UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Class Book K1Z.K Volume F 11-20M Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. U. of I. Library JUNirss m48-s ijf-- -Jjf ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A History of Hungarian Music ^ ^ ^ ^ * * ^ ^ ^ ¥ * Issued as a ** Musical Standard * ’ Extras For List of Musical Works please refer to ihe end of the volume. HISTORY OF HUNGARIAN MUSIC. JULIUS KALDY, (director of the royal HUNGARIAN OPERA) LONDON : WILLIAM REEVES, The '^Musical Standard^’ Office, 83, Charing Cross Road, W,C^ This little work, issued as a Musical Standard extra, is Reprinted from “ The Millennium of Huns^ary and Its People,* * by permission of the Editor, Dr Joseph de Jekelfalussy, Director of the Royal Hungarian Statistical Office and Ministeral Councillor. ♦ Published under the authority of the Royal Hungarian Minister of Commerce. Budapest. Printed by W. Reeves, 81, Charing Cross Road, London IV.C. A HISTORY ^ ^ OF ^ ^ HUNGARIAN MUSIC * * * T he Hungarians must have had a special love for music in their original home, for in their sacrifices and ^ other religious ceremonies, in their national festivals, before and after a battle, at banquets and funerals, Song, Music, and Dancing played an important ^ role. — In religious sacrifices the High priest dr (Tdltos) led the ceremony with Song. ^ The people, repeating the last verse of the ^ stanza, softly sang the refrain, and young ^ girls, scattering fragrant herbs in the A 2 A HISTORY OF altar flame, danced a blithe dance. At national festivals and at banquets the minstrels sang, accompanying themselves on their lute, the heroic deeds of fallen champions, or poured forth other patriotic songs, while reciters declaimed in sonor- ous rhythms the old heroic legends. Our ancestors used to inter their dead with song and music. Priests of lower rank (Gyulas) delivered an address at the funeral, praised the heroism and virtues of the dead, and at the end paced round the grave in a slow dance. This custom likewise remained partially until the present day. For at burials — with Cath- olic and Protestant alike — the Cantor takes leave of the dead in a mournful song. After the interment the mourners assemble with the sorrowing family at the funeral banquet. i6o years ago the “ Dance of Death ” used to be danced after this evening meal. This was probably the oldest Hungar- ian dance, which our people here danced HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 3 for hundreds of years as a remnant of heathen funeral rites. Among the com- positions of the renowned Gipsy musician, Czinka Panna, there is a “ Dance of Death” melody, of the first half of the i8th century. That music and song were in great maturity already among the Huns is proved by the Travels of Priscus Rhetor whom the Emperor of Byzantium sent along with the Senator Maximus on an embassy to Attila. Like the Gallic bards, the Vates, and the Skandinavian Skalds, the Hun min- strels not only stimulated the fighters to the combat but took part in the battle themselves. Many of them remained on the field of battle. In 451, on the eve of the bloody and desperate battle of Cata- launum, when Attila withdrew to his barricade of waggons, the dirges of the Huns echoed from there to the enemy’s camp. Next day numberless lutes were found on the battle-field. 4 A HISTORY OF Later, at the time of the conquest of the land, in the loth century, the music of the Hungarians must have been highly developed, for the “ Anonymous ” of King Bela (Anonymus Belae Regis notarius) ends his account of the fights of the leaders Lei, Bulcsu, and Botond, with the words : “ As to their wars and heroic deeds, if you pay no credence to my letter, at least believe the prattling songs of the minstrels, and the well-worn legends of the people, who have not allowed the heroic deeds of the Hungari- ans up till now to fall into oblivion.” After Arpad had conquered the land, he marched with his people into the castle of Attila, where everything was waste and neglected. “ In the ruins ” — says the Anonymous — ‘‘ they held daily banquets, they sat in rows in the palace of Attila, and the sounds and sweet tones of their lutes and shalms, and all sorts of songs from their vocalists, echoed from the company.’ Along with the Anonymous notary other HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 5 chroniclers also mention the numerous hymns, dirges and martial songs, the latter of which were forthcoming in great numbers, and enjoyed universal favour. The minstrels, reciters, and jongleurs can be regarded as the makers of these songs, who already at Arpad’s time sang their heroic songs at national festivities, which came into popular use thereby. The name “ igricz,” of Slavic origin, used to refer to Harlequinades, Mummeries, and buffooneries, and since it was not in the nature of the Hungarians to take part in common antics, in frivolous buffoon- eries, or to feel any particular pleasure therein, it is probable that these jongleurs were of foreign nationality. In their place came the Troubadours later, whose name is by many people derived from “ tr^fa ” (fun). Many interesting facts about the dance of the Hungarians are found in the Chronicle of the Monk of St, Gallen, Ekkehard (loth century). He relates 6 A HISTORY OF that in the Hungarian dance there are seven steps. He names it ‘‘ Sieben- spriinge” (‘‘the Seven Steps”). This dance was taught to the people of the Lake of Constance by the Hungarians during the latter’s residence there, who later under the name of “ Hun step ” applied this dance to their own slow moving dance. Many aver that the leaders themselves made the old Hungarian heroic songs, the minstrels being only their exponents, after having put them to music. All testimony points to the fact that at Arpad’s time music was not only beloved by great personages, but also among the people. It is known of Bishop Gerhard, that, when he came from his seat Csanad with Walther, the singing-master of the Fehervar School, to King Stephen L, he passed the night on the way at suitable places, and through the night was awak- ened from his sleep by songs. The bishop turned to his conductor with the words HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 7 Walther, do you hear how sweet the song of the Hungarians is ? ” Since the songs grew clearer and clearer, Gerhard continued : “ Walther, tell me, what causes this song which compels me to interrupt my slumbers ? ” On this, Walther declared that a girl was the singer, who ground wheat on a handmill and whiled away her hard work with singing. Thus the Hungarians had already at that time a taste for singing, and carried on their hard work while singing, just as at present, when the most beautiful Hungarian folk-songs arise at ploughing and sowing, at the harvest and the vintage. The Hungarian music must have had great repute even 800 years ago, for when the Hungarians fought as allies of the Russian prince Isislav, against the Poles and Bohemians, and, after a victorious fight, marched with triumphal pomp into Kiev, the townspeople got up festivities in honour of their guests, and “the house 8 A HISTORY OF was fortunate in which Hungarian music sounded.” We know from descriptions that the following instruments were in use in Hungary : the Lute (koboz, a kind of Indian Lyre), and the Violin (hegedii) likewise a string-instrument. Of wind- instruments, large and small pipes were made out of willow twigs — which are still a popular instrument like the Shepherd’s pipe {tilinho ) ; — the horn made out of the buffalo or ox’s horn called “kiirt”; the small hand-drum, like a Moorish tam- bourine, but without castanets. It is best to assume that the Hungarians brought these musical instruments from their orig- inal home. The field-trumpet and the cymbal were of later date. With regard to form, opinions about the old lutes are various. Most probably it was like the Indian national instrument, the Vina, The player sat, laid it on his knee, and played pizzicato. Among the Szekelys, in Transylvania, there is still a HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 9 similar instrument which is so played and is called the “timbora.” Unfortunately we know not a single melody from the music of the Huns’ songs, nor from the time of the old heathenism, but from the manner of life and the continual wars of our people it is self-evident that the music of that time must have been dramatic and heroic. The best proof of its once high develop- ment are the old Hungarian legends and traditions, which relate in song the for- tunate or unfortunate careers of the na- tion, the heroic deeds of Attila, Arpad, and the dukes. The melodies of these songs were gradually lost in the advance of Christianity, and it is probable that, with the crushing of Vata’s rebellion, very many precious poetical and musical products of the ancient days of heathen Hungary were entirely destroyed. Under Stephen I., and later, the Chris- tian church-music spread also among us, and the Gregorian song soon took root 10 A HISTORY OF here, too, as among all the other proselytes to Christianity. The schools founded by