LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 510.84 ho.£|-8>0 eo Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GRADUATE COLLEGE DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY REPORT -NO. 69 STABILITY OF A SYSTEM OF EQUATIONS DESCRIBING THE FLOW BEHIND A SHOCK By M, Suzuki September 15, 1955 This work has been supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant G-1221 We shall investigate the stability of a solution of the following system of differential equations which arose from the investigation of shocked waves by Professor Taub: ^ = A iJ ( ^" C j } V«l*2 JL£ _ JT-_1 c ?£l g T - 2 3T fr = — (1+ 2 m Jar-— r CD ax $T " 95 2 COS (J. r 3s Ba sin u ^ _2 ^T \ as Here and in the sequel we shall use the same notations as in a paper "Deter- mination of Flows Behind Stationary and Pseudo-stationary Shocks" by Professor Taub. To discuss the problem the most important coefficients in this system are A. . (i,j = 1,2) and they are given by (5„ll): 2 / Bin 11 m cos ii V v'^A i L M .J (2) X(l - m cos uj ['-'-" — o> cos ^ sin I 1 \ m The characteristic roots of this matrix are the solutions of + 2 M 2 sin u 1 . n Wn 2 2 x x * .2- 2 2 » U ' \(1 - m cos mJ a. (1 - m cos uj namely sin u cos u ■/ 2 , . a + ■- ~Z 2~T7 i — 2— TT V» - 1 (3) — \(1 - m cos |i) \(1 - m cos p.) -1- We may write our system of equations (l) in the following form: 3x, a x - — = a. . ^— u + b. 3n ij 3v 1 (i,j = 1,2,. ..,6), w where a. 4 and b. are known functions of x, , .... x c Id I 7 o x 2_ = -T ij x 2 = 2' X ? = C ' X h A m, x 5 = X, x 6 = a, u (a..) = 11 A 21 2 C 11 i/, jr-i 2%, 12 22 m 11 B cA 2 ° A 12 i,_ r-i 2 U - -(1 + -V" m )A m (V- 2 COS (J. sin u. 12 -A, ,C . 2j J id - >a m 2 > Al .c. Our case will be T, v = s and (5) The characteristics values of the matrix (a. .) will be Ct and four 0's. ij + Suppose that there are variations Ox. of the solutions. Then these dx. satisfy the equations : du a& 3b. >x . da. . dx . = a. . -sr- 11 + -^ ^ 6x, + ^ Sx, + ~^- -^ Jx, ij dv 3x k ^v k 3x k Is. ^x k 3v da. . ddx (6) -2- We assume <$x. takes the form Sx. = Jx° e^^^v) (7) where a is real. Our system of equations (h) will be stable if the imaginary part of £ is < 0. We shall consider each x. to be fixed, so that each co- efficient a. . (and b.) is a constant, and a is sufficiently large, so that 1J X 9a. . dx. db. the magnitudes of ~ — ■* ^ " ■ and 5 — are negligible compared with a, k k Substituting (7) into (6), we get a system of linear equations between a andx 7 with constant coefficients: namely We have used an approximation that dx, are so small that their square may be neglected. From our convention a is so large, and hence (8) may become a* - bx n ' X = a. .tf x y +1 - 6^)^ + ^ ^^(x n ^ +1 - x n ' 7 ) ^ i i iJ J J ^v 5x k k j j Av 3a.. /? „/?.-, ,„^yi <^b -^ dx' {6x' K - d~x. ) r— + o— x,,' /\u. Jx^ k j j Av o?x k k The principal term of the right hand side is the first one as^du,^Jv-> keeping andZ)v/du< a . Hence our difference equation is stable if m^l and i Zlv ^ sinu. - cosu. \( m -1 ^ u ^ ' yfi 2 2 \ a.(1 - m cos \i) (13) The positiveness of the right hand side is guaranteed for a shock of non-zero strength, since in that case we have 2 2 I 2 1 - m cos u. = (sinu- + cosu. Vm -l)( sinu - cos \i \]m -l) >0, If the flow is subsonic: m < 1, then the system (10) of difference equations is unstable, i.e. the solution does not converge to a solution of our original equations (l) whenZlu, Av — * 0. There are many ways to set up the difference equations corresponding differential equations. Integrating both sides of (k) with respect to u and applying the trapezoid rule to the right hand side, we get n+1 n <4u x. - x. = — 5 a. . 2 /Lij3v n+1 9x Au/. n+1 ~(b. /,n+l ,riv (b- * " *>,), r a. . . -. c L i«j <5v J J where x. = x.(n£u,v), b. = b.(x, , ..., x, ) etc. Considering cfx. of the form: (i*0 -5- v-1 a u dx. = ox.s e where s = e ' , we get a difference equation for <£x. such as o ^u (s - 1) 6x° = f*(X.. +/Y..)£c°, i 2 i,i ^ i,i ,w y (15) where X. . = 5b 3x, n+1 s + 3b." = 2. ± E - i <° ^u a s + 1 ' where a are characteristic values of the matrix (a. . ). Since + • U ( s - l)/( s + l) is purely imaginary „ In fact = 1, s - 1 i | 1 - s| s + 1 " 2 T(s) Thus the real part of^ ^ for all | s| = 1, if and only if a are real, i.e. m >.l. -6- Summary The system (l) of equations is stable if the flow is supersonic. I do not know whether stable or not in the other case. The similar stability conditions for the corresponding difference equations are examined for two kinds of systems. In both cases the systems are stable if the flow is super- sonic, but unstable in case of subsonic flows. MS /he -7-