!▼»»»'# •.\T^T^WM ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY 973.7L63 Ml 6i cop. 3 "ILLINOIS }y Lincoln Exhibit Illinois State Historical Library Lincoln Room, Illinois Building SESQUI-CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION PHILADELPHIA 1926 tLUNOIS HISTORICAL ^mn "ILLINOIS" Lincoln Exhibit Illinois State Historical Library Lincoln Room, Illinois Building SESQUI-CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION PHILADELPHIA 1926 0. "Sf-- 3 "ILLINOIS" STATE OFFICERS. Governor Len Small Lieutenant Governor Fred E. Sterling Secretary of State Louis L. Emmerson Auditor of Public Accounts Oscar Nelson State Treasurer Omer N. Custer Superintendent of Public Instruction Francis G. Blair Attorney General Oscar E. Carlstrom SECRETARY HoaJaiE^HoirjForresto CHAIRMAN ILliiiols Commissioners SESQUI CENTE NNIAX^ EXPOSITION HoiiJosepk^JIkjers HoLHwardHincs "ILLINOIS" ILLINOIS SESQUI-CENTENNIAL COMMISSION. Hon. Len Small, Governor Hon. James H. Forrester, Chairman Taylorville, Illinois Hon. Randolph Royd, Secretary Galva, Illinois Hon. a. Otis Arnold Qtiincy, Illinois Hon. Edward Hines Chicago, Illinois Hon. Joseph P. Meyers Freeport, Illinois "ILLINOIS" ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL LIBRARY. Board of Trustees President Dr. Otto L. Schmidt, Chicago Vice President Dr. Charles H. Rammelkamp, -Jacksonville Secretary Prof. Laurence ]\L Larson, Urbana Acting Librarian -^1 iss Georgia L. Osborne PREFATORY NOTE. This little booklet or guide to the exhibit in the Lincoln Room, Illinois Building, Sesqui-Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, is pre- pared with the idea of aiding the visitor to locate the letters, legal docu- ments, pictures, books, cartoons, music, relics, etc., in the exhibit. The pictures on the wall are numbered and a corresponding num- ber will be found in the booklet giving the name of artist or engraver. The flat wall cases depicting the life of Lincoln are chronologically- arranged, as follows, Ancestry of Lincoln, Youth of Lincoln, Lincoln at New Salem, etc. The floor cases contain cartoons. Civil War envelopes, legal docu- ments, letters, music, medals and relics. These you will find in the booklet under their various heads. The Illinois State Historical Library at Springfield, Illinois, has in its Lincoln Collection 3,500 volumes on Lincoln, one hundred of these in foreign languages ; this does not include books on the Civil War. The original letters, legal documents, etc., are reproduced for this exhibit, and many of the best known works on the life of Lincoln are displayed. We are indebted to Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. ; Brown University, Providence, R. I.; Library of Congress; The Chi- cago Historical Society ; The Grand Army of the Republic, Memorial Hall, Chicago, Mr. C. E. Vaugh, Custodian ; The McLean County His- torical Society, Bloomington, 111. ; Mr. Edward G. Miner, Rochester, N. Y. ; Mr. William E. Townsend of Lexington, Ky. ; Mr. Oliver H. Barrett of Chicago ; Mr. Alexander W. Hannah, Kenilworth, 111. ; Mr. H. W. Fay, Custodian, Lincoln Monument, Springfield ; The Lincoln Centennial Association, Mr. Paul M. Angle, Secretary ; Hon. Logan Hay, Springfield, 111. ; Mr. Edward W. Payne, Springfield, 111. ; Mr. William Patterson, Chicago ; Mrs. Walter L. Patteson, Springfield, ill.; Mr. G. W. Morton of Beardstown, 111.; Mr. J. C. Thompson of Springfield, 111. ; and many other Lincoln collectors for their generous aid in allowing their documents, letters, pictures, etc., to be reproduced and shown to add to the interest of the exhibit. Georgia L. Osborne, Acting Librarian, Illinois State Historical Library. ^'ILLINOIS" PICTORIAL AND MANUSCRIPT LIFE OF LINCOLN. In flat wall cases read as follows : 1. Ancestry of Lincoln. 2. Youth of Lincoln. 3. Lincoln at New Salem. 4. Lincoln the Surveyor. 5. Lincoln in the Black Hawk War. 6. Marriage and Domestic Life of Abraham Lincoln. 7. Lincoln the Lawyer. 8. Lincoln, Member of Congress. 9. The Anti-Nebraska Movement. 10. Lincoln-Douglas Debates. 11. Lincoln and the Campaign of 1860. 12. Lincoln the President. 13. Lincoln and the War between the States. 14. Assassination and Death of Lincoln. 15. Some Letters of Mr. Lincoln prior to 1860. "BROWNING DIARY." Two flat wall cases, extracts from the Diary of Orville H. Brown- ing. Diary soon to be published by the Illinois State Historical Library. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Important Books on Lincoln. Arnold, Isaac N. The History of Abraham Lincoln and the Over- throw of Slavery. Chicago, Clarke & Co., 1866. Bacheller, Irving A. A Man for the Ages. Indianapolis, Bobbs- Merrill Co., 1919. Barton, William E. The Life of Abraham Lincoln. 2 vol., Indian- apohs, Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1925. Chapman, Ervin. Latest Light on Abraham Lincoln. New York, Fleming H. Revell, 1917. Charnwood, Lord G. R. B. Abraham Lincoln. 2d edition. New York, Henry Holt, 1917. Herndon, William H. Herndon's Lincoln. 3 vol. Original edition. Chicago, Belford-Clarke Co., 1890. Herndon & Weik. Abraham Lincoln. 2 vol. New York, Appleton, 1892. Hill, Frederick T, Lincoln, the Lawyer. New York, Century Co., 1906. 10 Holland, John G. The Life of Abraham Lincoln. Springfield, Mass., Gurdon Bill, 1866. Keckley, Elizabeth. Behind the Scenes. New York, Carleton & Co., 1868. Lamon, Ward H. The Life of Abraham Lincoln. Boston, Osgood & Co., 1872. Lea & Hutchinson. The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1909. Political debates between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas. Columbus. Follett, Foster & Co., 1860. Richards, John T. Abraham Lincoln, the Lawyer-Statesman. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1916. Schurz, Carl. Abraham Lincoln, With an Essay on the Portraits of Lincoln by Truman H. Bartlett. Boston and New York, Hough- ton Mifflin, 1907. Sparks, Edwin E. Lincoln-Douglas Debates. Springfield, Illinois State Historical Library, 1908. Stephenson, Nathaniel W. Abraham Lincoln and the Union. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1918. Tarbell, Ida M. The Life of Abraham Lincoln. 2 vols. New York, Doubleday & McClure, 1900. EDITIONS DE LUXE ISSUED BY THE LINCOLN CENTENNIAL ASSOCIATION. Speeches of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln the Lawyer. By Frederick Trevor Hill. Lincoln, Master of Men. By Alonzo Rothschild. Life of Lincoln. By Wayne Whipple. Lincoln, 1809-1909. The Lincoln Year Book. G. T. Hobson. Lincoln Centennial Association Papers. 2 vol. 1924-5. BOOKS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Chinese. French. Arnaud. Paris, 1865. French. Bungener. Lausanne, 1865. French. Laugel. 