Stephen I. and his successors had a two- fold task : to educate in Christian religion and in song. In the first of these schools founded Bishop Gregory at Szekesfehervar, the forementioned Walther instructed the children of thirty christianised families in Latin and in song. Several bishops followed this example, and thus schools arose in Esztergom, Pannonhalma, Vacz, Veszprem, Nagy- varad and Nyitra. The church-music had some influence on our popular songs is plain from certain Folk-songs whose melody is constructed on the Scale of Church-music, which at the same time is a convincing proof of their age. In these songs, though the words are more recent, the melodies plainly show the influence of Christian Church-music. Since the first priests in Hungary were HUNGARIAN MUSIC. II strangers and principally Italians, as a matter of course they taught the young people only Latin songs. Later, when several natives became clergymen, they spread the Church-songs in Hungarian translations, composed church-songs them- selves, Hymns with Hungarian text which, however, by a law of King Kal- man’s time (1112) could only be adopted among Church-songs on approval by the Synod. Our annals mention several such com- posers of this time, among the rest An- dreas Vasarhelyi, who wrote a song to the Virgin as Patroness of Hungary, and an unknown composer, whose song on St. Stephen w’as printed at Niiremburg in 1454. From this time the Hungarian text of another church song has come down to us, the Konigsberg fragment ‘‘ On the virginity of the Virgin Mary.” The tunes of the three songs mentioned we do not know, but they cannot have been aught else than the ordinary Gregorian Hymns. 12 A HISTORY OF We must now mention two pre-eminent Hungarians, who have acquired Euro- pean renown by their art. The first was Nicolas Klinsor in the 13th Century, a Transylvanian who lived at the court of Andreas III., and as one of the most learned of the Master Singers took part in the competition held at the Wartburg near Eisenach in 1208 at the invitation of the German Minnesinger, Henry von Ofterdingen. Some of his songs are found in the old epic poem : Der San- gerkrieg auf der Wartburg (the singing match at the Wartburg). Still more famous was George Szlatkoni (Slakoni, Slakona), born in Krajna near Nyitra, 1456, who at the beginning of the i6th century was the 4th bishop of St. Ste- phen’s church in Vienna, and as privy councillor and choir-master to Emperor Maximilian I. distinguished himself in religious and secular music alike.*) * Among the pictures of Hans Burgmayer (Im- perial and Royal Library, Vienna) which contain HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 13 At the court of the Hungarian Kings of mixed families foreign masters often found employment. The Capellmeister of King Sigismund was the renowned Georg Stol- zer, Josquin des Pres’ contemporary. At the court of King Mathias, the great Netherland theorist, Johann Tinctoris, resided, who was the Capellmeister of King Ferdinand of Naples and the music- master of his daughter Beatrice. Beatrice brought him with her to Hungary, and 135 woodcuts and exhibit the triumph of the Em- peror Maximilian, our countryman is portrayed sitting in a cant equipage and directing his band of singers and musicians. Under the picture is the word “Apollo.” The explanation appended to the pictures thus alludes to Szlakoni : Szlakoni (Bishop in Vienna) is to be made Capellmeister, and the rhyme has reference to the fact, that, by direction ot the Emperor, he ar- ranged the singing of the choir in a most charming manner : In consonance and harmony, In melody and symphony. In every art to my desire Have I improved the tuneful choir. And yet the honour not to me But to my Emperor must be. 14 A HISTORY OF under him the court-band and the singers of King Matthias attained world-wide renown. According to Peter, Bishop of Vulturan and legate of Sixtus IV., there was no better choir at that time than that of King Matthias. This fact plainly shows that King Matthias fostered music, and that the Queen as well as he had a band and a choir. In addition there was a well- organized band of trumpets. The band of the King and Queen must have con- sisted of 30 executants, which was reckoned an extraordinary number for that time, if we compare the Vienna band of Leopold some centuries later, which was only 18 strong. Tinctoris dedicated to Queen Beatrice one of his renowned theoretical works. At the same time lived Monetarius, born at Selmecz, who distinguished himself as a composer and by a theoretical work, which he dedicated to George Thurzo in 1513. HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 15 Even King Wladislaus II., renowned for his great poverty, spent 200 pieces of gold yearly on his singers and musicians. Under Lewis II. Adrian Willaert, of Netherland birth (afterwards the founder of the Venetian School), lived seven years at Buda, and left Hungary after the battle of Mohacs. Willaert, the creator of the Madrigal, dedicated to the wife of Lewis II. a madrigal consisting of several parts, which is preserved in St. Mark’s Library at Venice. The residence of these illustrious person- ages in our land, who were all disciples of the old counterpoint, has exercised small influence on the character of the Hun- garian music, for singers and instruments alike were brought sometimes out of Italy, sometimes from Germany, and, while they figured as court musicians only in churches and at court festivities, Hungarian music drew little advantage from their sojourn here and only a few popular songs have descended to us, e.g., the song “ Matyast i6 A HISTORY OF mostan valasztotta ” (King Matthias has been elected) which the children sang at Matthias’ election to the throne. In King Sigismund’s time there were organs in many churches. There is a well known document of John Hunyadi (1452) in which the parish of Felso-Banya is allowed certain expenses for the erec- tion of an organ. The first introduction of this instrument, however, cannot be historically indicated. According to Nicolas Olah an organ with silver pipes was played at Visegrad in the chapel of King Matthias, whereas at Buda Masses with song were celebrated ; thus not only was the royal Cathedral (Matthias’ church) decorated with an organ, but there was also instrumental music corresponding to the time. With regard to the Hungarian Folk- songs and Dance Music, no certain data have come down to us from these centu- ries: * still we may assume that it went on * The loth to the 15th centuries. HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 17 a way of its own despite foreign influence. Conspicuous executants of Hungarian dance-music were the wandering gipsies of the 14th century, and they especially spread the Hungarian secular instru- mental music. Not only the people patronized them, but they were willingly entertained at the courts of the magnates. They played a r61e not only in festivities, but sometimes also at the Parliament meetings, of which our historians make mention, at the noisy assemblies at Rakos and Hatvan in 1525. The most conspicu- ous was Dominik Karman who, according to Tinodi, enjoyed great renown as a lutist and a violinist. A verse of Tinodi testifies that the lute at that time was played by the fingers, but the violin was already played by the gipsies with the bow. In the 1 8th century Michael Barna and Czinka Panna, distinguished themselves — the former being called the Hungarian Orpheus — on whose life and death numer- B A HISTORY OF l8 ous Latin poems were written. Johann Bihary followed them, one of the most illustrious, whose recruiting tunes and Pvimate^ Palaiim^ and Cowmtion tunes are among the most beautiful of Hungarian dances. He and his band were invited more than once to the Court-balls at Vienna. He gave concerts in Hungary, Transylvania, Poland, and Vienna ; the great Beethoven listened to his playing often with great pleasure, and has used the melody of a slow Hungarian tune of Bihary’s in his overture dedicated to King Stephen. At present our gipsy bands win laurels not only in Europe but also in America and Asia, reaping both money and renown. They deserve our thanks for spreading Hungarian music. Returning to earlier centuries, we must not forget war-songs and camp-music. History mentions as composers of this style John Cesinge, who, as Bishop of Pecs (i 5th century), placed himself at the HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 19 head of his troops, and inspired his soldiers to battle by his songs. Several Hungarian lutists had repute in Europe already in the i6th century. One was Valentine Bakfark, others say Graevisius {born in Transylvania 1 507, died at Padua 1576), who lived chiefly in Poland. He came at the invitation of the emperor Maximilian to Vienna (1570) where he played a role at court. He lived long at the court of the Polish King August Sigis- mund, with whom he must have been on intimate terms, at least the preface of one of his works says as much. Two of his works have come down to us: Premier livre de tabulature de lutte (Paris, 1564), and Bakfarci Valentini Greffi Pannonii Harmoniarum musicarumusum