'OUscare' imstt? LvEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency EPA742-E-01 -001 July 2001 www.epa.gov/p2 t Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (7409) <33 property of V MRC LIBRARY Tk& bottoms tints U tfui reducing mutes mil SA\ EPA 742 E-01 001 WHY SHOULD YOU CARE ABOUT PREVENTING WASTE? Illinois Waste Management & Research Center Library One East Hazelwood Drive Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-8957 Library@wmrc.uiuc.edu demco I Why Should Yous Cares About Preventing Wastes £ very business generates waste. For some, it may be only waste paper or dirty water; for others, it may be hazardous or toxic wastes that require special handling and disposal. Whatever the type or volume of waste your company generates, it is all the same in one respect—it is costing you < money! In fact, you’re paying for it twice—once when you buy it and the second time when you throw it away. The bottom line is that preventing waste will save you money. By consuming and throwing away less, you will reduce the need to handle, treat, and dispose of waste. Waste prevention can take many forms, including: • Purchasing durable, long-lasting materials. • Striving to eliminate raw materials that are not incorporated into your final product or service. property of LL. ^ O o' j=2 U -P q! ° c- cc *■ o <■ How Does Recycling Fit In? Recycling is the process whereby materials that would have become waste are converted into new materials and products. Many companies recognize that it makes both economic and environmental sense to recycle a material rather than dispose of it. However, the recy¬ cling process still requires handling, energy use, and reprocessing. The key thing to remember is that the materials you are sending to the recycler represent lost revenues because they are not becoming a part of your product or service. . .v-v * ' sJr'V X “< U) X 0 c r □ c o > m > 00 o c H ■o m < m z H Z O 0 > (S F □ 0 c O F (/) >! j F O . J I. - ( ' . 1 I How Do You Know It's Working? Kemcmber umste reduction Using products that are free of toxic materials. water, or other resource* reduce the use t • Reducing the amount of packag¬ ing. • Conserving water and/or energy. tect natural resources • Implementing in- process recycling. Many waste preven mores efficient uses. tion efforts, such as two-sided printing and using e-mail in place of printed copies, are inexpen¬ sive and simple to implement, often involving only a change in atti¬ tude or work procedures. Waste prevention is a business strategy from which any company, regardless of size or type, can benefit. In addition to cost savings, it can also help you i improve worker safety, reduce liability, and enhance your image in the community. Furthermore, if the waste you are eliminating or reducing is regulated under state or federal law—and your reductions are significant enough—you might be able to avoid costly permits and government approvals. It’s the right thing to do In addition to these financial benefits, waste pre¬ vention is the right thing to do. Preventing waste prevents pollution, making your neighborhood and community a safer, healthier place to live. In the end you benefit, the environment benefits, the communi¬ ty benefits, and your company establishes itself as a good corporate citizen, providing immeasurable, last¬ ing rewards. Hour Vo You/ Qet Started? ou can make waste prevention a routine part of Jr daily business, just like worker safety and customer satisfaction. A little time and effort can go a long way toward success by following these basic steps: I . Determine what wastes you generate. • Examine all of your waste streams, including process wastes, hazardous wastes, nonhazardous wastes, solid wastes, and office waste. Look in trash cans and dumpsters to determine what materials are being thrown away and consider what wastes are poured down the drain, such as rinse waters and process waters. Examine your energy and water consumption and look for high and low usage trends in your water and electric bills. • Characterize each waste stream—determine where the waste comes from, what processes generate it, and how much is being discarded. Just getting started? Start off small—target one or two materials for reduction. Work with neighboring businesses to share information on waste reduction techniques, less polluting materials, and process changes that reduce wastes. Focus first on ideas that require minimal capital investment Involve all employees in planning and implementation. i !. i ■ ■ d J V* ' ■K . $! ^ A How Do You Know It’s Working? How Do You Get Started? 2. Identify WASTE PREVEN¬ TION MEASURES. • Evaluate all wastes for possible reduction. Determine how you can reduce each waste, evaluate your purchasing poli¬ cies, and determine Employee involvement is key! Frost Paint and Oil of Minneapolis, Minnesota, manufacturers industrial paints and linseed oil-based varnishes. Several years ago, the company estab¬ lished a waste reduction goal of 10 to 15 percent, and it decided that the quickest and least expensive way to achieve this was to implement an employee incentive program. By passing two-thirds of the resulting savings on to its employees, the company reached its waste reduction goal in I year! The innovative approach reduced hazardous waste by 55 percent and saved Frost Paint and Oil $25,000. * Adapted from EPA’s EnviroSense Web site what you can reuse. Identify potential produc¬ tion changes that would improve efficiency, including process, equipment, piping, and layout changes. Investigate opportunities for new products or ingredi¬ ents that prevent waste generation. Identify resources that will help you conduct a waste reduction assessment at your business. Trade associations and state and local regulatory agencies might be able to provide technical assistance, and your equip¬ ment vendor might have Conserving Water Pays Off! Tri-Star Technologies, Inc. manu¬ factures products for the electronics industry, including printed wiring boards. By implementing “smart rinsing” techniques and reusing rinse water from one set of rinse tanks to another, the company reduced their water use by 79 percent. Overall, Tri-Star estimates that “smart rinsing” has reduced their water usage by 2.5 million gallons per year, result¬ ing in cost savings of approximately $ 15,000. * Adapted from the EPA’s Design for the Environment Program suggestions to reduce wastes. Also, consider hiring a consultant who specializes in identifying poten¬ tial waste preven¬ tion measures. Who knows? The consultation may pay for itself after just one visit. Set your priorities and goals. Prioritize waste prevention opportunities by consider¬ ing cost, ease of implementation, payback, and other benefits, such as increased employee safety. Try focusing on a few opportunities that are easy to implement, have low capital investment, save you money, and reduce large volumes of waste. Set attainable goals, such as reducing office paper waste by 25 percent or reducing your waste hauling and disposal costs by $5,000 annually. Customers Help Reduce Waste Prestige Cleaners of Scottsdale, Arizona, has implemented waste prevention on both sides of the front counter. By switching to a less harmful petroleum solvent and wet cleaning 15 percent of the garments brought into the stores, it has elim¬ inated perchloroethylene from the cleaning process. Prestige Cleaners also uses a water evaporation and filtration system that saves $1,800 per year in hazardous waste disposal costs. To encourage their customers to reduce waste, the company provides reusable garment bags and offer an economic incen¬ tive for them to return hangers. The hanger reuse program saves the company an estimated $ 18,000 per year. , if fy ' V- ’ •. \ . ' ‘C: ; '•Aft •'tVV ccc ty s. i *.) c. '/ A ■ 'i ■ ■ ’ - ! ; >• \ •w y- r | Adapted from a National Waste Prevention Coalitiafi Case Study How Do You Know It's Working? Inexpensive Solutions for Reducing Waste I The Herald Review/Itasca Shopper, a small newspaper in Michigan, reduced solid waste by 97 percent by encouraging effi¬ cient and innovative use of materials, and recycling and reusing materials whenever possible. Newsprint rollends were sold to a local company for packing material, waste ink was reused by blending it with black ink, and the useful life of film developing j chemicals was extended through the use of additives. Although it cost the company nothing to implement these and other changes, they saved $ 18,000 annually as a result. * Adapted from EPA's EnviroSense Small Business Waste Reduction Guide A. Get started. • Teach your employees how to prevent waste. Describe your waste prevention policies and goals, and provide training to employees who must change how they han¬ dle materials. • Promote your waste prevention activities. Hold a kick- off event to describe your goals and highlight the ben¬ efits for your business. Use posters or signs to get the word out to employees and place the signs in areas where waste prevention activities should happen. • Encourage employee involvement by offering incen¬ tives. Prizes or awards can be given for the best ideas or those that result in the most savings. A portion of the savings can also be given to