2 $4 • ^ 'W/i 30 1 3 e / >O Cofn Keen REPORT FROM THE Committee of Ways and Means, WHO WERE INSTRUCTED TO ENQUIRE INTO THE EXPEDIENCY OF REPEALING THE LAW’S LATING DUTIES On {tills and domeftic diftilled (pints, on refined fugar, licenfes to retailers, fales at auction, pleafurable car¬ riages, damped vellum, parchment and paper, and poftage on news-papers. 8 th March , 1802. Committed to a Committee of the whole Houfe to-morrow. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ^ r REPORT, &c. The Committee of Ways and Means, who were inftructed to enquire into the expediency of repealing the laws laying duties on (tills and domeftic diftilled fpirits, on refined fu- gars, licenfes to retailers, fales at auficion, pleafurable car¬ riages, (tamped vellum, parchment and paper, and poltage on news-papers, REPORT— T JL H A T the whole amount of revenue arif- ing from thole duties, exclufive of poltage on news¬ papers, as appears by the (tatements laid before the Houle, by the Secretary of the Treafury, in the early ftage of the feffion, did not exceed for the year 1800 925,000 dollars ; after deducting the amount of draw¬ backs paid on the exportation of domeftic diftiiled fpirits and refined fugar during that year: which fum is chargeable with an expenfe of collection equal to 137,000 dollars, exclufive of the expenfes of the offices of infpedtors offurvey, which have been abolifh- ed. The nett revenue arifing from thofe duties may, therefore, be eftimated at 792,000 dollars: but if from this fum be deducted the duties accruing on ftamps, which, as under -the exifting laws they will ceafe to be collected after the fourth of March next, cannot be enumerated among the permanent internal duties, the whole nett revenue produced from thofe dudes may be eftimated at a fum not exceeding 710,000 dollars, chargeable with an expenfe of collection equal to 120,000 dollars. To produce, therefore, into the treafury fomewhat lefs than 600,000 dollars, an ex- [ 4 3 penfe mud be incurred more than equal to a fifth of that fum ; and upwards of four hundred revenue offi¬ cers, exclufive of the infpectors, mud be maintained at the public charge. The continuance of a revenue drawn from the people on fuch terms, can, in the opi¬ nion of your committee, be judified only by an impe¬ rious neceffity: a neceffity which, in their edimation, does not at prefent, and is not, hereafter, likely to exid. Of the proceeds of thofe duties more than 500,000 dollars arife from the tax on didillation ; 372,000 of which are paid by 22,000 country dills, fcattered over the immenfe territory of the United States: 65,000 other dollars are the product of 13,000 retailer’s li- cenfes. Thefe fads demondrate the difficulty, and even the impoffibility, of materially leffening the ex- penfes of colle&ion, fo long as the fubjects from which the revenue is to be drawn, are fo thinly difperfed over this widely extended country : and the annexed com¬ munication from the commiffioner of the revenue, will explain the deficiency which is likely to occur on the mod productive branch of thofe duties, unlefs provi- fions are adopted which, by laying the tax on the quantity actually diftilled, will require additional offi¬ cers to the augmentation of the prefent heavy charges of collection, and a multiplication of oaths, thereby leffening the fecurity of that fanction and endangering the public morals. The abolition of one clafs of thefe duties, by materially diminiffiing their produdt, with¬ out effecting in the fame degree the expenfe of collec¬ tion, would be a drong additional argument for the abrogation of all: and when it is recollected that fome of thofe which it might be the mod defirable to retain are, even now, fubjects of taxation in the feveral dates, the committee perceive no fubdantial objection to releafing entirely to the dates objects of revenue which to them may be equally defirable and produ&ive j fince to them the collection can be attend- [ 5 3 ed with little additional charge, and fmce to the fede¬ ral government exclufively belongs the moll fruitful fource of revenue which the union affords. A wife policy, it is believed, will therefore induce the United States to abftain, wherever practicable, from exercifing the right of taxation on thofe fubjects over which the individual Hates poffefs a concurrent right. Other reasons concur in producing an opi¬ nion favorable to the repeal of thofe duties. They conliff— 1. In the vexation and oppreffion of many of them, fome of which are peculiarly obnoxious to our citizens. 