a. of 1. DEPARTrOEOT of AR-CUITCCTORE SWAbtS And SWAb0ai5 ::.% "i'^ 4 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/shadesshadowsnotOOuniv SHALES ..FD SH<^DOrs Notes Arr^.n^cd For Tlic Dep-.rt-vor.t of Arcliitcctr.re UNIl^RSXTr OF ILLINOIS — Mimoegr?cphecl by Student Supply Store Ghr.mpc^.ign, ill. 1 1. •, rIOTvf' M.d:Mi(\^ m :^aLPK PAHNING 1. IlITRODUCTION ; Objects are QYi-it»le to the ' eye owing to the re- flection from their surface 'ro.ys of light, These reflected rays strike upon the retina of the eye and give the sensation of sight. The greatest source of light is the sun, and rays from it strike all bodies on the earth at various angles. If the angles of impact of all the rays efriking on the. surface be ^:- the .'same, the surface appears flat, technically ' "plane" . If the angles of impact are different then the surface appears "curved". Since therefore, the pleasant or unpleasant effect of any object v.'ill depend upon the producing of an effect of pleasing or unpleasing lighting upon the eye, it becomes of primary importance that the students of those branches of art that deal xjxVa objects in the round, vjith objects subject for their effect upon the play of light and shade upon thail' surface, namely, Architecture and Sculpture, be thoroughly familiar vjith the phenomena of light and shade. In addition to this it is essential that he v;ho; - conceives an idea m.ust be able to express that idea forcibly and convincingly to others, else his idea becomes of no importance. The painter expresses an idea in one vjay, the -vTritcr in another, the sculptor in another, the architect in still another. The Sculptor v7orks. out his idea in clay, then piaster, then in stone or in bronze; the architect has certain conditions set before him; he v/orks ' out the idea in the drafting room and working under his direction, the builder oxcc^^tes that idea in permanent materials of wood, brick, and stone. A building docs not consist merely of the lines by which it is represented in geometrical drawing, but of masses and these are better and more quickl" represented by tints than by mere line drawing and in order that the final results may be that pleasing creation that distinguishes the thing of art from that of pure utility-that make of it architcctmre-the architect must be thoroughly familiar with those feb:if:gal phenomena which will make of his creation a thing of beauty and must be able to represent those phenomena on drav/ings . In order that a representation of light and shade may be made upon geometrical drawings, the architect brings into use an application of certain principles of descriptive geometry, using that science, however, not as a means alone, but as a means toward an end, and baaing the general underlying: principles of the application upon a careful observ:^nceof natural phenomena- adopting convenient conventions--never violating the fundamental ( 47868 '****'*•!*'« .r< :K'\"-^ -'^- '■■■■■ '•^ t f A^ irii,;^ V. , ^.; ;r^ TO;-. :''■■ r : ■ 1 ? I -fo :J :JH.- i.i:' r' ...: '~---fc/ •■■ ■:;. v:; "^'^- .;-jiJ'r^-." .:.i^ -^F'^^Uo i^v^v^- Of/: ^ -ol- f-.,^-'' Si- -0. 'I I- -P'^ no J ■''' 00" ""■■' « - .'X rir' '■■OO' /■'I.,- ^^ .>^(^!r -d <*'/' 3> i : ..-.. -ft iV . n n ) ^Yi' - •>fi ■ .rto/. -■■ru: *, "TOD orfT -i.i •r.'.r "I 2. §?;'^^ AIIT 'v_^U)OVS, principles of "n.-^.turr.l -;- ?r-Oi.iena. 2. .LIGHT_RAYS: The ray® of light ivhich .-^.re deo.lt v/ith in reference to anyr-- one body'rxre first-direct or incident rays, second- tangential t?ays, -third-lateral rays. Direct rays impinge directly upon the body. Tangential raye are those tangent to its surface. Lateral rays do. .not strike the surface, "but go on to illuminate bodies beyond, "^'aturally, in the study of Sh^ides " and Shadovjs , direct and tangential rays are those of im.portance. Fig. 1 3. SHADi: ArlD SHADOWS ; If rays of light are excluded from certain portions of a surface by the shape of that surface itself, then the dark- ened portion is said to be in shade, if the surface, by projection beyond or position betv^een the source of light and another surface, exclude light from any portion of the second surface, then the first on? is said to"cast shadovr over the second". Shadovrs reveal by their' extent the relative position of as '.'jell as the shape of surfaces. Shade reveals merely the shape of separate surfaces. 4. KE/iSOIIS FOR AS_SU?^?TI_Oj£ OF c:^KTA III "cokv-':jttt ous . ' Any object placed in a fixed position on the earth, as is of course every building, vTill be subject to a continual change of lighting, to a continually changing play of light, shade and shadow. If on the geometrical or line drav;ing of an element architectural, each separate artist ;7ere to assume a direction for the rays of light that are presuj-tied to illui'iinate an object-- for naturally an assumption of directions of light is prerequisite to the Tv'orking out of shades and shado"'fs geometrically-then to each'drav/ing y:ould have to be added a statement of the assumptions made. The assumption of certain directions of the rays v^rould be cause of great difficulties in" the geometiical solution and a geheral confusion v/ouia result, though each distinct method or means 'ivould itself be correct. Since the finished result of the artist's efforts must be easily and clearly readable by those who do not understand the methods used in acheiving the result set before them; since the v/orking out of shadou's is in any event a long and complicated process, and since, therefore, the adoption of any conventions tending to make for the dra.ftsman greater else of v/orking, are of prime importance, and for these reasons solely x.;";.