':-.''^: f::' ibL^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from CARLI: Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois http://www.archive.org/details/constitutionofch01chic Chicago Literary Club. CONSTITUTION » OF THE ChIC/IGO LlTDRARY ClUB Revised January 28, 1884, WITH LIST OF OFFICERS, SCHEMES OF EXERCISES. From Date of Organization, April 21, 1874; AND PRESENT ROLL OF MEMBERS, April i, 1884. CHICAGO: FERGUS PRINTING COMPANY, 1884. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. THE NAME. The name of this association shall be the Chicago Literary Club. ARTICLE IL THE OBJECT. The object of this Club shall be social, literary, and aesthetic culture. ARTICLE IIL THE MEMBERS. Section i. There shall be three classes of members: Regular, Non-Resident, and Honorary Members. Sec. 2. The Regular members shall be limited to two hundred and fifty in number, unless tem- porarily increased by transfers from the Non-Resi- dent list. Sec. 3. Application for membership shall be in writing and signed by three members of the Club. The application shall state, in the blank form furnished by the committee, the candidate's place of nativity, age, occupation, general qualifi- cations, if the graduate of a college, the name 4 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. of the college, the year of his graduation, and that the proposers believe that the candidate desires to become a member of the Club. Sec. 4. If approved by the Committee on Officers and Members, the candidate's name, with the names of his proposers, shall be con- spicuously posted in the Club rooms for two regular meetings; after which the Electoral Com- mittee shall consider the application and vote thereon by secret ballot; and two blackballs shall prevent an election. Any candidate thus elected shall be declared a member of the Club. No rejected candidate shall be again proposed for membership within three months after his rejec- tion. Sec. 5. Before taking his seat, each member- elect shall signify his acceptance in writing to the Recording Secretary, and pay to the Treasurer twelve dollars, dues for the term in which he is elected. If he fail to qualify within two months after he has been notified by the Secretary, his election shall be void. Sec. 6. The annual dues of members shall be twenty -four dollars, payable in advance, in two equal instalments, namely: on the first days of October and February. Sec. 7. The names of members whose dues CONSTITUTION. 5 are one month in arrears shall be posted in the Club rooms, by the Committee on Rooms and Finance. Notice of posting shall be sent to delinquent members by the Recording Secretary. Sec. 8. Membership may be terminated as follows : 1. By voluntary resignation, provided the mem- ber resigning has paid all his dues to the Club, and is in good standing. 2. By forfeiture, in case a member has been delinquent for six months and duly posted and notified; unless he has been absent from the city during the whole of the six months aforesaid. 3. By the vote of three-fourths of the regular members present at any regular meeting for busi- ness, provided that at the previous business meet- ing there shall have been a motion regularly made and seconded, with reasons given, that the name of the designated member be dropped from the rolls. Sec. 9. Members removing from the city and vicinity, who are in good standing and have paid all their dues to the Club, shall be enrolled as Non- Resident members, and be exempt from the payment of annual dues. Resumption of residence in Chicago or vicinity shall cause them to be again placed upon the Regular Hst. 6 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. Sec. io. Honorary members may be elected by unanimous vote of all the members present at any regular business meeting of the Club, and shall be exempt from active duties and the payment of annual dues. The vote shall be by secret ballot. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS. Section i. The officers of the Club shall be a President, as many Vice-Presidents as Standing Committees, a Corresponding Secretary, and a Recording Secretary, who shall also act as Treas- urer. The Chairman of each Standing Committee shall be a Vice-President. Sec. 2. These officers shall be annually elected by ballot, on the second Monday in June, or in case of a failure then to elect, as soon thereafter as shall be practicable. At the business meet- ing next preceding, the Committee on Officers and Members shall submit their regular nomina- tions for all the offices to be filled; and thereupon any member or members of the Club may make one or more nominations in opposition to those of said committee. The candidates for whom the highest number of votes shall be cast respec- tively, shall be declared elected. A special elec- tion may be ordered at any business meeting to fill a vacancy. CONSTITUTION. 7 Sec. 3. The officers of the Club shall perform such duties as are implied by their respective titles, and such as shall be prescribed by the Constitution. Sec. 4. The officers of the Club shall consti- tute an Executive Board for the transaction of all business not committed to any Standing or Special Committee, and for the general management of the affairs of the Club. Three members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE V. STANDING COMMITTEES. Section i. The Standing Committees of the Club shall be as follows : 1. On Nomination of Officers and Members. 2. On Arrangements and Exercises. 