OF THE U N IVFRSITY OF I LLI N O I 5 OJ? ■R59c "^ggaefti- ^0 £>^oJU. \XJ 00 a- "ivu. Gk) cnxn-c^ cy( \o ^nx^Jjyv^ o? "V^ajl (?\j 3 £u* foxSyuX^ N ^(^(l^^dL , \-M ' < Vsj . N ^v 0\>0^ OsJ\ ( N/^ ^ OjJ^V\ . / CATALOGUE OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS. ISSUED BY THE LIBRARY, SEPTEMBER, 1886. ROCKFORD, ILL. y, U i BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 1886 - 7 . « Elias Cosper. R F. Crawford. W. A. Talcott. O. F. Barbour. R. P. Lane, M. D. T. J. Butler, D. D. David S. Doig. John H. Sheer att. M. S. Bebb. Librarian. W. L. Rowland. Asst. Librarian. Lizzie J. Williamson. Rockford Public Library. In the winter of 1871-2, a number of conferences were held concerning the educational needs of our city, resulting in the conviction of the great benefit to be secured from the establishment of a city library. But the common failure here and elsewhere of libraries privately owned and supported evinced the necessity of organizing such institutions on a public and permanent foundation. The opportune passage of the State law, in March, 1872, authorizing cities to establish and maintain Free Public Libraries and Reading Rooms, furnished exactly the basis needed. Very soon a petition from the citizens of Rockford, numerously signed by all classes, asking for the establishment of a public library, was pre- sented to the City Council, which, thereupon, unanimously granted the request and passed an ordinance accepting the provisions of the State law. The Mayor, Hon. Seymour G. Bronson, appointed the follow- ing gentlemen as a Library Board of Directors: Melancthon Starr, Elias Cosper, S. C. Withrow, D. Sel- wyn Clark, Frank P. Woodbury, Henry C. Mabie, N. C. Thompson, James G. Knapp, and Charles L. Williams. At a public meeting of the citizens soon after, it was resolved to raise by public subscription a fund of $5,000 for the library; and this was accomplished. More than 2,000 bound volumes and pamphlets were contributed by the citizens of Rockford. The reading room was opened in August, 1872, and the library proper in February, 1873. The library in its first year, contained 2,818 volumes, and now includes 13,096 volumes. Over 3,000 of these have been received by donation, the rest by purchase. Over a hundred periodicals are taken in the reading room. The circulation of books, during the last six years, has reached an average of 51,205 volumes per year. The public use of the reading room is large and constant and often crowds the capacity of the hall. It is a noteworthy fact, and one that justifies confidence in open- ing a large and valuable library to the absolutely free use of all classes of people, that, out of a circulation aggregating 627,090 books, the losses have not exceeded fifty volumes. In every way the public use of the library has justified its public establishment and maintenance. While there has been the usual proportion in circulation of books of a recreative cast, there has been an extensive and increasing demand for the best treatises in the sciences and arts, and for reference author- ities in various departments of practical investigation. The circles, clubs, and societies for literary cul- ture and educational training, have found the public library essential to the successful accom- plishment of their aims. The teachers and pupils of our schools - have incorporated its resources into their service, by use of special privileges granted in connection with the educational work of our public school system. But the chief service of this institution has been in the thousand homes in which, other- wise, the supply of books would necessarily be scanty and in each of which it has practically opened a library of thousands of volumes containing the chief treasures of human achievement and knowledge. The administration of the library, from its foundation, has been confided by the city authorities to the gentlemen whose names and terms of service on the library board are given below: Melancthon Starr 1872- 5 Elias Cosper 1872- D. Sely wn Clark 1872- 3 H. C. Mabie ..1872- 3 N. C. Thompson 1872-83 Frank P. Woodbury 1872- 4 C.L. Williams 1872- 5 S. C. Withrow 1872- 5 A. L. McArthur 1873- 6 A. E. Goodwin 1873- 6 R. F. Crawford 1873- W. A. Talcott 1874- H. P. Holland 1875- 6 J. Herva Jones 1875- 6 Wilder Smith 1876-83 O. F. Barbour 1876- G. S. Haskell 1878-81 R. P. Lane 1879- T. J. Butler 1879- D. S. Doig 1879- John H. Sherratt M. S. Bebb Explanations. The present Catalogue contains the titles of about 13,000 volumes, and includes all now in the Library except a few lately added. The entries are arranged in one alphabetical series by authors, titles and subjects. Works of fiction and those whose titles do not clearly indicate the subject, should be looked for under the first word of the title, not an article, otherwise, preferably under the subject. The date of publication— sometimes of copyright — is given under the author entry, frequently also under title and subject entries. The only abbreviations needing explanation are Fict. for Fiction, and Juv. for Juvenile. 1 Summary of the Regulations. Books and periodicals may be used in the Beading Boom by any person without previous registra- tion. Conversation and other conduct inconsistent with good order are prohibited. Every resident of Bockford fifteen years old, or over, is entitled to draw books from the Library. Persons under fifteen may do so upon guaranty satisfactory to the executive committee. Each person entitled to draw books will be supplied with a Library card, which must be presented with a slip, whenever a book is drawn, returned, or renewed. The holder of a card is entitled to draw one book at a time of octavo or larger size; or two books of smaller size, they being of the same work. Books may be kept out fourteen days and may be once renewed without return of the book if application is made before the book has become due, and a new slip made out. But books marked for a shorter time than fourteen days and overdue books are not renewable. • For keeping out a book beyond its time, a fine of two cents a day is incurred, and no other book will be delivered on the card until the fine is paid. Any book retained one week beyond the time shall be sent for and the messenger’s fee charged to the borrower. No card or book can be lent out of the household of the borrower, and no book can be kept by transfers in the same household more than twice its prescribed time, or again drawn within one week after its return. Books, whose shelf numbers include a star (*) or letter, do not circulate, but may be used in the Library. (EXTRACT FROM THE CITY ORDINANCE.) Section 1. Whoever shall intentionally destroy, tear, mark, write upon, or otherwise deface, or injure any Book, Period- ical, Newspaper, Plate, Picture, Engraving or Statue, belonging to the Public Library and Reading Room of said City of Rock- ford, shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay a fine of not less than three nor more than one hundred dollars, for each and every such offense. Sec. 3. Whoever shall fail to return any Book belonging to said Library and Reading Room, in accordance with the re quirements of the By-laws and Regulations thereof, shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay a fine of not less than three nor more than twenty dollars for each and every such offense. CATALOGUE ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED BY AUTHORS, TITLES, AND SUBJECTS. Abbe Constantine. [Fiction]. Halevy, L.. 53.5 Abbeys, castles and ancient halls of Eng- land and Wales. Timbs, John. 3 v. 501.10 Abbot, Ezra. Authorship of the Fourth gospel: external evidences. 1880 424.8 — Literature of the doctrine of a future life. See Alger, W . R 411.5 Abbot, Waldo. Our Sunday-school: and how we conduct it. [1863] 405 . 15 Abbot, The. Scott, Sir W 12.11 Abbott, A. O. Prison life in the South, 1864-5. 1866 737.8 Abbott, A. W. Impulse and principle. 1866 24.15 Abbott, B. Y. Judge and jury. [Explana- tion of leading topics in the law]. 1880 914 . 8 — The travelling law school and famous trials. 1884 916.12 Abbott, Charles C. A naturalist’s rambles about home [New Jersey]. 1885 845.30 — Primitive industry [of native races]. 1 881 843 . 3 Abbott, E. A. How to parse. 1878 314.9 — How to tell the parts of speech. 1881. 317.24 — How to write clearly. 1881 317 . 29 — . Philochristus. Memoirs of a disciple of the Lord. 1878 441.4 — Shakespearian grammar. 1878 314.13 — and Seeley, J. R. English lessons for English people. 1872 307.3 Abbott, Edw’d. Revolutionary times. 1876 711.19 Abbott, G. D. The family at home. 1 834. 437 . 26 Abbott, Jacob. American history. 8 v. (cop. 1860-5)... 721.1 1. Aboriginal America. 2. Discovery of America. 3. Southern colonies. 4. Northern colonies. 5. Wars of the colonies. 6. Revolt of the colonies. 7. War of the revolution. 8. Washington. — August stories. 4 v. [cop. 1871-2]. ... 78.5 1. August and Elvie. 3. Schooner Mary Ann. 2. Hunter and Tom. 4. Granville Yalley. — Fireside piety. 1834 408.11 — Florence stories. Excursion to the Ork- ney Islands. 1861 23.1 — Franconia stories. 10 v 91.23 1. Malleville. 6. Rodolphus. 2. Wallace. 7. Ellen Linn. 3. Mary Erskine. 8. Stuyvesant. 4. Mary Bell. 9. Caroline. 5. Beechnut. 10. Agnes. — Gentle measures in the training of the young. 1872 401.5 — Harlie stories. 6 v. [cop. 1862] 82.15 1. New shoes. 4. Wild Peggy. 2. French flower. 5. Sea-shore. 3. Harlie’s letter. 6. Friskie, the pony, — History of Alexander the great. 1874 . 611.1 Abbott, Jacob, continued . — History of Charles I. 1872 611.3 — History of Charles II. 1873 611.4 — History of Cleopatra. 1874 611.5 — History of Cyrus the great. 1872 611.6 — History of Darius the great. 1871 611.7 — History of Genghis Kahn. 1873. ..... 611.9 — History of Hannibal the Carthaginian . 1871 611.10 — History of Julius Csesar. 1872 611.16 — History of King Alfred. 1872 611 . 2 — History of King Richard I. of England. 1857 611.27 — History of King Richard II. of England. 1858 611.28 — Historv of King Richard III. of Eng- land. 1874 611.29 — History of Margaret of Anjou. 1874.. 611.21 — History of Mary, queen of Scots. 1873. 611.22 — History of Nero. 1873 611.23 — History of Peter the great. 1871 611.24 — History of Pyrrhus. 1873 611.26 — History of Queen Elizabeth. 1873 611.8 — History of Romulus. 1873 611.30 — History of William the conqueror. 1874 611 .31 — History of Xerxes. 1872 611.32 — John Gay series. 4 v. 1876 75.6 1. Work for winter. 3. Work for summer. 2. Work for spring. 4. Work for autumn. — Jonas books. 6 v. [cop. 1839] 81.10 1. Jonas’s stories. 2. Jonas a judge. 3. Jonas on a farm in winter. 4. Jonas on a farm in summer. 5. Caleb in town. 6. Caleb in the country. — Juno stories. 4 v. 1870 83.11 1. Juno and Georgie. 3. Hubert. 2. MaryOsDorne. 4. Juno on a journey. — Little learner series. 5 v. 1857-’74 91.24 1. Learning to talk. 2. Learning to think. 3. Learning to read. 4. Learning about common things. 5. Learning about right and wrong. — Lucy books. 6 v. [cop. 1841-’70] 81.9 1. Lucy’s stories. 2. Lucy’s conversations. 3. Lucy’s studies. 4. Lucy at play. 5. Lucy on the sea-shore. 6. Lucy among the mountains. — Marco Paul’s voyages and travels. 6 v. 91 . 25 1. In New York. 2. On the Erie Canal. 3. In Maine. 4. In Vermont. 5. In Boston. 6. At the Springfield armory. ABBOTT. 2 ACHILLES. Abbott, Jacob, continued. — Mary Gay series. 4 v. 1876 75.5 1. Work for winter. 3. Work for summer. 2. Work for spring. 4. Work for autumn. — Hollo series, 14 v. 1869 76.12 1. Hollo learning to talk. 2. Hollo learning to read. 8-. Hollo at work. 4. Hollo at play. 5. Hollo at school. 6. Hollo’s vacation. 7. Hollo’s experiments. 8. Hollo’s museum. 9. Hollo’s travels. 10. Hollo’s correspondence. 11. Hollo’s philosophy — water. 12. Hollo’s philosophy— air. 13. Hollo’s philosophy — fire. 14. Hollo’s philosophy — sky. — Hollo’s tour in Europe. 10 v. [cop. 1853-8] 1. Hollo on the Atlantic 21.15 2. Hollo in Paris 21.10 3. Hollo in Switzerland 21.13 4- Hollo in London 21.18 5. Hollo on the Rhine 21.16 6. Hollo in Scotland 21.12 7. Hollo in Geneva 21.11 8. Hollo in Holland 21.17 9. Hollo in Naples 21.14 10. Hollo in Rome 21.19 — Science for the voung. 4 v. 1872-3. 1. Heat 827.18 2. Light 827.19 3. Water and land 803.12 4. Force 807.3 — The teacher; or, moral influence in in- struction. 1873 413.7 — William Gay series. 4 v. 1869 75.13 1. Play for winter. 3. Play for summer. 2. Play for spring. 4. Play for autumn. — Young Christian series. 4 v. 1870 433.30 1. Young Christian. 3. Way to do good. 2. Corner stone. 4. Hoary-head and McDonner. Abbott, J. S. C. American pioneers and patriots; illustrating early history and settlement of America. 12 v.1873-6 — - Adventures of LaSalle and his com- panions 621.5 — - Captain William Kidd and other pi- rates or buccaneers 621 . 4 — - Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Ken- tucky 605.6 — - David Crockett 632.20 — - Ferdinand DeSoto, the discoverer of the Mississippi 632.6 — - George Washington 621.6 — - Kit Carson, the pioneer of the far West 608.21 — - Life and adventures of Jno.Paul Jones 621.3 — - Life of Ben. Franklin 621.2 — - Life of Christopher Columbus 621 . 1 — - Miles Standish, the Puritan captain. . 632.9 — - Peter Stuyvesant, the last Dutch gov- ernor of New Amsterdam 608.20 — Child at home; or, principles of filial duty. [cop. 1833] 401 . 22 — History of Henry IV. king of France. 1856 611.11 — History of Hernando Cortez. 1855... 611.12 — History of Hortense, mother of N apoleon III. 1870 611.13 — History of Joseph Bonaparte. 1869... 611.14 — History of Josephine. 1873 611 . 15 — History of King Philip, chief of the Wampanoags. 1873 611.25 Abbott, J. S. C., continued. — History of Louis XIV. of France. 1871. 611.17 — History of Louis Philippe. 1871 611 . 18 — History of Madame Roland. 1872 611.19 — History of Maria Antoinette. 1873 611 . 20 — History of the civil war in America. 2 v . 1864 734.6 — Life of General U. S. Grant. 1868 606.16 — Romance of Spanish history. 1869 . . . 717 . 12 Abbott, Lyman, ed'r. Hints for home read- ing. 1880 423.23 — - How to succeed. [Essays]. 1882... 443.32 — Laicus; or, the experiences of a layman in a country parish. 1872 406.8 — Popular commentaries on the New Tes- tament. Hlust. v. 1-4. 1876-9 424.1 1. Matthew. 3. John. 2. Mark and Luke. 4. Acts of the Apostles. — A study in human nature. 1885 436.4 — and Conant, T. J. Dictionary of religious knowledge. Maps and illustrations. [cop. 1874] *A.10 — and others. H. W. Beecher. Sketch of his career, etc. 1883 625.12 Abbreviations and contractions. Fallows, S. Hand-book of. 1883 326.17 A B C of gothic architecture. Parker, J. H. 1882 852.9 A’ Becket, Thomas. See Becket, Thomas. A’Beckett, G. A. Comic Blackstone. 1869 911.30 Abelard. Lewes, G. H. In his Biog. hist. of philosophy 427 . 1 — Maurice, F. D. In his Philosophy, v 1. 431.8 — Milman, H. H. In his Latin Christianity, v. 4 416.19 — Newton, W.W. Priest and the man; or, Abelard and Heloise. Fict. 1883... 55.9 Abercrombie, J. Culture and discipline of the mind. 1 839 401 . 21 Aboard the Mavis. Markham, R. Juv ... 77.14 Abode of snow. [Himalaya]. Wilson, A. ’75 516.6 Abominations of modern society. Talmage, T. D. W. 1872 408.32 Aboriginal America. Abbott, J 721.1.1 Aborigines. See Indians of America. About, Edmond. Greece and the Greeks of the present day, [1852-4] 508 . 22 — Hand-book of social economy. 1878 . . 902 . 15 — King of the mountains. [Fiction]. 1861. 31 . 22 — Man with the broken ear. 1873 63.28 — Story of an honest man. 1881 47.9 — Men of the third republic. [Sketch of About.] 1873 634.7 About old story tellers. Mitchell, D. G. . . . 311.13 Abraham Lincoln. [Poem]. Blanchard, R. 1882 207.22 Abrantes, -D wcftesse d\ See Junot, Mme. L.P. Abroad; or, Lilian’s new school. Brown, Helen E. [1870] 515.3 Abyssinia. Jonveaux, E. Two years in EastAfrica. 1875 524.17 — Russell, M. History of. 1833 706.22 — Stanley, H. M. Coomassie and Magdala. [British campaign in 1868] 706.21 See also Egypt; Nile. Acacian lyrics. Munday, L. A. H. 1862.. 202.14 Acadia. See Nova Scotia. Accidents and emergencies. Dulles, C. W. What to do first. 1883 838.44 — Turner, D. W. Treatment of common accidents and diseases. 1884 844.27 Achilles Tatius. Clitopho and Leucippe. (Greek romances; trans. by R. Smith) 133.6 ACOUSTICS. 3 ADAMS. Acoustics. Blaserna, P. Sound in relation to music. 1876 815.4.22 — Lees, W. Acoustics, light and heat . . . 827 . 21 — Mayer, A. M. and Barnard, C. Sound. (Experimental sci. ser.) 1879 835.10.2 — Radou, R. Wonders of. 1870 802.25 — Smith, T. R. Acoustics in relation to architecture and building. 811.26 — Tyndall, J. Sound. 1867 803.8 Across America and Asia. Pumpelly, R. ’71 527 . 11 Across the continent [in 1865]. Bowles, S . . 505 . 29 Acting. See Drama. Actors. American actor series, v. 1-6. See Hutton, L., editor 635.18 See also Biography ; Drama; Actress, Autobiography of an. Mowatt, A. C. 1854 607.15 Adah, the Jewish maiden. Gray, A. M.. . . 64.24 Adam and Eve: a novel. Parr, L 47.14 Adam Bede. Eliot, George 36.321 Adams, C. Memoir of Washington Irving. 1870 621.13 Adams, C. F. Memoirs of J. Q. Adams, v. 1 1874 638.4 — and Adams, J. Q. Life of John Adams. 2 v 608.18 Adams, C. F., jr. New departure in the common schools of Quincy, etc. 1879. 431 . 21 — Notes on railroad accidents. 1879 912.32 — Railroads; their origin and problems. 1878 912.7 Adams, C. Follen. Leedle Yawcob Strauss, etc. 1878 208.31 Adams, C. K. Manual of historical litera- ture. 1882 725.6 Adams, E. Six months at Mrs. Prior’s. 1879 78 . 15 Adams, G. B. Mediaeval civilization. (His- tory primers). 1883 716.27.7 Adams, H. G. Beautiful shells. 1871 822 . 13 — Hummingbirds. CoVd illus 822.23 Adams, Henry. John Randolph. (Am. statesmen ser.) 1882 626.4.5 Adams, John. Familiar letters of John Adams and his wife Abigail Adams, during the revolution. With a memoir of Mrs. Adams, byC. F. Adams. 1876 612.26 — Adams, J. Q. and C. F. Life of. 2 v. 1871 608.18 — Morse, J. T. Life of. (Am. statesmen ser). 1885 626.4.11 Adams, John Quincy. Lives of Madison and Monroe. 1854 605.11 — Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, com- prising portions of his diary from 1795-1848. Ed. by C. F. Adams, v. 1. 1874 638.4 — and Adams, C. F. Life of John Adams. 2 v. 1871 608.18 — Benton, T. H. Thirty years’ view. 2 v. 904 . 18 — Morse, J. T. John Quincy Adams. (Am. statesmen ser). 1882 626.4.1 — Quincy, J. Memoir of. 1858 603 . 2 — Seward, W. H. Life of. 1849 602.18 Adams, Mary. An honorable surrender 1883 54.6 Adams, O. F. Brief hand-book of American authors. 1884 322.5 — Brief hand-book of English authors. 1884 322.4 Adams, R. C. On board the “Rocket” [in East India trade.] 1879 516.10 Adams, Samuel. Hosmer, J. K. Samuel Adams. (Am. statesmen ser.) 1885.626.4.13 — Magoon, E . L. Orators of the revolu- tion 613 . 9 Adams, William. Sacred allegories. 1864. 432.28 Adams, W. D., ed'r. Comic poets of the 19th century 217.16 — Dictionary of English literature. 1879. 315.3 — Famous books. 1879 314.28 Contents.— More’s Utopia, Fox’s Book of martyrs. First English tragedy and comedy, Ascham’s School-master, Sidney’s Arcadia, Overbury’s Characters, Quarles’ Emblems, Browne’s Religio medici, Pepys’ Diary, Sel- den’s Tabletalk, Steele’s Tatler. Defoe’s Rob- inson Crusoe, Chesterfield’s letters, Lamb’s Essays of Elia. Adams, W. H. D. Animal life throughout the globe 828.26 — Beneath the surface; or, the under- ground world. 1876 818.8 — Buried cities of^Campania; or, Pompeii and Herculaneum. 1872 802 . 14 — Catacombs of Rome 417.10 — Famous ships of the British navy. 1871 738.24 — Great English churchmen. 1879 635 . 8 — Life in the primeval world. 1872 808.10 — Lighthouses and lightships. 1870 802 . 23 — Monsters of the deep. 1875 818.10 — Neptune’s heroes; or, the sea-kings of England 74.19 — Secret of success [in life] 421.4 — Temples, tombs, and monuments of an- cient Greece and Rome. 1872 802 . 13 Adams, W. T., {Oliver Optic). Army and navy stories. 6. v 72.1 1. Soldier boy. 4. Yankee middy. 2 Sailor boy. 5 Fighting Joe. 3. Young lieutenant. 6. Brave old salt. — Boat club series. 6 v 72.2 1. Boat club. 4. Try again. 2. All aboard. 5. Poor and proud. 3. Now or never. 6. Little by little. — Lake shore series. 6 v 72.3 1. Through by daylight. 4. Switch off. 2. Lightning express. 5. Brake up. 3. On time. 6. Bear and forbear. — Starry flag series. 6 v 73.1 1. Starry flag. 4. Freaks of fortune. 2. Breaking away. 5. Make or break. 3. Seek and find. 6. Down the river. — Upward and onward series. 6v 72.4 1. Field and forest. 4. Cringle and crosstree. 2. Plane and plank. 5. Bivouac and battle. 3. Desk and debit. 8. Sea and shore. — Woodville series. 6v 73.2 1. Rich and humble. 4. Work and win. 2. In school and out. 5. Hope and have. 3. Watch and wait 6. Haste and waste. — Yacht club series. 6v 73.3 1. Little bobtail. 4. Coming wave. t. Yacht club. 5. Dorcas club. 3. Money maker. 6. Ocean born. — Young America abroad. 1st ser. 6 v. . 73.4 1. Outward bound. 2. Shamrock and thistle; Ireland and Scotland. 3. Red cross; England and Wales. 4. Dikes and ditches; Holland and Belgium. 5. Palace and cottage ; France and Switzerland. 6. Down the Rhine ; Germany. ADAMS. 4 AFRICA. Adams, W. T., continued . — Young America abroad. 2d ser. 6v.. 73.5 1. Up the Baltic; Norway, Sweden and Denmark. 2. Northern lands; Russia and Prussia. 3. Cross and crescent; Turkey and Greece. 4. Sunny shores; Italy and Austria. 5. Vine and olive ; Spain and Portugal. 6. Isles of the sea; Homeward bound. Addis, W. E. and Arnold, T. Catholic dic- tionary. 1884 428 . 5 Addison, Joseph. Works. With notes by R. Hurd. 6 v. 1873 1001.2 Contents : Cato, a tragedy, v. 1. Poems, v. 1. Dialogues on medals. v.2 Present state of the war, Drummer, a comedy, v.l. [Queen Anne’s,] v. 2. Freeholder, v. 3. Remarks on Italy, etc., v. 2. Guardian, v. 4. Rosamond, an opera, v. 1. Letters, v. 2. Spectator, v. 5-6. Lover (The), v. 2. Tatler, v. 4. Of the Christian religion, v.2. Whig examiner, v. 2. — Courthope, W. G. Life. (Eng. men of letters.) 1884 616.11.34 — Disraeli, I. Quarrels of authors, v. 2 . 314 . 6 — Howitt, W. Homes and haunts, etc .. . 615.15 — Johnson, S. Lives of the poets 643.17 — Macaulay, T. B. Essays 305.13 — Taine, K. A. History of Eng. literature 305 . 12 — Thackeray, W. M. English humorists . 302 . 15 See also Spectator, The. Addresses and speeches. See Elocution; Essays; Sermons. Adela Cathcart. MacDonald, G 6.29 Adele. Kavanagh, Julia , 36.293 Adirondacks, New York. Murray, W. H . Adventures in the wilderness. 1869 . . 505 . 2 — Northrup, A. J. Camps and tramps in the Adirondacks. 1880 516 . 28 Adler, G. J. Dictionary of the German and English languages. N. Y. 1872 . . *B.16 Admiral’s ward. Alexander, Mrs. 1883 ... 54.13 Adrift in the ice fields. Hall, C. W. Juv. . 76.11 Advance and retreat, (1861-5). Hood, J. B. 1880 731.1 Advent, Second. See Second advent. Adventures. See under names of coun- tries; Sports; Travels and voyages. Adventures in Australia. Lee, R. Juv . . 78.18 Adventures in the wilderness. (Adiron- dacks) . Murray, W. H 505 . 2 Adventures in Thule. Black, W. Ju t\’83 82.32 Adventures, Mountain. 1869 502 . 20 Adventures of a brownie. Craik, D. M... 24.38 Adventures of a phaeton. Black, William 36.39 Adventures of a Protestant in search of a religion. By Iota. 1883 433 . 13 Adventures of a young naturalist. Biart. L 845.27 Adventures of Harry Marline. Porter, D. D 77.27 Adventures of Robinson Playfellow. Juv. 75 . 16 Adversity. Bushnell, Horace. Moral uses of dark things 317.19 Advice to a mother. Chevasse, P. R 812.16 ZEneid. See Virgil. ZEronautics. Arago, D.F. ZEronautic voy- ages. (Sm. report, 1863) *8501 . 2 — Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism 815.4.11 — Marion, F. Wonderful balloon ascents. 802.15 — Pettigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion. ( PFi£7iZEronautics). 1874 815.4.8 — Verne, J. Five weeks in a balloon. Fict 143.20 ■ — Wise, J. ZEronautics [history and art], 1850 841.9 ZEschylus. Tragedies; tr. by R. Potter. . .1020.17 Contents .— Essay on the Grecian drama; Prometheus chained; The supplicants; The seven chiefs against Thebes; Agamemnon; The Choephorae; The furies; The Persian. — ZEschylus [Outlined and explained] by R. S. Copleston 1872 1020.25 — Symonds, J. A. In his Greek poets, v. 1 217.15 ZEsop. Fables, with life. 1868 306.13 ZEsthetics. Alison, A. The nature and principles of taste 325 . 27 — Burke, E. On the sublime and beauti- ful 305.9 and 406.10 — Cousin, M. V. The true, beautiful and good 402 . 2 — Day, H. N. Science of aesthetics. 1872 833.4 — Haweis, Mrs. H. R. Art of beauty. 1878 823.31 — Ruskin, John. The true and the beauti- ful 808.27 — Schiller, F. ZEsthetic essays. 1882 . . . 326 . 28 — Schlegel, F. von. ZEsthetic and miscel- laneous works. 1881 323.12 — Spencer, Herbert. Essays 435 . 10 See also Fine arts. Afar in the forest [in North America.] Kingston, W. H, G. Juv. 1884 84.4 Afar in the forest [in Canada]. Traill, C. P. Juv 28.43 Afghanistan. Marvin, Charles. The Rus- sians at the gates of Herat. 1885. . . 735.5 — Frazer, J. B. Description of. With his History of Persia. 1833 742.13 — Rodenbough, T. F. Afghanistan and the Anglo-Russian dispute. 1885 727.21 Afloat and ashore. [Sea story]. Cooper, J. F. 1872 2.10 Afloat in the forest [of the Amazon]. Reid, M. Juv 92.5 Afraja; or life and love in Norway. Mug- ge, T 133.8 Africa. Anderson, C. J. Lake Ngami, [1850-4] 513.6 — - Travels in S. W. Africa. 1875 518.18 — Baker, S. W. Ismailia: expedition to central Africa, [1869-73] 508.28 — Baldwin, W. C. African hunting. 1863 831 . 10 — Ballantyne, R. M. Gorilla hunters. Juv. 1874 75.17 — Barker, A. A years’ housekeeping in south Africa. 1875 525.12 — Barth, Henry. Travels in north and cen- tral Africa, [1849-1855 1 512.1 — Burton, R. F. Lake regions of central . 1860 527.10 — Cameron, V. L. Across Africa, [1872-6]. 513 . 13 — Day, G. T. African adventures and ad- venturers. Juv 502.2 — Deserts of Africa In 1001.9.5 — Drummond, W. H. Large game and natural history of south and south- east Africa. 1875 841.11 — DuChaillu, P. B. Country of the dwarfs. 1872 .. 504.21 — - Explorations in equatorial Africa, [1855-9] 528.2 — - Journey to Ashango land, [1863-4] . . . 528 . 1 — - Lost in the jungle. Juv. 1870, .... 502.8 — - Apingi kingdom. Juv. 1872 502.10 — - Stories of the Gorilla country. Juv. 502.11 — - Wild life under the equator. Juv... 502.9 — Gilmore, Parker. The great thirst land. [South Africa.] 1878 521.21 AFRICA. 5 AGRICULTURE. Africa, continued. — James, F. L. Wild tribes of the Sou- dan. 1883 521.7 — Jones, C. H. Africa; history of explora- tion. 1875 526.5 — Jonveaux, E. Two years in east. 1875. 524.17 — Livingstone, D. Last journals in cen- tral, [1865-73] 508.27 — - Missionary researches and travels in south Africa, [1840-56] 507.14 — - Travels in south Africa. Abridged . . 503 . 1 — - and C. Expedition to the Zambesi, [1865] 517.4 — Long, C. C. Africa: naked truths of naked people, [1874] 521 . 18 — Marryat, F. The mission; or, scenes in Africa. Fict 36.384 — Monteiro, J. J. Angola and the river Congo. 1876 524.11 — Park, M. Life and travels, [1795-1805.] 504.33 — - Same, [1771-1805] 527.2 — Reade, W. W. Savage Africa. 1864.. 503.25 — Reid, M. Boy slaves. 1874. Juv 88.16 — - Young yagers [in south Africa]. '74.. 75.23 — Riley, J. Shipwreck on the west coast [in 1815] 503.9 — Schweinfurth, G. Heart of, [1868-71]. 2 v 524.3 — Stanley, H. M. The Congo and the founding of its free state. 2 v. 1885 . . 521 . 22 — - How I found Livingstone, [1871-2]. . . 526.6 — - Through the dark continent. 2 v. 1878 513.9 — Taylor, B. Journey to central, [1852-3] 506.18 — - edUr. Travels in south Africa. 1872. 505.17 — Thompson, G. Missionary labors in western Africa. 1852 : 503 . 4 — Verne, J. Five weeks in a balloon. Fict 1873 143.20 See also Abyssinia; Algiers; Ashantee; Car- thage; Egypt; Madagascar; Mauritius; Mo- rocco; Nile; Nubia; Sahara; Soudan; Tunis African crusoes. Lee, Mrs. R. 1871 75.11 After dark. Collins, Wilkie 131 . 14 After life: sequel to “The journal of a home life.,’ Sewell, E. M 36.506 After the ball, and other poems. Perry, N 211.34 After the truth. Henry, Mrs. S. M. I. 2 v. 28 . 32 Afterglow. Lathrop, G. P. (No name ser) 46 . 5 Aftermath. [Poems.] Longfellow, H. W. 202.22 Afternoons with the poets. Deshler, C. H. 207 . 14 Against the stream. Charles, Mrs . E 36 .,92 Against w r ind and tide. Parr, Harriet 133.12 Agassiz, E. C. and A. Seaside studies in natural history. 1871 806.24 Agassiz. Louis. Geological sketches. 1871 801 . 12 — Methods of study in natural history. 1871 801.20 — Structure of animal life. 1874 821.1 — and Mrs. A. Journey in Brazil, [1865-6] 528.3 — and Gould, A. A. Comparative physiol- ogy. 1870 827.35 — - Same; revised edition. 1880 842 . 22 — Agassiz, E. C., ed’r. Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence. 2 v. 1886 . 646 . 1 Agatha’s husband. Craik,dfrs.D.M. 33.6 and 36 . 127 Age of chivalry. Bulfinch, Thomas. 1859 8.14 Age of fable. Bulfinch, Thomas. 1882... 407.5 Ages before Moses. Gibson, J. M 441.32 Agincourt; a romance. James, G. P. R.. . 34.30 Agnes. Abbott, Jacob, (Franconia stories) .91.23.10 Agnes. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W 36.419 Agnes Grey. Bronte, Anne 36.62 Agnes Hopetoun’s school and holidays. Oli- phant, Mrs. M. O. W. 1874 86.8 Agnes of Sorrento. Stowe, H. B 3.2 Agnes Sorel. James, G. P. R 134.13 Agnes Wentworth. Palfrey, S. H 132 . 20 Agnew, D. H. Practical anatomy. 1868. . . 824.15 Agriculture. American agriculturist, v. 12-15, 17-22, 32-44. N. Y., 1854-85 . . *8541 . 16 — American institute of the city of New York. Annual reports, v. 8, ll, 12, 19,20. 1849-62 *8501.9 — Colman, H. Agriculture and rural econ- omy. 1857 806.1 — Copeland, R. M. Country life; a hand book. 1867 821.10 — Cultivator, The. v. 1-4. 4 v. in 1. Al- bany. 1834-8 *8521.1 — - Same. New series, v. 4-5 1847 -8 . . . *8521 . 7 — Dorset, F. Treatise on [cop. 1867] *807 . 10 — Genesee farmer, v. 6. 1845 *8521.8 — Illinois state agricultural society. Tran- sactions. v. 1-13. 1853-75 *8501.7 — Loring, G. B. Agriculture and the horse 1873 In 813.11 — Massachusetts. Returns of agricultural societies. 1856, ’58, ’59, *8501 . 5 — New York state agricultural society. Transactions, v. 2, 10, 13, 14. 17, 18, 20,24. 1842-64 *8501.4 — Prairie farmer, v. 3-14, 17, 24. Chicago, 1843-61 *8541.1 — Tanner, H. Elementary lessons in the science of agricultural practice. 1881. 844.35 — United States. Reports of com’r of pa- tents (agriculture.) 1849-’51, ’55, ’57, ’59-61 *8501.3 — - Reports of com’r of agriculture. 1862- 73, 1875, 1877, 1880-4 *8501.3 — - Agricultural reports. General index, from 1837-1876 *8501.3 — Virgil. The Georgies [agricultural poem] tr. into Eng. verse by Harriet W. Preston. 1881 218.12 — Waring, G. E. Elements of. 1870 821.20 Farming. — Allen, R. L. New American farm book; revised by L. F. Allen, [cop. 1869].. 805.9 — Beecher, H.W. Fruits, flowers and farm- ing. 1859 827.6 — Crozier, W. and Henderson, P. How the farm pays. 1884 846 . 11 — Greeley, Horace. What I know about farming. 1871 811.9 — How we saved the old farm. [Fiction] . . 835 . 19 — Leland, E. H. Farm homes in-doors and out-doors. 1881 835.33 — Mitchell, D. G. My farm at Edgewood. 1864 304.13 — - Rural studies. 1867 301.14 — r - Wet days at Edgewood. 1865 301.13 — Mitchell, E . Five thousand a year on the farm, and how I made it 844 . 5 — Morris, E. Farming for boys. 1863... 814.23 — - How to get a farm. 1864 807 . 4 *■ — - Ten acres enough. 1872 814.24 — Nash, J. A. The progressive farmer. 1854 804.5 — Olmstead, F. L. American farmer in England. 1859 502.23 — Our farm of four acres. 1871 822 . 27 — Shepherd, D. A. How two girls tried farming, [cop. 1879] 835.16 — Stephens, H. Book of the farm. 2 v. 1854 825.2 — Thomas, J. J. Farm implements. 1869 813.26 AGRICULTURE. Ageicultuee, continued. — Two years behind the plow [in Pennsyl- vania]. 1878 836 . 27 — Waring, G. E., jr. A farmer’s vacation [in Europe]. 1873 511.9 — - Farm villages. 1877 827.27 See also Botany ; Dairy ; Drainage ; Ensilage ; Food; Fruits; Gardening; Grangers; Insects; Manures ; Wheat. Aguilae, Grace. Days of Bruce. 1871 ... 5.14 — Home influence. 1859 36.1 — Home scenes and heart studies. 1873 . 64.10 — Mother’s recompense: sequel to “Home influence.” 1859 36.2 — Yale of cedars. [Expulsion of the Jews from Spain]. 1871 5.16 — Woman’s friendship. Fict. 1873 33.24 — Women of Israel [biographies.] 2 v. 1871 644.28 Aide, Hamilton. Carr of Carrlyon. 1862 . 36.3 — In that state of life. 1871 36.4 — The Marstons. 1868 36.5 — Morals and mysteries. 1872 36.6 — Penruddocke. 1873 36.7 — Rita. 1859 36.8 Aids to faith. Thompson, W., ed'r. 1862 . 438 . 17 Contents.— Mansel, H. L., On miracles ; Fitz- gerald, W., Evidences of Christianity ;McCaul, A., Prophecy; Cook, F. C., Ideology and sub- scription; McCaul, A., The Mosaic record of creation; Kawlinson, G., Genuineness and au- thenticity of the Pentateuch; Brown, E. H., Inspiration; Thompson, W., The death of Christ; Ellicott, C. J., Scripture, and its inter- pretation. Aids to reflection. Coleridge, S. T 432.21 Aiken, J. and Barbauld, A. L. Evenings at home. 1872 28.18 Aiken, Mrs . L. A. Anderson, G. Story of Aunt Lizzie Aiken. 1880 621 . 24 Aiken, Lucy. Court and times of Queen Elizabeth 716.17 Aims and aids for girls and young women. Weaver, G. S. 1856 406.24 Aimwell stories. 6 v. See Simonds, W . . 91.27 Aingeb, A. Charles Lamb, (Eng. men of Ainslee stories. Weeks, Mrs. H. C 78.33 Ainslie, Herbert, pseud. See Maitland, E. Ainswobth, W. H. Boscobel; or, the royal oak. [Charles II., 1651.] 1872 36.9 — Cardinal Pole; or, the day of Philip and Mary. 1863 36.10 — Constable de Bourbon. [France, 1523-7]. 1866 36.11 i — Constable of the tower. 1861 36.12 — Flitch of bacon; or, the custom of Dun- mow. 1854 36.13 — Good old times: story of the Manches- ter rebels of ’45. 1873 36.14 — Hilary St. Ives. 1869 36.15 — John Law, the projector. 1864 36.17 — Lancashire witches. [Time of James I.] 1849 36.18 — Lord mayor of London; or, city life in the last century. 1862 36.19 — Merry England; or, nobles and serfs. [Richard II. ; Wat Tyler.] 1874 36.20 — Mervyn Clitheroe. 1858 36.21 — Myddleton Pomfret. 1868 36.22 — Old court. 1867 36.23 — Ovingdean grange. [Charles I., 1625-49] 1860 36.24 6 ALCOHOL. Ainswobth, continued. — Saint James; or, the court of queen Anne. 1844 36.25 — South-sea bubble: tale of 1720. 1868. 36.26 — Spanish match; or, Charles Stuart at Madrid. 1865 36.27 — The spendthrift. 1856 36.28 — The star-chamber. [James I.] 36.29 — Talbot Harland. 1870 36.30 — Tower hill. [Henry VIII.; Anne of Cleves; Catherine Howard] 36.31 — Windsor Castle. [Henry VIII.; Anne .Boleyn]. 1844.. 36.32 Aib. Flammarion, C. The atmosphere. 1873 813.2 — Pettenkofer, M. von. Air in relation to clothes, dwelling and soil 842.2 — Tyndall, J. Floating matter in the air. 1882 841.21 See also vEronautics ; Meteorology ; Warm- ing and ventilation. Aiey, J. B. Popular astronomy. 1868 827 . 26 Aiey fairy Lilian. Argles, M. 1881 52.16 Alabama, state. Baldwin, J. G. Flush times of Alabama. [1879] 315.12 — Eggleston, G. C. The big brother; story of Indian war, [1813]. 