C. X. Tfose^croi-ns /fn Exp^f^irnenTal Oj- The. iE'x^io^ion^ O’l^ G'OL^eou^ r-Q. ) AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE EXPLOSIONS OF GASEOUS MIXTURES BY CRANDALL ZACHARIAH ROSECRANS B. S. University of Illinois 1919 THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1921 **3HT 30 YQOTe JATH3MJ^37X3( -^A- eauL'TxiM • ' » . » -K ^3 m eVfAITOaeOil HAj^AHOAS ei^Ayll ^ 8 /U '/♦ * ■■H^: B - T. - I..- i“ ■ -J- ■ . ?■■ ^'L. t . ».A? •Sa. > , 5< V ^ h. " »«i>' ^ l^’fVirfidluZ^ V* ' "* -u <;! aawnit::>e / ’^J^\ %mmscm;jna. j ADMAWDaw ‘ »C‘ ' . 1= - * ^ :rrA - ^ M JOOHOe aTAUQA^O 3fiT .V ■- ' ^A,; . I ■ •>*'>« , *• “ V / >i j«r 10. eioMijjf ^o YTieistaviwu 1'^ y' » >• ■!^:'^ '•:' . :4: v^:*^r _ ^ "'Vi.' .■"flic - .^.'i 353 Mrn^ ■'•'* -■■ -i , -^ii UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS \^'l\ THE GRADUATE SCHOOL May 24, ](^1^ I HEREBY RECOMMEND THAT THE THESIS PREPARED UNDER MY SUPERVISION BY CP..TTI.,LL .:;,CHARIAH RQgECTANS , ENTITLED F.XrTRI T-TMT- aX-^CII OF GASEOUS MIXTURES « BE ACCEPTED AS FULFILLING THIS PART OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF Recommendation concurred in* Committee on Final F^xamination* Required for doctor’s degree but not for master’s Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/experimentalstudOOrose CONTEUTS I. Introduction 1 II. Review of Previous Researches ... 5 III. Description of Apparatus . . . . 27 IV. Procedure in Making an Explosion . • 68 V. Results 65 VI. Conclusions 108 Appendix 119 «. T fV •''I .1 S'^ ■> -A • I ^*r /? ^ Ow-,, » * 9 « * ' * yf, :;j^x/t -i-.- i ' Iv!^ 'iw -’, . ^ 0 .: ;■<> .--1 /,;^ ■•'4 •: ngi.^x^iX- i;-? i « • I ♦ -* I «>ir>ct>c^r: s • “ j I . *:^ fable of Figures 1 Clerk 6 £ Clerk 7 3 Or over 11 4 Grover 12 5 Bairstow & Alex&nder .... 15 6 Bairs tow & Alexander .... 17 7 Bairstow 8c Alexander .... 18 8 Hopkinson^s Explosion Vessel 21a 9 Hopkinson 21 10 Hopkinson 25 11 David 30 12 David 31 13 David 35 14a Cylindrical Vessel 38 14b Conical Vessel 39 14c Hemispherical Vessel 40 14d L-head Vessel ....... 41 15 Original Indicator 43 16 ManoTueter and Connections 46 17 Drawing of Apparatus .... 48 18 Photograph of New Indicator 51 19 Calibration Curve for Indicator 52 £0 Photograph of Remodeled Apparatus 54 21 Photograph of Remodeled Apparatus 55 22 Gas and Air Piping 56 23 Ignition Wiring Diagram 57 24 Facsimile of Explosion Card 60 25 Series 1 66 26 Series 2 68 27 Series 3 70 28 Series 2 and 3 71 29 Series 4 72 30 Series 5 73 a. C* C* j ‘^1* • % . ■” " >.;mr 1 31 Seri es 4 and 5 ... • « • 9 75 32 Seri es S « • • • » • • • • 9 76 33 Series 7 • • « 9 77 34 Series 6 and 7 ... 0 9 9 9 78 35 Serie s 1, 2, 4, and 6 . • • • 9 60 36 Serie s 3 • • • • • • « • 9 81 37 Series ^ • • • • # • 9 9 9 82 58 Series 8 and 9 ... 9 9 9 9 84 39 Series 10 9 9 9 9 85 40 Series 1 'X • « • • • 9 9 9 9 86 41 Seri es 10 and 11 . . . 9 9 • 9 87 42 Series 12 9 9 • 9 88 43 Series 13 • • • 9 89 44 Series 12 and 13 . . . • • • 9 90 45 Series 10, 11, 12, and 13 • • 9 9 91 46 Serie s 14 94 47 Series 2, 8, 10, and 14 9 9 9 9 95 48 Ef f e c t of Ratio of Surface to Volume 9 97 49 Cooling Crrves 98 60 Curves of Tenperature Prop • 9 9 99 51 Explosions of Hydrogen and Air 9 9 104 52 Explosions of Hydrogen and Air 9 9 105 53 Explosions of Hydrogen and Air 9 9 106 54 Curves of Energy and Et^ui librium Equations 124 AN EXi?ERIF£ENTAL STUDY OF THE EXPLOSIONS or GASEOUS MIXTURES I, Introduction , Purp 0 se and Scope of Investigation . The purpose of this investigation is the study of some of the physica,! phenomena involved in the explosions of gaseous mixtures in a closed vessel. The problems connected with the chemical changes involved, or any of the other in- cidental problems arising, have not been considered within the scope of this investigation. It is the purpose of this discussion to point out various comparisons existing between explosions taking place in different shaped vessels. These vessels were designed to simulate the various forms of combustion spaces actually in use in modern gas engines, Acknowledgiiients . The T/riter is indebted to A.P.Kratz, Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineer- ing, for much of the apparatus employed in this investigation '■’f' It ’lie ^ '?t :- 0 ? ^ '. : u u I : .■:; ? J X C. v i - ■! it^s-rJo ■\.^: ;-iCO ..:^UC 3-0*. ^1-V ■• .0. . \u.t ::c ®aco % ' ' ' ' -I . ’ ..JvV ■/■ i'.ivli' J li QO'lCJ' V 1 /-.-YiC 0 £l 3- ! ..?^f ; a?': - I'd o'l q I^: J af; : J o ■u.t ■ ^ ^ri; - t f. t ja*5>Tc;i- lo JO O..' C - 1.- si 0*s>kX ^ ... C V, '. . iti . rij"!** f-; X j ^ 2 ^. vCiA, : its 8iT''‘-^Y'l- r-'L-..!: . i'. 4*^.. -‘.arrll.t £il 'j£:c'^ lo • iC.. ’tjc. i'i.r-/ wiij yj’wXtrj.-sia i '-.'j .53^,r. '.'. ■ - - -fiSf yy.: .■ ->c4ie' : i . L ■,. j 1 J .. J • C*t‘i 1^*" £ es well as for his supervision of the present investigation. Tfxe apparatus was designed and built by Professor Kratz dur- ing the years 1915-1916, and some of the preliminaiy results v/ere obtained by him. These results are embodied in this discussion, as hereinafter noted. The apparatus was then remodeled, and additional results obtained by the writer. General Consideration of Explosions in a Closed Vessel . Consider a homogeneous mixture of <^ny inflammable gas and air enclosed in a vessel v/ith heavy metallic walls. The gas is assumed to be at atmospheric tenperature , as is also the vessel. If an igniting agent, such as an electric spark, be communicated to the gas mixture, inflammation will take place, more or less rapidly, according to the nature of the mixture. The heat developed by the combusticn will raise the tenperature of the gases, and hence the pressure in the vessel. At the same time the gas is losing heat to the cold wall of the vessel. This loss of heat reduces the heat available for raising the pressure of the gas. At an instant when the loss of heat to the walls exactly balances the heat developed from the combustion^ the pressure ceases to rise. This point on the pressure curve may be knov/n as the ’’maximum pressure". The gas then cools slowly, by losing heat to the Walls of the vessel, which, owing to its large mass in com- parison vdth the mass of the gas, does not become appreciably heated. The pressure of the gas decreases as this cooling process goes on, and finally attains the original pressure r, /- r J- t r of the gas mixtiire.as charged into the vessel, bat with uny slight difference which might he caused hy the contraction or esi^ansicn of the gases due to the chemical combination , The time elapsing from the instant of ignition (that is, of the passing of the spark) to the instant of at- taining maximum pressure will he designated as the "time of explosion'*. The ratio of air to gas, hy volume, as origi- nally charged into the vessel, v,lll he known as the "air-gas ratio", or "R”. It is the purpose of maximum pressures developed and different mixtures, exploded in An estimate will dso lost to the walls of the vessel this discussion to carp a re the the times of explosion for different shaped vessels, he made of the amount of heat during the time of explosion. 4 } 11 . REVIEW OF PREVIOUS RESE.'JcCHES There has been a considerable amount of experi- menting done on the physical phenomena involved in the ex- plosions of gaseous mixtures. The x^urk of some of the experimenters in this field nlll be discusseci in the fol- lowing paragraphs. Uugald Clerk ^ In 1884 Clerk exploded mixtures of Gambridg-e coal gas and air at various initial pressures oJid temperatures. His exp-losion vessel was cylindrical in form and had a volume of 517 cubic inches. The pressure developed in the cylinder was measured by means of a Richards indicator, and the pressure diagrams were traced on revolving drum. Jump spark ignition was used, ?:ith the spark occurring at the bottom of the cylinder. Explosions of hydrogen and air were also made in the same apparcttus. In a later series of experiments a cylinder 7” long and 7" in dianeter WciS used. The Richards indicator was re- tained, but a slide, moving longitudinally, was substituted for the dium. The recordirg paper was fastened to the slide, ^ Dugald Cle rk-- The Gas , Petrol , and Oil Engine , p. 1E6. V V t > c? f r - -r ‘•'if' :~f' 0110 > 7 • i-i V G -O’l.tO J.. t' -J a os. J, r o_. / 1 -■ ^00 ;.•* . i •osj^ -%<■ f' .a -f:-::) ^vni r: >rv* *4 .. u • ao i -'S Jw ^ j.r - ..u*^ V J 'j ■u 0)3 v.% Y \ , .V - ^ - : ilO i- - X-/-: ^3 bi'd r' \ . - j* C ' .1 .': V w V i \ . .i.-.-V, *, f 0 :T> X*" 0 A 3 .i O 'J ' /-• « 10 >: JJ 1 Jv> •J'l*^.-* ‘L ‘ r • f i* ~ T • -,i. r— 't 0 m “ -j .} c*f . : »“.r 1 V. . • » y l.c t' ;l s rv - • lir ♦ > 4 ^ t t k. ra f t f y' u'..;-'* t);..i ic*}: ?>.X r 4 6 and the slide was calibrated by means of ai electrically driven timing fork (having a frequency of 200 vibrations per second) which traced a curve on the recording paper. Clerk's curves, showing the relation between maxi- mum pressure end air-gas ratio-, and time and air-gas ratio are typical of all e^q^eriments in the field, and are repro- duced in Pig. 1. A set of actual e:3q) lesion curves for dif- ferent air-gas ratios (taken with the later apparatus) is shovm in Pig. 2. Clerk’s results are the best of those obtained from the early experimenters on gas explosions, but they are in error on account of the inability of the indicator to follow the rapid changes of pressure. Massachusetts Ineti tute of Techno logy^ Experiments similar to Clerk’s were conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1898. The apparatus employed was similar to that used by Clerk, except t3:at a ro- tating disc was used as the recording device. The pressures were therefore plotted on polar, instead of rectangular, co- ordi nates. The resuL ts closely approximate those obtained by Clerk and confirm all of his conclusions. Experiments were also made with this apparatus on mixtures of gasoline vapor and air. Clerk — The Gas , Petro 1 , aid Oil Engl ne , p. 148. 1 ...i^-, ci:*i ; ;>. 1 •.,r- n; •I .•«, ■ji il; n'7 -y.:9 , ■£ *^n jcf< n.v?' , X '■ b. ' ' : X ' ■'y-i^sT'>6“i - > -* . ■ ..' 1 ’ • X Oi l.i J x< ' * ’Jb [ T,r 1 ix.i. oo'd'l f.b ' V ; ' . :;OXXy i v.tJX'!!v. 0 1 V . ’ i ' ' .' , ? 'V 'rr : ' * t;7 :."i - * 1/ . ' *mi .' inm 7“ ' '■ '■' - 1 i: £ i ., >'lff^:-.'''X ,; naJ.x j-x -onw : f rf[ . ■ w' w^‘'< ■ •' ,:;.n ■'’v'xn i-pvx XX X. h 'X ■ pc. ;.j i. rrj 0.., X C . • . ' i.X b5‘';X/0 V - -'- ■ -i. ^ , '^'j ^ ,- T,'' «. ,* ■ rt '■ X- ■; '- .w- V • . • V • i , *•* *■ ' " ' n - xX :. X. S>'£- JW • - 1 . Xi i';i . lO'iX fc- •XCv.’* r •; .* •-n *■ ’ HP. S^ff) . r X -’r„ ' V ^ ' f . . . XnxX T''— A • V ''!■ £■*> -TT-'' '>"' '"'X . '. «■ ;.CiJ ‘T . • t. * -ii. yoI.i^'C Q- •t oi :nX i3iiX 'K- fr ’*■!.. .-V i iJL,- - w> . . .w ^ '1'. Xn;jco-j» x:.' ')■ 0'T*X'> ' > , . c . t., 'X: '.{ Oii t 1 a '. ' . .1 0- n xnl -V.^v ■ :X ’ nn^.-i-T .-,H— *»v}-— . —i*. — . ■ : ■- .rnonix n.x 1 * , .-■/ _ • ' ^ ni X-.’X-PJX ,.r*^ 1 ^ ' A ? e i :.Xx X" T o r* " 1 ■-, ^ j . j" ».' X f X X ny X :n . X Tjox;: 3; :i 1*^’ Oilo ^ T- V . A, W « ^ W - 0 t no X cf ^■ ■ .. o-Tj o . j i trn Mi'ic '.-W”\!i.' 'f . ’i 0 ':^. » 5 A . n; i^J 'Ui,n rv.: r'.n.C'J bn*;* iCi oI;t) * -. Jt^ Jl/ Otil C * X/ . !• •..»-* . w/v’ • .i. 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It was 8" in diameter and 34" long. A Crosby indicator was used to determine the pressure developed, and a tuning fork to record the time. The mixture was in- troduced by filling the cylinder with water, and allowirg- the gas and air to enter as the water flowed out. The results of Gixi ver ' s work, when explosion (or max- imum) pressure was plotted against the air-gas ratio, gave curves falling much below those obtained by Clerk and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, althou^ the calorific Talue of the gases was practically the same in all cases. Grover accounts for this difference by the fact that the heat taken to evaporate the water adhering to the cylinder walls after drawing in the gas charge reduced the heat available for raising the pressuie . It is probable, however, that his method of introducing the mixture was not as conducive to thorough mixing as the method used in Clerk's researches. It is a well kno7/n fact that a lean mixture vl 11 ignite much more rapidly if a small amount of relatively strong mixture is situated in the immediate vicinity of the ignition point. The time of explosion was shorter in Grover's wrk than in the ^ Cle rk-- The Gas , Petro 1 , an d Oil hngL ne , p, i53. I 9 previously described experiments, inalncst every case, and this fact seems to indicate that the lower pressures developed in Grover's experiiaents were due to faulty mixing of the charge. Grover also nade explosions w ith mixtures consisting of coal gas, air, and exhaust gas left from the preceding explosion. His results indicated that the presence of from 5% to 20^ of exhaust gas in the initial gaseous mixture actually raised the pressure as much as 19 lb. per sq. in. above that observed fora mixture containing the sane per- centage of fresh coal gas. This apparent increase of maxi- mum pressure became less as the strength of the mixture in- creased, and with a 12 to 1 mixture the effect became negli- gible. With a 7 to 1 mixture the maximum pressure was decreased by the presence of exhaust gas. This fact, to- gether wi th an analysis of the exhaust gas, proved conclu- sively that the ire reuse of pressure with the weaier mixtures was due to the fact that the exhaust gases contained as high as 20^ of inflammable gases reiraining^ from the previous in- coEDplete combustion. The obvious conclusion is that the products of combustion, unless they contain unburned gases, cannot raise the explosion pressure when us ed as a diluent. Grover later (1898) made explosions of acetylene X and air mixtui'es, using the same experimental apparatus. The gas, however, was measured in from a gas holder, and the error due to the water left in the cylinder was thereby ^iTi' , V -’.