- .>no ^' .1 ■?c>' ,1 :; :^ r . ■i;.r .rr:' .A ^-0; ic: :l: -3 ■ '■■' ■..1 ,;,...•. -i- ■■J.f . , Ob.' ^i''^r;r 5. SHADES Mi'D SHADDWS cert''.in conventions as to direction of light have been universally adopted, Tiie student, hovfever, must not come to believe that the adoption for sake of convehience of particular conventions affect in any ivay the general principles underlying the Study of Shades and Shadows. 5. THE RAY A^ 45fo In the study, therefore, of Shades and Shadovrs, the sun is assumed to be the source of light, and the rays assumed to take a dov;nv;ard direction, and to the right parr-^allel to the diagonal of a cube (Fig. 2 ), The angle which the ray makes vjith its owa projection .is, therefore, 35% 15' 52'', and is Icnovm visually as the angle ;|:. or the"true angle of the ray". The projections of this one ray are three, and each projection naturally raakes an angle of ^5% v/ith the horizontal, and since they originate at inf inity--the sun--the pi'ojections of all rays In any particular plane are parallel. (Fig, 3) Expressed architecturally, there is one ray vith a front ' elevatiQn, a side elevation and a plan as can be readily understood. The use of the ray iii this particular dilr-ection, gives not only ease of construction, but also ease of interpretation of projections of surfaces on beyond the other, for naturally the v/idth of the shador; cast by one plane surface over another v/ill be exactly equal to the projection of the first surface in front of the second. Having established a definite basis for study there can no7' be discussed the various procedures necessar^' for the actual finding of Shades and Shadov;s under any given condition. To the study the architectural student must bring more than a mere laaoTJledge of the processes of descriptive geometry. He must bring a sense of analysis and thoughtfulness that will enable him to discover in each problem those particular elements that are necessary for the rapid solution of the problem, but he must above all else cultivate a knovvledge of the general shapes of actual Shades and Shadov;s and a common sense way of looking at ■ any problem presented. By a m.ere application of principles of descriptive geometry the finding of the precise piercing point of a line on a surface- any profile in shades and shadows can be solved, but since rapidity of thought ahd action as well as accuracy of result are the prime requisites of the architectural draftsman every effort must be made to learn the shortest and the easiest methods of acheiving a given result. Analysis and acquired experience, thoughfulness , Imagination, observation of natural phenomena, these all will give rapidity and accuracy. ' - r 'r--f, -< '■■■ ' ■ - ' I /u. a:'. . a: '•■ 0.£ 7 -^,.. - !'),;., Cwr-,. y-3 i"! ;--':r. ' iK -«s: '"^■'.. •■-C- '■■■■■ ■ Ca-...^. ^'>^f*i- ■aj.-. f. -, ~i ■■ ...- ■".OJtJ V!:: or ■X'-i.iji::)': .??. ;■. ^>^' :'^X'-rr *■»«■■- J r.i ^-,7' .[J 4. THE FINDING OK GEQIiIETRICAL DKAVflNGS OP SH/.DES AND S'rl/DOWS BY GEO'ITITRICAL MEANS 6. DEFINITIONS, "A plane of Rays" is a plane -A'hich raay be considered as made up of the rays passing through adjacent points of a straight line, (Fig, 4) "Point of loss"-The point of intersection of a shadov/ v/ith a shade line, or of a shadovf or shade line virith the line of division betv/een a lighted and unlighted sr.rface. (Fig. 5) "Invisible shddorrs" or shadoivs in space" that portion of space from iThixih light is excluded by a body in direct light. (Pig. 5) 7. I'iET'riODS OP CONSTRUCTION. The finding of sbadovjs comprises tv/o distinnt operations. They are in order of consti-^uction: ^ 1. Ti.ie finding on the object itself of the line v;hich separates the lighted part from that shaded part, known in consequence as the separation or separatrix or "shade line", 2. The finding of the outlines of the s^adov;s cast by the object on a foreign surface, that surface being usually in the hoticontal or vertical plane, knovm as the "shadow'' , Since it has been assumed that the light rays fall in a definite position oblique to the vertical and horizontal plane of the projeotion and since architectural details are made up for the most part of regular surfaces, either planes at right angler to each other and parallel to or at right angles to the general ■ surfaces of revolution v/hose elements are parallel or perpendicular to the same plane, when it is evident that in general the shadow of any object over another object in an 6blique projection of the first obgdot,iand that, as can be readily seen, tHe outline 2f t he first shadov; is t he sha dow of the s h ade line of the objec t cashing the shadow."' :-r •■ 5. SHADES AilD SH/>DOWS 8. THE SHADOWS £>E POINTS. The shadow of a point on any surface is found by passing a ray (straight line) through that point and finding v/here that ray pierces the surface. The point of piercing must necessarily be at the shado?/ of the point.. (Fig. 7) 9. THE SH/iDOW OF LIIIES. A straight line is by definition made up of a number of points, St) that the pas#ing of separate rays through each of the points v;ould make a plane of rays, the intersection of which plane v/ith the surfaces in question would give the line of shadow of the line considered. The length of the shadov; would be determined by the shadows of the two points at the ends of the line or by the limits of the surfaces on which the shadow falls (Fig. 8). 