3. On Rooms and Finance. Sec. 2. Each Standing Committee shall consist of a Chairman and four other members, who shall be elected by the Club at the annual meeting on the second Monday in June. Sec. 3. The several Standing Committees shall perform the duties implied by their respective titles, and such other duties as may be specially imposed upon them by the Club. 8 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. Sec. 4. The Committee on Rooms and Finance shall have charge of the Club rooms, and shall restrict the expenses of the Club to its income. Sec. 5. The members of the three Standing Committees, together with the President and Secretaries, shall constitute an Electoral Com- mittee. It shall be the duty of this Committee to consider and vote upon any application for membership submitted by the Committee on Offi- cers and Members. It shall meet at least once a month, provided any applications are submitted; and ten members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Sec. 6. The regular business meetings of the Club shall be the times for stated meetings of the Standing Committees, except the Electoral Com- mittee; and two members of any Standing Com- mittee present at such meetings shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE VL MEETINGS. Section i. Regular meetings of the Club shall be held on every Monday evening in the year, except in the months of July, August, and September, and the exercises at each meeting shall be under the direction of the Committee on Arrangements and Exercises. The first and third CONSTITUTION. 9 meetings of the month shall be for literary exer- cises. The second meeting shall be for conversa- tion and entertainments, of which written papers shall form no part. The fourth meeting shall be devoted to the business of the Club and such exercises as the committee shall provide. The fifth meeting (if any) of the month shall be for social purposes and such other entertainments as may be provided by the committee in charge. Persons not residing in Chicago or vicinity may be present at meetings of the Club, u^Don the invitation of a member; but no member shall be at liberty to give such invitation to a resident of Chicago or vicinity. Sec. 2. Additional meetings may be ordered by the Club, or called by the President, as occa- sion may require. Sec. 3. The order of proceedings at the regular meetings of the Club, unless otherwise specially provided, shall be under the direction of the President. ARTICLE VII. LITERARY EXERCISES. Section i. The literary exercises in general shall not continue more than one hour. Sec. 2. The essayist shall select his own sub- ject and be free to express any opinions whatso- ever thereon. 10 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. Sec. 3. The Club, as such, shall express no opinions on religion, politics, social science, politi- cal economy, or any other subject. It shall not by vote endorse or condemn any paper that may be read, or views that may be expressed by any member. No paper at the time it is read shall be open to adverse criticism in the Club. Sec. 4. The Committee on Arrangements and Exercises shall, on or before the first meeting of the Club in the autumn, prepare and print a scheme of exercises, with the dates, and the names of the readers and the editors for the whole season. The subject of each essayist shall be announced at the meeting next preceding. ARTICLE VIII. A QUORUM. Twenty regular members of the Club shall con- stitute a quorum for the transaction of business; but a less number shall have power to adjourn from time to time. ARTICLE IX. AMENDMENTS. The Constitution may be amended at any busi- ness meeting by vote of two-thirds of the members present, provided that the proposed amendment shall have been submitted to the Club at the busi- ness meeting next preceding. LIST OF OFFICERS. II List of Officers From the date of Organization, April 21, 1874: 1874. PRESIDENT, ROBERT COLLYER. VICE PRESIDENTS, John A. Jameson, David Swing, James R. Doolittle. TREASURER, William F. Coolbaugh, corresponding secretary, recording secretary, Horatio N. Powers. Edward G. Mason. COMMITTEES: ON OFFICERS AND MEMBERS, John A. Jameson, Thomas S. Chard, Daniel L. Shorey, Josiah L. Pickard, Charles D. Helmer. ON ARRANGEMENTS AND EXERCISES, David Swing, William F. Poole, Kaufman Kohler, Joseph Haven, William Mathews. ON ROOMS AND FINANCE, James R. Doolittle, John C. Burroughs, Henry Booth, Franklin MacVeagh, Alexander C. McClurg. 12 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. 1874-5. PRESIDENT, ROBERT COLLYER. VICE-PRESIDENTS, John A. Jameson, David Swing, Daniel L. Shorey. TREASURER, Franklin MacVeagh. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, RECORDING SECRETARY, Horatio N. Powers. Edward G. Mason. COMMITTEES: ON OFFICERS AND MEMBERS, John A. Jameson, Hosmer a. Johnson, Charles D. Helmer, Leander T. Chamberlain, Josiah L. Pickard. ON ARRANGEMENTS AND EXERCISES, David Swing, William F. Poole, George Rowland, Minot J. Savage, William E. Furness, ON ROOMS AND FINANCE, Daniel L. Shorey, Alexander C. McClurg, William E. Doggett, Joseph E, Lockwood, Hubert S. Brown. LIST OF OFFICERS. I3 1875-6. PRESIDENT, CHARLES B. LAWRENCE. VICE-PRESIDENTS, Henry Booth, William F. Poole, Daniel L. Shorey. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, Horatio N. Powers. RECORDING SECRETARY AND TREASURER, Edward G. Mason. COMMITTEES: ON OFFICERS AND MEMBERS, Henry Booth, James R. Doolittle, Alexander C. McClurg, Moses L. Scudder, Jr., Henry D. Lloyd. ON ARRANGEMENTS AND EXERCISES, William F. Poole, Kaufman Kohler, William E. Furness, Charles W. Wendte, Alfred B. Mason, ON ROOIMS AND FINANCE, Daniel L. Shorey, Franklin MacVeagh, Edward S. Waters, John C. Patterson, William M. R. French. 14 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. 1876-7. PRESIDENT, HOSMER A. JOHNSON. VICE-PRESIDENTS, Edward G. Mason, William F. Poole, Daniel L. Shorey. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, Leander T. Chamberlain. RECORDING SECRETARY AND TREASURER, Wm. Eliot Furness. COMMITTEES: ON OFFICERS AND MEMBERS, Edward G. Mason, Edwin C. Earned, Edward S. Stickney, George C. Clarke, Huntington W. Jackson. ON ARRANGEMENTS AND EXERCISES, William F. Poole, Horace White, Joseph B. Leake, Joseph Kirkland, Isaac N. Arnold. ON ROOMS AND FINANCE, Daniel L. Shorey, Edward S. Waters, Franklin MacVeagh, John G. Shortall, George Schneider. LIST OF OFFICERS. 