testudinis factorum (Cracoviae, 1 566). He dedicated the last work to the Polish King, who bestowed on him a property as leader of the court band. John Bakfark — pro- bably son of the foregoing— was also a lute virtuoso of great fame. Among the 20 A HISTORY OF works of both we find several composi- tions written in Hungarian style. As excellent lutist must be named John Newsidler, who was born in Poz- sony. His school for the Lute appeared in Nuremberg. In the first volume of this work he treats of Lute tablature. In the second volume are several Fan- tasias, Preludes, Psalms and Motetts. A contemporary of his was Christopher Armpruster, also born in Transylvania, whose Pamphlet, “ Song on morality,** appeared in print in 1551. In the 1 6th century are conspicuous Andreas Batizi (1546) with his ‘‘Fair history of the Holy Marriage of the Patriarch Isaac,” Andreas Farkas (1538) with “ How God led Israel’s people from Egypt and similarly the Hungarians from Scythia,” Peter Kakonyi, Peter D6sy, Kasper Bajnai, Stephan Csiikei, Michael Sztaray, Blasius Sz6kely, and Michael Tarjay, who have also written songs with biblical purport, and whose style despite HUNGARIAN MUSIC. ai their religious character, is quite Hun- garian. In the airs there is much melo- dious invention. Many a song sounds just like an earnest slow Hungarian tune. We see, therefore, how, even in the i6th century, those v/ho were of pure Hun- garian race were concerned with music and aimed at elevating our national music not only in secular songs, but by applying it to religious ditties. At this time Sebastian Tinodi lived, the lute-player of the i6th century, whom the people named “ Sebok-deak.” He was the prototype of the true lutist, wandering through the country, and play- ing his lute here and there. He wrote music to his songs. He was not only a true chronicler in his historical songs of the events of the i6th century, but he was the first Hungarian composer ; for the musical invention of his songs and their construction are of quite a Hun- garian character, and some of his songs, “ Sok csudak ” (Many a miracle), 22 A HISTORY OF “ Siess keresztyen” (Hasten Christian) are quite unique and possess abiding worth. The tune of his song ‘‘ Enyingi Torok*’ Francis Erkel has adapted in his famous funeral march in his opera “ Ladis- laus Hunyadi.” Tinodi’s songs passed from mouth to mouth at that time, and people began afterwards to perpetuate their style, as the numerous songs and ballads of the Thokoly and Rakoczy period show. The bloom of Hungarian music, however, began to take greater dimensions already with the spread of the Hungarian Reform- ation. Then the people sang in churches in their own language, and made their musical forms out of the tunes in the Psalter. At that time secular poems were often sung to the music of sacred songs, and in many tunes composed in the 17th century we recognise the tunes of the hymns of the Huguenots com- posed by Gaudimel which were natural- ized with us. HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 23 The most brilliant period of our Folk- songs is in the time of Thokoly and still more in that of Rakoczy. We can only wonder at the beauty, impressiveness, natural strength and characteristic rhythm of the so-called Kuvutz songs and be amazed at their variety. The Kurutz songs and other musical creations of that time are not only genuine musical pearls, but accurately reflect, also, the character and peculiarity of the Hun- garian music and form the source from which the later songs, tunes, recruiting songs, wedding and other dances, and the whole body of the so-called “hallgato magyar” melodies have sprung. If we take into consideration that the great masters, Handel and Sebastian Bach, were born, or in their childhood, when these songs arose, and that Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven — this triad of geniuses — lived 50 or 60 years later, we can scarcely ex- press our marvel at the astonishing variety and versatility of the bold forms and rich- A HISTORY OF H ness of the rhythm which had revealed itself in Hungarian music at the end of the 17th and the beginning of the i8th century. F. Liszt rightly remarks : There is no other music from which European musicians can learn so much rhythmic originality as the Hungarian.”^ At this time arose “ Rakdczi Ferencz dala ” (Song of Francis Rakoczi), “Ra- k6czi siralma” (Rakoczi’s complaint), and the “ Rakdczi n6ta (Rakoczi Tune), from which the world-renowned Rdkoczi March sprang a hundred years later. At this period were composed the numerous melancholy songs of the exiles: “Oszi harmat ” (Autumnal dew), “Ne busulj ” (Don’t be grieved), “ Adam Balogh’s tune” and “ Bercsenyi’s tune” which have enduring value, and also many folk-songs which arose later can be referred to this period, viz., “ Repiilj iecsk6m ” (Fly, my swallow), “ Az eg alatt” (Under the heaven), “ Voros bar- sony siivegem ” (My cap of red velvet), HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 25 “ Zold asztalon eg a gyertya ” (The candle is burning on the green table) ; and many other famous songs date from the Rakdczi period. From the middle of the 17th to the end of the 1 8th century, only the Song and the Tune (n6ta) were known in Hungarian music. The Song was a simple Folk- song, a war-song or a hymn. By “ Tune *' was implied a piece of music of greater extent. There was already, as we said, Thokoli, Rakoczi, Bercsenyi Tunes, from which sprang later the so-called “ hallgato magyar,” melodies which were intended for public performance. Also the differ- ent styles of Hungarian Dance-music arose in this period. We had two sorts of dances. Court dances and Peasant dances. The “Palace dance ” and the “ Slow Hungarian ” were court dances, the “ Dance tune ” and the “ Dumping tune ” were Peasant dances. The old Palace Dance was known exclu- sively as a court dance in the 15th century. 26 A HISTORY OF Its music is quite different from the diffi- cult tempoed music of its time, and from the later foreign dances : Saraband, Pavan and Minuet. Its melody was livelier and moved in quicker rhythms. The nobility and their ladies danced it ; and since it only consisted of slow turns and was rather a walking dance, old ladies and gentle- men, nay, even ecclesiastics, took part in it. In the music of this dance young Knights often showed their cleverness in a Hungarian solo, but at such occasions they moved more rapidly. This dance was danced also abroad as the ‘‘ Passo mezzo ongarese” or “Passo mezzo ongaro” and formed a separate part of the Italian “ Ballo.” From the Palace and the Slow Hun- garian Dance rose the “ Verbunkos,*’ which was danced at recruiting. No other nation beside the Hungarian pos- sesses such a dance. Popular dances were also the Lakodalmas (Wedding- dance), Incsilkcdd (the “Coquettish"), HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 27 Kaldkds^ which were in use at weddings ; the Sdtoros (Dance of the tents), Fegyveres (Dance of the arms), and Dohogo (Drum- ming-dance), which were danced in camps and after the battle. During the forties of the 19th Century several Hungarian Society dances arose, e.g.^ the Kormagyav (Ronde-magyar), the Filzev 4 dncz (Wreaths-dance), and the Csdrdds (Tavern-dance), which is still in vogue. As an excellent dance-composer, John Latova must be mentioned, belonging to the last century, who has written more than 80 works of this class. Antonis Csermak and Markus Rozsavolgyi who has written many excellent dances, fol- lowed him. At the end of the 17th century some of our artists attained celebrity and brought honour to Hungary abroad. One of these was J. Sigismund Cousser, born at Pozsony, who in 1697 at Hamburg helped Mattheson and Kaiser to create the first 28 A HISTORY OF German opera. He produced a large number of his operas there. His operas Erindo (1693), Porus (1694), Pyramus and Thisbe (1694), Scipio in Africa (1697), enjoyed great favour. In 1700 he was choirmaster at Dublin Cathedral, where he died about 1730."