1865. French. Pascal. Paris, 1865. German. Abraham Lincoln, von Dr. Max Lange. Leipzig, 1866. German. Abraham Lincoln. Hofifman, Breslau. German. Addresses at Lincoln Memorial in Berlin. 1865. J. J. Sturz. Hebrew. Kamansi. Hebrew. A. Kamehckaro. Greek. Translation of "The Pioneer Boy", by William M. Thayer Title transliterated from the Greek characters. Hawaiian. Ke Keiki Paionia : or. Pioneer Boy. Samuel C. Andrews. Italian. Abramo Lincoln. A. Agresti, Genova, 1913. Italian. Abramo Lincoln. Firenze, 1866. 11 Italian. Abramo Lincoln. By H. Nelson Gay. Japanese. Abraham Lincoln. K. Ajegami. Japanese. By Joseph Choate. Japanese. Abraham Lincoln. Matsumura, 1908. Norwegian. Abraham Lincoln. Article on, by Halvdan Koht. Portugese. Abraham Lincoln. Jose Manoel Da Conceicao, Rio de Janeiro. Russian. Abraham Lincoln. Wilhelm Hoffman. St. Petersburg, Moscow. Spanish. Abraham Lincoln. D. F. Sarmiento. Spanish. Abraham Lincoln. Montaner Y. Simon, editors. Bar- celona. Spanish. Abraham Lincoln. Joualt. Barcelona, 1S7G. Swedish. Abraham Lincoln. By Termansen. Swedish. Abraham Lincoln. Koren. Welsh. Abraham Lincoln. Hanes y gwrthryfel mawr. Jones and Morris. Welsh. Abraham Lincoln. Hanes bywyd. Pottsville, Pa., 1860. Yiddish. Abraham Lincoln, the seer. E. Hertz. CARTOONS. In floor case. "The Last Ditch of the Chivalry, or a President in Petticoats." 1865. Currier and Ives, New York. "Your Plan and Mine." Pub. by Currier and Ives, New York. n.d. "Storming the Castle." "Old Abe" on guard. Currier and Ives, New York. "Abraham's Dream." "Coming Events cast Their Shadows Before." Currier and Ives, New York. "Running the 'Machine' ". Currier and Ives, New York. "Political 'Blondins' Crossing Salt River." Currier and Ives, New York. "Perilous Escape of Eliza and Child." (Scenes from Uncle Tom's Cabin. No. 1) Tinted. ''The Great Exhibition of 1860." Currier and Ives, New York. "Taking the Stump" or "Stephen in search of his mother." Currier and Ives, New York, 1860. "Virginia Paws-ing". (Uncle Abe-cat. States-mice.) Crehen, Rich- mond, Va. "Progressive Democracy — Prospect of a Smash Up." Currier and Ives, New York. "The National Game. Three 'Outs' and one 'Run' ". Abraham win- ning the ball. Currier and Ives, New York. 1860. "Lincoln in Caricature". By Rufus Rockwell Wilson. Printed for private distribution. 1903. Lincoln. Standing by a drum with horn and drumsticks on top. Has three pointed "affair" on head. Lincoln and Butler speaking. "Hello ! Abe is that you ? Glad to see you !" etc. 12 1832 Democracy 18G4. Calhoun, Jackson, Jeff, Little Mac. Jeff's Last Skedaddle. Off to the last ditch. The End of the Rebellion. Jeff' Davis Horace The great Presidential Sweepstakes of 185(). Free for all ages, "go as they please." The great American buckhunt of 1856. John Brown exhibiting his hangman. "Mac" the giant killer. Fm not to blame for being white, Sir. Death of Uncle Tom. Colors. The Sportsman upset by the Recoil of his own Gun. Uncle Sam's Menagerie. Diogenes his lantern needs no more, an honest man is found ! The search is o'er. Theory. Practice. Eft'ect. Bickley. Booth. The Martyr President. First meeting of Uncle Tom and Eva. Colors. 1. Portrait of "Jeff' Davis" in his wife's clothes. 2. Colors. Flag Picture — "The day is ours !" Col. Jefferson Davis picture on back. An heir to the throne or the next republican candidate. The political "Siamese" Twins. "The Impending Crisis" or Caught in the act. A literary debate in the darktown Club. The Question settled. Colors. The Peninsular campaign. (McClellan speaking, etc.) The first of May, 1865 or General moving day in Richmond, Va. Col- ors. The Capture of an unprotected female or the close of the Rebellion. "The last ditch." (Scene, private apartment, fashionable hotel, Lon- don.) Foraging. The Coffee Call. A Pass Time. (Cavalry rest) Our Jolly Cook. Republican Platform or the Political Mountebank. Professor Pompey magnetizing an Abolition lady. Colors. Lothario Logan. He can't reach her with such a ladder as this. Col- ors. Little Mac trying to dig his way to the White House, but is fright- ened by spiritual manifestations. The Gunboat Candidate. At the battle of Malvern Hill. LEGAL DOCUMENTS. Marriage Bond of Thomas Lincoln and Mrs. Sarah Bush Johnston. Dated December 2, 1819. See case "Youth of Lincoln." Divorce case of Mary Shelby and Mack Shelby (a gentleman of colour). In Abraham Lincoln's handwriting. Dated 1827. Original owned by Mr. Frank R. Fisher, Springfield, 111. See floor case. 13 Received of C. R. Matheny, Clerk, $10.00 deposited by me at last term of county court on application for a road, June 3rd, 1834. Signed by Abraham Lincoln. See case "Lincoln the Surveyor." Marriage in New Salem, 111., May 16, 1835. Abraham Lincoln wit- ness. See case "Youth of Lincoln." Legal papers in a suit for debt against Thomas Lincoln. Dated 1836. See case "Youth of Lincoln." Document entirely in the autograph of Lincoln, signed by Mary and Richard Anderson, in relation to an estate, May 26, 1837. See fioor case. Thomas Cassiday, defendant. Answer to bill of complaint against Joseph C. Foster. Aug. 28, 1837, Signed by Stuart and Lincoln. See floor case. Peter Van Bergen vs. Thomas Neale, Sept. 22, 1838. Signed by Stuart and Lincoln. See floor case. Henry F. Luckett vs. Daniel Ruckel. June 28, 1839. Signed by Stuart and Lincoln. See floor case. John M. Hurt vs. Reuben Winters. July, 1839. Signed by Stuart and Lincoln. See floor case. David Spear, defendant in suit, March 20, 1840. Li Lincoln's hand- writing. See floor case. Elijah lies, plaintifT, vs. Cornelius S. Lyman and C. Lyman. July, 1840. Signed by Stuart and Lincoln. See floor case. William Popejoy, Jr., vs. Isaac Wilson. Declaration, Aug. 4, 1840. Signed by Stuart and Lincoln, See floor case. Receipt of Abraham Lincoln to Josiah Francis Yates, dated June 12, 1841. Original owned by Hon. Logan Hay, Springfield, 111. See floor case. Lincoln's affidavit executed Aug. 10, 1841, concerning a place of resi- dence. In Lincoln's handwriting. See floor case. Lincoln's affidavit executed Aug. 10, 1841, in connection with a divorce suit tried in Springfield, 111. In Lincoln's handwriting. See floor case. Deed for land in Coles Co., 111. assigning it to Abraham Lincoln by his father, Thomas Lincoln, and his step-mother, Sarah Bush Johnston Lincoln. Dated Oct. 25, 1841. Original in G. A. R. Memorial Hall, Chicago, 111. See floor case. James Maxcy vs. S. G. Jones, March, 1842. Signed by Logan and Lincoln. The whole in Lincoln's handwriting. See floor case. 14 Marriage license and clergyman's return of the marriage, Nov. 4, 1842, of Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd, Rev. Charles