employees or their departments. Hour Vo You/ Kksut It’s Working! Measuring Your Success r o determine whether your waste prevention efforts are success¬ ful, from both an environ¬ mental and economic standpoint, you need to evaluate your progress. Suggestions for evaluat¬ ing your waste preven¬ tion efforts include: Blast Away Paint WITHOUT CHEMICALS The Gehl Company in West Bend, Wisconsin, modified its paint stripping process and now saves $32,000 a year in waste disposal costs. The company replaced chemical paint strippers with a blasting cabinet that uses small plastic particles to strip paint off parts. This process change also provided employ¬ ees with a safer and healthier work environment. * Adapted from the Waste Reduction Resource Center Web site Monitor process and waste produc¬ tion changes. Track things such as the vol¬ ume of waste produced, how often it is hauled away, and reductions in energy use, the amount of raw materials used. Calculate the savings. Look at savings in han¬ dling, treating, and disposal costs as well as savings from reduced raw material and energy use. • Look at the indirect benefits. Try to gauge the value of less obvious bene¬ fits such as improved public image, reaching new markets, improving or expanding pro- Jeuse Eliminates ✓aste he Guardian Industries’ plant in gonier, Indiana, has eliminated more Tan 2 tons of te>ctiles from their waste ream by laundering and reusing gloves, iving the company approximately 30,000. The company also switched om paper towels to reusable wiping oths, saving $7,200 in purchasing costs. * Adapted from the EPA’s WasteWise program duction processes, employ¬ ee morale and safety, and other advantages. • Reevaluate your efforts on a regular basis. As new raw materials and process¬ es are introduced, Benefits for Small Businesses— AS EASY AS CHANGING A LIGHT BULB! Investing in energy-efficient lighting proved to be a smart move for Pearl Pressman Liberty, a commercial print facility in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. By replacing their T-12 fluorescent lamps and magnetic ballasts with energy- efficient T-8 lamps and electronic ballasts, they were able to V save $21,000 in energy waste streams change. Conduct regular assessments of your business to identify additional waste prevention opportuni¬ ties. Remember, as long as you continue to generate waste, there are opportunities to reduce it. National Pollution/ Prevention/ Resource Quide/ I hese resources will help you learn about pollution preven¬ tion approaches and innovative technolo¬ gies. Most of the resources listed here will provide you with free, confidential, and personalized assistance to identify and implement cost-effective pollution preven¬ tion measures. Other tools and resources allow you to perform a self-assessment. Good luck in pursuing your pollution pre¬ vention and waste reduction goals! Tables of Contents General P2 Information. . Sector-specific Technical Resources. Voluntary Partnership Programs . Financial Assistance . . . . Pollution Prevention Publications. Getter at P2 Informations EPA Pollution Prevention Home Page www.epa.gov/p2 Phone: 202 260-1023 The EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics established this Web site to provide general information about pollution prevention practices. The Web site also describes the array of pollution prevention programs and initiatives administered by EPA and other organizations and pro¬ vides contacts for further information. The Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx) www.p2rx.org Phone: 217 244-6553 The Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange is a national network of regional centers providing specialized information, best management practices, contacts and expert referrals, training and conferences, and networking opportunities. EPA Small Business Environmental Home Page www.smallbiz-enviroweb.org The Small Business Environmental Home Page helps businesses access environmental compliance and pollution prevention information. - 2 - EPA Small Business Ombudsman (SBO) www.epa.gov/ sbo Hotline: 800 368-5888 The EPA Small Business Ombudsman (SBO) acts as an advocate for small businesses by facilitating dialogue between the small-business com¬ munity and EPA. The SBO Web site provides lists of free publications on federal environmental regulations and regulatory trends, provides answers to frequently asked regulatory questions, and includes a link to the SBO Update newsletter. The SBO hotline also provides federal regu¬ latory and technical assistance information to small businesses and small- business trade associations. EPA Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) Web Site www.epa.gov/sbrefa/business.htm Small businesses and technical assistance providers might want to visit this Web site periodically to learn of opportunities for small entities to participate in developing certain regulations. This Web site also provides Small Entity Compliance Guides for each final regulation in which SBREFA requires preparation of a final regulatory flexibility analysis. These guides provide small businesses with a plain-language explanation of how to comply with the regulation. National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (NPPR) www.p2.org Phone: 888 745-7272 The National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (NPPR) is the largest organization in the U.S. devoted entirely to pollution prevention. Its Web site contains a wide range of information about pollution preven¬ tion practices and resources, including contacts and pollution prevention documents and reports. GreenBiz.com www.GreenBiz.com GreenBiz.com, an online resource center maintained by the Green Business Network, provides a single location on the Internet for the lat¬ est information on business, the environment, and the bottom line. Features include pollution prevention resources, a business toolbox, ref¬ erence desk, and various search engines for news stories, Web sites, gov¬ ernment programs, books, and more. - 3 - Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI) www.gemi.org Phone: 202 296-7449 The Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI) is an interna¬ tional network of businesses helping businesses achieve environmental excellence. At this Web site, businesses can learn more about current environmental business topics, including “green” purchasing, measuring environmental performance, and environmental managerial accounting. The Web site provides a forum for businesses to network and share best practices. The Web site also includes tools to help businesses assess and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and perform benchmarking to evaluate environmental performance. WaterWiser www.waterwiser.org Phone: 800 559-9855 WaterWiser is an Internet-based clearinghouse of water-efficiency and conservation information. The Web site presents an extensive reference database and products directory, as well as commercial and industrial water conservation tips and information on water-saving devices and water-efficiency service companies. Clean Air Technology Center (CATC) www. epa. gov /ttn/catc The Clean Air Technology Center (CATC) serves as a resource on all areas of emerging and existing air pollution prevention and control tech¬ nologies, and provides public access to data and information on their use, effectiveness, and cost. In addition, CATC provides technical sup¬ port related to the technical and economic feasibility, operation, and maintenance of these technologies. - 4 - Sector-specific Teamlcal Resources Compliance Assistance Centers \vww. assistancecenters. net Phone: 202 564-7076 The EPA Office of Compliance, in partnership with industry, academic institutions, environmental groups, and other federal and state agencies, has established this online network of national compliance assistance centers for several specific industry sectors. These sectors include: automotive service and repair, printing, paints and coatings, chemical manufacturing, printed wiring board manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, and metal finishing. P2 GEMS www.p2gems.org P2 GEMS is a free Internet search tool for facility planners, engineers, and managers who are looking for technical, process, and materials man¬ agement information. P2 GEMS allows users to search by keyword or by selecting one of four categories: product or industry, chemical or waste, management tools, or process. Solvent Alternatives Guide (SAGE) www.clean.rti.org The Solvent Alternatives Guide (SAGE) is a free Internet tool that pro¬ vides pollution prevention information on solvent and process alterna¬ tives for parts cleaning and degreasing. This interactive guide allows the user to input information about the cleaning processes and then offers alternatives most likely to work for the particular circumstances. The Web site also provides case studies, economic and environmental infor¬ mation, and other references. - 5 - Coatings Alternatives Guide (CAGE) www. cage. rti. org Phone: 919 541-6813 The Coatings Alternatives Guide (CAGE) is a free Web-based pollution prevention tool for small- and medium-size coatings businesses and pri¬ marily focuses on alternative coatings for