Physicians Dose List THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Prom the collection of Julius Doerner, Chicago Purchased, 1918. 6 to 1 flui- drachm. LOBELIA. (U. S. P.) — (Lobelia lnflata.) Emetic, expectorant and diaphoretic. Extensively used in eclectic practice, especially for the relief of asthma. Dose, 5 to 30 drops. LOBELIA COMP. This fluid extract represents 8 troy ounces of Lobelia, and 4 ounces each of Skunk Cabbage and Bloodroot to the pint. Dose, 15 drops to 1 fluidrachm. LOBELIA SEED — (Lobelia Inflata.) Medical properties like those of the leaves, only more powerful. Dose, 2 to 20 drops. LOGW OO D — (Hcematoxylon Campechianum.) Mild astringent, devoid of irritating properties. Dose, ^ to 1 fluidrachm. LOVAGE— (Ligusticum Levisticum.) Aromatic, carminative, stimulant, diuretic and emmena- gogue. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. LUNGWORT — (Pulmonaria Officinalis.) Demulcent and expectorant. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. LUPITLIN (U. S. P.) Tonic and narcotic. Used like Hops, but in smaller doses. Dose, 10 to 15 drops. MAGNOLIA BAR K — (Magnolia Glauca.) An agreeable aromatic, tonic and antiperiodic. Dose, ^ to 1 fluidrachm. MALE FERN — (Aspidium ; Filix Mas.) Anthelmintic. Principally used for expulsion of tape- worm. Should be followed by brisk cathartic. Dose, ^ to 1 fluidrachm. N. Y. Medical Journal, June 15, 1889, states that the British Medical Journal calls attention to the fact that the dose of fluid extract Male Fern is too small. Prof. Gerhardt gives 2 l A to 3 drachms for Taenia solium ; and 3% to 4 drachms for Taenia Mediocanellata . Others give even larger doses. MANACA — (Franciscea Uniflora.) Reported to be a powerful anti-syphilitic, purgative, diuretic and emmenagogue, but it is particularly recom- mended in the treatment of rheumatism. Dose, 5 to 20 drops FLUID EXTRACTS. 33 MANDRAKE ROOT. Mayapple Root (U. S. P.)— (Podo- phyllum Peltatum.) Drastic cathartic, with special action on the liver. Dose, 10 to 20 drops. MANDRAKE COMP. This fluid extract represents 8 troy ounces of Mandrake Root, and 4 troy ounces each of Senna and Jalap in each pint. Dose, % to 2 fluidrachms. MANGO BAR K—(Mangifera Indica.) Mango Bark is said to exert an alterative influence on mucous membranes, and has been recommended as a remedy in nasal catarrh, in diarrhoea and dysentery, and in certain uterine diseases. Dr. Linquist states that it has a truly marvellous effect in diphtheria, and other malignant diseases of the throat. Dose, X to 1 flui- drachm. MAN Z AN IT A LEAVES — (Arctostaphylos Glauca.) Astringent, sialogogue and tonic in its effects ; recom- mended specially in diabetes, catarrh of the bladder, in- continence of urine, gleet, leucorrhoea, etc. Dose, 1 flui- drachm. MARJORAM, SWEET.— See Sweet Marjoram. MARSHMALLOW ROOT — (Althaea Officinalis.) A mild demulcent, used with syrup to allay irritation of the mucous surfaces. Dose, 1 fluidrachm mixed with syrup. MARSH ROSEMARY— (Statice Limonium.) Astringent and tonic. Dose, 15 to 40 drops. MATICO (U. S. P .)—(Artanthe Elongata.) Aromatic, tonic and stimulant, exerting great influence on mucous membranes of the urinary organs. Highly spoken of as a remedy for leucorrhoea, menorrhagia and uterine atony. Dose, X to 1 fluidrachm. MATICO COMP. Composed of two parts of Matico and one part each of Cubeb and Buchu. Dose, 20 to 40 drops. MAYAPPLE ROOT (U. S. P.)— See Mandrake. MEZEREON BARK (U. S. P )— (Daphne Mezereum.) Internally — stimulant, diaphoretic and diuretic ; exter- nally— vesicant. Dose, 10 to 15 drops. MILKWEED — (Asclepias Syriaca.) Tonic, diuretic and alterative. Dose, 10 to 40 drops. 34 FLUID EXTRACTS. MISTLET O E— ( Phoradendron Flavescens.) This drug is highly lauded as an oxytocic. Dr. Long, in an article in the Louisville Medical Neivs, March 15, 1878, speaks of ten years’ experience with this remedy, finding it superior even to Ergot, acting more promptly and surely ; also very efficacious in arresting postpartum and other uterine hemorrhages. Dose, 1 fluidrachm every 20 minutes in labor ; every 6 hours in hemorrhage. MOTHER WORT— (Leorums Cardiaca .) Emmenagogue, nervine, antispasmodic and laxative. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. MU GW O RT — (Artemisia Vulgaris.) Emmenagogue. Also reputed beneficial in epilepsy, hys- teria and amenorrhcea. Dose, 20 to 40 drops. MULLEIN LEAVES — (Vtrbascum Thapsus.) Demulcent, emollient, diuretic, anodyne and antispas- modic. Dose, X to 2 fluidrachms. MUSKROOT.- See Sumbul. MYRRH — (Balsamodendron Myrrha.) Stimulant tonic, with some tendency to the lungs and uterus Dose, 10 to 30 drops. MYRRH AND CAPSICUM. Myrrh four parts ; Capsicum one part. Dose, 3 to 5 drops. To make Hot Drops or Number Six add 1)4 fluidounces fluid extract Myrrh and Capsicum to 11)4 fluidounces Alcohol. NIGHT- BLOOMING C EREUS — (Cactus Grandiflora.) Highly spoken of as a remedy in cardiac affections, angina pectoris, rheumatism, dropsy, etc. Dr. C. L. Gregory, of Yreka, Cal., has used this remedy with best results for the last 15 years in valvular affections of the heart. It is more safe than Digitalis. Dose, 5 to 10 drops. N UT G A LLS — ( Galla.) Astringent. Dose, 10 to 20 drops. NUTM E G — (Myristica Fragrans.) Grateful aromatic, with some narcotic properties. Dose, 10 to 30 drops. NUX VOMICA (U. S. P .)—(Strychnos Nux Vomica.) Tonic, with special influence on the nervous system. Dose, 3 to 8 drops. OATS — (Arena Sativa.) Reputed to be a nerve stimulant. Dose, 10 drops to 1 fluidrachm. FLUID EXTRACTS. 35 OPIUM — (For making Laudanum.) Assayed to contain 30 grs. Morphine (alkaloid) in each fi. ounce. Each liuidounce of this extract represents % troy ounce of Powd. Opium, being 5 times the strength of Tinct.Opium (Laudanum) of U. S. P., 1880. Used to prepare Tinct. Opium, U. S. P., 1880, by adding 4 tiuidounces of this fluid extract Opium to lb tiuidounces diluted Alcohol. Dose, 1 to 5 drops. OPIUM, AQUEOUS AND DEODORIZED. Assayed to contain 6 grs. Morphine (alkaloid) in each fl. ounce. This fluid extract is equal in strength to the officinal tincture of Opium, is preferred to the latter in many cases on account of the absence of narcotina and the odorous principle of Opium. Dose, 10 to 30 drops. OPIUM, CAMPHORATED. To prepare the Tinctura Camphorata, U. S. P. (Paregoric), take of the fluid extract 2 tiuidounces ; diluted Alcohol, 14 tiuidounces ; Honey, 1 liuidounce. Dose, 10 to 15 drops. ORANGE PEEL, BITTER (U. S. P )-{Citrus Vulgaris.) Mild tonic, carminative and stomachic. Dose, ^ to 1 flui- drachm. ORANGE PEEL, SWEET — (The rind of the fruit of Citrus Aurantium.) Grateful aromatic and tonic. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. ORANGE PEEL, SWEET, SOLUBLE — (Citrus Aurantium.) For making syrup. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. ORRIS ROOT— (Iris Florentina.) Cathartic, diuretic and emetic. Its principal use is as a flavoring ingredient or perfume. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. PANSY— (Viola Tricolor.) A demulcent, with slightly laxative and expectorant properties ; used in pectoral, nephritic and cutaneous affections. Dose, 15 to 30 drops. PAREIRA BRAVA (U. S. P.) — (Chondodendron Tomen- tosuin.) Diuretic, tonic and aperient, specially useful in catarrh of the bladder and chronic diseases of the urinary pas- sages. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. PAR ILL A ROOT, YELLO W — (Menispermum Canadense.) Tonic, laxative, alterative and diuretic. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. PARSLEY SEED — (Petroselinum Sativum.) Recommended in the treatment of amenorrhoea, scanty menstruation and dysmenorrhoea and similar affections in which direct emmenagogues are considered appro- priate ; also used in intermittent fever. Dose, 20 to 40 drops. 36 FLUID EXTRACTS. PELLITORY ROOT — (Anacyclus Pyrethrum.) Powerful irritant and sialogogue. Dose, 5 to 20 drops. PENNYROYAL — (Hedeoma Pulegioides.) Stimulant, aromatic, carminative and diaphoretic. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. PENTHORUM SEDOIDES - See Virginia Stone Crop. Used in catarrh, pharyngitis, catarrhal laryngitis. Dose, 10 to 20 drops in water. PE PP E RMI NT — (Mentha Piperita.) Stimulant and carminative. Dose, % to 1 liuidrachm. PI CHI — (Fabiana Imbricata.) Stimulant diuretic and tonic. Stomachic. Recommended in catarrhal conditions of the urinary tract, particularly those dependent upon the irritation attendant upon the passage of calculi. Has also been of service in dyspeptic troubles and chronic catarrh of stomach. Dose, 10 to 40 drops. PINK ROOT (U. S. P .)—(Spigelia Marilandica.) Anthelmintic. Generally administered in combination with cathartics. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. PINK ROOT AND SENNA. This fluid extract represents 10 troy ounces of Pink Root, 6 troy ounces of Senna, and % troy ounce of Carbonate of Potassium to the pint. Dose, X to 2 fluidrachms. PINUS CANADENSIS. Hemlock Bark. Stimulant and astringent. Dose, 15 to 40 drops. PIPSISSEWA. Prince’s Pine— (Chimaphila Umbellata.) Diuretic, tonic and astringent. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. PITCHER PEA N T — (Sarracenia Purpurea.) Reputed useful in the treatment of small-pox. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. PLANTAIN LEAVES— (PZcmtago Major.) Alterative, diuretic, antiseptic. Dose, X to 1 fluidrachm. PLEURISY ROOT — (Asclepias Tuberosa.) Diaphoretic and expectorant, without being stimulant. Used in pneumonia, pleurisy and low stages of fever. Dose, >4 to 1 fluidrachm. POKE BERRIES — (Phytolacca Decandra.) Same properties as Poke Root. Dose, 5 to 30 drops. FLUID EXTRACTS. 37 POKE ROOT. Garget— (Phytolacca Decandra.) Emetic, laxative and alterative. Considered valuable in chronic rheumatism. Dose, 5 to 30 drops. POMEGRANATE, BARK OF ROOT — (Punica Granatum.) Anthelmintic. For the expulsion of tapeworm. Dose, 1 tluidrachm. POPLAR BARK — (Populus Tremuloides.) Tonic, febrifuge and antiperiodic ; is also said to possess diuretic properties. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. POPPY HEADS— (Papaver Somniferum.) Mild narcotic and sedative. Dose, X to 1 fluidrachm. PRICKLY ASH BARK (U. S. P .)—(Xanthoxylum Fraxi- neum.) Stimulant, alterative and sialogogue. It enjoys great reputation in treatment of chronic rheumatism. Dose, from 10 to 30 drops, diluted. PRICKLY ASH 'BEB.Tt1'ES—(XanthoxylumFraxineum.) Stimulant, carminative and antispasmodic. Dose, 10 to 30 drops. PRINCE’S PINE.— See Pipsissewa. PTELEA. Wafer Asli Bark— (Ptelea Trifoliata.) Tonic. Very valuable in dyspepsia, and in the debility following low fevers. Has a soothing influence on the stomach, which receives it when rejecting other tonics. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. PULS ATI LLA — (Anemone Pulsatilla.) Alterative, diuretic, and in large doses emetic and cathar- tic. Has been recommended in treatment of ophthalmia, catarrh of nostrils, throat, etc., secondary syphilis and cutaneous eruptions. Dose, 5 to 10 drops. PUMPKIN SEED — (Cucurbita Pepo.) Highly recommended as a remedy for expulsion of tape- worm. Dose, 2 to 4 fluidrachms. Should be followed by a brisk cathartic. QUASSIA (U. S. P .)—(Simaruba Excelsa.) Simple bitter tonic. Dose, X to 1 fluidrachm. QUEBRACHO — (Aspidosperma Quebracho.) Highly recommended in the treatment of emphysema, capillary bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, dyspnoea of car- diac diseases and uraemia. Bourdeaux (Journ. A. M. A., Oct. 29, ’87) finds the fluid extract diluted with water an energetic astringent and promoter of cicatrization. Also finds it useful in dysentery given internally. Also as an injection l drachm in a cup of water in endometritis and ulceration of neck of womb. Dose, 20 to 60 drops. 38 FLUID EXTRACTS. QUEEN OF THE MEADOW. Gravel Root — ( Eupatorium Purpureum.) Diuretic, stimulant and tonic. Used in dropsy, diseases of the urinary passages and in gravel. Dose, A to 1 flui- drachm. QUEEN’S ROOT.— See Stillingia. QUININE FLOWER — (Sdbbatia Elliottii.) This plant possesses strong antiperiodic properties, and was used as a substitute for Quinine during the late war. It is also a good tonic. Dose, 10 to 20 drops. RASPBERRY LEAVES —(Rubus Strigosus.) Astringent and tonic. Dose, A to 1 fluidrachm. RED ROOT —(Ceanothus Americanus.) Astringent, expectorant, sedative and antispasmodic. Used also as a gargle in aphthous affections of the mouth, sore throat in scarlet fever, etc. Dose, X to 1 fluidrachm. RED SAUNDERS — (Pteroccirpus Santalinus.) Used for coloring purposes. RHATANY (U. S. P.)— (Krameria Triandra.) Gently tonic, and powerfully astringent. Specially re- commended by Trousseau for the cure of fistula in ano, fissure of nipples, etc. Dose, 20 drops to 1 fluidrachm. RHUBARB (U. S. P.)— (Rheum Palmatum.) Combines cathartic and astringent properties. Dose, 15 to 60 drops. RHUBARB, AROMATIC. This fluid extract represents 3 troy ounces of Rhubarb, A a troy ounce each of Cloves and Cinnamon, and 2 drachms of Nutmeg to the pint. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. RHUBARB COMP. A combination of Rhubarb, Bitter Root, Golden Seal, Gentian, Prickly Ash Berries, Sassafras and Cardamom. Used for making the Tinct. Rhei Comp, of Amer. Disp. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. RHUBARB AND POTASH. (Amer. Disp.) Fluid neutralizing cordial, containing 120 grains Rhubarb, 120 grains Bicarbonate Potassium, 60 grains Cinnamon, 60 grains Golden Seal, and 8 drops Spts. Peppermint in each fluidounce. Dose, A to 1 fluidrachm. RHUBARB AND SENNA. This fluid extract represents 12 troy ounces of Rhubarb and 4 troy ounces of Senna to the pint. Dose, A to 2 flui- drachms. FLUID EXTRACTS. 39 RHUBARB, SWEET. Formula like Tinct. Rhei Dulcis, U. S. P., 1880; six times the strength. Representing eight parts Rhubarb, four parts Liquorice Root, four parts Anise Seed and one part Cardamom Seed. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. RHUS AROMATICA. Is reported to have a powerful astringent action on pelvic organs, and has been useful in haematuria, enuresis and leucorrhoea. Dr. Burdenich, of Gand, had excellent results in incontinence of urine. The good effects were only observed after 5 or 6 days’ use, sometimes after a longer time. Dose, 10 to 30 drops. ROSE LEAVES, RED (U. S. P.)— (Rosa Gctllica.) Slightly astringent and tonic. Used principally in diluted state, as a vehicle for other astringents and tonics. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. ROSIN WEED —(Silphium Lanciniatum.) Emetic, expectorant and diuretic. Dose, 20 to 40 drops. RUE — (Ruta Graveolens.) Emmenagogue, stimulant and antispasmodic. Dose, 15 to 30 drops. SAFFRON, AMERICAN— (Carthamus Tinctorius.) Laxative, diaphoretic and emmenagogue. Dose, X to 1 fluidrachm in warm water. SAGE— (Salvia Officinalis.) Astringent, tonic and aromatic. Dose, ^ to 1 fluidrachm. SANDAL WOOD — (Santalum Album.) j Refrigerant and diuretic. Considered a very elflcient remedy in gonorrhoea, gleet, etc. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. SARRACENIA FLAVA —(Trumpet Plant.) Believed to possess extraordinary powers in dyspepsia, sick headache, gastralgia, abdominal distension, etc. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. SARSAPARILLA (U. S. P.)— (Smilax Officinalis.) Alterative. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. SARSAPARILLA, AMERICAN — ( Aralia Nudicaulis.) Gently stimulant and diaphoretic, and also reputed to possess alterative properties. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. SARSAPARILLA AND TARAXACUM. This fluid extract represents 8 troy ounces each of Sarsa- parilla and Dandelion Roots. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. 40 FLUID EXTRACTS. SARSAPARILLA COMP. (U. S. P.) This fluid extract represents 427 grains Honduras Sarsapa- rilla, 54 grains each of Liquorice Root and Sassafras Bark, and 20 grains of Mezereon to the fluidounce. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. SARSAPARILLA COMP. (For making Syrup Sarsaparilla Comp., U. S. P.) This fluid extract represents 360 grains Honduras Sarsa- parilla, 45 grains Guaiacum Wood, 30 grains Pale Rose Leaves, 30 grains Alexandria Senna, and 30 grains Liquor- ice Root to each fluidounce. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. SASSAFRAS— (Laurus Sassafras .) Stimulant and diaphoretic ; also reputed to possess altera- tive properties. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. SATIN (U. S. P .)—-(Juniperus SaMna.) Stimulant and emmenagogue. Dose, 5 to 30 drops. SAW PALMETTO — (Sabul Serrulata.) This remedy, either alone or given in conjunction with Damiana, gives best results in cases of impotence. The Pacific Record of Med. and Surg., August, 1888, says that Saw Palmetto has a special action upon the glands of the organs of generation (mammae, ovaries, prostate, testes, etc.). It increases their activity, promotes their secreting faculty, and adds greatly to their size. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. SCULLCAP (U. S. P.)— (Scutellaria Lateriflora.)- Nervine, tonic and antispasm odic. Dose, % to 1 flui- drachm. SENECIO GRACILIS. Female Regulator. Said to be a reliable remedy in amenorrhcea and other female complaints ; also used as a substitute for Ergot. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. SENEKA (U. S. P.) — (Poly gala Senega.) Emetic, stimulant, expectorant, diaphoretic and diuretic. Dose, 10 to 20 drops, diluted. SENNA (U. S. P.)— (Cassia Acutifolia.) Prompt, efficient and safe purgative. Dose, 1 to 2 flui- drachms. SENNA COMP. This fluid extract represents 8 troy ounces of Senna leaves, 4 troy ounces of Jalap, 2 troy ounces of Mandrake, and 1 troy ounce each of Cinnamon and Coriander to the pint. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. SENNA AND JALAP. This fluid extract represents 8 troy ounces each of Senna leaves and Jalap. Dose, 15 drops to 1 fluidrachm. FLUID EXTRACTS. 41 SERPENT AKI A (U. S. P.)— See Snakeroot,Va. SHEEP LAUREL — (Kalmia Angusti folia.) Narcotic, sedative and somewhat astringent. Dose, 10 to 20 drops. SHEPHERD’S PURSE— (Capsella Bursa Pastoris.) Said to be an excellent diuretic, having also stimulant and tonic properties, and recommended in all forms of kidney aifections. Dr. K. E.Wagner (Quart. Therap. Rev.) states that it has considerable haemostatic properties in cases of uterine haemorrhage, epistaxis and haemoptysis. Dose, 20 to 60 drops. SILK WEED — (Asclepias Syriaca.) Tonic, diuretic, alterative, anodyne and diaphoretic. Dose, 10 to 40 drops. SIMARUBA BARK— (Simaruba Officinalis.) Possesses the tonic properties of the simple bitters. In large doses is said to purge and vomit. Dose, % to 1 flui- drachm. SKUNK CABBAGE —(Symplocarpus Fcetidus. Dracontium.) Stimulant, antispasmodic, expectorant and slightly nar- cotic. Highly recommended in asthma, chronic catarrh, etc., etc. Dose, ^ to 1 fluidrachm. SMART WEED.— See Water Pepper. SNAKE ROOT, VIRGINIA (U. S. P.)— (Aristolochia Serpen- taria.) Stimulant, tonic, and to some extent diaphoretic and diuretic. Dose, 20 to 30 drops. SOAP TREE BARK— (Quillaia Saponaria.) Used chiefly in dentifrices and for cleansing silk and woolen goods. SOAP W ORT — (Saponaria Officinalis.) Alterative, like Sarsaparilla, to which it is deemed supe- rior by some physicians. Has also been given in gonor- rhoea. Dose, 16 to 60 drops. SOLOMON’S SEAL — (Convallaria Multiflora.) Tonic and mildly astringent. Used topically in poisoning by Poison Sumach to allay irritation. Dose, % to 1 flui- drachm. SOUTHERN WOOD — (Artemisia Abrotanum.) Anthelmintic, tonic and narcotic. Dose, 10 to 30 drops. SPIKENARD^— (Aralia Racemosa.) Aromatic, stimulant and alterative. Dose, 1 to 2 flui- drachms* 42 FLUID EXTRACTS. SQUAW VINE. Checkerberry — (Mitchella Repens.) Parturient, diuretic and astringent. Dose, 1 to 2 flui- drachms. SQUAW VINE COMP. A combination of Partridge Berry, Helonias Boot, High Cranberry and Blue Cohosh Boot. Used for making the Syr. Mitchella Comp., Amer. Disp. Dose, % to 1 flui- drachm. SQUILL (U. S. P .)—{Scilla Maritima.) Expectorant and diuretic. In large doses, emetic and purgative. Dose, 3 to 10 drops. SQUILL COMP. Each pint of this fluid extract represents 8 troy ounces each of Squills and Seneca Boot. Dose, 5 to 10 drops. STARGRASS. Unicorn Root— (Aletris Farinosa.) Is reputed to exert a specific tonic influence on the uterus, and has been given with benefit in colic, dropsy and chronic rheumatism. Dose, 10 to 30 drops. STAVES ACRE SEE D — (Delphinium Staphisagria.) Violent emetic and cathartic in large doses. Dr. Loggan, of Philomath, Oregon (Med. Brief), states that in small doses it exerts a special sedative influence on the lower pelvic organs. Has had best results in chronic cystitis, second stage of gonorrhoea, chronic prostatitis. Given in these cases in % drop doses. Dose, 1 to 5 drops. STILLIN GIA, Queen’s Root (U. S. ’P,)—{Stillingia Sylva- tica.) Alterative. In large doses, emetic and cathartic. Of high value in secondary syphilis, scrofula, chronic he- patic affections, etc. Dose, 15 to 30 drops. STILLI NGI A COMP. Each pint of this fluid extract represents 4 troy ounces each of Stillingia Root and Turkey Corn, 2 troy ounces each of Blue Flag Root, Elder Flowers and Pipsissewa Leaves, and 1 troy ounce each of Coriander and Prickly Ash Berries. Dose, 15 to 30 drops. STONE ROOT— (Collinsonia Canadensis.) Sedative, antispasmodic, tonic and diuretic. Dr. J. V. Shoemaker, of Philadelphia, finds it gives prompt relief in acute cystitis, colic, gastric catarrh, etc. Also cures incontinence of urine. Dose, 15 drops to 1 fluidrachm. STRAMONIUM LEAVES. Jamestown Weed. Jimson Weed. Thornapple Leaves— (Datura Stramonium.) Powerful narcotic. Dose, 3 to 5 drops. ‘ FLUID EXTRACTS. 43 STRAMONIUM SEED (U. S. 1 *.)— (Datura Stramonium.) Properties same as Leaves, in a higher degree. Dose, 1 to 3 drops. STROPHANTHUS — (Tincture.) A heart tonic, stimulant and diuretic. Unlike Digitalis, it does not increase vascular tension. Is especially use- ful in valvular diseases of the heart. Has been very suc- cessfully prescribed in cases of goitre. Dose, 1 to 10 drops. ST. JOHN’S W ORT — (Hypericum Perforatum.) Astringent, sedative and diuretic. Dose, % to 1 flui- drachm. STYEOSANTHES— (Stylosanthes Elatior.) Reputed to be a uterine sedative and tonic, relieving uterine irritability, particularly during the latter months of gestation, and giving tone to the uterine fibre. Dose, 10 to 20 drops. SUMACH BARK — (Rhus Glabra.) Astringent and tonic. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. SUMACH BERRIES (U. S. P.)— (Rhus Glabrum.) Same properties as Sumach Bark. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. SUMBUL, MUSKROOT- (Sumbulus Moschatus.) Antispasmodic and nervous stimulant, which has lately been used with much success in the treatment of nervous disorders, and is spoken of as superior to Valerian. Dose, 10 to 40 drops. SUNDEW— (Drosera Rotundi folia.) Is highly recommended in pulmonic affections. Used in pertussis, bronchitis, asthma, etc. Dose, 5 to 20 drops. SWEET FERN— (Comptonia Asplenifolia.)—See Fern , Sweet. SWEET GUM B A RK — (Liquidambar Styraciflua.) An excellent astringent, useful in diarrhoea, dysentery and the summer complaints of children. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms for an adult. SWEET MARJORAM — (Origanum Vulgar e.) Stimulant, tonic and emmenagogue. Dose, 1 to 2 flui- drachms. TAG ALDER — (Alnus Rubra.) Alterative, emetic and astringent. Strongly recom- mended as a haemostatic. Dose, ^ to 1 fluidrachm. 44 FLUID EXTRACTS. TAMARAC BARK — (Larix Americana.) Laxative, tonic, diuretic and alterative. Dose, 1 flui- drachm. TANSY, D OUBLE — ( Tanacetum Vulgar e.) Emmenagogue, tonic and anthelmintic. Dose, ^ to 1 fluidrachm. TAR, Soluble. Used to prepare the Syrup Tar, U. S. P., by adding 2 fluid- ounces of the fluid extract to 14 fluidounces of syrup ; and the Wine Tar (Natl. Formulary) by adding 2 fluid- ounces of the fluid extract to 14 fluidounces of stronger white wine. TARAXACUM (U. S. P.)— See Dandelion. TARAXACUM, COMP.— See Dandelion Comp. TARAXACUM AND SENNA.— See Dandelion and Senna. TEA.— See Camellia. THYME — (Thymus Vulgaris.) Carminative and emmenagogue. Dose, X to 1 fluidrachm. TOLU. Used to prepare the Tincture of Tolu, U. S. Ph., by adding 3 fluidounces of the fluid extract to 13 fluidounces alcohol 95 per cent. TOLU, Soluble. Used to prepare the Syrup Tolu, U. S. Ph., by adding 1 fluidounce of the fluid extract to 15 fluidounces of Syrup. TONKA BEAN — {Dipterix Odorata.) Principally used as a flavor and perfume. TRIEOLIUM FIBRIN UM.— See BucKbean. TRUMPET PLANT.— See Sarracenia Flava. TURKEY CORN. Wild Turkey Pea —(Corydalis Formosa.) Tonic, diuretic and alterative. Much esteemed by eclec- tic practitioners in the treatment of scrofulous and syphilitic affections. Dose, 10 to 40 drops. TURMERIC ROOT. Used for coloring purposes. TWIN LEAF — (Jeffersonia Diphylla.) Diuretic, alterative, antispasmodic and a stimulating dia- phoretic. Given in uterine hemorrhage and in dropsy. Dose, X to 1 fluidrachm. FLUID EXTRACTS. 45 UNICORN ROOT. — See Star grass. UNICORN ROOT, FALSE— See Helonias. URTICA DIOICA. Diuretic and astringent. Dose, 20 to 40 minims. USTILAGO MAIDIS. A substitute for Ergot of Rye. Has been used success- fully in haemoptysis. seminal pollutions and postpartum hemorrhage. Dr. W. A. N. Dorland, of the Philadelphia Hospital (Medical News , Nov. 5, ’87), says that the drug has a most decided action on the uterus. In labor the ' pains are increased in severity, frequency and in dura- tion, but with a decided intermission between the pains, making it much safer than Ergot. Indications for its use are— 1st, a failure of pains with complete dilatation of os ; 2d, inefficiency or entire suspension of pains ; 3d, a con- dition of uterine inertia threatening or producing hem- orrhage. Dose, X to 2 fluidrachms. UVA URSI. Bearberry Leaves (U. S. P.)—(Arctostaphylos.) Astringent, tonic and diuretic. One of the most efficient remedies in diseases of the urinary passages, particularly in ulceration. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. VALERIAN ROOT (U. S. P .)— (Valeriana Officinalis.) The well-known nervous stimulant and antispasmodic, without narcotic properties. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. VERATRUM VIRIDE. American Hellebore (U. S. P.) Arterial sedative, used with great success to reduce the circulation in diseases of the heart, inflammatory rheu- matism, and other inflammatory and febrile diseases. In large doses it proves powerfully emetic and prostrating, and should be used with caution. Dose, 2 to 6 drops. VERVAIN — (Verbena Hastata.) Tonic, emetic, expectorant and sudorific. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. VIRGINIA STONE CROP — See Penthorum Sedoides. WAFER ASH BARK.— See Ptelea. WAHOO BARK. Spindletree. Burning Bush— (Euony- mus Atropurpureus.) A reliable purgative which increases the secretion of bile. Given in biliary derangements and in sick headache, etc. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. WALNUT LEAVES, ENGLISH — (Juglans Regia.) An alterative, specially recommended in the treatment of scrofulous affections and chronic catarrhs of mucous membranes. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. 46 FLUID EXTRACTS. WATER ERYNGO — (JEryngium Aquaticum.) Diaphoretic, expectorant and in large doses emetic. Especially applicable to diseases of the larynx, bronchial bladder and urethra. Dose, 20 to 40 drops. WATER FENNEL SEED — ( GEnanthe Phellandrium.) Mild narcotic stimulant, expectorant, alterative and diuretic. Highly recommended in consumption, bron- chitis and asthma, to relieve troublesome cough, render expectoration smaller and easier, and to produce sleep at night. Dose, 5 to 15 drops. WATER HEMLOCK — (Cicuta Maculata.) Medical properties similar to Conium Maculatum ; highly recommended as a specific in nervous and sick headache. Dose, 5 to 20 drops. WATER MELON SEED — (Citrullus Vulgaris.) Demulcent and diuretic. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. WATER PEPPER. Smart Weed— (Polygonum, Punc- tatum.) Stimulant, diuretic and emmenagogue. Dose, 10 to 40 drops. WHITE OAK BARK — (Quercus Alba.) Astringent and somewhat tonic. Dose, X to 1 fluidrachm. WHITE WILLOW BARK — (Salix Alba.) Tonic, astringent and febrifuge. Dose, X to 1 fluidrachm. WHITE WOOD BARK. Tulip Tree Bark-(Linoden- dron Tulipifera.) Aromatic, stimulant and tonic. Dose, X to 1 fluidrachm. WILD CHERRY BARK (U. S. P .)—(PrunusVirginiana.) Tonic and sedative. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. WILD CHERRY BARK. Detanuated— (Prunus Virgin- iana.) Strength of U. S. P., 1880. Dose, X to 1 fluidrachm. This preparation is chiefly employed in making Elixirs of Wild Cherry Bark into which Iron enters as one of the ingre- dients. The Tannin having been removed, the extract loses its astringency, but retains the tonic-sedative prop- erties of the bark. WILD CHERRY BARK. Procter’s Formula— (Prunus Virginiana.) Each fluid ounce of this extract represents X a troy ounce Wild Cherry Bark. Contains all the medicinal properties of Wild Cherry Bark, with the advantage of not precipitating on mixing Avith water or syrup. Dose, X to 1 fluidrachm. FLUID EXTRACTS. 47 WILD INDIGO— (Baptisia Tinctoria.) Emetic, cathartic, stimulant, astringent and antiseptic. Dose, 15 to 20 drops. WILD TURNIP. Indian Turnip. Dragon Root-(J.rom Triphyllum.) Acrid expectorant and diaphoretic. Dose, 10 to 20 drops. WILD YAM — (Dioscorea Villosa.) Antispasmodic. Dr. John V. Shoemaker, of Philadelphia ( Medical Standard , Oct., 1889), says large doses produce emesis. It also acts as a diaphoretic and has some ex- pectorant qualities. It appears to have an especial effect upon the liver, as Nux Vomica has for the spinal cord. Is most useful in diseases of the hepatic system, espe- cially biliary colic with impaction of gall stones. Also hepatic torpor with mental heaviness, dull headache, etc., are relieved by 15 drop doses of fluid extract taken before meals. Also in cirrhosis of liver, chronic congestion, chronic malaria. Even cancer of liver is benefitted. Dose, 10 to 30 drops. WINTERGREEN — ( Gaultheria Procumbens.) Aromatic, stimulant and astringent. Dose, 1 to 2 flui- drachms. WITCH HAZEL LEAVES (U. S. P .)—{Hamamelis Vir- ginica.) Tonic, astringent and sedative. Used in haemoptysis, hemorrhages and excessive mucous discharges ; used also for hemorrhoids, by evaporating the fluid extract and adding lard to make an ointment. Dose, 1 to 2 flui- drachms. WITCH HAZEL BARK. Properties similar to those of the leaves. The bark was used among the aborigines, and was said to prevent miscarriage. