OH L I B RAHY OF THE U N IVLRSITY OF ILLINOIS 5T0.5 ILL v. 25-30 CO The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ^J'/LOlNGUS£ SEP l 197, BUILDING ir3^tJtftf< JUN Ui37 / Ss» 1 r-r^^?n\ wr C\ ■fi\jQb&} -- ^'fevr^^X^ /•re jV^ j ^>vo//-.y w 9 ' Figs. 1-7. Psaronius blicklei sp. nov. Diagrammatic cross-sections of specimens A-F. Steles are diagrammed in solid black, sclerenchyma is stippled. Fracture lines are diagrammed in fig. 15. Compare with figs. 25-31. Figs. 8, 9. Psaronius blicklei sp. nov. Diagrammatic cross-sections of specimens G, H. Steles are diagrammed in solid black, sclerenchyma is stippled. Compare with figs. 32, 33. 76 v ^) &A ^/7?j f ^ x f.-i 3 J /i ^"•B™**^ %^JJ % ■ J :i ■t'r 10. Fig. 10. Psaronius blicklei sp. nov. Sections A-l represent diagrammatic cross-sections of successively higher levels, showing the origin and reconstitution of the most central cycle of specimen A. Steles are diagrammed in solid black, sclerenchyma is stippled. 77 V: Fig. 11. Psaronius hlicklei sp. nov. Diagrammatic reconstruction of the stele of specimen A. The section on the bottom at the left is the lowest level depicted and that on top at the upper right of the diagram is the highest. 6> O U B C 14. Fig. 12. Psaronius blicklei sp. nov. Diagrammatic cross-section of a stem portion with spiral phyllotaxy. Based on specimen C (compare fig. 28). Leaf trace and potential leaf trace material is diagrammed in heavy, solid black lines; the sclerenchyma is designated by a thin line at the periphery of the stem. Stippling represents cauline material which will at higher levels be contributed to departing leaf traces. Fig. 13. Psaronius blicklei. Diagrammatic cross-sections showing successively higher levels (A-E) of the two most internal cycles of a stem at about the level exhibited by specimen C. The manner in which the innermost cycle (unshaded) fills a gap in the next outer cycle (solid black), and the sequence for its reconstruction, are shown. See text for full explanation. Fig. 14. Psaronius blicklei. Diagrams A-C showing contribution of vascular tissue of peripheral cauline bundles to the next internal cycle and to the leaf trace of specimen C. Leaf traces, solid black; cauline bundles, unshaded; contribution of peripheral cauline bundles to leaf trace, stippled. See text for full explanation. 79 Fig. 15. Psaronius blicklei. Diagrams A-I showing the origin of a new orthostichy and the beginning of a new pathway of divergence for leaf traces of this orthostichy. Specimen E. See text for full explanation. 80 I o> 17. Fig. 16. Diagrammatic reconstruction of the cross-section of a large, whorled Psaronius stem based on specimen G. Leaf traces and potential leaf trace material are diagrammed in black, cauline bundles are unshaded, and potential contributions of the peripheral cauline bundles to the leaf traces are stippled. See text for full explanation. Fig. 17. Psaronius melanedrus sp. nov. Diagrammatic cross-section (A-C) of suc- cessively higher levels, showing leaf trace contribution by and reconstruction of the most internal cycle of specimen J. Steles are diagrammed in black, sclerenchyma is stippled. See text for full explanation. 