2. In the nature of excife, which is hoftile to the genius of a free people. 3. In their tendency to multiply offices and in- creafe the patronage of the executive. This effeCt alone would forbid the retention of the internal taxes, and a reduction, to an equal amount, of the impoft on articles of the firfl neceffity: fmce, by that mea- fure, not one of the holt of officers employed in their collection would be reduced. None of the foregoing confiderations, however, could have induced your committee to recommend a repeal of thefe taxes, was it apprehended that, by the meafure, the punctual compliance with the public en¬ gagements could be endangered. But believing addi¬ tional taxes to be unneceffary for defraying the annual charges of government, at the prelent rate of expen- dituje, they conceive that a redu&ion of chat expen¬ diture wall juftify a proportionate reduction of the public burthens. A contrary doCtrine would imply an urgent neceffity for an increafe of the exifting taxes, fhould no retrenchment be made in the perma¬ nent public expenditure. By the annexed letter of the Secretary at War it will appear that a fum exceed¬ ing 400,000 dollars will be faved on the army alone. By the eftimate of the Secretary of the Navy the ex- C 6 ] penditure for the current year is eftimated at 20c, ooq dollars lefs than that of the year 1801. Of this fum not more than fix hundred thoufand dollars are appli¬ cable to objects of permanent expenfe. It follows, therefore, that a fum exceeding the whole amount of the internal duties will be faved in the permanent ex¬ penditure of thofe two departments alone; even fhould future circumftances compel us to keep up our armament in the Mediterranean. On the fubjedl of the poftage on newfpapers, the committee are of opinion that it would be unadvifable to take off that tax, inafmuch as it is infignificant in, amount, and is the means of infuring the iafe delivery of newfpapers to their refpe&ive fubfcribers. From thefe various confiderations, the committee refpe&fully fubmit the following bill to repeal the laws laying duties on Hills and domeftic diftilled fpirits; on refined fugar; licenfes to retailers ; fales at audlion ; pleafurable carriages; and ftamped vellum, parch- ment and paper. SIR, TREASURY DEPARTMENT, March 2, 1802. In the report fubmitted by this department to Congrefs, on the 18th of December lad, a refer¬ ence was made, on the fubjed of the internal reve¬ nues, to the annual report of the commiffioner of the revenue, which was not then completed, but was tranf- mitted to the Houfe on the 21ft of the fame month. A datement marked (M) was, however, annexed to the report of the 18th December, purporting to be an abdrad of the commiffioner’s report. Having difco- vered an error in that flatement, I now beg leave to redify it. The expenfes of colledion of the permanent internal duties are there dated, for the year 1800, at 139,500 dollars and 61 cents, and thofe of the damp duties at 10,849 dollars and 38 cents ; indead of which the ex¬ penfes of colledion of all the internal duties, includ¬ ing damps, ought to have been dated at 139,500 dol¬ lars and 61 cents, and thofe of the permanent duties at only 128,651 dollars and 23 cents. I will take this opportunity of obferving, id, That thofe expenfes include only the grofs emoluments of the fupervifors and other fubordinate officers employ¬ ed in the colledion of the duties, but embrace neither the falaries of the commiffioner of the revenue, fuper- intendent of damps, clerks and dampers, nor the ex- penfe of purchafing paper for damps: 2dly, That the drawbacks on exported fpirits feem to have been edi- mated too low in the datement (M) for the year 1 800, by afum of about 6000 dollars ; and 3dly, That that datement being made for the year 1800, no notice was there taken of the faving refulting from the fup- C 3 ] preffion of eighteen infpe&ors effe&ed lad fummer by the Prefident. The grols emoluments of thole eigh¬ teen infpe&ors amounted, for the year 1 Boo, to dolls. 