POLICE REGULATIONS IN CONFORMITY WITH GOVERNING STREET T MfHbois IN THE CITY OF BUFFALO » “ ix4 ■ S ■ w • ft \ c c 1 v v ' I . w '’X tp PV-T”‘t Ws Published by Order of the COMMON COUNCIL D. J. SWEENEY, City Clerk 28 ft ’14 Z.T, 6? / < f'- 2— TRAFFIC RULES AND REGULATIONS POLICE DEPARTMENT BUFFALO, N.Y. UBR ARy — m ^in T 0 f u Department of Police, City of Buffalo. Commissioners’ Office, June 15, 1914. Sub-division 14 of Section 23, Chapter 4, of the City Ordinances, as amended April 20, 1914, places the supervision and con- trol of traffic on all the streets and public places in the city and at entertainments and gatherings under the supervision of the Police Department and further grants the Superintendent of Police discretionary power in enforcing certain sections of the same. c^The Board of Police have adopted the following regulations for the police force and the public, for uniform enforcement and compliance with the provisions of the Ordinance. WIDTH OF TIKES, ETC. ♦ (1) For combined weight of vehicle and load, from four to five thousand pounds, tires shall be at least three inches wide; in excess of five thousand pounds, four inches wide. (2) No solid lugs, spikes or cleats per- mitted on face of wheels upon paved streets w T ithout permission of Commis- sioner of Public Works. This does not prohibit anti-skid chains on automobiles weighing, w T ith load, not more than five • tons. 1 (3) No machine weighing more than five tons, used for purposes other than trans- portation (excepting road or pavement roll- ers) permitted on paved streets without written permission of the Commissioner of Public Works. (4) No vehicle weighing, with load, more than thirty-six thousand pounds or having a load upon a single wheel of over ten thousand pounds, permitted on streets without written permission of the Com- missioner of Public Works. This does not apply to vehicles running on tracks. RULES OF THE ROAD. (5) The public streets, avenues and alleys within the city shall be used solely for the passage over of persons on foot, and for vehicles of all kinds, drawn by hand, animal or motive power, except otherwise provided by ordinance. (6) The sidewalks are for the exclusive use of pedestrians. (7) The carriageways of all streets, except at crosswalks, are for the exclusive use of vehicles and animals. (8) On all crosswalks pedestrians shall have the right of way over vehicles, except when otherwise directed by the warning or signal of a member of the police force. (9) A crosswalk within the meaning of this chapter is hereby defined as includ- ing the extension of the sidewalk spaces in a direct line across the intersecting streets, as well as the space occupied by artificial walks across streets or other public places. (10) Slowly moving vehicles shall keep to the right and pass as near the right hand curb as practicable. 2 (11) Rapidly moving vehicles shall keep to the right and as nearly as practicable about eight feet from the right hand curb. (12) Vehicles meeting shall pass each other on the right. (13) Vehicles overtaking each other shall in passing keep to the left, except that vehicles shall pass to the right of street cars moving in the same direction. (14) Vehicles turning to the right into another street, shall turn the corner as near to the right hand curb as practicable. i ( THUS (15) Vehicles turning to the left into other streets, shall pass to the right of and beyond the center of the street inter- sections before turning. J v. y "\ *■' — NOT THIS WAY THUS ! (16) Vehicles passing from one side of the street to the other, shall do so by turning to the left, so as to head in the « same direction as other traffic on that side 3 of the street and with their right side next to the curb. They will not be per- mitted to turn in the center of the block nor to cross from one side to the other side of the street within blocks, but they shall cross the streets at the end of the blocks and inside the cross walk. (17) Except on Sundays and after seven o’clock in the evening of any day, and as specified in sub-division six of this section (and in Chapter six of the ordinances, which exempts public stands for vehicles for hire) no vehicle shall be left standing upon any public street or place except under the following regulations: (18) Vehicles may be left standing in front of stores or other buildings while the passengers of such vehicles are actually > engaged in shopping or transacting other business; provided that every such vehicle waiting at the curb shall promptly give place to another vehicle about to take on or let off a passenger or passengers, and 4 no vehicle shall be left standing ljpon Pearl or Washington streets, south of Chippewa