81 o GO CD "V. co w -* 35 to ca "■ -* g iS 2 ctf O 03 QJ Eh a) M *-" -5 < a s o ' ~ - S "a -.3 S3 H ^ i-£h en o 2 O J3 5 S c -s •43 O _ O i-rt Q, 2 c 1) g Oq >>J2 « O J5 C 55 -r< 0) +5 03 T3 >% « 03 ^ •- ^ » C ■" ,i fl n S O H)\ J> & 03<» ■.fl .S3 •— ' M °* 0) 3 -c Q I 2 3T3 g o -Q s •43 w 0) co a 4-i 03 COX 4-> U ^ <» oj S 0) 1) rt § x- s> -c : -5 55 OJ v. J3 co Oh b P. 4> UJ 00 co fa o «< ■§ o Fig. 19. Psaronius melanedrus sp. nov. Diagrammatic cross-section of specimen O, C.B. 1254e bot. #1. Compare fig. 41. Outer cycle unshaded and diagrammed with dashed fines, next inner cycle unshaded and limited by solid fines, next inner one stippled, and most internal cycle is diagrammed as solid black strands. X 2.62. Fig. 20. Specimen U. Diagrammatic cross-sections (A-F) of specimen U at suc- cessively higher levels showing method of leaf trace departure. Steles are diagrammed as heavy black fines, the edge of the stem is shown as a thin solid fine, and the peripheral sclerenchyma cutting in about leaf bases is stippled. See text for full ex- planation. Compare F with fig. 51. Specimen 2608. 83 V \l^{ & ; / i\ y f\ rcs\ A /CV^ ^S"x \\&y j j Fig. 21. Specimen V. Diagrammatic cross-section (A-I) of specimen V at succes- sively higher levels. Compare diagram G with fig. 52. See text for full explanation. Specimen 2609. 84 & % V=r 23. b 2 2. b IX. 4 2 4. Fig. 22. Specimen V. Diagrammatic cross-section (A-C), reconstructing the manner in which leaf traces are given off from an internal cycle of specimen V. White and black lines on appropriate cycles designate cauline and potential leaf trace material. The most internal cycle is diagrammed in solid black, the next outer one is stippled, and the most external one depicted here is unshaded. Arrows indicate the directions in which strands will migrate at higher levels. See text for full explanation. Specimen 2609. Fig. 23. Psaronius blicklei. Diagrammatic cross-sections (A-B) of a portion of a stem. B is at a higher level than A. See text for full explanation. Contributions from the peripheral cauline bundle to the leaf trace and cauline bundles of next inner cycle are diagrammed in solid black, all other vascular tissue is unshaded. Sclerenchyma is stippled. A— C.B. 2413b bot. #1; B— C.B. 2413c top. #1. Fig. 24. Psaronius blicklei. Transverse section of a portion of a stem at successively higher levels (A-D). See text for full explanation. Contribution from cycle 4 to the next inner cycle and to a leaf trace is diagrammed in solid black. All other vascular tissue is unshaded. Cycles are consecutively numbered from the outside toward the center. C.B. 2842e bot, A— #1, B— #14, C— #16, D— #17. 85 Figs. 25-29. Psaronius blicklei sp. nov. Fig. 25. Transverse section of specimen A. Washington University C.B. 108a top #6. Fig. 26. Transverse section of specimen A at a higher level. Note most central strand representing cycle 3. Washington University C.B. 108g top #1. Fig. 27. Transverse section of specimen B. C.B. 2841a top #4. Fig. 28. Transverse section of specimen C. C.B. 196c top #3. Fig. 29. Transverse section of specimen D. C.B. 2844e bot. #1. * * * a a n o o a •^ •*-* cC o -= Ol Ol o 00 TF 00 1> qo CD > CM CM cq o fl pq pq pq a U U U c/3 S w fa d 2 CO GO C cS Sh H a CO s fa H H fa Fig. 33. Psaronins blicklei sp. nov. Transverse section of specimen H. C.B. 2681e bot. #1. Fig. 34. Stem cross-sections of Psaronius blicklei, showing a lower level of the specimen (A — C.B. 2682b top. #1) with spiral phyllotaxy and a higher level (B — C.B. 2682g top #1) with whorled frond arrangement. Specimen I. Fig. 35. Psaronius melanedrus sp. nov. Transverse section of specimen J. Note pro- liferation from leaf base ground parenchyma forming tissue about inner roots. Uni- versity of Minnesota C.B. 35c (1) bot. #1. Figs. 36-38. Psaronius melanedrus sp. nov. Fig. 36. Transverse section of specimen K. Note cells of fundamental tissue of stem have proliferated through the slightly discontinuous sclerenchyma sheath shown at the top of the photograph. Washington University C.B. 698c bot. #4. Fig. 37. Transverse section