^ In the sphere of church-music Johann Francisci, born at Beszterczebanya in 1691, attained great honour as an excel- lent organist. He travelled through Germany, knew Mattheson and J. S. Bach, and had such renown that one of his friends in Breslau, Joh. Glettinger (1725), was inspired to make the follow- ing panegyric : Illustrious friend, Amphion’s progeny ; My fancy finds art's true ideal in thee. * The following works appeared in print : — '* *• Apollon enjoue,'* containing six overtures, “ The joy of the Muses” (Nuremberg, 1700), “ Ode on the death after renouned Arabella Hunt ’* (London), *• Serenade on the Birthday of the English King. George I.,” Dublin (1724). HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 29 Tny songs are like an angel’s songs above, And thus the world bestows on thee her love ; This only wish have I at my command, That thou may’st be the Orpheus of thy lamd. In 1733 he was invited to Pozsony, where he lived as church-choirmaster. He returned to his native land to a similar post in 1735. In the second half of the preceding century the higher circles cultivated secular music, especially Italian and German, to a great degree. They kept ex- cellent bands, and invited to their con- ductorship illustrious foreign conductors. The Esterhazys’ were pre-eminent for their patronage of music. Duke Nicholas Esterhazy, and afterwards his son Paul, had in Kis-Marton a theatre erected with great luxury, and a distinguished band, at the head of which was Joseph Haydn, afterwards Ignatz Pleyel, and lastly Johann Nep. Hummel. The Karolyis had permanent bands and theatres in Megyer, the Batthyany’s in Rohonez, and the 30 A HISTORY OF Erd5dy*s in Pozsony. The higher clergy were not behindhand in the culture of music and kept in their residences singers and musicians, placing distinguished foreign masters at their head, which was of great influence to the formation of the Church style and also of secular music. The illustrious contrapuntist and theorist Albrechtsberger, Beethoven’s master, lived at Gyor, Michael Haydn also and Karl Dittersdorf in Nagy-Varad. They all exercised great influence on the devel- opment of the musical life in the towns mentioned. That influence can still be seen in all the towns where there was a standing band, for at these places the taste for music and its encouragement has remained among the people till the present day. As examples, let us quote Kassa, Eger, Nagy-Varad, Pecs, Pozsony, Temesvar, where an excellent soil is prepared not only for concerts, but for theatrical exhibitions. After many of these bandmasters, musicians and HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 31 singers had founded families and re- mained in our land, the cultivation of music came more into fashion. Piano- playing began to spread at the beginning of this century. There was scarcely a nobleman’s house, where this instrument was not found. For this reason several illustrious foreign masters settled in Hun- gary and occupied themselves with piano- forte teaching. These masters were dis- ciples of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and thus the piano compositions of these three geniuses were introduced into aristocratic circles, where there must have been excellent players, since Beethoven has dedicated several of his classical piano sonatas to Hungarian ladies of high rank. The taste for music soon spread in middle-class society, and from this class proceeded our best musicians and com- posers. We must thank this movement for the fact that several Hungarian in- struction-books appeared at the begin- ning of the century. The first School for 32 A HISTORY OF Piano was written by Stephen Gati (Buda 1809), which was followed by Domcny’s and Milovitzkys Piano School, and a course of Harmony entitled the “ Hun- garian Apollo ” by Andreas Bartay. All these publications had a favourable effect on the development of music in general and that of Hungarian music in particular. The number of those who cultivated Hungarian music was already consider- able. From their ranks Johann Fuss arose (born Tolna, 1777, died Vienna, 1819) who was so conspicuous as a composer of all styles of music that he awoke the interest of Haydn. He generally lived at Vienna, but in 1800 he was invited to Pozsony as composer, where he received universal esteem. He wrote string quartettes, trios, duos for violin and piano, sonatas for piano, solos and duets, overtures, sacred works and numerous duologues. The greater part of his works are printed. HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 33 Two countrymen of ours attained world-^ wide renown at the beginning of this century — Johann Nep. Hummel (born on Nov. 14th, 1778, at Pozsony), and Franz Liszt (born 22nd October, 1811, at the village of Doborjan, in the County of Sopron). Hummel as a pianist belonged to the last cultivation of the classical style, and excelled by his free improvisa- ion. The number of his compositions exceeds 120, of which his concertos for the piano and his renowned Septet for Wind instruments are of abiding worth. He died at Weimar on the 7th of October, 1837. His birth place, Pozsony, erected a statue to his memory in 1888. Franz Liszt, awoke such wonder by his piano-playing in his 9th year, that he was called the second Mozart. The families of Szapary, Apponyi, Esterhazy, and Erdody guaranteed a yearly amount for the child’s education. His father took him to Vienna, where Charles Czerny and Salieri were his masters. At this c 34 A HISTORY OF time he was introduced to Beethoven who prophesied a brilliant future for the boy, and kissed him publicly at his first concert at Vienna. At the age of i6 — 17 he ravished the world with his concerts. At the end of 1848 he abandoned the role of virtuoso, devoted himself to com- position and settled in Weimar. There he began to write his incomparable Hun- garian Rhapsodies, 15 in all, in which he employed the prettiest Folk-songs, and Dances, and the R^koczy March. By his means Hungarian music was spread and made popular in Europe. He was the creator of the Rhapsody and of the Symphonic Poem. In the last named composition he employed many Hun- garian tunes e.g, in “ Battle of the Huns ” and “ Hungaria,’* and proved hereby that Hungarian music is capable of being applied to serious purposes. We should have to write books in order to do justice to his many-sidedness as a composer and to his compositions. HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 35 Also as a tone-poet he occupies a high place. He was the apostle of Richard Wagner, who later became his son-in- law, and he paved the way for that great musical reformer. In 1862, he went to Rome, where he lived in the seclusion of the Convent Monte Maria and there under the title of an Abbe received the lowest clerical ordi- nation. At this time he wrote his most important works, his oratorio, “ St. Eliza- beth,” first performed in Budapest in 1865, his renowned Hungarian Corona- tion March in 1867 and his oratorio, “ Christus,” which was first performed in Budapest in 1875. In both of the former he employed many Hungarian melodies. He was President of the Royal Hun- garian Academy of Music in 1875, where he taught the piano to the highest class. He died at Bayreuth on the 31st of July, 1886. We Hungarians may be proud of the fact that the great gladiators of piano- 36 A HISTORY OF playing, Hummel and Liszt, were our countrymen. A worthy contemporary of Liszt’s was Francis Erkel(born 5th November, 1810, at B6kes-Gyula. Died at Budapest 15th June, i860). He can be confidently named as the creator of the Hungarian original opera, for all that was produced in this sphere before him by Joseph Rusicska with his ‘‘ Flight of Bela,” Joseph Heinisch with his ** Election of King Matthias,’' and Andreas Bartay with his opera entitled ‘‘ Cunning,” can scarcely be regarded as aught else than as a more or less successful attempt at soaring, although genuine Hungarian music played a considerable part in, these works. Fran- cis Erkel’s merits on this field are im- mortal. He showed the path to be followed and the means to be adopted that Hungarian opera might be a worthy companion of foreign musical drama. In 1848 he wrote “ Maria Bathori,” this was followed by Ladislaus Hunyadi,” which HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 37 was received with enthusiasm. Individual parts of this opera, the remarkable over- ture, the swan song, the church scene, the funeral March, can be said to be of classical value in the literature of Hungarian music. In i860 his “ Bank Ban ” was performed. In this work he attained very original and striking effects by the use of the Hungarian cymbal, along with old instruments seldom em- ployed. In the scene on the banks of the Tisza he made the shepherd’s pipe sound (of course represented by 2 piccolos) and gives to individual scenes a thoroughly Hungarian character. His opera “ Sa- rolta” was performed in 1862. ‘‘ George D6za ” followed in 1874, “ Nameless Heroes ” in 1880, “ George Brankovics ’* in 1874 and ‘‘King Stephen” in 1885. The last work he wrote in his 76th year, despite which the melodic invention and instrumentation are as fresh as in his [early?] works. He also takes first place as bandmaster. 