1 5 1877-8. PRESIDENT, DANIEL L. SHOREY. VICE-PRESIDENTS, John Crerar, Charles G. Smith, James L. High. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, James N. Hyde. RECORDING SECRETARY AND TREASURER, Wm. Eliot Furness. COMMITTEES: ON OFFICERS AND MEMBERS, John Crerar, William H. Clarke, Ezra B. McCagg, James S. Norton, James A. Hunt. ON ARRANGEMENTS AND EXERCISES, Charles G. Smith, Henry H. Babcock, Brooke Herford, Henry A. Huntington, William J. Petrie. ON ROOMS AND FINANCE, James L. High, Murry Nelson, Peter B. Wight, William Macdonell, George E. Adams. l6 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. 1878-9. PRESIDENT, EDWARD G. MASON. VICE-PRESIDENTS, William F. Poole, Thos. F. Withrow, Huntington W. Jackson. CORRSPONDING SECRETARY, Brooke Herford. RECORDING SECRETARY AND TREASURER, Wm. Eliot Furness. COMMITTEES: ON OFFICERS AND MEMBERS, William F. Poole, Henry W. Bishop, George C. Clarke, Owen F. Aldis, Henry Strong. ON ARRANGEMENTS AND EXERCISES, Thomas F. Withrow, George Howland, Samuel S. Harris, William Macdonell, Abram M. Pence. ON ROOMS AND FINANCE, Huntington W, Jackson, Robert T. Lincoln, John M. Clark, Alexander C. McClurg, Benjamin M. Wilson. LIST OF OFFICERS. I7 1879-80. PRESIDENT, WILLIAM F. POOLE. VICE-PRESIDENTS, Benjamin D, Magruder, Henry H. Babcock, John G. Shortall. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, George Rowland. RECORDING SECRETARY AND TREASURER, Wm. Eliot Furness. COMMITTEES: ON OFFICERS AND MEMBERS, Benjamin D. Magruder, William H. Barnum, Murry Nelson, Elbridge G. Keith, Henry B. Mason. ON ARRANGEMENTS AND EXERCISES, Henry H. Babcock, Trowbridge B, Forbush, John Crerar, William E. Strong, Owen F. Aldis. ON ROOMS AND FINANCE, John G. Shortall. Cecil Barnes, George L. Paddock, Bryan Lathrop, Samuel P. McConnell. l8 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. 1880-I. PRESIDENT, BROOKE HERFORD. VICE-PRESIDENTS, Henry A. Huntington, George C. Clarke, Bryan Lathrop. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, Arthur Little. RECORDING SECRETARY AND TREASURER, Frederick W. Gookin. COMMITTEES: ON OFFICERS AND MEMBERS, Henry A. Huntington, Alexander C. McClurg, William K. Ackerman, R. W. Patterson, Jr., William G. McMillan. ON ARRANGEMENTS AND EXERCISES, George C. Clarke, Norman C. Perkins, Alfred B. Mason, John G. Rogers, David Swing. ON ROOMS AND FINANCE, Bryan Lathrop, Ephraim a. Otis, Samuel Bliss, Thomas W. Grover, George A. Armour. LIST OF OFFICERS. I9 1881-2. PRESIDENT, EDWIN C. LARNED. VICE-PRESIDENTS, James S. Norton, George Rowland, Henry D. Lloyd. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, Henry B. Mason. RECORDING SECRETARY AND TREASURER, Frederick W. Gookin. COMMITTEES: ON OFFICERS AND MEMBERS, James S. Norton, Franklin MacVeagh, Owen F. Aldis, Clarence A. Burley, Horatio L. Wait. ON ARRANGEMENTS AND EXERCISES, George Howland, James Nevins Hyde, Walter C. Earned, Joseph Kirkland, John Crerar. ON ROOMS AND FINANCE, Henry D. Lloyd, Wm. Eliot Furness, George L. Paddock, Joseph Adams, Bryan Lathrop. 20 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. 1882-3. PRESIDENT, GEORGE ROWLAND. VICE-PRESIDENTS, Alfred Bishop Mason, Henry A. Huntington, Walter C. Earned. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, Henry W. Raymond. RECORDING SECRETARY AND TREASURER, Frederick W. Gookin. COMMITTEES: ON OFFICERS AND MEMBERS, Alfred Bishop Mason, Huntington W. Jackson, Otho S. A. Sprague, James A. Hunt, Henry D. Lloyd. ON ARRANGEMENTS AND EXERCISES, Henry A. Huntington, Robert W.Patterson, Jr., Azel F. Hatch, Charles N. Fessenden, James P. Kelly. ON ROOMS AND FINANCE, Walter C. Earned, Alexander C. McClurg, Charles D. Hamill, Thomas W. Grover, Chester M. Dawes. LIST OF OFFICERS. 21 1883-4. PRESIDENT, HENRY A. HUNTINGTON. VICE-PRESIDENTS, William E. Furness, Joseph Kirkland, George L. Paddock. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, Charles Norman Fay. RECORDING SECRETARY AND TREASURER, Frederick W. Gookin. COMMITTEES: ON OFFICERS AND MEMBERS, William Eliot Furness, George W. Smith, James N. Hyde, Horatio L. Wait, David Fales. ON ARRANGEMENTS AND EXERCISES, Joseph Kirkland, Benjamin D. Magruder, William E. Strong, Joseph B. Leake, George P. Welles. ON ROOMS AND FINANCE, George L, Paddock, Moses L. Scudder, Jr., Henry S. Boutell, Samuel P. McConnell, George M. Rogers. SCHEMES OF EXERCISES. 23 Schemes oe Exercises. The Chicago Literary Club was organized April 21, 1874, when a Constitution and Code of By-Laws were adopted and officers were elected. Several preliminary con- ferences of the original members were held during the same and the preceding month. A new Constitution was adopted March 6, 1876; and revised January 28, 1884. The first regular meeting of the Club, after its organiza- tion, was held May 4, 1874, at the Sherman House, where the meetings were continued until November 22, 1875, when the Club occupied its own rooms at No. 74 Monroe Street. On May i, 1881, the Club removed to the rooms in Port- land Block, which it now occupies. The following are the Schemes of Exercises in the Club from May 4, 1874, to the present time: 1874. May 4. Plan of Literary Exercises reported and adopted. May 18. Essay^ by Leander T. Chamberlain. Subject: " Physical Pain ; its Nature and the Law of its Distribution." June I. Election of Officers. June 15. Annual Dinner, and Inaugural Address by Robert Collyer, President-elect. 1874-5- Oct. 5. Informal. Oct. 19. Essay, by Kaufman Kohler. Subject: "Myths and Miracles." 