in in? ALUMNI CATALOGUE Tusculum i College 1794-1918 llflMfsTiiRARY N .i I 1921 Published at the College, May 1, 1918 GREENEVILLE, TENNESSEE ALUMNI CATALOGUE Tusculum College 1794-1918 Published at the College, May 1, 1918 GREENEVILLE, TENNESSEE (flonforf&Co. CINCINNATI TYPOGRAPHERS PREFACE. This catalogue is published with two objects in view. First, it is desired to have obtainable in a convenient and concise form the latest information about the alumni. Second, it is hoped that the undertaking will serve to arouse some indifferent alumni to greater enthusiasm for their Alma Mater. Since usefulness is one of the first considerations in a booklet of this kind, information not strictly pertaining to graduates has been included whenever a gain in interest or serviceability would result. For this reason, the names of the ex-members of college classes from 1887 to 1917 have been inserted after the class biographies, and lists of those who have ' received honorary degrees and certificates from the non-academic departments have been added also. The summaries may serve to answer questions often asked. The biographies of living alumni have been based primarily on information obtained from questionnaires sent out five years ago, although additional information has been used whenever it has been authenticated. Biographies of those who graduated from 1901 are, in many cases, taken in whole or in part from the "General Catalogue" of that date, which was the first alumni catalogue. The incompleteness of the lists of early graduates and the confusion and uncertainty of details before the Civil War are explained in the following extract from the preface of Dr. Jere Moore, '71, to the "General Catalogue" of 1901 : "Strange as it may seem, in the early history of Greeneville College no effort was made to preserve even the names of the graduates. In a Aujmn] Catalogue of Tusculum College. period of sixty years, not more than ten names appear on the records of the trustees. For many years no annual catalogue was issued. It being over one hundred and six years, all the early graduates have long since passed away, and even the names of most of them are no longer in memory. In case of Tusculum, all records prior to i860 are lost." It is the wish of those interested in this undertaking that the complete career of each alumnus be set forth in detail. If an alumnus finds his biography incomplete or incorrect in any par- ticular, he is earnestly requested to send the necessary additions or corrections to the college. Constructive criticisms along any line are welcomed. It is hoped that a yet more complete history of Tusculum's children may appear in a few years. HISTORICAL SKETCH. Tusculum College traces its origin to two historic schools, Greeneville College and Tusculum Academy, the former being the oldest chartered college west of the Alleghany Mountains. In 1780, Rev. Hezekiah Balch, D.D. (B.A. Princeton, 1762), began preaching and teaching in Greeneville. Realizing the necessity for a college in the vast pioneer territory where the nearest higher institution of learning was beyond the mountains 175 miles away, Dr. Balch became interested in starting a college near Greeneville. Through his influence, the General Assembly of the Territory of the United States south of the Ohio River granted a charter for Greeneville College on September 3. 1794. "To an enlightened Representative from Davidson County is due the immortal honor of having made the first legislative effort, in the Territorial Assembly, in behalf of learning. On the 29th of August, 'Mr. White moved for leave, and presented a bill to establish a University in Greene County ; read for the first time, passed, and sent to the Council.' Four days later the bill became a law, creating a Literary Institution, though under a less im- posing name, Greeneville College. The preamble to the act of incorporation follows : 'Whereas, in all well-regulated governments, it is the incumbent duty of the Legislature to consult the happiness of the rising genera- tion, and endeavor to fit them for an honorable discharge of the social duties of life, by paying the strictest attention to their educa- tion, Be it enacted by the Governor,' etc." * Dr. Balch was made President, and the college located on his farm three miles south of Greeneville. The Trustees were : Hezekiah Balch, Samuel Doak, James Balch, Samuel Carrick, *See Hale's "History of Tennessee and Tennesseeans." 6 Alumni Catalogue oe Tusculum College. Robert Henderson, Gideon Blackburn, Archibald Roane, Joseph Hamilton, William Cocke, Daniel Kennedy, Landon Carter, Joseph Hardin, Sr., John Rhea and John Sevier. In 1800, Rev. Charles Coffin, D.D. (Harvard, 1793), became associated with Dr. Balch as financial agent of the college; through his efforts nearly all the books for the library and the greater part of the money for the first forty years were obtained. In 1839 the college was moved to Greeneville and a new building erected. There was a vacancy in the office of President from 1847 to 1854, but interest revived under Rev. William B. Rankin, 1854-1858. In 1818, Rev. Samuel Doak, D.D. (B.A. Princeton, 1775), after founding Washington College in 1795, and preaching and teaching there for twenty-three years, came to Tusculum, where he opened a private school near the present site of the college, called Tusculum Academy. He continued the work at Tusculum until his death in 1832. In 1835, Rev. Samuel W. Doak, D.D., second son of Dr. Samuel Doak, took up the work ; he obtained a charter for the Academy in 1842, and in 1844 the name was changed to Tusculum College. During the Civil War, the work of both colleges was inter- rupted. Students and professors became engaged in the conflict, the buildings were used as barracks for soldiers, the apparatus destroyed, and the libraries scattered. When the war closed and the period of reconstruction began, the property of each school was practically in ruins. Tusculum College was reopened after the war by Samuel Smith Doak (B.A. Tusculum, 1852), and through his efforts the two colleges were united in 1868 under the name of Greeneville and Tusculum College, attempts toward this union having been made previous to the war. Women were first admitted to the institution about 1875. For many years it seemed desirable to combine Washington College also with Greeneville and Tusculum, and in 1908 an effort toward this end was made, but it proved unsuccessful. In 191 2 the corporate name of the college was changed to Tusculum College. Since the coming of President Gray to Tusculum in 1908, Alumni Catalogue oe Tusculum College. 7 wonderful advancement has been made along all lines: $210,000 of productive endowment has been secured ; new buildings and equipment added, to the value of nearly $200,000, and the faculty considerably enlarged. But best of all, and most important, is the advancement Tusculum has made from a locally-known insti- tution with an inadequate curriculum to a standard college whose course of study is accepted by the leading universities and colleges of the country. As a result of the progress of the last ten years, Tusculum is now recognized as one of the best small colleges in the South. PRESIDENTS OF TUSCULUM COLLEGE (Arranged in order of appointment.) GREENEVILLE COLLEGE Founded 1794, Greeneville, Tennessee; in 1868 united with Tusculum Col- lege under the name of Greeneville and Tusculum College. *BALCH, HEZEKIAH, D.D 1794-1810 b. 1741, Deer Creek, Md. Entered Princeton College, 1758, gradu- ating in 1762. Taught in Fauquier County, Va. Licensed by New- Castle Presbytery, August 11, 1768; preached in York County, Pa., 1773, then went to North Carolina, where his parents were living, and took up work in Orange Presbytery. Began work at Greeneville, Tenn., 1782 or 1783 ; founded Greeneville College, the first institution known as a college west of the Alleghany Mountains. The charter for this school was obtained September 3, 1794, and the work started three miles south of Greeneville on a large plantation owned by Dr. Balch. He presided over the college for sixteen years, until his death, erecting a building, collecting a library and raising about $6,000 for maintenance. Dr. Balch was a strong leader and organizer among the churches ; he helped to organize and was pastor of Mount Bethel Church for many years. He received the degree of D.D. from Williams College in 1808, but it came too late to be of real service to him. d. April, 1810, at the age of 69, after forty-two years spent in the ministry. *COFFIN, CHARLES, D.D 1810-1827 b. August 15, 1775, Newburyport, Mass. Graduated from Harvard College, 1793 ; studied medicine, but soon turned to the ministry. Licensed by the Essex Middle Association, May 14, 1799 ; preached in Norfolk, Va., 1799. Taught in Greeneville College, 1800; then re- turned to New England to collect funds and books for the institution. m. Miss Susan Woodbridge Aver, April 19, 1802. Vice-President of Greeneville College for several years, and at the death of Dr. Balch became President; was President from 1810 to 1827; resigned to take the Presidency of East Tennessee College, Knoxville, now University of Tennessee, where he served six years. Afterward was invaluable as a Trustee of Greeneville College. Received the degree of D.D. * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue ol Tusculum College;. 9 from Williams College in 1808, with Dr. Balch. d. at his home near Greeneville, June 3, 1853. Charles Coffin, D.D. *HOSS, HENRY 1828-1836 Born and raised on his father's farm, six miles north of Jonesboro, Tenn. His father settled on the Watauga, near Boone's Creek, about 1778 ; his mother was a cousin of Daniel Boone. Was educated at Washington College. m. Miss Mary Blackburn ; began life after marriage as a farmer on the old homestead. Represented Washington County in the Legislature one term. Established a school, known as Liberty Hall Academy, on his farm, and had charge of it for six years. Served as President of Greeneville College from 1828 to 1836. Was the father of five sons and four daughters ; his son, Alfred, succeeded him as teacher in Greeneville College, d. August 29, 1836, Browns- borough, Tenn. *HOSS, ALFRED 1836-1838 s. Henry Hoss. Acting President of Greeneville College from Sep- tember 15, 1836, to August 14, 1838. *McLIN, REV. JAMES, B.A 1838-1840 Tutor in Washington College, 1818. Minister in Presbyterian Church. President of Washington College, 1828-1838. Became President of Greeneville College, 1838 ; served until 1840. * MATTHEWS, REV. SAMUEL 1843-1845 *VAN VLECH, CHARLES A 1845-1846 Died while President. ♦FLEMING, JOHN F 1846-1847 Became ' President, February, 1846 ; served one session and resigned. * Deceased. jo Alumni Catalogue ok Tusculum College. William B. Rankin, D.D. ♦RANKIN, WILUAM B., B.A., M.A., D.D 1854-1858 b. Little Chuckey, Tenn. Took degree of B.A. at Amherst, 1852. Principal of Rhea Academy, Greeneville, 1852-1854 ; President of Greeneville College, 1854-1858 ; professor of Mathematics, Tusculum College, 1859-1861; principal of Wellsville School, New York, 1864- 1866; pastor of Mount Bethel and Salem churches, 1866-1874; Presi- dent of Washington College, 1866-1874; District Superintendent of American Bible Society in Tennessee, 1874-1876, and in Texas, 1876- 1898. Ordained to the ministry by Holston Presbytery, 1866. Is buried in Salem churchyard, Washington College, Tenn. John L. Lampson. ♦LAMPSON, JOHN L, B.A 1859-1860 b. August 13, 1824, Grand Isle, Vt. Degree of M.A. from University of Vermont. Came South, 1850. Had charge of McMinn Academy, Rogersville, Tenn. ; Acting President of Greeneville College, 1859- 1860. Merchant in Jonesboro ; elder in Second Presbyterian Church, Jonesboro. d. April 20, 1877. * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. I T Samuel Doak, D.D. Tuscueum Academy (1818). Erected when Dr. Doak came to Tusculum. I 2 Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. TUSCULUM COLLEGE Founded as Tusculum Academy in 1818; chartered as Tusculum College in 1844; united in 1868 with Greeneville College under the name of Greeneville and Tusculum College. *DOAK, SAMUEL, D.D. b. August 1, 1749, Augusta County, Va. ; s. Samuel and Jane Doak, who emigrated to Chester County, Pa., from north of Ireland. En- tered Princeton College, 1773, and graduated in 1775 ; studied the- ology ; licensed by Hanover Presbytery, October 31, 1777 ; in 1780 located at Salem, Washington County, Term., and began his work of organizing churches and schools ; obtained a charter for Martin Acad- emy, 1784, which in 1795 was chartered as Washington College. Presi- dent of Washington College until 1818 ; then located at Tusculum and founded Tusculum Academy (1818), which afterward became Tuscu- lum College, m. Miss Esther H. Montgomery, of Virginia (deceased July 3, 1807) ; two sons (see Samuel W. Doak) and four daughters; second wife, Mrs. Margaret McEwen, of Nashville, d. December 12, 1829; buried at Salem. *DOAK, SAMUEL W., M.A., D.D 1844-1864 b. March 24, 1785, Washington College, Tenn. ; graduated, Washington College, 1806 ; licensed by Abingdon Presbytery, October 10, 1807 ; con- nected with Presbytery of Philadelphia, 1809-1813. Began preaching at Mount Bethel and Providence churches in 1813 ; made pastor in 1820; preached at Mount Bethel thirty-one years. Vice-President of Washington College for some years ; President of Washington Col- lege, 1838-1839. Began teaching at Tusculum in 1835, a few years after the death of his father, Dr. Samuel Doak, the founder of Wash- ington College and of Tusculum Academy. Obtained a charter in 1842 for Tusculum College, this becoming effective in 1844. Was President of Tusculum from that time until his death in 1864. *DOAK, WILLIAM STEPHENSON, B.A., M.A., D.D 1865-1868 b. March 27, 1829, Tusculum, Tenn. Prepared for college under his father; entered Tusculum College, graduating in 1851; theological course at Cincinnati and Danville ; licensed by Presbytery of Cincin- nati, 1853. Ministry spent in Kentucky and Tennessee ; supplied Timber Ridge, Greeneville, Oakland and other churches in Tennessee. Practicing physician in Kentucky for several years. President of Tus- culum College, 1865-1868; Greeneville and Tusculum College, 1868- 1882 ; also professor of Philosophy and Political Science. Superin- tendent of Public Instruction, Tennessee, 1881-1882. M.A., Tusculum College; D.D., Greeneville and Tusculum. m. Miss Fannie E. Banton, July 18, 1855; seven children (Mrs. Taber, '79). d. May 23, 1882, Tusculum. Tenn. * Deceased. Old College (1841). Erected by Dr. S. W. Doak. i4 Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. GREENEVILLE AND TUSCULUM COLLEGE Formed in 1868 by the union of Greeneville and Tusculum Colleges ; in 1912 the name was changed to Tusculum College. William S. Doak, D.D. *DOAK, WILLIAM STEPHENSON 1868-1882 See sketch above. MOORE, JEREMIAH, B.A., M.A., D.D 1883-1901 b. November 25, 1845, near Tusculum; ^. Air. and Mrs. Anthony Moore ; preparatory course, Tusculum ; graduated, Tusculum College, 1871 ; theological course, Lane Seminary ; ordained by Holston Pres- bytery, September, 1874; stated supply of Amity, Timber Ridge, Oak- land and Mount Bethel churches, Greene County, Tenn. President of Tusculum College from May, 1883, to May, 1901; also professor of Philosophy and Political Science during those years. Spent five years teaching and preaching in Eastern Kentucky ; two years preaching in Missouri ; seven years in New Mexico ; closed a pastorate of four years at Clovis, New Mexico, June 30, 1916. M.A. and D.D., Tuscu- lum. m. Miss Isabel Rankin Mathes, December 10, 1874; six children (David E. Ml, '98; Mrs. McLean, '98; Albion Holt M., '00, and Melvin Mathes M., '01). Class president. * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. McCormick Hall (1887). Erected during Dr. Moore's administration. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. S. A. Coile, D.D. COILE, SAMUEL ANDREW, B.A., M.A., D.D 1902-1907 b. January 18, 1857, Dandridge, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Coile ; brother of Alexander Jackson C. ('79), Mrs. Reed ('87), and Mrs. Ran- kin ('88). Entered Tusculum College, graduating in 1879; theological course, Lane and McCormick Seminaries. Trustee of Tusculum; taught Greek, Tusculum, two years ; President, Tusculum, five years ; President, Cumberland University, two years. Has held pastorates at Greeneville and Knoxville, Tenn., and Sheffield, Ala. ; now pastor of large church in Missouri. M.A., Tusculum; D.D., Gale College, m. Miss Mary C. Speck, June 30, 1887; four children. TUSCULUM COLLEGE In 1912 the corporate name of Greeneville and Tusculum College was changed to Tusculum College. GRAY, CHARLES OLIVER, B.A., B.D., M.A., D.D 1908- b. June 3, 1S67, Heuvelton, N. Y. ; s. Walter Rutherford and Mary Jane (Chambers) Gray. B.A., Hamilton College, N. Y., 1890; gradu- ated, Union Theological Seminary. New York City, 1894; post- Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. >7 President C. O. Gray, D.D. graduate work, Columbia and New York Universities, m. Florence Irene Rollins, of Yonkers, N. Y., June 6, 1893; three sons (Edward Rutherford G., '16). Ordained to Presbyterian ministry, 1893; pastor of First Church, Smithtown Branch, N. Y., 1894-1903 ; Marshall, N. C, 1903-1907 ; Oakland Heights Church, Asheville, N. C, 1907-1908. Pres- ident of Tusculum College since 1908. Member of Religious Education Association. Southern Sociological Congress, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Beta Kappa. 1 8 Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. ALUMNI REGISTER ALUMNI OF GREENEVILLE COLLEGE Before 1820 ♦AKIN, JOHN A., B.A. Lawyer. Gave special attention to criminal law. Elected Trustee of Greeneville College, November 1, 1822 ; for some years Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Lived at Jonesboro, Tenn. * ALEXANDER, EBENEZER, B.A. b. in Middle or West Tennessee. Judge of Circuit Court for many years. Lived in Knoxville, and died there in 1837. ♦ANDERSON, WILLIAM, B.A. s. Judge Joseph Anderson, who was United States Senator, 1797-1815. :|: ANDERSON, ALEXANDER, B.A. b. November 10, 1794, Jefferson County, Tenn. United States Senator from Tennessee in the Twenty-sixth Congress, 1839-1841. Afterwards a judge in California, and one of the legislative members that framed the Constitution for that State, d. Knoxville, Tenn., May 28, 1869. *BRADSHAW, CHRISTOPHER, B.A. Licensed and ordained to the Presbyterian ministry, September 26, 1820. Was made pastor of Timber Ridge Church, July 31, 1824. ♦BROWN, HUGH, B.A. (1808). Was a member of the Knoxville bar as late as 1834. In 1816, with .Major F. S. Heiskell, established and edited the Knoxville Register. ♦BULLEN, M., B.A., M.A. Minister. M.A., Greeneville College, 1817. ♦HARDIN, ROBERT, B.A. (1816), M.A. Minister in Presbyterian Church ; licensed by Union Presbytery, Octo- ber 12, 1814. Ordained and installed pastor of St. Paul's Church, October 2, 1816 ; elected professor of Church History and Govern- ment in the Southern and Western Theological Seminary, 1831. M.A., Greeneville College; degree of D.D. m. Miss McAlpin. *JARNAGIN, SPENCER, B.A. (1813). b. about 1792 in Grainger County, Tenn. ; read law under Judge Hugh Lawson White ; admitted to bar, 1817; began practice of law at Athens, * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. 19 Tenn. ; lawyer in Knoxville in 1834 ; member of Legislature of Ten- nessee ; United States Senator, 1843-1847 ; member of Whig party. Prominent constitutional lawyer and orator, d. Memphis, Tenn., June 24, 1851. *LEA, PRYOR, B.A., M.A. b. in Grainger County, Tenn. Attended Blount College (now Univer- sity of Tennessee) under President Samuel Carrick. M.A., Tuscu- lum. Best known as lawyer. Member of Congress, 1827-1831. Moved to Mississippi in 1836 or 1837; then to Texas, where he died at an advanced age. *LEA, WILLIAM W., B.A., M.A. Graduated some time before 1818. M.A., Greeneville College, Sep- tember 12, 1818. *MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM, B.A., M.A. Minister. M.A., Greeneville College, 1817. *REESE, WILLIAM BROWN, B.A. b. November 29, 1793, Jefferson County, Tenn. Admitted to bar, 1817 ; Supreme Court Judge of Tennessee, 1834-1847. President of Univer- sity of Tennessee, 1850 . d. near Knoxville, Tenn., July 7, 1860. *REESE, JOSEPH, B.A. Physician. Lived in Jefferson County. *SMILEY, JAMES, B.A. , M.A. Minister. M.A., Greeneville College, 1817. *WEIR, DAVID, B.A. (1816), M.A. Minister. Licensed by Union Presbytery, September 14, 1811 ; or- dained October 3, 1812. In charge of the churches of Columbia and Lower Elk Ridge, 1816. M.A., Greeneville College. *WYLY, JAMES W., B.A. Brother of Rev. Samuel W. Wyly ; early home in Greeneville. Re- ceived license to practice law in Greeneville about 1817, and continued there until 1835. d. in Louisiana. Before 1830 *ANDERSON, P. B, B.A. *BOWIE, JAMES, B.A. Graduated about 1829. Wholesale merchant in Charleston, S. C. m. a daughter of Dr. Charles Coffin, who was second President of Greeneville College. *BOWIE, LANGDON, B.A. Graduated about 1827. Wholesale merchant in Charleston, S. C. m. a daughter of President Charles Coffin. * Deceased. 