19,823 36, but as, on account of that arrangement, fome extra allowances to fome of the fupervilors and collectors may be neceffary, the actual faving may not be eftimated at more than 15,000 dollars. The cor¬ rected eltimate of the expenfe of collection of the in¬ ternal duties, herein enclofed, will ffiow that the ex- penfes of collection on the permanent duties ought to have been dated, for the year 180c, at about 19 per cent, and thole on all the internal duties, damps in¬ cluded, for the fame year, at about 16t percent ; but that, if the offices of infpeCtors, lately luppreffed, had been aboliffied at that time, thofe expenles would have been reduced for that year to 17 per cent, on the per¬ manent duties, and to 15 per cent, on all the internal duties, damps included ; which lad calculation may be confidered as the true rate of the expenfes of collec¬ tion at the prefent time. About three fifths of thofe expenfes confid of fala- ries, allowances for clerks, and other expenditures equally applicable to all the different fpecies of duties. The remaining two fifths confid of commiffions which do not vary more than one per cent, between one fpe¬ cies of duties and another. The lowed nominal commif- fion is that allowed in Maffachufetts and Rhode-bland on fpirits diddled from foreign materials, and amounts only to 5 per cent; but as it is paid onthe whole amount diddled, that is to fay, as wed on the quantity export¬ ed and which pays no duty, as to that actually con- fumed and liable to duty, the real commiffion on the amount paying duty is not lefs than 7- per cent, fex- clufively of the general charge of falaries, &c.) The commiffion on duties upon country dills is alfo 7i per cent, that on the four other permanent duties 6i per cent. Thefe are exclufively of the commiffions here¬ tofore allowed to the infpe&ors now aboliffied. £ 9 ] Whether the expenfes of collection may not be di- minifhed even beyond what has been effected by the order of the Prefident of lad fummer, it would be, per¬ haps, rafh to affert; but 1 have no hefitarion in faying that they can but be increafed in proportion to the amount received, if fome fpecies of duties fhall be abolifhed and fome retained. The only exception is perhaps the damp duty, which may be colleded with¬ out the affidance of almoft any other officers than venders of damps, to whom the allowance of ten per cent, now made by law, would be fufficient. I have the honor to be. Very refpe&fully. Sir, Your obedient fervant, ALBERT GALLATIN. Hon. John Randolph, Efq. Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means. Corrected eft mate of the expenfes of collection of the in¬ ternal duties . Permanent duties (damps excluded,) Grofs amount of 1800, - 772,959 12 DeduCl drawbacks , viz . On 562,556 gallons fpirits exported, - 56,255 60 On refined fugar, eftimated - 5,882 93 -62,138 53 Nett amount, . --710,820 59 B t IO ] Expenfes of collection per ftatement (M) - - 139,500 61 DeduCt miflake now rectifi¬ ed, - - - 10,849 38 128,651 23 Add expenfes of commiffi- oner of revenue’s office, - 6,600 Total, - - 135,251 23 Which 135,251 dollars, on the nett amount of 710,820 dolls, makes the expenfe a little more than 19 per cent. But if the faving refulting from having aboliffied the offices of infpeCtion be taken into confideration, the refult will be as follows : Total expenfes per above, 135,251 23 Deduct-—the total emolu¬ ments of the aboliffied in- fpeCtors for 1800 was, 19,823 36 But extra allow¬ ances neceffiary, eflimated, - 4,823 36 -. -. 