10. THE sh;.dows of surp;.ces. Since ■^. surface is limited by lines, the shadow of a surface can evidently be found by finding the shadows of boundary lines of that surface. 11. THE SK.;D0WS of SOLIDS. a) Polyhedra. ^^re solids bounded by portions of intersecting planes. The lines of demarcation between light and shade viii natur^.lly be along lines of intersection. The outlines of the shado'ws of a polyhedron viill be determined by finding the shadows of those lines of intersection that divide the lighted from the unlighted pofction of the polyhedra (Fig, 9). b) Surfaces of Revolution . The shade lines on surfaces of revolution are formed by rays tangent to the surfaces. The ovitline of the shadov? v;ill evidently depend upon the finding of the shadow of that line of tangency. (Fig. 10). ro ,-r,- ■ r> i^'l ■ ■ ;•. . d ■jiiiL '^ri' ■■■' •■).i .:, ■.•:!a -^f'.^ vci r^^^r r^^- -'.•j: f ' t: :■■ >• ■■ ">?i .•■ «.o. ( :■:<■■. :i- J'> » (iO >Xj * ' - * • o 3^ \V ''■i • - JO ■ :. '■■ .Cr'x --■ > + r .■•-•■ y. :■ .i f ^'- - - 0' . - ? ii ■}.■■ •■•:i:X •■■f» 6. SHADES AND SHADOWS 12. THE GEIIERAL PKOBLEli Prom the preceding discussions it should be evident that the general problem involved is that of ''representing the rays which pass through points in the shade line of an object r-.nd finding the points at which these rays strike another object. Generally spealcing, this is not a difficult problem in descriptive geometry, and is one quite v/ithin the power of an architectural draftsman of a little experience, if he will keep cler.rly in mind the nr.ture of the problem he is to solve. "He is c.pt to entangle himself in trying to remember rules and methods by which to reach a solution"", (T'cGoodv/in) . S tatement of certain more or less evident corollaries of p receding discussion. A thorough understanding of the general corollaries stated below will be of inestimable benefit in quick and ready analysis of problems. 1. All straight lines and planes may be considered as being of indefinite extent. Parts not of such lines and plahes lying beyond parts having actual existence in cases considered will be termed " "imaginary". .{Pig. 11). 2. (a) A point which is not in light cannot cast a real shadow. (b). Every real shadov/ line must cast a real shadow and this real shadow cannot lie within another real shadow, Host of the blunders in casting shadows are due to a neglect ownunderstanding of these two statements. For instance, in Fig. 12 it is evident that point "a" cannot cast a shadov/ on the wall. 3. (a) The shadow of a straight line on a plane may be determined by the shadovj of any two of its points ofc the plane, ^'^aturally the shadows of the points at the ends of the line are the ones most advantageous to find.- (b) The shadows of any line on any surface may be determined by finding the shadows of adjacent points of the lines. As could be expected, this method is a very cumbersome one, and such shadows will be, wherever possible, found by less lengthy processes. ' ■";«:' A' '.J'i: " r* ' ^ "i. .* t' ,- 1 ' :.'vr? f^'^Ofi ■^^^>P^Y. ; ■ ( f-r; - p. r ' ■ .:-X •■'■i- .V,,... ., J . ■. ^,.;. •t .-•'^O ; ■a ■■ .,, ■ ■.O.J ■., » f ■ - • ■ J 1 • 1 ' • f r < ) .o (f^ «. •■ T ..^ (■ •) 7. SHADES AND SHADOVfS 13. THE GENERAL METHOD . Sought for results may be acheived by cumbersome or by easy methods. So in the finding of shades and shadows on architect- ural drav/ings, certain methods have been found to give results easil' and accurately. Those general methods found to be the most applicable are: 1) The method of oblique projections, 2) "^e method of circujascribing surfaces. 3) The method of auxiliary shadov;s, 4) The slicing method. Each separate method ivill be discussed in detail in its proper sequence, and with its proper applications. All of the methods or but one method may be conveniently used in the casting of shadows on any one' object. The use of a little common sense and visualizing faculty are essential ifi the student is to do any particular probl"!u problem accurately and quickly. 14. THE METHOD OP OBLIQUE PROJI^CTION. The method of oblique projection consists simply in drawing on the projections of the object the forty-five degree line representing the rays tanrent to an object or passing through itd shade line and then in finding the points ;There the rays strike any uther object involved in the problem, these points of interesction giving the outline of the shadov;. Thffis method is simple and direct, but n.'/hrr'-.j ly can be used only -when the plan or side elevation can be represented by a line. Otherwise it is impossible to find cirectly points at wHicE rays s tr'ike the given surface. For example, in plan the surface of a cylinder with vertical elements can be represented by a circle but the surface of a torus, scotia, or cone cannot. Hence in the latter case.s some method other than that of 'direct projection must be used if shades or shadovTS are to be found on these surfaces. Theoretically this method requires the finding of the shadows of all points in a line, but practically, under the assumption made in this study-- namely; rays of fixed direction parallel v;ith each other--the shadov/s of certain points and lines on certain surfaces in certain portions will be always the sr^.me. They maj be stated as follows: 1) The elev'^tion of the shadov/ of a point on a vertical plane v-iill '\lways lie on a forty-five degree line to the right of the elevation of the point in front of the plane. (Fig. 13). 