20 Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. *BRADLEY, ORVILLE, B.A. Lawyer at Rogersville, Tenn., 1834. Greatly interested in politics. *COCHRAN, , B.A. From Cocke County, Tenn. Moved to Alabama. *C0FFIN, CHARLES, B.A. Graduated about 1827. Eldest son of President Charles Coffin. Mer- chant ; lived in Knoxville. *C0FFIN, JAMES A., B.A. Graduated about 1827. Was located at Madisonville, Tenn., as early as 1834, where he lived and died. Lawyer, merchant, farmer. *DILLAHUNTY, EDMUND, B.A. Graduated about 1825. Lawyer; Attorney-General at Columbia, Tenn., 1834; Judge of first Circuit Court in Marshall County, Tenn., 1836- 1852. *GRAGG, SAMUEL, B.A. (1826). Minister. *HALE, JAMES, B.A. Entered law after graduation. *HALE, PHILIP, B.A. Physician. ♦HALL, ALLEN A., B.A. Lawyer and editor. Admitted to bar, 1824. One of the most promi- nent editors of early days; editor of the Whig Spirit of '76, the first campaign paper published west of the Alleghany Mountains ; of the National Banner and Advertiser, Nashville's (Tenn.) first daily paper, established 1831, Hall becoming editor in 1835, and of the Republican Banner, of Nashville, the most ably conducted of the Whig organs. Disposed of his interest in the Republican Banner after two years and went as United States Minister to Bolivia in 1863. Register of United States Treasury, 1863. One of the Board of Commissioners who looked after the building of the State Capitol at Nashville. *HILL, MASSEY, B.A. *HOLT, DAVID RICE, B.A. b. March 8, 1803, near Greeneville. Tenn. Graduated not later than 1825. Member of Abingdon Presbytery; preached some time in Vir- ginia, m. Miss Isabella White, of Washington County, Va. ; three sons and three daughters, d. Jefferson City, Mo., December 6, 1840, while serving as a member of the Legislature. ^JACOBS, SOLOMON D., B.A. Graduated not later than 1825. President of first railroad in Ten- nessee. Delivered an oration in Greek at his graduation. * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. 21 *JONES, JOHN, B.A. Lived near Greeneville. *LUCKY, SETH J. W., B.A. (1822). Entered law. Lived at Jonesboro, Tenn., and in later years at Knox- ville. Judge of Circuit Court in First Judicial District of Tennessee; also Chancellor. Was made a Trustee of Greeneville College, Novem- ber 20, 1826 ; Secretary Board of Trustees for some time. d. Knox- ville, April, 1869. *McALPINE, ROBERT, B.A. Licensed by Union Presbytery in 1821, and ordained by same Pres- bytery, August 22, 1824. Taught at Anderson Academy, near New- port, Tenn., about 1820. *McKINNEY, ROBERT J., B.A. Graduated about 1829. A native of Ireland, but spent the greater part of his life in Tennessee. Located at Greeneville as a lawyer not later than 1830; in 1847 succeeded Judge William B. Reese (1820) on the Supreme bench of Tennessee, where he continued until 1862. Trus- tee of Greeneville College. *MITCHELL. STOKELY D., B.A. ^MORGAN, FRANK, B.A. *PRESTON, ISAAC, B.A. Graduated about 1825. Lived in Louisiana. United States District Attorney. *RICE, GEORGE DUFFIELD, B.A. b. near Greeneville, Tenn. Academic course in part under Dr. Samuel Doak at Tusculum ; graduated from Greeneville College, 1826. Re- moved to Georgia; was for many years a judge in that State, d. Gainesville, Ga. *SAWTELL, ELI M., B.A. b. near Hollis, N. H. Came to Tennessee on foot in June, 1818. Academic course and theological course under Dr. Anderson at Mary- ville. Spent two years in Greeneville College and graduated in 1821 or 1822. Licensed April 19, 1825 ; evangelist. United States chaplain to seamen at Havre, France, 1858-1868. Published "Treasured Mo- ments." d. 1883 or 1884 at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. *VANCE, JAMES H, B.A. b. January 4, 1811, Greeneville, Tenn. Academic course under Rev. Samuel Doak, D.D., Tusculum; graduated from Greeneville College about 1830. Practicing physician for many years. Member of Presby- terian Church. M.D., from Transylvania University, Ky. m. Miss Jane Sevier, August 26, 1832 ; six sons and five daughters, d. at his home at Kingsport, July 7, 1893. * Deceased. 22 Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College;. *VANCE, NICHOLAS, B.A. Lived at Greeneville, Tenn., before graduation. Practicing physician. *WHITE, JOHN, B.A. b. in Kentucky, 1805. Practiced law at Richmond, Ky. In Congress, 1835-1845 ; Speaker of the House in Twenty-seventh Congress. Ap- pointed Judge of Nineteenth Judicial District of Kentucky, d. Rich- mond, Ky., September 22, 1845, soon after his appointment. Before 1840 *CHURCHWELL, GEORGE W., B.A. Lawyer. Located in Knoxville, Tenn., 1834. *JARNAGIN, BYNUM, B.A. From Jefferson County, Tenn. Brother of Hon. Spencer Jarnagin (1820). Practiced law at Dandridge, 1834. *READY, CHARLES, B.A. One of the early and prominent settlers of Murfreesboro, Tenn. Was a lawyer there in 1834; represented that district in Congress, 1853- 1859. Father-in-law of General John Morgan. Prisoner at Nashville for some time during Civil War. *SEVIER, WILLIAM, B.A. b. September 7, 1822, Greeneville, Tenn. Graduated from Medical De- partment of the University of New York, 1843 ; physician for many years in Jonesboro, Tenn. Presbyterian, m. Miss Cunningham, of Jonesboro ; one daughter ; second wife was Miss Evans ; one son. *WEST, WILLIAM, B.A., M.A. b. April 22, 1817. Graduated about 1832. Practicing physician for a few years. Trustee of Greeneville College. M.A., Tusculum. Mer- chant in Greeneville. Member of Presbyterian Church Moved to Dalton, Ga., 1866, and died there, 1884. *WYLY, ROBERT, B.A. Died in Louisiana. *WYLY, SAMUEL YOUNG, B.A. b. May 26, 1815, Greeneville, Tenn. Graduated from Princeton Theo- logical Seminar} 7 , 1838 ; ordained at Rogersville, Tenn., June 8, 1839 ; supplied Providence, Salem, Leesburg and Mount Bethel churches ; pastor of Leesburg and Mount Bethel from 1847 till his death, July 20. 1857. Vice-President and professor in Washington College, 1839- 1844. ///. Miss Mary Nelson Stephenson, September 28, 1841; three sons and two daughters, m. Miss Martha Henderson, November 30, 1852 ; one son. * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. 23 Before 1847 McPHERON, ALLEN, B.A. b. near Greeneville, Tenn. Member of Presbyterian Church. RICE, JOHN A, B.A. b. near Greeneville, Tenn., 1825. Admitted to the bar, 1845 ; practiced law in Georgia until 1858. Established a publishing house in Atlanta, Ga. After the Civil War was a farmer for twelve years in Missouri and Kansas. Edited a daily paper at Fort Scott for eight years. Built the New Orleans and Northwestern Railroad. Founded the Sedalia (Mo.) Daily Capital, m. Miss Mary Russell; ten children. 1857 KINGSLEY, ROSWELL E., B.A. b. in South Carolina. Machinist and farmer ; also taught either before or after graduation. Was a member of the Episcopal Church, but afterward united with Presbyterian Church, m. Miss Nannie J. Worley, October 24, 1857 ; eight children. d. near Greeneville, Tenn., October 21, 1876. McCORKLE, SAMUEL V., B.A., M.A. b. in Greeneville, Tenn. Taught in Greeneville College, 1858, under President W. B. Rankin. Licensed by Holston Presbytery, April, 1863 ; supplied Presbyterian churches of Greeneville, Rogersville and Kingston; spent many years preaching in Florida. Degree of B.A. from Princeton College; also received degrees of M.A. (Tusculum) and D.D. m. Miss Netherland, of Kingsport, Tenn. d. Maitland, Fla., November 22, 1897. McDANNEL, JOHN LAFAYETTE, B.A. b. February 8, 1835, at Greeneville, Tenn. Taught from 1857 to 1892; afterwards engaged in farming ; contributed to the press. United with Cumberland Presbyterian Church about 1852, but later became a mem- ber of the Southern Presbyterian Church, m. Miss Margaret M. Miller, of Greeneville, Tenn., December 24, 1861 ; two sons and two daughters. *WILSON, ALFRED WHITEFIELD, B.A., D.D. b. at Greeneville, Tenn. Taught private schools for a number of years. President of Rogersville Female College six years, and Elm- wood Seminary, Missouri, six years. Professor of History, Austin College, Sherman, Tex., three years. Studied theology privately ; stated supply at White Pine, Russellville, Liberty Hill, Tenn. ; also Bonham and Dodd City, Tex. ; evangelist in Texas. M.A., University of Tennessee ; D.D., Greeneville and Tusculum College, 1899. m. Miss Julia Caldwell ; four children. * Deceased. 24 Alumni Catalogue: of Tusculum College. 1858 *BIGGS, JOHN M., B.A., M.A. b. January 3, 1832, Greeneville, Tenn. Most of life after graduation spent in teaching. County Superintendent of Public Instruction, Texas, six years. Mayor of Dodd City, Tex. Captain in Confed- erate Army, commissary department. M.A., Tusculum College. Mem- ber of Presbyterian Church, m. Miss Mary Riggin, 1859 ; seven children. *FOUTE, ROBERT CHESTER, B.A., M.A. b. April 14, 1841, Greeneville, Tenn. Soldier, merchant, farmer, min- ister. Entered United States Navy and was lieutenant in C. S. Navy, 1861-1865 ; was an officer on board the Confederate ironclad ram Mer- rimac in the famous engagement with the Monitor at Hampton Roads, March, 1862 ; surrendered at Appomattox. Entered the ministry of the Episcopal Church, 1873 ; became rector of St. Philip's Church, Atlanta, Ga., 1875 ; rector of Grace Church, San Francisco, Cal. ; Presi- dent of the Standing Committee of Diocese of California. M.A., Tusculum. m. Miss de Kantzow, 1866. 1860 *WILSON. A. BENJAMIN, B.A. b. 1838, near Greeneville, Tenn. Officer in Fourth Union Regiment of Tennessee Infantry in Civil War. Member of Legislature of Ten- nessee one term, 1881-1882. Lawyer. Member of Presbyterian Church. *FOWLER, WILLIAM FRANCIS, B.A. nunc pro tunc, M.A. b. October 5, 1839, Parrottsville, Tenn. In Union Army during Civil War, First Tennessee Cavalry. Graduated in dentistry, 1868 ; taught dentistry for several years in University of Tennessee (at Nashville). Received degrees of D.D.S. and M.D., University of Tennessee, 1879 and 1880; M.A., Tusculum. Cumberland Presbyterian. Trustee of Tusculum. d. January 14, 1915, Greeneville, Tenn. * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue: of Tusculum College. 25 ALUMNI OF TUSCULUM COLLEGE See Historical Sketch, page 5. Before 1847 *BELL, JOHN A., B.A. (1842), M.A. b. December 8, 1810, Greeneville, Tenn. Presbyterian minister. Com- pleted theological course at New Albany Theological Seminary of Indiana, June 24, 1847; licensed to preach, April 8, 1847; called to Texas in 1851, where he remained eight years ; later returned to Ten- nessee and engaged in preaching and teaching. M.A., Tusculum Col- lege, m. Miss Martha M. Cowan, December 12, 1850; two children. d. at Morristown, Tenn., September 1, 1884. *DOAK, ALEXANDER MASON, B.A., M.A. b. March 26, 1819, at Tusculum, Tenn. Was for several years pro- fessor in Tusculum College; Vice-President and professor in Greene- ville and Tusculum College, 1881-1885. Practicing physician for many years. Ordained to the ministry by Holston Presbytery, 1872. M.A., Tusculum. m. Miss Elizabeth McClure ; eight children, m. Miss Sarah Carmack. *GIBSON, MATTHEW, B.A., M.A. b. in Virginia. Received degree soon after college was chartered, taught at Fork Academy, Monroe County, as early as 1845, which was the beginning of Hiwassee College. Reviser of Fowler's Arithmetic. Practicing physician in Cincinnati, O., 1852. Moved to Felicity, O., and in later years lived in Indiana. M.A., Tusculum. m. Miss Eliza Doak, of Tusculum, Tenn. ^HENDERSON, JOHN C, B.A. Graduated about 1843. d. at Cleveland, Tenn., while young. *MILLIGAN, SAMUEL, B.A. (1843), M.A., LL.D. b. November 14, 1814, in Greene County, Tenn. Entered school at Tusculum, 1839 ; while in school was elected to the Legislature ; twice elected to the Legislature after graduation. Studied law under Judge R. J. McKinney (1830) ; admitted to the bar at Nashville, 1845; began practice at Greeneville, Tenn. Was quartermaster in the Mexican War, with rank of major. Editor of The Spy. Member of the Supreme Court of Tennessee. 1864-1868; Judge of the Court of Claims, 1868- 1874. M.A. and LL.D., Tusculum. Became a member of the Presby- terian Church at age of 33 ; ruling elder for many years, in. Miss Elizabeth Howard, 1849. d. at Washington. D. C, April 20, 1874. *MUNSEY, HIRAM, B.A. b. in Virginia. Returned to Virginia after graduation and engaged in teaching. * Deceased. 26 Alumni Catalogue <>k Tusculum College. *ROYSTON, SAMUEL W, B.A., M.A. Entered law after graduation ; married, and located at Athens, Tenn. M.A., Tusculum. *DOAK, S. S. M., B.A. nunc pro tunc. b. March 7, 1809, Washington College, Tenn. Educated under his grandfather and father. Surgeon in Indian war. Prisoner in South many months during Civil War. ni. Miss Eliza D. Snapp ; five chil- dren. *DOAK, JOHN W. K., B.A. nunc pro tunc, M.A. b. September 14, 1814. Received his education under Rev. Samuel Dcak, D.D., and under his father. Licensed April 4, 1842, by Holston Presbytery. Vice-President of Tusculum College and Professor of Languages in 1847. Practicing physician. M.A., Tusculum. In 1865 moved to Tunnel Hill, Ga., where he died some years later. 1847— Spring Term *DOAK, ROBERT E., B.A., M.A. b. March 4, 1824, Tusculum, Tenn. One of the founders of Hiwassee College, Tennessee. President of Hiwassee College. Member of Presbyterian Church. M.A., Tusculum. m. Miss Annie C. Kreger, of Virginia ; seven children ; second wife, Miss Mary A. Robinson, of Arkansas, d. near the close of Civil War while serving as quarter- master of the Confederate Army in the West. *GIBSON, NELSON, B.A. Moved to Ohio after graduation. *WILLS, DAVID, B.A., M.A. b. near Gettysburg, Pa. Studied theology at Columbia Seminary, S. C, 1847-1850; ordained by Presbytery of South Carolina, 1851; pastor at Lawrenceville, S. C, 1851-1860; First Church, Macon, Ga., 1860-1870; Western Church, Washington, D. C, 1874-1879; Chaplain in United States Army, 1879-1886 ; pastor of North Tenth Street Church, Phila- delphia, Pa., 1886; Disston Memorial Church, Tacony, Pa., 1890-1900. President of Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, Ga., 1870-1874. Pub- lished numerous sermons, addresses, lectures. M.A., Tusculum Col- lege; D.D., Oglethorpe University; LL-D., Washington College, Tenn. m. Miss Rebecca F. Watt, Fairfield, S. C, 1850. 1847— Fall Term ♦ANDERSON, SAMUEL, B.A., M.A. b. October, 1821, Jefferson County, Tenn. Teacher and physician. Professor of Mathematics for four years in Tusculum College. Presi- dent of Mossy Creek College ( now Carson-Newman College, Jefferson City), 1853-1857. Taught at Mossy Creek about nine years. M.A., Tusculum. m. Miss Julia M. Doak, 1847; nine children, d. in Cocke County, 1885. * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue op Tusculum College. 27 ♦BRUNNER, JOHN HAMILTON, B.A., M.A., D.D. b. March 12, 1825, near Greeneville, Tenn. Noted preacher, poet, author, educator. Professor in Hiwassee College, 1853 ; in 1854 elected President of Hiwassee, and served for some time. Later took charge of Strawberry Plains College ; still later called again to the Presidency of Hiwassee. During his absence from Hiwassee it had passed through the misfortunes of the Civil War, was without teachers or money, and the buildings very much out of repair ; within four years he had re- ceived three hundred and thirty-six students from thirteen different States, of whom twenty-two became ministers of the Gospel. During his Presidency of Hiwassee, about thirty-six years, over one hundred of his students entered the ministry. Author of "Sunday Evening Talks," and ''The Union of the Churches." For some years assistant editor of church paper and con- tributor to the Quarterly Review. Presiding Elder in the M. E. Church, South. Received degrees M.A. and D.D. from Greeneville and Tusculum College. Always kept in touch with Tusculum. On the morning of the day of his death, wrote to one of the Tusculum professors saying that he believed "the white-winged messenger of death" was near. d. Febru- ary, 1914. George Washington Butler. * Deceased. 28 Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. 1848 BUTLER, GEORGE WASHINGTON, B.A., Loudon, Tenn. b. 1826 in Monroe County, Tenn. ; of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Butler. Presbyterian minister, teacher and physician. Taught five years in Tusculum College from about 1845. Vice-President of Hiwassee Col- lege ; President of Ewing and Jefferson College ; President of Roane College. Had charge of a Scotch church of four hundred and fifty members. Surgeon and Chaplain during Civil War. Received degrees of M.A., M.D. and D.D. m. Miss E. C. Porter, 1855; eight children. Tusculum's oldest living alumnus since 1914. *MILBURN, JACOB LONG, B.A. b. July 5, 1823, Greene County, Tenn. Minister in Cumberland Pres- byterian Church ; began preaching September 29, 1849 ; also engaged in teaching, m. Miss Martha Rhea, July 28, 1849 ; six children, d. at Trenton, Ga., March 10, 1884. 1850 *MILLER, JAMES W., B.A. 1851 *BIRD, JACOB FRANKLIN, B.A., M.A. b. January 1, 1827, near Greeneville, Tenn. Taught five years in the Princeton (Indiana) Seminary, and five years in the high school at Owensville, Ind. County Superintendent of Public Schools, six years. Studied law. Was a member of the Legislature of Indiana, 1862. Merchant, 1865-1898. Member of M. E. Church. M.A., Tusculum. m. Miss Cordelia A. Robb, September 1, 1853 ; two daughters and one son. *CRAWFORD, ROBERT A., B.A., M.A. b. April 19, 1819, Greene County, Tenn. Practiced law in Greeneville and Washington, D. C. Colonel in Fourth Tennessee Mounted In- fantry, U. S. A. M.A., Tusculum. m. Miss Lucretia S. Remine, April 13. 1853; three daughters, d. Washington, D. C, about 1878. *DOAK, WILLIAM STEPHENSON, B.A., M.A., D.D. (See Tusculum College Presidents.) *PRICE, JACOB F., B.A., M.A. ■ Not certain as to year of graduation. M.A., Tusculum. *STALLIARD, SAMUEL C, B.A. b. in Scott County, Va. *TAYLOR, GRINSFIELD, B.A. b. July 2, 1823, Louisville, Blount County, Tenn. Not certain as to year of graduation. Attended Louisville Academy. Taught at Hi- wassee College, Tenn. Presiding Elder in M. E. Church, South. * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. 29 Pastor at Knoxville and other places in East Tennessee. Degree of D.D. m. Miss Elizabeth Fleming, d. in Florida. 1852 *BURTS, JAMES H, B.A. Not certain as to year of graduation. Went west. *DOAK, SAMUEL SMITH, B.A., M.A. b. November 8, 1831, Greene County, Tenn. Taught at Hiwassee Col- lege. Professor of Languages, Tusculum College, 1859-1861. Re- organized the work in Tusculum College in the fall of 1865, at close of the Civil War. Vice-President, Greeneville and Tusculum College; professor of Mathematics, 1866 or 1867 to 1873. M.A., Tusculum. Elder in Oakland Presbyterian Church, m. Miss Julia M. King, De- cember, 1857 ; six children, d. August 5, 1873. *EVANS, GEORGE H., B.A., M.A. Not certain as to year of graduation. M.A., Tusculum. Physician. Lived for many years at Greeneville, Tenn. ; latter part of life was spent in California, m. Miss Mary Wilson, of Greeneville, Tenn. ; three daughters. *HALE, FRANK S., B.A. Not certain as to date of graduation. Read law. Entered Confederate Army and was killed. *HEISKELL, HUGH B., B.A. *PARSHALL, JAMES R., B.A. Entered Tusculum from Athens, Tenn. Resided in Athens after graduation. *TAYLOR, CALVIN M, B.A. b. November 10, 1827, Louisville, Blount County. Tenn. Practiced law. Member of M. E. Church, South, m. Miss Mary Murphy, 1855. *WHITIS, JAMES W., B.A. Not certain as to date of graduation, 1851 or 1852. Went west. 1854 *HICKEY, A. C, B.A. Not certain as to date of graduation, from 1854 to 1856. Studied law. Officer in Confederate Army. *HICKEY, WILLIAM W., B.A. Reared in East Tennessee. Went west after graduation. *KEITH, JAMES A., B.A. Resided in North Carolina after graduation. Officer in Confederate Army. Went west after Civil War. * Deceased. 3° Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. *RICE, ANDREW H., B.A. b. north of Greenevillc, Tenn. Practiced law in Georgia. Minister in Baptist Church. 1856 *PRICE, W. A, B.A. b. in Russell County, Va. Removed to Texas shortly after gradua- tion. Practiced law in Dallas County, Texas, m. Miss Mary Stover, about 1856; four or five children, d. in Texas. *SHEFFEY, WILLIAM H, B.A. Located at Newport, Tenn. Farmer. Married. 1857 *DOAK, MATTHEW &, B.A. b. February 13, 1835, Tusculum, Tenn. Physician and farmer. Mem- ber of Presbyterian Church, m. Miss Margaret Kreger, of Virginia; two sons (Chas. S. D., '82). d. 1883, at Tusculum. *WALLIN, JESSE, B.A. b. January 18, 1832, McMinn County, Tenn. Physician. Member of Legislature of North Carolina, 1862-1863. Member of Missionary Baptist Church, m. Miss Mary E. Lumsford, January 21, 1880. 1859 *FEEMSTER, SAMUEL C, B.A., M.A. b. in Mississippi. Minister in Congregational Church. Brother of Rev. P. S. Feemster ('61). M.A., Tusculum. 1860 *BIGGS, WILLIAM, B.A. b. 1835, Greeneville, Tenn. Taught school. Joined Confederate Army. Presbyterian, d. Fort Delaware, 1864. HACKER, NEWTON, B.A,, Jonesboro, Tenn. b. March 3, 1836, Greene County, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hacker. Presbyterian. Served in Union Army as private, first lieutenant and captain in Fourth Tennessee Infantry Volunteers ; mustered out at Nashville, Tenn., August 2, 1865. Member of Legislature of Tennes- see ; District Attorney and Circuit Judge. Banker for some time. in. Miss Antoinette Bradley, of Delaware, O., October 3, 1867; five children living, one deceased. * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College:. 3* iim Newton Hacker. *MALONEY, HUGH D., B.A. b. June 6, 1842, near Warrensburg, Tenn. Preparatory course, Greene- ville College; one year in law school, Cumberland University. Joined Confederate Army. Farmer and merchant. Presbyterian, m. Miss Annie Scruggs, February 21, 1871; four daughters, one son. *ROBINSON, JAMES HARVEY, B.A., M.A. b. June 26, 1835, near Greeneville, Tenn. Joined Confederate Army. Provost marshal at Greeneville. Engaged in teaching, editing news- paper, railroading, and practice of law ; practiced in courts of Arkan- sas and Tennessee. M.A., Tusculum. Presbyterian, m. Miss Ellen Temple, June 7, 1860 ; eight children. 1861 *FEEMSTER, PAUL SILAS, B.A., M.A. b. January 8, 1811, Columbus, Miss. ; brother, Rev. S. C. Feemster ('59). Early education under his father at Ridgeway Academy, Miss.; graduated, Congregationalist Seminary, Chicago, 1867 ; taught, lec- tured and preached in Mississippi, Kansas and Tennessee. Founded Noble Academy, Noble, Mo. in. Miss Belle R. Wilson, May 29, 1867; three sons, three daughters. Professor of Ancient Languages, Greene- ville and Tusculum College, 1870-1877 ; minister in Congregational * Deceased. 