■j ■ . .'; , ■ - £ •: '"-iiio ft-"' Ji*:;3 0 'j v -^i'f-'* 'f' '■ 'Ll: i S . "’ '>■( ''r'-’T;o i"' ^' "T^ ' ■ - ■V Z'->n , >l . " •-> 's A-> \'i 4 - , - .:■^'T.•r ■• - i.;. x-rre-^ 'fS-LO'i fi i. f iU rMk i - f ■ * . _J- U' ’ri ; ' k- ^ £u; I • j r ^ :*;' *).: ; ■ j ^ - ■“• X' '.Jr' I; ri ’" X '.■X “f. "-X.X'irr. b ^'. T-MiXi j.^?£tr> {'•■■; j: * , L o ■‘v,. X:j : 'V'^ wC V :V:'i''f ... Xritij ' v; . ., •ai;.l : to '>,iX.;: (X*.- <■'. -iOv} <■-. i .■r . ,./ ,••>;.' '•■■•o I"'.', -i-fv :X-C.‘>'f---'‘* 0-X’?=;: ?T'.i:., ^ ; 'iJirr.: r;.. . V'j' .* •■ 57 ■'< il .5 > ’. > t •> C\' 10 eliminated. Low tension make and break ignition was i3sed, the spark occurriiqg at the center of the cylinder. The mixtures were exploded at 1, 2, and 3 atmos- pheres initial pressure. (Mixtures of coal gas and air were also exploded at the same initial pressureei. The resiilts, however, still show evidence that a perfectly homogeneous mixture was not obtained, as the coal gas explosion pressures are again low as compared with Clerk's. Curves of explosion pressure plotted against initial pressure are given in Fig. 3. From these curves it is evident that Ihe explosion pressure increases almost directly as the initial pressure. The deviation from a straight line law may be explained by the poor mixing cf the charge evident in all Grover's work, since the straight line lav; was confirmed by later experimenters. Curves of pressure and time of explosion for dif- ferent mixtures of acel^lene and air, and coal gas and air are given in Fig. 4, Petavel^ Petavel's experiments (1902) on the explosion of gaseous mixtures are of great interest, as thqy are the only ones carried out at very high initial pressures. A spherical steel bomb having an internal diameter of 4" and a volume of 0.0195 cu, ft. was used. ^ Memoirs of Manche ster Lit , and Phil . Soc . v. 46, part 2 , p. 1. cr . - *.i j'-'.l iXt I* ;.'. .. ', j i_ ^ A- ■^'3'''' '■ ■ * '^’ ^ ^ V).;7.-?:-> 7=^7' • .; . ; Oi*^' ’ i,'": 5'"' 7;, i;;7.' •». ;■ I'J j' ,, . 3^. ‘ ■:' thl€tXil ^■' ‘.''i Cw J.'. . .1 ati:*.' ■; v) * * i ii - •fe V- / '. j. V ce X 5 ^■•^' ' • ■: ... 17 '^. -I.,:.: .XI'l. , iCvoT:^; ■ V -T ‘d ,-.-!■ !“'■', -jOr.Xjfr ^;f :: .. ».- . nu^icl ’ . . , . :f C'!X ^307 j'ui.* ‘ - ' li- ' i' / ?X x’^v «u' * /-w - A J. : : l . I '- .:: ♦ ‘-t H , . . ■• '* * - ^ - J ^ 0 '• J :'i>' .. :irx^*::*T r> .- u/JC; r. -VO 7 >*A . i .' f) i -ii. 1: 3-. ikx'v -*• ■■■> « - I' i ;:; 1 s . ^ • V . □'tjj vine's 7 ... U-r; ; . 5 .'XX'X .I' . V -i.A.j *1 '. 0>» ';■ -.1 3 %. 1 It od • i* ' rt :; .■ .. di.I:: 1.- ' 7 - ?? .. . i 3 _0 j :.t'* t ' ■ [ ' 4 » \ r ' ' ■ ’ ; . A.i)XsX ■•*'■ ■ - ■- - i'.'’j .C40X v?t;;0 ?*‘iL 3*^ , ic T'5Y.. •■' ijiJ ’.j J: i - .3 •; :,;jj ;:iui ...• . .XX /!i IfOYi^ V .C J'.- ;x -.vi' ( I - - A . . . ^ .. J otl J 3 V ul ’ Z '. Xe V- j S:u y.'i^ J .. ; . . t-i-'v:-' — r-.: 1' 1 .;..X:i V • i^/c i;ij)X ■'U^C) '.is .i L : :.. br. *’ ■ '];'■. 'i . j* ,. . *.j , i 1. ... .. 00 . • ^ ' o - • ' J X liauuiBaraRevailsiai laBB u as ■ wuMi SBiBS IIMMP ISSSSSBBSa! lisnsi i:S8SSHB! IBiBBPPBBWiil iHlSaifiOH! masNaB ISSBHHSj !■*■■■■■■■■ liaspspBi liiapppai lilllspsamiisaii “■niiaBaaHBaaaal B BaaiianaagisRi l■«■«M^3a»■aaaaaaaaBBi laataaBaai l■Baiaaaal liaaBaai ISSSKSI mm liiSSi&a:is@SS' IHaSBBSH:! ssnai IBnSHBRSSI mmi\ S BBBIISaHaBI I ■■•■■■■■■■■I lu::::; I IS Petavel's indicator was a great impiDvenaent on those used before. A steel tube, ending in a piston, and loaded as a hollow column was used as Ihe spring, aid the motion was greatly magnified by a system of levers and a mirror. The in- strunent was practically free from all inertia effects, and seemed to be able to follov/ the rapid pressure variations without appreciable lag. Bairs to w and Alexander ^ Lxplosion experiments were made in 1905 by Messrs. Bairstow and Alexander, using mixtures of coal gas and air. Their apparatus was exceedingly conplete, and provisions were made for the most accurate measurenents possible. The in- dicator, a Sinplex, of the ordinary steam engine type, was, as usnal, the weakest part of the apparatus. The explosion vessel was 18” Icng and 10” in diameter, and had a volume of 0.8£1 cu. ft. The gas used the the city illuminating gas, and it averaged 6E8 Btu, per cu. ft. in heating value, Bairstow and Alexander found the same difficulty in getting a perfectly honogeneous mixture that Grover did. Mixtures were allcwed to stand as long as 17 hours without diffusing enough to be ignited. A mixing plate, operated by hand, was therefore added. Ignition was accomplished by means of a jump spark, through a "firing tube". This tube extended some distance down into the interior of the vessel. Proc. Eoy « Soc . , Series A, v. 76, p. 345. 1 / f t .) f 4 :: * 'j : . 1 ’ '.f- > 'P % J • ? - T f OCl* V 14 and was pierced with small holes at intervals. The electri- cal ignition device was situated at the top of the tube. All holes in the tube were plugged except one located at the de- sired distance fmm the top of the cylinder, and the electric ignition spark was passed. The mixture in the tube exploded, throwing a jet of flame into the main part of the explosion vessel through the hole in the firing tube, and igniting the whole mixture. The position of the open inle in the tube was changed to give ignition at any desired point cf the vessel. Ignition accomplished by this means was not con- stant in igniting power, as the greater amount of gas exploded in the firing tube when the lower hole was open projected a jet of flame farther into the main vessel than it did when the upper holes were open. This caused some variation in the maximum pressures and tii'ies of explosion of the mixtures in the vessel, due to the change in igrd. ting power of the firing tube. With electric ignition, the spark gap being placed at the desired point in the vessel, this effect is eli minated. Fig. 5 shows the time of explosion and the maximum pressure as affected by the position of the ignition point, a 7 to 1 mixture being used in all the experiments. The initial pressure was 35 lb. per sq. in. absolute. Similar experiments were made with a weaker mixture, in which case it was found that the position of the ignition point for most rapid combustion was about three inches below the center of : . 1 0 tiX : , 0:X'? • ^ J*- ^ ^ / K» i- i . t* ' >1 '. l.-yz y , .: i.v ij--\. vf ■ 1 _ ?: .v; xnx; i , tills i-4s- X' .^o:^ e?X? ^ — + . f V 4J ^ t. J XvO Xsj; -;)v> £i X. i" c -4', ■ ., ‘‘1. ^'^ s ' i' ,' ,‘'i jfc' o^a.rr O CX a i si&Jofi :■., .'T' ) . .r-*- ]j*'i. . , - ■' ' - - • ' ■ ■ ■•:o. ..'oS o d; X: :*!’: ■> ■, f ', ^ ‘ . ' , Jfc . - ^ . • w W f ' ' * .(J 0(>; r^c-.T XTU- ’^S ; O 2- J_;4 -* Z -‘ -■ '■' 'v ** F " ". '" 'i : i . u ,.^ A n ■^'ro : 0'^ ij -^ji.IwC'l. '}.' 4 “ 1. \. Xi. ■'•••. X i. , ; , -!■ 11 A ■ 0:X-: M ; i-.v‘/Cn:'3' Xo3^ V. .5-;X? ' X. :■ ItiiCir J/r; 4.J o, --, - 1 • .A, 4 « - . - • V, ' iL . ; . ■ Lt.^ , ixO*t.L re c>j ^ ■' ^i3’. - 3 i C*.- - 0..; '^.IjJ : =.:;,i ' ;* 'j! - '-u - -■m.',- xi&o,.', L' ■£:.■. ■li/A .-. ^ u-im {. '- ^ ^ > A I • X U >.. * ^ 3 Cx-' StO .; 0 '*..'w' »rci'ieXr?''Cf>.^6 ^r;>. is- ri'U .Ln’ ; , .!.e *vj «> ••;^ , ,..; j. :..!^i bi:';TOor> .:tiV' . •>% :-i ■ •-. *t..;o *3J. , --j-i-.-i-Tf :>a.f- ni 'it. -n .»?• o .:w . I-.-:;* -».*••' j,- ,*xJ V Ai; .* ^ < • ;. w .‘.xoq /' It. i^i.- ^ :':: 'x :,. M’ ':jc:;, o.;;r •;/ r. . e-xr:2^oT. ■■ . i *. . ..'^' i.,It. .ri O'*- jj ■’^-.,’ ;;tf X > *5. .:' 1-:'I : . . . -X . • V ‘r"'' ; • * lit irij y ' , 0 f,X , / -^t' ^ -fo ■' )';i ’.\ :!■ 1 ‘r n.>fv: ■o*:.>*-s r’.^ ;:c/ xi ; ’ j -:: : : ”X-' ^j..-L Jill '^■.o :.Li *':<)•■' Ju;’* 7)X‘.;ni- \v . - j • ' Xo/J ^t'-‘-> ; i • ^-.d: :tr>.... o. -.; (»■■■■! 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' llivT *i2iC; ;ii,’ / X * ;...•. V - ... .:-c t ‘ ♦ 1 1 a . ’■ ••■... • ;•■ .1 r. . .: ••©. . ^ --i V-,- •■■“’I) in:'s-. ^0 .^'; i r.;- ^T’’ &il .? 8 x. . t ' 11 vJ.: ->? 30J 'll’ V'd'. Of^'^ ‘ri V:.rx:;'*x‘ --^1 'ic *. vxuo r - ■.: "■> • W*.i J V J ‘y <,li - i. ’ l‘l ' cjI'. % OlJ . '1 ■ ^n'^L ^ o 5 i. 0 '. o- ■ ^cr .> 1 * ^ j] . . ^:):;xi ^0 1 *. i:ini.u §3 I ■ . ,,.r J- ■ '1 a .(.-^ rol " ..J;i-Xl:r.l I Hopkinson^ FApJo^s/on Vesse/ J^/7/y’Jo^ Pomf ffestsfance T'hermomctct af ce^te/' " '■ /O cm. /com v^a// )/o/u/77C of Vcs-se/ * 0.6S^ co./f* I » iraHrai !■■■■■■■■ ■■uiMuuiiMHsaa^iBas I irasBkuBssaii^i ISBBi! igBiSI BiBiiiBiiiiii raSsraKsSi «■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■I iBBiisI ■■■■■■ iiiii iiBaa.'a«Ka«iapaaaiaaanu*a?iai lasssR lagaal !BSSH:S8I 22 combustion of the mass of gas near the ignition point was practically complete before the pressure had increased more than two or three pounds (as shown by the indicator). ' The flame then spread through the mixture with a velocity of approximately 150 cm. per second, and con^letely filled the vessel about 0.02 sec. before the attainment of the maximum pressure. This was shown by the fact that the tem- perature as recorded by the thermometer placed 1 cm. from the walls attained a maximum about 0.05 sec. before the pressure. The gas at the center was then compressed adiabatically to a temperature considerably above the melting point of platinum, probably about 1900 deg. C. At the moment of maximum pressure the teirperature distribution was approximately as follows:- Mean (calculated from pressure ). .1600 deg. C. Center, near spark 1900 " " 10 cm. within wall ....... 1700 " " 1 cm from wall at end 1200 ” " 1 cm from wall at side 850 " ” It is evident that even if the experiments were per- formed in a nonconducting vessel, differences in temperature would exist at different parts of the vessel, due, not to the conduction end radiation phenomena, but to the different de- grees of conpression existing at the different points of the mixture . At a time 0.05 sec. later than the attainment of maximum pressure, the mean tenperature of the gas, calculated from the pressure, was about 1100 deg. C. The mean iniifH II ii. I * '■.. .'i . •■'it: . ■ vi^ti f. '■(•;. t •’ ’f' • 'T'. . j-;. 'ir f r-l.*ev^£ 0 -: ‘X; • i;*;i '-.;v OXvi' Xfi . , 1 .. », 1 . . . i-s C^riC •'. •. i'.-.: 'J -.1 » "if % .'■ ^ /. <) t.l 0^^ ■ .^ri;.. , . • :T;:> t" ,y .* 3 r,. o-u :•; -:.r^ . .* o -:i - t-i ’4 •-• - 9 .'-''' ' •; L • *.:• f - i.-.* ' *1 <►> ‘ ' . ir Jm - A « - ’ . ► ^ . *1 >^ * ■•': i ": ■ " ' ' lO-** J : ^ v'^ ■ '.I j-f; '-'i 'lU-'f-, /:■ •V . *»■ I • t I . ' ^ ! ">■ r . ■+/!. -■ » J V,' O'* '* oOV ;:’.l ou-o!>: . \'X -{ " . .. . •> ' ‘ tr - ^v; jro . j . I A vti y ;i '5 a ; ‘ '■c-;- " ' -.' ^ i ' 5 ‘ - yx'A ■■ ^ . r‘2C;r c.' / \ J- '-^uv -- 4 lo -4^ ' t - .r * I C.O*. . .1 ^ J -. r. I . , 1 ' s> .'■ , *1 J ■ ; i :c r :i. o . : f . '■! jw-: j I . »*•« * v/t:* .. :!,■ - % t * : • J ; » / . wf • :< 't o - ^ i . y u.: 'O,- : ' . r r • r -• 4 , - -fi -• , J -Cl' 23 temperature (exclusive of a layer 1 cm. tMck at the walls) was determined hy a long platinum wire stretched entirely across the vessel. This temperature was found to he 1160 deg. C., a value reasonably close to the calculated mean value. In the explosion of a weaker mixture (12 to 1), con- vection became more important due to the fact that the flame was propagated more slowly. The temperature imiriediately below the spark at first rose, then decreased as the cold unburned gased moved upwc^rd fo 11 ovd rig the ascending flame. One second after ignition the pressure was still less than 10 lb. per sq. in., and the upper half of the vessel was filled with burned gas which was losing heat to the walls. The last portions of gas to be ignited were those immediately below the spark. In the 12 to 1 mixture the maximum pressure was about 50 lb. per sq. in. and was attained 2.5 sec. after ig- nition. During half of that time at least half of the super- ficial area of the vessel had been in contact with the flame. Thus the loss of heat before the attainment of maximum prea- sure was probably greater in a weak mixture than in one of greater strength. In some subsequent experiments Hopkins undertook to measure the heat loss to the wall. For these experiments he used a cast iron cylinder 1 foot in diameter and 1 foot long, which was lined with wood. The wood was overlaid with a con- tinuous grid of strip copper, v/ide and 0.04” thick, which was connected by wires to a galvanometer circuit, in order to J: 'ZCuC: ; • , n , , . . • - . . r ::fj\ li ®<* a ^'4 ect: «irr r ', Xi . f.