat. & date, Mont By a pioneer Alaskan, the founder of Dawson. LADUE, JOSEPH 5846 Klondyke nuggets NY [l897]. 92 a LAFAYETTE, MARIE J. P. R. Y. 5847 GILBERT DE MOTIER, MARQUIS DE Memo ires, correspondence. . . du:. . . . P 1837-8. 6v: [l2] 495; U] 504; [4] 520; [6] 449; [4] 545; [4] 814 a — rptd. Brus 1837. 16° 6v — anr. issue, same impr. & date. 2v — Eng. tr. [first 3v only] L 1837. 3v: [l6] 469; [i] 480; [8] 497. port — Am. ed. [first vol. only] N Y 1837. [24] 552 port LA FAYETTE, GENERAL. 5848 Memoirs of: embracing details of public and private life. . . . Hart 1825. D 455 a — rptd. N Y 1825. D port LA FAYETTE, THE MARQUIS DE Memoirs of the military career of: 1824. 56 a 5849 LAFAYETTE (GEN.). 5850 Memoirs of: with an account of his tour through the United States. . . . B 1825. 24 a LAFAYETTE. Memoirs of: with an account of his visit to America. See Knapp, Saml. L. LA FAYETTE, MARQUIS DE. 5851 Vie privee . . . du:. . . . P 1790. 88 port a LA FAYETTE, LE MARQUIS DE. 5852 Vie publique et privee de: [p] 1791. 69 a LA FAYETTE, GENERAL. 5853 Visit of: to Louisiana. ... By a citizen of New Orleans. N O 1825. D 86 a — Fr. tr. N O 1825. D pi LAFAYETTE, GENERAL. Voyage du: aux Etats-Unis. . . . See Barbaroux, Chas. O., and Lardier, J. A. LAFITAU, P. [JOSEPH FRANCOIS] 5854 Moeurs des sauvages Ameriquains. ... P 1724. Q 2v: [22] 610 [2]; [12] 490 [41]. map 42pls a — rptd. P 1724. D 4v: [24] 256; [8] 296; [12] 248; [8] 196 [66]. map 42pls; Amst 1730. D 4v; P 1733. Q 2v; P 1734. D 4v in 2 — Dutch ed. "De Zeden der Wilden van Amerika," Hague 1731. F 2v in 1: [58] 555 [for 560] map; 42pls Amst 1751. F 2v in 1 42pls map Comprehensive and meticulous information on the Iroquois and other northern tribes ac- quired by a long residence among them. LAFITTE. 5855 The memoirs of:. ...Prov 1826. 16° 125 port a [LA HARPE, BERNARD DE] 5856 Journal historique de l'etablissement des Francais a la Louisiane. ...NO [p ptd] 1831. [4] 412 a Chief authority for the period covered, 1698-1723; it and the Memoires of Dumont de Marigny serve as sequels to Joutel's Journal. LAHONTAN, BARON 5857 Nouveaux voyages. . . [together with vol. n, "Memoires . . . ou la suite des voyages . . . ,"J dans l'Amerique Septentrionale. .. . Hague Freres l'Honore 1703. 16° 2v: [22] 279; 220 [l6]. 3maps[2fold.] 22pls 4fronts. [same 2 in each vol.] t-p of each vol. in red & black, with "angel" vignette b Clem N NYP — issue 2, t-p of each vol. in red & black, with small "scroll" ornament, text re-set, maps 86 pis re-eng. 16° 2v: [24] 279; 220 [l7j. 3maps[2fold. but smaller than those in issue l] 22pls front. [one only and only in vol.l] a — issue 3, t-p of each vol. in black, maps & pis re-eng. &, improved, with ornament on t-pp changed to a "globe." Collates same as is- sue 2, but some copies contain an extra pi. at p211, vol.l[same subject and differing but slightly from one at pl4j — anr. ed., re-set in larger type, Hague Freres l'Honore 1704. D 2v:Tl8] 280; 220[er- roneously numb. 120], 3mapsL2fold.J 24pls Unci. front. to vol.l] — "seconde edition, revue, corrigee, &. 325 Lahontan — Lake augmentee, " including "Dialogues" issued as a part of a separate vol. Ill with former eds., Hague Jonas 1'Honore 1705. 16° [l8 incl.eng.t.J 376; 336uncl. initial blank) 3maps [two fold.] 24pls — anr. issue, pub. by Francois 1'Honore, identical except for t-p and the omission of one pi. from vol.ILi.e., the pi. of a globe and a bird found at p. 1 of the Jonas 1'Honore ed.] — rptd., same collat. as the Jonas 1'Honore ed. of 1705, Hague Delo 1706. — anr. ed. Hague Delorme 1707-08. 16° 2v: [18] 354[l2];L2] 239. 3fold.maps 20pls Unci. front, to vol.IJ — anr. ed. Hague Freres 1'Honore 1709. 16° 2v: [20] 280; 222 [l8j. 3maps[2fold.] 23pls [incl. front, to vol. I J — anr. ed. Hague Delorme 1712. 16° 2v: [l8] 354 [l2]; [2] 239. 3maps 19pls [no front. to vol.1 in only copy located, but perhaps one should be there] b — rptd. same impr. 1715. 16° 2v: [l8] 280; 222 [l8]. 3maps 23pls[incl.front. to vol.l] — anr. ed. calling itself "seconde edition, revuee. . . ," Amst Francois 1'Honore 1728. 16°2v: [18] 408; [2] 238. 3maps[2fold.] 23 pi s[ incl. front, to vol.l] — rptd. same impr. 1741. 16 2v in 3: [vol.1, "Voyages. . ."; vol.11, "Suite de voyages ..."; vol. Ill, "Memoires de l'Amerique. . . "J [l0] 188 [4]; [6] 220; [2] 237. 3maps[2fold.] 24pls[incl. front, to vol.l] — Dutch ed., abr., "Van den oorspronk en de kracht der Vooroordeelen, door J. T. Als mede een kort Uyttreksel uyt de Aanteyke- ninge van de Baron de Lahontan. . . ," Amst 1710. D 52 — rptd., t. altered, n.p. 1723. 29 29-39 — anr. ed., complete, with add. notes, "Reizen van den Baron van La Hontan. .. ," Hague 1739. D 2v [vol.11 entitled "Gedenk- schiften van het Noordelyk Amerika. .. "J: [14] 190 193-281 [3] 281-582; [2] 8 5-552. 2fold.maps 16pls — Eng. ed. "New voyages to North America . . . ," L 1703. 2v: [24] 280[ending with what seems an incompleted Index (letter "T"), and a superfluous catch-word "The" at foot of that page]; [2] 302 + adv-1. [l3]. 4maps[3fold.] 20pls[incL front, to vol.Il] In- asmuch as t-p of vol.1 calls for only 23maps &, pis, and as so many copies of vol.Il lack front., it is a fair assumption that some cop- ies were issued without it. b Clem JCB NYP Y — Eng. ed. 2, L 1735. [vol.1 pub.either by Bonwicke or Osborn; vol.Il pub. by Walthoe, Bonwicke, Osborn, et al] 2v: [24] 280: 304. 4maps[2fold.] 16pls[incl. front, to vol.Il] a — anr. issue, both vols. pub. by Brindley, same impr., date & collat. [t-pp in vol.1 of all 1735 London eds. call erroneously for 23maps &. pis] — Ger. tr., abr., Hamburg 1709. D [l2 incl.double-p.t.J 459 small fold. map — anr. Ger. ed., complete, same impr. 1711. D [24 incl.double-p.t.] 753 fold.map — Ital. tr.[of vol.1 only], Milan 1831. D 2v: 216; 202 The two volumes — Voyages and Memoires — were apparently, in early editions, sold both separately and in sets. This explains the frequent appearance of individual volumes and of sets not uniform and often with differ- ent imprints and dates. As collectors today insist on the set-form, the work is here so treated. What constitutes a third volume, but of no historical significance and not gener- ally found with the others, is entered sepa- rately, below, under Suplement. Lahontan's narrative, of considerable value when confined to his actual sojourneyings in the Lake region, was unfortunately disfigured by his inserting an account of a pretended trip west of the Mississippi about as con- vincing as the legends of the sea-serpent. LAHONTAN, BARON. 5858 Suplement aux Voyages du: ou l'on trouve des dialogues curieux entre 1'auteur et un sauvage. . . aussi plusieurs observations faites par le meme auteur, dans ses voyages en Portugal. . . . Tome troisieme. Hague Ho- nor! 1703. 16° [16] 222 2fold.maps 4pls b BM JCB NYP — reissued, from same sheets, with new t., "Suite du voyage. .. ," [omitting words "Tome troisieme"], same collat., Amst la veuve de Boetman 1704. a — anr. issue, identical, with different t. , "Dialogues de . . . Lahontan et d'un sauvage . . . ," same impr., date & collat. — anr. ed., "Dialogues. . . ," called "Tome troisieme." Hague Delorme 1708. 16° [l8] 1- 174 blank, 1. 177-374 fold.pl — anr. ed., "Suite du voyage. .. ," Amst la veuve de Boetman 1728. 16 257 2fold.maps 4pls[one fold.] — anr. ed. "Dialogues," ed. Chinard, Bait 1931. [4] 272 + colophon, 1. From this volume the portion devoted to his "Dialogues" — a diatribe against Chris- tianity — was included in both English edi- tions and in the 1705 French editions. Most later French editions were, along with his European travels, issued separately as en- tered above. French editions of all three vol- umes were, after 1704, so changed and pol- ished as to verify the suspicion that editorial work on them was done by the apostate monk, Nicolas Guedeville. Some authorities even believe him to have been the veritable author of the "Dialogues." LAKE, STUART N. 5859 Wyatt Earp, frontier marshal. B 1931. D [l4] 392 15pls lOfacs [issue 1, "belly" mis- spelled, p54, line 18] a 326 Lake Erie — Lancaster LAKE ERIE Lake Erie and the Hudson river. Remarks on the importance of the contemplated grand canal, between: See Williamson, Hugh. LAKE ERIE 5860 A view of the Grand Canal, from: to the Hudson river NY 1825. D 28 a LA MADELENE, JOSEPH H. DE 5861 COLLET, BARON DE. Le comte de Raousset-Boulbon: sa vie et ses aventures. . . . Alencon 1856. D 162 a — ed. 2, P 1859. Two ill-starred expeditions and a firing squad finally extinguished his obsession of seizing Sonora and the glittering mines of Arizona. [LAMAR, J., and O'FARRELL, J.] 5862 Report on the Mendocino Indian war. LSacr I860]. 75 a LAMAR, JAMES S. 5863 Recollections of pioneer days in Georgia. [Wash 1916]. 64 a 200copies ptd. LAMAR, Ll UCIUSj Q. C. 5864 Speech on the state of the country. . . . At- lanta 1864. 30 a LAMAR, MIR ABE AU B. 5865 Address of . . . : to the citizens of Sante Fe. [Together with] Constitution of the republic of Tejas. Austin [l84l]. 14 [3] 14-47 [Ptd in both Eng. & Sp.] a LAMAR, MIRABEAU B. 5866 Letter of: on the subject of annexation. . . . Sav 1844 48 a LAMB, E. J. 5867 Memories of the past. . . . \_South Bend] 1906. D 207 5pls a Life in Iowa, Kansas and Colorado in the forties and fifties. LAMB, R[OGER] 5868 An. . . authentic journal of occurrences dur- ing the late American war. . . . Dub 1809. [28] 5-438 tab a Originally issued in 11 parts. LAMB, RlOGERl 5869 Memoir of his own life. . . .Dub 1811. 296 Investigation into American manufacturing methods by a Belgian industrialist. LAMBERT, JOHN. 5872 Travels through Canada and the United States, 1806-1808. L 1810. 3v: [24] 496; [10] 494; [6] 506. 18maps 86 pls[some col] a — ed. 2, L 1813. 2v: [36] 544; [8] 532. 18 maps & pis — ed. 2, cor., same collat., L 1814. — ed. 3, cor. & improved, same collat., L 1816. LAMBERTIE, CHARLES DE 5873 Voyage pittoresque en Calif ornie et au Chili. P 1853-4. [l2] 310 a LAMBOURNE, ALFRED 5874 An old sketch book. B [l892]. F 17 18pls b Y — rptd., "The old journey," S L C [l897]. D 53 18pls a Sketches of historic spots on the Mormon trail by an artist who crossed the plains in 1867. LAMBOURNE, ALFRED 5875 Scenic Utah. N Y 1891. F [4] 45 1. 20pls a LAMBRECHTSEN VAN RITTHEM, 5876 NICHOLAS] C. Korte Beschrijving van de Ontdekking en der verdere lotgevallen van Nieuw-Nederland. Middleburg 1818. [6] 102 map a some cop- ies on thick paper LAMECH and AGRIPPA Chronicon Ephratense. and Miller, Johan P. See Gass, Jacob, LAMON, WARD H. 5877 The life of Abraham Lincoln. . . . B 1872. [l6] 538 15pls 3facs a Slightly unfavorable but important delinea- tion; ghost-written, from Lamon's material by Chauncey F. Black. LA MOTTE MINES 5878 La Motte mines (the). . . in MissourL Ob- servations on: n.p. Royston & Brown [l839]. 32 fold. map a LAMSON, J. 5879 Round Cape Horn. . . from Maine to Cali- fornia. . . 1852. Bangor 1878. D 156 a LAMBERT, EDWARD R. 5870 History of the colony of New Haven. . . . N Hav 1838. D 216 3maps llpls a LANCASTER, DANIEL 5880 The history of Gilmanton [n.H.]. . . . Gil- manton 1845. [8] 13-304 map a LAMBERT, GUILLAUME 5871 Voyage dans l'Amerique. . . . Brus 1855. 320 + atlas[of 32pls] fold. map a LANCASTER, ROBERT A. 5881 Historic Virginia homes and churches. Phil 1915. Q 527 a 327 Lancaster — Lang LANCASTER [PA.] 5882 Minutes of conferences, held at: in August 1762. With-. . . several tribes of northern and western Indians. Phil 1763. F 36 c PhilL LANCASTER [PA.] 5883 A treaty, held at ...:.. . with the . . . Six Nations, in June 1744. Phil 1744. F 39 b N Y — rptd., with adds., Wmsbg [l744]. [l2] 79 LANCASTER COUNTY [PA.] A narrative of the late massacres in: See Franklin, Benj. [LANCELOT, D.I 5884 California, n.p. 1869. 16° cover-t. & fol- lowing erratic paginat.: 9-62; 65-68; 71; 72; 77-90; 93-96; 99; 100; 103; 104; 107; 108; 111-116; 121-134; 137-160; 163-178; 181- 184; 189-200; 205-208. map 4pls a LAND Land-und Seereisen eines St. Gallischen Kantonburgers nach Nordamerika. . . . See Buechler, Johann U. LANDAIS, PIERRE DE 5885 A memorial, to justify [his] conduct during the late war. B 1784. Q 115 a LANDAIS, PIERRE DE 5886 The second part of the memorial to justify [his] conduct, during the late war. N Y [l787?]. Q 52 a Dismissed from the navy for questionable conduct as captain of the frigate "Alliance" when Paul Jones fought the "Serapis. " In the same year and place was published, in eight- een pages, Charges and proofs respecting the conduct of Peter Landais. LANDER, FREDERICK W. 5887 Additional estimates of the Fort Kearney, South Pass . . . wagon road [Wash 1861J. 27 a LANDER, FREDERICK W. 5888 Maps and reports of the Fort Kearney, South Pass, and Honey Lake wagon road. . . . H. Exec. Doc. 64. [Wash 186ll 39 a only 250copies ptd. No maps accompanied this report as published. LANDER, FREDl ERICKl W. 5889 Report of the reconnaissance of a railroad route from Puget sound via the South pass to the Mississippi. . . . [House Ex. Doc. 129, vol. 3]. [Wash 1856]. 56 b S USGeolSurv Y Lonly copies known] Intended to accompany the octavo series known as Pacific railroad explorations, q.v., but, being issued a year later, not found or- dinarily with sets of that series. In the Streeter collection is also a thirty-page copy without title-page, giving the introductory portion only, which suggests — assuming it is complete — an earlier printing of 1854 or 1855. The Report itself was included in the quarto edition of the Pacific railroad explor- ations. LANDOLPHE, CAPITAINE [JEAN F.] 5890 | Memoires du:. . . ses voyages . . . aux deux Ameriques P 1823. 2v: 350; 500. map 2pls a LANDRIN, HlENRll De l'or. P 1851. D [28] 300 a 5891 LANDRUM, J[0HN] Bo 0. 5892 Colonial and revolutionary history of upper South Carolina. . . . Greenville S C 1897. D [l6] 360 7pls a LANDRUM, JtOHN] B. 0. 5893 History of Spartanburg county, South Caro- lina. . . Atlanta 1900. M 739 a LANE, [GOV.] JOSEPH 5894 Biography of: By "Western" [pseud.]. Wash 1852. 40 a — anr. issue, pseud. "A Westerner," same impr., date & collat. Authorship has been ascribed to Robert Dale Owen. LANE, GOV. JOSEPH 5895 Life of: by a resident. . . . Port Ore 1873. 63 errata, 1. a LANE, LUNSFORD... of Raleigh, 5896 N. C. The narrative of : . . . purchase of himself and family from slavery and his banishment . . . for the crime of wearing a colored skin. B 1842. 16° 54 a —other eds. : same impr. & collat. 1845; 1848. LANE, MRS. LYDIA S. 5897 I married a soldier. Phil 1893. D 214 a — ed. 2, N Y 1910. same collat. Life in Texas and New Mexican army posts LANE, WALTER P. 5898 The adventures and recollections of : . . . containing sketches of the Texian. . . wars. Marshall Tex 1887. D [4] 114 port a — rptd. same impr. [l928]. D 180 port LANG, HERBERT 0., ed. 5899 History of the Willamette valley. . . . Port Ore 1885. roy 902 [l3] 6pls facs errata slip 328 Lang — Lanman [LANG, HERBERT 0.] ed. 5900 A history of Tuolumne county, California. S F 1882. [14] 510 [48] 12ports b LANG, JOHN D., and TAYLOR, 5901 SAMUEL Report of a visit to some of the tribes . . . west of the Mississippi river. Prov 1843. 47 a — anr. ed., priority not established, N Y 1843. 34 a LANG, COL. W. W. 5902 The resources. .. of Texas, n.p. 1881. 62 fold. map pi a — anr. issue — without map & pi LANGDON, SAMUEL 5903 Government corrupted by vice. . . sermon preached the 31st day of May, 1775. Water- town 1775. D 29 a Describes the battles at Lexington and Concord. LANGE, HENRY 5904 Atlas von Noord America nach den neusten Materialen. . . . Braunschweig 1854. Q [8] 28 18mapsLmany on the westj a LANGFORD, ELLA M. 5905 Johnson county, Arkansas. . . . Clarksville Ark 1921. 210 a LANGFORD, NATHANIEL P. 5906 Vigilante days and ways. The pioneers of the Rockies B 1890. 2v: [26] 426; [l6] 485. 15pls a — rptd. N Y 1893, same collat. a — anr. ed. Chi 1912. 554 15pls LANGMAN, CHRISTOPHER, et al 5907 A true account of voyage of the Notting- ham-Galley ... to New-England, near which she was cast away on Boon-Island, by the captain's obstinacy. . . with an account of the falsehoods in the captain's Narrative. . . . L 1711. [8] 36 b For the captain's narrative, see Dean, Captain John. [LANGRISHE, SIR HERCULES] 5908 Considerations on the dependencies of Great Britain. . . . L 1769. 92 a Advocates that the Colonies be taxed, but only after their representation in Parliament. LANGSDORFF, GEORGE H. VON 5909 Bemerkungen auf einer Reise urn die Welt, 1803-07. Frankt 1812. Q 2v: [26] 304 [30]; 336 [20]. 2ports 44pls a — rptd., same impr. 1813. D 2v — Dutch ed. "Reis rondom de Wereld, " Amst 1813-19. 4v 13pls[incl.eng.t.] — Eng. tr. L 1813-14. Q 2v in 1: [24] 362 [6]; [8J 386 [6]. map 21pls b N NYP — Am. ed., abr., Carlisle Pa 1817. 617 [17] pi a — anr. ed. [Calif, section only] S F 1927. [l4] 158 [2] map pis 260copies ptd. Account of Alaska, the Aleutians, Cali- fornia, etc., by the naturalist with Krusen- stern. LANGSTON, MRS. CAROL YNE L. 5910 History of Eastland county, Texas. Dallas 1904. D 220[incl.pls] a [LANGWORTHY, EDWARD] 5911 Memoirs of the life of the late Charles Lee . . . second in command in the service of the United States . . . during the revolution. . . . L 1792. [12] 439 a — rptd. Dub 1792. same collat.; with new t., L 1797. [12] 446 —Am. ed. N Y 1792. D [8] 284 — rptd. N Y 1793. — anr. Am. ed., t. altered, N Y 1813. D 352 Said to have been edited by Thomas Paine, under the direction of Langworthy. LANGWORTHY, FRANKLIN 5912 Scenery of the plains, mountains and mines; or a diary kept upon the overland route to California. Ogdensburgh N Y 1855. D 324 a LANGWORTHY, LUCIUS H. 5913 Dubuque; its history Letc.J. Dubuque [1855]. 82 a By a pioneer who came to the Dubuque lead mines in 1827. LANIER, SIDNEY 5914 Florida: its scenery, climate and history Phil 1876. D 336[incl.pls] a — ed. 2, same impr. rud. LANMAN, CHARLES 5915 Adventures in the wilds of North America L 1854. D 300 a — rptd. L 1863. — Am. ed., enl., "Adventures in the wilds of the United States. . . ," Phil 1856. 2v: [l6] 514; [2] 517 [2] 6pls — Eng. ed. L 1856. same collat. — Eng. ed. 2, L 1859. same collat. This collective edition contains several of the author's earlier separate publications, with new material added. LANMAN, CHARLES 5916 Haw-Ho-Noo; or, records of a tourist Phil 1850. D [8] 13-266 a 329 Lanman — La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt LANMAN, CHARLES 5917 Letters from the Alleghany mountains. . . . N Y 1848. D 198 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1849. LANMAN, CHARLES 5918 A summer in the wilderness; embracing a canoe voyage up the Mississippi and around lake Superior. N Y 1847. D 208 a — re-issued, with new t-p, "A canoe voyage up the Mississippi. . . ," same collat., impr. & date. 5919 N Y 1839. [16] LANMAN, JAMES H. History of Michigan 398 map a — rptd. N Y 1841. 16° [2] 7-269; N Y 1842; N Y 1843; WFn.4 First — and on the early period still the best — history of the state. LANNING, JOHN T. 5920 The Spanish missions of Georgia. Chapel Hill [l935]. [ 16] 321 a LA PEROUSE, JEAN F. G. DE 5921 Voyage. . . autour de monde . . . redige par M. L. A. Milet-Mureau P [l79/]. Q 4v: [4] 72 346 port; [4] 398; [4] 422; [4] 309 + atlas F [2] 69maps & pis b NYP Y — anr. ed. P 1798. 4v + atlas F with port & 69maps & pis a — anr. ed. L 1799. Q 2v: [52] 539; [8] 522 [l8]. 70maps & pis a — Eng. eds. 0: L Stockale 1798, 2v 51maps & pis; L Johnson 1798, 3v 45maps & pis; rptd. 1799; L Johnson 1799, 2v + atlas F; L Lackington 1807, 3v + atlas; L Johnson 1807, 3v + atlas — best Eng. ed. L Robinson 1799. Q 2v: [20] 539 port; [8] 531 [l4] + atlas F [2] 69maps & pis [some copies carry impr. of printer, Ham- ilton] b Y — abr. eds.: L 1798. 0; Edin 1798. 336 map 3pls; with adds., B 1801. D [l6] 336 — Dutch tr. Haarlem 1799. — Swed. tr. Stockh 1798. — Ital. tr. Naples 1833. 16° 5v in 1 locol. pis First visit of a foreigner to missionary es- tablishments in Upper California. LAP E Y ROWS E, S. DE 5922 Miseres oubliees (Californie, 1850—3); aventures et souvenirs d'un chercheur d'or. P 1886. 16° 303 a LAPHAM, INCREASE A. 5923 The antiquities of Wisconsin. . . . [Wash 1855]. Q [l2] 95 map 55pls a — anr. issue, same collat. N Y 1855. LAPHAM, INCREASE A. [ed.] 5924 A documentary history of the Milwaukee and Rock river canal. Milw 1840. 154 a LAPHAM, INCREASE A. 5925 A geographical and topographical descrip- tion of Wisconsin, with brief sketches of its history. . ..Milw 1844. 16° 256 map[with 1844 copyr] a — ed. 2, Milw [ptd N y] 1846. D 202 + 6adv-p map[dated 1845] First bound book printed in Milwaukee. LAPHAM, INCREASE A., et al 5926 A paper on the. . . Indians of Wisconsin. . . . Milw 1870. 27 map a LAPHAM, WILLIAM B. 5927 Centennial history of Norway . . . Maine. . . . Port 1886. [l6] 659 36ports 9pls a [LARIMER, GEORGE W.j 5928 Hints and information for the use of emi- grants to Pike's Peak. . . . Leavenworth 1860. 15 b KasH Y Ascribed also to Samuel A. Drake, who may have had a hand in it, but the information was probably supplied by Larimer. LARIMER, MRS. SARAH L. 5929 The capture and escape; or, life among the Sioux. Phil 1870. D 252 5pls a — rptd. Phil 1871. same collat. LARIMER, GENERAL WILLIAM. 5930 Reminiscences of:. . . . Lancaster 1918. 25 6[incl. initial blank, 1.] + lOinserted p 15pls fold.tab b G N NYP Larimer was among the earliest Pike's Peak adventurers, and one of the founders of Denver. LARIMER COUNTY... ASSOCIATION 5931 Larimer county stock grower's association. Stock brands published by: Ft Collins 1885. 16° 36 + 8blank, 1. & 1-p. index b G LARKIN, STILLMAN C 5932 The pioneer history of Meigs county, Ohio. Columbus 1908. D 208 a LA ROCHEFOUCAULD-LIANCOURT, 5933 FRANCOIS ALEXANDRE FREDERIC, DUC DE Voyage dans les Etats-Unis. . . 1795-7. P [1799]. 8v: [24] 365; [6] 349; [6] 384; [6] 349; [6] 400; L6] 336; [6] 366; [4] 244. 3maps & pis 9tabs a — rptd. P 1800. — Eng. tr. L 1799. Q 2v: [24] 642 [l2]; [2] 686 [9] + extra starred p 321-364. 3maps 6tabs — rptd. L 1800. 4v: [24] 591 [l6]; [2] 523 330 Laroque — Latour [l6l; [2] 717 [22]; [2] 610 [8]. 3maps 5tabs; L 1803. same collat. — Ger. tr. Hamburg 1799. 3v: [8] 774; [6] 588; [20] 629 LAROQUE, FRANCOIS A. 5934 . . . Journal of: from the Assiniboine to the Yellowstone, 1805. Ottawa 1910. [2] 82 a — anr. issue [in Fr.], same impr. & date. [2] 87 First printing of the day-by-day journal of the first white man, after Verendrye, to visit the Big Horn country and the Crow Indians; the first authoritative account of that tribe. LARPENTEUR, CHARLES Forty years a fur trader. . . . See Coues, Elliott. [LA SALLE, JEAN CAVELIER DEl 5935 Relation du voyage. . . par feu M. Robert Cavelier, sieur de la Salle, pour decouvrir... l'embouchure du fleuve de Missisipy. N Y 1858. D 54 [2] a lOOcopies ptd. First printing of this account of La Salle's last voyage, written by his brother, who ac- companied him. Supplements Joutel's narra- tive of the same event. LA SALLE, NICOLAS DE. 5936 Relation of the discovery of the Missis- sippi. . . from the narrative of:. . . . Chi Caxton Club 1898. [10] 3-69 a Translation of account, contained in Mar- gry's Decouvertes. . . , of La Salle's discovery of the Mississippi. The author was not a rel- ative of the explorer. LA SALLE, [ROBERT] CAVELIER DE. 5937 Relation of the discoveries and voyages of: Chi Caxton Club 1901. [8] 301 a 225copies ptd. First published, in French, in Margry's six- volume Decouvertes. . . , from an anonymous manuscript. This, the first separate edition, gives both French and English texts. This was the official account sent to the Ministry of the Marine; if not by La Salle himself, it was probably inspired by him. Hennepin's plagiarisms from it in his 1797 Nouvelle decouverte, indicate that he had access to the manuscript. LA SALLE [TEX.]. 5938 A statement indicating. . . advantages of the proposed city of:. ...NO 1848. 35 map LAST SPIKE 5940 Last spike (The), 1850-1883; a historical . . . review of the industries ... of Oregon and Washington. . . .Port Ore 1883. 112 5pls a Commemorates completion of the Northern Pacific Rail Road. LATE OCCURRENCES 5941 Late occurrences (The) in North America, and policy of Great Britain, considered. L 1766. [2] 42 a Conciliatory policy urged. Ascribed to Ed- mund Jenings. LATE REGULATIONS Late regulations (The) respecting the Brit- ish colonies. . . . See Dickinson, John. LATHAM, HENRY 5942 Black and white. A journal of a three month's tour in the United States. L 1867. [l2] 304 errata slip map a LATHAM, H[ENRY] 5943 Trans-Missouri stock raising. . . . Omaha 1871. 88 a LATHROP, GEORGE 5944 Memoirs of a pioneer. . . . Lusk Wyo [ca 1917]. D 34 a — rptd. Lusk [1927]. D 34 2pls — enl. ed., with adds., "Some pioneer recol- lections. ..." Phil 1927. 75 port LATHROP, J. S. 5945 Champaign county, [ill. J. . . with history Chi 1871. D 456 a [LATHROP, JOHN] 5946 A compendious history of the late war. . . 1811-1815. B 1815. 32 a Expansion of material forming appendix to his Discourse, delivered in Boston, April 13, 1815. See also A compendious account of the most important battles, etc. LATHROP, JOHN 5947 Innocent blood crying from the streets of Boston. . . . L 1770. Q 22 a — Am. eds.: B 1771. 21 b; B 1778. 24 a Sermon preached at Boston the Sunday fol- lowing the massacre. LATHROP, JOHN 5948 The present war unexpected, unnecessary and ruinous. . . . B 1812. 42 a LASLEY, M. E. A. Across America, in the only house wheels NY 1898. D 158 [2] a — rptd. N Y 1899. same collat. —anr. ed. N Y 1901. D 176 5939 LATOUR, a[ RSENEj LACARRIERE 5949 Historical memoir of the war in West Florida and Louisiana in 1814-15. Phil 1816. [20] 264 [l90] port + atlas[of 8maps & plans] a 331 La Trobe — Laval Chief authority, well documented, on these operations. Portrait evidently not issued in all copies. [LA TROBE, BENJAMIN] 5950 A succinct view of the missions estab- lished. . . by the Church of the Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum. L 1771. [4] 3-32 +ladv-p a — anr. ed., with adds., L 1774. 32 33 LATROBE, BENJAMIN H. 5951 The journal of: N Y 1905. [42] 269 26pls a [LAURENS, HENRY]? 5961 Extracts from the proceedings of the court of Vice- Admiralty in Charles- Town, South- Carolina; in the cause, George Roupell. . . v. the ship Ann and goods. . . . America 1768. Q [4] 20 c AA PhilL NYP Y — ed. 2, with adds., Charlestown S C 1769. F [4] 64 c NYP LAURENS, COLONEL JOHN. 5962 The army correspondence of:. . . 1777-8. . . . N Y Bradford Club 1867. 250 port a 80cop- LATROBE, CHARLES J. 5952 The rambler in North America. L 1835. D 2v: [ll] 321; [8] 336. a — ed. 2, L 1836. Same collat. with map [dated 1836] added. —Am. ed. N Y 1835. D 2v: [7] 14-243; [4] 9-242. LATROBE, JOHN H. B. 5953 The first steam boat voyage on the western waters. . . . Bait 1871. 32 a LAURENS, COLONEL JOHN. A succinct memoir of the life. . . of: See Simms, Wm. G. LAURIDSEN, PETER 5963 Vitus J. Bering og de Russiske opdagel- sesrejser... 1725-1743. Copenh 1885. D [4] 210 4maps pis tab a — Eng. ed., with author's rev., "Vitus Ber- ing; the discoverer of Bering strait. . . ," Chi 1889. D [16] 223 2maps a LATROBE, JOHN H. B. 5954 The history of Mason and Dixon's line. . . . [phil] 1855. 52 a LATTA, ROBERT R. 5955 Reminiscences of pioneer life Lin Iowa, etc.]. K C 1912. 186 port a LATTER-DAY SAINTS. 5956 Minutes of a conference of: at Great Salt Lake, Aug. 28, 1852. S L C 1852. 48 b Y LATTIMORE, S. C 5957 Incidents in the history of Dublin [Texas]. Dublin [1913?]. D 66 port a LATTIN, M. DE PUY 5958 Twenty years a gold hunter ... on the deserts and mountains of Arizona, California and Nevada. Commerce 1915. 160 port a LAUNAY DE VALERY, CORDIER DE 5959 Tableau topographique et politique de la Siberie, de la Chine, de la zone moyenne d'Asie et du nord de l'Amerique. Berlin 1806. Q [2] 130 a 400copies ptd. LAURE (LEPERE AUGUSTINE) 5960 Laure (Le Pere Augustine) de la Com- pagnie de Jesus, missionaire aux montagnes Rocheuses. Brus 1895. 48 a Worked with Father Cataldo among the In- dians of Washington, Idaho, etc. LAURENS, HENRY Correspondence. . terials for history. . , LAUSSAT, PIERRE C. DE 5964 Memoires sur ma vie. . . . Pau 1831. 638 b Y only a few copies ptd. for the family Laussat officiated in taking over Louisiana from Spain and in transferring it to the United States. LAUT, AGNES C. 5965 The blazed trail of the old frontier. N Y 1926. [l2 incl.front.] 271 map 33pls a also 200signed copies LAUTS, [GERARD] 5966 Brieven van eenen Duitschen land ver- huiser, van daar naar Wisconsin. n.p. [l848j. 36 a LAUTS, Gl ERARDi Kalifornia. . . . Amst 1849. [8] 40 a 5967 See Moore, Frank, Ma- LAUZUN, [ARMAND LOUIS DE 5968 GONTAUT], DUC DE. Memoires de: P 1822. [22] 399 a — ed. 2, P 1822. 16° 2v — anr. ed., enl., P 1858. D [56] 330 [2] — anr. issue [called ed. 2], P 1858. D [68] 410 tab — several later eds., both Fr. 86 Eng. Lauzun was an officer with Rochambeau. LAVAL, [ANTOINE Fj DE 5969 Voyage de la Louisiane P 1728. Q [24] 304; 96; 191 [8l 20maps & pis 11 tabs a Report, by the scientist of the expedition, under command of Valette-Laudun, sent by the French government to examine the Florida and Louisiana coasts. 332 Lavayssieu — Leach .AVAYSSIEU, M. 5970 Un missionaire en Calif ornie. Limoges 1853?]. D 120 pi a -A VERENDRYE, PIERRE GAULTIER 5971 DE VARENNES, SIEUR DE. Journals and letters of: and his sons. . . . Ed. L. J. Burpee. Toronto Champlain Soc. 1927. Q [24] 548 [ll] 7maps a 500 copies >td. First complete edition of these reports of explorations made from Lake Superior to the Rockies, 1730-51. -AW, HR. [JOHN], of Lauriston 5972 Aanmerkingen over den Koophandel en het jeldt; door den; . . . beschryvinge van Loui- siana. . . . Amst 1721. D [l2] 320 map port a .AW (the great MR. [JOHN].), of 5973 .auriston The memoirs, life and character of: ... by a cots gentleman. L 1721. [l6] 44 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. According to the preface, the author was a lr. Gray, who spent some time in Louisiana. .AW, JOHN, of Lauriston. A sketch of the life of: By L P. W. See Vood, John P. lAW, JUDGE JOHN 5974 Address. . . before the Vincennes Histori- zal... Society [on the early settlement of /incennes]. Louisv 1839. 48 map a — rptd., with adds., "The colonial history of /incennes," Vincennes 1858. [8] 157 -AW, WILLIAM 5975 A discourse . . . before the Georgia Histori- cal Society [on settlement of that state], . . . Sav 1840. 43 a LAWRENCE, A. B„ and 5976 STILL E, C J.] eds. Texas in 1840; or, the emigrant's guide. . . . By an emigrant. . . with an introduction by A. B. Lawrence. N Y 1840. D 275 [incl. front.] a —re-issue, "Texas in 1842," N Y 1842. Same collat. — anr. ed. "A history of Texas, or the emi- grant's guide. . . ," N Y 1844. D [2] 7-275 front. — rptd., same collat., 1845. — Ger. ed. See Scherpf. The frontispiece — colored in some copies — is the earliest view of Austin. LAWSON, JOHN 5977 A new voyage to Carolina. . . . L 1709. Q [6] 258 + adv-1. map pi b AA NYP Y some copies on L. P. -t-anr. ed. "The history of Carolina. . . , " L 1714. same collat. b N LC — rptd. L 1718. same collat. b NYP Y — Am. ed. Raleigh 1860. D 390 a; Rich 1937. [22] 259 map 7pls — Ger. ed. "Allerneuste Beschreibung der . . . Carolina in West-Indien. . . ," Hamburg 1712. D [l4] 365 [3] map pi a — rptd., with 30p. added, 1722. D [4] 396 [4] map pi Lawson was unfortunate; burned alive by Tuscarora Indians in 1711, his book, in 1737, was issued by an Irish bookseller and at- tributed to John Brickell. For another German translation (abridged), see Kocherthal, Joshua. LAY, BENJAMIN 5978 All slave-keepers that keep the innocent in bondage, apostates, etc. Phil, ptd [by Frank- lin?] for the author, 1737 D 27l[6] dd PhilL Y [of 3copies known] Pioneer American abolition work; by an un- lettered eccentric. Probably edited by Frank- lin. LAY, JAMES H. 5979 A sketch of the history of Benton County, Missouri. Hannibal 1876. 76 a LAY, WILLIAM, and HUSSEY, 5980 CYRUS M. A narrative of the mutiny, on board the ship Globe ... in the Pacific. . . . New-London 1828. 168 a — rptd. "True history. . . ," Southport Wis 1848. 125 5pls — anr. ed. [n Y 1900]. LAYTON, GROVENOR I. 5981 Two years in the life of . . . : who was lynched by the vigilance committee, at So- nora. . . California NO 1852. [2] 11-40 [incl. illus.] b Hn[only copy known] LAZAREV, ANDREI P. 5982 Plavanie vokrug svieta na shliupie Ladogie v 1822-24 [Voyage round the world in the sloop Ladoga. . . . ] Sr Ptbg 1832. 275 map a LEA. ALBERT M. 5983 Notes on Wisconsin Territory. . . . Phil 1836. D 53 map b LC WisH Y Written with particular reference to the re- cently attached District of Iowa, it consti- tutes the first book on that state. -AWRENCE, JAMES. Biography of: late a captain in the navy . . . See Irving, Washington. LEACH, A| DONIRAMl J. 5984 Early day stories; the overland trail. . . . Norfolk /Vefa.[l916]. 244 [incl. front.] 7pls a 333 Leach — Ledyard — rptd., identical, except "2nd edition" on t-p LEACH, Al DONIRAMl J. 5985 A history of Antelope county, Nebraska. Oakdale [ptd Chi] 1909. D [6] 262 a LEADVILLE... Leadville . . . the most wonderful mining camp. . . . See Loomis, John L. LEAKE, ISAAC Q. 5986 Memoir of the life ... of General John Lamb. Alb 1850. [lo] 432 4maps port a — rptd., same collat., Alb 1857. [LEAR, TOBIAS] 5987 Observations on the river Potomack. N Y 1793. 29 plan of Washington eng. by Hill [.probably not issued with all copies] b AA LC VaU[no plan] — ed. 2, N Y 1794. 30 plan a —Dutch tr. Amst [l799?J. D 32 Ascribed also to Andrew Ellicott. LEARNED, JOSEPH D. 5988 A view of the policy of permitting slaves in the states west of the Mississippi. . . . Bait 1820. 47 a Concludes that the Federal government had no right to interfere; prohibition or extension of slavery must be decided by the states. LEAVENWORTH . . . DIRECTORY Leavenworth city directory. . . for 1859-60 .... See Sutherland, James. LE BEAU, ClLAUDE 1. 5989 Avantures du: . . . parmi les sauvages de l'Amerique Amst 1738. 16° 2v: [l4] 370 [6]; [2] 430 [6]. map 6pls a — several Ger. trs., variant titles: Erfurt 1752. D 2v map pis; rptd. 1756; Ftankf 1752. 2v 6pls; Leip 1752. 0; rptd. 1794. Considered a basically veracious narrative by competent authorities though somewhat romanticised and with much borrowing from the work of Father Lafitau, q. v. [LE BLANC, JEANB.] 5990 Le patroite anglois, ou reflexions sur les hostilites que la France reproche a l'Angle- terre Geneva 1756. D [l6] 158 [2] b N NYP Purports to be the translation of an English book, but an original work, largely devoted to American affairs. [LEBOUCHER, ODET-JULIEN] 5991 Histoire de la derniere guerre, entre la Grande-Bretagne, et les Istats-Unis. ... P 1787. Q [36] 357 [3] 7maps 2f old. tabs a — rptd. P 1788. 2v: [32] 168; 200. 2tabs — anr. ed., with adds., P 1830. 2v: [70] 326 port; [4] 336 facs&atlas — Sp. tr. Alcala 1793. Q 2v Best French chronicle of the Revolution; particularly valuable on naval affairs. As- cribed incorrectly to both Pierre and Jonathan Boucher. LEBRUN, MME. CAMILLE [pseud.] Trois mois a la Louisiane. See Guyot, Pauline. LECLERC, FREDERIC 5992 Le Texas et sa revolution P 1840. 104 map a By a French physician who visited Texas in 1838. LECLERCQ, JULES J. 5993 Une ete en Amerique. . . . P 1877. D [4] 414 [2] 6pls a Travelled West to the Rockies. LECLERCQ, JULES J. La terre des merveilles. 2maps a 5994 P 1886. D 384 LE C0NTE, JOSEPH 5995 The autobiography of: N Y 1903. D [l8] 337 8pls a LE CONTE, JOSEPH 5996 A journal of ramblings through the high Sierras of California. ...SF 1875. O 103 9pls only a few copies ptd a —rptd. S F 1900; S F 1936. LECOUVREUR, FRANK 5997 From East Prussia to the Golden Gate.. . . N Y 1906. O 355 map 20pls a [LE DUC, WILLIAM G.] 5998 Minnesota year book for 1851. . . .St P [ptd. N Y] [l85l]. D 52 + advs[l0p in some, 18p in other copies] map a — same, for 1852, Sr P [l852]. D 98 [l2] front, a —same, for 1853, St P [l853]. D 37 [l7] map a LEDYARD, JOHN The adventures of a Yankee; or, the singular life of: B 1831. D 90 a 5999 [LEDYARD, JOHN] 6000 A journal of Captain Cook's last voyage to the Pacific. . . 1776-1779. . . narrated from the original ms. of Mr. John Ledyard. Hart 1783. D 208 map[usually missing] d N NYP Orel! WashU Y Evans states that this was first issued in two parts, in June and July. First American 334 Ledyard — Lee book describing the northwest coast. Probably based on Ledyard's recollections, but many sections show unblushing theft from John Rickman's account published at London in 1781; Ledyard himself would not have stooped to this practice, which in- dicates that another hand prepared the book for publication. See also Sparks, Jared, Lite ot John Ledyard. The rare map differs from the one in Rickman only in a decorative border added to its cartouche. [LEDYARD, L. WOLTERS] 6001 Gypsy days in Colorado, California, Florida B 1890. sm Q [4] 179 a 26copies ptd. Wagon trips made in the 'seventies. [LEE, ARTHUR] 6002 An appeal to the justice. . . of the people of Great-Britain, in the present disputes with America. L 1774. O [4] 63 a — ed. 2, L 1775. O 68 — ed. 3, same impr. &. date. O 32 — ed. 4, L 1776. O 46 — Am. ed. [called ed. 4], au. named, N Y 1775. O 32 Attributed also to Lord Chatham, Franklin and Richard Glover. [LEE, ARTHUR] 6003 An essay in vindication of the continental colonies, from a censure of Mr. Adam Smith . . . with some reflections on slavery. . . . L 1764. O 46 a — anr. ed. same impr., date & collat. Smith referred to "nations of heroes [Negroes] subjected to the refuse of the jails of Europe [American colonists]." LEE, ARTHUR 6004 Extracts from a letter. . . in answer to a libel published in the Pennsylvania Gazette ... by Silas Deane. Wmsbg 1779. O 31 a — rptd. Phil 1780. Q 74 First enunciation of accusations — now believed doubtful — against Deane, Lee's fellow Commissioner to France. LEE, ARTHUR 6005 Observations on certain commercial transactions in France Phil 1780. Q 51 a Denounces Franklin's conduct as Com- missioner to France. [LEE, ARTHUR] 6006 The political detection; or, the . . . tyranny of administration. . . . L 1770. O [2] 151 a [LEE, ARTHUR] 6007 A second appeal to the justice and in- terests of the people, on the measures re- specting America. L 1775. O 90 + 2adv-p a [LEE, ARTHUR] 6008 A speech intended to have been delivered in the House of Commons, in support of the petition from the General Congress at Phila- delphia. . . . L 1775. O [4] 67 a [LEE, ARTHUR] 6009 A true state of the proceedings in the parliament of Great Britain, and in.. . Massachusetts Bay, relative to . . . granting of the money of the people. . . in the House of Commons, in which they are not repre- sented. . . . [L 1774]. F 24 capt. t. only b NYP — Am. ed. Phil 1774. O 39 a Written by Lee from notes supplied by Franklin. LEE, B[ENJAMIN] F. 6010 The story of my life. [Paonia Colo 1907]. O [2] 49 + wraps port 2MS slips inserted wrap. t. only a Chiefly Colorado interest. LEE, [MAJ. GEN.] CHARLES Memoirs of the life of the late:. . ..See Langworthy, Edw. LEE, MAJOR GENERAL [CHARLES] 6011 Proceedings of a general court martial. . . for the trial of: Phil 1778. F 62 c Hn Y only lOOcopies ptd. — rptd. Cooperstown N Y 1823. O 134 a; N Y 1864. O 239 a [LEE, MAJ. GEN. CHARLES] 6012 Strictures on ... A friendly address to all reasonable Americans. . . .Phil 1774. O 15 — rptd., same collat., 1775: Newport; Prov; N Lond — other 1775 eds.: [n y] D 12; [b] O 26; Phil O 25 — anr. ed., inch with Henry Barry's "The general attacked by a subaltern," q.v. For pamphlet attacked, see Cooper, Myles. For reply to Lee, see Barry, Henry. LEE, CHARLES [of Dakota] 6013 The long ago. . . pioneer days in the Red river valley Walhalla N D 1898. O [2] 76 [LEE, CHARLES] of Vo. 6014 Defence of the alien and sedition laws Phil 1798. O 47 a LEE, DANIEL, and FROST, 6015 JOSEPH H. Ten years in Oregon. N Y 1844. D 344 map a — 2nd issue, with sub-title: "Containing account of journey with Capt Wyeth." 335 Lee — Lee LEE, E. G. 6016 The Mormons, or, knavery exposed. . . . Frankford [Phil] 1841. O 24 pi b Hn Y LEE, EDMUND F. 6017 Notes on the Mammoth Cave. Cin 1835. 24° 30map[not in all copies] a LEE, FlRANKl D., and AGNEW, J. L. 6018 Historical record of the city of Savannah. Sav 1869. D [l2] 212 [48] 3maps 3pls a [LEE, HANNAH F.l 6019 The Huguenots in France and America C 1843. D 2v: [20] 336; [6] 302 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. LEE, GEN. HENRY 6020 Memoirs of the war in the southern de- partment Phil 1812. O 2v: [4] 423; [4] 486. 2ports a — rptd. Wash 1827. O 466 — anr. ed., ed. R. E. Lee, N Y 1869. O 620 llmaps & pis — also a few copies on L. P., signed a — also, same impr. & collat., 1870. [LEE, GEN. HENRY?] 6021 Plain truth: addressed to the people of Virginia. [Rich 1799], 16° 56 capt.t,only a LEE, MAJ. HENRY, JR. 6022 The campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas Phil 1824. o[2] 511 [47] a Here the son of "Light Horse" Henry Lee resents the slurs on his father contained in William Johnson's Life of Greene and at- tacks the credibility of that work. LEE, MAJ. HtENRY], JR. 6023 Observations on the writings of Thomas Jefferson, with particular reference to the attack they contain on the memory of the late Gen. Henry Lee. N Y 1832. O 237 + adv-1. a — ed. 2, ed. Chas. C. Lee, Phil 1839. O [22] 5-262 + 2adv-p errata slip The original edition was suppressed and most copies destroyed. LEE, MAJOR HENRY, JR. A vindication of the character ... of Andrew Jackson B 1828. O 51 a 6024 LEE, JESSE 6025 A short history of the Methodists in the United States. Bait 1810. 16° 366 [lo] a LEE, JOHN D. 6026 Journals of: 1846-7 and 1859. Ed. Chas. S. Kelly. S L C 1938. Q [4] 7-244 [7] map 13pls 2S0copies ptd. a Records events connected with the 1847 migration, the Mountain Meadows massacre, etc. [LEE, JOHN D.] 6027 The Lee trial. An expose of the Mountain Meadows massacre. S L C 1875. O 64 a — rptd. "Life and confessions. . . ," Phil 1877. O 36 — anr. issue, "Life, confessions and execution. . . ," same impr. & date. O 48 — anr. ed. "Mountain Meadows massacre ... ," Phil [1882]. O 64 pis LEE, JOHN D. 6028 Mormonism unveiled; or, the life and con- fessions of: St L 1877. O 390[incl. front.] 13pls a — issue 2, with app. added, same impr. & date. O 406[incl. front.] + adv-p 13pls — rptd. St L 1881. O 413[incl.front.] 13pls; St L 1891. same collat. LEE, JOHN H. 6029 The origin and progress of the American party in politics; embracing. . . the Phila- delphia riots in. . . 1844 Phil 1855. D 264 a LEE, L. P.[ed.] 6030 History of the Spirit Lake massacre. . . and of Miss Abigail Gardiner's [sic] three month's captivity among the Indians. . . . New Britain Conn 1857. O 48 [cover t. only] For later amplification see Sharp, Mrs. Abbie L Gardner]. LEE, LEROY M. 6031 The life and times of the Rev. Jesse Lee. Rich 1848. O 517 a — other eds., same date & collat.: Louisv: Charleston S C; also Wash 1856. LEE, NELSON 6032 Three years among the Camanches. . . containing a detailed account of his cap- tivity [etc.]. Alb 1859. D 224 2pls[incl. port-title] a — anr. issue, identical, but without port- title — anr. ed. Troy 1871. D 240 [LEE, RICHARD H.] 6033 An additional number of letters prom [sicj the federal farmer to the republican; leading to a fair examination of the. . . government proposed by the late convention. . . . [/V y] 1788. O 41-181 a Sequel to, and paged continuously with, his Observations, below. LEE, RICHARD H. Life of Arthur Lee. 399 a 6034 B 1829. O 2v: 431; 336 Lee — Legion LEE, RICHARD H. 6035 Memoir of the life of Richard Henry Lee By his grandson. Phil 1825. O 2v: 299; [2] 238. port a [LEE, RICHARD H.] 6036 Observations leading to a fair examination of . . . government proposed by the late con- vention NY 1777 [error for 1787]. O 40 a — issue 2, cor. dated — rptd., by order of a society of gentlemen, same impr., date & collat. A leading attack on the proposed Con- stitution. Lee feared the proposed govern- ment would degenerate into a bureaucracy, eventually into an aristocracy; he favored the individual states occupying the status of practically independent republics, loosely joined for such conveniences as foreign affairs, defense and coinage. LEE, ROBERT E. The early life, campaigns . . . of: By a dis- tinguished southern journalist. See Pollard, Edw. A. LEE, GENERAL ROBERT E. 6037 Report of: and subordinate reports of the battle of Chancellorsville Rich 1864. O 144 [6] a LEE, GENERAL ROBERT E. 6038 Report of: of operations at Rappahonnock bridge. . ..Rich 1864. O 61 a LEE, ROBERT E. 6039 Reports of the operations of the Army of Northern Virginia from June 1862, to. . . Dec. 13, 1862. Rich 1864. O 2v: 627; 602 a LEE, SUSAN P. 6040 Memoirs of William Nelson Pendleton. Phil 1893. O 490 port a Only biography of Lee's artillery chief. [LEE, WILLIAM, American consul 6041 at Bordeaux] Les fitats-Unis et l'Angleterre, ou souvenirs et reflexions. . . .Bordeaux 1814. O 346 [4] a Maintains that the current war, provoked by England, would be won by the United States, whose cause was that of all con- tinental Europe. LEE, WILLIAM [of Eng.]. 6042 The true and interesting travels of:. . . . York Eng [ca 1782]. D 32 [incl. cover & col. front.] c GaU [only copy known] — rptd. L [1808]. D 40 [incl. cover & front.] bLC Y Came to America in 1768 and travelled through the back settlements as far south as Georgia, where he remained two years. LEE COUNTY [ILL.] 6043 Recollections of the pioneers of: Dixon 1893. O 583[incl.pls] a LEECH, SAMUEL 6044 Thirty years from home . . . the experience of: who was for six years in the British and American navies. ... B 1843. 16° 305[incl. front. J a — rptd. B 1844. same collat. — Eng. ed. L 1845. — other Am. eds.: B 1847; B n.d. LEEPER, DAVID R. 6045 The argonauts of 'forty-nine . . . recol- lections of the plains and the diggings. . . . So Bend 1894. O 146 [l6] errata slip a — rptd. Columbus O 1950. LEESON, M[ICHAEL] A. 6046 Documents and biography pertaining to the settlement. . . of Stark County, Illinois .... Chi 1887. Q 708 a [LEESON, MICHAEL A.] ed. 6047 History of Montana, 1739-1885. Chi 1885. Q 1367 map many pis a [LE FEBRE, H. B.] 6048 The "Soapy" Smith tragedy. Skagway 1907. obi Q 24 2pls a Stirring events on the Alaska frontier in 1898, final killing of Smith and dispersal of his outlaw gang. LEFFERTS, CHARLES M. 6049 Uniforms of the American, British, French and German armies in the . . . revolution. Ed. by Alexander J. Wall. N Y 1926. Q [&] 289 50col.pls a 500copies ptd. LE FRANC, fMILE 6050 La verite sur l'esclavage et l'union aux Etats-Unis. N O 1861. O [2] 227 a LEFTWICH, W. M. 6051 Martyrdom in Missouri. ...St L 1870. D 2v: 436; 445. port a LEGARD, A[LLAYNE] B. 6052 Colorado. L 1872. D [4] 170 a LEGENDS Legends of a log-cabin. By a western man. See Gilman, Chandler R. LEGGETT, MAJOR ABRAHAM 6053 The narrative of: of the army of the revolution NY 1865. O [2] 72 port a LEGION (THE) 6054 Legion (The) of liberty! and force of truth NY 1842. 16° [208] map pi a 337 Legion — Lemon Some copies of this and later editions were issued with next entry, intended as a continuation. LEGION 6055 Legion of liberty (The). Remonstrance. . . to the Texas rebellion. . . .Alb 1843. D variously paged: [60], [64], [72] and [l68] a — ed. 2, with adds., N Y 1843. D 371 Many later editions, some entitled "The anti-Texass[sfcJ legion," some issued with entry next above, of which it was a continuation. LEHMANN, HERMANN Nine years among the Indians. See under Jones, Jonathan H. LEIDING, HARRIETTE K. 6056 Historic houses of South Carolina. Phil 1911. O [20] 318 map lOOpls a [LEIGH, BENJAMIN W. 1 6057 The letters of Algernon Sydney in defence of civil liberty Rich 1830. O [8] 50 55-65 a [LEIGH, SIR EGERTON]? 6058 Considerations on certain political trans- actions of the province of South Carolina L 1774. o[4] 83 a This analysis of colonial discord — possibly by William H. Drayton — elicited An answer to Considerations on certain political transactions. . . , q.v. LEIGH, SIR EGERTON 6059 The man unmasked: or, the world unde- ceived, in the author of. . . "Extracts from the proceedings of the . . . court of Vice- Admiralty in Charlestown, South Carolina" Charleston S C 1769. O 154 44 16 [l] c AA BA NYP PhilL LEIGH, FRANCES [BUTLER] 6060 Ten years on a Georgia plantation since the war. L 1883. O 347 a By the daughter of Fanny Kemble. LEIGH, WILLIAM R. 6061 The western pony. N Y Huntington press [1933]. Q 116 [2] 6col.pls[incl. extra signed pi laid in] a — rptd. N Y Harper [l935]. same collat., but no extra pi LEISTE, CHRISTIAN 6062 Beschreibung des Brittischen Amerika zur Ersparung der englischen Karten. Nebst einer Special-Karte der mittleren . . . Colo- nien. Daselbst 1778. D [20] 571 map a — anr. ed. Braunschweig 1778. same collat. LELAND, ALONZO 6063 New map of the mining regions of Oregon and Washington . . . with a sketch of the mines S F 1863. O 22 + adv-1. fold. map b B Y Lonly copies known] [LELAND, CHARLES G. 1 6064 Ye book of copperheads. Phil 1863. O [2] 25pls a LELAND, CHARLES G. 6065 The Union Pacific railway, or, three thousand miles in a railway car. Phil 1867. O 95 a LELAND, JOHN The Virginia chronicle. 6066 .Norfolk 1790. 16° 45 [3]~a — anr. ed. Fredkbg 1790. O 46 [2] A seven-page poem, with same title, but a different work, was issued by this author at Norfolk the previous year. LELEWEL, JOACHIM ^ 6067 Geographie du moyen age. Brus 1850-2-7. 3v & Epilogue [i.e., 4vT: [20 136] 186; [4] 243; [4] 220 112; [4 8] 308. 18maps & pis + atlas obi. Q [l8] 16 30 49sheets of maps b N Y 1 LE MASCRIER, L'ABBE JEAN B.l ed. 6068 Memoires historiques sur la Louisiane . . . depuis l'annee 1687. . . composes sur les memoires de M. Dumont, par M. L. L. M. P 1753. D 2v: [l4] 261; [4] 338. map 4illus [on 2pls] 5plans [on 4pls] b BA MH N NYP Y Carries the history of this colony from La Salle's death, 1687, to 1740. Written by the abbe Le Mascrier from the MS. memoir of an officer resident there for 25 years; hence the Dumont must have been Dumont de Montigny and not George Marie Butel-Dumont, to whom it is usually ascribed. LEMLEY, JOHN 6069 Autobiography. . . of: Rockford III 1870. O 64 a [called ed. 2, but first in book form] — complete ed. Rockford 1875-8. D 400 port — rptd. Alb 1885-6. D Mid-western experiences, 1852-1868. LEMMON, D. F. 6070 The ancient capital of Indiana: Corydon .... New Alb 1891. O 47 pis a LE MOINE, J. M. 6071 Le massacre au Fort George. La memoire de Montcalm vengee. . . . Quebec 1864. D 91 a Contemporary documents proving Mont- calm guiltless in this matter. LEMON, J. R. 6072 Hand book of Marshall county [Ky.]. Benton Ky 1894. O 160 port a Lendrum — Le Rouge LENDRUM, JOHN 6073 A concise . . . history of the American revolution B 1795. D 2v: [8] 13-344; [8] 13-412 a — ed. 2, Phil 1795. — rptd. Trent 1811. D 2v: [2] 415; fe] 228. — anr. ed., with omissions, Exeter 1836. 16° 2v LENNOX, MARY, pseud. Ante bellum; southern life as it was. See Cook, Mrs. Mary L. (Redd). LE NOIR, JEAN The democrat; or, intrigues and adven- tures of:. . . . See Pye, Henry J. LENOX, EDWARD H. 6074 Overland to Oregon . . . history of the first emigration ... in 1843. Oakland 1904. o[lo] 69 port map a LENZ, T. W. 6075 Reise nach Saint Louis am Mississippi Weimar 1838. D [l2] 251 a Author spent fourteen months in Illinois and Missouri. LEON COUNTY, FLORIDA 6076 A descriptive pamphlet. Tallahassee 1881. 32 a [LEONARD, H. L. W.I 6081 Oregon Territory. . . . [cover t.: History of Oregon Territory ] Clev 1846. D [4] 88 dd G Y[of 3 copies known] LEONARD, JOHN W. 6082 The gold fields of the Klondike Chi 1897. D 216 front, map a — Eng. ed., same collat. L [l897]. LEONARD, LEVI W. 6083 The history of Dublin, N. H. B 1855. O [8] 433 map 25ports a — enl. ed., same impr. 1920. O [26] 1018 pis LEONARD, ZENAS 6084 Narrative of adventures. Clearfield Pa 1839. O [4] 87 dd N AA Y — anr. ed. same impr. [ca 1885]. O 106 [3] a — rptd., with notes by W. F. Wagner, Clev 1904. O 317 map 5pls Completely trustworthy account of Rocky Mountain trapping, 1831-7, including ex- periences with Walker's expedition from Salt Lake to California, 1833, of which it is the chief first-hand authority. LEONHART, RUDOLPH 6085 Erinnerungen an Neu Ulm. . . in Minnesota, 1862. Pitt 1880. O 46 + cov.t. a [LEONARD, CHARLES C.] 6077 History of Pithole Pithole City Pa 1867. 16° 106 a Early times in the oil region. Pithole had, during its boom, 16,000 people; it exists no more. [LEONARD, DANIEL] 6078 Massachusettensis [b 1775]. O 118 b AA NYP — rptd., in part, "The present political state of . . . Massachusetts-Bay. . . ," N Y 1775. O [2] 86 a — anr. N Y ed. "The origin of the American contest. . . ," same date & collat. — Eng. ed., all of the letters, "Massa- chusettensis. . . ," L 1776. O [8] 118; 3 other Eng. eds., same yr. Most influential early Tory attempt to de- fend England's conduct. Ascribed at the time to Jonathan Sewall. For later edition, see Adams, John, Novanglus. . . . [LEONARD, DANIEL] 6079 Strictures upon the three executive de- partments of the . . . United States. . . . n.p. 1792. O 32 a LE PAGE DU PRATZ 6086 Histoire de la Louisiane. . . . P 1758. D 3v: [16] 359 incl.errata; [4] 441; [4] 454. map plan 40pls a —Eng. tr. [abr.] L 1763. D 2v: [4, 50, 8] 368; 18] 272. 2maps — new ed. L 1774. O [8, 36] 387 2maps a — anr, issue differs only in having prelim, p. [2, 36] — Am. ed. "An account of Louisiana.. . ," Newbern 1804. 18° [4] 272 118 [2] b N — anr. ed., with index, "The history of Louisiana. . . ," N O 1947. O [26] 376 Relation, based on a residence from 1718 to 1734, valuable for showing French claims to southern territory east of the Mississippi and for particulars concerning Indian nations there. LE ROUGE, GEORGES L., pub. Atlas ameriquain septentrional. . . .P 1778. See Jefferys, Thos., A general topography LE ROUGE, GEORGES L. Pilote americain. . . .See Jefferys, Thos., The North American pilot. LEONARD, DAVID A. 6080 LE ROUGE, GEORGES L. 6087 An oration. . . on the late acquisition of Recueil des plans de 1'Amerique Septen- Louisiana. Newport 1804. O 30 a trionale. P 1755. O [2] 18maps 2pls a 339 Le Roy — Letter LE ROY (BILLY), the Colorado bandit See Daggett, Thos. F. LESLIE (FRANK) 6088 Leslie (Frank) and wife. A full account of: Virginia City Nev 1878. O 24 a Probably suppressed for its scandalous details. LESQUEREUX, LEO 6089 Lettres ecrites d'Amerique, destinees aux emigrants. Neuchatel 1849-50. O 116 a — rptd. with suppl. dated 1854-5, Neuchatel 1851. O 258 — anr. ed. Neuchatel 1853. O [4] 300 LESSEPS, BARON JEAN B. B. DE 6090 Journal historique du voyage de: . . . em- ploye dans l'expedition de . . . La Perouse P 1790. O 2v: [l4] 280; [4] 380 [6], 2 maps pi a — Eng. ed. "Travels in Kamtschatka. . . 1787-8," L 1790. O 2v: [l6] 283; [8] 408. map — Dutch tr. Utrecht 1792. O 2v — Ger. tr., by Forster, Berlin 1791. O 304 — anr. Ger. tr., by Villaume, Riga 1791. D 2v in 1 map LESTER, C[HARLES] EDWARDS 6091 Sam Houston and his republic. N Y 1846. O 208 port[not in all copies] a — anr. ed., no au. named, "The life of Sam Houston. . ." N Y 1855. D 402 [inch port] LESTER, JOHN C, and WILSON, D. L. Ku Klux Klan. Its origin, growth and disbandment. Nashv 1884. D 117 a —rptd. N Y & Wash 1905. D 198 [lo] Lester was one of the ten founding fathers of this order. 6092 — ed. 2, same impr., collat. & date — anr. ed. Dub 1760. O 42 — Am. eds.: B Fowle & Draper 1760. O 43; B Mecom 1760. O 55 Attributed to John Douglas, William Pulteney and Junius. For Remarks [on this Letter], see Townshend, Charles. LETTER (A) Letter (A) from a merchant in London to his nephew in North America. . . . See Tucker, Josiah. LETTER (A) 6096 Letter (A) from a merchant in . . . London, to . . . W. . . P. . . , Esq.; upon the affairs and commerce of North America. . . . L 1757. D 98 a LETTER (A) Letter (A) from a Russian sea-officer. . . . See Muller, Gerhard F. LETTER (A) Letter (A) from a Virginian to the mem- bers of the Congress to be held at Phila- delphia. . . . See Boucher, Jonathan. LETTER (A) 6097 Letter (A) from an officer retired, to his son in parliament. L 1776. O [4] 38 a — rptd. Edin same date. D [4] 30 Urges vigorous prosecution of the war. LETTER 6098 Letter from Britannia to the King. L 1781. O 61 a LETTER (A) Letter (A) from Freeman of South Caro- lina, to the deputies. . . . See Drayton, Wm. H. J L'ESTRANGE, W. D. 6093 Under fourteen flags . . . life and adven- tures of Brigadier-General Mac Iver. . . . L 1884. D 2v in 1: [lO] 260; [6] 251. port a — rptd. L n.d. D 344 In addition to exploits in India, Europe, Cuba, Mexico and the Argentine, there is a lengthy but dubious account of cavalry services of this Scotch soldier of fortune under Stonewall Jackson and "Jeb" Stuart. LETCHER, MONTGOMERY E. 6094 Wonderful discovery! . . . exploration of the celebrated Mammoth cave. ...NY 1839. D 24 a LETTER (A) 6095 Letter (A) addressed to two great men [i.e. Pitt and the Duke of Newcastle], on the prospect of peace; and on the terms to be insisted on L 1760. O [2] 56 a LETTER (A) Letter (A) on American history. See Reed, Wm. B. LETTER (A) Letter (A) to a friend in a slave state. By a citizen of Pennsylvania. See Ingersoll, Chas. LETTER (A) Letter (A) to a friend in the country, on the late expedition to Canada. . . . 1712. See Dummer, Jeremiah. LETTER (A) 6099 Letter (A) to a great M. . . r, on the pros- pect of a peace L 1761. O [2] 148 a Argues that Louisiana and the Ohio coun- try would be of more economic and tactical value than Canada. 340 Letter — Letters LETTER (A) Letter (A) to a member of Congress; re- specting the alien and sedition laws. See Tucker, St. Geo. LETTER (A) 6100 Letter (A) to a member of Parliament, on the importance of the American colonies. . . . L 1757. O 24 a LETTER (A) 6101 Letter (A) to a member of Parliament on the present unhappy dispute. . . . L 1774. O [2] 47 a Upholds the supremacy of Parliament. LETTER (A) 6102 Letter (A) to a member of Parliament, wherein the power of the British legislature, and the case of the colonists, are. ..con- sidered. L 1765. O [2] 30 a Supports parliamentary claims, but ques- tions the wisdom of the Stamp act. LETTER Letter to a member of the general as- sembly of Virginia, on the . . . late con- spiracy of the slaves. . . .See Tucker, St. Geo. LETTER (A) Letter (A) to a noble lord concerning the late expedition to Canada. . . . 1712. See Dummer, Jeremiah. LETTER (A) Letter (A) to a young officer. By an offi- cer of the British army. See Drewe, Maj. Edward. LETTER (A) Letter (A) to an English gentleman on the Libels and calumnies on America. . . .See Walsh, Robt. LETTER (A) 6103 Letter (A) to an honourable Brigadier- General, commander in chief. . . in Canada. I 1760. O [2] 32 a Attack on Lord George Townsend's con- iuct after his succession to Wolfe. At- tributed to General Charles Lee, to Thomas Pownall and to "Junius." Answered by Ed- ward Thurlow, q.v. LETTER (A) Letter (A) to . . . John Wesley occasioned ay his Calm address. . . . See Evans, Caleb. LETTER Letter to. . . the Duke of Newcastle] c he present crisis in the affairs of Great Britain. L [l76l]. O 48 a 6104 Suggests attacking New Orleans and se- curing Louisiana. LETTER (A) 6105 Letter (A) to the English nation, on the present war with America; with a review of our military operations . . . impossibility of reducing the colonies and the folly of con- tinuing the contest. ... By an officer re- turned from that service. L 1777. O [4] 59 a LETTER (A) 6106 Letter (A) to the gentlemen of the com- mittee of London merchants, trading to North America. . . . L 1766. O 30 a Points oat the damage to British trade which will result from the Stamp Act and other colonial restrictions. LETTER (A) 6107 Letter (A) to the noblemen . . . who have addressed His Majesty on the subject of the American rebellion. L 1776. O 37 a The colonies must be kept in subjugation. LETTER (A) Letter (A) to the people of America, lately printed at New York See Gallo- way, Jos. LETTER (A) 6108 Letter (A) to the people of England on the necessity of putting an immediate end to the war. . . . L 1760. O [2] 54 a LETTER (A) Letter (A) to the people of England on the present situation. . . , See Shebbeare, John. LETTER (A) 6109 Letter (A) to the people of Great-Britain in answer to that published by the American Congress. L 1775. O 59 a LETTER (A) 6110 Letter (A) to the Right Honourable Lord M. . . . , on the affairs of America. From a member of Parliament. L 1775. O 38 a LETTERS Letters addressed to the hon. George Poindexter. ... By Castigator & Philo- Castigator. See Marschalk, Andrew. LETTERS Letters and dissertations on various sub- jects. . . . See Crowley, Thos. LETTERS 6111 Letters from America, 1776-1779. .. of Brunswick, Hessian and Waldeck officers .... Tr. by R. W. Pettingill. B 1924. O [26] 281 a 450copies ptd. 341 Letters — Lettres LETTERS Letters from North America. . . . 1855. See Moor, Rev. Allen P. LETTERS Letters from the south. . . 1816. See Pauld- ing, James K. LETTERS 6112 Letters from the United States, exhibiting the working of democracy therein for the last twenty years. By an Anglo-American L 1844. O 59 a LETTERS Letters lately published. . . on the sub- ject of the present dispute with Spain, under the signature of Verus. See Webb, Francis. LETTERS (THE) Letters (The) of a British spy. . . . See Wirt, Wm. LETTERS Letters of Papinian 1779. See Inglis, Chas. LETTERS Letters of the southern spy. . . . See Pollard, Edw. A. LETTERS (THE) Letters (The) of Veritas See Richard- son, John. LETTERS Letters of Verus ... to the native Ameri- can. See Yrujo y Tacon, Carlos M. LETTERS 6113 Letters on American affairs. n.p. [l769]. O 48 a LETTERS Letters on emigration. By a gentleman lately returned from America. See Hodgkin- son, John. LETTERS Letters on justice. . . .See Dessausure, Henry W. LETTERS Letters on the condition of the African race in the United States. By a southern lady. See Schoolcraft, Mrs. Henry R. LETTERS (THE) Letters (The) on the . . . naval war with America which appeared. .. under the signa- ture of Nereus. See Croker, John Wilson. LETTERS Letters on the present disturbances in Great Britain and her American provinces. See Ramsay, Allan. LETTERS Letters on the subject of southern wrongs and remedies. See Robertson, John. LETTERS Letters to a nobleman on the conduct of the war in the middle colonies. See Gallo- way, Jos. LETTERS 6114 Letters to an officer, stationed at an in- terior post [Michilmackinac]. . . . L 1773. 16° [6] 111 a Fiction; and of no historical interest. LETTERS Letters to the citizens of the United States. [capt.t.J [Signed GermanicusJ. See Randolph, Edmund. LETTERS 6115 Letters written in London by an American spy, 1764-5. L 1786. D [22] 167 a — rptd. L 1791. D LETTRE Lettre a Napoleon III sur l'esclavage aux etats du sud, par un Creole de la Louisiane. See Musson, Eugene. LETTRE Lettre de Mr a Mr. S. B. . . . au sujet des troubles qui agitent. . . l'Amerique Septentrionale. See Pinto, Isaac. LETTRE Lettre d'un officier de la marine Rus- sienne. . . . See Muller, Gerhard F. LETTRES t 6116 Lettres curieuses sur l'Amerique Septen- trionale, Canada. P 1845. D [22] 264 a Includes 17th century letters on the Mississippi. LETTRES Lettres d'un membre du Congress ameri- quain, a divers membres du Parlement. . . . See Vincent, N. LETTRES 6117 Lettres edifiantes. . . des missions etrangeres par. , . missionaires de la Com- pagnie de Jesus. P [l702?]-1776. D 34v maps pis b NYP — anr. ed., arranged systematically, P 1780-83. D 26v[27 when maps & pis are bound in separate vol. J a 342 Letts — Lewis — rptd. Toulouse 1810-11. D 26v & O vol of maps & pis a — other Fr. eds.: P 1808-09. O 8v; Lyons 1819. O 14 v 50maps & pis; P 1824-26. O 8v; P 1838-43. Q 4v: [l2] 820; [4] 807; [4] 844; [4] 723; P 1861. O 3v: P 1875-77. O 4v — Eng. eds. See "The travels of several learned missioners. . . ," and Lockman, John, "Travels of the Jesuits." — Ger. tr., with adds., see Stocklein, Jos. — Ital. tr. Milan 1825-29. O 6v — Sp. tr. "Cartas edificantes. . . ," Madrid 1753-57. O 16v 16fold.pls Includes reports covering New York, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin and the southwest. Of the original edition, some of the earlier volumes were reprinted; no volumes were issued between 1758 and 1773. [LETTS, J. M.] 6118 California illustrated. . . . By a returned Californian. N Y Holredge 1852. O 224 48 pis a — anr. issue, au. named, N Y Young, —rptd. 1853. — anr. ed. "Pictorial view of California," N Y Bill 1853. Number of plates vary in copies of all issues but 48 is the proper complement. LEVASSEUR, AUGUSTE 6119 Lafayette en Amerique . . . ou journal d'un voyage aux £tats-Unis. P 1829. O 2v: [8] 509; [4] 632. map llpls[t-p calls for 12, but only 11 issued] a — rptd. Brus 1829. D 3v —Eng. tr. Phil 1829. D 2v: [6] 9-227; [4] 9-265 a — anr. issue, N Y 1829. D 2v: 227 [2]; 284 [2] — Ger. tr. Naumburg 1829. O 870 [2] port — Dutch tr. Zutphen 1831. O 2v LEVANS, H. C, et al 6120 History of Cooper county, Missouri. St L 1876. O 231 errata 1. a LEVINGE, RllCHARO] G. A. 6121 Echoes from the backwoods; or sketches of trans-Atlantic life. L 1846. D 2v: [l8] 294; [6] 258 + 14adv-p. 6pls a — several later eds.: 1847; 1849; 1859; 1860. LEVY, DANIEL 6122 Les Francais en Californie. . . .S F 1884. O [10] 373 a LEWIS AND DRYDEN'S. . . HISTORY Lewis and Dryden's marine history of the Pacific northwest. . . . See Wright, Edgar W. LEWIS, ALONZO 6123 History of Lynn. Lynn 1829-30. O 260 4ports a — ed. 2, with adds., B 1844. O 278 2pls — best ed., with adds, by James R. New- hall, B 1865-92. O 2v LEWIS, ANDREW 6124 The orderly book of that portion of the American army. . . under:. . . . Rich 1860. O [16] 100 100copies[l0 on L. P.] a LEWIS, CATHERINE 6125 Narrative of some of the proceedings of the Mormons. . . . Lynn 1848. O 24 a — rptd. same impr. 1853. O 16 LEWIS, CHARLES E. 6126 Two lectures on a short visit to America. L 1876. O 106 a Penetrated as far as Chicago. LEWIS, DAVID 6127 The confession. . . of: . . . celebrated counterfeiter and robber. . . . Carlisle Pa 1820. D 62 a — rptd. Newville Pa 1890. O 84 LEWIS, FREEMAN, and VEECH, JAMES The Monongahela of old. . . .See Veech, James. LEWIS, GEORGE 6128 Impressions of America and the American churches. . . . Edin 1845. D [8] 432 a LEWIS, MRS. HANNAH 6129 Narrative of the captivity and sufferings of: and her three children, who were taken prisoners by the Indians, near St. Louis, on the 25th May, 1815 B 1817. D 24[incl. pl] a — ed. 2, same collat., B 1817. — ed. 3, same collat., B 1818. — anr. ed. B 1821. For a later distortion of this questionable narrative, see similar title under Lewis, Mrs. Jane; for note as to authorship, see Hall, Misses Frances and Almira. LEWIS, HENRY 6130 Das illustrirte Mississippithal . . . vom Wasserfalle zu St. Anthony an bis zum Golf von Mexico. . ..Dusseldorf [1854-8]. Q 431 79pls, incl. pictorial 1/2 t. [t-p calls for 80 pis, which no. was arrived at by counting as 2pls the double-p. view of New Orleans], dd N NYP — rptd. Leip 1923. large O 2ports eng.t. 78 col. pis a — Eng. ed. [see note below]. Phil. 1854 a Originally issued in 20 installments, con- sequently bound copies vary in the matter of placing plates. Some plates having titles in 343 Lewis — Lewis English are explainable as being strays from the simultaneously begun, but not com- pleted, English version, apparently aban- doned after the third installment, as no more parts have been located; these parts end at page 76 and contain 12 plates. Some copies of the German edition carry, in place of the undated title-page [with its misleading in- dication that the text descriptions were both written and translated by Douglas], a cor- rected one dated 1858 in which he is credited only with being the translator. [LEWIS, HENRY C] 6131 Odd leaves from the life of a Louisiana "swamp doctor." Phil Carey & Hart [l843]. D [lO] 21-203 pis a — jptd. Phil [1846]: 1850; 1852. — anr. ed., together with John S. Robb's "Streaks of squatter life," Phil Peterson [1858]. O 2v in 1: [8] 21-203; 187. 14pls [incl.eng.t] LEWIS, J. C. 6132 Black Beaver, the trapper. . . . n.p. [l91l]. O 58 a editor]. Phil 1814. O 2v: [28] 470; [9] 522. 5charts map[not issued with all copies] bds. dd S calf b N NYP Y — abr. ed., with introd. added, N Y 1842. 16° 2v: [6J 372;[l0] 9-396. map 5charts pi a — Eng. eds., some omissions, pref. by Thomas Rees added, L 1814. Q [24] 663 map 5charts[on 3 sheets] a; rptd. L 1815. O 3v: [28] 411; [12] 434; [12] 394. map Scharts; same, L 1817. — Irish ed. Dub 1817. O 2v: [38] 588; [l8] 3-643. map 5charts pi b N Issued also in 42 pts, wraps, c NYP Y — many later Am. eds., the most scholarly being that ed. by Coues, annotated and in- dexed, N Y 1893. O 4v 2ports 8maps same, on L.P. a — Ger. tr. Weimar 1814. O 362 map — Dutch tr. Dordrecht 1816-18. O 3v: [32] 308; [8] 390; [8] 335. map First authorized and complete account of the most important western exploration and the first of many overland narratives to follow. Less than 2000 copies printed of the original edition. LEWIS, J[AMES] 0. 6133 The aboriginal port-folio. Phil 1835. F 10nos.[t-p with no. 10] 72col.ports[in ordinary copies, but some copies contain 77, and a few have 80] c — bound form, Phil 1835-6. b AA N NYP Y — ed. 2, Phil 1836. b NYP Y Three leaves of Advertisement were issued with the original parts and con- stitute, with title leaf, all the text material that appeared. LEWIS, MRS. JANE 6134 Narrative of the captivity and . . . escape of: . . . who, with a son and daughter. . . and an infant babe, were made prisoners. . . by a party of Indians . . . commanded by Black Hawk. . . . [N Y] 1833. O 24[incl. front] cov. t.only a — rptd. N Y 1834. same collat. Cf. a similar title under Lewis, Mrs, Hannah, of which this is probably a garbled version; the date of capture is advanced seven years to take advantage of current interest in Black Hawk's activities. [LEWIS, JOHN D.] 6135 Across the Atlantic. L 1851. D 274 a LEWIS, MERIWETHER, and 6136 CLARK, WILLIAM History of the expedition under: 1804-5-6. [Prepared for publication, from material supplied by the explorers, by Nicholas Biddle, not by Paul Allen who is named as LEWIS, CAPTAIN MERIWETHER, 6137 and ORDWAY, SERGEANT JOHN Journals of : . . . 1803-1806. Ed. by M. M. Quaife. Madison 1916. O 444 3maps 7pls 3 facs a LEWIS, [MERIWETHER], and 6138 CLARK, [WILLIAM] Message of the President [Jefferson]. .. communicating discoveries. . .by Captains Lewis and Clark, Dr. Sibley and Mr. Dunbar Wash 1806. O 171 [7] map [in some copies] 2tabs. Issued by both House and Senate; House issue — possibly earlier — states "Read and ordered to lie on the table"; the other issue reads "Printed by order of the Senate." dd G Y copies without map c — with t. altered, Natchez 1806. O 64 64- 127 127-166 159-177 c N Y — with app. omitted, N Y 1806. O 128 fold. tab b Y — with title altered, L 1807. O [24] 17-116 fold. tab a Though meager in information on Lewis and Clark, this was the first book giving any of their activities. The map, by Nicholas King, who is also supposed to have prepared this material for publication, was of the lower trans-Mississippi, drawn from Dun- bar's survey, and is found in only a few copies. The Sibley-Dunbar descriptions of the Texas-Louisiana frontier gave the first formal and satisfactory picture of the southern portion of the Louisiana Purchase. 344 Lewis — Ligeret De Chazy LEWIS, [MERIWETHER], and 6139 CLARK, [WILLIAM] Original journals. . . . Ed. by Thwaites. N Y 1904-05. O 8v [incl. atlas of 56maps & pis on 62sheets] b NYP Y — also issued on L.P. Q 15v 200sets, each on Jap. veil. & on Van Gelder paper b Y — 50sets on Imperial Jap. paper c The most elaborate work on this expedition. LEWIS, MERIWETHER, and CLARK, WILLIAM Die Reisen du: See below, Travels of Lewis and Clark. . . . LEWIS, [MERIWETHER], and 6140 CLARK, [WILLIAM] Travels of: . . . compiled from various authentic sources. . . . Phil 1809. D 300 map 5pls a — same, with slight omissions & no pis, L 1809. O [9] 309 map a — anr. ed. "Journal. ..." Dayton O 1840. D 240 [incl. 3 pis" trs. [abr.]: Libanon [sic] Pa 1811. D 60 4pls d; Frederick Md 1811. D 64 c NYP; Frederick 1812. D [t-p calls for port, but none issued] b NYP Unauthorized or "counterfeit" edition — culled from Jefferson's message, Carver, Mackenzie, and Gass. See also Fisher, William. LEWIS, SETH 6141 Abolitionism reviewed. . . . n. p. n.d. D [2] 76 a [LEWIS, MRS. THOMAS B. I 6142 What I have saved from the writings of my husband. S F 1874. O 64 59 a Mining experiences, Indian wars, etc., in Montana and elsewhere. Ohio, but negotiations with the Scioto Com- pany fell through and he returned to France after a year's residence in Pennsylvania. [L'HfRITIER, LOUIS F.] 6147 Le Champ-d'Asile: tableau topographique et historique du Texas P 1819. O [8] 247 a — anr. issue, same collat., except has 8 additional prelim, p. P 1819. — ed. 2, same collat. as preceding, but with fold, map added, P 1819. LIBERTY (THE) 6148 Liberty (The) and property of British sub- jects asserted. . . . L 1726. O 39 a Complaints by a Charlestonian against the policy of Carolina's proprietary government. LIEBER, FRANCIS, ed. 6149 Letters to a gentleman in Germany, written after a trip from Philadelphia to Niagara. Phil 1834. O 356 a — rptd. "The stranger in America. . . ," Phil 1835. O 356 — Eng. ed. L 1835. D 2v: M 301; [6] 310 LIENHARD, HEINRICH 6150 Californien, unmittelbar vor nach der Entdeckung des Goldes. . . . Zurich 1898. O 318 port a — Eng. tr.[in part], "A pioneer at Sutter's fort," L A 1941. O [28] 291 6pls In Sutter's employ, 1847. LIFE Life and adventures in the South Pacific. By a roving printer. See Jones, G. D. LIFE Life and manners in the United States. By a traveller. See Dwight, Theo. LEWIS, VIRGIL A. 6143 History of West Virginia. Phil 1889. O [l6 incl. front.] 19-744 3ports a LIFE Life in the south. ... By a blockaded British subject. . . . See Hopley, Cath, C. LEWIS, JUDGE WILLIAM Biographical sketch of. Dallas 1882. O 92 a 6144 Sam Houston LEWIS, WILLIAM S. 6145 The story of early days in the Big Bend country. Spokane 1926. O 35 2pls a 100 copies ptd. LEZAY-MARNEZIA, CLAUD 6146 FRANCOIS ADRIEN, MARQUIS DE Lettres ecrites des rives de l'Ohio. P [1801?]. O [8] 144 b IndH NYP Suppressed because of its denunciation of the French government. The author con- templated establishing a French colony in LIFE 6151 Life in the west; back-wood leaves and prairie flowers. . . . L 1842. D [l2] 363 3pls a — ed. 2, same collat., L 1843. The anonymous author's travels extended to western New York, Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin. LIFE Life on the lakes. . . . See Gilman, Chandler R. LIGERET DE CHAZY, MME. EL^ONORE Les Creoles, reponse a Mme. fort. [N O 1855?]. D 42 a 6152 345 Lillie — Lind LILLIE, GORDON W. ["PAWNEE 6153 BILL"], and TUCKER, J. B. Condensed topographical handbook of the Cherokee strip. . . . Arkansas City Kas 1892. O 50 b LILY (THE) Lily (The) and the totem. Wm. G. See Simms, LINCOLN, ABRAHAM Lincoln, Abraham: a study. Liv 1865. See Young, Rob't. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM 6154 Lincoln, Abraham, as attorney for the Illinois Central. . . . [Chi 1905]. Q 38 port facs a [LINCOLN, ABRAHAM] 6155 The assassination and history of the con- spiracy. . . . Cin Hawley & Co. [l865]. O [l2] 21-163 a LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, and 6156 DOUGLAS, STEPHEN A. Debates between:. . . . Columbus 1860. O [4] 268 — issue 1: no rule immediately above pub's impr. on copyr. p., no advs, "2" at bottom of p. 13 a — several later issues, same yr., most de- sirable being state 5 of ed. 3, with letter from Douglas objecting to the publisher's alterations of his words. Historically the most important series of American political debates. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM Gettysburg address. See Everett, Edward, An oration. . . . LINCOLN, PRESIDENT, and 6157 COL. JOHN B. BALDWIN Interview between: . . . [concerning Ft. Sumter's evacuation]. Staunton Va 1866. O 28 a LINCOLN, ABRAHAM Das Leben von:. . . . Chi 1860. ChiH I11H [only copies known] 6158 LINCOLN, ABRAHAM Life of: [Chi I860]. See Scripps, John L. LINCOLN, ABRAM [sic] 6159 The life, speeches [etc.] of:. . . . With a sketch of the life of Hannibal Hamlin . /V Y 1860. D 117 port a — anr. issue, B 1860. Styled the "Wigwam Edition," this was the first life of Lincoln in book form. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, and HAMLIN, HANNIBAL Lives and speeches of: 1860. See Howells, Wm. D. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM A memoir of: L 1861. See Black, Rob't. LINCOLN (PRESIDENT) 6160 The terrible tragedy at Washington: assassination of:. . . . Phil Barclay 1865. O [2] 21-30 [2] 39-52 [2] 61-74 [2] 85-98 101-116 a — enl. ed. "The great conspiracy. .. ," Phil 1866. O 201 LINCOLN, ABRAHAM 6161 Trial of the assassins. . . for the murder of: Phil Barclay [l865]. O [6] 21-102 a — anr. issue, illus. of execution moved to p96 LINCOLN, ABRAHAM 6162 The trial of the assassins [etc.] for the murder of:. . . . Phil Peterson [l865]. O [2] 15-203 + 7adv-p a — anr. issue, enl. to 210p t-p of some copies has "alleged" before the word "assassins." LINCOLN (MRS. [ABRAHAM]) Behind the seams; by a nigger woman who took in work from:. . . .See Ottolengual, D. [LINCOLN, LEVI] 6163 A farmer's letter to the people. Phil 1802. O 95 a — anr. ed. "Letters to the people. By a farmer," Salem same date. O 102 LINCOLN, SOLOMON, JR. 6164 History of. . . Hingham. Hingham 1827. D 183 a LINCOLN, WALDO 6165 History of the Lincoln family. . . . Wor- cester Mass 1923. O [lo] 718 illus some copies have errata 1., issued later, inserted after prelim, pages a LINCOLN, WILLIAM S. 6166 Alton trials NY 1838. D 158 a [LIND, JOHN]? 6167 An answer to the declaration of the Ameri- can Congress. L 1776. O [20] 137 a — rptd., with omissions, first pub. ed., L 1776. O 132; 4 other eds., same yr. — anr. ed. Dub 1777. O [8] 88 — Fr. tr. L 1777. O [7] 124 [4]; Hague 1777. O 205 This was in reply to A declaration by the representatives of the united colonies . . . seting [sic] forth the causes ... 0/ their 346 Lind — Lippard taking up arms, published at Philadelphia, 1775, q.v. For similar reply, see Dalrymple, Sir John, The rights of Great Britain asserted. . . . [LIND, JOHN]? 6168 An Englishman's answer to the address from the delegates, to the people of Great- Britain. ...NY 1775. O [2] 26 a — rptd., in several eds., L 1776; Dub 1777. This was a reply to The twelve united colonies, by their delegates in Congress; to the people of Great-Britain, published at Philadelphia, New York and Newport the same year. [LIND, JOHN] 6169 A letter to the . . . Earl of Abingdon. . . . L 1778. O [12] 86 a Upholds the Earl's reply to Burke's Let- ter to the sheriffs of Bristol. [LIND, JOHN] 6170 Remarks on the principal acts of the thirteenth parliament Vol. l[all]. L 1775. O [20] 500 a — Ger. ed. "Anmerkungen uber die vornehm- sten Acten. . . ," Braunschweig 1778. O 334 Defends the stand taken by Parliament to coerce the colonies, but offers a plan of reconciliation. [LIND, JOHN]? 6171 Three letters to Dr. Price, containing re- marks on his Observations on the nature of civil liberty. . . and the justice and policy of the war in America. L 1776. O [22] 163 a LINDSAY, WILLIAM 6172 View of America. . . . Hawick Eng 1824. D 104 a LINDSEY, CHARLES 6173 The prairies of the western states. . . . Tor 1860. D 100 a Native prejudice, aggravated by the fact that his tour was made during a business depression caused by the 1857-8 specula- tion mania, combined to give this Canadian observer a dim view of Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois. LINDSEY, DOUGLAS Alaska; a complete. 1897. O 24 map a guide. 6174 Stockton LINDSLEY, AARON L. 6175 Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska, [port Ore 1879?]. O 73 a LINFORTH, JAMES [ed.] 6177 Route from Liverpool to Great Salt Lake valley Liv 1855. Q [8] 120 map 30pls b AA N NYP Y — anr. issue, in 15 monthly pts, dated 1854-5, t-p & contents with last pt. a slip "Notice to subscribers" in pt. 1. One of the most elaborately and beauti- fully illustrated of early western books. A large portion of the edition was water- damaged while in transit to New York. In some copies of the map Utah counties are hand-colored. LINGENFELTER, L. 6178 History of Fremont county [la. J. Hamburg la [1876]. 24° 62 a — rptd.: St Joseph Mo 1877. D 28; Hamburg 1935. LINN, E[LIZABETH] A., and 6179 SARGENT, N[ATHAN] The life and. . . services of Dr. Lewis F. Linn NY 1857. O 441 2pls a Senator from Missouri; largely instru- mental in securing occupation of Oregon and its territorial establishment. LINN, JOHN B. 6180 Annals of Buffalo valley LPa.J. Harrisburg 1887. O [2] 621 map 2pls a LINN, JOHN J. 6181 Reminiscences of fifty years in Texas. N Y 1883. D 369 errata slip port 2pls[incl. a view erroneously captioned "The Alamo" cor. to "Goliad" by an inserted overlay caption] a — rptd. Austin 1936. O 369 pis LINN, LEWIS F. 6182 Report of the . . . committee on the occupa- tion of Oregon Territory. [Sen. Doc.470j. Wash 1838. O 23 2maps a Asserts United States' rights to the re- gion and urges its occupation. [LINN, WILLIAM] 6183 Serious considerations on the election of a president. ...NY 1800. O 36 a — rptd., same date, Trenton. O 31 Jefferson shown unworthy of Christian support. LINN, WILLIAM A. 6184 The story of the Mormons. N Y 1902. O 637 a — rptd. same impr. &. collat. 1923. LINDSLEY, JOHN B. The military annals of Tennessee. Nash 1886. O 910 2pls a 6176 LIPPARD, GEORGE 6185 Adventures of the Texas rangers in the Mexican war. ...NY 1849. D 136 a 347 Lippard — Little LIPPARD, GEORGE 6186 Washington and his generals; or legends of the revolution. Phil 1847. O [4] 538 [27] a — several reprints, some with t. shortened to "Legends of the revolution." LIPPITT, FRANCIS J. 6187 Reminiscences of: Prov 1902. O 122 port a Coming to San Francisco with a military organization in 1847, Lippitt was the first commandant of the Presidio; later practised law there and was a leading spirit in the 1856 vigilance committee. LIPSCOMB, W| ILLIAMl L. 6188 A history of Columbus, Mississippi. Birm 1909. O 167 pis a LISBON 6189 Two very circumstantial accounts of the late dreadful earthquake at: . . . to which is added an account of the late earthquake in Boston. Ed. 2. B 1756. O 32 a The first edition did not include the Boston quake. lisianskii [lisiansky], 6190 iuriia[urey] Puteshestvie vokrug svieta v 1803-6 godakh . . . na korablie Nevie. . . . St Ptbg 1812. Q 581 + F atlas 14maps 3pls b Y — Eng. ed. "A voyage round the world. . . in the ship Neva. . . ," L 1814. Q [24] 388 8maps 6pls b N NYP WashU Y Highly important work on Sitka, Kodiak and other parts of the northwest coast. The author, commanding the "Neva," accom- panied the great Russian expedition under Krusenstem. L'ISLE, HERRN [GUILLAUME] VON Erklarung der Charte von neuen Ent- deckungen welche gegen Norden des Suder- Meers durch den: See Buache, Philip, Ex- plication de la carte. . . . L'ISLE, [JOSEPH NICOLAS] DE 6191 Nouvelles cartes des decouvertes de l'Amiral de Fonte, et autres navigateurs. . . dans les mers septentrionales. . . . P 1753. Q [4] 60 4maps b NYP Y — rptd. P 1754. Contains one of the earliest account of Bering's second voyage. Some copies have pagination extended to seventy-six by addition of a supplement relating to the passage of Mercury, May 6, 1753. LIST (A) 6192 List (A) of . . . His Majesty's land forces in North America. . . . [n Y Gaine 176l]. D 36 c NYP LIST (A) 6193 List (A) of the general and staff officers . . . serving in North America, under. . . Clinton. N Y 1779. O 65 b LITKE [LUTKE], FEDOREM 6194 [FREDERIC] P. Chetyrekratnoe puteshestvie v sievernyi Leodovityi Okean. . . ago na voennom brigie Nova Zemlia, v 1821-24. [Four voy- ages to the Arctic ocean. . . in the brig Nova Zembla]. St Ptbg 1828. Q 2v in 1: 581 37 maps & pis b Y LITKE [LUTKE], FEDOREM 6195 [FREDERIC] P. Puteschestvie vokrug svieta sovershennoe po povelieniiu Imp. Nikolaia I, na voennom shliupie Seniavinie v 1826-9. . . . St Ptbg 1834-5-6. Historical section [Q 3v: 294; 282; 270. 6pls 25views + atlas F 38 3maps 51pls]. Nautical section [Q 356 + atlas F [l2] 11 maps & plans 32views] d Y — Fr. ed. "Voyage autour du monde. . . sur la corvette le Seniavine . . . Partie Histor- ique " P [1835-6]. O 3v: [30] 410 [4]; fe] 388 [2]; [14] 352. 3maps plan plate + atlasfof 28p 3maps 51pls] F c NYP Y — Fr. tr. "Partie nautique," St Ptbg 1836. O [14] 344 [2] lOmaps 6pls c This Russian government expedition was designed to survey the new regions de- scribed by Bering and Kotzebue on the northwest coast, Bering's sea and the coastal islands. The plates, drawn by Kitt- litz and engraved by Englemann, are the most graphic and beautiful portrayals of scenery and humanity ever made of this region. For another account of this voyage see Kittlitz. LITTELL, WILLIAM 6196 An epistle. . . to the people of the realm of Kentucky. . . . Frankfort Ky 1806. D 40 b ChiU WisH This satire on certain public agitations was reprinted in his Festoons of fancy. 6197 Louisv 1814. O 180 LITTELL, WILLIAM Festoons of fancy, c ChiU NYP Y The first humorous book produced West of the Alleghanies. LITTELL, WILLIAM 6198 Political transactions in and concerning Kentucky, from the first settlement. . . . Frankf Ky 1806. O 81 [66] b A A KyH LC NYP LITTLE, GEORGE, and 6199 MAXWELL, JAMES R. A history of Lumsden's Battery, C S. A. Tuskaloosa n.d. O 70 front, a 348 Little — Livingston LITTLE, JAMES A. 6200 Biographical sketch of Feramorz Little. S L C 1890. O 191 a Had charge of the overland mail service from Laramie to Salt Lake, 1851-3. LITTLE, JAMES A. 6201 From Kirtland to Salt Lake City. S L C 1890. O 260 a Overland trail events, 1846-1852. LITTLE, JAMES A. 6202 Jacob Hamblen: a narrative of... experi- ence as a frontiersman. . . .S L C 1881. D 144 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1909. LITTLE, JAMES A. 6203 What I saw on the old Santa Fe trail. . . . Plainfield Ind [l904]. D [2] 127 front, a LITTLE, JOHN B. 6204 The history of Butler county, Alabama. . . 1815-1885. Cin 1885. D 256 map 7ports a LIVERMORE, SAMUEL T. 6213 History of Block Island Hart 1877. D 371 a This miniature democracy existed for 200 years without printing press or lawyers. LIVINGSTON, EDWARD 6214 Address to the people of the United States on the measures . . . with respect to the batture at New Orleans. ...NO 1808. O [50] 50 15 [30] 68 [75] a LIVINGSTON, EDWARD 6215 An answer to Mr. Jefferson's justification of his conduct in the case of the New- Orleans batture. Phil 1813. O [l2] 187 2 maps a LIVINGSTON, EDWARD, ESQ. Examination of the claims of the United States and of the pretensions of: to the batture [at New Orleans], See Thierry, J. B. S. LITTLE, JOHN P. 6205 Richmond, the capital of Virginia: its history. Rich 1851. O 102 pis a LITTLE, LUCIUS P. 6206 Ben Hardin: his times and contemporaries. Louisv 1887. O [22] 640 front, a [LITTLE, OTIS] 6207 The state of trade in the northern colo- nies L 1748. D 84 a — Am. ed. B 1749. D 43 LITTLE, WILLIAM 6208 The history of Warren [n. H.]. . . . Concord 1854. D 140 a 250copies ptd. — enl. ed. Manchester 1870. O 592 pis LITTLE PLAIN ENGLISH (A) Little plain English (A). ... By Peter Porcupine. See Cobbett, Wm. LITTLEFIELD, GEORGE E. 6209 Early Boston booksellers, 1642-1711. B Club of Odd Volumes 1900. O 256 15pls a 150copies ptd. LITTLEFIELD, GEORGE E. 6210 Early schools and schoolbooks of New England. B Club of Odd Volumes 1904. O 354[inch pis & facs] front, a 167copies ptd. LITTLEJOHN, FtLAVIUS] J. 6211 Legends of Michigan and the old north- west Allegan Mich 1875. O 566 a LIVERMORE, SAMUEL T. 6212 A condensed history of Cooperstown. . . . Alb 1862. D 276 a See also Cooper, James Fenimore. LIVINGSTON, EDWARD 6216 A letter to: . . . on the speech delivered by him at Washington, at the late celebration of the 8th of January, 1815. Natchez 1828. O 24 a [LIVINGSTON, PHILIP] 6217 The other side of the question; or, a de- fence of the liberties of North-America. In answer to [Myle Cooper's] Friendly address to all reasonable Americans. ...NY 1774. O 30 + adv-1. a — anr. issue has impr. "America" [LIVINGSTON, ROBERT R.] 6218 Examination of the treaty. . . between the United States . . . and Great Britain. N Y 1795. O 96 a Ascribed also to Stephen Higginson, and to Alexander Hamilton. LIVINGSTON, WILLIAM 6219 A letter to the . . . Bishop of Landaff [sic]; occasioned by some passages in his. . . sermon. . . in which the American colonies are loaded with. . . reproach. N Y 1768. O [4] 25 a — rptd. B same date. O 26 — Eng. ed. L same date. O 31 — Dutch tr. Utrecht 1774. O [4] 34 [LIVINGSTON, WILLIAM] 6220 A review of the military operations in North America; from the commencement of the French hostilities on the frontiers of Virginia L 1757. Q [4] 144 b N NYP Y — rptd., with adds. Lincl. Washington's journal of his 1754 Ohio expedition], Dub 1757. O 276 a — Am. eds.: New England [i.e. N Hav] 1758. 349 Livius — Lockwood Q 98 b AA NYP N; N Y 1770. O 170 b AA NYP Y Contemporary authority on the Lake George campaign of 1755 and vindication of Gen. Shirley's measures. Attributed also to the New York historian William Smith, who probably assisted in its preparation. LIVIUS, PETER 6221 The memorial of: one of His Majesty's council for. . . New Hampshire. . . . n.p. 1773. O [2] 50 b JCB LC [of 3copies located] Relates to his controversy with Gov. Wentworth in re New Hampshire grants. LLANDAFF, JOHN [EWER], 6222 BISHOP OF A sermon preached before the . . . Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, on February 20; 1767. L 1767. O 26 a — Am. ed. N Y 1768. O 18 The colonists were incensed at being characterized as "infidels and barbarians." For replies see Livingston, William, and Chauncy, Charles. LLOYD, B[ENJAMIN] E. 6223 Lights and shades in San Francisco. S F 1876. O 523 pictorial t. pis a [LLOYD, CHARLES] 6224 The conduct of the late administration examined L 1767. O 160 [2] 54 a — rptd. B 1767. O 107 — ed. 2, with adds., L 1767. O 166 [2] 54 — anr. ed., with 2 other tracts, "Three tracts on the conduct of the late and present administrations. . . ," L 1767. O 3pts in 1: 160 [2] 54 + 2adv-p; [2] 74 + 2adv-p; [2] 45 + 3adv-p Famous pamphlet on the Stamp Act, written by Lord George Grenville's secre- tary. Attributed also to Lord Temple, to Charles Jenkinson, Earl of Liverpool, and to Grenville himself. LLOYD, JAMES T. 6225 Steamboat directory, and disasters on the western waters. . . . Cin 1856. O 326 a — issue 2, Cin 1856. O 331 — anr. ed. n.p. n.d. [Phil 1856?]. O 223 — anr. ed. n.p. n.d. [Cin 1856?]. O 279 Best historical and statistical treatment on the early period of inland steam navigation. LLOYD, THOMAS, reporter 6226 Debates of the convention, of . . . Penn- sylvania, on the Constitution, proposed for the government of the United States. . . . Vol.l[all]. Phil 1787. O 148 [3] a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1788. Contains only arguments favoring adoption. The Federalists were able to prevent pub- lication of a projected second volume giving anti-constitution views. LOBDELL, LUCY A., the female hunter Narrative of: N Y 1855. D 47 a 6227 LOBE, GUILLAUME 6228 Divorce imminent de la Confederation Nord-Americaine. Amst 1850. O 46 a LOBENSTINE, WILLIAM C 6229 Extracts from the diary of: 1851-8.... n.p. [l920]. O [16] 101 pi facs a Describes his 1851 overland trip to Cali- fornia and life in the mines. LOCKARD, FRANK M. 6230 History of the early settlement of Norton county, Kansas. Norton [l894]. O 294]incl. port] a LOCKE, JOHN L. 6231 Sketches of the history of Camden, Maine Hallowell 1859. D [l2] 267 errata 1. a LOCKE, MRS. MARY 6232 In far Dakota. L 1890. 16° [6] 152 a LOCKMAN, [JOHN] 6233 Travels of the Jesuits into various parts of the world. . . . L 1743. O 2v: [32] 488; [lo] 508 + 2adv-p. 6maps & pis a — ed. 2, 1743, same collat., with 19p. index added — ed. 2, cor. with add. of 24p.[on Sp. settle- ments], L 1762. a; rptd. 1767. Translation [abridged] of the first ten volumes of Lettres Edidantes, containing particulars by Picolo on California mis- sions, etc. LOCKWOOD, FRANK C. 6234 Pioneer days in Arizona NY 1932. O [14] 387 a LOCKWOOD, JAMES D. 6235 Life and adventures of a drummer-boy; or, seven years a soldier. Alb 1893. D 191 front, a Includes campaigns in Wyoming after the Civil war. LOCKWOOD, LUKE V. 6236 Colonial furniture in America. N Y 1901. Q [20] 352[incl.pls] 12pls[each with 1. of letterpress] a — enl. ed. N Y 1913. Q 2v: [20] 534; [l8] 307. 2fronts. — rptd. N Y 1926. Q 2v — Eng. ed. L 1902. same collat. as Am. 1st ed. 350 Lockwood — Long LOCKWOOD, R. A. 6237 The Vigilance committee of San Fran- cisco. S F 1852. O 48 a Bitter denunciation of this extra-judicial body. LODGE, HENRY C. 6238 Life and letters of George Cabot. B 1877. o[l2] 615 a — ed. 2, B 1878. O [l2] 617 LOHER, FRANZ VON 6239 Aussichten fur gebildete Deutschen in Nord-Amerika Berlin 1853. O [6] 92 a LOHER, FRANZ VON 6240 Geschichte und Zustande der Deutschen in Amerika. Cin 1847. O [l6] 544 a — ed. 2, G'6ttingen 1855. O [l4] 544 LOHER, FRANZ VON 624T Land und Leute in den alten und neuen Welt Gottingen 1855-8. O 3v: [4] 283; [4] 281; [4] 292 a — rptd. in part, "Reiseskizzen. . . ," Berlin n.d. LOEHR, CHARLES T. War history of the old First Virginia regiment Rich 1884. O 87 a 6242 LOWENSTERN, ISIDORE 6243 Les fitats-Unis et la Havane P 1842. O [12] 372 a LOWIG, GUSTAV 6244 Die Freystaaten von Nordamerika. . . . Heidelb 1833. O [lo] 264 a [LOFFT, CAPEL] 6245 Observations on Mr. Wesley's second Calm address, and ... on other writings upon the American question, . . . L 1777. D 124 a [LOFFT, CAPEL?] 6246 A view of the several schemes with re- spect to America. . . . L 1775. O 55 a —rptd. L 1776. O [4] 55 errata slip Reviews suggested plans for ending Revolution, and favors one abandoning taxation. LOGAN, JOHN H. 6249 A history of the upper country of South Carolina. . . . Vol. I [all]. Charleston S C 1859. D [4, 7-12] 521 a LOGAN, OLIVE 6250 Before the footlights and behind the scenes: a book about "the show business" .... Phil 1870. O 612 24pls a LOGAN, JUDGE STEPHEN T. 6251 Memorials of the life and character of: Springfield 111 1882. O 87 port a Logan was Lincoln's law partner from 1841 to 1844 and, as a delegate to the Chicago convention, was helpful in securing his nomination for the Presidency. [LOMBARD, A.] 6252 The "high private". . . exciting history of the New York Volunteers, including the mysteries and miseries of the Mexican war. Part l[all]. N Y 1848. D 60 a LONDON A letter from a merchant in: to his nephew in North America. See Tucker, Josiah. LONDON 6253 A letter from a merchant of the city of: to the R. . . t H. . . ble W. . . P. . . upon the affairs ... of North America. . . . L 1757. O 98 a LONDON A letter to a gentleman in: from Virginia. See Randolph, Peyton. LONDONIO, CARLO G. 6254 Storia delle colonie Inglesi in America, dalla loro fondzazion, fino alio stabilimento della loro independenza. Milan 1812-13. O 3v: [10] 299; 335; 382 [2] a LONG, GREEN H. 6255 The arch fiend: or the life, confession and execution of: NY 1851. O 32 a — anr. ed., same collat., Little Rock [ptd N Y] 1852. Long, associated with the "Banditti of the West," had sixteen murders to his credit. For his lady friend, see Fitz- James, Zillah. LOGAN, JAMES 6247 Notes on a journey through Canada, the United States [etc.]. Edin 1838. O [l2] 259 map a Severely critical in tone. LOGAN, JOHN 6248 The western wood pecker. . . journal of a journey. . . from Georgetown, D. C, to the Miami . . . and back again. Georgetown 1818. D 38 c LC WRH LONG, H. C. 6256 The condition and prospects of Cairo City [ill.]. N Y 1850. O 26 a LONG, J. V. 6257 Report of the first general festival of the . . . Mormon Battalion. S L C 1855. O 39 b LONG (JACK) Long (Jack); or, shot in the eye. . . . See Webber, Chas. W. 351 Long — Lord LONG, JOHN 6258 Voyages and travels of an Indian in- terpreter and trader L 1791. Q [l4] 295 map a — Am. eds.: ed. Thwaites, Clev 1904. O; Chi Lakeside 1922. 16° — Fr. tr. P [1794]. O [40] 320 map — rptd., same collat., P 1810. — Ger. trs.: Hamburg 1791. O [24] 334 [2] map; Berlin 1792. O [8] 88, 176 map pi LONG, MORRIS 6259 Historical sketch of Warner, N. H. Con- cord 1832. O 26 a — rptd. 1870. 30copies ptd. LONG, STEPHEN H. 6260 Voyage in a six-oared skiff to the falls of St. Anthony in 1817. Phil 1860. O 88 map a LONG ISLAND MISCELLANIES By Rusticus, Gent. See Furman, Garrett. LONG ISLAND Remarks upon Gen. Howe's account of his proceedings on: See Mauduit, Israel. [LONGCHAMP, FERDINAND]? 6261 Asmodee a New-York; revue critique des institutiones politiques et civiles de l'Amerique P 1868. O [4] 503 a — Eng. tr. N Y 1868. D 378 [LONGCHAMPS, PIERRE DE] 6262 Histoire impartiale des evenemens. . . de la derniere guerre. . . . P 1785. D 3v: 558; 523; [2] 620 a — rptd., Amst 1785. D 3v — ed. 2, P 1787. D 3v — ed. 3, au. named, P 1789. D 3v [LONGSTREET, AUGUSTUS B.] 6263 Georgia scenes. . . . Augusta Ga 1835. D 235 b NYP Y — ed. 2, TV Y 1840. D 214 12pls a —rptd. 1843; 1848; 1850; 1858; 1859. — anr. ed. Afacon Ga 1864. O 239 [LONGSTREET, AUGUSTUS B.] 6264 A voice from the south. . . . Bait 1847. O 72 a — anr. ed., identical, but calling itself "eighth edition" on cover-t., same impr., date & collat. LONGSTREET, HELEN D. 6265 Lee and Longstreet at high tide. . . . Gainesville Ga [ptd Phil] 1904. O 346 12pls 3facs a LONGSTREET, JAMES 6266 From Manassas to Appomattox. . . . Phil 1896. O [20] 11-690 44maps & pis facs[on 2 1.] a — rptd. 1903. O 698 maps pis LONGSWORTH, BASIL N. 6267 Diary of: covering the period of his mi- gration from Ohio to Oregon. Denver [l927]. 43 a LONN, ELLA 6268 Reconstruction in Louisiana. ...NY 1918. O [8] 538 a LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP 6269 Look before you leap . . . hints to such artizans . . . as are desirous of emigrating to America. . . . L 1796. O 144 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O 144 [24] — ed. 3, same impr., date & collat. Designed to halt British emigration. Probably edited by William Cobbett, who was later to make the leap here warned against. [LOOMIS, AUGUSTUS W.] 6270 Scenes in the Indian country. Phil [l859]. 16° 283 3pls a LOOMIS, CHESTER A. 6271 A journey on horseback through the great west, in 1825 Bath N Y [l82-?]. O 29 a [LOOMIS, JOHN L.] 6272 Leadville . . . the most wonderful mining camp. . . . Colorado Springs 1879. 44 a LOOMIS, LEANDER V. 6273 A journal of the Birmingham Llowa] Emi- grating Company ... to Sacramento . . . 1850. S L C 1928. [l6] 198 map 17pls a LOOMIS, THOMAS J. 6274 Recollections of a busy life. . . . LCresco la 1923]. D 220 ports b Includes his 1864 overland trip to Cali- fornia. LOPEZ URAGA, CORONEL JOSE 6275 Sumaria mandada formar a pedimento del: ... en la que se comprueba la conducta mili» tar que observo en las acciones de guerra dadas a las tropas de los Estados-Unidos . . . en los puntos de Palo Alto y Resaca. . . . Mex 1846. 40 a LORAIN, JOHN 6276 Hints to emigrants, or a comparative esti- mate of the advantages of Pennsylvania, and of the western territory. . . „ Phil 1819. 16° [2] 144 a [LORD, DANIEL] 6277 The effect of secession upon the commer- cial relations between the north and south NY 1861. 72 map a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. — Eng. ed. L 1861. 352 Lord — Loudon LORD, MRS. ELIZABETH 6278 [LAUGHLIN] Reminiscences of eastern Oregon. Port Ore 1903. 255 14pls a LORD, JOHN K. 6279 The naturalist in Vancouver Island and British Columbia. . . . L 1866. 2v: [l6 incl. front.] 358; [lO incl.front.] 375. 9pls a Narrative by the naturalist of the British Boundary Commission, appointed in 1857 to fix the line between the United States and Canada from the coast to the Rockies. — abr. eds.: L 1838. 16° [6] 316; L 1840. same collat. Official account of work among the Indians on the New York, Pennsylvania and other frontiers, 1735-87. The English edition omits naming some former antagonists who had later become friendly. LOSSING, BENSON J. 6285 The life and times of Philip Schuyler. N Y 1860. 504 2pls a — ed. 2 — and best — N Y [l872]-1873. 2v: 504; 548. 2ports [L0RIMER, JOHN] 6280 An account of the surveys of Florida. . . . L 1790. Q [4] 27 chart a LORING, CHARLES G. 6281 Memoir of . . . William Sturgis. B 1864. [2] 64 a Contains accounts of two fur-trading voy- ages, in 1798, to the Northwest coast. LORING, ISRAEL 6282 Two sermons ... at Rutland, Sept. 8th, 1723. After the Indians had. . . killed the Reverend Mr. Joseph Willard, with two of Mr. Joseph Stevens's children, and captivated the other two. B 1724. [4] 44 b AA BP LORING, MAJOR GENERAL 6283 [WILLIAM W.]. Report of the battle of Baker's creek. . . . Rich 1864. 29 a LORNE, MARQUIS OF A trip to the tropics. . . . See Campbell, John D. S. LOS ANGELES. Eine Blume aus dem goldenen Lande oder: See Salvator, Ludwig L. LOS ANGELES. Pocket guide of: Ed. by G. B. G. See Griffin, Geo. B. LOS ANGELES COUNTY. History of: 1880. See Wilson, John A. L0SKIEL, GEORGE H. 6284 Geschichte der mission der evangelischen Bruder unter den Indianern. . . . Barby 1789. [16] 784 a — issue 1, only 6 lines of errata. — issue 2, errata fills whole page. — Swed. ed. "Historiske Beskrifning. . . ," Stockh 1789. [22] 872 [2] a — rptd. same collat. & impr. 1792. — Eng. ed. "History of the mission of the United Brethren. . . ," L 1794. 3pts in 1: [12] 159; 234; 233 [22]. map a LOSSING, BENSON J. 6286 A pictorial description of Ohio. ...NY 1849. 131 front, map a LOSSING, BENSON J. 6287 The pictorial field-book of the revolution NY 1851-2. 2v: [2] 576 [l6]; [l8] 9- 880 [35]. 2fronts. a — ed. 2, N Y 1855. 2v: 783; 772 — rptd. several times. Originally issued in 30 numbers, June 1, 1850 — December 1, 1852. LOSSING, BENSON J. 6288 The pictorial field-book of the war of 1812 N Y 1868. [4] 1084 col.front. a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1869. First issued in 12 parts. LOST PRINCIPLE Lost principle (The); or the sectional equi- librium. ... By "Barbarossa. " See Scott, John. LOTHIAN, THE MARQUESS OF The Confederate secession. See Kerr, Wm. S. R. LOTHROP, J. S., comp. 6289 Champaign county [ill.] directory, 1870-71, with history. . . . Chi 1871. 456 fold.map a LOTTO, FRANK 6290 Fayette county, [Texas]: her history.. . . Schulenburg 1902. [l6] 424 front, ports a LOUAILLIER, LOUIS. 6291 The appeal of: against the charge of high treason NO 1827. 28 a Imprisoned by Jackson on the charge of mutiny and endeavoring to surrender New Or- leans to the British. LOUDON, ARCHIBALD 6292 A selection of . . . narratives, of outrages committed by the Indians, in their wars with the white people Carlisle Pa 1808-1811. D 2v: [12] 5-355; [4] 13-369 c AA LC N Y — ed. 2, Harrisburg 1888. D 2v: [12] 391; 357 a 100 copies ptd 353 Vol. II of the original edition of this most desirable of 19th century books on border wars is paged erratically, and, being printed three years later, is generally lacking. LOUDON, J. B. 6293 A tour through Canada and the United States. . . . Coventry Eng 1879. D 132 port a LOUGHBOROUGH, j[OHN] 6294 The Pacific telegraph and railway. . . . St L 1849. [20] 5-80 2maps b LC StLP Y LOUIS, D. [pseud.] Washington und die nordamerikanische Rev- olution. See Gosch, Josias L. LOUISBOURG 6295 An accurate journal. . . of the proceedings of the New-England land-forces, during the late expedition ... to the time of the surrender of: Oxt 1746. 40 b A A H LOUISBOURG 6296 An authentic account of the reduction of: .... By a spectator. L 1758. 60 a LOUISBOURG 6297 Lettre d'un habitant de: contenant une re- lation. . . de la prise de l'Isle-Royale par les Anglais. Quebec[ptd. p] 1745. D 81 b Clem JCB — Eng. tr. Tor 1897. 74 a Surreptitiously issued with false imprint, this [the only unofficial French account of the siege of Louisbourg] is highly critical of French colonial policy. LOUISIANA 6298 An account of: being an abstract of docu- ments [Wash 1803 J. 48 90 map a — other 1803 eds.: Phil 50 tab; Wilm Del D 76; Alb; Carlisle. — 1804 eds.: Prov 72; L 43 tab See below for Appendix to this work. For other 1803 editions, see below A topographi- cal and statistical . . . account. . . . The entry immediately following — An account ot Loui- siana exhibiting. . . , — is an entirely different work. LOUISIANA An account of: exhibiting a compendious sketch. . . . Newbern 1804. Entirely different from preceding entry. See under Le Page du Pratz on whose work this book — by F. -X. Martin — was largely based. For Martin's ex- tended History of Louisiana, see under his name. LOUISIANA 6299 Address of the citizens of: to the people of the United States. Wash 1872. 30 a LOUISIANA An address to the Government of the United States, on the cession of Louisiana to the French. See Brown, Chas. Brockden. LOUISIANA 6300 Appendix to An account of: being an ab- stract of documents. . . . [Wash 1803]. 99 tab a — rptd. Phil 1803. 90 tab — anr. issue, 77 For Account, to which this was an appen- dix, see above. LOUISIANA 6301 Ausfuhrliche historische und geographische Beschreibung des an dem grossen Flusse Mississipi. . . gelegenen herrlichen Landes: Leip 1720. D [o] 102 map b N NYP Y LOUISIANA (NORTHWEST) 6302 Biographical memoirs of: Nashv 1890. Q 708 pis a LOUISIANA 6303 urchase and ex- Documents relating to the p ploration of: B 1904. [4] 45 189 76 [2] map 2ports a 550copies ptd. LOUISIANA 6304 Louisiana and Florida. Documents relative to: [Wash ca 1833]. 26 [capt.t.only] a LOUISIANA 6305 Guide and directory for the state of: and the cities of New Orleans and Lafayette. . . . N O 1838. D 384 map 13pls a The first New Orleans directory. LOUISIANA 6306 UUI3IANA o. Historical epitome of N O [ ca 1840] D 372 map 13pls a LOUISIANA 6307 Information respecting a demand made by the Spanish government for a surrender of part of the state of: Wash 1816. 23 a Remonstrance by Luis de Onis against American filibustering expeditions into Texas, with Monroe's unsympathetic reply. LOUISIANA Interesting account of the project of France respecting: By a French Counsellor of State. See Brown, Chas. B. , An address to the government. . . . LOUISIANA 6308 The laws of the Territory of: St L 1808. 376 [58] c LC First book printed west of the Mississippi. 354 Louisiana LOUISIANA 6309 Memorial ... by the inhabitants of: to the Congress of the United States [against its division into two Territories]. Wash 1804. 140 a LOUISIANA Military record of: See Bartlett, Napier. LOUISIANA 6310 Louisiana and Mississippi. Observations on the. . . claims of American citizens to lands in. . . : derived from grants under the former British province of West Florida.. . . L 1818. 23 a LOUISIANA 6311 Louisiana and Mississippi. Pictures of the "peculiar institution" as it exists in: By an eye-witness. B 1850. D 24 a LOUISIANA 6312 The present state of the country [etc.] of: .... By an officer at New Orleans to his friend at Paris. , . . Translated from the French originals ... by the Hon. Capt. Ayl- mer L 1744. 55 + 5adv-p b LC N NYP Y — ed. 2, L 1744. a — Fr. ed. "Lettre d'un officier de la Louisi- ane. . . ," N O [ptd in Holland] 1764. D [2] 90 The manuscript was part of the booty se- cured by the capture of a French ship. Au- thorship ascribed to J. P. Gougon de Grondel; he describes the entire Mississippi basin from Canada to the Gulf. nicated to Congress by the President. Bait 1803. 24° [8] 13-80 fold. tab. a — anr. ed. Hagerstown Md 1803. 80 — other eds., see above, "An account of Louisiana, being an abstract of documents LOUISIANA Louisiana and the Floridas. Travels in: See Berquin-Duvallon. LOUISIANA 6315 View of the political and civil situation of: By a native. Phil 1804. 36 a LOUISIANE (LA) 6316 Apercu topographique de:. . . . P 1816. D 24 LOUISIANE (LA) Les emigres francais dans: see Postl, Karl. LOUISIANE (LA) 6317 Esquisse . . . de la situation de: N O 1804. 46 b NYP Y [of 3copies known] Review of the first year of American rule, by a New Orleans resident. LOUISIANE (LA.) Journal d'un voyage a: Par M. . . , Capitaine de vaisseau du Roi. See Valette-Laudun. LOUISIANE (LA) Journal historique de l'etablissement des Francais a:. . . . See La Harpe, Bernard de. LOUISIANA 6313 Reflections on the cession of: to the United States. By Sylvestris. Wash 1803. 27 a Possible author: Joseph Locke, but gener- ally ascribed to St. George Tucker, or to Wil- liam Stedman. LOUISIANE (LA) Lettre d'un officier de: 1764. See Louisi- ana. The present state of: LOUISIANE (LA) Louisiane (La) ensanglantee. . . . See Champigny, Jean. LOUISIANA Remarks on a dangerous mistake made as to the eastern boundary of: See Vaughan, Benj. LOUISIANA Schilderung von: See Berquin-Duvallon. LOUISIANA Sketches of life and character in: See Whitaker, John S. LOUISIANA (UPPER) A summary description of the lead mines in: See Austin, Moses. LOUISIANA 6314 A topographical and statistical account of the province of : . . . compiled by different in- dividuals . . . and from the documents commu- LOUISIANE (LA) Memoire sur:. . . . par Jacquemin. See Jacquemin, Nicolas. LOUISIANE (LA) Louisiane (la) et la Nouvelle Orleans. Memoires sur:.... See Wante, Chas. Etienne P. LOUISIANE (LA) 6318 Notice sur l'etat actuel de la mission de: P 1820. [2] 58 b — new ed., enl., Lyon 1822. 67 b — anr. ed. Turin 1822. D 65; Avignon 1824. D Catholic activity under Bishop Du Bourg whose diocese embraced the Ohio, Missis- sippi and Missouri valleys. For an amplified German version, see under Luisiana, Berichte uber die Mission. . . . 355 Louisiane — Lowell LOUISIANE (LA) Relations de:. . . . Amst 1720. See Tonti, Henri de, Dernieres decouvertes. . . . LOUISIANE (LA) Voyage a: . . . 1794-1798 Par B. . . D P [1802]. See Baudry de Lozieres. LOUISVILLE DIRECTORY Louisville directory (The), f or . . . 1832. See Otis, Richard W., pub. LOUNSBERRY, CLEMENT H. 6319 Early history of North Dakota. . . . Wash 1919. roy [l6] 647 70pls a [LOUVET DE COUVRAY, JEAN B.] 6320 Interesting history of the Baron de Lovzin- ski, with a relation of . . . occurrences in the life of . . . Count Pulaski Hart 1800. 16° 142 a — anr. ed. N Y 1807. 16° 108 Translation of a part of this author's Che- valier de Faublas. [LOUVET DE COUVRAY, JEAN B.] 6321 Love and patriotism! Or, the . . . adventures of M. Duportail, late major-general in the armies of the United States . . . with many sur- prising incidents in the life of the late Count Pulaski. Phil 1797. D 120 port a — rptd. B 1799. D 59; B 1800. same collat.; N Hav 1813. 16° 107; B 1825. Translation of a part of this author's Che- valier de Faublas. LOUYSIANE (LA) 6322 Memoire des habitans et negocians de: sur le evenement du 29 Octobre 1768. n.p. n.d. 90 a LOVE, NAT 6323 The life and adventures of : . . . known in the cattle country as "Deadwood Dick". . . . L A 1907. 162 port a LOVE, ROBERTUS 6324 The rise and fall of Jesse James. ...NY 1926. [10] 445 front, a LOVEJOY, [ELIJAH P.] The martyrdom of:. ... By an eye-witness See Tanner, Henry. LOVEJOY, JOSEPH C, and OWEN 6325 Memoir of . . . Elijah P. Lovejoy . . . mur- dered ... at Alton NY 1838. D 382 a LOVELL [GENERAL]. 6326 Correspondence between the [Confederate] War department and: relating to the defences of New Orleans. . . . Rich 1863. 123 a LOVZINSKI, BARON DE. Interesting history of the: See Louvet de Couvray, Jean B. LOWDERMILK, WILLIAM H. 6327 History of Cumberland [MdJ Wash 1878. 49b [60] 3pls maps a LOWE, PERCIVAL G. 6328 Five years a dragoon ('49 to '54). . . ,K C 1906. D [2] 418 port a LOWELL, DANIEL W., & CO. [eomp.] 6329 Map of the Nez Perces and Salmon river gold mines S F 1862. 16° 24 map c A A Y [of 4copies located] [LOWELL, JOHN] 6330 The Antigallican; or, the lover of his own country Phil 1797. 2 pts [22 nosj in 1: 82; 84 a [LOWELL, JOHN] 6331 An appeal to the people, on the causes and consequences of a war with Great Britain. B 1811. 36 a Attributed also to John Phillips. [LOWELL, JOHN] 6332 The diplomatick policy of Mr. Madison un- veiled [B? 1809?]. 55 capt.t.only a — rptd. n.p. [l810]„ 52 capt.t.only — Eng. ed. "The diplomatic policy. . . ," L 1810. 78 [LOWELL, JOHN] 6333 The impartial inquirer . . . examination of the conduct of the president. . . to which is added some reflections upon the invasion of the Spanish territory of West Florida. By a citizen of Mass. B 1811. 96 a [LOWELL, JOHN] 6334 Mr. Madison's war . . . inquiry into the rea- sons alleged ... for declaring. . . war against Great Britain. B 1812. 62 [2] a — rptd. — 3 other Am. eds., same yr. — Eng. ed. L 1812. 87 [LOWELL, JOHN] 6335 The New England patriot . . . comparison, of the . . . Washington and Jefferson adminis- trations. . . . B 1810. [2] 148 [12] a [LOWELL, JOHN] 6336 Peace without dishonour — war without hope . . . enquiry into the question of the Chesapeake. . . . B 1807. 43 a — Eng. ed. t. slightly altered, L 1807. 43 [LOWELL, JOHN] 6337 Perpetual war, the policy of Mr. Madison B 1812. 119 a — rptd. B 1813. 78 356 Lowell — Ludlow [LOWELL, JOHN] 6338 Ten hints addressed to wise men; con- cerning ... the dismission of Mr. Jackson, the British minister [b 1810]. 115 [capt.tj a Ascribed also to Benjamin Vaughan. [LOWELL, JOHN?] 6339 Thoughts in a series of letters, in answer to a question respecting the division of states, n.p. [l813]. 24 a [LOWELL, JOHN] 6340 Thoughts upon the conduct of our adminis- tration . . . more especially , . . concerning the attack on the Chesapeake. B 1808. 28 a LUCAS, CtORYDON] L. 6350 The Milton Lott tragedy ... in Boone county [la.]. . , . Madrid la. [l905J. [2] 24 a [LUCAS, DANIEL B.] Memoir of John Yates Beall: Montr 1865. [8] 297 port a LUCAS, DANIEL B. Nicaragua: war of the filibusters. 1896. D 216 map 2pls a 6351 6352 Rich LUCAS, ELIZA. 6353 Journal and letters of: Worms loe Ga [Phil ptd] 1850. Q 31 a 19 copies ptd[6 on special paper] LOWERY, WOODBURY 6341 The Spanish settlements within the present limits of the United States, 1513-1574. N Y 1911. 2v: [14] 515; [22] 500. 2pls 6maps [2fold.] a LOWIE, ROBERT H. 6342 The Crow Indians. N Y [l935]. [22] 350 7pls a LOWMAN, HOVEY E. 6343 Narrative of the Lawrence massacre [etc.], Lawrence 1864. 96 + ? No complete copy known, c LOWRY, JEAN 6344 A journal of the captivity of : . . . taken by the Indians ... in Pennsylvania. . . . Phil 1760. 31 c PhilL [only copy known] LOWRY, ROBERT, and McCARDLE, 6345 WILLIAM H. A history of Mississippi. .. .Jackson 1891. [8] 5-648 a LUCAS, FREDERIC W. 6354 The annals of the voyages of Nicolo and Antonio Zeno . . . and the claim. . . to a Vene- tian discovery of America. L 1898. Q Ll4] 234 19maps & pis a LUCAS, HON. J[0HN] B. C. 6355 Letters of: from 1815 to 1836. Comp. by his grandson. St L priv. ptd. 1905. 324 [2] port Valuable contribution to early St. Louis history. LUCAS, ROBERT 6356 Journal of the war of 1812, during the cam- paign under . . . Hull. Iowa City 1906. Q [lo] 103 front, map 2facs a 400copies ptd. [LUCATT, EDWARD] 6357 Rovings in the Pacific . . . with a glance at California. By a merchant. . . . L 1851. D 2v: L12] 351; [ll] 371. 4col pis a LUCY, ERNEST W. 6358 The Molly Maguires of Pennsylvania. . . . L [4] 152 a [1882] LOWRY, THOMAS 6346 Personal reminiscences of Abraham Lin- coln. L 1910. 32 port lOOcopies a — rptd. Minneap 1929. LUBBOCK, FRANCIS R. 6347 Six decades in Texas; or, memoirs of:. . . . Austin 1900. [l6] 685 20pls a LUCAS, C, ESQ. 6348 A letter from the town of Boston, to: in- cluding a short narrative of the massacre per- petrated there. . . . Dub rptd. by Tho. Ewing n.d. 56 b 6349 LUCAS, CHARLES To the people of Missouri Territory. . . ex- position of the late difference between John Scott and himself. St L 1816. 24 a LUDECUS, EDUARD 6359 Reise durch . . . Tumalipas, Coahuila und Texas im Jahre 1834. Leip 1837. [20] 356 LUDLOW, N[0AH] M. 6360 Dramatic life as I found it . . . with an ac- count of the rise and progress of the drama in the west and south St L 1880. [20] 733 LUDLOW, WILLIAM 6361 Report of a reconnoissance from Carroll, Montana ... to the Yellowstone national park Wash 1876. Q 145 3maps 2pls a LUDLOW, WILLIAM 6362 Report of a reconnaissance of the Black hills of Dakota. . . . Wash 1875. Q 121 3maps pi a 357 Ludvigh — Lyman LUDVIGH, SAMUEL [G.] 6363 Licht-und Schattenbilder republikanischer Zustande; skizzirt wahrend seiner Reise in den Vereinigten Staaten. Leip 1848. [8] 344 LUDER, A[UGUST] F. 6364 Statistiche Beschreibung der Besitzungen der Hollander in Amerika. Braunschweig 1792. 230 a LUTKE, FREDERIC P. See Litke, Fedorem [Frederic] P. LUTTIG, JOHN C. 6373 Journal of a fur-trading expedition on the upper Missouri, 1812-13. St L 1920. 192 [incl. initial blank, 1.] map 4pls a 365copies ptd. Important account, by a clerk of the Mis- souri Fur Company, of one of Manuel Lisa's earliest expeditions. LUTYNES, GOTTHILFF N. 6374 Etwas uber gegenwartigen Zustand der Auswanderungen . . . im . . . Pennsylvanien. . . . Hamburg 1796. D 23 a LUFF, ELDER JOSEPH. 6365 Autobiography of: one of the twelve apos- tles of the Reorganized Church. . . of Latter Day Saints. Lamoni la 1894. [l2] 377 3pls a LUGRIN, CHARLES H. 6366 Yukon gold fields. . . . Victoria Can 1897. D 32 map a LUISIANA 6367 Berichte uber die Mission von: Gesammelt von U. R. und R. W. Mainz 1821. 73 a See , under Louisiane, Notice sur I'etat ac- tual de la mission. . . , of which this is an amplified version. [LUMEN, DR.] 6368 Les matinees de Beaucaire ou recits d'une promenade sur l'lllinois. . . .Avignon 1874. 24° 288 a LYELL, CHARLES 6375 A second visit to the United States. L 1849. D 2v: [l2] 368; [l2] 386 a — ed. 2, L 1850. D 2v: same collat. — Am. ed. N Y 1849. D 2v: 273; 287 — Ger. tr. Braunschweig 1851. 2v LYELL, CHARLES 6376 Travels in North America, 1841-2. L 1845. D 2v: [l6] 316; [8] 272. map 6pls a — Am. ed. N Y 1845. D 2v: [l2] 251; [6] 231 + lOadv-p. map 6pls[one incl. in paginat.] — rptd. N Y 1852. D 2v: N Y 1856. D 2v — Ger. tr. Halle 1846. D [l2] 396 2maps 9pls LYFORD, WILLIAM G. 6377 The western address directory. . .with his- torical [etc.] sketches ... of the principal cities and towns of the Mississippi valley. Bait 1837. D 468 a LUMPKIN, WILSON 6369 The removal of the Cherokee Indians from Georgia . . . 1827-41. . . . Wormsloe Ga 1907. 2v: 369; 328. 2ports a 500copies ptd. [LUMSDEN, JAMES] 6370 American memoranda . . . during a short tour in. . . 1843. Glas 1844. [4] 60 a LUNDY, BENJAMIN The life, travels . . of: See Earle, Thomas. LUNDY, BENJAMIN 6371 The origin and true causes of the Texas insurrection. . . . [Phil 1836]. 32 [capt. t. only] a — enl. ed. "The war in Texas. ... By a citi- zen of the United States," Phil 1836. 57 a — anr. ed., enl., Phil 1837. 64 First to ascribe this war to a slave-holding conspiracy. LUSHINGTON, S[TEPHEN] R. 6372 The life and services of Lord Harris ... in America. . . ,L 1840. [l6] 55l[incl. map & port] a — ed. 2, rev., same impr. 1845. D [24] 388 Harris served throughout the revolutionary war. LYKKEJAEGER, HANS, [pseud.] Luck of a wandering Dane. See Smith, Andrew M. LYMAN, ALBERT 6378 Journal of a voyage to California, and life in the gold diggings. . . . Hart 1852. D 192 [incl. front.] a LYMAN, GEORGE D. 6379 John Marsh, pioneer. N Y 1930. [l4] 394 17pls — also ltd. ed. of 150copies, with 4facs added LYMAN, H. H. 6380 Memoirs of an old homestead. Oswego 1900. D 180 a LYMAN, GENERAL PHINEAS 6381 General orders [at Ft. Edward in 1757]. Ed. by W. C. Ford from the original MS. N Y 1899. D 150 facs a 250copies ptd. LYMAN, T. P. H. The life of Thomas Jefferson. 1826. 111 a 6382 358 Lyman — McAleenan [LYMAN, THEODORE] 6383 The diplomacy of the United States. . . from . . . 1778 B 1826. [l2] 380 [2] a — ed* 2, with adds., B 1828. 2v: [l2] 470; [12] 517 LYNCH, JAMES 6384 With Stevenson to California, 1846. [n.p. 1896]. No t-p. D 65 100 copies ptd. a Personal narrative of the Conquest and the Gold Rush. LYNCH, JAMES D. 6385 The bench and bar of Mississippi. N Y 1881. 539 12ports correction slip at p. 536 a LYNCH, JAMES D. 6386 The bench and bar of Texas. St L 1885. 610 8ports a LYNCH, MRS. MARTHA C. M., ed. 6387 Reminiscences of Adams, Jay and Ran- dolph counties, Ind. [cover-t. only]. [Decatur Ind 1896]. D 352[incl. advs.] 13ports a LYNCH, PATRICK, Bishop of 6388 Charleston Lettera . . . sulla schiavito domestica degli Stati Confederati. Rome 1864. 83 a LYNCHBURG [VA.]. Sketches and recollections of: By the old- est inhabitant. See Cabell, Mrs. Julia M. LYON, IRVING W. 6389 The colonial furniture of New England. . . . B 1891. Q [12] 285 pis a — new ed. B 1924. Q [4 3-1 1] 285 pis LYON, W. F. 6390 Brigadier-General Thomas Francis Meagher NY 1870. D 357 port a — Eng. ed. Glas [l87o]. D 186 LYONS, ESTHER, comp. 6391 Glimpses of Alaska . . . views ... of Alaska and the Klondike district. From photographs by Veazie Wilson. Chi 1897. obi D 96 pis a M., L. B. DE 6393 Coup d'oeil sur l'etat actuel des Etats Unis . . . et sur les evenemens qui s'y pre- pared. P 1834. 160 a M., P. J. Aanmerkingen over den Koophandel. . . . See Law, John. M., W. T. 6394 Reminiscences of a trans-atlantic travel- ler. . . 1831-2. Dub 1835. D [8] 188 a Visited Virginia, Michigan, etc. MAAS, OTTO, ed. 6395 Viajes de misioneros Franc iscanos a la conquista del Nuevo Mexico. Seville 1915. 208 map a MABLY, L'ABBE [GABRIEL 6396 BONNOT] DE Observations sur le gouvernement . . . des Etats-Unis Amst 1784. D [2] 213 a — rptd.: same impr., date & collat.; Dub 1785. D [8] 277; Amst 1790. D [2] 213; P 1791. D [4] 199 — Dutch tr. Amst 1785. — Eng. tr. Amst 1784. 16° [24] 122 — anr. issue, same collat. L 1784. — anr. Eng. tr. L 1784. [4] 280; Dub 1785. same collat. McADAM, R[EZIN] W. Chickasaws and Choctaws. Okla 1891. 67 a 6397 M McADAM, REZIN W., and 6398 LEVI, S. E., comps. Directory of Oklahoma City. . . . [okla C 1889]. [2]? 36 b OkH[only copy located, probably lacks t-p] McAFEE, ROBERT 6399 McAfee, Robert, the pioneer and the first commodore of three principal rivers of the west. n.p. [1888?]. D 194 a [McAFEE, ROBERT B.J 6400 History of the late war in the western country Lex 1816. [8] 534 [2] a — rptd. Bowling Green [l919]. 591 For scope and authenticity, rivalled only by Dawson's Lite of Harrison. Material was supplied by two of the ablest commanders, Harrison and Shelby. M.. ; . Memoires du comte de: P 1827. See More, Chas. Albert, Chevalier de Pontgibaud, Comte de. M., A. 6392 Reflections on the American contest . L 1776. [8] 50 a McALEENAN, JOSEPH 6401 Leaves from a Wyoming diary. N Y 1914. Q 51 a 30copies ptd. McALEENAN, JOSEPH 6402 A trip through Yellowstone park and an elk hunt in Wyoming, [n Y 1913]. obi 69 24pls a small ed.ptd. 359 McAllister — McCalla McAllister, j[oseph] t. 6403 Virginia militia in the revolutionary war. Hot Springs Va [l913]. 337 a McALPINE, J[0HN] 6404 Genuine narratives, and concise memoirs ... of: from. . . his emigration from Scotland, to America, 1773... till December 1799. Greenock 1780. D 63 b N NYP PhilL — anr. issue, same impr. &. date. D 67 b AA — rptd. n.p. 1788. 16° 72 a mcarthur, mrs. harriet [nesmith] Recollections of the Rickreall [Ore.]. Port 1930. 24 4pls a 6405 6406 MACAULAY, CATHERINE An address to the people of England ... on the present important crisis. . . . L 1775. 29 a — 3 other eds., same yr. — Am. ed. called ed. 3, N Y 1775. MACAULEY, JAMES 6407 The natural. . . history of . . . New York, N Y 1829. 3v: [24] 540; [l4] 459; [l6] 452 a Of little authority. McBRIDE, JAMES 6408 Naval biography . . . memoirs of the most distinguished officers of the American navy Cin 1815. D [8] 296 a McBRIDE, JAMES 6409 Pioneer biography ... of Butler County, Ohio. Cin 1869-71. 2v: [l6] 352; 288. port a Some copies on L. P. Important material on the settlement of the Miami country and early Indian troubles. [McCABE, JAMES D.] 6410 Fanaticism, and its results: or, facts ver- sus fancies. Bait 1860. 36 a iMcCABE, JAMES D.]? 6411 The grayjackets and how they lived. . . . Rich [l867]. 574 16maps & pis a Some cop- ies have Phil impr. iMcCABE, JAMES D.I 6412 The life of Lieut. Gen. T. J. Jackson. By an ex-cadet. Rich 1863. 128 a — ed. 2, enl., "The life of Thomas J. Jack- son," Rich 1864. 196 McCABE, JULIUS P. B. [comp.] 6413 Directory of . . . Detroit. .. . Containing an epitomized history [etc.]. Det 1837. D [44] 3- 115 map front, b A A BurtH Clem — ordinary issue, no front, a First Detroit directory. McCABE, JULIUS P. B. [comp.] 6414 Directory of . . . Lexington [etc.] Lex 1838. D [32] 136 a First separate Lexington directory, pre- ceded only by lists in almanacs for 1806 and 1819. McCABE, JULIUS P. B. [ed.] 6415 Directory of . . . Milwaukee, for 1847-8, containing an epitomized history [etc. J. Milw 1847. D 148 + 92adv-p a First directory of this city. The second Directory, 1848, contained a map, see Mil- waukee. McCABE, JULIUS P. B. [comp.] 6416 A directory of the cities of Cleveland [etc.] for 1837-8: comprising historical and descriptive sketches Clev 1837. D [42] 144 b AA LC WisH Y First Cleveland directory; also its first history. McCAIN, CHARLES W. 6417 History of the S. S. "Beaver". . . . Van- couver Can 1894. D 99 7pls & copper medal [made from portion of this ship] a McCAIN, JAMES R. 6418 Georgia as a proprietary province. . . . B [1917]. 357 a McCALEB, WALTER F. 6419 The Aaron Burr conspiracy. ...NY 1903. [20] 377 a [McCALL, ANSEL J.] 6420 Pick and pan. Trip to the diggings in 1849 .... By an argonaut. Bath N Y 1883. 46 b NYP Y McCALL, GEORGE A. 6421 Letters from the frontiers . . . during a pe- riod of thirty years' service in the army. . . . Phil 1868. 539 a McCALL, GEORGE A. 6422 Report in relation to New Mexico. [Sen. Ex. Doc. 26]. Wash 1851. 23 a McCALL, HUGH 6423 The history of Georgia. . . . Savannah 181 1— 16. 2v: [8] 376; [8] 424 a — rptd., with adds., Atlanta 1909. 2v in 1: [lOJ 565 port First history of this state; written by a Revolutionary officer and pioneer from per- sonal knowledge and MS. sources no longer extant. Sabin erroneously collates the origi- nal edition as having a map. McCALLA, WILLIAM L. Adventures in Texas. . [10] 13-199 a 6424 Phil 1841. 16 v 360 McCarthy — McConnell McCarthy, charles h. 6425 Lincoln's plan of reconstruction. N Y 1901. [24] 531 a MACARTNEY, CLARENCE E. N. 6426 Lincoln and his generals. Phil Dorrance [1925]. D 226 ports a — rptd. same impr. [l926]. McCLUNG, ZARAH 6437 Travels across the plains in 1852. St L 1854. D 34 [inch front wrap.] dd StL Merc L [only known copy] McCLURE, ALEXANDER K. 6438 Three thousand miles through the Rocky mountains. Phil 1869. D 456 3pls a McCARTY, WILLIAM, ed. 6427 Geographical memoir upon Upper Cali- fornia. By John C. Fremont. [With extracts from Hakluyt, etc.]. Phil 1849. 80 a [McCARTY, WILLIAM] 6428 History of the American war of 1812, Phil 1816. D 252 7pls a — ed. 2, same collat., impr. & date — ed. 3, same collat., & c. 1817. — Ger. tr. Reading Pa 1817. D 273 7pls M'CHESNEY, JAMES 6429 An antidote to Mormonism. ...NY 1838. D 60 [4] a McCLELLAN, ELIZABETH 6430 Historic dress in America, 1607-1870. Phil [1904-10]. Q 2v: 407; 458. 2fronts. [other pis incl. in paginat.J a — anr. ed., same impr. & collat., [l917j. — rptd. "History of American costume. ..." N Y 1937. Q 661 pis McCLURE, DAVID. 6439 Diary of: 1748-1820. N Y 1899. [8] 219 port a 250copies ptd. Travelled over the Alleghanies to Pitts- burgh and Ohio, in 1772. MC CLURE, DAVID, and 6440 PARISH, ELIJAH Memoirs of . . . Eleazer Wheelock. .. . New- buryport 1811. 336 port a M'CLURE, GEORGE 6441 Causes of the destruction of the American towns on the Niagara frontier. . . . Bath N Y 1817. D 72 a Severely critical of the conduct of 1813 op- erations. McCLURE, M. L. 6442 Major Andrew Drumm, 1828-1919. [k C? 1919]. 41 pis a Sketch of a prominent figure in the early cattle trade. McCLELLAN, HENRY B. 6431 The life and campaigns of. . . J. E. B. Stuart. . . . B 1885. [l8] 468 port 7maps a McCLINTOCK, JOHN N. 6432 History of New Hampshire.. . . B 1888. 698 [20] 38pls a McCOLLUM, WILLIAM S. 6443 California as I saw it . . . and incidents of travel by land and water. Bui 1850. 72 dd CalH NYP Y [of a few copies known] One of the most authentic contemporary narratives of California in the first year of the gold rush. Mc CLINTOCK, WALTER 6433 Old Indian trails B 1923. [l2] 336 28pls a — Eng. ed. same date & collat. L McCLINTOCK, WALTER 6434 The old north trail; or, life ... of the Blackfeet. . . . L 1910. [26] 540 map 9pls tab a McCLUNG, JOHN A. 6435 Sketches of western adventure. . . . Mays- ville Ky 1832. D 360 a — -anr. issue, same sheets, with impr, Phil a —other eds.: Cin 1832 D 321; 1836; 1837; 1838; 1839; 1851; Dayton 1844; 1847; 1852; 1854; with adds., Covington 1872. D [30] 398 llpls; Louisv 1879 McCOMB, DAVID B. 6444 Answers of: with an accompanying letter of General Lafayette, Tallahassee 1827. 478 a Answers to inquiries [concerning Florida's desirability for settlement] submitted by Lafayette in behalf of intending Swiss im- migrants. McCONKEY, MRS. HARRIET E. 6445 [BISHOP] Dakota war whoop; or, Indian massacres and war in Minnesota. St P 1863. D [8] 13- 304 6ports a — rev. & enl. ed. St P 1864. D [l4] 17-429 [incl. lOpls] port For another book by her, see Bishop, Harriet E. McCLUNG, JOHN W. 6436 Minnesota as it is in 1870, . . . [st P] 1870, D 299 + 67adv-p map 4pls a McCONNELL, H. H. 6446 Five years a cavalryman. . . on the Texas frontier Jacksboro Tex 1888-9. D 319 a 361 McConnell — M'Culloch McCONNELL, J. I. 6447 Yolo county, California, resources. . . . Woodland Calif 1887. 91 a M'CONNELL, MATTHEW 6448 An essay on the domestic debts of the United States Phil 1787. [6] 90 a McCONNELL, WILLIAM J. 6449 Early history of Idaho. . . . Caldwell 1913. 420 2pls a McCORKLE, JOHN 6450 Three years with Quantrell. Armstrong Mo n.d. [ca 1914]. 157 llpls a McCORMICK, the late COLONEL 6451 HENRY. Across the continent in 1865. As told in the diary of: Harrisburg 1937. 49 a McCORMICK, RICHARD C. 6452 Arizona: its resources and prospects. NY 1865. 22 map a — anr. ed. Phil 1865. 24 map a [McCOY, ALEXANDER W., JOHN, 6453 and SAMUEL] Pioneering on the plains . . . journey to Mexico in 1848, the overland trip to Cali- fornia, [cover t.] [Kaukauna Wis 1924]. 60, 1. [incl.blank.l. + wraps] capt.t.only a [McCOY, ISAAC] 6454 The annual register of Indian affairs within the Indian . . . territory. LNo.lJ. Shawanoe Mission Kas 1835. 48 a — No.n, same impr. 1836. 88 a — No.m, same impr. 1837. 81 a — No. IV, Wash 1838. 96 a The first number was the first English book printed in Kansas. All were gratuitously circulated. McCOY, ISAAC 6455 History of Baptist Indian missions. . . . Wash 1840. [lo] 3-611 a Based on 20 years of personal experience among the Ottawas, Pottawatomies and Mi- amis, this is one of the most valuable con- tributions ever made to the subject of Indian life and characteristics. McCOY, ISAAC 6456 Periodical account of Baptist missions within the Indian territory, f or . . . 1836. No. I. [all] Shawanoe Mission Kas 1837. 52 capt. t. b Only a few copies known in original wrap- pers; the front wrapper constituted the title page. McCOY, ISAAC 6457 Remarks on the practicability of Indian re- form. B 1827. 47 a — ed. 2, N Y 1829. 72 a One of the earliest suggestions for a reser- vation on which to colonize and educate Western Indians. [McCOY, ISAAC] 6458 Remove Indians westward. . . . Wash [l829]. 23 a — anr. issue, [also a House Doc], appended to McLean's Report, same date. 48 Written after a personal tour of inspection of the country proposed. McCOY, JOSEPH G. 6459 Historic sketches of the cattle trade. . . . K C 1874. [6] 428 + 24adv-p port view[op- posite p416] b LC NYP Y — rptd., in facs., Wash 1932. a; Columbus O 1951. 427 The outstanding authority on the early phases of this industry, by one of its pio- neer operators. McCRADY, EDWARD 6460 The history of South Carolina. ...NY 1897-1902. 4v: [lo] 762; [28] 847; [34] 899; [28] 787. 13maps a Vol. I, Under proprietary government, 1670- 1719; vol. II, Under royal government, 1719- 1776; vols. Ill and IV, In the revolution, 1775-1783. McCUE, JAMES 6461 Twenty-one years in California. Incidents in the life of a stage-driver S F [l878?]„ 30 port a [McCULLOCH, HENRY] 6462 A miscellaneous essay, concerning the courses pursued by Great Britain, in... her colonies L 1755. [2] 134 a [McCULLOCH, HENRY] 6463 Proposals for uniting the British colonies on the continent of America. . . . L 1757. [8] 38 a Early fore-shadowing of what was to come, written by a one-time North Carolinan. [McCULLOCH, HENRY] 6464 The wisdom and policy of the French. . . . With some observations in relation to the dis- putes. . . between the English and French colonies in America. L 1755. [2] 133 a [M'CULLOCH, JOHN] 6465 Introduction to the history of America. . . . Phil 1787. D 208 map[showing western coun- try with divisions suggested by Jefferson] b AA LC Y — rptd. "A concise history of the United States. . . ," Phil 1795. D 244 [map called for not issued] a 362 McCulloh _ M'Gaw -later eds.: 1797; 1813. First American history text book, and first appearance of the Federal Constitution in book-form. [McCULLOH, JAMES H., JR.] 6466 Researches on America. . . . Bait 1816. [8] 131 a — enl. ed„ au. named, Bait 1817. 220 — best ed., with adds., "Researches. „ . con- cerning the aboriginal history of America," Bait 1829. 535 map McCUTCHEN, HENRY G. 6467 History of Scott county, Arkansas. [Little Rock 1922]. D 74 a McDANIELD, H. F., and 6468 TAYLOR, N. A. The coming empire; or two thousand miles in Texas on horseback. N Y [l877]. D 389 a — rptd., with adds., Dallas [l936]. D [l2] 383 Mcdonald, angus w. 6469 The two rebellions; or, treason unmasked Rich 1865. D 144 a McDONALD, FRANK V., ed. 6470 Notes ... to a biography of Richard Hayes McDonald Vol. l[all]. C 1881. F [26] 29- 95 [ll9] 32pls b N NYP 150copies ptd. Describes his overland journey to Cali- fornia and life there. McDONALD, JOHN 6471 Biographical sketches of General Nathan- iel Massie, General Duncan McArthur, Cap- tain William Wells and General Simon Kenton Cin 1838. D [6] 267 a — rptd. Dayton 1852. The author knew personally all of these border Indian fighters and participated in many of the events described. McDONALD, JOSEPH L. 6472 Hidden treasure, or fisheries around the northwest coast. Gloucester Mass 1871. 110 [2] + lOadv-p a McDONALD, WILLIAM 6473 Notes by a pioneer of 1851. n.p. [l914]. 30 a With John Work in the Northwest. [McDONALD, WILLIAM N.I 6474 The two rebellions; or, treason unmasked. Rich 1865. D 144 a Sabin attributes this to Angus W. Mc- Donald. The two rebellions referred to were John Brown's attempt and the more success- ful plot here attributed to Seward and Greeley. McDonnell, william Pioneers of Marion county, lows 1872. 340 a First history of this county. 6475 Des M M'DOUGALD, ELIZABETH. 6476 The life, travels ... of : who, attired as a man, travelled over the principal part of the United States . , . in pursuit of her husband .... Prov 1834. D 24 port a While stalking her prey from Ohio to Mis- souri, she served two years as a soldier at the frontier forts Gratiot and Gibson. M'DUFFIE, JOHN 6477 The Oregon crisis, containing a geographi- cal description of . . . Oregon. . .the emigrant's route across the Rocky Mountains . . . review of the British and American claims. . . . [wrapper title] Salem Ore 1848. 24 d Y McELRATH, THOMSON P. The Yellowstone valley. 138 + 3adv-l. fold, map a 6478 , D McELROY, JOHN M. 6479 Abby Byram and her father, the Indian cap- tives. Ottumwa 1897. 65 a The Byrams were Pennsylvanians captured by Senecas in 1779. McEVOY & BOWRON, pubs. 6480 General city directory. . . of Alton for 1858 . . . also. . . historical sketch. . . . Alton 1858. D 156 pis a Mac FADDEN, HARRY A. Rambles in the far west. . Pa [1906]. [8] 278 42pls a 6481 . Hollidaysburg McFARLAND, DAVID F. 6482 Notes on the history of New Mexico. Wash 1877. 28 a McGARRAHAN, WILLIAM 6483 The history of the McGarrahan claim, IS F 1875]. 411 a McGARRAHAN . . . MEMORIAL McGarrahan (The William) memorial. S F 1870. 270 map a 6484 McGAW, JAMES F. 6485 The impressed seaman; life on board a British man-of-war. Mansfield O 1857. 82 a M'GAW, JAMES F. 6486 Philip Seymour, or, pioneer life in Rich- land County, Ohio Mansfield O 1858. 296 2pls a — issued also in 3pts, wraps — rptd. 1883. 432 Fictionized narrative purportedly based on fact. 363 McGee — Mackay McGEE, MAJOR JOSEPH H. 6487 Story of the Grand river country. . . . Gal- latin Mo [1909]. 67 port a Twenty pages describe his 1850 trip to California; also much on early Missouri. McGLASHAN, CHARLES F. 6488 History of the Donner party: a tragedy of the Sierras. Truckee Cal [l879]. 193 b — ed. 2, with pis added, S F 1880. rptd. often Best account of the most harrowing of all overland disasters. McGOWAN, EDWARD 6489 Narrative. . . including a full account of the author's adventures and perils while per- secuted by the . . . Vigilance committee of 1856. S F 1857. D 240 b NYP — rptd. S F 1917. 240 port a 200copies ptd. — anr. ed. 1927. D low, leaving New York and abolition New England in cheerless isolation. [McHENRY, JAMES] 6496 The wilderness; or Braddock's times. . . . N Y 1823. D 2v: [2] 288; 292 a — rptd. Pitt 1848. D 2v: 229; 230 —anr. ed., same sheets with new t-p, Pitt 1876. D 2v in 1 same collat. — Eng, ed. "The wilderness; or the youthful days of Washington," By Solomon Second- sight, L 1823. D 3v: [2] 292; [2] 286 [l]; [2] , 300 — Ger. ed. "Die Wildniss, . . ," Vienna 1829. 16° 3v in 1: [2] 159; [2] 168; [2] 164 MclLHANY, EDWARD W. 6497 Recollections of a '49er. . . across the plains, and life in the . . . gold fields. K C 1908. D 212[incl. 2pls] a MACGREGOR, JOHN, 1797-1857 6490 The progress of America, from the discov- ery by Columbus to . . , 1846, L 1847. 2v: [16] 1520; [8] 1334 [84] a Includes four chapters on California, nine on the disputed Oregon country, others on early voyages to the Northwest coast, the fur trade and commerce over the prairies with Santa Fe. MACGREGOR, JOHN 1825-92 6491 Our brothers and cousins; a summer tour in Canada and the United States. L 1859. D [20] 156 pi a M'lLVAINE, WILLIAM 6498 Sketches of scenery and notes of personal adventure, in California and Mexico, Phil 1850. 44 17pls[incl, eng.t.] b N NYP Y — rptd. S F Grabhorn 1951. F 90 16pls a 400 copies ptd. The lithograph views of San Francisco and Sacramento are among the earliest drawn "on the spot." MclNTIRE [OR McINTYRE] JAMES 6499 Early days in Texas. ., ,K C [l902]. D 229 16pls a Reminiscences of an old faro dealer. MacGREGOR, WILLIAM L. 6492 San Francisco. . . in 1876. Edin 1876. 71 pis a — anr. issue, without pis [McGUIRE, MRS. JOHN P.] 6493 Diary of a southern refugee during the war. N Y 1867, D 360 a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat. 1868. — ed. 3, Rich 1889. McHENRY, GEORGE 6494 The cotton trade: its bearing upon the prosperity of Great Britain .. .considered in connection with. . . Negro slavery in the Con- federate States. L 1863. [72] 292 a ed. 2, same impr. & date. Written to influence British recognition for the Confederacy. MclNTOSH, JOHN 6500 The discovery of America., .and the origin of the . . . Indians, By J. Mackintosh [sic]. Tor 1836. 152 a — enl. ed. "The origin of the . . . Indians. .. ,": N Y 1843. 31l[incl, pis] — many reissues. MACK, EFFIE M. 6501 Nevada, a history. . . . Glendale 1936. 495 map facs diag a also 250copies on fine paper MACK, SOLOMON [maternal grand- 6502 father of Joseph Smith, the prophet]. A narraitive [sic] of the life of Windsor [l811?J. D 48 b NYP Y Gives his experiences in the Revolution and in the French and Indian war. McHENRY, GEORGE 6495 The position and duty of Pennsylvania. . . with sketches of the commercial. . . history of the late American union. L 1863. [4] 91 a This Pennsylvanian — a Confederate agent in London — urges his State to join the Con- federacy; New Jersey and the West would fol- MACKAY, ALEXANDER 6503 The western world; or, travel in the United States. , , ,L 1849. D 3v: 340; 321; 374. map a — ed. 2, L 1849. D 3v map — ed. 3, L 1850. D 3v map — ed. 4, L 1850, — Am. ed. Phil 1849. D 2v: 312; [4] 13-316 364 Mackay — Mackenzie — Ger. tr. [by O. L. HeubnerL Leip 1855. 4v: [8] 328; [4] 330; [4] 316; [s] 343. tab. Ger. tr. [m. Heine], Leip 1861. 1006 4pls [McKENNEY, THOMAS L.] 6513 Essays on the spirit of Jacksonism, as ex- emplified in its deadly hostility to the Bank of the United States. . . . Phil 1835. 151 a MACKAY, CHARLES 6504 Life and liberty in America. . . . L 1859. D 2v: [8] 344; [4] 336. lOpls a — ed. 2, same date, impr. & collat. —Am. ed. N Y 1859. D 413 lOpls [McKAY, DONALD] Daring Donald McKay. See Edwards, T. A. MocKAY, LIEUT. HUGH, of General 6505 Oglethorpe's regiment. A letter from: L 1742. 39 b Corrects misconceptions concerning the futile expedition against St. Augustine. Mac KAY, MALCOLM S. 6506 Cow range and hunting trail. N Y 1925. D [16] 243 24pls a McKAY, RICHARD C. 6507 Some famous sailing ships and their builder, Donald McKay. N Y 1928. [28] 395 lOcoLpls a Also L.P. issue of 250copies. Practically a history of the packet and slipper ship era. McKAY, ROBERT H. 6508 Little pills . . o experiences of . . . a medical officer on the frontier. . . . Pittsburg Kas 1918. 127[incl. initial blank, 1.] 3pls a M'KENNEY, THOMAS L., and 6514 HALL, JAMES History of the Indian tribes. . . . Phil 1836, 1838, 1844. F 3v: [6] 204; [2] 237; [4] 196 [2] + 2 lp. listing subscribers. 120col.pls map b NYP Y — anr. ed. Phil 1837-38-44. same collat. but textual changes made in describing the al- tered front, of v.I b AA NYP — anr. ed. Phil 1838-42-44. b N NYP Y — rptd. Phil Rice n.d. same format & collat. a — Eng. ed. v.I [all], L 1837. 30col.pls a — octavo eds., with textual adds., [all Phil 3v 126col.pls]: 1848-49-50 a; 1854; 1855; 1858; 1865; 1870. Mostly the work of King, these are the most colorful portraits of Indians ever executed. Originally issued in twenty parts (in nine- teen); but few sets were retained in that im- practicable form. The original oil paintings of which the plates were copies were all de- stroyed in the 1865 Smithsonian fire. McKENNEY, THOMAS L. 6515 Memoirs, official and personal; with sketches of travels among the. . . Indians. . . . N Y 1846. 2v in 1: [8] 17-340; [6] 9-136. 12pls[one col] a — ed. 2, N Y 1846. 2v in 1: [l4] 17-340; [6] 9-136. 12pls[one col] — ed. 3, "Sketches of travels. . . ," N Y 1854. same collat. MacKAY, SAMUEL 6509 Apercu topographique de la Virginie. . . . P 1816. D 24 a Mac KEAN, WILLIAM 6510 Letters home, during a trip to America, 1869. Paisley Scotland 1875. D 240 3pls a Describes conditions throughout the coun- try as far West as Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. McKEE, JAMES C. 6511 Narrative of the surrender of . . . U. S. forces at Fort Fillmore, N. M., in July, 1861 . . . . Prescorr 1878. D 15 + cover t. b N NYP — ed. 2, rev., N Y 1881. D 30 a — ed. 3, B 1886. 32 2maps [MacKELLAR, PATRICK] 6512 A short account of the expedition against Quebec ... in 1759 L [l848]. 20 fold. plan a — rptd. Quebec 1872. 48 Has also been ascribed to Major Moncrief and to James Thompson. McKENNEY, COL. [THOMAS L.]