32 Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. Church, except during 1870-1877; member of Holston Presbytery. M.A., Greeneville and Tusculum College, d. Noble, Mo., 1895. *SWAN, HARVEY, B.A. Joined Confederate Army; from best information, killed in battle at Fort Donaldson. *TELLEY, JERE I., B.A. Joined Confederate Army ; mortally wounded, from best information, in battle of Fort Donaldson. *TlPTON, JOHN A., B.A. b. near Kingsport, Tenn. Joined Confederate Army; died or was killed, 1861 or 1862. Period during Civil War. College reopened fall of 1865 by Samuel Smith Doak, '52. 1866 DOBSON, ANDREW SILAS NEWTON, B.A., Limestone, Tenn. b. October 5, 1840, at Tusculum, Tenn. ; of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Calvin Dobson. Prevented from graduation in 1862 by Civil War. Began practice of medicine at Felicity, O. ; has given attention to farming. Elder in Presbyterian Church ; chairman of Board of Trus- tees of Washington College, Tenn. Member of Tennessee Legislature, 1884-1885. Received degree ct M.D. from Vanderbilt University, 1875. m. Miss Nannie J. McGaughey December 28, 1864 ; seven children, six living; three sons and three daughters. 1868 ♦DOBSON, ROBERT MILLER, B.A. b. June, 1840, at Tusculum, Tenn. Prevented from graduation in 1862 by Civil War. Practiced medicine in Missouri. Member of Cumber- land Presbyterian Church, m. Miss Martha Davis, Greeneville, 1868 ; three children. * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue; oi< Tusculum College:. 33 ALUMNI OF GREENEVILLE AND TUSCULUM COLLEGE See Historical Sketch, page 5. 1869 ♦NELSON, WILLIAM A., B.A. b. 1846, Washington County, Tenn. Taught school, Limestone, Term., seven years ; engaged in farming one year and a half. Railroad agent at Limestone for many years ; merchant at TeUord and Limestone. Member of M. E. Church, South, m. Miss Callie Rorex, November 17, 1887. ♦WEST, JAMES A., B.A. b. September 9, 1846, Washington County, Tenn. Engaged in farming and trading. Member of Legislature of Tennessee, 1873 and 1883. m. Miss Emma C. Glaze, 1875. ♦YEAGER, ELIJAH FISH, B.A,, M.A. b. December 26, 1844, Washington County, Tenn. Served in Confed- erate Army. Taught languages in Greeneville and Tusculum College. Removed to Alvorado, Tex., 1870.. Professor of Languages. Marvin College ; practiced law. Member of Legislature from Ellis County, Texas. Edited the Waxahachie Enterprise last nine years of his life. Methodist. M.A. degree, Greeneville and Tusculum College, m. Miss Minnie B. Rainey, June 1, 1875. d. May 10, 1890, in Texas. 1870 ♦ALEXANDER, ROBERT McGAUGHEY, B.A. b. September 15, 1846, Greene County, Tenn. One of the first students to enter Greeneville and Tusculum College after the Civil War. Was farmer, teacher, tax assessor, deputy trustee and County Court Clerk of Greene County. Elder in Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Trus- tee of Tusculum College, m. Miss Jennie C. Dobson, October 12, 1871 ; three sons, one daughter (Fred W. A., '92, and Lucile E. A., '02). d. January 7, 1902. DOBSON, WILLIAM D., B.S., M.A., LL.D., St. Louis, Mo. b. November 27, 1848, Tusculum, Tenn. Principal of high school two years ; superintendent, Trenton schools, Missouri, five years ; superin- tendent of city schools, Carrollton, Mo., ten years ; superintendent of Mabry schools one year ; President, State Normal School, Kirksville, Mo., eight years ; Dean, American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. ; President, State Teachers' Association, 1889 ; member of Text- Book Commission, Missouri, 1897. Elder in Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Degrees of M.A. and, LL.D., Greeneville and Tusculum Col- lege. Now practicing physician in St. Louis, Mo. Class president. * Deceased. 3 34 Ai/umni Catalogue of Tusculum College. WILSON, JOHN HENRY, B.S., Barbourville, Ky. b. January 30, 1846, Lincoln County, Ky. ; s. of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Wilson. Edited and published a weekly newspaper from 1873 to 1879. Member of the State Senate, Kentucky, 1883-1887; member of the Fifty-first Congress from the Tenth District, and of the Fifty-second Congress from the Eleventh District, Kentucky, m. Miss Ellen Gibson, October 6, 1874 ; two children, m. Miss Julia E. Kennedy, January 30, 1892. 1871 *McDONALD, JOHN, B.A. Minister in Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Taught at Philadel- phia, Washington County, Tenn. m. 1871. MOORE, JEREMIAH, B.A., M.A., D.D., Aransas Pass, Texas. (See Greeneville and Tusculum College Presidents.) 1872 nicFERRIN, JOSEPH G., B.A., M.A., D.D. b. August 18, 1846, near Bull's Gap, Tenn. ; s. of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Doak McFerrin. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; taught in Wash- ington College one year ; professor of Latin, Tusculum, six years ; pro- fessor of Mathematics, King College, three years. Studied theology under private teachers; ordained by the Presbyterian Church, 1878; evangelist for fifteen years or more. Degrees of M.A., and D.D., 1897, Tusculum. m. Miss Lottie S. Hannah, June, 1874 ; five children. SMITH, NICHOLAS KEFFER, B.A., D.D., Ponchatoula, La. b. January 19, 1851, New Market, Tenn.; s. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Smith. Graduated, Union Theological Seminary, Virginia, April 14, 1875. Pastorates in Atlanta and Darien, Ga. Seven times elected evangelist in presbyteries and two synods ; several times Moderator of Presbyteries and Commissioner to General Assembly. Writer and cor- respondent, Christian Observer. Had charge and led choir of one hun- dred and fifty in the Moody and Sankey meetings in Atlanta. Trustee of Presbyterian College of South Carolina. Evangelist in New Orleans Presbytery and director of community chorus since 1917. D.D., Tus- culum College, m. Miss Mary Emma Barton, December 22, 1875 ; three children, m. Miss Carrie Cleveland Scudder, October 4, 1882 ; five children. Class president. 1873 *LEMING, JAMES A., B.A. b. Greene County, Tenn. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Physician. m. Miss Ida Britton. Class president. *ROBINSON, JOSEPH MOSER, B.A., M.A. b. October 28, 1851, Greene County, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Robinson. Professor of Mathematics, Washington College, one * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum Coixlgl. 35 year. Removed to Texas and continued teaching till 1896. Engaged in mercantile business. Elder in Presbyterian Church. Degree of M.A., Tusculum. m. Miss Annie Cordie McLin, December 24, 1878. 1875 HACKER, JOSEPH EARNEST, B.A., Greeneville, Tenn. b. March 31, 1849, Rheatown, Tenn. Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, ten years ; cashier, First National Bank, Greeneville, twenty- eight years ; vice-president since 1916. Member of M. E. Church, m. Miss Jessie R. Britton, September 8, 1878. Class president. *KITE, WILLIAM ANDERSON, B.A., M.A. b. January 21, 1847, near Rogersville, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Kite. Served in Confederate Army until close of Civil War; courier and scout under General Lee, last two years as a member of the Southern Secret Service. Taught in Kentucky and Illinois one year each ; eight years in Tusculum ; four years in Milligan College. Sur- veyor and civil engineer several years ; was engaged in real estate busi- ness. Member of Christian Church. Degree of M.A., Tusculum. m. Miss Sallie A. Doak, November 2, 1871. ♦MOORE, J. CRAWFORD, B.S. b. December 13, 1848, Washington County, Tenn. Studied theology at Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn. ; minister in Cumberland Pres- byterian Church ; home missionary ten years in Kansas. 1876 ♦ANDERSON, WILLIAM C, B.A. b. at Tusculum, Tenn. Preparatory education in Jefferson County public schools and Mossy Creek College (now Carson-Newman). Read law at Newport, Tenn. ; admitted to the bar in 1878. Member of Leg- islature from Cocke and Sevier counties, 1880. Principal examiner of contested land claims, General Land Office, 1889 ; afterward chief clerk of General Land Office. Member of Fifty-fourth Congress from the First Congressional District, Tennessee, m. Miss Blanche Gouchenour. *NEAL, G. DOAK, B.A. b. in Greene County, Tenn. Located in the West; married, d. in California. 1877 ♦BRITTON, GEORGE B., B.A. b. near Greeneville, Tenn. Minister in Cumberland Presbyterian Church; preached at Greeneville; later, united with Presbyterian Church. Was supplying the Rushville (Ind.) Presbyterian Church at the time of his death, 1882 or 1883. * Deceased. 36 Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. La n don Carter Haynes. HAYNES, LAXDON CARTER, B.A., M.A., Tusculum, Teun. b. February 27, 1857, Greene County, Terra. ; s. James G. and Sarah E. Haynes. Taught Ancient Languages, Tusculum, 1877-1881; profes- sor of Mathematics, Tusculum, since 1881 ; Dean of Tusculum College, 1908-1917; Dean Emeritus, Tusculum, since 1917. Elder in Mount Bethel Presbyterian Church. Degree of M.A., Tusculum. Trustee of Tusculum. m. Miss Jennie C. Brown ('81), April 21, 1882; four sons and one daughter ( Herman Cicero H., '02; Carl H., '09, and Grace H., '10) ; three sons living. Class president. nVILLIS, CHARLES D,. B.A. b. near Greeneville, Tenn. Practiced medicine at Bull's Gap and Greeneville, Tenn. Member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church, m. Miss Gass, of Mosheim, Tenn. 1878 GREGG. M. JEROME, B.S., Birmingham, Ala. b. near Meadow Creek, Tenn. Prominent lawyer in Birmingham, Ala. *McCORD. JAMES MARSH, BS , B.A. b. October 5, 1858, Greene County, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. William B. McCord. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Taught in Texas sev- eral years; afterwards took up law. B.A., Tusculum, 1880. d. San Antonio, Tex., April, 1918. Class president. * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. 37 *ROBINSON, JAMES ALLEN, B.A. b. near Greeneville, Tenn. Preparatory course in public schools and at Tusculum. Presbyterian, d. July 14, 1878, Greeneville, Tenn. SMITH, HUGH CALVIN, B.A., Chicago, 111. b. December 4, 1854, New Market, Tenn. Graduated, Union Theolog- ical Seminary, Virginia, 1881 ; ordained by Presbytery of East Hanover, Va., 1882; took charge of Old Street Church, Petersburg, Va. Called to the Herane and Calvert churches, Texas, 1882 ; to First Presbyte- rian Church, Corsicana, Texas, 1883 ; to Carrollton Church, Kentucky, 1885 ; to Morganfield Church, Kentucky, 1889 ; to Brownsville Church, Tennessee, 1891. m. Miss Nellie Victory Mahoney, Loudon, Tenn., May 10, 1882. *McGAUGHEY, WILLIAM SEVIER, BS. nunc pro tunc. b. September 7, 1821, near Greeneville, Tenn. Farmer and surveyor. Member of Legislature of Tennessee three terms ; one time Speaker of the House. Elder in Cumberland Presbyterian Church, m. Miss Car- oline Alexander ; six children ; second wife, Mrs. Margaret Dobson English : one daughter. 1879 BAXTER, FRANKLIN PIERCE, BS., Johnson City, Tenn. b. Cedar Lane, Tenn. Theological course at Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn. Minister. In mercantile business at Greeneville and Johnson City for some time. m. Miss Jennie Campbell, December 24, 1884 ; two sons, four daughters ; five living. *CHANDLEY, EVERETT F., BS. b. Madison County, N. C. Engaged in farming and teaching. Public official at Asheville, N. C. Married, d. Asheville. COILE, ALEXANDER JACKSON, BS., Cookeville, Tenn. b. September 15, 1854, New Market, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Coile ; brother of Samuel Andrew C. ('79), Mrs. Reed ('87), and Mrs. Rankin ('88). Preparatory course in Jefferson County, Tenn.; theological course in Lane and McCormick seminaries ; graduated from latter, 1885. Degree of D.D., 1903. Stated supply at Timber Ridge and Mount Bethel churches ; pastor, Bell Avenue Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, 1890 . Trustee of Tusculum. m. Miss Cora O. Williams, June 29, 1892 ; two sons. COILE ; SAMUEL ANDREW, B.A,, M.A., Maryville, Mo. (See Greeneville and Tusculum College Presidents.) DOAK, JULIA A. (MRS. TABER), B.A., M.A., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. b. in Kentucky, d. Dr. ('51) and Mrs. W. S. Doak. First woman graduate of Tusculum. Taught at Jonesboro. Private secretary of her father while State Superintendent, and of his successor, Prof. G. S. W. Crawford. Professor in Peabody Normal, Nashville, Tenn., 1888-1899 ; * Deceased. Alum Nr Catalogue of Tusculum College:, teacher in State institutes of Tennessee for many years. Member of Presbyterian Church. M.A., Greeneville and Tusculum College, m. Franklin Arnold Taber, May, 1900. Class secretary. KIRKPATRICK, WILKINS W, B.S., Whitesburg, Tenn. b. Whitesburg, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Kirkpatrick. Engaged in mercantile business for some time ; now farming. Class president. *REMINE, WINFIELD SCOTT, BS. nunc pro tunc. b. February 2, 1847, Washington County, Va. Served in Federal Army during Civil War. Principal of High School, Auburn, 111., several years and until his death. Member of M. E. Church, m. Miss Harriet Britton, 1868; one son, W. W. Remine ('91) and one daughter, d. August 24, 1892, Auburn, 111. 1880 ♦KENNEDY, J. MELVILLE, BS. b. Greene County, Tenn. Farmer and merchant. Elder in Presbyterian Church, m. Miss Fannie Alexander; second wife, Miss Nannie Snapp. d. Greene County, Tenn. 1881 BAILEY, JOHN M., B.A., Langdon, Mo. b. Greene County, Tenn. Attended school at Oakland Seminary and Grant University. Principal Oakland Seminary. Member of Missouri Legislature. Taught in the West. Member of M. E. Church. BAILEY, RUFUS K, B.A., Fall Branch, Tenn. b. March 23, 1859, Baileyton, Tenn. Academic course at Oakland Sem- inary. Attended Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, 1883-1884; physician at Fall Branch, Tenn. Member of M. E. Church, m. Miss Virginia McClellan, May 1, 1889. BAILEY, THOMAS M., B.A., Rockport, Mo. b. November 18, 1855, Greene County, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Bailey. Removed to Missouri, 1885. Admitted to bar, 1887. Repub- lican elector for Missouri, 1887; chairman County Court; postmaster, four terms. Member of M. E. Church, m. Miss Minnie D. Sliger, September 12, 1888 ; two sons and two daughters. BAXTER, GEORGE WASHINGTON, B.A., M.A., Telford, Tenn. b. Washington County, Tenn. Attended Washington College; theo- logical course at Lane Seminary, Cincinnati, and McCormick Seminary, Chicago. M.A., Greeneville and Tusculum College. BROWN, JENNIE C. (MRS. HAYNES), B.A., Tusculum, Tenn. b. July 6, 1860, Greene County, Tenn. Preparatory course at Tuscu- lum. Member of Presbyterian Church, m. Prof. L. C. Haynes ('77), April 21, 1882; five children (Herman Cicero H., '02; Carl H., '09, and Grace H.. '10) ; three living. Class secretary. * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue: of Tusculum College. 39 GASS, JOHN ROvSS, B.A., D.D., Albuquerque, N. M. b. February 14, 1857, near Dandridge, Tenn. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Taught school before graduation. Theological course in Lane and McCormick Seminaries ; graduated, McCormick Seminary, 1884 ; licensed and ordained by Holston Presbytery. Supplied Reedy Creek and Kingsport churches, 1884-1887 ; pastor Sigourney Church, Iowa, 1886-1890; Greenefield, Mo., 1890-1897. Synodical missionary for New Mexico. D.D., Tusculum, 1906. m. Miss Elsie Brinton Lowe, of Sigourney, Iowa, January 18, 1891 ; two children. Class president. McNUTT, FRANK ALEXANDER RAMSEY, B.S., Johnson City, Tenn. b. May 11, 1855, near Knoxville, Tenn. Farmer and clerk in store. Member of Presbyterian Church, m. Miss Alice Doak, 1885 ; four children. TEMPLIN, JOHN F., B.A., Johnson City, Tenn. b. March 17, 1855, Washington County, Tenn. Engaged in teaching. Member of M. E. Church, South, m. Miss Sue E. McNees, August 25, 1886 ; two children. 1882 CAUL, HARVEY E, B.A. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Carpenter. Member of Presbyterian Church. *C0LLIER, ROBERT BURNS, B.A., M.A. b. October 25, 1855, Knox County, Tenn. Preparatory course at Clear Spring Academy. Teacher and preacher ; minister in Cumberland Presbyterian Church. M.A., Greeneville and Tusculum. m. Miss Callie Copp, February 13, 1884. d. Washington College, October, 1905. DOAK, CHARLES S., B.A., Tusculum, Tenn. b. September 5, 1858, Tusculum, Tenn.; ^. Mr. ('57) and Mrs. Mat- thew Doak. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Engaged in farming. Elder in Mount Bethel Presbyterian Church, in. Miss Lucy Thomp- son, October 11, 1892; one daughter. EPPS, JAMES HAWS, B.A., Jonesboro, Tenn. b. April 1, 1862 ; ^. W. W. and Sarah Haws Epps. Professor, Milligan College, 1882-1885. Law course, Cumberland University. Trustee of Tusculum. in. Miss Mollie Hardin; three children (William Hardin E., '10; James Haws E., Jr., '13, and Mary Lucy E., '16) ; second wife, Miss Mattie Snyder. Class president. *FRENGER, GEORGE REX, B.A. b. April 7, 1853, near Middlebrook, Va. Minister in M. E. Church; pastor eleven years ; presiding elder seven years, m. Miss Kate Sturm, September 20, 1883 ; seven children. * Deceased. 4 o Axumnj Catalogue of Tusculum College ♦PATTON, WILLIAM C, B.A. b. February 1, 1857, Sullivan County, Tenn. Professor of Languages, Greeneville and Tusculum College, 1882-1883 ; principal, Cold Spring Academy, Blountville Academy, Kingsport High School. Okaloma High School. Member of M. E. Church, m. Miss Jennie Reeser ; five children. ♦ROGERS, D. B., BS. Spent only one session at Tusculum ; died in the West not many years after graduation. ♦ROGERS, W. K, BS. Spent only one session at Tusculum; died in the West not many years after graduation. 1884 *BROWN, WILLIAM H., B.A. b. Greene County, Tenn., 1860. Graduated in theology from Cumber- land University, 1888. Cumberland Presbyterian minister ; supplied churches in Missouri and Indian Territory. Published a pamphlet on systematic beneficence, and "Life Versus Matter." m. Miss Jennie M. Cooper, August 7, 1900. RITTER, JOHN C, B.A., Knoxville, Tenn. b. Kendrick's Creek, Tenn., October 3, 1856. Cumberland Presbyterian minister. Theological course, Cumberland University. President of Ewing and Jefferson College for some years. Class president. *HENLEY, J. J., B.A. Secretary of Y. M. C. A. in Nashville for a short time ; then entered ministry of M. E. Church, South. 1885 HA WORTH, MARCUS LEROY, BS., Keota, Colo. b. December 3, 1861, near Tusculum. Preparatory course at Tuscu- lum. Merchant ; traveling salesman ; at present engaged in farming. Member of Methodist Church, m. Miss Elizabeth Rader, October 29, 1891 ; five children. RANKIN, THOMAS SAMUEL, BS., B.A., M.A., Tusculum, Tenn. b. July 15, 1858, near Greeneville, Tenn. ; „?. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rankin. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Degree of B.A., Tusculum, 1889, and M.A. Professor of Latin and Bursar, Tusculum College, ever since graduation. Trustee of Tusculum. Elder in Mount Bethel Presbyterian Church, m. Miss Mary I. Coile ('88), May 11, 1888; four sons, three daughters (Mrs. Beeson, '08; Marguerite Elizabeth R., '10; Raymond Coile R., '14. and Lynn McGaughey R., '17). Claiz prssidmt. * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College;. 4i Thomas Samuel Rankin. GTRDNER, JOHN HARVEY, B.A. nunc pro tunc, New York City. b. March 8, 1856, Greene County, Tenn. ; s. Dr. and Mrs. William Girdner. M.D., University and Bellevue Hospital Medical C:lbge (New York Univ.), 1879. Interne, Bellevue Hospital, 1879-1880; lec- turer on surgery, New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hos- pital. Was first to graft skin successfully from dead body onto the living ; inventor of telephonic bullet probe, 1887, and formosis forceps. Fellow, New York Academy of Medicine. Author, "Newyorkitis," 1901; also contributor of many essays on medicine and other subjects to New York Medical Journal, North American Review, Munsey's Magazine, etc. m. Adela Pratt, of Louisiana, September 23, 1886. 1887 ARMITAGE, CHARLES GASS, B.S., Greeneville, Tenn. b. July 16, 1866, Greene County, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Armi- tage; brother of Mrs. Doak ('87). Engaged in wholesale grocery business. Cumberland Presbyterian, m. Miss Dollie Mae Cooper, October 3, 1895; three children 1 iving (Lucie V. A., '17), one dead; second wife, Miss Mary Catherine Trim, August 28, 1913. 4 2 Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. ARMITAGE, HATTIE ( MRS. DOAK), B.S., Tusculum, Tenn. b. April 8, 1862, near Greeneville, Tenn. d. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Armi- tage; sister of Charles Gass A. ('87). Taught six years at Tusculum. President, Tusculum Red Cross Auxiliary. Member of Mount Bethel Presbyterian Church, m. Dr. H. P. Doak (deceased), July 25, 1893; three sons (Samuel Armitage D., '16), one daughter. Class secretary. BAILEY, ELLA C. (MRS. McCOLLUM), B.S., Bulls Gap, Tenn. BAILEY, GILBERT N., BS., Baileyton, Tenn. Physician, m. Miss Belle Rush. BOWERS, GEORGE SILAS, BS., Duchesne, Utah. b. March 8, 1864, Timber Ridge, Tenn. Member of M. E. Church, South, m. Miss Jennie Fox. *COILE, THULA E. (MRS. REED). b. April 27, 1863, Jefferson County, Tenn. d. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Coile; sister of Alexander Jackson C. ('79), Samuel Andrew C. ('79), and Mrs. Rankin ('88). Taught for some time. Member of Baptist Church, m. Dr. E. A. Reed, March 27, 1888 ; one child. MATHES, EBENEZER EDGAR, B.A., Albuquerque, N. M. b. February 20, 1863, near Washington College, Tenn.; s. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Mathes. Preparatory course at Washington College and Tus- culum. Degree of B.D., McCormick Seminary, April, 1890. Home missionary among Cherokee Indians. Stated Clerk of Rio Grande Presbytery, four years ; Synod of Indian Territory, six years, and Pecos Valley Presbytery, seven years, m. Miss Jeanie M. McRuer, June 8, 1892; two children. Class president. SIMPSON, HENRY ARMITAGE, B.S., Baileyton, Tenn. b. January 14, 1861, Albany, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Simpson. Degree of M.D. Now practicing medicine. Member of M. E. Church. m. Miss Fanny White, 1887 ; one child. COILE, MARY I. (MRS. RANKIN), BS., Tusculum, Tenn. b. July 29, 1866, near Dandridge, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Coile; sister of Alexander Jackson C. ('79), Samuel Andrew C. ('79), and Mrs. Reed ('87). Preparatory course at Tusculum. Member of Presbyterian Church. President of Holston presbyterial organiza- tion. Secretary for three years of Tennessee Synodical Society; vice- Ex-Membe;rs. Campbell, Eulalia M, Henley, Albert A. Hull, J. M. McCord, W. C. Moore, Ella Collett, A. L. Collett, G. W. Glaze, J. M. Pope, Jesse T. 1888 * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue: ol Tusculum College. 43 chairman Greene County Chapter of Red Cross ; treasurer of Tus- culum Red Cross Auxiliary, m. T. S. Rankin ('85), May 11, 1888; four sons, three daughters (Mrs. Beeson, '08; Marguerite Elizabeth R., '10; Raymond Coile R., '14; Lynn McGaughey R., '17). Class secretary. COOPER, SILAS HOLDEN LINCOLN, B.A., Cleveland, O. b. May 28, 1867, Milburnton, Term. ; s, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cooper. Member of Presbyterian Church. Circuit Court Clerk of Washington County, Tenn., 1889-1898 ; cashier, First National Bank of Jonesboro, Tenn., 1895-1898 ; vice-president, First National Bank, Shreveport, La. ; National Bank Examiner for Pittsburgh, Pa., and Cleveland, O. ; now Chief National Bank Examiner of the Fourth Federal Reserve District, m. Miss Vandalia C. Fuqua, October 8, 1896. Class presi- dent. EINSTEIN, T. B., B.S., East Radford, Va. b. January 19, 1856, Montgomery County, Va. ; Mr. and Mrs. Moses Einstein. Member of M. E. Church. Member of Legislature of Vir- ginia, one term. Postmaster East Radford, Va., five years. Engaged in mercantile business for some time. In ill health for past three years. PIPER, WILLIAM F., B.A., Limestone, Tenn. b. September 4, 1866, Fall Branch, Tenn. Preparatory course at Tus- culum. Teacher. Edited The Rural Searchlight, Limestone. Pres- byterian, m. Miss S. Keebler ; one son, one daughter. Ex- Members. Brunner, Floyd J. Painter, Ella Belle Remine, Napoleon B. 1889 COLLOM, ALTAMONT BYRON, B.A., M.A., Marissa, 111. b. July 10, 1867, near Greeneville, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Col- lom. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Professor of Latin, Hiwassee College, 1889-1891; President of Obion College, 1891-1896; since 1896 engaged in Railway Postal service. M.A. (honorary), Tusculum College and Obion College. Member of M. E. Church, m. Miss Olive C. Solt, June 10, 1891 ; six children living, two dead. FOX, MARION L., B.S., Albuquerque, N. M. b. October 24, 1866, near Asheville, N. C. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fox. Spent four years in government service as special pension examiner. Has been engaged chiefly in newspaper work with Washington Post New York Journal; editor Daily Press, Sioux Falls, S. D. ; Bristol (Tenn.) News; at present editor-in-chief of Morning Journal, Albu- querque, N. M. From 1901 to 1906 was land and emigration agent for Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad. LL.B., University of Chattanooga, m. Miss Mae Orahood, 1906. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College; GOOD, DORA J. ( MRS. LAMONS), B.S., Gainesville, Fla. b. November 29, 1870, near Greeneville, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Good. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Taught two years in public schools after graduation. Member of M. E. Church, m. Mr. Charles Lamons, November 8, 1892; five children (Mrs. Brough, '14). Class secretary. MARSHALL, J. J., B.A., Limestone, Tenn. b. September 10, 1865, Rheatown, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mar- shall. Preparatory course at Rheatown and Earlham College, Indiana. Traveling salesman for several years ; captain and chief commissary Third Regiment, Tennessee Infantry; served with troops at southern border during troubles with Mexico. Farmer, stock dealer and breeder. Successful as community leader in advanced methods of farming. Member of M. E. Church, m. Miss Gertrude Fraker, 1892; two daughters and one son. Class president. RANKIN, MARY R., B.A., Shortsville, Va. b. King's Mill, Va., November 12, 1868. Academic course in public schools of Virginia and Tennessee and in preparatory school of Greeneville and Tusculum College. Teacher. Member of Presby- terian Church. SILVIUS, GEORGE HARRISON, B.A., Texarkana, Texas. b. 1862, Jefferson County, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Silvius. Pre- paratory course in Maryville and Tusculum colleges ; theological course at Cumberland University. Honorary degree of D.D. Pastor of Presbyterian churches in Tennessee, Ohio, Illinois and Texas, m. Miss Carrie R. Brown, 1894; one son. SMITH, CHARLES DANIEL, B.S., Lancaster, Texas. b. 1861, Greene County, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Smith. Pre- paratory course at Tusculum. Member of Presbyterian Church. Taught in Texas sixteen years. County Commissioner, Dallas County, Texas, m. Miss Minnie Belle Powers, 1890; three children. *BALES, M. A., B.S. nunc pro tunc. Early life spent near Rheatown, Tenn. Engaged in teaching and farming, m. Miss Ellen Newton Hubbard, June 15, 1882 ; two sons, one daughter, d. on his farm near Rheatown. 1890 JONES, OLIVER GREEN, B.A., Greensboro, N. C. b. February 1, 1862, Evening Shade, Ark. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Jones. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; theological course at Union Semi- Ex- Members. Coile, Charles E. Collum, Lena Belle Crockett, Dora B. Ellis, William R. Moore, Bertie A. Starnes, C. W. * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. 45 nary, Virginia. D.D., Tusculum, May, 1914. Evangelist of Holston Presbytery four years ; evangelistic work in Texas, New Mexico and Arkansas covering twelve years ; during this time organized thirty- five churches ; started work among the Mexicans in El Paso Presby- tery, Texas ; organized churches at Erwin and Embreeville, Tenn. ; in- strumental in establishing Dwight Institute at Erwin. m. Miss Cor- nelia O'Brien, February 15, 1894; seven children. Class president. LEMING, FRANK EDWARD, BS., Peru, S. A. b. November 21!, 1870, Greene County, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Leming ; brother of Josephine Gertrude L. ('92), and Mrs. McGuire ('99). Preparatory course at Tusculum. Engaged in mercantile busi- ness from date of graduation to 1901 ; since 1901 engaged in structural engineering. Member of Southern Methodist Church. MATHES, E. ESTELLE (MRS. TAYLOR), BS,, San Angelo, Texas. b. near Washington College, Tenn. Preparatory course at Washington College. Taught at Park Hill, Indian Territory, under Board of Home Missions, 1890-1898. Presbyterian, m. David S. Taylor, June, 1898; one son. Class secretary. *ROSS, SUSAN MARTHA (MRS. BRUNER), BS. b. February 11, 1869, near Greeneville, Tenn. Preparatory course at Boonsboro, Ark., and Tusculum. Taught in Indian Territory and Texas. Presbyterian, m. Mr. Gerard Leslie Bruner, of Texas, June 12, 1900. Ex- Members. Boyd, E. S. Haun, A. J. Brown, Lula E. LaRue, F. D. Easterly, Mabel V. McGaughey, Carrie M. Ellis, W. D. Rankin, Mollie E. Gass, W. M. White, S. B. 1891 *DOAK, MAURICE JUNIUS, B.A. b. June 24, 1870, Tusculum, Tenn. Preparatory course, Greeneville and Tusculum College. Professor of Latin and Greek in Hiwassee College, one year. Graduated from McCormick Seminary, 1896. Or- dained by Presbytery of Fargo, 1896 ; stated supply at Enderlin and Lucca, N. D., 1896-1899. d. Erwin, Tenn.. May 17, 1899. JEWELL, JAMES LILBURN, B.A,, Pittsford, N. Y. b. September 10, 1868, Tusculum, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Jewell. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; theological course at McCormick and Auburn seminaries ; graduated from the latter. Pastor at Janesville, South Salem, Caledonia and Pittsford, N. Y. m. Miss Mary E. Ray, September 19, 1900; two sons and one daughter. Class president. * Deceased. 4 6 Alumni Catalogue oe Tusculum College. MOORE, EDWARD HOWARD, B.S., M.A., Russellville, Tenn. b. 1869, near Whitesburg, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Moore. Super- intendent of public instruction in Hamblen County; principal of Rus- sellville Academy; principal of Newport High School; now engaged in various farming enterprises, chief among them being dairying. Mem- ber of Presbyterian Church. M.A., Tusculum. m. Miss Flora Bible ('92) in 1894; one son, one daughter. MOORE, MABEL, B.S., Tusculum, Tenn. b. near Greeneville, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Moore ; sister of Jere Ardra M. ('96). Preparatory course at Tusculum. Taught seven years in Presbyterian mission schools in North Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky ; engaged for some time in Home Demonstration Work under United States Department of Agriculture in Sevier County, Tenn. ; now has same work in Greene County, Tenn. ; very successful in developing girls' canning clubs, etc. Member of Presbyterian Church. Class secretary. REM1NE, WILL WEBB, B.A., Johnson City, Tenn. b. March 13, 1870, near Greeneville, Tenn.; s. Mr. ('79) and Mrs. W. S. Remine. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Superintendent of schools in Greeley, Neb., for some time; at present President of Clinchfield Ice and Coal Company at Johnson City. Member of M. E. Church. m, Miss Lelia Roberts, March 15, 1893 ; two children. ALEXANDER, FRED WILLIAM, B.A., M.A., Johnson City, Tenn. b. August 4, 1872, near Greeneville, Tenn.; s. Mr. ('70) and Mrs. Rob- ert M. Alexander; brother of Lucile Evelyn A. ('02). Preparatory course at Tusculum. M.A., Tusculum, 1895; B.S.D., State Normal School, Kirksville, Mo., 1896. Graduate work in Harvard University, 1899-1900; teacher in Limestone Graded School, 1892-1893; Sweet- water Military College, 1893-1895; Moberly (Mo.) High School, 1897- 1898 ; professor of Philosophy and Education, Tusculum, 1900-1911 ; taught at St. Alban's School, Radford, Va., -1909; East Tennessee State Normal, 1911-1913; head of department of Psychology and Edu- cation in East Tennessee Normal since 1913. Member of Presbyterian Church, m. Miss Ethel Mathes, December 27, 1900; four children. Class president. BIBLE, FLORA (MRS. MOORE), B.S., Russellville, Tenn. b. 1871, Little Chuckey, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Airs. John C. Bible. Mem- ber of Presbyterian Church, m. Mr. Edward H. Moore ('91), 1894. Ex-Members. Bewley, W. P. Doak, Maude E. Kennedy, J. F. Taylor, D. S. 1892 Alumne Catalogue of Tusculum College. 47 DOBSON, CALVIN WILSON, B.A., Greeneville, Tenn. b. 1866, Greene County, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Dobson. Pre- paratory course at Tusculum. Has engaged in farming and teaching. Presbyterian, m. Miss Clara Harrison, 1898 ; four children. HARMON, CHARLES ROSECRANS, B.A., D.D , South Brownsville, Pa b. May 15, 1863, near Greeneville, Tenn.; s. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Harmon. Preparatory course at Mosheim and Greeneville, Tenn. D.D., Tusculum, 1916. For the past nineteen years has been pastor of Pres- byterian Church in South Brownsville, Pa. ; chairman of Home Mis- sion Committee and member of Executive Commission of Redstone Presbytery, Pennsylvania, m. Miss Marguerite H. Hughes, September 14, 1892; two daughters. LEMING, JOSEPHINE GERTRUDE, B.S., Greeneville, Tenn. b. 1872, near Tusculum, Tenn.; d. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Leming; sister of Frank Edward L. ('90) and Mrs. McGuire ('99). Preparatory course at Tusculum. Member of M. E. Church, South. Engaged in teaching. McCLAIN, HARRIETT ELIZABETH (MRS. GOOD), B.S., Johnson City, Tenn. b. March 3, 1866, Waynesville, N. C. ; d. Dr. and Mrs. George A. Mc- Clain; sister of William A. M. ('92). Member of M. E. Church, m. Mr. E. H. Good, September 28, 1893; three children. Taught school before marriage. Class secretary. McCLAIN, WILLIAM ASBURY, B.A., Sweetwater, Tenn. b. September 24, 1868, Winchester, Tenn. ; ^. Dr. and Mrs. George A. McClain ; brother of Mrs. Good ('92). Preparatory course at Tus- culum. Degree of M.D., University of Nashville ; post-graduate work, New York. Taught six years ; practicing physician and surgeon since 1899. President of Monroe County Medical Society ; member of State Medical Society, American Medical Association, and Rochester Sur- gical Association ; Southern Railway surgeon ; physician to Tennessee Military Institute and Sweetwater College for Girls. Member of Pres- byterian Church, m. Miss Annie Lynn Bachman, November, 1899 ; four children. MOORE, BETTIE (MRS. BUCHANAN), B.A., Cane Hill, Ark. b. Cane Hill, Ark. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Moore. Taught for eight years. In sanatorium for some time because of ill health, but regaining strength. Member of Presbyterian Church, in. Walter H. Buchanan, September 12, 1900 ; four children. SHANKS, LIZZIE (MRS. ReMINE), B.S., Limestone, Tenn. b. February 21, 1870, Milburnton, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Shanks. Preparatory course at Oakland; taught before marriage six years. Member of M. E. Church, m. Henry C. ReMine, December 30, 1897; two daughters and one son. 4 8 Alumni Catalogue: ok Tusculum College. WARREN, ISAAC M., B.A., Roanoke, Va. b. April 15, 1868, Pincy Flats, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Airs. William Warren. Principal of school in Johnson City, Tenn., L892-1893 ; superintendent of schools, Bristol, Tenn., 1894; principal Montgomery Academy, Christiansburg, Va., 1895-1898; principal of West End School, Roa- noke. Va., 1898-1902; since 1902 engaged in mercantile, manufacturing, real estate and insurance business. Member of M. E. Church, South. m. Miss Ida Chrisman, November, 1894 (deceased 1898); m. Lucy Penn, June, 1904 ; four children. ♦HUBBARD, ELLEN NEWTON (MRS. BALES), B.S. nunc pro tunc, b. August 7, 1850, in Kentucky. Member of Presbyterian Church, m. Mr. M. A. Bales ('89), June 15, 1882; two sons, one daughter. Ex-Members. Bailey, Mollie H. Kirkpatrick, James Burkey, J. M. LaRue, Charles W. Dobson, Lola M. Park, H. L. Fox, Lillie E. Sentelle, M. E. Huddle, A. H. White, A. N. Wilhoite, Maggie 1893 BRIGGS, HENRY HARRISON, B.A., M.A., Asheville, N. C. b. February 20, 1871, Flag Pond, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Briggs. Preparatory course at Tusculum. M.A., Tusculum; M.D., Yale Uni- versity. Specialist in eye, ear, nose and throat diseases. Trustee of Tusculum. ;/;. June 0, 1900; three children. Class president. *CARSON, L. L., B.A. b. December 27, 1869, Mills River, N. C. Preparatory course at Tus- culum ; theological course, Danville, Ky. Taught two years, Jearolds- town, Tenn., under Board of Home Missions. Pastor of First Presby- terian Church, Sedan, Kan. m. Miss Helen Rankin, May 12, 1893 ; two daughters, one son. HUBBARD, CHARLES R., B.A., Erwin, Tenn. b. Tusculum, Tenn. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; taught at Lime- stone and Clover Bottom, Tenn.; tutor of Greek, Greeneville and Tus- culum College, one session; Trustee of Tusculum; principal, Stanley McCormick School, Burnsville, N. C, several years; now principal of high school, Erwin. Elder in Presbyterian Church. JUSTICE, ALFRED BLYTHE, B.A., Charlotte, N. C. b. Asheville, N. C. Preparatory course, Newton Academy, Asheville; taught at Winton and other places in North Carolina; now practicing law at Charlotte. Baptist, m. Miss Susie Mitchell, January, 1898; one daughter. * Deceased. Alum nt Catalogue of Tusculum College. 49 LOVETTE, O. B., B.A., M.A., Greeneville, Tenn. b. December 20, 1871, Woolsey College, Tenn. Taught in public school before graduation; traveling salesman for some time. Member of State Legislature, 1895 ; admitted to bar, 1896. Spent six months traveling in Europe. In government service in Cuba during Spanish- American war, quartermaster's department. Trustee of Tusculum College. Now county court clerk and master, Greeneville. Presby- terian. M.A., Tusculum. m. Miss Lillie P. Fowler ('94), December 23, 1896 ; two sons, two daughters. PARK, ETTA C. (MRS. WHITE), B.A., Johnson City, Tenn. b. March 25, 1870, Ewing, Tenn. Taught school in fall of 1890 and 1893. Member of M. E. Church, South, m. Mr. S. B. White, Decem- ber, 1893 ; one daughter. Class secretary. SENTELLE, JENNIE (MRS. HOUGHTON), B.A., Birmingham, Ala. b. February 6, 1871, Greeneville, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Sen- telle; sister of Carl L. S. ('08). Preparatory course at Tusculum; taught school for some time. Presbyterian, m. Mr. E. E. Houghton, December 24, 1896 ; four children living, two dead. SNAPP, LIZZIE (MRS. STONE), B.S., Tulsa, Okla. b. Greene County, Tenn. Taught school after graduation. Member of Presbyterian Church, m. Mr. Stone. WOOLSEY, THOMAS HUNTER, B.S., Greeneville, Tenn. b. February 28, 1870, near Greeneville, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Woolsey. Preparatory course at Woolsey College and Tusculum. M.D., University of Tennessee, March, 1900. Taught in rural schools ; medical examiner for New York Life and Mutual Life of New York insurance companies ; licensed by North Carolina State Medical Board of Examiners, 1907 ; member of Greene County Medical Society and Tennessee State Medical Association. Member of Free Baptist Church, m. Miss Lutie Garst, April 18, 1906 ; five children. LAWRENCE, LACY LYLE, B.A. mine pro time, Tusculum, Tenn. b. January 18, 1857, Christiansburg, Va. ; Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lawrence. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; completed law course, 1881. In government employ for several years; now engaged in farm- ing and railway development work. Trustee of Tusculum for some time. Member of Presbyterian Church, m. Miss Mary Katherine Doak, April 22, 1878; three children ( Mrs. Marks, '01). *WINKLE, GEORGE W., B.A. nunc pro tune. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Civil engineer in West for some years ; Land and Immigration Agent for Southern Pacific Railroad. Member of Presbyterian Church. Married ; one daughter, d. Feb- ruary, 1918. Ex-Members. Bible, Alvin Jeralds, Fannie Evans, Frank Moore, Jennie * Deceased. 4 Amjmne Catalogue of Tusculum Colllgl. 1894 COLEMAN, LELIA V. (MRS. HARROLD), B.S., Defiance, O. b. February 24, 1874, East Radford, Va. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cole- man. Taught four years at Ervvin, Tenn., under Woman's Board of Home Missions ; one year in Henry Kendall College, Oklahoma. Pres- byterian, m. A. K. Harrold ('98), December 31, 1902; two children. *FOWLER, FANNIE A. (MRS. DUGGER), B.A. b. April 3, 1874, Greeneville, Tenn.; d. Mr. ('60) and Mrs. W. F. Fowler; sister of Mrs. Lovette ('94). Preparatory course at Nashville and Greeneville ; taught two years in public schools. Member of Cum- berland Presbyterian Church, w. Mr. O. M. Dugger ('98) in 1897; three sons. FOWLER, LILLTE P. (MRS. LOVETTE), B.A., Greeneville, Tenn. b. October 28, 1876, Greeneville, Tenn.; d. Mr. ('60) and Mrs. W. F. Fowler; sister of Mrs. Dugger ('94). Preparatory course at Nash- ville and Greeneville ; taught one year in Fincastle and one year in Greeneville, Tenn. Member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church, m. Mr. O. B. Lovette ('93) ; two sons, two daughters. Class secretary. HANNAH, HUGH H„ B.S., Knoxville, Tenn. b. November 2, 1873, near Tusculum ; s. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hannah. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Clothing merchant. Member of Fifth Avenue Christian Church, Knoxville. m. Miss Louise Mann, June 24, 1903 ; two sons, three daughters. JAYNES, JAMES SHIPLEY, B.S., Greeneville, Tenn. b. 1872, Hayesville, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Jaynes. Preparatory course at Camp Creek, Tenn. Traveling commercial salesman. Mem- ber of M. E. Church, m. Miss Z. E. Lyon, September 3, 1905; Miss Anna E. Broyles, April 10, 1908 ; five children. McCOLLUM, CHARLES CLARENCE, B.A., M.A., Wrens, Ga. b. Baileyton, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McCollum. Preparatory course in Oakland Seminary, Baileyton. Has taught each year since graduation ; at present superintendent of Wrens Institute, Georgia, and secretary-treasurer of McNair- Young Company, an oil mine cor- poration. Member of M. E. Church, South. M.A., Tusculum. m. Miss Lola G. Fleming, June 3, 1901 ; four children. ROSS, JOHN CHALMERS, B.A., Albuquerque, N. M. b. February 18, 1871, near Greeneville, Tenn. ; Mr. and Mrs. James Ross. Preparatory course at Cane Hill, Ark. Professor of Latin and Greek one year in Obion College, Troy, Tenn. ; principal of Good-Will Mission School, South Dakota, two years ; superintendent of Albu- querque Mission and School for past eighteen years. B.S.A., Winona * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. 