Dres- ser, officiating clergyman. See case "Marriage and Domestic Life of Abraham Lincoln." Wyckolt and Forrest. Decision Abraham Lincoln. Dated Tuly 3, 1843. See floor case. Robert S. Todd vs. Nathaniel A. Ware, Sangamon County Circuit Court, Dec. 9, 1843. Signed by Logan and Lincoln. From Judd Stewart Collection. See floor case. David Spear vs. William Lowry. Replevin. Dec. IS, 1843. Signed by Stuart and Lincoln. See floor case. Henry Dresser vs. Dorothea Grant. Signed by Logan and Lin- coln. 1844. See case "Lincoln the Law3'er." Bill of sale, transferring title and interest to Francis Regmer, ob- tained in the Morgan County Circuit Court, 1844. Signed by Abraham Lincoln. Original in G. A. R. Memorial Hall, Chi- cago, 111. See floor case. Lease, Lincoln Home, signed by Charles Dresser and Abraham Lincoln. Dated Jan. 11, 1844. Original owned by Mrs. Kath- erine Dresser White, Springfield, 111. See floor case. William Lowry vs. David Spear, March, 1844. Signed by Logan and Lincoln. In Lincoln's handwriting. See floor case. Account rendered to heirs of Payne. 1844-1850. See case "Lincoln the Lawyer." A suit for slander tried by Abraham Lincoln in Coles County, 111., May, 1845. See floor case. Lease, Lincoln Home, Springfield, 111. Cornelius Ludham, Oct. 23, 1847. Document in Lincoln's handwriting. Original owned by Thomas Condell, Springfield, 111. See floor case. Harriet Neale vs. Isaac S. Button. Signed by Lincoln and Hern-- don, 1850. See case "Lincoln the Lawyer." Case tried by A. Lincoln at Tazewell County, 111., April 9, 1850. From Otto L. Schmidt Collection, Chicago, 111. See floor case. Lincoln's affidavit executed May 29, 1851, with regard to the pub- lishing of a newspaper in Macon County, 111. In Lincoln's handwriting. See floor case. 15 An arbitration over the ownership of five gallons of peach brandy conducted by Mr. Lincoln and James Haines in Tazewell County, 111., in 1852, The last three lines being the award, are signed by and in the handwriting of Lincoln, See floor case. Letter of A. Lincoln to his local attorney about the case of Old- ham, Todd and Co. Dated May 27, 1853. Original owned by Wm. H. Townsend, Lexington, Ky. See floor case. Letter of A, Lincoln to Geo. B. Kinkead. Dated July 6, 1853, re- lating to the case of Oldham, Todd and Co. Original owned by Wm. H. Townsend, Lexington, Ky. See floor case. Lincoln's answer in the case of Oldham, Todd and Co. vs. A. Lin- coln, et al., in which Lincoln's integrity was assailed for the first and only time. This document probably meant more to Lincoln personally than any other paper he ever wrote. Sept. 23, 1853. Original owned by Wm. H. Townsend, Lex- ington, Ky. See floor case. Notice to take depositions in same case. Sept. 23, 1853. Original owned by Wm. H. Townsend, Lexington, Ky. See floor case. Legal opinion of Abraham Lincoln. Dec. 18, 1854. See case "Lincoln the Lawyer." Certificate as to fee in Chicago Illinois Central Railroad case of Mr. Lincoln, by members of Illinois Bar, 1855. See case "Lincoln the Lawyer." Fac-simile of an opinion regarding Illinois Central Railroad Lands, written by Mr. Lincoln. March, 1856. See floor case. Remington K. Webster vs. Geo. M. Angell and Geo. A. Rhodes. Award by A. Lincoln, John T. Stuart and David Davis. In Lincoln's handwriting. April 5, 1856. See floor case. Receipt of Abraham Lincoln to Joshua F. Amos, administrator of the estate of Nathaniel Hay. Dated May 16, 1857. Orig- inal owned by Hon. Logan Hay, Springfield, 111. See floor case. Armstrong Trial. Instruction to Jury, 1858. See case "Lincoln the Lawyer." Will of John Franklin, Sr. Dated Dec. 30, 1858. In Lincoln's handwriting and signed by him. See floor case. Opinion of Mr. Lincoln dated Jan. 6, 1859. See floor case. Appointment of James A. Kennedy of Washington, Justice of the Peace. Signed bv Abraham Lincoln, June 19, 1861. Original in the G. A. R. Memorial Hall, Chicago, 111. See floor case. 16 New Salem. Bond of Lincoln, Berry and Green to keep a tavern. No date. See case "Lincoln at New Salem." Opinion of Mr. Lincoln in relation to a disputed boundary line be- tween two farms. No date. See case "Lincoln the Surveyor." Lincoln's notation upon taking over the Stuart-Lincoln Office when Stuart went to Congress. No date. See case "Lincoln the Lawyer." Receipt for fees in cases which Lincoln tried at Danville. No date. See case "Lincoln the Lawyer." A sample of Lincoln's bookkeeping. No date. See case "Lincoln the Lawyer." Legal paper. Signed by Stuart and Lincoln. No date. See case "Lincoln the Lawyer." Praecipi in case of Abraham Lincoln vs. Illinois Central Rail- road Co. No date. See case "Lincoln the Lawyer." Bill of Complaint in suit which Lincoln brought against the Illi- nois Central Railroad Company for a $5,000 fee. No date. See case "Lincoln the Lawyer." Draft for retaining fee of $250 paid to Mr. Lincoln by the Illinois Central Railroad Company. No date. See case "Lincoln the Lawyer." Reply of the Defendant in the case of Frederick and Enwell Ing- wersen against William Tinney. Signed by Lincoln and Herndon. No date. See floor case. Bill for divorce. Lucy Matthews vs. Josiah Matthews. Signed by David Davis. In Lincoln's handwriting. No date. See floor case. Court's instructions to the Jury. Armstrong Murder case. In Lincoln's handwriting. No date. See floor case. Morris S. Wattles ads. Joel Johnson. Signed by Stuart and Lin- coln. No date. See floor case. A motion of arrest in judgment in case of William Fraim ads. the people. In Lincoln's handwriting. No date. Original owned by Thomas Dunn, Carthage, 111. See floor case. LETTERS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. A. Lincoln to George Spears. Dated New Salem, July 1, 1834. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Blair and Rives. Dated New Salem, Nov. 3. 1835. See case "Lincoln at New Salem." A. Lincoln to Levi Davis, Esq. Dated New Salem, April 4, 1836, See case "Lincoln at New Salem." 17 A. Lincoln to Col. Robert Allen. Dated New Salem, June 21, 1836. See case "Lincoln at New Salem." A. Lincoln to John Bennett, Esq. Dated Springfield, Aug. 5, 1837. Original owned by Homer J. Tice, Greenview, 111. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Mary Owen. Dated Springfield, May 7, 1837. See case "Marriage and Domestic Life of Abraham Lincoln." A. Lincoln to Mary Owen. Dated Springfield, Aug. 16, 1837. See case "Some Letters of Mr. Lincoln prior to 1860." A. Lincoln to John T. Stuart. Dated Springfield, Dec. 33, 1839. Original owned by the children of Mr. Stuart Brown, who are grandchildren of Major John T. Stuart. See floor case. A. Lincoln to John T. Stuart. Dated Springfield, Jan. 1, 1840. (In- complete.) Original owned by the children of Mr. Stuart Brown, who are grandchildren of Major John T. Stuart. See floor case. A. Lincoln to John T. Stuart. Dated Springfield, March 26, 1840. Original owned by the children of Mr. Stuart Brown, who are grandchildren of Major John T. Stuart. See floor case. A. Lincoln to John T. Stuart. Dated Springfield, Jan. 20, 1841. Original owned by Hon. Logan Hay. See floor case. A. Lincoln to John T. Stuart. Dated Springfield, Jan. 23, 1841. Original owned by the children of Mr. Stuart Brown, who are grandchildren of Major John T. Stuart. See case "Some Letters of Mr. Lincoln prior to 1860." A. Lincoln to Samuel Marshall, Shawneetown. Dated Springfield, Nov. 11, 1842. Original owned by the Chicago Historical Society. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Alden Hull of Pekin, Illinois. Dated Springfield, Feb. 14, 1843. See case "Some Letters of Mr. Lincoln prior to 1860." A. Lincoln to John Bennett, Esq. Dated Springfield, March 7, 1843. Original owned by Homer J. Tice, Greenview, 111. See floor case. A. Lincoln to John McNamar, concerning a letter which Mr. Lincoln had received from Josiah L. James, dated Tremont, Nov. 3, 1843. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Rowland, Smith & Co. Dated Springfield, April 24, 1844. Signed Logan and Lincoln, in Mr. Lincoln's handwriting. See floor case. A. Lincoln to H. M. Vandeveer. Dated Springfield. April 28, 1844. Original in the office of Circuit Clerk, Christian County, Taylor- ville, Illinois. See floor case. .\. Lincoln to John Bennett, Esq. Dated Springfield, Jan. 15, 1846. Original owned by Homer J. Tice, Greenview, 111. See floor case. 18 A. Lincoln to John Bennett, Esq. Dated Springfield, Jan. 16, 1846. Original owned by Homer J. Tice, Greenview, 111. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Orville H. Browning. Dated Springfield, June 24, 1847. See case "Lincoln Member of Congress." A. Lincoln to Messrs. Morris and Brown. Dated Springfield, Oct. 19, 1847. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Messrs. IMorris and Brown. Dated Springfield, Oct. 21, 1847. Original in G. A. R. Memorial Hall, Chicago, 111. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Wm. H. Herndon. Dated Washington, Feb. 15, 1848. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Benj. Kellogg. Dated Washington. April 21, 1848. Original owned by Frank W. Brown, Peoria, 111. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Mrs. Lincoln. Dated Washington, July 2, 1848. Original owned by Mr. Alexander W. Hannah, Kenilworth, 111. See case "Lincoln Member of Congress." A. Lincoln to S. A. Hurlbut. Dated \\^ishington, July 10, 1848. See floor case. A. Lincoln to his father, Thomas Lincoln. Dated Washington, Dec. 24, 1848. See case "Some Letters of Mr. Lincoln prior to 1800." A. Lincoln to the Secretary of the Interior. Dated Washington. Jan. 22, 1849. See case "Lincoln Member of Congress." A. Lincoln to C. R. Welles, Esq. Dated Washington, Feb. 20, 1849. See case "Lincoln Member of Congress." A. Lincoln to Hon. Joseph Gillespie. Dated Springfield, July 13, 1849. See case "Lincoln Member of Congress." A. Lincoln to Hon. J. M. Clayton. Dated Springfield. Sept. 27, 1849. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Orville H. Browning. Dated Springfield, Jan. 29, 1850. See floor case. A. Lincoln to S. Emmons, Esq. Dated Springfield, Feb. 9, 1850. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Dr. W. Fithian. Dated Springfield, Feb. 16, 1850. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Nathaniel Hay. Dated Springfield, June IL 1850. Original owned by Hon. Logan Hay. See floor case. A. Lincoln to John Addison, Esq. Dated Springfield, Sept. 9, 1850. See floor case. A. Lincoln to D. A. Smith, Esq. Dated Springfield. Feb. 20. 1851. See floor case. A. Lincoln to D. A. Smith, Esq. Dated Springfield, March 28, 1851. See floor case. 19 A. Lincoln to Mr. Brayman, Esq. Dated Pekin, Illinois, Oct. 3. 1853. See floor case. A. Lincoln to H. E. Dummer, Esq. Dated Springfield, Dec. 26, 1853. Original owned by the Chicago Historical Society. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Hon. John Marshall. Dated Springfield, Feb. 8, 1854. Original owned by the Chicago Historical Society. See floor case. A. Lincoln to A. B. Morean, Esq. Dated Springfield, Sept. 7, 1854. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Hon. John M. Palmer. Dated Springfield, Sept. 7, 1854. (Marked 'Confidential.) See case "The Anti-Nebraska Movement." A. Lincoln to Hon. John M. Palmer. Dated Springfield, Sept. 7, 1854. See case "Some Letters of Mr. Lincoln prior to 1860." A. Lincoln to Hon. Orville H. Browning. Dated Springfield, Nov. 12, 1854. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Hon. Leonard Swett. Dated Springfield, Dec. 17, 1854. See floor case. A. Lincoln to H. E. Dummer, Esq. Dated Springfield. March 19, 1855. Original owned by the Chicago Historical Society. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Mr. Harding. Dated Danville, May 25, 1855. See case "Some Letters of Mr. Lincoln prior to 1860." A. Lincoln to H. C. Whitney. Dated Springfield, June 7, 1855. See floor case. A. Lincoln to A. L. Brewer, Esq. Dated Springfield, Nov. 5, 1855. See floor case. A. Lincoln to G. A. Miles. Dated Springfield, Feb. 17, 1856. See case "Lincoln the Lawver." A. Lincoln to H. C. Whitney. ' Dated Springfield, July 9, 1856. See case "The Anti-Nebraska Movement." A. Lincoln to Hon. John M. Palmer. Dated Springfield, Aug. 1. 1856. See case "The Anti-Nebraska Movement." A. Lincoln to Harrison Maltby. Dated Springfield, Sept. 8, 1856. See case "The xA.nti-Nebraska Movement." A. Lincoln to Rev. J- M. Sturtevant. Dated Springfield, Sept. 27, 1856. See case "The Anti-Nebraska Movement." A. Lincoln to Col. James Patton. Dated Springfield, Sept. 29, 1856. See case "The Anti-Nebraska Movement." A. Lincoln to Hon. J. K. Dubois. Dated Springfield, April 1, 1857. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Dr. B. C. Lundy. Dated Springfield, Aug. 5, 1857. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Samuel Briggs, Esq. Dated Springfield, Sept. 29, 1857. See floor case. 20 A. Lincoln to O. Bailey, Esq. Dated Springfield, Nov. 14. 1857. See floor case. A. Lincoln to J. W. Brackett, Esq. Dated Springfield, Nov. 27, 1857. See floor case. A. Lincoln to H. C. Whitney, Esq. Dated Springfield, Dec. 18, 1857. See floor case. A. Lincoln to J. K. Dubois. Dated Bloomington, Dec. 21, 1857. See case "Some Letters of Mr. Lincoln prior to 1860." A. Lincoln to Hon. Joseph Gillespie. Dated Springfield, Jan. 19, 1858. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Hon. Joseph Gillespie. Dated Springfield, Feb. 7, 1858. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Edward G. Miner, Esq. Dated Springfield, Feb. 19, 1858. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Mark Carley, Esq. Dated Springfield, Feb. 25, 1858 See floor case. A. Lincoln to S. A. Hurlbut, Esq. Dated Springfield, June 1, 1858. (Incomplete.) See floor case. A. Lincoln to Orville H. Browning. Dated Springfield, June 22, 1858. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Henry C. Whitney. Dated Springfield, June 24, 1858. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Henry C. Dummer, Esq. Dated Springfield, July 20, 1858. See case "Lincoln-Douglas Debates." A. Lincoln to J. T. Eccles. Dated Springfield, July 25, 1858. Orig- inal owned by Frank W. Brown, Peoria, 111. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Hon. Joseph Gillespie. Dated Springfield, July 25, 1858. See case "Lincoln-Douglas Debates." A. Lincoln to Stephen A. Douglas. Dated Springfield, July 31, 1858. See case "Some Letters of Mr. Lincoln prior to 1860." A. Lincoln to Hon. Burton C. Cook. Dated Springfield, Aug. 2, 1858. See case "Lincoln-Douglas Debates." A. Lincoln to Henry C. Whitney. Dated Springfield, Aug. 2, 1858. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Henry E. Dummer. Dated Springfield, Aug. 5. 1858. See case "Lincoln-Douglas Debates." A. Lincoln to Dr. C. H. Ray of the "Tribune." Dated Springfield, Nov. 20, 1858. See case "Lincoln-Douglas Debates." A. Lincoln to Dr. B. C. Lundy. Dated Springfield, Nov. 26, 1858. See case "Lincoln-Douglas Debates." A. Lincoln to Henry C. Whitney. Dated Springfield, Nov. 30, 1858. See case "Some Letters of Mr. Lincoln prior to 1860." 21 A. Lincoln to James T. Thornton, Esq. Dated Springfield, Dec. 2, 185S. Original owned by the Chicago Historical Society from the Geo. H. Himes Collection, Portland, Oregon. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Henry C. Whitney. Dated Springfield, Dec. 25, 1858. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Mr. W. Delahay, Esq. Dated Springfield, March 4, 1859. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Mr. W. Delahay (marked private). Dated Springfield, Oct. 17, 1859. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Jesse Pickrell. Dated Springfield, Nov. 3, 1859. See case "The Anti-Nebraska Movement." A. Lincoln to Hon. Leonard Swett. Dated Springfield, Jan. 9, 1860. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Fernando Jones. Dated Springfield, Jan. 15, 1860. See case "Lincoln and the Campaign of 1860." A. Lincoln to Mark Delahay. Dated Springfield, March 16, 1860. See case "Some Letters of Mr. Lincoln prior to 1860." A. Lincoln to Hon. Geo. Ashmun. Dated Springfield, May 25, 1860. See case "Lincoln and the Campaign of 1860." A. Lincoln to Hon. Leonard Swett. Dated Springfield, May 26, 1860. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Samuel Haycraft. Dated Springfield, May 28, 1860. See case "Some Letters of Mr. Lincoln prior to 1860." A. Lincoln to Hon. Leonard Swett. Dated Springfield, May 30, 1860. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Hon. Leonard Swett. Dated Springfield, July 16, 1860. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Hon. A. Jones. Dated Springfield, July 21, 1860, See case "Lincoln and the Campaign of 1860." A. Lincoln to Thomas Doney. Dated Springfield, July 30, 1860. See case "Lincoln and the Campaign of 1860." A. Lincoln to Hon. George G. Fogg. Dated Springfield, Aug. 16, 1860. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Hon. George G. Fogg. Dated Springfield, Aug. 29, 1860. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Hon. N. Sargent. Dated Springfield, Sept. 20, 1860. See case "Lincoln and the Campaign of 1860." A. Lincoln to Mrs. M. J. Green. Dated Springfield, Sept. 22, 1860. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Miss Grace Bedell. (Marked private.) Dated Springfield, October 19, 1860. See case "Lincoln and the Campaign of 1860." A. Lincoln to J. C. Lee. (Marked confidential.) Dated Spring- field, October 24, 1860. See case "Lincoln and the Campaign of 1860." 23 A. Lincoln to Geo. T. M. Davis. (Marked confKlcntial.) Dated Sprin-field, Oct. 27, 18G0. See case "Lincoln and the War between the States." A. Lincoln to Joshua Speed. Dated Nov. 19, 1860. See case "Lincoln and the Campaign of ISGO." A. Lincoln to Henry C. Whitney. Dated Chicago, Nov. 2G, I860. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Hon. A. H. Stephens. Dated Springfield, Dec. 22, 1860. See case "Lincoln and the Campaign of 1860." A. Lincoln to "Whom it may concern". Dated Executive Man- sion, March 7, 1861. See floor case. A. Lincoln to the Governor of the State of Mississippi. Dated Washington, Alarch 16, 1861. Original in the New York Pub- lic Library. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Jesse K. Dubois. Dated Washington, March 30, 1861. See floor case. A. Lincoln to John T. Stuart. Dated Washington, March 30, 1861. Original owned by the children of Mr. Stuart Brown, who are grandchildren of Major John T. Stuart. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Hon. W. H. Seward. Dated Executive Mansion, April 18, 1861. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Col. Mulligan. Dated May 17, 1861. See case "Lincoln and the War Between the States." A. Lincoln to Hon. J. A. McClernand. Dated Executive Man- sion, May 21, 1861. See floor case. A. Lincoln to the parents of Elmer E. Ellsworth, the first victim in the Civil War. Dated Washington, May 25, 3 861. See case "Lincoln and the War between the States." A. Lincoln to Secretary of War Stanton. Dated Executive Man- sion, June 17, 1861. Original owned by Arthur G. Mitten, Goodland, Lid. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Hon. Orville H. Browning. Dated Executive Man- sion, July 20, 1861. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Maj. Ramsey. Dated Executive IMansion, Oct. 17, 1861. See case "Lincoln the President." A. Lincoln to William H. Herndon. Dated Executive Mansion, Feb. 3, 1862. See floor case. 2B A. Lincoln to Michael Crock, Esq. Dated Executive Mansion, April 2, 1862. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Lady Villiers. Dated Executive Mansion, May 20, 1862. See case "Lincoln the President." A. Lincoln to Mary L. Booth. Dated Executive Mansion, Aug. 1, 1862. Original in the New York Public Library. See floor case. A. Lincoln to James N. Brown, Esq. Dated Executive Mansion, Sept. 5, 1862. Original owned by Mr. Latham Souther, Springfield, 111. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Gov. William Sprague. Dated Executive Mansion, Sept. 20, 1862. From Judd Stewart Collection. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Miss Fanny McCullough. Dated Executive Man- sion, Dec. 23, 1862. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Calvin Truesdale, Esq. Dated Executive Mansion, April 20, 1863. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Messrs. J. K. Dubois and others. Dated Wash- ington, May 29, 1863. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Hon. John L. Hancock. Dated Washington, D. C. June 26, 1863. Original owned by the Chicago Historical Society from the F. G. Logan Collection. See floor case. A. Lincoln to James C. Conkling. (Marked private.) Dated War Department, Washington, D. C, August 27, 1863. See case "Lincoln the President." A. Lincoln to the Officers of the Pacific Railroad. Dated Execu- tive Mansion, Oct. 16, 1863. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Hon. Lyman Trumbull. Dated Executive Man- sion, Feb. 10, 1864. Original owned by Norman G. Flagg, Moro, Illinois. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Hon. Michael Hahn, Governor of Louisiana. Dated Executive Mansion, March 13, 1864. See case "Lincoln the President." A. Lincoln to Col. Worthington. Dated Executive Mansion, Mch. 31, 1864. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Gen. Grant. His God-speed letter. Dated Ex- ecutive Mansion, April 30, 1864. See case "Lincoln and the War between the States." A. Lincoln to Major General McClernand. Dated Washington, July 30, 1864. See floor case. 24 A. Lincoln. Letter of, written previous to the presidential elec- tion of 1864. Dated August 23, 1864, expressing his belief that he will be defeated. Across the back of which he asked his cabinet to write their names, but whose contents he did not show them until after his re-election. See case "Lincoln the President." A. Lincoln to General Hitchcock. Dated Washington, Sept. 21, 1864. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Mrs. Bixby, wdiose five sons gave their lives to the defense of the Union. Dated Executive Mansion, Washing- ton, Nov. 21, 1864. See case "Lincoln and the War between the States." A. Lincoln to E. C. Middleton. Dated Executive Mansion, Dec. 30, 1864. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Alexander H. Stephens. Dated Executive Man- sion, Feb. 10, 1865. See case "Lincoln and the War between the States." A. Lincoln. Letter of, concerning pardon of Hiram Hibbard. Dated Executive Mansion, Feb. 24, 1865. See case "Lincoln the President." A. Lincoln to Hon. Charles Sumner. Dated Executive Mansion, March 5, 1865. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Lieutenant General Grant. Dated Head Quarters Armies of the United States, April 7, 1865. See floor case. A. Lincoln to Major General Weitzel. Dated War Department, Washington, April 12, 1865. See floor case. LETTERS CONNECTED WITH THE LIFE OF LINCOLN. H. Dodge to General Henry Atkinson. Dated 1832. See case "Lincoln in the Black Hawk War." Brig.-Gen. T. M. Neale to Gov. John Reynolds. (No date). See case "Lincoln in the Black Hawk War." Benj. Kellogg, Jr. to A. Lincoln. Dated Pekin, 111., April 4, 1848. See floor case. Mrs. Lincoln to Hon. Orville H. Browning. Dated Chicago, Sept. 24 See case "Marriage and Domestic Life of Abraham Lincoln." Mrs. Lincoln to Mr. Lincoln. (No date). See case "Marriage and Domestic Life of Abraham Lincoln." Stephen A. Douglas to Rev. W. S. Prentice. Dated Washington, Dec. 5, 1860. Patriotic letter written on the eve of the Civil War. See case "Lincoln and the Campaign of 1860." 25 Alexander H. Stephens. Letter of, certifying as to the genuine- ness of A. Lincohi's letter dated Feb. 10, 1865. See case "Lincoln and the War between the States." Mrs. Lincoln to Oueen Victoria. Dated Washington, May 21, 1865. See floor case. MUSIC. Instrumental Music In Honor of Abraham Lincoln. "Lincoln's Funeral March." By E. C. Davis, St. Louis, Balmer & Weber. 1875. "We Mourn our Country's Loss." Composed and respectfully dedicated to Mrs. Abraham Lincoln by Augustus Buechel, New York, P. A. Wundermann. 1865. "President Lincoln's Funeral March." Composed by E. Mack. Boston, Oliver Ditson and Co. 1865. "Rest, Spirit, Rest." By E. Hoffman, New York. Wm. A. Pond & Co. 1865. "Abraham Lincoln's Funeral March." Comp. by W. J. Robjohn. 1865. Detroit, J. Henry Whittemore. "A Funeral March." (In Memory of President Lincoln.) By John K. Paine, New York, Beer and Schirmer. 1865. "Three Songs without Words." By Karl Formes, Chicago, Root and Cady. 1865. "Lincoln Schottish" (Gems of the Ball Room.) Comp. by D. C. Roberts, Chicago. H. M. Higgins. 1865. "Marche Funebre" (Funeral March.) Performed at the funeral of Abraham Lincoln. Music by Donizetti. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co. n.d. "The Martyred Patriot." Grand Funeral March performed on the reception of the remains of Abraham Lincoln at Philadelphia, April 22, 1865. By J. W. Porter. 1865. Philadelphia, J. Marsh. "Requiem." By George William Warren. New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co. 1865. Vocal Music in Honor of Abraham Lincoln. "Oh! Speak to me once more!" Boston, G. D. Russell & Co. 1865. Written by W. Dexter Smith, Jr. Music by Henri Cromwell. "Our Noble Chief has passed away." New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co. 1865. Words by Geo. Cooper. Music by J. R. Thomas. "We are coming Father Abraham, three hundred thousand more." Boston, Russell & Patee. 1863. Set to music by P. S. Gil- more. "Liberty's Call" or "Hurrah for Abe and Andy." Boston, Oliver Ditson and Co. n.d. Words by W. S. Blanchard. Music by L. B. Starkweather. "Our Country's Flag." Poetry and music by G. Gumpert. Arr. for piano by F. Losse. Pub. Philadelphia, G. Andre & Co. 1861. 26 "We'll fight for Uncle Abe." Boston. Oliver Ditson & Co. 1863. Words by C. E. Pratt. Melody by J. K. Campbell. Arr. by Fred Buckley. "Washington and Lincoln."' Chicago, Root and Cady. 1864. Words and music by Henry C. Work. "Oh! Why should the spirit of mortal be proud?" President Lin- coln's favorite poem. Music comp. by C. Everest. ]S()5. "Farewell Father, Friend and Guardian." Cleveland. S. Brain- ard's Sons. 1865. Words by L. M. Dawn. Music by Geo. F. Root. President's Hymn. Song and chorus. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co. 1863. Words by Dr. ^luhlenberg. Music by J. W. Tur- ner. "The Nation in Tears." Pub. New York. Wm. Jennings Demor- est, n.d. Words by R. C. Music by Konrad Trener. "Pleyels Hymn." Sung at Abraham Lincoln's Funeral. This sheet of music was used on that occasion bv a member of the choir under direction of H. H. Beecher. Jubilee Anthem. "Our Lincoln's Act." Quartette, n. d. Words by R. M. Benjamin. Music by Reuben M. Price. "Requiem." To the Memory of Abraham Lincoln, the Champion of Universal Liberty, by M. Keller. Boston, Henry Tolman & Co. n.d. "Young Eph's Jubilee." Pub. Root & Cady, Chicago, n.d. Words by J. B. Murphy, Esq. Music by Wm. H. Brockway. "Nomination Song." Pub. Chicago, H. M. Higgins. n.d. Words by Charles Haynes. Music by James Edwards Haynes. "Freedom's Call." Campaign Song. Pub. Russell & Tolman, Washington and Boston. 