1875... 88.12 — - Captain Sam; or, the boy scouts of 1814 88.13 Alabama, vessel. Semmes, R. Cruises in the Sumter and Alabama. 1869 737.4 Alabama claims. Case of Great Britain. Tribunal of arbitration at Geneva. 3 v. Wash., 1872. See United States. Dept, of state. — Case of the United States presented to the tribunal of arbitration at Geneva. Wash., 1872 904.10 — Counter case of Great Britain. Tribu- nal of arbitration at Geneva. Wash., 1872. See United States. Dept, of State . — Cushing, C. Treaty of Washington: its discussions, etc. 1873 902.13 Alaska. Jackson, S. Alaska and missions on north Pacific coast. [1880] 514.27 — Petroff, Ivan. Alaska; resources, etc. 1881 526.11 — Whymper, F. Travel and adventure in, [1862] 503.12 Albeet, prince consort of England. Speeches and addresses. 1866 327.8 , See also Victoria. Albeet N’yanza, The. [Lake in Africa]. Baker, S. W 505.22 Albeetsen, Frank. The four-footed lovers. 1881 77.20 Albigenses. Milman, A. H. In his Latin Christianity, v. 5 416 . 19 Alchemist, The. Balzac, H. de. Fiction.. 131.4 Alchemy and alchemists In 1001.9.5 — Mackay, C. Extraordinary popular delusions 311 . 5 Alcohol. The alcohol question. [Papers from Contemporary review] 842 . 10 — Carpenter, W. B. Use and abuse of alcoholic liquors. 1851 801.4 — Fiske, John. Tobacco and. 1869 808.5 — Hargreaves, W. Alcohol and science. 1882 845.13 — Hunt, E. M. Alcohol as a food and medicine. 1877 835.29 — Miller, J. Alcohol: its place and power. 1872 807.30 ALHAMBRA- 8 AMERICA. Alhambra, Moorish palace. Irving, W. The Alhambra. 1872. [cop. 1865.] 142,17 — Prime, S. J. Alhambra and the Krem- lin. 1873 516.9 Alice, Princess , grand duchess of Hesse, 1843-78. Biographical sketch [by K. Sell] and letters. 1884. Portrait.... 628.21 Alice. Sequel to “Ernest Maltravers.” Bulwer-Lytton, E. L 36.69 Alice Franklin. Howitt, M. Juv 91.1 Alice Learmont. Craik, D. M 13.3 Alice Lorraine. Blackmore, R. D 42.17 Alice’s adventures in wonderland. Carroll, L. pseud 76.15 Alide: an episodeof Goethe’s life. Lazarus, E. Fict 31.17 Alison, Sir A. History of Europe. 1789- 1852. 8 y 744.3 — - Same. 1789-1815. Abridged 744.1 — Miscellaneous essays. 1859 305.4 Nature and principles of taste. I860.. 325.27 Pill aboard. Adams, W. T 72.2.2 All aboard for sunrise lands. Rand E. A. Juv 515.11 All around the year [poems]. Goodale E. and D.R 218.2 All for greed. Blaze de Bury, Mine 36.158 All true : records of peril and adventure, etc. Sunday reading for the young, by Dr. Macaulay 317.9 All’s well that end’s well [comedy]. See Shakespeare W. Allegories. Adams, W. Sacred allegories. 432.28 — Bunyan,J. Pilgrim’s progress. 408.8 and 411. 4 — Holmes, W. and Barber ,7. W. Relig- ious emblems and allegories. 1849 .. 408.10 Alleine, Richard. Heaven opened; or, the riches of God’s covenant of grace. ’52 437.7 Allen, E. H. Language of the hand. See > Frith, H. 1884 845.14 Allen, Ethan. Sparks, J, Life of. (Am. biog. v. 1.) 1873 641.4 Allen, Grant. Colours of flowers [British]. 1882 842.15 Allen, J.H. Hebrew men and times. 1879 421.27 [ — and Greenough, J. B. Latin grammar. [cop. 1877] 313.7 Allen, J. W. Paul Dreifus; his holiday I abroad. [1881.] 518.28 Allen, L. F. Rural architecture. 1852... 807.17 i Allen, Mary E. Health and strength for | girls. See Safford, M. J 844.31 Allen, R. L. New American farm book; revised by L. F. Allen, [cop. 1869.] 805.9 Allibone, S. A. Critical dictionary of Eng- lish literature and British and Ameri- can authors. 3 v. 1871 *A.8 — Poetical quotations from Chaucer to Tennyson. 1876 *B.20 — Prose quotations from Socrates to Ma- caulay. 1875 *B.19 IAllingham, W. Book of ballads 208.20 Allston, Washington. Lectures on art, j with poems. 1850 204.20 I— Clark S. Our first great painter. (At- Inn+.in Tr 1 Pi \ * — Clement, E. C. Painters, etc. 1879 .... 834.1 1 — Fuller, S. Marg. In her Papers on lit- erature and art 317.3 — Sweetser, T. M, F. Artist biographies, v. 5 626.5 — Tuckerman, H.T. Book of the artists. 1867 821.12 Almanacs. Spofford, A. R. American al- manac. 3v. 1882-4 *D.6 See also Annuals ; Calendar ; Year-books. Almost a duchess. (No name ser.) 57.8 Alphabet in finance. McAdam, G. 1877.. 912.25 Alphabets, Ornamental, etc. Ames, D. T. Ames’ alphabets. 1879 848.10 — Delamotte, F. Book of ornamental. 1868 848.11 Alpine poems. Havergal, F. R 518.11 A. L. O. E. See Tucker, Charlotte. Aloha. [Yisit to Sandwich Islands.] Cha- ney, G. L. 1880 514.17 Alone. Terhune, M. V 14.11 Alps. Alpine adventure. 1878 522.12 — Eddy, D.C. Alps and the Rhine. Juv. 515.13.5 — Tyndall, John. Glaciers of the. 1861. 506.5 — - Hours of exercise in the. 1871 525.25 — Whymper, E. Scrambles amongst the, [1860-69.] Illus 507.7 Alroy. Disraeli, Benjamin 36.184 Alsacian schoolmaster. Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A 45.17 Alton Locke. Kingsley, Charles 17.27 Amateur dramas. Baker, G. M 206.24 See also Dramas. Amateur poacher. Jefferies, R 833.30 Amazon, The. [Art novel.] Dingelstedt, F. 131.15 Amazon river. Bates, H. W. Naturalist on the, [1848-59.] 508.14 — Herndon, W. L. and Gibbon, Lardner. Exploration of the valley of the Ama- zon. 2v. 1854 528.8 — Orton, I. Andes and the Amazon. 1870 502.16 — Reid, M, Afloat in the forest. Juv 92.5 — Stephens, C. A. On the Amazon. Juv. 24.18.6 — Verne, J. Giant raft. Fict. 2v. 1881-2. 54.20 See also Brazil ; America (South). Amber gods and other stories. Spofford, H. P 141.11 Amber witch, The. Meinhold, J. W T 133.5 Ambitious woman. Fawcett, E 147.4 Ambrose, Saint. Thornton, R. His life, times, and teaching. (The fathers for Eng. readers, v. 3) 423.14 Amelia. Fielding, H 144.10 Amenities of home. (Appletons’ home books.) 1881 426.28 Amenities of literature. Disraeli, I. 2 v. . 1864 308.11 America [as a whole]. Abbott, J. Aborig- inal America. 1860 721.1.1 — - Discovery of America. 1860 721.1.2 — Anderson, R.B. America not discovered by Columbus. 1877 714.15* — Baldwin, J. D, Ancient America. Illus. 1872 711.7 — Ballantyne, R. M. Norsemen in the West. [Fiction.] 1872 76.4 — Bradford, A. W. American antiquities. 1841 748.7 — Browne, D. J. Trees of America, [cop. 1846.] 821.3 — Brownell, H. H. The New World. [History.] 1857 748.8 — Butterworth, H. Young folks’ history of. 1881 721.22 — DeCosta, B. F, Pre-Columbian discov- ery of, by the Northmen. 1868 748.6 — Gilman, A. Tales of the pathfinders... 738.21 ALCOHOL. 7 ALGIERS. Alcohol, continued. — Pitman, R. C. Alcohol and the state. 1878 912.17 — Richardson, B. W. On alcohol. 1876. 816.6 See also Stimulants and narcotics ; Temper- ance question. Alcott, A.B. Concord days: [diary.]. 1873. 622.8 — Table talk. 1877 314.24 Alcott, L. M. Aunt Jo’s scrap- bag ser.6v 26.42 1. My boys. 2. Shawl-straps. 3. Cupid and Chow-Chow. 4. My girls, etc. 5. Jimmy’s cruise in the Pinafore, etc. 6. Old fashioned thanksgiving. — Eight cousins ; or, the aunt-hill. 1881. 74.21 — Hospital sketches and camp and fireside stories. 1873 26.41 — Jack and Jill : a village story. 1880... 86.26 — Kitty’s class day. [1868.] 75.9 — Little men. 1871 4.32 — Little women. 2 v. 1871 4.33 — Modern Mephistopheles. 1877 46.4 — Moods. [1864.] 34.17 — Morning glories. 1871 4.34 — Old fashioned girl. 1871 4.31 — Rose in bloom; sequel to “ Eight cous- ins.” 1876 88.11 — Silver pitchers and independence. 1876 75.2 — Three proverb stories. 1868 74.3 — Under the lilacs. 1878 76.1 — Work; story of experience. 1876 143.1 Alcott, W. A. Confessions of a school- master. 1856 406.26 — Courtship and marriage, 1857 406.25 — Gift book for young men. 1853 406.22 — Lectures on life and health. 1853 837.10 — Physiology of marriage. 1860 837.12 — Vegetable diet. 1851 837.9 — Young man’s guide. 1851 406.15 Alden, Mrs. I. M. [ Pansy .] Chautauqua girls at home. [cop. 1877.] 78.4 — Endless chain, [cop. 1884.] 82.29 — Ester Ried. [cop. 1870.] 86.12 — Ester Ried yet speaking, [cop. 1883].. 82.27 — Four girls at Chautauqua, [cop. 1876] 78.3 — Grandpa’s darlings, [cop. 1875.] 86.15 — Hall in the grove. 1881 51.26 — Hedge fence. [1884.] 82.33 — Household puzzles. 1874 86.1 — Julia Ried. [cop. 1872.] 86.13 — The king’s daughter, [cop. 1883.] 86.24 — Links in Rebecca’s life. 1878 81.17 — Man of the house. [1883.] §2.3 — Mrs. Solomon Smith looking on. 1882 81.22 — New graft on the family tree. 1880 81.20 — Pansy’s picture book. [1881.] 77.16 — Pocket measure 87.29 — The Randolphs. 1876 86.2 — Ruth Erskine’s crosses, [cop. 1879.]... 86.14 — Sidney Martin’s Christmas, [cop. 1878.] 81.23 — Three people. 1771 81.18 — Tip Lewis and his lamp. [cop. 1867.] 81.19 — Wise and otherwise, [cop. 1873] 82.31 — and F'oster, I. H. From different stand- points. 1878 81.15 — Modern prophets, etc. 1874...: 81.16 — and Livingstone, C. M. Divers women. [cop. 1880.] 86.25 Alden, Joseph. The Alden series. 4v 76.9 1. Light-hearted girl. 3. Lost lamb. 2. Cardinal flower. 4. Henry Ashton. — Natural speaker: selections. 1872 323.6 Alden, Joseph, continued. — Science of government in connection with American institutions. [1876].. 912.28 — Studies in Bryant. [Text-book.] ..317.22 Alden, W. L. Domestic explosives. [Hu- morous.] 1878 315.2 — The moral pirates. Juv. 1881 87.19 Aldrich, T. B. Cloth of gold, etc. [Poems] 1875 208.19 — Marjorie Daw, and other people, 1873 64.8 — Mercedes, and later lyrics. 1884 215.1 — Prudence Palfrey. 1874 143.22 — Queen of Sheba. 1877 137.10 — Stillwater tragedy. 1880 138.7 — Story of a bad boy. Juv. 1870 26.44 — [Sketch of Aldrich.] In Poets’ homes. 622.6.1 Aldridge, R. Life on a ranch. [ Kansas, Colo- rado, Indian territory, Texas.] 1884 522.18 Alec Forbes of Howglen. MacDonald, G. 36.355 Alexander the great. Abbott, J. History of. 1874 611.1 — Lee,N. Alexander the great; a tragedy. (British drama, v. 2) 207.1 — Plutarch. Lives 604.5 — Schlegel, C. W. F. Caesar and Alexan- der: historical comparison In 742.6 Alexander, bishop 0 / Lycopolis. Writ- ings. (A.-N. C. lib., v. 14.) 415.1 Alexander, Mrs., [Mrs. A. F. Hector.] The admiral’s w r ard. 1883 54.13 — The executor. 1883 55.22 — TheFreres. 1882 52.8 — Her dearest foe. 1876 11.32 — Heritage of Langdale. 1877 144.5 — Look before you leap. 1882 53.8 — Maid, wife or widow? 1879 45.1 — Which shall it be? 1874 31.20 — The wooing o’t. 1873.... 31.1 Alexander, Archibald. Evidences of Chris- tianity. [cop. 1836.] 407.13 — Practical sermons, [cop. 1850.] 405.2 Alexander, Francesca. The story of Ida. Ed. by J. Ruskin. 1883 627.28 Alexander, W. Witness of the Psalms to Christ. (Bampton lectures.) 1879.. 442.10 Alexandria, Egypt. Kingsley, C. Hypatia. [Christianity; 5th century.] Fict 14.7 Alfieri, Vittorio. Autobiography. 1876. 614.8 Alfred the great. Abbott, J. History of. 1872 611.2 — Dulcken, H. W. Worthies of the world. 634.15 — Hughes, T. Alfred the great. 1871.... 608.16 — Tweedie, W. K. Earnest men 632 r 8 Algebra. Olney, E. University algebra. 1880 841.1 — Robinson, H.N. New university. 1874. 811.4 Alger, Horatio, jr. From canal boy to president: boyhood and manhood of James A. Garfield 87.33 — Luck and pluck books. 1st ser. 4 v. [cop. 1869-72.] 84/ 1. Luck and pluck, 3. Strong and steady. 2. Sink or swim. 4. Strive and succeed. — - 2d series. 4 v. [cop. 1873-75.] 84. 1. Try and trust. 3. Risen from the ranks. 2. Bound to rise. 4. Herbert Carter’s legacy. Alger, Wm. R. Doctrine of a future life. With bibliography [by E. Abbott]. ’64 411.5 — Poetry of the Orient. 1874 211.21 — Friendships of women. 1879 421.12 Algiers. Cox, S. S. Search for winter sunbeams in, [1869] 503.2 AMERICA. 9 AMERICAN America, continued. — Helps, A. Spanish conquest in Amer- ica. 4 v. 1856-68 737.1 — Mackenzie, R. America: a history. 1882. 723.13 — Nadaillac, Marquis de. Pre-historic America. 1884 734.17 — Robertson, W. Discovery and settle- ment of America. 1855 731.6 — - Same, abridged. 1869 738.17 — Sumner, C. Prophetic voices concern- ing. 1874 711.11 America, British. Kingston, W. H. G. The frontier fort. Juv. [1879] 78.20 — Mackenzie, A. Voyage from Montreal to the frozen oceans [1789-93] 8521.16 — Reid, Mayne. Young voyageurs; or, the boy hunter in the north. 1877 75.24 — Robinson, H. M. Great fur land [Hud- son Bay Co.] 1879 513.1 — Verne. J. The fur country. Fict. 1874 . 42.41 See also Canada; Labrador; Manitoba; New- foundland ; Nova Scotia. America, Central. Humboldt, A. von. Travels in equinoctial America. [1779-1804] 527.1 — Oswald, F. L. Summerland. 1880... 517.13 — Pictures of travel in far-off lands 525.19 — Stephens, J.L. Travels in [1839-40]. 2 v 507.12 — Trollope, A. The West Indies, etc 503.15 See also Nicaragua; Panama: Yucatan. America, North. Coues, E. Key to North American birds. 1872 *C.2 — Dixon, W. H. New America. 1867... 501.24 — Kingston, W. H. G. Afar in the forest: a tale of adventure in North America. 1884 84.4 — Mackay, C. Life and liberty in Ameri- ca, [1857-8] 505.4 — Parkman, F. France and England in North America. Pts. 1-5, 7. 7 v. 1871-84 . . 736.15 — Peto, S. M. Resources and prospects of America. 1866 711.16 — Pumpelly, R. Across America and Asia. 1871 527.11 — Scheie de V ere, M. Romance of American history. 1872 711.13 — Short, J. T. The North Americans of antiquity. 1880 722.7 Trollope, A. North America, 1861-2... 501.30 — Trumbull, H. Discovery of America, with Indian wars. 1822 726.2 See also America, (British) ; Canada; Indians; Mexico; United States. America, South. Bishop, N. H. Thousand miles across South America [in 1855] 522.29 — Haussaurek, F. Four years among Spanish- Americans, [cop. 1867] 518.4 — Pictures of travel in far-off lands; South America 525.18 — Waterton, Charles. Wandering in South America, etc., 1812-24. 1879.. 514.21 See also Amazon; Andes; Argentine con- federation ; Brazil ; Chili ; New Grenada ; Peru ; Patagonia, America before Europe. Gasparin, A. de. 1862 902.4 America discovered. A poem. 1850 217.34 American. For many books relating to American travel, history, etc., see United States. For American art, see Fine arts; for American biography, see Biography, (Collective). American, The. James, H.,jY., Fict. 1877. 137.24 American actor series. v. 1-6. See Hut- ton, L. ed 635.18 American agriculturist. v. 12-15, 17-22, 32-44, N. Y., 1854-84 8541.16 American almanac. Spofford, A. R. 3 v. 1882-4 *D.6 American anecdotes. [With Percy anec- dotes] 312.1 American architect and building news. Weekly journal, v. 12-18, Boston, 1882-5 *8541.18 American archives. See United States. American art. See Fine arts. American authors. Hill, D. J. v. 1-2 635.12 Contents: 1. Irving. 2. Bryant. American authors, Stories by. vols. 1-10. N. Y. 1884-5 56.6 American baron. DeMille, J. A 61.32 American biography. See Biography, (col- lective). American biography, Dictionary of. Drake, F. S. 1872 *A.7 American biography, Library of. See Sparks, J. American board of commissioners for for- eign missions. Anderson, R. His- tory of the. 4 v 417.1 Contents — 1. India. 2. Hawaiian islands. 3-4. Oriental churches. — Memorial volume of first fifty years. Bost., 1861 413.15 American boy’s handy-book. Beard, D. C. 1882 842.16 American builder, The. A journal of in- dustrial art. 1874-77. v. 10-14 *8521.19 American Christian record (History, confes- sions of faith, etc., of every denomi- nations). 1860 423.24 American churches. Reed, A. and Mathe- son, J. Visit to the American churches. (Christian library). 1835. . 411.3 American colleges and the American pub- lic. Porter, N. 1870 413.17 American colleges; their students and their work. Thwing, C. F 417.27 American commonwealths, vols. 1-4. See Scudder, H. E., editor. American conflict. Greeley, H. 2 v. 1867. 737.13 American cottage homes, Palliser’s. 1878. . .*8521.22 American currency, Hist. of. Sumner, W.G. 902.22 American cyclopedia. 16 v. N. Y., 1873-6.. *B.23 — Same. Index *B 23.17 American eloquence. Moore, F. 2 v. 1857 321.12 American explorations in ice zones. Nourse, J. E.B., [1884] 521.6 American explorers. Higginson, T. W. (Young folks’ ser.) 1877 711.22 American family in Germany. Brown, J.R. 502.22 American family in Paris. Ticknor, A. E.. 24.33 American farmer in England. 1852 512.26 American female poets. May, C., ed’r. [cop. 1869] 212.13 American four in hand in Britain. Carne- gie, Andrew. [1881] 521.16 American fruit culturist. Thomas, J. J. 1867 804.8 American gentleman’s guide to politeness and fashion. Lunettes, H., pseud. . . 407.23 American girl’s book [of amusements]. Leslie, E 74.11 American girl’s home book. Campbell, H. 1883 832.32 2 AMERICAN. 10 AMICIS. American health primers. See Keen, A. W., edr. American hero-myths. Brinton, D. G 427.22 American history. Abbott, J. 8 v 721.1 Contents: v. 1. Aboriginal America, v. 2. Discovery of America, v. 3. Southern colo- nies. v. 5. Wars of the colonies, v, 6. Revolt of the colonies, v. 7. War of the revolution, v. 8. Washington. American horsewoman. Karr, Mrs. E. 1884. 844.36 American Hoyle. Trumps, pseud 835.14 Note — Rules for games of cards, etc. American Indians. See Indians of North America. American institute. Annual reports. See New York, city. American interiors. Elliott, C. W. Illus. fol. 1876 *8541.6 American journal of education, v. 1-7, 10-13. See Barnard; H., editor 403.1 American journal of horticulture, v. 5. 1869 825.1 American library journal. See Library journal. American life, Certain dangerous tenden- cies in, and other papers. Harrison, J. B. 1880 914.7 American literature. Adams. O. F. Brief hand-book of American authors. 1884 322.5 — Allibone, S. A. Critical dictionary of English literature, and British and American authors. 3 v. 1871 *A.8 — Beers, H. A. Century of American lit- erature, 1776-1886. [Selections.] 318.31 — Cheever, G. B. Prose writers of Amer- ica. [Extracts]. 1876 326.11 — Cleveland, C. D. Compendium of Amer- ican literature, [cop. 1859.] 325.24 — Duyckinck, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopae- dia of American literature. Illus. 2 v. 1877 *E.7 — Eliot, S. Selections from American authors, [reading book], [cop. 1879.] 326.5 — Godwin, P. American authorship 311.18 — Griswold, R. W. Curiosities of Ameri- can lit. ( With Disraeli, I. Curiosi- ties of lit) 305.8 — - Poets and poetry of America. 1842. 201.6 — . - Prose writers of America. Portraits. [cop.1870] 316.17 — Hart, J. S. Manual of American liter- ature. [cop. 1872.] 316.4 — Haweis, H. R. American humorists [Irving, Holmes, Lowell, Artemus Ward, Mark Twain] 326.7 — Higginson, T. W. Short studies of American authors. 1880 315.9 — J enkins, O. L. Student’s hand-book of British and American literature. 1876. 318.33 — Martin, B. N., ed’r. Choice specimens of American literature. 1871 311.20 — Nichol, J. American literature. His- torical sketch. 1882 316.20 — Raymond, I. Southland writers. [Fe- male]. 2 v. 1870 316.2 — Richardson, C. F. Primer of American literature. 1883 318.34 — Royse, N. K. Manual of American lit- erature. [Selections.] 1872 318.32 — Scheie de Yere, M. M. Americanisms. 1772.. 316.3 Shaw, T. B. Manual of Eng. and Am. lit. [1867] 325.5 Tyler, M. C. History of. v. 1-2 312.6 Contents— v. 1. 1607-1676. v. 2. 1677-1765. American literature, continued. — Underwood, F. H. Handbook of Eng- lish literature. American authors. 1879 312.7 — Whipple, E. P. Poets and poetry of America In 303.6.1 See also English literature; Journal- ism; Periodicals; Poetry. American men of letters, v. 1-6. See War- ner, C. D., edr '. 624.12 American merchants Hunt, F. Lives. 2 v. 604.3 American naturalist. An illustrated mag- azine of natural history. v. 8-18. 1874-84 *8501.15 American note-books. Hawthorne, N 606.5 American notes [travel in 1842]. Dick- ens, C 527.22 — - Same 1.16 American peace society. Prize essays on a congress of nations for the adjust- ment of international disputes, etc. Boston. 1840 904.2 American pioneers and patriots. [Biogra- phies]. 12 v. See Abbott. J. S. C. American poems. Longfellow; Whittier; Bryant; Holmes; Lowell; Emerson. . 217.5 American poets and poetry. See American literature; Biography; Poetry. American politician. [Fiction]. Crawford, F. M. 1885 57.15 American politics. Cooper, T. Y. and Fen- ton, H. T. 1882 915.3 American politics [hand-book]. J ohnson, A. 1879... 912.19 American revolution. See United States. American senator. [Fiction[. Trollope, A. 1877 47.36 American settler’s guide. Copp, H. N. 1883 915.6 American socialisms, History of. Noyes, J. H. 1870 915.12 American state papers. See United States. American statesman, The: a political his- tory. Young, A. W. 1855 904.17 American statesmen, Homes of. Illus. 1855. 617.9 American statesmen series, v. 1-10. See Mors6, J. T., editor 626.4 American temperance society. Permanent temperance documents, v. 1. 1835. . 411.11 American woman’s home. Beecher, C. and Stowe, H. B. 1870 811.24 American year-book and national register for 1869. Ed. by D. N. Camp. v. 1. 904.15 Americanisms. Bartlett, J. R. Dictionary of. 1860 321.16 — Scheie de Vere, M. Americanisms. 1872 316.3 Ames, Azel. Sex in industry. 1875 912.14 Ames, D. T. Alphabets adapted to the use of architects, engravers, etc. 1879 . . . 848.10 Ames, M. C. [Mrs. Hudson]. Alice and Phoe- be Cary, with [their] later poems. 1874 632.3 — Eirene; a woman’s right. 1872 61.28 — His two wives. 1884 o 137.23 — Memorial of Alice and Phoebe Cary. With their Poetical works. 1882 . . . 207.27 — Outlines of men, women and things. 1873 311.8 — Ten years in Washington. Added: full account of life and death of James A. Garfield, by J. L. Shepley. 1883. . . 521.5 Amicis, E. de. Constantinople. 1878 511.23 — Holland and its people. 1881 517.9 — Morocco; its people and places. 1881 . . 518.12 — Spain and the Spaniards, [cop. 1881]. 517.15 — Studies of Paris, [cop. 1879.] 518.15 AMIDON. 11 ANDERSON. Amidon, R. W. Manual of electro-thera- peutics. 1884 844.37 Ammen, D. Atlantic coast. (Navy in the civil war). 1883 741.12 Among my books. Lowell, J. R. 2 v. 1872-6. 332.12 Among the brigands. DeMille, J. Juv 22.13 Among the hills. Poynter, E. F. 1871 51.21 Among the Mongols. Gilmour, J 501.16 Amoor, river . Atkinson, T. W. Upper and lower Amoor. 1860 511.1 — Collins; P. McD. Voyage down the. [1856-7] 508.15 Amos, Sheldon. Science of law. 1884 815.4.10 Amusements, games, pastimes. — Culture of pleasure in social and relig- ious aspects, [anon]. 1873 425.27 — Dodge, M. A. In her Stumbling blocks. 1866 307.12 — Helps, A. Recreation. (In his Friends in council, v. 1). [cop. 1861] 302.3 — Stowe, H. B. How shall we entertain, etc. (In her Chimney corner). 1868. 301.27 — Bartlett, G. B. New games for parlor and lawn. 1882 842.11 — Beard, D. C. American boy’s handy- book. 1882 842.16 — Bellew, F. Art of amusing, [cop. 1866] 828.13 — Book of 500 puzzles. 1850 812.27 — Boy’s own book 74.12 — Brand, J . Popular antiquities of Great Britain. 3 v 718.8 — Campbell, H. American girl’s home book. 1883 832.32 — Cassell’s book of indoor amusements . . 832.19 — Champney, L. W. Entertainments [holiday, temperance, etc] . 1879 833.3 — Cremer, W. H. Hanky panky. 1875.. 823.6 — Dalton, H. Evening amusements and drawing-room plays. 1884 832.34 — Dodge, M. E. A few friends and how they amused themselves. 1869 811.20 — Elliott, Alfred. Out-of-doors : a hand- book of games for the play-ground. 1872 802.8 — - Within-doors: a book of games and pastimes for the drawing-room. 1872. 802.9 Hoffmann, L. Parlor amusements, etc. 837.28 — How to amuse an evening party. 1863. . 812.29 — Howard, C. J. Book of conundrums and riddles. 1869 812.28 — Lawford, L. Every girl’s book [of amusements] 835.31 — Leslie, E. American girl’s book. 1874. 74.11 — Mayne, L. D. What shall we do to- night. [cop. 1873] 828.1 — Newell, W. W. Games and songs of American children. 1883 848.20 — Palgrave, F. T. Five days’ entertain- ments at Wentworth grange. 1868 17.13 — Pepper, J. H. Boy’s play book of science 811.6 — - Play book of metals 808.25 — - Scientific amusements 827.25 — The sociable. 1858 812.25 - Taylor, N. W. School amusements . . . 426.5 — Valentine, R. Home book of pleasure and instruction 811.5 See also Archery ; Aquarium ; Cards ; Chess ; Checkers; Cricket; Dancing; Dramas; Games; Magic; Sports. Amy Herbert. Sewell, Eliza M 36.507 Amy Lee. [anon]. 1856 18.4 Anabasis, The; or, expedition of Cyrus into Persia. Xenophon. 1867. . . . . .1020.1.1 Anacharsis the younger. Travels in Greece. [B. C. 363-337]. Barthelemi, J. J. 8 v....* 507.1 Anacreon. Odes; trans. by T. Bourne 1020.18 Analogy of religion. Butler, J. 1881 401.26 Anastasius, or memoirs of a Greek. Hope, T. 1873 144.1 Anatomy. Agnew, D. H. Practical anato- my. 1868 824.15 — Gray, Henry. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical, 8th ed’n Phila. 1878. . . . *B.33 — Hitchcock, E., and Hitchcock, E .,jr. Elementary anatomy. 1873 807.15 — Marshall, I. Anatomy for artists. 1878 8521.17 — Mivart, St. George. Elementary anat- omy. 1877 823.13 See also Physiology. Anatomy of drunkenness. Macnish, R. 1844 In 305.10 Anatomy of melancholy. Burton Robert. 1866 427.17 Ancien regime. [Pre-revolutionary France.] Kingsley, C 706.26 Ancient America. Baldwin, J. D. Hlus. 1873 711.7 Ancient classics [outlined and explained] for English readers. See Collins, W. L., editor. Ancient history from the monuments, 6 v. 1875-77 716.13 Contents— 1. Egypt, to B. C. 300; by S.Birch. 2. Assyria, to fall of Nineveh; by G. Smith. 3. Persia, to Arab conquest; by W. S. W. Vaux. 4. Greek cities and islands of Asia Minor; by W. S. W. Yaux. 5. Babylonia; by G. Smith. 6. Sinai, from fourth Egyptian dy- nasty; by H. S. Palmer. Ancient law. Maine, H. S. 1871 Ancient regime. [France]. Taine, H. A. 1876 Ancient states and empires. Lord, John. 1869 Ancient stone implements, etc., of Great Britain. Evans, John. 1872 Andersen, H. C. Danish story book. 1869 — Fairytales — The improvisatore, [Italian romance] — In Spain and Portugal. 1870 — Only a tidier. 1871 Pictures of travels in Sweden, the Hartz mountains and Switzerland. 1871. . . . — Poet’s bazaar; pictures of travel in Germany, Italy, Greece, and the Orient. [1 840] The sand-hills of Jutland [and other stories J. Juv. 1869 Stories for the household. 1866 Story book. 1869 — Story of my life. 1872 — The two baronesses. 1870 What the moon saw. 1067 Wonder stories. 1871 Wonderful tales from Denmark Anderson, E. L. On horseback; [how to ride]. 1882 — Soldier and pioneer: biog. sketch of Lt. Col. R. C. Anderson, of the continen- tal army. 1879 Anderson, Mrs. Galusha. Story of Aunt Lizzie Aiken. 1880 903.4 715.8 745.14 704.2 22.30 22.32 22.37 508.2, 22.34 508.2 522.26 22.25 77.9 22.29 633.11 22.38 22.33 22.35 22.31 824.20 622.13 621.24 ANDERSON. 12 ANNE. Anderson, J. J. Manual of general his- tory. 1879 717.14 — Pictorial school history of the United States. 1879 723.2 Anderson, John. Strength of materials. 1872 838.25 Anderson, R. B. America not discovered by Columbus. 1877 714.15 — Norse mythology. 1876 415.5 Anderson, Col. R. C., of the continental army. Sketch by E. L. Anderson. 1879 622.13 Anderson, Rufus. History of missions of the American board of commission- ers for for foreign missions. 4 v. 1875. 417.1 Contents— v. 1. India. v. 2. Hawaiian Is- lands. v. 3-4. Oriental churches. Andersson, C. J. Lake Ngami, four years’ wandering in southwestern Africa, [1850-54] 513.6 Andersonville, prison. Spencer, A. Nar- rative of. 1866 736.14 Andes. Head, F. B. Journey across the Pampas and Andes. 1826 512.20 — Orton, J. Andes and the Amazon. 1870 502.16 Andover, Mass. Bailey, S. L. Histor- ical sketches of. 1880 722.19 Andover review. A religious and theolog- ical monthly, v. 1-4. Boston. 1884-5. 1008.14 Andreas Hofer. Mundt, C. M. 1868 42.30 Andrew, J. A., gov. of Mass. Memoir, by P. W. Chandler, 1880 622.19 — Stowe, H. B. Men of our times. 1868. . 634.3 Andrew, J. O., bishop. Life and letters, byG. G. Smith. 1882 627.18 Andrews, E. A. Latin-English lexicon. 1872 *A.4 — and Stoddard, S. Latin grammar. 1864. 331.3 Andrews, J. N. History of the Sabbath. 1873 425.5 Andrews, Jane. Each and all; a compan- ion to the “Seven little sisters,” 1876. 86.7 — Seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air. 1876 86.6 Anecdotes. Arvine, K. Cyclopaedia of mor- al and religious anecdotes, [cop. 1860] 424.7 — Buck, C. Religious, moral and enter- taining. 1856 407.1 — Bungay, G. W. Temperance anecdotes. 1876 314.16 — Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. 2 v. 1873-81 306.29 — Goodrich, S. G. Peter Parley’s merry stories 332.11 — Hood, E. P. ed’r. World of anecdote. 4 v. [1875-78.] 317.7 — Jennings, G. H. Anecdotal history of the British parliament. 1881 913.21 — Kirkland, F. Cyclopaedia of business and commercial anecdotes. 2 v. 1864. 305.16 — Paul, H . and others. Book of modem anecdotes. American, legal, theatrical 311.3 — Percy anecdotes, [Also] American anec- dotes 312.1 — Reddie, W. Anecdotes, literary and scientific 316.5 — Sheely, A. Anecdotes of school life. 1877 317.27 — Starling, E. Noble deeds of women. 1858 605.10 — Timbs, John. Century of anecdote, 1760-1860 326.15 — Townsend, E. D. Anecdote sof the civil war in the United States 741.3 Anecdotes, continued. * Wonders of the universe, etc. 1841... 806.9 Angel of the household, etc. Arthur, T. S . 1853 31.28 Angel whispers [addresses to mourners] Eddy, D. C. I860.. 408.19 Angelic wisdonl concerning the divine pro- vidence. Swedenborg, E. 1868 413.32 Angelico. Jameson, Mrs. A. Early Ital- ian painters. 1875 614.3 — Oliphant, Mrs. In her Makers of Flor- ence 615.18 — Ruskin, J. Modern painters, v. 5. 1874 808.31 — Sweetser, M. F. Artist biographies, v. 5 626.5 — Vasari, G. Lives of the painters, v. 2. _618.10 Angell, H. C. How to take care of our eyes. 1878 823.20 Angelo, Michael. See Buonarrotti, M. A. Angling. See Fishing. ANGLO-Saxon chronicle, The. [A. D. 1-1154] 441.8 ANGLO-Saxon literature. Hart, J. M. Syl- labus of Anglo-Saxon literature. 1881 316.14 ANGLO-Saxons. Longfellow, H. W. Anglo- Saxon language and poetry In 207.2 — Milman, H. H. Anglo-Saxon Christian- ity, etc. (Latin Christianity, v. 2, 3.) . 416.19 — Palgrave, F. History of the Anglo- Saxons. 1876 715.7 Angola and the river Congo. Monteiro, J. J. 1876 524.11 Angus, J. R. Sportsman’s year-book for 1880, [British] 834.25 Animal intelligence, Romanes, G. J. 1883.815.4.44 Animal life as affected by natural condi- tions of existence. Semper, K. 1881 815.4.30 Animal locomotion: walking, swimming and flying. Pettigrew, J. B. 1874 815.4.8 Animal magnetism, mesmerism, etc. — Ashburner, J. Animal magnetism. 1867 821.13 — Carpenter, W. B. Mesmerism, spiritua- lism, etc., historically and scientific- ally considered. 1877 836.22 — Dods, J. B. Electrical psychology. 1846 804.17 — Gregory, W. Animal magnetism. 1851. 811.15 Animal mechanism: terrestial and serial locomotion. Marey, E. J. 1874 815.4.11 Animal parasites. Van Beneden, P. J. 1876.815.4.19 Animals. See Zoology; also, Natural his- tory; and names of different animals. Annals of a quiet neighborhood. MacDon- ald, G 36.356 Annals of the army of the Cumberland. Fitch, J. 1864 734.15 Annals of the parish. Gault, J. 1869 134.29 Annals of the poor. Richmond, L 71.4 Annals of the West [to 1850]. Perkins, J. H. and Peck, J. M. 1851 736.6 Anne, queen of England. Morris, E. E. Age of Anne. (Epochs of history). 1876 743.5.6 — Same. Stanhope. History of England. 1701-13. 2 v 743.1 — Same. Strickland, A. Queens of Eng- land. 6 v 641.13 Anne Boleyn, 2 d queen of Henry VIII. — Ainsworth, W. H. Windsor castle. Fict 36.32 — Dixon, W. H. History of two queens. 6 v. in 3 643.11 — Strickland, A. Queens of England, v. 2 641.13 Anne. Woolson, C. F. 1882 52.28 Anne Hereford. Wood, Mrs. Henry 36.564 Anne Judge, spinster. Robinson, F. W... . 134.12 Anne of Geierstein. Scott, Sir W 12.23 Anne Severin. Craven, Mme. A 131.16 ANNIS. 18 APOTHEGMS. Annis Warleigh’s fortune. Parr, H 31.13 Annual cyclopaedia, Appleton s’, v. 1-25.. (1861-85) *B.32 Annual record of science and industry for 1873, Baird, S. F 808.28 Annuals. See Almanacs; Calendars; Year books. Anselm, St. Church, B. W. [Life.] 1884. 644.5 — Lord, J. Saint Anselm— Mediaeval the- ology In 735.6.2 Anstey, F., pseud. See Guthrie, F. A. Antarctic explorations. Chambers’ papers for the people 1001.9.3 See also Arctic regions. ANTE-Nicene Christian library. Transla- tions of the writings of the fathers down to A. D. 325. Ed. by Rev. A. Roberts and J. Donaldson. 24 v. 1867-71 415.1 Contents. Apocryphal gospels, Acts and Revelations, v. 16. Apostolic fathers. [First and second Epistles of Clement to the Corinthians. Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians. Martyrdom of Polycarp. Epistle of Barnabas. Epistle of Ignatius. Martyrdom of Ignatius. Epistle to Diognetus. Pastor of Hermas. Fragments of Papias. Spurious epistles of Ignatius.] v. 1. . Arnobius adversus gentes. Seven books, v. 19. Clement of Alexandria, v. 4, 12. Clementine homilies. Apostolical constitutions, v. 17. Cyprian, together witn Novatian, Minucius Felix, and an [anonymous] treatise on re-baptism, v. 8, 13. Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius of Alexandria, and Archelaus. v. 20. Hippolytus. v. 6, 9. Irenteus. v, 5, 9. Lactantius, together with the testaments of the twelve patriarchs and fragments of the 2-3 centuries, v. 21-22. Liturgies and other documents, v. 24. Martyr (Justin), and Athenagoras. v. 2. Methodius, Alexander of Lycopolis, Peter of Alexan- dria, and fragments, v. 14. Origen. v. 10, 23. Tatian, Theophilus, and the Clementine recogni- tions. v. 3. Tertullian against Marcion. v. 7. Tertullian. Writings, with extant works of Victori- nus and Commodianus. v. 11, 16, 18. Anteros. Lawrence, G. A 36 . 307 Anthon, Charles. Classical dictionary. 1869. *A . 6 — Greek prosody and metre. 1838 331.7 — Latin prosody and metre, [cop. 1841.]. 331.6 - Latin versification. 1845 331 . 8 Anthon, John. The law student, or guides to the study of law. 1850 904 . 21 Anthropology. See Man. Antinous ; a romance of ancient Rome. Taylor, G 53.12 Antiquary, The. Scott, Sir W 12.3 Antiquities. Bradford, A. W. American antiquities. 1841 748 . 7 — Brand,.!. Popular antiquities of Great Britain. 3v 718.8 — Chambers, R. Book of days: a miscel- lany of popular antiquities. 2 v *E . 5 — Evans, J. Ancient stone implements, weapons and ornaments of Great Britain. 1872 704 . 2 — Jewitt, L. Half hours among English antiquities. 1877 724.20 — Lubbock, Sir J. Pre-historic times 704.3 — Mallett, P, H. Northern antiquities [ancient Scandinavians]. 1878 742.8 — Muller, F. M. Essays. (In his Chips, etc.) 404.2.3 Antiquities, continued. — Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 1873 *B.15 — White, G. Natural history and anti- quities of Selborne 8^7.17 See also History ( Ancient ) ; Man ( Pre-lds- toric) ; and also names of various countries and nations. Antiquity [historic lectures]. See Lord, J. Beacon lights of history, v. 1 735 . 6 Antiquity of man. Lyell, C 821 . 26 ANTi-slavery. See Slavery. ANTi-slavery days. Clarke, J. F. 1884. . . . 741 . 6 Antonina; or, the fall of Rome. Collins, W. 131.13 Antonia. Sand, George, pseud 6.2 Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. Thoughts. Translated by George Long. 1864. . 408 . 25 — Arnold, M. Marcus Aurelius (In his Essays in criticism). 1 872 302 . 