-f li'. . 1 *- '.< J. ^.IJ -j ' O'zutXxT ",:g;U.os' ti iJ, * *.■'« Xori'w ' .5;” 0.' •.' 'jr ;. - .' » o: ui .Xt. ■"' V . . . .«. uii64 f:' „^VJ ^Zk- O' I' i.v^ i ^ _ - '■‘TQ 1 , *. ic ‘'i '. :*j ' ^-..v -r ^ ^ T • •• * • ■ i r:.'-i.‘ -I Ili; -: y. ,o-: o;v‘ :. ■;■•' 1 'i* . .. . r •: ' • okZ j-\. w ^ •" •' '.'V, aJ U X J -j V.’ '■ X’ ! . r* "i V ;- ■ r-...- -• • '’ /^ .■t^ • ‘••■4 ' ii r,r Cl ■1..TW •■'! ,c nri A -'i v 'Xin: ea'4'' X .; • jS^iOX J-?. «Y.J:.: .;• !lo .•1^ i»o --i. :;o r.X fioyi’' .£,.^4,. ' v. 3/1} 'to '3* u ,7;va .y . (. .i J.j « . ' ii v.'t , • -.’ X. 1 *4 / 0 ■: 1 :r; ^.:}0~ 3/.J ■ vii/j.^1... :iX c X ’ ~ ;?uy; e.;' o 0‘ ■■ .’■ i A/ 'T t.: :*r.CJi ’ n ' I r,t ft'-.ol ©ii; •C\, ' '•i r*r^ ■ — • ix > i‘.:c C :j'.c'/ I '/■ yj; :v*.a’,,: .[ •v'^ia-{X.j;:^o iro’iii; /?j:u ^ -'.c n-.: . • , . 3-;.« '£ . X # 0-:V^ rto .. ■' - J jiV/ . »/• •/ Ir'.s r>: . *. • » 1 • ' 1 r, * ». .V k ^ w . 1 * 24 record the change in resistance of the strip as it was heated hy the explosion. The record of the cljanges in resistance was photographed on a film, together with the pressure curve from the Hopkinson optical indicator. The results of cal- culations based on the data obtained are shown in Fig. 10. Hopkinson says, "The heat loss begins about 0.05 sec. after ignition, v^hen the flame first comes in contact with the copper. At first the loss goes on at a very great rate, and by the time the maximum pressure is reached, about 1700 calories, or 12^ of the gross heating value of the gas, has passed to the walls. The rate of heat loss at this point is about 10 calories per sq. cm. per sec., and the mean gas tanperature is 1760 deg. C. At 0.2 sec. from ignition the rate of heat loss is about 3,5 calories per sq. cm. per sec., and the mean gas temperature is 1300 deg. C. The mean temperature is reduced in the ratio 74 between these two points, but the rate of heat loss at 0.2 sec. is only one-third of what it was at maximum pressure," Hopkinson's results from these experiments obviously include some of the radiation loss with the conduction losses, although Clerk states that only ccnduction losses are included, Nagel ^ In 1908 A. JJagel ran an elaborate series of e:q)eri- ments to determine the velocity of inflammation of various gases. His explosions were made in a spherical steel bomb 1 Mitteilungen uber Forechungearbei ten , v. 54, 1908 1 > . i. sj 4 f J ♦ J ••fe ' V ;•' j. • X V. X. ; •-' '• .i J • ■ ,'^ ■; •'..' . . •:» f ;0.:'^- o.i’’ ■•> : o.j :) : V f < J X , ,- .J ..V ;fr>j flro • o.\i •t';' . •.: ■ • 'I- T '''uni - ‘ i ■> • ••; 'J. . i 'i f i * j. • ■ :;b5s SKK- bs::;k:sbsks:: «■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■SSSSiS BKSiBB SSSBi BBBBS S»:B8BB!m»s»»ii^ BSSSHBSSBBSSSSBSBa ■umsiiiiGiUBBSuSMi ■■■■■■■■■■88 SS BBSSBfflSSSSBBB BsSiB IBSSBBSBBSBS ■■■■■■BBail IBBSBBBBS s'§S3: !Rn!»»«ssBRB:s:sBi ■■■■■■I ■■■■■■I ■■■■■■■■I isBsai 9»8 i:K::::sa;i;i;ss;:s:;ss;is:s:s:s::s:si:;;; l e8:^:sR;»ss^>»;a»:^^ i»i»i^»mm«saa:;sss:s8r b:b8s:b;:susbs;:;bbk:;:::k:»»:»»:;:;;;:::;:» ■ ■■■■-.-. . ... 26 40 cm, in diameter, A diaphiagm in communication with the bomb, and connected mechanically to a concave mirror, indi- cated the pressure developed by the explosion. Ignition was accomplished by means of a single ;)ump spark occurring at the center of the bomb. All explosions were made v;ith gases saturated v.lth water vapor, No maximum pressures were given in the report of the results, as the experimenter was merely interested in obtaining the velocity of inflammation. Nagel found that for hydiu gen and air mixtures the inflammation velocity increased directly as the hydrogen content, ^ith a constant mixture, the velocity increased with the pressure, the increase being greater as the mixture became richer. For illuminating gas and producer gas the velocity of inflammation also increased vdth the gas content. For these, however, at constant gas content, there seemed to be a tendency for the velocity to decrease v/ith an increase of initial pressure. This effect was more marked with weak mixtures than with stronger. The effect of initial temper- ature is not sufficiently marked to justi:^ any definite ccn elusions . An elaborate mathematical analyst s of the flame propagation in a spherical vessel is also given. From the resiits of Hopkinson*s experiments as quoted above it would seem that Nagel * s conclusions are some- what in error, Hopkinson clearly sh®v;ed that inflammation might be complete, i. e., the flame might fill the entire \ ..’v ■ -* j _i ' *)«- ■> • r-- -- r-; r. V y ~ XD . I -V itt:- ■ ■ ■“ • ' i: ■■' , k_ ^ .. ., V. ' ■ '!'■ : jfr . ..>••' *■ :'} - • ' r ' . X' - ***^ • : . ; ■ r . . - f. ; ?. :> i'*» :r ', V i:-" ■ ’ •'iO- . i’.'*. > : . ^i. • ■:• - ^ -Mi. ■s.v J - . ., X ■ . • , .. j. r ■';■ ■, '1 :■^■ ' ori-. ■ -x -. .- ■ , -.i nr:iK.,:r. ,s .. ‘Mx, xMl .: . I . » '1 '■: -i., ^. ■.).-■ ■ rj.. ; M- .'■ ' •- ■f iO- , 7'-r-. Jt., ■ o ' 0 — ., ■ .c^ :': <' r- ' r . J w * • • r*- r ' , ; . 1 - - J 5. ^ .L • •^ . •• T » • i- -vX» ' ' ; -: '1 .' » ■- ► '^r ’L I. <■ . ,N'< .'., .r ■•* . - i'-o, ‘O'.o. -V "■■ 0:iJ ■>; • ^ >' !' ■ ‘Tf'?' , ^ 1 ’..'^ ’ -iip:. o:^ 0 ;. . ! ■- o u o : L.ir -'■ ^ - ••' .- J . ■■‘1 ■ ' ^ ' .1 '.„■■• ' ' '’ r ). '1 ■■'* ' ’• t "' '■ * - : ' 4 ..i — - • . ■'••'I v 7 " » / %r ‘A^ j. j .r.'iL' r 28 explosion pressures. A platinum bolometer, connected in a gal vanomenter circuit, was placed in front of a diathermanous fluorite window at one end of the vessel. The change in re- sistance of the bolometer as indicated by the galvanometer in dicated the amount of radiant heat falling on the platinum surface. The interior of the vessel was painted with a dull black paint, which absorbed practically all the radiant heat falling on it, or was silver plated and polished. Pour series of experiments were conducted with mix- tures of Cambridge coal gas and air, namely:- 9. 8^0 and 15^ in the black walled vessel, and 13^o and 15^ in the vessel vd. th polished walls. The general conclusions obtained fran the experiments in the black walled vessel were as follows 1) The total amount of heat lost to the walls of the vessel by radiation up to the time of maximum pressure is approximately proportional to the third power of the maximum absolute temperature, multiplied by the time of the explosion. 2) The total raclant heat lost to the walls during the explosion and the subsequent cooling is about 26^ of the heat of combustion of the gas. S) The emission of radiation at all times var- ies with the temperature and with the time from ig- nition . 4) In weak mixtures (and probably also in stronger mixtures) the rate at which radiation is 29 emitted is a maxiratun some time before the attainment of maximiim pressure, and probably occurs at the time when the flame fills the vessel. 5) V/eak mixtures radiate much more power fu.lly in the initial stages of cboling than do strong mixtures when they have cooled to the same temperature as the weaker • 6) Carbon dioxide emits radiation about twice as strongly as does an equal volume of water vapor at the same tenperature. 7) The total heat lost by radiation ip to the time of maximum pressure decreases as the initial pressure of the mixture is increased. 8) Denser mixtures radiate heat much mere strongly than thinner mixtures, especially at the instant: of maximum pressure and in the initial stages of cooling. The emission varies approximately as the square root of the density. One of David's sets of curves, showing pressure, temperature,, total radiation, and radiation per sq. cm* of cylinder area is shown in Fig. 11. The relation of radiation less in calories per sq. cm. per sec. to the size of the vessel and the initial pressure is shown in Fig. 12. This radiation loss, after correcting for absorption, varies with the temperature nearly in accordance with Planck's formula for a single wave of length 5.6 u. At high tenperatures st ■■ i-. i C X I*' ** ■ ^ v:: ov 0 .:i C\‘ ■t ■J -i X* . I \ *i -'. . ,:. .b; ■ ‘ 'f ^rr-* V ^ , a .-. 1 I • 1 . - • ,-, t- • . ..*. . a. . . 'J HZ' :w ijwyi 'J *.«» . i r.:X‘ .? 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V .>:?■* T -) o-.‘ ir, '' ■: - £ #> ; -K'i ’ t/ ■ "■'. •• • ' :' ■• i. •'■> ' "•' S'’) * t;, : V f.-i iO -col ? :? '> " 4 '. j . ■ : , • ’Ij ' )■'• iV'" o' y-' -i r: ';r i-S- I ; ‘ *13 j ^ •.'.rr:".!;:;’ 5"-ri "•C:0'£^=)^ . ' 4 V« > I u ■ t ■••' ■ XI > if"-, i ' 'lO ; ■T -V ‘i ■f _ Jf r:^*j :•- ;^£: u ^Vio' i ^ . > -,S« . .'0 ’.' J \\‘r’ ■■ ■ '>• . ■>.; f :;w.'j ;-.0j £■' ■ ?N ; ■ i "j X ■■'. 34 ture about 28% of their respective heats of combustion. The curves in Fig. 13 shov; the rate at which heat loss by con- duction is proceeding w hi le cooling is going on. The weaker mixtures in the initial stages of cooling lose heat nnre rapidly than the stronger mixtures when they have cooled to the same temperature. This is probably due to coavection currents, which are more vigorous in the early stages of cooling than in the latter. No mention is made in David's report of any cor- rection for radiant heat absorbed having been applied to the values obtained from the silver grid eij^eriment s. Polished silver absorbs about 4% of the radiant heat falling on it} even when highly polished. It is probable that the silver grid actually in use absorbed more liian this amount, owing to the deposition of soot on the grid. It therefore appears that David's results should be corrected for this discrepancy. T^scellaneous . The experimenters mentioned in the preceding para- graphs have produced the most trustwor thy results, so far as the measurements of the physical phenomena involved in the explosions of gaseous mixtures are concerned. A considerable amount of literature has been devoted to the chemical and mathematical sides of the problem, however, and many interesting 1 Lanclolt & Borns tein — Physikalisch - Chemische Tabellen , p. 961. ti)-d ■ " : ' - . o r iJ - .1 I I ' ^ ■^vcu’^ ■ ■ r ' ' •l"' ^ • 1 1 ^ I W'* ^ :?'i.'.£ •..;n'u 3 . ' /n i:; i a. ..’ -/ ■! 1 r i: St ) ./ - '. 'Mr: 'JM: .1 •: ■'., , . ... ■; d 1-j ti 6 '.■ 1-' ■i-ii'i ci'i-"’.*. - Ijo.r; fri'j : .,cro‘;:.;: •4"-::,.^ . ''i: ©iid ;> v( L. . J ... 5,.. ;; j-' ^Xi«o o.^J- i .1 cu'.'::.;. ;;d / C'i*v.: -'..... .i-ii x\ , 3 dn-ri-^ . . J j. ■ - ' 1 >ri:I-<5c< z’.d ' -)r - 'f. ^ ,r .•> , ' zoi ^ - .Uof!\ J ;J. ,L 55v;.i' ' rtrr; ! ../.fiio /C c 1..: i'O v' ‘ - ' ., :.'. r.: ■:/ J ., .; ■.! J, J’ -t ) : i ^ ' >tf' H f^5r r!--^ .. -s^i :Ll> ii\i r^\ '>r.r, «• ^IT , ■ --.1^ '(.urffptjn X> ■ C'laii/oCjOi* /.f !■: o^-'LZQTr. I ;■; ' '• T'l :■. r M. ,': V J’:. 5 ■ .i \ •..X-* — :'l ‘ v' v;.' -' X 7 . •£:* OV •i'j a0?iJLT A ■■ ft *i.v :■> '.? ^'j.'. -yxvTJtiZ^ci 07 , • ■ ■-!•'!'-• ;V.V .'• • 3i:.;.‘r^-C f - . ! 1C lo ^4 ''•V -•.'•Sc - ‘j'^-'i V,' -i;7v‘ f C -?ri.ao^. J.vd :..:r;;* I , ’'■'*, ; ‘> ■’‘7 '. • - ’ ’ ’•; C 7; i;‘ .: r '•, -''>• r .'^•*. ... O . . .1 --7 L I .>.* ;■• I I— ■ ■■■■■■■■I ia»«a:s:;ssi [laaaBaBaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaisaaaaaaaaassaaasaaa:: iMamatBaBiiasaaiaaiiBMavaBHBaBBaBMasaiaMBBaaBaBaBBBiiBiBnaaBci. HMiBunaafiBaaaBBauaBaaBBacr«BMa«aaaaaBBaaBuaaBPaRaBp*p*«s' iBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaBBaBpai IBBBaBaBaBaaaBBaBBBBBBBBI i»sr«i> 9 av»'**BpaB«aa*ap(VF IBBaBiBBBBBaBBaaaBaBBBBBai' laaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaSi liiiBliBBBiBaBaMaaEiiaaaBBi IBBBBaiBiaBBiiiaBiBaaBBBBl iBaiaBiEiBaiEiBBBivBBiiBBBi iBaaB^aaaaaaaaai iiiBaBMBaBrjiaaBBBBaaBBaBaBBai |BBaaBa8BaBaBBaBa8a;:8Ba»yj II3BB88i5^^^: jaaBHBBBBBB' 36 and important results have been obtained. A number of other experimental researches along the same lines as those mentioned above are available, among 7; hie h are those of Pier, Langen, Falk, and Dixon, but their work, fo the most -part, is merely a confi rmat ion cf the results pre- viously discussed. I III. DESCRIPTIOII OP .’