. 6516 Reports and proceedings of: on . . „ his re- cent tour among the southern Indians. . . , Wash 1828. 37 a McKENNEY, THOMAS L. 6517 Sketches of a tour to the lakes [etc.]„ Bait 1827. 494 29pls a some pis col in some copies. MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER 6518 Voyages from Montreal ... to the frozen and Pacific oceans. With . . . account of . . . the fur trade L 1801. Q [l2 132] 412 errata, 1. 3maps port a — ed. 2, L 1802. 2v: [14] 290; 332. port 3maps[in some copies, bound separately] — anr. ed. L 1803. — Am. ed. N Y 1802. [lo] 94 296 map — anr. ed. Phil 1802. 2v: [l4 126] 114; 115-392. port 3maps — rptd. N Y 1803. D 437 map; N Y 1814. [l4 126] 392 port 3maps — Fr. tr., with add.notes, P 1802. D 3v 3maps port — Ger. tr. Hamburg 1802. [lo] 585 map port 365 Mackenzie McLean — Rus. tr., see Berkh, Vasilii N., "Pute- shestvie. ..." First crossing of the continent from ocean to ocean by a white man. The narrative por- tion was prepared for publication by William Combe from Mackenzie's notes. The account of the fur trade — first ever published — is at- tributed to Roderick Mackenzie. For pirated edition, see Maclauries, Mr. MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER S. 6519 The life of Oliver Hazard Perry. N Y 1840. 16° 2v: [14] 322; 270. port a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1841. MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER S. 6520 The life of Paul Jones. B 1841. 16° 2v: [12] 260; [10] 308 a — rptd., same collat., N Y 1845; N Y 1848. — Eng. ed., with omissions, au. named as Edward Hamilton, Aberdeen 1848. D 304 — anr. Am. ed., under same pseud., Phil 1858. D Mcknight, charles 6528 Simon Girty: "the white savage". . . . Cin [1880]. 442 a Mcknight, george s. 6529 . . . Travels from Perrysburg to California. Perrysburg O 1903. 27 a edition sup- pressed, because of typographical errors. Describes overland trip through Texas to Mazatlan, Mexico, and by steamer to San Francisco. M'KONOCHIE, CAPTAIN 6530 A summary view of the . . . commerce of the frincipal shores of the Pacific. . . . L 1818. 22] 366 map -a Plan for British commercial domination; California and the Northwest coast included. Mclaughlin, james 6531 My friend the Indian. B 1910. [l4] 418 16pls a — impression 2, same date & collat. MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER S. 6521 Life of Stephen Decatur. . . . B 1846. [l4] 433 a some copies on L. P. MACKENZIE, E[NEAS] 6522 An historical . . . view of the United States . . . .Newcastle Eng 1819. [l6] 9-712 9maps & pis a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. MACKENZIE, RODERICK 6523 Strictures on . . . Tarleton's History of the campaigns of 1780 and 1781. . . . L 1787. [lO] 186 errata 1. a MACKENZIE, WILLIAM L. 6524 Sketches of Canada and the United States. L 1833. D [24] 504 a 6525 Matagorda Tex McKINSTRY, WILLIAM C. The Colorado navigator. . 1840. D [6] 23 c MACKINTOSH, j[0HN] The discovery of America. . . and the ori- gin of the North American Indians. See Mcin- tosh, John. [McKNIGHT, CHARLES] 6526 Old Fort Duquesne. . . . Pitt 1844. 79 b — enl. ed., au. named, t. altered, Pitt 1873. D 501 7pls a Romance, subordinated to historical facts, concerning this region in 1754. McKNIGHT, CHARLES 6527 Our western border. . . .Phil 1875. [l2] 756 15pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1876. Mclaughlin, mrs. marie l. 6532 Myths and legends of the Sioux. Bismarck 1916. 200[incl.frontJ a 400copies ptd. MACLAURIES, MR. 6533 A narrative, or journal of voyages and travels through the north-west continent of America L 1802. D [4] 91 pi c N NYP WashS Y Obvious piracy from Alexander Mackenzie's Voyages, possibly perpetrated by the editor of that work, William Combe. MACLAY, EDGAR S. 6534 A history of American privateers. TV Y 1899. [40] 519 lSpls a MACLAY, SAMUEL 6535 Journal of: while surveying the west branch of the Susquehanna. . . . in 1790. Wil' liamsport 1887. 63 a MACLAY, WILLIAM 6536 Sketches of debate in the first Senate of the United States, 1789-91. Harrisburg[l88o]. [18] 357 port a — rptd., with adds., "Journal. . . ," N Y 1890. [16] 438 port; N Y 1927. [22] 429 port Of these proceedings — held behind closed doors and never printed— this private diary is the chief source of information. McLEAN, MR. 6537 McLean, Mr., from the committee on Indian affairs, made the following report. . . . LH. Doc. 87]. Wash 1829. 48 a Contains Isaac McCoy's report Remove In- dians westward, q.v. 366 McLean — McNemee McLEAN, JAMES. 6538 Seventeen years history of the life . , . of : an impressed American. . . . Hart 1814. D 27 a MACLEAN, JLOHN] P. 6539 An historical account of the settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America. . . . Clev 1900. 459 + inserted 1. after p 416 a McLEOD, REV. ALEXANDER 6540 Negro slavery unjustifiable. . . . N Y 1802. 42 a — Eng. ed. Glas 1804. 35 M'LEOD, ALEXANDER, [defendant]. 6541 Trial of: for the murder of Amos Durfee; and as an accomplice in the burning of the steamer Caroline. ...NY 1841. 32 a — anro ed. Wash same date. McLEOD, DONALD 6542 A brief review of the settlement of Upper Canada , . . with a brief sketch of the cam- paigns of 1812-13-14 Clev 1841. D 144 149-292 a Includes details of the rebellion of 1837 and the organization, within Ohio and New York, of a patriot army for the invasion of Canada McLEOD, DONALD 6543 History of Wiskonsan. . . . Buff 1846, 16° [2] 7-310 map 4pls a some copies issued with map only; others with pis, but no map MACLURE, WILLIAM 6544 Observations on the geology of the United States Phil 1817. 127 L2J fold. map [first geological map of this country] fold.pl MACLURE, WILLIAM 6545 Opinions on various subjects, dedicated to the industrious producers. Vol. l[all]. New Harmony 1831. [4] 640 a — anr. issue, same impr. & date [but prob- ably ptd. ca 1836 or 1837], [4] 483 Ap- parently a re-issue [of original sheets or from original type] of the 1831 ed., without chang- ing date, made to accompany vol. II [of 1837J. — same, vol.11, same impr. 1837. [8] 556 — same, vol. Ill, same impr. 1838. [6] 320 [MACLURE, WILLIAM] 6546 Suite des observations sur la geologie des Etats-Unis n.p. [l81l]. 32 map a M'MAHON, JOHN V. L. 6547 An historical view of the government of Maryland Vol. l[all]. Bait 1831. o[l2] 292 a McMAHON, T. W. 6548 Cause and contrast: an essay on the Amer- ican crisis. Rich 1862. [l6] 192 a Southern political philosophy explained and defended. McMASTER, GUY H. 6549 History of the settlement of Steuben county Bath N Y 1953. D [4] 318 a — rptd. Roch 1893. D 300copies McMASTER, S. W. 6550 60 years on the upper Mississippi. . . . Rock Island 1893. D [4] 300 a Printer's foreword is dated Galena 1895. McMECHEN, EDGAR C. 6551 Life of Governor [john] Evans, second territorial governor of Colorado. Wenver 1924]. D [10] 224 16pls a McMECHEN, JAMES H. 6552 Legends of the valley. Wheeling 1874, 16° 58 a — — ed. 2, "Legends of the Ohio valley," same impr. & collat., 1877. — anr. ed. same impr. 1878. 16° 104 — ed. 3, Wheeling 1881. 16° [6] 5-110 McMORRIES, EDWARD Y. 6553 History of the First . . . Alabama . . . Infan- try. Montg 1904. 142 a McMURTRIE, HENRY 6554 Sketches of Louisville [Ky.] and its en- virons. . . . Louisv 1819. D [8] 255 map tab a First history of this city and first impor- tant book printed there. [McNAMARA, J.] 6555 In perils by mine own countrymen. Three years on the Kansas border. N Y 1865. D 240 a McNEIL, SAMUEL 6556 . . , Travels in 1849, to, through and from the gold regions, in California. Columbus 1850. 40 c AA NYP Y McNEMAR, RICHARD 6557 The Kentucky revival, or, a short history of the late extraordinary out-pouring of the spirit of God, in the western states. . . . Cin 1807. D 120 a — other eds.: Alb 1808; Pittsfield 1808; N Y 1846. McNEMEE, ANDREW J. 6558 "Brother Mack" the frontier preacher. . . . Port [l924]. D 79 a Reminiscences of early days in Oregon, from 1845. 367 Modelene MACOMB, CAPT. j[OHN] N. 6559 Report of the exploring expedition from Santa Fe ... to the junction of Grand and Green rivers ... in 1859. . . . Wash 1876. Q 152 22pls [ll in color] a Publication of this report was intended for 1861, but the Civil War compelled a delay of fifteen years. McPHERSON, EDWARD 6560 The political history of the United States during the period of reconstruction. . . . Wash 1871. [lOj 648 a — ed. 2, Wash 1875. same collat. — ed. 3, same impr. & collat. 1876; rptd. 1880. [MACPHERSON, JAMES] 6561 A short history of the opposition during the last session of Parliament. L 1779. [6] 58 a — eds. 2, 3, 4 & 5, same impr., date & collat. — other eds.: n.p. n.d.; Dub 1779. Attributes successes of Americans to the encouragement given them by Whig members. Attributed also to Edward Gibbon. McPHERSON, W| ILLIAMl 6562 Homes in Los Angeles, city and county. . . . L A 1873. D 74 + 25adv-p fold, map a First "boom" pamphlet for Southern Cali- fornia. McSHERRY, JAMES 6569 Pere Jean; or the Jesuit missionary. . . . Bait 1847. D [2] 256 2pls a — anr. ed. "Father Laval; or the Jesuit mis- sionary," Bait 1860. 16° 214[incl.front. ] Account of Father Isaac Jogues' labors among the Mohawks, his captivity and martyrdom. McSHERRY, RICHARD 6570 Essays and lectures on . . . the early his- tory of Maryland Bait 1869. [6] 125 a [MocSPARRAN, JAMES] 6571 America dissected . . . true account of all . . . colonies. . . . Published as a caution to unsteady people . . . tempted to leave their native country. Dub 1753. [2] 48 a Author spent thirty-six years as a mis- sionary in Rhode Island. McWHORTER, LUCULLUS V. 6572 The border settlers of northwestern Vir- ginia, 1768-95. Hamilton O 1915. 509 a McWHORTER, LUCULLUS V. 6573 The crime against the Yakimas. N Yakima Wash [1913]. 56 a McWHORTER, LUCULLUS V. 6574 Tragedy of the Wahk-shum; prelude to the Yakima Indian war, 1855-6. . . . Yakima Wash [1937]. [2] 44 [l] 9pls a MACPHERSON'S DIRECTORY 6563 Macpherson's directory for. . . Philadelphia Phil Oct, 1, 1785. [4] 159 b AA NYP First American city directory. MACRAE, DAVID 6564 The Americans at home. . . . Edin 1870. D 2v: [24] 332; [6] 408 a — rptd. Glas 1885. D 488 Spent much time in the South, interviewing various Confederate leaders, and went West to Illinois, Iowa and Missouri. McREE, GRIFFITH J. 6565 Life ... of James Iredell. . . . N Y 1857-8. 2v: [8] 570; [8] 605. 2pls facs a McREYNOLDS, ROBERT 6566 Thirty years on the frontier. . . . Colorado Springs 1906. D [8] 256 llpls a M'ROBERT, PATRICK 6567 A tour through part of the north provinces of America Edin 1776. 64 b H NYP McSHERRY, JAMES 6568 History of Maryland Bait 1849. 405 5pls a — ed. 2, rev., same impr. & date. [l2] 3- 405 5pls — new ed., continued, Bait 1904. 437 front. McWILLIAMS, JOHN 6575 Recollections . . . experiences in California .. ..Princeton [l919]. 186 port a Describes his overland trip to Oregon in 1849 and life in the mines. MACY, OBED 6576 The history of Nantucket . , . with the rise ... of the whale fishery B 1835. 300 map pi a — ed. 2, Mansfield 1880. D 213 map pi MACY, WILLIAM H. 6577 There she blows! or, the log of the Are- thusau B 1877. D [8] 320 pis a — rptd., t.slightly altered, B 1889. same collat. MADDOX, JOHN, pub. 6578 The Richmond [Va.] directory. ..for... 1819. Rich 1819. 88 a First directory of this city. MADELENE, HENRY DE LA 6579 Le comte Gaston de Raousset Boulbon; sa vie et ses aventures. Alencon 1856. 162 a — ed. 2, P 1859. same collat. The audacious dream of the conquest of Sonora and the mines of Arizona extinguished only by two ill-starred expeditions and a final firing squad. 368 Madison — Maguire [MADISON. JAMES] The diplomatick policy of Mr. Madison un- veiled. ... By a Bostonian. See Lowell, John. [MADISON, JAMES] 6580 An examination of the British doctrine which subjects to capture a neutral trade not open in time of peace, n.p. [l806]. 204 a — ed. 2, L 1806. [2] 200 — other eds. : "An examination of the con- duct of Great Britain, respecting neutrals . .. ," Phil 1807. O 72; D 1808. same collat. [MADISON, JAMES] 6581 Letters of Helvidius . .. on the President's proclamation of neutrality. Phil 1796. 48 a MADISON'S... WAR Madison's (Mr.) war. . . inquiry into the rea- sons alleged . . . for declaring . . . war against Great Britain. By a New-England farmer. See Lowell, John. MADISON, MR. [JAMES] Perpetual war, the policy of:. ... By a Yankee farmer. See Lowell, John. MADISON, JAMES 6582 The republican crisis . . . exposition of the political Jesuitism of: . . . By an observant citizen. . . . Alexandria 1812. 56 a MADISON, JAMES 6583 Selections from the private correspondence of:. . . . Wash 1853. Q [4] 3-419 a MADISON COUNTY [iND.] History of: Chi 1880. 128 6584 MADISON COUNTY [MONT.] 6585 Resources of: Virginia City [ptd S f] 1872. 60 a MADISON [WIS.] Statistics of Dane county, Wisconsin, with a business directory ... of : 1851. See Dane county, Wisconsin. MADISON [WIS.] DIRECTORY Madison [wis.] directory. . . . 1855. See Seymour, Wm. N., comp. MADISON 6586 Madison, the capital of Wisconsin; its progress, capabilities and destiny. Madison 1855. 48 a For similar title, see Draper, Lyman W. MADOX, D. T. 6587 Late account of the Missouri Territory. . . . Paris Ky 1817. [lo] 66 b LexP WisH [of 3 copies known] MADRAY, MRS. I. C. 6588 A history of Bee county, Texas. Beeville 1939. [4] 135 cov.t.only a MADRID Y ORMAECHEA, GERMAN, tr. 6589 Historia Christiana de la California. . . . Mex 1864. 16" 238 5pls a MAES, CAMILLUS P. 6590 The life of Rev. Charles Nerinckx: with a chapter on the early Catholic missions of Kentucky. . . . Cin 1880. [l8] 635 port a MAFFITT, JOHN N. 6591 A plea for Texas, . . . Nashv 1836. D 24 a MAGAZINE Magazine (The) of travel. in the two hemispheres. See Travels MAGILL, JOHN 6592 The pioneer to the Kentucky emigrant. . . . Frankf 1832. D 84 b NYH PittU [of 3 copies knownj From this pamphlet Lewis Collins took, without acknowledgment, considerable ma- terial for his Historical sketches of Ken- tucky> MAGOFFIN, SUSAN S. 6593 Down the Santa Fe trail and into Mexico N Hav 1926. [26] 294 map 7pls a MAGOUN, F. ALEXANDER 6594 The frigate Constitution. . . . Salem 1928. Q [18] 154 [l] 31pls 16plans a also 97copies on L.P. MAGOUN, GEORGE F. 6595 The west: its culture and its colleges. . . . Davenport 1855. 35 a MAGRUDER, ALLAN B. 6596 A letter from: ... to his correspondent in . . . Virginia. N O 1808. 26 c LC This, together with Magruder's 1803. . . Reflections Lnext entry], gives the earliest detailed account of the newly purchased Louisiana Territory. MAGRUDER, ALLAN B. 6597 Political, commercial and moral reflections on the late cession of Louisiana. Lex 1803. 150 c LC WisH Y MAGRUDER, JOHN B. 6598 Report of his operations on the Peninsula Rich 1862. 46 a — anr. ed., same date & collat., Mobile MAGUIRE, H[ENRY] N. 6599 The Black hills and American wonderland. Chi 1877. Q 35 b Y 369 Maguire — Malezieux — anr. issue, called "People's ed.," [in "The Lakeside Library," v. IV, no.82, Chi 1877]. b N The same author's twenty-page duodecimo, The Black hills ot Dakota, [Chicago 1879], is an entirely different book. MAGUIRE, hIeNRY] N. 6600 The coming empire . . . the Black Hills, Yel- lowstone and Big Horn regions. Sioux C 1878. D 177 map 7pls b H MontH [MAGUIRE, H[ENRY] N. f and 6601 HORR, HENRY] Historical sketch and essay on . . . Montana Helena 1868. 168 [cover t. only] c H MontH Y [MAGUIRE, HENRY N.] 6602 New map and guide to Dakota and the Black hills. Chi [l877]. 86 4- 4adv-p 2maps b LC Y MAGUIRE, JOHN F. 6603 The Irish in America. L 1868. [l8] 653 a — Am. ed, N Y 1868. D [l4] 653 MAHIN, JOHN [comp.] 6604 Muscatine city directory ... for 1856: con- taining a history [etc.], Muscatine 1856. D [4, 40] 5-53, 1. 34-80 a First history and first directory of this city. MAHONING VALLEY (THE) 6605 Historical collections of:. . . . Vol.1 [all]. Youngstown 1876. 524 map a MAILHE, M. [J. B.] 6606 Discours. . . sur la . . . importance de la re- volution . . . dans l'Amerique. . . . Toulouse 1784. 40 a MAILLARD, N. DORAN 6607 The history of the republic of Texas. , . . L 1842. [24] 512 map a An antidote to the pro-Texan history of an- other Englishman, William Kennedy, MAINE (THE DISTRICT OF) An address to the inhabitants of:. . . . By one of their fellow citizens. See Davis, Daniel. MAINE 6608 A description of the situation. . . of certain tracts of land in the District of: n.p. [l793], Q 44 a MAINE BOUNDARY (THE) 6609 Documents relating to: Wash 1838. 494 map a MAINE 6610 Documents relating to the north eastern boundary of. „ . : B 1828. 275 a MAINE 6611 The seventeenth jewel, of the United States ... in the latitude and longitude of: n.p, 1797. D 35 a MAJOR, RICHARD H. 6612 The true date of the English discovery of the American continent. , . . L 1870. Q 26 a Analyzes the claim for a 1494 voyage and concludes that the first Cabotian voyage was in 1497. MAJOR, RICHARD H. 6613 The voyages of the Venetian brothers Zeno ... in the fourteenth century. L Hakluyt Soc. 1873. [104] 64 4maps a — rptd., in part, B 1875. 20 map lOOcopies ptd. Attempt to establish the authenticity of the Zeno account. MAJORS, ALEXANDER Seventy years on the frontier. . , . D 325[incl. front, & pis] a — rptd., without illus., Denver n.d, 6614 Chi 1893. MAKEMSON, W. K. 6615 Historical sketch of first settlement ... of Williamson county [Tex.] Georgetown, Tex. [1904?]. D 26 a MALANGUEULE. 6616 Relations diverses sur la bataille du: gane par les Francois sous M. de Beaujeau. . , sur les Anglois sous M, Braddock. ...NY 1860. [l6] 9-91 port a lOOcopies ptd. MALASPINA, ALEJANDRO 6617 Viage . . . alrededor del mundo por las corbetas Descubierta y Atrevida . . . 1789 a 1794. Madrid 1885. Q [38] 682 [6] map port 7pls a First printing of the official account of this scientific expedition which made exten- sive explorations along the California and northwest coasts. For an earlier publication by a subaltern see Viana, Francisco Javier de. Also see Suria, Thomas. 6618 MALET, WILLIAM W. An errand to the south in the summer of 1862. L 1863. 16° [8] 312 pi a MALEZIEUX, EMILE , 6619 Souvenirs d'une mission aux Etats-Unis P 1874. [2] 175 7maps & pis a Informal account of travels from coast to coast while gathering material for his official report. 370 Malezieux — Manly MALEZIEUX, EMILE , 6620 Travaux publics des Etats-Unis. ... P 1873. sm F [4] 572 4- Atlas[of 61fold.pls] a Formal report of his investigation of Amer- ican public works and engineering methods. MALLINSON, MRS. FLORENCE L. 6621 My travels and adventures in Alaska. . „ . Seattle 1914. D 200 lOpls a MALONE, JAMES H. 6622 The Chickasaw nation. . ..[k C ca 1919]. [8] 175 a — enl. ed. Louisv 1922. [30] 537 maps pis MALSEN, A. VAN 6623 Achttal Brieven uit de Kolonie Hollande in Amerika [i.e. in Michigan]. Zwijndrecht 1848. D 50 a [MALTBY, WILLIAM J.] 6624 Captain Jeff; or, frontier life in Texas with the Texas rangers. . . . Colorado Tex 1906. 166[incl.port] 2pls a — ed„ 2, same impr. & date. 204 [incl.port] 2pls By a companion of Big Foot Wallace in ex- peditions against the Comanches and Kiowas, 1850-1875. MAMMOTH CAVE (THE). Rambles in:. . . „ By a visitor. See Croghan, John. MAMMOTH CAVE Mammoth Cave (the celebrated). Wonderful curiosity; or, a correct narrative of:.. . * See Jones, Wm. B. [MANCUR, JOHN H.] 6625 Tales of the revolution NY 1835. 18° 216 a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1839; 1841; 1844; 1858. MANDAT-GRANCEY, EDMOND, 6626 BARON DE La breche aux buffles. Un ranch francais dans le Dakota. P 1889. D [l6] 292[incl. front wrap] + 12adv-p + back wrap 6double-p. pis a — ed. 2, P [1893], same collat. MANDAT-GRANCEY, EDMOND, 6627 BARON DE Dans les montagnes Rocheuses. P 1884. D 314 map 9pls a — ed. 2, same collat., P 1889. — rptd. P 1894. — Eng. tr. "Cow-boys and colonels; narra- tive of a journey across the prairie and over the Black Hills of Dakota," L 1887. D [l2] 352 pis — new ed. L [l888]. D 364 pis —Am. ed. N Y [l887J. D 364 pis [MANDRILLON, JOSEPH] 6628 Precis sur l'Amerique Septentrionale. . . . Amst 1782. 164 a Included with the author's French transla- tion of Cluny, Alexander, The American tray- eller, see entry below. M[ANDRILLON], J[0SEP]H 6629 Le spectateur americain. . . . Amst 1782. [8] 199 166 map 3tabs a — rptd. same impr.: 1783. [8] 264 map 3 tabs; 1784. [16] 128 308 96 map tabs — ed. 2, Amst 1785. [20] 519 map tabs This is a translation of Cluny, Alexander, The American traveller, with additions, no- tably Mandrillon's own Precis sur l'Amerique ..., q.v. MANFORD, ERASMUS 6630 Twenty-five years in the west. Chi 1867. D [2] 359 a — rptd., same collat. & impr., 1868. — rev. ed. Chi 1872. 375 port MANGOURIT, [MICHEL ANGE 6631 BERNARD DE]. Memoire de: Addresses des municipalites . . . de l'etat de la Caroline du Sud. . . . P [1795]. Q32a Mangourit when consul at Charleston be- came embroiled with Genet's activities, was recalled to France and published this ex- oneration. [MANHEIM, FREDERICK] 6632 Affecting history of the dreadful distresses of Frederick Manheim's family. . . . Exeter 1793. D 66 [incl. blank, 1. before t-p] b AA N — anr. ed. Phil 1794. 48 front, a — other eds.: Newport Farnsworth [l798? 1799?]; [Leominster] C. Whitcomb [l800?]; Phil 1800; Bennington 1802. All of above editions of this brief narra- tive are padded to book size by including the similar narratives of Massy Herbeson, Peter Wilkinson, Johonnet, er al. Manheim had his twin 16-year old daughters burned by Indians before his eyes. MANLEY, JOHN, ed. 6633 Original portraits and biographies of the old pioneers ... of Cattaraugus County [N.Y.]. Little Valley N Y 1857. 136 8ports a — rptd., same impr. 1858. 140 8ports MANLY, WILLIAM L. 6634 Death valley in '49 San Jose 1894. 498[incl„ initial blank & port] 3pls a — rptd., ed. Quaife, Chi 1927. 16° 371 Classic account, by a survivor, of dire suf- ferings endured by an emigrant party on a short-cut from Salt Lake City to California through the valley called ever after by this fearful name. MANN, A[MBROSE] DUDLEY 6635 Die Nordamericanischen Freistaaten. . . . Bremen 1845. [8] 326 a [MANN, HERMAN] 6636 The female review: or, memoirs of an Amer- American young lady. . . a continental sol- dier. ... By a citizen of Massachusetts. Ded- ham 1797. D 264[incl. subscribers' list] port a — rptd. B 1866. Q 267 port 250copies ptd.; a few on L. P. Exploits — not too credible — of Deborah Sampson in the Revolution; that she actually served, under the name of Robert Shurtleff, is, however, a matter of indisputable record. MANN, JAMES 6637 Medical sketches of the campaigns of 1812, 13, 14. . . . Dedham 1816. 318 a MANN, WILLIAM 6638 Emigrant's complete guide to the United States L 1850. D 72 a MANNING, EDWARD C. 6639 Biographical, historical . . , selections by: Cedar Rapids 1911. 194 [2] pis a MANNING, WENTWORTH. 6640 Some history of Van Zandt county, Texas. Vol.1 [all]. Des M [l919]. 220 a Most of ed- ition burned. MANRING, BENJAMIN F. 6641 Conquest of the Coeur d'Alenes. . . . Spo- kane Graham [l912]. D 280 map 21pls facs a MANTE, THOMAS 6646 The history of the late war in North Amer- ica L 1772. Q [l2] 542 18maps & plans errata, 1. d N NYP Y Best contemporary chronicle of this war; including detailed accounts of the frontier campaigns under Washington, Braddock, Am- herst, Bradstreet, Bouquet, er al. MANUAL-GUIDE Manual-guide des voyageurs aux Etats- Unis. . . .See Fernagus de Gelone. MANYPENNY, GEORGE W. Our Indian wards. Cin 1880. 436 6647 6648 MANZANEDA Y ECINAS, DIEGO M. B., DE Sermon en las solemnes honras celebradas en obsequio de . . . Fr. Francisco Tomas Her- mengildo Garces. . . .Madrid 1819. 94 a Gives account of the massacre by the In- dians of four missionaries at Yuma in 1781. [MARBAULT, M. DE?] 6649 Essai sur le commerce de Russie, avec l'histoire de ses decouvertes. Amst 1777. D 300 map a Pays considerable attention to discoveries and trade between Kamschatka and America. MARCEL, GABRIEL 6650 Reproductions des cartes & de globes rela- tifs a la decouverte de l'Amerique, du XVI e au XVIII e siecle. P 1894. F 2v: [text 146p., atlas 40maps] a Complete in itself, but formed a portion of Schefer and Cordier, Recueil de voyages. . . . MARCH 6651 March (The) of the First . . . Regiment of Colorado Volunteers. . . . Denver 1863. 40 + 4adv-p b S MANSFIELD, EDWARD D. 6642 Exposition of the natural position of Makinaw City, and. . . the surrounding coun- try. Cin 1857. 48 2maps a MANSFIELD, EDWARD D. 6643 Memoirs ... of Daniel Drake . . . with no- tices of the early settlement of Cincinnati. Cin 1855. D 408 port a MANSFIELD, EDWARD D. 6644 Personal memories. . . 1803-1843. Cin 1879. D [8] 348 a [MANSFIELD, JOHN B.] ed. 6645 History of the great lakes. Chi Beers & Co 1899. Q 2v: [l6] 928; [4] 1108 [incLpls] 5 double-page maps a MARCHAND, ETIENNE A voyage round the world. . . 1790-2. See Fleurieu, Charles P. C. MARCOU, JULES 6652 Esquisse d'une classification de chaines de montagnes d'une partie de l'Amerique du Nord. P 1855. 24 2fold.maps a MARCOU, JULES 6653 Geology of North America . . . with two . . . reports on the prairies of Arkansas and Texas, the Rocky mountains of New Mexico, and the Sierra Nevada of California. Zurich 1858. Q [8] 144 lOmaps & pis a — Fr. tr., Geneva 1858. First detailed geological map of the coun- try west of the 100th meridian. 372 Marcy — Marlette MARCY, RANDOLPH B. 6654 Border reminiscences. N Y 1871. D 396 [incl. front. & pis] a — rptd. same impr. 1872. MARCY, RANDOLPH B. 6655 Exploration of the Red river of Louisiana ....[Sen. Exec. Doc. 54], Wash 1853. [l6] 320 65pls[botanical pi. 18 & geological pi. 2 not issued] + 2maps[in separate vol.] a — rptd. [for Sen.], Wash Tucker 1854. [l6] 310 otherwise same collat. — rptd. [for H. R.], Wash Nicholson 1854. [l6j 286 + blank 1. otherwise same collat. MARCY, CAPT. [RANDOLPH B.] 6656 Message of the President. . . communica- ting. . . the report and maps of: of his explor- ations of the Big Wichita. . . . [Sen. Exec. Doc. 60]. Wash 1856. 48 map a MARCY, RANDOLPH B. 6657 The prairie traveller. A hand-book for over- land expeditions. ...TV Y 1859. 16° 340[incl. front. & lOpls] map a — rptd., with adds., N Y 1861. 16° 38l[incl. pis] map — Eng. ed., with notes by R. F. Burton, L 1863. 16° [16] 251 map MARCY, RANDOLPH B. 6658 Thirty years of army life on the border. . . . N Y 1866. 442 [incl. pis] a [MARECHAL, PIERRE S.] 6659 Voyage au Kentoukey, et sur les bords du Genesee. . . . Par M. . . . P 1820. [4] 244 map b — rptd., same collat., P 1821. a Ascribed also to Mme. V. Lamothe; who- ever wrote it borrowed heavily from Filson's great book and from Bridel's Le pour et le contre. MARESTIER, [JEAN B. I 6660 Memoire sur les bateaux a vapeur des Etats-Unis P 1824. Q [4] 291 + atlas F 2 [l7fold.pls] b BN NYP MARGINALIA Marginalia; or gleanings from an army note book. By "Personne." See Fontaine, Felix G. de. MARGRY, PIERRE, ed. 6661 Decouvertes et etablissements des Fran- cais dans l'ouest et dans le sud de l'Amer- ique Septentrionale (1614-1754). . . .P Jouaust 1876-7-8, 1880-3-6. 6v: [4] 619; [4] 618 [2]; [4] 656; [4] 654 [2]; [4] 698 [2]; [4] 760. 4ports b AA N NYP — anr. ed. P Maisonneuve 1879-88. 6v: [36] 619; [4] 618 [2]; [4] 656; [76] 654 [2]; [164] 698 [2]; [24] 760. 2maps 5ports facs b JCB NYP Y Reports, journals and letters, many here first printed, illuminating French explora- tions and Indian trade, from Canada to the Gulf, from the St. Lawrence to the Rockies. MARIGNY, BERNARD 6662 Reflexions sur la campagne du general Andre Jackson en Louisiane. ...NO 1848. 56 a MARIGNY, BERNARD , 6663 Reflexions sur la politique des Etats-Unis NO 1854. 96 a — Eng. ed. "Thoughts upon the foreign pol- icy of the United States. . . ," same impr. & date. 82 [2] MARION HORNETS 6664 Marion Hornets (the), Co. H., 7th Regt., Fla. Vols.. . . Adventures of: Knoxv 1863. 24 a MARIS, MARTIN 6665 Souvenirs d'Amerique. Relations d'un voy- age au Texas et en Ha'ite. Brus 1863. 135 a MARIS, OMER 6666 Sketches from Alaska. Chi 1897. 63 a MARJORIBANKS, ALEXANDER 6667 Travels in South and North America. Edin 1852. D 486 a — rptd. L 1853; Edin 1854. — best ed. L 1854. D [l4] 480 pi MARKHOV, ALEKSANDR 6668 Russia na Vostochnom Okeanie. Vostoch- naia Sibirj. Rossiiskiia vladieniia v Amer- ikie. Ryt dikarei. Kaliforniia. Proekt Krugo- svietnoi torgovoi ekspeditsii. [The Russians on the Pacific ocean. Eastern Siberia. Rus- sian possessions in America. Condition of the natives. California. Plan for a trading ex- pedition round the world], Moscow 1849. 148 a — ed. 2, enl., St Ptbg 1856. 263 a MARKS, ALFRED 6669 On to Klondike! and the . . . gold discov- eries (jV Y 1898], D 62 a MARKS, DAVID 6670 Memoirs of the life of:. . . . Ed. by Mrs. Marilla Marks. Dover N II 1846. 516 port a Itinerant Free Will Baptist preacher. MARLETTE, S. 6671 Report on the northern boundary survey. . . . Sacr 1855. 98 a 373 Marlow — Marshall [MARLOW, GEORGE and CHARLES] 6672 Life of the Marlows. Ouray Colo [l892]. D 181 front, a — rptd., same impr., n.d. 100 Five respected, but nomadic, brothers, caught in a conspiracy concocted by a Texas sheriff, had to shoot it out with the county's entire male population. Only the two writing the story survived. MARQUETTE, R. PERE JACQUES. 6673 Recit des voyages . . . du: en 1'annee 1673 [Alb 1855]. D [lO] 169 [2] map facs a MARQUEZ, JOSE A. 6674 Recuerdos de viaje a los Estados-Unidos Lima 1862. M 136 a MARRANT, JOHN A narrative of the Lord's wonderful deal- ings with: See Aldridge, Wm. [MARRIOTT, JAMES] 6675 Memoire justificatif de la conduite de la Grande Bretagne, en arretant les navires etrangers . . . destinees aux insargens de 1'Amerique. L 1779. Q [8] 60 a — rptd. L 1804. [lo] 106 Refers to Holland's conduct in supplying munitions to America. MARRYAT, FRANK [FRANCIS S.] 6676 Mountains and molehills. ... L 1855. [l2] 443 + 24adv-p 8col.pls a — Am. ed. N Y 1855. D 319 front. MARRYAT, [FREDERICK] 6677 A diary in America, with remarks on its institutions. [Part i], L 1839. D 3v: [4] 321; [4] 319; [4] 312 a — Am. ed. Phil Carey & Hart 1839. D 2v: 242; 228 vol. eds.,all in 1839: P; N Y; Phil MARRYAT, [FREDERICK] 6678 A diary in America. Part n. L 1839. D 3v: [4] 304; [4] 293; [4] 362. 2maps a — rptd. L 1840. — Am. ed. Phil 1840. D [2] 300 MARRYAT, FREDERICK 6679 Narrative of the travels and adventures of Monsieur Violet, in California, Sonora and western Texas. L 1843. 3v: [8] 312; [4] 318; [4] 299. map a — issue 2, ommiting 1/2 titles and map, title [a cancel] reading: "Travels and romantic ad- ventures among the Snake Indians, etc." —Am. eds.: N Y 1843. 133; same impr. & date. Q 77 Incredible adventures of an imaginary Frenchman borrowed from various sources. Other one volume editions were published at Leipzig in 1843, at Paris in 1844 and at London in 1849; a French translation, in two volumes at Paris 1845. [MARRYAT, JOSEPH] 6680 Concessions to America, the bane of Brit- ain L 1807. 63 a MARRY-IT, CAPTAIN, C. B. 6681 (COMMON BLOAT) Lie-ary in America. . . . B 1840. 18° 36 a [MARSCHALK, ANDREW] 6682 Letters addressed to the hon. George Poin- dexter, one of the judges of the Mississippi Territory: on the subject of British claims, and his attack on the liberty of the press. By Castigator & Philo-Castigator. Washington Miss Terr 1814. D 34 [2] b PaH[only copy known] — rptd. with adds. [Washington Miss? 1815?]. D 100 + ? b no complete copy known MARSH, JAMES B. 6683 Four years in the Rockies; or, the adven- tures of Isaac P. Rose ... as a hunter and trapper. . . . New Castle Pa 1884. D 262 port b MontH N NYP Y — rptd., without port, Columbus O 1951. a Rose was a member of Wyeth's expedition and trapped with all the famous mountain men, Bridger, Carson, Meek, Sublette, et al. MARSHALL, MRS. ANN J. 6684 The autobiography of:. . . .Pine Bluff Ark 1897. D 232 errata slip a Missionary teacher among Cherokees and Creeks, from 1846. MARSHALL, CHRISTOPHER 6685 Passages from the remembrancer of: Phil 1839. D 124 [16] errata slip a — anr. ed. "Passages from the diary of:...," vol.1, 1774-7 [all], Phil 1839-49[i.e., 1849]. D [4] 174 [19] errata slip — rptd., with adds., "Extracts from the diary of:. . . , 1774-81," Alb 1877. 330 Most reliable contemporary authority on the Revolution in Pennsylvania. MARSHALL, EDWARD C. 6686 History of the United States Naval Acad- emy NY 1862. 156 2pls a MARSHALL, HUMPHREY 6687 An address to the people of Kentucky. Phil 1796. 48 a MARSHALL, HUMPHREY 6681 The history of Kentucky: including an ac- count of the discovery, settlement [etc.]. Frankf 1812. [8] 407 a — ed. 2, enl. Frankf 1824. 2v: [6] 3-465 [8]; [6] 524 a 374 Marshall — Martin Most valuable early Kentucky history, with the fullest treatment of border wars and massacres. MARSHALL, HUMPHREY 6689 Self-defence. The spurious message, or fraud exposed:. . . . Lex 1840. 66 a Substantiates charges against Isaac Shelby which had been brought out in his [.Marsh- all's] History of Kentucky and attacks the spurious documents in Mann Butler's His- tory. . . . MARSHALL, JOHN 6690 Expediency of accepting from Connecticut jurisdiction of the territory west of Pennsyl- vania. . . . Phil 1800. 31a MARSHALL, JOHN 6691 A history of the colonies planted by the English on the continent of North America Phil 1824. [16] 9-486 a A revision of the introductory portion of the author's Life of Washington. MARSHALL, JOHN 6692 The life of George Washington. . . . Phil 1804-7. 5v: [24] 488 [45]; [8] 560 [72]; [8] 580 [28]; [3-8] 626 [l] 16; [8] 780 [36] + Q atlas [22p + lOmaps]. port a — rptd., same impr. 1805-7. 5v: [22] 460 [43]; [8] 516 [67]; [8] 528 [28]- [3-8] 568 [l6]; [8] 780 [36] + atlas [lOmaps J. port — abr. Am. eds.: 2v: Phil 1832; 1836; 1840. [in 1832 an atlas, with eng.t. & 10 maps was issued for owners of these eds. J — Eng. — and best — ed. L 1804-7. Q 5v: [32] 458; [8] 541; [8] 470; [8] 589; [8] 670. lOmaps 6pls — rptd., same impr. 86 date. 5v: [36] 576; fe] 634; [8] 570Lerror for 572]; fe] 684; [8] 844. lOmaps 6pls — Fr. tr„ P 1807. 5v + Q atlas — Dutch tr. Haarlem 1805-9. lOv + Q atlas — Ger. tr. Hamburg 1805-6. 4v MARSHALL, MR. CHIEF JUSTICE 6693 [JOHN] Opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States by: ... in the case of Samuel A. Wor- cester. . . versus the State of Georgia. . . . Wash 1832. 39 a — anr. ed. same impr. &, date. 20 Reviews the whole history of our Indian treaties. MARSHALL, JOHN ALEXANDER 6694 Five chapters of an unpublished "Book for the times;" giving a Virginia view of the causes of the revolution in the border slave states and demonstrating who were the true authors of the civil war. Rich 1863. cover t. 40 a MARSHALL, ORSAMUS H. 6695 Historical writings, relating to the early history of the west. Alb 1887. sm Q [24] 500 map port a MARSHALL, ORSAMUS H. 6696 The Niagara frontier. [But 1865]. 46 a — rptd. But 1866; 1881. MARSHALL, THOMAS M. 6697 History of the western boundary of the Louisiana purchase. . . . Berkeley 1914. Ll4] 265 30maps[on 19sheets] a MARSHALL, WILLIAM I. 6698 Acquisition of Oregon, and the long sup- pressed evidence about Marcus Whitman. Se« attle 1911. 2v: [2] 450; 368. port a Elaborate monograph, based on twenty-five years' research, annihilating the myth that Whitman saved Oregon. MARSILLAC, J. 6699 La vie de Guillaume Penn. . . contenant l'histoire des premiers fondemens de Phila- delphie. . . . P 1791. 2v: 264; 294 a — Ger. tr. Strassburg 1798. MARSTON, ANNA L., ed. 6700 Records of a California family. Journals and letters of Lewis C. Gunn and Elizabeth Le Breton Gunn. San Diego 1928. [l2] 3- 283[incl.map] 15pls a 300copies ptd. MARTELS, HEINRICH VON 6701 Briefe uber die westlichen Theile der Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Osnabruck 1834. 195 map a MARTHA'S VINEYARD. Sketches of:.... See Devens, Saml. A. MARTIAL ACHIEVEMENTS 6702 Martial achievements (The) of Great Brit- ain and her allies. . . 1799-1815. L Jenkins [1815]. Q [14] 122 53col.pls[incl.eng.t.] b LC NYP MARTIN, CHARLES I. 6703 History of Door county, Wisconsin. Stur- geon Bay 1881. D [8] 136 port a Inserted in some copies is an extra 1. [plOO 1/2 & 100 3/4] MARTIN, EDWARD ed. 6704 The Watsonville LCalif.] directory. ... [no t-p]. [Watsonville 1873]. D 64 + 22adv-p a Chiefly a history of the region, only five pages being occupied by the directory. MARTIN, FELIX 6705 The life of Father Isaac Jogues. Trans, by John G. Shea. N Y 1885. D 263 port map a — ed. 2, same impr. 66 collat. n.d. 375 Martyn [MARTIN, FELIX, and MONTEZON, 6706 F. DE 1 eds. Mission du Canada. Relations inedites. . . . P 1861. D 2v: [40] 356; [2] 384. 2maps a MARTIN, FRANCOIS-XAVIER 6707 The history of Louisiana. ...NO 1827-9. 2v: [84] 364; [l6] 429. a — rptd., .vith adds., N O 1882. [38] 469 [l6] port plan facs a MARTIN, FRANCOIS-XAVIER 6708 The history of North Carolina. N O 1829. 2v: [12] 326 + blank 1. [ll4 + blank 1. after p70]; [4] 412 a MARTIN, GEORGE W. 6709 The first two years of Kansas. . . . Topeka 1907. 30 a MARTIN, JACK 6710 Border boss; Captain John R. Hughes — Texas ranger. San Antonio 1942. D [l6] 236 front, a [MARTIN, JAMES S.]? 6711 A narrative of some of the adventures. . . of a revolutionary soldier. Hallowell 1830. D 213 a Experiences from the battle of Long Island to Yorktown. MARTIN, JOHN A. 6712 Military history of the Eighth Kansas . . . Infantry. Leavenworth 1869. 112 a MARTIN, JOHN H. 6713 Columbus, Georgia . . . history. . . . Colum- bus 1874-5. D 2v in l[paged continuously] 362 a MARTIN, JOHN HILL 6714 Historical sketch of Bethlehem, Pennsyl- vania. Phil 1872. [4] 3-191 port a 150cop- ies ptd. MARTIN, JOSEPH 6715 A new and comprehensive gazetteer of Virginia and the District of Columbia. . . . Charlottesville 1835. 636 map a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1836. — anr. ed. "A comprehensive description of Virginia. . . ," Rich n.d. same collat. MARTIN, LUDWIG 6716 Der nordamerikanische Freistaat Texas. . . . Heilbronn 1847. D [8] 55 map a — rptd., same collat., Wiesbaden 1848. MARTIN, LUTHER 6717 The genuine information. . . relative to the proceedings of the general convention. . . at Philadelphia. . . . Phil 1788. [8] 93 b AA BA NYP MARTIN, MRS. MARIA 6718 History of the captivity and sufferings of: who was six years a slave in Algiers. . . . B 1807, 72 pi a — rptd. Brooktield 1818. 16° 125 MARTIN, COL. WILLIAM 6719 The self vindication of: against certain charges . . . made against him by Gen. Andrew Jackson ... in relation to . . . transactions in the campaign against the Creek Indians. . . . Nash 1829. 48 a MARTIN, WILLIAM T. 6720 History of Franklin county [o.]. Columbus 1858. [6] 450 7pls a MARTIN COUNTY 6721 Martin county and other border counties of southern Minnesota and upper Iowa. L [l876], 47 map a MARTINEAU, HARRIET 6722 Retrospect of western travel. L 1838. D 3v: [8] 318 [2]; [6] 292; [6] 294 a — Am, ed. N Y 1838. D 2v: [6] 13-276; 239 — anr, Am. ed. Cin 1838. D 2v: 278; 252 [MARTINEAU, HARRIET] 6723 A review of [her] work on "Society in America." B 1837. O 54 a Attributed to James Boyle and to — Wilkes. MARTINEAU, HARRIET 6724 Society in America. L 1837. D 3v: [l9] 364; [6] 369; [6] 365 a — Am. ed. N Y 1837. D 2v: [22] 395; [2] 420 — Fr. eds.: Brus 1836. 16° 3v: rptd. 1838; P 1839. O 2v MARTINELLI, VINCENZIO 6725 Istoria del governo d'lnghilterra e delle sue colonie in India, e nell' America. . . . Florence 1776. O [8] 164 a — ed. 2, Pescia 1777. O [8] 190 [MARTINEZ DE YRUJO Y 6726 TACON, CARLOS] Communications concerning the agri- culture and commerce of America. , . . L 1800. O [8] 120 a See Strickland, William, of Yorkshire, whose Observations this supplements. [MARTYN, BENJAMIN] 6727 An account showing the progress of the colony of Georgia. . . . L 1741. F [2] 71 a — anr. ed. L 1741. F [6] 68 — Am. ed. Annap 1742. Q 56 One of several replies to Tailfer's True and historical narrative. . . . 376 Martyn [MARTYN, BENJAMIN] 6728 An impartial enquiry into the state and utility of the province of Georgia. L 1741. O [4] 104 a Attributed also to John Percival, Earl of Egmont. [MARTYN, BENJAMIN] 6729 A new and accurate account of : . . . South Carolina and Georgia L 1732. O [4] 76 a — anr. issue, identical, but with new t-p, L 1733. — Ger. ed. "Neuste und richtigste Nach- richt von der. . . Georgia. . . ," Gottingen 1746. O 88 Attributed also to General Oglethorpe, in whose interest it was published. [MARTYN, BENJAMIN] 6730 Reasons for establishing the colony of Georgia . . . L 1733. Q 39 map pi a — anr. issue, with adds. Q 48 map pi a — ed. 2, au. named, L 1733. Q 48 map pi a MARTYRS Martyrs to the revolution in the British prison ships. . . . See Taylor, George, of Pa. MARVIN, FREDERICK R. 6731 Yukon overland; the gold-digger's hand- book. Cin 1898. D 170 map 18pls a MARYLAND An address to the people of: on the origin ... of French aggression. . . . See Dennis, L. P. MARYLAND 6732 An answer to the queries on the pro- prietary government of:. ... By a friend to Maryland. [Phil?] 1764. O [2] 160 a Authorship has been variously ascribed to James Tilghman, Secretary Calvert and Benjamin Franklin. MARYLAND A brief sketch of: its geography. ...See Hughes, Jeremiah. MARYLAND LINE (THE) 6733 Papers relating chiefly to: during the revolution. Edited by Thomas Balch. Phil Seventy-Six Soc. 1857. O [4] 219 a MARYLAND SOLDIER (A) Maryland soldier (a) in the war between the states. Personal reminiscences of: See Booth, G. W. MARYLAND Political schemes . . . addressed to the citizens of: See Hanson, Alex. C. MARYLAND 6734 The present state of: By the delegates of the people. Bait ptd., L rptd. 1787. O 28 + 2adv-p a MARYLAND 6735 A relation of: N Y 1865. Q [8] 103 map a 250copies L50 on L.P.J some copies issued without the charter. Reprint of the third publication on Mary- land, issued at London 1635, square 16mo, pages L 2 J 56, 25, map. MARYLAND 6736 A relation of the colony of the Lord Baron of Baltimore, in: [Wash Force 1846]. O 47 a — anr. ed., same collat., Bait 1847. MARY-LAND 6737 A relation of the successefull beginnings of the Lord Baltemore's plantation in: [Alb 1865]. Q [2] 24 a 150copies[30 on I^P.J Partial reprint of a sixteen-page tract published at London 1634, in quarto, the earliest publication on Maryland, aside from a 1633 eight-page tract. Written either by Andrew White or Lord Baltimore. MARYLAND 6738 Secret correspondence illustrating the condition of affairs in: Bait 1863. O 32 a Letters — captured by Stonewall Jackson from Banks — from Union informers concern- ing southern sympathizers in Maryland. [MASERES, FRANCIS] 6739 Considerations on the expediency of ad- mitting representatives of the American colonies into the . . . House of Commons. L 1770. O [2] 41 a [MASERES, FRANCIS] 6740 A fair account of the late unhappy dis- turbance at Boston . . . extracted from the de- positions . . . made concerning it. . . ,L 1770. O 28 [3l] b H Justifies the Boston massacre on the grounds that the British soldiers were pro- voked to it; the Tory reply to the patriot faction's Short narrative of the horrid massacre, see below. [MASERES, FRANCIS] 6741 Occasional essays on various subjects, chiefly political and historical. . . . L 1809. O[l6]607 a MASON, JEREMIAH 6742 Memoir and correspondence of:. ... C 1873. O [8] 4b7 port a — enl. ed. K C 1917. O [l6] 491 ports 377 Mason — Mather MASON, MAJ. JOHN 6743 A brief history of the Pequot war. . . . B 1736. D [18] 22 d AA N NYP Y — rptd. N Y 1869. O a Written by a leading participant; most re- liable contemporary account. MASON, JONATHAN, JR. 6744 An oration. . . to commemorate the bloody tragedy of the fifth of March, 1770. B 1780. Q28 a MASON, DR. PHILIP 6745 A legacy for my children. . . his auto- biography. . . . Cin 1868. O 610 port a Settled in Indiana in 1816. Describes trips made in the '50s and '60s, throughout Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and Nebraska. MASON, RICHARD LEE, in the 6746 pioneer west, 1819 Narrative of: N Y [l915]. O 74 port a 160 copies ptd[l0 on Jap. veil. J MASON, Z. H. 6747 A general description of Orange County [Fla.J Orlando [l88l]. O 56 map a MASSACHUSETTS-BAY 6752 A conference between the commissaries of: and the commissaries of New- York [con- cerning boundary line]. B 1768. Q [2] 26 [2] b NYP MASSACHUSETTS-BAY (THE) The origin of the American contest. . . or, the present political state of:. . . .See Leonard, Danl. MASSACHUSETTS-BAY The present political state of:. ... By a native of New England. See Leonard, Danl. MASSACHUSETTS-BAY 6753 The proceedings of the General assembly ... of: relating to the Penobscot expedition B 1780. Q 29 c AA N MASSACHUSETTS BAY 6754 The report of the Lords committees, ap- pointed to enquire into the several pro- ceedings in the colony of:. . . . L 1774. F [2] 35 a — anr. ed., same impr. & date. O 62 MASSACHUSETTENSIS See Leonard, Danl. MASSACHUSETTS A journal of a young man of: See Water- house, Benj. MASSACHUSETTS 6748 Life and adventures of Robert, the hermit of: who has lived 14 years in a cave, se- cluded from human society. . . . Prov 1829. 16° 36 a Unusual narrative of a fugitive slave. MASSACHUSETTS 6749 Papers relating to the public events in: preceding the . . . revolution. Phil Seventy- Six Soc. 1856. O [4] 199 a MASSACHUSETTS 6750 Statistical tables relating to: Wore 1839. 32° 32 map a MASSACHUSETTS BAY 6751 A brief state of the services and expences [sic J of . . . : in the common cause. L 1765. O 24 a MASSACHUSETTS-BAY Massachusetts-Bay and New York. The case of the provinces of: respecting the boundary line. . . . See Hutchinson, Thomas. MASSACHUSETTS-BAY A collection of original papers relative to the history of the colony of: See Hutchinson, Thos., The history of Massachusetts-Bay. . . . MASSACHUSETTS BAY A short view of the history of . . . : See Mauduit, Israel. MASSACHUSETTS BAY A speech intended to have been spoken on the bill for altering the charters of. . . . See Shipley, Jonathan. MASSACHUSET'S BAY 6755 A speech never intended to be spoken, in answer to A speech intended to have been spoken on the bill for altering the charter of...: L 1774. O [4] 34 [l] a — rptd., same impr. & date. O 1 14] 35 MASSEY, S[TEPHEN] L. James' Traveler's companion. See Cumings, Samuel, The western navigator. MASSIE, JAMES W. 6756 America: . . . illustrated by incidents of travel. . . from. . . Maine to the Mississippi. L 1864. O [8] 472 map a MASSON, L[0UIS] F[RANC0IS] R. 6757 Les bourgeois de la Compagnie du Nord- ouest Quebec 1889-90. O 2v: [lo] 154 414; [6] 499. map b N NYP Y Includes many journals and narratives of early Indian traders in the lake region, Rockies and Upper Missouri. [MATHER, COTTON] 6758 Decennium luctuosum . . . occurrences, : the long war. . . with the Indian salvages . . . 1688-1698. B 1699. O 254 |l] d NYP 378 Mather — Matson MATHER, COTTON 6759 The diary of: 1681-1724. B 1911-12. O 2v: [28] 604; [l6] 860. fold. map port facs a MATHER, COTTON 6760 Duodecennium luctuosum. The history of a long war with Indian salvages. . . .B 1714. D [2] 30 c AA MH NYP Recapitulation of New England Indian wars, from 1702 to 1714; continuing the author's Decennium luctuosum [covering wars from 1688 to 1698] published at Boston in 1699. MATHER, COTTON 6761 India Christiana. A discourse, delivered unto the Commissioners, for the Propagation of the Gospel among the . . . Indians. . . . B 1721. D [4] 95[pS2-5S on double-pages] b AA BP H NYP Y MATHER, COTTON 6762 Magnalia Christi Americana. . . ecclesi- astical history of New England . . . 1620- 1698. L 1702. F 7bks in 1: [28 inch initial blank 1.] 38; [2] 76; [2] 238; [2] 125-222; 100; [2] 88; 118 + 4adv-p[in some copies 2] map b AA N NYP Y some copies ptd on L. P. copies containing 2errata 1. have had them inserted as they were not issued with the book, but were ptd later, in B c AA — Am. eds.: Hart 1820. O 2v: 573; 595 a; Hart 1853-5. O 2v: [43] 13-626; 682 port; Hart 1870. O 2v port Most famous 18th century American book. MATHER, COTTON 6763 Parentator. Memoirs of remarkables in the life and death of . . . Dr. Increase Mather. B 1724. D [26] 239 [5] port b AA N NYP Y — anr. ed. B 1741. O 256 a — Eng. ed. abr., with new pref. , no au. named, "Memoirs of. . . Reverend Increase Mather. . . ," L 1725. O [8] 88 port [MATHER, COTTON and INCREASE] 6764 Some few remarks, upon a scandalous book ... by one Robert Calef B 1701. O 72 b AA NYP MATHER, JAMES 6765 Two lectures, delivered at Newcastle- upon-Tyne, on the constitutions and re- publican institutions of the United States Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1840. D [lo] 90 [2] a MATHER, MOSES 6766 America's appeal to the impartial world Hart 1775. O [72] b AA BA NYP Y [MATHER, SAMUEL] 6767 An attempt to shew, that America must be known to the ancients. . . . B 1773. O 35 a MATHER, SAMUEL 6768 The life of. . . Cotton Mather B 1729. O [8] 6, 10, 186 b AA N NYP Y — Eng. ed., abr. by David Jennings. L 1744. D [16J 143 a — rptd. Leeds 1802; Bdin 1822. MATHEWS'... TRIP Mathews' (Mr.) celebrated trip to America. Sketches of:. . . .See Smith, James. MATHEWS, ALFRED E. 6769 Canyon City, Colorado NY 1870. Q 24 map 5col pis b MATHEWS, ALFRED E. 6770 Gems of Rocky mountain scenery. ...NY 1869. Q 23 1. 20pls b LC MATHEWS, ALFRED E. 6771 Interesting narrative; being a journal of the flight of: from the state of Texas. . . across the states of Louisiana, Arkansas and Missouri. [New Philadelphia o] 1861. O [2] 7-34 [2] b LC S MATHEWS, ALFRED E. 6772 Pencil sketches of Colorado. N Y 1866. obi F 16 front. 22col.pls c NYP Y MATHEWS, ALFRED E. 6773 Pencil sketches of Montana. N Y 1868. Q [6] 95[incl. 31pls front.] c MontH NYP WashU Y MATHEWS, EDWARD J. Crossing the plains ... in '59. n.p. [1930?]. 16° 91 a 6774 MATHEWS, LOIS K. 6775 The expansion of New England ... to the Mississippi river, 1620-1865. B 1909. O [16] 304 27maps a MATSON, N[ EHEMIAHl 6776 French and Indians of Illinois river. Princeton III 1874. D 260 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. D [l0 incl. final blank 1.J 15-270 MATSON, Nl EHEMIAHi 6777 Map of Bureau county, Illinois, with sketches of its early settlement. Ed. 2. Chi 1867. sq O 108 26maps 8pls a Called "2nd ed. " because there had been issued previously, Chicago 1858, the map alone, in larger form. MATSON, N[EHEMIAH] 6778 Memories of Shaubena Chi 1878. D [8] 17-269[incl.pls] front, a — ed. 2, Chi 1880. D 7-252[incl. front. & pis] 379 Matson — Maury — ed. 3, Chi 1882. D [4] 13-252[incl. front. &pls] MATSON, N| EHEMIAHl The pioneers of Illinois. [2] 11-306 port a 6779 Chi 1882. D MATSON, Ml EHEMIAHl 6780 Reminiscences of Bureau county, Illinois .... Princeton 111 1872. O 2pts in 1: [lo] 15- 212[incl. final blank 1.]; [8] 232-406 front. &' 15pls all inch in paginat a MATTHES, BENNO 6781 Reise-Bilder. Bildef aus Texas. Dresden 1861. D [8] 104 a MATTHEWS, FREDERICK C. 6782 American merchant ships. Salem 1930-31. O 2v: [16] 400; [12] 359. 47pls a Also 97 copies on L.P., Q 2v Supplements American clipper ships by Howe and Matthews. MATTHEWS, LYMAN 6783 History of . . . Cornwall, Vermont. Middle- bury 1862. O 356 8pls a MATTHEWS, MARY McN. Ten years in Nevada. . . Lincl.front.J 2ports a 6784 .But 1880. O 343 MATTHEWS, WASHINGTON 6785 Navajo legends B 1897. O [s] 299 map 7pls a MATTHEWS, W[lLLIAM] B. 6786 The settler's map and guide book. Okla- homa. . . . Wash 1889. O 66 map a — anr. ed., with app., Wash dated 1889[but actually 1890J. O 84 map slip of commenda- tion inserted at t-p cover-t.reads Topeka 1890. [MAUDE, JOHN] 6787 Visit to the falls of Niagara, in 1800. L 1826. O [l8] 313 [27] + [in some copies 16p, not issued until later and insertedj 8pls a 300copies[50 on L. P.] [MAUDUIT, ISRAEL] 6788 Remarks upon Gen. Howe's Account of his proceedings on Long Island. . . .L 1778. O [4] 54 map a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. [MAUDUIT, ISRAEL] 6789 A short view of the history of . . . Massa- chusetts Bay L 1769. 0L2] 71 a — ed. 2, with charter added, L 1774. O [4] 93 — ed. 3, with adds., L 1774. — ed. 4, t, altered, with 1764 conference be- tween Grenville and colonial agents added, L 1776. O [2] 100 Strives to prove that this colony's charter was not exempt from Parliamentary authority. [MAUDUIT, ISRAEL] 6790 Some thoughts on the method of improving . . . the advantages which accrue to Great- Britain from the northern colonies. L 1765. O [4] 23 a [MAUDUIT, ISRAEL] 6791 Strictures on the Philadelphia mischianza or triumph upon leaving America uncon- quered. . . . L 1779. O [4] 42 a — Am. ed. Phil 1780. O 22 The strictures are directed principally against Gen. Howe's conduct, [MAUDUIT, ISRAEL] 6792 Three letters to Lieutenant-General Sir William Howe. L 1781. O [4] 44 41-48 map a Not to be confused with this author's Three letters to Lord Viscount Howe. . . . [MAUDUIT, ISRAEL] 6793 Three letters to Lord Viscount Howe. . . . L 1780. O [4] 47 a — ed. 2, with adds., L 1781. O 48 map Attributed also to Joseph Galloway. Highly critical of both Admiral and General Howe. [MAULE, THOMAS]? 6794 Tribute to Caesar. . . with some remarks on the . . . expedition against Canada. . . . [Phil 1715?]. sm Q [6] 29 c NYP PaH MAUN-GWU-DAUS 6795 An account of the North American Indians, written for:. . . . Leicester Eng 1848. O 24 a — Am. ed., t. altered, B 1848. MAURELLE Lor MOURELLEJ, 6796 FRANCISCO A. Journal of a voyage in 1775, to explore the coast of America, northward of Cali- fornia. . . . [L 1781]. Q [l0]3-67 map c B LC — Am. ed. S F 1920. Q [l2] 121 port 2maps a 230copies ptd. This translation of a Spanish MS. formed fiart of Daines Barrington's Miscellanies q.v.l' Only a few copies were issued [previously 5 ] in this separate form. Maurelle was pilot on the expedition under Heceta and Quadra, which followed that under Perez, of 1774; these were the earliest Spanish voyages to Alaska, and of them this is the only contemporary account. MAURY, MRS. BETTY H. 6797 The Confederate diary of:. . . . Wash 1938. O [4] 102 port a 25copies ptd. 380 Maury — Mayer MAURY, DABNEY H. 6798 Recollections of a Virginian in the Mexican, Indian and civil wars. N Y 1894. o[l2] 280 port a MAURY, RICHARD L. 6799 A brief sketch of the work of Matthew Fontaine Maury... 1861-1865. Rich 1915. D 36 a MAURY, SARAH M. 6800 An Englishwoman in America. L 1848. O [4 118] 251 [2] 204 [2] a MAURY, SARAH M. 6801 The statesmen of America in 1846. L 1847. D [10] 548 a — Am. ed. Phil 1847. D 261 MAVERICK, MARY A. 6802 Memoirs of: ed. R. M. Green. San Antonio 1921. O 136 16pls a First woman from the States to settle in San Antonio. MAXIMILIAN, prinz zu Wied-Neuwied 6803 Reise in das innere Nord-America, 1832- 4. Coblenz 1839-41. Text: Q 2v: [l6] 654 [2]; [24] 688 [2]. plan[of Ft Clark, etc.] key- pl["Lithographie der 21sten Tafel"] & fold. tab[of temperatures], the latter two probably sent to subscribers, after pub., to be in- serted in vol.11 at p. 686 & 688, are fre- quently lacking. Pis: 43 large-size pis & 38 small-size vignettes, sometimes all bound in one vol., F, with t-p, sometimes in 2v[large ones in F, vignettes in Qj; these pis differ from those in the English and French eds. in not containing any English letter-press. A map [.completed after the German ed. was pub.] is found inserted, generally in the Atlas, but often in vol.11 of the text, just as the key-pl and temperature chart are often found in the Atlas instead of in the text. With all pis col. dd N NYP — Eng. tr., much abr. & without pis, L 1839. O 2v a — most complete Eng. tr., omitting all vocabularies, L 1843. Q [l2] 520 map + At- las[same pis as in Fr. ed.]. With all pis col. dd N NYP Y — Fr. tr., omitting most of the vocabularies, P 1840-41-43. O 3v: [6] 383; [6] 487; [14] 410 map + Atlasfof same 81pls as in Ger. ed., but all on folio sheets and with titles in Ger., Fr. & Eng. With all pis col. dd N NYP Y — Am. ed., ed. by Thwaites, Clev 1906. O 3v + Atlas F [map & 81 black & white pis] a The same atlas — issued in Paris — was used with all of the above editions. It came with all plates uncolored, with some only colored and with all colored. In the latter state, as originally issued, with the last name of the artist — Charles Bodmer — stamped in blind on each of the forty-eight large plates, this work is the most beautiful, faithful and vivid ever produced depicting western plains and Indians. In 1844 a Lon- don engraver, Lumley, reproduced the atlas, even to its title-page, but the inferiority of its plates and the absence of Bodmer's stamp make it readily distinguishable. At Leipsic, early in the 20th century, plates were re-issued with brief letterpress descrip- tions in an edition of 100 copies from the orig- inal plates under the title Nord-Amerika in Bildem; some of these are found finely colored, but none were so issued. MAXWELL, ARCHIBALD] M, 6804 A run through the United States. . . . L 1841. D 2v: [22] 310; [12] 261. 2ports a MAXWELL, HU 6805 History of Tucker county, W. Va. King- wood W Va 1884. O 574 28pls a MAXWELL, JOHN 6806 The American patriot and hero. . .memoir of . . . General Washington. . . . [Lancaster Pa] 1785 [error for 1795]. D 94 [error for 64] errata 1. b One of the earliest biographies of Washington. MAXWELL, THOMAS 6807 Tuskaloosa LAla.J . . . its history. . . . Tuskaloosa 1876. O 86 a MAXWELL, WILLIAM A. Crossing the plains in. 1915]. D 179 a 1857. [S F MAY, CHARLES 6809 The pioneers of Nashville. . . . Nashv 1880. 16° 157 a MAY, ENOCH 6810 The olio. . . . Also some of the exploits of Walker, May, Ringgold, Sackett, and others, in Texas and Mexico. Indp 1846. D 144 a MAY, COLONEL JOHN 6811 Journal and letters of: relative to two journeys to the Ohio country. . . 1788-9. Cin 1873. O 160 a MAYER, BRANTZ 6812 Tah-Gah-Jute, or Logan and Captain Michael Cresap. . . . Bait 1851. O 86 a — enl. ed. t. slightly altered, A lb 1867. O [14] 204 Refutes Jefferson's accusations against Cresap. 381 Mayhew — Meares [MAYHEW, HENRY] 6813 The Mormons: or Latter Day Saints. . . . L [l85l]. D 326 a — rptd. L 1852. D 320 — several later eds., some with slight changes in t. Frequently ascribed to Charles MacKay, who edited it. MAYHEW, INCREASE 6814 Indian converts. . . lives. . . of the Chris- tianized Indians of Martha's Vineyard. . . . L 1727. O [24] 310 + advs a MAYNARDE, THOMAS 6815 Sir Francis Drake, his voyage, 1595. . . . L Hakluyt Soc 1849. O [lo] 65 [l2j a MAYO, ROBERT 6816 Political sketches of eight years in Washington. . . . Bait 1839. O [l4] 216 facs a Part I [all published] of a virulent attack on Jackson's administration. MAZZEI, FILIPPO 6817 Memorie della vita e delle peregrinazioni Lugano 1845-6. 16° 2v: [4] 547; 352 a Significant autobiography by an intimate of Adams, Franklin and Jefferson and an active co-worker with them in the revolu- tionary movement. [MAZZEI, FILIPPO] 6818 Recherches historiques et politiques sur les Etats-Unis. P 1788. O 4v: [20] 384; [4] 259; [4] 292; [4] 366 a The author, Italian by birth, lived in Vir- ginia near his friend Thomas Jefferson, who may have assisted in this work. MAZZUCHELLI, SAMUELE 6819 Memorie istoriche ed edificanti d'uno missionario apostolico. . . .Milan 1844. O 364 3maps front, b S WisH — Eng. tr., with adds., Chi 1915. O [26] 375 2maps 2pls + extra half t. not incl. in paginat. a Missionary labors in Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan from 1830. [MEAD, BRADOCK] 6820 Remarks in support of the New chart of North and South America L 1753. Q [6] 3-48 map[on 6 sheets]dated 1753 b H Y — anr. issue, map undated One of the earliest English treatises on the Russian discoveries on the Northwest coast, and the first book to give Bering's name to the straits separating Asia and America; notable, too, for exposing the cartographical errors made by Buache and Delisle in accepting Fonte's fictions. MEAD, DANIEL M. 6821 A history of . . . Greenwich [Conn.]. N Y 1857. D [8] 13-318 a — best ed. N Y 1911. MEAD, EDWARD C. 6822 Historic homes of the south-west moun- tains of Virginia. Phil 1899. O 275 map 23 pis a 750copies ptd. MEAD, WHITMAN 6823 Travels in North America. N Y 1820. O 2pts in 1 [all]: 160 a Title page calls for a third part, which was not included. MEADE, BISHOP [WILLIAM] 6824 Old churches, ministers and families of Virginia. Phil 1857. O 2v: 490; 496. 22pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1861; 1878; 1889; 1897. — later eds. omitted pis, but incl. 114-p in- dex, by Wise. MEADER, J. W. 6825 The Merrimack river. . . towns along its course B 1869. O 307 map a MEAGHER, GOV. THOMAS F. 6826 Lectures of:. . . . Comp. John P. Bruce. Va C Mont 1867. O 104 a MEALEY, TOBIAS G. 6827 . . . Journal . . . during a 175 days sailing voyage . . . from Maine to California, 1849- 50. Minneap 1904. O 60 a MEARES, DIXON, PORTLAK 6828 (DEN KAPITAINEN) U. A. Reisen nach der nordwestlichen Kuste von Amerika von: Nurnberg 1795. O 440 a MEARES, JOHN 6829 An answer to Mr. George Dixon. ... In which the remarks of Mr. Dixon . . . are fully considered and refuted. L 1791. Q 32 a For work answered and rejoinder made to this reply, see Dixon, George MEARES, JOHN 6830 . . . Memorial [on capture of his ships at Nootka]. [L 1790]. F 31 tab capt.t.only b JCB WashU — anr. ed. L 1760 [i.e. 1790]. O [2] 65 a — rptd. L 1810. O — Am. ed. Port 1933. O [l4] 92 This was included in the author's Voy- ages. . . , see below. MEARES, JOHN 6831 Voyages ... to the north west coast of America, 1788-9. L 1790. Q[ll6] 372 [l08] port 26maps & pis b N NYP Y 382 Mease — Melbourn — anr. ed. L 1791. O 2v: [84] 363; [4] 332 [63]. port 13maps & pis tab a — Fr. tr. P [l794]. O 3v: [24] 391; [4] 386; [4] 371. port & Q atlas 27maps & pis — Ger. tr. Berlin 1791. — Ger. & Ital. trs. 1796; Swed. tr. [abr.] Stockh 1797; Rus. tr. St Ptbg 1797; anr. Ital. ed. Turin 1797. Pioneer English voyage to this coast, supplying the chief basis to British claims to Oregon. Spanish pretensions to territory beyond California were relinquished in the treaty following England's remonstrance over the seizure of Meare's ships, anchored off Nootka. Some copies of the original edition have an extra plate [of the Philip- pines] at page seventeen. MEASE, JAMES 6832 A geological account of the United States. Phil 1807. 16° 496 [14] 5pls a MEASE, JAMES 6833 The picture of Philadelphia Phil 1811. D [12] 376 pi a — anr. ed. "Picture of Philadelphia for 1824," containing adds, to 1811 ed., Phil 1823. D 72 85-96 [4 3-12] 358 3pls — rptd. Phil 1831. D 2v: [12] 358; [8] 128. pis MECKLENBURG COUNTY [N.C.] 6834 The declaration of independence by the citizens of: on . . . the twentieth day of May, 1775 Raleigh 1831. O 32 a [MEDINA, ANTONIO DE] 6835 Memoria presentada al soberano con- gresso mexicano por el Secretario de Estado Mex 1822. O 29 b Includes account of California, the earli- est printed in the Mexican Republic. MEEK, ALEXANDER B. 6836 The claims and characteristics of Ala- bama history Mobile 1858. O 65 a MEEK, ALEXANDER] B. 6837 Romantic passages in southwestern his- tory N Y 1857. D 330 — 3 other eds., same collat. & date, some with Mobile impr. meek, a[lexander] b. 6838 The southwest: its history. . . . Tuscaloosa 1840. O 40 a Relates to the Alabama-Mississippi- Louisiana region. MEEKER, EZRA 6840 Washington Territory west of the Cascade mountains. . . . Olympia 1870. O 52 + 6adv-p b NYP PortOreL WashU Y —rptd. [1920], A large part of the edition was bought up by Jay Cooke in the interest of the Northern Pacific R. R. It was the first description of this Territory printed within its confines. MEEKER, JOSEPHINE The Ute massacre! See that title. MEGINNESS, JOHN F. 6841 Biography of Francis Slocum. . . her cap- tivity Williamspott Pa 1891. O 238 [l2] 6pls a MEGINNESS, j[0HN] F. 6842 Otzinachson; or, a history of the West Branch valley of the Susquehanna. . . . Phil 1857. O 518 15pls a — rev. ed. Williamsport Pa 1889. O 702 [5] MEIGS, CHARLES D. 6843 A biographical notice of Daniel Drake Phil 1853. O 38 a MEIGS, RETURN J. An appeal to the people: or, an exposition of the official conduct of:. . . . See Hart, Wni. MEIGS, MAJOR RET[URN] J. 6844 A journal of occurrences. . . in the detach- ment commanded by . . . Arnold. . . . n.p. n.d. [1776] sm Q 11 b MH. — anr. ed. "Journal of the expedition against Quebec. . . ," N Y 1864. O 57 port a MEIGS, WILLIAM M. 6845 The life of John Caldwell Calhoun. N Y 1917. O 2v: 456; [8] 7-478. 12pls a — rptd. N Y [1925?]. O 2v MEIN, JOHN, and FLEEMING, JOHN 6846 Register for New England B [l767], 18° 92 [4] a [MEIN, JOHN] 6847 Sagittarius's letters and political specu- lations B 1775. O [2] 127 a A Tory publication emphasizing the re- bellious conduct of the New England Puritan element. [MEIN, JOHN] 6848 A state of the importations from Great- Britain into the port of Boston. . . . B 1769. Q [4] 130 a MEEKER, EZRA 6839 Pioneer reminiscences of Puget sound, the tragedy of Leschi Seattle 1905. O [20] 554 25pls 2facs a MELBOURN, JULIUS 6849 Life and opinions of: with sketches of . . . Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, et al. Syracuse 1847. D 239 pi a 383 Melvin MELINE, JAMES F. 6850 Two thousand miles on horseback. Santa Fe and back NY 1867. D [lo] 317 map a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1868. MELISH, JOHN 6851 A description of the roads in the United States. ... Phil 1814. D [ll] 82columns[i.e,, 41p] a — rptd. 1815. D [4] 88columns[i.e., 44p] 89-97 — anr. ed. "The traveller's directory through the United States; being a complete list of the. ..roads," Phil 1819. D 102 2maps — rptd. 1822. D [20] 183 2maps; TV Y 1825. D [20] 194 2maps MELISH, JOHN 6852 A geographical description of the United States Phil 1815. D 32 3maps a —enl. ed., "A geographical description of the United States, with the contiguous British and Spanish possessions," Phil 1816. O 182 errata-1. 5maps — ed. 2, Phil 1816. O 182 5maps — ed. 3, Phil 1818. O 186 4maps — new ed. Phil 1822. O [2] 491 [l5] 12maps [of 14 listed] — rptd. TV Y 1826. O 497 [l5] 12maps Issued to accompany Melish's Map of the United States, which was sold separately and accompanied none of the editions. This large map [35 " x 57"] was the first present- ing the entire country, from coast to coast, and the first to show South Pass. cf. below, A statistical account. . . . MELISH, JOHN Information and advice to emigrants. Phil 1819. 16° [8] 144 2maps a 6853 MELISH, JOHN 6854 A military and topographical atlas of the United States Phil 1813. O [6] 3-34; 3- 18; 3-29; 44 8maps & plans a — rptd. Phil 1815. same collat., except 12 rraps & plans MELISH, JOHN 6855 A statistical account of the United States ...Phil 1814. D 32 a — rptd. "A statistical view of the United States. . . ," PhiT 1822. D 45; TV Y 1825. D 41 — for enl. eds., see above, A geographical description, [etc.]. c(. also the two entries immediately below MELISH, JOHN 6856 The traveller's directory through the Linited States: consisting of a geographical description. . . .PhiT 1814. D 2pts in 1: [4] 32; 82 a — other PhiT eds. with maps: 1815; 1816; 1818; 1819. D 134 + 14p calendar 4single sheet maps[and, in special pocket-form copies, 2 extra fold, maps] —anr. ed. PhiT 1822. D [20] 183 2fold.maps — new ed., enl., TV Y 1825. D [20] 194 2 maps [MELISH, JOHN] 6857 The traveller's manual; and description of the United States. . . . TV Y 183 L D 498 [l5] a — other eds.: "The North American tourist . . . ," TV Y 1840. D [10] 506 12maps 5 views; N Y 1841; also an undated ed. to v/hich some authorities give precedence on the belief of its having appeared in 1839, but maps in all three eds. bear 1840 dates MELISH, JOHN 6858 Travels in the United States. . . 1806-7 and 1809-11 PhiT 1812. O 2v: [24] 444; [10] 492. 8maps & plans 2tabs a — rptd., same collat., 1815. — anr. ed. with adds. PhiT 1818. O 648 8 maps & plans 2tabs — Eng. eds., all dated 1818, same collat.: L; Bell; Dub — Ger. ed. Weimar 1819. 16° [l8] 378 maps MELLEN, GEORGE W. F. 6859 An argument on the unconstitutionality of slavery. . . . B 1841. D 440 a MELLICK, ANDREW D. 6860 The story of an old farm, or life in New Jersey in the eighteenth century. . . .Somer- ville TV J 1889. O [26] 743 front, a MELLON (THOMAS) 6861 Mellon (Thomas) and his times. Pitt 1885. O [2] 648 [8] pis a MELODY, Gl EORGEl H. C. 6862 Notice sur les Indiens Ioways. , . venu des plaines du Haut-Missouri. . . . P 1845. D 24 8pls a These were the Indians exhibited by George Catlin. MELSHEIMER, F[REDERICK] V. 6863 Tagebuch von der Reise der Braun- schweigischen auxiliar Truppen von Wolfen- biittel nach Quebec. . . . Minden 1776. 16° 40 32 b H MELVILLE, HERMAN 6864 Israel Potter: his fifty years of exile. TV Y 1855. D 276 — issue 1, perfect type, top of pll3 a — Eng. ed., same date, but issued 2weeks later, L For earlier form, see Trumbull, Henry. MELVIN, JAMES 6865 A journal of the expedition to Quebec. , . under. . , Arnold. TV Y 1857. O [8] 30 a some copies on L. P. 384 Memminger — Memoria — rptd. Phil 1864. O [8] 34 120 copies [20 on L. P.] — anr. ed., with adds., Port Me 1902. Q 90 port 250 copies ptd. [MEMMINGER, CHRISTOPHER G-1 6866 The book of nullification. . . . Charleston S C 1830. O 31 a Satirizes the movement MEMMINGER, CfHRISTOPHERl G. 6867 Lecture. . . showing African slavery to be consistent with the moral and physical progress of a nation. Augusta Ga 1851. O 25 a [MEMMINGER, CHRISTOPHER G.] 6868 The mission of South Carolina to Vir- ginia. Bait [l86l]. O 34 a — anr. ed. n.p. n.d. same collat. MEMOIRE Memoire contenant les precis des faits .... See Moreau, Jacob N. MEMOIRE 6869 Memoire historique sur la negociation de la France et de 1'Angleterre, depuis de 26 Mars 1761 jusqu'au 20 Septembre de la mime annee. . . . P 1761. O [4] 196 a some copies on L.P. — anr. ed. L 1761. Q 60 — Eng. tr. "An historical memorial... ," L 1761. O 64 Preliminaries to the definitive treaty of 1762, ending the French and Indian war. Editorship has been ascribed to Jean F. de Bastide and to the Duke de Choiseul. MEMOIRE Memoire justificatif de la conduite de la Grande Bretagne. . . . See Marriott, James. MEMOIRE Memoire justificatif pour servir de reponse .... See Gibbon, Edw. mGmoires 6870 Memoires des commissaires du roi et de ceux de sa majeste britannique, sur les possessions ... en Amerique. . . . P 1755-7. Q 4v: [94] 181 61 [lOS] 120; [ 14] 646; [l6] 319; [32] 654. 3maps [vol.IV generally lack- ing] b AA JCB NYP TorP Y —anr. ed. P 1756. D 6v: [8] 321; [6] 363; [6] 278; [8] 331; [lo] 335; [22] 438. map a — other Fr. eds.: Amst 1755. D 3v; Copen- hagen 1755. D 3v — Eng. ed., in part, "The Memorials of the English and French commissaries. . . ," L 1755. Q[4] 520 — anr. issue, same impr. & date. Q [4] 771 map — anr. ed. "All the Memorials of the courts of Great Britain and France. . . ," L 1756. Q 2pts in 1: [2] 349; [2] 188. 2maps[on 1 sheet] Presents the conflicting claims of the two nations concerning the Ohio and Mississippi valleys, etc., and includes Washington's 1754 Journal and Braddock's letters which had fallen into French hands after his 1755 defeat. The most important contemporary source on the origins of the old French War. See note to Moreau, Jacob N., Memoire. . . . Volume four, issued only in the original edition, gives in extenso English and French arguments concerning Cabot's 1797 voyage. MEMOIRES Memoires et observations. . . sur la situ- ation des pays septentrionaux de l'Asie et de l'Amerique. 1765. See Engel, Samuel. MEMOIRES 6871 Memoires sur l'Amerique et sur l'Afrique P 1752. Q 58 a MEMOIRS Memoirs, extracts of speeches, diary of a journey to America. . . . See Freer, R. L. MEMOIRS Memoirs of a nullifier. ... By a native of the south. See Johnson, A. S. MEMOIRS Memoirs of an American lady. . . .See Grant, Mrs. Anne. MEMOIRS Memoirs of an unfortunate young nobleman .... See Annesley, James. MEMOIRS Memoirs of . . . the last war between the English and French in North America. See Shirley, Wm. MEMOIRS Memoirs of the principal transactions of the last war between the English and the French in North America. . . . See Alexander, Wm. MEMORANDA Memoranda of the experience ... of a Uni- versalis! preacher. See Rogers, Wm. MEMORIA Memoria de las proporciones naturales de las provincias internas occidentales. . . .See Riezo, Juan M. , Velasco, J. Francisco, et al. 385 Memoria — Mercer MEMORIA Memoria presentada a los dos camaras del Congreso. . . . See Alaman, Luis. MEMORIA Memoria presentada al soberano con- gresso mexicano. . . .See Medina, Antonio de. MEMORIA Memoria que el Secretario de Estado y del Despacho de Relaciones Exteriores e In- teriores. See Alaman, Lucas MEMORIAL 6872 To the Senate and House of Representa- tives, in Congress. . . . [capt. t.] n.p. n.d. [Chi 1848]. O 42 a — rptd. Alb 1848. O 46 For cause of this remonstrance see Chi- cago. Proceedings of the harbor and river convention. MEMORIAL (A) Memorial (A) containing a summary view of facts. . . . See Moreau, Jacob N., Memoire contenant les precis des faits. . . . MEMORIAL (THE) 6873 Memorial (The) of Common-Sense, upon the present crisis between Great-Britain and America L 1778. O 29 a MEMORIALS (THE) Memorials (The) of the English and French commissaries. . . . See Memoires des commissaires du roi. . . . MEMORIALS 6874 Memorials presented to the Congress of the United States ... by the different so- cieties instituted for promoting the abolition of slavery Phil 1792. O UJ 31 a MEMORIES Memories of the southern states. See Collins, Eliz. MEN Men and manners in America. See Hamil- ton, Thos. MENDELL and HOSMER, MISSES 6875 Notes of travel and life NY 1854. D MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, ERNST 6876 Von New-York nach San Francisco. Fliichtige Reiseskizzen. [Leip 1869]. O 192 MENDOCINO INDIAN WAR (THE) Report. . . on: See Lamar, J., and O'Far- rell, J. MENEFEE, C[AMPBELL] A. 6877 Historical. . . sketch book of Napa, Sonoma, Lake and Mendocino counties, California. Napa City 1873. O 356[i.e.358] 14pls a MENZEL, GOTTFRIED 6878 Die Vereinigten Staaten . . . mit besonderen Riicksicht auf deutsche Auswanderung. . . . Berlin 1853. O [8] 364 a Menzel had pastorates at Friedrichsburg and New Braunfels, Texas, 1849-1851. MENZIES, ARCHIBALD JR, 1754-1842 6879 Journal of Vancouver's voyage. . .. Vic- toria Can 1923. O [20] 171 2maps llpls 2 facsLon 3 1. ] a MENZIES, ARCHIBALD SR 6880 Proposal for peopling His Majesty's colonies on the continent of America. [Perth 1763]. O 44 a MERCER, Al SAl S. 6881 The banditti of the plains. . . . {Cheyenne 1894]. O 139 b N NYP WashU Y — anr. ed., re-written by John Mercer Boots, "The Powder river invasion," L A [ 1923J. D 146 a — anr. ed., illus. by Parker, S F Grabhorn 1935. O [l4] 136 Basic authority on the Johnson County war [between big cattle interests, supported by Wyoming officials, and independent ranchers]. Most copies burned by interested authorities; others bought up and destroyed by individuals whose relatives were un- favorably mentioned. MERCER, AlSAl S. 6882 Big Horn county, Wyoming. . . . Hyattville Wyo [1906]. D 115 8pls a MERCER, ASA S. 6883 Material resources of Linn county, Oregon Albany Ore 1875. O 72 a MERCER, A[SA] S. 6884 The material resources of Marion county, Oregon, with. . . business directory. Salem 1876. O 80 fold, map + double-p. tab a MERCER, A[SA] S. 6885 Washington Territory; the great north-west Vtica 1865. O 38 b N WashU Y. — rptd. Seattle 1939. O 54 a 350copies ptd. [MERCER, CHARLES F.] 6886 An exposition of the weakness ... of the government of the United States. [i?/'ch?] 1845. D 380 a — Eng. ed., t. altered, L 1863. 16° [l4] 17-382 386 Mercer — Meserve Bitter attack on the Constitution and the way it was working; soon suppressed by its repentant author. MERLE, J. A. De l'emigration aux Etats-Unis. Geneva 1849. O 46 map a 6897 MERCER, JESSE 6887 A history of the Georgia Baptist Asso- ciation. Wash Ga 1836. D 419 a — rptd. same impr. 1838. MERCER, PHILIP 6888 The life of the gallant Pelham. Macon Ga [1929]. D 180 a MERCER, W. T., ed. 6880 The fall of Oswego, August 14, 1756. . . from the papers of Colonel Mercer, com- manding the British forces. . . . Reading Eng 1873. O 32 a MEREDITH, EDMUND A. 6890 Essay on the Oregon question. . . .Montr 1846. O 43 a [MEREDITH, SIR WILLIAM] 6891 Historical remarks on the taxation of free states L 1778. Q [2] 82 b AA N NYP Y Only thirty copies issued of this refuta- tion of British claims that historical precedents warranted colonial taxation. MERENESS. NEWTON D. 6892 Maryland as a proprietary province. N Y 1901. O [22] 530 a MERENESS, NEWTON D. [ed.] 6893 Travels in the American colonies. N Y 1916. O [6] 693 a Collection of eighteen previously un- published travel journals, some highly interesting. [MERIWETHER, MRS. ELIZABETH A.] 6894 Facts and falsehoods concerning the war on the south. Memphis [l904]. O [lo] 271 a References to a suppressed 1866 edition of Herndon's biography — depicting Lin- coln's unsavory character and differing en- tirely from the 1889 issue — gave birth to a troublesome and wholly falso bibliographical myth. MERK, FREDERICK, ed. 6895 Fur trade and empire. George Simpson's journal. . . in the course of a voyage from York factory [to the Columbia river], . . 1824-5. C 1931. O [380] 370 map a MERRICK, GEORGE B. 6898 Old times on the upper Mississippi. . . . Clev 1909. O 323[incl. 16pls] map pi a MERRIFIELD, EDWARD 6899 The story of the captivity. . . of Luke Swetland Scranton 1915. D 68 a small ed. Amplification of Swetland 's own narrative, q. v. MERRILL, ELIPHALET, and 6900 PHINEHAS A gazetteer of . . . New Hampshire. . . . Exeter 1817. O 218 [l3] a First gazetteer of this state. MERRILL, GEORGIA D. 6901 History of Carroll county, New Hamp- shire. B 1889. O [14] 987 map pis a MERRILL, J[AMES] W. 6902 Yellow Spring and Huron [in Des Moines county, Ia.T. . . . Mediapolis 1897. O 433 [incl.front.J + inserted 1. at p420 2fold.maps 13pls a MERRILL, JOHN L. History of Acworth, N. H. 1869. O 306 56pls a 6903 MERRILL, 0. N. 6904 True history of the Kansas wars, and their origin [etc.]. Cin 1856. O 56 port 3col pis b MERRITT, CAPT. w[lLLIAM] H. 6905 Journal of events. . . on the Detroit and Niagara frontiers, during the war of 1812. St Catherines Canada 1863. O 82 a MERWIN, H. 6906 An historical sketch of Leavenworth, with a directory of the city. . . . Leavenworth 1870. O 184 a MESA COUNTY, COLORADO 6907 History and business directory of:. . . . Grand Junction 1886. O 93 a MESERVE, FREDERICK H. Historical portraits and Lincolniana. In- dex of a part of the collection [of the au- thor]. N Y 1915. Q [12] 143 a MERKELEY, CHRISTOPHER 6896 Biography of : . . . by himself. S L C 1887. D 46 a Adventures of a Mormon in Missouri, Illinois and the far West. MESERVE, FREDERICK H. 6908 Lincolniana. Historical portraits and views printed . . . from original negatives [etc.]. N Y 1915. Q 104 369photos[l08 of Lincoln] 16copies c I11H. 387 Meserve — Mexicana MESERVE, FREDERICK H. 6909 The photographs of Abraham Lincoln. N Y 1911. Q 110 130mounted photos lOOcopies c AA I11H — suppl. No. 1, N Y 1917. Q 7 7photos — suppl. No. 2, N Y 193& Q 7 7photos MESSAGE 6910 Message from the President. . . trans- mitting. . . such further information, in re- lation to our affairs with Spain, as ... is not inconsistent with the public interest to divulge. Wash 1819. O 214 a Documents concerning troubles resulting from Jackson's high-handed conduct in Florida. MESSAGE 6911 Message from the President. . . trans- mitting the correspondence between this government and that of Great Britain, on the subject of the claims ... to the territory west of the Rocky mountains. Wash 1828. O 77 a MESSAGE 6917 Message of the President. . . transmitting . . . documents . . . from a secret agent of the British government, employed. . . to destroy the union Wash 1812. O 50 a MESSITER, CHARLES A. 6918 Sport and adventure among the . . . Indians L 1890. O [18] 368[incl. pis] a METCALF, ANTHONY 6919 Ten years before the mast. . . . How I be- came a Mormon. . . . \_Malad City Ida ca 1880]. O [2] 81 b LC Y[only copies located]. METCALF, SAMUEL L. 6920 A collection of . . . narratives of Indian warfare in the west. . . . Lex 1821. O 270 errata slip b KyH N Y This compilation, seeking to preserve for posterity early border narratives, has be- come almost as rare as the originals themselves. MESSAGE 6912 Message from the President. . . trans- mitting the correspondence with the British government, in relation to the boundary of the United States on the Pacific ocean. Wash 1826. O 26 a MESSAGE 6913 Message of the President. . . in relation to our affairs with Spain. . . Dec. 28, 1818. Wash 1818. O 215 a Seminole war beginnings, including Jack- son's impulsive conduct in the case of Arbuthnot and Ambrister. MESSAGE (A) 6914 Message (A) of the President. . . relative to France and Great- Britain. . . December 5, 1793 Phil 1793. O 102 [2] 116 32 [4] 12 36 4 a — Eng. ed. [omitting documents], L 1794. O 103 First of many presidential messages to Congress. It presents the official version of the Genet affair. MESSAGE 6915 Message of the President. . .relative to the affairs of the United States on the Mississippi Phil Ross [l798]. O 91 a MESSAGE 6916 Message of the President. . . to explain the . . . failure of the United States on the northern frontier, Feb. 2nd 1814. Wash 1814. O 115 114 a — rptd. N Y 1814. O [2] 65; Alb 1814. 16° 175 METHODIST CONFERENCES 6921 Methodist conferences (the). Minutes of: annually held in America... 1773-1794. Phil 1795. 16° 214 a METHVIN, J. J. 6922 Andele, or the Mexican-Kiowa captive Louisv 1899. D 184 a — ed. 2, Louisv 1899. [METLAR, GEORGE W.] 6923 Northern California, Scott and Klamath rivers. . . . By a practical miner. Yreka 1856. D 24 a MEXICAN CITIZENS Mexican citizens (Claims of) against the United States for Indian depredations. . . . See Gomez del Palacio, Francisco. MEXICAN WAR Mexican war (the late), of: N Y 1851. D 128 e 6924 Complete history MEXICAN TREACHERIES Mexican treacheries and cruelties. . . . By a volunteer returned from the war. See Allen, Lieut. G. N. MEXICAN CORDILLERA (THE) Travels on the western slope of:. . . . By Cincinnatus. See Wheat, Marvin T. MEXICANA 6925 Mexicana (la Republica) y los Estados- Unidos . . . : Tratado de paz . . . entre: [in Eng. & Span.] Queretaro 1848. O 28 27 a — U.S. ed., see below under Mexico. 388 Mexico — Michaux MEXICO Camp life of a volunteer. A campaign in: .... By "One who has seen the elephant." See Scribner, Benjamin F. MEXICO A campaign in: "By one who was thar. " See Scribner, Benjamin F. MEXICOI 6926 The conquest of: An appeal to the citi- zens of the United States, on [its] justice and expediency. . . . B 1846. O 32 map a MEXICO 6927 Message from the President LjacksonJ . . . concerning the fur trade, and inland trade to Mexico. [Sen. Ex. Doc. 90] Wash 1832. O 86 a Among the several communications on the subject suggested by the title is Joshua Pilcher's report. MEXICO EN 1847 6928 Contiene una relacion de las revoluciones . . . desde que comenzo la guerra contra los Estados-Unidos Mex 1847. Q 40 a MEXICO Mexico in 1842. TV Y 1842. See Folsom, George F. MEXICO Mexico versus Texas, a descriptive novel .... By a Texian. See Ganilh, Anthony. MEXICO Official despatches . . . connected with the Commission to . . . mark the boundary be- tween the United States and: See Bartlett, John R. MEXICO 6929 Mexico and the battle of Buena Vista. Recollection of: B 1871. O 27 a MEXICO Reminiscences of a campaign in: See Robertson, John B. MEXICO (NORTHERN) Sketches of the campaign in:. ... By an officer. .. .See Giddings, Maj. L. MEXICO (NORTHERN) 6930 Sketches of the war in: with pictures of life N Y 1848. 16° 75 a — anr. ed., without accompanying papers, [Wash 1848]. O 74 — Mexican ed. [in Span. & Eng.], see above under Mexicana. Famous Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo, which closed the Mexican war and gave California, Arizona and New Mexico to this nation. MEYER, BALTHASAR H., ed. 6932 History of transportation in the United States before 1860. Wash 1917. O [l2] 678 a MEYER, CARL Nach dem Sacramento. [4] 365 a — Eng. tr. Claremont Cal 1938. O 6933 Aarau 1855. D MEYER, GEORGE 6934 Autobiography of: Across the plains with an ox team in 1849. . . . Shenandoah la 1908. O 29[incl. front.] a MEYERS, AUGUSTUS 6935 Ten years in the . . . army. N Y 1914. O [6] 356 a — issue 1 has gilt top Campaigning on the Nebraska-Dakota frontier, 1855-60. MEYERS, RtOBERT] C. V. 6936 Life and adventures of Lewis Wetzel. TV Y [1883]. D 414[incl.front.] 3pls a — anr. issue, same collat. Phil L 1883J. — rptd. Phil 1889. same collat. MICHAELER, KARL 6937 Historisch-Kritischer Versuch uber die altesten Volkerstamme, und ihre Wander- ungen nebst weiterer Verpflanzung nach Amerika. Vienna 1801-02. D 5v a MICHAELIUS, JONAS D. 6938 The first minister of the Dutch Reformed Church in the United States. Hague [l858]. O 25 a — rptd., in Dutch & Eng., Amst 1883. — anr. ed. "Manhattan in 1628. . . ," N Y 1904. Q [14] 204 [2] [incl. front.] pis 225 copies ptd.[50 on Jap. P. J Contains the first printing in separate form of a letter of 1628 giving the first description of New York City. MICHAUX, ANDR£ 6939 Journal of: 1787-1796. Phil [l889]. O 145 MEXICO The statistical account of: See Villa- Senor y Sanchez, Joseph A. MEXICO 6931 The treaty between the United States and: [Wash 1848]. O 384 a Separate printing from American Philo- sophical Society Proceedings, volume 26; text in French, notes in English. Informative diary of travels to remote settlements of the South and West, made obviously in behalf of Genet's filibusting scheme against Spanish possessions. 389 Michaux — Miles MICHAUX, FRANCOIS] A. 6940 Voyage a l'ouest des monts Alleghanys P 1804. O[lo] 312 map a — rptd., same collat., 1808. — Eng. tr., by Lambert, L Mawman 1805. O [l6j 350 map a —Eng. ed. 2, L Crosby 1805. O [l2] 294 — anr. Eng. tr. L Phillips 1805. O 96 map — Ger. tr. Weimar 1805. O [l4] 250 map MICHIGAN 6941 Appeal by the convention of: ... in rela- tion to the boundary question between Michigan and Ohio. Der 1835. O 176 a MICHIGAN Des auswanderers Wegweiser nach. N Y 1849. O 31 a 6942 — rptd., same impr. & date. D 16 — other eds.: New Bedford 1793. D 16; Poughkeepsie 1794. D 24 Plea for slavery abolition. MIGNARD, JACQUES 6951 Appercu [sic] des crimes commis par les Anglo-Americains envers les Francais. P [l800]. O 52 a Furious excoriation of everything English or American. MIGNARD, JACQUES 6952 Quelques escrocs Anglais demasques, ou les deserts de l'Amerique du Nord. . . tels qu'ils sont. P [ 1797-8]. O 52 a Expose of the Scioto Company land fraud. MICHIGAN The emigrant's guide to , Thomson, E. H. [1849]. MICHIGAN Historic and scientific sketches of: Det 1834. D 215 a MICHIGAN 6944 De Toestand der Hollandische Kolonisatie in den Staat: Amst 1849. O 39 2maps a MICISSIPI 6945 Journal de la guerre du: . . . 1739-1740. Par un officier de l'armee NY 1859. D 92 a 100 copies ptd. Diary of an expedition against the Chickasaws, under Bienville. MILAM [pseud.] Texas. . . . SeeThompson, Henry. MILBERT, JtACQUES G.] 6953 Itineraire pittoresque du fleuve Hudson et des parties laterales. . . . P 1828-9. Q 2v: [40] 246 [2]; [4] 257 [2] + atlas F [2] map 54pls b AA BA NYP Y MILES, GEN. NELSON A. 6954 Annual report of: commanding the Depart- ment of the Pacific. S F 1889. O 74 a MILES, GEN. NELSON A. 6955 Official report of Gen. Miles, commanding the Department of Arizona, [l a] 1888. O 40 cover t. only a MICKLE, ISAAC Reminiscences of old Gloucester.. . [N. J.]. Phil 1845. O [4] 98 errata 1. pi 6946 MIDDLE LINE (THE) 6947 Middle line (The): or, an attempt to furnish some hints for ending the differences . . . be- tween Great Britain and her colonies. Phil 1775. D 48 a [MIDDLETON, H.] 6948 Economical causes of slavery in the United States, and obstacles to abolition. L 1857. O [4] 56 a MIDDLETON, JOHN W. 6949 History of the regulators and moderators and the Shelby county war in 1841 and 1842, in the republic of Texas Ft Worth 1883. O40 a — rptd. n.p. n.d. same collat. [MIFFLIN, WARNER] 6950 A serious expostulation with the members of the House of Representatives. . . . Phil 1793. D 24 a MILES, GENERAL NELSON A. 6956 Personal recollections . . . of:. . . . Chi 1896. O [8] 590[incl. pis] a — issue 1, rank on front. port given as "General" — issue 2, [identical except rank on port cor. to "Maj. Gen. "J — ed. 2, same impr. & collat., 1897, with p. 591 [a pi.] added MILES, W. H., and BRATT, JOHN 6957 Early history and reminiscences of Frontier county, Nebraska. May wood Neb 1894. D [2] 39 a MILES, WILLIAM 6958 Journal of the sufferings. . . of Capt. Parker H. French's overland expedition to California. Chambersburg Pa 1851. O 24 d AA Hn [of 7 known copies] — rptd. N Y 1916. O 26 a Followed the southern route, via San Antonio and El Paso to the Gila river and San Diego. First gold-rush expedition across Texas. 390 Milet MILET [or MILLET], PIERRE 6959 Relation de sa captivite parmi les On- neiouts [Oneidas] en 1690-1. N Y 1864. D [s] 9-56 a lOOcopies ptd. — Eng. tr. N Y 1888. O 18 a — rptd. Chi 1897. D [4] 7-72 75copies ptd. First printing of one of the earliest ac- counts of the Five Nations. MILFORT, LE CLERC 6960 Memoire ou coup-d'oeil rapide sur. . . mon sejour dans la nation Creek. . . . P [l802]. O [4j 332 b N NYP Y Narrative of an extraordinary French ad- venturer among the Upper Creeks somewhat — but not entirely — invalidated by its ex- travagant romanticism. MILITARY HISTORY (THE) 6961 Military history (The) of Great Britain, for 1756-7. Containing a letter from an English officer. . . taken prisoner at Oswego [etc.]. L 1757. O 125 plan b LC MILITARY POSTS Military posts — Council Bluffs to the Pacific. . . . See Pendleton, N. G. MILLER, "JOAQUIN" [CIN- 6969 CINNATUS H.] Life amongst the Modoc s. . . . L 1873. O [8] 400 a — Am. ed., "Unwritten history. . . ," Hart 1874. O 445 24pls a — rptd. variously entitled "Paquita, the Indian heroine," and "My own story," Hart 1881, Chi 1890. MILLER, "JOAQUIN" [CIN- 6970 CINNATUS H.] Memorie and rhyme NY 1884. D 237 a MILLER, REV. JOHN 6971 A description of . . . New York. L 1843. O [4] + advs [4] 21-116 6pls a — rptd. N Y 1862. O 127 6plans 50copies on L. P.; Clev 1903. O 400copies ptd. Miller resided in New York from 1693 to 1695. MILLER, LEWIS B. 6972 A crooked trail Pitt [l908]. O 184 a —rptd. B [l91l]. O 413 pis A thousand mile horse-back trip along the Texas frontier. MILLER, ANDREW 6962 New states and territories.. . . [Keene N H] 1819. 24° 96 fold. tab b AA LC N Y — anr. issue, [Keene 1819]. O 32[incl.tab] b AA ChiH WisH Priority between these issues not es- tablished, but probabilities favor the octavo. MILLER, BENJAMIN S. 6963 Ranch life in the southwest ... in southern Kansas and the Indian Territory. ...NY 1896. D 163 port a MILLER, ElLIJAHl The history of Page county, Iowa. . . Clarinda 1876. D 100 + 17adv-p map a 6964 MILLER, FRANCIS W. 6965 Cincinnati's beginnings. . . chiefly from hitherto unpublished documents. Cin 1880. D [10] 235 pi a MILLER, LEWIS B. Saddles and lariats. pis a —rptd. B [1917]. 6973 .B [1912]. O 285 MILLER, LINUS W. 6974 Notes of an exile to Van Dieman's Land: comprising incidents of the Canadian re- bellion in 1838. Fredortia N Y 1846. D [12] 378 a MILLER, MARK 6975 The Racine register, business directory . , . .Racine [l849]. D 844 34adv-p a Contains an historical sketch. MILLER, REUBEN 6976 James J. Strang weighed in the balance of truth and found wanting. . . . Burlington la 1846. O 24 c ChurchL[s L c] only 2copies known MILLER, BISHOP GEORGE. 6966 Correspondence of: with the northern islander, n.p. [ca 1900]. O 50 c apt. t. only a All of these letters were written from St. James, Michigan, in 1855. MILLER, GEORGE, JR. The trial of Frank James for murder. K C [1898]. D 348 pis a 6967 MILLER, J. M. 6968 Recollections of "a pine knot" in the lost cause Greenwood Miss [l899]. O 56 a MILLER, STEPHEN F. 6977 The bench and bar of Georgia. . . . Phil 1858. O 2v: 483; 454 a MILLER, STEPHEN F. 6978 Memoir of Gen. David Blackshear. . . . Phil 1858. O [4] 355-483, 133-157 a Separate printing from The bench and bar of Georgia, with introduction and muster rolls added. MILLER, SUSAN F. 6979 Sixty years in the Nueces valley. . . . San Antonio [l930]. O [20] 374 maps pis a 391 Miller — Minnesota MILLER, WILLIAM H. 6980 The history of Kansas City. . . . K C 1881. O 264 map a MILLIGAN, JACOB 6981 The Charleston directory and revenue system. Charleston S C 1790. O [2] 56 b — contd. annually for some yrs. MILLISON, D. G., pub. 6982 City directory ... of Topeka. To which is added an historical sketch. Topeka 1868. O 144 a First directory of this infant municipality. MILLS, ANSON 6983 My story. Wash 1918. D 412[incl. maps & plsj errata slip a — ed. 2, with adds., Wash 1921. D 431 Service in Arizona, at Ft. Bridger and with Crook's 1876 Sioux campaign. MILLS, ROBERT 6984 The American pharos, or light-house guide. . . also a general view of the coast, from the St. Lawrence to the Sabine. Wash 1832. O 184 a [MILLS, ROBERT] 6985 [Atlas of . . . South Carolina. Bait 1825.] F [4] 29maps b AA N Y — rptd., same collat., Phil 1826; Phil [1838]. a — anr. ed. Columbia S C 1938. F [4] 39maps 350copies ptd. MILLS, ROBERT 6986 Memorial, submitting a plan for a new roadway, with the operation of steam car- riages, for a commercial highway to Oregon and California. Wash 1846. O 27 map a MILLS, ROBERT 6987 Statistics of South Carolina. . . . Charleston 1826. O [8] 17-782 [48] map[not in all copies] a Intended as a companion volume for his Atlas, above. MILLS, ROBERT 6988 A treatise on inland navigation. Bait 1820. O 104 [4] map a MILLS, SAMUEL J., and 6989 SMITH, DANIEL Report of a missionary tour. . . west of the Allegheny mountains. . . . Andover 1815. O 64 a Best first-hand account of Illinois in its territorial period. MILLS, T. B. 6990 Handbook to New Mexico. Las Vegas 1879. O 38 map a MILLS, T. B. 6991 New Mexico. San Miguel county, illus- trated Las Vegas 1885. O 52 map a MILLS, W. JAY 6992 Historic houses of New Jersey. Phil 1902. O [16] 13-348 19pls a — anr. issue, identical except for Ins. Co. adv. on cover MILLS, WILLIAM W. 6993 Forty years at El Paso. . . . [El Paso ptd. Chi 1901]. D 165[incl.front.] a MILMINE, GEORGINE 6994 The life of Mary Baker G. Eddy NY 1909. o[l4] 495 25pls a Miss Milmine assembled the facts; the actual writer was Willa Cather. MILNER, JOE E., and FORREST, 6995 EARLE R. California Joe, noted scout and Indian fighter. Caldwell Ida 1935. D 396 26pls a [MILNOR, WILLIAM] 6996 An authentic historical memoir of the Schuylkill Fishing Company Phil 1830. O [8j 127 58 5pls a —rptd. Phil 1889. O 446 pis Founded in 1732, this is the oldest sport- ing club in the world. Includes, with sepa- rate title. Memoirs of the Gloucester. . .club. MILWAUKEE 6997 Directory. . . : for 1848-9, with a sketch of the city Milw King 1848. O 204 map a Second directory of this city; for the first, see McCabe, Julius, F. B. MINER, CHARLES 6998 History of Wyoming [Valley], . . . Phil 1845. O 488 [2] 104 2maps 2pls a MINER'S... BOOK 6999 Miner's (The) own book S F 1858. O 32 b NYP Y Issue 1 has inverted woodcut on p23 — rptd. S F 1949. O 50 a 500copies ptd. a MINNEAPOLIS DIRECTORY 7000 Minneapolis directory for. . . 1865-6. . .. Minneap 1865. D 99 a MINNEHAHA COUNTY, DAKOTA History [etc.] of: See Ellis, Frankwill. MINNESOTA HISTORICAL 7001 SOCIETY (THE) Annals of: Four annual nos. St P 1850- 53. O 4v: 32; 183; 64; 72 a — rptd., in combined form, St P 1856. O 158 5pls 392 Minnesota — Mississippi The Society's activities went into eclipse in 1856; on resumption of operations sixteen years later, the above material was reissued as volume I of their Collections. MINNESOTA 7002 A guide for emigrants to: By a tourist. St P 1857. D 24 front, map a MINNESOTA 7003 The guide to: St P 1868. D 81 + 14 adv-p a MINNESOTA 7004 The immigrants' guide to: in 1856. By an old resident. St Anthony [ptd in N y] 1856. D 116 [8] map a MINNESOTA 7005 Minnesota als eine Heimat fur Einwanderer n.p. 1864. O 59 [36 8] a — anr. issue. O 59 [25] MINNESOTA GAZETEER 7006 Minnesota gazeteer and business directory, for 1865 St P 1865. O 399[incl.advs] a First state directory. MINNESOTA GUIDE (THE) 7007 Minnesota guide (The) St P 1869. D 94 [3] a MINNESOTA MESSENGER 7008 Minnesota messenger (The), containing sketches of the rise and progress of Minne- sota St P 1855. O 78[incl.advs] b G MINNESOTA YEAR BOOK Minnesota year book for 1851. [Same for 1852 — and for 1853]. See Le Due, W. G. MINNESOTA TERRITORY 7009 Rise and progress of: St P 1855. O 64 b — rptd. 1865. a MINNESOTA Rural sketches of: See Hamilton, H. W. MINNESOTA Wanderings in: during the Indian troubles of 1862. See Scantlebury, Thos. MINOT, GEORGE R. 7010 Continuation of the history of . . . Massa- chusetts Bay, from 1748 B 1798-1803. O 2v: 304; 222 a Continues Hutchinson's history of this province. MINOT, GEORGE R. 7011 The history of the insurrections in Massa- chusetts Wore 1788. O 192 a — ed. 2, B 1810. same collat. — ed. 3, B 1840. MINUTES 7012 Minutes of the proceedings of the con- vention of delegates from the abolition so- cieties Phil 1794. O 30 a — same, 2nd convention, Phil 1795. O 32 — con., to over 20 conventions, 1796-1830. MIRABEAU, HONORS G. R., 7013 comte de Considerations sur l'ordre de Cincinnatus L 1784. 0[l2] 385 [3] a — rptd. L 1785; L 1788. — Eng. tr., with omissions, L 1784. o[l2] 203 —anr. ed. L 1785. O [l2] 284 —Am. ed. Phil 1786. O [4] 68 MIRANDA'S EXPEDITION A general account of:. . . .See Sherman, John H. MIRANDA'S ATTEMPT Miranda's attempt to effect a revolution in South America. . . . History of: See Biggs, James. MIRICK, B. L. 7014 The history of Haverhill. Haverhill Mass 1832. D 277 pi a The poet Whittier assisted in the prepa- ration of this work. MISCEGENATION Miscegenation: the theory of the blending of the races. . . .See Croly, David G. MISCELLANEOUS ESSAY (A) Miscellaneous essay (A), concerning the courses pursued by Great Britain, in., .her colonies. . . . See McCulloch, Henry. MISCELLANIES Miscellanies; by an officer. 1813. See De Peyster, Arent S. MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY (THE) 7015 An address to the people of: showing the . . . expedience of dividing the Territory preparatory to the formation of two states By Tempus Nunc. Natchez 1816. D 48 b PaH Y MISSISSIPPI 7016 Chronicles of the fire-eaters of the tribe of: By Seraiah the scribe. Brandon Miss 1853. O 38 a MISSISSIPPI (THE) The commerce and navigation of the val- ley of: See Allen, Thos. MISSISSIPPI AND MOBILE RIVERS (THE) An estimate of commercial advantages by way of:. . . . See Cox, Zachariah. 393 Mississippi — Mitchel MISSISSIPPI 7017 A full and impartial account of the Com- pany of: . . . projected and settled by Mr. Law. . . to which are added, a description of the country and a relation of the first dis- covery of it L 1720. O [4] 64 73-79 b LC N NYP Y Principal English promotion tract for Law's Mississippi Bubble; text in both English and French. For a similar German work, see Historische und geographische Beschreibung des an dem ... Mississippi. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY Mississippi valley (the upper). History of: See Winchell, N. H., et al. MISSISSIPPI 7018 Mississippi (the great river). An impartial enquiry into the right of the French king to the territory west of: . . . not ceded by the preliminaries ... a vindication of the Eng- lish claim to the whole continent. . . . L [1762]. O [2] 58 b BA N Y MISSISSIPPI RIVER (THE) 7019 A journey on: ... a lecture. . . . Phil 1847. O 24 a MISSISSIPPI NAVIGATOR (THE) 7020 Mississippi navigator (The); revised and corrected. Phil Bradford 1815. D pis Sab. 49528 See Cramer, Zadok. A doubtful edition. MISSISSIPPI QUESTION Mississippi question (The) fairly stated By Camillus. See Duane, Wm. MISSISSIPPI RIVER 7021 Mississippi river (The) from St. Louis to the sea. St L 1892. obi F [8] 42maps a MISSISSIPPI (THE) Opening of: or two years' campaigning in the southwest See Driggs, Geo. W. MISSISSIPPI (THE) 7024 Remarks on the western states ... or the valley of: L 1839. O 45 a MISSISSIPPI Mississippi (The river), from St. Paul to New Orleans. . . . See Harthill, A. MISSISSIPPI (THE) 7025 Some considerations on the consequences of the French settling colonies on:. . . . L 1720. O [4] 60 map b N NYP Y By an American named Beresford. MISSISSIPPI (THE) Tales of travel west of: See Snelling, Wm. J. MISSISSIPPI (THE) View of the valley of:.. . .See Baird, Rob't. MISSISSIPPI Vue de la colonie espagnole du:. . . .See Berquin-Duvallon. MISSOURI Life and scenery in: See O'Hanlon, John. MISSOURI (THE) 7026 Outline descriptions of the posts in the military division of: Chi 1872. D 130 [2J fold. map, inserted slip showing distances MISSOURI (THE) 7027 Outline descriptions of the posts in the military division of: CW 1876. D 157 fold, map 120pls a MISSISSIPPI Nine years of Democratic rule in: See Van Winkle, H. E. MISSISSIPPI (THE) 7022 Notes on the navigation of: ... by a gentleman of talents and observation. . . . Frankfort Ky 1803. D 56 c WisH[only copy known] MISSISSIPPI Mississippi (Le nouveau), ou les dangers d'habiter les bords du Scioto. . . . See Roux, Sgt.-Maj. MISSISSIPPI... CONVENTION 7023 Mississippi valley railroad convention fthe). Official proceedings of:. ... St L 1852]. O 64 + cover t. tab a MISSOURI 7028 Proceedings of a convention. . . for pro- motion of internal improvements within. . .: St L 1836. O 30 a MISSOURI Missouri and Kansas. Rebel invasion of: .... See Hinton, Richard J. MISSOURI 7029 Table of distances in the Department of: embracing the Districts of Kansas, Upper Kansas, New Mexico and Indian Territory. Leavenworth 1868. O 28 [4] b MITCHEL, MARTIN, and 7030 OSBORN, JOSEPH H. Geographical. . . history of the county of Winnebago [Wis.]. Oshkosh 1856. D 120 12 pis a 394 Mitchel — Mitchell MITCHEL, MARTIN 7031 History of the county of Fond du Lac, Wis Fond du Lac 1854. D 96 a MITCHELL, COLIN, et al 7032 Mitchell, Colin, et al, versus the United States. Record in the case of:. . . . Wash 1831. Q 736 b NYP — anr. ed. "Exposition ... of the title. . . ," Wash 1834. O a Appellants claimed a million and a quarter acres in Florida — acquired under the original Panton, Leslie 1783 Spanish grant, confirmed in 1806 and 1811 — and the presentation of their case involved an elaborate account of Florida's complicated history and Indian trade, from the Revolu- tion to American accession. MITCHELL, D. W. 7033 Ten years in the United States. . . . L 1862. D [12] 332 a Favorable account of the South and its peculiar institution. MITCHELL, FRANCES L. 7034 Georgia land and Georgia people. [Atlanta 1900]. D [30] 495 a [MITCHELL, JOHN] 7035 The contest in America between Great Britain and France. By an impartial hand L 1757. O [2, 50] 17-244 a Ascribed also to Oliver Goldsmith. [MITCHELL, JOHN] 7036 A full account of the proceedings in re- lation to Capt. Kidd L 1701. sm Q [8] 51 b — ed. 2, same impr. & date O 40 [l] a — rptd. "A full account of the actions of . . . Capt. Kidd. With the proceedings against him. . . ," Dub 1701. O [4] 42 a Defends the Earl of Bellomont from charges of being implicated in Kidd's piracies. Ascribed also to Lord Somers and to Lord Halifax. MITCHELL, JOHN 7037 A map of the British and French dominions in North America. . . . L pub. by au. & sold by And. Miller 1755. F 8sheet maps in col. [extended would be 55" x 77"] b N Y — anr. issue, identical except Miller is cor. to Millar b — rptd. Amst Covens & Mirtier [ca 1756]. F same collat. a Most comprehensive, detailed and ac- curate map of North America produced up to its time. [MITCHELL, JOHN] 7038 The present state of Great Britain and North America L 1767. O [24] 364 a MITCHELL, JOSEPH 7039 The missionary pioneer. . . life ... of John Stewart NY 1827. 16° 96 a — rptd. N Y 1918. same collat. Stewart founded the Sandusky Wyandotte MITCHELL, NAHUM 7040 History of . . . Bridgewater [Mass. J. D 1840. O 402 a — rptd. Bridgewater 1897. O 430 MITCHELL, MRS. REBECCA 7041 Historical sketches. . . of eastern Idaho. [Idaho Falls 1905]. O 96 port a MITCHELL, GOV. ROBERT H. 7042 First annual message to the legislative assembly of the Territory of New Mexico. Santa Fe 1867. O 31 a Describes territorial conditions just after the Civil War. MITCHELL, SAMUEL A. 7043 An accompaniment to [his] reference and distance map of the United States. . . . Phil 1834. D 324 a — rptd. — 5 eds. — from 1835 to 1845. — Ger. eds.: "Die Vereinigten Staaten. . . ," Phil 1846. O; Phil 1849. O [MITCHELL, SAMUEL A.] 7044 Accompaniment to Mitchell's new map of Texas, Oregon and California. . . . Phil 1846. 18 34 map a — anr. issue, 46p. map a — rptd. Oakland 1948. O [6] 47 map pi MITCHELL, SAMUEL A. 7045 Compendium of the internal improvements of the United States Phil 1835. 24° 84 [4] fold.map[in some copies] a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1838. [MITCHELL, SAMUEL A.] 7046 Description of Oregon and California: embracing an account of the gold regions Phil 1849. 18° 76 map b N Y MITCHELL, SAMUEL A., pub. 7047 Geographical description of . . . Texas; also of . . . Oregon and upper California. Phil 1846. O 62 map a [MITCHELL, SAMUEL A.] 7049 Illinois in 1837; a sketch Phil 1837. O 144 map a Issue 1 has word "animals" misspelled on t-p; this was corrected in issue 2. — anr. issue, with cover t. "Illinois in 1837 & 8... ," Phil 1838. same collat. — abr. ed. "Sketches of Illinois. . . ," Phil 1838. O 32 map 395 Mitchell — Modest Enquiry — Eng. ed. "The far west; a sketch of Illinois. . . ," Bolton-le-Moors 1842. D no perfect copy known MITCHELL, SAMUEL A. 7050 The principal stage, steamboat and canal routes in the United States Phil 1834. 16° 96 a — continued as "Traveller's guide...," Phil [1836]. 16° 74 [4] map; rptd. several times — reissued as "New traveller's guide...," Phil 1849. 16° 128 map; Phil 1857. 16° [32] 122 2maps The 1834 edition was the first containing text; the map alone, however, was issued under both of above titles in 1832, 1833 and 1835. MITCHELL, W. H. 7051 Dakota county [Minn.]: its past and present Minneap 1868. D [6] 161 + 8 adv-1. 2pls a First history of the second Minnesota settlement. MITCHELL, W. H., and STEVENS, 7052 J. H. Geographical . . . history of the county of Hennepin [Minn.] Minneap 1868. 16° 149 + 25adv-p errata 1. a First history of the first Minnesota settlement. MITCHELL, W. H. 7053 Geographical. . . history of the county of Olmstead [Minn.] Rochester Minn [l866], 16° 121 a MITCHELL, W. H. 7054 Geographical. . . sketch of. . . Goodhue county [Minn.]. Minneap 1869. D 191 a MITCHELL, W. H., and CURTIS U. 7055 Geographical. . . sketch of . . . Wabasha county [Minn.] Rochester Minn 1870. 16° 164 a MITCHELL, W. H., and CURTIS, U. 7056 Historical sketch of Dodge county, Minn. Rochester Minn 1870. D 124 a MITCHELL, W. H. 7057 History of Steele county LMinn.J. Minneap 1868. D 97 + 10 adv-1. a MITCHELL, WESLEY C. 7058 A history of the greenbacks. Chi 1903. O [16] 577 a MITCHELL, REV. WILLIAM 7059 Personal reminiscences . . . circuit riding ... in the early days of Illinois. Areola 111 1897. D 85 a MITCHELL [SOUTH DAKOTA] 7060 The city of: and the country tributary thereto. Mitchell 1887. O [4] 82 a MITCHENER, C. H. 7061 Ohio annals. . . events in the Tuscarawas and Muskingum valleys. . . . Dayton 1876. O [8] 358 a MITCHILL, SAMUEL L. 7062 The life, exploits ... of Tammany, the famous Indian chief NY 1795. O 36 port [in some copies, but probably not issued with the pamphlet] a Spurious biography of a mythical character, [MITCHILL, SAMUEL L.] 7063 The picture of New York. ...NY 1807. 16° [8] 224 map a —rptd. [1828]. 16° [8] 492 7 pis Inspired Irving's burlesque Knickerbocker history. [MITCHELL, SAMUEL L.] 7064 A tour through part of Virginia in the summer of 1808 NY 1809. O 31 a —rptd. Belt 1810. D 63 Attributed also to Joseph Caldwell and to T. Caldwell. MITE (A) Mite (A) cast into the treasury. . . .See Benezet, Anthony. MITTELBERGER, GOTTLIEB 7065 Reise nach Pennsylvanien. . . 1755. . . . Stuttgart 1756. D [8] 120 a — rptd. Frankf 1756. same collat. —Eng. tr. Phil 1898. D 129 facs The author taught school in this State. I MOBILE The chase of the rebel steamer. . . Oreto . . . into the bay of: by the . . . steam sloop Oneida. . . . See Preble, Geo. H. MOBILE DIRECTORY 7066 Mobile directory. . . for 1837. Mobile 1837. D[l0] 75 76 a MOBILE DIRECTORY Mobile directory. . . 1839. See Fay, T. C, comp. MODERN VIEW (A) 7067 Modern view (A) of the thirteen United States . . . settlement . . . cities. . . . L D. Walker [ 1784], O [2] 101 a MODEST ENQUIRY (A) 7068 Modest enquiry (A) into the grounds. . . of a late pamphlet, intituled, A memorial of the present deplorable state of New-England. 396 Modest Enquiry — Monroe's Embassy By a disinterested hand. L 1707. O [2] 30 b AA N Defends Governor Dudley from charges levelled against him in the pamphlet answered. MODEST ENQUIRY Modest enquiry into the nature and neces- sity of a paper currency. See Franklin, Benj. MODOC INDIANS (THE) 7069 Message from the President [Grant]. . . relative to the war with: [Ex. Doc. 112]. Wash 1873. O 330 a MOLLER, JOACHIM VAN 7070 Auf nach Alaska; ein Fuhrer fur Wage- mutige. Charlottenburg 1897. D 198 map a MOEN, C. G. DE 7075 De Toestand der Hollandische Kolonisatie en den Staat Michigan. Amst 1849. O 39 2 maps a MOFFETTE, JOSEPH F. 7076 The territories of Kansas and Nebraska. N Y 1855. 18° 84 + 36adv-p 2maps b AA Hn N Y — anr. ed. 1856, only 24adv-p; one of the maps, now dated 1856, contains add. matter b Some of the information was secured from Peter Sarpy, one of the pioneer traders on the upper Missouri. MOHR, EDUARD 7077 Reise-und-Jagd-Bilder aus der Sudsee, Californien Bremen 1868. D [4] 112 a MOLLHAUSEN, BALDUIN 7071 Die in Texas und Virginien gelegenen, der Londoner allgemeinen Auswanderungs- und Colohisations-Gesellschaft gehorigen Landerein. ... Berlin 1850. O 55 2maps a MOLLHAUSEN, BALDUIN 7072 Reisen in die Felsengebirge Nord-Ameri- kas bis zum Hoch-Plateau von Neu-Mexico ....Leip [i860?] O 2v: [l6] 455; [9] 406. map facs 12col pis a —anr. ed. Jena 1861. O 2v in 1: [26] 861 map 12pls a — Swed. ed. "Resor. . . ," Stockh 1867. O 2v map 6pls Narrative — never translated into English — of the Ives Colorado River expedition of 1857-8. MOLLHAUSEN, BALDUIN 7073 Tagebuch einer reise vom Mississippi nach den Kusten der Sudsee. Leip 1858. Q [28] 496 map 14pls[l3col] a — anr. issue, same impr. & date. Q 2v: [lO] 222; [20] 223-496. map 14pls — rptd. 1858. O 2v map 13col.pls — ed. 3, 1860. O [l6] 492 map — Danish tr. Copenhagen 1862. O 476 map 9pls — Dutch ed. "Reis van den Mississippi ...," Zutphen 1858-9. O 2v 3fold.maps & pis — Eng. ed. "Diary of a journey from the Mississippi to the coasts of the Pacific ...," L 1858. O 2v: [4, 7-20] 352; [l2] 397 + adv-1. map 19pls[some col] Experiences and observations of the author while with the Whipple expedition, of which his is the best account. MOLLING, PETER A. 7074 Reise-Skizzen in Poesie und Prosa. Gesammelt auf einer siebenmonatlichen Tour durch die Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Galv [1859?]. O 384 9pls a MOKLER, ALFRED J. 7078 History of Natrona county, Wyoming. . . . Chi 1923. O [14] 477[incl.pls] a MOMBERT, JACOB I. 7079 An authentic history of Lancaster county . . . Pennsylvania. Lancaster 1869. O [8] 617 [175] 8maps a MONDOT, ARMAND r 7080 Histoire des Indiens des Etats-Unis. . . . Montpellier 1858. O [4] 352 4pls a — anr. issue, same collat. & date, with P impr. Condensation of the first three volumes of Schoolcraft. MONETTE, JOHN W. 7081 History of the discovery and settlement of the valley of the Mississippi. ...NY 1846. O 2v: [24] 567; [l6] 595. 3maps 4plans 2pls a — rptd., same collat., N Y 1848. MONKS, WILLIAM 7082 History of southern Missouri and northern Arkansas West Plains Mo 1907. D 247 a MONROE, PRES. JAMES 7083 Message. . . at the first session of the eighteenth Congress. [And] Documents.. .. [Sen. Ex. Doc. l]. Wash 1823. O 2pts in 1: 16; 206. 26f old. tabs b AA NYP In addition to containing the notable first enunciation of the "Monroe Doctrine," one of the accompanying documents gives Gen- eral Gaines' report on the upper Missouri campaign against the Arikaras. MONROE'S EMBASSY Monroe's embassy. . . in relation to our claims to the navigation of the Mississippi .... See Brown, Chas. Brockden. 397 Monroe — Montgomery MONROE, JAMES 7084 A narrative of a tour. . . by: through the north-eastern and north-western departments of the Union Phil 1818. D 228 [36] a Not to be confused with a more general, and less military, account of this same tour, q.v. under its author, Samuel P. Waldo. MONROE, COLONEL JAMES Observations to shew the propriety of the nomination of:. ... By a South-Carolinian. See Pinckney, Chas. [MONROE, JAMES?] 7085 Observations upon the proposed plan of federal government. . . . Petersburg 1788. Q 64 [2] a MONROE'S VIEW Monroe's View of the conduct of the Executive. Scipio's reflections on: See Tracy, Uriah. MONROE, JAMES 7086 A view of the conduct of the Executive, in the foreign affairs, etc. Phil 1797. O [60] 407 a — Eng. eds. with omissions: Ed. 1, L 1797. o[8] 117; ed. 3, same impr. & date O [l6] 117 Issued in reply to criticisms on Monroe's French mission contained in Robert G. Harper's Observations on the dispute be- tween the United States and France; Mon- roe, in turn, blames Washington. MONTAGU, LORD ROBERT A mirror in America. L 1861. O 108 a MONTAGUE, E. J. 7087 A directory, business mirror, and his- torical sketches of Randolph County [ill.] Alton 1859. 16° 246 a MONTAGUE, PHIL. S. 7088 Ready reference and hand book of the Klondike . . . gold fields. S F [l897]. O 58 map a MONTAGUE, WILLIAM L. 7089 Illinois and Missouri state directory. . . . Sr L 1854. O 504 a MONTANA TERRITORY Facts about: and the way to get there. See Boyce, James R. MONTANA Historical sketch and essay on the re- sources of:. ...See Maguire, H. N., and Horn, Henry. MONTANA TERRITORY History and business directory. 1879. See Warner, F. W. MONTANA History of: Chi 1885. See Leeson, Michael A. MONTCALM, MARQUIS DE 7090 Lettres. . . a messieurs de Berryer & de la Mole. [Fr. & Eng. on opposite pages]. L 1777. O [2] 28 [l] a Parkman proved these letters to be forgeries. [MONTEIRO, ARISTIDES] 7091 War reminiscences Rich 1890. D 208 front, errata 1. a small ed. MONTEITH, JOHN B. 7092 The status of young Joseph and his band of Nez Perce Indians Port Ore 1876. O 49 a MONTfMONT, ALBERT 7093 De l'Oregon et de la Californie . P 1846. O 23 a Compilation, chiefly from Duflot de r.iofras. MONTEREY AND VICINITY 7094 Hand book to: Containing a brief.. . history. ... Monterey 1875. 16° 128 a MONTEREY 7095 Taking possession of: Message of the President ... in reply to the resolution. . . calling for information in relation to the taking. . . of Monterey by Thomas Ap. Catesby Jones. [House Ex. Doc. 156]. [Wash 1843], O 117 a Presents the Government's story of the conquest of California. Said to have been suppressed. MONTGOMERY, CORA Eagle pass. See Cazneau, Mrs. Wm. L. MONTGOMERY, CORINNE Texas and her presidents. See Cazneau, Mrs. Wm. L. MONTGOMERY, ELIZABETH 7096 Reminiscences of Wilmington LDel.J. . . . Phil 1851. O [12] 7-367 4pls a — rptd. Wilm 1872. O 310 Nearly all of the original edition burned. [MONTGOMERY, DR. JAMES] 7097 Decius's letters on the opposition to the new constitution in Virginia, 1789. Rich [1789]. O [2] 134 a — ed. 3, with adds., Rich 1818. O [2] 36 Attributed also to John Nicholas. 398 Montgomery — Moore MONTGOMERY, M. W. 7098 History of Jay county, Ind. Chi 1864. D 288 map a [MONTGOMERY, SIR ROBERT] 7099 A description of the golden islands, with an account of the undertaking. . . of making a settlement there L 1720. O 45 b GaU These were islands on the Georgia coast, included in the proposed Margravate of Azilia. MONTGOMERY, SIR ROBERT 7100 A discourse concerning the design'd es- tablishment of a new colony to the south of Carolina L 1717. O [2] 30 [3] plan b N NYP Earliest project for a settlement in Georgia on the coast islands and between the Altamaha and Savannah rivers, to be called the Margravate of Azilia. MONTGOMERY, ALA. City directory and history of: 1878. See Beale and Phelan. MONTGOMERY [ALA.] 7101 Journal of the Southern Rights conven- tion, held in. . . : Montg 1851. O 40 a MONTGOMERY DIRECTORY Montgomery directory, for 1859-60. See Turnbull, M. S., comp. MONTIGNY, [JEAN FRANCOIS] DE, 7102 et al Relation de la mission du Missisipi. . . en 1700. TV Y 1861. D 66 [2] a 100 copies ptd. Contains St. Cosme's narrative of his work among the Indians in the upper Missis- sippi valley. [MONTLEZUN, BARON DE] 7103 Souvenirs des Antilles: Voyage en 1815 et 1816, aux Etats-Unis. P 1818 O 2v: [8] 406; [4] 590 a For his later visit to the United States, see next entry. [MONTLEZUN, BARON DE] 7104 Voyage . . . de New-Yorck a la Nouvelle- Orleans P 1818. O 2v: [4] 373; [4] 408 a Bitterly satirical views of Republican society by a Parisian aristocrat who main- tains that the sale of Louisiana to the United States by "a miserable Corsican" should be annulled, as a fraud on the French nation, and the province restored to France. MONTULE, EDOUARD DE 7105 Voyage en Amerique P 1821. O 2v: 466; [8] 448 + atlas Q [map 58pls] b H IndU NYP Y — Eng. tr. [of portion relating to North America] L 1821. O 102 6pls a — anr. Eng. tr. Bloomington Ind 1951. O 197 map 17pls Describes his steamboat trip up the Mississippi and Ohio. The plates are highly interesting. MOODY, JAMES 7106 Narrative of his exertions ... in the cause of government, since. . . 1776. L 1782. O 59 a — ed. 2 — and best — with adds., L 1783. O [4] 57 [7] — Am. ed. N Y 1865. O 98 4ports 100 copies ptd Services of a New Jersey Tory as a British scout and spy. [MOOERS, J. H.] 7107 Sioux Falls, the queen city of South Dakota. . . .Sioux Falls 1889. O 32 a MOONEY, THOMAS 7108 Nine years in America. Dub 1850. D 154 a — ed. 2, same impr., date &. collat. [MOOR, REV. ALLEN P.] 7109 Letters from North America. . . . Canter- bury 1855. D [4] 72 small ed. ptd. a Visited Maine, Connecticut and west to Illinois and Wisconsin. MOORE, ALBERT B. 7110 Conscription and conflict in the Con- federacy. N Y 1924. O [14] 367 a MOORE, CHARLES B. 7111 Town of Southold, Long Island. ...NY 1868. obi Q 145 a [MOORE, CLEMENT C.] 7112 Observations upon. . . Notes on Virginia. N Y 1804. O 32 a MOORE, CLEON 7113 Epitome of the life of . . . John Brown. . . his attack on Harper's Ferry. . . . Point Pleasant W Va 1904. O 22 port a MOORE, DANIEI collector of 7114 . . . customs at Charles-Town A representation of facts relative to the conduct of: Charleston S C 1767. F [8] 3-43 c B M 2copies located MOORE. POST-CAPTAIN 7115 e[dwin] w. A brief synopsis of the doings of the Texas navy under. . . : Wash Tex 1847. O 32 399 Moore — Moorehead MOORE, POST-CAPTAIN EDWIN W. 7116 Documents relative to the dismissal of: from the Texian navy. [Wash Tex 1847?]. O 29 a MOORE, FRANCIS 7117 A voyage to Georgia. , . . L 1744. O 108 [2] b AA GaU N NYP Y MOORE, FRANCIS, JR. 7118 Map and description of Texas. . . .Phil 1840. 16° 144 front.[not in all copies] 8pls fold, map b — ed. 2, "Description of Texas," N Y 1844. 16° [6] 5-143 a MOORE, FRANCIS M. 7119 A brief history of the missionary work in the Indian Territory. . . . Muskogee 1899. O 227 a MOORE, FRANK, ed. 7120 Diary of the American revolution. ...NY 1860-59. O 2v: 528; 559. 6maps 12pls a — anr. issue, both vols, dated 1860. — rptd., same collat. & impr. 1863. — anr. ed., on L.P., with pis on India paper, same collat. N Y 1865. lOOcopies — other eds.: Hart 1875. O 1084 pis; 1876. MOORE, FRANK, ed. 7121 Material for history printed from original manuscripts. Series I, Laurens corres- pondence, [all]. A' Y Zenger Club 1861. Q [4] 9-240 port 250copies ptd a MOORE, BEORGE 7122 Journal of a voyage across the Atlantic . . . . L priv. ptd. 1845. D [8] 96 a MOORE, H. JUDGE 7123 Scott's campaign in Mexico. . . . Charleston S C 1849. D [12] 234 a Narrative of an eye-witness; remarkable for credit given Santa Anna. MOORE, HORATIO N. 7124 Life ... of Gen. Anthony Wayne. . . . Phil [1845]. 18° 208[incl.pls] a MOORE, HORATIO N. 7125 The life ... of Gen. Francis Marion. . . , Phil 1845. D [2] 7-210 7pls a — other eds., same impr. & collat., n.d.; 1855. MOORE, HUGH Memoir of Col. Ethan Allen. burgh 1834. D 252 a 7126 MOORE, J. H. 7127 The political condition of the Indians. . . of the Indian Territory. St L 1874. O 62 a MOORE, JAMES, M. D. 7128 Kilpatrick and our cavalry. . . from the be- ginning of the rebellion to the surrender of Johnston. N Y 1865, D [l4 incl.port] 26-245 12pls a MOORE, JOHN WHEELER 7129 History of North Carolina. , . . Raleigh 1880. O 2v: [2l] 495; 530 a MOORE, MISS MADELINE 7130 A wonderful . . . narrative of the adven- tures of: who, in order to be near her lover, joined the army, was elected Lieutenant and fought in West Virginia. Phil Barclay [l862]. O 40 a MOORE, MARTIN 7131 Memoirs of the life ... of Rev. John Eliot . . ..B 1822. 16° 174 a — ed. 2, t.altered, B 1842. 16° 144 [incl. front.] MOORE, M[AURICE] A. 7132 The life of Gen. Edward Lacey ... in South Carolina during the revolution. Spartanburg 1859. O 32 a MOORE, S. S., and JONES, T. W. 7133 The traveller's directory. . . from Phila- delphia to New York Phil 1802. O [6] 52 38maps[on 22 1.] a — ed. 2, same impr. 1804. O [4] 37 [l9] 38 mapsLon 22 l.J One of the earliest guides. [MOORE, WILLIAM] 7134 The crisis. To be continued weekly during the present bloody civil war in America, [l] 1775-6. F 91nos[paged continuously] 574 & broadside Declaration of Independence for July 4, 1776 b NYP — Am. eds.: Newport [l775]. O 9nos[caption titles, paged continuously] 72 a; Hart D 6 nos.only 48 a; 1775. N Y 1776. D 28nos Lpaged continuously] 236 a Violent censure of the British ministry's American policy; Thomas Paine probably borrowed this title when he launched a similar series. One extra number was issued, August 9, 1775, called "The Crisis. Extraordinary. " [MOORE, WILLIAM H.] 7135 Startling incidents ... of Osawotomy Brown's . . . movements at Harper's Ferry. Bait 1859. O 72 a MOOREHEAD, WARREN K. 7136 The American Indian in the United States 1850-1914. Andover 1914. O 440 2maps 9pls a 400 Moorehead — Morgan MOOREHEAD, WARREN K. 7137 The stone age in North America. . . .B 1910. O 2v: [12] 458 [l]; [8] 418. 20pls a M00S0, JOSIAH 7138 The life and travels of:. ... A life on the frontier among Indians and Spaniards. . . . Wint ield Kas 1888. O 400 port a practically murdered Jumonville, cf., Rea- sons humbly offered. . . . MOREAU DE SAINT-MERY, 7142 MEDERIC L. E. Extrait d'un ouvrage manuscrit intitule: Lettres d'un francais voyageur a un de ses amis en France. Phil [l798]. O 45 a MORAN, THOMAS The Yellowstone national park. . . . See Hayden, Ferdinand V. MORAVIANS (THE) Historical sketch of the church and mis- sions of: See Reichel, Edw. H. [MORDECAI, SAMUEL] 7139 Richmond in by-gone days. . . . Rich 1856. 16° 321 a — ed. 2, with adds., "Virginia, especially Richmond, in by-gone days. . . ," Rich 1860. ,16° 359 M0RE\ [CHARLES ALBERT, CHEVA- 7140 LIER DE PONTGIBAUD] COMTE DE Memoires du: P 1828. O [4] 319 front. — rptd. P 1898. O [6] 343 5pls — Eng. ed. "A French volunteer of the war of independence (the Chevalier de Pont- gibaud)," P 1897. O [l2] 209 port — ed. 2, P 1898, t. slightly altered, same collat. — Ger. ed. "Denkwuerdigkeiten des Grafen von M. . . ," Dessau 1829. 16° [6] 258 The original Paris edition was printed by Honore Balzac. [MOREAU, JACOB N. ! comp. 7141 Memoire contenant les precis des faits. . . pour servir de reponse aux Observations envoyees par les Ministres d' Angleterre, dans les cours de l'Europe. P 1756. Q [6] 198 b H NYP Y —other Fr. eds.: P 1756. D [l2] 275; P 1756. D [8] 292; P 1757. same collat. a — Eng. ed. "The conduct of the late minis- try. ..," L 1757. O [6] 320 b N NYP — rptd. under t. "The mystery revealed; or, truth brought to light. ... By a patriot. ..." L 1759. O [2] 319 b N Y — Am. eds. "A memorial containing a sum- mary view of facts. . . ," Phil 1757. O [6 incl. 1/2 t. probably added later] 338 b AA NYP Y; N Y 1757. O [4] 190 b AA N NYP Y France had issued a Memorial to the world presenting her side of the dispute with Eng- land; England replied with her Observations [on that Memorial]; this Memoire is in re- buttal and embodied papers taken from Wash- ington on his surrender of Ft. Necessity, which, it was claimed, proved him to have MORECAMP, ARTHUR 7143 Live boys in the Black hills. . . adventure during a trip over the great Texas cattle trail . . . among the miners. . . . B 1880. D 363 MORECAMP, ARTHUR 7144 Live boys; or Charley and Nasho in Texas . . . their life on the great Texas cattle trail fi[l878]. D 308 a Author of this earliest authentic, though fictionized, cowboy narrative was Thomas Pilgrim, who wrote under pseudonym shown. MOREHEAD, JAMES T. 7145 An address in commemoration of the first settlement of Kentucky. Frankfort 1840. O 181 a MORFI, JUAN A. 7146 History of Texas, 1673-1779. . . . Albu- querque Quivira Soc 1935. O 2v: 242; [6] 243-496 map 4pls a 500copies ptd. First publication in any language of this contemporary manuscript; most complete history of Spanish Texas in its early period. MORFIT, HENRY M. 7147 The political, military and civil condition of Texas.[ll. Doc. 35]. Wash 1836. O 34 a Report on the new republic made by an in- vestigator for the United States. MORGAN, A. W., & CO., pub. 7148 San Francisco directory. . . .S F 1852. O 174 b Hn Soc.of Calif. Pioneers MORGAN, A[LBERT] T. 7149 Yazoo, or the picket line of freedom in the south. Wash 1884. O [6] 9-512 a MORGAN, GEORGE H. 7150 Annals ... of Harrisburg. . . . Harrisburg 1858. D 400 a MORGAN, [MRS.] GERTRUDE 7151 Morgan, [Mrs.] Gertrude: or, life and ad- ventures among the Indians of the far west. Phil Barclay [l866? 1876?]. O 40 a Unadulterated fiction. MORGAN, JAMES M. 7152 Recollections of a rebel reefer. . . . B 1917. O [22] 491 18pls a also a special 401 Morgan — Mormon ism issue of 200copies, with leather label and g-t. MORGAN, JOHN, et d 7153 Four dissertations on the reciprocal ad- vantages of a perpetual union between Great Britain and her American colonies. . . . Phil 1766. o[l8] 12 [2] 112 a — Eng. ed. L same date. O MORGAN, JOHN 7154 A vindication of his public character in the station of . . . physician in chief of the American army. . . ,B 1777. O [44] 158 a MORI, ARINORI 7162 Life and resources in America. . . . Wash 1871. D 404 [l] port a MORGAN, LEWIS H. The American beaver, map 23pls a 7155 Phil 1868. O 330 MORGAN, LEWIS H. 7156 Ancient society NY 1877. O [l6] 560 a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1878. MORGAN, LEWIS H. 7157 League of the. . . Iroquois. Roch 1851. O [18] 477 map 21pls fold, tab a — anr. ed. N Y 1901. O 2v a 300 sets ptd [30 on Jap. veil.] — rptd. N Y 1904. O 2v in 1 MORGAN, MRS. MARTHA M., ed. 7158 A trip across the plains in. . . 1849. . . . S F 1864. D 31 & cover t. dd H S Y [of 4 copies knownj Written from the journal kept by the writer's husband. For another book by this authoress, see Graham, Mrs. Martha M. MORGAN, RICHARD P. 7159 Report of the survey of the route of the Galena and Chicago Union Rail Road. . . . Chi 1847. O 28 map a For later reports see Galena and Chicago Union Railroad. MORGAN (WILLIAM) Confession of the murder of: See Valance, Henry L. MORGAN, WILLIAM 7160 A narrative of the facts . . . relating to the kidnapping. . . of: [Batavia N Y 1827]. O 36 a — anr. ed., with trials added, Brookfield Mass 1827. D 84 — ed. 3, Roch 1828. D 72 — Ger. tr. n.p. 1828. 16° 80 MORGAN, CAPT. WILLIAM 7161 The trial of James Lackey, Isaac Evert- son and others for kidnapping: N Y 1827. O 24 a MORINEAU, AUGUSTE DE Essai statistique et politique sur les Etats-Unis. P 1848. F 39 port 27tabs a 7163 MORISON, GEORGE 7164 An interesting journal of occurrences during the expedition to Quebec under Arnold. Hagerstown 1803. D 66 b — rptd. Tarrytown 1916. O 44 a MORISON, SAMUEL E. 7165 The maritime history of Massachusetts B 1921. o[l8] 402 48pls a — L.P. issue. Q same paginat. 60pls 385 copies ptd. First issue of trade edition has reading, on page 150, "scared codfish." [mormon] A book of commandments, for the govern- ment of the Church of Christ 1833. See Smith, Joseph. [MORMON] 7166 Constitution of the State of Deseret, with a journal of the convention which formed it and the proceedings of the legislature con- sequent thereon. Kanesville Iowa 1849. O 16 dd HLof 4copies knownj — anr. ed., with laws passed by the legisla- ture from Nov. 12, 1849 to March 28, 1850, [S L C 1850?]. O 34 capt.t.only c H [MORMON] 7167 Document containing the correspondence [etc.] in relation to the disturbances with the Mormons Fayette Mo 1841. O [4] 163 c LC MoH NYP Y MORMON FANATICISM Mormon fanaticism exposed. . . . See Par- sons, Tyler. MORMON HOMES Mormon homes (Twelve). Mrs. Elizabeth D. , See Kane, MORMONEM Frauenleben unter den: See Ward, Maria. MORMONISM EXPOSED Mormonism exposed: in which is shown .... See Sunderland, La Roy. LMORMONISM] 71< Some account of the so-called Church of the Latter-Day Saints. L 1852. 18° 24 a 402 Mormons — Morris MORMONS Female life among the:. ... By the wife of a Mormon elder. . . . See Ward, Mrs. Maria. MORMONS (THE) Fifteen years' residence with: By a sister of one of the high priests. See Green, Nel- son W. MORMONS (THE) Life among: and a march to their Zion. . . . By an officer. . . . See Waters, Wm. E. MORMONS (THE) 7169 Mormons (The); or, knavery exposed. . . . Frankfort Pa 1841. O 24 a The Kirtland period of the Saints. MORMONS (THE) Mormons (The): or Latter Day Saints. With memoirs of the life ... of Joseph Smith. . . . See Mayhew, Henry. MORMONS (THE) Mormons (The). The dream and the reality ....L 1857. 16 d [8] 02 a MORPHIS, J[AMES] M. 7170 History of Texas NY 1874. O [8] 601 map a — rptd., same impr. 1875. MORRELL, BENJAMIN 7171' A narrative of four voyages, to the South sea, north and south Pacific. . . 1822-31. N Y 1832. O [8] 492 + 4adv-p port a — rptd,, same impr.: 1841; 1853. Includes visit to the Northwest coast and a long stay in California, in 1825. MORRELL, Z. N. 7172 Flowers and fruits from the wilderness; or I thirty-six years in Texas B 1872. D 386 a — ed. 2, rev., B 1873. D 386 port — ed. 3, with sub-t. "forty-six years in Texas," St L 1882. D 412 port — rptd. Dallas 1886. D 426 port Corner-stone narrative of early Texas. MORRILL, EDMUND N. 7173 History and statistics of Brown county, Kansas Hiawatha 1876. D 82 a — ed.2, "History of Brown county. . . ," Hiawatha 1876. a MORRIS, B. F. 7174 Historical sketch of Rising Sun, Indiana > Cin 1858. O 31 a MORRIS, DRAKE 7176 The travels of . . . : L 1755. D [20] 328 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — rptd., "Interesting narrative. . . ," L 1797. D [16] 198 MORRIS, EASTIN 7177 The Tennessee gazetteer. . . . And a con- densed history [etc.]. Nashv 1834. D [4] 116 178 [18] a [MORRIS, GOUVERNEUR] 7178 An answer to War in disguise, ...NY 1806. O 76 a — rptd. L 1806. same collat. MORRIS, GOUVERNEUR 7179 The diary and letters of: Ed. A. C. Morris. N Y 1888. O 2v: [l6] 604; [12] 630. 2ports a MORRIS, GOUVENEUR 7180 A Diary of the French Revolution. Ed. Beatrix C. Davenport. B 1939. O 2v: [46] 618; [8] 652 16 pis. a [MORRIS, GOUVERNEUR] 7181 Notes on the United States. . ..Phil 1816. 48 a [MORRIS, GOUVERNEUR] 7182 Observations on the American revolution .... Phil 1779. O [4] 122 a — ed. 2, Prov 1780. O 126 MORRIS, MARGARET 7183 Private journal kept during a portion of the revolutionary war, . . . Phil priv. ptd. 1836. sm Q 31 a — rptd. N Y 1865. Q [4] 36 50copies ptd [only 12 with t-p & pref] MORRIS, MAURICE O'C. 7184 Rambles in the Rocky mountains. . . . L 1864. O [8] 264 a MORRIS, [BISHOP] T. A. 7185 Miscellany. . . . Cin 1852. D 390 port a — rptd,, same collat., Cin 1853; Cin 1854. Includes a 46-page account of a trip through Missouri and Arkansas to Austin, Texas, in 1841-2; also an 1844 trip to Tahlequah. MORRIS, CAPT. THOMAS 7186 Miscellanies in prose and verse. L 1791. O [6] 64 [4] 67-181 port c NYP PittU Valuable source on Pontiac's conspiracy. MORRIS, COMMODORE CHARLES 7175 The autobiography of: Annap 1880. O 111 front, a — anr. issue, same date &, collat., B [MORRIS, WILLIAM W.] 7187 Considerations on. . , annexing the province of Texas to the United States. N Y 1829 O 40 b TxU Y 403 Morrison — Morton MORRISON, ADELE SARPY 7188 Memoirs. St L 1911. O [lo] 206 [2] 5pls a lOOcopies ptd. By the daughter of Jean Baptiste Sarpy, partner in the American Fur Company and Nebraska pioneer. MORRISON, ANDREW The industries of Dallas. O 136 a 7189 Dallas 1887. MORRISON, M. V. B. 7190 The orphan's experience: or, the hunter and trapper ... in the southern states. . . . Also . . . trapping expeditions on the plains of the great west Des M 1868. O [l2] 204 a MORRISON (WILLIAM), the Rocky 7191 mountain trapper Horrible and awful developments from the confession of:. . . . Phil 1853. O 32 b Lots of blood and thunder; utterly incredible. MORSE, JEDIDIAH 7192 The American gazetteer...,© 1797. O [8] 619 7maps a — abr. ed. B 1798. D 388 map — ed. 2, enl., Chariest own 1804. O [6] 628 6maps — ed. 3, rev., B 1810. O 600 2maps — Eng. ed., with adds., calling itself 2nd ed., L 1798. O [8] 634 7maps — later Am. eds., "The traveller's guide; or pocket gazetteer,": N Hav 1823. 16 324 map; N Hav 1826. D This formed Vol. I of his Universal gazetteer, 1810. MORSE, JEDIDIAH 7193 The American geography, or, a view of the present situation of the United States .... Elizabeth Town N J 1789. O [l2] 534 [4] 2maps a — ed. 2, L 1792. O [l6] 536 2maps — ed. 3, Dub 1792. O — new ed., enl., L 1794. Q [l2J 715 3maps Of this best ed. a few copies were issued with 25maps[earliest separate dated ones of the various statesj — anr. ed. Edin 1795. 7maps MORSE, JEDIDIAH 7194 Annals of the American revolution. . . . Hart 1824. O [4] 400 [50] 5pls a MORSE, JEDIDIAH 7195 A description of the. . . Georgia Western Territory. . . . B 1797. D 24 map a Separate printing from author's American gazetteer. MORSE, JEDIDIAH 7196 Geography made easy. . . for the use of schools in the United States. N Hav Meigs, etc. [1784]. D 215 2maps a — ed. 2, now calling itself "An abridgment of The American geography," B 1790. D 322 maps — 22 reprs. issued by 1820. First American school geography and first American book describing the western country. Later expanded into his American geography of 1789 and American gazetteer of 1797. MORSE, JEDIDIAH 7197 A report. . . on Indian affairs, comprising a narrative of a tour. . . for the purpose of as- certaining. . . the actual state of the Indian tribes. . . . TV Hav 1822. O 96 [40 0] errata 1. map port a MORSE, JEDIDIAH, and R. C. The traveller's guide; or, pocket gazetteer. See above under The American gazetteer. MORSE, JOHN F., and 7198 COLVILLE, SAMUEL Illustrated historical sketches of Cali- fornia No.l[all]. Sacr 1854. O 46 M front, b N MORTIMER, GEORGE 7199 • Observations . . . during a voyage to the islands of Teneriffe. . . Owhyhee, the Fox islands on the northwest coast of America . . . . L 1791. Q [16] 72 2maps pi b JCB N NYP Y — rptd. Dub 1791. O [14] 119 a — Dutch tr. Leyden 1793. O Early British investigation into the possi- bilities of fur-trading on the northwest coast. For German account of this voyage see under Portlock and Mortimer, Reisen an die Nortvestkuste von Amerika. . . . [MORTIMER, J.] La secession aux Etats-Unis et son origine. . . .P 1861. O 30 a 7200 MORTON, CAPITAIN 7201 Californien das neue Goldland. . . . Nach dem Englischen. . . . Grimma 1849. 16° [6] 5-77 map b NYH MORTON, JOHN W. 7202 The artillery of . . . Forest's cavalry. Nashv 1909. O 374 lOpls a MORTON, OREN F. 7203 A history of Pendleton county, West Virginia. Franklin 1910. O [8] 493 map 10 pis a 404 Morton — Mowry MORTON, SAMUEL G. 7204 An inquiry into the distinctive charac- teristics of the aboriginal race of America. Phil 1840. O 37 a — rptd. B 1842. same collat. — ed. 2, Phil 1844. O 48 MORTON, SILAS 7205 Autobiography of: Omaha 1895. O 46 port bG Includes trips from Nebraska to Colorado and Montana gold regions. MOSBY, JOHN S. 7206 The memoirs of: B 1917. O [22] 414 fold, map 16pls a MOSER, JOHANN J. 7207 Nord-Amerika nach den Friedensschlussen vom Tahr 1783. . . . Leip 1784-5. O 3v: [l6] 840; M 682; [2] 598 [24]. map a First comprehensive analysis of this re- public of states. MOSES, JOHN 7208 Illinois, historical Chi 1889-92. O 2v: [4] 9-552 + 6adv-p; [lo] 553-1316 + 2 adv-p. 52pls a — ed. 2, enl., Chi 1895. O 2v: 1419 pis MOSGROVE, GEORGE D. 7209 Kentucky cavaliers in Dixie. . . .Louisv 1895. O 265 22pls errata slip a MOTA PADILLA, MATIAS A. DE LA 7210 Historia de la conquista de la Nueva- Galicia. Guadalajara 1855-6. O 3v: —best ed. Afex 1870-[72]. Q [20] 524 [lo] 3 ?ls 4f old. tabs a —rptd. Guadalajara 1920. Q 555 [lo] Written originally in 1742 and first printed as shown, in 1855-6, from an untrustworthy manuscript and containing 1265 errors, that edition was pronounced by the Mexican Geographical Society as "non-existent," to oe replaced by the 1870 version. Most com- orehensive early chronicle of the interior states of Mexico, including Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. It is also a recognized authority on both the Coronado expedition and the Cabeza de Vaca incident, giving de- :ails not found elsewhere. *0TT, FRANK L. 7211 A history of American magazines, 1741- 'l885. C 1938. O 3v: [20] 848; [l8] 608; [l6] MOULTON, JOSEPH W. New York 170 years ago. 24 pi a 7213 N Y 1843. O J49. 74pls a MOULTON, JOSEPH W. 7214 A view of the city of New Orange (now New York), as it was in . . . 1673. N Y 1825. O 40 pi a MOULTRIE, A. 7215 An appeal to the people on the conduct of a certain public body in South-Carolina, respecting Col. Drayton and Col. Moultrie. Charleston 1794. O 28 a MOULTRIE, WILLIAM Memoirs of the American revolution. . it related to. . . Carolina, and Georgia. . N Y 1802. O 2v: 506[incl. port]; 446 [2] — rptd. N Y 1805. same collat. 7216 7217 MOTT, M. H.J History of the Regulators of norther ndiana. . . . Indp 1859. O 67 b LC 7212 MOUNTAIN MEADOWS MASSACRE (THE) History of: . . . account of the trial. . . and execution of John D. Lee. . . . [s Fi Spalding & Barto 1877. O 32 port a MOUNTAIN MEADOWS 7218 Message of the President communicating information in relation to the massacre at: .... [Sen. Exec, Doc. 42]. [Wash I860]. O 139 a A fifty-seven-page House Document 78, issued the same year, differed in contents. See also Carleton, James H., and Cradle- baugh, John. MOUNTAINEER (THE) See Speece, Conrad. MOUNTGOMERY, SIR ROBERT See Montgomery. MOUSTIER, ELEONORE-FRANCOIS- 7219 ELIE, COMTE DE Observations. . . sur 1'affaire du Scioto. P 1790. O 25 a MOWRY, SYLVESTER 7220 The geography and resources of Arizona and Sonora. Wash 1859. O 48 errata slip a — anr. ed. enl. S F 1863. O [6] 3-124 map — ed. 3, rev. N Y 1864. D 25l[incl. pi] MOWRY, SYLVESTER 7221 Memoir of the proposed Territory of Arizona. Wash 1857. O 30 a Most important Arizona historical docu- ment of the period, and the first book re- lating exclusively to that Territory. A map lithographed in Cincinnati, intended to ac- company this Memoir but probably not is- sued with it, is found inserted in some copies. 405 Mudd — Mullon MUDD, NETTIE 7222 The life of Dr. Samuel A. Mudd. N Y 1906. O 326 port a MUDD, DR. SAMUEL A. 7223 Testimony for the prosecution [etc.] in the case of: charged with conspiracy to assassinate the President. . . . Wash 1865. O 311 a MUDGE, ZACHARIAH A. 7224 The missionary teacher: a memoir of Cyrus Shepard, embracing a brief sketch of the... Oregon mission. N Y 1848. 16° 221 [incl.front.J + adv-p a — rptd., same collat., N Y n.d.; N Y 1853. Shephard crossed the plains with Wyeth in 1834. Ct. Perkins, H. K. W., Sketches of mission life. . . . [MULLER, GERHARD F.]? 7225 Lettre d'un officier de la marine Rus- sienne.. . concernant la carte des nouvelles decouvertes au nord de la mer du Sud, et la memoire . . . publie par M. de Lisle a Paris ....Berlin [1753]. Q 60 b — Eng. tr., abr., with observations by Arthur Dobbs added, L 1754. O [2] 84 b Hn JCB Y — Ger, tr. Berlin [l753?]. 16° 54 a Important work on efforts to discover a passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, containing account of Bering's second voyage. See also Muller, Gerhard F., Nach- richten von Seereisen und zur See gemachten Entdeckungen. . . , and Buache, Philip, Ex- plication de la carte. . . . Wickersham gives name of the Russian officer as Sven Waxel, Bering's second in command who brought back from the American coast the few sur- vivors of his expedition. MULLER, GERHARD F. 7226 Nachrichten von Seereisen und zur See gemachten Entdeckungen, die von Russland aus langs den Kusten des Eismeeres and auf dem ostlichen Weltmeere gegen Japan und Amerika geschehen sind, zur Erlauterung einer bei der Acadamie der Wissenschaften vertertigten Land-karte. [Vol. Ill, Pt. 1, Sammlung russischer Geschichte, issued at St Ptbg 1758, in 4vols.]. O 304 b NYP Y — rptd. 1759. a — Eng. ed. by Thomas Jefferys, "Voyages from Asia to America for completing the discoveries of the north west coast of America. . . ," L 1761. Q [52] 76 4maps[on 3 sheets] b N NYP WashU Y — Eng. ed. 2, enl., L 1764. Q [8] 120 4maps- [on 3sheets] a — Fr. ed. "Voyages et decouvertes faites par les Russes le long des cotes de la mer glaciale. . . ," Amst 1766. D 2v: [12] 388; [4] 207 [22]. map a — rptd. 1768. same collat. Most important contemporary account of Bering's discoveries, by a scientist at- tached to his second expedition. See also, above, Lettre d'un officier de la marine. . . . MULLER, J. 7227 Das goldland Calif ornien. . . . Leitmeritz 1850. 16° 84 6pls[on 3sheets] b LC MULLER, JOHANN J. 7228 Extract aus unsers Conferenz-Schreibers . . . gehalten in Germantown. . . . Phil B. Franklin 1742, Q 2pts: [2] 93-102; [2] 105- 120 b NYP Y For earlier Moravian conferences, of which these were continuations [and from which these were continued in pagination], see Authentische Relation von dem Anlass. . . . MULLER, M. G. P. Voyages et decouvertes faites par les Russes. . . . See Muller, Gerhard F., Nachrichten. . . . MULLER, S. Voyages from Asia to America. . . .See Muller, Gerhard F., Nachrichten. . . . MUNCH, FRIEDRICH 7229 Der Staat Missouri NY 1859. D 237 2maps a — rptd. Bremen 1866. D map — ed. 2, N Y 1875. O 181 map 4pls MUHLENBERG, HENRY A. 7230 The life of Major-General Peter Muhlen- berg. . . . Phil 1849. D 456 port a MUIR, JOHN 7231 The mountains of California. N Y 1894. D I [4 9-14] 381 front, a MULFORD, AMI F. 7232 Fighting Indians in the 7th United States Cavalry Corning N Y 1878. 16° 223 b Y — ed. 2, same impr., [ca 1930] D 155 MULFORD, ISAAC S. 7233 Civil and political history of New Jersey. Camden 1848. O 500 a — rptd., t. lengthened, Phil 1851. same collat. MULFORD, PRENTICE 7234 Prentice Mulford's story. ...NY 1889. D [10] 5-299 a Embraces his life in California in the '50's and '60's, including a ten-month whaling voyage. MULLAN, LT. (JOHN) 7235 Letter from the Secretary of War trans- mitting the report of: in charge of the con- 406 struction of a military road from Ft. Benton to Ft. Walla-Walla. . . . [h. Exec. Doc. 44]. Wash 1861. O 171 map a MULLAN, CAPTAIN JOHN 7236 Letter of the Secretary of War, trans- mitting. . . the report and maps of : . . . of his operations. . . in the construction of a mili- tary road from Fort Walla-Walla. . . to Fort Benton Sen. Exec. Doc. 43. [Wash 1863]. O [2] 363 errata 1. 