of specimen L. C.B. 1539f top #1. Fig. 38. Transverse section of specimen M. Note configuration of leaf bases. Wash- ington University C.B. 697c top #2. Figs. 39-43. Psaronius melanedrus sp. nov. Fig. 39. Transverse section of a portion of specimen M, showing relative thicknesses and tracheid diameters of a leaf trace ( right ) and a peripheral cauline bundle ( left ) . Note heavy sclerenchyma sheath and presence of tannin-like deposits in certain of the parenchyma cells. C.B. 697f top #1. Fig. 40. Transverse section of the central portion of the stele of specimen N. Illinois Geological Survey C.B. 803a bot. #1. Fig. 41. Transverse section of stele of specimen O. C.B. 1254e bot. #1. Fig. 42. Transverse section of stele of specimen P. C.B. 2111a (2) top. #1. Fig. 43. Transverse section of specimen Q. C.B. 3066d bot. #1. 91 m —II 45 B b Figs. 44-46. Psaronius chasei sp. nov. Fig. 44. Transverse section of specimen R. C.B. 1221g bot. #64. Fig 45 Portion of a transverse section of specimen R showing an adventitious root trace in connection with the second cycle. Four other roots may alsc> be obsenred in the sclerenchyma sheath on the adaxial side of the leaf base. C.B. 1221f top #33. Fig. 46. Portion of a transverse section of specimen R, showing ^secondary parenchyma exceeding in radial extent the most externally placed root. C.B. 1221g bot. #64. Figs. 47-49. Psaronius Chasei (?) sp. nov. Fig. 47. Transverse section of specimen in Illinois Geological Survey C.B. 140a #2. Fig. 48. Transverse section of specimen S. C.B. 1700d top #1. Fig. 49. Transverse section of a portion of a specimen in C.B. 1607a top #1. 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 50. Transverse section of specimen T. Illinois Geological Survey C.B. 5ld bot. #1. 94 m /? ^ H »o — — £# St.*"' '-* \- "-*!»« • o Fig. 56. Transverse section of Psaronius brasiliensis. After Zeiller (1890). Figs. 57-59 Psaronius blicklei Fig. 57. Transverse section of a portion of Psaronius blicklei, showing an adventitious root trace in connection with a peripheral cauline bundle. Note sieve cells about 7*Sl f" an J' acunae > and tannin-like deposits in cells of fundamental tissue. CB zoolk bot. #1. Fig. 58. Longitudinal section showing vascular and fundamental tissue s— sieve cells; t — tracheids; p — parenchyma. CB. 2413a edge #3. Fig. 59. Transverse section of a portion of a stem. Note lacunae and configuration of sclerenchyma. CB. 2681a top #2. Figs. 60-62 Psaronius blicklei sp. nov. Fig. 60. Transverse section of a portion of a stem showing secondary parenchyma around a peripheral cauline bundle and in the fundamental tissue. C.B. 2680h top #2. Fig. 61. Portion of a transverse section showing leaf trace distorted by growth of secondary parenchyma. It — leaf trace; p — parenchyma; pob — peripheral cauline bundle. C.B. 2371c bot. #2. Fig. 62. Transverse section of a portion of Psaronius blicklei, showing growth of secondary parenchyma into lacunae of the stem. C.B. 2371a bot. #1. Figs. 63-65 Psaronius chasei Fig. 63. Transverse section of a portion of Psaronius chasei. Note sieve cells around xylem strands. C.B. 1221f top #19. Fig. 64. Portion of a vascular bundle greatly enlarged. C.B. 1221g bot. #22. Fig. 65. Longitudinal section of a portion of a metaxylem tracheid, showing scalari- form secondary thickenings. C.B. 1221g edge #1. 2 ii ft •5 -^ c 2 OT) <3 n ■ _l r? S »> ^ C CO ^ .2 N o . len next C.B .5 rt PQ ^ o (J >h w D CD J. CM A = M >,^S: T! CD 1^ & - 8 S^ id h W CD Ol rt -5 • E » - ft ffl £ ° 1 & CD '> * . "S o b « wa ~S ^ V • ., +> CD -~ X J. CD ^ D Q . 2 * J .