38 A HISTORY OF In his artistic life of more than half a century he laid the foundations of the Philharmonic Concerts in Budapest, in 1850, and conducted them for eighteen years. We cannot speak with detail of his services as bandmaster but can only men- tion the fact that it is through him that the orchestra of the National Theatre has gained European renown, His name will always live as the composer of the national hymn “Isten aldd meg a magyart ” (God save the Magyar) so long as there is a Hungarian in the land. As a dramatic composer Charles Gold- mark stands in the first rank, who, in the sphere of symphonies, chamber music, and song composition, enjoys a wide re- putation not only in his own country but in all the cultivated world. Goldmark was born at Keszthely in 1832. He awoke real enthusiasm in i860 when he came before the public with his Suite composed for violin and piano and his HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 39 Overture “ Sakuntala ** of eastern char- acter. Goldmark belongs to those pre- eminent men of talent who distinguish themselves by originality, feeling, a vein of poetry, noble inspiration and interesting harmony. He is also a master of brilliant orchestration. Of his works the most remarkable are the Symphony “ The Country Wedding,’* the overtures ‘‘ Pen- thesilea,” ‘‘ Spring,” and ‘‘ Sappho.” These works are found in the repertoires of Philharmonic Concerts all the world over. He gained the greatest success with his opera, “ The Queen of Sheba ” (1873), In this work his musical talents are at their best. In 1886, thirteen years later, his opera ‘‘Merlin” was performed. In this he abandoned his eastern style, and, curbing his individuality, has pro- duced a work of grand style and of noble melody, which is almost equal to the “ Queen of Sheba.” Of late he has tried his powers in the lyric sphere, and with his new opera “ A hazi tiicsok ” (Cricket 40 A HISTORY OF on the hearth) he has repeatedly shown his many-sided brilliant talents. His music has much of Hungarian character in melody and conception alike. Goldmark works slowly and re-writes much, but what he does write, be it a piece for the piano, a song, an orchestral piece, or an opera, all stands on a high level. In the sphere of opera there are at pre- sent Karl Them, the composer of Voros- marty’s “ Song of F6t,*’ whose operas “ Gizul ” and ‘‘ The Siege of Tihany,*' gained great success in 1840 ; further, Charles Huber with his comic opera, “The Szekely Maid,” into which he has worked several of our prettiest songs. Charles Huber has done much as a violin teacher ; he wrote an excellent violin school into the practical part of which he has incor- porated many Hungarian songs. From his compositions we must single out “ 5 Hungarian Fantasias for Violin and Piano,” and many patriotic male choruses, HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 41 Freedom’s song,” “ Memory of our An- cestors,” “National flags,” “For holy fatherland,” “ Song of inspiration,” etc. His son Eugene Hubay is one of the most renowned violinists, who enjoys great fame not only in Hungary but abroad. Thus far he has written three operas. Alienor,” and “ The Lutanist of Cre- mona,” were first performed in the Royal Hungarian Opera House. With the latter he gained success abroad. Of late he has struck out a new style with his opera “ Falu rossza ” (The bad fellow of the village) — the so-called popular oper- etta, which from beginning to end contains the prettiest Hungarian music, while the new arts of modern technique are applied simultaneously. A very cultivated, fertile, and many- sided man is Edmund Mihalovich. As a composer he is a disciple of the new school. The style of the Symphonic Poem, cre- ated by Liszt, he cultivates with success. His works, “ Hero and Leander,” “ La 42 A HISTORY OF Ronde du Sabbat,’* “ The ghostly vessel,” and “ Sello ” (Nymph) are all eminentt His tunes are noble, his orchestration masterly. Thus far he has written two operas, “ Hagbarth und Signe *’ and “Toldi’s Love.” In Hungarian music he is very successful, as is proved by his compositions for orchestra, ‘‘Dirge in memory of Francis Deak,” and “ Toldi’s Love.” Richard Wagner highly es- teemed his musical talents, and wrote “ Wieland the Smith ” for him. Francis Sarossy has also written the successful operas “ Atala ** and “ The last Aben- cerage.” It is a matter for congratulation that we have talented composers among the younger generation. One of these is Emerich Elbert, who has shown dramatic power in the opera “ Tamora ” ; further Edmund Farkas whose two operas, “ The Penitents” and “ Valentin Balassa,” are written with beautiful melodic invention ; Julius Mannheimer whose opera “Mari- HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 43 tana,” and Maurice Varinecz whose Rosamunda ” and Ratclif ” have been performed abroad. As cultivators of Hungarian music we must mention Michael Mosonyi (born in 1814 in Boldogasszonyfalva, county Moson),and Cornelius Abranyi, sen., who have rendered great services in the de- velopment of Hungarian music. Mosonyi in the fifties played a leading role in Pesth, and was an authority on church and chamber music. He wrote string quartets, Symphonies and religious com- positions. In 1850 he applied himself with all his heart to the cultivation of Hungarian music. He gained great suc- cess with his pieces de circonstance : The memory of Kazinczy, Szechenyi- Mourning, Festive Ouverture, Victory and Grief of the Hungarian Honved. The Hungarian ballad, the song, the male and mixed choruses, the Cantata and the opera are beholden to him for excellent works. Among his best works 44 A HISTORY OF are ‘‘ The Festival of the old Hungarians at the river Ung** and “Fair Ilona,*’ a romantic Hungarian opera. As teacher and distinguished musical savant he had excellent scholars, e.g.y Alexander Erkel, Julius Erkel, Edmund Mihalovich, Ladislaus Zimay, etc. He died in 1870. Franz Liszt composed a funeral March in his memory. Cornelius Abranyi played not only an important role in the spread of Hungarian music, but as composer he also takes a high place. His songs and ballads for solo voice, his fantasias for piano, are excellent specimens of Hungarian music. He has distinguished himself also as a writer on music. He founded the first Hungarian musical journal. He wrote instruction books, such as A School of Composition, A General History of Music and The Peculiarities of Hungarian Music. He founded at Arad the National Choral Society. The number of his compositions reaches nearly 100. HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 45 Edward Bartay has done much for the spread of Hungarian Music. From i860 ke has taken an active part in our musical movements. At present he is director of the National Conservatorium. He has written piano pieces, choruses, and instru- mental works, which have been often performed with success. In the cultiva- tion of orchestral and chamber music Julius Beliczay, I. Julius Major, Francis Xav. Szabo, Paul Jambor, Arpad Kes- marky and Isidor Bator are eminent for many excellent works. Virtuoso playing which Liszt brought to great perfection has had great expo- nents also in our country, among them Emerik Szekely (born in 1823 at Matyus- falva, county Ugocsa) must be mentioned. Among his compositions are string quar- tets, trios and sonatas, but his fame is founded on his 32 Hungarian Fantasias, written for piano, and his 12 music idylls in which he has elaborated the greates treasures of our modern Folk-songs. 46 A HISTORY OF Stephen Heller, the illustrious pianist, born at Budapest in 1815, achieved great success in 1830. The number of his works for the piano is 140. They are character- ised by originality, good taste, elegant treatment and richness of melody. Since 1838 he lived at Paris, where he took first rank among distinguished pianoforte teachers, and where he died.* A Hungarian pianist of European re- nown is Count G6za Zichy, who, in his 14th year, by an unlucky wound from a gun lost his right arm. By unwearied diligence he succeeded in training his left hand so that not only in Hungary but in the whole cultivated world he had excited the greatest admiration by his pianoforte playing. As a composer he has written several songs, many excellent works for choruses and the opera “Alar.” He * Stephen Heller, although born at Budapest, was not, however, an Hungarian. His parents were German JeVvs who had settled in Pesth. Ed. Musical Standard. HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 47 writes almost all the text to his own compositions. In the composition of Hungarian songs^ ballads, and male choruses the principa writers are : Benjamin Egressy the author of the melody of the “ Szozat,” with his noble popular songs; Ladislaus Zimay, Victor Langer, Ernest Lanyi, with their romances ; Alexander Erkel, the distin- guished bandmaster, with his patriotic male choruses ; Francis Gaal and Alois Tarnay. With our musical literature there is closely connected a species of Hungarian drama, the Popular Play, which takes its subjects from common life and which has the Folk-song and the dance as one of its principal elements. Edward Szigligety was the creator of this style of art. To his first two pieces, “ Szokott Katona ** (The Deserter), and Csikds ” (The Coltherd), Josef Szerda- helyi wrote the music, using for that pur- pose our oldest and most original songs. Also the music to ‘‘ Matyas Diak ** (The 48 A HISTORY OF Student Matthias), Bdnyarem (The terror of the mine), “ Liliomfi ” is written by him. Later writers of the same order are Benjamin Egressy, Ignaz Bogndr,^ Julius Kaldy, Julius Erkel, Alexander Nikolits. Executants in this branch are Mimi de Can, Michel Fiiredy, Josef Tamasy, Madame Hegediis, and Madame Blaha. This style of drama greatly con- tributed to the fact that popular Hungar-^ ian music became known and appreciated abroad, for our publishers, directly after the performance of a piece, published the prettiest songs in it and circulated them not only in Hungary but also in Europe, so as to admit of foreign composers familiar- ising themselves with Hungarian music. We should have to write a regular anthology if we reckoned up all the