4 — Farrar, F. W. Seekers after God. 1877 614.23 — Lord, J. Marcus Aurelius— The glory of Rome. 1885 In 735.6.1 Antony, Saint. Kingsley, C. The hermits. 636 . 10 Antony and Cleopatra [tragedy]. See Shakespeare, W. Ants. Lubbock. J. Ants, bees and wasps. (Int. sci. ser) 1884 815.4.42 — McCook, H. C. Agricultural ant of Texas. 1880 841.15 — - Honey ants and occidental ants. ’82. 841.6 Apache country, Adventures in. Browne, J. R. 1871 503.18 Apgar, E. A. History New Jersey. See Sypher, J. R 738 . 5 Aphorisms, etc. Bacon, F. Apophthegms. (In his Works, v. 13) 1001 . 1 — Coleridge, S. F. Moral and religious aphorisms In 432 . 21 — Colton, C. C. Lacon: or, many things in few words. 1866 301 . 15 — Heine, H., Excerpts. [In Ins Scintilla- tions.] 63.34 — LaRochefoucauld,F.de. Maxims. ’71. 317.25 — The moral testament of a man. 1834 . . 408 . 5 — Plutarch. Apothegms of kings and great commanders ; Laconic apo- thegms. (In his Morals.) 445.3.1 — Spurgeon, C. H. John Ploughman’s talk 402.30 See also Proverbs ; Quotations; Table-talk. Apocalypse revealed. Swedenborg, E. 2 v 414.15 Apochryphal gospels, Acts and Revela- tions. See Ante-Nicene Christian library, v. 16 415 . J Apochryphal New Testament 411.15 Apologia pro vita sua. Newman, J. H... 433.18 Apostles. Cave, W. Lives of the apos- tles, etc. 1836 in 411.2 — Renan, E . The apostles 423 . 1 — Smith, W. History of the (In his New Testament history). 1875 715.18 Apostles of mediaeval Europe. Maclear, G. F 636.11 Apostolic fathers. Holland, H. S. The fathers for Eng. readers, v. 1 423 . 14 — Jackson, G. A. Early Christian lit. primers, v. 1 426 . 24 See also Ante-Nicene Christian library. Apostolical and primitive church. Cole- man, L. 1844 407.14 Apostolical constitutions. (A.-N.-C. lib., v. 17) 415.1 Apothegms. See Aphorisms, etc. ARCHITECTURE. APPARITIONS. 14 Apparitions. Fiske, J. Primeval ghost world. (In his Myths, etc.) 401.18 — Owen, B. D. Debatable land. 1872.. 435.16 — - Footfalls on the boundry of another world. 1871 435 . 15 See also Folklore ; Spiritualism ; Witchcraft, etc. Appeal, An, to Caesar [for education of the South.] Tourgee, A. W 916 . 21 Apple-blossoms. [Poems.] Goodale, E. and D. B..... 206.25 Apples of gold in pictures of silver. New- ton, D. F. 1869.. 405.19 Appleton, J. H. Chemistry. 1884 . . 846.5 Appleton, Jesse. Works, with memoir. 1837 405.1 Appleton, T. G. Syrian sunshine. 1875. 525 . 16 Appletons, [D. & Co ] Annual cyclopaedia. v. 1-25, 1861-1885 *B. 32 — Dictionary of New York. 1880 516.3 — General guide to the United States and Canada. 1881 516.30 — Guide to Mexico. By A. B. Conkling. 1884 522.5 — Hand-book of American cities. Ulus. 1877 513.14 — Hand-book of American summer re- sorts. [1881] 516.29 _ - Same. [1883] 501.4 Hand-book of American winter resorts. 1879 513.21 Journal of literature, science and art. v. 1-26. N. Y., 1869-81 1007.3 Note.— V. 1-15 are illustrated. Aquarium. Butler, H. D. The aquarium. [con. 1858.] 814.37 — Gosse, P. H. The aquarium. 1854... 821.23 Taylor, J. E. The aquarium. 1876. . . 822.20 Arabella Stuart. James, G. P. B 34.29 Arabia. Burton, B. F. Pilgrimage to El- Medina and Meccah. 1858 504 . 25 — Morris, E. J. Tour through Arabia Petrsea. 2 v. 1842 505.5 — Palgrave, W. G. Journey through cen- tral and eastern Arabia, [1862-3] 504 . 13 — Sismondi, J. C. L. de. Literature of the Arabians. [In his Literature of the south of Europe, v. 1] 302.6 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Arabia Petrsea. [1835-6.] 2 v 505.13 — Taylor, B ., ed’r. Travels in. 1872 505.18 See also Arabs ; Mecca; Medina; Sinai. Arabian nights’ entertainments. Transl. by E. W. Lane 61.25 — Same; revised by Bev. G. F. Townsend 1873 26.23 — Six stories from; ed. by S. Eliot. 1880. 77.10 Arabs. Conde, J. A. The Arabs in Spain. 3 v. 1854 717.9 — Coppee, H. Conquest * of Spain, by Arab-Moors, with a sketch of the civi- lization which they achieved, and im- parted to Europe. 2 v. 1881 724.16 — Jessup, H. H. Women of the Arabs. 1873 531.12 See also Arabia; Moors; Saracens. Arago, F. Biographies of distuinguished scientific men. 2 v. 1859 602 . 2 Araucanians, The; tour among the Indian tribes of southern Chili. Smith, E. B. 1855 508.4 Arblay, Mine d\ formerly Frances Bur- ney. Diary and letters. 2 v. 1880. 622.9 — Evelina. 1850 36.90 Arcana ccelestia [heavenly mysteries.] Swedenborg, E. 10 v 414.18 Archaeology. See Antiquities; Civiliza- tion; Evolution; Geology; History (Ancient)', and names of various countries; Mythology; Man (Pre-his- torfc ); Manners and customs. Archelaus, bishop of Messopotamia. Writings (A. N.-C. lib., v. 20) 415.1 Archer, Thomas. Decisive events of his- tory. 1871 745.5 Archery. Thompson, M. How to train in archery, [cop. 1879.] 823 . 37 — - Witchery of archery. 1879 823.7 Archie Lovell. Edwards, Mrs. A 34.8 Architect, The; or, practical house car- penter. Benjamin, A. 1856 8521 . 26 Architects. Clement, C. E. Architects, etc. ; a hand-book. 1876 *D 3 — - Same. 1879 834.11 — Vasari, G. Lives of [until the 16th cen- tury.] 5v 618.10 — Wightwick, G. Hints to young archi- tects. 1875 838.14 Architecture. General and Miscellaneous. — Farrar, C. S. History of sculpture, painting and architecture. Topical lessons with specific references to val- uable books. 1881 851 . 2 — Horton, C. W. Architecture for gen- eral students. 1874 818.7 — Lefebre, M. Wonders of. 1871 802.26 — Buskin, J. Lectures on architecture. 1875 822.5 — - The seven lamps of 1871 804.29 — - 1 he stones of Venice. 3 v. 1872... 804.28 — Schlegel, F. von. Gothic architecture. (In his ^Esthetic works.).. 323.12 — Seven wonders of the world 823 . 18 — Viollet-le-Duc, E. Habitations of man in all ages. 1876 851.27 Architectural Styles, Etc. — Fergusson, James. History of archi- tecture. 4. v. 1874 851 . 1 Contents.— 1-2. In all countries. 3. Indian and Eastern. 4. Modern. — Parker, J. H. A. B. C. of gothic archi- tecture. 1882 852.9 — Bosengarten, A. Hand-book of archi- tectural styles 851 . 26 — Smith, T. B. Architecture, gothic and renaissance. 1880 851.31 — - and Slater, J. Architecture, classic and early Christian. 1882 851.34 — VanBensselaer, Mrs. S. Becent archi- tecture in America. (Century m., v. 28,29,31) 1006.4 Church Architecture. — Gardner, E.C. Common sense in churchr building. 1880 824 . 29 — Lord, J. William of Wykeham— Gothic • architecture. In 735.6.2 — Lubke, W. Ecclesiastical art in Ger- many during the middle ages. 1877. 834 . 6 — Norton, C. E. Historical studies of church-building in the middle ages. 1880 836.1 ARCHITECTURE. 15 ARIOSTO. Architecture, continued. — Pullan, R. P. On church decoration. Lond. 1878 848.8 Construction , Drawinig, etc. — Benjamin, A. The architect; or, practi- cal house carpenter. 1856 8521.26 — Clark, T.M. Building superintendence. 1884 843.29 — Richardson, T. A. Architectural model- ing in paper. 1859 811.27 — Tuthill, W. B. Lessons in architec- tural drawing. 1881 851.30 — Viollet-le-Duc. Story (of the building) of a house. 1874 826.9 — Ware, W. R. Modem perspective Domestic and Rural. — Allen, L. F. Rural. 1852 807.17 — Bam plans and out-buildings . 1882... 824.32 — Bicknell, A. J., pub. Detail, cottage and constructive architecture. [1873], *8541 .9 — Bicknell and Comstock, pubs. Modem architectural designs and details. 1881*8541.10 — Bunce, O. B. My house an ideal. ’84. 852.5 — Burges, W. Architectural designs. Ed. by R. P. Pullan. London, 1882 *8541.11 — Cleveland, H. W. Village and farm cottages. 1869 813.7 — Dwyer, C. P. Economic cottage build- er. 1856 806 14 — Eassie, W. Healthy houses 837.5 — Elliott, C. W. Book of American in- teriors. [From existing houses], Heliotype illust. Boston 1976 *8541 .6 — Gardner, E. C. Home interiors. 1878 835.2 — - Homes and how to make them. 1874. 805.22 — - The house that Jill built. 1882 842.14 — - Illustrated homes. 1875 805.21 — Hale, E. E. Sybaris and other homes. 1869 914.6 — Harney, G. E. Barns, out-buildings and fences, [cop. 1870] 8521.21 — Holly, H.H. Modem dwellings, [cop. 1878] 841.27 — Improved dwellings for the laboring plastjAQ 1879 913 14 — Mason, G. C. Old house altered. 1878. 826.22 — Oakey, A . F. Building a home. [Home books]. 18&3 851.17 — Palliser. American cottage homes. 1878. Fol *8521.22 — - Model homes. [Plans, cop. 1878]... 841.24 — Putnam, J. P. The open fire-place in all ages. Ulus. 1882 846.2 — Reed, S. B. House-plans for every- body. 1881 838.13 — Richardson, C. J. Picturesque designs for mansions, villas, lodges, etc. Lond. 1870 806.20 — Wheeler, G. Rural homes. 1855 . . 807.8 Periodicals. — American architect and building news. Weekly journal, v. 12-18. 1882-5 * 8541.18 — Carpentry and building. Monthly, v. 1-7. 1879-85 *8541.7 Arctic regions . Arctic experiences. Tyson’s drift, Polaris expedition, cruise of the Tigress, with general Arctic chrono- logy. Ed. by E. V. Blake. 1874 ... 524.15 — Barrow, John. Arctic voyages. 1874. . 512.22 — • Danenhower, J. C. Narrative of the “Jeannette.” 1882 501.8 — Discovery and adventure in Polar seas and regions, with account of the * whale fiishery. 1868 512.23 — Dufferin, Lord. Letters from high lati- tudes. 1878 511.21 — Gilder, W. H. Ice-pack and tundra : the search for the Jeannette and a sledge journey through Siberia, [1881-2].... 521.19 — - Schwatka’s search. [Franklin records]. 1881 526.10 — Hall, C. W. Adrift in the ice-fields. ’77 76.11 — Hartwig, G. The polar world: a popu- lar description of man and nature. Illus. 1869 521.20 — Hayes, J. J. Arctic boat journey [1854] 501.3 — - Land of desolation [Greenland]. 1872. 504.8 — - The open Polar sea [1860-1] 504.7 — Kane, E. K. Second Grinnell expedi- tion. 1871 503.26 — McClintock, F. L. In the Arctic seas. [Discoverv of the fate of Sir John Franklin.] 525.23 — Mackinzie, A. Voyage from Montreal to the frozen oceans; [1789-’93.] 1801. 8521.16 — Nordenskiold, A. E. Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe. T882. . 521.2 — Nourse, J. E. American explorations in ice zones. [1884] 521.6 — Schley, W. S. and Soley, J. R. The res- cue of Greely. 1885 523.2 — Sontag, A. Grinnell expedition, [1853-5] 507.6 — Verne, J. At the north pole: the adven- tures of Captain Hatteras. Fict. [cop. 1874] 138.28 — - Desert of ice: sequel to At the North pole. Fict. 1876 136.14 — - The fur country. Fict. 1874 42.41 — Whymper, F. Heroes of the Arctic. 1875 518.34 Argentine republic. MacRae, A. Journey across the Andes and pampas. (U. S. naval astro, exp., v. 2,) 1855 * 8521.27 — Napp, R. The Argentine republic [his- tory, statistics, etc.]. 1876 511.26 — Sarmiento, D. E. Life in, in the days of the tyrants. 1868 502.4 Argues, Mrs. M. [The Duchess .] Airy fairy Lilian. 1881 52.16 — Faith and unfaith. 1882 52.2 — Mrs. Geoffrey. 1881 141.23 Argonautic expedition. See classical dic- tionaries and works on mythology. See also Kingsley’s Greek fairy tales [74.6J; Morris’ poem, Jason [ 217.18] ; Hawthorne’s Tanglewood tales [25.6] Argyll, Duke of. ^ee Campbell, G. D. Arians of the fourth century. Newman, J.H 444.8 Ariosto, Ludovico. Orlando Furioso; tr. by Rose. 2 v 206.11 — Tales from Ariosto retold for children. [Anon.] Illus 87.12 See also Carpentry ; Decorative art; Drawing; Foun- dations; Landscape gardening; Masonry; Mechanics; Painting; Warming and ventilation. Architectural modelling in paper. Rich- ardson, T. A 811.27 Architectural styles. Rosengarten, A.. . 851.26 Arctic Crusoe. St. John P. B 23.13 — Jameson, A. Loves of the poets 633.13 — Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe 207.2 Note— See also Hallam’s and Sismondi’s histories of literature. ARISTOPHANES. 16 ARTHUR. Aristophanes [Outlined and explained], by W. L. Collins. (Ancient classics for English readers.) 1873 1020.32 Contents— Introduction. The knights. Comedies of the war: The Acharnians— The peace— Lysistrata. The clouds. The wasps. The birds. The frogs. The women’s festival — The ecclesiazusae. Plutus. Aristotle. Ethics of Aristotle [Greek text]; illustrated, with essays and notes by Sir A. Grant. 2 v. 1874 431.13 — Blackie, J. S. In his Four phases of morals. 1872 402.11 — Lewes, G. H., Life, etc. In his Biog. history of philosophy 427.1 — [Outlined and explained], by Sir A. Grant. (Ancient classics for Eng. readers). 1877 1021.1 Arithmetic. Blanchard, O. Theoretical and practical. 1856 808.23 — Eaton, J. S. Treatise on. [cop. 1857]. . 811.13 — Fish, D. W. Complete arithmetic.1880 837.26 — - Higher arithmetic. 1867 816.30 — Grant, H. Arithmetic for young chil- dren. 1880 832.9 — Greenleaf, B. The national. 1856 808.22 Arizona. Bishop, W. H. Old Mexico and her lost provinces. 1883 501.14 — Browne, J. R. The Apache country. ’71 503.18 — Cozzens, S. W. Three years in Arizona and New Mexico, [cop. 1873] 524.16 — Mowry’s S. History, resources, etc. 1864 611.27 Ark of Elm island. Kellogg, E. Juv 21.20 Arlot, — .G uide for coach painters. 1880... 838.9 Armadale. Collins, Wilkie 36.115 Armenia. Bryce, James. Trans-Caucasia and Ararat [in 1876] 525.9 — Curzon, Robert. Travels in. 1854 525.2 — Norman, C. B. Armenia and the cam- paign of 1877 511.10 Armitage, E. S. Childhood of the English nation. 1877 716.12 Arms and armor. Lacombe, M. P. 1876.. 816.23 Armstrong, J. Life of Richard Montgom- ery. 1873 In 641.4.1 — Life of A. Wayne. 1872 In 641.4.4 Army. See Military science. Army and navy stories. 6 v. See Adams, W. T. [Oliver Optic.] Army life in a black regiment, [1862-4]. Higgenson, T. W 503.22 Army life in Russia, 1877-8. Green. F. V. ’80 724.7 Army life on the border. Marcy, R. B. ’74 511.14 Army of the Cumberland. Cist, H. M. ’82. 726.9.7 — Fitch, J. M. Annals of the. 1864 734.15 Army of the Potomac. Swinton, W. Cam- paigns of. 1866 734.3 Army sacrifices [on Indian frontier] Fry. J B. 1879 . 723.6 Arnault, M. A. and Panckoucke, C. L. F. Life and campaigns of N. Bonaparte. 604.16 Arne [Norwegian tale.] Bjomson, B. 1872. 14.18 Arnold, Arthur. Through Persia by cara- van. 1877 525.4 Arnold, Benedict. Arnold, I. N . Life of. 1880.... 617.13 — Sparks, J. Life and treason of In 641.4.3 Arnold, Edwin. Indian idylls. From the Sanskrit of the Mahabharata. 1883. 211 .36 — The light of Asia; or, the great renun- ciation. Being the life and teaching of Gautama. 1879 208.30 Arnold, Edwin, continued. — Pearls of faith; or, Islam’s rosary; being the ninety-nine beautiful names of Allah, with comments in verse from various Oriental sources. 1883 211.35 Arnold, Frederick. History of Greece [to B. C. 317] 713.10 — Turning points in life. 1873 304.14 Arnold, I. N. Life of Abraham Lincoln. ’85 628.24 — Life of Benedict A mold. 1880 617.13 Arnold, Matthew. Essays in criticism. 1872 302.4 — God and the bible: a review of object- ions to ‘Literature and dogma.’ 1875 . 414.9 — Higher schools and universities of Ger- many. 1874 444.9 — Irish essays, etc 318.17 — Literature and dogma. An essay to- wards a better apprehension of the bible. 1873 411.21 — Poems. 1878 207.8 — St. Paul and protestantism. 1875 443.14 — Steadman, E. C. Victorian poets 215.6 Arnold, Thomas. History of Rome, [to death of Hannibal] 1873 706.13 — Introductory lectures on modem history 1857 705.7 — Life of Hannibal. 1870 641.5 — Sermons preached in Rugby chapel. Lond., 1874 413.31 Arnold, Thomas, joint author. Catholic dictionary. See Addis, W. E. N. Y. 1884 428.5 Arnott, Neil.' Elements of physics. 1882. 842.12 Around a spring. Droz, Gustave 63.22 Around the world, [travel.] Prime, E. D. G. 1872 504.6 Around the Yule log. Markham. R 77.15 Arr, E. H. pseud. See Rollins. Mrs. E. H. Arrah Neil. James, G. P. R 36.253 Arrom, C. B. de. Elia; or, Spain fifty years ago. 1868 135.24, Arrowsmith, James. Paper-hanger’s com- panion. 1874 838.8 Art. See Fine arts. Art; a dramatic tale. Reade, C 6.23 and 62.6 Art criticism. Sampson, G. W. [1868]. . . . 818.14 Art education applied to industry. Nich- ols, G. W 826.13 Art hints. Jarves, J. J. 1855 805.3 Art idea. Jarves, J. J. 1877 824.5 Art in America [critical and historical]. Benjamin, S. G. W. 1880 831.24 Art in Greece. Taine. H. 1871 812.19 Art in ornament and dress. Blanc, C 831.8 Art in the Netherlands. Taine, H 1872... 812.18 Art of beauty. Haweis, H. R. 1878 823.31 Art of doing our best; stories of workers. Caldwell, H. Juv 61415 Art of England. Ruskin, J. 1883 852 7 Art of fiction. Besant, W. 1884. ........ 321.7 Art suggestions from the masters; [selec- tions] Carter, S. N. 1881 851.7 Art thoughts. Jarves, J. J. 1882 852.12 Artemus Ward: his works. See Browne, C. F • 304.18 Arthur, Kina. Bulfinch, T. Age of chiv- alry. 1859 8.14 — Bulwer-Lytton, E.L.King Arthur[poem] 214.5 — Cox, G. W. Romances of the middle ages 47.5 — Lanier, S. The boy’s King Arthur. 1880 77.18 — Malory, T. History of King Arthur and his knights of the round table. 1870. 33.13 ARTHUR. 17 ASTRONOMY. Arthur, King , continued. — Tennyson, A. Idylls of the king, Holy grail, etc. {In his works) 202.2 Arthur, T. S. Angel of the household and other tales, [cop. 1853] 31.28 — Cast adrift. 1873 31.19 — Good time coming. 1855 8.17 — Light on shadowed paths. 1866 63.16 — Nothing but money 134.27 — Six nights with the Washingtonians. [Temperance tale] 32.29 — Sketches of life and character. 1861. . . 15.12 — Ten nights in a bar-room. [1860] 63.2 — Three eras of a woman’s life. [1850]. 31.29 — Trials and confessions of a house- keeper * 134.19 — ed’r. The true path, and how to walk therein. 1863 62.16 — What came afterward. 1868 142.1 — Young lady at home; home stories 31.26 — and Carpenter, W. H. History of Illi- nois [to 1850.] 712.25 Arthur, William. Dictionary of Christian and familiar names. 1857 644.15 — The model merchant, or memoirs of Sam’l Budgett. Abridged. 1858. . . 605.25 — The successful merchant; life of Sam’l Budgett. 1853 • 605.26 Arthur Bonnicastle. Holland, J. G. 1873. 142 23 Arthur Brown. Kellogg, E. Juv 25.44 Arthur O’Leary. Lever, Charles 36.326 Artists. Tuckerman, H. T. Book of the artists [American]. 1867 821.12 — Clement, C. E. Artists of the 1 9th cen- tury and their works, 2 v. 1879 618.4 — Sweetser, M. F. Artist biographies. 5v 626.5 See also Fine arts; also Engravers; Musi- cians; Painters; Sculptors. Artman, W. and Hall, L. Y. Beauties and achievements of the blind. 1874 632.16 Arts. See Fine arts; Useful arts. Arts of writing, reading and speaking. Cox, E. W 325.23 ART-student in Munich, [1850-2]. Howitt, A. M 508.12 Arvine, K. Cyclopaedia of moral and relig- ious anecdotes, [cop. 1869.] 424.7 Aryan village in India and Ceylon. [Early society] Phear, J. B. 1880 914.18 As long as she lived. Robinson, F. W 148.2 As you like it [comedy ]. See Shakespeare, W. Asbjornsen, P. C. Folk and fairy tales. [Norwegian]. 1883 316.22 Asbury twins. Clark, R. S 92.30 Aschenbroedel. Carrington, Katie. 1882. 52.30 AsHANGO-land, A journey to, [1863-4]. Du Chaillu, P. B 528.1 Ashantee. Ramseyer, F. A. and Kuhne, J. Four yeajs in, 1869-74 516.12 — Stanley, H. M. Coomassie and Magdala [British campaign in 1873-4] 706.21 Ashburner, John. Philosophy of animal magnetism and spiritualism, with ob- servations on catarrh, bronchitis and rheumatism, etc. Lond., 1867 821.13 Ashton, John. Chap-books of the eigh- teenth century, [Facsimiles, etc] 318.15 Asia. Burnaby, F. Ride to Khiva: travels in central Asia. 1877 525.3 — Knox, T. F. Overland through Asia. ’70 521.9 — Polo, Marco. Travels; translation of Marsden revised. 1854 508.10 See also Polo, M. in general alphabet. Asia, continued. — Pumpelly, R. Across America and Asia. 1871 527.11 — Yambery, A. Travels in central, [1863] 502.27 See also Afghanistan ; Arabia ; Armenia ; Asia minor ; Assyria; Babylon; China; India; Japan; Palestine: Persia; Siam ; Siberia ; Turkistan ; etc. Asia Minor. Yaux, W. S. W. Greek cities and islands of. (Anc. hist, from the monuments). 1877 716.13.4 Aslauga’s knight. La Motte Fouque, Baron de 131.2 Asp asia; a romance of ancient Hellas. Ham- erling, R. 2 v. 1882 146.16 Aspects of poetry. Shairp, J . C 211.8 Assaying of lead, copper, silver, gold and mercury. Bodeman, T. and Kerl, B. 811.2 Assyria. Lewis, G. C. Early history and chronology of the Assyrians. 1862.. 821.18 — Rawlinson, G. Five great [ancient] monarchies, v. 1-2. 1873 715.5 — Smith, George. Assyria to fall of Nineveh (Anc. hist, from the monuments)1876. 716.13.2 — - Assyrian discoveries, 1873-4 511.16 Astoria: enterprise beyond the Rocky mountains, [1810-13]. Irving, W. 1869 505.28 Astrology. Lilly, W. Introduction to. With Grammar of, by Zadkiel 1878 822.6 Astronomers. Eminent astronomers. (Chamber’s miscellany, v. 8) 1001.8 Astronomy. Airy, J. B. Popular astron- omy. 1868 827.26 — Blake, J. F. Astronomical myths, based on Flammarion’s “History of the heavens” 841.22 — Burr, E. F. Ecce coelum [ cop 1867] . . 811.21 — Burritt, H. E. Geography of the heav- ens, with atlas. 1873 811.24 — Chalmers, T. Revelation and modern . 821.24 — Champney, L. W. In the sky-garden. Juv. 1877..... 832.28 — Dick, T. Celestial scenery; Siderial heavens; Practical astronomer; Solar system. (Works, v. 2) 411.12 — Flammarion, C. Wonders of the heav- ens. 1871 813.18 — Giberne, A. Sun, moon and stars [for the young]. 1880 835.21 — Guillemin, A. The heavens. [Popular astronomy]. 1878 843.1 — Herschel, J. F. W. Outlines of [pub. 1869] 826.20 — J ones, G. Observations on the zodia- — Kiddle, H. and others. Astronomy and use of globes. 1855 814.8 — Lardner, D. Astronomy. 1858 801.8 — Leitch, W. God’s glory in the heavens. 822.9 — Lewis, G. C. Astronomy of the an- cients. 1862 821.18 — Lockyer, J. N. Astronomy. (Science — - Elements of astronomy. 1875 847.5 — Lord. J. Galileo [or] astronomical dis- coveries In 735.6.3 — Miller, R. K. Romance of astronomy. 1875 822.7 — Mitchell, O. M. Astronomy of the bible 413.13 — - Planetary and stellar worlds. 1870... 811.33 — - Popular. 1871 808.15 — Newcomb, S. Popular astronomy. ’78 825.14 — Proctor, R. A. Expanse of heaven. ’74 811.32 3 ASTRONOMY. 18 AURORA. Astronomy, continued. — - Flowers of the sky 833.13 — - Half-hours with the stars [maps.] ’75 8521.20 — - Half-hours with the telescope 807.12 — - Myths and marvels of. 1877 826.21 — - Other worlds than ours . 1871 812.7 — - Poetry of astronomy. 1881 824.1 — - Transits of Venus, [1639-2012] 836.30 — Rolfe, W. J., and Gillet, J. A. Ele- ments of. 1871 807.14 — - Hand-book of astronomy, [cop. I860.] 818.2 — Sharpless, I. and Philips, G. M. Astron- omy for schools and general readers. [cop. 1882] 842.6 — Steele, J. D. Fourteen weeks in astron- omy. [cop. 1869] 842.13 — Warren, H. W. Recreations in astron- omy. 1879 823.35 See also Earth; Moon; Navigation; Optics; Plurality of worlds ; Sun ; Telescope ; Venus. At Capri. Bauer, Clara. Fict 43.28 At her mercy. Payn, James 36.33 At his gates. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. . . . 34.9 At last; a Christmas in the West Indies. Kingsley, C. 1871 522.30 At odds. Tautphoeus, I. von 36.517 At our best, [essays]. Ellis, Sumner .’ 332.5 At the back of the north wind. Macdonald, G. Juv 78.2 At the councillor’s. John, E. [E. Marlitt ] 144.17 At the eleventh hour. Edwards, Mrs. Annie 53.4 At the north pole. Verne, J. [Fiction] 138.28 Atheism. Blackie, J. S. Natural history of atheism. 1878 425.13 — Brownson, O. A. Refutation of athe- ism. 1882 431.5 — Cobbe, F. P. Magnanimous atheism. 1882 In 444.4 Athletic sports. See Gymnastics, Physi- cal education, and names of various sports. Athenagoras. Writings. (A.-N. C.lib., v. 2) 415.1 Athens. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Athens: its rise and fall. 1874 701.6 — Eddy, D. C. Athens (Walter’s tour in the East) 515.1.6 Atherton. Mitford, M. R. 1854 62.28 Atkinson, T. W. Oriental and western Si- beria. 1865 502.25 — Upper and lower Amoor. 1860 511.1 Atkinson, W. P. Right use of books. 1878 441.22 Atlantic coast, The. Ammen, D. (Navy in the civil war). 1883 741.1.2 Atlantic islands as resorts of health and pleasure. Benjamin, S. G. W. 1878 52".8 Atlantic monthly. A magazine of litera- ture, art and politics . v. 1-55. Bos- ton, 1858-85 1005.2 — Modem classics. Stories from the “At- lantic monthly.” [cop.1865] 51.7 Atlantic ocean. Abbott, J. Rollo on the Atlantic 21.15 Atlantis. Bacon, F. The new Atlantis. [allegorical fiction] In 1001.1.5 — Donelly, J. Atlantis : the ante-deluvian world. 1882 724.19 — Gould, S. B. The Fortunate isles {In his Curious myths) 423.6 See also Classical dictionaries ; Cyclopaedias. Atlases. Burritt, E. H. Celestial atlas. 1873 v. 2 of 811.25 — Colton, G. W. General atlas of the world. N. Y. 1874. [cop. 1863] *Table Atlases, continued. — Gage, W. L. Modern historical alas. ’69 *B.12 — Gray, O. W. and son., pubs: National atlas. Phil., 1880 *8541.22 — International atlas of modern historical and classical geography. Letterpress by W. F. Collier and L. Schmitz, ’73. *B.30 — Labberton, R. H. Historical atlas. ’84 528.11 — Long, W. Atlas of classical geogra- phy. [1856) 513.4 — Pocket atlas of historical geography; maps by E. Weller 525.1 — Proctor, R. A. Half-hours with the stars [maps] 1875 8521.20 — Students’ atlas of historical gepgraphy: maps by E. Weller; letterpress by W. F. ColHer. N. Y. 1873 528.13 — Walker, F. A., comp. Statistical atlas of the United States based on the re- sults of the ninth census. 1870 8541.23 — Warren’s [D. M.] Common-school geography [maps] 824.13 See also Cyclopaedias ; Geographies ; Physical geog- raphy. Works of travel frequently contain excellent maps of particular regions. Atmosphere. Flammarion, C. The atmos- phere. 1873 813.2 See also Air ; Meteorology. Atomic theory. Wurtz, A. 1881 815.4.29 Atonement. Bushnell, H. Forgiveness and law. 1874.... 412.12 — - The vicarious sacrifice. 2 v. [cop. ’77] 444.6 Attache [German] in Madrid, [1853-4] 508.9 Atterbttry, Francis. Macaulay, T. B. [sketch of] In 643.24 Attfield, John. Chemistry; general, med- ical, and pharmaceutical. 1879 824.36 Attic philosopher in Paris. Souvestre, E 1874 308.17 Attorneys and solicitors. Warren, S. Moral social, and professional duties of. ’70 911.8 See also Law; Lawyers. Attorney’s companion [New York prac- tice]. 1818 908.14 Aubrey. Marsh-Caldwell, Mrs. A 36.372 Auckland islands. Wrecked on a reef. 1880 515.6 Audubon, J. J. Life. Ed. by his widow. ’71 632.7 Auerbach, Berthold. Black forest village stories. 1871 62.12 — Brigitta. 1880 138.11 — Edelweiss. 1874 131.9 — German tales. 1869. 142.6 — On the heights. 1874 33.28 — Spinoza; a novel. 1882 52.18 — Villa on the Rhine. 2v. 1874 131.24 Aughey, J. H. The iron furnace; or, sla- very and secession 406.6 August stories. 4 v. See Abbott, Jacob. Augustine, Saint. Clark, W. R. Life. (The fathers for Eng. readers, v. 4.). . 423.14 — Moriarty, P. E. Life. 1872 644.17 Augustine, Sister, an old Catholic. See Lasaulx, A. von 624.16 Aunt Dinah’s pledge [temperance tale]. Chellis, M. D 92.26 Aunt Jane’s hero. Prentiss, Mrs. E 13.17 Aunt J o’s scrap-bag series. 6 v. See Al- cott, L. M. Aunt Madge’s story. Clarke, R. S 71.1.3 Aunt Serena. Howard, Blanche, W. 1881. . 51.4 Aurelian; or, Rome in the third century. Ware, W. 2v 14.5 Aurora, III. Public library catalogue. ’82 *3501.6 AURORA. 19 BAILEY. Aurora Floyd. Braddon, M. E 34.39 Aurora Leigh [poem]. Browning, E. B 214.2 Austen, Jane. Emma. 1871 7.32 — Mansfield park. 1867 36.36 — Northanger abbey, [also] Persuasion.’ 71 36.34 — Pride and prejudice. 1870 36.35 — Sense and sensibility. Leip., 1864 36.37 — - Same; [also] Persuasion. Boston 7.34 — Thackeray, A. I. Book of sibyls 628.13 Austin Elliot. Kingsley, Henry 36.283 Austin, G. L. History of Massachusetts. 1876 722.3 Austin, Mrs. G. L. ed'r. Little people of God. What the poets have said of them. Illus. 1877 217.28 Austin, Mrs. Jane G. Desmond hund- red. 1882 57.32 — Mrs. Beauchamp Brown. 1880 145.14 — Nameless nobleman. ’81 141.13 Austin, Sarah. Characteristics of Goethe. From the German of Falk and others. 3 v. 1833 308.1 Austin, Stella. Ben Cramer; working jew- eler. 1879 78.13 Australia. Barker, M. A. Letters to Guy [her son]. 1885 531.11 — Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain, 1866-7 . . 503.20 — Howitt, W. A. Boy’s adventures in Australia. Juv 25.20 — Inglis, J. Our Australian cousins. ’80 517.7 — Lee, Mrs. R. Adventures in Australia Juv. [1879] 78.18 — Trollope, A. Australia and New Zea- land. 3 v. in 2. 1873 501.29 Australian Crusoes. Rowcraft, C. Juv . . . 78.35 Australian wanderers. Lee, Mrs. R. Juv. 74.7 Austria. Adams, W. T. Sunny shores; Italy and Austria. Juv 73.5.4 — Coxe, W. History of the house of Aus- tria. [1218-1848]. 4 v. 1877 727.11 — Hozier, H. M. The seven week’s war [with Prussia in 1876]. 2 v 727.12 Authors. [Biog. sketches]. Little clas- sics, v. 16 304,16 — Disraeli, I. Calamities and quarrels of. 314.6 See also Literature ; also Biography (collec- tive : literary) for lives of authors. Autobiographic sketches. De Quincey, T. 1859 302.21 Autobiography of an actress. Mowatt, A. C. 1854 607.15 Autocrat of the breakfast table. Holmes, O. W. 1872 303.9 Autumn holidays of a country parson, [es- says]. Boyd, A. K. H 301.21 Ave Maria. Catholic journal, v. 10-20. No- tre Dame. 1874-83 *1008.4 Average man, An. Grant, R. Fict. 1884. 56. 12 Avesta. Muller, M. In his Chips, etc. v.l 404.2 — Whitney, W. D. Oriental and linguis- tic studies, v. 1 332.26 See also Parseeism. Avis Benson. Prentiss, Mrs. E. 1879 138.23 Awdry Francis. Story of a fellow soldier: life of Bishop Patterson. 1880 624.5 Axel and Anna. Bremer, Frederika. .. In 133.14.4 Aylmers of Bally- Aylmer. Griffin, G... 44.11 Ayres, Alfred. The orthoepist: a pro- nouncing manual. 1883 326.31 — The verbalist: brief discussions of the right and wrong use of words. 1883.. 326.30 Ayres, Anne. Life of Dr. W. A. Muhlen- berg. 1880 637.18 Ayrshire legatees. Galt, John 134.29 Aytoun, W. E. Ballads of Scotland. 2v. ’59 217,17 — r Firmilian; a spasmodic tragedy, by T. P. J ones, pseud, {with Book of ballads) 208 8 — Lays of the Scottish cavaliers, etc 208.23 Azores, The. Weeks, L. H. Among the Azores. 1882 518.22 Aztec religion. Reville, A. Native relig- ions of Mexico and Peru 443.17 See also Mexico. “ Bab ” ballads. Gilbert, W. S. 1877 .... 207.9 Babolain. Droz, Gustave. 1873 63.31 Baby Pitcher’s trials. May, C. L 76.7.6 Baby Rue. Clark, Mrs. C. M. 1881 141.27 Babylon and Babylonia. Layard, A. H. Discoveries among the ruins of, [1849-50] 502.28 — Myers, P. Y. N. Remains of lost em- pires. 1875 511.6 — Newman, J. P. Babylon and Nineveh. [1875] 524.8 — Rawlinson, G. Egypt and Babylon. From sacred and profane sources. ’85 746.20 — - Five great monarchies, v. 2-3. 1873.. 715.5 — Smith, G. Babylonia. (Anc. hist, from the monuments) 716.13.5 Baby’s grandmother. Walford, L. B. 1884. 57.1 Bacchus dethroned. Powell, F 425.12 Bach, J. S. Bitter, C. H. Life. [Abridged.] 1873 644.12 Bachelor of the Albany. Savage, M. W. 136.21 Backlog studies. Warner, C. D. 1874. . . 308.8 Bacon, A. M. Manual of gesture. 1881 . . . 318.30 Bacon, F. lord. Works*. Collected and ed. by J. Spedding, R. L. Ellis, and D. D. Heath, 15 v. Boston, 1861 1001.1 — Essays, with annotations by R. Whate- ly. 1873 308.23 — Campbell, J. Lives of the lord chan- cellors, v. 2-3 618.14 — Church; R. W. Life (Eng. men of let- ters). 1884 616.11.35 — Dixon, W. H. Personal history of. ’61. 643.12 — Lewes, G. H. Life, etc. Biog. hist, of philosophy 427.1 — Lord, J. Lord Bacon. The new phil- osophy In 735.6.3 — Lovejoy, B. G. Lord Bacon: his life and character. With selections from his writings. 1883 644 9 — Macaulay, T. B. Essays 305.13 — Whipple, E. P. Lit. of the age of Eliz- abeth. 1871 303.5 Bacon, G. B. Siam, the land of the white elephant. 1873 502.5 Bacon, Leonard. Genesis of the New Eng- land churches. 1874 435.17 Bacon, Leonard W. Memorials of Emily B. Gould, of Rome. 1879 635.14 Bacon, N. Ware, N. Memoir. [Spark’s Am. biog., 2d ser.] In 601.1.3 Bad boy’s diary. Gray, W. T. [Humorous.] 53.28 Bad habits of good society. Baker, G. A. 1876 433.25 Baddeck [Nova Scotia]. Warner, C. D. ’74. 508.24 Badeau, A. Military history of Gen. U. S. Grant. 3 v. 1868-81 634.4 Bagehot, Walter. Physics and politics. ’73. 815.4.2 Baile, J. Wonders of electricity. 1872... 802.6 Bailey, G. W. Private chapter of the war. 1880 721.12 Bailey, H. B. ed’r. “Forest and stream” bird notes. 1881 841.23 Note — Index to articles on birds. BAILEY. 20 BALLANTYNE. i Bai.de y, James M. England from a back window. 1874 512.2 Bailey, John M. Book of ensilage. 1881 . 826.8 Bailey, J. P. Festns. A poem. Illus. 1872. 212.15 Bailey, S. L. Historical sketches of Ando- ver. 1880 722.19 Bailey, W. L. The birds of the United States. 1869 845.24 Bailiff’s maid. John, E., [E. Marlitt]. 1881 141.19 Baine, Alex. Education as a science. ’79... 815.4.25 — Mind and body. 1873 815 4.4 — Practical essays 322.6 Contents — Common errors of mind. Errors of sup- pressed correlatives. Civil service examinations. The classical controversy. Metaphysics and debating socie- ties. University ideal— past and present. Art of study. Religious tests and subscriptions. Procedure of deliberative bodies. Baird, H. M. Modern Greece: residence and travels in. 1856 503.19 — Rise of the Huguenots in France, (1512-74). 2 v 745.4 Baird, S. F. Annual record of science and industry for 1873. N. Y., 1874 808.28 Baker, A. R. and Hall, S. R. History of the United States [to 1830J. 1843... 703.9 Baker, G. A. Bad habits of good society. 1876 433.25 Baker, G. E. Life of W. H. Seward. 1853. 622.4 Baker, G. M. Amateur dramas 206.24 — ed’r. Ballads of bravery. Illus. 1881. 212.1 — - Ballads of home. Illus. 1881 212.2 — Drawing-room stage. 1873 206.23 — Exhibition drama. 1875 208.16 — Handy dramas. 1877 208.15 — Mimic stage. 1875 208.2 — Running to waste; the story of a tom- boy. 1874 84.5 — Social stage. 1873 812.24 Baker, H. N. W. [ Madeline Leslie.] Never give up. 1870 24.6 — Secret of success. 1870 24.7 — Woodbine series. 4 v. 1869. — - Live and learn 24.2 — - Governor’s pardon 24.1 — - Paul Barton 24.3 — - Walter and Frank 24.4 — Worth and wealth. 1870 24.9 Baker, J ames. Turkey [description and travel]. 1877 511.5 Baker, Lady. First lessons in cooking. ’74 823.16 Baker, L. C. History of the United States secret service. 1868 737.20 Baker, Sir S. W. Albert N’yanza; great basin of the Nile, [1861-6] 505.22 — Cast up by the sea. Juv. 1871 28.25 — Eight years in Ceylon 512.16 — Ismailia: expedition to central Africa for the suppression of the slave trade, etc. [1869-73] 508.28 — The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, .[1861-2] 505.25 — Rifle and hound in Ceylon. 1869 522.28 Baker, W. M. Blessed saint Certainty. ’81 141.17 — His majesty, myself. 1880 145.2 — The making of a man 57.21 Note— Sequel to “His majesty, myself.” — Mose Evans. 1874 32.24 — The new Timothy. 1870 4.17 — The Virginians in Texas; a story. 1878. 47.42 Baker, W. S. Origin and antiquity of en- graving. 1875 848.2 Bakewell, F. C. Manual of electricity. ’57 805.20 Bakewell, Robert. Introduction to geolo- gy. [cop. 1839] 836.5 Balboa, V. N. de. Harper’s m. v. 18. [sketch] 1004.1 — Helps, A. Spanish conquest of Ameri- ca, v. 1 737.1 — Irving, W. Columbus and his compan ions, v.3 601.14 Balch, W. R. Garfield’s words. [Selections] 318.2 Baldwin, G. E. Representative women [Biblical]. 1855 606.9 Baldwin, James. Book-lover: a guide to the best reading. 1885 426.39 — Story of Roland. 1883 82.24 Baldwin, J. D. Ancient America. Illus. ’72 711.7 — Pre-historic nations. 