1860. Music by Karl Cora. "We See the Break of Day." Campaign vSong. Pub. Russel & Tolman, Washington and Boston. 1860. Music by Karl Cora. "Vote for Abraham." Campaign Song of '64. By Union. Pub. Burlington, Vt., H. L. Story. "Campaign Song for Abraham Lincoln." 1864. Pub. Chicago, H. M. Higgins. Words by Charles Haynes. Music by J. E. Haynes. "Hold on Abraham." By Wm. B. Bradbury. Pub. Wm. A. Pond & Co., N. Y. n.d. " 'Tis Finished !" or "Sing Hallelujah." Pub. Chicago, Root and Cady. 1865. Words and Music by Henry C. Work. "Give us just another Lincoln." Hawley, Haviland & Co. Words and music by Paul Dresser, n.d. "Our Nation's Captain." Words by Charles Haynes. Music by Edward Haynes. "The President's Hymn." Pub. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co. 1863. Words by Dr. Muhlenburg. Music bv J. W. Turner. "Abraham's Tea Party." Pub. Firth, Son & Co., N. Y. 1864. Song and chorus by J. H. McNaughton. "Uncle Abram. Bully for You!" Pub. Chicago, H. M. Higgins. 1862. Song and chorus by G. R. Lampard. 27 "Abraham's Covenant." Chicajio, H. M. Higgins. 1862. Words and Music by A. Bert Tobey. "The Union Wagon." Pub. Boston, Oliver Ditson and Co. Music by Judson and Asa. As sung by the Hutchinson family, Tribe of Asa. "Abraham Lincohi, the People's Advent." Chicago, H. M. Hig- gins. 186-1. Words by Gerald Massey. Music by James G. Clark. "Old Honest Abe for ^le." Pub. New York, Firth, Pond & Co. 1860. Song and chorus by G. D. S. "A Nation Mourns Her Martyr'd Son." Pub. Philadelphia. Sep. Winner. 1865. Words by Alice Hawthorne. ]\lusic by Sep. Winner. "Enjolras", The Song of the Patriot. Pub. D. P. Faulds, Louis- ville, Ky. Written and composed by Edmundus Scotus, R. Q. S. Arr. piano b}^ George Zoeller. "In Memorium." Pub. Cincinnati, John Church, Jr. 1865. Words by Wm. P. Fox. Music by Francis AVoolcott. "Rest, Noble Chieftain." Pub. Philadelphia, Lee & Walker. 1865. Song by C. Archer. "Rest, Martyr, Rest." Chicago, H. M. Higgins. 1865. Words by Jas. E. Glass. Music bv Geo. P. Grafif. "A Nation Mourns her Chief." Pub. St. Louis, Balmer & Weber. 1865. Words and music by H. S. Thompson. "The Death Knell is Tolling." Chicago, Lyon & Healy. 1865. Words by Hon. H. H. Cody. Alusic by J. F. Fargo. "A Nation Weeps." Dirge. Boston, Oliver Ditson and Co. 1865. Words and Music by J. W. Turner. "Live but one Moment." Ballad. Boston, Henry Tolman & Co. 1865. Poetry and music by J. W. Turner. "In Memoriam." Chicago. Merrill & Brennan. 1865. Words by Mrs. E. J. Bugbee. ' Music by H. T. Merrill. "In Memoriam Abraham Lincoln." Pub. New York, Wm. Hall & Son. 1865. Words by W. Dexter Smith, Jr. Music by M. Keller. "Lincoln's Grave." New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co. 1865. Words and music by I. W. Gongler. President's Hymn. "Give thanks, all ve people." New York, Wm. A. Pond & Co. Words by Rev. Dr. Wm. A. Muhlen- berg. 1861. Music by Edward S. Cummings and A. C. Grit- terson. "Emancipation." Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co. No composers given, n. d. "When will dis cruel war be ober and gib us darkies rest." Chi- cago, H. M. Higgins. 1863. Words and music by Frank Howard. "I'se on de way." Chicago, Root and Cady. 1864. Arr. and com- posed by Wurzel. " '63 is the Jubilee." Pub. Root and Cady, Chicago. 1863. Words by J. L. Greene. Music by D. A. French. 28 "De day ob Liberty's comin'." Chicago, Root and Cady. 1S62. Words and music by G. F. Wurzel. "Young- Eph's Lament." St. Louis. Endres & Compton. 1863. Written by J. B. Murphy. Sung by S. S. Purdy. "That's what the niggers then will do." Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co. 1865. Words by Tom Russell. Music by Geo. H. Bar- ton. "Away goes Cuffee" or "Hooray for '63." Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co. 1863. Words and music by L. B. Starkweather. "Year of Jubilee" or "Kingdom has Come." By "Sambo." Chi- cago, H. M. Higgins. 1862. "Little Tad." Boston, Oliver Ditson and Co. 1865. Words and music by J. W. Turner. PICTURES. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Profile. By Alexander Hessler. 1860. Full Face. Bv Alexander Hessler, 1860. By William Edgar Marshall. 1866. By John H. Littlefield. By Leonard W. Volk. By Max Rosenthal. Unknown artist. In Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Abraham Lincoln. By Rice and Allen. Chicago, 111. Abraham Lincoln. Engraved by John Sartain, N. Y. (Original.) Abraham Lincoln. By J. E. Baker. Profile. By Thomas Johnson, New York. Profile. By Thomas Johnson, New York. By J. L. Hempstead. By J. L. Hempstead. By Dunlap. By C. S. Germon, Springfield, 111. (Head.) By M. Bachmann. (Standing.) Etching by Otto Schneider. (Seated.) Etching by Timothy Cole. Single line Portrait. By T. Fleming & Co., Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Boston. Abraham Lincoln. lamation. Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. Berea, Ky. Abraham Lincoln. Early portrait. known. Seated, hand on table. Emancipation Proc- Head. By J. Gibson. The Wood-Chopper. By C. M. Coolidge. Youth. From Painting at Berea College, Smooth face. Artist un- 26. Abraham Lincoln. Early portrait. Smooth face. Artist un- known. 27. Abraham Lincoln. Early portrait. Artist unknown. 28. Abraham Lincoln. By P. P. Coy. 29 29. Abraham Lincoln. Standing. By J. C. Buttre. 30. Abraham Lincohi. Engraving by WilHam Sartain. Phila., Pa. 31. Abraham Lincohi. Standing. Cooper Institute Speech. En- graved by Pond and Photographed by Brady. 32. Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States. En- graved by Bridgman and Fanning. 33. Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States. Currier and Ives. 34. Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States. Currier and Ives. Pub. by Kimmel and Forster, New York. 35. Abraham Lincoln, Autobiography of, sent to Jesse Fell. By James R. Osgood. 36. Abraham Lincoln. Family, showing three sons. Pub. by J. C. Buttre. N. Y. 37. Abraham Lincoln. Family, showing three sons. By William C. Robertson. 38. Abraham Lincoln. Family, showing two sons. Engraved by William Sartain, Philadelphia. Pub. by Bradley & Co. 39. Abraham Lincoln. Family, showing two sons. By A. B. Walter. 