8. SHADES MID SHADOWS 2) The shadow on a given plane of any line which is parallel to that plane is a line equal and parallel to the given line and lies to the right of the line a distance equal to the distance of the line in front of the plane. Fig. 14). parallel. 3) The shadows of parallel lines in any plane will be 4) The shadow of a line perpendicular to an elevation plane will in front elevation be always a forty-five degree line no matte'r v/hat be the fonii or posi tion of the o b jects r e ceiving t he shadow. The shadow of a line being formed by the intersection of a plane of rays, through the line with the surface considered, in this particular case, will coincide, of course, with the elevation of the plane of rays this plane will, therefore, be itself perpendicular to the surface receiving the shadow and will appear in elevation as a forty-five degree line. Eig.lS). 5) The shadow in plane of line perpendicular to the plan plane should be a forty-five d e gree line . The reasoning given in (4) should be sufficient to malte the point clear. Fig. 16). 6) The shadow of a vertical |bine on an inclined plane v/hose horizontal lines are parallel to the elevation plane is an V inclined plane whose slope is equal to that of the given plane. The most frequent application to architectural problems is found in shadows of dormers and chimneys on roofs. (Fig. 17), 7) The shadow of a vertical line on a series of horizont' I. mouldings is equal in front elevation to the profile of the right section of the m.ouldings. (Fig. 18). The shadow line of course moves to the right as the contour recedes. This shadow of such -frequent <> occurence in architectHral problems is too often . drawn. incorrctly 8) The shadows of horizontal :>lines either parallel or perpendicular to the elevation plane, on a vertical plane receding diagonally to the left at an angle of forty-five degrees--are of the parallel lines forty-five degree lines, sloping dovmward and to the left, and of tjie perpendicular lines forty-five degree lines sloping down-ward and to the right, (Fig. 19). These shadows are often used in finding of auxiliary shadows. % 1^"^ '.'„■.. ■ y^S'- f-'j: "i'- r;r . i: ■ '• I. .u ■ I.- ; , r • ■ - ■ ■ -, ^/ ':' flOv n"'' '• • ■ .• - ..." I T' ■■■.■:: \ : ■ r;o/i ■ : .>.^rr; .^ 'yi' .■ . ■,-• . ^' •■•o'j .• . K. ' ■')'-■'.■■ .. I l.C 9.. SHADES AND SHADOWS 9) ^he shdde line on a curved surface whose elements are horizontal or vertical straiccht lines, is found by drawing the elevation of a ray tangent to the profile of the surface. (Fig, 20), Evidently the shadoiv cast over such a surface "by a straight line •vvhich is parallel to the elements of the surface can be found as shown. (Fig. 21), With the knowledge, therefore, of the definite positions that the shadows of these lines vjhich form boundary lines are to practically all surfaces appearing in architectural vrork take, the finding of shadows of even the most complicated surfaces becomes / comparatively easy. Often the deter.nination of the shadow of a \ single point xvill suffice for the determinc?.tion of an entire gr^up / \ of shadov/s. An attempt must always be made to use as little as possible either plan or side elevation in determining shado-^firs-- for they are often in architectural vjork at different scale from the front elevations, and if used to a large extent would have to be redra.wn--a lengthy and entirely uncalled for proceeding. -.. (' ■ i 7. ' ■•'.'./.' UK. - r X 4 '•';: -jf- ■ .• '■^;;rr •■A*.-. .^ •■ .-> . 1 ..■ '•• '' '- ' "^ ' • 1 '■•I .'. ''''■'■•> "•••)cV- \" ' ■'• -*■ . ■ ■)■ ,' . .■*» • ' ' '. * •' ', '■ » ' '■ :') ■ ..'):f ;■ '■■X .•.1 * .. '^^;i;. ■^ ^n:.^-:" '■ ■-■>:■ ' ' * t .■,^■■M■ Oh. ,., V,,' •■' V ' 10. SHADES Am SHADOVJS Nomenclature For the purpose of clearness in reading of diagrams given, the followinj;; nomenclature has been adopted: R - Ray of lic'ht in space at Conventional Angle. R^.- Front Elevation of Ray. R2- Side elevation of Ray. R3- Plan of Ray. (|) - True angle of Ray^' -:■ V - Vertical plane of projection or Front Elevation Plan^ P - Profile or Side Elevation Plane. H - Horizontal or plan plane. X - Any other plane. Let A Any point in space. Then Aj - Any point' in front elevation. A2 - Same point in plan. A3 - Same point in side eleVation. Let. Als- Front elevation of shadov; of point A.' A2S Plane of shadovf of point A. Ajg Side elevation of shadow of point A. GL- Ground Line-Line of intersection of V Plane and H plane. NOTE: In lettering of all problem', plates this nomenclature is to be follo'vved. The Architectural terms, front elevation (or usually Elevation), Side Elevation , and Plan" ^ are to be used in preference to the terms V Projection, P projection, and H projection. S'.i 11. THE SHADOVfS OF CIRCLES . 1^. SHADO'^S OF CIRCLES IN PLANES PARALLEL TO PLANE TiECEIVING SHADDW7 It is quite evident that the shadov/ line of, for instance, a circular flat disl-: on a plane v/ill be formed "bj the intersection of a cylinder of rays v/ith the plane in question, and that the intersection of the cylinder u-ill be a circle or an ellipse depend- ing upon v/hether the disk vfere in a plane parallel to the given plane or in a plane at; an anjV.le vvith the ^iveh plane, (Fig, 22). It is also evident that in the first instance, the shadow line will be a circle of exactly the same radius as the disk casting the shadovRji. and that, therefore, the finding of the shadov; of the center of the circle will be sufficient to determine the complete shadow. The arch is the common architectural form in -which circles occur in such a position. 