4maps lOpls a — anr. issue, same impr., date & collat., with t., "Report on the construction of a military road. ..." MULLAN, JOHN 7237 Miners' and travelers' guide to Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado. N Y 1865. D 153 map a MULLETT, J. C. 7238 A five years whaling voyage. Clev 1859. D 68 a MULLINS, LIEUTENANT 7239 COLONEL HON. THOMAS General court martial for the trial of: [for misconduct in the attack on New Or- leans]. Dub 1815. O [4] 83 a MUMEY, NODE 7240 Calamity Jane . . . her life and adventures Denver 1950. O [l4] 146 pis a 200 copies ptd. MUMEY, NOLIE 7241 The life of Jim Baker . . . trapper, scout, guide and Indian fighter. . . .Denver 1931. O [4 incl. front.] 234 map a 250copies ptd. MUNGER, JAMES F 7242 Two years in the Pacific. . . being a journal of . . . events peculiar to a whaling voyage. Vernon N Y 1852. O 80 b LC Prov L Victoria. MUNRO, ROBERT [pseud.] Description of the Genesee country. . . . See Williamson, Chas. [MUNRO, WILFRED H.] 7243 Tales of an old sea port. . . sketch of the history of Bristol, Rhode Island. . . .Prince- ton 1917. O [4] 292 4pls a Includes particulars of John D'Wolf's voyage to the Northwest coast, 1804-08. For original account, see D'Wolf, John. MUNRO-FRASER, J. P. 7244 History of Solano county [ Calif.]. Oakland 1879. Q 503 a MUNSELL, JOEL 7245 The annals of Albany. Alb 1850-9. D lOv [Con. as] Collections on the history of Albany. Alb 1865-71. O 4v In all, 14v maps & pis a — ed. 2, ["Annals" only] Alb 1869. D lOv Volume one of the Annals has no pages 27-36. Of the Collections, 50 copies were on large paper. MURAT, PRINCE [NAPOLEON] 7246 ACHILLE Esquisse morale et politique des Etats- Unis P 1832. 16° [32] 389 a — Eng. ed. "A moral and political sketch of the United States. . . ," L 1833. D [40] 402 map — Eng. ed. 2, "The United States. . . ," L 1833. D same collat. — Am. ed. "America and the Americans," N Y 1849. D [4] 260 — rptd. Bui 1851. — Ger. ed. "Briefe uber den moralischen. , . Zustand der Vereinigten Staaten. . . ," Braunschweig 1833. O — Dutch tr. Zalt-Bommel 1834. O 2v: [l6] 173; 177 Praises American institutions — even slavery — but is critical of the wide-spread religious hypocrisy. MURAT, PRINCE [NAPOLEON] 7247 ACHILLE Exposition des principes du gouvernement ... en Amerique. P 1833. O [32] 4 14 tab a — Ger. ed. "Darstellung der Grundsatze der republikanischen Regierung. . . in Amerika . . . ," Braunschweig 1833. D [30] 325 MURAT, PRINCE [NAPOLEON] 7248 ACHILLE Lettres sur les Etats-Unis. . . . P 1830. D [4] 155 a — Swed. ed. "Karakteristik ofver Forente Staterna," Stockh 1831. O Contains four of the ten letters later issued as Esquisse . . . des Etats-Unis, see above. MUREL (JOHN A.) A history of the detection. . . of:. . . . See Walton, Augustus Q. MURIETA, JOAQUIN The life and adventures of:. . . . By Yellow Bird. See Ridge, John R. MURIETA, JOAQUIN The life of: See Dewitt, Robt. M. MURRIETA [SIC] JOAQUIN 7249 Vida y adventuras de: San Antonio [ca 1885], Q 59 a 407 Murphy — Murray Probably a translation of John R. Ridge's biography. MURPHY, D. F. 7250 The Jeff Davis piracy case. . . trial of William Smith for piracy, as one of the crew of the Confederate privateer, the Jeff Davis. Phil 1861. O [4 incl. front cov.] 7-100 a The United States got its verdict of guilty, of course, and, of course, it was rendered barren when the Confederacy threatened reprisals. MURPHY, HENRY C. 7251 Henry Hudson in Holland. . . objects of the voyage which led to the discovery of the Hudson river. Hague 1859. O 72 port a — rptd., same impr., 1909. -O [l2j 150 MURPHY, HENRY C, ed. 7252 Journal of a voyage to New York and a tour in several. . . American colonies, in 1769-80, by Jaspar Dankers and Peter Sluyter. Trans, from the original manuscript. Bklyn 1867. O [8 48] 440 12pls a MURPHY, HENRY C. 7253 The voyage of Verrazano. ...NY 1875. O 206 a MURPHY, J. W. 7254 Outlaws of the Fox river country [Mo.] Hannibal 1882. O 138 a Lurid narrative of midwestern crime, com- parable to Bonney's classic Banditti ot the prairies. MURPHY, JOHN M., comp. 7255 Oregon business directory and . . . gazet- teer. Port Ore 1873. 382 5pls a MURPHY, JOHN M., comp. 7256 Oregon hand-book and emigrant's guide. Porr Ore 1873. 136 4pls tab a MURPHY, JOHN M., and 7257 HARNED [comp.] Puget Sound business directory and guide to Washington Territory, 1872, comprising a correct history [etc.]. Olympia [l872l 72 [116] + 6adv-p a MURPHY, TIMOTHY Life and adventures of: ... . See Sigsby, Wm. MURRAY, ALEXANDER H. 7258 Journal of the Yukon, 1847-8. Ed. L. J. Burpee. Ottawa 1910. [2] 125 map 14pls plan a — Fr. tr., same impr. & collat. , except paginat. runs to 138 First detailed account of the Yukon region. MURRAY, AMELIA M. 7259 Letters from the United States. . . . L 1856. D 2v: [10] 320; [l0] 318. map a — Am. ed. N Y 1856. D 402 MURRAY, CHARLES A. 7260 Travels in North America. . . including a summer residence with the Pawnee tribe L 1839. 2v: [l6] 473; [l2] 372. 2pls [omitted in all later eds. ] a — eds. 2 8s 3, both D 2v, L 1841; L 1854. —Am. ed. N Y 1839. D 2v: 324; [8] 13-247 Best account of the Pawnees while yet uncontaminated by whites. MURRAY, HUGH 7261 Historical account of discoveries and travels in North America. L 1829. 2v: [l2] 530; [l2] 556 [fj. map a MURRAY, JAMES [of N. Y.J. 7262 Letters of: S 1901. [l4j 324 13pls & facs a MURRAY, REV. JAMES 7263 An impartial history of the present war in America. . . . L & Newcastle Eng [l778- 80]. 3v: [4] 573; 576; 332[unfinished & ending abruptly]. 31pls & maps issue 1 of v.I has Address to King, dated July 29, 1778 b NYP Y — later issues of v.I have Address dated later — other eds. of vols. 1&2: Newcastle 1779; 1781; 1782; 1784; n.d. Each: 2v: [4] 573; 576. map 23ports a — Am. ed. "An impartial history of the war in America," 3 1781-82-84. 3v: [4] 445; 448; 190[unfinished]. 3plans 12pls c AA H The original edition of vols. 1 and 2 was issued in 24 parts. Volume 3, entitled Short account of commotions in America, is seldom found with the other vols. MURRAY, REV. JAMES 7264 A short account of the commotions in America Newcastle Eng. 1780. 332[end- ing abruptly] 6pls This constitutes an unfinished volume III of An impartial history. . . , see above. MURRAY, MRS. LOIS L. 7265 Incidents of frontier life. . . . Goshen Ind 1880. D 274 2ports a Narrative of eighteen years of life in Kansas. MURRAY, NICHOLAS 7266 Notes . . . concerning Elizabeth-Town. Elizabeth-Town N J 1844. D 166 front, a — rptd. N Y 1941. D [l8 incl.front.] 174 408 Murray — Napton [MURRAY, WILLIAM VANS] 7267 Political sketches L 1787. fe] 96 a MURSINNA, FRIEDRICH S. 7268 Geschichte der Entdekkung von Amerika. Halle 1795. D [s] 400 a MUSCATINE CITY DIRECTORY Muscatine city directory . . . for 1856. . . . See Mahin, John, comp. MUSKINGUM (THE).... 7269 Message from the President. . . transmitting information in relation to certain Christian Indians. . . on: Wash 1823. 58 a Documents — by Heckewelder and De Schweinitz— on Moravian missions in Ohio. MYRAND, ERNEST 7279 Sir William Phips devant Quebec: histoire d'un siege. Quebec 1893. 428 errata 1. 7maps & pis a MYRTHE, A. T. Ambrosio de Letinez, etc. See Ganilh, Anthony. MYRTLE, MINNIE [pseud.] The Iroquois. . . . See Johnson, Anna C. MYSTERY Mystery (The) revealed; or, truth brought to light. ... By a patriot. . . . See Moreau, Jacob N., Memoire contenant les precis des faits. . . . MUSSEY, OSGOOD 7270 Review of Ellwood Fisher's lecture, on the North and the South. Cin 1849. 98 [2] a [MUSSON, EUGENE ] 7271 Lettre a Napoleon IE sur l'esclavage aux etats du sud P 1862. fe] 160 a — Eng. tr. L 1862. [4] 160 MUYBRIDGE, [EADWEARD] Panorama of San Francisco. Q 12photos cover t.only b LC — rptd. S F [1896?]; 1911. a 7272 [S F 1877]. MY FIRST TRIP 7273 My first trip to America. By the rambling reporter of the Glasgow "Herald." Glas 1866. D 319 port a Fine account of a war-worn South just after hostilities ended. MYERS, ALBERT C. 7274 Immigration of the Irish Quakers into Penn- sylvania, 1682-1750. Swarthmore 1902. [22] 477 pis a MYERS, FRANK Soldiering in Dakota . . S D 1888. D 60 a — rptd. Pierre 1936. 48 7275 1863-4-5. Huron MYERS, FRANK M. 7276 The Comanches: a history of White's battalion, Virginia cavalry.. . . Bait 1871. 400 a MYERS, J. C. 7277 Sketches on a tour through the northern and eastern states. . . . Harrisonburg Va 1849. 16° [18] 476 a MYERS, CAPT. JOHN 7278 Life, voyages and travels of : . . . exhibiting a most instructive description of the north- west trade. L 1817. 410 [8] a N N., S. VON 7280 Mein Besuch Amerikas im Sommer 1824. . . . Aarau 1827. D 251 +cov.t. a Travelled widely throughout Ohio and Indiana. NAAUWKEURIGE BESCHRYVING 7281 Naauwkeurige Beschryving van Noord- America Dordrecht 1780. 16° 207 a NACHRICHTEN Nachrichten und Erfahrungen uber die Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Von einem Rhein- lander. See Gottlieb, G. A. NAGEL, RUDOLF 7282 Geschichtliche Entwickelung der nord- amerikanischen Union. . . . Leip 1854. [6] 130 a Includes California, Texas and other parts of the West. [NAIRNE, THOMAS] 7283 A letter from South Carolina. . . by a Swiss gentleman. ... L 1710. 63 b JCB N — ed. 2, L ptd for Smith 1718. 56 b — anr. issue, L Clarke 1732. 63 a One of the best early accounts of this province. Attributed also to Jean Pierre Purry, but it is more likely that it was to him this letter was sent. NAPEY, H. 7284 The Harrisburg business directory. . . with a sketch of its . . . settlement, n.p. 1842. 64 map a NAPTON, WILLIAM B. Over the Santa Fe trail, D 99 a 7285 1857. KC 1905. 409 Narraganset — Naval Includes his trip into the upper Missouri country in 1858. NARRAGANSET CHIEF 7286 Narraganset chief (The), or the adventures of a wanderer. N Y 1832. D 195 a NARRATIVE Narrative (A) of a light company soldier's service . . . during the late American war. . . . See Byfield, Shadrach. NARRATIVE 7287 Narrative of a .voyage to the Spanish main, in the ship "Two Friends". . . . L 1819. [16] 328 errata slip a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1827. Almost entirely devoted to events in Florida during its last days under Spain, including the best narration of Captain McGregor's filibustering seizure of Amelia Island, account of Seminole Indians, etc. NARRATIVE Narrative (A) of some of the adventures. . . of a revolutionary soldier. See Martin, James S. NARRATIVE Narrative of the adventures of an American navy officer. . . . See Fanning, Nathaniel. NARRATIVE 7288 Narrative (A) of the capture of the. . . brig Vixen. ... By one of the Vixen's crew. . . . N Y 1813. D 35 a NARRATIVE 7289 Narrative (A) of the horrid massacre by the Indians of the wife and children of the Christian hermit, a resident of Missouri.. . . St L 1840. 24[incl. front.] bLCN NYP Y James B. Taylor was the unfortunate hermit's name. NARRATIVE 7290 Narrative of the missions to the new settlements [and] Continuation of the Narra- tive. . . according to the appointment of the General Association of. . . Connecticut. N Hav 1794. 2v: [2] 17; 32 a — rptd.: 1795; 1797. NARRATIVE Narrative of the negotiations occasioned by the dispute between England and Spain.. . . See Burgess, Sir James B. NARRATIVE 7291 Narrative (A) of the proceedings... con- cerning the lands to the westward of Con- necticut river, lately usurped by New- Hampshire NY 1773. F 28 [34 1.] b A A H NYP Usually bound with A state of the right of the colony of New-York with respect to its eastern boundary on Connecticut river. . . , see under Duane, James. NARRATIVE Narrative (A) shewing the promises made to the officers of the . . . continental army. . . . See Hill, Mark L. of 7292 7293 NASH, SOLOMON, a soldi the revolution. Journal of: N Y 1861. 65 3pls a NASHOTAH [WIS.]. A few days at: See Kip, Wm. I. [NASON, DANIEL] A journal of a tour from Boston to Sa- vannah. . . to New Orleans and several western cities. . . . C 1849. 16° 114 a NATION'S PERIL (THE) 7294 Twelve years' experience in the south. . . the Ku Klux Klan N Y 1872. 144 a NATIONAI GALLERY National portrait gallery (The) of distin- guished Americans. See Herring, James, and Longacre, James B. NATIONAL RAILROAD CONVENTION (THE). Proceedings of : .... Sf L 1850. 7295 NAUMANN, JAKOB 7296 Nordamerika, sein Volksthum und seine Institutionen. . . . Leip 1848. fe] 414 a — anr. ed. "Reise nach den Vereinigten Staaten. ..." Leip 1850. fe] 390 NAUVOO 7297 Manifestations et addresses par les Icariens de: au fondateur d'Icarie. P 1856. 35 a NAVAL ATLANTIS Naval atlantis (The). Junior. See Harris, Jos. By Nauticus, NAVAL BATTLES Naval battles (The) of the United States. . . . See Kimball, Horace. NAVAL BIOGRAPHY 7298 Naval biography; or, lives of the most distinguished American naval heroes.. . . Pitt 1815. 16° 144 a — anr. ed. Cin 1815. D fe] 296 NAVAL MONITOR Naval monitor. . . . By an officer. See Claxton, Christopher. 410 Naval See Kimball, NAVAL MONUMENT Naval monument (The). Abel. NAVAL TEMPLE Naval temple (The). . . . Horace. [NAVARRE, ROBERT]? 7299 Journal of Pontiac's conspiracy, 1763. [Det 1912]. [4] 7-243 3facs a First printing of an original diary kept during the siege of Detroit. NAVARRO, FERNANDO 7300 Memoria sobre la poblacion del...Nueva Espana. Mex 1820. 23 chart a NAVIGATOR Navigator (The). Cramer, Zadok. . Pitt 1804. See NEAL, DANIEL 7301 The history of New-England. . . . L 1720. 2v: [20] 330; [4] 331-712 [15]. map a — ed. 2, with adds., L 1747. 2v: [l6] 392; [4] 380 [15] Based chiefly on Mather's Magnalia and Oldmixon's British empire in America. NEBRASKA 7302 Brownville and Nemeha county in 1859. Containing a short historical sketch [etc.]. Brownville 1859. 16° 99[incL advs] a NEBRASKA 7303 Guide, gazetteer and directory of : . . . . Omaha 1872. 210 map a NEBRASKA CITY DIRECTORY 7304 Nebraska City directory, for 1870. Con- taining a historical. . . sketch of the city.. . . Neb City 1870. 152 [incl. advs] + unnumb adv-pp interspersed. [Probably not ptd at Nebraska City], a NEBRASKA Nebraska; a sketch of its history.. . . See Smith, C. C. [NEBRASKA] Pioneer sketches, Nebraska and Texas. See Straley, Wm. Wilson. NEBROFF, JOHANNES 7305 Geschichte de ersten deutschen Evangelisch-Lutherischen Synode in Texas. Chi 1902. 360 a NECESSITY 7306 Necessity (The) of repealing the.. . Stamp-act . . . L 1766. 46 + 2adv-p a — Am. ed. B 1766. 31 NEEDLES, EDWARD 7307 An historical memoir of the Pennsylvania Society, for pomoting [sic] the abolition of slavery Phil 1848. D 116 a NEESE, GEORGE M. 7308 Three years in the Confederate horse artillery. N Y 1911. 362 a NEGRO SLAVERY 7309 Negro slavery; or, a view of some. . . features of that state of society ... in the United States. . . . L 1823. 118 a — rptd. several times. NEILL, EDWARD D. 7310 Dahkotah land and Dahkotah life... . Phil 1859. [4] 49-239 [4] a NEILL, EDWARD D. 7311 Early settlement of Virginia. . . . Minneap 1878. 47 a NEILL, EDWARD D. 7312 The English colonization of America dur- ing the seventeenth century. L 1871. [l2] 352 a NEILL, EDWARD D. 7313 The Fairfaxes of England and America in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.. . . Alb 1868. 234 a NEILL, EDWARD D. 7314 The founders of Maryland. Alb 1876. 193 a NEILL, EDWARD D. 7315 The history of Minnesota.. . . Phil 1858. roy 628 3maps a lOOcopies on L.P., with 45pls — ed. 2, same impr. 1873. roy [52] 49-758 4maps 3ports — ed. 3, Minneap 1878. 778 10 [4] 14 4, maps & pis — ed. 4, Minneap 1882. [52] 49-928 [lO 16 4] 6maps 8ports tab NEILL, EDWARD D. 7316 History of the Virginia company of Lon- don Alb 1869. [16] 432 port a NEILL, EDWARD D. 7317 Materials for the future history of Minne- sota Sr P 1856. 142 [l7] front, a NEILL, EDWARD D. 7318 Pocahontas and her companions. . . . Alb 1869. Q 32 port a NEILL, EDWARD D. 7319 Terra Mariae; or, threads of Maryland colonial history. Phil 1867. D [8] 260 a 411 Neill — Nevill NEILL, EDWARD D. 7320 Virginia Carolorum.. . 1625-1685.. . . Alb 1886. 447 a NEILL, EDWARD D. 7321 Virginia vetusta, during the reign of James the first Alb 1885. [l 6] 216 a NEILSON, CHARLES 7322 An original. . . account of Burgoyne's campaign. . . . Alb 1844. D 292 map a NEILSON, PETER 7323 Recollections of a six years residence in the United States Glas 1830. D fe] 358 [4] a NEILSON, PETER, ed. 7324 Zamba; life and adventures of an African Negro king, and his experience of slavery in South Carolina. L 1847. 258 port a Unconvincing English abolition propaganda. Letters written by German officers serving in America. NEU-GEFUNDENES EDEN 7332 Neu-Gefundenes Eden. . . Bericht von Sud und Nord Carolina, Pensilphania, Mary Land 86 Virginia. . . . Truck 1737. D [l6] 288 map a Embodies result of two trips through these regions. NEUESTE EISENBAHN POST 7333 Neueste eisenbahn post und kanal-karte fur Reisende in den Vereinigten Staaten. . . Canada, Texas. . . . Hamburg 1853. D 32 |_10j map a NEUSTE KUNDE 7334 Neuste Kunde von Amerika. . . . Weimar 1815-16. 2v: 610; 648 a NEVADA The bonanza mines of:. . . . See Dewey, Squire P. NELL, WILLIAM C. The coloured patriots of the . . . revolu- tion. ... B 1855. D 396 2pls facs a 7325 NELL, WILLIAM C. 7326 Services of colored Americans, in the wars of 1776 and 1812. B 1851. 24 a — ed. 2, B 1852. 40 — rptd. Tor 1854. D 32 NELSON, WILLIAM 7327 Notes toward a history of the American newspaper. Vol.1 [all]. N Y 1918. fc] 644[incl. initial blank 1. J a 150copies ptd [45 on fine paper] NEPTUNE AMERICO- 7328 SEPTENTRIONAL Neptune Americo-Septentrional. . . depuis le Groenland . . . jusques et compris le Golfe du Mexique P [l778-80]. F [2] 18maps b — anr. issue, same impr. & date. 25maps [on 31 l.]b N NYP Published for use of the French navy in the Revolution. NERINCKX, CHARLES 7329 Nagelaten Brief van: in leven missionaris in Kentucky Hague 1825. D [lO] 66 a [NETTLE, GEORGE] 7330 A practical guide for emigrants to North America. ... L 1850. [s] 7-57 map a NEU ENGLAND 7331 Vertrauliche briefe, aus Kanada und: vom J. 1777 und 177& . . . Gottingen 1779. 84 a NEVADA TERRITORY First directory of: See Kelly, J. Wells. NEVADA History of: Oakland 1881. See Angel, Myron. NEVADA Nevada, Grass valley and Rough and Ready directory. ... See Brown, Nat. P., and Dallison, John K., pubs. NEVADA TERRITORY Second directory of: See Kelly, J. Wells. NEVADA The silver districts of: N Y 1865. See Blatchly, A. NEVADA 7335 The silver mines of: N Y 1864. 76 [2] map a — rptd. N Y 1865. same collat. NEVADA 7336 The wonders of: . . . and how to get to them. Virginia City 1879. 16° 32 a NEVADA LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION, 7337 pubs. Cattle brands. Reno 1885. D 85 [4] a [NEVILL, SAMUEL]? 7338 The history of North America, from the first discovery. ... By Sylvanus Americanus. Vol. I [all]. Woodbridge N J 1760. [4] 284 b NYP PaH 412 New Jersey NEVINS, ALLAN 7339 American social history as recorded by British travellers. N Y 1923. [8] 577 a — rptd. N Y [l93l]. [8] 593 front. NEVINS, ALLAN 7340 Fremont, the west's greatest adventurer NY 1928. 2v: [12] 344; [lo] 345-738. errata slip 64pls a NEW... HISTORY 7341 New and complete history (A) of the Brit- ish empire in America. L [ 1756-8]. 3v: [46] 402; 496; 272. lOmaps&pls a Issued first in 56 monthly parts and never completed, hence last page of volume three ends abruptly. NEW... COLLECTION New and impartial collection (A) of inter- esting letters, from the public papers. . . . See Almon, John, A collection of interesting, au- thentic papers. . . . NEW CRISIS 7342 New crisis (The). By an old Whig. N Y 1810. 96 a NEW EMPIRES New empires in the northwest. . . .See Quigg, Lemuel E. NEW-ENGLAND The deplorable state of 1708. See Holmes, Alex. NEW-ENGLAND 7343 A memorial of the present deplorable state of : . . . by the male-administration of their present Governour. . .by Philopolites. [ij? 1707. Q [4] 41 b BM For similar pamphlet, see Holmes, Alex- ander, The deplorable state ot New England. Both have been ascribed to Cotton Mather. — enl. ed„ with Whitefield's "Reply. . . ," same impr. & date. D [20] 112 [4] — Am. ed. B 1743. NEW ENGLAND 7346 The traveller's guide in: N Y 1823. 16° 94 a NEW GOSPEL New gospel of peace. G. See White, Rich. NEW HAMPSHIRE Notes . . . during an excursion to. . . : By a gentleman of Boston. See Hale, Nathan. NEW-HAMPSHIRE GRANTS (THE)... 7347 A public defence of the right of: to asso- ciate together and form themselves into an independent state. . . . Dresden N II 1779. 16 u 56 [4] c Hn JCB NYP NEW HAVEN COLONY The Blue laws of:. . . . Compiled by an anti- quarian. See Hinman, Royal R. NEW-JERSEY 7348 An account of the college of:. . . . Wood- bridge 1764. 47 pi a NEW-JERSEY 7349 A brief of the claim, on the part of the province of : . . . for settling the boundary line, between. . . New-Jersey, and. . . New-York. [N Y 1769]. F [44] b NYP VtS [new jersey] A concise view of the controversy between the proprietors of East and West-Jersey. . . . See Cowell, Ebenezer. NEW JERSEY New Jersey, in America. A letter from:. By a gentleman. . . . See Thompson, Thos. NEW ENGLAND PATRIOT (THE).... See Lowell, John. NEW ENGLAND Records of the council for: See Deane, Chas. NEW ENGLAND The revolution in: justified, and the people there vindicated. . . . See Rawson, E., and Sewall, SamL NEW ENGLAND 7344 A short account of the province of:. . . . L [1774]. 32 a NEW-ENGLAND 7345 The state of religion in:. . . . Glas 1742. 44 a NEW JERSEY 7350 The memorial of the council of proprietors of the eastern division of: . . . with documents (in support of their title to the lands in con- troversy between. . . New York and New Jer- sey). C ..[N Y 1755]. F 118 b NYP [NEW JERSEY] 7351 The petitions and memorials of the pro- prietors of West and East-Jersey, to the legislature of New Jersey. ...NY [l784]. 76 + errata 1. at p72 map a — ed. 2, N Y [1785]. 96 + errata 1. at end map NEW-JERSEY 7352 Proposals for traffick and commerce ... in: By Amicus patriae, [n y] 1718. Q 24 b NYH NYP 413 New Jersey — New Yorck [NEW JERSEY] 7353 A short state of the proceedings of the pro- prietors of East and West Jersey relative to the line of division between them. ...NY 1775. 23 a NEW LONDON, WISCONSIN 7354 Sketches of the early history ... of: New London 1857. D 31 a NEW ORLEANS 7360 New Orleans as it is: its manners and cus- toms. ... By a resident. Utica 1849. 79 b AA LaU — rptd., same collat., Dv O?] 1850. b LC NEW ORLEANS DIRECTORY 7361 New Orleans directory for 1835. [n O 1834]. D [7-19] 216 [22] a NEW LYME, OHIO Condensed history of: See Phillips, B. F. NEW MEXICO New Mexico and California. Address to the inhabitants of:. ...NY 1849. See Burnett, Peter H. NEW MEXICO New Mexico, California, and Oregon. The emigrant's guide to: See Disturnell, John. NEW MEXICO 7355 An illustrated history of: Chi Lewis 1895. Q 672 37pls a NEW MEXICO 7356 Land claims in the Territory of:. . . . [H. R. 457, 35th Cong.] Wash 1858. 326 a (NEW MEXICO) A political problem: New Mexico and the New Mexicans. See Ruffner, Ernest H. NEW MEXICO 7357 Report of the Secretary of War, communica- ting, o . Colonel [George A.] McCall's reports in relation to: [Sen Exec. Doc. 26], [wash 1851]. 23 a NEW MEXICO 7358 Table of distances for troops in: Santa Fe 1878. 27 a NEW MIRROR New mirror (The) for travellers; and guide to the Springs. By an amateur. See Paulding, James K. NEW ORLEANS 7359 Battle of: or, Jackson's victory. By a citi- zen of Baltimore. Bait 1825. 16° 36 a NEW ORLEANS A faithful picture of the political situation of:. . . . See Workman, James. NEW ORLEANS New Orleans and environs. Historical sketch book and guide to: See Coleman, Wm. H. NEW ORLEANS SKETCH BOOK New Orleans sketch book (The). . . . See Wharton, Geo. M. NEW ORLEANS Notes of conversations with a volunteer of- ficer. . . on the passage of the forts below: See Taylor, G. C. NEW ORLEANS 7362 Proceedings of the court of inquiry relative to the fall of: Rich 1864. 206 a NEW ORLEANS Remarks on the late infraction of treaty at: By Corialanus. See Smith, Wm. Stephens. NEW ORLEANS A short review of the late proceedings at: . . s . By Agrestis. See Allston, Jos. NEW STATES 7363 New states (The) . . . history ... of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Washing- ton. N Y 1889. 72 fold.map a NEW STATES 7364 New states (The), or a comparison of the wealth. . . of the northern and southern states ... to expose the injustice of erecting new states at the south. By Massachusetts. B 1813. 36 a NEW TRAVELS New travels among the Indians . . . taken partly from the communications ... of Cap- tains Lewis and Clark. . . . See Fisher, Wm. NEW TRAVELS New travels to the westward, or unknown parts of America. See Decalves, Don Alonso. NEW VOYAGES New voyages and travels. See Phillips, Sir Richard. NEW YORCK ^ 7365 New Yorck a la Nouvelle-Orleans. Examen ...d'un ouvrage intitule: Voyage ... de: ou l'on refute les calomnies . . . sur les Ame- ricains . . . et les refugies francais. . . . P 1818. [4] 23 a 414 New York — New York NEW YORK 7366 New York and Pennsylvania. An account of the soil [etc.] of the lands ... in the back parts of: And particularly of the lands in the . . . Genesee tract. . . . [l] 1791. sm F [2] 37, 4, 39-45 2maps a — Ger. ed. "Bericht uber den Genesee- Distrikt. . . ," n. p. 1791. 32, 8, 8 — anr. Ger. ed. "Kurze Beschreibung. . . ," Bremen 1792. Refers to the unfortunate land speculation of Robert Morris. See also Genesee tract (The). . . . NEW- YORK An address to the people of . . . : shewing the necessity of . . . amendments to the con- stitution proposed for the United States. See Smith, Melancthon. NEW-YORK 7367 An argument delivered on the part of: at the hearing before His Majesty's commis- sioners ... to settle . . . the boundary line, be- tween. . . New York and New-Jersey. [/V Y?] 1769. Q [2] 80 b BP NYP NEW-YORK Asmodee a: revue critique des institutiones politiques et civiles de l'Amerique. . . . See Longchamp, Ferdinand. NEW YORK 7368 Authentic account of the proceedings of the congress held at: in 1765, on the. .. Stamp act. N Y 1765. 37 b — other eds.: Annap 1766. F 28; Phil 1767. a; Phil 1813. 29 — Eng. ed. [l] 1767. [2] 37 b N NYP The Declaration of Rights and Grievances recorded by this "Stamp Act Congress" fore- shadowed the Declaration of Independence. NEW YORK A brief topographical . . . manual of the state of: See Goodenow, Stirling. NEW- YORK 7369 The charter of the city of: N Y Bradford [ca 1720]. F 11 d Hn — anr. ed. n.p. [ca 1730]. 96 c — anr. ed. [known as "Montgomeries charter"], N Y Zenger 1735. F 52 c AA BA NYP NEW YORK The citizens directory and strangers guide through the city of: See Stanford, Thos. N. NEW YORK 7370 New-York and the surrounding country. A clear and concise statement of: containing . . . account of . . . impositions . . . upon British emigrants. L [l819?J. D 30 a — Am. ed. N Y 1819. D NEW YORK A concise description of the city of: See Stanford, Thos. N. NEW YORK The cries of: See Wood, Saml. S. NEW YORK 7371 An Englishman's sketch-book; or, letters from: N Y 1828. D [2] 195 a NEW YORK CITY Glimpses of: By a South Carolinian. See Bobo, Wm. M. NEW YORK A journal of the proceedings in the detec- tion of the conspiracy . . . for burning the city of: See Horsmanden, Daniel. NEW-YORK 7372 A letter from an officer at: to a friend in London. L 1777. [2] 81 a NEW YORK A letter to the people of America, lately printed at: now re-published by an American .... See Galloway, Jos. NEW YORK 7373 Minutes of the trial. . . of certain persons in the province of: charged with. . . a con- spiracy against. . . the Congress and the lib- erties of America. L 1776. [4] 45 b Hn N NYP Y — rptd., with slightly altered t., Phil 1865. [l8] 112 [2] a 250copies ptd[25 in F, 75 in q] The famous "Hickey Plot" [to kidnap Washington] in which were implicated Gover- nor Tryon, the Mayor of New York, and one of Washington's life-guards, Hickey, who was executed. NEW YORK DIRECTORY New York directory. . . . 1786. See Franks, David, comp. NEW YORK DIRECTORY 7374 New York directory, and register for. . . 1789 NY Hodge, Allen & Campbell 1789. D 144 map b AA NYP Y The third directory of this city; for the two earlier ones see Franks, David. NEW YORK 7375 New York and New Jersey. Papers con- cerning the boundary between. . . : Ed. H. B. Dawson. Yonkers 1866. [8] 159 a 415 (ewsome NEW-YORK Papers relating to an act of the Assembly of the province of: for encouragement of the Indian trade. . . . See Colden. Cadwallader. NEW YORK The picture of: See Mitchill, Sam'l L. NEW YORK CANALS (THE). Public documents relating to: Haines, Chas. G. 7376 NEW YORK 7377 Review of the trade and commerce of: from 1815. ... By an observer. N Y 1820. 43 a NEW YORK 7378 A serious appeal to. . . the legislature of: on the subject of a canal communication be- tween the . . . lakes and the . . . Hudson. By a friend to his country, n.p. 1816. 37 a NEW-YORK PRESS (THE) 7379 Sketches of the character of: By O. P. Q. N Y 1844. 47 a NEWELL, CtHESTERj 7387 History of the revolution in Texas.. ..NY 1838. D [4, 7-10] 215 map a — rptd. Austin 1935. D 215 map [NEWHALL, FREDERIC C.] 7388 With General Sheridan in Lee's last cam- paign. Phil 1866. D [2] 235 [2] map port a NEWHALL, JOHN B. 7389 The British emigrant's "hand book," and guide to the new states . . . Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin. . . . L 1844. D 100 a NEWHALL, JOHN B. 7390 A glimpse of Iowa in 1846, or the emi- grant's guide and territorial directory. . . . Burlington 1846. D 80 c No perfect copy known. — ed. 2, with state constitution added and word "territorial" Lin sub-t.J changed to "state." Burlington [ptd St l] 1846. D [4] 9- 106 b NYP WisH — anr. issue, same date, St L D 106 + badv-p b N NEW-YORK A state of the right of the colony of: with respect to its eastern boundary. . . . See Duane, James. NEW YORK Statistical tables of the state of: 1828. D 24 a 7380 N Y NEW YORK 7381 A statistical. . . view of the state of: Roch 1846. 16° 71 +9adv-p a NEW YORK 7382 New York, Canada, etc. The traveller's guide through the state of:. ...NY 1836. 18° 71 + adv-p front. 2maps plan a NEWARK 7383 Directory of: for 1835-6. With an historical sketch Newark 1835. D [24] 102 a First Newark directory. NEWCOMB, REV. HARVEY 7384 The North American Indians. . . . Pitt [1835]. 18° 2v: 169; 169 a Limited chiefly to missionary aspects. NEWCOMB, JAMES PtEARSON] 7385 History of secession times in Texas and journal of travel from Texas ... to California S F 1863. [4] 12 [2] 33 a NEWCOMB. REXFORD 7386 Old Kentucky architecture. N Y 1941. F 22 130pls on 65 1. front, a NEWHALL, JOHN B. 7391 Sketches of Iowa, or the emigrant's guide. N Y 1841. 16° 252 map a NEWHOUSE, S[EWELL] 7392 The trapper's guide. .. and narratives of trapping and hunting excursions. . . . Walling' ford Conn 1865. 118[incl.port] a — ed. 2, same impr. 1867. 216 port 31pls — ed. 3, N Y 1869. 32pls The second edition first included Henry Thacker's narrative of three hunting expedi- tions, in 1844-1845, to the Chicago region. NEWMAN, ALFRED 7393 Ups and downs . . . with incidents of travel and adventure . . . 1855-62. L 1868. D 83 a NEWMAN, JOHN B. 7394 Texas and Mexico in 1846. ...NY 1846. 32 map a NEWMARK, HARRIS 7395 Sixty years in Southern California. . . 1853— 1913. N Y 1916. [30] 688 33pls a also L.P. issue of 50copies — ed. 2, same impr. 1926. [36] 688 pis — rptd. B 1930. [36] 744 43pls NEWPORT Newport and its vicinity. Sketches of: See Cahoone, Sarah S. [NEWSOME, E.] 7396 Historical sketches of Jackson County, Illinois. . . . Carbondale 1882. 138 a — ed. 2, 1894. 233 a 416 Newson — Nicholson NEWSON, THOMAS M. 7397 Drama of life in the Black hills. St P 1878. 90 a NEWSON, TtHOMASj M. 7398 Thrilling scenes among the Indians . . . Custer's last fight. . . . Chi 1884. D 241 8pls a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1889. NEWTON, J[AMES] H., ed. 7399 History of the Pan-handle [w. Va.]. . . . Wheeling 1879. Q 450 [34] 2maps 2pls facs a NEWTON, j[AMES] H., ed. 7400 History of Venango county LPa.J. . . • Colum- bus O 1879. Q 651 47pls[some double] on 33 NEWTON, JOHN MARSHALL 7401 The memoirs of: [Cambridge N Y 1913]. [2] 91 7pls a Includes his overland trip to California and experiences there from 1850 to 1852. NEZ-PERCE INDIANS The status of young Joseph and his band of: See Wood, H. Clay. NIAGARA Niagara, Montreal and Quebec. An account of a journey to: See Izard, Ralph. NIAGARA (THE) Facts relative to the campaign on: in 1814. See Ripley, Eleazer W. NIAGARA A guide to travelers visiting the falls of: By a resident. . . . See Parsons, Horatio A. NIAGARA 7402 Niagara, and the lakes. A summer month; or, recollections of a visit to the falls of: Phil 1823. D [8] 250 a NIAGARA. Visit to the falls of: in 1830. See Maude, John. NICAISE, AUGUSTE 7403 . . , Une annee au desert; scenes et recits du far-west americain. Chalons 1864, D I.4J 115[unp] c Hn Y Lof 4copies known] There were some copies at the printers in 1916; all went when the Germans sacked Chalons. Nicaise crossed the plains to Ft. Walla Walla in 1858. NICELY, W[lLSON] S. 7404 Facts for emigrants. A description of twenty-six counties of south-west Missouri ..<.St L 1867. D 72 a NICELY, WILSON[S.] 7405 The great southwest, or plain guide for emigrants and capitalists. St L 1867. D 115 NICHOLAS, GEORGE, of Kentucky 7406 Correspondence between: and. . . Robert G. Harper Lex 1799. 26 [8] a NICHOLAS, GEORGE, of Kentucky 7407 A letter from: to his friend in Virginia. . . . Lex 1798. 42 b AA N NYP — rptd. Phil 1799. 39 a Justifying Kentucky's resolutions op- posing the Federal Alien and Sedition laws. NICHOLAS, GEORGE 7408 Observations on a letter from: ... to his friend in Virginia. . . . By an inhabitant of the north-western territory. Cin 1799. 46 b OHP NICHOLAS, GEORGE 7409 To the citizens of Kentucky. Leapt. t.J [Lex? 1798], D 42 b Hn[only copy known] [NICHOLAS, ROBERT C.] 7410 Considerations on the present state of Vir- ginia examined, [wmsfeg] 1774. 43 d LC NYP — rptd., with adds., Metuchen N J 1919. a 65copies ptd. NICHOLL, EDITH M. 7411 Observations of a ranchwoman in New Mex- ico. L 1898. D [8] 271 pis — Am. ed. Cin 1901. D 260 NICHOLLS, J[AMES] F. 7412 The remarkable life ... of Sebastian Cabot L 1869. D [16] 190 [l] map port a NICHOLLS, JOHN ASHTON 7413 Letters from America. Ed. by his mother, n.p. 1862. 418 a Observations on an extensive tour, in- cluding Minnesota, Illinois, Ohio, Louisiana, etc. NICHOLS, G. W. 7414 A soldier's story of his regiment |_61st Ga.]. Jesup Ga [l898]. D [2] 291 [2] a NICHOLS, THOMAS L. 7415 Forty years of American life. L 1864. 2v: [12] 408; [12] 368 a — ed. 2, L 1874. D [l6] 509 By a New Englander, who, believing it un- constitutional to compel the South to remain in the Union, expatriated himself. NICHOLSON, FRANCIS... Governor 7416 of South Carolina An apology or vindication of: from. . . as- persions cast on him by some of the members 417 Nicholson — Noailles of the Bahama-Company. L 1724. 62 b Hn JCBY [NICHOLSON, JOHN]? 7417 A view of the proposed constitution. . . compared with the present confederation. Phil 1787. [37] a NICHOLSON, THOMAS 7418 An affecting narrative of the captivity . . . of: . . . among the Algerines. . . . D [l818j. D 24 port a [NICKLIN, PHILIP H.] 7419 Letters descriptive of the Virginia Springs Phil 1835. 16° 100 [4] map a — ed. 2, enl., same impr., 1837. D 248 map Pi [NICKLIN, PHILIP H.] 7420 A pleasant peregrination through the pret- tiest parts of Pennsylvania. Phil 1836. 148 NICOL, JOHN, mariner 7421 The life and adventures of: Edin 1822. D [10] 215 port a — rptd. N Y [1937]. [lO] 245[incl. front.] Accompanied Portlock to the Northwest Coast. [NICOLAY, CHARLES G.] 7422 The Oregon Territory; a geographical. . . account. . . .L Knight 1846. 16 226 2maps [one fold.] a — anr. issue, bound with The backwoods ot Canada. . . . — ed. 2, with suppl., L Hodson 1860. 16° 237 2maps[one fold.] — rptd. L Renny 1886. 16° [8] 157 2maps pi For similar title, but entirely different work, issued same year by Knight, see Ore- gon Territory (The): consisting of a brief de- scription. . . . NICOLLET, J[0SEPH] N. 7423 Report. . . to illustrate a map of the hydro- [;raphical basin of the upper Mississippi. .. . Sen. Doc. 237]. Wash 1843. 170 map a — anr. issue [H.R. Doc. 52] Wash 1845. same collat., but smaller map cal view of Texas ... [by L. T. Pease]. Hart 1837. 2v in 1: 370; 230. 2ports 2maps a — rptd. 1838; 1839; 1844. NILES, HENRY C. 7425 History of Douglas County, Illinois. . . . Tuscola III 1876. 79 a NILES, HtEZEKIAH] 7426 Principles and acts of the revolution. . . . Bait 1822. [8] 495 a [NILES, HEZEKIAH] 7427 Things as they are, or Federalism turned inside out. . . .Bait [l809]. 75 a NILES, JOHN M. 7428 The life of Oliver Hazard Perry. . . . Hart 1820. D 376 3pls a — ed. 2, enl., Hart 1821. D 384 5pls NIMMO, JOSEPH 7429 Letter . . . transmitting a report ... in re- f;ard to the range and ranch cattle traffic. . . H. R. Doc. 267]. [Wash 1885]. 200 4maps no t-p a — anr. ed. issued by Senate — anr. ed. [occupying p95-294 of "Report on Internal Commerce,"] Wash 1885. 562 5maps — anr. issue, Wash 1885. 200 + wraps fold.map[only one issued, though 4 called for] Contributed to by cattle experts, statis- tically documented, the unrivalled source for the period. NISBET, COL. JAMES C. 7430 Four years on the firing line. Chatta- nooga [1914]. D [4] 445 port a [NISBET, RICHARD] 7431 Slavery not forbidden by Scripture.. . . By a West-Indian. Phil 1773. [6] 30 a This defense of slavery was aroused by Benjamin Rush's An address. . . upon slave- keeping. For Rush's reply, see his A vindi- cation of the Address. . . . NIXON, PATRICK] I. 7432 The medical story of early Texas, 1528- 1855. [Lancaster Pa] 1946. [l6] 507 ports a NIEUW YORK Herinnerigen eener Reize naar: See Brauw, J. de. NIKKANOCHEE, OSCEOLA A narrative of the early days and reminis- cences of:. . . . See Welch, Andrew. NILES, JOHN M. 7424 History of South America and Mexico. . . to which is annexed, a geographical andhistori- NOAH, MORDECAI M. 7433 Discourse on the evidences of the Ameri- can Indians being the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel NY 1837. 40 a — Ger. tr. Altoona 1838. 18° [2] 54 NOAILLES, AMBLARD M. R. A., 7434 VICOMTE DE Marins et soldats francais en Amerique. . . (1778-83). P 1903. [8] 440 7ports 2fold. maps a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. 418 Noble — Norris NOBLE, JOHN 7435 Instructions to emigrants. . . account of the United States B [Eng] 1819. [6] 112 errata 1. map tab a NOEL, BAPTIST W. Freedom and slavery in the United States L 1863. 16 6 [4] 242 a 7436 NOEL, BAPTIST W. The rebellion in America. L 1863. 494 a — Dutch ed. "De Opstand in Noord- Amerika," Kampen 1864. 2v NOEL, THEOtPHILUS] A campaign from Santa Fe to the Mis sissippi. . . a history of the old Sibley bri gade.. . 1861-4. Shreveport 1865. 152 fold. tab. c N TxU [of 3copies known] NOLAN, PHILIP 7439 Description of Texas. Natchez 1799. 16° map dd no perfect copy known First non-legal book printed in Mississippi and first book on Texas printed in the United States. NOLTE, VINCENT 7440 Funfzig Jahre in beiden Hemispharen. . . . Hamburg 1854. 2v: [l8] 323; [l4] 360 a — Eng. ed. "Fifty years in both hemi- spheres," N Y 1854. D [22] 11-484 + 218- 225repeated NOOTKA SOUND An authentic statement of all the facts relative to: ... . See Etches, John C. NOOTKA SOUND A continuation of an authentic statement of all the facts relative to: See Etches, John C. NOOTKA SOUND 7441 Official papers relative to the dispute between. . . Great Britain and Spain, on the subject of the ships captured in: .... L Debrett [l790]. [8] 100 b H PortOreL Y NORD-AMERIKA 7442 Nord-Amerika (Das) historisch und geographisch Beschrieben. . . . Hamburg 1777-8. 16° 4v: [32] 160; 192; [8] 179; [2] 126. map port a NORD-AMERIKA Nord-Amerika in Bildern oder eine Auswahl von Ansichten der interessantesten Gegenden .... See note to Maximilian, Prinz zu Wied. NORDAMERIKA 7443 Nordamerika, oder neuestes Gemalde der nordamerikanischen Freistaaten. Von einem Wurtemberger Tubingen 1818. 16° [lOl 166 a NORDENSKIOLD, G[USTAV E. A.] 7444 The cliff dwellers of the Mesa Verde, southwestern Colorado. . . . Stockh [l893], F [8] 174 [16] map port 61pls[34 of which are accompanied by explanatory text of one 1. each] a — anr. issue, same impr. & date, in Swedish NORDENSKIOLD [NILS] A. E. 7445 Facsimile-atlas to the early history of cartography SrocWi 1889. F [lO] 141 51pls[containing 170maps]b N NYP 7438 — anr issue, same impr & date, in Swedish. NORDENSKIOLD, [NILS] A. E. 7446 Periplus; an essay on the early history of charts Stockh 1897. F [lO] 208 60pls [containing 234maps] b N NYP 7437 D [20] NORDHOFF, CHARLES 7447 The communistic societies of the United States NY 1875. 440 [inch front.] + 7adv-p map 15pls tab a NORDHOFF, CHARLES 7448 The cotton states in the spring and sum- mer of 1875. N Y 1876. 112[incl. front cover] a Honest report on reconstruction condi- tions made to the New York Herald. NORGATE, EfLIAS] Mr. John Dunn Hunter defended. 1826. 38 a 7449 NORMAN, BfENJAMIN] M. 7450 New Orleans and environs. ...NO 1845. 24° 223 + blank leaves for memoranda front, a NORMAN, JOHN, pub. 7451 The Boston directory B 1789. 16° 56 plan errata 1. b AA — rptd., B 1852. D 63 First Boston directory; no others pub- lished until 1796. NORRIS, ISAAC The journal of: in 1745 Phil 1867 ptd during a trip to Albany Q [4] 31 a 80copies NORRIS, J[AMES]W. 7453 A business advertiser and general direc- tory of . . . Chicago, for 1845-6 Chi 1845. D [2] 156 [12] pi b ChiH MH — for 1847-8, Chi 1846. D 104 + 36adv-p b ChiH LC — for 1848-9, Chi 1848. D 132 [28] b Chilllonly copy known 1 419 Norris — North Carolina NORRIS, j[AMES]W. 7454 Business directory. . . of Chicago, for 1846. Chi 1846. D 64 b AA ChiH N Second Chicago business directory. NORRIS, J[AMES] W. 7455 General directory [etc. J of. . . Chicago, for 1844, with a historical sketch. . .. Chi 1844. D 116 wraps b AA ChiH NYP — anr. issue, clo. , with 2adv-l. before t-p and binder's adv-slip b Chicago's first real city directory, pre- ceded only by an incomplete 10-page list of inhabitants appended to The laws and ordinances of Chicago, 1839. NORRIS, J[AMES]W., and 7456 GARDINER, G. W. Illinois annual register, and western business directory Chi 1847. 120 36 [12] b LC Embraces a complete account of the Mormons in Illinois. [NORRIS, JOHN] 7457 Profitable advice for rich and poor. In a dialogue . . . between James Freeman, a Carolina planter, and Simon Question. . . . containing a description. . . of South Caro- lina L 1712. D 110 + 2adv-p a NORTH, the Right Honble. LORD 7460 Letter to: to which is added a petition. . . in favour of the colonies. L [l776]. 28 a NORTH, JAMES W. 7458 The history of Augusta [Me.]. . . . Augusta 1870. [12] 990 2maps 28pls[incl.fold. panorama] a [NORTH, LORD] 7459 The history of Lord North's administra- tion. Pt.l[all]. L 1781. — rptd. Dub 1783. [8] 183 — complete ed. "A view of the history of Great-Britain during the administration of Lord North," L 1782. 2pts in 1: [4] 170; 169-412 Sabin mentions port., but all copies do not have it a — anr. ed. Dub 1782. 2pts in 1: [2] 184; [8] 185-427 — Fr. ed., tr. by Hilliard d'Auberteuil, with large adds., "Histoire de 1 'administration de Lord North. . . ," L & P 1784. 2v: [20] 276; [4] 180 [80]. map a — Sp. tr. [from Fr. ed.], Madrid 1806. 16° [14] 402 Animadversions on the feeble showing of the British army in America in spite of great expenditures. NORTH, LORD, et al. Het Oor in het Kabinet. Of geheime zamenspraaken tusschen: .... Betreffende den Toestand van Amerika. See Cerisier, Antoine M., Le destin de l'Amerique. . . . NORTH, LORD Nathan to: L 1780. [4] 59 a Venomous upbraiding of this minister. 7461 NORTH, LORD A view of the history of Great Britain during the administration of: See above, The history of Lord North's administration. NORTH, THOMAS 7462 Five years in Texas; or, What you did not hear during the war . . . Cin 1870 D 231 a — rptd., Cin 1871, same collat. NORTH AMERICAN . . . GAZETTEER 7463 North- American and West-Indian gazetteer (The) L 1776. D [30] 218 [2] 2maps a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat. 1778. NORTH AMERICAN ATLAS North American atlas (The). . .. 1776. See Fad en, Wm. NORTH-AMERICAN PILOT (THE). .. . See Jefferys, Thos. NORTH AMERICAN TOURIST (THE). See Melish, John, The traveller's manual .... NORTH AND SOUTH North and south. By the white republican .... See Fuller, Hiram. NORTH AND SOUTH 7464 North and South. Impressions of northern society upon a southerner. ...NY 1853. D 35 a NORTH CAROLINA. 7465 An address to the people of: on the evils of slavery. By the friends of liberty.. . . Greensborough 1830. 16° [2] 68 [l] a NORTH-CAROLINA A continuation of the . . . differences ... in the province of: See Husband, Harmon. NORTH CAROLINA An impartial relation of the. . . cause of the recent differences ... in the province of: See Husband, Harmon. NORTH CAROLINA 7466 Information concerning the province of: By an impartial hand. Glas 1773. 32 a NORTH CAROLINA BANDITS (THE) 7467 The swamp outlaws; or: .... N Y 1873. 420 North Dakota — Nouvelle France Lurid crimes by this band of monsters which terrorized the Cape Fear region. NORTH DAKOTA Wam-Dus-Ky . . . record of a hunting trip to: See Tuttle, J. H. NORTH-EASTERN BOUNDARY North-eastern boundary (The) of the United States. B 1832. See Dave is, C. Stewart. NORTH RIVER (THE) 7468 Sketches of: N Y 1838. D 119 map a NORTHERN TOUR Northern tour (A): Gilpin, Thos. to Saratoga. . . . See NORTHERN TRAVELLER Northern traveller (The); . . . routes to Niagara. . . . See Dwight, Theo. NORTHROP, N. B. 7469 Pioneer history of Medina County [O. ]. Medina 1861. 16* 224 a Medina was one of the earliest counties formed from the Western Reserve. NORTHWEST COMPANY Northwest Company of Canada (the). On the origin and progress of: See Atcheson, Nathaniel. NORTON, A[NTHONY] BANNING 7470 A history of Knox county, Ohio. ... Co- lumbus 1862. 424 4pls a NORTON, CHARLES 7471 Der treue Fuhrer des Auswanderers nach den Vereinigten Staaten. . . Texas [etc.]. Regensburg 1846. D 2pts in 1: 142 [2]; 120. map a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. 1848. — rptd., same collat., 1850. Relates chiefly to Texas, but has chapters on Oregon and the Midwestern states. [NORTON, JOHN] 7476 The redeemed captive ... a narrative of the taken LsicJ and carrying into captivity the Reverend Mr. John Norton . B 1748. 40 d AA N — issue 2, word "taking" on t-p correctly spelled d Y — anr. ed. , with notes, "Narrative of the capture ... of Fort Massachusetts by the French and Indians. ..." Alb 1870. Q 51 a 100 copies ptd. NORTON, COL. L[EWIS] A. 7477 Life and adventures of . . . by himself. Oakland Cat 1887. D 492 port a NOTA ESTADISTICA Nota estadistica. . . 1826. D 99 b 7478 [Texas, etc.]. Mex NOTES Notes of a tour in North America in 1861. . . . See Fergusson, James. NOTES Notes on political economy as applicable to the United States. By a southern planter. See Ware, N. A. NOTES Notes on the origin and necessity of slavery. See Brown, Edw. NOTES Notes on the United States. . . . See Morris, Gouverneur. NOTES Notes upon Canada and the United States. ... By a traveller. See Todd, Henry C. NOTICE Notice sur la riviere Rouge. . . . Montr 1843. See Tache, Alex. NORTON, DAVID 7472 Sketches of. . . Old Town [Me.]. Bangor 1881. 152 a NORTON, HARRY J. 7473 Bird's-eye view of the Black hills. . . min- ing region. N Y 1879. 32[incl. advs] a NORTON, HARRY J. 7474 Wonder-land illustrated; or, horseback rides through Yellowstone. . . Park. Va City [1873]. D 132 16pls map a NOTIONS Notions of the Americans. Picked up by a travelling bachelor. See Cooper, James F. NOTT, MANFORD A. 7479 Across the plains in '54.. . . n.p. n.d. [1905]. D 2pts in 1: [4] 232[incl. blank 1. before 2nd t-p] port a Called second edition on title, but ap- parently the first in book form. Almost all copies destroyed in the 1906 fire. NORTON, JOHN 7475 Narrative of the capture ... of Fort Massa- chusetts by the French and Indians. . . . B 1748. 40 d AA — rptd. Alb 1870. Q 51 a lOOcopies ptd. NOUVELLE FRANCE (LA) 7480 Nouvelle France (la) et la Nouvelle Angleterre. Recueil de pieces sur la negocia- tion entre: es annees 1648 et suivantes. N Y 1866. sm 62 [l] a lOOcopies ptd. 421 Nouvelle Orleans — Nye NOUVELLE ORLEANS (LA) Relation du voyage des dames religieuses Ursulines de Rouen, a: . . . . See Tranchepain, Mere St. Augustin de. NOVA SCOTIA The conduct of the French with regard to: See Jefferys, Thos. NOVO Y COLSON, PEDRO DE 7481 Historia de las exploraciones articas. . . en busca del paso del nordeste. . . . Madrid 1880. F [l4] 260 map port a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat. 1882 NOVO Y COLSON, PEDRO DE 7482 Sobre los viajes apocrifos de Juan de Fuca y de. . . Maldonado. . . . Madrid 1881. Q 223 a NOWLIN, WILLIAM 7483 The bark covered house . . . pioneer life in. . . Michigan. Det 1876. D 250 b — rptd., ed. Quaife, Chi 1937. a NOYES, ALVA J. 7484 In the land of Chinook; or, the story of Blaine county. Helena Mont [l917]. 152 24pls a NOYES, ALVA J. 7485 Story of Ajax: life in the Big Hole basin. Helena 1914. [8] 158 12pls a First autobiography published in Montana; by a settler of 1860. NOYES, DAVID 7486 The history of Norway [Me.]. . . . Norway 1852. 216 a NOYES, JOHN H. 7487 History of American socialisms. Phil 1870. [6] 678 a NUCKOLLS, B. F. 7488 Pioneer settlers of Grayson County, Vir- ginia. Bristol 1914. 206 a NUECES 7489 Nueces and Rio Grande (the). Appeal to the people between: Corpus Christi 1878. 40 a NUEVA-ESPANA 7490 Instruccion para formar una linea.. . de quince presidios sobre las fronteras de las provincias internas de . . . : y nueva regla- mento Mex 1771. F [2] 80 c B JCB This Mexican reglamento was superseded by the official Spanish one issued at Madrid, 1772, q.v. For the earliest Reglamento see Acuna, Juan de. NUEVA-ESPANA (LA) 7491 Real ordenanza para el establecimiento. . . de intendentes de exercito y provincia en el reino de: Madrid 1786. F [62] 410 b NYP Sometimes bound with Leyes de la re- copilacion de Indias, containing 68 leaves and index of 24 pages. NUEVA ESPANA (LA) 7492 Reglamento. . . para los presidios que se han de formar en la linea de frontera de: Madrid 1772. Q [4] 122 c JCB N — rptd. Mex 1773. Q [2] 132 b B NYP; Madrid 1822. Q b — other eds.: n.p. n.d. ca 1810-25? Q; Afonferrey 1827. Q a; Mex 1834. F 30 a Includes the military establishments in New Mexico and Texas. For the first of such Reglamentos, see Acuna, Juan de. See also Rivera, Pedro de, and, above, Instruccion. . . . NUEVO ALMADEN 7493 Nuevo Almaden en la alta California. Algunas declaraciones en el asunto de: Mex 1859. 36 a NUEVO MEJICO 7494 Leyes del Territorio de: [in Spanish and English], [Santa Fe 1846]. 115 dd Y This fundamental work, erecting the con- quered region into a part of the United States, defining its powers, etc., was written by Colonel A. W. Doniphan, promulgated by General Stephen W. Kearny and is cited as the "Kearny Code." NUGENT, H. P. 7495 A letter to . . . William C. C. Claiborne, governor of the Territory of Orleans.. ..NO 1808. Q 52 b LC NYH NUTTALL, THOMAS 7496 Journal of travels into the Arkansa Terri- tory... [with observations on the Chickasaw, Cherokee and Osage Indians inhabiting the frairie country traversed]. Phil 1821. 12] 9-296 map 5pls a — rptd., ed. Thwaites, Clev 1905. O [&] 11- 366 [incl. map &, pis] NUTTING, WALLACE 7497 Furniture of the Pilgrim century, 1620- 1720. B [l92l]. Q [l2]587 a — enl. ed. Framingham Mass [l924]. Q 716 NYE, WILLIAM F., tr. 7498 Sonora; its extent. . . . S F 1861. D 190 a Abridged translation of the Spanish work by Jose F. Velasco, q. v. 422 Nye-Starr — Observations 7499 the experi- t. D 16l[incl. NYE-STARR, KATE A self-sustaining woman; i ence of seventy years. Chi 1 port] a Account by the sister of Governor Nye of Nevada of her 1862 trip west and life in Carson City. NYSTEL, OLE T. 7500 Lost and found, or, three months with the wild Indians Dallas 1888. D 26 a — rptd. 1930. o OAKES, WILLIAM 7501 Scenery of the White mountains. S[l848], F l4 J 4 16pls [sometimes colored, each with accompanying L of explanatory textjb AA H N NYP Y OAKLAND Directory of . . . : 1869. See Stillwell, B. F. OATES, WILLIAM C. 7502 The war between the Union and the Con- federacy NY 1905. 808 13pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1906. OBJECTIONS Objections (The) to the taxation of our American colonies . . . briefly considered. See Jenyns, Soame. O'BRYAN, WILLIAM 7506 A narrative of travels in the United States. . . . Shebbear \l ptd] 1836. D 419 port a By the founder of the "Bryanite" religious sect. He travelled through Pennsylvania and spent some time in Ohio. Most of the edition was destroyed at a printer's fire. OBSERVATIONS 7507 Observations d'un homme impartial sur la Lettre de Mr a Mr. S. B. . . . L [ptd Holland?] 1776. 65 a Defence of colonies against the Lettre of Isaac Pinto, q.v. For answer to Pinto's Seconde lettre, see under that author. OBSERVATIONS Observations impartiales d'un vrai Hollandois See Cerisier, Antoine M OBSERVATIONS Observations leading to a fair examination of the. . . government proposed by the late convention. . . in a series of letters from the federal farmer to the republican. See Lee, Rich. H. O'BEIRNE, H[ARRY] F. 7503 Leaders and leading men of the Indian Territory. Vol.1, Choctaws & Chickasaws [all pub.]. Chi 1891. 320 fc] 7pls a — anr. ed. "The Indian Territory, its chiefs. . . ," St L 1892. [8] 15-485[incl.pls] [O'BEIRNE, THOMAS L.?] 7504 A candid and impartial narrative of the transactions of the fleet under Lord Howe. . . . L 1779. 44 a — ed. 2, rev., L [l779]. 58 plan Vindication of Lord Howe. O'Beirne was chaplain of the fleet. OCCIDENTE 7505 Manifiesto que a los pueblos de su estado dirije el congreso de: sobre la conducta politic a del ciudadano Francisco Iriarte, en el tiempo que obtuvo el gobierno del mismo estado. Concepcion de Alamos 1829. 32 b Iriarte, Governor of the State of Occidente, having advocated its re-separation into Sinaloa and Sonora, the unionist-controlled legislature decreed his removal. On appeal, this was declared invalid by the Mexican Congress. OBSERVATIONS 7508 Observations occasion'd by reading a pamphlet . . . concerning the currencies of the British plantations. . . . L 1741. 23 a OBSERVATIONS 7509 Observations on a late pamphlet, entitled, "Considerations upon the order of the Cin- cinnati" . . . evincing the . . . propriety of that. . . institution. By an obscure individ- ual. Phil 1783. 28 [4] a — rptd. Hart 1784. 22 For pamphlet attacked, see Burke, Aedanus. The "obscure individual" was possibly Stephen Moylan, one of the founders of this Society. OBSERVATIONS Observations on a late State of the na- tion. . . . See Burke, Edmund. OBSERVATIONS Observations on government. ... By a farmer of New Jersey. See Stevens, John. OBSERVATIONS 7510 Observations on railroads in the western and southern states. Cin 1850. D 28 a 423 Observations — O'Connell OBSERVATIONS Observations on the American revolu- tion. . . . See Morris, Gouverneur. OBSERVATIONS Observations on the. . . conduct of the French. . . . 1755. See Clarke, Wm. OBSERVATIONS Observations on the debates of the Ameri- can congress. ... By Peter Porcupine. See Cobbett, Wm. OBSERVATIONS Observations on the importance of the northern colonies. . . . See Kennedy, Archibald. OBSERVATIONS Observations on the impressment of Amer- ican seamen by . . . Great Britain. . . . By a citizen of Baltimore. Bait 1806. 60 a OBSERVATIONS Observations on the late popular measures. By a tradesman. See Drinker, John. OBSERVATIONS 7512 Observations on the North American Land Company L 1796. [2] 149 a This Company controlled six million acres in the South, in Pennsylvania and in Kentucky. OBSERVATIONS Observations on the present state of the waste lands of Great Britain.. . . See Young, Arthur. OBSERVATIONS Observations on the proposed constitution for the United States. . . . See Lee, Richard H. OBSERVATIONS Observations on the reconciliation of Great-Britain and her colonies. . . . See Green, Jacob. OBSERVATIONS 7513 Observations on the Review of the con- troversy between Great Britain and her colonies. L 1769. [2] 43 a OBSERVATIONS 7514 Observations on the slavery of the Afri- cans N Y 1814. D 23 a OBSERVATIONS Observations upon the proposed plan of federal government. ... By a native of Vir- ginia. See Monroe, James. OBSERVATIONS 7515 Observations upon the railways of the western and southern states. Cin 1850. 28 a OBSERVATOR'S TRIP 7516 Observator's trip (The) to America, in a dialogue IwithJ his countryman Roger. [Phil] 1726. 16° 45 b BM O'CALLAGHAN, E[DMUND] B. tr. 7517 A brief. . . narrative of the hostile conduct of the barbarous natives towards the Dutch. Alb 1863. 48 a 50copies ptd. O'CALLAGHAN, E[DMUND] B. 7518 The documentary history of the state of New York. Alb 1849-51. 4v: fe] 787; [8] 1212; [8] 1215; [32] 1144. 28maps & pis a — anr. ed. same impr. 1850-51. Q 4v: 536; [8] 711; [6l 748; [24] 700. 78maps & pis O'CALLAGHAN, E[DMUND] B. 7519 History of New Netherland NY 1846-8. 2v: 493; 608. 2maps 2pls 2facs a — ed. 2, N Y 1855. 2v OCCASIONAL ESSAYS Occasional essays on various subjects, chiefly political and historical. See Maseres, Francis. OCCASIONAL REFLECTIONS Occasional reflections on the importance of the war in America. . . . See Williamson, Peter. OCEAN Ocean to ocean. The Pacific railroad.. . . See Carrington, Mrs. Henry B. OCEOLA NIKKANOCHEE A narrative of the early days. . . of: By his guardian. See Welch, Andrew. OCHS, JOHANN R. 7520 Americanise her Wegweiser oder Kurtze. . Beschreibung der Engelischen Provintzen in Nord America, sonderlich aber der Landschafft Carolina Bern 1711. D 102 map b JCB OBSERVATIONS Observations (Some) on the. . . Indian na- tives of this continent. See Benezet, Anthony. O'CONNELL, REV. j[EREMIAH]j. 7521 Catholicity in the Carolinas and Georgia NY [l879]. 647[incl.front.] port a 424 O'Connor — Ogg [O'CONNOR, THOMAS] 7522 An impartial and correct history of the war between the United States and Great Britain N Y 1815. D 304 pi a — ed. 2, rev., N Y 1815. D 312 pi — ed. 3, N Y 1816. D 336 pi — ed. 4, N Y 1817. D 336 3pls _Eng. ed. Self 1816. D 300 ODELL, JAMES [pub.] 7523 Dayton directory. ... To which is prefixed a sketch of the history of the city. Dayton 1850. D 120 map a For separate edition of the History see Cur wen, Maskell C. 0DENEAL, T. B. 7524 The Modoc war . . . origin. . . . Port Ore 1873. 56 a 0DERAHI Oderahi, histoire americaine. . . . See Palis ot de Beauvois, Baron de. ODIN, MGR. JEAN-MARIE. Vie de: See Bony, Monsieur. 0'DONOVAN, JEREMIAH 7525 A brief account of the author's interview with his countrymen. . . during his travels through various states of the Union in 1854- 5. Pitt 1864. D 382 a 0EHLER, ANDREW 7526 The life, adventures ... of : ... . [Trenfon] 1811. D 226 a Narrative of a restless adventurer who operated throughout the southern states from Charleston to New Orleans. OF THE TEN TRIBES 7527 Of the ten tribes of Israel, and the abo- rigines of America. . . . By a Bible profes- sor New Albany Ind 1831. 32 a OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS 7528 Official documents relative to the opera- tions of the British army in the reduction of the Canadas under. . . Wolfe, Amherst. . . . Phil 1813. 29 2maps a OFFICIAL REPORTS 7529 Official reports of battles, embracing the defence of Vicksburg. . . and the attack upon Baton Ro^e. . . . Rich 1863. 170 a OFFICIAL REPORTS 7531 Official reports of battles [evacuation of Pensacola Navy yard, etc.]. Rich 1864. 562 a OFFICIAL REPORTS 7532 Official reports of battles [from Seven Pines to Chickamauga]. Rich 1862. 571 a OFFICIAL REPORTS 7533 Official reports of battles [Ft. McAllister, Fayette C H., Seven Pines, Stone River]. Rich 1864. 98 a OFFICIAL REPORTS 7534 Official reports of battles [operations in northwest Va.]. Rich 1864. 96 [2] a OFFICIAL REPORTS 7535 Official reports of battles. Published. . . at Richmond. , . .N Y 1863. 578 port a [OGDEN, AARON] 7536 Concerning steam boats. Documents with- out comments, n.p. [l818]. 25 a OGDEN, GEORGE W. 7537 Letters from the west. . .and a residence of two summers in. . . Ohio and Kentucky.. . . New Bedford 1823. D 126 b AA N Y — anr. issue, same sheets with Exeter impr. b OGDEN, H[ENRY] A., Illustrator 7538 The army of the United States. N Y [l888]. F 43 1. 44col.pls a — best ed. "Uniform of the army and navy . . . , " Akron & N Y 1889. F 2v: 242 103coL pis b — enl. ed. N Y [l907]. F [77] 70col.pls b OGDEN, JOHN C. 7539 An excursion into Bethlehem & Nazareth, in Pennsylvania Phil 1800. D [2] 168 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1805. [OGDEN, JOHN C.] 7540 A tour through Upper and Lower Canada. Litchfield 1799. 16 119 a — ed. 2, au. named, Wilm Del 1800. D 117 Includes description of Detroit, Mackinac and Ft. Miami. [OGDEN, PETER S.]? Considerations on the Indian trade. Det 1821. 15 10 b 7541 OFFICIAL REPORTS 7530 Official reports of battles [evacuation of Little Rock, Look Out mountain, etc.]. Rich 1864. 72 a OGG, FREDERIC A. 7542 The opening of the Mississippi; a struggle for supremacy NY 1904. [l2] 670 5maps a 425 Ogilvie — Ohio OGILVIE, WILLIAM 7543 Information respecting the Yukon district from reports of: ... . Ottawa Can 1897. 65 13maps & pis a OGILVIE, WILLIAM 7544 Lecture on the Yukon gold fields. Victoria Can 1897. 32 a OGLE COUNTY, ILL. Sketches of the history of: See Boss, H. R. OGLETHORPE, GENERAL [JAMES] 7545 Appendix to the report of the [s. C. Assembly] committee ... to enquire into the causes of the disappointment. . . in the late expedition against St. Augustine, under. . . : L 1743. [4] 79 b This appendix — containing vouchers — was included in the Charleston edition of the Report, but not in the London edition, which requires it for completion. OGLETHORPE, GENERAL [JAMES] 7546 An impartial account of the late expedi- tion against St. Augustine under: L 1742. 68 map b AA BA GaU NYP For reply to this criticism of Oglethorpe's conduct, see Cadogan, George. OGLETHORPE, GENERAL [JAMES] 7547 The report of the committee, of both houses of Assembly of . . . South-Carolina, appointed to enquire into the causes of the disappointment. . . in the late expedition against St. Augustine, under the command of: Charles-Town S C 1742. F 108 +app 52 [l] map c N NYP[only 2copies known] — rptd., without app., L 1743. [4] 112 b GaU N [O'HANLON, JOHN] 7548 Life and scenery in Missouri. Reminis- cences of a missionary priest. Dub 1890. 16° [l2] 292 a OHIO (THE) The advantages of a settlement upon: See Wharton, Sam'l. OHIO (THE) An adventure on the banks of : . . . story of Mrs. Eliza Williamson. . . . See Farnesworth, Frederick. OHIO COMPANY (THE) 7549 Articles of an association by the name of: N Y 1787. 45 b MH NYP WisH An earlier tract of twelve pages, same title, was issued at Worcester, 1786. OHIO A concise view of the State of : .... L 1825. 30 a 7550 Emigration tract, with no historical significance. OHIO(I') Description abrege du territoire. . . au sud de: See Smith, Daniel. OHIO (THE RIVER) Facts and observations, respecting the country granted. . . by the Six United Na- tions. . . , on the south-east side of: See Wharton, Sam'l. OHIO INDIANS An historical account of the expedition against: See Smith, [Provost] Wm. OHIO (THE) 7551 Laws of the Territory of the United States north-west of: . . . by the Governour and Judges, in their legislative capacity.. . . Cin Maxwell 1796. 225 dd NYP JCB [of 5 perfect copies known] — rptd. in facs, Cin [ca 1890]. a — anr. ed. Wash 1891. Cited as the Maxwell Code, this was the first book printed in Ohio or anywhere in the Northwest Territory. Of a separately printed 1 Table of Contents, of the same year, no copy is known. OHIO DEFEAT (THE) A letter to a friend, giving a concise. . . account. . . of: [etc.]. See Chauncy, Chas. OHIO... NAVIGATOR Ohio and Mississippi navigator (The).. . . See Cramer, Zadok. OHIO NAVIGATOR 7552 Ohio navigator (The). . . account of that. . . river from its head. . . . From the journals of gentlemen. . . who have frequently navi- gated it. Washington [Ky?] 1798. No copies now known. Evans cites two editions as published that year. These predecessors to his Navi- gator may have caused Cramer to style the first of his series, in 1802, as "third edi- tion." OHIO RAILROAD GUIDE 7553 Ohio railroad guide (The). . . . Cin 1852. D 96 map a — enl. ed. Columbus 1854. D fc] 135 32pls OHIO... MISCELLANIES Ohio valley historical miscellanies.... See Espy, Josiah. OHIO Ohio et de Scioto. Prospectus pour l'etablissement sur les rivieres d':.. . 7554 426 Ohio Canals — Oliver [p de Prault 1789-90]. Q [2] 16, 14 [3] map tab a Glowing account of an Ohio Eden, circu- lated in France by the Scioto Company, which lured 500 emigrants to their ruin; probably written by Joel Barlow and William Play fair. OLD MAN'S STORY Old man's story (The) of old times. Adrian Mich 1855. 38 port a OLD SOLDIER'S HISTORY Old soldier's history (The). . . 1813 See Fairbanks, Chas. 7560 OHIO CANALS (THE) Public documents concerning: . . . .See Kilbourn, John OHIO RIVER (THE) 7555 Railroad from the banks of: to the tide waters of the Carolinas and Georgia. Cin 1835. 30 a OHIO Ohio (the church in). Report of proceed- ings in Ireland relative to: See West, G. Montgomery. OHIO RIVER (THE) Three days on: See William, Father. OHIO Ohio, Indiana Territory and Louisiana. Topographical description of: By a late Officer in the U. S. Army. See Cutler, Jervis. OHIO 7556 Traveler's guide to and through: N Y 1833. 24 map a 0JIBBEWAY INDIANS 7557 Ojibbeway Indians (the) now on a visit to England. A short history and description of: L 1844. D 30 [incl. front.] a 0'KELLY, PATRICK 7558 Advice and guide to emigrants. . . to the United States. Dub 1834. D 96 [2] a OLDFIELD, J. 7561 " 'Tother side of Ohio," or a review of a "Poem in three cantos." Hart 1818. D 40 a [OLDMIXON, JOHN] 7562 The British empire in America. . . . L 1708. 2v: [40] 412; [2] 382 [32]. 8maps a — ed. 2, cor. & enl., but with some omis- sions, L 1741. 2v: [36] 567; [2] 478. 8maps a — Ger. tr. Hamburg 1715. [28] 879; Lemgo 1744. Q 2v: [36] 706; [2] 709-1254 [22]. 8maps 13pls; Sorau 1761. Q — Dutch tr. Amst 1721. Q 2v: [26] 300; [2] 327 [14]. 8maps 5pls; Amst 1727. Q 2v same collat. OLDMIXON, CAPT. [JOHN W.] 7563 Transatlantic wanderings; or, a last look at the United States. L 1855. 16° [4] 189 a Uncomplimentary portrayal of the American scene, with visits to Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola, etc. OLDYS, FRANCIS [pseud.] The life of Thomas Pain [sic]. . . .See Chalmers, Geo. OLIPHANT, EDWARD 7564 The history of North America. . . . Edin 1800. 408 map a — ed. 2, same impr. 1801. Largely an unblushing piracy from Jedidiah Morse's History of America. OKLAHOMA CITY Directory of: [l889]. See McAdam, Rezin W., and Levi, S. E. OLIPHANT, LAURENCE 7565 Minnesota and the far west. . . . Edin 1855. [14] 306 map 7pls a OKLAHOMA CITY The first eight months of: By Bunky. See Geffs, Irvin. OLD, R. 0. Colorado. . . history, geography. . .. L [1869]. 64 map a — rev. ed. L 1872. 95 map OLD BLOCK'S SKETCH BOOK. . . . See Delano, Alonzo. OLD FOX Old fox (An) tarr'd and feather'd £ Toplady, Augustus M. 7559 OLIVAN REBOLLEDO, JUAN DE 7566 Informe juridico al Rey. .. . [Madrid 1724]. F 50 1. b JCB Answers certain complaints against the Audiencia of Mexico, of which the author was a member. Contains his plan, as gov- ernor of the "Pais de los Texas," to erect there a province to be named "Nuevas Philipinas," with its boundaries described. OLIVER, ANDREW 7567 Proceedings of His Majesty's Council of the province of Massachusetts-Bay, relative to the deposition of:. . . . B 1770. F [2] 33 b AA BA NYP Y 427 Oli On The Past Relations Oliver's deposition claimed the British soldiers were justified in shooting the Boston citizens. OLIVER, BENJAMIN L. 7568 The rights of American citizens; with a commentary on state rights.. . . B 1832. 411 a OLIVER, DAVID D. 7569 Centennial history of Alpena county, Michigan. Alpena 1903. 186 [2] port a [OLIVER, JOHN W.] 7570 Guide to the new gold region of western Kansas and Nebraska. N Y 1859. D 32 map dd AA G [of 4copies known] OLIVER, PETER 7571 The Puritan commonwealth. An historical review of the Puritan government in Massa- chusetts. . . . B 1856. [12] 502 + 4adv-p at front a OLIVER, WILLIAM Eight months in Illinois. Eng 1843. D [10] 141 b Y — rptd. Chi 1924. 260 a 7572 Newcastle — rptd. N Y 1862. same collat. — Eng. ed. "Journeys. . . in the cotton kingdom. . . , " L 1861. same collat. Condensation of his three separately pub- lished Journeys. OLMSTED, FREDERICK L. 7578 A journey in the back country. ...NY 1860. D [16] 11-492 a — rptd. N Y 1861. same collat.; N Y 1863. same collat. — Eng. ed. L 1860. same collat. — new ed. N Y 1907. 2v: [l8] 281; [6] 284 [4] OLMSTED, FREDERICK L. 7579 A journey in the seaboard slave states... N Y 1856. D [6, 9-16] 724 [4] map pi a — rptd. N Y 1861. same collat. — Eng. ed. L 1856. D — new ed. N Y 1904. 2v: [42] 418; [4] 412. port OLMSTED, FREDERICK L. 7580 A journey through Texas. ...NY 1857. D [34] 516 map pi a — rptd. N Y 1860. same collat. — Ger. tr. Leip 1857. [20] 286 OLLIFFE, CHARLES 7573 Scenes americaines: dix-huit mois dans le ncuveau monde. P 1852. [14] 320 2pls a — ed. 2, with 7 chaps, added, P 1853. D [16] 344 2pls — rptd. Brus 1853. D [l4] 298 2pls Extensive travels in the central West and South; concluded that the slaves' condition was superior to that of any laborer in the world. OLLIVANT, J. C. 7574 A breeze from the great Salt Lake; or, New Zealand to New York. ... L 1871. 176 map a OLMSTED, DENISON 7575 Memoir of Eli Whitney. N Ilav 1846. 80 2pls a Revolutionized fire-arms manufacturing; his cotton gin, increasing in ten years our annual cotton export from two hundred thousand to forty-one million pounds, sounded the death knell to peaceful emancipation. OLMSTED, FRANCIS A. 7576 Incidents of a whaling voyage. ...NY 1841. D 360 12pls a One of the earliest accounts of the sperm- whale industry. OLMSTED, FREDERICK L. The cotton kingdom. . . . N Y 1861, [8] 376; [4] 404. map a 7577 D 2v: OLMSTED, JOHN 7581 A trip to California in 1868. N Y 1880. 16° 131 a OLSHAUSEN, THEODOR Geschichte der Mormonen. . 1856. [4] 244 a 7582 Gottingen OLSHAUSEN, THEODOR 7583 Die Vereiningten Staaten von Amerika. . . . Kiel 1853-5. 3pts in 2v: [8] 427; [l8] 190 [10] 201. 9maps & pls[on 7 sheets J a Vol. I, Das Mississippi- Thai; Vol. II, pt. 1, Der Staat Missouri, pt. 2, Der Staat Iowa. No more issued. OMAHA DIRECTORY Omaha directory. . . . 1866. See Collins, Chas. , comp. 7584 O'MEARA, JAMES, Broderick and Gwin. The most extraor- dinary contest for a seat in the Senate of the United States ever known. S F 1881. 16° [10] 254 a ON THE FRONTIER On the frontier, or, scenes in the west. See Pearson, C. H. ON THE PAST RELATIONS 7585 On the past relations between Great Britain and the United States. L 1813. 59 a 428 On The Ten Tribes Ord ON THE TEN TRIBES On the ten tribes of Israel, and the abo- rigines of America. ... By a Bible profes- sor. See Jones, Epaphras. ON THE... PAY-ROLL On the "White Pass" pay-roll. . . .See Graves, S. H. ONDERDONK, HENRY, JR. 7586 Annals of Hempstead [L.I. J. . . . Hempstead 1878. 107 a ONDERDONK, HENRY, JR. 7587 The barbarous capture and death of Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull NY 1848. D 52 a ONDERDONK, HENRY, JR. 7588 Documents ... to illustrate the revolution- ary incidents of Queens county Ln. Y.J. Ser. I & II. N Y [& Hempstead] 1846-84. D 2v: 264; 70. map a ONDERDONK, HENRY, JR. 7589 Queens County [n. Y. J in olden times. . . . Jamaica N Y 1865. Q [2] 122 a ONDERDONK, HENRY, JR. 7590 Revolutionary incidents of Suffolk and Kings counties fa. Y.] N Y 1849. D 268 map a — rptd. 1866. ONDERDONK, JAMES L. Idaho; facts S F 1885. 150 a 7591 O'NEALL, JOHN B. 7592 The annals of Newberry [s. C. ]. ... Charleston S C 1859. D 413 [8] port a — enL ed., with pt.2 [by J. A. Chapman], Newberry 1892. 816 [s] O'NEALL, JOHN B. 7593 Biographical sketches of the bench and bar of South Carolina. Charleston S C 1859. 2v: [32] 431; [4] 614 [l]. tab 3facs a ONEER, P. I. [pseud.] The early pioneers of the west. See Gregg, Wm. J. ONEIDA COMMUNITY 7594 Oneida community (The) ... its ideas. . . . Wallingford Conn 1865. 32 pi a O'NEIL, NEAL J. 7595 The guide to Texas Dub 1834. 176 map a — rptd., "Observations. . . on Texas, etc." L 1834. O'NEILL, JOHN 7596 Northern Nebraska as a home for immi- grants. Sioux City 1875. 108 fold.map b Y Account of the Platte River and Black Hills country, written from investigations made while seeking a site for an Irish colony. ONIS, LUIS DE 7597 Memoria sobre las negociaciones entre Espana y los Estados-Unidos, que dieron motivo al tratado de 1819 Madrid 1820. 2pts in 1: [&] 108 [2] 70 [l]; 213. map b NYP Y r i r i — rptd. Mex 1820. Q [6] 60 L72J map; Mex 1825. same collat. a — Eng. tr. [Wash] 1821. 152; Bait 1821. same collat. Official correspondence concerning the Floridas and the disputed western boundary of Louisiana. ONIS, LOUIS DE, Minister from Spain, 7598 and ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY Official correspondence between: in rela- tion to the Floridas and the boundaries of Louisiana. ... L 1818. 130 a ONKEN, OTTO, illustrator Western scenery. . . . See Wells, Wm. ONSTOT, T[H0MAS] G. 7599 Pioneers of Menard and Mason counties. . . including personal reminiscenes of Abraham Lincoln. . . . Forest City 111 1902. 400 a Almost the entire edition burned. ONTDEKKING VAN 'T GEHEEI See Kimyser, Arnold. OPINIONS Opinions respecting the commercial inter- course between the United States. . . and . . . Great Britain. . . . By a citizen of Massachusetts. See Bowdoin, James. ORACLE Oracle (The) of liberty, and mode of es- tablishing a free government. By Hermes. See Rodney, Caesar A. ORATION Oration (An), upon the beauties of liberty, or the essential rights of the Americans. See Skillman, Isaac. ORCUTT, SAMUEL, and 7600 BEARDSLEY, AMBROSE The history of. . . Derby, Connecticut Springfield Mass 1880. [2 98] 844[incl. illus] 21pls a ORD, GENERAL E[DWARD] 0. C. 7601 . . . Annual report. . . . [San Antonio 1880]. D 94[incl. 5blank p] capt.t.only a 429 Ord — Oregon ORD, GENERAL E[DWARD] 0. C. 7602 Report. . . relative to. . . protection of the Texas frontier. San Antonio 1879. D [6] 28 [4] fold. tab a OREGON TERRITORY (THE) An account and history of: ... . See Wilkes, Geo., The history of Oregon, of which this is a garbled reprint. OREGON TERRITORY (THE) 7603 Correspondence relative to the negotiation of the question of the disputed right to:. . . . L 1846. F [4] 71 a OREGON. GEBIET 7609 Oregon-gebiet (Das), der Rechtstitel der Vereinigten Staaten klar und unbestreitbar Bremen 1846. O 114 a On the title to the Oregon country, with official correspondence, British and Ameri- OREGON QUESTION (THE) See Senior, Nassau W. OREGON TERRITORY Oregon Territory (The); a geographical [etc.! account. . . . See Nicolay, Chas. G. OREGON Oregon and California. Description of: 1849. See Mitchell, Sam'l. A. OREGON TERRITORY Oregon Territory. . . and the claims of the United States. See Leonard, H. L. W. OREGON (THE) Excursion to: See Townsend, John K. OREGON The extent and value of the. . . rights of the Hudson's Bay Company in: See Coxe, Rich'd S. OREGON Historical sketches of the Catholic church in: ... . See Blanchet, Francis N. OREGON... RAILROAD COMPANIES 7604 Oregon Central Railroad Companies (the). Inside history of: ... . Porr 1869. 39 a OREGON 7605 Memorial of the legislative assembly of: relative to their present situation. . .. LH. Misc. Doc. 98] V/ash 1848. 36 a Submitted by Joe Meek; includes account of the Whitman massacre. For another similar memorial, see Thornton, James Q. OREGON 7606 Oregon and Washington. Message from the President. . . communicating information relative to Indian hostilities in. . . : [h. Exec. Doc. 93]. Wash 1856. 144 a OREGON (I*) 7607 Notice sur le territoire et sur la mission de: Brus 1847. D 180 map a OREGON TERRITORY 76K Oregon Territory (The), consisting of a brief description. ... L Nattali 1846. 16° 78 map a The anonymous author had probably been a Hudson's Bay employee. For an entirely different work of similar title, issued by Knight the same year, and, like it, frequently bound with Mrs. Traill's The backwoods of Canada, see Nicolay, Charles G. OREGON 7611 Oregon: the claim of the United States. . . as stated in the letters of. . . Calhoun and. . . Buchanan L 1846. O [4] 55 16 a OREGON Rambles in the United States. . . with a short account of : .... By Rubio. See James, Thos. H. OREGON Report of the Adjutant General of: for. . . 1865-6. See Reed, Cyrus A. OREGON 7612 Report on the Territory of: by committee, appointed at a meeting of the citizens of Columbus. . . . Columbus O 1843. O 22 maplpossibly not issued with all copies] c NYP WashU Y Earliest attempt at a guide for Oregon emigrants. OREGON Oregon and the Pacific northwest., [ca 1879]. See Davidson, I. G. OREGON Sketches of mission life among the Indians of: See Perkins, H. K. W. OREGON CONTROVERSY 7608 Oregon controversy (The) reviewed.. . . By a friend of the Anglo-Saxons. N Y 1846. O 54 b N OreH Y OREGON 7613 Oregon and Washington. Statement. . . in relation to the Indian war claims of: ISa/em Ore 1857?]. O 67 a 430 Oregon Central Railroad — Osgood OREGON CENTRAL RAILROAD... 7614 Oregon Central Railroad Company (the). Statement of facts relating to incorporation ... of: Port 1868. O 38 a OREGON QUESTION (THE) 7615 Tracts on: By an American. N Y 1846. D 52 a OREGON RAILROAD GAZETTEER Traveler's guide and: See Samuel, Leo. OREGONIAN... ADVOCATE 7616 Oregonian, and Indian's advocate.. .. VoL I, llmonthly nos. [all]. B Oct. 1838-Aug. 1839. O 352 map tab b NYP OreH SeattleP Y This periodical was continued as Oregon Weekly Times from 1853 to 1858. O'REILLY, GOV. ALEXANDER 7617 Le proces qui a ete fait a cause du soulevement . . . dans cette colonie. ... {NO? 1769?]. O 32 b B O'REILLY, HARRINGTON 7618 Fifty years on the trail L 1889. D [16 incl. front.] 382 + 1. with printer's device a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat. 1890. — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1891. — Am. ed. , from sheets of L ed. 1, N Y 1889. — Fr. tr. P 1889. D 348 Life story of Johnny Nelson, white renegade with the Sioux, adopted by Spotted Tail, married to Red Cloud's sister, army scout, trapper and colossal liar. [O'REILLY, HENRY] 7619 Notices of Sullivan's campaign, in. . . western New York Roch 1842. D 192 pi a O'REILLY, HENRY 7620 Settlement in the west. Sketches of Roch- ester; with. . . notices of western New-York Roch 1838. D [4] 17-336 starred p337- 388 337-416 map 43pls a Enlarged from the author's sixteen-page pamphlet of 1835 entitled Rochester in 1835. Correct spelling of his name is said to be O'Rielly. ORIGIN 7621 Origin (The) and progress of the present difficulties between the United States and Great Britain. ... By a citizen of Otsego County. Utica 1809. D 24 a ORIGIN Origin (The) of the American contest. . . . See Leonard, Dan'l., Massachusettensis. OROZCO Y BERRA, MANUEL 7622 Apuntes para historia y geografia de California, Nueva Mexico, Nutka, y Arizona. Mex 1881. O 502 a ORR, GEORGE 7623 The possession of Louisiana by the French, considered as it affects the in- terests of . . . Great Britain, America [etc.], L 1803. O 45 a ORR, N. M. 7624 The city of Stockton. . . . Stockton 1874. O 64 [2] a [ORTEGA, JOSE] 7625 Apostolicos afanes de la Compania de Jesus . . . por un Padre de la misma sagrada religion de su provincia de Mexico. Barcelona 1754. Q [l2] 452 [lO] b N NYP Y — rptd. with new t-p, "Historia del Nayarit, Sonora, Sinaloa, y ambas Californias," Mex 1887. D [10] 564 [6] a — anr. ed., with original t., Mex 1944. O [24] 446 [2] Includes much on the movements and dis- coveries of the missionary priests Kino and Konsag in Arizona and California. [ORTON, A. R.], pub. 7626 The Derienni; or, land pirates of the isthmus NO 1853. O 44 pi b NYP OSAGE CAPTIVE Osage captive (The little): .... See Cornelius, Elias. OSAGE CITY [KAS.1 Directory of: 1887. See Black, Amos, and White, V. OSAGES Histoire de la tribu See Vissier, Paul. Par M. P. V. OSAGES (GRANDS) 7627 Six Indiens rouges de la tribu des: arrives du Missouri au Havre. . . . Brus 1827. 16 [4] 28 pi a — ed. 2, enl., Havre [l827], O [4] 28 — ed. 3, P 1827. D 36 front. OSGOOD, ERNEST S. 7628 The day of the cattleman. . . . Minneap 1929. O [14] 283tncl. front.] 14pls &, maps a Significant study into the expansion of the range cattle industry into the northern plains, from the late sixties to the early nineties. OSGOOD, HERBERT L. 7629 The American colonies in the seventeenth century. N Y 1904-07. O 3v: [32] 578; [20] 490 +2adv-p; [22] 551 a 431 Osgood — Otto — rptd. N Y [1930 J. O 3v Awarded the Loubat accolade in 1908 as the best work on early American history published in five years. OSGOOD, HERBERT L. 7630 The American colonies in the eighteenth century. N Y 1924. O 2v: 552; 554 a OSHKOSH [WIS.] 7631 Biographical and statistical history of: .... Oshkosh 1867. O 76 a OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY Oshkosh city directory. . . . 1868. See Thomas, James M. OSHKOSH CITY DIRECTORY 7632 Oshkosh city directory. . . . Containing. . . history. . . . Oshkosh 1872. O 306 map 2pls a [OSSOLI, SARAH M.] 7633 Summer on the lakes, in 1843. B 1844. D [4] 256 7pls a Issued also without the pis — Eng. ed. L 1861. 16° 360 OSTERMAYER, H. Tagebuch einer Reise nach Texas. Biberach 1850. O 200 2pls b 7634 O'SULLIVAN, MICHAEL 7635 The history of Franklin county LNeb.j: its settlement, [etc.]. Lincoln 1873. O 74 a [OSWALD, ELEAZER?] 7636 Letters of "Franklin," on the conduct of the executive, and the treaty. . . with the court of Great Britain. Phil 1795. O 56 a OSZWALD, H. FR. 7637 Californien und seine Verhaltnisse. . . . Leip 1849. 16° 130 map a OSZWALD, H. FR. 7638 Der Deutsche in Californien. ...NY 1853. O 130 a OTHER SIDE Other side (The) of the question; or, a defence of the liberties of North-America. . . . See Livingston, Philip. [OTIS, HARRISON GRAY] 7639 Letters developing the character.. . of the Hartford convention. Wash 1820. D 43 a — enl. ed. "Letters in defence of the Hart- ford convention. . . ," B 1824. O [s] 103 [OTIS, JAMES] 7641 Brief remarks on the defence of the Hali- fax libel, on the British-American-colonies. B 1765. Q 40 a An intemperate reply to Martin Howard's answer to Otis' earlier Vindication, see below. [OTIS, JAMES] 7642 Considerations on behalf of the colonists. In a letter to a noble lord. L 1765. O [2] 52 a 1 — ed. 2, same impr. , date & collat. OTIS, JAMES 7643 The rights of the British colonies asserted and proved. B 1764. O [80] a — rptd. L 1765; L 1766; both: O 120 Of great influence on colonial thought concerning the constitutionality of being taxed without representation. [OTIS, JAMES] 7644 A vindication of the British colonies.. . . B 1765. O 32 a — Eng. ed. L 1769. O [4] 48 — anr. Eng. ed. , same impr. & date. O [4 J 58 Reply to Martin Howard's Letter from a gentleman at Halifax. . . , a twenty-two-page pamphlet answering Samuel Hopkins' The rights of the colonies examined. OTIS, JAMES 7645 A vindication of the conduct of the House of Representatives. ... B 1762. O 53 a This defence of the legislative body, in refusing to provide payment for the Gov- ernor's use on the ground that that body only could originate taxes, was the source of all subsequent colonial argument in the controversy with England. OTIS, RICHARD W. [pub.] 7646 The Louisville directory, for. . . 1832. Louisv 1832. 16° 198 b AA N Louisville's first directory, containing its history by Mann Butler. OTTAWA RIVER (THE) 7647 Minutes of debates in council on the banks of: Phil 1792. O fc] 5-22 b LC NYP — rptd. Bait 1800. O 23 a This fictitious account of a conference of Indian chiefs after their defeat of St. Clair's army was an attack on the "lawless ambition" of the Ohio land companies. OTTER, WILLIAM 7648 History of my own times. Emmitsburg Md 1835. 16° 357 a OTIS, HARRISON GRAY 7640 Resistance to laws of the United States, considered in four letters to: .... By Leolin. B 1811. O 24 a OTTO, W. T. Authentic . . . information on the origin of the Indian hostilities on the frontier. Wash 1867. O 128 a 7649 432 Ottolengual — Owen Publishing Co. Covers the Fetterman massacre and other events on the Bozeman Trail. [OTTOLENGUAL, D.] 7650 Behind the seams; by a nigger woman who took in work from Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Davis. N Y 1868. O 23 +cov.t. a Parody on Keckley's Behind the scenes. OUR CRUISE 7651 Our cruise in the Confederate States' war steamer "Alabama." The private journal of an officer. From a supplement to the South African Advertiser and Mail. Cape Town, Saturday, September 19, 1863. [L 1863?]. O 64 a OUR FOREFATHERS Our forefathers; their homes. ... By the author of "Carolina in the olden time." See Poyas, Mrs. Eliz. A. OUR GREAT INDIAN WAR. The miraculous lives of Mustang Bill and Miss Marion Fannin. . . . See Decker, Wm. R. OUR SOUTH 7652 Our south and her future. By a southerner ....Augusta Ga 1862. D cover-t. 34 [2] a OUSELEY, WILLIAM G. 7653 Remarks on the statistics and political institutions of the United States. . . ,L 1832. O [16] 208 a — Am. ed. Phil 1832. O 226 OUTLAW BROTHERS Outlaw brothers (The). ... By the author of "Billy Le Roy, the Colorado bandit." See Daggett, Thos. F. [OVERTON, JOHN] 7654 A vindication of the measures of the President and his commanding generals, in the . . . Seminole war. Nashv U819]. O 120 [incl. errata slip] b BP N [of 3copies known] — Wash 1819. O 133 a Defends Jackson's Florida invasion as attacked in Chairman Abner Lacock's Report of the Select Committee of the Senate 0VIEDO Y VALDES, GONZALO F. DE 7655 Historia general y natural de las Indias, islas y tierra-firme del mar oceano. . . . Madrid 1851-5. Q 4v: [ll2] 632 [2]; [&] 511 [2]; [8] 651 [2]; [8] 619 [2]. 15pls b N NYP Y This publication contains so much material not included in the original Spanish editions of his Natural hystoria [l526J and his Historia general [l535], that it may be prop- erly included in this compilation as a new work. OWEN, DANIEL E. Old times in Saco. [12] 172 8pls a 7656 Saco Me 1891. O OWEN, G., eomp. 7657 Salt Lake City directory [/V y] 1867. O [4] 135 a First directory of this city. For first to be printed at Salt Lake City, see Sloan, E. L. OWEN, JAMES TUDOR. 7658 The life and travels of : .... L Fisher [1801?]. D 42[incl. front.] a Highly improbable adventures, containing a captivity by Indians during the Revolution. OWEN, MAJOR JOHN, pioneer of 7659 the northwest The journals and letters of: .... N Y 1927. O 2v: [20] 346; [4] 367. 2maps 30pls a 50copies on L.P. [of 550 ptd. ] OWEN, MRS. NARCISSA 7660 Memoirs of: [Wash 1907]. O 126[incL illus] a By the widow of Colonel Robert L. Owen, U. S. Agent to the Oklahoma Cherokees, and next to Ross in influence with that nation. OWEN, RICHARD E., et ol 7661 Report on the mines of New Mexico. Wash 1865. O 59 cov.t.only a OWEN, ROBERT 7662 [His] Opening speech, and his reply to the Rev. Alex. Campbell. . . also [his] Memorial to the Republic of Mexico and a narrative of the proceedings thereon, which led to the promise. . . to place a district. . . along the whole line of frontier bordering on the United States, under [his] jurisdic- tion Cin 1829. O 226 [2] a Abortive scheme for an independent Texas to be established under a new moral system of government and guaranteed by Mexico. OWEN, ROBERT Life of: 1866. See Packard, Fred. A. OWEN, ROBERT Life of: written by hi O 2v: [44] 390 [l]; [l6, 7663 himself L 1857-8. 38] 358 [l] a OWEN, ROBERT 7664 Two discourses on a new system of so- ciety L 1825. O 36 a — Am. eds.: Pitt 1825. O 36; Louisv 1825. OWEN PUBLISHING CO. 7665 . . . . Gazetteer and directory of Jackson county, Iowa . . . history. . . . Davenport 1878. O 304 + advs a 433 Owen: Paddock OWENS, GEORGE, comp. 7666 A general directory. . . of the principal towns in the upper country, embracing a portion of California; together with.. . infor- mation concerning Idaho Territory. S F 1866. O 171 map a OWENS, GEORGE [pub.] 7667 Idaho directory, including. . . towns in Boise, Owyhee and Altruras counties, with a brief account of each place. . . . [s F? 1864?]. O [2] 56 [2] b LC[only copy known] — enl. ed., "A general directory . . . of. . . towns east of the Cascade mountains," S F 1865. O 210 map b PortOreL Y OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO 7668 Historical, descriptive and commercial directory of: Silver City 1898. O 140 16 [4] 28pls a OZANNE, T. D. 7669 The south as it is. ... L 1863. D fc] 306 a P., ABBE J. Vie de Monseigneur Dubuis. . . . See Perrichon, Abbe J. P..., J.... The life of General James Wolfe. ... See Pringle, John. Pxxxx, M. Discours sur les avantages. . . de la decouverte de l'Amerique. See Chastellux, Francois J. P., S. F. 7670 Stepping westward. Nashua N H [1878J. O 79 a the various explorers: I, Humphreys, Andrew A.; II, Stevens, Isaac A.; in & IV, Beckwith, Edward G.; V, Whipple, Amiel W.; VI, Pope, John; VII, Parke, John G.; VIII, Williamson, R. S. This document was originally, issued as an entity, bound in two volumes of text, together with a third volume containing eleven maps and profiles [on fourteen sheets]. Of a contemplated third volume of text, only one report — that of Frederick W. Lander, q. v. — was issued in 1856, bearing the same document number. Of it only two copies are known; hence a com- plete set of the octavo edition, with all nine reports and the maps, is not easily assem- bled. A set will have enhanced value if ac- companied by the huge folding map made by Warren, engraved by Siebert, and issued at Washington in 1857, both separately and with the quarto edition of the reports; it was the best cartographical work on the West up to its time and some copies were colored. In 1855-1860 all of above reports, elab- orately illustrated and with considerable additions, appeared in quarto form — 12 volumes in 13 — as House Executive Docu- ment 91, serials 791-801, and House Execu- tive Document 56, serials 1054-1055. A Senate issue [Executive Document 78, seri- als 758-768, and Executive Document 46, serial 992] differed only in the matter of arrangement. PACIFIC... ROADS Pacific wagon roads. . . » [Wash 1859]. See Campbell, Alex. H. PACIFICUS Letters of: See Hamilton, Alex. [PACKARD, FREDERICK A.] 7673 Life of Robert Owen. Phil 1866. D 264 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1868. D [2] 264 PACIFIC (THE) 7671 Outline descriptions of the military posts in: S F 1879. D 104 68maps & pis a PACKARD, JASPER 7674 History of La Porte County, Indiana. . . . La Porte 1876. D 467 map a PACIFIC RAILROAD (THE) First annual report of . . . : See Kirkwood, James P. PACIFIC RAILROAD 7672 EXPLORATIONS. Report of the Secretary of War on.. . : H. Exec. Doc. 129. Wash 1855. O 43 a This report — Document 129 — summarizing the several surveys was accompanied by the eight reports themselves, all bearing the same document number. For information on these separate reports, see entries under PACKARD, WELLMAN, and 7675 LARISON, G. Early emigration to California. Blooming- ton 111 1928. O 23 2ports a 30copies ptd. PADDOCK, B[UCKLEY] B. 7676 Early days in Fort Worth.. . . [Ft. Worth?] n.d. O 33 a PADDOCK B[UCKLEY] H. 7677 A history of central and western Texas. Chi 1911. Q 2v: [2] 451; [2] 452-897 a 434 Page — Paine [PAGE, FREDERIC B.] 7678 Prairiedom; rambles and scrambles in Texas By a Suthron. N Y 1845. D [lol 11-166 map a — ed.2, N Y 1846 [lO, inc. map on verso of 2 l]l3-166 PAGE, KARL G. 7679 Darstellung der burgerlichen Verhaltnisse in den Freistaaten von Nordamerika. . . . Bautzen ptd for subscribers only, n.d. Lea 1830]. D 112 b LC PAGE'S BATTERY 7680 Page's battery, or Morris artillery. . . Army northern Virginia. Sketch of: By one of the company. N Y 1885. D 82 [2] a PAGES, [PIERRE MARIE F.] 7681 VICOMTE DE Nouveau voyage autour du monde.. . 1788- 89-90. P 1797. O 3v 6pls a Visited the eastern states, Florida and Louisiana. No English translation of these travels has appeared. PAGES, [PIERRE MARIE F. ] 7682 VICOMTE DE Voyages autour du monde. . . [1767-1776]. P 1782. O 2v: 432; 272. lOmaps & pis a — rptd. Berne 1783. O 3v in 1: [8] 199; 166; 219 — Dutch tr. Rotterdam 1784. Q [l8] 261 — Eng. tr. L 1791. O 2v: [l4] 289; [4] 261 [error for 257], 3adv-p —rptd. Dub 1791. O [16] 437 — Eng. ed. 2 — fit best — with v. 3 added [voyages of 1773 & 1776], L 1792-3. O 3v: [20] 300; [l2] 268; [22] 303. 2tabs[one fold.] — Ger. tr. Frankt 1786. O [lO] 716 7maps Describes a 1767 horse-back journey across Texas, from Natchitoches to the Rio Grande. The 1791 English editions in- cluded only the voyages from 1767 to 1771. PAINE, ALBERT B. 7683 Captain Bill McDonald, Texas ranger. . . N Y 1909. O 448 8pls facs a First bdg. gilt-stamped. PAINE, ALBERT B. 7684 Thomas Nast: his period and his pictures. N Y 1904. O [22] 584 [20] port a 7685 PAINE, THOMAS Agrarian justice L 1797. O 50 a Advocates establishment of a national fund, out of which every citizen shall re- ceive, at the age of twenty-one, $75.00 to start him in life, and $50.00, annually, after arriving at the age of fifty. [PAINE, THOMAS] 7686 The American crisis. Regular series con- sisted of Nos. I to XIH, issued at Phil, except No. V [ptd at Lancaster], Nos. I-IV [1777]; Nos. V-VII [1778]; Nos. VIH-IX [l780]; Nos. X-XII [l780]- No. XIII [l783]. Two supernumerary Nos. [XIV-XV] followed in 1783, the latter No., through error, dated 1793. A "Crisis extraordinary," issued in 1780, completes the set as originally pub., in 15pts b Y — collected eds.: L [l788]. O [2] 293 a; rptd. 1796. — Am. ed.: Contained in "Writings," Alb [1792]. see below [No. 7703] — Fr. tr. P 1791. O Of the original thirteen numbers, probably only the first five were issued in pamphlet form, the others appearing only in newspapers. [PAINE, THOMAS] 7687 Common sense Phil Bell 1776. O [4] 80 b AA Hn NYP PaH Y — rptd., same yr., S; N Y; Phil, Bell; Norwich; Prov; Salem a — ed. 2, with "large additions," Phil Bell 1776. O 2pts in 1: I4] 80; [2] 81-148 a — ed. 3, further enl. with "A dialogue be- tween the ghost of General Montgomery. . . , " Phil Bell 1776. O 3pts in 1: fe] 80; [2] 81- 148; [2] 16 b BA N NYP Y — new ed., with adds., Phil Bradford [l776]. O [6] 50 a — rptd.: Lancaster [l776]. O 63; Newbury- port [1776]; Phil Bradford 1776. O [6] 99 — anr. ed. "Thoughts on the present state of American affairs: extracted from . . . 'Common sense'," [with] "large addi- tions. . ." Newport 1776. O 2pts in 1: 31; [2] 33-70 [2] — Eng. eds.: L 1776. O [6] 54; Edin 1776. D [6] 99; Newcastle 1776. O 131; and sev- eral later L eds. — Fr. trs.: Rotterdam 1776; P 1791; P 1793. 6 [8] 119 This first appeal for separation from England, issued in January, really paved the way for the July Declaration of Independ- ence. See also Large additions to Common sense. Most English editions deleted the many aspersions on King and Government. [PAINE, THOMAS] 7688 Dissertations on government, the affairs of the bank. . . . Phil 1786. O [2] 53 a This defence of the Bank of North America is a different work from his Dissertations on the first principles of government. . . . [PAINE, THOMAS] 7689 Dissertations on the first principles of government. . . . P [l795J. O 32 a issue 1 435 Paine — Paine has "stands" [for "all men"], p. 25, line 1, paragraph 2 — ed. 2, same impr. n.d. O 40 — anr. ed. L [ca 1796]. O 31 PAINE, THOMAS 7690 An impartial sketch of the life of:.. . .L 1792. O 48 a PAINE, THOMAS 7691 Large additions to Common sense. Phil Bell 1776. O [2] 81-147 a — rptd. B 1776. O 44; Newport 1776. O [2] 33-70 [2] — Eng. ed. "Additions to Common sense," L 1776. O 47 Paine was not the author of these Addi- tions; they were gathered from various sources by Bell to make his edition 3 larger than the enlarged edition issued at Phila- delphia by Bradford, to whom Paine had turned after his estrangement from Bell. Some copies were issued separately — and paged, as shown in above Philadelphia and Newport editions, to permit their being bound with the first and second editions of Common sense, see above. PAINE, THOMAS 7692 Letter to. . . Dundas. L Parsons 1792. O 24 a — anr. ed. , possibly the earlier, L Society for Promoting, etc. 1792. O 16 PAINE, THOMAS 7693 Letter to George Washington. . . . Phil 1796. O [2] 76 +adv-l. a — anr. issue, same impr. & date. D 64 — rptd. N Y 1802. O 34 — anr. ed., with Paine's 1802 letter added, Bait 1802. O 44 — Eng. eds.: L 1797[ptd variously by Eaton, Symonds, & Williams]; Dub 1797. O 48 For reply see Horry, Chas. L. P. PAINE, THOMAS 7694 Letter. . . to the Abbe Raynal on the af- fairs of North-America Phil Aitken 1782. O [4] 77 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. but pub. by Steiner. — rptd. B 1782; Trenton 1782. — Eng. eds.: L Dilly 1782. O [8] 76; L Stockdale 1782. O [2] 83; Dub 1782. O [8] 76; and others. — Fr. tr. n.p. 1783. O [l2] 124 anr. ed. "Remarques sur les erreurs... de. . . Raynal," Amst 1783. O 126; Brus 1783. O PAINE, THOMAS 7695 A letter to the Earl of Shelburne, on his speech. . . respecting the acknowledgement of American independence. L 1783. O [2] 28 a — other eds.: L Ridgeway 1791. O 58 port; L Jordan 1791. O 28; Dub 1791. O 48 This was No. 12 of The American crisis, as published in a Philadelphia newspaper in 1782; there was no separate American edition. PAINE, TOM [THOMAS] A letter to the infamous: See Cobbett, Wm. PAINE, THOMAS 7696 A letter to: in answer to his scurrilous epistle ... to Washington. . . . By an American citizen. N Y 1797. O 24 a PAINE, THOMAS 7697 Letters addressed to the addressers of the late proclamation. . . . L Jordan 1792. D 40 a — ed. 2, L Symonds, same date. — Am. ed. Phil 1793. D This attack on the evils of English gov- ernment is practically a third part of his Rights ot man. PAINE, THOMAS 7698 Letters from: ... to the citizens of the United States on his arrival from France. Wash 1802. O 34 a — anr. ed., same impr. & date. O 40 — anr. ed., same impr. & date. O 50 — anr. ed., N Y 1802. O 24 — same impr. & date. O 32 — Eng. ed., with adds., L 1804. O [lO] 70 — rptd. L 1817; L 1819. PAIN[E] (THOMAS) The life of: See Chalmers, George. PAINE, THOMAS The life of: . . . by Peter Porcupine. See Cobbett, Wm. [PAINE, THOMAS] 7699 Public good. . . examination into the claim of Virginia to the vacant western territory Phil 1780. O 38 a r. ed. Alb Webster [l780?]. D 41 PAINE, THOMAS 7700 The rights of man ... an answer to Mr. Burke's attack on the French revolution. L Johnson 1791. O [2] 158 b AA few copies known — anr. issue, with pref. added, L Jordan same date. O [2] 6-162 a — later Jordan eds., same date, all O LlOj 7-171 — Am. eds., 1791: Bait D 88; Bennington O 86; Bost D 79; Carlisle O 90; Phil O [<\] 100; Phil O 105 436 Paine — Palmer — Fr. ed. "Droits de l'homme, " P 1791. o[l2] 227 PAINE, THOMAS 7701 Second part of The rights of man. L ptd. ay Chapman, but sheets acquired by Jordan 1792. O [l6J 178 a — rptd. 8 times in 1792. — anr. ed. "Rights of men.. . , " L Parsons 1792. D 81 —Am. ed. N Y 1742 [error for 1792]. D 164 —other Am. eds. 1792: B D LlO] 108; Phil 96 — Fr. tr. P 1792. O 224 For what may be considered a third part, see above Letters addressed to the addressers. . . . [PAINE, THOMAS] Thoughts on the present state of Ameri- can affairs: extracted from.. . "Common sense." See, above, Common sense. PAINE, THOMAS 7702 The works of: Phil 1797. O 2v: [8] 391; [6] 368 148 a PAINE, THOMAS. 7703 The writings of: Alb [l792]. O [7 sections separately paged] 57 a PAINE'S... LETTER Paine's [Thomas] Letter to Gen'l. Wash- ington. A five minutes answer to: .... See Horry, Chas. L. P. PALAIRET, J[EAN] 7704 Description abregee des possessions Angloises et Francoises du continent septentrional de 1'Amerique. . . . L Nourse 1755. O 62 a —rptd. L 1756. O 72 — Eng. tr. L Haberkorn 1755. O 72; ed. 2, same impr. & date. O 70 — Dutch tr. Amst 1755. O 72 The large folding map of which this was an explanation, found inserted in some copies of the French and English editions, was published separately. [PALISOT DE BEAUVOIS, AMBROISE 7705 M. F. J., BARON DE ?] Oderahi, histoire americaine . . . une peinture fidelle des moeurs des habitants de l'interieur de 1'Amerique septentrionale ,...p[l80l]. D [10] 261 a Originally issued in this author's Veilees americaines, next entry. [PALISOT DE BEAUVOIS, AMBROISE 7706 M. F. J., BARON DE?] Veilees americaines. Ed. 2. P 1796. D 3v: 192; 202; 196. 3pls a PALLADINO, LAWRENCE B. 7707 Indian and white in the northwest.. . . Bait 1894. O [26] 411 map 90pls 55ports a — ed. 2, rev. &enl., Lancaster Pa 1922. O [20] 512 pis History of all missions in the region — among the Blackfeet, Piegans, Cheyennes and Crows, and in the white settlements of Montana. PALLISER, JOHN 7708 Exploration — British North America. L 1859-65. F 4v; "Papers" 64 8maps & pis on 12 sheets; "Further papers" 75 3maps; "Journal, reports. . ." 325; "Index and maps" [3J 5 maps b Y PALLISER, JOHN 7709 Solitary rambles ... of a hunter in the prairies. L 1853. O [l6] 326 front eng t-p 6pls + adv-1. a — anr. ed. entitled "Solitary hunter.. . . " L 1856. D [16] 234 7pls — rptd. 1857. PALMER, BENJAMIN F., 7710 PRIVATEERSMAN The diary of: N Hav 1914. O [lO 15-22] 274, pis a 102copies ptd. PALMER, BENJAMIN M. 7711 A vindication of secession and the south. . . . Columbia S C 1861. O 46 a PALMER, H. E. 7712 The Powder river Indian expedition, 1865. Omaha 1887. O 59 a — rptd., with adds., same impr. 1902. PALMER, JOEL 7713 Journal of travels over the Rocky moun- tains, to the mouth of the Columbia. Cin 1847. D [8] [9J-189 errata slip wraps, dd calf c AA N — other issues, some with 2, some with 4, prelim, p. causing paginat. hiatus. Possibly such issues were printed earlier, but col- lectors prefer the completed form. Slight textual changes were made on p. 31 and 121, first reading on p.31, 7th line from bottom is "sandy" — not "grassy"; on p. 121, 4th line from bottom: "The Company own from six to eight mills above the fort." c Y — anr. issue, with date 1847 on t-p changed in ink to 1848. [This alteration of the final numeral was done by Palmer himself to make his unsold copies sell better in 1848]. b to some copies of this ed. was added John T. Hughes' "California." — other eds. 1850; 1851; 1852. a — rptd., ed. Thwaites, Clev 1906. O 312+ 5adv p. 437 Paramore Most reliable of the early guides to Ore- gon; in addition, the best narrative by a participant in the overland migration of 1845, which more than doubled the population of Oregon. PALMER, JOHN 7714 Journal of travels in the United States. . . . L 1818. O L8j 456 map[col. in some copies] a — Dutch tr. Haarlem 1820. O 318 map — Ger. tr. n.p. n.d. O PALMER, L. L. 7715 History of Napa and Lake counties [Calif.] S F 1881. Q 891 68ports a PALMER, PETER S. 7716 History of lake Champlain. . . . Plattsburgh 1853. O 223 a — rptd. Alb 1866. roy O [4] 276 6pls PALMER, ROBERT H. 7717 A voyage around Cape Horn. Phil 1863. O 3llincl. cover-t.Ja Includes account of the discovery of Humboldt Bay. PALMER, SARAH L. 7718 Six months among the secessionists.. . . Phil 1862. O 40 a — rptd. N Y 1863. O map[with no descriptive words on space showing the ocean] b JCB N Y — issue 2 of map had words "Mar Pacifico" added b NYP — Eng. trs.: S F 1874. b; S F 1884. O 156 port errata slip a; Pasadena 1913. O [34] 338 map 2pls; S F 1934. O 124 maps & pis Most extensive early work on Upper California. PAMPHLET 7723 Pamphlet (The), entitled, "Taxation no tyranny" candidly considered. . . . L [l775], O [4] 132 a — issue 2, same impr. & date, has errata added on last p. PANET, JEAN C. 7724 Journal du siege de Quebec en 1759. Montr 1866. O 24 a For similar titles see under Quebec. PANZACOLA 7725 Diario de las operaciones de la expedicion contra la Plaza de:. . . . baxo las ordenas del. . . Bernardo de Galvez. [Madrid? or Havanna? 1781?]. Q 48 b N NYP Account of Galvez's capture of Baton Rouge, Natchez, Mobile and Pensacola, re- sulting ultimately in Florida being ceded by England to Spain. PALMER, THOMAS H. ed. 7719 The historical register of the United States . . . 1812-15. Phil 1814- 16. O 4v: [10] 164, 226; [4] 132, 351; fe] 246 [2] 328; 136, 354 a — ed. 2, same impr. & dates. O 4v PAPERS 7726 Papers relating to America, presented to the House of Commons. L 1810. O [8] 178 [4] a Relate largely to the "Leopard" and "Chesapeake" affair. PALMER, WILLIAM J. 7720 Report of surveys . . . for a route extending the Kansas Pacific railway to the Pacific ocean. Phil 1869. O 250 3maps[in some copies only one] profile a A few special copies contained, in addi- tion to the maps, twenty photographic views along the explored route. PALOU, FRANCISCO 7721 Noticias de la Nueva California. S F 1874. O 4v: [20] 270; 301; 315; 253. 19pls b 100 copies ptd N NYP Y — Eng tr. ed. by Bolton, Berkeley 1926. 4v a Compiled before 1784; first published at Mexico, in 1856, as a part of an extensive historical series. PALOO, FRANCISCO 7722 Relacion historica de la vida y apostolicas tareas del . . . Fray Junipero Serra, y de las misiones que fundo en la California septentrionale Mex 1787. Q [28] 344 pi PAPERS 7727 Papers relating to the action between. . . sloop Little Belt, and. . . frigate President L 1811. O [12] 21 a PARADES, ROBERT, COMTE DE. 7728 Memoires secrets de: .... n.p. 1789. O 188 a — Eng. tr. L 1791. O Operations in England during the Revolution of a French spy transmitting information on military and naval movements. PARALLEL 7729 Parallel (A) between the. . . revolution in England of 1688, and the American revolu- tion of 1860-61, by a gentleman of Missis- sippi. Meridian 1864. O 41 a PARAMORE, H. H. 7730 The practical guide to. . . Klondike gold fields. St L 1897. D 64 map 12pls a 438 Paredes — Parker [PAREDES, M.] 7731 Proyectos de leyes sobre colonizacion y comercio en el estado de Sonora. Mex 1850. O 24 fold, map bLCY These laws and plans cover the author's colonization project in present Arizona. PARISOT, PIERRE F. f and 7732 SMITH, C. J. History of the Catholic church in.. . San Antonio San Antonio 1897. O 218 a PARISOT, PIERRE F. 7733 The reminiscences of a Texas missionary. San Antonio [l899] D 227, inc. port [s] a PARK, ROBERT E. 7734 Sketch of the Twelfth Alabama Infantry. Rich 1906. O 106 a PARK, SAMUEL 7735 Notes on the early history of Union town- ship, Licking county, Ohio. Terre Haute O 1870. O 56 a PARKE, JOHN E. 7736 Recollections of seventy years, and his- torical gleanings of Allegheny, Penna. B 1886. O [12] 385 port a PARKE, JOHN G. 7737 Report of explorations for that portion of a railway route. . . between. . . the Rio Grande and... the Gila. [Wash 1855]. O 53 a For series [House Executive Document 129], of which this formed a part, and which contained a map and a profile relating to this report, see Pacific railroad explorations. PARKER, A[M0S] A. 7738 Trip to the west and Texas. . . . Concord N H 1835. D 276 2pls a — ed. 2 [and best] Concord & B 1836. D 380 [incl. 2pls] map [not in all copies] front, a PARKER, B. G. 7739 Recollections of the Mountain Meadows massacre. . . . Piano Calif 1901. D 31 port b Y PARKER, EDWARD L. 7740 The history of Londonderry. . . . N. H. B 1851. D [56] 358 [l] map 7pls a PARKER, GRANVILLE The formation of . . . West Virginia. . , Wellsburg 1875. O [lO] 482 a 7741 PARKER, JAMES M., pub. 7742 San Francisco directory. . . . S F 1852. O 20 20 [4] 31-106 12 107-114 13-32 21-48 [l] map pi a PARKER, JAMES W. 7743 Narrative of adventures . . . during a frontier residence in Texas. Louisv 1844. D 95 36 d N NYP — rptd. 1845 c; anr. repr. 1848 b A separately-paged "Narrative" by his daughter, Mrs. Rachel Plummer, giving de- tails of her captivity among the Comanches, is included and was undoubtedly printed at the same time; in her preface she alludes to an earlier edition, of which no copy is known, unless that statement refers to the 1838 pamphlet listed below under Plummer, Clarissa. PARKER, NATHAN H. 7744 Illustrated handbook of the great west.. . . N Y 1869. O 162 3maps a PARKER, [NATHAN H.]?, & 7745 HUYETT, [D. H.]? The illustrated miners' handbook.. . to Pike's Peak St L 1859. D [4] 7-76 + 36adv-p 6pls 2maps dd H Y — rptd. Denver 1950. PARKER, N[ATHAN] H. 7746 Iowa as it is in 1855 Chi 1855. D 264 map 2pls a — rptd. "Iowa as it is in 1856," Chi 1856. 2issues [of 264 & 282p] map pis — abr. ed. "The Iowa handbook for 1856 . ..," B 1856. D 188 map — rptd. "The Iowa handbook for 1857," B 1857. same collat. PARKER, NATHAN H. 7747 The Kansas and Nebraska hand-book for 1857-8 B 1857. D 189 map a PARKER, NATHAN H. The Minnesota hand book for 1856-7. 1857. D 160 map a 7748 PARKER, NATHAN H. Missouri as it is in 1867. 458 pi a 7749 Phil 1867. O PARKER, NATHAN H. 7750 The Missouri hand-book. . . . St L 1865. D 162 2maps a PARKER, NATHAN H. Stranger's guide to St. Louis. . 1867. D 58 +advs fold.map pi a 7751 PARKER, SAMUEL 7752 Journal of . . . tour beyond the Rocky moun- tains, 1835-7. Ithaca 1838. D 371 pi map [earliest showing accurately the Oregon interior] a — rptd. Auburn 1838; Ithaca 1840; and later. — Eng. ed. Dub 1840. D 209; Edin 1841. O 78 439 Parker — Parlement — Ger. tr. Dresden 1840. D Parker accompanied a fur-trading party, in 1835, from Council Bluffs to Walla Walla. PARKER, THOMAS 7753 A history of Farmington, Maine. . .. Farmington 1846. O 136 a — ed. 2, enl., same impr. 1875. O 120 PARKER, W[lLLIAM] B. 7754 Notes taken during the expedition com- manded by Capt. R. B. Marcy, through un- explored Texas. Phil 1856. D [l2] 9-242+ 6 adv. p. a PARKER, WILLIAM H. 7755 Recollections of a naval officer Lin the United States and Confederate service], 1841-1865. N Y 1883. D [l6] 372 a PARKER, WILLIAM T. 7756 Annals of old Fort Cummings, New Mex- ico, 1867-8. Northampton 1916. O [2] 56 port pis a — suppl. to above Ion Apache war J, same impr. [1925]. O 28 Ul port pi PARKER, WILLIAM T. 7757 Personal experiences among our... In- dians, from 1867 to 1885. Northampton 1913. O 232 5pls a — suppl. to above, same impr. 1918. O 46 pis The author served in Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico and Texas. PARKHURST, JACOB 7758 Sketches of the life and adventures of : . . . sufferings of the early pioneers along the Ohio Newcastle 1842. 16° 28 c G[only copy known] — rptd. Knightstovm Ind 1893. 16° 55 port a Served in Harmar's Ohio campaign of 1790 and barely escaped with his life. PARKINSON, RICHARD 7759 A tour in America, in 1798-1800 L Harding 1805. O 2v: [8] 319; [8] 320-735 a — anr. ed., t. slightly altered, L Stockdale 1805. O 2v in 1: [l2] 735 PARKMAN, FRANCIS 7760 The California and Oregon trail NY [March] 1849 1000 copies ptd Bound either in one vol. brown cl. or in 2 pts wraps. D 448 [incl. front. & eng. t] +6 adv. p [num- bered, at front, pp 1 & 2, at end, pp 3-6] cl. b Y wraps c Y —some copies of Mch. ptg were sent in sheets to Eng. and were there issued with new t.p. giving N Y & L impr. a — later Am. bdg. of Mch. ptg., brown or bluish-purple cl., final advs. increased to p. 10 [i.e. pp. 3-10] a — anr. bdg. of this ptg., dark brown cl. , omits frontis., eng. t. and all final adv's. This "freak" variant was probably one of the 6 special copies sent by the pub. to Parkman. b — 2nd ptg. N Y [early Apr.] 1849 500 copies, blue or bluish-gray cl., same collat. as Mch. ptg., but no front advs., 7 adv. p. at end, numbered 1 to 8 [error for 7], worn type on pp. 436 & 437 a — 3rd ptg. N Y [late Apr.] 1849 1000 copies, bluish-purple cl., same collat. as 2nd ptg. but no printers impr. on verso of t.p. and words "see p. 290" added to frontis. — anr ed., with Remington ills. B 1892 O [l6]411 9 pis. — anr. ed. with ills by Remington & Wyeth. 3 1925 O 975 copies. — same, trade ed. , omitting the 5 Remington pis. PARKMAN, FRANCIS 7761 The discovery of the great west. B 1869. O [24] 425 map a — anr. ed., same collat., B 1870. also 75copies on L. P. — ed. 11, rewritten to incorporate Margry's new findings, "La Salle and the discovery of the west," 3 1879. O [28] 483 2maps Part three in the series on France and England in North America. PARKMAN, FRANCIS 7762 France and England in North America. B 1865-92. O 9v Pt.l, "Pioneers of France in the new world," 1865. [24] 420 2maps port; Pt. 2, "The Jesuits in North America," 1867. [92] 463 map; Pt.3, "The discovery of the great west [entered separately, above]; Pt.4, "The old regime in Canada," 1874. [l6] 448 map; Pt.5, "Count Frontenac and New France," 1877. [4 7-16] 463 map; Pt.6, "A half century of conflict," 1892. 2v 3 maps; Pt.7, "Montcalm and Wolfe," 1885. 2v map 2pls a 75 copies of each on L.P. PARKMAN, FRANCIS 7763 History of the conspiracy of Pontiac. . . 3 1851. O [24] 630 4maps a — rptd. B 1866. same collat. also 75copies on L.P. PARKMAN CLUB PAPERS. 7764 Complete set [of 17monographs on early Wisconsin, etc.] in 18pts. Miiw 1896-7. O 2v: [4] 264; 244 a Title-page is dated 1896-1897, although part one appeared in 1895. PARLEMENT (LE) 7765 Parlement (Le) de Paris etabli au Scioto, sur les bords de l'Oyo. P 1790. O 60 b Y 440 Parr — Patterson PARR, L. L. 7766 Sketch of the life of "Dick" Parr in the far west . . . chief of scouts, Indian inter- preter and guide during the Indian campaign of 1868-9 [/V Y 1901]. D 62[incl. 9pls] a PARRISH, JOHN 7767 Remarks on the slavery of the black people Phil 1806. O [4] 66 a Abolition argument that "a house divided against itself cannot stand; neither can a government or constitution." PARSONS, GEORGE F. 7768 The life and adventures of James W. Marshall, the discoverer of gold in Cali- fornia. Sacr 1870. 16° 188 port a — rptd. S F Grabhorn 1935. D [l6] 145 map 2pls 500 copies ptd. PARSONS, HORATIO A. 7769 The book of Niagara Falls. Buf 1836. 18° 112 map a — rptd. many times [PARSONS, HORATIO A.] 7770 A guide to travelers visiting the falls of Niagara. [Buf ca 1834], D 12 a — ed. 2, enl., au. named, Buf 1835. 18° 96 plan For another 1834 guide, see Ingraham, Joseph W. [PARSONS, THEODORE, and 7771 PEARSON, ELIPHALET] A forensic dispute on the legality of en- slaving the Africans. . . . B 1773. O 48 a [PARSONS, TYLER] 7772 Mormon fanaticism exposed. . . . B 1841. O 102 [l] a — rptd., same impr. 1842. PARTISAN LEADER (THE) See Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley. PARTON, J[AMES] 7775 The life ... of Aaron Burr N Y 1 858. O 706 2ports a — enl. ed. N Y 1864. D 2v: [22] 443; [12] 431. 2ports — rptd. often. PARTON, JAMES 7776 The life. . . of Benjamin Franklin. N Y 1864. D 2v: 627; 707. 4ports a — anr. ed. N Y 1865. O same collat. 100 copies ptd — rptd. B 1867. D same collat. PARTON, JAMES 7777 Life of John Jacob Astor NY 1865. D [6] 13-121 a PASQUIN, ANTHONY pseud. The Hamiltoniad: or, an extinguisher for the royal faction of New-England. ... See Williams, John. PASTORIUS, FRANCIS D. 7778 Umstandige geographische Beschreibung der zu allerletzt erfundenen. . . Pensylvaniae. Frankf 1700. D [12] 140 b N NYP PhilL Y —rptd., same impr. 1704. D [l2] 140 [4] map a For supplement, sometimes bound with this, see under Thomas, Gabriel, An his- torical account of Pennsylvania. . . . PATRIOTE ANGLOIS (LE).., Blanc, Jean B. See Le PATTEN, EDMUND 7779 A glimpse at the United States. . . . L 1853. O 109 8pls a PARSONS, USHER 7773 The life of Sir William Pepperrell . . . only native of New England who was created a baronet. ... B 1855. O [l2] 352 map a — ed.2, same impr. & collat., 1856. — ed.3, same impr. & date. O [l6] 356 map 2pls PARSONS, WILLIAM B. 7774 The gold mines of western Kansas. Lawrence 1858. D [4] 54 + 3adv-p c LClpnly known copy] — enl. ed. "The new gold mines [etc.]," Cin 1859. D 63 + advsl8p in some and 13p in others] b Pn KasH NYP Y — anr. ed., Cin [i860?], with fold. map by Pearman added, c Earliest known guide book to the Pike's Peak mines. PATTERSON, A. W. 7780 History of the backwoods; or, the region of the Ohio Pitt 1843. O [lo] 5-311 map b BP N NYP Y One of the best compilations of frontier narratives. PATTERSON, D. C, ed. 7781 Centennial history and directory of La Porte City. . . Iowa. . . . La Porte City 1876. O 15 1. [incl. wraps] wrap. t. only a PATTERSON, J. B. ed. 7782 Life of . . . Black Hawk . . . dictated by himself. Cin 1833. D 155 b A A IH N NYP — other eds.: B Abbott 1834. D 155 port; B Russell &c. 1834. same collat., but dif- ferent port; Cooperstown 1842. D no port; with adds., Oquawka 111 1882. D 208 3pls all a value 441 Patterson — Eng. ed. L 1836. D 185 port — Dutch tr. Leeuwarden 184 7. D PATTERSON, LAWSON B. 7783 Twelve years in the mines of California C 1862. 16° 108 a PATTERSON, SAMUEL 7784 Narrative of the adventures and sufferings of: Rhode Island 1817. D 114 a — issue 2, Palmer Mass 1817. D 144 — ed. 2, enl. Prov 1825. 16° 164 Compiled by Ezekiel Terry. Patterson made three voyages to the Northwest coast. PATTIE, JAMES 0. 7785 Personal narrative . . . during an expedition from St. Louis through the vast regions be- tween that place and the Pacific ocean.. . . Ed. by Timothy Flint. Cin [john H. Wood] 1831. O 300 5pls d AA Hn Y — re-issued, from unsold sheets of above, with new t-p, Cin fe. H. Flint] 1833. [in this issue are found 4 variant copyright readings, viz: by Wood in 1831, by Wood in 1833, by Flint in 1831, by Flint in 1833.] b NYP Y — for pirated issue see Bilson, B. , Hunters of Kentucky. — other eds.: ed. Thwaites. Clev 1905. O 382 [incl. pis. & final blank 1 + adv.p; ed. Quaife, Chi 1930. 16° a Second overland journey to California, first over the route taken, with adventures incredible had they not- been substantiated by later investigations. PAUER, FRIEDRICH 7786 Texas: ein sichrer Fuehrer fur Auswan- derer. . . . Bremen 1846. D 200 a PAUER, FRIEDRICH 7787 Die Vereinigten Staaten. . . nach erfolgtem Anschuss der Republik Texas. . . . Bremen 1847. O 256 a PAUL, MRS. ALMIRA. 7788 The surprising adventures of: who. . . served as a common sailor. . . . B 1819. 16 24 a PAUL, HILAND 7789 History of Wells, Vermont. Rutland 1869. D 154 a PAUL, HIRAM V. 7790 History of... Durham, N. C. Raleigh 1884. O 256 map ports a [PAUL, VINCENT DE] 7791 Relation de ce qui est arrive a deux religeux de la Trappe pendant leur sejour aupres des sauvages. P 1824. D 168 b Valuable account of missionary work in Louisiana, Illinois, etc., 1805-1812. PAUL-JONES Paul-Jones, ou proprieties sur l'Amerique .... See Jones, Paul. PAUL WILHELM, FRIEDRICH 7792 [Prince of Wurttemberg] Reise in Nordamerika wahrend Jahren 1822, 1823 und 1824. Mergentheim 1828. c Y — ed. 2, "Erste Reise nach dem nordlichen Amerika... 1822-4," Stuttgart 1835. O [&} 394 map Lin some copies J errata 1. b Hn LC NYP Y — Eng. tr. Pierre S D 1941. O a Travelled up the Mississippi and Ohio to Kentucky, then ascended the Missouri, from St. Louis to Council Bluffs, visiting the Pawnee, Osage and Otoe tribes. PAULDING, HIRAM 7793 Journal of a cruise . . . among the islands of the Pacific ocean. . . in pursuit of the mutineers of the whaleship Globe. ...NY 1831. D 258 map a [PAULDING, JAMES K.] 7794 John Bull in America; or, the new Mun- chausen. N Y 1825. D [18] 226 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date — Eng. ed. L 1825. D [20] 327 Satire on English observers. [PAULDING, JAMES K.] 7795 Letters from the south. . . 1816. N Y 1817. D 2v: 254; 260 a — rptd. N Y 1835. D 2v: 224; 212 [PAULDING, JAMES K.?] 7796 The new mirror for travellers; and guide to the Springs. N Y 1828. D 292 a PAULDING, JAMES K. 7797 Slavery in the United States. N Y 1836 16° 312 a Slavery defended by a New Yorker. [PAULDING, JAMES K.] 7798 The United States and England: . .. reply to the criticism on Inchiquin's letters. . . . N Y 1815. O 115 a PAULISON, C. M. K. 7799 Arizona. The wonderful country. Tucson 1881. D 31 a PAULLIN, CHARLES 0. 7800 Atlas of the historical geography of the United States. Wash 1932. F [20 J 162 [4incl. blank 1. J numerous maps [many col. Jon 121 sheets a 442 PAULLIN, CHARLES 0. The battle of Lake Erie Clev 1918. O 222 a ISOcopies ptd. PAUSCH, CAPTAIN [GEORG] 7801 Journal of : . . . during the Burgoyne cam- paign. Tr. &ed., W. L. Stone. Alb 1886. Q [14] 186 [incl. pis] a First printing of an unpublished manuscript. [PAUW, M. CORNEILLE DE] 7802 Defense des Recherches philosophiques sur les Americains. Berlin 1770. D 256 a — rptd., same impr. & collat.: 1771; 1772. For work to which this replies, see Pernety, Antoine J. D. [PAUW, M. CORNEILLE DE] 7803 Recherches philosophiques sur les Americains Berlin 1768-9. D 2v: [24] 326 [26] tab; [2] 366 [32] tab a — many later eds., to which were added vol. 3 [containing Pernety's critical "Dis- sertation" on this work, together with de Pauw's "Defense"] PAVIE, THEODORE 7804 Scenes et recits des pays d'outre-mer. P 1853. D [8] 472 a PAVIE, THEODORE , 7805 Souvenirs atlantiques; voyage aux Etats- Unis et au Canada. Angers 1832. O [s] 550 [2] a — rptd. with adds., P 1833. O 2v in 1: [8] 350 [2]; [4] 354 [2] — Ger. ed. "Atlantische Erinnerungen. . . , " Braunschweig 1834. 16° 2v: 274; 276 Extensive travels throughout the east and central west reaching Louisiana and Texas. PAWNEE INDIANS (THE). A sketch. See Dunbar, John B. PAXSON, FREDERICK L. 7806 History of the American frontier, 1763- 1893 B 1924. O [20] 598 llmaps a PAXTON, J. D. 7807 Letters on slavery. . . . Lex Ky 1833. D fe] 207 a PAXTON, JOHN A. [ed.] 7808 The St. Louis directory. . . with descrip- tive notes on St. Louis, [etc.]. St L 1821. D [6]; [48]; [l4] [38] map d G MoSH Y The first directory of this city. General Paxton was on Stonewall Jack- son's staff. PAXTON, PHILIP [pseud.] A stray Yankee in Texas. See Hammett, Samuel A. PAXTON, WILLIAM E. 7810 History of the Baptists of Louisiana. St L 1888. D 622 port a PAXTON, W[lLLIAM] M. 7811 Annals of Platte county, Missouri, K C 1897. O 1182 port a PAXTON-MEN (THE) Conduct of:. . . . 1764. See Barton, Thos. [PAYNE, J.] 7812 French encroachments exposed; or, Britain's original right. . . . L 1756. O 44 map a [PAYSON, GEORGE] 7813 Golden dreams and leaden realities. By Ralph Raven. N Y 1853. D 344 a — rptd. "Romance of California," N Y 1854. [PAYSON, GEORGE] 7814 The new age of gold; or, the life and adventures of Robert Dexter Romaine. B 1856. D 403 a PAYSON, PHILLIPS 7815 A memorial of Lexington battle. ... A sermon preached at Lexington, on the nine- teenth of April, 1782. B 1782. O 24 a PEABODY, ALFRED 7816 The early days and rapid growth of Cali- fornia. Salem 1874. O 32 a PEACE Peace without dishonour — war without hope. . . enquiry into the question of the Chesapeake. ... By a Yankee farmer. See Lowell, John. PEARCE, STEWART 7817 Annals of Luzerne county [Pa. ]. . . . Phil 1860. O [4] 554 a — ed. 2, with adds., same impr. & date. O 564 map 33pls PEARESON, P[HILIP] E. 7818 Sketch of . . . Judge Edwin Waller.. . early Texas revolution. . . . Galveston 1874. O 25 a PAXTON, JOHN G., ed. Elisha Franklin Paxton. Memoir and memorials. [/V y) 1905. O 114 port a small ed. 7809 PEARL Pearl (The) of great price. Jos. See Smith, 443 Pearse — Peirce PEARSE, JAMES A narrative of the life of of five years residence in. and Louisiana 7819 . particularly Mississippi Rutl 1825. D 144 a [PEARSON, C. H.] 7820 On the frontier, or, scenes in the west. B [1864 ]. 16° [4] 7-320 2pls a PEARSON, CAPT. D[ANIEI_] C. 7821 Notes on the Platte- Dakota campaign, n.p. [1896]. O 24 a PEARSON, JOHN 7822 Notes . . . during a journey in 1821. . . from Philadelphia to the neighborhood of lake Erie L 1822. O 72 a PEARSON, JONATHAN 7823 Contributions for the genealogies of the county of . . . Albany. Alb 1872. O [2] 182 a PEARSON, JONATHAN 7824 Early records of. . . Albany. . . . Alb 1869. O [8] 528 a PEARSON, JONATHAN 7825 The Schenectady patent Alb 1873. Q 324 a — enl. ed., A lb 1883. Q 466 28maps & pis Also 50 copies on L.P., with add. illus. Well documented and authoritative. — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — ed. 2, rev., Phil 1837. 16° [l2] 328 PECK, JOHN M. 7832 A guide for emigrants; containing sketches of Illinois, Missouri and adjacent parts. B 1831. 16° 336 map a — rptd., same collat., B 1835. — enl. ed. [incl. also O., Ind., Mich., Wis. and Ark.], "A new guide for emigrants," B 1836. 16° [8] 5-374 a — ed. 2, B 1837. 16° 381 — rptd. B 1843. — other eds.: B 1844. 16° 394; Cin 1848. 16° 381 PECK, JOHN M. 7833 The traveller's directory for Illinois... . N Y 1839. O 219 map[by Peck & Messinger] a — rptd., same collat., N Y [l840]. Utilizes much material used in his Gazet- teer of Illinois. PECKARD, P. 7834 Memoirs of the life of Mr. Nicholas Ferrar. Cambridge. Eng. 1790. O [l6] 316 fold, tab port a — abr. ed. L 1833. D Contains valuable data on the London Virginia Company and court intrigues con- cerning it. PEASE, JOHN C, and 7826 NILES, JOHN M. A gazetteer of . . . Connecticut and Rhode Island Hart 1819. O [8] 390 2maps 2 ports a PEASE & COLE, pubs. 7827 Complete guide to the gold districts of Kansas and Nebraska Chi 1859. D 20 map c G WisH [only copies located] — rptd. Chi 1936. a PECK, GEORGE Wyoming [Valley]; its history. ...NY 1858. D 432 12pls a 7828 PEEK, PETER V. 7835 Inklings of adventure in the campaigns of the Florida Indian war. . . . Schenectady 1846. O 72 b LC PEEP Peep (A) into the past. By the ancient lady, of Charleston. See Poyas, Mrs. Eliz. A. PEIRCE, BENJAMIN 7836 A history of Harvard University. . . to the . . . revolution. C 1833. O [20] 316 159 2 ports a — rptd., same impr. & date, without ports PECK, JEDIDIAH 7829 The political wars of Otsego. . . . Coopers- town 1796. O 122 [5] a [PECK, JOHN M.] 7830 "Father Clark"; . . . sketches and inci- dents of Rev. John Clark. By an old pioneer. N Y 1855. D 287 front, [not issued in all copies] a — rptd. N Y 1868. PECK, JOHN M. A gazetteer of Illinois. 1834. 16° [8] 376 a 7831 Jacksonville PEIRCE, BRADFORD K. 7837 Trials of an inventor: life and discoveries of Charles Goodyear. N Y [l866]. 16° 224 5pls a PEIRCE, EBENEZER W. 7838 Indian history. . . . No Abington 1878. D [14] 261 llpls a PEIRCE, HENRY A. 7839 Biography of: S F 1880. O 24 port a Made trading voyages to California and the Northwest coast from 1825 to 1849. Pelet De Lo Lozere — Pengrc PELET DE LA LOZERE, COMTE 7840 [P.J. C] Lafayette en Amerique et en France. P 1867. D [4] 210 [l] a PELET DE LA LOZERE, COMTE 7841 [P. J. C] Precis de l'histoire des Etats-Unis. . . . P 1845. O [4] 550 [l] a PELLETREAU, WILLIAM S. 7842 Early New York houses N Y 1900. Q lOpts 243 pis a 350copies ptd[25 on Jap. P.] — rptd. , same impr., 1909. PELLETREAU, WILLIAM S. 7843 History of Putnam county [n. Y.]. N Y 1886. O 777 a [PEMBERTON, ISRAEL] 7851 Several conferences between. . . Quakers in Pennsylvania and the deputies from the Six Indian Nations. . . . Newcastle Eng 1756. O 28 b LC N NYP PEMBERTON, THOMAS 7852 An historical journal of the American war B 1795. O [2] 206 a First appearance was in the Massachusetts Historical Society Collections, 1793. PEN KNIFE SKETCHES.... See Delano, Alonzo. PEfiA Y PEfiA, D. M. DE LA 7853 Communicacion circular estendio en el ano de 1845 sobre la cuestion de pax o guerra. . . . Queretara 1848. O 44 a PELTON, JOHN C. 7844 Life's sunbeams and shadows. . . . Vol. I [all]. S F 1893. O 260 2pls a Along with poetical effusions contains account in prose of Frank Pixley's trip to California and Pelton's establishing the first San Francisco school in 1849. [PELTON, JOHN C.] 7845 Origin of the free public schools of San Francisco. S F 1865. O 129 a PELZER, LOUIS 7846 The cattlemen's frontier.. . . Glendale Calif 1936. O 351 tncl. front. & pis] a PELZER, LOUIS 7847 Marches of the dragoons in the Mississippi valley Iowa City 1917. O [lO] 282 a PEMBER, PHOEBE Y. 7848 A southern woman's story. N Y 1879. O 192 a PEMBERTON, E[BENEZER] 7849 A sermon. . . at the ordination of Mr. David Brainerd B 1744. Q [8] 39 a Contains Brainerd's narrative of his 1743-4 missions among the Indians, as well as an account of Azariah Horton's similar work in Long Island. [PEMBERTON, ISRAEL, et al] 7850 An address to the inhabitants of Pennsyl- vania by those freemen. . . now confined in the Mason's lodge. . . Phil 1777. O [4] 52 a — rptd. N Y same date. O 43 — Eng. eds.: L 1777. D 46; Dub same date. 32 These Quakers were imprisoned for se- curity reasons by the Revolutionary Council of Pennsylvania. PENA Y REYESJUAN 7854 ANTONIO DE LA Derrotero de la expedicion en la provincia de los Texas . . . que passa a executar. . . D. Joseph de Azlor Mex 1722. F 32 1. [incl. 4plans] dd Hn Y First book relating solely to Texas and the chief source on this expedition sent to protect Spanish missions in that province from French attacks. PENDER, ROSE 7855 A lady's experience in the wild west Lfrom California and Texas to Wyoming and Dakota]. L [l889], O 80 a Unflattering picture of an un-heroic West. PENDERGRAST, GARRETT E. 7856 A physical and topographical sketch of the Mississippi Territory, lower Louisiana, and a part of West Florida. . . . Phil 1803. O 34 b AA LC NYP Based on the author's own travels and on information contributed by William Dunbar. [PENDLETON, EDMUND] The crisis; or nullification unmasked, n.p. [1832]. O 35 a 7857 [PENDLETON, NATHANIEL G.] 7858 Military posts — Council Bluffs to the Pacific [H.R. Rep. 830, Sess. 2, 27th Cong.]. Wash 1842. O 64 map a — anr. issue, with extract from Wilkes added [H.R. Doc, 31, Sess. 3, 27th Cong.], Wash 1843. O 78 map PENGRA, B. J. 7859 Report of . . . surveys and progress of con- struction of the Oregon central military road. Eugene 1865. O 63 b B G Y[of 3copies known I 445 Penhallow — Pennsylvania Hospital PENHALLOW, SAMUEL 7860 The history of the wars of New-England B 1726. O [8] 135 c AA N NYP — rptd. Cin 1859. Q 138 [36] a some copies issued without the app. ["A history of the Pequot war...," under Gardiner, Lion, q.v.] Best early summary of New England's Indian troubles. PENINGTON, JOHN 7861 An examination of Beauchamp Planta- genet's Description of the province of New Albion. Phil 1840. O 33 a The pamphlet examined, referring to a royal grant of land in Delaware, New Jersey, and Long Island, was published at London in two editions, 1648 and 1650. PENN, WILLIAM [pseud.] Essays on the present crisis in the present condition of the . . . Indians. See Evarts, Jeremiah. PENNINGTON, MRS. R. E. 7862 The history of Brenham and Washington county. . . . Houston 1915. O 123 a lOOcopies ptd. PENNSILVANIA A memorial of the case of the German emigrants settled in: ... . See Franklin, Benj. PENNSYLVANIA An address to the inhabitants of: by those freemen . . . now confined in the Mason's lodge. . . . See Pemberton, Israel. PENNSYLVANIA An answer to an invidious pamphlet, intituled A brief state of the province of: See Cross, Henry. PENNSYLVANIA WEST LINE Pennsylvania west line, the rivers Ohio and Sioto, and lake Erie. An explanation of the map which delineates that part of the Federal lands, comprehended between: See Cutler, Manasseh. PENNSYLVANIA An historical account of .. . canal naviga- tion in: See Smith, Provost Wm. PENNSYLVANIA 7863 An historical review of the constitution and government of: ... . L 1759. O [26] 444 a Attributed to Benjamin Franklin, who must have had a hand in it. PENNSYLVANIA HALL History of: See Webb, Saml. PENNSYLVANIA LANDS (THE) 7864 An important statement. . . relative to the invalidity of the pretensions formerly made upon: by the unincorporated companies of Connecticut claimants. . . . Lancaster 1801. O 40 a PENNSYLVANIA Letters from a farmer in: to the inhabitants of the British colonies. See Dickinson, John. chiefly passed in:. PENNSYLVANIA A brief state of the province of: in a lette from a gentleman. . . . See Smith, [Provost] Wm. PENNSYLVANIA A brief view of the conduct of: for .... See Smith, Provost Wm. 755 PENNSYLVANIA Brief view of the system of internal im- provement of. . . : By a Pennsylvanian. See Carey, Mathew. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL (THE) Continuation of the account of: ... . See Franklin, Benj., Some account. . . . PENNSYLVANIA Memoirs of a life, See Graydon, Alex. PENNSYLVANIA A pleasant peregrination through. . . : See Nicklen, Philip H. PENNSYLVANIA FARMER (THE) Remarks on the New essay of:. . . . See Gray, John. [PENNSYLVANIA] 7865 Report of the legislative committee. . . to enquire into the causes of the disturbances at the seat of government, Dec. 1838. Harris- burg 1839. O 163 a The "Buckshot War," resulting from party clashes, during which the Legislature was dispersed, local business suspended and the militia called out. PENNSYLVANIA Several conferences between. . . Quakers in: and the deputies from the Six Indian Nations. . . . See Pemberton, Israel. PENNSYLVANIA (WESTERN) Early history of: ... . See Rupp, I. Daniel. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL (THE) Some account of: ... . See Franklin, Benj. 446 Pennsylvania — Pepper PENNSYLVANIA Thoughts on the situation of the . . . set- tlers . . . in the northwestern counties of: By Honestus. See Austin, Benjamin. PENNSYLVANIA 7866 A true and impartial state of. . . : Phil 1759. O [8] 3-173 [35 incl.adv-p] a This defense of Quaker assemblymen, from accusations made in William Smith's Brief state and Brief view, may have been written by Franklin, but more likely by Jos. Galloway. PENNSYLVANIA 7867 The true policy of . . . : regarding the land of her citizens. By one of the people, n.p. 1818. O 35 a PENNSYLVANIE (LA) Pennsylvanie (la), les rivieres de 1'Ohio & du Scioto, & le lac Erie. Description du sol. . . de cette portion des Etats-Unis, situee entre: See Cutler, Manasseh, An explanation of the map. . . . PENNSYLVANIE.... Histoire naturelle et politique de la: See Rousselot de Surgy, Jacques P. PENNSYLVANIE (LA HAUTE) Voyage dans: .... See Crevecoeur, Michel- Guillaume Saint Jean de. PENNSYLVANIEN (OBER-) Reise in: und im Staate Neu York.. . . See Crevecoeur, Michel-Guillaume Saint Jean de. PENNSYLVANISCHE NACHRICHTEN See Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig. PENNY, JOSHUA 7868 The life and adventures of : . . . who was impressed into the British service. ...NY 1815. O 60 a PENNYPACKER, SAMUEL W. 7869 Annals of Phoenixville [Pa.] Phil 1872. O 295 map 4pls a PENNYPACKER, SAMUEL W. 7870 Historical and biographical sketches. Phil 1883. O 416 a PENNYPACKER, SAMUEL W. 7871 The settlement of Germantown, Pennsyl- vania, and the beginning of German emigra- tion to North America. Phil 1899. O fe] 310 port a PENOBSCOT The siege of: by the rebels. . . . See Calef, John. PENROSE, ELDER CHARLES W. 7872 The Mountain Meadows massacre. Who were guilty of the crime? S L C 1884-5. D 104 a — rptd. same impr. 1899. D 108 PENROSE, JOHN 7873 Life of Sir Charles Vinicombe Penrose and Capt. James Trevenen. L 1850. O 301 2ports a Trevenen accompanied Cook on his third voyage and witnessed his death. PENSEES Pensees sur la revolution de l'Amerique- Unie. . . . See Jenings, Edmund, A transla- tion of the Memorial to the sovereigns of Europe. . . . PENSILVANIA News from: .... By the author of the Pilgrim's progress. See Bugg, Francis. PENSILVANIE (LA) 7874 Etat present de: [p?] [l756]. D 128 map a Abridged translation of William Smith's A brief view of the conduct of Pennsyl- vania. . . , and his A brief state of the prov- ince of Pennsylvania. . . , with additions by the translator, Abbe Jean Ignace de la Ville. PENSYLVANIA 7875 . . . Reasons why the lands ... of the southern boundary line of : . . . should be separated from Virginia, [l 1770]. O 26 a PEORIA A descriptive account of. . a sketch of its early history. 1859. O 32 a 7876 combining . Peoria PEORIA DIRECTORY Peoria directory. . . . 1844. See Drown, S. De Witt, comp. PEPIN, FRANCOIS A narrative of the life. . . of: Der 1854. 16 76 port a Describes life in Detroit, from 1840. PEPPER, GEORGE W. Personal recollections of Sherman's campaigns in Georgia and the Carolinas. Zanesvi//e 1866. O 522 a One of the best narratives by a Union soldier. 7877 7878 447 Pepperell — Perkins [PEPPERELL, SIR WILLIAM] 7879 An accurate journal. . . of the proceedings of the New-England land-forces, during the late expedition against the French settle- ments on cape Breton. . . . Exeter Eng 1746. O 40 b AA LC JCB — rptd. "Accurate account of the taking of cape Breton. . . ," L 1758. O b JCB PEPPERRELL [sic], SIR 7880 WILLIAM, et al. A conference held at St. George's. .. be- tween: and the Indians of the Penobscott tribe B 1753. Q 26 c AA N NYP PERCEVAL, DEAN 7881 A thousand miles in a canoe . . . from Denver. . . to Leavenworth.. . 1867. Bushnell 111 1880. D 60 a [PERCEVAL, JOHN, EARL 7882 OF EGMONT?] Faction detected, by the evidence of facts. . . parties at home, and affairs abroad. L 1742. O 175 a — — eds. 2,3,4 & 5, same impr., date & collat. — anr. ed. Dub 1743. O [2 J 170 + adv-1. Attributed also to William Pulteney. For a reply, see A defence of the people. . . . For other titles by Perceval see Egmont. PERCH, PHILEMON [pseud.] Georgia sketches. . . . See Johnston, Richard M. PERCY, ADRIAN 7883 Twice outlawed. . . history of Ed. and Lon Maxwell, alias the Williams brothers. . . . Chi 1884. D 194 a — rptd., same impr. & collat., [l890]. These outlaws operated in northern Illi- nois, Wisconsin and Minnesota. PEREZ DE LUXAN, DIEGO. 7884 Expedition into New Mexico made by Antonio de Espejo, 1582-3.. ..LA Quivira Soc 1929. O 143 18pls a 500copies ptd. PERIER, M[0NS.] DU [pseud.] A general history of all voyages. .. . See Bellegarde, L'Abbe Jean B. M. de. PERIER, MlONS. 1 DU [pseud.] Histoire universelle des voyages. . . . See Bellegarde, L'Abbe Jean B. M. de. PERILS Perils, pastimes, and pleasures of an emigrant in New Zealand, Vancouver's island and California. See Bayswater, J. W. PERIODICAL SKETCHES Periodical sketches by an American patriot. See De Witt, Charles G. PERKINS, G. W. 7886 Historical sketches of Meriden. W Meriden 1849. D 117 map a PERKINS, MRS. GEORGE A. 7887 Early times on the Susquehanna. Bingham- ton 1870. D 288 [2] a — ed. 2, same impr., 1906. O [28] 285 [PERKINS, H. K. W.]? 7888 Sketches of mission life among the In- dians of Oregon. N Y 1854. 16° 229(j.ncl. front. & 4pls] + 4adv-p a — rptd., same impr. & collat., n.d. Ascribed also to Zachariah A. Mudge, q.v.; whoever the editor, the narrative was ob- viously that of Jason Lee. PERKINS, JAMES H. [ed.] 7889 Annals of the west. . . . Cin 1846. O [20] 592 2maps a — rptd., same collat., 1847. — ed. 2, rev. by J. M. Peck, St L 1850. O [24] 808 — anr. ed. St L 1851. O 818 — ed. 3, publisher [james R. Albach] named as compiler, neither Perkins nor Peck being mentioned, St L 1852. O 818 — enl. ed., Albach given as compiler, Pitt 1856. O 1016 — rptd., same collat., 1857; 1858. Albach was the actual compiler; Perkins the competent editor. PERKINS, JAMES H. 7890 The memoir and writings of: Ed. William H. Channing. B 1851. D 2v: [l2] 527; [8] 502. port a — anr. issue, same collat. Cin 1851. PERKINS, MARY E. 7891 Old houses of . . . Norwich, Connecticut, 1660-1800. Norwich 1895. sm Q 621 map pis a PERKINS, NATHAN E. 7892 Events and travels of: 1824-1887. Camden 1887. D 490 port a Describes two overland trips to California, experiences there and in Colorado, Nevada, Utah and elsewhere. PERKINS, SAMUEL 7893 General Jackson's conduct in the Seminole war Bklyn 1828. O 39 a PERINE, MISS. 7885 The pathetic narrative of: . . . in the present Florida war Phil Gill [l84l]. O 28 2pls a PERKINS, SAMUEL A history of the. . . events of the late war N Hav 1825. O [12] 9-512 a 7894 448 Pernety — Perry [PERNETY, ANTOINE J. D.] 7895 Dissertation sur l'Amerique et les Americains, contre Les recherches philo- sophiques de Mr. de P[auw]. Ber lin [l 769]. D [8] 239 a — rptd., same collat. &impr.: 1770; 1772. Disputes de Pauw's attempt to prove America's natural inferiority to other parts of the world. [PERNETY, ANTOINE J. D.] 7896 Examen des Recherches philosophiques sur l'Amerique, et de Defense de cet ouvrage. Berlin 1771. D 2v: [20] 318 [l]; [20] 604 a De Pauw had replied to Pernety's Dis- sertation, and this is Pernety's rejoinder. PERON, CAPITAINE [FRANCOIS] a 7897 Memoires du: sur ses voyages aux cotes d'Afrique . . . aux cotes nord-ouest de l'Amerique P 1824. O 2v:[lo] 328; [4] 359. 6maps & pis b N NYP Spent several months on the northwest coast in 1796, and coasted south as far as Monterey on the "Otter," first American ship to enter California waters. [PERRICHON, ABBE J.] 7898 Vie de Monseigneur Dubuis l'apotre du Texas. Lyons 1900. O [l2] 304 a Dubuis was the second bishop of Texas. [PERRIE, GEORGE W. 7899 Buckskin Mose; or, life from the lakes to the Pacific. ... Ed. C. G. Rosenberg. N Y 1873. D 285 12pls a — rptd. 1890. D 288 Includes journal of his 1849 trip to Cali- fornia, life in the mines, etc. PERROT, NICOLAS 7903 Memoire sur les moeurs, coustumes et religion des sauvages de l'Amerique Septentrionale. Ed. by R. P. J. Tailhan. . . . Leip & P 1864. O fe] 341 [43] a First printing of a manuscript narrative written Lea 1700 J by an Indian trader long active in the region of the Great Lakes. Some copies were on Large Paper; a few on Extra Large Paper, in quarto. PERRY, DAVID 7904 Recollections of an old soldier. . . of the French and revolutionary wars. Windsor Vt 1822. O 55 b A A LC PERRY, J[0HN] A. 7905 Thrilling adventures of a New Englander ... in Cuba, Mexico and California. B 1853. O 96 b Chiefly of California interest. PERRY (the late COMMODORE 0. H. ) 7906 and CAPTAIN J. D. ELLIOTT. Documents in relation to the differences . ..between: Wash 1821. O 38 a — rptd. B 1834. O 36 PERRY (the late COMMODORE 7907 OLIVER H.) and CAPT. JESSE D. ELLIOTT. A review of a pamphlet purporting to be Documents in relation to the differences. . . between: I3y a citizen of Massachusetts. B 1834. O 55 a PERRIN, WILLIAM H. 7900 The pioneej press of Kentucky. Louisv Filson Club 1888. Q 93 4pls facs a PERRIN DU LAC, [FRANCOIS MARIE] 7901 Voyage dans les deux Louisianes, et chez les nations sauvages ... en 1801-03. . . . P 1805. O [16] 479 map & pl[these probably not issued in all copies] a — anr. issue, probably the first, same collat., but ptd on bluish paper and with Lyons impr. a — Eng. tr. abr. L 1807. O 106 [2] — Ger. tr. Leip 1807. O 2v: [10] 206; fe] 122. map pi; Vienna 1807. O 364 [5] map pi Important for details concerning the early fur trade with the Indians on the upper Mis- souri. The map is the best of that region pub- lished at the time. PERRINE, HENRY E. 7902 A true story of some eventful years in grandpa's life. . . . But [l885], O 303 map pi a PERRY, OLIVER H., of Cleveland. . . . 