I/I B OF THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS 552.0773 Ur2or 1916 CODo7 ILL. HI ST. SURVEY Ordinances of City of Urbana, Illinois of 1916 Containing all the general Ordinances of the city, in force October 2, 1916, together with an appendix, containing certain contract ordinances; also certain material provisions of the Statutes of the State of Illinois, relating to municipal government. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Illinois, October 2, 1916 and approved by the Mayor, October 2, 1916. APR 24 1921 'O MUNICIPAL Revised and codified by REFERENT I W. G. Spurgin, Corporation Counsel. >\ "? V Published by authority of the City Council of the City of Urbana, Illinois, October 2, 1916, in book form. Committee F. D. Bowditch, John A. Fairlie, and James E. Smith. THE UNIVERSITY PRESS URBANA-CHAMPAIGN TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Name Page Early History of Urbana, I Additions, Maps and Plats 14 II Amusements 16 III Animals and Pounds / 19 IV Auctions and Auctioneers 28 V Bicycles .. 31 VI Billiards, Ten pins, Etc., ---^- 33 VII Board of Local Improvements 36 VIII Building Code _' 37 IX City Attorney 114 X City Clerk 115 XI City Collector 116 XII City Engineer 118 XIII City Treasurer 120 XIV City Weighmaster and City Scales 122 XV Claims Against City 127 XVI Corporation Counsel 128 XVII Curfew 130 XVIII Dogs 131 XIX Fees and Salaries 134 XX Fire Department ^ 135 XXI Firemen's Pension Fund 142 XXII Fireworks and Explosives 145 XXIII Fiscal and Municipal Year _"_ZL1 147 XXIV Foreign Fire Insurance CompainesAP-H--2-4 tQ-ll 148 XXV Fortune Telling I 150 XXVI Hawkers and Peddlers 151 XXVII Health 153 XXVIII Intoxicating Liquors 172 XXIX Itinerant Merchants 178 XXX Janitor for City Building 180 XXXI Licenses 182 XXXII Mayor 189 XXXIII Misdemeanors 191 XXIV Officers 214 XXXV Pawnbrokers 218 XXXVI Police Department 221 XXXVII Police Practice _ ..227 Chapter Name Page XXXVIII Railroads 234 XXXIX Removal of Household Goods 238 XL Repealed Ordinances 239 XLI Roller Skating Rinks _:_i 241 XLII Rules of the City Council 242 XLIII Seal 249 XLIV Second Hand or Junk Stores 250 XLV Sewers and Drains 261 XLVI Sidewalks .___254 XLVII Street Numbering '. 263 XLVIII Street Superintendent 267 XLIX Supplies _.__ 271 L Traffic Regulations _'___ 273 LI Urbana Free Library 281 LII Vehicles -__, , 283 LIII Wards and Boundaries of the City __. 286 LIV Effect and Publication _ __290 CERTIFICATE OF CLERK STATUTORY PROVISIONS RELATING TO MUNI- CIPAL CORPORATIONS FRANCHISES Kankakee and Urbana Traction Company Champaign & Urbana Water Company Danville, Urbana & Champaign Railway Co. Urbana & Cchampaign Railway, Gas & Electric Co. Urbana Light, Heat & Power Company HISTORY OF THE LOCATION OF THE UNIVER- SITY OF ILLINOIS f INDEX Page 291 295 330 332 348 393 401 EARLY HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF THE CITY OF URBANA SUPPLIED BY JUDGE J. O. CUNNINGHAM. In the beginning there was nothing to be seen or en- countered other than the vast expanse of prairie, unbroken and untrodden except by the wild Indian. Across this prairie in different direction and from groves of timber to other groves lay single trails, the only roads or other evidences of occupation in existence. Wild Indians, no less wild than the scenery above described, were the only occupants, and they changing locations with the results of wars, were for un- told ages, before History took cognisance of the location, its only occupants. These people made no improvements in any country they occupied other than the trails, and for these were in- debted to the wild Buffalo, their joint occupant, who in search of pasture and saline springs, made regular tours across the country, which in time were the Indian trails and the white man's early roads. These few words tell the history of Urbana and of Cham- paign County until the coming of the United States survey- ing corps, which during the summer of 1822, under the di- rection of the deputy surveyor general, Elias Rector, survey- ed the thirty-six square miles which constitute the township of Urbana, and were probably the first of our race who saw and closely observed these scenes; unless we except some possible white squatter, who had ventured unauthorized, to set up his home hereon. This however was quite improbable, for not until the year 1819 was the Indian title to this coun- try extinguished and white occupancy possible. In the year 1822, probably contemporaneously with the survey, came the first white inhabitant of the township, Run- nel Fielder, who set up his home in section twelve, about two miles east of the city of Urhaiia. During the same year, but it is believed a little later in the season, came also Wil- liam Tompkins, who is believed to have been the first perma- nent inhabitant of the ground now bearing the name "The City of Urbana!" The latter was at first a "squatter," for not until February 4, 1830, nearly eight years after his set- tlement thereon did he become the owner of his home lot, which was the west half of the south east quarter of section 8, of the township. His cabin, the first permanent structure erected within the city, was located closely to the south west corner of the tract, about where the rear end of the Courier building now stands. Other than the standing timber the tract had little to invite its selection as a home and the reason therefor must have been its nearness to a spring of water a few rods to the south west, near the front of the Flat Iron building, but up- on another section of land. This spring, from which gushed a copious flow of water, had long been the center of an In- dian encampment or village, which extended many rods to the east and to the south west. .Here, when Tompkins came, were abundant evidences of Indian occupancy in the numer- ous bones along the creek and of old corn hills on the ad- jacent prairie. Hence the name of the creek, "Bone-Yard Branch." Tompkins, soon after becoming the owner of his home, sold the same to Isaac Busey, an incoming emigrant from Kentucky, who was not long the only citizen of the site of the future city, for in 1832 came Thomson R. Webber, also from Kentucky, who built a cabin upon the site of the Web- ber home in the east part of Urbana. The General Assembly of Illinois, at its session of 1833, established by law the county of Champaign, as it now exists, with the provision that commissioners, who were therein named, should locate the county seat of the new county and that the same should be called "Urbana." This commission met in the June following and among several proposed locations selected the lands a short distance east of the then Busey home, where the court house now stands and there drove the stake which was to be the county vi seat and gave it the legal name of "Urbana." This event marks the first location of that name within this territory. Lands given to the county to induce the location of the county seat by Isaac Busey, William T. Webber and Col. M. W. Busey were soon thereafter platted around the court house square, received the legal name, and a sale of the same, at auction, was advertised for an early clay. Thomson R. Webber, who was at the first appointed to the clerkship of the Circuit Court and also as clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, built a cabin across the street west of the square and lived upon that lot until driven therefrom by the great fire of October 9, 1871. The population of the new county at its inception did not exceed 1000 and was probably much less, for the official census of 1835, over two years later showed but 1038 inhab- itants. At this date there were but two post offices in the county, one, Van Buren, four miles to the north east of Urbana, and one, Luddington, two miles north of Homer. Urbana post office was established September 2, 1836, with Thomson R. Webber as postmaster, who held that position for over four- teen years. The first term of the Circuit Court was held on April 6, 1835. Nothing was done save the appointment of Mr. Web- ber as clerk, the approval of official bonds and the continu- ance of the only two cases for want of service. Mr. Webber held this office until succeeded by W. H. Somers in 1857. Hon. James Harlan was presiding Judge. The General Assembly, at its session of 1855, passed an act chartering the City and an election held on June 2, 1855, chose Hon. Archa Campbell, Mayor and set the municipal government in action. following interesting political history of Urbana was furnished by the City Clerk, C. B. Holmes : By an act of the General Assembly of the state of Illi- nois, approved on the 14th day of February, 1855, the City of Urbana, Illinois was chartered. vii The limits of said city at that time were fixed as follows: Beginning at a point in center of section 9, thence west two miles, thence south one mile, thence east two miles and thence north one mile to beginning. An election was held at the court-house on the first Mon- day in April, 1885, "when and where a majority of the legal voters, residing within said limits, voted 'for incorpora- tion' ". Section 3 of the chapter of said city provides that "if a majority of the citizens shall vote for incorporation the fol- lowing named persons, to- wit : William Park, J. W. Jaquith, W. N. Coler, A. G. Carle, Alonzo Lyons, A. M. Whitney, Moses Snelling, or a majority of them, shall meet at the court house on the first Saturday in May and divide said city into wards, appoint three judges of election in each ward and appoint a day of election." On the 5th day of May, 1855, J. W. Jaquith, W. N. Coler, William Park and A. G. Carle met in the court house and divided the city into three wards, and called an election to be held in said city on the first Saturday in June, 1855, for the election of one mayor and also two aldermen for each of said wards. At said election Archa Campbell was elected mayor, and for aldermen of the first ward William C. Beck ; second ward, John Gere and Daniel Jarvis; third ward, E. Harkness and Jesse D. Jaquith ; who were installed" at a meeting of the citizens held at the court house on July 14, 1855," and at a meeting of the council held on said date, the council de- cided a contest between Mr. Harvey and Mr. F. B. Sale for alderman of the first ward and declared Mr. F. B. Sale elect- ed to said office, and he was duly installed. Said council ap- pointed Mr. S. J. Toy as city clerk. At a special election duly called and held at the Pennsyl- vania House in the city of Urbana on the 19th day of April 1873, for the purpose of voting upon the proposition of the adoption by the City of an act entitled, "An Act to Provide for the Incorporation of Cities and Villages, passed by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, and Approved April 10, 1872." * viii The vote for adoption of said act at said election was 350 votes, and against the adoption of said act, 136 votes. The City Council of the city of Urbana, Illinois at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 21st day of April 1873, upon the canvas and declaring the result of said election, adopted the following resolution : "Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Ur- bana, That we hereby declare said City, from and after this date, April 21, 1873, organized until the General Law of the State of Illinois, for its charter, and the question of minority representation in the City Council, we declare defeated." Signed D. McKinzie. L. A'. McLean. S. H. Busey. ,, ^Aldermen. J. A. Myers. J. H. Shuck. Jas. Somers. E. HALBERSTADT, Mayor. F. M. ALLEN, City Clerk. ix Mayor OLIN L. BBOWDER. City Clerk C. B. HOLMES. City Attorney W. C. MAGUIRE. City Treasurer CHARLES A. BONGART. Police Magistrate F. M. SNYDER. Corporation Counsel W. G. SPURGIN. Superintendent of Streets J. C. F. SELL. Fire Marshal W. H. ROUGHTOX. City Engineer ALFRED M. DANLEY, JR. City Marshal THOMAS LONG. City Inspecter GEORGE H. KEILLY. City Collector ALBERT B. GRAY. Janitor City Building F. A. INGALLS. BOARD OF HEALTH. DR. A. M. LINDLEY, DR. J. M. BARTHELOW, MRS. LILLIE O. SALE. BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF PLUMBERS. DR. A. M. LINDLEY, L. W. APPERSON, TJ. F. GUNDLOCK. ALDERMEN. First Ward. ('HAS C. CLARK, ROGER TYRRELL. Second Ward. E. H. JOHNSON, F. E. PARRIS. Third Ward. JOHN B. BENNETT, P. S. JEFFERS. Fourth Ward. J. A. FAIRLIE, JAMES E. SMITH. Fifth Ward. F. D. BOWDITCH, R. D. FULK. x Following is a list of the mayors of the city : Name. Installed. Expired. Arclia Campbell : July Ezekiel Boy den June Jesse W. Jaquith June E. Boy den June C. A. Hunt June Edward Ater, June Jos. W. Sim June Clark R. Griggs June Eli Halberstadt June J. M. Davies July Myron S. Brown June W. J. Ermentrout June Eli Halberstadt June Royal A. Sutton April J. T. Miller May A. P. Cunningham May 8. T. Busey May C. A. Besore May Jas. H. Brownlee, May Wm. B. Webber, May Geo. W. Hubbard May Samuel C. Fox M;iy John A. Glover May John A. Glover, May Samuel C. Fox May Samuel W. Love May George W. Hubbard May (NOTE) Ordinance changing the date of the fiscal and municipal year to May 1, adopted on February 6, 1911. 14, 1855 June 10, 1856 10, 1856 June 22, 1857 22, 1857 June 28^ 1858 28, 1858 June 11, 1859 11, 1859 June 28, 1861 28, 1861 June 22, 1864 oo UU) 1864 June 4, 1866 4, 1866 June 8, 1867 8, 1867 July 6, 1868 6, 1868 June 23, 1869 23, 1869 June 20, 1870 20, 1870 June 12, 1871 12, 1871 April 28, 1874 28, 1874 May 3, 1875 3, 1875 May 7, 1877 7, 1877 April 26, 1880 25, 1880 May 15, 1889 15, 1889 May 15, 1891 15, 1891 May 15, 1893 15, 1893 May 15, 1895 15, 1895 May 15, 1899 15, 1899 May 15, 1901 15, 1901 May 15, 1903 15, 1903 May 15, 1905 15, 1905 May 15, 1907 15, 1907 May 15, 1909 15, 1909 May 1, 1911 Franklin H. Boggs __ Olin L. Browder Olin L. Browder - .___May 1, 1911 ....May 1, 1913 ..May 1, 1915 May 1, 1913 May 1, 1915 May 1, 1917 C. B. Holmes has been city clerk from May 1, 1877 to May 1, 1917. xi AN ORDINANCE For revising and consolidat- ing the general ordinances of the city of Urbana, Illinois. 14 ORDINANCES OF THECITY OF URBANA 1 TiOLCl Whereas it is necessary and expedient that the general ordinances of the city of Urbana, Illinois, be revised, consoli- dated and codified, in appropriate chapters, articles, and sections, the whole to be know as "An Ordinance of the City of Urbana, Illinios" ; therefore, Be it ordainel by the City Council of the city of Urbana in the county of Champaign, in the state of Illinois, as follows : CHAPTER I. ADDITIONS, MAPS AND PLATS. 1. Additions to Correspond With Streets. 2. Plats Must be Submitted to Council. 3. Penalty for Recording Plat Before Approval Etc. 4. Penalty for Selling Lots, Etc. 5. Certificate of Approval. SECTION 1. ADDITIONS TO CORRESPOND WITH STREETS. Any addition which may hereafter be made to the City of Urbana, or any lands adjoining or within the same, which may be laid out into lots or blocks, shall, where practicable, be so laid out, surveyed and platted, that the blocks or other subdivisions thereof shall conform to the regular blocks of the original town plat, or with the regular blocks of the addi- tions adjoining such lands or additions so proposed to be hud out and the streets and alleys shall correspond with and conform to the previously established streets and alleys with which they may connect and continue the same. SECTION 2. PLATS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO COUNCIL. Any person who shall survey or plat any addition to the City of Urbaua, or any lands adjoining or within the same, into lots, blocks or other subdivisions, or shall re-subdivide any block, lot, sub-lot, out-lot, or part thereof, within said City, shall submit the map, plat or subdivision thereof to the City Coun- ADDITIONS, MAPS AND PLATS 15 cil for its approval; and no such map, plat, or subdivision shall be valid, or be admitted to record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Champaign County until the same has been so submitted and approved by the City Coun- cil. SECTION 3. PENALTY FOR RECORDING PLAT BEFORE AP- PROVAL, ETC. Any person who shall, as owner of the land so surveyed or platted, or as the agent of any such owner, cause to be recorded in the Recorder's office of Champaign county any such map, plat or subdivision mentioned in Section 2, without having the same submitted to and approved by the said City Council before filing the same in said Recorder's office for record, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. SECTION 4. PENALTY FOR SELLING LOTS, ETC. Any per- son who as owner of the land so surveyed or platted, or as the agent of any such owner, shall sell, or offer for sale any lot, block, subdivision or part thereof, in any such addition, division or subdivision of lands as mentioned in section 2 hereof, before the map, plat or subdivision thereof has been approved by said City Council shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 5. CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL. If the City Coun- cil approve any map or plat of any addition or subdivision submitted to it, as herein provided, a certificate of such ap- proval shall be endorsed upon said map or plat, signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk. 16 ORDINANCES OF THB_ITY OF URBANA CHAPTER II. AMUSEMENTS. 1. Classification of Amusements. 2. License for, Required. 3. Licenses and Fees. 4. How Licenses Obtained. 5. License Subject to Ordinances In Force. 6. Entertainments Prohibited. SECTION 1. CLASSIFICATION OF AMUSEMENTS. For the licensing of theatricals, shows, amusements and all public- exhibitions for gain, the same are hereby divided into three classes, which shall be known as first, second, third and fourth class, viz : First : Entertainments of a regular or dramatic or operatic character and negro minstrels, given in theatres or opera houses shall be known as entertainments of the first class. Second: Concerts or other musical entertainments, public readings, exhibitions of paintings and statuary, per- formance of feats of jugglery, sleight of hand or necromancy, exhibitions of natural or artificial curiosities, variety shows and other entertainments of every kind and character not mentioned in this section which may be given in theatres, opera houses or public halls, shall be known as entertain- ments of the second class. Third: Circuses, carnivals, menageries, caravans, hip- podromes, side shows and concerts, minstrel or musical en- tertainments given under a canvas, exhibitions of freaks of nature or monsters and all exhibitions that may be given in the open air, or under a canvas not herein specifically men- tioned, shall be known as entertainments of the third class. Fourth: Lung testers, lifting apparatus, galvanic bat- tery, striking machine, swing or other machine, instrument or device, shall be known as entertainments of the fourth class. AMUSEMENTS 17 SECTION 2. LICENSE REQUIRED. No person or persons shall give any entertainment mentioned in this chapter, within the corporate limits of the City for gain without a li- cense therefor, first had and obtained from the City Clerk, under the corporate seal, under a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense : Provided that for concerts, exhibitions, musical entertain- ments, lectures or dramatic entertainments given by or for some lodge, association, society or church or entertainments for charitable purposes no license shall be required. SECTION 3. FEES FOR LICENSE. Each license shall ex- press on its face for what it is granted and the time for which it is granted and the following fees shall be charged for each license granted and shall be paid to the City Clerk in advance by the person, persons, or corporation applying for such license, viz : First : For entertainment of the first class, the sum of three dollars for a single exhibition or entertainment and for more than one exhibition or entertainment the sum of two dollars additional for each after the first : Provided that the management of an Opera house or theater may secure a li- cense for a term of one year for the sum of Fifty dollars, which license shall entitle said management to exhibit in said opera house or theater entertainments of the first and second class aforesaid. Second: For entertainments of the second class to be given in a public hall or building other than an opera house, or theater, the sum of two dollars for each exhibition or per- formance. Provided that the management of any public hall or building may secure a license for a term of one year for the sum of Fifty Dollars, which license shall entitle said manage- ment to exhibit in said public hall or building any entertain- ment of the second class, the admission fee to which shall be less than fifty cents. For exhibiting entertainments, the admission fee to which shall be fifty cents or more, said management shall pay the same as is provided for the management of an opera house or theater. 18 ORDINANCES OF THjMSTY OF URBANA Third : For entertainments of the third class, the fol- lowing sum shall be paid as license fee: For each one, two, three or more ringed circus or menagerie, or circus and me- nagerie combined, or hippodrome, the sum of twenty-five dollars, (f 25.00) per day for each ring: For each side show in a circus, menagerie or hippodrome, the sum of ten dollars (|10.00) per day: For each carnival, the sum of Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day: For concert, musical or minstrel show or entertainment given under canvas, the sum of three dollars ($3.00) per day: For any other entertainment of the third class not herein specified, the sum of two dollars, ($2.00) per day. Fourth: For entertainments of the fourth class, the license fee shall be one dollar for each day. SECTION 4. How LICENSE OBTAINED. Any person desir- ing a license for any of the purposes specified in this Chapter shall make a written application therefor to the City Clerk stating for what purpose, and the time said license is desired, the place where such entertainment is to be held, and shall accompany the same with the license fee ; and the City Clerk shall issue such license to such person or persons, for the time for which the same shall have been paid in advance, which said license shall be signed by the Mayor. SECTION 5. LICENSE SUBJECT TO ORDINANCE. Every li- cense granted under the provisions of this Chapter shall be subject to the Ordinances of the City existing when the same shall be issued, or which shall thereafter be passed, so far as the same shall apply. SECTION G. ENTERTAINMENTS PROHIBITED. No license shall be granted for, or if granted the same shall not be held to authorize the enacting or performance of any indecent or lewd plays, exhibitions or entertainments of any nature or character whatsoever. ANIMALS AND POUNDS 19 CHAPTER III. ANIMALS AND POUNDS. 1. Animals Prohibited at Large. 2. Penalty for Stock Being at Large. 3. Pound and Poundkeeper. 4. Poundkeeper to Take Up Animals. 5. Duty of Policemen. 6. Citizens May Take Up Animals. 7. Redemption of Animals From Pound. 8. Proceedings Where Owner is Known. 9. Proceedings Where Owner is Unknown Form of Notice. 10. Trial After Notice Judgment. 11. Proceedings Against Non-Resident Owner. 12. Order of Sale. 13. Pounderkeeper's Notice of Sale Sale. 14. Poundkeeper's Book Proceeds of Sale. 15. Surplus Paid to Owner. 16. Breaking Pound Hindering the Impounding of Animals. 17. Wrongful Taking Up of Animals. 18. Report of Poundkeeper. 19. Fees of Marshal and Policeman. 20. Geese. 21. Fees of Poundkeeper and Magistrate. 22. Driving Animals Through the Streets. 23. Herding or Staking Animals on Streets, Etc., Forbidden. 24. Suffering Animals to Walk Over Parking or Sidewalks. SECTION 1. ANIMALS PROHIBITED AT LARGE. That here- after the running at large of any animals of the species of cattle, horse, mule, ass, swine, sheep, goat or goose, within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana is hereby declared a nuisance and is prohibited. SECTION 2. PENALTY FOR STOCK BEING AT LARGE. Who- ever being the owner or possessor of any such animal or goose shall suffer or permit the same to run or be at large shall be liable for the costs of taking up and impounding, and all expense of sustenance for such animals when im- pounded, as hereinafter provided. 20 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A SECTION 3. POUND AND POUNDKEEPER. The City Coun- cil shall provide a suitable pound or pounds, which shall be under the care and control of the poundkeeper of said city. The Mayor may by and with the consent of the City Council appoint a suitable person, poundkeeper who shall, before en- tering upon the duties of his office execute a bond with se- curity to be approved by the City Council, in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful per- formance of the duties of his office, and for the payment of all moneys received by him according to law and the ordi- nances of said city. Or the City Council, in the absence of any appointment of a poundkeeper, by the Mayor as afore- said, may, by resolution, direct that the City Marshal or any police officer shall act as poundkeeper, in which case he shall be the poundkeeper of said city, and shall have all the powers and emoluments and shall perform all the duties belonging to said office, as herein provided. The said Marshall or police officer shall also give a bond as poundkeeper in like sum, with the same conditions, as herein provided. SECTION 4. POUNDKEEPER TO TAKE UP ANIMALS. It shall be the duty of the poundkeeper to take up and impaund all animals found running at large in violation of the ordinances of said City ; and also to receive and impound any such ani- mals when lawfully taken up by any other person. During the stay of any animal in the pound, lie shall feed and water the same. SECTION 5. DUTY OF POLICEMEN. Every police officer of said city shall forthwith take up and impound any animal known by him or creditably reported to Mm to be unlawfully at large Vithin the City and to cause suit to be instituted against the owner or possessor of such animal for violation of this ordinance in so permitting such animal to be at large. SECTION 6. CITIZENS MAY TAKE UP ANIMALS. It shall be lawful for any citizen of said city to take up any animal unlawfully at large, and either drive the same to the pound or confine the animal in some safe and convenient place, and immediately notify the poundkeeper, or some police officer of the city, aiid the officer so notified shall forthwith take charge of such animal and impound the same. ANIMALS AND POUNDS 21 SECTION 7. REDEMPTION OF ANIMALS FROM POUND. At any time before the sale of any impounded animal, the owner or person entitled to the possession thereof may redeem the same by paying to the poiindkeeper the sums following : In all cases where no judicial proceedings have been commenced, as herein provided, the fees for taking up and impounding, and the cost for feeding and sustenance up to the date of re- demption, shall be the redemption money ; in any case where , a judicial proceeding has been commenced, but no judgment rendered, then the redemption money, shall be the said fee for taking up and impounding, costs of sustenance and feed, and the costs accrued in such judicial proceeding; where such judicial proceeding has been commenced and judgment ren- dered, then such judgment, the costs of such proceeding, together with subsequently accrued costs and charges for sustenance, shall be the redemption money to be paid. SECTION 8. PROCEEDINGS WHERE OWNER is KNOWN. When any impounded animal is not redeemed within twenty- four hours after the same is impounded, the poundkeeper shall forthwith make complaint before a Police Magistrate or some Justice of the Peace against the owner or possessor of such animal, if known and thereupon a summons shall be issued as in other cases for the violation of the ordinances of said city, and upon the return of such summons, or the defendant having appeared, it shall be the duty of the Magis- trate to inquire whether the defendant has been guilty of permitting such animal to be at large contrary to the provi- sions of this chapter; and if the defendant be found guilty, judgment shall be rendered against him for the impounding fee and costs of sustenance herein prescribed and the costs of suit and an order shall be entered that the animal shall be sold to satisfy said judgment, in case the same shall not be paid forthwith. Such order shall describe the animal, with reasonable certainty and state the time and place of impounding the same. SECTION 9. PROCEEDINGS WHERE OWNER is UNKNOWN- FORM OF NOTICE. When the owner of any animal impounded is unknown, the poundkeeper shall make complaint as pro- vided in the last section, against the unknown owner of such 22 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAXA animal, describing the same, and thereupon the Magistrate before whom such complaint shall be made shall docket the case in the name of the City versus the unknown owner of such animal, describing it with reasonable certainty and shall issue a notice in substance as follows viz : POUND NOTICE. Whereas, complaint has this day been made before me, that the unknown owner of the following described animal, to wit (here describe animal particularly) impounded at on the day of A. D has permitted the same to run at large contrary to the ordinances of the City of Urbana. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to the owner of such animal and all persons interested in the same, that a trial will be had upon the said complaint at my office, in the City of Urbana, on the day of A. D. 19 at the hour of m., when and where the owner or other persons interested may appear and de- fend, if he sees fit so to do. Witness my hand and seal this day of A. D ____P. M. (or J. P._ (Seal). The day named in said notice for trial shall not be less than five days nor more than ten da}"s from the time of is- suing the same and it shall be the duty of the poundkeeper, city marshall, or any policeman, forthwith to post three copies of said notice in three public places in said city. The officer posting said notices shall return a copy thereof to the office of the Magistrate issuing the same, with his return, showing the time and places of such posting indorsed thereon. SECTION 10. TRIAL AFTER NOTICE JUDGMENT. When the notice has been given as required by the last section, then upon the day and hour named in such notice, if the said ani- mal has not been redeemed the Justice or Magistrate issuing such notice shall proceed to hear the case, as in the case of personal service of summons ; and if he finds that such animal has been lawfully and justly impounded he shall render judg- ment accordingly, and shall also render judgment for the amount of fees, costs, expenses, and charges incurred in the taking up, impounding, feeding and sustenance of such ani- mal, including the costs of said suit, and he shall enter upon ANIMALS AND POUNDS 23 his docket an order for the sale of such animal to satisfy said judgment. SECTION 11. PROCEEDINGS AGAINST NON-RESIDENT OWNER. If the name of the owner or possessor of any impounded animal is known, but he resides or his agent has gone out of the city, so that summons cannot be served upon him as pro- vided by Section 8 hereof, then like proceedings shall be had and like judgment rendered, as in the case of unknown owners, as provided in Sections 9 and 10 hereof, except that the notices provided for in Section 9 shall be addressed to each owner or possessor by name, and an additional copy of said notice shall be issued and sent by mail, addressed to such owner or possessor, at his postoffice address. If his postoffice address is not known, and upon diligent inquiry cannot be ascertained, then such fact shall appear in the return of the officer executing said notices upon the copy of said notice by him filed in the office of the Magistrate. SECTION 12. ORDER OF SALE. Upon the rendition of any judgment as prescribed in Sections 8, 10 and 11 of this Chap- ter, the Magistrate rendering the same shall issue to the poundkeeper an order of sale, which shall be substantially in the following form : The People of the State of Illinois to Poundkeeper: We command you, that the following described goods and chattels, to-wit: (here describe animal), the property of (here insert the name of the owner if known, if not, then say: "some person unknown") you make the sum of dollars and cents debt, and dollars and cents costs, which the City of Urbana lately re- covered before me, against the said and hereof make due re- turn in what manner you execute the same. Given under my hand and seal this day of A. D J P. M. (or J. P.) (Seal) Which order shall be returned by such poundkeeper within thirty days from its date, to the office issuing the same, with his return endorsed thereon, showing when and how the same was executed. SECTION 13. POUNDKEEPER'S NOTICE OF SALE SALE. Upon the receipt of such order, the poundkeeper shall imme- diately post ten notices in ten several public places in said city, which notices may be in substance as follows : 24 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URl'.ANA POUND NOTICE. Taken up and impounded in the city pound of the City of Urbana, at (here state place of pound) the following animal: (here describe ani- mal) which, unless redeemed will be sold at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, at at the hour of o'clock m., on the day of A. D. Poundkeeper. The day of sale mentioned in said notices sliall not be less than three nor more than five days after posting the same, exclusive of Sundays, holidays and election days ; and if the said animal is not redeemed, the poundkeeper shall sell the same in accordance with said notice, to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand. Said sale shall be made be- tween the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. Said poundkeeper shall not sell two or more animals at one bid- ding. SECTION 14. POUNDKEEPER^S BOOKS PROCEEDS OF SALE. The poundkeeper shall keep a book, to be provided by the City, which shall be open to the inspection of the public, in which he shall record a description of all animals impounded, with the date of impounding each, the owner's name if known, the name of the person or officer by whom the animal was taken up. Also what disposition was made of such animal, when and by whom redeemed, or, in case of sale, the date of sale, the name of the purchaser and the amount received therefor; and said poundkeeper shall, within ten days after sale of animals, as herein provided, pay into the City Treas- ury all moneys received by him in excess of the fees, costs and charges accruing to him, and the costs accruing in the judicial proceedings which last named costs he shall pay over to the magistrate issuing the order of sale. SECTION 15. SURPLUS PAID TO OWNER. If any surplus proceeds of any sale shall have been paid into the City Treasury, the owner of the animal so sold shall be entitled to receive such surplus, less all costs and charges which may. have accrued to the officers of the City, upon presenting to the City Council, or the proper committee thereof, satisfac- tory proof of his ownership, together with a certificate of the poundkeeper of the amount of such surplus. ANIMALS AND POUNDS 25 SECTION 16. BREAKING POUND -HINDERING THE IM- POUNDING OF ANIMALS. Whoever shall break open, or in any manner, directly or indirectly, aid or assist in, or counsel, or advise the breaking open of any city pound, or shall take or attempt to take therefrom any impounded animal without the poundkeeper's consent, or whoever shall hinder, or delay, or obstruct the taking- of any animal found unlawfully at large to the pound, or shall attempt to prevent the impound- ing thereof, in any manner, shall, in either case, be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 17. WRONGFUL TAKING UP OF ANIMALS. Any person who shall take or drive any animal from any enclosed lot or tract of ground, or from any stable or other building, or from outside of the city limits, to any pound in said city, or with intent that such animal may be impounded, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for every animal so taken or driven as aforesaid. SECTION 18. REPORT OF POUNDKEEPER. The pound- keeper shall, at each annual meeting of the City Council, make a full and complete report, under oath, of all animals impounded, the names of the owners thereof, the disposition made of such animals and all receipts and expenditures, of and for his pound, and shall file therewith the receipt of the treasurer for all money paid into the City Treasury. SECTION 19. FEES OF MARSHAL AND POLICEMAN. When the City Marshal or any Policeman of the City, is by order of the City Council, directed to act as poundkeeper, then the fees and charges allowed the pouudkeeper under and by this chapter, shall be considered as compensation as poundkeeper and shall be allowed in addition to the regular salaries al- lowed him as City Marshal or policeman, respectively. SECTION 20. GEESE. All the provisions of this chapter wherein geese are not specifically mentioned shall be con- strued to apply to the taking up and impounding of geese as well as animals. SECTION 21. FEES OF POUNDKEEPER AND MAGISTRATE. There shall be allowed the poundkeeper of said city the fol- 26 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ITRBANA lowing fees for services under the provisions of this chapter. For taking up animals and putting them in pound, as follows: For each hog (except sucking pigs) twenty-live cents; for each sucking pig, goose, goat or sheep ten cents; for all other animals taken up fifty cents each. For providing feed and sustenance for impounded ani- mals, the following fees shall be allowed for each day, or part of a day: For each hog (except sucking pigs) sheep or goat, twenty-five cents; for each sucking pig or goose, ten cents; for all other animals fifty cents each. There also shall be allowed and charged as an impound- ing fee, for receiving and taking animals into the pound, the following fees: For each hog (except sucking pigs), sheep, or goat, twenty-five cents ; for each sucking pig, or goose ten cents ; for all other animals, fifty cents. For posting advertisements, under this ordinance, to owners of animals, the following fees shall be allowed: For each hog, goat or goose, ten cents, for all other animals, twenty-five cents. For selling any impounded animals under any order of sale issued by a court of competent jurisdiction, the follow- ing fees shall be allowed: For selling hogs (sucking pigs excepted) sheep or goats, twenty-five cents each; for each sucking pig or goose, ten cents; for all other animals, one dollar each. Police Magistrate or Justices of the Peace shall be al- lowed, in all cases under this chapter, the same fees for dock- eting suits and issuing process of all kinds, and for other services, as are now provided by statute in civil cases, to be taxed and collected as is now provided by ordinance and statutes. SECTION 22. DRIVING ANIMALS THROUGH THE STREETS. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive any mules, hors- es or cattle through the streets or alleys of said city, unless they are securely haltered and controlled and led by some person having charge thereof. Any person violating this sec- tion shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dal- lars, nor more than twenty dollars for each offense. ANIMALS AND POUNDS 27 SECTION 23. HERDING OR STAKING ANIMALS ON STREETS, ETC. FORBIDDEN. .No person or persons whomsoever shall herd or stake out any cattle, horse, hog, sheep, goat or goose upon any street, alley, public ground, park or commons within said city. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. SECTION 24. SUFFERING ANIMALS TO WALK OVER PARK- ING OR SIDEWALKS. No person or persons driving cattle, horses or other animals upon or along the streets of said city shall suffer or permit such animal or animals to walk over or pass along or upon the parking in said streets or the side- walks thereof, nor drive the same there over. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this section shall be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each and every offense. 28 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A CHAPTER IV. AUCTIONS AND AUCTIONEERS. 1. License Required for Auctioneers. 2. License Fee and Bond. 3. License How Obtained Not Transferable. 4. Clerks. 5. Revocation of License. 6. Selling on Streets Permit Required. 7. Substitution of Articles Penalty. 8. Penalties for Permitting Unlicensed Persons to Sell Without Permit. SECTION 1. LICENSE REQUIRED FOR AUCTIONEERS. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to pursue the business of auctioneer or outcry the sale of any goods, wares, or merchandise or other property at auction, except such as are made under and by virtue of legal process, judicial orders, or sale under chattel mortgage, without a license therefor; and any person, whomsoever, violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dol- lars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 2. LICENSE FEE AND BOND. Any person may be- come an auctioneer and be licensed to sell personal property at public auction, (at a place to be named in the license,) up- on payment to the City Clerk of a license fee of ten dollars for six months, or twenty dollars for one year and executing a bond to the City with sureties to be approved by the Mayor, in the penal sum of One Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the due observance of the ordinances of saicj City, for the prompt payment to the City of all money belonging to the same and for the payment of all moneys and delivery of all goods that may come into his hands in his business, to the persons entitled to receive the same ; provided that the license may be issued under the provisions of this chapter for three months, upon the payment of the sum of seven dollars; and provided, further that the license may be issued for one day AUCTIONS AND AUCTIONEERS 29 upon the payment of the sum of one and one-half dollars, but no license shall be issued for a longer period than the municipal year. And provided further that any person per- manently embarked in the business of auctioneer and having auction rooms may employ an auctioneer to sell for him at his rooms, or in case of his inability from sickness or other cause, without taking out any additional license. SECTION 3. LICENSE How OBTAINED NOT TRANSFER- ABLE. Any person who may wish to obtain a license under this chapter, shall apply in writing for the same to the Mayor, setting forth in such application his proposed place of busi- ness, the names of any partner or clerk, who will be engaged in such business, the length of time for which such license is desired and the names of his sureties. If the Mayor grants such license, he shall make an indorsement to that effect upon such application and the same shall thereupon be pre- sented to the City Clerk. In no case shall such license be transferable, nor shall any other person, partner, or firm do business under the same, other than the person therein named nor shall the place of business therein named be changed without the consent of the Mayor indorsed thereon. SECTION 4. CLERKS. The said license shall designate who are permitted to do business under and by virtue of the same, either as principal, .agent, or clerk, and if any other person is employed as agent or clerk, to do business under such license, the consent of the Mayor shall be first had and obtained and indorsed on said license. SECTION 5. REVOCATION OF LICENSE. All licenses shall be subject to revocation by the Mayor, or the City Council, whenever it shall appear to his or their satisfaction, that the party so licensed, his agent, or clerk has violated any of the provisions of any ordinance relating to auctions or auc- tioneers, or any of the conditions of the bond aforesaid. SECTION 6. SELLING ON STREETS PERMIT REQUIRED. Any auctioneer having a license, as aforesaid, or his clerk may sell at public auction within any of the streets, or alleys, squares or commons of the city, any horses, mules, cattle or any wagon, carriage or other vehicle, or any article too cum- brous to be removed to his place of business, by obtaining 30 ORDINANCES OP THE CITY OF URBANA written permission from the Mayor; but except as herein provided, no articles shall be sold, at public vendne by such persons, on the streets, alleys, public squares or commons as aforesaid. Any auctioneer violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than fifty dollars. SECTION 7. SUBSTITUTION OF ARTICLES PENALTY. Any auctioneer who shall exhibit and offer for sale at auction any article, and induce its purchase by any bidder and shall afterwards substitute any other article in lieu to that offered to, and purchased by the bidder, or whoever shall while en- gaged in or about making any auction sale, be guilty of any device, trick or fraudulent practice with intent thereby to deceive or defraud any bidder, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dol- lars; and the license of such person shall be revoked at the discretion of the Mayor. SECTION 8. PENALTIES FOR PERMITTING UNLICENSED PER- SONS TO SELL WITHOUT PERMIT. Any licensed auctioneer who shall permit any other person than such partner, agent or clerk whose names are designated in his license, to sell any article at auction at the place designated in such license, without having permission from the Mayor for such person to sell, indorsed on his license, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dol- lars, and such person so selling as partner, agent, clerk or otherwise, without such permission from the Mayor, shall also be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense. BICYCLES 31 CHAPTER V, BICYCLES. 1. Riding on Sidewalks Where Street is Paved. 2. Riding on Sidewalks Where Street is Not Paved Speed. 3. Rights of Pedestrians, Etc. 4. Carry Bell or Whistle, Etc. 5. Must Keep to the Right on All Streets, Etc., When Passing Others. 6. Must Carry Lighted Lamp or Lantern at Night. SECTION 1. RIDING ON SIDEWALKS WHERE STREET is PAVED. Whcever shall ride a bicycle upon or along the side- walks of any public street in the City of Urbana, where the said public street has a pavement laid thereon, or of any street which may hereafter have a pavement laid thereon shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars. SECTION 2. RIDING ON SIDEWALKS WHERE STREET is NOT PAVED SPEED. Whoever shall ride a bicycle upon or along any sidewalk of any of the public streets of said city, where the streets have not been paved at a speed to exceed six ((>) miles per hour, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars. SECTION 3. RIGHTS OF PEDESTRIANS. Any person or persons riding a bicycle upon any sidewalk along the pub- lic streets shall do so subject to the rights of all pedestrians upon said walks, and such persons shall give the pedestrians the absolute right to said walks and shall keep out of their way and avoid such pedestrians and shall pass all pedestrians upon the outside of the walk. Whoever shall violate the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars. SECTION 4. CARRY BELL OR WHISTLE, ETC. Any per- son, or persons riding upon the sidewalks of any of the public streets, any bicycles, or wheels, shall have and carry upon 32 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA their wheel a bell or whistle and shall sound the same when approaching any pedestrian at a distance of not less than one hundred (100) feet from said pedestrian, and continue sounding such whistle or bell until such pedestrian's atten- tion is called to the approach of said bicycle. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars. SECTION 5. MUST KEEP TO THE RIGHT ON ALL STREETS, ETC. WHEN PASSING OTHERS. All persons meeting upon any street or public ground within said city shall seasonably turn to the right whether in vehicles or upon motors, bicycles or animals, so as to permit passing without interference or in- terruption. Any person who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars. SECTION 6. MUST CARRY LIGHTED LAMP OR LANTERN AT NIGHT. Whoever shall within said city between the time of dusk and daylight ride upon or along any of the public streets or sidewalks of said city a bicycle, unless the same shall be provided with and carry a lighted lamp or lantern thereon, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. BILLIARDS, TEN PINS, ETC. 33 CHAPTER VI. BILLIARDS, TEN PINS ETC. 1. License Required. 2. Application for License How Granted. 3. Bond. 4. Screens, Blinds Etc., Prohibited. 5. License Fee. 6. Minors Frequenting Riotous and Disorderly Conduct. 7. False Representations by Minors. 8. Hours of Opening and Closing. SECTION 1. LICENSE REQUIRED. No person, firm or corporation within the corporate limits of said city shall exercise the business, trade or vocation of keeper of a billiard table, pool table, shift-hole table, bagatelle table, Jenny Lind table, nine or ten pin alley, ball alley, shuffle board, shooting- gallery, or other like place of amusement, either for gain or place of public resort whether for gain or not, without first having obtained a license for that purpose as hereinafter pro- vided. SECTION 2. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE HOW GRANTED. Any person, firm or corporation desiring a license for any of the purposes specified in Section 1 of this Chapter, shall file with the City Clerk an application therefor in writing setting forth the location of the building or room to be occupied, the number of tables, boards, or alleys, as the case may be, desired to be kept and the length of time for which such license is desired, together with the bond as hereinafter speci- fied. When such application and bond is filed the Clerk shall present the same to the City Council at the next meeting thereof and the Council in its discretion upon the approval of the bond and the payment to the City Clerk of the fee for said license as hereinafter provided may grant the license for the purposes specified in Section 1 of this Chapter. 34 ORDINANCES OF TUB CITY OF UHBAXA SECTION 3. BOND. Said applicant shall execute a bond to the City in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, with good and sufficient surety to be approved by the City Council, con- ditioned that said applicant will faithfully observe all ordi- nances of the City and will pay all fines and penalties that may be assessed against him for violation thereof, during the term of this license. SECTION 4. SCREENS,, BLINDS ETC. PROHIBITED. No per- son, firm or corporation, licensed as aforesaid shall keep, erect, construct and maintain any screen, blind, curtain, or other device or thing which will hinder or prevent a full and unobstructed view of the whole interior of the premises men- tioned in such license, from the sidewalk immediately in front of and upon that side or portion of the street upon which the premises occupied for such purpose are situated. SECTION 5. LICENSE FEE. The fee for an annual license for the purpose named herein shall be as follows; for pool and billiard tables, ten dollars per annum for each table; for each pin and ball alley 115.00 per annum; for each shooting gallery $25.00 per annum ; for all other tables each $20.00 per annum. When any license is issued for less than a year the fee charged shall be pro-rated by months for the remainder of the year, provided the month in which such license is is- sued shall be counted as one full month. SECTION 6. MINORS FREQUENTING RIOTOUS AND DIS- ORDERLY CONDUCT. No person, firm or corporation holding such license shall suffer or permit any minor except as here- inafter provided to frequent or loiter in or play at any game in the room so occupied by him, or to suffer or permit any gambling, betting or riotous, or disorderly conduct upon the premise so occupied by him or permit any intoxicating liquors to be kept stored, sold or used in or upon the premise so occupied by him : Provided that minors of the age of six- teen years or upwards may be allowed to play at games upon the premises of any such licensee by written consent of par- ent or guardian, which" consent shall be kept on file by said licensee and be at all times open to inspection of the officers of said City on request. Any shift or device to evade the pro- visions of this Section shall be deemed a violation thereof. BILLIARDS, TEN PINS, ETC. 35 SECTION 7. FALSE REPRESENTATIONS BY MINORS. Any minor who for the purpose of being allowed to play or loiter in any such place, licensed as specified in the foregoing sec- tions, shall represent himself to the keeper of said hall or his agent, or employee in charge thereof, as being of the age of twenty-one years or upwards shall be deemed guilty of a vio- lation of this ordinance. SECTION 8. HOURS OF OPENING AND CLOSING. Every per- son, firm or corporation who shall take out a license under this ordinance, shall keep the portion of the licensed premises used for such business closed on Sunday and after eleven o'clock P. M. and before five o'clock A. M. every week day ; and during Sundays and such closing hours shall not permit any person not connected with the operation of such prem- ises, to loiter or remain therein. SECTION 9. PENALTY. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be fined in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars. Any person, firm or corporation who shall be the lic- ensee for said premises upon his second conviction for a vi- olation of that portion of the Ordinance, either for the same offense or different offenses, in addition to the fine assessed, shall have his license revoked and all lincense fees paid to the City shall be retained by the City. 36 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UUBANA CHAPTEE VII. BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. 1. How Constituted. 2. Duties Of. SECTION 1. How CONSTITUTED. The Board of Local Improvements of the City of Urbana shall consist of the Mayor, the Public Engineer and the City Superintendent of Streets and said persons shall hold their offices as members of the Board of Local Improvements so long as they shall remain in the offices above specified. SECTION 2. DUTIES OF. It shall be the duty of the Board of Local Improvements to originate all plans for lo- cal improvements in the city, such as by statute required, and to recommend to the City Council the adoption of or- dinances for the construction of said improvements. BUILDING CODE 37 CHAPTER VIII. BUILDING CODE. Article I. General Requirements. 1. Name of Chapter. 2. Purpose of Chapter. 3. Nature of Chapter. 4. Application of Chapter. 5. Department of Buildings Established. 6. Building Inspector Ofhce Created Qualifications Bond. 7. Duty of Building Inspector. 8. Duty of Fire Marshall Under Building Code. 9. Duty of Chairman of Board of Health, Under Building Code. 10. Title for Building Officers. 11. Badge for Building Officials. 12. Building Officers May Enter Premises. 13. Fees and Salary. 14. Compliance With Building Code Necessary. 15. Buildings Contrary to Building Code A Nuisance. 16. Purport of This Act. 17. Inspection of Certain Buildings Required. 18. Deviations or Violations if Found Procedure. 19. Work May Be Stopped Permit Cancelled. . 20. Conflicts Between General and Specific Provisions. 21. Invalidity of One Portion of Code Shall Not Affect the Remainder. 22. General Enforcement of Building Code. 23. Reports. Article II. Building Requirements In General. 24. Permits Required. 25. Duty of Contractor to Take Out Permit. 26. Fees for Permits. 27. Occupation of Streets. 28. General Building Requirements. 29. Foundation. 30. Factors of Safety. 31. Safe Bearing Loads for Soils. 32. Weight of Materials. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA 33. Allowable Compressive Stresses and Special Requirements for Masonry. 34. Definitions of Stone Masonry. 35. Stone. 36. Brick. 37. Sand. 38. Lime Mortar. 39. Cements. 40. Cement Mortar. 41. Gypsum Mortar or Plaster. 42. Structural Timber. 43. Allowable Working Stresses Pounds Per Square Inch. 44. Structural Steel and Iron. 44a. Allowable Unit Working Stresses for Re-inforced Concrete. 45. Test for Material. 46. Excavation. 47. Footings. 48. Construction of Walls. 49. Walls and Piers. 50. Classification of Terms. 51. Thickness of Walls. 52. Story Height. 53. Clear Span Thickness. 54. Brick Partition in Basement. 55. Wooden or Veneer Apartment and Flat Buildings Division Fire Walls. 56. Fire Walls Two Feet Above Roof. 57. Recesses in Walls. 58. Fire Proof Doors. 59. Backing of Walls Faced With Ashlar Masonry. 60. Wooden Girders or Lintels not Allowed. 61. Anchors. 62. Floor Beams or Joists. 63. Trimmers and Headers Hung in Stirrups. 64. Roof and Floor Timbers not to Go Through Wall. 65. Floor Timbers not to Enter Chimney Wall. 66. Furred Walls and Chimneys. 67. Chimneys. 68. Floor Loads. 69. Wind Loads. 70. Skeleton Steel or Iron Construction. 71. Stairs. 72. Carrying Capacity of Stairways. 73. Boilers for Heating Etc. Location. 74. Smoke Pipes. 75. Sky Lights. BUILDING CODE 39 76. Cornices, Bays, Oriels, and Towers. 77. Conductor Parts. 78. Drying Rooms. 79. Warm Air Pipes. 80. Projection of Building. 81. Scuttles. 82. Wooden Roof Prohibited in Fire Limits. 83. Partitions. 84. Bill Boards Frontage Consent Required. 85. Fences. 86. Windows in Lodging or Apartment Buildings. 87. Light and Air Courts for Habitable Rooms. 88. Maximum Amount of Lot to be Covered by Apartment or Dwell- ing. 89. Boundaries of Fire Limits. 90. Permits for Wooden Buildings Within Fire Limits. 91. Permission Given for Erection of Wooden Building if Expedient. 92. No Wooden Building to be Enlarged or Removed. 93. Disobediance of Ordinance. 94. Notice of Abatement of Nuisance. 94a. Damaged Buildings to be Removed. 94b. Procedure for Condemnation of Building. 94c. Removal of Damaged Building Penalty. 95. Appointment of Fire Wardens. 96. Duty of Fire Wardens. 97. Dangerous Building A Nuisance. 97a. Report of Existence of Such Building Referred to Committee, Etc. 97b. Mayor to Furnish City Marshal With Notice What Notice Shall Contain. 97c. Neglect or Refusal by Owner to Remedy Defect. 98. Elevators, Passenger or Freight. Article III. J Plumbing And Gas Fitting. 99. Certificate of Competency Required. 100. Application Examination. 101. Certificate Board of Examiners Created. 102. Meeting of Board Examination. 103. Certificate How to Obtain Fees Renewal Failure to Pass Re-Examination. 104. Certificate Failure to Secure Work not to be Inspected No Permit Issued. 105. Listing Certificates. 40 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF TJRBANA 106. Certificate Master and Employing Plumbers to be Responsible for Journeyman. 107. Permit for Work Necessary Bond. 108. Supervision of Plumbing Work. 109. Plans Filing of. 110. Fees Permits. 111. Plans to be Approved by Building Inspector. 112. Plans Changes in Same. 113. Sanitary Requirements in Buildings Etc. 114. Separate Toilets. 115. Septic Tanks. 116. Cess Pools. 117. Cess Pools Prohibited. 118. Location of Cess Pools. 119. Vaults. 120. Location of Vault. 121. Size of Pipes. 122. Materials Quality and Weight. 123. Joints and Cinnections. 124. Traps and Clean-outs. 125. Soil, Waste and Vent Pipes. 126. House Sewage and Drains. 127. Roof, Sub-Soil and Other Drains. 128. Refrigerator, Safe and Special Wastes. 129. Sumps and Ejectors. 130. Fixtures. 131. Toilet Compartments. 132. Charts and Sketches. 133. Inspection and Tests. 134. General Regulations. 135. Prohibited Fixtures, Materials and Acts. 136. Interpretations. 137. Gas Fittings Inspection and Test. 138. Gas Turned on Only When Final Certificate is Issued. 139. Fees for Inspection of Gas Fixtures. Article IV. Electrical Work. 140. Electric Wiring Etc. To be Under Supervision of Building In- spector. 141. Electric Wiring Must Conform to Rules and Regulations of Na tional Electric Code. 142. Registration of Persons Applying for Permits to do Electrical Work. 143. Fee for Registration. BUILDING CODE 41 144. Permits to do Electrical Work. 145. Inspection New Work. 146. Inspection Old Work. 147. Certificate of Inspection. 148. Preliminary Certificate. 149. Removal of Dead Wires Etc. 150. No Liability to Attach to City of Urbana. 151. Fees for Inspection. 152. Notice of Hidden Work Right to Uncover Work Covered Before Inspection Cost of Same. 153. Defective Wires Power of Inspector to Condemn Notice to Re- move Same. 154. Feed Wires. 155. Motion Picture Machine Operator License Required. 156. Certificate of Competency and License Fee. 157. Assistant to Motion Picture Operator Permit Fee. 158. Unlawful to Enter Booth Exception Number Limited. 159. Storage of Motion Picture Film. . Article V. Enforcement. 160. Penalty for Violation of Provision of This Code. 161. Invalidity of One Portion of Code Shall Not Affect Remainder. 162. General Enforcement of Building Code. BUILDING CODE. ARTICLE 1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 1. NAME OF CHAPTER. The name of this Chap- ter shall be the Building Code, and it may be cited as such for all purposes including plans and specifications. SECTION 2. PURPOSE OF CHAPTER. The purpose of this Chapter is to establish rules and regulations for construct- ing, erecting, enlarging, remodelling, altering, repairing, raising, lowering, under-pinning, moving or wrecking build- ings, structures, or portions thereof; and to regulate the loca- tion, equipment, use and occupancy thereof in order to pro- tect public health and safety and to substantiate justice. SECTION 3. NATURE OF CHAPTER. This Chapter is in- tended to be remedial and is to be construed liberally and justly to secure the beneficial aim and purpose thereof. 42 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAXA SECTION 4. APPLICATION OF CHAPTER. This Chapter shall apply to all buildings, structures, or portions thereof in the City of Urbana ; Federal and State buildings and pos- sessions being excepted. SECTION 5. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS ESTABLISHED. There is hereby created and established an executive depart- ment of the municipal government of the City of Urbana which shall be known as the Department of Buildings and shall embrace a Building Inspector and such subordinates and assistants as the City Council may by Ordinance provide. SECTION C. BUILDING INSPECTOR OFFICE CREATED QUALIFICATIONS APPOINTMENT BOND. There is hereby cre- ated the office of Building Inspector who shall be at the head of the department of building, and shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the consent of the City Council, in the same manner and for the same term as other city officials are appointed. He shall be a resident of the city of Urbana and shall be well skilled and versed in the construction of buildings, with a knowledge of the quality of different kinds and grades of timber, brick, cement and stone, and of all building materials in general. He shall also understand plumbing and shall be able to pass a master or employing plumber's examination. He shall also understand electrical construction and shall be able to pass all tests and examinations prescribed by law or ordinance, relative to electrical work. He shall before entering upon the duties of his office, exe- cute a bond in the sum of two thousand dollars ($2000.) with such surety as the City Council will approve, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duty as Building- Inspector. SECTION 7. DUTY OF BUILDING INSPECTOR. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector : (a) To have general charge and supervision of the erec- tion, construction, alteration, repair, removal, and inspection of all buildings, walls, structures and portions thereof within the City and to enforce all ordinances relating thereto ; (b) To have general charge and supervision of all BUILDING CODE 43 plumbing and plumbing inspection and to enforce all ordi- nances relating thereto; (c) To have general charge and supervision of all boiler and heating installation and inspection and to enforce all ordinances relating thereto; (d) To have general charge and supervision of all elec- trical construction and inspection and to enforce all ordi- nances relating thereto. SECTION 8. DUTY OF FIRE MARSHALL UNDER BUILDING CODE. It is hereby made the duty of the Fire Marshall as Ex-Officio Deputy Building Inspector to aid the Building Inspector in administering and enforcing the Building Code. The Fire-Marshall shall give special attention to, and ren- der assistance in, enforcing all provisions of the Building Code pertaining to safeguarding life and property against and in event of fire and other accident in any building, struc- ture, or portion thereof now existing or hereafter constructed in the City. SECTION 9. DUTY OF CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF HEALTH, UNDER BUILDING CODE. It is hereby made the duty of the Chairman of the Board of Health as Ex-Offlcio Deputy Build- ing Inspector to aid the Building Inspector in enforcing and administering the Building Code. The Chairman of the Board of Health shall give special attention to, and render assistance in, enforcing all provisions of the Building Code pertaining to the sanitation of any building, structure, or portion thereof now existing or hereafter constructed in said City. SECTION 10. TITLE FOR BUILDING OFFICERS. The title or phrase Building Officers when and where used in the Build- ing Code shall mean and include the Building Inspector, Deputy Building inspectors and all subordinate inspectors appointed by the Mayor under the provision of this Act as fully and effectively as if each and all of said officers were specifically designated or named, in lieu of title or phrase. SECTION 11. BADGE FOR BUILDING OFFICIALS. Building- Officers shall be provided by the City with a badge of their re- spective offices and indicative of their authority. Building 44 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UKBANA officers when performing- their respective duties shall show the badge of their office on request or necessity. Said badge shall be and remain the property of the City. SECTION 12. BUILDING OFFICERS MAY ENTER PREMISES. Building Officers are hereby empowered lawfully to enter up- on any premises and into any building, or structure, or por- tion thereof (upon showing their badge of office) when nec- essary to do so in. the performance of any duties imposed upon them by the Building Code. Any person or persons hindering, or attempting to hind- er, resisting or attempting to resist, any building officer in the performance of his duty shall be deemed guilty of the of- fense of resisting an officer; and the person or persons con- victed of such an offense shall be subject to the general pen- alty provided for violations of this Code. SECTION 13. FEES AND SALARY. The Building Inspec- tor shall receive such fees and salary for his service, as the city council may by ordinance from time to time provide. SECTION 14. COMPLIANCE WIT,H BUILDING CODE NECES- SARY. No person, firm or corporation shall construct, erect, enlarge, remodel, repair, raise, lower, under-pin, move or wreck any building, structure, or any portion thereof in the City in violation of the Building Code, or any other law of the City. SECTION 15. BUILDINGS CONTRARY TO BUILDING CODE A NUISANCE. Any building, structure, or any portion thereof hereafter constructed, erected, enlarged, remodelled, altered, repaired, raised, lowered, under-pinned, or moved within the City in any manner contrary to the -Dro visions of the BuiH- ing Code or any law is hereby declared to be a nuisance and the person, owner, agent, architect, builder, contractor, housemover or wrecker, so constructing, erecting, enlarging, remodelling, altering, repairing, lowering, under-pinning, or moving the same contrary to any of the provisions of this Code or any law, shall be subject to the general penalty pro- vided for violations of this Code. SECTION 16. PURPORT OF THIS ACT. It is hereby affirmed that the aim and purpose of the Building Code is to secure safe and sanitary construction in order to protect public BUILDING CODE 4o health and safety and to secure justice; that it is intended that the spirit, rather than the strict letter of the provisions of the building code, shall govern in the interpretation and adminstration thereof. SECTION 17. INSPECTION OF CERTAIN BUILDINGS RE- QUIRED. The Building Inspector shall cause to be inspected!, all buildings, structures and portions thereof, which are in course of being constructed, erected, enlarged, remodelled, altered, repaired, raised, lowered, under-pinned, moved, or wrecked, in the city. The inspection shall be made from time to time and in suvh manner as shall serve the purpose intended, which pur- pose shall be to ascertain and record whether the work is being undertaken and performed in a safe manner and com- plies with the requirements of the Building Code. SECTION 18. DEVIATIONS OR VIOLATIONS IF FOUND PRO- CEDURE. The procedure in all cases of unauthorized devia- tion from or violations of the provisions of the Building Code, found on inspection shall be as follows : A written notice on forms prepared for that purpose and designating the devia- tions observed, shall be served by the Inspector, at the site and on the person or persons doing or in charge of the work being done, or responsible for or capable of correcting or causing to be corrected the deviation observed ; and if no such person shall be found, then the same shall be posted at the site in as safe and conspicuous a place as practicable and where, if unmolested, the same must certainly come to the no- tice of any person or persons either employed on the work or frequenting, or occupying the building, structure, or prem- ises, and a copy of the notice so posted shall be mailed to tlie last known address of the owner, agent, or person in control of the building or structure involved. If the notice is respected, or steps are promptly taken to correct the deviation observed and if such deviation is promptly corrected to the satisfaction of the Inspector and consistent with the requirements of the Building Code then and in such case the deviation observed will not be deemed a wilful violation of the Building Code, nor be subject to the penalty herein provided. 46 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA If the deviation of whatever nature is not promptly cor- rected in a manner consistent with the provisions of the Building Code and the urgency of the case, then the deviation shall be considered a wilful violation and the Inspector shall promptly stop the work, and if need be shall close the build- ing or structure to the public, and shall proceed to enforce the provisions and penalties of the Building Code for and in such case provided. SECTION 19. WORK MAY BE STOPPED PERMIT CAN- CELLED. Building officers are hereby empowered and di- rected to stop work on any building, structure, or portion thereof, that is being done in a reckless, unsafe, and unsani- tary manner, or with the use of defective or improper ma- terials ; and to stop any other work that in any other respect is being done contrary to the provisions of the Building Code or other requirements or any other laws of the City. The suspension of work shall be for such time as may be necessary to secure a correction of the particular violations and features complained of, or at least until a satisfactory agreement and arrangement is reached that such correction will be made; and if a Court trial is had, then the work shall be suspended and held in abeyance until the Court renders its decision. SECTION 20. CONFLICTS BETAVEEN GENERAL AND SPECIFIC PROVISIONS. Whenenever a general provision or requirement of the Building Code conflicts with a specific provision there- of, relating to the construction, equipment, maintenance, use, or location of any buildings, structure, or any portion thereof in said City then and for those cases the specific pro- vision, or requirement shall prevail and govern. SECTION 21. INVALIDITY OF ONE PORTION OF CODE SHALL NOT AFFECT THE REMAINDER. The invalidity of any section or any provision of the Building Code shall not be construed or held to invalidate any other section or any portion thereof. SECTION 22. GENERAL ENFORCEMENT OF BUILDING CODE. The duty of enforcing the Building Code primarily devolves upon the Building Inspector, but the City Marshall, the City Attorney, and Corporation Council are hereby authorized and directed to aid in enforcing said Code. BUILDING CODE 47 SECTION 23. REPORTS. The Building Inspector shall keep an accurate record of all permits issued and all fees paid or required to be paid to him, giving the name of the person paying same and the amount of fees, and slmll on the last day of each month pay over to the City Treasurer all moneys collected and file a duplicate receipt therefor with the City Clerk and shall render a report under oath each month to the City Clerk showing the transactions of his office for the preceding month and of all moneys received. He shall at the end of each municipal year make a re- port to the City Council showing the receipts and expendi- tures of his office and a detailed and comprehensive statement of all transactions pertaining to his department. He shall be responsible for the collection of all fees for permits issued. ARTICLE 2. BUILDING REQUIREMENTS IN GENERAL, NOT INCLUDING PLUMBING,, HEATING,, GAS FITTING,, AND ELECTORIAL WORK. SECTION 24. PERMITS REQUIRED. When any person, firm or corporation shall be desirous of erecting, altering, repair- ing, or wrecking any building, or part thereof he shall make application for permit so to do to the Building Inspector up- on a regular form to be furnished by said Inspector for such application. At the time such application is made the party applying shall furnish the Inspector with a set of plans and specifications for the intended building, remodelling, or re- pairing as the case may be, which plans and specifications shall conform to this code and to the State Building Laws. These plans and specifications shall be passed upon by the Inspector within ten days after they are delivered and if approved by him and the permit is granted he shall retain the plans and specifications in his possession for a time not to exceed a period of three months after the completion of said building. Plans and specifications so approved shall be stamped with the Inspector's approval and the date thereof, at the time that the application for a permit is approved. SECTION 25. DUTY OF CONTRACTOR TO TAKE OUT PERMIT. It shall be the duty of the Contractor, either person, firm or 48 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A corporation, to obtain and pay for all building permits before commencing to erect, construct, repair or demolish any build- ing and such contractor, firm or corporation shall be liable to all fines and penalties as set forth in the sections of this Code. SECTION 26. FEES FOR PERMITS. The fees to be charged for a permit to construct, erect, enlarge, remodel, alter, or re- pair any wall, structure, building or part thereof shall be One Dollar plus 1-10 of one per cent of the estimated total cost of the material and labor required for the proposed work, not counting plumbing and electric wiring. The fees for plumbing and electric wiring shall be such as are pro- vided in that portion of the Code pertaining to Plumbing and Electric Wiring. The fees to be charged for permits to move, raise, lower, under-pin or wreck a building or structure respectively shall be as follows : (a) For moving over, upon or in any public highway or street, any building or structure not more than one story in height and occupying not more than 16 ft. in width in the street Two Dollars. (b) For moving over, upon or in any public highway or street, any buildings or structures more than one story and not more than two stories in height Ten Dollars. (c) For moving over, upon or in any public highway, or street, buildings, or structures of more than two stories in height Twenty Dollars. (d) For moving buildings or structures when the same does not pass over, upon or in any public highway, or street or for raising, lowering, under-pinning or wrecking any building or structure One Dollar. SECTION 27. OCCUPATION OF STREET. The permit issued by the Inspector shall entitle the applicant to the use of the street in the construction of buildings. The use of streets shall be in conformity to the requirements of all laws and City Ordinances. SECTION 28. GENERAL BUILDING REQUIREMENTS. All materials used in the construction of buildings shall conform to the specification in this Code. BUILDING CODE 49 SECTION 29. FOUNDATION. All foundations shall be proportioned to the actual average load that they will have to carry in a complete and occupied building. Foundations shall not be laid on filled or made ground or on loam, or on any soil containing an admixture of organic matter and must rest on hard, sound soil. Foundations along party lines shall extend at least 4 ft. below the finished surface of the ground upon which they are built, unless footings rest on bed rock. SECTION 30. FACTORS OF SAFETY. Where the unit stress for any material is not prescribed in this code, the re- lation of allowable unit stress to the ultimate strength shall be: For metals subject to tensions of transverse stress 1 to 4 Timbers 1 to 8 Natural or artificial stone, brick or stone masonry 1 to 10 Concrete 1 to 4 SECTION 31. SAFE BEARING LOADS FOR SOILS. The fol- lowing safe bearing loads shall be used in determining the bearing strength of all soils per square foot : Material Tons. Soft clay and wet sand 1 Ordinary clay and dry sand mixed with clay 2 Dry sand and dry clay 3 Hard clay and firm coarse sand 4 Firm coarse sand and gravel : 6 SECTION 32. WEIGHT OF MATERIALS. In computing the weight of walls the following values shall be used as a mini- mum. Material Pounds per cubic foot, Brick work 115 Sandstone 170 White marble . 1 170 General Building Stone 170 Concrete 144 Paving Brick _150 50 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URKANA SECTION 33. ALLOWABLE COMPRESSIVE STRESSES AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MASONRY. (a) Allowable Stl'CSS- es in pounds per square inch on plain concrete and stone mas- onry shall not exceed the following. Ibs. Coursed rubble Portland cement mortar 200 Ordinary rubble Portland cement mortar 100 Coursed rubble lime mortar 120 Ordinary rubble lime mortar 60 First-class granite masonry, Portland cement mortar 600 First-Class lime and sandstone masonry, Portland ce- ment mortar 400 Portland cement concrete 1-2-4 mixture, machine mixed. 400 Portland cement concrete 1-2-4 mixture, hand mixed 350 Portland cement concrete 1-2^-5 mixture, machine mixed 350 Portland cement 1-2^-5 mixture, hand mixed 300 Portland cement concrete, 1-3-6 mixture, machine mixed 300 Portland cement concrete, 1-3-6 mixture, hand mixed __ 250 Natural cement concrete 1-2-5 mixture 150 (b) Allowable compression in poilnds per square inch on brick masonry shall not exceed the following: No. 1 paving brick, 1 part Portland cement, 3 parts torpedo sand 350 No. 2 pressed brick and sewer brick, mortar same re- ferred to above 250 No. 3 hard common select brick, Portland cement mor- tar, same as referred to above 200 No. 4 hard common select brick, 1 part Portland, 1 lime, 3 sand as referred to above 175 No. 5 common brick, all grades, Portland cement mortar 175 No. 6 common brick, all grades, good lime and cement mortar 125 No. 7 common brick, all grades, natural cement mortar _ 150 No. 8. common brick, all grades, good lime mortar 100 (c) Brick under Nos.'l and 2 shall not crush at less than 5,000 pounds pressure per square inch of gross area. (d) Brick under Nos. 3 and 4 shall not crush at less than 2,300 pounds pressure per square inch of gross area. BUILDING CODE 51 (e) Brick under Nos. 5, (>, 7, and 8 shall not crush at less than 1,800 pounds pressure per square inch of gross area. Sand lime brick of this crushing strength may be used where common brick is permitted. ( f ) Isolated piers of concrete, brick, or masonry shall not be higher than six times their smallest dimensions unless the above unit of stresses are reduced according to the fol- lowing formula : H I* equals C (1.25 minus ) 20 D in which formula : P is the reduced allowed unit stress. C is the unit stress in the above table. H is the height of the pier in feet. D is the least dimension of the pier in feet. (g) No pier shall exceed in height twelve times the least dimension. Weight of pier shall be added to other loads in computing load bearing on the pier. SECTION 34. DEFINITIONS OF STONE MASONRY. All ma- sonry construction shall be defined as and comply with the following : (a) Ordinary Rubble shall be defined as masonry com- posed of unsquared stones laid without attempting any regu- larity of courses or bond. (b) Coursed Rubble shall be defined as masonry having approximately level joints; stones to be roughly shaped so as to fit approximately ; joints in wall or pier to be leveled off every three (3) feet in height and to be well bonded. (c) First Class Masonry shall be defined as masonry built of stones in regular courses, the bearing surfaces of which as well as ends, to be roughly tooled off and shall be laid with alternate headers and stretchers, so as to secure perfect bond. SECTION 35. STONE. All stone walls shall be built of fiat bedded stones thoroughly bonded, and well imbedded in mortar over their entire area. SECTION 36. BRICK. All brick used in any' building shall be good quality, hard and well burned. Old brick shall 52 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A be thoroughly cleaned before using-. In brick walls every 7th course shall be a heading course. Pressed brick facing shall be bonded to their backing every seventh course, unless metal bonds are used. SECTION 37. SAND. The sand used for niortar in all buildings shall be clean, sharp and free from loam and dirt. SECTION 38. LIME MORTAR. Lime mortar shall be made of one part by volume of freshly slaked or dry hydrated lime and not more than four parts of sand. All lime used for mor- tar shall be thoroughly burned or dry hydrated of good qual- ity and thoroughly slaked before mixing with sand. SECTION 39. CEMENTS. Portland cement and Natural cement shall meet the respective requirements of the current Standard Test Specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials for these cements, and any other require- ments of the Building Inspector. No caked or lumpy cement shall be used. SECTION 40. CEMENT MORTAR, a. Dement mortar shall be made of cement and sand in the proportions of one part of cement and not more than three parts of sand by volume. b. Except in chimneys, not more than 15 per cent, of the cement by volume may be replaced by an equal volume of dry hydrated lime. The lime and cement shall be thoroughly mixed before the addition of water. The niortar shall be used immediately after water is added. c. Cement-lime mortar shall be made of one part of ce- ment, one part of slaked lime or dry hydrated lime, and not more than three parts of sand to each. All materials to be measured. SECTION 41. GYPSUM MORTAR OR PLASTER. A mortar or plaster composed of 1 part retarded gypsum, and not more than 3 parts sand, with binding material when necessary. SECTION 42. STRUCTURAL TIMBER. All timbers and wood- en beams used in buildings shall be of good sound material free from rot, large and loose knots, shakes, or any imper- fection whereby the strength may be seriously impaired. SECTION 43. ALLOWABLE WORKING STRESSES POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. BUILDING CODE 53 Direct Direct Extreme Material O'mpr'ssion Tension Shear F'b'e Str'ss Oak with grain 1)00 1000 100 1000 Oak across 800 1000 600 1000 Yellow Pine 1000 1200 70 1200 Yellow Pine across GOO : 1200 500 1200 White Pine 800 800 40 800 White Pine across _ 400 800 250 800 SECTION 44. STRUCTURAL STEEL AND IRON. ( a ) All wrought and cast structural steel and iron shall conform to the test requirements of the current Stand- ard Specifications of the American Society for Testing Ma- terials. (b) Rivet steel shall have an ultimate strength of 46,- 000 to 56,000 Ibs. per square inch. (c) All other structural steel shall show an ultimate strength of 55,000 to 65,000 Ibs per square inch. (d) No second hand rolled shapes shall be used in any structure without the written permission of the Building Inspector. (e) Steel castings shall be made from open hearth steel of soft or medium grade, and shall be practically free from blow-holes, with a reasonably clear skin and sharpness to pattern, and shall show an ultimate tensile strength of 60,000 to 70,000 Ibs. per square inch. (f) Cast Iron shall be of good foundry mixture, pro- ducing a clean, tough, gray iron. Castings shall be free from serious blow-holes, cinder spots, and cold shuts. Transverse tests on cast iron shall be made upon the l 1 /^ inch diameter "Arbitration Bar" of the American Society for Testing Ma- terials. The bar to be supported on 12-inch centers, loaded at the middle, and in no case shall it support less than 2900 pounds. Tensile tests optional. 