com- positions which famous foreign composers have written in the Hungarian style, or in which they have used Hungarian songs. In the works of Haydn, Beethoven, Schu- oert, and Weber we find many Hungarian HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 49 passages. We can mention only a few of the later composers, and thus we may credit Berlioz with the transcription of the renowned Rak6czy march ; Volkmann with “ Visegrad,” Twelve sketches tor piano called Hungarian sketches,*’ “ Souvenir of Maroth ; ” At the tomb Count Sz6chtnyi ; ” John Brahms with four volumes of Hungarian dances, Hun- garian and Gipsy songs ; Raft with Hun- garian dances ; Hofmann with a Hungar- ian suite ; Billow a ‘‘ Heroic March ; ” Massenet, Hungarian March ; Delibes, parts of his ballet “ Copelia ; ” Mascagni, Friend Fritz.” Besides these the famous pianoforte and violin artists Drei- schock, Thalberg, Wilmers, Schulhof, Rubinstein, Molique, Sarasate have writ- ten for their instruments Variations and Fantasias in Hungarian style with the introduction of favourite songs. When in i860 operettas came into fashion some composers tried their powers in this branch. Among the earlier ones were D 50 A HISTORY OF Geza Allaga and Charles Huber ; after- wards Julius Kaldy, Alexius Erkel, Bela Hegyi, Eugene Stojanovites. More recently some have gained success in ballet music, and excellent music has been written by Charles Szabados, who with his ballet, ‘‘ Viora,” roused great enthusiasm. Eugene Stojanovites with his ballet “ Csardas,” Stephen Kerner with “ Le cheval de bronze,” Lewis Toth and Albert Metz with their ballet ‘‘Day and Night,” have shown excellent powers of composition. Many conspicuous countrymen of ours have won honour for Hungary abroad, e.g.^ Josef Joachim, the greatest violinist of modern times, the Director of the High School in Berlin. Also among his com- positions the most valuable is the Hun- garian Concerto. Edward Remenyi, Leopold Auer, Director of the Conserva- torium at St. Petersburg, Edmund Singer, Rafael Joseph!. Renowned conductors are Hans Richter, Sucher (Berlin), Seidel HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 51 (New York) ; singers : Mme. Mainville, Mme. Schoedel, Louise Liebhardt, Cor- nelia Hollosy, Rosa Csillag, Ida Benza, Francis Steger, Josef Wurda, John Beck, Lewis Bignio, etc. As pianists and teachers we must further mention Antonio Sipos, with his numerous compositions for the piano, John Theindl and Willy Deutsch, who took an active part in the musical life of the capital. Teachers of composition were Michael Mosonyi and Alexander Nikolits ; one might almost say that nearly all the younger generation have had their educa- tion from them. As writers on music beside the above mentioned Abranyi, are Gabriel Matray and Stephen Bartalus. The first made the old Hungarian music known by his work ‘‘The melodies of historical, biblical and satirical Hungar- ian songs of the 17th century.” Bartalus issued his interesting publication, “ The Hungarian Orpheus,” a collection of mis- cellaneous matter of the i8th and 19th 52 A HISTORY OF centuries and a general collection of Hungarian songs. Recently Julius Kaldy with his works, “The Treasures of old Hungarian Music,” “ Old Hungarian War Songs,” “ Recruit- ing Songs,” “ Songs and Marches of the War for Freedom,” has aroused much enthusiasm. We must mention that in Hungary since the beginning of this century many institutions and schools for the cultivation of music have arisen. In Kolozsvar in 1819, the first Hungarian Conservatorium now existing was founded (the first Hun- garian Opera was performed there in 1821). In 1833 Arad followed this ex- ample. An artistic association founded a similar institution at Pesth called The Musicians Society, which in its turn founded the National Conservatoire. In i860, Debreczen founded in its turn a Conservatoire, while Kassa, Szeged and Sabadka, followed its example. In i860 the National Dramatic School HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 53 was opened in Budapest, in which opera- tic song was also taught. At the same time the Society of Musical Amateurs was founded, and the Musical Academy of Buda. Later in both these institutes a Music School was organized. In 1875 the National Hungarian Academy of Music was opened with Franz Liszt and Francis Erkel at the head of it. Ultimately the Hungarian School of Music was opened under the presidency of Julius Kaldy, Alexander Nikolits and Julius Major, who have undertaken the special field of cultivation and instruction in Hungarian music. Beside these there are in Budapest, as in the larger provincial towns, many musical and choral societies, and at Budapest as brilliant a concert season as at Vienna or Leipzig. In the first rank we must name the concerts of the Phil- harmonic Society, the Budapest Society of amateurs, the Buda Musical Academy, also the performances of the National 54 A HISTORY OF Academy of Music, the National and the Hungarian School of Music, and also the concerts of the several musical societies. We must add the appearance of many famous foreign violinists, pianists and singers who visit Budapest regularly. Lately historical concerts have been started, by Stephen Bartalus and Julius Kaldy reviving the most precious relics of the 17th and i8th centuries. These con- certs, in consequence of their historical and scientific character, are generally given in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, We have cause for pride that Hun- garian music has in a comparatively short time reached so high a level. If we compare it with the music of other nations the Italian, French, and German, the result is really surprising. At the Festivities of the thousandth year of the nation we can point to world-renowned composers among our countrymen and eminent works in all branches of music. HUNGARIAN MUSIC. 55 and having regard to the past develop- ment and advance of Hungarian music we can look with full confidence and with great hope to the future. :■■■ i 2 W. REEVES, 83, CHARING CROSS ROAD, W.C. Piano Teaching. Advice to Pupils and Young Teachers, by F. 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Buxton Foxmdin^ portrait ^ Seventh Edition, 8 pp., cr. 8vo, ouckram, 7s. 6d. 1902 THE LETTERS OF JOHN KEATS (Large type), Com- plete Revised Edition, with a Portrait not punlished in previous Editions, and 24 Contemporary Views of Places visited by Keais, Edited by H. Buxton Forman, 519 pp., cr. 8vo, Duckram, 8s. THE AWAKENING OF WOMEN; or Woman’s Part in Evolution, by P'rancis Swmey, crown 8vo, cloth, 5s. net» '* Strong and soul-stirring The book of the age on the woman question .” — The Woman s, Tribune. It is most carefully thought out. ..... The authorities quoted all seem to point to the fact that woman is more highly evolved than man.— Mrs. Ada Ballin, editor of “ Womanhood ” 8 W. REEVES, 83, CHARING CROSS ROAD, W.C.. SHELLEY’S PRINCIPLES has time refuted or confirmed them, a Retrospect and Forecast, by H. S. Salt, post 8vo, IS. PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY, Poet and Pioneer, a Bio- graphical Study by H. S. Salt, etched portrait, cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. SHELLEY LIBRARY (The), An Essay in Bibliography, by H. Buxton Forman, Shelley’s Books, Pamphlets and Broadsides, Posthumous Separate Issues, and Posthumous Books, wholly or mainly by him, 127 pp„ 8vo, parts i and 2, wrappers, 3s. 6d. each. A SHELLEY PRIMER, By H. S. Salt, cr. 8vo, bds. 2S. 6d. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe), THE POETICAL WORKS (in large type), given from his own Editions and other Authentic Sources, collated with many MSS., and with all Editions of Authority, together with his Prefaces and Notes, his Poetical Translations and Fragments, and an Appendix of Juvenalia, Edited by H. Buxton Forman, with the Notes of Mary Woll- stonecraft Shelley, etched portrait, 2 vols., cr. 8vo, cloth (with Design in Gold on cover by Rossetti), 12s. Fourth Edition in the press, SIDONIA THE SORCERESS, by William Meinhold. Translated by Lady Wilde, with the Amber Witch, translated by Lady Duff Gordon, in 2 vols., crown 8vo, 8s. 6d. 1894 THOMSON (James, “B. 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The Social Aspects of Christianity, and other Essays by Richard T. Ely, Ph.D. Cr. 8vo, cloth, 2S. (paper, is.) Progress and Poverty, by Henry George. Cloth, IS. 6d., or Cabinet Edition, cloth, 2s. 6d. (paper, is.) Karl Marx’s Theory of Value (Complete), forming the First 9 Chapters of “ Capital.” Cr. 8vo, cloth, 2S. (pap er, is.) Looking Backward, by Edward Bellamy, with copious Index and Portrait. Limp cloth, is. 6d., Cabinet Edition, Steel Portrait, 2S. 6d. (also cheap editions, paper covers, 6d. and is.) Co-operative Commonwealth: Exposition of Modern Socialism, by L. Gronlund. English Edition. Third Edition. Edited by B. Shaw. Cr. Svo, cloth, 2S. (paper, is.) Tennyson as a Thinker, by Henry S. Salt, paper, 6d. (or large paper copies, is. 6d.) Patriotism and Christianity, by Count Leo Tolstoy. Cr. 8vo, cloth, is. (paper, 6d.) Laws of Eternal Life : Being Studies in the Church jCatechism by Rev. Stewart D. Headlam. Cr. Svo, cloth, 2S. (paper, is.) Woman. 