plastics, metals, and architec¬ tural substrates. This interactive guide provides recommendations based on the users 1 current coating applications and can help users meet regu¬ lations or enhance performance and reduce pollution. The Web site also provides an interactive tool that calculates the costs of switching from one coating system to another. - 6 - I^r oluntary partnership programs provide free technical assistance V and public recognition to businesses that set voluntary goals to go beyond environmental compliance. Focusing on pollution preven¬ tion, organizations set and reach environmental goals such as conserving water and energy or reducing greenhouse gases, toxic emissions, and solid wastes. Design for the Environment Program www.epa.gov/dfe Phone: 202 260-0686 Building on the “design for the environment” concept pioneered by industry, EPA’s design for the Environment (DfE) Program helps busi¬ nesses incorporate environmental considerations into the design and redesign of products, processes, and technical and management systems. DIE forms voluntary partnerships with industry, universities, research institutions, public interest groups, and other government agencies. WasteWise www.epa.gov/wastewise Phone: 800 EPA-WISE (372-9473) WasteWise is voluntary program that helps businesses of all sizes identify and implement cost-effective measures to reduce solid waste through recycling, manufacturing new products using recycled raw materials, and procuring recycled products. The WasteWise program provides extensive information and resources to businesses that want to eliminate costly municipal solid waste and save money. - 7 - Energy Star Small Business Program www.epa.gov/smallbiz Phone: 888 STAR-YES (782-7937) Energy Star provides technical support and information on how to reduce energy consumption and save money and features success stories and energy reduction tips. The site also offers specific energy-saving techniques for the lodging industry, restaurants, and home-based busi¬ nesses. Use the Web site to link to numerous financial resources that help small businesses implement energy-efficiency measures. ClimateWise Program www.epa.gov/ climatewise Phone: 800 459-WISE (9473) ClimateWise, a unique government/industry partnership, helps busi¬ nesses turn energy efficiency and environmental performance into a cor¬ porate asset. Sponsored by EPA with technical support from the U.S. Department of Energy, ClimateWise provides technical and financial assistance to help businesses of any size from any industry develop a portfolio of innovative energy reduction actions to improve environmen¬ tal performance. Water Alliances for Voluntary Efficiency (WAVE) www.epa.gov/ owm/faqw.htm Phone: 202 564-0623 or 202 564-0624 WAVE s mission is to encourage commercial businesses and institutions to reduce water consumption while increasing efficiency, profitability, and competitiveness. The WAVE Web site describes the program and provides links to fact sheets on water conservation techniques. National Environmental Performance Track www.epa.gov/performancetrack Phone: 888 339-7875 The National Environmental Performance Track is designed to recog¬ nize and encourage top environmental performers, those who go beyond compliance with regulatory requirements, to attain levels of environmental performance and management that benefit people, com¬ munities, and the environment. The benefits of membership include recognition, information exchange, and administrative streamlining. - 8 - # he following financial assistance resources are available to help small businesses implement pollution prevention measures. In addition to the listings below, some state environmental regulatory agencies and technical assistance programs provide funding to small businesses interested in reducing waste and increasing efficiency. Small Business Administration Pollution Control Loan Program www.sbaonline.sba.gov/financing/frpollute.html Phone: 800 UASK-SBA (827-5722) Pollution control loans are intended to provide loan guarantees to eligi¬ ble small businesses for the financing of the planning, design, or installa¬ tion of pollution control measures. The facility must prevent, reduce, abate, or control any form of pollution dirough various methods, including recycling. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program http: //es.epa.gov/ncerqa/sbir/ Phone: 800 490-9194 Through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program, EPA makes awards to small high-tech firms (for profit organizations with 500 employees or less) for research and development of cutting-edge tech¬ nologies, including pollution prevention efforts. Information on how to apply for a grant and past program success stories are available on the SBIR Web site. TOOLBOOK FOR FINANCING ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND POLLUTION Prevention Technologies \vww. oi t. doe. gov /tool book Phone: 202 586-8383 The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy developed this reference book as a step-by-step guide to financing and energy efficiency technologies for businesses of all sizes. The toolbook discusses the barriers and opportunities for financing pollution prevention technologies, provides extensive funding resources and contacts, and presents several case studies. The toolbook may be obtained online or by contacting DOE’s Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization. Environmental Assistance Services for Small Businesses: A Resource Guide www.epa.gov/sbo/ea-resourceguide.pdf Developed in December 2000 by EPA’s Small Business Ombudsman, the Resource Guide is a comprehensive list of services available to help small businesses with environmental information. It includes: EPA’s small business-specific services; other available small business support; hotlines, clearinghouses, and information centers; and EPA office and contact information. Order this document by contacting NSCEP (below) and referring to publication #EPA-231B-00-001. Industry Sector Notebooks http://es.epa.gov/oeca/sector The EPA’s Office of Compliance has developed a series of profiles or notebooks containing information on selected major industries, includ¬ ing dry cleaning, printing, and wood furniture. Each notebook provides comprehensive industrial process information, regulatory requirements, and pollution prevention techniques. These documents may be viewed online or printed copies can be ordered for a fee (between $6 and $25, depending on length) from the Government Printing Office by calling 202 512-1800. EPA Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC) www.epa.gov/oppt/library/libppic.htm Phone: 202 260-1023 The Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC) is a free, non-regulatory service of EPA and is dedicated to reducing or eliminat- ing industrial pollutants through technology transfer, education, and public awareness. Contact the clearinghouse to order selected EPA doc¬ uments, pamphlets, information packets, and fact sheets on pollution prevention or view them online. The clearinghouse can also answer questions about pollution prevention or refer callers to appropriate con¬ tacts for additional information. EPA National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP) www.epa.gov/ncepihom I he National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP) maintains and distributes EPA publications in hard copy, CD-ROM, and other multimedia formats. NSCEP also develops and distributes the annual EPA National Publications Catalog. The Web site allows users to search the catalog for pollution prevention documents and other related topics. Order documents online or by another method listed below (note that you must have the EPA publication number and/or title of the document available when ordering). Phone: 800 490-9189 or 513 490-8190 Fax: 513 489-8695 E-mail: ncepmail@one.net Mail: U.S. EPA/NSCEP P.O. Box 42419 Cincinnati, Ohio 45242-0419 for more, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pollution Prevention Division Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse Phone: 202 260-1023 Fax: 202 260-4659 E-mail: ppic@epa.gov &EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. (7409) Washington, DC 20460 Official Business Penalty for Private Use $300 EPA724-F-01-023 July 2001 www.epa.gov/p2 Printed on paper that contains at least 50 percent postconsumer fiber. Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont Connecticut, Maine, 6 tonal Proqrams EPA New England Pollution Prevention (P2) Coordinators Services: Information, contacts, and resources Phone: 617 918-1817 or 617-918-1841 E-mail: jacobs.kira@epa.gov or swaine.abby@epa.gov Web Site: www.epa.gov/regionl/compliance/assist/p2page.html New England Environmental Assistance Team (NEEAT) Services: Sector-based P2 and compliance assistance Phone: 888 372-7341 (within New England) or 617 918-1111 E-mail: fiske.lee@epa.gov Web Site: www.epa.gov/regionl/steward/neeat Northeast States Pollution Prevention Roundtable Services: Contact information and technical assistance Phone: 617 367-8558 Web Site: www.newmoa.org Printed on paper that contains at least 50 percent postconsumer fiber. EPA744-F-0T010 Connecticut Maine Connecticut Small Business Development Center Services: Business development Phone: 860 486-4135 or 860 486-1581 Fax: 860 486-1576 E-mail: CSBDCInformation@ sba.uconn.edu Web Site. www.sbdc.uconn.edu Office of Pollution Prevention. Department of Environmental Protection Services: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Web Site: Technical assistance through assessments, fact sheets, and workshops 860 424-3297 860 424-4081 kim.trella@po. state, ct. us http:// dep.state.ct.us/wst/ Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Protection Services: Technical information and assistance and small- business advocacy Phone: 860 424-3382 Fax: 860 424-4063 E-mail: tracy.babbidge@ po.state.ct.us Web Site: http://dep.state.ct.us/ air2/smallbus.htm Maine Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance Phone: 207 780-4420 Fax: 207 780-4810 E-mail: msbdc@usm.maine.edu Web Site: www.mainesbdc.org Office of Innovation and Assistance, Department of Environmental Protection Services: Compliance and pollution prevention assistance Phone: 207 287-4152 Fax: 207 287-2814 E-mail: ron.e.dyer@state.me.us Web Site: www.state.me.us/dep/oia Small Business Technical Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Protection Services: Regulatory guidance and technical assistance Phone: 207 287-8550 Fax: 207 287-2814 E-mail: roy.t.krout@state.me.us Web Site: http://janus.state.me.us/ dep/oia/smbusta.htm Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, Office of Technical Assistance Services: Pollution prevention assistance and outreach, and technology support Phone: 617 626-1060 Fax: 617 626-1095 Web Site: www.state.ma.us/ota Massachusetts Small Business Development Center Services: Counseling, training, and technical assistance Phone: 413 545-6301 E-mail: gep@msbdc.umass.edu WebSite: http://msbdc.som. umass.edu Toxics Use Reduction Institute Services: Technical assistance, pub¬ lications, and education Phone: 978 934-3275 Fax: 978 934-3050 E-mail: clarkjan@turi.org Web Site: www.turi.org Waste Prevention Program, Department of Environmental Protection Services: Phone: E-mail: Web Site: Technical assistance and publications 617 292-5587 nancy. wrenn@state.ma.us www. state. ma. us/dep/b wp New Hampshire New Hampshire Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance and environmental counseling Phone: 603 634-2622 Fax: 603 647-4410 E-mail: aob@cisunix.unh.edu Web Site: www.nhsbdc.org Pollution Prevention Program, Department of Environmental Services Services: Technical assistance, on¬ site assessments, awards program Phone: 603 271-6460 or 800 273-9469 (in-state only) E-mail: nhppp@des.state.nh.us Web Site: www.des.state.nh.us/ nhppp Small Business Technical Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Services Services: Technical assistance Phone: 800 837-0656 (in-state only) or 603 271-1379 E-mail: sbtap@des.state.nh.us Rhode, Island Vermont Narragansett Bay Commission Pollution Prevention Program Services: Technical assistance and regulatory relief program Phone: 401 222-6680 E-mail: jmccaughey@narrabay.com WebSite: www.narrabay.com/p2/ techasp.html Office of Technical & Customer Assistance, Department of Environmental Management Services: On-site assessments, train¬ ing seminars, and grants Phone: 401 222-6822 Web Site: www.state.ri.us/dem/ programs/benviron/assist /pollut.htm Rhode Island Small Business Development Center Services: Consulting, seminars, and technical assistance Phone: 401 232-6111 Fax: 401 232-6933 E-mail: rhamlin@bryant.edu Web Site: www.risbdc.org Compliance Assistance and Pollution Prevention Programs, Agency of Natural Resources Services: Technical and financial assistance, workshops, training, and research Phone: 800 974-9559 or 802 241-3629 E-mail: P2 : paul.vanhollebeke@ anrmail.anr.state.vt.us; Compliance : judy.mirro@ anrmail.anr.state.vt.us Web Site: www.anr.state.vt.us/dec/ ead/eadhome /p2 .htm Small Business Compliance Assistance Program, Agency of Natural Resources Services: Compliance assessments, information, and assistance Phone: 802 241-3745 or 800 974-9559 (in-state only) E-mail: judy.mirro@ anrmail. anr. state. vt. us Web Site: www.anr.state.vt.us/dec/ ead/eadhome/sbap.htm Vermont Small Business Development Center Services: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Web Site: Counseling, environmen¬ tal assistance, and training 802 728-9101 or 800 464-7232 (in-state only) 802 728-3026 pcrawfor@vtsbdc.org www.vtsbdc.org New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands 10 2 9 6 4 10 rams EPA Region 2, Division of Enforcement and Compliance Assistance Services: Resources, workshops, and grants program Phone: 212 637-3413 E-mail: lockwood.ronald@epa.gov Web Site: www.epa.gov/region2/p2/p2home.htm EPA Region 2, Division of Environmental Protection and Planning, Pollution Prevention Team Services: Resources, networking, and grants program Phone: 212 637-3730 or 212-637-3584 E-mail: freeman.deborah@epa.gov or seidner.marcia@epa.gov Web Site: www.epa.gov/region2/p2/p2home.htm EPA Region 2, Division of Environmental Protection and Planning, Solid Waste Programs Services: Resources, networking, and technical assistance Phone: 212 637-3730 E-mail: graves.lorraine@epa.gov Caribbean Basin Pollution Prevention Resources Exchange Center, Metropolitan University, San Juan, Puerto Rico Services: Information and educational materials Phone: 787 751-0239 Printed on paper that contains at least 50 percent postconsumer fiber. EPA744-F-01-011 Northeast States Pollution Prevention Roundtable Services: Technical assistance, training, publications, and database of P2 activities in the Northeast Phone: 617 367-8558 Web Site: wvvw. n ewmoa. org The Pollution Prevention Center for Islands Services: Technical and financial assistance for businesses in Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands Phone: 808 956-7361 Fax: 808 956-3980 E-mail: jackiem@hawaii.edu or rappa@hawaii.edu Web Site: www2.hawaii.edu/ ~wrrc/IslandsP2 .html Near York, Erie County Department of Environment and Planning, Office of Pollution Prevention Services: On-site consultations and workshops Phone: 716 858-7674 E-mail: hersey@cdbg.co.erie.ny.us Web Site: www.erie.gov/ environment/compliance / ofcpp.phtml New York City WasteLe$$ Services: Partnerships, sector- specific technical assis¬ tance, and case studies Phone: 207 287-6188 Fax: 207 287-2814 E-mail: nycwasteless@mtg.saic.com Web Site: www.nycwasteless.com Pollution Prevention Unit, Department of Environmental Conservation Services: Technical assistance, workshops, publications, and referrals Phone: 518 457-2553 Fax: 518 457-2570 E-mail: ppuinfo@gw. dec.state.ny. us Web Site: www. dec. state. ny. us/ website/ppu Small Business Assistance Program Services: Environmental compli¬ ance assistance, and on¬ site consultations Phone: 800 780-7227 E-mail: SBAP@nysefc.org Web Site: WYvw.nysefc.org/tas/ S BAP/S BAP. htm NeurJersey New Jersey Small Business Development Center Services: Counseling, training, information tools, and referrals Phone: 973 353-1927 Fax: 973 353-1110 E-mail: bhopper@ yourbizpartner.com Web Site: www.yourbizpartner.com New Jersey Technical Assistance Program Services: Technical assistance, training, publications, and technology development assistance Phone: 973 596-5864 Fax: 973 596-6367 E - mail: nj tap@megaher tz .njit.edu Web Site: www.cees.njit.edu/njtap Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Protection Services: Technical and administra¬ tive support for pollution prevention Phone: 877 753-1151 Fax: 609 777-1330 E-mail: kasral@dep. state, nj. us Web Site: www.state.nj.us/dep/ opppc/sbap.htm Puerto Pico Puerto Rico Department of Environment Services: Technical assistance Phone: 809 765-7517, Ext. 381 Fax: 809 765-6853 Puerto Rico Small Business Development Center Services: Financial and business assistance, training, and referrals Phone: 888 300-7232 Fax: 787 763-4629 E-mail: prsbdc@prsbdc.org Web Site: www.prsbdc.org (both Spanish and English versions) Small Business Assistance Program Services: Technical assistance Phone: 787 294-0101 Fax: 787 772-9497 E-mail: pr_sbap@hotmail.com US Viraist Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources Services: Technical assistance Phone: 340 774-3320 Fax: 340 775-5706 Web Site: www.gov.vi/pnr/ Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia Regional Programs EPA Region 3, Business Assistance Center Services: Technical assistance, technology development, and small-business liaison Phone: 215 814-5535 or 800 228-8711 Fax: 609 777-1330 Web Site: www.epa.gov/region3/sbac EPA Region 3, Pollution Prevention Program Services: Technical assistance, partnership programs, and waste exchanges Phone: 215 814-2761 Fax: 215 814-2782 E-mail: burke.jeff@epa.gov Web Site: www.epa.gov/reg3p2p2/p2.htm Waste Reduction Resource Center Services: On-site training and assessments, publications, and case studies Phone: 919 715-6531 or 800 476-8686 Fax: 919 715-1612 E-Mail: wrrc@p2pays.org Web Site: http://wrrc.p2pays.org Printed on paper that contains at least 50 percent postconsumer fiber. EPA744-F-01 -012 Delawares Pollution Prevention Program, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Services: P2 guides for specific industry sectors and P2 success stories Phone: P2 : 302 739-4403; Business