15,000 Total, - 120,251 23 Which 120,251 23, on the nett amount of 710,820 dollars, makes the expenfe fomewhat lefs than 17 per cent. c » : All the duties, (damps included,) Grois amount in 1800, - 993,661 82 Deduct, drawbacks per above - - 62,138 53 Purchafeof paper for (lamps, 6,coo -68,138 53 Nett amount, - - - 925,523 29 Expenfes of collection as per datement Mj rectified, 1395500 61 Add, expenfes of commiffi- oner of revenue’s of¬ fice, - 6,600 Do. of fuperintend. of (lamps, (count, dampers included^ 6,400 -- 13,000 —-152,500 61 Which 152,500 6r, on thenett amt. of 925,^:23 29, makes the expenfe a little lefs than 1 6\ per cent. But if the faving refulting from the infpeCtors be¬ ing abolifhed be taken into confideration. Deducting from the ex¬ penfes, viz. - - 152,500 61 The above dated faving, 15,000 Leaves for total expenfes, - - i37?5oo 61 Which 137,500 61, on the nett amt. of 925,523 29, makes the expenfe a little lefs than 15 per cent. SIR, Treasury Department, Revenue OJficey December 2, 1801. OR your information I enclofe fundry communications which have palled between the fuper- vifcr of Penniyivania and myfelf, on the iubjed of improvements in the diHiliing bufmefs, which have been recently introduced by perfons reft ding in Lan¬ caster county, The notes which are attached to the drawings will fully explain the application of the ma¬ chinery, which is laid to be conformable to colonel Anderion’s patent. I do not find that any confiderable improvement in the form of the (till itielf has been attempted, the hvad ar.d parts conneded therewith are materially changed, and the alterations are calculated to anfwer very valuable purpofes to the diftiller. By means of the half globe, which is conneded with the Hill-head by a pipe of four inches diameter, the capacity of the Hill is evidently augmented about one third, for which the diftiller prefumes that he is not chargeable with duly; by giving the Hearn room to afcend, the procefs may be greatly accelerated without the rifque of boiling over and injuring the quality of the fpirit. The immerfion of the half-globe (or condenfor, as it is called) in the mafhing-tub, for the purpofe of heat¬ ing the wall), faves much time, as it would be imprac¬ ticable to bring a Hill to boil, in the ordinary way, in lels than ha?f an hour. As there is no unufual waHe of material, nor an increafed confumption of fuel, di(Tillers muH be great gainers by the new mode, provided they are eHablilhed in a plentiful country, or where they meet with few impediments in obtaining luppiies of grain. Under [ r 3 ] thofe advantages I confider the following as nearly a corred refult of the bufinefs, as it relates to the prefent excife fyftem. C. Gaffman’s diftillery, confiding of two dills, viz. 107 gallons, 54 do. lor doubling. 161 gallons at 54 cents per an. is dolls. 86 94 cents. Thefe flills produce at prefent from 50 to 54 gal¬ lons of fpirit per diem, if employed three hundred working days in the year, at 50 gallons each, is 15,000 gallons at T 5 _ of one cent per gallon of fpirit, 90 dol¬ lars. I am, with refped, Your obedient fervant, WILLIAM MILLER, Commiffioner of the Revenue. The honourable Secretary of the Treasury. SIR, Philadelphia, OBober 26, 1801. I am honored with your favor of the 17th inflant, relative to printed damps. The induc¬ tions contained in it lhall be dridly attended to. My weekly return, which I enclofe, will fhewwhat cafh I have on hand, depofited in the banks. I fhould have palled it to the credit of the Treafurer of the United States lafl w r eek, but I expeded Mr. Duane v 7 ould have called on me for the fum I was directed to pay him. I prefume his engagements in the circuit [ '4 ] court have hitherto prevented him from attending to this bufmefs. The enclofed letter from Mr. GraefF, I bee leave to tranfmit to you. If the fubjed fhould be thought to be of fufficient confequence it will perhaps be necefFary to lay it before the honorable Secretary. I have writ¬ ten to Mr. GraefF, and requeded him to furnifh me with every necefFary information on the fubjed. I am, very refpedfully, srR, Your mod obedient fervant, P. MUHLENBERG. William Miller, Efq. CommifFioner of the Revenue, Lancaster, October 1 6, 1801. It is my duty, as a collector of the revenue of this county, to give every information refpedmg the new patent diddling invention of Mr. Alexander Anderfon : there are now in this county upwards of 30 diftilleries; they are getting into York county and Franklin; they can run their dills from 12 to 14 times in twenty-four hours, where the others run theirs but three or four times, and fave wood by it, and pay no more duty than before : there are a