„ U .9 « «tf M hS (U -J. [ii ~c en =fp J«££ & - > *^j£.J~ ~*&*2? «Jo Fig. 67. Transverse section of a portion of Psaronius hlicklei, showing a leaf trace attached to two cycles at the same level. Note lacunae, sclerenchyma bands, and isolated sclerenchyma strands. C.B. 2842e bot. #71. Fig. 68. Transverse section of a portion of Psaronius chasei. At a a small strand of vascular tissue is projecting from the surface of a cauline bundle. See text for full information. C.B. 1221h bot. #24. Fig. 69. Psaronius blicklei. Transverse section of a portion of a stem showing leaf trace characteristics. Illinois Geological Survey C.B. 371g top #1. 101 »2tl af PS T7 f CkleL SurfaCe ° f a St6m Sh ° wing leaf trace characteristics. Note points of exit of adventitious roots from stem above leaf scar and roots over lower portion of leaf scar. C.B. 196d (3). Fig. 71. Psaronius sp. Weathered surface of a stem. Specimen 2625. mTside NoTeT ""w Y^ °i * *"' Sh ° Wing leaf baSe ^acteristics from me side. Note lacunae in fundamental tissue. C.B. 2777b. Fig. 73. Psaronius blicklei. Surface of a slightly weathered stem showing leaf scar characterises and lacunae. Note roots over leaf scar at right. C.B. 2777b 74 icmj i i 01 234 5678 75 Fig. 74. Psaronius giffordii. Surface of stem showing leaf scar characteristics. Speci- men 2612. Fig. 75. Psaronius sp. Surface of stem showing leaf scar characteristics. Specimen 2622. Fig. 76. Psaronius blicklei. Transverse section of a portion of stem and inner root zone at the position of a leaf base. Note proliferation of fundamental cells of the leaf base and tannin-like deposits in certain of the cells of the roots. C.B. 2681k bot. #1. Fig. 77. Psaronius blicklei. Transverse section of a free root which is branching. Washington University C.B. 108c bot. #3. Fig. 78. Psaronius chasei. Transverse section of the inner root zone showing pro- liferation of parenchyma cells. C.B. 1221 top #47. 104 Figs. 79, 80. Psaronius giffordii Fig. 79. Transverse section of stem. Photograph of slide of specimen 5, University of Chicago Collection. Fig. 80. Transverse section of stem. Photograph of slide of specimen 3, University of Chicago Collection. ' 105 r*e- Figs. 81, 82. Psaronius pertusus Blickle, sp. nov. Fig. 81. Transverse section of a stem. Specimen B — 202 in the Ohio University Museum Collection. Fig. 82. Portion of a transverse section of a stem showing fundamental tissue in detail. Illinois Geological Survey C.B. 147b top #1. INDEX Adiantum, 49 Angiopteris, 43, 60, 61 Angiopteris evecta, 44 Arnold, 66 Aster otheca, 61 Baxter, 17, 19, 55, 58, 63, 64, 69 Blickle, 14, 43 Bower, 46, 60, 61 Brogniart, 40, 42, 64, 65 Caulopteris, frontispiece, 54, 55, 58 Christ, 46 Christensenia, 61 Cibotium, 42 Cotta, 1, 2 Cyathea, 19 Cyatheaceae, 1, 20, 46, 60 Decodon verticillatus, 57 Dicksonia antarctica, 61 Dicksoniaceae, 60, 61 Endogenites, 1, 2 Esau, 18 Farmer and Hill, 55, 57, 60, 69 Farr, 2 Gillette, 17, 46, 63, 64 Herzer, 63 Hirmer, 2, 17, 38, 42, 46, 63 Hoskins, 63 Jeffrey, 61 Kuhn, 44 Lenz, 55 Lindley and Hutton, 58 Macbride, 63 Marattia, 60, 61 Marattiaceae, 1, 43, 44, 60, 61, 62 Marattiales, 1 Marsilea, 6, 57 Matonia, 61 Megaphijton, 54 Mettenius, 60 Moon, 16, 45 Morgan and Delevoryas, 55 Nehimbo, 57 Ogura, 19 Pelourde, 42, 65 Pohlig, 45 Psaroniaceae, 1 Psaronius, 2-3; comparisons with other ferns, 60-62; distichous form, 36- 38, fig. 51; fundamental tissue, 43, figs. 58, 81-82; general discussion, 46-55; generic description, 62; his- tology, figs. 57-62; historical back- ground, 1-2; lacunae, 43-44, fig. 59; listing of valid species, 63-68; phloem, 46, figs. 63-64; reduction of certain species to synonymy, 62- 65; root zone, 55-60, figs. 