44a. ALLOWABLE UNIT WORKING STRESSES FOR RE-INFORC- ED CONCRETE. Iii the design of re-inforced concrete struc- ture the following working stresses for concrete and steel shall be used : 54 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAXA Lbs. per Sq. In. Extreme fibre stress on concrete in compression 650 Concrete in direct compression 500 Shearing stress in concrete when diagonal tension is not re- sisted by steel 40 Shearing stress in concrete when web reinforcement is pro- protioned to resist two-thirds of the external vertical shear 120 Bond stress between concrete and plain reinforcing bars 80 Bond stress between concrete and deformed bars 100 Tensile stress in steel reinforcement 16,000 Bearing on a concrete surface having a total area at least three times the area of the loaded portion, may be taken at 37 1-2 per cent of the ultimate strength of the concrete, when when all other stresses are properly provided for. SECTION 45. TEST FOR MATERIAL. In the event tliat the building inspector requires that tests be made to determ- ine the fitness for use of any material proposed to be placed in any structure, such test shall ^e of the nature kind and character as is required by the usual standard of tests known to the trade for such material. Such test shall be made at the expense of the person or persons desiring to introduce or use the material in ques- tion. Materials so tested that are found to be below the safe and usual standards of the Building trade shall be rejected. SECTION 46. EXCAVATION. All excavations for build- ing shall be properly guarded and protected by the person, firm, or corporation causing the same to be made so as to prevent the same from becoming dangerous to life or limb, and to prevent the adjoining soil from caving. SECTION 47. FOOTINGS. Footings shall be constructed under all buildings having a brick, stone or concrete founda- tion wherever erected and shall conform to the requirements hereinbefore enumerated. Such footings shall be construct- ed of brick, concrete or stone and shall in every case be open to the inspection and subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. Said footings shall extend entirely around the building under which it is placed and under all bearing walls which are inside the main floors. BUILDING CODE 55 SECTION 48. CONSTRUCTION OF WALLS. All enclosing walls of a building; within the lire limits shall be constructed of stone, brick, concrete, iron, steel, or other incombustible material and shall be of the size and structural arrangements as are herein provided. Brick, stone and concrete buildings outside of the fire limits shall have the walls constructed in the same manner as herein provided for buildings within the fire limits. Walls of buildings that are veneered or of wooden construction shall have their walls constructed as herein- after specified. SECTION 49. WALLS AND PIERS. All walls and piers shall be carefully laid to a line and shall be carried up plumb and straight. Walls of each story shall be built up of full thickness to the top of joist. All piers shall be built of stone, concrete or selected hard, well burned brick, laid in lime or cement mortar. SECTION 50. CLASSIFICATION OF TERMS. For the pur- pose of confirming the intent and meaning of the terms used in this Ordinance it shall be understood : First. That the basement story means a story the floor of which is 3 feet or more below the grade line of the build- ing and does not extend more than 11 feet in clear and is suit- able for habitation. Second. That a business building includes all depart- ment stores and all buildings used for offices, general pur- poses and the sale of merchandise. Third. That a flat building is any building which is designed and intended to be used as a residence for three or more families and shall include lodging houses and apart- ment buildings. Fourth. That a dwelling or residence is a building used by not more than two families as a dwelling. Fifth. That an assembly hall includes schools, theaters, churches and any buildings used for the purposes of worship, instruction or entertainment. SECTION 51. THICKNESS OF WALLS. Every masonry wall of any building must be built to conform in thickness to the following schedule, except as otherwise provided in this article. Thickness is given in inches to- wit: B 1 2 3 4 5 8 8 12 12 8 16 12 12 8 20 16 12 12 8 24 20 16 12 12 8 24 24 20 16 12 12 56 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A Number of stories. B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Walls of veneered buildings shall conform in thickness find construction to the requirements for the construction of walls. No veneered building shall be more than two stores in height. Provided that in any building used wholly as a dwelling and detached from any other building and not more than two stories high, the walls shall be not less than 8 inches thick. Provided further that buildings of said description shall not be changed to serve for other purposes than dwellings, unless the walls be increased to the thickness as set forth in the foregoing schedule. SECTION 52. STORY HEIGHT. The story height shall be the distance from floor to floor of the building. Following are the maximum that shall be allowed unless the walls are made thicker as herein provided : First Story 18 feet Second Story 14 feet Third Story and up 13 feet SECTION 53. CLEAR SPAN THICKNESS. If there is to be a clear span of over 25 feet between the unsupported walls, such walls shall be 4 inches thicker than in the foregoing sec- tion specified for every 12^ feet or fraction thereof that sai'l walls are more than 25 feet apart, or shall have instead of the increased thickness such peers or buttresses as in the judg- ment of the Building Inspector may be necessary. SECTION 54. BRICK PARTITION IN BASEMENT. All sup- porting partition walls in basement shall be constructed of brick or other fire-proof material and shall be of the thickness required in this code for the support of the load upon said BUILDING CODE 57 wall, and in no case shall it be less than four inches in thick- ness. SECTION 55. WOODEN OR VENEER APARTMENT AND FLAT BUILDINGS DIVISION FIRE WALLS. If the ground area of any two story frame, or veneer apartment or flat building hereaf- ter constructed covers 4500 square feet or more in area, then there shall be constructed division walls of brick, stone, or other incombustible material extending- from front to rear and built from the basement through the floor of such build- ing as a fire wall : Provided that in all buildings covered by this section, the street frontage shall not exceed 50 feet with- out division walls from front to rear of such building con- structed as above provided. All apartment or flat buildings hereafter constructed or erected within the City, that are over two stories in height shall have the outside walls constructed of brick, stone or oth- er incombustible material extending from front to rear and from basement to the roof of said building as aforesaid. No veneered building, nor an}' frame building excepting grain elevators shall be constructed over three stories in height. SEDTION 56. FIRE WALLS TWO FEET ABOVE ROOF. When an adjoining roof comes in contact with a party wall, the said wall shall be at least two feet above the adjoining roof at all points of contact and there shall be no opening in such walls above such contact of roof. No wall shall be of less thick- ness than 8 inches. All such walls shall have copings of vitrified tile, terra cotta, stone or other incombustible ma- terial. SECTION 57. RECESSES IN WALLS. Recesses may be made in external walls, provided the thickness of the backs of such recesses be not less than 8 inches. SECTION 58. FIRE PROOF DOORS. Whenever it becomes necessary to cut an opening through or leave an opening in any party or division wall, notice shall be filed with the Building Inspector, who shall issue a permit therefor when satisfied that such opening will be protected with fire-proof door which shall be self-closing, released by a fusible link. 58 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA SECTION 59. BACKING OF WALLS FACED WITH ASHLAR MASONRY. In all walls which are faced with thin ashlar masonry, anchored to the back, or in which the ashlar has not alternate headers and stretchers in each course or alternately header and stretcher courses, the backing or brick shall not be less than 8 inches thick. Each piece of said ashlar work shall be properly anchored. The backing of all walls of what- ever material composed, shall be of such thickness as to make the walls, the facing of which is less than four inches thick, conform as to thickness, independently of the facing, with the requirements of this ordinance. SECTION 60. WOODEN GIRDERS OR LINTELS NOT ALLOWED. No person shall erect, construct or build any rear, front, party, division or partition wall of masonry upon wooden sills, girders, rafters, or lintells, or support any such wall by any wooden support whatever ; but all such supports shall be of iron, steel, brick, concrete or stone and shall rest on stone, iron, steel, or concrete, of adequate dimensions to carry and distribute the load. This shall not apply to dwellings, or other buildings not exceeding 2000 square feet in ground area, or not over two stories high erected out side of the fire limits. SECTION 61. ANCHORS. The end and side of party walls shall be anchored at each tier of beams or joists at in- tervals of not more than ten feet with good strong, wrought iron anchors at least % by 1^ inches well built into the wall and fastened into the beam, and where the beams are sup- ported by girders the end of the beams resting on the girders shall be butted together end to end and properly tied together at the same distance apart and in the same beams as the wall anchors and shall be well fastened. All wall anchors shall run within 4 inches of the opposite side of the wall, where they do not run through the wall. SECTION 62. FLOOR BEANS OR JOISTS. Floor beams or joists shall have a bearing of at least 4 inches at each end. The butts or ends of all floor beams and rafters entering a brick wall shall be cut on a splay of three inches. SECTION 63. TRIMMERS AND HEADERS HUNG IN STIR- RUPS. Every trimmer or header more than 4 feet long, or tail BUILDING CODE 59 joist used in floors of any building, except dwellings, shall be hung- in stirrup irons of suitable length for weight to be sup- ported. SECTION 64. ROOF AND FLOOR TIMBERS NOT TO GO THROUGH WALL. Roof and floor timbers entering the same wall from opposite sides shall have at least 4 inches of solid brick work between the ends of said timbers, excepting foun- dation walls in dwelling houses. SECTION 65. FLOOR TIMBERS NOT TO ENTER CHIMNEY WALL. All floor beams, joists and headers shall be kept at least 2 inches clear of any wall enclosing a fire flue, or chim- ney breast. SECTION 66. FURRED WALLS AND CHIMNEYS. In all walls and chimneys furred with wood, two courses of the brick work between the ends and opposite the wood beams or joists shall project the thickness of the furring beyond the inner face of the wall. SECTION 67. CHIMNEYS. All chimneys shall be built of brick, stone or other incombustible material, and whether built inside or outside of buildings, or whether connected with same or isolated, shall have foundation designed and built in conformity with the provisions relative to the foun- dations of buildings herein specified. Chimneys in all buildings shall have walls at least 8 inches thick of brick, unless fire clay linings are used, in which case 4 inches of brick work may be omitted : Provided that chimneys for stoves in small residences and the like may be constructed with walls four inches in thickness when the mortar is spread over the entire surface and ends of the bricks to the entire satisfaction and approval of the Build- ing Inspector. Every chimney not forming a part of the wall shall rest upon the ground or other sufficient fire proof foun- dation. All chimneys or smoke flues occurring in masonry walls shall have a wall 8 inches thick at the back and when corbled out shall be supported by at least five courses of brick, but shall not be corbled over wall more than 2-3 of the thickness of the wall. If supported by pipes the same shall start from the foundation of the same face with the chimney above. All 60 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA chimneys occurring in brick walls shall be bonded to the walls at every five courses from the bottom to the top in reg- ular bond. Sheet metal flues enclosed in vent flues are prohibited. All chimneys shall be topped out at least 4 feet above the top of the roof at the highest point of contact, if a flat roof, and at least 2 feet above the ridge of a pitched roof. No chimney flue shall be less than 60 inches in area when used as a smoke flue. No timber of any kind shall rest on chimney walls, but in all cases framing timbers shall be at least 2 inches away from the outer face of the chimney walls, ex- cept that corbled brick fire-stops may be used between the chimneys and joists as in case of walls. All brick smoke flues, stacks or chimneys hereafter erect- ed having a sectional area greater than 260 square inches, but less than 500 square inches shall be surrounded by walls not less than 8 inches thick and shall comply in all respects to the requirements of the ordinance relative to flues in brick walls. Brick smoke flues, chimneys or stacks having a sec- tional area greater than 500 square inches shall have hollow walls in which the combined thickness of the enclosing walls shall be at least 12 inches and the air space between the in- ner and outer walls shall not be less than 2 inches. For a dis- tance of 2 feet below the smoke inlet and at least 10 feet above it, such flue, chimney, or stack together with opening for smoke pipe shall be lined with fire brick, laid in fire clay mortar. SECTION 68. FLOOR LOADS. The dead loads in all build- ings shall consist of the actual weight of walls, floors, roof, partition and all permanent construction. The live or vari- able loads shall consist of all loads other than dead loads. Every floor shall be of sufficient strength to bear safely the weight to be imposed thereon, in addition to the weight of the materials of which the floor is composed. If a building be used as a dwelling house, tenement, or apartment house, hospital, or lodging house each floor shall be of sufficient strength in all its parts to bear safely upon every square foot of its surface a live load of not less than 50 pounds. BUILDING CODE 6! If it be used for office purposes, to bear a live load of not less than 75 pounds upon every square foot above the first floor and for the first floor 100 pounds. If it be used for stable or garage purposes, a live load of not less than 85 pounds upon every square foot. If it be used for church, assembly hall, ordinary store, light manufacturing and light storage, a live load of not less than 100 pounds upon every square foot of floor above the first floor and not less than 150 pounds for the first floor. If it be used as store where heavy materials are kept stored, warehouse, factory or other manufacturing or com- mercial purposes, not less than 200 pounds per square foot. The roofs of all buildings shall be proportioned to bear safely 25 pounds upon every square foot of horizontal pro- jection in addition to the weight composing the same. Ver- tical supports shall be of sufficient strength to bear safely the weight of each and every floor depending upon it for support in addition to the weight required as before stated, to be supported upon said portion of said floor. The weight placed on any floor of any building, shall be safely distrib- uted thereon. The Building Inspector shall require the owner or occupant of any building or any portion thereof, to redistribute the load on any floor or to lighten such load where he deems it necessary. SECTION 69. WIND LOADS. All buildings shall be de- signed to resist a horizontal wind pressure of 30 Ibs. per square foot for every square foot of exposed vertical surface. In no case shall the overturning moment due to wind pres- sure exceed seventy-five per cent of the moment of stability of the building due to the dead load only. SECTION 70. SKELETON STEEL OR IRON CONSTRUCTION. The term skeleton construction shall apply to all buildings wherein all loads and strains shall be transmitted to the foundation by a frame work of metal. This frame work shall have its several parts riveted or bolted to each other at every junction. At each row of floor and roof beams lateral connections shall be made in such manner as to rigidly con- nect the beams and girders with each other. 62 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA Fire proof buildings with skeleton construction in their enclosing walls shall have these walls of a thickness no less than 12 inches thoroughly anchored to iron skeleton which shall be of adequate strength to carry the story independ- ently of the walls below them. All vertical iron or steel work in buildings of this character shall be protected by a covering of fire proof material not less than four inches in thickness and well bedded in cement mortar and all joints made full and solid. All beams and girders forming support for floors in such building, shall be covered with approved fire proof material so applied as to be supported by said beam and girders and shall be protected at the top and bottom of all, such beams and girders with at least 2 inches of fire proof material. Brick, hollow tile, porous terra cotta, or approved cement concrete shall be used in the construction of roof and floors of fire proof buildings and sliall.be of adequate strength to carry required loads. Fire proof partitions in buildings shall be of Brick not less than 4 inches thick or of partition blocks not less than three inches thick. All stairways in such buildings shall be entirely of fire proof material. Fire proof buildings hav- ing complete skeleton construction of steel, reinforced ce- ment construction or combination of both, so calculated as to resist all the strains and loads that may come on the struc- ture shall have their division walls of reinforced concrete 6 inches thick for the two upper stories and 7 inches thick for the two stories next below, increasing one inch for each two stories or parts thereof: Provided such walls shall be calculated to carry their own weight, and shall be of a construction approved by the best authority. SECTION 71. STAIRS. All buildings erected or subse- quently altered for use as a store, factory, hotel, apartment building, or lodging house, except as herein otherwise pro- vided, covering an area of not more than 4500 square feet shall be provided with two stairways, each not less than 3 feet G inches in width. Buildings whose area exceeds 4500 square feet and does not exceed 7500 square feet shall be provided with two stair- ways, neither of which shall be less than 4 feet in width. BUILDING CODE 63 For buildings exceeding 7500 square feet in area, the stairway shall be increased 6 inches for each 500 square feet additional area, provided that additional stairways may be built to make the aggregate width ; but in no case shall any stairway be less than 3 feet 6 inches in width. Said stair- ways shall be built from different parts of the area. Tenement houses, apartments, flat buildings, lodging- houses and hotels more than two stories high shall have par- titions adjacent to and enclosing stairways constructed of brick or tile. The thickness and construction of these parti- tions shall be the same as provided for division walls. The use of circular stairs, or stairs with winders as the principal stairway shall not be allowed in any building except dwelling houses. Stairs shall not lead from the sidewalk or street to any story of the building on the outside of such building. SECTION 72. CARRYING CAPACITY OF STAIRWAYS. The carrying capacity of all stairways shall not be less than 150 pounds per square foot of their entire horizontal surface. SECTION 73. BOILERS FOR HEATING ETC. LOCATION. No boiler used for heating or for motive power shall be placed on any floor above the cellar floor, unless same is set upon an incombustible platform or floor constructed en- tirely of steel, iron, reinforced concrete or tile without com- bustible material. In the setting of all boilers the established practice of the best Engineering authorities shall be followed. All boiler rooms hereafter constructed in any building other than dwelling houses shall have their walls, ceilings and floors thoroughly protected with brick, concrete, tile, or other fire proof material. SECTION 74. SMOKE PIPES. No smoke pipe shall pass through any floor, nor through a non-fireproof roof. Smoke pipes for large cooking ranges, hot air furnaces, low pres- sure steam or hot water boilers shall be not less than 18 in- ches below any wood lath and plaster or other combustible ceiling, unless at least the upper half of such smoke pipe is properly protected by 1 inch or more of asbestos covering or its equivalent, or by a metal casing spaced 2 inches from the upper half of the pipe. If so protected smoke pipes shall be not less than 9 inches from any wood lath and plaster 64 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A construction, woodwork or other combustible material. Smoke pipes from ordinary stoves shall be not less than 9 inches from any exposed woodwork. Where a smoke pipe passes through a wood lath and plaster or other combustible partition or wall, a section of the partition or wall shall be removed and the smoke pipe so placed that no part of it shall be nearer than 12 inches to any remaining combustible part of the partition. The section of the partition or wall so removed shall be replaced by approved fireproof material only, and an air space of at least 2 inches shall be preserved entirely around the smoke pipe. SECTION 75. SKY LIGHTS. Within the fire limits sky- lights shall have their sides, sash and frames of metal, or wood covered with metal and shall be glazed with wire glass, or protected with heavy wire nettings. SECTION 76. CORNICES,, BAYS, ORIELS, AND TOWERS. Within the fire limits cornices, bays, oriels and towers shall be constructed of or completely covered with metal, tile, brick, stone, concrete or other fire proof material. SECTION 77. CONDUCTOR PARTS. The water from all roofs shall be carried to ground in metal conductor pipes and these pipes connected with drainage system. Such pipes shall be maintained in good condition. SECTION 78. DRYING ROOMS. All walls, ceilings and partitions composing dry rooms shall be made of fire proof material, or shall be plastered on wire lath, or covered with tile or other incombustible material. SECTION 79. WARM AIR PIPES. Horizontal hot air pipes in the cellar or basement shall be placed at least six (6) in- ches below the floor beams or ceiling and shall be covered with not less than one ( 1 ) ply asbestos paper pasted to pipe ; if the floor beams or ceilings are plastered on metal lath, or if the hot air pipes are covered with three (3) ply asbestos paper, then the distance of the hot air pipes shall not be less than two (2) inches from the ceiling. Paper shall weigh fourteen (14) ounces to the square yard. SECTION 80. PROJECTION OF BUILDING. The face of no portion of any building above the level of its main water BUILDING CODE 65 table shall project beyond the lot line. The use of any part of the sidewalk for any portion whatever of any building is prohibited. Bays, oriels, balconies and signs shall not pro- ject over the lot line. No bays, oriels, or balconies on that part of the building adjacent to the lot line shall exceed fif- teen feet in width, nor shall the aggregate width of the bays, oriels, or balconies on any building along any lot line exceed one-half of the total frontage of said building on said lot line. SECTION 81. SCUTTLES. All buildings having flat roofs two stories or more in height shall have scuttles with proper frames and covers, or with bulk-heads and doors on the roof made and covered with metal or other fire proof material. All scuttles or bulk heads shall have stationary ladders or stairs leading thereto and such ladder or stairs shall be at all times kept free from obstruction and ready for use. All scut- tles or doors shall be no less in size than 2x3 feet. All scut- tles or doors shall be fastened by double bolts or hooks on the inside only. SECTION 82. WOODEN ROOF PROHIBITED IN FIRE LIMITS. No roof covered with wooden shingles or other easily combus- tible material shall be erected within the fire limits. SECTION 83. PARTITIONS. Partitions of wood shall not be employed for the support of any floor or roof except in dwellings and in store buildings not over two stories in height. No hollow tile partitions shall be used for bearing wall if less than 8 inches in thickness, nor if of greater height than 15 feet. SECTION 84. BILL BOARDS FRONTAGE CONSENT REQUIRED. No person, firm or corporation shall erect or construct any new bill board, or maintain any bill board or sign board, in any block on any public street in which one half of the build- ings on both sides of the street are used exclusively for resi- dence purposes, without first obtaining the consent in writ- ing of the owners, or duly authorized agents of said owners owning the majority of the frontage of the property on both sides of the street in the block in which such bill board or sign board is to be erected, constructed, located or main- tained. Such written consent shall be filed with the Building 66 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA Inspector before the permit shall be issued for the erection, construction, location or maintainance of said bill board or sign board. SECTION 85. FENCES. No wooden fence shall be con- structed of height of more than 8 feet above the sidewalk grade. SECTION 86. WINDOWS IN LODGING OR APARTMENT BUILD- INGS. No room in a lodging or apartment building shall be constructed unless it has at least two windows opening into the external air, which window shall be of an area equal to 1-10 of the superficial area of such room. SECTION 87. LIGHT AND AIR COURTS, FOR HABITABLE ROOMS. Light and air courts for habitable rooms shall be not less than 60 square feet in area for two story houses, 90 square feet in area for three story houses, 120 square feet in area for four story houses, 150 square feet for five story houses and in no case less than 6 feet wide in the clear. Shafts common to two houses shall be double the above areas. Every court or light shaft in said building used wholly or in part for apartments, flats or buildings for business purposes shall be opened and unobstructed from the floor of such court to the open air with the exception that fire escapes may be built therein ; and such court upon the lot line shall have its walls constructed or covered with fire proof material within the fire limits. All windows or othei openings on such lot line shall have all sash glazed with wire glass. SECTION 88. MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF LOT TO BE COVERED BY APARTMENT OR DWELLING. No building hereafter used for an apartment, dwelling or residence shall cover more than 75 per cent of the lot area, when said building is erected on a corner lot ; and not more than 60 per cent of the lot area, when erected on an inside lot. The remaining portion of said lot shall be left open for yard space and ventilation and shall be unobstructed to the sky except that fire escapes may be erected therein. When a building is erected on a lot for business purposes in the lower portion, and the upper por- tion of said building is to be used for residence purposes, the lower or business portion of said building may cover the en- BUILDING CODE 67 tire area of the lot, but the part of said building used for res- idence purposes shall not cover more than 00 per cent of the entire area of said lot. The lower floor of the part of the building used for residence purposes shall not exceed 14 feet above the grade line of the building. SECTION 89. BOUNDARIES OF FIRE LIMITS. All that part of the City embraced within the following described bounda- ries is hereby fixed and established as the fire limits of the City viz : Beginning at the intersection of the middle line of Vine Street and Green Street and running thence in a west- erly direction along the center line of Green Street to the West line of Birch Street thence North on the West line of Birch Street and the West line of Birch Street extended to the center line of Main Street, thence East on the center line of Main Street to the center line of Central Avenue, thence North on the center line of Central Avenue for a distance of 200 feet North of the center line of the Main track of the C. C. C. and St. L. Kailway, thence in an easterly direction following a line 200 feet north of the center line of the Main track of the C. C. C. and St. L. Kailway to the center line of Vine Street extended, thence South on the center line of Vine Street to the point of beginning. All such territory shall hereafter be known and designated as the fire limits of the City of Urbana. SECTION 90. PERMITS FOR WOODEN BUILINGS WITHIN FIRE LIMITS. Within said fire limits no wooden buildings shall be erected, or placed, or repaired, except as in this ordi- nance provided, and the exterior wall of all buildings barns, stables, sheds, houses or structures, (except privies, coal-houses, or wood sheds for private use) hereafter built or erected within the aforesaid fire limits, shall be constructed of brick, stone, iron, steel, glass, concrete or granite, or a combi- nation of one of more of such materials. The use of wood, plank or lumber, or wooden material covered with sheet-iron or tin, in the construction or building of any such exterior walls, without permission first having been obtained from the City Council, is hereby expressly prohibited. The roofs and skylights of all such buildings, houses or structures (other than privies, coal-houses or wood-sheds) 68 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA hereafter built or erected within said fire limits shall be cov- ered outwardly with iron, glass, slate, or some non-combusti- ble material. The use of shingles, boards, wooden material, or any other easily combustible material in the outer cover- ing- of such roofs is hereby expressly prohibited. SECTION. 91. PERMISSION GIVEN FOR ERECTION OF WOODEN BUILDINGS IF EXPEDIENT. The City Council by a two-thirds vote at any regular, adjourned or special meeting called for that purpose, may upon application, grant permission to the person or persons making such application, to erect a wooden building if deemed expedient when it will not endanger con- tiguous buildings. Provided, such buildings to be erected are of good and substantial character. SECTION 92. No WOODEN BUILDING TO BE ENLARGED OR REMOVED. No wooden building or part of building within the fire limits shall be enlarged or removed to any other place within said limits; nor shall any such building be removed from without into the fire limits. SECTION 93. DISOBEDIENCE OF ORDINANCE. Any owner, builder or other person who shall own, build or aid in the erection of any building or structure or any addition to any building or structure within said fire limits contrary to the provisions of this chapter, or shall remove or assist in remov- ing any wooden building within said limits from one place to another therein, or who shall remove or assist in removing any such building from without said limits into the same, contrary to the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to the general penalty as provided in this code. And the owner or owners of said buildings shall be subject to a like penalty for every forty-eight hours that he, she, or they, shall fail to remove the same from within the fire limits after being noti- fied by the Mayor, or City Marshal so to do: Provided that when any building in part destroyed by fire or on account of a conflagration, is not damaged to the extent of fifty per cent of the total value, the same may be repaired. SECTION 94. NOTICE OF ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE. Any wooden building which may be erected, placed or repaired within said fire limits, contrary to the provisions of this ordi- nance, is hereby declared a nuisance, and it is hereby made BUILDING CODE 69 the duty of the Mayor to notify in writing the owner, occu- pant or builder of any wooden building erected, placed or re- paired within said fire limits, contrary to the provisions of this chapter, to abate such nuisance within forty -eight hours from the service of such notice, and in case such owner, occu- pant, or builder shall fail to abate such nuisance within the time specified in such notice, it is hereby made the further duty of said Mayor to cause such nuisance to be abated by razing such wooden building to the ground. SECTION 94 a. DAMAGED BUILDINGS TO BE REMOVED. When any building within the fire limits shall have been damaged by fire, decay or otherwise, to the extent of fifty per cent of the original value of the same, such building shall be torn down or removed outside of said fire limits. SECTION 94b. PROCEDURE FOR CONDEMNATION OF BUILD- ING. Whenever any person shall make complaint in writing under oath to the Police Magistrate that any building with- in the fire limits of the city has been damaged by fire, decay or otherwise to the extent of fifty per cent of its original value, describing the premises and giving the owner's name and address, such magistrate shall issue a notice to such owner, embodying the substance of such complaint, and de- liver the same to some constable or policeman of the city to be served by him upon such owner, commanding such owner to appear before such Magistrate at a time therein specified, not less than five days nor more than ten days from date of such notice and at the time and place fixed in such notice: Provided ,that the return of such notice shall show that such owner had been served with said notice by reading the same to him or by leaving a true copy of the same at the place of residence of such owner with some member of the family over the age of twelve years, three days before the time fixed for the hearing: Provided, further that in case the owner of any such building is a non-resident of the County of Cham- paign, Illinois, the officer having the notice shall send the same to such owner by mail, by registered letter, directed to him at his post-office address, if known, deliver a copy to his agent, if known, not less than ten days prior to such hearing and retain a copy thereof. If no owner or his agent can be 70 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA found in the County aforesaid, and the owner's place of resi- dence is unknown, or if the owner is unknown, then such of- ficer shall cause such notice to be published at least twice in some newspaper published in the City, which last publica- tion shall be not less than ten days prior to such hearing. Proof of service by either of the foregoing methods shall be deemed a sufficient notice to all persons interested. At the time fixed for said trial, the Police Magistrate shall im- panel a jury of twelve disinterested free holders of the Coun- ty of Champaign and State of Illinois, who after being duly sworn fairly and impartially to ascertain if the building in issue shall have been damaged by fire, decay or otherwise to the extent of fifty per cent of its value, hear the evidence and view the building at issue, and after hearing the arguments of counsel, bring in a verdict according to the facts and evi- dence in the case. In case the jury find a verdict that such building has been damaged by fire, decay or otherwise to the extent of fifty percent of its value, the Police Magistrate shall record a judgment and direct such owner to remove from the fire limits aforesaid or tear down such building within thirty days from the entry of such judgement and order; and the Police Magistrate shall make out a certified copy of such judgement and order and deliver the same to some constable or policeman, who shall deliver the same to such owner of said building immediately : Provided, where such owner is a non-resident of the County, service of said certified copy of said judgement and order shall be made in like manner as is heretofore provided for service of said no- tice in case of non-resident owner. In default of such owner to remove such building from out the fire limits, or to tear down the same within the said thirty days, the City Marshal of the City shall remove said building from the fire limits aforesaid, or tear down the same, the cost or ex- penses of which removal or tearing down shall be charged to such owner, and if not paid by such owner, the same shall be collected by suit in the name of the City against such owner. At the impaneling of such jury, the owner and the prosecutor shall have a right to three peremptory challenges BUILDING CODE 71 each, and to challenge any juror for prejudice, interest or any other just cause. SECTION 94 c. REMOVAL OF DAMAGED BUILDINGS PEN- ALTY. Whenever any building has been ordered to be torn down or removed in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing sections of this chapter, and the owner thereof refuses, neglects or fails to tear down or remove the same within thirty days from the date of the entry of such order upon the docket of the Magistrate, then such person shall be subject to the general penalties as provided in this ordinance. Each separate day the owner neglects or refuses to comply with the order of the court shall be deemed a separate of- fense. SECTION 95. APPOINTMENT OF FIRE WARDENS. There shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council, one Alderman from each ward as Fire Wardens, whose duties it shall be to see to the enforcement of all ordi- nances for the prevention and extinguishment of fires; and to visit all buildings within their respective wards as often as may be required by the City Council and report all viola- tions. The said Fire Wardens shall receive such compensa- tion of their services as the City Council may direct, not to exceed three dollars each per day, for such time as necessarily employed. SECTION 96. DUTY OF FIRE WARDENS. It shall be the duty of the Aldermen of the different wards who may be .se- lected as Fire Wardens by the City Council to see that the provisions of the foregoing sections are complied with ; to examine all buildings and premises within their respective wards to ascertain if they are in a safe condition and if the requirements of this chapter have been complied with; and for this purpose the said Aldermen, or Fire Wardens shall have power and authority to enter into and upon all build- ings and premises in the said City. SECTION 97. DANGEROUS BUILDINGS A NUISANCE. Any building or part thereof, or any structure of like nature in a condition dangerous to the occupants, or to any adjacent building by reason of bad condition of walls, overloading floors, defective heating apparatus, vibrations from machin- 72 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA ery, defective flues, confined or cramped stairways, insuffi- cient exits, narrow or dark passageways, or which are un- safe or dangerous for the purpose for which it is used or in- tended to be used, or is in danger of being set on fire from any defect in its construction, or is especially dangerous in case of fire by reason of its dilapidated condition, or defective construction, or other causes which may be prejudicial to the public health or the health of the inhabitants of the neighbor- hood shall be deemed and is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. SECTION 97 a. REPORT OF EXISTENCE OF SUCH BUILDING REFERRED TO COMMITTEE, ETC. Whenever any such building or part of building shall be reported to the City Council, the matter shall be referred to some committee of the City Coun- cil, who shall examine such building or part of building, and report the condition thereof ; and if the City Council shall be satisfied that such building or part thereof is a public nui- sance, by reason of any of the causes mentioned in the last preceding section of this chapter, they may by the passage of an ordinance or resolution declare such building or por- tion thereof to be a nuisance, stating the causes thereof, and require the owner or occupant of such building or part of building, or other person liable therefor, to remove such building or part thereof as the case may be without the city limits, or demolish or tear down such building or part there- of, or to make good and properly secure any such defect in such building or otherwise to abate such nuisance within such time as they may deem necessary. SECTION 07 b. MAYOR TO FURNISH CITY MARSHALL WITH NOTICE WHAT NOTICE SHALL CONTAIN. The Mayor shall, without delay, after the passage of such ordinance or resolu- tion mentioned in the last preceding section of this chapter, make out, sign, and deliver to the City Marshall a notice con- taining a copy of such ordinance or resolution, directed to the owner of such building or part of building, requiring him to remove the said building or part thereof as the case may be without the city limits, or to demolish and tear down such building or part thereof, or to make good and properly secure any such defect in such building or otherwise to abate such BUILDING CODE 73 nuisance, in compliance with said notice. The Marshal shall, without delay, serve such notice upon the owner of such ouilding or part of building, or his agent, and the person in actual possession thereof, if any, retaining a copy thereof; but if the owner is a non-resident of the city and has no agent residing in this city, the Marshal shall send the notice by mail, by registered letter, directed to him at his post-office address, retaining a copy thereof. If no owner or his agent can be found in the city, and the owner's place of residence is unknown, or if the owner is unknown, the Marshal shall cause the notice to be published at least twice in some new r s- paper printed and published in the city. Proof of either of the foregoing forms of notice shall be deemed a sufficient notice to all persons concerned. If any such building or part of building shall not be removed, demolished or torn down, or defect shall not be made good and properly secured, or said nuisance is not otherwise abated in compliance with such notice at the expiration of the time therein named, the Mayor shall order the City Marshall or other police officer to remove, demolish or tear down such building or part of building or so much thereof as may be necessary, or other structure or apparatus mentioned in said ordinance or reso- lution, or in some manner to remedy such danger and abate such nuisance. SECTION 97 c. NEGLECT OR REFUSAL BY OWNER TO REME- DY DEFECT. Any owner of any building, who shall when noti- fied as herein provided so to do, neglect or refuse to remove, demolish or tear down the same ; or any such owner or any oc- cupant thereof who shall neglect or refuse to make good or perfectly secure any defect or otherwise to abate such nui- sance in compliance with such notice, shall be subject to the general penalties as provided in this ordinance. SECTION 98. ELEVATORS, PASSENGER OR FREIGHT. Pas- senger or freight elevators shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Building Officers. All passenger and freight elevators in buildings not fire proof shall be enclosed with an incombustible wall and enclosing doors from top to bottom, except in sprinkled risks. 74 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA ARTICLE III. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. SECTION 99. CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY REQUIRED. Any person now engaged in, or hereafter engaging in the business of plumbing, or who may desire to engage in such business as a Master Plumber or Employing Plumber, or a Journeyman Plumber shall obtain a certificate as to his competency to engage in such business in the manner hereinafter provided. SECTION 100. APPLICATION EXAMINATION. Any person now engaged in the business of plumbing, or who may desire to engage in such business either as a Master Plumber or Employing Plumber, or as Journeyman Plumber shall make application to the Board of Examiners hereinafter provided and shall at such time and place as said Board may desig- nate undergo such examination as to his qualifications and competency to engage in such business, as said Board of Examiners may direct. Examination may be made in whole or in part in writing and shall be of a practical character sufficiently strict however to test the qualifications of the applicant; which examination shall in all respects comply with the Statutes of the State of Illinois. SECTION. 101. CERTIFICATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS CRE- ATED. There is hereby created a Board of Examiners of Plumbers consisting of three members one of whom shall be the Chairman of the Board of Health of said City who shall be ex-office Chairman of said Board of Examiners, the second member who shall be a Master Plumber and a third member who shall be a Journeyman Plumber. Said second and third members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council at the same time and in the same manner as the other officers are appointed and shall hold their offices during the municipal year and until their successors are duly appointed. One of the members of said Board appointed by the Mayor shall be chosen by the Board to act as Secretary and no one of said members of said Board of Examiners shall sell or be interested in the BUILDING CODE 75 sale of any material to be used in the examination of plumbers. SECTION 102. MEETING OF BOARD EXAMINATION. Said Board of Examiners shall from time to time meet and desig- nate the times and. places for the examination of all appli- cants desiring to be engaged in or work at the business of plumbing within the jurisdiction of said Board, and shall examine said applicants as to their practical knowledge of plumbing, house drainage and plumbing ventilation. Two members of said Board shall compose a quorum and no examination shall be held without a quorum of said Board being present. SECTION 103. CERTIFICATE How TO OBTAIN FEES RE- NEWAL FAILURE TO PASS KE-EXAMINATION. If the Board is satisfied as to the competency of any such applicant and upon payment by such applicant to the City Clerk of the fee hereinafter provided said Board shall issue a certificate to such applicant authorizing him to engage in or work at the business of plumbing as Master Plumber, Employing Plumber, or Journeyman Plumber as the case may be and according to the terms of the application made by such applicant. The fees for the examination and certificate of a Master Plumber, or Employing Plumber shall be Fifty Dollars, and for the examination and certificate of a Jour- neyman Plumber One Dollar. Such certificates shall be valid and in force for a period of one year and may be re- newed upon their expiration by the payment to the City Clerk in advance of an annual renewal fee of $10.00 for the certificate of a Master Plumber or Employing Plumber, or the payment in advance of an annual renewal fee of $1.00 for a certificate of a Journeyman Plumber. Applicants failing to pass the examination shall be notified of such failure and may after a lapse of six months, again file an application the same as an original or first application. The fee for a certificate must accompany the application. Master Plumbers and Employing Plumbers failing to pass the examination shall have fee for certificate returned, except $1.00 shall be retained as an examination fee. No return of fee will be made to an applicant for Jour- 76 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA neyman Plumber who fails to pass the examination, such fee will be retained as an examination fee. SECTION 104. CERTIFICATE FAILURE TO SECURE- WORK NOT TO BE INSPECTED No PERMIT ISSUED. Any pluni- ber who has not complied with the foregoing provisions of this article and obtained the certificate prescribed as above, or a certificate from a Board of Examiners of Plumbers, of any other City, Town or Village in accordance with the provisions of an Act of the Legislature entitled "An Act to Provide for the Licensing of Plumbers and to Inspect Plumbing," in force July 1, 1897 and any and all amend- ments thereof shall not be entitled to have the work inspected and approved by the Department of Buildings; and said Department shall not inspect or ap.prove any work done by any plumber who has not obtained such certificate, nor issue any permit for plumbing work to any other than a Master Plumber. SECTION 105. LISTING CERTIFICATES. Said certificates shall be listed with and a record thereof shall be kept by the Building Inspector in his office. Said record shall show the name of the person to whom each certificate has been issued, whether he is a Master or Employing Plumber, or is a Journeyman Plumber, the date of issuing same and by what Board of Examiners issued, also the date of revocation thereof if the same shall have been revoked ; and said record shall be open at all reasonable times to public inspection. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Board of Exami- ners to furnish said list to the Building Inspector. SECTION 1.06. CERTIFICATE MASTER AND EMPLOYING PLUMBERS TO BE RESPONSIRLE FOR JOUNEYMAN. It shall be the duty of all Master and Employing Plumbers upon en- gaging any Journeyman' Plumber to obtain the number of said Journeyman Plumber's certificate and to enter in a book or on a card kept for that purpose, his name and place of residence, certificate number and Examining Board issuing same; and such record shall be kept of all plumbers doing work for such Master or Employing Plumber in the City. No Master or Employing Plumber shall employ any one to do any plumbing work in the City unless he shall hold BUILDING CODE 77 a certificate or renewal issued by a regularly organized Examining Board in the State of Illinois. SECTION 107. PERMIT FOR WORK NECESSARY BOND. It shall be unlawful to install or alter any plumbing or drainage work in the city without a permit being first issued therefor by the Building Inspector. No such permit shall be issued by said Inspector unless the person applying therefor shall hold a certificate or a renewal, as prescribed in this ordinance and, at the time of such application, shall have on file in the office of the City Clerk, a bond in the sum of One Thousand ($1000) Dollars, with surities approved by the City Council, which said bond at the time of application, is in full force and effect, which bond shall be conditioned among other tilings that the applicant will indemify and save harmless the City of Urbana, from all accidents and damages arising from any negligence or unskillfulness in the execution, or protection of his work, or from any unfaithful or inadequate work done under or by virtue of any permit that may be issued to him by said Inspector and that lie will also if required by the City re- store the streets, sidewalks and pavements over any pipe he may lay and fill all the excavations made by him, so as to leave said streets, sidewalks and pavements in as good con- dition as he found them, and will keep and maintain the same in good order for a reasonable time thereafter to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets; and further conditioned that he will pay all fines that may be imposed upon him for a violation of any ordinance, rules, or regula- tions adopted by the City Council relating thereto, and that he will conform to all of the lawful regulations of the City pertaining to the business of plumbing in accordance with the Ordinances. SECTION 108. SUPERVISION OF PLUMBING WORK. All work as defined under this head shall be performed under the supervision of a properly certified Employing, or Master Plumber. SECTION 109. PLANS FILING OF. Every Plumber and Drain Layer before commencing the construction of new, or the reconstruction of old work or the alteration of or addi- 78 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA tion to any pipe or pipes connected with City water system, or any public or private sewer or drain shall file with the Department of Buildings a plan of all work expected to be done. Charts and sketches, illustrating the application of the various features of this ordinance pertaining to the installation of piping, fixtures, etc., shall be kept on file in the office of the Building Inspector. SECTION 110. FEES PERMITS. Before permits are issued the following fees for permits shall be paid to the Building Inspector : For permission to connect with the sanitary sewer or storm water drain and inspection thereof the sum of one dollar ; For making an excavation in any of the public streets or alleys, for the purpose of laying or replacing, or repair- ing any drain tile or connection, gas pipes, or telephone con- duits, or appurtenances belonging to the service of any public service corporation or for any other purpose, one dollar; For each fixture for plumbing installed in new buildings or for the addition to or alteration of existing plumbing, fifty cents. The word fixture here means all openings left for waste pipes, whether the fixtures are set or not. SECTION 111. PLANS TO BE APPROVED BY BUILDING IN- SPECTOR. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to examine such plans as specified in this article and upon finding that all requirements have been met and if there is no reason to the contrary he shall affix his approval and signature and issue the necessary permit or permits. Said plans shall be numbered and filed in his office for reference. In refering to this plan or permit, the plumber shall use said plan number and plainly mark all applications for tests, etc., with such plan number. SECTION 112. PLANS CHANGES IN SAME. Any plum- ber or drain layer who shall contemplate making any change in the installation, or make any additions or alterations after a plan has been approved, shall first make the nec- essary changes on his original plan and application and if additional fixtures are to be installed pay the fee for same and receive the approval of the Building Inspector before proceeding with such work. BUILDING CODE 70 SECTION 113. SANITARY REQUIREMENTS IN BUILDING, ETC. All dwelling' houses hereafter erected and all apartment houses, school houses, theatres, assembly halls jiiid churches, factories, hotels, boarding and lodging houses restaurants, depots and waiting stations, office buildings, public laundries, wash houses or cleaning establishments, public garages, public or private barns or stables when located where a water supply and sewerage system are reas- onably accessible shall be provided with sanitary equipment. SECTION 114. SEPARATE TOILETS. Separate toilet ac- romodations for both" males and females shall be provided in all school houses, theatres, assembly halls, churches, factories, hotels, boarding and lodging houses containing 10 or more sleeping rooms, and in office buildings. SECTION 115. SEPTIC TANKS. When no public sewer is provided for the premises the house sewer must empty into a septic tank located not less than 30 feet from a building- of human habitation, except as hereinafter pro- vided. Overflow from septic tanks must be carried to a point where it will connect to outlet with surface drain. SECTION 11G. CESS POOLS. Tight or leeching cess pools may be used to receive the discharge from the house sewer only when written permission to that effect has been secured from the Board of Health. Each septic tank or cess pool is to be built in accordance with plans on file in the office of the Building Inspector. SECTION 117. CESS POOLS PROHIBITED. No cess pool for sewage shall be constructed where a sewer is available, nor shall any connection from such cess pool be connected with any sewer. Cess pools now existing in premises ac- cessible to a sewer must be discontinued, emptied of their contents, cleaned out and be filled with earth or clean i cinders and the house sewer shall be disconnected from such cess pool and be connected with the public sewer. SECTION 118. LOCATION OF CESS POOLS.. No leeching cess pool shall be placed within 50 feet of any surface, well the water of which is used for drinking or culinary pur- poses. Cess pools shall be provided with a 20 inch cast iron ring and cover. 80 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA SECTION 119. VAULTS. No privy vaults shall hereafter be constructed; except on premises where water and sewer are not accessible, and upon written consent of the Board of Health. Vaults now existing on premises accessible to a sewer shall be cleaned out and filled to the top with earth or clean cinders, when so ordered by the City Council. SECTION 120. LOCATION OF VAULT. No vault, manure pit, open top cess pool, or other reservoir which is used as a privy or receptacle for human or animal excreta shall be located within 2 feet of any lot or alley line, or within 20 feet of any street line, or within 50 feet of any school building or any building of human habitation, or occupancy, or of any cistern or well used for drinking or culinary purposes, wheth- er they are located on the same or adjoining premises. Vaults and outhouses shall be constructed of such materials and in such manner as to meet the approval of the Building Inspector and to conform to the specifications for the construction on file in his office. BUILDING CODE 81 SECTION 121. SIZE OF PIPES. (a) SIZE OF FIXTURES, TRAP AND WASTES WITH FIXTURE, EQUATION. The size of trap for a given fixture shall not be less than the following : Name of Fixture TABLE No. 1. Size of trap. Number of Fixture Units Each Fixture is equal to A. Drinking Fountain l!/4 In. y 2 Fountain Cuspidor 1*4 In. y> Lavatory l 1 /^ In. 1 B. Bath Tub li/ 2 In. 3 Sitz Tub iy 2 In. 3 Wash Sink li/ 2 In. 4 Pair Laundry Trays 1^/G In. 3 Ordinary Slop Sink iy 2 In. 3 Kitchen or Pantry Sink iy 2 In. 6 Single Wall Urinal 1V 2 In. 5 0: Shower Bath 2 In. G Public Sink 2 In. 9 Slop Sink Trap Standard 2 In. 9 D. Pedestal Urinal M 13 Stall Urinal M 15 Trough Urinal M 15 E. Bidet M 13 Water Closet M 15 20 square feet of roof or yard area in horizontal projection 1 M Manufacturer's Standard Size. (b) PROPORTIONMENT OF PIPE SIZES. The following table indicates the maximum number of fixtures which can be served by any given size pipe. All dimensions given refer to inside diameter. 82 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URP.ANA TABLE No. 2. Minimum Permissible, Size of Pipe Horizontal Vertical Vent or Developed Length of Inches W. Pipes W. Pipes R-V. Pipes Vent-pipe.ft. 114 In. 1 1 2 25 11/2 In. 2 3 6 40 2 In. 8 12 21 60 21/2 In. 18 28 60 80 3 In. 40 60 120 100 31/2 In. 80 100 250 120 4 In. 120 200 400 140 5 In. 400 512 1000 160 6 In. 800 1050 An exception to the above table is that the size of a waste pipe serving one Bath-tub or one Bath-Tub and one lavatory need not be more than 11/2 inches. Fixtures in Classes D and E Table 1 shall not be con- nected to a waste pipe smaller than their trap or waste out- let; and no water closet to soil pipe smaller than four inch except that a single water closet in conditions approved by the Building Inspector may waste through a three inch vertical stack. After maximum developed length of vent pipe is reached increase diameter of pipe at each multiple of the maximum length permitted. Where a waste line changes its direction from vertical to horizontal and extends for a distance of more than 10 feet the waste line shall be proportioned in accordance to the table for horizontal waste lines. ( c ) ROOF EXTENSIONS. All soil and waste pipe shall be extended the full calibre of the greatest diameter to a point at least one foot above the roof and at least 5 feet when such roof is used for other purposes than weather covering for buildings. All vent pipes from two to three inches in size inclusive to be increased one size. In no case shall the vent pipes passing through the roof be less than two inches in BUILDING CODE 83 diameter with increase a.t least one foot below roof; provid- ed however same shall not prevent running iy 2 inch vent from a single sink where same is wasted through a branch waste. (See Sec. 125 g) (d) SIZE OF LOCAL VENT PIPE STACKS. In the following table the unit of local vent for a single water closet, pedes- tal urinal, urinal bowl, slop hopper or sink and to each three feet of urinal trought or gutter shall be a two inch pipe. Size of Max. Developed Maximum No. Maximum No. Pipe Length of Main of Fixtures of Fixtures in Feet Vented by a Vented by a Branch Main 2 40 1 1 3 100 3 6 4 150 12 The dimensions given refer to the inside diameter of the pipe. After the maximum developed length of vent pipe is reached increase the diameter of the pipe at each multiple of the maximum length permitted. SECTION 122. MATERIALS, QUALITY AND WEIGHT. (a) EARTHEN-WARE PIPES. All earthen-ware pipes and fittings shall be of the hub and spigot pattern of the grade known as number one to the trade, cylindrical in sections, thoroughly vitrified throughout the thickness of the pipe, and thoroughly salt glazed over the entire inner and outer surfaces. Each length shall be of a uniform calibre, smooth bore throughout without twist or wind and free from fire cracks, blisters and flaws. Earthen-ware pipe used for tile drains may be without hub or socket and may be either cylindrical or "D" shap- ed in section. (b) CAST IRON PIPES. All cast iron pipes and fittings shall be sound, cylindrical and smooth, free from cracks, sand or blow holes and of a uniform thickness and not lighter than the commercial grade known as extra heavy and shall be coated at the factory both inside and out with coal tar or asphaltum applied hot by immersion. 84 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A The following weights per lineal foot including hubs will be accepted as complying with the ordinance as to weight of extra heavy pipe. Diameter of pipe in inches. Weight in Pounds per foot 2 5i/ 2 3 9i/> 4 13 5 17 6 20 7 27 8 331/2 All fittings shall conform to the Naco Standardized specification for soil pipe fittings. A variation of 5% in any one fitting may be permissible ; but the average of 10 fittings selected at random shall conform in weight to the standard specifications. (c) WROUGHT PIPE. All wrought iron pipe and nip- ples used for soil, waste and vent pipes shall be galvanized full weight and the malleable fittings galvanized, the screwed cast iron or drainage fittings, galvanized or coated inside and out with asphaltum hot by immersion. All wrought iron pipe must be lap-welded and of not less than the following thickness and weights; Size Inches Thickness Inches Weight per ft. in Ibs. ll/ 2 .145 2.73 2 .154 3.68 21/2 .203 5.82 3 .216 7.62 31/2 .226 9.20 4 " .237 10.89 4i/ 2 .247 12.65 5 .258 14.81 6 .280 19.19 (d) LEAD PIPE. All lead pipe used for branch, soil, waste, vent, or flush pipes shall be of best quality of drawn BUILDING CODE 85 pipe of not less weight per lineal foot than shown in the following table : Weight of Lead Branch, Soil, Waste Vent, or Flush Pipes including Traps and Bends. Nominal Diameter Weight per lineal ft. Inches Pounds Ounces H/4 3 li/ 2 4 2 " 5 363 4 10 (e) BRASS PIPE AND FITTINGS. Brass pipe for soil, waste and vent pipes shall be thoroughly annealed, seamless drawn or brazed tubing of standard iron pipe gauge, having weight and outside diameter of not less than the following : Internal Diameter Thickness Weight pounds per Inches. Inches Lineal Foot. 1V4 .14 2.72 li/ 2 .14 2.84 2 .15 3.82 2i/ 2 .20 6.08 3 .21 7.92 4 .23 11.29 For flush and local vent Number 18 gauge may be used. Drawn tubing only shall be used for the larger sizes, 2~y 2 to 4 inches, and brazed tubing may be used for the smaller sizes 11/4 to 2 inches. Brass fittings shall be good quality cast brass having a thickness given above for the corresponding brass pipe. The thickness of the tapped ends to be ~Ly 2 times the thickness of the corresponding pipe. (f) SHEET LEAD FOR ROUGH FLASHINGS. Sheet lead for rough flashings shall not weigh less than 3 pounds per square foot. SECTION 123. JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS. (a) GAS AND WATER TIGHTS JOINTS. All joints and connections mentioned under this section shall be made gas and water tight. 86 (b) EARTHEN WARE PIPES. All joints between earthen ware pipes shall be filled with cement mortar, composed of one part Portland cement and two parts clean sand mixed dry before wetting. All surplus mortar must be immediately removed from inside of earthen pipe. Joints between earthen ware and iron pipes shall be made the same as above required for earthen ware pipe except that the joints shall first be half filled witli gasket of oakum. (c) CAST IRON PIPES. All joints in cast iron pipes shall be filled with pure lead well calked and not less than one inch deep. No paint, varnish, or substance of similar character or putty shall be allowed until the joints have been tested and proven tight. Twelve ounces of lead for each one inch in diameter of pipe shall be the minimum amount allowed. Oakum shall be used to prevent the lead from running through the joints. (d) WROUGHT IRON AND BRASS. Joints in galvanized iron or brass pipe shall be standard threaded joints and all burrs from cutting shall be reamed to the diameter of the pipe. Joints may be made up with a good joint cement or mineral paint. (e) WROUGHT IRON OR BRASS TO CAST IRON. Connec- tions between wrought iron or brass to cast iron shall be either a calked joint or a screwed joint. All unions used on sewer side of traps shall be brass faced ground joint. (f) LEAD PIPES. Joints in lead pipe or between lead pipes and pipes of brass or copper shall in all cases be full wiped solder joints. (g) LEAD TO IRON. Joints between lead and iron pipes shall be made by extra heavy cast or drawn screw nipple or ferrule with either calked joint or a solder nipple with a threaded joint or approved concave brass bushings. Ferrules shall be made of best quality- of red brass not less than four inches long nor less than y s of an inch in thickness where the round joint is made. Where cup or similar ferrules are used, they shall extend not less than 14 inch above the hub. (h) EARTHERN WARE WITH METAL FLOOR CONNEC- TIONS. Fixtures with earthen ware traps connected directly BUILDING CODE 87 with soil or waste pipes shall have a solid brass floor plate not less than 3-16 of an inche in thickness soldered to the lead bend or pipe and screwed to the floor, and where brass or iron waste pipe is used screwed or cast to the same and bolted to the trap flange. Joints shall be made gas tight with an asbes- tos graphite ring, asbestos string gasket washer, or perfect screwed joint. In wooden joist construction the connection between the earthern ware and soil pipe shall have a suitable length, at least 2 inches, of lead pipe between the wiped joint and the under side of the floor. Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the use of cast iron soil pipe closet bends. (i) INCREASERS AND REDUCERS. Where different sizes of pipe or pipe and fittings are to be connnected proper sized increasers pitched to an agle of 45 degrees between the two sizes shall be used. (j) EXPANSION BOLTS. Connections or hangers, pipe supports or fixtures settings with masonry or stone backing shall be made with expansion bolts without the use of wooden plugs. SECTION 124. TRAPS AND CLEAN-OUTS. (a) TRAPS. Each single fixture except those of the water closet type and as provided by law shall be separately trapped by a water sealed trap having a minimum seal of two inches placed as close to the fixture as possible, in no case more than two feet from the waste outlet of the fixture. All traps shall be protected from syphonage and air cir- culation assured by special vent and re-vent pipes, except as hereinafter provided for anti-syphon traps. No form of trap which depends upon the action of movable parts or which depends upon concealed interior partitions for its seal shall be used, except in the case of grease traps. Each bath tub shall be provided with a drum trap. Every drum trap shall be so installed that the water seal will protect the trap screw from sewer air. Traps for bath tubs, basins, or other similar fixtures shall be made of lead, brass or of iron enameled inside. Each trap except those constructed integral with fix- ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA tures where the trap seal is accessible, shall be provided with a. brass trap screw. Traps placed in floor constructions shall have brass trap screw for cleaning, in plain view, flush with the floor or accessible from above or under the floor. (b) CONNECTED WASTES. A connected waste pipe re- ceiving the discharge of not more than two basins set in line, or of two compartments of the same laundry tray may waste into a single trap which shall be not more than two feet from the watse outlet of either of the fixtures or com- partments. (c) LEVELS AND PROTECTION. All traps shall be rigidly supported and set true with respect to their water level and shall be so located as to protect their seals. All that portion of the waste pipe of a P trap extending to the point of venting shall be considered as a part of the trap, and the fall between the trap seal and vent shall not exceed the inside diameter of the waste pipe. (d) CLEAN-OUTS. (1) Size. Clean-outs shall be the same nominal size as the pipe up to four inches in diameter and not less than four inches for larger pipes or traps. Clean-outs shall be at least three and one-half inches long with an air-tight brass screw joint. In Durham piping a standard threaded brass plug will serve as a clean-out. When solid brass screw plugs for clean-outs are used they shall be at least y 8 inch in thick- ness and provided with a standard iron pipe-size thread and square or hexagonal head at least three- fourths inch high. The Ferrules when constructed of brass shall be at least three sixteenths inch in thickness and when constructed of iron, the same wall thickness as extra heavy cast iron soil pipe. The screw plug shall have at least five threads of iron pipe size. (2) Where Required. Clean-outs shall be provided at the foot of all vertical lines of soil and waste pipes and in horizontal lines at every alternate change in direction. Distance between clean-outs on horizontal runs shall not exceed forty feet. BUILDING CODE 89 A clean-out shall be provided at the last change in direc- tion of the house drain before the same connects the house sewer, or at the inside building line if the house drain ex- tends more than twenty feet from the house sewer connection without change in direction. Clean-outs on the run of soil pipe can be made with tees. (3) Manholes. All underground traps and clean- outs inside or outside of a building except where the clean-out plugs are flush with the floor shall be surrounded with a masonry man-hole with cast iron cover. SECTION 125. SOIL, WASTE AND VENT PIPES. (a) MATERIAL. All main and branch, soil, waste, vent and back vent pipes shall be cast iron, galvanized wrought iron, lead, brass or copper. All wrought iron waste pipes shall have cast iron drainage fittings. Vent pipes may have either galvanized malleable, or galvanized cast iron fittings or asphaltum coated cast iron or asphaltum coated recessed drainage fittings. (b) ROOF EXTENSIONS. See Section 121. Clause "c". (c) TERMINALS. The roof terminal of all vent pipes shall be at least three feet above any door, window, scuttle, air intake or shaft, when they are located less than 12 feet from terminal. No soil, waste, or vent pipe extension shall be run or placed on weather side of a wall, but shall be car- ried up inside to the roof. Should a new building be built higher than an existing one, the owner of the new building shall not locate windows within 12 feet of any existing vent stack on the lower building unless the owner of the new building shall defray the ex- pense of, or himself shall make such alterations, to conform to preceding- paragraph. It shall be the duty of the owner of the lower or existing building to make these alterations -upon receipt of money, or sufficient security therefor in ad- vance from the owner of the new or higher building or permit him at his election to make such alterations at his own cost. (d) ROOF JOINTS. The joint at the roof shall be made water tight by the use of proper sheet copper or lead plate which shall extend not less than inches from the center of the pipe on all sides, with a sleeve not less than 12 inches !M) ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URHANA long made to fit the pipe tightly and turn over the top of the roof extension. The plate shall not be less than 1 foot. 6 inches square, except that where metal or gravel roof is used, the plate shall not be less than six inches in diameter larger than the pipe. (e) BRANCH SOIL EXTENSION. Any vertical soil branch rising more than 10 feet, or any lateral soil branch running more than '2~> feet from the main soil pipe, shall be continued full size to a point above the roof in the same manner as required for main soil pipe, or may be returned to main vent pipe full size, except a branch for any closet placed more than 5 feet vertically or, more than 8 feet hori- zontally from waste opening or soil pipe may be vented with "2 inch pipe. (f ) VENTS LENGTH FROM TRAP. The back vent of any fixture trap shall be as close to the trap as practicable, con- sistent with location and effectiveness. The developed length of waste pipe for any fixture from its trap to the vent pipe shall not exceed 30 inches, closet type of fixture excepted. (g) MAIN VENTS. Every building in which water closets are installed shall have at least one four-inch soil pipe stack extending through the roof. All main vents shall be connected at their base to the main waste or soil pipe on a 45 degree angle at or below the lowest branch or fixture fitting and in such manner as to prevent an accumulation of rust and dirt; when a vent main enters a soil stack into which a closet type fixture wastes, it shall be carried un- diminished in the largest diameter required by the number of fixtures vented down to the base of stack and connected there to on an angle of 45 degrees immediately above the point where the stack changes to a horizontal direction. The main vent shall be extended through and above the roof, or reconnected into main soil or waste vent. (h) CONTINUOUS VENTS. Where at all possible the continuous system of venting shall be used. All vent pipes must be free from drops or sags and be so graded and con- nected as to drip back to the soil or waste pipes by gravity. No horizontal off-set in vent pipes shall be made nearer BUILDING CODE 91 than six inches to center of waste fitting into which trap is connected. (i) REVENTS FOR ADJOINING FIXTURES. Where bath rooms are located opposite each other on a partition wall on the same floor in any building and have common soil or waste pipe in a separating wall, the revent from fixtures in either, or both rooms may connect into the same pipe. Where two plumbing fixtures other than water closets waste into a sanitary cross-fitting in a vertical waste pipe and there are no other fixtures discharging above them, said fixtures may be back vented through a common vent or back vent pipe. (j) BACK VENTING. Every slop sink having a floor connection shall be back vented from waste branch preferably on top of the branch ; when connected to the vertical arm of bend it shall be connected above the top of horizontal branch. In loop or circuit venting, connection to horizontal waste lines shall be made close -to the last fixture on the run and between waste connection and main vertical stack.v SECTION 126. HOUSE SEWAGE AND DRAINS. (a) INDEPENDENT SYSTEM. The drainage and plumb- ing system of each new building or new work installed in ex- isting buildings shall be entirely separate from and inde- pendent of that on any other building except as hereinafter provided, and wherever available every building shall have independent connection with a public or private sewer. (b) EXCEPTION PERMISSIBLE. Where one building stands in the rear of another on an interior lot and no private sewer is available or can be made for the rear building through adjoining alley, court, yard, or driveway, the house drain for .the front building may be extended to become the house sewer for the rear building. (c) HOUSE SEWERS. The house sewer beginning 4 feet outside the building wall shall consist of iron pipe, or of earthenware pipe not less than the size of the opening in the main sewer, but in no case shall it be less than 4 inches internal diameter. It shall not be laid closer than 4 feet to any interior wall, cellar, basement, or cistern, nor nearer than 10 feet to any surface well, unless it be of extra heavy cast iron soil pipe, with lead calked joints, nor less than 2 02 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA feet deep to invert. Change in direction shall be made with long curves, eighth bends or "Ys". (d) HOUSE DRAINS. All house drains shall wherever possible be brought into the house below the level of the basement floor. It shall be of extra heavy, cast iron pipe, with calked lead joints. SECTION 127. ROOF, SUBSOIL AND OTHER DRAINS. (a) GROUND DRAINAGE. Yard, area, barn, stable and roof leader drains and cistern overflow may be of earthen- ware pipe and shall not be connected to house drain or house sewer, but to the sewer for storm water only. No drain shall be less than four inches in diameter. Overflow pipes from cisterns shall be effectively trapped. (b) EXHAUST, BLOW-OFF, AND DRIP PIPE CONNECTIONS. The exhaust, blow-off, sediment or drip-pipe from a steam boiler shall not connect directly with any sewer, drain, soil or waste pipe; such pipes shall first discharge into the top and above the line of discharge of a suitable closed tank or condenser made of wrought or cast iron and provided with a relief pipe not less than two (2) inches in diameter ex- tending to the open air above the roof. The waste from said tank or condenser shall be taken from the bottom and the waste pipe shall be at least one size larger than the inlet but not less than three inches in diam- eter and provided with a trap of not less than twenty-four inch water seal. (c) TEMPERATURE OF DISCHARGE. Water heated to over one hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit shall not be al- lowed to enter any sewer, drain or lateral. When blow-off tanks discharge water at a higher temperature, they shall be provided with an approved cooling device. (d) ELEVATOR CONNECTIONS. All direct connected hydraulic elevators, lifts or pressure machines, shall be pro- vided with an intermediate tank of sufficient capacity to dis- charge the waste without pressure into any sewer, drain, soil, or waste pipe with outlet properly trapped. (e) RAIN WATER LEADERS PROHIBITED USES TRAP- PING CONSTRUCTION. Rain water leaders shall not be used as soil, waste or vent pipes or vice versa. When a rain water BUILDING CODE 93 leader opens near a window, door or vent shaft or is so lo- cated as to render it likely to become a nuisance if not trapped, it shall be properly trapped far enough under ground to prevent freezing. Inside leaders or those placed within the wall construc- tion of any building, or run in an interior court, ventilating shaft or pipe, shall be made of extra heavy soil pipe, as- phaltum coated, or of genuine wrought iron pipe, with roof connections made water tight by means of having lead or copper drawn tubing wiped, or soldered to a brass ferrule and calked or screwed into the pipe. Outside rain water leaders may be of sheet metal, but they shall connect with the drainage by means of five-foot length of extra heavy soil pipe extending at least three feet above grade level. SECTION 128. REFRIGERATOR, SAFE AND SPECIAL WASTES. (a) REFRIGERATOR WASTES. No waste pipe from a re- frigerator, ice box, bar fixture, floor drain or soda fountain, or any other receptacle where food is stored, shall connect directly with any sewer, drain, soil or waste pipe, but shall in all cases, empty into an open sink that is properly water supplied, connected, trapped and vented the same as other fixtures. The waste pipe shall not be less than ly, inches for one opening, and for two or more openings it must not be loss than 2 inches and shall have at each opening a water seal trap with a clean out on the line and angles so arranged as to be easily cleaned and properly flushed. A waste line serv- ing one or more fixtures of this type placed on a second or higher floor shall be continued full size through the roof. This rule applies only to this type of fixtures. (b) OVERFLOW PIPES. The overflow pipes from a water supply tank shall not be directly connected with any sewer, drain soil, or waste pipe; but shall discharge upon the roof or into an open fixture. (c) URINAL SAFES. Urinal platforms and safes shall not be directly connected with drain, soil, or waste pipe, ex- cept when used in combination with a urinal floor gutter. The outlet of such gutter shall be provided with brass 94 ORDINANCES OF. THE CITY OF URBANA strainer, a deep seal or drum trap and waste of not less than two inches, with arrangements for flushing same while in use. If such gutter waste also serves as a floor wash outlet, the trap shall be at least three inches in diameter. (d) KITCHEN WASTES. Kitchen or other greasy wastes from hotels, restaurants, or club houses, where much cooking is done, or greasy wastes are obtained, shall be intercepted by an approved water-tight masonry, or cast iron catch basin, or water-cooled grease trap and then connected to the house drain or sewer. If a kitchen catch basin be of masonry or tile, it shall be at least twenty inches in diameter with iron cover and the bottom of the basin shall be at least two feet below the invert of the four inch outlet to the sewer, which shall be effectively trapped at least 12 inches below invert with soil pipe ell or tee without cleanout in top opening. The invert of the inlet to the catch basin shall be at least two feet 6 inches above the finished bottom of the catch basin. SECTION 129. SUMPS AND EJECTORS. (a) DRAINAGE BELOW SEWER LEVEL. In all buildings in which the whole or part of the house drainage and plumb- ing system lies below the crown level of the main sewer, sewage or house wastes shall be discharged into an air tight case, or iron sump, or receiving tank, so located as to receive the sewage by gravity; from which sump or tank the sewage shall be lifted and discharged into the house sewer by pumps, ejectors, or an equally efficient mechanical device. Such sumps shall be either automatically discharged or be of sufficient capacity to receive the house sewage and wastes for a period of not less than twenty-four hours. (b) MOTORS, COMPRESSORS, ETC. All motors, air com- pressors and air tanks shall be located where they can be readily inspected and repaired. The air tanks shall be of a capacity equal to that of the ejectors connected therewith, in which there shall be maintained an air pressure of not less than two pounds for each foot height the sewage is to be raised. BUILDING CODE 95 SECTION 130. FIXTURES. (a) MATERIALS. All receptacles used for waterclosets, urinals, or otherwise for the disposal of human excreta, shall be either vitrified earthenware, or hard natural stone; and material for all other plumbing fixtures shall be of non- corrosive and non-absorbent material. (b) WATER CLOSET BOWLS. The bowls and traps for water closets shall be made in one piece and of such shape and size as to hold a sufficient quantity of water when filled up to the trap overflow to completely submerge any matter deposited in them and properly flush and scour the soil pipe when the contents of the bowl are discharged. All water- closets, pedestal urinals and slop sinks with trap standard combined shall have visible trap seals. (c) FLUSHING RIMS AND WATER SUPPLY. All water- closets or pedestal urinals shall be provided with flushing rim spreaders, or some device so constructed as to flush the entire interior surface of the bowl or walls thereof with water. All closets and urinals within any building shall be sup- plied with water from siphon discharge open tanks, auto- matic closed tanks or approved flushing valves. Watercloset tanks shall have a capacity of at least 4 gallons and each urinal tank two gallons. Tanks to be automatically filled with water. Each closet shall have a separate tank or flush valve. A group of urinals on the same floor subject to constant use, as in schools, or factories, may be supplied from one automatic flushing tank of sufficient capacity and so ar- ranged, as to provide and deliver not less than one gallon of water for each bowl, or eighteen inch of back slab space. All urinals having intermittent or automatic flushing devices shall be flushed at regular intervals of not less than ten min- utes each during the hours that they are in service. (d) FROST PROOF CLOSETS. Frost-proof closets, con- structed of vitreous ware or enameled cast iron, may only be installed in compartments which have no direct connection with any building used for human occupancy. The pipe be- tween the hopper and the trap shall not be less than three 96 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A inches in diameter and shall be either lead or cast iron soil pipe, enameled inside. The hopper shall be conveniently and adequately flushed, through a hopper cock, or automatic closet tank connected to and operated by the seat. A two inch back vent shall be provided and run to a point above the roof. No four inch vent shall be required for frost proof closets. The compartments shall be lighted and properly venti- lated. (e) FIXTURES UNDER SIDEWALKS. When waterclosets or other plumbing fixtures are placed under a sidewalk, street, alley, or other like place, adjoining and opening into the basement of any building, each fixture shall be vented in the same manner as is provided for the ventilation of fix- tures in this ordinance. (f) OPEN PLUMBING. All pluming fixtures shall be in- stalled or set free and open from all enclosing work. When practicable, all pipes from fixtures shall be run to the wall. SECTION 131. TOILET COMPARTMENTS. (a) TOILET COMPARTMENT FLOORS EXCEPTIONS. All public toilet rooms, shall have a waterproof floor and base made of non-absorbent, non-decaying material, viz: asphalt, glass, marble, Portland cement, vitrified tile, terazzo, or monolithic composition. Base shall not be less than six inches high and shall have a sanitary cover at the floor level. (b) SOUND PROOF PARTITIONS. Where toilet rooms for males and females are adjacent to each other, they shall be separated by sound-proof partitions extending to the ceiling. (c) DOORS AND PARTITIONS. All interior doors and partitions shall be raised at least six inches above the floor. All urinal troughs shall be divided into stalls not less than 18, nor more than 36 inches wide by partitions one foot wide and four feet six inches high, set one foot above the floor. No room containing water closets or urinals shall be less than seven feet high. (d) TOILET COMPARTMENTS. The urinal, bath or water- closet compartments, shall be separated from any other room, workshop, office, or hall by a tight partition, extending from BUILDING CODE 97 floor to ceiling and the doors to such compartment shall be provided with a door check to keep such door closed. No opening shall be made from such compartment for the purpose of ventilation into any adjoining room, office, workshop, factory or hallway. SECTION 132. CHARTS AND SKETCHES. Charts and sketches, illustrating the application of the various features of this ordinance pertaining to the installation of piping, fixtures, etc., shall be kept on file in the office of the Building Inspector. Every Plumber and Drain layer before commenc- ing the construction of new, or the reconstruction of old work or the alteration of or addition to any pipe or pipes con- nected with the City water system, or any public or private sewer or drain shall file with the Department of Buildings a plan of all work expected to be done. SECTION 133. INSPECTION AND TESTS. (a) NATURE OF TESTS. All the piping of a drainage or plumbing system before being covered or concealed shall be given a test with water, smoke, or air by the plumber in charge. The test shall be made in the following order: First, the house drain; Seoond, the soil arid waste vents and all vertical piping. The first and second test may be combined, but the sec- ond shall not be made until after the first. (I)) HOUSE DRAINS. The house drain shall be tested with the water, smoke, or air test. All alterations, repairs or extensions, which shall include more than ten feet, shall be inspected and tested. (c) STABLE AND GARAGE. If the stable, garage, or any part of the stable is used for a human habitation, the same tests and inspections of the plumbing and drainage system thereof, shall be made as in the case of an ordinary dwelling. (d) CONDUCTOR PIPE. Conductor pipes and their roof connections within the walls of buildings, or conductor branches less than four feet from the wall of building, shall be given the water test. (e) COVERING WORK. No part of any plumbing or drainage system shall be covered until it has been tested, in- 98 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A spected and approved by the Inspector, and the approval of the Inspector stamped thereon. (f) FIXTURES FINAL TEST. When a plumbing or drainage system is completed and water is turned on, and the traps filled, it shall be inspected and tested. When the loca- tion or style of any fixture is changed it shall be inspected. (g) WATER AND AIR TEST. Soil, waste, vent and in- side conductor pipe stacks, and all work known as "rough work" between house sewer connections to points above the finished floors and beyond the finished face of walls and parti- tions and the stack through the roof shall be tested with the water, air or smoke test. Test shall be applied by "closing the opening at the outlet end of the house drain and all openings in the piping route with proper test plugs and completely filling the system with water; the water column to be left standing at least 15 min- utes. If the water level remains constant during such time, the system shall have been acceptably tested. AVhen water is not available or when there is danger of freezing, the air or smoke test may be used with a pressure of five pounds, using an open mercury gauge with ten inch mercury column. ( h ) SMOKE TEST. This test shall be used in testing the sanitary conditions of the drainage or plumbing sysfem of all buildings, where there is reason to believe that the plumbing system has become dangerous, or defective on account of set- tlement of the building, or by abuse, accident or other cause. If unsanitary conditions are disclosed by this test, the ex- pense of same shall be borne by the owner of the building. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector upon receiving written notice from the Board of Health to apply such test. When the smoke test is used it will be applied as fol- lows : The smoke machine shall be connected to any suitable opening and when the system is completely filled with dense pungent smoke and the openings emit smoke, they shall be closed and an air pressure equivalent to one inch water col- umn, except as provided above for rough test, shall be applied and left standing at least ten minutes. If there is no leakage or forcing of trap seals, the system shall be deemed air or BUILDING CODE 99 gas tight. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to prevent the removal of any cleanout, or the unsealing of any trap to ascertain if the smoke has reached all of the system. All expense of repairs and work shall be paid by the owner. (i) DEFECTIVE WORK. If tests show defects, the defec- tive work or material shall be remedied within three days, and the test applied again by the Inspector. (j) REPAIRS. Test shall not be required after the re- pairing, or the replacing of any old fixture, or trap by a new one, to be used for the same purpose, forcing out stoppage, repairing leaks, or relieving frozen pipes and fittings; but such repairs or alterations shall not be construed to in- clude cases where new lines of soil, waste, vent or interior conductor pipes are used or their relative locations changed. Provided that in a building condemned by the proper author- ities, because of unsanitary conditions of the house drainage, or plumbing, no such drainage or plumbing shall be consid- ered as coming under the head of repairs, but all such work shall be done and tested as in the case of a new building. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UllBANA SECTION 142. REGISTRATION OF PERSONS APPLYING FOII PERMITS TO DO ELETRiCAL WORK. No person, firm or cor- poration shall do any electrical work in the City of Urbana until such person, firm or corporation shall have filed with the Building Inspector an affidavit stating that all electrical work to be done by such person, firm or corporation will be under the supervision of a person who is not less than 21 years of age, who has a thorough knowledge of electrical construction and who has had not less than four years practi- cal experience in the installing of electric wires and appar- atus. Such affidavit must contain the name or signature of the person under whose supervision the work is to be done, together with the endorsement from two responsible citizens made under oath, that such person possesses the qualifica- tions above mentioned. SECTION 143. PERMITS TO DO ELECTRICAL WORK. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to register to do electri- cal work shall file with the city clerk, an affidavit, as de- scribed in section 142 of this chapter, together with a bond in the sum of one thousand dollars, ($1000), conditioned to do all electrical work in compliance with the ordinances of the city and to save the city harmless in all respects, and the payment of a fee of one dollar, ($1.00). The city clerk shall issue a certificate of registration to such person, firm or corporation to install electric wires and apparatus, for a period of one year. The certificate shall be renewed upon the filing of a new bond and the payment of the fee of one dollar ($1.00) to the city clerk. SECTION 144. PERMITS TO DO ELECTRICAL WORK. Any person, firm, or corporation, desiring to install interior wires, or other apparatus within buildings for the use of electric currents for light, heat or power, before commencing or doing such work, either installing new wires or apparatus, or repairing, or changing the arrangement of wires, or ap- paratus already installed, shall file with the Building Inspec- tor an application in writing, for a permit and authority therefor which application shall describe in detail such ma- terial and apparatus as it is desired to be used and the loca- tion by street and number where such material and appar- BUILDING CODE 107 atus is to be used. Upon receipt of such application, if found proper a permit to do such work shall be given by the Building Inspector: Provided said person, firm or cor- poration is regularly registered to do electrical work under the provisions of this chapter. SECTION 145. INSPECTION NEW WORK. The Building Inspector shall examine each electrical equipment hereafter erected, repaired, altered, added, or changed, in- or on any building, as to whether it is in compliance with the provisions and requirements of the City Ordinance pertaining thereto and make a record of such inspection, which record shall be kept on file in the office of said inspector and when the equipment is found to conform to the rules and regulations adopted, said inspector shall issue a certificate to that effect to the person owning said building in which same is installed. SECTION 146. INSPECTION OLD WORK. The Building Inspector shall have the power and authority to remove any la tli, plaster, partition, flooring or other existing obstruc- tions, which shall prevent a perfect inspection of the current carrying conductors, now in use, except that this provision shall not apply to private homes in which wire is now installed. If such installation shall prove to have been con- structed in accordance with the laws, ordinances and re-' quirements of the City controlling the use of electric current, he shall issue a certificate of inspection to the person owning or controlling such building. SECTION 147. CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION. No person shall turn current into any building or use electrical appar- atus until a certificate of inspection therefor has been issued by the Building Inspector. SECTION 148. PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE. A prelimi- nary certificate may be issued by the Building Inspector in the case of complete installation, but upon which no current will be used in the immediate future. Such preliminary cer- tificate shall show that at the time of inspection, the installa- tion was erected in accordance with the terms of this Ordi- nance. Prior to the introduction of electric current into said premises a second inspection shall be made, when if said installation is still in accordance with the terms of this 108 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA Ordinance a complete and final certificate for the use of electric current shall be issued. SECTION 149. REMOVAL OF DEAD WIRES, ETC. The Build- ing Inspector shall notify all persons, firms, or corporations owning dead wires, poles, apparatus, or fixtures to remove same within ten days and upon failure or refusal of such person, firm or corporation fully to comply with said notice, the Inspector is hereby empowered to remove same at the expense of such person, firm or corporation. SECTION 150. No LIABILITY TO ATTACH TO CITY OF URBANA. The inspection or control of electric wires, appar- atus, poles, conduits, etc., and the granting 1 of certificates by the Building Inspector shall not make the City liable on account of such control, or the granting of such certificates, or lessen the liability of persons, firms, or corporations owning or installing such wires, apparatus, poles, conduits, etc., as Avould exist in the absence of such inspection, con- trol, or issuance of such certificate. SECTION 151. FEES FOR INSPECTION. Fees for the in- spection of all electrical apparatus shall be as follows: Roughing in. For first two circuits $1.00 For each additional circuit .25 For any additional wiring thereafter, a mini- mum charge of 1.00 Fixture Installation. For first 25 incandescent lights, or less $1.00 For each additional 25 incandescent lights, or major fraction thereof 1.00 When the wiring and fixtures are fur- nished and installed at the same time so that one inspection will answer for both, only one fee to be charged, to cover both inspections. For each arc lamp 1 .25 Motors of % Horse Power Machines or More. For first machine $1.00 For each additional machine up to five .25 BUILDING CODE 109 For each additional machine over five .10 Electric Signs. For each sign of 50 lamps or less $1.00 For each additional lamp regardless of candle power 01!