street and north of Exchange street or the Terrace, for more than one hour unattended by a driver, operator or chauffeur. (19) That no vehicle shall be left stand- ing on Main street, south of Chippewa street and north of Seneca street, longer than is necessary to take on or let off a passenger or passengers, unless the same be in actual charge of a driver or chauf- feur, and shall at all times be subject to the orders of members of the police force, and such vehicles shall be moved upon the order of any member of the police force given in the interest of public safety or convenience or to prevent and relieve a congestion of traffic. (20) A person in charge or control of any vehicle standing in any street in the city shall cause the same to be removed immediately upon the order of any mem- ber of the police force, or at the request ot the owner or lessee of the property in front of which such vehicle is standing, or at the request of the driver of another vehicle, the lawful movement of which is obstructed or delayed by the standing vehicle. (21) No vehicle shall be left standing in front of or at the curb of or adjacent to any property if the owner, lessee or agent in charge of such property objects thereto. (22) It shall be unlawful to make re- pairs to any vehicle in any street or public » place in the city, except in emergency or in case the vehicle cannot be taken to a shop or garage for repairs. (23) No vehicle shall be left standing ^ upon any carriageway or sidewalk in the city in such a manner or for such time 5 as to binder or obstruct traffic thereon ; except for such time as is actually neces- sary to load thereon or unload therefrom and in such case for not more than one hour. (24) No vehicle shall be placed or re- main on any sidewalk or crosswalk at any time for any purpose without leaving suffi- * cient passageway thereon for pedestrians. (25) Except in an emergency or to allow another vehicle or a pedestrian having the right of way to cross its path, or except as ordered by a member of the police force, or as expressly authorized by ordinance; no vehicle shall stop in any public street, highway or place except where the wheels of the right hand side of such vehicle shall be within two feet of the curb. (26) No vehicle shall stop or stand within the intersection of streets ; nor within fifteen feet of the curb line of such streets, nor within fifteen feet of any hydrant; nor so as to unnecessarily or un- reasonably obstruct the operations of any traffic being lawfully or properly carried on. (27) Vehicles shall when crossing any street railway track or steam railway tracks be checked to one-half the speed fixed by law or ordinance so as to secure the reasonable safety of the public. (28) Under the conditions herein pre- scribed which require the stopping of vehicles, such vehicles shall stop and re- main in single file and not abreast. (29) No vehicle shall be so constructed, loaded, operated or driven as to prevent the driver, operator or chauffeur thereof from having a clear view in front and on both sides. (30) No oil, grease or other substance tending to disintegrate pavements, or make N 6 1 them slippery or otherwise dangerous, shall be spilled or deposited upon pave- ments. Motor vehicles must be equipped with dripping pans. A penalty for a vio- lation of this section is not to exceed fifty dollars. RIGHT OF (31) Except directed by a member of the ] mid&f&i&i, vehicles moving on Main street, shall hav^ftty&^ght of way over vehicles moving on the streets which intersect it. (32) Vehicles moving on any street which crosses or runs into Main street, south of the north line of Chippewa street, shall have the light of way over vehicles moving on any street intersecting the same except Main street; provided, how- ever, that vehicles on Niagara street shall have the right of way over vehicles on streets intersecting it. (33) In all other cases, vehicles moving on any streets which extend in a generally northerly and southerly direction, shall have the right of way over vehicles mov- ing on intersecting streets. (34) Vehicles moving up grade on via- ducts and approaches thereto or on any incline of the street, shall have the right of way over vehicles meeting them moving dowrn grade. (35) Street railway passenger cars shall have the right of way along railway tracks between intersecting streets over all vehicles moving in the same direction, and the drivers of any vehicle preceding upon a street railway track in front of a street railway passenger car shall turn out as soon as practicable upon a signal by the motorman or driver of such car; provided, however, that the motorman, drivers and conductors of street railway 7 cars shall