^PARyllUS The original apparatus was designed and built by Prof. A. P. Zratz during the year 1916. After being used for a nurnber of experiments (1 to 171) work was suspended on the problem until September, 1919, at which time the writer was assigned to the problem. The apparatus was then reconstructed. Tests 172 to 201 incDusive were made with the apparatus reconstructed substantially as originally built. The original apparatus consisted of a cast steel base plate with four removable vessels or heads, designed to be bolted to the base plate. The heads v;ere respectively cylindrical, conical, hemispherical, and ”L-head’’ shaped, (patterned after the common L-head gasoline engine cylinder). The actual dimensions and prxjportions of the heads are shown in Fig. 14. The head selected for use was placed on the base plate, with a thin paper gasket around the rim, and fastened in place by eight 1^” cap screws. The heads were very heavily built, being designed to withstand safely an explosion pressure of 2500 pounds per square inch. A 4" two blade d fan, driven by a shaft through the center of the base plate, afforded a means of stirring up the mixture i. l« .. J ':y ' - ■ OJ -S r-. - ■j J. - i ^ rvn r ; -- — . a./ V 3 -J* i 0 o . . ■ : o Kt '.L CC 1,' ^ Si vu r i t 0 t - .;. •.> .A. . - •y 1 .. '. Z . '. ^ A ^ i ij r* J- O . J >•' r>. :.) ..U - ..j ■i • ■ • - - » O’..- ... - 4 Ovii; Cy///fc/rf ca/ ^o/ume - /'S'S cu./h. Sup»r//c/a/ Arev ' /A3 Sf-/'^- tA>/ -- CZJf'S--JU //y. /4 t>. Co/7 / CO / resse / ^ume ■ /SS co./n. i/perf/cfctZ y/6 . / £Z> ^o/l 6//77^ = /vy. /4 c. /^cm is erica/ I/esse/ /SS" Ci/. /n- \S u/3c/-/’ic/a/ j4rea - sf. //? ^C7/io O.Sss > -r-zf 42 before and during explosion. A hole for the ignition plug and holes for intake and exhaust piping, as well as for the indicator, were provided in each head, as shown in Pig. 14. The indicator, screwed into the side of the head in use, is perhaps the most important part of the apparatus. An optical instrument was adopted as being the only type suitable for use in such an investigation . A drawing of the original indicator is shown in Pig. 15. The diaphragm indicator was adopted as being most accurate and convenient. The indicator diaphragm, (D) 2/64” thick, and having a semicircular corrugation concentric with the outside circum- ference of the disc, was cut from a bar of chrome -vanadium steel. The corrugation was introduced in order to insure a strai^t line calibration for the indicator, to give the dia- phragm greater flexibility, and to prevent slippage of the parts when heavily loaded. A small threaded pro;jection at the center of the diaphragm gave a means of connecting the mirror system. A thin steel spring (S) , bent at right angles and supported by a small standard (Ri screwed to the base bar (B) was joined rigidly to the diaphragm by two small clamp nuts on the threaded projection fP) . A small piece (approxi- mately l/l6” in diameter) of concave mirror (M) was cemented to the spring (S) at such a distance from the support as was found by trial to give a proper deflection. A anall enclosed arc lamp projected a beam of light on the mirror, whence it was reflected to the photographic paper, held on a longitudi- 44 nally moving slide. The arc lamp and slide were plened at proper distances from the mirror to give a clear-cnt image of the crater of the arc on the photographic paper, which gave a narrow black line for the record. The mirror used was a small piece cut from a concave galvanometer mirror of 1 meter radius of curvature. This indicator gave very satisfactory results when adjusted, but was very inconvenient to adjust, as the mirror could not be moved to give the proper position of the spot of light on the photographic paper. The indicator was also af- fected by any vibrations occurring in the heavy base bar (B). The vibration of heavy machinery in the building made these vibrations very noticeable in the base and e^qjlosion lines. The indicator was therefore remodeled as will be described la ter • The explosion vessels had two connections diametri- cally opposite for the admission and exhaustion of the air and gas. Heavy steel needle valves, made from solid bars, were used to open or close the ports for admission or ex- haustion. Gas an d Air Mea surement The gas used in all the experiments, except some few tests with hydrogen, was illuminating gas, taken directly from the city mains. A storage tank of 10 cu. ft. edacity was filled with the gas, and several complete series of ex- plosions made with the same tankful. In this way a constant 9»A i if J f % ft t . ff :..j .. -: ^ .* - t X. .'*> ' J .r - L> V -■ v' -I '‘r r j V' * r f V ^ JJ / . . X * i ' ‘ <- *' C 45 gas con?) osition was insured, except as the unavoidable de- terioration of the gas occurred. The gas was stored over water, and hence was saturated in all experiments. The scheme originally employed to secure the de- sired mixture of gas and air and to introduce the mixture into the vessel was that of measuring the partial pressures of the gas and air. a mercury manometer (Fig. 16) fitted with a special electrical contact device, and reading to 0.01”, ims connected to the gas and air piping system for measuring these partial pressures. The accuracy of measurement attained with the electrical contact on the mono ter insured a maxi- mum error of 0.05^ in the air gas ratio. Ignition . Ignition was acconplished by means of a induction coil supplied with current from a 6 volt storage battery. For some few explosions ignition was effected by an Atwater -Kent Unisparker, driven slowly by the <^paratus controllj.ng the motion of the slide for the photographic paper. The Unisparker, however, proved rather unsatisfactory at these low speeds, as it often failed to fire the charge, and was therefore discarded, and the induction coil again used. A contact fixed on the slide carrying the paper closed the induction coil circuit at a time to give ignition at the desired point on the photo- graphic record. A mica insulated spark plug with a 0.03” gap, communicated the spark to the charge. A small spark gap, in series v/ith the plug, v;as placed close to the photo- M 0 1 :dx '■' ^ ••’i , • :,v .?'?'; OX' ‘^rv /; - •■.;'■ ?aoo Q 4 I .Oa-^T^'o'.o a-.';x j lo - ‘if : i.X. xi iVn. .«i»*.; ooxo:> vtti , •••:*: - odji;^ov.'3;Oi v« '«: .,•••%'.• : Jxc r. ■•1 ‘ ■ >■'■' ■ ',- ■ t ', ' ' ■■ • . ■' ( "’''f '. ^ C‘) ''' 'H ' ■* ■■’■'T'’. ■'!„ .‘ ■ ■ s , .; , , - . . • • • . - ; , o, .V ■ ->■ ., • ■;<, , . "s r ‘ *> ^ . , ■ •■• _t- - i, . » » . i .fc . .. . X -. • ♦. -» .. J -V.-' ^Vx ' -A - ^ -V- ■*■ ~ J -.. uiX.'.XX.. J... .. v-'„; IIX V,:./». 'i. -'vO^i 1 • * _ '•'' ^ K . ■ -C w X f 4 ir X> ;V i , »tS M -v' -•, •''* *•■ . *j r* 'J r ;■< ryx '.3^' . . 0? ^ oi. n;fi-.i'00 . , ^ * f'.f ,u. i ■■ 'J^,j 47 graphic paper on the moving slide. The passage of the spark across this gap, and at the same instant across the plug in the vessel, gave a dot on the photographic paper. By measuring the horizontal distance from this dot to the perpendicular erected from the "base line through the position of the spot of light from the indicator when at rest, and laying off this dis- tance on each explosion card, the exact time at which the spark passed, with reference to the beginning of the rise of pres- sure, could be determined. Usi:ially from 6 to 10 separate dis- charges occurred while the slide contact remained closed. These discharges occupied a tiiiie of about 0.1 sec. Paper Mo ti on . The photographic paper was mounted on a slide (S) which moved longitu dinally in a frame bolted to the base bar (B) (Fig. 17). The slide was given its motion by a '’constant speed" device, similar to that used on vertical blue printing machines. The speed of this device was not constant, and hence the time scale of the diagram was somewhat distorted. As the slide, having considerable inertia, required an appreciable time to attain the speed set by the constant speed device. This defect was remedied when the apparatus was remodeled. Time Record . A record of time was obtained from an electrically driven tuning fork mounted close to the indicator. A small concave mirror cemented to one leg of the fork received a beam of light from the arc lamp, and reflected it to the photo- 1 •, 1 \ ■ jii3 v.p I'. rt .; oJ;?^ »•> i **.1 » — nj 'A. ‘J i . . . If:; /• , >CvU' -j,: , ' 4 • V. , ■ . » . '-.''j/ ■ !} ^ '. :r V-> . •.n "riP.rtX .iJoU f '* ■ _^v> J -’v - . LiUi'' ;.i ‘1 .a .<1 .;.• p ? vH‘ ,oX:,’p"^ v'a.i '<{t- O’.. u: i r !? .I .! . I J. . V.-. . . ’• ,■ ■ JO-- ■- ^■ j. .t , , 0 J 'c- •- '. ::t.’i'i .V ^.. •. A -i. -.A Jj JiVri ,o-. 'u ■■• i i c i'. %itiK j: • ; .”■ . 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IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBaBaBBBBBBaBBBBBBaBBBBBBaBBBBBBBaBaBBBBBBBBBBaBBBaBBBBaBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBaaBBBBa.- lg»8s3»sg»^»-^BgSS! i i V3BB BBBBB BBBBB BMBBtl BBBBBBBBBa BB BBB g' I iiSlB iBBBi BgBBgnlBilBBBBBBiflBBBEBa il iaBBBinBiSaE»CiaM9l«B9BBBBBU8BBBiai S BBgi iiaag BBB Si aiafilBBBiiBaaS BBBiiBi BBBB BBBBEBBaBa BBBiifBBaB BBBBB B1 ISESRaRSSBR^RpSSBRSSnR! i;BgssiKSRdShKsasHSRSs:sss; laBBiVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBSSBaSaBBEBI iK:ss:K»R:::»H:aiai iBBBflBBBaBBgBEBiBBBBBBBBBil BBBBB BBBBB iBBBBBBBBBBBBBEl iBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBeaaBBBI 53 of the drum coDi^leted the primary circuit of the induction coil to give ignition at the proper position of the drum. This drum notion was much more satisfactory than the slide which was formerly used. The drum could be started some time before making the explosion, the firing switch could then be closed, and the card taken with the drum running at a constant speed. The method of measuring the gas to be admitted to the explosion vessel was changed. A 100 cc. gas burette, graduated to 0.1 cc. was connected to the gas line and to the explosion vessel. The volume of gas required to give u,ny desired air-gas ratio was calculated from the volume of the vessel and the piping through which the gas was admitted, and proper corrections were made for c inriges of partial pressure, etc. This method was more accurate than the partial pressure method of securing the desired mixture. Some m.inor changes were also made in the gas and air piping. The new apparatus proved to be exceedingly conven- ient and reliable, and the greater part of the results herein given were obtained v/ith it. A photograph of the complete apparatus is sho7/n in Fig. 20 and a detailed photograph of the conical explosion vessel with all connections is shos-m in Fig. 21 . The gas £md air piping is illustrated in Fig. 22 and the wiring diagram for the ignition system in Fig. 23. \ ■J ‘■‘'"u.. ■''.Of' T'.;' \. rx . ■■_ - '■ - ■ ' . . . ■ ; ..,c v j!u;\ . ) 1 Fi/n. 20* General View of Explosion Apparatus yig*. 21. View of Conical Explosion Vessel i IV. PHOCEDUHE lU l/LJCING AN EXPLOSION Before sjiy explosions were made in a new series of tests, a considerable amount of gas was blown out through the supply pipes to insure a fresh supply to the vessel. The vessel was then thoroughly sv;ept out with conrcressed air, dur- ing which time the fan was kq) t running. After three or four minutes, the air was shut off, the exhaust valve (E) (Eig. 22) ?/as closed, the vacuum pump started, and the vessel exhausted to abccit 10” of mercury absolute pressure. After shutting off the vacuum pump, the gas was measured in from the burette as desired. When the proper volume of gas had been admitted, the exhaust valve was opened, and air filled the vessel and piping up to atmospheric pressure. The needle valves fN) were then closed, and the desired mixtu.re of gas and air in the vessel was ready for explosion. In case the partial pressure method of obtaining the desired mixture was employed, the procedure was niodified some- what. The zero reading of the manometer was recorded, and the platinum contact point (P) (Eig. 16) was set, by means of the vernier, at a position to give the desired partial pres- sure of the air. The vessel was then evacuated until the mercury in the manometer fell below the contact point. Air 59 was permitted to leak in slowly until the buzzer in the man- ometer circuit indicated that the proper partial pressure of the air had been reacaed. The gas valve was then opened, and gas was admitted until atmospheric pressure was obtained in the vessel. The fan in the vessel was iirun about 600 rpm. during the admission of the gas (except as specially noted) in order to insure thorough mixing of the charge. It was also run during explosion for certain series of tests. after placing the photographic psper on the drum and starting the driving motor, the arc light was started and a zero for atmospheric) pressure line traced on the paper. The tuning fork was then set in vibration, the shutter in front of the pq)er was opened, and the firing switch (P) (Pig. E3) was closed. .