/2 No inspection shall be made for a fee of less than__$.100 SECTION 152. NOTICE OF HIDDEN WORK RIGHT TO UN- COVER WORK COVERED BEFORE INSPECTION COST OF SAME. Any person, firm or corporation installing electric wiring or equipment in any building, which is to be hidden from view shall notify the Building Inspector in writing of such in- tended installation at least twelve hours before the work is to be covered and no such work shall be covered until in- spection thereof has been made as herein required. In all cases where such notice has not been given or su_ch work has been covered without inspection thereof, as herein pro- vided, the Building Inspector is authorized to take down, or remove, such portions of the building or structure as shall be necessary for the inspection for such electrical wires or equipment as herein required and the cost of replacing such work so removed by such inspector shall be borne by the person, firm or corporation who has failed to give notice of the installation, or by the person who lias covered such work after such notices and before such inspection as herein provided as the case may be. SECTION 153. DEFECTIVE WIRES POWER OF INSPECTOR TO CONDEMN NOTICE TO REMOVE SAME. The Building Jll- spector shall have the right to condemn wires which are defective and dangerous to life and property and shall notify the owner of such wires, in writing, to remove or replace same with new wires. SECTION 154. FEED WIRES. No feed wires shall be con- nected to the building, at a point lower than twelve feet above the ground. SECTION 155. MOTION PICTURE MACHINE OPERATOR LICENSE REQUIRED. No person shall operate a motion picture machine for any public or private gathering, without first 110 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF TJRBANA having obtained a license as motion picture operator in the manner hereinafter set forth ; provided that this section shall not apply to the operation of any motion picture machine, for home or for lecture, or similar purposes, approved by the building inspector. Any person desiring to operate a motion picture machine or device shall make application to the Building Inspector and shall at such time and place as said inspector may desig- nate, be compelled to pass such examination as to his quali- fications, as said inspector may direct. Said examination may be in whole, or in part in writing and shall be of a practical or elementary character, but sufficiently strict to test the qualifications of the applicant. Every applicant for a license as a motion picture opera- tor shall be twenty-one years of age or over and shall have served as an apprentice to a regularly licensed operator for a period of not less than one year, or shall theretofore have served as a motion picture operator for a period not less than six months. SECTION 156. CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY AND LICENSE FEE. Every qualified applicant shall be duly examined by the Building Inspector as to his practical knowledge of the operation and maintenance of motion picture machines, or devices, and if found competent shall receive a certificate from the Building Inspector, stating that he is competent to operate moving picture machines and devices. Such appli- cant shall then present said certificate to the City Clerk, who shall issue to such applicant a license properly attested, which license shall be good for one year; provided that any person, who has received a license hereunder as an operator of a moving picture machine, shall not be required to be again examined to renew same. Such person who has quali- fied to take the examination for which provisions is herein made, shall, before taking such examination, pay to the City Clerk the sum of Three Dollars, which sum shall in the event that such person passes the examination, entitle the applicant to such license upon proper certification by the Building Inspector and shall constitute the first license fee for the applicant. After the first year provided for herein BUILDING CODE 111 the annual license feet shall be Two Dollars. In event that the said applicant fails to pass the examination, he shall be entitled to take subsequent examinations without addi- tional payment until he shall have passed such examina- tion, subject however to the rules of the Building Inspector covering such examination. SECTION 157. ASSISTANT TO MOTION PICTURE OPERATOR PERMIT FEE. No person shall act as assistant or appren- tice to a motion picture operator in handling, repairing, keeping, or in manipulation of a motion picture machine or device without first obtaining a permit from the Building Inspector to act as such. Said Building Inspector shall issue such permit upon the payment of a fee of f 1.00 to the City Clerk, in case the applicant for same is not less than sixteen years of age and presents to said Building Inspector a letter from a regularly licensed moving picture operator and the proprietor of some place of amusement, or other enterprise regularly licensed to conduct motion picture shows, or op- erate moving picture machines and devices, which letter must state that such applicant for permit will be, upon the issuance of a permit, regularly employed as an as- sistant, or apprentice, by the person writing such letter. Upon the issuance of such permit which shall state the place of employment of the holder thereof, the person obtaining same may act as such assistant, or apprentice and shall be permitted to enter the booth containing a moving picture machine or device, at his place of employment, but the opera- tion of such machine, or device, shall not be conducted by him during an exhibition to the public. Such permit shall not admit the holder thereof into the booth of any moving picture machine, or device at any other place except the place of employment mentioned therein. SECTION 158. UNLAWFULL TO ENTER BOOTH EXCEPTION NUMBER LIMITED. No person other than the persons licensed as a motion picture operator, or holding a permit as an assistant or apprentice under the provisions of this article, or officer, or employee of the City, while acting in the discharge of his duty shall enter any compartment or booth where a moving picture machine or device is in opera- 112 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A tion, or shall operate or in any way handle such machine, or device, while the same is being operated during an exhi- bition; provided that this Section shall not apply to the proprietor, owner, or manager in charge of the premises who may enter same for the purpose of giving necessary orders and directions. In no case shall more than three persons be within such compartment or booth at one time while such exhibition is going on. SECTION 159. STORAGE OF MOTION PICTURE FILM. Every motion picture film kept or stored in any operating room where moving pictures are being produced, in addition to be- ing kept in receptacle required, shall be placed and kept, when not in use by the operator, in a fire proof box with tight closing cover, leaving no exposed openings after films are placed therein, which box shall first be approved by the Building Inspector. Every film after having been used by the operator, shall be immediately replaced in said box. ARTICLE V. PENALTIES. SECTION ICO. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF PROVISIONS OF THIS CODE. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any Section or any Article of this Code shall upon conviction thereof be fined any sum not less than five dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars. SECTION 161. INVALIDITY OF ONE PORTION OF CODE SHALL NOT AFFECT REMAINDER. In administering and enforcing the Building Code the invalidity of any section or of any provi- sion thereof, shall not be construed or held to invalidate any other section or any provision thereof. Invalidity if any, of any section, or any provision of the Building Code when applied to buildings, structures, or any portion thereof completed before the adoption of said Code, shall not for such cause be construed, or held to be invalid in its application to buildings, structures or any portion thereof, constructed subsequently to such adoption unless such invalidity shall have been otherwise specifically estab- lished in its application to such subsequent work. BUILDING CODE 113 SECTION 162. GENERAL ENFORCEMENT OF BUILDING CODE. The duty of enforcing the Building Code shall primarily de- volve upon the Building Inspector and Deputy Building In- spector, but the City Marshall, the City Attorney and the Corporation Counsel are hereby authorized and directed to aid in enforcing said Code ; and said City Marshall, City At- torney and Corporation Counsel in so far as may be necessary and practical shall each act in conjunction with and direct the Building Inspector and his assistants. Nothing in this Section shall be construed as disqualifying or exempting any other department head or officer of said City from the duty of aiding in the enforcement of any provision of the Building Code. 114 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A CHAPTER IX CITY ATTORNEY. 1. Duty of. 2. Compensation SECTION 1. DUTY OF. ' It shall be the duty of the City Attorney to prosecute all suits for the recovery of fines or penalties, before any .court, for the violation of any of the laws or ordinances of said city; to furnish his written opinion upon any legal questions submitted to him for such opinion by the City Council and to attend all meetings of said Coun- cil, when requested so to do by a majority of the Council ; and he shall also make any reports concerning any suits to which the city may be a party whenever directed so to do by the Council. He shall also prosecute any suits brought by the City against any person or corporation, or defend any suit brought by any person or corporation against the city when- ever requested so to do by the City Council. He shall also as- sist the Corporation Counsel in any suits brought against the City or by it whenever called upon so to do by the Citv Council. SECTION 2. COMPENSATION. The City Attorney shall receive for his services, such salary as the City Council may, from time to time, by ordinance provide, and in addition thereto, he shall receive, for his services in all cases where fines are assessed and collected, two dollars, in each case to be taxed as costs, and 20% of the amount of the fine col- lected. CITY CLERK 115 CHAPTER X. CITY CLERK. 1. Duties of the City Clerk. 2. City Clerk to Issue All Licenses, Etc. SECTION 1. DUTIES OF THE CITY CLERK. The City Clerk shall keep the corporate seal of said city and all papers be- longing to said city. He shall attend all meetings of the City Council and keep a full and correct record of its proceedings in the journal. The City Clerk shall also record in a book to be kept for that purpose all ordinances passed by the City Council, and at the foot of the record of each ordinance so recorded shall make a memorandum of the date of the passage and of the publication or posting of said ordinance. He shall also keep full and complete accounts and exhibits of all financial transactions of the City to be entered upon such books as are provided for that purpose, including in such ac- counts all claims against the city as the same may be allowed and all orders for the payment of money, granted and on what account. He shall preserve in his office all bills on which any money may be paid out by the City, which shall be neatly folded and endorsed with the name of the payee thereon, and when and how the said bill was disposed of. He shall perform such other duties as are prescribed by the ordi- nances of said City or the laws of the State of Illinois. SECTION 2. CITY CLERK TO ISSUE ALL LICENSES,, ETC. The City Clerk shall issue all licenses in accordance with the ordi- nances of the City and shall keep a record in a suitable book of each license granted, to whom granted, for what purpose, for what length of time granted, the location of the place of business for which the license was obtained, and the amount of the license fee paid. He shall monthly, or oftener, if requir- ed by the City Council, pay over to the Treasurer all license money received by him and take the Treasurer's receipt there- for. He shall at the first meeting of the City Council in each month make a report of all license money collected, from whom received and for what purpose. 116 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URI5ANA CHAPTER XI. CITY COLLECTOR. 1. Office of City Collector Created Appointment. 2. Bond. 3. Duty. 4. Pay Over to City Treasurer All Moneys, Etc. 5. To Keep Books of Account. 6. Compensation. SECTION 1. OFFICE OF CITY COLLECTOR CREATED AP- POINTMENT. There is hereby created the office of City Col- lector of special taxes and special assessments. The term of said officer shall be one year and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified. The said Collector of special taxes and special assessments, shall be appointed annually by the Mayor by and with the advice and consent of the City Council. SECTION 2. BOND. Said Collector,shall, before he en- ters upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe, the oath prescribed by law for City Officers and shall execute a bond to the City of Urbana in the penal sum of three thousand dollars with such securities as the City Council shall ap- prove, conditioned for the faithfull performance of his duties as such Collector and the payment of all moneys received by him according to law and the ordinances of the city. SECTION 3. DUTY. It shall be the duty of the City Collector, into whose hands any warrant for the collection of any special assessments or special tax shall come to send a written or printed notice to all persons whose names ap- pear on the assessment roll or the occupants of the property assessed and by such written or printed notice inform them of such assessment or tax and request payment of the same; and when payments of special assessments are made to him, promptly to pay the same into the City Treasury. If any of said special assessments or special taxes shall not be col- lected upon the warrants issued therefor, then the Collector CITY COLLECTOR' 117 shall make return of the warrant or warrants to the City rierk, as provided by law. SECTION 4. PAY OVER TO CITY TREASURER ALL MONEYS, ETC. Said Collector shall pay over to the City Treasurer all moneys collected by him, weekly, or oftener if required by the City Council, taking the Treasurer's receipts therefor which receipt he shall immediately file with the City Clerk, who shall at the time on demand give the Collector a copy of any such receipt so filed. He shall make report quarterly in writing to the City Council, showing the amount of money collected, from whom received and on what account received; said Collector shall also make report of any other matter in connection with his office, when required by the City Council, or by an ordinance of said city. He shall also annually be- tween the first and tenth of April file with the City Clerk a statement of all the moneys collected by him during the year, the particular warrant, special assessment or account on which collected, the balance of moneys uncollected on all war- rants in his hands and the balance remaining uncolleeted at the time of the return on all warrants which he shall have returned uncollected during the preceding fiscal year. SECTION 5. To KEEP BOOKS OF ACCOUNT. Said Col- lector shall, under the direction and supervision of the finance committee keep books and accounts which shall show all receipts and moneys collected by him and other matters pertaining to his office ; such books and accounts to be kept in a clear and methodical manner. SECTION 6. COMPENSATION. The City Collector shall receive for his services a compensation of one per cent of all moneys collected by him and paid into the city Treasury. 118 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UKBANA CHAPTER XII CITY ENGINEER. 1. Office Created. 2. Appointment and Term of Office. 3. Oath Bond. 4. Duties. 5. Surveys and Plans. 6. Reports. 7. Records of Plats and Surveys. 8. Compensation. SECTION 1. OFFICE CREATED. There is hereby created an executive Department of the City Government of the City of Urbana which shall be known as City Engineer. SECTION 2. APPOINTMENT AND TERM OF OFFICE. The City Engineer shall be appointed by and with the advice and consent of the City Council, at the same time and in the same manner as other City officers are appointed. The City En- gineer shall hold his office from the date of his appointment until the end of the municipal year. SECTION 3. OATH BOND. The City Engineer before en- tering upon the duties of his office shall take and subscribe the oath prescribed by law for City Officers and shall exe- cute a bond to the City of Urbana in the penal sum of One Thousand Dollars with sureties to be approved by the City Council, which bond shall be conditioned for the faithful per- formance of the duties of his office. SECTION 4. DUTIES. The City Engineer shall when re- quested by the Mayor, City Council or any committee thereof or the Board of Local Improvements make out and submit plans, estimates and specifications for all public works which may be proposed or ordered 'by the City Council. He shall superintend the construction of any public work and shall daily, or as often as may be necessary examine such work under his charge and see that the same is properly executed. He shall have the power whenever the contractor shall refuse or neglect to execute such work in accordance with the plans CITY ENGINEER 119 and specifications and contract therefor to suspend such work until the matter may be reportd to the Mayor and the action of the Mayor had thereupon. He shall when required, receive, inspect, or measure any lumber, brick, stone or other material to be used in any public work of the City and if nec- essary shall keep the accurate account of the quantity and quality of the same, the cost thereof, from whom received and for what purpose used, or to be used. He shall examine all bills for materials received by him in connection with his De- partment and if found correct shall certify same to the City Council for allowance. He shall also perform such duties as shall be required of him by the Mayor, City Council or Board of Local Improvements in the prosecution and construction of any public work within and under the control of the City and shall perform all other duties which may be required of him by Ordinance. SECTION 5. SURVEYS AND PLANS. He shall when requir- ed by the Mayor, City Council, or Board of Local Improve- ments make a survey of the grade or boundary of any street or alley of the city and prepare or plat or profile thereof and report same to the City Council, but no such survey or grade, or boundary shall be deemed established or valid until such plat, or profile shall have been approved by the City Council. SECTION 6. REPORTS. He shall annually make a report to the City Council of all moneys received by him in his offi- cial capacity and shall pay same over to the City Treasurer. SECTION 7. RECORDS OF PLATS AND SURVEYS. He shall carefully preserve in his office all plats or records of surveys and all books, maps, papers, plans and profiles pertaining to his office and upon the expiration of his term of office, or his resignation or removal therefrom, he shall deliver to said successor in office, all such books, plans, maps, records and effects of every description which pertain to the office. SECTION 8. COMPENSATION. He shall receive for his services such compensation as the City Council may by ordi- nance provide. He shall also receive for his services in the construction of any public work done under the direction of the Board of Local Improvements such compensation for his services as the Board of Local Improvements may allow. 120 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA CHAPTER XIIT. CITY TREASURER. 1. Bond. 2. Receive and Disburse Moneys, Etc. 3. Prohibited From Using Public Moneys for Own Use, Etc. 4. Render Monthly Account of Treasury Under Oath. 5. Render a Detailed Account of Receipts and Expenditures An- nually. 6. Warrants Drawn on Treasurer Signed by Mayor and Clerk. SECTION 1. BOND. The City Treasurer, before enter- ing upon the duties of his office, shall execute a bond with good sureties, to be approved by the City Council, in a sum not less than the estimated tax and special assessments for the current year. SECTION 2. RECEIVE AND DISBURSE MONEYS, ETC. It shall shall be the duty of the City Treasurer : First : To receive all moneys belonging to the City, to disburse the same upon warrants signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the City Clerk and to cancel all warrants as soon as redeemed by him by writing or stamping upon the same the word "paid." Second : He shall keep proper books in such manner that they may be readily understood and investigated, which shall contain a separate account of each fund or appropria- tion and debts and credits thereto belongong, and a general and accurate account of all moneys received by him, from whom received and to whom disbursed, and on what account received and disbursed. He shall keep all moneys received from any special assesment in a separate fund to be applied to the payment of the improvement for which the assessment was made and shall disburse the same for no other purpose except to reimburse the City for money expended for such improvement. Third : He shall deliver to every person paying money into the city treasury a duplicate receipt therefor specify- ing the date of payment, upon what account paid, and he shall also file copies of such receipts with the City Clerk at the date of his monthly report. CITY TREASURER 121 SECTION 3. PROHIBITED FROM USING PUBLIC MONEYS FOR <>\VN USE. The Treasurer is hereby expressly prohibited from using either directly or indirectly the public moneys or war- rants in his custody or keeping for his own use or benefit or that of any other person or persons whomsoever; and for any violation of this provision he shall be liable on his bond for the amount of money thus misapplied and be subject to removal from office by the City Council. SECTION 4. RENDER MONTHLY ACCOUNT OF TREASURY UNDER OATH. He shall on the first Monday of each month and oftener if required, render an account to the City Coun- cil, under oath, showing the state of the Treasury at the date of such account and the balance of the money in the Treasury, with a statement showing all moneys received into the Treasury and on what account and what warrants have been redeemed by him, and at the same time he shall file with the Clerk with his said account all vouchers held by him, and warrants by him redeemed or paid and stamped or marked "paid" upon every day of such settlement. He shall keep a register of all warrants redeemed and paid, which shall describe such warrants and show the date, amount, number, the fund from which paid, the name of the person to whom and when paid. SECTION 5. RENDER A DETAILED ACCOUNT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES ANNUALLY,, ETC. The Treasurer shall, an- nually, between the first and tenth of April make out and file with the Clerk a full and detailed account of all such receipts and expenditures and of all transactions, as such Treasurer, during the preceding fiscal year, and shall show in such account the state of the treasury at the end of the fiscal year, which account the City Clerk shall immediately cause to be published in a newspaper printed in said city. SECTION 6. WARRANTS DRAWN ON TREASURER SIGNED BY MAYOR AND CLERK. All warrants drawn upon the Treasurer must be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk, stating the particular fund or appropriation to which the same is chargeable and the person to whom payable ; and no money shall be otherwise paid than upon such warrants so drawn, except as provided by law. 1J ORDINANCES OF THE CITY' OF UKBANA CHAPTER XIV CITY WEIGHMASTER AND CITY SCALES 1. Appointment of Weighmaster. 2. Bond Conpensation. 3. Duties. 4. Standards of Weights and Measures. 5. Inspection of Weights and Measures. 6. Inspection on Complaint. 7. Incorrect Weights and Measures. 8. Record of Inspection. 9. Right to Inspect. 10. Maintenance of City Scales. 11. Standard of Scales. 12. Article to be Weighed on City Scales When. 13. Weighmaster to Weigh Article. 14. Fees for Weighing. 15. Fees for Inspection of Weights and Measures. 16. Penalty. SECTION 1. APPOINTMENT OF WEIGHMASTER.- There shall be appointed by the Mayor by and with the advice and censent of the City Council at the same time and in the same manner as other City officers are appointed, a City Weigh- master who shall hold his office until the end of the municipal year for which he was appointed. SECTION 2. BOND COMPENSATION. He shall before entering- upon the duties of his office execute a bond with good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the City Coun- cil in the penal sum of Two Hundred Dollars. The City Weighmaster shall be entitled to such compen- sation as the City Council may by Ordinance from time to time provide. SECTION 3. DUTIES. The City Weighmaster shall in- spect all weights and measures used for the sale of produce of any kind in the City which inspection shall be made in conformity with the standard of scales as provided by the County Clerk of Champaign County, Illinois and shall have charge of the City Scales as hereinafter provided. CITY WBIGHMASTEU AND CITY SCALES 1U3 SECTION 4. STANDARDS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. The City Clerk shall procure at the expense of the City, the cor- rect and approved standard of weights and measures com- prising a full set of the standard adopted by the Statutes of the State of Illinois, and he shall cause each of the weights, measures, scales and beams so procured to be tested and sealed by the County Sealer and the same shall be used by the City Weighmaster in the inspection of weights and meas- ures. SECTION 5. INSPECTION OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. The City Weighmaster shall once each year between the first day of June and the first day of November, inspect wherever the same may be situated and test the accuracy of all weights, measures, balances, scales beams or other instruments used for weighing or measuring any article for sale within the City and stamp with a suitable, stamper or seal all weights, measures, scales, beams, balances and other instruments found to be correct and deliver to the owner thereof a cer- tificate of their accuracy. The stamp or seal used by the Weighmaster shall be provided by the City and it shall indi- cate the date of inspection and that the weight or measure on which it is placed is correct. SECTION 6. INSPECTION ON COMPLAINT. Whenever com- plaint is made by any person to the City Weighmaster, or he shall have reason to believe that any weight, measure, scale, beam, balance or any other instrument used in weighing or measuring in the City is incorrect or whenever requested by the owner or person using any such weight, measure, scale, beam, balance or other instrument used for measuring or weighing, the City Weighmaster shall inspect and test such weight, measure, scale, beam, Balance or other instrument without regard to the date of any previous inspection. If the inspection be a second inspection during the year and said weight, measure, scale, beam, balance or other in- strument used for weighing and measuring is found correct, the Weighmaster shall not charge any fee for said second in- spection. SECTION 7. INCORRECT WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. If the Weighmaster shall upon inspection and examination find any 124 ORDINANCES OK THE CITY OK t'BBANA Aveight, measure, scale, beam, balance or oilier instrument used for weighing and measuring to be untrue or incorrect, lie shall condemn the same and forthwith notify the owner or user thereof of such condemnation. The use of any weight, measure, scale, beam, balance or other instrument used for weighing or measuring, so condemned, is hereby prohibited until the same shall have been corrected and approved by the Weighmaster. SECTION 8. RECORDS OK INSPECTION. The city Weigh- master shall keep in a book to be provided by the City for that pui-pose a register of all weights, measures, balances, scales, beams or other instruments used for weighing and measuring, inspected and tested by him in which he shall set forth the name of the owners of the same respectively and whether on inspection they were found to be correct or incorrect, and shall file the same in his office and upon his retirement from his office he shall turn same over to his successor in office. SECTION 1). RIGHT TO INSPECT. The City Weighmaster shall during ordinary business hours have access to all build- ings, rooms, or places within the City where any weight, measure, balance, scale, beam or other instrument used in weighing or measuring is kept for the purpose of inspecting any such weight, measure, balance, scale, beam or other in- strument used in weighing or measuring. SECTION 10. MAINTAINING OK CITY SCALES. There shall be installed and maintained in the City of Urbana a plat- form scale of the capacity of eight tons for the purpose of weighing coal or other articles of merchandise in quantities requiring the use thereof; said scale shall be located and maintained on the vacant space belonging to the City between the City Building and the Fire Department building in said City and the same shall be known as the City Scales. The City Weighmaster shall have charge of said scales. SECTION 11. STANDARD OK SCALES. Said scales shall con- form to the standard fixed by the Statute of the State of Illniois. The City Clerk shall procure the County Clerk as Sealer of Weights and Measures, to try and prove said scales and when found to conform to the legal standard the same CITY WEIGHMASTBR AND CITY SCALES 125 shall be sealed and marked as provided by the Statutes of the State of Illinois. SECTION 12. ARTICLES TO BE WEIGHTED ON CITY SCALES WHEN. Whenever any person shall purchase within the City limits any coal or any other article of merchandise wherein the use of large scales is required and shall request the seller of the same to weigh same upon the City Scales, said Seller shall convey same to the City Scales and shall weigh it and shall bear the expense of such weighing, and the weight there- by determined shall be taken as the correct weight of the ar- ticle. , SECTION 13. WEIGH MASTER TO WEIGH ARTICLE. The City Weigh master shall be the proper person to have charge of the City Scales and it shall be his duty to weigh all ar- ticles brought to said scales to be weighed upon the same. He shall make a record of the weight on a blank book to be kept by him and shall give to the person weighing such ar- ticle one ticket with the weight thereon, a duplicate of the same to the person making the purchase of the articles and shall keep in a record, furnished by the City, a third dupli- cate of the weight and shall furnish a copy of such weights to any person interested, when requested so to do. SECTION 14. FEES FOR WEIGHING. The fees for weigh- ing upon the scales shall be ten cents per draft or load, which shall consist of weighing a vehicle loaded for gross weight, weight of wagon or other vehicle empty, for tare. SECTION 15. FEES FOR INSPECTION OF WEIGHTS AND MEAS- URES. The City Weighmaster shall be entitled to charge and receive the following fees to be paid by the owner or user of any scale, weight, beam, balance, or measure, or any instru- ment used for weighing, or measuring. 1. For inspecting and stamping platform scales in- cluding weights f 1.00 per scale. 2. For inspecting and stamping beam of one thousand pounds capacity or more including weights for same f.25. Under one thousand pounds capacity $.15. 3. For inspecting and stamping counter scales and balances including weights f.15. 126 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OV URBANA 4. For inspecting and stamping of full set of dry meas- ures f .25. 5. For inspecting and stamping a full set of liquid, wine, or beer measures $.25. 6. For inspecting and stamping linear measures $.05 per yard. SECTION 16. PENALTY. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction for each offense be fined in any sum not less than Five Dollars, nor more than one Hundred Dollars. CLAIMS AGAINST CITY 127 CHAPTER XV. CLAIMS AGAINST CITY. 1. Claims Sworn to and Referred, Etc. 2. When to be Presented to Clerk Duty of Committee. SECTION 1. CLAIMS SWORN TO AND REFERRED, ETC. No claim or account against the City of Urbana, except for the salaries of its regularly elected or appointed and commis- sioned officers, or for the payment of a special contract made by the City Council, or some officer of the City authorized by ordinance to make contracts, shall be considered, audited or allowed, nor shall any warrant issue for the payment thereof, unless the person presenting the same or some credible per- son for him, shall make oath that such claim or account is true, just and correct, and that the charges therein are rea- sonable; nor shall such warrant issue until such claim or account has been examined by at least two of the committee of the department to which such claim or account shall ap- propriately belong, which committee shall report such claim back to the Council, with its recommendation indorsed thereon, signed by the members thereof. SECTION 2. WHEN TO BE PRESENTED TO CLERK DUTY OF COMMITTEE. All claims against the City shall be filed with the City Clerk by the morning of the days on which the regu- lar meetings of the City Council are held, and it will be the duty of the chairman of each committee of the City Council to^apply to the City Clerk at such times for all claims ap- propriately referred to such committee and examine into the correctness of the same and make report to the City Council. Claims not filed with the City Clerk at the time specified herein shall be considered at the regular meeting of said Council on such day, but shall be laid over until the next regular meeting, unless otherwise ordered by the City Coun- cil. 128 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA CHAPTEE XVI CORPORATION COUNSEL. 1. Office Created. 2. Appointment Term of Office. 3. Oath Bond. 4. Duties. 5. To Deliver to Successor All Papers Etc. 6. Compensation. SECTION 1. OFFICE CREATED. There is hereby created the office of Corporation Counsel. SECTION 2. APPOINTMENT TERM OF OFFICE. He shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council at the beginning of the municipal year, or upon the occurrence of a vacancy in such office, and he shall hold his office for such municipal year, or remainder thereof, or un- til his successor is appointed and qualified. SECTION 3. OATH BOND. The Corporation Counsel be- fore entering upon the duties of his said office, shall take and subcribe the following oath or affirmation : "I do solemnly swear (or affirm as the case may be) that I will sup- port the constitution of the United States and the constitltion of the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the of- fice of Corporation Counsel according to the best of my ability." He shall execute a bond with security to be approved by the City Council, payable to said City in the penal sum of two thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful perform- ance of the duties of his said office. SECTION 4. DUTIES. It shall be the duty of the Corporation Counsel to furnish his written opinion upon any legal question submitted to him for such opinion by the City Council and to regularly attend all meetings of said City Council ; to draft all ordinances, bonds, contracts, leases, conveyances and other instruments of writing, as may be re- quired by the business of the City; lie shall prosecute all pro- CORPORATION COUNSEL 120 ceedings brought in the proper courts for the levy and as- sessment of special taxes or assessments for any local im- provement or the opening and laying out of any street or alley in said city; he shall assist the City Attorney when di- rected so to do by the City Council or Mayor, in instituting or defending any suit which may be brought in any court by or against the city, or which may be brought by or against any of its officers on account of any of their official acts ; he shall make any reports concerning any suits to which the City may be a party, whenever directed so to do by the City ( 1 ouncil. SECTION 5. To DELIVER TO SUCCESSOR ALL PAPERS ETC. Upon the expiration of his term of office, or his resignation or removal therefrom the Corporation Counsel shall forthwith, on demand deliver to his successor in office all deeds, leases, contracts and other papers in his hands belong- ing to the Corporation, or delivered to him by the Corpora- tion or any of its officers, and all papers in actions prose- cuted 01- defended by him, then pending, undetermined, to- gether with his record thereof, and of the proceedings thereon. SECTION 0. COMPENSATION. The Corporation Counsel shall receive such salary as the City Council may from time to time by ordinance provide, payable quarterly. He shall also be entitled to such fees for services rendered in cases tried in the County, Circuit, Appellate or Supreme Court as the City Council may allow. He shall also be allowed such fees for his services in Local Improvement cases, as the Board of Local Improve- ments may allow; the same to be paid out of the special tax or special assessment for such local improvement. 130 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA CHAPTER XVII. CUKFEW. 1. Minors Not Permitted On Street After Certain Hours. 2. Penalty. SECTION 1. MINORS NOT PERMITTED ON STREET AFTER CER- TAIN HOURS. No minor person under the age of sixteen years shall be found in or upon any public street, or alley in the City, unaccompanied by the parent or lawful guardian of such minor person after the hour of eight o'clock p. in. from November first to May first, or after the hour of nine o'clock p. m. from May first to November first of each year. SECTION 2. PENALTY. Any person violating the pro- visions of the preceding section of this ordinance shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar, nor more than twenty-five dollars for each and every offense. DOGS 131 CHAPTER XVIII. DOGS. 1. Tax Imposed Register Kept. 2. Metal Badges Provided. 3. Badge to Be Put on Dogs. 4. Dogs Without Badges to Be Killed. 6. Owner of Unlicensed Dog to Be Fined. 6. Marshal to Procure Last of Owners. 7. Term "Dog" Defined. 8. Danger of Hydrophobia Proclamation of Mayor. 9. Dogs a Nuisance When. 10. Bitch at Large in Heat. 11. Dangerous Dogs. SECTION 1. TAX IMPOSED REGISTER KEPT. Every per- son owning, keeping or harboring any dog within the City of Urbana, shall register the same with the City Clerk who shall keep a book for that purpose, and it shall be the fur- ther duty of such person to pay to said City Clerk annually, during the month of May in each year, or upon the acquir- ing of any unlicensed dog, thereafter, a tax of one dollar for eacli male dog as well as all spayed female dogs and two dollars for each female dog not spayed, so owned, kept or harbored by such person. SECTION 2. METAL BADGES PROVIDED. The City Clerk shall provide each and every year such number of metal badges as may be necessary, of such size and shape as he shall deem expedient, having stamped thereon the words "Dog License," and the numbers indicating the year for which the tax is paid, and it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to deliver one of such metal badges to the person so paying a tax upon any such dog at the time of such payment. SECTION 3. BADGE TO BE PUT ON DOGS. Every person keeping or harboring any dog so licensed, shall keep and maintain a collar around the neck of such dog with metal badge, aforesaid, securely fastened thereto and every dog found in the city without such badge shall be deemed an 132 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA unlicensed dog, and shall be disposed of by the City Marshal, or other police officer of the city as hereinafter provided. SECTION 4. DOGS WITHOUT BADGES TO BE KILLED. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal to make inquiry for and cause to be prosecuted every owner or possessor of any dog who has not paid the tax upon any such dog, as herein required, and all dogs found running at large in the city, for the space of forty-eight hours, and wearing no badge, and for which no owner can be found, upon reasonable in- quiry, shall be killed by the City Marshal or other police officer, and removed from the City. SECTION 5. OWNER OF UNLICENSED DOG TO BE FINED. Every owner, possessor, or person who harbors or keeps any dog within the city, who neglects or refuses to comply with any of the provisions or requirements of Section 1 and .*> of this Chapter shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense, and if any such person persists in refusing to pay such tax aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to kill any such dog so owned or possessed, wherever found, upon which the tax is so refused to be paid. SECTION 6. MARSHAL TO PROCURE LIST OF OWNERS. The Marshal shall from time to time examine the township asses- sor's books and make a copy or memorandum therefrom of all dogs kept in the city and not on the city register and use such other means as will enable him to procure a list of all owners or keepers of dogs in the city upon which a tax is hereby required to be paid. SECTION 7. TERM "DOG" DEFINED. The word "Dog" wherever used in this ordinance, shall be deemed to include every animal of the dog kind, female as well as male. SECTION 8. DANGER OF HYDROPHOBIA PROCLAMATION OF MAYOR. Whenever the Mayor of the City of Urbana shall deem it advisable, for the prevention of hydrophobia, he may issue his proclamation requiring all the dogs within the city to be safely confined, or to be securely muzzled with a good and sufficient muzzle, for such time as may be designated, or until otherwise ordered and during such time it shall be unlawful for anv dog to go or be at large unmuzzled. . DOGS 133 SECTION 9. DOGS A NUISANCE WHEN. All dogs run- ning at large within the city, contrary to the provisions of the preceding sections of this chapter, are declared a nuis- ance, and shall be killed by the City Marshal or any police- man of said city. And the owner or keeper of any such dog, who shall knowingly permit the same to run at large, con- trary to the provisions of the preceding section, shall be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, and not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars. SECTION 10. BITCH AT LARGE IN HEAT. Any bitch run- ning at large while in heat is hereby declared a nuisance, and shall be killed by the City Marshal or any policeman of said city. And the owner or keeper, of any such bitch, who permits the same to run at large when in heat, shall be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 11. DANGEROUS DOGS. Any owner or keeper of a fierce or dangerous dog or bitch, who shall knowingly permit the same to run at large, to the danger, annoyance or damage of person within the city, shall be deemed guilty of keeping and maintaining a nuisance and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars and not exceeding one hundred dollars ; and upon such conviction the City Marshal or any policeman shall destroy, or cause such dog or bitch to be destroyed. 134 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA CHAPTER XIX FEES AND SALARIES 1. Salaries. 2. Fees. SECTION 1. SALARIES. All elective and appointive of- ficers of the city shall receive for their compensation, such salaries as the city council may by ordinance from time to time provide. SECTION 2. FEES. In addition to the salaries mention- ed in section 1, the following elective and appointive officers shall receive the following designated fees for compensation : For local improvement, the mayor, city clerk, corpora- tion counsel, city engineer and the superintendent of streets shall receive such fees as the Board of Local Improvements may allow, same to be paid out of the funds assessed for said improvement. The city clerk shall receive the following fees for issuing licenses, same to be charged in addition to the amount paid for license : For issuing license, where the license is less than ten dollars, fifty cents; for issuing license, where the license ten dollars or more, one dollar. The city attorney shall receive for his fees in all cases brought for a violation of a city ordinance, two dollars, to be taxed as costs of case, and twenty percent of the amount of the fine paid: Provided that no fee shall be paid for cases in which the party fined does not pay same. The police magistrate shall receive such fees as are al- lowed by statute, to justices of the peace. The city marshal and policemen shall receive such fees as are allowed constables for making arrests and serving papers. The city solicitor shall receive one percent of all moneys collected by him as such collector. FIKB DEPAHTMBXT 13& FIRE DEPARTMENT. 1. Fire Department Established. 2. Fire Marshal Term Appointment Bond. 3. Assistant Fire Marshal Appointment Term Bond. 4. Firemen Appointment. 5. Salaries. 6. Powers of Fire Marshal. 7. Custodian of Fire Equipment, Hose Cart, Trucks, Etc. 8. To Investigate Fires Keep Records. 9. Examine Engines, Etc., and Report. 10. Inspect Public Buildings As To Safety Etc. 11. Right To Enter Premises. 12. Duty to Attend Fires. 13. Examine Damaged Buildings. 14. Reports. 15. Powers at Fires. 16. Right To Remove Property. 17. Right And Power To Destroy Buildings. 18. Authority of Fire Marshal. 19. Others To Assist On Orders. 20. Hindering Firemen Injuring Fire Apparatus. 21. Driving Over Unprotected Hose. 22. Opening or Meddling with Signal Boxes or Wires. 23. Obstructing Hydrants. 24. Impersonating Firemen. 25. Salvage at Fire Not To Be Taken Away. 26. Uniforms. . . ^. 27. Relief to Injured Firemen. 28. Penalties. SECTION 1. FIKB DEPARTMENT ESTABLISHED. There is hereby established an executive department of the municipal government of the City of Urbana, which shall be known as the Fire Department and shall consist of a Fire Marshal and an Assistant Fire Marshal and such number of other firemen and employees as the City Council may from time to time by Ordinance, or Resolution provide. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA SECTION 2. FIRE MARSHAL TERM APPOINTMENT - BOND. There is hereby created the office of Five Marshal, who shall be the head of said Fire Department and shall hold his office for a term of one year and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified. He shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the ad- vice and consent of the City Council, at the same time and in the same manner as other City Officers. He shall before entering upon the duties of his office execute a bond to the City of Urbana, Illinois in the penal sum of Two Thousand Dollars with sureties to be approved by the City Council, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties. SECTION 3. ASSISTANT FIRE MARSHAL APPOINTMENT- TERM BOND. There is hereby created the office of Assistant Fire Marshal, who shall during the absence of said Fire Mar- shal succeed to all duties of said Fire Marshal and shall hold office for a term of one year and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified. He shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the City Coun- cil, at the same time and in the same manner as other City Officers. Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall execute a bond to the City of Urbana in the penal sum of One Thousand Dollars to be approved by the City Council, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties respec- tively. SECTION 4. FIREMEN APPOINTMENT. Such Engineers, Pipemen, Truckmen and other Firemen and Employes as the City Council may from time to time by ordinance, or resolu- tion provide, shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the City Council. Any member of said Fire Department may be discharged at any time by the Mayor on the recommendation of the Fire Marshal and the Fire and Water Committee. SECTION 5. ' SALARIES. The salaries of the Fire Mar- shal, Assistant Fire Marshal and other members of said Fire Department shall be such as the City Council may from time to time by ordinance provide. FIRE DEPARTMENT 137 SECTION 0. POWERS OF FIRE MARSHAL. Said Fire Mar- shal subject to the control of the City Council, shall have the management and control of all matters and things per- taining- to said Fire Department. He shall have sole and ab- solute control and command of all persons connected with the Fire Department while on duty. He shall possess full power and authority over its or- ganization, government and discipline and to that end he may prescribe and establish from time to time such rules and reg- ulations as he may deem advisable, the same to be subject to the approval of the City Council. SECTION 7. CUSTODIAN OF FIRE EQUIPMENT, HOSE CARTS, TRUCKS. ETC. The Fire Marshal shall have the custody, sub- ject to the direction of the City Council of the engines, hose carts, horses and auto trucks, ladders, telegraph lines, alarm boxes, fire department buildings and all property and equip- ment belonging to said Fire Department. SECTION 8. To INVESTIGATE FIRES KEEP RECORDS. He shall investigate the cause of all fires which shall occur in the City as soon as possible after they occur and keep a record of his investigation and the circumstances of each case. SECTION 0. EXAMINE ENGINES ETC. AND REPORT. He shall at least four times in every year examine into the con- dition of the engine and other fire apparatus and fire depart- ment buildings and report the condition of the same to the City Council at the next subsequent meeting. SECTION 10. INSPECT PUBLIC BUILDINGS AS TO SAFETY ETC. He shall at least once in every six mouths inspect or cause to be inspected all public school buildings, public halls, churches and all buildings used for manufacturing purposes and all fiats, apartments and tenement houses designed or us- ed for the residence of more than two families, all hotels and lodging houses, for the purpose of determining the safety of the building, the sufficiency of its doors, passage ways, or aisles and stairway and generally its facilities for egress in case of fire or other accident happening, the overloading of floors and the storage of combustiles and shall cause to be prosecuted all violations of law or ordinance, in any way concerning the prevention or extinguishment of fires. 138 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UltBANA He shall also at least once ill every six ^months inspect or cause to be inspected all flues and chimneys in said City to determine when same are in such condition as to need repair The Fire Marshall and his agents or assistants under his direction, are authorized to enter into any premises or build- ings in said City at any and all reasonable hours for the pur- pose of inspection, relative to compliance with the ordinances of said city relating to fire hazard, fire appliances, or appa- ratus including chimneys, flues, or pipes. Whenever upon such inspection any building or struc- ture is in any respect liable to become dangerous to life or property in panic, or fire, the Fire Marshall shall thereupon issue any orders or directions necessary in his judgment to the owner, lessee or occupant of said premises to alter, re- move, or remedy same within such reasonble time as the Fire Marshal may direct and every owner, lessee and occu- pant of said premises shall within the time prescribed within said order and direction cause such alteration, removal or other work necessary to be done. Tn the event of the failure of any owner, lessee or occu- pant to cause such alteration, removal or remedy or other necessary act, or work necessary to be done in accordance with the order and direction of the Fire Marshal and within the time prescribed in said order or direction, the Fire Mar- shal shall cause same to be done and the person so neglecting to comply with the order and direction of the Fire Marshal aforesaid, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordi- nance. The refusal to comply with the orders of the Fire Marshall after the expiration of the time limited in said- order and direction shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 11. RIGHT TO ENTER PREMISES. He shall have the right to enter upon the premises wherein any fire has oc- curred if necessary, in order to investigate the origin of the fire. SECTION 12. DUTY TO ATTEND FIRES. It shall be the duty of the Fire Marshal, if in his power, to attend all fires happening in said City. He shall in no case leave the City without the consent of the Mayor. FIRE DEPARTMENT 139 SECTION 13. EXAMINE DAMAGED BUILDINGS. He shall examine all buildings and walls reported dangerous, or dam- aged by fire, or accident and shall when requested by the Mayor or City Council examine all buildings under appli- cation to raise, enlarge, alter or rebuild and make a report of the condition thereof to the Mayor or City Council. SECTION 14. REPORTS. He shall make a report to the City Council once every month showing the number of fires happening during the month, the causes thereof, all acci- dents by fire, the number and description of the buildings destroyed or injured and the amount of property destroyed by fire. He shall also at the first meeting of the City Council in the month of May in each year make a full and complete re- port of all transactions in said Department for the preced- ing year. Such report shall also show as nearly as can be as- certained, the number of fires, causes thereof, accidents by fire, the number and descriptions of the buildings destroyed and injured, together with the names of the owners and oc- cupants, the amount of property destroyed by fire and the insurance thereon, together with such other statistics and suggestions as he may deem suitable. Such report shall also show all monies received from what source same was receiv- ed, together with the amounts paid out and for what paid and also all expenditures of every kind and nature whatsoever on account of the Fire Department, SECTION 15. POWERS AT FIRES. The Fire Marshal or other officer in command may prescribe limits in the vicinity of any fire within which no 'persons excepting those who re- side therein, firemen, policemen and those admitted by order of any officer of the Fire Department, shall be permitted to go; and the Department of Police shall on request of said Fire Marshal, or other officer in command of the Fire Depart- ment at any fire, enforce the provisions of this Section. SECTION 16. RIGHT TO REMOVE PROPERTY. He shall have the right and power to cause the removal of any prop- erty from any building, whenever it shalr become necessary for the preservation of such property from fire, or to pi-event the spreading of fire or to protect adjoining property. .140 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA SECTION 17. RIGHT AND TOWER TO DESTROY BUILDINGS. The Fire Marshal, or in his absence the officer in command at any fire shall have the right and power to direct the mem- bers of the Fire Department to cut down and remove any building, erection, or fence, for the purpose of checking the progress of the fire, and the Fire Marshal, or officer in com- mand, shall have the power to blow up, or cause to be blown ii]) with powder, or otherwise, any building or structure, during the progress of any fire for the purpose of extinguish- ing or checking the same. SECTION 18. AUTHORITY OF FIRE MARSHAL. Every per- son who slia.ll be present at a fire, shall obey the orders of the Marshal or other officer in command of the Fire Department extinguishing the fire and in the removal and protection of property. SECTION 19. OTHERS TO ASSIST ON ORDERS. The Fire Marshal or other officer in command of the Fire Department shall have the power to require the aid of any drayman, with his horse and dray, driver of a wagon with his team and wag- on, or any citizen, inhabitant, or by-stander, in drawing or conveying any fire apparatus to any fire and in removing the same while at a fire. Refusal or neglect of any person to comply with such requisition, shall be a violation of this Ordinance. SECTION 20. HINDERING FIREMEN INJURING FIRE APPA- RATUS. No person shall offer any hindrance to any Officer or Firemen in the performance of his duty at a fire, or in any manner destroy or deface any engine or fire apparatus, be- longing to the City. SECTION 21. DRIVING OVER UNPROTECTED HOSE. No wagon, street car, railroad car, other vehicle shall be driven over any unprotected hose of the Fire Department, when laid down on any street, or alley by order of the Fire Depart- ment ; or other proper officer without first obtaining the con- sent of the Fire Marshal, or officer, or member in charge of such hose. SECTION 22. OPENING OR MEDDLING WITH SIGNAL BOXES OR WIRES. No person or persons, except those connected with the management of the same, shall open any signal FIRE DEPARTMENT 141 \ boxes, or break, cut, deface, derange, or in any manner meddle or interfere with any signal box or fire alarm or tele- graph wires, unless it be for the purpose of communicating an alarm of fire. SECTION 23. OBSTRUCTING HYDRANTS. No person shall in any manner obstruct the use of any fire hydrant, or have or place any material in front thereof, or within 5 feet from either side thereof. SECTION 24. IMPERSONATING FIREMEN. No person not a member of the Fire Department shall impersonate a fire- man, or officer of the Fire Department, at a fire, or going to or returning from a fire, by wearing a cap or badge, or in any other way. SECTION 25. SALVAGE AT FIRE NOT TO BE TAKEN AWAY. No person shall be entitled to take away any property in the possession of the Fire Department saved from any fire, until proof of ownership be made to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshall, or acting Fire Marshal and his consent obtained thereto. SECTION 26. UNIFORMS. The officers and employees of such Fire Department at their own expense shall provide themselves with and wear at all times when on duty, such suitable uniforms as the Fire Marshal may prescribe. SECTION 27. RELIEF TO INJURED FIREMEN. Any mem- ber of the Fire Department receiving an injury, or becoming disabled while in the discharge of his duty, so as to prevent him from attending to his duties as such member, shall re- ceive such relief from the firemen's fund as may be allowed by the trustees of such funcl. SECTION 28. PENALTIES. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall upon conviction there- of, for each offense be fined in any sum not less than Three Dollars, nor more than Two Hundred Dollars. 142 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA CHAPTER XXI FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND 1. Fund Provided For. 2. Secretary and Treasurer Election Bond. 3. Payments to Treasurer Disbursements. 4. Trustees Election Administration. SECTION 1. FUND PROVIDED FOR. The City Treasurer of Urbana shall set apart, from the revenues of said city for each fiscal year, as a fund for the pensioning of disabled and -superannuated members of the Fire Department of said city, and the widows and orphans and dependent parents of deceased members of said Fire Department, in accordance with the provisions of the laws of Illinois, one per centum of all revenues collected or received by the City of Urbana from licenses issued by said city, also all fines imposed for violations of fire ordinances, the enforcement or collection of which may be charged to and be under the supervision of the Fire Marshal or subordinate officers of the Fire Department; also one per centum of the salary, wages or compensation of each officer or member of the Fire Department. There shall also be paid to the City Treasurer and by him be set apart to the credit of said pension fund, all fines and penalties im- posed upon members of the Fire Department, and all re- wards, moneys, fees, gifts and emoluments that may be paid or given on account of extraordinary services by said Fire Department or any member thereof, (except when same is allowed to be retained by competitive award). There shall also be set apart by the City Treasurer to the credit of said pension fund, fifty per cent of all moneys collected by said city from foreign fire insurance companies, as a tax or li- cense fee, under the provisions of the ordinances of said city. SECTION 2. SECRETARY AND TREASURER ELECTION- BOND. There shall be elected by ballot at an annual election, at which election all active members of the Fire Department FIREMEN^S PENSION FUND 143 shall be entitled to vote, a Secretary and a Treasurer of the Fire Department of said city, to be chosen from the active members of the Fire Department, which election shall be held on the Third Monday of April of each year, under the Australian ballot system, at such place or places and under such regulations as shall be prescribed by the Fire Marshal. The Treasurer of said Fire Department, shall before enter- ing upon the duties of said office, give bond annually to the city of Urbana in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,- 000.00), with two or more good and sufficient sureties, resi- dents of said city, to be approved by the City Council, condi- tioned for the faithful performance of the duties of said of- fice, and for the prompt accounting for all moneys that may come into his hands by virtue of said office. He shall keep an accurate record of all moneys received and expenditures made by him on account of the Fire Department, and shall make an annual report to the City Council. Such bond may be increased from time to time as may be necessary. SECTION 3. PAYMENTS TO TREASURER DISBURSEMENTS. The City Treasurer shall pay over to the Treasurer of the Fire Department, at such time as the City Council may di- rect, one-half of all moneys received by him in payment of the license fee or tax imposed upon corporations, companies and associations not organized under the laws of the state of Illi- nois, and which are engaged in the business of fire insurance in the city. The money thus received by the Treasurer of the Fire Department shall be for the maintainance, use and ben- efit of said department and shall be paid out by the treasurer only upon warrant properly signed by the Fire Marshal and the secretary of the Fire Department. No warrants shall be issued for the expenditure of any money from such funds without the approval of the Mayor and the Fire and Water Committee of the City Council. SECTION 4. TRUSTEES ELECTION ADMINISTRATION. The Firemen's Pension Fund shall be under the control of the Board of Trustees of the Firemen's Pension Fund, which Board shall consist of the Mayor, City Treasurer, (who shall be ex officio Treasurer of said Pension Fund), City Clerk, 144 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA City Attorney, Fire Marshal and two active members of the Fire Department. The two last mentioned members shall be elected by ballot at an annual election, at which all active members of the Fire Department shall be entitled to participate and vote, which election shall be held annually on the third Monday in April under the Australian ballot sys- tem at such place or places in said city and under such regu- lations as shall be prescribed by the members of this Board who are members thereof by reason of their official positions. Said pension fund shall be managed and administered by said Board in accordance with the act of the General Assembly providing for the same. FIREWORKS AND EXPLOSIVES 145 CHAPTER XXII FIREWORKS AND EXPLOSIVES 1. Discharge of Fire Crackers. 2. Sale of Fireworks. 3. Storage of Fireworks. 5. Penalty. 6. Fire Marshall to Direct Display. SECTION 1. DISCHARGE OF FIREWORKS. The discharge, firing or use of all firecrackers, rockets, torpedoes, Roman candles or other fireworks, or substances designed and in- tended for pyrotechnic display and all pistols, canes, cannon, or other appliances using blank cartridges, or caps contain- ing chlorate of potash mixture in hereby prohibited: Pro- vided that the Mayor or City Council of the City of Urbana, Illinois, may order the public display of fireworks, by prop- erly qualified individuals under the direct supervision of experts in the handling of fireworks: Provided also that such display or displays shall be of such character and so located, discharged, or fired, as in the opinion of the Fire Marshall shall not be hazardous to surrounding property, or endanger any person or persons. SECTION 2. SALE OF FIREWORKS. The sale of fireworks at retail is hereby prohibited. SECTION 3. STORAGE OF FIREWORK. The storage or sale of fireworks at wholesale is prohibited, except by permit from the Mayor, issued for a period of one year. Application for permit must be filed with the Fire Marshall at least Thirty days previous to the issuing of the permit and must give detailed description of the proposed care and storage of said materials and of the structural conditions and occupancies of the building. SECTION 4. PERMIT TO DISPLAY FIREWORKS. Permits may be issued only after the inspection of the premises by the Fire Marshall or his authorized agent, who shall file 146 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A with the Mayor and Fire Department a certificate of ap- proval and reasons therefor. SECTION 5. PENALTY. Any person, firm or corporation violating 1 any of the provisions of this Ordinance as regards the storage and sale of fireworks shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than Ten ($10.00) Dollars nor more than Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars for each day's neglect of the provisions of this Ordinance. The violation of any other section of this Ordinance shall be considered punishable by a fine of not exceeding Ten ($10.00) Dollars. SECTION 51. FIRE MARSHALL TO DIRECT DISPLAY. On all occasions of display of fire works for celebration, tlie Fire Marshall shall direct such display and shall make such ar- rangements and adjustments as, in his judgment, may be necessary to render such display safe and to prevent any ac- cident bv fire. FISCAL AND MUNICIPAL YEAR 147 CHAPTER XXIII. FISCAL AND MUNICIPAL YEAR. 1. Fiscal Year. 2. Municipal Year. SECTION 1. FISCAL YEAH. The fiscal year of the City of Urbana shall commence on the first day of May in each and every year. SECTION '2. MUNICIPAL YEAH. The municipal year of the City of Urbana shall commence on the first day of May of each and every year. 148 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A CHAPTER XXIV. FOREIGN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES 1. Tax or License Fee. 2. Agent To Report. 3. Agent to Pay Fees. 4. Unlawful To Transact Business When. 5. Penalty. SECTION 1. TAX OR LICENSE FEE. All corporations, companies and associations not incorporated under the laws of this state, and which are engaged in the City of Urbana in effecting or soliciting fire insurance, shall pay to the Treasur- er of the City of Urbane, annually on or before the fifteenth day of July of each and every year, a sum equal to two per cent, of the gross receipts of premiums by such corporation, company or association, or their agency or agents, for busi- ness effected or transacted for fire insurance within the said City of Urbana, for the year ending July 1st, preceding. The sum above named shall be a tax or license fee upon such corp- orations, companies or associations transacting such busi- ness within the said City of Urbana. SECTION 2. AGENT TO REPORT. Every person acting as agent or otherwise, for or upon behalf of any such corpora- tion, company or association shall on or before the 15th day of July, of each and every year, render to the Clerk of the City of Urbana, a full, true and just account, verified by oath of all the premiums, which, during the year ending on the 1st day of July, preceding, shall have been received by him, or any other person for him, in behalf of any such corporation, company or association, and shall fully and specifically set out in said report the amount or amounts received as prem- iums for fire insurance. SECTION 3. AGENT TO PAY FEES. The said agent or agents shall also at the time of the making of the above men- tioned report, pay to the Treasurer of the City of Urbana the FOREIGN F1KE INSURANCE COMPANIES 149 sum of two per cent, upon the gross receipts of such corpor- ation, company or association, obtained as premiums for ef- fecting fire insurance in the City of Urbaua, as pecified in sec- tion 1 of this chapter. SECTION 4. UNLAWFULL TO TRANSACT BUSINESS WHEN. If such account be not rendered on or before the day herein designated for such purpose, or if the above mentioned rates for the said tax or license fee shall remain unpaid after that day, it shall be unlawful for any such corporation, company or association to transact any business of fire insurance in the said City of Urbana until the requirements hereof have been fully complied with; nevertheless this provision shall in no way affect the validity of any risk that may be taken in violation hereof between such corporation, company or as- sociation, and the person so insured. SECTION 5. PENALTY. If any such corporation, com- pany or association fail to render the report or account here- in designated by this chapter, or if the above mentioned rates, as a tax or license fee. shall remain unpaid after the day designated, to-wit, July 15th, every such coporation, company or association shall forfeit and pay to the City of Urbana, the sum of two hundred dollars upon conviction, for each and every offense, and in addition to such penalty, the City of Urbana shall recover, in an action, in its name, for its use, against such corporation, company or association so failing to make such report, or pay such license fee or tax, the full amount of such license, which would be due under the provisions hereof. SECTION 6. FUND FOR BENEFIT OF FIRE DEPARTMENT. Any and all sums so received under the provisions hereof, shall form and constitute a fund to be kept separate by the Treas- urer of the said City of Urbana for the maintenance, use and benefit of the Fire Department of the said City of Urbana in conformity to the ordinance of the City. 150 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA CHAPTER XXV. FORTUNE TELLING. 1. Fortune Tellers to Secure License. 2. Penalty. SECTION 1. FORTUNE TELLERS TO SECURE LICENSE. Thai hereafter no person, or' persons, shall follow the trade or profession of fortune telling, either by cards, or other means in the City of Urbana, Illinois, without first having applied to the City Clerk of said City for a license to do so. Upon such application, accompanied by the license fee hereafter named, the Clerk shall issue a license for the purpose men- tioned in such application. No one shall receive such a license unless the person or persons applying for the same shall at the time of receiving such license pay to the City Clerk the sum of $2.00 for each and every day for which the said license shall be granted. SECTION 2. PENALTY. Any person or persons who shall follow the trade or profession of fortune telling as above mentioned without having complied with the terms of Section 1 hereof, shall be liable to a fine of not more than |25.00 nor less than f 5.00 for each and every day said person or persons violate the said Section 1 hereof. HAWKERS AND PEDDLERS 151 CHAPTER XXVI. HAWKERS AND PEDDLERS 1. Incense Required. 2. License How Obtained. 3. Fees for Licenses. 4. Restrictions Near Public Schools. 5. Penalty. SECTION 1. LICENSE REQUIRED. No person shall hawk or peddle any goods, wares, merchandise, or other article either on foot, with a cart or wagon, or from an enclosed stand, without having first obtained from the City a license so to do : Provided however that no license shall be required for any person to hawk or peddle newspapers or any pro- duce, raised, grown or manufactured by such person. SECTION 2. LICENSE How OBTAINED. Every person wishing to obtain a license for the purpose of hawking or peddling shall make application to the City Clerk, stating what articles, wares, or merchandise he desires to hawk or peddle and for what length of time he desires to hawk or peddle, and upon payment to the Clerk of the fees as herein- after provided the license shall be issued. The Clerk shall furnish to each person obtaining a li- cense to peddle from a wagon or cart, a metal peddler's num- ber which shall be placed upon the wagon or cart, in such manner as to be exposed to view and a new number shall be obtained for each municipal year : Provided that but one per- son shall sell under any license and but one person shall be entitled to use but one wagon, vehicle or cart. SECTION 3. FEES FOR LICENSES. The fees charged for licenses shall be as follows : (a) For hawking or peddling jewelry, silverware, or gold plate ware or merchandise there shall be paid a license fee of $5.00 per day. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA (b) For hawking or peddling salve, liniment, electric appliances, dry-goods, notions, clothing, gents furnishing goods or shoes, there shall be paid a license fee of $3.00 per day or $15.00 per week. (c) For hawking or peddling stationery, picture books, and publications other than newspapers, there shall be paid a license of $3.00 per week. (d) For hawking or peddling lemonade, sodas or oth- er refreshments there shall be paid a license fee of $3.00 for one day, $5.00 per week, or $10.00 per month or $50.00 per year. (e) For hawking or peddling fruits, vegetables, groceries, meats, poultry, or fish, there shall be paid a license fee of $3.00 per month provided that where said license shall be issued for six months, the fee shall be $10, and for one year $15.00. (f) For hawking, peddling, or selling popcorn, pea- nuts, ice-cream, fruit or refreshments of any kind from a stand or where any portion of the street, alley, or sidewalk of the City is used to conduct such business there shall be paid a fee of $3.00 per week, $15.00 for six months, or $25.00 per year. (g) For hawking or peddling any and all articles not herein enumerated and specified, there shall be paid a license fee of $3.00 per day, $10.00 per week, $15.00 per month or $50.00 per year. SECTION 4. RESTRICTIONS NEAR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. No license issued under the provisions of this ordinance shall permit any person to hawk, peddle or sell any sandwiches, lunch, fruit, pop-corn, peanuts, sodas, ice-cream or other like food or refreshments, within a distance of three blocks from any school building in the city. SECTION 5. PENALTY. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a penalty of not less than $5.00 nor more than $100.00, for each violation ; and in the event there would have been no violation if a li- cense had bee procured, in addition to paying a penalty im- posed by the court, the person shall pay all license fees that may be due. HEALTH 153 CHAPTER XXVII HEALTH. ARTICLE 1. General Regulations. 1. Department of Health Established. 2. Appointment. 3. Oath. 4. Organization. 6. Power and Duties. 6. Records. 7. Notices Posted. 8. Jurisdiction. 9. Salary. 10. Expenditures. 11. Reports. 12. Epidemics Regulations Governing. 13. Small Pox Vaccination Refusal. 14. Disinfection of Premises. 15. Duty to Remedy Faulty Conditions. 16. Duty of Persons to Report Contagious, Etc., Diseases. ARTICLE 2. Foodstuffs, Drugs, Medicines. 17. Unwholesomme Food. 18. Milk. 19. Dairy Inspection. 20. Killing Diseased Animals. 21. Selling Flesh of Diseased Animals. 22. Other Unwholesome Provisions. 23. Undrawn Poultry. 24. Dressed Meats. 25. Oysters, Etc. 26. Ice. 27. Itinerant Vendors of Drugs, Medicine, Etc. 28. Free Distribution of Drugs and Medicine. 29. Distribution of Medical Literature. 154 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FHBANA ARTICLE :>. Sanitation. 30. Inspection. 31. Offensive Establishment. 32. Slops and Garbage. 33. Scavenger Work. 34. Diseased Animals. 35. Manure, Etc. 36. Lodging Houses. 37. Sanitation of Schools. ARTICLE 4. Contagious Diseases. 38. Reports of Disease Required. 39. Quarantine. 40. Rules for Government of Quarantine. 41. Expense of Quarantine. 42. Precaution. 43. Disinfection. 44. Tuberculosis Inspection. ARTICLE 5. Deaths and Burials. 45. Burial or Removal Permits. 46. Death Certificate. 47. Burial Permit. 48. Permit Recorded. 49. Filing of Death Certificate. ARTICLE 0. Nuisances. 50. Nuisances Enumerated. 51. Abatement. ARTICLE 7. Penalties. 52. Penalties. SECTION 1. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ESTABLISHED. There is hereby established an executive Department of the HEALTH 155 municipal government of the City, to be known as the De- partment of Health which shall consist of the Board of Health as herein constituted, together with such officers or employes of said Board as the City Council may from time to time provide. The Board of Health shall consist of three members, one of whom at least shall be a legally licensed practitioner under the laws of the State of Illinois. SECTION 2. APPOINTMENT. The Board of Health shall be appointed by the Mayor of said City by and with the ad- vice and consent of the City Council in the same manner and at the same time as other officers are appointed. At the time of the appointment the Mayor shall designate one of said members to be Chairman of said Board, who shall also be Health Officer and said Chairman shall be a legally licensed practitioner of medicine or trained in sanitary sci- ence. All of said members shall hold their office from the date of appointment to the end of the municipal year and until their successors are duly appointed and qualified. SECTION :>. OATH. The Members of said Board of Health before entering upon their official duties shall sever- ally take and subscribe the oath prescribed by law for city officials. SECTION 4. ORGANIZATION. The Board of Health shall within five days after their appointment and qualification meet at the call of the Chairman and elect one of their mem- bers Secretary. SECTION 5. POWERS AND DUTIES. The Board of Health shall exercise a general supervision over the health and sani- tary conditions of the City and have full power to make such rules and regulations and take such steps and employ such measures as are necessary to promote the cleanliness and san- itary conditions thereof and shall have full power to deter- mine what shall be deemed nuisances in such respects in addi- tion to those enumerated in this Ordinance and to abate the same and shall have full charge of the prevention, restric- tion and suppression of contagious, infectious or communi- cable diseases. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this !.")( ORDINANCES OF TUB CITY OF UUBANA ordinance any member of the Board of Health and the em- ployees and officers of said Board shall be permitted to enter at any reasonable hour any premises, house, store, stable, factory or other building in the City; and they and each of them are hereby invested with police powers as police officers of said City, and are given the right to arrest or cause to be arrested any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 6. RECORDS. It shall be the duty of the Secre- tary of the Board of Health to cause to be kept a record of all transactions of said Department including such informa- tion as may be necessary for the official work of said De- partment. SECTION 7. NOTICES OF DISEASES POSTED. It shall be the duty of the Chairman of the Board of Health to cause a notice, printed or written in large letters to be placed upon or near any house in which any person may be affected or sick with any contagious, infectious, pestilential, epidemic, or communicable disease, upon which shall be written or printed the name of such disease, or such other notice as the Board of Health may deem necessary ; and no person or per- sons shall deface, alter, mutilate, destroy or tear down such notice without permission from the Chairman of the Board of Health. SECTION 8. JURISDICTION. The jurisdiction of the De- partment of Health shall extend over the City and one-half mile beyond the corporate limits thereof and all rules and regulations of said Department relating to sanitation and public health and the abatement of nuisances shall apply to and be in force in all of said territory. SECTION 9. SALARY. The members and employees of the Department of Health shall receive such compensation as may be provided from time to time by the City Council. SECTION 10. EXPENDITURES. The Department of Health shall not contract any financial obligations, or expend any money, except the same is especially appropriated for the use of said Department and its work by the City Council. SECTION 11. REPORTS. The Department of Health shall from time to time recommend to the Citv Council such mea- HEALTH 157 sures as it may deem necessary to promote and secure the health and cleanliness of the City; and said Department shall annually on or before the first day of May each year render to the City Council a full and accurate statement of all expenses incurred in the discharge of its duties together with a detailed statement of its operations for the preceding year. SECTION 12. EPIDEMIC REGULATIONS GOVERNING.- In case of pestilences or epidemic disease or danger from antici- pated or impending pestilences, or epidemic disease, or in case the sanitary condition of the City should be of such character as to warrant it, it shall be the duty of the Health Officers to take such measures and to do and cause to be done such acts for the preservation of the public health, though not herein or elsewhere or otherwise specifically au- thorized, as said Department may in good faith declare the public safety or health demands; and no person shall refuse or neglect to comply with any of the rules, orders or sanitary regulations of the Department of Health made in conformity with this section. SECTION 13. SMALL POX VACCINATION REFUSAL. The Department of Health may take such measures as it may from time to time in case of emergency deem necessary to prevent the spread of small pox, by issuing an order requir- ing all persons in the City or any part thereof in need of vac- cination, to be vaccinated, within such time as the Depart- ment may prescribe ; and any person refusing or neglecting to obey such order shall be liable for violation of the provisions of this Ordinance and subject to the general penalty there- for. It shall be the duty of the Department of Health to provide for the vaccination of such persons as are unable to pay for the same. SECTION 14. DISINFECTION OF PREMISES. The Health officer shall have power to cause. any house or any premises to be cleaned, disinfected, or closed to visitors, and to pre- vent persons from resorting thereto while any person therein is suffering from any pestilential, infectious, contagious, or communicable disease and may by order in writing direct any nuisance affecting the sanitary condition of the City 158 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA or the public health of the City to be abated and to take any other measures he may deem necessary and proper to prevent the spread of any contagious, infectious, pestilential, commu- nicable or epidemic disease. SECTION 15. DUTY TO REMEDY FAULTY CONDITIONS. In the event of failure or refusal of any person having- charge or control of any premises to carry out the instructions of the Department of Health or the Health officer, then the de- partment shall cause such faulty conditions to be remedied and the cost and expense of having same done shall be charg- ed to the person having charge and control of said premises. SECTION 1(5. DUTY OF PERSONS TO REPORT CONTAGIOUS, ETC. DISEASES. It shall be the duty of every person knowing of any individual in the City affected with any contagious, infectious, pestilential or communicable disease immediately to report the same to the Chairman of the Board of Health, which report shall give the name, if known, of such person, and the place of dwelling. ARTICLE 2. FOODSTUFFS, DRUGS,, MEDICINES. SECTION 17. UNWHOLESOME FOOD. Whenever any cattle, meats, fish, fowl, vegetables, or other foodstuffs, are found upon inspection to be tainted, diseased, corrupt, adulterated, or for any cause to be unfit for human food, the same shall be disposed of under direction of the Department of Health. SECTION 18. MILK. No person, firm or corporation not licensed to sell milk and cream within the City shall sell or offer for sale, milk or cream, within the City, nor shall any person so licensed sell or offer for sale any milk or creain adulterated in any manner, or milk or creain received from diseased cows, or milk containing less than 3% of milk fat, or cream containing less .than 18% of milk fat. No milk from any premises from which a case of communicable disease exists shall be sold within the City. All milk sold within the City shall be pasteurized, unless permission is given by the Department of Health, to sell milk that is not pasteurized ; and all such milk that is not pasteurized HEALTH 159 shall meet the general requirements as to purity and sanita- tion as required by the Department of Health. SECTION 19. DAIRY INSPECTION. All persons selling milk or cream within the City shall apply to the City Clerk for a license to sell same, which license shall be issued only after the dairy or place in which such milk or cream is con- tained has been inspected by the Department of Health and reported by said Department to be kept in a clean and sani- tary condition. Upon the issuance of a certificate of in- spection by the Department of Health and the payment to the City Clerk of the license fee, license shall be issued. The license fee shall be fo.OO per annum for each dealer and two dollars additional per annum for each wagon or vehicle more than one used by any licensee ; provided that any licensee who sells or offers to sell milk delivered by hand from not more than two cows shall pay a license fee of one dollar per annum. SECTION 20. KILLING DISEASED ANIMALS. No person shall slaughter for human food within the jurisdiction of the Department of Health any emaciated, sick, sore, bruised, wounded, diseased, or disordered animal, or any animal which has been within twenty-four hours next before the time of slaughter excessively driven so as to become heated, or any calf under four weeks old, or any female animal far gone with young. SECTION 21. SELLING FLESH OF DISEASED ANIMALS. No person shall offer to sell, or keep exposed for sale, any emaci- ated, sick, crippled, sore ,bruised, wounded, diseased or dis- ordered animal, with the intent that the same shall while in such condition be slaughtered for human food, or shall sell, offer for sale, keep or expose for sale flesh of any such animal, or any tainted, unwholesome, fresh meat or the flesh of any animal coming to its death naturally or by any means other than the usual mode of slaughtering animals for human food, or the flesh of any calf slaughtered under the age of four weeks, or any female animal which at the time of slaughter was far gone with young. SECTION 22. OTHER UNWHOLESOME FOOD PROVISIONS. No person shall sell, expose or offer for sale any sick or diseased 160 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA fowl, bird, game, poultry or fish after the same has become tainted, decayed or unwholesome from any cause, or the flesh of any animal, fowl, bird, game or fish not used or deemed wholesome for food, or any tainted, decayed, unsound or unwholesome provisions, or article of food of any kind whatever, or any adulterated or pernicious drink or liquors. SECTION 23. UNDRAWN POULTRY. No person, firm or corporation shall sell, offer for sale, or expose for sale within the City any poultry used for food purposes, refrigerated or otherwise, which at the time of slaughter has not been drawn, or prepared in compliance with the directions of the Depart- ment of Health. SECTION 24. DRESSED MEATS. No person, firm or corpor- ation shall transport or convey dressed meats or poultry from place to place in the City without having the same cov- ered with a clean and suitable covering sufficient to protect same from dust, dirt, flies or other impurities. SECTION 25. OYSTERS, ETC. No person, firm or corpora- tion shall sell or offer for sale any oysters or other like pro- visions which have been permitted to stand exposed to the air in any tin cans, or other tin vessels, from which ptomaine poisoning is liable to result. When oysters or other provis- ions are shipped in tin cans, as soon as they are opened they shall be removed from the vessel in which they are shipped and placed in a receptacle of such material that ptomaine poisoning will not be engendered. SECTION 26. ICE. No person, firm or corporation shall sell, offer or expose for sale within the City any impure ice, or ice containing filth or any other matter, substance or thing which will render the ice impure or the use of the same unhealthy. No person, firm or corporation sha"ll sell and distribute ice in said City Avithout first having obtained a license there- for. Such license shall be issued upon the payment to the City Clerk of an annual license fee of Two Dollars for each wagon used in the distribution of ice by the licensee. SECTION 27. ITINERANT VENDORS OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, ETC. No itinerant or transient vendor of drugs and medicine shall set up, maintain or carry on within the City, any store, HEALTH 161 stand or other establishment for the selling, giving away, or other disposition of drugs or medicine without first having obtained a license for doing so as hereinafter provided. Be- fore license shall be issued, an application for same in writ- ing shall be filed with the City Clerk, which application shall give the name of the applicant, the kind of drug or medicine to be sold or distributed, the method of sale or distribution, together with the time and place of sale or distribution. This application shall be referred to the Department of Health and if the Department of Health shall approve the issuance of a license upon such application, the City Clerk shall issue such license: Provided, the fee therefor is paid in advance. The fee for such license shall be $25.00 per week or fraction thereof. SECTION 28. FREE DISTRIBUTION OF DRUGS AND MEDICINE. No person shall pass out upon the streets or in other public places or distribute from house to house in the City, samples of any drug or medicine without first having obtained a per- mit to do so from the Department of Health. SECTION 29. DISTRIBUTION OF MEDICAL LITERATURE. No person, firm or corporation shall post on the streets or other public places or distribute upon the streets or other public places, or from house to house, any circulars, pamphlets, books, advertisements or printed matter whatsoever treat- ing of any disease of any kind or nature whatsoever or any literature which may have a tendency to corrupt the morals. ARTICLE 3. SANITATION. SECTION 30. INSPECTION. The Department of Health shall on the first Monday of May of each year or as soon thereafter as practicable and more often if deemed expedient by said Department make a thorough inspection of the sani- tary conditions of all school houses and premises, hotels, lodging houses, theatres, public halls, or other places where public gatherings of any kind are held, restaurants, bakeries, livery stables, feed barns or yards, dairies, milk depots, gro- eery stores, meat markets, and slaughter houses whose 162 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URRANA produce is sold in the City in accordance with this Ordinance and shall direct such improvements in the sanitary condi- tions of any premises as in the judgment of the Department are necessary. Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of the Depart- ment of Health that the health or sanitary condition of any building or premises is injurious to the health of the occu- pants 01- of the public, the Department of Health shall make a thorough examination of the building or premises and shall direct and instruct the owner- or person in charge of such place as to the remedy of such condition ; and if such condi- tion is not remedied within a reasonable time the Depart- ment of Health shall cause such building or premises to be put in good sanitary condition at the cost of the person re- sponsible for, or causing such unhealthy or dangerous con- dition. SECTION 31. OFFENSIVE ESTABLISHMENT. No slaughter house, stock yard, cattle yard, feed yard, fertilizing works, soap factory, dye works, rendering plant or any other bus- iness causing noxious odors or the operation of which may be detrimental to the public health shall be established or main- tained within the jurisdiction of the Department of Health except by permit granted by special ordinance by the City Council. SECTION ;> SLOPS AND (JARUAUE. No person shall throw, discharge or deposit in any place within the jurisdiction of the Department of Health any garbage, meats, slops, animal matter, dead animals, suds, vegetables, filth, night soil, stable drippings or offal of any kind, except in such places us may be designated as dump grounds by the Department of Health. From the 15th day of May to the first day of November of each year, the keeper of every tenement house, lodging house, restaurant, boarding house, hotel, bakery, private res- idence or place with a kitchen having refuse of an organic character commonly known as garbage shall provide for the destruction of such garbage by fire or any other method of reduction approved by the Department of Health, or shall deposit such garbage in cans of galvanized iron or wooden HEALTH 163 water-tight receptacles, with a capacity of not less than six gallons; which said cans shall have air-tight covers. The con- tents of said cans or receptacles shall be removed from the premises where collected at least once a week and oftener upon the direction of the Department of Health. SECTION 33. SCAVENGER WORK. No person shall engage in the removal of offal, garbage, slops, or the like, or pursue the occupation of scavenger in the City without first having obtained from the City Clerk a license to do so. The fees tot- such license shall be at the rate of Five Dollars per annum and shall expire at the end of the municipal year. Said per- son who shall engage in collecting garbage shall be permitted to charge not exceeding 15 cents for each emptying of cans or receptacles of the size above specified in the foregoing Section and a proportionate sum for larger ones. Scavengers in removing any offal or garbage shall take it to such places as may be designated as dumping grounds by the Department of Health and so deposit or otherwise dis- pose of same that it will not become a nuisance or menace to the public health. No scavenger shall use in his business any vehicle used to transfer night soil, offal, or any offensive matter through the streets of the City, except said vehicle shall be fitted with a water-tight box or barrel and shall be so constructed that no portion of the offensive matter conveyed shall be scattered and left on the streets; all other necessary precaution shall be taken to prevent the escape of offensive odors from such box. > \S:?\o privy vault shall be opened or the contents thereof disturbed or removed between the hours of five o'clock A. M. and 10 o'clock P. M. of any day, nor shall such contents be buried or deposited within the City. SECTION 3-t. DISEASED ANIMALS. No domestic animal afflicted with a contagious disease shall be allowed to run at large or be exposed in any public place whereby the health of man or beast may be affected within the City, nor shall such diseased animal be shipped or moved from the premises of its owner, except under the supervision of the Department of Health or of the State Veterinarian. It is hereby made the 164 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA duty of the Department of Health to secure such disposition of any diseased animal and such treatment of infected prem- ises as to prevent the communication or spread of the con- tagion or infection, except in cases where the State Veteri- narian is empowered to act; and in all such cases the De- partment of Health shall co-operate with the State Veteri- narian so far as such co-operation may be necessary to pro- tect the health of the City. SECTION 35. MANURE, ETC. No person shall permit to accumulate upon his premises within the city any pile or deposit of manure, offal, garbage or any other offensive or noxious substance. No person shall place any manure, offal, garbage or other offensive or noxious substance upon any street, alley, or other public ground within the City. SECTION 36.. LODGING HOUSES. No proprietor, keeper, manager, clerk or other employee of any lodging house, boarding house, or any tavern, inn, hotel, or other public- place of abode in the City shall permit any room in such place to be used or occupied for sleeping purposes which does not contain four hundred cubic feet of air space for each person sleeping therein at the same time. Any place occupied by three or more persons not members of the imme- diate family residing therein shall be subject to the provis- ions of this section. * SECTION 37. SANITATION OF SCHOOLS. The Department of Health shall have jurisdiction in all matters pertaining to the preservation of the health of those in attendance upon the public and private schools in the City; and it is hereby made the duty of this department : First : To require that all persons attending said schools either as teachers or, pupils shall present satisfactory evi- dence of proper and successful vaccination or of a previous attack of small-pox, whenever small-pox exists in said City and there is reasonable ground to apprehend its spread. Second : To exclude from said schools any person with any contagious, infectious, pestilential, or communicable disease, or liable to convey such disease to others in attend- ance. HEALTH 165 ARTICLE 4. CONTAGIOUS, ETC., DISEASES. SECTION 38. REPORTS OF DISEASE REQUIRED. Every householder within the City in whose dwelling there shall occur a case of contagious, infectious, pestilential, epidemic, or communicable disease shall immediately notify the De- partment of Health of the same; and until instructions are received from said Department no clothing or other property that may have been exposed to the infection, or contagion shall be removed from the house, nor shall any occupant of such infected dwelling change his residence elsewhere with- out the consent of the Department of Health during the prev- alence of any public danger from said disease. Every physician, nurse or other attendant upon any person sick with any disease shall forthwith report the same to the Department of Health and the Department of Health shall notify the State Board of Health of all cases of diseases required by law, or the rules of the State Board of Health to be so reported. SECTION 39. QUARANTINE. Immediately upon receiving the report of any disease dangerous to public health the De- partment of Health shall attach in a permanent place near the front entrance of the infected building a flag or placard of suitable size and color bearing the name of the disease. Said Department of Health shall also in such cases as re- quired by the rules of the State Board of Health establish quarantine and prevent all persons except physicians, nurses and necessary attendants from entering or departing from such premises. If it be necessary to employ guards to en- force quarantine the Department of Health is hereby em- powered to do so. The Department of Health may direct the removal of any person suffering from any such contagious, infectious, or other communicable disease, to a hospital or other proper place. Any person who shall wilfully tear down or deface any flag or placard put up under the provisions of this Sec- tion or who shall violate the quarantine established shall be subject to the penalties hereinafter provided. 166 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UKBAXA SECTION 40. RULES FOR GOVERNMENT OF QUARANTINE. The Department of Health shall make such rules and regula- tions for the government of quarantine, or the health of the City, as from time to time it shall deem necessary; and it shall be the duty of persons in quarantine and all agents, of- ficers or policemen or others employed by the City on or about said quarantine or places to carry out and obey the same. SECTION 41. EXPENSE OF QUARANTINE. The expense of caring for all sick persons who shall be reported to said De- partment of Health as suffering from any contagious, infec- tious, pestilential, or communicable disease, whether such person be confined in or on the premises or removed by said Department of Health to another place in pursuance of the provisions of this chapter shall be borne by such person at their own expense if they are able. If any such persons are not able to pay for necessary board, nursing, supplies and medical attendance while under quarantine by said Department of Health, said Department of Health shall at once report the fact to the Supervisor of the Town of Urbana, to the end that the necessary expense of board, medical attendance, nursing and supplies furnished to said persons who are not able to pay for the same, shall not be paid by the City of Urbana, but by Champaign Coun- ty; and no official board, agent or representative of the City of Urbana shall have authority to obligate said City for the payment of the same. SECTION 42. PRECAUTION. No person or thing liable to propagate any contagious, infectious, pestilential or com- municable disease shall be brought within the city of Ur- bana, without the special permit and under the direction of the Department of Health. No person shall within the City, without a permit from the Department of Health, carry or remove from one building to another any person afflicted with any contagious, infec- tious, pestilential, or communicable disease, nor shall any person afflicted with any such disease or liable to communi- cate or spread the contagion thereof be shipped or removed from the City of Urbana to any other place, except under HEALTH 167 the direction of the Department of Health and with proper precautions taken against the spread of contagion. SECTION 43. DISINFECTION. Any physician, nurse or other person attending in or about any person having any contagious, infectious, pestilential, or communicable disease, who shall not change or purify his wearing apparel before going upon any street or public place, or who shall so conduct himself as to make the spread of the disease possible shall be subject to the penalty hereafter provided. During the illness of any person suffering from any such disease the nurse or other person or persons in attendance on the case shall strictly observe the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health. After the recovery or death of the patient the premises and contents shall be disinfected under the direction of the Department of Health in the manner pre- scribed by the State Board of Health. SECTION 44. TUBERCULOSIS INSPECTION. Every practic- ing physician in the City who shall have any patient affected or sick with pulmonary tuberculosis, shall forthwith report the same to the Department of Health, which report shall give the place of residence and name of said patient. If any person afflicted with pulmonary tuberculosis in the City shall die of said disease, or shall remove from or change his or her place of residence, it shall be the duty of the attending physician forthwith to report in writing to the De- partment of Health said death or removal. If there shall be no attending physician, it shall be the duty of any person in charge of said patient, or in charge of the premises where said patient resides and having knowledge of the nature of said disease forthwith to report to the Department of Health said death or removal. Any person who shall fail or neglect to make the reports, as herein provided shall be subect to the penalties hereinafter provided. In all rases of death or removal as herein above provided it shall be the duty of the Department of Health to cause the premises where any such patient died, or from which any such patient was removed to be disinfected in compliance with the method approved by the State Board of Health. 168 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA ARTICLE 5. DEATHS AND BURIALS. SECTION 45. BURIAL OR REMOVAL PERMITS. No person shall remove the dead body of any person from said City, or shall bury or cremate the same without first obtaining a burial permit or permission in compliance with the rules of the State Board of Health. SECTION 46. DEATH CERTIFICATE. Every physician or midwife in attendance upon any person who shall die in the City shall upon a form prescribed by the State Board of Health at once file with the City Clerk of the City a death certificate stating name, age, sex, residence and cause of death of the deceased and all other items of information required in and prescribed by such form of death certificate. It shall be unlawful for any person in such certificate of death knowingly to make any false statement of the date, name, place, or cause of the death of the deceased. SECTION 47. BURIAL PERMIT. Upon filing with the City Clerk a certificate of death properly filled out and executed, the City Clerk shall ussue a permit for the removal or burial of the body of the deceased person mentioned in said certificate, provided death was not caused by any con- tagious, infectious, pestilential, or communicable disease, or that said deceased person was not suffering from any such disease at the time of his death. In case that the de- ceased person was suffering from, or died from the effects of any contagious, infectious, pestilential, or communicable disease, then the City Clerk shall not issue burial permit until the Department of Health has given directions so to do. In the event that the Department of Health issues a certificate for the burial of the person then the funeral ser- vices over such person shall be held in accordance with the directions of the Department of Health. SECTION 48. PERMIT RECORDED. The City Clerk shall keep a permanent record of all permits so issued, which record shall show the time of the issuance thereof, name of person deceased, age, cause of death, the name of the persons to whom the permit is issued and all other important items HEALTH 169 of information contained in the certificate of death on which said permit is issued. SECTION 49. FILING OF DEATH CERTIFICATE. The City Clerk shall deposit in his office all certificates of death pre- sented to him and shall deliver to the State Board of Health at Spring-field, Illinois, on or before the 10th day of each month all certificates of death presented to him during the preceding month. ARTICLE 6. NUISANCES. SECTION 50. NUISANCES ENUMERATED. It is hereby de- clared to be a nuisance for any person within the jurisdiction of the Department of Health : (a) To cause or suffer the carcass of any animal, or any offal, filth or noisome substance to be collected, deposited or remain in any place to the prejudice of others or to convey the same through or along the streets, avenues, or alleys of the City, unless the same are entirely covered and con- cealed from view: (b) To suffer any premises where any animal is kept to become noxious, foul, or offensive to any neighborhood, family, or person, or to become detrimental to public health ; (c) To throw or deposit any offal, tin cans, rubbish, animal excrement, filth from privies, or other offensive mat- ter, or the carcass of any animal in the Boneyard, or in any water course, lake, pond, spring, well, sewer, or ditch, or on any street, alley or public grounds or public highway; (d) To suffer any cellar, vault, drain, privy, yard or premises to become from any cause, foul, or offensive or in- jurious to public health ; (e) To deposit or permit to remain upon any premises or public street or alley, slops, animal or vegetable matter or refuse of any kind, which is or is likely to become putrid or offensive; (f) To corrupt or render unwholesome or impure the water of any spring, stream or lake to the injury or prejudice of others; 170 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA (g) To obstruct any water course, ravine, or gutter so as to cause water to stagnate therein, or to permit foul or stagnant water to stand upon any premises to the prejudice of others; (h) To permit the growth upon any premises of any noxious weeds, such as jimson, burdock, ragweeds, thistles, or cockle burrs, and the like weeds ; (i) To erect or use any building or other place for the exercise of any trade, employment or manufacture which by occasioning noxious exhalations, offensive smells, or oth- erwise, is offensive or dangerous to the health of individuals or of the public; (j) To locate or maintain a chicken coop, or privy within 20 feet of any public street, avenue or park, or within 50 feet of any residence or within 50 feet of any well ; (k) To expectorate upon any sidewalk, depot plat- form, or upon the floor of any street cai, or hall, or other public place or building; (1) To permit the contents of any privy vault to come within 2 feet of the surface of the earth; (m) To keep in any store, or in any building, cellar, or place, any green or salted hides, pelts, or skins, for such length of time, or in such manner that they shall become foul, noxious or offensive by reason of their bad odor; (n) To kill for domestic use, or for the purpose of selling for meat any cattle, calves, sheep, or hogs, within the jurisdiction of the Department of Health without the written permission from the Department of Health to kill and butch- er such animal at the place specified; (o) To permit any chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, or other like fowl to run at large within the corporate limits of the City ; (p) To wash or clean any carriage, buggy, gig, wagon, cab, automobile, or other vehicle in or upon any street or sidewalk ; (q) To commit any offense which is a nuisance accord- Ing to the common law of the land or made such by the Statutes of the State. HEALTH 171 SECTION 51. ABATEMENT. It is hereby made the duty of the Department of Health to serve through the City Mar- shal or other person designated by them so to do, a notice in writing upon the owner, agent, occupant, or person in possession, charge or control of any lot, building, or premises in or upon which any nuisance may be found requiring them or either of them to abate the same within a specified time in such manner as the Department shall prescribe : Provided that it shall not be necessary in any case to specify in such notice the manner in which such offense shall be abated un- less the Department of Health shall deem it advisable so to do. If the person so notified shall refuse or neglect to comply with such order within the time and in the manner specified, the Department of Health by the City Marshal or other Police Officer of the City shall cause the abatement of such nuisance at the expense of the party or parties responsible for or permitting the same. ARTICLE 7. PENALTIES. SECTION 52. PENALTIES. Any person, firm or corpora- tion who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance or who shall interfere with the execution or enforcement of the same, or who shall neglect or refuse to obey the rules, regulations and orders of the Department of Health made in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance upon con- vicition shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dol- lars, nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. 172 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A CHAPTER XXVIII INTOXICATING LIQUORS. 1. Intoxicating Liquor Not to be Sold. 2. Penalties Act. 3. Sale by Druggist. 4. . Physicians Prescriptions. 5. Record of Sales Oath. 6. Prescriptions To Whom Given. 7. Bond of Druggist. 8. Druggist's Permit. 9. Revocation of Permit. 10. Penalty for Violation by Druggist. 11. Police and License Committee. 12. Public Nuisance to Have Liquor In Possession Etc. 13. Public Nuisance to Congregate to Drink Intoxicating Liquors. 14. Penalty. SECTION 1. INTOXICATING LIQUOR NOT TO BE SOLD. The selling, bartering, exchanging or giving away of any malt, spirituous, vinous, fermented, mixed or intoxicating liquors of any kind or in any quantity whatsoever within the cor- porate limits of. the City of Urbana, except as hereinafter provided in this ordinance is hereby prohibited. SECTION 2. PENALTIES ACT. Whoever shall by himself or by his clerk, servant or agent or as the clerk, servant or agent of another sell, barter, or exchange any spirituous, vinous, malt, fermented, mixed, or intoxicating liquors, with- in the corporate limits of the City of Urbana, Illinois, in vio- lation of Section One (1) of this Ordinance shall be subject to a penalty of not less than Twenty-five ($25) Dollars and not exceeding Two Hundred ($200) Dollars for each of- fense. The giving away or delivery of any intoxicating liquor for the purpose of evading any provision of this Ordinance or the taking of orders or the making of agreements at or within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana for the sale INTOXICATING LIQUORS 173 or delivery of any intoxicating- liquor or other shift or device to evade any provision of this Ordinance, shall be held to be an unlawful selling. SECTION 3. SALE BY DRUGGIST. Subject to the regula- tions and restrictions hereinafter contained, persons engaged in the business of vending drugs, commonly called druggists, may sell intoxicating liquors in quantities of one pint or less for medicinal purposes only. SECTION 4. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS. Such permis- sion shall extend to and authorize the sale of intoxicating liquors for the purposes aforesaid, only when the same shall be sold upon the prescription issued by a regular practicing physician : Provided that but one sale shall be made for each prescription and in no case shall a sale be made on any pre- scription to an intoxicated person. All prescriptions shall be kept on file by the druggist to whom issued and be sub- ject to an examination by the Mayor or any Police Officer, or the City Attorney of said City. SECTION 5. RECORD OF SALES OATH. Any druggist hav- ing a permit to sell liquor for medicinal purposes, as pro- vided in this Ordinance, shall keep a record of all such sales, giving the name and address of every person to whom liquor lias been sold, upon whose prescription sold, and the name and kind of liquor sold. This record shall be open for in- spection by the Mayor, Police Officers, or City Attorney and said druggist may be required to make affidavit that the said record is a true and correct report of such sale and that said druggist has sold or given away no other intoxicating liquors. SECTION 6. PRESCRIPTIONS TO WHOM GIVEN. It shall be unlawful for any physician to give a prescription to any person or persons to enable such person to get any spirituous, malt, vinous, fermented, mixed or intoxicating liquor to be used as a beverage, by any person whomsoever, and any phy- sician so offending, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than Ten ($10) Dollars nor more than One Hundred ($100) Dollars for each offense. SECTION 7. BOND OF DRUGGIST. All druggists who may be permitted as herein provided to retail intoxicating 174 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA liquors in quantities of one pint or less for medicinal pur- poses, shall before selling or otherwise disposing of any such liquor, make application in writing to the City Council and file a bond with the City Clerk, which bond shall first be ap- proved by the City Council and said bond shall be in the sum or penalty of Three Hundred Dollars payable to the City of Urbana, conditioned that said druggist will not vio- late any of the provisions of this Ordinance. The bond, above mentioned, shall terminate with the end of the municipal year and a new bond shall be entered in- to by said druggist at the beginning of each municipal year or upon entering business. Each druggist who desires to secure a permit, as hereinafter set forth, shall present to the City Council a bond as above mentioned, which bond shall be in full force and effect for and during the municipal year for which it was granted. SECTION 8. DRUGGISTS' PERMIT. The permission to druggists to sell intoxicating liquors herein provided for shall be evidenced, by a written or printed permit, or by a partly written and partly printed permit granted by the City Council, signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk under the corporate seal of the City. The granting of such permit shall be duly entered upon the records of the City and kept by said Clerk and such record shall be a protection to such druggist in the sale of intoxicating liquors allowed by this Ordinance, so long as such permit holds good and such druggist complies with terms of this Ordinance. No permit shall be issued for a longer term than the municipal year in which the same was granted. The City Clerk shall keep a separate record of all such permits granted during each year, showing the names of the persons to whom granted and their places of business. SECTION 9. REVOCATION OF PERMIT. The Mayor shall have power, and it is hereby made his duty, to revoke any such permit granted by said Council for any violation of the provisions of this Ordinance by any such druggist. SECTION 10. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION BY DRUGGIST. Any druggist by himself, clerk, servant or agent, who shall vio- late any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be sub- INTOXICATING LIQUORS 175 ject to a penalty of not less than Twenty-five ($25.00) Dol- lars nor more than Two Hundred ($200) Dollars for each offense and shall forfeit all rights he may have under and by virtue of such permit. SECTION 11. POLICE AND LICENSE COMMITTEE. All ap- plications for permits by druggists to sell liquor shall be re- ferred to the police and license committee, together with the bond presented for such purpose. This committee shall make report of their action without unnecessary delay and shall endorse upon each application, if favorable, "We recommend that permit be granted" otherwise, "We recom- mend that permit be not granted." Said committee shall have the power to examine each month the records kept by all druggists under the provisions of this Ordinance, and report to the City Council at the first regular meeting after said examination, the number of pre- scriptions filled by such druggist and by whom given, and the total amount of intoxicating liquors sold by such druggist. The said committee shall report to the Mayor or City Council any violations of this ordinance by any druggist. SECTION 12. PUBLIC NUISANCE TO HAVE LIQUOR IN POS- SESSION, ETC. It is hereby declared to be a public nuisance : First. To keep or have in possession any intoxicating liquors of any kind whatsoever, in such quantities, or receive the same into possession with such frequency that it is ap- parent that the same have been or are to be used, or sold, or distributed in violation of any law of the State or Ordinance of the City. Second. To carry, convey, or deliver to any person or place any intoxicating liquors of any kind whatsoever, in any such quantity, or with such frequency, that it is appar- ent that the same is to be used for illegal sale or distribution in the City. Third. To carry, convey, or deliver any intoxicating liquor of any kind whatsoever to any person, either as con- signee, or otherwise, who has within two years prior thereto been convicted of the violation of any law of the State or Or- dinance of the City prohibiting the selling or distributing of intoxicating liquors. 176 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA Fourth. To carry or deliver any intoxicating liquors of any kind whatsoever to any place which has been by the City Council of this City, or by any Court of competent jurisdiction declared to be a public nuisance under and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutes of Illinois, in relation to Dram Shops. Fifth. To carry or deliver, or to carry from place to place within said City any intoxicating liquors of any kind whatsoever, unless the outside of the package containing said liquors before the same are brought into the City shall have been plainly marked with the name of the person who is the owner of the same and the name of the person to whom the same is consigned, or to be delivered, and also with the words, "Intoxicating Liquors," plainly marked thereon. 8ixth. To carry, convey, or deliver any intoxicating liquor of any kind whatsoever, to any person other than the person to whom the same is consigned. Seventh. To carry, convey, or deliver any intoxicating liquors of any kind whatsoever to any person, building or place having a United States Internal Revenue Stamp for wholsesale or retail liquor dealer either in distilled, spirit- uous, malt, fermented, vinous, or mixed liquors, unless such stamp be issued to a druggist regularly licensed to sell for medicinal purposes only. Eighth. To in any way hinder, obstruct, or delay any officer of the City in looking for, or examining any consign- ment or shipment of any intoxicating liquor of any kind whatsoever, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the same are being sold, or conveyed in violation of the law. SECTION 13. PUBLIC NUISANCE TO CONGREGATE TO DRINK INTOXICATING LIQUORS. The following is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and detrimental to the public morals : First. For any persons to congregate in any street, alley, public place, or any yard, barn, shed or other building, or in any cellar thereof and drink, or for the purpose of drinking any intoxicating, spirituous, vinous, malted, or fer- mented liquors or drink containing any spirituous, vinous, fermented or malted liquors within the corporate limits of said City. INTOXICATING LIQUORS 177 Second. The maintaining or carrying; on, or keeping of any place, room, house, or other building- in the City of Ur- hana, by any person as a place, room or building for which such person shall have procured or shall hold a United States Internal Revenue Special Tax Stamp authorizing such per- son to carry on the business at such room, place or building, as wholesale liquor dealer, or retail liquor dealer, or whole- sale dealer in malt liquors, or retail dealer in malt liquors, within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana, Illinois. Provided, however, that the provisions of this Section shall not apply to any druggist, or registered pharmacist to whom a permit has been issued to sell intoxicating liquors for medicinal purposes only in accordance with the pro- visions of this Ordinance and whose permit has not been revoked. SECTION 14. PENALTY. Any person, firm or corpora- tion violating any of the provisions of Sections Twelve (12) or Thirteen ( 13 ) of this act shall be held to be guilty of aid- ing, abetting and assisting in the maintainance of a public nuisance and upon conviction shall be subject to a penalty of not less than Twenty-five Dollars and not more than Two Hundred Dollars for each and every offense. 178 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A CHAPTER XXIX ITINERANT MERCHANTS. 1. License Required Penalty. 2. Rate of License Fees. SECTION 1. LICENSE REQUIRED PENALTY. No person or persons, or corporations, shall carry on or conduct the busi- ness of itinerant merchant or transient vendor of merchan- dise within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana, with- out having first obtained a license therefor. Any person in- corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars for each and every offense, and every day or part of a day such person or corporation shall carry on or conduct said business without a license therefor shall be deemed a separate offense. SECTION 2. RATE OF LICENSE FEES. Every person or corporation desiring a license as itinerant merchant or tran- sient vendor of merchandise shall pay to the City Clerk in advance for the same at the following rates: First: Where said business is to be conducted in any room in any permanent building for the purpose of selling, or bartering dry goods, clothing, men's furnishing goods, boots and shoes, hats and caps, or other articles of wearing apparel, the sum of ten dollars for one day, twenty-five dol- lars for one week, fifty dollars for one month and fifty dol- lars for each month thereafter. Second. Where said business is to be conducted in any room in any permanent building for the purpose of selling or bartering hardware, groceries, or drugs, the sum of five dollars for one day, fifteen dollars for one week and fifty dollars for one month and fifty dollars for each month there- after. ITINERANT MERCHANTS 170 Third. Where said business is to be conducted in any room in any permanent building for the purpose of selling or bartering books, stationery, jewelry, bric-a-brac, holiday goods, wall paper, paints, oils, artists' supplies and mater- ials, furniture and household goods, millinery goods, harness or saddlery goods, the sum of five dollars for one day, fifteen dollars for one week, forty dollars for one month and forty dollars for each month thereafter. Fourth. Where said business is to be conducted in any room or any permanent building for the purpose of selling, or bartering any goods, wares and merchandise not herein- before enumerated, or specified, the sum of five dollars for one day, fifteen dollars for one week, fifty dollars for one month and fifty dollars for each month thereafter. Fifth. Where said busines is to be conducted at any temporary stand or unenclosed place, in any tent, or movable room, the sum of five dollars for one day, fifteen dollars for one week, fifty dollars for one month, and fifty dollars for each month thereafter. 180 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UKBANA CHAPTER XXX JANITOR FOR CITY BUILDING. 1. Office Created. 2. Appointment Term. 3. Duty of Janitor. 4. Ex-Officio Policeman and Prison Keeper. 5. Bond of Janitor. 6. Salary of Janitor. 7. When May Be Removed, Etc. SECTION 1. OFFICE CREATED. There is hereby created the office of Janitor for the City Building. SECTION 2. APPOINTMENT TERM. The mayor with ap- proval of the City Council shall annually appoint a janitor for the City Building which appointment shall be made at the same time and in the same manner as the appointment for other offices and the term of office for the janitor shall be to the end of the municipal year in which such appointment is made. SECTION 8. DUTY OF JANITOR. It shall be the duty of the Janitor of the City Building to keep the grounds and walks of the city building in good condition ; carefully to at- tend to the heating of the rooms of the said building. He shall keep the rooms of said building and all of its furniture, windows, doors and interior finish in a neat and clean condi tion ; and in the absence of the librarian he shall permit no person to carry away any books, papers or other property belonging to the city library. SECTION 4. EX-OFFICIO POLICEMEN AND PRISON KEEPER. The Janitor of the city building shall be ex-officio a policeman and shall have all the powers appertaining to the office of po- liceman. He shall also perform the duties of keeper of the city prison, and shall have, under the direction and command of the City Marshal, the charge, care and custody and keep- ing of the prison and all persons legally committed or con- JANITOR FOR CITY HI'ILDINU 181 fined therein, subject to the supervision of the City Council and the Mayor. He shall attend at the prison at all times and when required shall receive into his custody and safely keep and confine therein all person who may be legally com- mitted to his custody or charge by any proper officer, police magistrate or justice of the peace, until they shall be legally taken or discharged therefrom. He shall not discharge any person legally committed to the said prison before the expi- ration of the time for which such person may be so com- mitted, unless by the order of some court or officer having the power or authority to order such release. He shall furnish to all persons who may be confined or kept in the city prison under his charge (when the person himself shall not do so) at proper times, suitable, necessary and plain, wholesome food and drink. SECTION 5. BOND OF JANITOR. The Janitor of the City Building shall before entering upon the duties of his office execute a bond to the City of Urbana, in the penal sum of two thousand dollars conditioned for the faithful perform- ance of the duties of his office herein named. SECTION 6. SALARY OF JANITOR. The Janitor shall re- ceive for his services such salary as the City Council may from time to time by Ordinance provide. SECTION 7. WHEN MAY BE REMOVED ETC. In case the Janitor of the City Building shall violate any of the provi- sions of this chapter, or neglect or fail to perform any of his duties, or be found incompetent, the Mayor shall have power to remove said janitor from his said office and said Janitor shall not be entitled to any portion of the unearned salary for such unexpired term. 182 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA CHAPTER XXXI LICENSES 1. Mayor To Receive Application. 2. Application How Made. 3. Terms of License How Signed. 4. Subject To Ordinances May Be Revoked, Etc. 5. Not Assignable Without Permit, Etc. 6. Clerk to Keep Register Fee For Issuing Licenses. 7. Form of License. 8. Duty of Marshal. 9. Fees for Licenses. SECTION 1. MAYOR TO RECEIVE APPLICATION. The May- or shall receive applications for license and grant the same in all cases where it is not otherwise expressly provided, upon the terms and conditions specified by ordinance. But if he. shall not feel authorized to grant any application for a li- cense for any purpose he may report such application to the next meeting of the City Council for their action thereon. SECTION 2. APPLICATION HOW MADE. Any person de- siring a license under the ordinance of the city for any pur- pose shall make a written application to the Mayor there- for, stating the purpose for which the same is desired, for what length of time, and specify the place where his business is to be carried on, and if required by ordinance, file bond before licensed. He shall also name his proposed sureties on his bond in his application. If the Mayor shall grant such ap- plication, he shall indorse his name thereon, and upon the filing of the application, so indorsed, with the City Clerk, and the payment of the amount provided by ordinance, the City Clerk shall issue to such applicant a license for the purpose and time specified. SECTION 3. TERMS OF LICENSE HOW SIGNED. No license shall be granted for a longer period than the municipal year, and all licenses shall be signed by the Mayor and counter- LICENSES signed by the City Clerk, under the corporate seal. No license shall be valid until signed and countersigned as aforesaid, nor shall any person be deemed licensed until a license be duly issued to him. Each license shall be dated the day of the issuing thereof; but if the applicant has been acting without a license, then it shall be dated from the time he commenced acting. SECTION 4. SUBJECT TO ORDINANCES MAY BE REVOKED, ETC. All licenses granted shall be subject to all ordinances relating to such license which may be in force at the time of the issuing of such license; if any person licensed shall vio- late any provision of any ordinance in relation to his license, he may be proceeded against for any fine or penalty imposed thereby; and his license may be revoked or forfeited, in the discretion of the City Council, or in any other manner pro- vided by ordinance. SECTION 5. NOT ASSIGNABLE WITHOUT PERMIT, ETC. No license granted shall be assignable or transferable, nor shall any person be authorized to do business or act under such li- cense but the person to whom it is granted, or in any other place than the place specified therein, without the consent of the City Council which consent shall be certified on such license by the City Clerk ; nor shall any license authorize any person to -act under it at more than one place at the same time, nor at any other time than is therein specified. Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed .to be acting without license, and shall be subject to the same penalty as is prescribed for acting without license. SECTION 6. CLERK TO KEEP REGISTER FEE FOR ISSUING LICENSES. The City Clerk shall keep a license register, in which he shall enter the name of each person licensed, for what purpose licensed, the place of business, the date of the license, the amount paid, and the date of the expiration of the same. He shall pay into the city treasury, on the first Monday of each month, all money received by him on account of licenses. The clerk may charge and receive a fee of fifty cents for each license issued by him where the license fee charged is less than ten dollars, and one dollar where the license fee 184 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA charged is ten dollars or more- and a fee of fifty cents for cer- tifying the consent of the City Council to the assignment or transfer of any license or change of place of business speci- fied in such license. The amount thus charged by the clerk shall be in addition to the license as provided by ordinance, and shall be paid by the applicant for license. SECTION 7. FORM OF LICENSE. Licenses may issue, as near as may be, in the following form, to- wit : A. B., of the City of Urbana, to all to whom these presents may come greeting: Know ye, that C. D. having made application in due form, filed bond and paid into the city treasurer dollars, and in all other respects complied with the ordinance of the city in this behalf; There- fore I, A. B., Mayor of the City of Urbana, for and in behalf of said city, do hereby authorize, empower and license the said C. D. (here set forth the business or purpose of the license), at for from Nevertheless, this license is granted upon the express condition: That if the said C. D. shall observe and obey all ordinances of the city which are or may be in force rela- tive to said business, then this license shall be valid for the said period; otherwise it may be annulled, revoked or forfeited, at the option of the City Council, or in any other manner provided by ordinance. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the corporate seal of said city to be affixed, at the City of Urbana, this day of A. D. 19 (Seal) Countersigned and registered: A. B., Mayor. E. F., City Clerk. SECTION 8. DUTY OF MARSHAL. The City Marshal shall enforce all ordinances in relation to licenses, and shall from time to time examine the license register, and prosecute alt persons who may be acting without license. SECTION 9. FEES FOR LICENSES. AMUSEMENTS First Class. For single exhibition $ 3.00 For each additional exhibition 2.00 License for one year to exhibit entertainments of the first and second class _ ... 50.00 LICENSES 185 Second Class. For each exhibition 2.00 Third Class. For each one, two, three or more ringed circus or men- agerie, or hippodrome, for each ring 25.00 For each side show 10.00 For each carnival, per day 25.00 For each concert, musical or ininistrel 3.0U For any other entertainment not herein specified 2.00 Fourth Class. For using lung testers, lifting apparatus, galvanic battery, striking machine, swing or other ma- chine, instrument or device, per day 1.00 AUCTIONEERS For license to sell personal property at public auc- tion, for one day 1.50 For three months 7.00 For six months 10.00 For one year 20.00 BILLIARDS, TEN PINS, ETC. For each billiard or pool table, per annum 10.00 For each pin and ball alley, per annum 15.00 For each shooting gallery, per annum 25.00 For all other tables per annum, each 20.00 BUILDING CODE For constructing, erecting, etc., any building, one dollar, plus 1-10 of one percent of the esti- mated total cost of material and labor. For moving building not more than one story in height and not more than 16 feet wide 2.00 For moving building more than one story and not more than two stories in height 10.00 For moving building more than two stories in height _ 20.00 For moving building when same does not pass over street; or wrecking building 1.00 For examining Master Plumber or Employing Plum- ber, for one year 50.00 186 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A For renewal of license, for each year i 10.00 For examining Journeyman Plumber, for one year 1.00 For renewal of license, for one year 1.00 For permission to connect with the sanitary sewer or storm water sewer drain 1.00 For making excavation in street or alley for laying or replacing drain tile or connecting gas pipes, or telephone conduits 1.00 For each fixture for plumbing installed in building .50 For permit to do electrical work, for one year 1.00 For renewal of permit 1.00 For inspection of electrical work, roughing in for first two circuits 1.00 For each additional circuit .25 For any additional wiring thereafter, a minimum charge of 1.00 Fixture installation, for first twenty-five incandescent lights or less 1.00 For each additional twentyfive incandeseant lights or major fraction thereof - 1.00 For each arc lamp : .25 For motor of 14 horse power machines or more, first machine 1.00 For each additional machine up to five .25 For each additional machine over five .10 For electric signs, each sign of fifty lamps or less 1.00 For each additional lamp -OlVij For permit to operate motion picture machine, for one year 3.00 For renewal, for each year 2.00 DOGS For eacli male dog or spayed female dog, annually 1.00 For each female dog not spayed, annually 2.00 FOREIGN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Two percent of gross receipts of premiums, each year, payable July 15. FORTUNE TELLERS For telling fortunes, for each day 2.00 LICENSES 187 HAWKERS & PEDDLERS Class A, for selling jewelry, silverware, etc., per day __ 5.00 (Mass B, for selling electric appliances, dry goods, goods, etc., per day 3.00 Per week 15.00 Class C, for selling stationery, picture books, etc., per week 3.00 Class D, for selling lemonade and other refreshments, per day 3.00 Per week 5.00 Per month 10.00 Per year 50.00 Class E, for selling fruits, vegetables, groceries,meats, poultry, fish, per month 3.00 Per six months 10.00 Per year 15.00 Class F, for selling pop-corn, peanuts, ice-cream and other like refreshments, per week 3.00 Per six months 15.00 Per year 25.00 Class G, for selling other articles, per day 3.00 Per week '. 10.00 Per Month 15.00 Per Year - 50.00 HEALTH ORDINANCE MILKMEN For one wagon, per annum 5.00 For each additional wagon, per annum 2.00 For selling and delivering milk by hand from not more than two cows, per annum 1.00 ICE For each wagon, per annum 2.00 PATENT MEDICINE AND DRUGS For selling, per week, 25.00 SCAVENGERS Per annum 5.00 1S,S ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA ITINERANT MERCHANTS Class 1, for selling- dry goods, clothing or other arti- cles of wearing apparel, per day 10.00 Per week 25.00 Per month 50.00 Class 2, for selling hardware, groceries, or drugs, per day 5.00 Per week 15.00 Per month 50.00 Class 3, for selling stationary, books, jewelry, etc., per day * 5.00 Per week 15.00 Per month 40.00 Class 4, for selling goods not herein mentioned, per day 5.00 Per week 15.00 Per month 50.00 Class 5, for selling goods in a temporary stand or un- inclosed place, in a tent, or movable room, per day 5.00 Per week 15.00 Per month 50.00 PAWNBROKER For carrying on business of pawnbroker, for one year_ 50.00 Proportionate sum for less time. ROLLER SKATING RINK For running roller skating rink, per month 5.00 SECOND HAND OR JUNK STORES For operating second hand or junk stores per year 5.00 SEWERS AND DRAINS ' For permit to persons outside of sewer system to con- nect with sewer 10.00 For permit for persons outside of tile drain system to connect with system 5.00 VEHICLES For using omnibus for hire, one year 7.00 Six months 4.00 For using hackney-carriage, or other vehicle, for hire, one year 5.00 Six months . 3.00 MAYOR 189 CHAPTER XXXII MAYOR, 1. Shall Preside at all Meetings of the Council, Etc. 2. Perform all Duties Prescribed by Law or Ordinance, Etc. 3. May Inspect and Examine all Books, Etc. 4. Has Power of Sheriff or Peace Officer in City Limits, Etc. 5. May Release Person From Prison, Etc. Shall Release No Fine. 6. Vacancy In Office of Mayor How Filled. 7. May Remove Officer Appointed by Him, Etc. 8. Messages to Counncil. SECTION 1. SHALL PRESIDE AT ALL MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL, ETC. The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Council, and shall have no vote, except in case of a tie, when he shall have the deciding vote. SECTION 2. PERFORM ALL DUTIES PRESCRIBED BY LAW on ORDINANCE, ETC. He shall perform all duties that are or may be prescribed by law or the city ordinances and shall take care that the city ordinances and laws are faithfully exe- cuted. , SECTION 3. MAY INSPECT AND EXAMINE ALL BOOKS. He shall have power at all times to examine and inspect the books, records and papers of any agent, employee or officer of the city. - SECTION 4. HAS POWER OF SHERIFF OR PEACE OFFICER IN CITY LIMITS, ETC. He may exercise within the city limits the powers conferred upon sheriffs or peace officers to sup- press disorder and keep the peace. SECTION 5. MAY RELEASE PERSON FROM PRISON, ETC. SHALL RELEASE NO FINE. He may release any person impris- oned for violation of any city ordinance and shall report any such release and the cause therefor to the City Council at its next meeting ; but he shall have no power to remit or release the fine or costs of any person convicted under the city or- dinances. 1 1)0 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OP URBANA SECTION 6. VACANCY IN OFFICE OF MAYOR now FILLED. Whenever a vacancy shall happen in the office of the Mayor, when the unexpired term shall be one year or over from the date when the vacancy occurs, it shall be filled by election. If the vacancy is less than one year, the City Council shall select one of its members to act as Mayor, who shall possess all the rights and powers of the Mayor until the next annual election, and until his successor is elected and qualified. SECTION 7. MAY REMOVE OFFICER APPOINTED BY HIM, ETC. He shall have power to remove any officer appointed by him, on any formal charge, whenever he shall be of the opinion that the interests of the city demand such removal, but he shall report the reasons for such removal to the City Council, at a meeting to be held not less than five days, nor more than ten days after such removal ; and if the Mayor shall fail or refuse to file with the City Clerk a statement of the reasons for such removal, or if the City Council by a two-thirds vote of all its members authorized by law to be elected, by yeas and nays to be entered upon its record, disap- prove of such removal, such officer shall thereupon become restored to the office from which he was removed, but he shall give new bonds and take a new oath of office. SECTION 8. MESSAGES TO COUNCIL. The Mayor shall, annually, and from time to time, give the City Councjl infor- mation relative to the affairs of the city and shall recom- mend for their consideration such measures as he may deem expedient. MISDEMEANORS 101 CHAPTER XXXIV. MISDEMEANORS. 1. Unlawful Assemblies. 2. Assaults Fighting. 3. Disorderly Conduct. 4. Drunkenness. 5. Disturbing Funeral. 6. Disturbing School, Etc. 7. Open Lewdness. 8. Disturbing Peace of Neighborhood or Family. 9. Disturbing Religious Assembly. 10. Giving False Alarm of Fire and Cry For Assistance. 11. Abet or Encourage Unlawful Act. 12. Obscene Writing or Figures. 13. Obstruction of Public or Private Ways. 14. Advertising Wares on Fences or Other Private Property With- out Permit. 15. Gambling. 16. Obscene Books, Pictures, Etc. 17. Visiting, Patronizing Bawdy House or House of 111 Fame. 18. Disturbing Peace on Sunday by Amusements, Etc. 19. Keeping Open Billiard Rooms, Shooting Galleries or Other Like Places. 20. Injury to Telegraph, Telephone Poles, or Electric Lights. 21. Posting Bills, Etc., on Telegraph or Other Poles. 22. Injuring Public or Private Property. 23. Carrying Away Cap or Lid of Gas, Water Systems, Etc. 24. Leaving Horse or Team Unhitched. 25. Fast Driving. 26. Indecently Exhibiting Stallion, Etc. 27. Lottery Lottery Ticket. 28. Keeping House of Ill-Fame, Disorderly House, Etc. 29. Inmate, or Supporting House of Ill-Fame, Etc. 30. Soliciting, Hiring Females for Prostitution. 31. Permitting Gambling on Premises Owned, Occupied, Etc. 32. Indecent Exposure. 33. Leaving Cellar Door, Cistern, Etc., Open. 34. Contractor Leaving Excavation Unguarded. 35. Vagrants. 192 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA 36. Selling Diseased Flesh, Fish, Milk, Etc. 37. Permitting Unlawful Assembly. 38. Hitching Horses to Trees, Fences, Etc. 39. Vehicles Turn to Right. 40. Swindling Device Sleeping in Barn, Etc. Vagrancy. 41. Sale of Poison. 42. Injuring Public Buildings, Fences, Etc., or Carrying Away or Injuring Plants, Etc., in Parks or Parking. 43. Using False Weights and Measures. 44. Drinking In Public. 45. Obstructing Thoroughfares. 46. Keeping Common Gaming House, Etc. 47. Causing or Maintaining a Nuisance, Offal, Filth, Etc. 48. Firing Cannon, Guns, Etc. 49. Cruelty to Animals. 60. Aiding, Abetting Rescue or Escape of Prisoner. 51. Falsely Representing An Officer. 52. Refusal of Citizen to Act When Deputized. 53. Removal of Dirt From Street, Alley or Avenue. 54. Practicing Sleight-of-Hand., Etc 55. Removing Stake, Post or Corner Stone. 56. BurningWaste Paper, Etc. 57. Concealed Weapons. 58. Giving or Selling Concealed Weapon to Minor. 59. Gunpowder. 60. Building Not to Obstruct Street, Alley or Sidewalk. 61. Removal of Building Encroaching on Street, Etc. 62. Written Permit to Remove Building Across Street, Etc. 63. Obstructing Street, Alley or Sidewalk With Goods, Etc. 64. Contractor Not to Obstruct Street or Alley. 65. Steam Engines on Paved Streets. 66. Obstructing Street Crossing. 67. Water From Building Upon Sidewalk. 68. Unloading Coal on Sidewalk. 69. Boys Climbing on Wagons, Etc. 70. Bonfires, Etc. 71. Throwing Stones, Etc. 72. Loitering About Railwaygrounds. 73. Obstructing Water Course. 74. Jumping, Climbing Upon or Catching Hold of Any Railroad Car or Street Car. 75. Scaring Horses. 76. Weighing of Gunpowder Kerosene or Gasoline. 77. Orange Peel, Banana Peel, Etc. 78. Billboards When a Nuisance. 79. Accessories, Etc. MISDEMEANORS 193 80. Prostitutes Loitering on Streets, Etc. 81. Prohibit Boys From Loitering About Churches, Etc. 82. Driving Unhaltered Horses or Mules Through the Streets. 83. Dog Fighting Cock Fighting Prize Fight. 84. Rubber Slings, Etc. 85. Throwing Glass, Tacks, Nails, Cans and Rubbish on Streets. 86. Driving Over Walks, Curbing and Parking. 87. Resisting An Officer. 88. Killing Squirrels. 89. Trespass on Private Grounds. 90. Observing Sunday. SECTION 1. UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLIES. Any two or more persons who shall assemble for the purpose of disturbing the peace, or of committing an unlawful act, and who shall not disperse when commanded or requested by any peace officer, shall each and severally be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 2. ASSAULTS FIGHTING. Whoever shall assault, strike or fight another or shall be guilty of any conduct cal- culated to provoke a breach of the peace, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 3. DISORDERLY CONDUCT. Whoever shall disturb the peace or shall be guilty of any violent, tumultous, offen- sive or disorderly conduct, or shall make any loud or unusual noise or disturbance, or shall use obscene, offensive, profane or unseemly language, to the annoyance, disturbance or vex- ation of others, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 4. DRUNKENNESS. Whoever shall be found in a state of intoxication in any street, alley or other public place, or so found disturbing the peace of the public or of his own or another family, in any private building or place, shall, for the first offense be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars. And upon any subsequent conviction shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. SECTION 5. DISTURBING FUNERAL. Whoever wilfully in- terrupts or disturbs a funeral assembly, or procession, shall 194 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. SECTION 6. DISTURBING SCHOOL, ETC. Whoever wilfully interrupts or disturbs any school or other assembly of peo- ple met for a lawful purpose, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dol- lars. SECTION 7. OPEN LEWDNESS. Whoever shall be guilty of open lewdness, or other notorious act of public indecency tending to debauch the public morals, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 8. DISTURBING PEACE OF NEIGHBORHOOD OR FAM- ILY. Whoever wilfully disturbs the peace and quiet of any neighborhood or family by loud or unusual noises or offensive carriage, threatening, traducing, quarreling, challenging to tight or fighting, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 0. DISTURBING RELIGIOUS ASSEMBLY. Whoever by menace, profane swearing, vulgar language, or any disor- derly or unusual conduct, interrupts or disturbs any assem- bly of people met for the worship of God, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. SECTION 10. GIVING FALSE ALARM OF FIRE AND CRY FOR ASSISTANCE. Whoever shall make a false alarm of fire, or any other false cry for assistance, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dol- lars. SECTION 11. ABET OR ENCOURAGE UNLAWFUL ACT. Who- ever shall aid in, abet or encourage any unlawful act, or any violation of any ordinance of this city, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor niore than one hundred dollars. SECTION 12. OBSCENE WRITING OR FIGURE. Whoever shall in any place open to public view, write, mark, draw, or cut any obscene, lewd or indecent word, sentence, design or figure, or shall paste, paint, or exhibit any lewd, obscene or MISDEMEANORS liK r > indecent sign or bill, sliall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 13. OBSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC OR PRIVATE WAYS. Whoever shall obstruct or encroach upon any public ' high- way, private way, street, alley, or any way to any burying place within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana, shall be deemed guilty of keeping and maintaining a public nuis- ance and sliall for the first offense be subject to a penalty of not exceeding one hundred dollars and shall for each succeed- ing offense be subject to a penalty of not exceeding two hun- dred dollars. SECTION 14. ADVERTISING WARES ON FENCES OR OTHER PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHOUT PERMIT. Whoever shall advertise his wares or occupation by painting notices of the same on or affixing them to fences or trees or other private property, or on rocks or other natural objects without permission of the owner thereof or the proper authorities, shall be deemed guilty of erecting and maintaining a public nuisance and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 15. GAMBLING. Whoever shall play for money, or other valuable thing, or at any game with cards, dice, checks or billiards, or with any other article, instrument or thing whatsoever, which may be used for the purpose of play- ing or betting upon, or winning or losing money or any other thing or article of value, or shall bet on any other game which others may be playing shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. SECTION 1(1. OBSCENE BOOKS, PICTURES, ETC. Whoever shall exhibit, sell or offer to sell any indecent, obscene .or lewd book, picture, statue or other thing, or shall exhibit or perform any indecent, obscene, or lewd play, exhibition, or other representation, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. SECTION IT. VISITING, PATRONIZING BAWDY HOUSE OR HOUSE OF ILL-FAME. Whoever shall visit, patronize or fre- quent any disorderly, gaming or bawdy house, house of ill- 19C ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA fame, house of assignation, or any place for the practice of fornication, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 18. DISTURBING PEACE ON SUNDAY BY AMUSE- MENT, ETC. Whoever shall, on Sunday, disturb the peace or good order of society by any play or amusement, or loud or unusual noises, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 10. KEEPING OPEN BILLIARD ROOMS, SHOOTING GALLERIES OR OTHER LIKE PLACE. Whoever shall on Sunday keep open any billiard room, shooting gallery, ball or pin alley, house, ground or other place of amusement or play, or shall suffer or permit persons to assemble therein for the purpose of amusement or play, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. SECTION 20. INJURY TO TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE POLES OR ELECTRIC LIGHTS. Whoever shall cut, break, mark, or in any manner damage or injure any telegraph post or telegraph wire, or any telephone post or wire, electric light and street car poles or wires, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor' more than two hundred dollars. SECTION 21. POSTING BILLS, ECT., ON TELEGRAPH AND OTHER POLES. That any person who shall, without permission from the City Council attach in any manner any bill, adver- tisement, notice or sign to or upon any telegraph, telephone or electric light pole, within the limits of the City of Urbana, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 22. INJURING PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY. Whoever shall wilfully or maliciously break, deface, destroy, or otherwise injure any public property of the city, or any private property of any person, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 23. CARRYING AWAY CAP OR LID OF GAS, WATER SYSTEMS, ETC. Whoever shall wilfully remove, destroy or carry away any cap or lid connected with or attached to the water service, or sewage or drainage system of the city or MISDEMEANORS the service box of gas companies placed upon side- walks or public grounds of the city, shall be subject to a pen- alty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 24. LEAVING HORSE OR TEAM UNHITCHED. Who- ever shall leave any horse or mule, or any team, in any un- iuclosed or public place without being fastened, guarded or secured so as to prevent its running away, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 25. FAST DRIVING. Whoever shall rapidly or immoderately ride or drive, or race any bicycle, motorcycle, automobile, or other like vehicle, horse, mule, or other like animals, or any team in or upon any street or alley in the inhabited part of the city, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than two hundred dol- lars. SECTION 26. INDECENTLY EXHIBITING STALLION, ETC. Whoever shall indecently exhibit any horse, bull, jackass or other animal, in any public place open to public view, or shall let any such animal perform service except in some in- closed place out of public view, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. SECTION 27. LOTTERY LOTTERY TICKET. Whoever shall set up any lottery or game of chance, or shall sell or dispose of for gain any ticket, chance or share in any lottery or game of chance, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 28. KEEPING HOUSE OF ILL-FAME, DISORDERLY HOUSE, ETC. Whoever shall keep or maintain any disorderly, gaming or bawdy house, or house of ill-fame, house of as- signation, or any place for the practice of fornication; or who shall knowingly rent or lease to another, suffer or per- mit any premises owned or controlled or occupied by him or her for any such purpose, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. 198 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBA-NA SECTION 29. INMATE, ou SUPPORTING HOUSE OF ILL-FAME, ETC. Whoever shall be an inmate of, or connected with or contribute to the support of any disorderly, gaining or bawdy house, or house of ill-fame, or house of assignation, or any place for the practice of fornication, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 30. SOLICITING, HIRING FEMALES FOR PROSTITU- TION. Whoever shall solicit, or shall coax, hire, persuade or induce any female or any prostitute to go to his sleeping- room or to any business house, or office, or other place of bus- iness, or to go into any park or public ground, or into any car or into any alley way, or street, or to any private or secluded place for the purpose of fornication, adultery or prostitution, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 31. PERMITTING GAMBLING ON PREMISES OWNED, OCCUPIED, ETC. AVhoever shall knowingly suffer or permit any species of gaming for money or any other article of value, or for any check or other thing or article intended to repre- sent the same, in any house or premises owned or occupied by him, under his control, or shall keep or have in his posses- sion any gaming implements for the purpose of gaming therewith, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twen- ty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 32. INDECENT EXPOSURE. Whoever shall pub- licly make any indecent exposure of his or her person, or shall appear in a dress not belonging to his or her sex, or in any indecent or lewd dress, or in a state of nudity, or shall be guilty of any other indecent or lewd act or behavior, shall le subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 33. LEAVING CELLAR-DOOR, CISTERN, ETC.,, OPEN. Whoever shall leave open any cellar, cellar-door, vault, well, cistern, excavation, ditch or other like hole upon or adjoining any street, alley or sidewalk, without protecting and securing the same so as not to endanger the safety of persons or ani- MISDEMEANORS 190 inals passing thereby, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 34. CONTRACTOR LEAVING EXCAVATION UNGUARD- ED. Any contractor for any public or private work, officer, or other person, making any excavation upon or adjoining any street or alley or sidewalk, or having the same in charge, who shall in the night-time leave the same open and unpro- tected so as to endanger the safety of persons or animals pass- ing thereby and falling therein, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor more than fifty dollars. SECTION 85. VAGRANTS. Any person able to work and maintain himself in some honest and respectable calling, not having visible means of support, who shall idly without em- ployment, loiter or stroll about begging, or frequent gaming houses, tippling houses, or places where intoxicating liquors are sold, or shall otherwise lead an idle, or profligate course of life, shall be deemed a vagrant and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 36. SELLING DISEASED FLESH,, FISH, MILK ETC. Whoever shall knowingly sell, expose, or offer for sale any sick or diseased animals, poultry, or fish, to be used or eaten for food, or the flesh of any sick or diseased or otherwise unwholesome dead animal, poultry or fish, or the flesh of any animal, fowl or fish not usually used or deemed wholesome for food, or any unwholesome provisions or articles of food whatever, or any adulterated or pernicious milk, drink or liquors, shall be subject to a penalty of not lass than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars in each case. SECTION 37. PERMITTING UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY. Who- ever shall knowingly suffer or permit any assemblage for the purpose of disturbing tlie peace, or of committing any unlawful act, or any breach of the peace", or any riotous, tumultous, offensive or disorderly conduct or any loud or unusual noise or disturbance, or obscene, offensive, profane or unseemly language, to the annoyance, disturbance or vexa- tion of others, in or upon any premises owned or occupied by him, under his control, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three nor more than one hundred dollars. 200 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA SECTION 38. HITCHING HORSES TO TREES, FENCES ETC. Whoever shall, without the consent of the owner or occupant of the premises, fasten any horse or other animal to any fence, railing or tree, or to any boxing placed around any tree, or shall willfully, maliciously or negligently in any man- ner injure or destroy any ornamental or shade tree, or box- ing around the same, or any shrub, fence railing, gate or sign upon any public grounds, sidewalk, or private prem- ises, or shall trespass upon any private or public grounds, and injure, carry away or destroy any tree, fruit, vegetable, plant, shrub, or other thing which may be therein for orna- ment or otherwise, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 39. VEHICLES TURN TO RIGHT. All persons meeting each other in vehicles in the streets or alleys, or in any public place, or upon or near any bridge, shall, unless the nature or state of the roadway, or passway shall render- it impracticable, each turn and drive to the right side, so as to pass each other without accident or injury. Whoever shall violate the requirements of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. SECTION 40. SWINDLING DEVICE SLEEPING IN BARN ETC. VAGRANCY. Any person who shall have in his posses- sion any implement or device used for cheating or swindling, without being able to give a good account of his possession of the same, or who shall trespass upon private prop- erty in the night-time, sleep in stables, outhouses or in the open air without being able to give a good account of himself or herself, shall be deemed a vagrant, and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 41. SALE OF POISON. Whoever shall keep, sell or deliver any poison usually known or used as deadly poison, without legibly marking the name thereof, or the word ''poison" upon the vial, wrapper or other enclosure con- taining the same; or whoever shall sell or deliver, any arsenic, strychnine, prussic acid, or other poison actually known or used as a deadly poison, to any person known to MISDEMEANORS 201 him, without registering the name of such person and the kind and quantity of the poison sold or delivered and the purpose for which the same was obtained; or whoever shall sell or deliver any such poison to any person to him unknown, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars in each case. But the sale or delivery of any such poison as a medicine, upon the pre- scription of a practicing physician, shall not be deemed a violation of this section. SECTION 42. INJURING PUBLIC BUILDINGS,, FENCES ETC., OR CARRYING AWAY OR INJURING PLANTS ETC. IN PARKS OR PARKING. Whoever shall willfully or carelessly break any street lamp, or city pump, well or cistern, or in any manner damage the same, or shall cut, carve, peel, bark, or deface or in any manner injure any tree, shrub, plant or flower in any street, park or public ground, or in any manner cut, mark, carve, deface or damage any pavilion, or any building of any kind or nature in any park or public ground, or any building belonging to the City of Urbana, or shall in any manner cut, mark, carve, deface, injure, or damage any church or school house, or any fence enclosing any church or school grounds, or any park or public ground, or damage or destroy, or take or carry away any tree, shrub, plant, flower, or any vase of statuary, in any public ground or park, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 43. USING FALSE WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Whoever shall knowingly use any false scales, beam, weight, or measure, in the purchase or sale, receipt or delivery of any goods, article or property, purchased or sold, received or de- livered, by weight or measure; or shall use any weight or measure for the purchase or sale, receipt or delivery of any goods, article or property, purchased or sold, received or delivered, by weight or measure, knowing the same to be materially inaccurate and different from the standard pre- scribed by the laws of the State of Illinois, or shall sell or deliver any goods, article or property, sold or delivered by weight or measure and purporting to be a certain weight or measure, knowing the same to be materially less than the LJOli ORDINANCES OF THK CITY OF URl'.ANA true weight or measure for which the same was sold or de- livered, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. SECTION 44. DRINKING IN PUBLIC. If two or more per- sons shall assemble together or who, being together, shall in any public place, or in any place open to public view within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana, drink any vinous, spirituous, fermented, mixed, malt or other in- toxicating liquors of any kind whatever, they shall be deemed and hereby declared guilty of creating a nuisance, and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. SECTION 45. OBSTRUCTING THOROUGHFARES. No person shall incuinber or obstruct any street, alley, or sidewalk, so as to hinder, delay or render passage along the same difficult oi' unsafe, either by piling up boxes, building materials or in any other manner whatsoever, except by permission of the Mayor or Superintendent of Streets. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this section shall be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 46. KEEPING COMMON GAMING HOUSE. Who- ever keeps a common gaming house or in any building, booth, yard, or garden, either by him or his agent used and occupied, procures or permits any persons to frequent or to c.ome to- gether for the purpose of playing for money or other valuable thing, at any game, or keeps, or suffers to be kept any tables or other apparatus, for the purpose of playing at any game or games of sport, for money or other valuable thing, or knowingly rents any such place, for such purposes shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 47. CAUSING OR MAINTAINING A NUISANCE, OFFAL, FILTH ETC. Whoever shall cause or suffer the carcass of any animal or any offal, filth or noisome substance to be collected, deposited, or remain in any place, to the prejudice of others; or whoever shall throw or deposit offal or other offensive matter, or the carcass of any animal in any water course, lake, pond, or spring, well, or common sewer, street MISDEMEANORS 203 or alley, shall be guilty of keeping and maintaining a nui- sance, and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a pen- alty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each and every offense. SECTION 48. FIRING CANNON, GUNS ETC. Whoever with- in the inhabited portion of the city, shall fire or discharge any cannon, gun or pistol, or other fire arms, or shall set off or explode any torpedo, firecrackers, fire-ball, or rocket, or other fireworks, whatever, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Hut the setting or exploding off of any fireworks upon national holidays, and the celebration of other public and general events, and upon rally days, or the discharge of firearms by any military company when on parade, and in accordance with the command of the commanding officer, or by the command or permission of any city officer or per- son in the discharge of any legal duty or lawful act, when the same may be required as a necessity or act of usefulness, ;uid is done in such manner as not to endanger the safety of any person, or the injury of any property, or any officer in discharge of his duties, shall not be deemed violations of this chapter. SECTION 49. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. Whoever shall be guilty of cruelty to any animal by overloading, overdriving, overworking, cruelly beating, mutilating, or cruelly killing any animal, or causing or knowingly allowing the same to be done; or cruelly working any old, maimed, infirm, sick or disabled animal, or causing or knowingly allowing the same to be done; or by unnecessarily failing to provide any animal in his charge or control as owner or otherwise, with proper drink, food and shelter; or abandoning any old, maimed, infirm, sick or disabled animal ; or by driving, or by causing to be driven, or kept any animal in an unnecessary or cruel manner shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dol- lars nor more than two hundred dollars. SECTION 50. AIDING, ABETTING RESCUE OR ESCAPE OF PRISONER. Whoever shall aid, abet or encourage the rescue or escape from prison of any person legally committed there- to, or shall supply or attempt to supply, any such person with 204 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF .URBAN A any weapon or intoxicating liquors, or with any implement or means of escape while in prison or in the legal custody of any officer of the City of IMmna, shall for each and every offense be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. SECTION 51. FALSELY REPRESENTING AN OFFICER. Who- ever shall falsely represent himself to be an officer of said city, or shall, without being duly authorized, exercise, or at- tempt to exercise any of the duties, functions or powers of a city officer, or shall hinder, obstruct, resist or otherwise interfere with any city officer in the discharge of his official duties, or attempt to rescue from any such officer any person in his custody, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every offense. SECTION 52. REFUSAL OF CITIZEN TO ACT WHEN DEPU- TIZED. Any police officer of the said city shall have the power to call upon any male person over the age of eighteen years to aid him in the arrest or in retaking or taking into custody of any person having committed any unlawful act, or to aid in preventing the commission of any unlawful act, and whoever shall neglect or refuse to give such aid or assistance as aforesaid when so requested by any such officer, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars. SECTION 53. REMOVAL OF DIRT FROM STREET, ALLEY OR AVENUE. No person or persons shall plow, dig up, or remove any dirt from or excavate, strip, sap or undermine any street, alley, or avenue, or public ground in the City of Urbana, without the written consent or license so to do of the City Council, over the signature of the Mayor. Any person violat- ing the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dolars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 54. PRACTICING SLEIGHT-OF-HAND. Any person who shall manage, use or practice any trick, sleight-of-hand game or device whatever with the intent of winning or pro- curing the property or money of another person or with in- tent to defraud another person, by inducing him or her to bet. MISDEMEANORS 205 loan or deposit, or stake money or other property upon the result of such game, trick or device, shall he subject to a pen- alty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 55. KEMOVING STAKE, POST OR CORNER-STONE. Whoever shall willfully change or remove any stake, post or stone placed or set to designate the corner or line of any lot or tract of land, street, alley or sidewalk, or to show the grade of any street, alley or sidewalk, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. SECTION 56. BURNING WASTE PAPER ETC. The burning of waste paper or other rubbish within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana, between the hours of eight o'clock p. m. and six o'clock a. m. is hereby prohibited. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than two dollars, nor more than twenty- five dollars. SECTION 57. CONCEALED WEAPONS. Whoever shall, within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana, carry any concealed weapon, revolver, pistol, dagger, dirk-knife, metalic knuckles, billy, slung-shot, or any razor, as a concealed weapon, upon or about his person, or whoever in a threaten- ing or boisterous manner, shall display or flourish any deadly weapon, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty- five dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 58. GIVING OR SELLING CONCEALED WEAPON TO MINOR. Whoever, not being the father, guardian or employer of a minor, by himself or agent, shall sell, give, loan, hire or barter to any minor within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana, any pistol, revolver, derringer, bowie-knife, dirk or other deadly weapon of like character, capable of being secreted upon the person, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 50. GUNPOWDER. Any person who shall keep on hand, in or about any premises used or occupied by him in any one place of business, for sale or for any other pur- 20() ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA pose, a greater quantity of gun-powder than twenty-five pounds, within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 60. BUILDING NOT TO OBSTRUCT STREET, ALLEY OR SIDEWALK. Xo person shall make or cause to be made any building obstruction or enclosure encroaching in whole or in part upon any street, alley or sidewalk, under a penalty of not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, and an additional penalty of not less than five dollars for each day the same shall remain after notice from the Mayor or Superintendent of Streets to remove the same. SECTION 01. REMOVING OF BUILDING ENCROACHING ON STREET. The owner of any building, erection, or enclosure, already erected or placed or encroaching upon any street, alley, or sidewalk, who shall not remove the same after thirty days' notice by the. Mayor so to do, shall be subject to ii penalty of not less than ten dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars, and an additional penalty of not less than five dollars for each day any such person shall fail to remove the same after such notice so to do. SECTION (ii>. WRITTEN PERMIT TO REMOVE BUILDING ACROSS STREET. Xo person shall remove, or cause to be re- moved, or aid in removing, any building through or across any street or alley of the City of Urbana, without the writ- ten permit of the Mayor; nor shall, in removing such build- ing unnecessarily obstruct any street or alley, nor shall any such person encumber or obstruct any such street or allev for a longer period of time than shall be necessary in the prompt tuid diligent removal of such building, under a penalty of not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars fqr each offense. SECTION 63. OBSTRUCTING STREET, ALLEY OR SIDEWALK WITH GOODS ETC. Xo person shall obstruct or encumber any street, alley or sidewalk, or any portion thereof with mer- chandise or other property for a longer time that may be reasonably necessary for the purpose of loading or unloading any such merchandise or property, or removing the same MISDEMEANORS 207 therefrom, under a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars. SECTION 64. CONTRACTOR NOT TO OBSTRUCT STREET OR ALLEY. No contractor or other person shall encumber or obstruct any street or alley with materials of any kind or character for the construction of any building, without the consent or permit of the Mayor in writing; nor shall, except in case of urgent necessity for a short time, obstruct more than one-third of an alley or street, or one-half of any side- walk; nor shall any such obstruction continue in any case for a longer time than shall be necessary in the diligent and prompt construction of such building or execution of such Avork. Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dol- lars, nor more than fifty dollars for each offense, and an addi- tional penalty of not less than five dollars for each day he shall continue in violation of any provisions of this section. SECTION 65. STEAM ENGINES ON PAVED STREETS. No person shall propel or move any steam engine through any portion of any paved street except to cross said paved street within the limits of the City of Urbana without first procur- ing a special permit from the Mayor and shall then move or propel said engine only as specified in said permit. Any per- son violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars. SECTION 66. OBSTRUCTING STREET CROSSING. Whoever shall obstruct any street crossing by unnecessarily stopping thereon with any team, vehicle, or animal, so as to hinder or delay persons crossing the same shall be subject to a pen- alty of not less than one dollar, nor more than twenty-five dollars. SECTION 67. WATER FROM BUILDINGS UPON SIDEWALK. Whoever shall suffer or permit the water falling or draining from any building owned by him, or under his control, to fall upon or spread over the sidewalk adjoining thereto, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars, and a like penalty for each day he shall not 208 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA remedy the same, after notice to do so by the Mayor or the Superintendent of Streets. SECTION 08. UNLOADING COAL ON SIDEWALK. No person shall unload, throw or place any coal upon any sidewalk of said city. Whoever shall be guilty of a violation of this sec- tion shall be subject to a penalty of not less than two dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars. SECTION 69. BOYS CLIMBING ON WAGONS ETC. Any boy who shall get into or upon, or cling to any wagon or other vehicle, without the consent of the owner thereof, or shall otherwise purposely annoy or molest any other person, shall be subject to a penalty not exceeding ten dollars in each case. SECTION 70. BONFIRE, ETC. No boy or person shall, in the inhabited part of the city (except on national holidays or other public and general celebrations) make or kindle any bonfire, or fire, explode or set off any fire-arms, fire-balls, fire- crackers, torpedoes, rockets or other fire-works, or shall oth- erwise pursue any amusement or exercise calculated to im- pede travel or frighten animals, or injure or annoy persons passing along the strees or sidewalks, under a penalty not exceeding five dollars in each case. SECTION 71. THROWING STONES, ETC. No boy or person shall purposely or heedlessly cast or throw any stone or other missile from or into any public place, or at any person, or at, upon, against, or into any building, premises, tree or other property, or shall walk upon the top or capping of any fence or railing, or climb upon the same, or into any shade or orn- amntal tree upon any sidewalk or elsewhere, without the con- sent of the owner thereof, or shall in any manner injure, de- face, or destroy any building, fence, railing, tree or other property, or shall meddle with any public well, cistern or pump, under a penalty of not exceeding ten dollars in each case. SECTION 72. LOITERING ABOUT RAILWAYS AND GROUNDS. Any boy or other person who shall by idling around the depot of any railway or the grounds adjoining thereto and used in connection therewith, impede, molest, or obstruct the officers or employes, or any of them engaged in running cars or locomotives on such railroad, or in prosecuting their or his MISDEMEANORS 200 lawful business or duties connected therewith and shall not, on being requested so to do by any such officer or employe, or any policeman of this city immediately leave such depot or grounds, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars. SECTION 73. OBSTRUCTING WATER COURSE. Whoever shall, within the City of Urbana, dam up or obstruct or change the natural current of any water course, or shall dam up or obstruct any ditch sewer, drain or culvert, estab- lished by authority of the City Council to the detriment or damage of any street, sidewalk or alley, or other premises shall, upon conviction, be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars. SECTION 74. JUMPING, CUM RING UPON OR CATCHING HOLD OF ANY RAILROAD CAR OR STREET CAR. Any boy or other person who shall jump or climb upon or catch hold of and hang to any railroad car or locomotive, or street car while the same is in motion, or who shall by clinging to the outside of or climbing or getting upon any such car or locomotive, or street car whether in motion or not at the time of the clinging to or climbing or getting upon the same attempt to ride from one place to another within the city not being or intending to become a passenger on such railroad, by the train with which such car or locomotive is connected, or by such street car be- yond the limits of the city, or from one station to another on such railroad and not being an officer or employe of the person, company or corporation operating and controlling such railroad shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor more than fifty dollars. SECTION 75. SCARING HORSES. Whoever shall, by riding any bicycle in the streets or on the sidewalks of the City of Urbana, or shall by any other means wilfully or negligently frighten any horse, mule or other animal being at the time ridden by any person or attached to any vehicle, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor mon than fifty dollars. SECTION 70. WEIGHING OF GUNPOWDER, KEROSENE, OR GASOLENE. Whoever shall, by gaslight, lamplight or any arti- 210 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA ficial light, weigh any gunpowder or gun-cotton, or draw any kerosene oil or gasoline from any cask or barrel, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than fifty dollars. SECTION 77. ORANGE PEEL, BANANA ETC. Whoever shall throw, cast, lay or place on any sidewalk in the City of Urbana, the rind or peel of any orange, banana, apple or other fruit, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar, nor more than ten dollars. SECTION 78.