5> College of Agriculture, 1917. Elder in Presbyterian Church, m. Miss Elizabeth A. Baskerville, June 30, 1898; two children (deceased). STEPHENS, FOX D., B.A., Macon, Ga. b. November 25, 1874, near Greeneville, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. R. Stephens. Preparatory course at Greeneville. Auditor for M. M. Elhur, contractor, Macon. Presbyterian, m. Miss Mae Busber, July 22, 1913. TATE, ALBERT COLUMBUS, B.A. b. June 16, 1868, McDowell County, N. C. Preparatory course, Par- rottsville High School and Tusculum. Principal, Belfont High School, five years ; Madison Seminary, one year. Presbyterian, m. Miss Nellie Byrd, January 29, 1899 ; one son. WHITE, OSCAR LEMUEL, B.A., M.A., Knoxville, Tenn. b. March 2, 1874, Washington County, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. James B. White. Preparatory course at Tusculum; taught five years, Ewing and Jefferson College. Trustee of Tusculum. LL.B., University of Tennessee, 1900; M.A., Tusculum. Has practiced law since 1900. Presbyterian, m. Miss Lida Belle Russell, May 15, 1906. Class president. WILLIAMS, JOHN Q., B.S., Greeneville, Tenn. Preparatory course at Greeneville. Traveling salesman ; studied law and admitted to bar in Greeneville, 1897. Member of Episcopal Church. At home for past number of years because of ill health. BAIRD, JAMES VICTOR, B.A., Mart, Texas. b. September 15, 1869, Asheville, N. C. ; ^. Captain and Mrs. I. V. Baird. Preparatory course at Weaverville College, N. C, and Tus- culum ; theological course, Nashville, Tenn. Minister in M. E. Church, South ; at present general secretary of Railroad Y. M. C. A., Mart, Texas, m. Miss Clara Kerr, December 24, 1902 ; four children. COOPER, LOUIS FRANK, B.A., Philo, 111. b. January 13, 1872, Jonesboro, Tenn. Preparatory course at Tuscu- lum ; taught and preached under Board of Home Missions, Jearolds- town, Tenn., two years; theological course in Danville (Ky.) and Mc- Cormick seminaries ; graduated from latter, 1900 ; stated supply at North Bend, Wis., for some time. m. Miss Lettie Ensign, May 10, 1900; four sons. Ex-Members. Bushong, J. S. Doughty, G. W. Farmer, T. C. Harrold, J. M. Jones, Ona B. Moore, Lucy Park, Roy L. Warren, J. B. 1895 5 2 Alumni Catalogue: of Tusculum College. ♦MORROW, FINLEY LEONIDAS, B.A., M.A. b. December 6, 1874, Greene County, Tenn. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; taught in public schools, 1895-1897 ; studied in University of Tennessee, 1897-1898 ; professor of Greek and Latin, Grand River College, Mo., 1898-1899 ; professor of Latin and Mathematics, Columbia College, Texas, 1899-1900; principal of Oak Grove School, Texas. M.A., Grand River and Greeneville and Tusculum colleges, d. De- cember 29, 1907. ROBERTS, WILLIAM L., B.A., Madison, Kan. b. November 19, 1871, Greene County, Tenn. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; taught and preached, Jearoldstown, Tenn., two years under Board of Home Missions; theological course at Danville (Ky.) and McCormick seminaries ; ordained by Presbytery of Holston, August 8, 1900, at Tusculum ; supplied Presbyterian Church, Ashland, Kan. ; now pastor at Madison. Class secretary. SMITH, LEWIS FRANCIS, B.S., Morristown, Tenn. b. August 15, 1868, near Greeneville, Tenn.; s. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Smith. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; minister in Presbyterian Church, in. Miss Nuckie Hartman, January 10, 1897 ; six children. SUSONG, SAMUEL ANDREW, B.S., Greeneville, Tenn. b. June 28, 1873, Timber Ridge, Tenn.; s. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Susong. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; studied law ; clerk in War Depart- ment, 1898-1899 ; postoffice inspector, now practicing law in Greene- ville. Presbyterian. Class president. McAMIS, THOMAS B., B.A. nunc pro tunc, Decatur, 111. b. April 13, 1859, Greene County, Tenn. Preparatory course at Cum- berland University and Tusculum ; taught three terms. Pastor of Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Greeneville, Tenn., seven years ; at Murfree'sboro, Tenn., two years; at Bethany, 111., four years, m. Miss Mary Lee Register, January 1, 1887 ; five children. ♦HARMON, JOHN HOLTSINGER, B.S. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Teacher and preacher ; supplied a church for some time in Ohio ; principal for two sessions of Clear Spring Academy, Tenn. Member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church. MOORE, JERE ARDRA, B.A., Atlanta, Ga. b. January 10, 1874, Greeneville, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Moore ; brother of Mabel M. ('91). Preparatory course at Tusculum; taught Ex-Members. Chrisman, Ida Cooper, W. A. Leonard, Bertie Neas, W. T. Painter, Orlena Whitted, J. O. 1896 * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. 53 one year in mission school, Park Hill, Indian Territory; theological course at McCormick Seminary ; ordained at Tusculum, August 8, 1900, by Holston Presbytery ; supply at Watauga Avenue Church, Johnson City, Tenn, 1900-1907. Trustee of Tusculum ; now pastor of Harris Street Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, m. Miss Nelle Craw- ford, October 27, 1908; one son, one daughter. Class president. *SAYLOR, JAMES K. P., B.A. nunc pro tunc. b. June 21, 1839, Greene County, Tenn. Teacher and farmer ; taught two sessions, Greeneville and Tusculum College, 1879-1881 ; wrote "Our Country : Its Administration." Elder in Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Ex- Members. Bushong, Lena Haynes, Agnes Cash, L. E. Haynes, Ruby Galbraith, J. S. Leming, Bessie Park, J. B. 1897 ROBINSON, CHARLES MOORE, B.S., Stillwell, Okla. b. March 21, 1877, near Greeneville, Tenn. Preparatory course at Tus- culum. Received degree of B.A., 1900; degree of M.D., University of Tennessee. SHANKS, LULA (MRS. FERNEAU), B.S., Limestone, Tenn. b. December 30, 1879, Christie, Tenn. Preparatory course at Tuscu- lum. Member of M. E. Church, m. Mr. V. Frank Ferneau, Septem- ber 6, 1900. Class secretary. WILHOIT, FRED LEE, B.S., Louisville, Ky. b. December 30, 1876, Afton, Tenn. ; y. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wilhoit. Preparatory course at Tusculum. M.D., University of Louisville. Member of M. E. Church, m. Miss Marguerite Bellinger, 1903 ; one child. Class president. Ex-Members. Alexander, Thomas Park Houghton, Elmer Copp, W. M. Llewellyn, J. R. Culberson, Ida Ottinger, Ed. • Doughty, Willis Shoun, Bessie Plardin, Neal Williams, Ralph H. 1898 EINSTEIN, SARAH MARGARET (MRS: DENT), B.A., New River Depot, Va. b. June 4, 1876, New River Depot, Va. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Ein- stein. Member of M. E. Church, m. Mr. Henry W. Dent, December 27, 1900 ; four children. Class secretary. * Deceased. 54 Alumni Catalogue; of Tuscui.u.m College. ELLIOTT, WILLIAM MARION, B.S., M.A., Neosho, Mo. b. February 21, 1808, Sand Flat, Texas; s. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Elliott. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; theological course in McCormick Seminary; ordained, August, 1900, by French Broad Presbytery. M.A., Tusculum. m. Miss Charlotte Jeanette Crump, August 15, 1900; two sons. HARROLD, AUGUSTUS KING, B.S., Defiance, O. b. August 28, 1870, Greene County, Term. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. William Harrold; brother of William S. H. ('98). Preparatory course at Tus- culum. Three certificates in architecture; superintendent of Interior Finish Department, Diamond Glass Company, Cleveland, O. Presby- terian, m. Miss Lelia V. Coleman ('94), December 31, 1902; two children. HARROLD, WILLIAM SEABORN, B.A., Alexander, N. C. b. July 30, 1872, Greeneville, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Har- rold ; brother of Augustus King H. ('98). Preparatory course at Tusculum. Minister in Presbyterian Church ; successful as evangelist ; delegate to two Assemblies in Cumberland Presbyterian Church, m. Miss Ella Hartman, July 20, 1899; five children. *MOORE, MYRTLE L. (MRS. McLEAN), B.A. b. February, 1876, near Tusculum; d. Dr. ('71) and Mrs. Jeremiah Moore; sister of David E. M. ('98), Albion Holt M. COO), and Melvin Mathes M. ('01). Preparatory course at Tusculum; studied one term in Training School at Northfield, Mass. ; taught in Presbyterian Mis- sion School at Flag Pond, Tenn., and at Jupiter, N. C. Presbyterian. MOORE, DAVID E.. B.A., Houston, Texas. b. October, 1877, near Tusculum; s. Dr. ('71) and Mrs. Jeremiah Moore; brother of Mrs. McLean ('98), Albion Holt M. ('00), and Melvin Mathes M. ('01). Preparatory course at Tusculum; tutor in Greek two years before graduation. Farmer and teacher, Kalama, Wash. Member of Presbyterian Church. PARK, THOMAS ALEXANDER, B.A., Mena, Ark. b. October 15, 1872, Greeneville, Tenn. ; s. Robert D. and Mary A. Park. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Degree of B.D. from theo- logical department of Cumberland University. Pastor, First Presby- terian Church, Mena, Ark. m. Miss Annie Jean Whitten, July 10, 1906. Class president. RUSH, CHARLES L., B.S., Riparia, Wash. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Farmer and teacher. WILLIAMS, PATTERSON C, B.A., Cosby, Tenn. Teacher. Member of Baptist Church. WILSON, ELIZABETH (MRS. WILSON), B.A., Indian Oasis, Ariz. b. March 18, 1877, Christiansburg, Va. Taught under Presbyterian * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue oe Tusculum College. 55 Women's Board of Home Missions, St. George, Utah, 1898-1911; taught one year after marriage in Indian Training School, Tucson, Ariz. m. Rev. George F. Wilson, June 6, 1911; one child (deceased). DUGGER, OSCAR MILTON, BS. nunc pro tunc, M.A., Andalusia, Ala. b. April 25, 1872, Greeneville, Tenn. ; Mr. and Mrs. John S. Dugger ; brother of Elsa Mae D. ('05). Preparatory course in Greeneville; taught four years in public schools of Greene County, Tenn. ; deputy county court clerk, 1898 ; editor of Greeneville Democrat for several years ; now editor and publisher of Andalusia Star. M.A., Tusculum, 1910. Presbyterian, m. Miss Fannie Alice Fowler ('94; deceased '03), September 15, 1897 ; three sons ; second wife, Miss Ida O. Atwell, March 1, 1905. Ex-Members. Brabson, Willie Emily Leonard, Minnie Elliott, Emma Floyd McCullom, William Bruce Guinn, Ida May Mathes, Mary Ethel Hodge, David Brainerd Moore, William Henry Hubbard, George Rambo, Moses Hughes Hubbard, Zula Zene Taylor, Horace Maynard Jarnagin, Thomas Waddle, Cora Brunette Kelly, Vera Walker, Adell Martin Walker, Mary Maude 1899 COILE, LELIA T. (MRS. KNIGHT), BS., Knoxville, Tenn. b. August 16, 1875, White Pine, Tenn.; d. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Coile. Preparatory course at Jefferson City ; taught school for several years. Member of United Brethren Church, m. Rev. J. M. Knight, May 28, 1901 ; three children. HARRISON, ISAAC S., BS., Greeneville, Tenn. b. Greene County, Tenn. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Engaged in teaching and farming. Member of M. E. Church. HARRISON, WILLIAM E., BS., Sacramento, Cal. b. Greene County, Tenn. ; s. N. A. and Mary J. Harrison ; brother of Newton Allie H. ('16), and Addie Belle H. ('16). Preparatory course at Tusculum. Minister in Presbyterian Church ; pastor, West- minster Presbyterian Church, Sacramento, Cal. m. Miss Alda Burt Haworth, May 9, 1900. Class president. LEMING, MARY PARK (MRS. McGUIRE), B.A., Greeneville, Tenn. b. November 17, 1875, Tusculum, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Leming; sister of Frank Edward L. ('90), and Josephine Gertrude L. ('92). Preparatory course at Tusculum; taught music before and 56 Alumni Catalogue; of Tusculum College. after graduation ; now teaching school. Member of Cumberland Pres- byterian Church, m. Mr. M. F. McGuirc, December 27, 1899 ; two children. CORY, ELS A PEARL (MRS. GRAHAM), B.A., Socorro, N. M. b. August 23, 1879, Vincennes, Ind. ; d. Rev. and Mrs. Harlan Page Cory; sister of William Earle C. ('00). Preparatory course in Indi- ana; 1900-1901, taught music in Stanley McCormick School, Burns- ville, N. C. ; 1902, governess ; 1902-1904, studied music in Cincinnati College of Music and Metropolitan College of Music; in December, 1904, appointed as missionary to Central Brazil Mission (Presbyte- rian) ; sailed, February, 1905; was engaged in school work there for three years ; returned to the States, December, 1908, and resigned because of conditions at home. m. John Fraser Graham, December 6, 1909 ; one child. Class secretary. CORY, WILLIAM EARLE, B.A., Sedalia, Mo. b. August 22, 1882, Florence, Wis. ; s. Rev. and Mrs. Harlan Page Cory; brother of Mrs. Graham ('00). Preparatory course in Minne- sota and Tusculum. Civil Engineering degree from Princeton Uni- cersity, 1907 ; instructor in Geodesy at Princeton, 1908-1910 ; now en- gaged in civil engineering and contracting. Associate member of American Society of Civil Engineers. Presbyterian, m. Miss May Electa Wood, June 28, 1911; one child (deceased). ELLIOTT, E. WATSON, B.S., Buechel, Ky. b. September 23, 1866, Valley Creek, Va. Part of college course at Milligan College ; one session in Grant University. Course in East- man Business College, N. Y. ; theological course at Danville, Ky. Pres- byterian minister; taught school for several years, m. Ella May Hart, September 6. 1893. HUDSON, RICHARD FRANK, B.S., Chattanooga, Tenn. b. October 8, 1879, Fork Creek, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Hud- son. Preparatory course at Madisonville, Tenn. Manufacturer for some time ; now secretary of Associated Charities, Chattanooga. Pres- byterian, m. Miss Minnie Reynolds, May 1, 1902 ; one son, one daughter. JOHNSON, HARDY B.. B.S., Detroit, Mich. b. Greene County, Tenn., brother of F. B. J. ('05). Preparatory course at Tusculum. Civil engineer. Ex-Members. Boyd, Charles Langston Brown, Charles Francisco Lyon, Nellie Ruth Newberry, Henry Marion Smith, Charles Corey Susong, Marion McCorkle Hannah, India Victoria Harrison, Clara Louise 1900 * Deceased. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. 57 *JOHNSTON, WILLIAM FRANKLIN, B.A. b. June 25, 1875, Sweetwater, Term. Early education in Texas. Pro- fessor of Mathematics, Clarendon College, Texas ; member of State Board of Summer Normal Examiners, Texas ; member of Clarendon Mercantile Company. Southern Methodist, d. February 7, 1908, Clar- endon, Texas. MOORE, ALBION HOLT, B.A., Aransas Pass, Texas. b. August 19. 1879, Tusculum, Tenn. ; s. Dr. ('71) and Mrs. Jere Moore; brother of Mrs. McLean ('98), David E. M. ('98), and Melvin Mathes M. ('01). Preparatory course at Tusculum. Engaged in railroad work, mechanical and traffic departments. Presbyterian. Class president. ROBINSON, SEBE TEMPLE, B.A., Seeley, Cal. b. June 11, 1879, Greene County, Tenn. Farmer and teacher. Member of Presbyterian Church. Ex- Members. Bacon, James Blaine Lamons, Frank Arculius Brown, Joseph Ramsay Lane, Lona Rodolphia Farmer, Cornelius James Leming, Sue Ethel Hendricks, George Robert Mercer, James Roy Home, Claude Rutledge Moore, Charles Lafayette Hudson, Oscar Ward Murphy, Robert Johnston, Ada May Shoun, Hazel Kennedy, Frank Austin Zoller, Frank Anthony 1901 BALLINGER, MINNIE (MRS. JANES), B.S., Greeneville, Tenn. b. December 25, 1877, Greene County, Tenn. ; d. James and Katherine Ballinger. Preparatory course at Greeneville ; taught for six years in public schools of Greene County. Member of M. E. Church, North. m. Thomas M. Janes, March 4, 1906; three children, two living, one dead. BASKET, JAMES RICHARD, B.A., Texas City, Texas. b. July 11, 1871 ; s. John W. and Margaret E. Basket. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; studied one year in Grant University. Pastor, M. E. Church at Jennings, La. ; District Superintendent of Methodist Church, Lake. Charles, La. ; itinerant minister, Texas, m. Miss Mary S. Phillips (music teacher at Tusculum), December 23, 1902. BRIGHT, BERTHA PEARLE (MRS. EINSTEIN), B.A., New River Depot, Va. b. April 23, 1881, near Jearoldstown, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Bright. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Presbyterian, m. Haven Einstein, October 30, 1902; two sons, one daughter. * Deceased. 58 Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. DAY, JONATHAN CREECH, B.S., D.D., New York City. b. December 20, 1877, Harlan County, Ky. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Day. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; theological course at McCor- mick Seminary, Chicago. Financial agent for Tusculum College ; pastor at Tyrone, Pa., and of Irvington Presbyterian Church, Indian- apolis, Tnd. ; superintendent of Labor Temple, New York City; now Commissioner of Public Markets, New York City. Trustee of Tus- culum. D.D., Tusculum, 1912. m. Miss Mabel Pye, December 27, 1905. Class president. LAWRENCE, MAUD WILLIS (MRS. MARKS), B.A., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. b. February 16, 1883, Tusculum, Tenn. ; d. Mr. ('93 nunc pro tunc) and Mrs. L. L. Lawrence. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; student at Vassar College, 1903-1905. Presbyterian, m. Dr. Lewis Henry Marks, June 30, 1909 ; one child, Lawrence Marks. Class secretary. LEWIS, GERTRUDE C, B.S., Riverside, Cal. b. August 28, 1877, Lake City, Mich. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. Arlington Lewis. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Member of Presbyterian Church. Engaged in teaching, and manager of Book Department, Riverside, Cal. MOORE, MELVIN MATHES, B.A., Houston, Texas. b. February 6, 1882, Tusculum, Tenn.; .y. Dr. ('71) and Mrs. Jere Moore; brother of Mrs. McLean ('98), David E. M. ('98), and Albion Holt M. ('00). Preparatory course at Tusculum. Associated with Swift & Company several years ; now manager of Houston branch. Presbyterian, m. Miss Emma W. Jackson, June 26, 1907. SMITH, FRED RUSSELL, B.S., Concord, Tenn. b. August 25, 1878. Part of course at Jefferson and Ewing College; taught in Farragut High School. Member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church, m. Miss Laura Jones, Concord, Tenn. ; one daughter. STURM, ALICE KATE, B.A., Ardmore, Okla. b. November 12, 1876, Church Hill, Tenn. ; d. W. F. and L. C. Sturm. Preparatory course at Rogersville ; taught in city schools of Cleveland, O., and Rogersville Synodical College. Ex-Members. Campbell, William Howard, Robert Chester Gillespie, Frank Alexander Newberry, Joseph Eli Hendricks, Frank Price, Henson Alley 1902 ALEXANDER, LUCILE E., B.A., Tusculum, Tenn. October, 1881, Tusculum. Tenn.; d. Jennie C. and Robert M. ('70) Alexander; sister of Fred W. A. ('92). Preparatory course at Tus- Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. 59 culum. Presbyterian. Received degree in Music, Columbia School, Chicago. Supervisor of Music in Iowa ; instructor in Vocal Music, Woman's College, Columbia, S. C. ; church soloist ; studied in New York ; traveled in Europe ; now head of Voice Department at Tus- culum. Class secretary. BROYLES, PATTON REEVE, B.A., Baxter, Tenn. b. August 24, 1879, Mermen, Tenn.; s. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Broyles. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; spent two years in the theological school of University of Chattanooga, 1909-1911. Degree of S.T.B., Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, 111., 1912. Member of M. E. Church. Now principal of Mallalieu Seminary, having spent three successful years there preaching and teaching, m. Miss Lizzie Nitzschke, October 15, 1907 ; three children. HAYNES, HERMAN CICERO, B.A., Greeneville, Tenn. b. February 1, 1883, Tusculum, Tenn.; s. Prof. ('77) and Mrs. ('81) L. C. Haynes; brother of Carl H. ('09), and Grace H. ('10). Secre- tary of General Passenger Agent, Southern Railway; now in law office. Member of Presbyterian Church. HOWELL, FRANCIS WAYLAND, B.A., Marietta, Okla. b. Rheatown, Greene County, Tenn.; s. Dr. J. J. ('16 nunc pro tunc) and Ruth Leming Howell; brother of R. H. Howell ('02). Pre- paratory course at Tusculum. Now engaged in banking. Member of M. E. Church, South, m. Ancie Bernice Govett, May 16, 1915. HOWELL, ROLAND HILL, B.A., Riceville, Tenn. b. June 17, 1878, Greene County, Tenn.; s. Dr. J. J. ('16 nunc pro tunc) and Ruth Leming Howell; brother of F. W. Howell ('02V Pre- paratory course at Tusculum. Degree of M.A. High-school superin- tendent for eight years, m. Miss Julia Kerr, December 28, 1910. HUDSON, HUGH HARDIN, B.S., Gordonsville, Va. b. July 5, 1884, Glenlock, Term. ; s. Millard F. and Esther A. Hudson. High-school course at Madisonville. Received degree of B.A.; B.D. from Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va. Presbyterian. Chairman of Home Missions, West Hanover Presbytery; editor The Home Mis- sion Messenger, m. Amy Catherine Wilson, June 11, 1907; two daughters. Class president. LAMONS, S. I., B.A., Greeneville, Tenn. b. May 2, 1874, near Greeneville, Tenn. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Lamons. Postofhce clerk, teacher and colporteur. Seventh Day Ad- ventist. m. Miss Josephine Gold, October 12, 1908; two children. McAMIS, SAMUEL LOWRY, B.A. nunc pro tunc, Pierpont. S. D. b. 1850, Roaring Springs, Tenn.; s. A. C. McAmis. Presbyterian min- ister, m. Emma J. Moore August 18, 1881 ; one daughter, Birdie B - M - C° 6) - EX-MEMBERS. Alexander, David McGaughey Bright, Samuel Houston Vines, David 6o Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. 1903 BRITTON, LILLIAN C. (AIRS. D. E. FULTON), B.A.. Interlachen, Fla. CAMPBELL, CLARENCE ELMER, B.A., Quincy, Mass. b. March 13, 1883, Baileyton, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. A D. Campbell; brother of Adrian Brooks C. ( '10). Degree of B.D., McCormick The- ological Seminary, Chicago ; graduate work, University of Chicago. Pastor, Taylorville Presbyterian Church, Illinois ; First Presbyterian Church, Quincy, Mass. Sailed for France January 2, 1918, to do Y. M. C. A. war work. m. Miss Grace Copeland, November 26, 1915. Class president. EINSTEIN, JOHN L-, B.A., Radford, Va. Cashier, Radford State Bank, Va. Graduate work, Cornell Univer- sity ; theological course, McCormick Seminary, Chicago. President, St. Albans School, Radford, Va. HONEYCUTT, HERBERT HAROLD, B.S„ Powellsville, N. C b. Bald Creek, Yancy County, N. C. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Honey- cutt. Preparatory course at Mars Hill, N. C, and Washington Col- lege ; theological course at Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, Ky. ; now pastor of Baptist Church, Mars Hill, N. C, with five hun- dred and thirty-five members, m. Miss Leila O. Reese, February 26, 1908. THOMPSON, MARY MAY (MRS. FORT), B.S., Morristown, Tenn. b. Greene County, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Thompson ; sister of Mrs. Fort ('08). Preparatory course at Rogersville Synodical and Carson-Newman colleges ; mission teacher at Vardy, Hancock County, Tenn. ; also taught in Stanley McCormick School, Burnsville, N. C. Presbyterian, m. Mr. J. Porter Fort, June 16, 1909; one son. Class secretary. Ex-MembKrs. Howell, Minnie Elizabeth McNew, Stephen Frank Johnson, Luckey Seth Susong, Ethel Josephine Jones, Lowry David Walter, Patton Woolsey, Robert 1904 COILE. BERTHA MAE (MRS. TODD), B.A., Knoxville, Tenn. d. Lieut, and Mrs. H. P. Coile ; m. Charles Todd, May 4, 1917. Class secretary. MOORE, WILLIAM COAN, B.A., La Junta. Colo. b. April 8, 1882, Cane Hill, Ark.; Joseph H. and Martha J. Moore. Preparatory course in Arkansas. Presbyterian. Engaged in farming one year after graduation ; taught two years ; in railway mail service for some time ; now in military service, France, m. Edrie Cohoon, September 12, 1913; one child. Class president. RYLAND. HELENA MABEL, B.A., Maryville, Tenn. b. Midway. Tenn.; d. Talbot and Nancy Ryland. Preparatory course Alumni Catalogue: oe Tusculum College;. 6i at Fall Branch, Term. B.S., Columbia University ; diploma in Do- mestic Science, Teachers' College, 1911. Taught in Kentucky and in Stanley McCormick School, Burnsville, N. C. ; at present teaching- Home Economics at Maryville College ; head of Department of Home Economics, Summer School of the South, 1915. Member of Presby- terian Church. _ , Ex- Members. English, Estelle Pearl Fillers, Rupert Rowland Smith, Jerome Temple 1905 BRIGHT, MAUDE LUCILE (MRS. McCRARY), B.A., Fall Branch, Tenn. b. September 26, 1883, near Chuckey, Tenn.; d. Mr. and Mrs. James Mark Bright. Preparatory course at Tusculum; completed certificate course in Music, Tusculum ; taught music two years before marriage. Cumberland Presbyterian, m. Dr. J. R. McCrary, December 22, 1909 ; two children. BROWN, BESSIE BELLE (MRS. WHITE), B.A., Middletown, O. b. September 26, 1884, Afton, Tenn. ; d. G. T. and Ida R. Brown. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; taught, 1907 and 1908, under the Woman's Home Mission Board, Rocky Fork, Tenn. Presbyterian, m. Rev. George E. White, May 22, 1908; two children. BYRD, THOMAS FRED, B.A., New York City. Post-graduate work, University of Chicago. Social secretary at Labor Temple, New York, for several years ; now Secretary, Department of Public Markets, New York City. m. Miss Annie Hogan ; one son, one daughter. Class president. DUGGER, ELS A MAE, B.A., Chattanooga, Tenn. b. Greene County, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Dugger ; sister of Oscar Milton D. ('98). Graduate of Home Economics Department, Tusculum ; post-graduate work at University of Tennessee and Co- lumbia University. Engaged in teaching and county home demonstra- tion work ; at present District Agent for District C, Tennessee, cover- ing twenty-three counties. Member of Presbyterian Church. Class secretary. IRVIN, MARY ETHEL (MRS. WHITE), B.A., London, O. b. November 12, 1882, Limestone, Tenn. Preparatory course at Tus- culum. Presbyterian, m. Rev. Carl H. White ('07), September 22, 1908; two children. JOHNSON, F. B., B.A., Cleveland, O. Brother of Hardy B. J. ('00). Civil engineer. Ex-Members. Burkhart, Robert Henry Martin, Sadie Cory, Lowrie Danskin Moore, Margaret Lamb, Sydney Ernest Seaver, Clyde 62 Alumni Catalogue: of Tusculum College. 1906 FAUST, HUGH GRAHAM, B.A., Shawnee, Okla. b. January 28, 1870, New Market, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lee Faust. High-school course at New Market ; post-graduate work, Uni- versity of Chicago. Superintendent of city schools, Weatherford, Frederick and Shawnee, Okla. Presbyterian, m. Miss Bertha Weiman Fox, December 25, 1909. McAMIS, BIRDIE BLAINE, B.A., Hyattville, Wyo. b. March 14, 1887, Tusculum, Tenn. ; d. Samuel Lowry and Emma Josephine McAmis. Preparatory course in Illinois. Presbyterian. Taught since graduation. McGAUGHEY, MAUDE RUSSELL (MRS. LANDMESSER), B.A., Greeneville, Tenn. b. March 12, 1881, Greeneville, Tenn. ; d. Samuel and Carrie Mc- Gaughey. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; taught in high school, Greeneville, Tenn. Methodist, m. Otto Landmesser, July 19, 1911 ; four children. PAINTER, BYRON WHITFIELD, B.A., Los Banos, Cal. b. August 23, 1886, Greeneville, Tenn. ; .y. Erskine and Phoebe Painter ; brother of Mrs. Lucero ('07). Preparatory course at Greeneville; taught in a government school in Philippines, 1906- ; now prin- cipal of high school, Los Banos, Cal. Presbyterian, m. Daisy Crump, October 3, 1910; one son. Class president. TAYLOR, MARY ALVIRA, B.A., New York City. b. Washington, D. C. ; d. Alexander W. and Alvira Williams Taylor; sister of George C. T. ('12 nunc pro tunc). Preparatory course at Tusculum ; completed course in Home Economics, Tusculum. Libra- rian at Tusculum for several years. At present taking post-graduate studies at Columbia University. Presbyterian. Class secretary. Ex-Members. Coile, Estella Milburn, Frank Emily Howell, Macye Ernestine Painter, Luda Alexander McChesney, Paul Stanley Shenault, John Henry 1907 DUNHAM, FLORA SMITH (MRS. JONES), B.A., Howell, Tenn. b. August 26, 1882, near Little Rock, Ark. ; d. Charles and Elizabeth Dunham. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; teacher in Stanley Mc- Cormick School, Burnsville, N. C, 1908-1909; Wesleyan Academy, Chuckey, Tenn.. 1909-1911. Presbyterian, m. Rev. Edward S. Jones ("09), July 26, 1914. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. 63 JOHNSTON, MARVIN KATHERINE (MRS. PRATHER), B.A., Chuckey, Tenn. b. April 8, 1885, Pierce City, Mo. ; d. Andrew and Azelia Johnston. Preparatory course at Morristown High School. Southern Methodist. m. E. C. Prather, June 27, 1907 ; four children. Class secretary. PAINTER, MYRTLE OLIVE (MRS. LUCERO), B.A., Raton, N. M. b. Woolsey College, Tenn. ; d. Erskine G. and Phoebe Woolsey Painter; sister of Byron W. P. ('06). Preparatory course at Tus- culum ; graduated from Lincoln Memorial Hospital, training school for nurses, May 10, 1912 ; superintendent of hospital, Pineville, Ky., one year. Presbyterian, m. Rev. A. V. Lucero ('10), June 23, 1914; one son, one daughter. THOMPSON, MARY REID, B.A., Morristown, Tenn. Taught in Morristown Commercial School. WHITE, CARL HOUSTON, B.A., M.A., London, O. b. February 15, 1883, Washington County, Tenn. ; s. Catherine and William Benson White. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; theological course at Lane Seminary, Cincinnati, O. Pastor Presbyterian Church, Ludlow, Ky., 1911. M.A., Tusculum. Presbyterian, m. Mary Ethel Irvin ('05), September 22, 1908; two children. Class president. Ex-ME Bird, Grover Cleveland Fields, Mattie Nola Johnston, Addie Lucile Leming, Alma Cora Mathes, Nelle Million, Clara Myrtle BERS. Million, Daisy Viola Moore, William Stuart Slaughter, Roxie Susong, David Wallin, Elisha Curtis Whitehurst, Arthur Wellingtor 1908 BARHAM, FRANKLIN THURMAN, B.A. *HENSLEY, REV.' E. G., B.A. Entered McCormick Seminary, 1908. d. May 14, 1909. LOWRY, CARL WALL, B.A... Greeneville, Tenn. b. December 18, 1886, Madisonville, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. William Rankin Lowry. Preparatory course at Jonesboro High School. Prin- cipal of Presbyterian Mission, Hyden Academy, Hyden, Ky., 1908- 1910; principal high school at Wilton, N. D., 1910-1913; in 1913 became agent for life insurance. Presbyterian, m. Miss Carolena Mallmann, June 29, 1910; three children. Class president. * Deceased. 6 4 Alumni Catalogue: oi- Tusculum College. RANKIN, ELM A LILLIAN (MRS. BEESON), B.A., M.A., Johnson City, Tenn. b. May 8, 1889, Tusculum, Tenn.; d. Thomas S. ('85) and Mary Coile ('88) Rankin; sister of Marguerite Elizabeth R. ('10), Raymond Coile R. ('14), and Lynn McGanghey R. ('17). Preparatory course at Tusculum; graduate, Music Department, Tusculum. M.A., Tuscu- lum, 1914. Teacher of Music, Wesleyan Academy, Chuckey, Tenn., 1908-1910; librarian, Tusculum, 1910-1911; principal of Music Depart- ment, East Tennessee State Normal, 1911-1913. Presbyterian, m. Donald R. Beeson, September 2, 1915 ; one daughter. Class secretary. SENTELLE, CARL LEONIDAS, B.A., Farner, Tenn. b. Greeneville, Tenn. ; .y. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Sentelle ; brother of Mrs. Houghton ('93). Preparatory course at Tusculum; one year of grad- uate work, Davidson College, North Carolina ; course at Spencer Busi- ness College, Birmingham, Ala. B.D., Presbyterian Theological Semi- nary of Kentucky. Engaged in mountain mission work, Knoxville Presbytery; now pastor at Farner, Tenn. m. Miss Hankins McAmis, June 7, 1916 ; one son. SUMMERS, JOSEPH ANDREW, B.A., Johnson City, Tenn. b. Mooresburg, Tenn. ; s. Dr. J. A. and Mrs. A. N. Summers. High- school course, Knoxville; taught at Mooresburg, Tenn., 1908-1909. B.A., University of Tennessee. Has been real estate dealer and in- surance agent ; manager of Mountcastle-Summers Hardware Company, Johnson City, Tenn. Recently joined the navy. Presbyterian. THOMPSON, MARTHA AZALEA (MRS. FORT), B.A., Morristown, Tenn. b. Greene County, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Thompson ; sister of Mrs. Fort ('03). Preparatory course at Tusculum; special study after graduation at University of Tennessee and Columbia University ; taught two years in high school, Arcadia, Neb. ; three years in high school, Morristown, Tenn. ; two years in East Tennessee State Normal, Johnson City, Tenn. Presbyterian, m. Mr. E. H. Fort, October 12, 1915; one son. Ex-Members. Coile, Leonard Speck Martin, Dora Collier, Stella Mays, Mabel DeVault, Stella May Moore, Florence Celia Fillers, Herbert D. Shipley, Alice King, Laura Edna Shipley, Lula Lee, Elma Easterly Smith, Grace Doran Martin, Beulah Belle Temple, Hassie Young, Oscar Arnold 1909 COLLIER. CLARENCE BEASLEY, B.A., M.A., Mount Berry. Ga. b. April 29, 1886, Mount Horeb, Tenn.; s. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Col- lier. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; taught at Jonesboro, Tenn., Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. 65 1909-1910; principal of high school, Rome, Ga., 1910-1911; vice-prin- cipal, Berry School for Boys, Mount Berry, Ga. M.A., Tusculum, 1913. Member of Independent Church, m. Miss Nannie Mae Hart- ness, June 30, 1915 ; one son. HAYNES, CARL, B.A., Tusculum. Tenn. b. January 18, 1887, Tusculum, Tenn.; s. Prof. ('77) and Mrs. ('81) L. C. Haynes; brother of Herman Cicero H. ('02), and Grace H. ('10). Preparatory course at Tusculum. Farmer and surveyor. Member of Presbyterian Church. JONES, EDWARD SEXTON, B.A., Howell, Tenn. b. August 27, 1882, Elizabethton, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones. Preparatory course at Elizabethton ; completed theological course at McCormick Seminary, 1912. Presbyterian, m. Flora Smith Dunham ('07), July, 1914. Class president; salutatorian. McAMIS, MARGARET (MRS. REILLEY), B.A., b. September 19, 1887, Greeneville, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. John E. McAmis ; sister of Myrtle Florence M. ('13). Preparatory course at Tusculum. Member of Presbyterian Church ; soprano in the Ameri- can Presbyterian Church choir of Montreal, four years ; member of McGill University Women's Club. m. Prof. H. E. Reilley (professor of Science, Tusculum), September 9, 1909; one child. Class secretary. MITCHELL, EDITH, B.A., Rogersville, Tenn. b. February 9, 1886, Sneedville, Tenn. ; d. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell. Preparatory course at Normal and Collegiate Institute, Asheville, N. C. Engaged in Y. W. C. A. work two years ; bookkeeper for Piedmont Electric Company, Asheville, N. C, three years ; now with the Rogersville Hardware and Grocery Company. Member of Pres- byterian Church. Valedictorian. *MOORE, DOSSER, B.A. b. July 18, 1885, Telford, Tenn.; .y. Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell Moore. Preparatory course at Washington College, Tennessee ; com- pleted law course, University of Tennessee, 1911. Owned and oper- ated printing plant ; practiced law ; member of various clubs and socie- ties during college and university life. Member of Presbyterian Church, m. Lucy Rice Couch, September 20, 1911 ; one child. Spencerville, Ontario, Canada. Ex-Members. Armitage, William Alfred Britton, Nita Byrd, Glenna Greer, John Ben Holston, Ida Pearl Million, Georgia Virgil Myers, Cora Piper, Grace Gray Plott, Grover Cleveland Rudder, George Addison Russell, Ernest Starnes, Carl * Deceased. 5 r 66 Alumni Catalogue oe Tusculum College. 1910 BEWLEY, WILBUR LINTON, B.A., Moshcim, Term. b. September 22, 1886, Warrensbnrg, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bewley. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Member of M. E. Church. Now engaged in farming. BRITTON, HUGH HERBERT, B.A., Chicago, 111. b. 1884, Greene County, Tenn. ; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Britton. Pre- paratory course at Tusculum. Road engineer for International Har- vester Company, m. Miss Blanche Eddy, February 28, 1914. CAMPBELL, ADRIAN BROOKS, B.A., Jacksonville, Fla. b. 1887, Baileyton, Tenn.; s. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Campbell; brother of Clarence Elmer C. ('03). Preparatory course at Baileyton. Degree of LL.B., University of Kansas. Practiced law in Nowata, Okla., until November, 1917 ; enlisted in Quartermaster Corps of Army, 1917 ; in training at Camp Johnston, Florida. Member of Presbyterian Church. Class president. CORDOVA, CARLOS C, B.A., Las Vegas, N. M. b. January 28, 1888, Cordova, N. M. ; s. Ramon and Rafelita Cordova. Preparatory course at Menaul School, Albuquerque, N. M. ; attended Princeton Theological School one year ; completed theological course at McCormick Seminary, 1914. Pastor of Las Vegas Spanish Church. m. Miss Ruth Rendon, June 29, 1916. EPPS, WILLIAM HARDIN, B.A., Jonesboro, Tenn. b. 1888, Jonesboro, Tenn.; s. Mr. ('82) and Mrs. J. H. Epps ; brother of James Haws E. ('13), and Mary Lucy E. ('16). Preparatory course, Jonesboro High School. Member of Baptist Church. FITZGERALD, JOHN ROSCOE, B.A., Alaska. b. 1881 ; s. Mrs. Hester Fitzgerald. Theological course at McCormick Seminary, Chicago. Minister in Presbyterian Church ; recently took up mission work in Alaska. HAYNES, GRACE, B.A., M.A., Greeneville, Tenn. b. March 22, 1890, Tusculum, Tenn.; d. Prof. ('77) and Mrs. ('81) L. C. Haynes; sister of Herman Cicero H. ('02), and Carl H. ('09). Preparatory course at Tusculum ; has been teaching since graduation with exception of 1915-1916. Received M.A. degree in course, Tus- culum, 1916. Member of Presbyterian Church. LOVETTE, CARRIE CECIL, B.A., Loudon, Tenn. b. 1888; d. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lovette. Taught school several years; U. S. demonstrator, Loudon County, Tenn. Member of Presbyterian Church. LUCERO, ACORSINIO VASQUEZ, B.A., Raton, N. M. b. May 27, 1884, Chacon, N. M. ; s. Andres and Maria Juanita Vasquez de Lucero. High-school course at Albuquerque, N. M. ; theological Alumni Catalogue: of Tusculum College. 67 course, McCormick Seminary, Chicago. Pastor of Second Presbyte- rian Church, Raton, N. M. ; pastor evangelist over several stations, comprising both Spanish and English audiences. Councilman for two years, Raton; State Senator for Eighth Senatorial District, New Mexico; secretary County Board of Education; member City Board of Education, Raton, m. Miss Myrtle Oliver Painter ('07), June 23, 1914 ; one son, one daughter. McAMIS, JOHN CARL, B.A., Knoxville, Term. b. 1889, Greeneville, Tenn. ; ^. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McAmis ; brother of Herbert Clyde M. ('13). High-school course at Greeneville. De- gree of B.S.A., University of Tennessee. Specialist in Agronomy, University of Tennessee. Member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Married. MILLER, CHARLES MACK, B.A., Whitesburg, Tenn. b. 1882; s. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Miller. Member of Baptist Church. MOORE, BELLE GERTRUDE, B.A., Russellville, Tenn. b. 1891, Whitesburg, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Moore. Preparatory course, Whitesburg; studied Expression, Leland Powers School, Bos- ton, 1915-1916 ; most of time since graduation spent in teaching. Li- brarian and teacher at Tusculum, 1917-1918. Class secretary; vale- dictorian. MORROW, ALEXANDER BRABSON, B.A. b. 1882. Presbyterian. PEREA, CLIFFORD HARVEY, B.A., Falmouth, Ky. b. July 6, 1889, New Mexico.; s. Rev. and Mrs. J. Y. Perea. High- school course at Albuquerque, N. M. ; theological course, McCormick Seminary. Presbyterian, m. Miss Delia B. Stevenson, October 22, 1913; two children. * RANKIN, MARGUERITE ELIZABETH, B.A. b. September 15, 1891, Tusculum, Tenn.; d. Thomas S. ('85) and Mary Coile ('88) Rankin; sister of Mrs. Beeson ('08), Raymond Coile R. ('14), and Lynn McGaughey R. ('17). Preparatory course at Tusculum ; graduate of Music Department, Tusculum. Was chosen as librarian and assistant teacher of English in Tusculum College. Presbyterian, d. July 21, 1910, shortly after graduation. Salutatorian. ROBINSON, EUNICE MAXWELL (MRS. WILLIS), B.A., Greeneville, Tenn. b. July 24, 1891, Knoxville, Tenn. ; d. Dr. and Mrs. F. P. Robinson ; sister of Swannie Lucile R. ('10). High-school course at Greene- ville ; graduate of Home Economics Department, Tusculum. Taught several years after graduation. Member of Presbyterian Church, m. Mr. Lyle Willis. * Deceased. 68 Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. ROBINSON, SWANNTE LUCILE, B.A., Cumberland Gap, Tenn. b. August 13, 1887, Greenevillc, Tenn.; d. Dr. and Mrs. F. P. Robin- son; sister of Mrs. Willis ('10). High-school course at Johnson City and Greeneville; graduate of Home Economics Department, Tuscu- lum. Presbyterian. Now teaching at Cumberland Gap. Ex-Members. Bowman, James Clark Hunter, Florine Coile, Mary Franc Long, Florence Maude Fellers, Irma Willie McAfee, Charles Moses Galbreath, Mary Wyatt Markham, Audrey White, George Edward 1911 CORDOVA, DELFIDO, B.A., Albuquerque, N. M. b. Cordova, N. M. ; Reyes Cordova. High-school course at Menaul School, Albuquerque ; attended College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago. Now teaching in Menaul School, Albuquerque. Presbyte- rian, m. Miss Margaret Doak, August, 1916 ; one child. HUNTER, SALLIE WILLIE, B.A., Walnut, N. C. b. 1890, Alexander, N. C. ; d. John B. and Alice Wild Hunter. High- school course at Bell Institute, Walnut, N. C. Engaged in high-school teaching since graduation ; president of Polk County Teachers' Asso- ciation, N. C. ; summer school course at University of Virginia ; taught Domestic Science at Lincoln, Va., one session ; now principal of high school, Walnut, N. C. Presbyterian. Class secretary; salutatorian. MEDFORD, FRANK JAY, B.A., Pomeroy, O. b. November 27, 1884, Waynesville, N. C. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Medford. High-school course at Swarthmore, Pa. ; completed course at McCormick Theological Seminary ; ordained minister. Presby- terian, m, Miss Addie O. White ('11), December 23, 1913; one child (deceased). RAMSAY, ETHEL EPPS (MRS. CORUM), B.A., Lenoir City, Tenn. b. June 7, 1889, Piney Flats, Tenn. ; d. William and Mary Ramsay ; sister of Julia Isabel R. ('12), and Sara Frances R. ('16). Prepara- tory course at Tusculum ; taught music several years after graduation. Baptist, m. Rev. R. E. Corum, June 14, 1916 ; one daughter. REAVES, ROBERT GRISHAM, B.A., Boston, Mass. b. 1887; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Reaves. M.D., University of Virginia. Interne work at Massachusetts Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston ; recently received commission in Navy Medical Reserve Corps. Member of United Brethren Church, m. Anna Esther Fudge ('16), December 6, 1917. Class president; valedictorian. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. 69 WADDLE, MAUDE BETHEL (MRS. LYON), B.A., Burnsville, N. C. b. November 18, 1886, Greeneville, Tenn. ; d. J. W. Waddle. Pre- paratory course at Greeneville ; taught for some time after graduation. Member of M. E. Church, m. Mr. John P. Lyon, June 16, 1915. WHITE, ADDIE OCTAVIA (MRS. MEDFORD), B.A., Pomeroy, O. b. December 22, 1888, Jonesboro, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. White. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; course at Missionary Training School, Cincinnati. Presbyterian, m. Rev. Frank J. Medford ('11), December 22, 1913; one child (deceased). BIRDWELL, HENRY REUEL, B.A., Wilmington, Del. b. January 18, 1889, Chuckey, Tenn. ; s. Joseph E. and Lillie E. Bird- well. High-school course at Wesleyan Academy, Chuckey ; studied law at Georgetown University, 1915-1917. Now employed by Dupont Powder Works, Wilmington, Del. Member of M. E. Church, South. CLEMENS, BURT McGAUGHEY, B.A., Elizabethton, Tenn. b. 1890, Tusculum, Tenn. ; s. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Clemens ; brother of Fred Broady C. ('16). Course at Eastman Business College. Taught in Harold McCormick School, Elizabethton, one session ; now in em- ploy of Whiting Lumber Company, Elizabethton. Member of Pres- byterian Church. Class president. CLICK, GUY LeROY, B.A., Fairfield, Ala. b. October 9, 1891, Greeneville, Tenn. ; s. George W. and Martha Ellen Click. Machinist for the American Steel and Wire Company, Ala- bama, m. Miss Martha Sue Brumley, December 28, 1912; two chil- dren. GAHAGAN, MARTHA EMMA, B.A., M.A., Tusculum, Tenn. b. January 8, 1890, Walnut, N. C. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. George Gahagan. High-school course at Bell Institute, Walnut, N. C, and Tusculum. M.A., Tusculum, 1917. Teacher of Preparatory English, Tusculum. Presbyterian. Salutatorian. HOLT, MARY ELIZABETH, B.A., Los Angeles, Cal. b. March 4, 1890, Kansas City, Mo.; d. Alonzo T. and Lucy Campbell Holt Preparatory course at San Fernando High School, California ; completed normal course at State Normal, Los Angeles, 1909. Taught in Hawaiian Islands three years ; is making a specialty of kindergarten work ; now teaching at Azusa, Cal. Member of Presbyterian Church. Ex-Members. Alexander, John Mode Battle, Calvin Woodward Ferguson, Sarah Lillian Bewley, Andrew Jacob Culver, Myrtle Mae Johnson, Myrtle Lee Livingston, Byrde Summers, Louise Wolfe, Amos Young, Dwight Moody 1912 7° Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. PHIPPS, CORNELIUS HAMILTON, B.A., Somcrs, Wis. b. March 22, 1889, Surgoinsville, Tenn. ; s. Sarah Elizabeth and Wil- liam Smith Phipps. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; theological course at McCormick Seminary, Chicago. Pastor at Somers, Wis. Presbyterian, m. Miss Laura Grace Hart, June, 1916. RAMSAY, JULIA ISABEL, B.A., Kingsport, Tenn. b. March 16, 1891, Fall Branch, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ram- say; sister of Mrs. Corum ('11), and Sara Frances R. ('16). Pre- paratory course at Tusculum. Librarian and instructor at Tusculum, 1916-1917 ; now teaching music at Kingsport. Member of Baptist Church. WOLFE, LADY KATE, B.A., Mooresburg, Tenn. b. 1890; d. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wolfe. Member of Presbyterian Church. Class secretary; valedictorian. TAYLOR, GEORGE CALDWELL, B.A. nunc pro tunc, b. May 29, 1885, Greeneville, Tenn. ; s. Alexander W. and Alvira Wil- liams Taylor; brother of Mary A. T. ('06). Preparatory course at Tusculum. Degree of LL.B., University of Tennessee, 1908. Lawyer, Rockwood, Tenn., two years ; secretary to Governor Hooper, of Ten- nessee, during his term of office ; affiliated with Masonic order ; mem- ber of Knights of Pythias ; now practicing law in Greeneville. Pres- byterian, m. Miss Luetta Alpha Gregg, December 9, 1913 ; one child. Greeneville, Tenn. Ex-Members. Bewley, Glenn Nelson Bewley, Lola Harriett Bishop, Su Elaine Bright, Vollie Ernest Collier, James Hoyle Hayes, Ethel May McDannel, William Wallace Ryland, Ruth Roena Alumni Catalogue oe Tusculum College, 7> ALUMNI OF TUSCULUM COLLEGE See Historical Sketch, page 5. 1913 EPPS. JAMES HAWS, JR., B.A., Lebanon, Tenn. b. April 25, 1892, Jonesboro, Tenn.; s. J. H. ('82) and M. E. Epps ; brother of W. Hardin E. ('10) and Mary Lucy E. ('16). Preparatory course at Jonesboro High School. Employed by Embree Iron Com- pany, Embreeville, Tenn. ; now studying law in Cumberland Univer- sity. Presbyterian. Class president; valedictorian. HAWS, EPPIE ROENA, B.A., Erwin, Tenn. b. June 8, 1889 ; d. Thomas and Martha J. Haws. Preparatory course at Fall Branch High School. Engaged in teaching since graduation. Member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Salutatorian. McAMIS, MYRTLE FLORENCE (MRS. RADER), B.A., Greeneville, Tenn. b. 1890, Greeneville, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. John E. McAmis ; sister of Mrs. Reilley ('09). Taught four years after graduation. Member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church, m. James Rader, October, 1917. Class Secretary. McAMIS, HERBERT CLYDE, B.A., Wartrace, Tenn. b. December 25, 1891, Greeneville, Tenn. ; ^. Robert and Fannie Mosier McAmis; brother of John Carl M. (TO). Preparatory course at Greeneville. Principal of Greeneville High School, one year; super- intendent Tusculum College farm, two years ; now Superintendent of Farms for the North Carolina and St. Louis Railroad. Presbyterian. m. Blanche Letson, August 8, 1914. Ex-Member. Hicks, Thomas J. 1914 BUCKNER, JENESS (MRS. HUSSEY), B.A., Lebanon, Tenn. b. 1887, Asheville, N. C. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. James Mack Buckner. Pre- paratory course at Tusculum ; taught two years. Presbyterian, m. Dr. G. B. Hussey, September 3, 1916; one child. LAMONS, MABEL (MRS. BROUGH), B.A., Gainesville, Fla. b. October 15, 1893, Greeneville, Tenn. ; d. Charles and Dora Good ('89) Lamons. High-school course at Gainesville, Fla. ; taught in graded schools of Florida. Member of M. E. Church, South, m. Mr. Thomas Gaylord Brough, February 1, 1918. MITCHELL, HELEN (MRS. SHERWIN), B.A., Batavia, N. Y. b. September 15, 1889, Xenia, O. ; d. Reuben and Lura Mitchell ; sister of Robert Freeman M. (T6). High-school course at Asheville, N. C. 72 Alumni Catalogue; of Tusculum College;. Episcopalian. ;;/. Sidney A. Sherwin, Jr. (professor of Modern Lan- guages, Tusculum), December 14, 1914; two children. Class secre- tary; valedictorian. RANKIN, RAYMOND COILE, B.A., Tusculum, Tenn. b. March 16, 1894, Tusculum, Tenn.; s. Thomas S. ('85) and Mary Coile ('88) Rankin; brother of Mrs. Beeson ('08), Marguerite Eliza- beth R. ('10), and Lynn McGaughey R. ('17). Preparatory course at Tusculum ; graduate of Music Department, Tusculum ; theological course, McCormick Seminary, Chicago. Accepted pastorate in Presby- terial Church, Montana, but left after four months' service to take up Y. M. C. A. war work at Camp Grant, 111. ; transferred from Camp Grant to Camp Gordon, Ga. Class president; salutatorian. Ex-MEMBERS. Couch, Lucy Rice McNew, William Conway 1915 BOWERS, BENJAMIN HARRISON, B.A., Jacksonville, Fla. b. July 22, 1888, Greeneville, Tenn. ; s. James H. and Sarah L. Bowers. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; one year of graduate work at Uni- versity of Chicago. Principal of high school, Midway, Tenn. En- listed in Quartermaster Corps of army, 1917 ; in training at Camp Johnston, Fla. Class president; valedictorian. GRAY, JESSIE, B.A., Mosheim, Tenn. b. 1893, Afton, Tenn.; d. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Gray. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; graduate of Home Economics Department, Tus- culum, 1914 ; taught Domestic Science, Wesleyan Academy, Chuckey, three years; now teaching at Mosheim. Class secretary; salutatorian. Ex-Me;mbers. Click, Mae Reaves, Flossie Finley, Martin Woodward Rhea, Edna Huffaker, Eulalie Russell, Mary Kathleen Painter, Hubert L. Trim, Louise 1916 CAMPBELL, JAMES TRUAN, B.A., Philadelphia, Pa. b. October 9, 1894, Limestone, Tenn. ; s. Dr. J. D. and Louise T. Campbell. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Member of Presbyterian Church. Now a student in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. Member of Medical Reserve Corps. CLEMENS, FRED BROADY, Ph.B., Petersburg, Va. b. July 25, 1892, Tusculum, Tenn.; s. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Clemens; brother of Burt M. C. ('12). Preparatory course at Elizabethton, Tenn., and Tusculum. Bookkeeper for Kaiser Brothers, wholesale grocers, Knoxville, Tenn. Now in military service. Camp Lee, Va. Alumni Catalogue ol Tusculum College. 73 DOAK, SAMUEL ARMITAGE, Ph.B., Fort Sill, Okla. b. August 26, 1894, Tusculum, Tenn. ; J. Dr. and Mrs. ('87) Doak. Post-graduate work one session, University of Chattanooga. Admit- ted to Second Reserve Officers' Training Camp August, 1917 ; com- missioned as Second Lieutenant November, 1917 ; stationed at Douglas, Ariz., with Eleventh F. A., for some time; now at Fort Sill, Okla. EPPS, MARY LUCY, Ph.B., Embreeville, Tenn. b. 1894, near Jonesboro, Tenn. ; d. James H. ('82) and M. E. Epps ; sister of William Hardin E. ('10) and James E., Jr. ('13). Prepara- tory course at Tusculum ; now teaching at Embreeville, Tenn. FOX, LLEWELYN MARSHALL, B.A., San Antonio, Texas. b. September 5, 1892, Greeneville, Tenn. ; s. Dr. Claude P. and Mrs. Franc M. Fox; brother of Claude Porterfield F. ('16) and Frank F. ('17). Preparatory course at Greeneville High School and Tusculum. Member of Episcopal Church. Studied at Eastman Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., a short while ; completed course in Knoxville Business College. Enlisted in aviation service December, 1917; now training in Texas. FOX, CLAUDE PORTERFIELD, JR., B.A., University, Va. b. July 1, 1894, Greeneville, Tenn.; s. Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Fox; brother of Llewelyn F. ('16) and Frank F. ('17). Preparatory course at Greeneville High School and Tusculum ; now studying medicine at University of Virginia. Member of Medical Reserve Corps. Member of Episcopal Church. FUDGE, ANNA ESTHER (MRS. REAVES), B.A., Boston, Mass. b. November 3, 1894, Surgoinsville, Tenn. ; d. John F. and Lena Wat- terson Fudge. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Presbyterian. Taught in high school, Spruce Pine, N. C, one session, m. Dr. Robert S. Reaves ('11), December 6, 1917. GENTRY, FRANK TAYLOR, Ph.B., Columbia, S. C. b. September 13, 1893, Flag Pond, Tenn.; s. L. G. and S. K. Gentry. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Presbyterian. Now training for military service at Camp Jackson, S. C. GRAY, EDWARD RUTHERFORD, B.A., Tusculum, Tenn. b. July 26, 1896, Smith-town, Long Island, N. Y. ; s. Rev. Charles Oliver (President of Tusculum since 1908) and Mrs. Florence Rollins Gray. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Presbyterian. B.A., Yale, 1917. At present teaching in Tusculum. Class president; salutatorian. HARRISON, NEWTON ALLIE, JR., Ph.B., Greeneville, Tenn. b. September 27, 1887, Greene County, Tenn.; s. N. A. and Mary J. Harrison; brother of William E. H. ('99) and Addie B. H. ('16). Preparatory course at Tusculum. Member of Methodist Protestant Church. Now teaching in Greeneville High School. 74 Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College;. HARRISON, ADDIE BELLE, B.A., Greeneville, Tenn. b. July 23, 1889, Greene County, Tenn. ; d. N. A. and Mary J. Har- rison ; sister of William E. H. ('99) and N. A. H., Jr. ('16). Pre- paratory course at Tusculum. Member of Methodist Protestant Church. LOVE, ANNA VERTREES (MRS. ACKERLY), B.A., Crystal Run, N. Y. b. February 28, 1893, Chuckey, Tenn.; d. Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Love. Preparatory course at Tusculum. Presbyterian. Completed course in Presbyterian Training School, Philadelphia, Pa. in. Raymond Ackerly, June 20, 1917. Class secretary. MALMAR, HELEN CARTWRTGHT, B.A., New York City. b. January 28, 1896, Nutley, N. J. ; d. John Jay and Mary Reilly Mal- mar; sister of Girard Goff M. ('17). High-school course at Nutley. Member of Congregational Church. Now engaged in settlement work at Labor Temple, New York City, and also taking studies leading to M.A. degree at Columbia University. M1LLHORN, MATTIE, Ph.B., Fordtown, Tenn. b. 1889, Boring, Tenn. ; d. John A. and Alice Campbell Millhorn. Pre- paratory course at Holston Institute, Blountville, Tenn., and Tuscu- lum ; now teaching in high school at Fordtown. Member of M. E. Church, South. Valedictorian. MITCHELL, ROBERT FREEMAN, B.A., Atlanta, Ga. b. May 3, 1895, Celina, Ohio; ^. R. W. and Lura Freeman Mitchell; brother of Mrs. Sherwin ('14). Preparatory course at Asheville (N. C.) High School and Tusculum. Entered Law Department of Columbia University, New York City, September, 1916. Admitted to First Reserve Officers' Training Camp at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., April, 1917; commissioned Second Lieutenant August, 1917; now stationed at Camp Gordon, Ga. RAMSAY, SARA FRANCES, Ph.B., Lenoir City. Tenn. b. 1893; d. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ramsay; sister of Mrs. Corum ('11) and Julia Isabel R. ('12). Preparatory course at Tusculum. Baptist. Has been teaching since graduation. REDMON, CORA (MRS. COWARD), Ph.B., Rocky Mount, N. C. b. April 8, 1892, Buncombe County, N. C. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Redmon. Preparatory course at Tusculum ; taught school one session after graduation. Presbyterian, m. Mr. W. B. Coward, March 27, 1917. REGISTER, ESTELLE EILEEN, Ph.B., Greeneville, Tenn. b. 1894, Bethesda, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Register. Preparatory course at Tusculum; summer course at East Tennessee State Normal; now teaching in Greene County public schools. Presbyterian. HOWELL, JACOB JASPER, B.A. nunc pro tunc, Tusculum, Tenn. b. 1849, Wilkesboro, N. C. ; s. S. S. and Elizabeth Howell. Was in college in 1874, but discontinued work shortly before graduation. Re- Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. 75 ceived MX), degree from Vanderbilt University, 1884, and same degree from University of Nashville, 1885. Licensed to practice medicine and surgery in State of Washington, 1904 ; retired from service after thirty years' practice. Presbyterian, m. Sarah Ruth Leming, Octo- ber 5, 1876; nine children, Francis Wayland H. ('02) and Roland Hill H. ('02). MIDDLETON, BRITTON CLAY, B.A., nunc pro tunc, Cincinnati, O. b. 1875, Greene County, Tenn. ; ^. B. F. and Maria Phillips Middleton. Entered Tusculum in 1891, but left college before graduation to study law under the late Judge A. J. Brown; member of the bar of Ten- nessee, the U. S. District Court, and the bar of the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit; was for a time in the employ of the U. S. Treasury Department and rendered service in Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and Virginia. Editor of the Lynchburg Banner; author of numerous short sketches and poems. Now U. S. Customs House official. Member of Baptist Church, m. Miss Julia Ellen Slack, of Bristol, January 1, 1917. Ex-Members. Bowling, Florence. Rogers, Sallie S. Brannan, Jack. Shelton, Effie. Doak, Margaret Lee. Stokely, Royal J. Robinson, Marguerite Moore. Wallin, Stephen Eldridge. Wardrep, Robert C. 1917 ARMITAGE, LUCIE VIVIAN, B.A., Hurley, N. M. b. October 19, 1896, Greeneville, Tenn.; d. Charles G. ('87) and Dollie Cooper Armitage. Summer course in New Mexico State Normal ; now teaching in grammar school at Hurley, N. M. Member of Cum- berland Presbyterian Church. Valedictorian. DOBSON, FLORA IRENE, B.A., Greeneville, Tenn. b. 1894, near Greeneville, Tenn. ; d. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Dobson. Pre- paratory course at Tusculim ; now teaching in public schools of Greene County. Member of Presbyterian Church. EMMERT, CLYDE MORRELL, B.A., Ann Arbor, Mich. b. August 3, 1893, Elizabethton, Tenn. ; Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Emmert. Preparatory course at Elizabethton and Tusculum ; graduate of Music Department, Tusculum ('15) ; now taking post-graduate work in Uni- versity of Michigan. Member of Presbyterian Church. Class president. FOX, FRANK ARNOLD, B.A., University, Va. b. 1896, Greeneville, Tenn.; Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Fox; brother of Llewelyn F. ('16) and Claude Porterfield F. ('16). Preparatory course at Greeneville. Member of Episcopal Church. Now studying medicine in University of Virginia. 76 Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. HAWKINS, GRACE TRUMAN, B.A., Greeneville, Tenn. b. 1895, Greeneville, Tenn. ; d. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Hawkins. Prepara- tory course at Greeneville. Member of Methodist Episcopal Church. Engaged in settlement work at Labor Temple, New York City ; also studied in Columbia University; completed certificate course in Home Economics (Cooking), 1915, and in Vocal Music, 1916, at Tusculum. Class secretary. MALMAR, GIRARD GOFF, B.S., New York City. b. 1899, Nutley, N. J. ; s. John Jay and Mary Reilly Malmar ; brother of Helen Cartwright M. ('16). High-school course at Nutley and Tusculum. Member of Congregational Church. At present working in Corn Exchange Bank, New York City. Salutatoriaii. RANKIN, LYNN McGAUGHEY, B.A., Philadelphia, Pa. b. September 26, 1896, Tusculum, Tenn.; Thomas S. ('85) and Mary Coile ('88) Rankin; brother of Mrs. Beeson ('08), Marguerite Eliz- abeth R. ('10) and Raymond Coile R. ('14). Preparatory course at Tusculum. Member of Presbyterian Church. Now a student in Jef- ferson Medical College, Philadelphia. Member of Medical Reserve Corps. WATSON, HOWARD P., Ph.B., Greenville, S. C. b. September 27, 1894, Knoxville, Tenn. ; s. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Watson. Preparatory course in high school, Knoxville, Tenn. Recruiting officer for Battery C, 114th F. A. ; Corporal ; now Sergeant ; stationed at Camp Sevier. Member of Baptist Church. Diplomas to be Awarded at Commencement, May 28. Armitage, Helen Yvette, Ph.B., Greeneville, Tenn. Brading, Edward Thurston, Ph.B., Johnson City, Tenn. Campbell. Frank Lee, B.A., Greeneville, Tenn. Cook, Henry Winston, B.A., Belva, N. C. Hawkins, Esther, B.A., Greeneville, Tenn. Nelson, Fred Rouse, Ph.B., Greeneville, Tenn. O'Keefe, Alary Draper, B.A., Greeneville, Tenn. Verran, Cornelia Marion, Ph.B., Roanoke, Va. Black, James D., B.A. nunc pro tunc, LL.D., Barbourville, Ky. White, George E., B.A. nunc pro tunc, Middletown. O. Ex-Members. Baird, David Edward. Bright, Mary Dinah. Gray, Charles Oliver, Jr. Hawkins, Henry Watterson. Kennedy, Charity Patton. Lawrence, Willa Marie. Marsh, Catherine. Moore, Roy B. 1918 Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. SUMMARY By Avocations Army officers 20 Authors 3 Business men 51 Congressmen and Senators... 8 Editors 12 Farmers ... 33 Housewives : 50 Judges 10 Lawyers 49 Ministers 81 Physicians, medical students and nurses 38 Railroad president 1 Register of United States Treasury 1 State legislators 16 Social service and community workers 9 Speaker of House 1 Teachers and professors 146 University and college presidents 14 United States Minister.... 1 Unclassified 4 Unknown , 38 586 Duplicates 188 Total 398 Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. SUMMARY OF ALUMNI BY CLASSES Greeneville College Before 1820 17 1821-1830 27 1831-1840 7 1841-1847 2 1857 4 1858 2 1860 2 61 Tusculum College Before 1847 9 1847 (Spring term) 3 1847 (Fall term) 2 1848 2 1850 1 1851 6 1852 8 1854 4 1856 2 1857 2 1859 1 1860 4 1861 4 1866 1 1868 1 :>() Greeneville and Tusculum College 1869 3 1870 3 1871 2 1872 2 1873 2 1875 3 1876 2 1877 3 1878 5 1879 7 1880 1 1881 8 1882 8 Greeneville and Tusculum College ( Continued) 1884 3 1885 2 1886 1 1887 8 1888 4 1889 8 1890 4 1891 5 1892 11 1893 11 1894 11 1895 7 1896 3 1897 3 1898 11 1899 4 1900 8 1901 9 1902 7 1903 5 1904 3 1905 6 1906 5 1907 5 1908 7 1909 6 1910 17 1911 7 1912 9 Tusculum College 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 239 4 4 2 20 8 10 48 Grand total 398 Alumni Catalogue oe Tusculum College. 79 OTHER DEGREES GRANTED Master of Arts, Honorary Alexander, Fred William ('92). Anderson, Isaac. Anderson, Samuel ('47). Baxter, George Washington ('81). Bell, John A. (before 1847). Biggs, John M. ('58). Bird, Jacob Franklin ('51). Brabson, J. M. B runner, John Hamilton ('47). Bullen, M. (before 1820). Coile, Samuel Andrew ('79). Collier, Clarence Beasley ('09). Collier, Robert Burns ('82). Collom, Altamont Byron ('89). Crawford, Robert A. ('51). Crawford, S. P. Doak, Alexander M. (before 1847). Doak, John W. K. (before 1847). Doak, Julia A. ('79). Doak, Robert E. ('47). Doak, Samuel Smith ('52). Doak, William Stephenson ('51). Dobson, William D. ('70). Dugger, Oscar Milton ('98). Elliott, William Marion ('98). Evans, George H. ('52). Feemster, Paul Silas ('61). Feemster, Samuel C. ('59). Foute, Robert Chester ('58). Fowler, William Francis ('60). Gahagan, Martha Emma ('12). Gallaher, James. Gibson, Matthew (before 1847). Hardin, Robert (1816). Harmon, F. D. B. Harmon, W. A. Haynes, Landon Carter ('77). Johnston, Mamie Christian. Kite, William Anderson ('75). Lea, Pryor (before 1820). Lea, William W. (before 1820). Lovette, O. B. ('93). McCollum, Charles C ('94). McCorkle, Robert. McCorkle, Samuel V. ('57). McDannel, John. McFerrin, Joseph G. ('72). Milligan, Samuel ('43). Montgomery, William (before 1820). Moore, Edward Howard ('91). Moore, Jeremiah ('71). Morrow, Finley Leonidas ('95). Patterson, D. T. Price, Jacob F. ('51). Rankin, Elma Lillian ('08). Rankin, Thomas Samuel ('85). Robinson, James Harvey ('60). Robinson, Joseph Moser ('73). Royston, Samuel W. (before 1847). Sanders, R. M. Smiley, James (before 1820). Weir, David (1816). West. William (before 1840). White, Carl Houston ('07). White, Oscar Lemuel ('94). Whitelaw, David Reginald. Wills, David ('47). Wilson, A. Benjamin ('60). Wilson, A. M. Yeager, Elijah Fish ('69). Master of Arts, in Course Haynes, Grace ('10). Ichikawa, Toichi. 8o Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. Doctor of Di Alexander, J. E. Blackburn, Gideon. Brunner, John Hamilton ('47). Clemance, Clement. Day, Jonathan Creech ('01). Doak, Samuel. Doak, William Stephenson ('51). Dobbs, Dayton A. Dobson, Frederic Fee. Dobson, Joseph. Fish, Azel Hull. Gass, John Ross ('81). Hamilton, Wallace M. Harmon, Charles Rosecrans ('92). Harvey, Charles A. Henderson, Robert. Hughes, I. Elias. Jelley, J. M. Johnson, Oliver. Wilson, r inity, Honorary Jones, George James. Jones, Oliver Green ('90). Lackey, A. H. Lester, W. H. McFerrin, Joseph G. ('72). McKnight, John. Minifie, William C. Moore, Jeremiah ('71). Muir, Adam Stuart. Portions, James M. Rankin, Alexander T. Ritchie, A. Ross, Henry. Russell, Andrew. Smith, Nicholas Keffer ('72). Stonestreet, William C. Wills, J. T. Wills, David ('47). Wilson, Alfred Whitefield ('57). Warren H. Doctor of Laws, Honorary Alexander, Louis Charles. Gunion, Andrew J. Badenoch, George Roy. Henderson, Ebenezer. Beg, Mazir. Kaye, John William. Bennett, William Cox. King, John Thompson. Black, James D. Langford, John Alfred. Brown, James. Lawson, William. Brown, Robert. Mackie, James. Colam, John. Maule, Thomas Hunter. Conner, Cathcart 0. Milligan, Samuel ('43). Cornwell, John Blake. Morrison, John. Cowdy, Samuel. Pollock, James M. Craig, Willis G. Rae, John. Crichton, David. Richard, William. Cuthbertson, Robert. Rix, A. H. Dickinson, Mahlon. Robinson, John R. Dirck?, Henry. Ross, William. Dobson. William D. ('70). Seabrook, Henry. Ellenberger, John Louis. Sharpley, Arthur Edwin. Forshaw. Charles. Shaw, John. Frazier. James B. Simpson, James. Gibson, J. George. Smith. Alexander B. Gliddon, Alfred. Somerville, Thomas. Alumni Catalogue of Tusculum College. Si Steele, Alexander. Strangeways, Thomas. Temple, O. P. Thomason, George Thomas. Trail, Robert. Waddell, Peter Nately. White, H. L. Whitelaw, Thomas. Williams, John. Wright, John Grant. GRADUATES OF OTHER DEPARTMENTS Home 1917. Hawkins, Esther, S. & C. O'Keefe, Mary Draper, S. Verran, Cornelia Marion, S. 1916. Armitage, Helen Yvette, S. & C. Dobson, Flora Irene ('17), S. & C. Epps, Mary Lucy ('16), S. & C. Millhorn, Mattie ('16), S. Verran, Cornelia Marion, C. 1915. Gouchenour, Edith Marshall, S. & C. Harrison, Addie Belle ('16), S. Hawkins, Grace Truman ('17). Kennedy, Charity Patton, S. & C. Lawrence, Willa Marie, C. Ramsay, Sara Frances ('16), S. Shelton, Effie, C. 1914. Bright, Mary Dinah, S. Gray, Jessie ('15), S. & C. Johnston, Lucile E., S. & C. Mathes, Margaret Estelle, S. Mitchell, Helen ('14), C. Robinson, Marguerite Moore, C. 1913. Alexander, Mary Pauline, C. Mathes, Margaret Estelle, C. Robinson, Swannie L. ('10), S. & C. Russell, Mary Kathleen, C. Economics 1912. Bright, Mary Dinah, C. Culver, Myrtle Mae, Normal. Lawrence, Marian, C. Love, Anna Vertrees ('16), C. McCray, Mary, C. Register, Estelle Eileen ('16), S. & C. 1911. McAmis, Hannah Hankins, Normal. Maxwell, Jennie, S. & C. Painter, Martha, C. Sparks, Alice, S. & C. 1910. Brown, Rena Josephine, S. & C. Lovette, Carrie Cecil ('10), C Todd, Mary Frances, S. 1909. Brown, Euda Fannie. Doak, Mary Ellen. •Moore, Belle Gertrude ('10). Ramsay, Sara Frances ('16). White, Addie Octavia ('11). 