-.t the next closing of the contact on the drum, the primary circuit of the induction coil was completed, the spark was passed in the cylinder, and the charge fired. The photographic record was then removed and developed as pre- viously described. Determinati on of Maximum Pressure and Time of Explosion . Pig, 24 is a reprc due ti on of an actual explosion card, with the necessary lines and dimensions for determining the maximum explosion pressure and the time of explosion. The line A-A is the zero, or atmospheric pressure line traced before explosion. OP is a perpendicular to this zero line, passing through the highest point on the pressure ! I : . ' fCiu 4 .' yjST. ■■ , . ■; , I . n • 4 i oj ■( ! 1 . ; 0 ''. d . ..i X ?: i < J' : V ;, J>. "C " 5 1 > x ^ ' & - '» '.' ' ^ -^a • * ' • ,:.’i":n ..ris ’X . >. _ -'- ' ' ■' * ‘It ^fj., ,. ty'i.'y ' ;. t :.J ^ j.:^- . 'r m-l 1 ('••'. } - .X .' ^ ■Q ‘X- .. . 4 .' ef 'V . r * ^ -w f -f, L r : Si> i 'I ■* : t'U? y-j Ji -A'-i-X.. ’":l ..i><:-.:'^ J.U •v V'A - ,*. i. * 5 »* .T*. • e I 01 % ;“/^;\r ' iiJ.M. ..X> :••...•; J XX OixXr .T'iv^.- _ ‘'j.*r ^T* » r* 7 - J>; U •r':: ;'*: y .>1'^ :U;;;: I'O rrolKiv xliim ‘.t ol y<3 i"' *: • •' 'T iftfr ' : ) js:;ex . 7 . * ■■■ : J.;:l :;' • ■. )ry - : ■ ‘ ■ ■ • ' ■■' .1 0 :: ' e-u ■■ • .'. . -T'j; i ■>'] ' ;.X .r'lic:. if^r ♦ 61 curve. The distance 0? then represents the maximum pressure developed hy the explosion, and hy reference to the calihration curve (one of which is shown in i’ig. 19) the actual pressure in pounds per square inch may he determined. The dots at the right hand end of the card were produced by the small series spark gap* placed close to the paper. The dot at the left of the grotq! marks the first spark passed in the vessel. A cer- tain distance (obtained by measuren^nt on the drum itself) is laid off from this dot, parallel to the zero pTessure line, giving the point X as the ignition point. The horizontal d1 stance XO is then a measure of the time of explosion. The sine wave traced by the tuning fork is situated along the top of the card. The tuning fork used hc.d an c^ctu.al rate of vibration (by calibration) of 98 vibrations per second^ The followi -ng notation is used in connection with the determination of the time of explosion. Np = an arbitrary number of vibn.tions, usually 10. Ns * number of vibrations of fork per second. N = number of vibrations fork contained in the dis- tance L (which is equal to XO) . L = XO (representing the time of explosion) . Lp = horizontal distance covered hy Np vibrations of the fork. T - the time of explosion in seconds. Then N = TNs and T - 1 No w 62 L = N ITi and N !Then ^ - L El LiNs If is taken as 10 Ylbrations and Ns is 98 vibrations per second , T = li = 0.102 k W Li Lp Hence by measuring- L and Lp, and proceeding vrith the above calculations, the tlL.e of explosion may be determined as accurately as the m^easurement of the various distances can be made ! 63 V. RESULTS General . All the re sill ts of this investigatio n ?:ere ohteined from explosions made ",7ith illimiinating gas and air. The gas was taken directly from the city mains. Owing to the fact that the experiments on the ”L-head’’ vessel and some experi- ments on the cylindrical vessel were rrade in 1915, and explo- sions were m.ade in the rest of the heads in 1921, a consider- able difference existed between the analyses of the gas used at the two different periods. A set of gas analyses follov^s: Analysis October 8, 1915 C02 1 . 8 ^ 2.0 21.6 H2 Illumin&nts . ^2 * * * * * * . .17.0 . .40.9 . . 7.5 . . 9.2 1UU7U Approximate heating value: 453 Btu. per cu. ft * This anti-lysis is approximate only '1 i I ■1 3 I r.- Uj .t s> i I ; J:1 ‘ V -, f V- !C It.i, :0 j 1 f w - 64 Ans,lysis November 15, 1920. CO£ . . • .... 7.5fo 02 ... . . . . O.S CO . . . . . . .10.5 C 2 H 0 . . . .... S. 4 C 2 H 4 . . . . ... 5.4 C 6 H 5 . . . . ... 6.2 C 2 H 6 . . . . . . .16.6 CH 4 . . . ... .4.7 Hg . . . . . . .23.4 N 2 . . . . . . .23.4 Approximate heating value: 787 Btu. per cu. ft. Prom a comparison of the approximate heating values of the two samples of gas it is evident that a considerable difference may exist between explosions rim ?/i th the different lots of gas. The 1915 gas was much richer in hydrogen than the 1921 gas, and hence had a higher rate of inflammation. The gas was stored over water in all cases, and hence was saturated in the the tests made. Summary of Results on Different Heads . The method of procedure in testing any one of the heads was to run several series of explosions, under various conditions of ignition, turbulence, etc. Each series con- sisted of a number of explosions made ;vi tii different mixtures of gas and air, ranging from the richest to the leanest mix- ture that could be e 2 q)loded. No attenpt v/as made to deter- mine accurately the limits of inflammability of the gas, but the mixtures were varied until the mixture denoted by the next "half unit" higher or lower in the air gas ratio failed 65 to explode. Curves of maximum pressure and time of explosion plotted against air-gas ratio are given for each different head, and under several different conditions for each head. An index of the series of tests follovi^s. Series 1 2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Vessel Cylindrical L-head If II II II If Cylindrical If Conical w H It Eemi spherical Eumber 1 2 II II II IT II 1 If 3 IT It IT 4 Explosions of hydrogen and air were also made in the conical vessel for the purpose of obtaining a check on a method of calculating the explosion pressure. These explo- sions Tdll be discussed separately. Series 1 . This series was run on the cylindrical head, v;ith ignition at the center and flush with the upper surface of the vessel. The gas was admitted v7ithout stirring and was exploded after standing five or ten minutes. The cuives (Fig. 25) are typical of all experiments sm IHmUMMI SRSRI IBSSSSSI mHHHOlH ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I MBBaBaaaaaaaiuuHaaaasuiaBaaamBami jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaai laaa aaBBBBaaaa Kaaa aia aa Baaia aaBaa Baai S aaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai aaBaBaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa aaaBaaBaaai laaiBaaaaaaBaaaaBBaBaBiBinaaamBaBaai !B«S»SBaS»SSBSSSSS:3S:BSSi jBamaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaBaaaaaBBaaaaaai iBBBBBaaBBaBaaaBBaBauiaaBBBBBaBBBBBBaBBBBBaBBaBaBBaBBaaaBa iBaaaaBBaaBaaaaaBaBBaBBBaaaBBBBaBBaaBBBBaBBBaBBBBaBBaaaBB IBBBBflBBaBaBBBBBaaaBBBBBaaBaBBBiBBBBaBBflBBaBaEaBBBBaBBBBB IBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBgBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBaBBBaaBBBB IBaaBBaBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBaBBBBBBaBBBBaiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaB IBBaaBBBBBBaBBBBaaBBBBBBBaBBBflBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBaBBBaBa iBaBBBaaaaaBaBaaaaBaaBBB a a B BaaaaBaaBaBBaBBBBBBBaBBaBBBaaB IBBaBBBBBiBBaiBaBaBBBBBBBBBBaBBaBBBBBBBaBBBBaBaBBBBBBBaaa taBaBBaBBEBaBiBBaaBBBB8BBBBBBaBBBBBBaBBaBaaBaBBBBBBBBBBBa IBBBBBgBBBBBBBBBgBaBBiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEBaBaBBaBBBBaBBBBBaa IBaiaBiBBBBBaBaBEiBBBaBBaBBBaBaaBBBBBBBaBBBBaBBBaaBBBaaBB a aBBaaaaBaaaBBaaBaaaaaaaBaaaBBBBaaaaaaaaBBBBBBaBBBBaBBBBl aBBBBBBBBBBBaBBgaBBBBBBBaBBBBaBaBBBBBBBBBaBBBBaBBBBaBBa IBBBBBBaBBBBBBaaaiaBBaBiBEBBBBBBaBBaaBBBaBBBaaBBBBaaBBBBB iBBBBaBBBBBaBBBBBaaBBBBBaBBBBBaBaaBaaBBaaaaaaBBBBaaBaBaBa taaaaBBBBBaBBBBBBaBaflaaBaaBBBBBBflBaBaBBaBBBBaaiaaBBBBBBBB IBaBaBBBBBaBBBBBBaBBBBBaBBBBaBaBBBBBBaBBBBBBaBaaBBBBaBBBB iBBBBBBaBBBaBaaBaiBBBBBaaBBBBaBaBBBaiBBBBaaaiBBaBBBBaiiaH laBBaBBBBBBBaaaBBEBaBaaBBaBBBaBBBBBBBiiBBflaiEBBBBaaaBBBBa IBaBBBBBaBaBBBBBBaBBBaBaBaBBBaaBaBBBigBBBaBiBBaaBaBBBBBBB (BaaaaaBBBaBBaBaBBBBaBBaBBBBaBaaaaBBaiBBaaaaaBBaBBBaBBaBB l■•■■BBB■aaaBaBBaB■BaBBaB■aBaaBaaaBBaBaaa«BBBBaaBBBaaBBBB taaaBaBaaBaBaaBBBBBaBBBaaBBaBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBiBaBBBBaBBBB iaBBaaBaBaaaaaaBBBBBBBaBBBBaBBBBBaaBBBBBBaiaBiBaBaBaaaBaa IBiBBBBBBBBBBaBaBBBaaBBaBaaBBBaaBaaBBBaBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBB ISSSSSBaaMaaSaal liBiBianBBBBflaai 67 of this sort. The air-gas ratio giving the highest explosion pressure is 2.9 to 1, a value considerably less than the theo- retical ratio (about 6 to 1). This is accounted for by the fact that the large amount of neutral gases present v;hen a 6 to 1 mixture is fired keep down the maximum pressure much below the value obtained when insufficient oxygen is present. The point at an air-gas ratio of 11.34 is very probably in error on account of the difficulty of measuring the low de- flections of the indicator, and on account of the fact that no well defined maximum pressure occurs for the e 2 q)losion of so lean a mixture. (See Pig. 2). The maximum pressure developed in this series was 92.5 lb. per sq. in. gage, a value checking rather closely with Clerk's value of 91.0 lb. per sq. in. for an explosion of Oldham gas and air. The time of explosion was practically the same as in the determinat ions of Clerk, namely about 0.05 second. Series This series (Pig. 26) was run on the L-head vessel, with ignition flush with the upper surface of the vessel and at the center of the main chamber. Ho stirring at any time was used. As compared v/ith Series 1, in the cylindrical head, the advantage of the former is apparent. The decrease of maximum pressure with the L-head vessel is due to the greater surface exposed to the hot gases during explosion, and to the trasasSaiii !SB»l833nSS:SHBB3:R:i 69 fact that the time of explosion is shorter in the cylindrical head by about 0.61 sec., thus reducing the opportunity for heat loss. It is possible that complete ccmbuetion does not take piece in the L-head vessel when ignition occurs in the main chamber, as the flame may be checked and cooled consider- ably by passing into the narrov; opening of the valve chamber. Series £ and 3. Series 3 (Fig. 27) was run under the same conditions as wieries 2, except that the fan in the vessel was run during explosion. A comparison of Series 2 and 3 is shown in Fig. 28. The higher explosion pressures and the shorter times of explosion produced in Series 3 are very noticeable, especially vTith the leaner mixtures. The turbulence occasioned by the fan brings the inflammable gas in contact with the air much more rapidly and thoroughly than in Series 2, where no stirring was employed. The higher rate of inflammation in Series 3 red-uces the heat loss during the time of explosion, and hence a higher maximum pressure is produced. ^erie s 4 and £. Series 4 and 5 (Figs. 29 and 30) were run on the L-head vessel, ignition occurring at the center of the valve chamber, and flush with the upper surface of the vessel. For Series 4 no stirring of the mixture was used, and for series 5 the m.ixture was stirred during explosion. An increase of maximum pressure is attained by the (-1 \ m ‘JL •ic* Hd ... ?: ^\o:. ? ■ I -e^x.-tot) •• i. ’ ; ^ 3:? i: ; :c - .'0 y nrS’" "i: 4. . 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SaaaBaBBtoBlEFgBSBBlEBtoJ ggg|ggggigggggDHSSggagSKaaBBafeflaEto3ZZ««a«v?Bke«eafiauVE'c»sr.*sBKi.:!^*vBB"BaQJi*]»jL.BtBrksiBBr; ’CBa«5k>vEaBaBB«%dnaEur,ctt(.;^«aBk uSSBSBBBSSSrSBBBBBBBSSSuBSflBBBES^ZSBlSaBBk^Za^^ ' ^ ^ gS SS^ggS to |wwBaaBita aBM r a bbbbb BSar BBvSbB BBBBBBto E fie 4M9S*- rV'Jf* ' 'r- -AVBEI '.'•VlEllBBBBaBBBaaBSVEBESABHto^.-. - ' CB EC B B E tod toBfa .. Jlr'V'iaaBB iSKKssgSszr^ss;: I IfUiin ■!■■■■■■■■ to. i) BBB BBBBB ABO B BBBBBB 8BBB* 1 !?BBB BB^ IBB BBBFS nBNMB BBItBE B BB3 » toBBBE E|Ba|BBEEa*jl| •»«■«■■■■■ ■■■««•■• fe:K:s::::!!;!s;!:siS!!Si:?ss::ss3s:s!W!!:::;!r^i":^s::Ei3:ssssis33;s!!::si5s?;:i3J3;::;:H^^ = 2 : - ' » “ -s ii;” fs? ;si? I fimS 1 , 7 . f ■' ' I ..1 .... . .•-••«! V ♦/v*: 3 ^jj;;‘ ■' '•; ■: ;S?«» w’-. a . Airjmm » w5 .o’ ■ ■ ' - *'.. . ■•: -v‘ 1 I .'.Sfei>^ vV..'»- 7 y-\ ■■ ... /■ >i ■ ■ •: U, # #_ » a^. -•a.a a<^^ - .a i . . .« «^||^. • ■ « j- f.tk . ain ( . 1 ^. s . , *' it'-i^i ‘ >.. ' • '■'v'’ ', i^'lBlL? ■' ''{ .'• '•* • '• ••'. \ - ..^!.:>uvjii» ‘Lv.*,. :■ .( ■■! a * fj ; , .. J-, » \‘.t .t . ' Iw^'S ’ fe 7 ,„ V 4 ‘V ■ Vi ' , ^ v' '*■ ** :<- , , ^ 4>'it* ' * '‘>V_ /.I -r'' ,v ..R .