great many didil- lers complaining, thofe patent didillers are generally wealthy people and able to lay in a dock of grain ; by that means it injures thofe didillers that make their livelihood by it. It will injure the revenue in this coun¬ ty for this year from three to four thoufand dollars. If [ *5 1 you fhould think proper to lay it before Congrefs at the next feffion, I will furnilh you with every particu¬ lar in what way this machinery is conftructed, and in. what manner it operates. I am, fir, with refpe£t. Your humble fervant, JACOB GRAEFF, Colledor , Gen. Peter Muhlenberg. Letter written on the io th November 1801, to P . Muh - lenberg , Efq . “I HAVE received collector GraefPs com¬ munication of the 16th ult. In order that no time may be loll in afcertaining whether the diftillers alluded to polfel's the advantages which have been afcribed to them; let the collector of Lancafter county vifit one or more of the diftilleries, and obtain an accurate de- fcription of fuch (tills as are now in ufe. Having taken the dimenfions of the ftill, its head, worm, and other appendages, let him attend to the procefs, examine its contents and rote the number of difcharges and quan¬ tity of fpirits produced in a given time. To convey his ideas more completely, let a drawing of the ftill and all the implements which are ufed in diftillation be made out and tranfmitted with fuch obfervations as occur during the examination.” “ If practicable, in the courfe of an experiment of this kind it may be well to difcover, whether the waft- age of materials and fuel is lefs cr more, than when the bunnels is conducted in the ufual way. When your information upon thefe points is complete I hope to be favored with an anfwer.” (Signed) “ WILLIAM MILLER.” [ 16 ] SIR, Philadelphia, November 27, 1801. JEiNCLOSED, I have the honor to tranf- mit a letter I have jull received from Mr. GraefF, col- ledor of the revenue for Lancafter county, together with a drawing of the ftill and the colledor's obferva- tions. I am very refpedfully, SIR, Your mod obedient fervant. P. MUHLENBERG. SIR, Lancaster, November 24, 1801. I RECEIVED vour favour of the 21ft j ultimo, in anfwer to my communications of the 16th, relative to patent diftilleries, wherein you requeft me to furniih you with all the information I can obtain ; alfo, your favour of the 17th inftant, requefting me to pay immediate attention to a copy of a letter from William Miller, commiftioner of the revenue, dated the i cth, on the operation of Anderfon’s parent ftills, to which I now inclofe you the drawing of the ftill and the manner in which it operates: the disadvan¬ tages that arife from thefe ftills, in this county are, that there are a great many furnaces and forges, and a great number of horfes that confume a great deal of grain ; the diftillers who have thefe ftills are generally wealthy, and buy up the grain in great quantities, which prevent thofe diftillers, who diftill in the com- C 17 ] mon way, from entering their {tills. The advantages are fo great, that they can afford to give more for the rye than the common diftiller, and yet get the fame price for their whifkey : there are a number of poor people who make their livelihood by diftilling, and on account of the grain are obliged to quit. I am, fir, with refped. Your humble fervant, JACOB GRAEFF, Collector. Gen. Peter Muhlenberg, Super vilor. SIR, Treasury Department, January 6, 1802. I have the honor to enclofe, for the information ot the commit!ee of ways and means, a copy of an order of the Prefident of the United States, abolifhing fundry offices of infpedors of the internal revenue, and erecting a new diftrid, to in¬ clude the two territories of Indiana and north-weft of the river Ohio. Heretofore thofe have, as a diftind furvey, made part of the fame diftrid, which in¬ cluded the ftate of Kentucky, and been under the fuperintendance of the fupervifor refiding in that ftate. That arrangement, made whilft the population of thofe two territories was fo inconfiderable that hardly any revenue could be derived from them, al¬ though always incompetent to the complete execution of the revenue laws, had now, on account of the C [ 18 ] great increafe -of population, become extremely in¬ convenient in pradice. The laws which have authorized the Prefident to erect new diftrids, not giving him, fince the ad of i ith July, 1798, the power of fixing the compenfa- tion of officers employed in the colledion of the in¬ ternal revenues, it remains with Congrefs to deter¬ mine whether any, and if any, what compenfation fhall be allowed to the fupervifor of that dittrid. It is of fome importance that this fhould be afcertained, as, in the mean while, the duties of fupervifor are done by an infpedor, who, under exifting laws, has no power to fill the vacancies in the offices of collec¬ tors. I have honor to be. Very refpedfully, SIR, Your obedient fervant, albert Gallatin. The honorable Jv)hn Randolph, junior. Chairman of the Commit¬ tee of Ways and Means. An ORDER of the Prefident of the United States , mak¬ ing certain alterations in the diftrids therein mentioned , and ending a new revenue dijlrid , to be denominated “ The north-weft diftrid” Sed. 1. IN purfuance of divers ads of the Con¬ grefs of the United States, vetting in me certain pow¬ ers and authorities in relation to the internal revenues thereof, the following alterations of, and additions to, the arrangements heretofore made for fecuring and colleding the laid duties, are hereby adopted and etta- blifhed. [ i9 ] Sect. 2. The diftricts of MafTachufetts, Pennfylva- nia, Maryland, North Carolina, and South-Carolina, fhall, from and after the thirtieth day of September next, feverally form, each one furvey; and the duties of infpedtor of each of faid furveys (hall be performed by the fupervifor of the diftridt comprehending the fame. Sect. 3. The feveral counties of the diftridt of Virginia, originally and heretofore contained within, and forming the firlt, fecond, third and fourth furveys of the faid diftrict, (hall, from and after the thirtieth day of September next, be contained in, and form but one furvey, (to be thereafter denominated the firft ;) and the duties of infpedtor in and for the fame fhall be performed by the fupervifor of the faid diftridt. Sedt. 4. The fecond furvey of the diftrict of Ohio, according to its prefent limits, heretofore eftabliffied by the Prefident of the United States, fhall be and is hereby erected into an entire new diftridt, to be de¬ nominated “ the north-weft diftridt •/’ and the faid diftridt fhall confift of one furvey, and may, from time to time, be divided into fuch and fo many divi- fions as, by the fupervifor thereof, fhall be found ex¬ pedient and neceflary. Sedt. 5. The collectors of revenue in the diftricts of MafTachufetts, Pennfylvania, Maryland, North-Ca- rolina, and South-Carolina, and in the firft, fecond, third and fourth furveys of the diftridt of Virginia, fhall render their accounts of duties, arifing from and after the fhiriieth day of June laft, and pay over the mo¬ nies arifing from the fame to the refpedtive fupervifors of the faid diftricts. Given under my hand at the city of Wafhington, on the twenty-ninth day of July, one thoufand eight hundred and one. TH. JEFFERSON. A true copy of the original, on file in this office. WILLIAM MILLER, Revenue Office, December 30, 1801. I C 20 ] SIR, January 27, 1802. -AlGREE ABLY to the requeft of the Committee of Ways and Means, I have calculated the relative expenfe neceffary for the fupport of the pre- fent military eftablifhment, and the propofed peace eifablifhment, and find the difference very little more or iefs than five hundred thoufand dollars annually. I am, fir, with real refped, Your humble fervant, H. DEARBORN. Mr. John Randolph. ESTIMATE of the sum requisite for the naval SERVICE FOR THE YEAR l 8 o 2 . Annual expenfe of a Frigate of 44 guns . Pay of the officers, - - 16,068 Subfiflence of ditto, - - 1,82 c -17,893 Pay of the feamen, 120 able feamen at 12 dolls. 17,280 142 ordinary do. 8 do. 13,632 30 boys, - 6 do. 2,160 -33,072 Provifions, - 31,400 Medicine, inffruments, hofpital ftores, 1,250 Contingent expenfes, - 16,000 Dollars , 99,615 C 21 ] Frigate of 36 guns. Pay of the officers, - . 15,636 Subfiftence of do. - - 1,82c - 17,461 Pay of the feamen, 100 able - at 12 dolls. 