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. WOOD B ETON Y — (Betonica Officinalis.) Useful in atonic dyspepsia, chronic rheumatism, catar- rhal and malarial jaundice, and in eliminating syphilitic and scrofulous poison from the blood. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. W OR M SEED — ( Chenopodium Anthelminticum .) An efficient anthelmintic. Dose, 20 drops to 1 fluidrachm. WORMSEED, LEVANT— (Semen Santonici.) Anthelmintic. Dose, 10 to 30 drops. WORMWOOD — (Artemisia Absinthium.) Tonic, aromatic and anthelmintic. Dose, ^ to 1 flui- drachm. 48 FLUID EXTRACTS. XANTHIUM SPINOSUM. Said to be a specific for hydrophobia. Dose, 10 to 30 drops. YAP ROW —(Achillea Millefolium.) Aromatic, tonic and astringent. Dose, K to 1 fluidrachm. YELLOW DOCK (U. S. P.)— (Rumex Crispus.) Alterative, astringent and tonic. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. YELLOW DOCK COMP. Formula like Comp. Syrup of Yellow Dock of King’s American Dispensatory, Yellow Dock, False Bittersweet, American Ivy and Figwort. Dose, 20 to 60 drops. YELLOW JESSAMINE (U. S. P .)—(Gelsemium Sempervi- rens.) Febrifuge, nervous and arterial sedative. Dose, 5 to 10 drops. YELLOW JESSAMINE— (Gelsemium Sempervirens.) Prepared from the fresh green root. Dose, 5 to 10 drops. YERBA BUEN A — (Micromeria Douglassii.) Anthelmintic, febrifuge and emmenagogue. Dose, X to 1 fluidrachm. YERBA REUMA— {Frankenia Grandifolia.) Highly recommended in leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea, dysen- tery, etc. Also used as a local astringent stimulant ap- plication in nasal, vaginal and other catarrhs, external ulcerations, skin affections, etc. Dose, 15 to 30 drops. YERBA SANTA— (Eriodicty on Californicum , or Glutino- sum.) This California drug has attained considerable reputation as a remedy in bronchial and laryngeal affections, spe- cially in loss of voice. Dose, % to 1 fluidrachm. YERBA SANTA, AROMATIC. To prepare Syrup of Yerba Santa, Aromatic, add 2 fluid- ounces fluid extract Yerba Santa, Aromatic, to 14 fluid- ounces Simple Syrup. STANDARD Assayed Fluid Extracts, REPRESENTING One Gramme of the Drug* of Assayed Standard Quality in Each Cubic Centimeter. This Special List of Assayed Fluid Extracts includes notably those which owe their activity mainly to the presence of an alkaloid or alkaloids , and can be standardized by assay to a definite percentage of this alkaloid. We also include in this list a few fluid extracts depending on the presence of a definite quantity of Resin as their active constituent. The assaying of these drugs is by no means a new feature with us , as we have for many years resorted to assays of the alkaloidal strength of the more important ones , at least , as one of the most reliable means of determining their quality in se- lecting the drugs, and thus securing efficacy and uniformity of strength in our Extracts. We omit such fluid extracts as of Rhubarb, Ergot, and of other drugs , the active properties of which are not known to reside in any special proximate principle or principles , and as an arbitrary standard , such as the determination of the per- centage of solid residuum obtained from the extract by evapo- ration, would not indicate the quality of the drug from which the fluid extract is made ; for instance, a very poor article of Rhubarb would furnish as much solid residuum as the finest quality of the drug. In the selection of these drugs, however, the well-known physical properties of a standard article as described in the Pharmacopoeia and other authorities on Materia Medica furnish equally good and reliable criterions to judge of their quality, and drugs selected with care and judgment in this respect cannot fail to produce efficacious and reliable extracts. As long experience and a thorough knowledge of our calling enable us to judge intelligently of the quality of drugs, and as we conscientiously use and have always used the most scrupu- lous care in the selection of drugs of standard quality for our preparations, as well as in every step in the manufacture of these preparations, we feel confident our Extracts cannot be excelled for efficacy and reliability, which fact is no doubt known to all who have tried them. 50 ASSAYED FLUID EXTRACTS. ACONITE ROOT. Standard, 0.75 alkaloid. 10 cc. of this Fluid Extract re- quire for complete precipitation of alkaloid 5.6 cc. of Mayer’s Solution, Normal 1-20. The Extract also answers to the physiological test of Dr. Squibb. BELLADONNA LEAVES. Standard, 0.4 per cent. Atropine. 10 cc. of the Fluid Ex- tract require 6.2 cc. of Mayer’s Solution N. 1-20 for com- plete precipitation. The alkaloid may also be separated by agitating 10 cc. of the Extract, after addition of a little Ammonia, with successive portions of Chloroform, re- moving the alkaloid from this Chloroform solution by shaking with 5 per cent. Sulphuric Acid, rendering this acid solution again alkaline by addition of Aqua Ammo- nia, and treating this with successive portions of Chloro- form. On evaporating the Chloroform solution, the alka- loid, weighing 0.04 gramme, is obtained. BELLADONNA ROOT. Standard, 0.5 per cent. Atropine. 10 cc. of the Fluid Ex- tract require for complete precipitation 7.8 cc. of Mayer’s Solution N. 1-20. The alkaloid, obtained from 10 cc. of the Fluid Extract in the same manner as in Belladonna Leaves, should weigh 0.05 gramme. BLOODROOT. Standard, 1 per cent. Sanguinarina. 10 cc. of this Fluid Extract require for complete precipitation 9 cc. of Mayer’s Solution N. 1-20. To separate the alkaloid, 10 cc. of the extract evaporated to expel the Alcohol after ad- dition of a little HC1 and 10 cc. water, are precipitated with Ammonia. The precipitate redissolved in Hydro- chloric Acid, and reprecipitated with Ammonia, is treated with successive portions of Ether to dissolve the alkaloid, which latter is then obtained on evaporation of the Ethereal Solution, weighing 0.10 gramme. CANNABIS INDICA. Standard, 10 per cent. Besin. 10 cc. of this Fluid Extract, when concentrated and poured into 20 cc. of water, will yield a precipitate which, when washed with water and dried at 100° C., weighs 1 gramme. CINCHONA CALISAYA. Standard, 2 per cent. Anhydrous Quinine, U. S. P. To estimate total alkaloids, shake 10 cc. of this Fluid Extract with 200 cc. of Prollius’ * fluid, decant 100 cc. of this so- lution, and agitate with successive portions of 20 cc. each of 5 per cent. Sulphuric Acid. After rendering the mixed acid solutions strongly alkaline with Ammonia, shake with successive portions of 20 cc. of a mixture of Ether 3 vol., Chloroform 1 vol. On evaporation of this Ether- Chloroform solution, the total alkaloids are obtained, from which the Quinine may be separated by the process given in the U. S. P. * Prollius’ fluid is a mixture consisting of 325 cc. of Stronger Ether, 25 cc. Alcohol, 10 cc. Stronger Water of Ammonia. ASSAYED FLUID EXTRACTS. 51 CINCHONA, RED. Standard, 2 per cent. Anhydrous Quinine, U. S. P. Esti- mated in the same manner as the Cinchona Calisaya. COCA LEAVES. Standard, 0.5 per cent. Cocaine. 10 cc. of this Fluid Ex- tract require for complete precipitation 13.6 cc. of Mayer’s Solution N. 1-20. 10 cc. of the acidulated Extract, washed with Benzine and then Ether, then rendered alkaline with Ammonia and exhausted by shaking with successive portions of Ether, yield, on evaporation of the latter, 0.05 gramme of the alkaloid. COLCHICUM FOOT. Standard, 1 per cent, alkaloid. 10 cc. of this Extract require for complete precipitation 6.4 cc. of Mayer’s Solution N. 1-20. * COLCHICUM SEED. Standard, 1 per cent, alkaloid. 10 cc. require for complete precipitation 6.4 cc. of Mayer’s Solution N. 1-20. CONIUM FRUIT. Standard, 0.6 per cent. Conine, estimated by removing the alkaloid with benzine from the Fluid Extract, after the addition of Carbonate of Sodium, then transferring it from the Benzine solution into a 1 per cent, solution of Hydrochloric Acid by agitation, and titrating this with a standard solution of Sodium Phosphomolybdate. GELSEMIUM. The alkaloid contained in 10 cc. of the Fluid Extract requires for complete precipitation 6 cc. of Mayer’s Solution N. 1-20, the precipitate, when dried at 100° C., weighing .113 gramme. HENBANE Standard, 0.18 per cent, alkaloid. 10 cc. of the Fluid Ex- tract, heated to expel the Alcohol, after the addition of 5 cc. of acidulated water, washed with Chloroform to re- move Resin, etc., rendered slightly alkaline with Ammo- nia, and then treated with successive portions of Chloro- form, will yield, on evaporation of the latter, 0.018 gramme of alkaloid. IPECAC. Standard, 1.75 per cent. Emetine. 10 cc. of this Fluid Extract require for complete precipitation 18.5 cc. of Mayer’s Solution N. 1-20. JALAP. Standard, 12 per cent, of Resin. 10 cc. of this Fluid Ex- tract, when concentrated and poured into 20 cc. of water, will yield a precipitate which, when washed with water and dried at 100° C., weighs 1.2 grammes. 52 ASSAYED FLUID EXTRACTS. MANDRAKE. Standard, 4 per cent. Podophyllin. 10 cc. of this Fluid Extract, when concentrated and poured into 20 cc. of water, acidulated with Hydrochloric Acid, will yield a precipitate which, when carefully dried at 100° C., weighs 0.4 gramme. NUX VOMICA. Standard, 1.5 per cent, alkaloid. 10 cc. of this Extract require for complete precipitation 15 cc. of Mayer’s Solu- tion N. 1-20, the precipitate, dried at 100° C., weighing .365 gramme ; or 10 cc. of the Fluid Extract, heated to expel Alcohol, after the addition of a few drops of dil. Sulphuric Acid and 10 cc. of water, washed with Ether, then rendered alkaline with Caustic Soda, and shaken with successive portions of a mixture of Ether 3 vol., Chloroform 1 vol., yield, on evaporation of the latter, 0.150 gramme alkaloid. STRAMONIUM LEAVES. Standard, 0.375 per cent, alkaloid. 10 cc. of this Fluid Extract require 6 cc. of Mayer’s Solution N. 1-20 for com- plete precipitation. By shaking 10 cc. of the Fluid Ex- tract, after addition of a little Ammonia, with successive portions of Chloroform, removing the alkaloid from this Chloroform solution by agitating with 5 per cent. Sul- phuric Acid, rendering this acid solution again alkaline by addition of Aqua Ammonia, shaking this with succes- sive portions of Chloroform, and finally evaporating the Chloroform solution, the alkaloid is obtained, weighing 0.0375 gramme. STRAMONIUM SEED. Standard, 0.375 per cent, alkaloid. 10 cc. require for com- plete precipitation 6 cc. of Mayer’s Solution N. 1-20. Process for separating the alkaloid same as above. VERATRUM VIRIDE. T The alkaloids contained in this Fluid Extract require for complete precipitation 6 cc. of Mayer’s Solution N. 1-20. 1 should be borne in mind that the Alcohol contained in Fluid Extracts should be driven off on a water-bath , after the addition of a little dilute acid , before Mayer's reagent is applied. Solid Extracts. The following embraces a list of the most important Solid Extracts , with the doses attached, , their medical properties being enumerated under the head of Fluid Extracts. In the manufacture of these Extracts the concentration is effected at a very low temperature to avoid any injury to the active con- stituents, and their quality will be found unexceptional. ACONITE LEAF ACONITE ROOT (U. S. P.) “ 1-8 to 1-4 grain. ALOES AQ,UEOUS (U. S. P.) . “ 2 to 10 grains. ALTERATIVE COMP. . ...... “ 5 to 10 grains. ANGELICA ROOT ARNICA FLOWERS ARNICA ROOT (U. S. P.) BALMONY BARBERRY BAYBERRY BELLADONNA LEAVES (U. S. P.)- “ 1-2 to 1 grain. BELLADONNA ROOT..... BERBERIS AQAJIFOLITJM. .. BITTERSWEET BLACK COHOSH BLACK HAW BLACK HELLEBORE “ 2 to 4 grains. BLADDER WRACK ....... BLESSED THISTLE BLOOD ROOT BLUE COHOSH BLUE FLAG (U. S. P.) 54 SOLID EXTRACTS. BONESET Dose, 3 to 12 grains. BROOMTOP “ 2 to 6 grains. BRYONY “ 5 to 10 grains. BUCHU “ 10 to 15 grains. BUCKBEAN “ 5 to 10 grains. BUCKTHORN BARK “ 5 to 20 grains. BUGLEWEED “ 5 to 10 grains. BURDOCK “ 5 to 20 grains. BUTTERNUT (,U. S. P.) “ 20 to 30 grains. CALABAR BEAN (U. S. P.) “ 1-16 to 1-2 grain. CALENDULA “ 5 to 10 grains. CANNABIS INDICA (U.S.P.) “ 1-4 gr„ gradu- ally increased. CARD. BENEDICT “ 5 to 10 grains. CASCARA SAGRADA “ 5 to 10 grains. CASCARILLA “ 5 to 10 grains. CENTAURY, RED “ 5 to 10 grains. CHAMOMILE FLOWERS “ 5 to 10 grains. CHICORY ‘ k 20 to 60 grains. CHIRATA “ 2 to 6 grains. CINCHONA, CALISAYA (U. S. P.).. . “ 5to20grains. CINCHONA, PALE “ 5 to 20 grains. CINCHONA, RED “ 5 to 20 grains. CINCHONA COMP. (Squibb ’s formula) “ 5 to 20 grains. CLOVER TOPS “ 5 to 10 grains. COCA LEAVES “ 6 to 12 grains. COLCHICUM ROOT, ACET. (U. S. P.) “ 1 to 2 grains. COLCHICUM SEED, ALCOHOLIC. . “ 1-2 to 1 grain. COLOCYNTH APPLE (U. S. P.) “ 1-2 to 1 grain. COLOCYNTH COMP. (U. S. P.) “ 5 to 20 grains. COLUMBO . . “ 5 to 10 grains. CONIUM LEAVES “ 1 to 3 grains. CONIUM FRUIT (U. S. P.). . . “ 1-2 to 1 grain. COTTON ROOT BARK “ 2 to 10 grains. CRANESBILL kk 3 to 5 grains. CUBEB (OLEO-RESIN) “ 5 to 30 minims. CULVER’S ROOT (U. S. P.) “ 5 to 10 grains. SOLID EXTRACTS. 55 DAMIAM 20 to 30 grains. DANDELION (U. S. P.) it 20 to 60 grains. DOGGRASS .... 44 30 to 60 grains. ELDER FLOWER 4t 10 to 20 grains. ELECAMPANE .... 44 5 to 10 grains. ERGOT. (Soluble in Water.) (U.S.P.) 44 2 to 4 grains. EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS .... 44 6 to 12 grains. FERRI POMATI .... 44 1 to 10 grains. FOXGLOVE (U. S. P.) .. 1-4 to 1 grain. GARDEN CELANDINE “ 6 to 12 grains. GELSEMIUM .... 44 1-2 to 1 grain. GENTIAN (U. S. P.) . .. 44 10 to 30 grains. GOLDEN SEAL .... 44 4 to 6 grains. GRAMINIS .... 44 5 to 10 grains. GRIN DELIA ROBUSTA . . 44 5 to 10 grains. GUAR AN A fct 5 to 10 grains. HELONIAS ROOT U 5 to 10 grains. HENBANE (U. S. P.) .... “ 1 to 2 grains. HOP... . . . “ 10 to 15 grains. HOREHOUND “ 5 to 15 grains. HYDRANGEA .... 44 10 to 20 grains. IGNATIA BEAN .... 44 1-4 to 1 grain. INSPISSATED OX GALL r It 2 to 5 grains. IPECAC 1-4 to 2 grains. JABORANDI 5 to 10 grains. JALAP 5 to 15 grains. JAMAICA DOGWOOD 4 to 8 grains. JUNIPER BERRIES .... 44 10 to 20 grains. LADIES’ SLIPPER .... 44 5 to 10 grains. LETTUCE 2 to 5 grains. LIQJJORICE, PURIFIED LIVERWORT 5 to 15 grains. LOGWOOD (U.S.P.) .... 44 10 to 30 grains. LUPULIN .... 44 4 to 6 grains. MANDRAKE (U. S. P.) u 2 to 4 grains. MATICO ... * 4 5 to 10 grains. MEZEREUM (U. S. P.) .... 44 1 to 2 grains. 56 SOLID EXTRACTS. MEZEREOIV, Ethereal (Br. P.) Dose, 1-2 to 1 grain. MUSKROOT “ 3 to 5 grains. NUX VOMICA (U. S. P.) - 1-2 to 2 grains. OPIUM, ALCOHOLIC “ 1-2 to 1 grain. OPIUM, AQUEOUS (U. S. P.) *• 1-2 to 1 grain. OX GALLS, INSPISSATED “ 2 to 5 grains. PAREIRA BRAVA “ 3 to 5 grains. PIPSISSEWA “ 5 to 10 grains. POKE ROOT k * 1 to 3 grains. POPPY HEADS “ 6 to 12 grains. PRICKLY ASH BARK “ 3 to 6 grains. PULSATILLA “ 2 to 5 grains. QUASSIA (U. S. P.) “ 2 to 5 grains. QUEEN OF THE MEADOW “ 5 to 10 grains. RHATANY (U. S. P.) “ 10 to 20 grains. RHUBARB (U. S. P.) “ 5 to 20 grains. RHUBARB COMP. (Germ. Pharm.) “ 5 to 20 grains. RUE 3 to 6 grains. SARSAPARILLA “ 5 to 10 grains. SARSAPARILLA COMP “ 5 to 10 grains. SAVIN, ALC “ 1 to 2 grains. SCULLCAP “ 6 to 12 grains. SENEKA “ 1 to 3 grains. SENNA, ALEX “ 10 to 20 grains. SQUILL “ 1-2 to 1 grain. STILLIN GI A “ 3 to 6 grains. STRAMONIUM LEAVES “ 1-2 to 1 grain. STRAMONIUM SEED (U. S. P.) . . . . “ 1-4 to 1-2 grain. TAG ALDER “ 5 to 15 grains. TARAXACUM.— See Dandelion. TOBACCO “ 1-4 to 1-2 grain. TRIFOLII FIBRINI “ 5 to 10 grains. UVA URSI “ 5 to 10 grains. VALERIAN “ 10 to 30 grains. VERATRUBI VIRIDE “ 1-4 to 1-2 grain. WAHOO BARK (U. S. PO “ 5 to 10 grains. WARBURG’S TINCTURE “ 5 to 10 grains. SOLID EXTRACTS. 57 WARBURG’S TINCTURE (with- out Aloes) Dose, 3 to 6 grains. WATER PEPPER “ 2 to 10 grains. WHITE OAK BARK “ 5 to 10 grains. WITCH HAZEL “ 5 to 15 grains. WORMWOOD “ 1 to 3 grains. YARROW “ 5 to 10 grains. YELLOW DOCK “ 6 to 12 grains. YELLOW JESSAMINE “ 1-2 to 2 grains. YERBA SANTA “ 5 to 10 grains. Powdered Extracts. These powdered Extracts are fully equal in strength to the pilular Extracts , and are prepared by drying the latter at a low temperature and compensating for the loss of weight, caused by the evaporation of moisture, with the respective powdered drugs and in some instances with powdered Sugar of Milk, thus bringing the powdered Extract again up to the original weight of the pilular Extract. As these powdered Extracts readily absorb moisture , they should invariably be kept securely corked. Doses same as Solid Extracts. ACONITE LEAVES. ACONITE ROOT. ALOES. BELLADONNA LEAVES. BERBERIS AQUIFOLIUM. BLACK COHOSH. BLOOD ROOT. BLACK HAW. BLACK HELLEBORE. BLADDER WRACK. BLUE COHOSH. BLUE FLAG. BUTTERNUT. CALABAR BEAN. CASCARA SAGRADA. CINCHONA CALISAYA (U. S. P.). COCA LEAVES. COLCHICUM ROOT (Acetic). COLOCYNTH APPLE (U. S. P.). COLOCYNTH COMP. (U. S. P.). COLUMBO ROOT. CONIUM LEAVES. COTTON ROOT BARK. CULVER’S ROOT. DAMIAN A. POWDERED EXTRACTS. 59 DANDELION ROOT. EUCALYPTUS. foxglove: GENTIAN. GOLDEN SEAL. GUARANA. HENBANE. 1GNATIA BEAN. IPECAC. JABORANDI. JAMAICA DOGWOOD. JALAP. LADIES’ SLIPPER. LETTUCE, Wild. LOBELIA. MANDRAKE. NUX VOMICA. OPIUM, AQUEOUS. OX GALL, Inspissated. POKE ROOT. PRICKLY ASH BARK. PULSATILLA. QUASSIA. RHATANY. RHUBARB. SARSAPARILLA. SCULLCAP. SENNA, ALEXANDRIA. STILLINGIA. STRAMONIUM’ LEAVES. TRIFOLII FIBRINI. VALERIAN. WAHOO. WILD YAM. WITCH HAZEL. YELLOW DOCK. YELLOW JESSAMINE. 60 ABSTRACTS, U.S.P. Abstracts, u. s. p. These are a new class of preparations introduced into the U. S. Pharmacopoeia of 1880, and are in fact powdered Ex- tracts , representing in all cases two parts of the respective drug in one part of the Abstract. The following comprises a list of the officinal abstracts only , but we can furnish those of other drugs , prepared in the same manner and proportion , when wanted, As the abstracts are liable to absorb moisture , they should be Kept in well-corked bottles in a cool place. ACONITE BELLADONNA CONIUM DIGITALIS HENBANE IGNATIA JALAP NUX VOMICA PODOPHYLLUM RHUBARB (unofficinal) SENEKA VALERIAN Dose, 1-2 to 1 grain. 44 1-2 to 1 grain. 44 1 to 2 grains. 44 1-2 to 1 grain. 44 2 to 8 grains. 44 1-2 to 1 1-2 grains. 44 10 to 15 grains. 44 1 to 2 grains. “ 5 to 10 grains. 44 5 to 20 grains. 44 1 to 3 grains. 44 10 to 20 grains. RESINOIDS.— CONCENTRATIONS. 61 Resinoids. The following comprises a list of the proximate medicinal principles commonly known as Resinoids or Concentrations. Whilst some of these represent a pure resin and others an im- pure alkaloid , by far the greater number are a combination of the various active proximate principles contained in the drug which they represent. Owing to the liability of these preparations to absorb moisture , they should be kept securely closed and in a cool place. AliETRIN. Unicorn Root Dose, 1-2 to 2 grs. AliTVUIJV. Tag Alder “ lto3grs. APOCYNIN. Bitter Root “ 1-2 to 2 grs. ASCLEPIDIN. Pleurisy Root “ 1 to 5 grs. BAPTISI1V. Wild Indigo “ 1-4 to 1-2 gr. CAUIiOPH YI/LIJV . Blue Cohosh “ l-4tolgr. CIMICIFUGIN (Macrotin). Black Cohosh “ 1 to 3 grs. COIililJV SONIJV . Stone Root “ 1 to 3 grs. COLOCYNTHIN. Colocynth “ 1-2 to 1 gr. CYPRIPEDIJY. Lady's Slipper “ 1 to 5 grs. DIOSCOREIN. Wild Yam “ 1 to 2 grs. EUONYMIIV. Wahoo “ 1-2 to 2 grs. EUPDRPURIY. Queen of the Meadow . . . “ 1 to 3 grs. GELSEMIN. Yellow Jessamine “ 1-8 to 1-3 gr. GERAKIIN. Cranesbill “ 1 to 5 grs. GOSS YPIIIV. Cotton Root Bark “ 1 to 3 grs. HAMAMELIN. Witch Hazel “ 1 to 3 grs. HELONIN. False Unicorn “ 1 to 3 grs. HYDRASTIN. Golden Seal “ 1 to 5 grs. HYDRASTINE MURIATE. Berberine Muriate * “ 1 to 3 grs. 62 RESINOIDS.— CONCENTRATIONS. HYDRASTINE NITRATE. Berberine Nitrate — Dose, 1-2 to 2 grs. IlYDRASTINE PHOSPHATE. Ber- berine Phosphate 44 1-2 to 2 grs. HYDRASTINE SULPHATE. Berber- ine Sulphate “ 1 to 3 grs. IRISIN. Blue Flag “ 1 to 5 grs. JALAPIN. Jalap (Res. Jalapae , U. S. P.) “ 2 to 5 grs. JUGLANDIN. Butternut 44 2 to 5 grs. LEPTANDRIN. Culver's Root “ 1-2 to 2 grs. LOBELIN. Lobelia “ 1 to 2 grs. LYCOPIN. Bugleweed 44 1 to 4 grs. MACROTIN. Black Cohosh 44 1 to 3 grs. MENISPERMIN. Yellow Barilla 44 1 to 3 grs. MYRICIN. Bayberry 44 1 to 3 grs. PHYTOLACCIN. Garget or Poke 44 1-4 to 2 grs. PODOPHYLLIN. Mandrake (Res. Podo- phylli , U.S.P .) 44 1-4 to 1 gr. PRUNIN. Cherry Bark 44 2 to 5 grs. PTELEIN. Wafer Ash 44 1 to 2 grs. RUMICIN. Yellow Dock 44 1 to 3 grs. SANGUINARIN. Blood Root 44 1-8 to 1-2 gr. SANGCINARINE NITRATE 44 1-8 to 1-2 gr. SANGUINARINE SULPHATE 44 1-8 to 1-2 gr. SCUTELLARIN. Scullcap 44 1 to 3 grs. SENECIN. Life Root 44 1 to 3 grs. STILLINGIN. Queen's Delight 44 1 to 2 grs. TRILLIIN. Beth Root 44 2 to 5 grs. VIBURNIN. Cramp Bark “ 1 to 3 grs. XANTHOXYLLIN. Prickly Ash 44 1 to 2 grs. THERAPEUTICAL INDEX. 63 Therapeutical Index OF SHARP &. DOHME’S Fluid Extracts. The solid and powdered Extracts, Abstracts and Best- noids present the same medicinal properties as the fluid Ex- tracts. ACRO-1YARCOTIC AND NARCOTIC. Aconite, Lactucarium, Belladonna, Lettuce, Conium, Lupulin, Henbane, Opium, Hop, Poppy Heads, Indian Hemp, Foreign, Stramonium, Ipecac and Opium, Water Hemlock. Jamaica Dogwood, ALTERATIVE. Alterative Compound, Frostwort, American Tvy, Fumitory, Arbor Vitae, Golden Seal, Arrow Wood, Guaiacum Wood, Bamboo Brier, Helonias Compound, Bamboo Brier Compound, Kava Kava, Bear’s Foot, Larkspur Seed, Berber is Aquifolium, Lily Root, White, Bitter Sweet, Manaca, Black Alder Bark, Mango Bark, Blue Flag, Milk Weed, Burdock Boot, Parilla Bark, Condurango, Plantain Leaves, Fern, Sweet, Poke, Fire Weed, Prickly Ash Bark, Fringe Tree Bark, Pulsatilla, 64 THERAPEUTICAL INDEX. ALTERATIVE.— Continued. Sarsaparilla, Tag Alder, Sarsaparilla and Taraxacum, Tamarac Bark, Sarsaparilla Compound, Turkey Corn, Silk Weed, Twin Leaf, Soapwort, Walnut Leaves, English, Spikenard, Wood Betony, Stillingia, Yellow Dock. Stillingia Compound, AN APHRODISIAC. Black Willow Bark Black Willow Buds. ANTHELMINTIC. Areca Nut, Pink Root and Senna, Balmony Leaves, Pomegranate, Feverfew, Pumpkin Seed, Kamala, Southern Wood, Koosso, Tansy, Male Fern, Wormseed, Pink Root, Yerba Buena. ANTI-ABORTIVE. Black Haw. ANTI-PAT. Bladder Wrack. ANTI-PERIODIC. Apple Tree Bark, Five-Flowered Gentian, Cinchona, Poplar Bark, Dogwood Bark, Quinine Flower, Eucalyptus, White Willow Bark. ANTI-SCORBUTIC. Balm of Gilead Buds, Judas Tree Bark. Cleavers. THERAPEUTICAL INDEX. G5 ANTI-SPASMODIC. Asafetida, Motherwort, Blue Cohosh, Prickly Ash Berries, Chestnut Leaves, Scullcap, Cramp Bark, Skunk Cabbage, Evening Primrose, Sumbul, Grindelia Robusta Valerian, Grindelia Squarrosa, Wild Yam. 4 Ladies’ Slipper, APHRODISIAC. Damiana. ASTRINGENT. Agrimony, Logwood, Areca Nuts, Manzanita Leaves, Avens Root, Marsh Rosemary, Bael Fruit, Nut Galls, Bayberry, Pinus Canadensis, Beth Root, Raspberry Leaves, Black Ash, Rhatany, Blackberry Root, Rhus Aromatica, Cancer Root, Rose Leaves, Catechu, Sage, • Coto Bark, St. John’s Wort, Cranesbill, Sumach Bark, Dewberry Root, Sweet Fern, Erigeron, Canada, Sweet Gum Bark, Guaco, White Oak Bark, Kino, Lily Root, White, Yerba Reuma. CARDIAC TONIC. Adonis Yernalis, Lily of the Valley Root, Cereus Bonplandi, , Night-blooming Cereus, Digitalis, Strophanthus. CARMINATIVE. Asafetida, Cardamom Seed, Black Pepper, Catnep, Calamus Root, Cinnamon, Caraway Seed, Coriander, 66 THERAPEUTICAL INDEX. CARMINATIVE.— Continued Fennel Seed, Feverfew, Ginger Root, Golden Rod, Lovage, Nutmeg, Orange Peel, Pennyroyal, Peppermint, * Thyme, Wild Carrot Seed. Agaric, Aloes, Barberry, Bitter Root, Black Hellebore, Bryony, Buckthorn Bark, Buckthorn Berries, Butternut, Cascara Sagrada, Colocynth, Culver’s Root, Garden Celandine, CATHARTIC. Gratiola Officinalis, Indian Hemp, Black, Indian Physic, Jalap, Mandrake, Mandrake Compound. Rhubarb and Senna, Senna, Senna Compound, Senna and Jalap, Stavesacre, Wahoo Bark. Culver’s Root, Dandelion, CHOLAGOGUE, Gratiola Officinalis, Mandrake. Buckhorn Brake, Colt’s Foot, Comfrey, Corn Silk, Liquorice, DEMULCENT. Liverwort, Lungwort, Marshmallow, Mullein, Pansy. Blessed Thistle, Boneset, Burdock, Calendula, Canada Snakeroot, Catnep, DIAPHORETIC. Elder Flowers, Figwort, Garden Celandine, Ipecac, Ipecac and Opium, Jaborandi, THERAPEUTICAL INDEX. 67 DIAPHORETIC. — Continued. Lobelia, Stone Root, Mezereon, Twin Leaf, Pennyroyal, Vervain, Pleurisy Root, Water Eryngo, Saffron, American, Wild Turnip. Sassafras, DIURETIC. Asparagus Root, Gravel Plant, Bitter Sweet, Haircap Moss, Blue Plag, Helonias, Broom Corn Seed, Hydrangea Root, Broom Top, Juniper Berries, Bryony, Life Root, Buchu, Milk Weed, Buchu Compound, Pareira Brava, Buchu and Pareira Brava, Pipsissewa, Button-snake Root, Queen of the Meadow, Celery Seed, Sandal Wood, Cleavers, Saw Palmetto, Colchicum, Shepherd’s Purse, Corn Silk, Squaw Vine, Dandelion, Squill, Deer’s Tongue, Twin Leaf, Dog’s Grass, Urtica Dioica, Dwarf Elder Bark, Uva Ursi, Erigeron, Canada, Water Pepper, Eigwort, Wild Carrot Seed. Foxglove, EMETIC. Bitter Root, Indian Physic, Blood Root, Ipecac, Dwarf Elder Bark, ' Lobelia, Fire Weed, Rosin Weed. Indian Hemp, Black, EMMEMGOGUE. Aloes, Black Hellebore, American Ash, Blue Cohosh, Arbor Vitae, Button-snake Root, Asafetida, Cotton Root Bark, 68 THERAPEUTICAL INDEX. EMMEMGOGUE. — Continued. Deer’s Tongue, Rue, Ergot, Savin, Feverfew, Senecio Gracilis, Life Hoot, Star Grass, Lovage, Sweet Marjoram, Manaca, Tansy, Motherwort, Thyme, Mugwort, Water Pepper, Parsley Seed, Yerba Buena. Pennyroyal, EXPECTORANT. Asafetida, Pansy, Beth Root, Pleurisy Root, Black Cohosh, Quebracho, Blood Root, Red Root, Colt’s Foot, Rosin Weed, Elecampane, Seneka, Grindelia Robusta, Skunk Cabbage, Grindelia Squarrosa , Squill, Horehound, Squill Compound, Ipecac, Sundew, Ipecac and Seneka, Water Eryngo, Lobelia, Water Fennel Seed, Lobelia Compound, Wild Turnip, Lungwort, Yerba Santa. LAXATIVE. Asparagus Root, Chicory, Bael Fruit, Cleavers, Buckeye Bark, Dandelion and Senna, Butternut, Rhubarb. Cascara Sagrada, PARTURIENT. Ergot, Squaw Vine, Mistletoe, Ustilago Maydis. PROMOTING SECRETION OF MILK, Castor Leaves. THERAPEUTICAL INDEX. 69 SEDATIVE, ARTERIAL, Aconite, Foxglove, American Hellebore, Veratrum Viride, Black Cohosh, Witch Hazel. Bugle Weed, SEDATIVE, NERVOUS. Aconite, Calabar Bean, Black Cohosh, Conium, Colchicum, Yellow Jessamine. SEDATIVE TO ORGANS OF GENERATION. Black Willow Bark, Black Willow Buds. SIALOGOGUE. Jaborandi, Prickly Ash. Pellitory, STIMULANT. Allspice, Arnica, Black Pepper, Calendula, Canada Snakeroot, Canella Bark, Cantharides, Cardamom Seed, Cascarilla Bark, Cassia, Cayenne Pepper, Clover, Red, Cloves, Coca Leaves, Coffee, Cubeb, Ginger, Guarana, Horse Radish, Matico, Myrrh and Capsicum, Oats, Prickly Ash Bark, Tea, Winter green. Agrimony, American Ivy, Angelica, Angustura, Avens Root, Balmony Leaves, TONIC. Balm of Gilead Buds, Barberry, Berberis Aquifolium, Black Alder Bark, Black Ash, Black Willow Buds, 70 THERAPEUTICAL INDEX. TONIC. — Continued. Blessed Thistle, Boldo, Boneset, Buckbean, Buckhorn Brake, Centaury, Red, Chamomile, Chiretta, Cinchona, Columbo, Cranesbill, Dogwood Bark, Elecampane, Fern, Sweet, Fever Bush Bark, Five-Flowered Gentian, Gallberry, Gentian Root, Golden Seal, Gold Thread* Hardhack, Hop, Horehound, Ignatia Bean, Lupulin, Manzanita Leaves, Marsh Rosemary, Matico, Myrrh, Nux Vomica, Orange Peel, Pareira Brava, Par ilia Bark, Pipsissewa, Ptelea, Quassia, Sarracenia Flava, Simaruba, Snakeroot, Virginia, Solomon’s Seal, Stylosanthes, Vervain, White Willow Bark, Wild Cherry Bark, Witch Hazel, Wood Betony, Wormwood, Yarrow. GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. 71 SOLUBLE GELATIN-COATED AND SOLUBIiE SUGAR-COATED PILLS and GRANULES, These Pills, comprising all the officinal and other well-known favorite formulae, are all prepared with the utmost care, under our immediate supervision. The drugs entering into their composition being of the hest quality, the quan- tities and proportions being invariably as represented on the labels, and the excipients used to make the masses having been carefully chosen, in each case, to make the Pill perfectly soluble in the fluids of the stomach and bowels, we feel confident that the full medicinal effect will always be produced by them when administered, whilst the coating will be found very soluble and not excelled by any other in point of beauty and finish. Gelatin-Coated Pills are furnished oval only. Sugar-Coated Pills are furnished round only. Special Recipes for Sugar-Coated Pills are made and coated to order when not less than 3000 Pills are ordered at one time. Gelatin-Coated Pills can be prepared in lots of 1000 or more. In ordering please specify Sharp & Dohme’s (or S. & D/s) G. C. (gelatin coated), or S. C. (sugar-coated), as may he desired. Dose. 4 grs. 1 to 2 1-60 gr. 1 to 2 1-50 gr. 1 to 2 1-40 gr.. 1 to 2 1-32 gr. 1 to 2 1-30 gr. 1 to 2 1-20 gr. 1 to 2 ACETANIEID AC1DI ARSENIOSI. 72 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. Dose. ACIDI ARSENIOSI 1-12 gr. 1 “ SALIC YL.ICI 1 gr. 1 to 4 2 1-2 grs. lto3 5 grs. 1 to 2 ACIDI SALICYLICI ET MORPHINAE (I). j Acidi Salicylici, 2 1-2 grs . ) ( Morphinae Sulph. 1-12 gr. j 1 to 2 ACIDI SALICYLICI ET MORPHINAE (II). J Acidi Salicylici, 5 grs. \ j Morphinae Sulph. 1-8 gr. j 1 to 2 ACONITINAE (Duquesnel’s) 1-480 gr. 1 “ “ 1-200 gr. 1 AGUE. { Chinoidini, 2grs.l Ext. Col. Co., 1-3 “ I 01. Pip. Nig., 1-6 “ ( Ferri Sulph., 1-2 “ J 1 to 2 AIDES (U. S. Ph.) j Aloes Purif., 2 grs. ( Saponis, 2 “ 2 to 4 AIDES COMPOUND. (See Pill Gentian Com- pound.) 1 to 4 AIDES ET ASAFQ3TIDA3 (U. S. Ph.) I Aloes Purif., 1 1-3 grs. ) < Asafcetidae, 11-3 “ V 1 to 2 ( Saponis, 1 1-3 “ ) ALOES ET FERRI (U. S. Ph.) { Aloes Purif., 1 gr. 1 Ferri Sulph. Exs., 1 gr. I Pulv. Arom., 1 gr. ( Conf . Rosae, q. s. J 1 to 3 AIDES ET FERRI. fPulv. Aloes Socot., 1-2 gr.l J “ Zingib. Jam., 1 gr. ( 1 Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1 gr. j t Ext. Conii, 1-2 gr. J 1 to 2 AIDES ET MASTICH. (U. S. P.) (Lady Webster.) ( Aloes Purif., 2 grs. ) •< Res. Mastich., 1-2 gr. V ( Flor. Rosae, 1-2 gr. ) 1 to 2 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. 73 ALOES ET MYRBHjE (U. S. Ph ) Dose. ( Aloes Purif., 2 grs. ) -l Pulv. Myrrhae, 1 gr. > 3 to 6 ( “ Arom., 1-2 gr. \ ALOES ET NUCIS VOMICiE. j Pulv. Aloes Soc., 1 1-2 grs. ( 1 Ext. Nuc. Vomicae, 1-2 gr. ) ALOES, NUCIS VOMICAE ET BELLADONNA. ( Pulv. Aloes Soc., 1 1-2 grs. ) ■l Extr. Nucis Vomicae, 1-2 gr. >■ 1 to 2 ( Extr. Belladonnae, 1-4 gr. j ALOI N 1-10 gr. 1 to 4 “ 1-5 gr. 1 to 3 “ 1-4 gr. 1 to 3 “ 1-2 gr. 1 to 3 “ 1 gr. 1 to 2 ALOIJV COMP. I Aloin, 1-8 gr. ) < Res. Podophylli, 1-8 gr. > 1 to 2 ( Ext. Bellad., 1-4 gr. ) ALOIN COMP. ET STRYCHNINAE. f Aloin, 1-8 gr. 