1874 706.23 Baldwin, J. G. Flush times of Alabama and Mississippi. [1879] 315.12 Baldwin, W. C. African hunting, 1863 . . 831.10 Balestier, C. W. Lives of James G. Blaine and John A. Logan. 1884 644.22 Balfour, Clara L. Women worth emulat- ting. 1877 635.15 Ball, C. History of the Indian mutiny, [1857-9]. 2 v. Illus 733.1 Ballads. Allingham, W. Book of ballads. 208.20 — Aytoun, W. E. Ballads of Scotland. 2 v. 1859 217.17 — - Lays of the Scottish cavaliers 208.23 — Baker, G. M. ed’r. Ballads of bravery. Illus. 1881 212.1 — - Ballads of home. Illus 212.2 — Carleton, Will. Farm ballads 201.14 — - Farm festivals. 1881 207.21 — - Farm legends 207.5 — Cary, Alice. Ballads In 207.27 — Gilbert, W. S. “Bab” ballads 207.9 — Hay, John. Pike county ballads, etc. 1877 208.7 — Lockhart, J. G., tr. Spanish ballads . 208.3 — Lodge, H. C., editor. Ballads and lyrics. 1880 217.32 — Macaulay, T. B. Lays of ancient Rome. 206.8 — Martin, T. Book of ballads; ed. by Bon Gaultier, pseud 208.8 — Moore, T. Poetical works 201.12 — Percy, T. Reliques of ancient English poetry 201.18 — - Same. 2v 214.20 — Scott, Sir W. Poetical works 201.8 — Thackeray, W. M. Ballads In 36.528.3 — Universal songster. 3 v 212.10 See also Poetry. Ballantine, Henry. Midnight marches through Persia. 1879 513.18 Ballantine, W. Some experiences of a barrister’s life. 1882 625.9 Ballantyne, R. M. The coral island; a tale of the Pacific ocean. 1874 74.13 — Deep down in the mine: a tale of the Cornish mine. 1874 75.20 — Dog Crusoe 75.4 — Erhng the bold: tale of the Norse sea- kings. 1874 75.18 — Fire brigade; or, fighting the flames. ’74 75.19 — Floating light; or, the Goodwin sands. 87.27 — Freaks on the fells 25.18 — Gascoyne, the sandal-wood trader. 1871 25.15 — Gorilla hunters. 1874 75.17 — The iron horse; or, life on the line. 1872 3.22 — Norsemen in the west. 1872 76.4 — Red Eric [sea tale]. 1875 25.17 — Shifting winds: story of the sea 88.31 — World of ice 24.43 — Young fur traders [in N. America]. 1856 74.1 BALLARD. 21 BARNARD. Ballard, J. P. Insect lives [Butterflies, etc.] 1879 832.5 Baloon travels of Robert Merry in Europe. by Peter Parley. 1864 515.4 Balloons. Marion, F. Wonderful bal- loon ascents. 1870 802.15 See also JSronautics. Ballou, Rev. Hosea. Ballou, M. M. Life. 1854 603.18 Ballou, M. M. Due west; or, round the world in ten months. 1884 522.2 — Life of Rev. H. Ballou 603.18 — Notable thoughts about women. [Com- pilation]. 1882 318.20 Balmes, J. European civilization. Pro- testantism and Catholicity compared. 418.14 Baltic sea. Adams, W. T. Up the Bal- tic. Juv 73.5.1 — Eddy, D. C. From the Baltic to Vesu- — Mac Gregor, J. The Rob Roy on the Baltic. 1872 503.21 Balzac, Honore de. The alchemist; or, the house of Claes. 1861 131.4 — The cat and battledore; The vendetta; The purse; The ball at Sceaux; A double family. 1879 53.31 — Saltus, E. E. Balzac. 1884 644,2 Bambek, E. F. Mechanic text-book. See Rankine, W. J. F. 1873 818.35 Bampton lectures for 1866. Liddon, H. P. The divinity of our Lord 408.35 Bancroft, A. Life of George Washington 2 v. 1839 607.20 Bancroft, George. History of the forma- tion of the constitution of the United States. 2 v. 1882 915.1 — History of the United States [to 1782]. v. 1-10. Boston, 1853 748.1 — Same. Centenary ed. v. 1-6. Boston, 1879 723.19 Contents. — v. 1. 1492-1660. v. 2. 1660-1748. v. 3. 1748-1766. r. 4. 1766-1775. v. 5. 1775-1777. v. 6. 1777- 1782. Baptism. Scotford, J. The Judd family; or, scriptural baptism. 1869 433.29 Baptists. Brown, J. N. Memorials of Bap- tist martyrs. [1854] 612.15 — Neal, D. History of, 1370-1600. ( Ap- pended to his History of the Puri- tans, v. 2) 413.23 — Rock River Baptist association. Min- utes of annual meetings, 1840-1874. 2v *431.1 Barbara’s history. Edwards, Mrs. A. B. . . 36.206 Barbauld, A. L. Evenings at home. See Aiken, J. 1872 28.18 Barber, E. C. The crack shot; or, young rifleman’s guide. 1868 838.45 Barber, J. W. and Holmes, Wm. Em- blems and allegories. 1849 408.10 Barber of Bantry. Griffin, G. 1876 44.11 Barbou, A. Life of Victor Hugo. 1882.. 625.5 Barbour, G. M. Florida, for tourists, etc . 1881 518.7 Barchester towers. Trollope, A 36.534 Barclay, J. T. The city of the great king. [Jerusalem] 1858 507.13 Bardeen, C. W. Verbal pitfalls: 1500 words commonly misused. 1883 326.24 Barham, Richard H. Cousin Nicholas. ’56 17.16 — Ingoldsby legends; or, mirth and mar- vels. 1872 204.9 — Personal reminiscences. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 1875 612.18 Baring-GouM, S . Curious myths of the middle ages. 1880 423.6 Contents — Wandering Jew; Prester John; Divining rod; Seven sleepers of Ephesus; William Tell; The dogGellert; Tailed men; Antichrist and Pope Joan; Man in the moon ; Mountain of Venus; St. George; Legend of the cross; Schamir; Melusina; Fortunate isles ; Knight of the Swan. — Germany past and present. 1882 526.16 — In exitu Israel; historical romance. ’70 8.27 — Legends of the patriarchs and proph- ets and other Old Testament charac- ters. 1872 437.23 Contents — Fall of the angels, Adam, Eve, Fall of man, — Literary and historical miscellanies. [1855] 321.17 — Prescott, W. H. Bancroft’s United States {In his Miscellanies). 1855... 305.14 Banin, Michael. The Boyne water. [Bat- tle of the Boyne, 1670]. 1875 44.15 — The denounced; or, the last baron of Crana, [also] The comformists 44.14 Banker’s wife, The. Gore, C. F 34.32 Banking. Bolles, A. S. Practical bank- ing. 1884 915.16 — Gibbon, J. S. Banks of New York. ’59. 912.8 — Gilbart, J. W. On banking. 1851 806.11 — Goddard, T. H. History of banking in- stitutions in Europe and America. ’31 911.12 — Hankey, T. Principles of banking, with remarks on the management and working of the Bank of England. ’73. 911.11 — Wedgewood, W. B. and Homans, I. S. 1873 , 908.8 See also Money; Political economy. Banks, M. R. Bright days in the old plan- tation time. Juv. 1882 515.15 Banned and blessed. Werner, E., pseud. 1884 55.17 Banvard, Joseph. Life of Daniel Webster. [1875] 613.7 — Plymouth and the pilgrims. 1851 711.28 Adam and Eve after the fall, Cain and Abel, Seth, Cai- nan son of Enos, Enoch, The giants, Lamech, Methus- elah, Noah, Heathen legends of the deluge, Planting of the vine, Sons of Noah, Relics of the ark, Certain de- cendants of Ham, Serug, Prophet Eber, Prophet Saleh, Tower of Babel, Abraham, Melchizedek. Of Ishmael and the well Zemzem, Esau and Jacob, Joseph, Testaments of the twelve patriarchs, Job, Jethro, Moses, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Saul, David, Solomon, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Ezra, Zechariah. — Origin and developement of religious belief. 2 v. 1871 411,22 — Village conferences on the creed. 1878 433.19 Barker. C. F. The world’s checker-book. 1879 833.19 Barker, Lady M. A. [Broome] Letters to Guy [from south Australia]. 1885. . . 531.11 — Station amusements in New Zealand. 501.19 — Station life in New Zealand. 1874 501.20 — A year’s housekeeping in south Africa . 1877 525.12 Barkley, H. C. My boyhood: story book for boys. 1880 82.11 Barn plans and out-buildings. N. Y., 1882 . 824.32 Barnaby Rudge. Dickens, C 1.2 Barnard, Charles. Co-operation as a bus- iness. 1881 914.23 Barnard, F. A. B. The metric system of weights and measures. 1879 913.5 BARNARD. 22 BAY. Barnard, H. American journal of educa- tion. y 1-7, 10-13. 1855-63 403.1 — Life and methods of J. H. Pestalozzi, with selections from his publications. 1859 413.29 — Object teaching and primary education in Great Britain. 1860 403.2 Barnes’s, [A. S. and Co.] Brief history of ancient, mediaeval, and modem peo- ples. Illus. 1883 738.18 — Brief history of Greece; with readings from prominent Greek historians. Il- lustrated. 1883 738.20 — One- term history [of the U. S.]. 1879 . 723.3 — Popular history of United States. 1878. 722.13 Barnevelde, John of. Motley, J. L. Life of. 2 v. 1874 634.1 Barns, out-buildings and fences. Harvey, G. E. [cop. 1870] 8521.21 Barnum, P. T. Jack in the jungle. 1880. 86.18 — Lion Jack; or, how menageries are made. 1876 75.8 — Struggles and triumphs [autobiography to 1872]. 1872 641.10 Barnum, S. W. Romanism as it is. [cop. 1871] 442.11 Baron Munchausen, Adventures of. [Bur- lesque.] Raspe, R. E 8.20 Barr, A. E. Young people of Shakes- peare’s dramas. 1882 211.31 Barr, W. M. High pressure steam-boiler. 1880 841.12 Barren honour. Lawrence, G. A 36.308 • Barrett. B. F. ed’r. Swedenborg library. 12 v. [1875] 444.1 Barrett, E. Carlyle anthology 311.9 Barrett, J. H. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 1864 602.8 Barrett, L. Edwin Forest, [Am. actor ser.). 1881 635.18.1 Barrett, Mary. Story of William the si- lent. 1869 717.19 Barrett, W. The old merchants of New York city. v. 1-2. 1883 604.20 Barriers burned away. Roe, E. P 31.8 Barringer, Mrs. M. M. Dixie cookery. . . 844.14 Barrington. Lever, Charles 36.327 Barrington’s fate. (No name ser.). 1884. . 57.18 Barrister’s life, Some experiences of. Ballantine, W 625.9 Baurow, John. Arctic voyages. 1874 512.22 Barrows, W. The general; or, twelve nights in the hunter’s camp. 1876 . . . 74.24 — Oregon: the struggle for possession. (Am. commonwealths). 1884 738.16.2 — Purgatory; doctrine, etc. 1882 443.33 Barry, A. Masters in English theology. (1558-62) 425.22 Barry, P. International trade of the Uni- ted States and England. 1858 904.13 Barry Lyndon. Thackeray, W. M In 36.528.61 and 301.12.1 Barth, Henry. Travels in north and cen- tral Africa, 1849-1855 512.1 Barthelemi, J. J. Travels of Anacharsis the younger in Greece. [B. C. 363-337] 8 v. 1791 507.1 Bartholomew, W. N. National system of industrial drawing; free hand, me- chanical; perspective. 2 v 8521.23 Bartlett, D. G. Modem agitators [Amer- ican]. Illus. 1855 602.13 Bartlett, G. B. New games for parlor and lawn. 1882 842.11 Bartlett, John. Familiar quotations. [cop. 1875] 315.20 — Same *D.l — Shakespeare phrase-book 318.7 Bartlett, J. R. Dictionary of American- isms. I860 321.16 — Explorations in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora and Chihuahua. [1850-3]. 2 v 507.2 Bartlett, S. C. From Egypt to Palestine. 1879.. 513.12 Bartlett, W. F. Palfrey, F. W. Mem- oirs of. 1878 636.13 Bartoli, D. Life of Loyola. 2 v. [1855.] 432.10 — and Maffei, J. P. Life of Saint Fran- cis Xavier. 1882 628.17 Barton experiment [Temperance tale]. Hab- berton, J. 1877 144.2 Bascom, J. Philosophy of religion. [1876.] . 444.2 — Philosophy of rhetoric. 1870 402.10 — Science, philosophy and religion. 1872 . 402.8 Bashan. Porter, J.L. Giant cities of. 1865. 525.13 Basil the great, St. Smith, R. T. Life (The fathers for Eng. readers, v. 5).. . 423,14 Basil. Collins, Wilkie 31.2 Basil Godfrey’s caprice. Parr, Harriet .. . 36.434 Baskerville, A. Poetry of Germany. Se- lections, with text and translation. ’82 211.26 Basket of flowers. [German story] 82.8 Bastian, H. C. The brain as an organ of mind. 1880 835.18 Bastiat, M. F. Essays on political econo- my. 1872 902.1 — Sophisms of protection. 1877 914.27 Bateman, N. ed. School laws and common school decisions of the state of Illi- nois. 1867 904.19 Bates, Arlo. Patty’s perversities. 1881 . . 51.14 Bates, Mrs. D. B. Four years on the Pa- cific coast. 1860 505.6 Bates, E. K. Nile days; or, Egyptian bonds. 1879 53.16 Bates, H. W. Naturalist on the Amazon, [1848-59] 508.14 Bates, Joseph, elder. Autobiography. ’68 607.12 — White, J. Life of 627.4 Bath, England. Wright, G. N. Historic guide to. 1864 703.5 Battle of life, etc. Dickens, C 36.163 Battle of Stone river. Stevenson, A. S. ’84 731.8 Battles. Creasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world 703.6 — Harrison, H. W. Battles of the repub- lic. [cop. 1858] 723.1 — Swinton, W. Twelve decisive battles of the war [1861-5]. 1871 747.4 — Valentine, R. Land battles from Hast- ings to Inkerman 738.26 — - Sea fights and land battles [British]. Illus 717.8 Batty, J. H. How to hunt and trap. 1878. 835.11 — Taxidermy and home decoration. 1880. 833.29 Bauer, Clara. [Carl Detlef.] At Capri: . story of Italian life. [1875] 43.28 — Valentine the countess. 1874 32.23 Bautain, M. Art of extempore speaking. 1873 308.14 Baxter, R. A call to the unconverted. ’35 406.18 — The saint’s everlasting rest. [Abridged] 406.17 — Neal, D. History of the Puritans. 2 v. 413.23 Bay of seven islands, etc. [poems]. Whit- tier, J. G 213.9 BAY. 23 BEETHOVEN. Bay path, The. Holland, J. G. [1857]..... 3.8 Bayard, Chevalier. Simms, W. G. Life. 1854 641.11 — Wilson, J. G. Sketches, etc 632.17 Bayles, J. C. House drainage and water service. 1882 843.25 B \yne, Peter. Essays in biography and criticism. 2 v. 1880 317.6 — Lessons from my masters [Tennyson, Carlyle and Buskin] 315.6 — Life and letters of Huge Miller. 2v. ’81 627.19 Baynes, R. H. Lyra Anglicana; hymns and sacred songs. 1868 214.1 Bazar book of decorum. N. Y. 1874 811.23 Bazar book of health. N. Y., 1873 808.16 Bazar book of the household. Ib75 828.15 Beacon lights of history [lectures]. Lord, J. 5 v. 18S5 735.6 Beaconsfield, Earl of. See Disraeli, Ben- jamin. Beale, L. S. On slight ailments. 1880 . . . 834.24 Bear and forbear. Adams, W. T. Juv... 72.3.6 Beard, D. C. American boy’s handy-book. 1882 842.16 Beard, G. M. American nervousness. 1881 837.27 — Eating and drinking. 1871 813.22 — On American exhaustion. 1880 836.2 — Stimulants and narcotics. 1871 803.20 Beard, J. C. Painting on China. [1882] . . . 851.11 Beaten paths; or, a woman’s vacation [in Europe]. Thompson, E. W. 1874.. 514.32 Beatitudes. Crum, G. C. Lectures on the. 1854 437.8 Beatrice. Kavanagh, Julia 36.294 Beatrice. Sinclair, Catherine 8.13 Beatty, J. Belle of Becket’s lane. 1883.. 54.19 Beauchamp. J ames, G. P. R g 36.254 Beauchampe; sequel to Charlemont. Simms W. G 16.8 Beaumont, A. Thornicroft’s model. 1874. 36.38 Beauregard, G. T. Roman, A. Military operations of, 1861-5. 2 v. 1884 731.5 Beautiful, The. See ^Esthetics; Fine arts. Beautiful homes [House-furnishing]. Will- iams, H. F. and Jones, C. S 833.7 Beautiful Miss Barrington. Parr, Harriet. 36.440 Beauty, personal. Brinton, D. G. and Napheys, G. H. Personal beauty; how to cultivate and preserve 805.12 See also Dress ; Toilet. Beauty and the beast, [also] Tales of home. Taylor, J. B 45.25 Beauty in the household. Dewing, T. W. 1882 851.15 Bechstein, J. M. Chamber and cage birds. 1871 827.33 Beck, L. C. Mineralogy of New York. Al- bany, 1842 *8521.14 Becker, W. A. Charicles; or, illustrations of the private life of the ancient Greeks. 1866 713.6 — Gallus; or, Roman scenes in the time of Augustus, with notes and excursuses • illustrative of the private manners and customs of the Romans. Lond., 1873 713.7 Becket, Thomas. (Thomas a’ Becket.) Adams, W. H. D. Great English churchmen. 1870 635.8 — Froude, J. A. Life and times In 307.21.4 — Lord, J. Thomas Becket, [or] prelati- cal power In 735.6.2 — Robertson, T. C. Life of In 742.4.2 Beckford, W. Vathek; an Arabian tale. 8.2 Beckwith, Arthur. Majolica and fayence. 1887 827.17 Beckwourth, J. P., Indian scout. Life and adventures. 1856 631.17 BED-time stories. Moulton, Louise C 26.24 Bede, Cuthbert, pseud. See Bradley, Ed- ward. Bede, The venerable. Ecclesiastical his- tory of England [to 731]. 1875 441.8 — Brown, G. F. Life of. (The fathers for English readers, v. 7) 423.14 — Milman, H. H. Latin Christianity, v. 2. 416.19 Bedouin tribes of the Euphrates. Blunt, W. S. 1879 513.17 Beecher, Catherine E. Housekeeper and healthkeeper. 1873 813.24 — Letters to the people on health and happiness. N. Y., 1856 814.35 — Physiology and calisthenics. 1860 812.17 — and Stowe, H. B. American woman’s .home; or, principles of domestic science. 1870 811.24 — - Domestic science. 1870 803.28 Beecher, Charles. Spiritual manifesta- tions. 1872 421.17 Beecher, Edward. Conflict of ages; or, the moral relations of God and man. 1853 443.1 — Doctrine of scriptural retribution. 1878 417.12 Beecher, H. W. Fruit, flowers and farm- ing. 1859 827.6 — Lectures to young men. 1854 407.8 — Life of Jesus, v. 1. 1872 424.4 — Life thoughts, gathered from [his] ex- temporaneous discourses [by E. D. Proctor]. 1858 406.29 — Norwood. Fict. 1868 13.10 — Notes from. Plymouth pulpit. By A. Moore. 1859 437.24 — Plymouth pulpit: sermons. 1883 432.22 — Sermons. 2 v. 1868 434.12 — Star papers [Art and nature] 314.22 — Yale lectures on preaching. 2 v. 1872-3 . 437.10 — Abbott, L . and others. Sketch of his career, etc. 1883 625.12 — Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times. 1871 603.16 — Stowe, H. B. Men of our times. 1868 634.3 Beecher, Mrs. H. W. All around the house. 1879... 822.30 — Letters from Florida. 1879 514.15 — Motherly talks with young housekeep- ers. 1873 812.15 Beecher, Lyman. Autobiography, etc. 2v. 1871 601.19 Beechnut, Abbott, J. Juv 91.23.5 Beerbohm, Julius. Wanderings in Pata- gonia. [1877] 512.28 Beers, H. A. Century of American litera- ture. [Selections] ’ 1878 318.31 Bees. Honey-bees (From the Quarterly review). 1852 301.6 — Langstroth, L. L. Hive and honey-bee. 1862 807.18 — Lubbock, J. Ants, bees and wasps 815.4.42 — Root, L. C. Quinby’s new bee-keep- ing. 1879 833.25 Beesly, A. H. Life of Sir J. Franklin. ’81. 621.25.6 Beethoven, L. von. Grove, G. Beetho- ven’s nine symphonies. Analytical essays. 1884 852.10 — [His childhood and youth.] Atlantic, m., v. 1 1005.2 BEETHOVEN. 4 24 BEYOND. Beethoven, L. von., continued. — Haweis, H. B. Music and morals ’76. 818.5 — Keddie, H. Musical composers. 1876 . 613.23 — Moschelles, I. Life and correspond- ence 633.18 Beeton, S. O. Everyday cookery and house-keeping book. Illus 813.20 Beginnings of Christianity. Fisher, G. P. 1877 418.4 Beginnings of history, to the deluge. Len- ormant, F. 1883 746.3 Begon, F. de. ( Mme . de Stolz). House on wheels 25.23 Behaving: or, papers on children’s eti- quette. Power, Mrs. S. D 417.29 Behaviour. See Etiquette; Manners. Behaviour book. For ladies. Leslie, Eliza 426.8 Behind the curtain; a tale of Eldville. 1853. 52.21 Behrens, Bertha, [W.Heimburg.] A pen- niless girl. Tr. by Mrs. Wister. 1885. 57.24 Being a boy. Warner. C. D 311.14 Belgium. Adams, W. T. Dikes and ditches; Holland and Belgium. Juv. 73.4.4 See also Netherlands. Belinda. Edgeworth, Maria 63.12 Bell, Acton , pseud. See Bronte, A. Bell, C. D. Life of Henry Martyn. 1881.622.10.1 Bell, Currer, pseud, Bronte, C. Bell, Ellis, pseud. See Bronte, E. Bell, N. B. E., [ N . D’ Anvers].] Elemen- tary history of art. 1865 852.11 Bell, Robert. Life of George Canning.’55 633.15 Bell ah; a tale of Brittany. Feuillet, O . . . 146.11 Bellamy, Edward. Miss Ludington’s sis- ter; a romance of immortality. 1885. 57.4 Belle of Becket’s lane. Beatty, J. 1883 . . 54.19 Bellehood and bondage. Stephens, A. S. 143.5 Bellew, Frank. Art of amusing. [1866] . 828.13 Bellows, A. J. How not to be sick. 1869 . 814.36 — Philosophy of eating. 1876 818.17 Bellows, H. W. Impressions of Europe in 1867-8. 2 v 503.17 Beloochistan. Frazer, J. B. Description of. [1883] In 742.13 Belton estate, The. Trollope, Anthony. . . 36.535 Bement, C. N. American poulterer’s com- panion. [cop. 1856] 818.36 Ben Cramer; working jeweler. Austin, S.. . 78.13 BEN-Hur. Tale of the Christ. Wallace, Lew 51.9 Ben Milner’s wooing. Parr, Harriet 43.16 Bench and bar. [anecdotes, etc.] Bige- low, J. J 308.4 Benedict, F. L. Madame. 1877 44.26 — My daughter Elinor. 1874 18.28 — The price she paid. 1883 55.27 Bengal, India. Day, L. B. Folk tales of. 326.16 Benger, Eliz. O. Mary, queen of Scots. 2v. in 1 618.8 Benham, G. C. Year of wreck, [on southern plantations in 1866] 516.7 Benjamin, A. The architect; or, practical house carpenter. 1856 8521.26 Benjamin, S. G. W. Art in America [Crit- ical and historical]. Illus. 1880 831.24 — Atlantic islands as resorts of health and pleasure. 1878 527.8 — Troy: its legend, history, etc. 1880... 724.6 Benner’s prophecies of future ups and downs in prices. 1879 914.3 Bennett, J. C. The poultry book. 1854. . 804.11 Benson, J. Life of Rev. J. Fletcher. 1837. 601.8 Bentley, Richard. Jebb, R. C. Life. (Eng. men of letters.) 1882 616.11.26 Benton, T. H. Examination of the Dred Scott case. 1860 806.16 — Thirty years’ view of American govern- ment, 1820-1850. 2 v 904.18 Berard, A. B. History of the United States; revised by C. E. Bush. 1878. 721.3 Berber, The; tale of Morocco. Mayo, W. S. 143.7 Berger, E., pseud. See Sheppard, E. S. Berington, Joseph. Literary history of the middle ages. 1883 326.25 Berlin. Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes. 21.1 Berlin and Sans-souci. Mundt, C. M . . . . 4.6 Berly, J. A. Universal electrical direc- tory. 1884 3502.14 Bernard, St., Lord, J. Saint Bernard- Monastic institutions In 735.6 2 — Morrison, J. C. Life. 1877 644.6 Bernard, D. Light on free masonry. [Ap- • pended] Revelations of odd-fellow- ship. 1872 401.14 Bernard, F. Wonderful escapes. 1871 . . 802.28 Bernstein, J. The five senses of man 815.4.21 Berquin, Arnaud. Children’s friend [sto- Bertha’s engagement. Stephens, A. S. ’75 43 2 Berthet, Elie. The pre-historic world. Fict. [1879] 145.11 Berthoud, Henry. Stories of bird life. ’75. 827.34 'Bertie’s telegraph. May, C. L 76.7.2 Bertrams, The. Trollope, Anthony 36.536 Besant, Walter. Art of fiction; a lecture. 1884. pp. 39 321.7 — Gaspard de Coligny (New Plutarch).. . . 621 .25.2 — Life of Rabelais. 1879 636.7.8 — Revolt of man. [Satire on woman’s rights.] 1882 52.24 — and Rice, J. Golden butterfly. 1877. 47.33 — - Sir Richard Whittington, Lord May- or of London (New Plutarch). 1881. .621.25.8 Bessemer, Sir H. Jeans, W. T. Creators .of the age of steel. 18 w 4 644.7 Bessey, C. E. Botany. [Am. sci. ser.]. ’80 838.36 Bessie. Kavanagh, Julia 36.295 Bessie books. Mathews, Joanna H. 6v. ’80 86.20 1. Bessie at the seaside. 4. Bessie among the moun- 2. Bessie in the city. 5. Bessie at school. [tains. 3. Bessie and her friends6. Bessie on her travels. Bessie Fairfax. Parr, Harriet 36.435 Bessie Harrington’ s ventures. Mathews, J. A. 145 .1 Best of husbands. Payn, James 36.443 Best reading: a priced and classified bibli- ography, 1st series. Ed by F. P. Perkins. 1877 *3501.4.1 — Same. 2d ser., 1876-82. Ed. by L. E. Jones *3501.4.2 Bethune, G. W. ed'r. British female poets 212.14 Betrothed, The. Manzoni, A. 1876 136.22 Betrothed, The. Scott, Sir W 12.19 Betsey Bobbet’s, My opinions and. Hol- ley, M , 18.22 Betty’s bright idea, etc. Stowe, H. B 43.18 Between the gates, (from the Atlantic to the Pacific). Taylor, B. F. 1878.... 525.22 Beulah. Wilson, Mrs. A. J 13.9 Beverages. See Alcohol; Domestic econo- my; Stimulants and narcotics. Beverley, May. Romantic tales from Eng- lish history. 1871 26.28 Beyond recall. Sergeant, Adeline 146.22 Beyond the breakers. Owen, R. D. 1870.. 61.12 Beyond the gates. Phelps, E. S. 1883 . . 55.13 Beyond the Mississippi, 1857-67. Richard- son, A. D 511.12 BIART. 25 BIBLE. Biart, L. Adventures of a young natural- ist. 1872 845.27 — An involuntary voyage. Illus. juv. ’80 87.7 Bible. Whole Bibles . — Holy bible. N. Y., 1867 *A.l — Holy bible. N. Y., 1879 426.16 — Holy bible. [Revised version]. Oxford, 1885 434.20 — Holy bible. [Authorized and revised versions arranged in parallel columns] Oxford. J8S5 *A. 14 — Holy bible; trans. from the Latin vul- gate. 1870 406.31 — Latin. [Copy of the vulgate with con- cordances of the Old and New Testa- ment, and prologues by St Jerome and others. Finely printed and rub- ricated; without place of publica- tion, but with date [1491] at end of the Apocalypse. Thick quarto, calf, clasps] *R.R.C. Whole Bible: Commentaries. — Cobbin, I. The child’s commentator on the. [1872] 401.16 — ■ Jamieson, R., Faussett, A. R., and Brown, D. Commentary on the Old and New Test. 6 v. Lond. 1868 ..... 422.4 Contents— x. 1. Gen.-Deut. v. 2. Josh.-Est. v. 3. Job-Isaiah. v. 4. Jere.-Mal. v. 5. Matt.-John. v. 6. Acts-Rev. — Lees, F. R. and Bums, D. Temper- ance bible commentary. 1870 424.5 Whole Bible: Concordances. — Cruden, A. Concordance to the 412.1 — Young, R. Analytical concordance to the bible. 1880 *E.9 Whole Bible : Dictionaries. — Abbott, L. and Conant, T. J. Diction- ary of religious knowledge. [1874] . . . *A.10 — Helps to the study of the bible. 1884.. 435.23 Contents— Summaries of the books; Illustrated tables ; Index of subjects ; Concordance ; Dictionary of proper names; Maps. — Kitto, J. Cyclopaedia of biblical liter- ature. 2 v 442.3 — Smith, W. Concise dictionary of the. 1865 434.21 — - Dictionary of the bible. Am. ed’n rev. and ed. by H. B. Hackett- and E. Abbot. 4 v. 1883-5 *A.13 — Staunton, W. Ecclesiastical diction- ary. [1861] 422.2 Whole Bible: History , Study , etc. — Bible revision. By members of the American committee. [1879] 421.37 — Biblical reason why. [1859] 406.28 — Boston lectures, 1871. Biblical criti- cism 438.19 Note.— For contents see Boston lectures, etc. — Canright, D. N. The bible from hea- ven 425.4 — Coleman, L. Historical geography of the, 1853 703.7 — Conant, H. C. History of English bible. 1856 407.22 — Ellicott, C. J. Scripture and its inter- pretation, (In Aids to faith) 438.17 — Kitto, J. illustrated history of the bible. 1876 442.5 — Newton, R. H. Right and wrong uses of the bible 426.31 Bible, continued. — Roberts, R. Teaching of the bible in relation to the faiths of Christen- dom. 1869 401.12 — Rogers, H. Superhuman origin of the bible inferred from itself. 1874 412.5 — Smith, W. Smaller scripture history. Illus. 1874 715.17 — Spring, G. The bible not of man. [1847] 438.21 — Swedenborg, E, Holy scripture [from his writings] 444.1.7 — - The sacred scripture In 414.10 — Taylor, I . Spirit of Hebrew poetry . . . 403.6 — Thomas, J. Chronology of the scrip- tures. [With Elpis Israel] 434.16 — Wescott, B. F. History of the Eng- lish bible. 1868 405.6 — Wordsworth, C. Interpretation of scrip- ture. (Replies to “ Essays, etc.) 437.12 — Yonge, C. M. Young folks’ bible his- tory. nius. 1880 432.25 Miscellaneous Works on the Bible . — Arnold, M. God and the bible: a reply to objections to ‘Literature and dogma.’ 1880 414.9 — - Literature and dogma. An essay towards a better apprehension of the bible. 1873 - 411.21 — Baldwin, G. E. Representative women. 606.9 — Baring-Gould, S. Legends of the pat- riarchs and prophets. 1872 437.23 — Bible in the public schools. (Library of education, v. 3) 414.1 — - Cincinnati board of education. Case of. 1870... 418.3 — Bible lands, Pictures from, drawn with pen and pencil; ed. by S. G. Green. . 528.10 — Brunton, T. L. Bible and science [not opposed]. 1871 841.4 — Chadwick, J. W. Bible of to-day 418.16 - — Charles, Mrs. E. Wanderings over bible lands and seas 502.3 — Children’s bible story-book 87.14 — Headley, P. C. Women of the bible. . 606.8 — Macduff, J. R. Tales of the warrior- judges 406.20 — Macmillan, H. Bible teachings in na- ture 443 6 — Mitchell, O. M. Astronomy of the. ’71 413.13 — Stainer, John . Music of the bible 833.22 — Thomson, W. M. The land and the book; or, biblical illustrations drawn from the manners and customs, the scenes and scenery of the Holy land . 2 v. 1871 505.14 — Van-Lennep, H. J. Bible lands; their modem manners and customs illus- trative of scripture. 1875 715.6 . — Weil, G. Biblical legends of the Mus- sulmans 416.16 — Wordsworth, C. Shakespeare and the bible 317.14 Old Testament: Commentaries , — Commentary and a revision of the [au- thorized] translation by bishops and other clergy of the Anglican church. Ed by F. C. Cook. v. 1-6. 1871-75. . . 422.5 Note.— Known also as tbe Speaker’s commentary. Contents. — v. 1. Gen.-Deut. v. 2. Josh.-I.Kings. v. 3. II. Kings-Est. v 4. Job-Song of Solomon, v. 5. Isaiah-Lamentations. v. 6. Ezek.-Malachi. — Poole, M. Annotations upon the holy bible. vol. 1 [only ]. Lond. 1683. folio. *428 6 4 BIBLE. 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bible, continued. — Pentateuch. Rawlinson, G. On the genuineness and authenticity of the Pentateuch, {In Aids to faith) 438.17 — Genesis , Exodus. Jacobus, M. W. Notes on Genesis. 2 v. 1869 405.5 — - Manley, W. E . Biblical review. 2 v. 1859 43812 Contents— v . 1 . Genesis. v-2. Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy . — - Smith, G. Chaldean account of Gene- sis. 1876 715.4 — - Swedenborg, E. Arcana ccelestia. v. 1-10 414.18 Contents— Genesis, v. 1-7. Exodus, v. 7-10. — Esther. Carson, A. Providence un- folded in the book of Esther. (Works v. 3) 435 2 — Job. Froude, J. A. Book of In 307.21.1 — Psalms. Murray, T. C. Origin and growth of the psalms 423,16 — Daniel. Smith, U. Thoughts on 435.5 — Ezekiel. Guthrie, T. Gospel in 437.6 Old Test. : History , Study. — Guthrie, T. Studies of character from the old testament. 1872 437.27 — Roberts, Alex. Old testament revision; a hand-book for English readers. ’83. 426.32 — Smith, W. Old testament history [to B.C. 400] 70617 — Smith, W. R. Old testament in the Jewish church 426.20 New Testament. — New testament. [Authorized version 1 N. Y. 1873 426.17 — New testament. Revised A. D. 1881 [authorized by the American com- mittee of revision]. Oxford. 1881... 426.18 — New testament. Authorized and revised versions in parallel columns. Phil. ’81 427.9 — The new testament: authorized Eng- lish version, with various readings from the three most celebrated man- uscripts of the original Greek text. By C. Tischendorf. Leip., 1869 432.30 — New testament. Trans., from the Sy- s riac Peshito version by James Mur- dock. 1879 442*13 Commentaries , History , Study. — Abbott, E. Authorship of the fourth gospel 424 8 — Abbott, L. Popular commentaries on the new testament. Illus. v. 1-4. . . 424 1 v. 1. Matthew; v. 2. Mark and Luke; v. 3. John; v. 4. Acts of the Apostles. — Cary, G. L. Introduction to the Greek of the new testament 421.14 — Delitzsch, F. J ewish artisan life in the time of Jesus 432.15 — Doddridge, P. Paraphrase of the new testament. 6 v 4281 — Ebrard, J. H. A. The gospel history: a compendium of critical investiga- tions in support cf the historical char- acter of the four gospels. 1876 431.3 — Lightfoot, J. B. and others. Revision of the new testament 418.10 — Meyer. H. A.W. Critical and exegetical commentary on the new testament.l2v 424.2 — Moon, G. W. The revisers’ English. Portraits [of the revisers ) 31818 — Rice, E. W. Pictorial commentary on St. Mark 443.2 Bible, continued. — Roberts, Alex. Companion to revised version of the new testament; [ex- planatory]. [1881] 426 22 — Smith, Y. Thoughts on Revelation. ’65. 435.4 — Smith, W. New testament history [Stu- dent series). Illus. 1875 715.18 — Swedenborg, E. Apocalypse revealed. 2 v 414.15 — Tischendorf, C. When were our gos- pels written? With discovery of the Sinaitic manuscript 414.4 — Wescott, B. F. Introduction to study of the gospels. 1875 424.6 Apocryphal Neiv Testament. — Apocryphal gospels, Acts and Revela- tions (A.-N.-C. lib , v. 16) 415.1 — Apocryphal new testament 411.15 See also Christ; Christianity; Evidences; In- spiration; Miracles; Religion: Theology; etc. Bible in Spain. Borrow, G. [pub. 1842]. . 524.23 Bibliography. Adams, C.K. Manual of his- torical literature. 1882 725.6 — Adams, W. H . D . Famous books 314.28 — Allibone, S. A. A critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors. 3 v. 1871 *A.8 — Dawkins, R. C. Titles of the first books of the 15th century, with reproduc- tions of types and engravings. 1884. *428.3 — Library journal. 9 v. N. Y. 1877-84. . . *328.17 — Lowndes, W. T. The bibliographer’s manual of English literature. 2 v. London. 1884 *328.8 — Poole, W. F. Index to periodical liter- ature, to 1882 *B.28 — Whitney, J. L. A modern Proteus, or, list of books under more than one title. 1884 322.9 Allusions , Pseudonymns , etc. — Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of phrase and fable *326.12 — - The reader’s hand-book of allusions, references, plots and stories. 1880 . . . *312.13 — Edwards, E. Words, facts and phrases *316.10 — Haynes, J. E. Pseudonymns of au- thors, anonyms and initialisms. 1882 . *316.21 — Wheeler, W. A. Dictionary of noted names of fiction. 1872 *332.1 — - Who wrote it ? 318.3 Classification and Cataloguing. — Cutter, C. A. Rules for a printed dic- tionary catalogue. 1876 *328.14.2 — Dewey, Melvil. A classification and subject index for cataloguing and ar- ranging books in a public library. 1876 *3501.1 — Leslie, J. P. On the classification of books (Sm. rep. 1862) *8501.2 — Perkins, F. P. A rational classification of literature for shelving and cata- loguing books in a library. 1882. . . *3501.2 — Smith, L. P. On the classification of books. 1882 *3501.3 Catalogues , Trade Lists, etc. — American catalogue of books in print and for sale July 1, 1876. By F. Ley- poldt. Author and title entries. . . *3502.1.1 — - Same. Subject entries *3502.1.2 — - Same. Author, title, and subject en- tries, 1876-84 *3502.1.3 — Anti-masonic books. Catalogue. ’52.. *328.5; BIBLIOGRAPHY. 27 BIOGRAPHY. Bibliography, continued. — Best reading: a priced and classified bibliography. 1st series; ed. by F. P. Perkins. 1877 *3501.4.1 — - Same. 2d ser., 1876-82. Ed. by L. E. Jones *3501.4.2 — Bowen, H. C. Catalogue of historical novels and tales. 1882 *328.19 — Clarke, R. and Co., pubs. Bibliotheca Americana: a catalogue of books and pamphlets relating to America. 1876. *3501.9 — Publishers’ trade list annual. 5 v, 1880- ’84 *3502.16 — Publishers’ weekly, vol. 16-28, 1879-’85 *3502.15 — Reference catalogue of current litera- ture. Lond. 1880 *3502.17 — - Same. 1885 *3502.17 — Roorback, O. A. Bibliotheca Ameri- cana, with supplement and addenda. From 1820 to 1858. 3v *328.1 See also Books: Book-binding; Libraries; Literature; Reading. — Bibliotheca Americana. Clarke, R. and Go., pubs. 1876 *3501.9 Bickersteth, E. H. From year to year. Poems and hymns for all the Sun- days and holy days of the church. ’84 211.39 — The two brothers, and other poems. ’71 202.16 — Yesterday, to-day and forever. [PoemJ . 202.25 Bickmore, A. S. Travels in the East Indian archipelago. 1860 527.6 Bicknell, A. J. Detail, cottage, and con- structive architecture. [1873]. fol *8541.9 — and Comstock, pubs. Modern archi- tectural designs and details. 1881 . . *8541 .10 Bidpai. See Pilpay. Big brother, The. Eggleston, G C. Story of Indian war [Alabama, 1813] Big brother series. 5 v. See Eggleston, G.C. Bigelow, John. Life of J. C. Fremont. ’56 — ed’r. Life of Franklin, written by him- self, 3 v. 1879 Bigelow, L. J. Bench and bar. a com- plete digest of the wit, humor, asper- ities and amenities of the law. 1871. Bigelow, M. T. Punctuation, and other typographical matters. 1881 Biglow papers. Lowell, J. R In Bikelas, D. Loukis Laras. Greek tale. ’81. Billings, J. S. Ventilation and heating. ’84 Billings, Josh, pseud, see Shaw, H. W. Bimbi : stories for children. Rame. L. de la Bingham, J. Antiquities of the Christian church. 2 v. 1878 Biography: Collective Works. General Dictionaries. — Champlin, J. D. Young folks’ cyclopae- dia of persons and places. 1882 1316.16 - Lippincott’s pronouncing biographical dictionary, See Thomas, J fB-22 — Men of the time: a dictionary of con- temporaries. II th ed’n. 1884 644.13 — Pierce, E. M. Cottage cyclopedia of history and biography. 1871 |B.2 — Thomas, J. [Lippincott’s]. Univer- sal pronouncing dictionary of biog- raphy and mythology, [cop. 1870.] . . . |B.22 See also Cyclopaedias. Ancient or Classical. — Anthon, Charles. Classical dictionary. 