1908. Bewley, Lola Harriet. Cross, Hattie Belzona. McAmis, Hannah Hankins. Moore, Olee Kate. Piper, Grace Gray. Waddle, Maude Bethel ('11). Williams, Florence Micheaux. 82 AivUmne Catalogue of Tusculum College. 1905. Britton, Maude Blanche, S. Coile, Mary Franc, S. & C. Culver, Myrtle Mae, S. & C. Fox, Madge Shaw, S. & C. Hacker, Jennie Dot, S. Haynes, Grace (01'), S. & C. Johnston, Marvin Katherine ('07), C. Leming, Alma Cora, S. Leming, Josephine Gertrude ('92), C. McAmis, Birdie Blaine ('06), C. Mathes, Nelle, C. Painter, Winnifred, S. & C. Ramsay, Ethel Epps ('11), S. & C. Ramsay, Julia Isabel ('12), S. & C. Rankin, Elma Lillian ('08), S. & C. Rankin, Marguerite E. ('10), S. & C. Todd, Mary Frances, S. White, Bertha L., S. 1904. Dugger, Elsa Mae ('05). Jewell, Jennie Daisy. McGaughey, Maude Russell ('06). Martin, Dora. Ryland, Helena Mabel ('04). Taylor, Mary Alvira ('06). White, Bertha L. 1917. Bitner, Lillian, P. 1916. Cory, Gladys, P. & V. Hawkins, Grace Truman ('17), V. 1915. Beck, Ryda Belle, V. Emmert, Clyde Morrell ('17), P. Malmar, Helen Cartwright ('16), V. Pence, Maude Esther, P. 1914. Epps, Mary Lucy ('16), P. Fudge, Anna Esther ('16), P. Lawrence, Elsie Mae, V. Rankin, Raymond Coile ('14), P. 1913. Russell, Mary Kathleen, V. 1912. Bitner, Mamie Ethel, P. Holt. Mrs. Albert C, P. Temple, Margaret Rankin, P. 1911. Buckner, Myrtle, P. Gray, Charles O., Jr., P. Johnston, Margaret, V. & P. Runnion, Hattie Baird, P. 1910. Epps, William Hardin ('10), V. McAmis, Hannah Hankins, V. Maxwell, Adah Terresa, V. & P. Ramsay, Julia Isabel ('12), P. 1909. Ramsay, Ethel Epps Cll), P. 1908. Lawrence, Maud Willis ('01), P. McAmis, Margaret Frances ('09), V. Rankin, Elma Lillian ('08), V. Rankin, Marguerite E. ('10), P. 1904. Mathes, Nelle, P. Rankin, Elma Lillian ('08), P. * Index. INDEX 83 Page. Acker ly, Mrs. Vertrees Love. .74, 81 Akin, John A. , 18 Alexander, David McGaughey. . 59 Alexander, Ebenezer 18 Alexander, Fred William 46, 79 Alexander, J. E 80 Alexander, John Mode 69 Alexander, Louis Charles 80 Alexander, Lucile E 58 Alexander, Mary Pauline 81 Alexander, Robert McGaughey. 33 Alexander, Thomas Park 53 Anderson, Alexander 18 Anderson, Isaac 79 Anderson, P. B 19 Anderson, Samuel 26, 79 Anderson, William 18 Anderson, William C 35 Armitage, Charles Gass 41 Armitage, Hattie 42 Armitage, Helen Yvette 76, 81 Armitage, Lucy Vivian 75 Armitage, William Alfred 65 Bacon, James Blaine 57 Badenoch, George Roy 80 Bailey, Ella C 42 Bailey, Gilbert M 42 Bailey, John M 38 Bailey, Mollie H 48 Bailey, Rufus K 38 Bailey, Thomas M 38 Baird, David Edward 76 Baird, James Victor 51 Balch, Hezekiah 8 Bales, Mrs. Ellen Hubbard 48 Bales, M. A 44 Ballinger, Minnie 57 Page. Barham, Franklin Thurman. ... 63 Basket, James Richard 57 Battle, Calvin Woodward 69 Baxter, Franklin Pierce 37 Baxter, George Washington. . 38, 79 Beck, Ryda Belle 82 Beeson, Mrs. Elma Rankin.64, 77, 82 Beg, Mazir 80 Bell, John A 25, 79 Bennett, William Cox "80 Bewley, Andrew Jacob 69 Bewley, Glenn Nelson 70 Bewley, Lola Harriet 70, 81 Bewley, Wilbur Linton 66 Bewley, W. P 46 Bible, Alvin 49 Bible, Flora 46 Biggs, John M 24, 79 Biggs, William 39 Bird, Grover Cleveland 63 Bird, Jacob Franklin 28, 79 Birdwell, Henry Reuel 69 Bishop, Su Elaine 70 Bitner, Lillian 82 Bitner, Mamie Ethel 82 Black, James D 76, 80 Blackburn, Gideon 80 Bowers, Benjanrn Harrison. ... 72 Bowers, George Silas 42 Bowie, James 19 Bowie, Langdon 19 Bowling, Florence 75 Bowman, James Clark 68 Boyd, Charles Langston 56 Boyd, E. S 45 Brabson, J. M 79 Brabson, Willie Emily 55 84 I NDKX. Page. Brading, Edward Thurston 76 Bradley, Orville 20 Bradshaw, Christopher 18 Brannan, Jack 75 Briggs, Henry Harrison 48 Bright, Bertha Pearle 57 Bright, Mary Dinah 76, 81 Bright, Maude Lucile 61 Bright, Samuel Houston 59 Bright, Vollie Ernest 70 Britton, George B 35 Britton, Hugh Herbert 66 Britton, Lillian C 60 Britton, Maude Blanche 82 Britton, Nita 65 Brough, Mrs. Mabel Lamons. . . 71 Brown, Bessie Belle 61 Brown, Charles Francisco 56 Brown, Euda Fannie 81 Brown, Hugh 18 Brown, James 80 Brown, Jennie C 38 Brown, Joseph Ramsay 57 Brown, Lula E 45 Brown, Rena Josephine 81 Brown, Robert 80 Brown, William H 40 Broyles, Patton Reeve 59 Bruner, Mrs. Susan Ross 45 Brunner, Floyd J 43 Brunner, John Hamilton. 27, 79, 80 Buchanan, Mrs. Bettie Moore. . 47 Buckner, Jeness 71 Buckner, Myrtle 82 Bullen, M 18, 79 Burkey, J. M. . 48 Burkhart, Robert Henry 61 Burts, James H 29 Bushong, J. S 51 Bushong, Lena 53 Butler, George Washington. .27, 28 Byrd, Glenna 65 Byrd, Thomas Fred 61 Campbell, Adrian Brooks 63 Campbell, Clarence Elmer 60 Campbell, Eulalia M 42 Page. Campbell, Frank Lee 76 Campbell, James Truan 72 Campbell, William 58 Carson, L. L 48 Cash, L. E 53 Caul, Harvey E 39 Chandley, Everett F 37 Chrisman, Ida 52 Churchwell, George W 22 Clemance, Clement 80 Clemens, Burt McGaughey 69 Clemens, Fred Broady 72 Click, Guy Leroy 69 Click, Mae 72 Cochran, — 20 Coffin, Rev. Charles 8 Coffin, Charles 20 Coffin, James A 20 Coile, Alexander Jackson 37 Coile, Bertha Mae 60 Coile, Charles E 44 Coile, Estella 62 Coile, Lelia T 55 Coile, Leonard Speck 61 Coile, Mary Frank 68, 82 Coile, Mary 1 42 Coile, Samuel Andrew... 16, 37, 79 Coile, Thula E 42 Colam, John 80 Coleman, Lelia V 50 Collett, A. L 42 Collett, G. W 42 Collier, Clarence Beasley 64, 70 Collier, James Hoyle 70 Collier, Robert Burns 39, 79 Collier, Stella 64 Collom, Altamont Byron.... 43, 79 Collum, Lena Belle 44 Conner, Cathcart, 80 Cook, Henry Winston 76 Cooper, Louis Frank 51 Cooper, Silas Holden Lincoln.. 43 Cooper. W. A 52 Copp, W. M 53 Cordova, Carlos C 66 Cordova, Delfido 6S Index. 85 Page. Cornwell, John Blake 80 Corum, Mrs. Ethel Ramsay. 68, 82 Cory, Elsa Pearl 56 Cory, Gladys 82 Cory, Lowrie Danskin 61 Cory, William Earle 56 Couch, Lucy Rice 72 Coward, Mrs. Cora Redmon.... 74 Cowdy, Samuel 80 Craig, Willis G 80 Crawford, Robert A 28. 79 Crawford, S. P 79 Crichton, David 80 Crockett, Dora B 44 Cross, Hattie Belzona 81 Culberson, Ida 53 Culver, Myrtle Mae 69, 81, 82 Cuthbertson, Robert 80 Day, Jonathan Creech 58, 80 Dent, Mrs. Sarah Einstein 53 DeVault, Stella Mae 64 Dickinson, Mahlon 80 DiHahunly, Edmund 20 Dircks, Henry 80 Doak, Alexander Mason.... 25, 79 Doak, Charles S 39 Doak, Mrs. Hattie Armitage... 42 Doak, John W. K 26, 79 Doak, Julia A 37, 79 Doak, Margaret Lee 75 Doak, Mary Ellen 81 Doak. Matthew S 30 Doak, Maude E 46 Doak, Maurice Junius 45 Doak, Robert E 26, 79 Doak, Samuel 11, 12, 80 Doak, Samuel Armitage 73 Doak, Samuel Smith 29, 79 Doak, Samuel W 12, 13 Doak, S. S. M 23 Doak, William Stephenson 12, 14, 28, 79, 80 Dobbs, Dayton A 80 Dobson, Andrew Silas N 32 Dobson, Calvin Wilson 47 Dobson, Flora Irene 75, 81 Page. Dobson, Frederic Fes 80 Dobson, Joseph 80 Dobson, Lola M 48 Dobson, Robert Miller 3 2 Dobson, William D : j 3, 79, 80 Doughty, G. W 51 Doughty, Willis 53 Dugger, Elsa Mae 61, 82 Dugger, Mrs. Fannie Fowler... 50 Dugger, Oscar Milton 55, 70 Dunham, Flora Smith 62 Easterly, Mabel V 45 Einstein, Mrs. Bertha Bright... 57 Einstein, John L 60 Einstein, Sarah Margaret 53 Einstein, T. B 43 Ellenberger, John Louis 80 Elliott, Emma Floyd 55 Elliott, E. Watson 56 Elliott, William Marion 54, 79 Ellis, W. D 45 Ellis, William R 41 Emmert, Clyde Morrell 75, 82 English, Estelle Pearl 61 Epps, James Haws... 39 Epps, James Haws, Jr 71 Epps, Mary Lucy 73, 81, 82 Epps, William Hardin 66, 82 Evans, Frank 49 Evans, George H 29, 79 Farmer, Cornelius James 57 Farmer, T. C 51 Faust, Hugh Graham 62 Feemster, Paul Silas 31, 79 Feemster, Samuel C 30, 79 Fellers, Irma Willie 68 Ferguson, Sarah Lillian C9 Ferneau, Mrs. Lula Shanks 53 Fields, Mattie Nola 63 Fillers, Herbert D 64 Fillers, Rupert Rowland 61 Finley, Martin Woodward 72 Fish, Azel Hull 80 Fitzgerald, John Roscoe 66 Fleming, John F 9 Fort, Mrs. M. A. Thompson... 64 86 Index. Page. Fort, Mrs. M. M. Thompson... GO Forshaw, Charles 80 Foute, Robert Chester 24, 79 Fowler, Fannie A 50 Fowler, Lillie P 50 Fowler, William Francis .... 24, 79 Fox, Claude Porterfhld 73 Fox, Frank Arnold 75 Fox, Lillie E 48 Fox, Llewelyn Marshall 73 Fox, Madge Shaw 82 Fox, Marion L 43 Frazier, James B 80 Frenger, George Rex 3!) Fudge, Anna Esther 73, 82 Fulton, Mrs. Lillian B 60 Gahagan, Martha Emma 69, 79 Galbraith, J. S 53 Galbreath, Mary Wyatt 68 Gallaher, James 79 Gass, John Ross 39, 80 Gass, W. M 45 Gentry, Frank Taylor 73 Gibson, J. George 80 Gibson, Matthew 25, 79 Gibson, Nelson 26 Gillespie, Frank Alexander 53 Girdner, John Harvey 41 Glaze, J. M 42 Gliddon, Alfred 80 Good, Dora J 44 Good, Mrs. Harriett McClain.. 47 Gouchenour, Edith Marshall... 81 Gragg, Samuel 20 Graham, Mrs. Elsa Cory 56 Gray, Charles Oliver 16, 17 Gray, Charles Oliver, Jr 76, 82 Gray, Edward Rutherford 73 Gray, Jessie 72, 81 Greer, John Ben 65 Gregg, M. Jerome 36 Guinn, Ida May 55 Gunion, Andrew J 89 Hacker. Jenme Dot 82 Hacker, Joseph Earnest 35 Hacker, Newton 30, 31 Page. Hale, Frank S 29 Hale, James 20 Hale, Philip 20 Hall, Allen A 29 Hamilton, Wallace M 80 Hannah, Hugh H 50 Hannah, India Victoria 56 Hardin, Neal 53 Hardin, Robert 18, 79 Harmon, Charles Rosecrans.47, 80 Harmon, F. D. B 79 Harmon, John Holtsinger 52 Harmon, W. A 79 Harrison, Addie Belle 73, 81 Harrison, Clara Louise 56 Harrison, Isaac S 55 Harrison, Newton A., Jr 73 Harrison, William E 55 Harrold, Augustus King 54 Harrold, J. M 51 Harrold, Mrs. Lelia Coleman. . . 50 Harrold, William Seaborn 54 Harvey, Charles A 80 Haun, A. J 45 Hawkins, Esther 76, 81 Hawkins, Grace Truman. 76, 81, 82 Hawkins, Henry Watterson. . . . 76 Haworth, Marcus LeRoy 40 Haws, Eppie Roena 71 Hayes, Ethel May 70 Haynes, Agnes 53 Haynes, Carl 65 Haynes, Grace 66, 79, 82 Haynes, Herman Cicero 59 Haynes, Mrs. Je inie Brown... 38 Haynes, Landon Carter 36, 79 Haynes, Ruby 53 Heiskell, Hugh B 29 Henderson, Ebenezer 80 Henderson, John C 25 Henderson, Robert 80 Hendricks, Frank 58 Hendricks, George Robert 57 Henley, Albert A 42 Henley, J. J 40 Hensley, Ezekiel G 63 Indi^x. 87 Page. Hickey, A. C 29 Hickey, William W 29 Hicks, Thomas J 71 Hill, Massey 20 Hodge, David Brainerd 55 Holston, Ida Pearl 65 Holt, Mrs. Albert C 82 Holt, David Rice 20 Holt, Mary Elizabeth 69 Honeycutt, Herbert Harold 60 Home, Claude Rutledge 57 Hoss, Alfred 9 Hoss, Henry 9 Houghton, Elmer 53 Houghton, Mrs. Jennie S 49 Howard, Robert Chester 58 Howell, Francis Wayland 59 Howell, Jacob Jasper 74 Howell, Macye Ernestine 62 Howell, Minnie Elizabeth 60 Howell, Roland Hill 59 Hubbard, Charles R 48 Hubbard, Ellen Newton 4S Hubbard, George 55 Hubbard, Zula Zene 55 Huddle, A. H 48 Hudson, Hugh Hardin 59 Hudson, Oscar Ward 57 Hudson, Richard Frank 56 Huffaker, Eulalie 72 Hughes, I. Elias 80 Hull, J. M 42 Hunter, Florine 68 Hunter, Sallie Willie 68 Hussey, Mrs. Jeness B 71 Ichikawa, Toichi 79 Trvin, Mary Ethel 61 Jacobs, Solomon D 20 Janes, Mrs. Minnie B 57 Jam agin, Bynum 22 Jarnagin, Spencer 18 Jarnagin, Thomas 55 Jaynes, James Shipley 50 Jelley, J. M 80 Jeralds, Fannie 49 Jewell, James Lilburn 45 Page. Jewell, Jennie Daisy 82 Johnson, F. B 61 Johnson, Hardy B 56 Johnson, Luckey Seth 60 Johnson, Myrtle Lee 69 Johnson, Oliver 80 Johnston, Ada May 57 Johnston, Addie Lucile 63 Johnston, Lucile E 81 Johnston, Mamie Christian.... 79 Johnston, Margaret 82 Johnston, Marvin Katherine.63, 82 Johnston, William Franklin.... 57 Jones, Edward Sexton 65 Jones, Mrs. Flora Dunham.... 62 Jones, George James 80 Jones, John 21 Jones, Lowry David 60 Jones, Oliver Green 44, 80 Jones, Ona B 51 Justice, Alfred Blythe 48 Kaye, John William 80 Keith, James A 29 Kelly, Vera 55 Kennedy, Charity Patton. . . . 76, 81 Kennedy, Frank Austin 57 Kennedy, J. F 40 Kennedy, J. Melville 38 King, John Thompson 80 King, Laura Edna 64 Kingsley, Roswell E 23 Kirkpatrick, James 48 Kirkpatrick, Wilkins W 38 Kite, William Anderson 35, 79 Knight, Mrs. Lelia Coile 55 Lackey, A. H 80 Lamb, Sydney Ernest 61 Lamons, Mrs. Dora Good 44 Lamons, Frank Arculius 57 Lamons, Mabel 71 Lamons, S. 1 59 Lampson, John L 10 Landmesser, Mrs. Maude M..68, 82 Lane, Lona Rodolphia 57 Langford, John Alfred 80 LaRue, Charles W 48 88 Index. Page. LaRuc, F, D 45 Lawrence, Elsie Mac 82 Lawrence. Lacy Lylc 49 Lawrence. Maud Willis 58, 82 Lawrence. Willa Marie 76, 81 Lawson, William 80 Lea, Pryor 19, 79 Lea, William W 19. 79 Lee, Emily Easterly 64 Leming, Alma Cora 63, 82 Leming, Bessie 53 Leming. Frank Edward 34 Leming, Josephine Gertrude. .47. 82 Leming, Mary Park 55 Leming, Sue Ethel 57 Leonard, Bertie 52 Leonard, Minnie 55 Lester, W. H 80 Lewis, Gertrude C 58 Livingston, Byrde 69 Llewellyn, J. R 53 Long, Florence Maude 68 Love, Anna Vertrees 74, 81 Lovette, Carrie Cecil 66, 81 Lovette, Mrs. Lillie Fowler.... 50 Lovette, O. B 49, 79 Lowry, Carl Wall 63 Lucero, Acorsino Vasquez 66 Lucero, Mrs. Myrtle Painter... 63 Lucky, Seth J. W 21 Lyon, Mrs. Maude Waddle.. 69, 81 Lyon, Nellie Ruth 56 McAfee, Charles Moses 68 Mc Alpine, Robert 21 McAmis. Birdie Blaine 62, 82 McAmis. Hannah Hankins . .81, 82 McAmis, Herbert Clyde 71 McAmis, John Carl 67 McAmis, Margaret F 62, 82 McAmis, Myrtle Florence 71 McAmis, Samuel Lowry 59 McAmis, Thomas B 52 McChesney, Paul Stanley 62 McClain, Harriett Elizabeth.... 47 McClain, William Asbury 47 McCollum, Charles Clarence.. 50. 79 Pace. McCollum, Mrs. Ella Bailey.... 42 McCullom, William Bruce 55 McCord, James M 36 McCord, W. C 42 McCorkle, Robert 79 McCorkle, Samuel V 23, 79 McCracy, Mrs. Maude Bright.. 61 McCray, Mary 81 McDannel, John 79 McDannel, John Lafayette 23, McDannel, William Wallace... 70 McDonald, John 31 McFerrin, Joseph G 34. 79, 80 McGaughey, Carrie M 45 McGaughey, Maude Russell. ..(52, 82 McGaughey, William Sevier. . . . 37 McGuire, Mrs. Mary Lem'n'.>\ . . 55 McKinney, Robert J 21 McKnight, John SI McLean, Mrs. ATyrtle Moors. . . 5v McLin, James 9 McNew, Stephen Frank 60 McNew, William Conway 72 McNutt, Frank A. R 39 McPheron, Allen 23 Mackie. James 3') Malmar, Girard Goff 70 Malmar, Helen Cartwright. .74, 82 Maloney, Hugh D 31 Markham, Audrey 68 Marks, Mrs. Willis Lawrence. 58, 82 Marsh, Catherine 75 Marshall, J. J 41 Martin, Beulah Belle 64 Martin, Dora 64, 82 Martin, Sadie 61 Mathcs, Ebenezer Edgar 42 Mathes, E. Estelle 45 Mathes, Margaret Estelle 81 Mathes, Mary Ethel 55 Mathes, Nelle 63, 82 Matthews, Samuel 9 Maule. Thomas Hunter 80 Maxwell. Adah Terresa 82 Maxwell. Jennie 81 Mays, Mabel 61 Index. Page. Medford, Frank Jay 68 Medford, Mrs. Addie White. 69, 81 Mercer, James Roy 57 Middleton, Britton Clay 75 Milburn, Frank Emily 62 Milburn, Jacob Long 28 Miller, Charles Mack 67 Miller, James W 28 Millhorn, Mattie 74, 81 Milligan, Samuel 52, 79, 80 Million, Clara Myrtle 63 Million, Daisy Viola 63 Million, Georgia Virgil 65 Minifie, William C 80 Mitchell, Edith 65 Mitchell, Helen 71, 81 Mitchell, Robert Freeman 74 Mitchell, Stokely D 21 Montgomery, William 19, 79 Moore, Albion Holt 57 Moore, Belle Gertrude 67, 81 Moore, Bertie A 44 Moore, Bettie 47 Moore, Charles Lafayette 57 Moore, David E 54 Moore, Dosser 65 Moore, Edward Howard .... 46, 79 Moore, Ella 42 Moore, Flora Bible 46 Moore, Florence Celia 64 Moore, J. Crawford 35 Moore, Jennie 49 Moore, Jere Ardra 52 Moore, Jeremiah. .14. 15, 34, 79, 80 Moore, Lucy 51 Moore, Mabel 46 Moore, Margaret 61 Moore, Melvin Mathes 58 Moore, Myrtle L 54 Moore, Olee Kate 81 Moore, Roy B 76 Moore, William Coan 60 Moore, William Henry 55 Moore, William Stuart 63 Morgan, Frank 21 Morrison, John 80 Page. Morrow, Alexander Brabson. . . 67 Morrow, Finley Leonidas . . . 52, 79 Muir, Adam Stuart 80 Munsey, Hiram 25 Murphy, Robert 57 Myers, Cora 65 Neal, G. Doak 35 Neas, W. T 52 Nelson, Fred Rouse 76 Nelson, William A 33 Newberry, Henry Marion 56 Newberry, Joseph Eli 58 O'Keefe, Mary Draper 76, 81 Ottinger, Ed 53 Painter, Byron Whitfield 62 Painter, Ella Belle 43 Painter, Hubert L 72 Painter, Luda Alexander 62 Painter, Martha 81 Painter, Myrtle Olive 63 Painter, Orlena 52 Painter, Winnifred 82 Park, Etta C 49 Park, H. L 48 Park, J. B 53 Park, Roy L 51 Park, Thomas Alexander 54 Parshall, James R 29 Patterson, D. T 79 Patton, William C 40 Pence, Maude Esther 82 Perea, Clifford Harvey 67 Phipps, Cornelius H 70 Piper, Grace Gray 65, 81 Piper, William F 43 Plott, Grover Cleveland 65 Pollock, James M 80 Pope, Jesse T 42 Portions, James M 80 Prather, Mrs. Marvin J 63, 82 Preston, Isaac 21 Price, Henson Alley 58 Price, Jacob F 28, 79 Price, W. A 30 Rader, Mrs. James 71 Rae, John 80 90 Index. Page. Rambo, Moses Hughes 5.5 Ramsay, Ethel Epps 68, 82 Ramsay, Julia Isabel 70, 82 Ramsay, Sara Frances 74, 81 Rankin, Alexander T 80 Rankin, Elma Lillian 64, 79, 82 Rankin, Lynn McGaughey 76 Rankin, Marguerite E 67, 82 Rankin, Mrs. Mary Coile 42 Rankin, Mary R 44 Rankin, Mollie E 45 Rankin, Raymond Coile 72, 82 Rankin, Thomas Samuel. .40, 41, 79 Rankin, William B 10 Ready, Charles 22 Reaves, Mrs. Anna Fudge... 73, 82 Reaves, Flossie 72 Reaves, Robert Grisham 68 Redmon, Cora 74 Reed, Mrs. Thula Coile 42 Register, Estelle Eileen 74, 81 Reilley, Mrs. Margaret M....65, 82 ReMine, Mrs. Lizzie Shanks... 47 Remine, Napoleon B 43 Remine, Winfield Scott 38 Remine, Will Webb 46 Reese, Joseph 19 Reese, William Brown 19 Rhea, Edna 72 Rice, Andrew H 30 Rice, George Duffield 21 Rice, John A 23 Richard, William 80 Ritchie, A 80 Ritter, John C 40 Rix, A. H 80 Roberts, William L 52 Robinson, Charles Moore 53 Robinson, Eunice Maxwell 67 Robinson, James Allen 37 Robinson, James Harvey .... 31, 79 Robinson, John R 80 Robinson, Joseph Moser 34, 79 Robinson, Marguerite Moore.75, 81 Robinson, Sebe Temple 57 Robinson, Swannie Lucile...68, 81 Page. Rogers, D. B 40 Rogers, Sallie S. . . 75 Rogers, W. K 40 Ross, Henry 80 Ross, John Chalmers 50 Ross, Susan Martha 45 Ross, William 80 Royston, Samuel W 26, 79 Rudder, George Addison 65 Runnion, Hattie Baird 82 Rush, Charles L 54 Russell, Andrew 80 Russell, Ernest 65 Russell, Mary Kathleen. . 72, 81, 82 Ryland, Helena Mabel 60, 82 Ryland, Ruth Roena 70 Sanders, R. M 79 Sawtell, Eli M 21 Saylor, James K. P 53 Seabrook, Henry 80 Seaver, Clyde 61 Sentelle, Carl Leonidas 64 Sentelle, Jennie 49 Sentelle, M. E 48 Sevier, William 22 Shanks, Lizzie 47 Shanks, Lula 53 Sharpley, Arthur Edwin 80 Shaw, John 80 Sheffey, William H 30 Shelton, Effie 75, 81 Shenault, John Henry 62 Sherwin, Mrs. Helen M 71, 81 Shipley, Alice 64 Shipley, Lula 64 Shoun, Bessie 53 Shoun, Hazel 57 Silvius, George Harrison 44 Simpson, Henry Armitage 42 Simpson, James 80 Slaughter, Roxie 63 Smiley, James 19, 79 Smith, Alexander B 80 Smith, Charles Corey 56 Smith, Charles Daniel 44 Smith, Fred Russell 58 Index. 9i Page. Smith, Grace Doran 64 Smith, Hugh Calvin 37 Smith, Jerome Temple 61 Smith, Lewis Francis 52 Smith, Nicholas Keffer 34, 80 Snapp, Lizzie 49 Somerville, Thomas 80 Sparks, Alice 81 Stalliard, Samuel C 28 Starnes, Carl 65 Starnes, C. W 44 Steele, Alexander 81 Stephens, Fox D 51 Stokely, Royal J 75 Stone, Mrs. Lizzie Snapp 49 Stonestreet, William C 80 Strangeways, Thomas 81 Sturm, Alice Kate 58 Summers, Joseph Andrew 64 Summers, Louise 69 Susong, David 63 Susong, Ethel Josephine 60 Susong, Marion McCorkle 56 Susong, Samuel Andrew 52 Swan, Harvey 32 Taber, Mrs. Julia Doak 37 Tate, Albert Columbus 51 Taylor, Calvin M 29 Taylor, D. S 46 Taylor, George Caldwell 70 Taylor, Grinsfield 28 Taylor, Horace Maynard 55 Taylor, Mary Alvira 62, 82 Taylor, Mrs. Estelle M 45 Telley, Jere 1 32 Temple, Hassie 64 Temple, Margaret Rankin 82 Temple, O. P 81 Templin, John F 39 Thomason, George Thomas.... 81 Thompson, Martha Azalea 64 Thompson, Mary May 60 Thompson, Mary Reid 63 Tipton, John A 32 Todd, Mrs. Bertha Coile 60 Tcdd, Mary Frances 81, 82 Page. Trail, Robert 81 Trim, Louise 72 Vance, James H 21 Vance, Nicholas 22 Van Vlech, Charles A 9 Verran, Cornelia Marion .... 76, 81 Vines, David 59 Waddell, Peter Nately 81 Waddle, Cora Brunette 55 Waddle, Maude Bethel 69, 81 Wallin, Elisha Curtis 63 Wallin, Jesse 30 Wallin, Stephen Eldridge 75 Walker, Adell Martin 55 Walker, Mary Maude 55 Walter, Patton 60 Wardrep, Robert C 75 Warren, Isaac M 48 Warren, J. B 51 Watson, Howard P 76 Weir, David 19, 79 West, James A 33 West, William 22, 79 White, A. N 48 White, Addie Octavia 69, 81 White, Bertha L 82 White, Mrs. Bessie Brown 61 White, Carl Houston 63, 79 White, Mrs. Etta Park 49 White. George Edward 68, 76 White, John 22 White, H. L 81 White, Mrs. Mary Irvin 61 White, Oscar Lemuel 51, 79 White, S. B 45 Whitehurst, Arthur W 63 Whitelaw, David Reginald 79 Whitelaw, Thomas 81 Whitis, James W 29 Whitted, J. 52 Wilhoit, Fred Lee 53 Wilhoite, Maggie 48 Williams, Florence Micheaux . . 81 Williams, John 81 Williams, John Q 51 Williams, Patterson C 54 IJ2 iNDi^X. Page. Williams, Ralph H 53 Willis, Charles D 3G Willis, Airs. Eunice Robinson.. 67 Wills, David 2G, 79, 80 Wills, J. T 80 Wilson, A. Benjamin 24, 79 Wilson, A. M 79 Wilson, Alfred Whiteheld . . . 23, 80 Wilson, Mrs. Elizabeth W 54 Wilson, John Henry 34 Wilson, Warren H 80 Winkle, George W 49 Page. Wolfe, Amos 69 Wolfe, Lady Kate 70 Woolsey, Robert 60 Woolsey, Thomas Hunter...... 49 Wright, John Grant 81 Wyly, James W 19 Wyly, Robert 22 Wyly, Samuel Young 22 Yeager, Elijah Fish 33, 79 Young, Dwight Moody 69 Young, Oscar Arnold 64 Zoller, Frank Anthony 57