7908 Hunting expeditions of: Clev 1899. O [8] 246 [2] 3pls a lOOcopies ptd. Contemporary accounts, here first printed, of hunting expeditions in Ohio and Michigan, 1836 to 1855. PERRY, WILLIAM S., ed. 7909 Historical collections relating to the American colonial church. Vols. I to IV [all]. [Hart] 1870-78. Q 5v in 4: [l8] 585; [24] 607; [26] 720; [l2] 370 [2] 151 a 250 C opies ptd. Intended to be in ten volumes, covering all colonies, but only these five, covering Virginia, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Delaware were done. Each of these were issued separately, with special title-pages, as Papers- • . . see next entry. PERRY, WILLIAM S., ed. Papers relating to the history of the [Episcopal] church in Virginia, Pennsyl 7910 449 Personal Narrative — Pettijohn vania, Massachusetts, Maryland and Dela- ware. Hart 1870-78. O 5v a Also issued with title Historical collec- tions relating to the American colonial church. PERSONAL NARRATIVE 7911 Personal narrative of events by sea and land: 1800-1815. By a captain of the [British] navy. Portsmouth fcng] 1837. 16° [8] 186 pis map a PERVOE MORSKOE Pervoe morskoe pouteshestvie Rossiian predpriniatoe. . . . See Berkh, V. N. PETER, ROBERT 7912 A brief sketch of the history of Lexington, Kentucky Lex 1854. O 24 a PETERS, DEWITT C. 7913 Life. . . of Kit Carson. . . from facts narrated by himself. N Y 1858. O [4] 534 + 5adv-p lOpls a — rptd. , with slight changes, and add.pls, N Y 1859; N Y 1860. — anr. ed., considerably enl., Hartford 1873. O 604 35pls Dedication in the first edition — "to Col. Ceran St. Vraiu" — reads in later editions, "to the companions of Kit Carson." See also Carson, Christopher. PETERS, HARRY T. 7914 America on stone: ... a chronicle of American lithography. Garden City [l93l]. Q 415 [2] 154pls[l8col.] a 751copies ptd. PETERS, HARRY T. 7915 California on stone. Garden City 1935. F [8] 3-227 [2] pis a 501copies ptd. PETERS, HARRY T. 7916 Currier & Ives: printmakers to the Ameri- can people. Garden City 1929-31. Q 2v: 332 [l]; 404 [l]. 319pls[on 204sheets] 6-p. facs catalogue inserted in vol.1 b AA N NYP 501copies ptd. — rptd. Garden City 1942. Q [20] 41 192numb.plsLon 96sheetsJ some col. a PETERS, HUGH. An historical. . Harris, Wm. account of: See PETERS, RICHARD, reporter 7917 The case of the Cherokee nation against the state of Georgia. . . . Phil 1831. O [8] 286 a PETERS, SAMUEL 7918 A history of the Rev. Hugh Peters. N Y 1807. D [6] 155 port a [PETERS, SAMUEL A.] 7919 A general history of Connecticut.. . . L 1781. O [10] 436 + 2starred p. between p2 & 3 b JCB N NYP Y — ed. 2, L 1782. same collat. a — Am. eds., with adds.: N Hav 1829. D 405 8pls a; N Y 1877. D 285 Mobbed in Connecticut for his Tory ac- tivities, Peters fled to England and, in re- taliation, wrote this false and vicious mis- representation of that commonwealth. In- cluded were the Blue laws of the New Haven colony, manufactured by his animosity, but still swallowed as true by many people. PETERSEN, WILLIAM J. 7920 Steamboating on the upper Mississippi.. . . Iowa City 1937. O 576 a PETERSON, EDWARD 7921 History of Rhode Island. N Y 1853. O [16] 370 eng.t. 7pls a PETERSON, FREDERICK A. 7922 Military review of the campaign in Virginia and Maryland. . . in 1862. Parts I & H. N Y 1862-3. O 2pts: 55; 69 a PETIT-THOUARS, ABEL-AUBERT DU 7923 Vie, lettres, memoires . . . d'Aristide- Aubert du Petit-Thouars . . .precedes d'un precis de la guerre que la France a eu avec 1'Angleterre de 1778 a 1783 [p] n.d. O [44] 232 a Another volume was planned but never issued; however, the revolutionary services of this officer in the French fleet are here completely covered. PETIT-THOUARS, ABEL-AUBERT DU 7924 Voyage autour du monde.. . . P„ 1840-43. O 4v: [8 44] 402; fe] 464; fe] 490; fe] 178. 7tabs + atlas F [4] tabs maps 68pls c NYP Y Most important book on California during its Mexican regime. In addition to these four volumes of narrative, with Atlas pittoresque, there were six other volumes covering data on botany, zoology, etc., gathered on this voyage, with an Atlas hydrographique upages, 17mapsJ. PETO, SIR S[AMUEL] MORTON 7925 The resources and prospects of America L 1866. O [l6] 428 col. views of Chi & S F a — Am. ed. TV Y 1866. 16° [l2] 404 PETTIJOHN, JONAS 7926 Autobiography. . . and various reminis- cences of the life of: among the Sioux. . . . Clay Center Kas 1890. D 104 a Experiences, in the 'thirties and 'forties, from Missouri to Minnesota. 450 Pettis — Phelps PETTIS, GEORGE H. 7927 Frontier service, or a history of Company K, First Infantry, California Volunteers. Prov 1885. D 54 + errata a 250 copies ptd. — rptd. "The California column. ..." Santa Fe 1908. D 45 capt.t.only PETTIS, GEORGE H. 7928 Kit Carson's fight with the Comanche & Kiowa Indians, at the Adobe Walls. .. . Prov 1878. O 44 a — rptd. Santa Fe 1908. O 35 [incl. front.] PEYTON, JOHN L. 7935 Memoir of John Howe Peyton. . . . Staunton Va 1894. O [2 6] 3-297 a PEYTON, JOHN L. 7936 Memoir of William Madison Peyton, of Roanoke L 1873. O [8] 392 a PEYTON, JOHN L. Over the Alleghanies and across the prairies L 1869. D [l6] 377 a — ed. 2, same collat., 1870. 7937 PETTIT, EBER M. 7929 Sketches in the history of the underground railroad. . . . Fredonia N Y 1879. O 174 port a PEYTON, JOHN L. T A statistical view of. , , . Illinois. . . . Chi 1855. D 48 a PETZHOLDT, JULIUS 7930 "Das Buch der Wilden" im Lichte franzosischer Civilisation. . . . Dresden 1861. O 16 8pls a — eds. 2 & 3, same impr., date & collat. — Fr. tr. Brus 1861. O 16 8pls Attacks the authenticity of Abbe Domenech's Manuscrit pictographique. . . , q. v. PEUPLE (LE) Peuple (Le) instruit; ou les alliances dans lesquelles les ministres de la Grande- Bretagne ont engage la nation . . . depuis le commencement des troubles sur l'Ohio. ... See Shebbeare, John, A fourth letter to the people of England. PFEIFFER, GEORGE 7939 An eulogium to the memory of General George Washington. Natchez 1800. D 38 a 7940 D 1888. O [6] 7941 PHELAN, JAMES History of Tennessee. . 478 map a — rptd., same impr. 1889. [PHELPS, J? The rights of the colonies, and the extent of the legislative authority of Great Britain, briefly stated L 1769. O [4] 20 a PHELPS, ALONZO, the Rob Roy of 794: the Mississippi. Confession of: Jackson 1834. O 50 a PEUPLE (LE) Peuple (Le) juge, ou considerations sur lesquelles le peuple anglois pourra decider . . . . See Reasons humbly offered, to prove.. . . . PEVERELLY, CHARLES A. 7931 The book of American pastimes . . . history of the principal base ball, cricket. .. clubs of the United States. N Y 1866. D [4] 556 4pls a PEYTON, JOHN L. The adventures of my grandfather. L 1867. O [10] 249 port a 7932 PEYTON, JOHN L. 7933 The American crisis; or, pages from the note-book of a state agent during the civil war L 1867. O 2v: Tl2] 340; [6] 329. port a Valuable contribution to the history of Confederate struggle for foreign recognition. PEYTON, JOHN L. History of Augusta county, Virginia. Staunton 1882. O [8] 388 [9] port a — rptd., same impr., 1918. 7934 PHELPS, JOHN S. 7943 Visit to the Territory of New Mexico [and "Arezonia"! Quincy 111 1859. O 27 a PHELPS, CAPTAIN MATTHEW Memoirs and adventures of: ... . See Haswell, Anthony. PHELPS, NOAH H. 7944 History of Simsbury, Granby and Canton [Conn.] Hart 1845. O [4] 9-176 a Contains account of the Indian captivity, in 1707, of Daniel Hays. PHELPS, RICHARD H. 7945 Newgate of Connecticut. . . . Hart 1844. O 24 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — ed. 3, same impr. & date. O 33 — enl. ed. "A history of Newgate. ..." Alb 1860. Q 151 port 300copies ptd, 10 on L.P. — anr. ed. "Newgate of Connecticut.. . ," Hart 1876. O [6] 13-117 4pls [PHELPS, WILLIAM D.] 7946 Fore and aft; or, leaves from the life of an old sailor. By "Webfoot." B 1871. D 359 a 451 Phelps & Ensign — Phillippo Author came to California in 1840, was active in the "Bear Flag Revolution" and his unpretentious narrative is a basic source on that event and on Hudson's Bay Co. operations in California. Only a few copies had been issued when fire destroyed the plates. PHELPS & ENSIGN (pubs.] 7947 Traveller's guide through the United States N Y 1838. 16° [l] 53 map a — rptd. same collat. 1839; 1843; 1844. — reissued, "Phelps* traveller's guide," N Y 1847. 16° 70 map — other eds., same collat., pub. Thayer & Ensign: 1848; 1850; 1851; 1853. PHILADELPHES 7948 Memoires du cercle des: Vol. I [all]. Port- au-Prince 1788. O 264 [8] b H NYP PHILADELPHIA The cries of: Phil 1810. 32 c 7949 36 PHILADELPHIA 7950 Full. . . account of the late awful riots in: Phil [1844], O 60 [2] 36 pi a — rptd., same impr., 1848. 16° 96 lOpls Disturbances in the "city of brotherly love," between Irish Catholics and members of the Native American party, resulting in many deaths and colossal property damage. PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORY Philadelphia directory (The) 1791. See Biddle, Clement. PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORY Philadelphia directory. . . . 1793. See Hardie, James, comp. PHILADELPHIA 7951 Philadelphia in 1824 . . . complete guide for strangers Phil 1824. 18^ [l2j238 map 2plans pi a PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia in 288 map pi a 7952 Phil 1830. D PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia (the city of) and province of Pennsylvania. Plain truth: or, serious con- siderations on the present state of: By a tradesman. . . . See Franklin, Benj. PHILADELPHIA A plan of: or the stranger's guide. Phil 1832. 16° 54 [38] a 7953 First Republican party convention, in which Lincoln's name was offered as candi- date for Vice President. PHILADELPHIA 7955 Reise von Hamburg nach: Hannover 1800. 16° 208 a PHILADELPHIA 7956 Sketches of the higher classes of colored society in: By a southerner. Phil 1841. D 116 a PHILADELPHIA 7957 Philadelphia and adjoining districts. The stranger's guide to. . . : Phil 1828. 24° 38 10 map pi a PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia mischianza (the). . . . Strictures on: See Mauduit, Israel. PHILADELPHIA Strictures upon the Declaration of the Congress at: See Hutchinson, Thos. PHILADELPHIA Thoughts on emigration, in a letter from a gentleman in: See Cooper, Thos. PHILADELPHIA 7958 The treaty held with the . . . Six Nations at: in July 1742. Phil 1743. F 25 b NYP Y — Eng. ed., with adds., L rud. O [l4] 37 a PHILADELPHIA Views in: See Childs, J. C. C. G.; also Wild, 7959 PHILADELPHIA, THEOPHILUS [pseud.] A sequel to Common sense: or the Ameri- can controversy considered in two points of view hitherto unnoticed. . . . Ed. 2, enl. Dub 1777. O 78 a PHILIPPI, FERDINAND 7960 Geschichte der Vereinigten Freistaaten Dresden 1826. 16° 3v: [lo] 112; fc] 106; [s] 162 a [PHILIPS, GEORGE] 7961 Travels in North America. Dub Bentham 1822. 16° 184 5pls a — other eds.: Dub Jones 1824. 16° 180; Dub Smith 1824. same collat.; Dub Hardy n.d. same collat.; L 1831. 16° [2] 168 5pls Imaginary experiences of an imaginary Irishman with the Lewis and Clark expedition. PHILADELPHIA 7954 Proceedings of the national convention held at: [Phil 1856]. O 101 a PHILLIPPO, JAMES M. 7962 The United States and Cuba. L 1857. D [12] 476 a 452 Phillips — Philo-Jackson [PHILLIPS, B. F.] 7963 Condensed history of New Lyme, Ohio. Jefferson O 1877. D 60 a PHILLIPS, MRS. CATHERINE C. 7964 Cornelius Cole, California pioneer. . . . S F 1929. Q [8] 379 27pls a 250copies ptd. PHILLIPS, MRS. CATHERINE C. 7965 Coulterville chronicle: the annals of a. . . mining town. S F Grabhorn 1942. O [lO] 275 23pls a PHILLIPS, MRS. CATHERINE C. 7966 Jessie Benton Fremont: a woman who made history. S F 1935. O fe] 344 347-361 front. 2facs a PHILLIPS, [MRS.] CATHERINE C. 7967 Portsmouth plaza. The cradle of San Francisco. S F 1932. sm Q [l4] 464 front, a PHILLIPS, D. L. 7968 Letters from California. Springfield III 1877. O [8] 171 a [PHILLIPS, EDWIN D.] 7969 Texas and its late military occupation and evacuation. N Y 1862. O 35 a [PHILLIPS, GEORGE SEARLE] 7970 Transatlantic tracings; or, sketches of persons and scenes in America. L 1853. 16° 337 port a PHILLIPS, P[HILIP]L. 7976 Notes on. . . Bernard Romans. Deland Fla 1924. O 128 [6] facs + Atlas F [2maps in 13sectionsJ a 325copies ptd. PHILLIPS, P[HILIP] L. 7977 The rare map of Virginia and Maryland, by Augustine Herrman. . . . Wash 1911. Q 23 fold, map a 200copies ptd. [PHILLIPS, SIR RICHARD] ed. 7978 A collection of modern and contemporary voyages and travels. . . . L 1805-10. O llv [sometimes bound in 6] maps pis a Contains fifty-four narratives, some of United States interest, with separate title- pages and paginations. [PHILLIPS, SIR RICHARD] ed. 7979 New voyages and travels.. . . L [1819-23], O 9v maps pis a Contains sixty-five narratives, some of United States interest, with separate title- pages and paginations. [PHILLIPS, SIR RICHARD] 7980 A view of the character. . . of the North- Americans Phil 1810. D [2] 39 3pls a PHILLIPS, ULRICH B. American Negro slavery. . . . [12] 529 a PHILLIPS, ULRICH B., ed. Florida plantation records.. O [10] 596 map 6pls a 7981 N Y 1918. O 7982 St L 1927. [PHILLIPS, GEORGE SPENCER] 7971 Amusing . . . adventures of a California artist, while daguerreo-typing a continent. B 1854. D 92 b AA G N Y PHILLIPS, HENRY 7972 Historical sketches of the paper currency of the . . . colonies. [And] Continental paper money. Roxbury 1865-6. sm Q 2v: [4] 233; 264 a 303copies ptd[50 on L.P. & 3 on Whatman paper] PHILLIPS, P[HILIP]L. 7973 The rare map of the northwest. . .by John Fitch. Wash 1916. Q 43 fold, map a 200 copies pta. PHILLIPS, PtHILIP] L. 7974 The first map and description of Ohio. . . by Manasseh Cutler. Wash 1918. Q 41 fold, map a 200copies ptd. PHILLIPS, P[HILIP]L. 7975 The first map of Kentucky, by John Filson. Wash 1908. Q 22 folcLmap a 200copies ptd. PHILLIPS, ULRICH B. 7983 A history of transportation in the eastern cotton belt to 1860. N Y 1908. D [l8] 405 3maps a PHILLIPS, ULRICH B. 7984 The life of Robert Toombs. N Y 1913. O [12] 281 port a PHILLIPS, ULRICH B., ed. 7985 Plantation and frontier documents, 1649- 1863 Clev 1909. O 2v: 275; 279 a [l50sets ptd. as separate from "The docu- mentary history of American industrial society"] PHILLIPS, WILLIAM U.] 7986 The conquest of Kansas, by Missouri and her allies B 1856. D 414 a PHILLIPSON, WILLIAM M. 7987 The life and voyages of: ... . Sonora Calif 1924. O [6] 9-114 a 200copies ptd. PHILO-JACKSON [pseud.] The presidential election. . . . See under Jackson, Gen. Andrew. 453 Philopatrois — Pickett PHILOPATRIOS [pseud.] 7988 Some observations on the two campaigns against the Cherokee Indians. . . . Charles- town 1762. O 88 tab b Y Defense of the conduct of the regiment of South Carolina Rangers against imputa- tions made by Col. Grant, commanding the expedition. PHINNEY, ELIAS 7989 History of the battle at Lexington. . . . B 1825. O 40 a — rptd. B 1875. same collat. PHOCION A letter from: .... See Hamilton, Alex. PHOTOGRAPHIC SKETCH BOOK Photographic sketch book of the war. See Gardner, Alex. PIATT, EMMA C. 7990 History of Piatt county [ill. ]. . . . [Chi 1883]. Q 643 map a towards Great Britain and France. L 1811. O 168 a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1812. — Am. ed. "Political essays. . . ," Can- andaigua 1812. D 215 A collected edition formed from several of his American pamphlets. The Canandaigua edition was the first bound book printed in western New York. PICKERING, MR. [TIMOTHY] 7996 Letters from: to the Chevalier de Yrujo [Spanish Minister to the United States], n.p. [Phil?] 1797. O 37 a For reply to this attack on Spanish diplomacy, see Yrujo y Tacon, Carlos M. [PICKERING, TIMOTHY] 7997 Review of the administration of the gov- ernment of the United States; since the year ninety-three. . . . B 1797. O 87 a Correspondence between Secretary of State Pickering and the French minister Adet. PICK Pick and pan. Trip to the diggings in 1849. ... By an argonaut. 1883. See McCall, A. J. PICKELL, JOHN 7991 A new chapter in the early history of [George] Washington, in connection with the. . . history of the Potomac Company. N Y 1856. Oll2] 17-178 a PICKERING, JOSEPH 7992 Emigration, or no emigration. . . narrative of the author L 1830. D 172 a — new ed. "Inquiries of an emigrant... ," L 1831. D [16] 132 + 18adv-p — anr. ed. L 1832. D [l6] 207 map — Ger. tr., "Fuhrer fur Auswanderer nach Amerika." Potsdam 1832 D PICKERING, OCTAVIUS, and UPHAM, 7993 CHARLES W. The life of Timothy Pickering. . . . B 1867-73. O 4v: [20] 549; [20] 509; [4] 499; [4] 512. 2ports 2pls 2facs a PICKERING, TIMOTHY 7998 A review of the correspondence between the Hon. John Adams . . . and the late Wm. Cunningham... 1803-1824. Salem 1824. O [4] 197 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O [4] 140 PICKERING'S... LETTER 7999 Pickering's (Mr. [Timothy]) letter, on the subject of the embargo. Some remarks and extracts, in reply to: N Hav [l808]. O 24 [capt.t.] a Pickering's Letter [l6p.] was published at Boston, 1808, and reprinted many times that year. [PICKERSGILL, LIEUT. RICHARD] 8000 A concise account of voyages for the discovery of a north-west passage. ... L 1782. D [28] 69 b JCB NYP ProvArchVic- toria Y PICKETT, ALBERT J. 8001 Eight days in New Orleans. . . . UWonrg] 1847. O 40 a PICKERING, COLONEL [TIMOTHY] 7994 A letter from: containing a narrative of the outrage committed on him in Wyoming; with an account of the controversies re- specting the lands claimed by . . . Pennsyl- vania and Connecticut. . . . [Salem 1819]. 39 a PICKERING, TIMOTHY 7995 Letters addressed to the people. . . on the conduct of . . . the American government, PICKETT, ALBERT J. 8002 History of Alabama, and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi. . . . Charleston 1851. D 2v: [20] 377; [8] 445. map 3plans 8pls a — eds. 2 & 3, same collat. and yr. — anr. ed. Sheffield Ala 1896. O 669 port — rptd., with adds. & index, Sheffield 1896. O 773 port — anr. ed., same collat., Birm Ala 1900. Essential work on the deep south. 454 PICKETT, ALBERT J. 8003 Invasion of the territory of Alabama by. . . Spaniards, under Ferdinand de Soto. . . . Montg 1849. O 41 a Prospectus of his History of Alabama. PIERCE, W. H. 8013 Thirteen years of travel and exploration in Alaska. Lawrence Kas 1890. D 224 a One of the earliest accounts of gold dis- covery on the Yukon, by a pioneer of 1886. [PICKETT, JAMES C.] 8004 The memory of Pocahontas vindicated against the erroneous judgement of the Hon. Waddy Thompson Wash 1847. O 39 a PICTET DE ROCHEMONT, 8005 C[HARLES] Tableau de la situation actuelle des Etats-Unis, d'apres . . . les meilleurs auteurs americains. P 1795. O 2v: 360 [2]; 340 [2]. 2maps a PICTURE Picture of slavery in the United States. . . . See Bourne, Geo. PICTURESQUE VIEWS 8006 Picturesque views of American scenery. Phil M Carey & son 1820. F [ll6] 19col.pls a PIERCE COUNTY, WIS. First annual review of: [1856], D 46 + cover t. a 8014 Prescott Wis PIERCY, FREDERICK Route from Liverpool to Great Salt Lake valley. See Linforth, James. PIERSON, HAMILTON W. 8015 Jefferson at Monticello NY 1862. O 138 pi 8facs a PIERZ [or PIRC] FRANZ 8016 Die Indianer in Nord- America. . . . St L 1855. D 130 [2] a PIGMAN, WALTER G. 8017 The journal of: [from Ohio to California, in 1850]. Mexico Mo 1942. O [lO] 82 port a 200copies ptd. PIDGEON, WILLIAM 8007 Traditions of De-coo-dah, and antiquarian researches. . . . L & N Y 1853. O 334 map fold.pl a — rptd., same collat., but no map: N Y 1854; N Y 185& PIECES OFFICIELLES Pieces officielles. . . relatives a la negociation qui a eu lieu . . . sur les dif- ferens. . . . See Talleyrand, Mons. PIKE, ALBERT 8018 Letter of: to the Choctaw people. Wash 1872. O 26 [14] a Discusses his participation in securing collection of their claims. PIKE, ALBERT 8019 Letters to the people of the northern states, on the Nebraska and Kanzas act, and southern slavery. . . . Wash 1856. O 40 a PIERCE, DR. A. C. 8008 A man from Corpus Christi; or, adventures of two bird hunters and a dog in Texan bogs. N Y 1894. O 257 a PIERCE, GEORGE F. Incidents of western travel. 1857. D 249 port a — rptd. 1859. D same collat. 8009 PIERCE, HENRY H. 8010 Report of an expedition from Fort Colville to Puget sound. . . . Wash 1883. O 25 map a PIERCE, JOSIAH A history of . . . Gorham, Maine. 1862. O 240 a 8011 PIKE, ALBERT 8020 Message of the President [Davis], and report of: of the results of his mission [as Commissioner of the Confederate States to the Indian Nations]. Rich 1861. O 38 a PIKE, ALBERT 8021 Prose sketches and poems, written in the western country. B 1834. D 200 b AA N NYP Y Includes a graphic 80-page narrative of a trip over the southwestern prairies to Santa Fe, made by Aaron Lewis, in 1831. Pike's own narrative covers his trip to Santa Fe the same year, trapping adventures in the Comanche country and Colorado and return to Arkansas, in 1832. PIERCE, M[ARIS]B. Address on the present condition . . the aboriginal inhabitants of America. [Cuf] 1838. O 16 a — ed. 2, Phil 1839. D 24 8012 PIKE, ALBERT 8022 f State or province? Bond or free? [Little Rock 1861]. O40 a Advocates secession for Arkansas. One copy known has a 23-page appendix. 455 Pike — Pino PIKE, ALBERT 8023 Treaty ... at the North Fork village in the Creek nation, on the 12th day of July, 1861. [Rich? 18641 D 25 a [PIKE, ALBERT] 8024 Treaty with the Cherokees. October 7th, 1861. [Rich? or Little Rock? 1862?]. O 26 [capt.t.only]b HLCY The fateful instrument joining this Nation to the Lost Cause; one of the few treaties made by the Confederate States. PIKE, [JAMES I, corporal 8025 The scout and ranger: . . . adventures . . . as a Texas ranger in the Indian wars.. . . Cin 1865. O [12] 19-394[incl.24pls] port errata 1. a PIKE, JAMES S. 8026 First blows of the civil war. The years of preliminary conflict. N y[l879]. O 526 a PIKE, JAMES S. 8027 The prostrate State: South Carolina under Negro government. N Y 1874. D 279 + 8adv- P a — rptd. N Y 1935. O 279 front. — Dutch tr. Doesborgh 1875. O [4] 296 [PIKE, ZEBULON M. ] 8028 An account of a voyage up the Mississippi . .. 1805-1806. Comp. from Mr. Pikes journal. [Wash? 1807?]. O 68 map by King[probably not issued with all copies] c B BA NYP Y Possibly edited by Dr. Samuel L. Mitchill. Some copies appear to have been issued with a pamphlet by Freeman and Custis, An ac- count of the Red river in Louisiana. . . , q.v. For a similar account of this Pike expedi- tion, see Political cabinet, below. PIKE, ZEBULON M. 8029 An account of expeditions to the sources of the Mississippi and through western parts of Louisiana. .. 1805-07. Phil 1810. O [8] 106 [10] 107-278 [4] 66 53 87 4maps 2charts port 3tabs a — best issue, with maps & charts in separate 4° atlas b N NYP — Eng. ed., with slightly altered t. & some scientific data omitted, L 1811. Q [20] 436 2maps a — rptd. Denver 1889. Q 394 3pls 4maps — best ed., ed. by Coues, with copious notes, N Y 1895. O 3v: [8 114] 356: [6] 357-856; fe] 857-955. port 7maps facs also 150 sets on L. P. a — Dutch & Fr. trs. pub. 1812 — Ger. tr. 1813. O [l6j 556 map First government exploration of the South- west. For his Arkansaw journal, see Hart, Stephen H., and Hulbert, Archer B. PIKE'S PEAK Hints and information for the use of emi- grants to: Leavenworth I860. See Larimer, George W. PILGRIMAGE Pilgrimage (A) over the prairies. See Ruysdale, Philip. PINAL COUNTY, ARIZONA 8030 Resources of: Florence Ariz 1889. O 23 4pls fold. map a PINCKNEY, CHARLES 8031 Observations on the plan of government submitted to the federal convention. . . . N Y [1787]. sm Q 27 a This speech, made before the Constitu- tional Convention, furnishes the only con- temporary clue to the much discussed Pinckney plan for a Federal Constitution. [PINCKNEY, CHARLES] 8032 Observations to shew the propriety of the nomination of Colonel James Monroe, to the presidency. . . . Charleston S C 1816. O 52 a [PINCKNEY, CHARLES] 8033 Three letters written. . . under the signa- ture of a South Carolina planter. . . . Phil 1799. O [2] 65 a — rptd. Charleston S C 1799. O 69 On unlawful seizure of American vessels by British cruisers, etc. PINCKNEY, JAMES D. 8034 Reminiscences of Catskill [n. Y.]. Cats- kill 1868. O 79 a [PINCKNEY, THOMAS] 8035 Reflections, occasioned by the late LNegroJ disturbances in Charleston. Charles- ton S C 1822. O 30 a PINE, GEORGE W. 8036 Beyond the west . . . two years travel. . . on the plains, in the Rocky mountains. . . . Utica 1870. D 444 6pls a — ed. 2, enl., same impr. 1871. D 483 — anr. ed. Utica 1873. PINO, PEDRO BAUTISTA 8037 Exposicion sucinta . . . de la provincia del Nuevo Mexico Cadiz 1812. O 48 [3] map b TxU JCB — rptd. with Barreiro's Ojeada sobre Nuevo- Mexico, ed. by Escudero, with adds., [under title "Noticias historicas . . . de la antigua provincia del Nuevo-Mexico, "] Mex 1849. O [6] 98 [4] map b Pino, supplemented by Barreiro, is the chief source on New Mexico's last years as a Spanish province and of her beginnings 456 Pinto — Pitts as a Mexican state. See Barreiro for original edition of his book. The 1849 edition treats fully the trade, developed after Pino's time, between Santa Fe and the United States. [PINTO, ISAAC DEl 8038 Lettre de Mr. ... a Mr. S. Barretts] au sujet des troubles qui agitent. . . l'Amerique Septentrionale. Hague 1776. O 29 a — Eng. ed., with his second letter added, "Letters on the American troubles. . . ," L 1776. O [4] 89 PINTO, MR. [ISAAC] DE 8039 Nouvelles observations sur la seconde lettre de: L [ptd Holland?] 1776. O 60 a For same author's reply to Pinto's first Lettre, see Observations d'un homme /m- partial. . . . PINTO, MR. J. [i.e., ISAAC] DE 8040 Reponse de: aux Observations d'un homme impartial, sur sa Lettre a Mr. S. B. . . . , au sujet des troubles qui agitent. . . l'Amerique Septentrionale. Hague 1776. O 60 a PINTO, M[ONS. ISAAC DE] 8041 Seconde lettre de: a l'occasion des troubles des colonies. . . . Hague 1776. O 90 [2] a — Eng. ed., see above "Lettre. ..." PIONEER . . . REMINISCENCES Pioneer and personal reminiscences. See Crary, C. G. PIONEER DAYS Pioneer days in the southwest. . . .See Hart, John A. PIONEER LIFE 8042 Pioneer life in the west . . . adventures of Boone, Kenton, ef al. Phil 1858. D 332[incL pis] a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1860. PIONEERING Pioneering on the plains. [l924]. See McCoy, Alex. W., ef al. PIRATE'S OWN BOOK Pirate's own book (The).. . lives.. . of the most celebrated sea robbers. . . .See Ellms, Chas. PIRTLE, ALFRED 8043 The battle of Tippecanoe. Louisr Filson Club 1900. Q[20] 158 7pls plan a PISANI, FERRI , Lettres sur les Etats-Unis. . . . See Ferri- Pisani. PITEZEL, JOHN H. 8044 Lights and shadows of missionary life.. . during nine years spent in the region of lake Superior. Cin 1857. D 431 4pls a — new ed., with adds., Cin 1883. D 468 4pls[incl. in paginat.] port PITHOLE, [Pa.] History of: by "Crocus." See Leonard, Chas. C. PITKIN, TIMOTHY 8045 A political and civil history of the United States N Hav 1828. O 2v: 528; [l2] 9-539. port a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1831. PITKIN, TIMOTHY 8046 A statistical view of the commerce of the United States Hart 1816. O [l2] 407 [20] a — ed. 2, with adds., N Y 1817. O [l2] 445 [8] r i — anr. ed., enl., N Hav 1835. O U6j 600 PITMAN, BENN [reporter] 8047 The assassination of President Lincoln and the trial of the conspirators. . . . Cin 1865. O 421 [2] pi a Officially expurgated transcript. PITMAN, BENN [reporter] 8048 The trials for treason at Indianapolis, disclosing the plans for. . . a north-western confederacy Cin 1865. O 340 front, pi a PITOU, LOUIS-ANGE 8049 Voyage a Cayenne, dans les deux Ameriques P 1805. O 2v: 312; 404. 2pls a — ed. 2, P 1807. O 2v: [l2] 5-60, 312; [l2] 404. 2pls — Ger. tr. Leip 1805. O [6] 391 2pls; Leip 18^8. Exiled to Cayenne, in 1797, he was pardoned in 1801 and returned to France via the United States. PITTMAN, PHILIP 8050 The present state of the European settle- ments on the Mississippi. ... L 1770. Q [8] 99 8maps & plans b N NYP Y — rptd. Clev 1906. O 165[incl.facs] 6maps a Extremely thorough description — in point of time the second English — of the western country under British occupation. PITTS, J. R. S. 8051 Life and bloody career of. . . James Copeland, the great southern land pirate. . . . Jackson Miss 1874. O 220 a — rptd., haltered, Hattiesburg [l909]. O 237 By the sheriff who hanged this outlaw in 1857. 457 Pitt's Administration PITT'S ADMINISTRATION (MR.) An appendix to the Review of: See Almon, John. PITT'S ADMINISTRATION (MR.) A review of: See Almon, John. PITTSBURGH 8052 Pittsburgh and the Ohio canal. Documents relative to a communication between: Pitt 1833. O [32] 27 fold, map a PITTSBURGH 8053 A full account of the great fire at:. . . . Pitt 1845. O 52 [14] a PITTSBURGH DIRECTORY Pittsburgh directory for 1815. See Riddle, James M., pub. PLACER Directory of the county of: . S F 1861. O208 a history. 8055 PLACER COUNTY [CALIF.]. .. DIRECTORY Placer county LCalif. ] business and of- ficial directory. . . historical sketches.. . . Auburn Calif 1875. O 136 a PLACERVILLE [CALIF.] 8056 Directory of : . . . containing a history.. . . Placerville 1862. D 128 a — eds. 2 & 3, same impr., date & collat. — anr. ed., same date & collat. Dub Rebellion against a benevolent Parliament pronounced unreasonable. PLAIN SENSE 8060 Plain sense, on national industry. . . . N Y 1820. O 51 a PLAIN SENSE 8061 Plain sense, or sketches of political frenzy and federal fraud and folly. Wash 1803. O 40 a PLAIN TRUTH Plain truth; addressed to the inhabitants of America. ... By Candidus. See Smith, Provost Wm. PLAIN TRUTH Plain truth: or, a letter to the author of Dispassionate thoughts on the American war. . . . See Galloway, Jos. PLAN 8062 Plan einer geregelten deutschen Aus- wanderung und Ansiedelung in den Vereinig- ten Staaten. . . . Darmstadt 1848. O 48 a PLAN Plan (A) for settling the unhappy dispute between Great Britain and her colonies. See Jenings, Edmund. PLACERVILLE AND SACRAMENTO RAILROAD (THE) Report of the chief engineer on the survey of: See Bishop, Francis A. PLAIN... ADDRESS 8057 Plain and seasonable address (A) to the freeholders of Great Britain, on the present posture of affairs in America. L 1766. O [2] 21 a Denunciation of both Pitt and America. PLAIN ENGLISH. 8058 A letter to the King, [l 1778]. O [38] 53 a Defends revolting colonies and thinks they cannot be subdued. PLAIN FACTS Plain facts: . . . examination into the rights of the Indian nations. . . . See Wharton, Sam'l. PLAN Plan (A) for the . . . militia of the United States. See Knox, Henry. PLAN 8063 Plan of association of the North American Land Company. Phil 1795. D 25 a — Eng. ed. L 1795. See also Observations on the North Amer- ican Land Company, q.v. PLAN Plan (A) of reconciliation between Great Britain and her colonies. . .. See Ramsay, Allan. PLAN Plan (A) of reconciliation with America; consistent with the dignity. . . of both countries. See Cawthorne, J. PLAIN LETTER Plain letter (A) to the common people of England and Wales. . . . See Tucker, Josiah. PLAN Plan of re-union between Great Britain and her colonies. See Pulteney, Wm. PLAIN QUESTION 8059 Plain question (The) upon the present dispute with our American colonies. L 1776. D 24 a PLAN 8064 Plan of the new constitution of the United States L 1787. O [2] 30 + 8adv-p a — new ed.. cor., L 1791. O 458 Plan — Pole — ed. 2, cor., same impr. 1792. O 32 — Am. eds., see "Constitution for the United States of America. ..." PLAN 8065 Plan (A) to reconcile Great Britain and her colonies, and preserve the dependency of America. L M.DDC.LXXIv[error for 1774]. O [16] 40 a PLANTER Planter (The): or, thirteen years in the south. By a northern man. See Brown, David. PLASBERG, C. L. 8066 Californie. Beschrijving van dat land. Amhem 1849. O 38 a [PLATT, P. L., and SLATER, 8067 NELSON]? The traveller's guide across the plains, the northern overland route.. . . [l854?l 16° 64[?] map d No perfect copy known, possibly printed in some Illinois town as map was engraved at English Prairie. PLATTE VALLEY Platte valley (the great). Incidents of a trip through: See Seymour, Silas. PLAYFAIR, ROBERT 8068 Recollections of a visit to the United States . . . 1847-8-9. Edin 1856. D [s] 266 a — rptd. 1859. same collat. PLEA 8069 Plea (A) for the Indians. Phil 1838. O 29 port a — rptd. [Hart ca 1845]. For similar title, see Beeson, John. PLEA Plea (A) for the poor soldiers. ... By a citizen of Philadelphia. See Webster, Pelatiah. PLEA Plea of the colonies (The), on the charges brought against them. . . . See Williamson, Hugh PLEAS, ELWOOD 8070 Henry County [ind. ]; past and present... . New Castle Ind 1871. 16° [4] 148 2pls a PLEASANTS, W[ILLIAM] J. 8071 Twice across the plains, 1849, 1856. S F 1906. D 160 b LC PLEMPEL, CHARLES A. The Klondyke gold fields. D 63 a 8072 . Bait 1897. PLIMPTON, FLORUS B. 8073 The lost child. . . narrative of the loss and discovery of Casper A. Partridge among the Menominee Indians. . . . Clev 1852. D 79 [cover t. only] b AA N NYP PLUMBE, JOHN 8074 Memorial against Mr. Asa Whitney's rail- road scheme. [Was/i 185l]. O 48 map[issued in only a few copies J b — ordinary copy without map a PLUMBE, JOHN 8075 Sketches of Iowa and Wisconsin. . . .St L 1839. D 103 map c NYP WisH Y PLUMMER, MRS. CLARISSA 8076 Narrative of the captivity of: [by Texas Comanches]. N Y 1838. O 24 [incl. front.] b AA N NYP — ed. 2, N Y 1839, same collat. b For similar narratives ascribed to Mrs. Caroline Harris, Mrs. Jane Adeline Wilson and Mrs. Sarah Ann Horn, see those entries. See also Parker, James W. PLYMOUTH COMPANY (THE) 8077 An answer to the Remarks of: . . . on the Plan and extracts of deeds published by the proprietors of the township of Bruns- wick. . . and also the boundaries of the Plymouth company's tract upon Kennebeck- River are . . . ascertained. B 1753. Q 33 a PLYMOUTH COMPANY (THE) 8078 A defence of the Remarks of: on the Plan . . . published by the proprietors ... of the township of Brunswick. . . . B 1753. Q 50 a The Remarks on the plan, here defended, had been issued by the Plymouth Company, at Boston, same year, in an eight-page tract. For the claims of the Brunswick proprietors, see above, An answer to the Remarks of the Plymouth company. . . . POCAHONTAS The memory of: vindicated against the erroneous judgement of the Hon. Waddy Thompson. ... By a Kentuckian. See Pickett, James C. POE, JOHN W. 8079 The true story of the death of "Billy the Kid" LA 1922. D 30 a 305copies[55 signed by printer] — rptd., "The death of Billy the Kid," B 1933. D [22] 60 pis POLARI, CONSTANT 8080 Herinneringen eener reize naar Nieuw York.. . 1831-2. Leyden 1833. O [2] 220 [2] a 459 Poles — Politicks POLES Poles (The) in the United States See Kraitsir, Chas. V. [POLETICA, PIERRE] 8081 r Apercu de la situation interieure des Etats-Unis L 1826. O [lo] 164 a — Eng. tr. Bait 1826. O [s] 163 Attributed also to Paul Svin'in. POLICY 8082 Policy (The) of the nation, particularly as it respects a navy, in the present crisis NY 1814. O 55 a POLIGNAC, CAMILLE A. J. M., PRINCE DE L'union americaine apres la guerre. P 1866. O 48 a 8083 POLITE TRAVELLER Polite traveller (The): ... a of the thirteen United States. , 18° 144 map a 8084 modern view . . L [1783]. POLITICAL CABINET 8085 Political cabinet (The). B 1806-07. O 2v in 1; 96; 80 c N NYP Y These appendices — twenty-two in number — to the Monthly Anthology [vols III and iv] contain material on the Lewis & Clark expedition and a narrative of Pike's expedi- tion up the Mississippi. POLITICAL... SKETCHES 8086 Political, commercial, and statistical sketches of the Spanish empire in both Indies; reflections on the policy proper for Great Britain. . . and a view of the political question between Spain and the United States respecting Louisiana and the Flori- das, with the claims of Great Britain. . . to the commercial navigation of the Mississippi L 1809. O [4] 156 a POLITICAL DETECTION Political detection (The); or, the... tyranny of administration. . . letters signed Junius Americanus. See Lee, Arthur. POLITICAL ESSAYS... . See Gait, John M. POLITICAL ESSAYS Political essays concerning the present state of the British empire.. . . See Young, Arthur. POLITICAL ESTABLISHMENTS 8087 Political establishments (The) of the United States ... in a candid review of their deficiencies. ... By a fellow citizen. Phil 1784. O 28 a POLITICAL INTOLERANCE 8088 Political intolerance . . . exemplified in a recent removal from office. . . . By one of the American people. B 1801. O 36 a Laudatory defence of Winthrop Sargent, just removed as Governor of Mississippi Territory. POLITICAL MIRROR 8089 Political mirror (The); or review of Jacksonism. ...NY 1835. D [l6] 316 a POLITICAL MIRROR 8090 Political mirror (A); or. .. review of the present reign. With. . . list of the ships. . . destroyed since the commencement of hostilities. L 1779. O [2] 67 a POLITICAL OPINIONS 8091 Political opinions; particularly respecting the seat of federal empire. . . the utility. . . of erecting the great city in the centre of the states. ... By a citizen of America. n.p. 1789. D 72 a POLITICAI PAMPHLET 8092 Political reconciling-pamphlet, or, patri- otic address to all the people in North America. . . . Stamford Conn 1813. 16° [d] 3-50 a POLITICAL REFLECTIONS Political reflections on the late colonial governments. ... By an American. See Galloway, Jos. POLITICAL REFLECTIONS Political reflections on the royal, pro- prietary, and charter governments of the American colonies. . . . See Galloway, Jos. POLITICAL REFORMER Political reformer (The); or a proposed plan. . . . See Hamilton, Alex. POLITICAL SKETCH 8093 Political sketch (A) of America. Edin 1808. O 87 a POLITICAL SKETCHES Political sketches. ... By a citizen of the United States. See Murray, Wm. Vans. POLITICAL TRUTH Political truth. . . with an inquiry into the truth of the charges . . . against Mr. Randolph. See Randolph, Edmund. POLITICKS Politicks (The) and views of a certain party displayed. See Smith, Wm. Loughton. 460 Politiek Vertoog — Pollard POLITIEK VERTOOG.... See Goens, R. M. van. POLITIQUE DANOIS (LE) See Hubner, Martin. POLK, JAMES K. 8094 Diary... 1845-1849. Ed. M. M. Quaife. Chi 1910. O 4v: [32] 498; [d] 494; [6] 508; [6] 462. 4pls facs a [POLK, JAMES K.] 8095 Message of the President [with documents covering California affairs from May 1846 to January 1850]. Exec. Doc. 17, Session 1, 31st Congress. Wash 1850. O 976 7maps a POLK, DR. J| EFFERSONl J. 8096 Autobiography of: Louisv 1867. D 254 [l] port a Men and manners in Kentucky, 1835-1866. POLLARD, EDWARD A. Black diamonds gathered in the darkey homes of the south. See This author's "The southern spy," below, of which it is an en- larged edition. POLLARD, EDWARD A. 8097 The first year of the war Rich 1862. O [8] 17-374 a —cor. ed. Rich 1862. O 406 — rptd. N Y 1863. O [6] 360 [2] map & 3 ports; N Y 1864. O [oj 389 map 3ports; N Y 1865. same collat., but port of Jackson added. — Eng. ed. L Stevens 1863. O fiol 360 [2] map 4ports; L Philip 1863. D Ll6] 354 — anr. ed. "Southern history of the great civil war. . . ," Tor 1863. O 383 [POLLARD, EDWARD A.] 8101 Letters of the southern spy, in Washington and elsewhere. [Bait 186l]. D 92 [3] a — rptd., au. named, with 3add. letters, "The southern spy. Letters on the policy and inauguration of the Lincoln war," Rich 1862. 16° 118 POLLARD, EDWARD A. 8102 Life of Jefferson Davis, with a secret history of the southern confederacy. . . . Phil [1869J. O [8] 536 port a POLLARD, EDWARD A. 8103 The lost cause NY 1866. O 752 6pls a — enl. ed., same impr. 1867. O [2] 762 map 6pls — rptd., same impr. & collat 1868. — Fr. tr., with notes by tr., N O 1867. Q 420 [3] 3maps 8pls POLLARD, EDWARD A. 8104 The lost cause regained. N Y 1868. D 214 POLLARD, EDWARD A. 8105 Observations in the north: eight months in prison and on parole. Rich 1865. O 142 a Last book published during the Con- federate regime, with the possible exception of Keiley's Prisoner of war. POLLARD, EDWARD A. 8106 The rival administrations: Richmond and Washington in December, 1863. Rich 1864. O [8] 32 a Part only of his Third year ol the war, [q. v.] Attacks Lincoln's inhumanity and Davis' political ineptitude. POLLARD, EDWARD A. The key to the Ku Klux. 32 a 8098 n.p. n.d. D POLLARD, EDWARD A. 8107 The second battle of Manassas. . . .Rich 1862. O 48 a POLLARD, EDWARD A. 8099 The last year of the war. N Y 1866. O 363 4ports a Only a small edition, and no reprint, was issued of this final volume, the publisher almost immediately bringing out the 4 series complete in 2 volumes; see below, Southern history ol the war. POLLARD, EDWARD A. 8100 Lee and his lieutenants. ...NY 1867. O 851 7pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1868. — anr. ed. "The early life, campaigns ... of Robert E. Lee; with. . . deeds of his com- panions in arms," N Y 1870. O [26] 33-851 6pls POLLARD, EDWARD A. 8108 The second year of the war. Rich 1863. O [lO] 17-326 a — rptd. N Y 1863. O [ 10] 17-386 map 5 ports; also N Y 1864 & 1865. same collat. POLLARD, EDWARD A. 8109 The seven days battles Rich 1862. O 45 a — anr. issue, same date & collat., Charleston. POLLARD, EDWARD A. 8110 Southern history of the war. N Y 1866. O 2v: 676; 644. 20ports a — rptd., same date & impr. O 2v in 1: [2] 657; [2] 5-598 [2] 20ports 461 Pollard — Popple [POLLARD, EDWARD A.] 8111 The southern spy, or curiosities of slavery in the south. . . . Wash 1859. D 72 a — rptd., au. named, "Black diamonds gathered in the darkey homes of the south," N Y 1859. D[l4] 17-122 r. ed. N Y 1860. D 155 POLLARD, EDWARD A. 8112 The third year of the war. N Y 1865. O 391 + 3adv-p 5ports a — rptd. N Y 1866. same collat. — Eng, ed. "The war in America, 1863-64," L 1866. D [l6] 407 Owing to lack of paper in the Confederacy, there was no complete Richmond edition of this title; for a portion only, see above, The rival administrations. . . . POLLEY, J[0SEPH] B. 8113 Hood's Texas brigade. ... N Y 1910. O 347 25pls a POLLEY, JtOSEPH] B. 8114 A soldier's letters to charming Nellie . . . . N Y 1908. O 317 16pls a POLLOCK, J. M. 8115 The unvarnished west: ranching as I found it. L [l91l]. O [8] 253 pis a POMFREY, J. W. 8116 A true disclosure ... of the Knights of the Golden Circle Cin [l86-?]. 16 47 a P0NTG1BAUD, CHEVALIER DE See More, Chas. A. PONTIAC'S CONSPIRACY. Journal of: See Navarre, Robert. PONTING, TOM CANDY. 8117 Life of: [Decatur 111 1907]. D 102 + wraps 2ports b G 25copies ptd. — rptd., same collat. & impr., also n.d. [but done 1908]. 25copies ptd[l3 in wraps, identical with ed. 1;12 bd. in clol b Y — anr. ed. Evanston 111 1952. D [l6] 133 4 ports a 500copies ptd. Ponting was prominent in the western cattle trade from 1848 to 1900; in 1854 he took Texas longhorns to New York. POOLE, CAPT. D[E WITT] C. 8118 Among the Sioux of Dakota. . . .N Y 1881. D 235 a Author was Indian Agent at the Whetstone Sioux Reservation in the 'sixties and a prominent figure in military events on the Dakota-Wyoming-Montana frontier. POOR, HENRY V. 8119 History of the railroads and canals of the United States. . . . Vol. I [all]. N Y 1860. O [8] 632 [3] 2maps[sometimes bound sepa- rately] a [POOR, HENRY V.] 8120 Influence of the railroads of the United States in the creation of its commerce and wealth. N Y 1869. O 43 a POOR, HENRY V. 8121 The Pacific railroad. The relations. . . be- tween it and the Government. ...NY 1871. O 55 a — abr. ed. AT Y 1879. O 16 POOR, JOHN A. 8122 English colonization in America. A vindi- cation of the claims of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, as the father of English coloniza- tion. ...NY 1862. O 144 a POORE, BEN: PERLEY [ed.] 8123 The conspiracy trial for the murder of the President B 1865. D 3v: 480; 552; 552 b IaU IH NYP — anr. issue, in lOpts, wraps c IH Only unexpurgated transcript. POPE, JOHN, of Va. 8124 A tour through the southern and western territories Rich 1792. O 104 one copy known with 105p & errata 1. dd N StLMerc — rptd., with index added, N Y 1888. O 104 [4] POPE, GEN. [JOHN] 8125 Official communications from: . . . con- cerning Indian affairs. St L 1865. D 30 a Concerning the Minnesota uprising, etc. POPE, CAPTAIN JOHN 8126 Report of exploration of a route for the Pacific railroad . . . from the Red river to the Rio Grande. [Wash 1855]. O 324 a For series LHouse Executive Document 129] of which this formed a part, and which contained a map belonging to this report, see Pacific railroad explorations. POPE, [CAPTAIN] JOHN 8127 Report of an exploration of the Territory of Minnesota. Wash 1850. O 56 map a POPE, WILLIAM F. 8128 Early days in Arkansas. . . .Little Rock 1895. D 330 16pls a POPPLE, HENRY 8129 A map of the British empire in America . . . . L Austen [l732]. F contents 1. 20 sectional maps & key map [issue with maps colored preferred] b JCB N NYP Y — rptd. Amst Covens & Mirtier [ca 1735], F 6maps[incl. general or key map] some copies have add. sheet[of 4views] b 462 Porcher — Portlock Best map of the country at this date; the first large-scale one done in the colonial period. Some English editions give en- gravers as Toms and Searle, others name Toms only; later ones, printed for Jefferys and Faden, give Kitchin as engraver. The Amsterdam issue was incorporated into Delisle's Atlas nouveau. . . . 8130 PORCHER, FRANCIS P. Resources of the southern fields and forests Charleston S C 1863. O [26] 601 a — anr. ed. Rich same date. O [26] 594 — new ed. enl., Charleston 1869. O [l6] 733 + 22adv-l. PORTER, WILLIAM D. 8137 State sovereignty and the doctrine of coercion Charleston S C 1860. O 36 a PORTER, WILLIAM S. 8138 Historical notices of Connecticut. 2nos. [all]. Hart 1842. O 2v: 24 12; 13-48 a PORTER, WILLIAM T., ed. The big bear of Arkansas. . . Thos. B. PORTER, WILLIAM T., ed. A quarter race in Kentucky. , D 203[incl. pis] a — rptd., same impr. 1850. , See Thorpe, 8139 . Phil 1847. PORCUPINE, PETER The life and adventures of: See Cobbett, Wm. PORCUPINE, PETER A rub from Snub. . . addressed to: See Cobbett, Wm. PORTER, CHARLES T. Review of the Mexican war. , N Y 1849. D 220 a 8131 PORTER, CAPTAIN DAVID 8132 Journal of a cruise made to the Pacific ocean, by: in the . . . frigate Essex ... 18 12- 1814 Phil 1815. O 2v[generally bound in lv]: [6] 263; [2] 169. 14maps & pis a — ed. 2, with adds., N Y 1822. O 2v: [76] 246; [4] 256. map port 7pls fold, tab — Eng. ed., abr., "A voyage to the south seas. ..," L 1823. O [2] 126 map 3pls — Ital. tr. Milan 1820. D 3v 2maps llpls PORTILLO, ESTEBAN, ed. 8140 Apuntes para la historia antigua de Coahuila y Texas. Saltillo [l886]. D 482 [2] PORTLAND [ORE.] DIRECTORY 8141 Portland [Ore.] directory for. . . 1863. . . . Port McCormick 1863. O 133 a First Portland directory. [PORTLOCK, NATHANIEL, and 8142 DIXON, GEORGE] An abridgement of Portlock and Dixon's voyage round the world. L Stockdale 1789. O 272 map pi a — rptd. Dub 1789. O 144 — Am. ed. "Voyage of Captains Portlock and Dixon to King George's sound. .. ," Phil 1803. D 120 — Dutch ed. "Reis naar de noord-west kust . . . ," Amst 1795. Q [l6] 265 [l] map 9pls — Ger. tr. Berlin 1789. O 159 PORTER, DAVID T. Memoir of Commodore David Porter. Alb 1875. O [12] 427 port 25pls a 8133 PORTER, EDWIN H. 8134 The Fall river tragedy: a history of the Borden murders. . ..Fall River 1893. O L4j 3-312 pis a The perfect crime, committed by a girl; all the world believed her guilty, but it couldn't be proved. PORTER, JACOB 8135 Topographical description and historical sketch of Plainfield. . . Massachusetts. Greenfield 1834. O 44 port a PORTER, MRS. LAVINIA H. 8136 By ox team to California. . . in 1860. Oak' land 1910. O [l2] 139 port b 50copies ptd NYP Y PORTLOCK, NATHANIEL, and 8143 MORTIMER, GEORGE Reisen an die Nortvestkuste von Amerika Berlin 1796. O [8] 384 8maps & pis a [PORTLOCK, NATHANIEL, and 8144 DIXON, GEORGE] A voyage round the world. . . in the King George, commanded by Captain Portlock; and the Queen Charlotte, commanded by Captain Dixon L 1789. O [6] 144 150- 151 pi b NYP Y Preface signed C. L. PORTLOCK, NATHANIEL 8145 A voyage round the world. . . particularly to the north-west coast of America. . . 1785- 1788. L 1789. Q [l2] 384 [40] 20maps & pis a some copies have some pis col. — Ger. tr., ed. J. R. Forster, Berlin 1790. Q [30] 314 map llpls 463 Portrait — Potter PORTRAIT (A) 8146 Portrait (A) of the evils of democracy. . . . Bait 1816. O 101 a PORYS... DESCRIPTION 8147 Pory's (John) lost description of Ply- mouth colony B 1918. O [24] 65 2 fold. maps 4pls a 350copies ptd. First printing of a manuscript which antedated Bradford's History. POSITIVELY TRUE Positively true. A dialogue. . . . See Van Dusen, Increase McG. POST, d HARLESl C. 8148 Ten years a cowboy. Chi 1886. D [6] 17- 358 14pls a — anr. issue, au. named as Tex Bender, Chi 1886. same collat. — anr. issue, au. given as Post, with 113-p. addenda by Bender, same impr.&date. 18pls [4repeated] — rptd., au. named as Post, with adds, by Tex Bender, Chi 1887. D [6] 17-471 18pls 1.4 being repeated] — anr. ed., au. given as Phil Johnson, t. changed to "Life on the plains. . . ," Chi 1888. same collat. as ed. 1 — other Chi eds., with and without the adds., under variant authorship — Post, Bender, Johnson: 1890; 1893; 1895; 1896; 1897; 1899. POST, CHRISTIAN F. 8149 The second journal of: L 1759. O 67 b JCB N NYP Y Successful attempt of this Moravian mis- sionary to win over Indians on the Ohio from French to British interests. For his first journal see Thomson, Chas., An enquiry. . . . [POST, LYDIA M.] 8150 Personal recollections of the American revolution. A private journal. ...NY 1859. D [6] 11-251 front, a — rptd. "Grace Barclay's journal. . . ," N Y 1867. D [POSTL, KARL] 8151 Das Cajutenbuch oder nationale Charak- teristiken Zurich 1841. 16° 2v: 312; 390 a — rptd. Stuttgart 1847. — Am. ed. "The cabin book; or, sketches of life in Texas," N Y 1844. O [4] 3-155 a — rptd. "Life in Texas," Phil 1845. — Eng. ed., different tr. from Am. ed., L 1852. D [6] 296 8pls [POSTL, KARL] 8152 Les emigres francais dans la Louisiane (1800-1804). P 1853. 16° [6] 194 [l] a Translation of four sketches in his Lebensbilder aus beiden Hemispharen. [POSTL, KARL] 8153 Life in the new world; or sketches of American society. N y[l844]. O 349 a — also issued serially, 5pts in 7nos Translation of five sketches in his Lebensbilder aus beiden Hemispharen, Zurich 1834—7, 6 volumes, later issued at Stuttgart in 5 volumes, with title slightly changed, 1843 and 1846. [POSTL, KARL] 8154 Nathan der Squatter-Regulator, oder der erste Amerikaner in Texas. . . . [Geschienen 1837]. O [2] 451 a [POSTL, KARL] 8155 Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika nach ihrem politischen. . . Vernal tnisse betrachtet. Von C. Sidons. Stuttgart 1827. O 2v: [10] 206; [4] 247 a — Dutch tr. Leeuwarden 1828. — Eng. tr. [of v. i] "The United States. .. as they are," L 1827. O [l2] 242 [2] a —rptd. 1828. — Eng. tr. [of v. Il] "The Americans as they are; described in a tour through the valley of the Mississippi," L 1828. D [l4] 218 U] a POSTON, CHARLES D. The Arizona election. 8156 N Y 1865. O 72 a POTE, CAPTAIN WILLIAM, JR. 8157 The journal of: during his captivity in the French and Indian war NY 1896. O [40] 223 9maps & pis + fold, map in separate vol. a 375copies ptd.[25 on Jap. P.] POTENT ENEMIES (THE) Potent enemies (The) of America laid open .... See Benezet, Anthony. POTIEKHIN, V. 8158 O byvshem Rossa, zaselenii na beregakh verkhnei Kalifornia. St Ptbg 1859. O 48 a Account of the Fort Ross Russian settle- ment in California. POTOMACK Beschryving der rivier:. . . . Potomack See Lear, Tobias. POTTER, C[HANDLER] E. 8159 The history of Manchester. . . New Hamp- shire Manchester 1856. O [l4] 67 764 46pls a POTTER, ELISHA R. 8160 The early history of Narragansett Prov 1835. O [20] 316 a 464 Potter — Powell [POTTER, ELIZA] 8161 A hairdresser's experience in high life. Cin 1859. D [4] 11-294 a POTTER, ISRAEL R. Life and remarkable adventures of: See Trumbull, Henry. POTTER, JACK M. 8162 Cattle trails of the old west. Clayton New Mex 1935. O 40 fold, map a — rev. ed., same impr. 1939. POTTER, THEODORE E. 8163 The autobiography of: [Concord N H 1913]. O [12] 228 3ports a Describes his 1852 overland trip to Cali- fornia, adventures as a filibuster with Walker, etc, [POTTER, W00DBURNE] 8164 The war in Florida ... its causes [etc.]. By a late staff officer. Bait 1836. D [8] 184 3maps &■ plans a Unsparingly critical of Jackson, Jesup and the Secretary of War. P0UCH0T, [FRANCOIS] 8165 Memoires sur la derniere guerre de I'Amerique Septentrionale, entre la France et l'Angleterre Yverdon 1781. D 3v: [42] 184; [4] 308; [4] 308; [4] 398. 3maps b H N NYP Y — Eng. tr. by F. B. Hough, with notes, Rox- bury 1866. O 2v: [4] 268; 283. 21maps & pis a 200 copies ptd[of which 50 were in Q and 7 were on Whatman paper] Contemporary authority of the first im- portance from the French point of view; Capt. Pouchot commanded Forst Niagara and Levis. [POULLIN DE LUMINAl 8166 Histoire de la guerre contre les Anglois Geneva 1759-60. O 2v: [24] 244; [28] 211 a Contains account of Washington's opera- tions on the Ohio, and accuses him of assassinating Jumonville. POUSSIN, GUILLAUME T. 8167 Chemins de fer americains. . . . P 1836. Q [20] 271 map 7pls a — ed. 2, Brus 1836. Q 124 map 7pls — Ger. tr. Regensburg 1837. O [20] 408 map Pi Supplements the author's Travaux d'ameliorations interieures, see below. POUSSIN, GUILLAUME T. 8168 De la puissance americaine. P 1843. O 2v: [28] 554; [l2] 428. map a — ed. 2, P 1843. O 2v same collat. — ed. 3, P 1848. O 2v: [4] 492; [4] 448 — Eng. tr. "The United States; its power . . . ," Phil 1851. O [24] 33-488 POUSSIN, GUILLAUME T. 8169 Question de l'Oregon P 1846. O 100 a POUSSIN, GUILLAUME T. 8170 Travaux d'ameliorations interieures. . . par le gouvernement , . . des Etats-Unis. P 1834. Q [32] 364 + atlas F [4] lOpls a POWELL, C. FRANK 8171 Life of . . . Zachary Taylor NY 1846. O 96 port a — enl. ed. N Y 1847. O 121 port POWELL, CUTHBERT 8172 Twenty years of Kansas City's livestock trade [k C 1893]. O 345 a In the first issue author's name is not on spine. POWELL, FRED W. 8173 Hall Jackson Kelley, prophet of Oregon. Porr Ore 1917. O 185 port 3maps & plans a lOOcopies ptd. Separate from Oregon Historical Quarterly. POWELL, H. M. T. 8174 The Santa Fe trail to California, . , . Ed. D. S. Watson, S F Grabhorn [l93l]. Q [l6] 272 18maps & pis b N NYP Y 315 copies ptd [l5 with col. pis] POWELL, JOHN J. 8175 Nevada: the land of silver. S F 1876. O [7] 306 + 6adv-p errata slip a POWELL, JOHN W. 8176 Canyons of the Colorado. Meadville Pa 1895. 400 front. lOfold.pls a First complete narrative; his earlier re- ports were largely devoted to scientific data. POWELL, JOHN W. 8177 Exploration of the Colorado river.. . 1869- 1872. Wash 1875. Q [lO 7-ll] 291 2maps 72pls a POWELL, J[0HN] W. 8178 Report of explorations in 1873 of the Colorado of the west. . . . Wash 1874. O 36 a POWELL, WILLIAM H. 8179 A history of the. . . Fourth Regiment of Infantry. . . . Wash 1871, O 215 a POWELL, WILLIS J. A brief sketch of. 1844. D 36 a 8180 Santa-Anna. . . . St L 465 Power — Poyas POWER, JOHN C. 8181 History of the early settlers of Sangamon county, Illinois Springfield 1876. O 798 map 2ports a POWER, TYRONE 8182 Impressions of America. . . 1833-1836. O L 1836. 2v. [l6] 440; [6] 408. 2pls a — Am. ed., cor. by au., Phil 1836. D 2v: [8] 13-262 [2]; 219 — ed. 2, same date, impr. & collat. The author's full name was William Gratton Tyrone Power. POWER (THE) 8183 Power (The) and grandeur of Great- Britain, founded on the liberty of the colo- nies Phil 1768. O 22 a — rptd. N Y same date. O 24 POWERS, GRANT 8184 Historical sketches of the. . . Coos coun- try [N. H.]. Haverhill N H 1841. D 240 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1880. POWERS, J. H. 8185 History and reminiscences of Chickasaw county, [iowa]. Des M 1894. O 332 port a POWERS, STEPHEN 8186 Afoot and alone; a walk from sea to sea by the southern route Hart 1872. O [4] 11-327 12pls + adv-p a — ed. 2, same impr. 1884. Vivid narrative of a pedestrian pilgrimage of 3500 miles from Carolina to California. POWESHIEK COUNTY, IOWA 8187 Poweshiek County, Iowa. A descriptive account. . . . Montezuma la 1865. O 38 a [POWNALL, THOMAS] 8188 The administration of the colonies. L 1764. O [2] 131 a — ed. 2, enl., au.named, L 1765. O [28] 202 [60] — ed. 3, further enl., L 1766. O L28] 202 60 [52] — ed. 4, L 1768. O [32] 318 [73] — ed. 5, with Pt. 2 added, but omitting "Considerations on . . . Parliament's right of taxing the colonies," which appeared in eds. 3 & 4, L 1774. O 2v: [20] 288; [l2] 308 — ed. 6, L 1777. same collat. Suggests the formation of a union of the thirteen colonies. [POWNALL, THOMAS] 8189 Considerations on the points lately brought into question as to the. . . right of taxing the colonies. . . . L 1766. O [2] 52 a Included also as an appendix in the third and fourth editions of The administration of the colonies, see above. POWNALL, T[H0MAS] 8190 A memorial addressed to the sovereigns of America L 1783. O [6] 139 a Forsees the wisdom of supplanting the original government, under the Articles of Confederation, by a more centralized form. [POWNALL, THOMAS] 8191 A memorial addressed to the sovereigns of Europe, on the present state of affairs be- tween the old and new world. L 1780. O [lo] 127 a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat. 1781. — Fr. tr. L 1781. O 6 [8] 82 — rptd., same impr. 1782. O [4] 8 [8] 82 For an unauthorized transliteration, see Jenings, Edmund, A translation of the Memorial. . . . POWNALL, THOMAS 8192 A topographical description of. . .parts of North America. . . contained in the (an- nexed) map of the middle British colonies. L 1776. F [6] 46 [l6] map b N NYP Y There were 2printings, identical, of lOOOcopies each. — rev. ed. Pitt 1949. Q [l6] 235 2maps front. 3facs a An improved version of Lewis Evans's Map and Analysis of 1755. Contains the first printing of the first of Gist's Journals and of Gordon's Journal of an expedition to the Illinois. Some copies were issued on L.P., with map colored. Pownall uses verbatim, without quotation marks, the Preface of Evans's Analysis, which in- dicates his anonymous authorship of it POWNALL, THOMAS 8193 Two memorials, not originally intended for publication L 1782. O [4] 58 errata slip a Outlines a plan for a truce and eventual peace with the colonies, submitted earlier in the war to the British ministry, but never acted upon. POWYS, MR. 8194 Letter to: on the independency of America. By a man of candor. . . . L 1778. O 44 a [POYAS, MRS. ELIZABETH A.] 8195 Carolina in the olden time. Charleston 1855. D [4] 202 a [POYAS, MRS. ELIZABETH A.] 8196 Days of yore; or shadows of the past. Parts I & n. Charleston S C 1870. D 2v: [4] 43; 44 a 466 Poyas — Preliminary Articles [POYAS, MRS. ELIZABETH A.] 8197 Our forefathers; their homes. . . . Charles- ton S C 1860. D 172 a [POYAS, MRS. ELIZABETH A.] 8198 A peep into the past. Charleston S C 1853. D 238 a PRATT, PARLEY P. 8207 History of the late persecution ... by the state of Missouri upon the Mormons. . . . Det 1839. D 40 no copy located c — rptd. Mexico N Y 1840. D 40 b WisH — enl. ed. with adds., "Late persecution . ..." N Y 1840. 16° 216 a PRACTICAL GUIDE (A) Practical guide (A) for emigrants to North America. ... By a seven years' resident. . . . See Nettle, Geo. PRATT, PARLEY P. 8208 Mormonism unveiled. N Y 1838. O 47 a — rptd. several times, same impr., date & collat. PRAIRIE SKETCHES Prairie sketches, or fugitive recollections of an army girl of 1899. See English, Mrs. Mary K. J. PRAIRIEDOM Prairiedom; rambles and scrambles in Texas. ... By a Suthron. See Page, Frederic PRASLOW, DR. J. 8199 Der Staat Californien in medicinisch- geographischer Hinsicht. Gottingen 1857. O [6] 66 a — Eng. tr. S F 1939. O [l8] 86 [2] facs PRATT, ENOCH 8200 A comprehensive history. . . of Eastham, Wellfleet and Orleans. . . Mass. Yarmouth 1844. O [8] 180 a PRATT, GEORGE W. 8201 An account of the British expedition above the highlands of the Hudson river and. . . the burning of Kingston in 1777. Alb 1861. Q 73 a 50copies ptd. PRATT, [JOHN J.], and HUNT, 8202 [HENRY J.?] Guide to the gold mines of Kansas. . . . Chi 1859. O 70 [lo] map c N Y [of 4copies known] PRATT, JULIUS H. 8203 Reminiscences . . . [with the narrative of a trip to California in 1849.] n.p. 1910. D [lo] 287 9pls a PRATT, PARLEY P. 8204 An appeal to the inhabitants of . . . New York. Milw [1841?]. O 24 [inch cover t.] b Y — anr. ed. Nauvoo [l841?j. O [2] 40 a PRATT, PARLEY P. 8205 The autobiography of: N Y 1874. D 502 [10] 6pls a PRATT, PARLEY P. 8206 An exile of Missouri. Nauvoo [l844j. O 40 b PRATT, PARLEY P. 8209 Scriptural evidences in support of po- lygamy. S F 1856. O 24 a [PRAY, ISAAC C] 8210 Memoirs of James Gordon Bennett and his times. N Y 1855. D [6] 15-488 port a PREBLE, COMMODORE EDWARD The life of: See Kirtland, John T. [PREBLE, GEORGE H.] 8211 The chase of the rebel steamer. .. Oreto . . . into the bay of Mobile, by the . . . steam sloop Oneida C priv. ptd. 1862. O 60 a — anr. ed., C Farnham 1862. O 48 8212 PREBLE, GEORGE Ho The first cruise of the. . . frigate Essex with a short account of her origin and sub sequent career until captured by the British, in 1814 Salem 1870. O [2] 108 a PREBLE, GEORGE H. 8213 Our flag; origin and progress of the flag of the United States Alb 1872. O [l2] 11- 535 14pls a — ed. 2, rev., "History of the flag. . . ," B 1880. o[22] 815 port lOpls — rptd. B 1893. PRECIS HISTORIQUE 8214 Precis historique de la revolution des Etats-Unis Ghent [l782?]. O [4] 3-28 a PRECIS POLITIQUE 8215 Precis politique sur l'origine de la guerre des Americains. . . . L 1783. D 39 a PRECIS Precis sur l'Amerique Septentrionale. . . . See Mandrillon, Jos. PRELIMINARY ARTICLES 8216 Preliminary articles (The) of peace be- tween Great Britain, France, Spain and the United States . . . signed at Versailles, 20th January, 1783. Authentic copies of: L 1783. O 32 a — anr. ed., t. slightly altered, L 1783. O 28 467 Preliminary Articles — Price PRELIMINARY ARTICLES 8217 Preliminary articles of peace, between His Britannick Majesty, the most Christian king, and the Catholick king, signed at Fontainebleau, the 3rd day of November, 1762. L 1762. Q 23 a For final terms, signed at Paris, the following year, see The definitive treaty. . . . PRENTICE, ARCHIBALD 8218 A tour in the United States. . . . L 1848. 18° [4] 156 a — anr. ed., with 2 lectures added, same impr. 1849. 16° 217 map port — rptd. 5 times within the next two years [PRENTISS, CHARLES] 8219 The life of the late Gen. William Eaton . . . from his correspondence. . . . Brookfield 1813. O 448 port a Though published at the expense of the son-in-law of this unstable adventurer, none of his frailties — vanity, arrogance, in- temperance, connection with Burr's con- spiracy — are concealed. [PRENTISS, GEORGE L.] 8220 A memoir of S. S. Prentiss. N Y 1855. D 2v: 382; 581 a — rptd., same impr. 1856; 1858. PRENTISS, S. S. A memoir of: Edited by his brother. See Prentiss, Geo. L. [PRESCOTT, BENJAMIN] 8221 A free and calm consideration of the un- happy misunderstanding. . .between the Parliament of Great- Britain, and these. . . .colonies. ...Sa /em 1774. O 52 a PRESCOTT, GEORGE F. 8222 The Lee trial! An expose of the Mountain Meadows massacre. . . . S L C 1875. O 64 a PRESENT CLAIMS (THE) 8223 Present claims (The) and complaints of America briefly . . . considered. L 1806. O [16] 48 a PRESENT CRISIS (THE) 8224 Present crisis (The) with respect to America, considered L 1775. O [2] 46 a PRESENT HOUR (THE) 8225 Present hour (The). L 1782. O [2] 41 a PRESENT STATE Present (The) state of Great Britain and North America. . . . See Mitchell, John. PRESENT STATE (THE) 8226 Present state (The) of liberty in Great Britain and her colonies. By an Englishman. L 1769. O 32 a PRESENT STATE (THE) Present state (The) of North America. . . . See Huske, John, PRESENT STATE (THE) Present state (The) of the British empire .... See Goldsmith, J. PRESENT STATE Present state of the nation. See Knox, Wm. PRESTON, THOMAS L. Historical sketches. . , 7-170 port a 8227 , Rich 1900. O [2] PRESTON, WALTER W. History of Harford county, Maryland. Bait 1901. O 360 [19] port 5pls a 8228 PRESTON, LT. COL. WILLIAM 8229 Journal in Mexico. . . 1847-8. P rud. Q 48 a small ed. PREVOST, MR. 8230 Message from the President LMonroe] . . . communicating the letter of: . . . relating to an establishment made at the mouth of the Columbia river. Wash 1823. O 65 tab a PREVOST, SIR GEORGE 8231 The letters of Veritas. . . containing a succinct narrative of the military adminis- tration of: during his command in the Cana- das Montr 1815. O 157 a Ascribed to John Richardson and to Stephen Sewell. PREVOST, the late LIEUTENANT- GENERAL SIR GEORGE Some account of the public life of:. . . . See Brenton, E. B. PRICE, EBENEZER 8232 A chronological register of Boscawen. . . New-Hampshire Concord 1823, O 116 a PRICE, GEORGE F. Across the continent with the Fifth Cavalry. . . . N Y 1883. O 706 4ports a 8233 PRICE, RICHARD 8234 Additional observations on the nature. . . of civil liberty, and the war with America L 1777. O [16] 176 a — ed. 2, with suppl., L 1777. O [l6] 176 [36] fold, tab — rptd. Dub 1777. O [24] 260 — ed. 3, L 1778. O [22] 176 468 Price — Priest — later eds. entitled "Two tracts on civil liberty. ..." -Am. ed. Phil 1778. O 122 — Dutch ed. Leyden 1777. O 58 106 PRICE, RICHARD 8235 The general introduction and supplement to the two tracts on civil liberty L 1778. o[28] 181-216 fold, tab a — ed. 2, L 1778. O [32] 36 fold, tab — Am. eds.: Phil 1778. O 27; same impr. & date. O [2] 15 Supplements the author's Additional observations. . . . PRICE, the REV. DR. [RICHARD] A letter to: wherein his Observations on the nature of civil liberty . . . are candidly examined. ... By a lover of peace. . . . See Stewart, James, of London. PRICE, RICHARD 8236 Observations on the importance of the American revolution L 1784. O [2] 110 + 2adv-p a — rptd., with adds., L 1785. O [8] 156 — anr. ed. Dub 1785. O [8] 156 — Am. ed. B 1784. O 88 — rptd. N Hav 1785. O 65 [i.e. 87]; Trenton 1785. O 88; Bennington 1785. O 84 — Am. ed. 2, Phil 1785. O [2] 60 [2]; and 3 other eds. by 1820. Price, intimate friend of Franklin, was the most influential British advocate of American independence, PRICE, RICHARD 8237 Observations on the nature of civil liberty. . . and the justice and policy of the war with America. . . . L 1776. O [8] 128 a — rptd., in at least 13 other eds., same yr. — Am. eds.: Phil 1776. O 71; B 1776. same collat; N Y 1776. O 107; Charleston S C 1776. O [8] 104 — Fr. tr. Rotterdam 1776. O — Ger. tr. Braunschweig 1777. O 108; Leip 1777. PRICE, DR. [RICHARD] Remarks on a pamphlet. . . by: intitled Lsi'cJ, Observations on the nature of civil liberty. . . .See Ferguson, Dr. Adam. PRICE, DR. [RICHARD] Three letters to: containing remarks on his Observations. ... By a member of Lin- coln's Inn. . . . See Lind, John. PRICE'S NOTIONS Price's (Doctor) notions of the nature of civil liberty. . . contradictory to reason. . . . See Gray, John. PRICE'S THEORY Price's (Dr.) theory and principles of civil liberty. . . . Observations on: See Good- ricke, Henry. PRICE, SIR ROSE L. 8238 A summer on the Rockies. L 1898. D [lo] 279 map 2pls a PRICE, SAMUEL W. 8239 The old masters of the bluegrass. Louisv Filson Club 1902. Q [l8] 181 15pls a PRICE, REV. T. 8240 A narrative of the adventure and escape of Moses Roper, from American slavery. L 1837. 16° 108 a — rptd., same impr., date & collat — Am. ed. B 1838. 18° 89 — rptd., same impr. & date. D [8] 72 PRICE, T. M. 8241 An historic narrative of the bear flag revolution. n.p. [ca 1912?]. O 23 [cover t. only] a PRICE, WILLIAM T. 8242 Historical sketches of Pocahontas county, W. Va. Marlinton 1901. O [6] 622 [3] 2pls a PRIEST, JOSIAH 8243 American antiquities. . . . Alb 1833. O 400 map 2pls a —eds. 2 & 3, same impr., date & collat. — rptd. several times. PRIEST, JOSIAH 8244 The captivity. . . of Gen.Freegift Patchin . . . among the Indians under Brant. . . .Alb 1833. D 50 pi b NYP Y — ed. 2, Lansingburg 1841. a PRIEST, JOSIAH 8245 A copy of the grants to the Van Rens- saeler and Livingston families. . . with a history of the settlement of Albany.. . .Alb 1844. O 32 a PRIEST, JOSIAH 8246 The Fort Stanwix captive. . . adventures of Isaac Hubbell among the Indians. . . from the lips of the hero himself. Alb 1841. O [32] b N NYP Y PRIEST, JOSIAH 8247 History of the early adventures of Wash- ington among the Indians of the west. Alb 1841. O 64 a PRIEST, JOSIAH The Low Dutch prisoner. . . capture of Frederick Schermerhorn ... by a party of Mohawks Alb 1839. O 32 b LC N — anr. issue, "The Low Dutch boy. . . ,' same date & collat., N Lond a 8248 469 PRIEST, JOSIAH 8249 Slavery, as it relates to the Negro. . . with strictures on abolitionism. Alb 1843. D 340 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1844; 1845. — ed. 5, enL, "Bible defence of slavery . . . ," Glasgow Ky 1852. O [lo] 3-569 8 PRIEST, JOSIAH 8250 Stories of early settlers in the wilderness .... Alb 1837. O 40 front a PRIEST, JOSIAH 8251 Stories of the revolution. . . . Alb 1836. O 32 pi a — rptd., same collat., Alb 1838. PRIEST, JOSIAH 8252 A true narrative of David Ogden among the Indians. . . . Lansingburgh 1840. O 32 front, a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1841. PRIEST, JOSIAH 8253 A true story of the . . . adventures and sufferings of Matthew Calkins . . . never be- fore published, [etc.]. Lansingburgh 1832. O 40 b — other eds., same impr. & collat.: 1833; 1840; 1841. a Includes also captivity of Gen. Patchin and other material. PRIEST, WILLIAM 8254 Travels in the United States. . . . L 1802. O[l0] 214 front, a PRIESTLEY, HERBERT I., ed. & tr. The Luna papers: documents relating to the expedition of Don Tristan de Luna y Arellano for the conquest of La Florida, 1559-61. Deland Fla 1928. O 2v: [74] 272; [l4] 384. 5pls a 360copies ptd. PRIESTLEY, JOSEPH 8255 Letters to the inhabitants of Northumber- land [Pa.] and its neighborhood. . . .Pts. I & II. Northumberland 1799. O 2v: [4] 48; 42 [l]a — rptd., with added letter on Liancourt's travels in the U. S., Phil 1800. O [6] 96 — ed. 2, same impr. & collat. 1801. PRIESTLEY, JOSEPH 8256 Memoirs of: written by himself: with a continuation ... by his son. . . . Northumber- land Pa 1806. O 2v: [12] 336; [6] 337-82 [lo]. errata slip errata 1. a — Eng. ed. L 1806-7. O 2v: [12] 469[for 48 1]; 482-824. 2errata 1. [in some copies a 10-p bibliog. added to v. 2] [PRIETO, GUILLERMO] 8257 Viaie a los Estados Unidos. Mex 1877-8. O 3v: [10] 625 [2]; 593 [2]; 532 [2]. 30pls a — Eng. tr. of a portion only, S F 1938. Q [24] 91 3pls Sketches of most of our large cities, in- cluding San Francisco. 8258 N Y 1845. D PRIME, NATHANIEL S. A history of Long Island. [l2] 420 map a [PRIMM, WILSON] 8259 Report of the celebration of the anni- versary of the founding of St. Louis.. . . St L 1847. O 32 a PRINCE, FREDERIC 8260 The story of Fort Hill. . . previous to the settlement of Auburn. . . .Auburn N Y 1859. O 50 a PRINCE, L. BRADFORD 8261 Historical sketches of New Mexico. . . . N.Y. & K C 1883. D 327 a PRINCE, L. BRADFORD 8262 New Mexico's struggle for statehood. . . . Santa Fe 1910. O 128 front a PRINCE, L. BRADFORD 8263 Spanish mission churches of New Mexico Cedar Rapids 1915. O 374[incl. pis] + adv-p a PRINCE, THOMAS 8264 Annals of New England. Vol.11, 3nos. [all]. B [1755]. D 96 b AA H MH For vol. I, see below A chronological history ol New England. PRINCE, THOMAS 8265 and A chronological history of New-Engli Vol. I [all]. B 1736. D [42] 104 [2] 254 a — complete ed., with v. 2 added, B 1826. O 2v in 1: 439 a — ed. 3, sheets of 1826 ed., with new t & adds., B 1852. O [l8] 3-12, 5-439 7pls[l4 in some of the 30 copies issued] a Though merely a skeletonized register of historical fragments, our most scholarly colonial work. For volume two, see above. Annals. . . . [PRINCE, THOMAS?] 8266 The vade mecum for America: or a com- panion for traders and travellers. . . . B 173 1. O [8] 220 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1732. PRINCETON, ILLINOIS Sketches of the early settlement.. . of: See Smith, Isaac B. 470 Principles — Proposals PRINCIPLES (THE) Principles (The), history, and use, of air- balloons. . . .See Blanchard, Jean Pierre. PRINCIPLES 8267 Principles of law and government. . . the justice and policy of the present war. . . . L 1781. Q 2pts: [6] 202; [2] 127 [l] a Defence of the colonies, probably written by Franklin's friend, David Williams. PRINDLE, CYRUS 8268 Memoir of the Rev. Daniel Meeker Chand- ler. . . missionary among the Indians, at Ke- wa-we-non, and Sault St. Marie. . . . Middle- bury Vt 1842. D 114 a [PRINGLE, EDWARD J.] 8269 Slavery in the southern states. C 1852. D [2] 53 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — ed. 3, au. named, C 1853. same collat. PRINGLE, J. J. 8270 Twenty years of snipe-shooting. ... N Y 1899. OL12] 324 pis a [PRINGLE, J0K*l] 8271 The life of General James Wolfe L 1760. Q [4] 24 a — Am. eds., same date: B O 36; Portsmouth O 24 PRISONER OF WAR Prisoner of war, or five months among the Yankees. ... By A. Rifleman, Esq See Keiley, A. M. [PRITTS, JOSEPH] 8272 Incidents of border life. . . . Chambersburg 1839. O 491 5pls a — issue 2, enl. to 507p with 6pls — rptd. Lancaster 1841. O 491 front — other eds.: Chambersburg 1841. O 511 7 pis; Lancaster 1842. O 491 7pls — anr. ed., with adds. 86 omissions, and differently arranged, "Mirror of olden time border life. . . ," Abingdon Va 1849. O 700 13pls[l7 in a few copies] — Ger. tr. "Abentheuerliche Ereignisse aus dem Leben der ersten Ansiedler an den Grenzen der mittleren und westlichen Staaten. . . ," Chambersburg 1839. O 537 front.; Lancaster 1842. O 537 7pls PRIVATE (THE) Private (The) in gray. ... By a private. See Smith, Wm. Calvin. PROCEEDINGS (THE) 8274 Proceedings (The) of the Executive of the United States respecting the insurgents. Phil 1795. O 130 a PROCEEDINGS 8275 Proceedings of the Republican national convention Chi 1860. O 153 a PROCTOR, GEORGE H. 8276 The fishermen's memorial. . . containing a list of vessels and their crews, lost from the port of Gloucester, 1830-1873. Gloucester 1873. O [4] 172 a PROCTOR, GEORGE H. 8277 The fishermen's own book. . . men and vessels lost from. . . Gloucester, 1874-1882. Gloucester [l882], O [2] 274 3pls a PROFITABLE ADVICE Profitable advice for rich and poor. In a dialogue between James Freeman, a Caro- lina planter, and Simeon Question. . . . See Norris, John. PROMINENT FEATURES 8278 Prominent features of a northern tour. . . . Charleston S C 1822. D 48 a PROOFS Proofs that Great Britain was successful against each of her numerous enemies. . . . See Barrington, Daines. PROPHETICK DISCUSSION (THE) See Strang, James J. PROPHETS (THE) Prophets (The); or, Mormonism unveiled .... See Belisle, Orvilla S. PROPOSALS 8279 Proposals for a plan towards a reconcilia- tion . . . with the thirteen provinces of America. ... By one of the publick. L 1778. O [8] 41 a PROPOSALS 8280 Proposals for carrying on an effectual war in America, against the French and Span- iards. . . . L 1702. sm Q 24 a These prophetic suggestions were pretty much carried out in the French war fifty years later. PROPOSALS Proposals for uniting the English colo- nies on the continent of America. . . . See McCulloh, Henry. PROCEEDINGS 8273 Proceedings of the American Equal Rights Association. . . , N.Y., May 9th & 10th, 1867. N Y 1867. O 80 a PROPOSALS 8281 Proposals to amend and perfect the policy of the government of the United States. . . . n.p. 1782. D 36 a 471 Proposition — Pulteney PROPOSITION (A) 8282 Proposition (A) for the present peace and future government of the British colonies in North America. L [l775]. O [6] 54 a PROSCH, CHARLES 8283 Reminiscences of Washington Territory .... Seattle 1904. O 128 2pls port a PROSCH, THOMAS W. 8284 David S. Maynard and Catherine T. May- nard . . , two of the Oregon immigrants of 1850. Seattle [l906]. O 80 2ports a PROSCH, THOMAS W. 8285 McCarver and Tacoma. Seattle [l906], O [8] 198 2pls a PROSE 8286 Prose and poetry of the live stock in- dustry. Vol.lfall]. Denver & K C [l905]. Q [4] 7-757 lOports b LC NYP Y PRO-SLAVERY ARGUMENT (THE) Pro-slavery argument (The); as maintained by . . . distinguished writers of the south. See Harper, Chas. C, et ah PROSPECT (THE) Prospect (The) before us. Callender, James T. 1800-01. See PROSPECT (THE) 8287 Prospect (The) before us, or, strictures on the late message of the President of the United States. . . . Charleston S C 1832. D 24 a PROSPECT (A) 8288 Prospect (A) of the consequences of the present conduct of Great Britain towards America. L 1776. O 98 + 2adv-p a PROTEST Protest against the bill to repeal the American Stamp act. See Correct copies of the two protests. . . „ PROUD, ROBERT 8289 The history of Pennsylvania. . . . Phil 1797-8. O 2v: 508; 373 [ 146]. map port a PROVIDENCE STATE (THE) 8290 A historical account of: Prov 1868. D 297 a 200copies ptd. PROVIDENTIAL ASPECT Providential aspect. . . of the existing crisis. See Bridge, Isaac. PROVISIONAI CONSTITUTIONS 8291 Provisional and permanent constitutions . . . with the acts. . . of the first session of the provisional congress, of the Confederate States. Montg 1861. O 160 a — anr. ed. Rich 1861. O 159 [some copies of this ed. have the acts of the 2nd & 3rd sessions of the provisional congress bound PROWE, A. 8292 John Osawatomie Brown, der Negerheiland .... Braunschweig 1876. O 148 a PRUD'HOMME, L. A. 8293 Notes historiques sur la vie de . . . Radis- son. St Boniface Can 1892. D 60 a PRUDHOMMEAUX, JULES J. Histoire de la communaute icarienne. Nimes 1906. O [28] 484 a 8294 PRUDHOMMEAUX, JULES J. 8295 Icarie et son fondateur, Etienne Cabet. . . . P 1907. O [40] 688 2maps 12pls facs a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1926. PUBLIC GOOD Public good. . .examination into the claim of Virginia to the vacant western territory. See Paine, Thos. PUCKETT, J[AMES] L., and ELLEN 8296 History of Oklahoma and Indian territory and homeseeker's guide. Vinita 1906. O 152 Lincl. wraps & plsj a [PUELLES, JOSE MARIA] 8297 Informe . . . sobre limites de la provincia de Tejas con la de la Luisiana. Zacafecas 1828. O [6] 38 c B Hn Y PUGEI-SOUND . . . DIRECTORY Puget Sound business directory... 1872. See Murphy and Harned. [PUGLIA, JAMES P.] 8298 The blue-shop. . . observations on the Life and adventures of Peter Porcupine. . . . Phil 1796. O 52 a PULASKI Pulaski vindicated from an unsupported charge. . . . See Bentalou, Paul. PULSZKY, FRANCIS and THERESA 8299 White, red and black; sketches of society in the United States. . . . L 1853. D 3v: [l2j 288; [6] 344; [6] 281 a — Am. ed. N Y 1853. D 2v: [4, 7-12] 331; 342 — Ger tr. Kassell 1853. O 5v. [PULTENEY, WILLIAM] 8300 Plan of re-union between Great Britain and her colonies. L 1778. O [l6] 211 a 472 Pulteney — Pye [PULTENEY, WILLIAM] 8301 Thoughts on the present state of affairs with America. . . . L 1778. O [4] 100 a — eds. 2, 3 & 4, same impr.: and date — rptd. Dub 1778. — -ed. 5, with Franklin letter dated 1778 added, L 1778. O [4] 111 PUMPELLY, RAPHAEL 8302 Across America and Asia . . . and ... a residence in Arizona. ...NY 1870. O [l6] 454 4maps 12pls a —eds. 2 & 3, rev., same impr., date & collat. — enl. ed. "My reminiscences," N Y 1918. O 2v: [14] 438; [12] 439-844 9maps 59pls PUNDERSON, MR. EBENEZER 8303 The narrative of: . . . drove [sic] away by the rebels in America. . . . L 1776. D 24 a — rptd. "Mr. Punderson's narrative," \_L 1780]. D 12 [PURMANN, J. G.l 8304 Sitten und Meinungen der Wilde n in America. Frankf 1777-81. D 4v: [8] 503; [4] 476; 461; 46 L 44 pis a — rptd. Vienna 1790. D 4v 44pls Compiled from Charlevoix, Garcilasso de Vega, et al PURRY, JEAN P. Memoire. . . sur l'etat present de la Caro- line. ... L 1724. Q 11 d JCB only a few copies known — Eng. ed. "Memorial . . . upon the present condition of Carolina. . . ," L 1724. Olid BM only 2copies known — rptd. Augusta Ga 1880. O 24 250 copies ptd. a — Fr. ed. 2, enl., "Description abregee de l'etat present de la Caroline. . . ," Neuf- chatel [1730?]. O 36 d GaU [only copy known] — Ger. ed. "Kurze Nachricht. . . ," Leip 1734. O a The Swiss author settled 600 of his countrymen at Purrysburg, S. C. PUSEY, WILLIAM A. 8307 The wilderness road to Kentucky. N Y [l92l]. Q 131 [14] [incl.pls] 2fold.maps a PUTESHESTVIE Puteshestvie Kapitana Billingsa.. . i plavaniye Kapitana Galla. . . . See Sarychev, Garvrilla A. PUTNAM, A. W. 8308 History of middle Tennessee. . . .Nashv 1859. O 668 3maps lOpls a Authoritative account of pioneer times in the old Southwest. PUTNAM, GEORGE P. 8309 American facts L 1845. D 292 map 4 portsLonly 3 in some copiesj a [PUTNAM, HENRY] 8310 A description of Brunswick [Me. J. . . . Brunswick 1820. O 28 a — ed. 2, with adds., same impr. 1823. D 39 PUTNAM, GENERAL [ISRAEL] 8311 An enquiry into the conduct of: in relation to the battle of . . . Breed's hill. . . . See Child, David L. PUTNAM, GENERAL ISRAEL 8312 The interesting life and adventures of: ... to which is added the singular case of Dr. Menzies . . . taken prisoner by the Chero- kee Indians L [l800?]. D 24 b N — rptd. Falkirk 1817. same collat. PUTNAM, REV. J. W. 8313 Minesota[sfc]: a description . . . presenting prospects f or . . . organization into a new territorial government. . . . Galena ///[l849?]. O 27 b NYS? First book written in Minnesota. PUTNAM, GEN. RUFUS 8314 Journal of: in New York. . . 1757-60. Alb 1886. Q 115 [incl.port] a 100 ptd. PURVIANCE, ELDER DAVID. 8305 The biography of:. . . . With a historical sketch of the great Kentucky revival. By Elder Levi Purviance. Dayfon 1848. D 304 port a — rptd., with adds., [Lenoir City Term 1940]. D 378 port Travelled in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and Tennessee from 1790 onward. PURVIANCE, ROBERT 8306 A narrative of events. . . in Baltimore Town during the revolutionary war. . . .Bait 1849. D [4] 231 a PUTNAM, RUFUS 8315 The memoirs of: and . . . papers. . . . Ed. by Miss Rowena Buell. B 1903. O 443 a PUTNAM, RUFUS 8316 Pioneer record. . . of the. , . settlement of Fayette county, Ohio. Cin 1872. O 120 errata-1. a [PYE, HENRY J.] 8317 The democrat; or, intrigues and adven- tures of Jean Le Noir NY 1795. D 2v: [12] 136; [4] 162 a 473 Quaife — Quigg Q QUAIFE, MILO M. 8318 Chicago and the old northwest, 1673-1835 Chi[l913]. O [8] 480 map lOpls a QUAIFE, MILO M., eel. 8319 The development of Chicago, 1674-1914. Chi Caxton Club 1916. O [6] 290 4pls a 175 copies ptd. QUAKERS (THE) 3320 An humble apology for: ... to which are added observations on a new pamphlet, intituled A brief view of the conduct of Pennsylvania L 1756. D 39 b NYP QUAKERS A serious address to such of the people called: as profess scruples relative to the present government. ... By a native of Phila- delphia. See Gray, Isaac. QUANTRELL Quantrell, the terror of the west. By Allouette. N Y 1865. D 59 a 8321 QUEBEC 8322 An accurate and authentic journal of the siege of: 1759. By a gentleman. . . . L 1759. O [2] 44 b NYP — rptd. Dub 1759. — anr. ed. Quebec 1790. O 2pts[Eng. & Fr.] in lv: 34; 34 QUEBEC Annales de la Propagation de la foi pour . . . : See below, Notice sur les missions. . . . QUEBEC 8323 Journal of the march of a party of pro- vincials from Carlisle to Boston, and from thence to: Glas 1776. D 36 b Attributed to Sergeant William McCoy. QUEBEC Journal of the principal occurrences during the siege of:. . . . See Shortt, W. T. P. QUEBEC % 8324 Notice sur les missions du diocese de: . . . secourues par 1' Association de la Propa- gation de la Foi. [Later nos. entitled "Rapport sur les missions. . . ,"] Quebec 1839-74. D 21nos b NYP Y Published annually, from January 1839 to June 1843, then [except for No. 16, March 1864] every other year to May 1874. Con- tains valuable reports on missions in the Oregon country. Concurrently with these Quebec Rapport(s) ran a Montreal series Lsee Rapport], The two were continued, in a single series, Annates de la Propagation de la foi pour. . . Quebec et de Montreal, 141 numbers, Montreal, 1877-1923, value: b QUEBEC Rapport sur les missions du diocese de: See above Notice. . . . QUEBEC 8325 Relation de ce qui s'est pas&e au siege de: . . . par une religieuse. . . . [Quebec 1840]. O 24 8 8 a —anr. ed. [Quebec] 1855. 16° 24 pi —rptd. n.p. n.d. 16° 24 [l6] — Eng. ed. *'Siege of Quebec in 1759," [Quebec 1858] D 20 pi QUEBEC A short account of the expedition against: .... By an engineer. . . . See MacKellar, Patrick. QUEBEC 8326 Siege de: en 1759 Quebec 1836. O 41 a Different book from Relation . . . par une religieuse, above. For still another see Panet, Jean C. QUEBEC The siege of:. . . . See above Quebec. Re- lation de ce qui s'est passe au siege de:. . . . QUELQUES CONSIDERATIONS Quelques considerations sur l'Amerique; par un vieux philanthrope. See Carlet, Jos. A. QUENTIN, KARL 8327 Reisebilder und Studien aus dem Norden der Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Arnsberg 1851. O 2pts in 1: [l6] 152; [6] 210 a QUESTION (THE) 8328 Question (The) answered: or, how will nullification work? Charleston S C 1832. O 23 a QUICKSILVER, JAMES [pseud.] The blue-shop . . . observations on the Life and adventures of Peter Porcupine. . . . See Puglia, James P. [QUIGG, LEMUEL E.] 8329 New empires in the northwest. ...NY 1889. O 84 a QUIGG, MATTHEW [comp.] 8330 Atchison city directory. . . for 1865. . . and sketch of the city [Atchison 1864?] D 126 a 474 Quincy — Rafinesque QUINCY, JOSIAH 8331 The history of Harvard university. C 1840. O 2v: [24] 612; [l6] 728 [l]. 3pls a — rptd. B 1860. O 2v QUINCY, JOSIAH 8332 Memoir of the life of Josiah Quincy, Jr 1744-1775. B 1825. O [8] 498 a — ed. 2, enl., B 1874. O [l6] 431 2facs — ed. 3, same collat. & impr., 1875. One of the early opposers of British aggression. Includes his journal on a visit to Carolina in 1773 and another on his stay in London, 1774-5. QUINCY, JOSIAH, JR. 8333 Observations on. . . the Boston Port-Bill . . . . B 1774. Q [2] 82 a —rptd. Phil 1774. O 60 — Eng. ed. L 1774. O [6] 80 [QUINER, EDWARD B.] 8334 The city of Watertown, Wisconsin: its . . . advantages Watertown 1856. D 24 fold. map a 8335 QUINLAN, JAMES E. A history of Sullivan county, N.Y. Liberty N Y 1873. O 700 a QUINLAN, JAMES E. 8336 Tom Quick, the Indian slayer. . . .Monti- cello N Y 1851. 16° 264 a — rptd. "The original life of Tom Quick .../'Deposit N Y 1894. QUINTUS, J. 8337 De Hollander in Amerika. Leerwijze der Engelsche Tal, door H. P Buf 1848. D [4] 77 a R R., C. H. Incidents of travel in the southern states and Cuba See Rogers, Carlton H. R., I. A lady's ranche life in Montana. See Randall, Isabelle. RACINE REGISTER Racine register. . . . [l849]. See Miller, Mark. RACINE, WISCONSIN Early days at:. ... By an outsider. See Hurlburt, S. S. RADFORD, B. J. 8338 History of Woodford county [ill.]. Peoria 1877. O 78 a RADGES, SAMUEL 8339 Biennial directory of Topeka . . . with a history. . . . Topeka 1870. O 278 a Second directory of this city. RADICAL (THE) Radical (The): and advocate of equality .... See Brown, Paul. RADICALISM 8341 Radicalism vs. liberty of the press. An account by the editors of the Memphis "Avalanche" of their incarceration by Judge Hunter of the carpet bag criminal court of Memphis for contempt. Memphis 1868. O 79 a In an all-time high of vituperative abuse, "his Honor" is characterized as: "a petty- tyrant, cowardly poltroon, giddy bigoted fool, insatiable harpy, slimy reptile, sneak- ing informer, bankrupt brass-band swindler, mangy cur, hybrid hippograff, slabsided champion of radicalism, contemptible whangdoodle wallowing in the sewers of party filth, the most loathesome blotch that ever polluted the bench, gangrened with corruption, rancid with rascality and fecu- lent with all that is vile; lies buzz in swarms around his mouth like summer flies on kitchen garbage; he is steeped so deep in infamy that if the genius of gravitation descended with the velocity of a sunbeam, it could never even reach him," etc. The "Avalanche" was appropriately named. RADISSON, PIERRE ESPRIT 8341 Voyages of : . . . his travels. . . 1652-1684. Ed. Gideon D. Scull. B Prince Soc 1885. Q [8l 385 a 250copies ptd. — rptd. same collat. N Y 1943. First printing of these famous journals. Radisson and Groseilliers were the first Europeans to see the upper reaches of the Mississippi. They probably got to the Missouri. RAFINESQUE, C[ONSTANTINE] S. 8342 The American nations. . . . Phil 1836. D 2v in 1: [4] 260; 292. [maps & pis called for but not issued] a RAFINESQUE, CONSTANTINE S. 8343 Ancient annals of Kentucky. Frankfort Ky 1824. O [4] 39 a — anr. issue [omitting 2 tabs] inserted in v.I, Marshall's History of Kentucky. [2] 39 RAFINESQUE, C[ONSTANTINE] S. 8344 The ancient monuments of . . . America. Ed. 2, enl. Phil 1838. O 28 a 475 Rafinesque — Ramsay Called second edition, having previously in the year appeared in a magazine. It em- bodies much material used in his Ancient annals of Kentucky, above. RAFINESQUE, C[ONSTANTINE] S. 8345 Ichthyologia Chiensis, or natural history of the fishes inhabiting the river Ohio. . . . Lex 1820. O 90 [incl.front wrap.] b AA N NYP Y [of lOcopies known] — rptd., with adds., Clev 1899. O 175 a 250 copies ptd RAFINESQUE, CtONSTANTINE] S. 8346 A life of travels and researches in North America and south Europe. . . . Phil 1836. D 148 a RAFN, CHARLES C. 8347 Antiquitates americanae, sive scriptores septentrionales rerum ante-columbianarum in America. . . . Copenh 1837. Q [46 incl. eng. t. ] 479 [6], 18 maps pis & facs. eng.t. a — anr. issue, with Fr. t., Copenh 1845. Q [4] 24 [42] 479 [6] 18maps,pls & facs — abr. issue, same impr. & date. Q [24] 200 2maps The pioneer investigation into the Norse discoveries, with original sagas included. RAFN, CHARLES C 8348 Supplement to the Antiquitates ameri- canae . . . Copenh 1841. O 27 2 maps 7 pis a RAHT, CARLYSLE G. 8349 The romance of Davis mountains and Big Bend country El Paso [l919]. O [6] 381 map 13pls a A history of the region between the Pecos and the Rio Grande. RALFE, J[AMES] 8354 The naval chronology of Great Britain. . . 1803-1816. . . . L 1820. roy.O 3v: [12] 288; [2] 284; [2] 318. 60 col.pls port b BP N NYP Y RAMBLING RECOLLECTIONS Rambling recollections of a trip to America. See Smith, T. RAMEAU, MR. [E.] 8355 Notes historiques sur la colonie Cana- dienne de Detroit Montr 1861. 16° 68 a RAMEZAY, [JEAN B. N. ROCH] 8356 SIEUR DE Memoire du: commandant a Quebec, au sujet de la reddition de cette ville... 1759. Quebec 1861. O [4] 84 38 a RAMOS DE ARIZPE, MIGUEL 8357 Memoria . . . presenta a el augusto Con- greso, sobre el estado . . . de la provincia de Coahuila y las del nuevo reyno de Leon, nuevo Santander y los Texas. . . . Cadiz 1812. sm Q 60 b Y — Eng. ed. "Memorial on the natural, political. . . State of Coahuila. ..." Phil 1814. O 47 b B H NYP Y Presented to the Spanish National Cortes in which Arizpe was representing Coahuila. He was expelled from that body and banished because of the accusations of government corruption contained in this memorial. [RAMSAY, ALLAN] 8358 An historical essay on the English con- stitution. . . . Wherein the right of parliament, to tax our distant provinces, is explained ....L 1771. O [8] 210 a RAINE, WILLIAM MacL., and BARNES, WILL C. Cattle. N Y 1930. O [l4] 340 9pls 8350 RAINEY, GEORGE 8351 The Cherokee strip. Guthrie 1933. D [10] 504 a Enlarged from his thirty-page pamphlet of similar title, published at Enid, 1925. RAINEY, THOMAS C. 8352 Along the old trail. Vol.1 [all]: Pioneer sketches of Arrow Rock [Mo.] and vicinity. Marshall Mo 1914. D 94 2ports a also 50 signed copies. RALEIGH, SIR WALTER, and SMITH, CAPT. JOHN The lives of: with an account of the Governors of Virginia. ... By a Virginian See Caruthers, Wm. A. 8353 [RAMSAY, ALLAN] 8359 A plan of reconciliation between Great Britain and her colonies. ... By which the rights of Englishmen are preserved to the inhabitants of America L 1776. O [4] 60 a [RAMSAY, ALLAN] 8360 A succinct review of the American con- test L [1782]. Q [2, 5-8] 35 a [RAMSAY, ALLAN] 8361 Thoughts on the origin and nature of government. Occasioned by the late dis- putes between Great Britain and her colo- nies. L 1769. O 64 a RAMSAY, DAVID, of Scotland 8362 Military memoirs of Great Britain, or, a history of the war, 1755-1763. Edin 1779. O [16] 7-473 1 12ports a 476 Ramsay — Randel RAMSAY, DAVID, of S. C 8363 A chronological table of the principal events. . . in the English colonies, now United States. From 1607, till 1810 Charleston S C 1811. O 54 [2] a RAMSAY, DAVID, of S. C. 8364 The history of South Carolina. . . . Charles- ton 1809. O 2v: [l2] 478; [4] 602. 2maps a — rptd. Newberry S C 1858. O 2v in 1: [8] 274; 307. 2maps RAMSAY, DAVID, of S. C. 8365 The history of the American revolution. Phil 1789. O 2v: [6] 359; [6] 360 a — other Am. eds.: Trenton 1811. O 2v; Lex 1815. O 2v — Eng. ed. L 1791. O 2v: [l4] 360; [6] 360. 2errata 1. — other Eng. eds., all O 2v. L 1793; Dub 1793; Dub 1795. — Ger. tr. Berlin 1794-5. 18° 4v — Dutch tr. Campen 1792-4. O 4v RAMSAY, DAVID, of S. C. 8366 The history of the revolution of South- Carolina, from a British province to an in- dependent state. Trenton 1785. O 2v. [20] 453; [20] 574. 5maps a — Fr. tr.[by Lefort] L & P 1787. O 2v 5maps — anr. Fr. tr. [by Mirabeau], with adds., P 1796. O 5v maps Copyright granted by Congress April 20, 1789; first ever obtained. RAMSAY, DAVID, of S. C. 8367 History of the United States. . . 1607- 1808. Phil 1816-17. O 3v: [28] 418; [8] 445; [56] 368 [86] a — ed. 2, rev., Phil 1818. O 3v: [8] 5-462; 492; [8] 5-498. map RAMSAY, DAVID, of S. C. 8368 The life of George Washington. ...NY 1807. O [8] 376 port[eng. by Leney] a — ed. 2, B 1811. D [8] 371 port — anr. issue of ed. 2, same impr. & date. D [8] 442 port — ed. 3, Bait 1814. D M 442 port — ed. 4, Bait 1815. D [8j 13-266 6pls — ed. 5, same impr. & collat. 1818. — several later Am. eds. — Eng. ed. L 1807. O [8] 464 port[eng. by Heath] — Fr. tr. P 1809. O [28] 472 port[eng. by Macret] — Sp. tr. N Y 1825. 18° 2v: [8] 277; 238 [2] — rptd. Barcellona 1842. O 2v — anr. Sp. tr. Phil 1826. D 270 RAMSAY, DAVID, of S. C. 8369 An oration, on the cession of Louisiana .... Charleston S C 1804. D 27 a RAMSAY, DAVID, of S. C. 8370 A sketch of the soil, climate. . . of South- Carolina. Charleston 1796. O [4] 30 3tabs a RAMSDELL, CHARLES W. 8371 Reconstruction in Texas. N Y 1910. O 324 a RAMSEY, ALBERT C. The other side [etc.] Ramon. See Alcarez, 8372 Charleston RAMSEY, J[AMES] G. M. The annals of Tennessee. 1853. O [l6] 744 map plan a — anr. issue, Phil 1853, same collat. — rptd. same collat. 1860. [RAMSEY, JAMES G. M.]? 8373 Tales of the revolution. By a young gentleman of Tennessee. Nashv 1833. D 179 RANCK, GEORGE W. 8374 Boonesborough; its founding. . . . Louisv Filson Club 1901. Q [l2] 286 map 16pls a RANCK, GEORGE W. 8375 History of Lexington, Kentucky. Cin 1872. O [6] 428 pi a RANCK, GLENN N. 8376 Pictures from northwest history. [Van- couver Wash 1902]? O 38 a — enl. ed. "Legends ... of northwest his- tory. . . ," same impr, [l9 14]. O 152 map 13pls RANDALL, HENRY S. 8377 The life of Thomas Jefferson. N Y 1858. O 3v: [24] 645; [l2] 694; [12] 731. 2ports 2pls 7facs a — rptd. Phil 1863. O 3v [RANDALL, ISABELLE] 8378 A lady's ranche life in Montana. L 1887. O [8] 170 a RANDALL, ORAN E 8379 History of Chesterfield . . . N. H Drattleboro Vt 1882. O [6] 9-525 map port a RANDALL, THOMAS E. 8380 History of the Chippewa valley [Wis.]. . . . Eau Claire 1875. O 207 a RANDEL, JOHN, JR. 8381 Description of a direct route for the Erie canal Alb 1822. O 72 a — rptd., same impr., 1836. O 477 Randolph — Raum [RANDOLPH, EDMUND], 1753-1813 8382 Letters to the citizens of the United States, [capt. t.]. [Phil 1794]. O 77 errata slip a Includes remarks on the whiskey insur- rection and the Society of the Cincinnati. [RANDOLPH, EDMUND], 1753-1813 8383 Political truth. . . with an inquiry into the truth of the charges . . , against Mr. Ran- dolph. Phil 1796. O 44 a [RANDOLPH, EDMUND], 1753-1813 8384 A vindication of Mr. Randolph's resigna- tion. . . . Phil 1795. O 104 errata 1. a — issue 2, re-set, with cor. made, & con- taining a 1. inserted after t-p — new ed., with pref. by Daniel, Rich 1855. O [12] 82 The author had resigned from Washing- ton's cabinet under fire, suspected of aiding French intrigue. RANDOLPH, EDMUND, 1819-61 8385 Address on the history of California. . . . S F 1860. O 72 2maps a — rptd., without maps, a, p. 1860. O 42 — anr.ed., "An outline of the history of California . . ." S F 1861 O 42 — rptd. S F 1868 O [RANDOLPH, JOHN] 8386 Considerations on the present state of Virginia. [Wmsbg] 1774. O 24 d MH NYP [of 2copies known] — rptd., with adds., Metuchen N J 1919. a 63copies ptd. RANDOLPH, JOHN 8387 Randolph (John) abroad and at home. . . . By Julius. Wash 1828. O 29 a — eds. 2 & 3, same impr. & date. For sustained vituperation unexcelled by American pamphleteers. [RANDOLPH, PEYTON] 8388 A letter to a gentleman in London, from Virginia. Wmsbg 1759. O 28 a RANDOLPH, SARAH N. 8389 The domestic life of Thomas Jefferson N Y 1871. D [2] 7-432 2ports 5pls a RANDOLPH, THOMAS J., ed. 8390 Memoir, correspondence . . . from the papers of Thomas Jefferson. Charlottesville Va 1829. O 4v: [lo] 466; [4] 500; [4] 519; [4] 532. port 4facs a — ed. 2, B 1830. O 4v — Eng. ed. L 1829. O 4v: [lo] 464; 496; 521; 552. RANKIN, ADAM 8391 A review of the . . . revival in Kentucky Lex 1802. 16° 144 a — other eds.: Pitt 1802; [Lex?] 1803. O 70 RANKIN, JOHN 8392 Letters on American slavery. . . . B 1833. 18° 118 a — ed. 2, Newburyport 1836. same collat. — 3 later eds. RANKIN, M. WILSON 8393 Reminiscences of frontier days, including . . . account of the Thornburg and Meeker massacre. Denver [l935?]. O [lo] 140 front. RANKIN, MELINDA Texas in 1850. . . . B 1850. D 199 —rptd. B 1852. 8394 RAPELJE, GEORGE 8395 A narrative of excursions. . . in America, Europe NY 1834. O 416 port a RAPPORT 8396 Rapport de l'Association de la Propaga- tion de la Foi. Afonfr 1839-46. D 46nos. c AA N Y For note on concurrent Rapport(s) issued at Quebec and later continuation, see Quebec. Notice sur les missions. . . . RATHBUN, JOHN C. 8397 History of Thurston county, Washington. Olympia 1895. O 131 a RATHBUN, JONATHAN 8398 Narrative of: with. . . accounts of the capture of Groton Fort ... by the British forces under. . . Benedict Arnold, [n Lond? 1840]. D [2] 80 a RATIFICATIONS (THE) 8399 Ratifications (The) of the new foederal constitution. . . with the amendments pro- posed Rich 1788. D 32 a [RAUDOT, ANTOINE DENIS] 8400 Relation par lettres de l'Amerique Sep- tentrionale, 1709-1710. Ed. by Camille de Rochemonteix. P 1904. O [64] 221 a These hitherto unpublished letters, on French activities in the Upper Mississippi and Lake regions, etc., were erroneously attributed by the editor to Antoine Silvy or, possibly, Moreau de Nautour. RAUM, JOHN 0. The history of New Jersey. O 2v: 450 [inch front.]; 496 fi 8401 Phil 1877. 478 Raum — Raynolds RAUM, JOHN 0. 8402 History of . . . Trenton, New Jersey. Tren- ton 1871. O [l2] 448 map 3pls a RAUMER, FRIEDRICH VON 8403 Die Vereinigten Staaten. . . .Leip 1845. D 2v: [24] 553; [12] 541. map 4tabs a — rptd. Phil 1846. O 2v in 1: [8] 223 tab — Dutch tr. Deventer 1849. O 2v: [l2] 324; [6] 344. tab — Eng. tr. "America and the American people," TV Y 1846. O 512 tab Travelled South to Charleston and West to St. Louis and Chicago. RAVEN, RALPH, [pseud.] Golden dreams and leaden realities. See Payson, Geo. [RAVESIES, PAUL] 8404 Scenes and settlers of Alabama. By Sub Rosa. [Mobile 1886?] O 71 a RAVOUX, AUGUSTIN 8405 Reminiscences, memoirs. . . . St P 1890. O [10] 223 3ports a — Fr. ed., with adds., "Memoires, remi- niscences. . . ," St P 1892. O [l2] 257 3ports Ravoux came to Minnesota in 1840: as missionary to the Sioux from 1840 to 1876 his operations covered the vast region be- tween Dubuque and Ft. Pierre. [RAWLE, FRANCIS] 8406 Ways and means for the inhabitants of Delaware to become rich. . ..Phil 1725. 16° 66 + adv-p c NYP PhilL PaH Y —rptd. Phil 1878. O [2] 65 a First American book on which Franklin worked. RAWLE, WILLIAM 8407 A view of the constitution of the United States Phil 1825. O [8] 5-347 a — ed. 2, Phil 1829. O 349 First authoritative interpretation, in which was admitted the abstract right of state secession. These views exerted a profound influence on Southern political thought. RAWLINS, CHARLES E. 8408 American dis-union: constitutional or un- constitutional? A reply to Mr. James Spence . ...L 1862. D [12] 228 a RAY, P[ERLEY] ORMAN 8409 The repeal of the Missouri compromise Clev 1909. O 315 a RAYMOND, DANIEL 8410 The Missouri question. Bait 1819. O 39 a — U RAYMOND, DANIEL 8411 Thoughts on political economy. . . . Bait 1820. O [4] 470 a — ed. 2, "The elements of political economy," same impr. 1823, O 2v: 1.2] 418; [2] 438 First systematic work on this subject by an American. RAYNAL, ABBE GUILLAUME T. F. 8412 A philosophical and political history of the British settlements and trade in North America. Edin 1776. D 2v: 240; 231 a — rptd. Aberdeen 1779. D 2v in 1: [l2] 336 — anr. ed., to which was added "History of the present war," Edin 1779. D [12] 410 The History, added to the 1779 Edin- burgh edition and apparently not by Raynal, was one of the earliest histories of the Revolutionary movement. RAYNAL, L'ABBE GUILLAUME T. F. 8413 Revolution de l'Amerique. [unauthorized ed.] L [ptd. Geneva?] 1781. D [l6] 171 a — rptd., same date & impr. D [l6] 183 port — other issues, same impr. & date, with variant paginat. [authorized ed.] P 1782. O 122 [unauthorized Eng. tr.] L 1781. D [l6] 181 + 2adv-p — rptd. same date & impr. D [4] 199; Dub 1781. 16° [20] 244 — [authorized Eng. tr.] Edin 1782. D [6] 162; anr. ed., same impr. & date. D [8] 191 —Am. eds.: B 1781; N Y 1781; Phil 1782; Salem 1782; Norwich 1782. — Dutch ed. Amst 1781. Intended to supplement the author's earlier history of European trade in the two Indies. An enterprising printer secured the manuscript and without his consent issued simultaneous English and French editions. RAYNAL, L'ABBE GUILLAUME T. F. 8414 The sentiments of a foreigner on the dis- putes of Great-Britain and America. Tr. from French. Phil 1775. O 28 a —Eng. ed. Belt 1775. O RAYNAL, ABBE GUILLAUME T. F. 8415 Tableau et revolutions des colonies angloises....Amsf 1781 D 2v: [4] 273; [4] 270 a — rptd., P 1783, same collat. RAYNOLDS, WILLIAM F. 8416 Report on the exploration of the Yellow- stone. . . . [Sen. Exec. Doc. 77]. Wash 1868. o[2] 174 map a A four-page preliminary report was issued in Senate Executive Document 1, 1860; the Civil War prevented earlier publication in this completed form. 479 Rea — Recueil REA, D. B. 8417 Sketches from Hampton's cavalry. Colum- bia S C 1864. O 158 a READ, BENJAMIN M. 8418 Historia ilustrada de Nuevo Mexico. . , . Santa Fe 1911. O 616[incl. pis] a — Eng. tr., same impr. [ca 1912]. O 812 [incl. advs & pis] READ, GEORGIA W., and 8419 GAINES, RUTH, eds. Gold rush: the journals. . . of J. Golds- borough Bruff. 1849-51. N Y 1944. O 2v. [88] 630; [8] 631-1404 21pls[others incl. in paginat.] — rptd. N Y 1949. O 2v in 1 Most elaborate of overland narratives. READ, GEORGIA W., ed. 8420 A pioneer of 1850, George Willis Read B 1927. O [26] 185 fold.map a First publication of one of the best over- land diaries. READ, J. A., and D. F. 8421 Journey to the gold diggins. Cin 1849. oblong D 64 b N — anr. issue, same collat. N Y n.d. a One hundred and twelve caricature illus- trations of various phases of life to and at the mines. READ, JOHN M. 8422 A historical inquiry concerning Henry Hudson Alb 1866. O [8] 5-209 pi a — Eng. ed., abr. Ed in 1883. O 88 READ, WILLIAM T., ed. 8423 Life and correspondence of George Read, a signer of the Declaration of Independence Phil 1870. O 575 port a REAGAN, JOHN H. 8424 Memoirs, with special reference to se- cession and the civil war. TV Y 1906. O 351 4pls a REASONS 8425 Reasons humbly offered, to prove, that the letter printed at the end of the French memorial of justification, is a French for- gery. ... L 1756. O [2] 61 a — Fr. ed., tr. Edmond J. Genet, "Le peuple juge, ou considerations sur lesquelles le peuple anglois pourra decider si la lettre ...," [P?J 1756. D [10] 160 Relates to the Ohio expedition. Cf. Moreau, Jacob N., Memoire contenant les precis des faits, . . , in which the question- able letter appeared. Reasons humbly of- fered , . . has been ascribed to John Shebbeare. REASONS Reasons why the British colonies. . . should not be charged with internal taxes by . . . Parliament. . . . See Fitch, Thos. REAVIS, L[0GAN] U[RIAH] 8426 The life and military services of Gen. William Selby Harney St L 1878. O [2] 477 3pls a [REAVIS, S. A.], comp. 8427 The Hillsboro and Hill county [Texas] directory Hillsboro 1884. O 92 a REBELLION (THE) Rebellion (The): its consequences. . . . By Investigator. See Barker, Jacob. RECHERCHES HISTORIQUES Recherches historiques. . . sur les Etats- Unis. Par un citoyen de Virginie. See Mazzei, Filippo. RECHERCHES PHILOSOPHIQUES Recherches philosophiques sur les Ameri- cains. . . . Par Mr. de P. . , . See Pauw, M. Corneille de. RECK, [PHILIPP G. F.] VON 8428 An extract of the journals of:. . . .L 1734. O [4] 72 b GaU N NYP Account of the bringing over and settling in Georgia of the 1733 Salzburger colony. RECK, PHILIPP G. F., VON 8429 Kurz gefasste Nachricht von dem Etab- lissement derer salzburgischen Emigranten zu Ebenezer in . . . Georgien. . . . Hamburg 1777. D 44 a RECOLLECTIONS Recollections of rambles in the south. See William, Father [pseud.] RECOLLECTIONS Recollections of the United States army .... By an American soldier. . . . See Gordon- Miller, William L. RECONSTRUCTION Reconstruction in America. By a member of the New York bar. See Kingsley, Vine W. RECOVERY (THE) 8430 Recovery (The) of America demonstrated to be practicable. ... By the author. . . . L 1782. O [4] 7-26 a RECUEIL 8431 Recueil d'arrests [sic] et autre pieces pour l'etablissement de la Compagnie d' Occident. . . . Amst 1720. D 2pts in 1: [2] 100; 253. map 3pls a 480 Recueil — Reed Part two [containing Crozat's concession, etc.] sometimes accompanies Relations de la Louisiane, q.v. RECUEIL f 8432 Recueil d'edits, declarations et arrets. . , concernant l'administration de la justice, et la police des colonies francaises de l'Amer- ique P 1744. D 220 b RECUEIL Recueil d'estampes representant les differents evenemens de la guerre qui a procure l'independance aux Etats-Unis. . . . See Collection d'estampes. . . . RECUEIL 8433 Recueil de reglemens, concernant le com- merce des isles et colonies francoises de l'Amerique. P 1744. D [24] 531 b REDFORD, A. H. 8438 The history of Methodism in Kentucky [to 1832]. Nash 1868-70. D 3v: 479; 512; 554. 4pls a REDFORD, A. H. 8439 Western cavaliers. . .history of the Methodist Episcopal church in Kentucky . . . 1832-1844. Nash 1875-6. D 552 a May be considered a fourth and concluding volume of the preceding item. REDICK-LE-MAN, JOHN 8440 A detection of the conduct. . . of Messrs. Annan and Henderson. . . . Bait [l765]. D [48] 48 errata 1. b First Baltimore imprint. REDMOND, PAT. H. 8441 History of Quincy [ill.], and its men of mark. . . . Quincy 1869. 16 302 a RECUEIL 8434 Recueil de reglemens, edits, declarations et arrets, concernant le commerce, l'admin- istration de la justice et la police des colonies francaises de l'Amerique . . . avec le Code noir et l'addition audit code. P 1745. D [16] 357 b —new ed. P 1765. D 2v: 301; [2] 193 b This work superseded the two earlier colonial regulations, shown above: Recueil d'edits . . . and Recueil de reglemens, concernant. . . . RECUEIL 8435 Recueil des loix constitutives des colo- nies angloises, confederees sous la de- nomination d'Etats-Unis . . . les actes d'in- dependance, de confederation. . . . Phil & P [ptd P] 1778. D [12] 370 a — anr. ed., "En Suisse," same date & collat. First collected edition, compiled by Regnier. For later editions see Constitu- tions of the several independent states. . . . REDFIELD, LEVI 8436 A true account of . . . occurrences in the life of: Norwich Conn [l798]. 16° 24 b — anr. ed., no priority established, Brattle- borough [1798]. D 12 b LC [REDFIELD, WILLIAM C.] 8437 Sketch of the geographical rout [sic] of a . . . railway ... to connect the canals and navigable waters of New York, Pennsyl- vania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri [etc.]. N Y 1829. O 16 map a — ed. 2, enL N Y 1830. O 48 map Prospectus on the initial part of a grandi- ose project to extend rail lines eventually from the Atlantic to the Pacific. REDNITZ, L. 8442 Getreuste und zuverlassigter Wegweiser und Rathgeber zur Reise nach und in Amerika und Californien Berlin 1852. D [8] 151 a REDPATH, JAMES Echoes of Harper's Ferry. 514 a 8443 B 1860. D REDPATH, JAMES, and HINTON, 8444 RICHARD J. Hand-book to Kansas Territory and the Rocky mountains' gold region. N Y 1859. 16° 178 + ad v-pp[ varying no. in different copies] 2maps a REDPATH, JAMES 8445 The public life of Capt. John Brown. . . . B 1860. D 408 3pls a REDPATH, JAMES 8446 The roving editor: or, talks with slaves in the southern states. N Y 1859. D [l6] 349 2pls a REDSECKER, JACOB H. Across the continent. , [1879?]. D 98 a 8447 , Lebanon Pa 8448 REED AND CADWALADER PAMPHLETS (THE) A reprint of: [Phil ptd.Alb] 1863. O W 82 44 12 a 199 copies ptd. [REED, CYRUS A.] 8449 Report of the Adjutant General of Oregon for 1865-6. Salem 1866. O 353 errata slip a REED, EMILY H. 8450 Life of A. P. Dostie; or, the conflict in New Orleans. N Y 1868. D 375 port a 481 Reed Reflects REED, ISAAC 8451 The Christian traveller. „ . including nine years, and eighteen thousand miles. N Y 1828. 16° 243 b IndU IH Observations, on people, manners and conditions in frontier Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky, by an intelligent itinerant preacher. Portions were included in his The youth's book, Indianapolis, 1840 [l6° 230 pages]. REED, J. W. 8452 Map and guide to the Kansas gold fields. N Y 1859. D 24 map dd S Y [only copies known] REED, JOHN 8453 An explanation of the map of the city. . . of Philadelphia. Phil 1774. Q 24 [8] 23 [9] a — rptd. Phil 1844. The map [l7 3/4" x 29"] was issued separately. REED, JONAS 8454 A history of Rutland. . . Massachusetts Wore 1836. D 168 plan a — new ed., with suppl. to 1879 by Daniel Bartlett, Wore 1879. D 194 errata slip map REED, SILAS 8462 Report of:. . . . Wash 1871. O 46 a Account of Wyoming's potential resources based on five personal surveys. REES, 0. VAN 8463 Geschiedenis der Nederlansche Volk- plantingen in Noord-Amerika. . . . Te Tiel 1855. O [2] 162 [2] a REES, WILLIAM 8464 Description of . . . Keokuk. . . . Keokuk 1854. O 24[incl.covers] a — rptd., t. & text slightly altered, same impr. 1855. O [4] 24 + wraps REES, WILLIAM 8465 The Mississippi bridge cities, Davenport, Rock Island and Moline. . . . Rock Island [ptd Cin] 1854. O 32[incl.front.] + 2adv-p at front a REEVES, ARTHUR M., ed. 8466 The finding of Wineland the good. The history of Icelandic discovery in America L 1895. Q [72] 205 port f acs a Most satisfactory English presentation of Norse discoveries. REED, JOSEPH 8455 Remarks on a late publication in the In- dependent gazetteer Phil 1783. O 72 errata slip a Denial of charges that the author, Wash- ington's Adjutant General, became dis- affected after the battle of Trenton. For answer to this denial see Cadwalader, John. REED, PARKER McC. History of Bath, Maine. O 526 port a 8456 Port Me 1894. REED, WALLACE P. 8457 History of Atlanta. ... Syracuse 1889. O 2pts in 1: 491; 211. 46ports a REED, WILLIAM 8458 Life on the border [of northern New York], 60 years ago. Fall River 1882. D 120 a REED, WILLIAM B. 8459 A lecture on the romance of American history Phil 1839. 16° 46 a [REED, WILLIAM B.?l 8460 A letter on American history. Phil priv. ptd. 1847. O 39 a REED, WILLIAM B. 8461 Life and correspondence of Joseph Reed .... Phil 1847. O 2v: 437; [4] 9-507. port a [REEVES, JOHN] 8467 Two tracts, shewing, that Americans born before the Independence, are . . . not aliens L 1814. O [8] 65 [2] 34 a — ed. 2, au. named, L 1816. same collat. REFLECTIONS 8468 Reflections and suggestions on the present state of parties. By an old Clay Whig. Nash 1856. O 88 a REFLECTIONS Reflections moral and political on Great Britain and her colonies. See Wheelock, Matthew. REFLECTIONS Reflections offertes aux capitalistes de l'Europe. . . . See Van Pradelles, Capt. REFLECTIONS 8469 Reflections on government, with respect to America. . . . L 1776. O 32 a REFLECTIONS 8470 Reflections on our present critical situa- tion. In a letter from a landed proprietor. L 1777. O 33 a Peace with America essential to the in- terests of England. REFLECTIONS 8471 Reflections on the conservatory elements of the American republic. By a lady. Chilli- cothe 1842. O 55 a 482 Reflections — Regulations REFLECTIONS 8472 Reflections on the inconsistency of man . . . exemplified in the practice of slavery in the United States. N Y 1796. O 27 a REFUTATION (A) Refutation (A) of the Letter to an Honble. Brigadier-General ... in Canada. By an officer. See Thurlow, Ed. REFLECTIONS 8473 Reflections on the most proper means of reducing the rebels. . . . By an officer who served in the last war in America. L 1776. O 39 a REFLECTIONS 8474 Reflections on the present combination of the American colonies against the. .. au- thority of the British legislature. ... By a real friend to legal liberty. . . . L 1777. O [4] 100 a REFLECTIONS Reflections on the present state of the American war. . . . See Hampson, J. REFLECTIONS 8475 Reflections on the proposition to com- municate, by a navigable canal, the waters of Chesapeake with those of Delaware bay Annap [l797]. O SO a REFLECTIONS Reflections on the rise and progress of the American rebellion. See Wesley, John. REFLECTIONS Reflections on the rise, progress ... of the present contentions with the colonies. I By a freeholder. See Erskine, John. REFLECTIONS 8476 Reflections on the state of affairs in the south n.p. [Wash?] ca 1833. O 31 a REFLECTIONS Reflections on the state of parties. . . . See Champion, J. REFLECTIONS Reflections on the state of the Union. . . . See Carey, Matthew. REFLEXIONS 8477 Reflexions on representation in parliament L 1766. O 46 a Advocated more equal representation, in- cluding even American colonies. REFLEXIONS Reflexions politiques sur la guerre ac- 1 tuelle de 1'Angleterre avec ses colonies. . . . See Le Trosne, G.-F. REFUTATION (A) Refutation (A) of the calumnies. ..against the southern and western states. ... By a South-Carolinian. See Holland, Edwin C. REGAN, JOHN 8478 The emigrant's guide to the western states . . . ; or, backwoods and prairies. Edin Oliver 86 Boyd [l852]. D [l4] 9-408 [called ed.2 on t-p because previously issued in the columns of the Ayrshire Ad- vertiser] a — ed. 2, enl., "The western wilds . . . ; or, backwoods and prairies," Edin Menzies, etc. 1859. same collat. This Scotsman, who came to Illinois in 1842, gives one of the most entertaining accounts of pioneer life in the Upper Mississippi Valley. REGLAMENTO 8479 Reglamento para la Compania Cosmopoli- tana Protectora de la Industria en la Alta California. Mex 1834. D 59 b REGNAULT-WARIN, [JEAN] 8480 Histoire du. . . Lafayette en Amerique. . . . P 1832. O [40] 373 a REGULATIONS 8481 Regulations for the uniform and dress of the Army of the United States. . . . Wash 1851. D 28 a — ed. 2, Phil [l85l]. F 12 25chromo-lith pis — anr. ed. Phil 1882. F 19pls[l0col.J — anr. ed. Phil 1888. F 25 pis [l2 col.] REGULATIONS 8482 Regulations for the uniform and dress of the Marine corps Phil [l859]. Q 9 16pls [some col.] a REGULATIONS 8483 Regulations for the uniform and dress of the. . . Navy. [Wash 184 1]. D 17 3pls a — rev. ed. Wash 1866. O 16 29pls For later regulations see Uniforms. . . . REGULATIONS 8484 Regulations for the uniform ... of the Navy and Marine corps. . . . Phil 1852. Q 16 15pls [l3col.] a REGULATIONS 8485 Regulations governing the uniform of. . . officers, warrant officers and enlisted men Wash 1886. O 52col.pls a REGULATIONS Regulations lately made concerning the colonies. . . . See Whately, Thos. 483 Reichel — Reisen [REICHEL, EDWARD H.] 8486 Historical sketch of the church and mis- sions of the. . . Moravians. Bethlehem 1848- D 93 a REICHEL. LEVIN T. 8487 The Moravians in North Carolina: an authentic history. Salem N C 1857. D [4] 13-206 a REICHEL, WILLIAM C, ed. 8488 Memorials of the Moravian church. Vol. I [all]. Phil 1870. O [15] 19-366 errata slip a reid, a[lexander] j. 8489 The resources. . . of the lower Fox river valley [Wis.]. Appleton Wis 1874. O 56 2 maps 3pls a REID, ARTHUR 8490 Reminiscences of the revolution, or Le Loup's bloody trail Vtica 1859. O 31 a 8491 . . Pasadena 1895. O REID, HIRAM A. History of Pasadena. 675 2maps a REID, H[UG0] 8492 Sketches in America. . . . L 1861. D 320 a — rptd. "American crisis...," L 1862. D Favored English recognition of the Confederacy. REID, HUGO [J.] 8493 Account of the Indians of Los Angeles county. Salem 1885. O [2] 33 pi a — rptd. L A 1926. O [4] 70 Reid's book was written in 1852. REID, J. M. 8494 Sketches and anecdotes of the old settlers Keokuk 1876. O 177 + 16adv-p a Mormon troubles, etc., in the 'forties. REID, JESSE W. 8495 History of the Fourth Regiment S. C. Volunteers. . . . Greenville S C 1892. O 143 [incl. front.] a [REID, JOHN] pub. 8496 The American atlas; containing the fol- lowing maps. ...NY 1796. F [2] 20maps [and, in some copies, add. unlisted plan of Washington] b A A N NYP Y — anr. issue, undated, same collat. a Accompanied the 1796 edition of Winter- botham's Historical . . „ view of the United States, but also sold separately. The second purely American atlas of the United States, preceded only by Carey's 1795 atlas, q.v. REID, JOHN, and EATON, JOHN H. 8497 The life of Andrew Jackson. . . . Phil 1817. O 425 port 4maps a — ed. 2, Reid's name as co-author omitted, Phil 1824. O 468 port[different from one in ed.l] — rptd. without port, Cin 1827. D 454 — ed. 3, Phil 1828. D 335 port — Ger. tr. Reading Pa 1831. D 419 map port REID, JOHN C. 8498 Reid's tramp . . . through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Sonora and California. . . . Selma Ala 1858. O 237 c AA Hn N NYP Y — rptd. Austin 1935. O 245 a Important early account of the Gadsden Purchase; includes adventures with Crabb's filibusters. REID, RICHARD 8499 Historical sketches of Montgomery county [Ky.]. [cover-t.] Mt Sterling 1882. D 69 a — rptd. same collat Lex 1926. REID, SAMUEL C. 8500 History of the wonderful battle of the brig-of-war General Armstrong with a British squadron at Fayal, 1814. N Y 1833. 16° 46 a REID, SAMUEL C 8501 The scouting expeditions of McCulloch's Texas rangers. . . . Phil 1847. D 251 12pls plan a —rptd. Phil 1848; 1859; 1860. Adventures in the Mexican war and in border campaigns against Comanches. REID, WHITELAW 8502 After the war: a southern tour. . . .Cin 1866. D 589 7pls a — Eng. ed. L 1866. same collat. Best portrayal of conditions in the war- torn South. REIERSEN, J[0HAN] R. 8503 Veiviser for norske emigranter til de forenede nord-amerikanske stater og Texas Christiania 1844. O [30] 166 b Y REIGART, J. FRANKLIN 8504 The life of Robert Fulton. . . . Phil 1856. O 297 26pls[some col.] a REISE (DIE) 8505 Reise (Die) nach Amerika, und das leben in den Vereinigten Staaten, . . . Frankf 1855. O 165 a REISE (EINE) 8506 Reise (Eine), um die Welt, von Westen nach Osten durch Siberien und das stille und atlantische Meer. Aschaifenburg n.d. O 136 map 2pls REISEN Reisen durch Amerika. . . . Aus dem Franzosichen, 1783. See Cluny, Alex. 484 teisen — Remarks REISEN 8507 BCI9EN Reisen durch einige franzosische, eng lische, hollandische, spanische, Besit- zungen in der neuen Welt. . . . Leip 1789. D 230 a REISEN Reisen eines Schweizers in. . . Kolonien von Amerika. . . . See Girod-Chantrans, Justin. REISEN Reisen im Inneren von Nordamerika. . . . See Anburey, Thos. REISS, N. 8508 Excursion a New York en 1850. Brus 1851. D 96 a REISTER, J. T. 8509 Sketches of Colorado. . . from personal observation. ... Macon Mo 1876. 16 62 [incl.initial blank l.J a RELATIONS p § 8514 Relations des Jesuites. . . . Publie sous les auspices du gouvernement canadien. Quebec 1858. Q 3v: 43 relations paged separately, with index added a Reprints Biard's relation of 1611, a re- lation of 1626, and the regular series of 41 relations issued annually from 1632 to 1672. The four preliminary pages to Biard's re- lation are often lacking as they were printed after volume one was completed. The 1665 relation contains a folding map. RELATIONS 8515 Relations diverses sur la battaile du Malangueule . . . 1755 N Y 1860. D [l6] 9-52 port a 100 copies ptd. Nine documents relating to Fort Duquesne affairs and Braddock's defeat. REMARKABLE SHIPWRECKS 8516 Remarkable shipwrecks. . . . Hart 1813. D 384 + subscriber's names, p373-419 a REITER, ERNST A. 8510 Schematismus der deutschen katolischen Geistlichkeit in den Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Cin 1870. O [8] 252 [2] a REJON, MANUEL C. 8511 Justificazion de la conducta de:. ...NO 1846. Q 35 a REJON, MANUEL C. 8512 Observaciones . . . contra los tratados de paz, firmados en la ciudad de Guadalupe Queretaro 1848. D 62 [2] bBLC NYP Y Spirited attack on the terms of the treaty of peace with the United States. RELACION 8513 Relacion de las causas que influeron en los desgraciados sucesos del dia 20 de Agosto de 1847. Mex 1847. O 36 a RELACION Relacion del viage hecho por las goletas Sutil y Mexicana. . . . See Galiano, Dionisio Alcala. RELATION Relation de ce qui est arrive a deux re- ligeux de la Trappe. . . . See Paul, Vincent de. RELATION Relation d'un voyage en Afrique et en Amerique, par Madame xxxxx. See Uitenhage de Mist, Mile. van. RELATION Relation d'une traversee faite en 1812 d'Angleterre en Amerique. See Becours, Mich. V. REMARKS Remarks on a late pamphlet entitled Plain truth. See Dickinson, John. REMARKS Remarks on a pamphlet. . . "A Disserta- tion on the political union and constitution of the. . . United States. By a Connecticut farmer. See Sherman, Roger. REMARKS 8517 Remarks on African colonization and the abolition of slavery. By a citizen of New England. Windsor Vt 1833. O 48 a REMARKS Remarks on slavery in the United States .... See Sewall, Saml. REMARKS Remarks on the condition of the Indians. See Cass, Lewis. REMARKS 8518 Remarks on the conduct of opposition with regard to America L 1777. O [4] 42 Intemperate defense of all measures of Parliament. REMARKS 8519 Remarks on the different opinions relative to the American colonies. L 1776. O 44 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. REMARKS 8520 Remarks on the embargo law. ... By Civis. N Y 1808. O [2] 41 a 485 Remarks Reminiscences REMARKS Remarks on the Indians of North America .... See Bannister, Saxe. REMARKS Remarks on the Letter address'd to two great men. . . . See Townshend, Chas. REMARKS Remarks on the Letters from an American farmer. See Ayscough, Saml. REMARKS 8521 Remarks on the moral and religious char- acter of the United States. ... By Observer. Colchester 1831. O 64 a Denies its existence. REMARKS Remarks on the nature and extent of liberty See Blacklock, Thos. REMARKS 8522 Remarks on the ordinance of nullification .... By a South-Carolinian. Charleston 1833. O 71 a REMARKS 8523 Remarks on the policy and practice of the United States and Great Britain in their treatment of the Indians. B 1827. O 78 a REMARKS 8524 Remarks on the policy of recognizing the independence of the southern states. . . . By Nemo. L 1863. O 31 a REMARKS Remarks on the principal acts of the thirteenth parliament. ... By the author of Letters concerning the present state of Poland. See Lind, John. REMARKS Remarks on the proposed plan of a federal government. . . . By Aristides. See Hanson, Alex. C. REMARKS Remarks on the Review of the controversy between Great Britain and her colonies — . See Bancroft, Edw. REMARKS 8525 Remarks on the western states ... or val- ley of the Mississippi L 1839. O 45 a REMARKS 8526 Remarks upon a letter ... in the London Chronicle . . . containing an Enquiry into the causes of the failure of the late expedition against Cape Breton L 1757. O 30 a REMARKS Remarks upon slavery. J. .See Hobby, Wm. REMEMBRANCER (THE) Remembrancer (The); or impartial re- pository of public events, from 1775 to 1784. See Almon, John. REMER, JULIUS A. 8527 Amerikanisches Archiv. Braunschweig 1777-8. O 3v: [l6] 268 [3]; [8] 294 [4]; [24] 335 a Revolutionary affairs in America. More volumes were planned, but never published. REMINGTON, CYRUS K. 8528 The ship-yard of the Griffon. . ..But 1891. O 78 [2] [incl.maps & pis] a REMINGTON, FREDERIC 8529 Crooked trails. N Y 1898. O [8] 151 49pls a — rptd. same collat. & impr. [l923]. REMINGTON, FREDERIC 8530 Done in the open. N Y Russell 1902. obi F 90[incl.pls] — issue 1, au's first name spelled "Freder- ick" on front cover, caption for pi. "Caught in the Circle" ptd. in blue & red a — ltd. issue, leather bdg. 250copies, signed — rptd., same date, N Y Collier. F REMINGTON, FREDERIC 8531 Drawings. N Y Russell 1897. obi F [6] 61 pis a — ltd. issue, leather bdg. 250copies, proof print signed — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1898; 1800. REMINGTON, FREDERIC 8532 Frontier sketches. Chi [l898]. Q 7 15pls a REMINGTON, FREDERIC 8533 Pony tracks N Y 1895. O [lo] 269 [incl. plsj front. + adv-1. a — rptd. Columbus O 1951. O REMINGTON, FREDERIC 8534 The way of an Indian. N Y Duffield 1906. D 252 14pls a issue 1: bd. in red clo., yellow lettering on both covers, "Duffield" at foot of spine, numeral on p9 REMINISCENCES Reminiscences of America in 1869. By two Englishmen. See Rivington, Alexander, and Harris, W. A. REMINISCENCES Reminiscences of the French war. Rogers, Robt., Journals. 486 Reminiscences — Result REMINISCENCES Reminiscences of the Indians. . . .See Washburne, Cephas. REMINISCENCES Reminiscences of travel, 1852-65. See Clark, Austin S. REMOVE Remove Indians westward. Isaac. See McCoy, [REMSBURG, GEORGE J.] 8535 Life of Charley Reynolds, Custer's chief of scouts. [Potter Kas 1914-15], O 40 capt. t.only Proof sheets of the series of 20 articles as pub. in the "Weekly Kansan." a — rptd. K C Mo 1931. D 88 [2] [incl.port] 175copies ptd. REMY, JULES 8536 Voyage au pays des Mormons. . . . P 1860. O 2v: [88] 432; [8] 544. map lOpls a — Eng. ed. "Journey to Great-Salt-Lake City." L 1861. O 2v: [l32] 508; [7] 605. map lOpls RENICK, WILLIAM 8537 Memoirs, correspondence and reminis- cences. Citcleville O 1880. O [6] 115 port erratum slip a Renick owned, in 1853, the first drove of Texas cattle brought to Illinois; his article reprinted herein [on cattle and cattle trade of the West] appeared first in Nimmo's Re- port of 1860. REPORT 8542 Report of the committee relative to excite- ments on the part of British subjects, of the Indians, to commit hostilities against the United States Wash 1812. O 43 a REPORT Report of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations on the petition of . . . Thomas Walpole [ef a/] for a grant of lands on the river Ohio. . . . See Walpole, Thos. REPORT Report of the Secretary of the Treasury ... on the subject of manufactures. . . . 1791. See Hamilton, Alex. REPORT (A) Report (A) on barracks and hospitals. . . . See Billings, John S. REPORT Report on hygiene of the . . . army. . . . [Surgeon General's circulars nos. 4 & 8]. See Billings, John S., A report. . . . REPORTS Reports of the committee of investigation sent in 1873 by the Mexican government to the frontier of Texas. . . . See Informe de la Comision. . . . REPORTS Reports of the operations of the Army of Northern Virginia, from June. . . to Dec. 1862. Rich 1864. See Lee, Robert E. RENO, JOHN Life and career of: . . . by himself. Indianap 1879. D 108 pis a Outlaw operations in Missouri and the West. 8538 REPUBLIC (THE) Republic (The) of the United States; its duties. . . . Embracing also a review of the late war between the United States and Mexico. . . . See Capen, Nahum. RENSEIGNEMENTS r 8539 Renseignements sur la partie des Etats- Unis. . . la plus favorable aux agriculteurs P 1834. O 30 a RENVILLE, MRS. MARY BUTLER 8540 A thrilling narrative of Indian captivity. Minneap 1863. O 52 b Y REPLY (THE) 8541 Reply (The) of a gentleman. . . upon the important contest between Great Britain and America. L 1775. O 39 errata slip a RESEARCHES Researches on America. ... By an officer See McCulloh, James H., Jr. RESISTANCE 8543 Resistance no rebellion: in answer to Dr. Johnson's "Taxation no tyranny," L 1775. O [4] 35 a RESISTANCE 8544 Resistance no rebellion. In which the right of a British parliament to tax the American colonies, is fully considered and found unconstitutional. . . . LlJ ptd for N. Mand 1775. D [2] 65 a REPONSE Reponse aux . . . questions . . . sur les Etats-Unis. . . par un habitant de la Penn- sylvanie. See Bonnet, Abbe J. E. RESULT 8545 Result of the deliberations of the federal convention.. .Sept, 17, 1787. [Phil 1787]. O 15 b 487 Retort — Revueltas One of the earliest printings of the con- stitution, accompanied by Washington's circular letter of transmission to the states. For other editions, see under Constitution of the United States. RETORT, JACK [pseud.] A humble attempt at scurrility. . . .See Franklin, Wm. RETROSPECTIVE VIEW (A) Retrospective view (A) of the causes of the difference between Great Britain and her colonies. . . . See Simpson, Wm. RETURN 8546 Return of the whole number of persons within ... the United States. . . . Phil Child &• Swaine 1791. O 56 [some copies signed by Secy, of State Jefferson] b AA N Y — anr. ed. Phil Gales [l798?]. O 56 a — rptd. Wash 1802. O 52 — Eng. ed. L 1793. O 56 First census, taken pursuant to act of March 1, 1790 [not 1791, as on title-page of first edition]. RETURN 8547 Return of the whole number of persons within the.. .United States. [2nd census]. [Wash 1801]. F [4] 34 [36] + add. starred p. 12a — anr. ed. Wash 1802. O [4 J 9-88 fold, tab For later enumerations see Census of the United States. REVELATIONS Revelations: a companion to the "New gospel of peace. ..." See White, Rich. G. REVERE, JOSEPH W. 8548 Keel and saddle. . . forty years of military and naval service. B 1872. D [l4] 360 a REVERE, JOSEPH W. 8549 A tour of duty in California. ...NY 1849. D [l2] 305 map 6pls a — rptd. "Naval duty in California," Oakland 1947. Description of the gold fields and au- thoritative particulars on the California conquest. REVERIES 8550 Reveries d'un Suisse, ayant pour but la reconciliation entre l'Angleterre et ses colonies. L Umsr?] 1781. O 40 a REVIEW 8551 Review of the constitution proposed by the late convention at Philadelphia. By a federal republican. Phil 1787. O 39 b REVIEW 8552 Review of the controversy between feder- alists and republicans. Phil 1800. O 50 a REVIEW (A) Review (A) of the military operations in North America. See Livingston, Wm. REVIEW (A) 8553 Review (A) of the question, In whom has the constitution vested the treaty power? .... By a senator of the United States. Phil 1796. O 36 a REVIEW (A) 8554 Review (A) of The rector detected, or, the colonel reconnoitred. Pt. I [all]. Wmsbg 1764. O 29 a REVIEW (A) Review (A) of the revenue system, citizen. See Findley, Wm. By a REVIEW Review of the slave question. Virginian. See Harrison, Jesse 1 By a REVIEWERS (THE) 8555 Reviewers (The) reviewed, or British falsehoods detected by American truths. N Y 1815. D 72 a REVOIL, BENEDICT H. 8556 Chasses et peches de l'autre monde. P 1856. 16° 320 a — anr. ed. [in part], enl., "Chasses dans 1'Amerique du Nord," P 186L D [l2] 326 — anr. ed. [in part], enl., "Peches dans 1'Amerique du Nord," P 1863. D [4] 320 —Eng. tx. [by the "Chronicler"], "Shooting and fishing in. . . North America," L 1865. D 2v: [10] 291; [6] 279 — Eng. tr. [by W. H. D. Adams], "The hunter and trapper in North America," L 1874. D 393 REVOLUTION (THE) Revolution (The) in 1782. sidered. L 1782. O 35 a 8557 Impartially con- REVIEW Review of the administration of the government of the United States; since the year ninety-three. . . . See Pickering, Timothy. REVUELTAS, J. C. 8558 Articulos en defensa de los creditos de la frontera contra los Estados-Unidos del Norte por depredaciones de las tribus barbaras. Mex 1857. O 28 a 488 Rey — Richards REY, WILLIAM 8559 L'Amerique protestante: notes et ob- servations d'un voyageur. P 1857. D 2v: [8] 326 [l]; [4] 371 a REYNAL, RAFAEL, ed. 8560 Viage por los Estados Unidos. Cin 1834. 24* [6] 164 7pls a Describes his trip up the Mississippi to Louisville, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh and the East. REYNOLDS, BERNARD 8561 Sketches of Mobile Mobile 1868. O [2] 80 a REYNOLDS, CHARLEY Life of: See Remsburg, Geo. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN 8562 "The balm of Gilead. " An enquiry into the right of American slavery. Belleville 111 1860. O 48 b D N NYP REYNOLDS, JOHN 8563 Friendship's offering. A sketch of. . . Dr. John Mason Peck. Belleville 111 1858. D 34 b ChiH IH REYNOLDS, JOHN 8564 My own times. . . . [Belleville] 1855. D 600 [23] port a — ed. 2, Chi 1879. O [22] 396 port REYNOLDS, JOHN 8565 The pioneer history of Illinois. . . . Belle- ville 1852. D 348 a — ed. 2, with index, Chi 1887. O [8] 17-459 lOports plan REYNOLDS, JOHN 8566 Sketches of the country on the northern route from Belleville, Illinois, to New York, and back by the Ohio valley. Belle- ville 1854. D 264 b N NYP WisH REYNOLDS, JOHN G. 8567 A conclusive exculpation of the marine corps in Mexico NY 1853. O 124 a — anr. issue, Wash same date. O Answer to allegations made by Lieut. Devlin in The marine corps in Mexico. REYNOLDS, JOHN S. Reconstruction in South Carolina.. Columbia 1905. O [4] 522 port a 8568 REYNOLDS, SAMUEL 8569 A history of the city of Williamsburgh [N. Y.]. Williamsburgh 1852. D 137 [4] a REYNOLDS, STEPHEN 8570 The voyage of the New Hazard to the northwest coast, Hawaii and China, 1810- 13. Salem 1938. O 1.22] 158 [2 l.J 12pls[on 6 sheets] a 600copies ptd.[l00 on special paper] REYNOLDS, LIEUT. W. D. 8571 The rebel fiend; or, the scout of secession . . . historical romance . . . embracing pas- sages ... in the varied career of . . . Parson Brownlow. Also . . . heroism. . . of his. . . daughter. Phil Reichner n.d. [l862?]. O [2] 21-49 a — rptd. "Miss Martha Brownlow; or the heroine of Tennessee. . . ," au. given rank of Major, Phil Barclay [l863]. same collat. — Ger. tr., same impr., date &, collat. [REZANOV, COUNT NICOLAI P.] 8572 The Rezanov voyage to Nueva California. The report. . . with notes ... by Thomas C. Russell S F 1926. O [l2] 104 [l] 5pls a 260copies ptd. A translation of a part of the second volume of P. Tikhmenev, Rossi sko-Ameri- kanskoi Kompanii, St. Petersburg, 1863 — giving Rezanov's report. RHODE ISLAND Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Records of the colony of: See Bartlett, John R. RHYS, HORTON 8573 A theatrical trip for a wager through Canada and the United States. L 1861. O 140 4pls a [RICE, DAVID] 8574 Slavery inconsistent with justice and good policy. Lex 1792. 16° 34 a — rptd. Phil 1792. — other eds.: L 1793; N Y 1804; N Y 1812. Kentucky's first protest against slavery delivered in a speech before that state's constitutional convention. RICE, HARVEY 8575 Incidents of pioneer life in the . . . western reserve. Clev 1881. D 300 a RICE, JOHN H. 8576 A system of modern geography ... for use in the Confederate States Atlanta 1862. Q 91 a A geography sans maps, no facilities be- ing available for making them; but condi- tions and resources of the South, "studi- ously concealed by every Yankee work," are amply presented. RICHARDS, FRANKLIN D., comp. 8577 Latter Day Saints in Utah. Opinion of Judge Z. Snow upon the official course of Brigham Young. . . . Liv 1852. O 24 a 489 Richards — Richter RICHARDS, GEORGE H. 8578 Memoir of Alexander Macomb. ...NY 1833. D 130 a By an artillery officer serving under Macomb. [RICHARDS, ROBERT] pseud. 8579 The California Crusoe; or the lost treasure found. A tale of Mormonism. L 1854. 18° [4] 162 pi a — rptd. L 1858. Completely fictitious, even to the pseudonym. RICHARDS, STEPHEN DEE 8580 Life and confession of: the murderer of nine persons. . . . [Lincoln Neb 1879]. D 72 a RICHARDS, WILLIAM C, ed. 8581 Georgia illustrated. . . . Penlield Ga 1842. Q [6] 44 13pls[incl. eng. t.] a RICHARDSON, N. S. 8589 Historical sketch of Watertown [Conn.] . . . . N Hav 1845. D 48 a — enl. ed. Waterbury 1858. D 72 RICHARDSON, W., and D., [comps.] 8590 Galveston directory for 1859-60; with a brief history. . . .Galv 1859. O 92 map a RICHARDSON, WILLIAM H. 8591 Journal of: a private soldier in Col. Doniphan's command. Bait 1847. D 84 b Hn LC Y — ed. 2, Bait 1848. D 96 3pls facs a — ed. 3, same collat., N Y 1848. rptd: 1849; 1850. RICHMOND, C. W., and 8592 VALLETTE, H. F. A history of the county of Du Page, Illi- nois. . . . Chi 1857. D [4] 6-212 a RICHARDSON, ALBERT D. 8582 Our new states and territories . . . notes of a recent tour NY Beadle [l866]. O 80 [incl. front wrap] a RICHARDSON, D. 8583 Texas as seen in 1870. .. . Shreveport 1870. O 48 a RICHARDSON, HESTER D. 8584 Side-lights on Maryland history. . . . Bait 1913. O 2v: [22] 460; [12] 498. 2errata-l. 102pls a [RICHARDSON, MAJ. JOHN] 8585 The letters of Veritas ... a succinct nar- rative of the military administration of Sir George Prevdst. . . .Montreal 1815. O 157 a Severely critical of Prevost's conduct as British commander in the War of 1812. As- cribed also to Stephen SewelL RICHARDSON, MAJ. JOHN 8586 Wacousta, or, the prophesy. . . . Phil 1833. D 2v in 1: 538 a Historical novel, including a fine account of Pontiac's attempt on Detroit. RICHARDSON, MAJ. ( JOHN] 8587 War of 1812. First series [all]. [Brock- ville] 1842. O [8] 182 a —rptd. Tor 1902. O [60] 320 32pls 1100 copies ptd.[l00 with some pis col.] RICHARDSON, SIR JOHN, et al 8588 The zoology of Captain Beechey's voyage 1825-1828. L 1839. Q [l2] 180 4maps [on 3sheets] 44col.pls b LC NYP Y RICHMOND, WILLIAM 8593 A discourse . . . with reference to the mission. . . through the valley of the Missis- sippi. . . 1829-30. L 1830. O [8] 31 a RICHMOND, IND. Annals of pioneer settlers on the White- water and its tributaries, in the vicinity of: By a native. See Wasson, John M. RICHMOND, INDIANA 8594 Directory of: with a historical sketch. By John T. Plummer. .. .Richmond 1857. O 168 map a RICHMOND, [VA.] 8595 A concise statement of the awful con- flagration of the theatre, in. . . : \_Phil?\ 1812. O 36 a RICHMOND [VA.l Richmond [Va.] during the war. ... By a Richmond lady. See Brock, Sallie A. RICHMOND [VA.] Richmond [Va.] in by-gone days. . . . See Mordecai, Samuel. RICHMOND [VA.l 8596 Richmond [Va.J. The seven days' battles in front of:. . . . Rich 1862. O 45 a RICHMOND [VA.] 8597 The stranger's guide . . . for: . . . offices of the Confederate . . . government. . . . [/?/"c/i] 1863. 16° 31 a RICHTER, GUSTAV 8598 Der Nordamerikanische Freistaat Wis- consin. Wesel 1849. O 32 map a -90 Rlchter — Riedesel RICHTER, KARL. E. 8599 Reisen nach Nordamerika und zuruck in den Jahren 1835 bis 1849. Zugabe: Ein brief aus Californien von Moritz A. Richter Leip 1852c 16° 2v: [8] 374; [6] 3-271 [l]a RICHTHOFEN, FERDINAND, 8600 BARON VON The Comstock lode: its character.. ..SF 1866. O 83 a RICHTHOFEN, FERDINAND, 8601 BARON VON Explorations in the iron fields of Sierra county [Calif.], n.p. [l867]. O 31 fold.map a RICHTHOFEN, WALTER, 8602 BARON VON Cattle-raising on the plains. ...NY 1885. D [8] 102 a The Baron was a leading cattleman of Colorado and father of Germany's famous flyer. RICKETSON, DANIEL 8603 The history of New Bedford. New Bedford 1858. D 412 a RICKETTS, W. P. 8604 Fifty years in the saddle. Sheridan Wyo 1942. O 198 a [RICKMAN, JOHN] 8605 Journal of Captain Cook's last voyage to the Pacific... 1776-1780. L 1781. o[5o] 388[error for 396] map 5pls b N NYP — ed. 2, L 1781. O [52] 404 map 5pls a — rptd. Dub 1781. same collat. as ed. 1, with final p. correctly numb. — new ed. L 1785. O [66] 376 map lOpls — Am. ed. ["By an officer on board the Dis- covery," — au.unnamed] Phil 1783. O [2] 9- 96 99-230 + 2adv-p b JCB LC — Fr. tr. P 1782. O [lo] 508 map pi a — Ger. tr. Leip 1790. O 2v First published account of Cook's third and last voyage, preceding the official publication three years. Map is substantially same as in the narrative attributed to John Ledyard, and the texts of the two accounts are quite similar, hence some authorities at- tribute this book to Ledyard, However, the text shows that its anonymous author was originally on the "Discovery" and not trans- ferred to the "Resolution" until 1777, whereas Ledyard was on the latter through- out the voyage. The American edition, with title-page copying almost exactly that of William Ellis's account of this voyage, has been erroneously ascribed to that officer. [RICKMAN, THOMAS C. I 8606 Emigration to America candidly con- sidered L 1798. O [8] 62 [2] a Condemnatory. RICKMAN, THOMAS C. 8607 The life of Thomas Paine L 1819. O [16] 278 port a Attempts to vindicate Paine from the earlier unfriendly biographies by George Chalmers and James Cheetham. RIDDLE, JAMES M., pub. 8608 Pittsburgh directory for 1815. Pitt 1815. 16° 156 chart b AA LC Y First directory of this city. The second was issued in 1819. For the third, see Jones, Samuel. [RIDGE, JOHN R.] 8609 The life and adventures of Joaquin Murieta, the celebrated California bandit. By Yellow Bird. S F 1854. O 90 2pls d one copy known — anr. ed. 1859. O 71 front. & 8illus[by Nahl] c B S — ed. 3, rev. & enl., 1871. O 81 a — rptd., with "Career of Tiburcio Vasquez ...," 1874. O 98 a — anr. ed. S F Grabhorn 1932. O 400copies ptd. Best biography of California's most ro- manticized villain. For Spanish translation, see Murrieta. RIDGELY, DAVID Annals of Annapolis. [16] 13-283 front a 8610 ,Balt 1841. O RIDINGS, SAM P. 8611 The Chisholm trail. . . .Guthrie [l936]. O [12] 59l[incl. front.] map a RIDLEY, BROMFIELD L. 8612 Battles and sketches of the Army of Ten- nessee. Mexico Mo 1906. O 662 [lo] map 8 pis errata slip a RIDLON, G. T. 8613 Saco valley [Maine] settlements and families Port 1895. Q [l4] 1250 68pls a For the 1200 copies of this most ambitious of all local histories two tons of paper were required. RIEDESEL, FRIEDRICH A., and 8614 FREDERICA C L. Ausziige aus den Briefen und Papieren des: . . . Ihre beyderseitige Reise nach America [Berlin 1800]. O [2] 386 260 copies [60 on fine paper] b BP LC NYP — rptd. "Die Berufs-Reise nach America . . . ," Berlin 1800. D [lo] 352 eng.t-p a 491 Ries — Ring — ed. 3, Berlin 1801. D [lO] 352 eng.t. — Dutch tr. Haarlem 1802. O [8] 220 [2] — Eng. tr., with about 40p. omitted, as in- delicate, and some adds., "Letters and memoirs relating to the war of American independence. . . ," N Y 1827. D 323 — best — complete — Eng. tr. "Letters and journals. . . ," tr. Wm. L. Stone., Alb 1867. O 235 3pls a Also 50 copies on L. P. Larger portion of the letters was by the wife. For other Riedesel material see Eelk- ing, Max von. RIES, JULIUS 8615 Schilderungen des Treibins im Leben und Handel in den Vereinigten Staaten und Havanna Berlin 1840. O [lo] 236 [2] a RIETHMULLER, CHRISTOPHER J. 8616 Alexander Hamilton and his contempo- raries L 1864. D [10] 452 [2] a RIETTI, J. C. 8617 Military annals of Mississippi. . . . Vol. I [all]. n.p. [1896?]