1869...... fA.6 88.12 602.5 635.13 308.4 317.28 202.23 47.30 846.4 81.13 422.1 Biography, collective works, continued. — Plutarch. Lives of illustrious men. Revised by A. H. Clough 604.5 — - Same; tr. by J. and W. Langhorne. . 604.6 — Smith, W. Smaller classical dictionary 313.21 Miscellaneous. — Artman, W. and Hall, L. V. Beauties and achievements of the blind 632.16 — Bayne, Peter. Essays in biography and criticism. 2 v 317.6 — Chambers, R. Book of days. 2v *E.5 — Curwen, H. History of booksellers. ’73 314.20 — Dulcken, H. W. Worthies of the world 634.15 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. . . 614.14 — Hundred greatest men. Portraits. In- troductions by Emerson and others. Ed by W. Wood. 1885 628.22 — Lord, J. Warriors and statesmen. In 753.6.4 — Macaulay, T. B. Biographical essays. Contents: Frederic the great. Bun- yan. Goldsmith. Johnson. Barere. 643.21 — - and others. New biographies of illus- trious men. 1857 605.20 — New Plutarch series, v. 1-11 621.25 Note . — For contents, see New Plutarch, in the general alphabet. — Parton, J. Lives of illustrious men .. . 617.17 — Prescott, W. H. Biographical and cri- tical miscellanies. 1855 305.14 — Smiles, S. Brief biographies. 1860 . . 606.4 — Smith, M. H. Successful folks. How they won. 1878 617.11 — Stowe, H. B. Men of our times. 1868. . . 634.3 — Thomson, K. B. and J. C.Wits and beaux of society. By Grace and Phillip Whar- ton, pseud 613.17 — Towle, G. M. Young folks’ heroes of his- tory, 5 v. Illustrated 515.7 1. Vasco Da Gama. 2. Pizzaro. 3. Mag- ellan. 4. Marco Polo. 5. Ralegh. — Tweedie, W. R. Earnest men. 1872. 632.8 — Winks, W. E. Lives of illustrious shoemakers 627.11 — Yonge, C. M. Book of golden deeds.. 631.14 — - Book of worthies 621.18 American. — Drake, F. S. Dictionary of American biography, with supplement. 1872. . *A. 7 — American pioneers and patriots. 12 v. See Abbott, J. S. C. — American statesmen ser. v. 1-10. See Morse, J. T., ed'r. — Bartlett, D. G. Modern agitators [American]. Illus. 1855 602.13 — Clark, J. F. Memorial and biographi- cal sketches. 1878 615.16 — Duyckinck, E. A. National portrait gallery of eminent Americans. 2 v. 638.1 — Dwight, N. Lives of the signers. 1876. 621.10 — Eddy, T. M. Patriotism of Illinois. 2 v. 603.5 — Ellet, E. F. Pioneer women of the West. 1873 614.24 — - Queens of American society. cop. 1867.. .. 615.4 — Emerson, R. W. Biographical sketches 1884.. . 322.1 — Famous Am. Indians, v. 1-5. See Eggleston, E. — Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. 2v 306.29 — Frost, John. Lives of the presidents, to Pierce 621.8 BIOGRAPHY. ‘28 BIOGRAPHY. Biography, collective works, continued. — Hanaford, Mrs. P. A. Daughters of America. 1883 625.17 — Homes of American statesmen. 1855.. 617.9 — Lamman, C. Dictionary of Congress, with biog. sketches of the members from the foundation of the govern- ment. 1859 913.20 — Magoon,E. L. Orators of the American revolution. 1873 613.9 — March, C. W. Webster and his con- temporaries 636.15 — Parton, J. Famous Americans of recent times. 1871 603.16 — Sabine, Lorenzo. Biog. sketches of loy- alists of Am. revolution, 2 v. 1864.. 617.12 — Smucker, S. M. Life of E. K. Kane and others [J. C. Fremont, J. Ledyard, C. Wilkes, M. C, Perry] 606.24 — Sparks, J. ed’r. Library of American biography first series. 10 v. 1873. 641.4 — - Same; 2d series. 15 v. 601.1 — Thatcher, B. B. Indian biography. 2 v. 614.18 English and European. — Brougham, H. lord. Statesmen of the time of George III. and IY. 2 v. . 633.1 — Campbell, J., lord. Lives of the lord chancellors. 10 v. 1856 618.14 — Davidson, J. M. Eminent Eng. liber- als. 1881 622.11 — Goodrich. C. A. Select British elo- quence. 1874 308.10 Note. Gives biog. sketches of the orators. — Higginson, T. W. Brief biographies. 4v 613.20 v. 1. English statesmen, by Higginson. v. 2. Eng- lish radical leaders, by Hinton, v. 3. French political leaders, by King. v. 4. German political leaders, by Tuttle. — Home, R. H. New spirit of the age. 1844 306.9 — Jennings, G. H. Anecdotal history of the British parliament. 1881 913.21 — Lecky, W. E. H. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland. 1872 611.34 — - Men of the third republic; or, leaders of France 634.7 Actors. — American actor series, v. 1-6. See Hut- ton, L. ed’r 635.18 — Brown, T. A. History of the American stage. 1870 628.12 Artists. — Boyhood of great painters, 2 v. [1856.] 614.13 — Butterworth, H. Great composers 644.10 — Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. 1865. 628.23 — Clement, C. E. Artists of the 19th cen- tury and their works, 2 v 618.4 — - Painters, sculptors, architects and engravers; a hand-book. 1876 *D. 3 — - Same. 1879 834.11 — Cunningham, Allan. T fives of most eminent British sculptors and paint- ers, 5 v. 1868 614.2 — Ferris, G. F. Great German composers 624.1 — - Great Italian and French composers . 624.2 — - Great singers. 2 v 624.3 — - Great violinists and pianists 624.4 — Grove, G. ed’r. Dictionary of music and musicians. (1450-1883). 4 v *B.24 — Jameson, Mrs. Early Italian painters 614.3 — Keddie, H. [Sarah Tytler]. Modem painters and their paintings 808.31 — - Musical composers and their works. . 613.23 Biography, collective works, continued. — - Old masters and their pictures 808.32 — Stothert, J. French and Spanish paint- ers. 1875 848.5 — Sweetser; M. F. Artist biographies. Illus. 5 v. 1880-1 626.5 1. Raphael; Vinci; Angelo. 2. Titian; Reni; Lor- raine. 3. Reynolds; Turner; Landseer. 4. Durer: Rembrandt: Van Dyck. 5. Angelico; Murillo; All- ston. — Tuckerman. H. T. Book of the artists. [American.] 1867 821.12 — Yasari, Giorgio. Lives of the painters, sculptors, etc., 5v 618.10 — - Stories of the Italian artists from Vasari, [anon]. 1885 631.5 — - Walpole, H. Anecdotes of painting in England [to 1762] 308.5 — Washburn, E. W. Spanish masters. [painters.] 1883 852.4 — Wilmot-Buxton, H. J. English paint- ers; [also] American painters by S. R. Koehler. 1883 851.36 Literary. — Adams, O. F. Brief handbook of American authors. 1884 322.5 — - Handbook of English authors. 1884 322.4 — Allibone, S. A. Critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors. 3 v. 1871 *A. 8 — Bethune, G. W. British female poets. cop. 1869 212.14 — De Quincey, T. Biographical essays 1870. 302.25 Disraeli, I. Curiosities of literature . . 305.8 — Duyckinck, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopae- dia of American literature. 2 v. 1877 *E. 7 — English men of letters, v. 1-35. For con- tents, see Morley, John, ed’r 616.11 — Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors 601.20 — Gairdner, J. Early chroniclers of Europe-England 727.14 — Gautier, T. and others. Famous French authors; biographical portraits, 18"9. 637.6 — Gilfillan, G. Third gallery of portraits. 1859 301.24 — Griswold, R. W. Prose writers of Amer- ica. [cop. 1870] 316.17 — Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany [cop. 1847] 615.8 — Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of British poets 615. 1 5 — James H.,Jr. French poets and novel- ists 627.13 — Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets 1858 643.17 — Knight, C. Half-hours with the best letter- writers and auto-biographers. 2v 634.9 — Lewes, G. H. Biographical history of philosophy 427. 1 — Little classics, v. 16. Authors 314.16 — Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe. 1872 207.2 — Mitchell, D. G. About old story-tellers. 1878 311.13 — Oliphant, Mrs. M.O.W., ed. Foreign clas- sics for English readers, v. 1-17 636.7 — Rogers, C. Scottish minstrel: songs since Burns, with memoirs of the poets 207.17 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. English portraits. 1875 642.2 — Scott, SirW. Lives of eminent novelists and dramatists 624.19 BIOGRAPHY. 29 BIOGRAPHY. Biogeaphy, collective works, continued. — Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets. 1876. 215.6 — Stoddard, R. H. and others. Poets’ homes. [American] 2 v 622.6 — Thackeray, W. M. English humorists of the 18th century. 1858 302.15 — /- Same. (Miscellanies, v. 4) 301.12 — Warner, C. D., ed’r. American men of letters, v. 1-6 624.12 Merchants. — Barrett, W. Old merchants of New York city. v. 1-2 604.20 — Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London mer- chants 614.16 — Hunt, F. Lives of American merchants. 2. v. 1858 604.3 — Kirkland, F. Cyclopaedia of commercial and business anecdotes. 2 v 305.16 Military and Naval. — Chesney, C. C. Military biography. ’74 617.6 — Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders .... 615.7 — - Napoleon and his marshals, [cop. ’65] 613.4 — - Washington and his generals. 2 v. ’77 602.7 — Naval encyclopaedia [U. S. naval offi- cers.] 1881 *E.8 — Wilson, J. G. Sketches of illustrious soldiers. 1874 632.17 Professional. — Bigelow, L. J. Bench and bar. 1871 . 308.4 — Campbell, J. lord. Lives of the lord chancellors. 10 v 618.14 — D., J. Pen pictures of popular Eng- lish preachers 606.22 — Jeaffreson, J. C. Book about doctors. 1870 643.16 Religious. — Adams, W. H. D. Great English church- men 635.8 — Allen, J. H. Hebrew men and times . . 42 1 .27 — Barry, A. Masters in English theology 425.22 — Cave, W. Lives of the apostles, etc. 1836. (With works of Philip, etc.) . . . 411.2 — Early Christian literature primers. [Fathers of the church]. 4 v 426.24 — Fathers, The, for English readers. 7 v. 423.14 — Fox, J. Book of martyrs 434.11 — Frost, John. Cyclopaedia of eminent Christians. 1875 634.14 — Heroes of Christian history, v. 1-5. ’81-2 622.10 Contents— 1. II. Martyn. 2. Wilberforce. 3. Doddridge. 4. Robert Hall. 5. T. Chalmers. — Montalembert. Monks of the west.2v. 434.3 Murray, J. O. Catholic pioneers of America. 1882 433.12 — Walsh, W. P. Heroes of the mission field. 1879 635.6 Royal. — DeQuincey, T. The Caesars. 1865 302.20 — Doran, J. Monarchs retired from busi- ness. 2v. 1881 623.18 Jameson, Mrs. A. Memoirs of celebra- ted female sovereigns 633.12 — Jesse, J. H- Memoirs of court of Eng- land under the Stuarts. 3 v. Por- traits. 1857 718.6 — - The pretenders and their adherents. Portraits 718.7 — Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. 6 v. 1872 641.13 — — Same. Abridged ed’n 706.5 Biography, collective works, continued. — Same. Abridged by R. Kaufman. Illus. juv. 3v 738.12 — Suetonius. Lives of the Caesars, ets. . . 1021 .8 — Wiseman, H. E. Last four popes. ’75. 636.6 Scientific and Industrial. — Arago. F. Biographies of distinguished scientific men. 2 v 602.2 — Brewster, David. Martyrs of science . 614.9 — Eminent astronomers. (Chamber’s miscellany, v. 8.) 1001.8 — Galton, F. Englishmen of science; their nature and nurture 834.27 — Jeans, W. T. The creators of the age of steel. 1884 644.7 — - Parton, James. Captains of industry. 644.21 — Smiles, S. Industrial biography 601.13 — - Lives of the engineers . 4 v 607.1 — - Men of invention and industry. 1885 631.4 — Timbs, John. Inventors and discoverers 636.12 Self-Taught , etc. — Craik, G. L. Pursuit of knowledge un- der difficulties. 1872 308.20 — McCabe, J. D. Great fortunes and how they were made . . . . 604.1 — Self-taught men. Biographies for the young. London, 1873 622.14 — Smiles, S. Self-help. 1871 408.28 Women. — Aguilar, Grace. Women of Israel. 2v. 644.28 — Alger, W. S. The friendships of wo- men 421.12 — Baldwin, G. E. Representative women [of the bible] 606.9 — Balfour, C. L. Women worth emulat- ing 635.15 — Bloss, C. A. Heroines of the crusade. Fict 634.2 — Charles, Mrs. E. The women of Chris- tianity 626.13 — Child, L. M. Biographies of good wives 607.10 — Crosland, Mrs. N. Memorable woman. 1854 631.15 — Ellet, E. F. Pioneer women of the west. 1873 : 614.24 — - Queens of American society, [c. 1867] 615.4 — Famous women series, v. 1 -7. 1883-4.. 627.1 Contents— See Famous women ser. in gener- al alphabet. — Hale, S. J. Woman’s record; or sketch- es of all distinguished women [to 1868]. Illus *E.3 — Hanaford, Mrs. P. A. Daughters of America. 1883 625.17 — Hays, Frances. Women of the day [brief biographies]. 1885 631.9 — Headley, P. C. Women of the bible. . 606.8 — Holloway, L. C. The ladies of the White House. Illus. 1881 628.20 — Jameson, A. Memoirs of the loves of the poets 633.13 — Kavanagh, J. English women of letters 643.18 — - French women of letters 643.19 — Lord, J . Great women. (Beacon lights of history, v. 5). 735.6 — May, C., ed’r. American female poets. [1869L 212.13 — Owen, O. F. Heroines of domestic life. 614.27 — Parton, J. Eminent women of the age. Illus 625.13 BIOGRAPHY. 30 BIOGRAPHY. Biography, collective works, continued. — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits of cele- brated women. 1868 614.6 — Thackeray, A. I. Book of sibyls 628.13 — Thomson, K. B. and J. C. Queens of society 632.10 — Watson, H. C. Heroic women of his- tory. 1857 617.1 — Wilson, W. Heroines of the house- hold 644.8 Youth. — Men who have risen: a book for boys. [1859] 635.9 — Pratt, A. Dawnings of genius. Juv. . 606.30 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men; their boyhood and early life 613.22 — - Extraordinary women: their girlhood and early life 618.2 Biography, Individual. See biographies, diaries, and correspondence, under the following names: Abrantes, Duchess d' Bronte, Emily See Junot, L. P. Brougham, Lord Adams’ Mrs. Abagail. Brown, C. B Adams, John Brown, Capt. John Adams, J. Q,. Browne, C. F. Adams, Samuel Bryant, W. C. Alcott, A. B. Buchanan, James Alexander, the great Buckle, H. T. Alfieri, Vittoria Budgett, S. Alfred, the great Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Alice, princess, Lord Lytton. grand duchess of Hesse. Bunsen, Baroness. Allen, Ethan Bunyan, John Ambrose, St. Buonarotti, Michael Angelo. Anderson, Mrs. G. Burke, Edmund Anderson, H. C. Burnett, P. H. Anderson, R. C. Burns, Robert Andrew, J. A. Burr, Aaron Andrew, J. O. Burroughs, Stephen Angelo, Michael. Bushnell, Horace See Buonarotti, M. A. Byron, Lord Anne Boleyn. Cabot, Sebastian Anselm, St. Caesar. Anthony, St. Calderon. Antoninus, Marcus Aure- Calhoun, J. C. lius. Calvert, Leonard Appleton. Jesse Calvin, John Arblay, Mme. d’ (F. Burney). Campbell, Thomas Arnold, Benedict Canning, George Atterbury, Francis Carlyle, Mrs. Jane W. Audubon, J. J. Carlyle, Thomas Augustine, St. Carson, Alex. Bach, J. S. Carson, Kit Bacon, F. Lord Cartwright, E. Bacon, Nathaniel Cary, Alice Balboa, N. N. de Cary, Phoebe Ballantine, W. Catherine of Aragon. Ballou, Hosea Cavendish, Thomas Balzac, Honore de Cavour, Count Barham, R. H. Cellini, Benvenuto Barnum, P. T. Cervantes. Bartlett, W. F. Chalmers, Thomas Basil, St. Chambers, W. and R. Bates, Joseph Channing, W. E. Bayard, Chevalier Charlemagne. Beckwourth, J. P. Charles I., of England. Bede, The venerable Charles II ., of England. Beecher, H. W. Charles V. of Germany. Beecher, Lyman Charles XII., of Sweden. Beethoven. Charles, the bold, Bernard, St. duke of Burgundy. Bessemer, W. Chaucer. Bismarck, Prince Choate, Rufus Blaine, J. G. Chopin. Blemerhasset, H. Chorley, H. F. Blessington, Countess of Cicero, M. T. Bonaparte, Mme. Eliz. Clay, Henry Patterson. Cleopatra. Bonaparte, Joseph Cleveland, Grover Boone, Daniel Clough, A. H. Booth, Edwin Cobden, Richard Booth, J. B. Coffin, L. Brainerd, David Coles, Edward Brant, Joseph Coligny, G. de, admiral. Brassey, T. Colton, Walter Breck, J. L. Columbus. Breese, Sidney Conde, L., Prince of. Bridgman, Laura Confucius. Bright, John Congden, C. F. Biography, individual, continued. Constable, Archibald Constantine, the great. Cooper, J. F. Corneille. Cortez, Hernando Covode, John Cowley, Abraham Cowper, W. Crockett, David Cromwell, Oliver Cross, Mrs. M. E. See Eliot, George Cummings, G. D. Curran, J. P. Cushman, Charlotte Cyrus, the great. Dampier, William Dante. Darius the great. Davidson, Lucretia M. Davie, W. R. Davis, Garrett Davis, Jefferson Davy, Sir Humvhrey Day, M. L. Decatur, Stephen DeFoe, Daniel DeKroyft, S. H. DeQuincey, Thomas Dewey, Orville Dick, Robert Dickens, Charles Disraeli, B., earl of Beaconsfield , Dix, John A. Donne, John Douglas, Stephen A. Douglass, Fred Dow, Lorenzo Drake, Sir Francis Dryden, John Dudevant, Mme. [Geo. Sand. Duff, Alexander Duff, Mrs. M. Dwight, Timothy Eaton, W. Edgeworth, Maria Edward, the Black Prince. Edward, Thomas Edwards, Jonathan Eliot, George. [Mrs M. E. Cros9.] Elizabeth, queen of England. Ellery, W. Emerson, John E. Emerson, R. W. Emmet, R. Epictetus. Ericsson, John Evelyn, John Everts, Mrs. M. K. Faraday, Michael Farragut, D. G. Fechter, C. A. Ferdinand of Spain. Ferguson, James Fessenden, W. P. Fielding, Henry Fields, James T. Finney, Rev. C. G. Fitch, John Fletcher, Mrs. E. Fletcher, Rev. J. Flipper, H. O. Forest, Edwin Fox, Caroline Fox, Charles J. Francis of Assisi. Franklin, Benjamin Frederick, the great. Fremont, J. C. Friedrick, II., of Prussia. Frobel, F. Fry, Elizabeth Fuller, Margaret. See Ossoli, M. F. Fulton, Robert Galileo. Gallatin, Albert Gama, Vasco da Garfield, James, A. Garibaldi, Giuseppe Garrison, W. L. Genghis, Khan Gibbon, Edward Gillies, R. P. Gladstone, W. E. Goethe, Catharine E. Goethe, J. W. von Goldsmith, Oliver Goodell, Rev. W. Goodrich, S. G. Gordon, C. G. [Chinese Gordon .] Gorton, Samuel Gottschalk, L. M. Gough, J. B. Gould, Emily B. Grant, Mrs. A. Grant, Gen. U. S. Gray, Thomas Greeley, Horace Greene, Gen. Nathaniel Greville, C. C. F. Guerin. Eugenie de Guizot, F. P. G. Gurney, Eliza P. Gustavus Adolphus Guthrie, Thomas Hall, Robert Hall, S. C. Hamilton, Alex. Hamline, L. L. Hancock, Gen. W. S. Handel, G. F. Hannibal. Hare, A. J. C. Hare, J. C. Harness, William Haroun, Alraschid Havelock, Sir H. Havergal, Frances R. Hawthone, N. Haydn, Joseph Hazlitt, W. Heber, Reginald Hendricks, T. A. Henry IV., of France. Henry, Patrick Hentz, Mrs. C. L. Herbert, George Herschel, Sir W. Hodder, George Hodge, Charles Holland, Sir H. Holmes, Mead, jr. Holmes, O. W. Home, D. D. Hood, Thomas Hooker, Richard Hortense, queen of Holland. Houdin, Robert Houston, Samuel Hudson, H. Hughes, G. E. Hughes, J., apb. Hughes, Thomas Hugo, Victor Humbolt, A. von Hnme, David Hutchinson, Anne Irving, Washington Isabella of Spain. Jackson, Andrew Jackson, T. J. [“Stonewall."] Jameson, Mrs. Anne Jasmin, Jacques Jefferson, T. Jefferson s, The [actors]. Jerdan, William Jerome, St. Joan of Arc. Johnson, Samuel Jones, Paul Josephine, Empress. Judson, Mrs. A. H. Judson, Mrs. E. C. Judson, Mrs. S. B Kearny, Gen. Philip Keary, Annie Kelly, John Kemble, Frances A. Kennedy, John P. Kidd, Capt. King, W. R. Kingsley, Charles Kirkland, Samuel Knapp, Jacob Knight, Cornelia Kossuth, Louis Lafayette, Marquis de LaFontaine. BIOGRAPHY. 31 BIRD. Biography, individual, continued. Lamartine, A. de Lamb, Charles Lamb, Mary Lander, W. S. LaPlace. La Salle, R. C. de Las Casas Lasaulx, A. von Lawrence, Amos Ledyard, John Lee, Gen. Charles Lee, Gen. R. E. Leibnitz, G. W. von. Leisler, Jacob Leo X. LeSage, A. R. Lessing, G. E. Lincoln Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Lind, Jennie. See Goldschmidt, J. L. Livingstone. Lobdell, H. Locke. Logan, J. A. Longfellow. Lonsdale. Louis IX., of France. Louis XIV., of France. Louis Philippe, of France. Lovejoy, E. P. Lover, Samuel Lowell, J. R. Loyola. Lutfullah. Luther, Martin Lyon, Mary McCarthy, Justin Macaulay, T. B. Maccabeus, Judas McCheyne, R. M. McClellan, Gen. G. B. Macleod, Norman McCrie, T. MacKinzie, Henry Madison, James Magellan. Mann, Horace Margaret ofAnjon. Marie Antoinette of France. Marion, Gen. F. Marquette. Marryat, Frederick Martin, John Martineau, Harriet Martyn, Henry Mary, queen of Scots. Mason, John Masson, G. Mather, C. Mathew, Father Maurice, Frederick D. Medici, Lorenzo de Meikle, James Melancthon, P. Melek-Hamun, Mme. Mencius. Mendelssohn. Mettemich, Prince Michael Angelo See Buonarrotti, M. A. Mill, John S. Miller, Hugh Miller, W. Milton, John Mitford, Mary R. Mohammed. Moliere. Monk, George Monroe, James Montague, LadyM. W. Montaigne, M. de Montalembert, Count de Montezuma. Montgomery, R. Moody, D. L. Moore, Thomas Morgan, Gen. Daniel Morgan, Lady S. O. Morris, Chas., commodore. Morris, T. Morse. S. F. B. Motley, J. L. Mott, James Mott, Lucretia Mozart. Mozley, T. Muhlenberg, Dr. W. A. Murdoch, J. E. Muller, G. Napoleon I. Nasmyth, J. Nelson, Lord Nerinckx, Rev. Charles Nero, Emperor Newton, Sir 1. Nicholls, Mrs. C. B. See Bronte, C. Northup, S. Nott, Dr. Eliphalet. Oglethorpe, James O’Keefe, John Ossoli, M. F. marchesa d* Otis, James Owen, R. D. Palfrey, Wm. Palissy, B. Palmerston, Lord Park, Mungo Parker, O. H. Parker, Theodore Pascal. Blaise Patrick, St. Patterson, J. C. Pattison, D. W. [Sister Dora] Paul, St. Pearce, S. Pellico, Silvio Penn, William Pepys, Samuel Perthes, Fred Peter the great. Peters, A. R. Petrarch. Philip II. of Spain. Philip, chief of the Wampano- ago. Phips, Sir W. Pierson, H. W. Pike, Z. M. Pinkney, W. Pitt, Wm. Pizarro. Pocahontas. Poe, Edgar A. Polo, Marco Plutarch. Planche, J. R. Pliny, the younger. Posey, Thomas Preble, Edward Prentiss, Eliz. Prentiss, S. S. Prescott, W. H. Pugin, A. and A. N. W. Pulaski, Count Putnam, Israel Pym, John Pyrrhus, king of Epirus. Quincy, Josiah Quincy, Josiah, jr. Rabelais. Racine. Radcliffe, Mrs. Ann Raikes. Thomas Rale, Sebastian Ralegh, Sir W. Randolph, John Recamier, Mme. Red Eagle. Red Jacket. Reed, Joseph Reed, Martha Remusat, Mme. de Renan, Ernest Reynolds, Sir J. Ribault, John Richard I., of England. Richard II., of England. Richard III ., of England. Ripley, Geo, Rittenhouse, D. Robertson, F. W. Robinson, H. C. Roland. Mme. Rollins, Mrs. [E. H. Arr.] Romulus. Rousseau. Rumford, Cowit. See Thomp- son, .Sir Benj. Russell, Earl Saint Simon, L. A. Sand, George. See Dudevant, Mme. Biography, individual, continued. Thomas, Gen. G. H. Sanderson, R. Sarmiento, D. F. Savonarola. Schamyl. Schiller, J. C. F. von. Scott, Sir G. G. Scott, Sir W. Scott, Gen. Winfieid Seneca. Sevigne, Mme. de Seward, W. H. Shakespeare. Thompson, Sir Benj. [Count Rumford.] Thompson, G. Thoreau, H. D. Thorvaldsen, A. Ticknor, George Tilden, S. J. Tocqueville, A. de Todd, Rev. John Trench, Baron Trollope, Anthony Shaubena, Pottawatomie chief .Turner, J. M. W. Shelley, P. B. Sheridan, R. B. Sidney, Sir Philip Siemens, W. Sigourney, Mrs. L. H. Silliman, Benj. Sims, J. Marion Smeaton, John Smith, Gerritt Smith, Capt. John Smith, Sidney Smith, Sol. Smith, W. E. Smollett, Tobias Socrates. Somerville, Mary Soto, F. de Spencer, T. Stael, Mme. de Stanley, A. P. Stark, John Stein, H. F. K. Stenhouse, Mrs. Stephenson, George Stephenson. R. Sterling, John Sterne, Laurence Steuben, Baron Stevens, Thaddens Stiles, Ezra Stoddard, R. H. Styvesant, P. Sullivan, John Sumner, Charles Swedenborg, E. Swift, Jonathan Swisshelm, Jane G. Tappan, Arthur Tasso. Taylor, John Taylor, Zachary Tecumseh. Thackeray. W. M. Thiers, L. A. Tuttle, W. Yane, Sir H. Velazquez. Vicars, Capt. H. Victor Emanuel, king of Italy. Victoria, Queen. Voltaire. Wagner, R. W. Walker, G. W. Ward, Samuel Warren, Joseph Washburne, I. Washington, George Watt, James Wayland, Francis Wayne, Anthony Webster, D. Webster, Noah Wesley, Charles Wesley, John White, Ellen G. White. James, Whitefield, Geo. Whittier, J. G. Whittington, lord mayor of London. Whitworth, J. Wicklif, John Wickoff, Henry Wilberforce, Wm. William the Conqueror. Williams, Rev. J. Williams, Roger Wilson. Alex. Wirt, W. Wollstonecraft, Mary Wordsworth, William Wotton. Sir H. Xavier, St. Francis Xenobia. Xerxes. Yates, Edmund Young, A. E. Young, J. C. Note. Many other brief biographies are to be found in works under the names of their respective subjects. Biology. Cook, Joseph. (Boston Monday lectures). 1877 417.2 — Coues, Elliott. Biogen; a speculation on the origin and and nature of life. ’84 844. 17 — Gunning, W. D. Life-history of our planet. 1876 816.25 — Hinton, J. Life in nature. 1872 813.21 — Huxley, T. H. In American addresses. 838.34 — - Physical basis of life 812.32.1 — - and Martin, H. N. Elementary bi- ology. 1879 838.42 — Spencer, H. Principles of. 2 v. 1868 404.12 — Stevenson, S. H. Boys and girls in biology. 1875 838.35 — Stirling, J.H. Protoplasm-Reply to Hux- ley. 1872 In 812.32.1 Birch, S. Egypt to B. C. 300. Illus. ’75. .716.13.1 Bird, Isabella L. Golden Chersonese [Ma- lacca]. 1883 526.21 — A lady’s life in the Rocky mountains. 514.12 — Six months in Sandwich islands. 1881 . 518.5 — Unbeaten tracks in Japan. 2 v. 1881 . 517.8 Bird, Joseph. Protection against fire. 1873 827.3 Bird, R. M. Nick of the woods. Fict. [cop. 1863]. 55.19 BIRDS. 32 BLANC. Birds. Adams, H. G. Humming birds . . . 822.23 — Bailey, H. B .ed’r. “Forest and stream” bird notes. 1881 841.23 Note — Index to articles on birds. — Bailey, W. L. The birds of the United States. 1869 845.24 — Bechstein, J.M. Chamber and cage birds. 827.33 — Berthoud, H. Stories of bird life. 1875 827.34 — Burroughs, J. Wake-Robin. 1879 833.2 — Coues, Elliott. Key to North American birds. 1872 *C. 2 — Dixon, Charles. Rural bird-life. [Eng- lish]. [1880] 834.23 — Figuier, L. Reptiles and birds. 1870. 813.5 — Harris, Amanda B. Field, wood and meadow rambles. 1882 832.10 Note. Same as How we went birds-nesting. — Lee, Mrs. R. Habits and instincts of. . 845.25 — Michelet, J. The bird. Illus. 1869 .. . *813.3 — Roosevelt, R. B. Game birds of the coasts and lakes of the Northern states 811.7 — Samuels, E. A. Birds of New England 1875 826.11 — Stearns, W. A. New England bird-life. Ed. by E. Coues. 2 v. 1881-3 836.29 — Tiny houses and their builders 832.6 BiRDs-eye view of our civil war. Dodge, T. A. 1883 731.7 Birth and education. Schwartz, M. S. Fict 61.34 Bishop, C. E. Pictures from English his- tory. [Compilation]. Illus. 1883... 732.1 Bishop, N. H. Four months in a sneak- box. [Boat voyage down the Ohio and Mississippi]. 1879 513.20 — Thousand miles’ walk across South America. [1855] 522.29 — Voyage of the paper canoe. [From Que- bec to Gulf of Mexico]. 1878 527.18 Bishop, W. H. House of a merchant prince. 1883 53.30 — Old Mexico and her lost provinces. ’83 501.14 Bishop’s son, The. Cary, Alice 15.16 Bismarck— Schonhausen, Otto E. L., prince. Letters to wife, sister, etc., 1844-70. . 613.25 — Hezekiel, J. G. L. Life. 1871 604.7 — Klaczko, Julian. Two chancellors (Gortschakoff and Bismarck.) 1876.. 613.14 Bits of talk about home matters. J ackson, H. H. 1873 307.17 Bits of travel at home. Jackson, H. H. ’78 522.15 Bitter, C. H. Life of J. Sebastian Bach. 1873 644.12 BiTTER-sweet; a poem. Holland, J. G 204.16 Bivouac and battle. Adams, W. T. Juv. . . 72.4.5 B jornson, B. Arne, [also] Happy boy. [Norwegian peasant life.] 1872 14.18 — Bridal march, and other stories. 1882 . 52.29 — The fisher maiden, a Norwegian tale. ’71 132.8 — Love and life in Norway 133.16 Brack, J. R. Ten laws of health. 1873. . . 827.38 Black, J. S. The Christian religion. See Ingersoll, R. G. 1882 427.15 Black, W. Adventures in Thule; three stories for boys. 1883 82.32 — Daughter of Heth. 1871... 36.40 — The four Macnicols. Juv. 1882...... 81.6 — Green pastures and Picadilly. 1878... 137.9 — In silk attire. 1872 36.41 — Judith Shakespeare. 1884 57.23 — Kilmeny. 1874 36.42 — Life of Oliver Goldsmith. 1879 616.11.6 — Macleod of Dare. 1879 44.2 I Black, W., continued. — Madcap Violet. 1877 136.11 — Princess of Thule, [Hebrides]. 1871.. 34.21 — Shandon bells. 1883 54.9 — Strange adventures of a phaeton. 1872. 36.39 — Sunrise. 1881 141.3 — That beautiful witch. 1881 146.3 — Three feathers. 1877 42.18 — White wings: a yatching romance. 1880 145.20 — Yolande. 1883 146.28 Black arts in medicine. Jackson, J. D 834.20 Black dwarf, The. Scott, Sir W 12.6 Black forest village stories. Auerbach, B . 62.12 Black prince, The. ^[Edward, son of Ed- ward III]. Juv 28.6 Black Rifle’s mission. Kellogg, E. Juv.. 83.10.4 Black sea. Oliphant, L. Russian shores of the, in 1852 506.16 Black sheep. Yates, Edmund 36.586 Blackburn, Henry. Normandy pictur- esque. 1873 524.28 Blackburn, W. M. History of the Christ- ian church. 1879 434.15 Blackie, J. S. Four phases of morals. ’72. 402.11 — Natural history of atheism. 1878 425.13 — Self-culture. 1874 412.13 — Wisdom of Goethe, [citations, with esti- mate of character]. 1883 326.18 Blackmore, R. D. Alice Lorraine. 1876. 42.17 — Cripps, the carrier. 1876 47.32 — Erema; or, my father’s sin. 1877 47.31 — Lorna Doone 47.12 — Mary Anerly: a Yorkshire tale. 1880. . 48.25 Blackstone, Sir W. Commentaries on the laws of England. With notes and memoir by George Sharswood. 4 v. in 2. Phil., 1872 908.1 Blckstone, comic. A’Beckett, G. A 911.30 Blackwell, Dr. Eliz. Counsel to parents on the moral education of their children. 1879 421.21 Blackwood’s Edinburgh magazine, v. 109- 136. N. Y., 1871-4 *1006.3 — Stories from Blackwood. 1652 301.4 Contents— The first and last dinner; Malavolti; The iron shroud; The avenger; The announcements and three rooms ; Nicholas Dunks ; or, fried mackerel for dinner; Fortune-hunting extraordinary. Blagden, Isa. The woman I loved and the woman who loved me; A Tuscan wed- ding. 1872 36.44 Blaikie, W. How to g&t strong and how to keep so. 1879 823.30 — Sound bodies for our boys and girls. Ulus. 1884 844.18 Blaikie, W. G. Personal life of Living- stone. 1881 623.6 Blaine, J. G. Twenty years of Congress: from Lincoln to Garfield., with a re- view of the events which led to the political revolution of 1860. 1884 .... 915.11 — Balestier, C. W. Life of. 1884 644.22 — Ramsdell, H. J. Life of. 1884 64427 Blaisdell, E. W. The hidden record; or the old sea mystery. 1882 53.14 Blake, E. V., ed’r. Arctic experiences. [Tyson’s drift, Polaris expedition, etc., with arctic chronology.] 1874 52415 Blake, J. F, Astronomical myths, Based on Flammarion’s “History of the heavens.” 1877 841.22 Blanc, Charles. Art in ornament and dress. 1877 831.8 BLANC. 33 BONNER. Blanc, Charles, continued. — Grammar of painting and engraving; tr. by K. N. Doggett. Illus. 1874. . . . 826.23 Blanchard, A., comp'r. Book of martyrs. 1852 434.10 Blanchard, Orlando. Arithmetic. 1856.. 808.23 Blanchard, Rufus. Abraham Lincoln. [Poem]. 1882 207.22 — Discovery and conquest of the North- west, with history of Chicago. 1880. 726.7 — History of Illinois, to accompany an historical map of the state. 1883. . . . 712.23 Blanqui, J. A. History of political econ- omy in Europe. 1882 915.2 Blaserna, P. Sound in relation to music. 1876 815.4.22 Blaze de Bury Mme. M. P. R. All for greed. 1868 36.158 — Love the avenger. 1869 36.159 Bleak house. Dickens, C. 4 v. in 2. Leip 36.164 — - Same. N. Y 1.9 Blennerhassett, H. Safford, W. H. Life of, with narrative of the Burr expedition. 1853 607.8 Blessed saint Certainty. Baker, W. M. 1881 141.17 Blessington, countess of. [Marg. P. Gardi- ner.] Country quarters . 1850 36.223 — Marmaduke, Herbert. 1847 36.219 — Memoirs of a femme de chambre. 1846. 36.220 — Meredith. 1843 36.221 — Strathem. 1844. 2 v. in 1 36.222 — Madden, R. R. Literary life and cor- respondence of. 1860 633.2 Blind, Mathilde. Life of “George Eliot.” 1883 627.1.1 Blind, The. Artman, W. and Hall, L. Y. Beauties and achievements of 632.16 See also Life of L. Bridgman. [614.13.] Blind Bartimeus. Hodge, W. J 406.19 Blindpits: story of Scottish life. Taylor, E. 138.17 Blithedale romance. Hawthorne, N . [ With Scarlet letter ] 1872 3.19 Bloch witz, Johannes. Brief history of Turkey. 1877 716.7 Blockade and the cruisers. Soley, J. R. (Navy in the civil war.) 1883 741.1.1 Blockade of Phalsburg [France, 1814] Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A 137.20 Blockade runner. Wilkinson, J. Narra- tive of a. 1877 714.11 Blodget, L. Climatology of the United States. 1857 8521.3 Bloody chasm, a novel [the South after the war]. De Forest, J. W. 1881 51.1 Bloss, C. A. Heroines of the crusades. Hist. jict. 1853 634.2 Blot, Pierre. Practical cookery. 1876 . . . 833.10 Bloxam, C. L. Chemistry; with experi- ments. 1873 816.4 — Laboratory teaching. 1879 833.12 — Metals; their properties and treatment. 1876 838.29 Blue laws of Connecticut. Trumbull, J. H. The true and the false, 1876. . . 911.26 Blue ray. Pleasonton, A. J. Influence of 826.4 Blue ribbon. Tabor, Eliza. 1875 42.16 Blum, G. and Wahl, L. Seaside and fire- side fairies. 1864 25.7 Blunt, W. S. Bedouin tribes of the Eu- phrates. 1879 513.17 Boarding school days. Gordon, C 7.24 Boat club series . 6 v. See Adams, W. T. Boat club, The. Adams, W. T. Juv 72.2.1 Boat life in Egypt and Nubia. Prime, W.C. 502.19 Boating and boats. Bishop, N. H. Voy- age of the paper canoe, [From Que- bec to the Gulf of Mexico]. 1879.... 527.18 — - Four months in a sneak-box, [Boat voy- age down the Ohio and Mississippi.] 1879 513.20 — Boyd, P. S. Up and down the Merri- mac, [Trip in a dory], [1879] 514.16 — Frazar, D. Practical boat-sailing. 1879 823.26 — Hamerton, P. G. The unknown river. 1876 841.8 — Kingston, W. H. G. Boy’s own book of boats. Illus 827.32 — Macgregor, J. The Rob Roy on the Baltic. 1862 503.21 — - Thousand miles in the Rob Roy canoe [in Europe]. 1871 506.27 — - Voyage alone in the yawl Rob Roy. ’68 508.25 — Mansfield, R. B. Log of the Water Lily (on German rivers, 1851-2) 527.24 — Waring, G. E., jr. Bride of the Rhine [voyage in a row-boat]. 1878 514.2 Bodeman, T. and Kerl, B. Assaying of lead, copper, silver, and mercury. From the German. 1872 811.2 Bodily strength and skill, Wonders of. Depping, G. 1872 813.19 Bodley books. Scudder. H. E. 5 v. 1. Bodleys in town and country 77.26 2. Bodleys telling stories 77.11 3. Bodleys on wheels 77.1 4. Bodleys afoot 77.12 5. Mr. Bodley abroad 77.13 — - New series, v 1-2. 1. Bodley grand children in Holland. . . 531.1.1 2. English Bodley family 531.1.2 Body and mind. See Mind and body. Bogardus, A. H. Field, cover and trap shooting, [cop. 1874.] 828.12 Bogatzky, C. H. V. Golden treasury for the children of God. 1821 402.35 Bohn, H. G. Hand-book of proverbs. 1875. 311.30 Boise, J. R. First lessons in Greek. 1875. 313.10 Bolles, A. S. Industrial history of the United States, with description of Canadian industries. 1878 913.2 — Practical banking. 1884 915.16 Bolte, Amely. Madame de Stael. Fict. ’69 4.30 Bon Gaultier, pseud. See Martin, Sir T. Bonaparte, Mine. Eliz. Patterson. Didier, E. L. Life and letters of. 1879.... 618.6 Bonaparte, Joseph. Abbott, J. S. C. His- tory of. 1859 611.14 Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I. Bonaparte family. Chamber’s papers for the people 1001.9.1 — Lester, C. E. Napoleon dynasty. 1852 . 634.10 See also Napoleon I. ; Josephine. Bonar, H. Hymns of faith and hope. 3 v. 202.19 — White fields of France. Mission to workingmen of Paris and Lyons. ’80. 443.15 Bond, J. W. Minnesota and its resources. Appended , Campfire sketches. 1853. 711.6 Bond, R. Hand-book of the telegraph. ’73. 811.28 Bone, J. H. A. Petroleum and petroleum wells. 1865 811.19 Bonnechose, Emile de. History of France to 1848. 1868 745.2 Bonner, John. Child’s history of Greece. [to 1857]. 2 v 1868 706.15 A. BONNER. 34 BOTANY. Bonner, John, continued. — Child’s history ol Rome [to 476]. 2v . 1870. 706.16 — A child’s history of the United States. [to 1865]. 3 y 738.22 Bonneville, B. L. E. Irving, W. Bonne- ville’s adventures in the Rocky moun- tains and the Far West, [1832-5.] 524.1 Bonnybel Vane. Cooke, J. E. Fict. 1884. 