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Life of Robert Schumann, with Letters, 1833-1852, by von Wasielewski, Translated by A. L. Alger, with Preface by W, A. Barrett, B. Mus. cr. 8vo, cloth, 8s. 6d. W. REEVES, 83, CHARING CROSS ROAD, W.C. IT Franz Liszt, by T. Carlaw Martin, 6d. Half a Century of Music in England, 1837-1887, By F. Hueffer, 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. (pub. 8s. 6d.) Templeton and Malibran : Reminiscsnces of these Renowned Singers, with Original Letters and Anecdotes, 3 Authentic Portraits by Mayall, 8vo, cloth, 2S. 6d. Balfe, His Life and Works, by W. A. Barrett, ero 8vo, bevelled cloth, 3s. 6d. (pub. 7s. 6d.) Statham (H. H.), Form and Design in Music, a Brief Outline of the Esthetic conditions of the Art, addressed to general Readers (in a readable Literary form ... in everyday language), 8vo, cloth, 2s. (pub. 5s.) Beethoven, by Richard Wagner, with a Supplement from the Philosophical Works of Arthur Schopenhauer, trans, by Edward Dannreuther, 2nd Ed., cr. 8vo, cl., 6s. Chopin, Life of, by Franz Liszt, new and very much Enlarged Edition, Englished in lull now for the first time by John Broadhouse, cr. 8vo, cloth, 6s. Wagner, Der Ring des Nibelungen, being the story concisely told ot Das Rhinegold, Die Walkiire, Siegfried and Gotterdammerung, by N. Kilburn, post 8vo, gd. Box (C.), Church Music in the Metropolis, its Past and present Condition, with Notes Critical and Explana- tory, post 8vo, cloth, 3s. The Past and the Future, Inaugural Lecture at Gresham College, Nov. 1890, by J. Frederick Bridge Mus. Doc., cr. 8vo, sewed, 6d. English Hymn Tunes from the i6th Century to the Present Time, by the Rev. A. W. Malim, containing 21 Musical Illustrations, 8vo, sewed, is. Beethoven, Life of, by Louis Nohl, translated by John J. Lalor, 2nd Edition, cr. 8vo, bevelled cloth, gilt edges, 3s. 6d. English Glee and Madrigal Writers, by W. A.- Barrett, 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d. 12 W. REEVES, 83 , CHARING CROSS ROAD, AV.C. 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Manual of Musical History, from the Epoch Ancient Greece to our present time by Dr. F. L. Ritter* 2nd Edition, cr. 8vo, ci., 2s. 6d. On Conducting, by Richard Wagner, translated by E. Dannreuther, Second Edition, cr. 8vo., cloth, 5s. Music in England, by Dr. F. L. Ritter, cr. 8vo, cl., 6s. Music in America, by Dr. F. L. Ritter, cr. 8vo, bevelled cloth, 7s. 6d. DUDLEY BUCK’S Complete Pronouncing Dictionary of Musical Terms. By Dr. Dudley Buck. Third Edition with the Pronunciation of each Term accurately given, cr, 8yo, paper cover 6d., (cloth Is). The Student’s Helmholtz, Musical Acoustics or the Phenomena of Sound as connected with Music, by John Broadhouse, with more than 100 Illustrations, 3rd Edition, cr. 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. The Student’s History of Music. History f Music, from the Christian Era to the present time by Dr. F. L. Ritter. 3rd Edition, thick cr. 8vo., cloth, 7s. 6d. Harmony and the Classification of Chords, with Questions and Exercises, by Dr. J. H. 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Musical Shorthand for Composers, Students of Harmony, Counterpoint, etc., can be written very rapidly and is more legible than printed music, with Specimens from Bach, Handel, Chopin, Wagner, Men- delssohn, Spohr, Mozart, etc., by Francis Taylor, 14 pages, i2mo, 6d. “ Composers and Students of Music expend a vast amount of time in mere painful mechanism.” We have only six totally uijhke signs. These from their simplicity can be written with great rapidity, one dip of the pen suffic- ing for an entire page, and the waiting being as legible as possible. — Preface, I WORKS ON THE PIANOFORTE, &c, | Greater Works of Chopin, (Polonaises, Mazurkas, Nocturnes, etc.) and how they should be played, by J. Kleczynski, translated by Miss N. Janotha and edited by Sutherland Edwards, with Portrait, Facsimile, etc., cr. 8vo, cloth, 5s. Music and Musicians, Essays and Criticisms, by . Robert Schumann, translated, edited and annotated by «y. F. R. 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Beethoven’s Pianoforte Sonatas Explained by Ernst von Elterlein trans. by E. Hill, with Preface by Ernst Pauer, entirely new and revised edition (the Fifth), with Portrait, Facsimile and View of House, cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. Beethoven’s Symphonies in their Ideal Significance, explained by Ernst von Elterlein, translated by Francis Weber, with an account of the facts relating to Beet- hoven’s loth Symphony, by L. Nohl, Second Editioti, with Portrait, cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. Beethoven’s Symphonies Critically discussed by A. T. Teetgen. Second Edition, cloth, 33. 6d. The Deppe Finger Exercises for rapidly develop- ing an Artistic Touch in Pianoforte Playing, carefully arranged, classified and explained by Amy Fay, English Fingering, folio, is. 6d. (Continental Fingering, is. 6d.) How TO Play Chopin. The Works of Chopin and their proper Interpretation. By Kleczynski, translated by A. Whittingham, 5th. Ed., Woodcut and Music Illus^ Post 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. Schumann's Rules and Maxims for young Musi- cians. 4d. Practice Register for Pupil’s Daily Practice. A specimen, id., or is. 4d. per 100. Reeves’ Vamping Tutor, Art of Extemporaneous Accompaniment or Playing by ear on the Pianoforte, rapidly enabling anyone having an ear for music (with or without any knowledge of musical notation), to W. REEVES, 83, CHARING CROSS ROAD, W.C. 15 accompany Waltzes, Polkas, Songs, and with equal facility in any key, with practical examples, including Ma Normandi (in C), Lilia’s a Lady, The Swiss Boy, Home, Sweet Home, Blue Bells of Scotland, Nancy Dawson, Ma Normandi (in A), The Miller of the Dea by Francis Taylor, folio, 2s. The Great Classic for the Piano, Bach (J. S.), 48 Preludes and 48 Fugues in all the major and minor keys in 2 vols, folio, 3s. each (or in i vol, stiff covers, cloth back, 7s. 6d. Mozart’s Don Giovanni, a Commentary, from the 3rd French Edition of Charles Gounod, by W. Clark and J. T. Hutchinson, cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. Tuning the Pianoforte. — Smith (Hermann), The Art of Tuning the Pianoforte, a New and Comprehen- sive Treatise to enable the musician to Tune his Pf. upon the System founded on the Theory of Equal Tem- perament, cr. 8vo, limp cloth, New Ed, thoroughly revised, 2S. A History of Pianoforte Music, With Critical Estimates of its Greatest Masters and Sketches of their Lives, by John C. Fillmore, cr. 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. Transposition at Sight, For Students of the Organ and Pianoforte, by H. Ernst Nichol, 2nd Edition, cr. 8vo, sewed, is., cloth, is. 6d. THE VIOUN, I Information for Players, Owners, Dealers and Makers of Bow Instruments, also for String Manu- facturers, taken from Personal Experiences, Studies and Observations, by William Hepworth, with Illustra- tions of Stainer and Guarnerius Violins, etc., cr. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6d, Notice of Anthc-ny Stradivari, the celebrated Vio- lin Maker known by the name o^ Stradivarius, preceded by Historical and Critical Researches on the Origin and Tiansformations of Bow Instruments, and followed by a Theoretical Analysis of the Bow, etc., by F. J. Fetis, translated by J. Bishop, Facsimile, 8vo, cloth, 5s. Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers, including Performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass, Past and Present, containing a Sketch of their Artistic Career, together with Notes of their Composidons, by A. Mason Clarke, with 9 portraits, post 8vo, bevelled cl., 5s. l6 W. KEEVES, 83, CHARING CROSS ROAD, W.C. How TO Make a Violin, Practically Treated, 2 Fold- ing Plates and many Illustrations, by J. Broadhouse, cr. 8vo, bevelled cloth, 3s. 6d. Violin Manufacture in Italy and its German Origin, by Dr. E. Schebek, translated by W. E. Lawson, 8vo., sewed, is. Sketches of Great Violinists and Great Pianists* Biographical and Anecdotal, with Account of the Violin and Early Violinists (Viotti, Spohr, Paganini, De Beriot, Ole Bull, dementi, Moscheles, Schumann (Robert and Clara), Chopin, Thalberg, Gottschalk, Liszt), by G.- T. Ferris ; Second Edition^ bevelled cloth, 3s 6d. (or gilt edges, 4s. 6d.) Facts about Fiddles, Violins Old and New. By J. Broadhouse, 3rd Edition, 6d. Technics of Violin Playing. By Karl Courvoisier. With Illustrations, 4th Edition, paper is. (or cloth, thick paper, 2s. 6d.) Highly commended by Joachim. How TO Play the Fiddle, for Beginners on the Violin. ByH.W. and G.Gresswell. 4th edition, is., (cl, 2s.) Autobiography of Louis Spohr. 2 volsin i,thick 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. 