■ ' M. »*«''■*' ¥'h 74 use of the fan during explosion, as my be seen from Fig. 31. The influance of turbulence of the mixture diming the explosion period in producing a shorter time of e:j5)losion is veiy* evident, especially 7/ith the leaner mixtures. Series and 1 _, These series V7ere run under the same conditions as Series 4 and 6, except that ignition was produced simultan- eously in the main clmmber and in the valve chamber (the tv;o spark plugs being placed in series). The same general form of curves (Figs 3£ and 33) were obtained from this series as from Series 4 and 5. The difference in the times of explosion W'ith and ’Tithout the fan running is very noticeable, especially with the leaner mixtures. This is due to the action of the fan in producing a more intimate mixture of the gas and air molecules. As the mixture approaches more closely the theoretical air-gas ratio (6|- or 8 to 1) the effect of stirring the mixture in producing a more intimate mixture is not so evident, and the times of explosion with and ?/ithout stirring approach each other more closely. The pressure curves also approach each other more closely at mixtures near the theoretical, shov/ing that the I M ■■■■■■■■■■ IB BBBBBBBBBB liiBBBBBBBBa liiBBBiBBBBfl IBBBjIBBI IBBBBIIBI IBBBBBBBBBBBBil IBBBBBBBBBBBBBI IBBBBBBBBBBBBBI liiBBBBBBBBBBBl lilBBBBBBBBflBBi IBBBBBBBBBBBBBI IBBaaSBBI liBBBBBBI iBimaaaBBaBi laiBBBBBBBBBI ISHSSBBI IflaBBBaBBBflBBBai IBBBBBBBBBBBiaBI BiB BBBBBBBBBlIBBBBBBBBBBBI [anBB BBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBI liBBBBBaaBI liBBBBBBBil iBBBBBBBBffiBBBBBBiBBBiBBflBBBBBBB' iBBBBBBBauiBBBBaiBBBEBBBBBBBBBBi IBBBaBBBBBBI IBiBBBBaBBBl laiBflBBBiBBI iHsssasss:»:a:;:r.;!a:ssss8s3ffiSHSs::sB:s::^ SBHmBS8:Ri::::::&r:BsaaBSS!sa88BBK:»ss9! laBBBBSiaiaassBSs^BsasaBBBsaBBaaaa; liassssiaaisHi^aBafSa^ii!:^ IBBBBBBBBBBBBWag UBnB«aBBBBBMK'«BBBBBaViBBBBB5gBBBBBBI IBflnBBBBBBBaB 8 HBBBa 8 aBaflB|BBM^BBflEBBBBMBiiBBBaBBaBL........ 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PBBBBCIIIBaBBaBBBRaBflB JBBKiraBBiaaBBBBVE'’ - eaaaBaBBVBBr BiBBItBBBB.. fBBBBnB&BB'VEIEBaaBaaai lEBBaaB^^BpaflBBBaBflBBEEB-ir ECBPBiiaaB'TSPaaBBE ^aara ■flBBBaamft'B /aEaaaaa48B(iti£:'iEaE'aBa£B9iaa maBaa I laaa*' •aaBiiaaaBBHBaaaaaavBaaaaBaaafraBaaBP*' .Br.44»i'iiEBV?saBaBD«iBRDaBaaaBaaaaBaaa| '**- EBaiaBaBB laaffaaBaBEEEi ..paaBapaaBLaa^xR rftf«'aKaaT;4AaaEaABC»BKaaa«BBart;'saBBaa» laaaaPBBB— - ^ttvkKmpAtBBapaaaaaaaaBBEPc^iiaBaB - v~aB,»pnBaai»anap«aaaaBtB4aaa'aBaaxaa0:»‘^a8aaL.i'a«aa>9^9BtoaaE«aBaBB«aaaBjaEasBaaBa - *«aaaBBiiipiaaB^aataBaaaBaaaiBBaaBU i EaBacBasaBPaBaaaanBaaaaB.^'afs ;(HB£Bt;/iaaaBaB«aa9ispaBBBBl aaa aa aiiliili ■ i 9aaBaBa»'8aE«aaaBsaa» «PB»»aaa»BEaaaaEaB»a«MaaaaaaBE-'i<7?i>'«BBaBaaBBa ^B^cBBaaBaai laBBaaiBaBBBBaBBaBaBaaBaaaBBBaaaBBBBBBBa! laBaiaBBaBBBaaaaaaaBBBBBBBr — * — — iBBaiaama aBBaiBBBaeBBBaaai i^BEp vaaa.) .i-'SSJSfi, iararRrrpffB'7 ''\:%4:BBBaEBB9aaiivft pa>3r t caaaaaau.«BaDaca"7Baav«BBaB| laaaxEr^ji? bb«> 4* jaBaBaB’iDBmaHBwr'iBssiiaBBa3a^a i laanaaaaKiiBBaBBaaaaEaaBBaaanapaDaaaBaEP.KBCBaB'XKaaBk.MaBaBaE! ’aaaEaaaBaaaaBaaaaaaBapaaaNaa^isaapa ^eh.. ‘^aaBaaiacEBi; jaanaB i 'UEBEaiia«BrBB«Ba«Baa9n«aaainBaBa»a .9 Bi: cc'EaERaaBaaaPi«B:^a’*'rra [BBBE.'' aBL'BMfia:;>a'PBaaaaaaEaaaaa JB*»a7''":;:afiBa* aBEii»B&)«anva':EB£BBl iar ;<«>;iuiiHriaaaadsai£]tiiaaBraaaaas’?wB . '7 j ?BBBaai*<«BC'WBaBaa| :bt-{P'. aaaaBaaBBaaaMaaaaaaaaaaarfBar ^.4:cBaaasii:iu'EBii‘prana IBB- >'■» ».Baai»:tf>iBBEac.'3BBTBsaaaaa*BaaaaaBB?B E.isaaaftaaaBBBBartaaaa IEE7 aaa wtfBBBa'^ii -anaaaaianiiaa'iiBuaBBBBPPBiT^euaBBPtf paBEPu^aapp | I r.fTf. 4«aaB»aBflRa>aa'f axaBaavai«BaBaBe!«Baa0E«aaaBaaaaaaar^E'.*3[t3 9Ba^Banar7F ' i»aiBBMBBaBBBaBaaBBaasa2uatcaaBtiaBaaaaa:EPrBHrM>fBaaRBNaE:fi «c{ •jewn; ••ujtw UTMns. • ■ ?' ' '?u««sn^a».aRir'f a 79 increase in pressure when the mixture was stirred during ex- plosion was due to the more intimate mixtui-e of the gas and air molecules, rather than to any effect of increasing the velocity of inflammation by turbulence alone. Comparison of Serie s 1, 2, 4, and 6. A comparison of these series (Pig. 25) shov/s the higher explosion pressure produced with the cylindrical head. This is due to the smaller surface exposed in the cylindrical head as compared with the surface exposed in the L-head. Pig. 35 also shows that ignition in the center of the main chamber of the L-head vessel gives the hipest maximum pressure of any of the different ignition schemes employed with the L-head. The curves for ignition at the center and in the valve chamber simultaneously and in the valve chamber alone show conclusively the influence of the narrow valve chamber in cooling the flame immediately after ignition. The time curves also corroborate the above conclusions. Series 8 and £. Series 8 and 9 (Figs. 36 and 37) were run on the cylindrical head, as in Series 1. Series 8 and 9, however, were run in 1921, and on account of the difference in the characteristics of the gas used, the results differ from the results obtained in 1915, using the same vessel. As no accurate analysis of the gas used in 1915 is available, no actual conparison of the qualities of the gases can be made. Series 8 and 9, run respectively without stirring and with \ w ■ ;J . r.: I o~ ,y, .. :) iiiy.l ' . ■^'. ; .L ''x .! fe-spi ■ 0*10 ■ v^, *f .- . • V . - X ■ f t". i J: . «;>4.. P.'‘A ■.'. y,4l; ..' ' , ...... 1 i, .' ‘t ■.'UOX.'':-?'! -v ^ i - - i-' - < r' ? 4^ \ v< w ' • i t~ O', \ ;.: .'iLU.: .}l \ = * iX; J ‘ " .■ 'Itj. '. v; f'- vV. tr'c^r ; .,;/ i’T'r) ->^11':? < i .0 i JX ■: U' ^ -:- V7-.f ,^7,- -■■ fi ,y,.i 'y-TTs -' ' ’'-'?C:'.'.' w ;.-^X -. -- f: o^.!. ,'’- <1' * « • is ;.. . ■'. " .1';' J=- *■ . - . X'j ii'. ixh - • :0!i'.TX' 0.^ ^0 x-* - . !’ ■VT.;.y ii.. . ^ ^q: ono j. ■• I-: > o ' ■ .' 0 .', iW- \*X.4. / *, -;>rs '1,^ . i .t . i 'j f p/. '■“T- ..inu ':.o :7' oaou, Tr( ^ j-v;" * ■» ' rrt. »4. ■-. ,.‘4;- Xx.. 13 .-X . •>• \ V, • t ;r/o i ‘ :. '10 ,^.i‘ f(o ; ■ L >’X. ‘^'iO (7i; X:'r, 1, ■fio-; .A 9. -*L** - r . t-v * ♦ - ,; r;r- * Od . ' ' ' t ' ’<»• .... w ^ .... . • ’ .< ... '.. i iT'L-J x..i .' -J| a \ . - .. ' J ■ -V ■ r " ■^X ' ..I' ..■5,; -.. .. ./•. 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The in- crease of ma 2 d mum p res sure with the fan running is very marked. Series 10 and 11 . These series (Figs. 39 and 40) were nade in the conical head, with ignition occurring at the vertex of the cone. Series 10 was run with the fan in operation during the admission of the gas, and iSeries 11 v/ith the fan running during both admission and explosion. The usual increase of naximum pressure when the mix- ture was stirred during explosion is found by a comparison of Series 10 and 11. fFig. 41). Series 12 and 15 . These series (Figs. 42 and 45) v;ere made in the conical head, with ignition three inches down from the vertex of the cone, and on the axis. Series 12 v;as run without stirring of the mixture, and Series 15 v/i th s tirring . Ignition wftS accomplished by a g?ark plug having long points, with the same gap length as used in the plug usually employed. An increase of maximum pressure is found when the mixture was stirred during explosion (Fig. 44). Conpari so n of Series 1^, 11, and 12 . A comparison of Series 9, 10, 11, and 12 (Fig. 45) leads to several conclusions relating to the decrease of maximum pressure caused by heat loss. V/hen ignition occurs at the vertex of the cone, a higher maximum pressure was found in all cases than when "I r: 0 * V < If •(• :> .i:lu r?‘t .7),v,.j's; ' -v y^t.K> y ■’.. r, ^0X7 1 i \ii7vT. V* :v i ':■ O'; : .; i‘.l7..r^.ov' ./ . i - -J io/ , ■ :. '/ J 7iii i' . .iji'L . -t 7 ... *. -ti V J X. ^ ' f * . * • • -^4 > ' i »■ V* ' • ^ -■'ifo ax '■ 'i.-. i L': w , • ii';. i-'.^ '. V ‘.’ilk * *•■ ^ <-.':C':ft, ..oin :,..j:,. — i: dw. -j ,. ; .5};-.. 'V^'' iic;: * i^ot/ a''."' oi n,oi^i5»/*:v r ,r .iw ,-T. . \ ^ ^ ^ « •‘‘•X'.'l « • r-1 iif ™ iD3i ' . t o , L ‘Jii^ i ‘‘> . . 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This difference occurred only when the mixture was not being stirred during explosion. V/hen the fan was in operation during the explosion, the two pressure curves coincided. It is probable that a pressure wave was started when ignition occurred at the vertex, and that it advanced smoothly dovm the cone, expanding as though through a nozzle. This pressure wave causes higher explosion pressures to exist that if ig- nition occurred three inches dov/n from the vertex, in which case the pressure wave would not be as easily set up, ov^ing to the lack of symmetry of the vessel about the ignition point. The operation of the fan during explosion breaks up any pressure wave, and hence the some explosion pressures were obtained for the two different ignition positions when the fan was rimning during exp^losion. It is evident from the time curves that the time of explosion differs considerably for the two positions of ig- nition, especially in the series in wh ich the fan was run during explosion. The maximum pre ssure s, hov/ever , are the same. This would indicate that the heat loss up to the time of maximum pressure is approximately the same in the two series, even thou^ the tines of e^^losion are quite different. It is possible, of course, that some pressure wave effect was set up even wi th the fan running. This would tend to counteract the increased heat loss occasioned by the longer time of explosion. k \ ; -1 ; 0 .j f u o*. t ) „ 'J r, r > ;i i i ■ ..• X : ' J i. U-, . A .. ._ Xi C* ( ''. — Ai _ 'J V 0 ■> ^ . Ja-U .-. 0'.. : , .:j ‘t I ^ ^ r- r 3 :■- ■ '! ii i ■J < f iU J ♦ - . * - a.' r 93 Serie s 14 . IPhis series was run in the hemispherical head, with ignition occurring at the tcp of the vessel. ITo stirring of the mixture was employed during explosion. The results are plotted in Fig. 46. Comp ari son of the Four Heads . (wi thout turbulence) . In order to corrpare the L-head series (run in 1915) with the other series {ran in 1921), Series 8 on the cylin- drical head, was taken as the basis. The difference of the pressures between Series 1 and 2 was taken for various air-gas ratios, and laid off from the curve of Series 8 (which was run under the same conditions as Series 1) . This gave an approximte '’equivalent curve" representing the pressures developed if the 1921 gas had been used in the L-head vessel. The curves sh cwin g maximum pressure for the four heads, using various air-gas ratios, are given in Fig. 47. The series thus compared were all run without any stirring of the mixture during explosion. The marked advantage of the hemispherical head in producing high maximum pressures is evident from the curves. The maximum explosion pressures produced in the four heads may be ccmpared with the ratio of superficial area to the volume of the respective vessels. M> 1 .T ,L .-: > 4 . . - OA . I 1 ;"A.t*oXq .MAA :v ) f •■' ;• ■ f 1 ^ t,i . .u i J3‘. .- - ‘f , - J2X-1 ’'I'l.vj .. o-'" . .-rt-; '-^Koo -ed '1 ‘ r^c? OAu i .n 0 aoiT-^ , •*’:X >:i: i ) aoX’i.-^a carfdt' -.u: j .tic •r rt- r is ; fj ;> r; , b . ii;.0 j -1 r r ', P :;t S’ ’si;, 'ccr byAf!'-:^ 0:0 -Av “'IT'' ^:^■7 'iCV j 0’;5i': 0 or. Sl. ; • ' -’1 OV'£.;r . .j ui f0J 7*^ C ..I 6a (TC-!;. ' ' n :: . , ’ r ' *“V -tvo-'B -3x:>‘' iO ■ •: rico OiTi ? * 1 ’ 'If A-*. ■ Va 1 «v\a . ; *>'1 '■'A " JT*: 7 0 S' J oo .a;, ix '‘.A ,'f r?i0- *": ■? • * .A. j O: ‘C,ii ( .JT'« - J vx 0#fi. *r. ^ ..o. C'-iqD Xo T :^- *5> f ^ r ■0 ,:n ur.T!'! -• “/T! 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The cooling influence of the different wall areas is very noticeable from this curve . Cooling after Fncplosion . After the attainment of the maximum pressure the mixture cools at a rate depending on 1) the air-gas ratio. 2) the character of the walls of the vessel. 2) the ratio of surface to volume of the vessel. In Fig. 49 the cooling curves for mixtures of s^proximat ely 2 parts of air to 1 of gas are shown. These curves were constructed directly from the cooling curves on the indicator diagrams taken on the various heads. The initial tenperature in each case was taken as 2912 deg. F. Allowance was made in these calculations for the reduction in volume of the gases after combustion. In Fig. 50 are plotted curves of tenperature drop in 0.2 sec. and 0.6 sec. (from the initial tenperature 2912 deg. F. ) against the ratio of surface to volume for each of the four vessels used in this investigaticn . It will be noted that three points fall on a straight line. One point c .. \ Sc /' i i : •:' ! :. 0 j , V- c 0 :^> : :: .-n. . 4 ;■ V :'•'. ‘:::x.i .-y>: ca'? • '.■'‘^ -T- •- ■iJ • V :/k"- ' • j'fl' .Zo 3 :q': ^.' # 'u* «>. X jt: ‘ - ... ... d. d 3 - % '• ' V . a- - v.'6\ : '■',i. 3. : •d • ^ Xooc 3 i vt , :* t jr^‘,- 'j:X: 7 iv 4 - . .i/ 'J'"' .;• ':• : - ..r.!?c '*-j.: 0 ;x r , ■ . A'i ■ Cd . ' J cit'd ..'"i J..:.. l :c:--'^'£.^ V'v ’u: c .. i . \r<9 r ' ; r, 0 7 'i it o jju ' .t X f'. 0 C f. i! '5 ^ ■/ 07^*': XJv X . r' ' ' . ;;*, id:- .:. o.L'miI dXi‘i;d ■s-s/.;;o i ,.o 'O 'd: -; i /r ■ ^ i ■y.M I O'! ^ ' '. •) 0 O 7 •■ *• 3 ct t; *; 'i 0 - X-'to:? i'iXi./. ' jXV 3 .; ■ . * ‘.l.c V," ;)V; X- N cXX ’rd ■: r..; - .'> ■ - , f -, c , 4 ; V t> :"C :3 33 ’:"i;:L .'IX '* r '> y > . .. X W -io tt TiXi. r»A ^ t . , 0 'i' .' 