'I j Res. Podophylli, 1-8 gr. ! Extr. Belladonnae, 1-8 gr. l r 1 to 2 Strychninae, 1-80 gr. | t Oleores. Capsici, 1-10 gr. J ALOIN ET ERGOTIN. (See Ergotin and Aloin.) ALOIN ET STRYCHNINAE. j Aloin, 1-5 gr. ( j Strychninae, 1-60 gr. \ 1 to 2 ALOIN, STRYCHNINE ET BELLADONNA (I). ( Aloin, 1-5 gr. ) K Strychninae, 1-60 gr. > 1 to 2 ( Ext. Bellad., 1-8 gr. ) ALOIN, STRYCHNINAE ET BELLADONNA (II). ( Aloin, 1-10 gr. ) ■< Strychninae, 1-50 gr. y 1 to 2 ( Ext. Bellad., 1-6 gr. ) ALOIN, STRYCHNINAE ET BELLADONNA COMP. f Aloin, 1-5 gr. 1 J Strychninae, 1-60 gr. ( , „ ] Ext. Belladonnae, 1-8 gr. f no 4 (Ext. Cascarae Sagr., 1-2 gr. J 74 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. ALTERATIVE. Dose. ( Mass. Hydrargyri, 1 gr. ) ■< Puly. Opii, „„i . y 1 to 2 i “ Ipecac., aal-Sgr.j- ALTERATIVE (Dr. G. 0. Cox). ( Mass. Hydrarg., ) •< Pulv. Rhei, > 1 to 2 ( Sodii Bicarb., aa 1 gr. ) AMMON. BROMID 1 gr. 1 to 5 AMMON. PICRAT 1-2 gr. 1 to 4 ANALEPTIC. Pv. Antimonialis, 3-4 gr. “ Res. Guaiaci, 1 “ “ Aloes Soc., 3-4 “ u Myrrhse, 1-2 “ ANDERSON’S SCOTS. ' Pv. Aloes Soc., 1 3-5 gr. 1 “ Saponis, 1-15 “ “ Colocynth., 4-15 “ [ “ Gambogiae, 1-15 “ [ 01. Anisi, 1-30 “ J 1 to 2 2 to 3 ANODYNE. f Pv. Camphorae, 1 gr. 'I I Morphinae Acetat., 1-20 “ I ] Ext. Hyoscyami, 1 “ [ L Oleores. Capsici, 1-20 “ J ANTHELMINTIC. j Santonini, ( | Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit.,aalgr. j ANTI-BILIOUS (Vegetable). J Pv. Ext. Coloc. Co., 2 1-2 grs. i 1 Res. Podophylli, 1-4 gr. j 1 to 3 1 to 2 2 to 3 ANTI-CHILL. { Chinoidini, 1 Ferri Ferrocyan., 1 01. Piper. Nig., 1 Ac. Arseniosi, 1-20 1 to 2 ANTI-CHLOROTIC. { Potass. Chlor., 1 gr. ) Ferri Chlor., 1-2 “ ! Pv. Podophylli, 1 “ [ “ Myrrhae, 1-2 “ J 1 to 2 ANTI-CHOROMANIAE. ( Zinci Valer., 2 grs. i ■{ Ferri “ 1-4 gr. y 1 to 2 ( Ext. Sumbul,l-2 “ ) GEL ATIN-CO A.TED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. 75 ANTI-CONSTIPATION (Brundage’s). Dose, f Res. Podophylli, 1-10 gr. 1 Ext. Nuc. Vomicae, 1-4 “ | 4 Pulv. Capsici, 1-4 44 y 1 to 2 Ext. Belladonnae, 1-10 44 | [ Ext. Hyoscyami, 1-4 44 J ANTI-CONSTIPATION (Carson’s). f Extr. Cascarae Sagradae, 1 gr. 1 J Extr. Rhei, 1 “ I j Extr. Nucis Vomicae, 1-4 44 f [ Aloin, 1-3 44 J 1 to 2 ANTI-CONSTIPATION (Goss’s). ' Res. Podophylli, 1-4 gr. 1 Ext. Colocynth., 1-4 44 44 Juglandis, 1-2 44 44 Nucis Vomicae, 1-8 44 44 Hyoscyami, 1-8 44 44 Gentianae, 1-4 44 44 Cascarae Sagr., 1-4 44 _ Pulv. Cannabis Ind., 1-2 44 J 1 to 2 ANTI-CONSTIPATION (Palmer’s). f Aloes Purif., 1 gr. 1 J Ext. Hyoscyami, 1 44 | ] Ext. Nucis Vomica?, 1-3 44 f L Pulv. Ipecac., 1-10 44 J 1 to 2 ANTI-DYSPEPTIC. f Strychninne, 1-40 gr. ) I Ext. Belladonnae, 1-10 44 1 Pulv. Ipecac., 1-10 44 \ 1 to 2 Mass. Hydrarg., 2 44 [ Ext. Col. Comp., 2 44 I ANTI-DYSPEPTIC (FotUergill’s). { Strychninae, 1-20 gr. Pulv. Ipecac., 2-3 44 Pulv. Piper. Nig., 1 1-2 44 Ext. Gentianae, 1 44 ANTIFEBRIN 3 grs. 1 to 3 ANTIFEBRIN 5 grs. 1 to 2 ANTI-MALARIAL. (See Quinine Pill List, p. 100.) ANTIMONII COMP. (U. S. Ph.) Antimonii Oxysulph., 1-2 gr. ) Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit., 1-2 44 >■ 1 to 3 Pulv. Res. Guaiaci, 1 44 ) ANTI-PERIODIC. (See Cinchonidine Pill List, p. 100.) ANTIPYRINE 5 grs. 1 to 2 76 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. ANTISEPTIC. Dose. f Hydrarg. Iod. Vir., 1-8 gr. I Res. Podophylli, 1-16 “ | -j Aloin, I -16 “ [ r 1 to 2 I Ext. Nucis Vomicae, 1-16 “ L Ext. Hyoscyami, 1-16 “ J ANTI-SPASMODIC. f Ext. Hyoscyami, 1-2 gr. J Morphinae Acetat., 1-10 “ ] Camphorse Brom., 1-2 “ t Pulv. Capsici, 1-2 “ 1 to 2 AN TI-S PL.ENETIC. f Pv. Aloes Soc., 1 gr. 1 J “ Ammoniaci, 1-2 “ | 1 Myrrhae, 1-2 ‘ k , r { Ext. Bryoniae, 1 “ J 2 to 4 APERIENT. ( Ext. Nuc. Vom., 1-8 gr. ) ] “ Hyoscyami, 1-2 “ V 1 to 2 ( “ Coloc. Co., 2 grs. ) APERIENT (Drysdale). Rhei, 1 1-4 Ipecac., 5-12 Aloes Soc., 1 1-4 Nuc. Vom., 1-2 grs. 1 to 2 APERIENT (Dr. Fordyce Barker). Ext. Coloc. Comp., 1 2-3 grs. “ Nucis Vom., 1-2 gr. “ Hyoscyami, 1 1-4 “ Pulv. Ipecac., 1-12 “ ‘ k Aloes Soc., 5-12 “ Res. Podophylli, 1-12 “ APERIENT (Scott’S). ' Aloiu, 1-8 gr. Irisin, 1-8 “ Podophyllin, 1-8 “ Extr. Belladon., .1-8 “ Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-8 “ „ 01. Capsici, 1-16 gtt. APHRODISIAC. Phosphori, 1-100 gr. ) Ext. Nuc. Vom., 1-8 “ > “ Damianae, 2 “ ) ARSENICI SUEPHID 1-100 gr. ASAFCETID^E (U. S. Ph.)* Asafoetidae, 3 grs. I Saponis, 1 gr. f 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 3 GELATIN-COATEI) AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. 77 ASAFOETIDAE Dose. 1 gr. 2 to 5 2 grs. 2 to 4 3 “ 1 to 3 ,4 “ 1 to 2 5 “ 1 to 2 ASAFOETIDAE COMP. j Asafoetidae, 2 grs. (. | Ferri Sulph. Bxsic., 1 gr. j 2 to 5 ASAFOETIDAE ET NUCIS VOMICAE. j Asafoetidae, 3 grs. ) j Ext. Nucis Vomicae, 1-4 gr. f ’ ’ 1 to 2 ASAFOETIDAE ET RHEI. ( Asafoetidae, • 1 gr. ) ■s Pulv. Rhei, 1 “ >• . - . • 2 to 4 ( Ferri Reduct., 1 “ ) ASTRINGENT. f Ext. Geranii, J Pv. Opii, j 01. Menth. Pip., t Oleores. Zingiber., 2 grs. 1-4 gr. 1-20 gtt. 1-20 “ 1 1 to 2 ATROPINE 1-120 gr. 1 to 4 “ 1-100 “ 1 to 3 “ 1-60 “ 1 to 2 AURI CHLORIT) 1-30 gr. 1 to 3 AIJRI ET SODII CHLORID 1-40 “ 1 to 3 “ “ “ “ 1-20 “ 1 to 2 BELLADONNA. (See Ext. Belladonnae.) BISMUTHT, SUBCARB 3 grs. 1 to 5 BISMUTHI, SUBNIT 3 “ 1 to 5 BISMUTHI, FERRI ET STRYCHNINE ( Bismuthi Subnitr., 3 grs. ) < Ferri (Quevenne’s), 1 gr. > 1 to 2 ( Strychninae Sulph., 1-40 “ ) BISMUTHI ET IGNATIAE. I Bismuthi Subcarb., 4 grs. ( 1 Ext. Ignatiae Amarae, 1-4 “ j BISMUTHI ET NUC VOMICA. ( Bismuthi Subcarb., 4 grs. I 1 Ext. Nuc. Vomicae, 1-4 “ \ 78 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. BLAUD’S FERRUGINOUS. Ferri Sulph. Exsic., ) Potass. Carb. aa 1 1-2 gr. j BLAUD’S FERRUGINOUS. Ferri Sulph. Exsic., Potass. Carb. aa 2 1-2 grs. BLAUD’S FERRUGINOUS WITH ARSENIOUS ACID. Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 2 1-2 gr. ) Potass. Carb., 21-2 44 > 1 to 2 Acidi Arseniosi, 1-40 44 ) Dose. 3 grs. 1 to 2 ,5 grs. 1 to 2 BLENNORRHAGIC (Dr. Bond). f Terebinth Alb., 2 grs. * J Ext. Humuli, 1 gr. I ] Camph. Monobr., 1 44 f l Res. Podophylli, 1-8 “ J CAFFEIN^E CITRATIS CAUCII SULPHID 1 to 2 1 to 5 .1-10 “ 1 to 4 ..1-8 “ 1 to 4 . 1-6 “ 1 to 4 ..1-4 44 1 to 3 ..1-2 44 1 to 3 ....1 44 1 to 2 1 ....3 44 1 CALISAYA ALKALOIDS. (See Quinine Pill List, page 100.) CALOMEL. (See Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit.) CALOMEL ET OPII. (See Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit. et Opii.) CALOMEL ET RHEI. (See Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit. et Rhei.) CAMPHORS ET IIYOSCYAMI. J Camphorae, 1 gr. ) | Ext. Hyoscyami, 1 “ f **' 1 to 2 CAMPHORS, HYOSCYAMI ET VALERIANS. ( Camphorae, 1 gr . ) •{ Ext. Hyoscyami, 1 “ V 1 to 2 ( Ext. Valerian ag, 1-2 “ ) CAMPHORS MONOBROMAT 2 grs. 1 to 2 “ “ 3 “ 1 to 2 “ 41 ... 5 “ 1 CAMPHORS, OPII ET HYOSCYAMI. ( Camphorae, 1 gr. ) K Pulv. Opii, 1-2 “ >■ 1 ( Ext. Hyoscyami, 1 “ ) GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. 79 CAMPHORS, OPII ET PLUMBI ACET. Dose. ( Camphorae, 1 gr. ) -j Opii, 1 “ >• 1 to 2 ( Plumbi Acet. 1- “ ) CANNABIS INDICJE. (See Ext. Cannabis Indica.) CARMINATIVE. (See Anti-Dyspeptic, Fothergill’s.) CASCARA COMP. (D’Ary’s). ' Ext. Case. Sagr., 4-15 gr. ] Ext. Nucis Vomicae, 1-30 “ Ext, Belladonnae, 1-60 “ ! Euonymin, 1-5 “ f Xanthoxyllin, 4-15 “ . Oleores. Capsici, 1-20 “ J CASCARAE SAGRADAE. (See Ext. Cascarae Sagr.) CASCARAE SAGKADAE ET NLTCIS VOMICiE. Ext. Cascarae Sagr., 2 gr. Ext. Nucis Vomicae, 1-5 “ CASCARJE SAGRADJE, NUCIS VOM. ET BELLAD. Extr. Cascarae Sagradae, 2 grs. Extr. Nucis Vomicae, 1-8 gr. Extr. Belladonnae, 1-16 “ 1 to 2 1 to 2 CATHARTIC. COMP. (Cholagogue). f Bes. Podophylli, 1-2 gr. 1 Pil. Hydrarg., 1-4 “ i Ext. Hyoscyami, 1-8 “ }■ 1 to 2 Ext. Nuc. Vom., 1-16 “ l Oleores. Capsici, 1-8 gtt. J CATHARTIC. COMP., IMPROVED. ' Ext. Coloc. Comp., 1 gr. ' Ext. Jalapae, 1-2 “ Res. Podophylli, 1-4 “ - Res. Leptandrae, 1-2 “ — Ext. Hyoscyami, 1-4 “ Ext. Gentianae, 1-2 “ l 01. Menth. Pip., J 1 to 3 CATHARTIC. COMP. (Improved Mass.) 1-2 gr. 1 to 6 CATHARTIC. COMP. (Mild Vegetable). ' Jalapin, 4 parts.' Leptandrin, 4 Podophyllin, 16 Aloin, 8 Powd. Gamboge, 2 Capsicum, 1 „ Ext. Henbane, 8 . 1-2 gr. 2 to 4 80 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAK-COATED PILLS. CATHARTIC. COMP. (U. S. Ph.) Dose. PExtr. Coloc. Comp., 1 3-10 grs. ) J Extr. Jalapae, 1 “ ! | Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit., 1 “ ( 1. Pulv. Gambogiae, 1-4 “ J 1 to 3 CATHARTIC. COMP. (U. S. P. Mass.) 1-2 gr. 1 to 6 CATHARTIC. COMP. (Vegetable). f Res. Podophylli, 1-4 grO Res. Scammon., 1-3 “ I J Extr. Coloc., 1-3 “ 1 ] Pulv. Aloes Soc., 11-4“ [ “ Saponis, 1-3 “ | l “ Cardamomi, 1-9 “ J 1 to 3 CAULOPHYLLIN (Resinoid) 1-10 gr. CERII OXALAT 1 “ f ‘ “ 2 “ “ “ 3 “ 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 CHAPMAN’S DINNER PILES. (See Dinner, Chapman’s.) CI1INOIDINI 1 gr. 2 to 4 “ 2 “ 1 to 2 “ 3 “ 1 to 2 CHINOIDINI COMP. ( Chinoidini, 2 grs. ) < Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1 gr. >• ( Pjperinae, 1-2 “ ) 1 to 2 CIMICIFUGIN (Resinoid) l-10gr. 2 to 4 “ “ 1 gr. 1 CINCHONIDINAE AND COMBINATIONS. (See Special List, page 100.) COCAINE MURIATE 1-10 gr. 1 COCCIA. f Pulv. Res. Scammonii, 1 gr. ) “ Soc. Aloes, 1 1-4 grs. | i “ Colocynth., 1-2 gr. ' r Potass. Sulph., 1-8 “ L 01 . Caryophylli, 1-8 gtt. J 1 to 2 CODEINAE 1-8 gr. 1 to 4 “ 1-4 gr. 1 to 3 “ 1-2 gr. 1 to 2 44 1 gr. COLE’S DINNER. (See Dinner, Cole’s.) 1 COLOC YNTHIDIS COMP. EXT. (U. S. Ph.). ..3 grs. 2 to 3 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. 81 COLOCYNTH. COMP. ET HYDRARGYRI. Dose. Ext. Coloc. Comp., 3 grs. I „ Mass. Hydrargyri, 2 44 \ ’ 1 to & COLOCYNTH., HYDRARG. ET IPECAC. I Ext. Coloc. Comp., 2 grs. ) ■< Pil. Hydrarg., 2 44 >■ 1 to 3 ( Pulv. Ipecac., 1-8 gr. ) COLOCYNTH. ET HYOSCYAMI. ( Ext. Coloc. Co., 2 1-3 grs. 1 44 Hyoscyami, 1 1-3 44 1 to 4 COLOCYNTH., NUCIS VOMICAE ET BELLADONNA. ( Ext. Coloc. Comp., 2 grs. ) ■< Ext. Nucis Vomicae, 1-2 gr. >■ — 1 to 2 ( Ext. Belladonnae, 1-2 44 ) CONII. (See Ext. Conii.) COOK’S. f Pulv. Aloes Soc., 1 gr. ) J “ Rhei, 1 “ I j Hydrar. Chlor. Mit., 1-2 gr. f { Sapon. Hispan., 1-2 44 J 2 to 4 COPAIB^E 4 grs. 2 to 4 COPAIBA ET OLEORES. CUBEBA, ( Pil. Copaibae, 3 grs. ) 1 Oleores. Cubebas, 1 gr. j 2 to 4 COPAIBA COMP. f Pil. Copaib., 1 1-2 grs. 1 J Resin. Guaiac., 3-8 “ [ j Eerri Cit., 3-8 44 f 1 Oleores. Cubeb., 5-8 44 j 2 to 3 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE. (See Hydrarg. Chlor. Corros.) DAMIANAE. (See Ext. Damianae.) DIAPHORETIC. f Morphinse Acet., 1-25 gr. 1 j Pv. Ipecac., 1-4 “ I 1 44 Potass. Nit., 1 44 j (. 44 Camphor ae, 1-4 44 J 1 to 2 DIGITALIN PUR. 1-60 gr. 1 to 2 DIGITALIS COMP. ( Pulv. Digitalis, 1 gr. ) ] “ Scillae, 1 44 V 1 to 2 ( Potass. Nit., 2 grs. ) 82 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. DINNER, CHAPMAN’S. Dose. ( Pulv. Aloes Soc., 1 gr. ) ■< “ Rhei opt., 1 “ [ 1 to 3 ( Res. Mastich., 1 “ ) DINNER, CORE’S. \ Mass. Hydrargyri, 1 1-5 grs. 1 ! Aloes Purific., 1 1-5 “ l ] Pulv. Jalapse, 1 1-5 “ f ( Ant. et Pot. Tart., 1-50 gr. j 1 to 3 DINNER, RADY WEBSTER’S (U. S. P.) (See Aloes et Mastich., U. S. P.) DIURETIC (I). ( Sapo. Hispan. Pulv., 2 grs. ) < Sodii Carb. Exsic., 2 “ J 1 to 2 ( 01. Baccae Junip., 1 gtt. ) DIURETIC (II). ( Extr. Buchu, ) < Potass. Nitr., aa 1 gr. > 1 to 2 ( Pulv. Scillas, 1-2 “ ) DUPUYTREN. ( Pulv. Guaiac.. 3 grs. ) ■< Hydg. Chlor. Corros., 1-10 gr. V 1 Pulv. Opii, 1-8 “ ) ECCOPROTIC. f Ext. Aloes Soc., 2 grs. 'I J Ext. Nuc. Vomicae, 1-5 gr. ! | Res. Podophylli, 3-10 “ f L 01. Caryophylli, 1-10 u J 1 to 2 ERATERII (Clutterbuck’s) 1-10 gr. 1 to 2 “ “ 1-8 “ 1 to 2 ELATERIN. ARB 1-20 “ 1 to 2 EMMENAGOGUE (I). I Ergotin, 1 gr. ) Ext. Hellebor. Nig., 1 “ Aloes Soc., 1 “ 1 to 2 Ferri Sul. Exs., 1 “ 01. Sabinae, 1-2 “ J EMMENAGOGUE (II). f Ergotin, 1 gr. ) I Ext. Gossypii Herb., 1 “ i Pulv. Aloes Soc., 1 “ 1 to 2 Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1 “ | t 01. Sabinae, 1-2 “ J GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. 83 EMMENAGOGUE (Mutter’s). Dose. ( Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1 1-2 gr. ) 1 to 3 ! Terebinth. Venet., 1 1-2 “ ) ERGOTIN 1-1 gr. 2 to 4 it .1-2 “ 2 to 4 it ...1 “ 1 to 2 it 1 to 2 it .. 3 “ 1 it .. 5 “ 1 ERGOTIN ET ALOIN. Ergotin, 1 gr. Aloin, 1-5 “ ) 1 to 3 ERGOTIN COMP. ( Ergotin, 3 grs . ) Ext. Cannabis Tndie., 1-6 gr. > ..... 1 ( Strychninae, 1-60 “ ) EUONYMIN 1 EXTRACT. BELLADONNAE 1-8 gr. 1 to 4 it “ 1-4 “ 1 to 3 it it .1-2 “ 1 to 2 CANNABIS INDICAE .1-4 “ 2 to 4 it it it .1-2 “ 1 to 2 it CASCARAE SAGRADAE.... ...1 “ 1 to 4 it u u 1 to 3 u n 1 to 2 COCAE 1 to 3 “ 1 to 2 U CONII 1 to 2 it DAMIANAE 1 to 3 it EUCALYPTI GLOBULI ...2 “ 2 to 4 GRINDELIAE ROBUSTAE ...3 “ 1 to 3 it GUARANAE ...3 “ 1 to 2 it HYOSCYAMI 1-2 gr. 1 to 3 it “ 1 to 2 it IGNATIAE AMAR 1-4 “ 1 to 4 it JABORANDI 1 to 3 NUCIS VOMICAE . 1-8 gr. 1 to 4 it u a .1-4 “ 1 to 4 it a n .1-2 “ 1 to 2 it TARAXACI .. 3 to 5 it VALERIANAE ...2 “ 1 to 3 1 to 2 44 VIBURNI PRUNIFOLII ...3 “ 84 GELATIN-COATED AND STJGAR-COATPU) PILLS. FEL. BOVINI. j Fel. Bovini, 2 grs. [ ( Pulv. Zingiberis Jam., 1 gr. J FEMALE, AMENORRHOEA. f Ext. Cimicifugae, 1 gr. 'j J Eerri Sulph. Exsic., 1 “ j Ext. Gossypii, l “ f * ’ [ Aloes Purif., 1 “ J FERRI (Quevenne’s) 1 gr. “ “ 2 grs. “ “ 3 grs. “ * ARSENI ATIS 1-20 gr. “ “ 1-8 gr. “ “ 1-4 gr. “ CARB. (Vallet’s) (U. S. Ph.) 2 grs. “ “ “ “ 3 grs. “ “ “ “ 5 grs. “ CITRAT 2 grs. FERRI COMP. (U. S. Ph.) ( Pulv. Myrrhae, 1 1-2 grs. ■< Sodii Carb., 3-4 gr. ( Ferri Sulph., 3-4 “ FERRI FERROCYANID 3 grs. “ IODIDI (U. S. P.) 1 gr. “ “ 2 grs. “ LACTAT 1 gr. “ PYROPHOS 1 gr. “ VALER 1 gr. FERRI, QUASSIAE ET NUCIS VOMICAE. r Ferri Beducti, 1 1-2 grs. 'j J Ext. Quassiae, 1 gr. [ | “ Nuc.Yom., 1-4 gr. \ [ Pulv. Saponis, 1-2 gr. J FERRI ET STRYCHNINAE. j Strychninee, 1-60 gr. | j Ferri Ueducti, 2 grs. j FERRI ET STRYCHNINAE CIT. ( Strych. Cit., 1-50 gr. 1 Ferri Cit., 1 “ FERRI SULPH. EXS 2 grs. FERRUGINOUS. (See Blaud’s.) Dose. 1 to 3 1 to 3 1 to 4 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 1 to 4 1 to 3 1 to 2 1 to 2 2 to 4 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 1 to 2 2 to 4 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 3 1 to 2 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. 85 GALBANI COMP. (U. S. P.) Dose. ( Galbani, 1 1-2 grs. ) < Pv. Myrrh., 11-2“ V 2 to 5 ( Asatcet., 1-2 gr. ) GAMBOGIAE COMP. * ' Pulv. Gambogiae, 1-2 gr. ] “ Aloes Socot., 3-4 “ ! “ Zingib. Jam., 1-4 “ [ " 2 to 5 “ Saponis, 1 “ J GELSEMIN (Resinoid) 1-16 gr. 2 to 4 “ “ 1 to 2 “ it 1 to 2 GENTIANAE COMP. ( Ext. Gentianas, 2-3 gr. ) < Pv. Aloes Soc., 2 grs. >- 2 to 4 ( 01. Carui, 1-5 gr. ) GLONOIN. (See Nitroglycerin.) GOLD CHLORIDE. (See Auri Chloridi.) GONORRHCEAE (I). f Pulv. Cubebae, 2 grs. 1 J Balsam Copaib. Solid, 1 gr. | J Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1-2 gr. | [Terebinth. Venet., 1 1-2 grs. J 1 to 3 GONORRHCEAE (II). f Pulv. Cubebae, 1 1-4 grs. 1 J Bals. Copaib. Solid, 1 1-4 “ l j Ferri Sulph., 1-4 gr. J [ Terebinth. Yenet., 1-4 “ J 1 to 3 GUAR AN AE. (See Ext. Guaranae.) HEADACHE. { Pepsinae Lactat., 1 gr. Guaranae, 1-2 “ Sodii Bicarb., 1 “ Cypripedin, 1-2 “ 2 to 4 HELONIN (Resinoid) 1-10 gr. 1 to 2 HEPATICAE. ( Pil. Hydrarg., 3 grs. ) < Ext. Coloc. Comp., 1 gr. >• 2 to 4 ( “ Hyoscyami, 1 “ j GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. HOOPER (Female Pills). f Pulv. Saponis, 1-8 gr. 1 44 Aloes Soc., l 44 ! Ext. Helleb. Nig., 1-4 ' 4 1 - Ferri Sulph. Exs., 1-2 44 y Res. Myrrhae, 1-4 44 I Pulv. Zingib. Jam., 1-8 44 44 Canellae, 1-8 44 j HYDRARGYRI. ..1 gr. • 2 grs. 3 grs. 5 grs. HYDRARGYRI COMP. ( Mass. Hydrarg., 1 gr. ) < Pulv. Opii, 1-2 44 ( 44 Ipecac., 1-4 44 ) HYDRARGYRI COMP. (McGuire s), f Pulv. Aloes Soc., I 44 Rhei opt., Ext. Coloc. Comp., . Mass. Hydrarg., aa 1 gr. 1 : MIT. HYDRARGYRI CHLOR. MIT. ET OPII. j Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit., 2 grs. \ ( Opii, 1 gr. f ‘ HYDRARGYRI CHLOR. MIT. ET RHEI. Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit., 1-3 gr. ' Ext. Rhei, 1-2 *' 44 Coloc. Co., 1-2 ‘ 44 Hyoscyami, 1-6 ‘ Dose. 1 to 3 2 to 4 2 to 4 1 to 3 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 3 . 1-60 gr. 1 to 4 .1-50 44 1 to 4 .1-40 44 1 to 4 .1-30 44 1 to 3 .1-20 44 1 to 2 .1-16 44 1 to 2 1-12 44 1 . 1-8 * 4 1 .1-4 44 1 to 3 1-2 44 1 to 3 ... 1 44 1 to 3 1 to 3 .. 3 44 1 to 3 .. 4 44 1 to 2 ... 5 44 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 3 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. 87 HYDRARGTRI, COEOCYNTHIDIS ET HYOSCYAMI (Dr. B. B. Browne). ( Mass. Hydrargyri, 3 grs. ) ■< Ext. Colocynth. Comp., 2 ‘ ( Ext. Hyoscyami, 1 4 HYDRARGYRI ET EERRI. j Mass. Hydrargyri, 2 grs. ) ( Ferri Sulph. Exs., 1 “ j * HYDRARGYRI IODIDI RUB. HYDRARGYRI IOD. ET OPII (Ricord’s). j Hydrarg. Iodid. Vir., 1 gr. ) 1 Pulv. Opii, 1-3 44 f HYDRARGYRI SAEICYEICI 1-4 gr. HYDRARGYRI TANNICUBI OXYDUEATUM (Mercury Tannate) • 1 gr. HYDRASTIN (Resinoid) 1-2 gr. HYOSCYAMI. (See Ext. Hyoscyami.) HYOSCYAMINAE (Pure Cryst. Alkaloid) .. 1-200 gr. 44 44 44 44 .. 1-100 gr. 44 44 44 44 . . . 1-50 gr. HYPOPHOS. COMP. Calcii Hypophos., Sodii 4 ' Potassii 4 Ferri 4 , 1 gr. ] 3-4 44 I 1-2 4 r • 1-4 44 J IGNATIAE AMARAE. (See Extr. Ignatiae Am.) IODOFORMI 1 gr. IODOFORMI ET FERRI. j Iodoformi, 1 gr. ) } Ferri Reducti, 1 gr. j Dose. 1 to 2 1 to 2 . 1-25 gr. 1 to 2 .1-16 44 1 to 2 1-8 44 1 to 2 1-4 44 1 ..1-8 44 1 to 4 ..1-6 44 1 to 4 ..1-5 44 1 to 3 ..1-4 44 1 to 3 ..1-3 44 1 to 2 1 to 2 ...1 44 1 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 1 to 3 1 to 3 1 to 2 1 1 to 3 1 to 3 1 to 2 88 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAK-COATED PILLS. IODOFORMI, FERRI ET NUCIS VOMICAE. Dose. ( Iodoformi, 1 gr. ) Ferri Reducti, 1 “ y 1 to 2 ( Ext. Nuc. Vomicae, 1-4 44 ) 1 to 4 1 to 3 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 IPECAC. ET OPII (1). Pulv. Ipecac., 1-4 gr. I Equal to 2 1-2 grs. 44 Opii, 1-4 44 f Dover’s Powder... 1 to 4 IPECACUANHAE 1-8 gr. 1-4 gr. 1-2 gr. “ .-lgT- “ 2 grs. IPECAC. ET OPII (II). j Pulv. Ipecac., 1-2 gr. ) Equal to 5 grs. Dover’s \ 44 Opii, 1-2 44 J Powder 1 to 2 IPECAC. ET OPII (III). j Pulv. Ipecac., 1 gr. ) Equal to 10 grs. Dover’s j “ Opii, 1 44 j Powder 1 IPECAC. ET SCIIXAE (Br. Ph.) Pulv. Ipecac., 3 grs. 44 Scillae, “ Ammoniaci, aa 1 gr. Theriacae, q. s. IRISIN COMP. ( Irisin, 1-4 gr. ) ■< Podophyllin, 1-10 “ V 1 to 2 ( Strychninae, 1-40 44 ) JABORANDI. (See Ext. Jaborandi.) LADY WEBSTER DINNER. (See Dinner, Lady Webster.) 1 to 3 LAPACTICAE (S. & D.’s). (Lapactic Pills.) f Aloin, 1-4 gr. Strychninae, 1-60 Ext. Belladon., 1-8 . Ipecacuanhae, 1-16 !'l 1 to 2 A combination introduced by us and found in practice to possess superior advantages over other similar formulae. The well-known mild action of Aloin on the lower portion of the intestinal canal, and its power of stimulating the hepatic functions (Rutherford & Vignal), is supplemented by the action of Ipecac as a stomachic tonic and by in- creasing tlje gastric secretions (Bartholow) ; the Belladonna GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. 89 acts specially upon the involuntary muscular fibres of the bowels, increasing peristalsis, diminishing the harshness and at the same time increasing the effectiveness of the laxative. The general tonic effect of Strychnine upon the stomach and bowels and its direct action upon the sympathetic make it a valuable addition in the permanent cure of habitual con- stipation and atonic dyspepsia. This brief statement of the physiological action of the in- gredients of these pills is amply borne out by practical experience. They have been found to act most kindly and effectively by thousands of practitioners. So remarkable and uniform has been the efficacy of these pills, that we feel assured that they will continue to sustain the high reputa- tion now established. They recommend themselves to the patient by their minute size and their tastelessness, being coated with gelatin or with pure sugar, while they are perfectly soluble. We guarantee the quality of the ingredients and their proper subdivision, and can safely recommend the Lapactic Pills as an efficient agent. Since we first called attention to our Lapactic Pills — some four years ago — publishing the composition of the same, a number of manufacturers have adopted the same formula and have furnished these pills under the same name. Should Physicians fail to obtain satis- factory results from Lapactic Pills not of our make (and we have received a large number of such com- plaints from physicians by letter), we shall be glad to furnish a sample of our Lapactic Pills on application. We feel confident that they will fully substantiate our claims. Please use the term “LAPACTIC PILLS, S. & D.’s,” when prescribing these pills. Dose One to two pills on going to bed. LAXATIVE. Dose. LAXATIVE (Cole’s). 1 to 2 90 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. LAXATIVE (SPECIAL). Dose. f Extr. Coloc. Comp. Pulv., 1 &-3 grs. 1 “ Hyoscyami, 1 1-4 “ ] Pulv. Aloes Socotr., 5-6 gr. 1 Extr. Nucis Vomicae, 5-12 “ , r Res. Podophylli, 1-12 “ . Pulv. Ipecacuanhae, 1-12 “ J 1 to 2 LEPTANDRIN (Resinoid) 1-8 gr. 1 to 4 u 1 to 3 4 44 1 to 2 i 44 1 to 2 LEPTAN. COMP. Leptandrin, 1 gr. ) * Irisin, 1-4 “ >*. 1 to 2 Podophyllin, 1-8 “ ) LIVER GRANULES. ' Aloin, 1-10 gr. 'j Res. Jalapae, 1-10 “ | “ Podophylli, 1-10 “ i 1 to 3 uxtr. Hyoscyami, l-iu ” “ Nucis Vomicae, 1-20 “ . Oleores. Capsici, 1-25 “ ! j LIVER , VEGETABLE. Pulv. Aloes Socotr., 1 gr. ' “ Res. Podophylli, 1-4 “ “ “ Jalapae, 1-4 “ “ Gambogiae, 1-4 “ “ EyI. Nunis Vnm.. l-1fi “ 2 to 4 Ext. Taraxaci, 1-8 Pulv. Saponis, 1-8 “ Capsici, 1-8 . Ext. Hyoscyami, 1-8 44 44 LIVER , VEGETABLE, IMPROVED. ' Aloes Socotr., 1 gr. Pulv. Jalapae, 1 “ “ Gambogiae, 1-8 “ Res. Leptandrae, 1-8 “ “ Podophylli, 1-8 “ 01. Capsici, 1-48 gtt. ^ Tinct. Veratr. Vir., 1-4 “ „ 2 to 4 LUPULIN 2 to 3 MANGANESE BINOXLDE 1 to 2 “ 1 44 3 “ 1 MERCURY, IODIDE, GREEN (Proto-Iodide). (See Hydrargyri Iod. Vir.) MERCURY, IODIDE, RED (Bin-Iodide). (See Hydrargyri Iod. Rub.) GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. 91 Dose. METALLIC AND BITTER. (See Quinine Pill List, page 101.) MORPHINAE ACETATIS 1-8 gr. 1 to 2 4 44 1-4 44 1 to 2 1 MURIATIS .. 1-8 44 1 to 2 4 SULPHATIS 1-20 44 1 to 4 1-16 44 1 to 3 4 44 1-10 44 1 to 3 1 to 2 44 1 to 2 4 44 1 to 2 4 44 1-2 44 1 4 VALERI ANATIS 1-8 44 1 to 2 4 44 1-4 44 1 to 2 MORPHINAE ET ATROPINAE (I). J Morphinae Sulph., 1-8 gr. j 1 to 2 Atropinae, 1-100 “ j MORPHINAE ET ATROPINAE (II). { Morphinae Sulph., 1-8 gr. | 1 Atropinae, 1-60 “ j 1 to 2 MORPHINAE ET ATROPINAE (III). J Morphinae Sulph., 1-8 gr. j ! Atropinae, 1-30 4 4 j 1 1 MORPHINAE ET BELLADONNAE (I). J 1 Morphinae Sulph., 1-6 gr. j ! Ext. Belladonnae, 1-8 44 j L 1 to 2 i r * ■ MORPHINAE ET BELLADONNAE (II). J \ Morphinae Sulph., 1-4 gr. i [ Ext. Belladonnae, 1-4 44 ] L 1 to 2 i 1 MORPHINAE COMP. ( Morph. Sulph., 1-4 gr. ) ( A . et Potass. Tart., 1-4 44 >■ 1 i ( Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit., 1-4 44 ) NEURALGIC (Brown-Sequard). ' Ext. Hyoscyami, 2-3 gr. ' 44 Conii, 2-3 44 ‘ 4 Ignat. Am., 1-2 44 44 Opii, 1-2 “ 44 Aconiti, 1-3 44 !■ 1 44 Cannab. Ind., 1-4 44 44 Stramon., 1-5 44 l 44 Bellad., i-6 44 NEURALGIC (B.-S.), 1-2 strength. , 1 92 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. NEURALGIC (Dr. Gross’s). (See Quinine Pill List, Dose. page 101.) NITROGLYCERIN 1 to 2 “ .1-100 “ 1 to 2 “ 1 NUCIS VOMICAE. (See Extr. Nucis Vomicae.) OLEORES. CUBEBAE ET SODII. ( Oleores. Cubebae, 1 gr. ) 1 to 2 { Sodii Bicarb., 1-8 44 r OPII PULV 1 to 4 n u 1-2 “ 1 to 3 OPII (U. S. P.) 1 gr. 1 to 2 OPII ET BISMUTHI. \ Pulv. Opii, 1-2 gr. 1 L 1 to 2 j Bism. Subnitr., 2 grs. j r OPII ET CAMPHORAE (I). j Pulv. Opii, 1 gr. \ 1 to 2 ( Camphorae, 2 grs. ) OPII ET CAMPHORAE (II). j Pulv. Opii, 1-2 gr. ( 1 to 2 / Camphorae, 2 grs. J OPII, CAMPHORAE ET ACIDI TANNICI. ( Pulv. Opii, 1-4 gr. j i •< Camphorae, 1 “ y 1 to 2 ( Acid. Tannici, 2 grs. ] OPII ET PLUMBI ACET. 1 j Pulv. Opii, 1-2 gr. l 1 to 2 | Plumbi Acet., 1 1-2 grs • f OX GALL. (See Fel. Bovini.) PEPSINAE SACCH. (U. S. P.) ....5 grs. 1 to 3 PEPSINAE ET BISMUTHI. j Pepsinae Sacch. (U. S. P.), 2 grs. ) 2 to 3 ( Bismuthi Subnitr., 3 “ J PEPSINAE, BISMUTHI ET STRYCHNINAE. ( Pepsinae Sacch. (U. S. P.), 2 1-2 grs. ) 1 to 2 ■< Bismuthi SuDnitr., 21-2 “ V ( Strychninae, 1-60 gr. ) PETROLEI 2 to 6 PHENACETIN (Bayer) 1 to 3 41 41 1 to 2 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. PHENACETIN ET SALOL. j Phenacetin, 2 1-2 grs. I iSalol, 21-2 “ .f *’ t PHOSPHORI (U. S. P.) 1-100 gr. “ 1-50 “ “ 1-25 “ PHOSPHORI, ALOES ET NUO. TOWICAE. ( Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) •< Ext. Aloes Aq., 1-2 kt y ( “ Nuc. Vom., 1-4 “ ) PHOSPHORI ET CANNABIS INOICAE. j Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) ( Ext. Cannab. Ind., 1-4 “ j PHOSPHORI ET CANTHARIDIS COMP. ( Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) •< Pv. Nuc. Yom., 1 “ V ( Sol. Cantharidis Con., lm, ] PHOSPHORI COMP. (I). j Phosphori, 1-100 gr. ) | Ext. Nuc. Yomicae, 1-4 “ f PHOSPHORI COMP. (II). j Phosphori, 1-50 gr. I ( Ext. Nuc. Yomicae, 1-4 “ f PHOSPHORI COMP. (III). Phosphori, Ext. Nuc. Yomicae, 1-50 gr. I 1-8 “ f PHOSPHORI COMP. ET FERRI. ( Phosphori, 1-100 gr. ) ■< Eerri Pyrophos., 1-2 “ y , ( Ext. Nucis Yom., 1-8 “ J PHOSPHORI ET DIGITALIS COMP. ( Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) •j Pv. Digitalis, 1 “ V ( Ext. Hyoscyami, 1 “ ) PHOSPHORI, DIGITALIS ET FERRI. ( Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) •< Pv. Digitalis, 1 “ y ( Eerri Reduct., 1 “ ) PHOSPHORI ET EXT. ACONITI. j Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) ( Ext. Aconiti, 1-16 “ f 93 Dose. 1 to 2 1 to 4 1 to 3 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 w 1 to 2 94 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. PHOSPHORI ET EXT. BELLADONNAE. Dose. Phosphori, 1-100 gr. ) Ext. Belladonnae, 1-8 “ f 1 to 2 PHOSPHORI ET EXT. NUCIS VOMICAE. Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) Ext. Nuc. Vomicae, 1-8 “ f 1 to 2 PHOSPHORI, EXT. NUC. VOM. ET EXT. DAMIANAE. ( Phosphori, 1-100 gr. ) •< Ext. Nuc. Vom., 1-8 V 1 to 2 ( Ext. Damianae, 2 grs. ) PHOSPHORI ET FERRI (I). j Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) I Eerri Reducti, 1 “ f 1 to 2 PHOSPHORI ET FERRI (II). j Phosphori, 1-100 gr. ( j Eerri Reducti, 1 “ ) 1 to 2 PHOSPHORI ET FERRI (III). j Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) j Eerri Reducti, 2 grs. ) ' 1 to 2 PHOSPHORI, FERRI ET NUC. VOMICAE (I). ( Phosphori, 1-100 gr. ) •< Ferri Carb. (Vallet’s), 1 “ [ 3 to 4 ( Ext. Nuc. Vomicae, 1-4 “ ) PHOSPHORI, FERRI ET NUC. VOMICAE (II). ( Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) < Ferri Carb. (Vallet’s), 1 “ [ i to 2 ( Ext. Nuc. Vomicae, 1-4 “ ) PHOSPHORI, FERRI ET STRYCHNINAE. ( Phosphori, 1-100 gr. ) ] Ferri Carb. (Vallet’s), 1 “ [ 1 to 3 ( Strychninae, 1-60 “ ) PHOSPHORI, MORPHINAE ET ZINCI VALER. ( Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) ■l Morphinae Sul., 1-12 “V 1 to 2 ( Zinci Valer., 1 “ ) PHOSPHORI, OPII ET DIGITALIS. f Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) ^ J Pv. Digitalis, 1-2 “I i 9 1 “ Ipecac., 1-4 “ f 1 to 2 L “ Opii, 1-4 “ J GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. PHOSPHORI ET STRYCHNINAE. j Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) | Strychninae, 1-60 “ J PHOSPHORI ET ZINCI COMP. ( Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) ■< Zinci Sulph., 1 ( Lupulinae, 1 PHOSPHORI, ZINCI ET VALERIANAE. ( Phosphori, 1-40 gr. ) < Zinci Sulph., 1 ( Ext. Valerianae, 2 PICROTOXIN 1-80 gr “ 1-60 gr, PILOCARPINE MURIAT 1-8 gr, PLUMMER’S. (See Pil. Antimonii Comp.) PODOPHYLLIN (Res. Podophylli, U. S. P.). .1-10 gr. PODOPHYLLIN ET BELLAD. Res. Podophylli, 1-4 gr. Ext. Bellad., 1-8 “ Oleores. Capsici, 1-4 “ Sacchar. Lact., 1 “ PODOPHYLLIN COMP. (I). Res. Podophylli, 1-2 gr. Ext. Hyoscyami, 1-8 “ “ Nuc. Vomicae, 1-16 “ PODOPHYLLIN COMP. (II). f Res. Podophylli, 1-4 gr. ! Ext. Hyoscyami, 1-4 “ 1 “ Coloc. Comp., 1 “ { Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit., 1 “ j PODOPHYLLIN COMP. (Eclectic), f Podophyllin, 1-8 gr. 1 Leptandrin, 1-16 “ | i Juglandin, 1-16 “ 1- ... I Macrotin, 1-32 “ | L Oleores. Capsici, 1-32 “ J PODOPHYLLIN COMP. (Dr. Janeway’s), Res. Podophylli, 1-2 gr. 1 Pulv. Aloes Soc., 1 “ | Ext. Bellad. Fol., 1-4 “ } “ Nucis Vom., 1-4 “ J Dose. 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 1 P.)..l-10 gr. 1 to 5 . ..1-8 gr. 1 to 5 . ...1-4 gr. 1 to 3 — 1-2 gr. 1 to 2 1 gr. 1 1 to 3 1 to 2 2 to 4 9G GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. PODOPHYLLIN ET HYDRARG, (I). J Res. Podophylli, 1-4 gr. | 1 Pil. Hydrarg., 2 grs. f Dose. 2 to 4 PODOPHYLLIN ET HYDRARG. (II). j Res. Podophylli, 1-2 gr. ) ( Pil. Hydrarg., 2 1-2 grs. f 1 to 3 PODOPHYLLIN ET HYOSCYAMI. j Res. Podophylli, [ 1 Ext. Hyoscyami, aa 1-2 gr. ) 1 to 2 PODOPHYLLIN ET LEPTANDRIN. j Res. Podophylli, 1-2 gr. I ( “ Leptandrae, 1 “ ) 1 POST-PARTUM (Dr. Fordyce Barker), f Extr. Coloc. Comp., 1 1-2 gr. ) Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit., 1 1-2 “ J Extr. Hyoscyami, 1-3 “ I j “ Nucis Vomicae, 1-6 “ f I Pulv. Aloes, 1-6 “ | l “ Ipecac., 1-6 “ J 1 to 2 POTASS. BROMID 1 gr. 1 to 6 “ “ 5 grs. 1 to 6 “ IODID 2 grs. 1 to 3 “ PERMANG 1-8 gr. 1 to 4 “ “ 1-4 gr. 1 to 3 “ “ 1-2 gr. 1 to 3 “ “ 1 gr. 1 to 2 2 grs. 1 to 2 “ 3 grs. 1 5 grs. 1 QUININAE AND COMBINATIONS. (See Quinine Pill List, page 100.) CtUINQUINIAE COMP. (Dr. Hann). f Quinquiniae, 8 grs. J Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1 1-5 “ 1 Acidi Arseniosi, 1-60 gr. I Extr. Digitalis, 1-4 “ QUINQUINIAE COMP. (Dr. Hann), one-half strength, f Quinquiniae, 4 grs. 1 j Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 3-5 gr. [ . . 0 I Acidi Arseniosi, 1-120 “ f i to a l Extr. Digitalis, 1-8 “ J RHEI (U. S. Ph.) j Pulv. Rhei, 3 grs. I 1 “ Saponis, 1 gr. j 1 to 3 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. ,97 RHEI COMP. (U. S. Ph.) f Pulv. Rhei, 2 grs. 1 I 44 Aloes Socot., 1-2 44 I 1 Myrrhae, 1 gr. j [ 01. Menth. Pip., 1-10 44 J RHEI ET FERRI. j Pulv. Rhei, 2 grs. I | Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1 gr. f * * " RHEI ET HYDRARG. ( Pulv. Rhei, 1 gr. ) •s Mass. Hydrarg., 2 grs. > ( Sodii Carb. Exs., 1-2 gr. ) Dose. 1 to 3 1 to 3 2 to 3 RHEUMATIC. f Ext. Coloc. Co., 1 1-2 grs. ) J 44 Colchici Acet., 1 gr. 1 , 0 I 44 Hyoscyami, 1-3 44 f 1 to 3 [ Hyd. Chlor. Mit., 1-3 44 J RHEUMATIC (Loesch). ( Sodii Salicyl., 3 grs. ) < Ext. Colchici Sem., 1-2 gr. v 1 to 2 ( Ext. Phytolaccae, 1-2 44 J SAUOL. 2 1-2 grs. 1 to 2 “ 5 44 1 SARICIN 21-2 grs. 1 to 4 “ 5 44 1 to 2 SAL.INE AND CHALYBEATE TONIC (Flint’s). Sodii Chlorid., 3 grs. Potass. Chlorid., 3-20 gr. 44 Sulph, 1-10 44 44 Carb., 1-20 44 Sodii Carb., 3-5 44 Magnes. Carb., 1-20 44 Calcii Phos. Praecip., , 1-2 44 44 Carb. 44 1-20 44 Ferri Reducti, 9-20 44 44 Carb. (Val.), 1-20 44 1 to 2 SANDAL WOOD COMPOUND. ( 01. Santali, 1 gr. ) i Copaibae, 1 44 > 1 to 3 ( Ext. Cubebae, 1 44 ) SANTONINI 1 gr. lto3 SANTONINI ET HYDRARG. CHLOR. MIT. j Santonini, 1-2 gr. ) | Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit., 1-2 44 j 1 to 3 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. 