24 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. Oct. 29. "Bryant Dinner," at Sherman House. Nov. 3. Essay, by William Mathews. Subject: "Thomas DeQuincey." Nov. 16. Essay, by Horace W. S. Cleveland. Subject: " The Artistic Decoration and Im- provement of our Streets." Dec. 7. Informal, Horatio N. Powers, Editor. Dec. 21. Essay, by Charles D. Helmer. Subject: "The Ring." Jan. 4. Essay, by Robert Hervey. Subject : " The Genius and Character of Walter Scott." Jan. 18. Essay, by Simeon Gilbert. Subject: "The Newspaper." Feb. I. Essay, by George B. Smith. Subject ; " Was Lord Bacon the Author of Shakespeare?" Feb. 15. Essay, by Charles C. Bonney. Subject: "American Antiquities." Mch. I. Essay, by Edward G. Mason. Subject: "Arthur Hugh Clough." Mch. 15. Essay, by John A. Jameson. Subject: "Culture and Professional Life." April 5. Essay, by Joseph Kirkland. Subject: "Travel and Travelers." April 19. Essay, by William F. Poole. Subject: " The Origin and Secret History of the Ordinance of 1787." SCHEMES OF EXERCISES. 2$ May 3. £ssay, by Moses L. Scudder, Jr. Subject: "Method in Political Economy." May 17. Essay, by Henry Booth. Subject: " Evidences of the Resurrection Examined. " June 7. Annual Election of Officers. June 21. Annual Dinner, and Inaugural Address by Charles B. Lawrence, President-elect. 1875-6. Oct. 4. Informal, Horatio N. Powers, Editor. Oct. 18. Essay, by William Macdonell, Subject: "Wordsworth." Nov. I. Essay, by Charles W. Wendte. Subject: "Church and State." Nov. 15. Essay, by James R. Doolittle, Jr. Subject: "Chaucer." Nov. 22. Informal Gathering at new Club Rooms in American Express Building. Dec. 6. Inforjnal, Joseph Kirkland, Editor. Dec. 20. Essay, by Isaac N. Arnold. Subject: "James Fenimore Cooper," Jan, 3. Essay, by Edward S. Waters. Subject: "The Pottery of the Renaissance." Jan. 17. Essay, by Daniel L. Shorey. Subject: "Recent English Legislation." Feb. 3. Informal, Wm. Eliot Furness, Editor. 26 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. Feb. 21. Essay f by John C. Patterson. Subject: "American Humorists." Mch. 6, Essay, by Henry B. Mason. Subject: "An Old Picture." Mch. II. Conversation, Edwin C. Larned, Leader. Subject: "The Influence of Modern Fiction." Mch. 1 8. Essay, by Joseph B. Leake. Subject: " Observations on the Common Law. " Mch. 25. Business and Collation. April I. Informal, Abram M. Pence, Editor. April 8. Conversation, W. L. Fawcett, Leader. Subject : " The Press, its Function and Influence. " April 15. Essay, by Horace White. Subject: "Financial Crises." April 22. Business and Collation. April 29. Essay, by Henry H. Babcock. Subject: "Plant Culture." May 6. Essay, by William J. Petrie. Subject: " A Student of Comparative Theolo- gy Two Hundred Years Ago." May 13. Conversation, Alfred B. Mason, Leader, Subject: "Public and Private Charities; their Uses and Abuses." May 20. Essay, by Hosmer A. Johnson. Subject: "Life: what do we know about it?" SCHEMES OF EXERCISES. 27 May 27. Essay, by Wm, M. R. French. Subject: "Chalk vs. Talk, with Illustrations." June 3. Informal, John C. Burroughs, Editor. June 10. Annual Election. June 17. Conversation, Daniel L. Shorey, Leader. Subject: "Civil-Service Reform." June 21. Annual Dinner, and Inaugural Address by Hosmer a. Johnson, President-elect. 1876-7. Oct. 2. Essay, by Alfred B. Mason. Subject: "The Abolition of Poverty." Oct. 9. Conversation, Daniel L. Shorey, Leader. Subject: "The Restoration of Specie Basis." Oct. 16. Essay, by Brooke Herford. Subject: "The Need of more Rest in Ameri- can Life." Business and Collation. Essay, by Wm. M. R. French. Subject: "Graphic Art; with Illustrations." Informal, James S. Norton, Editor. Conversation, Horace White, Leader. Subject: "The Centenary of Adam Smith." Nov. 20. Essay, by John J. La lor. Subject: " Population. " Nov. 27. Btisiness and Collation. Oct. 23- Oct. 30- Nov. 6. Nov. 13 28 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. Dec. 4. Essay, by Henry A. Huntington. Subject: "A Neglected Author." Dec. II. Conversation, Wm. H. Ryder, Leader. Subject: "The American Public School." Dec. 18. Essay, by Robert Collyer. Subject: "The Compliments of the Season." Jan. 8. Essay, by Peter B. Wight. Subject : " The Practice of Architecture as a Fine Art." Jan. 22, Informal, Thomas S. Chard, Editor. Jan. 29. Business and Collation. Feb. 5. Essay, by William Mathews. Subject: " Sainte-Beuve." Feb. 12. Conversation, Daniel L, Shorey, Leader. Subject: "The Government of Large Cities." Feb. 19. Essay, by Edward S. Isham. Subject: " Proudhon as a Social Phenomenon. " Feb. 26. Business a?td Collation. Mch. 5. Essay, by Charles Oilman Smith. Subject: "The Physical Basis of Character." Mch. 12. Conversation, George Howland, Leader. Subject: "The American College." Mch. 19, Informal, John Crerar, Editor. Mch. 26. Business and Collation. April 2. Essay, by James Nevins Hyde. Subject: "The African Republic." SCHEMES OF EXERCISES. 29 April 9. Conversation, Ezra B. McCagg, Leader. Subject: "Literary Men in Politics." April 16. Essay, by John J. Schobinger. Subject: "Glaciers and Climate." April 23, Business and Collation. April 30. Social. May 7. Essay, by Edward G. As ay. Subject: "The Bibliopole." May 14. Conversation, Wm. F. Poole, Leader. Subject : " The Opportunities of the Man of Means and Leisure." May 21. Informal, Homer N. Hibbard, Editor. May 28. Biisiness and Collation. June 4. Essay, by Horace W. S. Cleveland. Subject: "Literary Culture in a Business Community, " June II. Anmial Election, June 18. Essay, by Joseph B. Leake. Subject: "Eastern Highways." June 25. Annual Dinner, and Inaugural Address by Daniel L. Shorey, President-elect. 1877-8. Oct. I. Essay, by James S. Jewell. Subject: "The Present Condition of the Dar- winian Theory." 3© CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. Oct. 8. Conversation, Brooke Herford, Leader. Subject: "The Labor Troubles, recent and to come." Oct. 15. Informal, Samuel Appleton, Editor. Oct. 22. Business and Collation. Oct. 29. Reception, Essay, by Edward S. Waters. Subject: "The South Kensington Museum," Illustrated by Stereoptic Views. Nov. 5. Essay, by Henry A. Huntington. Subject: "A Predecessor of Tennyson." Nov. 12. Conversation, John N. Jewett, Leader. Subject: "Newspaper Literature." Nov. 19. Inforjual, Benjamin M. Wilson, Editor. Nov. 26. Business and Collation. Dec. 3. Essay, by Franklin Denison. Subject: "A New Epic." Dec. 10. Conversation, Samuel S. Harris, Leader, Subject: "European Races in America." Dec. 17. Essay, by Charles A. Gregory. Subject: "The History of It." [Marcus Tullius Cicero.] Jan. 7. Essay, by Henry W. Raymond. Subject : " The History of a Miniature Republic. " Jan, 14. Conversation, Trowbridge B, Forbush, Leader. Subject: " The Cause and Cure of Pauperism. " SCHEMES OF EXERCISES. 3 1 Jan. 21. Informal, John Wilkinson, Editor. Jan. 28. Business and Collation. Feb. 4. Essay, by William Macdonell. Subject: "Utilitarianism." Feb. II. Conversation, James S. Norton, Leader. Subject: "Relations of the Legal Profession to the Public." Feb. 18. Informal, John G. Shortall, Editor. Feb. 25. Business and Collation. Mch. 4. Essay, by Walter C. Larned. Subject: "The Devil in Literature." Mch. II. Conversation, Ezra B. McCagg, Leader. Subject: "What Knowledge is of most Worth? " Mch. 18. Informal, Joseph Kirkland, Editor. Mch. 25. Business and Collation. April I. Essay, by Horatio L. Wait. Subject: "Mirth." April 8. Conversation, Thomas F. Withrow, Leader. Subject: "The Literature of the Law." April 15. Informal, JOHN Crerar, Editor. April 22. Business and Collation. April 29. Reception. Essay, by William H, Clarke. Subject: "Recollections of some Literary Women who have Visited Chicago." May 6. Essay, by Edward F. Williams. Subject: "The Outlook for Russia." 32 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. May 13. Conversation^ Henry Strong, Leader. Subject: "The Defects in American Public Education. " May 20. Conversation^ Henry Strong, Leader. Subject: Continued from meeting of May 13th. May 27. Business and Collation, June 3. Essay^ by James L. High. Subject: " A great Chancellor. " [Lord Eldon.] June 10. Annual Election. June 17. Essay, by Owen F. Aldis. Subject: "Louis Napoleon and the Southern Confederacy. " June 24. Annual Dinner, and Inatigural Address by Edward G. Mason, President-elect. 1878-9. Essay, by Augustus Jacobson. Subject: "Birth and Training." Conversation, Henry H, Babcock, Leader. Subject: "What should be the Limits of Free Education furnished by the State?" Informal, Joseph Kirkland, Editor. Business and Collation. Essay, by Walter C. Earned. Subject: "Will o' the Wisps." Nov. II. Conversation, William F. Poole, Leader. Subject : " The Mission and Function of Public Libraries." Oct. 7. Oct. 14, Oct. 21, Oct. 28. Nov . 4. SCHEMES OF EXERCISES. 33 Nov, 1 8. Informal, Thomas S. Chard, Editor. Nov. 25. Business and Collation. Dec. 2. Essay, by James A. Hunt. Subject: "The English in India." Dec. 9. Essay, by Alfred B. Mason. Subject: "Inside Politics." Dec. 16. Essay, by David Swing. Subject : " The Roman Empire. " [A Letter from Tyro, slave of Cicero, to Ximenes.] Dec. 23. Business and Collation. Jan. 6. Conversation, Lyman Trumbull, Leader. Subject: "Slavery and its Abolition." Jan. 13. Conversation, Brooke Herford, Leader. Subject: "The Sunday Question." Jan. 20. Infor7nal, Clarence A. Burley, Editor. Jan. 27. Business and Collation. Feb. 3. Essay, by Edward S. Isham. Subject: "Tumulto dei Ciompi. " Feb. 10. Conversation, Benj. D. Magruder, Leader. Subject: "The Chinese Question." Feb. 17. Essay, by William Mathews. Subject: "Style." Feb. 24. Business and Collation. Mch. 3. Essay, by Trowbridge B. Forbush. Subject: "Education and Crime." 34 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. Mch. 10. Conversation, Edmund Andrews, Leader. Subject: "The Mound Builders." Mch. 17. Informal, Huntington W. Jackson, Editor. Mch. 24. Business and Collation. Mch. 31. Reception. April 7. Essay, by George L. Paddock. Subject: " Historic Periods in European Culture. » April 14. Conversation, Selim H. Peabody, Leader. Subject: "Utilitarianism in Education." April 21. Informal, John Crerar, Editor. April 28. Business and Collation. May 5. Essay, by Henry A. Huntington. Stibject: "A Royal Cook's Wife." [Mrs. Centlivre.] May 12. Conversation, William H. Barnum, Leader. Subject: "Trial by Jury." May 19. Informal, Bryan Lathrop, Editor. May 26. Business and Collation. June 2. Essay, by Isaac N. Arnold. Subject: "Personal Reminiscences of Scotland and Anecdotes of Scott." June 9. Annual Election. June 16, Essay, by Thomas W. Grover. Subject: "The New American." SCHEMES OF EXERCISES. 35 June 23. Conversation, Benjamin F. Ayer, Leader. Subject: " Railways. " 1879-80. Oct. 6. Annual Reunion. Inaugural Address by Wm. F. Poole, the President; other Addresses and Collation. Oct. 13. Conversation, Daniel L. Shore y, Leader. Subject: "Socialism in the United States." Oct. 20. Essay, by Moses L. Scudder, Jr. Subject: "The Transportation Question." Oct. 29. Business and Collation. Nov. 3. Essay, by Charles A. Gregory. Subject: "Concerning the Militia." Eftse petit placidam sub libertate guietam. Nov. 10. Conversation, Homer N. Hibbard, Leader. Subject: "The Reform of English Spelling." Nov. 17. Essay, by Cecil Barnes. Subject: "The French Constitution." Nov. 24. Business and Collation. Dec. I. Essay, by Robert W. Patterson, Jr. Subject: "John Wise, the first great American Democrat. " Dec. 8. Conversation, John J. Lalor, Leader. Subject: "Bi-Metalism." Dec. 15. Informal, P. B. Wight, Editor. Dec. 22. Business and Collation. Jan. 5. Jan. 12. Jan. 19. Jan. 26. Feb. 2. CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. Essay, by Norman C. Perkins. Subject: "Socialism in Chicago." Conversation, Henry D. Lloyd, Leader. Subject: "The Cure of Vanderbiltism. " Essay, by Charles A. Dupee. Subject: "The Dissolution of the Whig Party. » Business and Collation. Essay, by Henry L, Tolman. Subject: "Comparative View of the Develop- ment of Literature in all Languages." Feb. 9. Conversation, Galusha Anderson, Leader. Subject: "The Data of Ethics." Feb. 16. Inforjnal, Henry B. Mason, Editor. Feb. 23. Business and Collation. Mch. I. Essay, by Pliny N. Haskell. Subject'. "The English Land Problem." Mch. 8. Conversation, Ephraim A. Otis, Leader. Subject : " The English Constitution. " Mch. 15. Essay, by John J. Lalor. Subject: "An Argument for Silver." Mch, 22. Business and Collation. Mch. 30. Reception. Essay, by Edward G. Mason. Subject: "Old Fort Chartres." April 6. Essay, by Samuel P. McConnell. Subject'. "Will there be a Solution of the Labor Question?" SCHEMES OF EXERCISES. 