3 f;:; .-'OU? Xo it :':: ot'fd (.‘I . 0 ‘J ldX:'lduDv. i 3i:[t^i.i hr^vjf ?: L'n;337 . y :. ;. ^ i X . ’d t: J. J. 0 0 ) T'-'X vT dv XO israsssaHS IKhBSSB88SS9I !■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■■■ ■! IBBB8 !qasaaaBaaagBgsa;i twiii— ■—■—iijigfiMi I ■■■■■■■! ■■■■■■■■I iSgSSSSaBiSSSMSSdaagBB Bab sKi i::BSBB:BBEB:a§SBBBssB:|BBB:i IBBBBBBSBI IBM ■■■■■■■BUI ISBiBSSSBBI ■■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■ iBBBBBBflBflaBiaBBBBBBBBaaBaaa IBBBBSBBBBBiSSBBB: I IBBBBBSSBiSBSBBBBSS::: IBB8BBSSBB3B! iSbbbbbsbbbSbi I SBBBiBBBiBBBBBa BBI IBBBBSBESSBBgSBBBBBBBSBS ilHHiriliiiirii IBBBBBSBBBSBBBBBBI IBBSBSSBSBBSBBBBBi ISBSBSBSBBBBBBB rBBBBBBBMaBBaBBaBaaaBBaaaa IBlBBBBBBBBSBaBlBaBaBBaaaBaa iBgBiBaiiBEBBaBBaaaBi ibbEsbEEbbbbbsEbSEi IBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBaBBBBBfll iSEBBBBBBBBSBBSBrBBj »BL ’ flBBBiBBBk .! ibbsSbSsEbbi 100 (derived from the cooling of mixtures in the ccnical head) shows a smaller drcp in temperature than would be expected from the values taken from the other vessels. The inner surface of the concial head was much cleaner and more polished than the other heads used, which were rusted and blackened considerably. It is probable therefore that the conical head reflected a considerable amount of the radiant heat falling on the walls, and hence the mixtures cooled more slowly in this head than in the others. The agreement of the three points on the straight line seems to substantiate the linear relation of temperature drop in a given time to the ratio of surface to volume. Hydro gen -Air Explosions Mixtures of hydrogen and air v/ere exploded in the conical vessel under a number of different conditions of ignition and turbulence, in order to study the heat loss during the time of explosion. Three mixtures were used, namely 1) H£ + ^^2 t 2) H£ + Og + 3.8H£ 3) Hg 4li0g 5.7112 For some of the explosions a special ’’six-gap" spark plug was used, which had six gaps of about 0.03" each, sxjaced about one inch apart. This plug, when in place, gave a series of sparks along the axis of the cone, at intervals from the vertex to the base. Very rapid ignition was accomplished by the use of this plug in conjunction with the fan. j ’i r f *» \} 1} 'i 1 i i 1 _r .1 Vj 7 r- . .< t I. ^ T>,« T •Ja . :i;; ovj'. 1 i. f r. ■ j \ ' J, .0 ->i? ; . t f.--, ■ ^ ' V4 '.) t f') f , . .. O. u:K, 'icf; 1.. .' •-v» .>C ^ 101 Each of the above mixtures was exploded under the following conditions Ignition at vertex Pan not running. TT ft ft It running. " 3 in. down It not running. Tf tf It If running. " with 6-gap plug It not running. n It II It II runnin g . Some further minor variations were made in the ignition con- ditions in special cases. A table of the above described results follows on the next page. l.'I \ m VQ'Ji ar ■ — T*^ - • . G X I j .1 T j Jr i. j. ■? .i. , > l;/ i, Ti T 1 - J't''' M t r?' I !i . i 1.^0 ;'i. -rw.oi- ^ .J r . ' t'v'' »,i5. 'od _■ •- .U’.J \ I -f 3 j’ ■L 102 Results of Hydrogen-Air Explosions. Test No. Max, Press. Lb, per sq. in. Time of e3q)losion seconds . H£ + ■ 2 O 2 1 • 9Ng HI 76,0 0.0176 H2 78.0 0.0146 H4 86,0 0.0098 H5 77.0 0.0161 HE5 82.6 0.0126 E26 84.8 0.0096 H27 79.2 0.0148 O2 ^ S.SNg Hll 66.0 0.0077 H19 60.8 0.0251 H20 58.3 0.0148 H21 59). 5 0.0105 liO£ + 5.7N2 H6 46.3 0.0970 H7 46.3 0.0920 H8 47.3 0.0227 H9 45.3 0.0544 HIO 46.3 0.0527 3 C.; ;0.. •. •■••■■I ( f 1 i ■ 0 :: r _ r • 103 The experiments just described furnish data on the maximum pressures developed uid the times of explosion of mixtures of hydrogen and air, with the mixture in any one of the three series held constant, and ignition and turbulence conditions varied to obtain various times of explosion and corresponding maximum pressures. If the maximum pressure is plotted against the time, curves as in Figs. 51, 52, and 53 are obtained. If the line through the series of points in any one of these curves is prolonged to intersect with the axis of pressure, for zero time) the point of intersection will give the theoretical maximum pressure which would be developed if no heat loss to the walls of the vessel occurred. Hopkins states that the heat loss varies with the square root of the time from ignition. This statement appears to be ccnfirmed from the shape of the curves in Figs. 51, 52, and 53. The curve in Fig. 51 is practically a straight line, as the mixture exploded very rapidly. This line c or- re^onds to the first part of the "square root curve" cited by Hopkins on. The maximum pressures, assuming no heat loss during explosion, have been calculated (Appendix I) as follows:- Mixture with -|02 " " Oe " " 14<>2 101.1 lb. per sq. in. gage M H tT It 55.4 " " " " " The curve through the observed points checks the calculated .01 . ’ "■ ^ \ er.: ovoI'-'-O' Ob -i J ;, J I'.i^ii.L’ie'o^xa o;i^' cv.ir! oii.- b:.. 'lOtxIo/oO «;0‘:i? Geo'TJr- C0n.i;::f TO iiTO '(,'• '-’-^J- Ov-' -U mJ-i-'.: Or-.-:- hjtui r: .,'j. ^r. ' tl \t n: ' * > -. i:Ci\rrn " ' ICf • ^ 4 . ^ i.‘.‘ - ^ k ,orOc ‘: .Will o.-.j’ i: f.i sov'i:; ^ .. Jen CD Llot; jg*X3o aoxi^J oc ■' '..tv. isf c. ! Tl'/t..-, , . : . Juo od* i tj ?• tnv Si ■:. . u i;j .:,: :'icT p.sjjiai: ; .lii ;rxii:fcro isoi-^! ? b; .X : , :j. > ,. f7. ■-•'i ■l.'J.'ru.T-.TOt »♦ i. . iv 01 : J. Se7'i' 'v;' ri acn.Oo . 'vO- e-© ^£0:. r^f.'c-'i: ■; i ' , • "..'c z •:■*.. '- . -0.. ■: :lw .■> I Iw vae'.'ic Jr I o5 ijo^gffOXo- .iii. ! I; ■ uv^'':‘-:t>v^' i lo JrJoq; or<;t (f)R., t-' cC \ :. - u '.-' :. .'•J> v- nia-Q' • uDin’.' 7^0'X7 KUfffl X 'o-ioo-r etU' 'io :;i:x<‘'- odd 0 :-0'. .• 7.'I :? ;g4 :. « 0 \i « J J J 4 J. \ ' ■ ■ .. incr.: y :Jii r Ii?2r ^ , i;o.i 0 Ir^ . 0 aic 'd Cii Og ^ ct - Lx iCViy L-» 'jfO TccrxO bo.-iz/i; 'Sd >o:sj' a vl.'.vo iw V, *jl J . . V i t -X;'? a (:•['••• , - : ■' u '^••0 . -.0 .'X ■ -1 b^.’ ulL : xo 97 ; or.f r , -a^x. I)vOxD J- ''7 .’'XX. / •;■ . 4 .V "it. J'i ti/i li: ofl^ lO' aLixO'TJi .: ■c.r.X^iqpTS ' T,i- jiici :. ■&.; or. ;5)tliifii‘ ■. , .r,-ia ©-iq •:;jial:t.jn r,f.. -; Ot/i Cl ■ j. ^ .'I .;rl . 0 ogg ovjii’ , ..ciaoXql! ,4 4 • tv 4« *» i. .r.* J ,v >1 .(Ai " ; f 'J .s;ct.' . t b. isasBsi !K8B:::hi it. i S \ ^ i f. ‘ i \ u. k V* • V. ' .*•■ . i ■■ . M . ws. • 2 > v-:;^, !'. \;‘w •Wif ' SI * '.V Ik" % I t •* r**. ■ ■ / V, lusss iMaa !■■■■■■ ■■■■■■a Biiii! BSSSSESffl is 9 !i!iii laaaBaaaaaaaWM la aaaaiaBHimi laav iWSBBBHBBiiBiBBasi IBBf a BBBBB BBBBB BBBBa BBBI IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk * aBBBB laanSS BBBBB aaBr^aaiaa IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK SBBBBB mBnBflBBBBBBBBk k.BBBBB IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk^'BBaBB IBBBBBBBBBBBBBU^il aBBBB iBBBBaBBBBaBBa larBBBBaJ IBBBBBBBaBBBBa B«naBniiaaa*BiiiaaaajnB|2aBBHBM •■■■5M5aSBBBBaBBBBBaBflBaBBBBBBaBilB giaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI SBURMiaBBBBBKBBHBaBBBBBBaaaaaaaBBiaBaBBBMBiflai 8BBB"BB8iBBaB»’:BBBBBBBBBaB»^PaBa»B: w a bbbb' *.r r )a> 2 — laaaaaBaBBBB-.BBBBBaaaBnaBaBaaBBBflBBBBBBBir^BBBnBBBBBaMBBBBBB.BBBB.vB.^BBJBBJJJBJl^^^*^^^ llglHHiillPgnPPP^^ iagaaaaa:;a8:a8.:aa8a88a:aaaaa:.87^2a;aa22»2;>-;--»-2>;;;;» I8aaaaaaaa8a;-aaaaagggaaa^r2a|§:^..a2..a;8.......^ iagaaaaaaaaaga ■•■■■■B::K2s;aaa8r'aaa788aaaaaaasaasa:a::BaaaB::;Baa::a::::ssSaaa::;j !8h8888888:8s;Lssaa8aaaaa;r;a|s.ga......^ l■a■■■■BBS■iB■i •BBBBBBBiBflBSBBBBr yBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBnavavBM-v-w faiBBsS fag^i nun fag ■Sa' iraBBBaiL w .r«a " JFiiS'wSaaSillj^Baaai^aalBLa'' aSSSaSBaBaBBBaBBBaBBaaBaaiaBasBaaaiaaaBi .;a8aB888.a:8^s;r.‘.iSSSS8saaaasaar.8assa^ ..|..a..a..^B^ k.» &BflBBBBk.* BB ? aBB^» BillBifgv* ff gBtlBgL* ggggggfSi a SSSSSSSIW ■ SSSZS SSSa^ • UBBfl BbIbu BBUn « a • II 107 point closely in each case. The minimtun loss of pressure due to cooling during explosion is as follcws:- are due to the small volume of the vessel used and the rapid cooling, as shown in Fig. 49, as compared with the vessels used by other e3q)eriraenters. It is probable that much further data on the heat loss during explosion could be obtained by a study of ex- plosions such as those ^ust discussed. By making the walls of the vessel totally absorbing or partially reflecting the radiation losses might be separated out and a study made of the conduction and radiation losses separately. Mixture with ^0^ 1Z,9% loss . 21. S ” 14.6 n Such large losses are not usually found, but these 108 r VI. CONCLUSIONS From the results of this investigation the following conclusions may be drawn. 1) The conclusions of other experimenters as to the in- fluence of the air-gas ratio on the maximum pressure and the time of explosion have been confirmed. S) In general, the effect of turbulence of the mixture during explosion is to bring about an increase of maximum pressure and a decrease of the time of explosion. S) The effect of turbulence is largely that of producing a more intimate mixture of the gas and air molecules before combustion, rather than that of projecting the flame into the unbumed parts of the gas mixture. 4) The position of the spark gap (in vessels patterned after the combustion spaces in use in gas engines) has a considerable influence on the rate of inflammation and on the maximum pressure. 5) There is evidence in certain cases of the formation of pressure waves (of different character than trues explosions wai’^es) v/hich travel smoothly t'nrough the vessel and produce higher maximum pressures than if inflammation proceeded in the ordinary way. 6) The maximum pressure and time of explosion are mater- ■■ ^ ■ \ o'. ■i. w .W D. •ill V u«i s’iO s. ..v 'Jl' . i; .. -n iic civ? * '■ ’• ..■ . ■••O-' orl*. r t * , •“ ‘ ^ * i ■ I *'r •a^ _ ^ J' .X W »' v<' « * ^ .^' 'X . V' . - * 1 . C- -sJ-- 3 - « , ^ »f J , . O a XVCJ^^'C'CS ^ it' J i* : ,:.3 ’ 5 :- .--.r-r-O'iC- ‘o cole. ; :i ; C J .^i . ' i. : . v'l.v/ xO ^'l:*s . V, .'. _ .t: C. -i Ic lOf’tl.li •>S '> ^ - <■;. .; - -■ J ...iJri: >ioa; « V / V ’ •Xi ? i^.-c . X :-y J , , o‘:i ■. jJj'fCVo ' J i: <7 . i '.A.-Xt :r.A.q ' \ • ^ y ;. xi 1 - - .-, ;■ :.:C I A ■.■')’ Vw ;■ / ^ ^'y' . . vC -.y:o:S:. l 8 ^' lODii-.^cc er-Teis-^^; .c.,., no e ;... .'icj? ’. o:.. lo .•jy e.-lJ n ■ .: ;'n'. ' . ,: c . . . j'.. ,; .., 0 i ‘C -.• - ■.*-• L.: : -J - - # . . X • ■ •• .4 - X 4 . V. • , .... •' jJ ■ C ^ ' i . tij • ■. *^'i. , J. * . . •- .0 . iv . X. • nixit-f- - 0 3 ft xny; -:■- (i il jH * — ■■ 109 ially affected by the shape of the explosion , vessel , the primary cause of this effect being the varia.tion in the ratio of surface to volume for the different vessels. 7) The combustion of the gases in any pocket in the vessel (such as the valve chamber in the L-head vessel) is often incomplete, due to the cooling effect of the Wc^lls, v;hich reduces the maximv-m pressure. 8) The cooling of the mixture in any given time after explosion and maximum pressure varies directly with the ratio of surface to volume for the explosion vessel, other conditions being constant. 9) Radiation evidently plays an important part in the cooling of the mixture, as a change in the character of the inner surface of the walls of bhe vessel causes a considerable change in the cooling curve. 10) Hopkinson‘s statem^ent that the heat loss to the walls of the vessel varies as the square root of the tim.e from ignition has been confirmed for the loss during the exp- losion period. 11) A method of evaluating the loss of heat during explo- sion has been demonstrated. IS) Calculations of the maximum pressure, based on the properties of the gas mixture, have been checked by ex- perimental results for the explosions of hydrogen and air. mixtures ■ ■ • \ , .'0; , ' •«<•: ' ' .* 'tc 7 «I ■ .. J ■ ^ 1 j:' '} . •' ’ t ....;, j'V'j '.0 ' - > . > ■ i •' ' ■ ' O.I. v: . . ^ J .i'j * . r * ' _ t i .ij.T/ ; )\1 . :. ..V v- . : r * ' “ , V -A '*ii ^ * ' . 4 ' ; ' ♦ 4 - * - •i... .. * •; ^ ;j c '‘'.w '..L r - J; ‘ : .:. ^ ■; . , - . - - - ^ -■ ' . . , •; ^ l; I scco ,;IXir-v ,'V , ^ CZ.J i'.': -n.i i. r ■;. : oi 'rx... r- „ ,:ti . .; . ; 7 I ••v,^-.; ; '0 - --..J •; .. oonc-i - -o , « N • « A * ' ’ »• « '“.i' i v; • x >:vl72'/ .' . A 'll j ^ Xr.t I i>. • ■ ^ , -, • 4 ;u • ■'• ''> r..:.. * ^ ^ Jc ■ 0 ' ; c - t e "v ' ...... .. .'.V \c i itor. >*sr IX' . ’, 1. ’ > ■ 4. ^ .... ‘ : .. I., b G.nijJ- . .-v. Lf - - - V ■ • ' -,t **;!; Brr. .. ■.. '•:'».'.\7o ; ■ . ■ Cr. •> \ •. , f k if, . 4 ' X ' t - . ■•• .{ ■: ■? - , C‘0 i V . u ; •.' •'I TABLE OF RESULTS OF EXPLOSIOUS OF ILLUinUATIUG GAS JiMD AIR 110 Series 1 Cylindrical head. No stirring. Ignition at top. Test No. Air-gas ratio Max. Press. Time of expl. Ih. per sq. in. sec . 48 3.21 87.1 0.0510 49 3.77 92.5 .0438 50 4.06 92.0 . 