98 SCILLAE COMP. (U. S. Ph.) f Pulv. Scillae, 1-2 gr. 1 J “ Zingib. Jamaica, l [ i Ammoniaci, 1 “ f t Pulv. Saponis, 1 1-2 “ J SEDATIVE. f Ext. Sumbul, 1-2 gr. ] J “ Valerianae, 1-2 “ ! | “ Hyoscyami, 1-2 “ f ( “ Cannab. Ind., 1-10 “ J SENECIN 1-8 gr. SILVER NITRATE 1-4 gr. SILVER NITRATE AND OPIUM. j Silver Nitrate, 1-4 gr. ) 1 Opium, 1 “ f SILVER IODIDE 1-4 gr. SILVER OXIDE 1-4 gr. STOMACHICAE (Lady Webster). (See Dinner, Lady Webster.) STROPHANTHI SEM. (equ’l to 1 min. Tine.) 1-20 gr. “ “ “ to 5 min. “ 1-4 “ STRYCHNINAE 1-200 gr. ..1-60 “ ..1-50 “ ..1-48 “ .1-40 “ .1-32 “ ..1-30 “ ..1-20 “ ..1-16 “ - 1-10 “ STRYCHNINAE SULPHATIS. Sizes and doses same as Strychninae. STRYCHNINAE COMP. f Strychninae, 1-100 gr. 1 j Phosphori, 1-100 “ | -{ Ext. Cannabis Ind., 1-16 “ j- Panacis, 1 “ I . [ Eerri Carb., 1 “ J SUMBUL COMP. f Ext. Sumbul, 1 gr. ) J Eerri Sulph. Exs., 1 “ ! 1 Asafoetidee, 2 grs. ( L Acidi Arseniosi, 1-40 gr. J Dose. 1 to 3 1 to 3 1 to 4 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 3 1 to 3 1 1 to 4 1 to 3 1 to 3 1 to 3 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 1 1 ' 1 to 2 1 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. iifl SYPHILITIC. j Potass. Iod., 2 1-2 grs. ) | Hyd. Chlor. Corros., 1-40 gr. f Dose. 1 to 2 TAKAXACI. (See Extr. Taraxaci.) TERPIN HYDRAT 2 grs. 1 to 2 “ “ 5 grs. 1 TONIC. f Ext. Gentianae, 1 gr. *1 | “ Humuli, 1-2 “ I Ferri Carb. Sacch., • 1-4 “ { ! t , | Ext. N uc. Vomicae, 1-20 u | Res. Podophylli, 1-25 “ [ Oleores. Zingiber, 1-10 gtt. J TONIC (Dr. Aiken’s). (See Quinine Pill List, page 105.) TRIPLEX. Aloes Socot., 2 grs. Mass. Hydrarg., 1 gr. Res. Podophylli, 1-4 “ TRIPLEX (Dr. Francis’), f Aloes, Scammonii, j Mass. Hydrargyri, ] 01. Tiglii, 01. Cari, [. Tinct. Aloes et Myrrhae, 1 1-5 gr. 11-5 “ 11-5 “ 1-20 m. 1-5 “ 1-4 u 2 to 4 1 to 4 VALERIANAE. (See Extr. Valerianae.) VERATRINAE SULPH 1-12 gr. 1 WARBURG’S TINCTURE. (See Quinine Pill List, p. 105.) ZINCI PHOSPHIDI 1-6 gr. 1 to 2 “ “ 1-4 gr. 1 to 2 “ “ 1-2 gr. 1 ZINCI PHOSPHIDI COMP. f Ferri Reducti, 1 gr. ) J Zinci Phosphidi, 1-10 “ ( , 9 | Ext. Nucis Vomicae, 1-4 “ , r llo<5 i. Cannabis Indie., 1-4 “ J ZINCI PHOSPHIDI ET EXT. NUCIS VOMICAE. (Dr. Hammond’s formula.) j Zinci Phosphidi, 1-8 gr. ( 1 Ext. Nuc. V^omicae, 1-4 “ j 1 to 2 ZINCI VALERI ANATIS 1 gr. 2 grs. 3 grs. 1 to 3 1 to 2 1 100 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. Gelatin-Coated and Sugar-Coated Fills OF QUININE, CINCHONIDINE AND THEIR COMBINATIONS. ANTI-MALARIAL. Dose. { Quininae Sulph., 2 grs. Cinchonidinae Sulph., 1 gr. Ferri Sulph. Exs., 1-2 “ Ac. Arseniosi, 1-20 “ ANTI-MALARIAL (McCaws 1 ). f Quininae Sulph., 1 gr, 1 Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1-4 “ Gelsemin, 1-4 “ Acidi Arseniosi, 1-80 “ Res. Podophylli., 1-8 “ Oleores. Pip. Nig., 1-16 “ ANTI-PERIODIC. f Cinchonidinae Sulph., lgr. 1 ! Res. Podophylli, 1-20 “ 1 J Strychninae Sul., 1-33 “ 1 ] Gelsemin, 1-20 “ r 1 to 2 j Ferri Sulph. Exs., 1-2 “ i t Oleores. Capsici, 1-10 gtt. J CADIS AY A ALKALOIDS..,. 1 to 2 CINCHONINAE SULPH... . 1 to 2 CINCHONIDINAE SADICYDATIS 1 gr. 1 to 3 “ “ 2 grs. 1 to 3 “ “ 2 1-2 grs. 1 to 3 3 grs. 1 to 2 “ “ 4 grs. 1 to 2 5 grs. 1 to 2 “ SULPH. 1 gr. 1 to 3 1 to 3 3 grs. 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. 101 Dose. CINCHO-QUININAE 1 gr. 1 to 4 “ “ 2 grs. 1 to 2 CINCHONA ALKALOIDS. (See Calisaya Alkaloids.) METALLIC AND BITTER PILE. Quininae Sulph., 2 grs. 1 Ferri (Quevenne’s), 12-3“ I Strychninae, 1-48 gr. f Acidi Arseniosi, 1-12 “ J MIASMATICAE (Dr. Boldt) (1). Res. Podophylli, 1-40 gr. ] Ext. Nucis Vomicae, 1-8 “ | “ Aconiti, 1-8 “ { ] Piperinae, 1 “ ( Acidi Arseniosi, 1-30 “ [ Quininae Sulph., 2 grs. J MIASMATICAE (Dr. Boldt) (II). f Ext. Nucis Vomicae, 1-8 gr. | “ Aconiti, 1-8 “ Piperinae, 1 “ | Acidi Arseniosi, 1-30 “ l Quininae Sulph., 2 grs. , NEURALGIC (Dr. Gross’). f Quininae Sulph., 2 grs. I Morphinae Sulph., 1-20 gr. -} Strychninae, 1-30 “ Acidi Arseniosi, 1-20 “ l Ext. Aconiti Fol., 1-2 “ NEURALGIC (Dr. Gross’), one-half strength. . “ “ “ without Morphine. . PHOSPHORI, FERRI ET QUININAE. ( Phosphori. 1-100 gr. ] K Ferri Carb. (Vallet’s), 1 ( Quininae Sulph., 00 gr. ) 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 1 to 2 PHOSPHORI, FERRI, QUININAE ET NUC. VOM. f Phosphori, 1-100 gr. ' J Ferri Carb. (Vallet’s), 1 ) Quininae Sulph^ 1 l Ext. Nuc. Vomicae, 1-8 1 to 2 PHOSPHORI, FERRI, QUININjE ET STRYCHNINjE. f Phosphori, 1-100 gr. J Ferri Reducti, 1 “ . i o 1 Quininae Sulph., 1 “ r 1 to 2 ( Strychninae, 1-60 1 102 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. PHOSPHORI ET QU1NINAE. j Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) 1 Quininae Sulph., 1 “ f Dose. 1 to 2 PHOSPHORI ET QUININAE COMP. f Phosphori, 1-50 gr . ) J Ferri Reducti, 1 “ I 1 Quininae Sulph., 1-2 “ [ t Strychninae, 1-60 “ J PHOSPHORI, QUININAE ET DIGITALIS COMP. 1 Phosphori, 1-50 gr. 1 Quininae Sulph., 1-2 “ Pv. Digitalis, 1-2 “ [ 1 to 2 Pv. Opii, 1-4 “ Pv. Ipecac., 1-4 “ J PHOSPHORI, QUININAE ET NUC. VOMICAE. ( Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) •< Quininae Sulph., 1 “ v 1 to 2 ( Ext. Nuc. Vom., 1-4 “ ) PHOSPHORI, QUININAE ET STRYCHNINAE. ( Phosphori, 1-50 gr. ) ■j Quininae Sulph., 1 “ V 1 to 2 ( Strychninae, 1-60 “ ) QUINIDINAE SULPH 1 gr. “ “ 2 grs. “ “ 3 “ QUININAE ET ACIDI ARSENIOSL j Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. ) ( Acidi Arseniosi, 1-30 “ f 1 to 4 1 to 3 1 to 2 1 to 2 QUININAE ET TINCT. ACONITI. j Quininae Sulph., 2 grs. ) ( Tinct. Aconiti, Fleming’s, 1 gtt. j QUININAE BROMID 1 gr. 1 to 3 “ “ ...2 grs. 1 to 2 “ “ 3 “ 1 to 2 MURIATIS 1 gr. 1 to 4 “ “ 2 grs. 1 to 3 “ 3 “ 1 to 2 QUININAE MUR. COMP. (Dr. Hann). f Quininae Mur., 5 grs. 1 j Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 2 ii (_ t I Extr. Digitalis, 1-4 gr. f L Acidi Arseniosi, 1-50 “ j QUININAE MUR. COMP. (Dr. Hann).. 1-2 strength 1 to 2 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. 103 Dose. QUININAE SAEICYEATIS V l&T. 1 to 4 44 1 to 3 u 44 21-2 “ 1 to 3 44 3 “ 1 to 3 fcfc 44 4 “ 1 to 2 44 5 “ 1 to 2 SULPH 1 to 4 1 to 4 44 1 « 1 to 4 44 1 to 3 “l 44 2 1-2 “ 1 to 3 1 to 3 “ 1 to 2 5 “ 1 to 2 BI-SULPH 1 to 4 “ 1 “ 1 to 4 “ 1 to 3 44 “ 1 to 3 44 4 1 to 2 1 to 2 « 44 VALERIANATIS 1 to 4 44 44 ....1 “ 1 to 2 44 44 1 QUININAE COMP. (I). ( Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. ) K Ferri Carb. (Vallet’s), 2 grs. >- 1 to 2 ( Acidi Arseniosi, 1-60 gr. ) QUININAE COMP. (II). ( Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. j •< Ferri Reducti, 1 “ 1 to 2 ( Acidi Arseniosi, 1-32 “ ) QUININAE COMP. (III). ( Quininae Sulph., 1 gr . ) -J Ferri Reducti, 1 “ >• 1 to 2 ( Acidi Arseniosi, 1-60 “ ) QUININAE C03IP. ET EXTR. TARAXACI. f Quininae Bi-Sulph., 1 1-4 grs. J Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 2 “ ) Acidi Arseniosi, 1-24 “ (. Ext. Taraxaci, 1 1-4 “ QUININAE ET CAPSICI (I). j Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. ( j Capsici. 1-4 “ ) 1 to 2 104 GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. QUININAE ET CAPSICI (II). Dose. j Quininae Sulph., 2 grs. [ , ( Capsici, 1-2 gr. \ 1 QUININAE ET EXT. BELLADONNAS. Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. Ext. Belladon., 1-2 “ 1 to 2 QUININAE ET FERRI. j Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. ) ( Eerri Reducti, 1 “ j 1 to 3 QUININAE ET FERRI CARR. j Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. ) | Eerri Carb. (Vallet’s), 2 grs. ) 1 to 3 QUININAE ET FERRI CIT 1 gr. 1 to 4 “ “ “ 2 grs. 1 to 3 “ “ “ ..3 “ 1 to 2 “ “ “ 5 “ 1 to 2 QUININAE, FERRI CIT. ET STRYCHNINAE. j Eerri et Quininae, Cit., 2 grs. ) . 0 \ Strychninae, 1-60 gr. ) ' 1 to & QUININAE ET FERRI VALER 2 grs. 1 to 2 QUININAE, FERRI ET NUC. VOM. ( Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. ) < Eerri Carb. (Vallet’s), 2 grs. v 1 to 2 ( Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-4 gr. ) QUININAE, FERRI ET STRYCHNINAE (I). ( Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. ) < Eerri Carb. (Vallet’s), 2 grs. > 1 to 3 (.Strych. Sulph., 1-60 gr. ) QUININAE, FERRI ET STRYCHNINAE (II). ( Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. ) < Eerri Reducti, 1 “ > 1 to 3 ( Strychninae, 1-60 “ ) QUININAE, FERRI ET STRYCH. PHOS. (I). ( Quininae Phos., 1 gr. ) •< Ferri “ 1 “ 1 to 2 ( Strych. “ 1-60 “ ) QUININAE, FERRI ET STRYCH. PHOS. (II). ( Quininae Phos., 2 grs. ) •< Eerri tk 1 gr. > 1 to 2 ( Strych. “ 1-60 “ ) GELATIN-COATED AND SUGAR-COATED PILLS. 105 Dose. QUININAE, FERRI ET STRYCHNINAE VALER. (Quin.Val., 1 gr. ) •< Ferri 44 1 “ > 1 to 2 ( Strychn. Val., 1-60 “ ) QUININAE, FERRI ET ZINCI VALERI AN AT. ( Quininae Valerianat., 1 gr. ) •< Ferri “ 1 44 > 1 to 2 (Zinci “ 1 “ ) QUININAE ET HYDRARG. ( Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. ) •< Mass. Hydrarg., 2 grs. >• 1 to 2 ( Oleores. Piper. Nig., 1-4 gr. ) QUININAE, IODOFORMI ET FERRI. j Iodoformi, 1 gr. ) ■< Ferri Carb, (Vallet’s), 2 grs. [ ( Quininae Sulph., 1-2 gr. ) QUININAE ET STRYCHNINAE. j Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. ) 1 Strychninae, 1-60 “ J 1 to 2 1 to 2 QUININAE ET STRYCHNINAE COMP. f Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. *1 J F erri Reducti, 1 1-2 44 I ] Strychninae, 1-20 44 f L Ac. Arseniosi, 1-20 44 J TONIC (Dr. Aiken’s) . { Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. Acidi Arseniosi, 1-50 44 Strychninae, 1-50 44 Ferri Reducti, 2-3 44 1 to 2 WARBURG’S TINCTURE (representing ) - , 9 one drachm each). j * i to 2 WARBURG’S TINCTURE (without Aloes) 1 to 2 10G PINK GRANULES— SUGAR-COATED. PINK GRANULES, SUGAR-COATED. Designed for the administration of medicines In doses for children, and for frequent repetition in case of adults. Dose. ACIDI ARSENIOSI 1-100 gr. 1 to 4 ACIDI SAL1CYLICI 1-10 gr. ACIDI TANNICI 1-20 gr. ACONITI RAD 1-20 gr. ALOIIV 1-10 gr. ALUMIN IS 1-10 gr. AMMONII CHLORIDI 1 10 gr. ANODYNE. { Camphorae, l-Sgr.l Ext. H yoscyami, 1-8 gr. I Morphinae Acet., 1-160 gr. j 01. Capsici, 1-160 gr. J ANTI-CHILE. f Chinoidini, 1-16 gr. 1 J Ferri Ferrocyanid. 1-8 gr. ! ANTIMONII ET POTASS. TART 1-100 gr. ARNICAE FLOR 1-5 gr. ARSENICI IODIDI 1-100 gr. BELLADONNAE FOL 1-20 gr. CALOMEL. (See Hydrargyri Chlor. Mit.) CAMPHORAE 1-20 gr. CANTHARIDIS 1-50 gr. CAPSICI 1-20 gr. CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE. (See Hydrarg. Chlor. Corros.) PINK GRANULES— SUGAK-COATED. 107 Dose. DIGITALIS FOL 1-20 gr . 1 to 4 ERGOTIXAE 1-10 gr. FERRI REDUCTI 1-10 gr. 44 GELS EM II RAD 1-50 gr. HYDRARGYRI CHLOR. CORK 1-100 gr. 44 “ MIT 1-20 gr. 44 44 44 1-10 gr. 44 “ “ 1-8 gr. “ “ 44 1-6 gr. HYDRARG. CUM CRETA 1-10 gr. HYDRASTIN 1-20 gr. IODOFORMI 1-20 gr. IPECACUANHAS 1-50 gr. MORPHINAE SULPH 1-50 gr. NUCIS VOMICAE 1-50 gr. OPII 1-40 gr. PIPERINAE 1-20 gr. PODOPHYLLINI 1-40 gr. POTASSII BROMIDI 1-5 gr. 44 ARSENITIS 1-100 gr. 44 NITRATIS 1-10 gr. QUININAE SULPHATIS 1-10 gr. SANTONINI 1-10 gr. STRYCHNIN AE ...1-100 gr. TASTELESS QUININE TABLETS. These Tablets are an elegant preparation in which the bitter taste of Quinine is completely disguised, and are readily taken by children. Each Tablet contains 1 grain Tannate of Quinine with Chocolate. SUGAR-COATED AND GELATIN-COATED GRANULES. 108 LIST OF Snpr-Coatefl and Gelatin-Coated Grannies. A Recapitulation from the List of Pills and Granules. ACIDI ARSENIOSI 1-100, 1-60, 1-50, 1-40, 1-32, 1-30, 1-20, 1-12 gr. “ S ALICYL1CI 1-10 gr. “ TANNICI 1-20 gr. ACONITI RAD 1-20 gr. ACONITINAE (Duquesnel’s) 1-480, 1-200 gr. AL.OIN 1-10, 1-5, 1-4 gr. “ COMP and STRYCHNIN AE “ “ and BELLADONNAE, I, II and III ALUM INIS 1-10 gr. AMMONII CHLORIDI 1-10 gr. ANODYNE ANTI-CHILL ANTIMONII ET POTASS. TARTR 1-100 gr. ARNICAE FLOR .1-5 gr. ARSENICI IODIDI 1-100 gr. ARSENICI SULPHID 1-100 gr. ATROPIN AE 1-200, 1-120, 1-100, 1-60 gr. AURI CHLORIDI 1-30 gr. AURI ET SODII CHLORIDI 1-40, 1-20 gr. BELLADONNAE FOL 1-20 gr. CALCII SULPHID 1-10, 1-8, 1-6, 1-4 gr. CALOMEL. See Hydrarg. Chlor. Mitis. SUGAR-COATED AND GELATIN-COATED GRANULES. 109 C AMPHORAE 1-20 gr. CANTHARIDIS 1-50 gr. CAPSICI 1-20 gr. CATHARTICAE COMP. (U. S. P. Mass.) 1-2 gr. “ “ (Mild Vegetable) 1-2 gr. CAULOPHYLLIN 1-10 gr. CIMICIFUGIN .-. . . 1-10 gr. COCAINE MURIATE 1-10 gr. CODEIN A E 1-8, 1-4 gr. “ SULPH ..1-8, 1-4 gr. CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE. See Hydrarg. Chlor. Corros. DIGITALIS FOL 1-20 gr. DIGITALIN, Pure 1-60 gr. ELATERII (Clutterbuck’s) 1-10, 1-8 gr. ELATE RIN 1-20 gr. ERGOTINAE 1-10 gr. EXT. BELLADONNAE 1-8, 1-4 gr. “ CANNABIS IND 1-4 gr. “ IGNATIAE AMAR 1-4 gr. “ NUCIS VOMICAE 1-8, 1-4 gr. FERRI ARSENI A TIS 1-20, 1-8, 1-4 gr. FERRI REDUCTI 1-10 gr. GELSEMIN 1-16, 1-8, 1-4 gr. GELSEMINI RAD 1-50 gr HELONIN 1-10 gr. HYDRA RGYRI CHLOR. MIT 1-20, 1-6, 1-4 gr. “ “ CORROS 1-100,1-60,1-50, 1-40, 1-30, 1-20, 1-16, 1-12, 1-8, 1-4, 1-2, 1 gr. “ CUM CRETA 1-10 gr. HYDRARG. IODIDI VIR 1-8, 1-6, 1-5, 1-4, 1-3 gr. “ “ RUB 1-25, 1-16, 1-8, 1-4 gr. HYDRARGYRI SALICYLICI 1-4 gr. HYDRA STIN 1_20 gr. HYOSCYAMINAE (Cryst. Alkaloid, Pure) 1-200, 1-100, 1-50 gr. IODOFO RMI 1_20 gr. IPECACUANHAE ... 1-50, 1-8, 1-4 gr. LAPACTICAE 110 SUGAR-COATED AND GELATIN-COATED GRANULES. LKPTANDRIN 1-8, 1-4 gr . LIVER GRANULES MORPHINAE, ACET 1-8, 1-4 gr . “ MURIAT 1-8 gr. “ SULPHAT 1-50, 1-20, 1-16, 1-10, 1-8, 1-6, 1-4, 1-2 gr. “ VALE RIAN AT 1-8, 1-4 gr. “ ET ATROPINAE (I), (II) and (III) “ ET BELLA DONNA E (I) NITROGLYCERIN 1-200, 1-100, 1-50 gr. NUCIS VOMICAE 1-50, 1-8, 1-4 gr. OPII PULV 1-40, 1-4 gr. PIPERINAE 1-20 gr. PHOSPHORI ET STRYCHNINAE PICROTOXIN 1-80, 1-60 gr. PILOCARPINE MURIATE 1-8 gr. PODOPHYLLIN 1-40, 1-10, 1-8, 1-4 gr. “ COMP. (Eclectic) POTASS. BROMIDI 1-5 gr. “ ARSENITIS 1-100 gr. “ NITRATIS 1-10 gr. “ PERMANG 1-8, 1-4 gr. QUININAE SULPHAT 1-10, 1-4 gr. SANTONINI 1-10 gr. SENECIN... - 1-8 gr. SILVER IODIDE 1-4 gr. “ OXIDE 1-4 gr. STROPHANTHI SEM 1-20, 1-4 gr. STRYCHNINAE 1-200, 1-100, 1-60, 1-50, 1-48, 1-40, 1-32, 1-30, 1-20, 1-16, 1-10 gr. “ SULPH. Sizes same as Strychninae. VERATRINAE SULPH 1-12 gr. ZINC! PHOSPHIDI 1-6, 1-4 gr. “ “ ET EXT. NUC. VOM ft^’See “Abridged Table of Diseases f 9 at the end of this booh. GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS. Ill GEANULAE EFFEEVESCENT SALTS. Among the many improvements and advances in the beauty andpalatability of pharmaceutical preparations, these delight- ful effervescent salts stand pre-eminent. Not only is the remedy presented in a form that will not offend the most fastidious palate , but it is given in a perfectly soluble state , so as to develop its peculiar properties and virtues in the shortest possible time. AMMONIUM BROMIDE. This salt resembles the Potassium Bromide in its physio- logical powers, except that it is less depressing- and, it is claimed, will not produce bromism. Each drachm or heaping teaspoonful contains 2 grains of Ammonium Bromide. Dose, heaping tea- or tablespoonful. BISMUTH CITRATE. Combining the sedative qualities of the Bismuth upon the gastric surface with solubility. Each drachm con- tains 2 grains Ammon. Citrate of Bismuth. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. CAFFEINE CITRATE. Representing the active principle of Coffee, Tea and Cfuarana in a most elegant form. Acts promptly in nerv- ous headache, nervous depression and exhaustion. Each drachm contains 1 grain Caffeine Citrate. Dose, dessert- spoonful. CAFFEINE HYDROBROMATE. A most valuable remedy and potent addition to the re- sources of the practitioner. Caffeine, the active principle of coffee, tea and guarana, is one of the best of nervous stimulants, producing a sense of mental and bodily vigor. Bromine, combined as hydrobromic acid, allays undue excitement of the nervous system. In practice the com- bination of the two has produced most beneficial results. Headache from various causes, such as fatigue, over- exertion of mind, disordered stomach, nervous depression or anxiety, and the periodical headaches of ladies, are all promptly relieved by its use. Sick headache is relieved 112 GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS. in a short time. The nervous prostration following- the excessive use of alcoholic stimulants or of narcotics as opium, morphine or chloral, is rapidly alleviated. De- pression of spirits and nervous irritability g-enerally are soon mitigated. Physicians will find this preparation very acceptable to their patients. Each drachm contains 1 grain Hydrobromate of Caffeine. Dose, 1 heaping tea- or tablespoonful, repeated in half an hour if necessary. CAFFEINE HYDROBROM. AND POTASSIUM BRO- MIDE. A very efficient combination for relieving nervous head- ache, sleeplessness, and nervous irritation from overwork or excessive alcoholic stimulation. Each drachm contains 1 grain Caffeine Hydrobrom. and 10 grains Potassium Bromide. Dose, 1 to 2 heaping teaspoonfuls. CAFFEINE HYDROBROM. AND SODIUM BRO- MIDE. Properties and dose same as above. Each drachm con- tains 1 grain Caffeine Hydrobrom. and 5 grains Sodium Bromide. CARLSBAD SALT. (Artificial Salt.) Prepared according to the analysis of this salt ; famous for the cure of chronic hepatic and gastric troubles, catarrh of the stomach and bowels attended by consti- pation. Mild aperient, but acts vigorously in large doses. To imitate the natural water, dissolve 1 heaping tea- spoonful in a tumbler of water; 1 tablespoonful of the salt acts as an energetic purgative. CERIUM NITRATE. The efficient remedy for vomiting in pregnancy ; useful also in nausea, gastric irritation and vomiting. The effect of the remedy is increased by the carbonic acid gas evolved during effervescence. Each drachm contains 2 grains Nitrate of Cerium. Dose, 1 heaping teaspoonful. CERIUM OXALATE. Same therapeutic properties as preceding ; same dose. CONGRESS SALT. A heaping teaspoonful of this salt dissolved in half a tumbler of water forms an agreeable and refreshing draught, representing the properties of the famous Con- gress Spring at Saratoga. CRAB ORCHARD SALT. Prepared according to an accurate analysis of the purified natural salt obtained from Crab Orchard Springs, Ken- tucky, and presenting that favorite saline aperient in a pleasant effervescent form. Dose, 1 tablespoonful added to half a tumbler of water. GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS. 113 FRIEDRICHSHALLE SALT. Extensively known and used as a mild saline aperient ; in larger doses a brisk cathartic. Dose, as an aperient a heaping teaspoont'ul, as a cathartic 1 tablespoonful. IRON BROMIDE. A very pleasant way of giving this remedy. Each drachm contains 2 grains Bromide of Iron. Dose, a heaping tea- spoonful. IRON CARBONATE. Each drachm contains 2 grains freshly precipitated Car- bonate of Iron. Dose, 1 to 2 heaping teaspoonfuls. IRON CITRATE. Each drachm contains 2 grains of Citrate of Iron. Dose, 1 to 2 heaping teaspoonfuls. IRON CITRATE AND ARSENIC. An elegant and pleasant form of administering these tonics and alteratives. Each drachm or heaping tea- spoonful contains 2 grains of Citrate of Iron and 1-50 grain of Arsenic. Dose, 1 heaping teaspoonful taken after meals. IRON IODIDE. Each drachm contains 1 grain of Iodide of Iron. Dose, 1 to 2 heaping teaspoonfuls. IRON PHOSPHATE. Each drachm contains 2 grains of Phosphate of Iron. Dose, 1 to 2 heaping teaspoonfuls. IRON PHOSPH., QAJININE AND STRYCHNINE. Each drachm contains 2 grains Phosphate of Iron, 1 grain Quinine and 1-100 grain of Strychnine. Dose, 1 to 2 heap- ing teaspoonfuls. IRON AND QUININE. Each drachm contains 3 grains Citrate of Iron and Qui- nine. Dose, 1 heaping teaspoonful. KISSINGEN SALT. The fame of this spring dates back to the 16th century. Useful in diseases of the liver and stomach, especially in old cases of dyspepsia, gout, rheumatism, enlarged spleen, and kidney troubles. Dose, 1 heaping teaspoonful. BITHIA AND POTASH COMPOUND. Recommended in rheumatism, gout, gravel, stone in the bladder, and in all similar troubles. Each drachm con- tains 10 grains Bicarbonate of Lithium, 10 grains Bicarb. Potash, and 10 grains Bicarb. Sodium. Dose, 1 heaping teaspoonful. 114 GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS. LITHIUM BENZOATE. Highly recommended in gout and very agreeable to take. Each draclim contains 4 grains of Benzoate of Lithia. Dose, 1 heaping teaspoonful. LITHIUM BROMIDE. Said to be the most powerful of the bromides, and gives great relief in acute and subacute rheumatism and gout. Each drachm or heaping teaspoonful contains 5 grains Bromide of Lithium. Dose, 1 or 2 heaping teaspoonfuls. LITHIUM CITRATE. The most agreeable and safe form to administer this valuable remedy. Useful in gout, rapidly eliminates uric acid from the system and prevents the formation of gravel. Not irritating to the stomach. Each drachm contains 4 grains Citrate of Lithia. Dose, 1 heaping tea- spoonful. MAGNESIUM APERIENT. An agreeable and effective laxative and refrigerant. Dose, as a purgative 2 or more tablespoonfuls, as an aperient 1 tablespoonful. MAGNESIUM CITRATE. Aperient and refrigerant. Dose, as a purgative 2 or more tablespoonfuls, as an aperient 1 tablespoonful. PEPSIN. Digestive solvent. Each drachm contains 10 grains Sac- charated Pepsin. Dose, 1 heaping teaspoonful. PEPSIN AND BISMUTH. The well-known combination for dyspepsia, gastric irri- tation, etc. Each drachm contains 5 grains Saccharated Pepsin and 2 grains Ammon. Citrate of Bismuth. Dose, 1 to 2 heaping teaspoonfuls. PEPSIN, BISMUTH AND IRON. Same as preceding, except that it adds the tonic effects of Iron. Each drachm contains 5 grains Sacch. Pepsin, 2 grains Citrate of Bismuth, and 1 grain Soluble Citrate of Iron. Dose, 1 to 2 heaping teaspoonfuls. PEPSIN, BISMUTH AND STRYCHNINE. A very valuable combination against dyspepsia; well known to the medical profession, and more permanent than the liquid forms. Each drachm contains 5 grains Saccharated Pepsin, 2 grains Ammonio-Citrate of Bis- muth, and 1-100 grain of Strychnine. Dose, 1 to 2 heaping teaspoonfuls. GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS. 115 PHOSPHATES COMPOUND. (Cliemical Food.) The most agreeable form of the well-known combination so useful in scrofula, mollifies ossium, rickets, and chronic phthisis. Each drachm contains 2 grains Phosphate of Calcium, 1 grain Phosphate of Iron, and half a grain each of Phosph. of Sodium and Potassium. Dose, 1 heaping teaspoonful. POTASSIUM BENZOATE. Useful in rheumatism, uric acid gravel, etc. Each drachm contains 2 grains of Benzoate of Potassium. Dose, 1 heaping teaspoonful. POTASSIUM BICARBONATE. Antacid and mild aperient ; in acidity of stomach, etc. Each drachm contains 10 grains Bicarbonate of Potas- sium. Dose, 1 or 2 large teaspoonfuls. POTASSIUM BROMIDE. Nervous sedative. Each drachm contains 10 grains Bro- mide of Potassium. Dose, 1 or 2 heaping teaspoonfuls. POTASSIUM CITRATE. Diaphoretic and diuretic. Refrigerant in fevers. Dose, 1 or 2 teaspoonf uls. POTASSIUM IODIDE. Each drachm contains 2 grains Iodide of Potassium. Dose, 1 or more teaspoonfuls. POTASSIUM NITRATE. Refrigerant, diuretic and diaphoretic. Each drachm contains 5 grains Nitrate of Potassium. Dose, 1 dessert- spoonful. PULLNA SALT. Prepared according to Struve’s analysis of the famous Pullna Spring in Bohemia. Aperient and laxative. Dose, dessertspoonful. QUININE CITRATE. Tonic. Each drachm contains 1 grain Citrate of Quinine. Dose, 1 or 2 large teaspoonfuls. ROCHELLE SALT. As a purgative 2 tablespoonfuls. SALICYLIC ACID. Efficient in rheumatism and neuralgic affections. Each drachm contains 10 grains Salicylic Acid. Dose, 1 heaping teaspoonful. SEIDLITZ MIXTURE. More convenient than the ordinary Seidlitz Powders. Dose, 1 tablespoonful. 116 GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS. SELTZER SALT. Dose, 1 tablespoonful in a tumbler of water ; and is similar to the natural water. SODIUM BENZOATE. Very useful in cases of uric acid gravel, preventing its formation ; also useful in rheumatism and gout and ail- ments dependent upon these. Letzerich found it very advantageous in diphtheria, and states that no other remedy had produced in his hands such rapid and lasting effects. Each drachm or heaping teaspoonful contains 10 grains Benzoate of Sodium. Dose, 1 to 2 heaping tea- spoonfuls, repeated every 3 or 4 hours. SODIUM BICARBONATE. An elegant form of administering this well-known ant- acid. Each drachm or heaping teaspoonful contains 10 grains Bicarbonate of Sodium. Dose, 1 or 2 heaping tea- spoonfuls. SODIUM BROMIDE. Properties same as Bromide of Potash, but is less harsh in its action upon the gastric mucous membrane. Each drachm or heaping teaspoonful contains 10 grains Bro- mide of Sodium. Dose, 1 or 2 heaping teaspoonfuls. SODIUM SALICYLATE. Efficient in rheumatism and neuralgic affections. Each drachm contains 10 grains Salicylate of Sodium. Dose, 1 or 2 heaping teaspoonfuls. VICHY SALT. Famous in gout, rheumatism, and diseases of the kidney and bladder. Dose, 1 heaping teaspoonful. SOLUBLE HYPODERMIC TABLETS. Sharp & Dohme’s SOLUBLE HYPODERMIC TABLETS. Always ready for instant use. No change from age. Never cause local irritation. These Tablets are confidently offered to the medical profession as combining every possible merit. They are perfectly and quickly soluble in warm or cold water. They are accurate in dose and retain their activity and strength unchanged for any length of time. They are entirely bland and unirritating, and will cause no abscesses. Their portability and instantaneous readiness for use will be fully appreciated by every physician who has ex- perienced the annoyances and disappointments attending the use of solutions , which are bulky , and are prone to decompo- sition and deterioration. These Tablets have been most carefully and fully tested by competent physicians in hospital and private practice , hence we can recommend them with undoubting confidence. They may also be administered by the mouth. Directions for use :—Drop a Tablet into the barrel of our Improved Hypodermic Syringe , add ten ( 10 ) minims of pure cold or warm water , close the opening and shake a few seconds —a perfectly limpid solution results. We respectfully solicit a trial of these Tablets , samples of which will be furnished on application. Special formulae made to order. In ordering, please specify Sharp & Dohme's or S. & D.'s. For description and prices of our Improved Hypo- dermic Syringes, and our treatise on hypodermic medi- cation, see the following pages. SOLUBLE HYPODERMIC TABLETS. 118 Put up in tubes of 20 and in bottles of 100 each. ACONITINE 1-120 gr. APOMORPHINE MURIATE 1-20 gr. “ “ 1-12 gr. “ “ 1-10 gr. “ “ 1-8 gr. ATROPINE SULPHATE 1-200 gr. “ “ 1-150 gr. “ “ 1-120 gr. “ “ 1-100 gr. “ “ 1-60 gr. CAFFEINE SODIO-BEN ZOATE 1-2 gr. “ “ “ 1 gr. COCAINE HYDROCHLORATE 1-10 gr. “ “ 1-8 gr. “ “ 1-4 gr. “ “ 1-2 gr. CODEINE SULPHATE 1-8 gr. “ “ 1-4 gr. CONIINE HYDROBROMATE 1-100 gr. 1-60 gr. “ “ 1-50 gr. DIGIT ALINE, PURE 1-100 gr. DUBOISINE SULPHATE 1-100 gr. “ “ 1-60 gr. *ERGOTIN 1-10 gr. ESERINE SULPHATE 1-100 gr. “ “ 1-50 gr. HYOSCINE HYDROBROMATE 1-100 gr. HYOSCYAMINE SULPHATE 1-100 gr. “ “ 1-50 gr. MERCURY CORROSIVE CHLORIDE 1-60 gr. “ “ “ 1-40 gr. * Ergotole, our new liquid preparation of Ergot for hypo- dermic use, will be found a most efficient and desirable preparation. (See page 132.) SOLUBLE HYPODERMIC TABLETS. MORPHINE NITRATE . MORPHINE SULPHATE u u 119 1-12 gr. .1-8 gr. .1-6 gr. . 1-4 gr. ,.1-8 gr. .1-6 gr. .1-4 gr. . 1-3 gr. .1-2 gr. MORPHINE AND ATROPINE No. I. j Morphine Sulph 1-8 gr. \ { Atropine Sulph 1-200 gr. j MORPHINE AND ATROPINE No. II. j Morphine Sulph 1-6 gr. I ( Atropine Sulph 1-180 gr. f MORPHINE AND ATROPINE No. III. j Morphine Sulph 1-4 gr. ) j Atropine Sulph 1-150 gr. j MORPHINE AND ATROPINE No. IV. j Morphine Sulph 1-4 gr. ) ( Atropine Sulph 1-100 gr . \ MORPHINE AND ATROPINE No. V. j Morphine Sulph 1-8 gr. I I Atropine Sulph 1-150 gr. f MORPHINE AND ATROPINE No. VI. j Morphine Sulph 1-8 gr. \ \ Atropine Sulph 1-100 gr. ) MORPHINE AND ATROPINE No. VII. j Morphine Sulph 1-6 gr. } 1 Atropine Sulph 1-150 gr. f MORPHINE AND ATROPINE No. VIII. i Morphine Sulph 1-6 gr. \ { Atropine Sulph 1-120 gr. f MORPHINE AND ATROPINE No. IX. j Morphine Sulph 1-4 gr. \ \ Atropine Sulph 1-200 gr. j MORPHINE AND ATROPINE No. X. ( Morphine Sulph 1-4 gr. ( 1 Atropine Sulph 1-120 gr. f 120 SOLUBLE HYPODERMIC TABLETS. MORPHINE AND ATROPINE No. j Morphine Sulph 1-4 gr. ( Atropine Sulph 1-60 gr. XI. : MORPHINE AND ATROPINE No. XII. j Morphine Sulph 1-3 gr. [ \ Atropine Sulph 1-120 gr. ) MORPHINE AND ATROPINE No. j Morphine Sulph ... — 1-2 gr. i | Atropine Sulph 1-150 gr. j XIII. MORPHINE AND ATROPINE No. j Morphine Sulph 1-2 gr. \ l Atropine Sulph 1-120 gr. j XIV. ' MORPHINE AND ATROPINE No. j Morphine Sulph 1-2 gr. ( j Atropine Sulph 1-100 gr. j XV. NITROGLYCERIN 44 1-150 gr. “ “ PHYSOSTIGMINE SULPH. (See Eserine Sulph.) PILOCARPINE MURIATE 44 44 1-8 gr. 44 PILOCARPINE NITRATE 1-20 gr. 44 44 “ 1-3 gr. QUININE BIMURIATE CARBAM. 1 gr. 44 44 44 44 SODIUM ARSENI ATE STRYCHNINE NITRATE 1-100 gr. 44 SULPHATE 44 44 IMPROVED HYPODERMIC SYRINGE. 121 122 IMPROVED HYPODERMIC SYRINGE. Fig . 3. IMPROVED HYPODERMIC SYRINGE. LATEST IMPROVED HYPODERMIC SYRINGES, MANUFACTURED EXPRESSLY FOR SHARP & DOHME. The very important improvements consist of the movable cap a, which opens the entire calibre of the barrel and aHows the easy introduction of our soluble tablets, and a solution for immediate use is readily made by adding 10 m. water. Then the solid and securely fastened wing-plate affords a firm hold and perfect command of the syringe, and a simple but effectual arrangement for expanding and tightening the plunger, which will prevent it from ever becoming loose. In the syringe furnished in the Morocco Case No. 1, Metal Case No. 2, and Flexible Case No. 4, the plunger is expanded by turning the piston rod to the left. The reverse takes place on turning to the right. In the syringe furnished in the Metal Case No. 3, explicit directions regarding the plunger-expanding arrangement (which is different from the syringes furnished in Nos. 1, 2 and 4 Cases) accompany each syringe. Our syringes are packed either in an oblong leather-covered case — (Fig. 1)— 3M inches long, 1 % inches wide, containing, besides the syringe and two needles, two tubes of our soluble tablets ; or in a flat nickel-plated metal case— (Fig. 2)— 3 % inches long by 2 inches wide, containing also two tubes IMPROVED HYPODERMIC SYRINGE. 125 of tablets and two needles, besides the syringe ; or in a flat nickel-plated metal case— (Fig. 3)— 3# inches long by 1% inch wide, containing four tubes of tablets and two needles, be- sides the syringe; or in a flexible leather case— (Fig. 4)— 3% inches long by 2 % inches wide, containing six tubes of tab- lets, besides the two needles and the syringe. They are all of the best materials and most accurately made. Price of Syringe, in leather-covered case, Fig. 1, net $2 50 “ 4< 1 44 metal case, Fig. 2, 44 2 50 44 41 k 44 metal case, Fig. 3, 44 3 50 44 4< 44 flexible leather case, Fig. 4, 44 3 50 HYPODERMIC MEDICATION. 