37 April 13. Conversation, Melville W. Fuller, Leader. Subject'. "Thomas Jefferson." April 20. I/iformaiy William Mathews, Editor. April 27. Business and Collation. May 3. Essay, by Arthur W. Windett, Subject : " The Roman Tribune and the Modern Chancellor." May 10. Conversation, George C. Clarke, Leader. Subject: "The Machine in Politics." May 17. Essay, by James B. Runnion. Subject: "The Recent Drama." May 24. Business and Collation. June 7. Essay, by Arthur Little. Subject: "The Supernatural in Art." June 14. Informal, William G. McMillan, Editor. June 22. Election of Officers. Business and Collation. 1880-1. Oct, 4. Annual Reunion, /naugzeral Address hy BROOKE Herford, the President; otAer Addresses and Collation. Oct. 8. Special Meeting, Grand Pacific Hotel. Reception and Dinner to Mr. Thos. Hughes. Oct. II. Essay, by Henry A. Huntington. Subject \, "Actor, Soldier, and Poet." Oct. 18. Conversation, Edward O. Brown, Leader. Subject : " The Modern Idea of Progress : Is it Fallacious?" 38 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB, Oct. 25. Business and Collation. Nov. I. Essay, by Henry T. Steele, Subject: "The Deformed Spelling," Nov. 15, Essay, by George Rowland. Subject: "A Metrical Translation." Nov. 22, Business and Collation. Nov. 29, Essay, by Joseph Kirkland, Subject: " Chicago, " Dec. 6. Conversation, Brooke Herford, Leader. Subject: "The Land Question in Ireland," Dec. 13. Essay, by Charles B. Lawrence. Subject: "Gouverneur Morris," Dec. 20. Informal, Samuel Appleton, Editor. Dec. 27. Biisiness and Collation. Jan, 3. Conversation, John N. Jewett, Leader. Subject: " The Authority of Legislation over Private Rights and Private Property, " Jan. 10. Essay, by James Nevins Hyde, Subject: "National Traits in Medicine." Jan. 17. Conversation, Benjamin M. Wilson, Leader, Subject : " Taxation. " Jan. 24, Business and Collation. Jan. 31, Annual Reception, ^j-j-^jj/, by W, M. R, French. Subject: "The Styles of Michael Angelo and Phidias Compared and* Illustrated. " Feb. 7. Conversation, Thos. S. Chard, Leader. Subject: "Our Social Relations with the Unfortunate. " SCHEMES OF EXERCISES. 39 Feb. 14, Conversation, Murry Nelson, Leader. Subject: "The Duties and Responsibilities of the Citizen to the City." Feb, 21. Informal, John Crerar, Editor. Feb. 28. Business and Collation. Mch. 7. Essay, by Ezra B. McCagg. Subject: "Adelard of Bath." Mch. 14. Essay, by Henry W. Raymond, Subject: "Hark! from the Tombs." Mch. 21. Essay, by Isaac N, Arnold. Subject : " Reminiscences of Congress during the Rebellion." Mch. 28. Business and Collation. April 4. Conversation, Elbridge G. Keith, Leader, Subject: " The Relation of Education to Uni- versal Suffrage." April II, Essay, by Alfred Bishop Mason, Subject: "A Man and his Money: a Moral Novelette, " April 18, Informal, Chas, Oilman Smith, Editor. April 25. Business and Collation. May 9. Essay, by Martin D, Hardin. Subject: "Army Experiences," May 16. Conversation, Franklin MacVeagh, Leader. Subject: "Political Education." May 23. Business and Collation. 40 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. May 30, Conversation, Brooke Herford, Leader. Subject: "The Greek Play at Harvard." June 6. Essay, by George E. Adams. Subject: "Ideals in Education." June 13. Election of Officers. Business and Collation. 1881-2. Oct. 3, Annual Reunion. Inaugural Address hy 'ET>Vfi^ C. Earned, the President; other Addresses and Collation. Oct. 10. Essay, by Charles W. Wendte. Subject: "Genius in Art." Oct. 17. Conversation, Frank Gilbert, Leader. Subject: "Competitive Transportation." Oct. 24. Informal, Emilius C. Dudley, Editor. Oct. 31. Business and Collation. Nov. 7. Essay, by George F. Harding. Subject: "Civil- Service Reform." Nov. 14, Conversation, Edward G. Mason, Leader. Subject: "The Vice- Presidency." Nov. 21. Essay, by Horatio L. Wait. Subject: "Fort Sumter." Nov. 28. Business and Collation. Dec. 5. Essay, by Charles Norman Fay. Subject : " The Telephone and Kindred Inventions. " Jan, 9- Jan. 1 6. Jan. 2Z- Jan. 30. SCHEMES OF EXERCISES. 4I Dec. 12. Conversation, Melville W. Fuller, Leader. Subject: "Gladstone." Dec. 19. Conversation, Henry Strong, Leader. Subject: " Is Buckle's Theory of Civilization the True Theory?" Conversation, Charles D, Hamill, Leader. Subject: "A Talk about Engravings." Essay, by Frederick Courtney. Subject: " Symbolism." Business and Collation. Reception. Essay, by Walter C. Larned. Subject: "No Art without the Ideal; no Liter- ature without the Supernatural." Feb. 6. Conversation, Brooke Herfokd, Leader. Subject: "Aristocracy in America." Feb. 13. Conversation, James L. High, Leader. Subject : " What shall we do with the Murderers?" Feb. 20. Conversation, Joseph B. Leake, Leader. Subject: "The Indian Question." Business and Collation. Conversation, Abram M. Pence, Leader. Subject : " The Condition and Prospects of Protestantism. " Essay, by Henry B, Mason. Subject: " Railroad Oracles. " Essay, by Huntington W. Jackson. Subject: "Gettysburg." Feb. 27. Mch. 6. Mch. 13- Mch. 20. 