Assistance Program: 302 739-6400 Web Site: www.dnrec.state.de.us/ dnrec2000/p2/ p2home.htm Business and Community Services, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Services: On-site assessments, per¬ mitting assistance, and guides and manuals Phone: 302 739-6400 Web Site: www.dnrec.state.de.us/ dnrec2000/Admin / BusServ/B PSOff.htm Delaware Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance Phone: 302 571-1555 Fax: 302 571-5222 Web Site: www.delawaresbdc.org Maryland^ Maryland Center for Environmental Training Services: Technical assistance, training, and on-site assessments Phone: 301 934-7500 Fax: 301 934-7685 E-mail: info@mcet.org Web Site: www.mcet.org Pollution Prevention Program, Department of Environment Services: Technical assistance, industry sector informa¬ tion, and case studies Phone: 410 631-3772 or 800 633-6101 Fax: 410 631-4477 E-mail: larmstrong® mde.state, md. us Web Site: www.mde.state.md.us/ permit/p2 prog.html Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environment Services: Technical and financial assistance Phone: 410 631-3772 E-mail: agosden@ mde.state.md.us. Web Site: www.mde .state.md.us/ permit/sbap.html i I VwHsylvtwias ENVIROHELP, Small Business Assistance Program Services: Technical assistance, site visits, publications, and training Phone: 800 722-4743 Web Site: www.pa-envirohelp.org Office of Pollution Prevention & Compliance Assistance, Department of Environmental Protection Services: Partnerships, workshops, financial assistance, and one-on-one consultations Phone: 717 783-0540 Fax: 717 783-8926 E-mail: pinero.edwin@ dep.state.pa.us Web Site: www. dep.state.pa.us/ dep/deputate/pollprev/ pollution_prevention.html Pennsylvania Environmental Assistance Network (PEAN) Services: On-site assessments and financial assistance Phone: 717 948-6520 Fax: 717 948-6721 E-mail: dms351@psu.edu Web Site: www.pean.state.pa.us Pennsylvania Small Business Development Center Services: Technical and financial assistance and provides information on energy conservation and waste reduction Phone: 215 898-1219 Fax: 215 573-2135 E-mail: pasbdc@wharton.upenn.edu Web Site: www.pasbdc.org Pollution Prevention/Energy Efficiency Site Assessment Grant Program Services: Provides grants to fund pollution prevention and energy efficiency assess¬ ments Phone: 717 783-9981 Web Site: www.dep.state.pa.us/ dep/deputate/pollprev/ Actl90 /actl90.html Virginia, West Virginia, Office of Pollution Prevention, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Technical assistance and materials Phone: 804 698-4344 Fax: 804 698-4277 E-mail: skbaxter@deq.state.va.us Web Site: www. de q. state. va. us/p2 Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Technical assistance Phone: 804 698-4394 or 800 592-5482 Fax: 804 698-4510 Web Site: www. deq. state. va. us / osba/smallbiz.html Virginia Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance Phone: 804 371-8251 Fax: 804 225-3384 E - mail: r wil burn@d ba. state. va. us Web Site: www. dba. state. va .us/smdev Washington^ VC Office of Waste Reduction, Industrial Assistance, Pollution Prevention Services, Department of Environmental Protection Services: Technical assistance Phone: 304 558-2108 Fax: 304 558-2780 Web Site: www.dep.state.wv.us/p2 Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Protection Services: Technical assistance Phone: 304 926-3647 or 800 982-2474 Fax: 304 926-3637 E-mail: fdurham@mail. dep. state .wv. us Web Site: www.dep.state.wv.us/oaq/ planning/smallbus / smallbus.htm West Virginia Small Business Development Center Services: One-on-one consulting, financial assistance, and workshops Phone: 304 558-2960 or 888 982-7232 Fax: 304 558-0127 Web Site: www.wvsbdc.org Environmental Health Administration, Bureau of Environmental Quality Services: Technical assistance and publications Phone: 202 645-6080, Ext. 3079 Fax: 202 645-6622 Web Site: www.environ.state.dc.us Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee AZ I NM Regional Programs Region A , Pollution Prevention Program Services; Resources and contacts Phone: 404 562-9028 Fax: 404 562-9066 Web Site: www.epa.gov/region4/air/polprev.htm Waste Reduction Resource Center Services: Technical assistance, industry sector information, and publications Phone: 919 715-6534 Fax: 919 715-1612 E-mail: John_Calcagni@p2pays.org Web Site: http://wrrc.p2pays.org Alabama/ Alabama Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance Phone: 205 943-6750 Fax: 205 943-6752 E-mail: sandefur@uab.edu Web Site: www.asbdc.org Printed on paper that contains at least 50 percent postconsumer fiber EPA744-F-01 -013 Pollution Prevention Unit, Department of Environmental Management Services: Technical assistance and industry sector fact sheets Phone: 334 394-4352 Fax: 334 394-4383 Web Site: www. adem. state. al. us/ EnviroProtect/P2/P2 .htm Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Protection Services: Technical assistance, pub¬ lications, and training Phone: 800 722-7457 Web Site: www8.myflorida.com/ environment/learn/air/ sbap/sbap.html Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Management Services: Technical assistance Phone: 800 533-2336 Fax: 334 271-7950 E-mail: mhs@adem. state, al. us Web Site: www. adem. state. al. us Florida, Florida Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance Phone: 850 595-6060 Fax: 850 595-6070 E-mail: fsbdc@uwf.edu Web Site: www.floridasbdc.com Florida Pollution Prevention Program, Department of Environmental Protection Services: Technical assistance, on-site assessments, training, and publications Phone: 850 488-0300 Web Site: www8.myflorida.com/ environment/learn/ wastemanagement/p2 / index.html Georgia Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance Phone: 706 542-6762 Fax: 706 542-6776 E-mail: hlogan@sbdc.uga.edu Web Site: www.sbdc.uga.edu Pollution Prevention Assistance Division, Department of Natural Resources Services: Technical assistance, on-site assessments, and industry sector information Phone: 800 685-2443 Fax: 404 651-5130 E-mail: p2ad@ix.netcom.com Web Site: www.p2ad.org Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Natural Resources Services: Technical assistance Phone: 877 427-6255 E-mail: adword@mail.dnr.state.ga.us Web Site: www.gasmallbiz.org/ Kentucky Kentucky Business Environmental Assistance Program Services: Technical assistance and compliance assistance Phone: 800 562-2327 Fax: 859 323-1907 E-mail: kbeap@uky.edu Web Site: www.kbeap.org Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center Services: Technical assistance, on-site assessments, train¬ ing, and applied research Phone: 800 334-8635, Ext. 0965 Fax: 502 852-0964 E-mail: info@kppc.org Web Site: www.kppc.org Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Phone: Fax: Technical assistance, on-site assessments, and publications 800 725-6112 601 961-5660 E-mail: jesse_thompson@ deq. state, ms. us Web Site: www.deq.state.ms.us/ newweb/homepages.nsf Mississippi Technical Assistance Program Services: Phone: Fax: Technical assistance, on-site assessments, and publications 662 325-8454 662 325-8616 E-mail: caroline@che.msstate.edu Web Site: www.che.msstate.edu/ misstap Kentucky Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance Phone: 859 257-7668 Fax: 859 323-1907 or 888 475-7232 E-mail: LrnaugO@pop.uky.edu Mississippi Environmental Resource Center, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Technical assistance, on-site assessments, and publications Phone: 601 961-5284 Fax: 601 961-5660 E-mail: Khaiy_Abu-Salah@ deq.state.ms.us Web Site: www.deq.state.ms.us/ newweb/homepages.nsf North Carolines Customer Service Center, Department of Environment and Natural Resources Services: Permit and regulatory assistance Phone: 877 623-6748 Fax: 919 715-7468 E-mail: denr.csc@ncmail.net Web Site: www. e n vhe lp. org Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance, Department of Environment and Natural Resources Services: Technical assistance, on-site assessments, and publications Phone: 919 715-6500 or 800 763-0136 E-mail: nowaste@p2pays.org Web Site: www.p2pays.org North Carolina Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance Phone: 919 715-7272 Fax: 919 715-7777 E-mail: sdaugherty@sbtdc.org Web Site: www.sbtdc.org South Carolina/ Center for Waste Minimization, Department of Health and Environmental Control Services: Technical assistance and publications Phone: 803 896-8986 E-mail: burgesre@ columb30.dhec.state.sc.us. Web Site: www.scdhec.net/eqc/ adniin/html/wastemin .html Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Health and Environmental Control Services: Technical assistance and publications Phone: 800 819-9001 (803 896-8940 in Columbia) Fax: 803 896-8999 Web Site: www.scdhec.net/sbap Tennessee/ Pollution Prevention Program, Department of Environment and Conservation Services: Technical assistance and publications Phone: 615 532-0463 E-mail: kgrubbs@mail. state, tn. us Web Site: www.state.tn.us/environ- ment/dca/p2prog.htm Small Business Environmental Assistance Program, Department of Environment and Conservation Services: Technical assistance and training Phone: 800 734-3619 E-mail: dmerony@mail.state.tn.us Web Site: www.state.tn.us/environ- ment/dca/caap.htm Tennessee Small Business Development Center Services: Financial and technical assistance Phone: 615 366-3900 Fax: 615 366-3939 E-mail: alaabs@mail.tsbdc.org or kridley@mail.tsbdc.org Web Site: www.tsbdc.org South Carolina Small Business Development Center Services: Environmental assistance Phone: 803 777-2126 Fax: 803 777-4403 E-mail: pbarnes@ univsevm .csd.sc.edu WebSite: http://sbdcweb.badm.sc.edu University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services Services: Technical assistance, publi¬ cations, and training Phone: 615 532-8657 Fax: 615 532-4937 Web Site: www.cis.utk.edu Cf JCT'VJ I; Pollution Prevention, Resourcesfor ERA Region, S m ^fe'SvV'V; ■ v Vv • r . Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin KS I MO Regional Programs EPA Region 5, Pollution Prevention Program Services: Technical assistance Phone: 312 353-4669 Fax: 312 353-4788 Web Site: www.epa.gov/reg5rcra/wptdiv/p2pages/index.html Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable Services: Technical assistance and publications Phone: 630 472-5019 Fax: 630 472-5023 E-mail: djacobso@wmrc.uiuc.ed Web Site: www.glrppr.org Printed on paper that contains at least 50 percent postconsumer fiber. EPA744-F-01 -014 Illinois Illinois Waste Management and Research Center Services: Technical assistance, industry experts, research funding, partnerships, workshops, public recog¬ nition, and environmental management systems Phone: 800 407-0261 Fax: 217 333-8944 E-mail: tlindsey@wmrc.uiuc.edu Web Site. www.wmrc.uiuc.edu Illinois Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance 217 524-5700 217 524-0171 mpetrill@ commerce.state.il.us Web Site: www. commerce. state. il. us/ doingbusiness/First_Stop / SBDCServices.htm Phone: Fax: E-mail: Office of Small Business, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Services: Technical assistance Phone: 888 372-1996 Fax: 217 785-8346 E-mail: epa8140@epa.state.il.us Web Site: www. epa. state. il. us/ small-business/index.html Small Business Environmental Assistance Program, Department of Commerce and Community Affairs Technical assistance 312 814-8828 gd’anca@ commerce.state.il.us Web Site: www.commerce.state.il.us / doingbusiness/Reg_Env/ EnvHome.htm Services: Phone: E-mail: Indiana, Compliance and Technical Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Management Services: Educational workshops, confidential site visits, confidential phone assis¬ tance, public recognition, compliance assistance manuals, and fact sheets Phone: 800 988-7901 Web Site: www.state.in. us /idem / ctap/index.html Indiana Clean Manufacturing Technology & Safe Materials Institute, Purdue University Services: Sector-specific technical resources, on-site training, environmental manage¬ ment systems and technol¬ ogy transfer information Phone: 765 463-4749 Fax: 765 463-3795 Web Site: www.ecn.purdue.edu/ CMTI Office of Pollution Prevention & Technical Assistance, Department of Environmental Management Services: Technical assistance Phone: 800 451-6027 Web Site: www.state.in.us/idem/ oppta Michigan Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance Phone: 313 964-1798 Fax: 313 964-3648 E-mail: ron@misbdc.wayne.edu Web Site: http://michigansbdc.org/ index.html Pollution Prevention Section, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Financial assistance infor¬ mation, on-site technical assistance, and reference materials Phone: 800 662-9278 Fax: 517 335-4729 Web Site: www. deq. state. mi. us/ ead/p2sect Minnesota Minnesota Technical Assistance Program Services: Site visits, industry experts, environmental management system con¬ sulting, and a materials exchange network Phone: 612 624-1300 Fax: 612 624-3370 Web Site: www.mntap.umn.edu Office of Environmental Assistance Services: Phone assistance and referrals, printed materi¬ als, workshops, financial assistance, and recogni¬ tion and promotion of success stories Phone: 651 296-3417 or 800 657-3843 Fax: 651 215-0246 E-mail: berc@moea.state.mn.us Web Site: www.moea.state.mn.us/ berc/index.cfm Pollution Prevention and Sustainability Program, Pollution Control Agency Services: Technical assistance Phone: 651 296-7783 E-mail: cynthia. hilmoe® pea.state.mn.us Web Site: www. pea. state. mn .us/ programs/p2 -s/index, html Small Business Program, Pollution Control Agency Services: Partnership-based compli¬ ance support, on- and off¬ site visits, workshops, loan information, and promotion Phone: 800 657-3938 Fax: 651 282-6247 Web Site: www.pca.state.mn.us/pro- grams/sbap_p.html Ohio Ohio Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance Phone: 513 556-2072 Fax: 513 556-2074 E-mail: bill.fioretti@uc.edu Web Site: www.ohiosbdc.org Office of Pollution Prevention, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Services: Technical and financial information assistance, materials exchange, and on-site assessments Phone: 614 644-3469 Fax: 614 644-2807 E-mail: p2mail@epa.state.oh.us Web Site: www.epa.state.oh.us/opp Small Business Assistance Program, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Services: One-on-one consultations and financial assistance Phone: 614 644-4830 E-mail: rick.carleski@ epa.state.oh.us Web Site: www.epa.state.oh.us/ dapc/sba/sbaintro.html Wisconsin Cooperative Environmental Assistance, Department of Natural Resources Services: Sector specialists, environ¬ mental management system resources, and publications Phone: 608 267-9700 Fax: 608 267-0496 E-mail: CEA@dnr .state.wi.us Web Site: www. dnr. state. wi. us/org/ caer/cea Small Business Clean Air Assistance Program Services: Technical assistance Phone: 608 264-6153 or 800 435-7287 E-mail: CleanAir@ commerce .state. wi. us Web Site: www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/ caer/cea/ projects/cleanair Wisconsin Small Business Development Center Services: One-on-one counseling and workshops Phone: 608 263-7794 Fax: 608 263-7830 Web Site: http://cf.uwex.edu/sbdc The Solid and Hazardous Waste Education Center Services: On-site and over-the- phone assessments, train¬ ing, environmental man¬ agement system develop¬ ment, and publications Phone: 608 265-2361 Fax: 608 262-6250 Web Site: www.uwex.edu/shwec 10 Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma Texas 9 6 4 10 9 EPA Region 6, Pollution Prevention Program Services: Technical assistance Phone: 214 665-7446 Fax: 214 665-7446 E-mail: tibuni.joy@epa.gov.us Web site: www.epa.gov/earthlr6/6en/xp/enxp2d.htm Southwest Pollution Prevention Information Center Services: Technical assistance and publications Phone: 915 747-6273 Fax: 915 747-5437 E-mail: raulg@utep.edu Web Site: http://p2.utep.edu Printed on paper that contains at least 50 percent postconsumer fiber. EPA744-F-01-015 Arkansas Louisiana, Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Technical assistance Phone: 501 682-0866 Fax: 888 233-0326 E-mail: garner@adeq. state, ar. us Web Site: www. adeq. state. ar. us / custsvs/businessasst.htm Arkansas Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance Phone: 501 324-9043 Fax: 501 324-9049 E-mail: jmnye@ualr.edu Web Site: www.ualr.edu/~sbdcdept Department of Environmental Quality Services: Technical assistance Phone: 225 765-0219 Fax: 225 765-0222 E-mail: assist@deq.state.la.us Web Site: www.deq.state.la.us Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Technical assistance Phone: 888 763-5424 Web Site: www.deq.state.la.us/ organization/officdir.htm Louisiana Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance Phone: 318 342-5506 Fax: 318 342-5510 Web Site: http://lsbdc.netl.nlu.edu New-Mexico Oklahoma/ Environment Department Services: Technical assistance and publications Phone: 800 219-6157 Web Site: www.nmenv.state.nm.us New Mexico Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance Phone: 505 428-1362 Fax: 505 428-1469 Web Site: www.nmsbdc.org Department of Environmental Quality, Pollution Prevention Program Services: Technical assistance Phone: 800 869-1400 Web Site: www.deq.state.ok.us/ CSD/CAP/capnew.htm Small Business Assistance Program, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Services: Technical assistance Phone: 800 869-1400 E-mail: alwin.ning@ deqmail.state.ok.us Web Site: www.deq.state.ok.us/ CSD/CAP/S BAP/ sbapintr.htm Oklahoma Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance Phone: 580 745-7577 Fax: 580 745-7471 E-mail: gpennington@sosu.edu Web Site: www.osbdc.org Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission, Pollution Prevention Program Services: Technical assistance Phone: 512 239-1000 Web Site: www.tnrcc.state.tx.us/ exec/sbea / p2tech.html Small Business and Environmental Assistance, Natural Resources Conservation Commission Services: Information, education, and technical assistance Phone: 800 447-2827 Fax: 512 239-3165 E-mail: sbap@tnrcc. state, tx. us Web Site: www.tnrcc.state.tx.us/ homepgs/ ed.html#anchor901482 North Texas Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance Phone: 214 860-5831 Fax: 214 860-5813 Web Site: www.bizcoach.org/region Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska Regional Programs EPA Region 7, Pollution Prevention Program Services: Technical assistance Phone: 913 551-7020 Fax: 913 551-7521 E-mail: r7p2assist@epa.gov Web Site: www.epa.gov/region07/specinit/p2/p2.html Region 7, Pollution Prevention Regional Information