40. Abraham Lincoln and Tad. Engraved by A. D. Walters. After a photograph from life. 41. Abraham Lincoln. Birthplace, Hodgenville, Ky. By John H. Hauberg, Rock Island, 111. 42. Abraham Lincoln, Home of, in Indiana. By C. Rost. 43. Abraham Lincoln. Home of, in Indiana. Engraved by R. Hin- shelwood. 44. Abraham Lincoln, Home of. By John McRae, New York. 45. Abraham Lincoln. Illinois Home. By George H. Simpson, De- catur, 111. 46. Abraham Lincoln, Home of, Springfield, Illinois. 1S60. By L. Prang & Co., Boston, Mass. 47. Abraham Lincoln, Home of, Springfield, Illinois. Lincoln on horseback. Pub. by William F. Staines. Engraved by E. Bross. 48. Abraham Lincoln, Home of, Springfield, 111. Mr. Lincoln on horseback (shows colored boy) 1865. By Alfred Storev & Co. 49. Abraham Lincoln. First Inauguration, 1861. 50. Abraham Lincoln. Second Inauguration, 1865. 51. Abraham Lincoln. Proclamation of Emancipation. Tinted pho- tograph. By L. M. Rosenthal. 52. Abraham Lincoln. Proclamation and pen sketch. 53. Abraham Lincoln reading his proclamation to his cabinet. En- graved by Ritchie. 54. Abraham Lincoln. Reception at White House, 1865. Pub. by Frank Leslie, N. Y. 55. Abraham Lincoln. The Latest Photograph of President Lincoln, 1865. By H. F. Warren, Massachusetts. 56. Abraham Lincoln. From the official painting by F. B. Carpenter. Etching by Halpin. 30 57. Lincoln-Douglas Debate at Freeport, Illinois, August 37. 1S58. This exhibit prepared by the Women's Club, Freeport, 111., 1917. 58. Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Charleston, Illinois, September 18. 1858. From oil painting by Robert M. Root, Shelbyville, Illinois. Original oil painting in Capitol Building, Springfield, 111. 59. Abraham Lincoln and General McClellan. By Watts. 60. Abraham Lincoln and General John A. McClernand. 61. Abraham Lincoln and his Generals. Copyright by the Notman Photo Co., Boston, Mass. 62. Abraham Lincoln. Battlefield of Antietam. Lincoln and Allen Pinkerton before tent. 63. Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg. 64. Lincoln and Seward signing Proclamation of Freedom. Currier & Ives, 1863. 65. Abraham Lincoln — The Nation's Martyr. Assassinated April 14, 1865. By Currier and Ives. 66. Abraham Lincoln. Deathbed scene. By Currier and Ives. 67. Abraham Lincoln. Deathbed scene. By John H. Littlefield. 68. Abraham Lincoln and his pallbearers. (Crude picture.) 69. Abraham Lincoln — The Martyr Victorious. Pub. by W. H. Her- mans. 70. Lincoln and Washington, Father and Savior of Our Country. By James F. Bodtker. 71. Abraham Lincoln. To the Memory of Abraham Lincoln. (Tint- ed.) Pub. by A. Bancroft, Philadelphia, Pa. 1865. 72. Abraham Lincoln Monument, Oak Ridge Cemciery, Springfield, Illinois. 73. Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin. (Colored.) Currier and Ives. 74. Abraham Lincoln and ^Andrew Johnson. (Colored.) Currier and Ives. 1864. 75. Abraham Lincoln, St. Gauden's Statue of, Lincoln Park, Chi- cago, 111. 76. "Union." Pub. by William Pate, New York. Engraved bv H. S. Sadd. 77. Abraham Lincoln at General Grant's headquarters. City Point, Va., March, 1865. SCULPTURE. Head of Lincoln by David Edstrom of Los Angeles, loaned through the courtesy of Mr. Hariy Chandler, owner of the Los Angeles Times. Life mask and hands of Lincoln. By Leonard W. Volk. RELICS. Lincoln Medals. Ellsworth and Civil War Envelopes. Lincoln profile, plaster cast on wood. Small Lincoln easel, of copper. Metal, heart shaped, home of Lincoln. 31 Bust of Lincoln carved on wood and copied in plaster. By J. W. Gain. Framed Notice. "Little Church Round the Corner." The orig- inal printed notice issued for the Funeral Ceremonies of Presi- dent Lincoln. Yellow Stub; Five Dollar Bill; Bill for Ford's Theatre, April 14, 1865, on background of wood. Republican Ticket. From F. Nordstrom, Maiden, Mass., written on back of ticket. Republican National Ticket. For President — Abraham Lincoln, For Vice Pres. — Hannibal Hamlin, and Presidential Electoral Ticket. Ohio Union Presidential Ticket. For President — Abraham Lin- coln, For Vice President — Andrew Johnson, and list of elec- tors. Unconditional Union Ticket. For President — Abraham Lincoln, For Vice President — Andrew Johnson, also Electors at Large, and State Electors. Unconditional Union Ticket. In red and blue print. Same list of candidates as above. Presidential Ticket, containing list of candidates for President, (A. Lincoln), Vice President (Hannibal Hamlin), Electors, Governor, Lieut. Governor, Secretary of State, etc. Card. Border of black. "In memory of Abraham Lincoln." Poem. Photograph of Isaac R. Ostrom of Greenfield, Greene Co., 111., and badge worn by him at Convention that first nominated Lin- coln for President. Lincoln's photo attached. Card, border of black, has picture of Lincoln. "In Memoriam." Birth and death dates. Badge. National Union Club, with red, white, blue and black ribbon. Badge. "We mourn the Nation's loss." Abraham Lincoln, April 15, 1865. Badge. Committee for reception of remains. In Black and White. Badge. Black ribbon, with small picture of Lincoln and eagle pin. Badge. Black and white ribbon. Pin has small picture of Lin- coln. Badge. In frame, of black and white ribbon. Badge. On white paper. Of red, white and blue ribbon. Worn by Aid. D. Butler, April 22, 1865. Badges. Two badges on white paper. Worn at the funeral of Abraham Lincoln. Campaign dress made of blue cambric, 1860. Silk sash worn by Orville H. Browning at Lincoln's funeral in Washington, D. C. Large metal placque of Lincoln's bust. Round badge. Blue ribbon, black center. Round badge. Red, dark blue, white star. 32 Foot warmer. Marked "A. L." ]842. Found in the loft of the Old Presbyterian church, S. E. corner 3d and Washington, Springfield, where Mr. Lincoln and family attended service. Head of Lincoln. Made of estimated $5,000 bank notes, redeemed and macerated at the Treasury, Washington, D. C. Background made from the baseboard and lath from Lincoln's Home. Grocery store of Berry & Lincoln, New Salem, 111. Wood cut from the counter of the store. Skirt of Mrs. Lincoln's wedding gown. This dress had been worn by Mrs. Frances Wallace, the sister of Mrs. Lincoln on the occasion of her marriage, which occurred some time previovis to the mar- riage of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln. As the plans for the marriage were hastily arranged, and the marriage took place on short notice, Mrs. Wallace loaned her wedding dress of white brocaded satin to her sister. It is the property of Mrs. Walter L. Patteson of Springfield, Illinois, a grand-daughter of Mrs. Wallace. ScHNEPP & Barnes, Printers Springfield, III. 1926 55995 < i z UJ 1- z UJ u I 5 o (/) UJ o z Q _J 5 OQ U) O z H -I i:.: m .. • m. ••WW .■ JL Jd '•Lk.