126 A BRIEF SUMMARY OF HYPODERMIC MEDI- CATION, AND ITS ADVANTAGES. Hypodermic medication has been used now for about twenty-five years— a period sufficient to thoroughly test its value and uses, and to bring the performance of it to a high state of efficiency and accuracy. The following very brief and condensed account is offered in the hope that it will be found of use to the busy practitioner, and may prove sugges- tive in some emergency when time does not allow the con- sultation of some more elaborate treatise. To those who desire more fully to enter into this subject, the full and comprehensive work of Prof. Roberts Bartholow, 4 edit. 1882, will give information up to that date. The advantages of administering remedies by this method are : 1st. A more prompt and speedy effect is produced ; in- deed, the effects of active remedies thrown into the connec- tive tissue under the skin are perceived almost instanta- neously. (In this connection , it would be well to bear in mind the advice of Prof. Dujardin-Beaumetz, of Paris , France. He states that in cases of nephritic disease , all medicines given by the mouth , and much more so when given hypodermically , are apt to show greater activity than usual , and that the phy- sician should be on his guard in using powerful agents where nephritic disability is suspected or ascertained.) 2d. The re- sults are more permanent and curative. In the case of neuralgia, for example, remedies are often given without effect, and for some time, when their hypodermic use has promptly wrought a cure. A very simple explanation of this is found in the fact that many remedies themselves undergo changes when brought in contact with the gastric juice, and even if not altered, their absorption is necessarily slow ; consequently they do not make that forcible impres- sion which is made when they are given hypodermically. 3d. Gastric disturbances are avoided. Remedies do not interfere with a digestion often already enfeebled. 4th, and finally, remedies can be administered to persons unable or unwilling to swallow— as in the case of unconsciousness from narcotic poisons, persons with suicidal intent, or the mentally de- ranged. HYPODERMIC MEDICATION. 127 Various objections have been made to this method ; but when these are examined they will be found to depend on imperfect instruments, badly prepared medicinal agents, or an improper introduction of the medicinal agent. 1st. The instrument should be kept clean and in good working order ; the needle-points sharp and free from rust. 2d. The solution for injection should be freshly prepared, and of medicinal agents of undoubted purity and strength. 3d. The injection must be made under the skin into the connective tissue. A failure to observe one or all of these conditions may involve the formation of abscesses, or even serious systemic effects. Dangerous results have followed the injection of some pow- erful remedy into a vein, but a little care on the part of the operator will avoid any such accident. The instrument itself has been made of various materials and modified in many ways since its first use. There is no one substance presenting all the qualities needed to form an ideally perfect hypodermic syringe ; the one combining- most of these qualities is glass, and its single disadvantage of fragility has been successfully overcome by enclosing the glass barrel in a bi-fenestrated cylinder of metal. An in- strument thus made has the advantage of not being acted upon by any agents likely to be used subcutaneously ; of being transparent to allow of the inspection of its contents, and of being easily kept clean. The needles should be of finely tempered steel, with needle-point and sharp cutting edges, so as readily to pierce the integument without any bruising. Care should be taken that they are kept free from rust, and that the entire syringe is regularly cleansed after use and before being placed in its case. This can be done by drawing in and forcing out several times a little clean water ; unscrewing the needle and carefully wiping the point dry between the fingers ; the small quantity of sebaceous matter from the skin being sufficient to prevent it from rusting. A fine wire should then be inserted to keep the tube of the needle open. Very great improvements have lately been added in furnishing what are called wings to the syringe, giving a firm hold and complete control of the instrument ; and in making the lower cap movable, exposing the whole calibre of the barrel and allowing the introduction of a tab- let, thus making a solution in the syringe. The operation of injection is a very simple one. The place chosen for its performance is usually the outer side of the arm, but any convenient place will answer. Some authorities prefer injecting at or near the seat of pain, rnflamed tissues HYPODERMIC MEDICATION. 128 and bony prominences should be avoided. The place' being- determined, a fold of loose skin is pinched up between the thumb and finger of the left hand. The syringe being charged, the needle is thrust in promptly, penetrating the skin. This will be recognized by the cessation of resistance, and the point of the needle will now move freely in the connective tissue. The needle should pass in an inch or more. The piston is now slowly pushed home, making the injection drop by drop, so that the fluid may diffuse itself in the areolar tissue without rupturing any small vessels or the fibres of the areolar tissue. When all has been injected, withdraw the needle slowly and press the puncture with the tip of a finger for a few moments to prevent the escape of the fluid. Gentle friction with the tips of the fingers disperses the injected fluid in the cellular tissue and aids its prompt absorption, and also tends to prevent local irritation. In cases of paralysis, some inject directly into a muscle. Prof. Bartholow, “Hypodermatic Medication,” p. 44, says: “In practising the hypodermatic injection it is important to avoid puncturing a vein. Serious depression of the powers of life, fainting, and sudden and profound narcotism have been pro- duced by injecting a solution of morphia directly into a vein.* Fatal collapse might be induced by injecting air into a large vein along with the solution.” This latter may be avoided by driving all the air out of the syringe, after charg- ing it, by holding the syringe with the needle-point up and gently pushing the piston until a drop of fluid exudes. The active agent to be injected subcutaneously should be in perfect solution. The solution itself should be neutral (4. e. neither acid nor alkaline), clear and free from foreign matter, and not too concentrated. The difficulty of fulfilling these conditions has in the past very materially hindered the more general use of this method of treatment. But com- paratively a very few years ago many of the alkaloids were to be had only as bases, and were more or less insoluble with- out the addition of some acid, and the slightest excess of the latter caused intense local irritation. When this had been overcome, after a clear, neutral solution had been made, it * Mr. J. Craig Balfour, in the London Lancet for November 1(M, 1888, gives a test of the occurrence of penetration of a vein, which if borne in mind may prevent serious consequences. It is the instanta- neous supervention of a prickling sensation in all parts of the patient" 1 s surface . Remembering this fact and making the injection slowly, the needle may be withdrawn on its occurrence before any serious harm ensues . HYPODERMIC MEDICATION. 129 was found impossible to preserve it in this state for even a short time. It was found that even after a few days a solu- tion of morphine which had been carefully filtered and was perfectly clear had become cloudy. This was owing to the growth of a microscopic organism, the Penicilium ; and ex- perience proved that this not only grew at the expense of the alkaloid, thus weakening the strength of the solution, but that it proved also to be a local irritant when injected into the tissues, resulting frequently in abscess. From time to time various means were devised to obviate this difficulty, but none proved effectual until the soluble hypodermic tablets were made. These, when properly prepared, solve the problem most satisfactorily. They should be quickly and entirely soluble, perfectly neutral, and the excipient combined with the alkaloid should be bland and unirritating. Made in this manner they are a great boon to the profession, since they reduce the dose to a mathematical accuracy, which was formerly very often a matter of conjecture, when a solution had to be carried about. The alkaloid is effectually preserved in the tablet from deterioration, and the latter presents an accurate and definite dose, of which a solution can be made fresh, and almost instantaneously, when needed. Their portability and compactness are not the least among their good qualities. The practitioner can now go armed with a dozen hypodermic remedies, which will not deteri- orate by keeping, and which do not occupy any more space than formerly the vial containing a solution of morphine alone did. Prof. Bartholow, p. 59, says : “A 4 hypodermic tablet ’ . . . . is conveniently carried, and, as regards liability to accident, is much superior to any permanent solution. Since I have adopted the method of extemporaneous solutions, I have not had occur the hard nodules and the points of suppuration * and sloughing which were not infrequent when permanent solutions were employed.” Remedies used hypodermically are much more active than when given by the mouth. The general rule is to give one-tliird less than given by the mouth to produce the same impression. As some persons exhibit peculiar susceptibilities to certain remedies, it would be well to inject a small dose tentatively where the idiosyn- crasy of the patient is not known. 130 HYPODERMIC MEDICATION. APOMORPHEVE used hypodermically is indispensable as an emetic in cases of narcotic poisoning. It acts freely when all emetics given by the mouth fail. It has also been used in capillary bronchitis to free the tubes of secretion, and in croup to dislodge the false membrane. AMYL NITRITE is usually best given by inhalation, but where respiration is about ceasing, as in cases of angina pectoris , chloroform narcosis , surgical shock , cholera as- phyxia , etc., etc., it may prove of immense utility when injected hypodermically. ARSENIC has been successfully used in chorea , lympha- denoma , enlarged spleen and in splenic leucocythemia. Excellent results have also been obtained in chronic skin diseases, as psoriasis and eczema. The best form is sodium arseniate, which is less likely to produce the toxic effects of arsenic than any other, and is less irritant locally. ATROPINE is principally used in combination with mor- phine, and as its physiological antagonist. It has been used to advantage by hypodermic injection in acute rheumatism near the painful joint, in epilepsy , and asthma with marked results. Seasickness and vomiting of preg- nancy are relieved by it; the algid state of cholera; diseases of the bladder. Atropine is also the antagonist to pilocarpine, muscarine and eserine, and may be used to combat the toxic effects of these, as well as of mor- phine or opium. In treating a case of poisoning by atropine, it should be remembered that its effects on the economy last longer than those of morphine, so that, in giving the latter as an antidote, it may be necessary to repeat the dose of morphine. CAFFEINE has been used in neuralgia , hysterical head- ache , and migraine. Dr. Anstie relieved by it the in- somnia attendant upon chronic alcoholism without delirium. It has also been used with success against opium narcosis. CARBOLIC ACID used hypodermically as a 2 per cent, solution has produced excellent results in erysipelas , and in other diseases supposed to depend on morbific^ ferments. It has also been used in pleuro-pneumonia, in synovitis , white swelling , adenoma , bubo , fibroma, etc. It has afforded great relief in acute rheumatism , in chronic rheumatism , myalgia , superficial neuralgia, etc. CHLORAL HYDRATE causes much local irritation and pain when injected under the skin — so much so that its use is restricted to cases in which the stomach cannot bear the remedy, or where the patient is unable or unwilling to swallow. It has proved useful in poisoning by strychnine, uncontrollable vomiting , obstinate hiccough , in violent cholera morbus , and in true cholera. In the latter Prof. Bartholow had the best results from its use. It has also proved beneficial in asthma and other neuroses of the chest, but care must be exercised lest a fatal result is produced by paralysis of a weak heart. HYPODERMIC MEDICATION. 131 CHLOROFORM is not adapted for ordinary hypodermic use, but has been used with great success in many cases of obstinate neuralgia , sciaticti, etc., by a deep injection, by Prof. Bartholow. For details, see his work on “ Hypo- dermatic Medication,” fourth edition, 1882, p. 288, etc. COCAINE is principally used subcutaneously for producing local anaesthesia in minor surgical operations, etc. For this purpose it is injected into the areolar tissue as near to the seat of operation as possible. Also injected into the gum for drawing teeth. Recently Bignon found that animals poisoned by strychnine can be saved by the hypodermic injection of cocaine pushed to the point of delirium, and the elfect maintained for some time. He found they could be saved by this means even after the occurrence of tetanic spasms. See Medical News , De- cember 25th, 1886. CODEINE may be used hypodermically as a substitute for morphine, but has no advantages except where a special hypnotic action is desired, as in mama, hypo- chondria , and delirium tremens. It has proved of great use in diabetes. CONINE has been used in asthma , emphysema , angina pec- toris, tetanus , and in acute mania. CURARINE or WOORARINE has been used in tetanus with some success. It has also been used in epilepsy and in hydrophobia with reported success. DUBOISINE maybe substituted for atropine in all diseases where the latter is now used. Prof. Bartholow is of opinion that it is to be preferred to atropine, and gives it as his experience that it is much more effective in psychical disorders. ERGOT hypodermically is available for hemorrhages in general; especially useful in haemoptysis, subinvolution of the uterus, chronic metritis, intramural fibroids, polypi and hydatid mole of uterus, hypertrophied prostate, vari- cocele, aneurism, varicose veins,enlarged spleen, leukaemia, exophthalmic goitre, acute affections of the meninges of the brain and spinal cord, cerebro-spinal meningitis , con- gestive form of migraine and headache, sunstroke, tic dou- loureux, hemicrania, and sometimes in sciatica. In all these various diseases. Ergot has been used hypo- dermically either in the form of Fluid Extract or tablets of Ergotin. To both of these there are objections. The Fluid Extract as ordinarily prepared contains much inert and irritating extractive, and this in the comparatively large dose required is apt to cause pain and local irri- tation. The Ergotin Tablets cannot be made stronger than 1-10 gr. if they are to be readily soluble, and this amount is too small to produce enough therapeutic effect. These objections have been altogether overcome by Ergotole, our new preparation of Ergot of Rye specially made for hypodermic use by a new process; representing all the active principles of Ergot in a very concentrated form, and entirely free from all inert and irritating constituents. 132 HYPODERMIC MEDICATION. ERGOTOLE used hypodermically causes neither pain nor abscess, and keeps perfectly without precipitation for any length of time. Tt has -been extensively tried in hospital and private practice, hypodermically and ad- ministered by the mouth, proving uniformly efficacious, and it has been pronounced the most efficient preparation of Ergot in use. Each minim will produce the full therapeutic effects of about 2 % grains of the best Spanish Ergot. Dose, 5 to 20 minims hypodermically. (See page 180.) ESERINE or PHYSOSTIGMI^E has been of great utility in tetanus , the proportion of recoveries to deaths being one-half. It should be given hypodermically and in quantities sufficient to keep the spasms in check, and sufficient nourishment must be given. It has also been used in hydrophobia , in bronchitis , pulmonary congestion and pneumonia. ETHER may be employed subcutaneously with great ad- vantage in cases of sudden depression of the powers of life, as in the bites of venomous snakes , surgical shock , Asiatic cholera , the passage of biliary or renal calculi ; in the action of arterial sedatives, as aconite, veratrum viride. etc. Also in cardiac failure from hemorrhage. It has proved of great benefit in cases of severe adynamic pneumonia , and in variola It should never be used in the chloroform narcosis. Whiskey or brandy may be used hypodermically in cases of sudden depression of the powers of life, but not in the chloroform narcosis. They are more likely to be conveniently at hand in sudden emergencies than ether, but are more apt to be followed by local inflammation and abscess. HYDROCYANIC ACID may be given subcutaneously with advantage in mental disorders , gastralgia , nausea and vomiting. HYOSCINE (Merck’s) is derived from the decomposition of Hyoscyamine, and is said to possess the sedative and hypnotic properties of Hyoscyamine in a much higher degree, and may be used in its stead. Erb (Centralblatt fur die ges. Ther.), January, 1888, states that this is a powerful hypnotic, frequently producing immediate sleep and when all other remedies had failed. He found it especially useful in irritable conditions of the motor system. It had a decided effect in the tremor of paralysis agitans, and afforded relief in cases of severe and obsti- nate spasm of single- or groups of muscles. HYOSCYAMINE is of high value in mental disorders , paralysis agitans , chorea , mercurial trembling , senile trembling , spasmodic cough , laryngismus , hiccough. HYPODERMIC MEDICATION. 133 MERCURY, in the form of corrosive chloride, by the hypodermic method is used in syphilis , and with the greatest advantage ; also in some forms of chronic Skin diseases. Corrosive chloride of mercury generally causes some pain when used subcutaneously, but with a solution not too concentrated, with a clean syringe and sharp cutting needle without rust, there is no danger of an abscess. MORPH I1VE alone or combined with Atropine has proved useful in diseases of the brain and nervous system , delirium tremens , cerebro-spinal meningitis , sunstroke , hysteria , epilepsy , eclampsia , uraemic convulsions , chorea , tetanus , hydrophobia , muscular cramp and spasm , neuralgia. Also in asthma , emphysema , hiccough , acwie inflammatory affections of the respiratory organs , angina pectoris , dys- pepsia, schirrus, cholera , vomiting of pregnancy , colic , peritonitis , affections of the bladder and urethra , after- pains in childbirth , the nocturnal pains in acute rheu- matism and tertiary syphilis ; in certain surgical diseases , especially fractures and dislocations , strangulated hernia ; as an aid to chloroform narcosis , and in poisoning by bella- donna or atropine, by gelsemium, and by veratrum viride. As Morphine is by far the most frequently used sub- cutaneously of the alkaloids, and its range of usefulness is very large, it is well to bear in mind that a larger dose can be given combined with atropine, since the latter is a powerful excitant of the centre of respiration, which is depressed by large doses of morphine, and a fatal issue may result in consequence of paralysis of this centre. The desirable effects of morphine are increased by the addition of atropine, while the toxic effects are counter- acted. Should toxic symptoms be induced by the use of mor- phine, they should be met with a subcutaneous injection of atropine. The head of the patient should be low, all restrictions to free respiration removed, ammonia placed to the nostrils. Subsequently caffeine may be given hypodermically. Artificial respiration and the faradic current to the muscles of the chest may be used. The injection of ammonia into the veins, and the inhalation of amyl nitrite or its injection subcutaneously, have proved of benefit. NICOTINE has been successful in tetanus. About one half the traumatic cases treated with it recover. The officinal wine of tobacco may be substituted for the alkaloid. NITROGLYCERIN. — This powerful agent gives imme- diate relief in angina pectoris , asthma , threatening death in chloroform narcosis , all cases of heart failure , in abort- ing incipient chills, cases of collapse, surgical shock, and may prove of great benefit in threatening gangrene of the extremities. (See our special circular on Nitro- glycerin.) Nitroglycerin in doses of 1-50 gr. hypodermically has lately been successfully used in poisoning by illumi- nating gas. Four moribund cases are known to have been quickly relieved. The injection should be repeated every hour or two until an impression is made on the pulse. 134 HYPODERMIC MEDICATION. PIIiOCARPIJVE has been advantageously used in mumps and acute affections of the parotid , submaxillary and sub- lingual glands , acute tonsilitis. Has afforded relief in the metastasis of mumps, obstinate hiccough , hoarseness , bron- chitis, bronchorrhoea , asthma, emphysema , cardiac dropsy, dropsy of acute albuminuria, eclampsia, effusion into cavi- ties . To cut short an ague chill. It may be administered either as nitrate or muriate. Q,UINI]YE has been used subcutaneously with great advan- tage in pernicious fever, in malarial fevers attended with gastric irritation, in chronic malarial poisoning, to abort recent malarial fevers ; combined with a small dose of morphine it has proved very useful in typhoid fever. It has also been used very successfully in India in the treatment of sunstroke. Finally, some cases of neuralgia have been cured by its means. The form best adapted to hypodermic use is the quinma bi-muriatica carbamidata, which produces no local irritation. (See our special cir- cular on Bimuriate of Quinine and Urea.) STRYCHNINE injected under the skin has proved highly beneficial in the treatment of paralysis, especially in hemiplegia, paraplegia, infantile paralysis, local paraly- sis , progressive muscular atrophy, progressive locomotor ataxia, facial paralysis, gastralgia, cardiac neuralgia , amaurosis, amblyopia. In the misty vision produced by the abusive use of tobacco, strychnine has been found to be of the greatest advantage in restoring strength to the optic nerve. Dr. Echeverria remarks : “ The effects of strychnia are widely different when administered hypodermically or by the mouth. A smaller dose exhibited hypodermically may be capable of regenerating at once the lost muscular power.” A Russian physician states that hypodermic injections of 1-40 gr. strychnine given at intervals of 24 hours for 8 or 10 days consecutively will cure alcoholism, producing an absolute disgust for the taste or smell of alcoholic liquids. Prof. Thos. J. Mays, in a lecture at Philadelphia Poly- clinic, recommends strychnine combined with atropine for the cure of asthma. He says : “ It must not be for- gotten, however, that a general lowering of the nerve tone of the body is often as much the cause of disease in other organs as it is of asthma in the lungs, and hence by invigorating the nervous system the asthma as well as its concomitants disappear.” He begins by injecting 1-50 gr. strychnine and 1-150 gr. atropine daily, gradually in- creasing the former to 1-20 gr. and the latter to 1-100 gr. After a thorough impression is made the drugs are only injected every other day, and then gradually abandoned. He says : “ I have been using it daily in treating asthma during the last six months, and I believe with more prompt and more definite results than can be obtained from any other drugs.”— N. Y. Med. Journ., April 12, 1890. COMPRESSED TABLETS. 135 Compressed Tablets Put up in boxes and in screw-top flat bottles of 40 Tablets each, also in pound bottles and in bulk. BICARBONATE POTASH 5 grs. “ SODIUM (in bottles only) 5 44 BORAX 5 “ BROMIDE POTASH 5 44 “ SODIUM 5 44 CACHOUS, AROMATIC 44 CARDAMOM 44 ROSE CHLORATE MIXTURE 5 44 “ POTASH 5 “ 44 “ AND BORAX 5 44 j Chlorate Potash, 2% grs. I 1 TlnrQY 44 ( CHLORIDE OF AMMONIUM. (Mur. Ammonia ) ... .3 44 PEPSIN (1 gr. Pure Pepsin with Aromatics) SODA MINT (in bottles only) 5 44 Special Compressions made to order in lots of 5 lbs. or more. SOLUBLE TABLETS OF HYDROCHLORATE OF COCAINE. 2.28 Grains Each. FOR MAKING EXTEMPORANEOUS SOLUTIONS. (Put up in bottles of 20 and 100 tablets each.) One tablet, dissolved in 1 fluidrachm of water, yields a 4 per cent, solution. One tablet, dissolved in 2 fluidrachms of water, yields a 2 per cent, solution. One tablet, dissolved in 4 fluidrachms of water, yields a 1 per cent, solution. COMPRESSED TABLETS. 136 COMPRESSED TABLETS. ANTIFEBRIN 3 gTS . “ 5 * 4 ANTIPYRINE 3 « “ 5 “ 10 “ DIGESTIVE. ( Pepsin, pure, 1 gr. ) •< Pancreatin, 1 gr. > ( Calcium Lactophos., 2 grs. J DOVER’S POWDER (Pulv. Ipecacuanha et Opii, U. S. P.) 2 grs. DOVER’S POWDER (Pulv. Ipecacuanha et Opii, U.S.P.) 3 “ DOVER’S POWDER (Pulv. Ipecacuanhae et Opii, U.S.P.) ,5 44 PAN-PEPTIC TABLETS (see page- 184). ^POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE, C. P 1-2 gr. * “ “ “ 1 u * “ “ 44 2 grs. QUININE BI-SULPHATE 1-2 gr. “ 1 “ M 2 grs. “ 3 “ “ 4 “ “ 5 “ SULPHATE 1-2 gr. “ 1 “ “ 2 grs. “ .3 “ “ 4 “ 41 5 44 * These Tablets consist of the pure drug compressed. The ready decomposition of the Permanganate of Potassium renders it necessary to be exceedingly careful in its prepa- ration. In this form it is best preserved unchanged and most readily administered. A solution, if desired, can be made with pure water. ANTISEPTIC DISKS. 137 SHARP & DOHME’S ANTISEPTIC DISKS. (FOR EXTERNAL USE.) Convenient for quickly making; Solutions of Corrosive Sublimate of known and accurate strength, for Antiseptic and Disinfectant Purposes. The attention of the medical profession is called to these Compressed Antiseptic Disks, each composed of 7.3 grains Corrosive Sublimate and 7.7 grains Ammonium Chloride, which, when dissolved in 1 pint of water, will give a solution of 1 part Corrosive Sublimate to 1000 parts water. Sufficient green coloring matter of neutral and innocuous properties is added to render them distinctive and prevent mistake. The Ammonium Chloride is added to facilitate solution and prevent decomposition of the Corrosive Sublimate when dis- solved in ordinary well or spring water. Their use was first suggested by Dr , Charles Meigs Wilson, in the Medical News of December 27th, 1884, who says : “ To those medical men who desire to use this, the safest and best antiseptic agent, the tablets [disks] will prove of great use ; they save the carrying about of bulky solutions; they make a solution which is mathematically correct as to its strength ; they eliminate an element of danger, because the physician can carry the tablets about with him, making and using the solution when required, and throwing the unused portion away, thus avoiding the necessity of leaving a dangerous poison in the hands of irresponsible and ignorant people, or the necessity of bringing his solution at each visit ; they will also be of use as a means of preparing disinfectant solutions, as a large amount of disinfecting material can be obtained in this way in a compact form.” MEDICINAL LOZENGES. 138 Solutions of any desired strength can be made by varying the number of disks or the quantity of water. Thus, 1 disk to % pint water gives a proportion of 1 to 500. 1 disk to 1 pint water, 1 to 1000. 1 disk to 1% pints water, 1 to 1500. 1 disk to 2 pints water, 1 to 2000. It is generally conceded that Corrosive Sublimate is the most efficient and powerful germicide known, and, when kept convenient in this portable and eligible form, many occasions for its use will suggest themselves. The accou- cheur will find them indispensable, both during childbirth and in the puerperal state. The general practitioner will use them for disinfecting the stools of typhoid fever, the secretions from cases of diphtheria, etc. They are put up in bottles of 25 each. Compressed Chemically Pure MEDICINAL LOZENGES. Our Compressed Lozenges are made from the best materials , and for efficacy , uniformity in weight and finish, are un- excelled. Special formulae made to order in lots of five pounds or more. Officinal Lozenges— (Trochisci— Troches) of the U. S. P. 1880. ACIDI TANNICI (Tannic Acid 1 gr.) AMMONII CHIORIDI (Mur. Ammon. 2 grs.) CATECHU (Catechu 1 gr.) CRETAE (Prep’d Chalk 4 grs.) CUBEBAE (Oleores. Cubeb % gr.) FERRI (Ferric Hydrate 5 grs.) GLYCYRRBIZAE ET OPII (Ext. Liquorice 2 grs., Ext. Opium 1-20 gr.) IPECACUANHAE (Ipecac X gr.) ERAMERIAE (Extr. Rhatany 1 gr.) MAGNESIAE (Magnesia 3 grs.) MEDICINAL LOZENGES. 139 MENTHAE PIPERITAE (Oil Peppermint 1-6 min.) MORPHINAE ET IPECACUANHAE (Morph. Sulph. 1-40 gr., Ipecac 1-12 gr.) POTASSII CHLORATIS (Chlor. Potash 5 grs.) SODII BICARBONATIS (Bicarb. Soda 3 grs.) SODII S ANTONIN ATIS (Santoninate Soda 1 gr.) ZINGIBERIS (Tinct. Ginger 2 min.) Officinal Lozenges of the British Pharmacopoeia. ACIDI TANNICI (Tannic Acid A gr.) BISMUTHI. ( Bismuth Subnitr., 2 grs. ) k Magnes. Carb., 2 1-2 “ V ( Prec. Chalk, 3 2-3“ ) CATECHU (Catechu 1 gr.) EERRI REDUCTI (Reduced Iron 1 gr.) IPECACUANHAE (Ipecac A gr.) MORPHINAE (Mur. Morph. 1-36 gr.) MORPHINAE ET IPECACUANHAE. j Mur. Morph , 1-36 gr. ) 1 1pecac, 1-12 “ f SODII BICARBONATIS (Bicarb. Soda 5 grs.) Lozeng*es of the London Hospital for Diseases of the Throat. ACIDI BENZOICI (Benzoic Acid A gr.) ACIDI CARBOEICI (Carbolic Acid 1 gr.) ACIDI TANNICI (Tannic Acid 1A grs.) ACONITI (Tinct. Aconite, B. P., A min.) AMMONII CHLORIDI (Mur. Ammon. 2 grs.) BORACIS (Borax 3 grs.) CATECHU (Pale Catechu 2 grs.) CUBEBAE (Cubeb A gr.) GUAIACI (Res. Guaiac 2 grs.) HAEMATOXYLI (Extr. Logwood 2 grs.) KINO (Kino 2 grs.) KRAMERIA (Extr. Rhatany 3 grs.) LACTUCAE (Extr. Lettuce 1 gr.) POTASSII CHLORATIS (Chlorate Potash 3 grs.) POTASSII CITRATIS (Citrate Potash 3 grs.) MEDICINAL LOZENGES. 140 POTASSII TARTRAT. A CID. (Bitartr. Potash 3 grs.) PYRETHRI (Pellitory Root 1 gr.) S ED ATI VI (Extr. Opium 1-10 gr.) Unofficinal Lozenges. (COMPRESSED.) ACONITE (Aconite Root 1-16 gr.) ALUM (Alum 2 grs.) ALUM AND CATECHU. j Alum, 1 1-2 grs. ) ( Catechu, 2 “ j ALUM AND KINO. AMMON. CHLORIDE AND CUBED. j Ammon. Chlor., 2 grs. { 1 Cubeb, 1 gr. f AMMON. CHLORIDE AND LIQJJORICE. j Ammon. Chlor., 2 grs. ) ( Ext. Liquorice, 8 “ j BISMUTH AND CAMPHOR. j Bismuth, 5 grs. ) l Camphor, 1-2 gr. f BISMUTH AND CHARCOAL. j Bismuth Subnitr., 2 grs. I ( Charcoal, 5 f BORAX (Borax, 3 grs.) BROWN MIXTURE. RROWN MIXTURE AND MURIATE OF AMMONIA. (85 min. Mist. Glyc. Comp. U. S. P. and 3 grs, Ammon. Mur.) CAFFEINE CITRATE, 1 gr. “ IIYDROBROMATE, EFFERVESCENT, 1 gr. CAMPHOR, 1-2 gr. “ 1 gr. MEDICINAL LOZENGES. 