Center (P2RIC) Services: Technical assistance and information Phone: 402 595-2381 Fax: 402 595-2385 E-mail: contact@p2ric.org Web Site: www.p2ric.org Printed on paper that contains at least 50 percent postconsumer fiber. EPA744-F-01 -016 tounv Kansas Iowa Waste Reduction Center Services: Environmental assistance through research, educa¬ tion, and training Phone: 800 422-3109 Fax: 319 268-3733 Web Site: www.iwrc.org Recycle Iowa Services: Waste reduction assis¬ tance, waste exchange database, information on buying recycled materials Phone: 800 532-1216 Fax: 515 242-4776 E - mail : recycleiowa@ided. state. ia. us Web site: www.recycleiowa.org Pollution Prevention and Waste Reduction Assistance Program, Department of Natural Resources Services: Information and on-site assistance Phone: 515 281-6275 Fax: 515 281-8895 E-mail: scott.vanderhart@ dnr.state.ia.us Web Site: www.state.ia.us/dnr/ organiza/wmad / wmabureau/pollution / index.htm Hazardous Materials Training & Research Institute Services: Environmental health and safety education and training Phone: 319 398-5678 Fax: 319 398-1250 E-mail: dfeil@kirkwood.cc.ia.us Web site: www.hmtri.org Kansas State University Pollution Prevention Institute Services: Technical assistance, publications, videos, and other resources Phone: 800 578-8898 Fax: 785 532-6952 E-mail: ppi@ksu.edu Web Site: www.sbeap.org/ppi/ about.asp Mid-America Manufacturing Technology Center (MAMTC) Manufacturing Extension Partnership Services: Offers manufacturers high-quality, low-cost consultation that leads to bottom-line results Phone: 620 276-9505 Fax: 620 276-9523 E-mail: abrown@midusa.net Web site: www.mamtc.com Wichita-Sedgwick County Department of Community Health Services: Technical assistance, seminars, publications Phone: 316 268-8457 Fax: 316 268-8390 E-mail: jbrown@wscdch.org Web site: www.wscdch.org Office of Planning 5. Prevention, Department of Health & Environment Services: Technical assistance, awards program, newslet¬ ter, and resource links Phone: 785 296-6170 Fax: 785 291-3266 Web Site: www. kdhe. state. ks. us/opp Bridging the Gap Small Business Environmental Assistance Program, Department of Health & Environment Services: Technical assistance for material substitution, process optimization, waste minimization and recycling Phone: 785 864-9196 or 800 578-8898 Fax: 785 864-5074 E-mail: sbeap@ksu.edu Web Site: www.sbeap.org Missouri Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Natural Resources Services: Technical assistance and on-site assessments Phone. 573 526-6627 Fax: 573 526-5808 E-mail: nrshawb@ mail.dnr.state.mo .us Web Site: www.dnr.state.mo.us/ deq/tap/smbus.htm Services: Partnerships, waste pre¬ vention, environmental education, and business recycling Phone: 816 561-1087 Fax: 816 561-1091 E-mail: kay@bridgingthegap.org Web site: www.bridgingthegap.org University of Missouri Outreach & Extension, Office of Waste Management Services: Education, information, and technical assistance Phone: 417-889-5000 E-mail: owm@missouri.edu Web site: http://outreach. missouri.edu/owm Choose Environmental Excellence—Gateway Region Services: Information, publications, partnerships Phone: (314) 772-8787 E-mail: info@ceegr.org Web Site: www.ceegr.org Technical Assistance Program, Division of Environmental Quality, Department of Natural Resources Services: Phone. E-mail: Web Site: On-site assessments and awards program 800 361-4827 tap@mail.dnr.state.mo.us www. dnr. state. mo. us/ deq/tap/polprev.htm Nebraska/ Nebraska Center Services: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Web Site: Business Development Environmental assistance 402 595-2381 402 595-2385 ryoder@unomaha.edu www.nbdc.unomaha.edu Pollution Prevention Program, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Technical assistance and on-site assessments Phone: 402 471-6988 Fax: 402 471-2909 E-mail: dave.bighia@ ndeq.state.ne.us Web Site: www.deq.state.ne.us/ Programs.nsf/pages/PPP Small Business & Public Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Quality Services: ‘One-stop’ technical assis¬ tance Phone: 877 253-2603 E-mail: tom.franklin@ ndeq.state.ne.us Web site: www.deq.state.ne.us/ Programs.nsf/pages/ Advocate Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department (LLCHD) Services: Technical assistance cover¬ ing materials or process changes or substitutions, research, training seminars Phone: 402 441-8644 Fax: 402 441-8323 E-mail: prooney@ci.lincoln.ne.us Web site: www.ci.lincoln.ne.us/city/ health/environ /pollu / index.htm Nebraska Materials Exchange Program Services: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Web site: Free service that seeks to help businesses reduce wastes by finding users for reusable materials 800 486-4562 or 402 486-4622 402 486-4563 kweyers@knb.org www.knb.org UNL Biological Systems Engineering Services: P2 technical assistance, educational materials, and programs Phone: 402 472-9614 Fax: 402 472-6338 E-mail: jhygnstroml@unl.edu Web site: http://p2.unl.edu Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming MU 4 Regional Programs EPA Region 8, Pollution Prevention Program Services: Environmental accounting, waste reduction, and energy efficiency resources Phone: 800 227-8917 or 303 312-6312 E-mail: r8eisc@epa.gov Web Site: www.epa.gov/region08/conservation_recycling/p2home/ p2home.html l v Midwest Assistance Program, Inc. (MAP) Services: On-site technical assistance, publications, and training Phone: 402 846-5123 E-mail: mapl@bevcomm.net Web Site: www.map-inc.org Peaks to Prairies Center Services: Technical and financial assistance, recognition program, and resource links Phone: 406 994-3451 Fax: 406 994-5417 ' E-mail: information@peakstoprairies.org Web Site: http://peakstoprairies.org Printed on paper that contains at least 50 percent postconsumer fiber. EPA744-F-01 -017 Colorado Montana, Colorado State University Industrial Assessment Center Services: On-site assessments Phone: 970 491-7709 E-mail: koz@lamar.colostate.edu Web Site: www.engr.colostate.edu/ depts. me/program / outreach/iac Pollution Prevention Program, Department of Public Health and Environment Services: On-site assessments, tele¬ phone consultations, finan¬ cial assistance, training, and partnership program Phone: 303 692- 3111 Fax: 303 782-4969 Web Site: www.coloradop2 .org Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Public Health and Environment Services: Technical assistance Phone: 303 692-3173 or 800 866-7689 (in-state) Fax: 303 961-1979 E-mail: comments. apcd@ state, co. us Web Site: www.cdphe.state.co.us/ ap/sbap.asp Montana Pollution Prevention Program Services: Technical assistance, materials exchange, recognition program, and self-assessment checklists Phone: 888 678-6872 (in-state) or 406-994-3451 Fax: 406 994-5417 E-mail: mvogel@montana.edu Web Site: www.montana.edu / wwwated Montana Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance 406 444-4780 406 444-1872 Rhampton@state.mt.us www. commerce. state. mt. us / econdev/sbdc/sbdc.htm Phone: Fax: E-mail: Web Site: Pollution Prevention Bureau, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Technical assistance Phone: 406 444-6697 Fax: 404 444-6836 E-mail: lmoore@state.mt.us Web Site: www.deq.state.mt.us Mid-America Manufacturing Technology Center (MAMTC) Manufacturing Extension Partnership Services: Assessments, technical assistance, training Phone: 620 276-9505 Fax: 620 276-9523 E-mail: abrown@midusa.net Web Site: www. mamtc. com Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Technical assistance Phone: 406 444-5281 E-mail: Ombudsman : brouse@state.mt.us, Technical : wnorton@state. mt. us Fax: 406 444-6836 Web Site: www.epa.gov/ ttn / sbap US EPA Region 8, Montana Office Services: Technical assistance Phone: 406 449-5432 Fax: 406 449-5434 E-mail: sinnott.jay@epa.gov North Dakota, Department of Health, Division of Waste Management, Pollution Prevention Services: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Web Site: Information and assistance 701 328-5266 701 328-5200 rtubbs@state.nd.us www.healtli.state.nd.us/ ndhd/ environ/wm /p2. htm Department of Health, Small Business Assistance Program Services: Technical Assistance Phone: 701 328-5188 or 800 755-1625 (in-state) Fax: 701 328-5200 E-mail: Ombudsman: dmount@state.nd.us Technical: cmcdonal@state. nd. us Web Site: www.health.state.nd.us/ ndhd/environ / ee North Dakota Small Business Development Center Services: One-on-one consulta¬ tions, applied economic research, technical assis¬ tance, and training Phone: 800 445-7232 (in-state) or 701 777-3700 Fax: 701 777-3225 E-mail: ndsbdc@sage.und.nodak.edu Web Site: http://bpa.und.nodak.edu /sbdc South Dakota., Pollution Prevention Program, Department of Environment and Natural Resources Services: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Web Site: Technical assistance 605 773-4254 605 773- 4068 dennis.clarke@state.sd.us www.state.sd.us/denr/ denr.html Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environment and Natural Resources Services: Technical assistance Phone: 800 438-3367 (in-state) or 605 773-4216 Fax: 605 773-6035 E-mail: joe.nadenicek@state.sd.us Web Site: www.state.sd.us/denr/ DES/AirQuality/ aasmba.htm South Dakota Small Business Development Center Services: Compliance