LAWRENCE J. GUTTER Collection of Chicogoono THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO The University Library X THIRD MONTHLY DIISTNER Weai26:sa8.2^, Fe£raar^ 14t^, 1900. HoTEXi Bismarck. JULIUS GOLDZIER. Committee of Arrangements: \ WALTER J. RAYMER. EUGENE R. PIKE. ■I ©artercoauPi ng. ^f the drainage board the bridges would build, ^f the dreams of T^aGann would come true, ^f the city's vaults were witl} money filled, ^f ^llicott's schemes would do. ^f the tunnels could be lowered some afternoon, J^nd done at the con^p' nies' e^bense, ^f the river could be deepened wiil} a tablesbooq, '^iih thaqlfs for the recompense, ^f ^errmanq could worlf his underground trolley, ^f Golds ier could bury the trades, ^f the ta^-payer could be cured of his folly ji^nd never object to his ta^, ^f qoboby J^ic^ed about dirty streets ©r because tl^ey are not lighted, ^f paving contractors never were cl^eats, ^f alleys never were sli^tited. ^f "ijipley some robbers and burglars would talfe, ^f licensed were each bar and tap, Q/^, what a dandy rqayor ^'d rqaiie, The job would be a snap. fMENul BLUE POINTS OLIVES ENGLISH CELERY RADISHES RussiA-N Sandwiches CHICKEN BOUILLON (rN CDPs) PLANKED ^VHITEFISH TORNEDOS OF* BEEF" (gerbiax style) MALLARD DUCK COMBINATION SALAD MIXED COMPOTE CHEESE COFFEE CIGARS Hold up the street car companies, Go sell tl^e city l^all, Dispose of tl^e water-works system Before she goes to the wall, Sandbag tl^e sanitary district, Get money wherever you can. E'en rent your beautiful air-castles, Sweet dreamer, Larrg McGann, Motfter