14,400 107 ordinary at 8 do. 10,272 30 boys, - at 6 do. 2,160 -26,832 Provifions, - 26,737 Medicine, inftruments, hofpital ftores, 1,150 Contingent expenfes, - - - - 12,800 Dollars , 84,980 Annual expenfe of a Frigate of 32 guns . Pay of the officers, - - 13.668 Subfiftence of do. - - - 1,606 -*5> 2 7 4 Pay of the feamen, 60 able feamen at 12 dolls. 8,640 73 ordinary do. 8 do. 7,008 30 boys, - - 6 do. 2,160 -17,808 Provifions, - - - - 20,463 74 Medicine, inftruments, hofpital ftores, 1,150 Contingent expenfes, - - - 11,200 Dollars , 65,895 74 Frigate of 32 guns , fmailer. Pay of the officers, - - 12,528 Subfiftence of do. - - - 1,533 14,061 C 3* ] Pay of the feamen, 60 able do. at 12 dolls. 8,640 57 ordinary do. 8 do. 5,472 30 boys, - 6 do. 2,160 -16,272 Provifions, ..... 17,322 28 Medicine, inftruments, hofpital ftores, 1,000 Contingencies, t - - - 10,000 Dollars , 58,655 28 Annual expenfe of a Schooner 12 to 14 guns* Pay of the officers, - - 4,728 Subftftence of do. - - 949 -55677 Pay of the feamen, 20 able do. at 12 dolls. 2,880 14 ordinary do. 8 do. 1,344 10 boys, - 6 do. 720 -4,944 Provifions,.5,530 69 Medicine, inftruments, hofpital ftores, 500 Contingent expenfes, ... 5,ooo Dollars , 21,651 69 Frigate of 44 or 36 laid up in or dinary. Pay of the officers, - - 1,416 Subfiftence of do. - - 292 -1,708 Pay of the feamen, 12 at 12 dolls, per month, - - 1,728 Provifions, ----- 1,898 Contingent expenfes, - 1,000 j 1 Dollars , 6,334 [ 23 3 Annual expenfe of a Frigate of 32 guns. laid up in ordinary. • ■ Pay of the officers, - - 1,416 Subfiffence of do. - - 292 • 1,708 Pay of the feamen, m m m 1,440 Provifions, 0 m m m 75 2 Contingent expenfes. - - 1,000 Dollars 3 » 5 > 9 °° Half pay to officers not in adlual ftrvice. 3 Captains, - . at dolls. 50 1,800 11 Lieutenants, - - do. 20 2,640 60 Midffiipmen, - - do. 9 50 6,840 3 Surgeons, do. 25 900 3 Purlers, - do. 20 720 Dollars , 12,900 18,600 40 144 * 5’5 * 9 2 3 1,224 60 Annual expenfe of the marine corps. Pay, - - ^ # - 53 > OI ° Subfiftence, provifions for the men in¬ cluded, - Forage, - Clothing, - Military ftores, - Contingent expenfes, comprifing quar¬ ters for the officers and barracks for the men at different Rations, officers travelling expenfes, tranfportation, quarter-mafter’s ftores, camp utenfils, hofpitalftores, ftationary, fuel, pottage, ftraw, bedbunks, armourers, carpen¬ ter’s bills, &c. &c. - - - 10,611 Dollars , 99,109 23 C 24 ] GENERAL estimate of the sum requisite for the NAVAL SERVICE FOR THE YEAR l8o2. For the maintenance of 2 frigates of 44 guns, in a&ual fervice, 199,230 1 ditto of 36 guns, - - 84,980 1 ditto of 32 do. - - 65,895 1 fchooner of 12 do. 21,651 37*5756 Add one third the expenfe of the frigates, for the operation of relieving, as it is prefumed it will take 4 months to complete it, and for the relieved fqua- dron to return and pay off the crews, during which period there will be 2iqua- drons on full expenfe, on- lv one of which however j will have a lchooner, - 116,702 -488,458 Frigates laid up in ordinary, 4 of 44 to 36 guns, - 25,336 3 of 32 guns, - - 17,700 43>°3 6 From which deduct 1 of 44 and 1 of 32, whilfl: reliev¬ ing the fquadron in actu¬ al fervice, fay 4 months, 4,078 -—;- 3 8 >95 8 Half pay to officers not in a&ive iervice, 12,900 Marine corps, - - - 99,109 Carried forward , 639,425 I [ 25 ] Brought forward^ 639,425 Compensation to navy agents, Superin¬ tendents, clerks, and ftorekeepers, 20,000 Procuring materials for 74 gun (hips, 190,575 Improvement of navy-yards, docks, and wharves, - ... 50,000 Dollars , 900,000 RECAPITULATION. Veflels in a&ual Service, - • - 488,458 Ditto laid up in ordinary, - - 38,958 Half pay to officers not in a£hial Service, 12,900 IViarine corps, - - - 99,109 Compensation to navy agents, Superin¬ tendents, clerks and ftorekeepers, 20,000 659,425 Procuring materials for 74 gun (hips, - - 19°>575 Improvement of navy-yards, docks, and wharves, - 50,000 -240,575 Dollars , 900,000 Navy Department, January 30, 1802. ROBERT SMITH. V ■ * . ' - iV-' J , ' . •, ft •:o ;•/ r • ••• , J. -4 to: ■ .. ' 1 s i * O ; *, ^ V » . . >.<-■• 4 y < - ■: ■ ’ ‘ " ■ ' V 4 l. i. yl-- . .*.••• - ' .... f ■ - • ’ ' - * V ■ 1 " J - ( l I I ^ I > ' ., », . . fc . .... t S|g } . I t