- BILL BOARDS WHEN A NUISANCE. Who- ever shall erect, keep or maintain any billboard or board for advertising upon, in any public ground or place, or upon any private premises adjacent to any sidewalk, street or footway, the same being so erected as to occasion danger or inconvenience to the public, shall be deemed guilty of main- taining a nuisance and be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars. SECTION 70. ACCESSORIES. Whoever aids, abets, assists, advises, or encourages the commisison of any act prohibited by ordinance, or by any indirect means procures any such offense to be committed or whoever commits an offense through the intervention of an agent, servant, employee or person under his control, shall be deemed guilty to the same extent, and may be proceeded against in the same manner as though said offense had been committeed by him directly and with his own hand. And any such agent, servant, or other person, doing any prohibited act for and on behalf of another shall be deemed guilty of such act equally with his employer or principal and be subject to the same penalty, except in such cases where a different or other penalty is provided by ordinance for such agent or employee. SECTION 80. PROSTITUTES LOITERING ON STREETS ETC. Any lewd woman or prostitute who shall in any manner ply her vocation in or upon the streets, alleys, stairways, or halls of public buildings, parks, or in other public places of said city by loitering or in any manner soliciting to acts of lewd- ness or who shall be found loitering on the streets during the night-time, shall upon convicition be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. MISDEMEANORS 211 SECTION 81. PROHIBIT BOYS FROM LOITERING ABOUT CHURCHES ETC. It shall he unlawful for any boys or other persons to loiter or congregate in or near any stairway or liall opening upon any street, in the City of Urbana, or loiter or congregate upon any street, sidewalk or alley in said city or in the vicinity of any church, school house, hotel, railroad depot, store, factory, city building, engine house, buildings of the University of Illinois, or other public places to the annoy- ance or disturbance of other persons; and any two or more boys or other persons loitering or congregating in or near any stairway or hall opening upon any street in said city or who shall loiter or congregate upon any street, sidewalk or alley in said city or in the vicinity of any church, school house, hotel, railroad depot, store, factory, city building, engine house, buildings of the University of Illinois or other public place in said city and who shall refuse to disperse and go to their homes when requested so to do by any member of the police force of said city or by any person annoyed thereby shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than twenty dollars for each offense. SECTION 82. DRIVING UNIIALTERED HORSES OR MULES THROUGH THE STREETS. It shall be unlawful to drive any horses or mules through the streets and alleys of this city unless they be securely haltered or controlled and led by some person who is competent and having control thereof. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than thirty dollars. SECTION 8:J. DOG FIGHTING (JOCK FIGHTING PRIZE FIGHT. Any person who shall instigate, cause, procure, or in any way aid, abet, or encourage or assist any dog-fight, prize- fight, cock-fight or main, either in a public or private place shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. SECTION 84. RUBBER SLINGS, ETC. Any person who shall within the corporate limits of said City use any sling, rub- ber sling, air gun or other implement, or device whatsoever for the casting or throwing of stones, bullets, shot or any other article whtsover of a dangerous or annoying character, 212 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than twenty-five dollars. SECTION 85. THROWING GLASS, TACKS, NAILS, CANS AND RUBBISH ON STREETS ETC. No person or persons shall throw or deposit any glass, bottles, crockery or earthen-ware, tacks, nails, tin-cans, or other rubbish whatsoever, in or upon any sidewalk, street, alley or other public place within said city. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 86. DRIVING OVER SIDEWALKS, CURBING, PARK- ING, ETC. Any person or persons, who shall ride upon- across 01- drive or cause to pass over or across any improved or un- improved sidewalk, or any paved gutter, or any curbing or parking in said city with any horse, mule, ass, cattle, team, wagon, cart, dray, sled, carriage, automobile, or other ve- hicle, except at the proper crossing places, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than two dollars, nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. Provided, that any occupant of any lot or warehouse may have access thereto by placing in front of the same at his or her expense, with the consent and direction of the Superintendent of Streets, over such gutter, curbing, parking or sidewalk, a bridge in such man- ner as will preserve the same from injury or obstruction. SECTION 87. RESISTING AN OFFICER. Whoever shall will- fully hinder, delay, resist or obstruct any city officer, or any person legally authorized by him, in the discharge of his duty, or shall aid, abet, or encourage any such hindering, delaying, resisting, or obstructing, or shall neglect or refuse to obey any lawful order or direction of any such officer, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 88. KILLING SQUIRRELS. Any person who shall kill or wound, or attempt to wound by use of fire-arms, bow and arrow, hunting with stones, or otherwise, any squirrel within the city limits, or shoot an arrow, or throw a stone, or club or other missle at any such squirrel, within any private grounds, or public parks, squares, or grounds (such squirrel not being the property of the person so offending) shall be MISDEMEANORS 213 deemed guilty of a misdeamor and shall be fined in any sum not less than three dollars, nor more than one hundred dol- lars for each offense. SECTION 89. TRESPASS ON PRIVATE GROUNDS. Whoever enters and passes over any garden, yard, or other improved field after being expressly forbidden to do so by the owner or occupant thereof, or whoever shall enter the premises or enclosure of any person without leave of the owner and pick, destroy, or carry away any part or portion of the fruit of any apple, pear, peach, plum or other fruit tree, vine or bush, shall be deemed guilty of trespass and subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 90. OBSERVING SUNDAY. Whoever shall on Sunday (except in case of necessity or for charitable pur- poses, or where the party shall conscientiously observe some other day of the week as the Sabbath ) keep open his place of business or pursue his daily business vocation, shall for each conviction be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. 214 OKDIXAXCES OF THE CITY OF TR15AXA CHAPTER XXXIV. OFFICERS. 1. Officers Appointed. 2. Oath of Office. 3. Official Bonds. 4. Sureties Corporation Counsel to Prepare Bond New Bond. 5. Commissions Etc. 6. Officers to Pay Money Over. 7. Salaries Payable When. 8. Records of City Open to Inspection. 9. Removal or Absence From City. 10. Liabilities for Damage. 11. No Officer to be Directly or Indirectly Interested in Contract. SECTION 1. OFFICERS APPOIXTEI). There shall be ap- pointed annually and whenever vacancies occur in said office, by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council, the fol- lowing city officers viz : a city marshal, corporation counsel, night policeman, fire marshal, janitor of city building, superintendent of streets and city collector and such number of police and firemen as the City Council may by res- olution deem necessary and expedient. The term of office for which either of said officers shall be appointed shall be for any period of time not exceeding the municipal year of their appointment in all cases not otherwise provided for by the ordinances of said city or the laws of the State of Illinois. SECTION 2. OATH OF OFFICE. All officers whether elect- ed or appointed, shall, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation : "I do solemily swear (or affirm as the case may be) that I will sup- port the constitution of the United States and the 'constitution of the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of according to the best of my ability." Which oath or affirmation so subscribed shall be filed in the office of the Clerk. OFFICERS '2 1 o SECTION :>. OFFICIAL BONDS. All officers, whether elect- ed or appointed shall before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, execute a bond, with security to be approv- ed by the City Council, payable to the City of Urbana, in such penal sum as may by resolution or ordinance be directed, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of the office and the payment of all moneys received by such officer, according to law and the ordinance of said city: Provided, however, that in no case shall the Mayor's bond be fixed at a less sum than three thousand dollars, ($0,000) nor shall the treasurer's bond lie fixed at a less sum than the amount of I he estimated tax and special assessments for the current .year; which bonds shall be tiled with the Clerk (except the bond of the Clerk, which shall be filed with the Treasurer. ) SECTION 4. SURETIES CORPORATION COUNSEL TO PRE- PARE BOND NEW BOND. Xo member of the City Council or officer of the city shall be received as surety on the official bond of any city officer hereby created and provided for, and herein required to execute bond as city officer. All official bonds shall be drawn by the Corporation Counsel or submitt- ed to him after being drawn up, for his approval of the form thereof, and shall be submitted to the City Council for their approval, which when given, the city clerk shall certify thereon and shall file and preserve the same in his office (ex- cept the bond of the city clerk, which shall be filed with the treasurer). The City Council may at any time require a new bond to be executed by any city officer, if from any cause they shall deem the old bond or the securities thereon insufficient ; 'but the execution of such new bond shall not in any manner affect any liability, loss or damage incurred thereon. All bonds or contracts shall be written or printed, or partly both, in a plain legible manner. SECTION 5. COMMISSIONS ETC. All officers (except the Clerk, Aldermen and Mayor) shall be commissioned by warrant, under the corporate seal, signed by the Clerk and Mayor, or presiding officer of the City Council. The Mayor shall issue a certificate of appointment or election, under the seal of the city, to the Clerk thereof, and any person having been an officer of the City shall within five days after notifi- 216 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UKBANA cation and request, deliver to his successor in office all pro- perty, books and effects of every description in his possession belonging to the city, or appertaining to his said office. Upon his refusal to do so he shall be liable for all damages caused thereby, and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars and not exceeding two hundred dollars. SECTION 6. OFFICERS TO PAY MONEY OVER. All officers collecting or receiving any moneys on account of the City shall pay the same, as fast as collected, into the City treasury in the same kind of funds as received by them, and shall, on the first Monday of each month, report to the City Council an accurate statement of all the moneys received by them for the preceding month, specifying the amount, from whom and on what account received. No officer shall retain any moneys received or collected by him toward the payment of any salary or fees which may be coming to him from the city, but shall pay the same into the treasury. Any officer violat- ing any provision of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars and not exceeding two hundred dollars. SECTION 7. SALARIES PAYABLE WHEN. The salaries of the city officers, unless otherwise especially provided, shall be payable monthly on the first Monday of each month, and they shall present their accounts to the City Council for ad- justment or payment but no warrant shall be drawn in favor of any officer for his salary until he shall have filed his re- port as herein required, nor shall any warrant in any case be drawn in favor of any officer who shall be in default or ar- rears with the city. SECTION 8. RECORDS OF CITY OPEN TO INSPECTION. The records, books and papers pertaining to any city officer shall at all reasonable times be subject to the inspection and exam- ination of the Mayor, the City Council, or any of its com- mittees, or any person interested in the same ; and all City officers shall, when requested, give all the information in their power pertaining to their respective offices, to the City Council or any of its committees, or any other department of the city government. OFFICERS 217 SECTION 9. REMOVAL on ABSENCE FROM CITY. If any city officer shall remove from the city, or absent himself there- f/rom for one month without permission of the City Council, first had and obtained, his office shall be vacated. SECTION 10. LIABILITY FOR DAMAGE. All officers shall be liable to the city for all loss or damage which may arise from their negligence or willful misconduct in the discharge of any official duty, and the City Council nun 7 , by order, with- hold the salary of any such officer, in order to secure the city from loss. And if any officer shall fail, neglect or refuse to discharge or perform any duty required of him, the Mayor may employ or appoint some competent person to perform such duty and the costs and expenses of doing the same shall be charged to such officer and deducted from his salary or if his salary shall be insufficient to pay the same, they may be collected from him and recovered by suit in the name of the city, before any court of competent jurisdictions. SECTION 11. No OFFICER TO BE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY INTERESTED IN CONTRACT. No officer of the City of Urbana, shall be directly or indirectly interested in any contract, work or business of the city, or the sale of any article, the ex- pense, price or consideration of which is paid from the treas- ury of said city, or by any assessment levied by any act or or- dinance ; nor the purchase of any real estate or other proper- ty belonging to the corporation or which shall be sold for tax- es or assessments, or by virtue of any legal process at the suit of said city. 218 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF IRl'.ANA CHAPTER XXXV. PAWNBROKERS. 1. Pawnbroker Defined License Required Etc. 2. Mayor May Grant License Rate Bond. 3. Pawnbroker's Book. 4. Property of Minors, Stolen Property Etc. Intoxicated Persons Etc. 5. Time of Receiving Property. 6. Inspection of Premises and Property. 7. Not to Remove or Sell Property for Five Days After Receipt Except to Owner. 8. Principal Liable for Violations of Clerks, Etc. SECTION 1. PAWNBROKER DEFINED LICENSE REQUIRED ETC. Whoever shall loan money 011 deposit or pledge of per- sonal property or shall carry on the business of purchasing such property on the condition of selling the same back at a stipulated price, without taking a chattel mortgage thereon, duly executed and recorded as required by law, shall be deem- ed to be a pawnbroker within the meaning of this chapter; and any person who shall pursue or carry on the business of a pawnbroker in the City of Urbana without first having ob- tained a license therefor, and executed a bond, as hereinaf- ter provided, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 2. MAYOR MAY GRANT LICENSE RATE BOND. The Mayor may grant licenses to persons applying for the same to carry on the business of pawnbroker. Pawnbrokers shall pay for a license at the rate of fifty dollars per year or a proportionate sum for any less time; no such license how- ever, shall extend beyond the municipal year. Every such applicant for a license shall, before receiving the same, exe- cute to the city a bond in the penal sum of one thousand dol- lars, with good and sufficient surety, which bond shall be PAWNBROKERS 21.9 conditioned for the strict observance of all ordinances of the city respecting pawnbrokers as may be passed or in force at any time during the existence of the license, and further con- ditioned that he will pay all damages resulting to any per- son by reason of his wrongfully purchasing or taking in pledge any stolen property, or the property of any minor. SECTION 3. PAWNBROKER'S BOOK. Every pawnbroker shall keep a well bound book, suitably ruled for the purposes herein designated, in which shall be legibly written in ink, at the time of each loan or purchase an accurate account or de- scription in the English language, of the goods, article or thing pawned, pledged or purchased, the amount of money loaned thereon or paid therefor, the time the same was pledg- ed or purchased, the amount of money loaned thereon or paid therefor, the time the same was pledged, pawned, or pur- chased, the rate of interest to be paid on such loan and the name and residence of the person pawning, pledging or sell- ing the goods, article or thing, which book, shall be kept clean and legible. No entry made in such book shall be erased, obliterated, or defaced. The said book shall at all reasonable? times, be open to the inspection of the mayor, marshal, or any police officer of the city. Any pawnbroker violating this sec- tion or any part thereof, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, for each offense and shall forfeit his license in the discretion of the Mayor. SECTION 4. PROPERTY OF MINORS, STOLEN PROPERTY. ETC. INTOXICATED PERSONS ETC. Any pawnbroker who shall pur- chase, take or receive in pledge, or on deposit, any article or property of or from any minor, or being owned by a minor, or any stolen property or from any person known to be a no- torious thief, or any property which from any cause he may have reason to believe cannot be lawfully or rightfully pawn- ed, pledged, or sold, by the person offering it, or from any person intoxicated, shall in either case, be subject to a pen- alty of not less than ten dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars and shall in addition thereto forfeit his license. SECTION 5. TIME OF RECEIVING PROPERTY. No pawn- broker shall purchase, take, receive, pledge or deposit, any ar- -I'O ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OK I KI'.ANA tide of property, after the hour of nine o'clock in the even ing, or before the hour of seven o'clock in the morning, under penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hun- dred dollars. SECTION* 0. INSPECTION OK PREMISES AND PROPERTY. Ev- ery pawnbroker shall at all reasonable times during business hours, allow the mayor, city marshal, or any policeman of the city, to enter the place of business of such person and ex- amine and inspect the stock or property on hand in such place of business, or search the said premises for stolen prop- erty, or make such examination of the same, as such officer may desire in the discharge of his official duty. Any pawn- broker who shall refuse to permit such officer to make such search or inspection, or shall hinder or obstruct him in mak- ing the same, or shall refuse to show such officer any prop- erty, article or thing in the possession of such pawnbroker, when requested so to do by such officer shall, in either case, be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense, and shall forfeit his license in the discretion of the Mayor. SECTION 7. XOT TO uyMovE OK SELL PROPERTY FOR FIVE DAYS AFTER RECEIPT EXCEPT TO OWNER. No pawnbroker shall sell or permit the removal, (unless returned to the owner) of any property, article, or thing received in pawn by him, his agent, servant, or clerk for the full period of five days after the receipt of the same by such pawnbroker, Any pawnbrok- er violating this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 8. PRINCIPAL LIABLE FOR VIOLATION OF CLERKS. Every licensed pawnbroker shall be subject to any of the penalties prescribed in this chapter for a violation of the same, or any part thereof, whether such violation is done by himself, or by his clerk, agent, or employe; and such clerk, agent, or employee of any licensed pawnbroker who shall vio- late this chapter, or any part thereof, shall also be subject to the same penalty herein prescribed for such violatiom when done by a licensed pawnbroker. POLICE DEPARTMENT L'lM CHAPTER XXXVI POLICE DEPARTMENT. 1. Police Department Shall Consist of Whom. 2. Appointment of Policemen. 3. Bond And Oath of Policemen. 4. Duties of Mayor. 5. City Marshal, Chief of Police Have Central Station, Etc. 6. Marshal Custodian of Property. 7. Reports of City Marshal' Monthly and Annually. 8. Absence of Marshal. 9. Day amd Night Force Beats, Etc. 10. Police Record. 11. Special Police. 12. Temporary Police. 13. Duties of Police. 14. Power to Arrest, Serve Warrants, Etc. 15. Search Warrant. 16. Policemen Not To Enter Dramshop While On Duty, Etc. 17. Neglect of Duty Etc. 18. Causes For Removal. 19. Prisoners Drunk When Arrested. SECTION 1. POLICE DEPARTMENT SHALL CONSIST OF WHOM. The Police department of the city shall consist of the Mayor, the AMermen, Police Magistrate, City Marshal and such Policemen and Watchmen as may be appointed by the Mayor and City Council. " SECTION 2. APPOINTMENT OF POLICEMEN. The Mayor shall, at the beginning of each municipal year, or within a reasonable, time thereafter, and by and with the consent of the City Council, appoint a City Marshal and such a number of policemen as the City Council shall by ordinance or reso- lution authorize, who shall be duly commissioned as other cily officers are by law required. SECTION .'>. BOND AND OATH OF POLICEMEN. _ Each po- liceman or watchman shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe to the same oath required of other city officers, and shall also execute a bond, payable 222 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A to the city, with security to he approved by the City Council, in the penal sum of two thousand dollars conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office and the payment of all moneys received by him, according to law and the ordinances of said city. SECTION 4. DUTIES OF MAYOR. The Mayor shall exer- cise a general supervision and control over the police de- partment and shall see that the various police officers are prompt and efficient in the discharge of their duties, and he shall from time to time take such measures for the pre- servation of the public peace and good order, and for the prompt and efficient execution of the laws of the state and the ordinances of the city as may be deemed most expedient and best to accomplish the purposes contemplated. SECTION 5. CITY MARSHAL, CHIEF OF POLICE HAVE CENTRAL STATION ETC. The city marsliall shall be the chief of police, and all policemen and watchmen, except otherwise provided by ordinance, shall be subject to. his direction and control. The marshal and each policeman shall have a sta- tion in some central location where he shall attend at all reasonable hours, except when absent on duty; and all police officers shall render prompt and efficient aid to each other in the discharge of their duties. SECTON (>. MARSHAL CUSTODIAN OF PROPERTY. The city marshal I shall be the custodian of all property provided by the city for the use of the police department. He shall also be the custodian of all stolen goods or other property received and retained under police authority. SECTION 7. 'REPORTS OF CITY MARSHAL MONTHLY AND AN- NUALLY. The city marshal, shall make to the City Council, at each regular meeting thereof, and also at the end of each municipal year thereof, a report in writing of the doings of his department since the last report. Said report shall set forth the number of arrests, by whom made, and on what charge ; the number of prosecutions for the recovery of fines, before what magistrate brought, how disposed of, the amount of fines and costs assessed, and the amount collected in mon- ey or labor, together with a statement of all property received by him during the period covered by such report, by virtue of his office. POLICE DEPARTMENT 223 SECTION 8. ABSENCE OF MARSHAL. The City Marshal shall not absent himself from the city without permission from the Mayor; and in case of such absence the Mayor shall designate some other member of the police force to assume the duties of marshal, who shall be termed acting city marshal, and shall possess all the power and authority of the city mar- shal. SECTION 9. DAY AND NIGHT FORCE BEATS ETC. The city marshal shall divide the police force into two classes, to be respectively known as the day and night force. In mak- ing such division provision may be made for the interchang- ing of the different members of the force from one class to the other as he may deem best. He shall also locate and establish beats and stations throughout the city to be occupied by the different members of the force when on duty and shall fix the hours for each relief or class. He shall also report his action under this section to the City Council, and the same shall be subject to the approval thereof. SECTION 10. POLICE RECORD. The city marshal shall pro- vide a suitable police record, which shall be kept at the po- lice station and in which each officer making an arrest shall enter the name of the person arrested, where arrested, on what charge, what property, if any, was taken or found on such person, and how disposed of, and shall also record his own name as the officer making the arrest. SECTION 11. SPECIAL POLICE. The Mayor may by and with the consent of the City Council, and upon the applica- tion of any corporation, association, firm or individual, ap- point any suitable person in the employ of such applicant, a special policeman in and for said city; such special police- man shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take the same oath and execute a bond to the city in the same amount, and with like conditions as required of other police officers, except, that in such commission he shall be designat- ed as a special policement. Such appointment shall not ex- tend beyond the municipal year, and when such special po- liceman has been duly qualified as aforesaid, he shall pos- sess all the power, and be obeyed the same as members of the regular police force; Provided, such special policeman shall 2l>4 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A not receive any compensation from the city for his services. The Mayor may revoke such appoinment at any time he may deem proper. SECTION 12. TEMPORARY POLICE. Whenever it inay be deemed necessary for the preservation of public order or pri- vate or public property, the Mayor, by and with the advice of the City Council, may appoint such a number of temporary policemen as the City Council may direct, to serve for such period as the Council may determine. Such policemen shall take the same oath as required of other officers and give a bond in the same amount as required of other police officers, conditioned as by law required, with surety to be approved by the City Council. They shall also be commissioned the same as other policemen ; and when so qualified they shall possess the same power, perform the same duties and be sub- ject to the same obligations as the regular police force. Such policeman shall receive such compensation as may be pro- vided by the City Council. SECTION i:>. DUTIES OF POLICE. The several members of the police force, when on duty, shall devote their time and attention to the discharge of their duties of their office according to the ordinances of the city and the rules and reg- ulations of the police department. They shall, to the best of their ability, preserve order, quiet and peace throughout, the city, and enforce all the ordinances of the city. Every policeman shall report to the marshal or Mayor, all persons known or suspected to be gamblers, receivers of stolen goods, thieves, burglars or disorderly persons, and also all unlaw- ful or disorderly houses or places, within said city, coming to his knowledge, as well as all violations of the laws of the state or the ordinances of the city, reported to him or of which he may be cognizant; and when it shall come to the knowledge of any policeman that any city ordinance has been violated, such policeman shall forwith cause a com- plaint to be made before a police magistrate, or justice of the peace within the city and the proper witnesses to be subpoen- oed and evidence procured for the successful prosecution of the offender. SECTION 14. POWER TO ARREST, SERVE WARRANTS ETC. The city marshal and each policeman of said city shall have POLICE DEPARTMENT 1>1>5 power to iu-rcst or cause to he arrested, with or without pro- cess, all persons who shall he found in the act of committing a hreach of the peace, or he found violating any ordinance of the city, or any criminal law of the State of Illinois, or found under suspicious circumstances and unahle to give a satisfac- tory account of their doings, and may commit such persons so arrested for examination, and if necessary detain them in custody over night or Sunday, in the city prison or other safe place, or until they can he brought before the proper magistrate. All warrants for the violation of ordinances, and all criminal warrants to whomsover directed may he served and executed within the corporate limits of said city hy any policeman thereof. (See Statutes of Illinois). SECTION 15. SEARCH WARRANT. Whenever the city marshal or any police officer is satisfied that there is reason- able cause for searching any house, building, apartment, room or place, for property that has been stolen, embezzled, or fraudulently obtained by false tokens or pretenses or for counterfeit or spurious money or tools, machinery, or mater- ials for milking the same or for gaming apparatus or imple- ments, used or kept and provided to be used in unlawful gam- ing, it shall be the duty of the marshal, or policeman, to swear out a search warrant for the search of such premises, as by the statute of the State of Illinois provided. SECTION 1(5. POLICEMEN NOT TO ENTER DRAMSHOP WHILE ON DFTY ETC. Xf> policeman, while on duty, shall enter any dram shop or place where intoxicating liquors are sold, ex- cept- to quiet a disturbance or to make an arrest, or when officially called. SECTION 17. NEGLECT OF DUTY ETC. Any member of the police force who shall neglect or refuse to perform any duty required of him by the ordinances of the city or the rules and regulations of the police department, or who shall, in the dis- charge of his official duties, be guilty of any fraud, extortion, oppression, favoritism or wilful wrong or injustice, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than live dollars nor more ihan one hundred dollars and shall be subject to re- moval from office. I'L'G ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF I'KBANA SECTION 18. CAUSES FOR REMOVAL. The following of- fenses shall be deemed sufficient causes for removal of the city marshal or any member of the police force : First. Disobedience of the orders of the Mayor, City Council or Marshal. Second. Drunkenness. Third. Holding familiar conversation on the streets with prostitutes, or association with rowdies or gamblers. Fourth. Violent, insolent or abusive language to a su- perior officer, or to any citizen, resident or stranger: Fifth. Drinking intoxicating liquor, wine, or beer, while on duty, or entering any saloon, gambling house, or house of ill-fame while on duty, except in the discharge of the duties of his office. Sixth. Accepting or receiving from any person, while in custody, or after he shall have been discharged, or from any such person's friends, any gratuity, gift, pay or reward. Seventh. Communicating to any person any inf.rma- tion which may lead to the escape from arrest or punishment of persons accused of any crime, misdeamor, or violation of any city ordinance. Eighth. Leaving the city without permission in writ- ing from the Mayor, unless in pursuit of offenders fleeing from arrest. Ninth. Leaving his beat or post, during his hours of duty, except in the discharge of the duties of his office; or going to sleep during his hours of service. Tenth. Charging or receiving any fee or compensation, other than his legal salary, or receiving or accepting any present or reward for police services rendered, or to be rend- ered, unless with the written permission of the Mayor, first had and obtained. Eleventh. Failure to enforce the ordinances of the city. SECTION 19. PRISONERS DRUNK WHEN ARRESTED. When- ever any person arrested for any offense shall, at the time of his arrest be intoxicated, the officer making the arrest shall take such person to the police headquarters and confine him in the city prison until he shall become sober; ami he shall then be taken before a police magistrate for trial as provided in other cases. POLICE PRACTICE 227 CHAPTER XXXVII. POLICE PRACTICE. 1. Police Magistrate Term Four Years Bond Fees. 2. Actions Brought in Corporate Name of City, Etc. 3. Summons Warrant. 4. Trial of Person Arrested Continuance Bail. 5. Arrests at Night, Sunday, Etc. 6. City Attorney File Written Statement, Etc. 7. Arrests Without Warrant. 8. Giving Recognizance. 9. Officers as Witnesses. 10. Witness and Jury Fees. 11. Malicious Suits Costs Against Prosecutor. 12. Commitment of Prisoner, Etc. 13. Magistrate to Assess Fine for Violation of Ordinance, Etc. 14. Person Convicted Required to Work When. 15. City Marshal to Deliver Prisoner to Street Superintendent, Etc. 16. Person Refusing to Work, Etc. 17. Payment of Fine Entitled to Discharge. 18. Officer to Report to Council, Names, Days Labor, Etc. 19. Police Magistrate to Pay Cash Collected Monthly, and Make Re- ports Monthly and Annually. 1. POLICE MAGISTRATE TERM FOUR YEARS BOND FEES. Every four yours there shall be elected in and lor the City of Urbana, a. police magistrate, at the time and in the munner provided by the statutes of the State of Illinois, for the election of such officer, who shall hold his office for four years. The police magistrate shall file such bond as required by law for Justice of the Peace, and take the same oath as other city officers. He shall have the same fees in all city cases as are provided by law for justices of the peace. SECTION 2. ACTIONS BROUGHT IN CORPORATE NAME OF CITY, ETC. All actions brought to recover any fine, or to en- force any penalty under any ordinance of said city shall be brought in the corporate name of said city as plaintiff. No prosecution, recovery or acquittal for the violation of any i8 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URKANA such ordinance shall constitute a defense to any other pros- ecution of the same party for any violation of the same ordi- nance or section, although the different causes of action exist- ed at the same time, and if united would not have exceeded the jurisdiction of the court or magistrate. SECTION 3. SUMMONS WARRANT. In all actions for" the violation of any ordinance or section, the first process shall be a summons: Provided, however, that a warrant for the offender may issue in the first instance upon the affidavit of any person that any such ordinance has been violated, stating in substance the manner of the violation, and that the person making the complaint has reasonable grounds to believe and does believe the party charged is guilty thereof; and am T persons arrested upon such warrant shall, without unnecessary delay, be taken before the proper court to be tried for the alleged offense. SECTION 4. TRIAL OF PERSON ARRESTED CONTINUANCE BAIL. Whenever any person shall be arrested for any offense, it shall be the duty of the police officer making the arrest, to take the prisoner to the police hadquarters, and a record of the arrest shall be made in the book kept for that purpose. If any police magistrate is at his office, the prisoner shall be immediately taken before such magistrate, and if the city and the prisoner are both ready, a trial may at once be had, but either party may have a continuance for a reasonable time to procure witnesses, or for other good cause shown; and the prisoner shall enter into a recognizance with surety to be approved by the magistrate, for his appearance, at the time of trial. In default of such recognizance, he shall be confined in the city prison until the time fixed for trial and until the further order of the court. SECTION 5. ARRESTS AT NIGHT SUNDAY ETC. All pris- oners arrested in the night time, or at any other times when no police magistrate's court shall be open, shall be taken to police headquarters, and a like record made as before pro- vided, and the prisoner shall be confined in the city prison un- til the next morning or until a trial can be had, or, if arrested on Saturday night, or on Sunday, then he shall be confined as aforesaid until Monday morning, when the prisoner shall POLICE PRACTN'K --'> be taken before the police magistrate and a trial hail, or the case- continued as provided in the preceding section. SECTION 0. CITY ATTORNEY FILE WRITTEN STATEMENT ETC. When any suit shall be commenced by summons in the name of the City before any court or magistrate for any fine or pen- alty, the city attorney shall file a written statement, signed by him, stating the title of the case, the name of the defend- ant, the ordinance or section of ordinance violated, the man- ner of violation and the time and place where violated. SECTION 7. ARRESTS WITHOUT WARRANT. Whenever any person shall be lawfully arrested without a warrant, and brought before any court for trial, no process shall be neces- sary, but the statement required by the preceding section hereof shall be made and filed as therein provided, and the magistrate before whom such person is brought shall enter the case on his docket as in other cases. SECTION 8. GIVING RECOGNIZANCE. Any person who may be arrested by, or in the custody of any officer, for the violation of any ordinance of the city, may release himself from custody or imprisonment by entering into bail or re- cognizance before such officer or before any police officer or other court in such reasonable amount and with surety or sureties as may be required of him and conditioned that lie will appear before the magistrate or court named therein, at the time named therein and from day to day thereafter or un- til the determination of said cause and remain and answer the offense with which he stands charged and await his trial thereon, and not depart the court without leave. The amount of the penalty of the bond or recognizance shall be proportioned to the offense charged, and such bond or recog- nizance shall be filed with the magistrate of the court named therein by the officer taking the same; and if the offender shall fail to appear or shall otherwise fail to comply with the conditions thereof, the bond or recognizance shall be adjudg- ed forfeited, and suit shall forthwith be brought thereon against the offender and his surety or sureties for the full amount of the penalty thereof, and judgment shall be render- ed by the court for the same and all costs, or for so much of -.'SO ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF fUHAXA said penalty as may be adjudged just and proper upon exami- nation of the facts in the case. SECTION 9. OFFICERS AXD WITNESSES. All officers mak- ing arrests shall attend as witnesses before the court where such trial shall be had, and shall procure all necessary evi- dence in their power and furnish a list of all witnesses to the court or to the city attorney. SECTION 10. WITNESS AND JURY FEES. Witnesses and ju- rors attending before any police magistrate or other court in any suit or action for any fine or penalty arising under the or- dinances of the city, shall, in case judgment is obtained against the offender, and collected from him, be entitled to the same fees as in like cases before justices of the peace. But no costs of any kind shall be taxed against or collected from the city. SECTION 11. MALICIOUS SUITS^COSTS AGAINST PROSECU- TOR. The city attorney shall not be compelled to bring or prosecute any suit in any case where he and the court may be satisfied that the complaint is instituted maliciously or vexatiously, and without any probable cause, and that the interests of the public or of the city will not be subserved thereby. And if any persons charged with any offense shall, upon his trial therefor, be acquitted, and it shall satisfactor- ily appear to the court that the complaint or prosecution was instituted maliciously or vexatiously, and without probable cause, judgment may be rendered against the complainant or prosecutor for the costs arising in the case and execution is- sued for the collection of the same. SECTION 12. COMMITTMENT OF PRISONER ETC. Any per- son upon whom any fine or penalty shall be imposed may, by order of the court or magistrate before whom the convic- tion is had, be committed to the county jail, city prison, work- house, or other place provided by the city for the incarcera- tion of offenders until such fine, penalty and costs shall be fully paid : Provided no such imprisonment shall exceed six months for any one offense. SECTION 13. MAGISTRATE TO ASSESS FINE FOR VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE. If upon the hearing of any suit or proceeding POLICE PRACTICE -.'! for the violation of any ordinance of the city, the defendant is found guilty, the court shall impose such fine as may be provided by said ordinance, or as may be fixed by the jury, and its judgment may be, "That the defendant be fined in the sum of - dollars and costs of said suit, taxed at - - dollars and that the defendant stand committed until such fine and costs are fully paid ; and if such fine and costs are not fully paid, that the defendant be imprisoned in the city prison not exceeding six months, or labor on the street days." which number of days labor exclusive of his board shall not exceed one day for each fifty cents of such fine and costs. SECTION 14. PERSON CONVICTED REQUIRED TO WORK- WHEN. When any person shall be so committed by any court for a fine or penalty he shall be required to work for the city upon the streets and alleys thereof at such labor as his strength will permit, or at such other labor or employment as may be provided by the City Council, within and without the place of his confinement, not exceeding ten hours each working day, and for such work he shall be allowed, exclus- ive of his board, fifty cents for each day's work on account of the fine and cost adjudged against him. SECTION 15. CITY MARSHAL TO DELIVER PRISONER TO STREET SUPERINTENDENT. Whenever any person against whom judgment for a violation of any ordinance of the City is rendered by any court or magistrate and such person is by the order of such court or magistrate required to stand com- mitted or labor upon the streets of said city until such fine and costs or fully paid, it shall be the duty of the superin- tendent of streets of said city to take and receive such per- son from the city marshal and work him upon the streets not to exceed ten hours each working clay until such judg- ment and costs exclusive of his board shall be fully satisfied according to law ; and it shall be the duty of the city marshal in the morning of each day following such commitment to take and deliver such person or persons to the superinten- dent of streets, at such place as he may be then working or superintending work on the streets of said city; and it shall be the duty of the city superintendent of streets to accept 232 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA and put to work such person or persons during the working hours of said day. And at noon and evening of such day it si nil! be the duty of the city marshal to present himself to the city superintendent of streets for the purpose of taking and receiving such person or persons and to place such per- son or persons in the city prison until after the dinner hour, and (J ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA allow all persons to pass who may be waiting, and for any vi- olation of this section the company offending shall be subject to a penalty of not less than Ten Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars for each offense : and provided further, that where such obstruction is the result of some unavoidable ac- cident, disaster or emergency beyond the control of such company or its agents, this section shall not apply. SECTION 6. SPEED OF CARS, ETC. No railway company, railroad engineer, railroad conductor, interurban company, mterurban motor-man or conductor, street railway company, street railway motorman or conductor or any servant of any such railway company or other person, shall run any locomo- tive, freight or passenger car, interurban car or street car or any train of such cars upon or along any railroad track, interurban track, street railway track, side track or switch, within the corporate limits of the city of Urbana, at a greater rate of speed than ten miles an hour. Any such railway com- pany or person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. SECTION 7. WHISTLES NOT TO BE BLOWN. No railroad company shall cause or allow the whistle of any locomotive engine belonging to such company, or under its control, to be sounded within the limits of said city with the exception of necessary station and brake signals, and such signals as may be absolutely necessary to prevent injury to persons or property, and in such cases only with the limitation that such whistle shall not be sounded more than five seconds at a time, nor with more than necessary loudness, and every violation of this section shall subject the railroad company offending to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 8. FLAGMEN. It shall be the duty of all com- panies or corporations owning, using or operating any rail- road whose track or tracks cross any public streets, avenues or highways in said city to place and retain at their expense a flagman at each crossing where the City Council shall by resolution or ordinance direct. RAILROADS I'.'}! And any such company or corporation refusing or neg- lecting to place, maintain and keep flagmen when and where so required, within sixty days after receiving a written notice of the action of the City Council from the Clerk, requiring the same, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each and every day they shall neglect or refuse so to do. The notice above referred to may be served upon any agent or officer of such company or corporation. SECTION 9. DUTIES OF FLAGMAN. It shall be the duty of the flagman to signal persons traveling in the direction of any or either of said crossing, and warn them of the approach of any locomotive engine or car, or of impending danger. SECTION 10. LIGHTS, BACKING TRAINS, RING BELLS, WHEN. The bell of each locomotive engine shall be rung continually while such engine is running within said city. Every locomotive engine, railroad car, or train of cars running in the night time on any railroad track in said city shall have and keep while so running a brilliant and conspicuous bright light on the forward end of such engine, car, or train. If such engine, car or train of cars be backing, it shall have a conspicuous light on the rear car or engine, so as to show the direction said engine, car or train is running. Any failure or neglect to comply with this section shall sub- ject the railroad company or corporation controlling, using, owning or running such engine, car or train to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars, nor to exceed two' hundred dollars for eacli and every offense. SECTION 11. PENALTY. Any railroad company or rail- road corporation, who shall of themselves or by their agents or employees, violate or fail to observe any of the foregoing provisions of this chapter, or any agent, engineer, conductor or other employee of any such railroad company or corpora- tion, who shall violate or fail to observe the same, shall, for each violation or failure to observe the same, where no other penalty is imposed, be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars. 2o8 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF Utl'.ANA CHArTER XXXIX REMOVAL OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 1. Report Removal of Household Goods. 2. Penalty. 3. City Marshall to Keep Record. SECTION 1. REPORT REMOVAL OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Each Drayman, Truckman, Teamster or other person who shall carry, transport or remove household goods of another person from one place to another within the corporate limits of the City or to any part within the corporate limits of Champaign, or to any place of storage, or to any railroad station or depot in this City or in the City of Cham- paign, shall within eight hours after such carriage, transpor- tation or removal, make report to the City Marshall of this City, stating therein the place from and the place to which such removal is made together with the name of the owner of the goods removed. SECTION 2. PENALTY. Any person, firm or corporation failing to make such .report at the time and in the manner above mentioned shall be fined not less than Two ($2.00) Dollars nor more than Fifty (|50) Dollars for each offense. SECTION 3. CITY MARSHALL TO KEEP RECORD.. The City Marshall shall keep a record of each report made under the requirements of this Ordinance and the record of this report shall be open to inspection as are other records of public of- ficers. REPEALED ORDINANCES li:!) CHAPTER XL REPEALED ORDINANCES. 1. Repealed Ordinances in Force Till When. 2. Word "Court" Defined. 3. Certain Words Construed. 4. Repeal of Repealing Ordinance. 6. Repeal of Ordinance Not To Release Fines, Etc. 6. All General Terms, Etc., To Be Liberally Construed. 7. Power of Acting Mayor Policemen to Exercise Powers of Mar- shal. SECTION 1. REPEALED ORDINANCES IN FORCE TILL WHEN. Hereafter when any ordinance or part of an ordinance shall be repealed, modified or changed by a subsequent ordinance, the ordinance or part thereof thus repealed, modified or changed shall continue in force until the ordinance repeal- ing, modifying or changing the same takes effect, unless it shall be therein otherwise expressly provided. SECTION '2. WORD "COURT'-' DEFINED. The word "Court" when used in any ordinance, shall be construed to mean any court of competent jurisdiction, whether police magistrate's courts, justices of the peace, or courts of record. SECTION 3. CERTAIN WORDS CONSTRUED. Whenever in any ordinance words importing the singular number are used in reference to any person or subject-matter, such words shall be deemed to extend to and embrace several persons, mat- ters or subjects, and words used importing the plural num- ber shall be deemed to extend to and embrace any singular person, matter or subject as Well as to several ; and when any person or subject-matter shall be named, referred to or de- scribed by words importing the masculine gender or by gen- eral terms, females as well as males shall be deemed included in the meaning and terms thereof, and the words "person" or "pel-sons" or words importing any person or persons shall be deemed to include corporations as well as individuals. The 240 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA word "month" when used in any ordinance, shall be con- strued to mean a calendar month ; and the word "sworn" to mean sworn or affirmed. SECTION 4. REPEAL OR REPEALING ORDINANCE. No ordi- nance or part of any ordinance repealed by any other ordi- nance shall be revived by the repeal of the repealing ordi- nance, unless it shall be therein otherwise expressly provided. SECTION 5. REPEAL OF ORDINANCE NOT TO RELEASE FINES. No fine, forfeiture, penalty, right, action, debt, suit or other liability whatever created, instituted, incurred or accrued by or under any ordinance prior to its repeal or modification, shall be released, discharged, amended or repealed, or in any wise affected by the passage of such repealing or modifying ordinance, but the same shall be prosecuted, recovered or en- joyed, or any suit or other proceeding commenced thereon as fully and in the same manner in all respects as if such ordinance or part thereof had remained in full force, unless it shall be otherwise expressly provided in the ordinance mak- ing such repeal or modification. SECTION 6. ALL GENERAL TERMS ETC. TO BE LIBERALLY CONSTRUED. All general provisions, terms, phrases and ex- pressions used in this ordinance or any ordinance passed hereafter, shall be liberally construed in order that the true intent and meaning of the city council may be carried out. SECTION 7. POWER OF ACTING MAYOR POLICEMEN TO EX- ERCISE POWERS OF MARSHAL. Whenever any power shall be vested in or any duty required of the Mayor, the same shall be deemed to extend to and embrace and may be exercised by the acting Mayor also; and when any power shall be vested in or duty required of the city marshal, the same shall be deem- ed to extend to and many be exercised by any of the policemen of said city, unless such construction would be contrary to the terms of the ordinance vesting such power or requiring such duty. ROLLER SKATING RINKS 241 CHAPTER XLI. ROLLER SKATING RINKS. 1. License Required. 2. Amount of License. 3. Penalty. 4. Clerk to Issue License. 5. Mayor May Revoke License. SECTION 1. LICENSE REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, or corporation to engage in the busi- ness of running a roller skating rink or skating school in the City of Urbana without first having obtained a license so to do, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. SECTION 2. AMOUNT OF LICENSE. Every person, per- sons or corporation who shall hereafter engage in or rent any room or building in said city for the purpose of running a roller skating rink, skating school, or for the purpose of teaching persons how to skate on roller skates shall pay a license fee of five dollars per month to said City of Urbana, payable in advance for each and every month they shall run said rink. SECTION Ji. PENALTY. Any person, persons, or corpor- ation running a roller skating rink, skating school or school for learning to skate on roller skates, without first having obtained a license so to do, under the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dol- lars, nor more than one hundred dollars for each day such person, persons or corporation engage in or run said roller skating rink or skating school without a license. SECTION 4. CLERK TO ISSUE LICENSE. It shall be the duty of the city clerk to issue said license upon a payment to him of the above license fee, to all persons applying for the same. SECTION 5. MAYOR MAY REVOKE LICENSE. The Mayor or the City Council shUll have power to revoke any such license, at any time, for any good or sufficient cause, or upon the failure of such person, persons or corporation to comply with any of the city ordinances. 2-1 li OKDIXAXCES OF TIIK CITY OF T'KP.AXA CHAPTER XLII. RULES OF THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Meetings of Council Special Meetings. 2. Rules of City Council. 3. Standing Committees. 4. Duties of Committees. 5. Committee on Buildings and Grounds. 6. Committee on Finance. 7. Committee on Fire and Water. 8. Committee on Health and Miscellaneous. 9. Committee on Lights. 10. Committee on Ordinances. 11. Committee on Police and License. 12. Committee on Purchasing and Printing. 13. Committee on Sewerage and Drainage. 14. Committee on Streets and Alleys. 15. Contracts Not Authorized by the Council, Forbidden. SECTION 1. MEETIXGS OF COFXCIL SPECIAL MEETINGS. A regular meeting of the City Council shall be held on the first Monday evening of each month during the year except when said Monday shall happen to be a legal holiday, in which case the City Council shall meet on the first Tuesday evening following; and also on the evening of the first day of May in each year, except when the first day of May falls on Sunday in which case the said meeting shall be held on the Saturday evening last preceding. Said meetings shall be convened at the hour of 7:30 P. M. Special meetings may be called by the Mayor or by any three members of the Council whenever in his, or their opin- ion it may be deemed necessary ; in which event it shall be the duty of the City Marshall to cause every member of the Council to be personally served with notice of such special meeting, by reading or giving to each such member a notice at his usual place of business or residence; which notice shall state the date, time and object of such meeting. No business RULES OF THE CITY COUNCIL 24: > shall be transacted at any special meeting except such as is stated in said notice. SECTION 2. RULES OF CITY COUNCIL. The following rules for the government of the deliberations of the Council are hereby adopted, viz : I. The Mayor shall take the chair at the hour appoint- ed for the Council to meet, and immediately call the Council to order, and at the instance of any two members present, compel the attendance of absent members. In case of non- attendance of the Mayor at any meeting, the board of alder- men shall select one of their own members chairman, who shall preside at that meeting and shall be Mayor pro tern. II. A majority of the members elect shall constitute ;i quorum for the transaction of business. III. The order of business of all. regular meetings of the City Council shall be as follows: 1. Heading of the minutes of the proceedings of regular and special meetings. 2. Reports of standing committees. 3. Reports of special committees. 4. Reports of officers. 5. Petitions and communications to the Council. (5. Presentations of claims and accounts. 7. Unfinished business. 8. New and miscellaneous business. IV. The Mayor shall preserve order and decorum and shall decide all questions of order, subject- to an appeal to the Council. Appeals to the Council shall be decided without debate. V. Xo member shall speak more than twice upon the same question, nor more than once upon the "previous ques- tion," without leave of the Council, nor more than once in any case, until every member choosing to speak shall have spoken. VI. Any member called to order shall immediately take his seat until the point of order is decided. VII. All questions as to the priority of business shall be decided without debate. 1'44 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF VRKANA VIII. While any member is speaking no member shall engage in conversation with others, or pass between the speaker and the Mayor. IX. When two or more members sliall address the May- or, he shall decide who is first to speak. X. Every member previous to his speaking, shall rise and address "Mr. Mayor'', but shall not proceed nntil rec- ognized and named by the Mayor. XI. No personalities or reflections injurious to the feel- ings of any member or the harmony of the Council, shall be tolerated, and even 7 person indulging in such personalities shall be called to order by the Mayor. XII. When a motion or resolution has been stated by the Mayor, it shall be deemed to be in possession of the Coun- cil, but may be withdrawn at any time before a decision or amendment, by consent of the Council. XIII. A member called to order shall immediately sit down, unless permitted by the Council to explain. If he ap- peals, the Council shall decide the matter without debate. If no appeal is taken the decision of the Mayor sliall be con- clusive. XIV. When a question is stated, every member present shall vote, unless excused by the Council, or unless directly interested in the question, in which case he shall not vote. XV. Xo motion shall be entertained unless seconded; when seconded it shall be stated by the Mayor, and if any member requires it, reduced to writing. XVI. If a question under consideration contains more than one distinct proposition, it may be divided on the re- quest of any member. XVII. When a blank is filled and different sums or times proposed, the question shall first be put upon the largest sum, or the longest time. XVIII. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received, unless for the previous question, to post- pone indefinitely, to adjourn to a certain day, to lay on the table, to amend, or to adjourn the Council. XIX. A motion for the "previous question," to lay the question on the table, or to refer to committee, until decided, RULES OF THE CITY COUNCIL 245 .shall preclude all amendments or debate of the main ques- tion; and a motion to postpone a question indefinitely, or to adjourn to a certain day shall, until it is decided, preclude all amendments to the main question. XX. The "previous question'' shall be put as follows: "Shall the main question be now put?" XXI. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, and shall be decided without debate. XXII. In all cases the name of a member ottering a resolution or motion, shall be entered with it upon the journal. XXIII. Xo ordinance shall be repealed or passed, or contract or appropriation made, unless by a vote of a major- ity of the Council. XXIV. All Committees shall be appointed by the Mayor unless otherwise directed by the Council, in which case they shall be appointed by ballot. XXV. The yeas and nays shall be taken on the passage of every ordinance, and on all propositions to create any liability against the city, or for the expenditure or appropri- ation of its money, and be entered upon the journal ; and if any member require it, upon any other question before the Council. XXVI. Committees to whom any subject may be re- ferred shall report in writing, addressed to the City Council of the City of Urbana, and the reports shall be filed away and preserved by the clerk. XXVII. The City Clerk shall forward all papers to the appropriate committees and officers, as near the next day after the reference shall be made, as possible. XXVIII. Every proposition involving the expenditure of money, shall be referred to an appropriate standing com- mittee, and a report thereon made to the Council by said committee before the council shall vote upon the expenditure. XXIX. Upon the request of any two aldermen present, any report of a committee of the Council shall be deferred for final action thereon, to the next regular meeting of the Council after the report is made. (See Section 15 Article III Act of Incorporation ) . ~4() ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URUANA . XXX. Xo petition for the remission of a tine under any ordinance of the city, shall be granted without a vote of two-thirds of the Council, or without said petition is signed by the police magistrate, or the jury imposing the fine, or the city attorney. XXXI. The city marshal, or some one appointed by him, at his own cost, shall attend all meetings of the City Council, and execute all orders of the Council. XXX II. On all points of order not herein specially provided for, Robert's llules of Order is adopted and made the law governing the deliberations of said Council. XXXIII. The foregoing rules, or any of them, shall not be repealed or annulled, amended, abridged, modified, or suspended, except by a majority vote of all the members of the Council. SECTION o. STANDING COMMITTEEES. It shall be the duty of the Mayor at the beginning of each year, for which members of the City Council are elected to appoint the fol- lowing named standing committees ; the first named member of the Committee to be the Chairman thereof and each Com- mittee to consist of not less than three members. First. Committee on Buildings and Grounds. Second. Committee on Finance. Third. Committee on Fire and Water. Fourth. Committee on Health and Miscellaneous. Fifth. Committee on, Lights. Sixth. Committee on Ordinances. Seventh. Committee on Police and Licenses. Eighth. Committee on Purchasing and Printing. Ninth. Committee on Sewerage and Drainage. Tenth. Committee on Streets and Alleys. SECTION 4. DUTIES OF COMMITTEES. It shall be the du- ty of the standing Committees to keep a close watch over the affairs of their respective departments, and promptly to in- vestigate and report in writing upon all matters referred to such committee by the Council, and perform such other du- ties as may be from time to time assigned them. SECTION 5. COMMITTEE ON BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds shall have charge of RULES OF THE CITY COUNCIL 217 all buildings and grounds, including the parks, belonging to or occupied by the city, and the preservation, repair and im- provement of the same. SECTION 6. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. The committee on finance shall have charge of all matters pertaining to the fi- nancial condition of the city; audit and examine the treas- urer's report; receive estimates from the other committees for annual appropriations and present the annual approp- riation bill, and shall report to the City Council at each regu- lar meeting, the amount of expenditures made at such meet- ing and report the amount of expenditures made under each head of appropriations and the balance unexpended. SECTION 7. COMMITTEE ON FIRE AND WATER. The com- mittee on fire and water shall have general supervision over the fire department and water supply of the city and all mat- ters pertaining to the water works. SECTION 8. COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND MISCELLANEOUS. The Committee on Health and Miscellaneous, shall have charge of all matters pertaining to the public health and se- curity of the City, of the cleansing of the City and of the re- moval and abatement of all nuisances; and shall also have charge of the miscellaneous matters which may properly come to said Committee. SECTION 9. COMMITTEE ON LIGHTS. The Committee on Lights shall have charge and control of all public lights in said City and shall investigate and report on all claims for lighting. All requests for the location of lights and the change of the same shall be referred to said committee for a recommendation. SECTION 10. COMMITTEE ON ORDINANCES. The Commit- tee on Ordinances shall examine and investigate all ordi- nances presented to the City Council and no ordinance (other than those for Local Improvements) shall be acted upon by the City Council without recommendation from this Com- mittee. SECTION 11. COMMITTEE ON POLICE AND LICENSE. The / Committee on Police and License shall attend to all matters relating to the police department and shall investigate all applications for licenses together with the bonds therefor and 248 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URP.ANA shall examine the sufficiency of such bonds and the sureties thereon and particularly in regard to the qualification of ap- plicants as provided by the Ordinances and the fitness and propriety of the place where the business is to be conducted. SECTION 12. COMMITTEE ON PURCHASING AND PRINTING. The Committe on purchasing and printing shall be composed of two other city officers to be selected by the Mayor in ad- dition to three Aldermen. The Chairman of this Committee shall be an Alderman. The purchasing of all supplies for any department of the City shall be referred to said Commit- tee for an investigation; and all orders and requisitions for the purchase of the same shall first be signed by the Chair- man and at least one other member of this Committee. In the absence of the Chairman, the Mayor may approve said order or requisition. SECTION 13. COMMITTEE ON SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE. The Committee on Sewerage and Drainage shall have charge of all matters pertaining to sewers and sewerage and all drains and drainage of said City. SECTION 14. COMMITTEE ON STREETS AND ALLEYS. The committee on streets and alleys shall have charge of and di- rect all improvements on public thoroughfares, the opening, laying out, widening, extending and vacating the same; and all additions to the city. SECTION 15. CONTRACTS NOT AUTHORIZED BY THE COUN- CIL FORBIDDEN. No Committee of the City Council nor any member of said Council or other officer of said City shall expend, or contract for the expenditure of any money belong- ing to the City for the improvement of any street, sidewalk, alley, or building, or other property belonging to or under the control of said City, unless authorized so to do by Ordi- nance or resolution of the City Council. SKAL 241) CHAPTER XLIII SEAL. 1. Corporate Seal. 2. Clerk to Keep Seal and Affix Same When Necessary. SECTION 1. CORPORATE SEAL. That the corporate seal of the City of Urbana shall be circular in form, with the words "Seal of the City of Urbana, 111., Chartered 1855," on the outer circle, and in the interior and center of said circle, a scroll and the words "Organized Under General Law, 1873.", engraved on the face thereof; and it shall be used as such seal in all cases that have or hereafter shall be provid- ed by law or the ordinances of the City, and in all other cases in which by law and custom it is usual and necessary for the City to use a seal. . , SECTION 2. CLERK TO KEEP SEAL AND AFFIX SAME WHEN NECESSARY. The seal shall be and remain in the custody of the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall prepare all commis- sions or other official documents, required to be issued, and affix the corporate seal thereto and attest or countersign the same. He shall affix the corporate seal to all official acts of the Mayor requiring it, and if necessary attest and countersign the same. He shall certify, under the corporate seal copies of all records, documents or papers in his office, when required by any officer or other person. But in no case shall the impression of the corporate seal be binding upon the City unless it is authorized by the ordinances of the City and is attested by the signature of the City Clerk. OUIH NANCES OF TIIK CITY OF t'HBAXA CHAPTER XLIV. SECOND HANI) OK JUNK STORES. 1. Licensing of Second Hand or Junk Stores. 2. License Fee. 3. Record to be Kept by Dealer. 4. Not to Purchase From Minor. 5. Penalty for Violation. SECTION 1. LICENSING OF SECOND HAND OR JUNK STORES. Any person who shall operate a second hand or junk store, or shall engage in the business of buying junk within the City of Urbana shall first take out a license to operate his business to the end of the municipal year in which said license was granted. SECTION 2. LICENSE FEE. Said person shall pay to the City Clerk the sum of Five Dollars per year, or fractional part thereof for said license. SECTION 3. RECORD TO BE KEPT BY DEALER. Any person engaged in the business of buying second hand goods or junk, shall keep an intelligible record of all articles purchased, when the total sum of said article amounts to Five Dollars or more, the date the same was purchased, and the name of the person from whom purchased. SECTION 4. NOT TO PURCHASE FROM MINOR. Any per- son who shall keep a second hand or junk store, shall not pur- chase or receive any article of second hand goods or junk of any kind or nature whatsoever from any minor, without the written consent of the parent, or guardian of such minor; which written consent shall be preserved in the record kept by said person. SECTION 5. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. Any person vio- lating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than Three Dollars, nor more than One Hundred Dollars for each offense, SEWERS AND DRAINS 25.1 CHAPTER XLV. SEWERS AND DRAINS. 1. Permit to Persons Outside Sewer Systems to Connect Fee. 2. How Connections Shall be Made to Sewer. 3. Penalty for Connecting Without Permit. 4. Permitting Others to Connect to Private Drains Connected With Sewer Penalty. 5. Permit to Connect With Tile Drains Fee. 6. How Connections Shall be Made to Tile Drain. 7. Penalty for Connecting Without Permit. 8. Permitting Others to Connect With Private Drains 'Penalty. SECTION 1. PERMIT TO PERSONS OUTSIDE SEWER SYSTEMS TO CONNECT FEE. That all persons whose lots, parcels of lots, or tracts of land situated within the corporate limits of the City of Urbana do not abut or adjoin the line of any public sewer and which is so situated as not to be included within any of the districts comprising the sewer system of said City and who may desire to avail themselves of the benefits of said sewer system and connect their house plumbing and water closets therewith shall have the right to do so, upon first paying to the City Treasurer the sum of Ten Dollars for each and every house or building from which the house plumbing or water closets shall be so connected with and at- tached to any line of sewer laid in said City and taking the City Treasurer's receipt therefor. Upon the presentation of such receipt to the City Engineer or Public Engineer, he, the said City Engineer, shall thereupon issue a permit to such person to make such connection or connections. Provided, nevertheless, that such permit so granted shall not authorize any connection with any public sewer of said City unless said connection, house plumbing and drainage, all plumbing of water closets and all excavations therefor shall be done in accordance with existing ordinances, regulating plumbing and drainage of buildings and excavations in force at the time when such connections shall be made. OUI>I NANCES OF TIIK CITY OF TKISANA SECTION 2. Ho\v CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TO SEWER. All connections made under the provisions of Section One of this chapter shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the ordinances of said City regulating plumbing and drainage of buildings and excavations therefor existing and in force at the time when such connection is made. SECTION 3. PENALTY FOR CONNECTING WITHOUT PERMIT. Xo person, persons or corporation whose lots, parcels of lots or tracts of land do not abut or adjoin the line of any public sewer and which is so situated as not to be included within any of the districts composing the sewer system of said (Mty shall make any connection of house drainage or the drainage of any water closet from such premises with any public sewer of said City, without having first obtained a permit so to do from the City Engineer, as provided in the first section of this chapter. Any person or corporation vio- lating the provisions of this section shall for each and every offense be subject to a penalty of not less than Twenty-five Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars. SECTION 4.- PERMITTING OTHERS TO CONNECT TO PRIVATE DRAINS CONNECTED WITH SEWER PENALTY. No person, per- sous or corporation shall permit or suffer any person, per- sons or corporation whose lots, parcels of lots or tracts of laud do not abut or adjoin the line of any public sewer which is so situated as not to be included within any one of the dis- tricts composing the public sewer system of said City to make any connections of house drainage of any water closets from off said lots, parcels of lots, or tracts of land with any private sewer drains on any premises owned, controlled or occupied by them so as to permit or suffer any sewerage to flow into any public sewer of said City, unless such person, persons or corporation has first obtained a written permit from the City Engineer to do so, as provided in the first sec- tion of this chapter. Any person or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than Twenty-five Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars for each offense. SECTION 5. PERMIT TO CONNECT WITH TILE DRAINS, ETC. Any person, persons or corporations ow r ning any lot, parcel SEWKKS AND DRAINS 253 of lot or tract of land adjoining or abutting upon any tile drain owned and controlled by said City of Urbana and within said City desiring to connect their cellar drain with any such tile drain shall first pay to the Treasurer of said City the sum of Five Dollars therefor and take his receipt and upon presentation of said receipt to the City Engineer of said City a permit shall be issued to such person to so con- nect with said tile drain. SECTION 6. How CONNECTION SHALL BE MADE TO TILE. Said connection, as provided for in section five of this chapter, shall be made in accordance with the Ordinances of said City regulating tile drains and excavations in force at the time when such connection shall be made. SECTION 7. PENALTY FOR CONNECTING WITHOUT PERMIT. Any person, persons or corporations who shall make any connection of their drains with any tile drain owned or con- trolled by the said City of Urbana without having first ob- tained a written permit from the City Engineer of said City so to do, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than Twenty- five Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars for each offense. SECTION 8. PERMITTING OTHERS TO CONNECT WITH PRI- VATE DRAINS. Any person, persons or- corporation who shall permit or suffer any other person, persons or corporation to connect their drains with any drains owned or controlled by them which connect with any tile drain owned or controlled by the City of Urbana, so as to permit water to be discharged into said tile drains without having first obtained a written permit from the City Engineer so to do, as provided in sec- tion five of this chapter, shall be subject to a penalty of irot less than Twenty-five Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars for each offense. 254 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF I'RBANA CHAPTER XLVI. SIDEWALKS 1. Sidewalks to be Constructed of Cement, Etc. 2. Grade. 3. Sub-Grade. 4. Foundations. 5. Base. 6. Material. 7. Mixing. 8. Placing in Walk. 9. Finishing Coat. 10. Private Driveway Crossings. 11. Protection of Walks. 12. Replacing of Defective Work. 13. Expansion Joints. 14. Duty of Contractor. 15. Contractor to Execute Bond, Etc. 16. To Be Paid For By Special Taxation. 17. To Be Constructed on Notice to Owner, Etc. 18. City May Construct Sidewalk When How Collect Costs For Same. 19. Contract Let To Lowest Bidder Notice Given That Bids Will Be Received, Etc. 20. Default In Payment City Clerk To Report. SECTION 1. SIDEWALKS TO HE CONSTRUCTED OF CEMENT, ETC. That hereafter all sidewalks, along- or upon any street or streets or part of street or alley, shall be made of cement and shall lie constructed in the manner hereinafter specified, and shall be of the width of five feet, unless otherwise spec- ially provided in the ordinance fixing the location, dimen- sion and grade thereof. SECTION 2. - GRADE. The inside edge of the finished sur- face of all walks shall be laid to the grade and line establish- ed in the ordinance therefor. The outer edge of the finished surface shall be parallel with and one-quarter of an inch for each foot of width lower than the inner edge. SIDEWALKS 255 SECTION 3. SUB-GRADE. The sub-grade thereof shall conform to and be eight inches below the finished surface thereof. Where filling is necessary to bring the street to the proper subgrade, all vegetable matter shall be removed and the filling done with earth or other material equally as good for the purpose, in layers of not more than four inches in thickness, each layer being well dampened and tamped with a tamper having an area of not more than twenty-five square inches and weighing not less than forty pounds ; cross drains of vitrified tile shall be laid across the same as di- rected by the city engineer. Where excavation is necessary, no plow shall be used below a line three inches above the proper subgrade, and the three inches just above the sub- grade must be dressed off with picks and shovels. All mud or other soft or spongy material which cannot be made solid or compact in the bed, shall be removed and the places refilled with dry earth or other material equally as good for the purpose. All roots of trees encountered in preparation of the subgrade shall be cut off twelve inches below the top sur- face of the finished walk and any fill shall be tamped as hereinbefore specified. SECTION 4. FOUNDATIONS. Upon the subgrade thus prepared, a foundation of steam cinders or other material equally as good for foundation purposes shall be spread and thoroughly tamped with a tamper of the dimensions and weight hereinbefore specified. During the process of tamp- ing, the foundation shall be sprinkled to keep it moist, and when thoroughly tamped shall have a uniform thickness of four inches, and shall be thoroughly sprinkled immediately before any concrete is laid thereon. SECTION 5. BASE, (a) (Hpreading of Concrete). Up- on the foundation thus prepared shall be spread a layer of concrete, which when thoroughly compacted as hereinafter provided, shall have a uniform thickness of three and one- fourth inches. (b) (Composition of Concrete). The concrete shall be composed of one part by bulk of the best Portland cement, two parts by bulk of fine aggregate and three parts by bulk of coarse aggregate. 25(5 ORDINANCES OF THK CITY OF URBAN A SECTION 6. MATERIAL, (a) (Cement) . All cement must be free from adulterants and must meet the require- ments of the Standard Specifications for Portland cement adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials, Aug. 16th, 1900, with all subsequent amendments and additions thereto adopted by said society. (b) (Fine Af/f/regate). Fine aggregate shall consist of sharp sand or screenings from hard durable gravel thor- oughly washed and graded from coarse to fine; and when dry, it shall pass a screen having one-quarter inch openings. It shall be clean, hard and free from dust, soft particles, loam, vegetable and other deleterious matter. Not more than ten percent shall pass a steve having fifty meshes per lineal inch and not more than two percent shall pass a sieve having one hundred meshes per lineal inch. (c) (Coarse Aggregate). Coarse aggregate shall con- sist of clean, hard, durable gravel, thoroughly washed and graded in size, free from dust, loam, vegetable and other de- leterious matter and shall contain no soft, flat or elongated particles. The size of the coarse aggregate shall be such as will pass an inclined rotary screen having one and one-quar- ter inch circular openings and be retained on a similar screen having three-eigths of an inch opening. In no case shall ag- gregate continuing frost or lumps of frozen material be used. SECTION 7. MIXING. The cement, sand and gravel shall be thoroughly mixed in a batch-mixer of an approved type, which shall have been approved by the City Engineer in a written statement to the City Council. SECTION 8. PLACING IN WALK. The concrete shall then be immediately placed, spread and thoroughly compacted by ramming with a tamper hereinbefore described until free mortar flushes to the surface sufficient to cover all coarse ag- gregate. SECTION 9. FINISHING COAT. As soon as laid, and be-- fore the concrete begins, to set, there shall be spread on the entire upper surface, a finishing coat three-fourths of an inch in thickness when finished, composed of one part by bulk of the best Portland cement as aforesaid, and one and one- half parts by bulk of clean, coarse, sharp, washed sand. The SIDEWALKS L'57 sand and cement shall be thoroughly mixed dry and then water added to give a mortar of the proper consistency. The mortar shall be evenly and compactly spread on the concrete surface and made smooth and even by floating with a hand float, having a surface area of not more than 75 square inches and shall be made to conform to the specified finished surface of the walk. SECTION 10. PRIVATE DRIVEWAY CROSSINGS. At all places where private driveways intersect sidewalks, the side- walks shall be constructed as set forth in this ordinance with the exception that the concrete shall be six inches in depth, and have in addition, a finishing coat one inch in thickness, and may have a corrugated surface not over ten feet in length. SECTION 11. PROTECTION OF WALKS. The finishing coat and the concrete foundation shall be cut into blocks of the same length as the- width of the walk. When finished, the surface, shall be properly protected from the sun, wind and rain for forty-eigth hours and kept moist by sprinkling until thoroughly set. When completed, the walks shall be carefully barricaded and lighted at night, and all travel across the surface of the walk shall be prevented for not less than four days. Until said concrete has set, the said sidewalk shall be protected from being marred by vandals, stray animals, dogs, fowls, etc. SECTION 12. REPLACING OF DEFECTIVE WORK. No con- crete shall be spread at a time when the temperature during the day or night falls below thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit. The said construction and materials shall be subject to the supervision of the City Engineer of the City of Urbana or his representative, and any workmanship or materials which may prove defective at any time during the construction or within three years from the date of completion of said side- walk, shall be immediately removed by the contractor and replaced with work of sound materials and proper construc- tion. SECTION 18. EXPANSION JOINTS. In laying all concrete sidewalks, as hereinbefore provided, an expansion joint of 258 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A one inch sliall be left at distances of not greater than seventy- five feet apart. And in laying aprons, an expansion joint of one inch shall be left at both ends of the apron. Where any walk is constructed adjacent to a building or curb, an ex- pansion joint of one inch shall be left between the walk and the curb or building. All expansion joints shall be filled flush with the surface before said sidewalks or aprons are opened to traffic, with asphalt which shall have been approv- ed by the City Engineer for use in expansion joints or filler for pavements. If sheet material is used for filler, it shall be placed during the construction of the sidewalk. The ma- terials used shall be of a first class quality and in every way suitable for the uses and purposes intended, and all of said walk shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner. Said materials shall be at all times subject to the inspection of the City Engineer or of his representative. SECTION 14. DUTY OF CONTRACTOR, (a) (Re in oral of excavations). The persons, firms or corporations construct- ing such sidewalks shall for a distance of one foot on the out- side of said sidewalk leave the surface of the ground one inch lower than the walks and shall remove all surplus dirt exca- vated by him, other rubbish or materials from the street or premises. He shall also, replace all connecting sidewalks, aprons or crossings in a workmanlike manner, under the di- rection of the City Engineer. (b) (Kworn List of Walks). Said persons, firms or corporations shall file a sworn list of all sidewalks construct- ed by them on the streets and alleys of the City of Urbana, with their exact location and the date of their completion, with the City Engineer on or before February first of each year, which lists shall be kept on file in the City Engineer's office. (c) (Imprint Name, Etc.). All contractors construct- ing sidewalks after the passage of this ordinance, shall im- print in one corner of one square, at each end of each block or fraction of block of walk constructed, his name and the year in which said walk was completed, which imprint shall not take up more space than one-half square foot. SIDEWALKS IT)!) SECTION 15. CONTRACTOR TO EXECUTE BOND, ETC. In no case shall any contract be let either hv the citv or by the */ */ ' / owner, agent or lessee of any lot or parcel of land for the construction of any sidewalk in the city, except that such contractor before doing any work upon such contract shall execute a bond with sureties to be approved by the Street and Alley Committee of the City Council of said city, paya- ble to the city of Urbana, which said bond shall be in a penal sum equal to 33% per cent of the amount of the costs of such sidewalk to be constructed by such contractor. The bond shall guarantee the construction, workman- ship and materials of said sidewalk for a term of three years from the date of the completion of such walk. SECTION 16. To BE PAID FOR Bt SPECIAL TAXATION. All sidewalks hereinafter constructed in said City shall be paid for by special taxation of the lots, or parcels of land touching the line where any such sidewalk shall be constructed, by levying upon such lot, or lots or parcels of land the entire cost of such walk, including materials and labor used in con- structing the particular line of sidewalk so ordered, to be levied upon the respective lots or parcels of land abutting upon the line of such sidewalk according to the respective frontage of such lot, lots or parcels of land upon such line of sidewalk. SECTION 17. To BE CONSTRUCTED ON NOTICE TO OWNER ETC. The construction of all sidewalks and the material used therein, hereafter constructed in said City, shall be under the superintendence of and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. When any Ordinance for any such sidewalk has been duly passed and approved by the Cit} r Council and the Mayor of said City, the City Clerk of said City shall thereup- on mail a notice of the passage of such Ordinance addressed to the owners respectively and the party or person, or per- sons who paid the last general taxes on the respective lots or parcels of land touching upon the line where such sidewalk is to be constructed. The owner or owners of all lots or par- cels of land touching the line of said proposed sidewalk shall construct a sidewalk in front of their respective lots or par- cels of land in accordance with the specification of said Ordi- 200 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URP.ANA nance within thirty (:>0) days after the mailing of the notice of the passage of said Ordinance; and in default thereof the said City of Urlmna may furnish the materials and construct said sidewalk in accordance with said Ordinance, or may enter into a contract for the furnishing of said materials and the construction of said sidewalk in the manner provided by law. The Street and Alley Committee of the City Council of said City shall act with the City Engineer in awarding all contracts by the City, for the construction of all sidewalks in said City and it shall be lawful for the Mayor and City Clerk of said City to issue non-interest bearing vouchers under the seal of said city of Urbana, in payment for such sidewalk, said vouchers to be payable solely out of the special tax to be levied therefor; but such non-interest bearing vouchers shall not be issued as above provided until the City Engineer of said City has certified in writing to the City Clerk that the work has been completed in conformity with this Ordinance. SECTION 18. CITY MAY CONSTRUCT SIDEWALK WHEN now COLLECT COSTS FOR SAME. In case of the failure or de- fault of any lot owner or owners to construct the sidewalk as required above after notice is given them as provided here- in, and said sidewalk is constructed by the City or in case the same is constructed by some person, persons, or corpora- tion contracting with the City, a bill of the cost of such side- walk, showing the cost of construction and supervision there- of, shall be made by the City Engineer of said City, together with a list of the parcels of land and lots touching the line of said sidewalk, the names of the owners and of the parties who paid the last general taxes on the respective lots, or parcels of land arid the frontage of such lot, lots or parcels of land touching said sidewalk. The City Engineer shall thereupon prepare a special tax list against each lot, block, tract or por- cel of land touching upon said sidewalk, ascertaining by com- putation the amount of special taxes to be charged against each of said lots, tracts, blocks, or parcels of land on account of the construction of said sidewalk, according to the rule fix- ed herein, and thereupon the said City Engineer shall file the said special tax list in his office, and said City Engineer shall thereupon issue warrants directed to the City Clerk for SIDEWALKS I_M;I the collection of the amount of special taxes so ascertained and appearing from said special tax list to be due from the respective lots, blocks, tracts, or parcels of land touching up- on the line of said sidewalk. The said City Clerk shall there- upon proceed to collect such warrants by giving notice in writing, by mailing same to the owners and to the address of the party who paid the last general taxes on the respective lots, blocks, tracts or parcels of land in said list, that said list is in the hands of said officer for collection. All moneys so collected by said officer shall immediately be paid over by said officer to the Treasurer of the City of Trbana. SECTION 1.9. CONTRACT LET TO LOWEST BIDDER NOTICE GIVEN THAT BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED ETC. All Contracts for the construction of sidewalks as hereinbefore provided, when the expenses thereof shall exceed five hundred (f 500.00) dollars, shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder. Notice shall be given by the said City Engineer and by the Street and Alley Committee of said Cily by advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in said City that bids will be received for the construction of such sidewalk in accordance with the Ordinance therefor. Such notice shall state the time of open- ing said bids, which shall be not more than ten (10) nor less than five (5) days thereafter. All proposals or bids shall be accompanied by cash or a check payable to the order of the City Engineer of said City, in his official capacity, and certi- fied by a responsible Bank for an amount which shall not be less than ten (10%) per centum of the aggregate of the pro- posal, which shall be for the faithful performance of his bid. All contracts shall be approved by the said City Engineer and the Street and Alley Committee of said City. SECTION 20. DEFAULT IN PAYMENT CITY CLERK TO REPORT. Upon the failure to collect such special tax as above provided, the City Clerk, shall within thirty (30) days from the return of such warrants, make report in writing to the County Treasurer of Champaign County, Illinois, of all lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land upon which said special tax shall be unpaid, with the names of all the respective owners thereof so far as the same are known to the Clerk and the amount due and unpaid upon each such lot or tract, together -502 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF I'KBANA with a copy of the Ordinance ordering such sidewalk to be constructed, which report shall be accompanied by the oath of said Clerk that the list is a correct return of the lots, blocks, tracts or parcels of laud on which the said special tax levied by authority of said City for the cost of said side- walk in such Ordinance specified remain unpaid and due and that the amounts therein stated as due and unpaid have not been collected nor any part thereof. STKEKT NUMBERING '2(}',\ CHAPTER XLVII. STREET NUMBERING. 