141 CAPSICUM, 1-10 m. Fid. Extr. CHARCOAL, 10 grs. “ 20 grs. CHARCOAL COMPOUND. f Rochelle Salts, 8 grs. 1 Charcoal, 2 “ | { Bicarb. Soda, 1 gr. y | Calcd. Magnesia, 2 grs. I L Sugar, 7 “ J CHLORATE MIXTURE, 2 1-2 grs. COMPOUND LIQUORICE POWDER (Pulv. Glycyrrhizae Comp., U. S. P.) DYSPEPSIA. ( Chlor. Potash, ) < Bicarb. Soda, >-3 grs. of the comb’d powder in each. ( Rhubarb, ) EUCALYPTUS, 3 grs. FERRUGINOUS (Chocolate), (1-2 gr. Reduced Iron). GINGER AND SODA BICARBONATE. j Tinct. Ginger, 10 minims. I ( Soda Bicarb., 2 grs. j GINGER, STRONG (15 min. Tinct. Ginger). GUAIAC AND IODIDE POTASS. j Guaiac, 2 grs. ! 1 Iodide Potass.. 1 gr. j GUARANA, 5 grs. IPECAC AND OPIUM (Dover’s Powder, U. S. P.), 3 grs. “ “ “ “ “ “ 5 “ “ “• “ “ “ “ 10 IPECAC AND SQUILL. Ipecac, 1-4 gr. Squill, 1-2 “ JACKSON’S AMMONIA. ' Chlor. Ammonium, 1-2 gr. Mur. Morphine, 1-60 “ Powd. Elm, 2 grs. “ Acacia, 2 “ “ Sugar, Pd. Ext. Liquorice, aa 2 1-3 grs. Tinct. Tolu, 1 gtt. ,Oil Wintergreen, 1-50 gtt. MEDICINAL LOZENGES. JACKSON’S PECTORAL. r Powd. Ipecac, 1-20 gr. Sulphurated Antimony, 1-40 “ Mur. Morphine, 1-33 “ Powd. Acacia, “ Sugar, “ Ext. Liquorice, aa 3 3-10 grs. Tolu, 1 1-5 gr. . Oil Sassafras, 1-50 gtt. . LIME JUICE. LIQUORICE (Extr. Liquorice), 5 grs. “ “ “ 10 “ LIQUORICE AND ANISEED. f Morph. Sulph., 1-80 gr. 1 J Tartar Emetic, 1-80 “ [ 1 Oil Star Anise, 1-10 min. f [ Extr. Liquorice, 5 grs. J PECTORAL. ( Mur. Morphine, 1-40 gr. ) 1 Ipecac, 1-2 “ f PEPSIN (Pepsin Sacch., U. S. P.), 5 grs. PEPSIN AND BISMUTH. j Pepsin Sacch., U. S. P., 2 grs. ) J Bismuth Subnitr., 3 “ J PEPSIN, BISMUTH AND CHARCOAL. ( Pepsin Sacch., U. S. P., 5 grs. ) ■j Bismuth Subnitr., 2 “ V ( Charcoal, 5 “ ) PEPSIN, BISMUTH AND GINGER. ( Pepsin Sacch., U. S. P., 2 grs. ) < Bismuth Subnitr., 3 V ( Ginger, 1 gr. ) PEPSIN, CHARCOAL, MAGNESIA AND GINGER. f Pepsin Sacch., U. S. P., 2 grs. 1 J Charcoal, 3 “ ! ' Magnesia, 2 “ ■ mcigiice- t Ginger, lgr. J PEPSIN, GINGER AND LIME JUICE. ( Pepsin Sacch., IJ. S. P., 2 grs. ) ■< Ginger, 1 gr. V ( Lime Juice, ) PEPSIN AND IRON. J Pepsin Sacch., U. S. P., 3 grs. j \ Iron Pyrophos., 2 “ J MEDICINAL LOZENGES. 143 PEPSIN AND LACTOPHOS. LIME. j Pepsin Sacch., U. S. P., 3 grs. \ ( Lactophos. Lime, 2 44 j POTASS. CHLORATE (with Lemon Flavor), 2 grs. 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 g 44 44 Vanilla 44 2 44 44 44 44 3 44 44 44 44 5 44 RHUBARB, AROMATIC. j Rhubarb, 2 grs. ! ( Arom. Powder, 1 gr. j RHUBARB AND GINGER. j Rhubarb, 2 grs . ) | Ginger, 1 gr. f RHUBARB, GINGER AND SODA. ( Rhubarb, 2 grs. ) < Ginger, 1 gr. V ( Soda Bicarb., 2 grs. ) RHUBARB AND MAGNESIA. ( Rhubarb, 2 grs. ) ( Magnesia, 2 44 j ROSE LEAF AND ALUM. j Red Rose Leaf, 1 gr. ) ( Alum, 1 44 } SA.L.ICYLIC ACID, 3 grs. SENNA , 10 grs. SPITTA’S CORYZA. f Oleores. Cubeb, 1-5 gr. J Tolu, 1-5 44 ] Sassafras, 1-10 44 L Ext. Liquorice, 7 grs. SQUILIi COMPOUND. Squill, 1 1-2 grs. Senega, 11-2 44 Tartar Emetic, 1-25 gr. \ SULPHUR COMPOUND (Garrod’s). j Sulphur, Precipitated, 5 grs. ) ( Cream Tartar, 1 gr. j TAR. 144 MEDICINAL LOZENGES. WILD CHERRY COMPOUND. f Morph. Sulph., 1-50 gr. Ipecac, 1-50 “ J Kermes Mineral, 1-4 “ Oil Bitter Almonds, 1-100 min. i | FI. Extr. Wild Cherry, 1-10 “ L Tinct. Veratr. Yir., 3-10 “ J WISTAR’S. ( Opium, 1-10 gr. ) ■< Extr. Liquorice, 2 grs. V ( Oil Anise, 1-30 min. ) 1 SANTONIN, 1-2 gr. (round, chocolate), worm lozenge. - “ 1 gr. “ “ tt tt 1-2 gr. (round, pink), worm lozenge. “ 1 gr. 1-2 gr.. Calomel 1-2 gr. (round, chocolate), worm lozenge. 1-2 gr., Calomel 1-2 gr., Podophyllin 1-20 gr. (round, chocolate), worm lozenge. tt 1-2 gr., Podophyllin 1-20 gr. worm lozenge. (round, chocolate), Medicated Octagon and Drop Lozenges. (NOT COMPRESSED.) CHLORATE OF POTASH, 3 GRAINS, LIQUORICE (cylindrical). WHITE (octagon). “ (cylindrical), sugar-coated, white. t( » It tt tt pink. SANTONIN, 1-2 gr. (drop confections, pink), worm lozenge. 1 gr. >t tt tt u 1-2 gr. (octagon, pink), worm lozenge. 1 gr. 1-2 gr., and Calomel 1-2 gr. (octagon, chocolate), worm lozenge. 1-2 gr., and Calomel 1-2 gr., and Podophyllin 1-20 gr. (octagon, chocolate), worm lozenge. 1-2 gr., and Podophyllin 1-20 grain (octagon, chocolate), worm lozenge. 1-2 gr. (large oval, pink), worm lozenge. 1-2 gr., and Calomel 1-2 gr. worm lozenge. (large oval, pink), MEDICINAL LOZENGES. 145 SANTONIN, 1-2 gr., and Calomel 1-2 gr., and Podophyllin 1-20 gr. (large oval, pink), worm lozenge. “ 1-2 gr., and Podophyllin 1-20 gr. (large oval, pink), worm lozenge. ALKALINE AND ANTISEPTIC TABLETS As suggested by Dr. CARL SEILER. Each tablet containing Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Sali- cylate, Sodium Biborate, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Benzo- ate, Thymol, Menthol, Eucalyptol, Oil Gaultheria. Useful in nasal catarrh and inflamed mucous membranes, as an antiseptic spray and mouth wash. For nasal applica- tions, dissolve one tablet in two fluidounces of water, and use as a spray or wash, to be sniifed up the nose morning and night. As a mouth wash, use a solution of the same strength, and apply with a soft tooth brush, or rinse the mouth thoroughly several times a day. It is a valuable antiseptic and deter- gent ; especially in stomatitis and retraction of the gums, it will prove an excellent remedy. TABLET TRITURATES. 146 Tablet Triturates. PREPARED ACCORDING TO DR. ROBT. M. FULLER’S METHOD. (See Medical Record , March 9, 1878.) “An easy, economical and accurate method of dispensing medicines in a compact and palatable form.” These tablets consist of the respective medicinal ingredient and pure Sugar of Milk , thoroughly mixed and incorporated together by trituration. Only the purest materials are used in their manufacture. The obvious advantages of this mode of dispensing medicines are: The thoroughness of the subdivision of the medicinal ingre- dient attained by protracted trituration with pure Sugar of Milk , and the consequent accuracy of dose. The ready solubility or diffusibility of the tablets in water and in the fluids of the stomach. The elegance of this form of tablet and the convenience afforded for readily and accurately dispensing small doses of potent remedies. The usual dose of Tablet Triturates is one , repeated as often as the judgment of the physician deems necessary. Special formulae made to order in lots of 1000 or more. ACID, ARSENIOUS, 1-100 gr. “ “ 1-60 “ “ “ 1-50 “ “ “ 1-40 “ “ “ 1-30 “ “ “ 1-20 “ TABLET TRITURATES. 147 ACONITE ROOT, Fluid Ext., 1 minim. ACONITINE, Duquesnel’s, 1-200 gr. 44 “ 1-100 “ ALOIN, 1-10 gr. “ 1-4 “ ALOIN AND BELLADONNA COMP. (I). ( Aloin, 1-5 gr. ) K Extr. Belladonna, 1-12 “ ( Strychnine Sulph., 1-60 44 ALOIN AND BELLADONNA COMP. (II). ( Aloin, 1-5 gr. ) < Extr. Belladonna, 1-8 ( Strychnine. Sulph., 1-120 ALOIN, STRYCHNINE AND BELLADONNA. ( Aloin, 1-5 gr. ) ■< Strychnine Sulph., 1-60 ( Extr. Belladonna, 1-8 ALOIN, STRYCHNINE, BELLADONNA AND IPECAC. Aloin, 1-4 gr. 1 Strychnine Sulph., 1-60 “ I Extr. Belladonna, 1-8 44 j 1-16 44 J Ipecac, AMMONIUM CHLORIDE, 1 gr. APOMORPHINE MURIATE, 1-100 gr. 44 44 1-50 44 ARSENIC IODIDE, 1-100 gr. 44 SULPHIDE, 1-100 gr. ATROPINE SULPHATE, 1-200 gr. 44 44 1-100 44 44 44 1-50 44 BELLADONNA, Fluid Ext., 1 minim. BISMUTH SUB-CARBONATE, 2 grs. 44 44 44 5 44 44 SUB-NITRATE, 2 grs. 44 44 44 5 44 BORAX, 1-10 gr. CAFFEINE, 1 gr. 44 CIT., 1 gr. TABLET TRITURATES. 148 CALCIUM SULPHIDE, 1-10 gr. “ “ i_4 “ “ “ 1-2 “ CALOMEL, 1-100 gr. “ 1-50 “ “ 1-20 “ “ 1-10 “ “ 1-4 “ “ 1-2 “ tfc 2 u “ 2 grs. CALOMEL AND IPECAC. ( Calomel, 1-4 gr. ) 1 Ipecac, 1-4 “ f *CAIOMEL, IPECAC AND SODIUM. I Calomel, 1-5 gr. ) < Ipecac, 1-10 ( Sodium Bicarb., 1 CALOMEL AND PODOPHYLLIN. j Calomel , ^ 1-2 gr . [ \ Podophyllin, 1-2 *CALOMEL AND SODIUM (I). j Calomel, 1-4 gr. I ( Sodium Bicarb., 1-2 “ ) *CALOMEL AND SODIUM (II). j Calomel, 1-2 gr. ) 1 Sodium Bicarb., 1-2 “ f • CALOMEL AND SODIUM (III). i Calomel, 2 grs. { 1 Sodium Bicarb., 2 “ ) *CALOMEL, SODIUM AND PODOPHYLLIN. ( Calomel, 3-2 gr. ) •< Sodium Bicarb., 1-2 ( Podophyllin, 1-12 CANNABIS IND. EXT., 1 10 gr. CAULOPHYLLIN, 1-10 gr. CERIUM OXALATE, 1 gr. * Compressed. TABLET TRITURATES. 1 149 CODEINE, 1-5 gr. “ 1-4 44 44 1-2 44 COPPER ARSENITE, 1-5000 gr. 44 44 1-100 66 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE, 1-1000 gr. 66 66 1-500 44 66 66 1-100 44 U It 1-60 44 66 1-50 44 66 66 1-40 44 “ 1-30 44 46 64 1-20 44 1-12 44 66 66 1-10 44 DIG1TAEINE, 1-120 gr. “ 1-60 44 DOVER’S POWDER, Sacch., 1-10 gr. 66 66 66 1-4 44 6% 66 66 1-2 44 66 66 66 3 1-3 grs. 44 5 44 ELATERIN, Cryst., 1-20 gr. 44 ♦ 44 1-10 44 ELATERIUM (Cluttertmck), 1-10 gr. GEESEMIN, 1-16 gr. 44 1-10 44 44 1-8 44 44 1-4 44 HELONIN, 1-10 gr. HYOSCYAMINE, White Cryst., 1-200 gr. 44 1-100 44 66 66 66 1-50 44 66 66 66 1-25 44 IGNATIA, 1-100 gr. 44 1-20 44 44 1-10 44 150 TABLET TRITURATES. IPECAC, 1-10 gr. “ 1-4 “ “ 1-2 “ IRON ARSENI ATE, 1-20 gr. “ “ 1-10 “ IRON AND STRYCHNINE COMP. f Iron by Hydrogen, 1-2 gr. J Arsenious Acid, 1-100 “ } Quinine Sulph., 1-2 “ { Strychnine Sulph., 1-120 “ IRON, ARSENIC AND STRYCHNINE. ( Iron by Hydrogen, 1 gr. ) ■< Arsenious Acid, 1-100 “ v ( Strychnine Sulph., 1-60 “ ( IRON LACTATE, 1 gr. “ PYROPHOSPHATE, 1 gr. “ Quevenne’s, 1-2 gr. “ “ 1 “ IRON AND QUININE CITRATE, 1-20 gr. “ “ “ “ 1-4 “ “ “ “ “ 1-2 “ 44 44 44 44 ^ IRON, QUININE AND STRYCHNINE. ( Iron by Hydrogen, 1-2 gr. ) •s Quinine Sulph., 1-2 “ >* ( Strychnine Sulph., 1-120 “ ) IRON AND STRYCHNINE CITRATE, 1-4 gr. “ “ “ “ 1-2 “ U U U It 2 “ SULPHATE, 1-50 gr. LEPTANDRIN, 1-16 gr. LITHIUM CARBONATE, 2 grs. MACROTIN, 1-10 gr. MANGANESE BINOXIDE, 1-2 gr. tt tl 2 u MERCURY IODIDE, Green (Proto-Iodide), 1-100 gr. “ “ “ 1-50 gr. “ ;t 1-25 “ TABLET TRITURATES. 151 MERCURY IODIDE, Green, 1-10 gr. 44 44 44 1-6 44 44 4b 44 1-5 44 it tt ;t 1-4 44 (4 tt tt 1-3 44 tt tt tt 1-2 44 tt tt tt 1 44 44 “ Red (Bin-Iodide), 1-100 gr. tt tt tt 1-50 gr. 1-25 44 44 44 44 1-16 44 44 44 44 1-12 44 “ WITH CHALK, 1-10 gr. 44 44 44 1-5 44 44 44 44 1 44 MORPHINE SULPHATE, 1-50 gr. tt tt 1-20 44 44 44 1-16 44 44 44 1-8 44 44 44 • 1-6 44 44 44 1-4 44 44 44 1-2 44 44 ACETATE, 1-8 gr. NITROGLYCERIN, 1-100 gr. “ 1-50 44 NUX VOMICA, 1-100 gr. 44 44 1-50 “ - 44 44 1-20 44 OPIUM, 1-4 gr. 44 1-2 44 PILOCARPINE NITRATE, 1-100 gr. 44 44 1-50 44 44 44 1-25 44 “ 1-10 44 PODOPHYLLIN, 1-40 gr. 1-20 44 152 TABLET TRITURATES. PODOPHYLLIN, 1-10 gr. “ 1-8 “ “ 1-4 “ “ 1-2 " POTASSIUM CHLORATE, 3 grs. QUININE BISULPHATE, 1-10 gr. “ “ 1-4 “ “ “ 1-2 “ “ “ 1 “ “ SULPHATE, 1-10 gr. “ “ 1-2 “ “ “ 1 “ SACCHARINE, 1-2 gr. SALICIN, 5 grs. SANTONIN, 1-2 gr. “ 1 “ SANTONIN AND CALOMEL. j Santonin, 1-2 gr. ) ( Calomel, 1-2 “ ) SODIUM ARSENI ATE, 1-25 gr. “ “ 1-15 “ “ “ 1-10 “ “ SALICYLATE, 3 grs. STRYCHNINE SULPHATE, 1-100 gr. " 1-60 “ “ 1-50 “ “ 1-40 “ “ 1-30 “ “ 1-20 “ “ l-l6 “ TARTAR EMETIC, 1-100 gr, “ “ 1-50 “ “ “ 1-25 “ “ " 1-16 “ “ “ 1-8 “ “ “ 1-4 “ ANTISEPTIC TABLETS. 153 TURPETH MINERAL, 1-10 gr. 44 44 J 44 VERATRINE, 1-20 gr. “ 1-10 “ ZINC PHOSPHIDE, 1-100 gr. 44 44 2.50 44 44 4 4 2-25 “ 44 44 2-6 “ ‘ k “ 1-4 “ 44 44 2-2 “ The above comprises a list of Tablet Triturates most commonly in use, but we are prepared to furnish any other formula, the nature and quantity of which will permit of being presented in this form. ANTISEPTIC TABLETS (BERNAY’S). (FOR EXTERNAL USE.) Each tablet contains 1 3-4 grains of Corrosive Sublimate and 87-100 grain of Citric Acid. One tablet dissolved in four ounces of water furnishes a solution containing one part of Corrosive Sublimate in 1000. (Put up in bottles of 100 and 1000 tablets each.) 154 ELIXIRS. |W° Physicians are requested when prescribing any of our Preparations to specify SHARP & DOHME’S (or S. & D.’s) on the prescriptions. SPECIAL PREPARATIONS, EMBRACING Elixirs, Syrups, Etc. PREPARED BY SHARP & DOHME. We invite particular attention to this class of our prepara- tions, which have the great advantage of presenting the different remedial agents contained in them in a most pala- table form , and have become quite favorite remedies with many eminent physicians , who have furnished us undoubted testimony of their efficacy. The utmost care is taken in the manufacture of these prepa- rations , and the quantities of the different remedial agents , named under each , can be implicitly relied upon as their accurate composition , whilst extensive Laboratory and other facilities enable us to furnish them at very moderate prices. ELIXIES. ADJUVANT. A pleasant vehicle for Quinine and other bitter and nau- seous medicines. Dose, X to 1 tablespoonful. SIMPLE EUIXIR (Red or White). A pleasant aromatic cordial, useful as an addition to medicines to correct their unpleasant taste. Dose, 2 to 4 fluidrachms. ELIXIRS. 155 BISMUTH. A palatable elixir, holding in solution 2 grains of Ammon. Citrate of Bismuth in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 tea- spoonful. BISMUTH AND STRYCHNINE. Containing 2 grains Citrate of Bismuth and 1-64 grain Citrate of Strychnine in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. BROMIDE OF AMMONIUM. Containing 5 grains of Bromide of Ammonium in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. BROMIDE OF CALCIUM. Containing 5 grains of Bromide of Calcium in each flui- drachm. Dose, % to 1 tablespoonful. BROMIDE OF LITHIUM. This elixir contains 2 grains of Bromide of Lithium in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM. A pleasantly flavored elixir, containing 10 grains of the above salt in each fluidrachm. Esteemed as a remedy to allay nervous excitability, sleeplessness, etc. Dose, % to 1 tablespoonful. BROMIDE OF POTASSIUM. Properties same as preceding, containing 5 grains to each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 dessert- to 1 tablespoonful. BROMIDE OF SODIUM. Bromide of Sodium is considered nearly identical with Bromide of Potassium in its medicinal effects, while it is more agreeable to the taste and less liable to derange the stomach. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful, containing 10 grains. BUCHU AND PAREIRA BRAVA. An excellent diuretic, representing 1 drachm each of Buchu and Pareira Brava to the fluidounce. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful. CALISAYA BARK. Calisaya Bark is the most reliable and useful of our tonics, fulfilling the indications for treatment in all atonic conditions better than any other. It is an ex- cellent stimulant tonic, representing the medicinal prop- erties of 40 grains of the best Lima or Calisaya Bark in each fluidounce, combined with choice aromatics, etc. Dose, 1 to 2 dessertspoonfuls. 156 ELIXIRS. CALISAYA BARK, Ferrated. Containing: 40 grains of Calisaya Bark and 16 grains of Citrate of Iron to the fluidounce. Dose, 1 dessertspoon- ful. CADIS AY A AND BISMUTH. Being the elixir of Calisaya Bark with addition of 1 grain of Ammon. Citrate of Bismuth in each fluidrachm. Dose, 2 fluidrachms. CALISAYA, BISMUTH AND STRYCHNINE. A combination of Cinchona with 1 grain Ammon. Citrate of Bismuth and 1-100 grain of Strychnine in each flui- drachm. Dose, 2 fluidrachms. CALISAYA, IRON AND BISMUTH. This is the Elix. Calisaya Eerrated with addition of 8 grains of Citrate of Bismuth to each fluidounce. This excellent combination, acceptable to the most delicate stomach, has been used with marked effect in dyspepsia, anaemia and female debility as a general tonic. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful. CALISAYA, IRON, BISMUTH AND STRYCHNINE. A combination of Cinchona with 16 grains of Citrate of Iron, 8 grains Ammon. Citrate of Bismuth and 8-100 grain of Strychnine to the fluidounce. Used in dyspepsia, chlorosis, anaemia, etc. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful. CALISAYA, IRON AND MANGANESE. A combination of 40 grains Calisaya Bark, 16 grains of Ammon. Citrate of Iron and 8 grains of Citrate of Man- ganese in each fluidounce. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful. CALISAYA, IRON AND STRYCHNINE. Containing 5 grains Calisaya Bark, 2 grains Citrate of Iron and 1-100 grain of Citrate of Strychnine in each fluidrachm. Specially adapted to cases of general de- bility complicated with nervous difficulties. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful. CALISAYA AND PROTOXIDE OF IRON. Containing 40 grains Calisaya Bark and 16 grains Citrate of Protoxide of Iron in each fluidounce. Dose, 1 dessert- spoonful. CALISAYA AND PYROPHOSPHATE OF IRON. Containing in each fluidounce 40 grains Calisaya Bark and 16 grains of Pyrophosphate of Iron, the favorite Iron Salt in point of efficacy with a large number of practitioners, and which at the same time is almost entirely without ferruginous taste, making this a most desirable elixir for very delicate, anaemic patients. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful. ELIXIRS. 157 CALISAYA, PYROPHOSPHATE OF IRON AND STRYCHNINE. Five grains of Calisaya Bark in combination with 2 grains Pyrophosphate of Iron and 1-100 grain Strychnine in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful. CALISAYA AND STRYCHNINE. A combination of 5 grains of Calisaya Bark with 1-100 grain Strychnine in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 dessert- spoonful. CASCARA SAGRADA. Containing 15 grains of Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus Pur- shiana) in each fluidrachm. Used successfully in habitual constipation. Dose, 1 to 3 teaspoonfuls. CATHARTIC COMPOUND. Containing 2 drachms Senna, 1 drachm Sulph. Magnesium, 24 grains Mandrake, 10 grains Jalap, 1 drachm Liquorice Root and aromatics in each fluidounce. Dose for an adult, 1 to 2 tablespoonfuls ; for a child 5 years, 1 to 2 tea- spoonfuls. CHLORAL HYDRATE. Containing 5 grains of this valuable hypnotic in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 to 4 fluidrachms. CINCHONIDINE, IRON AND STRYCHNINE. A palatable elixir, containing 1 grain Cinchonidine, 2 grains Citrate of Iron and 1-64 grain Strychnine in each fluidrachm. An excellent nerve tonic and antiperiodic. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. CITRATE OF CAFFEINE. Containing 4 grains of Citrate of Caffeine in each fluid- ounce. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. CITRATE OF IRON, QUININE AND STRYCHNINE. Containing 1 grain Citrate of Iron, X grain Citrate Qui- nine and 1-64 grain Citrate Strychnine in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. CITRATE OF LITHIUM. Each fluidounce of this elixir contains 20 grains of Citrate of Lithium, which has been recommended as a remedy to eliminate uric acid from the system, and to prevent the deposit of insoluble salts in the bladder. Dose, 1 dessert- spoonful, containing 5 grains of the salt. COCA LEAVES. Containing 15 grains of Coca Leaves in each fluidrachm. A nervous stimulant, diaphoretic, and an aid to digestion. Useful as a substitute for opium in the opium habit ; nervous headache, melancholia, and typhoid state of fevers. Dose, 1 to 2 tablespoonfuls. 158 ELIXIRS. CORYDALIS COMPOUND. An efficient alterative, highly recommended in secondary syphilis, scrofulous, cutaneous and glandular affections, rheumatism, etc., containing 30 grains of Corydalis (Tur- key Pea), 45 grains of Iris Versicolor (Blue Flag), 30 grains of Stillingia (Queen’s Root), 15 grains of Xanthoxylum (Prickly Ash), and 20 grains of Iodide of Potassium in each fluidounce. This elixir has been prescribed quite extensively by many physicians of our city and else- where since we issued the first edition of this catalogue, and has been found remarkably successful in the treat- ment of the above diseases. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful three times a day. CURACAO CORDIAL. A pleasant cordial, combining the flavor of Curacao Bark and various aromatics. Well adapted as an addition to other medicines to cover their unpleasant taste. EUCALYPTUS COMPOUND. A pleasant vehicle for the administration of Quinine, consisting of Eucalyptus Globulus, Liquorice Root and aromatics. Dose, 1 to 4 fluidrachms. GENTIAN, Ferrated. An excellent aromatic tonic bitter, representing the strength of the compound infusion of Gentian of the Pharmacopoeia, with addition of 16 grains of Pyrophos- phate of Iron to each fluidounce. Dose, 2 fluidrachms, beforb eating. GENTIAN AND BISMUTH, Ferrophosphated. Representing the strength of the Compound Infusion of Gentian of the Pharmacopoeia, with 16 grains Pyrophos- phate of Iron and 8 grains Ammonio-Citrate of Bismuth in each fluidounce. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful, before eating. GENTIAN AND CHLORIDE OF IRON. An agreeable tonic, of the strength of the compound in- fusion of Gentian, containing, in addition to Gentian and aromatics, 10 minims of the officinal Tinct. Ferri Chlor. in each fiuidrachm, combined with Citrate of Sodium, which latter completely disguises the ferruginous taste of the iron. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. GOLDEN SEAL. Containing 60 grains of Golden Seal in each fluidounce. Tonic, cholagogue, and alterative to mucous membranes. Highly recommended in dyspepsia, jaundice, gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea, gastric catarrh, etc., etc. Dose, 1 to 2 tea- spoonfuls. ELIXIRS. 159 GRINDELIA ROBUSTA, AROMATIC. Representing- 2 drachms of the drug- in each fluidounce. Grindelia Robusta has attained considerable reputation as a remedy in asthma, hay fever, etc. The dose of the elixir is 2 to 4 fluidrachms. GUARANA. Highly recommended as a prompt remedy for nervous headache, neuralgia, and nervous debility. It has also been found serviceable in the treatment of diarrhoea. Adult dose of the elixir, for headache, 1 tablespoonful, to be repeated in one hour if necessary; for nervous de- bility, neuralgia, etc., 1 dessertspoonful three times a day. GUARANA AND CELERY. Containing 60 grains of Guarana and 60 grains of Celery Seed in each fluidounce. Reputed to be a prompt remedy for nervous headache and nervous debility. Dose, ^ to 1 tablespoonful. HELONIAS COMP. Used as a tonic in functional derangements of the uterus, representing 30 grains of Helonias Dioica and 10 grains each of Viburnum Opulus, Mitchella Repens, and Caulo- phyllum Thalictroides in each fluidounce. Dose, 1 table- spoonful. HOPS. This preparation presents the valuable properties of Hops in the form of a pleasant elixir, representing a drachm of Hops to the fluidounce, and is found to be an excellent remedy in nervous irritability, especially that resulting from excessive use of intoxicating liquors. Dose, 1 tablespoonful. IODIDE AND BROMIDE OF CALCIUM. Containing 5 grains of the combined salt in each dessert- spoonful. Very valuable in scrofula and strumous dia- thesis. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful. IRON, BISMUTH AND STRYCHNINE. Containing 2 grains of Citrate of Iron, 1 grain Ammon. Citrate of Bismuth and 1-100 grain of Strychnine in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful. IRON, QUININE AND BISMUTH. Containing 16 grains of Citrate of Iron, 8 grains of Citrate of Quinine and 8 grains of Ammonio-Citrate of Bismuth in each fluidounce. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. IRON, QUININE, BISMUTH AND STRYCHNINE. A combination of 1 grain of Citrate of Iron, % grain Citrate Quinine, 1 grain Ammon. Citrate Bismuth and 1-64 grain Strychnine in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. 160 ELIXIRS. IRON AND STRYCHNINE. Containing 2 grains Citrate of Iron and 1-100 grain of Strychnine in each fluidrachra. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful. LIQUORICE, AROMATIC. A pleasant vehicle for the administration of Quinine and other bitter and nauseous medicines, consisting of Li- quorice Root and aromatics. Dose, 2 to 4 iluidrachms. LUPULIN. Much esteemed as a remedy in nervous irritability, espe- cially that resulting from excessive use of intoxicating liquors. Dose, 1 tablespoonful. MANDRAKE COMPOUND. Containing in each fluidounce 1 drachm each of Mandrake, Culver’s Root and Senna, together with aromatics. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. MATICO COMP. An excellent tonic, diuretic combination. Highly recom- mended in diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urinary passages, containing 40 grains each of Matico, Uva Ursi and Hydrangea in each fluidounce. Dose, 1 dessert- spoonful. ORANGE (U. S. P.) A pleasant aromatic cordial, useful as an addition to medicines to correct their unpleasant taste. Dose, 2 to 4 flui drachms. PANCREATIN. Containing 2 grains Saccharated Pancreatin in each flui- drachm. Highly recommended by Dr. Dobell for improv- ing the digestion and assimilation of fatty substances. In consumptives there is generally a great dislike to fat, and this because of an inability to digest it. Pancreatin emulsionizes fat, renders it easy of digestion, and con- sequently enriches the circulating juices of the body. Dose, % to 1 tablespoonful. PANCREATIN AND BISMUTH. Containing 2 grains Sacch. Pancreatin and 1 grain Ammon. Citrate of Bismuth in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. PANCREATIN, BISMUTH AND STRYCHNINE. Containing 2 grains Sacch. Pancreatin, 1 grain Ammon. Citrate of Bismuth and 1-64 grain Strychnine in each flui- drachm. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. PEPSIN. A palatable solution of Pepsin, containing 5 grains of Pepsin in each fluidrachm. The value of this medicinal agent, when pure, has been thoroughly established in various dyspeptic ailments, and specially in dentition and cholera infantum of children. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. ELIXIRS. 161 PEPSIN AND BISMUTH. The above with addition of 1 grain of Ammon. Citrate of Bismuth to each fluidrachm. Like the preceding, used in dyspepsia, particularly when complicated with irrita- bility of the stomach. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. PEPSIN, CINCHONA AND BISMUTH. A combination of 5 grains of Pepsin, 1 grain of Citrate of Bismuth and 8 grains of Cinchona Bark in each flui- drachm. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. PEPSIN, CINCHONA AND IRON. A combination of 5 grains of Pepsin, 2 grains Citrate of Iron and 8 grains Cinchona Bark in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. PEPSIN, CINCHONA AND STRYCHNINE. Combining the tonic properties of Cinchona Bark with Pepsin and Strychnine, in the proportion of 5 grains of Pepsin, 1-64 grain of Strychnine and the activity of 8 grains of Cinchona Bark in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 tea- spoonful. PEPSIN AND GENTIAN. Digestive and tonic. Containing 5 grains of pepsin and 10 grains of Gentian in each dessertspoonful. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful. PEPSIN AND IRON. Containing 5 grains of Pepsin and 2 grains of Citrate of Iron in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. PEPSIN, IRON AND BISMUTH. The elixir contains 5 grains of Pepsin, 1 grain Ammon. Citrate of Bismuth, 2 grains of Citrate of Iron in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. PEPSIN, IRON AND BISMUTH, with Calisaya Bark. Containing 5 grains of Pepsin, 2 grains Citrate of 'Iron, 1 grain of Ammon.Citrate of Bismuth and 5 grains Calisaya Bark in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. PEPSIN, IRON, BISMUTH AND QUININE, Used in indigestion and general debility. Containing 5 grains of Pepsin, 2 grains of Citrate of Iron, 1 grain Citrate Bismuth and 1 grain of Citrate of Quinine in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. PEPSIN, IRON AND QUININE. Used in indigestion and general debility. Containing 5 grains of Pepsin, 2 grains of Citrate of Iron and 1 grain of Citrate of Quinine in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 tea- spoonful. 162 ELIXIRS. PEPSIN, IRON AND STRYCHNINE. Containing- 5 grains of Pepsin, 2 grains of Citrate of Iron, 1-64 grain of Strychnine in each fluidraehm. Dose, 1 tea- spoonful. PEPSIN AND QUININE. An excellent remedy in dyspepsia and general debility. Containing 5 grains of Pepsin, 1 grain of Citr. Quinine, in each fluidraehm. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. PEPSIN, QUININE AND STRYCHNINE. Containing 5 grains of Pepsin, 1 grain of Citrate Quinine and 1-64 grain of Strychnine in each fluidraehm. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. PEPSIN AND STRYCHNINE. Containing 5 grains of Pepsin and 1-64 grain of Strychnine in each fluidraehm. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. PEPSIN, STRYCHNINE AND BISMUTH. Highly esteemed as a digestive ; particularly adapted to dyspepsia, the debility of the stomach following chronic gastritis, and in that attendant on convalescence and certain exhausting diseases, such as phthisis, when the gastric juice is not secreted in sufficient quantity to enable the stomach to perform its proper functions. While Pepsin is claimed to keep up artificial digestion, Strychnine gives tone to the sympathetic, thereby tend- ing to effect a permanent cure ; and Bismuth operates as a sedative and alterative, and plays an important part in irritability of the stomach and in inflamed conditions of the gastro-enteric mucous membranes. Each fluidraehm contains 5 grains of Pepsin, 1-64 grain of Strychnine, 1 grain of Ammonio-Citrate of Bismuth. Dose, 1 flui- drachm, before meals. PEPSIN, STRYCHNINE AND BISMUTH, with Cali- saya. An excellent digestive ; particularly adapted to dyspepsia and debility following chronic gastritis ; containing 5 grains of Pepsin, 1-64 grain of Strychnine, 1 grain of Am- monio-Citrate of Bismuth and 5 grains Calisaya Bark to the fluidraehm. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. PEPSIN, STRYCHNINE, BISMUTH & PANCREATIN. Containing 5 grains Pepsin, 1-64 grain Strychnine, 1 grain Ammon. Citrate of Bismuth and 1 grain Pancreatin in each fluidraehm. Dose, 1 fluidraehm. PEPSIN, STRYCHNINE AND BISMUTH, with Quinine. An excellent digestive ; particularly adapted to dyspepsia and debility following chronic gastritis ; containing 5 grains of Pepsin, 1-64 grain of Strychnine, 1 grain of Am- monio-Citrate of Bismuth and 1 grain Citrate of Quinine in the fluidraehm. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. ELIXIRS. 1G3 PEPSIN, STRYCHNINE AND BISMUTH, Ferrated. The same as Elix. Pepsin, Strychnine and Bismuth with addition of 2 grains of Ammon. Citrate of Iron to each fluidraehm. Recommended as a remedy in dyspepsia and general debility. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. PHOSPHATE OF IRON. Containing 8 grains Phosphate of Iron in each fluidounce. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful. PHOSPHATE OF IRON, QUININE AND STRYCHNINE. This excellent tonic combination, which we have been preparing for many years, contains 1 grain each of the Phosphates of Iron and Quinine and 1-32 grain of Phos- phate of Strychnine in every dessertspoonful (2 flui- drachms). Dose, 1 dessertspoonful. The very extensive demand for this elixir proves that it has become a general favorite with the medical profession. PYROPHOSPHATE OF IRON. A very valuable preparation, without unpleasant ferru- ginous taste, containing 16 grains of the Pyrophosphate to the fluidounce, combined with choice aromatics and tonics. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidraehm s. PYROPHOSPHATE OF IRON AND QUININE. Containing 2 grains of Pyrophosphate of Iron and A grain of Quinine in each fluidraehm. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. PYROPHOSPHATE OF IRON, QUININE AND STRYCH- NINE. Containing 5 grains of Pyrophosphate of Iron, 1 grain of Quinine and 1-40 grain of Strychnine in each dessert- spoonful.' Dose, 1 dessertspoonful. QUININE, BISMUTH AND STRYCHNINE. Containing 1 grain Citrate of Quinine, 1 grain of Ammon. Citrate of Bismuth and 1-64 grain of Citrate Strychnine in each fluidraehm. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. QUININE COMP. Containing 2 grains of Quinine, 1 grain of Cinchonine and 1 grain of soluble Citrate of Iron in each dessertspoonful. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful. QUININE, IRON AND ARSENIC. Containing in each fluidounce 4 grains of Quinine, 4 grains of Phosphate of Iron and % grain of Arsenic. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidraehm s. QUININE, IRON, ARSENIC AND STRYCHNINE. Containing in each fluidounce 4 grains of Quinine, 4 grains of Phosphate of Iron, X grain of Arsenic and 1-6 grain of Strychnine. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. 164 ELIXIRS. RHAMNUS COMP. This palatable and purely vegetable elixir consists of Rhamnus Frangula and Podophyllum, combined with aromatics. Physicians will find this elixir a most effec- tive cathartic, mild but certain in its action, without any tendency to produce griping nausea. It is highly recom- mended in cases of habitual costiveness, and, in small doses, as a palatable cathartic for children. Dose for an adult, X to 1 tablespoonful. Dose for a child 5 years old 4 X to 1 teaspoonful ; other ages in proportion. RHUBARB AND MAGNESIA, AROMATIC. Representing 6 grains of Rhubarb and 4 grains of Mag- nesia in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 to 4 fluidrachms. SALICYLATE OP SODIUM. A pleasantly flavored elixir, holding in solution 20 grains of the above salt in each fluidounce. Dose, X to 1 table- spoonful. SALICYLIC ACID. Containing 8 grains Salicylic Acid in each fluidounce. Dose, X A to 1 tablespoonful. SENNA COMP. Representing 2 drachms of Senna, % drachm Rhubarb and 2 drachms of Rochelle Salts, with aromatics, in each fluidounce. Dose, ^ to 1 tablespoonful. STILLINGIA COMPOUND. An efficient alterative, highly recommended in all de- g raved conditions of the blood, scrofula, rheumatism, etc. ontaining the valuable properties of Stillingia, Iris Ver- sicolor, Corydalis, Xanthoxylum and Iodide of Potassium. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful three times a day. SUMBUL COMPOUND. Highly recommended in hysteria, chorea, epilepsy, neu- ralgia, and other nervous disorders ; containing 1 drachm of Sumbul and 8 grains of Valerianate of Ammonium in each fluidounce. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful, containing 15 grains of Sumbul and 2 grains of Valerianate of Am- monium. TARAXACUM COMP. A combination of 30 grains of Taraxacum, 15 grains of Wild Cherry Bark, 30 grains of Liquorice Root, 6 grains of Gentian Root, with aromatics, in each fluidounce. A pleasant tonic and sedative, but particularly valued as a vehicle for Quinine, the bitterness of which it disguises to a remarkable extent. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. VALERIANATE OF AMMONIUM. Prepared by Goddard’s formula, containing 16 grains Valerianate Ammonium in each fluidounce, and forming a clear, pleasant elixir, much esteemed in neuralgia, hysteria, chorea, etc. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. ELIXIRS. 165 VALERIANATE OF AMMONIUM AND QUININE. Being the above preparation with the addition of 4 grains of Valerianate of Quinine in each fiuidounce. Dose, 1 to 2 iiuidrachms. VALERIANATE OF AMMONIUM AND STRYCHNINE. Containing in each fluidrachm 2 grains Valerianate of Ammonium and 1-64 grain Valerianate of Strychnine. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. VALERIANATE OF IRON AND STRYCHNINE. Containing 1 grain Valerianate of Iron and 1-64 grain Valer. Strychnine in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 to 2 flui- drachms. VALERIANATE OF QUININE. Nervine stimulant and antiperiodic, containing 4 grains of Valerianate of Quinine in each fluidounce. Dose, 1 dessertspoonful. VALERIANATE OF STRYCHNINE A valuable nervine stimulant and antispasmodic. Each fluidrachm contains 1-32 grain of Valerianate of Strych- nine. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. VALERIANATE OF ZINC. An excellent nervine tonic., pised in hysteria, nervousness and general debility, containing 4 grains of Valerianate of Zinc in each fluidounce. Dose, 1 to 2 iiuidrachms. WAHOO. Containing 15 grains of Wahoo in each fluidrachm. Dose, X to 1 tablespoonful. WILD CHERRY BARK. This elixir represents the valuable properties of Wild Cherry Bark in the proportion of 10 grains to each flui- drachm. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. WILD CHERRY BARK, Ferrated. This preparation combines in a most agreeable form the valuable tonic and sedative properties of Wild Cherry Bark with those of Pyrophosphate of Iron, representing 16 grains of the Pyrophosphate to the fluidounce. It is recommended in cases of atony, which often succeed inflammatory diseases, dyspepsia, scrofula and consump- tion. Adult dose, 2 fluidrachms. YERBA SANTA. Containing 1 drachm of Yerba Santa in each fluidounce. Dose, 1 tablespoonful. YERBA SANTA COMP. Containing 30 grains each of Yerba Santa and Grindelia Robusta in each fluidounce. Dose, 1 tablespoonful. 166 S YE UPS. SYRUPS. BROMIDE OF IRON. Containing 1 drachm of Bromide of Iron to the fluid- ounce. An excellent alterative and tonic. Dose, 10 to 30 drops. BROMIDE OF QUININE. Containing 1 grain of Bromide of Quinine in each flui- drachm. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. HYPOPHOSPHITES COMP. Containing 5 grains of the combined Hypophosphites of Calcium, Sodium, Potassium and Iron in each fluidrachm, >4 grain being Hypophosphite of Protoxide of Iron. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. HYPOPHOSPHITES COMP. (Calcium, Sodium and Potassium). Containing 5 grains of the above combined Hypophos- phites in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. HYPOPHOSPHITES COMP., with Quinine and Strychnine. A combination of the Hypophosphites of Calcium, So- dium, Iron, Potassium, with Quinine and Strychnine, each fluidrachm containing of Hypophosphite Calcium 2% grs. “ Sodium 1 gr. “ Potassium % “ “ Protoxide of Iron % “ “ Quinine % “ “ Strychnine 1-64 “ Highly recommended in all pulmonary and scrofulous diseases and as a general tonic to the system. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms three to four times a day. HYPOPHOSPHITE OF CALCIUM AND SODIUM (Churchill’s). This compound, which was originally proposed by Dr. Churchill, of Paris, as a cure for phthisis and other pul- monary and scrofulous diseases, contains 4 grains of the above combined Hypophosphites in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. HYPOPHOSPHITES OF IRON AND MANGANESE. Containing 1 grain each of the Hypophosphites of Iron and Manganese in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. IODIDE OF IRON AND MANGANESE. Containing 5 grains of Iodide of Iron and grains of Iodide of Manganese to the fluidrachm. This chalybeate and alterative is applicable to most cases where Iodide of Iron is indicated, and, by some practitioners, is preferred to the latter. Dose. 10 to 30 drops. SYRUPS. 167 KOOSSO COMP. A pleasant vermifuge for children, representing 1 drachm of Koosso, 1 drachm of Levant Wormseed (Sem. Santo- nici) and 1 drachm of Senna, with aromatics, in each fluidounce. Dose, 1 to i fluidrachms, according to age, three times a day. LACTATE OF IRON. This Syrup, which contains 2 grains of Lactate of Iron in each fluidrachm in permanent solution, and is pleasantly flavored, proves quite an elegant and convenient form for administering this valuable Salt of Iron, the dose being a teaspoonful. LACTO-PHOSPHATE OF CALCIUM. Recommended by Dr. Blache in adynamic fevers and in convalescence. It stimulates nutrition and assimilation. Especially useful in typhoid fever. The free Lactic Acid makes the Phosphate of Calcium much more soluble. Each fluidrachm contains 2 grains Lacto-Phosphate of Calcium. Dose, 1 to 2 dessertspoonfuls. LACTO-PHOSPHATE OF CALCIUM AND IRON. Containing 2 grains each of the Lacto-Phosphate of Cal- cium and Iron in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. LACTO-PHOSPHATE OF CALCIUM WITH PEPSIN. Containing 2 grains of Lacto-Phosphate of Calcium and 2 grains of Saccharated Pepsin in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. LACTO-PHOSPHATE OF CALCIUxM AND SODIUM. Containing 2 grains of Lacto-Phosphate of Calcium and 2 grains of Lacto-Phosphate of Sodium in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. LACTO-PHOSPHATES COMP. Containing 5 grains of the combined Lacto-Phosphates of Calcium, Iron, Potassium and Sodium in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. LACTO-PHOSPHATE OF IRON. Containing 2 grains of Lacto-Phosphate of Iron in each fluidrachm. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. LACTO-PHOSPHATE OF IRON, Q,UININE AND STRYCHNINE. Containing 1 grain each of the Lacto-Phosphates of Iron and Quinine, and 1-32 grain of Strychnine in each flui- drachm. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. OXIDE OF IRON. This is the “ Syrupus Ferri Oxydati Solubilis ” of the New German Pharmacopoeia. The Oxide of Iron, in the pro- portion of 2 grains in each fluidrachm, is chemically com- bined with sugar, and is thus held in perfect solution without the aid of an acid. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. 168 SYRUPS. PHOSPHATES COMP. (Chemical Pood). Containing- 5 grains of the combined Phosphates of Cal- cium, Sodium, Potassium and Iron in each fluidrachm, 1 grain being Phosphate of Iron. Dose, 1 teaspoonful. PHOSPHATE OF IRON, QUININE AND STRYCHNINE. This excellent tonic combination contains 1 grain each of the Phosphates of Iron and Quinine, and 1-32 grain of Phosphate of Strychnine in each fluidrachm, held in perfect solution by Tribasic Phosphoric Acid. Dose, 1 fluidrachm. TONIC HYPOPHOSPHITES. We call particular attention to our Syrup Tonic Hypo- phosphites, prepared according to the formula: Potas- sium Hypophosphite IX grains, Iron Hypophosphite 1 % grains, Manganese Hypophosphite 1 grain, Calcium Hy- pophosphite 1 grain, Quinine Hypophosphite X grain, Strychnine Hypophosphite 1-16 grain in each fluidounce, of which 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls are given at a dose. This combination has proved of immense value in the hands of practitioners in the treatment of atonic and cachectic conditions, as in the tubercular and strumous diatheses, in general debility and nervous exhaustion ; in fine, as a restorative and tonic generally. It is a true constructive or builder-up of the blood, enriching and purifying it, and rendering it suitable for nourishing and building up healthy tissues. Hence it has been found highly useful in the debility of tubercular phthisis with loss of appe- tite, night sweats and general emaciation ; in badly nour- ished and delicate children ; in rickets ; osteomalacia ; chlorosis and anaemia ; scrofulous ulcerations ; tedious convalescence from adynamic fevers and inflammations, as typhoid fever, pneumonia, etc., etc. The Strychnine acts particularly on the nervous centres, beside stimu- lating the appetite and digestion. The Quinine, in small doses, is a gentle excitant of the gastric functions, it in- creases the appetite as well as the digestion. Both of these agents stimulate all the functions of secretion and excretion, thus directly increasing assimilation and tend- ing to the replacement of diseased or feeble tissues by healthy normal growth. The other salts of this prepara- tion are all normal constituents of the human blood and are presented for absorption in a most soluble and ac- ceptable form as Hypophosphites, thus affording abun- dant material for increasing the red corpuscles, Avhich are the oxygen carriers, and the vitality of the protoplasm of the leucocytes or germ cells. The Phosphorus, in- troduced into the system as hypophosphorous acid, also acts an essential part in the restoration of nerve force and tissue. It will thus be seen that this is a truly scientific combination and will commend itself to the notice of the intelligent physician. No precipitation of any of the ingredients occurs in our syrup ; they are so skillfully combined that they form a harmonious and stable compound. WINES. 169 WHITE PINE COMPOUND. A valuable anodyne expectorant for the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis and all catarrhal conditions of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs. Each tiuidounce represents White Pine Bark 30 grains, Wild Cherry Bark 30 grains, Sassafras Bark 2 grains, Blood Root 3 % grains, Balm of Gilead Buds 4 grains, Chloroform 4 minims, Spikenard 4 grains, Morphine Acetate 3-16 grain. The combination is at once sedative and astringent in its action, lessening the cough and gradually reducing the amount of mucous secretion. Dose for an adult, 1 fluidrachm. WIUES. BEEF, WINE AND IRON. Extract of Beef, Sherry Wine and Citrate of Iron. Each lluidounce represents 2 ounces of Beef and 4 grains of Citrate of Iron. Dose, 1 tablespoonful. BEEP, WINE AND IRON WITH CINCHONA BARK. The above with the addition of 40 grains of Cinchona Bark in each fluidounce. Dose, 1 tablespoonful. BITTER WINE OF IRON. Composed of Spanish Wine, Cinchona and Citrate of Iron —16 grains of the latter to the fluidounce— of a delightful flavor, and highly esteemed in all cases where a mild tonic is indicated. Dose, 1 teaspoonful after meals. LACTO-PHOSPHATE OF CALCIUM. See Syrup of Lacto-Phosphate of Calcium. WINE OF COCA. An excellent tonic and stimulant. Prepared from the best quality of Coca Leaves and representing the medi- cinal properties of this valuable remedial agent to the fullest extent and in an elegant and palatable form. Highly esteemed for its invigorating effects in nervous debility and depression from various causes, increasing muscular and mental vigor, and acting as a powerful food-replacing agent, without interfering with appetite or digestion. Dose, 1 tablespoonful, representing 15 grains of Coca Leaves. WINE OF PEPSIN. A much-valued remedy to promote digestion. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. 170 ELIXIRS, WINES, SYRUPS, ETC. Besides the above-named Elixirs, Syrups, Wines, etc., we keep constantly in stock: ELIXIR OF BUCHU. “ “ CALISAYA, IRON AND QUININE. kk “ “ AND PHOSPHATE OF IRON. “ CITRATE OF IRON AND QUININE. “• COCA COMP. kk “ COTTON-ROOT BARK. ki DAMIANA. “ EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS. kk “ GENTIAN. “ “ IRON AND BISMUTH. kk kk IRON, QUININE AND NUX VOMICA. “ “ IRON, QUININE & STRYCHNINE WITH CALISAYA. ‘ k “ JUNIPER BERRIES. “ “ LACTUCARIUM. “ LACTO-PHOSPHATE OF CALCIUM. “ “ PEPSIN, BISMUTH AND PANCREATIN. 1 PEPSIN AND GENTIAN. “ " “ “ IRON. “ “ IRON, QUININE* STRYCHNINE. “ “ “ QUININE AND BISMUTH. “ “ “ AND PANCREATIN. “ PHOSPHATE OF QUININE. “ “ “ “ “ & STRYCHN. “ ‘ “ “ STRYCHNINE. “ “ POKEBERRIES. kk “ PROTOXIDE OF IRON. “ “ “ “ “ AND IODIDE OF CALCIUM. ‘ ' “ “ “ “ AND IODIDE OF POTASS. kk “ PYROPHOSPHATE OF IRON & STRYCH- NINE. kk “ QUININE AND STRYCHNINE. “ RHUBARB, COLUMBO AND IRON. ELIXIRS, WINES, SYRUPS, ETC. 171 ELIXIR OP STILLINGIA COMPOUND (WITH IODIDE OP POTASH). 44 44 VALERIANATE OF AMMONIUM AND MORPHINE. GLYCEROLE OF HYPOPHOSPHITES. 44 44 IODOFORM. 44 44 PEPSIN. 44 44 STARCH. 44 TAR. 44 44 YERBA COMPOUND. 44 44 44 44 WITH OPIUM. BLACKBERRY CORDIAL. BUCKTHORN CASCARA CURACAO NEUTRALIZING WINE OF AMERICAN ASH. 44 44 BEEF WITH IRON AND PEPSIN. 44 44 44 44 44 44 QUININE. 44 44 CALISAYA. 44 44 44 FERRATED. “ 44 CITRATE OF IRON. 44 44 WILD CHERRY BARK. 44 44 44 44 44 FERRAT. SYRUP CALCIS. CHLORAL HYDRATE. CITRATE OF IRON AND QUININE. HYPOPHOSPHITE OF IRON. 44 44 44 QUININE AND STRYCHNINE. HYPOPHOSPHITE OF CALCIUM. 44 44 44 SODIUM, PO- TASSIUM AND MANGANESE. HYPOPHOSPHITE OF SODIUM. IODIDE CALCIUM. 44 OF MANGANESE. IPECAC AND OPIUM (Dover’s Powder). 172 PEPSIN. SYRUP LACTO-PHOSPHATE OF SODIUM. “ PHOSPHATE OF IRON. 41 “ IRON AND MANGANESE. “ “ OF CALCIUM. “ PROTOXIDE OF IRON AND IODIDE POTASS. “ TRI FOLIUM COMPOUND. “ YERBA SANTA, AROMATIC. PEPSI U5T. SACCHARATED PEPSIN, Strength U. S. P. 1880. This preparation, so favorably known as a remedy in some forms of indigestion, is prepared from the inner coating of the stomach of the hog, without the application of heat , and is diluted with sugar of milk in such propor- tion that 1 grain dissolved in % ounce of water, with addition of 5 drops of Muriatic Acid, will dissolve com- pletely 50 grains of coagulated albumen, previously pressed through a sieve of 30 meshes, at a temperature of 100° Fahrenheit, in 5 to 6 hours. Our Saccharated Pepsin is uniform in strength, without any unpleasant odor or taste, and can be relied upon to produce the therapeutic effects of Pepsin in the highest degree. LIQUID PEPSIN. Prepared according to Scheffer’s formula, presenting the Pepsin in its most efficient form, the menstruum being diluted Glycerin acidulated with Muriatic Acid. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms. LIME JUICE AND PEPSIN. A solution of Pepsin in diluted Lime Juice, representing 16 grains of Saccharated Pepsin in each fluidounce. This combination of Pepsin with Lime Juice forms a most palatable and at the same time efficient remedy in ordi- nary derangement of the digestive functions and the train of disorders resulting therefrom. The Lime Juice in this preparation does not only greatly increase the efficacy of the Pepsin, but it is itself a grateful refrigerant tonic and powerful antiscorbutic. Dose, 1 to 2 fluidrachms at meal-times. We also prepare the following stronger Pepsins : CONCENTRATED PEPSIN. (Being neutral, it requires addition of acid to dissolve it in water.) Solvent power, 1:500. Dose, 1 to 5 grains. PURE PEPSIN, POWD. (Pepsinum purum, pulvis). (Being neutral, it requires addition of acid to dissolve it in water.) Solvent power, 1:2000. Dose, X to 2 grains. PANCREATIN, DIALYSED IRON. 173 PURE PEPSIN, SCALES (Pepsinum purum in lamellis). It will keep indefinitely and is soluble in water. Solvent power, 1:2000. Dose, X to 2 grains. These Pepsins will dissolve 500 to 2000 times respectively their weight of coagulated egg-albumen by the test of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia or of the National Formulary. See combinations of Pepsin with other substances, under heading of Elixirs, Wines, Pills, &c. SACCHARATED PANCBEATIN. Prepared from the pancreas of the pig, and powdered with a certain proportion of sugar of milk. This preparation pos- sesses all the natural digestive properties of the pancreatic juice, converting starch into glucose and dextrine ; it emul- sifies fats, and exerts a modifying influence upon the pro- teids, changing them into peptones. It will coagulate the casein of milk. It is especially indicated in the gastrointes- tinal diseases of infancy and childhood, and in the dyspepsia of adult life, attended by the formation of butyric and other acid fermentations, due to the imperfect digestion of starch and fats. Dose for adult, 5 to 15 grains ; for infants, 1 grain or more, according to age. DIALYSED IRON; This preparation has been extensively used by the Medical Profession as a most convenient and elegant form of admin- istering Iron. It is considered preferable to the other prepa- rations of Iron, because it does not irritate the stomach and bowels, producing neither constipation nor diarrhoea, so apt to follow the administration of other ferruginous com- pounds. It is devoid of styptic taste, and does not blacken the teeth. The dose of Dialysed Iron is from 10 to 40 drops, 3 times a day, in wine or water. 174 0 L E A T E S . OLEATES. ' Since the introduction of Oleate of Mercury to the Medical Profession , by Dr. John Marshall in 1872, the demand for other Oleates has rapidly increased. Oleates are much cleaner , more efficient and elegant preparations than ordinary ointments. Whilst the latter are merely mechanical mixtures of fat with Oxide of Mercury , or with some other remedial agent , and are wasteful and uncertain in their action— much of the insoluble remedy remaining on the surface of the shin after the fat has been absorbed— the Oleates, on the contrary, are chemical combinations of the Alkaloid or Metal with Oleic Acid, pene- trating the shin more readily, and every molecule of the Oleate is absorbed, carrying with it its definite proportion of the Al- kaloid or other active ingredient used, effectually reaching even deep-seated parts. The term Normal Oleate is applied in this List to the un- diluted combinations. The diluted Oleates ( Ointments of Oleates ) are made to repre- sent the most desirable strengths* ACONITINE (Solution of Oleate), containing 2 per cent, of ordinary Alkaloid. ACONITINE (Solution of Oleate), containing 2 per cent, of Duquesnel’s Aconitine. We desire to draw particular attention to the above two Oleates of Aconitine. The former is made from the Aconitine of the common market, whilst the latter is prepared from Duques- neVs Aconitine. The latter is about fourteen times stronger than the former, which accounts for the difference in price. This Oleate should, be used with the greatest precaution and to a very limited extent. It should be carefully applied with the end of the cork. ALUMINIUM (Normal Oleate). ALUMINIUM (Ointment of Oleate), representing 50 per cent, of the Normal Oleate. ATROPINE (Solution of Oleate), representing 2 per cent. Atropine. BISMUTH (Normal Oleate). BISMUTH (Ointment of Oleate), representing 5 per cent, of Oxide Bismuth. OLEATES. 175 COCAINE (Solution of Oleate), containing- 5 per cent, of the Alkaloid. COPPER (Normal Oleate). COPPER (Ointment of Oleate), representing 5 per cent. Oxide Copper. IRON (Normal Oleate). LEAD (Normal Oleate). LEAD (Ointment of Oleate), representing 20 per cent. Oxide Lead. MERCURY (Normal), representing 28.3 per cent. Mercuric Oxide. MERCURY (Ointment of Oleate), representing 5 per cent. Mercuric Oxide. MERCURY (Ointment of Oleate), representing 10 per cent. Mercuric Oxide. MERCURY (Ointment of Oleate), representing 20 per cent. Mercuric Oxide. MERCURY AND MORPHINE (Ointment of the Oleates), representing 5 per cent. Mercuric Oxide and 2 per cent. Morphine. For many purposes Oleate of Mercury is improved by the addition of Morphine. The above has proven to be a desirable proportion. We also prepare an ointment in the proportion of 20 per cent, of Mercury and 5 per cent, of Morphine. MORPHINE (Solution of Oleate), representing 2 percent, pure Morphine. MORPHINE (Solution of Oleate), representing 5 per cent, pure Morphine. MORPHINE (Solution of Oleate), representing 10 per cent, pure Morphine. MORPHINE (Solution of Oleate), representing 20 per cent, pure Morphine. NICKEL (Normal Oleate). QUININE (Solution of Oleate), representing 5 per cent, pure Quinine. 176 COD LIVER OIL PREPARATIONS. QUININE (Solution of Oleate), representing 10 per cent, pure Quinine. QUININE (Solution of Oleate), representing 25 per cent, pure Quinine. STRYCHNINE (Solution of Oleate), representing 2 percent, pure Strychnine. VERATRI1SE (Solution of Oleate), representing 2 per cent, pure Veratrme. VE KATRINE (representing 10 per cent, pure Veratrine). ZINC (Normal Oleate, Powd.) ZINC (Ointment of Oleate), representing 5 per cent. Oxide Zinc. COD LIVER OIL PREPARATIONS. PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL. Made from fresh selected livers by a careful process— at a low temperature— insuring its paleness, sweetness and freedom from unpleasant flavor, and yet retaining all the valuable therapeutical properties of this agent. Dose, for an adult, 1 tablespoonful three times a day. AROMATIC COD LIVER OIL. Consists of a pure article of Norwegian Cod Liver Oi] pleasantly flavored with aromatics, disguising its dis- agreeable odor and taste almost completely, and making it rather palatable. AROMATIC COD LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOS- PHITES. Containing 5 grains of the combined Hypophosphites of Calcium, Sodium and Potassium in each tablespoonful. In this preparation we offer a compound, the ingredients of which are so favorably known as remedies in pulmo- nary consumption and scrofula, that a statement of its accurate composition will, no doubt, be sufficient to re- commend it to the medical profession. It consists of a concentrated solution of the Hypophosphites in pure glycerin, which is very readily and completely miscible with the oil by shaking ; two fluidounces of pure glycerin in each pint bottle of Cod Liver Oil being the quantity of this ingredient used. This preparation is pleasantly flavored like the preceding oil ; the dose for an adult being a tablespoonful three times a day, shaking the bottle before using. COD LIVER OIL PREPARATIONS. 177 AROMATIC COD LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOS- PHITES OF CALCIUM AND SODIUM. (Emulsion.) This admirable combination of agents, which we have been preparing for many years, is specially adapted for all forms of disease of adynamic type, as tuberculosis, scrofula, anaemia, caries, rickets, Pott’s disease, etc. Phosphorus, of which so large a percentage enters into the composition of nerve and bone tissues, is furnished in a form that is readily assimilated without irritating the stomach. The efficacy of Phosphorus as a stimulant and regenerator of nerve force is unquestioned. In com- bination with Calcium and Sodium, under the form of Hypophosphites, it has exhibited peculiar virtues in building up the system in the diseases above mentioned. Dr. Churchill, after a most extended experience in their use, has said that “ Phthisis, when not treated with the Hypophosphites, must be regarded as almost always fatal ; whereas, when used in time , every patient may be cured by their use.” He further adds that he expects to see the Hypophosphites as useful and efficacious in tuber- culosis as quinine in malaria. The value of Cod Liver Oil as a remedy in these diseases has been firmly established by the clinical experience of many years. In our prepa- ration they are combined in the form of an elegant and perfect emulsion. Under the microscope the oil globules will be discovered of very minute and very uniform size, rendering it easy of digestion and assimilation. This is of the utmost importance, since, in diseases of low type and in convalescence from most diseases, the stomach is deli- cate and weak, and substances imperfectly prepared and therefore difficult of digestion, do harm instead of good, by becoming sources of irritation. 10 grains of the com- bined Hypophosphites of Calcium and Sodium are con- tained in each fluidounce ; they are not simply suspended in the emulsion, but are dissolved in the menstruum of which 40 percent, consists of the purest Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. Dose, for an adult, one tablespoonful three times a day ; for children, % to 1 or 2 teaspoonfuls, accord- ing to age. AROMATIC COD LIVER OIL WITH LACTO-PHOS- PHATE OF CALCIUM. (Emulsion.) A combination of Lacto-Phosphate of Calcium with pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil in the form of a pleasantly flavored emulsion. Each fluidounce contains 8 grains of Lacto-Phosphate of Calcium. Highly recommended as a remedy in consumption, coughs, bronchitis and other pulmonary and scrofulous affections. Dose, for an adult, 1 to 2 dessertspoonfuls three times a day, after meals ; children, X to 1 teaspoonful, according to age. AROMATIC COD LIVER OIL WITH PHOSPHATE OF CALCIUM. (Emulsion.) Consists of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil combined with freshly precipitated Phosphate of Calcium, in the pro- portion of 20 grains of the latter to the fluidounce of emulsion. Dose, for an adult, 1 tablespoonful three times a day. GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES. 178 GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES. Containing 95 per cent. Pure Glycerin. A HARMLESS AND CONVENIENT APERIENT. The universal prevalence of constipation among all classes and all ages has always engaged the attention of the physician in seeking for a remedy at once simple, harmless and con- venient, yet efficacious. This was found a few years ago in the use of 1 or 2 teaspoonfuls of Glycerin by Enema. It proved quite efficient and was considered a great advance on the means formerly used, yet it had its inconveniences. There must be a bottle of glycerin and a syringe with which to use it. The Suppository, containing 95 per cent, of pure Glycerin, entirely overcomes all objections and inconveni- ences. Now the remedy is dry and compact, is easily carried and just as easily used. It is cleanly, harmless and generally gives an adequate evacuation within a short period of time. From the long continued use of Glycerin in Gynaecology it is well established that it is a slight irritant and stimulant to mucous membranes, withdrawing an abundant flow of thin serosity from the blood-vessels. Hence, when intro- duced into the rectum it acts by softening the faecal accu- mulation by the flow of serosity and exciting a reflex peris- talsis by its local irritant action. The Suppository will be found to act much more thorough- ly if allowed to remain for 15 to 30 minutes, by resisting the first sensation produced by its presence. To produce the desired effect it is not necessary that the entire Suppository should dissolve ; for immediately after being inserted a flow of pure Glycerin begins from the Suppository, and this at once begins to produce the physiological effect. This any one can demonstrate by suspending a Suppository in a glass of water, when the exosmosis of Glycerin will be observed in a thick stream. GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES. 179 Owing- to the powerful affinity of Glycerin for water it was found to be necessary to protect the Suppositories from the air. The air- and water-tight covering of Sharp & Dohme’s Glycerin Suppositories will prove to be the best mode for preserving them from all change in any temperature. The shape of the Suppositories is that of a double cone, which experience shows to be the most useful. The air-tight covering is easily removed by grasping both ends of the Suppository with the fingers and giving a slight twisting and pulling motion. When intended for small children or infants, the Supposi- tory can readily be cut in two or trimmed to any size desired. Physicians will please specify Sharp Sc Dohme's , or S. Sc D.’s. 180 ERGOTOLE. kftGOfOLk. A new preparation of Ergot of Rye, specially made for hypodermic use, by a new process ; representing all the active principles of Ergot in a very concen- trated form, and entirely freed from all inert and irritating constituents. Used hypodermically it causes ifeither pain nor abscess, and keeps perfectly without precipitation for any length of time. It has been extensively tried in hospital and private practice, hypodermically and administered by the mouth, proving- uniformly efficacious, and it has been pronounced the most efficient preparation of Ergot in use, one minim representing the full therapeutic strength of about 2 % grains of the best Spanish Ergot. The use of Ergot in practical therapeusis, especially by hypodermic injections, having been largely extended, we have for some time been desirous of providing the medical profession with an efficient and reliable preparation which would be free from the objections which inhere in even the best standard preparations of Ergot at present in use. The physiological and therapeutic properties of Ergot, unlike many other potent drugs, e. g. Belladonna, Nux Vom- ica, etc., do not reside in any one definite alkaloid or fixed principle. Ergot is a very complex organism, and its most active constituents are uncrystallizable. Each of these, when obtained in the highest attainable state of purity, produces some one of the special and characteristic effects of Ergot, and some even in an exaggerated form. But they are all prone to decomposition and change when isolated and kept in solution. Hence to obtain the full therapeutic effects of Ergot a preparation must be used which contains all the active principles in the natural combination as we find them in the crude drug. ERGOTOLE. 