0366 51 4.99 84.1 .0450 52 6.10 73.4 .0668 53 7.03 66 .2 .0999 54 8.60 52.0 .2390 55 9.43 44.5 .4010 56 11.34 7.0 .6260 57 3.62 66.5 .0314 58 4.06 88 .5 .0370 59 4.59 • CO .0363 \ Ill Series E L-head • No stirring. Ignition at center. Test No. Air-gas rat 62 3.91 63 4.97 64 5.79 65 7.25 66 8.41 66a 8.17 67 9.71 68 10.65 82 2.83 83 3.26 84 3.64 85 4.16 86 4.87 87 5.80 88 7.17 89 8.49 90 10.57 134 5.87 135 7.52 168 8.82 169 9.99 170 8.09 171 9.03 Max. press. Time lb. per sq. in. 82.0 76.5 I 67.5 57.0 48.0 49.1 36.5 21.0 71.0 78.8 82.2 80.5 68.0 57.0 47.0 21.0 68.1 52.5 40.1 21.1 48.0 40.1 of expl. sec . *.0471 .0549 .3460 .7220 *.1830 .0578 .0381 .0433 .0637 .1218 .2163 .7450 .0623 .1455 .4230 .7600 .2070 .4180 112 “ Series 3 L-head. Stirring during explosion. Igniti on at center. Test Uo. Air-gas ratio Max. Press. Time of expl lb. per B^. in. sec . 118 3.03 80.5 0.1265 119 5.31 83.2 .0588 120 4.20 87 .0 .0223 121 4. 66 68.0 .0187 122 4.99 84.1 .0204 123 6.11 74.1 .0286 124 7.01 66.0 .0371 125 8.23 59 .0 125 9.40 50.8 .1057 127 10.27 48.1 .1718 128 11.87 — 129 8.39 59.0 .0604 130 4. 70 86.0 .0178 132 11.00 — 153 3.23 80.5 .0702 % " • k 5 *..J. - J 5^1 113 Series 4 l-head. No stirring. Igniti on in valve chamlDer. Test No. Air-gas ratio Max. Press, lb. per sq. in. Titiie of e35) sec . 69 3.18 61.5 0.0776 70 3.61 70.8 .0557 71 4.06 71.0 .0474 7E 4.96 73.3 .0504 73 5.68 66.1 .0760 74 7.06 55.0 .1455 75 9.26 41.5 .3280 76 9.54 35.7 .5100 77 10.81 12.5 .7670 78 2.91 58.0 .3790 79 4 . 14 72.5 .0450 80 6.93 52.2 .1179 82 4.04 74.4 .0431 91 6.03 43.5 .2970 92 9.12 36.5 .4620 93 10.10 21.0 — 94 10.20 22.1 .8070 95 11.03 6.0 .6860 \ r i- I' *. , o. r* c . 1 ' I > ^ L i ■t _t, .. , 114 Series 5 I-head . St Irri ng during explosion • Igni ti on In valve cham'ter • Test Uo. Air-gas ratio Max. press, lb. per sq. In. Tiri)e of exp' sec . 1S6 3.06 74.1 0.0455 137 3.29 78.7 . 0347 138 4.14 84.2 .0196 139 4.76 84.2 .0204- 140 5.05 85.2 .0209 141 6.04 74.1 .0272 142 7.35 65.3 .0441 143 8.32 57.0 .0528 144 9.46 51.5 .0728 145 10.44 49.1 .0973 Series 6 L-head. Ho stirring. Igniti on i n center an'® valve ch amber 146 3.05 74.1 0.0638 147 3.30 75.1 . 0502 148 4.05 76.2 .0471 149 4.75 81.5 .0453 150 5.13 74.1 .0501 . 151 6.04 65 . 3 .9705 152 7.13 53.5 .1690 153 8.50 41.0 .2940 154 9.22 35.7 .4495 155 10.50 17.5 .5890 \ .. j. . ' J '.■] V • f .^-4 r . 1 A i S 4 I J/ V r to ■■ 116 Series 7 L^head. Stirring during explosion. Ignition ct center and valve chojnlDer. Test No. Air-gas ratio l&z . r re ss . Time of expl. Ih. per 34 . in. sec . 156 3.08 78 .7 0.0532 157 3.49 85.1 .0£24 158 4.18 8810 .0151 159 - i. .»■•■: . ., V.vJ ^sWZ r *, f J.C - Jci • jcX \ J J., ' yj t ‘ P -L w A .* ^ »*, *••- •V’ ’ T •. r.’' M. •« - ^ 1 . CJ ■»\ 's> « /A • 1 ^ m . ^ ■ -lO « 116 Series 9 Cylindrical head. Stirring during explosion. Ignition at top center. Test No. Air -gas ratio Max. press, lb. per sq. in. Time of e: sec . E23 3.13 91.0 0.046 E25 4.17 92.0 .026 2E6 5.E9 89.0 .033 EE7 6.25 78.5 .044 EE8 7.29 65.5 — E20 9.37 49.0 .185 E31 10.42 — — ESE 11.47 — ESS 2.06 — 234 2.61 83.5 .174 237 8.53 60.0 .093 258 9.90 Conical head. No stirring. Ignition at vertex. Series 10 274 3.13 83.6 0*071 275 2,61 80.0 .095 E76 4.17 78.0 .083 E77 5.21 66.5 .139 278 6.25 54.3 .329 E79 7.29 40.6 .942 280 8.33 . — ^ 117 Series 11 Conical head. Stirring during explosion. Ignition at vertex. Test lo. Air-gas ratio Max. press. Ih. per sq. in. Ti'iie of ex; sec . 329 2.08 87.0 0.0700 a 30 2.61 91.6 .0280 331 3.13 93.8 .0390 332 3.65 90.2 .0380 333 4.17 83.6 .0516 334 5.21 75.5 .0496 235 6.25 66.6 .0810 336 7.29 56.5 .1360 327 8.33 46.3 .3440 Series 12 Conical head. Ho stirring. Ignition 2" from vertex. 306 2.61 78.0 0.040 307 4.17 73.5 .079 308 5.13 81.6 .056 210 5.21 65.5 .132 311 6.25 53.5 .271 312 7.29 41.2 .550 213 8.33 — — 314 2.08 60.0 .136 315 7.81 7.0 — 118 Series 12 Conical head. Stirring during explosion. Igni tion 2” from vertex. Test IJo. Air-gas ratio Max. Press. Time of expl Ih. per sq. in. sec . 216 2.08 80.2 0.088 217 2.61 91.5 .044 218 2.12 92.8 .026 219 2.65 91.5 .058 2ao 4.17 87.0 .054 222 7.29 59.5 . .119 224 7.81 52.0 .167 225 8.85 4^ . 8 .267 226 9.27 5.0 — 22 7 5.21 79.0 .064 228 6.25 68.0 .088 Series 14 Eemi spheric al head. No stirring • Ignition at top . 250 2.14 89.0 0.0591 551 4.20 90.5 ,0465 552 5.18 77.5 .0722 555 6.25 66.2 .1550 254 7.05 57.8 .2040 255 8.22 47.2 .4240 556 9.52 17.0 — 557 2.47 — — 558 4.59 85.0 .0442 559. 5.76 88.6 .0529 260 2.88 84.0 .0625 " \ ■T, ’ ' r4 - ^ — ■ F ,A. • . w. . - 'i 'a * ?, 0 . ; : - : i !'’"T > 5 “.^ APPENDIX I CALCULATION OP EXPLOSION PRESSURES OP HYDROGEl^ AND AIR MIXTURES 119 APPENDIX I CALCULATIONS OF EXPLOSION PRESSURES OF HYDROGEN AND AIR In the following discussion tlie llieorciica 1 expl- osion pressures developed by mixtures of hydrogen with var- ious amounts of air will be calculated. The equations and constants employed in the cal- culations are taken from a thesis by G. T, Felbeck, entitled, "A Mathematical Treatment to Determine the Temperature and Extent of Combustion in the Gas Engine.” The writer is indebted to Mr. Eelbeck for the material taken from his t hes is . Tn order to calculate the maximum pressure pro- duced in the explosion of any inflammable gas mixture, it is necessary to take into account three factors: 1) The heat of combustion of the mixture!. 2) The variation of the specific heat with temperature. 3) The dissociation of the products of the combustion into the initial constituents, thus rendering the reaction incomplete. The mixture is assumed to be in a state of chemical equilibrium at the instant of attaining maximum pressure . The following notation will be used in this Disc uss ion : \ ' L ft; ►i J ft 5 q '* ,. : " T : ' ’0 : -1X5 1''' . :M ; ■ - :uo - . *■ ■ ; ' • •■ . ! ' \j I . • .. '( '^ i. J • * ■ f r ! "*0 8 * *T .♦ X r r Y ' ?4t> i V ; ** '3 / M - . r : i i. ! .) ■' ( f r , T ; : -> .^ , ) If 091? , ' * : J 'it l3 • i-r Iq.-? ) ‘J K s t V ;! 5 r t £ ' • *“ t ?!'f T . ' •• i f-f .5 .:i^ • ■ 0 i. . yf* - ■ :» ^ It ♦ " J , e-': ' R i. ‘. f ’* I • ni j ' “ T T Is:*; f P. J ?»rv •B\! 4" ’. f *T^} ; T --1T ; ;•■' J '1 ■. .’0 ■ ■ ■ 3 « n^ -j H '•» i < Tl .■3 T If ”' *• f • • •■^ 1 * *» ■[ 4-' j i . ^ •' 0 * ; j 0 r r f ■- . 3.’' aorl i — ri ’3 'j r JO Tll^S' k ^ ' . ' 1 1 n 1 . > ' - '/ .'. :- .1 - . - ^ fiJ y i '^' ■■ r ' r : ‘ * . ’ otBCf'7'J) •' 4 j ' ‘ VI i ^ t : f n ^ 'vt » ^ *7 r 3 ? « . '‘T ,j f .' ’ a ^ ! J '! 0 • ‘ ■ 1 ♦ 2 A ' dOO’? . 1 " "'.I - f Ct cn ■} : •£ -» ■: j-.j ?4 rt i i v* i r ‘ ' i'' • ' -' "'■ : ‘./.'i, 7i . *. : 0*% :iO - i‘ . ’ »J‘J» ' 0 ?'i 1 10 £ i Ckf '■'iTj t ': J ' O 0 f ^ rr\ . • i 1 ; *? •jtnfl ( ud ? ;; > Z } t n ? r .. : ; - t : : .1 ‘ Pt-4 ’JO '>■: ' 3 i; f •■ i:-dT «* : i ? v?', “w lEO T = temperature at equilibrium, deg. F. abs. X = progress of the reaction. P = maximum pressure (at equilibrium) lb. per sq. in. abs. ro = initial mixture, raols. m' = mixture at equilibrium, mols. Y, = mean molar specific heat of diatomic gases. Yfi = mean molar specific heat of hydrogen. T, = initial temperature of mixture, deg. F. abs. = lower heating value of mixture at the temperature T, in Btu. per mol at constant pressure. Up = initial energy of mixture. U = energy of mixture at equilibrium (or maximum pressure] Kp = equilibrium constant for the reaction, n = number of mols of oxygen present. The general method of procedure demands two equations involving the two unknown variables x and T. By equating the energies of the mixture befigre 'explosion and aife the time of equilibrium, we get By inserting the usual expressions for specific heats and such constants as may be determined by the mixture, we get By substituting various values of T we may calculate corre- sponding values of x. temperature and of x. It is defined in the hydrogen reaction as= and U,+ = U. U - X (m-l)Y,T + - (m-Dy^Tp - y ^ (at T deg.) The qquilibrium constant is a function of the 021 © 'I'-: I J . r: T J \ ^ - i, !• I i’ .^p's j-t/T--' j ' r ' •■*■ T ’ll . ' ' r r aan'; >*!q = ts • ■ ; ^ } . : ; :■•**' ' ' ■ •; 1 3 -JTq ^ ' . , •« j Jii T Lj: ■ ' r “ . -:o‘ . • -r 'j-ju i •: ■'■a' 4 cl; 1 TJ 5 { ' 1 : Talrrr -t .. • ^ . r -r' , _ . • I * « ' ' ‘ ■ ' ^ _ . ■ - . ■ . •• . '• I • • ■ TJ J ? ?q(i > J . ’ ' * : .t I ' ^ vi j J« *yvlv^x , u\ - ir Ic- • lo 'C^'- ' f^r J - . r - »•] i ' Li >'? 3 f ■: ■=>t». 4 'x:i 3 ‘ Ji ^ '. ■> £. j '■ r r ■; ir4 .' j •■‘if • -:i ^ ■ ‘ r>ir. ■’ ** ‘ 2 • - j n- Sli ■■ ‘ T ? -■ 3 : ! • - 1 - i'jb •- - ry I j . r . - 3 >> 0 fi '! ■' ki ■ J ' aM vn r / . .:■ ■' ■ ■■' . j ■ jv 1 ‘ tfli'pe j 's . .. ; 1 3 r 1 i 0 pt> ' '-' <■ i '■ - ' i v . 4 * ^ t -^ -' . ■ > ' ? •. ;: .. 5 ^“ ■ ' fraa a« -;3-^'* qiliDijq’j Tol li - ciTi^anc • ' - . ^ \*» , • •jijfijj ^ K'i MTsJqili />?•• "e ■ «t?’ip3 dwoa j r. •; :• : ' ^ I I f • ^ " i-f 9 ' ’T ? j 1 .' V •(: u ,*) i T s V - ‘Tf k | j . i • . • .' ' ru I ' ^ : I f u r • . J 1 * .cv-* '1 3-'' f ' ,'-1 -'i *■ . ■ '-j *' * Ik'.; 121 K 2 where n is the nuitber of mols of oxygen present in the ori- ginal mixture. Kp may be expressed in terms of x by setting up expressions for the partial pressures of the various gases and substituting them in the above equation. From the re- sults of a number of experimenters' work, K is given as: Thus K may be calculated for any given temperature. After substituting the constants as determined by the mixture, and simpl.i f ying, we get By substituting values of T we may calculate corresponding values of x. If Equations (1) and (2) are plotted, their point of intersection gives t}ie values of x and T which will satisfy both equations. The explosion pressure F may then be determined from T as follows: 4.578 log Kp 102100 T - €.2631 log T + 0.000236 T + 0.033S-10~« T^ + 1.1 P mT, (30 '■*< _ - - . _ i • . . , -’Joi qij \ , rj.t ^ j . • * ■ : . 2^\.t9 ’ht*^ ; ;■ - si , . ■•..3 ‘*9 J ?jL(SM ■ • r . r ♦ - '■' A > 1. M ■'_1 ^zy'f i«ei «s¥o -lo ^*s' P" ■ it: ! - .! '5 • V . ■ ■; ' nor. .) " r tui-' ftdua - , ■ ' ’ iWI M i " •' i. ■ -■ * ' ' • ^ JOqx -i . * ^ . fnf‘J ':••:■ i^'U ^-v 1*' «? S * */ \ ♦ -‘sdxie . P V t t i •,'ir ba«. ( i ’ Rfj:)' ,•. »0 2rr?i«-.' [ L ' .. .i '' ^'1 '“; '?' hn ' • *•< V, t -. ; • .. J • '.'•oi-f j.- *r> ' '• :• • , • ■ : * " 'I 1 ? h 3 c ' t «.?i j/r ■ : “ .' ■{ 3 '! ~(roi.T 122 The speoifio heat equations for the diatoDiic gases are as follows : Y, = 4.51 + C.2778 T = 4.51 + C.25 T The lower heating value of hydrogen at constant volume is taken as 1C2930 Btu. per mol. Case I. + ^0^ + 1.9N, Original mixture Mixture at equilibrium P, 1 mol H,0 X mols 0, 0.5 " E, 1-x " N, 1.9 " 0, 0.5x " m = 3.4 mols . N, 1.9 " m ' = 3.4 - 0.5x mi Energy equation^ 2-4y,T + y.T - 2.4y,T^ - YsT, P ‘ V Substituting values of T, we get T 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 X .675 .721 .772 .827 .884 .845 Equilibrium equation= ~itr [0.6-0. = lo? Kp* Substituting values of T, we get T 4000 4400 4800 5000 X .988 .975 .954 .939 Plotting these two sets of values (Fig. 54), the SI ' 1 rSwallol .•«<^ # * * ' , a!“ ’l * * ' t ^ 13. *. ii 9ii<^lo7 ^noltipo ie i->507^!4d In «4t.iO . Ipa 10.1 JS» . 15:9 s;0t 8R-^P>lal ■ ; fr ’4 - ii' :''li-55s2 ft iii'jdUif^?^ 4^» 'iitfliiM 's*,;-v rlO’ ^ •* v3*!5 ” o\t lo» I " 3.0 D uO fl.I .,• & . it oo X3.1 - ^.'' « ' ji .tiotf t.'; * » 'M '• U '' t' i f- • _.^ ri.’ ' % T f»r ~ T,v ^ T^y^.S; ' . « — { • y *aPi#8cipo ^ '■■t: 5, V * •~'t' • " ^. * "'ii ' • V ' ' • ^ ^ .T X 0003 f008A- 00^1^’ 000b .iba. ^aa. '=’.-<>(7?rr7:ijT:r »i: 000b ' " ? 350. ase. e1i , V .ita) la 8ut.3« amf 04f0di «iari4oX^ 122 values at the point of intersection are found to be X = 0.940 T = 4983 ®F. abs. From this value of T we calculate P as follows: fi, 4-9. 5 -.940 14.4*4983 P = X 3.4 535 = 115.5 lb. per sq. in. abs. = 101.1 lb. per sq. in gage. Case II. H, + 0, + 3,-8^^ From the energy and equilibrium equations we find X = 1.000 T = 3e67®F. abs. P = 90.0 lb. per sq. in. abs. = 7b. 6 lb. per sq . in. gage. III- + 1.50^ + 5.7N% From the energy and equilibr :i uiii equations we find X = 1.000 T = 2842® F. abs . P = €9.8 lb. per sq. in abs. = 55.4 lb. per sq . in gage. 6^ I^uol MTS loj lo / ^r>ftl«v nl > .fl . Oi^,0 * < ■"'.'f'^ "’^ ■' .*<>» .t*-efi8ti'‘ ' : i. «•' *I iulnsita iw T »ul«< * mM ww "iHj; *.?I(|VJ *] I* *''*!■ >i *.'> f»'' “V,. Off arto)^^t’p» ,ak/f^«*ir£n« \4ltnqa .,od) * V jiA. • t-' ^ .^DP^Q * , QOO . X •* ' -I } ii'' VW'I . * 4 .! 8 » T .«t .pj, . 5 ^ .^' Ji r 9 .- ♦ p K' • > -^w tjioii«iipv 'ft* bj| 7 jfcT jft-a ^ 1 , a q i i ' OOf.t 'K- , ^ . Jd 8 '■» r*';i .-*df nt .psf -^90 .31 ^ ni ,p« p«q .dl ♦.33“‘f , B "»M"SiilSlilS55fl!S!S! ■■•■■■iirainOBMHBBi iHi:sE»iin3BEiiRS»H lUEHURSssssaKs::: !:s;:::s4IBs&8bs:ke:s: 'SBavliaiSaaaBBlBgsBissaas b IBBaiiBBBBBBBBBBiiBBBBBBB |k.BaBaBBMBBnBBBBBBBBB«B«BB I^BBBBBaaaaaBMBaaaaiBBBaa lii.’^aBBBaBSBflBBBBBBBBBBaBB ■ifi^'Sf5Sifi5555S855!SSB5S! 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