16. SKADOITS OK VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL PLALIES . TiTien the shadow line is an ellipse, by methods of direct projection from plan or dide elevation as auxiliaries can be found a nuinber of points of shadov-'s of the circumference of the circle. Usually circular forms occur in architectural work in planes perpendicular to the vertical plane of projection and parallel to the horizontal, or in planes perpendicular to both planes of pro- jection, and the shadovj of such circles are usually cast on a vertical or elevation plane, though sometimes on a horizontal or plan plane. Since the center of the circle is a point, it is quite easy to determine its shadow, which determines naturally the center of the ellipse ?shadow. The major and minor axes of the ellipse of shado'w are then determined. The architect must, of cours, determine if possible bjf methods of reasoning, those shado-w points that "will be of greatest importance, and through them must construct the ellipse of shadow. The simplest and most accurate method of determination is as follows. (Fig. 23). The shadows of the circumscribed and the inscribed squares are first found, using the already found shadow of the center of the circleas a point for syrmnetrical construction. The shadov/s of the median and diagonal lines are easily found. The points at \"jhich the ellipse of sha.doi7 crosses the diagonals is found as shown in the figures. The tangents, v/hich of course are parraia^el to the diagonals. are usually drawn' to serve as a guide in freehand construction of the ellipse of shadow. Since the circle is a contintkous curve, if through any inaccuracy of construction points of shadow found do not give continuoTis curve, then these points must be disregarded and the curve dra;vn through the greatest n\imber that lie on a continuous curve. ^■^ r^ ■)• •.fr-.. .Lc^. lo 0.C Tr; 12* SHADES AND SHADOWS. 17. SHADOWS ON INCLINED PLANES . The same methods of reasoninrr, as used for shadows of circles on vertical and horizciital planes give the construction of the shadovf on an inclined plane, as shown in Fig. 24, 18. SHADOWS ON 45-^ AU XI LIARY PLANE . '^he shadcvr or. a vortical plane at 45 degrees passing through its center,, of a circle in a horizontal plane perpendicular to the elevation plane is a circle (Fig, 25), 19. CONC LUSI ON, It T^Uf^t above all -"Ise be remembered that the shadow of any circle must, of course, be completely within the shadow of the circumscribed square and will be tangent to that shadow at points where the original t:ircle is tangent to the circumscribed square, Time honored blunder 3 i"u the casting of the eaadov/s of circles may be almost entirely avoided by the accurate finding of the shadow of the circur!iEcriT;ed square even though the inscribed square is not found. 13, 20. THE SHADES ON MID SHADQVfS OF SURFACES OF REVOLUTION. Surfaces of revolution are created "by revolving lines straight or curved or both about a fixed axis or series of axes, . In the forms comraonly met v;ith in architectural objects, the surfaces of revolution are generally either vertical or horizontal, so that the shapes created are more simple to deal xvith than those created v;hen the axes are inclined, '^e study, therefore, vill be confined to right cylinders, cones, spheres, tori and sco$;ias. The shades on and shadoivs of certain of these surfaces can easily be found by an application of some one or all of the methods mentioned at the beginning of the discussion. 21. THE SHADES ON AN UPRIGHT CYLINDER. (Fig. 26). It is quite evident that the surface of an upright cylinder can be represented in plan by a circle, and the surface of a horizontal cylinder in side elevation by a circle. Hence the method of oblique projection can be applied in the finding of the shades and the shadovrs. The lines of on the cylinder -aill evidently be determined by tv.'o planes of rays tangent to the surface, They v/ill come tangent along a vertical or horizontal element of the cylinder and can be represented in plan or side elevation as the case may be by lines tangent to the plan or side elevation of the line represent- ing the surface of the cylinder. From the points of tangency thus determined are secured the lines of shades. One line of shade is of course invisible in the front elevation. The other is a little less than 1/6 of the v;idtheof the elevation of the cylinder to the left of the right profile of the cylinder. This proportion is a con- venient one to remember, 22. THE SHADOWS OF CYLIND~RS. (Fig. 26). The outline of the shadow of a cylindB±cal surface on a plane can evidently be determined by finding the shadows of the tvo shade lines-~vjhich are straight lines, and the shadovjs of those portions of the circular outline of the top and base that lie betv.'een the points at which the lines of shade cross the bases. These will be elliptical, and it is best to determine by methods already given for the shadows of entire circles. As can readily be seen, the ^■'. ■-. ' width of the elvation of the shadovf of a cylinder on a vertical planerwill be equal to the diagonal of a square having the diameter of the cylinder for a side and -Till also be symmetrical about the shadow of the axis of the cylinder. This fact can be conveniently put into use in many cases. ;-;. K rr.'H'-.vz'j. 1 .'J J. i •'■.".