42 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. Mch. 27. Business and Collation. April 3. Essay, by Francis O. Lyman. Subject: "Hawaiian Volcanoes." April 10. Conversation, Henry D. Lloyd, Leader. Subject: "The Political Economy of Fifteen Millions. " April 17. Conversation, William F. Poole, Leader. Subject: " Witchcraft. " April 24. Business and Collation. May I. Informal, James P. Kelly, Editor. May 8. Essay, by George Howland. Subject: "What shall we Teach our Boys?" May 15. Essay, by Augustus Jacobson. Subject: "American Problems." May 22. Business and Collation. May 29. Essay, by Alexander C. McClurg. Subject: "A Decisive Battle and its Untold Story. " June 5. Essay, by Owen F. Aldis. Subject: "A Letter to Jefferson Davis." June 12. Election of Officers. Business and Collation. 1882-3. Oct. 2. Annual Reunion. Inaugural Addi^ess by Geo. Howland, the President; other Addresses and Collation. SCHEMES OF EXERCISES. 43 Oct. 9. Essay, by Edwin C. Larned. Subject : " The Chicago Fire and the Relief Work." Conversation, Samuel Bliss, Leader. Stcbject: "Character." Business. Informal, George L, Paddock, Editor. Reception. Essay, by James S. Norton. Subject: "The Confessions of a Millionare. " Essay, by William E. Strong. Subject: " The Siege of Vicksburg. " Conversation, Emil G. Hirsch, Leader. Subject: "Reform-Judaism." Essay, by Robert Forsyth. Subject: " Development of the Modern Steel Industry. " Business. Informal, Samuel H. Kerfoot, Jr., Editor. Essay, by William K. Ackerman. Subject: "Early Attempts at Railroad Build- ing in Illinois." Reception to Francis Seymour Haden. Conversatio7i, Elbridge G. Keith, Leader. Subject : " The Fourth of July and its Observance. " Dec, 18. Essay, by Herrick Johnson, Subject: "The Special Demands of the Coun- try upon the Educated Men of this Gen- eration. " Oct. 16. Oct. 23- Oct. 30- Nov. 6. Nov. 13- Nov. 20. Nov, 27. Dec. 4- Dec. 9- Dec, II. 44 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. Jan. 8. Essay, by Henry T. Steele. Subject: "Patent Ethics." Jan, 15. Essay, by James Nevins Hyde. Subject: "The Two Stonewalls." Jan. 29. Business. Feb. 5. Essay, by Walter C. Larned. Subject: "An Impression of Jean Francois Millet." Feb. 12. Conversation, Murry Nelson, Leader. Subject: " Corners. " Feb. 19. Essay, by Henry S. Boutell. Subject: "Chaucer." Feb. 26. Business. Informal, Charles Oilman Smith, Editor. Mch. 5. Essay, by Edward S. Isham. Subject: "Pompey. " Mch. 12. Conversation, Samuel P. McConnell, Leader. Subject: " What Ought to be the Limitation to Majority Oovernment?" Mch. 19. Essay, by John W. Root. Subject: "The Art of Abstract Color." Mch. 26. Business. Informal, William Eliot Furness, Editor. April 9. Conversation, Arthur Little, Leader. Subject: " Divorce. " April 16. Essay, by William L. B. Jenney. Subject: "The Fossils of History," SCHEMES OF EXERCISES, 45 April 23. Business. Informal, George Mills Rogers, Editor. April 30. Essay, by George W. Smith. Subject: "The Battle of Franklin." May 7. Essay, by Moses L. Scudder, Jr. Subject: "Congested Prices." May 14. Conversation, Joseph Kirkland, Leader. Subject: "Protection." May 21. Essay, by Edward O. Brown, Subject: " The Catholics of England in the Seventeenth Century. " May 28. Business. Nomination of Officers. Essay, by William F. Poole. Subject: "Mr. Bancroft and the Ordinance of 1787," June 4. Essay, by Owen F. Aldis. Subject: "State Rights— North and South." June II. Business. Election of Officers. 1883-4. Oct. I. Annual Reunion. Inaugural Address hy ^y.'SRY A. Huntington, the President; other Ad- dresses and Collation. Oct. 8. Essay, by George F. Harding. Subject: "Charles James Fox." Oct. 15. Essay, by Daniel Goodwin, Jr. Subject: "The Dearborns." 46 Oct. 22. Oct. 29. Nov. 5- Nov. 12. CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. Business. Informal, Henry S. Boutell, Editor. Reception. Essay, by David Swing. Subject: "Excess." Essay, by Edward G. Mason. Subject: "A Visit to South Carolina in i860." Conversation, Herrick Johnson, Leader. Subject: "Fraternal Relations." Nov. 19. Essay, by Area N. Waterman. Subject : " The War in its Effect on Public and Private Opinion." Nov. 26. Business. Informal, John J. Schobinger, Editor. Dec. 3. Essay, by Cyrus Bentley, Jr. Subject: «The Third Estate." Dec. 10. Conversation, Chas. Oilman Smith, Leader. Subject: "Cholera." Dec. 17. Informal, Emilius C. Dudley, Editor. Jan. 7. Essay, by Henry B, Mason. Subject: "The Law's Delays." Jan. 14. Essay, by John A. Jameson. Subject: "Is our Civilization Perishable?" Jan. 20. Reception to Matthew Arnold. Jan. 21. Essay, by George W. Smith. Subject: "Letters from an Illinois Garret." Jan. 28. Business. Informal, Chester M. Dawes, Editor. SCHEMES OF EXERCISES. 47 Feb. 4. Essay, by Robert Williams. Subject: "Leon Gambetta." Feb, II, Conversation, George C. Noyes, Leader. Subject: "Immigration." Feb. 18. Essay, by Hosmer A. Johnson. Subject: "Preventive Medicine." Business. Inforjnal, Cyrus H. McCormick, Jr., Editor. Essay, by Horatio L. Wait. Subject: "Reminiscences of the Blockade." Essay, by James L. High. Subject : " Upon Certain Tendencies in the Legal Profession." Essay, by Henry W. Blodgett. Subject: "Early Mormonism in Illinois." Essay, by Frank Gilbert. Subject: "American Financial Innovation." Business. Informal, Emil G. Hirsch, Editor. Essay, by Samuel Fallows. Subject: " New Dictionaries and the Common People." Essay, by Henry D. Lloyd. Subject: "Too Much of Everything." Essay, by Edward F. Williams. Subject : " Oxford and the High Church Anglicans, " April 28. Business. Informal, Geo. L. Paddock, Editor. Feb. 25- Mch. 3- Mch. 10. Mch. 17. Mch. 24. Mch. 31- April 7. April 14. April 21. 48 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. May 5. Essay, by Peter B. Wight. Stibject : " The Development of New Phases of the Fine Arts in America." May 12. Conversation, William H, Barnum, Leader. Subject: " Chief- Justice John Marshall, the Expounder of the Constitution. " May 19. Essay, by Theobald Forstall. Subject: "Gas." May 26. Business. Nomination of Officers. Essay, by Walter C. Larned. Subject : " The Myth of Siegfried and Wag- ner's Nibelungen Trilogie. " June 2. Essay, by Charles Edward Cheney. Subject: "Priest and Soldier." June 9. Business. Election of Officers. REGULAR MEMBERS. 