be subject, as are the drivers or operators of other vehicles, to the orders and signals of members of the police force* SPEED. (36) Section 23, Sub-division 1. No per- son shall ride any bicycle, tricycle or any other vehicle, or drive or ride any horse or any vehicle drawn by a horse, or horses, or otherwise propelled in any street, lane or alley of the city outside of the district mentioned in sub-division 4 of this section at a faster rate than is prescribed for automobiles by Section 53 of this chapter, nor shall any person ride any bicycle, tricycle or any other vehicle, or drive or ride any horse or any vehicle drawn by a horse or horses or otherwise propelled around any corner or intersection of any street, lane or alley of the city at a faster rate than five miles per hour. The fore- going provision of this sub-division, how T - ever, shall be suspended with reference to Indian Church avenue, between the first day of December in every year and the following first of April. (37) Sub-division 4. No person shall ride, drive or operate any vehicle, however drawn or propelled, or drive or ride any animal upon Main street south of Allen street, or upon Delaware avenue south of North street, at a faster rate than twelve miles an hour. (38) Section 53, Sub-division 7. Every person operating a motor vehicle on any street shall drive the same in a careful and prudent manner and at a rate of speed so as not to endanger the property of another, or the life or limb of any person ; provided the rate of speed on any street within any district described in [a], [b], [c], of this sub-division, in excess of the rate of speed therein specified, shall * 8 1 be presumptive evidence of driving such motor vehicle at a rate of speed which is not careful and prudent. (39) [a]. Twelve miles an hour on Main street south of Allen street, and on Dela- ware avenue south of North street. I (40) [b]. Fifteen miles an hour on any street, except as specified in [a] within the district bounded by (and included within the exterior lines of) Porter avenue, The Circle, North street, East North street, and Best street, Best street between Jef- ferson street and Fillmore avenue, Fill- more avenue south of Best street, Smith street, the northerly bank of Buffalo river (by its various courses), and the easterly shore line of Buffalo harbor, and the said easterly shore line of the said harbor to its intersection with Porter avenue. (41) [c]. Eighteen miles an hour on any street not included within [a] and [b]. SIGNAL. S. (42) In slowing up or stopping a ve- hicle the driver shall give a plain signal of his intention to slow up or stop ; such signal shall, where practicable, be by the raising of the whip or hand vertically. (43) Before making a turn, the driver shall, where practicable, give a sign, by extending the hand or whip over the side of the vehicle, horizontally in the direc- tion in which the turn is to be made. Nc turn shall be made until vehicles or cars behind have had time to reduce their 9 speed when necessary. (44) If such signal cannot be given in the manner prescribed, some plain and in- telligent signal or warning of the inten- tion to turn and the direction in which the ^ turn is to be made shall be given. 9 (45) When backing, constant care must be taken not to collide with any person, animal or vehicle. (46) During the period of two hours after sunset, and two hours before sun- rise, all vehicles shall display at least one light of sufficient illuminating power to be visible for a distance of two hundred feet, both in the front and rear of such vehicles. Bicycles, motorcycles, motorci- cycles and motorbicycles, as well as other vehicles shall be subject to the provisions of this sub-division, except such vehicles as may lawfully be propelled or drawn along or upon the sidewalks of the City. (47) Every motor vehicle, upon any street, except motorcycles, motorbicycles and motortricycles, shall during the period of one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise display at least two lighted lamps on the front and one on the rear of such vehicle, which shall also display a red light visible from the rear. (48) The rays of such rear lamp shall shine upon the number plate carried on the rear of such motor vehicle in such a manner as to render the numerals thereon visible for at least fifty feet in the direc- tion from which the motor vehicle is pro- ceeding. The light of the front lamps shall be visible at least two hundred feet in the direction in which the motor vehicle is proceeding. Number plates on auto- mobiles and commercial cars must be kept cleaned at all times, so as to be plainly visible. (49) No vehicle shall carry a dazzling * or blinding light, and the carrying of any lighted lamp or light, which exceeds twenty candle power, with or without a reflector, shall be a violation of this sub- \ division. 10 (50) Vehicles while in use carrying pipes, scantling, rails or other like ma- terial, which project more than four feet beyond the rear of such vehicle, shall have a plainly visible flag or other signal of some kind attached to the rear of such projection. (51) From one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise such danger signal shall consist of a light of some kind. (52) Motor vehicles shall be provided with a suitable and adequate bell, horn or other device for signalling, but such horn or noise making device shall not be such as to produce startling sounds or noise louder than reasonably necessary to w’arn people of its approach. (53) Nothing but a bulb horn or bell shall be used on any vehicle after ten o’clock p. m., and before seven o’clock a. m. (54) Bicycles, tricycles or similar ve- hicles shall be provided with a bell which may be heard at least one hundred feet distant. (55) All motor vehicles shall be equipped with a good and sufficient muffler or silencing device, which will control and diminish the sound of any explosion of the motor in such vehicle, and the same shall be used at all times when motor vehicle is on or in any of the streets and public places. (56) House cleaning machines and gas engines shall be properly equipped with a good and sufficient muffler or silencing device as provided in this sub-division. (57) No cut-out shall be used on any motor vehicle at any time. (58) The driver of any motor vehicle on any of the public streets or places ■ shall not permit the escape of any smoke 11 or steam from the motor after such vehicle has proceeded two hundred feet from the starting point. STREET RAILWAY PASSENGER CARS. (59) The driver, operator, chauffeur or other person in charge of any vehicle shall stop the same at least ten feet from the rear of the nearest exit of any street railway passenger car standing for the purpose of letting off or taking on pas- sengers, and such vehicle shall remain standing until such car has taken on or discharged passengers and again started. (Note : — This section does not apply to street cars standing at terminal points awaiting return time, unless such cars are actually receiving or discharging pas- sengers, and when such cars are not actu- ally receiving or discharging passengers, they may be passed^ by such driver, operator, chauffeur or other person only at a minimum rate of speed.) (60) No vehicle shall pass to the left of any street railway passenger car headed in the same direction, either while such car is moving or standing still. (61) No driver or other person having charge or control of any street railway car shall permit or allow such car to pass any other car standing at any crossing for the discharge or reception of passengers until such car has started on its course and cleared at least twenty feet. (62) Nor shall any driver or other per- son in charge of such standing car put the same in motion while a car on a parallel track is approaching within fifty feet. (63) It shall not be lawful for any person, except a member of the police force in the discharge of his duty, to „ obstruct or interfere with the free move- ment of any passenger cars of any street railway company in the city. * 12 CITY FIRE AND POLICE AND U. S. VEHICLES, ETC. (64) Nothing in this section contained shall be construed as to interfere with any vehicles of the United States Postal Service, of the Fire Department, or of the Police Department, or any vehicle owned * by the City or any public service corpora- tion actually in use in repair work or going to a place or location where repair work is to be done, or of the public hos- pitals of the City; provided, however, that no hospital ambulance or vehicle shall exceed the rates of speed limited by law or ordinance except when responding to an emergency call where such excessive speed is reasonably necessary for the safety of life and limb. GENERAL RULES. (65) Pedestrians should remember that while they have the right to cross the street in safety, the streets are primarily intended for vehicles and they are expected to use due caution while crossing. (66) They should never step from the sidewalk to the street without first look- ing in each direction for approaching vehicles. (67) They should never cross the street except at regular crossings and at right angles. (68) They should wait for the signal of traffic policemen wherever one is stationed, and move in the direction of traffic only. (69) Upon the approach of any fire * apparatus, responding to an alarm, drivers of all vehicles shall draw up along the right hand curb and come to a stand- - still. (70) Motormen on street railway cars ^ shall immediately stop their car and keep 13 it stationary upon the approach of any fire apparatus responding to an alarm. ( 71 ) No one under 16 years of age shall be permitted to drive any vehicle. ( 72 ) Vehicles loaded with ashes, cinders, coal, mortar or dirt from excavations shall have tight bodies, and vehicles so loaded that the contents will not be scattered along the streets. ( 73 ) Vehicles which are loaded or in general use for carrying manure, garbage or other substance which give off offensive odors shall be permitted to stand unat- tended in any of the public streets, alleys or public places, but when not in actual use shall be kept in closed buildings or else in places not less than five hundred feet from any building used for resident purposes. ( 74 ) No horse attached to a vehicle shall be left unattended on any street unless securely fastened, or unless the vehicle is blocked in such a way that it cannot be moved. ( 75 ) No horse shall be unbridled in any street unless secured by a halter. ( 76 ) No one shall let go the reins while riding, driving or conducting a horse. ( 77 ) Motor vehicles shall be driven in a careful and prudent manner. ( 78 ) No coasting or trick or fancy rid- ing with bicycles or tricycles. It is very dangerous for two to ride on bicycle with only one seat, and patrolmen are directed to caution the said riders to refrain from so doing. ( 79 ) Bicycles, tricycles, etc., not to be ridden upon sidewalks, except by children under ten years of age. v ( 80 ) No vehicle to stop with its left side to the curb. 14 (81) Penalty for each violation of traffic regulations, not less than five nor more than fifty dollars; and if such penalty is not paid, the person convicted may be com- mitted to the Erie County Penitentiary for the term of one day for each and every dollar of the penalty unpaid. For second or subsequent offenses the penalty shall not be less than fifteen nor more. than two hundred and fifty dollars. INSTRUCTIONS FOR VEHICLES AT PLACES OF ENTERTAINMENT. (1) Vehicles taking up or discharging passengers at the Twentieth Century Club will approach from the south. While waiting for passengers they will form on the east and west side of Delaware avenue. (2) At the Saturn Club, they will ap- proach from the west on Edward street, and south on Delaware avenue, and -while waiting for passengers will form on the east side of Delaware avenue, south of Edward street, and on the west side of Delaware avenue, north of Edward street. (3) At the Buffalo Club, they will ap- proach from the north on Delaware ave- nue, and east on Trinity place, and while waiting for passengers will form on the west side of Delaware avenue, north of Trinity place, and on the east side of Delaware avenue, north of Tupper street. (4) At the Teck Theatre, they will ap- proach from the north, and while waiting for passengers will form on the west side of Main street, and south side of Edward street, and on the east side of Main I street. (5) At the Star Theatre, they will ap- ~ proach from the west, and those waiting for passengers will form in one line next to the curb, facing east from Franklin ^ street to entrance of theatre ; two lines in 15 center of Genesee street, the line of vehicles on the north to face west, and the line on the south to face east, with space between curbs and vehicles to allow vehicles to pass in either direction. (6) At Shea’s Vaudeville Theatre in Court street, they will approach from the west and while waiting for passengers will form on the north side of Court street, facing west, and on the west side of Franklin street, facing east. (7) At the Iroquois Hotel, Main street entrance, they will approach from the south. Eagle street entrance, approach from the -west. (8) At the Lafayette Hotel, they will approach from the south on Washington street. (9) At the Hotel Genesee, they will ap- proach from the east. (10) At the Statler Hotel, Washington street entrance, they will approach from the south, and at the Swan street entrance will approach from the west. (11) At Elmwood Music Hall, they will approach from the east. (12) At the Auditorium, they will ap- proach from the west. (13) At the Chapter House, they will approach from the direction of Delaware avenue. (14) At the Seventy-Fourth Armory, they will approach from the east on Con- necticut street. (15) At the Sixty -Fifth Armory, they will approach from the south on North street. (16) At the Majestic Theatre, they will approach from the east side of Genesee street. „ By order of FRED F. KLINCK, JAMES B. WALL, Commissioners of Police. 1