■' c^ ■".■■ " 'f (''■'r'J r , - -fj .■ f- 1.0 ■■in- -r. ertii; ".■■■• ■■en- ■ ■. ,- o ■•■vxi •0 0/fj- •; - re ^ ;, ; .' ::> ■: r : 1 14. 23. THE SHADOWS ON CYLII'DRIC.'.L SURFACES. 1. The Sh?.do-as of a Straight Line on an Upright Cylinder, The shadov: of a straight line parallel to both the V and H planes nill be a circle v/hose radius is equal to the radius of the cylinder and the elevation of vrhose center lies on the elevation of the axis of the cylinder, belo:'.' the elevation of the line a distance equal to the distance of the line in front of the axis of the cylinder. This should be clear from Fig, 28. The shadov; on the surface of a line perpendicular to the elevation plane and parallel to the plan plane is a line at 45/'/! (Art. 14, paragraph 4). The shadow of ' the end of the line would be found by direct projection. (Fig, 28). The shado'.v of any other straight line would be formed by the direct projection onto the surface of the cylinder of enough points of shadov; to determine the curve of shadov;. 2. The shadov; on an Upright Cylinder of a Larger Cylinder whose axis coincides v;ith the Axis of the Smaller Cylinder. Evidentl-y the shadow line vrill be a curve rf no easily constnur ed geometrical form. Hence it becomes necessary to find of that curve by means of direct projection enough points to determine the directici of the curve. Since the outline of the shadov; v;ill be determined by the shadov; ofi a certain portion of the circle bounding the lovjer surface of the c^^linder, by means of direct projection from points in this circle on the sv\rface can be found any nuraber of points desired. However, certain points are of more importance in determin-t ing shape of the shadov; than others. Those points are naturally enough, the points v;here the shadow crosses the lighted profile of the cylinder, the point v;here it crosses the shade line, and the point vjhere it crosses the elevation of the axis, and v;here it is closest to the elevation of the line casting the shadov;, 3y inspection it ca.n be seen that the highest point of shadov; lies on the diagobai axis en the left of the center, for on that line the rays strike the :F surface at the true angle, --(The angle "p ). Therefore , it is determined first of all vrhat points on the circle cast shadov; on these lines mentioned and thenas many additional points are determined as are deemed necessary to the correct drawing of the shadow. If the object be small, then n?.tviu:-lly the determination of the four points mentioned is sufficient: if the object be large, then more points must be determined. The method of determination is shown in Fig» 29, The p©int on the profile line f 'i;l • J v" .' ' i )j..' / ^ «rr< r ■•• ■/■ •» ; 15. and that on the axis of the cylinder are at the same distance beloiv the line casting the shad or;. The determination, therefore, of the position of either one v/ill be sufficient to determine the position, of the other. 24. THE SHADES AND SHADOWS OF HOLLQH CYLINDERS . In the d ra;7ing of the sections of buildings it is often neces- sary to determine the shades and shadovrs of hollov/ cylinders, as for instance in the section of the cupola of a dome, or that of a hori- zontal barrel vault or that of an arch. The methods of determining the points necessary to give the correct general shapes of the shades and shadov;s on such cylindrical surfaces are shown in Fig. 30, 31, 3 2, 25. TIffi lETHOD OF AUXILIARY SHADOWS The principles upon -which the application of this method is based are :- 1. If upon any surface of revolution a series of auxiliary curves be drawn, the shadov; of the surface will include the shadovjs of all the au::iliaries, and v;ill be tangent to those that cross the shade line of the surface at points vjhich are the shadows of the points of crossing, 2. The point of intersection of tvjo shadov/ lines is the shad - ow of the point of intersection of these lines if they are intersecting lines; if the shadow of the point where the shadow of one of the lines crosses the other line, if they are not interecting lines. If, therefore, the shadows of tvJO lines intersect or come tangent in a point, the position of the point of tangency or the point of intersection of the tvjo lines casting the shadow may be determined by trac- ing back along the ray to the line in question. Evidently ease of construction and the necessity of accurate drawing malce it necessary to choose auxiliary lines -whose shadows may be easily and accurately determined. 26.' THE SHADES ON AND SHADOVIS OF CONES. The Conical forms ordinarily met with in architectural work are those -with vertical axis--as for example, the roof of a cylind- rical tower, the lower part of a wall lamp, etc. The d iscussion to follow -will be limited, therefore, to upright cones. ;'" " ' t -L. ^-^n •:/.-; ,_f.-,-. .-, ■' ' '• • // * ■J ■••:-"/.;:; I ri ■ >'''. I 'J ■••• .1 f • ■i'ff -^ 'IvJr ■ ; 4 V .•• . ■ / ^ -' :^0 J, ;./. ■..( + -' '• "*> T'.- r .'* - . ; J -*' ' ■■ v; - - »'..