56.2 Book about boys. Hope, A. R 306.19 Book about dominies. Hope, A. R 306.10 BooK-binding. Nicholson, J. B. Art of book-binding. 1878 838.23 — Zaehnsdorf, J. W. Art of book-bind- ing. 1880 838.24 BooK-keeping. Bryant and Stratton. New counting-house book-keeping. 1878. 843.13 — Crittenden, S. M. Single and double- entry. [cop. 1870] 821.9 — Fairbanks, L. Book-keeping by double- entry. 1869 806.15 — Folsom, E. G. Logical book-keeping. 1873 816.29 • — Johnson, T. R. Book-keeping by dou- ble-entry. 1879 834.2 — Packard, S. S. and Bryant, H. B. The new Bryant and Stratton common- school book-keeping. 1881 814.6 Book lover; a guide to the best reading. Baldwin, James. 1885 426.39 BooK-lover’s enchiridion. By Philobiblos, pseud. See Ireland, Alex. 1883 326.19 Book of ballads. Allingham, W 208.20 Book of ballads; ed. by Bon Gaultier. See Martin, T 1 208.8 Book of blunders. Hibernicisms, bulls that are not Irish, and typographic errors. 311.33 Book of days [Popular antiquities]. Cham- bers, R. 2 v *E.5 Book of familiar quotations. Lond 315.21 Book of five hundred puzzles. 1850 812.27 Book of gems [poetical]. Sinclair, E. ed’r. 306.8 Book of golden deeds. Yonge, C. M 631.14 Book of nature. Good, J. M. 1844 806.13 Book of nonsense. Lear, Edward. Ulus. 207.16 Book of praise. Palmer, Roundell 208.27 Book of sibyls. Thackeray, A. 1 628.13 Book of snobs. Thackeray, W, M Book of the artists. [American]. Tucker- man, H. W 821.12 Book of worthies. Yonge, C. M. 1869 621.18 Books. Adams, W. H. D. Famous books . . . 314.28 — Atkinson, W. P. Right use of books. . 431.22 — Ireland, Alex. Book-lover’s enchiri- dion. 1883 326.19 — Matthews, W. Hours with men and books 325.31 — Maurice, F. D. Friendship of books, and other lectures. 1880 327.15 — Richardson, C. T. The choice of books 432.16 — Van Dyke, J. C. Books and how to use them 426.34 — Porter, N. Books and reading. 1882 . . 401 i See also Bibliography ; Book-binding ; Libraries ; Literature; Reading. Booksellers. Curwen, H. History of. 1873. 314.20 Boone, Daniel. Adventures of. Juv. 1873. 606.29 — Abbott, J. S. C. Life of. 1872 605.6 — Lossing, B. J. [sketch]. Harper’s m., v. 19 1004.1 — Peck, J. M. Life of In 601.1.13 Booth, J. B. and Edwin. Clarke, A. B. The elder and the younger Booth. (Am. actor 'series). Illus._1882 635.18.3 Booth, M. L. Watchmaker’s manual. 1872 823.11 Booth, Mrs. Otto. Fragoletta. By “Rita.” 1871 52.1 “Boots and saddles,” or, life in Dakota with General Custer. By Elizabeth B. Custer. 1885 523.4 Bopp, F. Comparative grammar. 2 v. ’45 32 1 .8 Border and bastille. Lawrence, G. A. [The South, 1863] 741.7 Border beagles, The. Simms, W. G 16 6 Boeder reminiscences. Marcy, R. H. 1872. 505.1 Borneo. Keppel, H. Expedition to [in 1843], with extracts from journal of James Brooke. [1843J 508.19 Borrow, George. Bible in Spain, [pub. 1842.]... 524.23 — Lavengro; the scholar, the gipsy, the priest. 1851 17.20 — Romany Rye: sequel to Lavengro. 2 v. 1858 17.21 — The Zincali; an account of the Gipsies of Spain. 1872 524.22 Boscobel; or, the royal oak. Ainsworth, W. H 36.9 Boston, Mass. Abbott, J. Marco Paul in 91.25.5 — Bacon, E. M. King’s dictionary of Bos- ton. 1883 501.6 — Brown, Emma E. Child-toilers of Boston streets. 1879 914.24 — Butterworth, H. Young folks’ history of Boston. 1881 721.18 — Frothingham, Richard. History of the siege of. 1872 737.16 — Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes. Boston 21.2 — Sargent, Mrs. J. T. Sketches and remi- niscences of the radical club of 'Chest- nut street, Boston 317.16 — Scudder, H. E. Boston town; Ulus. juv. 1881 515.8 — Public Library, Catalogue of history, biography and travel, etc. 1873 *3502.5 — - Catalogue of French, German, and Italian books *3502.8 — - Catalogue of the Prince library. ’70. *3502.12 — - Class list for English prose fiction. 1871.. *3502.10 — ■ - Class list of works in the arts and sciences. 1871 *3502.9 — - Class list for poetry, drama, etc. 1870 *3502.11 — - Roxbury branch; catalogue. 1876. .. *3502.6 Boston cook book. Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. 1884 845.16 Boston lectures for 1871. Christianity and scepticism 438.19 Contents. Phelps, A., Relations of the Bible to civil- ization of the future ; Mead, C. M., The primeval reve- lation; Thompson, J. P., Moses; Tyler, W. S., Joshua and Judges ; Bacon, L., The Hebrew theocracy ; Lord, J., The prophet Isaiah; Cheever, G. B., Gospel of the Hebrew prophets; Fisher, G. P., The apostle Paul; Thayer, J. H., Criticisms comfirmatory of the gospels; Talcott, D. S., Jesus Christ himself the all-sufficient evidence of Christianity; Hopkins, M., Exclusive traits of Christianity. Boston Monday lectures. See Cook, Joseph. Boswell, J. Life of Samuel Johnson. 2 v. 1867 Botany. Bessey, C. E. [Am. sci. ser]. ’80. — Chapman, A. W. Flora of the southern United States : arranged according to the natural system. 1883 604.4 838.36 843,23 BOTANY. 35 BRACE. Botany, continued. — Darwin, C. Cross and self-fertilization in the vegetable kingdom. 1877 828.9 — - Fertilization of orchids by insects. ’77 828.10 — - Insectivorous plants. 1875 805.24 — - Movements and habits of climbing plants. 1876 816.19 — Figuier, L. The vegetable world. Illus. 812.22 — Gray, A. Field, forest, and garden. ’69 813.9 — - How plants behave. 1875 828.3 — - How plants grow. 1873 812.14 — - Lessons in botany and vegetable phy- siology 814.25 — - Manual of 828.2 — - Structural botany. 1880. 843.14 — Hooker, J. D. Botany. (Science prim- ers.) 1877 828 20.8 — Johnson, S. W. How crops feed. [c. ’79] 804.9 — - How crops grow. [cop. 1868] 804.10 — Kellerman, W. A. Plant analysis: a classified list of the wild flowers of the United States. 1884 845.11 — Lincoln, Mrs. A. H. Lectures on. 1829 807.19 — Lindley, J. and Moore, T. Treasury of botany. 2 v. 1873 828.11 — Macmillan, H. Holidays on high lands. 1873 824.9 — Marion, F. Wonders of vegetation 802.7 — Sachs, Julius. Text-book of botany. ’82. 841.34 — Step, E. Plant life. 1883 842.31 — Twdning, E. The plant world. 1866.. 802.10 - Wood, A. Class-book of botany. Flora of the United States and Canada. ’69. 843.19 — - Object lessons in botany, [cop. ’60]. . . 843.20 See also Evergreens; Ferns; Flowers; Fruit; Fungi; Gardening; Orchids; Plants; Trees. Botta, A. C. L. Hand-book of universal literature. 1881. [cop. 1866] ... 318.14 Botta, Y. Dante as philosopher, patriot and poet. 1865 308.12 — Life of Count Cavour. 1862 612.6 Boucicault, D., joint author. Foul play. See Reade, Charles 6.24 Bound to rise. Alger, Horatio. Juv 84.2.2 Bounty, Mutiny of. See Pitcairn’s island. Bourne, B. F. Captive in Patagonia. 1853 516.15 Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London mer- chants 614.16 Bourne, John. Catechism of the steam engine. 1877 828.7 Bourne, W. O., ed’r. Now I lay me down to sleep. Prayer of childhood in litera- ture and song. 1881 218.30 Boutwell, G. S. Educational topics. 1859. 426.4 Bouvier, John. Law dictionary. 2 v. Phil. [cop. 1867] *E. 1 Bovee, M. H. Reasons for abolishing capi- tal punishment. 1873 911.9 B. O. W. C. series. 6 v. See De Mille, J. Bowen, Francis. American political econo- my 911.6 — Life of Baron Steuben. 1873 In 641.4.9 — Life of Benjamin Lincoln In 601.1.13 — Life of James Otis In 601.1.2 — Life of Sir W. Phips In 641.4.7 — Modern philosophy . 1877 424.10 Bowen, H. C. Descriptive catalogue of his- torical novels and tales. 1882 328.19 Bowles, S. Across the continent. [1865] . . . 505.29 — Our new west. 1860 508.20 — Summer vacation in parks and moun- tains of Colorado. 1871 506.28 Bowman, Anne. Boy foresters 88.30 — Clever Jack 23.30 Bowne, B. P. Metaphysics; a study in first principles. 1882 427.11 Box, Charles. Theory and practice of crick- et. 1868 823.33 Box, T. Heat as applied to the useful arts. 1869 814.13 Box tunnel. Reade, C In 304.16.9 and 6.23 Boy engineers. Lukin, J. 1878 828.5 Boy farmers of Elm island. Kellogg, E. . . . 21.21 Boy foresters. Bowman, Anne 88.30 Boy hunters. Reid, Mayne 92.9 Boy joiner and model maker. Davidson, E. A 832.33 Boy slaves [Africa]. Reid, Mayne 88.16 Boy tar. Reid, Mayne 75.25 Boy with an idea. Eiloart, C. J 77.6 Boyd, A. K. H. Autumn holidays of a country parson. 1865 301.21 — Leisure hours in town. 1862 301.20 — Recreations of a country parson. 2v. ’61 301.17 Boyd, J. R. English composition. 1868. . . 325.20 Boyd, P. S. Up and down the Merrimac, [Trip in a dory]. [1879] 514.16 Boyesen, H. H. Daughter of the Philis- tines. 1883 54.21 — Falconberg. 1879 46.12 — Goethe and Schiller, with commentary on Faust. 1879 635.17 — Ilka on the hill top, etc. 1881 141.1 — Norsemen’s pilgrimage. 1875 44.5 — Queen Titania; The 'mountain’s face; A dangerous virtue. 1881 52.3 Boyhood of extraordinary men. Russell, W. 613.22 Boyhood of great men. Edgar, J. G. 1876. 614.14 Boyhood of great painters. 2 v. [1856] 614.13 Boyne water. Banim, M. 1875 44.15 Boynton, C. B. History of the navy dur- ing the rebellion. 2 v. 1868 737.19 Boy’s adventures in Australia. Howitt, Wm 25.20 Boys and girls of the revolution. Wood- man, C. H. 1877 738.1 Boys’ and girls’ Plutarch. White, J. S. Il- lus. 1883 628.6 Boys at Chequasset. Whitney, Mrs. A.D.T. 22.19 Boy’s book about Indians. Tuttle, E. B . . . 91.15 Boy’s book of boats. Kingston, W. H. G. . 827.32 Boys’ book of trades. Lond 811.22 Boy’s King Arthur. Lanier, E. 1880 77.18 Boys of Grand Pre school. De Mille, J. Juv 22.6 Boys of other countries. Taylor, Bayard. 88.17 Boys of ’76. Coffin. C. C. 1878 734.11 Boys of thirty-five; story of a seaport town. Elwell, E. H. 1884 83.2 Boy’s own book [sports, etc.] N. Y 74.12 Boy’s workshop with plans and designs. By a boy and his friends. 1884 844.44 Boys. Clark, F. E. Our business boys. ’84 432.37 — Hall. J. Familiar talk to boys. 1876.. 416.11 — Hope. A. R. Book about boys. ’69.. 306.19 — Morris, E. Farming for. 1863 814.23 — Symington, A. J. Hints to our boys.. . 1884 432.32 — Warner, C. D. Boing a boy 311.14 Brace, C. L. Dangerous classes of New York. 1872... 912.2 — Gesta Christi; history of humane pro- gress. 1883 915.5 — Home life in Germany, [1850-1] 504.32 — Hungary in 1851. Illus. 1853 504.31 — The new west; or, California in 1867-8. 502.14 BRACE. 36 BRIDE. Bbace, C. L., continued. — The Norse-folk; or, a visit to the homes of Norway and Sweden. 1857 508.23 — Races of the old world. 1871 807.23 Beacebeidge hall. Irving, Washington... 306.14 Beackenbuey, C. B. Frederick the great. 1884 In 621.25.11 Beackett, Anna C. ed’r. Education of American girls. [Essays] 1874 402.31 — and Eliot, I. M. edr’s. Poetry for home and school. 1876 208.9 Beaddon, M. E. [Mrs. Maxwell]. Aurora Floyd. 1874 34.39 — Dead sea fruit. 1868 36.46 — Doctor’s wife. 1868 36.47 — Eleanor’s victory. 1863 36 48 — Fenton’s quest. 1871 36.49 — Henry Dunbar. 1863 36.50 — John Marchmont’s legacy. 1864 36.51 — Lady Audley’s secret 17.9 — Lady’s mile. 1866 36.52 — Lost for love. 1874 36.53 — Lovels of Arden. 1871 36.54 — Lucius Davoren. 1873. 3 v. in 2 36.55 — Only a clod. 1865 36.56 — Robert Ainsleigh. 3 v. in 2. 1872 131 12 — Run to earth. 1869 36 57 — Rupert Godwin. 1867 36.58 — Sir Jasper’s tenant. 1866 36.59 — Strangers and pilgrims. 1873 36.60 — Taken at the flood. 1874 36.61 Beadfobd, A. W. American antiquities, and researche s into the origin of the red race. 1841 748.7 Beadley, E., [Cuthbert Bede.] Adventures of Verdant Green, an Oxford fresh- man 74.20 — Little Mr. Bouncer and his friend Ver- dant Green 44.23 Note: Sequel to “Verdant Green.” Beadley, G. G. Recollections of A. P. Stanley. 1883 627.6 Beadley, R. M. Granny Short’s barbecue [satire on Kentucky politics]. 1879 . . 913.13 Beadley, W. J. [Glance Gaylord ]. Don- ald Deane and his cross 23.19 Bbagadocio. Tuthill, Mrs. L. C. Juv... 78.23 Beagelonne. Dumas, Alex. 2 v 42.3 Bbahmanism. See Hinduism. Bbain, The. Bastain, H. C. The brain as an organ of mind. 1880 835.18 — Luys, J. Brain and its functions. ’82.. 815.4.39 BEAiN-work and overwork. Wood, H. C. ’80. . 833,14.8 Beainaed, J. A. and Wright, C. Historic incidents and life in India. 1861 702T6 Beainaed, Mrs. Mary. Esther Gray and other poems . 1871 203.16 — Memorial pictures of war and peace. [poems]. 1873 204.5 Beainebd, Rev. David. Memoir of; ed. by J. M. Sherwood. 1885 631*6 — Peabody, W. B. O. Life In 641.4.8 Bbake up. Adams, W. T., Juv 72.3.5 Bbambach, W. Latin orthography. 1877. . 331.4 Bbamleigiis of Bishop’s Folly. Lover, C . . . 36.328 Bband, J ohn. Popular antiquities of Great Britain [customs, etc]. 3 v. 1877... 718.8 Bbande, W. T. and Cox, G. W. Dictionary of science, literature and art. N. Y. 1872. 3 v *p.3 Be Andes, George. Lord Beaconsfield; a study. 1880 621.19 Bbant, Joseph, Mohawk chief . Eggleston, E. and Seelye, L. E. Famous Am. Indians 635.5 4 Bbass and iron founder’s guide. Larkin, J. 1883 824.37 Beassey, Thomas. Work and wages. 1872. 903,2 — Helps, A. Life. 1874 611.39 Beassey, Mrs. T. Sunshine and storm in the East: cruises to Cyprus and Con- stantinople. 1880 517.2 — Voyage in the sunbeam, 1876-7 511.19 Bbave hearts. Gray, Robertson 143.14 Bbave lady. Craik, D. M 17.6 Beave old salt. Adams, W. T. Juv 72.1.6 Bbavo, The: a Venetian story. Cooper, J. F. 2.11 Bbawnville athletic club. Tyler, M. C. [humorous] 325.9 Beazil. Empire of, at universal exhibition of 1876 in Philadelphia, [descrip- tive]. 1876 511.25 — Agassiz, L. and Mrs. L. Journey in, [1865-6] 528.3 — Burton, R. F. Highlands of Brazil; with a full account of the gold and diamond mines. 2 v. 1869 521.15 — Fletcher, J. C. and Kidder, D. P. Bra- zil and the Brazilians. 1668 502.26 See also Amazon river. BEEAD-and-cheese and kisses. Farjeon, B L. 42.20 Bbead upon the waters. Craik, D. M In 13.3 and 36.128 Beead winners, The. Fict. 1884 147.1 Bbeakfast, dinner and tea. Viewed classi- cally, poetically and practically. 1869. 811.14 Bbeakfast, luncheon and tea. Terhune, M, V 805.23 Beeaking a butterfly. Lawrence, G. A . . . 42.27 Bbeaking away. Adams, W. T 73.1.2 Bbeath of life, or mal-respiration. Catlin, G. 1872 836.21 Beeck, C. Life of J. L. Breck. 1883 642.15 Beeck, J. L., Life of. See Breck, C 642.15 Beeckenbidge, Rev. J. See Hughes, Rev. J. Bbeese, Sidney. Early history of Hlinois. With biog. memoir by M. W. Fuller. 1884 731.4 Beemee, Frederika. Works. 4 v. 1853-’72 133.14 Contents. 1. The neighbours and other tales. 2. President’s daughter; Nina. 3. The home; Strife and peace. 4. Dairy; H— family; Axel and Anna. — Father and daughter 18.8 — The home. 1880 17.32 — The homes of the new world, [’53-4]. 2 v. 506.7 Bbessant. Hawthorne, Julian. 1876 42.24 Bbewee, E. C. Dictionary of phrase and fable 326.12 — Readers hand-book of allusions, refer- ences, etc. 1880 312.13 Beewing. McCulloch, J. Distillation, brewing and malting. 1867 838.22 See also Distillation. Beewsteb, Sir David. Life of Sir I. New- ton. 1871 — Martyrs of science. 1874 Beewsteb, G. Origin of the globe. 1850. Bbic-a-bbac hunter. Hall, H. B. 1875... Beic-a-beac series. 10 v. See Stoddard, R. H. ed'r. Bbicks without straw. Tourgee, A. W Bkidal march, etc. Bjomson, B. 1882... Bbide of Gettysburg, [poem]. Hylton, J. D. Beide of Lammermoor. Scott, Sir W Beide of the Rhine. [Voyage in a row-boat.] Waring, G. E., jr. 1878 611.35 614.9 804 24 823.19 145.21 52.29 207.13 12.8 514.2 BRIDGEMAN. 37 BROUGHAM. Bridgeman, T. American gardener’s assis- tant. 1869 814.19 Bridgewater treatises. Chalmers, T. On the adaption of external nature to man. 1853 408.27 Bridgman, Laura D. Lawson, . M. S. Life and education of, deaf, dumb and blind girl. 1881.. 624.13 Brief biographies. Smiles, S 606.4 Brief biographies of European public men. - K ee Higginson, T. W., ed'r. 4 v. 1875..... 613.20 Brigadier Frederick: or driven out by the Germans. Erckmann,E. and Chatrian, A. 1875 42.34 Brigand life in Italy. Maffei, count. 2 v. . 745.3 Briggs, Robert. Steam heating. 1883 844.28 Bright, J. Smith, G. B. Life and speeches of. 1881 _ 617.21 Bright days in the old plantation time. Banks, M. R. Juv. 1882 515.15 Brigitta. Auerbach, Berthold. 1880 138.11 BRiLLAT-Savarin, Anhelme Gastronomy as a fine art. 1879 822.31 — Hand-book of dining; or, corpulency and leanness scientifically considered 814.32 Brinton, D. G. American hero-myths. ’82. 427.22 — Myths of the new world. 1876 417.11 — and Napheys, G. H. Personal beauty; how to cultivate and preserve. 1870.. 805.12 Brisbane, A. Functions of the human pas- sions, and outline of Fourier’s social science. ( With Fourier, C. Social destiny of man. 1857 411.8 Bristed, C. A. Five years in an English university. 1873 413.3 Bristol, D. W. Odd Fellows amulet. 1854 . 408.36 i British America. See America, British. British drama; a collection. 2 v. 1859 207.1 Contents.— See Dramas. British eloquence, Select. Goodrich, C. A 321.15 British empire. See England. British essayists; with prefaces by A. Chalmers, v. 1-18. 1856 303‘15 Contents, v. 1-4. The Tatler. v. 5-12. The Specta- tor. v. 13-15. The Guardian, v. 16-13. The Ram- bler. British female poets. Bethune, G. W. ed'r [1869 212.14 British navy. Famous ships of. Adams, W. H.D. Juv 738.24 British novelists. Masson, David. 1859 303.14 British quarterly review, v. 55-80. N. Y., British theatre; collection of plays. Inch. bald, E. 25 v 205.1 Contents.— See Dramas. British thought and thinkers. Morris, G. S 317.20 Brittany. Macquoid, T. Pictures and legends from Normandy and Brittany 1881 518.19 — - Through Brittany. Ulus. 1881 518.35 — Howard, B. W. Guenn. [Fiction], ’84. 55.24 Brock, C. Penny wise and pound foolish, 1870 25.30 Brock, Sallio A. Kenneth, my king 32.28 Brock, W. Memoir of Sir H. Havelock. ’58 636.3 Brockett, L. P. Woman; her rights, wrongs, etc. 1869 903.16 — Woman’s work in the civil war. 1867.. 726.3 — Year of battles; or, the Franco-German war of 1870-1. 1871 705.1 Brocklesby, John. Views of the microsco- pic world. 1850 804.11 Broderip, W. J. Zoological recreations. 1857 831.13 Brodie, Sir B. Mind and matter. 1859. . 426.7 Brodribb, W. J. Demosthenes [outlined and explained]. (Ancient classics for Eng. readers). 1877 1021.3 — Pliny [outlined and explained]. See Church, A 1020.29 Broken to harness. Yates, Edmund 36.587 Bromfield, E. T., ed'r. Picturesque jour- neys in America. Ulus. juv. 1883 . 531.7 Bbonte, Anne, [ Acton Bell]. Agnes Gray. [With Wuthering Heights.] 1851... 36.62 — Tenant of Wildfell Hall. 1871 135.19 Bronte, Charlotte, [Mrs. Nicholls, Currer Bell.] Jane Eyre. 1850 36.408 — The professor. 1857 36.409 — Shirley 36.410 — Villette. 1853 36.411 — Bayne, Peter. In his Essays 317.6.1 — Gaskell, E. C. Life of. 1857 607.14 — Smith, G. B. The Brontes In 322.7 Bronte, Emily [Ellis Bell]. Wuthering Heights In 32.62 — Robinson, A. M. F. Life. 1883 627.1.2 Brook, Sarah. French history for English children. 1882 721.21 Brooke, J. Keppel, H. Expedition to Bor- neo, [1843].......... 508.19 Brooke, S. A. Christ in modern life, [sermons]. 1872 437.2 — Life and letters of F. W. Robertson. ’71 608.19 Brooke, Stopford. English literature. (Literature primers). 1879 314.1.2 Brookes of Bridlemere. Melville, G. J. W. 36.390 Brooks, Frederick. Sermons. 1876 417.15 Brooks, Noah. The Fairport nine. 1880.. 86.17 Brooks, Phillips. Influence of Jesus. 1879 421.2 — Lectures on preaching. [1877] 417.8 — Sermons. 1879 421.1 — Sermons preached in English churches. [1882-3[ 432.26 Brooks, Shirley. Gordian knot. 1868 142.20 — Silver cord. 1862. 3v in 2 36.63 — Sooner or later. 1868. 3 v. in 2 36.194 Brooks, W. K. The law of heredity. 1883. 844.25 Brougham, H. Lord. Discourse of natur- al theology. 1835. In 411.3 — Life and time. By himself. 3 v, 1871 . . 604.18 — Life of M. De Voltaire 605.16 — Statesmen of the time of George III and IV. Edinburgh, 1872. 3 v 633.1 Contents: George III. Lord Chatham, Lord North, Letters of George III to Lord North, Lord Loughborough, Lord Thurlow, Lord Manslield, Lord Chief Justice Gibbs, Sir William Grant, Mr. Burke, Mr. Mr. Fox, Mr. Pitt, Mr. Sheridan, Mr. Windham, Mr. Dundas, Mr Erskine, Mr. Perceval, Lord Grenville, Mr. Grattan, Mr. Wilberforce, Mr. Canning, Sir Samuel Roinilly, Effects of party, John, Fourth Duke of Bed- ford, Earl Camden, John Wilkes-Demagogue arts. 2. George IV , Lord Eldon, Sir William Scott, Dr. Laurence, Sir Philip Francis, Horne Tooke, Lord Cast- lereagh, Lord Liverpool, Mr. Tierney, Lord St. Vincent- Lord Nelson, Lord King-Mr. Horner Mr, Ricardo, Note on Mr. Curran, Lord EUenberough, Lord Chief Justice Bushe, Marquess Wellesley, Lord Holland, John Allen, Lord Abiuger, Sir William Follett, Mr. Justice Williams, John Dunning, Lord Plunket, Duke of Wellington, Re- collections of the bar and bench, Appendix— Sir Robert Walpole, Lord Bolingbroke, Letters of Lady Louisa Stuart and Lady Charlotte Lindsay. 3. French revolution, Robespierre, Danton, Camille Desmoulins. St. Just, Sieyes, Fouche, General reflec- tions, Necker, Madame De Stael, Mirabeau family, Car- not, Lafayette, Talleyrand, Tallien, Ney, Brissot, The BROUGHAM. 38 BRYANT. Brougham, H. Lord , continued. Girondins, French bar during the revolution, Napoleon- Washington, Carrol [?], Jefferson, Franklin, American Democracy, Frederick II, Gustavus III, Emperor Jo- seph, Empress Catherine, Elizabeth's conduct to Mary, Queen of Scots, Dialogue on the merits of republican and monarchical government. — Goodrich, C. A. Select British elo- quence. 1874 In 321.15 — Sketch of Brougham In 1001.9.6 Brought to the front. Kellogg, E 83.10.3 Broughton, Rhoda. Cometh up as a flow- er. 1872 14.20 — “Good-bye, sweetheart.” 1872 63.3 — Nancy. 1873 36.65 — Not wisely but too well. 1873 131.6 — Red as a rose is she. 1870 131.5 — Second thoughts. 1880 48.27 — Tales for a Christmas eve. 1872 36 68 Brown, C. Brockden. Prescott, W.H. In 641.4.1 Brown, E. E. Child-toilers of Boston streets. 1879 914.24 — Life of Oliver W. Holmes. 1884 644 3 — Once upon a time. Juv. [cop. 1879]. . . 78.12 Brown, Goold. First lines of English grammar. 1880. [cop. 1856] 318.26 — - Grammar of English grammars. 1882. [cop. J1851] ._. 316.13 Brown, H. E. Abroad; or, Lilian’ school, cop. 1870 515.3 Brown, H. T. Five hundred and seven me- chanical movements. 1881 844.19 Brown, Capt. John. Greeley, H. Ameri- can conflict, v. 1 737.13 — Redpath, James. Life of. Portrait.’ 60 618.1 — Sanborn, F. B . Memoirs of, with mem- orial verses by W. E. Channing. 1870. 625.21 — Thoreau, H. D. Last days of. (With his Yankee in Canada.) 311.11 Brown, John, M. D. Health; five lay ser- mons to working people. 1865 818.28 — Horse subsecivse. Rab and his friends, etc. 1862 327.2 — Spare hours, [essays]. 3 v. 1873-83... 304.3 Brown, J. N. Memorials of Baptist mar- tyrs. [1854] 612.15 Brown, Marshall. Wit and humor [collec- tion]. 1880 515.7 Brown, S. G. Life of Rufus Choate. 1879 622.15 Brown, T. Philosophy of the human mind. 2 v. 1826. 414.7 Brown, T. A. History of the American stage, 1733-1870. [Biographical sketches]. Portraits 628.12 Brown, Jones, and Robinson. Trollope, A. 42.23 Brown, Jones and Robinson, Foreign tour of. Doyle, R. 1871. Illus. *8521.28 Browne, C. F. [Artemus Ward J. Works, with biog. sketch. Illus. 4 v. in 2 304.18 Contents. Essays, sketches and letters. War stories and romances. To California and return. London Punch letters. Artemus Ward’s panorama. Miscella- neous. Browne, D. J. Trees of America, pictori- ally and botanical] y delineated. [1846]. 821.3 Browne, E. H. Inspiration. [In Aids to faith] 438.17 Browne, G. F. The venerable Bede. (The fathers for Eng. readers, v. 7.). . 423.14 Browne, J. R. Adventures in the Apache country. 1871 503.18 — American family in Germany. 1871 . . . 502.22 — Crusoe’s island, California and Washoe, [1864] 512.7 Browne, J. R. continued. — Land of Thor. 1870 508.8 — Resources of the Pacific states, etc. [ With Settlement, etc., of lower Cal- ifornia.] 1869 748.3 Browne, Phillis. Field friends and forest foes. Illus. juv. [1879] 832.3 — What girls can do. [1880] 837.21 Browne, Sir T. Religiomedici; Letters to a friend; Christian morals; Urn-bur- ial, etc. 1872 408.21 Browne, W. H. and Scharf, J. T. History of Maryland. [1877] 738.4 Brownell, H. H. The new world. [Ameri- can history]. 1857 748.8 — War lyrics, etc. 1866 208.6 Browning, E. B. ed'r. Poetical works. ’71 202.5 — Select poems. Leip., 1872 214.3 — Aurora Leigh. 1872 * 214.2 — Bayne, Peter. In his Essays 317.6.1 — Chorley, H. F. Reminiscences, p. 48. In 632.18 — Parton, J. Eminent women of the age. 625.13 — Smiles, S. Brief biographies 606.4 — Smith, G. B. Poets and novelists 322.7 — Stedman, E. C. In Scribner’s m., v. 7. 1006.4 Browning, Oscar. History of educational theories. 1887 443.13 Browning, Robert. Poetical works. 1872. 214.4 — Poems. 2 v. 1854 206.18 — Jocoseria. [Poems]. 1883 213.7 — Stedman, E. C. In Scribner’s m. v. 9. 1006.4 — - Victorian poets 215.6 Brownlows, The. Oliphant, M. O. W 134.3 Brownson, O. A. Refutation of atheism. ’82 431.5 Brugsch, H. True story of the exodus of Israel, 1880 423.19 Bruin; the grand bear hunt. Reid, M. Juv. 92.6 Brunton, T. L. Bible and science [not op- posed]. 1881 841.4 Brush, Mrs. C. C. Colonel’s opera cloak.’79 145.3 Bryant, Arthur. Forest trees for shelter, ornament and profit. 1871 808.13 Bryant, H. B. The new Bryant and Strat- ton common school book-keeping. See Packard, S. S. 1878 814.6 — and Stratton, H.D. New counting-house book-keeping.1878 843.13 Bryant, W. C. Poetical works, [cop. ’78]. . 203.15 — Letters from the east, [1852-3.] 1868. 508.16 — Orations and addresses. 1873 325.22 Contents. Thomas Cole; J. F. Cooper; W. Irving; F. G. Halleck; G. C. Verplanck; Press banquet to Kossuth; Improvement of native fruits; Music in the public schools; Schiller; A birth-day; Freedom of ex- change; Electric telegraph ; Metropolitan art museum; Merchantile library; Italian unity; Morse statue; Shakespeare; Reform; Scott statue. — Thanatopsis. Illus.. 207.29 — and Gay, S. H. History of the United States, to 1865, 4 v. Illus. 1876-’81 . . *728.13 — translator. Iliad of Homer; trans. into English blank verse. 2 v. 1873 204.6 — - Odyssey of Homer ; trans. into English verse. 2 v. 1874 204.15 — ed’r. Library of poetry and song. 1874. 201.15 Contents. Poems of childhood; Of the affections; Of sorrow and adversity; Of religion; Of nature; Of peace and war; Of temperance and labor; Of patri- otism and freedom; Of the sea; Of adventure and rural sports; Descriptive poems; Poems of sentiment and reflection; Fancy; Tragedy; Personal poems; Humor- ous poems. — Alden, J. Studies in Bryant. [Text- book] 317.22 BRYANT. 39 BULWER. Bryant, W. C., continued. — Curtis, G. W. A commemorative ad- dress 635.4 — Godwin, Parke. Biography of, with ex- tracts from his private correspon- dence. Ulus. 2 V. 1883 625.11 — Hill, D. J. Life. 1879 635.12.2 — Poets’ homes, v. 2 . . 622.6 — Scribner’s m. v. 16. [sketch.] Ulus.. 1006.4 Bryce, James. The holy Roman empire. ’77 716.16 — Trans-Caucasia and Ararat, [in 1876] 525.9 Buccaneers. Abbott, J. S. C. Captain Kidd and other pirates or buccaneers 621.4 — Bonner, J. Buccaneers of the Spanish main (Harper’s m., v. 11) 1004.1 — History of the buccaneers. With Lives of Drake, etc 512.24 — Thombury, W. History of the. II lus.. 718.1 Buchanan, James. Curtis, G. T. Life of. 2 v. 1883 625.19 — Horton, R. G. Life of 1856 602,12 Buchanan, R. Poems. 1866 213.12 — Shadow of the sword. [The return from Elba]. 1877 137.16 — Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets 215.6 Buck, C Anecdotes; religious, moral and entertaining. 1856 407.1 Buckland, F T. Curiosities of natural his- tory. 2d series. 1860 801.13 — Log-book of a fisherman and zoologist. 842.29 Buckle, H. T. Essays. 1880 326.1 Contents: Mill on liberty ; Influence of women on progress of knowledge. — History of civilization in England. 2v. 904.3 Contents: v. 1. General introduction. 2. Spain and Scotland. — Huth, A. H. Life and writings. 1880. 623.5 Buckley, A. B. Fairyland of science. Juv. 832.4 — Life and her children. Juv. 1881 837.15 — Short history of natural science. 1881 . 837.14 — Winners in life’s race, [Vertebrates]. ’83 832.23 Buckley, T. A. Great cities of the middle ages... 716.10 — Great cities of modem times 71611 Bucknill, J. C. Habitual drunkenness.’78 823.4 Buddhism. Arnold, E. Light of Asia: life and teaching of Gautama, [poem] 208.30 — Davids, T. W. R. Buddhism; being a sketch of the life and teachings of Gautama, the Buddha 444.18.1 — Edkins, J. Chinese Buddhism. [Life of Buddha] 424.3 — Johnson, S. Oriental religions: China. 1881 431.4 — --India. 1872 438.27 — Muller, Max. Buddhist nihilism and translation of the Dhammapada or “Path of virtue.” [ With Science of religion! 1872 404.3 — - The Vedas-Buddhism. [In his Chips, etc , v. 1] 404.2 — Olcott, H. S. Buddhist catechism. ’85. 435.25 Budqett, S. Arthur, W. The model mer- chant, or memoirs of S. Budgett. ’58. 605.25 — *• The successful merchant: life of S. Budgett. 1853 605.26 Building. See Architecture; Carpentry; Masonry. Building of a brain. Clarke, E. H 413.27 Building superintendence. Clark, T. M. 843.29 Building the nation. Coffin, C. C. 1883. . 728.4 Buist, R. American flower garden directory [ cop . 1854] 814*22 Bulfinch, Thomas. Age of chivalry. ’79. 8.14 Contents. King Arthur; The Mabinogeon or Welsh popular tales. — Age of fable or beauties of mythology; ed. by E. E. Hale. Illus. 1882.... 407.5 — Legends of Charlemagne; or, romance of the middle ages. 1871 303.16 — Poetry of the age of fable, [collection] 211.28 Bulkley, L. D. The skin in health and disease. [Am. health primer]. ’80. . .833.14.10 Bullions, Peter. English grammar. 1854 332.16 Bullock, J. D. Secret service of the Con- federate States in Europe. 2 v. 1884. 728.15 Bulls, The, and the Jonathans. Paulding, J. K 332.24 BuLWER-Lytton, E. L., lord Lytton . — Caxtoniana; essays on life, literature, and manners. 2v.ini. 1874 327.5 Contents. On the increased attention to outward nature in the decline of life. Urban and rural temper- ament. On monotony in occupation as a source of hap- piness. On the normal clairvoyance of the imagination. On intellectual conduct as distinct from moral. On shyness. On the management of money. On rythm in prose. On style and diction. Hints on mental culture. On the moral effect of writers. On the distinction be- tween active thought and reverie. On the spirit in which new theories should be received. On essay- writing. The sanguine temperament. The organ of weight. The sympathetic temperament. Faith and charity. Upon the efficacy of praise. On self-control. The modern misanthrope. Motive power. On certain principles of art in works of imagination. Posthumous reputation. Knowledge of the world. Readers and writ- ers. On the spirit of conversatism. L’envoi. — Critical and miscl. writings. 2 v. 1841 . . 302.9 Contents, v. 1. Sir Walter Scott; Death of Sir Walter Scott; Art in fiction; Conversation with an ambitious student in ill health; Zicci, a tale; Poems of Laman Blanchard; Poems of Robert Montgomery; Tour of a German prince; Present state of poetry; Notices of Lord Brougham’s speeches. 2. Sir Thomas Browne ; The people’s charter; Let- ters by an English member of parliament to M. de — , of the Chambre des Deputes. No. 1. On public opin- ion; On political coalitions; Upon the spirit of true criticism ; Authors and their works ; Proposals for a literary union ; Literature considered as a profession; International law of copyright; The modern Platonist; The knowledge of the world in men and books; On English notions of morality ; The wilful misstatements of the Quarterly Review; Letter to the editor of the Quartely Review; On the influence and education of women; The new year; The position and prospects of the government ; The politicians. — Dramatic works. 1875 207.3 Contents. Lady of Lyons; Money; Richelieu; The rightful heir: Walpole; Not so bad as we seem; The Duchess De La Valliere. — Miscellaneous prose works. 4 v. in 2. 1868 327.6 Contents, v. 1-2. The reign of terror; its causes and results; Oliver Goldsmith; Charles Lamb and some of his companions; Gray’s works; Sir Thomas Brown*; Pitt and Fox ; Pym versus Falkland ; Life of Schiller. 3-4. Essays written in youth ; The influence of love up- on literature and real life. — Alice; or the mysteries. Sequel to “Er- nest Maltravers.” 1842 36.69 — Athens; its rise and fall. 1856 701.6 — Caxtons. 1859 7.11 — The coming race; or, the new Utopia. [Satire on science and politics.] 1873. 6421 — Devereux [Queen Anne’s time]. 1842.. . 36.72 — The disowned 36.73 — England and the English [Critical es- says] [1833] 522.9 — Ernest Maltravers. 1842 36.74 Note— For continuation, see “Alice.” BULWER. 40 BURNETT. BunwER-Lytton, E. L., continued. — Eugene Aram. 1842 36.75 — Godolphin; [also] Falkland. 1842 36.76 — Harold, the last of the Saxon kings. [Time of William the conquerer] ’42. 36.77 — Kenelm Chillingly. 1873. 4 v. in 2 . . . . 36.78 — King Arthur. 1849. 2 v. in 1 214 5 — Last days of Pompeii 1854 7.10 — Last of the barons. [Warwick the king- i • i l. :■ XT xtt — Leila; Calderon; The pilgrims of the Rhine. 1870 7.15 — Lost tales of Miletus, [poems]. 1866... 214.9 — Lucretia; or, the children of night. 1874 42.37 — My novel. 1851. 4 v. in 2 36.80 — The new Timon, a poetical romance; St. Stephens, a poem. 1860 214 6 — Night and morning. 1843 36 81 — Odes and epodes of Horace; trans. into English verse. 1869 214.7 — The Parisians. 4 v. in 2. 1873 36.82 — Paul Clifford. \pub. 1830] 56.13 — Pausanias, the Spartan. 1876 43.25 — Pelham. 1842 36 83 — Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes. 7.13 — Strange story. 1861. 2 v. in 1 36.86 — What will he do with it? 1857. 4 v in 2. 36.87 * — Zanoni. 1871 62 9 — Bayne, P. Essays, v. 1 317.6 — Horne, R. H. New spirit of the age. . . 306.9 — Life, letters, etc., of Edward Bulwer, lord Lytton; by his son. 2 v. 1884.. 644.4 — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders 607.5 — Smiles; S. New biographies 606.4 BunwER-Lytton. R., 2d lord Lytton, \Owen Meredith.] Poems. Leip. 1869 214.10 — Same. N. Y. 1881 217.31 — Fables in song. 1874. 2 v. in 1 214.31 — Life, letters, etc., of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton. 1884 644.4 — Lucile. 1875 206.10 BunwER-Lytton, Sir H. Historical charac- ters; Talleyrand, Cobbett, Mackin- tosh, Canning. 1868 643.25 — Life of H. J. Temple, Viscount Palmer- ston. 2 v. 1871 60 3 .14 Bunce, J. F. Fairy tales; their origin, etc. 1878 443.39 Bunce, O. B. My house: an ideal. 1884... 852.5 Bundy, J. W. Life of Gen. Garfield. 1880. 622.2 Bungay, G. W. Temperance anecdotes. ’77 314.16 Bunker hill. Frothingham, R. Battle of, with account of the monument. 1872 737.16 — Ellis, J. E. History of. 1875 734.7 Bunsen, C. C. J. Life of Luther. 1870. . . 636.1 Bunsen, F., baroness. Hare, A. J. C. Life and letters of. 1880 642.11 Bunyan, J. Complete works. Illus. 1872 434.13 — The pilgrim’s progress from this world to that which is to come. 1855 408.8 — Froude, J. A. Life of. 1880 616.11.13 — Kingsley, C. New miscellanies 306.26 — Macaulay, T. B. Essays 305.13 — - Memoir. (Harper’s m., v 14) 1004.1 — Southey, R. Life of. 1861 612.14 — Whittier, J. G. Life of In 1001.7.1 Buonarotti, Michael Angelo. Clement, C. E. Painters, etc. Illus. 1879 834.11 — * Emerson, R. W. Characteristics of men of genius In 307.19.1 — Grimm, H. Life. 2 v. 1872 608.12 — Harford, S. Life of M. Angelo. 