49 Regular Members May I, li William K. Ackerman, Charles Adams, George E. Adams, Joseph Adams, Owen F. Aldis, Galusha Anderson, Edmund Andrews, Edward G. Asay, George A. Armour, Benjamin F, Ayer, William H. Barnum, Adolphus C. Bartlett, Alfred Bartow, George Batchelor, Henry H. Belfield, Cyrus Bentley, Jr., Henry W. Bishop, Timothy B. Blackstone, Edward T. Blair, Eliphalet W. Blatchford, Samuel Bliss, Henry W. Blodgett, James St. Clair Boal, Henry Booth, Henry S. Boutell, Wm. Harrison Bradley, Edward O, Brown, Clarence A. Burley, John C, Burroughs, George C. Campbell, Charles G. Carleton, Leslie Carter, William H. Chappell, Thomas S. Chard, Charles M. Charnley, James Charnley, Charles Edward Cheney, John M. Clark, Frederick W, Clarke, George C. Clarke, John Crerar, Chester M. Dawes, Albert M. Day, Franklin Denison, Emilius C. Dudley, Charles A. Dupee, Lawrence C. Earle, Nathaniel K. Fairbank, David Fales, Samuel Fallows, John V. Farwell, Jr., Charles Norman Fay, Charles N, Fessenden, Theobald Forstall, James W. Forsyth, Henry V, Freeman, Charles G. Fuller, Melville W. Fuller, so CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. Charles W. FuUerton, William Eliot Furness, Lyman J. Gage, George Gardner, Frank Gilbert, John J. Glessner, Daniel Goodwin, Jr., Frederick W. Gookin, Frederick Greeley, Samuel S. Greeley, Charles A. Gregory, Thomas W. Grover, Charles D. Hamill, George F. Harding, Azel F. Hatch, Charles M. Henderson, Robert J. Hendricks, John J. Herri ck, Porter P. Hey wood, Homer N. Hibbard, James L. High, Emil G. Hirsch, Charles S. Holt, Oliver H. Horton, George Howland, Edward D. Hosmer, James L. Houghteling, James A. Hunt, Henry A. Huntington, James Nevins Hyde, Edward S. Isham, Huntington W. Jackson, Augustus Jacobson, John A. Jameson, William L. B. Jenney, John N. Jewett, Herrick Johnson, Hosmer A. Johnson, Lorenzo M. Johnson, Thomas D. Jones, Elbridge G. Keith, James P. Kelly, Samuel H. Kerfoot, Jr., Henry W. King, Joseph Kirkland, Walter C. Lamed, Bryan Lathrop, Joseph B. Leake, Leslie Lewis, Arthur Little, Henry D. Lloyd, Clinton Locke, David B. Lyman, Henry M. Lyman, Ezra B. McCagg, Alexander C. McClurg, Samuel P. McConnell, Cyrus H. McCormick, Jr., William G. McMillan, Simon J. McPherson, Franklin MacVeagh, Edgar Madden, Benjamin D. Magruder, Alfred B. Mason, Edward G. Mason, Henry B. Mason, George W. Meeker, Henry G. Miller, REGULAR MEMBERS. 51 Samuel M. Moore, Murry Nelson, James S. Norton, George C. Noyes, John T. Noyes, Ephraim A, Otis, George L, Paddock, Alonzo W. Paige, Robert W. Patterson, Jr., Francis B. Peabody, Emerson W. Peet, James H. Peirce, Abram M. Pence, William F. Poole, Sartell Prentice, George Mills Rogers, John G. Rogers, Joseph M. Rogers, John W. Root, Julius Rosenthal, James B. Runnion, Osborne Sampson, George Schneider, John J. Schobinger, John M. Schofield, Moses L. Scudder, Jr., Edwin H. Sheldon, Daniel L. Shorey, John G. Shortall, Joseph L. Silsbee, Mark Skinner, Charles Oilman Smith, Frederick B. Smith, George W. Smith, Albert A. Sprague, Otho S, A. Sprague, Henry T. Steele, William R. Stirling, Henry B. Stone, Henry Strong, William E, Strong, David Swing, Charles H. Taylor, John M. Thacher, John L. Thompson, Slason Thompson, Lyman Trumbull, Murray F. Tuley, David N. Utter, Horatio L. Wait, Arba N. Waterman, George P. Welles, Peter B. Wight, Dudley P. Wilkinson, John Wilkinson, Edward F. Williams, Norman Williams, Robert Williams, Benjamin M. Wilson, John P. Wilson, Arthur W. Windett, Frederick S. Winston, Thomas F. Withrow. 52 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB. Non-Resident Members: Samuel W. Andrew, William Alvin Bartlett, Arthur Brooks, Hubert S. Brown, Leander T, Chamberlain, Eliot C. Clarke, Robert Collyer, Frederick Courtney, Louis Dyer, Trobridge B. Forbush, Robert Forsyth, William M. R. French, Martin D. Hardin, Samuel S. Harris, Pliny N. Haskell, George P. A. Healy, Brooke Herford, Robert A. Holland, James J. Hoyt, David S. Johnson, Edwin C. Lamed, Charles S. Lester, Robert T. Lincoln, Roswell H. Mason, William Matthews, Victor Morawetz, Lemuel Moss, Selim H. Peabody, Bronson Peck, Jr., Norman C. Perkins, Boston, Mass. Washington, D. C. New York City. Philadelphia, Pa. Brooklyn, N.Y. Boston, Mass. New York City. Boston, Mass. Cambridge, Mass. Detroit, Mich. Pittsburgh, Pa. Washington, D. C. Quincy, 111. Detroit, Mich. Paris, France. Boston, Mass. New Orleans, La. St. Louis, Mo. Springfield, 111. Providence, R. I. Milwaukee, Wis. Washington, D. C. Pilatka, Florida. Boston, Mass. New York City. Bloomington, Ind. Champaign, 111. London, Eng. Detroit, Mich. NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS. 53 Josiah L. Pickard, Robert P. Porter, Horatio N. Powers, Henry W. Raymond, Minot J. Savage, Robert D. Sheppard, Edward S. Waters, Charles W. Wendte, Horace White, Iowa City, Iowa. Washington, D. C. Bridgeport, Conn. Germantown, Pa. Boston, Mass. Aurora, 111. Jamestown, Dak, Newport, R. I. New York City. Honorary Members Francis Seymour Haden, Thomas Hughes, Philip H. Sheridan, London, Eng, London, Eng. Washington, D. C. 54 CHICAGO LITERARY CLUB, Deceased Members: Charles T. Adams, John W. Andrews, Isaac N. Arnold, Henry H. Babcock, Cecil Barnes, Orville J. Bliss, William Hull Clarke, William E, Doggett, Joseph Haven, Joseph Charles D. Helmer, Charles Hitchcock, Max Hjortsberg, Charles B, Lawrence, Joseph E. Lockwood, William Macdonell, Edward A. Small, Edward S. Stickney, James M. Walker, D. Webster. FERGUS PRINTINO COMPANY, OHIOAQO. vu. PN C.5 AS RASE THE ADAIR BOOKSTORE NEWa OLD BOOKS DOUGHT.SOLO AND EXCHANGED. N0.43 E.VAN BUREN b"^. CHICACD.ILL. ^ PHONE- HAR. 2 5 65 -^- ' ^'> iii