1. Establishment of System. 2. Base Lines. 3. Method of Numbering. 4. Detailed Numbering. 5. Extension of Streets. 6. Plat. 7. Changing of Numbers. SECTION 1. ESTABLISHMENT OF SYSTEM. That there is hereby established the following system for the numbering of houses and lots in said City. SECTION 2. BASE LINES ESTABLISHED. There are hereby established two base lines in said city, from which said num- bering shall be computed; one of which said base lines runs north and south through said city and the other of which runs east and west through said city. The First base line is the north and south base line and is Market street and the line of Market street extended. The Second base line is the east and west base line and is Main street from the eastern limits of said city to its conjunction with the right of way of the Urbana and Champaign Railway, Gas and Elec- tric Company's right of way, and the right of way of the Ur- bana and Champaign Railway, Gas and Electric Company's right of way from its conjunction with Main street to the western limits of the city. SECTION 3. METHOD OF NUMBERING. All buildings and lots facing on streets running east and west shall be num- bered east and west, beginning with the first base line as es- tablished in section two of this chapter. Each block shall form a new hundred of numbers ; that is, the first block east or west from said base line shall be the one hundred block ; the second, the two hundred block and so on. Odd numbers will be on the south side of streets running east and west and even numbers on the north side. -IN ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF fKIJAXA All buildings and lots facing on streets miming north and south shall be numbered north and south, beginning / o ~ with the second base line as established in section two of this chapter. Each block shall form a new hundred of numbers, that is, the first block north or south from the said base line shall be the one hundred block; the second, the two hundred block, and saon. Odd numbers will be on the west side of the streets running north and south and even numbers on the east side. SECTION 4. DETAILED NUMBERING. West: beginning with the first base line as established in section two of this chapter, the block between said base line and Race Street shall be known as the one hundred, block, between Race Street and Broad Street the Two Hundred block, between Broad Street and Birch Street the Three Hundred Block, between Birch Street and McOullough Avenue the Foni Hundred block, between McCullough Avenue and Orchard Street the Five Hundred block, between Orchard Street and Coler Avenue the Six Hundred block, between Coler Avenue and Busey Avenue the Seven Hundred block, between Busey Avenue and Lincoln Avenue, the Eight Hundred block, be- tween Lincoln Avenue and Babcock Street the Xine Hun- dred block, between Babcocli Street and Harvey Street the Ten Hundred block, between Harvey Street and Goodwin Avenue the Eleven Hundred block, between Goodwin Avenue and Matthews Avenue the Twelve Hundred block, between Matthews Avenue and Romine Street, the Thirteen Hundred block, between Romine Street and Wright Street the Four- teen Hundred block. East: beginning with the first base line as established in section two of this chapter, the block between the said base line and Walnut street shall be known as the One Hundred block, between Walnut Street and Vine Street the Two Hun- dred block, between Vine Street and Urbana Avenue the Three Hundred block, between Urbana Avenue and Maple Street the Four Hundred block, between Maple Street and Grove Street, the Five Hundred Block, between Grove Street, and Anderson Street the Six Hundred block, between Ander- son Street and Lvnn Street the Seven Hundred block, between STREET NUMBERING 2G5 Lynn Street and Johnson Avenue the Eight Hundred block, between Johnson Avenue and Cottage Grove Avenue the Nine Hundred block, between Cottage Grove Avenue and Poplar Street the Ten Hundred block, between Poplar Street and Glover Avenue the Eleven Hundred block. South : beginning with the second base line as estab- lished in section two of this chapter, the block between said base line and Elm street shall be known as the One Hundred block, between Elm Street and Green Street, the Two Hun- dred block, between Green Street and High Street the Three Hundred block, between High Street and Illinois Street the Four Hundred block, between Illinois Street and California Avenue the Five Hundred block, between California Avenue and Oregon Street the Six Hundred Block, between Oregon Street and Nevada Street the Seven Hundred block between Nevada Street and Washington Street the Eight Hundred block, between Washington Street and Iowa Street the Nine Hundred block, between Iowa Street and midway between Iowa Street and Indiana Avenue the Ten Hundred block, between midway between Iowa Street and Indiana Avenue and Indiana Avenue the Eleven Hundred block, be- tween Indiana Avenue and Michigan Avenue the Twelve Hun- dred block, between Michigan Avenue and Pennsylvania Ave- nue the Thirteen Hundred block, between Pennsylvania Ave- nue and Vermont Street the Fourteen Hundred block, be- tween Vermont Street and Delaware Street the Fifteen Hun- dred block, between Delaware Street and Florida Street the Sixteen Hundred block. North : beginning with the second base line as establish- ed in section two of this chapter, the block between said base line and Stoughton Street on the West to McCullough Ave- nue and from McCullough Avenue to Centre Street, Main Street and from Centre Street to the City limits on the East, Water Street shall be known as the One Hundred block; between Stoughton Street on the West to McCul- lough Avenue and from McCoullough Avenue to Centre Street, Main Street and From Centre Street to the Eastern City limits, Water and Main Street on the West to Orchard Street and from Orchard Street east to the Cit.v ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF limits, Griggs Street, the Two Hundred block; between Main Street on the West to Orchard Street and from Orchard Street East to the City limits Griggs Street and Clark Street the Three Hundred block; between Clark Street and University Avenue, the Four Hundred block; between University Avenue and Park Street, the Five Hundred block ; between Park Street and Church Street, the Six Hundred block; between Church Street and Hill Street the Seven Hun- dred block; between Hill Street and Beslin Street and Fair- view Avenue the Eight Hundred block; between Beslin Street and Fairview Avenue and Dublin Street and Kerr Street the Nine Hundred block ; between Dublin Street and Kerr Street and Champaign Street, the Ten Hundred block ; between Champaign Street and Eads Street and Oakland Avenue the Eleven Hundred block ; between Eads Street and Oakland Avenue and Bailey Street the Twelve Hundred block. SECTION 5. EXTENSION OF STREETS. In all cases where any street does not extend to the City limits, the numbering shall be made as though said streets were extended. SECTION 6. PLAT. The City Engineer is hereby author- ized to prepare a plat of the City in conformity with the pro- visions of this Ordinance placing upon said plat the numbers of the lots as provided in said ordinance. SECTION 7. CHANGING OF NUMBERS. All persons are hereby directed to change the numbers on their houses to cor- respond with the provisions of this Ordinance. STREET SUPERINTENDENT 1*67 CHAPTER XLVIII. STREET SUPERINTENDENT. 1. Appointment Term of Office. 2. Superintend All City Improvements, Etc. 3. Streets Cleaned by Street Superintendent. 4. Employ Needed Help, Etc. Oversee Laborers and Prisoners. 5. Mark Implements, Purchase Tools, Etc. 6. Keep Accurate Account of Expenditures in Book Provided For That Purpose. 7. Examine Accounts of Contractors and Others for Work, Etc. 8. Keep Street Crossings Clean and Free From Mud, Ice, Snow, Etc. 9. Report Monthly. 10. Report Yearly. 11. Enforce Ordinances in Relation to Streets, Alleys and Sidewalks Removal from Office. SECTION 1. APPOINTMENT TERM OF OFFICE. There shall be a city superintendent of streets who shall be ap- pointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council, and his term of office shall be for any period of time not exceeding the municipal year of his appointment and until his successor has been duly appointed and qualified. SECTION 2. SUPERINTEND ALL CITY IMPROVEMENTS The city superintendent of streets shall superintend all improve- ments ordered by the City Council upon the streets, alleys and public grounds. He shall have charge of the improve- ments, repair and cleaning of all streets and alleys and street crossings in the city, except where other parties have con- tracted with the city to do the same, but no repairs or im- provements, except where actually necessary, shall be made by him without the order of the City Council; he shall, with- out delay, cause all breaks in any planked street or alley, bridge, culvert, sidewalk, street crossing or other insecure or unsafe place, to be repaired and report the cost thereof to the City Council for allowance. SECTION 8. STREETS CLEANED BY STREET SUPERINTEND- ENT. He shall keep all paved streets in the city clean from -MS ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF I'KBANA dust, dirt, mud, snow and ice and shall keep all crossing's on paved streets clean and free from dust, dirt, mud, snow and ice at all times and shall annually, in the spring of the year, under the direction of the City Council, cause streets and al- leys to be cleaned and gutters opened, and so far as practicable keep them in that condition. He shall from time to time examine into the condition of the streets and alleys, bridges, culverts, cross-walks, sidewalks and street crossings and report the same to the City Council and recom- mend such improvements or repairs as he may deem needed. SECTION 4. EMPLOY NEEDED HELP, ETC. OVERSEE LABOR- ERS AND PRISONERS. He may, by the authority of the City Coun- cil, employ such number of assistants, laborers, teams, wag- ons and carts as shall be necessary for the work in his depart- ment, and at such prices as shall be fixed by the City Council. He shall oversee and direct the street laborers and workmen and all prisoners working out fines on the streets and alleys, and keep, or caused to be kept in a suitable book, a correct ac- count of the time of each laborer. SECTION 5. MARK IMPLEMENTS, PURCHASE TOOLS, ETC. He may, by the authority of the City Council, purchase needed tools, implements or materials for the use of the City in his department. He shall cause all tools and instruments belonging to his department to be legibly marked or branded with the letters, "C. U." and shall cause them to be properly housed, yarded or kept protected from the weather when not in use. SECTION 6. KEEP ACCURATE ACCOUNT OF EXPENDITURES IN BOOK PROVIDED FOR THAT PURPOSE. He shall keep in an appropriate book, and in such manner as may be required by the committee on streets and alleys, a plain and accurate account of all expenditures made under his supervision, spec- ifying to whom made, for what purpose and to what ward chargeable. He shall, in a suitable book provided by the City for that purpose, make and keep a complete record of all sidewalks constructed or repaired, giving full and com- plete information in reference to each piece of sidewalk con- structed or repaired from the date of the passage of the Ordi- nance authorizing its construction or repair, to the date of STREET SUPERINTENDENT iM)!) the final completion of same, and of all payments made to him by the owners of abutting property. He shall keep a correct list and account of all implements, materials and other property of the City in his charge and shall be ac- countable therefor, and shall deliver the same to his successor in office, taking his receipt therefor, which he shall file with the City Clerk, who shall credit him with the same and charge his successor therewith. When he shall purchase any imple- ments on account of the city he shall immediately report the bill thereof to the City Clerk, who shall charge him for the same at cost. SECTION 7. EXAMINE ACCOUNTS OF CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS FOR WORK. He shall examine all accounts of con- tractors and others for work pertaining to his department, or for implements and materials furnished therefor, and, if cor- rect, certify the same to the City Council. SECTION 8. KEEP STREET CROSSINGS CLEAN AND FREE FROM MUD, ICE, SNOW, ETC. The city superintendent of streets shall, as far as practicable, see that the crossings on the streets are kept clean and free from mud, ice and snow, and that the walks about the public parks, city buildings and lots are properly cleaned whenever necessary. SECTION 9. REPORT MONTHLY. He shall on the first Monday of each and every month, make a written report to the City Council showing the name of each person employed by him, the time worked and kind of labor performed and the amount due each person for such labor and the locality where such labor was performed. SECTION 10. REPORT YEARLY. He shall annually, at the last regular meeting of the City Council of each fiscal year, prepare and present to the City Council an annual report summarizing the work done in his department for the year and a statement of the tools, implements, materials and property in his department belonging to the City, with such other information and suggestions as he may deem proper to embody in such report. SECTION 11. ENFORCE ORDINANCES IN RELATION TO STREETS/ ALLEYS AND SIDEWALKS REMOVAL FROM OFFICE. The city superintendent of streets shall cause all ordinances in 270 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA relation to streets, alleys and sidewalks to be enforced, and shall prosecute all violations thereof. He shall obey all such orders, general or special, as he may receive from the City Council, the Mayor or the committee on streets and alleys, and for a wilful neglect or refusal to perform any duty re- quired of him by the ordinances or the laws of this State, shall be subject to removal from office. SUPPLIES 271 CHAPTER XLIX SUPPLIES. 1. Supplies Let by Advertising to Lowest Bidder. 2. Requisition for Supplies, Presented by Officers. 3 Who Shall Purchase Order Bill. 4. Claims for Goods Not Ordered. 5. Bill What to Contain. 6. Meals for Prisoners. SECTION 1. SUPPLIES LET BY ADVERTISING TO LOWEST BIDDER. All supplies or materials for the City of Urbana, where practicable, shall be purchased on contracts, covering a special period of time, the same to be let upon advertise- ment, to the lowest and best bidder as the City Council may determine. The committee in charge of the different depart- ments shall, so far as possible, prepare estimates and speci- fications for supplies. No time contracts to furnish supplies or materials shall cover a longer period than the municipal year. SECTION 2. REQUISITION FOR SUPPLIES PRESENTED BY OFFICERS. Any officer or person having charge of any depart- ment shall, whenever any supplies or materials are needed in his department for the furnishing of which the city does not hold a contract, make out and present to the City Council in session a written requisition letting forth the article or articles needed and the price thereof, if known. SECTION 3. WHO SHALL PURCHASE ORDER BILL. The City Council shall, at the time of ordering the purchase of any supplies designate who is authorized "to make the pur- chase ; and every officer or person 'ordering any article from a distance from the city shall file with the City Clerk a copy of the order sent by him, and also the bill of the article so ordered' as soon as the same is received. SECTION 4. CLAIMS FOR GOODS NOT ORDERED. No article or claim for any article furnished the city shall be allowed unless such article was odered to be purchased by the Coun- 272 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UUBAXA cil, or unless the purchase thereof was the result of an emergency which could not reasonably have been foreseen in time to prevent a requisition to the Council. SECTION 5. BILL WHAT TO CONTAIN. Every bill pre- sented to the City Council for allowance shall contain an itemized statement of the articles for which payment is asked, and shall be certified to by the officer under whom the liability was incurred. SECTION 6. MEALS FOR PRISONERS. The City Council shall at the beginning of each municipal year, make a con- tract with some responsible party for the feeding of any and all prisoners confined in the city calaboose or prison. TUAFFIC KE. RKJIIT OF WAY. (a). The Fire Depart- ment, ambulances, police and United States mail vehicles, 274 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OP URBAXA shall have the right of way in any street, or through any pro- cession. (b) Horse drawn vehicles shall have the right of way over all motor vehicles, street cars excepted. (c) The driver of any vehicle, street car excepted, up- on the approach of any fire apparatus, shall immediately . draw up said vehicles as near as practicable to the right hand curb and bring it to a stop and shall not proceed until said tire apparatus has passed. (d) The driver of a street car shall immediately stop his car and keep it stationary upon the approach of any fire apparatus, except when said car would interfere with the movement of said fire apparatus. (e) Street cars shall have the right of way over all other vehicles between cross streets. (f) The drivers of all vehicles shall look out for and give the right of way to other vehicles approaching simul- taneously from the right at street intersections, and at the in- tersections of streets and street railways. (g) The driver of any vehicle turning to the left shall allow the right of way to vehicles travelling in the direction in which said vehicle is turning; and the driver of any ve- hicle travelling in the direction in which such vehicle is turn- ing shall have the right of way over such vehicle so turning. (h) The driver of any vehicle turning to the right shall have the right of way over vehicles travelling in the direction in which said vehicle is turning, and the driver of any vehicle (ravelling in the direction in which such vehicle is turning shall allow the right of way to such vehicle so turning. SECTION 4. KEEPING TO THE BIGHT, PASSING, TURNING, CROSSING AND STOPPING, (a) The driver of a vehicle shall keep as near to the right hand curb as possible. (b) The driver of a vehicle meeting another vehicle shall keep to the right, (c) The driver of a vehicle passing another vehicle other than a street car going in the same direction shall pass to the left. (d) The driver of a vehicle turning from one street TRAFFIC REFLATIONS 275 into another street to the right shall turn the corner as near the right hand curb as possible. (e) The driver of a vehicle turning from one street in- to another street to the left shall pass to the right of and beyond the center of the street intersection before turning. (f ) The driver of a vehicle shall always stop his vehicle with the right hand side of the vehicle within one foot of the curb line, except in an emergency, or for the purpose of allow- ing another vehicle or pedestrian to cross. (g) The driver of any vehicle upon overtaking a street car travelling in the same direction, which is stopping for the purpose of taking on or unloading passengers, shall come to a full stop at a point not less than ten feet from the end of the car nearest the vehicle and shall not proceed until the car is again in motion, or until signalled so to do, by the driv- er or conductor of the car. (h) The driver of a vehicle passing a street car travel- ling in the opposite direction which is stopped for the pur- pose of taking on or unloading passengers shall proceed at a speed, not to exceed six miles per hour while passing said street car. (i) No driver of any vehicle shall permit his vehicle to so occupy any street as to interfere with or intercept, the passage of other vehicles. (j) No person shall obstruct the free and uninterrupt- ed passage of any funeral cortege, or any other procession, in, upon, along or through any public street, except as provided in this ordinance. (k) The drivers of all vehicles when stopping said vehicles at cross streets shall stop the same so as not to in- terfere with the free passage of traffic at the street intersec- tions. (1) Drivers of vehicles shall not stop and leave vehi- cles standing in any street within a distance of twenty feet from any fire-hydrant. (in) Drivers of horses or vehicles are forbidden to leave their horses or vehicles standing upon the streets as follows : 270 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UKI'.ANA (1.) At intersection of Market street and Main street for a distance of 50 feet from the respective curl) lines in said intersecting streets. (2.) At intersection of Main and Race Streets at a dis- tance of 50 feet from the respective curb lines of said inter- secting streets. (3). In front of anybuilding in such manner as to in- terfere with or obstruct the free access from such street to such building when requested to remove same. (4.) Along any street in such manner as to interfere with the free and unobstructed use of said street for the traffic upon such street. (n) Passengers shall be taken on and discharged from street cars on the right hand side of the car. (o) Within the fire limits, no person shall turn any vehicle in or upon any street unless such person goes to the end of the block and passes beyond the center of the inter- secting street. SECTION 5. LOADING, UNLOADING AND RACKING VEHICLES. (a) In no case shall any driver of any vehicle used for the transporting of goods 01- freight, permit such vehicle to re- main backed up to the curb, except when actually loading or unloading, nor shall any person load, or unload, a vehicle ex- cept at the curb; street cars and interurban cars excepted. (b) No public eartman, or any person driving or hav- ing charge of any vehicle, shall drive or back any such vehi- cle upon the sidewalk of any of the streets of said City, with- out a permit from the Street Superintendent, which permit shall provide for the protection of the sidewalk from damage. .(c) The driver of a vehicle whose vehicle is waiting at the curb shall promptly give place to the driver of a vehicle about to load or unload. (d) No person shall park any vehicle at any place along any street where the police regulations prohibit; and when parked within the fire limits, said vehicle shall be parked at an angle to the curb line of the street along which it is parked in such a manner as not to occupy more than twelve feet of the street from the curb line. TRAFFIC KEU.ATIO.\S 277 SECTION 0. SPEED OF VEHICLES, (a) No driver of a vehicle shall operate said vehicle on or across any street, ave- nue or boulevard at speeds in excess of those designated by Statute which are as follows: '(1st.) Ten miles an hour within the District bounded by the fire limits as prescribed by Ordinance. (2nd.) Fifteen miles an hour within the District lying outside of the boundaries of the fire limits as prescribed by Ordinance and extending to the outer boundaries of residen- tial districts. (3rd.) Twenty miles an hour within the district lying outside of the outer boundaries of residential districts and extending to the incorporated limits of the City. (4th.) Six miles an hour within the District included within the incorporated limits of the City when going around n corner or a curve in a street where the driver's view of the traffic is obstructed. (b) Xo driver of a vehicle shall drive the same at a speed to exceed, four miles per hour when he shall emerge from an alley, a stable, or garage which opens directly on any street or sidewalk. (c) No driver of a street-car, interurban car or other similar car shall drive or operate same along, upon or across any public street in said city at a rate of speed to exceed ten miles per hour. SECTION 7. SIGNALS. All drivers of vehicles be- fore slowing up, stopping or turning vehicles shall give sig- nal with the whip or hand and other drivers shall give heed to such signals. SECTION 8. KINDS OF VEHICLES, (a) No person shall drive a vehicle that is closed in, or constructed so as to pre- vent the driver from having sufficient view of the traffic. (b) No person shall drive or conduct any vehicle in such condition, or when same is so constructed or so loaded as to be likely to cause delay in traffic, or accidents, or in- jury to man, beast or property. (c) Drivers of motor vehicles shall be fifteen years of age or over. 278 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UKBAXA (d) It shall be unlawful for any person, or persons, to cause or permit any motor vehicle to be driven on the streets by any person under the age of fifteen years. (e) No person shall operate any motor vehicle on the street unless said vehicle is provided with license number plates, lights and sound signals, as prescribed by law or ordi- nance. (f) No person shall operate on the streets any motor vehicle equipped with defective appliances, that cause exces- sive noise annoying smoke or the escape of gas, steam or oil. (g) No person shall operate any motor vehicle upon the streets, which vehicle shall not be equipped with horn or other appliance capable of producing a sound audible for a distance of two hundred feet. (h) No person shall operate any motor vehicle or per- mit same to be operated upon the streets unless provided with exhaust muffler in proper working condition and no person shall operate any such motor vehicle on said streets with the muffler not in operation. (i) No person shall use on any automobile, motorcycle or other vehicle any acetyline, electric or any like power headlight or any headlight the rays of which are intensified by any condensing lens in front of the light, or any condens- ing reflector, or other device to intensify the rays from such light, unless such headlight shall be properly dimmed, cov- ered or shaded so as not to blind or dazzle, or make it unsafe for other users of the streets or public places to ride, drive or walk thereon. (j) No person shall have or drive any vehicle upon the streets in the city in the night time, unless upon said vehicle there is displayed a light which shows white in front and red in the rear, and the light shall be of sufficient intensity to be seen a distance of two hundred feet in the front, or rear of said vehicle. (k) Persons having vehicles which break down, or are left on the City streets after sundown, shall cause to be dis- played in a conspicuous place on said vehicle a red light, that is visible along said street a distance of two hundred feet each direction from said vehicle. TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 271) ( 1 ) No driver of a motor vehicle shall leave said vehicle .standing in the street and leave the engine of said vehicle running. SECTION 9. MOTOR VEHICLES FOR HIRE. No person shall drive a motor vehicle for hire without first obtaining a per- mit therefor, which permit shall be procured in the following manner: Any applicant for a permit shall file with the City Clerk his application for a permit which shall state his name, age and place of residence, the name, state license number, size, capacity and the horse power of said vehicle operated by him ; and at the same time he shall file with the City Clerk a bond payable to the City of Urbana in the penal sum of 15000.00 conditioned that he will pay all damages and in- juries that may happen to any person injured by him, which said bond, shall be signed by two good and sufficient sureties who shall qualify upon such bond showing their worth. Said application and bond shall be presented by the Clerk to the City Council at the first meeting thereof after receipt of same; and upon approval of bond by the City Council a permit shall be issued to such person to operate such motor vehicle for hire, which said permit shall expire with the end of the municipal year in which same was grant- ed. When the permit ceases to be effective, either because of its expiration, on account of its limitation, or from any other cause, before said person .shall operate said motor ve- hicle for hire a new application with a new bond conditioned as above shall be presented to the City Council and a new per- mit issued. In addition to the above requirements said person shall comply with all rules and regulations relative to license fees as provided by ordinance or otherwise. SECTION 10. CONTROL OF HORSES, (a) No person hav- ing control of a horse shall permit the same to be unbridled in any street, unless said horse be secured by a halter. (b) No person shall let go the reins while riding, driv- ing or conducting any horse. (c) No person shall knowingly drive upon the streets any animal which is not in every way fit for the service in 280 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF I KB ANA which it is employed and free from ailments, sores or aiiy con- tagions disease. (d) No person shall crack or use a whp so as to annoy, interfere with, or endanger any person, or any horse other than that which he is using. (e) No person shall ill-treat, over-load, over drive, or over-ride, or cruelly or unnecessarily beat any horse. SECTION 11. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. ( a ) X< person shall ride upon a motorcycle, in front of any person guiding such vehicle. (b) No person, or persons shall do or attempt to do any tricks, on, about, or with any vehicle, on a public street, without the written permission of the City Marshall. (c) No person shall ride a bicycle, tricycle, or motor- cycle and at the same time hold on to any other vehicle. (d) No person shall ride a motorcycle on any sidewalk in said City. (e) No person shall ride a bicycle on any sidewalk on streets that are paved. SECTION 12. PEDESTRIANS, (a) Pedestrians crossing streets shall conform to all traffic rules. (b) Pedestrians shall not step from the sidewalk to the Street without first looking' in each direction for ap- proaching vehicles. SECTION. 13. MISCELLANEOUS. No person shall drive, cause or permit to be driven along or upon any paved street any vehicle or traction engine that lias sharp or uneven sur- faces on tires or wheels that will cause damage to the surface of said street. SECTION 14. PENALTY. Any person, firm or corpora- tion found guilty of a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than three dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars for each violation thereof. URBAN A FREE LIBRARY 281 CHAPTER LI. URBANA FREE LIBRARY. 1. Prohibits Disturbance Penalty. 2. Prohibits Loitering on Stairway or in Hall Penalty. 3. Return of Books Fines Penalty. 4. Mutilating Books, Etc. 5. Person Not Entitled to Privileges to Remain Away. 6. Taking Property From, Without Right. 7. Persons Excluded From, To Stay Away Penalty. SECTION 1. PROHIBITS DISTUBANCE PENALTY. Any person who shall, while in the rooms of the Urbana Free Library create any disturbance, or who shall be guilty of any conduct calculated to annoy or disturb others in said room, and who shall not cease said conduct when requested so to do, by the librarian or other person in charge of said room, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than one hundred dollars. SECTION 2. PROHIBITS LOITERING ox STAIRWAY OR ix HALL PENALTY. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to loiter or sit upon the stairway, or loiter in the hall leading to said library rooms; and any person so found loitering or sitting upon said stairway or loitering in said hall, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than one hundred dollars: Provided that this sec- tion shall not take effect until there has been placed in said stairway and hall, in a conspicuous place, a notice that loiter- ering or sitting upon said stairway or loitering in said hall is prohibited. SECTION 3. RETURN OF BOOKS FINES PENALTY. Any person who shall fail to return any book or books, taken by him or her from said library, at the time, when by the rules of said library, the same should be returned and Avho shall not promptly pay the fines provided for by the rules and regu- lations governing said library, as the same have been or may be established by the board of directors of said library, shall L'S'J Oltm.XANCKS OF THE CITY OF riU'.A'NA be subject to a penally of not less than one dollar or more than one hundred dollars: Provided, that no penalty under this chapter shall be less than the amount of fines due under said rules and regulations of said board of directors. SECTION 4. MUTILATING HOOKS, ETC. Any person who shall wilfully or maliciously deface, destroy, mutilate or in- jure any book, pamphlet, or paper belonging to said public library, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 5. PERSON NOT ENTITLED TO PRIVILEGES TO RE- MAIN AWAY. Any person who shall not be entitled to the privilege of the Urbana Free Library, who shall persist in visiting the same after being notified to remain away, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 6. TAKING PROPERTY FROM, WITHOUT RIGHT. Any person who shall take or remove from said library rooms any article without the consent of the librarian, or person in charge of said room, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 7. PERSONS EXCLUDED FROM,, TO STAY AWAY PENALTY. Any person whom the board of directors of said library of said city, shall exclude from the use of the same and the reading room thereof for the willful violation of any of the rules and regulations of said library and reading room, who shall persist in visiting the same after being notified to stay away therefrom shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars. VEHICLES 283 CHAPTER LII VEHICLES 1. Vehicles for Carrying Persons Licensed. 2. Rate of License. 3. License to Pursue Business of Carrier, Etc. 4. Rate of License for Carriers, Etc. 5. City Clerk to Write In License Number of Dray, Etc., and Number to Be Placed on Vehicles. 6. Charges for Carrying Passengers, Etc. 7. Charges for Hauling Trunks, Loads, Etc. 8. False Representations, Extortions, Etc. 9. Licensed Persons to Keep Copy of Sections 6 and 7. SECTION 1. VEHICLES FOR CARRYING PERSONS LICENSED. No person shall pursue the occupation of carrying persons for hire in any omnibus, hackney,carriage or other vehicle from one place to another within the city, or shall keep or own or use any omnibus, hackney-carriage or other vehicle for the purpose of carrying persons for hire from one place to another within the city without a license therefor; any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for eacli offense. But the letting of car- riages for hire by the owner or keeper of livery stables in the ordinary manner and in the pursuit of their ordinary busi- ness shall not be deemed a violation hereof. SECTION 2. KATE OF LICENSE. For a license to carry passengers for hire in any omnibus, hackney-carriage or oth- er vehicles within the city there shall be taxed and collected license fees as follows : On each omnibus; seven dollars for one year, and four dollars for six months or less. On each hackney-carriage or other vehicle; five dollars for one year, and three dollars for six months or less. SECTION 3. LICENSE TO PURSUE BUSINESS OF CARRIER,, ETC. No person shall pursue the occupation of carrying goods or '-' s I ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URI'.ANA properly for hire in any vehicle from one place to another within the city, or shall keep or use any dray, wagon or other vehicle for the purpose of carrying articles of property for hire from one place to another within the city without a li- cense therefor, under penalty of not less than three dollars noi- more than one hundred dollars for each offense. SECTION 4. RATE OF LICENSE FOR CARRIERS, ETC. For a license to pursue the business or occupation of carrying t;oods or property for hire upon a dray, wagon, cart or other vehicle from one place to another within the city there shall be taxed and collected for each and every dray, wagon, cart 01- other vehicle used to convey property for hire for the per- iod of one year, seven dollars and for six months or less four dollars: Provided, that drays, wagons, or other vehicles kept or used by merchants or lumberman or other persons for the delivery without charge, of articles of property sold by them or for carrying their own property or of earth or build- ing materials for their own use, or for hauling without and beyond the city, or by hotel keepers for delivery without charge of the baggage of their guests, no license shall be re- quired. SECTION 5. CITY CLERK TO WRITE IN LICENSE NUMBER OF DRAY, ETC., AND NUMBER TO BE PLACED ON VEHICLES. The city clerk shall write in the license and endorse thereon the num- ber of the dray, wagon or other vehicle and register the same ; and every person keeping or using a vehicle requiring a li- cense shall cause the number of the license of such vehicle to be conspicuously painted or placed upon the vehicle where it can be readily seen and any person refusing or neglecting so to do, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars. SECTION 6. CHARGE FOR CARRYING PASSENGERS, ETC. No owner or driver of any omnibus, hackney-carriage or vehicle for carrying persons for hire shall charge from one point to another within the city limits to exceed twenty-five cents per person therefor, and for the use of any two horse carriage or other vehicle by the hour with driver fifty cents per hour, ex- cept in case of special contract for a larger sum made before- hand. VEHICLES 285 SECTION 7. CHARGES FOR HAULING TRUNKS, LOADS, ETC. No person owning or driving a dray, wagon or cart, or other vehicle for the purpose of carrying goods or property for hire from one place to another within the city shall charge to ex- ceed twenty-five cents per load or part of load, box, trunk or other articles so hauled, except in case of special contract for a larger sum made beforehand. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. SECTION 8. FALSE REPRESENTATIONS, EXTORTIONS, ETC. Any owner or driver of any omnibus, cab, coach, or other li- censed vehicle who shall induce any person to employ him knowingly or wantonly misinforming or misleading such person either as to the time or place of the arrival or depar- ture of any railroad train, or the distance to or location of any depot, office, station, hotel, public place or private resi- dence within said city, or shall be guilty of any other fraud, extortion or attempted fraud or extortion upon such person shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for any or either of the afore- said offenses. SECTION 9. LICENSED PERSONS TO KEEP COPY OF SECTIONS (5 AND 7. The driver of every licensed vehicle shall keep in his possession at all times a certified copy of sections and 7 of this chapter or any amendments thereto, hereafter passed by the City Council and shall exhibit the same to any person employing him, who shall demand the same, under a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more than twenty dollars for each offense. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF TIUtAXA CHAPTEE LIII WARDS AND BOUNDALKIES OF THE CITY 1. Division of City Into Wards. 2. Boundaries of the City. SECTION 1. DIVISION OF _ CITY INTO- WARDS. That the said City of Urbana be divided into five wards, the same to be bounded as follows: 1st. Ward. All that part of the City located within the following boundaries: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Green Street in said City with the East- ern line of the City limits of said city, extending thence West along the center line of said Green Street to the center line of Broad Street, thence North along the center line of Broad Street to the center line of Main Street thence West along the center line of Main Street to the center line of Cen- tral Avenue, thence North along the center line of Cen- tral Avenue to the center line of Griggs Street, thence West along the center line of Griggs street to the center line of West Street, thence North along the center line of West Street, to the North line of the City limits of said City, thence East along the North limits of said City to the line of the Eastern limits thereof, thence South along the Eastern limits of said City to the place of beginning. lind. Ward. All that part of said City located within the following boundaries: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Main Street in said City, with the center line of Central Avenue, thence North along the center line of Central Avenue, to the center line of Griggs Street, thence West along the center line of Griggs Street to the center line of West Street, thence North along the center line of West Street to the Northern limits of said City, thence West along the Northern limits of said City to the Western limits of said City, thence South along the Western limits of said City, to a point immediately West of the center line of \VAKDS AM.) HOr.NDARIES OF THE CITY 287 the western terminus of Main Street, thence East along the center line of Main Street to the place of beginning. 'irtl. AVard. All that part of said City located within the following boundaries : Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Main Street, in said City with the center line of Broad Street, extending thence West along the center line of said Main Street to the Western extremity of said Main Street and continuing directly West from the said ex- tremity to the Western limits of said City, thence South along the said Western limits of said City to the center line of Green Street, then East along the center line of Said Green Street, to the center line of Broad Street, thence North along the center line of Broad Street to the place of begin- ning. 4th Ward. All that part of said City located within the following boundaries: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Green Street, in said City, witli the center line of of Broad Street, thence West along the center line of said Green Street to the West limits of said City, thence South along the said Western limits of said City to the Southern limits of the City, thence East along the Southern limits of said City to the center line of Orchard Street, thence North along the center line of Orchard Street to the center line of Washington Street, thence East along the center line of Washington Street, to the center line of Broad Street, thence North along the center line of Broad Street to the place of beginning. 5th Ward. All that part of said City located within the following boundaries: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Green Street, with the center line of Broad Street, thence South along the center line of said Broad Street, to the center line of Washington Street, thence West along the center line of Washington Street to the center line of Orchard Street, thence South along the center line of Orchard Street, to the Southern limits of said City, thence East along the Southern limits of said City to the Eastern limits of said City, thence Xorth along the East- ern limits of said City to the center line of Green Street, thence West along the center line of Green Street to the place of beginning. 288 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A And the foregoing shall constitute the divisions of said City into wards for municipal purposes. SECTION 2. BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY. Commencing at the center of Section 18, Township 19 north, Range 9 East of the 3rd PM., thence north on Wright Street on the North and South y 2 Section line of sections 18 and 7, Twp. 19 N, R 9 E 3rd P M., to the South line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said section 7, Twp. 19 N, B 9 E 3rd PM. ; thence East on said line to the East line of Goodwin Avenue; thence South on the East line of Goodwin Avenue, to the North East corner of Goodwin Avenue, and Fairview Avenue (being the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of section 7, aforesaid) ; thence East on the North line of Fairview Avenue .to the North East corner of the North East Quarter of the South East Quarter of section 7, and the North west corner of the North West Quarter of the South West Quarter of Section 8, Twp. 19 N, R 9 E 3rd PM. ; thence East to the center of said section 8; thence North on the North and South center line of section 8 to the North line of Thompson Street; thence East on the North line of Thompson Street to the East line of Market Street; thence South on the East line of Market Street to the North line of Oakland Avenue; thence East on the North line of Oakland Avenue to the East line of Division Avenue; thence South on the East line of Division Avenue to the North West corner of the North East Quarter of the South East Quarter of sectio 8, aforesaid; thence East to the North East corner of the South East Quarter of section 8 (or the North West corner of the South West Quarter of section 9) ; thence East to the North East corner of the North West Quarter of the South West Quarter of section 9, or the East line of Oak Street, extended ; thence South to the right of way of the C. C. C. & St. L. R. R. Co.; thence Easterly along the North line of said right of way to the East line of Glover Avenue, extended; thence South on the East line of Glover Avenue to the South line of Oregon St. ; thence West on the South line of Oregon Street to the West line of Cot- tage Grove Ave. ; thence South on the West line of Cottage Grove Ave., extended to the North East corner of the North WARDS AM) HOrXDAUIES OF THE CITY 280 West Quarter of the South West Quarter of Section 16, Twp. 10 N, R E 3rd PM.; thence West to the North West corner of the North West Quarter of the South West Quarter of section 16, or to the North East corner of the North East Quarter of the South East Quarter of said Section 16 ; thence West to the W T est line of Vine Street; thence South to the South East corner of the North West Quarter of the South East Quarter of Section 17, Twp. 19 N, R 9 E 3rd PM ; thence West to the center line of Race Street; thence South on the center line of Race Street, 165 feet; thence West 1333 feet to the center line of Orchard Street; thence South 330.5 feet . 1916, and approved by the Mayor on the 2nd day of October A. D. 1916. I do further certify that I am the keeper of the records, entries, ordinances, resolutions, papers and books of said City of Urbana, and that the original, of which the foregoing is a true copy, is entrusted to my care for safe keeping and is now on file in my office. Witness my hand and the corporate seal of said City of Urbana, this 2nd day of October A. P. 1916. C. B. Holmes, (KcaL) City Clerk. APPENDIX to the ordinances of Urbana, containing the material provisions of the Statutes of the State relating to Municipal Govern- ments and certain contract ordinances. STATITORY PROVISIONS 295 Provisions of the Statutes of the titato of Illinois Rclat- to Municipal Governments. ARTICLE I. OF THE ORGANIZATION OF (CITIES ARTICLE II. OF THE MAYOR SECTION 1. MAYOR HIS QUALIFICATIONS. The chief executive officer of a city shall be a Mayor, who shall be a citizen of the United States, a qualified elector, reside within the city limits, and hold his office for two years, and until his successor is elected and qualified. SECTION 2. VACANCY ONE YEAR OR OVER. Whenever a vacancy shall happen in the office of the Mayor, when the unexpired term shall be one year or over from the date when the vacancy occurs, it shall be filled by an election. SECTION 3. VACANCY LESS THAN YEAR. If the vacancy is less than one year, the City Council shall elect one of its number to act as Mayor, who shall possess all the rights and powers of the Mayor until the next annual election, and until his successor is elected and qualified. SECTION 4. MAYOR PRO TEM. During- a temporary ab- sence or disability of the Mayor, the City Council shall elect one of its number to act as Mayor pro tern, who during such absence or disability shall possess the powers of Mayor. SECTION 5. VACANCY BY REMOVAL FBOM CITY. If the Mayor, at any time during the term of his office, shall re- move from the limits of the city, his office shall thereby be- come vacant. SECTION 6. MAYOR TO PRESIDE CASTING VOTE. The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the City Council, but shall not vote except in case of a tie, when he shall give the casting vote. 290 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A SECTION 7. WHEN HE MAY REMOVE OFFICERS. The Mayor shall have power to remove any officer appointed by liini, on any formal charge, whenever lie shall be of the opinion that the interests of the City demand such removal, but he shall report the reasons for such removal to the Coun- cil at a meeting to be held not less than five days nor more than ten days after such removal; and if the Mayor shall fail, or refuse to file with the City Clerk a statement of the reasons for such removal, or if the Council by a two-thirds vote of all its members authorized by law to be elected, by yeas and nays, to be entered upon its record, disapprove of such removal, such officer shall thereupon become restored to the office from which he was so removed; but he shall give new bonds and take a new oath of office. No officer shall be removed a second time for the same offense. (As amended by Act approved May 31, 1870.) SECTION 8. His POWER TO KEEP PEACE. He may exer- cise within the City limits, the powers conferred upon sheriffs to suppress disorder and keep the peace. SECTION 9. RELEASE OF PRISONERS. He may release any person imprisoned for violation of any city ordinance and shall report such release, with the cause thereof, to the Council at its first session thereafter. SECTION 10. GENERAL DUTIES. He shall perform all such duties as are or may be prescribed by law or by the city ordi- nances and shall take care that the laws and ordinances are faithfully executed. SECTION 11. POWER TO EXAMINE RECORDS, ETC. He shall have pow r er at all times to examine and inspect the books, records and papers of any agent, employe, or officer of the city. SECTION 12. MESSAGES TO COUNCIL. The Mayor shall, annually and from time to time, give the Council informa- tion relative to the affairs of the City, and shall recommend for their consideration such measures as he may deem expe- dient. SECTION 13. To CALL OUT MILITIA, ETC. RIOTS, ETC. He shall have power, when necessary, to call on every male inhabitant of the City over the age of eighteen years, to aid STATUTORY PROVISIONS 297 in on forcing the laws and ordinances, and to call out the militia to aid in suppressing riots and other disorderly con- duct, or carrying into effect any law or ordinance, subject to the authority of the Governor as commander-iii-chief of the militia. SECTION 14. MISCONDUCT, ETC., OF MAYOR OR OTHER OF- FICER PENALTY. In case the Mayor or any other municipal officer shall at any time be guilty of a palpable ommission of duty or shall wilfully and corruptly be guilty of oppres- sion, inalconduct or misfeasance in the discharge of the duties of his office he shall be liable to indictment in any court of competent jurisdiction and on conviction shall be fined in a sum of not exceeding one thousand dollars; and the court in which such conviction shall be had shall enter an order removing such officer from office. ARTICLE III. OF THE CITY COUNCIL. SECTION 1. COUNCIL now COMPOSED. The City Coun- cil shall consist of the Mayor and Aldermen. SECTION 2. ALDERMEN. The number of aldermen, when not elected by the minority representation plan, shall be as follows : In cities not exceeding three thousand inhabitants six Aldermen; exceeding three thousand but not exceeding five thousand, eight Aldermen; exceeding five thousand and not exceeding ten thousand, ten Aldermen; exceeding ten thousand and not exceeding thirty thousand, fourteen alder- men, and two additional Aldermen for every twenty thous- and inhabitants over thirty thousand. And provided, further, if it shall appear from any census heretofore or hereafter taken that any city has the requisite number of inhabitants to authorize it to increase the number of Aldermen, it shall be the duty of the City Council thereof to proceed without de- lay, and redistrict such city in accordance with the provi- sions hereof, and to call and hold its next city election in accordance with such new redistricting : Provided that at such election the Aldermen who hold over shall be considered Aldermen for the new wards respectively in which their resi- -!>S ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OK URBANA deuce shall be unless there sliall be two or more Aldermen who hold over in the same ward under this proviso, then in such case, it shall be determined by lot in presence of the City Council, in such manner as they shall direct, which Aldermen shall hold over for such ward. SECTION 3. TERM OF OFFICE. Aldermen shall hold their office for the term of two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. SECTION 4. VACANCY. If any vacancy shall occur in the office of Aldermen by death, resignation, removal or otherwise, such vacancy shall be filled by election. SECTION 5. QUALIFICATIONS OF ALDERMEN. Xo person shall be eligible to the office of Alderman unless he shall be a qualified elector and reside within the ward for which he is elected, nor shall he be eligible if he is in arrears in the payment- of any tax or other liability due to the city; nor shall he be directly or indirectly interested in any contract whatever to which the city is a party, nor shall he be eligible if he shall have been convicted of mal- feasance, bribery or other corrupt practices or crimes; nor shall he be eligible to any office, the salary of which is payable out of the city treasury, if at the time of his appoint- ment he shall be a member of the City Council: nor shall any member of the City Council at the same time hold any other office under the city government ; nor shall he be either 'directly, or indirectly, individually, or as a member of a firm, engaged in any business transaction (other than official,) with such city, through its mayor or any of its authorized boards, agents or attorneys, whereby any money is to be paid, directly or indirectly, out of the city treasury to such member or firms. SECTION 6. COUNCIL JUDGE OF ITS MEMBERS. The City Council shall be judge of the election and qualification of its own members. SECTION 7. RULES EXPULSION BRIBERY. It shall de- termine its own rules of proceeding, punish its memebrs for disorderly conduct, and with the concurrence of two-thirds of the Aldermen elect, may expel a member, but not a second time for the same offense : Provided, that any Alderman or STATUTORY PROVISIONS 299 Councilman who shall have been convicted of bribery shall thereby be deemed to have vacated his office. SECTION 8. QUORUM COMPELLING ATTENDANCE. A majority of the Aldermen elect shall constitute a quorum to do business but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time, and may compel the attendance of absentees, under such penalties as may be prescribed by ordinance. SECTION 9. MEETINGS. The City Council may prescribe by ordinance, the times and places of the meeting thereof and the manner in which special meeting's thereof may be called. SECTION 10. CHAIRMAN PRO TEM. It may elect a tem- porary chairman in the absence of the Mayor. SECTION 11. OPEN DOORS. It shall sit with open doors. SECTION 12. JOURNAL. It shall keep a journal of its o\vu proceedings. SECTION* 1JJ. YEAS AND NAYS RECORD VOTE REQUIRED. The yeas and nays shall be taken upon the passage of all ord- inances and on all propositions to create any liability against the city, or for the exepnditure or appropriation of its money, and in all other cases at the request of any member, which shall be entered on the journal of its proceedings; and the concurrence of a majority of all the members elected in the City Council shall be necessary to the passage of any such ordinance or proposition; Provided, it shall require two-thirds of all the Aldermen elect to sell any city or school property. SECTION 14. NOT TO RESCIND VOTE AT SPECIAL MEETING, UNLESS, ETC. Xo vote of the City Council shall be reconsid- ered or rescinded at a special meeting, unless at such special meeting there be present as large a number of Aldermen as were present when such vote was taken. SECTION 15. WHEN REPORT LAID OVER. Any report of a ( Committee of the Council shall be deferred, for final action thereon, to the next regular meeting of the same after the report is made, upon the request of any two Aldermen present. SECTION 10. TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION. The City Council and Board of Trustees shall also have jurisdiction in and over all places within one-half mile of the city or oOO ORDINANCES OF THE (TIT OF TKHANA village limits, for the purpose of en forcing health and quar- antine ordinances ajid regulations thereof. SECTION 17. SPECIAL MEETING. The Mayor or any three Aldermen may call special meetings of the City Council. SECTION 18. ORDINANCE APPROVAL VETO. All ordi- nances passed by the City Council shall, before they take effect, be deposited in the office of the city clerk ; and if the Mayor approves thereof, he shall sign the same, and such as he shall not approve he shall return to the council, with his objections thereto, in writing, at the next regular meeting of the council occurring not less than five days after the passage thereof. Such veto may extend to any one or more items or appropriations contained in any ordinance making an appropriation, or to the entire ordinance; and in case the veto only extends to a part of such ordinance, the residue thereof shall take effect and be in force. But in case the Mayor shall fail to return any ordinance, with his objections thereto, by the time aforesaid, he shall be deemed to have approved such ordinance, and the same shall take effect accordingly. SECTION 19. RECONSIDERATION PASSING OVER VETO. Upon the return of any ordinance by the Mayor, the vote by which the same was passed shall be reconsidered by the council; and if, after such reconsideration, two-third of all the members elected to the City Council shall agree, by yeas and nays, to pass the same, it shall go into effect, notwith- standing the Mayor may refuse to approve thereof. The vote to pass the same over the Mayor's veto shall be taken by yeas and nays and entered on the journal. ARTICLE IV. ELECTIONS. SECTION 1. ANNUAL ELECTION. A general election for city officers shall be held on the third Tuesday of April of each year: Provided, that in cities which include wholly within their corporate limits a town, or towns, such elections shall be held on the first Tuesday of April. (As amended by Act approved March 9, 1877.) STATUTORY PROVISIONS 301 SECTION 2. ELECTION OF MAYOR, CITY CLERK,, ATTORNEY AND TREASURER. At the general election held in 1877 and biennially thereafter, a Mayor, a City Clerk, a City Attorney and a City Treasurer shall be elected in each city : Provided, that no person shall be elected to the office of City Treasurer for two terms in succession. (As amended by Act approved March 26, 1877.) SECTION 3. WHO ENTITLED TO VOTE. All persons en- titled to vote at any general election for state officers within any city or village, having resided therein thirty days next preceding thereto, may vote at any election for city or village officers. SECTION 4. WARDS. The City Council of any city in this state, whether organized under this act or under any special law of this state, may, from time to time, divide the city into one-half as many wards as the total number of Aldermen to which the city is entitled; and one Alderman shall, annually, be elected in and for each ward, to hold Ids office for two years, and until his successor is elected and qualified. In the formation of wards the population of each shall be as nearly equal, and the ward shall be of as compact and contiguous territory as practicable. (As amended by Act approved June 17, 1887.) .*#*** SECTION 9. PLACE OK ELECTION NOTICE. The City Council shall designate the place or places in which the election shall be held and appoint the judges and clerks thereof, and cause notice to be printed in some newspaper published in such city, if there be one, or posted at each voting place in such city, of the time, places of election, and of the officers to be elected, for at least twenty days prior to such election. SECTION 10. MANNER OF CONDUCTING ELECTIONS. The maner of conducting and voting at elections to be held under this act and contesting the same, the keeping of poll lists and canvassing the votes, shall be the same, as nearly as may be, as in the case of the election of county officers, under the general laws of this state. The judges of election shall appoint clerks, when necessary to fill vacancies, and the 302 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URIJANA judges and clerks shall take the same oath and have the same powers and authority as the judges and clerks of gen- eral state elections. After the closing of the polls, the ballots shall be counted, and the returns made out and returned under seal, to the city or village clerk, as the case may be, within two days after the election; and thereupon the city council or board of trustees as the case may be, shall examine and canvass the same and declare the result of the election, and cause a statement thereof to be entered upon its journals. SECTION 11. RESULT TIE. The person having the highest number of votes, for any office, shall be declared elected. In case of a tie in the election of any city or village officer, it shall be determined by lot, in presence of City Coun- cil, or Board of Trustees, in such manner as they shall direct, which candidate or candidates shall hold the office. SECTION 12. NOTICE TO PERSONS ELECTED OK APPOINTED. It shall be the duty of the village or city clerk, within five days after the result of the election is declared or appoint- ment made, to notify all persons elected or appointed to office of their election or appointment, and unless such per- sons shall respectively qualify in ten days after such notice, the office shall become vacant. SECTION 13. WHEN NO QUORUM IN COUNCIL SPECIAL ELECTION. If, for any cause there shall not be a quorum in office of the City Council or Board of Trustees, the Mayor, Clerk, or any Alderman or Trustee, as the case may be, may appoint the time and place for holding a special election to supply such vacancy and give notice and appoint the judges thereof. SECTION 14. SPECIAL ELECTIONS. If there is a failure to elect any officer herein required to be elected, or the per- son elected should fail to qualify, the City Council or Board of Trustees may forthwith order a new election therefor; and in all cases when necessary for the purposes of this act, may call special elections, appoint judges and clerks thereof, canvass the returns thereof and provide by ordinance for the mode of conducting the same; and shall give notice of such special elections in which shall be stated the questions to be voted upon, and cause such notices to be published or posted STATFTOUY PUOVISIOXS 303 for (lie same length of time and in the same manner as is required in the ease of regular annual elections in swell cities 01- villages. ARTICLE V. OF THE .POWERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. SECTION 1. The City Council in cities, and president and the Board of Trustees in villages, shall have the following- powers. First. To control the finances and property of the cor- poration.- Second. To appropriate money for corporate purposes only and provide for payment of debts and expenses of the corporation. Third. To levy and collect taxes for general and special purposes on real and personal property. Fourth. To fix the amount, terms and manner of issu- ing and revoking licenses. Fifth. To borrow money on the credit of the corpora- tion for corporate purposes, and issue bonds therefor, in such' amounts and form, and on such conditions as it shall pre- scribe, but shall not become indebted in any manner or for any purpose to an amount including existing indebtedness, in the aggregate to exceed five per centum on the value of the taxable property therein to be ascertained by the last assessment, for the state and county taxes, previous to the incurring of such indebtedness; and before or at the time of incurring any indebtedness, shall provide for the collection of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the interest on such debt as it falls due, and also to pay and discharge the princi- pal thereof within twenty years after contracting the same. Sixth. To issue bonds in place of or to supply means to meet maturing bonds, or for the consolidation or funding of the same. Seventh. To lay out, to establish, open, alter, widen, extend, grade, pave or otherwise improve streets, alleys, ave- nues, sidewalks, wharves, parks and public grounds, and vacate the same. 304 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF rilHAXA Eighth. To plant trees upon the same. Ninth. To regulate the use of the same. Tenth. To prevent and remove encroachments or ob- structions upon the same. Eleventh. To provide for the lighting of the same. Twelfth. To provide for the cleansing of the same. Thirteenth. To regulate the openings therein for the laying of gas or water mains and pipes and the building and repairing of sewers, tunnels and drains and erecting gas lights: Provided, however, that any company heretofore organized, under the general laws of this state or any asso- ciation of persons organized, or which may be hereafter organized under the general laws of this state or any associa- tion of persons organized, or which may be hereafter organ- ized for the purpose of manufacturing illuminating gas to supply cities or villages, or the inhabitants thereof, with the same shall have the right, by consent of the common council (subject to existing rights) to erect gas factories and lay down pipes in the streets or alleys of any city or village in this state, subject to such regulations as any such city or village may by ordinance impose. Fourteenth. To regulate the use of sidewalks and all structures thereunder ; and to require the owner or occupant of any premises to keep the sidewalks in front of, or along the same, free from snow and other obstructions. Fifteenth. To regulate and prevent the throwing or depositing of ashes, offal, dirt, garbage or any offensive mat- ter in, and to prevent injury to any street, avenue, alley or public ground. tii.vteenth. To provide for and regulate crosswalks, curbs and gutters. Seventeenth. To regulate and prevent the use of streets, sidewalks and public grounds for signs, sign posts, awnings, awning posts, telegraph poles, horse troughs, racks, posting handbills and advertisements. Eighteenth. To regulate and prohibit the exhibition or carrying of banners, placards, advertisements, or hand bills in the streets or public grounds, or upon the sidewalks. STATUTORY PROVISIONS 305 Nineteenth. To regulate and prevent the flying of flags, banners or signs across the streets or from houses. Twentieth. To regulate traffic and sales upon the streets, sidewalks and public places. Twenty-first. To regulate the speed of horses and other animals, vehicles, cars and locomotives within the limits of the corporation. Twenty-second. To regulate the numbering of houses and lots. Twenty -third. To name and change the name of any street, avenue, alley or other public place. Twenty-fourth. To permit, regulate or prohibit the locating, constructing, or laying a track of any horse railroad in any street, alley, or public place; but such permission shall not be for a longer time than twenty years. Twenty -'fifth. To provide for and change the location, grade and crossings of any railroad. Twenty-sixth. To require railroad companies to fence their respective railroads, or any portion of the same, and to construct cattle guards, crossings of streets and public roads and keep the same in repair, within the limits of the corpor- ation. In case any railroad company shall fail to comply with any such ordinance, it shall be liable for all damages the owner of any cattle or horses or other domestic animal may sustain by reason of injuries thereto while on the track of such railroad, in like manner and extent as under the general laws of this state, relative to the fencing of railroads; and actions to recover such damages may be instituted before any justice of the peace or other court of competent juris- diction. Twenty-seventh. To require railroad companies to keep flagmen at railroad crossings of streets and provide protec- tion against injury to persons and property in the use of such railroads. To compel such railroads to raise or lower their railroad tracks to conform to any grade, which may at any time, be established by such city, and where such tracks run lengthwise of any such street, alley or highway, to keep their railroad tracks on a level with the street surface, and so that such tracks may be crossed at any place on such street, alley ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF I'RKANA or highway. To compel anil require railroad companies to make and keep open and to keep in repair ditches, drains, sewers, and culverts along and under their railroad tracks so that filthy or stagnant pools of water can not stand on their grounds or right of way, and so that the natural drain- age of adjacent property shall not be impeded. Twenty-eighth. To construct and keep in repair bridges, viaducts and tunnels, and to regulate the use thereof. Twenty-ninth. To construct and keep in repair cul- verts, drains, sewers and cesspools and to regulate the use thereof. Thirtieth. Too deepen, widen, dock, cover, wall, alter or change channel of water courses. Thirty-first. To construct and keep in repair canals and slips for the accomodation of commerce. Thitry-seeond. To erect and keep in repair public land- ing places, wharves, docks and levees. Thirty-third. To regulate and control the use of public and private landing places, wharves, docks and levees. Thirty-fourth. To control and regulate the anchorage, moorage and landing of all water craft and their cargoes within the jurisdiction of the corporation. Thirty-fifth. To license, regulate and prohibit wharf- boats, tugs and other boats used about, the harbor, or within such jurisdiction. Thirty-slrth. To fix the rate of wharfage and dockage. Thirty-sere nth. To collect wharfage and dockage from all boats, rafts, or other craft landing at or using any public landing place, wharf, dock or levee, within the limits of the corporation. Thirty-eighth. To make regulations in regard to use of harbors, towing of vessels, opening and passing of bridges. Thirty-ninth. To appoint harbor masters and define their duties. Fortieth. To provide for the cleansing and purification of waters, water-courses and canals, and the draining or filling of -ponds on private property, whenever necessary to prevent or abate nuisances. STATTTOKY PROVISIONS Forty-first. To license, tax, regulate, suppress and pro- hibit hawkers, peddlers, pawnbrokers, keepers of ordinaries, theatricals and other exhibition, shows and amusements, and to revoke such license at pleasure. Forty-second. To license, tax and regulate hackmen, draymen, omnibus drivers, carters, cabmen, porters, express-, men, and all others pursuing like occupations and to pre- sci-ibe their compensation. Forty-third. To license, regulate, tax and restrain, run- ners for stages, cars, public houses, or other things or persons. Forty-fourth. To license, regulate, tax or prohibit and suppress billiards, bagatelle, pigeon-hole or any other tables, or implements kept or used for a similar purpose in any place of public resort, pin-alleys and ball-alleys. Forty-fifth-. To suppress bawdy and disorderly houses, houses of ill-fame or assignation, within the limits of the city, and within three miles of the outer bundaries of the city; and also to suppress gaming and gambling houses, lotteries and all fraudulent devices and practices, for the purpose of gaining or obtaining money or property; and to prohibit the sale or exhibition of obscene or immoral publications, prints, pictures, or illustrations. Forty-slHh. To license, regulate and prohibit the sell- ing or giving away of any intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquor, the license not to extend beyond the municipal year in which it shall be granted and to determine the amount to be paid for such license: Provided that the city council in cities, or president and Hoard of Trustees in villages, may grant permits to druggists for the sale of liquors for medicinal, mechanical, sacramental and chemical purposes only, subject to forfeiture, and under such restric- tions and regulations as may be provided by ordinance : Pro- vided further, that in granting licenses such corporate authorities shall comply with whatever general law of the state may be in force relative to the granting of licenses. Forty-wraith. The foregoing shall not be construed to affect the provisions of the charter of any literary insti- tution heretofore granted. 308 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAXA Forty -eighth. And the City Council in cities, and presi- dent and Board of Trustees in villages, shall also have the power to forbid and punish the selling or giving away of any intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquor to any minor apprentice, or servant or insane, idiotic or dis- tracted person, habitual drunkard or person intoxicated. Forty-ninth. To establish markets and market-houses, and provide for the regulation and use thereof. Fiftieth. To regulate the sale of meats, poultry, fish, butter, cheese, lard, vegetables and all other provisions, and to provide for place and manner of selling the same. Fifty-first. To prevent and punish forestalling and re- grating. Fifty-second. To regulate the sale of bread in the city or village; prescribe the weight and quality of the bread in the loaf. Fifty-third. To provide for and regulate the inspection of meats, poultry, fish, butter, cheese, lard, vegetables, cotton, tobacco, flour, meal, and other provisions. Fifty-fourth. To regulate the inspection, weighing and measuring of brick, lumber, fire-wood, coal, hay and any article of merchandise. Fifty-fifth. To provide for the inspection and sealing of weights and measures. Fifty-sixth. To enforce the keeping and use of proper weights and measures by vendors. Fifty -seventh. To regulate the construction, repairs, and use of vaults, cisterns, areas, hydrants, pumps, sewers and gutters. Fifty-ei(/hlh. To regulate places of amusement. Fifty-ninth. To pi-event intoxication, fighting, quarrel- ling, dog fights, cock fights and all disorderly conduct. Sixtieth. To regulate partition fences and party walls. tti.i-ty-first. To prescribe the thickness, strength, and manner of constructing stone, brick and other buildings, and construction of fire escapes therein. Sixty-second. The City Council, and the president and Trustees in villages, for the purpose of guarding against the calamities of fire, shall have the power to prescribe the STATUTORY PROVISIONS limits within which wooden buildings shall not be erected, or placed, or repaired, without permission and to direct that, all and any buildings, within the fire limits, when the same shall have been damaged by fire, decay or otherwise, to the extent of fifty per cent of the value, shall be torn down or removed, and to prescribe the manner of ascertaining such damage. Sixty-third. To prevent the dangerous construction and condition of chiuneys, fire-places, hearths, stoves, stove pipes, ovens, boilers, and apparatus used in and about any building and manufactory, and to cause the same to be removed or placed in a safe condition when considered dangerous; to regulate and prevent the carrying on of manufactories dan- gerous in causing and promoting fires; to prevent the deposit of ashes in unsafe places and to cause all such build- ings and enclosures as may be in a dangerous state to be put in a safe condition. Sixty- fourth. To erect engine houses and provide fire engines, hose-carts, hooks and ladders and other implements for prevention and extinguishment of fires, and provide for the use and management of the same by voluntary fire com- panies or otherwise. Sixty-fifth. To regulate and prevent storage of gunpow- der, tar, pitch, resin, coal oil, benzine, turpentine, hemp, cot- ton, nitro-gtycerin, petroleum, or any of the products theerof and other combustible, or explosive material and the use of lights in stables, shops and other places, and the building of bon-fires; also to regulate and restrain the use of fire- works, fire-crackers, torpedoes, Roman candles, sky-rockets, and other pyrotechnic displays. Sixty-sixth, To regulate the police of the city or village, and pass and enforce all necessary police ordinances. Sixty-seventh. To provide for the inspection of steam boilers. Sixty-eighth. To prescribe the duties and powers of a superintendent of police, policemen and watchmen. Sixty-ninth. To establish and erect calabooses, bride- wells, houses of correction and workhouses for the reforma- tion and confinement of vagrants, idle and disorderly persons 'UO ORDINANCES OF THE . All officers of any city, except where herein otherwise provided, shall be nppointed by the Mayor (and vacancies in all offices except the Mayor and Aldermen shall be filled by like appointment) by and with the advice and consent of the City Council. The City Council may, by' ordinance not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, prescribe the duties and define the powers of all such officers, together with the term of any such office: Provided, the term shall not exceed two years. OATH BOND.) Section 4. All officers of any city or village, whether elected or appointed, shall, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation : I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be,) that I will support the constitution of the United States, and the constitution of the State of Illinois, and that I will faihfully discharge the duties of the office of according to the best of my ability. Which oath or nffirmation, so subscribed, shall be filed in the office of the clerk. And all such officers, except Alder- men and Trustees, shall, before entering upon the duties of 318 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UKI5AXA their respective offices, execute a bond with security, to be approved by the City Council or Board of Trustees, payable to the city or village, in such penal sum as may, by resolution or ordinance, be directed, conditioned for the faithful per- formance of the duties of the office and the payment of all moneys received by such officer, according to law and the ordinances of said city or village: Provided, however, that in no case shall the Mayor's bond be fixed at a less sum than three thousand dollars; nor shall the treasurer's bond be fixed at a less sum than the amount of the estimated tax and special assessments for the current year which bonds shall be filed with the clerk (except the bond of the clerk, which shall be filed with the treasurer). COMMISSION CERTIFICATE DELIVERY TO SUCCESSOR. Section 5. All officers elected or appointed under this Act (except the Clerk, Aldermen and Mayor, and Trustees) shall be commissioned by warrant, under the corporate seal, signed by the Clerk and the Mayor or presiding officer of the City Council or Board of Trustees. The Mayor or president of the Board of Trustees shall issue a certificate of appointment or election, under the seal of the corporation, to the clerk thereof, and any person having been an officer of the city or village, shall within five days after notification and re- quest, deliver to his successor in office all property, books and effects of every description in his possession, belonging to the city or village, or appertaining to his said office; and upon his refusal to do so, shall be liable for all the damages caused thereby, and to such penalty as may by ordinance be prescribed. QUALIFICATION OF OFFICERS. Section 6. No person shall be eligible to any office who is not a qualified elector of the city or village and who shall not have resided therein at least one year next preceding his election or appointment, nor shall any person be eligible to any office who is de- faulter to the corporation : Provided, however, this shall not apply to the appointment or election of City Engineer in incorporated cities and villages: And provided, that the same shall not apply to appointment of attorneys in incorpor- ated villages, if such appointee be not a defaulter to the STATUTORY PROVISIONS 319 corporation. (As amended by Act approved June 21, 1395.) NOT INTERESTED IN CONTRACTS, ETC.) Section 7. No officer shall be directly or indirectly interested in any con- tract, work or business of the city, or the sale of any article, the expense, price or consideration of which is paid from the treasury, or by any assessment levied by any act or ordi- nance; nor in the purchase of any real estate or other prop- erty belonging to the corporation, or which shall be sold for taxes or assessments, or by virtue of legal process at the suit of said corporation. BRIBERY PENALTY. Section 8. Every person who shall promise, offer or give, or cause, or aid, or abet in caus- ing to be promised, offered or given, or furnish or agree to furnish, in whole or in part, to be promised, offered or given to any member of the city council or board of trustees, or any officer of the corporation, after or before his election or appointment as such officer, any moneys, goods, right in action, or other property or anything of value, or any pecun- iary advantage, present or prospective, with intent to influ- ence his vote, opinion, judgment or action on any question, matter, cause or proceeding which may be then pending, or may by law be brought before him in his official capacity, shall, upon conviction, be imprisoned in the penitentiary for a term not exceeding two years, or shall be fined not exceed- ing five thousand dollars or both, in the discretion of the court. Every officer who shall accept any such gift or promise, or undertaking to make the same under any agree- ment or understanding that his vote, opinion, judgment or action shall be influenced thereby, or shall be given in any question, matter, cause or proceeding then pending, or which may by law be brought before him in his official capacity, shall, upon conviction, be disqualified from holding any pub- lic office, trust or appointment under the city or village, and shall forfeit his office, and shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitenitary not exceeding two years, or by a fine not- exceeding five thousand dollars, or both in the discretion of the court. Every person offending against either of the provisions of this section shall be a competent witness against any other person offending in the same transaction, and may ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF t'KBANA be compelled to appear and give evidence before any grand jury or in any court in the same manner as other persons; but the testimony so given shall not be used in any prosecu- tion or proceeding, civil or criminal, against the person so testifying. MAYOR, ETC., NOT TO HOLD OTHER OFFICE.) Section 9. No Mayor, Alderman, City Clerk, or Treasurer, shall hold any other office under the city government during his term of of office. DUTIES OF CLEKK.) Section 10. The Clerk shall keep the corporate seal, to be provided under the direction of the City Council or Board of Trustees, and all papers belonging to the city or village; he shall attend all meetings of the City Council or Board of Trustees, and shall keep a full record of its proceedings in the journal; and copies of all papers duly filed in his office, and transcripts from the jour- nals and other records and files of his office, certified by him under the corporate seal, shall be evidence in all courts in like manner as if the originals were produced. RECORD OF ORDINANCES.) Section 11. The clerk shall record, in a book to be kept for that purpose, all ordinances passed by the city council or board of trustees, and at the foot of the record of each ordinance so recorded shall make a memorandum of the date of the passage and of the publi- cation or posting of such ordinance, which record and memo- randum or a certified copy thereof, shall be prima facie evi- dence of the passage and legal publication or posting of such ordinances for all purposes whatsoever. CONSERVATORS OF THE PEACE POWERS OF.) Section 12. The Trustees in villages, the Mayor, Aldermen, and the Mar- shal and his deputies, policemen and watchmen in cities, if any such be appointed, shall be conservators of the peace, and all officers created conservators of the peace by this act, or authorized by any ordinance shall have power to arrest or cause to be arrested, with or without process, all persons who shall break the peace, or be found violating any ordi nance of the city or village, or any criminal law of the state, commit for examination and, if necessary, detain such per- sons in custodv over night or Sundav in the watch house STATUTORY PROVISIONS Ill'l or any other safe place, or until they can be brought before the proper magistrate, and shall have and exercise such other powers as conservators of the peace as the city council or board of trustees may prescribe. All warrants for the viola- tion of ordinances, and all criminal warrants to whom- soever directed, may be served and executed within the cor- porate limits of any such city or village by any policeman of such city or village; such policeman being hereby clothed with all the common law and statutory power of constables for such purposes. I As amended by Act approved June 1.4, 1888.) COMPENSATION OF MAYOR.) Section 13. The Mayor of any city shall receive such compensation as the City Council may by ordinance direct, but his compensation shall not be changed during his term of office. COMPENSATION OF ALDERMEN AND TRUSTEES.) Section 14. The Aldermen and Trustees may receive such compen- sation for their services as shall be fixed by the ordinances : Provided, however, that in cities of less than 350,000 inhabi- tants such compensation shall not exceed the sum of three dollars to each Aldeiman for each meeting of the (Mty Coun- cil or Board of Trustees actually attended by him; in cities of more than 350,000 inhabitants such compensation shall not exceed the sum of thirty-five hundred dollars per annum for each alderman, and in villages the compensation to Trus- tees shall not exceed the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for each meeting of the Board of Trustees actually attended by such Trustees. No other salary or compensation shall be allowed any Alderman or Trustee: Provided, further, that this Act shall apply to all cities, towns and villages in this state whether incorporated under a general or special law, and that in all such villages and incoporated towns the Trustees thereof shall receive compensation for not more than one meeting in each week. (As amended by Act ap- proved June 2, 1908.) COMPENSATION OF OTHER OFFICERS.) Section 15. All other officers may receive a salary, fees, or other compensa- tion to be fixed by ordinance, and after the same has been once fixed, such fees or compensation shall not be increased :ili2 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF I KI'.ANA or diminished, to fake effect during tlie term for which any such officer was elected or appointed ; and every such officer shall make and return to the Mayor, or President of the Board of Trustees, a semi-annual report, verified by affidavit, of all such fees and emoluments received by him. ADMINISTERING OATHS. ) Section 16. The Mayor of any city, and the clerk of any city or village, shall have power to administer oaths and affirmations upon lawful occasions. ARTICLE VII. OF FINANCE. FISCAL YEAR. Section 1. The fiscal year of each city or village organized under this Act shall commence at the date established by law for the annual election of municipal officers therein, or at such other times as may be fixed by ordi- nance. ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE.) Section 2. The City Council of cities, and Board of Trustees in villages, shall within the first quarter of each fiscal year, pass an ordi- nance, to be termed the annual appropriation bill, in which such corporate authorities may appropriate such sum or sums of money as may be deemed necessary to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of such corporation; and in such ordi- nance shall specify the objects and purposes for which such appropriations are made, and the amount appropriated for each object or purpose. No. further appropriations shall be made at any other time within such fiscal year, unless the proposition to make each appropriation has been first sanc- tioned by a majority of the legal voters of such city or village, either by a petition signed by them, or at a general or special election duly called therefor. LIMITATION EMERGENCY BORROWING MONEY. ) Section 3. Neither the City Council nor the Board of Trustees, nor any department or officer of the corporation, shall add to the corporation expenditures in any one year anything over and above the amount provided for in the annual appropria- tion bill of that year, except as is herein otherwise specially provided ; and no expenditure for an improvement to be paid STA'ITTORY PROVISIONS .'{L'.'t for out of the general fund of the corporation shall exceed, in any one year, the amount provided for such improvement in the annual appropriation bill : Provided, however, that nothing lierein contained shall prevent the city council or board of trustees from ordering, by. a two-thirds vote, any im- provement, the necessity of which is caused by any casualty or accident happening after such annual appropriation is made. The City Council or Board of Trustees may, by a like vote, order the Mayor or president of the Board of Trustees and finance committee to borrow a sufficient amount to pro- vide for the expense necessary to be incurred in making any improvements, the necessity of which has arisen as is last above mentioned, for a space of time not exceeding the close of the fiscal year which sum, and the interest, shall be add- ed to the amount authorized to be raised in the next general tax levy, and embraced therein. Should any judgment be ob- tained against the corporation, the Mayor, or president of the Board of Trustees and finance committee, under the sanction of the City Council or Board of Trustees, may borrow a suf- ficient amount to pay the same, for a space of time not ex- ceeding the close of the next fiscal year which sum and interest shall, in like manner, be added to the amount author ized to be raised in the general tax levy of the next year, and embraced therein. CONTRACTING LIABILITIES LIMITED.) Section 4. Xo contract shall be hereafter made by the City Council or Hoard of Trustees, or any committee or member thereof; and no expense shall be incurred by any of the officers or departments of the corporation, whether the object of the expenditure shall have been ordered by the City Council or Board of Trustees or not, unless an appropriation shall have been previously made concerning such expense, except as herein otherwise expressly provided. DUTIES OF TREASURER.) Section 5. The treasurer shall receive all moneys belong to the corporation, and shall keep his books and accounts in such manner as may be prescribed by ordinance, and such books and accounts shall always be subject to the inspection of any member of the City Council oi 4 board of trustees. .')24 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URP.ANA SEPARATE ACCOUNTS.) Section 6. Ho shall keep a separate account of each fund or appropriation, and the debt and credits belonging thereto. RECEIPTS.) Section 7. He shall give every person pay- ing money into the treasury a receipt therefor, specifying the date of payment, and ipon what account paid ; and he shall also file copies of such receipts with the clerk, at the date of his monthly reports. MONTHLY STATEMENTS WARRANTS VOUCHERS REGIS- TER. Section 8. The Treasurer shall, at the end of each and every month, and oftener if required, render an account to the City Council or Board of Trustees, or such officer as may be designated by ordinance (under oath), showing the state of the treasury at the date of such account, and the balance of j noney. in the treasury. He shall also accompany such accounts with a statement of all moneys received into the treasury, and on what account, together with all warrants redeemed and paid by him; which said warrants, with any and all vouchers held by him, shall be delivered to the clerk, and filed with his said account in the clerk's office upon every day of such settlement. He shall return all warrants by him stamped or marked "paid." He shall keep a register of all warrants redeemed and paid, which shall describe such war- rants, and show the date, amount, number, the fund from which paid, the name of the person to whom and when paid. DEPOSIT OF FUNDS SEPARATE FROM HIS.) Section 1). The treasurer may be required to keep all moneys in his hands, belonging to the corporation, in such place or places of deposit as may be designated by ordinance: Provided, ho\vever, no such ordinance shall be passed by which the cus- tody of such money shall be taken from the treasurer and deposited elsewhere than in some regularly organized bank, nor without a bond to be taken from such bank, in such penal sum and with such security as the City Council or Board of Trustees shall direct and approve, sufficient to save the corporation from any loss; but such penal sum shall not be less than the estimated receipts for the current year from taxes and special assessments levied, or to be levied, by the corporation. The Treasurer shall keep all moneys belong- STATUTORY PROVISIONS :j^5 ing to the corporation in Ms hands separate and distinct from his own moneys, and he is hereby expressly prohibited from using, either directly or indirectly, the corporation money or warrants in his custody and keeping, for his own use and benefit, or that of any other person or persons whomsoever; and any violation of this provision shall subject him to im- mediate removal from office by the City Council or Board of Trustees, who are hereby authorized to declare said office vacant; and in which case his successor shall be appointed, who shall hold his office for the remainder of the term unex- pired of such officer so removed. TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT PUBLICATION.) Section 10. The Treasurer shall report to the City Council or Board of Trustees, as often as required, a full and detailed account of all receipts and expenditures of the corporation, as shown by his books, up to the time of said report; and he shall annually, between the first and tenth of April, make out and file with the clerk a full and detailed account of all such receipts and expenditures, and of all his transactions, as such Treasurer, during the preceding fiscal year, and shall show in such account the state of the treasury at the close of the fiscal year; which account the clerk shall immediately cause to be published in a newspaper printed in such city, if there be one, and if not, then by posting the same in a public place in the clerk's office. WARRANTS.) Section 11. All warrants drawn upon the treasurer must be signed by the mayor and counter- signed by the clerk, stating the particular fund or appro- priation to which the same is chargeable, and the person to whom payable; and no money shall be otherwise paid than upon such warrants so drawn, except as hereinafter provided. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS KEPT SEPARATE.) Section 12. All moneys received on any special assessment shall be held by the treasurer as a special fund, to be applied to the payment of the improvement for which the assessment was made, and said money shall be used for no other purpose whatever, unless to reimburse such corporation for money ex- pended for such improvement. 32G ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF r GHANA CITY COLLECTOR His DUTIES.) Section 13. It shall be the duty of the Collector, when one is appointed, to preserve all warrant*? which are returned into his hands, and he shall keen such hooks and his accounts in such manner as the City Council may prescribe. Such warrants, books, and all papers per- taining to his office, shall at all times be open to the inspec- tion of and subject to the examination of the Mayor, City Clerk, any member of the Council, or committee thereof. He shall weekly, and oftener if required by the Council, pay over to the Treasurer all moneys collected by him from any source whatever, taking such Treasurer's receipt there- for, which receipt he shall immediately file with the City Clerk; but the City Clerk shall, at the time, or on demand, give such Tax Collector a copy of any such receipt so filed. HE SHALL REPORT, ETC. PUBLICATION.) Section 14. He shall make a report, in writing, to the Council, or ;my officer designated by the Council, of all moneys collected by him, the account whereon collected, or of any other matter in connection with his office, when required by the Council or by any ordinance of the city. He shall also, annually, between the first and tenth of April, file with the Clerk a statement of all the money, collected by him during the year, the particular warrant, special assessment or account on which collected, the balance of moneys uncollected on all warrants in his hands, and the balance remaining uncol- lected at the time of the return on all warrants which he shall have returned, during the preceding fiscal year, to the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall publish or post the same, as hereinbefore required to be done in regard to the annual report of the Treasurer. NOT TO DETAIN MONEY PENALTY.) Section 15. The Collector is hereby expressly prohibited from keeping the moneys of the city in his hands, or in the hands of any person or corporation, to his use, beyond the time which may be prescribed for the payment of the same to the Treasurer, and any violation of this provision will subject him to immediate removal from office. STATUTORY PROVISIONS 327 EXAMINATION OF HIS BOOKS PAYING OVER. Section 1(>. All the City Collector's papers, books, warrants and vouchers may be examined at any time by the Mayor or Clerk, or any member of the City Council; and the Collector shall every two weeks, or oftener if the City Council so direct, pay over all money collected by him from any person or persons, or associations, to the Treasurer, taking; his receipt therefor in duplicate, one of which receipts he shall at once file in the office of the clerk. GENERAL PROVISIONS FURTHER DUTIES MAY r,E REQUIRED.) Section 20. The Collector and Treasurer, and all other officers connected with the receipt and expenditure of money, shall perform such other duties, and be subject to such other rules and regulations as the City Council or Board of Trustees may, from time to time by ordinance, provide and establish. APPEAL TO FINANCE COMMITTEE.) Section 21. In the adjustment of the accounts of the Collector, or Treasurer with the Clerk (or the Comptroller if there shall be one), there shall be an appeal to the finance committee of the Council or Board of Trustees, whose decision in all matters of controversy arising between said officers shall be binding, unless the City Council or Board of Trustee* shall otherwise direct and provide. WHO MAY APPOINT SUBORDINATES.) Section 22. The Comptroller (if there shall be one), the Clerk, Treasurer and Collector, shall, severally, appoint such various clerks and subordinates in their respective offices as the City Coun- cil or Board of Trustees may authorize, and shall be held, severally, responsible for the fidelity of all persons so ap- pointed by them. "FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANIES" SECTION 1. FOREIGN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES TO PAY TAX OR LICENSE FEE. All corporations, companies and associ- ations not incorporated under the laws of this State, and which are engaged in any city, town or village organized under any general or special law of this State, in effecting ORDINANCES OF THE CITY Ol IKMANA fire insurance, shall pay to the treasurer of the city, town or village for the maintenance, use and benefit of the fire department thereof, a sum not exceeding two per cent of the gross receipts received by their agency in such city, town or village ; and any city, town or village of less than fifty thou- sand inhabitants, having an organized fire department, shall cause to be passed an ordinance providing for the election of officers of such organized fire department, by the depart- ment, which shall include a treasurer, and make all such rules and regulations in respect thereof and the management of said fund as may be needful ; that in all such cities, towns or villages the treasurer shall pay such sum received from insurance companies to the treasurer of the fire department of the city, town or village in which it is collected. The treasurer of such fire department shall give a sufficient bond to the city, town or village in which such fire department is organized, to be approved by the president of the village or mayor, as the case may be, conditioned for the faithful per- formance of his duties under the ordinance passed as afore- said by said city, town or village; and the treasurer of the fire department shall receive the money so collected and shall pay out the same upon the order of the said fire de- partment for the purposes of the maintenance, use and ben- efit of such department; Provided, that in any city, town or village where a firemen's pension fund is or may be estab- lished under other laws of this State all of the amount so collected may be set apart and appropriated by the city, town or village to the fund for the pensioning of disabled and superannuated members of the fire department, and of the widows and orphans of deceased members of the fire department of cities, towns and villages having an organized fire department. Cities, towns and villages are hereby em- powered to prescribe by ordinance the amount of tax of li- cense fee to be fixed, not in excess of the above rate, and at that rate such corporations, shall pay upon the amount of all premiums which, during the year ending on every first day of July, shall have b.een received for any insurance ef- fected or agreed to be effected in the city, town or villages, by or with such corporation, companies or association respec- STATUTORY PROVISIONS 1529 tively. Every person who shall act in any city, town or vil- lage as agent or otherwise, for or on behalf of such corpor- ation, company or association, shall, on or before the fif- teenth day of July of each and every year, render to the city, town or village clerk a full, true and just account verified by his oath of all the premiums which, during the year ending on every first day of July preceding such report, shall have been received by him, or any other person for him in behalf of any such corporation, company or association, and shall specify in said report the amount received for fire insurance. Such agents shall also pay to the treasurer of any such city, town or village, at the time of rendering the aforesaid report, the amount of rates fixed by the ordinance of the said cities, towns or villages, for which the companies, corporations or associations represented by them are severally chargable by virtue of this Act, and the ordinance passed in pursuance thereof. If such account be not rendered on or before the day herein designated for that purpose, or if the said. rates shall remain unpaid after that day, it shall be unlawful for any corporation, company or association so in default to transact any business or insurance in any such city, town or village until the said requisition shall have been fully complied with; but this provision shall not relieve any com- pany, corporation or association from the payment of any risk that may be taken in violation hereof. Approved June 29th, 1915. 330 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA FRANCHISE OF THE KANKAKEE AND URBANA TRACTION COMPANY lie It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ur- bana, Illinois. SECTION 1. That the Kaukakee and Urbana Traction Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns, and lessees, be and it is "hereby granted, the right and privilege to lay down, construct and maintain and operate an iiiterurban railway with the right to lease and run over street car tracks as hereinafter provided, with all necessary turnouts, wyes and switches, and to run and operate interurban cars there- on for the transportation of interurban passengers, baggage, express, United States mail, package, parcel or light freight at, all times, and with express power and authority to carry bulk or carload freight under the direction and control of the Cily Council from time to time during the life of this fran- chise and license, along, through and over all parts of Cun- ningham Avenue and Market Street in said City of Urbana, Illinois, for a period of forty-seven years after the passage of this ordinance. SECTION 2. The license, privilege, franchise and right herein granted is to be accepted and used and the construc- tion and operation of said railroad in all respects is to be done and maintained in accordance with the requirements, provisions, terms, conditions and limitations provided in the ordinance of the City of Urbana, Illinois, heretofore adopt- ed on the 8th day of February, 1009 and approved by the Mayor of said City, who signed the same on the 15th day of February A. D. 1909 granting to the Chicago, Kankakee and Champaign Electric Railroad Company an Illinois Corp- oration its successors and assigns the right to construct, maintain, operate and lease an interurban railroad and the right to lease street car tracks in Market Street in said City with the right to construct necessary turnouts, wyes, and switches, in the City of Urbana, Illinois. FRANCHISES 331 SECTION 3. The Chicago, Kankakee and Champaign Electric Railroad Company having assigned the licenses, franchises, and rights and privileges obtained under said ordinance adopted February 8, 11)00 to the Kankakee and Urbana Traction Company, the said Kankakee and Urbana Traction Company shall construct and complete and put into operation its said railroad over Market Street and Cunningham Avenue in said City of Urbana, within three years from the passage of this Ordinance; Section XVI of said Ordinance adopted February 8, 1000 is hereby amended to give to the said Kankakee and Urbana Traction Company three years from the passage hereof within which to con- struct, maintain and put into operation its said railroad; and to that extent said Section XVI of said Ordinance is hereby amended. SECTION 4. The track so to be laid by said Railway Company on said Cunningham Avenue shall be laid so far as practicable on the East side of said Avenue, so as not to interfere with the present driveway or roadway on said ave- nue, that if in the future on account of changed conditions it should become advisable to change said track to the centre of said avenue, then in such case said Company shall upon request of said City, remove said track to the center of said street or avenue. In no case however shall the track of said Company be laid so as to interfere with traffic on the road- way or driveway on said Cunningham Avenue. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall extend the rights, privileges, licenses and franchises granted by said prior ordinance dated February 8, 1000 for the term of forty seven years following the adoption of this ordinance upon the same terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions as in said prior ordinance contained and set forth. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Illi- nois, January 2nd 1012. Approved, by the Mayor who signed the same January 3rd A. D. 1012. Book F. Page 35. C. B. HOLMES, City Clerk. FKANKLIN II. BOCUJS, Mayor. ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA FRANCHISE OF THE CHAMPAIGN AND URBANA WATER COMPANY Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ur- banu, Illinois. SECTION 1. That subject to the conditions, restrictions and provisions hereinafter set forth and contained, the right, privilege, authority and franchise is hereby given and grant- ed to the Champaign & TJrbana Water Company (hereinaf- ter called the Company) a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, its successors and assigns for a period of 30 years from and after date of the passage of this ordinance, to construct and hereafter maintain and operate within or near the City of Urbana, Illinois, hereinafter called the City) at such convenient point or points as may be selected by said Company a water works plant for supplying the said City and its inhabitants and the adjacent municipalities and territory with water for public and private uses ; and to construct, lay down, extend, repair, maintain and operate in and through the streets, avenues, .alleys, sidewalks, public grounds and bridges of said City within its present or future corporation limits, a system of mains, conduits, pipes, hydrants, gate valves and other struc- tures, appurtenances and device requisite for the proper dis- tribution of said water service and supply. SECTION 2. The water supplied shall be artesian water, pumped from deep bored or driven wells and shall be whole- some and suitable for domestic use. The Company shall within one year from the passage of this Ordinance install and thereafter maintain such necessary filters or other ap- paratus at its pumping station for the purpose of removing at least fifty-seven per cent of the iron and other sediment from the water before pumping same into the mains and such filters or other apparatus shall be kept in operation, The main pumping house shall be of stone or brick of ample size to accomodate the machinery of the Company and shall FRANCHISES 333 be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. The size and ca- pacity of all reservoirs, machinery and mains shall from time to time be increased so as to give all consumers an ample sup- ply of water and shall at all times be kept and maintained in good repair and in a sanitary condition. All mains here- after laid shall before being laid be tested at their place of manufacture under a pressure of three hundred pounds to the square inch and no mains less than six (6) inches in di- ameter shall hereafter be laid (except for private or domes- tic supply) without special permission of the City Council. SECTION 3. All fire hydrants shall be of modern and ap- propriate style and of good efficiency with double delivery lit ted to connect with the hose couplings now in use by the fire department of said City. The said Company shall con- stantly keep all fire hydrants supplied with water for fire service and shall maintain them in good repair and in effec- tive working order. SECTION 4. All mains hereafter laid shall be so located and laid as not to unnecessarily interfere with any pipes, conduits, sewers, drains, pavements, or other public improve- ments, existing at the time of such location and laying and under direction of the City Engineer. There shall be no un- necessary obstruction of the streets, alleys, sidewalks, or public grounds of said City by said Company in the construc- tion, laying or repairing of any mains, pipes, hydrants or other structures or devices. In all street and alley excava- tions the said company shall keep red danger lights burning at night along the line of the same, at least one light to ev- ery one hundred fifty feet and shall erect and maintain suf- ficient barricades at the end of said excavation and at all street and alley intersections along the same. Before making any excavation in any street, alley or public ground, the , said Company shall notify the superintendent of streets and the fire marshal of said city of the location and extend of such proposed excavation. SECTION 5. The said City shall replace, reconstruct and reconnect all pavement, sidewalks, drains, catch-basins, sew- ers, pipes, or other public service utilities that may be 're- moved or disturbed in or by reason of the laying down ex- 334 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URP.ANA tending, repairing, operating or maintaining of said water system, mains, pipes, hydrants or other structures or devices appurtenant to said system and the said Company shall pay to said City the cost of such replacing, repairing, re-con- structing and reconnecting within thirty days after the work is done. SECTION G. The said Company shall have, save and keep harmless the said City from every and all liability, loss, suits or claim of liability, loss or damage that may arise by reason of the maintenance or operation of said system or by reason of the laying down, extending, repairing or installing of any mains, pipes, hydrants or other structures or devices appurtenant to said system or by reason of the removal or disturbance of any pavement, sidewalk, drain, catch basin, sewer pipe, or other public service utility that may be remov- ed or disturbed by said Company, its agents, servants or em- ployees. SECTION 7. Said City shall after five years from the passage of this ordinance have the right and option to pur- chase the said water works plant system privileges and prop- erty of said Company or at any time thereafter upon six (0) months notice in writing to said Compny, for a fair cash value, which fair cash value shall be ascertained by three dis- interested appraisers one of them shall be appointed by said City, one appointed by said Company and the third shall be chosen by the other two. The said City and Company shall make their respective appointments of appraisers within one month after the date of the service of said notice on said Company, and the two appraisers so appointed shall choose the third appraiser within one month after their appoint- ment. Provided however, that if said appraisers appointed by said City and Company cannot agree upon the selection of the third appraiser, then the Circuit Judge of this Judicial District residing farthest from the said City shall make said appointment. The appraisers shall then proceed to appraise the fair cash value of said water works plant and system and all of the tangible property of said Company in the City of Urbana and for that purpose both the said City and the said Company shall have the right to produce witnesses and FRANCHISES 335 evidence before said appraisers as to the value thereof. All such witnesses shall give their testimony under oath before said appraisers. In making 1 said appraisal of value the said appraisers shall take into consideration the productive value of said plant and system, but not the franchise of said com- pany, it being the intention hereof that in case of purchase of said plant and system by said City and the said City shall not be required to pay said company for the surrender of can- cellation of any rights or franchises given or granted by said City to said Company under this Ordinance. The said ap- praisers shall fix the value of said property in writing under oath within four months from the date of the notice to said Company and said City shall have the option to purchase said plant and system at the price fixed by said award until the expiration of said period of six (6) months from the date of said notice to said Company. If said City shall so elect to purchase then it shall within said period of six months give said Company written notice of such election. Said Company may after such notice retain the possession and income of its said plant and property at the rates then in force for a period sufficient (but not exceeding eighteen months) to enable it to build, equip and connect a suitable pumping plant to fill and perform its contracts for supply- ing water outside of said City. Said Company shall keep said plant and property in as good condition and repair as at the time same was appraised as aforesaid. Said Company shall give said City thirty days written notice of the time when said Company will deliver possesion of its plant and property and shall at the date fixed in such notice deliver possession thereof to said City. Said City upon taking pos- session of said plant and property shall assume and perform all unfinished contracts of said Company for furnishing water in said City, made in pursuance of the rates estab- lished by this ordinance and shall assume or pay all out- standing financial debts and obligations of said Company, ex- isting at the date of said notice, but not in excess of the fail- cash value as fixed by said appraisers. All debts and obli- gations of said Company so paid or assumes by said City shall be deducted from the fair cash value of said plant as ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URP.ANA fixed by said appraisers and the City shall pay the remainder in cash to said Company. The cost and expenses of said ap- praisal shall be paid one-half by said City and one-half by said Company provided that if after such appraisal the said City shall refuse or neglect to exercise its said option to purchase then the said City shall pay the whole cost of such appraisal. SECTION 8. The said Company shall maintain the water pressure at the corner of Race and Main Streets in said City not less than 40 pounds from five o'clock A. M. until eleven o'clock P. M., on each day during the term of this ordinance and shall maintain the water pressure at not less than 30 pounds from eleven o'clock P. M. until five o'clock A. M. on each day during the term of this Ordinance, and at all times shall maintain pressure sufficient to deliver water direct into the top floor of any building erected in the City of Urbana, during the term of this Ordinance. Upon an alarm of fire being given the Company shall im- mediately increase the pressure 'to not less than ninety pounds at its pumping station, which pressure shall be at- tained within five minutes after the alarm of fire is received at the pumping station and which pressure shall be main- tained by said Company until notified by the fire marshal or his authorized agent that the fire is out. In the event that the fire marshal wants a bigger pressure than aforesaid up- on notice being received at the puinphouse to that effect the pressure shall be increased to 110 pounds. If the Company shall neglect or fail to maintain an average pressure as here- in provided, it shall upon demand of said City forfeit and pay to the City the sum of Two Hundred Dollars as liquidated damages for each fire during which it shall so neglect or fail to attain or maintain the said pressure for a period exceeding five minutes, except in case of unavoidable accident, act of God, public enemy or from malicious mischief. The City shall have the right to install and hereafter maintain at its own expense a standard recording water pressure gage to be located at some convenient place in the pumping station of said company. If at any time after ten years from the passage of this FRANCHISES 337 Ordinance the City installs fire engines for use in extinguish- ing fires and thereby relieves the water company from in- creasing the pressure during the existence of a fire above that to be maintained for domestic supply as provided in this section of this Ordinance, the annual hydrant rental as in section (23) of this ordinance, shall be reduced by the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) per hydrant for all hydrants on which rental is paid by said City. This reduction to be in force from the date of notice from the City to the company that the engines have been installed for services. SECTION 9. If the said City shall lower the grade of any street on which said Company has heretofore laid any mains or pipes and such lowering of grade shall necessitate the lowering of said mains or pipes, the said Company shall proceed to lower the same and one half of the cost thereof shall be paid by said City to said Company. SECTION 10. Hereafter before said Company shall lay any mains or pipes in any of the streets, alleys or public grounds it shall apply to the City engineer of said City for a grade and location for the same and the City Engineer shall without delay deliver to said Company a profile adopt- ing the proper grade of such street or streets on which mains or pipes are to be laid. If said Company shall neglect to lay any main or pipe according to grade furnished and located by the city engineer and it shall thereafter become necessary to lower said main or pipe, the said Company shall without delay proceed to lower the same without cost to said City. If said grade is so furnished by the City Engineer and it shall thereafter become necessary by reason of the change of grade of any street, alley, or public ground where laid, to lower said main or pipe, the said Company shall proceed to lower the same without delay and one half the cost of lowering same shall be paid by the said City. SECTION 11. Whenever any mains or pipes of said Com- pany or other private supply pipes should in the opinion of the City engineer be moved to accomodate any public im- provement the said Company shall, on notice from the city engineer proceed without delay to move the same, and one half the cost of moving the same shall be paid by said City. 338 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA s SECTION 12. The Ctiy Council of said City may by ordi- nance require said Company to extend its mains along any street, alley, avenue or public ground within said city when- ever said Company can secure for every 400 feet of such ex- tension three responsible consumers therefrom secured by written agreement including consumers already secured along the line of such extension, and the City shall order one fire hydrant installed for each 400 feet of such extension, hydrant rental for which to be paid by said City as herein- after provided; provided however that said Company shall extend its pipes for private or domestic supply upon the writ- ten application of any proposed consumer or consumers whenever said Company shall derive a steady additional an- nual revenue therefrom of not less than fifty per centum of the cost of such extension. The City hereby agrees that during the term of this Ordinance no charge shall be made to said company for any permit or privilege to excavate in the streets, alleys or pub- lic grounds of said City for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 13. Said Company shall upon application of any responsible proposed consumer owning property facing on or along side of any street at a point where said Company has a main or pipe laid, make a tap in said main or pipe and furnish all material and labor necessary to lay a % inch service pipe to the parking in front of or along side such property and place thereon a stop cock and a stop-box. For such installation the Company may charge said property owner not to exceed ten dollars and shall thereafter main- tain and keep same in repair free of cost to such property owner. The water company further agrees to keep in re- pair, between the water main and the stop-cock all ser- vice pipes heretofore laid. SECTION 14. Whenever* the City Council of said City shall order said Company to install any fire hydrant or hy- drants or any mains heretofore constructed by said Compa- ny, the said Company shall proceed without delay to furnish said hydrants and to install and connect the same at such lo- cations as said City Council shall designate; and the actual FRANCHISES 339 cost therefor shall be paid to said Company by said City and thereafter said hydrants shall be maintained by said Compa- ny in good repair and effective working order and constantly supplied with water for fire service in the same manner ;is herein provided for other hydrants, free of rental to said City. SECTION 15. Said City shall use said fire hydrants only for the purpose of extinguishing fires and for flushing pub- lic sewers and drains. In using hydrants for- flushing only one hydrant shall be turned on at a time, using one line of hose with fire nozzle and no hydrant shall be used for flush- ing during the existence of a fire, without, first notifying the water company of the time and place such use is required. If any hydrant shall be injured or damaged while in use by any officer, agent or employee of said City the said City shall pay the said company the cost of repairing or replacing the same. SECTION 10. All fire hydrants shall be under the charge and control of the fire marshal of said City, or in case of his absence, the officer next in charge of the fire department. He may at any time cause said hydrants to be inspected and if any are found to be in disrepair or not in good working or- der, he shall notify said Company in writing, specifying the location thereof. If any hydrant shall remain out of repair or not in good effective working order for one week or more after said Company shall have been notified, thereof, as here- in provided, then said City shall have the right to deduct from the hydrant rental hereinafter provided, the sum of ten dollars per week, so long as such hydrant remains in disre- pair, or not in good or effective working order. SECTION 17. Said water Company shall flush all dead ends monthly and upon complaint by any water consumer that the condition of the water is bad, other mains shall be flushed. If said water company shall not flush said hydrants as requested by said water consumer, he shall report same to the Mayor who shall order said Water Company to flush said hydrants under the direction of the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment. SECTION 18. If said Company shall suffer a suspension 340 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA of the supply of water provided for either domestic or fire purposes exceeding- fifteen days then said Company shall for- feit all the rights, privileges, and franchises herein granted, unless such suspension shall have been caused by an act of God, public enemy or unavoidable accident. SECTION 19. Said City shall adopt and enforce ordi- nances protecting said Company its successors and assigns in the safe and unmolested exercises of the rights, privileges and franchises herein granted and against fraud and inposi- tion and against injury to its property and waste of water by consumers. SECTION 20. Said Company shall provide and hereafter maintain a telephone at its pumping station connected with the central exchange of the City of Urbana. Should the City at any time in the future adopt a general electric fire alarm system, the company shall at its expense furnish the instru- ments to be used at the pumping station in connection with said system. SECTION 21. Said Company shall furnish water free of charge to run a fountain for ornomental purposes in each of the public parks of said City to consuriie not more than 2000 gallons each per day for months each year, all water used in excess of the amount to be paid for at the rate of six cents per one thousand gallons and to supply all necessary drinking fountains in said park not to exceed two fountains in any one park, said drink fountains to be provided with au- tomatic shut off valves to prevent waste of water and to sup- ply all public school buildings to the extent of 33,000 gallons per room occupied per year, high school building to be fig- ured as a ten room building. All water used in excess of said amount to be paid for at a rate of ten cents for 1000 gallons, and to supply the public library to the extent of 35,000 gal- lons per year, all water used in excess of said amount to be paid for at the rate of ten cents per 1 000 gallons. And to sup- ply all City offices, fire department stations and not to exceed twelve drinking or watering fountains erected along the line of said company's mains, said fountains and trough to be pro- vided with automatic shut-off valves to prevent waste of wa- ter. All city offices, fire department stations, shall be provid- FRANCHISES 341 ed with suitable appliances to prevent waste of water; and all public fountains and drinking trough shall be erected and maintained by said City. In the event of a charitable or semi-charitable hospital being established during the term of this contract, water shall be furnished for its use at the rate of ten cents per 1000 gallons. SECTION 22. The said Company shall install one fire hydrant for every four hundred feet of main that said City shall order said Company to lay as provided in Section 12 of this ordinance said hydrants to be furnished, installed and connected by said Company at such locations on said mains so ordered extended, or on mains already laid, as the fire marshal shall designate, free from cost to said City for such installation. Whenever said company is ordered to extend its mains as herein provided, the City Clerk shall deliver a, copy of this ordinance for such extension to said company together witli a profile prepared by the City Engineer show- ing the grade and location for said proposed extension, and the fire marshal shall without delay advise said Company in writing of the locations of all additional fire hydrants to be "installed." Upon receipt thereof, the said Company shall proceed without delay to make such extensions and install and connect said hydrants and shall have the same connected and in operation within the time to be provided in the ordi- nance ordering the same, said time not to be less than sixty days for the first 400 feet of said extension and 30 days ad- ditional for each additional 400 feet so ordered, and no mains to be laid during the months of December, January, Febru- ary and March and upon its failure so to do, unless said City shall by resolution extend the time limit, the said City shall have the right to deduct from any amount that may be or become due to said Company a sum equal to the hydrant rental said company would receive from such extension un- til the same is completed and in operation. SECTION 23. The said City hereby rents of said Compa- ny the 132 fire hydrants now located on the mains owned by said company, being all of the hydrants now located on said mains, upon which hydrant rental has heretofore been paid by said City, and as rental for the same, the said City shall 342 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA pay to said Company, in quarter yearly installments payable on the first day of January, April, July and October of each year the sum of Thirty-five Dollars per annum per hydrant for the first 15 years, f30 per annum per hydrant for the suc- ceeding five years and thereafter $25 per annum per hydrant to and until the expiration of the term of the franchise herein granted said Company. Whenever said Cimpany shall extend its mains by order of the City Council of said City and install additional hydrants as hereinbefore provided the city shall pay to said Company the same rental per annum per addi- tional hydrant prevailing at time said additional hydrants are set. SECTION 24. The said Company shall not charge to con- sumers during the term of the franchise herein granted ex- ceeding the following maximum rates for water supply for the purposes as herein provided for, provided the said Com- pany shall have the right at any time to cause to be inserted a meter into the service pipe of any consumer and supply him at meter rates as hereinafter specified ; and provided further that said Company shall have the right to charge a minimum rate of not to exceed one and one fourth Dollars (f 1.25) per quarter to each domestic consumer. FLAT RATES. Private houses five rooms or less, per quarter, by yard hydrant ___ $ 1.25 Private houses each additional room per quarter by yard hydrant .25 Boarding house (additional) fifty per cent. Horses and cows each .50 Yard sprinkling per 66 ft. frontage or less per season, street washer only 8.00 Plastering per square yard .0025 Brick work per thousand brick . .05 Cement walks and floors per sq. yard .0075 Street paving, concrete base per sq. yard .005 METER RATES 500 gallons or less per day per 100 gallons .25 Second 500 gallons per day or part thereof per 1000 ji-allons . .20 FRANCHISES 343 Third 500 gallons per day or part thereof per 1000 gallons .15 Fourth 500 gallons per day or part thereof per 1000 gallons .10 Fifth 500 gallons per day or part thereof per 1000 gallons .08 Six Ih 500 gallons per day, or part thereof per 1000, gallons .06 Said Company to furnish and install meters to be paid for by consumers as follows : %" meter for f 8.50 %" meter for |12.60 \" meter for $16.80 It being mutually agreed between the City and the water Company .at the expiration of ten (10) years after the date of the acceptance of this ordinance the rates herein provided for private consumers shall be subject to readjustment and in the event that the City and the water company cannot agree upon such rates then three disinterested residents of Champaign County, men experienced in water works man- agement and business shall be chosen and sworn to determ- ine the reasonable rates to be charged, one of whom shall be appointed by the City and one by the Company and the third to be chosen by the two appointed. The rates so found to be reasonable shall be the rates to apply for private consumers during the balance of the life of this ordinance. The ex- pense of such re-adjustment shall be borne equally by the City and the Water Company. Said City shall also appoint some one whose duty shall be, upon application from any water consumer, to test said consumer's meter for a fee of 50c. If such test shows the meter to be more than 2% in favor of the Water Company, then the Water Company shall pay the fee for testing as aforesaid and shall repair said meter without expense to said consumer so that it shall register accurately. If such test shows the meter to be 2% or less in favor of the consumer, then said consumer shall pay said fee for testing. The official so appointed by the City to test meters shall notify the Water Company of all said applications, and shall deliver to said 344 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA Water Company and to said Consumer, a printed form made for that purpose and furnished by the Water Company, show- ing the results of each test so made. When such tests are ready to be made the Water Company and Consumer shall be notified by the official tester, that they may be present if they so desire, when the test is being made. If either the Water. Company or the Consumer is not satisfied with the re- sult of said test the party not satisfied may give notice and said official shall have meter tested at the University of Illi- nois, and the party making such request shall pay to the official tester a further fee of 50c and all expense of said testing at the University. Said University test shall be con- sidered as final. In the event the University test reverses the test of the City Tester, all fees paid on basis of the City Test and cost of University test shall be paid by the party against whom the final decision is rendered. SECTION 25. The said City shall annually appropriate a sufficient amount to pay all liability incurred for the cur- rent year to said Company under this ordinance and contract and shall include such appropriation in the annual appropri- ation ordinance required by law, to be passed by the City Council of said City and said City shall also levy pursuant to this Contract and to such appropriations, sufficient moneys to make payments under this contract according to the tenor and effect thereof, the same to be levied as a general tax upon all the property in said City subject to taxation. SECTION 26. The said Company may make and enforce a part of the conditions upon which it will supply water to consumers such reasonable rules and regulations as are not inconsistent with law or the provisions herein contained and the same shall be submitted to the Council for its ap- proval. SECTION 27. As a further consideration for the grant- ing of this franchise, the said Company shall in making ex- cavations for the laying of mains in said City under this franchise carefully remove the sod, if there be a sod, and lay the same to one side, so as to preserve the same and when said excavation has been made and said main laid, then said loose dirt, shall be replaced and carefully tamped or flushed FRANCHISES 345 and the whole of said loose dirt if practicable shall be re- placed and tamped or flushed in said excavation and then said sod shall be replaced in such manner as to preserve the surface of said ground in the same condition as near as prac- ticable as before said excavation was made. Should said Company so fail to replace said dirt and said sod as afore- said, then said Git}' shall have the right to replace dirt and sod as aforesaid or cause the same to be done and the expense incident thereto shall be paid by said Company to said City upon presentation of a bill for the same; Provided however, that where any excavation is made in a paved street then said dirt and said pavement shall be replaced by said City and the cost thereof shall be paid by said Company to said City upon presentation of a bill for the same. SECTION 28. As a further consideration for the grant- ing of this franchise said Company shall provide and main- tain during the term of this franchise, reservoirs of sufficient capacity to insure an ample supply of water to be used in ex- tinguishing fires and shall from time to time construct and maintain additional reservoirs for said purpose whenever the needs of said City shall require the same. It is further provided that if a question shall arise be- tween said City and between said Company as to whether additional reservoirs for gathering and holding a supply of water for fire purposes is necessary and said Company and said City cannot agree as to the necessity for the same, then in such case a commission consisting of three disinterested persons, one to be selected by the City and one to be selected by said Company and the two so selected to select the third whose province it shall be to determine as to the necessity for such additional reservoirs and the size and capacity of the same and the decision of said Commission shall be bind- ing upon tire City and said Company and said matters shall not be again submitted to inquiry for three years. SECTION 29. As a further consideration for the grant- ing of this franchise said Company shall within six months after said ordinance goes into effect construct and erect such barrier or protection as shall reasonbablv protect the water in any storage reservoir at any time used by said Company :'. Hi ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UHBANA under this franchise from becoming contaminated by reason of mice, rate, rabbits, birds, chickens, or other animals or ver- min, or any other foreign substance whatever getting into said reservoirs, provided that such barrier or protection shall riot consist of a tight cover over the whole of said reservoirs, such as will keep the sunlight from the water, and provided further that if such barrier or protection consists of a verti- cal wall or fence around the top of said reservoirs, it shall not be less than four feet in height measured from the top of the reservoir wall and provided further that if said bar- rier or protection be of wire or screen, the meshes must not be more than one fourth of an inch square and if not of wire or screen or other similar material it must not contain any openings there in. SECTION .30. As a part of the consideration for the granting of this franchise, it is agreed by said Company, that whereas under the franchise under which said Company is now furnishing water to said City, said Company is not required to pay any city taxes, that said Company shall pay the City tax on its said plant in said City for the year 1911 and which said taxes are now due. SECTION 31. As a further consideration for the grant- ing of this franchise it is agreed by said Cimpany, that it will connect the dead end at the intersection of Anderson and High Street, with the Main on Green St., without cost to said City, that is to say, said Company shall rim a 4 inch main from the dead end at Anderson and High Streets, on Anderson street to connect with the main on Green St. SECTION 32. It is further agreed by said Company ;is a further consideration for the granting of a franchise herein contained that said Company shall expend not less than Twenty-five Thousand (f 25,000) Dollars on its plant in Ur- bana in the way of additional wells, filtering system, new ma- chinery, extension of mains and in making of other better- ments to said water plant and system within the period of two years from the passage of this ordinance. A sworn re- port with proper vouchers to be submitted to said City Coun- cil within said time to be furnished by said Company, show- ing such expenditure. FRANCHISES 347 SECTION 33. Nothing herein contained shall be taken or construed to abridge, limit or restrict any right which the City of Urbana may now or hereafter have to regulate water supply rates or any rights which any public service commission may hereafter derive by law to regulate such rates. SECTION 34. Subject to the conditions, restrictions, and provisions herein contained, the rights, privileges and fran- chises herein granted to said Company shall extend to, for and during a period of thirty (30) years from and after the date of the passage of this Ordinance. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Illi- nois January 22, 1912. C. B. HOLMES, City Clerk. Approved by the Mayor who signed the same January 25th A. D. 1912/ FRANKLIN H. BOGGS, Mayor. Book F. Page 38. oi8 ORDINANCES OF TUB CITY OF URBANA FRANCHISE OF THE DANVILLE, URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN RAILWAY COMPANY lie it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ur- bana : SECTION 1. That the right, power and authority is here- by given and granted to the Danville, Urbana and Cham- paign Railway Company its successors and assigns to con- struct, maintain and operate an Intel-urban Railway on Main Street in the center thereof from the east side of Market street to the City limits and an additional track contiguous thereto on the south side of the same from the said east side of Market street to the east end of the side track already in Main Street near Vine Street (which side track being the property of the Urbana and Champaign Railway, Gas and Electric Company as now laid) and through and across the streets and alleys intersecting therewith : and through and across the streets and alleys intereseeting therewith : and op- erate and maintain its cars and provide electric power and facilities therefor; and thereupon to transport to and from all points outside of the limits of said City to which its tracks may run and from and to all points within said City, passen- gers, baggage, United States Mail, Express matter and such freight as is hereinafter designated, for and during the per- iod of twenty years from this date, over said lines and tracks respectively and to erect its poles and wires and fixtures at the sides of the streets. SECTION 2. It is expressly provided that no freight of any kind or character in bulk shall be transported in any such iuterurban cars and that the right to carry freight in such interurban cars is hereby expressly limited to package freight and that no single package shall exceed in weight three hundred (oOO) pounds. The cars in which such freight is transported shall be either the regular passenger cars of such interurban rail- way, or cars resembling such passenger cars in appearance, FRANCHISES 349 as nearly as practicable ; and it is further expressly provided that no such cars shall be run in trains of more than one motor car and one trailer. SECTION 3. The said railway company shall have the right to transport supplies for its own use exclusively over said track in trains of not more than one motor car and one trailer between the hours of ten o'clock P. M. and six o'clock A. M. SECTION 4. The additional track permitted between Market street and the east end of the side track mentioned shall be used only for the purpose of a switch, side or pass- ing track; and it is expressly provided that at no time shall more than two cars be permitted to stand thereon not in use and never for a period of longer than two hours. It is further provided that no double track shall be built or constructed east of the side switch track nor west of Market Street, and that no track or tracks additional to the track of the Urbana and Champaign Railway, Gas and Electric Company, al- ready in Main Street, shall be laid upon said Main Street except the said passing track between Market and Vine Streets, and also except the extension of the tracks already in Main Street from a point near and across the Wabash Railroad track east to the City limits of said City. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed in any manner to extend the franchise of the Urbana and Champaign Rail- way, Gas and Electric Company. SECTION 5. It is further expressly provided that if the said Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company shall use the tracks of the Urbana and Champaign Railway, Gas and Electric Company west from Market street upon the lines and tracks of the latter company, then all passen- gers of the said Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company from all points east of the said City of Urbana who desire to be transported west of Market Street aforesaid shall pay to said company an additional fare of five cents; the use of the said street and right of way and tracks of the Urbana and Champaign Railway, Gas and Electric Company shall be subject to all the rules, regulations and ordinances pertaining thereto now or to be hereafter in force regarding 350 ORDINANCES OK THE CITY OF URBANA the same; and if within one year from this date the rights and privileges hereby granted are not accepted and used by the said Danville, Urban a. and Champaign Railway Com- pany, this Ordinance shall thereby upon such default in the use thereof be and become void and of no force and effect. SECTION G. It is also expressly provided that all pas- sengers who board the cars of the said Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company within the limits of the cities of Urbana and Champaign or Urbana, Illinois, for trans- portation to any point along the line of the said Railway Company to which its cars may run in either of said cities, shall be required to pay the said company not exceeding a fare of five cents only between all such points within the said cities to which the cars of said Railway Company may run. SECTION 7. The right is not granted to the said Dan- ville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company, and noth- ing herein contained shall be construed to grant it, to run any cars upon its railway exclusively for traffic between points included only within the limits of the said Cities of Urbana and Champaign, but such traffic is hereby prohibited to the said company. SECTION 8. The said Railway Company shall save and keep harmless the City of Urbana from liability for damages to persons on account of any injury or damage to either per- son or property growing out of the construction, improve* ment, maintenance and operation of said company's cars or railway system under this Ordinance. All wires, poles and fixtures of said company shall be so placed and maintained as not to interfere with the reason- able and proper use of streets, alleys, and public places in said city, the tracks of said company shall not be elevated above the surface of the streets and shall be laid and main- tained to conform to the established grade of such streets. Said company shall operate its cars by electric power or by any other improved power as may be agreed to by the City Council of said city, said Railway Company shall pay to the City of Urbana two-thirds (2/3) of the total cost of the con- struction of the pavement now laid in East Main Street from the west side of the right of way and tracks of the Wabash FRANCHISES 351 Railroad to the city limits for a width of seven feet. Neces- sary repairs in the pavement on said right of way shall be made by said company under supervision of the Superintend- ent of Streets. SECTION 9. Upon acceptance of this Ordinance the said Railway Company in consideration of the grant hereby made undertakes and agrees within four months from this date to construct, equip and operate a track to a point on their pro- posed line nine (9) miles east of Urbana connecting with the terminus of the tracks of the Urbana and Champaign Railway, Gas and Electric Company. SECTION 10. The intention of this Ordinance is to grant unto the said company only a franchise to do an interurban traffic, except as provided in Section Six (0) of this Ordi- nance. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Urbana, this llth day of August, 1902. C. B. HOLMES, City Clerk. By W. G. Spurgin. Approved by the Mayor, who signed the same this 12th day of August, 1902. JNO. A. GLOVER, Mayor. Book D. Page 349. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Urbana : SECTION 1. That the right, power and authority is here- by given and granted to the Urbana. and Champaign Rail- way, Gas and Electric Company, its successors and assigns to give and grant by its contract to the Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company (a corporation organized un- der the laws of the State of Illinois), its successors and as- signs, the right, privilege and franchise to use any of the lines of the Urbana and Champaign Railway Company (a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Illi- nois), its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and franchise to use any of the lines of the Urbana and Cham- paign Railway, Gas and Electric Company, now owned or operated or which may hereafter be owned or operated by it, together with electric power and all other facilities, for the 352 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA pui-pose only of operating and propelling upon the lines and tracks of the said Urbana and Champaign Railway, Gas and Electric Company within the City of Urbana, under said contract or contracts, the electric cars of the Internrban Railway of the Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company for the transportation of passengers, baggage, United States mail, express matter and such freight as is hereinafter designated for and during the period of twenty years from and after this date over said lines and tracks respectively. SECTION 2. It is expressly provided that no freight of any kind or character in bulk shall be transported in any such interurban cars and that the right to carry freight in such interurban cars is herely expressly limited to package freight, and that no such single package shall exceed in weight three hundred (300) pounds. The cars in which such freight is transported shall be either the regular pas- senger cars of such interurban railway or cars resembling such passenger cars in appearance as nearly as is practicable, and it is further expressly provided that no such cars shall be run in trains of more than one motor car and one trailer. SECTION 3. The said Railway Company shall have the right to transport supplies for its own use exclusively over said track in trains of not more than one motor car and one trailer between the hours of ten o'clock P. M. and six o'clock A. M. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Illi- nois, this llth day of August, 1902. C. B. HOLMES, City Clerk. Per W. G. Spurgin. Approved by the Mayor, who signed the same this 12th day of August, 1902. JOHN A. GLOVER, Mayor. Book D. Page 353. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ur- bana, Illinois: SECTION 1. That the right, power and authority is here- by given and granted to the Danville, Urbana and Cham- paign Railway Company, its successors and assigns to lay FRANCHISES 353 down railway tracks, build, maintain and operate by any suitable power, except steam, a railway on Walnut street from the intersection of said company's track on Main Street, north to the north terminus of Walnut Street. SECTION 2. The Ordinance granting- a license to said Company passed by the City Council of said City on the 12th day of August, 1002, entitled "An Ordinance granting the Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company the power to lay down railroad tracks in Urbana," etc., is hereby amended to the extent that the said Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company, its successors and assigns may haul coal through the City of Urbana, in trains of not more than two cars, after the hour of 11 o'clock P. M. and before the hour of 5 :00 o'clock A. M. of any day. SECTION 3. If this license and contract is accepted by the said Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Com- pany, the said Company hereby agrees, in consideration of the rights and privileges herein granted to it, to construct within ninety days from the passage of this Ordinance and thereafter maintain on North Walnut Street, in said City, an express and freight station with suitable and proper buildings, tracks, etc., as its express and freight depot, and shall not permit its cars to stand upon Main Street for the purpose of loading or unloading freight or express, and that it will not maintain a coal or freight yard upon any property abutting upon Main Street, or along the Main Street line of the tracks of said Company as they are now located; and said Railroad Company further agrees in consideration of the rights and privileges granted by this Ordinance to make stops on signal, of any and all limited passenger cars oper- ated by said Company, at the crossing of the tracks of said Company with the tracks of the Wabash Railroad Company on Main Street, and also at the corner of Lynn and Main streets in said City ; and for the consideration aforesaid the said Railway Company further agrees to stop on signal at any street crossing in said City along the line of its railway tracks, all cars operated by said Company through said City after 10 :40 P. M. and before 6 :30 A. M. of any day; the said Company further agrees to make stops on signal of any and 354 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URRANA all local cars operated by said Company at any street cross- ing along the line of its said tracks east of the tracks of the Wabash Railroad Company. SECTION 4. In consideration of the rights and privileges above granted to it, the said Danville, Urbana and Cham- paign Railway Company agrees to install on Main Street or Walnut Street in the said City of Urbana, a passenger depot within ninety (90) days from the passage of this Ordinance, and to thereafter maintain a passenger station in said City on Main Street or Walnut Street during the term of its said license, and the said Company further agrees to so install and maintain its said railway tracks on North Market Street in such a manner that the same will not interfere with the use of said street for traffic along, over or across its said tracks. SECTION 5. Tins Ordinance shall not be construed to waive or amend any of the provisions or restrictions of said former Ordinance above entitled, where they do not interfere or conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance and con- tract, and all of the provisions and restrictions of the said former Ordinance, not in conflict with this Ordinance, shall be in force also in connection with the provisions and condi- tions of this Ordinance; and this Ordinance shall not operate to extend the term for. which the said former Ordinance was granted to said Company. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Urbana, 111., Feb. G, A. D. 1905. JNO. A. (i LOVER, Mayor. Book D. Page 465. Whereas, an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance author- izing the Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Com- pany to lay down and use its railway tracks and construct its railroad, together with poles, wires and fixtures, in Main Street, in the City of Urbana, Illinois," was heretofore adopted by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Illinois, August llth, 1902, and approved by the Mayor of said City, who signed the same August 12th, 1902, and which said Ordi- nance is recorded in Ordinance Record D at page .'>49 ft seq; and Whereas, an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance granting FRANCHISES 355 to the Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company the right to build, maintain and operate a railroad track, upon which no steam power is to be used, upon Walnut Street in the city of Urbana; also the right to haul coal in trains of not more than two cars, upon the tracks of said Railroad Company on Main and Walnut Streets in the City of Urbana, Illinois, after the hour of 11 o'clock P. M. and before the hour of 5 o'clock A. M. on any day and imposing certain re- strictions and conditions upon the maintenance and opera- tion of the cars of said railway, upon its tracks in the City of Urbana," was heretofore adopted by the City Council of said City on February fith, 1905, and approved by the Mayor of said City, who signed the same February 7th, 1005 ; which said Ordinance is recorded in Ordinance Record D at page 465. And whereas the said Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company desires to secure by Ordinance of the City of Urbana, Illinois, the right to construct, maintain and operate certain additional lines of interurban railway within and through said municipality, over, above and across cer- tain public streets in said municipality and to secure an ex- tension of the term of the license heretofore granted to said Company, by the Ordinance above mentioned, heretofore adopted by the City Council of said City ; and Whereas, certain petitions have been presented to the said City Council of the City of Urbana, Illinois, requesting the said body to give certain rights by ordinance to the said Interurban Railway Company, which said petitions are signed by the owners of a majority of the frontage as is re- quired by law, on the proposed routes for the construction, operation and maintenance of said railway, and for the oper- ation and running of the cars of said Interurban Railway Company; and Whereas, due notice of such application has been given as is required by law, now therefore, Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ur- bana, Illinois: SECTION 1. That all of the provisions and conditions of an Ordinance, entitled "An Ordinance authorizing the Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company to lay 356 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA down and use its railway tracks and construct its railroad, together with poles, wires and fixtures in Main Street in the City of Urbana, Illinois," adopted by the City Council of said City, August llth, 1902, and approved by the Mayor of said City, who signed the same August 12th, 1902, and all the rights, privileges and licenses and franchises granted by the terms of said Ordinance to the said Danville, Urbaua and Champaign Railway Company, its successors and as- signs, be and the same are hereby extended for the term of fifty years from and after the adoption of this Ordinance by the said City Council. Also that all the provisions and conditions of an Ordi- nance entitled "An Ordinance granting to the Danville, Ur- bana and Champaign Railway Company, the right to build, maintain and operate a railroad track, upon which no steam power is to be used, upon Walnut Street in the City of Ur- bana ; also the right to haul coal in trains of not more than two cars upon the tracks of said Railway Company on Main and Walnut Streets in the City of Urbana, Illinois, after the hour of 11 :00 o'clock P. M. and before the hour of 5 o'clock A. M. on any day, and imposing certain restrictions And conditions upon the maintenance and operation of the cars of said railway upon its tracKs in the City of Urbana/ adopted by the City Council of said City February Oth, 1905, approved by the Mayor of said City, who signed the same February 7th, 1905, and all the rights, privileges and license granted by the terms of said Ordinance to the said Danville, Urbana and Champaign .Railway Company, its successors and assigns, be and the same are hereby extended for the term of fifty years from and after the adoption of this Ordi- nance by the said City Council. Provided, however, that in all cases where the terms of the first mentioned Ordinance, adopted August llth, 1902, have been or were in any way modified, repealed, changed or enlarged by the terms of the Ordinance secondly above men- tioned, adopted February Oth, 1905, such repeal, modifica- tion, change or enlargements shall control in determining the rights, privileges, franchises and license of the said Rail- way Company, its successors and assigns. FRANCHISES 357 And provided also that in all cases where the terms of either of the aforesaid ordinances are in any way modified, repealed, changed or enlarged by the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, then in such case the provisions and terms of this Ordinance shall control in defining and determining the rights, privileges, franchises and license of the said Rail- way Company, its successors and assigns. SECTION 2. That the right, power, authority and fran- chise is hereby given and granted to the Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company, its successors and as- signs, to construct, maintain and operate a single track rail- way, together with the necessary sidings and turnouts, poles, wires and appurtenances, within said municipality over, upon and across the following named streets, to-wit: On Mar- get Street from its intersection with Main Street, north to First Street, thence west on First Street to Coler Avenue, thence north on Coler Avenue to the northern corporate limits of said City and across intersecting streets. And the right, power and authority is also hereby given and granted to the said Danville, Frbana and Champaign Railway Company, its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain and operate a double track railway along the fol- lowing route of its present location as designated in prior ordinances granting licenses and franchises to said Railway Company and extended by this Ordinance, viz : From the eastern terminus of the side track now laid on Main Street east of Market Street, west to the private right of way of the Urbana and Champaign Railway, Gas and Electric Company. SECTION 3. And in consideration of the rights, privi- leges and licenses herein granted to the said Danville, Ur- bana and Champaign Railway Company, its successors and assigns, the said Company shall, and upon its acceptance of this Ordinance it agrees to immediately, unless prevented by strikes, riots or unavoidable causes, construct- and lay down its said railway tracks, together with necessary poles, wires and appurtenances upon said North Market Street, First Street and Coler Avenue, upon and along the route above described, and that immediately upon the completion 358 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA of the construction of said railway on said North Market Street and from thence west to Coler Avenue and thence north to the City limits, the said company shall maintain, unless prevented by strikes, riots or unavoidable accidents, a regular thirty minute passenger service between the hours of 6:30 A. M. and 10 P. M. each way over its said tracks on North Market Street and First Street, unless prevented by strikes, riots or unavoidable accidents, for at least six months during each year, and shall also maintain, unless prevented by strikes, riots or unavoidable causes, a regular thirty minute passenger service between said hours, each way, over its tracks on Main Street from Market Street east to the eastern city limits for at least six months during each year; and if the proceeds from such operation of said cars and maintenance of said passenger service shall be sufficient throughout the year to pay the operating expenses (which are hereby designated as meaning cost of power, wear and tear of cars, and wages of men, and not to include interest on the investment), the said Railway Company shall, and by the acceptance of this Ordinance and license it does agree to maintain said regular thirty minute service on said East Main Street, North Market Street and First Street during the entire year; provided, however, that within two years from the adoption of this Ordinance by the said City Council the said Railway Company shall, and it hereby agrees to, install and maintain, unless prevented by inevitable acci- dent, strikes, riots or causes beyond its central, a regular thirty minute passenger service each way between 6 :30 A. M. and 10 P. M. over its said tracks on East Main Street be- tween eastern city limits and Market Street and on said North Market Street and First Street, without reference to the earnings or receipts of the cars so operated thereon, and in case a line of railway or street railway is constructed and operated by the Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company' or the Urbana and Cliampaigii Railway, Gas and Electric Company, from the western city limits east on Ore- iron Street or California Street, to Market Street and north ~ * on Market Street to Main Street, then the said Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company, its successors FRANCHISES 359 and assigns shall thereupon thereafter maintain, unless pre- vented by accidents, strikes or casualties, a regular twenty minutes passenger service, each way, over its said tracks on Main Street from the eastern city limits to Market Street, between the hours of 6 :30 A. M. and 1.0 P. M. SECTION 4. And be it further ordained that the right, privilege and franchise be, and the same are hereby, granted to the Danville, U'rbana and Champaign Railway Company, to construct, build, maintain, operate, lease, and use for a period of fifty (50) years from the passage and approval of this ordinance, over, upon and along said Main Street in the City of Urbana, from the eastern limits of said city to the private right of way to the western corporate limits of said Gas and Electric Company, and over, upon and along said private right of way to the western corporate limits of said City and upon, over and across all intersecting streets, roads and public places, a railway, with switches, sidetracks, turnouts, curves and connections to existing and future Hues of said company and with a double track between the termini specified in Section 2, together with the right to provide, erect and maintain poles, lines and wires, together with all equipment, appliances or appurtenances necessary or suit- able for the management or operation of said railway, said rights, privileges and franchise to be in full force and con- tinue for said period of fifty (50) years from the date afore- said, and to survive and be unaffected by the expiration or termination of the existing or future rights and franchises of said Urbana and Champaign Railway, Gas and Electric Company, its successors and assigns. And the said Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company, its successors and assigns, is hereby granted the right, privilege and franchise by and with the consent of the Urbana and Champaign Railway, Gas and Electric Com- pany, to operate its cars over the tracks and right of way of last named company, as said tracks are now located in said City, with the further express right to construct, maintain and operate a railway upon the termination and expiration of the present and future rights, privileges and franchises of 3(50 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA said Urbana and Champaign Railway, Gas and Electric Com- pany, its successors and assigns. The intention of this section being to grant to the Dan- ville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company, its suc- cessors and assigns the right, privilege and franchise as here- inbefore set forth to construct, build, maintain, operate, lease and use, a railway over the route above mentioned, which said rights and franchises shall be in full force and virtue for the period of fifty years from and after the date of passage of this Ordinance, regardless and irrespective of the expiration or termination of the right and franchise of the Urbana and Champaign Railway, Gas and Electric Company, from which may be leased certain rights of the Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company, under the authority herein granted. SECTION 5. And in consideration of the rights, privi- leges, franchises and license aforesaid granted to said Rail- way Company the said Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company shall, and by the acceptance of this fran- chise and license agrees to make regular stops of all passen- ger cars operated by it over and across Market Street and Race Street upon its Main Street line at said Market Street and Race Street, and no additional fare shall be charged or collected by said Company either' way between said streets. SECTION 6. It is hereby provided that for one direct, continuous passage commenced within the limits of either the City of Urbana, or the City of Champaign and teminat- ing within the limits of either of said Cities, the maximum fare collected by said Company shall be five cents ; provided that nothing herein shall be construed to extend to passages commencing or terminating without the limits of either of said cities, or to effect the through traffic of said Company, or its through tariffs or charges for passages other than those having their inception or termination in either of said Cities, or commenced in one of said Cities and terminating in the other. And it is also provided that if any such person taking passage within the limits of either of said cities for the purpose of riding to a point likewise within the limits of said Cities be transferred for such purpose from one car or FRANCHISES 361 line of track of said Danville, Urbana and Champaign Rail- way company to another care or line of said Company then such transfer shall be furnished for continuous passage and without additional fare therefor. And for passengers com- menced and terminating within said Cities or commenced in one of said cities and terminating in the other, no additional fare shall be collected for the transfer of any passenger from the car or line of the Danville, Urbana and Champaign Rail- Avay Company, its successors or assigns, from points on the lilies of the former Company not reached by it and reached by the line of the latter Company, but in such cases transfer shall be issued for continuous passage and without Addi- tional charge; provided transfers shall be required to be furnished only to and from the cars used by said Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company in maintaining the local service herein provided for. SECTION 7. All the rights, privileges, licenses, fran- chises, conditions and terms granted by and contained in, this ordinance, including the rights, privileges, licenses, con- ditions and terms of the prior ordinances above herein men- tioned which are by this ordinance extended and continued, shall remain and be in force for the term and period of fifty years after the adoption of this ordinance, by the City Coun- cil of said City of Urbana ; it being the intention of this Ordinance to extend all the present rights, privileges and licenses of the said Danville, Urbana and. Champaign Rail- way Company under which it now maintains an Interurban Railway from the eastern to the western City limits on Main Street and the Private right of way of the Champaign and Urbana Railway, Gas and Electric Company and on North Walnut Street and to grant the right to build and main- tain said North Market Street, First Street and Coler Ave- nue line, all for a period of fifty years from the adoption of this ordinance as aforesaid : Subject to the conditions and provisions of the prior ordinances granting certain lights to said Company which are now in force and subject to the conditions and provisions of this ordinance; in considera- tion of which the said Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company, upon its acceptance of this Ordinance ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A to comply with all of the requirements and provisions hereof. SECTION 8. It is further provided, that all the terms, conditions and provisions of the former ordinances adopted by the City Council of said City and above herein referred to, relating to the use, operation, construction and main- tenance of the said Railway upon Main and Walnut Streets, and the private right of way of the Urbana and Champaign, Railway, Gas and Electric Company and the purposes for which said Railway is to be used, shall apply to the use, op- eration and maintenance and construction of the additional lines of railway herein provided for on North Market Street, First Street and Coler avenue and the purposes for which said Railway is to be used and the manner of its use on said Market and First Streets and Coler Avenue, in so far as the same may be practically applicable. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Illi- nois this 7th day of August A. D. 1905. C. B. HOLMES, City Clerk. Approved by the Mayor of said City who signed the same this 8th day of August A. D. 1905. SAMUEL C. Fox, Mayor. Book D. Page 480. Whereas an Ordinance of the City of Urbana, Cham- paign County Illinois passed by the City Council of said City August 7, 1905, and approved by the Mayor of said City Au- gust 8, 1905 and certain ordinances therein mentioned, the Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company, now operates its lines of railway in and thro' said City of Urbana, and Whereas the industrial requirements and general public needs of said city made desirable enlargements of the rights and privileges of said Company in reference to the carriage or transportation of express and freight matter and, Whereas numerous interests essential to the prosperity of said City of Urbana, including the University of Illinois and corporations and persons engaged in various industries, as well as private citizens, all having in view the welfare and advancement of the interests of said City have manifested FRANCHISES - their desire that the City Council of said City adopt an ordi- nance enlarging the right of said Cimpauy in the respects referred to, now, Therefore, Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Champaign County, Illinois, SECTION 1. That further and in addition to the rights, privileges and franchises heretofore granted or now held, possessed or enjoyed by the Danville, Urbana and Cham- paign Railway Company, for itself, its successors or assigns, under and by virtue among others, of said ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Urbana, August 7, 1005 and approved by the Mayor of said City August 8, 1905 and certain other ordinances therein mentioned, the said Dan- ville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company, its suc- cessors and assigns be and are hereby authorized to carry bulk freight in car load lots that may be carried and trans- ported by said Company, its successors or assigns, between the hours of 11:00 P. M, and 5:00 A. M. It being further expressly provided that the City Council may from time to time, during the life of this Ordinance, control and regulate by proper ordinance or resolution, the hauling of bulk freight as the interests of the general public and the property owners on said streets, may from time to time require or necessitate ; such regulations, however to be reasonable and such as are consistent with the practical use of the license rights herein granted. The right to haul bulk freight, being expressly granted under the reasonable contract and direction of said City Council. Passed by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Cham- paign County, Illinois this 5th day of April 1900. Approved by the Mayor of said City this Cth day of April 1909. C. B. HOLMES, City Clerk. S. W. LOVE, Mayor. Book E. Page 177. Whereas, the owners of land representing more than one half of the frontage of the streets, alleys and public grounds or the portions thereof, upon which said Railway is proposed to be constructed and operated, have petitioned in writing 304 ORDINANCES OF THE CITV OF URBANA for Hit' construction of said Railway by the Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company, its successors and as- signs, as required by law, and said petition has been duly filed with and by the City Clerk of the said Urbana, which said petition has been duly examined and checked under the direction of the City Clerk and Engineer of the said City of Urbana, and lias been found in all respects sufficient in law; to which petition, for greater certainty reference is hereby made, and the same is hereby made a part thereof, and where- as the legal published notice required by law has been made; now therefore: Be it ordained by the City Council of the said City of Urbana, Illinois : SECTION 1. That the right and authority be and are hereby granted to Danville, Urbana and Champaign Rail- Avay Company its successors, lessees and assigns, to con- struct, lease, maintain and operate a single track railway, together with the necessary connections with existing or future lines of said Company, its successors and assigns, and with all necessary, suitable or convenient equipment, appli- ances or appurtenances, in along, over or across the surface of said Cunningham Avenue from and with suitable con- nection by W3 r e, or track of said Company now laid on Mar- ket Street in said City of Urbana, Illinois at the interesction of said Cunningham Avenue; thence in a Northeasterly di- rection on said Cunningham Avenue to the intersection of said Avenue with the new Drainage Ditch of the Saline Drainage District. If said Railway Company should desire, it may diverge from any part of the route or routes above described and en- ter upon and use for its right of way such private property as it may acquire by purchase, eminent domain, or otherwise and the use of such private property for its right of way will not in any manner affect its right under this ordinance, to such portions of said public highways or street as it may oc- cupy and use for its right of way. All in the said City of Ur- bana, Illinois. SECTION 2. The track to be laid by said Railroad Com- pany on said Cunningham Avenue shall be laid so far as FRANCHISES .'ifi. r > practicable on the West side of said Avenue, so as not to in- terfere with the present driveway on said Avenue and in or- der to preserve the present drive or roadway on said Avenue, the said Company shall build a retaining wall, and construct a road-bed for said track along the North or West side of the present travelled roadway along said Avenue and shall also construct the necessary bridge for said track on the North or West side of the existing bridges on said Avenue and provided also that if in the future on account of changed conditions it should become advisable to change said track to the center of said street or Avenue, that then in such case the said Company shall upon request of said City remove said track to the center of said street or Avenue. SECTION 3. That said Railway Company shall have the right to construct and maintain all necessary switches, spurs, or siding, provided, however, that no switch or siding shall be constructed between Market street and the North end of the line granted by this franchise and provided further that no siding, switch or spur shall be laid in said street or Ave- nue in such way as to interfere with the rights of the trav- elling public. SECTION 4. The said Railway Company in the opera- tion of said line of railway may operate same by electricity as motor power. SECTION 5. The said Railway Company is experssly giv- en the right and authority, hereby to erect, and maintain on the said public highways, streets, alleys and public grounds all necessary and suitable poles, and to string and main- tain thereon span wires, transmission, trolley, telephone and other wires, for the conveyance of electricity for power, light and heat and for telephone, telegraph and other wires. The over head wires of said Railway Company shall be not less than eighteen (18) feet above the rails of said railway and no other person or company shall thereafter place any wire be- low the wires of said Danville, Urbana and Champaign Rail- way Company, its successors and assigns, in such a way as to obstruct the practical operation of its road. In so far as it is practicable, there shall be only a single line of poles 36G ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA erected and these poles shall be on the west side of the drive- way on Cunningham Avenue. SECTION 6. The said Railway Company hereby is ex- pressly authorized at any time during the term of this Ordi- nance to construct switch and spur tracks from the main line of said railway into private property along said route. The privileges expressly granted said Railway Company by this Section are not to be construed as restrictive of, but to be deemed in addition to the rights and privileges to said Railway Company granted in or by any other Section or Sec- tions of this Ordinance. SECTION 7. The cars of the said Railroad Company, shall at all times be entitled to the right of way of said tracks within said municipality and wherever any car or cars are approaching, any vehicle or foot passenger upon said tracks, shall turn out, so as not to impede or interfere with the run- ning speed of such car or cars. SECTION 8. The said Railway Company is hereby au- thorized and granted the right to operate its cars or trains of cars over said Railway for the carriage and transportation of passengers, United States Mail, baggage and express, and also freight as hereinafter provided. SECTION 9. The said Railway Company is hereby ex- pressly authorized between the hours of eleven o'clock P. M. and Five o'clock the following morning to carry bulk freight in car load lots over said Railroad in such cars or trains of cars as it may provide, and to carry package freight at all other hours ; provided that the City Council of said City from time to time during the term of this Ordinance may control and regulate by proper ordinances the hauling of such bulk freight as the interests of the general public and the property owners on said Avenue may from time to time require or necessitate, such regulation however, to be reasonable and to such as is consistent with the practical use of the rights here- in granted, the right to haul bulk freight being granted under reasonable control of said City Council. SECTION 10. The said Railway Company is hereby ex- pressly granted the right, power and authority to haul and FRANCHISES 307 transport in such manner as it may deem best, all Railway supplies over said Railway. SECTION 11. Any cars of other railroad companies which the Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Com- pany may desire to operate over said line or lines of Railway shall have the same rights and be subject to the same re- strictions as the cars or trains of the said Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company. SECTION 12. The said Railway Company is hereby au- thorized and granted the right and power to cross at grade any and all existing or future lines of railroad or railroad tracks in said City. SECTION 13. The rights and privileges herein and here- by granted said Railway Company, its successors and as- signs, on said Cunningham Avenue shall extend for and to the full period of Forty-five (45) years from and after the final passage and acceptance of this ordinance. SECTION 14. Wherever in said ordinance the words "Railway Company" are used, they shall be held to include and mean the Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company, its successors and assigns. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Illi- nois, January 23rd, 1911. C. B. HOLMES, City Clerk. Approved by the Mayor who signed the same this 25th day of January A. D. 1911. G. W. HUBBARD, Mayor. Book B. Page 325. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Illinois. SECTION 1. That the right, power and authority be and the same is hereby granted to the Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns to construct, lay down, operate and maintain a Y or connection between the tracks of the Wabash Railroad Company and the tracks of the Danville, Urbana and Cham- paign Railway Company: Said Y and connection to be con- structed on East Main street beginning at a point North and West of Main Street on the Wabash Railroad track and run- 3G8 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA ning thence South and East to a point on the D. U. & C. Rail- road Company at such place and in such location as may be convenient for the transfer of freight from the tracks of the said Wabash Railroad Company to the tracks of the said Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company; and the said Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Com- pany is hereby further granted the right to receive from and deliver to by means of such connection, cars and freight from and to the tracks of the Wabash Railroad Company and transport and convey the same from and to such connec- tion and the track of the said Danville, Urbana and Cham- paign Railway Company located at or near the University of Illinois. SECTION 2. The right and Power and Authority is hereby granted to said Danville, Urbana and Champaign Railway Company, its successors and assigns, to lay dawn, construct, erect and maintain the necessary ties, rails, poles wires and appurtenances for the transmission of electric cur- rent and the operation of cars over said connection and to use the same for such purposes. Passed and approved September 2nd 1913. OLIN L. BROWDER, Mayor. Book F. Page 152. FRANCHISES 369 FRANCHISE OF THE URBANA AND CHAMPAIGN RAILWAY, GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. Whereas: Certain petitions of the owners of the real estate frontage upon the streets, avenues and public high- ways hereinafter named, and of each mile and fraction there- of as required by law, along said streets, avenues and public highways, have heretofore been duly filed with the City Clerk of the City of Urbana, consenting and requesting that the City Council of the City of Urbana grant to said Urbana & Champaign Railway, Gas & Electric Company, its success- ors and assigns, right and authority to enter upon and occu- py the public highways hereinafter named for the purpose of operating their railway cars thereon, and for the purpose of constructing, leasing, maintaining and operating railways, and ; Whereas, due notice of the application of said Company for said grant has been given as required by law, and ; Whereas, said Company has in all other respects duly complied with the statutes of this state and the laws and or- dinances of the City of Urbana in relation to its application for and the granting of said rights and privileges. Therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Illinois : SECTION 1. That, the right, power and authority are hereby given and granted to the Urbana & Champaign Rail- way, Gas & Electric Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns, to use and occupy the public highways herein- after named for the operating pf its railway cars, and to lay down tracks and to build, lease, construct and thereafter maintain and operate a railway or railways, together with switches, sidings, turnouts, spurs, curves and connections with existing and future lines of said company, its success- ors and assigns, and all necessary, suitable or convenient equipment, appliances or appurtenances in, upon, over, along 870 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA and across the surface of the following named public high- ways in the City of Urbana, Illinois, to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of the center of Market Street with the center of Main Street running thence south on said Market Street to California Street; thence west on California Street to Lincoln Avenue; thence south on Lin- coln Avenue to Oregon Street ; thence west on Oregon Street to Matthews Avenue; thence north on Mathews Avenue to California Avenue; thence in a westerly direction to the west city limits of the City of Urbana, Illinois. Also commencing at the intersection of East Main Street with the tracks of the Wabash Railroad Company run- ning thence in a westerly direction on Main Street and Rail- road Street and on a private right of way of the Urbana & Champaign Railway, Gas & Electric Company and through the grounds of the University of Illinois to the west limits of the city of Urbana, Illinois, all in the City of Urbana, Illi- nois. SECTION 2. The said grantee, its successors and assigns in the operation of said railway or railways in said munici- pality, may and are hereby authorized to operate the same by electricity as motive power, or any other motive power, ex- cept steam locomotive engines. SECTION 3. The said Grantee, its successors and assigns may and hereby are expressly granted the right, power and authority to erect and maintain on said streets necessary and suitable poles, and string and maintain thereon wires for the conveyance of electricity for power, light and heat and for other purposes; and no other person or company shall thereafter place any wires below the wires of said com- pany in such way as to interfere with the practical operation of its road. Said poles to be located under the supervision of the Street and Alley Committee of the City Council of the City of Urbana. SECTION 4. The cars of said Grantee, its successors and assigns shall be entitled at all times to the right of way of said tracks within said municipality, and whenever any car, or cars, are approaching, any vehicle or person upon foot FRANCHISES .371 upon said tracks shall turn out so as not to interfere with the running speed of such oar or cars. SECTION 5. The said Grantee, its successors and as- signs, hereby are authorized to allow and give by contract to the Danville, Urbana & Champaign Railway Company, "its successors and assigns, the right to use and operate its and their railway lines of said Grantee herein authorized un- der authority given heretofore or hereafter by said City to said Danville, Urbana & Champaign Railway Company. SECTION fi. In consideration of the acceptance by Grantee of this ordinance and the rights and privileges here- by granted, according to the terms hereof, and the construc- tion by Grantee as herein provided, of a railway upon said public highways of said city described as follows, to-wit : On Market Street from the intersection of Main Street to the intersection of California Street and on said Cali- fornia Street from the intersection of Market Street to Lin- coln Avenue and on Lincoln Avenue from California Street to Oregon Street and on Oregon Street from Lincoln Avenue to Mathews Avenue and on Ma thews Avenue from Oregon Street to California Avenue, thence westerly to the west city limits of said city, said grantee shall be deemed and held to have fully performed and discharged each and all its undertaking in a certain agreement with said City of Ur- bana dated August 7, 1905, and filed with the City Clerk of said City of Urbana; and further, Said Grantee shall be relieved and discharged from all obligations to build or operate a line of railway along the routes prescribed in said agreement, and from any and all liability and obligations whatsoever thereunder to said city. The acceptance of this ordinance and construction of a rail- way on said streets last above described being accepted by said city in lieu of construction of a railway along the route set fourth in said agreement and all other or further obliga- tions of grantee under said agreement. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be in full force and ef- fect and extend for and during the full period of twenty years from and after date of passage thereof. 372 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF TJUBANA All rights heretofore granted by said city to Grantee in and over said streets described as follows : Commencing at the intersection of East Main Street with the tracks of the Wabash Railroad Company running thence in a westerly direction on Main Street and Railroad Street and on the private right of way of the Urbana & Cham- paign Railway, Gas and Electric Company and through the grounds of the University of Illinois to the west city limits of the City of Urbana, Illinois are hereby confirmed and ex- tended for the full period of twenty years from date of final passage of this ordinance, 'provided that any and all provi- sions in any ordinance granting said rights, is so far as the same shall be in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby superseded and repealed by the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 7 1 X J . The said Urbana & Champaign Railway, Gas and Electric Company further agrees that in the event California Street shall be paved pursuant to Ordinance of the City Council of said City, that said Company will pay its proportion of the costs of such pavement, calculated upon the basis of the cost of construction thereof for a distance of seven (7) feet in the center of California Street, being the distance between its rails, and for a distance of one ( 1 ) foot on each side thereof along that portion of the street occupied by its said tracks. SECTION 8. The word "Grantee" wherever- used in this ordinance shall be held to include and mean the Urbana & Champaign Railway, Gas & Electric Co., its successors and assigns. SECTION 11. The said Urbana & Champaign Railway, Gas & Electric Company further agrees to give a twenty minutes service each way on Market Street, California Street, Lincoln Avenue, Oregon Street and Mathews Avenue and through the Unive'rsity of Illinois grounds to Cham- paign. The said Urbana & Champaign Railway, Gas & Electric Company further agrees to continue a ten minutes service on its present lines over its private right of way west to Goodwin Avenue and from Goodwin Avenue west on Green FRANCHISES 378 Street through the University grounds. In case, however, said Green Street line is abandoned through the University grounds, then the said Urbana & Champaign Railway, Gas 6 Electric Company agrees to continue a ten minutes service each way on its said line over its private right of way west and through the University grounds, as provided in Section 7 of this Ordinance, with cars alternating on Wright Street going north and south. Adopted by the City Council the 2nd day of March, A. D. 1908. C. B. HOLMES, City Clerk. Approved by the Mayor the 5th day of March, A. D. 1908. S. W. LOVE, Mayor. Book E. Page 92. 374 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A FRANCHISE OF THE UKBANA LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER COMPANY Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ur- bana, Illinois: SECTION 1. That the privilege of lighting the streets and thoroughfares of the City of Urbana by electricity and of furnishing incandescent and arc lighting to the citizens of said City and of furnishing heat for the buildings, residences and business houses of said City, be and the same is hereby granted to M. W. Busey, W. I. Saffell and W. H. Zimmer- man, their heirs, successors and assigns, for a period of twenty years from the eighth day of August, A. D. 1900, subject to the conditions, limitations and restrictions ex- pressed in the contract to be executed by the said M. W. Busey, W. I. Saffell and W. H. Zimmerman, as parties of the first part, and the said City of Urbana, in its municipal capacity, as party of the second part, which shall be in the words and figures following, viz: Article of Agreement and Mutual Contract made and entered into this day of A. D. 1900, by and between M. W. Busey, W. I. Saffell and W. H. Zimmerman, parties of the first part, and the City of Urbana, a municipal corporation, in its municipal capacity, party of the second part, Witnesseth : That for and in consideration of the sum of One dollar and the agreements of the party of the second part herein- tafer mentioned, undertaken and agreed to be done, kept and pei-formed on its part, the said parties of the first part hereby agree, that from the date of the signing of this instru- ment for a period of 20 years, beginning on the 8th day of August, A. D. 1900, and extending to the 8th day of August, A. I). 1920, they will at their own expense furnish and operate 2000 nominal candle power arc lights and such addi- lional number of the same power as the second party may elect to be placed and located at such points as said second party may designate, and the said parties of the first part will light same and each of them, from the beginning of dark in the evening and continuing until the beginning of FRANCHISES 375 daylight each day of said term, according to the Philadel- phia moon schedule, and in addition thereto on all dark nights and all dark and stormy nights; the said lights to be lighted on clear moonlight nights at least a quarter of an hour before the moon sets, and also to be kept burning on clear moonlight nights until the moon is at least a quarter of an hour high. The said parties of the first part also agree for the consideration aforesaid to furnish at their own ex- pense and without cost to said second party all necessary current for good and sufficient incandescent lighting in the Cily Building and Engine House of said City and for the several rooms of said City Building and Engine House, said second party to furnish all converters, lamps, wire, etc., therefor. 2nd. The said parties of the first part are hereby granted the privilege of erecting and operating for the period of twenty years from the 8th day of August, 1900, a com- mercial lighting system in said City, the plant for the same to be erected within the corporate limits of said City of Urbana and maintained therein during said term of twenty years; the said first parties or their successors shall have the right to use the streets and alleys of said city for the pur- pose of erecting poles thereon and to run all wires neces- sary for such system of commercial lighting and for said system of arc lighting for the streets and thoroughfares of said City, subject, however, to the direction of the committee on streets and alleys of the City Council of said City as the use of the streets and alleys for such purpose. 3rd. And in consideration of the foregoing privileges herein granted to them the said parties of the first part hereby agree to erect within the corporate limits of said City and to maintain and operate therein during the term of this contract, an Electric Liglit plant for the purpose of supply- ing a sufficient electric current for said street and commer- cial lighting, and to furnish at their own expense all poles, wire, lamps, electric power steam power and all other ma- chinery and appliances necessary for operating the same; and the said first parties agree to furnish at reasonable rates incandescent or arc lighting to the citizens, residences and 37G ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA business houses of said City when and where requested dur- ing the said term of this Contract. The said party of the second part hereby agrees to pay to the said first parties, their successors or assigns, the sum of $6.25 per month for each of said arc lights furnished by said first parties at the request of said second party for and during the period aforesaid, excepting the time said first parties may fail to, operate said lights, or any or more of them, the time which such lights shall not be kept lighted as herein provided to be deducted and the price therefor determined pro rata upon the amount due for each light under this Contract, the said sum of $6.25 shall be payable monthly out of the current resources of said City, and it is expressly agreed that no obligation of indebtedness under this contract shall be incurred by said City until the light for each month shall have been furnished by said first parties, and the bill therefor shall be presented to the City Council for payment. After said lights have been once located the said second party agrees to bear all the expenses of wire over and above 1500 feet of wire required for each lamp. All additional lights placed shall be run from the time of placing to the expiration of this contract. 5th. The privilege of erecting and operating within the corporate limits of said City, for the term of twenty years, a commercial heating plant is also hereby given to the said parties of the first part ; and the said first parties may erect all buildings and lay such mains as are necessary for such heating plant, and may use the streets and thoroughfares of said City for that purpose, subject, however, to the direc- tion of the committee on streets and alleys of the City Coun- cil of said City. 6th. The said first parties hereby agree to erect and operate said system of commercial heating in said City, the same to be established and ready for operation on or before Sept. 1, 1901, and said first parties also agree to furnish either steam or hot water heat for the City Building and Engine House of said City and the several rooms thereof, at their own expense from Sept. 1, 1901, and without cost to FRANCHISES 377 said City, the party of the second part to furnish all pipes from the mains to said buildings, not to exceed, however, sixty (GO) feet from such buildings, and to furnish all radia- tion for the same. 7th. The said parties of the first part, their heirs, suc- cessors and assigns, hereby agree to pay all damages, court costs and expenses which may be recovered against or sus- tained by said City, by reason of the construction, mainte- nance or operation of said electric lighting or system of elec- tric lighting (either arc or incandescent) or commercial heat- ing or system of commercial heating, in said City, and to hold said City harmless and indemnified therefrom ; and the said parties of the first part agree to pay all damages and costs which may result from the carelessness or negligence or misconduct of the agents or employees of said first parties, in the construction, maintenance or operation of said elec- tric lighting or systems of commercial lighting, commercial heating or system of commercial heating in said City. It being understood that the said parties of the first part, their heirs, successors and assigns, shall not be held responsible for damages done by their lighting system or heating system when such damages or accidents result from the elements or acts of third parties. 8th. All arc lights furnished under this agreement for lighting the streets and thoroughfares of said City shall be suspended at least 21 feet above the surface of the ground. All poles shall be straight and of sufficient size and shall be placed in the ground far enough to insure perfect stability ; where directed by the City Council or the committee of said Council in charge of the streets and alleys of said City, the poles shall be placed in the alleys, and all poles shall be painted two goods coats of lead and oil. 9th. It is further agreed that in case of the wilful re- fusal of the parties of the first part, their successors or as- signs, to furnish light under the terms of this contract for a period of two weeks at any time or times during the term of this agreement, such refusal shall be deemed sufficient cause to work a forfeiture of the arc lighting privileges here- in granted and to forfeit this agreement so far as the same 378 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A relates to said arc lighting for the streets and thoroughfares of said City, if the said City shall so elect. l()th. The said parties of the first part further agree that all machinery and apparatus used by them in the con- struction, operation and maintenance of the said arc lighting system, incandescent lighting system, and commercial heat- ing system, and the plants for the operation thereof, shall be new and first class in every respect; and also that first-class service shall be rendered at all times to the said City and the patrons of said lighting and heating systems, except when prevented by unavoidable accidents or by damage caused by the elements. llth. And this contract shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the said parties of the first part hereto, 12th.. The privilege hereby granted for lighting the streets and thoroughfares of said City is hereby made ex- clusive, and also the privilege of installing and operating said heating plant, and system is hereby made exclusive, for the said term of twenty years; and the privilege herein grant- ed for installing and operating said commercial plant and system is hereby made exclusive for said term ; except as to the right now held under a former privilege given Thomas Wright and Son Dec. 4th A. D. 1890. The said City hereby reserves the right to make any expert tests regarding the efficiency of said lights or sys- tem of lighting. SECTION 2. Which Contract shall be a part of this Ordinance and the Mayor of said City is hereby authorized in behalf of the said City of Urbana, to sign the same, which contract shall also be attested by the Clerk of the City of Urbana, and the seal thereof and shall be in full force and ef- fect from and after the passage of this ordinance, provided the same shall be signed and accepted by the said M. W. Busey, W. I. Saffell, and W. H. Zimmerman, within ten days from the date of the passage and approval of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. FRANCHISES 37J) Adopted by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Illinois June 14th A. D. 1900. C. B. HOLMES, City Clerk. Approved by the Mayor who signed the same June 10th A. 1). 1900. SAMUEL C. Fox, Mayor. Book D. Page 229. Whereas, certain petitions have been presented to the City Council of the City of Urbana, Champaign County Illi- nois, requesting the City Council to grant certain rights by Ordinances to the Urbana, Light, Heat and Power Company, its successors and assigns : and Whereas, the Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company, a corporation, has in all things duly complied with the terms and requirements of the law and the statutes of this state and the ordinances of this municipality, with respect to ob- taining the right and privileges described and Whereas, the said City Council has upon due investiga- tion and examination, ascertained and determined that said petitions are signed by the owners of the land representing more than one half of the frontage on each of the streets, al- leys and avenues or so much thereof, as is sought to be used for the purposes above mentioned, described in said petitions and in all cases, where the streets, alleys or avenues, or part thereof sought to be used and described in said petitions are more than one mile in length, the same are signed by the owners of the land representing more than one half of the frontage of each mile, and of the fraction of a mile in ex- cess of the whole mile, measuring from the initial point nam- ed in such petitions and on such streets or alleys or part thereof sought to be used as aforesaid; and Whereas, the said Company is about to expend a large sum of money in repairing, remodeling and rebuilding cer- tain parts and portions of its present electric plant and light- ing system; and Whereas, the said City of Urbana desires to contract with said Company for the lighting of the public streets, al- leys, avenues, sidewalks, parks, public grounds, and public buildings in said City : ,'{80 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UltlSANA Now therefore Be It Ordained By tlie City Council of the City of Urbaua, Illinois. SECTION 1. That the right, authority, license and fran- chise be and the same is hereby granted to the Urbaiia, Light, Heat and Power Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns to construct, erect, maintain, use and operate an elec- tric system, including poles, wires, cables, guy wires, trans- formers, lamps and all necessary or suitable equipment ap- pliances and appurtenances in, over, upon and adjacent to the following named streets, alleys, avenues and public plac- es, or designated portions thereof, in said City of Urbana, Illinois, namely : Beslin Street, Birch Street, Broad Street, Clark Street, Coler Avenue, Dublin Street, Elm Street, First Street, Good- win Aveniie, Griggs Street, Main Street, Nevada Street, North Street, Orchard Street, Park Street, Race Street, Railroad Street, Second Street, Springfield Avenue, S tough- ton Street, University Avenue, West Avenue, Green Street from Main Street to Mathews Avenue, High Street from Market Street to Busey Avenue, Illinois Street from Market Street to Mathews Avenue, Anderson Street, Ater Street, Busey Avenue, Bennett Avenue, California Street, Central Avenue, Champaign Street, Church Street, Cottage Grove Avenue, Cunningham Avenue, Eads Street, Gregory Place, Grove Street, Hill Street, Hubbard Avenue, Locust Avenue, Lynn Street, Lincoln Avenue, Maple Street, Market Street, Mathews Avenue, Oregon Street, Popular Street, Romine Street, Urbana Avenue, Vine Street, Walnut Street, Water Street, AVebber Street and others also the alleys and public places parallel with said streets, and avenues above mention- ed and located between the said streets and alleys upon which the land owned by the petitioners hereinafter referred to abuts and fronts, the right herein granted being for the use of all alleys, or such portions thereof as are sought to be used for the purposes aforesaid, for the use of which said pe- titioners pray and which are included in the petitions filed as aforesaid. It being the intention that wherever practi- cable and possible under said petitions, the alleys shall be used in preference to the streets parallel with the same, all FRANCHISES 381 as evidenced and shown by the petitions filed by said Ur- bana Light, Heat and Power Company with the City Clerk and City Council of said City of Urbana ; which it has been duly determined are signed by the owners of land represent- ing more than one half of the frontage on each of said streets, alleys, avenues, or so much thereof as is sought to be used for the purposes above mentioned and hereinafter set forth, de- scribed in said petition. And the said petitions herein referred to are hereby made a part and portion of this ordinance, the same as if they were copied, and incorporated herein verbatim. Said Electric system being for the using, conveying con- ducting and distribution of Electricity and electric current for lighting, heating and power. SECTION 2. That all rights, benefits and privileges now owned, held or controlled by the Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company and heretofore granted to said Company by prior ordinances of the said City of Urbana, be and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed, except as hereinafter provided. SECTION 3. That the contract of the lighting of the streets, alleys, avenues and public places in the City of Ur- bana heretofore entered into between said City of Urbana and the said Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company, be and the same is hereby extended for the term of twenty years from and after the passage and adoption of this ordi- nance by the City Council of said City, and all the terms, provisions, limitations, restrictions, rights, benefits, cove- nants, agreements, franchises and licenses contained in the said agreement now in existence, and all the provisions and terms of the said contract and agreement set forth in prior or- dinances of said City, entitled, ''An Ordinance to provide for the lighting of the streets and thoroughfares of the City of Urbana, Illinois by electricity and to provide for a commer- cial lighting and a commercial heating system for use by the citizens of said City" adopted by the City Council of said City June 14th A. 1). 1000 be, and the same are hereby ex- tended, re-affirmed, acknowledged and ratified for the term of twenty years from and after the passage of this ordinance, 382 ORDINANCES OK THE (!ITY OF URBANA with the following conditions, exceptions, and modifications. a. The said Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company agrees that the price to be charged for each Arc Street lamp so furnished from the date of this ordinance shall be 5.41 and 2-3 cents permonth or $65.00 per year, payable monthly ; provided, however that when the City of Urbana shall have installed under this ordinance and contract 150 lamps, any additional lamps which the city may request shall be furn- ished shall be furnished and operated by the said Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company at the rate of $60.00 per year payable monthly or $5.00 per month per lamp for each lamp so furnished and operated in excess of said 1.50 lamps and in all cases the said arc lamps and lights shall be paid for by said City in the same manner and at the same time pro- vided in said prior contract subject only to the changes in the amounts of such payments as herein agreed. b. The said Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company further agrees to charge for the next five years from the date of this ordinance the rates now in force by said Company, for lighting service furnished for private dwellings, which said rates are set out in a detailed list and statement hereto attached and hereby made a part of this ordinance; said rates however being subject to 10% discount to consumers who pay for such lighting service on or before the tenth of the month succeeding the month in which such service shall be furnished; and the said Urbana, Light, Heat and Power Company further agrees to charge during the next five years for electric lighting for all business houses to and for which lighting service is furnished by said Company, not to exceed the following schedule of prices that is to say, to-wit: - For sixteen candle power midnight lamps 50c per month; for sixteen candle power all night lamps $1.00 per month with 20% discount on said charges, if paid by the tenth of the succeeding month following the month for which said service is furished, and the meter rates as follows not to exceed at meter rates for business houses 10 cents per kilo- wat hour, with the following discounts, provided the bills are paid by the tenth of the month succeeding the month for FRANCHISES 383 which such service is furnished, that is to say : bills below 10.00 to be discounted at the rate of 10% ; bills between $6.00 and 6.75 to be discounted to $5.40 net, bills between $6.75 and $12.00 to be discounted at the rate of 20%, bills between $12.00 and $13.70 to be discounted to $9.60 net ; bills between $13.70 and $18.00 to be discounted at the rate of 30% ; bills between $18.00 and $21.00 to be discounted to $12.60 net; bills above $21.00 to be discounted at the rate of 40% ; provided however the said Company shall be allowed to charge as minimum bills for electric lighting for indi- vidual customers 50 cents per month. The said City of Ur- baiia, reserves the right through its City Council to prescribe reasonable charges for such services at the expiration of -such five year period, and further reserves the right through its City Council to prescribe reasonable charges for such ser- vices each five year term thereafter during the term of this contract. c. The Urbana, Light, Heat and Power Company here- by agree and covenant to enlarge and remodel and recon- struct its present electric plant and lighting system, so as to render it fully adequate to meet the growing demands of the said City of Urbana and for this purpose the said Compa- ny agrees and covenants to expend thereon not less than $35,- 000. during the year 1907 and the sum of $15,000. during the year 1908 on the improvement of its plant and the said Com- pany agrees on or before the first day of January 1909 to submit to the City Council a statement underoath accompa- nied by proper vouchers showing the expenditure of said sum and how the same was applied. d. It is further agreed that the service so furnished both for lighting the streets and business houses and resi- dences shall be of a high standard in quality, and that the City Council shall have the right whenever complaint is made as to the character of such lighting service, or the accuracy of any meter, to appoint a person or persons having expert knowledge of electric lighting who in conjunction with a persons or persons having expert knowledge of electric light- ing, appointed by said Company, may make examinations and test touching the matters concerning which such com- 384 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA plaints shall be made and whenever it shall be determined pursuant to such investigation, that the service complained of is below the required standard or that the meter in ques- tion is recording more than the actual amount of current used, the cost of such investigation shall be borne by the Company, and a reasonable proportionate deduction may be made by the City Council of said City from the established rate under this contract and ordinance on account of such inefficient service, but if it shall be determined pursuant to such investigation that the service complained of is of the required 'standard or superior thereto, the cost of such in- vestigation shall be borne by the city in case of street light- ing and by the complainant in the case of private consumers. e. The Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company here- by further covenants and agrees that in the event that dur- ing the existence of the franchise hereby granted, a lower rate is granted to the City of Champaign, either for street lights or for commercial lighting by the Company, its successors or assigns, now furnishing lights for said City of Champaign, then in such case such lower rate shall also be granted to the City of Urbana. /. It is hereby agreed that in case a commission or other legally constituted Board shall be provided for or cre- ated under the State laws by the legislature of the State of Illinois, having jurisdiction to adjust or regulate the charges to be made for electric lighting, that in that event any por- tions of this ordinance which may conflict with the powers or authority of such Board or Commission shall thereby be abrogated and annulled to such extent as may be requisite for the exercise of the authorities and powers delegated to such Commission or Board, under the law, and thereafter the rates and charges under this ordinance, shall be fixed and de- termined by such Commission or Board. f/. It is further covenanted and agreed that before the said Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company, shall exer- cise the rights herein to place poles for street lighting pur- poses, or to lay pipes for heating purposes, they shall first obtain a permit in writing to do so from the City Inspector of the City. FRANCHISES 385 It is further stipulated and agreed that no service con- nection shall be made by the said Urbana, Light, Heat and Power Company, either for lighting or power purposes, with- out first obtaining a certificate of Inspection from the City Inspector. h. It is further agreed however, that the said Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company, in said City of Urbana, shall have the right while making repairs or improvements upon the lighting plant and system of said Company in said City of Urbana, or in case of emergency, to furnish electric current and lighting service from the plant owned and op- erated by the Urbana and Champaign Railway Gas and Elec- tric Company, for such period of time as may be necessary during the making of such repairs or improvements, or dur- ing the time of such emergency or emergencies. SECTION 4. It is hereby mutually and expressly agreed and understood that the agreements, covenants, conditions, restrictions and limitations assumed by the said Urbana, Light, Heat and Power Company and the reduction made by it in the charges for lighting service, are assumed, under- taken, accepted and made in consideration of the grant to the Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company of the rights, privileges, authority, licenses and franchises by the said City of Urbana. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Urbana April ^llth A. D. 1907. C. B. HOLMES, City Clerk. Approved April 12th 1907. SAMUEL C. Fox,, Mayor. Book E. Page 51. An Ordinance Governing the Rates to be Charged for Incandescent Street Lighting. Whereas, Certain Ordinances of the City of Urbana Illinois have been heretofore adopted by the City Council of said City under and by virtue of which the Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company is furnishing Electric Current for Arc Lights used in Street Lighting in Said City; and, Whereas, By Ordinance the said City of Urbana, Illinois by it City Council has provided for the installation and oper- 386 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A ation of an Incadescent lighting system upon certain streets avenues and alleys in said City and expects to further extend the use of incandescent lights for street lighting purposes in different portion of said City and, Whereas, the installation and maintenance of said in- candescent street lights renders unnecessary the further use and maintenance of certain arc lights for the same area covered and served by said incandescent street lights and, Whereas, it is Provided in a certain Ordinance of said City entitled : "An Ordinance granting to the Urbana, Light, Heat and Power Company the right and privilege to construct, operate and maintain poles, wires and appurten- ances over, upon and along public streets, alleys and avenues in the City of Urbana, Illinois, for the carrying and distribu- tion of Electric current for commercial and lighting pur- poses and to provide for lighting the streets, alleys, avenues, sidewalks, parks, public grounds and public buildings in said City" Adopted by the City Council of said City April 11, 1907 and Approved by the Mayor of said City who signed the same April 12, 1907 and accepted by said Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company within thirty days after the pas- sage and approval thereof, among other things as follows: "The Urbaua Light, Heat and Power Company hereby further covenants and agrees that in the event that during the existence of the franchise hereby granted, a lower rate is granted to the City of Champaign, either for street lights or for commercial lighting by the company, its successors, or assigns now furnishing lights for said City of Champaign, then in such case such lower rate shall also be granted to the City of Urbana." Whereas, a rate of two cents per kilowat hour has been granted by the Company furnishing lights for said City of Champaign for current for incandescent street lighting and same has been embodied in contract now in force between said Company and the said City of Champaign and the City of Urbana desires to avail itself of the benefit of the said clause in the Ordinance above entitled as to the rates to be. charged for service of the same character furnished to said City of Champaign. FRANCHISES 387 Now therefore, Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Urbana, Illinois. SECTION 1. The Urbana, Light, Heat and Power Com- pany, its successors and assigns shall be required to furnish current for incandescent lighting for street lighting purposes at the rate of two cents per kilowatt hour for all current furnished by said Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company, to be used by said City of Urbana, in all incandescent street lighting constructed, installed and maintained by the said City of Urbana ; Said current to be furnished by said Urbana, Light, Heat and Power Company at approximately 2300 volts delivered to the panel board or panel boards to be in- stalled by the City of Urbana for distribution over the Cir- cuit or Circuits of said incandescent lights upon said streets, boulevards and parks. SECTION 2. The Urbana Light, Heat and Power Com- pany shall remove from the streets, boulevards and parks of the said City any and all arc lights which said Company may be requested by said City to remove, in the territory served, by incandescent lighting system, or systems upon the instal- lation thereof. The payment for the arc lights so removed as provided in this ordinance adopted April 11, 1907 above mentioned shall be thereafter suspended. SECTION 3. The cost of the installation of any incande- scent lighting system over and upon the streets, boulevards and parks of the City of Urbana, Illinois shall be borne and paid for by the said City of Urbana, or by the owners of the property in the district served thereby, and no part of said cost shall be borne or paid by the said Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company. SECTION 4. No part of the cost of maintaining the wires, poles, lights and appurtenances of said incandescent lighting system, or any part thereof, shall be required to be borne or paid by the said Urbana, Light, Heat and Power Company. SECTION 5. Within thirty days after the passage of this Ordinance, the said Company shall notify the City Council in writing of its acceptance of this Ordinance; whereupon 388 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA the same shall become and be a binding contract between said City and said Company. Adopted by the City Council of the said City of Urbana, Illinois this 8th day of September A. D. 1914. C. B. HOLMES, City Clerk. Approved by the mayor of said City who signed the same this 10th day of September A. D. 1914. OLIN L. BROWDER, Mayor. Book F. Page 242. An Ordinance Concerning Incandescent Street Light- ing In the City of Urbana, Illinois. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Ur- bana, Illinois : SECTION 1. That pursuant to the construction, instal- lation and maintenance of a system of incandescent street lighting in the City fo Urbana, by local Improvement pro- ceedings; and pursuant to an ordinance of the City of Ur- bana, entitled "An Ordinance governing rates to be charged for incandescent street lighting" adopted September 8, 1914, approved September 10, 1914 and pursuant to the provisions of prior ordinance of said City of Urbana regulating street 'ighting service, furnished by the Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company and pursuant to agreement made between the City of Urbana and the officers of the Urbana, Light, Heat and Power Co., the following contract and agreement is hereby authorized to be entered into between said City and the Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company ; and the Mayor of the City of Urbana is hereby directed to execute an agree- ment attested by the City Clerk of this said City with the proper officers of the Urbana Light, Heat and Power Com- pany in the words and figures set forth in the following sec- tion hereof: SECTION 2. The contract and agreement above referred to shall be in the words and figures following: "This Agreement made and entered into this 15th day of February A. D. 1915 by and between the Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company a corporation hereinafter re- ferred to as "Company" party of the first part and the City of Urbana in the County of Champaign and State of Illinois FRANCHISES 389 hereinafter referred to as City party of the second part : Wit- nesseth. That whereas, a contract has been heretofore entered,, in- to between said Company and the said City, under and by virtue of which electric current for street lighting service has been furnished the said City, by the said Company, which said contract provided for furnishing certain arc lights in the territory hereinafter described and at the places hereinafter designated, as well as other portions of said City of Urbana, and Whereas, The said City has, by certain local improve- ment proceedings, constructed and installed a system of in- candescent street lighting upon certain portions of certain of its streets and public places and desires to discontinue the maintenance of arc lights in the same territory covered by said incandescent lighting system; and Whereas, by the terms of the contract under which arc lighting service has been and is being furnished by said Company to said City it is provided among other things as follows : ''The Urbana Light, Heat and Power Company hereby further covenants and agrees that in the event that during the existence of the franchise hereby granted, a lower rate is granted to the City of Champaign, either for street lights or for commercial lighting by the Company its successors or assigns, now furnishing lights for said City of Champaign, then in such case such lower rate shall also be granted to the City of Urbana. and pursuant to the installment of said incandescent lighting system, the said City of Urbana on September 8, 1914 by its City Council, adopted an Ordinance entitled ''An Ordinance governing rates to be charged for in- candescent street lighting" reciting substantially the condi- tions and facts aforesaid. Now Therefore, In consideration of the agreements of the City of Urbana, hereinafter contained and of the faith- ful performance thereof by the City, the said Company agrees to furnish to said City, at the switch board installed by said City to be located within three blocks of Company power station in said City, electrical energy at approximate- ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA ly sixty (GO) cycles, alternating current, of approximately twenty-three hundred (2300) volts three phase, at the price of two (2c) per kilowatt hour, measured by the Company's meter or meters at such switchboard for distribution and use in supplying said incandescent street lights erected and maintained by the said City, pursuant to the provisions and requirements of the said ordinance entitled "An Ordinance governing rates to be charged for incandescent street lighting;" adopted by the City Council of said City Septem- ber 8, 1914, approved by the Mayor of said City who signed the same September 10, 1914. The meter or meters used for the measurement of Killo- wat hour, shall be tested for accuracy as often as may be desired by either party to this agreement. A representative of both the City and Company shall be present whenever such a test is made. At the completion of each test the meter or meters shall be sealed by both of the aforesaid represen- tatives in such way as to prevent opening said meter or meters without breaking the seals. The seals are to be brok- en and the meter or meters opened only in the presence of a representative of both the City and the Company. The meth- od used in testing for accuracy of the meter or meters used, shall be those mutually acceptable and agreed upon from time to time by the representatives of the City and the Com- pany, conducting the test. In case the aforesaid representa- tives of the City and the Company cannot agree, either as to the method to be used or as to the results obtained in testing the whole matter shall be referred to the professors and in- structors in electrical engineering at the University of Illi- nois for arbitration, and their decision as arbitrators shall in- clude a decision as to what proportion of the arbitration ex- penses shall be paid by the respective parties to this agree- ment. The City at its expense shall provide the necessary cir- cuits for the conduct of electrical energy from said Com- pany's switchboard and shall install, satisfactorily to Com- pany, suitable conection with such switchboard; and the City agrees to effect the necessary connection with such switchboard and commence taking electrical energy, here- FRANCHISES 391 under immediately and thenceforth for the period of five years to accept from, and pay the company for all the elec- trical energy required by the City for the illumination of its public streets, alleys, public grounds and places and dur- ing said period agrees to procure electrical energy for such purposes from no other source and to conduct such lighting by electrical means exclusively. The Company shall render bills on the first day of each month during thte period of service hereunder, for elec- trical energy delivered during the preceding month, and the City before the tenth of the month in which such bills shall be rendered shall pay to the Company the amount of such bill. The Company shall not be liable to the City for any loss or damage or expense in respect of damage done, or in- juries occasioned directly, or indirectly by such electrical en- ergy after it leaves its switchboard and enters the connec- tions, circuits and distributing system of the City and the City agrees to protect and indemnify the Company from any loss, damage or expense thereof. The Company shall not be liable to the City for loss or damage to the connections, circuits, system, or other proper- ty of the City, due to fluctuations, within reasonable limita- tions ofthe voltage of the electrical energy delivered here- under. The Company shall not be liable to the City for any diminution in the delivery of such amount of electrical en- ergy as the City may require hereunder, nor for any total interruption, in delivery of electrical energy hereunder by reason of any cause not the result of the wilful negligence of the Company. This contract shall remain in force for the term of five years from the execution of this agreement and may be ex- tended for a period of five years from its maturity, provided said City shall notify said Company of its desire for said ex- tension at least six months prior to the expiration of this agreement. The arc lights located at the following points in said city namely; corner of Market and Elm Streets; corner of Wai- 392 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA nut and Main Streets; corner of Market and Main Streets; corner of Market and Water Streets; corner of University Avenue and Race Streets; corner of Big Four Railroad tracks and Race Streets; corner of Water and Race Streets; corner of Main and Race Streets; corner of Elm and Race Streets; and the fountain in front of the Flat Iron Store, shall be removed and the payment for said arc lamps under the terms of the existing ordinance and contract for furnish- ing such arc lamps at said locations shall be henceforth dis- continued; provided, however, said arc light ordinance and contract shall in all other respects remain in full force and effect, subject only to such further agreements with refer- ence, thereto as may be entered into between said City and said Company. In the event said City may, in the future provide for in- stallation and operation of additions to said incandescent street lighting system or installation of additional system or systems of incandescent street lighting, the contract shall be extended to such additions or additional systems on the same terms and conditions as are herein specified, so far as the same are applicable. Adopted Feb. 5, 1915. Book F. Page 257. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BY JUDGE J. O. CUNNINGHAM A king of Sparta, being asked "What things he thought most proper for boys most to learn/' answered, "Those which they ought to practice when they become men." A wise:- than the Spartan said, "Train np a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." These side-lights of life were disregarded in educating the young by the old schools two generations since, and it was the mission of those given by the Federal law known as "The Merrill Act/' to beat a return to these first principles. Thus lead Prof. Jonathan Baldwin Turner, an early ed- ucator in Illinois, under the system then in vogue, with others of like mind, seeing the material lack of the old sys- tem of educating the young, about the middle of the last cen- tury set about awakening society to its needs of so educating the youth as to fit them for self support. The movement had its origin in Illinois and has become nation-wide! Ap- peals by public speeches and lectures as well as through the public press were made to the General Assembly for its in- fluence upon the National Congress for federal action in this behalf, until it resulted in the passage of the resolu- tions of February 8, 185:5, asking the appropriation by law to each state of public lands for the endowment of industrial colleges for the more liberal and practical education of the industrial classes. In response to this Influence a bill passed both houses of Congress granting the prayer but it received the vetoe of President Buchanan, in 1857. Soon after the inaugura- tion of Mr. Lincoln to the presidency Mr. Morrill again in- troduced his bill into Congress, which in due time passed both houses and received the presidential approval and be- came a law of the country, July 2, 1862. From the first the movement for a federal endowment of industrial colleges hal its friends in Champaign County. Cotemporary with the discussions of the inauguration of an industrial college within the state, there had been a move- .'>!>! ORDINANCES OF TIIK <'ITY OF FKBANA MHM.il based upon llic proposition of Messrs. Stoughton, Bab- cork & Harvey, a company of adventurers resident elsewhere, to build a coininodiiis building suitable for an educational institution in this locality, the projectors to be compensated by the sale of lots to be platted upon unappropriated lands within the vicinity and influence of said institution. As this building progressed towards completion the queston of its future use and occupancy occupied much of the attention of the local people. Early in July 1862, news of the passage and approval of the Morril Bill was received and at once it was suggested that the State of Illinois be asked to accept this building as the home for the new college, then commonly spoken of as the *' Agricultural College/' This suggestion was first made by Dr. Charles A. Hunt, a retired physician of Urbana, was well received by all interested and commanded immediate action. It was taken up by the local press and from that time was a settled policy in both towns and approved heartily by the projectors, who saw a road out of the condition into which they had fallen, owing to the existence of a fierce civil war which darkened all public projects save that of war. The matter was placed before the Board of Supervisors and met its hearty concurrence with material aid. By the time of the meeting of the General Assembly in 1865, plans had been matured which were presented to that body and as no other location offered any financial inducements for the location of the institution the bill for the chartering of an Industrial University as prepared and introduced was promptly so amended as to locate the school in the new seminary building. Unfortunately Champaign County had no local member of either house in the legislative body, oth- erwise the bill as amended would probably have become a law in 1865 instead of in 1867, two years thereafter, when by the masterly general ship of Hon. Clark R. Griggs, well sup- ported by a large and influential lobby, from all portions of the State, the bill passed both houses and was approved by Gov. Oglesby. Nearly all who figured in this chapter of our local his- tory have passed away, but the facts are well supported by local historv and assured tradition. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE LOCATION OF THE INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY Whereas, Each portion of the state is alike interested in the proper location of said University, and it is desirable to enable the public spirit in each community or section to fully compete for such location; therefore, SECTION 1. B Section Page Foundation 29 4ft General building requirements 28 48 Heating, Boilers for, location 73 63 Warm air pipes, for 79 64 Loads, safe bearing, for soil 31 49 Lot, maximum amount to be covered 88 66 Masonry, Definition of stone 34 51 Allowable compressive stresses of 33 50 Special requirements for 33 50 Materials, Brick 36 51 Cements 39 52 Cement mortar 40 52 Gypsum mortar and plaster 41 52 Lime mortar ^ 38 52 Sand 37 52 Stone 35 51 Structural stell and iron 44 53 Structural timber 42 52 Test for 45 54 Weight of 32 49 Nuisance notice of abatement of < 94 68 Nuisance dangerous buildings 97 71 Occupation of streets 27 48 Partitions 83 65 Permission to erect wooden buildings 91 68 Permits, For construction of building required 24 47 Contractors to take out 25 47 Fees for 26 48 Projection of building ^ 80 64 Recesses in walls 57 57 Roof, Scuttles 81 65 Wooden, prohibited in fire limits 82 65 Safety, factors of 30 49 Scuttles 81 65 Sky-lights 75 64 Smoke pipes 74 63 Soils, safe-bearing loads for 31 49 Stairs 71 62 Carrying capacity of 72 63 Steel or iron construction _ 70 61 40G ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA Stirrups trimmers and headers hung in 63 58 Stone _~ T 35 51 Story height 52 56 Stresses, Allowable working 43 52 Allowable unit working for reinforced con- crete 44a 53 Allowable compressive ,._ 33 50 Factors of safety 30 49 Terms, classification of 50 55 Walls, Anchors 61 58 Backing of, faced with ashlar masonry 59 58 Bricks . 36 51 Brick partition in basement 54 56 Cements 39 52 Cement mortar 40 52 Clear span thickness 53 56 Construction of j. . '. 48 55 Division, fire walls 55 57 Fire proof doors 58 57 Fire walls 56 57 Fire walls above roof 56 57 Furred walls 66 59 Gypsum mortar 41 52 Iron structural 44 53 Lime mortar 38 52 Partition 83 65 Piers 49 55 Recesses in 57 57 Sand 37 52 Skeleton steel or iron construction 70 61 Steel structural !___ 44 53 Stone 35 51 Story height 51 55 Thickness of 51 55 Timber structural 42 52 Walls and Piers 49 55 Weight of material 32 49 Wind loads 69 61 Wooden girders 60 58 Wind loads 69 61 Windows 86 66 Wooden girders, or lintels 60 58 Wooden buildings not to be erected in fire limits. 90 67 Wooden buildings not to be enlarged in fire limits 92 68 Wooden roof prohibited in fire limits 82 65 INDEX 107 Section Pago (Plumbing and Gas Fitting) Board of Examiners, Created 101 74 Meeting of 102 75 Bond permit for work necessary .,107 77 Certificate. Application for 100 74 Board of Examiners created 101 74 Meeting of Board examination 102 75 Examination 100 74 Failure to pass 103 75 Failure to secure 104 76 Fees 103 75 How to obtain 103 75 Listing of 105 76 Of journeyman plumber 106 76 Of competency required 99 74 No permit issued 104 76 Re-examination 103 75 Work not to be inspected 104 76 Renewal of 103 75 Cess pool, when permitted 116 7!) Cess pool, location of 118 79 Cess pool prohibited 117 79 Charts and sketches 132 97 DRAINS, House sewage and drains, a. Independent system 126 91 b. Exception permissable 126 91 c. House sewers 126 91 d. House drains 126 92 Roof, sub-soil and other drains, a. Ground drainage 127 92 b. Exhaust, blow off and drip pipes 127 92 c. Temperature of discharge 127 92 d. Elevator connections 127 92 e. Rain water leads 127 92 Refrigerator, safe and special wastes, a. Refrigerator waste 128 93 b. Overflow pipes 128 93 c. Urinal safes 128 93 d. Kitchen wastes __j 128 94 Sumps and ejectors, a. Drainage below sewer level 129 94 b. Motors, compressors, etc. _ 129 94 JOS ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UUBANA Section Employing plumber responsible for journeyman plumber 106 76 Fees paid before permit is issued 110 78 Fixtures, (See also Prohibited Fixtures) a. Materials 130 95 b. Water closet bowls 130 95 c. Flushing rims and water supply 130 95 cl. Frost proof closets 130 95 e. Under sidewalk 130 96 f. Open plumbing 130 96 Gas, Fittings 137 104 Inspection and tests 137 104 When turned on 138 105 Fee for inspection 139 105 General regulations, a. Grade of horizontal pipes 134 99 b. Change of direction 134 100 c. Off-sets in mains 134 100 d. Stack supports 134 100 e. Dead ends 134 100 f. Drainage excavation 134 100 g. Location of fixtures 134 100 h. Old work remodeled 134 101 i. Storm water, rain leaders, sub-soil, drains and cistern overflow inspection 134 101 Inspection and tests, a. Nature of 133 97 b. Of house drains 133 97 c. Of stable and garage 133 97 d. Of conductor pipe 133 97 e. Covering work 133 97 f. Of fixtures final 133 98 g. Water and air tests 133 98 h. Smoke test 133 98 i. Defective work 133 99 j. Repairs 133 99 k. Certificate of 133 99 1. Plumber to give notice for 133 99 Interpretations 136 103 Master Plumber responsible for journeyman plumber _106 76 Permit, For work necessary 107 77 Fees for _ --110 78 INDEX 409 Section Page Pipes, Size of pipes, a. Fixtures and fixture equation 121 81 b. Proportionment 121 81 c. Roof extension 121 82 d. Local vent pipe stacks 121 83 Material, Quality and Weight. a. Earthen ware pipes 122 83 b. Cast iron 122 83 c. Wrought iron 122 84 d. Lead pipes 122 84 e. Brass pipes and fittings 122 85 f. Sheet lead for rough flashings 122 85 Joints and Connections, a. Gas and water tight 123 85 b. Earthen ware pipes 123 86 c. Cast iron pipes . 123 86 d. Wrought iron and brass 123 86 e. Wrought iron or brass to cast iron 123 86 f. Lead pipes 123 86 g. Lead to iron 123 86 h. Earthen ware with metal floor connec- tions 123 86 i. Increasers and reducers 123 87 j. Expansion bolts . 123 87 Soil, a. Material 125 89 b. Roof extension 125 89 'c. Terminals 125 89 d. Roof joints 125 89 e. Branch soil extensions 125 90 f. Vents length from trap 125 90 g. Main vents 125 90 h. Continuous vents . 125 90 i. Revents and adjoining fixtures 125 91 j. Back venting 125 91 Waste, (See Soil Pipes, Sec. 125, Pages 89-91) Vent, (See Soil Pipes, Sec. 125, Pages 89-91) Plans, Filing of 109 77 To be approved by Building Inspector 111 78 Changes in 112 78 Prohibited fixtures and materials, a. Prohibited fittings 135 101 b. Calked joints 135 101 410 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UKBANA Section c. Chimney ventilation 135 d. Revents as waste 135 e. Wood sinks and tubs 135 f. Urinal construction 135 g. Closets 135 h. Reinstallation 135 i. Connections 135 j. Copper or metal lined bath tubs 135 k. Double waste 135 1. Painted cast iron sinks 135 m. Waste not connected to water closet trap 135 102 n. Traps 135 103 Sanitary requirements 113 79 Septic tanks 115 79 Sewage, (See Drains, Section 126, Page 91) Sumps and Ejectors 129 94 Sketches .132 97 Supervision of plumbing work 108 77 Tests (See Inspection and Tests, Section 133, Page 97) Toilets. Separate 114 79 Compartments 131 96 Toilet Compartments, a. Floors 131 96 b. Sound proof partitions 131 96 c. Doors and partitions 131 96 d. Compartments , 131 96 Traps and Clean-outs, a. Traps < 124 87 b. Connected wastes , 124 88 c. Levels and protection __124 88 d. Clean-outs 124 88 Vaults, when permitted 119 80 Location of 120 80 (ELECTRICAL WORK) Building Inspector, Supervising wiring 140 105 Power to condemn defective wiring 153 109 To be notified of hidden work 152 109 Right to uncover work covered before inspec- tion 152 109 To inspect new work 145 107 To inspect old work .___ 146 107 INDEX 411 Section Page Certificate, Of inspection 147 107 Preliminary 148 107 Of competency, by motion picture operator __156 110 Fees, For registration 143 106 For inspection 151 108 For motion picture operator's license 166 110 For Ass't. motion picture operator's license _157 111 Hidden work, Notice of 152 109 Right to uncover 152 109 Cost of replacing 152 109 Inspection, New work 145 107 Old work .!___146 107 Certificate of 147 107 Fee for 151 108 Liability not attached to City of Urbana 150 108 License, Required for motion picture operator 155 109 Fee for motion picture operator 156 110 Motion picture machine, License required to operate 155 109 Certificate of competency and license fee for operator of 156 110 Ass't. to operator of, permit fee 157 111 Unlawful to enter booth of 158 111 Storage of films for 159 112 Permit, Registration of persons applying for 142 106 To do electrical work 144 106 For ass't. motion picture operator 157 111 Registration, Of persons applying for permits to do work 142 106 Fee for 143 106 Wires, Removal of dead 149 108 Defective -__ __153 109 Feed 154 109 Wiring, Must conform to National Electric Code 141 105 Under supervision of building inspector 140 105 (Penalties) For general enforcement of 162 113 Invalidity of one portion shall not affect the remainder 161 112 For violations of the provisions of this code__160 112 412 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA Section Page CITY ATTORNEY. Compensation 2 114 Duties of 1 114 CITY CLERK, Duties of 1 115 To issue all licenses 2- 115 CITY COLLECTOR. Appointment of 1 116 Bond of 2 116 Compensation of 6 117 Duty of 3 116 Keep books of account 5 117 Office created 1 116 Pay all moneys to City Treasurer 4 117 CITY ENGINEER. Appointment of 2 118 Bond - 3 118 Compensation of 8 119 Duties of _ 4 118 Oath r 3 118 Office created 1 118 Plans 5 119 Record of plat and surveys 7 119 Reports 6 ' 119 Surveys and Plans 5 119 Term of office 2 118 CITY TREASURER. Bond of 1 120 Prohibited from using public money 3 121 Receive and disburse moneys 2 120 Render detailed account annually 5 121 Render monthly acount under oath 4 121 Warrants drawn on Treasurer 6 121 CITY WEIGHMASTER AND CITY SCALES. Appointment of weighmaster 1 122 Articles to be weighed when 12 125 Bond of 2 122 Compensation of 2 ' 122 Duties of 3 122 Fees for weighing 14 125 Fees for inspection of weights, and measures __ 15 125 Inspection, Fee for, of weights and measures 15 125 INDEX 413 Section Page Of weights and measures 5 123 On Complaint 6 123 Record of 8 124 Right to 9 124 Maintenance of city scales 10 124 Penalty _ 16 126 Scales, Maintenance of 10 124 Standard of , 11 124 i ? . Articles to be weighed on 12 125 Standard of scales 11 124 Standard of weights and measures 4 123 Weights and Measures, Standard of '4 123 Inspection of 5 123 Incorrect 7 123 Fee for inspection of 16 125 Weighmaster to weigh articles 13 125 CLAIMS AGAINST CITY. Duty of committee 2 127 Presented to clerk when 2 127 Referred to committee 1 127 Sworn to 1 127 CORPORATION COUNSEL. Appointment of 2 128 Bond of 3 128 Compensation of 6 129 Duties of 4 128 Oath of 3 128 Office of, created 1 128 Office, term of 2 128 Papers delivered to successor 5 129 CURFEW. Minors not permitted on streets after certain hours 1 130 Penalty 2 130 DOGS. Badge, To be put on dog 3 131 Without, to be killed 4 132 Metal, provided 2 131 Bitch at large in heat 10 133 Dangerous 11 133 Hydrophobia 8 132 414 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBAN A Section Page Marshal to procure list of owners 6 132 Nuisance when 9 133 Owner of unlicensed dog to be fined 5 132 Proclamation of Mayor 8 132 Register kept 1 131 Tax imposed 1 131 Term "dog" defined 7 132 FEES AND SALARIES. Fees 2 134 Salaries 1 134 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Assistant Fire Marshal, Appointment of 3 136 Bond of 3 136 Term of 3 136 Established 1 135 Fire Marshal, Appointment of 2 136 Authority of 18 140 Bond of 2 136 Custodian of fire equipment 7 137 Duty to attend fires 12 138 Examine damaged buildings 13 139 Examine engines 9 137 Inspect buildings 10 137 Others to assist on order of 19 140 Power of, at fires 15 139 Power of , 6 137 Report of 14 139 Right to remove property : 16 139 Right and power to destrop buildings 17 140 Right to enter premises 11 138 Term of 2 136 To investigate fires keep record of 8 137 Firemen, Appointment of _ 4 136 Impersonating 24 141 Hindering " 20 140 Relief to injured 27 141 Salaries 5 136 Hydrants obstruction of 23 14} Hindering firemen 20 , 140 Impersonating firemen 24 141 Injured firemen, relief to 27 141 Penalty . 28 141 INDEX 415 Section Page Report of fire marshal 14 139 Salaries 5 136 Salvage at fire not to be taken away 25 141 Signal boxes or wires Meddling with 22 140 Uniforms 26 141 Unprotected hose driving over 21 140 FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND. Administration of 4 143 Disbursements 3 143 Payments to treasurer 3 143 Provided for 1 142 Secretary, election of bond 2 142 Treasurer election of bond 2 142 Trustees election administration 4 143 FIREWORKS AND EXPLOSIVES. Discharge of 1 145 Fire marshal to direct display 6 146 Penalty 5 146 Permit to display 4 145 Sale of 2 145 Storage of 3 145 FISCAL AND MUNICIPAL YEAR. Fiscal year .__ 1 147. Municipal year 2 147 FOREIGN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Agent, To pay fees __ 3 148 To report 2 148 Fund for benefit of fire department 6 149 License fee _ '. 1 148 Penalty 5 149 Tax 1 148 Unlawful to transact business when 4 149 FORTUNE TELLING. To secure license 1 150 Penalty 2 150 HAWKERS AND PEDDLERS. License, Fee for 3 151 How obtained 2 151 Required 1 151 Penalty 5 152 Restriction near public schools 4 152 416 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA Section Page HEALTH. (General Regulations) Board of Health, Appointment of ; 2 155 Oath of 3 155 Organization of 4 155 Powers and duties of 5 155 To post notices of diseases 7 156 Department of Health, Established 1 155 Expenditures 10 156 Jurisdiction 8 156 Reports 11 156 Records 6 156 Salaries 9 156 Disinfection of premises 14 157 Dutly of persons to remedy faulty conditions 15 158 Duty of persons to report contagious diseases 16 158 Epidemics regulations governing 12 157 Small-pox , 13 157 Vaccination, refusal 13 157 (Foodstuff, Drugs, and Medicines) Dairy inspection 19 159 Diseased animals, Killing of 20 159 Selling flesh of 21 159 Distribution of, Free, of drugs, etc. 28 161 Medical literature 29 161 Dressed meats 24 160 Ice _, 26 160 Itinerant vendors of drugs 27 160 Milk 18 158 Oysters ,. 25 160 Undrawn poultry 23 160 Unwholesome provisions 22 159 Unwholesome food 17 158 (Sanitation) Diseased animals 34 163 Garbage 32 162 Inspection 30 161 Lodging houses 36 164 Manure, etc. 35 164 Offensive establishment 31 162 Sanitation of schools 37 164 Scavenger work 33 163 Slops . 32 162 INDEX 417 Section Page (Contagious Diseases) Disinfection 43 167 Precaution 42 166 Quarantine 39 165 Expense of 41 166 Rules for government of 40 166 Reports required 38 165 Tuberculosis inspection __ 44 167 (Deaths and Burials) Burial permit 47 168 Burial permit recorded 48 168 Burial permit or removal permit 45 168 Death certificate 46 168 Filing of death certificate 49 169 (Nuisances) Abatement of 51 171 Enumerated , 50 169 (Penalties) For violation of Health Ordinance 52 171 INTOXICATING LIQUOR. Druggist, Bond of 7 173 Permit for : 8 174 Revocation of permit 9 174 Penalty for violation by 10 174 Sale by 3 173 Record of sales oath 5 173 License committee 11 175 Not to be sold 1 172 Penalty 14 177 Penalties Act 2 172 Permit, Druggist's permit 8 174 Revocation of 9 174 Physician's prescription 4 173 Police and License Committee 11 175 Public nuisance to have liquor, etc. 12 175 Public nuisance to congregate to drink 13 176 Prescriptions, To whom given 6 173 Physician's 4 173 Revocation of permit 9 174 Sale, By druggist 3 173 Record of _ 5 173 418 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ITRBANA Section Page ITINERANT MERCHANTS. License, Fee 2 178 Required __: 1 178 Penalty 1 178 JANITOR FOR CITY BUILDING. Appointment of 2 180 Bond of 5 181 Duty of 3 180 Ex-officio policeman and prison keeper ^ 4 180 Office created 1 180 Removal when j. 7 181 Salary of 6 181 LICENSES. Application for, How made :: 2 182 Mayor to receive 1 182 Clerk to keep register 6 183 Duty of marshal 8 184 Fees for 9 184 Fee for issuing 6 183 Form of 7 184 How signed 3 182 Mayor to receive application for 1 182 Not assignable without permit 5 183 Revoked when 4 183 Subject to ordinance 4 183 Term of 3 182 MAYOR. Inspect and examine all books 3 189 Message to council 8 190 Perform all duties prescribed by law or ordinance 2 189 Power of sheriff or peace officer 4 189 Preside at all meetings of council 1 189 Release person from prison 5 189 Remove officer appointed by him 7 190 Vacancy in office of 6 190 MISDEMEANORS. Abet or encourage unlawful act 11 194 Accessories 79 210 Advertising wares on fences, etc., 14 195 Aiding or abetting rescue or escape of prisoner __ 50 203 Assaults . 2 193 INDEX 410 Section Page Banana peel 77 210 Billboards 78 210 Bonfires 70 208 Boys climbing on wagons 69 208 Building, Not to obstruct street, etc., 60 206 Removal of, encroaching on street 61 206 Permit to remove, across street 62 206 Burning waste paper 56 205 Carrying away cap or lid of gas, or water system. 23 196 Carrying away plants 42 201 Causing or maintaining a nuisance 47 202 Climbing upon or catching hold of trains or cars. 74 209 Cock fighting 83 211 Concealed weapons 57 205 Giving or selling to minors 58 205 Contractor leaving excavation unguarded 34 199 Contractor not to obstruct street or alley 64 207 Cruelty to animals 49 203 Disorderly conduct 3 193 Disorderly house 28 197 Disturbing, Funeral 5 193 Neighborhood or family 8 194 Peace on Sunday by amusements 18 196 Religious assembly 9 194 School , 6 194 Dog fighting 83 211 Drinking in public 44 202 Driving over gutters, curbing and parking 86 212 Driving unhaltered horses or mules through street 82 211 Drunkenness 4 193 Driving fast ___ ^ 25 197 Encourage unlawful act 11 194 False weights and measures 43 201 Fighting 2 193 Firing cannon, guns, etc., 48 203 Falsely representing an officer 51 204 Gambling 15 . 195 Gambling, permitting, on premises owned by 31 198 Gasoline 76 209 Giving false alarm of fire or cry for assistance __ 10 194 Gunpowder 59 205 Weighing of 76 209 Hitching horses to trees, fences, etc., 38 200 420 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA Section Page Indecently exhibiting stallion 26 197 Indecent exposure 32 198 Injury to, Public or private property 22 196 Public buildings or fences 42 201 Telegraph, telephone poles, etc., 20 196 Inmate of house of ill-fame 29 198 Jumping on trains or cars 74 209 Keeping open billiard rooms, or like places 19 196 Keeping house of ill-fame 28 197 Keeping common gaming house 46 202 Killing squirrels 88 212 Leaving horse or team unhitched 24 197 Leaving cellar door or cistern open 33 198 Leaving excavation unguarded 34 199 Lewdness 7 194 Loitering about railway grounds . 72 208 Lottery lottery tickets 27 197 Obscene writing or figures 12 194 Obscene books or pictures 16 195 Obstructing public or private ways 13 195 Obstructing thoroughfares 45 202 Obstructing street, alley or sidewalk 63 206 Obstructing street crossing 66 207 Obstructing water course 73 208 Observing Sunday 90 213 Orange peel 77 210 Patronizing bawdy house or house of ill-fame __ 17 195 Permit to remove building 62 206 Permitting gambling on premises 31 198 Permitting unlawful assembly 37 199 Poison, sale of r 41 200 Posting bill, etc., 21 196 Practicing sleight of hand 54 204 Prize fight 83 211 Prohibit boys from loitering about churches 81 210 Prostitutes loitering on streets 80 210 Refusal of citizen to act when deputized 52 204 Removal of dirt from street 53 204 Removal of stake, post or corner stone 55 205 Removal of building encroaching on street 61 206 Resisting an officer 87 212 Rubber slings 84 211 Sale of poison _ ._. 41 200 INDEX 421 Section Page Scaring horses 75 209 Selling deseased flesh, fish, milk, etc., 36 199 Sidewalks, Building not to obstruct 60 206 Obstructing, with goods 63 206 Unloading coal on 68 208 Water from building upon 67 207 Sleeping in barn 40 200 Soliciting females for prostitution 30 198 Squirrels killing 88 212 Steam engines on paved street 65 207 Swindling devices 40 200 Trespass on private grounds 89 213 Throwing stones 71 208 Throwing glass, tacks, nails, cans, and rubbish __ 85 212 Unlawful assemblies 1 193 Unloading coal on sidewalk 68 208 Using false weights and measures 43 201 Vagrants v 35 199 Vagrancy 40 200 Vehicles to turn to right 39 200 Visiting bawdy house or house of ill-fame 17 195 Water from building upon sidewalk 67 207 Weighing gunpowder, kerosene and gasoline 76 208 OFFICERS. Absence from city 9 217 Appointed 1 214 Bond of 3 215 Corporation counsel to prepare 4 215 New 4 215 Commissions, etc., 5 215 Liability for damage 10 217 Not to be interested in contract " 11 217 Oath of office 2 214 Records of city open for inspection 8 216 Removal from city 9 217 Salaries payable when 7 216 Sureties 4 215 To pay money over ,_ 6 216 PAWNBROKERS. Bond of 2 218 Book of 3 219 Defined 1 218 Inspection of premises -- 6 220 42- ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA Section Page License, Rate of 2 218 Mayor may grant 2 218 Required ___ 1 218 Principal liable for violation of clerks 8 220 Property, Of minors 4 219 Stolen 4 219 Of intoxicated persons 4 219 Time of receiving i 5 219 Inspection of 6 220 Not to remove or sell for five days 7 220 POLICE DEPARTMENT. Central station ; 5 222 Duties of mayor 4 222 Marshal, Absence of 1 8 223 Chief of Police 5 222 Custodian of property 6 222 Report monthly and annually 7 222 Mayor duties of 4 222 Of whom shall consist 1 223 Policemen, Appointment of 2 221 Beats 9 223 Bond of 3 221 Day and night force 9 223 Duties of 13 224 Not to enter dramshop while on duty 16 225 Neglect of duty 17 225 Oath of 1 3 221 ; Power to arrest 14 224 Record of ' 10 223 Removal from office causes ^ 18 226 Serve warrants 14 224 Special 11 . 223 Temporary 12 224 Prisoner drunk when arrested 19 226 Search warrant J 15 225 POLICE PRACTICE. Action brought in corporate name of city 2 227 Arrests at night, Sunday, etc., 5 228 Arrests without warrant 7 229 City Attorney to file written statement 6 229 INDEX 423 Section Page City Marshal shall deliver prisoner to street- superintendent 15 231 Costs against prosecutor 11 230 Fees for witnesses 10 230 Fees for jurors 10 230 Fine payment of 17 232 Malicious suits 11 230 Officers to report to council names, etc., 18 232 Officers as witnesses ._ 9 230 Person convicted required to work 14 231 Police Magistrate, Bond of - 1 227 Fees for 1 227 Term of 1 227 To assess fines 13 230 Make monthly and annual report 19 232 Pay cash collected monthly 19 232 Prisoner, Bail of 4 228 Trial of 4 228 Continuance of trial 4 228 Arrested at night or Sunday 5 228 Committment of 12 230 City Marshal shall deliver, to street supt. 15 231 Refusing to work 16 232 Pay fine entitled to discharge 17 232 Recognizance given _ 8 229 Refusing to work 16 232 Summons 1 3 228 Trial, Of person arrested 4 228 Continuance of 4 228 Summons for _^ 3 228 Officers as witnesses 9 230 Malicious suits 11 230 Warrant 3 228 Witness, Officer as 9 230 Fees for '__ 10 230 RAILROADS. Backing trains 10 237 Crossings, Cars obstructing 5 235 Compelled to construct 1 234 1-4 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF UBBANA Section Page Flagman at 8 236 Keep good and sufficient lights at 4 2'55 Neglect to build or repair, city may 3 234 Repair upon notice, etc., 2 234 Duty of flagman 9 237 Flagmen 8 236 Lights on trains 10 237 Penalty 11 227 Speed of cars 6 236 Whistles not to be blown , 7 236 REMOVAL OF HOUSHOLD GOODS. Penalty 2 238 Record to be kept by City Marshal 3 238 Report of 1 238 REPEALED ORDINANCES. Acting mayor, power of 7 240 Construction of terms 6 240 "Court" defined 2 239 Fines, not to release 5 240 In force till when 1 239 Policemen to exercise powers of marshal 7 240 Repeal of ordinance not to release fines 5 240 Repeal of 4 240 Words construed 3 239 ROLLER SKATING RINKS. License, Amount of 2 241 Clerk, to issue 4 241 Mayor may revoke 5 241 Required 1 241 Penalty __, 3 241 RULES OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Committees, Duties of 4 246 On Buildings and Grounds 5 246 On Finance 6 247 On Fire and water 7 247 On Health and Miscellaneous 8 247 On Lights 9 247 On Ordinances 10 247 On Police and License 11 247 On purchasing and Printing 12 248 INDEX 425 Section Page On Sewerage and Drainage 13 248 On Streets and Alleys 14 248 Standing 3 246 Contract not authorized by council, forbidden 15 248 Meetings of 1 242 Rules of ,___ 2 243 Special Meetings 1 242 SEAL. Clerk to keep and affix same 2 249 Corporate 1 249 SECOND HAND AND JUNK STORES. License of 1 250 License fee 2 250 Not to purchase from minors 4 250 Penalty 5 250 Record to be kept 3 250 SEWERS AND DRAINS. Sewers, Fee for permit to connect with 1 251 Connection how made 2 252 Penalty for connecting with, without permit. _ 3 252 Penalty for permitting others to connect to private drains connected with sewer 4 252 Tile Drain, Fee for permit to connect with 5 252 Connections how made 6 253 Penalty for connecting with, without permit-- 7 253 Penalty for permitting others to connect with private drains : 8 253 Permit to connect with 5 252 SIDEWALKS. City Clerk to report default in payment of 20 261 City may construct 18 260 Contract let to lowest bidder 19 261 Contractor, Duty of 14 258 To execute bond 15 259 Construction, Base 5 255 Expansion joints 13 257 Finishing coat 9 256 Foundation 4 255 Grade . 2 254 420 ' ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA Section Page Materials 6 256 Mixing . 7 256 Of cement 1 254 Placing in walk 8 256 Sub-grade 3 255 Defective work replacing of 12 257 Notice given bids to be received 19 261 Owner to be notified to construct 17 259 Paid for by special taxation 13 257 Private driveway crossings 10 257 Protection of 11 257 STREET NUMBERING. Base lines 2 263 Changing of 7 266 Detailed 4 264 Establishment of system 1 263 Extension of streets 5 266 Method of 3 263 Plat of 6 266 STREET SUPERINTENDENT. Appointment of 1 267 Employ needed help 4 268 Enforce ordinances in relation to streets, etc., __ 11 269 Examine accounts of contractors for work 7 269 Keep accurate account of expenditures 6 268 Keep street crossings clean 8 269 Mark implements 5 268 Oversee laborers and prisoners 4 268 Purchase tools 5 268 Removal from office 11 269 Streets cleaned by 3 267 Superintend all city improvements 2 267 Term of office 1 267 Report yearly 10 269 Report monthly 9 269 SUPPLIES. Advertising for, let to lowest bidder 1 271 Bill for, to contain itemized statement 5 272 Bill for, to be certified 5 272 Bill for, copy filed with City Clerk 3 271 Claims for goods not ordered 4 271 Meals for prisoners 6 272 Order for, copy filed with City Clerk _ 3 271 INDEX 427 Section Page Who shall purchase 3 271 Requisition for supplies 2 271 TRAFFIC REGULATIONS, Bicycles 11 280 Definitions 1 273 Horses, control of 10 279 Keeping to the right, passing, turning, etc., 4 274 Loading, unloading and backing vehicles 5 276 Miscellaneous 13 280 Motorcycles 11 280 Motor vehicles, for hire 9 279 Obedience 2 273 Pedestrians * 12 280 Penalty 14 280 Right of way 3 273 Signals 7 277 Vehicles kinds of 8 277 Speed of 6 277 Motor, for hire 9 279 Loading, unloading, and backing 5 276 URBANA FREE LIBRARY. Disturbance prohibited 1 281 Loitering on stairway or hall prohibited 2 281 Mutilating books 4 282 Penalties, For creating disturbance 1 281 For loitering on stairway or in hall 2 281 For failure to return book 3 281 For failure to pay fines 3 281 Mutilating books 4 282 Persons excluded from to stay away 7 282 Taking property from without right 6 282 Visiting when not entitled to privileges 5 282 VEHICLES. Charges for carrying passengers 6 284 Charges for hauling trunks, loads, etc. 7 285 Extortions 8 285 False representation by drivers of 8 285 License, City Clerk to write number of vehicle in 5 284 For vehicles carrying persons 1 283 Number to be placed on vehicle 5 284 Rate of _ 2 283 428 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF URBANA Section Page Rate of, to pursue business of carrier 4 284 To pursue business of carrier 3 283 Licensed person to keep copy of Sections 6 and 7 9 285 WARDS AND BOUNDARIES. Boundaries of city 2 286 Wards of city 1 286 EFFECT AND PUBLICATION. Exceptions 1 290 Publication 3 290 Repeal 1 290 Saving clause 2 290 CERTIFICATE OF CLERK 291 STATUTORY PROVISIONS RELATING TO MUNI- CIPAL CORPORATIONS 295 FRANCHISES Kankakee and Urbana Traction Company 330 Champaign & Urbana Water Company 332 Danville, Urbana & Champaign Railway Co. 348 Urbana & Cchampaign Railway, Gas & Electric Co. 369 Urbana Light, Heat & Power Company 374 HISTORY OF THE LOCATION OF THE UNIVER- SITY OF ILLINOIS . 393 INDEX 401