45-46, 57, 77-78; sclerenchyma, 44-45, fig. 39; secondary proliferation of parenchyma, figs. 46, 60, 62; sources of specimens, 2-3; strati- graphic localities, 3-4; taxonomic position, 62; taxonomic treatment of all species, 62-68; vascular sys- tem, 46-55; xylem, 45; figs. 1-24 25-44, 51-56, 58 Psaronius blicklei: general discussion, 17-21; general morphology, 4-17; specific diagnosis, 16-17, 66-67; figs. 1-15, 23-24, 57-62, 66-67, 69-70, 72-74, 76-77 Psaronius borealis, 63 Psaronius brasiliensis: additional ob- servations, 40-42; general discus- sion, 42-43, 61; specific description, 64-65; figs. 54-56 107 108 AMERICAN SPECIES OF THE GENUS PSARONIUS Psaronius chasei: general discussion, 34-36; general morphology, 32-34; specific diagnosis, 34-67; jigs. 44- 49, 63-65, 68, 78 Psaronius cooksonii, 59, 63, 64 Psaronius giffordii, 63, 64; figs. 74, 79-80 Psaronius gutbieri, 38 Psaronius illinoensis, 63 Psaronius infarctus, 8, 51 Psaronius junceus, 63 Psaronius lacunosus, 43, 66 Psaronius melanedrus: general discus- sion, 30-32; general morphology, 21-30; specific diagnosis, 29, 30, 67, 68; figs. 17-19, 36-43 Psaronius musaeformis, 38 Psaronius peoriensis, 63, 64 Psaronius pertusus, 43; specific de- scription, 65-66; figs. 81-82 Psaronius septangulatus, 54, 63 Psaronius simplex, 38 Psaronius simplex F. integer, 38 Psaronius sp. morphology of previ- ously undescribed specimens lack- ing specific designations, 36-40 Ptychocarpus, 61 Ptychopteris, 58 Reed, 6, 56, 57, 69 Rudolph, 46, 62 Saccoloma elegans, 61 Sahi, 57, 69 Schoute, 2, 46 Schuster, 45 Scolecopteris, 61 Scolecopteris elegans, 61 Scott, 2, 42 Seward, 2, 60, 61, 62 Solms-Laubach, 55, 57, 69 Spiropteris, 21 Sprengel, 1 Staarsteine, 1 Stenzel, 1, 2, 17, 38, 46, 57, 60, 62, 69 Sternsteine, 1 Sterzel, 45 Stewartiopteris, 35, 36, 55, 62 Stipitopteris, 1, 19, 35, 53, 55, 61, 62 Strasburger, 61 Thyrsopteris elegans, 61 Tietea singularis, 62, 65 Unger, 65 West, 4, 5, 43, 44 Wurmsteine, 1 Xylopsaronius, 45 Zeiller, 2, 11, 17, 42, 43, 46, 51, 52, 58, 69 HOFFMEISTER, DONALD F. (1951) : A TaXO- nomic and Evolutionary Study of the Pinon Mouse, Peromyscus truei. 5 pis. 24 figs. Vol. 21, No. 4. Cloth only, $3.50. HOFFMEISTER, DONALD F., and GOODPAS- TURE, woodrow w. (1954): The Mam- mals of the Huachuca Mountains, South- eastern Arizona. 27 figs. Vol. 24, No. 1. $3.00. HOPKINS, SEWELL HEPBURN (1934): The Papillose Allocreadiidae— A Study of Their Morphology, Life Histories, and Relation- ships. 4 pis. 6 figs. Vol. 13, No. 2. $1.00. HUMES, ARTHUR grover (1942): The Morphology, Taxonomy, and Bionomics of the Nemertean Genus Carcinonemertes. 4 pis. 1 map. Vol. 18, No. 4. $1.50. HUNTER, GEORGE WILLIAM, III (1930): Studies on the Caryophyllaeidae of North America. 7 pis. Vol. 11, No. 4. $1.25. jones, george NEVILLE (1946) : American Species of Amelanchier. 23 pis. 14 maps. Vol. 20, No. 2. Cloth only, $2.00. kendeigh, s. Charles (1941): Territorial and Mating Behavior of the House Wren. 32 figs. Vol. 18, No. 3. $1.50. ( 1952) : Parental Care and Its Evo- lution in Birds. 35 figs. Vol. 22, Nos. 1-3. $4.00. kindred, james e. (1919): The Skull of Amiurus. 8 pis. Vol. 5, No. 1. $1.25. kramer, sol (1950): The Morphology and Phylogeny of Auchenorhynchous Homoptera (Insecta). 6 charts. 16 pis. Vol. 20, No. 4. $2.00. KUDO, RICHARD ROKSABRO (1934): Studies on Some Protozoan Parasites of Fishes of Illinois. 8 pis. Vol. 13, No. 1. $.75. (1944): Morphology and Develop- ment of Nosema notabilis Kudo; Parasitic in Sphaerospora polymorpha Davis, a Para- site of Opsanus tau and O. beta. 12 pis. 7 figs. Vol. 20, No. 1. $1.25. mackin, john GiLMAN (1936): Studies on the Morphology and Life History of Nem- atodes in the Genus Spironoura. 6 pis. 2 figs. Vol. 14, No. 3. $1.00. MANTER, HAROLD WINFRED (1926): Some North American Fish Trematodes. 6 pis. 2 charts. 1 fig. Vol. 10, No. 2. $1.50. may, henry gustav (1920): Contribu- tions to the Life Histories of Gordius to- bustus Leidy and Paragordius varius (Leidy). 21 pis. Vol. 5, No. 2. $1.50. meglitsch, paul a. (1940): Cytological Observations on Endamoeba blattae. 8 pis. Vol. 17, No. 4. $1.00. miller, edwin lynn (1936): Studies on North American Cercariae. 8 pis. Vol. 14, No. 2. $1.50. mizelle, john dary (1938): Compara- tive Studies on Trematodes (Gyrodacty- loidea) from the Gills of North American Fresh- Water Fishes. 5 pis. Vol. 17, No. 1. $1.00. nichols, ray janney (1937): Taxonomic Studies on the Mouth Parts of Larval Anura. 3 figs. 8 charts. Vol. 15, No. 4. $1.00. ray, james davis, jr. (1956): The Genus Lysimachia in the New World. 20 pis. 11 maps. Vol. 24, Nos. 3-4. $2.50. roback, selwyn s. (1954) : The Evolution and Taxonomy of the Sarcophaginae (Dip- tera, Sarcophagidae) . 9 charts. 34 pis. Vol. 23, Nos. 3-4. $4.00. ross, Herbert h. (1931): Sawflies of the Sub-Family Dolerinae of America North of Mexico. 6 pis. Vol. 12, No. 3. $1.25. ( 1937) : A Generic Classification of the Nearctic Sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). 17 pis. Vol. 15, No. 2. $2.00. SCHOOF, HERBERT FREDERICK (1942): The Genus Conotrachelus Dejean (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in the North Central United States. 9 pis. Vol. 19, No. 3. $1.50. schopf, james morton (1943): The Em- bryology of Larix. 6 pis. 86 figs. Vol. 19, No. 4. $1.50. smith, frank (1923): The Calciferous Glands of Lumbricidae and Diplocardia. 12 pis. Vol. 9, No. 1. $1.25. SOLHEIM, WILHELM GERHARD (1930): Morphological Studies of the Genus Cercospora. 4 pis. Vol. 12, No. 1. $1.00. spooner, charles stockman (1938) : The Phylogeny of the Hemiptera, Based on a Study of the Head Capsule. 24 pis. 2 figs. Vol. 16, No. 3. $1.00. <|K#iilH^ll sprague, victor (1941): Studies on Gregarina blattarum with Particular Ref- erence to the Chromosome Cycle. 6 pis. 2 figs. Vol. 18, No. 2. $.75. stannard, lewis j., jr. (1957) : The Phy- togeny and Classification of the North American Genera of the Suborder Tubu- lifera (Thysanoptera). 14 pis. No. 25. $2.50. Stevens, frank Lincoln (1924): Para- sitic Fungi from British Guiana and Trini- dad. 19 pis. 1 map. Vol. 8, No. 3, $1.25. (1927) : Fungi from Costa Rica and Panama. 18 pis. 1 map. Vol. 11, No. 2. $1.25. and RYAN, SISTER MARY HILAIRE (1939): The Microthyriaceae. Vol. 17, No. 2. $1.50. STICKNEY, FENNER SATTERTHWAITE (1923) : The Head-Capsule of Coleoptera. 26 pis. Vol. 8, No. 1. $2.00. tehon, leo roy (1935): A Monographic Rearrangement of Lophodermium. 5 pis. Vol. 13, No. 4. $2.00. van cleave, harley j. (1953): Acantho- cephala of North American Mammals. 13 pis. 10 figs. Vol. 23, Nos. 1-2. $4.00. VAN DEVENTER, WILLIAM CARL (1937): Studies on the Biology of the Crayfish Cambarus propinquus Girard. 46 graphs. Vol. 15, No. 3. $1.00. vestal, Arthur G. (1949): Minimum Areas for Different Vegetations; Their De- termination from Species-Area Curves. 6 figs. Vol. 20, No. 3. $2.00. WATSON, MINNIE ELIZABETH (1916): Studies on Gregarines I— Including De- scriptions of Twenty-One New Species and a Synopsis of the Eugregarine Rec- ords from the Myriapoda, Coleoptera, and Orthoptera of the World. 15 pis. Vol. 2, No. 3. $2.00. yuncker, truman George (1921); Re- vision of the North American and West Indian Species of Cuscuta. 13 pis. Vol. 6, Nos. 2-3. $2.00. BBBhSS KHHe BBS I - .'■.*'.*;..'!tS SB t ■ MHH