2 v. ’58 615.17 — Jameson, A. Early Ital. painters. 1875. 614.3 — Lanzi, A. L. Hist, of painting, v.l. ’72 822.3 — Lord, J. Michael Angelo, [or] The re- vival of art In 735.6.3 — Oliphant, Mrs. Makers of Florence. ’76. 615.18 — Roscoe, W. In Life of Leo X, v. 2. ’70. 613.19 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men 613.22 — Sweetzer, M. F. Artist biographies, v. 1. Illus 626.5 — Tweedie, W. K. Earnest men 632.8 — Tytler, S. Old masters 808.32 — Vasari, G. Lives of the painters, v. 5.. . 618.14 Burdett Charles. Life of Kit Carson.[1869] 635.1 Bureau co., III. Matson, N. Map and sketches of. 1867 712.11 Burgess, Dr. — . Meditations, day by day. 1871 408.9 Burgess, W. Architectural designs; ed. by R. P. Pullan. London, 1883 *8541.11 Burgomaster’s wife. Ebers, G 146.13 Burial usages. Browne, T. Urn burial. (In his Religio medici) 408.21 — Williams, R. E. Cremation and other modes of sepulture. 18S4 844.20 Buried alive; or ten years of penal servi- tude in Siberia. Dostoyeffsky, F. ’81. 516.22 Buried alone. Wood, C 36.89 Buried cities of Campania. Adams, W. H. D. 1872 802.14 Burke, Edmund. Works, with mem. 3v.’59 . 305 9 Contents: [abridged], v. 1. Vindication of natural society; Origin of our ideas of the sublime and the beautiful, with discourse concerning taste; Of words; Speeches on American taxation and conciliation ; Re- flections on the revolution in France. v. 2. Letters on the Roman Catholics of Ireland; On French affairs ; On the conduct of the minority ; Letters on a regicide peace ; Letters to vari us persons ; An abridgment of English history, v. 3. On the affairs of India; Articles of charge against Warren Hastings; Speech in the impeach- ment of Warren Hastings. — - The sublime and beautiful, with intro- ductory discourse concerning taste. 406.10 — Brougham, H., lord. Statesmen, etc., 633 1.1 — Goodrich, C. A. Select British elo- quence. 1874 321.15 — Lord, J. Edmund Burke, [or] Political morality In 735.6.4 — Maurice, F. D. Friendship of books, etc 327.15 — Morley, J. Life. 1879. 616.11.11 — Prior, J. Life. 1872 612.10 — Tweedie, W, K. Earnest men 632.8 Burkhardt, C. B. Fairy tales and legends 1878 76.3 Burlingame, E. L. Art life and theories of Wagner. 1875, 613.16 Burn, R. S. Illustrated drawing book. . . 825.11 — Illustrated engineering and architectural drawing book 825.12 Burnaby, F. Ride to Khiva [in 1875] 525.3 Burnand, F. C. More happy thoughts. ’71. 323.10 Burnap, G. W. Lectures on the history of Christianity. 1842 435.13 — Life of Leonard Calvert In 601.1.9 Burnett, C. H. Hearing (Am. health primers) . 1879 833.14.1 BURNETT. 41 BYRON. Burnett, Frances EL Dolly. [1873] 14416 — Fair barbarian. 1881 141.8 — Haworth’s. 1879 45.6 — Louisiana. Fict. 1880 48.1 — Pretty Polly Pemberton. [1877] 141.24 — That lass o’ Lowrie’s. 1877 144.4 — Theo. [1879] 48.17 — Through one administration. 1883 54.22 Burnett, P. H. Recollections of an old pio- neer. 1880 623.14 Burney, Frances. See Arblay, F. B. d’. Burnham, C. L. Sane lunatic. 1882 146.23 Burns, D. Temperance bible commentary. See Lees, F. R. 1870 424.5 Burns, Robert. Works, with life by A. Cun- ningham 203.12 — Life and works; ed. by R. Chambers. 4 v. Edinb. 1856 2> 2. 17 Containing “the various compositions strung in chronological order upon the memoir.’’ — Preface. — Poetical works. 1845 214.11 — Carlyle, T. In his Essays 305.6 and 304.1.1 — Giles, H. Illustrations of genius 317.11 — Howitt, W. Homes and haunts, etc. . . 615.15 — Lockhart, J. G., Life of 612.4 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men 613.22 — Tuckerman, H. T. Birthday of. (Har- per’s m., y. 22) 1004.1 Burr, Aaron. Parton, J. Life of. 1858.. 603.17 Burr, E. F. Ecce coelum; or, parish astron- omy. [cop. 1867.] 811.21 — Pater Munch; or modem science testify- ing to the heavenly father . 2 v. ’72. . 402.9 Burritt, E. H. Geography of the heavens, and classbook of astronomy, with atlas 2 v. 1873 811.25 Burritt, Elihu. Thoughts and things at home and abroad. 1854 304.2 Burroughs, John. Fresh fields. [Eng- land.] 1885 522.25 — Locusts and wild honey, [natural histo- ry]. 1879 823.24 — Wake-Robin. [Bird-life.] 1879 833.2 Burroughs, Stephen. Memoirs. [1811] 626.16 Burstenbinder, E. [E. Werner.] Banned and blessed 55.17 — Good luck. 1874 42.31 Hero of the pen. Fict. 1879 47.16 Burt, N. C. The land and its story. [Palestine.] 1869 706.12 Burton, Isabel. Inner life of Syria, Pales- tine, etc. 1879 516.20 Burton, Robert. Anatomy of melancholy. 427.17 Burton, R. F. Highlands of the Brazil; with full account of the gold and dia- mond mines. 2 v. 1869 521.15 - Lake regions of central Africa. 1860. . 527.10 — Pilgrimage to El Medinah and Meccah, [1852-3] 504.25 Burton, W. Helps to education in the homes of our country. 1863 413.8 Burying the hatchet. Kellogg, E. Juv. 83.10.6 Bush, George. Life of Mohammed, [c. ’30] 614.4 Bush, R. J. Reindeer, dogs and snow-shoes. [Siberia], 1865-7 527.12 Bush boys. Reid, M. Juv 92.4 Bushnell, Horace. Forgiveness and law. 1874 412.12 — Character of Jesus. 1884 433.21 — Moral use of dark things. 1861 317.19 — Nature and the supernatural. 1864 . . 405.9 — Sermons on living subjects. 1872 438.9 Bushnell, Horace, continued. — Vicarious sacrifice. 2 v. [cop. 1877] 444.8 — Woman’s suffrage; the reform against nature. 1869 903.15 — Work and play, etc. [Essays, cop. 1864.] 317.18 — Cheney, M. B. Life and letters. 1880.. 637.14 Business. Arnold, F. Christian mer- chants In 304.14 — Clark, F. E. Our business boys. (What eighty-three business men say). 1884. 432.37 — Eggleston, G. C. Howto make a living; * making, saving and using money. ’75. 827.30 — Freedley, E. T. Treatise on. 1853 804.14 — Helps, A. Fruits of leisure [Essays] 1853 408.13 — Hill, T. E. Manual of business forms. *0.3 — How to do business . 1857 In 307.9 — Kirkland, F. Cyclopaedia of commer- cial and business anecdotes. 2 v. ’64 305.16 — Mather, W. H. On the road to riches; hints for clerks and young business men. 1876 827.37 — Parsons, F. Laws of business. 1872. . 908.16 — Spencer, H. Morals of trade In 407.26 — Terry, S. H. How to keep a store. ’82. 914.35 — Townsend, C. Letter- writing, with mod- els of business letters 316.18 — Van Doren, W. H. Mercantile morals. 406.5 See a Iso Trade ; Commercial law ; Success in life. But a Philistine. Townsend, V. F. 1884. . 56.7 But yet a woman. Hardy, A. S. 1883 54.24 Butler, B. F. Parton, J. General But- tler in New Orleans [1862]. 1866 .... 737.11 Butler, H. D. Family aquarium. N. Y. .. 814.37 Butler, J. Analogy of religion to the con- stitution and course of nature. 1881 401.26 Butler, S. Hudibras. [Humorous poem] 202.6 Butler, W. Land of the Veda [India] Illus 732.11 Butler, W. A. Lectures on history of an- cient philosophy. 2 v. 1879 421.15 Butler, W. F. Ventilation of buildings . . 818.38 Butt, B. M. Geraldine Hawthorne. 1883. 54.12 Butterflies. Coleman, W. S. British 824.18 Butterfly hunters. Conant, H. S. 1875 828.22 Butterworth, Hezekiah. The great com- posers. 1884 644.10 — Notable prayers of Christian history.. 425.18 — Young folks’ history of America. Illus. 721.22 — Young folks’ history of Boston. 1881. . 721.18 — Zigzag journeys. 5v. 1880-5 515.2 1. In Europe. 2. In classic lands. 3. In the Orient- 4. In the Occident. 5. In northern lands. 6. In Acadia. Buxton, H. J. W. and Poynter, E. J. Ger- man, Flemish and Dutch painting 851.32 By still waters. Mayo, I. F. [E. Garrett.]. 43.24 By the Tiber. Tincker, Mary A. 1881 141.9 BY-ways of Europe. Taylor, B. 1869 502.17 Bynner, E. L. Damen’s ghost. 1881 57.10 Byrn, M. L. Practical brewer [cop. 1853]. 845.8 Byron, G. G. N., lord. Works. 5 v. in 3. ’66 214 12 Contents: v. 1. Don Juan. 2. Childe Harold’s pil- grimage; The giaour; The corsair; Lara; The siege of Corinth; Parisina; The prisoner of Chillon; Mazeppa; Beppo. 3. The bride of Abydos ; Tne island ; Hours of idleness; English bards and Scotch reviewers; The age of bronze ; Hints from Horace ; The curse of Min : erva: The waltz; The lament of Tasso; Ode on Yen- ice; The prophecy of Dante; Ode to Napoleon Buona- parte ; Monody on the death of R. B. Sheridan ; The dream; The vision of judgment; The Morgante Mag- giore of Pulci; Francesca of Rimini; The blues. 4. Hebrew melodies ; Domestic pieces; Occasional pieces ; Manfred; Cain ; The deformed transformed; Heaven and earth, 5. Marino Faliero ; The two Foscari; Sar- danapalus; Werner; A fragment; Parliamentary speeches. BYRON. 42 CALL. Byeon, G. G. N., lord, works, continued. — Same. Works. 1854 201.2 — Howitt, W. Homes, etc., of British poets 615.15 — Irving, W. Newstead abbey. (In his Crayon misc.) 806.4 — Jeaffreson, J. C. The real Lord Byron. New views of the poet’s life. 1883 642.9 — Kingsley, C. New miscellanies 306 26 — Moore, Thomas. Life and letters of • Lord Byron. 1875 642.8 See Macaulay, T, B . Essays. 305.13. — Nichol, John (Eng. men of letters .) ’80..616.11 20 — Parton, J. Early life of In 617.17 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men 613.22 — Timbs, J. Newstead abbey and Lord Byron. (In his Abbeys, castles, etc. v. 1) 501.10 — Whipple, E. P. In his Essays, v. 1 . . . 303.6 Caballero, Fernan, pseud. See Arrom, C. B.de Cabin on the prairie. Pearson, C. H. Juv . 26.13 CABiNET-making . Practical information for cabinet-makers, etc. 1884 847.11 — Stokes, J. Cabinet-maker and uphol- sterer’s companion. 1880 838.6 Cable, George W. Creoles of Louisiana. 1884 734.18 — Dr. Sevier. 1885 57.6 — The Grandissimes. 1880 145.19 — Madame Delphine. 1881 145.28 — Old Creole days. 1879 45.18 Cabot, Sebastian. Hayward, C. Life. In 641.4.9 Cadet button: tale of American army life. Whittaker, F. 1878 43.1 Gesar, Caius Julius. Commentaries [with those of Hirtius]; trans. by W. Dun- can. 2 v. 1855-68 1020.5 Contents.— v. 1. Wars in Gaul. v. 2. Civil war; Al- exandrian war; African war; Spanish war. — The commentaries of Caesar [outlined and explained] by A. Trollope. 1875. 1020.22 — Abbott, J. History of. 1872 611.16 — Froude, J. A. Caesar: a sketch 618.3 — Julius Caesar; a tragedy. See Shakes- peare, W. — Lord, John. Julius Caesar, [or] Imper- — Merivale, C. History of the Romans, v. 1-3. 1855... 717.2 — Mommsen, T. History of Rome, v. 4 713.2 — Napoleon III. History of. 2 v. 1863.. 608.9 — Plutarch. Lives of illustrious men. . . 604.5 — Schlegel, F. Caesar and Alexander: a historical comparison. In 742.6 — Seeley, J. R. Roman imperialism [De- fence of Caesar] . . . . 308.22 — Williams, J. Life of Caesar. I7Zws.[1854] 635.2 Gesars, [The twelve]. DeQuincey, T. 1865. 302.20 — Suetonius. Lives of the Caesars, etc . . 1021.8 Cage and song birds. See Birds. Caged Hon, The. Yonge, C. M. [Captivi- ty of James I. of Scotland in Eng- land] 36.598 Cagliosteo, Count. Carlyle, T In 305.6 — Froude, J. A. A Cagliostro of the sec- ond century In 307.21.4 Cainter, Hobart. Romance of history. India 51.27 CAiBD,-and others. Scotch sermons. 1881 . 425.29 Cairnes. J. E. Political economy. 1874.. 911.23 Cakes and ale at Woodbine. Coffin, R. B. [Humorous] 48.8 Calamities and quarrels of authors. Dis- raeh, I. 2v 314.6 Caldecott, R. Picture book. Col’d illus. 77.22 Contents.— History of John Gilpin; House that Jack built; Babes in the wood; Essay on the death of a mad dog. Calderon. [Fiction.] Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. 7.15 Calderon de la Barca. Hasell, E. J. [Life of]. 1882 636.7.9 C alder wood, H. On teaching. 1875 417.18 Caldwell, Halwin. Art of doing our best; stories of workers. Juv 614.15 Caleb in the country. Abbott, J 81.10.6 Caleb in town. Abbott, J 81.10.5 Caleb Williams. Godwin, W 132.14 Calendar. Chambers, R. Book of days. 2 v. 1878 *E.5 — Brande, J. Popular antiquities, v. 1 . . 718.8 — Howitt, W. Book of the seasons. ’42. 306.28 See also Almanacs; Annuals. Calhoun, J. C. Several speeches. [In Moore, F. Am. eloquence, v. 2] 321.12 — Benton, T. Thirty years’ view. 2 v . . . 904.18 — Holst, H. von. John C. Calhoun (Am. statesmen, v. 3), 1882 626.6 — Homes of American statesmen. 1855.. 617.9 — Parton, J. Famous Americans. 1871. . . 603.16 Califf, J. M. Record of 7th regiment U. S. C. T. 1878 734.8 California. Bartlett, J. R. Explorations in [1850-3]. 2v 507.2 — Bates, D. B. Four years on the Paci- fic coast. 1860 505.6 — Brace, C. L. The new west; or, Cali- fornia in 1867-8 502.14 — Browne, J. R. California. 1864 512.7 — - Settlement and exploration of lower California [1552-1867]. [ With Re- sources of Pacific states.] 1869.... 748.3 — Codman, J. The round trip. [Pana- - ma, California, etc.] 1879 514.11 — Colton, W. Three years in, [1846-9].. 504.29 — Cone, Mary. Two years in. 1876.... 518.32 — Cooke, P. St. George. Conquest of. ’78 723.14 — Cronise, T. F. Natural wealth of, with description of each county. ’68.. 528.7 — Farnham, J. T. Travels in. 1855 507.9 — Freeman, B. C. Semi-tropical. 1874. 528.6 — King, C. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. 1872 5044 — Marryat, F. Travels of Monsieur Vio- let in. Fict 16.15 — Nordhoff, C. California, for health, pleasure and residence. 1873 528.5 — - Northern California, Oregon and the Sandwich Islands. 1874 524.10 — Taylor, B. Eldorado. [California in ’49] 524.25 — Woods, D. B. Sixteen months at the gold diggins, [1849-51] 505.15 Calisthenics. See Gymnastics Calkins, Alonzo. Opium and the opium appetite. 1871 807.29 Calkins, N. A. How to teach. See Kid- dle, H ••• 412.14 — Object lessons. 1861 406.27 — Primary object lessons. Revised. 1881. 443.8 Call to the unconverted. Baxter, R. 1835 406.18 CALLCOTT. 43 CAPITAL, Callcott, Lady. Little Arthur’s history of France to the fall of the second em- pire. 1884 735.2 Called back. Fargus, F. J. [U. Conway ] 57.22 Called to account. Cudlip, Annie 36.152 Calling, The, of a Christian woman. Dix, Morgan 443.37 Callingham, James. Sign-writing and glass-embossing. 1883 842 30 Callista; sketch of the 3d century. New- man, J. H 36.407 Calverley, C. S. Fly leaves. [Humorous] 204.4 Calvert, A., joint author , Fiji and the Fi- jians. See Williams, T. 1860 ........ 503.28 Calvert, G. H. The gentleman. 1863 435.7 — Goethe; his life and works. 1872 332.6 — Shakespeare; a study 318.11 Calvert, L. Burnap, G. W. Life of In 601.1.9 Calvin, J. Guizot, F. Great Christians of France. St. Louis and Calvin 636.9 — Dyer, T. H. Life of. 1850 617.5 — Lord, J. John Calvin, [or] Protestant theology In 735.6.3 Cambridge university, England. Bristed, C. A. Five years in. 1873 413.3 Cambridge, Mass. Lowell, J. B. Cam- bridge thirty years ago. [In his Fire- side travels] 508.18 Cambridge, Ada. My guardian. 1879 46.26 Cameos from Eng. history, v. 1-5. See Yonge, C. M 742.20 Cameron, K. Plasterer’s manual. 1879. . 823.36 Cameron, Y. L. Across Africa [1872-6]. . . 513.13 Cameron pride. Holmes, M. J 135.11 Camoens, L. de, The Lusiad; or, the discov- ery of India. An epic poem; tr. by W. J. Mickle 217.21 — Longfellow, W. H. Poets and poetry of Europe 207.2 Camp, D. N., ed'r. American year-book and national register for 1869 904.15 Camp and fireside stories. Alcott, L. M . . 26.41 Camp fires of the revolution. Watson, H. C. 1850 714.12 Campaigns of the civil war. See United States. 13 v. 1881 726.9 Camp an, Mme. Memoirs of the private life of Marie Antoinette. 2 v 634.5 Campania. Adams, W. H. D. Buried cities of. 1872 802 14 Campbell, A. J. Power of Jesus Christ to save. 1860 406.12 Campbell, C. Hist, of Virginia, 1497-1781. 734.14 Campbell, G. D., duke of Argyll. Pri- meval man. 1872 805.4 — Reign of law. 1872 407.16 Campbell, George. White and black. [Travel in the United States]. 1879 . . 526.23 Campbell, Helen. American girl’s home- book of work and play. 1883 832.32 — Patty Pearson’s boy [story of heredity] 53.9 — Problem of the poor. 1882 914.36 — Under green apple boughs. 1882 54.16 Campbell, J. lord. Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 10 v. 1856 618.14 — Shakespeare’s legal acquirements. ’59. 318.12 Campbell, L. J. ed'r. Young folks’ book of poetry 211.33 Campbell, T. Poetical works. With memoir 202.7 — Pleasures of hope. [ With Rogers. S. Pleasures of memory.] Illus 217.10 — Chambers’s papers for the people 1001.9.2 Campbell, T., continued. — Howitt, W. Homes of the British poets 615.15 — Personal recollections of. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 1875 In 612.21 Camping Bowles, S. Summer vacation in camp. [ColQrado]. 1871 506.28 — Gibson, W. H. Camp life, trapping, etc. 837.30 — Gould, J. M. How to camp out. ’77. . 818.33 — Hallock, Charles. Camp life in Florida 524.2 — Henderson, H. Hints on. 1882 842.27 — Mitchell, S. W. Nurse and patient, and camp cure. 1877 818.37* — Parloa, M. Camp cookery, [cop. 1878] 823.17 — Woodcraft. By “Nessmuck.” 1884 844.41 See also Boating; Country life; Pishing; Hunting, etc. Camping out. Stephens, C. A. Juv 24.18.1 Camping out series. See Stephens. C. A. Camps in the Carribees. Ober, F. G. 1880. 51310 Camps in the Rockies. Grohman, W. A. B. 518.26 Can wrong be right? Hall, S. C ' 36.243 Can you forgive her? Trollope, Anthony.. 133.11 Canada, Dominion of. Appleton’s general guide to the U. S. and Canada. 1881. 516.30 — Grant, G. M. Ocean to ocean [Canada in 1872] 514.10 — Habberton, J. and Norton, C. L. Canoe- ing in Kanuckia. 1878 518.16 — Jones, C. H. History of campaign for conquest of Canada, [1876]. 1882 726.14 — Marryat, F. The settlers in Canada, [1794]. Fict 36.388 — Parkman, F. France and England in North America; historical narratives. Pts. 1-5, 7. 1871-84 736 J 5 — Rae, W. F. Newfoundland to Manitoba. 518.3 — Russell, W. H. Its defences, condition and resources. 1865 711.17 — Thoreau, H. D. Yankee in Canada. ’66. 311.11 — Traill, C. P. Afar in the forest. Juv. 28.43 — Warburton, G. Conquest of Canada [by England]. 2 v. 1850 723.11 See also America; America, British; Mani- toba; Newfoundland; Nova Scotia. Candle Faraday, M. Chemical history of a. 1861.. 802.4 Candolle, A. de. Origin of cultivated plants 815.4.48 Canning, G. Bell, R. Life of. 1855 633.15 Canoe and camera [in Maine forests]. Steele, T. S. 1882 518.23 Canoe and saddle. Winthrop, T. 1863... 505.27 Canoeing in Kanuckia. Habberton, J. and Norton, C. L. 1878 518.16 Canoeing. See Boating. Canot, Captain. Thirty years of an African slave trader, [cop. 1854] 518.21 Canright, D. N . The bible from heaven. 425,4 CANTACUZENE-Altieri, princess. Sabine’s falsehood. 1881 5122 Canterbury tales. [Poems.] Chaucer, G. (Works, v. 2-3) 204.18 — Same 203.9 Canterbury tales. Lee, Harriet and Sophia. 5 v. 1797-1805 34.15 Cape Cod. Thoreau, H. D. 1856 506.26 Cape Cod folks [Fiction]. McLean, S. P. . 51.16 Capital and labor. See Labor and capital. Capital punishment. Bovee, M. H. Rea- son for abolishing. 1873 911.9 — Cheever, G. B. Defence of. [also] Es- say on punishment by Tayler Lewis. [also] Review of Burleigh on the death penalty. 1846 911.5 CAPITAL. 44 CARSON. Capital punishment, continued. — Hugo, Y. Claude Gueux: the last days of a condemned man. Fict 34.35 Captain Fracasse. Gautier, T 48.14 Captain Nelson [Romance of colonial days] Drake, S. A 47.2 Captain Sam. Eggleston, G. C. Juv ... . 88.13 Captains of industry. Parton, J. 1884 . . . 644.21 CARD-drawer. Griffin, G 44.12 Cardinal flower. Alden, J. Juv 76.9.2 Cardinal Pole. Ainsworth, W. H, Fict. 36.10 Cards and card-playing: — American Hoyle. 1883 835.14 — Dick, W. B. Games of patience. 1883. 832.31 — Hoyle’s games. 1872 816.11 See also Amusements ; Games ; Whist. Carey, Annie. Threads of knowledge drawn from a cambric handkerchief; a brus- sels carpet, etc 832.14 Carey, H. C. Manual of social science. A condensation of “Principles of social science,” by Kate McKean, [cop. ’64.] 912.27 Caricature. Wright, T. History of carica- ture in literature and art. 1875 851.6 Carleton, pseud. See Coffin, C. C. Carleton, Will. Farm ballads. 1874 201.14 — Farm festivals. [poems]. 1881 207.21 — Farm legends, [poems.] 1876 207.5 Carleton, William. Fardorougha, the miser 52.4 — Traits and stories of the Irish peasant- ry. 2 v 134.8 — Willy Reilly, and his dear Cooleen Bawn. [Ireland; Penal laws]. 1879.. 138.5 Carlier, A. Marriage in the United States. 902.3 Carlino. and other stories. Ruffini, G 36.476 Carlyle, Jane W. Letters and memorials; ed. by Froude. 1882 625.14 Carlyle, T. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 4 v. 1839 304.1 Contents.— v. 1. Jean Paul Friedrich Richter; State of German literature; Life and writings of Werner; Goethe’s Helena; Goethe; Burns, Life of Heyne; Ger- man playwrights ; Appendix. 2. Voltaire; Noval is; Signs of the times; Jean Paul Friedrich Richter again ; On history; Luther’s psalm; Schiller; Nibelungen Lied; German literature of the 14th and 15th centuries. 3 Taylor’s historic survey of German poetry; Tragedy of the night-moth; Characteristics; Goethe’s portrait; Biography; Boswell’s life of John- son; Death of Goethe; Goethe’s works; Corn-law rhymes; Diderot; On history again. 4. Count Cagliostro ; Death of the Rev. Edward Ir- ving ; Diamond necklace ; Memoirs of Mirabeau ; Parlia. mentary history of the French revolution ; Memoirs of the life of Scott: Vanhagen von Ense’s memoirs; Pe- tition on the copy-right bill. - Same. 1858 305.6 — Correspondence of Carlyle and Emer- son, 1834-72. 2 v. 1883 625.10 — Cromwell’s letters and speeches. 2 v . . 605.18 — Early kings of Norway. 1875 742.9 — German romance: specimens with bio- graphical and critical notices. 2 v. 62.33 — History of Friedrich of Prussia, called Frederick the great. 10 v. Lond... 631.1 — - Same 13 v in 7. Leip., 1858 643.8 — History of the French revolution. 2v. [to 1795]. 1871 702.5 — Life of John Sterling 622.20 — Life of Schiller 626.10 — On heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history 301.23 Contents. The hero as divinity. The hero as prophet. The hero as poet. The hero as priest. The hero as man of letters. The hero as king. Carlyle, T. continued. — Past and present [ pub. 1843] 316.11 Note. Society in the middle ages contrasted with society of to-day. — Reminiscences; ed. by J. A. Froude. ’81 622.17 Contents. James Carlyle, of Ecclefechan. Edward Irving. Lord Jeffrey. Jane Welch Carlyle. Appen- dix: Southey and Wordsworth. — Reminiscences of my Irish journey in 1849 .501.17 — Sartor resartus : [i. e. The tailor patch- ed]. The life and opinons of Herr Teufelsdrockh. [ pub. 1833-4] 306.22 Note. In the form of a review of a supposed Ger- man work on dress, Carlyle gives his opinions on things in general. — and Emerson, R. W. Correspondence. 2 v 625.10 — Barrett, E., ed. Carlyle anthology. ’76 311.9 — Conway, M. D. Thomas Carlyle. Ulus. 624.8 — Froude, J. A. History of his life in London, [1834-81.] 632.1 — - Thomas Carlyle: his past 40 years, [1795-1835. Illus. 2 v. 1882 624.22 — Greg, W. Social and lit. judgments 332.4 — Lowell, J. My study windows 332.13 Carmina Princetonia: Princeton college songs [with music]. 1879 207.15 Carnegie, Andrew. American four-in- hand in Britain. 1881 521.16 Caroline. Abbott, J. Juv 91.23.9 Carpenter, F. B. Anecdotes and reminis- censes of A. Lincoln. (With Raymond, H. J. Life of Lincoln). 1865 603.7 — Six months at the White house. [1867] 613.12 Carpenter, J. E. Popular readings 323.7 — Public school speaker 325.18 Carpenter, W. B. Mental physiology. ’74 814.1 — Mesmerism, spiritualism, etc. 1877... 836.22 — The microscope. 1881 842.7 — Use and abuse of alcoholic liquors. ’51. 801.4 — Zoology. 2 v. 1865 811.11 Carpenter, W. H. and Arthur, T. S . His- tory of Illinois [to 1850]. 1854 712.25 Carpentry and building. — American builder, v. 10-13. 1874 *8521.19 — Benjamin, A. Architect; or, practical house carpenter. 1856 8521.26 — Carpentry and building. Monthly, v. 1-7 8541.7 — Clark, T. M. Building superinten- dence. 1884 843-29 — Davidson, E. A. Boy joiner 832.33 — Gould, L. D. Carpenter’s and builder’s assistant. 1881 841.25 — Hatfield, R. G. American house-car- penter. 1880 836.15 — Plumber, P. W. Carpenter’s and build- er’s guide. 1879 841.26 — Riddle, R. Practical carpenter and joiner, with cardboard models. 1874. *8541.12 Carr of Carrlyon. Aide,.H 36.3 Carribees. Ober, F. O. Camps in the. ’80 513.10 Carrington, H. B. Battles of the revolu- tion, 1775-1781. 1876 22120 Carrington, Katie. Aschenbroedel. 1882 752.3 Carroll, Lewis, pseud. See Dodgson, C.L. Carrothers, Mrs. J. D. Sunrise kingdom; or, life and scenes in Japan. [1879[.. 514.20 “Carrots;” just a little boy. Molesworth,M. 81.30 Carson, Alex. Life and writings, 3 v. 1853 435.2 Contents.— 1. Life by G. C. Moore; 2. Knowledge of Jesus, the most excellent of the sciences; 3. History of providence, etc. CARSON. 45 CENTRAL. Carson, Christophei , [“Kit.”] Abbott, J. S. C. [Life] 608.21 — Bnrdett, C. Life of. [1869] 635.1 Carter, S. N. Art suggestions from the masters, [selections]. 1881 851.7 — ed’r. Art hand-books, v. 4, 8. 1879-82 852.13 Contents.— v. 4. Figure drawing; by C. H. Weigall. v. 8. Drawing in black and white ; by S. N. Carter. Carthage. Chambers’s papers for the peo- ple 1001.9.2 — Davis, N. Carthage and her remains. 745.7 — History of. (Universal hist; anc. pt., — Smith, Philip. History of the world, v.2 725.10 Cartwright, Edmund. Memoir of, the in- ventor of the power loom. [By M. S.] 1843 612.8 Cary, Alice. The bishop’s son. 1867 15’ 16 — Clovernook children, [cop. 1854] 82.18 — Pictures of country life [cop. 1859] . . . 45.10 Snowberries. Juv. 1867 92.10 — and Phoebe. Poetical works, with memoir. 1882 207.27 — Ames, M. C. Alice and Phoebe Cary, with later poems. 1874 632.3 Cary, G. L. Introduction to the Greek of the new testament. 1879 421.14 Cashmere, Yale of. Myers, P. Y. N In 511.6 Cassagnac, A. G. de. History of the work- ing and burgher classes. 1871 916.17 Cassell’s boon of indoor amusements 832.19 — Book of sports and pastimes 832.18 — History of Franco-German war. Hlus. 2 v 733.5 — History of the Russo-Turkish war. By E. Ollier, IUus. 2v 733.3 — Hlustrated guide to Paris. 1884 522.4 Cast adrift. Arthur, T. S 31.19 Cast up by the sea. Baker, Sir S. W. Juv. 28.25 Castaway. Yates, Edmund 36.588 Castelar, Emilio. Old Rome and new Italy. 1873 503.14 Castilian days. Hay, John. 1872 522.13 Castle Avon. Marsh-Caldwell, Mrs. A . . . 36.373 Castle Daly . Keary, Annie. [Irish fam- ine, 1847] 48.4 Castle Dangerous. Scott, Sir W 12.25 Castle in Spain. DeMille, J. Fict 47.40 Castle Nowhere, [also] Lake country sketches. Woolson, C. F. 1875 44.6 Castle of Ehrenstein. James, G. P. R 36.255 Castle of Otranto, a Gothic story. Wal- pole, H 133.10 Castle Richmond. Trollope, Anthony 36.537 Castlemon, Harry, pseud. See Fosdick,C.A. Castles in the air. Gore, Mrs. C. F 36.233 Cat, The. Jackson, H. H. Letters from a cat. Juv. 1880 78.11 — - Mammy Tittlebat and her fam- ily. Juv 1881 81.1 — Mivart, St. George. The cat; an intro- duction to the study of backbone ani- mals. 1881 ! 836.13 — Stables, W. G. Cats: their points, clas- sification and ailments. 1884 845.29 Cat and battle-dore, etc. Balzac, H. de. 1879. Fict 53.31 Catacombs. Adams, W. H. D. Catacombs of Rome 417.10 — Castelar, E. Old Rome, etc 503.14 — Green, G. W. Visit to the In 1001.4.10 — Hare, A. J. Walks in Rome 501.5 — Wiseman, N. Fabiola; or, the church of the catacombs. Fict 137.15 Catacombs, continued. — Withrow, W. H. Catacombs of Rome. 1874 423.13 Catalogues. See Bibliography for pub- lishers’ and other catalogues; see Li- braries for library catalogues. Catechism. Westminster assembly’s larger catechism 444.13 Cathell, D. W. The physician himself and what he should add to the strict- ly scientific. 1882 841.28 Catherine of Aragon . Dixon, W. H. His- tory of two queens. 6 v. in 3 643.11 — Strickland, A. Queens of England * .641.13.2 Catherine. Thackeray, W. M 36.524 Catherwood, M. H. Craque-o’-doom. 1881 146.7 Catholic church. See Roman catholic church. Catholic controversy. Reply to “Plain reasons.” Ryder, H. I. D 441.30 Catholic dictionary. Addis, W. E. and Ar- nold, T. 1884 *428.5 Catholic pioneers of America. Murray, • J. O. 1882 433.12 Catholic world: monthly magazine, v. 19- 40. N. Y., 1874-85 1002.13 Catholicity, Protestantism, and Roman- ism. Ewer, F. C 441.14 Catlin, George. Breath of life, or mal-res- piration. 1872 836.21 — North American Indians. 2 v. 1876 722.9 Caton, J. D. Summer in Norway. 1875 . . . 508.29 Cattle. See Domestic animals. Cattle ranches. Aldridge, R. Life on a ranch. 1884 522.18 — Grohman, W. A. B. Cattle ranches of the west, (With Camps in the Rockies) 1882. 518.26 — Hughes, T. ed’r. Gone to Texas. 1884. 522.8 . Catullus [outlined and explained] by J. Davies. 1877 1021 .2 Caucasus. See Circassia. Cave, W. Lives of the apostles, etc. 1836. In 411.2 Cave hunting [early man in Europe.] Daw- kins, W. B. 1874 846.1 Cavendish, pseud. See Jones, Henry. Cavendish, T. Life and voyages In 512.24 Caverns. Hovey. H. C. Celebrated Amer- ican [and other]. 1882 843.2 Cavour, C. B. di, count. Botta, Y . Life. 612.6 — Spencer, O. M. Count Cavour and the unification of Italy In 1004.1.43 Caxtoniana. [Essays.] See Bulwer-Lyt- ton, E. L 327.5 Caxtons, The. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. 1859. 7.11 Cazin, A. Phenomena and laws of heat. ’69 802.29 Cecil, Rev. Richard. Remains of. 1836. In 411.2 Cecil Castlemaine’s gage. Rame, L. de la. 36.448 Cecil Dreeme Winthrop, Theodore 62.36 Cecil’s books of natural history. Peabody, S. H 832.13 Cecil’s try^t. Payn, James 36.91 Celestial scenery. Dick, T. (Works, v.2) 41L12 Cellini, Benevenuto. Memoirs, by him- self; tr. by Roscoe. 1872 613.26 Celts, The. MacLear, G. F. (Conversion of the West, ser., v. 1) 423.15 Census of the United States. See United States. Centennial exhibition . See Industrial ex- hibitions. Centeola. Thompson, D. P. Fict. 1864. 63.13 Central idea of Christianity. Peck, J. T. 405.11 CENTURY. 46 CHANGED. Century, The. Illustrated monthly mag- nm'nn r Tin a firm nf “Srvrilvn At’h Century of American literature. Beers, H. A. [Selections] 318 31 Century of anecdote, 1760-1860. Timbs, J . 326 15 Century of roundels, [poems.] Swine- burne, A. C 215.2 Ceramics. See Pottery and porcelain. Ceremonial institutions. Spencer, H 913.9 Cerise. Melville, G. J. W . . . . ... 36.391 Certain dangerous tendencies in American life, etc. Harrison, J. B. 1880 914.7 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Don Quix- ote 1 ; [satire on knight errantry.] 4 v. 45.5 — - Same 5.9 — Dunlop, J. Hist, of fiction 302.7 — Giles, H. Illustrations of genius 317.11 — Hallam, H. Lit. of Europe, v. 2 312.4 — Oliphant, M. O. W. Life of. 1881. .. .636.7.11 — Prescott, W. H. Miscellanies. 1855.. 305.14 — SismQndi, J. C. L. S. de. Lit. of south of Europe, v. 2 302.6 — Ticknor, G. Hist, of Spanish lit. v. 2 [Life] 312.5 Cesette. Story of peasant life in south of France. Pouvillon, E. 1882 146.17 Cesnola, L. P. di. Cyprus: its ancient cities, tombs, and temples. A narra- tive of researches, etc. Illus. 1878. 521.14 Cevennes, The. Stevenson, R. L. Travels with a donkey in the. 1879 514.22 Ceylon. Baker, S. W. Eight years in Cey- lon, 1845 512.16 — - Rifle and hound in Ceylon. 1869 . . . 522.28 — Hseckle, Ernst. Visit to Ceylon. ’83. 501.1 Chadbourne, P. A. Instinct in animals and men. 1872 828.27 — Natural theology. 1871 402.7 Chadwick, J. W. Bible of to-day, 1878... 418.16 Chadwick, W. Life of De Foe. 1859 628.14 Chainbearer, The. Cooper, J. F. 1872.. 2.12 Chaldea. Rawlinson, G. Five great mon- archies, v. 1. 1873 715.5 Chaldean account of Genesis. Smith, G. 715.4 Challenger. Spry, W. J. J. Cruise of the. 511.8 Chalmers, A. Life of Martin Luther. ’58. 633.14 Chalmers, T. Adaptation of external na- ture to man. 1853 408.27 — Christian revelation and modern as- tronomy 821.24 — Fraser, D. Life of. 1882 62 '.10.5 — Political economy in connection with the moral state and moral prospects of society. [1842] 911.7 Chamber and cage birds. Bechstein, J.M.’71 827.33 Chamber of peace and other religious poems. 1874 218.3 Chamberlain, W. Manuela Paredes. Fict. 1881 14116 Chambers, Robert. Book of days: popular antiquities in connection with the cal- andar. Illus. 2 v. 1878 *E.5 See also Chambers, W and R. Chambers, T. K. Diet in health and dis- ease . [ With “Lessons in cookery.” . ] 822.28 Chambers T. W. The noon prayer meet- ing of the North Dutch church. 1858. 437.13 Chambers, W. Memoir of R. Chambers. 1872 601.21 — andR. Encyclopaedia. 10 v. Phil., 1873. *B.7 — - Information for the people. 4 v. Phil. 1008.1 — - Miscellany. 10 v 1001.8 Chambers, W., continued. — - Papers for the people. 6 v. Lond . . . 1001.9 1 . Bonaparte family. Sepulchres of Etruria. Val- erie Duclos, a tale. Education of the citizen. The myth. The sunken rock, a tale. Popular cultivation of music. Ebenezer Elliott. The sanitary movement. Washington and his contemporaries Edmund Ather- ton, a tale. Memorabilia of the 17th century. Ruined cities of Central America. The ivory mine, a tale. Secret societies of modern Europe. Francis Jeffrey. *2. Arctic explorations. Social utopias. The specu- lator, a tale. Carthage and the Carthaginians. Re- cent discoveries in astronomy. The white swallow, a tale. Mechanics’ institutions. Thomas Campbell. Bourbon family. California. Black pocket-book, a tale. Fenelon. Every day life of the Greeks. Lady Marjory St. Just, an autobiography. Science of the sunbeam. Sir Robert Peel. 3. Secret societies of the middle ages. Rajah Brooke and Borneo. Last of the Ruthvens. The education movement. Antarctic explorations. The queen of spades, a tale. Jewish life in Central Europe. William Wordsworth. Microscope and its marvels. Pre-Colum- bian discovery of America. Hermann, a tale. Public libraries, Australia and Van Dieman’s land. Lone star, a tale. Religion of the Greeks. Heyne, a biogra- phy. 4. Water supply of towns. Ancient Scandinavia. Lost letter; The somnambule. Life in an Indiaman. The law of storms. Santillian’s choice, a tale. Isth- mus of Panama. Daniel De Foe. Ocean routes. Crom- well and his contemporaries, Life at Gnefenberg. Black Gondola, a tale Ancient philosophic sects. Wonders of human folly. Lady Mary Wortley Mon- tague. 5. Recent decorative art. Alchemy and the alche- mists. Lost laird, a tale of ’45. German poets and poe- try. The desert of Africa. Sigismund Temple, a tale. Electric communication. Fichte, a biography. An- cient rites and mysteries. Siberia, and the Russian penal settlements. Hariette; or, the rash reply, a tale. Childhood of experimental philosophy. Confucius. The temptation, a tale. Siam and the Siamese. Thomas Moore. 6. Isthmus of Suez. Animal instincts and intelli- gence. Realized wishes, a tale. Troubadours and trouveres. New Zealand. Tower of Fontenay, and the heiress of the Vaughans. Industrial investments and associations. Lord Brougham. Railway communica- tion. Incas of Peru.. Marfreda; or the Icelanders. What is philosophy? European intercourse with Japan. The half-caste, a tale . Progress of America. Duke of Wellington. — - Pictorial history of the Russian war, 1854-6. 1856 733.4 — - Treasury of knowledge. 1855 804.22 Chamisso, A. von. Peter Schlemihl. [Who sold his shadow]. 1874 133.3 Champlin, J.D., jr. Young folk’s cyclopae- dia of common things. 1880 316.15 — Young folks’ cyclopaedia of persons and places. 1882 316.16 — Young folks’ history of the war for the Union. Illus. 