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The Six Books Complete, hand- somely bound in red cloth, gilt edges, ob. folio, los. 6d. (issued at 20s.), or the six parts 7s. 6d. (issued at 6s. each.) Organs and Organists in Parish Churches, A Handbook of the Law relating to the Custody, Control and Use of Organs, and to the Position, Lights, and Disabilities of Organists, to which is Added a Chapter on the Hiring of Pianos, and on “ The Three Years System,” by William C. A. Blow, M.A., Oxon., of the Inner Temple, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, cr. 8vo, cl., 2S.6d. A Short History of the Organ, Organists, and Services of the Chapel of Alleyn’s College, Dulwich, with Extracts from the Diary of the Founder, by W. H. Stocks, cr. 8vo, sewed, is. The Influence of the Organ in History. By £)udley Buck, is. Henry Smart’s Organ Compositions Analysed. By J. Broadhouse, cr. 8vo, cloth, 2S. 6d. Reform in Organ Building, by Thomas Casson, 6d» The Organ, Its Compass, Tablature, and Short and Incomplete Octaves, by John W. 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By John Hiles, 3rd Edition, thick post 8vo, price is. Advice to Singers on every point of interest in referencetothe Vocal Organs The Throat in its Relation to Singing, a series of Popular Papers by Whitfield Ward, A.M., M.D. With engravings, cloth, 3s. 6d. How TO Sing an English Ballad. By E. Philp, 7th Edition, 6d. Vocal Exercises for Choirs and Schools. By Dr* Westbrook, 2d. Rudiments of Vocal Music. With 42 Preparatory Exercises, Rounds and Songs in the Treble Clef, by T. Mee Pattison, 2nd Ed., 4d. Some Famous Songs, an Art Historical Sketch. By F. R. Ritter, is. Voice Production and Vowel Enunciation, by F. F. Mewburn Levien, Diagrams by Arthur C.Behrend, post 8vo, 6d. Position and Action in Singing, a Study of the True Conditions of Tone, a Solution of Automatic (Ar- tistic) Breath Control, by Edmund J. Myer, cr. 8vo, 4s. 6d. 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Story of the Cross, Music by H . Clifton Bowker, 2d. 12. Story of the Cross, Music by Dr. Geo. Prior, 2d. W. REEVES, 83, CHARING CROSS ROAD, W.C. 23 The Organist s Quarterly Jouhnal- (®f Original dtompositious. Founded by DR« Wm# SPARK, Late organist, Town Hall, Leeds Non-iyubscribers, 5/-each. Subscription, 10/6 for 4 issues. New Series, Volume, containing 160 large pages, bound in cloth, 18s. Parc 12. New Series 1. In Memoriam - - Rev. Geof. C. Ryly. M.A., Mus. Bac. Oxon. 2. Toccata G. B. Polleri. 3. Overture from Epiphany . . - . Alfred King, M.D. Part XI., New Series. 1. Prelude AND Fugue with Postlude - E. A. Chamberlayne. 2. Prelude and Fugue F. Young. 3. Fugue Archibald Donald. 4. Fugue William Hope. Part 10, New Series. 1. Fugue - Archibald Donald. 2. Prelude and Fugue with Postlude - - E. A. Chamberlayne 3. Prelude and Fugue . - . - - - F. Young. Part 0, New Series. 1. Andante con Moto - - - W. a. Montgomery, L.T C.L. 2. Fantasia in E minor - - - - Cuthbert Harris, Mus. B., 3. Postlude at Ephes. V. v. 19. tibi placeat, Mihi con displicei W,Conradi,(Y.oi B. 1816;, Paul'sOrg. St. Church, Schwerin i/mGermany 4. Harvest March Henry J. Poole, Part 8, New Series. 1. Scherzo Minuet W.Mullineux, Organist of the Town Hall, Bolton. 2. Introduction to the Hymn on the Passion, O Haupt Voll Blut und Wunden ” W. CoNRADi. Organist Paul s Church, Schwerin, Germany, 3. Thesis and Antithesis, or Dispute, Appeasement, Conciliation W» CoNRADi, Organist Paul’s Church. Schwerin, Germany. 4. Carillon in E - - Cuthbert Harris, Mus. B., F.R. C O., &c. 5. Andante “ Hope ” Inglis Bervon. 6. Orchestral March in C James Crapper. L. Mus., Organist of the Parish Ch., Kirkcudbright, Part 7, New Series. 1. Andante Grazioso in G - - - Chas. E. Melville, F.R. C.O. 2. Polish Song, Arranged for the organ by Percival Garrett. - Chopin. 3. Introduction, Variations, and Finale on the Hymn Tune ‘ Rock- ingham. ’ Ch. R. Fisher, Mus. B. 4. Two Soft Movements W. C. Filby, I.S.M. I. “ Espdrance.” 2. “ Tendrerse.” j. Andante in A fiat W. Griffiths, Mus. B , Org. ot St. Sepulchre Church, Northampton. 6. Fugue, 4 Voice, 3 Subjects Dr. J. C. Tii ly. 24 W. REEVES, 83> CHARING CROSS ROAD, W.C The Organist’s Quarterly Journal (cont.). Part 6, Hew Series. Xt Cow Moto Moderato in C Orlando A. Mansfield, Mus.B., F.R.C.O. а. Tsmpo di Menuetto Geo. H. Ely. 3, DiRGE IN Memoriam, REGINALD Adkins - J. E. Adkins, F.R.C.O. 4, Andante ia F R. H. Heath. 5, Aberystwyth Offertoire - - - - J. G, Mountford. б. Andante in D (Prldre) . . . E. Evelyn Barron, M. A. Part S, New X. Allegretto Scherzando in A flat 9. Andante Relig:oso in G - 3 March Pomposo in E flat 4. Andante Con Moto “ Twilight ” 5. Minuet in F Series, W. E. Ashmall. Dr J. Bradf®rd. Charles Darnton. Ch. R. Fisher, Mus.B. W E. Belcher, F.R.C.O Part 4, New Series. I. Andante Moderato F. Read. а. Prelude and Fugue in D minor - . - E. A. Chamberlayne. 3. Sketch Arthur Geo. Colborn. 4. Fugue James Turpin. 5 Allegro Charles H. Fisher. б. Marche Mystique Theme by Roland, de Lassus.— A Relic of Ancient Times. Part 3, Hew Series. Minuet AND Trio in F - - Ed. J. Bellerby, Mus. B., Oxon. ** Dundee "(“ or French ”) ... - John P. Attwater. Adagio. An Elegy in G minor - - Chas. R. Fisher, Mus. B. Anbante. a major - F. Hone. Allegro, D minor ■ - - . - * ■ ■ Gko. Minns (Ely). Part 2, New Series. Toccata Fantasia {Study in C minor ) - Andante Grazioso Marche Funebre Andante Semplice - Festal March E. T. Driffiel. - W. Faulkes. Arthur Wanderer. E. A. Chamberlayne, - A. W. Ketelbey. Part 1, New Series. 1. Offertoire in A minor - - - Fred. W. Dal (Leipzig), a. Second Fantasia on Scotch Airs - - : William Spark. 3. Adeste Fidkles with Variations and Fugue) - Charles Hunt. 4 . Intermezzo G. Townshend Driffield. Part 103, July 1894. I. Postlude in G . - - . Frederick W. Holloway, F.C.O a. Sufte: No. i, Prelude; No. 2 , Berceuse ; No. 3 , Toccata Laurent Parodi (Genoa 3. Nocturne William Lockett. 4T. Andante Pastorale in B minor Jacob Bradford; Mus. D„ Oxon 5. Introductory Voluntary - - - Albert W. Ketelbey. . Fugue R. J. Rowe, D.R.A.M. LONDON, WILLIAM REEVES, 83 CHARING CROSS ROAD, W.C. Note the Price, PENCE not SHILLINGS. POPULAR AND COPYRIGHT MUSIC. Full Music Size, Well Printed and Critically Correct. ISSUED BY )D. WILLIAM REEVES. QD- "• (Postage id* each.) (Postage id. each.) ^ VOCAL. 396. Always do as I do 174. Angels at the Casement, A flat 105. Banner of the King 172, Barney O’Hea ... 224. Bay of Biscay ... 181. Border Lands (Sacred) 180. Borderer’s Challenge ... 390. Cat in the Chimney 391. Child’s Good Morning ... 892. Child’s Good Night 383. Come into the Garden Maud ... 389. Dawn of Heaven ... 188. Diver, The 384. God Save the King 226. Hearts of Oak ... 100, Honey Are You True to Me (Ooou Song) 213. Lady Clara Yere de Yere 227. Last Rose of Summer ... 116. Sharing the Burden 225. Tom Bowling ... PIANOFORTE. 118. A la Yalse 373. Belgium Galop 122. Berceuse 376. Blumenlied 379. Bridal Chorus and Wedding March ... 142. Charming Mazurka 393. Chinese Patrol March ... 243. Cloches du Monastere ... 377. Edelweiss 374. Emmeline Galop 308. Fille du Regiment 167. Plying Dutchman (La Yaisseau Fan- tome) 244. Forward March Four Humoresques : 206. Yalse in D, No. 1 ... 207. Minuetto in A minor. No. 2 208. Allegretto, No. 3 ... 209. Allegro Alla Burla, No. 4 305. French Air (easy) 210. Funeral March 306. German Air (easy) 151. Grand March of the Warriors 125. II Corricblo Galop (easily arranged) Tinney W. M. Hutchison^ H. Fortesqne S. Lover J, Davey Miss Lindsay H.J, Stark L. Kingsmill O. Barri 0. Barri Balfe Buonetti E, /. Loder Dr. Jno. Bull Dr. W. Boyce Lindsay Lennox Miss Lindsay Thos. Moore J. E. Webster C. Dibdin Roeckel Smallwood Roeckel Gustav Lang Wagner Gungl D. Pecorini Lefebure-WAy Gustav Lange Smallwood Oesten Wagner E. H. Sugg Grieg Grieg Grieg Grieg T. Valentine Grieg T. Valentine H, V. Lewis L. 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Lucifer Polka 144. Munich Polka ... 866. Roseland Waltz PIANO DUETS. 156. March of the Cameron Men ... 155. Marche des Creates 159. Minnie, or Lilly Dale ... VIOLIN. T, Valentine T. Valentine H. Wilcock F. P. Rah< ttini Sousa P. Astrella Wanner Budarazewska L. B. M alien J. Gungl Badarazewska Roeckel Ruhmsteui Grieg G. Gafiboldi Nevin Smallwood P. O' Or say W agner Roeckel T. Valey-tine Smallwood Blake Gounod Beeihoveti Beethoven T. Valentine A . Czibulka Wagfter L. B. Mallett J. P. Sousa ^Vymafi A. H. Oswald S . Les lie A lec Carlton L. Gautier b cot son Clark H. Klein S. Osborne Rosenberg S. Leslie H. Klein Jos. Gungl Marietta Lena A. Mullen A. Mullen A . Mullen F, James 170. March St. Clave W. REEV ES, 83, CHAR ING CROSS ROAD, W.C. Books on Fre emasonry 12mo, red cloth, gilt, a23 pp., 3/6. 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Master and Of&cers'of the Lodge, together with the whole of the Three Lectures ; also the Ceremony of Exhaltation in the Supreme Order of the Holy Koyal Arch, a Selection of Masonic Songs, etc., illus- trated with four engravings of the TRACING BOARDS, by “ A Member of the Craft,” new and revised edition. Ditto, Ditto, on thin paper, bound in leather pocket-book style, 5s. The Three Tracing Boards, in 12mo, cloth line. Is, 6d. Ditto, Larger Size, roy. 8vo, 4 plates. Is. 6d. Post 8vo, cloth, 278 pp., 10/- (or crimson calf limp, gilt edges, 15/- Text Book of Advanced Freemasonry, containing tor the self-instruction of Candidates, the Complete Rituals of the Higher Degrees, viz.. 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