. D 196 a [RIEZO, JUAN M., VELASCO, J. 8618 FRANCISCO, et al] Memoria de las proporciones naturales de las provincias internas occidentales. . . . Mex 1822. O 62 a Report by delegates from Sonora to the commissioners of the Mexican constitution, including account of present Arizona and New Mexico. RIGHTS (THE) Rights (The) of colonies examined. See Hopkins, Steph. RIGHTS (THE) Rights (The) of Great Britain asserted against the claims of America. . . . See Dalrymole, Sir John. RIGHTS (THE) 8624 Rights (The) of Parliament vindicated, on occasion of the late stamp-act . . . L 1766. O 44 a RIGHTS (THE) 8625 Rights (The) of the British colonies con- sidered. The administration and regulation of the colonies exploded. . . . L [l765]. O [6] 3-91 errata slip a Defence of colonial rights, highly critical of the pamphlets of Grenville and Pownall. RIGHTS (THE) Rights (The) of the colonies, and the ex- tent of the legislative authority of Great- Britain, briefly stated. . . .See Phelps, — . RIGHTS (THE) 8626 Rights (The) of the English colonies. . . stated and defended. . . . L 1774. Q [2] 51 a RIKER, JAMES 8627 The annals of Newtown, in Queens county, New York. N Y 1852. O [6J 3-437 2maps port[in some copiesj a RIGGS, STEPHEN R. 8619 Mary and I. Forty years with the Sioux. Chi Holmes [l880]. D [20] 388 2ports a — rptd. B [1887]. D 437 3ports RIGGS, STEPHEN R. 8620 Tah-Koo Wan-Kan; or, the gospel among the Dakotas. B [l869]. D [36] 491 5pls a Describes Sioux life and polytheistic worship. RIGHT (THE) 8621 Right (The) and practice of impressment, as concerning Great Britain and America, considered. L 1814. O [2] 68 a RIGHT (THE) 8622 Right (The) of the British legislature to tax the American colonies vindicated. . . . L 1774. o[4] 48 41-50 a — ed. 2, with adds., same impr. 1775. O 88 Attributed to Samuel Johnson. RIGHT (THE) 8623 Right (The) of the British legislature to tax the colonies considered, in a letter to . . . Lord North. L [l774]. O 24 a Attributed to John Gray. RIKER, JAMES 8628 Harlem: its origin and early annals. . . . N Y 1881. O [14] 636 map a — rptd. 1904. RIKER, JOHN F. 8629 Journal of a trip to California, [l/rbana O 1855]? O 32 capt.t.only dd Y [only copy known] RILEY, BENJAMIN F. 8630 History of Conecuh county, Alabama. . . . Columbus Ga 1881. D [12] 233 a RILLIET DE CONSTANT, M[0NS. 8631 LOUIS] Extraits de correspondance d'un colon americain sur la colonie Suisse a Highland, pres de Saint-Louis [in Madison county, 111.]. Pt.l[all]. Berne 1849. D 54 tab map a RINFRET, RAOUL 8632 Le Yukon et son or. Mont [l898]. D 89 a RING, WILLIAM B. 8633 A guide to mechanics. . . wishing to emi- grate to the United States L [l837]. D 24 cov. t. only a 492 Ringgold — Riverside RINGGOLD, CADWALADER 8634 A series of charts. . . embracing surveys of the . . . entrance to the bay of San Fran- cisco. . . . Wash 1851. O 44 6maps llpls a — rptd. 3 times, same impr. 1852. Some copies are accompanied by a sepa- rately printed undated fifteen-page pamphlet. Correspondence to Maps and charts of California. RINGWALT, J[0HN] L. 8635 Development of transportation systems in the United States. Phil 1888. Q 398 48pls a [RIPLEY, ELEAZER W.] 8636 Facts relative to the campaign on the Niagara in 1814. B 1815. O 48 M fold.tab a Vindicates the conduct of this general at Lundy's Lane. RIPLEY, MRS. ELIZA [M.] 8637 Capture ... of Richmond. l\l Y 1907. O 31 a RISLER, JEREMIAS 8646 Leben August Gottlieb Spangenbergs, Bischofs der Evangelischen Bruder-Kirche Batby 1794. D [20] 516 a — Fr. tr. Neuchatel 1835. O Includes his missionary travels from Pennsylvania to Georgia. RISLEY'S AUS AMERICA Risley's Aus America . . . panorama des Mississippi flusses. See Smith, John R., Descriptive pamphlet. . . . RITCH, WILLIAM G. 8647 The resources of New Mexico. Santa Fe [1879]. O 64 a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1881. — enl. ed., t. altered, B 1885. O U] 253 map RITTENHOUSE, RUFUS Boyhood life in Iowa forty years ago, Dubuque 1880. O 23 a 8648 RIPLEY, MRS. ELIZA M. 8638 From flag to flag; a woman's experience in the south during the war NY 1889. D 296 a RIPLEY, MRS. ELIZA [M.] Social life in old New Orleans. . 1912. O [12] 332 8pls a 8639 RITTER, ABRAHAM 8649 History of the Moravian church in Phila- delphia. ... Phil 1857. O [20] 17-282 [2], 21 pis a RITTER, ABRAHAM 8650 Philadelphia and her merchants. . . . Phil 1860. O 223 20pls&plans RIPLEY, EZRA, et al 8640 A history of the fight at Concord. . . . Con- cord 1827. O 60 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1832. O 40 RIPLEY, BRIGADIER GENERAL 8641 r[oswell] S. Report of operations from August 21 to September 10, 1863 Rich 1864. O 42 a RIPLEY, R[0SWELL] S. 8642 The war with Mexico. N Y 1849. O 2v: [2] 13-524; 650 14 plans a RISE (THE) 8643 Rise (The) and progress of . . . abolition- ism. . . .Alexandria La 1840. O 23 a RIVERA, PEDRO DE 8651 Diario. Y derrotero de lo caminado, visto y obcervado en el discurso de la visita general de precidios ... en las provincias ynternas de Nueva Espana. . . . Guatemala 1736. F [2] 76 c B N NYP General Rivera's inspection tour of presidios in the frontier provinces included those of New Mexico and Texas; his de- scription of the people, settlements, etc., is of high value. Cf. Acuna, Juan de, and Nueva Espana. RIVERS, WILLIAM J. 8652 A chapter in the early history of South Carolina. Charleston S C 1874. O 110 a A continuation of his 1856 History. RISE (THE) 8644 Rise (The), progress, and present state, of the dispute between the people of America, and the administration. By the bishop of—. L [1775?]. D 56 front, a Contains account of the fight at Concord. Author was William Jackson, Bishop of Oxford. RISHEL, C. D., ed. 8645 The life and adventures of David Lewis, the robber and counterfeiter, the terror of the Cumberland valley. Newville Pa 1890. O 84 a [RIVERS, WILLIAM J, I 8653 A sketch of the history of South Carolina to . . . 1719 Charleston S C 1856. O 470 errata slip a — rptd. Charleston 1857. [RIVERS, WILLIAM J.] 8654 Topics in the history of South-Carolina. Charleston 1850-53. D 2v: 60; U) 61-96 a RIVERSIDE [CALIF.) History and directory of: By A. 8655 A. Bynon & Son. Riverside 1893. O 152 189 [incl. advs] a 493 Rives — Roberts RIVES, WILLIAM C. 8656 History of the life and times of James Madison. B 1859-68. O 3v: [22] 660; [22] 658; [26] 639 a Due to the author's death an intended fourth volume never appeared. [RIVINGTON, ALEXANDER, and 8657 HARRIS, W. A.] Reminiscences of America in 1869. L 1870. D [20] 332 a [RIVINGTON, JAMES] pub. 8658 A list of the officers . . . serving under . . . General Sir Guy Carleton. ...NY 1783. O 98 [4] c NYH RIVORS, [C.] 8659 A full and authentic account of the murders of James King, of Wm., et al. The execution of James P. Casey, er al. Roch 1857. O 64 a For similar title, see Fargo, Frank F. RIVOT, LOUIS E. 8660 iTotice sur le lac Superieur. . . . P 1857. O [4] 112 pi a RIVOT, LOUIS E. 8661 Voyage au lac Superieur. P 1855. O [4] 156 3maps a ROA BARCENA, JOSE M. 8662 Recuerdos de la invasion Norte-Ameri- cana, 1846-8. Mex 1883. O [8] 686 a ROACH, LIEUT. ALVA C. 8663 The prisoner of war and how treated. Containing a history of Col. Streight's ex- pedition to the rear of Bragg's army. . . . Indp 1865. D 244 a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1887. [ROBB, JOHN S.I 8664 Streaks of squatter life, and far-west scenes. . . . Phil 1847. D 187 9pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1849; [l858]. — anr. ed. "Western scenes. . . ," Phil [1858?]. same collat. For another reprint, see Lewis, Henry C. ROBBINS, REV. AMMI R., a 8665 chaplain in the American army Journal of: in the northern campaign of 1776. N Hav 1850. O 48 a ROBBINS, THOMAS 8666 An historical view of the first planters of New England. Hart 1815. 18° 300 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1843. ROBERT, T. 8667 A narrative of the life of the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield. . . with the history of his travels L J. Bunyan [l770?]. D [4J 259 a ROBERTS, CAPTAIN [pseud.] Never caught. . . blockade-running during the American civil war. . . .See Hobart- Hampden, Augustus C. ROBERTS, MRS. D. W. 8668 A woman's reminiscences. . . in camp with the Rangers. Austin Tex [l928]. O 64 6pls a ROBERTS, DE WITT C. 8669 Southern sketches. . . . Jacksonville 1865. 16° 142 a ROBERTS, JAMES 8670 The narrative of: a soldier under Gen. Washington, and under Gen. Jackson . Chi 1858. O 32 a Unconvincing reminiscences of a cen- tenarian Negro; issued obviously as anti- slavery propaganda. ROBERTS, JOHN M., ed. Autobiography of a revolutionary soldier. See Collins, James. ROBERTS, CAPTo LEMUEL 8671 Memoirs of: ... as a continental soldier ... as prisoner. . . . Bennington Vt 1809. O 96 a ROBERTS, ORAN M. 8672 Description of Texas. ...StL 1881. O [10] 17-133 14maps & pis a [ROBERTS, ROBERT E.] 8673 Sketches of the city of Detroit Dot 1855. O 63 a ROBERTS, W. H. 8674 Northwestern Washington: its soil, climate. . . . Port Townsend 1880. D 52 fold. map b Y ROBERTS, WILLIAM 8675 An account of the first discovery and natural history of Florida. . . . L 1763. Q [lO] 102 7maps & pis b AA H N NYP Y A timely book, issued immediately after the cession of this colony from Spain to England, to satisfy British curiosity con- cerning the territory acquired. ROBERTS, W[lLLIAM] MILNOR 8676 Special report of a reconnaissance of the route for the Northern Pacific railroad be- tween lake Superior and Puget sound. . . . [Phil? 1869]. O 51 [4] a 494 Robertson — Robinson ROBERTSON, ARCHIBALD, 8677 LIEUT. GENERAL Robertson, Archibald, Lieut. General...; his diaries and sketches in America, 1762- 80. Ed. by H. M. Lydenberg. TV Y 1930. sm Q [12] 300 [2] 63maps & pis a ROBERTSON, GEORGE 8678 Outline of the life of: written by himself Lex Ky 1876. O 210 port a Primitive Kentucky described by one of her ablest sons. ROBERTSON, GEORGE 8679 Scrap book on law and politics, men and times. Lex Ky 1855. O 402 a ROBERTSON, IGNATIUS L. [pseud.] Sketches of public characters. . . .See Knapp, Saml. L. ROBERTSON, JAMES 8680 A few months in America. . . . L [l855j. D 230 [9] a [ROBERTSON, JOHN] 8681 Letters on. . . southern wrongs and remedies. Rich 1861. O 60 + cover t. a [ROBERTSON, JOHN B.] 8682 Reminiscences of a campaign in Mexico; by a member of "The Bloody-First".. . . Nashv 1849. D 288 front, map a ROBERTSON, W., and W. F. 8683 Our American tour. . . from the Atlantic to the Golden Gate. . ..Edin 1871. O 148 pi a ROBERTSON, W. G. 8684 Recollections of early settlers of Mont- gomery co. [Ala.] Montg 1892. 16° 157 a ROBERTSON, WILLIAM 8685 The history of America. [Books I to VIII, covering discovery and Spanish conquests], L 1777. Q 2v: [24] 488; [4] 536 [20] a — many reprints in Eng. —Am. ed. N Y 1798. O 2v: 512; 512 [30] — continued, posthumously, in Books IX to X [covering early histories of Va. & New Eng.], L 1796. Q [8] 249 — complete ed., all 10 books, called 8th ed., L 1800-01. D 3v: [42] 417; [4] 458; [2] 438. llpls a — rptd. many times in Eng. —Am. ed. from 10th L ed., Phil 1812. O 2v. [12] 532; 514 anr. ed. [continued by David Mcintosh through the revolution], Edin 1817. Q 588 [4] 3maps 12pls Most highly regarded secondary source of its time, now entirely superseded. ROBERTSON, WYNDHAM 8686 Oregon. . . with a statement of the claims of Russia, Spain, Great Britain, and the United States. Wash 1846. O [8] 5-203 [24] map b N NYP OreH Y ROBIDOUX, MRS. ORRAL M. 8687 Memorial to the Robidoux brothers. . . . K C 1924. O 31 l[incl. front.] map 16pls a ROBIN, L'ABBE 8688 Nouve^u voyage dans 1* Amerique. ... Phil & P 1782. O [10] 222 a — anr. issue, same date & impr. D 192 — anr. ed., same impr., 1783. O [8] 224 — anr. ed. Phil [ptd. P] 1783. D 192 — Eng. tr. by Freneau, Phil Bell 1783. O 112 a — anr. Eng. tr. B 1784. O 95 — Dutch tr. Amst 1782. O [8] 284 [2] map — Ger. tr. N umber g 1783. O 176 ROBIN, ClLAUDE] C. 8689 Voyages dans l'interieur de la Louisiane, de la Floride Occidentale P 1807. O 3v: [lb] 346; [4] 511; [l2] 551. map plan port a — Ger. tr. Berlin 1908-9. O 3v: Vienna 1811. O 2v Robin witnessed at New Orleans and at Nachitoches, the transfer of Louisiana to the United States; he gives a most ample de- scription of Louisiana's Western interior and of Spanish Texas. [ROBINSON, ALFRED] 8690 Life in California: during a residence of several years. . . . By an American. N Y 1846. D [14] 341 9pls a — rptd. 1849. a — Eng. ed., omitting the 2nd pt. [Boscana's account of Cal. IndiansJ and all pis. L 1851. D 182[incl. initial blank 1.] + lOadv-p — rptd. with add. reminiscences and port, S F 1891; 1897; 1925. O [28] 316 [2] pis 250copies ptd. Useful authority on the period covered and the first account of California in English by a resident. The author came to the province in 1829 and married into the prominent De Guerra family. ROBINSON, CONWAY 8691 An account of discoveries in the west until 1519, and of voyages to and alone the Atlantic coast, 1520-73. Rich 1848. o[l6] ROBINSON, FAYETTE 8692 An account of the organization of the army of the United States; with biographies. . . . Phil 1848. D 2v: 352; [lo] 334. 36ports a 495 Robinson — Roche ROBINSON, FAYETTE 8693 California and its gold regions. ...NY 1849. O 137 map a — anr. issue, with app. added, 144p. map A view of San Francisco is sometimes found, inserted, but was not issued with the book. ROBINSON, DR. J. H. 8694 Silver-Knife: or, the hunters of the Rocky mountains. B Hotchkiss, 1850. O 103 a — anr. Ed. B 1854. D 168 — rptd. B Gleason 1864. Q ROBINSON, JACOB S. 8695 Sketches of the great west. A journal of the Santa-Fe expedition. Portsmouth N H 1848. 18° 71 b AA With Doniphan to Santa Fe and operations in the Navajo country. ROBINSON, JOHN, and DOW, 8696 GEORGE F. The sailing ships of New England. Ser. 1, 2 86 3. Salem 1922-4-8. O 3v: 66 [2] 182 pis; 52 [2] 209pls; 46 [2] 216pls a ROBINSON, JOSEPH W. 8697 History of Kansas, and rail road and steamboat sketches. . . . Phil 1857. D 74 [2l] b G KasH [only copies known] ROBINSON, J[0SEPH] W. 8698 Railroad and steamboat sketches between New York and Kansas. [Phil? 1859?]. D 22 + cover t. b H NYP Y [ROBINSON, MATTHEW, BARON 8699 ROKEBY] Considerations on the measures . . . with respect to the British colonies L [l774], O [2] 160 a — to later issues of ed. 1, errata 1. added — ed. 2, L [1774]. O [4] 176 [45] — ed. 3, L [1774]. same collat. — rptd. Bath [l776]. — Am. ed.: B 1774 [3 eds.]. O [64]: Hart 1774. same collat.; N Y 1774. O [2] 73; Phil 1774. O 60 Strongly critical of Lord North's policy, and also of Franklin's conduct. The Ap- pendix, added to edition two, was issued separately at Philadelphia, 1775, in a octavo of 19 pages. [ROBINSON, MATTHEW, BARON 8700 ROKEBY] A further examination of our present American measures. . . .Bath Eng 1776. O [6] 3-256 a ROBINSON, MATT[HEW], BARON 8701 ROKEBY Peace the best policy or reflections upon the appearance of a foreign war. . . . L 1777. O [4] 112 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O [2] 59 [ROBINSON, MRS. THERESE L. 8702 VON J.] Aus der Geschichte de ersten Ansiedelun- gen in den Vereingten Staaten. Leip 1845. O 191 a [ROBINSON, MRS. THERESE L. 8703 VON J.] Geschichte der Colonization von Neu- England... 1607-92. Leip 1847. O [l8] 710 map a —Eng. tr. L 1851. D 2v: [l4] 381; [4] 407 ROBINSON, W. A. 8704 A business directory of Grand Rapids. . . [with historical sketch]. Chi 1856. O 56 a ROBINSON, W. D. 8705 Memoir. . . to persons of the Jewish re- ligion in Europe, on the subject of emigra- tion to . . . one of the most eligible parts of the United States L 1819. O 40 a Advocates settling on the Upper Missis- sippi or the Missouri. This arcadian dream was never realized. ROBLES, MANUEL 8706 Memoria del secretario de estado y del despacho de guerra y marina. Mex 1852. O 118 [57] fold.map a Includes material on the boundary between Mexico and the United States, the Gadsden Purchase territory, etc. ROBLES, VITO A. 8707 Coahuila y Texas en la epoca colonial. Mex 1938. O [l2 incl. front wrap.] 752 [l] 8maps[7fold.]9pls[3 col.] a — also issued in lOOcopies, signed ROBUCK, J. E. 8708 My own personal experience ... in the Confederate army; appending a history of the . . . Ku Klux Klan Birm Ala 1911. O 136 port a ROCHAMBEAU, [JEAN B. D. DE 8709 VIMEUR, COMTE 0E| Memoires militaires, historiques . . . de: P 1809. O 2v: [16] 437; [4] 395 a —rptd. P 1824. O 2v — Eng. tr. [in part], P 1838. O [6] 114 ROCHE, ALFRED R. 8710 A view of Russian America in connection with the present war. Monfr 1855. O 70 b LC PortOreL Y 496 Rochemonteix — Romer Views with alarm the probable purchase of Alaska by the United States and suggests that Canada, now that England is at war with Russia, take armed possession. ROCHEMONTEIX, CAMILLE DE 8711 Les Jesuites et la Nouvelle-F ranee au XII e siecle. P 1895. O 3v: [68] 488; [2] 536; [4] 694. 3maps 8ports a Thorough, but biased narrative of mis- sionary activities and exploring enterprise throughout the Lake region and the Missis- sippi valley. ROCHEMORE [LE FEU SR. DE] 8712 Memoire concernant: . . . ordonnateur a la Louisiane. Contre le Sieur de Kerlerec, gouverneur de la meme colonic . . . P 1765 Q 160 [9] 14 a Rochemore had charge, under Kerlerec, of all French trading stations and forts from Pittsburgh to New Orleans. ROCHESTER Rochester in 1827. See Hawley, Jesse. ROCK, JAMES L., ond SMITH, W. I. 8713 Southern and western Texas guide. . . . St L 1878. O 282 map port a ROCK, MARION T. 8714 Illustrated history of Oklahoma. Topeka 1890. O [12] 277[incl. 2 1. of illus] 99pls a Most of the edition burned. ROCK ISLAND 8715 A directory of . . . : for 1856-7. . . .Rock Island 1856. D 114 a Some copies, bound with Davenport and Moline directories of the same year. See Fleming and Torrey. ROCK ISLAND Rock Island and its surroundings. . . .See Bross, Wm. ROCKWELL, WILLIAM S. The Oglethorpe Light Infantry. 1894. O 36 errata slip port a 8716 ROCQUE, JEAN and MARY ANN A set of plans and forts in North America. See Andrews, P. and John. RODENBOUGH, THEO. F. 8717 From everglade to canyon with the Second Dragoons. . . . N Y 1875. O [l4] 17-561 2 maps 8pls a [RODNEY, CAESAR A.] 8718 The oracle of liberty, and mode of es- tablishing a free government. Phil 1791. O 39 a RODRIQUEZ, A. DE 8719 Calendario para 1849: breve resena his- torica de . . . la rebelion de la colonia de Tejas. Mex 1849. D 72 2pls a RODRIGUEZ, JOSE M. 8720 Memoirs of early Texas. San Antonio 1913. O 76[incl. front.] a lOOcopies ptd. RODRIQUEZ [JOSEE POLICARPO] 8721 Rodriquez [jose Policarpo], the old guide . . . Indian fighter. . . . Nashv [ca 1897]. D 121 front, a RODRIQUEZ DE SAN MIGUEL, JUAN 8722 Documentos relativos al fondo piadoso de missiones para conversion. . , de los numer- osas tribas de las Californias. Mex 1845. O 60 b ROE, MRS. ELIZABETH A. 8723 Aunt Leanna, or, early scenes in Ken- tucky. Chi [ptd. Auburn N Y ] 1855. D [l2] 281 a Describes the emigration and settlement of Col. Matthew Lyon and family, early advocates of emancipation. ROE, MRS. ELIZABETH A. 8724 Recollections of frontier life [in Ky., Neb. & 111.]. Rockford 1885. O 295 2ports a This daughter of the Kentucky colonist, Colonel Matthew Lyon, gives the best ac- count by any woman of the hardships and perils of backwoods life. ROE, MRS FRANCES M. 8725 Army letters from an officer's wife. N Y 1909. D [10] 387[incL lOpls] front, a [ROEBUCK, JOHN] 8726 An enquiry, whether the guilt of the present civil war, ought to be imputed to Great Britain or America. L 1776. O [2] 69 a — anr. issue, [l 1776]. O 61 — new ed. L 1776. O [2] 73 Attributes everything to America's folly and ingratitude. ROMER, FERDINAND 8727 Die Kreidebildungen von Texas und ihre Organischen Einschliisse. ..Bonn 1852. Q [8] 100 llpls a ROMER, FERDINAND 8728 Texas. Mit besonderer Riicksicht. .. .Bonn 1849. O [l6 inch errata 1.] 464 fold. map [first geological map of this state] b N NYP Y — Eng. tr. San Antonio 1935. O [l2] 301 map Romer was the father of Texas geology. 497 Roesler ROESLER, CORPORAL J. N. 8729 Army sketches. Cin 1862. obi F 20 lith. pls[of army life & operations] a ROFF, JOE T. 8730 A brief history of early days in north Texas and the Indian Territory. [Allen Okla] 1930. D 40 a ROGER, R. C. 8731 My wife and I. . . . S F 1871. O 440 a 50 copies ptd. Narrative of California life in the 'fifties. [ROGERS, CARLTON H.1 8732 Incidents of travel in the southern states and Cuba. . . [in 1856]. N Y 1862. D [2] 320 a [ROGERS, EDWARD C.] 8733 Letters on slavery. . . showing its ille- gality. ... B 1855. D [2] 108 a [ROGERS, GEORGE?] 8734 Memoranda of the experience ... of a Universalist preacher. Cin 1845. D 400 a Fine picture of frontier travel, social conditions, etc., in the West and South. ROGERS, HOWARD S. 8735 History of Cass county, Michigan.. .. Cassopolis 1875. O 406 a ROGERS, JOHN 8736 The biography of Elder J. T. Johnson. Cin 1861. D 408 port a His life in Kentucky before 1800, and travels throughout the South and Central West. ROGERS, JUSTUS H. 8737 Colusa county, California: its history. . . . Oakland 1891. O 474[incl. front.] fold.map 59pls a Includes sketches of Bidwell, Larkin, Ide and Lassen, and the autobiography of Major Stephen Cooper, who crossed the plains in 1846, became Alcalde of Sonoma and was the man who first wrote President Polk of the gold discovery. [ROGERS, NICHOLAS?] 8738 Observations upon certain passages in Mr. Jefferson's Notes on Virginia. ... N Y 1804. O 32 a Ascribed also to Clement C. Moore. ROGERS, RANSFORD 8739 An account of the beginning, transactions and discovery of: who seduced many by pre- tended hobgoblins and apparitions, and thereby extorted money from their pockets .... [Elizabeth-town?] 1792. D 28 a — rptd. "The wonderful history of the Morristown ghost. . . ," ed. David Young, Newark 1826. 24° 76 — anr. ed., with app., "Original history of the Morristown ghost!" Morristown 1876. D [4 incl. cover-t.J 4l[incl. blank 1.] ROGERS, ROBERT 8740 A concise account of North America. . . also of the interior or westerly parts. . . . L 1765. D [8] 264 a — rptd. Dub 1769; 1770. Based largely on personal knowledge, this was the first geographical account of the American interior after England had wrested it from France, and, aside from those by Pittman and Hutchins, the most accurate of the period. ROGERS, MAJOR ROBERT 8741 Journals of: during the late war. . . . L 1765. O [8] 236 + 4adv-p b AA N NYP Y — rptd. [with "Bouquet expedition"] Dub 1769. D [10] 218 [20] 99 a; Dub 1770. same collat. — Am. ed. "Reminiscences of the French war," with adds., but "Journals" con- densed, Concord N H 1831. D 276 port of StarkLnot in all copies] — rptd. 1860; 1877. — best Am. ed., ed. with notes by Hough, Alb 1883. O 297 map In these military journals Rogers de- scribes visits to the shores of lakes Erie and Huron, and a trip from Detroit to the Delaware villages on the Muskingum and Pittsburgh. ROGERS, THOMAS J., comp. 8742 A new American biographical dictionary . . . confined exclusively to those who sig- nalized themselves. . . in the revolutionary war Easton Pa 1813. D [6] 424 [4] a — ed. 2, same impr. 1823. D 352 — ed. 3, same impr. 1824. O 504 — ed. 4, Phil 1829. D [4] 400 Sports — anr. ed. "Lives of the departed heroes ...," N Y 1834. D ROGERS, WOODES 8743 A cruising voyage round the world. . . . L 1712. O [22] 428 56 [l4] 5maps a — ed. 2, cor. 1718. O [20] 428 57 [7] 5maps + 8adv-p a — rptd. 1726, same collat. but 2pls added a — Fr. trs., with adds.: Amst 1716 D 2v 7 maps 16pls[incl. 2eng.t-p]; 3v. 1723; 3v. 1725. —Dutch tr. Amst 1715. Q fe] 14 438 [&] 9 maps & pis Accounts of this richly rewarded buc- caneering expedition were written by com- manders of both ships, Rogers and Edward Cooke. The California coast was visited. 498 Roll ROLES, JOHN 8744 Inside views of slavery on southern plantations NY 1864. O 47 a ROLLE, DENYS 8745 The humble petition of: setting forth the hardships . • . which have attended him in his attempts to make a settlement in East Florida [l 176-?]. O 85 47 pi fold, sheet b Rolle purchased an extensive tract, to which he brought 1000 colonists. On the complete collapse of his project, he worked his way back to England and submitted this plea to the privy council. ROLPH, THOMAS 8746 A brief account. . . made during a visit to the West Indies, and a tour through the United States Dundas Canada 1836. O 272 [2l] errata slip a — ed. 2, "A descriptive . . . account of Canada. . . ," L 1842. O 300 R0MAINE, ROBERT DEXTER [pseud.] The new age of gold; or, the life and ad- ventures of: See Payson, Geo. ROMANCE 8747 Romance of Indian history . . . incidents in the early settlement of America. TV Y [ca 1850]. D 24 a Contains Adam Poe captivity, etc. ROMANS, BERNARD 8748 A concise natural history of East and West Florida Vol. I. [all]. TV Y, for the author, 1775. O [l4] 175 178-342 [2] 90 [3] front, eng. dedication 1. 3maps 6pls fold. tab d AA N NYP — ed. 2, TV Y Aitken 1776. Made from sheets of ed. 1, omitting the 3maps, part of prelim, matter and app. O [4] 175 178-342 dedica- tion 1. 6pls tab c AA N Romans, who spent several years in Florida, gives a valuable description of the country and its natives. The title page calls for 12 plates and 2 whole-sheet maps, but ordinary copies contain only the 9 maps and plates shown. Perhaps the other 5 maps and plates were to accompany a second volume, proposed but never issued. The only known copies of these original 2 maps are in the Pennsylvania Historical Society; but some copies have, inserted, reprints of them made later in London. R0MSPERT, GEORGE W. 8749 The western echo. . . .Dayton 1881. D 406 Lincl. port] a R0NAN, PETER 8750 Historical sketch of the Flathead. . . na- tion. . . . Helena [l89o]. O [4] 80 3pls a RONDTHALER, EDWARD 8751 Life of John Heckewelder. Phil 1847. D 149 + 2adv-p port a ROOSEVELT, THEODORE 8752 Hunting trips of a ranchman. ...NY 1885. Q[l8] 318 20pls a 500copies ptd. "Medora ed." — trade ed., same impr. 1886. O [l6 incl. front.] 348 + 3adv-p ROOSEVELT, THEODORE 8753 The naval war of 1812 N Y 1882. O [18] 498 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O — seven other eds. before 1902. ROOSEVELT, THEODORE 8754 Ranch life and the hunting trail. ...NY Century Co. [l888]. F [8] 186 2pls Binding 1: coarse light tan buckram, stamped in green & gold a; binding 2: smooth brown linen, stamped in brown & gold — some copies carry L impr. — rptd., with 12 add.illus., N Y 1896. —other eds.: N Y 1899; N Y 1901. ROOSEVELT, THEODORE 8755 The winning of the west. TV Y 1889-1894- 1896. O 4v: [l6] 352; [4] 427; [6] 339; [8] 363. 4maps Issue 1 has "diameter," last word, pl60, vol.1, a — issue 2, "diameter" cor. to ' 'c ircumf erence ' ' — best ["Alleghany"] ed. TV Y 1900. O 4v: [20] 352; [10] 427; [12] 339; [l4] 363. 5maps 153pls — anr. issue, ["Boone ed. "], p. of MS in- serted, same impr., date & collat. 200copies ROOT, FRANK A., and 8756 CONNELLEY, WILLIAM E. The overland stage to California. . . . Topeka 1901. O [20] 630 map front, a — rptd. Columbus O 1950. O fold. map ROOT, HENRY 8757 Personal history and reminiscences. . . 1845-1921. S F 1921. O [6] 134 port a Not over lOOcopies ptd. Informative on early California railroads. ROOT, RILEY 8758 Journal of travels ... to Oregon . . . with a description of California . . . and its gold mines. Galesburg III 1850. O 143 c AA Y One of the best overland journals, one of a few covering 1848, one of the earliest de- scribing the California gold-fields, which he reached from Oregon, May 1849. 499 Root — Ross ROOT. W. D. 8759 Sandusky in 1855; with historical sketches of the region and a directory. . . . Sandusky 1855. D 151 a [ROPES, MRS. HANNAH A.I 8760 Six months in Kansas. B 1856. D 231 a — rptd., same collat., impr. & date. [ROQUE, JOHN] A set of plans and forts in North America. See Andrews, P. & John. ROQUEFEUIL, CAMILLE DE 8761 Journal d'un voyage autour du monde. . . 1816-1819. P 1823. O 2v: [50] 344; [4] 407. 2maps b N NYP Y — Eng. tr. abr. L 1823. O 112 a — Ger. ed. "Reise um die Welt. . . ," Jena 1823. O [2] 396 Visited California and the northwest coast, in 1816-17. ROSA, GABRIELE 8762 Constantino Beltrami, da Bergamo. Notizie. . . dedicate alia Societa di Min- nesota. Bergamo 1865. Q 134 port a ROSA, GABRIELE 8763 Delia vita e degli scritti di Constantine Beltrami. . . scopritore delle fonti del Mississippi. Bergamo 1861. O 34 a ROSA, LUIS DE LA 8764 Impresiones de un viage de Mexico a Washington. ...NY 1849. O 54 a ROSE, MRS. S. E. F. 8765 The Ku Klux Klan or invisible empire. N O 1914. D 84 pis a ROSE, VICTOR M. 8766 Life and services of General Ben Mc- Culloch. Phil 1888. O [4] 25-260 port a Most famous Texas ranger. ROSIER, ELL1K 877( The emigrant's friend in Canada. . . . Glas 1834. D 81 map a — rptd. L 1839. Contains information on Midwestern states. ROSS, ALEXANDER 8771 Adventures of the first settlers on the Oregon. . . . L 1849. D [l6] 352 map col front, [in few copies] b NYP Y no front, a — Am. ed., ed. Thwaites, Clev 1904. O 332 [incl map & facs.J + 4 adv. p a ROSS, ALEXANDER 8772 Fur hunters of the far west. L 1855. D 2v: [15] 333; [8] 262 + adv-1. port pi map a — Am, ed., abr., ed. Quaife, Chi 1924. 16° ROSS, CAPT. C 8773 The earthquake at New Madrid. . ..Cfn 1847. O 24 a ROSS, C. P., and ROUSE, T. L. 8774 Early day history of Wilbarger county, Texas. Vernon 1933. O 208 a ROSS, EDMUND G. 8775 History of the impeachment of Andrew Johnson [Santa Fe] 1896. O [4] 180 a By the Kansas senator who with two other j heroic Republicans defied party dictation and voted a pivotal "Not Guilty." ROSS, FITZGERALD 8776 A visit to the cities and camps of the Confederate States. Edin 1865. O [lo] 300 map a ROSS, GEORGE M. VON 8777 Des Auswanderer's Hand-buch. . . . Elber- field 1851. D 509 a ROSS, GEORGE M. VON 8778 Der Nordamerikanische Freistaat Texas Rudolstadt 1851. O [2] 85 map a ROSE, VICTOR M. 8767 Ross' Texas brigade. .. .Louisv 1881. O 185 2pls a ROSE, VICTOR M. 8768 Some historical facts in regard to the settlement of Victoria, Texas. Laredo Tex 1883. O 216 a ROSEN, PETER 8769 Pa-Ha-Sa-Pah, or the Black hills of South Dakota St L 1895. O [l4] 645 + adv-1. 27 pis a By a missionary in that region from 1882 to 1889. ROSS, HARVEY L. 8779 The early pioneers and pioneer events of . . . Illinois Chi 1899. O [l2] 199 port a Ross knew Lincoln intimately at New Salem; he takes issue with many of Hern- don's statements concerning Lincoln's early life. ROSS, JAMES, of Wis. and 8780 GARY, GEORGE From Wisconsin to California, and return .... Madison Wis 1869. O 132 a ROSS, JAMES 8781 Life and times of Elder Reuben Ross. Phil [1882]. D 427 2ports 500 Ross — Rowland Pioneer conditions and early Indian troubles in northeast Tennessee. ROSS. JOEL H. 8782 What I saw in New-York; or, a bird's-eye view of city life. Auburn 1851. D 326 pi a _ed. 2, same impr. & collat., 1852. ROSS, JOHN, principal chief of the 8783 Cherokee nation Letter from: . . . regarding the Cherokee affairs with the United States. . . . [Wash 1836]. O 31 a ROSS, JOHN, principal chief of the 8784 Cherokee nation Letter from: to a gentleman of Phila- delphia [i.e., Job R. Tyson]. [Phil 1838]. O 40 a ROSS, MRS. WILLIAM P. 8785 The life and times of Hon. William P. Ross. [St L? ca 1893]. O [22] 272 port a ROSSI, LOUIS 8786 Six ans en Amerique: Californie et Oregon. [Brus] 1863. O 322 [2] 2maps a — ed. 2, P 1863. same collat. — anr. ed., same impr. &, collat., entitled "Souvenirs d'un voyage en Oregon et en Californie," 1864. This missionary priest went to Washington Territory with Bishop Blanchet in 1856 and was later assigned to northern California and Nevada. ROSSIGNON, JULES ^ 8787 Guide pratique des emigrants en Cali- fornie P 1849. 16° 108 a ROTHERT, OTTO A. 8788 A history of Muhlenberg county, Kentucky. Louisv 1913. O [18] 496 pis a ROTHERT, OTTO A. 8789 The outlaws of Cave-in-Rock. . . . C/er 1924. O 364[incl. lOmaps & pis] a ROTTERMUND, COUNT DE 8790 Report on the exploration of lakes Superior and Huron. [Tor 1856]. O 24 a ROTTERMUND, COMTE DE 8791 Second rapport sur l'exploration des lacs Superieur et Huron. Tor 1857. O 50 a ROUBY, JULES 8792 Guide americain. P 1859. 16° 248 a ROUHAUD, HIPPOLYTE 8793 Les regions nouvelles . . . au nord de 1 'Ocean Pacifique. P 1868. O [lo] 404 a Embraces accounts of Oregon, California and Texas. [ROUSSELOT DE SURGY, 8794 JACQUES P.] tr. Histoire naturelle et politique de la Pennsylvanie, . . . Traduite de l'Allemande P[ar] M. D[e] s[urgy]. P 1768. D [20] 372 [4] map a Translations from travel narratives written by Kalm and Mittelberger. ROUTES Routes and tables of distances ... in the Traveller's guide. ... See Davison, Gideon M. [ROUX, SERGEANT-MAJOR] 8795 Le nouveau Mississippi, ou les dangers d'habiter les bords du Scioto, par un patriote voyageur. P Jacquemart 1790. D 44 a — anr. issue, P Jacob-Sion 1790. O [6] 44 Adverse report on the Ohio lands of the Scioto Company. ROUX DE ROCHELLE, JEAN B. G. 8796 Etats-Unis. . . . P 1837. O [6] 400 [2] map 96pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1838; 1839; 1845; 1853. — Ital. ed. "Stati Uniti d' America. ..," Venice 1839. O 416 pis — Sp. tr. Barcelona 1841. O [4] 79pls By the French Minister to this country, 1829-1831. The French editions formed part of L'univers. ROVINGS Rovings in the Pacific . . . with a glance at California. By a merchant. ... 1851. See Lucatt, Edw. ROWAN, ARCHIBALD H. 8797 Autobiography of: Dub 1840. O [l6] 475 port a Exiled for conspicuous activities as an Irish political leader, Rowan spent the years 1795 and 1796 at Philadelphia and Wilmington. ROWLAND, DAVID S. 8798 Historical remarks ... a sermon. . . wherein are represented, the. . . dispensations of. . . providence to the people. . . in the rise and progress of the present war. . . . Prov [l779]. O 35 a ROWLAND, KATE M. 8799 The life of Charles Carroll of Carrollton NY 1898. O 2v: [22] 400; [6] 487. 7pls pedigree tab a ROWLAND, KATE M. 8800 The life of George Mason, 1725-1792. /V Y 1892. O 2v: 400; 475. fold. tab port a — rptd. 1898. 501 Roy — Ruger [ROY, JUST J. E.] 8801 Les aventures d'un capitaine francais. . . au Texas. P 1858. D 19l[incl.front.] a — rptd. Tours 1860. D 185 pi — Eng. tr. N Y [l876?]. D 180 pi Fictionalized, but reasonably authentic, account of the French settlement at Champ d'Asile. ROY, WILLIAM L. 8802 A new work: the emigrant's guide to the United States NY 1850. 16° 72 a ROYALL, MRS. ANNE 8803 The black book . . . continuation of travels in the United States. Wash 1828-9. D 3v: 329; 396; 235 b AA LC N Volume III, an afterthought, is seldom found with the other two of this title, which is a continuation of her Sketches of history. . . . ROYALL, MRS. ANNE Letters from Alabama. . 232 [6] a 8804 Wash 1830. O ROYALL, MRS. ANNE 8805 Mrs. Royall's southern tour, or second series of The black book. Wash 1830-31. O 3v: 169 [12]; 218; 246 a The last of the author's travel series. ROYALL, MRS. ANNE 8806 Pennsylvania, or travels continued. . . . Wash 1829. D 2v: 276, 273 [24] a This was a continuation of The black book, above. [ROYALL, MRS. ANNE] 8807 Sketches of history, life and manners in the United States. By a traveller. N Hav 1826. D [6] 13-392 front, a ROYCE, C| HARLESl C. 8808 John Bidwell, pioneer. . . a biographical sketch. Chico Calif 1906. O 66 [incl.pls] facs a — enl. ed. [to which is added Bidwell's "Addresses, reminiscences...," dated 1907]. Chico 1906-07. O 2v in 1: [2] 66; [4] 221. map pis lOOcopies ptd. b NYP Y ROYCE, JOSIAH California, from the conquest in 1846. B 1886. D [16] 513 — rptd. same impr. 8809 map + 6adv-p a ROYS, AUREN 8810 A brief history of . . . Norfolk NY 1847. O [4] 89 a ROZIER, FIRMIN A. 8811 History of the early settlement of the Mississippi valley. St L 1890. O 337[incl. front.] 13pls a RUBESAM, FRED 8812 Grenzerleben: Bilder und Skizzen aus dem "Wilden-Westen." Chi 1894. O 167 a Service with Texas Rangers and in a Comanche uprising of 1858. RUBIO, pseud. Rambles in the United States Set James, Thos. H. RUCKER, GEN. D[ANIEL] H. 8813 Lists of distances between. . . western forts and . . . points along the various over- land trails. Wash 1868. D 121 a RUDO ENSAYO See Smith, Buckingham, ed. RUHL, KARL 8814 Californien. . . . Mit Verucksichtigung der Minen-Regionen der benachbarten Staaten und Territorien. N Y 1867. O [8] 283 2maps a RUFFIN, EDMUND 8815 Agricultural, geological and descriptive sketches of lower North Carolina Letc.J. Raleigh 1861. O 296 a By the "Father of modern scientific agronomy," the most radical advocate of State's Rights and firer of the first shot of the Civil War. RUFFIN, EDMUND 8816 The political economy of slavery; or, the institution considered in regard to its in- fluence on public wealth and. . . welfare. [Wash 185-?]. O 31 a [RUFFNER, ERNEST H.] 8817 A political problem: New Mexico and the New Mexicans. By an officer of the army. [Leavenworth? 1876]. O 31 + cov.t. a [RUFFNER, HENRY] 8818 Address to the people of West Virginia; shewing that slavery is injurious to the public welfare Lex., Va. 1847 O 40 a — rptd. Louisv 1847. O 32; also [Bridge- water Va 1933]. RUGER, GEN. THOMAS H. 8819 Report of: [to the Adj. Gen. of the Army] [S F 1891]. 16° 104 1. b G Includes reports of various subordinate officers, all concerning the Messiah Craze, death of Sitting Bull, etc., each separately paged. 502 Rumple — Ruschenberger RUMPLE, JETHRO 8820 A history of Rowan county, N. C. Salis- bury N C 1881. 24° [8] 508 [lo] slip in- serted at p505 a — rptd., same impr., n.d.; Salisbury 1916; Raleigh 1929. One of the most admirable of Southern local histories. RUMSEY, JAMES 8821 A plan, wherein the power of steam is fully shown, by a new constructed machine for propeling [sic] boats. . . . [Winchester? 1788]. Q 20 [2] no t-p only a few copies ptd b AA — rptd. "A short treatise on the application of steam, whereby is clearly shewn. ..." Phil 1788. O 26 — issue 1, word "cheap" misspelled on t-p a — issue 2, spelling corrected. — anr. ed. dated Phil 1788, but ptd. ca 1850. same collat. Earliest work on steam navigation. [RUNCKLER.SEB.] 8822 Handbuch fur meine Freunde in den Dis- tricten von Canajohary und Palatine, an der Mohawk-Rivier Phil 1794. D [6] 40 a RUNNELLS, E[LIZA] B. 8823 A journal of facts, descriptive of scenes and incidents in Maryland, Pennsylvania and New-Jersey Phil 1839. D 40 a RUNNELS, M[0SES] T. 8824 History of Sanbomton, N. H. B 1882. O 2v: [30] 570 [l0]; [14] 1022. 2maps 43pls a [RUNNION, JAMES B. ] 8825 Out of town . . . account of the suburban towns ... of Chicago. Chi 1869. O 64 + 2 initial adv-1. map a RUPP, if SRAELI DANIEL, ed. 8826 A collection of . . . thirty thousand names of . . . immigrants in Pennsylvania, 1725- 1776 Harrisburg 1856. D [24] 368 a — anr. issue, identical except for additional "Remarks on the origin of surnames," with separate t. & 37p — ed. 2, enl., Phil 1876. D [lo] 495 + 23 adv-p 8pls[on 4 1.] — rptd. same impr. & collat. [l898]. [RUPP, ISRAEL DANIEL] 8827 Early history of western Pennsylvania, and of the west, and of western expeditions and campaigns, 1754-1833. By a gentleman of the bar Pitt 1846. O 352 406 [lO] 2 maps a This historical treasure-house includes the journals of Bouquet, Croghan, Post, etc. RUPP, lISRAEL DANIEL 8828 The geographical catechisrr of Penn- sylvania and the western states. . . . Harrisburg 1836. D [4] 384 a — rptd., same collat., Phil 1837. RUPP, if SRAELi DANIEL, ed. 8829 He pasa ekklesia. An original history of the religious denominations ... in the United States Phil 1844. O 734 a Separate histories of the various churches written by members; that of the Mormons by Joseph Smith. RUPP, lISRAELl DANIEL 8830 The history. . . of Dauphin, Cumberland, Franklin, Bedford, Adams and Perry counties [Pa.]. Lancaster 1846. O [2, 5-12] 25-605 4pls a — — ed. 2, with Somerset, Cambria and Indiana counties added, same impr. 1848. O 660 10 pis RUPP, lISRAEL] DANIEL 8831 History of Lancaster county LPa.J Lan- caster 1844. O 524 5pls fold, tab a — other eds., same impr. & date, contain 528p & 531p RUPP, |[ SRAELi DANIEL 8832 History of Northampton, Lehigh, Monroe, Carlson and Schuylkill counties [Pa.]. Lan- caster 1845. O [16] 568 5pls a — anr. issue, same impr. & date. O 550 5pls RUPP, llSRAELi DANIEL 8833 History ... of Northumberland, Huntington, Mifflin, Centre, Union, Columbia, Juniata and Clinton counties, Pa Lancaster 1846. O 556 4pls a — anr. ed., same impr. 1847. O 568 8pls RUPP, if SRAELi DANIEL 8834 History of the counties of Berks and Lebanon. Lancaster 1844. O 512 3pls a RUPP, if SRAELi DANIEL 8835 History of York county [Pa.]. Lancaster 1845. O [8] 525-750 a Usually found with Rupp's History of Lancaster county, but some copies issued separately. RUSCHENBERGER, WILLIAM S. W. 8836 A voyage round the world. . . 1835-7. Phil 1838. O 559 + 12adv-p a — best ed., "A narrative of a voyage round the world," L 1838. O 2v: [8] 450; [8] 472. 4pls a Contains account of a visit to California. The Philadelphia edition prints some aspersions on the British, omitted in the London issue. 503 Rush — Russell RUSH, BENJAMIN 8837 An account of the life. . . of Christopher Ludwick . . . Baker-General . . . during the revolutionary war. Phil 1831. D 61 a First appearing in a periodical in 1801, this is the first edition in book form. RUSH, BENJAMIN 8838 An account of the manners of the German inhabitants of Pennsylvania. Ed. I. D. Rupp. Phil 1875. 16° 72 port a Written in 1789, but here first printed. RUSH, BENJAMIN 8839 An address to the inhabitants of the British settlements in America, upon slave- keeping. Phil 1773. O [2] 30 a — rptd., same date: N Y. O 36; B. O [2] 30 — anr. ed., Norwich 1775. O 24 — ed. 2, with adds., Phil 1773. O [2] 28 + adv-1 + "Observations, &c." 54p some copies of this ed. 2 have slightly altered t-p RUSH, BENJAMIN 8840 Observations upon the present govern- ment of Pennsylvania Phil 1777. O [24] some copies have a 4-line errata on p24 a —rptd. Phil 1783. O RUSH, BENJAMIN 8841 A vindication of the Address, to the in- habitants of the British settlements, on the slavery of the negroes in America, in answer to a pamphlet entitled "Slavery not for- bidden by Scripture " Phil 1773. O 54 a Included with some editions of Rush's An address. . . . RUSH, CHRISTOPHER 8842 A short account of the rise ... of the African Methodist Episcopal church in America N Y 1843. 16° 117 a RUSH, RICHARD 8843 Memoranda of a residence at the court of London. Phil 1833. O 460 a — ed. 2, enl., same impr. & date. O [l2] 9-501 — Eng. ed., t. slightly altered, L 1833. O [is] 420 — Eng. ed. 2, same impr. & date. O Above constituted the first series, cover- ing the years 1817 to 1819. For second series see following entry. Together they present the diplomatic manouvers concern- ing the conflicting claims to Oregon and the adjustment of a Northwestern boundary line. English editions of both series probably have priority. RUSH, RICHARD 8844 Memoranda of a residence at the court of London. . .from 1819 to 1825. Including ne- gotiations on the Oregon question. . . . Phil 1845. O [12] 640 a — Eng. ed., t. slightly altered, L 1845. O 2v: [is] 392; [7] 326 — anr. Eng. ed., styled ed. 3, ed. Benj. Rush, with adds., L 1872. O L36] 595 port RUSHTON, EDWARD 8845 Expostulatory letter to George Washington ... on his continuing to be a proprietor of slaves. Liv priv. ptd. 1797. D 24 a — Am. ed. B 1831. O 8 RUSO D'ERES, CHARLES DENNIS 8846 Memoirs of: Exeter N H 1800. D 176 b AA Captivity of 11 years among Canadian Indians; authentic in the main, but not in all details. RUSSELL, CHARLES M. 8847 Back-trailing on the old frontier. Great Falls 1922. large O 56 14pls a RUSSELL, CHARLES M. 8848 Good medicine. Garden City 1929. O 162 [2] 7pls[incl. one separate extra] a ltd. ed. of 134copies, bound in 3/4 blue buckram, veil, sides — trade ed., brown buckram, same impr. & collat., except supplementary pi used as end papers, 1930. [of this ed. 59copies in blue buckram for presentation] RUSSELL, C[HARLES] M. 8849 More rawhides. Great Falls Mont 1925. Q [4] 60 a RUSSELL, CHARLES M. 8850 Pen sketches.[Greaf Falls 1899]. F 50 12 pis cover t. only a — issue 2, identical except that vignette of camp scene above pub's. impr. on fly 1. has been replaced by buffalo skull. — ed. 2, same collat., but no titles on pis — -ed. 3, same collat., but pub's, name on cover stamped in gold RUSSELL, C.| HARLES] M. 8851 Rawhide Rawlins stories. Great Falls Mont 1921. Q [4] 60 a — later printings shown on t-p — rev. ed., with biog. added, [Pasadena 1946]. Q RUSSELL, CHARLES M. 8852 Studies of western life. N Y Albertype Co [l890]. obi O clo. 24 1. [incl. 12pls] letter- press describing each pi on separate sheet, except in case of pi. no. 1 a — issue 2, identical except letter-press, re- lating to pi. 1, added to verso of t-p — anr. ed., with pub. given as J. L. Robbins Co Spokane [l919?]. obi Q wraps 26[incl. 504 Russell — Ruxton 12pls] letter-press tor each pi. on verso of preceding pi. — rptd. [Helena Mont ca 1929]. First book devoted to illustrations of cow- boy life. RUSSELL, CHARLES M. 8853 Trails plowed under NY 1927. O [20] 211 lOplsIsome col] a RUSSELL, CHARLES T. 8854 The history of Princeton [Mass.] B 1838. O [8] 130 a RESSELL, DAVID 8855 Autobiography of: ... his travels, romantic adventures. . . . B 1857. D 372 5pls a RUSSELL, J[0HN], JR. 8856 The history of the war, between the United States and Great-Britain Hart 1815. O 472 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O 402 RUSSELL, MiORRiSj C. 8857 Uncle Dudley's odd hours; western sketches, Indian trail echoes. . . . Lake City Minn 1904. O 256[incl.port] a Uncommon, uncommonly unmeritorious, un- commonly uninteresting. RUSSELL, OSBORNE 8858 Journal of a trapper; or, nine years in the Rocky mountains: 1834-1843. . . . [Boise 1914]. O 105 b 100 copies ptd. NYP OreH WashU Y — ed. 2, with adds., Boise [l92l]. o[l8] 149 a The fur trade in its most colorful period. [RUSSELL, ROBERT W.] 8859 America compared with England, with the social effects of their respective govern- ments, and the mission of democracy. L 1848. D [24] 289 a — rptd., au. named, same impr. & collat., 1849. By an Ohio social philosopher; with critical remarks on Trollope, Hall and other English observers and a study of various American communal experiments. RUSSELL, WILLIAM 8860 The history of America L 1778. Q 2v: [4] 596; 630 [2]. 51maps & pis a — rptd. L 1780. same collat. — Ger. tr. Leip 1779-80. O 4v: [l4] 782; [6] 752 [7]; [4] 660; [4] 480 [34]. 4maps 4ports RUSSELL, WILLIAM H. 8861 My diarv north and south. L 1863. D 2v: [l6] 424; [l2] 442. map a —Am. eds.: B 1863. D [22] 602; N Y 1863. O 225 port; Tor 1863. D [22] 602 RUSSELL, WILLIAM H. 8862 Pictures of southern life, social, political and military. N Y 1861. D 143 a [RUSSELL, WILLIAM H. C.| 8863 Running the blockade. L 1863. D 315 a [RUSTON, THOMAS] 8864 Remarks on Lord Sheffield's Observations on the commerce of the American states. L 1784. o[l] 51 a RUTER, P. S. 8865 Reminiscences of a Virginia physician. Louis v 1849. D [4] 278 a RUTHERFURD, JOHN 8866 The importance of the colonies to Great Britain L 1761. O 46 a RUTLEGE [pseud.] 8867 Separate state secession practically dis- cussed [Edgefield S c] 1851. O 42 a — rptd., same impr. [i860?]. O 38 RUTTENBER, El DWARDi 8868 History of. . . . Newburgh [n. Y.]. New- burgh 1859. O [12] 322 [l0] 3pls a Issued originally in lOpts RUTTENBER, E[DWARD] M. 8869 History of the county of Orange [N.Y.] Newburgh 1875. O 424 [l] 4maps 17pls a — rptd., with adds., Phil 1881. O [l2] 820 pis RUTTENBER, E[DWARD] M. 8870 History of the Indian tribes of Hudson's river. . . . Alb 1872. O 415 5ports[not issued in all copies] a RUTTENBER, E[DWARD] M. 8871 Obstructions to the navigation of Hud- son's river. . . . Alb 1860. sm Q [lo] 210 map a HOcopiestlO on L. P.] RUTTER'S... QUARTERLY 8872 Rutter's political quarterly: devoted to unearthing the sanctimonious political rats of the south Memphis 1870. O 56 a RUXTON, GEORGE F. [A.] 8873 Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky mountains. L 1847. D [8] 332 a — anr. issue, same impr. & date, in wraps. D 2v — rptd. L 1849; 1861. —Am. eds: NY U48; 1860. D 312 RUXTON, GEORGE F. [A.] 8874 Life in the far west. Edin 1849. D [l6] 312 a — ed. 2, Edin 1851. D [l4] 289 — rptd. Edin 1854; 1861; 1868. 505 Ruxton — Soffell — Am. eds: N Y 1849; 1855. D 235 — Ger. ed. Dresden 1852. RUXTON, Gl EORGEl F. I A. I 8875 The Oregon question. ...L 1846. O 43 b Y Obviously prepared and printed for govern- ment officials only; it leaves little doubt that Ruxton's trip to the West was under- taken, to some extent, as that of a secret agent, to report on the military situation there in the event that the Oregon con- troversy ended in war. [RUYSDALE, PHILIP] 8876 A pilgrimage over the prairies. L 1863. 2v in 1: [2] 298; [2] 313. 6pls a A romance, incorporating an 1825 trip to the Rockies and the Wind River Blackfeet. [RYAN, JOHN C] 8877 The life and adventures of Gen. W. A. C. Ryan. ...NY 1876. 16° 256 a Includes his 1866 Montana adventures. RYAN, GEN. W. A. C. The life . . . of: By an old comrade. See Ryan, John G. RYAN, WILLIAM R. 8878 Personal adventures in. . . California. . . . L 1850. D 2v: [12] 348; fc] 414. 23pls a — rptd., same collat., L 1852. — Dutch tr. Haarlem 1850. O 2v: [12] 308; [8] 325. lOpls Both text and illustrations are among the best of the period. RYE, EDGAR 8879 The quirt and the spur. . . . Chi [l909j. D 363[incl. lOpls] front, a RYERSON, [ADOLPHUS] EGERTON 8880 The loyalists of America. . . . Tor 1880. O 2v: [28] 517; [28] 490. port a Standard Canadian study of Loyalist persecutions. [RYNNING, OLE] 8881 Sandfaerdig beretning om Amerika. . . . Christiania 1839. O 39 a Advice to Norwegian immigrants. RYUS, WILLIAM H. 8882 The second William Penn. . . along the Santa Fe trail KC [l913J. D 176[incl. port] a S. . . , A. A narrative of the official conduct of: See Stokes, Anthony. S., J. L. Neue Nachrichten von denen neuentdekten Insuln. . . . See Schulze, Johann L. S., M. D. Histoire . . . de la Pennsylvanie. . . . See Surgy. Jacques P. Rousselot de. s., s. s. Two hundred years ago; or, a brief history of Cambridgeport and East Cambridge. See Simpson, S. S. S., T. A cool reply to A calm address. . ..See Stanley, Thos. SABIN, EDWIN L. 8883 Kit Carson days (1809-1868). Chi 1914. O [l5] 669 many maps & pis a — ed. 2, same collat., 1919. —new ed. N Y 1935. O 2v: [l6] 488; [l2] 489-996 [l] SABINE, LORENZO 8884 The American loyalists, or biographical sketches B 1847. O [8] 733 a — enl. ed. "Biographical sketches of loyalists. ..." B 1864. O 2v: [12] 608; [2] 600 SABINE, LORENZO 8885 Notes on duels and dueling. . . . B 1855. D [8] 394 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1856. D [8] 426 — ed. 3, same impr. & collat. 1859. SACHOT, OCTAVE L. M. 8886 Recits de voyages. Les grandes cites de l'Ouest. . . . P 1874. D 344 a — ed. 2, P 1878. D 337 7pls SACHOT, OCTAVE L. M. 8887 La Siberie orientale et l'Amerique russe P 1875. O [6] 370 [l] map a SACHSE, JULIUS F. 8888 The German pietists of provincial Penn- sylvania. Phil 1895. O [l8] 504 3maps pi a 500copies ptd. SACHSE, JULIUS F. 8889 The German sectarians of Pennsylvania Phil 1899-1900. O 2v: [22] 506; [l6] 535. 55pls a 350copies ptd. SADDLEBAGS, JEREMIAH Journey to the gold diggins. See Read, J. A, and D. F. SAFFELL, W[ILLIAM] T. R. Records of the revolutionary war. ...NY 1858. D 554 + 12adv-p a — rptd. Phil 1860; Bait 1894. 506 Safford — St. Augustine [SAFFORD, A[NSON] P. K.] 8890 Resources of Arizona Territory. . . . S F 1871. O 31 a — rptd., "The Territory of Arizona.. . ," Tucson 1874. O 38 cov.t.only SAFFORD, WILLIAM H. 8891 The Blennerhasset papers. . . . Cin 1361. O 665 4pls a — rptd., same collat., 1864. SAFFORD, WILLIAM H. 8892 The life of Harman Blennerhassett. . . . Chillicothe 1850. D 239 pi a — rptd., same collat. but pi omitted, Cin 1853. SAGATOO, MRS. M. A. 8893 Wah-sash-kah-moqua, or thirty-three years among the Indians. B 1897. D 140 a By a Boston girl who lived with the Chippewas in Michigan and married two of them. [SAGE, BERNARD J.] 8894 Davis and Lee; a protest L 1865. O 80 a — Am. ed. "Davis and Lee: a vindication of the southern states. . . ," N Y 1866. O 80 [SAGE, RUFUS B.] 8895 Scenes in the Rocky mountains. ... By a New Englander. Phil 1846. D 303 map b AA Hn NYP Y — ed. 2, same collat., but no map, au. named, Phil 1847. a — anr. ed. Phil 1854. D [6 incl. eng. t. 10] 13-304 + blank 1. + 24adv-p llpls — other eds., 1855; B 1857; 1858; 1859; 1860. Intelligent narrative of extensive travels from the Platte to the Arkansas, including the best contemporary account of Snively's abortive land-pirate expedition. Sage's map seems not to have been completed until after many copies of the early issues had been distributed. Collectors, however, insist on its presence. In the earliest issue the fol- lowing pages were numbered on the inner margin: 77-88, 270, 271, 302. SAGEAN, MATTHEW 8896 The original manuscript account of the Kingdom of Aacaniba, given by the affidavit of: L 1755. F [4] 10 [Text in Fr. & Eng.] c G N — anr. ed., Fr. text only, "Extrait de la re- lation des avantures et voyage. . . ," N Y 1863. O 32 a some copies on L.P. From a manuscript dictated by this im- poster in 1701, in which he claims to have gone far west of the Mississippi in about 1680 at the head of a party sent out from Illinois by Tonty; on the faith of this rela- tion France erected its Mississippi Company. SAGEN Sagen der nordamerikanischen Indianer. See Jones, James Athearn. SAGINAW VALLEY (THE) Indian and pioneer history of:. . . .See Thomas, James M., and Gallatin, A. B. SAGITTARIUS'S LETTERS Sagittarius's letters and political specu- lations. . . . See Mein, John. SAGRA, RAMON DE LA 8897 Cinco meses en los Estados Unidos. . . . P 1836. O [40] 437 a — Fr. tr. P 1837. O [28] 458 [l] 3pls; Brus 1837. D 484 A study of social and industrial conditions. SAINT-AMANT, PIERRE CHARLES DE 8898 Guide pour les voyageurs. . . a travers l'isthme de Panama P 1853. D 108 [incl. 6adv-p] map a Chiefly a re-writing of the introductory chapters of the author's Voyages en Cali- tornie et dans /'Oregon. SAINT-AMANT, PIERRE 8899 CH[ARLES] DE Voyages en Californie et dans l'Oregon 1851-1852. P 1854. O [52] 651 2maps a Most comprehensive and reliable French description of the Pacific coast at this time. Not to be confused with the author's previ- ous 48-page pamphlet. Voyage en Cali' fornie, [l85l] which is chiefly devoted to his journey from France to the Golden State. ST. ANTHONY 8900 St. Anthony and Minneapolis. Historical sketch of: St. Anthony 1855. D 24 + 4 adv-p map errata slip a ST. ANTHONY 8901 St. Anthony and Minneapolis. Sketch of: St Anthony 1857. D 32 errata slip map a A 15-page pamphlet with similar title was published at Philadelphia in 1856. ST. AUGUSTINE A relation. . . of a late expedition to the gates of:. . . . See Kimber, Edw. ST. AUGUSTINE 8902 St Augustine: sketches of its history. . . . By an English visitor. N Y 1869. 16° 62 fold, vie w[59" in length] a 507 St. Clair — St. Paul ST. CLAIR, MAJOR GENERAL 8903 [ARTHUR] A narrative of the manner in which the campaign against the Indians. . . was con- ducted by: Phil 1812. O [20] 274 + 20p of subscriber's names[some copies have 24J a Attempt to vindicate his surprise and rout by Ohio Indians. Custer and our Pearl Harbor authorities could have profited by a study of this disaster. ST. CLAIR, MAJOR GENERAL 8904 [ARTHUR] Proceedings of a general court martial. . . for the trial of: Phil 1778. F 52 plan c A A N NYP Best contemporary account of the forced American abandonment of Ft. Ticonderoga in 1777. ST. CLAIR PAPERS (THE). 8905 The life. . . of Arthur St. Clair. . . with his correspondence and other papers. Ed. by William Henry Smith. Cin 1882. O 2v: [12] 609; [4] 649 + 8adv-p. map 2ports a ST. CLAIR, HENRY, comp. 8906 The United States criminal calendar. . . . B 1832. D [2] 5-356 13pls a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1833; 1835. — anr. ed., comp. by P. R. Hamblin, "United States criminal history," Fayette- ville N Y 1836. D 560 — other eds., N Y 1840; B 1840. ST. CLAIR COUNTY, ILLINOIS History of: 1876. See West, Edw. W. ST. EUSTASIUS 8907 Authentic rebel papers seized at: 1781. L 1781. Q [8] 23 a These papers — perhaps less authentic than claimed — relate to economic conditions in the colonies, particularly those in the South. ST. GEORGE'S 8908 St. George's in the county of York. A con- ference held at: on the twentieth day of September.. . 1753, between Sir William Pepperrell, et al. . . to treat with the eastern Indians B 1753. Q 26 b AA N NYP ST. GERMAIN, ALFRED H. 8909 A voyage to California Tor 1853. D 24 b ST. JOHN, J. HECTOR [pseud.] Letters from an American farmer. See Crevecouer, Michel-Guillaume Saint Jean de. ST. JOHN, JOHN R. 8910 A true description of the Lake Superior country NY 1846. D [2] 118 2maps a ST. LOUIS History of: St L 1854. O ing routes west] 2pls a Probably by William M. McPherson. 8911 map[ show- ion. 8912 I road con- 98 a ST. LOUIS 891 Proceedings of the national railroad con vention. . . in: 1849. St L 1850. O 98 First convention of national nature; as> sembled when the California gold discovery made evident the need for transcontinental communication. ST. LOUIS 8913 St. Louis to San Francisco. Railroad from: B 1849. O 24 a P. P. F. De Grand's plan to complete the undertaking in four years. ST. LOUIS Report of the celebration of the anni- versary of the founding of:. . . . See Primm, Wilson. ST. LOUIS... DIRECTORY 8914 St. Louis business directory, for 1847; containing the history of St. Louis. . . .St L 1847. D 176 a ST. LOUIS DIRECTORY 8915 St. Louis directory and register. St L 1821. O [4] 100 [2] d G MoH Y Including, as it does, an historical sketch, this is both the first directory and the first historical work printed west of the Mississippi. ST. LOUIS Thoughts about the city of: See Hogan, John. ST. LOUIS 8916 St. Louis in 1846. The western metropo- lis; or: St L W. D. Skilman 1846. D 161 fold, plan a — rptd., same collat. & impr., 1847. ST.-MEMIN, M[ONS. FEVRET] DE The St.-Memin collection of portraits. . . . See Fevret de St.-Memin. Charles B. J. ST. PAUL, HENRY 8917 Our home and foreign policy. [Mobile] 1863. O 23 a Dream of an imperial Confederacy: French alliance, control of Central America and the Mexican Gulf. 508 St. Paul — Sampson ST. PAUL . . . DIRECTORY 8918 St. Paul city directory for 1856-7. St P Goodrich & Somers 1857. D [8] 194 U] [incl. advs] map a First city directory of this city. [SAINT-VICTOR, JACQUES B. M. B., 8919 COMTE DE] Lettres sur les Etats-Unis. . . . P 1835. O 2v: [14] 355; 359 a — Ger. tr. Berlin 1835. O 2v: [l6] 293; [24j 372 Valuable study of American life by a royalist with little sympathy for democratic institutions. [SAINTE-CROIX, GUiLLAUME E. J. G. 8920 De CLERMONT-LODEVE, BARON DE] De l'etat et du sort des colonies.. . avec observations sur. . . la conduite des Anglois en Amerique. Phil [probably ptd at p] 1779. O [l4] 336 a — anr. issue, same date & collat., carries impr. Yverdon — Ital. tr. Phil 1780. O 278 tab SALEM WITCHCRAFT Records of:. . . . See Woodward, Wm. Elliot. [SALES, LUIS] 8928 Noticias de la provincia de Californias Valencia 1794. 16° 3pts in 1: 104; 96; 104. 2f old. tabs b N NYP Y This book, which contains interesting material on the Nootka embroglio and Martinez's capture of Colnett, is said to have been suppressed. It was the only work on California written by a Dominican. SALLEY, ALEXANDER S. 8929 The history of Orangeburg County, S. C. .... Orangeburg 1898. O [8] 572 map port a SALPOINTE, JOHN B. 8930 Soldiers of the cross. Notes on the ecclesiastical history of New-Mexico, Arizona and Colorado. Banning Calif 1898. O [15 incl. front.] 299 [2] 19pls a — anr. issue, same sheets, with Appendix No.7[8 unnumb p] added in 1900. SALA, GEORGE A. My diary in America. . . [10] 424; [6] 425 a — ed. 2, rev., same impr. 8921 L 1865. O 2v: date. O 2v [SALAZAR, JOSEPH DE] 8922 Crisis del Ensayo a la historia de la Florida. Alcala 1725. Q 55 a For work here attacked — but without dis- turbing its scholarly reputation — see Barcia, Ensayo chronologico. . . . SALAZAR YLARREGUI, JOSE 8923 Datos de los trabajos. . . por la Comision de Limites Mexicana en la linea que divide esta republica de la de los Estados Unidos Mex 1850. O [2] 123 2maps b AA N NYP Y Day-by-day report of the Mexican Boundary Survey, printed prior to the American Re- port, and the earliest detailed account of the region. SALE, EDITH T. 8924 Colonial interiors, second series. N Y 1930. Q 15 front. 159pls on 81 1. a SALE, EDITH T. 8925 Interiors of Virginia houses of colonial times. . . . Rich 1927. O [24] 503[incl.pls] a SALTIEL, EBENEZER H., and 8931 BARNETT, GEORGE History and business directory of Chey- enne and guide to the mining regions of the Rocky mountains. . . . Cheyenne Tptd Omaha?] n.d. [1868]. O 113[incl. cover t.J + fold.adv- sheet c Y[only copy known] [SALVATOR, LUDWIG L.] 8932 Eine Blume aus dem goldenen Lande oder Los Angeles. Prague 1878. D [12] 257 front. 12pls a — Eng. ed. "Los Angeles in the sunny seventies. . . ," L A 1929. SALZBACHER, JOSEPH 8933 Meine Reise nach Nord-Amerika. . . . Vienna 1845. O [l2] 480 [l4] map a SAMPSON, ABEL 8934 The wonderful adventures of:. . . . Ed. by Edmund H. Kendall. Lawrence Mass 1847. O 91 [4] a Privateering in the war of 1812, etc. SAMPSON, M. B. 8935 Slavery in the United States. . . . L 1845. O [8] 88 a SALE, EDITH T. 8926 Manors of Virginia in colonial times. Phil 1909. O [2] 310 49pls a SALE, EDITH T. 8927 Old time belles and cavaliers. Phil 1912. O [2] 285 51pls a SAMPSON, WILLIAM 8936 Memoirs of: . . . adventures in various parts of Europe. . . and a few observations on the state of manners. . . in America. N Y 1807. O [12] 448 a — ed. 2, rev., Leesburg Va 1817. O 432 port —Eng. ed. L 1832. 18* [32] 292 port 509 Sams — Sandburg SAMS, CONWAY W. 8937 The conquest of Virginia. . .[ 1584-1624]. Norfolk [& TV y] 1924-29-39. O 3v: [30] 547; [52] 174 171-916 + explanatory 1. after pl32; [16] 824. 14fold.maps 172pls a SAMUEL, L| E0| pub. 8938 Traveler's guide and Oregon railroad gazetteer. [Porf Ore 1872]. D 96 tab a SAMWELL, DAVID 8939 A narrative of the death of Captain James Cook; to which are added some particulars concerning his life. . . . L 1786. Q [4] 34 b NYP Y SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, 8940 CALIFORNIA Illustrated description of: San Bernardino 1881. O 34 a SAN DIEGO 8941 Descriptive, historical. . . information relative to . . . : [San Diego] 1874. O 52 22 photo, views on 7 1. a SAN FRANCISCO 8942 History of the vigilance committee of : . . . with the names of its officers. S F 1858. D 100 b SAN FRANCISCO Judges and criminals. . . . History of the Vigilance comittee of: 1858. See Gray, Henry M. SAN FRANCISCO 8943 Manual of the corporation of the city of: S F 1852. O [50 6 9-16] 261 2maps b LC NYP Y — anr. issue, same impr. & date. O Ll6] 96 a — anr. ed. S F 1853. O [l6] 261 2maps SAN FRANCISCO 8944 Mysteries and miseries of: By a Cali- fornian [ — Garrett?]. TV Y [l853J. O [2] 7-208 a SAN FRANCISCO 8945 Mysteries of:. . . . Syracuse 1850. O 52 a SAN FRANCISCO Origin of the free public schools of: See Pelton, John C. SAN FRANCISCO The Presidio of: [Wash 1874], See Elliott, Geo. H. SAN FRANCISCO 8946 Proceedings of the friends of a railroad to: showing that P. F. De Grand's plan is the only one . . . which will secure the con- struction B 1849. O 24 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. SAN FRANCISCO 8947 Public schools of: John C. Pelton's course in regard to same unmasked. S F 1865. O 129 a [SAN FRANCISCO] 8948 To San Francisco and back. By a London parson. L [l87o]. D [4] 224 + 4adv-p a 8949 SAN JACINTO A detailed account of the battle of:. . . . TV O 1836. D 34 c no copy located SAN JUAN [COLO.] 8950 San Juan [Colo.L its past and present. . . . Denver 1876. D 93[incl.advs] a SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY I CALIF. ) History of: See Angel, Myron. SAN SALVADOR, AUGUSTIN P. F. 8951 Los Jesuitas quitados y restuidos al mundo. Historia de la antigua California. Mex 1816. D 214 [10] a SANBORN, KATE 8952 Old time wall papers. . . .Greenwich Conn 1905. Q 16 116 [2] 62pls 1050copies ptd. [75 on Jap.Paper] a SAND CREEK MASSACRE (THE) 8953 Report of the Secretary of War, communi- cating. . . evidence. . . taken by a military commission, ordered to inquire into: [Wash 1865]. Sen. Exec. Doc. 26. O 228 a This, the most elaborate investigation of this affair, required seventy-six days of testimony. SANDBURG, CARL 8954 Abraham Lincoln: the prairie years. TV Y [1926]. O 2v: [l6] 480; [6] 482. 2fronts. 22 pls[with illus on both sides] L. P. issue, signed, of 260 sets b AA 12copies of v. I contained error "ears" [for "eyes"], pl75, line 9 — trade issue, ptd later, same yr., same collat. a SANDBURG, CARL 8955 Abraham Lincoln: the war years. TV Y [1939-40]. O 4v: [32] 660; [12] 655; [l4] 673; [12] 515. 64pls L. P. issue of 525 sets b — trade issue, same yr. a — rptd., with "Prairie years," in the "Sangamon ed." TV Y 1940. O 6v 510 Sander — Santa Fe SANDER, CONSTANTIN 8956 Der Amerikanische Biirgerkrieg. . . . Frankt 1863. O 121 a enl. ed. "Geschichte des vierjahrigen Burgerkrieges. . . ," same impr. 1865. O [l6] 587 3maps — anr. ed. vol. l[all], same impr. 1876. O [l6] 792 7maps & plans [SANDERS, DANIEL C. I 8957 A history of the Indian wars . . . particu- larly in New England. Montp Vt 1812. 16° 319 a — ed. 2, with adds. &. omissions; Roch 1828. D 180 [incl. front. & pi] 185-196 a —anr. ed. Roch 1893. D 196 2pls The sensitive author, chagrined over some scornful critique of his book, strove to suppress the 1812 edition. SANDERS, JOHN 8958 A centennial address relating to the early history of Schenectady. . . .Alb 1879. O [ 14 J 346 front, ports a SANDERS, [CAPT.] JOHN 8959 Memoir on the military resources of the valley of Ohio. . . . Pitt 1845. O 19 a — anr. ed., with adds. Wash 1845. O 24 SANDERSON, GEORGE 8960 A brief history of the early settlement of Fairfield County [o.] Lancaster O 1851. SANDERSON, JOHN, ed. 8961 Biography of the signers to the declaration of independence. Phil 1820-27. O 9v: [4] 224 [43J; [6] 250; [2] 310; [6] 288 + errata slip; [2] 382; [2] 354; [2] 343; [2] 348; [2] 339. 31ports 4 1. of facs a some copies on L.P. — ed. 2, enl. Phil 1828. O 5v: [22] 397; [6] 435; [6] 391; [6] 372; [6] 386. 31ports 4 1. of facs; rptd. Phil 1831. — abr.ed. in lv, ed.Conrad, O: 1846; 1848; 1852. For a later work, based on this, see Brotherhead, William. SANDFAERDIG Sandfaerdig beretning om Amerika. . . . See Rynning, Ole. SANDFORD, ADAM C. 8962 My recollections of eighty years of a strenuous life. Port Ore [1910?]. O 96 map pis tab a SANDS, FRANK 8963 A pastoral prince. The history and remi- niscences of J. W. Cooper. Santa Barbara 1893. D [16] 190[incL front. 86 3pls] a Thrilling acco int of early California. [SANDS, ROBERT C.] ed, 8964 Life and correspondence of John Paul Jones NY 1830. O 556 port errata slip a SANDUSKY [OHIO] 8965 Directory of: for 1858-9. Sandusky 1858. D 162 front, a Includes a twenty-six page historical sketch. SANFORD, A. 8966 Treason unmasked. . . origin. . . of the Knights of the Golden Circle. . . . Albion N Y 1863. 16° 42 a SANFORD, EZEKIEL 8967 A history of the United States before the revolution. Phil 1819. O [l92] 342 a SANFORD, MRS. NETTIE 8968 Central Iowa farms and herds. Newton la 1873. O 125 a SANFORD, MRS. NETTIE 8969 History of Marshall county, Iowa. Clinton la 1867. D [8] 158 + lOadv-p front. 1. of ports a SANPETE... [UTAH] 8970 Sanpete and Emery counties lutahj. His- tory of: Ogden 1898. O 681 [2] [incl. pis] a [SANTA-ANNA, ANTONIO LOPEZ DE] 8971 Detalle de las operaciones ocurrida en la defensa de la capital de la republica, atacada por el ejercito de los Estados- Unidos. Orizava 1847. O 54 a — anr. ed. Mex [l847?]. O 48 SANTA-ANNA, ANTONIO LOPEZ DE 8972 Manifiesto que de sus operaciones en la campana de Tejas. . . . Vera Cruz 1837. Q 108[incl.cover-t.] a Official report on the San Jacinto campaign. SANTA BARBARA 8973 All about: Santa Barbara 1878. O 100 8pls a SANTA BARBARA Sketch of the history of: See Huse, Chas. E. SANTA FE 8974 The conquest of: . . . by the military forces of the United States; with ... a history of Colonel Doniphan's campaign. . . . By a Cap- tain of Volunteers. Phil 1847. O 48[incl. cov.t. & t.] a SANTA FE Message from the President. . . trans- mitting information relative to the . . . irr 8975 511 SantUben — Saunders prisonment of certain American citizens at: Wash 1818. O 23 a SANTLEBEN. AUGUST 8976 A Texas pioneer NY 1910. O 321 a SARGENT, GEORGE B. Lecture on the "West' 1858. O 27 a 8977 Davenport la SARGENT, GEORGE B. 8978 Notes on Iowa. N Y 1848. 18° 74 map a — rptd. N Y 1849. same collat. [SARGENT, JOHN 0.] 8979 . . . General Hazen. . . reviewed. N Y 1874. O 32 a SARGENT, MARTIN P. 8980 Pioneer sketches Erie Pa 1891. D 512 a SARGENT, NATHAN Public men and events . , 1875. O 2v: 349; 407 a 8981 1817-1853. Phil SARGENT, WINTHROP, 1753-1820 8982 Diary during the campaign of 1791. Wormsloe Ga [Phil ptd] 1851. Q 59 2pls a 46 copies ptd. Highly important account of St. Clair's disastrous defeat, kept by his Adjutant General. The brutal truth on the Pearl Har- bor of 1791. SARGENT, WINTHROP [1753-1820] 8983 A letter from: to Dr. Benjamin Smith. Cin 1794. Q 39 2pls a SARGENT, WINTHROP [1753-1820] 8984 Papers in relation to the official conduct of: . . . governor of the Mississippi Territory [Wash 180l]. O 29 a — rptd. B 1801. O 64 Justifies his conduct from Claiborne's accusations which had brought about his re- moval by Jefferson. SARGENT, WINTHROP, ed. 1825-70 8985 The history of the expedition against Fort Du Quesne, in 1755. . . . Phil Pa Hist Soc 1855. O 423 lOpls a — rptd. Phil Lippincott 1856. same collat. Best account of the Braddock disaster. SARGENT, WINTHROP, 1825-70 8986 The life and career of Major John Andre B 1861. D [16] 471 map port a 75copies ptd on L.P. in O. — rptd. "The life of Major John Andre. . . ," N Y 1871. D [16] 478 map 2ports — enl. ed. N Y 1902. O 558 map 75 L.P. copies SARYCHEV, GARVRILLA A. 8987 Atlas [in Russian] of the northern part of the Pacific ocean. St Ptbg 1826. Q 33 double-sheet maps a [SARYCHEV, GARVILLA A.] 8988 Puteshestvie flota Kap. Sarycheva po siev.-vostochnoi chasti Sibiri, Ledovitom moriu i vostoch, okeanu v prodolzhenie osjmi liet pri geogr. i astron. morskoi eksped. byvshei pod nachalj. flota Kap. Billingsas 1785-93 g. [ Voyage to N. E. Siberia, the Arctic and Pacific oceans, on an 8-year geographical and astronomical ex- pedition under CapU Billings]. St Ptbg 1802. Q 2v: [20] 187 [3]; [4] 192. tab + atlas F 52maps & pis b NYP Y — Dutch ed. "Reis in het. . . Siberieru ..." Amst 1808. O 2v — Eng. ed., with vocabularies omitted, "Account of a voyage of discovery.. . ," L 1806-7. O 2v: 70; 82. 5pls a — Ger. ed., with vocabularies omitted, "Achtjahrige Reise im. . . Siberien auf dem Eismeere und dem nordostlichen Ozean," Leip 1805-15. O 3v map 14pls a Account by the surveyor on this official expedition, sent out by Catherine II, on which Alaska and the Aleutians were first carefully charted. For another account, by the secretary, see Sauer, Martin. [SARYCHEV, GARVRILLA A.] 8989 Puteshestvie Kapitana Billingsa . . . i plavaniye Kapitana Halla St Ptbg 1811. Q[6] 191 3maps 3pls a Voyages made by Billings and Hall to the Alaskan coast, etc. SAUER, MARTIN 8990 An account of a geographical, [etc. J, ex- pedition to the northern parts of Russia. . . and of the islands in the eastern ocean, stretching to the American coast. Performed by Commodore Joseph Billings. . . 1785-94. L 1802. Q [26] 332 [58] map 14pls a — Fr. tr and best ed. — P [l802]. O 2v: [26] 385; [4] 418 + atlas Q [of 2p & 15maps & pis] a — Ger. tr. Berlin 1802. O [4] 334 map 2pls — rptd. 1803. — Ital. tr. Milan 1816. 16° 2v: [30] 288; 324. 8pls[6 col] For another account of, and note on, this voyage, see Sarychev, Gavrilla A. SAUNDERS, ARTHUR C. 8991 The history of Bannock county, Idaho. Pocatello 1915. O 143 a SAUNDERS, JAMES E. 8992 Early settlers of Alabama. Pt.l[all]. N O 1899. O 530 [24] a 512 Saunderson — Scammon SAUNDERSON, HENRY H. 8993 History of Charlestown, N. H Clare- wont TV H [1876]. O [8] 726 24pls a SAVAGE, EDWARD H. 8994 A chronological history of the Boston watch and police B 1865. O 396 a — ed. 2, rev., same impr. & date. O 408 port — rptd. "Policy records and recollections ...," B [1873]. O 400 [2] 9pls SAVAGE, I. 0. 8995 A history of Republic county [Kas.]. Topeka 1883. O 112 map pi a — enl. ed., to 1901, Beloit Kas 1901. O 323 map 34pls SAVAGE, JAMES, 1767-1845 8996 Memorabilia; or, recollections. . . . Taunton Eng 1820. O [8] 328 a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1822. SAVAGE, JAMES, 1784-1873 8997 A genealogical dictionary of the first settlers of New England. . . . B 1860-2. O 4v: [16] 516; [4] 599; [4] 664; [6] 714 a — index to above, by O. P. Dexter, TV Y 1884. O 38 SAVAGE, JAMES W., BELL, JOHN, 8998 T., et al History of. . . Omaha TV Y & Chi 1894. Q [l6] 699 54ports a SAVAGE, WILLIAM 8999 Observations on emigration to the United States....!. 1819. O 66 a SAVANNAH Census of: 1848. See Bancroft, Jos. SAVANNAH Directory of . . . : for 1849. See Galloway, David H., comp. SAVANNAH DIRECTORY 900G Savannah directory. . . . Sav Purse 1866. O 200 a First "post-bellum" directory of Savannah. SAVARDAN, AUGUSTIN 9001 Un naufrage au Texas. . . . P 1858. D [4] 344 a Best account of Victor Considerant's ill- fated socialistic colony at Reunion, written by its physician. SAVERY, WILLIAM A journal of the life, travels. . . of: See Evans, Jonathan. SAVVAGE, JEHAN 9002 Memoire du voiage en Russie fait. . . par: suivi de l'expedition de Fr. Drake en Amerique P 1855. 16° [lO] 30 a SAWYER, EUGENE T. 9003 The life and career of Tiburcio Vasquez, the Californian bandit and murderer. . . . [San Jose 1875]. O 48 pis a — rptd. Oakland 1944. O pis 500copies ptd. Best biography of this outlaw; written by a local journalist who attended his trial and interviewed him at length. SAWYER, GEORGE S. 9004 Southern institutes. . . with notes and com- ments in defence Phil 1858. O 393 a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1859. SAWYER, JAMES A. 9005 Report on the wagon road from Niobrara to Virginia City. [h. Doc. 58]. Wash 1866. O 32 a A train of eighty wagons, convoyed by less than one hundred and fifty men, was a constant temptation to the hostile Indians of this region. SAWYER, JOSEPH D. 9006 Washington, TV Y 1927. O 2v: [20 incl. front.] 640; [lo] 619 a Contains 1500 illustrations, including 250 portraits of Washington. SAWYER, LORENZO 9007 Way sketches . . . incidents of travel across the plains. ... TV y 1926. O 126 port a 35copies were on L. P. SAXE-WEIMAR-EISENACH, DUKE OF Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Duke of: Reise . . . durch Nord Amerika. See Bernhard, Karl, Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. SAXON, ISABELLE, pseud. Five years within the Golden Gate. See Sutherland, Mrs. Redding. SAXTON, CHARLES 9008 The Oregonian; or history of the Oregon Territory. No. 1 [all]. Wash 1846. D 48 [2] map[called for on t-p]not issued c N NYP Y SCAMEHORN, GEORGE N. 9009 Behind the scenes; or, Denver by gas- light. Denver 1894. O 80[incl.pls] a SCAMMON, CHARLES M. 9010 The marine mammals of the north-western coast. . . with an account of the American whale-fishery. S F 1874. Q 319 [5] 27pls a 513 Sconlond — Scherpf SCANLAND, JOHN M. 9011 Life of Pat F. Garrett and the taming of the border outlaw El Paso 1908. O [2] 42[incl.pls] b G NYP 3copies known [SCANTLEBURY, THOMASl 9012 Wanderings in Minnesota during the Indian troubles of 1862. Chi 1867. O 32[incl.wraps] b G MinnH only two copies known SCARBOROUGH, KATHERINE 9013 Homes of the cavaliers. N Y 1930. O [l6] 392 pis a SCENES Scenes in the Indian country. Phil Ll859j. See Loomis, Augustus W. SCENES Scenes in the Rocky mountains. . . . Phil 1846. See Sage, Rufus B. SCENOGRAPHIC AMERICANA 9014 Scenographic Americana. . . . L 1768. F 4 28 pis d AA — anr. issue, with Fr. text, same impr., date & collat. SCHABELSKI, ACHILLE 9015 Voyage aux colonies russes de 1'Amerique . . . 1821-1823 St Ptbg 1826. O [e] 106 a SCHARF, J[0HN] THOMAS 9016 The chronicles of Baltimore. . . . Bait 1874. O [8] 756 a — enl. ed. "History of Baltimore, city and county. . . ," Phil 1881. O 947 map pi SCHARF, J[0HN] THOMAS, ed. 9017 History of Delaware. Phil 1888. Q 2v: [lo] 610 [33] errata slip; [8] 611-1358. 157 pis facs a SCHARF, J[0HN] THOMAS 9018 History of Maryland Bait 1879. O 3v: [16] 556; [14] 635; [l6] 782 T38]. 26maps & pis a Most valuable history of this state. SCHARF, J[0HN] THOMAS, and 9019 WESTCOTT, THOMPSON History of Philadelphia. 1609-1884. Phil 1884. O 3v: [lo] 852 [4]; L6] 853-1702; [6] 1703-2399. 5fold.maps 108pls facs a SCHARF, J[0HN] THOMAS 9020 History of Saint Louis city and county Phil 1883. Q 2v: [l2] 988; [4] 989-1943. 2maps 162pls a SCHARF, J[0HN] T[H0MAS] 9021 History of the Confederate States navy N Y 1887. O 824 42pls a SCHARF, J[0HN] THOMAS 902 History of western Maryland. . . . Phil 1882. Q 2v: [8] 13-788; [4] 789-1560. map 109pls tab a SCHARMANN, HERMANN B. 9023 . . . Landreise nach Californien. . . . [N Y 1905?]. 16° 125 port a — Eng. ed. "Overland journey to California ...,"[n Y 1918]. 16° 114 port 50copies ptd. SCHEER, FREDERICK 9024 A letter on the effects of the California gold discoveries. L 1852. O 38 a SCHEFFER, ARNOLD Histoire des Etats-Unis. , 312 a 9025 SCHEIBERT, JUSTUS] 9026 Der Burgerkrieg in den nordameri- kanischen Staaten Berlin 1874. O [4] 182 map 3pls a — Fr. tr. P 1876. O [6] 320 map 3pls SCHEIBERT, JUSTUS 9027 Sieben monate in den Rebellen-Staaten. . . 1863. Srertin 1868. O 126 2maps a The author served in the Confederate army. J SCHEIBERT, JUSTUS 9028 Das Zusammenwirken der Armee und Marine. Eine Studie illustriet durch den Kampf urn den Mississippi, 1861-3. Rathe- now n.d. O [6] 64 [4] 7maps a SCHENCK, DAVID 9029 North Carolina. . . 1780-81. Raleigh 1889. ' O 498[incl. front.] map 2pls a SCHENECTADY DIRECTORY 9030 Schenectady directory... for 1841-2. Schenectady 1841. D 46 a SCHERER, JEAN-BENOIT 9031 Recherches historiques et geographiques sur le nouveau-monde. P 1777. O [l6] 352 map 8pls a Early exposition of the similarity of Asiatic language with that of the Northwest coast tribes. SCHERMERHORN, JOHN F., and 9032 MILLS, SAMUEL J. A correct view of that part of the United States . . . west of the Alleghanies. . . . Hart 1814. O 52 a SCHERPF, G. A. _ 9033 Entstehungsgeschichte und gegenwartiger Zustand des neuen unabhangigen ameri- 514 Schicksale — Sch'opf kanischen Staates Texas. Augsburg 1841. D [8] 154 2maps a SCHICKSALE (DIE) 9034 Schicksale (Die) und Abenteuer der aus Sachsen nach Amerika ausgewanderten Stephanianer. Ihre Reise nach St. Louis.... Dresden 1839. D [8] 124 a SCHIEL, J| AMES] 9035 Reise durch die Felsengebirge und die Kumboldtgebirge nach dem Stillen Ocean. Schaffhausen 1859. D [2] 139 errata 1. b Hn NYP Y This account of Beckwith's Pacific Rail- road exploration, from Salt Lake to Cali- fornia, written by the geologist of the ex- pedition, has never been translated. [SCHIRACH, G. B. VONB 9036 Historisch-statistische Notiz der gross- brittanischen Colonien in America. . . . Frankt 1776. D 96 a — anr. ed. Hanover 1776. D SCHLAGER, E[DUARD] 9037 Die sociale und politische Stellung der Deutschen in den Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Berlin 1874. D [4] 50 a SCHLAGINTWEIT, ROBERT VON 9038 Californien. Land und Leute. Cologne 1871. D [16] 380 port a —Dutch tr. Deventer 1873. O [12] 243 front. SCHLAGINTWEIT, ROBERT VON 9039 Die Mormonen. . . . Cologne 1874. O [l6] 292 a SCHLAGINTWEIT, ROBERT VON 9040 Neue Pfade vom Missouri-Strom zum stillen Meere Cologne 1883. O 42 2maps SCHLAGINTWEIT, ROBERT VON 9041 Die Pacific-Eisenbahnen. . . Cologne 1870. D [l4] 203 map front, tab a — Am. ed., same collat. & date, N Y SCHLAGINTWEIT, ROBERT VON 9042 Die Prairien des amerikanischen Westens ....Cologne 1876. D [12] 208 front, a SCHLATTER, MICHAEL 9043 Getrouw Verhaal den waren toestant der meest herderloze Gemeentens in Pennsyl- vanien Amst 1751. Q [22] 56 a Describes the author's visit to Pennsyl- vania and adjacent states while on a mis- sion to the churches there. See also Har- baugh, H. SCHLESINGER, ARTHUR M. 9044 The colonial merchants and the American revolution. N Y 1917. O 631 a — anr. ed., same impr. 1918. O 647 SCHLIEBEN, WILLIAM E. A. VON 9045 Atlas von Amerika. Leip 1830. F [4] 54 [2] 30maps a SCHMIDT, CARL 9046 Dies Buch gehort dem deutschen Aus- wanderer. . . . Beschreibung der Vereinigten Staaten Leip 1853. O [lo] 333 map a SCHMIDT, CARL E. 9047 A western trip. . . to the Yellowstone Park .... [Der 1904]. Q 90 28photo views[some col.] a SCHMIDT, FREDERICH 9048 Versuch uber den politischen Zustand der Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Stuttgart 1822. O 2v: [16] 585; [12] 663. 14charts 20pls a Unfavorable observations, based on four years of residence, done with Teutonic thoroughness. SCHMOLDER, B. 9049 Neuer praktischer Wegweiser fur Aus- wanderer nach Nord-Amerika in drei Abtheilungen. Erste Abtheilung . . . Oregon und Californien und Allgemeines uber das Mississippi-und Missouri-Thai. . . . Mainz 1848. O [6] 120 port 3maps plan 3pls c — ed. 2, same collat. but no maps in most copies, 1849. b NYP PortOreL Y — Eng. tr. [in part]. See "California. Emi- grant's guide to: By a traveller [etc.]." Schmolder reached California, overland, before the gold discovery, with a plan for colonizing Sutter's property. SCHMOLDER, B. 9050 Neuer praktischer Wegweiser. . . . Zweite Abtheilungen. . . . Die mittleren Staaten. . . Missouri, Iowa, Wiskonsin, Illinois [etc. J. Mainz 1848. O 152 map b — ed. 2, Mainz 1849. O 154 no map in most copies, which is then generally replaced with view of St. Louis, but some copies have both map and view a SCHMOLDER, B. 9051 Neuer praktischer Wegweiser. . . Die Dritte Abtheilung. , . Congress-Landes in Iowa. . . . Mainz 1849. O 106 map b Y Usually found bound with the 1849 edi- tions of Parts I and II. A 3rd edition [three parts in one?] was issued at Mainz in 1855, according to Sabin 77698. SCHOPF, JOHAN D. 9052 Reise durch einige der mittlern und sud- lichen. . . Staaten nach Ost-Florida. . . . 515 Scholte — Schoolcraft Erlangen 1788. O 2v: [24] 644; [s] 31 552. map a — issue 1, on thick paper. — issue 2, on thinner paper. — Eng. ed, "Travels in the Confederation .. . ," Phil 1911. D 2v: [lO] 426; [4] 344. port 2facs. a First notable 19th century account of the United States by a German traveller. [SCHOLTE, HENRY P.] 9053 American slavery. . . . Pella la 1856. O SCHOLTE, HENRY P. 9054 Eene Stem uit Pella, Iowa Amst 1848. O [4] 63 2pls a — ed. 2, same impr. & date Appendix relates to Dutch settlements in Michigan. There was an abridged German version of sixteen pages. SCHOLTE, HENRY P. 9055 Tweede Stem uit Pella, Iowa. . . .Bosch 1848. O 35 2pls a [SCHOLTE, HENRY P.] 9056 Wegwijzer en raadgever voor landver- huizers naar Noord-Amerika, inzonderheid naar de westelijke staten: Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin en Iowa. Zwijndrecht 1846. D [4] 64 [2] a This political exile from Holland, after extensive investigations throughout the central West, founded Pella, Iowa. SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. 9057 Algic researches. . . inquiries respecting the mental characteristics of the North American Indians. First series [all]. N Y 1839. D 2v: 248; 244. a — anr. ed., with adds., "The myth of Hia- watha. ..." Phil 1856. D [24] 13-343 Algic was Schoolcraft's term for Algonquin. SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. The American Indians. See below, Oneota. . . . SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. 9058 Annual report of . . . Indian affairs for Michigan. Det 1840. O 28 a SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. 9059 A discourse. . . on the anniversary of the Historical Society of Michigan. Det 1830. O 44 a SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. 9060 Historical. . . information respecting the . . . Indian tribes. . . . Phil 1851-7. Q 6v: v. I, [2, 18] 13-568 eng.t. 76maps & pis; v. II, [24] 17-608 eng.t. 78pls[incl. 2 unnumb. pis of Cherokee alphabet]; v.m, 635 eng.t. 42 pls[numb, 1-21, 25-45J; v.IV, [26l 19-668 eng.t. 42pls; v.V, 712[incl. eng.t.] 33maps & pls[numb. 1-8, 10-36]; v. VI, [28] 25-756 port 57plsLsome duplicating pis in previous vols.] 3tabs b N NYP Y — rptd., with shortened t., "Information re- specting. ..." Phil 1853-57. Q 6v: same collat. b AA NYP —cheaper ed., smaller size and omitting v.Vl[the general history or prelim, resume], Phil 1853-6. 5v a — anr. ed., with slight changes and indexes added to first 5vols., "Archives of aborigi- nal knowledge," Phil 1860. Q 6v: [28] 13- 575; [24] 17-614; 642; [26] 19-674; 718; [28] 25-756. port Seng.t. 328maps & pis — for condensed ed., see Drake, Francis S. SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. The Indian in his wigwam. See below, Oneota. . . . SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. 9061 Inquiries respecting the history ... of the Indian tribes. . . . n.p. [l850?]. Q 55 caption t.only a — anr. ed. [separate printing from v. I of au's. "Historical and statistical informa- tion. . ."] Phil 1851. Q paged 523-568 SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R„ 9062 Journal of a tour into the interior. . . from Potosi. . . towards the Rocky mountains, 1818-19. L 1821. O 102 fold.map a This constituted a part of this author's A view of the lead mines. . . , but was not in- cluded in that work as published. SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. 9063 Narrative journal of travels through the northwestern regions. ... Alb 1821. O 419 [4j eng. t. map 7pls errata slip a — rptd. [in part] in "Summary narrative . . . ," below. SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. 9064 Narrative of an expedition through the upper Mississippi to Itasca lake. ...NY 1834, O [2] 308 5maps a — rptd. [in part] in "Summary narrative . . . ," below. On this trip was discovered what later proved to be the real source of the Mississippi. SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. 9065 Oneota, or the red race of America. TV Y 3urgess, Stringer 1844-5. O 8 nos[of 64p each] a — re-issued, bound form, "Oneota, or char- acteristics of the red race. . . ," N Y Wiley & Putnam 1845. O [6] 5-512 516 Schoolcraft — Schuitz — anr. ed., wraps, "The red race of America," [cover t. "The Indian in his wig- wam. . . ,"], N Y Graham 1847. O 418 [incl. front & rear wraps] 2pls l — anr. issue, bound form, "The Indian in J his wigwam. . . ," N Y Graham 1848. O 416 [incl. front.] 2pls[different from those in I 1847 ed.] some copies of this issue carry Dewitt & Davenport's A' Y impr.; others the But impr. of Derby & Hewson . — rev. & enl. ed. "The American Indians . . . ," Auburn 1850. O 495 [incl. front. & . 7pls] I — rptd., same collat., But 1851; Roch 1851. I — anr. ed. "Western scenes and remi- I niscences. . . ," Auburn & But 1853. O [6] 1 495 6pls Issuing a book under 5 different titles within 10 years is an unparalleled Protean feat — even for Schoolcraft. [SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R.] 9066 Outlines of the life. . . of Gen. Lewis [ Cass. Alb 1848. O 64 a SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. 9067 Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years. . . on the American frontiers. . , . Phil 1851. O [48] 17-703 port[not issued in all copiesj a SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. The red race of America. See above, Oneota. . . . SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. 90 68 Report of: [on the N. Y. IndiansJ . . . con- tained in "Communication from the [N. Y.L Secretary of State." Sen. doc. 24. [Alb 1846]. O 286 a 1 — rptd., with list of contents added, "Notes on the Iroquois. . . ," N Y 1846. O [8] 286 — enl. ed., re-written. Alb 1847. O [l6] 498 + 12adv-p 2col ports SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R„ 9069 Summary narrative of an exploratory ex- pedition to the sources of the Mississippi ... in 1820. . . completed, by the discovery of its origin in Itasca lake, in 1832. . . . Phil 1855. O [20] 17-596 2maps pi a — rptd., without maps, + pi, same impr. & date. A fusion of his 1821 and 1834 Narratives, with some additions. SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. 9070 Travels in the central portions of the Mississippi valley NY 1825. O [4] 459 5maps & pis a Describes a trip, with Gen. Cass, via the Wabash and Ohio to Illinois and Missouri, returning via the Mississippi and Illinois rivers to Peoria and Chicago. SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. 9071 A view of the lead mines of Missouri, . . and other sections of the western country. N Y 1819. O 299 3pls a — anr. ed. with changes, "Scenes and ad- ventures in the . . . region of the Ozark moun- tains of Missouri and Arkansas. ..." Phil 1853. O 256 3pls SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY R. Western scenes and reminiscences. See above, Oneota. . . . [SCHOOLCRAFT, MRS. HENRY R.] 9072 Letters on the condition of the African race in the United States. Phil 1852. O 34 a SCHOONOVER, TtHOMAS] J. 9073 The life ... of Gen'l. John A. Sutter. Sacr 1895. 16° [8] 136 port a — enl. ed., same impr. 1907. D 312 [3] errata slip port SCHORL P. Das Neuste aus dem Staate Ohio. Berne 1834. 16° [o] 100 map a 9074 SCHREIBEN 9075 Schreiben des Evangelisch-Lutherisch und Reformirten Kirchen-Rathes, wie auch der Beamten der teutschen Einwohner der Provinzen von Neu-York und Nord-Carolina. Phil 1775. 16° 40 a The Philadelphia Germans here go on record officially as favoring the Revolution- ary cause, and ask their New York and North Carolina brethren to fall in line. SCHREIBEN Schreiben eine russichen Off icier von der Flotte. . . . See Lettre d'un olt icier de la marine russienne. , . . SCHREYVOGEL, CHARLES 9076 My bunkie and others NY 1909. obi F [8] 36pls a [SCHROTER, JOHANN F.] 9077 Algemeine Geschichte der Lander und Volker von America Halle 1752-3. Q 2v: [46] 688; [22] 905 [63]. 68maps & pis a Chiefly a compilation, from Lafitau, Charlevoix and others. SCHUTZ, KUNO D. VON 9078 Texas. Rathgeber fur Auswanderer nach diesen Lande. Wiesbaden 1846. D [8] 232 map a — rptd. same impr. 1847. D 260 map SCHULTZ, CHRISTIAN 9079 Travels on an inland voyage through. . . New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, 517 Schultz — Scott Kentucky, . . Tennessee [etc. J. N Y 1810. O 2v: [18] 207; [8] 224, port 2pls 4[in some copies 5jmaps a Best description of this region at the period. SCHULTZ, JAMES W. 9080 My life as an Indian B 1907. D [l6] 3-426 16pls a SCHULTZ, JAMES W. 9081 William Jackson, Indian scout. . . .B 1926. D [6] 200 4pls a SCHULTZ, j[OHN] H. S. 9082 Die deutsche Ansiedelung in Texas. . . . Bonn 1845. O 60 a — rptd. Wiesbaden 1846. O SCHULZE, JOHANN L., ed. 9083 Nachrichten von den vereinigten deutschen Evangelisch-Lutherischen Gemeinen in Nord- America, absonderlich in Pennsylvanien. . , . Halle 1787. Q 2v: [l4] 700; [l2] 701-1518 [20] a — rptd. Allentown Pa 1886-95. O 2v Collection of reports of Lutheran missionaries. [SCHULZE, JOHANN L.] 9084 Neue Nachrichten von denen neuentdekten Insuln in der See zwischen Asien und Amerika. . . . Hamburg 1776. D [2] 173 a On this study of the Russian discoveries, Aleutian Islands, etc., was largely based William Coxe's .Account..., q.v. SCHULZE, W. 9085 Reise-und Lebens-bilder aus Neuholland, Neuseeland, und Californieru Magdeburg 1853. O 167 a SCHUYLER, GEORGE W. 9089 Colonial New York. ...NY 1885. O 2v: [12] 509; [4] 539 a SCHUYLER, MAJOR GENERAL 9090 [PHILIP] Proceedings of a general court martial. . . for the trial of: Phil 1778. sm F 62 b Hn NYP SCHUYLKILL... COMPANY (THE) Schuylkill Fishing Company (the). An au- thentic historical memoir of:. ... By a mem- ber. See Milnor, Wm. SCHWAB, JOHN C. 9091 The Confederate States of America. . . a financial and industrial history. N Hav 1913. O [12] 332 tab a SCHWARTZ, J. L., ed. 9092 Briefe eines Deutschen aus Kalifornien .... Berlin 1849. D [4] 54 a SCIOTO (LA COMPAGNIE DU) 9093 Lettre ecrite par un Francais emigrant sur les terres de: [p ? 1790], O 27 a SCIOTO Observations generates , du: See Barlow, Joel. , . sur l'affaire SCOBLE, JOHN 9094 Texas: its claims to be recognized as an independent power L 1839. O 56 b LC NYP S SCOTT. DRED 9095 The case of: in the United States Supreme Court.. ,.N Y 1857. O 104 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1860. SCHURICHT, HERRMANN 9086 History of the German element in Virginia. Bait 1898-1900. O 2v: 160 [s]; 239 [5]. port with 1. of letterpress a SCOTT, DRED 9096 Scott, Dred, decision (The). ...NY 1859. O 48 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1860; 1863. SCHURZ, CARL 9087 The reminiscences of: AT Y McClure 1907- 08. O 3v: [8] 405; [lo] 443; [lo] 486. 96pls a — Ger. ed. "Lebenserinnerungen. . . ," Berlin 1906-12. O 2v [vol.1 preceded Am. ed. of that vol., being tr. from McClure's maga- zine, in which it ran serially, beginning in 1906]. SCHURZ, CARL 9088 Report on the states of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisi- ana; also the report of Lieut. Gen. Grant on the same subject. [Wash 1865]. O 108 a Contained in Executive Document 2, Message of the President. SCOTT, DRED, CASE (THE) Historical and legal examination of that part of the decision. . . in: which declares the unconstitutionality of the Missouri com- promise act. ...See Benton, Thos. H. SCOT, DRED 9097 A legal review of the case of:. . ,.B 1857. O 62 a SCOTT, DRED, versus JOHN F. A. 90 SANDFORD A report of the decisions of the Supreme Court. . . in the case of: N Y 1857. O 393- 633 a 518 Scott — Scott SCOTT, EBEN G. 9099 Reconstruction during the civil war. . . . B 1895. D [lo] 432 a SCOTT, EDWIN J. 9100 Random recollections of a long life, 1806- 1876. Columbia S C 1884. D [l, 6] 3-216 a SCOTT, MRS. FRANCES 9101 A true [etc. J narrative of the. . . captivity of: Eds. 1 & 2 [possibly ptd at B 1785 by E. Russell, in about 15p.] No copies known — ed. 3, with Capt. Stewart's captivity added, B E.Russell 1786. D 24 c MH [of 2 perfect copies known] — rptd. B 1788. b — other eds. "A remarkable narrative. . . ," Newbypt 1789. b; Newbypt [l799]. a; [Leo- minster] Whitcomb [ca 1810]; Leominster S. Wilder 1811; Leominster J. Wilder 1811. Captured in Virginia by Indians Lwho killed her husband and childrenj, Mrs. Scott soon escaped and finally, after much suffer- ing, reached a white settlement. [SCOTT, JOHN] of Ky. 9107 Encarnacion prisoners; comprising an ac- count of the march of the Kentucky cavalry from Louisville to the Rio Grande. . . . By a prisoner. . . . Louisv Prentice & Weisinger 1848. O 96 a — anr. issue Lpriority undetermined], au. named, "Encarnacion, or the prisoners in Mexico. . . ," Louisv Monsarrat & Co 1848. O 123 a SCOTT, JOHN, of Va. 9108 Letters to an officer in the army, pro- posing constitutional reform in the Con- federate government. ... A supplement to "The lost principle." Rich 1864. O 82 a [SCOTT, JOHN] of Va. 9109 The lost principle; or the sectional equilibrium. . . . Rich 1860. O 266 a SCOTT, MAJ. JOHN, of Va. 9110 Partisan life with. . . Mosby. N Y 1867. O [2] 7-492 map 2ports facs a — Eng. ed., same date L collat., L SCOTT, HERVEY 9102 A complete history of Fairfield County, Ohio. . . . Columbus 1877. O [lo] 304 4pls a SCOTT, JAMES L. 9103 A journal of a missionary tour. . . . Prov 1843. D [8] 203 a Valuable description of the country from Pennsylvania to Iowa and Wisconsin. SCOTT, J[ESUP] W. 9104 A presentation of causes tending to fix . . . the future great city of the world in the central plain of North America. . . . Toledo 1868. O 28 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1876. O 41 Centre of world commerce, once at Lon- don, now at New York, by 1968 at some city on the Great Lakes. SCOTT, JOB 9105 Journal of the life, travels, and gospel labours of . . . : N Y 1797 D [14] 360 — rptd. Wilm. Del. 1797 D [l2] 324 — Eng. ed. L. 1797 D [l4] 354 — 3 other Eng. eds. 1798: L; Warrington; Dub. Visited almost every part of the United States. SCOTT, JOHN, of Ind. The Indiana gazetteer. 9106 Centreville 1826. 16° 143 [2] b LC WisH Y — ed. 2, Indp 1833. D 200 a — ed. 3, ed. by E. Chamberlain, Indp 1849. O 440 [incl. front. & pis] some copies of this edition dated 1850. SCOTT, JOSEPH 9111 A geographical description of. . . Maryland and Delaware Phil 1807. 16° [2] 191 2maps a SCOTT, JOSEPH 9112 A geographical description of Pennsyl- vania. . . . Phil 1806. 16 147 map a SCOTT, JOSEPH 9113 The United States gazetteer. . . . Phil 1795. D [8] 286[unpaged] 19maps a — rptd. [maps only] as "An atlas of the United States," Phil 1796. D cover t. 19 maps a — rev. & enl. ed., "A geographical diction- ary of the United States. . .," Phil 1805. O [4] 584[unpaged] map First gazetteer of the United States; in its 1796 form, the first national atlas. SCOTT, NANCY N., ed. 9114 A memoir of Hugh Lawson White. . . . Phil 1856. o[l0] 455 port a SCOTT, SAMUEL 9115 Map of the Black hills. Custer 1897. O 40 map a SCOTT, REV. WILLIAM A. 9116 My residence in and departure from Cali- fornia. [P 186l]. O 31 a Sermons against the vigilantes brought such threats as to compel his departure. SCOTT, WILLIAM W. 9117 A history of Orange county, Virginia. Rich 1907. O 292 map 18pls a 519 Scott — Seorlght SCOTT, LIEUT.-GENERAL 9118 [WINFIELD] Memoirs of: . . . by himself. N Y 1864. D 2v: [24] 330; [4] 331-653. 2ports a — rptd., same impr. & coll at. 1865. Of the 1864 edition, a special large paper edition of 250 copies was issued in one volume, royal octavo. SCOTT, MAJOR GENERAL WINFIELD 9119 Official list of officers who marched with the army under the command of: from Puebla upon the City of Mexico. . . . Mex 1848. obi Q 24 2errata slips plan a Printed on the occupying army's own press. SCOTT (GENERAL) Scott (General) and his staff. . . . See Con- rad, Robert T. [SCOVILLE, JOSEPH A.] 9120 The old merchants of New York. 5 series. N Y 1863-9. D 5v: 472; 406; 351; 255; 304. a —rptd. N Y 1870. D 5v in 3: [6] 9-472; [6] 9-406 [2] 5-255; [4] 9-351 [2] 5-308 — anr. ed., same collat. 1872, with map & llpls added [SCRIBNER, BENJAMIN F.] 9121 Camp life of a volunteer. A campaign in Mexico. . . . Phil 1847. O 75[incl. front. &. cover-t.J a — rptd. "A campaign in Mexico. By one who was thar," Phil 1850. O 75[incl. front. & cover-t.J [SCRIPPS, JOHN L.] 9122 Life of Abraham Lincoln, [capt. t.]. [Chi I860]. O 32, advs, p. 32, in double columns c IH Y — issue 2, identical except advs, p. 32, in one column covering whole p. b I11H N — anr. ed. [n Y Greeley I860], a — rptd. [Det] 1900. O 85 [2] port 245 copies Most authentic of Lincoln campaign biographies. SCUDDER, WILLIAM 9123 The journal of: . . . taken captive by the Indians at Fort Stanwix . . . 1779 [N Y?] for the au. 1794. D 250 d NYH [only copy known] Only edition of one of the most authentic and detailed of narratives by captives of the French and Indian war. [SEABROOK, WHITMARSH B.?] 9124 An appeal to the people of the northern and eastern states on . . . negro slavery in South Carolina. N Y 1834. O 27 a — rptd., same impr. 1838. O 24 SEABROOK, WHITMARSH B. 9125 A concise view of the critical situation ... of the slave-holding states. . . . Charles- ton S C 1825. O 29 a — ed. 2, same impr. 80 date. O 31 SEABROOK, WHITMARSH B. 9126 A memoir on the origin, cultivation and uses of cotton Charleston S C 1844. O W 62 [l] a [SEABURY, SAMUEL] 9127 The congress canvassed: or, an examina- tion into the conduct of the delegates, at. . . Philadelphia, Sept. 1, 1774. [n KJ1774. O 28 a — Eng. ed. L 1775. O [4] 59 a [SEABURY, SAMUEL] 9128 Free thoughts on the proceedings of the Continental Congress. ... By a farmer. . . . [N y] 1774. O 31 [last p. wrongly numb. 29] — anr. issue, N Y 1774. O 24 — Eng. ed. L 1775. O [4] 50 a This was answered by Alexander Hamil- ton's Full vindication of. . .Congress. [SEABURY, SAMUEL] 9129 A view of the controversy between Great- Britain and her colonies. N Y 1774. O 37 + 2adv-p[in some copies] a — Eng. ed. L 1775. O U] 90 Reply to Hamilton's Full vindication ot . . . Congress. All of these Tory pamphlets, issued as by A. W. Farmer [i. e., A West- chester farmerj, have been also variously ascribed to T. B. Chandler, Charles Inglis and Isaac Wilkins. Seabury was undoubtedly their author, aided some by Wilkins. For Hamilton's rejoinder, see his The Farmer refuted. . . . Seabury was the pre-eminent ex- ponent of Tory thought in America. SEALSFIELD [OR SEATSFIELD] CHARLES Sealsfield [or Seatsfield], Charles, pseud. for Postl, Karl. SEAMAN, E. F. 9130 Memoirs of Commodore Stephen Decatur .... Lebanon O 1820. 16° 72 a SEAMAND, WILLIAM G. 9131 Map of the Wood river, Saw Tooth and Smoky mining districts, Idaho Territory. Be//evue Idaho [ptd. Chi] 1881. 16° 15 + 11 adv-p map a SEARIGHT, THOMAS B. 9132 The old pike. A history of the national road. . . . Uniontown Pa 1894. O 384 a 520 Seasonable Advice SEASONABLE ADVICE 9133 Seasonable advice to the members of the British parliament concerning conciliatory measures with America. . . . L 1775. O L8j 38 a SEAT, W. H. The Confederate States Nashv 1861. D 144 a 9134 in prophecy. SEATTLE Business directory of . . . : for the year 1876. . . . See Ward, Kirk C. One of the most authentic and interesting of captivity narratives, told by one who spent a long life among the Senecas and was the first white woman to descend the Ohio. SEAVER, WILLIAM 9139 A historical sketch of the village of Batavia. Batavia 1849. O 56 a SECESSION (LA) Secession (La) aux Etats-Unis et son origine. Par un joumaliste americaine, See Mortimer, J. SEATTLE 9135 Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad and Transportation Company (The). Report of the chief engineer of:. . . . Seattle 1874. O 48 map a First book printed in Seattle. SEATTLE 9136 Residence and business directory of . , .: for 1882. . . sketch of the settlement Seattle Elliott & Sweet [l882], O 88 [lo] a Third Seattle directory. For the earlier two, see Ward, Kirk C, and Choir, Melody. SEAVER, EBEN, ed. 9137 Documents from Henry, the British spy! [B 1812]. O 22 + blank 1. a John Henry, Canadian adventurer in British employ, met with some success in fomenting New England disaffection towards the war. Chagrined by a niggardly reward, he sold his documents to President Madison. SEAVER, JAMES E. 9138 A narrative of the life of Mrs. Mary Jemison. . . taken captive by the Indians in . . . 1755 [etc.]. Canandaigua N Y 1824. 16° 189 some copies have no copyr. on verso of t-p, others have separate copyr. leaf Leither pasted down on that p. or bound in after it] b AA N NYP Y — abr. ed. "Interesting narrative of Mary Jemison," [capt.t.] [But 1834]. D 36 a — rptd. Roch 1840; 1841; Vtica 1842. D 32 1 fold, pi I — anr. ed. enl. by E. Mix, "Deh-he-wa-mis; or a narrative of the life of Mary Jemison . . . ," Batavia N Y 1842. 16° 192 a; ed. 2, same impr. & collat., 1842; ed. 3, same impr. & collat., 1844. — anr. ed., ed. L. II. Morgan, "Life of Mary Jemison: Deh-he-wa-mis," N Y & Auburn 1856. D 312 [incl. front. &• 5pls] , — rptd., same collat., N Y 1859; N Y 1860. \ — most complete ed., ed. W. P. Letchworth, Bui 1877. D [4] 7-303 9pls a; rptd., same collat., 1880. — Eng. eds.: Howden 1826. 16° 180 a; L 1827. 16° 180; Otley 1842. 16° 192; Devon 1847. 16° 184. SECESSION 9140 Secession: considered as a right. . . . By a gentleman of Mississippi. Jackson 1863. O 45 a SECOND APPEAL (A) Second appeal (A) to the justice and in- terests of the people, on the measures re- specting America. See Lee, Arthur. SECOND CRISIS (THE) 9141 Second crisis (The) in America, or. . . view of the peace lately concluded between Great Britain and the United States. . . . By a citizen of Philadelphia. N Y 1815. O 87 a SECOND PROTEST Second protest against the bill to repeal the American Stamp act. See Correct copies of the two protests. . . . SECRETS Secrets of the American bastile. . . . See Winder, Wm. H. SEDGLEY, JOSEPH 9142 Overland to California in 1849. Oakland 1877. O 66 b N NYP Y SEDGWICK, THEODORE 9143 A memoir of. . . William Livingstone. . . . N Y 1833, O 450 [2] 7 port a [SEDGWICK, THEODORE] 9144 Thoughts on the proposed annexation of Texas. ...NY Fanshaw 1844. O 55 + covers a — ed. 2, enl., N Y Benedick 1844. O 56 + covers SEEBOHM, F[REDERIC] 9145 The crisis of emancipation in America L 1865. O 40 + wraps [cov.t.only] a SEEMAN, BERTHOLD C. 9146 Narrative of the voyage of H. M. S. Herald ... 1845-51. ...L 1853. O 2v: [l6] 322; [8] 302. map 2pls a — Ger. tr. Hannover 1853. O 2v: [12] 335; [6] 294. 4pls 521 Segar — Semple Visited San Francisco, Monterey and San Diego just after the Conquest; later coasted North to Bering's Strait. SEGAR, LT. NATHANIEL 9147 A brief narrative of the captivity . . . of: taken prisoner by the Indians . . „ during the revolutionary war, Paris Me 1825. D 36 c AAH Y — rptd.: 1911; 1940. Written by Rev. Daniel Gould from Segar's dictation. SEGUIN, JOHN N. 9148 Memoirs of: from. . . 1834 to the retreat of Generall Woll from. . . San Antonio in 1842. San Antonio 1858. O 32 b TxU[of 2 copies known] SELKIRK, THOMAS DOUGLAS, 9149 EARL OF A sketch of the British fur trade in North America L. 1816 O [6] 130 a — Fr tr. Afonrr 1819 O 116 + 1. SELL, JOHANN J. 9150 Versuch einer Geschichte des Neger- sclavenhandels Halle 1791. O [lo] 246 [2] a SELLERS, WILLIAM W. 9151 A history of Marion county [S. C.]. Co' lumbia 1902. O [lO] 647 port a SELLON, C. J. 9152 A review of the commerce. . . of Gales- burg, Illinois . . . and sketches of the first settlement of the town. Galesburg 1857. O 62 a [SEMERIA, GIOVANNI B. 1 9153 Sketches of the life of the Very Rev. Felix de Andreis . . . with a sketch of the progress of the Catholic' religion in the United States. Ealt 1861. D 276 port a SEMINOLE CAMPAIGN (THE) 9154 A concise narrative of: By an officer. . . . Nashv 1819. D 41 b BA LC NYP SEMINOLE INDIANS (THE) 9155 Seminole Indians in Florida. Reports detailing the hostilities and outrages com- mitted by the: Wash 1850. O 173 a SEMINOLE WAR (THE) 9156 An authentic narrative of: ... . Prov 1836. O 24 pi b AA Y — anr. issue, N Y 1836. same collat. b NYP Y — ed. 2, Prov, same date & collat. — anr. ed. "A true and authentic account of the Indian war in Florida. . . ," N Y 1836. O 28 pi b N — ed. 2, same impr., date &■ collat. a No priority is yet established between the Providence and New York editions. SEMINOLE WAR (THE) 9157 Debate in the House of Representatives ... on: Wash 1819. O [4] 591 a SEMINOLE WAR (THE) 9158 Message of the President. . . transmitting copies of documents ... in relation to: .... Wash 1818. O 165 a SEMINOLE WAR (THE) 9159 Report of the select committee of the Senate relative to: ... . [Wash 1819]. O 40 a Attacks Jackson's Florida invasion and suggests that President Monroe be impeached. SEMINOLE WAR (THE) 9160 Sketch of: .... By a lieutenant [etc.]. Charleston S C 1836. D [6] 312 a SEMMES, RAPHAEL 9161 The cruise of the Alabama and the Sumter . . . . L 1864. D 2v: [l6] 411; [l2] 436. 7pls a Issued July — ed. 2, same date, impr. & collat. Issued Sept. — abr. ed. "The log of the Alabama and Sumter," L 1864. D [l2] 297 — rptd. 1865. — Am. ed. N Y 1864. D 2v in 1: 328 port — Fr. tr. P 1864. D [4] 471 front.; 2 other eds., same impr., date & collat. — Ger. tr. Zwolle 1864-5. O 2v SEMMES, RAPHAEL 9162 My adventures afloat . . . cruises and services in the "Sumter" and "Alabama." L 1869. O 2v in 1: [6] 11-444; [2] 445-833. map lOpls a — Am. ed. "Memoirs of service afloat during the war between the states," Bait 1869. O [6] 11-833 map lOpls — other eds., "Service afloat. . . ," Bait 1887; L 1887; N Y n.d. SEMMES (RAPHAEL) 9163 Semmes (Raphael), the pirate. N Y 1865. 18° 105 a SEMMES, RAPHAEL 9164 Service afloat and ashore during the Mexican war. Cin 1851. D [l2] blank 1. 7- 480 map 6pls a — rptd., somewhat abr. "The campaign of Gen. Scott. . . ," Cin 1852. D 367 map SEMPLE, ROBERT B. 9165 A history of the rise and progress of the Baptists in Virginia. Rich 1810. O [8] 446 [l]a — enl. ed., same impr., 1894. O LlO] 536 port 522 Senior — Sewall [SENIOR, NASSAU W.] 9166 The Oregon question, n.p. n.d. O 28 a SENOUR, F[AUNTLEROY] Morgan and his captors. Cin 1865. D 389 port a 9167 SENTER, ISAAC 9168 The journal of: ... on a secret expedition against Quebec under. .. Arnold. Phil 1846. O40 a SENTER, NATHANIEL G. M. 9169 A vindication of the character of: against the charge of being a spy and traitor.. . . Hallowell Me 1815. O 64 a SEQUEL 9170 Sequel to the Counsel for emigrants. . . . i4faercfeen 1834. D 72 map a See also Counsel for emigrants. SEQUOYAH 9171 Constitution of the state of: [capt.t.]. Muskogee "Phoenix" 1905. O 68 map a — issue 2, p68 not numb. & printer's name at foot of that p — unofficial ed. [Guthrie 1905]. O 50 — anr. ed. Wash 1906. O 87 map Proposed state advocated by Indian Ter- ritory citizens, who wanted statehood separate from Oklahoma. SERIES Series (A) of answers to certain popular objections, against separating from the re- bellious colonies. . . . See Tucker, Josiah. SERIOUS ADDRESS 9172 Serious address (A) to the rulers of Amer- ica, on the inconsistency of their conduct respecting slavery: forming a contrast be- tween the encroachments of England on American liberty, and American injustice in tolerating slavery. [Signed "A farmer."]. Trenton 1783. O 22 a — Eng. eds. L 1783. O 24; [Liv] 1784. O 22 Ascribed to Anthony Benezet. SERIOUS CONSIDERATIONS Serious considerations on several im- portant subjects. . . . See Benezet, Anthony. SERIOUS CONSIDERATIONS Serious considerations on the election of a president. . . . See Linn, Wm. SERIOUS CONSIDERATIONS Serious considerations on the present state of affairs of the northern colonies. See Kennedy, Archibald. SERIOUS EXPOSTULATION Serious expostulation (A) with the mem- bers of the House of Representatives.. . . See Mifflin, Warner. [SERLE, AMBROSE] 9173 Americans against liberty.. . [their] de- signs and conduct. . . tend only to tyranny and slavery L 1775. O 64 a — ed. 2, enl., L 1776. O 44 — ed. 3, same impr. & date. O 48 SERRANO Y SANZ, MANUEL 9174 El Brigadier Jaime Wilkinson y sus tratos con Espana para la independencia del Ken- tucky, 1787-9. Madrid 1915. O 99 fold. map a SERRANO Y SANZ, MANUEL 9175 Espana y los indios Cherokis y Chactas en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. Seville 1916. O 92 map a SESHERRE-DESCOSSAS, M. DE 9176 , Cours des trois premiers fleuves des Etats-Unis. . . . Angouleme 1855. D [8] 230 a The Mississippi, Ohio and Red rivers are described, both in prose and verse. SET Set of plans and forts in America. See Andrews, P. and John. SEVILLE, WILLIAM P. 9177 Narrative of the march of Co. A. Engi- neers, from Fort Leavenworth. . . to Fort Bridger. . . 1858. Wash 1912. O [2] 46 a [SEWALL, JONATHAN] 9178 A cure for the spleen. . . a conversation on the times [b] 1775. O 32 b JCB NYP — ed. 2, "The Americans roused, in a cure for the spleen. . . ," N Y [l775?]. O 32 a Relates to the political grievances of the colonies. SEWALL, OLIVER 9179 History of Chesterville, Maine. Farming- ton 1875. O 96 a 9180 SEWALL, RUFUS K. Ancient dominions of Maine. . . . Bath 1859. O 366 9pls a SEWALL, R[UFUS] K. 9181 Sketches of St. Augustine NY 1848. D 69 6pls a — ed. 2, Phil 1849. D 100 6pls Most copies of the first edition have pages 39-40 deleted. SEWALL, SAMUEL, [1652-1730] 9182 Diary of: 1674-1729. B 1878-82. O 3v: [10 9-40] 532; [6 4 4 7-132] 462; fc] 572. port errata slip a 523 Sewall — Shannon Most valuable American diary of the 18th century. Constitutes volumes 5, 6 and 7, Massachusetts Historical Society Collec- tions, series 5. [SEWALL, SAMUEL] 1757-1814 9183 Remarks on slavery in the United States . . . . B 1827. O 28 a SEYMOUR, SILAS 9193 Union Pacific railroad. Report of the consulting engineer on the location between Omaha City and the Platte valley. ...NY 1865. O 10 [38 2] 2maps cov.t.only a — issue 1 has p8 & 29 of suppL pp. mis numb. — issue 2, mispaging cor. SEWARD, WILLIAM 9184 Journal of a voyage from Savannah to Philadelphia L 1740. O [&] 88 a Seward accompanied Whitefield on his 1740 trip. SEYMOUR, CAPT. W. D. 9194 Journal of a voyage round the world. Cork 1877. D [8] 169 port a Includes trip from Chicago to California, via the Platte valley and Utah. SEXAGENARY Sexagenary (The); or, reminiscences of the ... revolution. See Bloodgood, Simeon De Witt. SEXTON, GEORGE A portraiture of Mormonism. 1849. D 113 a 9185 SEYBERT, ADAM 9186 Statistical anaals ... of the United States ... 1789-1818. Phil 1818. Q [28] 803 a — Fr. tr. P 1820. D [l6] 455 69tabs[on 24sheets] Especially useful on early financial history. SEYD, ERNEST 9187 California and its resources. . . . L 1858. O [4] 168 2maps 22pls a SEYMOUR, CHARLES 9188 Historical address ... in La Crosse. . . . La Crosse 1877. O 32 a SEYMOUR, E[PHRAIM]SANFORD 9189 Emigrant's guide to the gold mines of upper California. Chi 1849. O 104 map c B NYP only copies known The extreme rarity of this Guide suggests its possible suppression; perhaps because of Henry I. Simpson having published one with the same title in 1848, q.v. SEYMOUR, E[PHRAIM]S[ANF0RD] 9190 Sketches of Minnesota. . . with incidents of travel in that Territory. ...NY 1850. D 281 [6] map a [SEYMOUR, SILAS] 9191 Incidents of a trip through the great Platte valley, to the Rocky mountains. ...NY 1867. D 129 port a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. SEYMOUR, SILAS 9192 A reminiscence of the Union Pacific Railroad Quebec 1873. O 74 pis a SEYMOUR, WILLIAM N., comp. Directory of Galena, Illinois. Galena [possibly ptd. Chi] 1847. D 72 b N[only copy located] First directory of this city. 9195 9196 SEYMOUR, WILLIAM N., comp. Madison LWis. ] directory. . . . Madison 1855. 16° 192 + 64adv-p map a First directory of this city, with histori- cal sketch. SHAFFNER, TALDAFERRS] P. 9197 The war in America L [l862J. D [6] 418 map a SHAFFORD, JOHN CONRAD 9198 Narrative of the . . . life of: N Y 1840. O 24[incl.front.] a — rptd., same collat. & impr., 1841. Contains account of the Indian captivity of his daughter, Ellen. SHAFTER, EDMUND F., ed. 9199 Voyages of the Northmen to America. . . . B Prince Society 1877. sm Q 162 a SHALER, WILLIAM 9200 Journal of a voyage between China and the north-western coast of America. Phil 1808. O 38 a — anr. ed. Claremont Cal 1935. O 108 map SHALL THE FREEDMEN 9201 Shall the freedmen be admitted to the right of suffrage. By a member of the Rich- mond bar. Augusta Ga 1865. O 133 a SHALLENBERGER, MRS. E. H. 9202 Stark County [ill.] and its pioneers. Cambridge 111 1876. O 328 a SHANNON, FRED A. 9203 The organization and administration of the Union army, 1861-5. Clev 1928. O 2v: 323; 348 a 524 Sharon — Sedgwick SHARAN, JAMES 9204 The adventures of: . . . during his voyages and travels in the four quarters of the globe Bait 1808. D 225 [l4] a Includes account of his overland trip from New Orleans to Niagara. SHARLAND, GEORGE 9205 Knapsack notes of . . . Sherman's grand campaign through. . . Georgia. . . . Springfield 111 1865. O 68 a SHARP, MRS. ABBIE [GARDNER] 9206 History of the Spirit Lake massacre. Des M 1885. D [4] 312 port a For abbreviated earlier version see Lee, L. P. There were numerous later editions. SHAW, ELIJAH A short sketch of the life of: 9214 who served .Roch for twenty-two years in the navy 1843. 16 a 87 a — ed. 3, Roch 1845. 16° 63 SHAW, J. HENRY 9215 Historical sketch of Cass county, Illinois. Beardstown 1876. O [2] 53 a SHAW, REV. JAMES, of Ireland 9216 Twelve years in America. . . . L & Dub 1867. D [16] 440 map front, a — ed. 2, same sheets, with 2pls added & new t-p pasted over the old t-p, "American resources. . . ," L & Dub 1867. Resided chiefly in Illinois. SHARP, GRANVILLE 9207 A declaration of the people's natural right to a share in the legislature. . . the funda- mental principle of the British constitution L 1774. O 32 a — Am. eds., same date: Phil O 21; N Y O 16; D O 22 — enl. ed. L 1774. O [44] 244 — ed. 2, L 1775. O [44] 244 [some copies have index carrying paginat. to 279] A powerful influence in determining co- lonial resistance. SHARP, JAMES MEIKLE 9208 Brief account of the experiences of: [Saticoy Calif? 1931?]. D 72[incl. 2ports] + preliminary blank 1. a Describes his 1852 trip to Oregon. SHARP, LEANDER J. 9209 Vindication of. . . the late Col. Solomon P. Sharp, from the calumnies published. . . since his murder, by. . . Beauchamp. Frank- fort Ky 1827. O 140 b ChiU KyH All but 25copies were destroyed by the Sharp family. SHATTUCK, LEMUEL 9210 A history of . . . Concord [Mass. J. . . . B 1835. O [8j 392 map a SHAVER, LEWELLYN A. 9211 A history of the Sixtieth Alabama Regi- ment Montg 1867. O 111 front, a SHAW, REV. JAMES, of Kansas 9217 Early reminiscences of pioneer life in Kansas. [Atchison 1886]. D 238[incl. port] a SHAW, JOHN 9218 A ramble through the United States.. . . L 1856. O [2] 370 pi errata slip a SHAW, JOHN ROBERT 9219 Shaw, John Robert, the well-digger.. . . A narrative of the life and travels of: Lex 1807. D 180 [incl. subscribers' list] 6pls b BA TennS Y This curious autobiography of an ec- centric character was the earliest original work of a literary nature produced and written west of the Alleghanies. SHAW, JOSHUA 9220 Picturesque views of American scenery. 3pts [alll Phil [1820-21]. F [21 l.]51col. pis [incl. eng.t. ] dd PhilL — issue 2 — of pt.l only, Phil 1829. F 20col.pls c SHAW, JOSHUA 9221 United States directory for. . . travellers and merchants PM/[l822]. 16° [lo] 156 + 40adv-p a SHAW, LUELLA C. 9222 True history of some of the pioneers of Colorado. . . . Hotchkiss [ptd Denver] 1909. D 268 12pls a SHAW, ALBERT 9212 Icaria; a chapter in the history of com- munism. A' Y 1884. D [10] 219 a — Ger. tr. Stuttgart 1886. O fe] 139 Best study of Cabet's experiment in ra- tional democratic communism. SHAW, PRINGLE 9223 Ramblings in California. . . . Toronto [ca 1856-60]. D 239 a Experiences, in the Yuba district, both as miner and local magistrate. SHAW, CHARLES 9213 A topographical. . . description of Boston B 1817.' D 312 8pls a SEDGWICK, CHARLES F. 9224 A history of . . . Sharon. . . Connecticut. Hart 1842. 16° 124 a 525 Shaw — Shebbeare ed. 2, t. slightly altered, Amenia N Y 1877. O 207 — ed. 3, same impr. 1898. SHAW, R[EUBEN]C. 9225 Across the plains in forty-nine. Farmland Ind 1896. D 200 port a — rptd. Chi Lakeside series 1948. 16° SHAW, S. C. 9226 Sketches of Wood county, western Vir- ginia. . . . Pt. I [all]. Parkersburg 1878. O 60 a SHEA, JOHN G. 9236 The hierarchy of the Catholic church in the United States . . . and a brief history of the church N Y 1886. O 402 a SHEA, JOHN G. 9237 A history of the Catholic church within the . . . United States. N Y 1886-92. O 4v: [22] 9-663 [2]; [4] 11-695 [2]; 732; [34] 23-727. maps & pis a Vol. I, In colonial days; vol. II, Life and times of [Bishop] Carroll; vol. Ill, From 1808 to 1843; vol. IV, From 1843 to 1866. SHAW, WILLIAM 9227 Golden dreams and waking realities. . . adventures of a gold-seeker in California. . . . L 1851. D [12] 316 a SHAWANGUNK 9228 Sketch of an Indian irruption into the town of: in 1780. n.p. [l823?]. O [2] 7-35 a SHAWNEE... KANSAS 9229 Shawnee, Wakaunsee and Osage counties, Kansas. Directory of: ... . Topeka 1887. O 155 a SHAWNEE COUNTY, KANSAS 9230 Historical sketch of: 1876. See Giles, Frye W. SHEA, GEORGE 9231 The life and epoch of Alexander Hamilton. D 1879. O [10] 470 map 5ports facs a SHEA, j[0HN]C, ed. 9232 . . . The only true history of Quantrell's raid K C 1879. O 27 a SHEA, JOHN G. 9233 The bursting of Pierre Margry's La Salle bubble. N Y 1879. O 24 a Discredits Margry's claim that La Salle antedated Marquette and Joliet in descend- ing the Mississippi. SHEA, JOHN G. 9234 Discovery and exploration of the Missis- sippi valley: with the original narratives of Marquette, et al. N Y 1852. O [80] 268 map facs a — anr. issue [v. IV of French, B. F., Historical collections of Louisiana]. — ed. 2, same collat., N Y 1853. — rptd. Alb 1903. SHEA, JOHN G. 9235 Early voyages up and down the Missis- sippi Alb 1861. sm Q [lo] 7-191 a 100 copies ptd [a few on L. P.] — rptd. Alb 1902. SHEA, JOHN G. 9238 History of the Catholic missions among the Indian tribes . . . 1529-1854. N Y 1855. D 514 [4] eng. t. 5ports a — rptd. often — Ger. tr. Wurzburg [l858?]. D 668 6pls SHEA, JOHN G., and MCGEE, 9239 THOMAS D. Die Katholische Kirche in den Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Regensburg 1864. O [l6] 518 a SHEA, JOHN G. 9240 Perils of the ocean and wilderness; or, narratives of shipwreck and captivity. . . from early missionary annals. 13 Donahue [1856]. D 206 a — anr. ed., same impr. & collat., 1857. SHEA, JOHN G., ed. 9241 Relations diverses sur la battaile du Malangueule [i.e., Monongahela]. . . . N Y 1860. O [16] 9-51 front, a lOOcopies ptd. SHEAFER, P[ETER] W., et al, eds. 9242 Historical map of Pennsylvania. Showing the Indian names Phil 1875. O 26 [l] map a [SHEBBEARE, JOHN] 9243 An answer to a pamphlet, call'd The con- duct of the ministry impartially examined.. . . L 1756. O 100 a Relates largely to disputes with France over the Ohio country. SHEBBEARE, DR. [JOHN] An appendix to a letter to: .... By a doctor of laws. See Baillie, Hugh. SHEBBEARE, j[0HN] 9244 An essay on the origin. .. of national society; in which the principles . . . con- tained in Dr. Price's Observations. . . are. . . refuted: together with a justification of the legislature, in reducing America to obedi- ence by force L 1776. O [4] 212 a 526 Shebbeare — Shelton [SHEBBEARE, JOHN] 9245 A fourth letter to the people of England. On the conduct of the M rs . . . since the first differences on the Ohio.. . . L 1756. O [4] 111 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — anr. ed., same impr. & date. O 1_2J 49 — Fr. ed., tr. Edmond J. Genet, "Le peuple instruit. .. ," [p?] 1756. O [24] 212 [8] — rptd. Vienna 1757. Q 55 Highly critical of the Ministry's futile policy in checking French encroachments. For reply, see Full and particular answer. . . . SHEBBEARE, JOHN 9246 A letter to the people of England on the present situation and conduct of national affairs. Letter I. L 1755. O [2] 58 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — 3 other eds., L 1756. Shebbeare issued, in all, seven Letters, of which the First and Fourth have been se- lected for inclusion here, as being more con- cerned with American affairs. This first Letter blames Braddock's failure to Quaker influence persuading the Ministry to send the expedition from Virginia rather than from Pennsylvania. SHECUT, J[0HN] L. E. W. 9247 Medical and philosophical essays. Con- taining. . . historical and other sketches of the city of Charleston. . . . Charleston S C 1819. O [8] 260 [2] pi a SHEEDY, D. 9248 Autobiography of: Denver [l922]. O 61 a SHEFFIELD, EARL OF Observations on the commerce of the American states. . . . See Holroyd, John B. SHEFFIELD'S... OBSERVATIONS 9249 Sheffield's (Lord) Observations on the commerce of the United States. A brief examination of: ... . Phil 1791. O 135 a — Eng. ed. L 1792. O For work examined, see Holroyd, John B. SHEFFIELD'S. . . OBSERVATIONS Sheffield's (Lord) Observations on the commerce of the American states. Remarks on: by an American. See Ruston, Thos. SHELDON, MRS. E[LECTRA]M. 9252 The early history of Michigan. . . . N Y 1856. O 409 4ports a — rptd. N Y 1874. Based largely on unpublished manuscripts concerning Jesuit missions among the In- dians, etc. SHELDON, HEKEKIAH S. 9253 Documentary history of Suffield [Mass.], 1660-1749. Springfield 1879-88. O [4] 343 2plans a 250copies ptd. SHELDON, MARK 9254 An autobiographical sketch. S F n.d. O [2] 120 port a Account of mining experiences, etc., by a California pioneer of 1851. SHELDON, REV. STEWART 9255 Gleanings by the way. . . . Topeka 1890. O 262 a His 1849 trip to California and later mis- sionary labors in Colorado, Dakota and Missouri. SHELDON, WILLIAM 9256 Mormonism examined: or was Joseph Smith a divinely inspired prophet? .... \_Broadhead Wis] n.d. 16° 184 a SHELEKHOV, GRIGORII I. 9257 Rossiiskago kuptsa imenitago. . . . [The voyage of Grigorii Shelekhov, Russian merchant, in the year 1783, from Okhotsk over the eastern ocean to the American shores ] St Ptbg 1791. D [4] 76 map pi b N Y — anr. ed., with sequel [expedition under Izmailov and Bocharov made to same region in 1788-9]. St Ptbg 1793. D 2v in 1: 172 map b — rptd. 1812. map b Y — Ger. ed. by J. Z. Logan, "Erste und Zweyte Reise . . . nach den Kusten von Amerika . . . 1783-9," St Ptbg 1793. O 2pts in 1: 104 b NYP Y — Eng. tr. [l783 voyage only], in vol.2, "Varieties of literature," L 1795. O 42 a Shelekhov established the first permanent Russian settlement on the northwest coast, from which evolved the great Russian- American fur-trading monopoly. SHELBURNE, THE RIGHT HONOUR- 9: ABLE THE EARL OF A letter to: on. . . the principles which have actuated the opposition to the meas- ures of the administration in respect to America. L 1776. O 28 a SHELLEY, JOE 9258 Western wilds of America. . . . [Brussels 1888]. O 20 + cov.t. a Five years with Texas Rangers and scout for General Ord. [SHELBY, ISAAC] 9251 Battle of King's mountain. To the public, n.p. [1823?]. D 24 b AA LC NYP Y [SHELTON, FREDERICK W.] 9259 The Trollopiad; or travelling gentleman in America: a satire. N Y 1837. D 151 a 527 She I ton — Sherman SHELTON, WILLIAM H. 9260 The Jumel mansion. B 1916. O [l2] 257 33pls a 750copies ptd. Most famous American residence, aside from Mt. Vernon, still standing. SHELVOCKE, GEORGE 9261 A voyage round the world by way of the great South sea . . . 1719-1722 L 1726. O [44] 468 map[on 2sheets] 4pls a — ed. 2, rev. 1757. O [l2]476 map 4pls — ed. 3, 1767. — Ger. tr. Bremen 1787. O 407 Of his visit to California Shelvocke gives an interesting account, including particulars of finding gold. For another narrative of this voyage see Betagh, William. SHEMELIN, FEDOR 9262 Zhurnal pervago puteshestviia Rossiian vokrug zemnago shara. . . . [Journal of the first Russian voyage around the globe J. Si! Ptbg 1816-18. Q 2v in 1: [ll2] 168; 426 a SHEPARD, A. K. 9263 The land of the Aztecs Alb 1859. D 209 a Contains meager Texas and Arkansas material. SHEPARD, ELIHU H. 9264 The autobiography of: St L 1869. O 275 2ports a SHEPARD, ELIHU H. 9265 The early history of St. Louis and Mis- souri St L 1870. O 170 a SHEPHERD, J[0SEPH]S. 9266 Journal of travel across the plains to California Racine 1851. O 44 d Pn[only known copy] — rptd. Placerville 1945. 250copies ptd[l2 in cl. bdg. J a SHEPHERD, WILLIAM 9267 Prairie experiences in handling cattle and sheep. . . . L 1884. O fe] 266 + 40adv-p map 8pls a — Am. ed. N Y 1885. D 215[incl. front.] SHEPPARD, GEORGE 9268 New homes in Minnesota, Northern Dakota, Montana, etc. Liv 1881 O 36 fold map a SHEPPARD, JOHN H. 9269 The life of Samuel Tucker, commodore in the American revolution. B 1868. O 384 porta SHERBURNE, ANDREW. 9270 Memoirs of: a pensioner of the navy of the revolution. Utica 1828. D 262 [l] a — rptd. Prov 1831. D 312 front. SHERBURNE, CAPT. JACOB 9271 A narrative of . . . the life and adventures of: . . . in the merchant service. . . . Castine Me 1829. D 96 a SHERBURNE, JOHN H. 9272 Life. . . of the Chevalier John Paul Jones Wash 1825. O 364 port a — ed. 2, N Y 1851. O [l6] 9-408 port facs — Eng. ed. L 1825. D [12] 320 — Dutch tr. Groningen 1829. O port SHERIDAN, PHILIP H. 9273 Outline descriptions of the posts of the. . . division of the Missouri. Chi 1872. D 129 a — rptd. Chi 1876; S F 1879. For 1870 edition, see Hartsuff, George L. SHERIDAN, P[HILIP] H. 9274 Record of engagements with hostile In- dians . . . 1868-82 Chi 1882. O 120 a — rptd., Wash same date. O 112 Official compilation covering the bloodiest years of western warfare. SHERIDAN, LIEUT. GEN. P[HILIP] H. 9275 Report of an exploration of parts of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana Wash 1882. O 69 map 2diags a SHERIDAN, P[HILIP] H., and 9276 SHERMAN, W[lLLIAM] T. Reports of inspection made by: ... of the country north of the Union Pacific railroad. Wash 1878. O 110 lOmaps 5pls a SHERIDAN, GENERAL [PHILIP H.] With: in Lee's last campaign. By a staff officer. See Newhall, Frederic C. SHERIDAN'S... SQUAW SPY 9277 Sheridan's [General J squaw spy and Mrs. Clara Blynn's captivity among the wild Indians of the prairies. . . . Phil [l869]. O [2] 19-80 +2adv-p 5pls[4 incl.in paginat. ] a — Ger. ed. "General Sheridan's Indianer- Kundschafterin. . . ," same impr. [18691 O Two utterly incredible narratives. SHERMAN, ELEAZER 9278 The narrative of: Prov 1832. 16° 263 a Describes his travels south to Georgia, plantation life there, etc. SHERMAN, HENRY 9279 Slavery in the United States . . . from the establishment of the confederacy. . .. Hart 1858. D [l6] 9-187 a — — ed. 2, same impr. & collat. 1860. [SHERMAN, JOHN H.] 9280 A general account of Miranda's expedi- 528 Sherman — Shlpman [SHERMAN, ROGER?] 9281 Remarks on a pamphlet. . . "A dissertation on the political union and constitution of the... United States " \n Hav?] 1784. 43 a The pamphlet referred to was by Pelatiah Webster, q.v. SHERMAN, GEN. SIDNEY 9282 Defence of: against the charges made by Gen. Sam Houston Galv 1859. O 30 a — rptd. Houston 1885. O 35 Claims that Houston's popularly accepted account of San Jacinto was a tissue of lies. SHERMAN, GEN. WILLIAM T. 9283 Official account of his . . . march through Georgia and the Carolinas NY 1865. O 214 a SHERMAN, GEN. WILLIAM T., and 9284 SACKETT, GEN. D. B. Protection of the routes across the con- tinent . . . from molestation by hostile In- dians. Wash 1867. O 55 a SHERWIN, W. T. Memoirs of the life of Thomas Paine. L 1819. O [8] 232 [48] port a 9285 SHERWOOD, ADIEL 9286 A gazetteer of. . . Georgia. Charleston 1827. 16° 143 a — ed. 2, Phil 1829. 16° 300 errata-L map plan — ed. 3, enl.. Wash 1837. D [4 J 344 maps — anr. issue has 356p — ed. 4, rev.. Macon 1860. D 209 map SHERWOOD, J. ELY 9287 California: her wealth and resources. . . . N Y 1848. O 40 b NYP S Y One of the earliest publications evoked by the gold discovery but giving chiefly information already published in the Presi- dent's message and other official reports. SHERWOOD, J. ELY 9288 The pocket guide to California, sea and land route. N Y 1849. O 72 + 4adv-p map b NYP S Y — later issues include advs at rear carrying paginat. to 80 in some copies, to 98 in others. SHERWOOD, SAMUEL 9289 The church's flight into the wilderness. . . observations on scripture prophecies: shew- ing that sundry of them relate to Great- Britain and the American colonies N Y 1776. O 54 a SHERWOOD. SAMUEL 9290 A sermon. . . in which the principles of. . . good government are established. . .and some doctrines advanced. . . by New England tories, are considered and refuted. . . . N Hav [1774J. O 82 a SHIELDS, GEORGE 0. Battle of the Big Hole. 120 8pls a 9291 ,. Chi 1889. D SHIELDS, GEORGE 0. 9292 The blanket Indian of the northwest. N Y 1921. O 322 32pls a 500copies ptd. SHIELDS, JOSEPH D. 9293 Life. and times of Seargent Smith Prentiss. Phil 1883. O 442 port a — rptd., same impr. 86 collat,, 1884. SHILOH Shiloh, or the Tennessee campaign of 1862. . . . By a comrade. ... See Worthington, Thos. SHINN, CHARLES H. 9294 Mining camps: a study of American frontier government NY 1885. D [ll] 316 + 8adv-p a — rptd. N Y 1948. D [26] 292 [9] SHINN, CAPT. JONATHAN 9295 The memoirs of: Greeley Colo 1890. D 88 b N Y small ed. Pioneer experiences in the upper Missis- sippi country, Iowa, Nebraska and Colorado. SHINN, JOSIAH H. 9296 Pioneers and makers of Arkansas.. .. Vol. I [all]. n.p. n.d. {Little Rock 1908]. 423 a SHIPHERD, JACOB R., eomp. 9297 History of the Oberlin-Wellington rescue D 1859. O [8] 280 a One of the most famous fugitive slave affairs. [SHIPLEY, JONATHAN] 9298 A speech intended to have been spoken on the bill for altering the charters of. . . Massachusett's Bay. L Cadell 1774. O [8] 36 a — rptd. several times, same impr., collat. & date — Am. eds., all 1774: B Edes & Gill. O 24; B Greenleaf. O 12; Hart; N Y; Lancaster; Newport. Q 20; Phil Bradford. O [6] 29; Phil Towne. O 18; Salem Hall. Q 16; Salem Russell. O 16 SHIPMAN, DANIEL 9299 Frontier life; or, fifty-eight years in Texas. . . . [Houston 18791. O \s) 403 port a 529 Shipman — Shortt SHIPMAN, MRS. 0. L. 9300 Taming the Big Bend. . . . [Austin? 1926]. O [8] 215 fold. map 4pls a History of West Texas from El Paso to Fort Clark. SHIPP, BARNARD 9301 The history of Hernando de Soto and Florida... 1512-1586. Phil 1881. O [l2] 689 2maps pi a Based entirely on accounts by partici- pants, as given by Garcilasso de la Vega, etc. SHIPP, JOHN E. D. 9302 Giant days; or, the life and times of William H. Crawford. . . . Americus Ga 1909. O 266 map port a SHIRLEY, MAJOR GEN. [WILLIAM] The conduct of: ... . See Alexander, Wm. SHIRLEY, GEN. WILLIAM 9303 A letter from: ... to his grace the Duke of Newcastle: with a journal of the siege of Louisbourg. . . . L 1746. O 32 a — rptd. L 1748. same collat. — Am. eds.: B Draper [l746]. Q 31 a; B Rogers & Fowle 1746. O 16; N Y 1746. O 20 [SHIRLEY, GEN. WILLIAM]? 9304 Memoirs of . . . the last war between the English and French in North America. L 1757. O 102 a SHIRLEY LETTERS Shirley letters (The) from the California mines. 1922. See Clappe, Louise Amelia Knapp Smith. SHIRREFF, PATRICK A tour through North America. 1835. O [14] 473 a 9305 SHOEMAKER, FLOYD 9306 Missouri's struggle for statehood. Jeffer- son City 1916. O 383 20pls a SHOEMAKER, R. M. 9307 Reports of . . . surveys for the Union Pacific railway from Fort Riley to Denver. Cin 1866. O 27 2maps b Y SHORT, RICH 9308 Travels in the United States. . . . Ed. 2. L [1834]. O 24 a With his manifest antipathy to this country, one wonders at his making three trips here; one of these extended to Michigan. SHORT ACCOUNT 9309 Short account (A) of the naval actions of the last war. ... By an officer. L 1788. O [8] 148 fold, sheet a — ed. 2, L 1790. O 147 fold, sheet Sneers for the enemy, praise for British valor; even the fight with the "Serapis" by "the desperate English outlaw Paul Jones," is a British victory. SHORT ADDRESS Short address (A) to the government. . . on the present state of affairs. By a member of parliament. See Bacon, Anthony. SHORT... CAUTION 9310 Short and friendly caution (A) to the good people of England L 1766. O [4] 20 a Contends that the stamp act must be continued. SHORT... ACCOUNT 9311 Short (A) and interesting account of America. By English settlers. Chester Eng 1835. 16° 56 a SHORT... NARRATIVE 9312 Short and thrilling narrative of... inci- dents . . . in the. . . war of 1812-14. Norway Me 1853. O 62 a SHORT APPEAL 9313 Short appeal (A) to the people of Great Britain; upon the unavoidable necessity of the present war with our disaffected colonies. ... L 1776. O 24 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. Support of ministerial policy, probably by Samuel Johnson. SHORT HISTORY 9314 Short history (A) of the conduct of the present ministry, with regard to the Ameri- can stamp act. L 1766. O 24 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. SHORT HISTORY Short history (A) of the opposition... . See Macpherson, James. SHORT STORIES 9315 Short stories and reminiscences of the last fifty years. By an old traveller. N Y 1842. D 2v: 226; 220 a Spent much time on the Ohio and Missis- sippi, from Cincinnati to Natchez and New Orleans. SHORTFIELD, LUKE [pseud.] Wild western scenes. . . . See Jones, John Beauchamp. SHORTT, WILLIAM T. P., ed. 9316 Journal of . . . the siege of Quebec. . . 1775-6. ... By an officer [sir J. Hamilton?]. L 1824. O [l6j 112 a 530 Shourds — Silingsby SHOURDS, THOMAS 9317 History and genealogy of Fenwick's colony. Bridgeton I\ J 1876. O 554 [2] 14pls errata slip a SHRIVER, JAMES 9318 An account of surveys . . . relative to the projected Chesapeake and Ohio, and Ohio and Lake Erie canals. Bait 1824. O 116 2maps a SHUCK, OSCAR T., comp. 9319 The California scrap-book.. . . S F 1869. O 704 a SHURTLEFF, NATHANIEL B. # ed. 9320 Records of the colony of New Plymouth. . . [1633-1692]. B 1855-61. roy O 12v in 10 a Volumes 1-6, Court orders; vol. 7, Judicial acts; vol. 8, Miscellaneous records; vols. 9-10, Acts of Commissioners; vol. 11, Laws; vol. 12, Deeds. SHURTLEFF, NATHANIEL B., ed. 9321 Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay . . . [l626-1686l B 1853-4. Q 6v: [l6] 479- [l2l 344; [l8j 510; [12] 578; [lO] 647; [l2j 615 a SIATKA, STANISLAW 9322 Krotkie Vv'spomnieinie o Zyciu i Dzialal- nosci Ks. M. Wincentego Barzynskiego. . . . [Short memoirs from the life. . . of the Rev. M. Vincent Barzynski]. Chi 1901. O 65 a Pastor of Polish churches in Texas and at Chicago. SIBBALD, GEORGE 9323 Notes ... on the pine lands of Georgia. . . . To which is added a geographical sketch.. . . Augusta Ga 1801. O 71a anr. issue, identical except for add. of 6-1. postscript. SIBLEY'S... EXPEDITION 9324 Sibley's [Henry Hastings] Indian expedi- tion, during the summer of 1863. . . . Journal of: Winona 1864. O 52 b SIBLEY, HENRY HASTINGS 9325 The unfinished autobiography of:. . . . Ed. by T. C. Blegen. Minneap 1932. O fe incl. front.] 78 a 200copies ptd. SIBLEY, JOHN L. 9326 A history of.. . Union [Me.] B 1851. D [14] 540 port a SIDDONS, MISS LEONORA 9327 The female warrior . . . adventures of: who joined the Texas army. . . and fought in the battle of San Antonio. N Y 1843. O 23 pi a — ed. 2, N Y 1844. same collat. — rptd. N Y [1847]. same collat. Unquestionably fictitious. SIDNEY, ALGERNON [pseud.] See Granger, Gideon. SIDNEY, EDWARD W. [pseud.] The partisan leader; a tale of the future. See Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley. SIDONS, CHARLES Die Vereinigten Staaten. Karl. See Postl, [SIEBERT, JOHN] comp. 9328 Columbus business directory for 1843-4. Columbus 1843. D 201 a — anr. ed. "Directory of . . . Columbus for. . . 1848," comp. named, Columbus 1848. D 264 Both editions contain historical sketch. SIEBERT, WILBUR H. 9329 Loyalists in East Florida, 1774-1785.. . . Deland Fla 1929. Q 2v: [l4] 264; [lo] 432. 6maps &. pis facs a 350copies ptd. SIEBERT, WILBUR H. 9330 The underground railroad NY 1898. O [26] 478 fold.map pis a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1899. SIGNS 9331 Signs of the times; or, reflections on nullification. By a citizen of Abbeville. Columbia 1831. O 32 a [SIGOURNEY, MRS. LYDIA H.] 9332 Sketch of Connecticut forty years since Hart 1824. D [2] 278 a [SIGSBY, WILLIAM] 9333 Life and adventures of Timothy Murphy. . . from the commencement of the revolution. . . . Schoharie N Y 1839. O 32 b NYP- — rptd. 1863. same impr. O 23 a — anr. ed. Middleburgh N Y 1912. O 32 SIGUENZA Y GONGORA, CARLOS DE 9334 Descripcion, que de la Vaia de Santa Maria de Galve (antes Pansacola) de la Movila, y rio de la Palicada, en la costa septentrional del seno Mexicano, hizo: . . . yendo para ello en compania de Don Andres de Pes [Wex ca 1700?]. F 32 1. [capt.t. only] d JCBtonly copy known] Account of an exploring voyage from Vera Cruz to Pensacola and the Mississippi made in 1693 under the command of Admiral Pez. SIKES, WILLIAM W. 9335 A midsummer's ride on the great lakes. Chi 1864. O 30 a SILINGSBY, MAURICE 9336 Buckskin Joe; or, the trapper's guide. N Y [1879] O 300 a 531 Silliman — Simms SILLIMAN, BENJAMIN 9337 A gallop among American scenery.. . . /V Y 1843. 16° [8] 267 a — rptd., with adds., N Y 1881. D 345 pis [SILLIMAN, BENJAMIN] 9338 Remarks made on a . . . tour, between Hart- ford and Quebec N Ilav 1820. D 407 eng.t. 9pls a — ed. 2, with adds., N Hav 1824. D [10] 9-443 eng.t. 9pls — Eng. ed. , au. named, "A tour to Quebec ...," L 1822. O [8] 128 2pls[though 4 called for] SIMMS, JEPTHA R. 9346 History of Schoharie county, and border wars of New York. . . . Alb 1845. O 672 front, [facs 86 3pls incl. in paginat. ] a — best ed., enl. & re-written, "The frontiers- men of New York," A lb 1882-3. O 2v: 713; 760. port SIMMS, JEPTHA R. 9347 Trappers of New York. ... Alb 1850. D 280 4pls a — ed. 2, Alb 1851. D 287 2pls — other Alb eds., same collat.: 1857; 1860; 1871. SILVERSMITH, JULIUS 9339 The new northwest. . . . Omaha [some copies give Cheyenne, but both issues ptd Chi] 1869. O cover t. 72 + 12adv-p[4 at front, 8 at back] b Y [of 2copies known] One of the earliest accounts of Wyoming, published just after its Territorial creation. SILVY, ANTOINE Relation par lettres de l'Amerique Septentrionale. . . . See Raudot, Antoine Denis. SIMCOE, JOHN G. 9340 A journal of the operations of the Queen's Rangers Exeter Eng [l787]. Q [8 J 184 [48] lOmaps c AA H NYP — Am. ed. /V Y 1844. O [20] 13-328 lOmaps a Also 25 copies on L. P. with maps col. [SIMCOE, JOHN G.] 9341 Remarks on the travels of the Marquis de Chastellux L 1787. O [4] 86 a SIMMONS, FLORA E. [pub.] 9342 A complete account of the John Morgan raid n. p. \Louisv?] 1863. 32° 94 a — anr. issue, same date. 108 SIMMONS, JAMES The history of Geneva, Geneva 1875. O 101 a 9343 SIMMONS, N[0AH] 9344 Heroes and heroines of the Fort Dearborn massacre. . . . Lawrence Kas 1896. O 75 2pls a Story of Corporal John Simmons, who, with one of his children, was killed in this affair; his wife with her remaining child — the first white child born in Chicago — es- caped after wandering a thousand miles. [SIMMS, JEPTHA R.] 9345 The American spy; or, freedom's early sacrifice. Alb 1846. O 63 a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat. 1857. some copies on L.P. The story of Nathan Hale. SIMMS, WILLIAM G. 9348 The geography of South Carolina.. . . Charleston 1843. D 192 map a SIMMS, WILLIAM G. 9349 The history of South Carolina. . . . Charles- ton S C 1840. O [2] 355 a some copies on L. P. — ed. 2, Charleston 1842. D 345 — rev. ed. N Y 1860. D [8] 437; Charleston; 1860; /V Y 1866. same collat. SIMMS, WllLLUM I G. itain Jc D[4j: — rptd. many times. The life of Captain John Smith Cooledge [l846]. D [4] 379 eng.t. 13pls a 9350 N Y SIMMS, WILLIAM G. 9351 The life of Francis Marion. N Y 1844. D [4] 9-349 eng. t. llpls a — rptd., many times. SIMMS, w[lLLiAM] G. 9352 The life of Nathanel Greene. ...NY Cooledge 1849. D 393 eng.t. 13pls a — rptd., same impr. 1858. 