181 In the new preparation which we now have the pleasure of presenting to the profession and for which we have adopted the name “ ERGOTOLE,” to distinguish it from all other preparations of Ergot, we claim to have fully accom- plished this object as the result of several years of careful study and of laboratory work. It contains in solution all the active principles of Ergot in an unchanged condition, whilst the irritating and inert constituents have been elimi- nated from it by our new special method. “ Ergotole ” thoroughly represents all the valuable thera- peutic properties of Ergot of Rye in a very concentrated form, and will be found when used by the hypodermic method bland and unirritating, causing no more pain than any ordinary hypodermic injection (if used with clean asep- tic needles). If administered by the mouth it will prove to be divested of all irritating and nauseating properties which are so objectionable in the officinal fluid extract. Finally it will be found to keep perfectly without precipitation in any climate and for any length of time, with the absolute preser- vation of its therapeutic properties. Illustrative of this fact we mention that we have just re- ceived a report from an eminent physician of Baltimore, who state&rthat he has had uniform and satisfactory results in over fifty cases of various diseases. These results were obtained from a supply of our Ergotole which was prepared in April, 1888 (over 2 years ago), and kept in a cork-stopped bottle only partially filled. THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS. The great majority of therapeutists claim that Ergot is a direct stimulant to the vaso-motor nerve centres and increases the general arterial pressure, while the capillary circulation is decreased. Some authorities still believe that it acts peripherally upon the muscular coats of vessels and the nerves connected with them. In either view of its physiological action the thera- peutic indications for its use are the same. Prof. Roberts Bartholow, in his work on Materia Medica, states that it has been used with great success in acute dysentery and also in the chronic form which follows the acute . It has proved beneficial in chronic diarrhoea. Dr. W. C. Dabney, of Virginia, urges the local application of Ergot in all affections of the mucous membranes character- ized by enlarged vessels, such as conjunctivitis, cervicitis, pharyngitis, etc. It has also been used successfully in 182 ERGOTOLE. gonorrhoea and in hyperaemic affections of the skin, as acme rosacea, etc. It has been injected with success into hemorrhoids, and into the perineum for relaxation of the sphincter and for prolapsus of the rectum. It is undoubtedly beneficial in cases of enlarged heart from dilatation of the cavities without valvular disease, especially when used in conjunction with digitalis. Its value is un- questioned in the treatment of aneurisms. In obstetric practice, as is generally known, it is indicated when the parts are fully dilated and the pains are deficient or weak, and when post-partum hemorrhage is threatened, and it is best administered hypodermically. It has a wide range of usefulness in diseases of females, as sub-nnvolution, congestive dysmenorrhoea , chronic metritis, etc. Probably its most extensive field of usefulness outside of obstetric practice is in the various hemorrhages from internal organs, as in haemoptysis, hcematuria, etc., and in the hemor- rhagic diathesis. When vertigo, epistaxis , headache and tinnitus aurium are due to miliary aneurism , of intracranial arterioles , most favorable results are to be expected from the use of Ergot ; also a sluggish circulation of intracranial veins, usually due to chronic arteritis, and accompanied by hebetude of mind, giddiness, etc., is benefited by its use. ( Bartholow .) The use of Ergot, especially in connection with the bro- mides, has been more successful than any other treatment in epidemic spinal meningitis , congestion of the meninges and cord, acute myelitis, etc. When incontinence of urine, both nocturnal and diurnal, is caused by paralysis of the sphincter vesicce , it is usually relieved by its use. So also spermatorrhoea and paralysis of the bladder from over-distention. Da Costa first treated cases of diabetes insipidus success- fully with Ergot, and in these cases the remedy must be given in large doses and continued for a long time. Varicocele has been cured by its injection. In this case the hypodermic needle must be inserted among the veins, taking care not to puncture a vein. Varicose veins in other parts have also been relieved by inserting the needle under the skin in close proximity to the vein and injecting the Ergot so as to lie in contact with but not to enter the vein. ERGOTOLE. 183 Dr. J. E. Kelly and others highly laud it as giving immediate relief in the first stage of pulmonary congestion , when used hypodermically (77. S. Dispensatory, Ed. 1889). “Most recently, Surgeon-Major Comerford, of India, has been using the fluid extract of Ergot with marked success in the first stages of cholera and in severe diarrhoea. The drug was used hypodermically in ten-minim doses. In every instance its use was followed by complete success, the diarrhoea being quickly checked and collapse averted. These results were, however, only obtainable during the first stages of the disease.” ( N . T. Med. Joiirn., Dec. 7th, ’89.) It will be found that Ergot when given hypodermically will produce the best results in most of the cases where its use is indicated. Dose of Ergotole.— 5 to 20 minims hypodermically. 5 minims to X fluidrachm by the mouth. It will make a perfectly clear mixture with water. Ergotole is put up in 1-oz. bottles only. Never sold in bulk. 184 PAN-PEPTIC TABLETS. PAN-PEPTIC TABLETS. Pepsin, Pancreatin, Caffeine, with Acid Lacto- Phosphate of Calcium, and Celery. AN EFFICIENT TONIC DIGESTIVE COMBINATION. We Leg leave to call the attention of physicians to our new combination of the digestive ferments with Caffeine and Celery, which has proved in practice to be a most efficient and prompt remedy in many cases of impaired digestion or Dyspepsia and its concomitants, slow and painful digestion, heartburn, foul eructations after meals, nausea, acidity and flatulence, promptly relieving that unpleasant feeling of fullness and oppression so commonly experienced after meals. Tt is now unnecessary to dwell upon the value of the digestive ferments, Pepsin and Pancreatin. They will ac- complish the primary digestion of food in a glass vessel ; how much more then will they effect in the human stomach. This fact is well established by actual experience. But in order to render the action of these digestives more permanent the addition of some tonic is needed. Practical test and observation have shown that Caffeine , as a pure alkaloid, is the best available tonic for combination with the digestive ferments. It does not hinder or retard their action, as, according to recent investigations, the ordinary bitter tonics are said to do, but, as stated in the National Dispen- satory, it exerts a stimulant action not only on the nervous system generally , hut especially upon the stomach and bowels ; “ there can he no doubt that it quickens gastric digestion and relieves the sense of plenitude in the stomach , stimulates the secretion of bile, and augments the peristaltic action of the intestines , thereby promoting defecation PAN-PEPTIC TABLETS. 185 Prof. Bartholow, of Philadelphia, in his text-book of Ma- teria Medica, 7th Ed., 1890, says : Caffeine is a useful stomachic tonic. It increases the appetite and the digestive power , and diminishes the tissue waste. The Acid Lacto-phosphate of Calcium also contributes to the tonic action of the tablets and aids to build up the general system ; whilst a small quantity of that refreshing aromatic and nerve stimulant, Celery, imparts a pleasant flavor and acts as an appetizer. Pan-Peptic Tablets will be found most efficient in all forms of Indigestion and Dyspepsia caused by a deficient secretion of gastric juice. Nausea , headache , indisposition to mental exertion, dullness of spirits, fullness and oppression about the stomach will yield rapidly to a few doses ; especi- ally when these symptoms and others are brought on by excess in diet, either as to quantity or richness, or by alcoholic indulgence, will these tablets prove beneficial. One or two tablets taken an hour before meal-time, instead of an alco- holic stimulant, will produce a keen appetite for food. Each tablet contains 1 grain pure Pepsin, 1 grain purePan- creatin, % grain pure Caffeine, with Acid Lacto-phosphate of Calcium and Celery. Dose— O ne or two tablets immediately after eating is the usual rule, but they may be taken at any time when feeling oppressed about the stomach, troubled with flatulence or in- clined to headache. For children, the tablets should be crushed and one-fourth to one-half given in water, accord- ing to age. 186 ABRIDGED TABLE OF DISEASES. An Abridged Table of Diseases. See also Therapeutical Index of Fluid Extracts. To assist the memory , we give a compend of diseases , to the treatment of which our soluble sugar- and gelatin-coated pills , or our pink granules , are adapted. The list of diseases , as well as that of the remedies suggested , is necessarily very brief , our aim being not to dictate to the judgment of the practitioner , but merely to call to his mind agents contained in our pills that are recommended by the highest therapeutic authorities. The judgment of the physician also will readily extend the applicability of these agents to other diseased conditions. ABORTION. Pil. Opii ; Opii et Camphor. ; Morphinae ; Morphinae et Atropinae ; Ext. Viburn. Prunifol. ABSCESS. Pil. Calcii Sulphid. ACNE. Pil. Arsenici Sulphid. ; Acidi Arseniosi. AFTER-PAINS. Pil. Morphinae ; Camphorae et Hyoscyami ; Acetanilid ; Camphor., Opii et Hyoscyami ; Morphinae et Atropinae. ALBUMINURIA. Pil. Acidi Arseniosi ; Quininae Sulph. ; Ferri Arseniat. ; and other forms of Eerri ; Nitroglycerin or Grlonoin. ALCOHOLISM. Pil. Strychninae ; Quininae ; Quininae et Strychn. ; Lupulin. ; Acetanilid ; Camphor. Monobrom. ; Potass. Bromid. ; Phenacetin. AMENORRHCEA. Pil. Acid. Arsenios. ; Aloes et Myrrh. ; Ferri Iodid. ; and other forms of Ferri ; Potass. Perman- gan. ; Manganese Binoxide ; Female, Amenorrhoea. ANJEMIA. Pil. Ferri ; Ferri Comp., and other forms ; Acid. Arseniosi ; Nitroglycerin. ANEURISM. Pil. Ergotin. ; Ergotin. Comp. ABRIDGED TABLE OF DISEASES. 187 ANGINA PECTORIS. Pil. Nitroglycerin; Morphine; Phosphori; Opii. APHONIA. Pil. Aluminis ; Quinine Sulph. ; Ext. Cocae. APOPLEXY. Pil. Colocynth. Co. et Hydrarg. ; Hydrarg. Chlor. Mitis ; Elaterii (Clutterbuck’s) ; Ergotin. ; Potass, lodid. ARTHRITIS. Pil. Acid. Arsenios.; Hydrarg. Chlor. Corros.; Iodoformi ; Iodoform, et Ferri ; Potass. Iodid. ASCARIDES. Pil. Santonin et Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit. ; Fel. Bovini. ASTHMA. Pil. Asafoetid. ; Zinci Valerian.; Ext. Conii; Ext. Belladonnae ; Phenacetin ; Nitroglycerin ; Strych- ninae; Atropinae. ATAXIA. LOCOMOTOR. Pil. Phosphori; Strychnines; Zinci Phosphidi. BILIARY COLIC. Pil. Picrotoxin ; Salol ; Acetanilid. BILIOUSNESS. Pil. Antibilious ; Lapacticae; Cathartic Comp. ; Podophyllin, etc. BLADDER, CATARRH OF. Pil. Sandal Wood Comp.; Salol. BLADDER, PARALYSIS OF. Pil. Strychninae ; Ergotin. ; Colocynth Comp. BLADDER, SPASM OF. Pil. Atropinas ; Ext. Cocae ; Ext. Belladonnae. BLADDER, IRRITABLE. Pil. Copaib. ; Copaib. et Cube- bae ; Lupulin. ; Camphor, et Hyoscyam. BOILS. Pil. Calcii Sulphid. BRAIN, DISEASES OF. Pil. Phosphori ; Asafoetidae ; Zinci Phosphid. ; Potass. Bromid. ; Ergotin. ; Atropinae ; Ext. Conii ; Ext. Cannab. Indie. BRAIN, IRRITATION OF. Pil. Potass. Bromid. ; Cam- phor. Monobrom. ; Phenacetin ; Acetanilid ; Ammon. Bromid. BRIGHT’S DISEASE. Pil. Digitalis ; Pilocarpin. Muriat.; Ergotin.; Ferri ; Nitroglycerin. BRONCHITIS. Pil. Antimonii Comp.; Acid. Salicylic.; Terpin Hydrat. ; Ipecac et Scillae. BRONCHORRHCEA. Pil. Terpin Hydrat. CARBUNCLE. Pil. Calcii Sulphid. ABRIDGED TABLE OF DISEASES. 188 CATARRH, BRONCHIAL. Pil. Aconitinee ; Ipecac ; Scillae Comp.; Galbani Comp.; Ferri Comp.; Quininae; Quininae et Morphinae; Terpin Hydrat. CATARRH, UTERINE. Pil. Aloes et Ferri; Aloes et Myrrhae; Galbani Comp.; Ergotin. CHLOROSIS. Pil. Ferri ; all forms of Ferri ; Acid. Ar- senios.; Zinci Phosphid.; Strychninae; Quininae et Ferri ; Tonic. CHOLERA MORBUS. Pil. Salol ; Phenacetin ; Acetanilid. CHOREA. Pil. Zinci Phosphid.; Zinci Valerian.; Acid. Ar- senios.; Cerii Oxal.; Acid. Salicylic.; Ferri Bromid. COLIC. Pil. Morphin. et Atropin.; Asafoetidae ; Opii ; Acet- anilid; Salol. CONSTIPATION. Pin. Lapacticae, S. & D.’s ; Rhei Comp. CONVULSION, INFANTILE. Pil. Camphor. Monobrom.; Zinci Valerian.; Ext. Conii ; Laxative ; Potass. Bromid. COUGH. Pil. Codeinae; Ext. Belladonnae; Ext. Cannab. Ind.; Morphinae ; Terpin Hydrat.; Ipecac. CUTANEOUS AFFECTIONS. Pil. Acid. Arseniosi ; Hy- drarg. Chlor. Corros. ; Arsenii Iodid. ; Calcii Sulphid. ; Iodoform,; Zinci Oxid.; Arsenici Sulphid. DEBILITY. Pil. Quininae et Ferri ; Strychninae ; Phos- phori ; Tonic ; Nitroglycerin. DELIRIUM TREMENS. Pil. Caffeinae Citr. ; Camphor. Monobrom.; Ext. Cannabis Ind.; Strychninae; Digitalis; Lupulinae ; Opii ; Potass. Bromid.; Ammon. Bromid. DIABETES. Pil. Ergotin.; Pilocarpin.; Codeinae ; Strych- ninae; Antipyrin. DIARRHCEA. Pil. Opii ; Opii et Camphor. ; Bismuth Sub- nitr.; Astringent; Opii et Plumbi Acetat.; Opii, Cam- phorae et Tannin ; Salol. DROPSY. Pil. Digitalis Comp.; Elaterii; Scillae Comp.; Pilocarpin.; Potass. Iodid.; Copaibae ; Diuretic. DYSENTERY. Pil. Ipecac et Opii; Bismuth Subnitr. ; Quininae ; Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit. ; Opii et Plumbi Acetat. ; Salol. DYSMENORRHCEA. Pil. Aloes et Myrrhae; Ext. Cocae; Opii ; Aloes et Ferri ; Acetanilid ; Phenacetin. DYSPEPSIA. Pil. Dyspeptic; Lapacticae; Dinner Pills; Pepsinae Sac. ; Pepsin et Bismuth ; Pepsin, Bismuth et Strychninae. ECZEMA. Pil. Arsenici Sulphid. ; Calcii Sulphid. ABRIDGED TABLE OF DISEASES. 189 EPILEPSY. Pil. Potass. Bromid.; Ammon. Bromid.; Atro- pinae; Zinci Valerian.; Camphor. Monobrom.; Ext. Conii. EPISTAXIS. Pil. Ergotin.; Digitalis. ERECTIONS. Pil. Camphor. Monobrom.; Lupulinae; Potass. Bromid. ERUPTIONS. See Cutaneous Affections. ERYSIPELAS. Pil.Ferri; Quininae et Ferri ; Iodoform, et Ferri. FEVER, INTERMITTENT. Pil. Quininae ; Cinchonidinae ; Ferri ; Strychninae ; Acid. Arseniosi, etc. In anticipation and prevention of chill— Nitroglycerin ; Cinchonidinae Salicylat. FEVER, RELAPSING. Pil. Acid. Salicylic.; Digitalis; Aconitinae. FEVER, TYPHOID. Pil. Gelseminae ; Aconitinae; Qui- ninae ; Acid. Salicylic. ; Phenacetin ; Acetanilid ; Salol. FLATULENCE. Pil. Lapacticae ; Asafoetidae ; Strychninae ; Picrotoxin; Acid. Salicylic. GALACTORRHCEA . Pil. Atropinae ; Ext. Belladonnae. GASTRALGIA. Pil. Bismuth Subnitr. ; Iodoform. ; Atro- pinae ; Argenti Nitrat. ; Strychninae. GLANDS, ENLARGED. Pil. Ferri Iodid. ; Iodoform.; Ferri Bromid. ; Calcii Sulphid. GLEET. Pil. Copaibae ; Copaibae et Cubebae ; Ferri et Strychninae. GOITRE, EXOPHTHALMIC. Pil. Strophanthi Sem. GONORRHOEA. Pil. Gonorrhceae (I) (II); Sandal Wood Comp. ; Copaibae ; Copaibae et Cubebae. GOUT. Pil. Acid. Salicylic.; Iodoform.; Opii; Morphinae. HEMATURIA. Pil. Ergotinae ; Opii, Camphor, et Tannin ; Opii et Plumbi Acet. HAEMOPTYSIS. Pil. Ergotin.; Opii et Acet. Plumbi. HAY FEVER. Pil. Acid. Salicylic.; Cocaine Muriat. HEADACHE. Pil. Lapacticae; Acetanilid; Antifebrin ; Antipyrin ; Caffeinae Citr. ; Ext. Guaranae ; Headache : Phenacetin. HEART, DILATATION OF. Pil. Digitalis; Ergotin.; Ferri et Strychninae. HEART EXHAUSTION. Pil. Nitroglycerin ; Atropinae. 190 ABRIDGED TABLE OF DISEASES. HEART, FATTY. Pil. Strychninae ; Ferri et Strychninae. HEART, PALPITATION OF. Pil. Digitalis; Ergotinae ; Belladonnae; Caffeinae. HEMERALOPIA. Pil. Strychninae. HEMORRHAGE, UTERINE. Pil. Ergotin. ; Ext. Canna- bis ; Hydrastine. HEMORRHOIDS. Pil. Lapacticae used freely and regularly. HICCOUGH. Pil. Caffeinae ; Camphorae Monobrom.; Pilo- carpinae ; Bismuth et Ignatiae. HYDROCEPHALUS. Pil. Iodoformi ; Potass. Bromid.; Potass. Iodid. HYPERTROPHY. Pil. Potass. Iod.; Ergotin. HYPOCHONDRIA. Pil. Phosphor., Aloes et Nuc. Vomic.; Quininae, Ferri et Zinci Valer.; Asafcetidae ; Caffeinae ; Ext. Hyoscyami ; Ext Conii. HYSTERIA. Pil. Asafcetidae ; Camphor. Monobrom.; Zinci Valerian.; Quininae, Ferri et Zinci Valer.; Morphinae ; Atropinae. IMPOTENCE. Pil. Phosphor., Strychnin., Ext. Damianae ; Zinci Phosphid.; Aphrodisiac. INDIGESTION. Pil. Lapacticae ; Dinner Pills; Bismuth Subnitr.; Pepsin, Bismuth et Strychninae ; Dyspeptic. INSOMNIA. Pil. Camphor. Monobrom.; Potass. Bromid.; Ext. Cocae ; Atropinae ; Ext. Cannabis Indie.; Ipecac et Opii ; Lupulin ; Acetanilid ; Phenacetin ; Antipyrin ; Co- deinae. INTOXICATION, ALCOHOLIC. Pil. Caffeinae Citr.; Strychninae. IRITIS. Pil. Hydrarg. Chlor. Mitis ; Potass. Iodid. JAUNDICE. Pil. Aloes ; Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit.; Ipecac ; Po- dophyllin.; Cathartic Comp.; Quininae; Fel. Bovin. LABOR. Pil. Ergotin.; Quininae Sulph. LEAD COLIC. Pil. Morphin. et Atropin.; Potass. Iodid.; Strychninae. LEPRA. Pil. Arsenici Sulphid.; Acid. Arsenios. LEUCORRHCEA. Pil. Ferri Iod.; Ferri Bromid.; Zinci Phosph.; Tonic; Quininae, Ferri et Strychninae; Ferri Arseniat. LIVER, CONGESTION OF. Pil. Lapacticae : Podophyllin; Aloin. ABRIDGED TABLE OF DISEASES. 191 MAMMA, ENGORGED. Pil. Ergotin.; Ext. Belladonn®. MANIA. Pil. Ext. Coc® ; Ext. Conii ; Ext. Hyoscyami ; Ext. Cannab. Ind.; Hyoscyamin®. MELANCHOLIA. Pil. Phosphori et Cannab. Ind.; Ext. Conii ; Phosphor, et Strychn. MENORRHAGIA. Pil. Ergotin.; Potass. Bromid.; Acid. Arsenios. ; Digitalis ; Hydrastin ; Opii et Plumbi Acet. NAUSEA. Pil. Cerii Oxalat.; Acetanilid ; Phenacetin. NERVOUS DISEASES. Pil. Phosphori; Perri; Strych- ninee ; Zinci Oxidi ; Zinci Valerianat.; Zinci Phosphidi. NEURALGIA. Pil. Neuralgic.; Acid. Salicylic.; Atropin® ; Acid. Arsen.; Gelsemin® ; Zinci Valerian.; Quinin. Va- lerian.; Iodoform, et Perri ; Phosphori et Aconiti ; Cin- chonidin. Salicylat.; Acetanilid ; Phenacetin ; Aconitine ; Ext. Conii. NYMPHOMANIA. Pil. Camphor. Monobrom.; Ext. Conii; Potass. Bromid. PALPITATION OF HEART. Pil. Aconitines ; Camphoree Monobrom.; Ext. Hyoscyami; Potass. Bromid.; Zinci Valerianat. PARALYSIS. Pil. Strychnin® ; Phosphori et Strychnin.; Zinci Phosphid. PHTHISIS. Pil. Perri Iodid.; Iodoform.; Quinin® ; Digi- talis ; Ext. Conii ; Morphin® ; Phosphori et Zinci Comp.; Acid. Arsen. ; Acid. Salicylic.; Phosphori et Strychnin., etc. PNEUMONIA. Pil. Hydrarg. Chlor. Mitis ; Aconitin® ; Ipecacuanhae ; Opii ; Quinin® Sulphat. POLYURIA. Pil. Ergotin® ; Zinci Valerian.; Opii. PREGNANCY, VOMITING OF. Pil. Cerii Oxalat.; Potass. Bromid.; Ipecacuanh®. PRIAPISM. Pil. Camphor. Monobrom.; Lupulin.; Potass. Bromid. PYROSIS. Pil. Bismuth. Subnitr.; Cerii Oxalat. RHEUMATISM. Pil. Acid. Salicylic.; Ammonii Bromid.; Dupuytren; Morphin®; Quinin® Sulph.; Ext. Bella- donn® ; Salol ; Aconitin®. SCIATICA. Pil. Pilocarpin.; Potass. Iodid.; Phosphori et Strychnin®; Cinchonidin. Salicylat.; Quinin® Sulph.; Aconitin®. SCROFULA. Pil. Ferri Iod.; Iodoform.; Hydrarg. Proto- Iodid.; Quinin®; Ext. Conii; Ferri Bromid.; Auri Chlorid.; Auri et Sodii Chlorid. 192 ABRIDGED TABLE OF DISEASES. SEASICKNESS. Pil. Ext. Cocae ; Potass. Bromid.; Opii. SEPTICAEMIA. Pil. Cinchonidin. Salicylat.; Quininae Sulph.; Calcii Snlphid. SEXUAL EXCITEMENT. Pil. Camphorae et Hyoscyam.; Camphor. Monobrom.; Potass. Bromid. SKIN DISEASES. Pil. Arsenici Sulphid.; Acid. Arseniosi ; Calcii Snlphid.; Eerri; Hydrarg. Chlor. Corros.; Ferri Arseniat. SPERMATORRHOEA. Pil. Atropinae; Ext. Belladon.; Camphor. Monobrom.; Ferri Bromid.; Acid. Arseniosi; Quininae, Ferri et Strychninae. SPLEEN, ENLARGED. Pil. Ergotinae; Ferri Arseniat.; Quininae, Ferri et Strychninae. STOMACH, ULCER OF. Pil. Argenti Nitrat.; Opii ; Iodo- formi ; Bismuth. Subcarb. STRANGURY. Pil. Camphor., Opii et Hyoscyami ; Cam- phor. Monobrom.; Salol ; Potass. Bromid. SUPPURATION. Pil. Calcii Sulphid.; Quininae Sulph. SWEATING. Pil. Atropinae ; Ipecac ; Plumbi Acet.; Strych- ninae ; Zinci Phosphid.; Picrotoxin. SYPHILIS. Pil. Auri Chlor.; Auri et Sodii Chlor.; Hydrarg.; Hydrarg. Iodid. Kubr.; Hydrarg. Iod. Virid.; Dupuytren ; Iodoform.; Potass. Iodid. TABES MESENTERIC A. Pil. Iodoformi ; Iodoform, et Ferri ; Potass. Iod.; Ferri Iodid.; Saline and Chalybeate Tonic (Flint). TETANUS. Pil. Aconitine; Atropinae; Ext. Cannabis Ind.; Ext. Conii. TONSILLITIS. Pil. Rheumatic (Loesch). TYMPANITES. Pil. Asaf cetidae ; Strychninae; Salol; Ter- pin Hydrat. TYPHOID STATE. Pil. Caffein. Citrat.; Camphor, et Hy- oscyami ; Strophanthi Sem.; Camphor., Hyoscyami et Va- lerianae; Quininae Salicyl.; Quininae Muriat.; Quininae Valerianat., etc., etc. URINE, INCONTINENCE OF. Pil. Ext. Belladonnae ; Atropinae ; Potass. Bromid.; Camphor. Monobrom.; Er- gotinae; Lupulinae. VERTIGO. Pil. Strychninae; Zinci Valerian.; Quininae Sulph. VOMITING, NERVOUS. Pil. Ext, Belladonnae; Ipecacu- anhae ; Opii ; Camphor, Hyoscyami et Valerian. VOMITING OF PREGNANCY. Pil. Cerii Oxal.; Opii; Potass. Bromid.; Cocainae. WHOOPING COUGH. Pil. Ext. Belladonnae; Atropinae: Codeinae ; Potass. Bromid. WORMS. Pil. Santonini ; Santon. et Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit. POISONS AND ANTIDOTES. 193 Poisons and Antidotes. From the Latest Sources. ^"Use the Stomach Pump at once whenever poasible. Where it is necessary to vomit , it can he induced most quickly and surely by injecting hypodermically Sharp & Dohme's Hypo- dermic Tablets of Apomorphine. Inorganic Poisons. Acids. Acetic. Citric. Muriatic. Sulphuric. Antidotes. Carbonates of sodium, potassium, cal- cium, and magnesium. Avoid giv- ing water in poisoning by sulphuric acid, as the mixture will produce great heat. Treat subsequent in- flammation in the usual way. Nitric. Oxalic. For these give only carbonate of lime, or magnesia, chalk, whiting, or tea- spoonful of air-slaked lime. Prussic. Cherry Laurel Water. Nitrobenzole. Oil of Bitter Almonds. Ammonia, properly diluted, given in- ternally and by the hypodermic method. Liquid chlorine by the mouth has proved useful. Cold douche to the head. Carbolic. There is no special antidote. Give oil, milk, or white of egg freely ; best done by introducing and with- drawing them by the stomach pump. Antimony. Butter of Antimony. Oxide of Antimony. Tartar Emetic. Empty stomach as quickly as possible by large draughts of tepid fluids containing or followed by vegetable astringents, as green tea, nut galls, tannic acid, etc. The sedative effects are counteracted by hypodermic in- jection of caffeine, or ether, etc. Arsenic. White Arsenic , or Arsenic Acid. Yellow Arsenic. Orpiment. Realgar. Scheele's Green. Paris Green. Fly-stone. Empty stomach by hypodermic injec- tion of apomorphine, then admin- ister very freely the hydrated ses- quioxide of iron, or the precipitated carbonate mixed with water ; repeat every five minutes ; apply hot water to extremities, and give ammonia, brandy, etc., against the depression. 194 POISONS AND ANTIDOTES. Inorganic Poisons. Chloral Hydrate . Antidotes. Coffee by mouth, or caffeine and am- monia ; also, strychnine hypodermi- cally, as the physiological antago- nist. Copper And its Salts. Blue-stone. Verdigris. The green of pickles. Give albumen in the form of milk, white of eggs, etc., freely. Vinegar is injurious. Subsequent symptoms must be treated as they arise, on general principles. Creosote. Oil or albumen freely administered. Iodine. Give at once wheat flour, starch, etc., mixed with water. An insoluble compound is formed. Lead. Sugar of Lead. White Lead , or Carbonate of Lead. Litharge. Goulard's Extract. Sulphate of magnesium largely di- luted in water, followed by hypo- dermic injection of apomorphine; then again sulphate of magnesium to purge away any remains of the poison. Pain must be met by hypo- dermic use of morphine with atro- pine. Strychnine subcutaneously is beneficial if paralysis ensues. Mercury. White and Red Pre- cipitate. Corrosive Sublimate. Vermilion. Albumen, as white of eggs, milk, wheat flour, etc., given freely ; also a mixture of 7 parts powder of iron with 4 parts flowers of sulphur has been recommended. Silver. Lunar Caustic. Common salt freely given. Zinc. Acetate. Sulphate , or White Vitriol. Copious use of warm water to relieve vomiting. Solution of carbonate of sodium will decompose the sul- phate. Milk and white of eggs. Phosphorus. Matches. Give a hypodermic of apomorphine promptly ; -then give magnesia, sus- pended in water freely ; also mucila- ginous drinks. Treat inflammation as usual. POISONS AND ANTIDOTES. - 195 Acronarcotic and Narcotic Poisons. The best and most scientific treatment of these is to administer the physiological antagonist hypodermically. Where this is known it will be given below. Where we have no physiological antagonist, vomiting should be excited ; then strong coffee should be given ; ammonia and ether hypodermically ; the bowels thoroughly cleansed by copious injections of soap and water. The electric battery is often useful, and artificial respiration has often saved life. Poisons. Aconite. Physiological Antagonist. Atropine hypodermically, and treat on general principles. Belladonna and Atropine. Morphine hypodermically, and treat on general principles. Bloodroot. Physiological antagonist not known, but as it acts depressingly on the spinal cord, &c., atropine may prove of benefit. Calabar Bean and Physostigmine. Atropine. Cocculus Indicus. Picrotoxin. Physiological antagonist not known. Treat on general principles as above. Colchicum. Treat on general principles. Dog's Bane. Treat on general principles. Ergot and \ Ergotin. Treat on general principles. Foxglove or Digitalis. Morphine and ammonia hypodermi- cally; strong coffee and wine inter- nally. Oelsemium. Morphine hypodermically; also am- monia, coffee, and wine internally. Hellebore. Evacuate poison ; ammonia and ether hypodermically; alcohol internally. Hemlock or Conium. Evacuate poison ; ammonia and ether hypodermically; alcohol internally; heat to surface of body. Henbane or Hyoscyamus. Evacuate poison ; morphine in small but repeated doses hypodermically; coffee ; stimulants ; heat to ex- tremities ; cold to the head. Lobelia. General principles as above. 196 POISONS AND ANTIDOTES. Poisons. Physiological Antagonist. Nux Vomica. Strychnia. Chloral hydrate subcutaneously until symptoms cease. Bignon has lately stated that he has saved animals poisoned by strychnine, even after tetanic spasms, by injecting cocaine hypodermically until delirium set in. Opium and Morphine. Atropine. Poison Oak. No antagonist known, but fluid ex- tract of gelsemium internally, and largely diluted applied to eruption, is said to be beneficial. Treat on general principles. Stramonium. Morphine hypodermically. Tobacco and Nicotine. Evacuate the poison; subsequently stimulants. Veratrum Viride. Diffusible stimulants ; alcohol hypo- dermically, and by rectum if stomach will not retain it. Table for Adjusting Doses to age. While giving a general guide, it is well to state that no accurate table can be formed. The following is approximate. Children are more susceptible to the action of Morphine than adults, while they are less so to Belladonna. Representing the ordinary average dose of the adult at 1, the doses for children of different ages are : 1 to 3 months . . 1-16 4 to 12 “ .. 1-10 1 to 3 years — 1-6 4 to 5 “ .... 1-4 6 to 8 “ . .. 1-3 9 to 12 “ .... 1-2 13 to 18 “ .... 3-4 After 60 years of age a gradual diminution of the dose will again be required TROY AND METRIC WEIGHTS. 197 APPROXIMATE EQUIVALENTS OF TROY WEIGHTS TO METRIC WEIGHTS. 1 Cubic Centimeter = 16.2 minims, nearly. 1 Gramme = 15^ grs., nearly. Cubic Gramme. Centimeter. nV grain = 0.0010 1 minim = 0.06 i a = 0.0011 2 < t = 0.12 i 48 i i =0.0014 3 a = 0.18 1 4(7 (. c =0.0016 4 a = 0.25 1 3-2 a = 0.0020 5 a = 0.31 1 3 0 a = 0.0022 6 a = 0.37 2 J 0 it —0.0032 7 a = 0.43 A a —0.0040 8 a = 0.49 tV a =0.0054 9 1 1 = 0.55 i u =0.0081 10 a = 0.62 a =0.0108 11 a = 0.68 -5 n =0.0130 12 a = 0.74 i u =0.0162 13 1 1 = 0.80 i a =0.0216 14 1 1 = 0.86 1 t i =0.0324 15 a = 0.92 1 a =0.065 16 a = 0.99 2 a =0.13 17 a = 1.05 3 a = 0.20 18 1 1 = 1.11 4 a =0.26 19 a = 1.17 5 it =0.32 20 a = 1.23 6 a =0.39 30 i t = 1.85 7 1 i =0.45 40 1 1 = 2.46 8 a =0.52 50 a = 3.08 9 1 1 =0.58 f 3 j = 60 a = 3.70 Bss =10 a =0.65 f 3 iss = 90 a = 5.54 3j =20 a =1.30 f 3ij =120 a = 7.39 3 ss =30 a =1.95 f 3 iij =180 it =11.09 ±>ij =40 a =2.60 f 3iv =240 a =14.79 Biiss =50 a =3.24 f 3 v =300 a =18.48 3 j =60 a =3.90 f Sj =480 a =29.57 MEMORANDA. 199 200 MEMORANDA. > t- T IN