■■: i V . -^ >- ■■:■' 'ilO ^v.,;' '- :. . - 'vVti ■'■■-■ r I r'i ~ ■^■^ V*r:, * -^^ ■'■ , 1 i. >^:J 'n ,;,, v-s, T'.,; ■ V -ifr, I ■f.t "'.f*'- - ;};^',; . ' I. * it . ; '•i'JOj 16. The surface or c. cone cannot be represented in any one of the three planes of projection "b;' lines. Therefore, the shade lines cannot bo found by the processes applied to the cylinder. Prom inspection it can be seen that the sha,de lines v/ill be forned by planes of rays tangent to the surface of the cone. Tliey will be strai^jht lines passing ;^hrou£h the apex and crossing the line of the base. Since in projection, the shade of the apex vrill coincide v/ith the projections of the apex, then, in order to find the pro- jection of the shade lines it" becomes necessary to determine only poj,nts at ;7hich the shade lines cross the projection of the base. To secure those points, the method -of auxiliary shado•■^rs is used. The outline shado" of the cone on any plane v;ill be determined by shc.doi^s of the base, the apex ?\nd the shade line. If, therefore, as in Pia. 33, the shadovr of the apex and the shaov; of the base be cast independently upon any given plane, 'then the shadov/s of the shade lines riust he Als,Bls, -.nd Als,Cls. t'oints 3Is, and Cls, com?aon to the shadovrs of the shade line and the shadow of the ba,se, nwxstl^9 the shado'.vs of points coTL--on to the shade line and base, namely, the shadows of points common to the shade where the shade lines cross the base line. 3y passing back from 3ig^ and Cig along rays of light to the base ftin^be found points D and C> and thas shade lines A h and A C constructed. In finding the points 3 and C geometrically some method that ■'/ill give absolute accuracy must be used. Therefore, to find the points 3 and C in elevation the shado'vs of the cone on either a horizontal plane thron'^h Its base, or on a 45 degree vertical plane through its a;:is arc used as auxiliaries. Figs. 35 a.nd 36 illustrate; the application of the method vfherein is used as an auxiliary, the shadov,' on the horizontal plane. (Pig. 35) In the geometrical con- struction shovna in Fig, 36, the shadow of the cone Bg^* -^29' ^2,, i^ simply, for the sake of convenience superposed 6n the elevation of the cone and points Bl and Cx thus deter:;iined. In Fig. 38 J the points Ei and Pi are first determined by cast- ing the shadovr of the cone oh the 45 degree auxiliary plane, then since the shadovf A1,E1 III PI is that of the base of the cone on the 45/- auxiliary plane, then from El and PI in elevation, rays are passed at 45',.. to cut the elevation of the base, p.nCi thereby determine the position of the points 3i and Ci. Tlie shade lines AiBl and AiC]_ can then be drav/n. 27. COKES ^"ITHOUT V-ISI3LE SIlADE LIUES . If, as in Pig, 39, the profile lines of the cone make v/iththe hoiPizontal an angle of 45%, then there is in front elevation no visible shade line. Tiie shade lines in plan are, however, as sho".vn. If, as ■ x *J'''. in Fig, 40, the profile lines make an angle of or less tha A (J) -vith the horizontal, then the cone has no shade line in plaiior elevation. I f .,.,. p 17. 28. THE SHADOVfS OF CONES. The outline of the shadow on any surface can be secured by cas onto that surface the shadows of the apex, of the shade lines am the profile of the base. If the surface on which the shadow fallf^ a plane, the shadow of the axis of the cone should be first detei - mined I then on the shadow line can be determined the shadow of the apex then the shadow of the base. Through the shadow of the apex straight lines drawn tangent to the shadow of the base will complete the shadow of the cone. xn£ of be 29. THE SHADES AND SHADOVfS OF S PHERES. The shade lines of a s^ihere is evidently a great circle of the sphere and is symmetrical about the two forty-five degree axes in the plane and in elevation. It is readily understood that ' the point vvhere the shade lineof any double curved surface of revolution toucho? the contour lines of the surface in plan or elevation is of course t|, be found at the point of the contour at which the plan or elevation of a ray is tangent to it. Therefore, Eig.41b, to find on the plan the points where the shade lines come tangent to the plan of the contour draw the rays R2, tangent to the plan of the sphere. The points thus found evidently give, (Fig, 41a), on the elevation of the equator the points of shade Ci&Di, and by symmetry the points Ei and Fi- Points Ai and B]_ are determined by drawing rays HI tangent to the elevation of the sphere. Thus are determ.ined six points on the shade line. To determine the points xhich will give the length of the minor axis of the ellipse, two equilateral triangles with their apexes at Al and 31 are construct ed, and points Gl and HI thus determined. Through these eight points the ellipse of shade can then be drawn. The short construction for the points requil;'ed is shov/n in Pig, 41c. The outline of the shadow of the ellipse on any surface will 'be the shadow of the shade line of the sphere, and sufficient points could be determined by direct projection from plan and elevation to fix the shape of the curve, The shadow on a vertical or horizontal plane, hov/ever, is generally found by means of the construction shown in Fig. 41d, and is sufficiently accurate provided the shape of the ellipse of shadow is drawn approximately as shown on the figure. Many mistakes are made by beginners in determining for instance the line of shade on a dome, v/hich is of course only part of a sphere. The visible shade line can be determined accurately only by completing- the snhere. . . ' ■; T:/. ' X ' ■ ^o'lxr i:ss- J ■'" -.roi- to- '•-•'■' ■: .•) ;•. '■■■> ' 3^' yt ® ' •'■ ' ' ,r', j- .■■ . -r ■ , ■" £■ ■ r ■ It'.' v-: ;-^ '"t f"! \. 1 1. V- • "\ i- - -di ' - :es the surface of the torus at the angle 0. If the torus be then revolved about its vertical axis unt?.l the point comes into the vertical plane of projection then can be determined the horizontal element on "vhich the point lie s. It lies on the 45 degree axis in plan. 3y finding the plan or + ? ' ■■T .'. ■ ., f • r' " f. ;l<.v _ ■• 1 • ~l ■. .■' -' ■r. ) "' 1. >-• ■• i\;-' )'• ■.>.!■••■ .' i ■ ■'•■ 3 f*V V ■■ Ai 20. horizontal elements it deternines the position of the points desired, namely, Bl and Fl. The construction is shown in Fig. 43 34. ^tie SHADprr OF A TORUS . The outline of the shadov; of a torus is the shadow of its shade line, and can be cast on any surface by the direct projection of points in plan and elevation. Hov;ever, as shov/n in Fig. 44, the shador line so nearly corresponds to shadov/ of the equatorial circle of the torus that at small scale the shadovj of the equatorial circle can be used as the shadov/ of the torus. 55. THT OVAL CURVE _0F THE TORUS . The Shadovr of a torus on the 45 degree auxiliary plane is found by casting on that plane the shadovjs of various horizontal elements of the torus and dravjing the envelope of those shadows. The construction is shovm in Fig. 45. This ±i ad ovx is used frequently as an auxiliary, particularly in the find ing of the shadov/s of straight lines and circles on the surface of tori. .'],T 'Vr, r ■ rs' rx 'So-i., ■' '<■ y 'r r:. r~ ::r^r.,-..- '•* '•'^- '- ?i' THE: "Rays Op Light. YlGUi;>£: Z ThEtCdmvention PlKECTION It If: Ray ^ LlCMT 6HADKand5HAD0W5 PLATt I. L= Lateral Rav^^. T=TANCEMy f^AY& T = Incident Ray5 LE-TABCDH-IGHBEACUBL AG--PlAGDNALOfCuBIL- R= Ray 0f Light Paralul To Direction c7Piagonal I^rPROJECTioN Of Ray On V Rj\NL Or Elevation Or \^av. R/P^ojictionOfRavOu H Flake Or Plan Of ]^AY 1^= PROJECTION Of Pay On P FUkie0r5ideIllvatio\^0f!^,y / AGC True AncleOpRa^ Oi^ Angle 'I'. Geometric CoN5TeucTioN Fo^ Angl£<^ F\GUR.& 5 ThErTHREtPROJECTIONS OfRaY R. Side fpONT Plan If FiGURI: 4. PLANE 0PRAY5- . DEinNiyioN! 5HADI:5 8 SHADOWS FiGURfc 5- PO\NT<5 OMOSS- R)iNTp a b.C.d ore- POINTO Of L055. NVI5IBLE Shadow ^'*^ V15IBLE Shadow TlGURt 6 . lNVI5lBLt AND VISIBLE SHADOWS. DtFiNlJION" FIGURE: 7- flGUR.E: 8 INX SHADOW Of ABFALL5 ON PLAMt IN "5 SHADOW 0f-AB?ALL5 PARTLY OM GROUND .PARTLY ON CURVEP 5URFAC& « Figure 9 6HADE5 ^ SHADOW. Plate IE DXYC 15 AN Imaginary T Of THtTOPO?THt box- y , i .^ -^i. Imagina^^Y IinE:-Thl5hadgw 0? THE Cube May BE BEi'Ond LINE LK AND THE: PORTION mOND WOULD BEIMACINARV. \ \ flCUR.E 12 • •^ FlGUl^tlO <5hADL§?< -Shadows Plate E THE.6hAD0v/5 Of Bl) Jtf Toyi/the PhieSPECTIVEr SKETCH APPOINT lN5i^ACL IhE Shadow Of Anv Point f IGUCt 14 Shadows Of Lines P.aralell TctL£vATioNR.ANt F)GUR.t 15 Shadow Of A Imt PECPtNOicuLAR TotuEVATioN Plane. i 6HADE5 & 5HAP0W5 PlateV p3iDt Elevation F"TJ15P 16 ihE-OHAD0Vv5 Uf-M LiNL I^El^PtNDICULAli'IbPLAN Plane On PLAN?LANt, A^ As' \ -> / / K i^ ^35 Figure 17 Shadow Of VEBTicALLiNt On iNCUNLDR-ANfc 1 I M S-;^---^-Ki^^ % -^- \ te- :^ PT ^ az". ?IGUl^El8 Shadow Of Vleticai- Line On Cecils Of HORlZOtHyAl- M0UL-DINC5. i X CHADE5?)f5HAD0W5 Plate ?I 5ij J ft- Fo3. flGUU£.22 ClliCLE ;Nl>LANEpE£P£NDrCl7LAQ. lb PLANE On WffTat,5fiADow b Cast. \ Di5T Of OIw Promt O PLAKfi. «.r s^ rn -f-^ 1 ^\ 1 ^ ll>. PGUI^E 25(a) vShadowOpDiagowl AD ISAfta^UONTAL UNC Distance of Ca frrnr of CJiRcLE Jv Plane PoiPENDia/LAH. To Both t, Plan s^ ^-""--^ Elevation ^TH^E>7>ivt iVjkp rlGUCE2.5it: Al^ .6jat?TtFf.c5 J OTCLEIN PLANE P£1^PENDIC0LA^. "fcLETTtRSiN »=;& ro flEWriON ^PAliALLEi. To PLAN 2.3(c^ . A' fLwt-X. i Plan \ r b; FrGTn^25. /Ci» pj ^ F[GUUE24 SHADOW Of Circle On Incuned Plan& NO ^J f.» 4L4e -H 1 }rz~7 — 1~y Di^tande from c.k- I &1. ^ax,iy 0|T cylinder |j^ "^^ fo VI p. jrze . kSraDE^vS ScvStMDOWvS I 7t Cylinder 1 vV \ i ^i/ j£»Y Jtt fbr>/-Y^^^ FIGURE: Z/. P.IGURB 25 fr^HP Kail A:f^%. ^--' PieuRB 29 W&ll Line? 1 — [ h yi L ^fiAi:)EK3 &r ^fW)ows In Hollow Cylindesc^s. FiGUUEt 30 FlGUREv5 •> / \ \ ^. \ \ ^ f^rcuREi 32 ftiGURa. 55 vSrTADP.^ ^K^UAhOWS Plat^K Bv JtiPbr^vtiie. PlGURB 34. \^Prauua 55 Shade i-ine*-^ // »SttADELrNtONA Con&ByUselOp >5llADOW* On H PLAMEi. Figure 56 GaOMtTftlCAL CON»STUUCTI0N b Figure 59 FlGt/BE 5b i Geombti^jcal CorisTUucTroN 3ftAD£LlN£ Q\iK Cone By Dse Of- SffAPOv^^ On 4-5° AuxiLiAiiY Plane riGURP 57 FlGUI^ 40 I flGLT^Ei 41(a) DiVtiJtnce of Center \o>- sSphers from Plane K5!mm.$ bc^Stm^ows Of- »5phere,. PiGUREi tb) The Points iN Plan f IGURE- 41 (c) Th£ ii5HADE.»5 And JiiADOw^ At •Small Scalel Plan Op vSphereT]''^ riQL>B& C4l (d) v5ttAD ow On V Plane:, a 4. 9 h f IGURfi 42 (b) 1 1 rt'H ' ^ f ^ :" - v. '~ - '^ - ~S A. .. 1/ / / / X x^ y ^^ , yp, ^. 4^ X. Tne vSujiNG M&Tttop ©^"^ "SfE iShadeLine On ATo^u.5 _ The Tctru^ = n^Shadcw Op Tovivs On\43° ^on^frvjc iota for ^rue OQcilffi cfT rt Center linf ofi toiuw «P,® © T^ic equatond circle of +h.c forvkT XI liar Y Qrcley* oY Auxiliury Circles 1,2,5,4, etc la^S" plane. filevotioa of y"bL^ Of THE —r/ Of iLLiWOIS }r \ \ Dh^dow or- j|f Shac oa o-f O, or plane Y hau=|ow o-^ O, on. p [oifze X AT C)N]ALL DC^Ltr PL>qA|E-X>[ Veiltic/^L- Fl^m of- Nicnt Fjgur^e- 47 The 5h/)DOw:5 OM THE-CoRi^- THMAI COLUM/^. C. .... l";VERSiTY Of iLLINOI? Y^\j^jijji»''" ■■■^Sh ^^. 'i/^ .« ;^ ;j!i*' 1 •^•ji. '^^ University of illinois-ubbana Q516 61L6S COOl Slides ar>iish.