and technical assistance Phone: 605 677-5287 Fax: 605 677-5427 E-mail: wdruin@usd.edu Utah Pollution Prevention Program, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Technical assistance, awards program, and training Phone: 801 536-4477 Fax: 801 536-0061 E-mail: swallace@deq. state, ut.us Web Site: www.deq.state.ut.us/eqoas/ poll_prev/home .htm Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Compliance and technical assistance Phone: 801 536-4091 or 800 447-2827 E-mail: Omsbudsman : randerson@deq.state .ut.us Technical Assistance : rreece@deq. state. ut. us Web Site: www.eq.state.ut.us Utah Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance Phone: 801 957-3493 Fax: 801 957-3489 E-mail: FinnerMi@slcc.edu Wyoming Office of Outreach & Environmental Assistance, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Technical assistance Phone: 307 777-6105 Fax: 307 777-5973 E-mail: SROSEB@state .wy.us WebSite: http://deq.state.wy.us/ outreach.htm Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Technical Assistance Phone: 307 777-7388 Fax: 307 777-3610 E-mail: dclark@state. wy.us WebSite: http://deq.state.wy.us/ outreach.htm Wyoming Small Business Development Center Services: Financial assistance Phone: 800 348-5194 Fax: 307 766-3406 E-mail: DDW@uwyo.edu Web Site: http://uwadmnweb. uwyo.edu/sbdc Mid-America Manufacturing Technology Center (MAMTC) Manufacturing Extension Partnership Services: Assessments, technical assistance, training Phone: 307 265-8221 Fax: 307 265-5411 E-mail: cstark@wyoming.com Web Site: www.mamtc.com HMg yg Pollution , ^ Resources for EPA Regwir 9 10 Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, American Samoa, Guam 10 :.Vfv ' -fc\ Regional Programs EPA Region 9, Pollution Prevention Program Services: Technical resources and financial assistance Phone: 415 744-2150 Fax: 415 744-1680 E-mail: katz.john@epa.gov Web Site: www.epa.gov/region09/cross_pr/p2 The Pollution Prevention Center for Islands Services: Technical and financial assistance for businesses in Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands Phone: 808 956-7361 Fax: 808 956-3980 E-mail: jackiem@hawaii.edu or rappa@hawaii.edu Web Site: www2.hawaii.edu/~wrrc/IslandsP2.html Western Regional Pollution Prevention Network (WRPPN) Services: Sector-specific information, listserve, Web site, P2 roundtable, publications, and technical assistance Phone: 800 799-2322 or 408 566-4560 Fax: 408 748-7388 E-mail: wrppn@cats.ucsc.edu Web Site: www.westp2net.org Printed on paper that contains at least 50 percent postconsumer fiber. EPA744-F-01 -018 Arizona Arizona Small Business Development Center Services: One-on-one counseling and customized training Phone: 480 731-8720 Fax: 480 731-8729 Web Site: www.dist.maricopa.edu / sbdc Business Assistance Programs, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Services: Technical assistance and expert resources Phone: 501 682-0866 or 888 233-0326 Fax: 501 682-0880 E-mail: Help-CustSvs@ adeq.state.ar.us Web Site: www.adeq.state.ar.us/ custsvs/businessasst.htm Pollution Prevention Unit, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Tools, resources, training, and partnerships Phone: 800 234-5677, Ext. 4235 Fax: 602 207-4538 E-mail: eberhardt.sandra@ ev.state.az.us Web Site: www. adeq. state. az. us/ environ / waste/capde v/p2 California; Business Assistance Program, California Air Resources Board Services: Technical assistance Phone: 800 363-7664 (in-state) or 800 242-4450 E-mail: ombudsman@arb.ca.gov Web Site: www.arb.ca.gov/ba/ ba.htm California Integrated Waste Management Board Services: Technical assistance, training, awards, partner¬ ships, and waste exchanges Phone: 916 341-6613 E-mail: bzassist@ciwmb.ca.gov Web Site: www.ciwmb.ca.gov/ BizWaste California Environmental Protection Agency Permit Assistance Centers Services: Business assistance with permit application and approval processes, com¬ pliance assistance, and referrals to pollution pre¬ vention and other busi¬ ness assistance programs. Phone: 916 322-2947 or 800 468-1787 Web Site: mvw.calgold.ca.gov/ Office of Pollution Prevention and Technology Development, Department of Toxic Substances Control Services: Sector- and process- specific technical resources Phone: 916 322-3670 Fax: 916 327-4494 Web Site: www.dtsc.ca.gov/sppt/ pptd/pp Nevada/ Nevada Small Business Development Center Services: Phone: Fax: On-site assessments, product/equipment information, economic evaluations, and seminars 800 882-3233 775 689-6689 E-mail: Southern Nevada: nsbdc@nevada.edu Northern Nevada: nsbdc@unr.nevada.edu Web Site: www.nsbdc.org/ env_program Small Business Assistance Program, Division of Environmental Protection Services: Technical and financial assistance, and on-site assessments Phone: 702 687-4670 Fax: 702 687-5856 E-mail: jgoodman@ ndep. carson-city. nv. us Web Site: www. ndep. state. n v. us/ sba/sbaOl.htm Business Environmental Program, University of Nevada, Reno Services: Techncial assistance, on¬ site assessments, product information, seminars Phone: 775 689-6677 Fax: 775 689-6689 E-mail: dick@unr.edu Hawaii Hawaii Small Business Development Center Services: Business research library, counseling, and seminars Phone: 808 875-2402 Fax: 808 875-2452 E-mail: brl@maui.com Web Site: www.brl-sbdc.org Small Business Assistance, Department of Health Services: Technical information and assistance Phone: 808 586-4528 Fax: 808 586-7236 E-mail: cao@eha.health.state.hi.us Web Site: www.hawaii.gov/health/ eh/cao/index.html Waste Minimization Project, Department of Health Services: Technical assistance (hazardous waste) Phone: 808 586-4240 E-mail: maguilar® eha. health. state. hi. us Web Site: www.hawaii.gov/icsd/ doh / sh wb/a 1. htm Pollution Prevention Resource*for BP A Region^ 10 Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington Regional Programs EPA Region IO, Pollution Prevention Program Services: Technical assistance Phone: 206 553-4072 Fax: 206 553-8338 E-mail: gangmark.carolyn@epa.gov Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center Services: Technical assistance, referral, and clearinghouse of P2 case studies and research Phone: 206 352-2050 Fax: 206 352-2049 E-mail: office@pprc.org Web Site: www.pprc.org Printed on paper that contains at least 50 percent postconsumer fiber. EPA744-F-01-019 Alaska/ Idaho Alaska Small Business Development Center Services: Technical assistance, resource library, and seminars Phone: 907 274-7232 or 800 478-7232 Fax: 907 274-9524 E-mail: anjaf@uaa.alaska.edu Web Site: www.aksbdc.org Idaho Small Business Development Center Services: Business consulting, financial information, and training Phone: 800 225-3815 or 208 426-1640 Fax: 208 426-3877 E-mail: jhogge@bsu.idbsu.edu Web Site: www.boisestate.edu/isbdc Pollution Prevention Program, Department of Environmental Conservation Services: Sector-specific technical assistance, partnerships, and workshops Phone: 907 269-7586 or 800 510-2332 (in-state only) E-mail: CompAsst@ envircon. state, ak. us Web Site: www.state.ak.us/ local/akpages/ ENV.CONSERV/ prevhome.htm Pollution Prevention Program, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Sector-specific and technical information Phone: 208 373-0502 Fax: 208 373-0417 E-mail: pbest@deq.state.id.us Web Site: www2.state.id.us/deq/ ptwo/p2_l.htm Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Technical information and assistance Phone: 208 373-0502 Fax: 208 373-0417 E-mail: starowsk@deq.state .id.us Web Site: www2.state.id.us/deq/ assistance/sba/index.htm Oregon, Washington; Pollution Prevention Program, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Education and assistance Phone: 503 229-5946 E-mail: fitzgerald.marianne@ deq.state.or.us Web Site: www.deq.state.or.us/ programs/p2/p2 .htm Pollution Prevention Program, Department of Ecology Services: Education, technical assistance, and expert contact list Phone: 360 407-6354 Web Site: www. e cy. wa. go v/ programs/hwtr/p2/ index.html Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Quality Services: Technical assistance Phone: 800 452-4011, Ext. 6147 E-mail: inahara.jill@deq.state.or.us Web Site: www.deq.state.or.us/aq/ BAP/index. htm Oregon Small Business Development Center Services: Business counseling and tools Phone: 541 726-2250 Fax: 541 345-6006 E-mail: sandy_cutler@ bizcenter.org Web Site: www.bizcenter.org Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Ecology Services: Technical assistance and information Phone: 360 407-6803 Fax: 360 407-6802 E-mail: bbra461@ecy.wa.gov Web Site: www. e cy. wa .gov/ programs/air/ small_business_ assistance.htm Washington Small Business Development Center Services: Training, research, and technology development Phone: 509 358-7765 Web Site: www.sbdc.wsu.edu “ POLLUTION PREVENTION PAYS say several oj' the nation,! leading corporations. Increasingly, the nation, is coming to understand, prevention,’! mduc—as an, environmental strategy, as a, sustainable business practice, as a,^ fundamentalprinciple for ail our society. Printed on paper that contains at least 50 percent postconsumer fiber. 3 0112112927477 m CD ^ S s: ^ 0) - -h CD o C CO ■D 5' 5. 0 < CO 0 CO CD JU o O 5 ' 5 CQ 0 9, i *< D < O § IV> fK* o 05 £ > s < O 0 c 0 3 =J < ;=v 0 O Q_ 3 £2 0 CD S CD JD 0 (» m 2 -Nl O CD