1881 728.8 Ghampney, Mrs. L. W. All around a pal- ette. Juv. 1878 ' 832.27 — Entertainments [Holiday, temperance, etc.] 1879 833.3 — In the sky-garden. Juv. 1877 832.28 — Rosemary and rue. 1881 51.12 — Three Vassar girls in England. 1884. . 531.10 Chance. Doctrine of. (In American Hoyle). 1880... 835.14 See also Probabilities. Chance acquaintance. Howells, W. D 63.7 Chance child. Mayo, I. F. [E. Garrett]. . 134.24 Chance for himself. Trowbridge, J. T. Juv. 28.10 Chandler, E. L. This, that and the other. 8.7 Chandler, P. W. Memoir of Gov. Andrew [of Mass]. 1880 622.19 Ch andos. Rame, L. de la 36.449 Chaney, G. L. Aloha! [Visit to the Sand- wich islands]. 1880 514.17 Changed cross and other religious poems. 1872 217.33 CHANNING. 47 CHARLES. Channing, E . T. Life of W. Ellery In 641.4.6 Channing, W. E. Works. 1873. 6 v. in 3 1001.3 — Memoir, with extracts from his corres- pondence and manuscripts . 3 v. 1850 642.4 Contents. — v. 1. Milton. Napoleon. Fenelon. Cal- vinism.. National literature. Associations. The Union. Education. v. 2. Slavery. Abolitionists. Annexation of Texas. Catholicism. Creeds. Temperance. Self culture. v. 3. Preaching Christ; discourse at ordination of J. E. Abbott. War. Unitarian Christianity ; at ordina- tion of Jared Sparks Evidences of revealed religion. Demands of the age on the ministery; at ordination of E. S. Gannett. Unitarian Christianity, most favor- able to piety. Great purpose of Christianity ; at instal- lation of M. I. Motte. Likeness to God ; at ordination of F. A. Farley. Christian ministery. Duties of chil- dren. Honor due to all men. Evidences of Christian- ity. v. 4. Character of Christ. Christianity a national religion. Spiritual freedom; at the annual election, 1830. Self-denial. Imitableness of Christ's character Evil of sin. Immortality. Love of Christ. Future Life. War Ministry for th-* poor. Christian worsnip. The Sunday-school. The Philanthropist; tribute to Noah Worcester. v 5. The Slavery question. Lecture on war. Ele- vation of the laboring portion of the community. Dr. Charles Follen. Charges at ordinations of Ch. Barnard andF. T. Gray, R. C. Waterston, and J. S. Dwight Miscellanies ; Daily prayer means of promoting Christ- ianity. Importance of religion to society. Memoir of John Gallison. Appendix. On increasing the means of theol. education at Cambridge. System of exclusion and denunciation in religion considered. Objections to Unitarian Christianity considered Duties of the citi- zen in time of danger. Notice of Rev. S. C. Thacher. v. 6. Emancipation. Discourse on Rev. Joseph Tuckerman. The present age. The church. Duty of the free states. Address at Lenox on emancipation in the British West Indies. — Thoreau: the poet-naturalist. 1873 632.5 Channing, W. F. Medical application of electricity, [cop. 184-9] 803.21 Channings, The. Wood, Mrs. H 36.566 CHAP-books of the eighteenth century. Ash- ton, J.... 318.15 Note.— Facsimiles of cheap popular books sold by hawkers. Chapin, A. B. The primitive church. 1845 433.6 Chapin, A. L. First principles of political economy. 1880 912.26 Chapin, E. H. Humanity in the city. [1854] 407.11 Chapin, J. H. Creation and early develop- ment of society, [cop. 1880] 837.3 Chaplet of pearls. Yonge, C. M 36.599 Chaplin, Jer. Life of C. Sumner. 1874.. 613.8 Chapman, A. W. Flora of the southern United States. 1833 843.23 Chapman, G., tr. Whole works of Homer: Iliads and Odysseys 218.9 Chapman, H. C. Evolution of life. 1873. 825.9 Chapman, J. G. Am. drawing book. 1873. . 8511.4 — Elementary drawing book. 1872 8541.5 “Character, A.”; a story for girls. Lane, S. M 78.22 Character. Emerson, R. W. Essays, v. 2 326.9 — Foster, J. Decision of. [ With Combe, etc.] 305.10 — Greeley, H. Formation of In 325.32 — Gtithrie, T. Studies of character from the old testament 437.27 — Smiles, S. Character 417.9 — Wells, S. R. How to read character. . 416.21 — Whipple, E. P. Character and chara- teristic men. 1871 303.3 Character of Jesus. Bushnell, Horace .. . 433.21 Characteristics of women. Jameson, Mrs. A 332.27 Charades. See Amusements. Charicles [Old Greek life] . Becker, W. A. 713.6 Charities and charity. Brace, C. L. Gesta Christi; history of humane progress. 1883 915.5 — DeLiefde, J. Charities of Europe. 2 v. 912.4 — Jameson, Mrs. A. Sisters of charity. 1855 414.3 — Uhlhorn, G. Christian charity in the ancient church. 1883 431.11 Charlemagne. See Charles I, emperor of Germany. Charles I, of England. Private corres- pondence with Sir E. Nicholas [In Evelyn’s diary, v. 4] 633.6 — Abbott, J. History of. 1872 611.3 — Jesse, J. H. England under the Stu- arts. v. 1 718.6.1 — Milton, J. Eikonoklastes, in answer to a book entitled Eikon Basilike, The portraiture of his sacred majesty, etc. (Prose works, v. 1) 1001.6.1 For illustrative fiction see Ainsworth’s Spanish match [36.27], Charles’s Draytons and Davenants [36.94], Mel- ville’s Holmby house [36.396], Scott’s Fortunes of Nigel, [12.14], and Woodstock [12.21] . Charles II., of England. Abbott, J. His- tory of. 1873 611.4 — Evelyn, John. Diary. 4 v 633.6 — Jesse, J. H. Eng. under the Stuarts. 3 v 718 6 — Pepys, Samuel. Diary. 4 v 633.7 For illustrative fiction see Ainsworth’s Boscobel, [36.9], Scott’s Peveril of the Peak, [12.15]. Charles I., Charlemagne, emperor of Ger- many. Bulfinch, T Legends o£. ’71 303.16 — Cutts, E. L Life of 626.15 — Guizot, F. History of civilization, v. 2 902.6 — James, G. P. R. History of [ pub. 1832] 626.11 — Lord, J. Charlemagne, [or | Revival of the western empire In 735.6.2 — Milman, H. H. Latin Christianity, v. 2 416.19 Charles V, of Germany. Robertson, W. History of the reign of. With life after his abdication by W.H.Prescott. 3 v. 1869 704.7 — Doran, J. Monarchs retired from busi- ness, v. 1 623.18 Charles XII, of Sweden. Voltaire, F. M. A. History of. 1864 605.16 — Topelius, Z. Times of Charles XII. Fict. 1884 51.5.3 Charles the bold , duke of Burgundy. Kirk, J. F. Life. 3 v. 1864 615.13 In fiction see Scott’s “Quentin Durward” [12. 16J. and Anne of Geierstein [12.2 i.] Ch arles, Mrs. E. Against the stream [slave emancipation- in England]. 1873.... 36.92 — Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta fam- ily. [Luther and the reformation]. 36.97 1 — Cottage by the cathedral, and other par- ables. 1872 36.93 — Cripple of Antioch, and other tales. 187 ^ 143.11 — Diary of Mrs. Kittie Trevylyan: story of the times of Whitefield and the Wesleys 36.95 — Draytons and the Davenants. story of the civil wars [in England] . 1868 .... 36.94 — The early dawn; or, Christian life in England in the olden time. 1872 .... 4.2 — Joan the maid. 1879 46.20 — Martyrs of Spain, [also] Liberation of Holland. 1865. 408.20 — On both sides of the sea; sequel to The “Draytons and the Davenants.” 36.96 — Tales and sketches of Christian life. ’72 143.10 — The two vocations; or, the sisters of mercy at home. 1873 134.20 CHARLES. 48 CHILD. Charles, Mrs. E., continued. — Victory of the vanquished, [1st cen- tury], 1871 13.4 — Wanderings over bible lands and seas. 1873 502.3 — Winifred Bertram, and the world she lived in. 1866 131.23 — The women of Christendom 626.13 Charles Auchester. [music novel]. Shep- pard, E. S 34.33 Charles O’Malley, the Irish dragoon. Le- ver, C 36.330 Charlesworth, M. L. Oliver of the mill.’78 138.26 Charley’s calico rooster. May, C. L 76.7.4 Charlie Bell. Kellogg, Elijah 21.22 Charlotte Ackerman. Muller, Otto 31.34 Charlotte and Lucy Temple. Rowson, S. 137.2 Charms and counter-charms. McIntosh, Maria J 74.16 Charnock, R. S. Praenomina; or, the ety- mology of the principal names of Great Britain and Ireland. 1882 644.20 Chase, A. W. Recipes; or, information for everybody. 1874 818.13 Chateau d’ Or. Holmes, M. J 135.13 Chateaubriand, F. R. de. The martyrs, [reign of Diocletian]. 1874 137.14 Chatham, Lord. See Pitt, William. Chatrian, A. See Erckmann, E . and Cha- trian, A. Chatterbox, Ulus juv. mag. 10 v. 1877-85 93.1 Chaucer. Geoffrey. Poetical works; ed. by R. Morris, with memoir. 6v 204.18 Contents —x. 1. Life; Essay on the language and versification of Chaucer; Introductory discourse to the Canterbury tales; Chaucer’s pronunciation; On the genuineness of the romaunt of the rose ; Scheme of the order of the Canterbury tales; Glossary. 2-3. Canterbury tales. 4. The court of love; The parlement of briddes, or the assembly of foules; The boke of Cupide, god of love, or the cuckow and the nightingale ; The flower and the leaf; Troylus and Cryseyde. Book 5 ; Chauceres A. B.C. ; Chaucer’s dream; The boke of the duchesse ; Of quene Anelydaand false Arcyte ; The house of fame ; The legende of goode women. 6. The romaunt of the rose : The complaynte of a loveres life ; The complaynte of Mars and Venus; a goodly ballade of Chaucer; A praise of women; Minor poems; Appendix. — Canterbury tales 203.9 — Chaucer tales retold for children. Storr, F. and Turner, H. 1880 82.7 — Howitt, W. Homes of British poets . . 615.15 — Lowell, J. R. My study windows . . . 332.13 — Lord, J. Geoffrey Chauc'er. [or] Eng- lish life in the fourteenth century . In 735.6.3 — Ward, A. W. Life. 1880 In 616.11.14 Chautauqua girls at home. Alden, I. M . . . 78.4 Checkers. Barker, C. F. The world’s checker-book. 1879 833.19 — Gould, J. Game of draughts. 1884 . . 845.18 Cheerful Sundays; stories, parables, and poems for children. Illus 77.3 Cheerful words. Macdonald, George 425.24 Cheever, G. B. A defence of capital pun- ishment. 1846 911.5 — Lectures on “The pilgrim’s progress.” . 425.16 — Prose writers of America, [extracts] ’76. 326.11 Cheever, H. T. The island world of the Pacific. 1856 711.3 — Memoir of Walter Colton In 506.23 Chellis, Mary D . Aunt Dinah’s pledge. 92.29 — Old times [temperance tale]. 1876... 92.26 — Out of the fire, [temperance tale]. 1875. 92.25 — Temperance doctor. 1874 92.24 — Wealth and wine. 1876 92.23 Chemical technology. Wagner, R. 1875.. 846.10 Chemistry. Appleton, J. H. Chemistry [chiefly of the non-metals]. 1884 846.5 — Attfield, J. Chemistry; general, medi- cal, and pharmaceutical. 1879 824.36 — Bloxam, C. L. Laboratory teaching. ’79 833.12 — Cooke, J. P. Chemical philosophy. ’79 814.19 — - The new chemistry. 1874 815.4.6 — Eliot, C. W., and Storer, F. H. Elemen- tary; abridged by W. R. Nicholas. ’75. 847.6 — Fownes, G. Elementary. 1873 807.22 — - Manual; ed. by R. Bridges. 1878 824.27 — Gray, A. Elements of. 1857 808.24 — Johnson, J. F. Chemistry of common life. 2 v. 1858 803.14 — Lehmann, C. G. Physiological chemis- try. 2 v. 1855. .... 806.19 — Liebig, J. Its application to agriculture and physiology. 1847 806.8 — Richards, E . H. Chemistry of cooking and cleaning. 1882 842.9 — Rodwell, G. F. Birth of chemistry ’74. 822.17 — Rolfe, W. J. and Gillet, J. A. Ele- ments of. 1874 818.27 — - Hand-book of. 1872 818.1 — Roscoe, H. E. Chemistry. (Science primers) . 1878 828.20.2 — - and Schorlemmer, C. Treatise on chemistry. 3 v.. 1879. 831.27 Contents. — 1. Non-metallic elements. 2-3. Metals. — Steele, J. D. Fourteen weeks in. 1873. 824.25 — Wagner, R. Chemical technology. ’75 846.10 — Wurtz, A. Atomic theory. 1881 815.4.29 See also Assaying; Fermentation ; Metallurgy Photography ; Spectrum analysis. Cheney, Mrs. C. E. Young folks’ history of the civil war. 1884 738.13 Cherbuliez Victor. Count Kostia. 1873 63.35 — Jean Teterol’s idea. 1878 57 9 Cherry ripe. Mathers, Helen. 1878 42.1 L Chesebro’, Caro. Foe in the household ’71 34.7 Chesney, C. C. Essays in military biogra- phy. 1874 617.6 Chess. Monroe, J. Science of. 1859 . . . 827.36 — Staunton, H. Hand-book. 1873 808.18 Chesterfield, Earl of. See Stanhope, P.D Chevalier, M. Probable fall in the value of gold. 1859 904.20 Chevasse, P. H. Advice to a mother, [added]. Counsel to a mother; com- pletion of “Advice to a mother.” ’73 812 16 — Advice to a wife. 1875 818.4 Ohevreul, M. E. Colours and their appli- cation to the arts. 1872 852.18 Chiapas. Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in [1839-40]. 2 v 507.12 Chicago, III. Blanchard, R. Discovery and conquest of the northwest, with history of Chicago. 1880 726.7 — Colbert, E. and Chamberlain. Chicago and the great conflagration. Illus.. 736.10 — Lakeside city directory. For 1874-5, 1880,1883 *B.ll — Marquis’ hand-book of. Illus. 1885 523.1 — Public library; finding lists. 1884. ..... *3501.8 Chihuahua. Bartlett, J. R. Explorations in, [1850-3] 2 v 507.2 Child, G. C. Benedicite; illustrations of the power, wisdom, and goodness of God 401.20 Child, Lydia M. Biographies of good wives 607.10 — Letters. 1883 642.18 — Progress of religious ideas. 3 v. 1855 . 401.24’ CHILD. 49 CHORDAL. Child, Lydia M., continued. — ed. Rainbows for children . 1868 92.13 — Romance of the republic. 1867 13.25 Child at home. Abbott, J. S. C 401.22 CHiLD-life, Old time [in New England]. Rollins, E. H .. . 622.1 Child life; poems; ed. by J. G. Whittier . . 213.4 Child Marian abroad. Round, W . M. F. 76.5 Child of Island glen. Kellogg, E 25.31 Child pictures from Dickens. Illus 28.21 CHiLD-saving institutions. Wines, E. C. ’80. 913.22 CHiLD-toilers of Boston streets. Brown, E.E. 914.24 CHiLD-world [stories]. Dodge, M. A 28.20 Childhood [tales]. Little classics, v. 10 . . 304.16 Childhood of religions. Clodd, E 416.18 Childhood of the English nation. Armi- tage, E. S 716.12 Childhood of the world. Clodd, E 808.19 Child’s book of nature. Hooker, W. 1872 802.2 Child’s commentator on the bible. Cobbin, J. [1872] 401.16 Child’s history of England. Dickens, C. 2 v 738.23 Child’s history of Greece. Bonner, J. 2 v. 706.15 Child’s history of the United States [to 1865]. Bonner, J. 3 v 738.22 Child’s own book. [Famous stories]. 1869 75.12 Children. Abbott J. Gentle measures, etc 401.5 — Abbott, J. S.C. Child at home 401.22 — Austen, G. L., ed'r. Little people of God. What the poets have said of them. Illus 217.28 — Blackwell, Dr. Eliz. Counsel to parents 421.21 — Chevasse, P. H. Advice and counsel to a mother. 2 v. in 1 812.16 — Dodge, M. A. Nursery noonings. 1875. 332.22 — Hale, Dr. Annie M. Management of children. 1881 842.35 — Jackson, H. H. Bits of talk, etc 307.17 — Jackson, J. C. Training of children.’81 842.34 — Kriege, M. H. The child; its nature and relations 432.6 — Meyer, B. Family government; or, from the cradle to the school, according to Froebel 421.20 — Muzzey, A. B. The Christian parent. 435.14 — Parker, Dr. E. H. Handbook for mothers. 1867 818.25 — Power, Mrs. S. D. Behaving; or, chil- dren’s etiquette 417.29 — Sanitary care and treatment of children [Essays]. 1881 841.3 — Sermons to children. Various authors. Outlines. 1884 432.17 — Todd, J. Lectures to children 423.11 — Warren, Mrs. E. How I managed my children 844.12 See also Biography (Youth) ; Boys ; Educa- tion ; Infancy. Children of light. Faris, W. W 441.24 Children of the abbey. Roche, Regina, M. 5.10 Children of the New forest. [Time of Charles I.] Marryat, F 36.379 Children’s bible story book. 1880 87.14 Children’s crusade. Gray, G. Z. 1872... 706.24 Children’s friend. [Stories.] Berquin, A. 78.26 Children’s garland from the poets. Pat- more, C 217.20 Children’s pastimes: pictures and stories for the little ones. Sequin, L. G 77.4 Children’s picture book of the sagacity of animals 75.10 C h ildren’s prize stories . [ W ritten by chil- dren.] Boston. 1881 77.17 Children’s treasury of English song. Pal- grave, F. T 217.19 Chili. Gilliss, J. M. Chili; its climate, etc. (U. S. astro, expedition, v. 1). 1855*8521.27 — Magnetical and meteorological observa- tions, 1849-’52. (U. S* N. astro, exp., v. 6.) *8521.27 — Markham, C. R. War between Peru and Chili [8179-’82]. 1883 727.19 — Smith, E. R. The Araucanians; or a tour among the Indian tribes of south- ern Chili, [1853.] 508.4 Chimes, T he. Dickens, C. (With /^“Christ- mas carol.”) 36.193 Chimney comer. Stowe, H. B. 1868 301.27 China. Chinese classics; by J. Legge. 2 v. ini. 1870 402.3 Contents . — v. 1. Confucius. v. 2. Mencius. — Dalton, W. The war tiger [Tartar conquest]. Juv 23.20 — Davis, J. F. China and the Chinese.2v 716.4 — Doolittle, J. Social life of the Chinese. 2 v. 1867 706.7 — Douglas, R. K. China. [Descriptive] 1882 526.13 — Edkins, J. Chinese Buddhism. 1880 . 424.3 — - Religion in China. [1878] 435.26 — Fortune, Robert. Tea countries of China. 2 v. 1853 512.18 — History. (Universal hist.; anc. pt., v. 18). 1779 *707.1 — Hue, E. R. J ourney through the Chi- nese empire. 2 v. 1855 505.8 — - Journey through Tartary, Thibet and China, [1844 6] In 502.21 — Johnson, S. Oriental religions: China. 431.4 i — Knox, T. W. Overland through Asia. 521.9 — Martin, W. A. P. The Chinese; their education, etc. 1881 516.18 — Smith, G. Consular cities. [1844-6] 506.2 — Taylor, B. India, China and Japan, [in 1853] 524.26 — Thompson, J. Malacca, Indo-China and. 1874 511.4 — Williams, S. W. The middle king- dom: the Chinese empire and its in- habitants. Rev. ed’n. Illus. and map. 2 v. 1883 521.1 See also Buddhism; Confucius; Pekin; Taouism. China painting. McLaughlin, M. L 851.23 See also Pottery. Chinese Gordon. See Gordon, C. G. Chinese immigration. Seward, G. F. 1881. 914.22 Chinese language. Condit, I. M. English dictionary. 1882 331.9 Chinese stories for boys and girls; tr. by E. A. Moule 87.15 Chips from a German workshop. Muller, Max. 5 v 404.2 Chivalry. Bulfinch. T. Age of. 1859 8.14 — Dunlop, J. Romances of. [In his Hist. of fiction.] 302.7.1 — James, G. P. R. History of. 1871 703.12 — Woodhouse, F. C. Military religious orders of the middle ages. 1879 727.15 See also Crusades; Knighthood. Choate, Rufus. Brown, S. G. Life of. ’79 622.15 Choice readings. Cumnock. R. M 323.4 CHOKE-bore guns. Greener, W. W 835.25 Chomet, H. Influence of music on health, etc. 1875 835.26 Chopin, F. Liszt, F. Life of 614.17 Chordal’s letters [to mechanics]. See, J. W. 1880 842.1 7 CHORLEY. 50 CHRISTIANITY. Chorley, H. F. Personal reminiscences. 1874 In 632.18 Chkist. Abbott, E. A. Philochristus: mem- oirs of a disciple of the Lord. 1878.. . 441.4 — Alexander, W. Witness of the psalms 442.10 — Beecher, H. W. Life of. v. 1. [only one pub.] 1872 424.4 — Brooke, S. A. Christ in modern life. [sermons]. 1872 437.2 — Brooks, Phillips. Influence of Jesus. 1879. 421.2 — Campbell, A. J. Power of J esus Christ to save. 1860 406.12 — Clarke, J. F. Legend of Thomas Didy- mus. 1881 426.13 Note.— Purposes “to reproduce the times,” etc. — Ecce spiritus. 1881 443.7 — Farrar, F. W. Life of Christ. 1874 .... 418.13 — Fleetwood, J. Life of Christ. 1875... 416.8 — Geikie, C. Life of. [large type.] N. Y. 1880 442.12 Same. N. Y. 1879 421.5 Note .— This edition has no notes. — Goodwin, H. M. Christ and humanity 1875.: 414.5 — Hardwick, C. Christ and other masters. 1882 433.27 — Hughes, G. Manliness of Christ 421.19 — Ingraham, J. H. Prince of the house of David. Fict. 1872 13.21 — Kempis, Thomas a. Of the imitation of. 1882 432.4 — Lacordaire. J. B. H. Jesus Christ; conferences at Notre Dame in Paris. . 434.2 — Liddon, H. P. The divinity of our Lord. 1871 408.35 — Milman, H. H. Life of In 403.4.1 — Mozoomdar, P. C. The oriental Christ 1883 432.27 — Neander, A. Life of. 1864 413.1 — Parker, Joseph. Ecce Deus. 1882 423.2 — Renan, E. Life of Jesus. 1874 413.2 Note . — Gave rise to “the legendery hypothesis.” — Seeley, R. J. Ecce Homo. 1871 408.22 — Smith, W. History of. (In his New Testament history) 715.18 — Strauss, D. F. Life of Jesus, 2. v 418.2 Note . — Maintained the so-called “mythical theory.” — Wallace, Lew. Ben-Hur. Tale of the Christ. 1880 51.9 See also Bible ; Christianity ; Religion ; Theo- logy. Christ in art. With designs of Bida. See Eggleston, E 428.2 Christadelphian, The. [Adventist] periodi- cal]. v. 10-13. Birmingham, 1843-6. 1008.2 Christian art and symbolism. Tyrwhitt, R. St. John. 1872 437.9 Christian charity in the ancient church. Uhlhorn, G. 1883 433.11 Christian commission. See U. S. Christian. commission Christian disciple and theological review. v. 1-2. Boston, 1819-20 401.25 Christian doctrine; compiled from the Holy Scriptures alone. Milton, J. (In his Works, v. 4-5) 1001.6 Christian ethics. Gregory, D. S 425.2 Christian father’s present to his children. James, J. A 406.4 Christian home, The. Hall, J. 1883 433.15 Christian institutions. Stanley, A. P 427.2 Christian league of Connecticut. Gladden, W 432.14 Christian life in different lands and ages, [tales and sketches]. Charles, E . . 143.10 Christian life in England in the olden time. [sketches]. Charles, E . 1872 4.2 Christian names. Yonge, C. M. History of. 2 v 642.16 Christian parent, The. Muzzey, A. B.1850 435.14 Christian pastor. Office and duty of a. Tyng, S. H 412.4 Christian philosopher. Dick, T In 411.12.2 Christian preacher. Crosby, H. (Yale lec- tures) 423.17 Christian religion, The. See Ingersoll, R. G. and others 427.15 Note .— Discussions first published in N. A. Review. Christian rhetoric. Hervey G. W. 1873. 402.1 Christian singers of Germany. Wink- worth, C 211.25 Christian theology and modern scepticism. Somerset, Duhe of. 1872 407.17 Christian womanhood: life of Mrs. M. K. Everts. 1867 601.12 Christ ain year, The. [Hymns]. Keble, J. 215.8 Christian’s mistake. Craik, D. M 4.8 Christianity. Baring-Gould, S. Christian- ity. (In his Origin of religious be- lief, v. 2.) 1871 ....... 411.22 — Brace, C. L. Gesta Christi; history of humane progress under Christianity. 1883 915.5 — Burnap, G. W. History of. 1842 435.13 — Cocker, B. F. Christianity and Greek The truth of the Christian religion. ’73 427.8 De Quincey, T. Essays on Christianity, paganism, etc 44414 — Farrar, F. W. Early days of Christianity 431.2 — Fisher, G. P. The beginnings of Christ- ianity . 1877 418.4 Grounds, of theistic and Christian be- lief. 1873 431.12 — Harris S. S. Relation of Christianity to to civil society. 1883 . 443.36 — Johnson, Herrick. Christianity’s chal- lenge. 1881 443.3 — Locke, J. Reasonableness of In 411.2 — Lord, J. Constantine the great, [or] — McCosh, J. J. Christianity and positi- vism. 1872 417.6 — Merivale, C. Conversion of the north- ern nations. 1873 403.8 Conversion of the Roman empire. 1870 403.7 — Milman, H. H. History of Latin Christ- ianity. 8 v. 1874 416. 19 History of, to the abolition of paganism in the Roman empire. 3 v. 1867 403.4 — Milner, J. The essentials of. 1855... 406.7 — Peabody, A. P. Christianity and science. 1875.. 444.11 Christianity, the religion of nature. ’64 405.18 — Peck, J. T. The central idea of. 1856. 405.11 — Renan, E. English conferences. [Rome and Christianity.] 1880 423.20 — Savage, M. J. Christianity, the science of manhood. 1873 441.3 — Shakspeare, C. St. Paul at Athens: Christianity and modern thought 421.30 — Storrs, R. S. Divine origin of Christ- ianity indicated by its historical ef- fects, 1884 434.19 CHRISTIANITY. 51 CHURCH. Christianity, continued. — Uhlhom, G. Conflict of Christianity with heathenism. [1879] 431.10 — Withrow, W. H. The catacombs of Rome and primitive Christianity 423.13 See also Christ; Church history; Evidences; Missions ; Religion; Theology. Christianity and scepticism (Boston lec- tures). 1871.. .• 438.19 Christians and Moors in Spain. Story of. Yonge, C. M. 1878 742.12 Chbistie Johnstone. Reade, C. . . .6.23 and 36.459 Christlieb, T. Modern doubt and Chris- tian belief. 1874 412.3 — Modern infidelity. 1874 415.3 — Protestant foreign missions 423.8 Christmas. Christmas in art and song. Illus. 1879 207.12 — Hunt, L. A day by the fire, p. 319-326 308.2 — Markham, R, Around the Yule log. Juv. [cop. 1879] 77.15 — Spencer, O. M. Christmas throughout S'S 1 ! _J. J * T m 1 AA A 1 A C* — Story, W. W. Roba di Roma, ch. iv 625.21 — Thorpe, B. Yule-tide stories 131.22 Note .— Much information is to be found in Brande’s Pop. antiq., v. 1 [718.8], Dyer’s Brit, customs [742.14]; Chambers’s Book of days [E. 5]. Christmas carol, etc . Dickens, C 36.193 Christmas eve. and Christmas day [stories] Hale, E. E. 1883 143.8 Christmas in a palace : a traveller’s story. Hale, E. E. 1883 147.2 Christmas in Narragansett. Hale, E. E. 57.13 Christmas morning: little stories for little folks. Diaz, Mrs. A. M 87.3 Christmas stories. Dickens, C. and others. 1.10 and 36.165 Christopher Crowfield, pseud. See Stowe, H. B. Christopher Kenrick. Hatton, J. 1869. 142.2 Christus: a mystery. Longfellow, H. W.’73 211.22 Christy Carew. Laffan, May 48.2 Chromatics. See Color. Chronicle of the Cid. Southey, R., tr 208.3 Chronicle of the drum. Thackeray, W. M In 36.528.2 Chronicles of Carlingford. Oliphant, M. O.W 17.10 Chronicles of the Canongate. See Scott, Sir W. Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family. Charles, E 36.97 Chronicles of the Stimpcett family. Diaz, A. M. Juv 77.21 Chronology. Gregory, J. M. Hand-book of. 1867 703.8 — Haydn, J. Dictionary of dates. 1870 . . . *B.4 — Lewis, G. C. Of the Egyptians and Assyrians. 1862 821.18 — Putnam, G. P. The world’s progress: a dictionary of dates. 1873 *B.10 — Thomas, J. Chronology of the scrip- tures. [JTOfoElpis Israel] 434.16 — Townsend, G. H. Manual of dates. 1870 *B.5 See also under History and names of countries. Chrysostom, St. Lord, J. Chrysostom. [or] Sacred eloquence In 735.6.1 Church, A. Ovid [Outlined and explained] 1876.... 1021.6 — and Brodribb, W. J. Pliny [Outlined and explained]. 1874 1020.29 Church, A. II. Colour [Technical manual] 835.15 Church, A. J. Roman life in the days of Cicero. Illus. 1884 735.1 — Stories from Heroditus. Illus 738.11 — Stories from Homer. Illus. 1878 45.9 — Stories from Livy. Illus. 1882 738.10 — Stories from the Greek tragedians . Il- lus, 1880 48.13 — Stories from Virgil. Illus. 1880 48.12 Church, Ella R. Flyers and crawlers. Juv. 1884 832.35 — Home garden. 1881 851.24 — Home needle. 1882 851.19 — How to furnish a house. 1882 851.13 — Money-making for ladies. 1882 916.3 Church, Mrs. Ross., formerly Florence Marryat. — Confessions of Gerald Estcourt. 1867.. 36.100 — For ever and ever. 1866 36 101 — The girls of Feversham 34.28 — Her lord and master. 1871 36.102 — Life and letters of Captain Marryat.1882 643.10 — Love’s conflict. 1865 36.103 — Mad Dumaresq. 1873 36.104 — Nelly Brooke. 1869 36.105 — No intentions. 1874 36.106 — Petronel. 1870 36.107 — Poison of asps. 1871 134.10 ■ — Prey of the Gods. 1871 34.23 — Veronique. 1869 36.109 Church, R. W. Francis Bacon. [Life]. ’84 616.11.35 — Life of Edmund Spencer. 1879 616.11.9 — Saint Anselm. 1884 644.5 Church architecture. See Architecture. Church and state in the United States. Thompson, J. P. 1873 902.16 Church decoration [Manual of ornamenta- tion]. 1877 833.34 — Pullan, R. P. Remarks on. London, 1878 848.8 Church history. Abbott, L. Dictionary of religious knowledge. 1874 *A.10 — American Christian record [History, con- fessions of faith, etc., of every denom- ination]. 1860 423.24 — Bede. Ecclesiastical history of England [to 731] 441.8 — Bingham, J. Antiquities of the. Christ- tian church. 2v. 1878 422.1 — Blackburn, W. M. History of the Christian church. 1879 434.15 — Chambers, R. Book of days. Illus. 2 v *E.5 — Chapin, A. B. The primitive church. ’45 438.6 — Coleman, L. The apostolical and primi- tive church. 1844 407.14 — Conversion of the West series. 5 v., 423.15 Contents. — 1. Celts. 2. English. 3. Northmen. 4. Slavs. 5. Continental Teu- tons. — Cunningham, W. The churches of Asia. 1880 426.10 — Eusebius. Ecclesiastical history to Con- stantine. 1876 441.7 — Gieseler, J. C. L. Text-book of [to 1648]. 4 v. 1868 405.3 — Hardwick, C. History of the church. Middle age, [590-1520] 441.9 — Hurst, J. F. Outline of church history [to 1880] 426.11 — Lord, J. Saint Ambrose.[or] Episcopal authority In 735.6.1 Saint Anselm. [orJMediseval theology /?! 735.6.2 Thomas Becket. [or] Prelatical power. In "35.6.2 — Maclear, G. F. Apostles of mediaeval Europe. 1869 636.11 CHURCH. 52 CIVILIZATION. Chubch history, continued. — Merivale, C. Conversion of the northern nations. 1873 403.8 Conversion of the Roman empire. 1870 403.7 — Milman, H. H. History of, to the aboli- tion of paganism in the Roman empire 3 v. 1867 403.4 Hist, of Latin Christianity. 8 v. 1874. 416.19 — Neander, A. History of the Christian religion and church, to the reforma- tion. 5 v. 1853 427.13 — Newman, J. H. Arians of the fourth century. 1871 444 8 — Pressense, E. de. Early years of Christ- ianity. 1870 425.14 — Schaff-Herzog. Religious encyclopaedia 3 v. 1882 *A.12 — Smith, H. B., D. D. History of the church in chronological tables. N. Y., 1859. folio *8541.24 — Smith, P. Student’s ecclesiastical his- tory. 1879 417.19 — Smith, W . Founding of the Christian church. (In his New Testament his- tory). 1875 In 715.18 — Stanley, A. P. Christian institutions. 1881 427.2 History of the Eastern church. 1876. . 416.17 — Trench, R. C. Mediaeval church his- tory. 1878 418.12 See also Christianity ; Missions ; Popes ; Reformation, and the names of various denominations ; and of va- rious countries for their ecclesiastical history. Church of England. Adams, W. H. D. Great English churchmen. 1879 635.8 — Barry, A. Masters in English theology. 1877 425.22 — Elliott, C. J . Some present dangers of the church of England 441.28 — Froude, J. A. Oxford counter-reforma- tion In 307.21.4 — Mosley, T. Reminiscences of Oriel col- lege, etc. 2 v. 1882 642.14 Church of Rome. See Roman catholic church. Church of Scotland. Stanley, A. P. His- tory of the . 1872 418.18 Church union. Dollinger, J . J. von. Re- union of the churches. 1872 408.37 Churchill, C. Poetical works with life. 3 v. 1854 203.2 Cicero, M. T. Orations; trans. by C. D. Yonge. 4 v 307.18 Contents— 1. Orations against Verres, etc. 2. Cata- line. Archias, Agrarian law, Rabirius, Murena, Sylla, etc. 3. Orations for his House, Plancius, Sextius, etc. 4. Miscellaneous orations, and rhetorical works \ with general index. — Orations, etc. 3 v. 1856-70 1020.11 Contents', v. 1-2. Biog. sketch. Orations, v. 3. Offi- ces. Cato; or, an essay on old age. Lselius ; or, an es- say on friendship. — Three dialogues on the orator. 1860 1020.12 — Cicero, [outlined and explained] by W. L. Collins. 1874 1020.27 — Church, A. J. Roman life in the days of Cicero. [Drawn from his letters and speeches.] Illus. 1884 735.1 — DeQuincey, T. Historical essays, v. 2 . . . 302.18 — Forsyth, W. Life of. 1869 634.6 — Lord, J. Cicero, [or] Roman literature. In 735.6.1 — Plutarch. Lives 604.5 Cicero, M. T., continued. — Swing, David. A Roman home In 317.2 — Trollope, A. Life of. 2 v. 1881 622.16 Cid, The, Rodrigo Diazde Bivar. — Hemans, F. Songs of the Cid In 201.2 — Lockhart, J. G., tr. Spanish ballads . . . 208.3 — Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe 207.2 — Sismondi, J. C. L. de. Lit. of south of Europe 302.6.2 — Southey, R., tr. Chronicle of. From the Spanish 208.3 — Ticknor, G. Hist, of Spanish lit. v. 1 . 312.5 Cincinnati. Board of education; bible in the public schools; arguments. 1870 . 418.3 — Public library. Catalogue. 1871 *328.9 — Young men’s mercantile library associa- tion. Catalogue. 1855 *328.2 Cinq-Mars. Vigny, A . de. Fict 42.14 Circassia and the Caucasus. Bryce, James. Trans-Caucasia and Ararat [in 1876. . 525.9 — Headley, J. T. Life in the Caucasus. 1871 In 1006.4.2 See also Mackie’s life of Schamyl [606.23]. Circuit rider. Eggleston, E. Fict 31.6 Circumnavagation of the globe. See Trav- els and voyages. Cist, H. M. Army of the Cumberland. ’82 . 726.9.7 Cities. Buckley, T. A. Great cities of the middle ages 716.10 Great cities of modern times 716.11 — Chapin, E. H. Humanity in the city [’54] 407.11 - — Guthrie, T. The city; its sins and sor- rows. 1877 914.14 - — Kingsley, C. Great cities and their in- flifence In 306.26 — Laurence, E. Great cities and their fate. Illus In 1004.1.43 — Myers, P. V. N. [Palmyra, Nineveh, etc.] In 511.6 — Porter, F. L. Great cities of Bashan . . 525.13 Citizen Bonaparte [1794-1815]. Erck- mann, E. and Chatrian, A 45.16 4 Citizen’s manual of government and law. Young, A. W. 1865 903.23 Citoyenne Jacqueline [French revolution]. Tytler, Sarah 131.1 Civil engineering. Mahan, D. H. 1879 836.7 — Rankine, W. J. M. Civil engineering. 1879 827.2 — Smiles, S. I jives of the engineers [Brit- ish]. 4v 607.5 — Wonders and curiosities of In 1001.8.1 Civil government. See Government. Civil liberty and self-government. Lie- ber, F 904.5 Civil service. Copp, H. N., ed'r. Salary list and civil service law. 1883 915.8 — Eaton, D. B. Civil service in Great Bri- tain. 1880 913.4 See also United States. Civilization and progress. Brace, C. L. Gesta Christi; history of humane progress. 1883 915.5 — Buckle, H. T. History of civilization in England. 2 v 904.3 Ccmtents. — v. 1. General introduction. 2. Spain and Scotland. — Chapin, J. H. Creation and early devel- opment of society. 1880 837.3 — Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty [from 1215- 1878] .... 745.15 — Dewey, O. Problem of human destiny. 1864 411.17 CIVILIZATION. 53 CLASSICAL. Civilization and progress, continued. — Dick, T. On the improvement of society by the diffusion of knowledge In 411.12.1 — Draper, J. W. Intellectual development of Europe. 1872 904.16 — Guizot, F. General history of, from fall of the Roman empire to French rev- olution. 1847 902.6 History of, from the fall of the Roman empire to the French revolution. 4 v. 1872 903.6 — Huntington, F. D. Human society; its providential structure, etc. 1860 431.19 — Lubbock, J. Origin of, and primitive condition of man. 1873 807.27 — Maurice, F. D. Christian civilization. In 327.15 — Mitchell, A. The past in the present [origin of civilization] ’81 836.20 — Phear, J. B. Arvan village in India and Ceylon. 1880 914.18 — Prometheus in Atlantis. [Anon]. 1867. 903.10 — Shannon, R. H. Vestiges of; or, the aetiology of history. 1851 914.17 — Spencer, H. Illustrations of universal progress. 1 864 404.13 — .Tylor, E. B. Early mankind. 1878. . . 841.10 Primitive culture. 2 v. 1877 825.16 — White, J. Eighteen Christian centu- ries. 1872 437.11 — Wikoff, H. The four civilizations of the world. 1874 902.23 See also History ; Man (Pre-historic) ; Social science. Clarissa Harlowe. Richardson, S •. . 36.468 — Same [abridged] 142.22 Clark, C. H. [Max Adeler]. Out of the hurly-burly. 1874 311.2 Clark, E. W. Hong-Kong to the Himala- yas. 1880 516.11 Clark, F. E. Our business boys. (What eighty-three business men say.) 1884. 432.37 Clark, H. Introduction to heraldry. 1866 641.8 Clark, J. A. Young disciple; or, memoir of Anzonetta R. Peters, 1815-33 606.26 Clark, R. W. Lectures to young men. ’57 407.18 — - Memoir of Rev. J. E. Emerson. 1852 605.8 Clark, S. S. Text-book on commercial law. 1882 914.33 Clark, T. M. Building superintendence; a manual for young architects, stu- dents, etc.. 1884 843.29 Clark, W. J. Great American sculptures. 1878 *8541.8 Clark, W. R. Life of Savonarola. 1878. 642.1 — Saint Augustine. (The fathers for Eng. readers.) 423.14.4 Clark, W. S. Elements of geography and hist. 1871 736.9 Clarke, A. B. The elder and the younger Booth (Am. actor ser.) Illus. 1882. ..635.18.3 Clarke, C. C. Madame Fontenoy. 1866 36.369 Clarke, Mrs. C. M. Baby Rue 141.27 Clarke, E. H. The building of a brain. ’74 413.27 — Sex in education. 1873 402.18 — Visions; a study of false sight. 1878... 828.30 Clarke, James F. Anti-slavery days. 1884 741.6 — Common sense in religion. 1874 402.26 — The ideas of the apostle Paul translated into their modem equivalents. 1884. 432.36 — Legend of Thomas Didymus, the Jew- ish skeptic. 1881 426.13 — