THE OUSTED COQNTV GAZETTE TOUMP. r •*>v : ' ? s* y LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS THE ULSTER COUNTY GAZETTE FOUND AT LAST By R. W. G. Vail Librarian, American Antiquarian Society NEW YORK THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY i 93 i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign REPRINTED FROM THE BULLETIN OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY OF APRIL 1931 PRINTED AT THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY rorra p28S 1 i 16 II 3c] VLZv REMOTE STORAC"- \ T TY GAZETTE THE ULSTER COUN FOUND AT LAST Bo <*STACKS OFFICE By R. W. G. Vail Librarian, American Antiquarian Society THE most famous of all American historical ghosts has been finally laid through the discovery of a genuine Ulster County Gazette for January 4, 1800. When the story of this old Hudson Valley newspaper was told in the Bulletin for April, 1930, there was no original in any American library or museum in spite of years of hopeful search and the examination of thousands of reproductions. There had been many rumors of originals but the most plausable seemed to be that reported by Mr. Clarence S. Brigham of the American Antiquarian Society. A Hudson Valley resident told him several years ago that he was the owner of the three original numbers of the Gazette for December 28, 1799, January 4 and 11, 1800, but that he had lent them and had, so far, been unable to recover them. Mention of these three issues appeared on page five of our previous article and the hope was then expressed that they might eventually come to light. It now appears that the unexpected has happened, for, in November, 1930, the ui Library of Congress received an inquiry regarding three numbers of the old paper with the identical dates of the lost copies. Knowing from our previous ~ article that originals of these dates were still in existence but a few years before, the national library was not slow in following up the lead and soon after had the satisfaction of placing all three originals among the treasures of its newspaper division. The three original Ulster County Gazettes were secured from Mrs. Mary Crawford Lydon (Mrs. James Lydon, Jr.), a descendant of Petrus, or Peter, Decker, a Revolutionary soldier who lived on the northwest side of the Shaw- angunk River, in Ulster County. He served first as ensign; and on March 9, 1773, was promoted to be First Lieutenant in the Fourth Regiment of New York State Militia (New York State Archives, vol. 1, p. 301-302). The Decker j family lived near Kingston, where they attended church, and would naturally have subscribed to tbe county paper. Having served under Washington, it was | to be expected that Lieutenant Decker would save those issues of the paper which cp told of the last days of his beloved Commander-in-Cbief . [3] 774k- THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY DESCRIPTION OF ORIGINAL GAZETTE The most interesting question arising from the discovery of the original Gazette for January 4, 1800, is : "How can it be told from the reproductions?" The answer is easy, for one needs only to look at the second line of the heading and see whether or not there is a comma after the word "County." If there is none, that copy of the paper is probably an original. A genuine number must also have the following reading for page 1, column 4, line 1 : "command the town ; and notwithstanding." Sufficient characteristics of an original are listed in a circular of the Library of Congress, as follows : 1. It should be printed on the paper used in 1800, handmade from rags, soft, pliable and rough in texture. 2. This paper should have as watermarks throughout, slender parallel lines 1 Vie to 1 3 / 16 inches apart. 3. Title in italic capitals should measure 6 15 / 16 inches in length. 4. Print should show the blurred edges of hand inked, hand press work. 5. The second column on page 1 should measure 2 7 /s inches in width between rules, and 13% inches in length. 6. The old style "s" should appear frequently as in the words "Published," and "Ulster" in the heading, and in the words "President," "House," "Representa- tives," and many more in the text. 7. The last line of page 1, column 1, should read "liberal execution of the treaty of amity." 8. One full-length mourning slug should appear on page 1, column 2 ; 2 full- length and 5 short slugs on page 2 ; and 2 full-length slugs on page 3. 9. Mourning rules should be used between columns and across top and bottom and along outer edge of pages 2 and 3. 10. The "Last Notice" on page 3, column 2, concerns "the estate of johannis Jansen/' and should be signed by "Johannis I. Jansen." Mr. Joseph Gavit suggests that to no. 10 should be added that the word "de- ceased" is spelled "Deceased," the second "c" being out of line. The fact that three consecutive numbers of the Gazette, with the famous one in the middle, were found together, tended to prove the genuineness of that for January 4th. When, on examination, it was found that they were all printed on ■XivWVkV^*-* kvx. x \ Ja . Vv *ktUf<*M juu «* At iwpmt **> ■«• i WimJ iVi'wlWMI,. Kfl n*i n Atari ; JO, .!;■,..,.. ., : ... ■ ■ I ■ ■ I tfct ro: : - I " '■"■''- ik'jiM i k» fart' ■ . ■ ■ : ■ ■■•■' *** " , f- - •■ rg ■i.I-ft, :.:it»wlJ. On- B, ! ** *"■-'•. -«° '• ,x , t - :f . ,v-; » iurfc.~ - ., i . ■ ■ . . . OtAuwd ' ESii^SETZ: muirioo it« C« ** ; t*,l t» k» f f*t8 Ixfln'-ff.'lc i : | ■. ■ ■ -■ j ..... ■ . ... i | lot -i lip - i . trtay, t hj.e il.* tiAiw-ic 'p W • ' rh.i || (r. hc.t r*t«n.(, ib.< I ten >«i'fl .. f<»C» « r,»-,Jll (*(■»(: h«. . ' . . - -.1 . .(. ;.... it- nvv.«y ■...:. ■. inurriea w ^«" »«t*f». ■'. ''i it:' un*(k i ib< i.W . ..-'. Mi ,t. .„ .,J*, r ,. ■t jtir.j owLriind, First page of the original issue of the Ulster County Gazette, January 4, 1800, owned by the Library of Congress I ■ . WmiBf ' .in iZIi Second page of the original issue of the Ulster County Gazette, January 4, 1800, owned by the Library of Congress ; i ■ . i Dwil.dl... i f.| ,,,, I., in.,. ' ■ I a I ■ i ■ , . ■ „ - ' ,', ' ..I.-', ni.j Shot jrf 10 if i ! a it i ...:.. - - I. in i!k I PE I \ \L : tker Andres ; \ i • ■ ■ ■ 1 prtj - ■ ■, v.. i i -' , jj|j -' . • ■) i V. ; i %*5i TL js?3 \ l] ■ ■., ■ , i r' -j - : >■ J ■■■■-. Eja ■ Ki Third page of the original issue of the C//jter County Gazette, January 4, 1800, owned by the Library of Congress fef^-a^Sfo.:'' Second I O r ' ; " : ' B\ John Fremper, H : -y ;:'■.: : 1 DRY GOODS for Sale GROCERIES, SAW-MIL! J vj ,.j\..;.', L\e fro Wench. loiir a .^J .Van, DY *in« iTiemiieiMii X> odi d) .:,e c«oft ol Com />ri>ii County "I LilVr, £in£a g#oJ t *«J dmtttt, ti J ■ ui Udcwfd Ji4t*W..i>*l,.f ( |> ui- r Pi I'.-.rtK' TtN BROECK, it DRY GOODS GROCERIES, Samuel Freer, FORSALE Loll, RAGS. r. y l L' „ n t. r.. ;.- r ■Si Mid bsS »* R9ITY OF ILUN0I9-UBBANA 3 0112 051850938 m ■'■'::■': ..-> V ■A S