1861. [SIMMS, WILLIAM G.] 9353 The lily and the totem, or, the Huguenots in Florida. N Y 1850. D [l2J 470 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — ed. 3, "The Huguenots in Florida... ," N Y 1854. [SIMMS, WILLIAM G.] 9354 Sack and destruction of the city of Co- lumbia, S. C. . . . . Columbia 1865. O 76 a — rptd. Oglethorpe Univ. 1937. D 106 After selling about 100 of the 5000 copies printed, most of those remaining were de- stroyed. Simms was an eye-witness of the holocaust he described. [SIMMS, WILLIAM G.] 9355 Slavery in America . . . brief review of Miss Martineau on that subject. Rich 1838. O 84 a anr. issue, t. slightly altered, au. named, Charleston, 1838 532 Slmms — Simpson [SIMMS, WILLIAM G.] 9356 South Carolina in the revolutionary war... . By a Southron. Charleston S C 1853. D [4] 177 a [SIMMS, WILLIAM C.] 9357 Southern passages and pictures. N Y 1839. D [Hi 228 a [SIMMS, WILLIAM G.] 9358 A succinct memoir of the life. . . of Colonel John Laurens Williamstadt 1867. O 250 a For original edition, see Laurens, Col. John, The army correspondence of: [SIMMS, WILLIAM G.] 9359 Views and reviews in American literature, history and fiction.. . . feseries]. N Y 1845. D 2v: [8] 238; [4] 184 a — Eng. ed. [ser. 1 only] L 1846. D SIMON, MRS. BARBARA ANNE 9360 The hope of Israel; . . . evidence that the aborigines of the western hemisphere are descended from the ten missing tribes of Israel. L 1829. O [8] 328 a SIMON, MRS. BARBARA ANNE 9361 The ten tribes of Israel . . . identified as the aborigines of the western hemisphere. L 1836. O [40] 370 fold.pl a SIMONDS, T. C. 9362 History of South Boston, formerly Dor- chester Neck, now ward II of . . . Boston. £> 1857. D 331 2plans 4pls a SIMONIN, LOUIS, L. 9363 A travers les Etats-Unis.. . . P 1875. D [8] 410 a — rptd. P 1885. 16° [8] 382 — Ital. tr. Milan 1876. O [4] 306 SIMONIN, L[0UIS L. i La Californie. [p I860]. 16° 40 a 9364 SIMONIN, LOUIS L. 9369 Le monde americain. . . . P 1876. O [8 | 395 a — ed. 2, P 1877. D [6j 445 [2] SIMONIN, LOUIS L. 9370 Le pays lointains P 1867. 16° [8] 350 a Includes a visit to California. SIMPSON, ALEXANDER 9371 The Oregon Territory. Claims thereto of England and America considered. . . . L 1846. O 60 a SIMPSON, ELIZABETH M. 9372 Bluegrass houses and their traditions. Lex 1932. O [l2] 408[incl.pls] a SIMPSON, ELIZABETH M. 9373 The enchanted Bluegrass.. . . Lex 1938. O [12] 313[incl.pls] a Sequel to preceding work. SIMPSON, SIR GEORGE 9374 California, its history Cin 1848. D 120 a — other eds., same impr. O 144: 1849; 1850. SIMPSON, SIR GEORGE 9375 Narrative of a journey round the world, 1841-2. L 1847. O 2v: [l2] 438; [7] 469. port map a — Am. ed., title altered. Phil 1847. O 2pts -230 'Narrative of a voyage to California ports. . . ," S F 1930. Q 250 copies ptd. rtm. ea. , line anere in lv: 273; h] 17-230 — anr. ed. [in parti " SIMONIN, LOUIS L. 9365 Une excursion chez les peaux-rouges. P 1868. O 73 a SIMPSON, HENRY 9376 The lives of eminent Philadelphians. . . . Phil 1859. O 993 44ports a Some copies on L. P. in Q. SIMPSON, HENRY I. 9377 The emigrant's guide to the gold mines. . . . N Y 1848. O 30 + 2adv-p map [not issued with all copies] c H N NYH NYP Y SIMONIN, L[0UIS] [L.] 9366 Le grand-ouest des Etats-Unis. . . . P 1869. D [10] 364 map a Letters written on trips to Dakota and the far West made in 1859 and in 1867-8. SIMONIN, L[0UIS L.] 9367 L'homme americain. Notes sur les In- diens. ... P 1870. O 30 2maps a SIMONIN, L[0UIS L.l 9368 Le mineur de Californie. P 1866. 16° 52 a SIMPSON, JAMES H. 9378 Journal of a military reconnaissance, from Santa Fe. . . to the Navajo country. Phil 1852. O 140 map 72pls[34 col.] nos.2, 21 & 39 not issued a First separate printing; somewhat ampli- fied from its first appearance as a part of Joseph E. Johnston's Reconnaissance, 1850. SIMPSON, CAPT. [JAMES H.1 9379 Report and map of wagon road routes in Utah Territory. [Wash 1859]. O 84 map a 533 Simpson — Sirlngo SIMPSON, LIEUTENANT [JAMES H.]. 9380 Report from the Secretary of War, com- municating. . . the report of the . . . route from Fort Smith. . . to Santa Fe . . . made by: LSen. Exec. Doc. 12l. Wash 1850. O 25 4maps a — anr. issue, IH. R. Exec. Doc. 45] to which is added Marcy's report, Wash 1850. O 89 map 2pls SIMPSON, COL. JAMES H. 9381 Report of explorations across the great basin of . . . Utah for a direct wagon-route.. . . Wash 1876. Q 518 25maps & pis a This route, explored in 1859, shortened the distance to California by 250 miles; it was adopted by the overland mail, pony express and telegraph. This report was sub- mitted in 1861, but publication had to be deferred because of the Civil War. Portions, however, appeared in the author's The shortest route to California, see below. SIMPSON, LIEUT. COL. JAMES H. 9382 Report of: . . . on the change of route west from Omaha. . . proposed by the Union Pa- cific Wash 1865. O 70 [2] map a SIMPSON, LIEUT. COL. JAMES H. 9383 Report of: on the Union Pacific railroad Wash 1865. O [4] 161 4maps a — rptd. , same impr. & collat. 1866. This report, dated November, includes the author's September report, listed above . . . On the change of route west from Omaha. SIMPSON, j[AMESl H. 9384 The shortest route to California. . . . Phil 1869. O 58 map a See note to this author's Report of ex- plorations across the great basin of . . , Utah, above. [SIMPSON, S. S.] Two hundred years ago; two hundred years ago; or, a brief Cambridgeport and East Cambridge 1859. sq 18° 111 pi a of D 1859 9385 brief history SIMPSON, STEPHEN 9386 The lives of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson Phil 1833. D [6] 389 port a [SIMPSON, WILLIAM]? 9387 A retrospective view of the causes of the difference between Great Britain and her colonies [l 1783]. O [8] 126 a SIMS, A. D. 9388 A view of slavery, moral and political. Charleston S C 1834. D 34 a SIMS, DR. J. MARION The story of my life. N Y 1884. D 471 — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1886. — ed. 2, N Y 1889. D 471 port 9389 SIMS, WILLIAM 9390 Kansas: Auskunft uber seinen Ackerbau, Gartenbau. . . . Topeka 1884. O 60 fold, map pis a SINGLETON, ARTHUR [pseud.] Letters from the south and west. See Knight, Henry Cogswell. SINGULARITY, THOMAS 9391 Novelettes of a traveller; or odds and ends from the knapsack of: ... . NY 1834. D 2v: 228; 203 a — Eng. ed. "Sketch of the life of Thomas Singularity. . . ," L 1835. D [8] 123 Adventures of a roving South Carolina printer who served in the war of 1812, etc. SIOUX FALLS Sioux Falls, the queen city of South Dakota. . . . See Mooers, J. H. SIPES, WILLIAM B. 9392 The Pennsylvania railroad. . . . Phil 1875. roy O [4] 281 3pls a SIPMA, S. A. 9393 Belangrijke Berigten uit Pella, Iowa. n.p. 1849. O 44 a Same author issued in 1848 an 18-page Brief van Land. . . naar Pella. SIRINGO, CHARLES A. A cow-boy detective. 519 9pls a 9394 Chi 1912. D SIRINGO, CHARLES A. 9395 History of Billy the Kid. [Santa Fe] 1920. D 142 a SIRINGO, CHARLES A. 9396 Riata and spurs. ... B 1927. O [l6] 276 16pls a — rev. ed., with many suppressions, B [1927]. O [16] 261 + inserted 1. between p260 & 261 pis SIRINGO, CHARLES A. 9397 A Texas cow-boy. . . . Chi Umbdenstock 1885. D 316[incl. front. & eng. t.] port a — anr. ed. Chi Siringo & Dobs on 1886. D 347 8pls — anr. ed.. with addenda, Chi Rand McN. [1886]. D [4] 9-316 [3l] 8pls — rptd. under t. "Lone Star cowboy.. . ," Santa Fe 1919. D [s] 290 — anr. issue, same impr. & date. D [s\ 291 — anr. ed. N Y [l950]. O 198 The first — and best — cowboy autobiography. SIRINGO, CHARLES A. 9398 Two evil isms: Pinkertonism and anarch- ism. Chi [1915]. D [4] 109 front, a 534 Sltgreaves — Sklllmon Rather libellous account of his twenty- two years detective operations against cattle-rustlers, mining swindlers, etc. Probably suppressed. SITGREAVES, LORENZO 9399 Report of an expedition down the Zuni and Colorado rivers, feen. Exec. Doc. 59j. Wash Armstrong 1853. O 198 map 23views &c. tio pi. 14, pi. 23 sometimes unnumb. J 6animal pis 5bird pls[no pl.2] 21reptile pls[no pi. 12, but pis 10 & 13 are repeated J 3fish pis 21botanical pls[one not listed] a — rptd. [Sen. Exec. Doc. unnumb. J, Wash Tucker 1854. same collat., except as to reptile pis, where no. 12 replaces one of the 2pls numb. 10 SITTEN Sitten und Meinungen der Wilden in Amer- ica. See Purmann, J. G. SIX MO IS 9400 Six mois chez les sauvages. Par un missionaire. Limoges [cal860]. O 166 front, a Apparently written in the eighteenth century. SKETCH 9401 Sketch (A) of the claims of sundry. . . citizens on the government . . . for indemnity, for depredations ... by the French. . . . Bait 1826. O 145 a — rptd. Wash 1836. O 109 Possibly by Robert Purviance. SKETCH Sketch of the geographical routlsicj of a . . . railway ... to connect the canals and navigable waters of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio [etc.]. See Redfield, Wm. C. SKETCH 9402 Sketch (A) of the geography and present state of the united territories of North America Phil 1805. O 57 a SKETCH 9403 Sketch (A) of the internal conditions of the United States. ... By a Russian. Bait 1826. O 163 a SKETCH 9404 Sketch (A) of the origin and progress of the causes which have led to the overthrow of our union. By a man who has been an actor in many scenes. . . . Wash 1861. O 33 a SKETCH 9405 Sketch (A) of the politics, relations. . . of the western world. . . intended to dem- onstrate the necessity of a grand American confederation Phil 1827. O 200 a SKETCHES Sketches and incidents; or, a budget from the saddle-bags of a superannuated itinerant. See Stevens, Abel. SKETCHES Sketches by a traveller. See Holbrook, S. B. SKETCHES Sketches from the civil war. ... By V. Blada. See Volck, Adalbert J. SKETCHES Sketches from the study of a superan- nuated itinerant. . . . See Stevens, Abel. SKETCHES 9406 Sketches of celebrated murderers and pirates. ... B fl854]. O 95 + covers a SKETCHES 9407 Sketches of French and English politicks in America. . . . By a member of the old Congress. Charleston S C 1797. O [2] 65 a SKETCHES Sketches of history, life and manners in the United States. By a traveller. See Royall, Anne. SKETCHES Sketches of scenery and manners in the United States. By the author of the "Northern traveller." See Dwight, Theo. SKETCHES Sketches of the war between the United States and the British Isles. 1815. See Williams, Sam'l. SKIDMORE, THOMAS 9408 The rights of man to property. ...NY 1829. D 406 [2l a V/ealth to be equally divided, with its equal transmission to later generations on the maturity of each individual. An early Townsend plan. SKIFF, VtERNON] W., pub. 9409 The Springfield [ill. ] almanac, directory and business advertiser, for 1845. Spring- field 1845. 16° 128 [2] 129-130 3plans a First directory of this city. [SKILLMAN, ISAAC] 9410 The American alarm. . . for the rights, and liberties, of the people. B 1773. O 4pts in 1: 35; 8; 9; 16 a Ascribed also to John Allen. SKILLMAN, ISAAC 9411 An oration, upon the beauties of liberty, or the essential rights of the Americans. . . . B 1773. O 31 a 535 Sklllmcm — Slavery — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — ed. 3, N Lond, same date. O 23 — ed. 4, with adds., B same date. O 80 — rptd. Hart 1774. O; Wilm Del 1775. O SKILLMAN, W[|LLIAM]D. [eemp.] 9412 The western metropolis; or Saint Louis in 1846. St L 1846. 18° 16l[incl. initial blank 1.] map b H N NYP SKINNER, j[0HN] E. H. 9413 After the storm; or Jonathan and his neighbours in 1865-6. L 1866. D 2v: [l6] 312; [6] 370 a SKIPWITH, H. 9414 East Feliciana [La.], past and present. N O 1892. O 38 a SKIRVEN, PERCY G. 9415 The first parishes of . . . Maryland. . . . Bait [1923]. O [l4] 181 [2l] fold.map 56pls a SKIRVING, J. 9416 Descriptive of Fremont's overland route to Oregon and California. ... [l ca 1850]. D 48[incl.wrap.t.] a Issued when Skirving was exhibiting his panorama of this route. SKLAVENLEBEN Sklavenleben in America. . . . See Cha- merovzow, L. A. SLAUGHTER, PHILIP 9422 A history of Bristol parish [va. ]. Rich 1846. O 51 pi a — ed. 2, same impr. 1879. D [20] 237 front. SLAUGHTER, PHILIP 9423 A history of St. George's parish [Va. ]. N Y 1847. O 62 pi a — rptd., with adds., Rich 1890. D 78 pi SLAUGHTER, PHILIP 9424 A history of St. Mark's parish [Va. ]. Rich 1877. D [lO] 200 map a — rptd., same impr. 1879. — for enl. ed., see under Green, Raleigh T. SLAUGHTER, PHILIP The history of Truro parish Phil [1908J. D 164 fc] a 9425 Virginia. SLAUGHTER, PHILIP 9426 Memoir of Col. Joshua Fry. . . Washing- ton's senior in command of Virginia forces Rich [1880 ]. O 113 [2] a SLAUGHTER, PHILIP 9427 A sketch of the life of Robert Fairfax. . . with an account of Jackson's. . . Valley campaign. Rich 1864. D 48 a — rptd. [Bait] 1878. D [lO] 72 port Above editions are styled "second" and "third" editions. First appearance was probably in some periodical. 9418 SLAFTER, EDMUND F. Sir William Alexander and American colonization. . . . B Prince Soc. 1873. Q [lOj 283 map port a 160copies ptd[l0 on L.P.] SLAFTER, EDMUND F. Voyages of the northmen to America. . B Prince Soc. 1877. Q 162 2maps pi a 210copies ptd[l0 on L.P.I SLANEY, ROBERT A. 9419 Short journal of a visit to Canada and the states L 1861. D [2] 73 a SLATER, N[ELS0N] 9420 Fruits of Mormonism. . . . Coloma Calif 1851. D [2] 94 b A A N NYP Y Blanket arraignment of Utah Mormons. One of the earliest English books printed in California. SLAUGHTER, LINDA W. 9421 The new northwest . . . advantages of Bismarck and vicinity. . . . Bismarck 1874. O 24 b LC MinnH Earliest North Dakota pamphlet. 9417 SLAUGHTER, PHILIP 9428 The Virginian history of African coloniza- tion. Rich 1855. O [l6J 116 a SLAVERY Essays on: .... By Vigornius, et al. See Worcester, Samuel M. SLAVERY 9429 Slavery; a treatise showing that slavery is neither a moral, political or social evil. By a Baptist minister. Penfield Ga 1844. O 40 a SLAVERY Slavery in America. . . brief review of Miss Martineau on that subject. By a South Carolinian. See Simms, V/m. G. SLAVERY Slavery in the southern states. By a Carolinian. See Pringle, Edw. J. SLAVERY Slavery inconsistent with justice and good policy. By Philanthropos. See Rice, David. 536 Slavery — Smll SLAVERY Slavery not forbidden by Scripture. . . . By a West-Indian. See Nisbet, Richard. SLEEPER, JOHN, and HUTCHINS, 9430 J. C, comps. Waco and McLennan county, Texas. . . . Waco 1876. O [2] 171 pi a SLEIGH, W. W. 9431 Abolitionism exposed! . . . injurious to the slaves . . . destructive to this nation, and contrary to the. . . commands of God. Phil 1838. O 93 a SLENDER, ROBERT Letters on various . . . subjects. . . . See Freneau, Philip. SLIGHT, BENJAMIN 9432 Indian researches; or, facts concerning the North American Indians. . . . Montr 1844. D 179 a SMART, STEPHEN F. 9440 Colorado miner: . . . guide to Leadville, Ten Mile, California Gulch. . . and other noted mining camps. ... K C 1879. O 56 2maps a SMART, THEOPHILUS 9441 Authentic memoirs of Capt. Paul Jones, the American corsair. . . . L 1779. O 40 port b SMEDLEY, WILLIAM 9442 Across the plains in '62. [Denver 1916 J. O 56 map port a small ed. ptd. SMET, PIERRE-JEAN, DE See De Smet, Pierre- Jean. SMETHURST, GAMALIEL 9443 A narrative of an. . . escape out of the hands of the Indians. . . . Likewise a plan for reconciling the differences between Great Britain and her colonies. L 1774. O 48 b N SLOAN, EDWARD L. 9433 Salt Lake City directory and business guide, for 1869. S L C 1869. O 53-219 map view a First directory to be printed in Salt Lake City. For earlier one, printed in New York, see Owen, G. SLOAN, JOHN A. 9434 Reminiscences of the Guildford Grays, Co. B, 27th N. C. Reg't. Wash 1883. O [6] 130 a SLOAN, WALTER B., pub. 9435 History and map of Kansas and Nebraska. Chi 1855. D [6] 9-144 map c KasH — anr. issue Chi same date. D [6] 9-80 [incl. wraps. J map c N Y SMILEY, JEROME C. History of Denver. . 978 a 9444 Denver 1901. Q 9445 SMITH, ABNER C. A random historical sketch of Meeker county, Minnesota. Litchfield Minn 1877. sq D [4] 160 [2] map a SMITH (MR. ADAM) 9446 An essay in vindication of the continental colonies of America. From a censure of: in his Theory of moral sentiments. . . . By an American. L For the author 1764. O 46 a — anr. issue, same collat. & date, pub. by Becket. Smith had characterized the colonists as "the refuse of the jails of Europe." SLOCUM, CHARLES E. 9436 The history of the Maumee river basin. . . . Defiance o[l905]. Q 638 [20] a SLOCUM, JOHN, comp. 9437 An authentic narrative of the life of Joshua Slocum. . . revolutionary services. . . . Harr 1844. D 105 [incl. front. & 6pls] a SMALL, FLOYD B. 9438 Autobiography of a pioneer. . . 1867-1916. Seattle 1916. D 106 a Adventures with buffalo, cattle and outlaws. SMALLEY, EUGENE V. 9439 History of the Northern Pacific railroad. N Y 1883. O [26] 5-437 6maps[l in pocket] 48pls a some copies on L. P. SMITH, ALICE R., and SMITH, 9447 D. E. H. The dwelling houses of Charleston. . . . Phil 1917. O [6 incl.front.] 389[incl.pls] a Of the 1000 copies printed many were destroyed in the publisher's fire. [SMITH, ANDREW M.] 9448 Luck of a wandering Dane. Phil 1885. D [2] 130 a SMITH, ASHBEL 9449 Notice sur la geographie du Texas. . . . [P 1851?]. O 24 a SMITH, ASHBEL 9450 Reminiscences of the Texas republic. . . . Galv 1876. O 82 100 copies, unbound in sheets a — rptd. in facs., bound in wraps. 537 Smith Smith [SMITH, AUGUSTIN S.] 9451 A vindication of the recent. . . policy of the state of Georgia. . . . Athens Ga 1827. O [10] 9-90 a SMITH, BUCKINGHAM [ed.] 9452 Coleccion de varios documentos para la historia de la Florida y tierras adyacentes. Tomo I [all]. L [l857]. Q [8] 208 port[not issued with all copies] a Among the 33 documents assembled are many of the highest importance on De Soto, Coronado, Cabrillo and other early explorers in the southern portions of the present Republic, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. SMITH, BUCKINGHAM 9453 An inquiry into the authenticity of docu- ments concerning a discovery in North Amer- ica claimed to have been made by Verraz- zano. N Y 1864. Q 31 map a 120copies ptd. SMITH, BUCKINGHAM, ed. 9454 Rudo ensayo, tentativa de una preven- cional descripcion geographica de la provincia de Sonora. . . . St Augustine Iptd. Alb] 1863. Q [10] 208 bBPLCNY 160 copies ptd[a few on L. P.] NYP — Eng. tr., Cath. Hist. Soc, 1896. a — rptd. Tucson 1951. 500copies ptd. First printing of a manuscript compiled in 1762 by an unknown missionary. Valuable for light thrown on the Apache and other tribes of Arizona and New Mexico. SMITH, BYRON 9455 Reminiscences of a Confederate prisoner Jackson, Miss. 1910 O 42 a [SMITH, C. C] 9456 Nebraska; a sketch of its history.. . . Neb City 1870. O 31 a SMITH, CHARLES, 1768-1808 9457 The American war. . . 1775-1783. N Y 1797. O 183 7plans port pi b AA BA NYP Y A re-publication of articles on this war [based on information supplied by Gates and Steuben] which appeared serially in Smith's Military repository, 1796-7. Some copies have 8 plans and 3 plates. SMITH, CHARLES J. Annals of the town of Hillsborough. . N. H. Sanbornton N H 1841. O 72 a 9458 SMITH, CHARLES K. 9459 Three years in North America. . . . Glas 1858. 16 6 [8] 112 128 a SMITH, [CLARENCE] 8. ELLIOTT, 9460 [WALLACE W.] pubs. Illustrations of Contra Costa county, California, with historical sketch. Oakland [1878?]. Q 54 2maps 66pls a SMITH, [CLARENCE] 8, ELLIOTT, 9461 [WALLACE W.] pubs. Illustrations of Napa county, California, with historical sketch. Oakland 1878. Q [4] 28 2maps 68pls a SMITH, D. N. [pub.] 9462 Gold in the Black Hills Burlington la 1876. O 40 + adv-p map b Y SMITH, D. P. 9463 Company K, 1st Alabama regiment. Pratt- ville Ala 1885. O 135 [lO] a [SMITH, DANIEL] 9464 A short description of the Tennessee government ... to accompany ... a map. . . . Phil 1793. O 26 b AA WisH — anr. ed. "A short description of the State of Tennessee. . . , " Phil 1796. D 36 b AA MH — anr. issue, with spelling "Tennessee" on t-p, Phil 1796. D 44 a — anr. ed. N Y 1797. D — Fr. ed. "Description . . . du territoire. . . au sud de l'Ohio," [p ca 1793-6?]. O 28 a No map issued with the pamphlet, but one by Smith, engraved by Scott, was sold separately; copies of it appeared also in Carey's American edition of Guthrie's Geography. The Description was the first account of this Territory. CI. Tennessee. A short description of the situation . . .and history of: SMITH, DELAZON 9465 A history of Oberlin, or new lights of the west. . . . [cover t. "Oberlin unmasked"] Clev 1837. D 82 a The college is said to have bought and destroyed many copies of this scurrilous pamphlet. SMITH, EDWARD, M. D. 9466 Account of a journey through north-eastern Texas L 1849. D [6] 5-188 2maps a — ed. 2, L 1852. SMITH, EDWARD M. 9467 Documentary history of Rhinebeck. . . New York. Rhinebeck 1881. O [2] 239 map a SMITH, MRS. ELIZA R. [SNOW] 9468 Biography ... of Lorenzo Snow, one of the twelve apostles of the church of . . . Latter-Day Saints. S L C 1884. O [16] 581 2ports a SMITH, FRANCIS H. 9469 Discourse on the life. . . of Lt. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson Rich 1863. O 23 a SMITH, GAMALIEL E. 9470 Journal of the proceedings of the con- vention. . . at Brunswick. . . on the separation 538 Smith — Smith of Maine from Massachusetts. . . . Kennebunk 1817. D 80 a SMITH, GEORGE 947l" History of Delaware county, Pennsyl- vania Phil 1862. O [&] 582 4maps 32pls a SMITH, GEORGE A&.BERT] 9472 The rise, progress. . . of the church of. . . Latter Day Saints S L C 1869. O 49 a — ed. 2, enl., same impr. 1872. O 71 — Eng. ed. L 1873. O SMITH, GEORGE G. 9473 History of Methodism in Georgia and Florida, 1785-1865. Macon 1877. D 530 lOports a SMITH, GEORGE G. 9474 The story of Georgia. . . . Macon 1900. O [20] 634 31pls a — ed. 2, with pref. dated 1901, Macon 1900[l904]. O [8 incl.front., 1., 9-20] 664 40pls SMITH, GEORGE W. 9475 Incidents of travel Indp 1855. O 118 b N SMITH, GUSTAVUS W. 9476 Confederate war papers. N Y 1884. O 381 3maps port a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. SMITH, HAMILTON 9477 Cannelton, Perry county, Indiana . . . its natural advantages.... Louisv 1850. O 108 map a SMITH, REV. HENRY 9478 Recollections ... of an old itinerant. . . . N.Y 1848. 16° 352 front a SMITH, ISAAC 9479 Reminiscences of a campaign in Mexico Indp author 1848. 16° [l2] 204 d LC WisH — ed. 2, rev. Indp Chapmans & Spann 1848. O 116 b IndS LC N NYP Y Chapters devoted to Price's campaign, Doniphan's march and the conquest of California. [SMITH, ISAAC B. I 9480 Sketches of the early settlement.. . of Princeton, Illinois, with a sketch of Bureau County. Princeton 1857. D 96 front, a SMITH, J. FRASER 9481 White pillars NY 1941. Q 252[incl. pis] a — ed. 2, same impr. 1946. Architecture along the lower Mississippi. SMITH, J. GRAY 9482 A brief historical. . . review of east Tennessee. ... L 1842. O [l2] 71 map pi a — rptd. in abr. form, L 1843. O 24 SMITH, COLONEL JAMES 9483 An account of . . . occurrences in the life and travels of: ... . Lex 1799. O 88 dd N NYP — anr. ed., with account of Smith's second wife, Phil 1831. 18° 162 b NYP Y — rptd., same collat., Phil 1834. a — anr. ed. "Life of Colonel James Smith . . . ," Phil 1838. No copy known — anr. ed., ed. by Darlington, Cin 1870. O [l2] 190 Also 50 copies on L. P. a Dynamic activities of an inveterate fron- tiersman on the borders of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Kentucky, including captivity among the Indians from 1755 to 1759. One of the imperial books on the early Ohio valley. SMITH, COLONEL JAMES 9484 A treatise on the mode and manner of Indian war. . . . Also — a brief account of twenty-three campaigns . . . against the In- dians. . . since the year 1755.. . . Paris Ky 1812. O [2] 2-59 d MH N Free use is made of material in the author's autobiography. [SMITH, JAMES], 1775-1839 9485 Sketches of Mr. Mathews' celebrated trip to America. ... L 1824. D 24 a SMITH, JAMES W., pub. 9486 First directory of Oklahoma Territory. . . . Gurhrie [l890]. O [6, incl. 2adv-p] 67-84 33-226 [6adv-p] 225-331 + 3adv-p inserted slip at p33 b OkH[of 2copies located] SMITH, JEDIDIAH [S. 1 The travels of: See Sullivan, Maurice S. SMITH, JEROME V. C. 9487 A condensed historical examination of the wars of the Indians. . . . B 1840. O 304 a A condensation, with some additions, of Henry Trumbull's History of the Indian wars. [SMITH, JEROME V. C.] 9488 Memoirs of Andrew Jackson. . . . B 1828. 18° 334 port a — rptd., same impr. & collat., but different port: 1832; 1833; 1834; 1845; 1847; 1850. SMITH, JOE H. 9489 History of Harrison county, Iowa. . . . Des M 1888. O 491 [incl. front.] a SMITH, REV. J[0HN] C. 9490 Reminiscences of early Methodism in Indiana . . . Indp 1879. O [22] 322 a 539 Smith — Smith SMITH, JOHN CALVIN. The autobiography of : . . . trip to Missouri in 1816. . . border ruffian war Phil 1907. D 96 a SMITH, j[OHN] CALVIN 9492 The illustrated hand-book. . . for travelers through the United States. . . . N Y 1846. 16 233 map pi a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1847. —other eds., same impr., 234p, map & pi: 1848; 1849; 1850. — anr. ed. "Hand-book for travellers.. . ," N Y 1856. 16° 275 map — Eng. ed. "The emigrant's hand-book...," L 1850. 16° [10] 267 map pi — rptd., same collat., Liv n.d. — abr. ed. "A new guide for travelers through the United States. . . ," N Y 1846. 16° 79 map — rptd., same collat.: 1847; 1850. SMITH, j[0HN] CALVIN 9493 The western tourist and emigrant's guide, with a compendious gazetteer. ... IVFJ. H. Colton 1839. 18° 180 map a — rptd., same collat., 1840. — anr. ed. "The western tourist, or emi- grant's guide. . . being an accurate [etc. J description. . . ," [Smith's name not on t-p] N Y 1843. 18° 119 map — rptd., same collat.; 1844; 1845; 1846; 1847. — other eds., with 89p & map: 1850; 1851; 1853. — reissued, "Colton's Traveller and tourist's guide-book through the western states and territories," 1855; 1856; 1857. For other handbooks, essentially the same, see Colton, Joseph H. SMITH, JOHN JAY, and WATSON, 9494 JOHN F. American historical and literary curiosi- ties [No.1], Phil 1847. F [6] 74 a eds. 2 & 3, same impr., date & collat. — No. 2, Phil 1847. F [4] 74 a — eds. 4, 5 & 6, containing material in above 2nos.: N Y 1850; N Y 1852; N Y 1861. — ser. 2, Phil 1860. F [4] 200 a issue with N Y impr. SMITH, JOHN R. 9495 Descriptive pamphlet of Smith's leviathan panorama of the Mississippi river. . . .Phil 1848. O 32 a — anr. ed., with different title, Phil 1853. O 32 — Eng. ed., with different title, L 1849. O — Ger. tr. Berlin 1851. D 32 This moving panorama was 4 miles in length and depicted the river, in its 4,000 miles, from St. Paul to the Gulf. 9491 SMITH, JOHN W. 9496 History of Macon county, Illinois. Spring- field 1876. O 304 [4] port a SMITH, JOSEPH, D. D. 9497 History of Jefferson college: .... Pitt 1857. D 433 + 2adv-p port a — anr. issue, with list of graduates, &c., added, same impr. & date. D 433 [24] + 2adv-p port SMITH, JOSEPH, D. D. 9498 Old Redstone; or, historical sketches of western Presbyterianism. . . . Phil 1854. O 459 8pls a [SMITH, JOSEPH] prophet 9499 A book of commandments, for the govern- ment of the Church of Christ. Zion [i.e. Independence Mo] 1833. 24° 160 [incom- plete, but all ptd] There were 2 variations of t-p, one without, one with, ornamental borders, dd NYP UCHO Y — rptd.: S L C 1884. 18° 96 [incl. front cover] a; S L C 1903. same collat.; Lamoni la 1903. 16° 136 [incl. front cover]; In- dependence 1926. 16° 127 First book printed at Independence and the second publication of the Mormon Church. While being printed, a Missouri mob attacked the printing office and destroyed nearly all the sheets. For a later work containing these commandments, written down from revelations received by Smith, see below Docrrfnes and covenants. SMITH, JOSEPH, prophet 9500 The book of Mormon Palmyra N Y 1830. O 588 [2] a Some copies have, in- serted, a 4-p. index ["References"] which was ptd. later b N NYP — ed. 2, with changes, Kirtland O 1837. 16° [2] 5-621 a — ed. 3, rev., Nauvoo 111 [ptd. Cin] 1840. 16° [4] 7-573 a — anr. issue of this ed. has different set-up of type, at end, carrying text to p. 574. Some copies have, inserted, 4 1. of index, ptd. at Nauvoo a little later b — ed. 4, Nauvoo 1842. 16 same collat. a — Eng. ed. , from Am. ed. 2, with index added, Liv 1841. 16° [4] 634 637-643 a — rptd. often in Am. & Eng. and in tr. in many countries. On this flimsy foundation was reared America's most successful theocracy, its most enduring communal movement. In the first edition only was Smith named as au- thor; in all subsequent ones he is desig- nated as translator. The first edition was also the only one carrying his two-page preface. 540 Smith — Smith SMITH, JOSEPH, prophet, et al. 9501 Doctrines and covenants of the Church of Latter Dav Saints Kirtland O 1835. 18° 257 [25] a — ed. 2, with adds., Nauvoo III 1844. 18° [2] 5-448 — ed. 3, Nauvoo 1845. same collat. — -ed. 4, Nauvoo 1846. same collat. — many later eds. Contains revelations to Smith as printed in A book of commandments, with additions. SMITH, JOSEPH, JR. [prophet] et al 9502 Document containing the correspondence . . . and the evidence given. . . on the trial of: for high treason Fayeffe Mo 1841. O [4] 163 b NYP UCHO Y — rptd., in part, "Document showing the testimony. ..." [Wash 184ll O 47 a SMITH, MR. [JOSEPH], [prophet] 9503 Evidence taken on the trial of: before the municipal court of Nauvoo. . . . Nauvoo [1843]. O 38 b H Y The evidence relates to Mormon persecu- tions in Missouri. SMITH, JOSEPH [Mormon prophet] 9504 History of: Liv [l852]. O 88 no t-p, capt. heading "Supplement to vol. 14 ... of the .. . Millenial Star." a [SMITH, JOSEPH] prophet 9505 The pearl of great price. . . . Selections from the revelations ... of Joseph Smith.. . . Liv 1851. O [8] 56 fold.pl a — Am. ed., with adds., S L C 1878. O [4] 71 fold.pl — many reprints, Eng. & Am., and tr. into several languages SMITH, JOSEPH, prophet 9506 The voice of truth, containing [his] cor- respondence. . . . Nauvoo 1844. O 64 b G NYP Y — rptd. with cover-t. dated, Nauvoo 1845. SMITH, JOSEPH A. 9507 A pamphlet descriptive of northwestern Iowa and southwestern Minnesota. ... Spirit Lake la 1874. O 24 + cover-t. a SMITH, JOSHUA H. 9508 An authentic narrative of the causes which led to the death of Major Andre. . . . L 1808. O [8] 358 + 2adv-p map 2pls a — Am. ed. N Y 1809. 16 214 port SMITH, JOSHUA H. 9509 Record of the trial of: for. . . conspiracy in the treason of Benedict Arnold. Morrisania N Y 1866. O [6] 116 a 50copies ptd. Only separate edition of this trial. SMITH, JOSHUA TOULMIN 9510 The northmen in New England. . . . B 1839. D [l2] 364[incl. chart] 2maps a —Eng. ed. "The discovery of America by the northmen. . . ," L 1839. D [l2] 344[incL chart] 2maps 2pls — Eng. ed. 2, with adds., L 1842. D [l2] 348 2maps 2pls SMITH, JUSTIN H. 9511 The annexation of Texas. ...NY 1911. O [10] 496 [l]a SMITH, JUSTIN H. 9512 Our struggle for the fourteenth colony. Canada and the American revolution. N Y 1907. O 2v: [26] 638; [l8] 635. 2fronts. a SMITH, JUSTIN H. 9513 The war with Mexico. N Y 1919. O 2v: [22] 572; [14] 620. map a SMITH, MRS. LUCY 9514 Biographical sketches of Joseph Smith, the prophet Liv 1853. 18° 298 a — rptd. Piano /// 1880. 18° 312 — rev. ed. "History of the prophet Joseph ...," S L C 1902. O 296 4ports The original edition was condemned in 1865 by the Mormon Church as unauthorized and inaccurate and some copies were de- stroyed. The 1902 edition was from a revi- sion made by order of Brigham Young in 1876. SMITH, MARGARET Leaves from [her] journal. . . . See Whittier, John G. SMITH, MRS. MARY 9515 An affecting narrative of the captivity. . . of: . . . rescued from the merciless hands of the savages by a detached party from the army of . . . General Jackson, now command- ing at New-Orleans. Prov by L. Scott [l815l D 24 front, b Hn LC NYP — issue 2, omitting the account of Indians killing thirty persons which followed Mrs. Smith's captivity in issue 1, Prov for L. Scott [1815]. D 24 front, b AA — anr. ed. Prov for L. Scott [l815l 24° 32 front, b — anr. ed., with "New Orleans" on t-p not hyphenated, Prov for L. Scott [l815]. D 24 front, b — anr. ed., t-p describes General Jackson as "late commanding at New-Orleans," Prov for L. Scott [l816?]. D 24 front, b — other eds.: Bangor 1816. D 18; Wmsbg Mass 1818. D 24; n. p. [l818?]. D 24 b Y SMITH, MRS. MARY ETTIE V. Fifteen years among the Mormons. . . . See Green, Nelson W. 541 Smith — Smith SMITH, MATTHEW H. 9516 Twenty years among the bulls and bears of Wall street. Hart 1870. O [22] 25-557 + 2adv-p 12pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1871; N Y 1871. — anr. ed., with 1873 crisis added, "Bulls and bears of New York. . . ," Hart 1874. O [22] 25-576 12 P ls — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1875. [SMITH, MELANCTHON] 9517 An address to the people of . . . New-York; shewing the necessity of . . . amendments to the constitution proposed for the United States. N Y 1778. O 26 a One of the amendments urged, the Bill of Rights, was adopted; another, for a definite limit upon federal taxation, has remained unheeded to this day. SMITH, M[lCHAEL] 9518 A complete history of the late American war.... Sixth edition, rev. Lex 1816. 16 288 a Called "sixth edition," as there had previously appeared five editions of the author's Geographical view, the fifth edition of which included a concise sketch of this war, see following entry. SMITH, M[lCHAEL] 9519 A geographical view, of.. . upper Canada. And remarks relative to the situation of the inhabitants respecting the war. Hart, por [sic] the author, 1813. D 107 a — ed. 2, enl., Hart John Russell 1813. 16° [4] 119 — anr. issue, N Y 1813. D 119 — ed. 3, Trenton 1813. D 119 pi — other issues: Phil, for the author, 1813. D 120; Phil, for Desilver, 1813. same collat.; N Y 1813. same collat. — anr. ed. enl., with a concise history of the war, "A geographical view of the British possessions. . .," Bait 1814. 16° 288 The author considered the last entry as being the 5th edition: some copies, sent to Washington, were burned by the British. For a 6th edition, see above, A complete history. . . . SMITH, M[lCHAEL] 9520 Human sorrow and divine comfort, or a short narrative of the sufferings ... of : Rich 1814. D 38 b Hn[only copy known] — rptd. Rich 1815. a — ed. 3, enl. "A narrative of the sufferings in upper Canada. . . and journey to Virginia and Kentucky. . . ," Lex 1817. 16° 162 b Another edition, with separate title-page, was issued at Lexington, in 1816, contin- uously paged, with the author's Complete history of the late American war, q.v. SMITH, MOSES 9521 History of the adventures and sufferings of: Bklyn 1812. D [8] 13-124 2pls a — rptd. Alb 1814. 18° [4] 13-146 fe] 2pls One of the few contemporary narratives relating to the Miranda expedition. SMITH, MOSES 9522 Naval scenes in the last war; or, three years on board the frigate "Constitution" B 1846. O 50 a SMITH, NELSON F. 9523 History of Pickens county, Ala. . .. 1817- 1856. Carrolton Ala 1856. 16° 272 a SMITH, OtLIVERl H. 9524 Early Indiana trials; and sketches... . Cin 1858. O 640 port a — rptd., same impr., date & collat. SMITH, PHILIP H. 9525 General history of Duchess county LN.Y.] Pawling N Y 1877. O [2] 7-507 map 5pls a SMITH, PHILIP H. 9526 Legends of the Shawangunk. . . and its environs . . . historical sketches . . . relating to those portions of the counties of Orange, Ulster and Sullivan. . . . Pawling N Y 1887. Q [8] 168 8pls a SMITH, PLATT 9527 The Central Pacific railroad. . . . Dubuque 1859. O 38 map b Y SMITH, R. F. [ed.] 9528 Doniphan county, Kansas, history and directory for 1868-9. . . . [Wathena] 1868. O [48, 2 J 349 a SMITH, R. F. 9529 Guide to the southwest along the line of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway. Containing historical sketches. . . . Sedalia Mo 1871. O 216 map a SMITH, RALPH J. 9530 Reminiscences of the civil war. . .. [San Marcos Tex 1911.] O 26 +cov.t. port a [SMITH, RICHARD PENN]? 9531 Col. Crockett's exploits and adventures in Texas . . . written by himself. . . . Phil 1836. D 216 4adv-p at front port a — ed. 6 [probably ed. 2 1, Phil 1837. same collat. — rptd. Cin 1839. same collat.; N Y 1845. D port; N Y 1848. D 2pls — Eng. ed. L 1837. D [8] 152 Ingenious pseudo-autobiography, pur- portedly printed from the manuscript found 542 Smith — Smith with the baggage of a Mexican general slain at San Jacinto. SMITH, ROBERT 9532 Railroad to the Pacific. Report from the Committee. . . to whom was referred the memorial of George Wilkes . . . upon the sub- ject of constructing a railroad. . . between. . . the Missouri and the Columbia. [iVas/i 1846], O 48 a SMITH, ROBERT, of Maryland 9533 Address to the people of the United States. Bait 1811. D 41 a — rptd. , without app. , Lex Ky same date. 34 — several other eds. Concerning his leaving Madison's cabinet over a disagreement on foreign policy. [SMITH, ROBERT HALL] 9534 A series of intercepted letters, captured by the American guard at Tacubaya. . . . Mex 1847. O 37 a — rptd. NO 1847. O 32 — ed. 2, enl., au. named, Columbus O 1848. O 56 SMITH, ROBERT H[ARDY] 9535 An address to the citizens of Alabama on the constitution and laws of the Con- federate States. Mobile 1861. O 24 a SMITH, RODERICK] A. 9536 A history of Dickinson county, Iowa.. . . Des M 1902. O 598 port a SMITH, SAMUEL, L. L. B. 9537 A sermon preach'd before the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia. . . . L 1733. O 42 map a Second official publication of the Georgia Trustees; in it was reprinted their first publication — Some account of the designs of the Trustees. . . , — a folio of four leaves, issued the previous year, containing the earliest map of the colony, reproduced here with some changes. This sermon was the first of a long-continued annual series. SMITH, SAMUEL, 1720-76 The history of the colony of . . . New Jersey Burl MDCCLXV. O [lO] 573 9538 — issue 2, identical except date punctuated: M.DCC.LXV — ed. 2 [Trenton 1877]. O [l6, incl. final blank 1.] 574 map — rptd., with index added, [Trenton ca 1880]. O [16, incl. final blank 1.] 602 2maps — anr. ed., with new t., Trenton 1890. O [14] 613 3fold.maps SMITH, SAMUEL, revolutionary soldier 9539 Memoirs of the life of : . . . from a journal written by himself, 1776-1786. Middle- borough Mass 1853. D 24 a — rptd., t. altered, N Y 1860. O 41 2pls SMITH, sfAMUEL I R. 9540 The story of Wyoming valley. Kingston Pa 1906. O 97 6pls a SMITH, S[AMUEL] R., ed. 9541 The Wyoming valley in 1892. Wilkesbarre 1892. sm Q 160 llpls a SMITH, S[AMUEL] R. 9542 The Wyoming valley in the nineteenth century. Vol.l[all]. Wilkesbarre 1894. Q 153 8pls a SMITH, SARAH, AND THE HESSIAN 9543 The thrilling. . . story of:. . . . Together with Mr. Keith's captivity among the Indians. Phil 1844. O 24 a — rptd., without Keith's captivity, Phil 1845. O 32 [incl. front.] For original edition of the fictitious Keith captivity, see Keith, Capt. Thos. SMITH, SARAH SAUNDERS 9544 The founders of the Massachusetts Bay colony Pittsfield 1897. O 372 21pls 3facs plan a SMITH, MRS. SEBA 9545 The western captive; or the times of Tecumseh. N Y 1842. Q 48 a Captivity of Mrs. Margaret Mason. SMITH, SIDNEY 9546 The settler's new home. . . a guide to emigrants L 1849. 16° [l2] 144 a — anr. issue, L n.d. D [44] 106 — enl. ed. [with pt2 on Austria, Africa, etc.], L 1850. 16 b 2pts in 1: [6, 3-12] 144; [26] 105 a One of the earliest English emigration manuals to mention California. SMITH TRAGEDY Smith (The "Soapy") tragedy. See Le Febre, H. B. SMITH, S0L[0M0N F.] 9547 The theatrical apprenticeship [etc. I of: . . . the first seven years of his profes- sional life. . . . Phil Carey & Hart 1846. D 216 [incl. front., illus t-p, & 6pls] a — rptd., same collat., 1847[illus t-p dated 1848]. — anr. ed., no text on p216, otherwise same collat., Phil Peterson [1854]. — anr. undated ed. D [2] 7-254 port 543 Smith — Smith SMITH, SOLOMON F.] 9548 The theatrical journey-work [etc.] of: . . . the second seven years of his professional life.... Phil [1855]. D 254 [incl. front-cover & port] a SMITH, SOL[OMON F.] 9549 Theatrical management in the west and south for thirty years NY 1868. O 276 + 4adv-p a SMITH, S[TEPHEN] R. 9550 Historical sketches . . . illustrative of the establishment. . . of Universalism in the state of New York. But 1843. 18° 249 [l] a — ser. 2, But 1848. D 248 a [SMITH, T.] 9551 Rambling recollections of a trip to Amer- ica. Edin 1875. D [6] 9-55 a SMITH, JUSTICE [THEOPHILUS W.] 9552 Opinion. . . on Beaubien's claim. . . . Chi 1837. O 26 b ChiH LC This case involved land on which Chicago was laid out. First book of a literary nature printed in that city. [SMITH, THOMAS] of Liverpool 9553 Hints to emigrants. . . with copious ex- tracts from the journal of Thomas Hulme. . . . Liv 1817. O 37 a — ed. 2, enl. & au. named, "The emigrant's guide to the United States.. . including the substance of the journal of Thomas Hulme . ..." L 1818. O [4] 52 SMITH, REV. THOMAS, of Portland 9554 Extracts from the journals of: . . . 1720- 1788. Porr Me 1821. D 164 [4] 154 [2] a — rptd., with journal of Rev. Samuel Deane and other adds., Port 1849. O 484 map 3 ports Includes much on Indian wars of New England. SMITH, TtHOMAS] MARSHALL 9555 Legends of the war of independence, and of the early settlements in the west. Louisv 1855. O 397 a t'ects. . . injurious to the American people. Wash 1848], O 31 no t-p a One of the earliest Congressional utter- ances on this region. [SMITH, VENTURE] 9558 A narrative of the life. . . of Venture, a native of Africa . . . resident above sixty years in the United States. . . . N Lond 1798. O 32 a — rptd, same impr. 1835. D 24; Middletown 1897. O 41 SMITH, WALKER C. 9559 The Everett massacre: a history of the class struggle in the lumber industry. Chi I. W. VV. Pub. Bureau [l920?]. D fe] 9-302 + 2adv-p a Sabin 84489 gives reasons for believing that an earlier edition — of 358 pages — may have been issued in 1918. SMITH, REV. WESLEY 9560 A family history and fifty-two years. . . in Mississippi and Texas. Nashv 1898. O 167 [38] a [SMITH, PROVOST WILLIAM] 9561 An account of the proceedings of the Ilinois and Ouabache Land Companies. . . . Phil 1796. O [15] 55 b AA JCB NYP Y — rptd., with adds., "Illinois" on t-p spelled correctly, Phil 1796 [i.e. 1797]. O [16] 55, 8, 8, 7, 7 b JCB N — anr. issue, paginat. after p. 55 continuous. O [16] 55, 26 a — rptd. Phil 1803. O [14] 74 a; 1810. These two companies having acquired land in present Illinois and Indiana, sepa- rately, from Indians, merged in 1780 as the United Illinois and Ouabach Land Compan- ies. SMITH, [PROVOST] WILLIAM 9562 Additional discourses and essays.. . . L 1762. O 112 [21, 39-106] a Separate printing of new material added to edition two of his Discourses, issued for the convenience of owners of edition one of that work. SMITH, THOMAS W. 9556 Narrative of the life, travels ... of: B 1844. D 233 [7] a Eighteen voyages, including seven whal- ing expeditions to the South Pacific. SMITH, TRUMAN 9557 Speech on the physical character of the northern states of Mexico (including the disputed territory between the Nueces and the Rio Grande, also New Mexico and Upper California) . . . showing that the present war with Mexico has been prosecuted for ob- [SMITH, (PROVOST) WILLIAM] 9563 A brief state of the province of Pennsyl- vania L 1755. O [2] 45 a — ed. 2, same place, date & collat. — rptd. Dub 1755. O 48; N Y 1865. O — ed. 3, L 1756. O 47 Denunciation of Quakers for their attitude concerning frontier defence. [SMITH, (PROVOST) WILLIAM] 9564 A brief view of the conduct of Pennsyl- vania, for. . . 1755; ... as it affected the general service of the British colonies, 544 Smith — Smith particularly the expedition under. . . Brad* dock. . . . L &, sold by Mr. Bradford in Phila- delphia 1756. O 88 a Sequel to the author's Brief state of Pennsylvania. For abridged French,transla- tion of both, see Pensilvanie (la). Etat present de: SMITH, [PROVOST] WILLIAM 9565 Discourses on several public occasions during the war in America. ... L 1759. O [12] 246 a — ed. 2, with adds., t. slightly altered, L for A. Miller, D. Wilson, et al 1762. O [16] 224 [160] a — ed. 2, issue 2, L for A. Miller, R. Griffiths, et al 1762. O [l6] 224 [33, 39- 160] For Additional discourses, see above. 9566 Phil SMITH, PROVOST WILLIAM Eulogium on Benjamin Franklin. . . 1792. O [4] 40 [6] a — Eng. ed. L 1792. O [4] 39 [SMITH, PROVOST WILLIAM 9567 An examination of the Connecticut claim to lands in Pennsylvania... . Phil 1774. O [2] 93 32 map a — anr. issue, with text on p94. O [2] 94 32 map a A post-revolution Congress awarded the contested land to Connecticut; from the proceeds of its sale, Connecticut's school fund was established. [SMITH, PROVOST WILLIAM, et al] 9568 Four dissertations, on the reciprocal advantages of a perpetual union between Great-Britain and her American colonies. . . . Phil 1766. O [18] 12 [2] 112 a —Eng. ed. L [l766]. O [lo] 12 [2] 112 Smith made the presentation address at the delivery of the prize medal. The dis- sertations were by John Morgan, Stephen Watts, Joseph Reed and Francis Hopkinson. [SMITH, PROVOST WILLIAM] 9569 An historical account of .. . canal naviga- tion in Pennsylvania Phil 1795. Q [l6] 77 map a — anr. issue, with adds., same impr. & date. Q [16] 80 map Ascribed also to Robert Morris. [SMITH, PROVOST WILLIAM] 9570 An historical account of the expedition against the Ohio Indians . . . under the com- mand of Henry Bouquet. . . . Phil 1765. Q [16] 71 map 2plans c NYP Y — Eng. ed. L 1766. Same collat. with dif- ferent map and 2pls[by Benjamin West] added, b AA N NYP Y — rptd., with adds., Cin 1868. O [24] 162 nap 2plans 2pls a some copies on L.P. — anr. ed. [with "Rogers' Journals"] Dub 1769. D [l0] 218 [20] 99 a; Dub 1770. same collat. — Fr. tr., with biog. of Bouquet, Amst 1769. O [14] 147 [10] 2maps 4pls a — rptd. P 1778. same collat. Originally ascribed to Thomas Hutchins, who accompanied this expedition and ex- ecuted the 2plans; but that the book was prepared by Smith, from Bouquet's notes, has been established. This campaign gave Pontiac's conspiracy its death-blow. [SMITH, PROVOST WILLIAM] 9571 Memorial of the Illinois and Wabash Land Companies. [Phil 1797]. O 8 8 7 7 a — rptd. Bait 1810. O 47 This Memorial also formed a part of the second Philadelphia edition of this author's An account of the proceedings of the Illinois and Ouabache Land Companies, q.v. SMITH, PROVOST WILLIAM 9572 An oration in memory of General Mont- gomery, and of the officers and soldiers, who fell with him. . . before Quebec. . . . Phil 1776. O [6] 44 some copies have errata list on p44 a — rptd., same yr., N YD 36; Newport O [2] 30; Norwich O 22 — Eng. eds., same yr., L O [4] 36 l2 eds.]; Newcastle O 35; Belt O 48 In making this address before Continental Congress, Smith aroused stupefaction and hostility by suggesting appeasement with England. [SMITH, PROVOST WILLIAM]? 9573 Plain truth; addressed to the inhabitants of America, containing remarks on. .. Com- mon sense. . . . Phil 1776. O [8] 84 + 2adv-p a — other variant issues, same impr. & date, collate erratically: one paged [6] 9-04 57-64 73-86 79-84; the other paged [6] 9-64 57-64 73-80 73-78 89-96 — — ed. 2, possibly precedes last of above variants, Phil 1776. same collat. as first of above variants — new ed., with adds., Phil 1776. O [2] 5- 64 57-64 73-96 [8] 97-136 — anr. issue, same date & impr., collates: 64 57-64 73-96 [8] 97-136 — Eng. eds.: L 1776. O [4] 48; ed, 2, cor., L 1776. same collat.; Dub 1776. O [4] 44; L 1783. Most famous answer to Paine's advocacy for independence in Common sense. At- tributed also to George Chalmers, Alexander Hamilton, Joseph Galloway, Charles Inglis, and Richard Wells. 545 Smith — Smith SMITH, [PROVOST] WILLIAM 9574 A sermon on the present situation of Amer- ican affairs Phil 1775. O [8] 32 a — other eds., same yr.: N Y; Wilm Del — Eng. eds. [of 1775]: L [3eds.]; Bristol [2eds.J; Dub; Belt — Welsh ed. "Pregeth ar Helynt Bressenol America," Bristol 1775. O 24 [SMITH, PROVOST WILLIAM] 9575 The speech of a Creek-Indian. . . . L 1754. O 68 a — rptd. "Some account of the North- America Indians; their genius. . .," L [l754], O 68 + 2adv-p SMITH, WILLIAM C. 9583 Indiana miscellany. . . . Cin 1867. D 304 a [SMITH, WILLIAM CALVIN] 9584 The private in gray. . . . \ballas 1908]. O [4] 7-134 a SMITH, WILLIAM HENRY, 1833-96 9585 A political history of slavery. ...NY 1903. O 2v: [l8] 350; fc] 456 port a SMITH, WILLIAM HENRY, ED. 9586 1833-96 The St. Clair papers. . . . Cin 1882. See under St. Clair, Arthur SMITH, WILLIAM, banker 9576 Notes of a short American tour. Dumfries 1873. D [4] 3-82 a SMITH, WILLIAM, of Canada 9577 The history of the post office in British North America, 1639-1870. C 1920. O LlOj 356 3ports a SMITH, WILLIAM, of Yorkshire 9578 A Yorkshireman's trip to the United States and Canada. L 1892. O [l6] 317 + 3adv-p 2ports a [SMITH, WILLIAM, JR.] historian of 9579 N. Y. The candid retrospect: or, the American war examined. . . . Charlestown S C 1780. Q 30 b BM [only copy known] — rptd. N Y 1780. sq. D 28 a Pleads for compromise and reconciliation. SMITH, WILLIAM, JR., historian of 9580 N. Y. The history of the province of New- York L 1757. Q [12] 255 pi b Hn NYP Y — untrimmed copy on larger and thicker paper d Hn N ■, — ed. 2, omitting dedication & pi, L 1776. O [8] 160 [12] 161-256 [l2] 257-334 a — Am. ed. [also styling itself ed. 2\ Phil 1792. O 276 — anr. Am. ed.: Alb 1814, with adds. O 512 — Fr. tr. L 1767. D [4, 7-16] 415 First history of New York. SMITH, WILLIAM A. 9581 Lectures on the philosophy and practice of slavery. . . . Nash 1856. D 328 + 4adv-p a — rptd. same impr. &• collat. 1857. SMITH, MAJ. Wl ILLiAMi 9582 ALEXANDER] The Anson guards, Company C, Four- teenth Regiment, North Carolina Volunteers, 1861-5. Charlotte N C 1914. O [l2] 368 lOpls a SMITH, WILLIAM HENRY, 1839-1935 The history of . . . Indiana. . . 1763-1897. Indp 1897. O 2v: [20] 512; [l2] 513-1015. 4maps 28pls a — rev. ed. Indp 1903. O 2v: [l2] 512; [s] 522. 2maps 22pls [SMITH, WILLIAM L., of S. C.] 9587 A candid examination of the objections to the treaty. . . between the United States and Great Britain. . . . Charleston S C 1795. 42 a — rptd., with added t-p, "The eyes opened ...," N Y 1795. O [2] 43 [2] 5 SMITH, WILLIAM L., of S. C. 9588 A comparative view of the constitutions of the several states. . . . Phil 1796. Q [lo] 9-34 6f old. tabs a — rev. ed. Wash 1832. O [SMITH, WILLIAM L. ] of S. C. 9589 The pretensions of Thomas Jefferson to the Presidency examined. . . . [Phi/] 1796. O 2pts.: [64]; [2] 42 a — rptd. "Phocion's examination of the pre- tensions of. . . Jefferson. . . , " Phil 1797. Oliver Wolcott probably helped in the production of these Federalist pamphlets. For reply see Federalist (The) containing some strictures. . . . SMITH, W[lLLIAM] L. G. 9590 Fifty years of public life. The life and times of Lewis Cass. N Y 1856. O 781 port a SMITH, wflLLIAM] L.G. 9591 Life at the south; or "Uncle Tom's cabin" as it is Bui 1852. D fc] 13-519 7pls a — Eng. ed. " 'Uncle Tom's cabin' as it is; or, life at the south," L 1852. D [SMITH, WILLIAM LOUGHTON] 9592 The politicks and views of a certain party displayed. [Phil?] 1792. O 36 a Defends Hamilton's financial policies. Ascribed also to Hamilton. 546 Smith — Smyth [SMITH, WILLIAM PRESCOTT] 9593 A history and description of the Baltimore and Ohio rail road Belt 1853. O 200 map 6ports a SMITH, W[lLLIAM] ROY South Carolina as a royal province. N Y 1903. O 20 441 + 2adv-p a 9594 9595 SMITH, WILLIAM RUDOLPH Discourse . . . before the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. . . . Madison 1850. 53 a SMITH, WILLIAM R[UD0LPH] 9596 The history of Wisconsin. Vols. I & III [all]. Madison 1854. O 2v: 432; 443 a SMITH, WILLIAM RUDOLPH 9597 Incidents of a journey from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin. .. in 1837. Ed. J. G. Gregory. Chi [ptd. Wooster o] 1927. O 82 a 115copies ptd. — L. P. issue, Wooster O. same date & collat. 35copies ptd. [SMITH, WILLIAM RUDOLPH] 9598 Observations on the Wisconsin Territory Phil 1838. D [8] 134 map[eng. by Young] b AA N NYP Y Based on personal investigation; aside from Lea's Notes, earliest extensive de- scription of Wisconsin. The ten pages on "Iowa Territory" is the first account of it under that designation. SMITH, WILLIAM R[USSELL], of Ala. 9599 The history and debates of the convention of the people of Alabama. . . . Montg 1861. O 336 339-464 [l2] a Principal authority on the momentous secession convention. SMITH, WILLIAM R[USSELL], of Ala. 9600 Reminiscences of a long life. Vol. I [all]. Wash [1889]. O 376 8ports a [SMITH, WILLIAM STEPHENS] 9601 Remarks on the late infraction of treaty at New Orleans. N Y 1803. O 44 a Relative to Spain's suspension of Ameri- can right to use this port. SMITH, ZACHARIAH F. 9602 The battle of New Orleans.. . .' Louisv Filson club 1904. Q [l6] 209 2maps 6pls a SMITH, Z[ACHARIAH] F. 9603 The history of Kentucky. . . . Louisv 1886. O [28] 824 2maps 8pls a — anr. ed., with adds., same impr. 1892. O [32l 916 2maps 8pls anr. ed., with add. chap., same impr. 1895. O [32] 848 3pls — rptd. Louisv 1901. O SMITHWICK, NOAH 9604 The evolution of a state; or, recollections of old Texas days Austin [l90o]. D [l0] 9-354 5pls a — rptd. Austin 1935. After some lawless years, served through the War for Texas Independence and later as a Ranger. He was the blacksmith who forged the knife bearing Colonel Bowie's SMOKY HILL EXPEDITION (THE) Report and map of the superintendant and engineer of: ... . See Green, H. T., and Tennison, O. M. SMYLIE, JAMES 9605 Review of a Letter from the presbytery of Chillicothe to the presbytery of Missis- sippi, on the subject of slavery. Woodville Miss 1836. D 88 a Refutation of Ohio's charge that slavery being an accursed thing, all slaveholders were essentially evil and should be denied church membership. SMYTH, SIR JAMES CARMICHAEL 9606 Precis of the war in Canada, from. . . 1755 to. . . 1814 L 1826. O [14] 186 a — rptd. L 1862. O [4] 7-216 SMYTH, JOHN F. D. 9607 Narrative or journal of: taken prisoner by the rebels in 1775, lately escaped from them [capt. t.]n.p. n.d. UV Y? 1778?]. O 24 b JCB NYP SMYTH, JOHN F. D. 9608 A tour in the United States. . . . L 1784. O 2v: [24] 400; [12] 455. 2errata 1. & 6p. of subscribers a — anr. ed. Dub 1784. D 2v: [l6] 263; [lo] 288 — Fr. tr. abr. P 1791. 2v: [l2] 206; [4] 272 SMYTH, PATRICK 9609 The present state of the Catholic mis- sion, conducted by the ex-Jesuits in North- America Dub 1788. O 48 a Arraignment of Bishop Carroll, of Maryland. SMYTH, THOMAS 9610 The battle of Fort Sumter. . . a discourse .... Columbia S C 1861. O 37 a For similar title, see Fort Sumter. 547 Smyth — Solms-Braunfels SMYTH, THOMAS 9611 The true origin of the Mecklenburg and national declaration of independence. . . . Columbia 1847. O 29 a Argues that both of these instruments were influenced by Presbyterian covenants in Scotland and Ireland. SMYTHE, HENRY. 9612 Historical sketch of Parker county and Weatherford, Texas. St L 1877. D fe] 476 + 16adv-p at front a SNAKE INDIANS (THE) 9613 Correspondence relating to the massacre of immigrants by: Salem Ore 1854. O 25 b OreH S SNEDECOR, VICTORIA G. 9614 A directory of Green county. . . embracing . . . sketch of the early settlement. . . . Mobile 1856. O 74 + advs maplnot issued in all copies J a [SNELLING, WILLIAM J.] 9615 A brief and impartial history of the life and actions of Andrew Jackson. ... B 1831. 16° 216 port a [SNELLING, WILLIAM J.] 9616 Tales of the northwest; or, sketches of Indian life and character. B 1830. 16° [8] 288 a Based on the author's fur-trapping ad- ventures in the upper Missouri region. [SNELLING, WILLIAM J.] 9617 Tales of travel west of the Mississippi. B 1830. 16° [16] 162 map a — rptd. B 1836. 16° 176 map First American juvenile book on the trans- Mississippi region, giving account of its early explorers, wild tribes, etc. [SNOW, WILLIAM P.] 9621 Southern generals, who they are. ...NY 1865. O [6] 9-474 + 3adv-p 17ports a — rptd., au. named, with adds., "Southern generals, their lives. . . ," N Y 1866. O fc] 9-500 + 3adv-p 17ports — anr. ed., "Lee and his generals," N Y 1867. O 500[incl. front. ] + 2adv-p 17ports SNOWDEN, JAMES R. 9622 The Cornplanter memorial. . . . Harrisburg 1867. O [2] 115 front, a SNYDER, JOHN F. 9623 Adam W. Snyder and his period in Illinois history Springfield 111 1903. D 392 [2] 2pls a — rptd. Virginia 111 1906. D 437 ports SNYDER, JOHN F. 9624 Captain John Baptist Saucier at Fort Chartres in the Illinois, 1751-63. Peoria 1901. D 93 a small ed. — ed. 2, Springfield 111 1919. D All known facts concerning the French officer who built this stronghold of the Illinois wilderness. [SORGEL, ALWIN H.] 9625 Fur Auswanderungslustige! Briefe eines unter des Mainzer Vereins nach Texas Ausgewanderten. . . . Leip 1847. D [6] 58 a SORGEL, A[LWIN]H. Neuste Nachrichten aux Texas. Eisleben 1847. D 38 a 9626 SOJOURNER TRUTH Narrative of: B 1850. See Gilbert, Olive. SOLA, A. E. I. 9627 Klondyke; truth and facts of the new Eldorado. L [l897]. O 102 3maps 22pls a SNIVELY, JACOB 9618 Field notes of thirteen leagues of land. . . in Coryell county, Texas. Wash 1858. D 155 map a SNOW, CALEB H. 9619 A history of Boston. ... B 1824-5. O 16pts, paged continuously to 400. [t-p bears date 1825. hence bound copies show that date only] 3maps 17pls a — ed. 2, with minor changes, B 1828. O 427 3maps 18pls SNOW, SAMUEL 9620 The exile's return; or narrative of : . . . banished to Van Dieman's Land for partici- pating in the patriot war in Upper Canada, in 1838. Clev 1846. O 32 a SOLDIER'S STORY Soldier's story (A) of the war. . . . See Bartlett, Napier. SOLIGNAC, ARMAND DE 9628 Les mines de la Californie. Limoges [1852]. O [8] 12-98 pi a SOLMS-BRAUNFELS, CARL, 9629 PRINZ ZU Texas. Geschildert in Beziehung auf seine geographischen, socialen und ubrigen Verhaltnisse mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die deutsche Colonisation.... Frankf 1846. O [10] 134 2maps b N Y — Eng. tr. Houston 1936. Q [l4 incl.port] 141 a 750copies ptd. By a leading German colonizer in Texas. 548 Sole Soto SOLON Solon; or the rebellion of '61. ... By Delphine. See Baker, Delphine P. SOME ACCOUNT Some account of the North-America In- dians; their genius.... See Smith, Provost Wm., The speech of a Creek Indian. . . . SOME... SUGGESTIONS 9630 Some candid suggestions towards accomo- dation of differences with America. ... L 1775. O 33 a SOME HINTS 9631 Some hints to people in power, on the present. . . situation of our colonies in North America L 1763. O 48 a SOME OBSERVATIONS 9632 Some observations of consequence. .. oc- casioned by the stamp-tax. . . . Phil 1768. O 80 a SOME OBSERVATIONS Some observations on the. . . Indian natives of this continent. See Benezet, Anthony. SOME REASON 9633 Some reason for approving of the Dean of Gloucester's plan of separating from the colonies L 1775. O 32 a SOME STRICTURES 9634 Some strictures on the late occurrences in North America L 1766. O 24 a SOME THOUGHTS Some thoughts concerning domestic slavery. . . . See Carey, John L. SOME THOUGHTS Some thoughts on the method of improv- ing. . . the advantages which accrue to Great- Britain from the northern colonies. See Mauduit, Israel. SOMERS, ROBERT 9635 The southern states since the war. L 1871. O [12] 286 [2] map a SOMMER, K[ARL] v[0N] 9636 Bericht uber meine Reise nach Texas im Jahre 1846 Bremen 1847. D [8] 84 pi a Usually bound with following entry. SOMMER, K[ARL] V[ON] 9637 Nachtrag zu dem Berichte meiner Reise nach Texas. .. . Braunschweig 1847. D fe] 51 a SOMMER, WILHlELM] Erindringer fra et ophold i Amerika. Copenft 1868. 16° 122 a 9638 SONORA Proyectos de leyes sobre colonizacion y comercio en el estado de: See Paredes, M. SONORA Rudo ensayo, tentativa de una preven- cional descripcion geographica. . . de: See Smith, Buckingham. SONORA... CO. 9639 Sonora Exploring and Mining Co. (The). Report of: Cin 1856. O 43 4maps 4pls b Hn NYP — anr. issue, possibly earlier, ends on p44 & has only 2maps & 4pls b — anr. ed. Cin 1857. O 24 map 3pls a — abr. ed. n.p. [l857]. Q 4 — same, "2nd Annual Report," Cin 1858. O 16 — same, "3rd Annual Report," N Y 1859. O 30 5maps & pis b — same, "4th Annual Report," N Y 1860. O 18 a These reports, based on surveys made by C. D. Poston, Herman Ehrenberg, et al, presented the first reliable information on Arizona after the Gadsden Treaty. SONORA... EXPEDITION 9640 Sonora filibustering expedition. Execution of Col. Crabb and associates. Message from the President communicating official in- formation and documents. . . . [Wash 1858]. O 84 a Crabb invaded Sonora with a handful of Californians, intending to conquer that Mexican state and annex it to the United States. All fell before a firing squad. SONS Sons (The) of the sires. . . can. See Anspach, F. R. By an Ameri- SORENSON, ALFRED R. 9641 Early history of Omaha. .. . Omaha 1876. O [4] 248 [incl. advs] front, port a — rptd., with adds., Omaha 1889. O 342 [incl. initial blank 1. & advs at end] double-p.pl SORENSON, ALtFRED R.] 9642 "Hands up!" or the history of a crime. The great Union Pacific express robbery. Omaha 1877. D [8] ll-139[incl.pls] + 4adv-p bGLC SORRELL, G. MOXLEY 9643 Recollections of a Confederate staff officer. N Y 1905. O 315 port a — ed. 2, N Y 1917. O 309 port SOTO, HERNANDO DE. 9644 Letter of: and memoir of Hernando de Escalante Fontaneda. Tr. Buckingham 549 Soule — South Carolina Smith. Wash 1854. Q 67 map a 100 copies ptd., some on L. P. SOULE, FRANK, et al. 9645 The annals of San Francisco. ...NY 1855. O 824 2maps 6pls a SOULES, FRANCOIS 9646 Histoire des troubles de l'Amerique anglaise L 1775. O 2v: [8] 335; [2] 12[mispaged 8] 9-224 223-233 [59j a — enl. - & best - ed. P 1787. O 4v: [8] 380 + 3adv-p, misnumb. 4-6; [4] 365; [4] 420; [4] 272 L43]. 3maps a — Ger. tr. Zurich 1788. O 2v: [l6] 510; 520. map In its completed form the best French history of this war; Rochambeau aided in its preparation. SOUTH 9647 South (Our) and her future. By a southerner Augusta Ga 1862. D 34 [2] cover t. only a SOUTH South (The) alone should govern the south. . . . See Townsend, John. SOUTH 9648 South (The) and the North. . . reply to Lecture on the North and the South, by Ellwood Fisher. By a South Carolinian. Wash 1849. O 32 a SOUTH South by west; or, winter in the Rocky mountains. . . . See Kingsley, Rose G. SOUTH South (The) vindicated from the treason and fanaticism of the northern abolitionists. See Drayton, Wm. SOUTH CAROLINA 9649 Address by the people of: to the slave- holding states. Charleston 1860. O 50 a SOUTH CAROLINA An address to the freemen of. Cassius. See Burke, Aedanus. By SOUTH CAROLINA 9650 An answer to Considerations on certain political transactions of the province of:. . . . L 1774. O [4] 140 a For the book eliciting this scurrilous reply, see Leigh, Sir Edgerton. SOUTH CAROLINA An appeal to the people of the northern and eastern states on. . . negro slavery in: By a South Carolinian. See Seabrook, W. B. SOUTH CAROLINA An appeal to the state rights party of: See Calhoun, A. P., ef al. SOUTH CAROLINA Considerations on certain political trans- actions of the province of: ... . See Leigh, Sir Edgerton. SOUTH CAROLINA 9651 The correspondence between the com- missioners of: . . . to the government at Washington Charleston 1861. O 26 a SOUTH CAROLINA 9652 Debates ... in the House of Representa- tives of: on the constitution framed for the United States Charleston 1788. Q 55 b BA PhilL — rptd., same impr. 1831. O [4] 95 a SOUTH CAROLINA A description of: ... . See Glen, Dr. James. SOUTH CAROLINA 9653 Documents ordered by the convention of the people of: to be transmitted to the President of the United States. . . . Columbia 1832. O 3pts in 1: [2] 28; 15; 16 a — anr. issue, "The report, ordinance and ad- dresses of the convention. .. ," same impr., date & collat. — anr. ed. "Proceedings of the convention . . . upon the subject of nullification. . . , " B 1832. O 52 — anr. ed., with 1833 session added, "Journal of the convention. . . ," Columbia 1833. SOUTH CAROLINA. 9654 A full state of the dispute betwixt the Governor and the. . . Assembly. . . of: . . . . [L] 1763. sm F [4] 78 a SOUTH CAROLINA South Carolina and Georgia. An historical account of the rise and progress of the colonies of: ... . See Hewatt, Alex. SOUTH CAROLINA 9655 Journal of the convention of the people of: . . . Nov. 19, 1832, and again, March 11, 1833. Columbia 1833. O 131 a The convention which in defiance of the Constitution and Acts of Congress adopted the Nullification Ordinance. SOUTH CAROLINA 9656 Journal of the convention of the people of: held in 1860-61. . . with the reports, resolutions Charleston 1861. O 420 [l] a — issue 2, with S. C. & C. S. A. constitu- tions added, same impr. & date. O 420 [l] 96 550 South Carolina — Southern Pacific Railroad Appended matter of issue two was also published separately. SOUTH CAROLINA 9657 Journal of the state convention of: ... . Columbia 1852. O 45 a Declares that this state has the right — and sufficient cause — to secede from the Federal Union and that she forbears from exercising such right only from considera- tions of expediency. Marks the evolution of States Rights opinion, from mild nullifica- tion to the final break. SOUTH CAROLINA A letter from: ... by a Swiss gentleman. . . . See Nairne, Thos. SOUTH CAROLINA A letter from a freeman of: to the deputies ... at Philadelphia. See Drayton, Wm. H. SOUTH CAROLINA South Carolina to Virginia. The mission of: See Memminger, C. G. SOUTH-CAROLINA A narrative of the proceedings of the people of: in the year 1719.. . . See Yonge, Francis. SOUTH CAROLINA South Carolina and Georgia. A new and accurate account of: See Martyn, Benj. SOUTH CAROLINA Notes on the finances of: See Dessausure, Henry W. SOUTH CAROLINA MEMORIAL 9658 South Carolina memorial (the) upon. . . duelling. Observations on: .... By Postumus. n.p. 1805. D 32 a SOUTH CAROLINA The political annals of: By a citizen. See De Bow, James D. B. SOUTH CAROLINA Practical considerations. . . relative to the slave population of: By a South-Carolinian. See Dalcho, Frederick. SOUTH CAROLINA 9659 Proceedings of the meeting of delegates from the Southern Rights Associations of: Columbia 1851. O 31 a SOUTH CAROLINA 9660 South Carolina and Georgia. A reminis- cence of the bold. . . adventures of small scouting parties . . . in: N Y 1840. O 40 a Extracted from Horry's Life ot Marion, q.v. SOUTH-CAROLINA 9661 Report of the committee appointed to examine into the proceedings of the people of Georgia, with respect to the province of: and the disputes . . . between the two col- onies. Charles-Town S C 1736. Q 120 [l] b GaU H NYP — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1737. b SOUTH CAROLINA A short description of: ... . See Johnston, Georges M. SOUTH CAROLINA A sketch of the history of: ... . See Rivers, William J. SOUTH CAROLINA South Carolina in the revolutionary war.. . . By a Southron. See Simms, Wm. G. SOUTH CAROLINA. . . CLUB South Carolina Jockey Club (The). See Irving, John B. SOUTH CAROLINA PLANTER (A) Three letters, written. . .under the signa- ture of: ... . See Pinckney, Chas. SOUTH-CAROLINA Topics in the history of: See Rivers, Wm. J. SOUTH-CAROLINIAN (A) 9662 Letters by: Sketches of some Virginians. Norfolk 1827. 16° 89 a SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY [VA.] Authentic. . . narrative of the tragical scene. . . in: See Warner, Saml. SOUTHERN... SKETCHES 9663 Southern and south-western sketches. Ed. by a gentleman of Richmond. Rich [l853?l 16° 191 a SOUTHERN... DIRECTORY Southern business directory (The).... See Campbell, John P. SOUTHERN GENERALS Southern generals, who they are. .. . See Snow, Wm. P. SOUTHERN HISTORY 9664 Southern history of the war. Official re- ports of battles as published by order of the Confederate congress NY 1864. O 578 a For original Richmond editions from which this was compiled, see Official reports. SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Southern Pacific Railroad (the). First annual report to the Directors of : . . . . See King, Thomas Butler. 551 Southern Passages — Spalding SOUTHERN PASSAGES Southern passages and pictures. See Simms, Wm. G. SOUTHERN SLAVERY 9665 Southern slavery considered on general principles. ... By a North Carolinian. N Y 1861. O 24 a — rptd. twice, same impr., date & collat. SOUTHERN SPY Southern spy (The), or curiosities of slavery in the south. . . . See Pollard, Edw. A. SOUTHERN STATE RIGHTS 9666 Southern state rights, free trade and anti- abolition tract No. 1 [all]. Charleston S C 1844. O [2] 40 a SOUTHERN STATES Southern states (The), their present peril .... See Townsend, John. SOUTH-WEST (THE) By a Yankee. See Ingraham, Jos. H. SOUTHWEST... SERIES 9667 Southwest historical series. Ed. by Hafen and Bieber. Glendale Calif 1931-43. O 12v b N SOUTHWEST REVISITED 9668 Southwest revisited. . . letters of the second annual hunting expedition to Mis- souri, Kansas and the Indian Territory. . . . Easton Pa [l875]. Q 39 a [SOUTHWICK, SOLOMON] 9669 Views of Ithaca 1835. O 44 a »nd its environs. Ithaca SOUVENIR 9670 Souvenir (The) of the lakes. Det 1831. 16° 38 [l]b BP ChiU SOUVENIR 9671 Souvenir (A) of the trans-continental excursion. By one of the party. Alb 1871. O 92 pi a SOUVENIRS Souvenirs d'Amerique et de France, par une Creole. See Allain, Mme. Frederic. SOWELL, A[NDREW] J. 9672 Early settlers and Indian fighters of south- west Texas. Austin 1900. O [£] 844 12pls a Nearly all copies were either destroyed or damaged by fire. SOWELL, AtNDREW] J. 9673 History of Fort Bend county. . . . Houston 1904. O [12] 373 2 ports a Less than 100 copies ptd. SOWELL, A[NDREW] J. 9674 Incidents connected with the early history of Guadalupe county, Texas. Seguin Tex n.d. 16° 60 a SOWELL, A[NDREW] J. 9675 Rangers and pioneers of Texas. . . . San Antonio 1884. D 411 a SPAFFORD, HORATIO G. 9676 A gazetteer of . . . New York Alb 1813. O 334 [2] map 2pls a — enl. ed. Alb 1824. O 620 map addenda slip pasted at end —rptd. Alb 1837. First gazetteer of this state. SPAFFORD, HORATIO G. 9677 A pocket guide for the tourist, along the line of the canals, and the interior com- merce of New- York. N Y 1824. 18° 72 a — ed., with adds., Troy 1825. 18° 89 SPALDING, ALBERT G. 9678 America's national game. . . baseball. . . . N Y 1911. O [20incl. front.] 542 6pls[5fold.]a SPALDING, CHARLES C. 9679 Annals of the City of Kansas: embracing . . . the trade and commerce of the great western plains. ... K C 1858. O 111 7pls c AA N NYP Y SPALDING, REV. H[ENRY] H. 9680 The early labors of the missionaries of the American Board of Foreign Missions in Oregon Wash [l87l]. O 81 a Baseless and hysterical accusations, against Jesuit missionaries and Hudsons' Bay Company officials, of their inciting Indian hostilities against American Prot- estants in Oregon; written in refutation of Brouillet's Protestantism in Oregon. SPALDING, M[ARTIN] J. 9681 Miscellanea Louisv 1855. O 61 [2] 17-639 a — 6 other eds., last in 1885. SPALDING, M[ARTIN] J. 9682 Sketches of the early Catholic missions of Kentucky, 1787-1827. Louisv 1844. D [16] 308 a — anr. issue, same collat., Louisv & Bait [1844]. SPALDING, M[ARTIN] J. 9683 Sketches of the life . . . of . . . Benedict Joseph Flaget, first bishop of Louisville. Louisv 1852. D [l6] 406 port a — anr. issue, D [lo] 407 port 552 Spangenberg — Speeches SPANGENBERG, AUGUST G. 9684 Leben des Herrn Nicholaus Ludwig.. . von Zinzendorf [Barby?] 1772-5. O 8pts: [20] 5-176: fc] 179-393; [4] 395-766; [4] 767-1158; [4] 1159-1602; [4] 1603-1852; [4] 1853-2080; [4] 2081-2258 [l04] a — Eng. tr. L1838. O [36] 511 port Includes his visit to Pennsylvania and New York. [SPANGENBERG, AUGUST G.] 9685 Von der Arbeit der Evangelischen Bruder unter der Heiden. Barby 1782. O 168 a — Eng. tr. "An account of the manner in which the . . . church of the Unitas Fratrum. . . carry on their missions among the heathen," L 1788. O [12] 127 + adv-p — Am. ed. Phil 1789. Work among the Indians from Pennsylvania to Georgia. SPANGLER, EDWARD 9686 Testimony ... in the case of: tried for conspiracy to murder the president. .. . IWash 1865?]. O 66 [2] a SPANISCHE REICH 9687 Spanische Reich (Das) in Amerika. . . . Sorau 1763. Q 136 a SPANISH EMPIRE Spanish Empire (The) in America. . . . See Campbell, John. SPARKS, A. W. 9688 The war between the states, as I saw it Tyler Tex 1901. O [8] 393 port a SPARKS, JARED, ed. 9689 Correspondence of the American revolu- tion. . . letters of eminent men to George Washington B 1853. O 4v: [s] 549; [4] 554; [4 J 560; [4] 555 a 250copies on L. P. SPARKS, JARED, ed. 9690 The diplomatic correspondence of the revolution. ... B 1829- [30]. O 12v a — rptd. B 1854. — new ed. Wash 1857. O 6v SPARKS, JARED 9691 The life of George Washington. B 1839. O [20] 562 lOpls 2plans 2facs a — innumerable Am. eds. — Eng. ed. L 1839. O 2v: [l2] 486; fe] 500. 2ports — rptd. 1842. — Ger. tr. Leip 1839. O 2v: [l6] 560; [lo] 533 SPARKS, JARED 9692 The life of Gouverneur Morris. ... B 1832. O 3v: [12] 520; fc] 531; [4] 520 a — Fr. tr. P 1842. O 2v: [l2] 547; [4] 578 [2] SPARKS, JARED 9693 The life of John Ledyard. . . comprising selections from his journals, [etc. J. C 1828. O [12] 325 a — ed. 2, C 1829. D [l2] 310 — Eng. ed. "Memoirs of the life and travels of John Ledyard. . . ," L 1828. O [l2] 428 — Eng. ed. 2, au. not named, "Travels and adventures of John Ledyard. . . ," L 1828. same collat. —rptd. L 1834. — Ger. tr. Leip 1829. O [l2] 350 front. SPARKS, WILLIAM] H. 9694 The memories of fifty years . . . chiefly spent in the southwest. Phil 1870. O 489 a — ed. 3, same impr. & collat., but port added, 1872. — ed. 4, Phil 1882. O SPEARS, JOHN R. 9695 Illustrated sketches of Death valley... . Chi 1892. D 226[incl.pls] a SPECTATEUR AMERICAIN Spectateur americain (Le). . . . Amst 1784. See Mandrillon, Jos. [SPEECE, CONRAD] 9696 The mountaineer. Ed. 2[so called because previously ptd. in a periodical J. Harrisonburg Va 1818. 16° 240 [2] a — rptd. Staunton 1823. SPEECH Speech (A) intended to have been de- livered in the House of Commons, in support of the petition from the General Congress at Philadelphia. See Lee, Arthur. SPEECH Speech (A) on some political topics. . . intended to have been delivered in the House of Commons. . . . See Goodricke, Henry. SPEECH 9697 Speech (A) to the people of England [on the revolution in America]. L 1777. O [4] 34 a SPEECHES 9698 Speeches delivered by several Indian chiefs NY 1810. 16° 24 a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1812. SPEECHES 9699 Speeches (The) in. . . parliament. . . by several of the principal advocates. .. in favour of the rights of America. Viz. Gov- ernor Johnstone, Mr. Cruger, et al. N Y 1775. O 72 a 553 Speed — Sportsman's Companion SPEED, JOSHUA F. 97( Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln. . . . Louisv Morton & Co 1884. O 67 a — anr. ed., same collat. Louisv Bradley & Gilbert 1896. 9701 Louisv Filson SPEED, THOMAS The wilderness road. Club 1886. Q 75 map a First work on the first travel-route to Kentucky. SPELMAN, HENRY 9702 Relation of Virginia. L 1872. sq 24° 58 [l] extra t. 1. a lOOcopies ptd. — anr. issue, without extra t., same impr. & date. Q 20 50copies ptd. First printing of a 1609 manuscript. SPENCE, IRVING 9703 Letters on the early history of the Pres- byterian church in America.. . . Phil 1838. D 199 a SPENCE, JAMES 9704 The American union . . . with an enquiry into secession as a constitutional right.. . . L 1861. O [16] 367 a — eds. 2 & 3, same impr. & collat., 1862. — ed. 4, rev., same impr. & date. O [l6] 392 [1] — Am. ed., from Eng. ed. 4, Rich 1863. D [24] 262 — Fr. tr. P 1862. O 434 — Ger. tr. Leip 1863. O 272 Most influential pro-Southern English book. SPENCER, MRS. CORNELIA P. 9705 The last ninety days of the war in North- Carolina. N Y 1866. D 289 a — rptd. , same impr., date & collat. SPENCER, ELIHU 9706 Pioneers of Outagamie county. Appleton Wis 1895. O 303 a SPENCER, j[OHNj W. 9707 Reminiscences of pioneer life in the Mississippi valley Davenport 1872. O 73 portLnot issued in all copiesj a — rptd., with adds., "The early days of Rock Island. . . ," Chi 1942. 16° [20] 315 Lincl. front. & pis J SPENCER, OtLIVER] M. 9708 Indian captivity: a true narrative of the capture of: by the Indians in the neighbour- hood of Cincinnati. N Y 1835. 16° 157[incl. 4plsJ 2pls[not incl. in paginat.J a — anr. .ed., possibly prior to N Y ed.. Wash Pa 1835. O 56 b WisH — other N Y eds.: 1836; 1842; 1846; 1847; 1848; 1852; 1854; and others a —Eng. eds.: L 1836. 16° 1.38 J 247 a; L 1842. 16° 282; L 1854.. 16° [8] 278; L 1861. same collat. SPENCER, WILLIAM S., comp. 9709 Davenport city directory. . . for 1855—6. . . . Davenport [l855j. D 36 [40] 8 26 [incl. ad vs.] a Second directory of this city, preceded only by a 48-page compilation by Patton, published 1853. SPENCER, WILLIAM S., comp. 9710 Rock Island directory. . . for 1855-6. Rock Island 1855. D 48 [4] preceded by 36adv-p a First directory of this city. SPICE, ROBERT B. 9711 The wanderings of the hermit of West- minster between New York and San Fran- cisco in the autumn of 1881. [l 1882]. D 84 a — rptd. [L 1884]. D 50, pis SPILMAN, T. E. 9712 Semi-centenarians of Butler Grove town- ship, Montgomery county. 111. Also a brief history of the village of Butler. [Butler 1878]. D 143 a SPLAWN, ANDREW J. 9713 Ka-mi-akin, the last hero of the Yakimas. [Port Ore 1917]. O [l4 incl.front.] 438 [6] a — ed. 2, [Port] 1944. O [l6 incl.front.] 500 Indian side of the Northwestern wars of 1855-8. SPOFFORD, JEREMIAH 9714 A gazetteer of Massachusetts. . . .New- buryport 1828. D 348 map a — ed. 2, rev., Haverhill 1860. 16° W 9-372 map SPOONER, ALDEN 9715 Brooklyn directory, for 1822. Bklyn 1822. D 71 map a First Brooklyn directory. SPOONER, WALTER W. 9716 The backwoodsmen . . . authentic accounts of early adventure among the Indians. Cin 1883. O 608 [incl. front. & 26pls] a SPORTSMAN'S COMPANION (THE) 9717 Sportsman's companion (The); or, an essay on shooting. . . . By a gentleman who has made shooting his favourite amusement ... in Great-Britain, Ireland and North- America. N Y 1783. O 90 [2] dd Y — ed. 2, Burl N J 1791. D 90 [2] b AA NYP — rptd. N Y 1930. 200copies ptd. a — ed. 3, Phil [1792]. b First American work on shooting. 554 Spotts — Squier SPOTTS, DAVID L. 9718 Campaigning with Custer [in the Washita campaign of 1868-9]. L A 1928. O 215 map 13pls a of 800copies ptd., all but about 300 burned. SPRAGUE, JOHN T. 9719 The origin, progress and conclusion of the Florida war. ...NY 1848. O 557 map 8pls a — anr. issue, identical, except no pis SPRATT, L. W. 9720 A series of articles on the value of the Union to the south. . . . Charleston 1855. O [4] 39 a SPRENGEL, C. M. See Sprengel, Matthias C. SPRENGEL, MlATTHIAS] C 9721 Allgemeines historisches Taschenbuch oder Abrisz der merkwurdigen neuen Welt- Begebenheiten enthaltend fur 1784 die Geschichte der Revolution von Nord-Amerika von C. M. [sic] Sprengel. [Engraved titfe reads: "historisch genealogischer Calender "] Berlin Haude & Spener [l783]? 24° [2] 74 [6] 182 map 18pls eng. t. a — anr. issue, paginat.: [l4] 182, otherwise same collat, — anr. issue, paginat.: [24] 74 L6j 182 map 18pls eng. t. — rptd. "Geschichte der Revolution von Nord-Amerika," Frankenthal 1785. O [l2] 272 map — same impr. 1788. same collat. — Swed. tr. "Historia om Forenta Amerikas Sjelfstandighet och Frihetskrig mot England .. . ," Orebro 1810. D 250 2pls For first edition, see below, Ueber den jetzigen nordamericanischen Krieg. [SPRENGEL, MATTHIAS C.?] 9722 Briefe den gegenwartigen Zustand von Nord America. Gottingen 1777. D [8] 118 [l]a SPRENGEL, MATTHIASC 9723 Geschichte den Europaer in Nordamerica. Vol.I [all]. Leip 1782. O [l4] 3-244 a SPRENGEL, MATTHIAS C. 9724 Ueber den jetzigen nordamericanischen Krieg Leip 1782. O [4] 3-126[incl.tabs] a First German history of the Revolution. For later editions, see above, Allgemeines historisches. . . . SPRING, AGNES W. 9725 Seventy years. . . history of the Wyoming Stock Grower's Association. n.p. L Cheyenne J 1942. O 273 a SPRING, GARDINER 9726 Memoirs of. . . Samuel J. Mills, late mis- sionary to the southwestern section of the United States NY 1820. O [4] 9-247 a — ed. 2, B 1829. 18° [&] 260 — rptd. N Y 1842. D — Eng. ed., t.altered, L 1820. D [l2] 214 SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS 9727 Proceedings and debates of the American convention of cattle commissioners held at: Springfield 1869. O 163 a SPRINGFIELD [ILL.]. .. DIRECTORY Springfield [ill.] city directory. . . for 1855-6. See Hall, Edward H>, pub. SPRINGFIELD [MO.] 9728 Fragments of the early history of: [Spring- field Mo] 1908. O 34 a SPRINGFIELD [MO.] . . . DIRECTORY 9729 Springfield [Mo.] city directory for 1873-4. Containing a historical sketch St L 1873. O 180 a SPRINGFIELD, OHIO 9730 Directory of. . . : containing. . . a brief history. Springfield 1852. 16 212 a SPRINGFIELD [0.] 9731 Sketches of: . . . early settlement. ... By a citizen. Springfield [l852]. 16° 48 [2] + 11 adv-1. a SPRINGFIELD [0.] 9732 Springfield [o.] in 1856. Sketches of: Springfield 1856. D 96 a SPROAT, GILBERT M. 9733 Scenes and studies of savage life. L 1868. D [12] 318 + 2adv-p front, a Largely concerned with Vancouver Island Indians, but includes account of the massa- cre of the crew of the "Boston" at Nootka, in 1803. SPRUNT, JAMES 9734 Chronicles of the Cape Fear river. Raleigh 1914. O [14] 594 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1916. O [12] 732 port 5maps SQUIER, ELPHRAIMl G. 9735 Aboriginal monuments of. . . New York. . . . [Wash 1850]. F [4] 9-188 14pls a [in vol.2, Smithsonian "Contributions"] — rptd., with adds., "Antiquities of . . . New York. . . ," But 1851. O 343 16pls SQUIER, ELPHRAIM] G. 9736 The ancient monuments ... of New Mexico and California. N Y 1848. O 26 map capt.t. only a 555 Squier — Stanley SQUIER, E[PHRAIM] G., and 9737 DAVIS, E. H. Ancient monuments of the Mississippi valley [Wash 1848]. F [39] 306 48pls a — anr. issue, N Y, for the authors, same collat. and date First thorough scientific investigation of the problem of the mound builders. SQUIER, EIPHRAIMi G. 9738 Observations on the aboriginal monuments of the Mississippi valley. ...NY 1847. O 79 2maps a STACEY, NATHANIEL 9739 Memoirs of the life of: Columbus Pa 1850. O [6] 523 front, a Pioneer life in New England, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. STAEHLIN, [JACOB] VON 9740 Das von den Russen in den Jahren 1765, 66, 67 entdekte nordliche Insel-Meer zwischen Kamtschatka und Nordamerika. Stuttgart 1774. O [8 incl. blank 1.] 40 map a — Eng. ed., with adds., "An account of the new northern archipelago. . . ," L 1774. D [20] 118 + 2adv-p map a — anr. issue differs only in having vignette on t-p — Fr. ed. [P 1782]. D [2] 60 Geographical information on what was then a little-known region. The map shows Alaska as an island and indicates routes of various eighteenth century expeditions through Bering's straits. STAFFORD, MRS. MALLIE 9741 The march of empire . . . sketches of Cali- fornia history S F 1884. D 189 port a Went to California with her husband in 1854 and describes life there in the mines; later they went to Colorado. [STAFFORD, MARSHALL P.] 9742 A life of James Fisk NY 1868. D 300 5pls a — rptd. same collat & impr. 1871. — anr. ed., with adds., same impr. 1872. D 325 [ 16] 6pls STALKER, BEN 9743 Life and adventures of Buckskin Ben. Twenty years a cowboy. Columbus [l906?J. O 32 a [STAMBAUGH, SAMUEL C.] et al 9744 A faithful history of the Cherokee tribe Wash 1846. O 40 a STAMER, WtlLLIAM] 9745 The gentleman emigrant . . . life ... in Canada, Australia and the United States. L 1874. O 2v: [8] 306; fe] 286 a STANARD, MARY N. 9746 Colonial Virginia. . . . Phil 1917. O [l8] 15-375 93pls a STANDART, STEPHEN H., pub. 9747 Colorado brand book. . . .Denver [l887]. D [10 incl.advs] 320 + 2adv-p b N STANDISH, GEORGE 9748 Adventures of a Baltimore trader on the coast of the Pacific. Pt. l[all]. Phil 1869. D 87 a — rptd. same impr. & collat., 1870. [STANFORD, THOMAS N„] 9749 The citizens directory and strangers guide through the city of New York. . . . Part I [description, history, etc.]. Part II [di- rectory]. N Y 1814. 18° 446 2pls a — Part I only, issued separately, "A con- cise description. . . ," N Y 1814. 18° 69 [incl. front.] map STANLEY, BRIGADIER GENERAL 9750 d[avid] S. Annual report [as commander of the De- partment of Texas]. [San Antonio?] 1886. D 40 1. a STANLEY, MAJOR-GENERAL 9751 D[AVID] S. Personal memoirs of: C 1917. O [2] 271 a Services in the Civil war and on the plains. STANLEY, E| DWARD G. S. j Earl 9752 of Derby Journal of a tour in America, 1824—5. [L] 1930. O [6] 342 [l] 2fold.maps b 50copies ptd. LC N This rather unfriendly observer, later England's Prime Minister and translator of Virgil, travelled through Ohio and Kentucky, by river to Natchez and Louisiana and by horseback through the deep South to Charleston. STANLEY, E[DWIN] J. 9753 Life of Rev. L. B. Stateler, or sixty-five years on the frontier. . . . Nash 1907. D [l8] 356 + adv-p 47pls a — ed. 2, same impr. 1916. D [22] 356 + adv-p 47 pis. Based on the journals of this pioneer Methodist itinerant in Kansas, Colorado and Montana. STANLEY, EDWIN J. 9754 Rambles in wonderland. . . the Yellowstone NY 1878. D [10] 7-180 + lOadv-p map 12pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1880. 556 Stanley — Starr [STANLEY, THOMAS] 9755 A cool reply to A calm address ... by Mr. John Wesley. L 1775. D 33 a — ed. 2, same impr., date &, collat. STANLEY, WILLIAM M. 9756 A mile of gold. . . adventures on the Yukon. Chi 1898. D 219 map a STANSBERRY, LON R. 9757 The passing of 3 D ranch. [Tulsa 1930?]. O 92 cov.t.only a STANSBURY, CHARLES F. 9758 Klondike, the land of gold NY 1897. D 190 maps pis a STANSBURY, HOWARD 9759 An expedition to the valley of the Great Salt lake Phil 1852. O 487 map 57pls + 2 fold.maps[in separate vol. J a — anr. issue [Sen. Exec. Doc. 3], "Ex- ploration. . . of the valley. . . ," same impr., date & collat., some copies ptd. by Arm- strong in Wash — rptd. Wash 1853. [ptd. for H.R.] O 495 same maps & pis, but inferior impressions; anr. ed. Phil 1855. — Eng. ed. L 1852. same collat. as Phil eds. — Ger. tr. Stuttgart 1854. sq 16° [8] 293 map STANSBURY, P[HILIP] 9760 A pedestrian tour of two thousand three hundred miles. . . to the lakes. ...NY 1822. D [l2, 8] 13-274 9pls a STANTON, DANIEL 9761 A journal of the life, travels. . . of: Phil 1771. O [18] 184 [4] + errata 1. a —Eng. ed. L 1799. D [4] 120 119-132 STANTON, Gf ERRIT] S. 9762 "When the wildwood was in flower". . . fifteen years' experience. . . on the western plains. N Y [l909]. D 130 a — rptd., t. slightly altered, same impr. [1910]. D 123 STANTON, IRVING W. Sixty years in Colorado. [4] 9-320 port a 9763 Denver 1922. O STANTON, ROBERT B. 9764 Colorado river controversies. N Y 1932. O [48] 232 16pls a STANTON, CAPT. W. S. 9765 Tables of distances and . . . routes be- tween the military posts in the Department of the Platte Omaha 1877. D 39 3tabs [ 2fold] b STAPLES, THOMAS S. 9766 Reconstruction in Arkansas. N Y 1923. O 451 a STAPP, WILLIAM P. 9767 The prisoners of Perote. . . . Phil 1845 D 164 a — rptd. Austin 1935. Contains the journal of his captivity as one of the members of the Texas expedition against Mier. STARBUCK, ALEXANDER 9768 History of the American whale fishery. . . . Waltham Mass 1878. O 768 6pls a First appeared as Part IV, Report of the U. S. Commissioner of Fish and Fishing, [Washington 1878]. STARING, GEORGE E., comp. 9769 Helena [Montana] directory . . . history. . . . Helena 1884. O 116 + 2adv-l. [one front, one rear] a STARK, CALEB 9770 Memoir. . . of Gen. John Stark. . . . Concord N H 1860. O 495 port a — rptd., same impr. 1877. same collat. First issued with the 1831 Concord edi- tion of Robert Rogers' Reminiscences of the French war. STARK, JAMES H. 9771 The loyalists of Massachusetts. B 1910. O [12] 509 + 4adv-p fold.map[in pocket] 46 pis a — rptd., same impr. & collat., n.d. Courageous portrayal of the Loyalist side of the Revolution. STARR (BELLA), the bandit queen 9772 Starr (Bella), the bandit queen, or the female Jesse James. N Y 1889. O 68 a Published by the "Police Gazette," hence of dubious authenticity, but the pioneer presentation of a romantic legend. 9773 1794-1834. Claremore STARR, EMMET Cherokees west Okla 1910. O 164 a Largely a reprint of Cephas Washburn's Reminiscences of the Indians. STARR, EMMET 9774 Early history of the Cherokees. . . . n.p. [ca 1917]. D 254 [l4] 6maps 26pls[incl. Cherokee alphabet] a STARR, EMMET 9775 History of the Cherokee Indians. . . . Okla City 1921. O [4] 11-680 front, a 557 Starr — Steedman STARR, HENRY 9776 Thrilling events. Life of Henry Starr. . . Cherokee Indian outlaw. . . . Tulsa 1914. D 51 + cov.t. a STEARNS, CHARLES 9783 Facts in the life of Gen. Taylor. . . blood- hound importer. . . slave-holder, and the hero of the Mexican war!! B 1848. D 36 a STARR, JEREMIAH 9777 A California adventure and vision. Cin 1864. 16° 102 a Experiences of a California miner of 1850 chronicled in both verse and prose. STARTLING FACTS Startling facts for native Americans called "Know nothings. ..." See Hutchinson, E. STARTLING INCIDENTS Startling incidents. . . of Osawotomy Brown's. . . movements. . . .See Moore, Wm. H. STATE 9778 State of the British and French colonies in America. . . . L 1755. O [2] 150 [misnumb. 190j [map in some copies] a Treats of French encroachments on the Ohio, with notices of Gist's surveys and Washington's 1753 expedition. STATE (A) State (A) of the importations from Great- Britain into the port of Boston. . . . See Mein, John. STATE (THE) State (The) of trade in the northern colo- nies. . . . See Little, Otis. STATE PAPERS 9779 State papers, on the negotiations and peace with America, 1814.. . . L 1815. O [2] 86 a STATISTICS Statistics of the woolen manufactories in the United States. . . . See Goulding, John. STEADMAN, E. 9780 A brief treatise on manufacturing in the south. Clarksville Tenn 1851. O 24 a STEADMAN, E. 9781 The southern manufacturer; showing the advantage of manufacturing the cotton. . . where it is grown. . . . Gallatin Tenn 1858. O 84 87-120 [incl. 2illus] a STEAMBOAT DISASTERS Steamboat disasters and railroad acci- dents in the United States. . . . See Rowland, S. A. STEARNS, CHARLES, ed. 9784 Narrative of Henry Box Brown, who es- caped from slavery in a box. . . . B 1849. D 90 [incl. front. & covers] a STEARNS, EtDWARD] J. 9785 Notes on Uncle Tom's cabin, . . answer to its allegations . . . against slavery. . . . Phil 1853. D 314 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. STEARNS, EZRA S. 9786 History of the town of Rindge, New Hamp- shire B 1875. O [4] 788 13pls a STEARNS, ISAAC 9787 Right and wrong, in Mansfield, Mass. . . . account of the pro-slavery mob. . . . Paw tucket Mass 1837. O 61 a STEARNS, SAMUEL 9788 The American herbal, or materia medica Walpole 1801. D 360 a First North American herbal. STEARNS, SAMUEL 9789 A short history of the treatment that [he] hath met with in Massachusetts, since the . . . hostilities between Great Britain and her colonies. . . by reason of his loyalty. . . . [Wore] 1786. D 24 a STEARNS, WILLIAM 9790 A view of the controversy. . . between Great-Britain and the American colonies. A sermon Watertown 1775. O 33 a STEDMAN, C[HARLES] 9791 The history of the origin, progress and termination of the American war. L 1794. Q 2v: [16] 399; [l6] 449 [l4]. 15maps a — rptd. Dub 1794. O 2v: [l2] 446; [l, 5-19] 502 [26] — Ger. tr. Berlin 1795. O 2v: LlO] 3-504; [2] 564. 3maps Best contemporary British history of this war by a participant. STEED, THOMAS 9792 The life of: [s L C 1935]. O 43 capt. t.only a Describes his trip, in 1850, from Nauvoo to Salt Lake. STEARNS, CHARLES 9782 The black man of the south, and the rebels N Y 1872. O 562 8pls a STEEDMAN, CHARLES J. 9793 Bucking the sagebrush. ...NY 1904. D [10] 270 9pls[by Russell] map 3ports a 558 Steel — Stephen STEEL, DAVID 9794 Steel's naval remembrancer. . . transac- tions of the late war. . . . L 1784. sm Q [4] 104 [3] a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1785. — anr. ed., same impr. & date, sm Q[2] 96 89-102 STEELE, ASHBEL 9795 Chief of the Pilgrims: or, the life and time of William Brewster Phil 1857. O 416 map 7pls a STEELE, MRS. [ELIZA R.I A summer journey in the west. 1841. D [6] 13-278 eng.t. a 9796 STEELE, JAMES Old Californian days, [incl. front.] a Chi 1889. D 227 STEELE, JAMES W. 9798 The Klondike . . . gold fields of Alaska .... Chi 1897. O 80 map a STEELE, JAMES W. 9799 The Oklahoma opportunity. Opening of the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache reservations. Chi 1900. O 24 map a — anr. ed., enh, "The western guide book ...," But 1834. D 90 [2] —rptd. But 1835. 18° 89 [2] — 7 other eds., with map added, Bui 1836 to 1839. — later eds.: 1843; 1846; [l847]. — ed. 16, with app. on Ore. & Calif, routes, But 1849. 18° 72 2maps b AA — rptd., same impr. & collat., n. d. a STEELE, R. J., et al, [comp.] 9806 Directory of the county of Placer, for. . . 1861: containing a history.. ..SF 1861. O 208 b Hn STEELE, W. R., ed. 9807 The trans-continental. Vol. l[all]. [w y] 1870. Q 12nos. [each 4p] a STEELE, ZADOCK 9808 The Indian captive. . . narrative of the captivity . . . of: Montp Vt 18 18. 16° 142 STEINER, BERNARD C, ed. 9809 A history of the plantation of Menunkatuck and of the original town of Guilford, Con- necticut. . . from the manuscripts of the Hon. Ralph Dunning Smyth. Bait 1897. O 538 a STEELE, JAMES W. 9800 The sons of the border. Topeka 1873. O 260 a — ed. 2, "Frontier army sketches," in- cludes 5 new sketches and omits 5 found in ed. 1. Chi 1883. D 329 STEELE, JOHN 9801 Across the plains in 1850. . . . Chi Caxton Club 1930. O [38] 234 map 7pls a STEELE, JOHN 9802 In camp and cabin; mining life in Cali- fornia Lodi Wise 1901. O 81 a — rptd., with Bidwell, "Echoes of the past," Chi Lakeside 1928. STEELE, JOHN 9803 The traveler's companion through the great interior. A guide for the road to Cali- fornia Galena 1854. 16° 54 d G Hn NYP Y [of 5copies known] [STEELE, JOSHUA?] 9804 An account of a late conference on the occurrences in America. L 1766. O 40 a Imaginary conference on Parliament's right to tax the colonies. [STEELE, OLIVER G.] 9805 The traveller's directory, and emigrant's guide . . . through . . . New York, Ohio, Indi- ana, Illinois, and. . . Michigan. . . . Bui 1832. 18° 83 [2] a STEINERT, W. 9810 Nordamerika vorzuglich Texas im Jahre 1849. Berlin 1850. O [6] 280 [l] a STELLER, GlEORGl w]lLHELM] 9811 Beschreibung von dem lande Kamtschatka .... Frankl 1774. O 384 2maps 12pls a Steller was one of the scientists ac- companying Bering's second expedition. STELLER, GlEORGl W| ILHELMl 9812 . . . Reise von Kamtschatka nach Amerika mit. . . Bering. Ein Pendant zu dessen Beschreibung von Kamtschatka. St Ptbg 1793. O [4] 3-133 b NYP Y — anr. ed. "Tagebuch seiner Seereise. . . ," same impr. & date. O 2pts in 1: [4] 26; [5] 129-236 Most important contemporary account of Bering's second voyage. STENHOUSE, T[HOMAS] B. H. 9813 Les Mormons . . . et leurs ennemis. . . . Lausanne 1854. D [l2] 207 a STEPHANISCHE LANDVER- HUIZING(DE) See Vehse, Karl Eduard. [STEPHEN, JAMES] 9814 War in disguise; or, the frauds of the neutral flags. L 1805. O [4] 215 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O [8] 252 — two other Eng. eds. 559 Stephens — Stevens —Am. ed. N Y 1806. O [6] 215 — ed. 2, same impr. & date. D [6] 9-228 D [6] 9-228 Defends the illiberal English interpreta- tion of neutral trade and her right to search our ships. STEPHENS, ALEXANDER H. 9815 A constitutional view of the late war be- tween the states. . . . Phil [1868-1870]. O 2v: [6] 3-655; [l2] 5-827 [6]. map 16pls facs Most elaborate — and best — argument for the constitutional validity of the doctrine of State Sovereignty and the right of secession. STEPHENS, ALEXANDER H. 9816 The reviewers reviewed; a supplement to "The war between the states" NY 1872. 273 a STEPHENS, MRS. ELLEN 9817 The cabin boy wife; or. . . surprising ad- ventures of: who. . . made several passages up and down the [Mississippi] river. ...NY 1840. O 24 [incl. front.] a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1841. — anr. ed. "The afflicted and deserted wife ... ," N Y 1842. O 18 [incl. front.] — rptd., same impr. & date. O 24 [incl. front.] STEPHENS, LlORENZOl DOW 9818 Life sketches of a jayhawker of '49. . . . [San Jose] 1916. O 68 6pls a 300copies ptd. Travelled to California through Death Valley with Manly. [STEPHENS, THOMAS] of Go. 9819 A brief account of the causes that have retarded the progress of . . . Georgia [etc.]. L 1743. O [28] 101 a Strictures on Oglethorpe's administration. STEPHENS, THOMAS, pub. 9820 Philadelphia directory, for 1796 Phil [1795]. D [20] 286 blank 1. 70 + 2adv-p map a George Washington is listed. The final seventy pages has running title A short ac- count of Philadelphia, which may have been also issued separately. STEPHENS, WILLIAM 9821 A journal of the proceedings in Georgia [Oct. 20, 1737-Oct. 28, 174lJ. . . .L 1742. O 3v: [2] 480 [15]; [2] 508, 32 [l6]; 391 [l6] b GaU NYP Y Less than 100 copies seem to have been printed of any of the three volumes. Volume 3 usually lacking, as all but 30 copies were destroyed by fire at the printer's; a portion only [p. 348-9 1] was reprinted, the same year, on 44 unnumbered pages. For reprint of appendix to volume 2, see, below, A state of the province of Georgia. . . . STEPHENS, WILLIAM 9822 Journal received February 4, 1741, by the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia. L 1742. O 44 a This is a reprint of p. 348-391 of the third volume of A journal of the proceedings in Georgia; issued in an edition of 100 copies to counteract the charges against the Trustees made in Tailfer's A narrative of the colony of Georgia. [STEPHENS, WILLIAM] 9823 A state of the province of Georgia, at- tested. . . . L 1742. O [4] 32 a Reprint of appendix to volume 2 of his Journal of the proceedings in Georgia. Stephens succeeded Oglethorpe as governor of this colony. STEPHENSON, GEORGE M. 9824 The political history of the public lands . . . 1840-1862. ...B 1917. O 296 a STEPHENSON, ISAAC 9825 Recollections of a long life. . . . Chi 1915. D [2] 265 6pls a Early Wisconsin lumbering, shipping and politics. STEPHENSON, WILLIAM, comp. 9826 Business directory of Cleveland. . . with historical and statistical account. Clev 1848. O 224 fold.plan a STERNE, LOUIS 9827 Seventy years of active life. L 1912. O 191 port a small ed. STEUBEN, FRIEDRICH W. A. 9828 H. F, VON Regulations for the order and discipline of the troops of the United States. Part I [all]. Phil Styner & Cist 1779. D 154 [9] 8 fold. pis a — rptd. Hart Patten 1782. 16° 96 8pls — anr. issue, Hart [l782?]. D 138 [6] 8pls — rptd., same impr. Hudson & Goodwin [l782?L D 90 [6] 8pls — other eds.: Phil 1782. D 78 [4] 8pls; Hart Patten [l783]. D 108 8pls; B 1784. Phil 1785. D [4] 151 [8] 8pls; Phil 1786. D 143; many later eds. [STEVENS, ABEL] 9829 Sketches and incidents; or, a budget from the saddle-bags of a super-annuated itiner- ant. N Y 1844-[l845]. 16° 2v: 166; 198 a — other eds., 2v in 1: AT Y 1846; N Y 1847. — rptd.: Cin 1847; N Y 1853; Cin 1854; Cin 1863. 560 Stevens — Stevenson For another edition, with altered title, see next entry. [STEVENS, ABEL] 9830 Sketches from the study of a superannu- ated itinerant B 1851. D 257 a STEVENS, B[ENJAMIN] F., comp. 9831 Facsimiles of manuscripts. . . relating to America, 1773-1783 L 1889-98. F 25v c AA LC N NYP Y 200 sets ptd. The 2107 facsimiles were issued in twenty-four portfolios; the index volume, added in 1898, collates: [4 7-30] 352 portrait, STEVENS, CALVIN F. 9832 A list of the post-offices in the United States NY 1808. D [4] 92 a STEVENS, CHARLES 9833 Constitutional arguments indicating the rights and policy of the southern states. Charleston S C 1832. O 24 a STEVENS, C[HARLES] A. 9834 Berdan's United States sharpshooters. . . . St P 1892. O [24] 555 3pls a STEVENS, HENRY 9835 Sebastian Cabot-John Cabot^O. B 1870. 16° 32 a STEVENS, ISAAC I. 9836 Address on the northwest. Wash 1858. O 56 a Conclusions drawn from the author's several Pacific railroad surveys. STEVENS, ISAAC I. 9837 A brief notice of the outrages committed by: Olympia 1856. O 32 b NYP WashU Y STEVENS, ISAAC I. 9838 Campaigns of the Rio Grande. ...NY 1851. O 108 a STEVENS, ISAAC I. 9839 A circular letter to emigrants desirous of locating in Washington Territory. Wash 1858. O 21 a STEVENS, ISAAC I 9840 Message of the Governor of Washington Territory, also the correspondence with the Secretary of War. Olympia 1857. O [20] 406 [20] b NYP STEVENS, l[SAAC] I. 9841 Report of exploration of a route for the Pacific railroad. . . from St. Paul to Puget sound. [Wash 1855]. O [l2] 600 [l5] a For series [House Executive Document 129] of which this formed a part, and which contained a map [in three sheetsj relating to this report, see Pacific railroad explorations. STEVENS, JAMES W. 9842 An historical. . . account of Algiers; com- prehending. . . detail of events relative to the American captives. Phil 1797. D 304 [6] + 2adv-p front, a — ed. 2, Bklyn 1800. D 318 [2] + 4p sub- scriber's names, front. [STEVENS, JOHN] 1749-1838 9843 Documents tending to prove the. .. ad- vantages of rail-ways. . . over canal naviga- tion. N Y 1812. O 43 b AA Hn NYP — rptd. N Y 1852. O [l4] 46 a First American railroad book. [STEVENS, JOHN] 1749-1838 9844 Observations on government; including. . . animadversions on Mr. Adams's Defence of the constitutions. . . of the United States. . . . N Y 1787. O 56 a — Fr. ed. "Examen du gouvernement d'Angleterre, compare aux constitutions des Etats-Unis. . . ," L 1789. O [8] 91 Attributed also to William Livingston. One of the earliest works on the Constitution. STEVENS, JOHN H. 9845 Personal recollections of Minnesota. . . . Minn 1890. O [8] 432 [l5] 7pls a STEVENS, J[0HN] W. 9846 Reminiscences of the civil war. Hillsboro Tex 1902. O 213 port a STEVENS, S[AMUEL] C. 9847 Sketch of Dover, N. H Dover 1833. 16° 24 a STEVENS, WALTER B. 9848 Through Texas. . . letters originally printed in the . . . "Globe-Democrat." St L 1892. O 108 a Graphic picture of Texas, its cattle in- dustry, etc.; an interview with a senora of 107 who nursed Bowie at the Alamo, and another with the last survivor of Lafitte's band, a soldier of San Jacinto. STEVENS, WILLIAM B. 9849 A history of Georgia NY 1847-Phi/ 1859. O 2v: [l6] 494, 497-503; [2] 11-524. map 4pls[fewer in some copies] a STEVENS POINT 9850 Stevens Point, and the upper Wisconsin. Handbook of:. ... Stevens Point 1857. 16° 46 + 17adv-p map a STEVENSON, DAVID 9851 Sketch of the civil engineering of North America L 1838. O [4] 7-320 map 2pls 12diagrams a 561 Stevenson — Stidger — ed. 2, L 1859. D [14] 218 12pls — Fr. tr. P 1839. O pis STEVENSON, H. A lecture on Mormonism. . . . TVei Eng 1839. 18° 32 a 9852 STEVENSON, JOHN 9853 Letters in answer to Dr. Price's two pamphlets on Civil liberty. . . . L 1778. O [16] 184 a — ed. 2, L 1779. O STEVENSON, COL. JONATHAN] D. 9854 Memorial and petition of: S F 1886. O 89 + lOadd.p. inserted at center port 3views b LC NYP This petition for a pension for services in the Mexican war throws light upon the opera- tions of the petitioner's famous New York regiment. STEVENSON, ROBERT L. 9855 The Silverado squatters. L 1883. D [8] 254 + adv-p front, a — issue 2, bound in buckram, no adv-p Of the first issue, bound in figured cloth, there were two states of advertisements, one dated October, the other, November. STEVENSON, ROGER 9856 Military instructions for officers detached in the field Phil 1775. D [l6] 232 [4] 12 diagramsl.7 fold.] a First book carrying a dedication to Washington. STEWARD, REV. JAMES [pseud.] History of the discovery of America. — See Trumbull, Henry. STEWART, CATHERINE New homes in the west. Nashv 1843. 198 a STEWART, COMMODORE CHARLES Biographical sketch, and services of: Phil 1838. O [4] 50 2pls a — Ger. tr. Phil 1838. O 54 2pls 9857 D 9858 STEWART, GEORGE R. 985S Ordeal by hunger: the story of the Donner TV ytl936]. D [12] 328 12 pis a party. [STEWART, JAMES], of London 9860 A letter to the Rev. Dr. Price, wherein his Observations on the nature of civil liberty . . . are candidly examined. . . . L 1776. 54 a STEWART, JAMES, of London 9861 The total refutation. . . of Doctor Price; or, Great Britain successfully vindicated against all American rebels. . . in a second letter to that gentleman. . . . L 1776. O [8] STEWART, JAMES H. 9862 Recollections of the early settlement of Carroll County, Ind. Cin 1872. D 372 2ports pi a STEWART, JOHN The missionary pioneer, or a brief memoir of... : See Walker, Wm. STEWART, MRS. LILLIAN K. 9863 A pioneer of old Superior. B 1930. D [4] 7-322 a Story of Charles Kimball. STEWART, SAMUEL 9864 Travels and residence in the free states of America. . . or, the emigrants hand-book. Belt 1842. D 24 a STEWART, W. M. 9865 Eleven years' experience in the western states. L 1870. D 139 a [STEWART, SIR WILLIAM 9866 DRUMMOND] Altowan; . . . life and adventure in the Rocky mountains. By an amateur traveller. Ed. by J. Watson Webb. TV Y 1846. D 2v: [4, 3-29] 25-255; 240. a Based on this baronet's sporting trips of 1832, 1838 and 1842, but probably actually written by Webb. 9867 [STEWART, SIR WILLIAM DRUMMOND] Edward Warren. . . . L 1854. O [2] 724 d MoH Y An atrociously written novel, but notable as incorporating this eccentric sportsman's personal experiences in the Rockies, from 1833 to 1837. Some copies were issued in two volumes, volume two beginning at page 371, preceded by an added title-page. STEWART, WILLIAM F. Last of the filibusters. . . . Sac* 85 b G LC NYP STEWART, WILLIAM M. Reminiscences of: Ed. Geo. R. TV Y 1908. O 358 port a 9868 O 9869 STICKNEY, CHARLES E. 9870 A history of the Minisink region ... in Orange county, N. Y Middletown TV Y 1867. 0[10] 211 a STIDGER, FELIX G. 9871 Treason history of the . . . Sons of Liberty Chi 1903. D 246 [30] front, a 562 STIERLIN, L. 9872 Der Staat Kentucky und die Stadt Louis- ville. . . . Louis v 1873. O 234 51 [23] a STIFF, EDWARD 9873 The Texan emigrant. . . . Cin 1840. O 368 [incl. 2illus] map a — enl. ed. "A new history of Texas. . . , " Cin 1847. O 336 [incl. front.] — anr. issue, Cin n. d. O [6 incl. front.] 9-336 [8] — anr. issue, Cin 1847. O 246 incl. front. [74] 15 — anr. issue, Cin 1847. O 244 incl. front. [74] 17 — other eds.: 1848 [2issues]; 1849; 1857. One of the most objective accounts of Texas affairs issued in the days of the Re- public, written largely from personal knowl- edge. Later editions included account of the war between Mexico and the United States. STILES, EZRA 9874 A history of three of the judges of King Charles I . . . secreted and concealed, in Massachusetts and Connecticut. . . .Hart 1794. D 358 + adv-p errata slip pasted at end of text port 8numb. maps & plsLno no. 7 was issued] a — issue 2, same collat., but no errata slip STILES, EZRA 9875 Literary diary, 1769-1795. Ed. F. B. Dexter. N Y 1901. O 3v: [4] 665; [4] 573; [6incl.errata 1.] 648. 6pls a STILES, HENRY R. 9876 The history of ancient Windsor, Connecti- cut N Y 1859. O [14] 922 2maps 2pls + suppl [Alb 1863], O 134 a — ed. 2, Alb 1863. O 2v: [l4] 510; [2] 511- 922. 2maps 2pls a — ed. 3 - and best - Hart 1891-2. O 2v: [8] 950; [lO] 867. pis a STILES, HENRY R. 9877 A history of . . . Brooklyn Bklyn 1867- 70. O 3v: L8] 464; 500; [8] 501-982. errata 1. 66maps & pis a — also a special ed. of 80copies on thick tinted paper — vol. I only, rptd. Alb 1869. STILES, HENRY R„ ed. Letters from the prisons, of the interment. ..." See "Account STILES, ROBERT 9878 Four years under Marse Robert. N Y 1903. O 368 a STILL E, CHARLES J. 9879 Major-General Anthony Wayne and the Pennsylvania line Phil 1893. O [lo] 441 4pls a also 150copies on L.P. STILLMAN, J| ACOBl D, B. 9880 Seeking the Golden fleece; a record of pioneer life in California S F 1877. O 352 4pls a STILLWELL, B. F. 9881 Directory of. . . Oakland. . . for 1869. Also a history of . . . Oakland. . . . [Oakland] 1869. O 272 fold. map a First directory of this city. STIMSON, ALEXANDER] L. 9882 History of the express companies: and the origin of American railroads. ...NY 1858. O cover-t. + 40[incl. illus] a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O [8] 287 [incl. illus] port — rptd,, same impr. & collat. 1859. — anr. ed. "Express office hand-book and directory . . . being the history of the express business. . . ," N Y 1860. O 228 + inter- spersed adv-p — best ed., with adds., "History of the ex- press business," N Y 1881. O [one issue has 468p, anr. only 387p] llpls STIPES, MILLARD 9883 Fort Orleans on the Missouri: its history .... Jamesport Mo 1906. D 67 a STIPP, G. W. 9884 The western miscellany Xenia O 1827. 16° 224 [incl. blank 1. before text] c KyH WisH Contains first separate printing of John Bradford's valuable Notes on Kentucky, originally appearing in a Kentucky news- paper, and reprinted by the Grabhorn Press, San Francisco, 1932. STIRLING, JAMES 9885 Letters from the slave states. L 1857. D [8] 374 map a STIRLING, PATRICK J. 9886 The Australian and Californian gold dis- coveries, and their probably consequences Edin 1853. D [4 14] 13-279 diag. a — Fr. tr. P 1853. D [4] 270 [2] pi STITH, WILLIAM 9887 The history ... of Virginia. . . . Wmsbg 1747. O [8] 256, 247-331 [40] b Hn NYP Y — issue 2, line omitted above footnotes, p. 21 & 27 of app. Wmsbg 1747. b AA HN JCBN — issue 3, paginat. & other errors cor., Wmsbg 1747. [probably ptd 1753]. o[8] 304, 295-331 [39] a —rptd. N Y 1865. O [l6] 331 [34] a 150 copies ptd. — Eng. ed., sheets of 2nd Am. issue, L 1753. a — some copies made from sheets of 3rd Am. issue. 563 Stobo — Stone STOBO, MAJOR ROBERT 9888 Memoirs of: L 1800. O 78 b JCB PaH — anr. ed., ed. by N. B. Craig, Pitt 1854. 16° [6 incl.front.J 9-92 a The two editions were apparently printed from slightly different manuscript copies. STOCK ELL, CAPT. WILLIAM 9889 The eventful narrative of: ... in the land and naval service, and. . . whale fishery. Cin 1840. O 326 [l] 12pls a STOCKING, ABNER 9890 An interesting journal of: . . . detailing the distressing events of the expedition against Quebec... 1775. Catskill 1810. 18° 36 b BPLonly copy known] Day-by-day narrative of Arnold's expedition. STOCKING, MOSES 9891 History of Saunders county, Nebraska. [Wahoo Neb? 1876]. O 42 + wraps[these are lacking in the only known copy, the front one probably serving as t-p] a STOKES, I. N. P. 9898 The iconography of Manhattan island, 1498-1909. N Y 1915-28. Q 6v many pis [some colored] c AA N NYP Y 360sets ptd. — anr. issue, on Jap. veil, d NYP 42sets ptd. Most elaborate and comprehensive history of New York City. STONE, ARTHUR L. 9899 Following old trails. Missoula 1913. O 304[incl.pls] front, a Little known information on men and events in early Montana. STONE, ASA 9900 Narrative of Amos Dressner; with... let- ters from Natchez . . . relating to the treat- ment of slaves. N Y 1836. D 42 a STONE, ELD| ER| BARTON WARREN 9901 The biography of: . . . by himself. . . . Cin 1847. D [lo] 404 port a — rptd. 4 times by 1853. same collat. STOCKTON, COM. ROBERT F. A sketch of the life of: See Bayard, Saml. J. STOCKTON DIRECTORY 9892 Stockton directory, and emigrants' guide to the Southern mines. Stockton 1852. D [4] 140 [inch advs] map b Hn LC STODDARD, AMOS 9893 Sketches. . . of Louisiana. Phil 1812. O [8] 172 175-488 a STOCKLEIN, JOSEPH, et ol, eds. 9894 Allerhand So Lehr -als Geist-reiche Brief, Schrifften und Reis-Beschreibungen, Welche von denen Missionariis der Gesellschafft Jesu. ... Augsburg 1726-[l76l]. F 38pts in 5v [vol.V with 1/2 t. only] 29maps 8pls 15 tabs b AA JCB NYP Considered a German translation of Let- tres edifiantes. . . , but includes much added material. Volume I only was reprinted. S[TOKES], A[NTH0NY] 9895 A narrative of the official conduct of:. . . . [L 1784]. O 112 b JCB GaU Stokes was Chief Justice of Georgia under the royal government. His narrative covers the Revolutionary troubles in that province. STOKES, ANTHONY 9896 A view of the constitution of the British colonies in North America. . . at the time the civil war broke out L 1783. O [20] 556 a [STOKES, C] 9897 A few notes respecting the United States L 1839. O 23 a STONE, EDWIN M., ed. 9902 The invasion of Canada in 1775. . . . Prov 1867. Q [8 7-24 48] 47-104 map 2ports tab 2errata slips a A reprint, on L. P., of R.I. Hist. Colls., v.6. STONE, EDWIN M. 9903 Our French allies ... in the . . . revolution. Prov [1883]. O [32] 632 fold.plan 3pls a STONE, WILLIAM H. 9904 Twenty-four years a cowboy and ranchman in southern Texas Hedrick Okla [l905]. D 268[incl. pis] a STONE, WILLIAM L. 9905 The campaign of . . . Burgoyne, and the ex- pedition of. . . St. Leger. Alb 1877. D [l2] 9-461 fold. map 8pls a STONE, WILLIAM L., tr. 9906 Letters of Brunswick and Hessian officers during the. . . revolution. Alb 1891. O [6, 5- 10] 9-258 [ll] 2pls a Translated from a contemporary German periodical. STONE, WILLIAM L. 9907 The life and times of Red Jacket NY 1841. O [12 incl. eng. t.] 484 3pls a — ed. 2, index & memoir of au. added, Alb 1866. O 510 5pls 500 copies ptd & 75 on L. P. a STONE, WILLIAM L. and 9908 EDWIN M. The life and times of Sir William Johnson. Alb 1865. O 2v: [l6] 9-555; [l6] 544. port a Also 50copies on L. P. 564 Stone — Straley 9909 ,N Y 1838. O 2v: [36] 425 [59]; [6, 3-8] 537 [66]. 8pls & plans STONE, WILLIAM L. Life of Joseph Brant. — ed. 2, B 1851. O 2v: 1 20l 734; I 2\ 632 — ed. 3, B 1858. O 2v: [36] 735; [2] 702 — rptd. several times; also tr. into Fr. & Sp. — anr. issue has facs & lOadditional supplementary pp. in vol.1 — 2 other eds. with same date on t-p, carry on spines later dates [l839 & 184l]. — anr. ed. Cooperstown 1841. O 2v: [21 incl. eng.t.] 425 [56]; [lo] 537 [66]. 7pls &. plans — rptd. 1844; 1845; 1846; 1847; Bui 1851. — best ed. with index added, Alb 1864. O 2v: [5-32] 500; [8] 602 [601-630]. 7pls & plans a 50 copies on L. P. a — rptd., same collat., 1865. — abr. ed. "Border wars of the American Revolution," N Y 1843. 16° 2v: 384; 381 + ladv-p; frequently reissued. Best biography of an American Indian. STORIA Storia della Rivoluxione dell' America Inglese. . . . See Dubuisson, Paul U. STORIES 9910 Stories of the Indians during the revolu- tion. ...NY 1836. O 32 fold.pl a [STORK, WILLIAM] 9911 An account of East-Florida. ...L [l766]. O [6] 90 a — ed. 2, with Bartram's journal added, L [1766]. O [6] 90 [8] 70 a — ed. 3, enl., slight change in t., L 1769. Q [12] 40 [l2] 36 3maps & plans b GaU N NYP Y — ed. 4, same collat., L 1774. a STORY, THOMAS 9916 A journal of the life of:. . . . Newcastle Eng 1747. F [8] 768 8 a Prominent Pennsylvania Quaker who travelled to various parts of the country. STOTLER, JACOB 9917 Annals of Emporia and Lyon county, Kansas, 1857-1882. ... Emporia [l898?]. O 100 a STOUGHTON, JOHN A. 9918 "Windsor farmes" Hart 1883 Q [lo] 9-150, front., fold, plan, facsims. a STOUT, F. E. 9919 Rube Burrow; or life, exploits and death of the bold train robber. Aberdeen Miss 1890. D 78 a STOVALL, PLEASANT A. 9920 Robert Toombs NY [l892]. O [8 7-8] 396 port a STRACHEY, WILLIAM 9921 The historie of travaile into Virginia. . . . Now first edited from the original manu- script. L Hakluyt Soc 1849. O [8] 36 [4] 203 map facs 5pls a STRAHORN, MRS. CARRIE A. 9922 Fifteen thousand miles by stage. ...NY 1911. o[28] 673 5pls a — rptd., same collat., 1915. STORK, WILLIAM 9912 Extract from the account of East Florida L 1766. D [2] 39 a Summarizes Stork's Account of East- Florida, with the Observations of Denys Rolle added. STORM, GUSTAV 9913 Studier over Vinlandsreiserne. . . .Copenh 1888. O [4] 80 a — Eng. ed. "Studies on the Vineland voy- ages. . . ," Copenh 1889. O [2] 80 Critical investigation, corroborating the authenticity of Icelandic Sagas. STRAHORN, ROBERT E. 9923 The hand-book of Wyoming and guide to the Black hills Cheyenne [Chi ptd] 1877. O [6] 272[incl.advs.] a STRAHORN, ROBERT E. 9924 The resources and attractions of Idaho Territory Boise [ptd. at Omaha] 1881. O 88 + 8adv-p map a STRAHORN, ROBERT E. The resources of Montana Territory. Helena [ptd Omaha ] 1879. O 80 a — ed. 2, K C 1881. O 205 9925 STORROW, SAMUEL A. 9914 [Narrative of a tour. . . on the shores of lake Superior. . . in a letter to Maj. Gen. Jacob Brown]. No t-p. n.p. [l818?]. O 39 c WisH Y Lof 4copies known] STORY, JOSEPH 9915 Commentaries on the Constitution. . .B 1833. O 3v: [26] 494; [2] 555; [2] 776 a STRAHORN, ROBERT E„ 9926 To the Rockies and beyond. . . . Omaha 1878. O 216 map a — ed. 2, Omaha 1879. O 216 map front. — ed. 3, Chi 1881. O 213 map front. [STRALEY, WILLIAM WILSON] 9927 Pioneer sketches, Nebraska and Texas. Hico Tex 1915. O [6] 58 pis a 565 Strang — Strickland [STRANG, JAMES J.] 9928 Ancient and modern Michilimackinac. . . . [St James Mich] 1854. O cover t. + 48 dd LC WisH — rptd. same date & collat.[but on paper obviously later] b AA LC N — anr. issue, also same date [but later] and with only 40p a — other eds.: St Ignace Mich 1885; n.p. 1894. STRANG, JAMES J. 9929 The book of the law of the Lord. St James Mich [l85l]. D 80 dd A. H. Greenly Y [of 3 copies known] — rptd. [K C 1927?]. same collat. a — ed. 2, enl. [St James 1856]. D 17-336 Made from salvaged sheets of the book as printed, but awaiting a t-p & Strang's pre- liminary pages, when a mob destroyed the press c NYP Y — anr. ed., same sheets with t-^p &. 6pre- liminary p. added, n.p. [ca 1878]. b There were several issues with this collat., and a later one with t-p & 7preliminary p. [Lansing 1890]? —also, n.p. [1920]. D [8] 17-336 Intended by Strang to replace The book of Mormon among his schismatic followers. STRANG, JAMES J. 9930 Facts; ancient American records. [St James Mich] 1844. O 44 b UCHO STRANG, JAMES J. 9931 The prophetic controversy. . . . [St James Mich 1855]? O 49 errata 1. b — anr. ed, "The prophetick discussion," [St. James 1856]? Q 44 errata 1. b — rptd. n.d. [before 1900]. O 35 pi a — anr. issue, n.d. O 38 An earlier pamphlet of sixteen pages on this question — as to Strang's right of suc- cession to Smith — entitled The diamond — was issued with imprint of Voree, Wiscon- sin, and date 1848 [probably ptd. at St. James after 1850]. It was reprinted in fifteen pages, and later in twenty pages. STRANGE, JAMES C. S. 9932 Journal. . . of the commercial expedition from Bombay to the north-west coast. . . . Madras 1928. Q 63 map a First fur-trading voyage to these regions of which an adequate record survives. STRANGER 9933 Stranger, traveller, and merchant's guide through the United States. Phil 1825. D [4, 7-10] 156 map fold, tab a STRANGER'S GUIDE (THE) 9934 Stranger's guide (The) through the United States and Canada. Edin 1838. 16° 143 3 STRATEN-PONTHOZ, AUGUSTE 9935 VAN DER, BARON Recherches sur la situation des emi- grants aux fitats-Unis. . . . Brus 1846. O [8] 158 map a — Ger. ed. "Forshungen uber der Aus- wanderer...," Augsburg 1846. D [8] 196 — for anr. Ger. tr., with adds., see Berghaus, Heinrich K. W. — Dutch tr. Utrecht 1847. O [4] 124 map The Baron's two years' tour of investiga- tion carried him through Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Missouri. STRATTON, R[0YAL] B. 9936 Life among the Indians. . . captivity of the Oatman girls among the Apache and Mohave Indians. S F 1857. D [4] 183 d AA N Y — ed. 2, new t.: "Captivity of the Oatman girls," S F 1857. D 231 -rptd. Chi 1857. b NYP Y — ed. 3, enl. N Y 1858. D [2] 5-290 [2] 3pls a — rptd. S F Grabhorn 1935. O [12] 209 pis 550copies ptd. STREAKS Streaks of squatter life, and far-west scenes. ... By "Solitaire." See Robb, John S. STRECKFUSS, G. F. 9937 Der Auswanderer nach Amerika, oder treue Schilderung der Shicksale. . . . Zeitz 1837. D [4] 124 a STRECKFUSS, G. F. 9938 Sittengemalde und Landesansichten aus den Vereinigten Staaten. . . . Zeitz 1837. D [14] 156 a STREET, FRANKLIN 9939 California in 1850. . . . Also . . . description of the overland route, from the Missouri river to Sacramento Cin 1851. D 88[incl. front, and other pis] c N NYP Y STREETER, FLOYD B. 9940 Prairie trails and cow towns. B [l936j. O 236 12pls a STREETER, S. F. 9941 Papers relating to the early history of Maryland. Bait 1876. O 315 a Contains Capt. Thomas Young's Relation of a voyage . . . 1634. STRICKLAND, W[lLLIAM], of Yorkshire Observations on the agriculture of the United States L 1801. O [6] 3-74 a 9942 566 Strickland — Strubberg See also Martinez de Yrujo y Tacon for an auxiliary report. STRICKLAND, WILLIAM, C. E. 9943 Reports on canals, railways. . . . Phil 1826. oblong F [6] 51 errata slip 72drawings on 58pls, some fold, b AA NYP Y STRICKLAND, WILLIAM, C. E., et al 9944 Reports, specifications and estimates of public works in the United States. . . . L 1841. O [4] 168 + atlas F [4] 31drawings on 40 1. b ColumbiaU LC STRICKLAND, W[lLLIAM] P„ 9945 Old Mackinaw. . . . Phil 1860. D 404 map 4pls a STRICKLAND, WILLIAM P. 9946 The pioneers of the west. . . . N Y Carlton & Phillips [1856]. D 403[incl.pls] a — rptd. N Y Carlton & Lanahan 1868. same collat. STRICTURES Strictures on , . . A friendly address to all reasonable Americans. . . . See Lee, Chas. STRICTURES Strictures on a pamphlet, entitled, "An examination of the president's reply to the New-Haven remonstrance..." See Bishop, Abraham. STRICTURES (THE) Strictures (The) on the Friendly address examined. . . . See Barry, Henry. STRICTURES Strictures upon the Declaration of the congress at Philadelphia. . . . See Hutchin- son, Thos. STRICTURES Strictures. . . upon the three executive de- partments of the. . . United States. ... By Massachuttensis. See Leonard, Daniel. STRINGFIELD, THOMAS 9947 Captured by the Apaches. . . . Hamilton Tex [l91l]. O 65 a STROBEL, P[HILIP] A. 9948 The Salzburgers and their descendants Bait 1855. D 308 2pls a STROCK, DANIEL 9949 Pictorial history of King Philip's war. . . . B [ptd Phil] 1851. O 448 eng.t. port a — anr. issue, same date & collat. Hart —rptd. 1852; 1853; 1854. STRONG, JAMES CLARK 9950 Biographical sketch of:. . . . Los Gatos Cal 1910. D 106 [incl.port.] a small ed. A Californian of 1850, member of Wash- ington Territory's first legislature and ac- tive in Northwestern Indian wars. STRONG, MOSES M. [comp.] 9951 History of the Territory of Wisconsin. . . . Afad/son [l855], O 637 a STRONG, THOMAS M. 9952 The history of . . . Flatbush, in Kings county, Long-Island. N Y 1842. D 178 [l] map 5pls a STRONG, WILLIAM E 9953 A trip to the Yellowstone. . . . Wash 1876. Q 143 2maps 7ports 7views a [STROTHER, DAVID H.] 9954 Virginia illustrated: containing a visit to the Virginia Canaan N Y 1857. O [4] 8- 300[incl. illus] a —rptd. N Y 1871. STROUD, JOSEPH G. 9955 Memories of old western trails in Texas longhorn days. . . . [williston N d] 1932. O [6] 93 [3] a [STRUBBERG, FRIEDRICH ARMAND] 9956 Amerikanische Jagd-und Reiseabenteuer aus meinem Leben in den westlichen Indianergebieten. Von Armand. Stuttgart 1858. OL6] 460 24pls a — rptd. "Frontierleben. . . ," Hannover 1868. 12° 3v — Dutch ed. Utrecht 1860. O 2v — Eng. ed. "The backwoodsman, or life on the Indian frontier," ed. Wraxall. L 1864. D [4] 428 12pls [incl. pictorial t.] a — rptd. L Ward Lock [ca 1870]. D pis — Am. ed. B 1866. D 302 12pls[incl.pic- torial t] Florid narrative, possibly based on ac- tual experiences in the Rio Grande region. [STRUBBERG, FRIEDRICH ARMAND] 9957 Bis in die Wildniss. Breslau 1858. O 4v: [8] 312; [6] 343; [6] 266; [6] 264 a Romanticised autobiography. [STRUBBERG, FRIEDRICH ARMAND] 9958 Friedrichsburg, die colonie des deutschen Furstenvereins in Texas. Von Armand [pseud.] Leip 1867. D 2v: [14] 244; [s] 236 [l]a [STRUBBERG, FRIEDRICH ARMAND] 9959 Scenen aus den Kampfen der Mexicaner und Nordamerikaner. Breslau 1859. 16 14J 288 a 567 Stryker — Stuart Two tales, based on the author's life in Texas. STRYKER, WILLIAM S. 9960 The battles of Trenton and Princeton. . . . B 1898. O [16] 514 [2] 4plans front, a STUART, MRS. A. H. H. [eomp.] 9961 Washington Territory: its soil, climate Olympia 1875. O 64 a [STUART, ANDREW] 9962 Notes upon the south western boundary line of . . . Lower Canada and New Bruns- wick, and the United States. . . . Quebec 1830. O 58 a [STUART, ANDREW] 9963 Succinct account of the treaties. . . re- lating to the boundary line between. . . Lower Canada and New Brunswick and the United States [L 1838]. O [2] 206 2maps dia- gram [captt.only] a STUART, CHARLES B. 9964 The naval and mail steamers of the United States. N Y 1853. Q 216 + 22adv-p 35pls a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. Q 216 [4] + 22 adv-p 36pls — ed. 2, enl., same impr. & date. D [l8] 13- 271 [l2j 9pls STUART, l| SAACl W. 9970 Life of Jonathan Trumbull . . . governor of Connecticut. B 1859. O [2] 700 4col.pls a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — rptd., from same pis, Hart 1878. STUART, JAMES, 1775-1849 9971 Refutation of aspersions on "Stuart's Three years in North America." L 1834. D 108 a The aspersions — printed herein — were made by Major Norman Pringle in an Edin- burgh paper; after Stuart's Refutation ap- peared they were issued separately, with additions, in a sixteen-page pamphlet. STUART, JAMES, 1775-1849 9972 Three years in North America. Edin 1833. D 2v: [ lO] 496; [8] 580. map a — ed. 2, rev., Edin 1833. D 2v: [12] 526; [8] 544. map — ed. 3, same collat., Edin 1833. — Am. ed. N Y 1833. D 2v: [4] 334; [2] 5-337 — Dutch tr. Gorinchem 1835-[l836]. O 3v 3eng. titles 2pls STUART, CHARLES B. 9965 The naval dry docks of the United States. N Y 1852. Q [4j 126 94 24pls a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. Q [4] 113 84 + 14adv-p 24pls — rptd. same impr. 1855. F [l2] 9-113 [l4] + adv-p 24pls — ed. 4, same impr. 1870. STUART, GRANVILLE 9966 Forty years on the frontier. . . . Clev 1925. O 2v: 272; 265 [incl.pls] STUART, GRANVILLE 9967 Montana as it is NY 1865. N Y 1865. O 175 map[by de Lacy] dd N Y The most cherished Montana book. 1500 copies were printed, of which 300 contained the map, however all but 150 copies were destroyed by fire. The correct issue of the map bears copyright date 1865 and was lithographed by Rae Smith; there were three other issues [all rare]: one lithographed by Smith but without copyright; another, litho- graphed by Friedenwald; and a third, en- graved in St. Louis by J. Hutawa. [STUART, ISAAC Wj Hartford in the olden time. . . L2j 316 map 5pls a STUART, l[SAAC] W. Life of Captain Nathan Hale. 1856. D [18] 13-230 [2] 9pls a 9968 Hart 1853. O 9969 STUART, JOHN,, of Ark. 9973 A sketch of the Cherokee and Choctaw Indians. Little Rock 1837. O 42 b JCB GeorgetownU Y STUART, JOHN, of Va. 9974 Memoir of Indian wars. . . , [Rich 1833], O 35-68 a Separate printing from the first and only volume of the Virginia Historical Collection. STUART, JOSEPH A[L0NZ0] 9975 My roving life Auburn Calif 1895. D 2v: [10 incl. 2blank 1.] 203; [8 incl. 2blank 1.] 229. 20maps & pis b N Y 50 copies said to have been ptd. Includes account of an 1849 overland trip and life in the California mines. STUART, ROBERT 9976 The discovery of the Oregon trail. . . . Ed. Philip A. Rollins. N Y 1935. O [l38] 392 lOmaps 8t ports a First English publication of this diary of a trip from Astoria to St. Louis, in 1812-13, on which South Pass was discovered and the Oregon Trail established. A French version, Voyage de I'embouchere de la Columbia. . . , appeared in volumes ten and twelve, Nouvelles annales des voyages, 1821. STUART, WILLIAM, THE FIRST... 9977 COUNTERFEITER OF CONNECTICUT Sketches of the life of: Bridgeport 1854. sq 16° 223 port a 568 Stuort-Wortley — Sullivan STUART-WORTLEY, EMMELINE See Wortley, Emmeline Stuart. STUCKLE, HENRI 9978 Voies de communication aux Etats-Unis . . . . P 1847. O [8] 470 [l] map 6tabs a STUDER, HERMANN 9979 Auswanderung nach hoch-Texas. II Theil. Zurich 1855. O 32 a [Forms part of the Ger. ed. of Victor Considerant's "Au Texas," P. v.] jb. 9980 STUDLEY, R. P., p The Springfield [mo.J city directory for 1873-4. Containing a historical sketch. . . . St L 1873. O 180 a STULLKEN, C. 9981 My experiences on the plains. Wichita 1913. D 36 front, a STURGE, JOSEPH 9982 A visit to the United States in 1841. L 1842. O [lo] 192 [123] a — Am. ed. B 1842. D 235 [93] By a Quaker chiefly concerned with pro- moting abolition of slavery and wars. STURGES, J. A. 9983 Illustrated history of McDonald county, Missouri. [Pineville] 1897. D 344 a Annals of a community partaking of the lawless character of the neighboring Indian Territory; hence distinguished for bank robberies and murders. STURGIS, THOMAS 9984 Common sense view of the Sioux war. . . . Cheyenne 1877. O 52 a — rptd. Waltham Mass 1877. O 45 STURGIS, THOMAS 9985 The Ute war of 1879 Cheyenne 1879. 26 a — anr. issue, without impr. {Cheyenne 1879]. a STURTEVANT, P[ELEG] 9988 The Harrisburg directory; with a sketch of [its] first settlement Harrisburg 1839. D 48 a First directory of this city. SUBALTERN (A) 9989 Subaltern (A) in America. . . campaigns of the British army at Washington and New Orleans Phil 1833. D 266 a Attributed erroneously to George R. Gleig, author of a similar work, A narrative of the campaigns of the British army. . . , [q.v.] SUBLIME (THE) Sublime (The) and ridiculous blended. . . . See Van Dusen, Increase McG. SUCCINCT REVIEW (A) Succinct review (A) of the American con- test. . . . By Zero. See Ramsay, Allan. SUCCINCT VIEW (A) Succinct view (A) of the missions es- tablished ... by the Church of the Brethren .... See La Trobe, Benj. SUCCINCT VIEW (A) Succinct view (A) of the origin of our colonies. . . . See Bollan, Wm., The freedom of speech and writing. . . . SUCHARD, D. 9990 Un voyage aux Etats-Unis . . . il y a quarante ans Neuchatel 1868. D 231 a Travels through Ohio, etc., in 1824. SUCKOW, B W., comp. 9991 Madison LWis.J directory for 1866, with a history ... by J. W. Smith. Madison 1866. D 175 2maps a SUGGS, CAPTAIN SIMON Some adventures of:. . . . See Hooper, Johnson J. [STURGIS, WILLIAM] 9986 Examination of the Russian claims to the northwest coast of America. [B 1822]. O 31 [capt,t.only] a Separate printing of an article originally appearing in the North American Review. STURGIS, WILLIAM 9987 The Oregon question B 1845. O 32 map a Authoritative review of British and Ameri- can claims written by one who as a youth had made several trading voyages to the Northwest coast. SUITE Suite des observations sur la geologie des Etats-Unis. . . . See Maclure, Wm. SULLIVAN, SIR EDWARD [R.] 9992 Rambles and scrambles in North and South America. L 1852. D [6] 5-424 errata slip a — ed. 2, L1853. D 403 Includes his hunting trip in the Sioux country. SULLIVAN, G. W. 9993 Early days in California. . . . Vol. l[all]. S F 1888. O [8] 7-230 ports a 569 Sullivan — Sumner SULLIVAN, JAMES 9994 The history of land titles in Massachu- setts. B 1801. O 392 a SULLIVAN, JAMES 9995 The history of . . . Maine. B 1795. O [8] 421 map a First general history of this state. SULLIVAN, JAMES 9996 Observations upon the government of the United States B 1791. O 55 a For reply see Ford, Timothy. [SULLIVAN, JOHN H.] 9997 Broncho John. . . first trip up the trail. . . . [Valparaiso Ind 1905]. D 32 + cover t. a — anr. ed. "Life and adventures of Broncho John: his first trip up the trail," [same impr. 1908]. D 24 A drive of five thousand head from San Antonio to Fremont, Nebraska. [SULLIVAN, JOHN H.] 9998 Life and adventures of a cow-boy; or, valuable hints on raising stock. ...NY [1885?]. D 16 a — anr. ed. "Life and adventures of the genuine cowboy," [n Y? ca 1900]. D 56 cover t. only — rptd., t.altered, [Valparaiso Ind 1905]. D 40 cover t.only SULLIVAN, MAURICE S., ed. 9999 The travels of Jedidiah Smith. . . including the journal of the great American pathfinder. Santa Ana Calif 1934. O [l6] 196 map 12pls First printing of Smith's own account of his entrance into the fur trade in 1822, his journey up the Missouri to the Rockies, his trip to Salt Lake and across the Mojave desert and up the Sacramento in 1827-8. SULLIVAN, T[H0MAS] R. 10000 Letters against the immediate abolition of slavery B 1835. O [4] 51 a SULLIVAN, W. JOHN L. 10001 Twelve years in the saddle ... on the frontiers of Texas Austin 1909. O [6] 284 13pls a Ranger activities against marauders red and white. [SULLIVAN, WILLIAM] 10002 Familiar letters on public characters, and public events.. . 1783-1815. B 1834. O [12] 468 a — ed. 2, app. omitted, same impr. &• date. D [24] 345 — anr. ed., with adds., "The public men of the revolution. . . ," Phil 1847. O 463 port SULLIVAN'S CAMPAIGN Sullivan's campaign, in. . . western New York. Notices of: See O'Reilly, Henry. SUMMARY OBSERVATIONS Summary observations and facts. .. from late and authentic accounts of Russian and other navigators. . . . See Travers, De Val. SUMMARY (A) Summary (A) of the first planting. . . of the British settlements. . . . See Douglass, Wm. SUMMARY VIEW (A) Summary view (A) of America . . . the result of observations . . . during a journey in the United States. By an Englishman. See Cand- ler, Isaac. SUMMARY VIEW (A) Summary view (A) of the rights of British America. . . . See Jefferson, Thos. SUMMARY VIEW (A) 10003 Summary view (A) of the United States. . . . N Y 1835. 24° 54 a SUMMER Summer on the lakes, in 1843. See Ossoli, Sarah M. SUMMER'S VACATION (A) Summer's vacation (A); or, a trip to the west. . . . See Kimball, Chas. SUMMERFIELD, CHARLES, [pseud.] The desperadoes of the south-west. . . ; [also] The lives. . . of the desperadoes of the south-west,. . . . ; LalsoJ The rangers and regulators of the Tanaha. . . . See Arrington, Alfred W. SUMMERHAYES, MRS. MARTHA 10004 Vanished Arizona. Phil 1908. D 270 22pls a — ed. 2, Salem [l91l]. D 319 26pls — rptd., ed. Quaife, Chi 1939. 16° SUMMERS, LEWIS P. 10005 History of southwest Virginia, 1746-1786, Washington county, 1777-1870. Rich 1903. O 92l[incl. 3pls] a — ed. 2 — and best, "Annals. . . ," Rich 1929. O [10] 1757 3maps pis SUMNER, CHARLES 10006 Speech on the cession of Russian Amer- ica. Wash 1867. O 48 fold.map[not in all copies] a SUMNER, CHARLES A. 10007 'Cross the plains. A narrative lecture. S F [1875]. O 27 map a 570 Sumner — Sutherland SUMNER, SAMUEL 10008 History of the Missico valley [vt.J. . . . Irasburgh Vt 1860. O 76 a SUMNER, WILLIAM G. 10009 The financier and the finances of the American revolution. N Y 1891. O 2v: [lo] 309; [8] 330 a — rptd. N Y 1892. same collat [SUMNER, WILLIAM H.I? 10010 Address to the reader of the documents relating to the Galveston Bay and Texas land company. . . . N Y 183 1. O 38 69 b NYP LC Y See also, Texas, Emigrant's guide to: SUNDERLAND, LA ROY 10011 Mormonism exposed and refuted. N Y 1838. 18° 54 a — anr. ed., with longer t. & no au. named, N Y 1842. 16° [4] 3-64 This early attack on the Church was answered by Parley P. Pratt's Mormonism unveiled. SUNNY SOUTH [THE] Sunny south LTheJ; or, the southerner at home. . . . See Ingraham, Jos. H. SUPREMACY (THE) 10012 Supremacy (The) of the British legislature over the colonies, candidly discussed. L 1775. O [4] 38 a SURBY, RICHARD W. 10013 Grierson's raids and Hatch's sixty-four day's march. Chi 1865. D 394 2ports a SURIA, TOMAS 10014 Journal of: of his voyage with Malaspina to the northwest coast. . . . Glendale 1936. O 44 8pls a lOOcopies ptd. Translation of an unpublished manuscript. For official account see Malaspina. SURRATT, JOHN H., THE 10015 CONSPIRATOR Private journal and diary of: Ed. by Dion Haco. N Y Brady [l866J. D [2] 11-104 a Has all the ear-marks of being bogus. SUSQUEHANNAH Susquehannah (the river). A description of: See Condy, Jonathan W. SUSQUEHANNA 10016 Susquehanna and Juniata (the rivers); the river Delaware; the river Schuylkill. Report of sundry commissioners appointed to view and explore: Phil 1791. O 27 a For similar work, see Howell, Reading. SUSQUEHANNA CASE (THE) 100 [Norwich Conn 1774]. Q 24 a Intended to accompany the Report of Connecticut commissioners relating to the boundaries between Connecticut and Penn- sylvania, published in 1774. This dispute over the Wyoming Valley was later decided in Pennsylvania's favor by the Continental Congress. SUSQUEHANNAH TITLE (THE) Susquehannah title (The) stated and examined. . . . See Bidwell, SUTCLIFF, ROBERT 10018 Travels in some parts of North America York Eng 1811. D [12] 293 6pls a — Am. ed. Phil 1812. D [lo] 289 front. —Eng. ed. 2, York Eng 1815. D 312 6pls SUTHERLAND, [JAMES], and 10019 McEVOY, [HENRY N. |. comps. Atchison city directory. , . for 1859—60. St L 1859. O 83 a SUTHERLAND, JAMES, pub. 10020 Atchison city directory, for 1860-61. lndp [i860]. O 98[incl.ads & front.] + adv-p on end sheet[pasted down on recto of rear cover] & adv-card of "Massasoit House" pasted on inserted 1. [between p. 16-17 b KasH Y [of 4copies known] Contains, in addition to information on this city, a six-page guide to the Colorado gold fields. SUTHERLAND, [JAMES] & McEVOY, 10021 [HENRY N.] f comps. Kansas City directory. . . .St L [ptd. Indp] [1859]. O [8 11-18] 99 a SUTHERLAND, [JAMES] 10022 Leavenworth city directory. . . for 1859- 60 . . . and a brief sketch of the city. [St L 1859]. O 197 [2] map a — same, for 1860-61, Leavenworth [ptd. Indp I860]. O 207 In the 1860 issue, H. M. Moore's sketch of the city was replaced by Ward Bur- lingame's account of its prospects resulting from Pike's Peak excitement. [SUTHERLAND, MRS. REDDING] 10023 Five years within the Golden Gate. L 1868. D [10] 315 a SUTHERLAND, THOMAS A. 10024 Howard's campaign against the Nez Perce-Indians, 1877. Port Ore 1878. O 48 + 4adv-p b OreH Y By Howard's aide-de-camp. 571 Sutherland — Sweeny SUTHERLAND, WILLIAM 10025 The wonders of Nevada. . . guide to the great silver mines. . . . Virginia Nev 1878. D 32 fold, map a SUTTER, JOHN A. 10026 The diary of: S F Grabhorn 1932. D [20] 56 [2] 3pls 3facs a 500copies ptd. SUTTER, JOHN A. 10027 New Helvetia diary. . . 1845-8. S F Grab- horn 1939. Q [28] 138 [8] map 2pls facs a 950copies ptd. SUTTER'So . . SETTLEMENT Sutter's Fort Ross settlement. , [ca 1865]. O 32 b 10028 SVALANDER, CARL E. 10029 Tillforlitliga underrattelser om Nord- Amerikas forenta stater. ... En illustrerad handbok for emigranter. . . .Gotheborg 1853. D [8] 3-168 maps & pis a SVIN'IN [or SWININ], PAVEL 10030 [PAUL] P„ Opyt zhyvopisnavo puteshestviya po severnoi Amerike. . . . St Ptbg 1815. 16° [8] 219 6pls[5 fold.] b LC NYP Y — anr. ed., same impr. 1818. 16° [8] 170 6f old. pis a — Dutch tr. Haarlem 1818. O [8] 127 — Ger. ed. "Malerische Reise durch Nord- amerika," Riga 1816. O [6] 170 — Eng. tr., in part, "Picturesque United States. . . ," N Y 1930. Q [l8] 46 [4] 52pls First description of the United States by a Russian traveller; based on wide travels extending from 1811 to 1813. SWAIN, DAVID L., et ol 10031 Early times in Raleigh. . . . Ed. by R. S. Tucker. Raleigh 1867. D 41 22 [l2j + 10 adv-p 3f old. maps a SWALUE, ElDELHARDUSl B., ed. 10032 Brieven uit en over de Vereenigde Staten . . . .Schoonhoven 1853. O [l4] 304 map 5pls SWAN, MAJOR An affecting account of the tragical death of: and of the captivity of Mrs. Swan. . . . See Swan, Eliza. SWAN, ALONZO Mo 10033 Canton [ill.]; its pioneers and history. . . . Canton 1871. O 163 a By the son of the original proprietor, who laid out the town in 1825, [SWAN, ELIZA] 10034 An affecting account of the tragical death of Major Swan, and of the captivity of Mrs. Swan. ...B [l815]. D 24 b AA LC N Y SWAN, JAMES G. 10035 The northwest coast; or, three years'. . . in Washington Territory. N Y 1857. D 435 map pi a 10036 SWANTON? or SWARTON?, [MRS.] HANNAH Swanton? or Swarton?, [Mrs.] Hannah, the Casco captive B 1837. 16° 63 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1839. 16° 60 — ed. 3, same impr. n.d. 16 72 SWARTZELL, WILLIAM 10037 Mormonism exposed. . . a journal of a residence in Missouri. . . . Pekin O 1840. O 48 b MoH NYP [of 3 copies known] SWASEY, WILLIAM F. 10038 The early days and men of California. . . . Oakland 1891. O [lo] 9-406 port 2pls a Authentic memoirs of one who came to California in 1845, worked for Sutter and was with Fremont's little army on its march to Los Angeles. SWAVING, [JUSTUS G.] 10039 Swaving's reizen en lotgevallen. . . . Dordrecht 1827. O 2v: [32] 314; [6, 9-20] 456 [2] a Narrative of personal experiences in America. SWEARINGEN, GEORGE 10040 Life and confessions of: Hagerstown 1829. O 83 plan port a SWEDBERG, JESPER 10041 America illuminata, skrifwen och utgifwen .... Skara Moeller [l732]. O 163 [5] b N NYP Y By the father of Emanuel Swedenborg, who, as bishop of the Swedish churches in America, received reports from church leaders on conditions, both civil and ec- clesiastical, in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. SWEDBERG [or SVEDBERG], 10042 JOHAN D, Dissertatio gradualis de Svionum in America Upsala [l709]. O [6] 32 b N NYP PaH SWEENY, LIEUT. THOMAS W. 10043 Military occupation of California. . . . [Wash] 1909. O 47 a 572 Sweet — Symonds SWEET, E. N. 10044 History of Cuming county, Nebraska. Lincoln 1876. O 52 a SWEET, GEORGE H. 10045 Texas: her early history N Y 1871. O 160 a SWEET, WILLIS 10046 The mining camps of Leadville and Ten- Mile. K C 1879. D 83 map a SWETLAND, LUKE 10047 A very remarkable narrative of:. . . . Hart [1785? 1790?]. O 16 c Y [only known copy] — anr. ed., with adds., Waterville N Y 1875. O 40 a 12 copies ptd [cover t. only] Captured by Senecas, in Pennsylvania, 1778; rescued by Sullivan's army in 1779. See also under Merrifield, Edw. SWETT, MORRIS 10048 Fort Sill: a history. . . . Ft Sill Okla 1921. O 66 cover t. only a SWETT, S[AMUEL] 10049 Historical and topographical sketch of Bunker hill battle [B 1818]. D 104 [plan called for not issued] a — ed. 2, enl., "History of Bunker hill battle. ..," B 1826. O 58 30 map — ed. 3, same impr. 1827. O 58 34 map [ports called for not issued] SWETT, S[AMUEL] 10050 Notes to his sketch of Bunker-Hill battle. B 1825. O 24 a — eds. 2 8& 3, same impr. & date, respec- tively 30 & 34p., were issued separately and also with eds. 2 & 3 of his larger work. SWIFT, CHARLES F. 10051 History of Old Yarmouth [Mass.]. Yar- mouth Port 1884. O 281 [2] map 9ports facs a [SWISHER, MRS. BELLA FRENCH] 10052 The American sketch book. Lacrosse [& Green Bay] 1874-6. O 3v see note Started as a monthly, devoted to Wiscon- sin local history; volume I in six numbers, volume II in three numbers. For volume III see next entry. Revived later, and con- tinued for a time, at Austin, Texas. [SWISHER, MRS. BELLA FRENCH] 10053 History of Brown county, Wisconsin. Green Bay 1876. O 330 2foldmaps lOpls a Complete history of the Green Bay region, next to Mackinac most important point in the old Northwest. Includes reminiscences by the first white child born in Wisconsin. Forms volume III of The American sketch book, above. SWISHER, JAMES 10054 How I know . . . adventures in Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and California. Cin 1881. O 384 a SWITZLER, WILLIAM F. 10055 Illustrated history of Missouri. . . .St L 1879. O [l8] 60l[incl.pls] a SYDNEY, ALGERNON | pseud, 1 The letters of: in defence of civil liberty .... See Leigh, Benj. W. SYKES, C. P. 10056 Prospectus and reports of the Calabasas Land and Mining Company. . . Pima county, Arizona Territory. S F 1878. O 52 fold.map pis a Territorial Indian wars, etc. SYLVESTER, HERBERT M. 10057 Indian wars of New England. B 1910. O 3v: [6] 5-528; [4] 3-626; M 3-703 a SYMMES, JOHN CLEVES 10058 On the first settlement of the Northwest Territory. [Cin 1796]. Pamphlet. No copy known Evans 31261 SYMMES, JOHN CLEVES 10059 To the respectable public, [capt. t.] [Trenton 1787]. 24° 30 b AA — rptd., same yr., 16 16 a First publication concerning the Ohio colony on the Miami. SYMMES, THOMAS 10060 Lovewell lamented. . . sermon oc- casion'd by the fall of. . . Capt. John Love- well. . . in the late heroic action at Pigg- wacket. B 1725. O [l6] 32 d AA Hn NYP — ed. 2, with minor changes, "Historical memoirs of the late fight. . . ," B. same collat. 8b date, d AA Hn NYP Y — anr. ed., with textual changes & adds., "The history of the fight of the intrepid Captain John Lovell. . . ," Fryeburg Me 1799. D 60 b AA — other eds., various titles: Porr Me 1818. D 19 a; B 1819. D 12 a; Concord N H 1861. sm Q 48 map; see also Kidder, Frederic. SYMMS, T[H0MAS] A brief history of the battle between Capt. John Lovell . . . and a body of Indians. See Symmes, Thos. SYMONDS, JOHN 10061 Remarks upon an essay intituled "The history of the colonization of the free states of antiquity applied to the present contest " L 1778. Q [4] 52 a For work refuted, see Barron, William. 573 Symons — Talleyrand SYMONS, JOHN, ed. 10062 The battle of Queenstown Heights. . . opening of the war of 1812. . . . Tor 1859. O 39 a SYMONS, THOMAS W. 10063 Itineraries of route and tables of dis- tances, with a list of posts. . . in the De- partment of the Columbia. Vancouver Bar- racks 1881. map 66tabs a — Fr. tr. P 1825. O 3v: [22]; [4] 323; [4] 175. 8maps & pis — rptd. P 1833. O 3v: [32]; [4] 323; [4] 175. 7maps 6: pis — Ger. tr. Vienna 1825. O [4] 3-140 3maps & 5pls [TALBOT, JOHN] 10070 History of North America; comprising, a . . . view of the United States. . . . Leeds 1820. O 2v: [4] 498; [2] 458. 8maps & pis a — ed. 2, au. named, Liv 1821. O 2v same collat. T., J. Van den oorspronk. . . . See Klerk, J. de. [TACHE, ALEXANDER?] 10064 Notice sur la riviere Rouge. . . . Montr 1843. O 32 a Includes account of Blanchet and Demer's trip to Oregon in 1838. TACUBAYA A series of intercepted letters, captured by the American guard at: See Smith, Robt. Hall. TAFT, ALPHONSO 10065 Lecture on Cincinnati and her railroads. Cin 1850. O 52 a [TAILFER, PATRICK]? 10066 A new voyage to Georgia. . . . By a young gentleman. ... L 1735. O [2] 62 b NYP — anr. issue, identical, but with new t-p, calling itself 2nd ed. — L 1737. B GaU NYP TAILFER, PATRICK, et al 10067 A true and historical narrative of the colony of Georgia. . . . Charles-Town S C 1741. O [26] 176 b JCB NYP Y — anr. issue, with date in Roman, M.DCC. XLI, impr. same [but probably ptd at L]. O [18] 78 87-118 a — rptd., undated, impr. given as "Charles- Town and sold at L" [probably ptd at L 1741]. O [18] 112 a Registers complaints against Oglethorpe's administration urged by the discontented element which had left Georgia and resided in Charleston. TAIT, J[AMES] S. 10068 The cattle-fields of the far west. . . . Edin 1884. O 71 b LC TALBOT, EDWARD A. 10069 Five years' residence in the Canadas: in- cluding a tour through part of the United States. L 1824. O 2v: [l6] 419; 400. 2maps 2pls a TALBOT, SILAS 10071 An historical sketch, to the end of the revolutionary war, of the life of:. ...NY 1803. D [lOj 147 a — Eng, ed. "The life and surprising ad- ventures of Captain Talbot. . . ," L [1803?]. D [8] 148 TALBOT, THEODORE 10072 The journals of: . . . with the Fremont ex- pedition of 1843 and. . . in Oregon Territory, 1849-1852. Port Ore 1931. O [lo] 153 a TALES Tales of an Indian camp. See Jones, James Athearn. TALES Tales of the northwest. ... By a resident beyond the frontier. . . . See Snelling, Wm. J. TALES Tales of the revolution. ...NY 1835. See Mancur, John H. TALES Tales of the revolution. By a young gentleman of Tennessee. See Ramsey, James G. M. TALLENT, MRS. ANNIE D. 10073 The Black hills. ...StL 1899. O [22] 713 50pls a TALLEYRAND, CHARLES M. 10074 Memoire sur les relations commerciales des Etats - Unis avec 1' Angleterre. . . . L 1805. O 48 a Points out that the citizens of this coun- try still remain essentially British; their trade with England since the Revolution has increased. TALLEYRAND, [CHARLES M. I MONS. 10075 The whole official correspondence be- tween the envoys of the American states, and: L 1798. D 57 + 3adv-p a — Fr. tr. "Pieces officielles. . . ," L 1798. O 70 574 Tallmadge — Tarascon Appeared originally in Message of the president ... April 3rd, 1798, Philadelphia 1798. TALLMADGE, COL. BENJAMIN 10076 Memoir of: N Y 1858. O 70 port a — rptd. N Y 1904. O [l8] 168 [2] incl.pls 350copies ptd. TALLMADGE, OHIO 10077 Proceedings in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of: with the historical discourses. . . . Akron 1857. O 111 a TALVI [pseud.] See Robinson, Mrs. Therese L. von J. TANEY, MARY F. 10078 Kentucky pioneer women. Cin 1893. D 99 a TANGUAY DE LA BOISSIERE, C. C 10079 Memoire sur la situation commerciale de la France avec les Etats Unis. . . . n.p. 1795. Q 82 31tabs lOOcopies ptd a TANGUAY DE LA BOISSIERE, C. C 10080 Observations sur la depeche ecrite. . . par M. Pickering. . . a M. Pinckney. . . . Phil 1797. D 50 a — Eng. tr. Phil 1797. O 50 [TANNER, HENRY] The martyrdom of Lovejoy 10081 led by a pro-slavery mob, at Alton. Chi 1881, O [l4] 18-234 + 4adv-p 2ports fold.facs a TANNER, H[ENRY] S. 10082 An alphabetical index to the four sheet map of the United States. Phil [l839?]. 16° [8] 100 + advs[paged 3-14] a This index should be accompanied by the large map, which was issued separately and carries various dates, 1829, 1830, 1832 or 1839. TANNER, H[ENRY] S. 10083 The American traveller; or, guide through the United States. . ..Phil 1834. 18° 144 map 4plans a — ed. 2, Phil 1836. 18° 144 map 4plans 4pls — 8 other eds. pub. between 1837 and 1846. TANNER, HENRY S. 10084 Atlas of the United States Phil 1826. F [4] llmaps a — anr. ed. Phil 1835. F [4] 24maps See below his A new American atlas. . . . TANNER, H[ENRY] S. 10085 A brief description of the canals and railroads of the United States. . . . Phil 1834. 16° 31 map a — anr. ed., same date &• impr. 16 63 map 2pls — enl. ed. "A description of the canals and railroads. . . ," N Y 1840. O 272 3maps 2 diagrams — anr. ed., same impr. & date. O 272 3maps 2dia grams TANNER, H[ENRY] S. 10086 A geographical, historical . . . view of the central or middle United States. . . . Phil 1841. 16° [s] 3-524 4maps a — ed. 2, same impr., date 8: collat. TANNER, H[ENRY] S. 10087 Memoir on the recent surveys [etc.] in the United States. . . to accompany his new map Phil 1829. D [2] 108 + 8adv-p a — ed. 2, same collat., Phil 1830. Editions of Taner's Map of the United States were issued — to be sold separately — in 1829, 1830, 1832 and 1839. TANNER, HENRY S. 10088 A new American atlas. . . . Phil 1823. F [4] 18 eng.t. 18maps[l6 double p. & 2fold.] a — some copies issued in 5pts dated 1818-23 have 8 preliminary p.; others issued in 3pts dated 1819-23 have 10 preliminary p. — rptd. Phil 1825. same collat., but only 2 preliminary p. — anr. ed., same date, impr. & collat., but with maps dated to 1833; the 18maps are on 42 leaves, & 6 preliminary p. incl. eng.t. — anr. ed., same impr. 1839. F [2] 18maps [on 24sheets] See above his Atlas of the United States TANNER, HENRY S. 10089 A new pocket atlas of the United States .... Phil 1828. 24° [2] 12maps a TANNER, JOHN A narrative of the captivity and adven- tures of:. . . . See James, Edwin. TARASCON, LOUIS A. 10090 Republican education, and gradual western march, of enlightened. . . generations. . . through their Rocky mountains, to their north-west coasts on the Pacific. . . . Louisv 1836. O 24 + 12 1. [intended for writing in names of those joining in this emigration enterprise] dd Hn S Y [only copies located] A well considered, detailed plan to or- ganize large emigrating groups, with which to occupy the Pacific shores prior to their being grasped by European nations. TARASCON, L[0UIS A. 10091 To his fellow citizens of the United States N Y 1837. 16° 82 errata slip b Hn S Y 575 Tarbell — Taylor One of the earliest agitations for ex- pansion to the Pacific and settlement of Oregon. This was an amplification of his fourteen-page tract, L. A, Tarascon, to his friends. . . , Louisville, 1836; includes also Republican education, above. TARBELL, IDA M. 10092 The history of the Standard Oil Company. N Y 1904. O 2v: [20] 406; [l4] 409. 32pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1905. TARBLE, MRS HELEN M. 10093 The story of my capture and escape, dur- ing the Minnesota Indian massacre. . . . St P 1904. O 65 a An outstanding epic of female heroism under unbelievable ordeals. TARBOX, INCREASE N. 10094 Sir Walter Raleigh and his colony in America B Prince Soc 1884. o[8] 329 2pls a TARDUCCI, FRANCESCO 10095 R. deputazione Veneta di storia patria di Giovanni e Sebastiano Caboto. Memorie. . . . Venice 1892. O [4] 429 a — Eng. ed. "John and Sebastian Cabot . . . ," Detroit 1893. O [lo] 409 port TARLETON, SIR BANASTRE 10096 A history of the campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the southern provinces. . . .L 1787. Q [8J 518 + 2adv-p 5maps a —rptd. Dub 1787. O [8] 533 — ed. 2, L 1796. Q [26] 518 5maps TASISTRO, LOUIS F. 10097 Random shots and southern breezes. . . . N Y 1842. D 2v: 274; 230 [l4] a — ed. 2, N Y 1847. D 2v in 1 Observations on the ante-bellum South while playing in the theatres of Charleston, Mobile, New Orleans, Savannah, etc. TASSE, JOSEPH 10098 Les Canadiens de l'ouest. . .Montr 1878. O 2v: [42] 364; [4] 413. 21pls a — eds. 2 & 3, same impr, date and collat. — ed. 4, same impr & collat. 1882. Largely devoted to those conspicuous in the early settlement of the Western states. TATHAM, WILLIAM, ed. Communications concerning the agri- culture and commerce of America. See Martinez de Yrujo y Tacon, Carlos. TATHWELL, S. L., and MAXEY, 10099 H 0., pubs. & comps. The old settler's history of Bates county, Missouri. . . . Amsterdam Mo [ 1902 ?]. O 2 12 + unpaged 1. after p. 208 33ports map a TATUM, LAWRIE 10100 Our red brothers and the peace policy of . . . Grant. Phil 1899. O 366 16pls a Most copies destroyed — or damaged — by fire. TAXATION Taxation no tyranny. Saml. See Johnson, TAYLOR, BAYARD 10101 Eldorado; or, adventures in the path of empire. . . pictures of the gold region [etc.], N Y 1850. D 2v: [l2] 251; U] 247. 8tinted pis a — Eng. ed., Am. sheets with new t-p, L 1850. — anr. Eng. ed. L 1850 16° 2v. in 1: [4] 188; [4] 189-360 — ed. 2, N Y 1850, same collat. — ed. 3, N Y 1850. 2v in 1 no pis — Ger. tr. Weimar 1851. D [8] 176 2maps pi Unexcelled description of California's gold-rush days by a professional traveller and trained observer. [TAYLOR, BENJAMIN F.] ed. 10102 Short ravelings from a long yarn... sketches of the Santa Fe trail. Chi 1847. O 64 d ChiH WisH Y — rptd. Santa Ana Calif 1936. D 168 a Account of a trading expedition, under Captain Houck, made in 1841. [TAYLOR, C. B.] 10103 A universal history of the United States .... Hart 1828. D 472 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1829. — anr. ed., au. named, with adds., Spring- field 1830. D 494 [6] 6pls — many later eds. —Ger. tr. N Y 1838. D 612 20pls — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1839. TAYLOR, CHARLES B. 10104 Early history. . . of Wilkesville and Salem, Ohio. Cin 1874. 16° 89 a TAYLOR, CAPT. DREW K. 10105 Thrilling tales of Texas [Austin] 1926. 94 a Ranger experiences, etc. TAYLOR, G. of England 10106 A voyage to North America. . . manner of trading with the Indians. . . From Phila- delphia to New Orleans. . . to the Illinois Nottingham 1771. O [8 ] 248 b N NYH One of the earliest English books ad- vocating prairie settlement. [TAYLOR, G. C] 10107 Notes of conversation with a volunteer officer. . . on the passage of the forts below 576 Taylor — Taylor New Orleans. ...NY 1868. Q [4] 29 a 100 copies ptd. [TAYLOR, GEORGE, of Pa.] 10108 Martyrs to the revolution in the British prison-ships. ...NY 1855. D 60 fold.map a — anr. issue, same impr. & date. D 64 fold, map TAYLOR, H[0RACE] C. 10109 Historical sketches of . . . Portland [n.Y.J Fredonia 1873. O [2] 5-446 4pls a .], and 10110 TAYLOR, [JACOB N. CROOKS, [M. C] Sketch book of St. Louis. St L 1858. D 430 + errata 1. 4f old. pis a TAYLOR, JAMES B. 10111 Lives of Virginia Baptist ministers. Rich 1837. D 444 a — ed. 2, enl., same impr. 1838. D 492 A second series was published at Phila- delphia in 1859; both series were reprinted at New York in 1860. Continued by George B. Taylor — third, fourth and fifth series — Lynchburg, 1912. [l913], 1915. TAYLOR, JAMES W. 10112 History of . . . Ohio. First period, 1650- 1787. [all]. Cin 1854. D 557 a First history of pre-territorial Ohio, its aborigines, border wars, etc. TAYLOR, JAMES W[lCKES] 10113 Alleghania. . . the strength of the Union, and the weakness of slavery in the moun- tainous districts of the south. St P 1862. O [8] 24 a TAYLOR, JAMES W[lCKES] 10114 . . . Northwest British America, and its re- lations to . . . Minnesota. A report communi- cated to the Legislature. . . by Governor Ramsay and ordered to be printed. St P New- son, Moore, Foster & Co. 1860. O 42[incl. map] b G N Y — anr. issue, St P Minnesotian & Times 1860. same collat. b — anr. ed., possibly the earliest, ptd. as a suppl. to the Journal of the House of Representatives, St P Newson, Moore, Foster & Co. 1860. O 54 map[in some copies] b NYP WisH — anr. ed., giving abstract of above report with considerable adds., "Relations be- tween the United States and Northwest British America," 1L Exec. Doc. 146, Wash 1862. O 85 map a — anr. issue, unnumb. H. Exec. Doc, with t-p added, same impr. 8- date. TAYLOR, JAMES W[lCKES] 10115 The railroad system of . . . Minnesota. . . . St P Pioneer Ptg. Co. 1859. O 24 b N Y — anr. ed. St P [G. W. Moore] 1859. O 22 b Describes the Northwest and proclaims the inevitability of a railroad from St. Paul to Puget Sound. TAYLOR, JOHN, of Ky. 10116 A history of ten Baptist churches. . . . Frankfort Ky 1823. D 300 a — ed. 2, Bloomiield Ky 1827. D 144 149-304. TAYLOR, JOHN, of Va. 10117 Construction construed and constitutions vindicated. Rich 1820. O [6] 344 a [TAYLOR, JOHN] of Va. 10118 A defence of the measures of the ad- ministration of Thomas Jefferson. Wash 1804. O 136 a — rptd. Prov 1805. O 88 [TAYLOR, JOHN] of Va. 10119 An enquiry into the principles and tend- ency of certain public measures. Phil 1794. O [4] 92 a [TAYLOR, JOHN, of Va.] 10120 An examination of the proceedings in Congress respecting the official conduct of the Secretary of the Treasury [Alex. Hamil- ton], n.p. [1793]. O 28 [ptd. in March] a — anr. issue, n.p. [Rich] 1793. [ptd. in Oct.] TAYLOR, JOHN, of Vo. 10121 An inquiry into the principles and policies of the government of the United States. . . . Fredkbg 1814. O [2, 5-8] 656 [l] a Presents the contemporary political ideas of the agrarian South. TAYLOR, JOHN, of Va. 10122 New views of the constitution. . . . Wash 1823. O [4] 316 a TAYLOR, JOHN, of Va. 10123 Tyranny unmasked. . . . Wash 1822. O 349 errata slip a TAYLOR, JOSEPH H. 10124 Beavers — their ways. . . . Washburn N D 1904. O 178 20pls a — ed. 2, enl., same impr. 1906. O 218 26pls TAYLOR, JOSEPH H. 10125 Kaleidoscopic lives. A companion book to Frontier and Indian life. Washburn N D 1901. O 113 9pls a — ed. 2, enl., Washburn 1902. O [4 incl. initial blank 1.] 20 20-207 + 4adv-p 31pls 577 Taylor — Tejas TAYLOR, JOSEPH H. 10126 Sketches of frontier and Indian life. . . . Pottstown Pa 1889. O 136 138-200 12pls 13 called for replaced by 3 unlisted] a — ed. 2, Washburn N Dak 1895. O 283 pis — ed. 3, Bismarck 1897. O [6] 2-306 pis TAYLOR, JOSEPH H. 10127 Twenty years on the trap line . . . trapping ... on the great northwestern plains. Bis~ marck 1891. D 154 8pls a — anr. issue, same impr. & date. D 173 8pls Companion to his earlier Sketches of frontier and Indian life. TAYLOR, LANDON 10128 The battle field reviewed. . . . Chi 1881. O [24] 375 2ports a — ed. 2, enl., Chi 1883. O 489 3ports Pioneer days in Iowa, overland trip from Council Bluffs to Denver, etc. TAYLOR, LYTTON 10129 Alaska and the Yukon valley. . . . Nash 1897. D 124 a TAYLOR, OLIVER I. 10130 Directory of . . . Wheeling. . . with a history Wheeling 1851. O 112 [62] 2pls a TAYLOR, GEN. RICHARD 10131 Destruction and reconstruction ...NY 1879. O 274 a TAYLOR, WALTER H. 10132 Four years with General Lee. N Y 1877. O 199 port a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1878. TAYLOR, WALTER H. 10133 General Lee; his campaigns in Virginia. Norfolk [1906]. O [lo] 314 maps a [TAYLOR, WILLIAM] 10134 Will there be war? . . . the proper course to secure . . . Oregon. N Y 1846. O 44 a TEACH, EDWARD, COMMONLY 10138 CALLED BLACK BEARD The voyages and adventures of:. . . . New- castle Eng n.d. D 24 a For similar title see Wilkinson, S. TEATRO 10139 Teatro della guerra. . . fra la Gran Bretagna, la Colonie Unite. . . . Venice 1781. Q [32] 13-14 [10] 3-8 [2] 11-12 [14] 9-10 LlO] 43maps&plans pi a TEBIENKOV, CAPT. MIKHAIL D. 10140 Atlas siev.-zapadnykh beregov Ameriki .... [Atlas of the northwest shores of America, etc.]. St Ptbg 1852. Q [6] 39maps & plsLeng, by a native at New Archangel] b NYP Y Should accompany the text volume entered below. Tebienkov was governor of Russian America, 1845-1850, and an eminent sur- veyor whose charts for this region were the most correct ever made. TEBIENKOV, CAPT. MIKHAIL D. 10141 Gidrograficheskiia zamechaniis K atlasu siev.-zapadnykh beregov Ameriki. . . . LHy- drographic notes to the Atlas of the North- west shores of America]. Si Ptbg 1852. Q [12] 148 [20] b NYP Y [TEFFT, B. F.] 10142 The far west: its present, past and future. Indianap 1845. O 38 a TEICHMANN, EMIL 10143 A journey to Alaska in . . . 1868. [l] 1925. O 272 2ports a lOOcopies ptd. TEJAS 10144 Constitucion, leyes. . . de la republica de: Houston 1841. O 324 [6] b TEJAS Expedicion hecha en: See Woll, Adrian. TAYLOR, YARDLEY 10135 Memoir of Loudon county, Virginia. Lees- burg 1853. O 31 a TAYLOR, ZACHARY 10136 Letters of: from the battle-fields of the Mexican war. Roch 1908. Q [26] 194[incl. front.] 4ports facs a 300 copies ptd. TAYLOR, GENERAL [ZACHARY] 10137 Message of the President. . . transmitting the correspondence with: since the com- mencement of hostilities with Mexico. . . , [Wash 1847]. O 454 a TEJAS Informe . . . sobre limites de la provincia de: con la de la Luisiana. See Puelles, Jose Maria. TEJAS 10145 Reflexiones sobre la Memoria del minis- terio de relacionps, en la parte relativa Mex 1845. 16° 40 b S Y TEJAS Resumen instructive, que publica el comisario de division del exercito de ope- raciones sobre: See Barreiro, MigueL 578 Tejas — Terry TEJAS 10146 La verdad desnuda sobre la guerra de:. . . . Mex 1845 O 42 a Answer to La guerra de Tejas sin mas- cara, a 20-page pamphlet published at Mexico the same year. TELLO, ANTONIO 10147 Libro segundo de la Cronica miscelanea . . . y descubrimiento del Nuevo Mexico. Guadalajara 1890-91. O 2v in 1: [28] 886 [27] b N NYP Y First printing of a manuscript written in 1650. Mentions Cabeza de Vaca and ex- plorations by Coronado and others. TEMPLE, GEORGE 10148 The American tourist's pocket companion; or, a guide to the springs, and trip to the lakes N Y 1812. 18 114 [30] fold.tab. a TEMPLE, J., and WHATELY, W. 10149 A faithful account of the. . . transactions relating to the late affair of honour between: L 1774. O 38 b LC NYP Y Whately accused Temple of obtaining im- properly the letters of Governor Hutchinson and Lieutenant Oliver and sending them to Boston where their publication incensed the colonists. Franklin's letter admitting his guilt in the matter is included. TEMPLE, J[0SIAH] HOWARD, et a! 10150 History of . . . Northfield, Mass Alb 1875. O [8] 636 a TEMPLE, OLIVER P. 10151 East Tennessee and the civil war. Cin 1899. O [16] 588 fold, map 6pls a TEN DAYS Ten days on the plains. By **. See Da vies, Gen. Henry E. TEN HINTS Ten hints addressed to wise men. . . . See Lowell, John. TENESLES, NICOLA The Indian of New England. . . . See Barrat, Jos. TENNASSEE GOVERNMENT (THE) A short description of: See Smith, Daniel. TENNESSEE 10152 Address to the republican people of: By the central corresponding committee. . . . Nashv 1840. O [2pts in 1, paged consecu- tively] 40 a TENNESSEE 10153 Description of improved farms in ... : L [184-?]. O 58 a TENNESSEE 10154 History of: with histories of Maury Land five other counties]. Nashv Goodspeed 1886. O [8] 13-1282 8maps & plans 31pls a Other issues differed only in containing supplements covering various other coun- ties; one with Montgomery and six others, one with Lauderdale and three others, one with Giles and three others, one with Gibson and four others and one with all East Ten- nessee counties. TENNESSEE 10155 A short description of the situation. . . and history of: n.p. [l810]. D 48 c no perfect copy known The first history of this state. Cf. Smith, Daniel, A short description of the Ten- nassee government. . . . TENNISON, O. M., and GREEN, 10156 H. T. Report and map of the superintendant of the Smoky hill expedition. Leavenworth 1861. 16 19 map dd S Y TENSAS, MADISON, M. D. [pseud.] See Lewis, Henry C. TERNAUX-COMPANS, H[ENRl] 10157 Notice sur la colonie de la Nouvelle Suede. P 1843. O [4] 30 map a — Swed. ed. "Underrattelse om den Fordna Svenska Kolonien . . . Nya Sverige," Stockh 1844. O [2] 41 TERNAUX-COMPANS, H[ENRl], ed. 10158 Recueil de pieces sur la Floride. . . . P 1841. O [8] 368 + 40adv-p Volume XX of the editor's Voyages, rela- tions et memoirs. Ten of these 16th century pieces had never been printed. TERNAUX-COMPANS, H[ENRl], ed. Relation du voyage de Cibola. . . .See Castaneda de Nagera, Pedro de. TERRELL, JOSEPH C. 10159 Reminiscences of the early days of Fort Worth Ft Worth 1906. O [2] 10 1 a Includes narrative of his trip to Cali- fornia in 1852. TERRY, DAVID S. 10160 Trial of: by the committee of vigilance S F 1856. O 75 a Most famous vigilante trial. [TERRY, EZEKIEL] 10161 A sketch of the life and character of Gen. George Washington. . . . Palmer E. Terry [1810?]. sq 16 64 a — rptd. several times. 579 Testman — Texas TESTMAN, PETER 10162 Kort Beskrivelse over de vigtigste Erfarin- ger under et ophold i Nord-Amerika og paa flere dermed forbundne Reiser. Stavenger 1839. D 27 a — Eng. ed. ". . . Experiences in North America. Northfield Minn 1927. O [8] 60 TETLOW, RICHARD-JOHN 10163 An impartial sentimental letter, relating to the . . . dissensions . . . betwixt Old-Eng- land and America. . . . York Eng 1776. O [2] 35 a TEXAN REVOLUTION (THE) See Child, David Lee. TEXAS 10164 Abstract of original titles of record in the Land Office of: Houston 1838. O 182 b NYP — anr. ed. enl. Galv 1852. O 612 [l8] a — anr. ed., further enl., Austin 1860. O [2] 1600 TEXAS 10165 An appeal by the people of the state of: .... to the President, for protection against the incursions of the savages of . . . Coahuila, Mexico. Corpus Christ i 1878 O 36 a [TEXAS] Au Texas Par Col. . . See Considerant, Victor P. [1856]. TEXAS Considerations on . . . annexing the prov- ince of: to the United States. By a revolu- tionary officer. See Morris, Wm. W. TEXAS 10169 Constitution of the Republic of:. . . . Wash 1836. O 24 b AA H — for later eds., see below "Declaration of independence. ..." For first Constitution of Texas as a Mexican state, see Coahuila y Tejas. TEXAS 10170 Constitution of the state of: Austin 1845. O 32 a — same I in So. J. O 34 — rptd. [Eng.], Houston 1845. TEXAS (WEST) 10171 Constitution of the state of: [Austin 1868?]. D 35 b G S Y Constitution of a proposed new state drawn up by a convention of Federal sym- pathizers who conceived the idea of dividing Texas into two commonwealths. TEXAS De landverhuizers naar: See Haeberlin, Carl L. TEXAS CONVENTION (THE) 10172 Debates of: Houston 1846. O 759 a TEXAS 10166 Die Auswanderung der Deutschen nach: Munich 1844. O 56 a Exposes the various schemes for enticing Germans to Texas. TEXAS (WESTERN) A brief description of: See Kingsbury, Wm. g. TEXAS Captain Jeff; or frontier life in: See Maltby, Wm. J. TEXAS WESTERN RAILROAD Texas Western Railroad Company (the). Charter of: with . . . survey of route. . . . See Gray, A. B. TEXAS 10167 Comite-Bericht des Vereines zum schutze deutscher Einwanderer in: Wiesbaden 1850. 47 a TEXAS f 10168 Communicaciones relativos a la agre- gacion del deparmento de: a los Estados- Unidos. . . . Mex 1845. O 30 Issued with, and without, heading stating it to be a supple- mentary no. of "La Union nacional." a TEXAS 10173 Declaration of independence. . . and the constitution of the Republic of: adopted. . . March 17, 1836 Columbia 1837. O [7] 3-19 b TxU — anr. ed. Houston 1838. O 32 b LC Y This constitution for the unestablished republic operated as the instrument of government from 1836 until 1845, when, after annexation to the United States, a state constitution was adopted. For earlier edition see above Constitution of the Republic. . . . For the constitution of Texas as a Mexican state, see Coahuila and Texas. TEXAS 10174 The emigrant farmer: . . . advantages of: . . . by a practical farmer. L n.d. O 24 a TEXAS 10175 Emigrant's guide to: containing. .. docu- ments relative to the Galveston bay and Texas land company. N Y 1834. D 36 b S Lonly copy known] See also Sumner, William H. TEXAS 10176 Emigration to: . . . prospectus of the ad- vantages offered ... by the Texas Emigration and Land Company. L [l843], O 24 map a 580 Texas — Texas An earlier English book of eighteen pages with similar title was published at Bath, 1831, and reprinted 1832. TEXAS t 10177 Expose des eventualites. . . d'une guerre entre les Etats-Unis et l'Angleterre, traitant les questions de l'annexation du: . . . par un citoyen de New-York, [p] 1845. O cover-t. & 60 a Pages 41-60 consist of a supplement; it and the main body Lpages 1-40J were appar- ently each issued separately. and.. . Wilson and Postlethwaite. Natchez 1836. O 24 b only 1 copy known — anr. issue, "Documents [etc.], " Louisv 1836. O 27 b only 1 copy known TEXAS NAVY Texas navy (the late). In relation to the claims of the officers of: See Buchanan, Franklin. TEXAS 10182 Instruction fur deutsche Auswanderer nach: Wiesbaden 1851. sm F 26 3fold.maps a TEXAS AUSGEWANDERTEN Fur Auswanderungslustige! Briefe eines unter des Mainzer Vereins nach: See Sorgel, Alwin H. TEXAS Geographical description of . . . : also of . . . Oregon and upper California. See under Mitchell, Saml. A. TEXAS 10178 Gesammelte Aktenstucke des Vereins zum Schutze deutscher Einwanderer in: Mainz 1845. O [2]80 [4] map a Sketch of the German Emigration So- ciety's Texas activities. TEXAS... TRAIL Texas cattle trail (the great). Guide map of: from Red river crossing to the. . . Kansas Pacific railway. ...KC 1875. See Weston, W. TEXAS 10183 Journal of the proceedings of the General Council of the Republic of: held at San Felipe de Austin, November 14th 1835 [-March 11, 1836J. Houston 1839. O 363 b Hn NYP Y [TEXAS REPUBLIC] 10184 Journals of the consultation held at San Felipe de Austn [sic] October 16 [-Nov. 14], 1835. Houston 1838. O 54 b Hn NYP Y TEXAS 10185 Journals of the convention. . . for. . . framing a constitution for the state of: Austin 1845. O 378 a Voted to accept annexation and framed a state constitution. TEXAS Letter to the Hon. John C. Calhoun on the annexation of: See Hammond, Jabez D. TEXAS (NORTH) Handbook of: Chi 1886. D 40 a 10179 10180 TEXAS L'heroine du: ou, voyage de M. G. . . . n F . . . n aux Etats-Unis P 18 19. O 1 18 pi a First Texas novel. For first Texas novel in English see Ganilh, Anthony. TEXAS Texas and adjacent territory. Historical . . . record of the cattle industry ... of: See Cox, James. TEXAS A history of: or the emigrant's guide. . . . See Lawrence, A. B. TEXAS Texas and Oklahoma. . . . History of pi- oneer days in: See Hart, John A. TEXAS 10181 Important documents concerning: and the controversy between General T. J. Chambers TEXAS 10186 Letters upon the annexation of: addressed to Hon. John Quincy Adams. . . . D 1845. O 47 a Attributed to George Edward Ellis. TEXAS Mexico versus: See Ganilh, Anthony. TEXAS 10187 Die Mosquito-Kuste und;. . . . Charlotten- burg 1846. D [6] 70 map a TEXAS Nathan der Squatter-Regulator, oder der erste Amerikaner in:. . . . See Postl, Karl. TEXAS New history of: See Stiff, Edw. TEXAS 10188 Ordinances and decrees of the consulta- tion, provisional government of: and the con- vention, which assembled at Washington [Tex.] March 1, 1836. Houston 1838. O 156 [3] b Hn N NYP Y 581 Texas Insurrection The three-page index was not issued with all copies. TEXAS INSURRECTION (THE) The origin and true causes of: See Lundy, Benj. [TEXAS] 10189 Origin, principles, and objects of the con- test in which Texas is at present. engaged. N Y 1836. O 56 a TEXAS 10190 Proceedings of the general convention of delegates representing the citizens. . . of: held at the town of San Felipe. . . . Brazoria 1832. O 35 c Attempt to form a separate Mexican state. A constitution, adopted the following April, was never in operation, and the proposed state was never recognized by Mexico. TEXAS (WESTERN) Recollections of: See Wright, Wm., and John W. [TEXAS] 10191 Report of the Secretary of State. . . . [Austin] 1839. O 38 a Chiefly relating to Indian incursions. TEXAS Reports of the Committee of Investigation sent. . . by the Mexican government to the frontier of: See Iniorme de la Comision Pesquisidora. . . . TEXAS 10192 Supplement a l'almanach Icarien . . . relatif au: [P 1847]. 16° 216 map a TEXAS ALMANAC 10193 Texas almanac, for 1857, with. .. histori- cal [etc.] sketches. Galv Richardson & Co 1856. O 160 + 48adv-p map a — contd., annually, to 1873. Issues for 1862-3-4-5 are the most uncommon. This Richardson series has no connection with an earlier Texas almanac, of 1853, bearing a New Orleans imprint, nor with J. Burke's Texas almanac and Immigrant's hand book, issued at Houston from 1865 to 1884. Each issue through 1861 contained a map. TEXAS 10194 Texas. An English question. . . . L 1837. O 40 a TEXAS Texas, and its late military occupation .... By an officer. . . . See Phillips, Edwin D. TEXAS 10195 Texas and Mexico, a few hints to the creditors of Mexico, who hold her. . . bonds ... in the faith of . . . land pledged by Mexico in Texas. By a Mexican merchant. L 1841. O 48 a TEXAS (LE) Texas (Le) en 1845. Castroville, colonie Francaise. . . . See Castro, Henry. TEXAS 10196 Texas. Evidence in relation to land titles [Austin Tex 1840]. D 39 b 150copies ptd. TEXAS 10197 Texas. Ein handbuch fur deutsche Aus- wanderer. . . . Bremem 1846. O 155 a TEXAS Texas in 1840; or, the emigrant's guide .... See Lawrence, A. B. TEXAS QUESTION (THE) Texas question (The) reviewed by an adopted citizen.. . .See Attellis Santangelo, Gideon de. TEXAS Thoughts on the proposed annexation of: .... See Sedgwick, Theo. TEXAS 10198 Translation of the laws. . . on colonization ... in virtue of which Col. Stephen F. Aus- tin, has . . . settled foreign emigrants in:. . . . San Filipe [sic] de Austin Nov. 1829. D 70 [l] c NYP TxU — rptd. Columbia 1837. O 81 b TxU Y First book printed in Texas; of first im- portance on the establishment there of the first Anglo-American colony. TEXAS 10199 A visit to: . . . journal of a traveller. . . . N Y 1834. D [4] 9-264 [4] map 4pls a — ed, 2, with app. on the war, N Y 1836. 16° [11] 262 Authorship has been attributed to a Col. Morris and to Dr. M. Fiske. TEXAS The war in: Lundy, Benj. a review of facts. TEXAS (WESTERN) 10200 Texas (Western) the Australia of America .... By a six years' resident. Cin E. Men- denhall 1860. D 235 a THACHER, JAMES 10201 American medical biography. ... To which is prefixed a succinct history of medical 582 Thacher — Thomas science in America; B 1828. O 2v in 1: 280. 15ports a 436; THACHER, JAMES 10202 History of . . . Plymouth [Mass.]. B 1832. D [12] 382 front a — ed. 2, enl. B 1835. D 401 map THACHER, JAMES 10203 A military journal during the . . . revolu- tionary war. . . . B 1823. O 603 a — ed. 2, rev., B 1827. O [8] 11-488 + adv-p — other eds. [some entitled "The American revolution...,"] Hart 1854; Hart 1861; Hart 1862; Cin [l856j; Cin [l857]; N Y 1857; N Y 1860. — best ed. Hart 1862. O [l4 incl. front] 7- 618 ports pis THACHER, JOHH B. 10204 The continent of America: its discovery NY 1896. F [l8] 271 18maps 8pls a 250copies ptd. THARIN, W. G. 10205 A directory of Marengo county. . . em- bracing. . . a short sketch. . . . Mobile 1861. O 67 a [THATCHER, BENJAMIN B.1 10206 Traits of the tea party. . . memoir of George R. T. Hewes, one of the last of its survivors. ...NY 1835. 16° 265 port a THEOBALD, J. 10209 Mormonology. . . . Leicester Eng [l852]. D 24[incl. wrap. covers] a THICKNESSE, PHILIP 10210 Memoirs and anecdotes of:....[L?] 1788- 91. O 3v: [16 8] 326; [6 4] 3-326; [2 20] 189. port b JCB NYP — rptd. Dub 1790. O [l2 4] 421 + 3adv-p a The author was for a time with Ogle- thorpe in Georgia. [THIERRY, J. B. S.] 10211 Examination of the claims of the United States and of the pretensions of Edward Livingston, Esq. to the batture [at New Or- leans]. N O 1808. Q 51 3plans[in some copies] a — Fr. tr., same impr. & date. Q 49 Reply to Livingston's Address to the people of the United States. THIERSANT, P. DABRY DE 10212 De l'origine des Indiens. . . et de leur civilisation. P 1883. O [4] 360 a THINGS Things as they are. , .... See Dwight, Theo. notes of a traveller THINGS Things as they are, or Federalism turned inside out. . . . See Niles, Hezekiah. THAYER, WILLIAM M. 10207 The pioneer boy: and how he became President B 1863. D 310 [incl. illus] a —rptd. often: 1863; 1864; 1865. — anr. ed., re-written, "From pioneer home to the White House," Norwich Conn 1882. D 469 a many reprints — Eng. ed., styled "second thousand" L 1882. D [20] 395 front many reprints — Ger. tr. Gotha 1886. — Greek tr. Athens 1865. — Hawaiian tr. Honolulu 1868. a — Swed. tr. Stockh [ 1887]. First complete biography of Lincoln. The Honolulu edition is the rarest life in a foreign language. THAYER and ELDRIDGE [pubs.] 10208 The life and public services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln. . . and Hon. Hannibal Hamlin B 1860. D 128 2ports wraps a — issue 2, identical except p. nos. at center of pages — anr. issue, "Wide-Awake Edition," clo., 320p front. THEATRE (THE) Theatre (The) of the present war in North America. . . . See Young, Arthur. THIRTY-SIX YEARS Thirty-six years of a seafaring life. . . . By an old Quartermaster. See Bechervaise, John. THISSEL, G. W. 10213 Crossing the plains in '49. . . . Oakland 1903. D 176 llpls a THOM, ADAM 10214 The claims to the Oregon Territory con- sidered. L 1844. O [4] 44 a Refutation of American claims. THOMAS, DAVID 10215 Travels through the western country in. . . 1816. Auburn 1819. 16° [4] 320 errata slip map a THOMAS, E. 10216 A concise view of the slavery of the people of colour in the United States. . . . Phil 1834. 18° [6, 3-4] 7-178 2pls a THOMAS, E[BENEZER| S. 10217 Reminiscences of the last sixty-five years Hart 1840. O 2v: 300; 300 a 583 THOMAS, ELIZABETH P. 10218 Old Kentucky homes and gardens. Louisv [1939]. F [26] 180[incl.pls] a THOMAS, LIEUT. COL. 10219 [FREDERICK] The trial of: on a charge ... by Lieut. Col. Cosmo Gordon L 1781. O [2] 118 a After the New York court-martial, the two officers fought a duel in New Jersey, and Thomas was killed. See Gordon, Cosmo. THOMAS, ISAIAH 10220 The history of printing in America. . . . l^orc 1810. O 2v: 487; 576. 2pls 3facs a — ed. 2, with adds.. Alb 1874. O 2v. [88] 423; [8] 666 [2] 47. port pi a 10221 THOMAS, REV. J. A. W. History of Marlboro county [s. C.]. . . . Atlanta 1897. O 292 map port a THOMAS, QR. M. GEN. JAMES 10222 A brief statement of the transactions. . . of: ... on the Niagara frontier, 1812-13. n.p. [1815?]. O 34 [capt.t.] a [THOMAS, JAMES M., and 10223 GALLATIN, A. B.| Indian and pioneer history of the Saginaw valley E Saginaw 1866. O 72 104 152 72 a THOMAS, JAMES W. 10224 Chronicles of colonial Maryland. . . . Bait [l900]. O [2] 334 fold.map 6pls a — rptd. Cumberland Md [l913]. O 389 map pis THOMAS, JANE H. 10225 Old days in Nashville, Tennessee. . . . Nash 1897. D 135 port a THOMAS, JESSE B. 10226 Report. . . of the statistics concerning Chicago. Chi 1847. O 32 a THOMAS, JOHN 10227 Sketch of the . . . Mormons. . . to which is added An account of the Nauvoo temple mysteries ... by Increase McGee Van Dusen L [1850?]. D 24 a — anr. ed. Notthingham rud. D 32 For other editions of the Van Dusen portion, see that name. THOMAS, LEWIS A. 10228 Report of a . . . survey of a portion of the Central Pacific R. R. route through. . . Nebraska. . . . Dubuque 1857. O 26 map a THOMAS, LEWIS F., and 10229 WILD, J. C. The valley of the Mississippi illustrated . . . with historical descriptions. St L 1841- [42]. Q 60[incl.eng.t.] [6] 61-145 unpaged 1. containing note after p44 34pls[6not numb. & 2pls numb. 26] plan dd ChiH LC — rptd. St.L. 1948 Q pis. a 300 copies ptd. Originally issued in nine monthly parts; pt.3 accompanied by an "extra" [4pages and plate] and pts. 8 and 9 [issued together as pt.8] end on page 130, with an unfinished sentence, noting that it would be continued in pt. 10. No pt. 10 was ever issued. The actual final part, No. 9, does not continue the text from page 130, but the pagination is continuous. THOMAS, MATT 10230 Early history of Wabaunsee county, Kansas. . . . Alma Kas 1901. O 368 a THOMAS, R. 10231 An authentic account of the most remark- able events NY 1836. D 2v in 1: 298; 359. [incl.pls] a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1837. THOMAS, R. 10232 The glory of America NY 1834. D 575 6pls a — other eds., same impr.: 1835; L1836J; 1837. THOMAS, R. 10233 History of the American wars. . . 1775- 1815. Hart 1847. O 380[incl. front.] a THOMAS, R. 10234 Interesting and authentic narratives of the most remarkable shipwrecks. . . . Hart 1836. D 360 [incl. pis] a — rptd., same impr. & collat.: 1837; 1839; 1847; 1848. Some copies issued with his An authentic account. . THOMAS, R. 10235 A pictorial history of the United States Hart 1844. O 755[incl.front.] a — many reprints [THOMAS, WILLIAM] 10236 The enemies of the Constitution dis- covered, or, an inquiry into the origin and tendency of popular violence. ...NY 1835. D [l2] 9-183 a Criticism by an abolitionist of Anti- Slavery Society tactics. THOMASON, A. [pseud.] Men and things in America. Andrew. See Bell, THOMASON, D. R. 10237 Hints to emigrants ... to the United States Phil 1848. 16° 124 a — Eng. ed., with adds, on Calif., L 1849. 16° [12] 117 [8] 584 Thomassy — Thompson THOMASSY, RAYMOND 10238 De la Salle et ses relations inedites de la decouverte du Mississippi. P 1859ldate on cover I860]. O [6] 24 fold, map a THOMASSY, RAYMOND 10239 Geologie pratique de la Louisiane. N O 1860. Q [68] 264 5maps 2pls a — rptd. NO 1860; P 1861. Not confined to geological observations, and contains the first attempt at a Louisiana bibliography. THOMES, WILLIAM H. 10240 On land and sea, or California in.. . 1843-4-5. B 1884. D [6] 351 a Cast in the form of an adventure story, but based on personal experiences; as an au- thentic picture of California in the early 'forties comparable to Dana's classic narrative. THOMES, WILLIAM H. 10241 The whaleman's adventures in the Sand- wich islands and California. B 1872. D 444 front, pictorial t. a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1874. THOMPSON, BENJAMIN F. 10242 The history of Long Island. N Y 1839. O 536 2pls a — ed. 2, enl., N Y 1843. O 2v: 512; 554. map 16pls a — ed. 3 — and best — with adds., TV Y 1918. O 4v 135 sets a — anr. issue in 3v 600 sets a THOMPSON, CLARA M. 10243 Reconstruction in Georgia. ...NY 1915. [6] 5-418 a THOMPSON, ED[WIN] P. 10247 History of the First Kentucky brigade. Cin 1868. O 931 2pls a —enl. ed. "History of the Orphan Brigade," Louisv 1898. O 1104 ports 2col.pls THOMPSON, Gi EORGEl A. 10248 Handbook to the Pacific and California, describing. . . routes L 1849. 16° [2] 108 port map a [THOMPSON, HENRY, of Texas] 10249 Texas. Sketches of character Phil 1839. 16° 95 b NYH TxU Y THOMPSON, HUGH B. 10250 Directory of the city of Nevada and Grass Valley: containing a history. . . . S F 1861. O 128 + adv-1. at front a THOMPSON, LIEUT. j[AMES] J. 10251 A history of the feud between the Hill and Evans parties of Garrard county, Kentucky .... Louisv [1854]. O 115 map pi b — rptd. Cin [1854]. O 112 a book-list on in- side of front wrap, in issue 1; on inside of back wrap, in later issues. Cover title: Kentucky tragedy. . . . The youthful author was lynched in Tennessee a few years later for the brutal murder of his mother, sister and brother. THOMPSON, MATT Early history of Waubunsee county, Kansas Alma Kas 1901. O 368 [8J a 10252 THOMPSON, ROBERT A. 10253 Conquest of California. . . . Santa Rosa Calif 1896. O [2] 33[incl.port] a THOMPSON, DANIEL P. 10244 History of. . . Montpelier [vt.]. Montpelier 1860. O 312 port a THOMPSON, ROBERT A. 10254 Historical. . . sketch of Sonoma county, California. Phil 1877. O 104 map + 15adv-p a THOMPSON, DAVID, of Niagara 10245 History of the late war, between Great Britain and the United States. . . . Niagara Upper Canada 1832. 16° 300 a — ed. 2, same collat. Tor 1845. One of the earliest books printed in Upper Canada; based of official documents. THOMPSON, DAVID, 1770-1857 10246 Narrative of. . . explorations in western America, 1784-1812. Tor Champlain Soc. 1916. O [98] 582 [8] 23maps & pis b N NYP Y 550copies ptd. Most important contribution to Western history and exploration published in the twentieth century. Thompson's operations on the Upper Columbia and Spokane rivers, in 1807, gave color to England's Oregon claims. THOMPSON, ROBERT A. 10255 The Russian settlement in California. . . . Santa Rosa Calif 1896. O [2] 34 a 700copies ptd. THOMPSON, R[OBERT] B., ed. 10256 Journal of Heber C Kimball. . . . Nauvoo 1840. D 60 b H Hn Y — rptd. S L C 1882. THOMPSON, THOMAS 10257 An account of two missionary voyages. . . . one to New Jersey . . . the other ... to the coast of Guiney. L 1758. O [4] 88 a [THOMPSON, THOMAS?] 10258 A letter from New Jersey, in America. . . . L 1756. O 26 b N NYP 585 Thompson — Thornton THOMPSON, [WILLIAM], and 10259 WALKER, [JAMES] The Baltimore Town and Fell's Point di- rectory. ... Bait [1796]. D 100 a First Baltimore directory. THOMPSON, ZADOCK 10260 Appendix to the history of Vermont. . . . Burl 1853. O 64 map a Separate publication of additions incorpo- rated in the 1853 edition of his History. THOMPSON, ZADOCK 10261 A gazetteer of . . . Vermont. . . . Montpelier 1824. D 310 [2] map 3pls.a THOMPSON, ZADOCK 10262 History of. . . Vermont Burl Vt 1833. 16° 252 a — rptd. Burl 1836. — anr. ed., with new t-p, Burl 1858. same collat THOMPSON, ZADOCK 10263 History of Vermont, natural, civil and statistical Burl for the au. 1842. O 3pts in 1: [4] 224; 224; 200 [4]. map a — issue 2, Burl Goodrich, same date & collat — anr. ed., same impr. 1853. O 3pts in 1: [6] 224; 200; 5-64 [5]. map [THOMSON, CHARLES] 10264 An enquiry into the causes of the alien- ation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British interest. . . with the. . . journal of Christian Frederic Post by whose negotiations, among the Indians on the Ohio, they were withdrawn from the interest of the French. . . . L 1759. O 184 map b N NYP Y — rptd. Phil 1867. O map a 250 copies ptd. Also 75copies on L.P. For Post's second journal, see under his name. [THOMSON, E. H.] 10265 The emigrant's guide to. . . Michigan. N Y 1849. O 47 [text in Ger. & Eng.] a — Dutch ed. "Gids voor Landverhuizers ...," Amst 1850. O 36 [THOMSON, JOHN], of Va. 10266 The letters of Curtius. Addressed to General Marshall. Rich 1798. D 40 a — rptd., with adds., au. named, Rich 1804. 16° [14] 78 THOMSON, JOHN L. 10267 Historical sketches of the late war.... Phil 1816. D [12] 3-360 [l] llmaps & pis a — ed. 2, enl., Phil 1816. D [4] 368 13maps & pis 3, same impr., date & collat. — ed. 4, Phil 1817. same paginat. 2plans — ed. 5, Phil 1818. same paginat. 6pls — anr. ed. "History of the second war. . . ,' Phil 1848. O 656 pis THOMSON, MONROE The golden resources of California. N Y 1856. O 91 + 4adv.p. a 10268 10269 THOMSON, ORIGEN Crossing the plains. . . to the "far off" Oregon, in 1852. . . . Greensburg Ind 1896. D 122 b THOMSON, WILLIAM, of Scotland 10270 A tradesman's travels in the United States Edin 1842. D [8] 228 front, a Travelled through the South and Middle West, spending considerable time in Ohio. THOMSON, WILLIAM, of Va. 10271 A compendious view of the trial of Aaron Burr [Abingdon, Va., 1807] D 135 b — rptd,author's name spelled Thompson. Petersburg, Va., 1808 D 138 a THORBURN, GRANT 10272 Forty years' residence in America. . . . B 1834. D 264 port a — Eng. eds., with introd. by John Gait: L 1834. D [l2] 280 port; ed. 2, same impr., date &. collat THOREAU, HENRY D. 10273 A week on the Concord and Merrimack. B J. Munroe & Co. 1849. D 413 b N NYP — issue 2, made up of unsold sheets of issue 1, with new t-p dated 1862. a — new ed., cor., B Ticknor & Fields 1868. Both issues of the original edition have following printer's errors: page 120, "work" for "wash"; page 139, "experience" for "expediency"; page 396, last three lines omitted. THORNE, J. 10274 Hanover; or the persecution of the lowly. A story of the Wilmington [n.C.] massacre. n.p. [ca 1899]. O 136 a The race conflict of November, 1898. THORNTON, DE MOUNCIE 10275 De la Californie et des cotes de l'ocean Pacifique. . . . P 1849. 16° 72 map a THORNTON, J[ESSY] QUINN 10276 Memorial of: praying for the establishment of a territorial government for Oregon. [Sen. Misc. Doc. 143]. Wash 1848. O 24 a For similar memorial, submitted by Joe Meek, see Oregon. Memorial ot the legisla- tive assembly of: 586 Thornton — Thoughts THORNTON, J[ESSY] QUINN 10277 Oregon and California in 1848. N Y 1849. D 2v: [lOl 13-393; [2] 7-379 + 16adv-p map 12pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat, but with dif- ferent map, 1855; 1864. THORNTON, JOHN 10278 Diary of a tour through the northern states . . . and Canada. L 1850. D 120 a THORNTON, JOHN W. 10279 The landing at Cape Ann. . . . B 1854. O [l2] 84 map front, a THORNWELL, j[AMES] H. 10280 The state of the country. Columbia S C 1861. O 32 a — other eds.: [n O 186l]. O 15; t.altered, N Y 1861. O 30 THORP, JOSEPH 10281 Early days in the west. Along the Mis- souri 100 years ago. Liberty 1924. O 95 a First printed serially in an 1880 news- paper; it inspired Emerson Hough's Covered wagon. [THORPE, THOMAS B.] 10282 The big bear of Arkansas and other sketches. . . of characters and incidents in the south and southwest. Phil 1845. D 181 eng.t [pis incl. in paginatj. a —rptd. Phil 1855. THORPE, TIHOMAS] B. 10283 The hive of "the bee-hunter". ...NY 1854. D 312 front. 8pls a Hunting adventures in Arkansas and Louisiana. THORPE, THOMAS B. 10284 The mysteries of the backwoods. . . . Phil 1846. D 190[incl.front.] 5pls a THORPE, T[HOMAS] B. Our army at Monterey. 204 eng.t. map 2 pis a — rptd., Phil 1848. 10285 . Phil 1847. O THORPE, T[HOMAS] B. 10286 Our army on the Rio Grande. . . . Phil 1846. D 300 10pls[incl.eng.t.] a — anr. issue, omitting official reports; paginat. ending at pl96 THOUGHTS Thoughts in a series of letters, in answer to a question respecting the division of states. By a Massachusetts farmer. See Lowell, John. THOUGHTS Thoughts (The) of a traveller upon our American disputes. . . .See Draper, Sir Wm. THOUGHTS 10287 Thoughts on a question of importance. . . . Whether . . . territory acquired by this nation at the late peace, will operate towards the prosperity or the ruin of . . . Great Britain. L 1765. O 48 a THOUGHTS 10288 Thoughts on American slavery and its proposed remedies. By a northerner. Hart 1838. 18° 82 a THOUGHTS Thoughts on emigration. . . and a short account of Kentucky. See Toulmin, Harry. THOUGHTS Thoughts on government: applicable to the present state of the American colonies. . . . See Adams, John. THOUGHTS Thoughts on the cause of the present dis- contents. . . . See Burke, Edmund. THOUGHTS Thoughts on the increasing wealth. . . of the United States See Blodget, Saml. THOUGHTS Thoughts on the origin and nature of government Occasioned by the late disputes between Great Britain and her colonies. See Ramsay, Allan. THOUGHTS 10289 Thoughts on the present relations and in- terests of the United States. N Y 1810. O 36 THOUGHTS Thoughts on the present state of affairs with America. See Pulteney, Wm. THOUGHTS 10290 Thoughts on the present war. With an im- partial review of Lord North's administration L 1783. O [6] 78 a THOUGHTS Thoughts on the state of the American Indians. By a citizen. . . . See Wood, Silas. THOUGHTS Thoughts on the subject of naval power in the United States. . . . See Coxe, Tench. 587 Thoughts — Tlckell THOUGHTS Thoughts upon the conduct of our ad- ministration. . . more especially. ... By a friend of peace. See Lowell, John. THOUGHTS Thoughts upon the political situation of the United States. ... By a native of Boston .... See Jackson, Jonathan. THOUGHTS 10291 Thoughts upon the present contest, be- tween administration, and the British colo- nies L 1775. O 46 a Possibly by William Smith, of Phila- delphia. THRALL, HOMER S. 10292 A pictorial history of Texas St L 1878. O 858 fold. map a — later eds.: 1879; 1883. Useful for its biographies; historically a minor contribution. [THURLOW, EDWARD]? 10300 A refutation of the Letter to an Honble. Brigadier-General ... in Canada. L 1760. O [2] 52 a — 3 other eds., same impr. & date [THURSTON, BENJAMIN] 10301 An address to the public ... on the present political state of the American republicks Exefer [l786]. O 36 a THURSTON, GEORGE H. 10302 Allegheny county's hundred years. Pitt 1888. O [4] 312 5plsLincl. a panoramic view of Pittsburgh] a THURSTON, GEORGE H. 10303 Pittsburgh as it is. . . . Pitt 1857. D 204 fold, map a THURSTON, WILLIAM 10304 Guide to the gold regions of California. L 1849. D 70 [2] map a THRAN, JAKOB Meine Auswanderung nach Texas. Berlin 1848. O [lo] 121 a 10293 THREE LETTERS 10294 Three letters addressed to the public on . . . the nature of a foederal union. . . . Phi! 1783. O 28 a THREE LETTERS 10295 Three letters to a member of parliament, on the subject of the present dispute with our American colonies. . . . L 1775. O [4] 74 errata slip a THREE TRACTS Three tracts on the conduct of the late and present administrations. . . . See Lloyd, Chas. THWAITES, REUBEN G., and 10305 KELLOGG, LOUISE P. Documentary history of Dunmore's war, 1774 Madison 1905. D [28] 472 port 3 maps facs a THWAITES, REUBEN G., ed. 10306 Early western travels Clev 1904-07. O 31v + F atlas b N NYP Y Of the set itself, with volume numbers shown on spines, 750 were published. Volumes were also issued separately, with no volume numbers on spines. Contains the travel journals of Brackenridge, Bradbury, Bullock, Croghan, Cuming, De Smet, Evans, Farnham, Faux, Flagg, Flint, Flower, Franchere, Gregg, Harris, Hulme, James, Long, Maximilian, Michaux, Morris, Nuttall, Ogden, Pattie, Ross, Townsend, Welby, Wood and Wyeth, with two volumes of index. THRIFT, MINTON Memoirs of Jesse Lee. , [8] 360 a 10296 N Y 1823. D THRUSTON, GATES T. 10297 The antiquities of Tennessee and the adjacent states Cin 1890. O [l6] 369 21 pis — ed. 2, enl. 1897, same collat. THWAITES, REUBEN G., and 10307 KELLOGG, LOUISE P. Frontier defense on the Upper Ohio. Madison 1912. O [l8] 329 fold, map 12pls 2facs a THWAITES, REUBEN G. [ed.] Original journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition. N Y 1904-5. See Lewis, Merri- wether, and Clark, William. THRUSTON, JOHN H. 10298 Reminiscences. . . of early days in Rock- ford. Rockford 1891. O 117 port a THUMMEL, A. R, 10299 Die Natur und das Leben in den Vereinig- ten Staaten. . . . Erlangen 1848. O [«] 521 a THWAITES, REUBEN G., and 10308 KELLOGG, LOUISE P. Revolution on the upper Ohio. . . .Madison 1908. D [20] 275 fold.map 9pls a [TICKELL, RICHARD] 10309 Anticipation: . . . the substance of His M — y's most gracious speech. . . on the 588 Tlekell — To The People opening of the approaching session. . . . L 1778. O [8] 74 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O 67 — 10 other Eng. eds. pub. by 1794. —Am. eds.: Phil 1779. O [o] 33; N Y 1779. [TICKELL, RICHARD]? 10310 Anticipation: (For the year 1779)... sub- stance of Hi6 M. . . . y's most gracious speech to both H. . . . s of P. . 1 . . t, on the opening of the approaching session. . . . L Bladen 1779. O [8] 51 a — -ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — anr. issue, "Anticipation continued...," L for the editor 1779. O 57 — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. Probably by some inferior hack seeking to profit by letting the public think it was the work of Tickell. TICONDEROGA 10311 Ticonderoga and Mt. Independence. Orderly book of the northern army, at: 1776-8. Alb 1859. Q [8] 224 map port a 110 copies ptd[l0 on L.P.] TIERNEY, LUKE 10312 History of the gold discoveries on the South Platte Pacific City la 1859. O 27 + 5adv-p d ColH S [only copies known] — rptd., with notes, Denver 1949. a TIKHMENEV, P[ETR A.] 10313 Istoricheskoe obozrienie obrazovaniia Rossiisko-Amerikanskoi Kompanii. . . . St Ptbe 1861-63. O 2v: [8] 386 [66]; 389 79 292 [lOj. 4maps 4pls a History of the Russian American Com- pany. For English translation of the part relating to California, see Rezanov, Nicolai TIKHMENEV, P[ETR A.] 10314 Materialy dlia istorii Russikh zaselenii po beregam Vostochaago okeana. . . . [Ma- terials for the history of the Russian settle- ments on the shores of the Pacific ocean]. St Ptbg 1861. O 4pts in 1: 670 a [TILLSON, CHRISTINA H.] 10319 Reminiscences of early life in Illinois [Amherst 1872? 1873?! O [4] 138 front. 3ports b ChiH WisH — rptd. "A woman's story of pioneer Illi- nois," Chi 1919. D [22] 169 2ports a [TILTON, JAMES] 10320 The biographical history of Dionysius, tyrant of Delaware [i.e., George Read]. Phil 1788. O 100 a TIMBERLAKE, HENRY 10321 The memoirs of: L 1765. O [8] 160 front, map b AA N NYP Y — rptd. Johnson City Tenn 1927. a 35 copies ptd on L. P. — Fr. ed. "Voyages du. . . Henri Timber- lake. ..," P [1797]. D [10] 188 front a Describes travels through Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia and Tennessee; an im- portant source on the Cherokee nation and on the little-known southern phase of the French and Indian war. TIMLOW, HERMAN R. 10322 Ecclesiastical and other sketches of Southington, Connecticut Hart 1875. O [lo] 570 [2] 275 27ports a TINKHAM, GEORGE H. 10323 A history of Stockton [Calif.]. . . .S F 1880. O [16] 196 203-397 6pls a TIPPECANOE 10324 Celebration. . . of the twenty-fourth anni- versary of the battle of: Lafayette Ind 1835. O 24 no t-p a First Lafayette imprint. TIT FOR TAT Tit for tat; or, a purge for a pill. . . . See Cobbett, Wm. TITSWORTH, W. S. 10325 Outskirt episodes. [Des M 1927]. D 233 port[inserted on t-pj a Largely experiences in Wyoming. TILDEN, BRYANT P. 10315 Notes on the upper Rio Grande. . . . Phil 1847. O 32 9maps a TILGHMAN, OSWALD, ed. 10316 History of Talbot county, Maryland. . . . Bait 1915. O 2v: [8] 649; [lo] 573. 2fronts. a TILGHMAN, LIEUT. COL. TENCH 10317 Memoir of:. . . . Alb 1876. Q 179 port a TILING, MORITZ P. G. 10318 History of the German element in Texas . . . . Houston 1913. O [8] 225 a TIXIER, VICTOR 10326 Voyage aux prairies osages . . . 1839-40. Clermont-Ferrand [& p] 1844. O 260 [4] 5pls b MoH MinnU NYP Y — Eng. tr. Norman Okla 1940. O [l6] 310 2maps 7pls a TO THE PEOPLE 10327 To the people of the United States. British pretensions and American rights. By a citizen of New York. n.p. [l814?]. O [2] 27 a Reply to The right and practice of im- pressment. . . , [q.v.J. 589 Tocquevllle — Tonty TOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS [C H. 10328 M. CLEREL] DE De la democratie en Amerique. P 1735. O 2v: [28] 367; [4] 459. map a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O 2v: [6] 3-387; [4] 447. map — many later Fr. eds. before 1840 [when pt. 2 appeared] — Eng. tr. L 1835. O 2v: [44] 334; [8] 462. — Eng. ed. 2, L 1836. O 2v: same collat. —Eng. ed. 3, L 1838. D 2v: [36] 302; [&] 325. map — Eng. tr. [Am.], N Y 1838. O [30] 464 — ed. 2, same date, impr. 66 collat. — ed. 3, N Y 1839. O [l6] 455 — rptd., new t. "American institutions. . . ," N Y 1845. — Ger. tr. Leip 1836. O 2v — Sp. tr. P 1837. O 2v map TOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS [C H. 10329 M. CLEREL] DE De la democratie en Amerique. [2nd pt.J. P 1840. O 2v[numb III & iv]: [12] 333; [4] 363 a — eds. 2&3, same impr., date & collat. — anr. issue, same date & impr. D 2v[numb I & II] — anr. ed. Brus 1840. D 3v — anr. issue, Brus 1840. 16 2v — many later Fr. eds. —Eng. tr. L 1840. O 2v[numb III & IV]: [l6] 334; [8] 365 —Eng. tr. [Am.] N Y 1840. O [20] 355 Complete editions in English — containing both parts of this classic analysis — were issued at New York in 1841, with many later reprints, American and English. [TOD, NICHOLAS], pseud. 10330 Good humor; or, a way with the colonies . . . . L for the au. 1766. D [2] 37 a — anr. issue, L Nicoll 1766. D Bitter attack on the colonies and their British defenders, Pitt and Wilkes. [TOD, THOMAS] 10331 Consolatory thoughts on American inde- pendence Edin 1782. O [4] 68 a TODD, ALBERT 10332 The campaigns of the rebellion. Man- hatten Kas 1884. O 130 errata slip 2maps a TODD, CHARLES B. 10333 Life and letters of Joel Barlow. N Y 1886. O [4] 306 port facs a TODD, CHARLES S., and 10334 DRAKE, BENJAMIN Sketches of the. . . services of William Henry Harrison Cin 1840. 16° [2] 5-165 — anr. ed., enl, 1847. 16° 224 by James H. Perkins, Cin [TODD, HENRY C.] 10335 Notes upon Canada and the United States Tor 1835. O 95 a — ed. 2, Tor 1840. O [8] 3-95 [l84] some copies also added an 8-p app., and the 1833 ed. of the au's "Manual of orthoepy," O [4] 104 TODD, REV. JOHN 10336 The lost sister of Wyoming. . . . Northamp- ton 1842. 16° 160 front, a Narrative of Frances Slocum's remarkable captivity among the Delaware Indians. TOLL, D[ANIEL] J. 10337 Narrative Schenectady 1847. O 57 a TOLMER, J. 10338 Scenes de l'Amerique du Nord en 1849. Leip 1850. 16° [6] 134 a Ten letters, chiefly from southern and western cities. TOME, PHILIP Pioneer life; or, thirty years a hunter. Buft 1854. D 238[incl. front.] b G Y 10339 TOMLINSON, ABRAHAM, ed. 10340 The military journals of two private soldiers, 1758-1775. ... Poughkeepsie 1855. O 128 a TOMLINSON, WILLIAM P. Kansas in eighteen fifty eight. 1859. D [6] 9-304 a 10341 N Y 10342 TOMPKINS, DANIEL A. History of Mecklenburg county [n. C.J. . . . Charlotte 1903. O 2v: [l8] 202; [lo] 214 [2]. 93pls a TONER, J[0SEPH] M. The medical men of the revolution. Phil 1876. O 140 a 10343 TONGUE, JAMES 10344 A letter. . . to the people of Maryland, giving a short account of the country on the south shore of lake Erie Wash 1807. O 32 a TONTY, HENRI DE 10345 Relation of. . . . Chi Caxton Club 1898. O [lo] 122 [2] 194copies ptd. a This actual Relation of Tonty was trans- lated from its first printing in Margry's De- couvertes . . . des Irancais. An earlier work, Dernieres decouvertes . . . de M. de LaSalle, giving Tonti as author [but disavowed by him], was printed at Paris in 1697, followed by an English translation, London, 1698. 590 Topeka — Tower TOPEKA City directory. . . of: 1868. See Millison, D. G., pub. TOPHAM, EDWARD 10346 An address to Edmund Burke, Esq., on his late letter relative to the affairs of America. L 1877. Q W 27 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. [TOPLADY, AUGUSTUS M.] 10347 An old fox tarr'd and feather'd. Oc- casioned by . . . John Wesley's Calm address L 1775. D 24 a — ed. 2, cor., same impr., date & collat. — rptd. L [1775?]. O 16 TOPONCE, ALEXANDER 10348 Reminiscences of: pioneer, 1839-1923. [Ogden Utah 1923]. D 248 14pls a TOPPING, E. S. 10349 The chronicles of the Yellowstone. . . . St P 1883. O [4] 245 map 3pls a — rptd. St P 1888. same collat. TORCH LIGHT 10350 Torch light. An examination of the origin [etc.] of the opposition to the administra- tion, and an exposition of the official con- duct of Thomas H. Benton St L 1826. D [6] 2 88 b LC MoH 4 copies located TORFAEUS, THORMODUS 10351 Historia Vinlandiae antiquae. . . .Havniae 1705. O [52] 93 [16] b JCB N NYP Y — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1715. a — Eng. tr. N Y 1891. O 83 TORNEL [Y MENDIVIL], JOSE M. 10352 Tejas y los Estados-Unidos . . . en sus re- laciones con la Republica Mexicana. Mex 1837. O 98 b G Y TORRENS Y NICOLAU, FRANCISCO 10353 Bosquejo historico del. . . Junipero Serra .... Felanitx 1913. O [ 16] 227 [4] pis a TORREY, JESSE 10354 A portraiture of domestic slavery. . . . Phil 1817. O 94 6pls a — ed. 2, Dallston Spa 1818. D 108 — Eng. ed., "American slave trade... ," L 1822. D 119 5pls TORREY, WILLIAM 10355 Torrey's narrative; or, the life and ad- ventures of Torrey, William. . . . . B 1848. D 300[incl. front. & pis] a Visited California in 1837. TORRUBIA, [JOSE] GUISEPPE 10356 I Moscoviti nella California o sia dimostrazione verita' del passo all' America . . . scoperto dai Russi. . . . Rome 1759. D 83 c N — rptd. Venice 1760. b Hn JCB Y Traces the early voyages to the North- west coast, especially those from Russia, and attempts to prove that the earliest was made in 1640, a century prior to Bering. TOUCHSTONE Touchstone to the people of the United States, on the choice of a president. See Herring, Elbert. [TOULMIN, HARRY] 10357 A description of Kentucky [l] 1792. O 124 map & descriptive 1. between p68 &69 a Probably printed early in 1793, as a letter is included dated Feb. 2, 1793. Though sig- natures are numbered to follow those in the first part of the item just below, of which it was obviously intended to form a part, sepa- rates must have been issued. [TOULMIN, HARRY] 10358 Thoughts on emigration. . . and a short account of the State of Kentucky, [l] 1792. O 24 124 map & 1. explaining it, both in- serted between p68 & 69 b N NYP The first part — Thoughts — may not have been done by Toulmin. TOUR (A) Tour (A) through part of Virginia, in the summer of 1808. See Mitchill, Sam'l L. TOUR Tour through parts of the United States and Canada. By a British subject. See Beaufoy, Mark. TOURIST (THE) Tourist (The); or, pocket manual for travellers. . . . See Vandewater, Robt. J. TOURNEE^ Tournee a la mode dans les Etats-Unis. P 1829. See Davidson, Gideon M., The fashionable tour, of which this is a translation. TOUSEY, FRANK 10359 The life and trial of Frank James. N Y 1883. Q 28 a TOUTAIN, PAUL 10360 Un Franc ais en Amerique . .. . P 1876. D [8] 233 a 10361 Rochester 1856. D TOWER, PHILO Slavery unmasked 432 pi a Represents the wildest flight of anti- slavery imagination. 591 Towers — Traite [TOWERS, JOSEPH] 10362 A letter to Dr. Samuel Johnson, oc- casioned by his late political publications ....L 1775. O [4] 78 + adv-p a TOWLE, NANCY 10363 Vicissitudes ... in the experience of:. . . . Charleston S C 1832. 16° [6 5-12] 5-294 front, a — ed. 2, Portsmouth N H 1833. D 310[incl. front.] Largely devoted to her life with the Kirt- land Mormons. [TOWN, ITHIEL], ed. 10364 A detail of some particular services. . . in America... 1776-1779. N Y 1835. D [lo] 117 a Most of the edition burned. Includes a British sailor's journal of operations along the Atlantic coast TOWNES, SAMUEL A. 10365 The history of Marion [Ala.]. . . . Marion 1844. O 61 b AlaA First Alabama local history. TOWNSEND, GEORGE A. 10366 The life, crime and capture of John Wilkes Booth N Y Dick & Fitzgerald [1865]. o[4] 65 a — anr. issue. O 80 [TOWNSEND, JOHN] 10367 The doom of slavery in the Union: its safety out of it. Charleston S C 1860 O 40 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. Urges immediate secession if Lincoln is elected. [TOWNSEND, JOHN] 10368 The south alone should govern the south .... [Charleston S C I860]. O 60 a — 3 other eds., same yr. [TOWNSEND, JOHN] 10369 The southern states, their present peril, etc. Charleston S C 1860. O 62 a TOWNSEND, JOHN K. 10370 Narrative of a journey across the Rocky mountains, to the Columbia river. . . . Phil 1839. O 352 a — Eng. ed. "Sporting excursion in the Rocky mountains." L 1840. D 2v: [l2] 310; [l2] 312. 2pls [both incl. in collat.] — abr. ed. "Excursion to the Oregon," [no t-p] [ca 1846]. D 32 With Wyeth's second expedition, of 1834. In the English edition, author is given as Townshend, TOWNSEND, WILLIAM H. 10371 Lincoln and his wife's home town. Indp [1929]. O [16] 11-402 pis a [TOWNSHEND, CHARLES] 10372 Remarks on the Letter address'd to two great men. . . . L 1760. O [2] 38 a — rptd. L Dodsley [l760]. O 64 — ed. 2, same collat., L [l760]. — ed. 3, L [l760]. O 72 — Am. ed. B Mecom [l760]. O 40 Attributed also to William Burke. For the Letter referred to, see that title. For reply to these Remarks, see Jackson, Richard, The interest of Great Britain considered. TOWNSHEND, FREDERICK] 10373 TRENCH Ten thousand miles of travel, sport and adventure. L 1869. O [l4 incl. front] 275 a TOWNSHEND, S[AMUEL] NUGENT 10374 Our Indian summer in the far west L 1880. Q 123 60photos a [TOWSON, NATHAN] 10375 Correspondence. . . [in relation to the cap- ture of the British brigs Detroit and Cale- donia, 1812]. [Wash? 1835]. O 46 37-43 a CI. similar title on the same affair by Elliott, Jesse D. TRACY, J[0SHUA] L. 10376 Guide to Missouri and St. Louis... his- torical sketches. . . . St L 1871. D 32 2fold. maps a TRACY, J[0SHUA] L. 10377 Guide to the great west. . . . St L 1870. D 236[i.e. 224] 215-290 [7] 2maps a [TRACY, URIAH] 10378 Scipio's reflections on Monroe's View of the conduct of the Executive B 1798. O [4] 140 a — rptd., with adds., title altered, [Phil 1798]. O 88 Ascribed also to Alexander Hamilton. TRACY, WILLIAM 10379 Notices of men and events connected with the early history of Oneida county [N. Y.J. Utica 1838. O 45 errata slip a TRAIN... ROBBERS Train and bank robbers of the west. . . . See Appier, Augustus C. TRAITE 10380 Traite d'amitie et de commerce, conclu entre le roi [of France] et les Etats-Unis. . . le 6 Fevrier 1778. P 1778. Q 23 a — anr. ed. [capttonly], P Simon [l778]. Q 8 592 Traits — Travels — Am. ed. "Treaties of amity and com- merce, and of alliance eventual and de- fensive. . .," Phil Dunlap 1778. Q [4] 3-10 [2] 11-34 b A A Hn NYP , — rptd. B 1778. Q [6] 5-6 [l] 7-9 [2] 10-23 a — anr. ed. Newborn 1778. — other eds., all 1779; Hart; Lancaster n.d.; Norwich — Eng. eds.: L 1782. O [2] 40; same impr. & collat. 1783. TRAITS Traits of American-Indian life and charac- ter. See Finlayson, Duncan. TRAITS Traits of character. . . manifested by the inhabitants of the north-eastern states. . . . By Uncle Daniel, L.L.D. See Wrifford, Alison. [TRANCHEPAIN, MERE ST. 10381 AUGUSTIN DE] Relation du voyage des dames religieuses Ursulines de Rouen, a la Nouvelle Orleans .... Rouen 1728. O 100 [28] c NYP —rptd. N Y 1859. D 62 a; P 1872. Q [64] 122 a lOOcopies ptd. —Eng. tr. N Y [l887]. The secular name of this nun was Marie Madeleine Hachard. The final 28p. of 1st ed. [containing Lettre du Nouvelle Orleans] was apparently not issued with all copies. TRANSATLANTIC RAMBLES Transatlantic rambles. ... By a Rugbaean. See Dixon, — . TRANSATLANTIC SKETCHES 10382 Transatlantic sketches, or sixty days in America. L 1865. obi F [2] 29pls a TRANSATLANTIC TRACINGS See Phillips, Geo. Searle. TRANSLATION (A) Translation (A) of the Memorial to the sovereigns of Europe upon the present state of affairs. . . . See Jenings, Edmund. TRAVELER... GUIDE BOOK Traveler and tourist's guide book. . . . See Colton, Jos. H. TRAVELLER'S GUIDE (THE) 10383 Traveller's guide (The) to America. . . . Cork 1818. D 71 a TRAVELLER'S MANUAL (THE) Traveller's manual (The); and description of the United States. . . . See Melish, John. TRAVELLERS'... BOOK Travellers' (The) own book. . . . See De Veaux, Saml. TRAVELLER'S... DIRECTORY 10384 Traveller's pocket directory (The) ana stranger's guide; exhibiting distances on the principal canal and stage routes. . . in New York Schenectady 1831. 24° 66 [4] + 33adv-p 4pls a — ed. 2, N Y 1832. 24° 96 2pls — variant issue of this ed. carries 1833 date on slip pasted on front cover — ed. 3, Schenectady 1833. — rptd., same impr., 1834; 1836. Some editions entitled The western traveler's . . . directory. . . . TRAVELLER'S REGISTER (THE) 10385 Traveller's register (The) and river and road guide. Cin 1846. O 36 map a — other eds.: same impr. 1847; 1848. TRAVELS Travels in Americs Ashe, Thos. in 1806 See TRAVELS Travels in North America. Dub 1822. See Philips, Geo. TRAVELS 10386 Travels in the two hemispheres. Det 1857. O [2] 576 front, a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat., 1858. Contains two important serials: Warren Isham's Sketches of border lite [describing a railroad survey through Iowa] and Gilbert Hathaway's Travels in the southwest [describing life in Arkansas and Texas]. The original plan of monthly issuance as The magazine of travel was apparently abandoned as this work is only known in book form. TRAVELLER'S DIRECTORY (THE) Traveller's directory (The), and emi- grant's guide. . . through. . . New York, Ohio See Steele, Oliver G. TRAVELS (THE) 10387 Travels (The) of several learned mis- sioners of the Society of Jesus. . . . L 1714. O [16] 336 [12] + 4adv-p 2pls a TRAVELLER'S GUIDE (THE) Traveller's guide (The) across the plains ....See Piatt, P. L., and Slater, Nelson. TRAVELS Travels on the western slopes. Cincinnatus. See Wheat, Marvin. By 593 Travels — Tribute TRAVELS Travels through the interior parts of America. . • . By an officer. See Anburey, Thos. TRAVELS Travels through the United States and Canada. . . . L 1828. See Blane, Wm. N. [TRAVERS, DE VAL?] 10388 Summary observations and facts. .. from late and authentic accounts of Russian and other navigators, to show the practicability ... in enterprises to discover a northern passage. . . between the Atlantic and Pacific. . . . L 1776. Q [2] 29 b N Y Attributed also to Daines Barrington. Covers geographical discoveries on the North West Coast. TREADWELL, EDWARD F. 10389 The cattle king. . . [biography of Henry Miller, of California]. N Y 1931. O [lo] 367 4pls a TREAT, CAPTAIN JOSEPH 10390 The vindication of: against the atrocious calumny ... in Major General Brown's of- ficial report of the battle of Chippeway. Phil 1815. O 62 a — Eng. eds.: L Debrett 1795. O 26; same, with adds. O 28; L Johnston 1795. Q 33 Though the 1783 peace treaty gave the Northwest Territory to the United States, actual possession of strategic posts was not relinquished until after this treaty [jay's] of 1794. TREDWAY, THOMAS J. 10395 Statistics of the United States. . . for the use of emigrants L [l834]. 18° [4] 176 a TREGO, CHARLES B 10396 A geography of Pennsylvania. . . history . . . cf the state; with. . . description of each county Phil 1843. D 384 [incl. illus.] map a TREMENHEERE, HUGH S. 10397 Notes on public subjects. . . during a tour in the United States and Canada. L 1852. D [8] 320 map a TRENT, CAPTAIN WILLIAM 10398 Journal of: from Logstown to Pickawil- lany, 1752. Cin 1871. O 117 a First printing of an unpublished MS. See also Case [of William Trent and other Traders] TREATIES 10391 Treaties between the United States and . . . Indian tribes. . . 1778-1837. Wash 1837. O [2, 5-84] 699 a — new ed., same impr., date & collat. TREATISE (A) 10392 Treatise (A) on slavery, by an unknown author, of Virginia, n.p. [l83-?]. D 40 a 10393 the art of flying NY TREATISE (A) Treatise (A) 1814. D 64 a — rptd. same impr. 1816. First American book on the subject. TREATISE (A) Treatise (A) on the patriarchal, or co- operative system of society. . . under the name of slavery. . . by an inhabitant of Florida. See Kingsley, Z. TREATY 10394 Treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation between His Brittanick Majesty, and the United States Phil Bache [l795]. O 24 a — anr. issue, with motions of Burr and Tazewell added, same impr., rud. [l795?]. O 27 — other 1795 Am. eds.: Bennington O 35; [b] n.d. F 2; N Y O 32; Phil Neale & Kam- merer D 72; Phil Tuckniss, with adds., D 283; Phil Lang & Ustick O 190 [2] TRENY, M. 10399 La Californie devoilee. . . . P 1850. O 60 a — eds. 2 & 3, same impr., date and collat. TRESCOT, WILLIAM H. 10400 The diplomacy of the revolution. ...NY 1852. D 169 a TRESCOT, WILLIAM H. 10401 The diplomatic history of the administra- tions of Washington and Adams. B 1857. O [l2] 283 a TREU, GEORG 10402 Das Buch der Auswanderung. . . . Bamberg 1848. o[8] 216 a Issued chiefly in the interest of Texas emigration companies. TREZEVANT, D. H. 10403 The burning of Columbia, S. C Columbia 1866. O 30 a — rptd., same impr. & date. O 31 TRIAL (THE) Trial (The) of republicanism By Peter Porcupine. See Cobbett, Wm. TRIBUTE Tribute to Caesar. ... By Philalethes. See Maule, Thos. 594 Trlcoche — True State TRICOCHE, GEORGE N. 10404 La vie militaire a l'etranger: notes d'un engage volontaire au ll e United States Cavalry. P [l897]. 16° 352 a TRIGGS, J. H. 10405 History and directory of Laramie City. . . . Laramie 1875. O 91 b AA N NYP WisH Y TRIGGS, J. H. 10406 History of Cheyenne and northern Wyoming Omaha 1876. O 144 [inch advs] map b LC N NYP Y TRIGGS, J. H. 10407 A reliable. . . guide to the Black Hills [etc.]. Omaha 1876. O 144 map b LC N WisH — anr. ed. Omaha 1878. b Y With exception of title and first 16 pages identical with author's History of Cheyenne, above. TRIOMPHE (LE) Triomphe (Le) du nouveau monde. . . . See Brun, Jean B. TRIP (A) Trip (A) to the United States in 1887. See Beadle, Chas. TROLLOPIAD (THE) Trollopiad (The). ... By Nil Admirari. See Shelton, Frederick W. [TROTTER, ISABELLA S.] 10412 First impressions of the new world. . . . L 1859. D [12] 308 + 24adv-p map a Penetrated West to Missouri and liked it all. TROWBRIDGE, M[ARY] E. D. 10413 Pioneer days Phil 1895. D 160 port a Includes sketchy account of an 1849 over- land trip to California; made by Gershom Day, who was killed by Indians there in 1852. TROY DIRECTORY Troy directory. . . . John, pub. 1829. See Disturnell, TRUE... MEANS 10414 True constitutional means (The) for putting an end to the disputes between Great Britain and the. . . colonies. L 1769. O [2] 38 a Offers a "Henry George" solution to the colonial tax problem, substituting, for all others, a single land tax. TRIPLETT, FRANK 10408 History. . . of great American crimes. . . . N Y 1884. O 659 front, a TRIPLETT, FRANK 10409 The life, times and treacherous death of Jesse James St L 1882. D 416 pis a TROBRIAND, PHILIPPE REGIS 10410 DENIS DE KEREDERN, COMTE DE Vie militaire dans le Dakota. . . (1867- 1869). P 1926. O [16] 408 port a — Eng. tr., abr. ed. Quaife, Chi 1941. 16° — anr. tr., complete, St P [l95l]. O [28 incl. map] 395 12 pis TROGNON, A., [pseud.] Campagne de l'armee du Potomac. See Joinville, le prince de. TROLLOPE, MRS. [FRANCES M.] 10411 Domestic manners of the Americans. L 1832. O 2v: [l2] 336; [6] 272. 24pls a — ed. 2, L 1832. D 2v: [12] 304; [8] 304. 24pls — eds. 3 & 4, same collat., L 1832. — ed. 5, L 1839. 16° [8] 384 port — Am. ed. N Y 1832. O [l0, 3-8] 25-325 8pls — trs.: [Fr.] P 1833. 2v: [Ger.] Kiel 1835. 3v; [Dutch] Harlem 1833. 2v; [Sp.] P 1835. 2v TRUE INTEREST (THE) True interest (The) of America impartially stated, in. . . strictures on a pamphlet in- titled Common sense. See Inglis, Chas. TRUE INTEREST (THE) True interest (The) of Great Britain, with respect to her American colonies. ... By a merchant of London. See Bacon, Anthony. TRUE MERITS (THE) 10415 True merits (The) of a late treatise. . . intitled Common sense. . . . By a late member of the continental congress. . . . L 1776. O [8] 44 a TRUE PICTURE (A) True picture (A) of emigration. . . . See Burlend, Rebecca. TRUE PICTURE (A) 10416 True picture (A) of the United States. . . . By a British subject. L 1807. O 100 a — ed. 2, same date & impr. Dill TRUE SENTIMENTS (THE) True sentiments (The) of America. . . . See Hollis, Thos. TRUE STATE (A) True state (A) of the proceedings in the parliament of Great Britain. . . . See Lee, Arthur. 595 Truesdell — Tucker TRUESDELL, WINIFRED P. 10417 Engraved. . . portraits of Abraham Lincoln. Vol. II [only one pub]. Champlain N Y 1933. o[l4] 241 front. 49photos 225copies, 25 on Jap. vellum a — anr. issue, with 26 prelim, p. TRUMAN, BENJAMIN C. 10418 Life, adventures. . . of Tiburcio Vasquez, the great California bandit ...LA 1874. O 44 diag a TRUMAN, BEN[JAMIN] C. 10419 Occidental sketches. S F 1881. D 212 a Adventures in California, Nevada and Alaska. TRUMBULL, BENJAMIN 10420 A complete history of Connecticut. . . . Vol. I [all]. Hart 1797. O [20] 587 map 3 ports a — rptd. N Lond 1798. — anr. ed., with v. 2 added, N Hav 1818. O 2v: 563[last p. misnumb. 567]; [2] 7-548 port — rptd. N Lond 1898. O 2v front. TRUMBULL, BENJAMIN 10421 A general history of the United States. . . in three volumes. Vol.1 [all]. B 1810. O [2] 442 a — issue 2, same impr. & date. O [12] 9-467 errata slip — anr. issue, identical with issue 2, but t-p omits mention of 3vols. — rptd. N Y 1810. O 442 TRUMBULL, BENJAMIN 10422 A plea, in vindication of the Connecticut title to. . . lands, lying west of . . . New- York. N Hav 1774. O 103 a — am, ed., same impr. & date. O 161 a [TRUMBULL, HENRY?] 10423 The adventures of Colonel Daniel Boon, one of the first settlers at Kentucke. . . . Norwich John Trumbull 1786. 16° 24 d S Y [only copies known] — anr. ed. Windsor 1793. c — anr. ed. "Life and adventures of Colonel Daniel Boon, the first white settler in. . . Kentucky. . . ," Bklyn 1823. 16° 36 port c AA N NYP WisH — rptd., same collat., Bklyn 1824; Prov 1824. b First separately printed account of Boone; events to 1782 substantially the same as in Filson's Kentucke. Probably both Brooklyn editions were printed in Providence, as they are from same type. [TRUMBULL, HENRY] 10424 History of the discovery of America. . . . By the Rev. James Steward. Bklyn [l802?]. O 176 fold, front, a — rptd., au. given as "a citizen of Con- necticut," Norwich 1810. D 176 fold.pl — anr. issue, au. named, same impr. & date. D 184 2pls — anr. ed. same impr. 1812. D 184 [8] 2pls — many later eds., some with t. changed to "History of the Indian wars. ..." A well-nigh worthless production of a seventeen-year old lad which enjoyed wide favor by an uncritical public. [TRUMBULL, HENRY] ed. 10425 Life and remarkable adventures of Israel R. Potter. . . soldier in the American revolu- tion Prov Trumbull 1824. D 108 [incl. front.] a — anr. ed., same impr., collat. & date, but ptd by Howard, different front. & no errata list on p. 108Lerrors having been cor. in text] Purported autobiography, of dubious au- thenticity. See also another version under Melville, Herman. TRUMBULL, H[ENRY] 10426 Western emigration B [l819?]. D 36 front, a — rptd. Prov [1826] 16° 36 front. Fictitious experiences of a Maine family attempting to make a home in Ohio. Written to discourage emigration. TRUMBULL, JAMES [pseud.] 10427 Life of George Washington. ...NY 1829. 18° 168[misnumb. 166] 3pls a Essentially the biography written by Thomas Condie, with a few additions and a fictitious author named. TRUMBULL, JAMES H., ed. 10428 The memorial history of Hartford county, Conn. B 1886. O 2v: [14] 704; [lo] 570. 4 maps 67pls a TRUTH Truth is no slander. Clement, Samuel. Natchez 1827. See TRUTH Truth is stranger than fiction. New Or- leans as it is. ... By a resident. See New Orleans as it is. . . . TRUXTUN, COMMODORE [THOMAS] 10429 Reply of: to an attack made on him in the National Intelligencer Phil 1806. O [3] 32 a TUBBEE, LAAH C. M. E. 10430 A sketch of the life of Okah Tubbee ... of the Choctaw nation. Springfield 1848. D 84 a — rptd. Tor 1852. Q 96 Cf. similar title by Allen, Lewis L TUCKER, BEVERLEY See Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley. 596 Tucker — Tuck* TUCKER, EPHRAIM W. 10431 A history of Oregon. . . . Bui 1844. D 84 c B LC NYP Y [TUCKER, GEORGE] 10432 Defence of the character of Thomas Jef- ferson, against a writer in the New York Re- view NY 1838. O 46 a TUCKER, GEORGE 10433 The life of Thomas Jefferson Phil 1837. O 2v: [4 9-10 2 11-18 13-20] 9-545 [l]; [2] 526 [l]. port a — Eng. ed. L 1837. O 2v: [22] 612; [lo] 588. port TUCKER, DR. JOSEPH] C. 10434 To the golden goal, and other sketches. S F 1895. D 303 9pls a 50copies ptd. TUCKER, JOSIAH 10435 Cui bono? or, an inquiry, what benefits can arise. . . from the greatest victories, or successes, in the present war? Glocester 1781. O 142 + adv-p a — ed. 2, with pacification plan added, same impr. & collat. 1782. — ed. 3, L 1782. O [l, 5-25] 3-142 + adv-p —Dutch tr. [Amst 178l]. O [2] 127 — Fr. trs.: L 1782. O [2] 116; L 1782. O 95; Rotterdam 1782. O [2] 116 [TUCKER, JOSIAH] 10436 Dispassionate thoughts on the American war L 1780. O 36 a TUCKER, JOSIAH 10437 Four tracts Glocester 1774. O [l8] 9- 216 [36] a — eds. 2 & 3, same impr. & date. O 224 Contains reprints of his Letter from a merchant in London, and The true interest ot Great Britain, see below. TUCKER, JOSIAH 10438 An humble address and earnest appeal. . . whether a connection with, or separation from the continental colonies of America be most for the national advantage. . . . Glocester 1775. O 93 + 2adv-p fold. tab. a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — ed. 3, L 1776. O 94 + 2adv-p foldtab [TUCKER, JOSIAH] 10439 A letter from a merchant in London to his nephew in North America, relative to the present posture of affairs in the colonies. . . . L 1766. O [4] 55 a — Dutch trs.: "Verhandeling over het recht van het Britsche parlement. . . ," Utrecht 1775. O [8] 56; "Onzydidge brief van een voornam Koopman te London. . . ," Utrecht 1778. O [2] 8 56 TUCKER, JOSIAH 10440 A letter to Edmund Burke ... in answer to his printed speech [on conciliation with America]. Glocester 1775. O 58 + 2adv-p a — — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — anr. ed. Dub 1775. O 48 TUCKER, DOCTOR [JOSIAH] 10441 A letter to: on his proposal of a separa- tion between Great Britain and her American colonies. L 1774. O [4] 36 a [TUCKER, JOSIAH?] 10442 A plain letter to the common people of England and Wales. . . against transporting themselves to America. . . . Bristol 1783. D 24 a — anr. ed., possibly the first, L 1783. same collat. Early effort to discourage emigration of British laboring classes. TUCKER, JOSIAH 10443 The respective pleas. . . of the mother country, and of the colonies. . . . Glocester 1775. O [16] 9-51 + adv-p a — ed. 2, same impr. 1776. O 60 [TUCKER, JOSIAH] 10444 A series of answers to certain popular objections, against separating from the re- bellious colonies.. . .Glocester 1776. O [l5] 9-108 [5] + 6adv-p a Advocates granting the colonies inde- pendence and then forming a union between them and England. TUCKER, JOSIAH 10445 The true interest of Great Britain. . . in regard to the colonies. . . . Norfolk Eng 1774. O66 a — Am. ed., with adds., Phil 1776. O 66 [6] TUCKER, [NATHANIEL] BEVERLEY 10446 Address of: to the people of the United States. ... [cover t.only]. Montr 1865. 24° 44 b Duke Emory Indignant denial of accusation made against himself, Davis and other Confeder- ate leaders of complicity in Lincoln's assassination and suggests President John- son as the likeliest fomentor of Booth's act. [TUCKER, NATHANIEL BEVERLEY] 10447 The partisan leader; a tale of the future. [Wash] 1856. D 2v: [6J 201; [2] 201 b AA N NYP Y — rptd. N Y 1861. D 2v: [2, 5-16] 195; [8] 199-392 a — anr. issue, N Y 1861. D 2v in 1: [2, 5- 16] 195; 196-392 — anr. ed. Rich 1862. D [8] 220 + 4adv-p —rptd. N Y 1863; N Y 1933. 597 Tucker — Topper Original edition suppressed on its publi- cation in 1836. Date 1856 was fictitious. A prophetic foretelling of the Civil war. Travels extended from Maine to Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio and Louisiana; Americans are defended from Trollopian accusations. TUCKER, ST. GEORGE 10448 A dissertation on slavery; with a proposal for the gradual abolition. . . in Virginia. Phil 1796 O [6] 9-106 a — rptd., N Y 1861 [TUCKER, ST. GEORGE?] 10449 A letter to a member of Congress; respect- ing the alien and sedition laws. n.p. L 1799j. O 48 capt.t. a Ascribed also to James Madison. [TUCKER, ST. GEORGE?] 10450 Letter to a member of the general assem- bly of Virginia, on the. . . late conspiracy of the slaves. . . . Bait 1801. O 23 a [TUCKER, THOMAS T.] 10451 Conciliatory hints, attempting. . . to re- move party-prejudices. . . and proposing a convention by delegates, for the purpose of accommodating our Constitution more per- fectly to the principles of equal and perma- nent freedom: submitted to the consideration of the citizens of. . . South-Carolina. Charleston S C 1784. Q 34 a TUDOR, WILLIAM 10457 Letters on the eastern states. N Y 1820. D [8] 5-356 a — ed. 2, B 1821. O 423 TUDOR, WILLIAM The life of James Otis. 508 + 2adv-p port pi facs 10458 1823. O [20] TUFTS, HENRY 10459 A narrative of the life, adventures. . . of: Dover N H 1807. 16° 366 a — rptd., t. altered, N Y 1930. O [l8] 357 4facs This autobiography of a New England vagabond was ghost-written. Members of the Tufts family destroyed many copies and others went up in the printer's fire. TULLIDGE, EDWARD W. 10460 The history of Salt Lake City S L C [ 1883-4]. O 336 3pls a — rptd., with adds., same impr. 1886. O [lo] 3-896 28 151 33pls — anr. ed., same impr. &, date. O [8] 3-896 172 36 33pls TUCKERMAN, HENRY T. America and her commentators. 1864. D [8] 460 a 10452 TULLIDGE, EDWARD W. 10461 TUCKERMAN, HENRY T. 10453 Book of the artists. . . sketches of Ameri- can artists, preceded by an historical ac- count NY 1867. Q [12] 7-639 17pls a also 50copies on L.P. TUCKERMAN, HENRY T. 10454 The life of Silas Talbot NY 1850. 16° [12] 9-137 a Intended for inclusion in Spark's series of American biographies, but completed too late. TUCSON Directory of . . . : See Barter, G. W. TUCSON 10455 Tucson and surroundings. Handbook of: Tucson 1880. D [l2] 68 map a TUCSON Tucson and Tombstone . . . directory. . . . 1883. See Cobler, Frank, and Swanwick, T. F., comps. TUDOR, HENRY 10456 Narrative of a tour in North America L 1834. D 2v: [22] 468; [12] 548 a Life of Brigham Young. ...NY 1876. O [8] 458 [8l] port a — ed. 2, same impr., 1877. O [8] 458 [l08] port TULLIDGE, EDWARD W. 10462 Life of Joseph [Smith] the prophet Piano 111 1880. O [l2j 827 4ports a TULLIDGE, EDW| ARDi W. 10463 Tullidge's histories, volume II Lcovering Utah sections, etc., not included in his "History of Salt Lake City. . . ."]. S L C 1889. O [6] 440[error for 540] [2] 372 26pls a TUMBLETY, T. F. 10464 A few passages in the life of: Cin 1866. O 82 a TUNNARD, wIlLLIAMl H. 10465 A southern record. The history of the Third Louisiana Infantry. Baton Rouge 1866. D 393 2ports a TUOLUMNE COUNTY, CALIFORMIA A history of: See Lang, Herbert O. TUPPER, FERDINAND B. 10466 Family records; containing memoirs of Major-General Sir Isaac Brock. . . to which are added the life of Te-cum-seh. . . . Guernsey 1835. O [12] 218 3pls a 598 Turenne TuttU — enl. ed. . . . Brock. The life and correspondence of ) [12] 468 . D [12] 492 L 1845. D [l2j 468 d. 2, same impr. 1847, 10467 TURENNE D' AYNAC, GABRIEL L., COMTE DE Quatorze mois dans l'Amerique du Nord. P 1879. D 2v: [6] 370 [4]; [4] 396 [2] a TURGOT, [ANNE ROBERT J., 10468 BARON DE L'AULNEl Memoire sur les colonies americaines. . . . P 1791. O 75 a TURLAND, EPHRAIM 10469 Notes of a visit to America. . . . Man- chester 1877. D [8] 190 a TURNBULL, M. S., comp. 10470 The Montgomery directory, for 1859-60 Montg 1859. D 128 a First directory of this city. [TURNBULL, ROBERT J.] 10471 The crisis; or, essays on the usurpations of the federal government. Charleston S C 1827. O 166 a TURNER, FREDERICK J. 10472 The frontier in American history. ...NY 1920. D [s] 375 a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1921; 1923; 1926. TURNER, FREDERICK J. 10473 The significance of the frontier in Ameri- can history. Madison Wis 1894. O 34 + cover t. a Few copies issued as a separate from Wisconsin Historical Society Proceedings of 1893 [published 1894]. Later amplified into The frontier in American history, see above. TURNER, G[ EORGEl 10474 Traits of Indian character. . . .Phil 1836. D 2v: 207; [4] 7-196 a TURNER, JOHN 10475 Pioneers of the west. Cin 1903. D 404 a TURNER, 0[ RSAMUSl 10477 Pioneer history of the Holland purchase of western New York But 1849. O 666 5maps 9ports 4pls a — rptd., same impr. 1850. O 670 5maps 9 ports 4pls TURNER, T[lM0THY] G. 10478 Gazetteer of the St. Joseph valley [Michigan and Indiana]. Chi 1867. O 166 [2] [incl. front. & pi] a TURNLEY, PARMENAS T. 10479 Private letters of: . . . on the character of the constitutional government of the United States L 1863. O [12] 194 a TURNLEY, PARMENAS T. 10480 Reminiscences. . . . Chi [l892]. D 448 4pls [and in some copies 3 extra pis inserted] a After service in the Mexican war, this West Pointer campaigned for ten years in Nebraska, Dakota and Utah. TURPIE, DAVID 10481 Sketches of my own times. Indp [l903], D [lo] 387 a Account of life in the southern Indiana backwoods in the thirties, etc., by a United States senator. TURREAU DE LINIERES, LOUIS 10482 M., BARON DE Apercu sur la situation politique des £tats-Unis P 1815. O 154 a Author fought in the Revolution and from 1804 to 1811 was Minister to the United States. TURRILL, H. B. 10483 Historical reminiscences of. . . Des Moines Des M 1857. D 144 fold. view + 4pls a TUSCARORA INDIANS (THE) A Sabbath among: See Duncan, John M. TUTHILL, FRANKLIN 10484 The history of California. S F 1866. O [4 7-16] 657 a TURNER, NAT. The confessions of: See Gray, Thos. R. TURNER, 0| RSAMUSl 10476 History of the pioneer settlement of Phelps and Gorham's purchase. . . . em- bracing the counties of Monroe, Ontario, etc. to which is added a supplement. . . of the pioneer history of Monroe county. . . . Roch 1851 O 624 a — anr. ed., to which is added a suppl. of the history of the counties of Ontario, etc. Roch 1852 O [16] 9-588 TUTTLE, C[HARLES] R. History of Grand Rapids. . . , 1874. D 153 a 10485 Grand Rapids TUTTLE, EDMUND B. 10486 Border tales around the camp fire. L 1878. D [18] 243 + adv-1. 5pls a — Am. ed., same collat. N Y & L 1878. These tales — including a fine account of the fall of the Alamo — were told on a sur- veying expedition from Omaha to the Yellow- stone country. 599 Tuttle — Tyson TUTTLE, EDMUND B. 10487 The boy's book about Indians. . . . Phil 1873. D 207 7pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1874. — Eng. ed. L n.d. same collat. The author, chaplain at several Wyoming army posts, describes the Ft. Kearney, Sweetwater and Plum Creek Indian fights. TUTTLE, E[DMUND] B. The history of Camp Dougls 1865. O 51 a 10488 TUTTLE, EDMUND B. 10489 What I saw and heard for three years on the plains. Phil 1874. D 207 pis a TUTTLE, J. H. 10490 Wam-dus-ky: . . . record of a hunting trip to North Dakota. . . .Minneap 1893. O 178 pis a 35copies ptd. TWENTY-FOUR LETTERS 10491 Twenty-four letters from labourers in America to their friends in England. L 1829. 48 a Preface signed Benjamin Smith. TWENTY THOUSAND MUSKETS!!! See Allen, Ira. TWISS, TRAVERS 10492 The Oregon question examined. . . . L 1846. O [ll] 392 front 2maps a — Am. ed. "The Oregon territory, its history [etc.]," N Y 1846. D 264 [4] TWITCHELL, RALPH E. 10493 The leading facts of New Mexican history. Cedar Rapids 1911-12. O 2v: 506; 631 a These volumes gave the state history; three later volumes cover the history of the twenty-six counties. TWO REBELLIONS (THE) Two rebellions (The); or, treason un- masked. By a Virginian. See McDonald, Wm. N. TWO TRACTS Two tracts: information for those who would remove to America. . . . See Franklin, Benj. TWO TRACTS Two tracts, shewing, that Americans born before the Independence, are. . . not aliens .... By a barrister. See Reeves, John. TWO YEARS Two years before the mast. N Y 1840. See Dana, Richard H. TWYMAN, R. B. J. [pub.] 10496 Memphis directory. . . for 1850, with a brief history. . . . Memphis 1849, O 112 a First directory — and first historical sketch — of this city. TYLER, DANIEL 10497 A concise history of the Mormon Battalion . . . 1846-1847. [S L c] 1881. O [4] 3-376 a Detailed narrative, by a member, of the memorable march of this organization from Council Bluffs to San Diego. Though dated 1881, internal statements indicate its actual publication in 1882. TYLER, LYON G. 10498 The letters and times of the Tylers. . . . Rich 1884-5, Wmsbg 1896. O 3v: [l6] 633; [16] 736; [14] 234[actually 240, as 6p are repeated]. 15 pis 3 facs. a TYLER DYNASTY (THE) Secret history of the perfidies . . . of:. . . . By one most familiar with the subject.. . . See Cummings, Hiram. TWITCHELL, RALPH E. 10494 Old Santa Fe Santa Fe [l925]. O 488 [incl. front. & pis] a TWITCHELL, RALPH E. 10495 The Spanish archives of New Mexico. [Cedar Rapids] 1914. O 2v: [24] 525; [8 incl. final blank 1.] 683. 42pls & facs a TWO LETTERS Two letters to a friend, on the present critical conjuncture of affairs. . . .See Chauncy, Chas. TYRANNY 10499 Tyranny unmasked. An answer to... Taxation no tyranny [by Samuel Johnson]. L 1775. O [4] 90 a TYRRELL, JOSEPH B. 10500 A brief narrative of the journeys of David Thompson in northwestern America. Tor 1888. O 29 a TYSON, ELISHA Life of:. ... By a citizen of Baltimore. See Tyson, John a TWO MONTHS Two months in the Confederate States. . . By an English merchant. See Corsan, W. C. TYSON, JAMES L. 10501 Diary of a physician in California. . . . N Y 1850. O 92 + 4adv-p 600 Tyson — Uniforms TYSON, JOB R. 10502 Discourse on the colonial history of the eastern and some of the southern states. Phil 1842. O 64 a [TYSON, JOHN S.] 10503 Life of Elijah Tyson, the philanthropist. Bait 1825. 16° [8] 142 errata slip port a Describes his 1803 trip to Ohio with Gerard T. Hopkins. See Tyson, Martha E. TYSON, MARTHA E. [comp.] 10504 A mission to the Indians. . . to Fort Wayne, in 1804. Written at the time, by Gerard T. Hopkins, with an appendix. Phil 1862. 16° 198 a Privately printed and never sold. Hop- kins' account of his visit to the Miamis and Pottawatomies is interesting and important, but no more so than the additional material, by George Ellicott on the same mission, found in the appendix. TYSON, PHILIP T. 10505 Memoir on the geology of California. Wash 1850. [Sen. Exec. Doc. 47, 31 Cong., Sess. l] O [24] 127 37 3maps lOpls a — rptd. with introd. "Geology and industrial resources of California. . . ," Bait 1851. O [34 ] 127 37 3maps 9pls tab Based on a four month's stay in California. TYSON, ROBERT A. History of East St. Louis. , O 152 fold. map fold.pl a 10506 E St L 1875. u UDALL and HOPKINS [pubs.] 10507 Chicago city directory, for 1852-3. Chi 1852. D 294 map[intended for issue with book, but not in all copies as it was not ready in time and had to be supplied later] a UDELL, CORNELIUS Condensed history of. ..Jefferson [o Jefferson 1878. D 116 a 10508 UDELL, JOHN 10509 Incidents of travel to California, across the great plains. . . . Jefferson O 1856. D 302 errata 1. port[not issued in all copies; probably added after some had been dis- tributed] a — rptd. L A 1946. O [4, 9-20] 88 8pls 775 copies [2 5signed] UDELL, JOHN 10510 Journal. . . during a trip across the plains containing an account of the massacre of a portion of his party by the Mohave Indians, in 1859. Suisun City Cat 1859. O 45[incl. cover t. ] dd Y[only copy known] — rptd., Jefferson O 1868. O 48 port d AA Hn — anr. ed. L A 1946. O Udell's party went to southern California via the Santa Fe trail and Albuquerque. UEBER NORDAMERIKA 10511 Ueber Nordamerika und Demokratie. . . . Kqppenhagen [ptd Konigsberg] 1782. D 212 [2ja UHDE, ADOLPH 10512 Die Lander am untern Rio Bravo. . . . Heidelberg 1861. O fe] 432 map a Based on a years' residence in Texas. [UHLENHUTH, E.] 10513 Rathgeber fur auswanderer nach Cali- fornien. Bremen 1849. O 84 map b UHLHORN, JOHN A., comp. 10514 The Virginia and Truckee railroad di- rectory S F 1873. O [52] 416 a [UITENHAGE DE MIST, MLLE. VAN] 10515 Relation d'un voyage en Afrique et en Amerique. Namur 1821. Priv.ptd. D 63 a UMFREVILLE, EDWARD 10516 The present state of Hudson's bay. . . . L 1790. O [12] 128 133-230 + adv-1. pi 2fold. tabs b H N NYP Y — Ger. tr. Helmstadt 1791. O [26] 164 map 2tabs a Contains experiences in the lake re- gion, etc. UNANIMITY 10517 Unanimity in all parts of the British commonwealth, necessary to its preserva- tion L 1778. O [4] 39 a UNCONNECTED... ADDRESS 10518 Unconnected Whig's (An) address to the public; upon the present civil war. . . . L 1777. O [4] 80 + errata slip pasted on verso of t. a UNDERWOOD, GEORGE C. 10519 History of the Twenty-sixth regiment of the North Carolina troops. . . . Goldsboro [l90ll O [4] 122 [6] pis a UNIFORM Uniform of the Army Phil 1882. See Regulations for the uniform. . . of the Army. . . . UNIFORMS Uniforms for the U. S. Navy. . 1869. F 12 9pls[8col.] a — anr. issue. O 17 no pis 10520 601 Union For earlier works on the subject, see Regulations. . . . UNION 10521 Union (The): ... a condemnation of Mr. Helper's scheme. . . . By one who has con- sidered both sides of the question. ...NY [18571 O 32 a UNION COUNTY, IOWA 10522 Centennial sketches of: Creston 1876. O 145 map a UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. (THE) Report of the organization. . . of: See Dix, John A. UNITED STATES 10523 United States (The) and Canada, as seen by two brothers. . . . L 1862. D [6] 137 map a UNITED STATES United States (The) and England: . . . reply to the criticism on Inchiquin's letters.. . . See Paulding, James K. UNITED STATES... CONVENTION 10524 United States Anti-Masonic Convention (the). The proceedings of: ... at Philadel- phia, Septemoer 11, 1830. Phil 1830. O 164 Unci, blank 1. ] a — issue 2, identical except no blank 1., it being used as separate t. for Address to the people of the United States. Contains report on murder of William Morgan. For reprints of that report see Whittlesey, Frederic, Abduction and murder of William Morgan. UNITED STATES REGISTER 10525 United States register (The). . . with. . . routes NY 1837. D 2pts in 1: 54; 27. [map mentioned on p2 apparently not issued with the book] a UNIVERSAL HISTORY Universal history (A) of the United States By a citizen. See Taylor, C. B. UNONIUS, GUSTAF [E. M.] 10526 Minnen fran en sjuttonarig vistelse i nordvestra Amerika. Upsala 1861-2. O 2v: [8] 424; [8] 621. 8pls a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat., 1862. Describes his activities as founder of a Swedish settlement in Wisconsin, in 1841, and his later residence in Chicago. UPHAM, CHARLES W. 10527 Lectures on Witchcraft D 1831. 18° [8] 280 a — ed. 2, D 1832. 16° fc] 300 — enl. ed. "Salem witchcraft," B 1867. Q 2v a some copies on L. P. UPHAM, CHARLES W. 10528 The life of Washington. ... B 1840. D 2v: 402 [incl. blank 1.]; 388 [incl. blank 1.] b AA N NYP Y — issue 2, with 2ports added, same impr. & date. D 2v: 443; 423. 2ports b — Eng. eds., from sheets of above issue 2, with new t-p, L 1851 a; L 1852. Both issues of the Boston edition were suppressed, almost at once by court order, as infringing on Sparks' copyright. UPHAM, SAMUEL C. 10529 Notes of a voyage to California via Cape Horn. . . with scenes in El Dorado. . . 1849- 50. ... Phil 1878. O [2] 7 -594 [incl. pis] 2 ports a By a pioneer journalist of Sacramento and San Francisco. [UPSHUR, ABEL P.] 10530 A brief enquiry into the true nature.. . of our federal government. . . . Petersburg Va 1840. O 132 a — rptd., with au. named, Phil 1863. — anr. ed. "The federal government...," N Y 1868. UPTON, CHARLES E. 10531 Pioneers of El Dorado. Placerville 1906. O [6] 3-201 6pls a URLSPERGER, SAMUEL 10532 Americanisches Ackerwerk Gottes. . . . Augsburg 1754-1755-[l767]. Q 5v: [l4] 126, 137-174 port; [26] 175-334, 353-390 [23]; [8] 335-525; [l2] 72, 71-80, 83-84; [60] 286 b GaU NYP Y Continuation of his Ausfuhrliche Nach- richten. . . , see below. URLSPERGER, SAMUEL 10533 Der ausfuhrlichen Nachrichten von der Koniglich-Gross-Britannischen Colonie Saltzburgischer Emigranten in America. Halle 1731 [i.e. 1735]- 1752. Q 19pts in 3v: v.I, 6pts: [2] 14, 242 + 2adv-p; [20] 243- 574; [18] 575-980; [12] 981-2072; [l2] 2073-2312; [28] 2313-2598 [38], v.II, 7pts: [32] 358 [2]; [52] 361-716 tab; [36] 717-844, 843-1014; [4] 1015-1270; [24] 1771-1930; [12] 1931-2138; [l2] 2139-2270 [35]. v.III, 6pts: [10] 72 [20] 73-203; [14] 205-340; '8] 341-436; [l2] 437-536; [36] 537-744 15p wrongly numb. 745-774]; [l6] 777-1004 18]. map & port in v.I, map & plan in v.III b GaU — rptd., with index, Halle 1741, 1746, 1752. Q 3v: v.I, 6pts; v.II, 7pts; v.III, 6pts b Y This series of Journals, or annual ac- counts of the Salzburger settlements over a long period, issued originally separately, forms one of the most important sources for the provincial history of Georgia. For a 602 Urquhart — Vale continuation see above this author's Americanisches Ackerwerk. . . . URQUHART, DLAVIDl Annexation of Texas. L 1844, 10534 O 104 a UTICA DIRECTORY Utica directory. . . . 1828. See Harrington, Elisha, pub. URQUHART, DAVID 10535 Exposition of the causes and conse- quences of the boundary differences between Great Britain and the United States.. . . Liv [1839]. Q [8] 595 [l6] map a — rptd. Glas 1840. O [l6] 5-91 [20] map URQUHART, DAVID 10536 Reflections and thoughts on things, moral, religious and political. L 1844. O [4] 332 [74]a Contains his two famous international articles, Annexation of Texas and England in the western hemisphere. URREA, JOSE 10537 Diario de las operaciones militares de la division que al mando del: hizo la campana de Tejas. Victoria Mex 1838. O 136 b AA B Y Vindication of his conduct attempted by the perpetrator of the Goliad massacre. Cover title differs slightly. UTAH 10538 The crimes of the Latter-Da y Saints in: By a Mormon of 1831. [Cin 1899]. O 101 a UTAH EXPEDITION 10539 Utah expedition (The). . . information relative to the military expedition. . . . H. Exec.Doc.71. Wash 1858. 215a Authoritative reports of General Johnston and his subordinate officers on operations connected with this "Mormon war." UTAH EXPEDITION Utah expedition (The). . . with incidents of travel on the plains. . . . See Conway, Cornelius. UTE INDIAN OUTBREAK (THE) 10540 Testimony in relation to: Wash 1880. O 204 a Details of the terrible White River massa- cre, the Meeker captivity, etc. UTE MASSACRE (THE)! 10541 Ute massacre (the)! Brave Miss Meeker's captivity! [etc.]. Phil [l879]. O 62 a — Ger. ed. "Ute Blodbadet. . . ," Minneap n.d. D 54 UTICA DIRECTORY Utica directory for. . . ' [1816]. 16° 57 a — rptd. [Utica] 1920. 16 c First Utica directory. 10542 Utica Williams V., M. P. Histoire de la tribu des Osages. . . . See Vissier, Paul. VAAS, LACHLAN C. 10543 History of the Presbyterian Church in New Bern. . . and a sketch of the early days Rich 1866. O 196 a VADE MECUM Vade mecum (The) for America. . . . See Prince, Thos. VAHL, JENS 10544 Alaska: folket og missionen. . . . Copenh 1872. O [6] 108 a VAIL, A. L. 10545 A memorial of James M. Haworth, super- intendent of United States Indian schools. K C 1886. O 178 a VAIL, ALFRED 10546 The American electro magnetic telegraph Phil 1845. O 208 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1847. VAIL, ALFRED 10547 Description of the American electro magnetic telegraph. . . . Wash 1845. O 24 a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1847. VAIL, ALFRED 10548 Reponse a quelques imputations contre les Etats-Unis P 1837. Q 36 a VAIL, EUGENE A. 10549 Notice sur les Indiens P 1840. O 246 map 4pls a VALANCE, HENRY L., ed. 10550 Confession of the murder of William Morgan, as taken down by John L. Emery.. . . N Y 1849. D 24 a VALE, GILBERT] 10551 A compendium of the life of Thomas Paine. N Y 1837. O 32 a VALE, GtlLBERT] 10552 The life of Thomas Paine. ... N Y n.d. [ca 1839]. O 192 a — rptd. N Y 1841. O 192 29 [2] port 603 Vale — Vandeleur VALE, JOSEPH G. 10553 Minty and the cavalry. . .in the western armies. Harrisburg 1886. O [32] 550 6maps 13ports a VALERO, FERNANDO 10554 Bosquejo de la republica de los Estados Unidos. ... Guatemala [l830]. 16° 2pts in 1: [4] 81; [2] 37 [2] a [VALETTE-LAUDUN, MONS. DE] 10555 Journal d'un voyage a la Louisiane, fait en 1720. Par M. . . , Capitaine de vaisseau du Roi. Hague 1768. D [8] 316 3adv-p a By the commander of the expedition sent to examine the Florida and Louisiana coasts; for scientific results of this voyage, see Laval, Antoine Jean de. VALLEJO [CALIFORNIA] The prospects of: See Hittell, John S. VALLEJO [CALIFORNIA] The resources of: See Hittell, John S. VALLET, EMILE 10556 Communism. A history of the experiment at Nauvoo of the Icarian settlement. Nauvoo [ca 1900]. D3 1 a VALPARAISO, INDIANA 10557 History of: ... . By a citizen. Valparaiso 1876. O 24 a VAN BUREN, A. DE PUY 10558 Jottings of a year's sojourn in the south Battle Creek 1859. D 320 a Favorable impressions of southern Mis- sissippi registered by a school teacher from Michigan. VAN BUREN, MARTIN 10559 Inquiry into the origin and course of political parties in the United States.. . . N Y 1867. O [10] 436 port a VAN BUREN, MARTIN 10560 Memoir of: ... . By a citizen of New York. N Y 1838. O 137 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1839. O 137 [2] [VAN CAMPEN, MOSES] 10561 A narrative of the capture of certain Americans at Westmoreland, by savages... . Hart [1780?]. O 24 c AA N NYP [of 4 copies known] rptd, N Lond 1784. O 16 b MH [of 2 copies known] — anr. ed. "A narrative of the Pennsylvania frontier...," Wash 1838. 16° 10 a For more extended account of Van Campen's border adventures — including this and another later captivity — see Hubbard, John N. VANCE, ZEBUION B. 10562 Sketches of North Carolina. Norfolk 1875. O 175 a [VAN CISE, EDWIN] 10563 The Black Hills of Dakota. Deadwood [l88l], O 44 + lOadv-p a VAN CLEVE, MRS. CHARLOTTE 10564 0. C. "Three score years and ten," life-long memories of Fort Snelling. .. . Dwinn] 1888. O 176 port a — 2 other eds., same impr. & collat., by 1895. VANCOUVER, GEORGE, and 10565 BROUGHTON, LIEUTENANT [WILLIAM R.] A narrative or journal of a voyage. . . to the north Pacific ocean. . . by: L 1802. D [4] 80 pi a VANCOUVER, GEORGE 10566 A voyage of discovery to the north Pacific . . . and round the world. ... L 1798. Q 3v: [46] 432 7pls; [lo] 504 5charts & pis; [lO] 505 [3] 6pls + atlas F [l6 charts & pis] b Hn N NYP Y — new ed. with cor., L 1801. O 6v: [28] 33-410 3maps & pis; [2] 418 6pls; [2] 435 pi; [2] 417 3pls; [2] 454 3pls; [2] 412 + 2 adv-p 3pls a — Fr. tr. by Demeunier and Morellet, P [1800]. Q 3v: [4, 3-12] 491 7pls; fe] 516 5charts & pis; fe] 562 6pls + atlas F [4] 16c harts & pis b — rptd. 1803. a — anr. Fr. tr., by Henry, P [l80l]. O 6v 26maps & pis a — Swed. tr. Stockh 1800. O 2v in 1 map pis — Rus. tr. St Ptbg 1827-8. O 6v — Ger. trs. Halle 1789. O 308; Berlin 1799- 1800. O 2v map 2pls Most of the three years occupied was spent on the California and Northwest coasts which were now first accurately charted. Of all modern exploring voyages to the Pacific those of Cook, La Perouse and Vancouver were the most important. VANDELEUR [or VAN DELURE], 10567 JOHN. A history of the voyages and adventures of: Giving an account of his being left on the N. W. coast of America. . . . Montpelier 1812. 16° 96 b Hn N — other eds.: Greenwich Mass 1812; North- ampton 1816; Vergennes 1827. a VANDELEUR, JOHN. 10568 A narrative of the travels of: on the western continent.... Hallowelt 1817. 16° 87 map 4pls a 604 Vandelure — Van Tramp For other accounts of this 7-year captivity among the Indians, see Decalves, Don Alonzo, and Van Leason, James. VANDELURE, JOHN. 10569 History of: [Andover N H 1819?]. 18° 72 [capt.t. only] b NYP Abridged by Josiah Wheet. VAN DE WATER, FREDERIC F. 10570 Glory-hunter; a life of General Custer. Indp [1934]. O 394 2maps 13pls a [VANDEWATER, ROBERT J.] 10571 The tourist; or, pocket manual for trav- ellers on the Hudson river. ...NY 1830. 16 59 map a — ed. 2, enl., N Y 1831. 16° 69 map — ed. 3, N Y 1834. 16° 95 map — ed. 4, N Y 1835. 16° 106 map — several later eds. VAN DIENST, P. H. 10572 The Grand Island mining district.. . Colo- rado. Denver 1876. O 25 fold. map a [VAN DUSEN, or VAN DEUSEN, 10573 INCREASE MCG. I Positively true. A dialogue between Adam and Eve, the Lord and the Devil, called the Endowment: as it was acted. . . in the Nauvoo temple Alb 1847. O 24 a — rptd. "The sublime and ridiculous blended ...," N Y 1848. O — anr. ed. "Startling disclosures. . . ," N Y 1849. O 24; N Y 1850. — anr. ed., au. named, "Spiritual delusions ...," N Y 1854. O 64 col. front. 8pls — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1856; 1859. — anr. ed. N Y 1864. O 29 4col.pls [VANEECHOUT, EDOUARD P.] 10574 Campagnes et stations sur les cotes de l'Amerique. . . . Par L. du Hailly [pseud], P 1864. D 294 a VAN GUNDY, JOHN C. 10575 Reminiscences of frontier life on the upper Neosho [Kas.] in 1855-6. n.p. [l925]. 41 2pls a VAN HORNE, THOMAS B. 10576 History of the army of the Cumberland.. . . Cin 1875. O 2v: 454; 478 +atlas[of 22maps]a — anr. issue, without atlas, same impr. & date. O 2v map VAN LEASON [or VANLEASON], 10577 JAMES A narrative of a voyage. . . to China and . . . the western continent of North-America .... Windsor 1801. O 44 b Y — rptd. Ballston Spa 1816. D 45 a For other accounts of this voyage see Vandeleur, John, and Decalves, Don Alonso; Van Leason commanded the ship which left Vandeleur on the northwest coast. [VAN NESS, WILLIAM P.] 10578 A concise narrative of General Jackson's first invasion of Florida, and of his im- mortal defence of New Orleans. . . . By Aristides. N Y 1827. O 40 a — ed. 2, Alb 1828. O 28 4 other eds. followed within a year or two. Ascribed also to Samuel Swartout. [VAN NESS, WILLIAM P.] 10579 An examination of the various charges. . . against Aaron Burr. ...NY 1803. O 118 + errata 1. a — anr. ed. Phil for the au. 1803. O 77 [2is- sues, p4 in one begins with word "Ready," in the other with "terest"] — new ed. n.p. for the au. 1804. O [4] 116 — anr. ed., with adds., Virginia 1804. O 59 VAN NESS, MR. [WILLIAM P.] 10580 MR. CAINES, et al. The speeches at full length of: in the great cause of the People, against Harry Croswell. . . for a libel on Thomas Jefferson N Y 1804. O 78 a [VAN PRADELLES, CAPT.] 10581 Reflections offertes aux capitalistes de l'Europe, sur les benefices. . . que presente rachat de terres incultes . . . dans les Etats-Unis. . . . Amst 1792 O 42 map tabs a Promotion literature for the Holland land company's Genesee tract in Western N Y. VAN RENSSELAER, SOLOMON 10582 A narrative of the affair of Queenstown, in the war of 1812 NY 1836. D 44[incl. final blank 1.] 95 map a VAN SCHEVICHAVEN, S. R. J. 10583 De Noord-Amerikaansche Staat Minnesota .... Amst 1872. O 95 map a VAN SICKEL, S. S. 10584 A story of real life on the plains. . . . n.p. [1875]. pref. dated at Bull City, Kas. 1875. D 50 b KasH Y only copies known — anr. ed. "Thrilling adventures with the Indians. . . ," Chi 1876. O 36 a — rptd. "Real life on the plains. . . ," Harper Kas [l885?]. O 50 — other eds.: 1892; 1895; 1896. An episode in the life of a buffalo hunter; includes account of the Adobe Walls fight. VAN TRAMP, JOHN C. 10585 Prairie and Rocky mountain adventures.. . . Columbus 1858. O 640 61pls a some copies 605 Van Tyne — Vaugondy carry St L impr. , with note at bottom of p640 added — rptd. St L 1859; and many later eds. VAN TYNE, CLAUDE H. 10586 The causes of the war of independence B 1922. O [12] 499 a VAN TYNE, CLAUDE H. 10587 The loyalists in the American revolution. N Y [1902]. O [12] 360 [2] a — rptd, same collat, N.Y., 1929 [VAN WINKLE, H. E.] 10588 Nine years of Democratic rule in Mis- sissippi. . . . Jackson 1847. D [l2] 304 a A Whig editor's bitter criticism of the McNutt regime, its financial policy and repudiation of the State's bond obligations. Ascribed also to Dudley S. Jennings. VAN WYCK, FREDERICK 10589 Keskachauge, or the first white settle- ment on Long Island. N Y 1924. O [45] 778 6maps 55pls a said to have been suppressed VAN ZANDT, NICHOLAS B. 10590 A full description of . . . the military lands between the Mississippi and Illinois rivers. Wash 1818. O [4] 127 a some copies ac- companied by a map [which was issued separately] b NYP VARLE, CHARLES 10591 A complete view of Baltimore. . . . Bait 1831. 18 167 plan a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1833. — anr. ed., same impr., 1838. 18 VARLE, CHARLES 10592 Topographical description of the [Va. J counties of Frederick, Berkeley and Jeffer- son. . . . Winchesfer[l810]. O [6] 5-34 [map called for by t-p apparently never issued] a VARLO [or VARLEY], C&HARLES] 10593 The essence of agriculture. . . with the author's. . . tour thro America. . . . L 1786. O [l0] 283 124 a — ed. 2, "Miscellany of knowledge.. . ," L 1792. For later editions see below Nature displayed. . . . [VARLO or VARLEY, CHARLES] 10594 The finest part of America. . . Long Island, in New Albion, lying near New York. . . . [L 1784?]. O 30 a Varlo purchased before the Revolution a third part of what was granted to Lord Plowden, in 1634, as New Albion [embrac- ing Long Island and parts of New Jersey and Maryland] and issued this prospectus of land for sale while in America unsuccess- fully prosecuting his legal claim, in 1784-5. VARLO [or VARLEY], CHARLES] 10595 Nature displayed. ... A twelve month's tour through America. ... Ed. 3. L 1793. O [12] 9-320 a —anr. ed., t. slightly altered, L 1794. O [16] 13-320 — enl. ed. "The floating ideas of nature . . . ," L 1796. D 2v: 318[fold.tab at front counted as 4p] [2]; 299 + duplicate pl09- 134 & app. p325-332 [in some copies p291- 299 are bound after app.] For earlier editions see above The es~ sence of agriculture. . . . VARLO [or VARLEY], C[HARLES] 10596 A new system of husbandry. . . . To which are annexed a few hints . . . for the perusal of the legislators of America. . . . Phil 1785. O 2v: [20 incl. lOp of subscriber's names] 17-87 98-364; [8] 5-368. fold, tab a Earlier English editions did not contain the "few hints." Preliminary pages in volume I vary with additional subscriber's lists. [VAUGHAN, BENJAMIN] 10597 Remarks on a dangerous mistake made as to the eastern boundary of Louisiana. B 1814. O 28 a VAUGHAN, W. R. 10598 The emigrant's guide. . . of the central branch of the Union Pacific. . . . Cawker City Kas 1878. Q 40 map a VAUGHAN, W. R. 10599 Guide and emigrant's handbook from Kansas City. . . to Cheyenne. Council Bluffs 1872. O 160 + 4preliminary adv-p 2maps b Y VAUGHN, ROBERT 10600 Then and now; or, thirty-six years in the Rockies... 1864-1900. Minneap 1900. O [6] 13-461 front, a VAUGONDY, ROBERT DE 10601 Memoire sur les pays de 1'Asie et de l'Asie et de l'Amerique situees au nord de la mer de Sud P 1774. Q fe] 32 [4] map b JCB NYH Y VAUGONDY, ROBERT DE 10602 Observations critiques sur les nouvelles decouvertes de l'amiral de la Fuente. P 1753. D 23 a These "nouvelles decouvertes" had been claimed by Font [de Fuente] in 1640; interest in a passage through the northern parts of America between the Atlantic and Pacific was revived when European nations saw commercial advantages in a South Sea trade. 606 Veeeh — Verreau VEECH, JAMES Mason and Dixon's line: a history. . Pitt 1857. O 58 map a 10603 VEECH, JAMES 10604 The Monongahela of old. [pitt 1857]. O 17-240 [sheets, without t-p & with unfin- ished text] b — re-issued, with t. : "The Monongahela of old: or, history of Fayette County, Pennsyl- vania. By Freeman Lewis and James Veech," Pitt 1860. O [2] 17-240 a — anr. issue, completed by Veech's daugh- ter, Mrs. E. V. Blaine, "The Monongahela of old; or, historical sketches of south- western Pennsylvania. . . ," Pitt 1892. O [2] 17-259 — rptdL, with 2-p pref. added, Pitt [l910]. 4pls VEHSE, KARL EDUARD 10605 Die Stephan'sche Auswanderung nach Amerika. Dresden 1840. D fe] 184 + 3adv-p a — Dutch ed. [in part], "De Stephanische Landverhuizing. . . ," Amst 1846. O fe] 30 VELASCO, J. FRANCISCO 10606 Noticias . . . del estado de Sonora ... con los journados para la bonanza de Alta Cali- fornia, por D. Jose Elias. Mex 1850. O 350 b NYP Y — Eng. tr. [in part], see Nye, Wm. F., tr. VENABLE, W[ILLIAM] H. 10607 Beginnings of literary culture in the Ohio valley. Cin 1891. O [l6j 519 a First attempt at a history of California. Based, by the anonymous editor, Father Andres Marcos Burriel, on Venegas' 1739 MS., but incorporating information from other sources. Volume three of the original Spanish edition contains account of discoveries on the Northwest coast attacking, as fictitious, the then accepted voyages of de Fonte and de Fuca. VENIAMINOV, IVAN Y. 10610 Zapiski ob Ostrovakh Unalashkinskago otdiela. [Notes on the islands of the Un- alaska archipelago, etc. 1 St Ptbg 1840. O 3v: [l8] 364; fe] 409 [l6j; [4] 155. tab b BH Y Veniaminov was, for 15 years, missionary in the Alaska region, became Archbishop of Kamchatka, the Kuriles and the Aleutians and later was known as Innocent, Metropoli- tan of Moscow and Koloma. VENTURE Venture. A narrative of the life . . . of: a native of Africa. . . . See Smith, Venture. VEREINIGTEN STAATEN Vereinigten Staaten (Die). . . im Jahre 1852 Kiel 1853. D [4] 76 a 10611 VERGARA, VINCENTE S. 10612 Contestacion que da el ciudano: a los articulos que sobre algunos puntos relativos a la pacificacion de Nuevo Mexico... ha publicado en su contra el teniente coronel D. Cayetano Justiniani. Mex 1840. O 28 a VENEGAS, MIGUEL 10608 El apostol Mariano representado en la vida del. . . Juan Maria de Salvatierra. . . conquistador apostolico de las Californias Mex 1754. O [12] 316 fclbBN — Eng. tr. C/ev 1929. O 350[incl. pis] a VERGENNES, CHARLES G. DE 10613 Memoire. . . sur la Louisiane. . . . P 1802. O 315 port a VERLANGTE Verlangte (Das), nicht erlangte Canaan bey den Lust-Grabern. . . . See Hoen, M. W. VENEGAS, MIGUEL 10609 Noticia de la California, y de su conquista temporal, y espiritual. . . . Madrid 1757. Q 3v: [24] 240; [8] 564; fe] 436. 4maps b N NYP Y — Eng. ed., with omissions, "Natural and civil history of California," L 1759. O 2v: [20] 455; fe] 387. map 4pls b N NYP Y — Fr. ed., tr. of Eng. ed., "Histoire naturelle et civile de la California," P 1766- 7. D 3v: [26] 360; fe] 375; fe] 354 [2I map a — Ger. ed., tr. of Eng. ed. , "Natiirliche und burgerliche Geschichte von Californien," Lemgo 1769-[l770]. O 3v in 1: 184; 198; 176. map — Dutch ed. "Natuurlyke en burgerlyke historie van California," Haarlem 1761- [17621 O 2v: [22] 436; fe] 375. map pi; re- issued, with new t-p, Amst. 1777. VERMILYA, LUCIUS H. 10614 The battles of Mexico . . . with a sketch of California. Prattsville 1849. D 32 port a [VERNON, FRANCIS V.]? 10615 Voyages and travels of a sea officer. Dub 1792. O [24] 3-306 b Clem NYP Y — anr. ed. L 1792. O Of Nootka Sound interest. [VERNON, JOSEPH S.] 10616 Along the Old trail. . . . Cimarron Has [l910]. O [4 incL descriptive 1.] 110 113- 144 149-166 163-190 3pls[2col.] a VERREAU, L'ABBE [HOSPICE 10617 A. J. B. I, ed. Invasion du Canada. . . . Vol.l[alll. Montr 1873. O [22] 394 [44] a 607 V«rwy«t — View The six narratives embraced were also issued separately. VERWYST, CHRYSOSTOM 10618 Life and labors of Rt. Rev. Frederic Baraga Milw 1900. O 476 17pls a VERWYST, CHRYSOSTOM 10619 Missionary labors of . . . Marquette, Menard and Allouez, in the lake Superior region. Milw 1886. D 262 a VERY, LAWSON 10620 Description of the plan of the Falls City [Indiana], and vicinity [jeffersonville and New Albany]. New Alb 1854. D 21 map 3plans a VICTOR, WILLIAM B. 10627 Memorial to the legislature of Texas [asking compensation for aid given to the Austins by their financial associate, Joseph H. Hawkins]. Cin 1859. O 36 [3] a VIELE, MRS. [EGBERT L.] 10628 "Following the drum". ...NY 1859. D 256 a — rptd. Phil [l864]. D [2] 19-262 Experiences of an officer's wife at fron- tier posts in Texas. VIEW View (A) of North America, in its former happy, and its present belligerent state.. . . See Walker, Geo. VERZAMELING Verzameling van stukken tot de dertien Vereenigdge Staaten. . . betrekkelijk. See Kemp, Francis A. van der. VESTAL, STANLEY 10621 Sitting Bull B 1932. D 350 8pls a VIAJE Viaje a los Estados Unidos. Por Fidel. See Prieto, Guillermo. VIANA, FRANCISCO JAVIER DE 10622 Diario del viage explorador de las corbetas . . . "Descubierta" y "Atrevida" ... 1 789-94. [Madrid] 1849. O 360 a For a later, official account, see Malas- pina, Alejandro. VIAUD, PIERRE Naufrage et aventures de: See Dubois- Fontenelle, Jean G. VICTOR, MRS. FRANCES F. 10623 All over Oregon and Washington. ... S F 1872. O 368 a — rptd. Hart 1872. same collat. VICTOR, MRS. FRANCES F. 10624 The early Indian wars of Oregon. .. . Salem Ore 1894. O [l4] 719 tab a VICTOR, MRS. FRANCES F. 10625 The river of the west. Life and adventure in the Rocky mountains and Oregon. . . . Hart 1870. O [2] 602 13pls a — rptd. Hart 1871. same collat. — anr. ed., with adds., "Eleven years in the Rocky mountains. . . ," Hart 1877. O 425 156 — rptd. Hart 1879; Harr 1881. VICTOR, WILLIAM B. 10626 Life and events. Cin 1859. O 232 fe] a Includes account of Col. Joseph H. Hawkins and how he aided Austin in fi- nancing his Texas colony. VIEW View of the claims of American citizens . . . assumed by the United States, in the Louisiana convention. ... By a citizen of Baltimore. See Causten, James H. VIEW View (A) of the controversy between Great-Britain and her colonies. By A. W. Farmer. See Seabury, Sam'L VIEW 10629 View (A) of the evidence relative to the conduct of the American war. . . . L 1779. O [6] 9-154 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O 154 — -ed. 3, enl. & re-arranged, "The detail and conduct of the American war," L 1780. O 190 Ascribed to Joseph Galloway. VIEW 10630 View (A) of the exertions lately made for colonizing the free people of color in the United States, in Africa, or elsewhere. Wash 1817. O 22[error for 2l] a — rptd. , same impr. & date. O 23 — anr. ed. , same impr. & date. O 25 VIEW View (A) of the proposed constitution. . . compared with the present confederation. See Nicholson, John. VIEW View (A) of the relative situation of Great Britain and the United States. ... By a merchant. See Bird, H. M. VIEW View (A) of the several schemes with respect to America. . . . See Lofft, Capel. VIEW 10631 View (A) of the state of parties in the United States ... an attempt to account for the present ascendancy of the French, or 608 Democratic party, in that country.. .. By a gentleman. . . . Edin 1812. O 110 a — ed. 2, with adds., t. slightly altered, Edin 1812. O 167 VIEWS Views and reviews in American literature, history and fiction. . . . See Simms, Wm. G. VIEWS Views of society and manners in America .... By an English-woman. SeeD'Arusmont, Mme. Fanny (Wright). VIGNE, GODFREY T. 10632 Six month's in America. L 1832. D 2v: 283; [4] 276. 4pls a — Am. ed. Phil 1833. 16° 209 VIGNOLES, CHARLES [B.] 10633 Observations upon the Floridas. N Y 1823. O 198 errata 1. a — anr. issue. O 220 errata L — anr. ed. "The history of the Floridas... ," Bklyn 1824. O [4] 7-219 + 1. A map — sold separately and issued with none of the editions — is found, inserted, in some copies. VILLA-SENOR Y SANCHEZ, 10634 JOSEPH ANTONIO Theatro Americano. . . . Mex 1746-8. F 2v: [20 incl.eng.t.]382 [l0]; [l4 incl.eng.t.] 428 [lOJ. 2 1. intended for insertion between p. 232 & 233 of vol.I are usually found in- serted between those pages of vol.11, b JCB N NYP Y — Eng. ed. "The statistical account of Mexico," L 1748. Official account of all Mexican provinces, including the frontier ones of California, New Mexico and Texas, and information on the French trespassers, La Salle and St. Denis. VILLARD, HENRY 10635 Memoirs of: 1835-1900. B 1904. O 2v: [12] 394; fc] 394. 8maps 5pls a VILLARD, HENRY 10636 The past and present of the Pike's Peak gold regions. St L 1860. O 112 + 8adv-p front. 2maps d AA NYP Y[of 4copies known] — anr. issue, unsold sheets of above, in- serted, as app. , in Hawes, "Missouri state gazetteer," St L [l865]. See Hawes, George W., and Co. — rptd. Princeton 1932. 16° VILLARS, MIETTE DE 10638 Manuel des emigrants en Californie. P 1849. O 48 a VILLAVICENCIO, JUAN J. DE 10639 Vida y virtudes de . . . Padre Juan de Ugarte. . . missionero de las islas Cali- fornias, y uno de sus primeros con- quistadores. Mex 1752. O [l2] 214 [2] c JCB N. Ugarte worked 30 years among the In- dians of lower California and explored the California Gulf to its northern end, the mouth of the Colorado, thus disposing of the erroneous geographical conception of an insular California. VILLIERS DU TERRAGE, MARC, 10640 BARON DE La decouverte du Missouri et 1'histoire du Fort d'Orleans (1673-1728). P 1925. O [2] 138 [2] 2maps a First publication of the two journals of Bourgmond describing his 1714 and 1717 trips to the upper Missouri as far as the Cheyenne river. He later established this fort on the lower Missouri and led expedi- tions into Kansas. VILLIERS DU TERRAGE, MARC, 10641 BARON DE Les dernieres annees de la Louisiane francaise P [l903]. O [lo] 468 a VILLIERS DU TERRAGE, MARC 10642 BARON DE L'expedition de Cavelier de la Salle dans le golfe du Mexique P 1931. O 235 [2] 2f old. maps a VILLIERS DU TERRAGE, MARC, 10643 BARON DE Histoire de la fondation de la Nouvelle Orleans (1717-1722). P 1917. Q [l6] 130 5pls a Study of the struggle between France and England for the Mississippi, with much on the Illinois country, Pontiac, etc. VINAL, WILLIAM 10644 A sermon. . . occasioned by the defeat of . . . Braddock Newport 1755. Q 25 b AA Hn Y VINCENT, FRANCIS 10645 A history of . . . Delaware. . . . Vol. I [all]. Phil 1870. O [10] 478 a Issued also in fifteen parts. VILLARD, OSWALD G. John Brown, 1800-1859.... [16] 738 [2] 25pls a — rptd. N Y 1943. same collat, 10637 B 1911. O 10646 [VINCENT, N.] Lettres d'un membre du Congress ameriquain, a divers membres du Parlement Phil 1779. O [4] 108 a 609 Vindex — Virginia — rptd. "L'Ameriquain aux Anglois. . . , " Phil 1781. same collat. Both editions were probably printed at Paris. VINDEX 10647 Vindex on the liability of the abolitionists to criminal punishment. . . . Charleston S C 1835. O 31 a VINDICATION Vindication (A) of the Address, to the inhabitants of the British settlements, on the slavery of the negroes. . . . By a Pennsyl- vanian. See Rush, Benj. VINDICATION Vindication (A) of the Bishop of Landaff's [sic J sermon from the. . . reflections, con- tained in Mr. William Livingston's Letter to His Lordship. ... By a lover of truth.. . . See Inglis, Chas. VINDICATION Vindication (A) of the British colonies, against the aspersions of the Halifax gentle- man. . . . See Otis, James. VIRGINIA Considerations on the present state of: See Randolph, John. VIRGINIA Considerations on the present state of: examined. See Nicholas, Robt. C. VIRGINIA Decius's letters on the opposition to the new constitution in: See Montgomery, James. VIRGINIA Exiles in: See Gilpin, Thos. VIRGINIA The history and present state of: By a native [etc. J. See Beverley, Rob't. VIRGINIA 10652 The letter of Appomatox to the people of: ... on. . . abolition of slavery. Rich 1832. 47 a VIRGINIA SPRINGS (THE) Letters descriptive of : . . . By Peregrine Prolix. See Nicklin, Philip H. VINDICATION Vindication (A) of President [etc. J, in. See Overton, John. the measures of the . the Seminole war. VINDICATION 10648 Vindication (A) of the rights of the Ameri- cans. L [176-]. O 25 a VINTON, STALLO 10649 John Colter, discoverer of Yellowstone park. ...NY 1926. O 114 map front, a 500 copies ptd. — L.P. issue of 31 copies a VIRGINIA 10653 Letters from: translated from the French. Bait 1816. 32° 220 a Original work, not a translation; author- ship variously attributed to William Maxwell, to J. K. Paulding and to George Tucker. VIRGINIA 10654 A narrative of the Indian and civil wars in: D 1814. O 47 a — anr. ed. "The history of Bacon and Ingram's rebellion. ..." C 1867. Attributed to Sir William Berkeley and also to a Virginian named Cotton. VIRGINIA Address to the convention of. . . : on the subject of government. . . . See Braxton, Carter. VIRGINIA An address to the people of: respecting the alien and sedition laws. By a citizen .... See Evans, Thos. VIRGINIA 10650 A brief narrative of the revival of religion in: In a letter to a friend. ... L 1778. D 35 a — eds. 2 & 3, same impr., date & collat. — ed. 4, same impr. & collat. 1779. — anr. ed. 3, same impr. & collat. 1786. VIRGINIA 10651 The case of the planters of tobacco in: ... to which is added, A vindication. . . . L 1733. O 64 b AA N NYP WisH VIRGINIA Observations upon. . . Notes on: See Moore, Clement C. VIRGINIA Plain truth: addressed to the people of: See Lee, Henry. VIRGINIA 10655 Virginia, Tennessee, etc The rambler, or, a tour through: By a citizen of Maryland. Annap 1828. D 46 a VIRGINIA 10656 Virginia and Kentucky. The resolutions of: penned by Madison and Jefferson; in relation to the alien and sedition laws. Rich 1826. O 71 a — other eds.: Wash 1832. O 82; Rich 1835. O 228 610 Virginia — Volck VIRGINIA 10657 Virginia, Maryland, New-York, New- Jersey and Pennsylvania. A short account of the first settlement of the provinces of: L 1735. Q 22 map by Senex d H LC — rptd. N Y 1922. map a — rptd. N Y 1922. map a Most copies of the original edition lack both map and final page. VIRGINIA (WESTERN) 10658 Sketch of: for the use of British settlers L 1837. D [8] 118 fe] fold.map a VIRGINIA... SERVANTS 10659 Virginia (Old) family servants. Sketches of: With a preface by Bishop Meade. Phil 1847. 16° 126 a VIRGINIA 10660 A tour through part of: in the summer of 1808. See Mitchill, Saml. L. VIRGINIA 10661 Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of 1798 Wash 1832. O 82 a VIRGINIA DOCTRINES 10662 Virginia doctrines (The), not nullification. By Agricola. . . . Rich 1832. O 52 a VIRGINIA ILLUSTRATED.... See Strother, David H. VIRGINIE (LA) Histoire de: See Beverley, Rob't. VISCHER, EDWARD 10663 Briefe eines Deutschen aus Californien. S F 1873. O 31 +wrap.t. a — Eng. tr. S F 1940. O First separate printing of this account of an 1842 visit to California. VISCHER, EDWARD 10664 Missions of upper California. . . a supple- ment to Vischer's Pictorial of California. S F 1872. Q 44 [l2] 15pls b NYP Y VISCHER, EDWARD 10665 Sketches of the Washoe mining region. S F 1862. Q [24] +portfolio[of 26pls] c Y [of 2copies known] VISCHER, EDWARD 10666 Vischer's Pictorial of California. ... S F [l870l Q [6] 132 + 4p of press notices [in- serted in some copies] 6sheets of views This text v. [usually bound in clo. ] is ac- companied by a v. of 100-or 120-mounted views [unbound or bound in Vi or full mor. ] b In some copies the plates [photos of draw- ings] are bound in two volumes. There was also a cheaper octavo edition of the text, containing in end pocket a set of sixty views on six cards of the same octavo size. VISCHER, EDWARD 10667 Vischer's views of California. The mam- moth tree grove S F [l862]. Q [4] lOpls [incl. eng.t. Jcontaining 25views b Y [VISSIER, PAUL] 10668 Histoire de la tribu des Osages. . . . Par M. P. V. P 1827. O 92 a [VIZETELLY, HENRY] 10669 Four months among the gold-finders of California L 1849. O [l8] 207 map a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — Am. ed. Phil 1849. O 94 map — anr. Eng. ed. P 1849. O [4] 136 map — Dutch tr. Amst 1849. O 168 map — Ger. trs. Leip [&] Zurich 1849, map with Leip ed.; Hamburg 1849. O 32 One of the most remarkable "imaginary voyages" since Defoe. VOCELLE, JAMES T. 10670 History of Camden county, Georgia. Jack- sonville [19141 D 156 [incl. pis] a VOEU Voeu (La) de toutes les nations . . . dans l'abaissement et 1' humiliation de la Grand- Bretagne. See Beaumarchais, Pierre A. C. de. VOICE Voice (A) from America to England. By an American gentleman. See Colton, Calvin. VOICE Voice (A) from the south. . . . See Long- street, Augustus B. VOICE 10671 Voice (The) of truth; or, thoughts on the affair between the Leopard and the Chesa- peake. In a letter from a gentleman at New York. ...NY 1807. O 55 a VOLCANO DIGGINGS Volcano diggings (The). ... By a member of the bar. See Kip, Leonard. [VOLCK, ADALBERT J.] 10672 Sketches from the civil war [cov.t. J. L [actually Dalt? 1863?]. obi F index 1. 30pls b 200copies ptd. — reissued, "Confederate war etchings," [cov.t.], n.p. n.d. [phil? 1880? 1890?]. same collat. except only 29pls a lOOcopies issued. The original issue was probably sup- pressed by the author as the caricatures bordered on treason. The re-issued form was doubtless made up of the suppressed sheets 611 Vol Inner — Vrangel or printed from the original copper-plates. One of the plates, "Meeting of the Southern emissaries and Lincoln," had evidently been lost in storage, so does not appear in that issue. Of another supposed issue, with the spurious London imprint, containing fifteen additional plates [forty-five in alll no definite information is available. VOLLMER, CARL G. W. 10673 Astoria; oder, Reisen und Abenteuer der Astorexpeditionen. Leip [l858]. O [4] 575 a [VOLLMER, CARL G. W.] 10674 Californien und das Goldfieber. . . . Berlin 1863. O [6] 744 8col.pls a — Swed. ed. ''Kalifornien och Guldfebern . . . ," Stockh [1863]. D 662 8pls — Dutch ed. "Calif ornie en de goud Koorts ...," Amst 1864. O 2v pis VOLNEY, C[ONSTANTIN] F., 10675 COMTE DE Tableau du climat et du sol des Etats- Unis P 1803. O 2v: [24] 300; [4] 301- 532 2maps 2pls a In some copies the 8-p Miami vocabulary at end of vol.2 is sepa- rately paged, in others it is paged con- secutively with the rest of the text. Some copies issued on L.P. b NYP Y — rptd. P 1822. O [24] 494 2maps; P 1825. O [20] 478 2maps a — Eng. tr. L 1804. O [24 3-6] 504 2maps 2pls — Am. ed., somewhat abr., tr. C. B. Brown, Phil 1804. O [28] 446 2maps 2pls — Ger. ed. "Reisen durch die Vereinieten Staaten. ..." Weimar 1804. O [4 3-8] 283 VON DER ARBEIT See Spangenberg, August C. VOORHEES, LUKE 10676 Personal recollections of pioneer life. Cheyenne [l920]. O 76 port a — rptd., with adds., Phil 1927. O 76 [32] Colorado, Utah, Montana, Wyoming. VORSTELLUNG 10677 Vorstellung der Staatsveranderung in Nord- Amerika. Ed. 2, with adds. Bern 1784. O [8] 352 153-174 a See Dubuisson, Paul U., Abrege de la revolution. . . . VOSE, HENRY Topography of. 1835. O 24 a Mississippi. 10678 Natchez [VOSE, REUBEN] 10679 Despotism; or, the last days of the Ameri- can republic. N Y 1856. D 463 a VOSE, REUBEN 10680 The life. . . of Abraham Lincoln, and Hannibal Hamlin NY [i860]. 24° 51 [incl. cover t.] 42-7P/2 [blank p] 72-118 + 4adv-p c no comma after "Hamlin" on t-p LincLife[only copy known] c — anr. issue, identical except for comma after "Hamlin." c Hn MH [only copies known] 10,000 copies issued; sickeningly rare; excessively unimportant. A facsimile of issue one was made at Ft. Wayne in 1938. VOYAGE Voyage aux Etats-Unis. ... P 1834. See Davidson, Gideon M., The fashionable tour, of which this is a translation. VOYAGE Voyage de l'Amerique. . . . Amst 1723. See Bacqueville de la Potherie. VOYAGE Voyage d'un Suisse dans differentes colonies d'Amerique. . . . See Girod- Chantrans, Justin. VOYAGE Voyage fait. . . 1 Nouvelle-Orleans. Baron de. New-Yorck a la . See Montlezun, VOYAGE Voyage (A) from the United States to South America. . . . See Bennett, Thos. H. VOYAGE Voyage (A) round the world. . . in the King George, commanded by Captain Portlock. . . . See Portlock, Nathaniel, and Dixon, George. VOYAGES 10681 Voyages (The), adventures and discoveries of the following circum-navigators. . . . L Owen 1758. D [4] 438 a — rptd., with new t., "A collection of au- thentic discoveries and entertaining voy- ages. . . , " L Knox 1763. front. VOYAGES Voyages and travels of a sea officer. See Vernon, Francis V. VOYAGES Voyages dans les parties interieures de l'Amerique. . . . See Anburey, Thos. VOYAGES Voyages interessans dans differentes colonies Francaises. . . . See Bourgeois, Nicolas L. VRANGEL, FERDINAND P. See Wrangel. 612 W., A. O. Wakefield w W., A. 0. Eye witness. 1865. See Wheeler, A. O. w. f c. A two years journal in New York. . . Wolley, Chas. W. # T. A letter to a friend. . , Chauncy, Chas. D 1774. See WADDELL, ALFRED M. 10682 A colonial officer and his times. .. sketch of Gen. Hugh Waddell, of North Carolina Raleigh 1890. O 242 2pls a WADDELL, JOSEPH A. 10683 Annals of Augusta county, Virginia. . . . Rich 1886. O fe] 374 2maps a — anr. ed., same impr., 1888. O fe] 492 2maps — ed. 2, enl., Staunton 1902. Q [lO] 545 2maps — also ltd. issue of lOOcopies This county, up to 1770, extended from the Blue Ridge mountains to the Mississippi, and embraced present West Virginia, Ken- tucky, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. WADSWORTH, WILLIAM] 10684 The national wagon road guide. . .to California. S F 1858. O 160[incl. front.] map d Hn Y 4copies known, only two of which have the map WADSWORTH [OHIO] MEMORIAL 10685 Wads worth [Ohioj memorial. . . with the early history of adjoining townships. Wads- worth 1875. D 232 [2] a WAGNER, MRS. GLENDOLIN D. 10686 Old Neutriment B [l934]. D 256 27pls a Biography of Custer's orderly, John Burkman. WAGNER, HENRY R. # ed. 10687 California voyages, 1539-1541. S F 1925. O 95 [4] a WAGNER, HENRY R. 10688 Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, discoverer of the coast of California. S F 1941. O [2] 95 front, a WAGNER, HENRY R. 10689 Sir Francis Drake's voyage around the world S F 1926. O [l2] 543 7maps a — anr. issue, with 21pls added. lOOsigned copies WAGNER, HENRY R. 10690 Spanish explorations in the strait of Juan de Fuca. Santa Ana Calif 1933. Q fc] 324 13maps & charts a WAGNER, HENRY R. 10691 Spanish voyages to the northwest coast S F 1929. O [8] 571 port 15maps a [WAGNER, P. W. C.] 10692 Wanderungen eines Heimathlosen in Nord Amerika Reading Pa 1844. 16° 112 a WAGSTAFF, A[LEXANDER] E. 10693 Life of David S. Terry S F 1892. O [16] 15-526 5pls a Best biography of a violently eccentric Calif ornian. WAHLSTEDT, JACOB J. 10694 . . . Iter in Americam. . . . Vpsala [1725], O [2] 48 a University dissertation on Norse voyages to America. WAIT, BENJAMIN 10695 Letters from Van Dieman's Land.. . during four years imprisonment for political of- fences ... in upper Canada. . . . But 1843. 16 356 map front, a WAITZ, THEODOR 10696 Die Indianer Nordamerica's. . . . Leip 1865. O [10] 180 a [WAKEFIELD, EDWARD C.] 10697 England and America. A comparison.. . . L 1833. O 2v: [l2] 332; [4] 341 a — Am. ed. N Y 1834. O [l0] 17-376 An essential supplement to Stuart's Three years in North America. WAKEFIELD, JOHN A. 10698 History of the war between the United States and the Sac and Fox nations. . . . Jacksonville 111 1834. 16° [l0] 142 b N NYP Y — ed. 2, enl. Cin 1836. No copy located and publication may be mythical. — anr. ed., ed. by Stevens, Chi Caxton Club 1908. O 225 13pls 203 copies ptd a WAKEFIELD, j[OSEPHUS] History of Waupaca county [Wis. 1890. D 219 port a 10699 Waupaca 10700 L U WAKEFIELD, PRISCILLA Excursions in North America. D [12] 420 [4] fold. map a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat., 1810. ed. 3, same impr. & collat., 1819. Flights of imagination by a lady who never saw this country. 613 Wakefield — Walker WAKEFIELD, SARAH F. 10701 Six weeks in the Sioux tepees: a narrative of Indian captivity. Minneap 1863. O 54 c Ylpnly copy known] — ed. 2, Shakopee 1864. O 64 b N 2copies known 10702 S F WAKEMAN, EDGAR The log of an ancient mariner 1878. O 378 port a The author came to California in 1849, and spent much of his life in Pacific coastal waters. WALCOT, JAMES 10703 The new pilgrim's progress. . . account of Hattain Gelashmin, who was baptis'd. . . by the name of George James. . . with a narrative of his travels among the savage Indians L 1748. D [i] 316 a — ed. 2, same impr. 1749. D [2] 316+2adv-p before text anr. ed. "The history of the pious Indian convert. . . ," Blackburn 1792. O 268 His travels were among tribes adjacent to South Carolina. Of doubtful authenticity. WALDO, SAMUEL 10704 A defence of the title of the late John Leverett, Esq.; to a tract of land in the eastern parts of the province of Massachu- setts Bay. [b] 1736. F 41 a WALDO, S[AMUEL] PUTNAM 10705 Biographical sketches of distinguished American naval heroes. . . . Hart 1823. O 392 3pls a WALDO, S[AMUEL] PUTNAM 10706 The life. . . of Stephen Decatur Hart 1821. D 312 port a — ed. 2, enl. Mddletown 1821. D 372 367- 378 4pls — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1822. WALDO, S[AMUEL] PUTNAM 10707 Memoirs of Andrew Jackson. . . . Hart Andrus 1818. 16° [4] 9-316 a — anr. issue, same place, collat. & date, but with impr. of Russell — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1819. — several later eds., incl. one with t. "Memoirs of the illustrious. . . Andrew Jackson. ... By a citizen of Hagers-Town, Md.," Chambersburg 1828. 16° 306 port WALDO, S[AMUEL] PUTNAM 10708 The tour of James Monroe. . . in the year 1817 Hart 1818. 16° [l2] 288 [last p misnumb 300J port a — rptd. Hart 1819. D 348 port — ed. 2, Hart 1820. same collat. For another — and more uncommon — ac- count of this tour, see under "Monroe, James. [WALES, G., and ROBERTS, M.] 10709 Indian battles, murders, seiges \sic\ and forays in the southwest. . . . Nashv [l853]. O 100 b KyH N WALGAMOTT, CHARLES S. 10710 Reminiscences of early days. . . of Snake river valley. . . . [Twin Falls Idaho 1926-7]. O 2v: [6] 3-128; 128. 2pls a — anr. ed. "Six decades back," Caldwell Idaho 1936. O 358 31pls WALKE, HENRY 10711 Naval scenes and reminiscences of the civil war. . . on the southern and western borders. N Y 1877. O [l2] 480 15pls diagram a WALKER, ADAM 10712 A journal of two campaigns of the Fourth Regiment of U. S. Infantry, in the Michigan and Indiana Territories.. . 1811-12. Keene N II 1816. D 143 b AA N Y WALKER, CHARLES M. 10713 History of Athens county, Ohio, [etc.], Cin 1869. O [8] 600 map 5ports a also L. P. copies, in 2v [WALKER, FOWLER] 10714 The case of Mr. John Gordon, with respect to. . . certain lands in East Florida. . . . L 1772. Q 32 [42] plan b H NYP Attempt to get recognized his title to a large tract south of St. Augustine purchased after 1763 from Spanish owners. WALKER, COMMODORE [GEORGE] 10715 The voyages and cruises of: during the late Spanish and French wars. L 1760. D 2v: [20] 240; [4] 312 b JCB NYP — rptd. Dub 1762. D 2v a — Am. ed. abr., "An account of the voy- ages. . . of Capt. Walker. . . ," B 1761. D 42 [2] b Includes operations against Spanish pri- vateers along the Carolina coast. WALKER, GEORGE, of Philadelphia 10716 New directions for sailing along the coast of North America L 1799. O [4] 48 a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1803; 1804. — rev. ed. L 1806. O fe] 49 [WALKER, GEORGE] of Scotland. 10717 A view of North America.. . with the travels and adventures of the author through . . . that continent Glas 1781. O 247 b JCB N WALKER, SIR HOVENDEN 10718 A journal. . . of the late expedition to Canada L 1720. O [4] 304 a 614 Walker — Waller — rptd. "A full account of the late expedi- tion. . . ," L n.d. O same collat. Defense by commander of this unfortunate 1711 expedition, which operated from Boston and was of New England instigation. WALKER, JOSEPH REDDEFORD West wind; the life story of: See Watson, Douglas S. WALKER, JUDSON E. 10719 Campaigns of General Custer, and the. . . surrender of Sitting Bull. N Y 1881. O 139 7pls a WALL, WILLIAM] G. 10726 Wall's Hudson river portfolio. N Y [1826?]. Obi F 21col.pls with letter-press d NYH Y — rptd., same impr. 86 collat. 1828. c — anr. ed. N Y 1846. D 32 fold.map[l2 l / 2 ' long X 6" high] a WALLA-WALLA (THE) The Indian council in the valley of: See Kip, Lawrence. WALLACE, DANIEL 10727 The political life. . . of the Hon. A. Barn- well Rhett. . . . Cahawba Ala 1859. O 47 a WALKER, ROBERT J., Governor of 10720 Kansas Territory Inaugural address of:.... Lecompton 1857. D 24 a WALKER, MR. [ROBERT J.] 10721 Letter of : . . . relative to the annexation of Texas St L 1884. O 50 a — rptd. Wash 1844. O 32; Phil, same date 86 collat. WALKER, DR. THOMAS 10722 Journal of an exploration into Virginia in. . . 1750. D 1888. sm Q 69 front, a Earliest recorded visit into interior Ken- tucky by a white man; he preceded Boone by twenty years and named both Cumberland Gap and Cumberland River. For a more com- plete version of this journal, accompanied by that of Cist, see Johnston, Josiah S. WALKER, W. W. 10723 First report of the Cedar Rapids and Mis- souri River railroad Chi 1860. O 38 fold, map b Y Gives tables of distances of various routes to the Pikes Peak gold region, and favors the one surveyed [through the Platte valley via Ft. Laramie]. [WALKER, WILLIAM] 10724 The missionary pioneer, or a brief memoir of. . . John Stewart. . . founder under God of the mission among the Wyandotts at Upper Sandusky NY 1827. 16° 96 a — rptd. N Y 1918. same collat. Ascribed also to Joseph Mitchell, pub- lisher of the book. WALKER'S TEXAS DIVISION The campaigns of: by a private soldier. . . . See Blessington, Jos. P. WALL, OSCAR G. 10725 Recollections of the Sioux massacre. . . . Lake City Minn 1909. D 282 [3] [incl.pls] front, a With Marsh at Fort Ridgely in 1862, and with Sibley's 1863 expedition. WALLACE, DAVID D. 10728 The life of Henry Laurens NY 1915. O [14] 539 2ports 2tabs a WALLACE, EDWARD J. 10729 The Oregon question determined by the rules of international law. L 1846. O 39 a WALLACE, HENRY 10730 Uncle Henry's own story of his life.. . . Des M 1917-18-19. O 3v: 119[incl. initial blank 1. 8c port]; 129; fe] 5-114. a Reminiscences of pioneer life and travel in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky and Iowa, by the father of Roosevelt's first Vice- President. 10731 Jackson- WALLACE, JOHN Carpetbag rule in Florida. ville 1888. O 444 port a By an ex-slave, who served in Florida's post-bellum legislature. WALLACE, JOHN W. 10732 An old Philadelphian, Colonel William Bradford Phil 1884. O [l4 incl.front.] 5-517 2maps 2pls 3facs a lOOcopies ptd. WALLACE, JOSEPH 10733 The history of Illinois and Louisiana under the French rule. Cin 1893. O [lO] 433 a [many copies burned] — ed. 2 — and best, with map added, Cin 1899. WALLACE, W[|LLIAM] H. 10734 Closing speech for the State in the trial of Frank James KC 1883. O 65 a — rptd., with adds., n.p. [l890?]. D 131 WALLEN, CAPT. H[ENRY] D. 10735 Report of: of his expedition. . . from Dalles City to Great Salt Lake and back [Sen. Ex. Doc. 34]. [Wash I860], O 51 map a WALLER, ZEPHENIAH 10736 Seven letters from an emigrant. . .con- taining remarks on the manners, ... of the United States. Diss Rng 1831. O 38 a 615 Wollis — Walton WALLIS, MRS. JENNIE L. 10737 Sixty years on the Brazos. ...LA 1930. O [l4] 336 16pls a 200copies ptd. WALN, ROBERT, JR. 10738 Life of the marquis de La Fayette. . . . Phil 1825. D [4] 9-380 383-450 3pls a — anr. issue, same impr. & date. D [4] 9- 505 3pls — ed. 3, same impr. 1826. O 502 3pls — ed. 4, same impr. 1827. O [20] 11-507 3pls WALPOLE, FREDERICK 10739 Four years in the Pacific. . 1844-1848. L 1849. O 2v: [l6] 432; [lo] 415. 2pls a — rptd., same impr. & collat. 1850. Visited Monterey immediately after Amer- ican occupation. WALPOLE, THOMAS, et al. Considerations on the agreement of the Lords Commissioners. . . with: See Wharton, Sam'l. [WALSH, ROBERT] 10744 Biographical sketch of the life of Andrew Jackson Hudson N Y 1828. 16° 65[incl. port J a — re-issued, same date, impr. & collat., but with 1832 on front cover — rptd. Bristol R I 1836. same collat. — anr. Am. ed., with adds., "The Jackson wreath. ..." Phil 1829. O 88 eng.t. port map 4pls 3 1. of music [WALSH, ROBERT?] 10745 A letter to an English gentleman on the libels and calumnies on America by British writers. . . . Phil 1826. O 43 a WALTER, GEORGE 10746 History of Kansas [n Y 1854]. D 59 map c Hn KasH First book on Kansas. [WALTER, JOHN] 10747 First impressions of America. L 1867. D [4] 131 a WALPOLE, THOMAS, et al. 10740 Report of the. . . Commissioners for Trade and Plantations on the petition of: for a grant of lands on the. . . Ohio; for the purpose of erecting a new government. . . . L 1772. O [2] 108 fold, tab b N NYP WisH Y — anr. issue, probably first, L [l772j. Q 27 [no t-p] b Report written by Lord Hillsborough, Observations by Samuel Wharton. Only the Revolutionary war prevented the realization of this scheme of Walpole, Franklin and other associates for establishing their west- ern colony of Vandalia. This project for interior expansion was the real beginning of the West. The folding table in the octavo edition is usually closely trimmed. [WALSH, ROBERT] ed. 10741 The American register; or, summary review of history. . . . Phil 1817. O 2v: [l2 incl. 2adv-p 9-40] 450; [36] 464 a [WALSH, ROBERT] ed. 10742 The American review of history and politics Vol. I [all]. Phil 1811-12. O [22] 408 112 +2adv-p 3tabs a — Eng. ed. L 1812. O [4] 366 WALSH, ROBERT 10743 An appeal from the judgments of Great Britain respecting the United States. . . . Phil 1819. O [56] 512 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat., but errata slip added — Eng. ed. L 1819. O [56] 505 — ed. 2, same impr. & collat. 1820. WALTERS, LORENZO D. 10748 Tombstone's yesterday. Tucson 1928. O 293 port a WALTHER, C. F., and TAYLOR, I. N. 10749 The resources . . . of. . . Nebraska. [Omaha 187l]. O 26 map a WALTHER, F. E., and ROWED, 10750 RICHARD Texas in sein wahres Licht gestellt. . . . Dresden 1848. D [2] 70 map plan a Immigration pamphlet. [WALTON, AUGUSTUS Q.] 10751 A history of the detection. . . of John A. Murel, the great western land pirate.. . . \Lex 1835]. D 75 b H LC — anr. ed., au. named, Athens Tenn 1835, same collat. a — other eds.: n. p. 1835 [2 issues, 84 & 89p]; n.p. 1836 60p; n.p. 1837 Q 86. — anr. ed. Cin ruc\. O U] 17-84[incl.pls] For another account of this desperado, see Howard, H. R. WALTON, DANIEL 10752 The book needed for the times, containing . . . facts from the gold regions Letc J. B 1849. O 32 b Hn Y WALTON, JOSEPH S. 10753 Conrad Weiser and the Indian policy of colonial Pennsylvania. Pfii/[l900J. O 420 19pls facs a The early struggle for the Ohio Valley, in which Weiser played a leading part. 616 Walton — Ward WALTON, j[OSIAH] P., ed. 10754 Scraps of Muscatine history, [r.luscatine] 1893. O 111 a [WALTON, WILLIAM], 1740-1824, ed. 10755 A narrative of the captivity [etc. J of Benjamin Gilbert and his family. . . . Phil 1784. O 96 a — Eng. ed. L 1785. D 124 — rptd. same collat. L 1790. — anr. ed. Phil 1813. D [2] 7-46 48-82 [2] 89-96 front. — ed. 3, rev. & enl., ed. Comly, Phil 1848. 16° 240 WALTON, WILLIAM, 1843-1915, et al 10756 The army and navy of the United States Phil 1889-95. F 12pts pis a — anr. issue, on Jap. Veil. 500sets — rev. & enl.ed. Phil 1900. F 25pts usually bound in 2v: fe] 130; [8] 74 [2] 204. 50pls, each with a guard-sheet of descriptive letterpress WALTON, WILLIAM M. 10757 Life and adventures of Ben Thompson, the famous Texan Austin 1884. D 229 15pls a A distinguished Texas outlaw. WANDELL, CHARLES W. 10758 History of the persecutions! ! endured by the. . . Latter Day Saints in America. Sydney NSW [1852?]. O 64 b NYP Y WANDELL, ctHARLES] W. 10759 Reply to Shall we believe in Mormon? [Sydney NSW 1852?]. O 24 caption t.only b B Y WANDERUNGEN Wanderungen eines Heimathlosen in Nord Amerika. . . . See Wagner, P. W. G. WANSEY, HENRY 10760 The journal of an excursion to the United States Salisbury 1796. O [l6] 290 [l3] view portLlettered "G. Washington, Esq."] a — issue 2, port carries different lettering and an eye-lash is added — ed. 2, "An excursion to the United States . . . ," same impr. 1798. O [l2] 270 [14] + errata 1. view port fold. tab r. tr. Berlin 1797. O [4] 3-232 view port [WANTE, CHARLES ETIENNE P.]? 10761 Memoires sur la Louisiane et la Nouvelle Orleans P 1804. O [8] 176 tab a Ascribed also to G. Boucher de la Richardiere. The author — whoever he was — travelled extensively throughout the lower Mississippi valley. WAR 10762 War (The) NY 1813-1817. O 3v: [4] 218; [4J 210; 72 b AA NYP Y Originally appeared in weekly parts, June 27, 1812 — Sept. 6, 1814. Suspended after publication of vol. 3, no. 12 at the latter date, and resumed Feb. 24, 1817, after which only two more numbers were issued. Edited by Samuel Woodworth. WAR 10763 War (The) and its heroes Vol. I [all]. Rich 1864. O 88 port a WAR War in disguise; or, the frauds of the neutral flags. See Stephen, James. WAR 10764 War, or no war? Introduced with a view of the causes of our national decline. . . . By Lycurgus. /V Y 1807. O 65 a WAR REMINISCENCES War reminiscences by the surgeon of Mosby's command. See Monteiro, Aristides. WAR 10765 War with America. The crisis of the dis- pute with the United States. ... L 1811. O 72 a — ed. 2, L 1812. O WAR 10766 War without disguise; or, the frauds of neutral commerce a justification of bellig- erent captures. . . . America 1807. O [4] 87 a Rejoinder to answers, written by Gou- verneur Morris and James Madison, to Stephen's War in disguise. WARD, ANDREW H. 10767 A history of. . . Shrewsbury [Mass.]. . . . Wore 1826. O [4] 36 a — best ed., greatly enl., D 1847. O 508 port WARD, DILLIS B. 10768 Across the plains in 1853. Seattle [l91l]. D 55 port a Started from Arkansas, followed the Santa Fe trail to Colorado, then north to the Over- land trail and Oregon. WARD, JAMES 10769 A history of gold. . .probable supplies from California L [1853]. D 144 map view a WARD, KIRK C. [comp.] 10770 Business directory of. . . Seattle. Com- prising a history [etc.]. Seattle 1876. O 106 b SeattleP WashU Y First Seattle directory. 617 Ward — Warre [WARD, MRS. MARIA] 10771 Female life among the Mormons. ... fV Y 1855. D [lO] 9-449 pi a — among other eds.: "Maria Ward's dis- closures," N Y 1860; "The Mormon wife," Hart 1872. — Fr. ed. "Les harems du nouveau-monde ...," P 1856. D [12] 308 [2l — Ger. ed. "Frauenleben unter den Mor- monem," Leip 1856. Attributed also to Mrs. Benjamin G. Ferris. WARD, MINUS 10772 Remarks. . . relative to a rail-road and locomotive engines to be used upon, the same, from Baltimore to the Ohio river. Bait 1827. O 50 a [WARDEN, DAVID B.] 10773 A chorographical . . . description of the District of Columbia. . . P 1816. D [8] 212 [2] map pi 2 tabs a WARDEN, d[AVId] B. 10774 A statistical, political and historical ac- count of the United States. . . . Edin 1819. O 3v: [66] 552; [l2] 571; [l2] 588 2 maps issue 1, colophon dated 1818 a — Fr. tr. P 1820. O 5v: [32] 537; [l2] 528; [12] 581; [14] 718; [l6] 658 [2] 2 maps pi 2 tabs — Ger. tr.,abr. Ilmenau 1824. O [40] 536 WARDEN, ROBERT B. 10775 An account of the private life and public services of Salmon Portland Chase. Cin 1874. O [12] 838 port a The Chase family objected to some state- ments and the publisher suppressed many copies. WARDER, T. B., and CATLETT, 10776 J. M. Battle of Young's branch or Manassas plain. . . . Rich 1862. D 157 map[2 in some copies] a WARDMAN, GEORGE 10777 A trip to Alaska. S F 1884. D [4] 237 a tirety; no better one was available until 1852. [WARE, N. A.] 10780 Notes on political economy as applicable to the United States N Y 1844. O fe] 344 a WARFIELD, j[OSHUA] D. 10781 The founders of Anne Arundel and Howard counties, Maryland Bait 1905. O 544 [56] 2ports a WARNEFORD, LIEUT, [pseud.] Running the blockade. See Russell, Wm. H. C. WARNEFRIED, CARL B. A. 10782 Pilgerfahrt nach den Vereinigten Staaten Cologne 1857. D 480 a [WARNER, FRANK W.] 10783 Montana Territory. History and business directory. . . . With a sketch of the vigilantes. Helena [1879]. O 218 map a 10784 ..NY 1848. D WARNER, I. W. The immigrant's guide, fe] 172 a WARNER, J[UAN] J., et a\ 10785 An historical sketch of Los Angeles county, California LA 1876. O 88 a — rptd. L A 1936. O 159 front. First history of this county. Includes Dr. J. S. Griffin's overland diary. WARNER, M. M. 10786 History of Dakota county, Nebraska. . . . Lyons Neb 1893. O 387[incl. pis] a The author interviewed every local pioneer. [WARNER, SAMUEL] 10787 Authentic. . . narrative of the tragical scene. . . in Southampton county [Va. \ Qv y] 1831. O 38[incl. front.] a Contemporary account of Nat Turner's insurrection. WARE, EUGENE F. 10778 The Indian war of 1864 Topeka 1911. D [12] 60l[incl. front.] a Day-by-day occurrences in the campaigns around Forts Kearney and McPherson. WARE, JOSEPH E. 10779 Emigrants' guide to California. ... St L [1849]. 16° 56 map[by Ware] dd Hn NYH . NYP Y — rptd. Princeton 1932. 16° a First adequate guide to California, the first covering the central route in its en- WARRE, HENRY J. 10788 Sketches in North America and the Oregon Territory, [l 1848] F [4] 5, map 20col. views [on 16sheets] c with pis not col. b N NYP Y Made, in 1845, when war between England and the United States over the Oregon boundary seemed imminent, this trip by Capt. Warre across the northern Rockies to Puget Sound must have had some military purpose. However, any report of that nature became waste-paper on his return to London, as an amicable adjustment had then been made; 618 Warren — Washington but a better fate attended the views he had painted and were here magnificently repro- duced; they remain the only western color- plates comparable in beauty to those by Bodmer accompanying Maximilian's Travels. The dedication forming prelim, p. 3 and 4 was not issued in all copies. WARREN, CHARLES 10789 A history of the American bar. B 1911. O [12] 586 a WARREN, CHARLES 10790 The Supreme Court in United States his- tory. B 1922. O 3v: [l8] 540; [l2] 551; [l2] 532. 16pls a — rptd. , same impr. & collat., 1923. [WASHBURNE, CEPHAS] 10798 Reminiscences of the Indians. . . . Rich [1869]. D 236 a For what is essentially a reprint, see Starr, Emmet, Cherokees west. . . . WASHINGTON, GEORGE. 10799 America's lecacy [sic] being [his] Ad- dress, on. . . declining a re-election [to- gether with his Circular letter. . . Farewel [sic] orders to the armies]. . . . Hudson 1797. D 200 a — rptd., with some re-arrangement, "Ameri- ca's legacy. . . ," Charleston S C 1800. D 58 Separate printings were made of the Ad- dress and of the Circular letter in the 1797 edition. WARREN (EDWARD) Warren (Edward): a novel. L 1854. See Stewart, Sir Wm. Drummond. WARREN, MRS. ELIZA [SPALDING] 10791 Memoirs of the west: the Spaldings. Port Ore 1916. D 153 lOpls a By the first white child born in the Pacific Northwest; an eye-witness, ten years old, of the Whitman massacre. WARREN, G[OUVERNEUR] K. 10792 Explorations in the Dacota country. . . . Wash 1856. O [2] 79 fe] 3maps a — rptd., with adds., Wash 1875. O 125 3maps WARREN, KITTRELL J. 10793 History of the Eleventh Georgia Volun- teers Rich 1S63. O 58 a WARREN, MRS. MERCY 10794 History of the. . . American revolution. . . . D 1805. O 3v: [l2] 447; [&] 412; fe] 475 a First important historical work by an American woman. WARREN, T. ROBINSON 10795 Dust and foam; or, three oceans and two continents. N Y 1859. D 397 front, a WARREN, OHIO 10796 Minutes. . . of a convention holden at: on the subject of connecting the Pennsylvania and Ohio canals. Warren [l833]. O 40 a WARS Wars (The) of America. Benjamin. See Eggleston, WASH, CAPT. W. A. Camp, field and prison. ... St L It D 382 a Describes Confederate prison life Johnson's Island. WASHINGTON, GEN. GEORGE Biographical memoirs of the illustrious: Phil Charless & Ralston 1800. See Condie, Thos. WASHINGTON, GENERAL GEORGE Biographical memoirs of the illustrious: .... Phil Hogan 1808. See Corry, John. WASHINGTON, GEORGE 10800 A circular letter. . . to the several states, called his legacy, being his last public communication. Annap 1 1 783 J. D [4 | 27 a — other 1783 eds.: Phil n.d. 16° 52; New- port Q 12; L O [4] 24 — anr. ed., t. slightly altered, N Y 1786; Phil 1786; Phil R. Smith [1787?]. 16° 52 For another 1783 edition, see below, The last official address. . . . WASHINGTON, GEORGE 10801 A collection of the speeches of the president. . . to both Houses of Congress. . . . B 1796. D 282 + adv-p a WASHINGTON, GEORGE 10802 Diary of: . . . Oct. 1789-March 1790. N Y 1858. O [8] 89 a lOOcopies ptd. First publication of the manuscript. WASHINGTON, GEORGE 10803 The diary of: from 1789 to 1791 Ed. by B. J. Lossing. N Y 1860. D 248[incl. front.] a — anr. ed. Richmond 1861. O 248 WASHINGTON, GEORGE 10804 Epistles, domestic, confidential, and official. . . . None of which have been printed in the two volumes published a few months ago. N Y 1796. O [l6 incl. final blank 1.] 303 port a —rptd. L 1796. O [l6] 303 First seven letters are Tory forgeries previously printed as Letters from General Washington to several of his friends. . ., q.v. 619 Washington — Washington For the two-volume work referred to in title, see below Official letters to . . . Congress. WASHINGTON, MAJOR GEORGE 10805 The journal of: sent by the Hon. Robert Dinwiddie . . . to the commandant of the French forces on Ohio Wmsbg 1754. O 28 dd JCB N NYP — Eng. ed. L 1754. O 32 map b JCB N NYP — rptd. iV Y 1868. O 46 map a; with adds., Alb 1893. O 273 map Washington's first published work and of great historical significance as being the narrative of England's first move in attempt- ing to wrest the Ohio country from France. In its original form — of which only six copies are known — the most desirable eighteenth century American rarity. For an- other edition, see Craig, Neville B. WASHINGTON, GEORGE 10806 Journal of my journey over the mountains; in the northern neck of Virginia . . . 1747-8. Alb 1892. Q 144 9maps a WASHINGTON, GEORGE 10807 The last official address. . . to the legis- latures of the United States. To which is annexed, A collection of papers relative to half-pay Hart 1783. O 48 a For other editions of The last official address, see above, Circular letter. . . . This was his famous address on resigning his command of the army. WASHINGTON, GENERAL 10808 Letters from: to several of his friends in . . . 1776 L 1777. O [2] 73 a — Am. eds.: [n y] 1778. D [2] 53 b AA N NYP; [Phil] 1778. D [2] 53 b; Phil 1795. O [6] 9-44 a These were "spurious letters" fabricated by Loyalists to damage the patriot cause. Probably written by John Randolph, last Royal Attorney General of Virginia. For later edition incorporating them, see above, Epistles, domestic, confidential, and of- ficial. . . . Ascribed also to Rev. John Vardill. WASHINGTON, GEORGE 10809 Letters ... to Arthur Young L 1801. O [8] 112 109-172 map a — rptd., with "Letters. . . to Sir John Sin- clair," Alexandria 1803. O 128; Wash 1847. Q 198 map 5pls WASHINGTON, GEORGE 10810 Letters to . . . Sir John Sinclair L 1800. F [6] 9-52 [4] incl. 2ports £4 facs a — rptd., with "Letters. . . to Arthur Young." See above under that title. — other Am. eds.: Phil 1839 Q; Wash 1844 Q WASHINGTON, GEORGE 10811 Letters to Tobias Lear. ... Roch 1905. Q [12] 66 [2 unnumb. 1.] 73-102 7 pis & facs a 300 copies ptd. WASHINGTON, GEORGE The life and memorable actions of:. [Bait 1800?]. See Weems, Mason L. WASHINGTON, GEN. The life of: . . . also, of the brave General Montgomery. . . . See below, A true and au- thentic history of . . . Washington. . . . WASHINGTON [GEORGE] 10812 Memory of: . . . his life. . . . Newport 1800. D 252 port a WASHINGTON, GEORGE 10813 Official letters to . . . Congress. . . . B 1795. D 2v: 340; 356. port[not issued in all copies] a — rptd. B 1796. same collat. — N Y 1796. O 2v: 296; [2] 311 no port — Eng. ed., with add. t-pages, "American state papers," L 1795. O 2v: [8] 364; [4] 384. front.Lin some copies] — anr. issue, same impr. & date, without add. t-pages, O 2v: [2 5-8] 364; [2] 384 WASHINGTON, GEORGE A poetical epistle to:. . . .See Wharton, Chas. H. WASHINGTON, GEORGE 10814 The President's address to the people of the United States [announcing his intention of retiring from public life] capt. t. [Phil Ormrod Sept. 20, 1796]. O lo a — anr. issue, priority undetermined, Phil for the proprietors, Sept. 20, 1796. O 16 — ed. 2, same impr. Cc collat. dated Sept. 22, 1796 — rptd., same year, 28 times in 17 cities, under variant titles ["Legacy of the father of his country," "Columbia's legacy," "President Washington's resignation," etc.]; 3 other eds., 1798 WASHINGTON, MR. Remarks occasioned by the late conduct of: See Bache, Benj. F. WASHINGTON, GEN. GEORGE A sketch of the life and character of: See Terry, Ezekiel. WASHINGTON, GEORGE 10815 A true and authentic history of:. . . . Also, of . . . generals Montgomery and Greene, and ... La Fayette Phil 1790. O 24 a — anr. issue, 22p. 620 Washington — Washington Territory — anr. ed., omitting sketches of Greene & La Fayette, changed t, Phil 1794. 24° 36 2ports WASHINGTON [GEORGE] Washington [George] and the generals of the . . . revolution. See Griswold, Rufus W. WASHINGTON [GEORGE] Washington [George] und die amerikani- sche Revolution. See Gosch, Josias L. WASHINGTON [GEORGE] The wilderness; or the youthful days of: See McHenry, James. WASHINGTON'S [GEORGE] JUNGLINGSJAHRE Die Wildniss; oder: See McHenry, James. WASHINGTON, GENERAL GEORGE 10816 The will of:.... Alexandria 1800. 16° 32 a — rptd., same yr. : Bait; B; Frederick Town; Hudson; N Y; Phil [l issues, by Maxwell, and by Freneau & PaineJ; Port; Stonington- Port Conn; Wore; B — Eng. eds.: L Fairburn 1800; same impr. &, date, Stower & Hare WASHINGTON, GEORGE 10817 The writings of: Ed. W. C. Ford. N Y 1889. O 14v a WASHINGTON'S... LETTERS 10818 Washington's [General] letters to the Marquis de Chastellux. Charleston S C 1825. O 35 a WASHINGTON'S MONUMENTS 10819 Washington's monuments of patriotism. . . . Phil 1800. O 338 [44] port pi a — rptd., with slight changes, same collat. 8b impr. 1802. port WASHINGTON'S... LEGACIES 10820 Washington's political legacies. . . . B 1800. O 208 + 14p of subscriber's names a — anr. ed. N Y 1800. D 292 + 8p of sub- scriber's names — anr. ed. "Legacies of Washington. . . ," Trenton 1800. 16° 283 port WASHINGTONIANA 10821 Washingtoniana: a collection of papers . . . . Blandford & Petersburg Va 1800. O [l6] 96 a WASHINGTONIANA (THE) 10822 Washingtoniana (The): containing a bio- graphical sketch of the late Gen. George Washington Bait 1800. 16° fe] 7-258 271-298 [6] port a — anr. issue, identical— except for having 7 final p. [of subscribers] — rptd. N Y 1865. 150copies [50 on L. P.] WASHINGTONIANA (THE) Washingtoniana (The); containing a sketch .... 1802. See Johnston, F., and Hamilton, W. WASHINGTON, [D.C.] Beschryving der Rivier Potomack en der Stad: See Lear, Tobias. WASHINGTON [D. C.] An enquiry respecting the capture of: by the British. By Spectator. See Armstrong, John. WASHINGTON CITY Mysteries of: during. . . the session of the 28th Congress. See Atwater, Caleb. WASHINGTON ( D. C. I Washington and New Orleans. A narrative of the campaigns of the British army at:. . . . See Gleig, Geo. R. WASHINGTON, [D.C.] Observations on the river Potomack, and the country adjacent, and the city of: See Lear, Tobias. WASHINGTON [D. C] Remarks on a pamphlet, entitled An en- quiry respecting the capture of:. . . .See Winder, R. H. WASHINGTON, [D.C.] 10823 Report of the committee appointed. . . to inquire into the causes and particulars of the invasion of . . . : by the British. , . . Wash 1814. O 370 2tabs a WASHINGTON, [D.C.] A sketch of the events which preceded the capture of: See Ingraham, Edw. D. WASHINGTON [D. C.] Wanderer in: See Watterston, Geo. WASHINGTON [D. C.] DIRECTORY Washington [D. C.] directory 1822. See Delano, Judah. WASHINGTON | D. C. | GUIDE (THE) Washington [d. C.] guide (The) 1822. See Elliot, Wm. WASHINGTON TERRITORY Map of the Nez Perces and Salmon river gold mines in: See Lowell, Daniel W. , & Co. 621 Washington — Watson WASHINGTON (NORTHWESTERN) 10824 Washington (Northwestern): its soil, climate. . . . [port Townsend] 1880. D 52 map a WASHINGTON TERRITORY Washington Territory and the far north- west See Ballard, D. P. [WATSON, DOUGLAS S.] 10834 West wind; the life story of Joseph Redde- ford Walker. ...LA 1934. O [8J 110 [2] map port a lOOcopies ptd. Presents all available information on an eminent figure of the early fur-trade era, the leader, in 1836, of the first trapping expedi- tion into California over the Sierras. [WASSON, JOHN MACAMY] 10825 Annals of pioneer settlers on the White- water and its tributaries, in the vicinity of Richmond, Ind. .... Richmond Ind 1875. O 59 a [WATERHOUSE, BENJAMIN] 10826 A journal of a young man of Massachu- setts, late a surgeon on board an American privateer B 1816. D 228 front, a — rptd., same date & collat., Milledgeville Ga — ed. 2, with adds., B 1816. 16° 240 front. — rptd., same date & collat.. Lex Ky WATERMAN, G. F. A history of Harrison county, Iowa. Magnolia 1868. O 64 a 10827 [WATERS, WILLIAM E.] 10828 Life among the Mormons, and a march to their Zion. ...NY 1868. D [l6] 219 + 2adv- 1. 4pls a WATERTON, CHARLES 10829 Wanderings in South America, the north- west of the United States, and the Antilles L 1825. Q [8] 326 front, a — ed. 2, L 1828. O [8] 341 front. — rptd. several times — Fr. tr. Rouen 1833. O [l6] 470 front. WATERTOWN, WISCONSIN City of: See Quiner, Edward B. WATKIN, SIR EDWARD W. A trip to the United States L 1852. D [12] 149 a 10830 and Canada WATKINS, SAM[UEL] R. 10831 "Co. Aytch," Maury Grays, First Ten- nessee regiment. . . . Nashv 1882. O 236 a — ed. 2, Chattanooga 1900. O 223 WATROUS, ANSEL 10832 History of Larimer county, Colorado. . . . Ft Collins Colo 1911. Q [2] 513 map 46pls a WATSON, DOUGLAS S. 10833 California in the fifties. S F 1936. obi F 113 50pls a WATSON, ELKANAH 10835 History of the rise ... of the western canals in . . . New York Alb 1820. O [2] 104 [4] 111-210 [2] 2 maps 2pls 3facs a WATSON, ELKANAH 10836 Men and times of the revolution. ...NY 1856. O 460 a — ed. 2, N Y 1857. port WATSON, HENRY C. 10837 Nights in a block-house; or sketches of border life Phil 1852. O 448 a — ed. 2, Phil 1853. same collat. — rptd. "Six nights in a block-house," Phil 1854; 1863. Written in fictional form, but primarily an historical presentation. WATSON, JOHN F. 10838 Annals of Philadelphia. . . . Phil 1830. O [12] 740 78 [8] 24pls a — enl. ed. Phil 1844. O 2v: [l6] 609; [2, 5-8] 567 — other 2v eds.: 1845; 1850; 1856; 1857. —best ed. Phil 1877. O 3v, rptd. 1884. WATSON, JOHN F. 10839 Historic tales of olden time: concerning the early settlement. . . of New York. ...NY 1832. 16° 214 lOpls a — enl. ed. "Annals. . . of New York. . . ," Phil 1846. O 390 pis WATSON, JOHN F. 10840 Historic tales of olden time: concerning the early settlement. . . of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. Phil 1833. D 316 [inch eng. t-p &, front.] 8pls a WATSON, WILLIAM 10841 Life in the Confederate army. . . .L 1887. D 456 a — Am. ed. N Y 1888. same collat. Narrative of operations in Arkansas and Missouri. WATSON, WILLIAM J. 10842 Journal of an overland trip to Oregon. . . 1849. Jacksonville 111 1851. O 48 d H Y Lonly copies knownj 622 Watson — Webb WATSON, WINSLOW C 10843 Pioneer history of the Champlain valley Alb 1863. O 231 227copies ptd.[27 on L.P.] WATTERSTON, GEORGE 10844 A picture of Washington. . . . Wash 1840. 16° [6] 5-138 4plans a — rptd., same impr. & date. 18 [2 J; 127; same impr. 1841. 18° [6] 5-131 2plans; "New guide to Washington," same impr. 1842. — rptd. 1847-8. D 224 map 17pls [WATTERSTON, GEORGE] 10845 Wanderer in Washington Wash 1827. 16° [4] 13-226 a — ed. 2, with changes, [Wash] 1829. D same collat. WATTS, J., comp. The museum of remarkable. . . events. . . . See Andros, Thos. WATTS, JOHN S. 10846 Indian depredations in New Mexico. Wash 1858. O 66 a WATTS, WILLIAM C. 10847 Chronicles of a Kentucky settlement. N Y 1897. O [l4] 490 a A real contribution, in spite of its fic- tional form, to the early history of Living- ston couhty. WATTS, WtlLLIAM] J. 10848 Cherokee citizenship. . . affairs in the Cherokee nation Muldrow Okla 1895. O L2J 144 + wraps cov.t.only a WAUGH, LORENZO 10849 Autobiography of: Oakland 1883. D 311 2ports a —rptd. S F 1884. WAY, W. V. 10850 The facts and historical events of the Toledo war of 1835 Toledo 1869. O [4] 52 a Best history of this territorial dispute be- tween Michigan and Ohio. WAYLAND, JOHN W, 10851 Historic homes of northern Virginia. Staunton 1937. Q 625 a WEARING Wearing of the gray. E. See Cooke, John WEAVER, BENJAMIN 10853 The first settling of Kansas. . . . St Joseph, Mo 1898. D 41 a WEAVER, WILLIAM 10854 History of ancient Windham, Connecticut ..Part I [all]. Willimantic 1864. O [8] 112 [WEAVER, WILLIAM A.?] 10855 Examination and review of a pamphlet. . . circulated by M. E. Gorostiza. . . entitled "Correspondence between the legation. . . of Mexico and the department of state of the United States, respecting the passage of the Sabine, by the troops under. . . General Gaines." Wash 1837. O 188 a For pamphlet referred to see Gaines, el General. Attributed also to Peter Force. [WEBB, FRANCIS]? 10856 Letters lately published. . . on the subject of the present dispute with Spain. . . . L 1790. O 101 b NYP Pro v Arch Victoria First appearance in book form of these eight letters, relating chiefly to the Nootka Sound controversy. Authorship also ascribed to James B. Burges. WEBB, JAMES WATSON [ed.] Altowan; . . . life and adventure in the Rocky mountains. By an amateur traveller. See Stewart, Wm. Drummond. [WEBB, SAMUEL] ed. 10857 History of Pennsylvania Hall. . . .Phil 1838. Q 200 3pls a WEBB, SAMUEL BLACHLEY 10858 Correspondence and journals of: Ed. by W. C. Ford. N Y 1893-4. O 3v: [30] 422; [28] 441: [24] 432. 51pls a 350sets ptd[l00 for sale] WEBB, THOMAS H. 10859 Information for Kanzas immigrants. B 1854. O 24 a — rptd. 13 times by 1857. WAYLAND, JOHN W. 10852 [WEBB, THOMAS H.] A history of Shenandoah county, Virginia. Strasburg Va 1927. O 874 a WEAKNESS (THE) Weakness (The) of Brutus exposed. . . a citizen of Philadelphia. See Webster, Pelatiah. By 10860 Organization. . . of the Emigrant Aid Company; also a description of Kansas. B 1854. D 22 [2] a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. D 24 — ed. 3, same impr. & date. D 24 [4] — 10 other eds. followed, some consider- ably enl. 623 Webb — Webster WEBB, WALTER P. 10861 The great plains B Ginn [l83l]. O [16] 345 [2] 346-525 2maps 8pls [issue 1 has error in heading of chap. 2] a WEBB, WALTER P. 10862 The Texas rangers. B 1935. O [l8] 584 front, a Also ltd. ed. , signed, of 200copies WEBBER, CHARLES W. 10863 The gold mines of the Gila. N Y 1849. D 2v [or 2v in l]: [8] 134; [4] 135-263 a WEBBER, CHARLES W. 10864 The hunter-naturalist. . . or wild scenes Vol. 1 [all]. Phil [l85l]. O 610 eng.t. £5 9col.lith.pls [first to appear in an Am. bkj a — rptd. same impr. & collat: 1852; 1856 — anr. ed. entitled, "Romance of hunting ...," Phil 1865. O 610 pis [WEBBER, CHARLES W.] 10865 Jack Long; or, shot in the eye. A true story of Texas border life. N Y 1846. O 30 a — rptd. "The shot in the eye. . . ," Eliza- bethtown N J 1847. O 24 — Eng. ed. L 1853. D WEBBER, CHARLES W. 10866 Old Hicks the guide. ...NY 1848. D [4] 9-356 a — rptd. 1855; 1868. — Eng. ed. "Adventures in the Camanche country." Glas 1848. D 299[ erroneously paged 296] For sequel, see above his The gold mines of the Gila. WEBBER, CHARLES W. 10867 Tales of the southern border. Phil 1852. O 400 6 pis a — rptd, same impr. and collat.: 1853; 1868 WEBSTER, DANIEL 10868 Speech of: in reply to Mr. Hayne. . . . Wash 1830. O 96 a — anr. issue, with "reply" misspelled "rely" on t-p, same impr. & date. O 96 — anr. issue, capt.t. only, [Wash 1830]. O 35 — rptd., same date: Cin O 40; N Y O 72; Hart 0;3fl eds. o[one n.d., 40p; one with p. [l6] 76; one with adds., O 136p] Most famous American oration of the nine- teenth century, presenting the doctrine of a Union paramount and indissoluble. Hayne's defense of the theory of State sovereinty and the right of nullification — forensically al- most its equal — is included in the 136-page Boston edition. WEBSTER, DELIA A. Kentucky jurisprudence. 1845. D 84 a 10869 Vergennes Ind Account of her trial and conviction for in- citing a slave to escape to Ohio. [WEBSTER, GEORGE G.| 10870 Journal of the Hartford Union Mining and Trading Company. Printed by J. L. Hall on board the Henry Lee, 1849. D 88 dd B NYH Y [of a few known copies] — rptd. with adds., "Around the Horn in '49," [Hartford? Wethersfield? 1898]. D [l8 incl. 2ports] 252]incl.25pls] a — anr. ed. S F Grabhorn 1928. O [l8] 5-128 front. 250copies ptd. The original edition was largely printed during the voyage and finished in San Fran- cisco harbor. Usually listed under the printer [Hall], but the journal was written by Webster; it was the first printed narrative of a California gold-seeker. The best record of an argonaut expedition by sea. WEBSTER, NOAH 10871 A collection of essays and fugitiv writings B 1790. O [l6] 414 a Early example of phonetic spelling. WEBSTER, NOAH 10872 Effects of slavery, on morals and indus- try. Hart 1793. O 56 a WEBSTER, NOAH 10873 An examination into the . . . federal con- stitution proposed by the late convention Phil 1787. O 55 a Urges adoption of the proposed instrument. WEBSTER, NOAH 10874 Miscellaneous papers, on political and commercial subjects NY 1802. O [8] 227 48 a WEBSTER, NOAH 10875 Sketches of American policy. . . . Hart 1785. O 48 a [WEBSTER, PELATIAH] 10876 A dissertation on the political union and constitution of the thirteen United States Phil 1783. O 47 a — rptd. Hart 1783. O 30 For an answer see Sherman, Roger. [WEBSTER, PELATIAH) 10877 An essay on the seat of government. . . . Phil 1789. O [4] 3-34 a [WEBSTER, PELATIAH] 10878 A plea for the poor soldiers. . . . Phil MDCC LXc[error for 1790]. O 39 a — rptd. N Hav, same erroneous date. O 33 WEBSTER, PELATIAH 10879 Political essays. . . published during the American war Phil 1791. O [8] 504 a 624 Webster — Wei land Collected works of an influential political economist of the period who was often con- sulted by members of Congress on finance and taxation. [WEBSTER, PELATIAHl 10880 The weakness of Brutus exposed.. . in vindication of the constitution proposed. . . . Phil 1787. D 23 b AA Hn NYP Reply to objections to the constitution published in a New York newspaper under the pseudonym of Brutus. WEBSTER, RICHARD 10881 History of the Presbyterian church in America. . . [l670-1760]. Phil 1857. O 720 port a WEDDELL, ALEXANDER W., ed. 10882 A memorial volume of Virginia historical portraiture. . . . Rich 1930. F [32] 556[incl. front.] map 197ports a WEED, JOSEPH A view of California. 192 a 10883 ,S F 1874. 18 WEEDEN, WILLIAM B. 10884 Economic and social history of New Eng- land, 1620-1789. B 1890. O 2v. [l6] 448; [l4] 449-964 a WEEDON, GENERAL GEORGE 10885 Valley Forge orderly book of:. . . .N Y 1902. O [6] 323 front, plans a 255copies ptd. First printing of an important manuscript; includes events such as the battles of Brandywine and Germantown. [WE EMS, MASON L.] 10886 The life and memorable actions of George Washington. . . . [Bait Keatinge 1800?]. 16 96 port b Hn PaH [only copies known] — new ed. cor. Frederick-Town 1801. D 70 [incl. port] a — Ger. tr. "Die Lebensbeschreibung und merkwurdige Handlungen von. . . Washington . . . ," Frederick-Town 1809. D [2] 176 port — anr. ed., re-written, "A history of the life and death ... of General George Washington . . . ," George-Town Green and English [1800?]. o[4] 80 a — anr. issue, Alexandria [l800]. — ed. 2, Phil Bioren [l800?]. O 84 port[in some copiesj — ed. 3, same impr. [l800?]. O 84 port[in some copies] — ed. 3, same impr. [l800?]. O 84 port[in some copiesj. — rptd. Elizabeth-Town Kollock [l802?]. O 61 port; Alb Webster [ 1802-3?]. D 84 — ed. 4, Alb Webster [ 1805-6?]. 16° 152 — ed. 5, improved [one of the improvements being the "cherry-tree" anecdote], "The life of Washington the great. . . ," Augusta Ga 1806. b NYP [of 2copies known] — ed. 9, greatly improved, Phil 1809. D 228 port 6pls a — later eds. [in both Eng. and Ger.] too numerous to cite. WEEMS, Ml ASONl L. The life of Benjamin Franklin. . , enl. Bait 1820. D 264 port a For earlier editions, see below. 10887 Ed. 5, WEEMS, MASON L., ed. 10888 The life of Doctor Benjamin Franklin, written chiefly by himself. . . . Bait 1815. 16° 264 a Called a "new edition" as it was based entirely on the London 1793 Works of Frank- lin Lwhich contained his Autobiography], After issuing three subsequent editions of this opus, Weems issued a fifth edition, written entirely by himself. See above. WEEMS, M[AS0N] L„ ed. The life of General Francis Marion. See Horry, Peter. WEEMS, Mi ASONl L. 10889 The life of William Perm. . . . Phil 1822. 16° [2] 219 port a WEGWIJZER Wegwijzer en raadgever voor landver- huizers naar Noord-Amerika. . . . See Scholte, Henry P. WEICHARDT, KARL 10890 Die Vereinigten Staaten . . . und deren Territorien Leip 1848. O [lO] 448 map pi a Also issued in 1848, as Vol. IV of Heinzelmann's Weltkunde. WEIGHTMAN, RICHARD H. 10891 Speech of: . . . vindicatory of the course of Governor James S. Calhoun of New Mexico Wash 1852. O 29 a WEIGHTMAN, RICHARD H. 10892 To the Congress of the United States, re- questing the passage of a bill declaring New Mexico one of the United States. . . . Wash 1851. O 25 a WEIK, JOHANN 10893 Californien wie es ist oder Handbuch von Californien... Phil & Leip 1849. 16° 108 + 4adv-p a WEILAND, C. F. Atlas von Amerika. . . . See Carey, Henry C, and Lea, J., A complete historical .. . American atlas, of which this is a translation. 625 Welmer Well WEIMER, M. D. K. 10894 True story of the Alaska gold fields, [no t-p]. [ca 1903]. 312 [33] a Day-by-day journal of 1898 adventures. [WEIN, PAUL] 10895 A concise historical account of all the British colonies in North America. L 1775. O [4] 196 tab a — rptd. Dub 1775. — best ed. Dub 1776. D 228 map tab WEISER, CONRAD 10896 Narrative of a journey. . . from Tulpe- hocken in. . . Pennsylvania to Onondaga. . . . Phil 1853. O 33 a WELBY, ADLARD 10897 A visit to North America and the English settlements in Illinois. . . .L 1821. O [l2] 224 14pls errata slip[correcting 3 errors] or errata 1. [containing also binder's direc- tions] b N NYP Y [WELCH, ANDREW] 10898 A narrative of the early days and re- membrances of Oceola Nikkanochee. . . . Written by his guardian. L 1841. O [lOJ 228 3pls a This Seminole, nephew of the famous chief, was captured by United States troops and adopted by the author. [WELCH, ANDREW] ed. 10899 A narrative of the life and sufferings of Mrs. Jane Johns. . . scalped by Seminole Indians Charleston S C 1837. O 29 b H N — rptd. Bait 1837. O 24 b WELCH, CHARLES A. 10900 History of the Big Horn basin [SLC] 1940. O 276 pis a WELCH, MRS. EMILY S. 10901 A biographical sketch; John Sedgewick, Major-General [n y] 1899. O UJ 24 a WELD, CHARLES R. 10902 A vacation tour in the United States and Canada. L 1855. D [l2] 394 map a — Fr. tr. P [l800]. O 3v: [12] 5-321; 344; [4] 294. 12maps & pis — Dutch, Ger. & Ital. trs. also appeared. WELKER, MARTIN 10904 Farm life in central Ohio, sixty years ago. Wooster 1892. D 106 a WELLARD, JAMES 10905 Wellard, James, companion of John A Murrell, the great western land pirate. Cin 1855. O 95 a WELLES, ALONZO M. 10906 Reminiscent ramblings. Denver 1905. O 459 a Mining experiences in Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. WELLES, C. M. 10907 Three years' wanderings of a Connecticut Yankee in South-America, Africa, Australia, and California Hart 1859. D 358 lOpls [incl.eng.t.] a — anr. ed. , same date & collat., N Y WELLES, GIDEON 10908 Diary of: B 1911. O 3v: [54] 549; [l8] 653; [18] 670. 36pls a Of prime importance on the civil war and reconstruction; one of the great American historical diaries. WELLINGS, JAMES H. [comp.] 10909 Directory of . . . Detroit, for 1845. . . . Con- taining an epitomized history. . . . Det 1845. ' D 122 [48] a —for 1846. Det 1846. D 214 a WELLINGTON, JOHN L. 10910 The gold fields of Alaska Cripple Creek 1896. O 72 a WELLS, [CHARLES K.] POLK 10911 Life and adventures of: the notorious out- law. . . written by himself. [Halls Mo 1907]. O 2 59[ inch front] a WELLS, CHARLES W. 10912 A frontier life Cin [l902]. D 313 a Life in Nebraska and the Black Hills, in the 'sixties. WELD, ISAAC 10903 Travels through. . . North America. . . 1795-1797. L 1799. Q [24] 464 + 8adv-p 16 maps & pis errata slip a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O 2v: [24] 427; [l2] 376 + 16adv-p 16maps & pis — ed. 3, same impr., 1800. O 2v: [20] 427; [8] 376 + 26adv-p 16maps & pis — — ed. 4, same impr., date & collat. except for omission of adv-pp. — anr. issue: O [8] 552 8maps & pis — rptd. L 1807. O 2v 16maps & pis WELLS, EDWARD L. 10913 Hampton and his cavalry in '64. Rich 1899. O [4 incl.front.] 429[incl.pls] [l4] + 4adv-p a WELLS, EDWARD L. 10914 Hampton and reconstruction. Columbia S C 1907. O [8] 238 port a WELLS, HARRY L. 10915 Popular history of Oregon. . . . Port Ore 1889. O 480 4pls facs tabs a 626 Wells — West WELLS, JAMES 10916 With touch of elbow. . . narrative of ad- venture. Chi 1909. D [l2 incl.front.] 362 15pls a Cavalry service in the Civil war, preceded by freighting experiences on the plains in the 'fifties. WELLS, [JOHN G.] 10917 Pocket hand-book of Iowa. . . history. . . . N Y 1857. 16° 136 fold. map a WELLS, [JOHN G.] 10918 Pocket hand-book of Nebraska . . . its history NY 1857. D 90 fold, map a WELLS, PROCTOR R. 10919 Memories of early days. San Jose 1904. D 39 port a [WELLS, RICHARD] 10920 A few political reflections submitted to the consideration of the British colonies. By a citizen of Philadelphia. Phil 1774. O 86 a WELLS, WILLIAM 10921 Western scenery, or land and river. . . in the Mississippi valley. Cin 1851. Q 54 [incl. wraps] eng.t 17pls c ChiH MoH NYP WELLS, WILLIAM V. 10922 Walker's expedition to Nicaragua. ...NY 1856. D [6] 11-316 map port a — Ger. tr. Braunschweig 1857. D [lo] 217 map port WELSH, HERBERT 10923 The Apache prisoners in Fort Marion. . . Florida. Phil 1887. O 62 a One of the earliest books on this state written by a resident. WESLEY, JOHN 10929 A calm address to our American colonies. L 1775. D 23 a ' — rptd. often, same yr. [in L, Bristol, Dundee, Edin, Salisbury], Essentially a condensation of Samuel Johnson's Taxation no tyranny. WESLEY, JOHN 10930 A calm address to the inhabitants of Eng- land. L 1777. D 23 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. D 24 [WESLEY, JOHN] ed. 10931 An extract from a Reply to the Observa- tions of Lieut. General Howe on a pamphlet, entitled Letters to a nobleman. L 1781. D 104 a WESLEY, JOHN 10932 An extract of. . . Wesley's journal from his embarking for Georgia to his return to London Bristol S. & F. Farley [l739]. O [28] 75 errata slip a 4 other eds. by 1775. — Am. ed., with European Journals added, v.I [all], Phil 1795. D [2] 316 [2] His Georgia Journal covers period from October 1735 to February 1738. WESLEY, THE REV. MR. JOHN 10933 Political empiricism; a letter to: L 1776. O 32 a Defends the colonies from the fallacious reasoning in Wesley's Calm address. WEMMS, WILLIAM, et al The trial of: See Hodgson, John. WENNER, FRED L. 10924 Home-seeker's guide to Oklahoma. . . . Guthrie 1900. D 23 a WERNER, HERMAN 10925 On the western frontier with the U. S. cavalry fifty years ago. n.p. 1934. O 98 port a The Modoc war, Montana operations, etc. WERTENBAKER, THOMAS J. 10926 The planters of colonial Virginia. Prince- ton 1922. O 260 a WERTENBAKER, THOMAS J. 10927 Virginia under the Stuarts. Princeton 1914. 271 a WERTH, JOHN J. 10928 A dissertation on the resources and policy of California. . ..Benicia 1851. D [8] 87 errata 1. b LC NYP Y [WESLEY, JOHN] 10934 Reflections on the rise and progress of the American rebellion. L 1780. D 96 a More probably by Joseph Galloway, from whose Historical and political reflections on the rise and progress of the American re- bellion it doesn't materially differ. WESLEY, JOHN 10935 Some observations on liberty. . . . Edin 1776. D 36 a — rptd. L 1776. D 36 Answer to Richard Price's Observations on. . .civil liberty. WESLEY'S... ADDRESS Wesley's (Mr.) second Calm address. Ob- servations on:. . . . See Lofft, Capel. [WEST, BECKWITH] 10936 Experience of a Confederate States prisoner. . . an ephemeris regularly kept by an officer of the Confederate. . . army. Rich 1862. O 64 + wraps b Duke Emory 627 West — Western Industries WEST, CATO, et al 10937 Petition of: in behalf of themselves and other inhabitants of the Mississippi Terri- tory [Wash 1800]. O [2] 27 a WEST, D. PORTER 10938 Early history of Pope County, Arkansas. Russellville 1906. O S3 a [WEST, EDWARD W.] 10939 History of St. Clair county, Illinois. . . . Belleville 1876. O 41 a WEST, GEORGE MONTGOMERY] 10940 The emigrant's companion and guide. . . to the continent of America. . . especially to the fertile region of Ohio Liv [l83o]. D 48 a [WEST, GEORGE MONTGOMERY] 10941 Report of proceedings in Ireland relative to the church in Ohio, since the arrival of the Rev. G. Montgomery West, chaplain to the . . . Bishop of that diocese Dub 1828. D 46 a West, a malicious adventurer, insinuated himself into the Kenyon college enterprise, fomented rebellion and forced Bishop Chase into resigning from both college and bishopric. WEST, HARRIET CLINE 10942 The life and travels of: Kahoka Mo 1910. D 177 port a Of Kansas interest. WEST, JOHN 10943 The Boston directory B 1796 D 117 plan [issued both with the book and separately] a Boston's second directory. WEST, JOHN C 10944 A Texan in search of a fight. . . . Waco 1901. O 189 [incl.port] a [WEST, MRS. LUCY BREWER] 10945 The adventures of Louisa Baker [alias for Lucy Brewer]. ...NY [l815]. D 24 port a — rptd., same impr. & date. O 36 — rptd. "An affecting narrative of Louisa Baker. . . ," B 1815. D 24; Portsmouth N H 1816. D 24 port —con. as "The adventures of Lucy Brewer . ..," B 1815. O 36 — rptd. B 1816; B 1817. —con. again as "The awful beacon, to the rising generation. ..." B 1816. O [2] 60 port — complete ed. [containing all of the above 3pts], "The female marine, or adventures of Miss Lucy Brewer. . . ," rup. ptd May 30, 1816. 18° 100[incl. port] — rptd. June 19, 1816. same collat. — Ed. 2, June 24, 1816. same collat. — ed. 3, B 1817. 18 90 — rptd. n.p., n.d. D 60 — ed. 4, n.p. 1818. 18° 120 port Narrative of dubious veracity in which the seduced heroine, after a life of shame, serves for three years on board the "Constitution." WEST, ROBERT A., reporter 10946 Report of debates in the general con- ference of the Methodist. . . church. ...NY 1844. O 240 a This heated fight on slavery between Northern and Southern delegates split the Church. WEST, StlMEON] H. 10947 Life and times of: Le Roy 111 [l908]. O 298 a Includes his 1859 overland trip to the Pa- cific coast. WEST POINT 10948 The military academy at: unmasked. . . . By Americanus. Wash 1830. O 28 a WEST VIRGINIA Address to the people of: By a slave- holder. . . . See Ruffner, Henry. WESTBROOK, G. W. 10949 The Mormons in Illinois St L 1844. D 36 b IH LC — for anr. ed., with Hunt's "History of the Mormon war in Missouri," see Hunt, James H. WESTCOTT, J. D. 10950 The Everglades of Florida. . . . Talla- hassee 1848. O 141 a WESTCOTT, JOHN 10951 De Soto in Florida . . . route. . . . Palatka 1888. sm Q 11 6maps a WESTERLEY (CAROLINE) 10952 Westerley (Caroline); or, the young travel- ler from Ohio . . . letters of a young lady . . . to her sister. N Y 1833. 16° 233 front, a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1870. Travelled from Ohio through western New York to Albany. Ascribed to Mrs. Almira (Hart) Lincoln Phelps. WESTERN GUIDE BOOK (THE) Western guide book (The), and emigrant's directory. . . . See Steele, Oliver G. WESTERN INDUSTRIES 10953 Western industries of America. . . .Chi 1879. F 136 [ill] a History of manufacturing throughout the West, from Ohio to California. 628 Western March — Wharton WESTERN MARCH 10954 Western march of emigration. Lancaster Pa 1874. O 53 a WESTERN SOUVENIR (THE) Western souvenir (The). . . for 1829. See Hall, James. WESTERN TOUR (A) Western tour (A), in a series of letters .... See Heald, Henry. WESTERN TOURIST.... See Smith, John Calvin. cattle route from Texas to Ellsworth] b NYP Y — 2 other issues have different paginat. [one, 204p., the other, 216] WETHERBEE, j[0HN] 10961 A brief sketch of Colorado Territory. . . . B 1863. O 24 b N Y WETMORE, ALPHONSO 10962 Gazetteer. . . of Missouri. . . . LWith ap- pendix containing "Sketch of mountain life by a trapper," etc.] St L 1837. O [4] 9-382 front, map a WESTERN TRAVELLER'S... DIRECTORY Western traveller's pocket directory and stranger's guide. See The traveller's pocket directory. . . . WESTMORELAND [PA.] A narrative of the capture of certain Americans at:. . . . See Van Campen, Moses. WETMORE, MRS. HELEN C 10963 Last of the great scouts: the life story of ..."Buffalo Bill." [Duluth 1899]. O [2 14] 267 19pls a — rptd. Duluth [ptd. Chi] n.d. [l899]. O [8 11-14] 296 5pls — anr. issue, same impr. & paginat., but 16 pis — anr. issue, same impr. O [l4] 296 16pls WESTON, D. H. 10955 Records of marks and brands. Helena 1881. O 43 a WESTON, PLOWDEN C. J., ed. 10956 Documents connected with the history of South Carolina. L 1856. Q [8] 5-228 facs a 121 copies ptd. WESTON, RICHARD 10957 A visit to the United States and Canada Edin 1836. D [4] 312 a Visited Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois and Ohio; a repulsive portrayal of back- wood's life. WESTON, S[lLAS] 10958 Life in the mountains: or four months in the mines of California. Prov 1854. O 35 b H Hn N — ed. 2, "Four months in the mines of Cali- fornia. . . ," Prov 1854. O 46 [2] b NYP Y WESTON, W., ed. 10959 Guide map of the best. . . cattle trail to the Kansas Pacific railway. K C Mo 1874. O 21 fold.map 4fold.pls b — rptd., t. altered, same impr., 1875. same collat., but no pis a A separately printed portion of the next entry. WESTON, W., ed. 10960 Guide to the Kansas Pacific railway. . . from Kansas City and Leavenworth. . . to Denver K C 1872. D 208 + 6 blank 1. for memoranda inserted between p. 96 86 97 16 adv-p 4pls 2fold.maps[one showing the WETTE, L[UDWIG] DE 10964 Reise in den Vereinigten Staaten und Canada Leip 1838 O [6, 9-14] 364 a — Dutch tr. Zalt-Bommel 1839. O 2v. [l2] 281; [8] 296. 2pls [WHARTON, CHARLES H.] 10965 A poetical epistle to . . . George Washing- ton. . . to which is annexed, a short sketch of General Washington's life Annap 1779. O 24 b Hn NYH — Eng. ed. L 1780. O 24 port a —rptd. L 1796. — other Am. eds.: Prov 1781. Q 24 port; Springfield 1782. Q 18; Alb 1865. 75copies; B 1881. The biography of Washington — by John Bell — was the first ever printed, with ex- ception of an eight-page tract by J. L. A. Roubaud - A compendious history of George Washington - published, without title-page, London, ca 1777. WHARTON, CLARENCE R. 10966 Remember Goliad. Houston [l93l]. O 61 a lOOcopies ptd. [WHARTON, GEORGE M. I 10967 The New Orleans sketch book. Phil 1853. D 8, [incl. eng.t] 21-202 front, a — rptd. Phil [i860?], same paginat. front. 2pls WHARTON, JOHN A. 10968 Speech in defence of the Hon. S. Rhoads Fisher Houston 1838. O 53 a 629 Wharton — Wheeler WHARTON, J[UNIUS] E. 10969 History of . . . Denver. Denver 1866. D 184 b Hn N NYP Y Rarest of Colorado local histories; first of this city. [WHARTON, SAMUEL]? 10970 The advantages of a settlement upon the Ohio. L 1763[error for 1773]. O [4] 44 b JCB N OHP Refers to a proposed colony — Georgiana? — to be erected by the Walpole associates west of their Vandalia project. Attributed also to Bayly, Anselm Yates, [WHARTON, SAMUEL]? 10971 Considerations on the agreement of the Lords Commissioners. . , with. . . Thomas Walpole and his associates for lands upon the river Ohio. . . . L 1774. O [4] 46 b NYP WisH Attributed also to Franklin. [WHARTON, SAMUEL] 10972 Facts and observations, respecting the country granted ... by the Six United Nations . . . , on the south-east side of the . . . Ohio; the establishment of a new colony there; and the causes of the Indian war. . . . L 1775. O 171 fold, tab c JCB PaH [WHARTON, SAMUEL] 10973 Plain facts: . . . examination into the rights of the Indian nations . . . and a vindication of the grant, from the Six . . . Nations, to the proprietors of Indiana. . . . Phil 1781. O 165 b N NYP WisH Y Disputes Virginia's claim to territory west of the Alleghanies where the Walpole interests proposed establishing their colony of Indiana. Attributed also to Anthony Benezet and to Benjamin Franklin. [WHARTON, SAMUEL] 10974 View of the title to Indiana ... on the river Ohio [Phil 1775?]. O 24 d JCB WisH — anr. ed. Phil 1776. O 46 c AA PaH Y — rptd. Wmsbg 1779. Q 8 b Refers to a tract in present West Virginia where Thomas Walpole and his associates [including Franklin] proposed establishing a colony of Indiana. For an enlarged edition, see this author's Plain facts:. . . . For an- other earlier work containing some of this material See Case [of William Trent and other traders] WHARTON, WILLIAM H. 10975 Address of: delivered in New York. . . also, Address of . . . Stephen F. Austin, de- livered in Louisville. . . with other docu- ments explanatory. . . of the contest in which Texas is at present engaged. N Y 1836. O 56 a Stimulated national sympathy for Texas. Contains the first appearance in a book of the 1836 Declaration of Independence. WHAT I HAVE SAVED What I have saved from the writings of my husband. See Lewis, Mrs. Thomas B, WHAT IS OUR SITUATION? What is our situation? and what our prospects?. ... By an American. See Hop- kinson, Jos. WHAT THINK YE What think ye of the Congress now? See Chandler, Thos. B. [WHATELY, THOMAS] 10976 Considerations on the trade and finances of this kingdom, and on the measures of ad- ministration. . . . L 1766. Q 119 a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. — ed. 3, same impr. 1769. O 239 — rptd. Dub same date. O 108 Discusses — and defends — colonial taxation. [WHATELY, THOMAS] 10977 The regulations lately made concerning the colonies. ...L 1765. O [2] 114 a Ascribed also to John Campbell and to Lord George Grenville Lwho is named as author in the 1775 edition], but probably by Whately, his secretary. WHEAT, CARL I. 10978 The maps of the California gold region, 1848-1857. ...SF Grabhorn 1942. F [42] 152 [l] 26maps b N NYP Y 300copies ptd. [WHEAT, MARVIN T.] 10979 Travels on the western slopes of the Mexican Cordillera. S F 1857. D 438 engU. a Made several trips through Arizona. [WHEELER, A. 0.] 10980 Eye witness; or, life scenes in the old north state, depicting the . . . sufferings of the Unionists. Russell 1865. O 276 a WHEELER, ALFRED 10981 Land titles in San Francisco S F 1852. O 127 [2] map b LC WHEELER, ALFRED, et al 10982 Report on the condition of the beach and water lots in. . . San Francisco. . . . S F 1850. O 104 b B Hn Y WHEELER, ALFRED, et al 10983 Report on the condition of the real estate within . . . San Francisco. . . . S F 1851. O 156 b B Hn Y 630 Wheeler — Wheeloek WHEELER, ANDREW C. 10984 The chronicles of Milwaukee. . • . Milw 1861. D 303 a WHEELER, A[NDREW] C. 10985 The iron trail. A sketch of a journey to Colorado. N Y 1876. Q 46 a WHEELER, B„ C. 10986 Western Colorado and her resources. . . . Aspen Colo 1891. O 73 + adv-pages a WHEELER, GEORGE M. 10987 Preliminary report concerning explorations ... in Nevada and Arizona. Wash 1872. Q 96 fold, map a First official exploration of this area, including the Mojave and Death valleys. WHEELER, HOMER W. 10988 The frontier trail . . . narrative of forty- three years in the old west ...LA 1923. O [18] 15-334 15pls a — rptd. "Buffalo days. . . ," Indp [l925J. O [26] 369 18pls WHEELER, JOHN H. 10989 Historical sketches of North Carolina. . . . Phil 1851. O 2v in 1: 138; 480. 2 pis a WHEELER, JOHN H. 10990 Reminiscences and memoirs of North Carolina. . . . Columbus 1884. O [l6 74] 478 port a — rptd. Wash 1885. This was a revised form of the biographi- cal section of his Historical sketches, above. WHEELER, OLIN D. 10991 The trail of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1904. N Y 1904. O 2v: [24] 377; [l6] 420 + 4adv-p 4maps 2col.pls a — rptd. 1913. WHEELING DIRECTORY Wheeling directory 1839. See Bowen, J. B. WHEELOCK, ELEAZER 10992 A brief narrative of the Indian charity- school in Lebanon in Connecticut. . . . L 1766. O 48 a — ed. 2, with app., L 1767. O 64 — anr. issue, identical except p. 64 is blank Prepared from Wheelock's A plain and faithful narrative, see below. Probably by Nathaniel Whitaker. WHEELOCK, ELEAZER 10993 A continuation of the narrative of the Indian charity-school. ...L 1769. O [2] 146 a Contains letters of Wheeloek from Dec. 1766 to Aug. 1768. WHEELOCK, ELEAZER 10994 A continuation of the narrative of the Indian charity-school. . . from the year 1768 to the incorporation of it with Dartmouth- College, and removal and settlement of it in Hanover, in the province of New-Hampshire, 1771. n. p. [TV Lond] 1771. O 61 a — issue 2, errata list added to p. 61 WHEELOCK, ELEAZER 10995 A continuation of the narrative of the Indian charity-school . . . now incorporated with Dartmouth-College . . . [May 1771-Sept. 1772]. New Hampshire 1772. O 40 a — rptd., same collat. & impr., 1773. WHEELOCK, ELEAZER 10996 A continuation of the narrative of the Indian charity-school. . . [Sept. 1772-Sept. 1773]. Hart 1773. O 68 a Contains journal of David MacClure and Levi Frisbie kept on their mission to the Delaware Indians in Ohio. WHEELOCK, ELEAZER 10997 A continuation of the narrative of the Indian charity-school. . . [Sept. 1773- Feb. 1775]. Hart 1775. Q 31 a — anr. issue, with app. carrying paginat. to 54 Ninth — and last — report of the earliest Indian school, the acorn from which grew Dartmouth College. WHEELOCK, ELEAZER 10998 A continuation of the narrative of the state ... of the Indian charity-school at Lebanon. . . . B 1765. O 23 a — anr. issue, with app., carrying paginat. to 25 Covers period from Nov. 1762 to Sept. 1765. WHEELOCK, ELEAZER 10999 A plain and faithful narrative of the original design . . . and present state of the Indian charity-school at Lebanon, in Con- necticut B 1763. O 55 a Covers the years 1754-1762. WHEELOCK, HARRISON 11000 Guide and map of Reese river and Hum- boldt S F 1864. D 43 + 9adv.p dd B Y [only 3 copies known] The Bancroft copy contains a folding map of these mines published by Wheeloek, same place and date; it may have been sold separately, but the book's title induces the belief that the map was issued with it. [WHEELOCK, MATTHEW] 11001 Reflections moral and political on Great Britain and her colonies. L 1770. O [6] 66 a 631 Whicker — White WHICKER, J[0HN] W. 11002 Historical sketches of the Wabash valley. [Attica Ind] 1916. O 159 port a WHILLDIN, M. 11003 A description of western Texas. . . . Galv 1876. D 120 map[on verso of front wrap] 28 pis a WHIPPLE, AlMIELl W. 11004 Report of an expedition from San Diego to the Colorado. Sen. Exec. Doc. 19. Wash 1851. O 28 a First official government survey of Ari- zona around the junction of the Colorado and Gila rivers. WHIPPLE, AlMIELl W. 11005 Report of explorations for a railway route, near the thirty-fifth parallel . . . from the Mississippi to the Pacific ocean. {Wash 1855]. O 154 [8] a For series [House Executive Document 129] of which this formed a part, and which contained three sheets |_of map and two pro- files] for this report, see Pacific railroad explorations. WHIPPLE, JOSEPH 11006 A geographical view of the district of Maine Bangor 1816. O 102 a — anr. issue, same collat., impr. & date, "The history of Acadie. . . with. . . view of the district of Maine." WHIPPLE-HASLAM, MRS. LEE 11007 Early days in California. . . .Jamestown Calif [192.3]. O 34[incl. cover t.] port a WHIRRY, WILLIAM T. 11008 The town of Randolph, Columbia county. Wis. Its first settlement Randolph 1873. O 24 a WHITAKER, ARTHUR P., tr. 11009 Documents relating to the commercial policy of Spain in the Floridas. . . . Deland Fla 1931. Q [64] 278 7maps & pis a 360 copies ptd. WHITAKER, ARTHUR P. 11010 The Spanish-American frontier: 1783-1795 B 1927. O [14] 255 3maps a [WHITAKER, JOHN S.] 11011 Sketches of life and character in Louisi- ana. ... By a member of the New Orleans bar. N O 1847. O 85 [2] a WHITE, ALEXANDER 11012 The American bloody register: — contain- ing — a true . . . history of the lives ... of three of the most noted criminals. . . in America. B 1784. D 30 [2] Apparently the first number of a con- templated series; no more appeared. WHITE, ANDREW 11013 Narrative of a voyage to Maryland. An ac- count of the colony. . . 1635-77. Bait 1874. O 128 a WHITE, ELIJAH 11014 A concise view of Oregon Territory. Wash 1846. O 72 [2] cover t. only c BA NYP Y Describes the initial establishment of organized society in that region. Consists of letters written by White to government authorities at Washington, printed previously in various documents. In issue one, word "honored," bottom of page thirty-nine, is not nyphenated. WHITE, ELIJAH Ten years in Oregon. Allen, Miss A. J. Ithaca 1848. See WHITE, ELIJAH noi5 Testimonials and records. . . in favor of special action for our Indian tribes. Wash 1861. O 86 a WHITE, FRANCIS 11016 The Philadelphia directory. . . . Phil 1785. O [4] 98 [2] b AA NYP PaH For another Philadelphia directory, same year, see Macpherson. WHITE, REV. GEORGE 11017 An accurate account of the Yazoo fraud Marietta Ga 1852. O 64 a WHITE, REV. GEORGE 11018 Historical collections of Georgia... . N Y 1854. O [l4] 688 22pls a — eds. 2 & 3, with map & some text added, 1855. a WHITE, REV. GEORGE 11019 Statistics of. . . Georgia. . . . Sav 1849. O 624 [77] errata 1. map a WHITE, GEORGE S. 11020 Memoir of Samuel Slater, the father of American manufactures. . . . Phil 1836. O 448 120 12pls 9plans facs a — ed. 2, omitting Letter of Secy, of Treas., same impr. fit date. O 448 12pls 9plans facs WHITE, REV. HENRY 11021 The early history of New England. . . . Concord N H 1841. D 412 a — 7 eds. by 1843. — rptd., "Indian battles. . . ," N Y [l859]. D412 632 White — Whltefleld WHITE, CAPTAIN HUGH A., of 11022 the Stonewall brigade Sketches of the life of: By his father [Wm. a White]. Columbia 1864. O 124 a WHITE, JOHN, of England 11023 Sketches from America [including a trip from Chicago to Cheyenne and Denver!. L 1870. O [8J373 a WHITE, JOHN, of Gloucester, Mass. 11024 New England's lamentations. . . . B 1734. O [14] 42 10 [2] 15 b AA JCB — ed. 2, enl., same impr., & date. O [lo] 42 10 [2] 15 a — Eng. ed. L 1735. WHITE, j[0SEPH], 1755-1836 11025 An [sic] narrative of events. . . in the revolutionary war. . . . Charles-town [l833?J. sq 18° 30 a WHITE, MRS. K. 11026 A narrative of the life, occurrences, vicissitudes and present situation of: Sche- nectady for the authoress 1809. 16° 127 [incl. blank 1.] b AA N NYH NYP Romantic episodes, including an Indian captivity, all placing a severe strain on credulity. WHITE, OWEN 11027 Out of the desert: the historical romance of El Paso. El Paso 1923. O 443 9pls a — ed. 2, with biog. & newspaper sections omitted, same impr. 1924. O 345 23pls WHITE, RICHARD EDWARD 11028 Padre Junipero Serra and the mission church of San Carlos del Carmelo. S F 1884. D 32 a — rptd., same collat., Bait 1830; Phil 1831; Roch 1896. WHITE, WILLIAM 11033 A history of Belfast [Me.]. Belfast 1827. 16° 120 a [WHITE, WILLIAM F.] 11034 A picture of pioneer times in California By William Grey [pseud.] S F 1881. O [7] 677 a WHITECAR, WILLIAM B. 11035 Four years aboard the whaleship. . . . Phil 1860. D 413 a WHITEF1ELD, GEORGE 11036 [journals — and continuations] as follows: [journal i] . . . London to Savannah. Pt. 1, ... to Gibralter. Pt. 2, . . . Gibralter to Savannah. Unauthorized ed. L Cooper 1738. O 2v: [2] 34; [2] 34 a — authorized ed.: L Hutton 1738. O 2pts in 1: [6] 64, mispaged 56; 5other Eng. eds. by 1743 — Am. eds.: Phil Franklin, pt. 1, 1740, pt. 2, 1739. 24° 2v: 64; 45 c Y; B 1740. O 2v: 46 + adv-p: 54 + adv-p [journal II] . . . from arrival at Savannah to return to London. L 1739. O [4] 38 + adv-p a — ed. 2, L 1739. — Am. ed. B 1741. O 54 + adv-p [journal III]. . . from arrival at London, to departure to Georgia. L 1744. O 92 a — anr. issue, same date & impr. O 115 — ed. 2, L 1739. O [4] 40; and other eds. [journal iv]. . . during the time detained in England. L 1739. O [4] 40 a — 3 other eds., same date, impr. £: collat. [journal v] . . . from embarking after the embargo, to arrival at Savannah. L 1740. O [WHITE, RICHARD G.] 11029 Book of the prophet Stephen, son of Douglas. Books I & II. N Y [ 1863-4]. D 2v: [WHITE, RICHARD G.] 11030 The new gospel of peace. ...NY [l863- 6]. D 4pts: 42; 48; 47; 56 a — rptd. in lv. TV Y 1866. [WHITE, RICHARD G.] 11031 Revelations: a companion to the "New gospel of peace. ..."NY Doolady 1863. D 36 a — anr. issue, same collat. N Y Bancker 1863. WHITE, SAMUEL 11032 History of the American troops . . . under the command of Cols. Fenton and Campbell .... Bait 1829. D 107 a — ed. 2, same impr., date &. collat. — Am. ed. Phil 1740. D 145 + 5adv-p b Y [journal Vl] . . . after arrival at Georgia, to his second return thither from Pennsylvania. Phil 1740. 24° 96 b — Eng. ed. L 1741. O 58 + 2adv-p [journal VIl], Pt. 1. . . from Savannah to arrival at Rhode Island. Phil 1741. 24° 126 b — B Fowle 1741. a — other eds. B 1741 Lvarious imprints of Fowle, Rogers and Kneeland], O 96 — Eng. ed., both pts., probably ed. 1, L 1741. O [2] 86 b — ed. 2, L 1744. a [journal VI i], Pt. 2. . . from leaving New- England. . . to arrival at Falmouth. B Rogers 1741. O 48 a — B Kneeland 1741. 16° 38 [2] — Phil 1741, with adds. 24° 126 b — Eng. ed, with Pt. 1 - prob. has priority, L.741 o[2] 86 b 633 Whitefield — Whittier In addition to above separate printings of the 9 parts constituting the 7 journals, there were several editions combining several of the parts. All of the Philadelphia editions were printed by Franklin. WHITEFIELD, GEORGE 11037 Remarks on the injustice of slavery. L 1730. O 42 a WHITEHEAD, WILLIAM A. 11038 Contributions to the early history of Perth Amboy. . . . N Y 1856. O [8] 428 a WHITELY, IKE [ISAAC H.] 11039 Rural life in Texas. Atlanta 1891. O 82 a WHITEWATER Annals of pioneer settlers on the*. . . . See Wasson, John Macamy. WHITFORD, WILLIAM C. 11040 Colorado volunteers in the civil war. The New Mexico campaign in 1862. Denver 1906. o[4] 9-159 front, a WHITING, HENRY 11041 A discourse ... on the anniversary of the Historical Society of Michigan. Det 1831. O 40 a WHITMAN COUNTY 11042 Whitman county in the great Palouse country [idaho]. Descriptive pamphlet of: Comp. by Kellogg and Hopkins. Collax Ida 1878. O 32 a WHITMER, DAVID 11043 An address to all believers in Christ. . . Richmond Mo 1887. O 77 a Sketch of the part played by the author — one of the three original witnesses to the divine authentication of the Book of Mormon — in the early history of the Church. WHITNEY, ASA 11044 Address before the legislature of Ala- bama, on his project for a railroad from lake Michigan to the Pacific. [Wash 1847], O 44 2maps a WHITNEY, ASA 11045 A project for a railroad to the Pacific. . . . TV Y 1849. 0[8] 112 2maps a Whitney was the first to bombard Congress with plans for a transcontinental railway. His efforts culminated in this matured proposal. WHITNEY, CASPAR 11046 Charles Adelbert Canfield. N Y 1930. Q 218 14pls a 200copies ptd. Relates largely to his mining experiences in Colorado and Nevada. WHITNEY, E. C. and T. H. 11047 History and capture of Geronimo and the Apache Indians: [St Augustine 1887]. 16° 48 pis b WHITNEY, HENRY C 11048 Life on the circuit with Lincoln. . . . B [1892]. O [8] 601 67pls a — rptd. Caldwell Ida 1940. O 530 pis Intimate account by a fellow lawyer. WHITNEY, JOSIAH D. 11049 Colorado. . . . L 1867. O 61 2maps a WHITNEY, JOSIAH D. 11050 Silver mining regions of Colorado. ...NY 1865. 16° 107 cov.t.only a — anr. issue, same impr. & date. O 111 WHITNEY, J[0SIAH] D. 11051 The Yosemite book: a description. ...NY ptd. C 1868. Q 116 2maps 28photo pis a only 250copies — anr. ed. "The Yosemite guide-book...," N Y 1869. O 155 2maps 8pls — anr. ed. 1871. 16° 133 2maps — rptd., same yr., with new maps dated 1872 — new ed. 1874. 16° 186 4maps WHITNEY, PARKHURST, et al 11052 Trial of: for a conspiracy; the abduction ... of William Morgan. . . . Lockport [l83l]. O 63 a WHITNEY, PETER 11053 The history of the county of Worcester. . . Massachusetts Wore 1793. O 339 map a WHITON, JOHN M. 11054 Sketches of the history of New Hampshire . . . 1623-1833 Concord 1834. D 222 a WHITTAKER, MILO L. 11055 Pathbreakers and pioneers of the Pueblo region. . . . [Pueblo Colo] 1917. O 160 pis a WHITTIER, JOHN G. 11056 Justice and expediency; or, slavery con- sidered with a view to its rightful. ..remedy, abolition. Haverhill 1833. O 23 c H Hn NYP [WHITTIER, JOHN G.] 11057 Leaves from Margaret Smith's journal. . . 1678-9. B 1849. 16 [6] 224 a I WHITTIER, JOHN G.I ed. 11058 Narrative of James Williams, an American slave NY 1838. 18° 108 port a — issue 2, period after Williams on t-p, and printer's name on verso of t-p — ed. 2, N Y & B. same collat. & date 634 Whittlesey — Wllhelm WHITTLESEY, CHARLES 11059 Ancient mining on the shores of lake Superior. Wash 1863. Q [4] 29 map cov.t.only WHITTLESEY, CHARLES 11060 A discourse relating to the expedition of Lord Dunmore . . . against the Indian towns upon the Scioto in 1774. Clev 1842. O 33 a WHITTLESEY, CHARLES 11061 Early history of Cleveland, Ohio. . . . Clev 1867. O [lO] 487 6pls diag a some copies on L. P. Covers the period prior to 1810. WHITTLESEY, CHARLES 11062 Fugitive essays. . . relating to the early history of Ohio Hudson O 1852. D 397 a WHITTLESEY, CHARLES 11063 A sketch of the settlement. . . of the town- ship of Tallmadge. . . Summit county, O. Clev 1842. 16° 29 a WHITTLESEY, CHARLES 11064 Topographical and historical sketch of . . . Ohio. Phil 1872. O 34 map a WHITTLESEY, FREDERIC, chairman 11065 Abduction and murder of William Morgan .... Report of a committee appointed by the National Anti-Masonic Convention ... at Philadelphia, September 11, 1830 Hallowell Me 1832. O 24 a — rptd., with different t., [b 1833]. O [2] 18 [5] For first printing see United States Anti- Masonic Convention. Proceedings of: WICHITA... DIRECTORY Wichita city directory. . . historical sketches. . . . See Emmert, D. B. WIDENMANN, EDfUARD] 11066 Die nordamerikanische Revolution und ihre Folgen Erlangen 1826. O [6] 262 a WIERZBICKI, F| ELIXi P. 11067 California as it is. .. a guide to the gold region. S F 1849. O 60 errata 1. dd B N Y — ed. 2, with adds., S F 1849. O [6] 5-76 errata 1. dd B NYH Y — anr. ed. Launcestown Tasmania 1850. — rptd. S F [Grabhom Press] 1933. O a 500 copies ptd. — Ger. tr. Bremen 1850. c First California-printed English book of an original nature; this, with its highly in- teresting content, renders it the most im- portant and prized of all books printed there, with the possible exception of Figueroa's Manifesto. WIGGLESWORTH, EDWARD 11068 Calculations on American population. . . annual increase. . . . B 1775. O 24 a This optimistic Harvard professor en- visioned a population, in 1950, of 320 million. WILBARGER, J. W. Indian depredations in Texas. 11069 .Austin 1889. O [12] 672 port 38pls[371isted] a — anr. ed. Austin 1935. O [l4] 672 pis Most complete of the early compilations on Texas Indian fights and fighters. WILBER, C. D. 11070 The great valleys. . . of Nebraska. . . . Omaha 1881. O [8] 382 map a — eds. 2 & 3, same impr. & date. WILCOX, CADMUS M. 11071 History of the Mexican war. . . . Wash 1892. O [lO] 711 29pls 14maps errata 1. a WILD, J. C, engraver 11072 Panorama and views of Philadelphia, and its vicinity Phil 1838. F [22] 24pls b NYP — rptd. "Views of Philadelphia," Phil 1848. F [24] 20pls a The 1848 edition omitted the 4 large panoramas, but some copies had the 20 plates in color. WILD, J. C, engraver The valley of the Mississippi illustrated See Thomas, Lewis F., and Wild, J. C. WILDER, DANIEL W. The annals of Kansas. 691 a — rptd. 1886. 11073 Topeka 1875. O WILDERNESS (THE) Wilderness (The); or Braddock's times. See McHenry, James. WILEY, [JOHN], and PUTNAM, [GEORGE P.], pubs. Emigrant's guide. . . . L 1845. 16 11074 [WILHELM, THOMAS] 11075 Synopsis of the history of the Eighth U. S. Infantry. . . 1838-1871. David's Island N Y 1871. D [6] 495 front, a — ed. 2, enl., "History of the Eighth U. S. Infantry," [n Y?] 1873. O 2v1 [l4] 5-430; [14] 7-432 [7]. 6maps llpls An addition to this history was issued, circa 1874, without title-page, captioned Memorandum from the Adjutant's office, octavo, 117 pages. 635 Wilkes WILKES, CHARLES 11076 Narrative of the. United States Exploring Expedition. . . . Phil ptd for Congress by Sherman 1844. Q 5v: [68] 455 map 8pls; [l6] 505 3maps 14pls; [l6] 463 llpls; [l6] 574 map 16pls: [l6] 591 4maps 15pls; + Atlas Q [4] 5maps[2col.] c LC NYP Y lOOsets ptd, 63 of which were given to states and foreign nations and 25 were destroyed by fire — unofficial ed. Phil Lea & Blanchard 1845. same size & collat., except for added 1/2 t. in Atlas b BP NYP Y 150 sets ptd — rptd., in smaller type, Phil 1845. large O 5v:L60] 434 map 8pls; [l6] 476 3maps 14pls; [16] 438 12pls; [16] 539 map 15pls: [l6] 558 4maps 15pls; + Atlas large O [4] 5maps —later eds. — 1845, 1849, 1850, 1851 & 1852 — omitted lists of illustrations and were not accompanied by Atlas, 11 maps being included, along with 3tabs, in the text vols. The first United States scientific expedi- tion by sea. Wilkes sailed along and sur- veyed the whole Northwest coast and his ex- ploring parties penetrated into the interior at many points. The official edition of the Narrative was followed, 1846-1858, by volumes giving scientific data; these were numbered 6 to 17, 20 and 23 [volumes 18, 19, 21, 22 and 24 never issued]. WILKES, CHARLES 11077 Synopsis of the cruise of the . . . exploring expedition. Wash 1842. O 56 map a Issued three years before the complete report, with some material not in that work. WILKES, CHARLES 11078 Western America, including California and Oregon. Phil 1849. O [2, 5-10] 13-130 blank 1 [32] 3maps [some copies have 4] a — Ger. tr. Bayreuth 1850 O 120 3 maps. Written from material gathered by the author on his famous government exploring expedition of 1832-4, but not included in his official Narrative, as this region was not then United States public domain. In a sense it constitutes the first Pacific coast guide; De Smet contributed some geographical in- formation to it. WILKES, GEORGE 11079 The great battle ... at Manassas. ...NY 1861. D 36 map a WILKES, GEORGE 11080 The history of Oregon NY 1845. O 127 [l] map c N NYP Y — rptd. Phil 1849. O b — Eng. ed., in garbled form, with t. altered & parts re-written [by John H. Bryant?] to support British claims. L 1846. 16° [2] 160 [8J b NYH — Eng. ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. a Contains journal of the 1843 emigration expedition to Oregon kept by Peter Burnett, later governor of California, WILKES, GEORGE 11081 Project of a national railroad from the Atlantic to the Pacific. [Called "ed.2," as it first appeared in the author's History of Oregon], N Y 1845. O 23 + cover-t. b LC NYP Y pref. of issue 1 is dated June, 1845. — rptd. "Memorial for. . . railroad to the Pacific." [capt. t.] N Y 1846. O 24 b NYP — ed. 4, "Proposal for, . . rail-road to the Pacific," N Y 1847. O 24 + cover-t. map b LC NYP — enl. ed. "A project. . . ," N Y 1849. O 112 fold. maps a One of the earliest transcontinental agitations; framed while California was still a Mexican province an Oregon terminus was planned. 11082 ,N y[l870?]. o WILKESON, SAMUEL Notes on Puget sound. . 47 a — rptd. [/V Y 1870]. O 44 — abr. ed. n.p. rud. O 32 WILKEY, WALTER [pseud.] Western emigration. . . . See Deming, Ebenezer. WILKIE, DiAVID] 11083 Sketches of a . . . trip to New York and the Canadas. Edin 1837. O [6] 294 a WILKIE, FRANC B. 11084 The Iowa First. Letters from the war. Dubuque 1861. O 114 a WILKIE, F[RANC] B. 11085 Sketches and notices of the Chicago bar Ed. 3. Chi 1871. O 90 a — ed. 4 — and best — Chi 1872. Q 128 49 photos No record found of any edition earlier than the third. WILKINS, LIEUTENANT COLONEL A memorial. . . against:. . . . See Blouin, Daniel. WILKINS, BEN C. 11086 Cruise of the "Little Nan"; five hundred miles down the Mississippi. . . . Huron N D 1886. D 89 pis a WILKINSON, ELIZA Letters of:. ...See Gilman, Mrs. Caroline. 636 Wilkinson —William WILKINSON, J. B. 11087 The annals of Binghampton. . . . Binghamp- ton 1840. D 256 a — rptd., with adds., same impr., 1872. D [6] 312 WILKINSON, GENERAL JAMES 11088 A brief examination of testimony, to vindicate the character of:.. . . Wash 1811. O 32 80 b WILKINSON, GENERAL [JAMES] 11089 Debate in the House of Representatives of the territory of Orleans, on a Memorial to Congress respecting the illegal conduct of: N O 1807. O 42 [6] b WILKINSON, GENERAL JAMES 11090 Documents and information, touching the official conduct of: Wash 1808. O 30 a WILKINSON, JAMES 11091 Memoirs of General Wilkinson. Vol. II. Wash 1810. O 18 3-99 136 a — anr. ed., with add. t-p, "Burr's con- spiracy exposed [etc.]," Wash 1811. O [6] 3-18 3-99 136 A pre-issue of this volume of his Memoirs, circulated to vindicate the author's ques- tionable conduct in the Burr affair. WILKINSON, JAMES 11092 Memoirs of my own times. Phil 1816. O 3v: [16] 855 [44j; [4] 578 [260]; [4] 496 [62] 9fold.tabs 3fold.facs + atlas Q [8p 19maps & plans] b N NYP Y The atlas must have been sold separately as it seldom accompanies the text volumes. WILKINSON, BRIGADIER GENERAL 11093 JAMES Message from the President. . . communi- cating. . . information touching the official conduct of: Wash 1808. O 30 a Another message, communicating further information in eight pages, was issued the same year. WILKINSON, GENERAL [JAMES] 11094 A plain tale. . . justifying the character of: By a Kentuckian. N Y 1807. O 24 a Possibly by Charles Winterfield. WILKINSON, GEN. JAMES 11095 Report of the committee ... to inquire into the conduct of: ... his connection with the agents of Spain . . . his connection with Aaron Burr. . . . Wash 1810. O 217 a WILKINSON, GENERAL [JAMES] 11096 Report of the committee ... to inquire into the conduct of: Wash 1811. O 582[some copies end at p522] 2tabs 2fold. cipher sheets a WILKINSON, GEN. JAMES 11097 Trial of: ... at a general court martial . . . at Fredericktown, Md. n.p. [ca IBll]. 16° 37 a WILKINSON, S. 11098 The voyages and adventures of Edward Teach, commonly called Black Beard. . . . B 1808. D 35 a For similar title see Teach, Edward. WILL THERE BE WAR? Will there be war?. ... By an adopted citizen. See Taylor, Wm. WILLARD, CHARLES D. 11099 The Herald's history of Los Angeles. L A 1901. D 366 [l] 54pls a — 2nd ptg., same sheets & date but 4p. [carrying events to 1904] inserted between pp.354 86 355 — 3rd ptg., same sheets & date, with 8p. [carrying events to 19 ll] added at end. WILLCOX, LIEUT. JOSEPH M. 11100 A narrative of the life ... of : massacred by the Creek Indians. . . .Marietta O 1816. O 23 b WILLCOX, R. N. 11101 Reminiscences of California life. . . . Avery O 1897. D [2] 290 a Small ed. ptd. in- serted in some copies is a port [ptd ca. 190l] [WILLETT, ELBERT D.] 11102 History of Co. B., 40th Alabama regiment. [Anniston 1902]. O [2] 89 a WILLETT, WILLIAM M. [ed.] 11103 A narrative of the military actions of Colonel Marinus Willett NY 1831. O [6] 5-162 port plan a Revolutionary experiences and account of a 1790 visit to the Creek Indians. WILLETT, WILLIAM M. 11104 Scenes in the wilderness . . . labours and sufferings of the Moravian missionaries among the... Indians. N Y 1842. 16° 208 [incL front.] a — rptd. N y[l842?]; N Y 1851. WILLEY, SAMUEL H. 11105 A historical paper relating to Santa Cruz, California. . . . S F 1876. O 37 a WILLEY, S[AMUEL] H. 11106 Thirty years in California. . . . S F 1879. O 76 a WILLIAM, FATHER [pseud.] 11107 Recollections of rambles in the south. N Y 1854. 16° 196[incl.pls] a 637 William —Williams WILLIAM, FATHER [pseud.] 11108 Three days on the Ohio river. N Y 1854. D 60[incl.pls] a WILLIAMS, AARON 11109 The Harmony Society at Economy, Penn- sylvania. Pitt 1866. 16° 182 a Includes a chapter on this Society's ear- lier establishment in Indiana. WILLIAMS, ALFRED M 11110 Sam Houston and the war. . . in Texas. . . . B 1893. O [ 10] 405 port map a — rptd., same impr. & collat. nud. WILLIAMS, JAMES, [b. 1805] an American slave. Narrative of: See Whittier, John G WILLIAMS, JAMES, [b. 1825] 11119 Life and adventures of:. ...SF 1873. O 108 a — rptd. 3 times by 1874. Story of a fugitive slave who came to the California mines in 1851. WILLIAMS, JAMES, b. 1834 11120 Seventy-five years on the border. . . . K C 1912. O 208 7pls a WILLIAMS, B. G. 11111 Life ... of Cornplanter. . . . [Warren, Pa.] 1883. O 42 [2] a WILLIAMS, MRS. [CATHERINE 11112 R. ARNOLD] Biography of . . . Brigadier Gen. William Barton, and . . . Captain Stephen Olney. Prov 1839. D 312 [incl. front,] a WILLIAMS, CHAUNCEY P. 11113 Lone Elk: the life story of Bill Williams, trapper. . .. Denver 1935-6. O 2pts: 50; 35 a 500copies ptd. WILLIAMS, ELEAZER 11114 Life of Te-ho-ra-gwa-ne-gen, alias Thomas Williams Alb 1859. O [cover t. & 4blank 1.] 91 a 200copies Biography of the son of Eunice Williams — the Deerfield captive of 1704 — prominent in New York's border wars and the unques- tionable father of the biographer, the un- scrupulous "Lost Dauphin" pretender. WILLIAMS, HON. JAMES, d. 1869 11121 Letters on slavery Nashv 1861. D [lO] 9-321 a — Eng. ed. "The south vindicated...,"!- 1862. O[lo] 444 — Ger. tr. Berlin 1863. O 326 WILLIAMS, HON. JAMES, d. 1869 11122 Rise and fall of "The Model Republic." L 1863. o[l4] 424 a WILLIAMS, JESSE 11123 A description of the United States lands in Iowa. ...NY 1840. 24° 180 + adv-p map b AA N NYP Y [WILLIAMS, REV. JOHN] 1664-1729 11124 Good fetch'd out of evil: a collection of memorables relating to our captives, [sup- posed title] [B 1706?]. D [2] 46 d only 4 im- perfect copies known, all lacking t-p — ed. 2, n.p. 1783. Q 34 b AA NYH [only copies known, both defective] — for eds. under anr. t., see next entry. WILLIAMS, MRS. ELLEN 11115 Three years and a half; or, history of the Second Colorado. N Y [l885j. D [4] 178 port This civil war outfit operated from New Mexico to Missouri. WILLIAMS, GEORGE W. 11116 History of the Negro race in America, 1619-1880. ...NY 1883. O 2v: [20] 481; [2 14] 611. front, a — rptd., popular ed., N Y n.d. O 2v in 1 front. WILLIAMS, HENRY L. 11117 Buffalo Bill. . . a full account of his ad- venturous life. L 1887. O 192 port a WILLIAMS, J. C. 11118 The history. . . of Danby, Vermont. Rut- land 1869. O 393 map a WILLIAMS, [REV.] JOHN, [1664-1729] 11125 The redeemed captive . . . remarkable oc- currences in the captivity and the deliver- ance of: B 1707. O [6] 104 d AA H N [of 6 perfect copies known] — ed. 2, with omissions, B 1720. O [6] 98 d NYP [of 2 perfect copies known] — ed. 3, with adds., B 1758. O [8] 104 c N NYP — ed. 4, N Lond T Green [l773], O 79 b ConnH NYP [only perfect copies known] — ed. 5, B 1774. O 71 b AA N NYP — anr. ed. 5, N Lond T Green [l776]. O 72 b N NYP Y — anr. ed. styled "4th ed. with adds.," Greenfield Mass 1793. D [6] 154 a — anr. ed. styled "6th ed.," B 1795. D 132 — ed. 6, with sketch of Deerfield added. Greenfield Mass 1800[i.e. 1802] D 248 — many later eds. One of the most famous and most popular captivity narratives. Williams, Harvard 638 Willie graduate, in charge of the church at Green- field when that place was attacked by Indi- ans, in 1703, was taken, with others, to Canada, his wife and two of his children being tomahawked on the way. As a power- ful picture of Indian cruelty, ranks next to the Rowlandson captivity narrative, pub- lished in 1682. WILLIAMS, JOHN, 1727-98 11126 An enquiry into the truth of the tradition, concerning the discovery of America, by Prince Madog L 1791. O [8] 82 U] a WILLIAMS, JOHN, 1727-98 11127 Farther observations, on the discovery of America, by Prince Madog L 1792. O [10] 52 a [WILLIAMS, JOHN] 1761-1818 11128 The Hamiltoniad: or, an extinguisher for the royal faction of New-England. . . . B [1804?]. O 104 a WILLIAMS, JOHN G. 11129 The adventures of a seventeen-year-old lad. . . . B 1894. O 308 port a WILLIAMS, JOHN G. 11130 A forty-niner's experience in the Klondike B 1897. 16° 29 port a WILLIAMS, JOHN LEE 11131 The territory of Florida . . . from its first discovery. N Y 1837. O 304 map port 2pls a — rptd. same collat 1839. WILLIAMS, JOHN LEE 11132 A view of West Florida Phil 1827. O 178 map a WILLIAMS, JOHN S. led J 11133 The American pioneer. . . sketches rela- tive to the early settlement. . . of the coun- try. Chillicothe 1842, Cin 1843. O 2v: 448; 480. 21pls a Originally issued in 21 monthly numbers; 12 in 11 [vol. i], 10 [vol. dJ. Vol. I twice re- printed, Cincinnati 1842 and 1844. As a repository of material on Ohio valley pioneer events ranks with Craig's Olden time. Ear- liest state of volume one gives date April 1 [for August l], page 24, line 11. WILLIAMS, JOSEPH, of the 11134 British army Considerations on the American war. . . . L 1782. Q 31 a For a different pamphlet with same title, see Considerations on the American war. . . . — rptd. N Y 1921. O 95 a 250copies ptd.[l2 on L.P.] Account of the 1841 overland expedition, the first to be made by actual settlers. His return in 1842 was over the southern route via Taos and Bent's Fort WILLIAMS, JOSEPH S, 11136 Old times in west Tennessee. . . .Memphis 1873. D 295 a WILLIAMS, MARY A. B. 11137 Pioneer days of Washburn, North Dakota, and vicinity. [Washburn 1936]. O [4] 120 a WILLIAMS, R. H. 11138 With the border ruffians: memories of the far west, 1852-68. L 1907. O [20] 478 6pls a — rptd. L 1908. same collat. — Am. ed. N Y 1907. same collat. — anr. ed. Tor 1919. After a lurid frontier apprenticeship in Kansas, this young Englishman ranched in Western Texas and served with the Rangers. WILLIAMS, SAMUEL, 1743-1817 11139 A discourse on the love of our country. . . . Salem 1775. O 29 a WILLIAMS, SAMUEL, 1743-1817 11140 The natural and civil history of Vermont. Walpole N H 1794. O 416 map a — ed. 2, enl. Burlington Vt 1809. O 2v: 515; 488. map a [WILLIAMS, SAMUEL] 1786-1859 11141 Sketches of the war between the United States and the British Isles. . . . Rutland 1815. O 2v in 1: [4] 496 a Originally appeared, as the war pro- gressed, in 8 numbers. Attributed also to Gideon M. Davison, one of the publishers. WILLIAMS, SAMUEL, 1786-1859 11142 Two western campaigns in the war of 1812 Cin 1870. O 58 a Only a few copies printed separately from Robert Clark's Ohio Valley Historical Series, in which it formed part of the volume entitled Miscellanies. WILLIAMS, SAMUEL C. 11143 Beginnings of west Tennessee. Johnson City Tenn 1930. O [l4] 331 9maps &pls a WILLIAMS, SAMUEL C. [ed.] 11144 Early travels in the Tennessee country, 1540-1800. Johnson City 1928. O [l2] 540 lOmaps & pis a WILLIAMS, JOSEPH, of Ind, 11135 Narrative of a tour from. . . Indiana to the Oregon Territory. . . 1841-2. Cin 1843. O 48 dd Hn Y WILLIAMS, SAMUEL C. 11145 History of the lost state of Franklin. Johnson City Tenn 1924. O [l4] 371 port a — rev. ed. N Y 1933. O [20] 378 port 639 Williams — Williamson WILLIAMS, STEPHEN W. 11146 American medical biography: or memoirs of eminent physicians . . . principally those who have died since the publication of Dr. Thacher's work. . . . Greenfield Mass 1845. O 664 errata slip ports a WILLIAMS, STEPHEN W. 11147 A biographical memoir of the Rev. John Williams . . . with a slight sketch of ancient Deerfield. . . . Greenfield Mass 1837. D 127 a Based largely on John Williams' Re- deemed captive, q.v. WILLIAMS, TtHOMAS] J. C. 11148 History of n Frederick county, Maryland [Hagerstown] 1910. Q 2v: UJ 685; [4] 693- 1635. 227pls a WILLIAMS, THOMAS J. C. 11149 A history of Washington county, Maryland [Hagerstown] 1906. Q 2v: 602; [2] 611- 1347. pis a williams, Wellington] 11150 Appleton's railroad and steamboat com- panion.... /V Y 1848. 16° [2] 236 12maps [one fold. J a — rptd., several times, under various titles WILLIAMS, WILLIAM 1763-1824 11151 Journal of the life, travels, . . . of:. . . . Cin 1828. D 272 a — rptd. Dub 1839. D [lo] 195 Travelled extensively through the South and Middle West WILLIAMS, WILLIAM [pub.] 11152 The Utica directory, for... 1817. Utica [18 16]. D 24 [36] a First directory of this city. WILLIAMS AND FULTON COUNTIES 11153 History of: Bryan 1877. O 14 34 a [WILLIAMSON, CHARLES] 11154 Description of the Genesee country. . . . [five letters] Alb 1798. Q 37 front. 2maps b AA JCB N NYP Y — ed. 2, "Description of the settlement of the Genesee country. . . ," [eight letters], N Y 1799. O 63 map a — anr. ed. "A view of the present situation of the. . . Genesee country," Frederick-Town 1804. D 23 — anr. ed., under pseud, of Robert Munro, "Description of the Genesee country," N Y 1804. O 16 map — anr. ed., with app., [Bait] 1804. Ascribed also to Ignatius Davis. WILLIAMSON, HUGH, of N C. 11156 Observations on the climate in different parts of America. . . an introductory dis- course to the history of North Carolina. TV Y 1811. O [8] 199 [incl. 2charts] a [WILLIAMSON, HUGH, of N.C. 11157 Remarks on the importance of the con- templated grand canal, between lake Erie and the Hudson river, [/V Y?] 1812. O 31 a [WILLIAMSON, HUGH?] of Pa. 11158 The plea of the colonies, on the charges brought against them L 1775. O 47 a — rptd., same impr.& collat. 1776. — Am. ed. Phil 1777. O [8] 38 pi WILLIAMSON, JAMES J. 11159 Mosby's rangers NY 1896. O 511 a — ed. 2, enl. N Y 1909. O 554 WILLIAMSON, PETER 11160 A brief account of the war in N. America Edin [& L] n.d. [l760]. O [2] 38 b BP N Y WILLIAMSON, PETER 11161 French and Indian cruelty; exemplified in the life of: York 1757. O [4] 104 b N PittU — ed. 2, same collat., 1758. b N NYP — ed. 3, Glas 1758. O [4] 112 a — ed. 4, L 1759. O 120 front a — ed. 5, Edin 1762. D [6] 120 119-147 map port — ed. 6, Edin 1766. — ed. 7, Dub 1766. D JV] 140 front. — rptd. Edin 1787. D [6j 150 front; Edin 1792. D 156 front; n.p. 1794. D 24 — other eds.: variant titles — "Authentic narrative. ..." "Life and adventures. . . ," "Life and astonishing adventures. ..'," "Life and curious adventures. . . ," "Sur- prising history. ..." Aberdeen [l800?J; Aberdeen 1801; Stirling 1803; Edin 1805; L 1806; L n.d.; Liv 1807 [2issues, one dated 1808 on cover] — Am. ed. N Y 1807. D [2] 5-38 front a — later eds., both Eng. & Am. Among British readers the most popular of all Indian captivities; describes the 1755 Oswego expedition. [WILLIAMSON, PETER]? 11162 Occasional reflections on the importance of the war in America. ... In a letter to a member of parliament. L 1758. O [4] 139 a WILLIAMSON, PETER 11163 Some considerations on the present state of affairs York 1758. O [4] 56 b Hn NYP WILLIAMSON, HUGH, of N.C 11155 The history of North Carolina. Phil 1812. O 2v: [20] 289; [8] 289. map errata slips pasted on verso of last p. in v. I a WILLIAMSON, PETER 11164 The travels of : . . . among. . . savage Indi- ans Edin 1768. D [8] 184 3pls b N NYP PaH 640 Williamson — Wilson Not to be confused with his captivity ac- count; it is entirely different. WILLIAMSON, R. S. 11165 Report of a reconnaissance. . . in Cali- fornia. [With geological report by William P. Blake.] House Ex. Doc. 129. [Wash 1855]. O 61 + 80 a For series of which this is a part, see Pacific railroad explorations. WILLIAMSON, WILLIAM D. 11166 The history of . . . Maine. . . . Ha Howe 11 1832. O 2v: [l2] 9-660; 714 a — anr. ed., from sheets of original ed., with adds., same impr. 1839. O 2v: [l2] 9-696; 729. 2pls WILLIS, WILLIAM 11167 The history of Portland [Me.]. . . .Port Me 183 1-[ 1833]. O 2v: 243; 355. 3maps 2pls a — ed. 2, enl., same impr. 1865. O [l6j 9- 928. map pis Part of ed. burned in 1866. [WILLISTON, H. C.] 11168 California characters, and mining scenes and sketches. Pt. I [all]. S F [ca 1854]. O 24 b — rptd. with pt.n added, [ca 1855]. b WILLOCK, JOHN 11169 Voyages and adventures of: . . . with re- marks on different countries in Europe, Africa and America. . . . Penrith [l789]. O [16] 328 a —Am. ed. Phil 1798. D [2] 9-283 [8] front. This English mariner voyaged to Virginia and New York several times before 1780; deserting to an American ship he made coast-wise voyages for several years; then crossed the ocean and was captured and held prisoner by the Algerines. WILLRICH, GEORG 11170 Erinnerungen aus Texas. . . . Leip 1854. 16° 3v: 173; 176; 174 + 2adv-p a 11171 [WILLS, THOMAS?] A correct statement of the late. . . affair of honor, between General Hamilton and Col. Burr. N Y 1804. O 78 a Attributed also to Burr's second in this duel, William P. Van Ness. WILLSON, BECKLES 11172 The great company. . . . Tor 1899. O [22] 17-541 13pls a — Eng. ed., with new pref. & slight adds., L 1900. O 2v: [32] 339; [12] 369. 20maps & pis facs [WILMER, JAMES J.l 11174 The American Nepos . . . lives of . . . men, who have contributed to the discovery, the settlement, ... of America. Bait 1805. D [l6] 384 port a — ed. 2, Bait 1811. D 408 WILMER, LAMBERT A. 11175 The life, travels ... of Ferdinand de Soto. Phil 1858. O [4] 532 12pls a — rptd. 1859. WILSON, AMOS 11176 The sweets of solitude. . . . Annexed is a sketch of the life of said Wilson B 1821. D 36 [incl. port] a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1822. — anr. ed, "The Pennsylvania hermit... narrative of the extraordinary life of Amos Wilson. ..," N Y 1838. O 24 [incl. port] — rptd. Phil 1839. same collat. — other Phil eds.: 1839. O 24; 1839. 16° 48; 1840. O 24 WILSON, MRS. AUGUSTUS, ed. 11177 Memorial sketch and official report of the first national convention of cattlemen. . . . Ed. by J. G. McCoy. St L [ 1884]. O 61 maps pis a — rptd. in "Parsons' memorial and his- torical library magazine," ed. Mrs. Wilson, St L 1885. O [14] 409[incl.advs] port a WILSON, ClHARLESl H. 11178 The wanderer in America. . . . Northallerton Eng 1820. D 112 a — ed. 2, Thirsk Eng 1822. D 108 — ed. 3, with app., same impr. 1822. D 120 — ed. 4, same impr. &. collat. 1823. — ed. 5, same impr. & collat. 1824. [dated 1823 on cover] — ed. 6, same impr. & collat. 1828. Acrid commentary. Claims that Birkbeck discovered his folly in purchasing Illinois land and issued his books with the hope of unloading his losses on gullible lunatics. WILSON, DAVID 11179 The life of Jane McCrea, with an account of Burgoyne's expedition. ...NY 1853. D 155a WILSON, EDWARD 11180 The golden land; a narrative of early travels in California B 1852. O 56[incl. 14adv-p] port a WILSON, EDWARD 11181 An unwritten history. . . of early Arizona. [Phoenix 1915]. D 78 a WILLSON, DON ESTEVAN JULIAN, 11173 and EXTER, DON RICHARD Documents relating to grants of lands, made to: in Texas. N Y 1831. O 48 a WILSON, ELIJAH N. 11182 Among the Shoshones. S L C [l91o]. D 222 8pls most of ed. suppressed a — rptd. same impr. & date. D 247 8pls 641 Wilson — Wilson County Blunt, unrestrained narrative of a trapper, Indian fighter, etc., of the Rocky Mountains, from Wyoming and Montana to Idaho and Utah. WILSON, FRAZER E. 11183 The treaty of Greenville. . . . Piqua O 1894. D 103 a — rev. ed. "The peace of Mad Anthony. . . ," Greenville 1909. O 124 WILSON, H. T. 11184 Historical sketch of Santa Fe. Chi [1884?]. O 74 [12] front, a WILSON, HENRY 11185 History of the rise and fall of the slave power in America. B 1872-7. O 3v: [28] 670; [22] 720; [22] 774 a — vol. 1 rptd. several times [WILSON, JAMES] 11186 Considerations on the Bank of America. Phil 1785. D 35 a [WILSON, JAMES] 11187 Considerations on the nature and extent of the . . . authority of the British parliament. Phil 1774. O [4] 35 a Ascribed also to John Witherspoon. WILSON, JAMES G. f ed, 11188 The memorial history of the city of New York NY 1892-3. Q 4v: [24] 605; [22] 634 [5]; [22] 664; [24] 650 [82]. 23pls a WILSON, JAMES H. 11189 The life . . . of . . . General Andrew J. Alexander. . . . N Y 1887. sm Q 135 port a Services in the Rebellion and in Indian wars from 1866 to 1880. WILSON, MRS. JANE ADELINE 11190 Thrilling narrative of the sufferings of . . . : during her captivity among the Ca- manche Indians. Rochester [ca 1853]. D 23 b NYP [of 2copies known] Cf., Narrative of Mrs. Clarissa Plummer. [WILSON, JOHN] 1804-75 11191 The life of John Eliot, the apostle of the Indians Edin 1828. 18° 300 a — Am. eds.: Phil 1841; N Y 1841. [WILSON, JOHN A.] 11192 History of Los Angeles county. Oakland 1880. Q [6] 11-192 map pis a WILSON, L[EWIS] A. History and directory for southeast Missouri and southern Illinois. . . . Cape Girardeau Mo 1875-6. O 350 map a WILSON, OBED G. 11194 My adventures in the Sierras. Franklin O 1902. D [2] 215 port a WILSON, RICHARD L. Short ravelings from a long yarn. . . . Chi 1847. See Taylor, Benjamin F. WILSON, THOMAS, [Quaker], 11195 A brief journal of the life, travels. . . in the work of the ministry of: Dub 1728. 16° [48] 98 + 2adv-p a — anr. ed. L 1730. D [48] 96 — rptd. L 1784. D [48] 98 + 2adv-p Visited America in 1690 and in 1713. WILSON, THOMAS, of Manchester 11196 Information from the United States, with directions to emigrants. . . .Manch 1817. D 43 a WILSON, THOMAS, of Pa. 11197 The biography of . . . American military and naval heroes. . . . N Y 1817. D 2v: [lo] 13- 324; [4] 320. 6ports a — rptd. same impr. & collat. 1819. — ed. 2, same impr. 1821. D 2v: 360; 336. 6ports — rptd. same impr. 1822. D 2v: 370; 336. 6ports — anr. ed. N Y 1823. D [4] 320 port WILSON, THOMAS, of Pa. Picture of Philadelphia, for 1824. See that title by Mease, James. WILSON, THOMAS W. 11198 An authentic narrative of the piratical descents upon Cuba. . . by hordes from the United States, headed by Narciso Lopex. Havana 1851. O 44 a WILSON, VEAZIE 11199 11193 Glimpses of the Yukon gold fields and Dawson route. Vancouver [l895j. D 96 pis a — anr. ed. "Glimpses of Alaska, Klondike and the gold fields," Chi 1897. D same collat. WILSON, V[EAZIE] 11200 Guide to the Yukon gold fields. . . . Seattle 1895. D 72, 16, 22 24maps & pis a — rev. ed., same impr. 1897. WILSON, WILLIAM B, 11201 History of the Pennsylvania railroad com- pany Phil 1899. O 2v: [lO incl. port] 418; [8] 323. 126pls a Suppressed WILSON COUNTY, KANSAS Handbook of: Chi 1886. O 40 1202 642 Wilson's — Winkfleld WILSON'S... ORDERLY BOOK 11203 Wilson's (Commissary) orderly book. Ex- pedition. . . against Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 1759. Alb 1857. Q[l2] 220 folcLmap a 110 copies ptd.[l0 on L.P.] WILSTACH, FRANK J. 11204 Wild Bill Hickok, the prince of pistoleers. N Y 1926. O [20] 304 8pls a WILSTACH, PAUL 11205 Potomac landings. N Y 192 1. O [ 14] 376 fold, map 26pls a — rptd. Indp [1932]; N Y [l937]. [WIMER, JAMES] 11206 Events in Indian history. . . . Lancaster Pa 1841. O 633 8pls a — rptd., same collat., Phil 1842; Lancaster 1843. Attempt by the author to answer McAfee's allegations against his conduct at the river Raisin, etc. WINCHESTER, CAPT. j[AMES] D. 11215 Experience on a voyage. . . to San Fran- cisco, and to the Alaskan gold fields. Salem Mass 1900. O 251 27pls a [WINDER, R. H.] 11216 Remarks on a pamphlet, entitled "An en- quiry respecting the capture of Washington [D. C.] by the British " Bait 1816. O [4, incl. blank 1.] 72 map a I WINDER, WILLIAM H.J Secrets of the American bastile. . . 1863. O [8] 47 a — ed. 2, same impr. & date. O M 64 — ed. 3, same impr. & date. O [8] 72 11217 Phil WIMMEL, HEINRICH 11207 Californien, sein minen-bergbau. . . . Cassel 1867. D [6] 200 front, pi a WINCHELL, ALEXANDER 11208 The Grand Traverse region [.Michigan]. Ann Arbor 1866. O 97 fold.map a WINCHELL, N[EWTON] H., ed. 11209 The aborigines of Minnesota. St P 1911. Q 761 62pls a WINCHELL, N[EWTON] H., NEILL, 11210 EDWARD D., et al History of the upper Mississippi valley. Minneap 1881. Q [6j 717 + 3adv-p a Histories of Minnesota and eleven of its counties. WINCHESTER, B[ENJAMIN] 11211 The origin of the Spaulding story, con- cerning the manuscript found . . . showing it to be a mere fabrication, so far as its con- nection with the Book of Mormon is con- cerned. Phil 1840. D 24 a — Eng. ed. "Plain facts, shewing the origin of the Spalding story," Bedford Eng 1841. WINCHESTER, ELHANAN 11212 An oration on the discovery of America L 1792. O 32 a — ed. 2, with app. on Washington, D. C. , L [1792]. O 78 + 2adv-p plan tab WINCHESTER, ELHANAN 11213 The reigning abominations, especially the slave trade L 1788. O 32 a [WINCHESTER, JAMES] 11214 Historical details, having relation to the campaign of the northwestern army under Generals Harrison and Winchester. Lex 1818. O 88 c N NYP WINDLE, MARY J. 11218 Life in Washington [d. C.] Phil 1859. D 384 a By a Pennsylvanian with Southern sympa- thies, written when the air was surcharged with imminent disunion. [WINES, ENOCH Cj 11219 A trip to Boston, in a series of letters. . . . B 1838. D 224 a WINFIELD, CHARLES H. 11220 History of the county of Hudson, New Jersey NY 1874. O [8] 568 12pls a WING, GEORGE C. 11221 Early years on the Western Reserve. . . . Clev 1916. O 142 fold.chart a 150copies ptd. WING, JACK 11222 The great Union stock yards of Chicago Chi 1865. O 32 front, a — rev. ed. Chi 1866. O 32 + lOadv-p front. WINGFIELD, EDWARD M. 11223 A discourse of Virginia. B 1860. O 45 100 copies ptd. First printing of a 1613 manuscript. WINGFIELD, MARSHALL 11224 A history of Caroline county, Virginia, 1727-1924. Rich 1924. O [l6] 528[incl. front.] a WINK FIELD, [MRS.] UNCA ELIZA 11225 The female American; or, the adventures of: L 1767. D 2v: [4] 193 + 2adv-p; [2] 171 + 9adv-p a — Am. eds.: Newburyport [l795? 1800?]. O 213 port: Vergennes Vt 1814. 18° 270 Fiction. 643 Winkler — Wlnterfleld WINKLER, MRS. ANGELINA V. 11226 [WALTON] The Confederate capital and Hood's Texas brigade Austin 1894. 0[l6] 312 lOpls a WINNEBAGO INDIANS (THE) 11227 Letter from the Secretary of War, trans- mitting information in relation to . . . the treaty of 1837 with: [h. Doc. 229]. Wash 1839. O 112 a — rptd., to discredit Cameron, Harrisburg 1839. O 38 Plot of Simon Cameron and fellow rascals to defraud these Indians of half a million dollars, frustrated by a young army officer, E. A. Hitchcock. WINONA 11228 City of: and southern Minnesota. .. their growth and prospects. . . . Winona 1858. O 36 WINSHIP, GEORGE P., ed. 11229 The Coronado expedition, 1540-42.. . . Wash 1896. Q In 14th Annual Report, pt. 1, Bureau of Am. Ethnol., of which it occupies p329-613, with pis & maps numb. 38 to 84. a — rptd., text only, N Y 1904. 16° [34] 251 map front. — anr. ed. S F Grabhorn 1933. O 550copies ptd. — anr. ed., ed. by Hammond 86 Rey, with adds., Albuquerque 1940. O 424 front. For original edition of the basic narrative, see Castanedade Nagera. WINSHIP, GEORGE P., ed. 11230 Sailors narratives of voyages along the New England coast, 1524-1624. B 1905. O [8] 292 fold.map 5pls a W1NSLOW, D. A. 11231 History of St. Joseph, Michigan. . . . Chi 1869. D 98 a First history of the St. Joseph Valley, based largely on relations of its pioneers. WINSOR, JUSTIN 11232 A history of . . . Duxbury, Massachusetts B 1849. O 360 front, a WINSOR, JUSTIN, ed. 11235 Narrative and critical history of America [to 1850]. B 1889. Q 8v a some sets on L.P. If competently revised and brought more nearly to date, would be the most useful single work on the Western hemisphere, its history, cartography and bibliography. WINSOR, JUSTIN 11236 The westward movement. .. 1763-1798. B 1897. O [8] 595 a WINSOR, M., and SCARBROUGH, 11237 JAMES A History of Jewell county, Kansas. . . its early settlements. . . .Jewell City 1878. O 36 a WINTER. ..TALE Winter evening's tale (A). See Brackett, Geo. A. WINTER (A) Winter (A) in the west. By a New Yorker. See Hoffman, Chas. F. WINTERBOTHAM, W[fLLIAM] 11238 An historical. . . . view of the . . . United States L 1795. O 4v: [lo] 591; [4] 493; [4] 525; [4] 416, 54 [20]. llmaps & plans 22pls 7tabs[on 4 1.] List of pis calls for Niagara Falls in error for St. Anthony's Falls a — ed. 2, L 1799. O 4v: [l8] 591; [4] 493; [4] 525; [4] 416, 96 [lo]. llmaps & plans 22pls[l col] 7tabs[on 4 1.] — anr. ed., same collat., L 1819. — Am. ed. "A geographical [etc.] view of the present situation of the United States . . . ," TV Y 1795-[l796]. O 33weekly nos. or 4v: [2] 590: [2] 493; [4] 519; [4] 328; [8] 329-5 16 [8] a — anr. — and best — ed., with adds., "An historical [etc.] view of the United States," N Y 1796. O 4v: [8] 590; [4] 493; [4] 519; U] 516 [l6]. 2plans 24pls[l col] + atlas F [2] 20plsLin some copies an add. unlisted plan of Washington] b WINSOR, JUSTIN, ed. 11233 The memorial history of Boston. . . . B 1880-81. Q4v: [32] 596; [58] 577; [12] 691; [lO] 713. maps pis a — rptd., same impr. 86 collat.: 1882; 1883; 1890. WINSOR, JUSTIN 11234 The Mississippi basin. . . struggle in America between England and France, 1697- 1763. B 1895. O [lO] 484 + adv-1. at front a — rptd. 1898. WINTERFIELD, CAPTAIN 11239 The voyages, distresses and wonderful adventures of: . . . his transactions in America, during the late war. . . . L 1788. D [2] 74 front, a — rptd. L 1798. D 46 + adv-p front.; L 1799. D 48 front.; L 1800. same collat.; L 1802. D [2] 5-38; Manch [ca 1800]. O 48 — anr. ed. "The exile of Ireland; or, the life ... of Captain Winterfield. . . ," L Yea 1800]. D 36 A farrago of incredible miracles. 644 Wlnthrop — Wistar WINTHROP, JOHN 11240 A journal of . , . occurrences in the settle- ment of Massachusetts. „ . 1630-1644. Hart 1790. O [6] 364 [4] a — complete ed., with adds, to 1649, "The history of New England. . .," ed. Savage, B 1825-1826. O 2v: [l2] 424; 429. port facs a — best ed., with adds. & index, B 1853. O 2v: [20] 514; 504. 2ports facs Minute, faithful and graphic. The original edition was edited by Noah Webster. WINTHROP, THEODORE 11241 The canoe and the saddle. . . among the northwestern rivers. . . .B 1863. D 375 a — rptd. many times. — best ed,, with adds., ed. by J. H. Williams, Tacoma 1913. O [26] 332 16col.pls [WIRT, WILLIAM] 11242 The letters of a British spy. . . . Rich 1803. O 43 a — ed. 2, same impr. &, date. O 88 — rptd. "The British spy. .. ," Newburypott 1804. 16° 105 — ed. 3, same impr. 1805. 16° 128 — ed. 4, Bait 1811. 18° 186 + 2adv-p — ed. 5, Bait 1813. 24° 186 + eng.t.& 4 adv-p front — 6 other eds. before 1840 WIRT, WILLIAM 11243 Sketches of the life ... of Patrick Henry. Phil 1817. O [16] 427 [l3] port a — ed. 2, same impr. 1818. O [l6] 427 [l2] — ed. 3, same impr., date & collat. — ed. 4, "Life of Patrick Henry," N Y 1831. O 444 [2] 19 eng.t. port — 6 other eds. before 1840 WIRT, WILLIAM 11244 The two principal arguments of: on the trial of Aaron Burr Rich 1808. 24° [4] 104 104-221 a WISCONSIN The home of the badgers, or a sketch of the early history of:. ... By Oculus. See Grinnell, Josiah B. WISCONSIN TERRITORY (THE). ... 1 1245 Description of: Liv [l843]. 16° 20 a — ed. 2, enl. Liv 1844. D 48 — Welsh tr. Bangor 1845. D 46 [2] WISCONSIN TERRITORY (THE) Observations on: See Smith, Wm. Rudolph. WISDOM (THE) Wisdom (The) and policy of the French. . . . See McCulloch, Henry. WISE, BARTON H. 11246 The life of Henry A. Wise of Virginia. N Y 1899. O [14] 434 port a WISE, GEORGE 11247 Campaigns. . . of the Army of Northern Virginia. iV Y 1916. O 432 2ports a [WISE, GEORGE] 11248 History of the Seventeenth Virginia In- fantry, C. S. A. Bait 1870. D 312 a WISE, LIEUT. [HENRY A.] 11249 Los Gringos; or, an inside view of Mexico and California NY 1849. D [l6] 453 a — rptd., same impr. fit collat. 1850; 1857. — Eng. ed. L 1849. D [l6] 406 — -anr. issue, same impr. fit date. D [l6l 453 — Ger. tr. Leip 1851. 16° 3v: fc] 218; [4] 268; [4] 224 [WISE, REV. JOHN] 11250 The churches quarrel espoused. ...NY 1713. O 152 b PaH — ed. 2, au. named, B 1715. O [2] 116 a — for later eds. see below WISE, REV. JOHN 11251 A vindication of the government of New- England churches. . . . B 1717. O 105 12 a — rptd. B 1722. O 3pts in 1: 80; 96; 68 + adv-p — anr. ed., same impr. 1772. O 4pts in 1: 272 + 12p subscribers' list The most authoritative defence of Con- gregational polity, recognized as such even in law courts. For earlier editions, see preceding entry. WISLIZENUS, FREDERICK A. 11252 Ein Ausfliig nach den Felsen-Gebirgen im Jahre 1839. St L 1840. D 122 [4] map dd B Y — Eng. tr. "A journey to the Rocky moun- tains." St L 1912. OL2] 162 port map a 500 copies WISLIZENUS, FREDERICK A. 11253 Memoir of a tour to northern Mexico. . . with Col. Doniphan's expedition.. . . Wash 1848. O 141 3maps a — Ger. tr. Braunschweig 1850. O [8] 211 3maps WISTAR, ISAAC J. 11254 Autobiography of: Phil 1914. O 2v: [lo] 341; [6] 191. map 2pls b N NYP Y 250 copies ptd. — rptd. Phil 1937. O [8] 528 fold, map 6pls a — anr. ed. N Y Harper rud. O 530 fold.map 6pls Largely devoted to the opening and de- velopment of the far West from 1849 to 1860 645 Witbeck — Wolley in which Wistar played a conspicuous part before achieving fame and fortune in Penn- sylvania. WITBECK, H. P., and ROWLEY, J. P. 11255 Wisconsin and the city of Racine. . . . Racine 1856. O 16 + 24adv-p map a WITCHER, WALTER C. 11256 The reign of terror in Oklahoma. . . the Klan's barbarous practices. . . . Ft Worth [1923]. O 144[incl. wraps] a Suppressed WITHERS, ALEXANDER S. [ed.] 11257 Chronicles of border warfare. . . . Clarks- burg Va 1831. D 320 + adv-1. a Some copies have, inserted, a 4-p list of contents, which was ptd later. — rptd., ed. by Thwaites and Draper, Cin 1895. O [22] 447 port Compiled largely by William Powers and. William Hacker, but cited always as being by Withers. WITHERSPOON, JOHN 11258 The dominion of Providence over the passions of men. A sermon.. . . Phil 1776. O [4] 78 [l] a — Eng. ed. Glas 1777. O 54 — 3 other Eng. eds. by 1778 WITLENBORGER, J. 11259 Der Rathgeber und Wegweiser fur Aus- wanderer nach den Vereinigten Staaten. . . und Texas Ed. 2, enl. Heilbronn 1848. D 144 map a No copy of the first edition located. WITTE, AUGUST 11260 Kurze Schilderung der Vereinigten Staaten Hannover 1833. D fe] 118 a WIXSON, FRANKLIN 11261 The Black hills gold mines. . . . Yankton 1875. O 100 2maps pi c WisK Y WOELMONT, ARNOLD, BARON DE 11262 Ma vie nomade aux montagnes Rocheuses. P 1878. 16° [6] 366 map pi a WOELMONT, ARNOLD, BARON DE 11263 Souvenirs du Far-West. P 1883. 16° [6] 269 a WOGAN, EMILE, BARON DE. 11264 Voyages et aventures du: P [l863], D [4] 326 [2] a — ed. 2, "Six mois dans le Far-West. . . , " P 1875. D same paginat., but port, added — Eng. ed. "Adventures in the Rocky moun- tains," L 1867. WOLCOTT, ANSON 11265 Eighteen months in Louisiana, or criti- cisms on slavery. Lockport N Y 1843. D 41 a [WOLCOTT, OLIVER] 11266 British influence on the affairs of the United States D 1804. O 23 a WOLDT, A., ed. 11267 Captain Jacobsen's Reise an der Nord- westkuste Amerikas, 1881-3.. .. Leip 1884. O [8] 431 3maps a WOLFE, J. M, [eomp.] 11268 Guide, gazetteer. . . of cities. . . villages and government forts along the Union Pacific . . . railroads and the towns in the Black hills. . . . Omaha 1878. O 326 map tab a WOLFE, J. M. [eomp.] 11269 Guide, gazetteer. . . of Nebraska railroads Omaha 1872. D 210 fold, map 6pls + unnumb adv-pp throughout a WOLFE, J. M. [eomp.] 11270 Lincoln city directory, for 1873-4. Con- taining historical sketches [etc. 1 Lincoln 1873. O 146 [inch advs] + col inserts & end leaves pi a — rev. ed. Lincoln 1873. O [2] 146 [incl. advs] + inserts & end leaves 2pls WOLFE, J. M. [eomp.] 11271 Omaha directory for 1874-5, containing historical sketches of the city [etc.]. Omaha 1874. O [16] 340 [3] incl. advs + pis & unnumb adv-p a — for 1876-7, Omaha 1876. O 288 [incl. advs] + adv-pls a WOLFE, J. M. [eomp.] 11272 Omaha in 1873; containing historical sketches [etc. 1 Omaha 1874. O 32, 33a- 40a, 33-98 [incl. advs] a WOLFE, SAMUEL M. 11273 Helper's Impending crisis dissected. N Y 1860. 16° [4] 223 a [WOLL, ADRIAN] 11274 Expedicion hecha en Tejas. . . . Monterrey 1842. O 60 tabs c B Y W[0LLEY], CtHARLES] 11275 A two years journal in New York. . . . L for John Wyat 1701. D [8] 104[incl. advs] dd JCB N — anr. issue, same sheets with new t-p, L tor D. Boys [etc.] 1701. dd Hn NYP — rptd.: ed. O'Callaghan, N Y I860; ed. Bourne, Clev 1902. Most interesting description of New York in the late 17th century. 646 Women — Wood WOMEN — anr. issue, with new t-p, N Y no pub's. Women invited to war. ... By a daughter impr. 1802. same collat. of America. See Adams, Hannah. — rptd. Phil 1846. [2issues, each with port] WOOD, AARON 11276 Sketches of things and people of Indiana. Indp 1883. O 48 port a WOOD, E. T. 11277 Mobile directory. . . for 1844. Mobile 1844. D 120 [57] b AA AlaU WOOD, GEORGE W. 11278 Report of [his] visit to the Choctaw and Cherokee missions. B 1855. D 24 a [WOOD, H. CLAY] 11279 The status of Young Joseph and his band of Nez-Perce Indians Port Ore 1876. D [4] 49 a WOOD, ISAIAH 11280 The Massachusetts compendium. .. with a particular description of the district of Maine Hallowell 1814. 16° 72 a — ed. 2, enl.. Port 1816. 16° 99 WOOD, J. C. 11281 Report. . . on. . . the United States over- land mail route between San Antonio. . . and San Diego [Wash 1858]? O 43 capt.t.only bBPHn WOOD'S (JOHN) [of N.Y.] Wood's (John) poison. An antidote to: By Warren. See Cheetham, James. WOOD, JOHN, of N. Y. 11282 A correct statement of the. . . sources from which the History of the administration of John Adams was compiled, and the motives for its suppression by Col. Burr. N Y 1802. O 49 a — ed. 2, cor., N Y 1802. O 58 Reply by the author of the suppressed book to James Cheetham's Narrative. . . . WOOD, JOHN, of N.Y. 11283 A full exposition of the Clintonian faction. Newark 1802. O 56 a WOOD, JOHN, of N.Y. 11284 A full statement of the trial and acquittal of Aaron Burr. . . at Frankfort. . . . Alexan- dria 1807. O 36 b WOOD, JOHN of N.Y. 11285 The history of the administration of John Adams NY Barlas & Ward 1802. O [2] 506 a Most copies bought up and destroyed by Burr. Apparently he didn't get all; but copies found usually have pub's, impr. cut out WOOD, JOHN, of Ohio 11286 Journal. . . from Cincinnati to the gold diggings in California. . . 1850. Chillicothe O 1852. O 76 d AA N Y — rptd. Columbus 1871. D 112p b Y [WOOD, JOHN P.] 11287 A sketch of the life. . . of John Law. . . . Edin 1791. F [2] 48 a — enl. ed. "Memoirs of the life of John Law. ..." Edin 1824. D [4] 234 port Based on a manuscript account owned by Law's nephew. WOOD, R. E., ed. 11288 Life and confessions of James Gilbert Jenkins, the murderer of eighteen men.. . . Napa City Cat. 1864. O 56 front, pi a WOOD, REV. SfAMUEL] 11289 Letters from the United States, [l Small- field 1837]. O 11 a — rptd. [L 1838]. O 27 WOOD, SAMUEL N. 11290 The boomer. The true story of Oklahoma Topeka 1885. D 90 map port a WOOD, SlAMUEL S.j pub. 11291 The cries of New York. N Y 1808. 32° 47 [incl. wraps] a — other eds.: same impr. & collat. 1809; 1814, same impr. & collat. L2 issues one with 26, one with 31 cries] — anr. ed., 31 cries, same collat. Bait 1818. WOOD, SILAS 11292 A sketch of the first settlement of the several towns on Long Island. Bklyn 1824. O 66 a 250copies ptd. — rev. ed. Bklyn 1826. O 112 lOOcopies ptd — new ed. Bklyn 1828. O 184 lOOcopies ptd — rptd., with adds., Bklyn 1865. O [22] 206 3 pis 250 copies [50 on L.P. ] The first history of Long Island. WOOD, SILAS 11293 A sketch of . . . the town of Huntington [JL. 1.1 Wash 1824. O 30 Of the few copies ptd most were burned a — rptd. N Y 1898. O [l2] 63 port [WOOD, SILAS] 11294 Thoughts on the state of the American Indians NY 1794. D 36 b Hn WOOD, LIEUT. W. N. 11295 Reminiscences of big I. Charlottesville Va 1909. D 107 a 647 Wood — Woodward Reminiscences by a member of the Nine- teenth Virginia Infantry. WOOD, WILLIAM 11296 Autobiography of: N Y 1895. O 2v: [6] 464; U] 528. 3pls a Small ed. Includes his travels in Louisiana, Mis- sissippi and Arkansas. WOOD, WILLIAM [c. H.1 ed. 11297 Select British documents of the Canadian war of 1812. Tor Champlain Soc. 1920-23- 26-28. O 3v in 4: [l6] 678 [lo] llpls 8maps; [10] 518; [8] 540 [ll]; [&] 541-1062 [ll] a WOOD, W[lLLIAM] D. 11298 Reminiscences of reconstruction in Texas n.p. 1902. O 58 a WOOD, WILLIAM M. 11299 Wandering sketches. . . in South America, Polynesia, California Phil 1849. D [lo] 13-386 a WOODMAN, DAVID Guide to Texas emigrants, fc] 13-192 map pi a 11300 WOODS, NEANDER M. 11307 The Woods-McAfee memorial. . . . Louisv 1905. Q 503 maps & illus a Contains the journals of James and Robert McAfee through Kentucky, in 1773. WOODSON, CARTER G. 11308 The education of the Negro prior to 1861 N Y 1915. D fe]454 a WOODWARD, AUGUSTUS B. 11309 Considerations on the executive govern- ment of the United States. . . . Flatbush 1809. O 87 [incl. blank 1. 1 a WOODWARD, AUGUSTUS] B. The presidency of the United States. 11310 Wash 1825. O 88 a — anr. ed., same collat., N Y 1825. — ed. 2, same collat., Frederic/c-Toivr) 1826. WOODWARD, CORODON R. H3H Recollections. .. of seventy years, n.p. [1906]. O 916 a Served as steamboat pilot and captain out of St. Louis from 1848 to 1862, later became a financial leader in Cairo, Illinois. WOODRUFF, GEORGE H. 11301 Forty years ago! . . . early history of Joliet and Will county Tlll.l. Joliet 1874. O [4 J 108 a — rptd. "Fifty years ago. . . ," same impr. 1883. O 62 WOODRUFF, WILFORD 11302 Leaves from my journal. S L C 1881. D 96 a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat., 1882. Mormon affairs in Ohio, Illinois and Utah, from 1833. WOODS, DANIEL B. 11303 Sixteen months at the gold diggings. N Y 1851. D 199[incl. prelim, blank C] +8adv-p in some copies a — rptd. 1852, same collat. — Eng. ed. L [ca 185 ll WOODS, EDGAR Albemarle county in Virginia. lottesville 190l]. O [4] 412 a — rptd. 1932. 11304 [Char- WOODS, HARRIET F. 11305 Historical sketches of Brookline, Mas- sachusetts. B 1874. D 431 a lOOcopies ptd. WOODS, JOHN 11306 Two years' residence in the. . . Illinois country L 1822. O [4] 310 plan 2maps a — other less desirable, but possibly earlier, issues have either only 1 or 2maps. WOODWARD, JOHN 11312 Arguments and observations on the empresario contracts in Texas. N Y 1837. O 35 a WOODWARD, JOHN. 11313 The empresario rights in Texas of:. . . . N Y 1841. O 24 a This land grant was made originally by Mexico to Beale in 1832. WOODWARD, K., pub. 11314 The Augusta directory. . . for 1841. Au- gusta Ga 1841. D 82 + 24adv-p[numb. 1-12 & 25-36] a WOODWARD, SAMUEL 11315 The help of the Lord. ... A sermon, preached at Lexington, Apr. 19, 1779; in commemoration of . . . the nineteenth of April, 1775 B 1779. O 29 a WOODWARD, SAMUEL 11316 A sermon. . . on occasion of the reduction of Montreal. . . by the troops. . . under the command of General Amherst. B [1760]. O 30 a WOODWARD, THOMAS S. 11317 Reminiscences of the Creek. . . Indians Montg 1859. O 168 b N — rptd. Tuscaloosa 1939. O 168 a By the best informed man of his time on this tribe. 648 Woodward — Worthington WOODWARD, wtlLLIAM] ELLIOT, ed. 11318 Records of Salem witchcraft. . . . Roxbury 1864. Q 2v: [6, 5-10] 9-279; [4] 287 a 250 copies ptd[l5 on L.P. ] W00DW0RTH, JOHN 11319 Reminiscences of Troy. . . 1790 to 1807. Alb 1853. O 39 a — ed. 2, Alb 1860. sm Q 116 200copies ptd. WOODWORTH, SAMUEL 11320 The life and confession of James Hudson, who was executed . . . for the murder of Logan, an Indian chief of the Wyandotte nation. Indp 1825. D 24 b [one copy known] WOOLMAN, JOHN 11321 Considerations on keeping Negroes. . . . Part second. Phil 1762. D 52 a WOOLMAN, JOHN 11322 Some considerations on the keeping of Negroes B 1754. D [6] 24 [2] a WOOLMAN, JOHN. 11323 The works of: Phil 1774. O 2v in 1: [l6] 436 a — ed. 2, Phil 1775. O [l6] 432 — ed. 3, L 1775. O [l6] 319 — many later Eng. & Am. eds. Includes his famous Journal, of which innumerable separate editions, both Ameri- can and English, have since appeared. An autobiographical masterpiece, rivalled in America only by that of Franklin. W00LW0RTH, JAMES M. 11324 Nebraska in 1857. Omaha [n Y ptd] 1857. D [2] 105 + 23adv-p map b N NYP Y W00LW0RTH, JAMES M. 11325 Omaha City. . . . Its history [etc. ]. Omaha 1857. 16° 64 b OSlonly copy known] [W00LW0RTH, S. B. I pub. 11326 Guide to Denver, Utah, [etc. ]. Omaha 1862. D 28 [8] [the only copy known has a fragmentary map] d S WOOTEN, DUDLEY G., ed. 11327 A comprehensive history of Texas. . . . Dallas 1898. roy O 2v: [24] 890; [8] 5-851. 23pls a Includes complete text of Yoakum's His- tory, with additions. [WORCESTER, SAMUEL M., et al] 11328 Essays on slavery. . . . Amherst 1826. O 83 a WORD Word (A) of consolation to the scattered saints. See Briggs, Jason W. WORKMAN, JAMES 11329 Essays and letters on various political subjects. N Y 1809. D 165 a Styles itself "second American edition," as portions had appeared previously. [WORKMAN, JAMES] 1 1330 A faithful picture of the political situation of New Orleans \n o] 1807. O [4] 38 b AA Hn — rptd. B 1808. O 48 a Relates to Wilkinson's conduct in the Burr affair. Attributed also to Edward Livingston. WORKMAN, JAMES 11331 A letter to the respectable citizens. . . of the county of Orleans. N O 1807. O [l6] 30 b NYP WORKMAN, THE HONB. JAMES, and COL. LEWIS KERR The trials of: See Castera, F. WORRELL, JOHN A diamond in the rough. D 282 port a Sam Houston, Texas war, etc, 11332 Indp 1906. WORSHAM, JOHN H. 11333 One of Jackson's foot cavalry. ...NY 1912. O 353 pis a WORSHAM, WILLIAM J. 11334 Old Nineteenth Tennessee regiment.. . . Knoxv 1902. O [4] 235 a WORSLEY, ISRAEL 11335 A view of the American Indians. . . . L 1828. D [16] 186-tadv-p a [WORTH, GORHAM A.] 11336 Random recollections of Albany. .. 1800- 1808. Alb 1849. O 57 a — ed. 2, enl., under pseud, of Ignatius Jones, Alb 1850. O 90 78 — ed. 3, further enl., au. named, Alb 1866. O [8 incl. front.] 17-144 450copies ptd. [50 on L. P. ] [WORTH, GORHAM A.] 11337 Random recollections of Cincinnati. . . 1817-1821. Alb 1851. O 88 a Some copies have, bound in, the second edition of this author's Random recollec- tions of Albany. WORTHINGTON, ERASTUS 11338 The history of. . . Dedham, Massachusetts. B 1827. O 146 a [WORTHINGTON, COL. THOMAS] 11339 Shiloh, or the Tennessee campaign of 1862. . . . Wash 1869-72. O 164 map facs a 649 Wortley _ Wright — rptd. "Shiloh, the only correct. . .history of U. S. Grant. . . ," Wash 1872. O 179 map facs — anr. ed. "A correct history of ... Shiloh," Wash 1880. O A startling philippic, accusing Halleck, Grant and Sherman with carrying out a plot — conceived by Wade, Chandler and Cameron — to protract the war into 1864 or 1865, thus insuring the 1864 election to the Republican party. An earlier effort in 1869 to issue the work in parts was abandoned after bringing out the initial one [in twelve pagesj, which is incorporated herein. WRIGHT, E[DGAR] W. ed. 11347 Lewis and Dryden's marine history of the Pacific northwest.... Port Ore 1895. F [24] 494 [incl. pis] a WRIGHT, EDMUND. 11348 Narrative of: his adventures with. ..the Knights of the Golden Circle. N Y 1864. O [6] 15-150 15pls a — anr. issue carries Cin impr. — rptd. 1865. WRIGHT, FANNY. See under D'Arusmont. WORTLEY, EMMELINE STUART 11340 "&c". [i.e. et cetera]. L 1853. D [12] 450 errata 1. a A continuation of the next entry. WORTLEY, EMMELINE STUART 11341 Travels in the United States. ... L 1851. D 3v: [16] 307; [2, 5-12] 351; fe] 316 a — Am. ed. N Y 1851. D 463 — anr. ed., in Eng., P 1851. O [4] 236 [WORTLEY, VICTORIA S.] 11342 A young traveller's journal of a tour in North and South America. . . . L 1852. 16 [12] 260 16pls a Unusual diary, kept by the thirteen-year old daughter of Lady Emmeline Wortley describing her trip to Pittsburgh and down river to Natchez, New Orleans, etc. WRANGEL, FERDINAND VON Reise . . . langs der Nordkuste von Sibirien .... See Engelhardt, G. WRANGEL, FERDINAND VON 11343 Statistische und ethnographische Nach- richten iiber die Russischen Besitzungen an der Nordwestkuste von Amerika. . . . St Ptbg 1839. O [40] 332 map tab a WRAXALL, SIR F. C. LASCELLES [ed.] The backwoodsman, or life on the Indian frontier. See Strubberg, F. A. WREDE, FRIEDRICH W. VON 11344 Lebensbilder aus den Vereinigten Staaten . . . und Texas. . . . Cassell 1844. O 2pts in 1: [6] 160; [6] 161-324 a [WRIFFORD, ALISON or ANSON] 11345 Traits of character. . . manifested by the inhabitants of the northeastern states. Port Me 1837. O 68 a WRIGHT'S... CAMPAIGN 11349 Wright's (Colonel George) late campaign against the Indians in Oregon and Washing- ton. . . . Topographical memoir. . . of: [Sen. Ex. Doc. 32]. Wash 1859. O 82 2maps a WRIGHT, JAMES A. 11350 History of. . . Moravia [n. Y. ]. Auburn 1874. O 289 errata 1. a WRIGHT, j[OHN] 11351 The American negotiator. . . currencies of the British colonies. ... L 1761. O fe] 464 a — 3 other eds. pub. by 1767. [WRIGHT, JOHN]? 11352 A compleat history of the late war. . . in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. . . . Dub 1763. O [16] 572 5maps llpls a — rptd. L 1763-5. O 2v: [l6] 112, 121-248; [2] 249-559. 3maps lOpls — anr. ed. same impr. & collat. 1765. — ed. 4, Dub 1766. O [l4] 559 3maps lOpls — anr. ed., called ed. 6, Dub 1774. O [20] 627 5maps 12pls Ascribed also to John Exshaw, publisher of the Dublin edition. Possibly the work of Edmund Burke using the name of Wright as a pseudonym. WRIGHT, JOHN A. 11353 A paper on the character. . . of the country on the southern border. Phil 1876. O [2] 114 a WRIGHT, JOHN S. 11354 Chicago: past, present, future. Chi 1868. O 404 fold, map a — ed. 2, with adds., same impr. 1870. O [2 46] 432 + V2 sheet["To fellow citizens"] tipped in at front, 2maps 5pls WRIGHT, DAVID Memoir of Alvan Stone. 1837. 16° [4] 9-256 a 11346 Northampton WRIGHT, JOHN S. 11355 Letters from the west. . . . Salem N Y 1819. O [l0] 72 b ChiH [only copy known] 650 Wright — Wylly WRIGHT, MARCUS J. f comp. 11356 List of field officers, regiments. .. in the Confederate States army. [Wash 1891?]. O 131 91 a 25copies ptd. WRIGHT, MARCUS J. 11357 Reminiscences of the early settlement. . . of McNairy county, Tenn. Wash 1882. O 96 16ports a WRIGHT, MARCUS J. 11358 Some account of the life and services of William Blount Wash [l884]. O 142 port a WRIGHT, ROBERT 11359 A memoir of General James Oglethorpe. . . founder of Georgia. . . . L 1867. D 414 map a WRIGHT, ROBERT M. 11360 Dodge City, the cowboy capital. . . . [Wichita 1913]. D 344 col. front. 40pls a — rptd. n.d. [ca 1930]. same collat., but col. front, replaced by port [WRIGHT, THOMAS] 11361 The famous voyage of Sir Francis Drake L 1742. O [4] 54 map b JCB N NYP Attributed also to Francis Pretty; Wagner thinks it the work of Richard Hakluyt, in whose collection of Voyages L1589 J it first appeared. WRIGHT, CAPT. TtHOMAS] J. 11362 History of the Eighth regiment Kentucky Volunteer infantry St Joseph Mo 1880. D 286 [2] a [WRIGHT, WILLIAM, and JOHN W. i 11363 of Eng. Recollections of western Texas. By two of the U. S. Mounted Rifles. L 1857. O 88 erratum slip b G Pn [WRIGHT, WILLIAM] of Nevada 11364 History of the big bonanza. . . . By Dan De Quille [pseud. ] Hart 1876. O 569 2pls at frontLothers incl. in paginat. ] a — rptd., same impr. & collat., 1877. — anr. ed. N Y 1947. O Most interesting chronicle of "flush times" in Nevada following the "silver strike." In the first edition plate no. 44 (Residence of J. P. Jones) was omitted. [WRIGHT, WILLIAM] of Nevada 11365 A history of the Comstock silver lode... . Virginia /Vev[l889]. D 158 a WURTTEMBURG, PRINCE OF Reise in Nordamerika. . . . See Paul Wilhelm, Friedrich. WULSTEN, CARL 11366 The silver region of Sierra Mojada. . . Colorado. Denver 1876. O 100 [2] + adv-p 2maps a WYANDOTTE COUNTY, OHIO 11367 Historical sketch of:. . . . Sandusky 1877. O 170 [10] a WYATT, HENRY 11368 Life and confessions of : . . . made shortly before his execution. Auburn N Y 1846. O 56 a Career of a consistent villain throughout the West and in Texas. WYATT, WILLIAM N. Wyatt's travel diary, 1 O 78 [2] port 2maps a Travels in Arkansas. 11369 Chi 1930. WYETH, JOHN A. 11370 Life of General Nathan Bedford Forrest. N Y 1899. O [22] 656 55pls & maps a — ed. 2,[l908]. O [22] 668 maps & pis WYETH, JOHN B. 11371 Oregon; or a short history of a long journey .... [Ed. and partially written by Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse.] C 1833. D [4] 87 errata slip c AA N NYP Y First printed account of the first emigrant party to cross the plains. WYETH, CAPTAIN NATHANIEL J. 11372 Correspondence and journals of: 1831-6. [Eugene Ore 1899]. o[20] 262 3maps a Wyeth, with Sublette, led expeditions to Oregon, in 1832 and in 1834, and established Fort Hall. WYLD, JAMES, pub. 11373 Geographical. . . notes, to accompany. . . map of the gold regions of California. L 1849. O [2] 32 + adv. 1. map a WYLD, JAMES 11374 A guide to the gold country of California L [1849?]. O 62 map a Compiled from American official documents. WYLIE, ANDREW 11375 Discourse before the Indiana Historical Society. . . . Indp 1831. O 26 a WRITINGS Writings (The) of Lace Higginson, Stephen. WYLLY, CHARLES S. Annals. . . of Glynn county, Georgia. Brunswick 1897. D 27 [3] a 11376 651 Wylly — Ylorregul WYLLY, CHARLES S. 11377 The seed that was sown in the colony of Georgia. N Y 1910. D 163 a — abr. ed., "Memories," [Brunswick Ga] 1916. O 41 Authorized edition of this scientist s letters on California; they embody, without acknowledgment, much from the reports of Abert and Emory. WYMAN, SETH. 11378 The life and adventures of: ... . Man- chester N H 1843. D 310 a A worthy successor to two earlier New England practicioners of roguery, Stephen Burroughs and Henry Tufts. WYNNE, [JOHN H.] 11379 The history of the British empire in Amer- ica. . . in three volumes, [only two pub. ] L 1769-70. O 2v: fe] 520; [8 J 546. 4maps & plans 3pls b Hn — issue 2, with new title to v. I "A general history. . . ," [dated 1770 and stating "in two volumes"]. O 2v: [l4] 5,20; [8] 546. 4maps & plans 3pls a [some copies contain only the large fold. map] — ed. 2, L 1776. O 2v same collat. The second volume is devoted to the French and Indian War. WYOMING... HUNT 11380 Wyoming bear hunt (the). Diary of: {Bklyn ca 1900 ]. O 59 pi a Small ed. WYOMING... ASSOCIATION 11381 Wyoming Stock Grower's Association (the). Letters from old friends and members of: Cheyenne 1923. O 55 a WYOMING. The Territory of: its history. . . . 1874. See Jeffrey, J. K. XANTUS, JANOS 11382 Levelei Ejszakemirakabol [tr. "Letters from North America"]. Pesten [i.e. Buda- pest] 1858. O 176 12pls a Unauthorized edition of letters by a Hungarian exile and scientist who accom- panied a railroad survey through the South- west and California. The incompetent editor, Prepost, produced rather chaotic information, much of it borrowed from Marcy's Red River report. XANTUS, JANOS 11383 Utazas Kalifornia deli reszeiben [tr. "Travels in southern California"]. Pesren 1860. O [lO] 191 [3] map 8pls a Y. . . . , A. The theatre of the present war. . . . See Young, Arthur. YANCEY, WILLIAM L. 11384 An address on. . . Calhoun. Montg 1851. O 72 a YATES, JOHN V. N., and MOULTON, 11385 JOSEPH W. History of the state of New York, includ- ing its aboriginal and colonial annals. Vol. I, pts. 1 86 2 [all]. N Y 1824-6. O 2v: [4] 325 [ll]; [8] 333-418. 7maps a See Moulton, Joseph W. , for two entries supplementing this work. YATES, ROBERT, eomp. 11386 Secret proceedings and debates of the convention assembled at Philadelphia in 1787, for. . . forming the constitution. Alb 1821. O 308 a — rptd. many times. YAZOO CLAIMS. 11387 Sundry papers, in relation to. . . . Wash 1809. O 195 a YEADON, RICHARD 11388 The amenability of northern incendiaries, as well to southern as to northern laws. . . . Charleston S C 1835. O 48 a YELLOWSTONE VALLEY (THE) 11389 An illustrated history of: embracing the counties of Park, Sweet Grass. . . Montana. Spokane [l907]. O [22] 669 32pls a YELLOWSTONE VALLEY 11390 Yellowstone valley (The) and the town of Glendive. St P 1882. O 108 fold, map plan a YELLOWSTONE VALLEY 11391 Yellowstone valley (The) in the Territory of Montana St P 1882. O 80 fold.map a YLARREGUI, JOSE SALAZAR 11392 Datos de los trabajos astronomicos y topograficos. . . en forma de diario. Mex 1850. O 123 2maps b AA Hn N Y Work of the Mexican Commission for de- termining the boundaries between Mexico and the United States. 652 Yoakum — Young YOAKUM, HENDERSON K. 11393 History of Texas NY 1855. O 2v: 482; 576. 4maps 5pls facs b — anr. issue, identical, but dated 1856. a — rptd. Austin 1935. O 2v [YONGE, FRANCIS] 11394 A narrative of the proceedings of the people of South-Carolina. . . and of the true causes. . . that induced them. . . to put them- selves under the . . . government of the Crown. L 1726. Q 40 b AA Hn — rptd. [Wash 1837]. O 40 a YORKTOWN 11395 Orderly book of the siege of: 1781. Phil 1865. Q [4] 66 a 60copies ptd[l0 on plate paper] YOSEMITE BOOK (THE).... See Whitney, Josiah D. [YOUNG, A. W.] 11396 The history of North and South America, containing, an account of the first discov- eries. ... To which is added, an impartial enquiry into the present. . . disputes. L Whittaker 1776. 16° 2v: [lO] 276; [6] 280. 2pls a — rptd., au. named, L Lane 1776. 16° 2v: [8] 276; [8] 280. 2pls First issued in sixteen parts. [YOUNG, ARTHUR] 11402 Political essays concerning the present state of the British empire. . . . L 1772. Q fe] 552 a Half of the book relates to the American colonies; their revolt and victory is fore- seen. Ascribed also to Dr. John Campbell. [YOUNG, ARTHUR] 11403 The theatre of the present war in North America L 1758. O [l2] 56 a YOUNG, BENNETT H. 11404 The battle of the Thames. . . . Louisv Filson club 1903. Q [l6] 274 4pls & plans a YOUNG, BENNETT H. 11405 Confederate wizards of the saddle. B 1914. O [22] 633 33maps & pis a Practically a history of cavalry operations in the last war to employ extensively that romantic arm. YOUNG, BENNETT H. 11406 The prehistoric men of Kentucky. . . . Louisv Filson club 1910. Q [l6] 343[incl. pis] front, a YOUNG, CHARLES E., and GIBBS, 11407 OLIVER [pubs.] First annual review of Pierce county, Wisconsin. Prescott Wis 1856. D 46 a YOUNG, ALEXANDER 11397 Chronicles of the first planters of. . . Massachusetts Bay, 1623-6. ... B 1846. O [8] 572 map port a YOUNG, ALEXANDER 11398 Chronicles of the pilgrim fathers of. . . Plymouth, 1602-5. B 1841. O [l6] 504 port 2maps a — ed. 2, same impr. & collat. 1844. YOUNG, E. H. 11408 History of Round Prairie and Plymouth [ill.]. Chi 1876. O302 a YOUNG, FRANK C. 11409 Across the plains in '65. . . . Denver 1905. D 224 map a 200copies ptd. Day-by-day journal of a trip from Atchison to Julesburg and Denver. Properly a com- panion volume to the entry following. YOUNG, ANDREW W. 11399 History of . . . Warsaw, New York. .. . But 1869. O 400 40ports 6views a [YOUNG, ARTHUR]? 11400 American husbandry. . . . By an American. L 1775. O 2v: [4] 472; [4] 319 [l6] a — Sp. tr. "Cultura Americana. . . ," Lis 1799. Q 2v [YOUNG, ARTHUR] 11401 Observations on the present state of the waste lands. . . on the occasion of the es- tablishment of a new colony on the Ohio. . . . L 1773. O 83 b JCB N NYP Y Refers to colonies in the western territory projected by Thomas Walpole and associates. YOUNG, FRANK C 11410 Echoes from Arcadia. The story of Central City Denver 1903. D [l4] 220 a 200 copies ptd. Minute record of fifteen golden years, reviving a unique social life and a ghost- town's departed glory. YOUNG, HARRY 11411 Hard Knocks: a life story of the vanishing west. Port Ore 1915. D 242 25pls a — rptd. Chi n-d. same paginat., but only 18pls YOUNG, J. P. 11412 The Seventh Tennessee Cavalry. A his- tory. . . . Nashv 1890. O 227 4pls a 653 Young — Zestermann YOUNG [JOHN R.], Utah pioneer 11413 Memoirs of: S L C 1920. D 341 4ports a By Brigham's nephew who accompanied the 1847 migration. [YOUNG, ROBERT] 11414 Abraham Lincoln: a study. Liv 1865. D 32 a YOUNG, SAMUEL 11415 The history of my life. . . . Pitt 1890. D 147 port a Record of events in western Pennsylvania, from 1833. YOUNG, VAN BUREN 11416 An outline history of Bath county iKy.J. Lex 1876. O [2] 54 a ZAGOSKIN, LIEUT. LAURENTII A. 11422 Peshekhodnaia opisj Tschasti russikh vladienli v Amerikie. St Ptbg 1847-8. O 2 pts in 1: 20, [2] 182; [2] 120 44 [2]. map a Pedestrian trips in Alaska, etc ZAHM, J. A. 11423 The great southwest: its attractions, re- sources and people. Notre Dame 1883. O 39 fold, map a ZAVALA, LORENZO DE 11424 Viage a los Estados-Unidos. . . . P 1834. O [l2] 374 a — rptd., with adds., Merida Yucatan 1846. O 57 382[5] YOUNG TRAVELLER'S JOURNAL (A).... See Wortley, Victoria S. YOUNGBLOOD, CHARLES L. 11417 Adventures of: during ten years on the plains. Boonville Ind 1882. D 199 port b Y — rptd., on execrable wood-pulp paper, "A mighty hunter. ..." Chi 1890. D 362[incl. front. J + 4adv-p 47pls a YOUNGER, COLE 11418 The story of: Chi 1903. D 124 + adv-p lOpls a [YRUJO Y TACON, CARLOS M.]? 11419 Letters of Verus ... to the native Amer- ican. Phil 1797. O [6] 75 a — Fr. tr. [Phil 1797?]. O [6] 68 Defense of Marquis Yrugo, Spanish Min- ister to the United States against charges made by Timothy Pickering. Ascribed also to Yrugo's secretary, Philip Fatio, and to John Armstrong. YUBA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. History of See Chamberlain, Wm. H. YUKON MINERS 11420 Appeal of: to the Dominion of Canada. . . . Ottawa [1898]. 16° 128 a The appeal,, bearing over 2500 signatures, gives information on many Alaskan mining regions. YULE, PtATRICK] 11421 Remarks on the disputed north-western boundary of New Brunswick, bordering on the United States. ... L 1838. O 28 map a — ed. 2, same impr., date & collat. ZEISBERGER, DAVID 11425 A brief narrative of the life of:. . .. L 1821. O 38 a — rptd. Dub 1822. 16° 58 ZEISBERGER, DAVID 11426 Diary of: Cin 1885. O 2v: [32] 464; 535 a ZELL, T. ELWOOD & CO., pubs. 11427 Guide to. . . Chicago. . . . Chi 1868. 16° 196 map 24pls a ZENGER, JOHN P. 11428 A brief narrative of the. .. tryal of: [capt. t.] N Y 1736. F 40 [misnumbered 42] b NYP WisH — rptd. [capt. t.] B 1738. Q 48 b AA NYP — other Am. eds.: Lancaster 1756. F 39 a; N Y 1770. O [2] 54; B 1799. [capt. t.] O 48 — Eng. eds. L 1738. Q [2] 32 a — eds. 2, 3 & 4, same impr., date & collat.; L 1750. D 60; L 1752. O [4] 74 [2]; L 1765. O 59 [l]; L 1784. O [4] 64 One of the famous decisions in legal his- tory, establishing the epochal doctrine of the freedom of the press; probably written by James Alexander, one of Zenger's attorneys. ZENNERN, GOTTFRIED 11429 New-Europa oder die Alte in der Neuen Welt Leip 1720. O [26 incl. fold. t. ] 205 [6 I map a ZESTERMANN, CHRISTIAN] A. A. 11430 .... Memoir on the European colonization of America, in ante-historic times. . . . [L 1851]. O 32 a Separate from American Ethnological Society Proceedings. 654 Zevallos — Zubly ZEVALLOS, FRANCISCO "431 Carta. . . sobre la apostolica vida y virtudes del P. Fernando Konsag. . . mis- sionero de la California. Mex 1764. Q [6] 32 b Hn Y Konsag's 1746 exploration to the Colorado confirmed Ugarte's earlier doubt of Cali- fornia's insularity. For note on Ugarte see Villavicencio's Vida. ZHIZNEOPISANIE Zhizneopisanie Aleksandra Andreevicha Baranova glavnago pravitelia rossiskikh kolonii v Amerikie. See Kheliebnikov, Kiril T. ZIMMERMANN, DR. W. F. A. [pseud.] Astoria. . . . See Vollmer, Carl G. W. ZIMMERMANN, DR. W. F. A. [pseud.] Californien und das Goldfieber. . . . See Vollmer, Carl G. W. ZINCKE, F. BORHAM 11436 Last winter in the United States. ... L 1868. D [16] 341 a [ZINZENDORF, NICOLAUS LUDWIG, 11437 GRAF VON] Pennsylvanische Nachrichten. . . . [Budingen 1742 ?1 O 191 a ZIEGLER, ALEXANDER 11432 Der Geleitsmann: Katechismus fur Auswanderer nach den Vereinigten Staaten .... Leip 1856. D [l2] 235[incl. front.] map a ZIEGLER, ALEXANDER 11433 Skizzen einer Reise durch Nordamerika. . . . Dresden 1848. D 2v in 1: 310; 288 a — anr. ed. "Der deutsche Auswanderer nach den Vereinigten Staaten," Leip 1849. D [4 3-6] 366 [2] — Dutch ed., abr., "Reis door de Vereenigde Staten," Amst 1849. D [lO] 296 front, eng.t. 2maps ZIMMERMANN, E(BERHARD] A. W. 11434 Frankreich und die Freistaaten von Nordamerika. . . . Berlin & Braunschweig 1795-[9]. 16° 2v: [l2] 446; [96] 612 [2]pl b Y — anr. issue, Berlin 1795-1800. 16° 2v b NYP — Fr. ed. of v. I, "Essa,i de comparison entre la France et les Etats-Unis. . . , " Leip 1797. D 2v: [6, 3-8] 272; [2] 273-494 a — Swed. tr. Stockh 1817. D [4] 426 [2] map 2pls tab ZIMMERMANN, HEINRICH 11435 Reise um die welt, mit Capitain Cook. Mannheim 1781. O 110 c [said to have been suppressed] N NYP — Fr. tr. with biog. of Cook added, Berne 1783. O 200 b — anr. ed. Mannheim 1783. O b Y — Dutch tr. Leyd 1784. a — Eng. tr. Wellington N Z 1926. O 49 map 2pls — Eng. tr. Toronto [l930], O 250copies ptd. — Rus. ed. "Posliednee puteshestvie okolo svieta Kap. Kuka. . . ," St Ptbg 1786. O 265 — ed. 2, St Ptbg 1788. 411 With possible exception of John Rick- man's Journal, earliest account of Cook's last voyage. ZIRCKEL, OTTO 11438 Skizzen aus den und uber die Vereinigten Staaten Berlin 1850. O [lO] 182 a ZIRCKEL, OTTO 11439 Tagebuch geschrieben Wahrend der nordamerikanisch-mexikanischer Campagne, 1847-8. Halle 1849. O 179 a Services, as Captain of Ohio Volunteers, by a former Prussian officer. ZITTLE, CAPT. JOHN H. 11440 Correct history of the John Brown inva- sion. . . . Hagerstown 1905. O 259 a Eye-witness account by a Virginia militiaman. ZOG, ANTON 11441 Achtzehn Jahre in Peoria. . . . Peoria 1869. O 213 a ZORN, JOHN H. [comp. 1 11442 Annual city directory of Lincoln, Ne- braska, for 1876-7. . . and a historical sketch of the city. [Lincoln 1876]. O 161 +advs a [ZUBLY, JOHN J.] 11443 Great Britain's right to tax her colonies; placed in the clearest light. L 1774. O [4] 55 a — Am. ed. [Phil? 1775]. O 35 [ZUBLY, JOHN J.] 11444 An humble enquiry into the nature of the dependency of the American colonies upon the Parliament of Great Britain. . . . [Charles- ton?] 1769. Q [2] 26 a ZUBLY, JOHN J. 11445 The law of liberty. A sermon on American affairs Phil Miller 1775. O [20] 42 a — issue 2, same collat., but impr. lengthened to include booksellers in New York, Charles- ton & Savannah. — Eng. ed. L 1775. O [2] 5-73 655 Zubly — Zuvertdssiqe ZUBLY, JOHN J. 11446 The stamp-act repealed. . . . Second edi- tion. Sav 1766. D 30 a — rptd. Charleston S C 1776. O 24; Phil 1766. Of the first edition of this sermon no copy is known; it was delivered at Savannah in 1766, and undoubtedly printed there, possi- bly in a newspaper. ZUNIGA, IGNACIO 11447 Rapida ojeada al estado de Sonora. . . . Mejico 1835. O 66 c B NYP Y Account of his attempt to establish a colony in present Arizona [on the Colorado and Gila] with a view of uniting New Mexico and California. ZURLA, PLACIDO 11448 Dizzertazione intorno ai viaggi e scoperte settentrionali di. .. Fratelli Zeni. Venice 1808. O [16] 144 map a ZURLA, PLACIDO 11449 Lettera ai viaggi e scoperte. . . di Nicolo e Antonio Zeno [Venice 1813]. O 31 a ZUVERTASSIGE NACHRICHTEN Zuvertassige Nachrichten uber die Vorbedingungen unter welchen Auswan- derungen nach den Vereinigten Staaten. St Gall 1818. 16° 30 a 11450 656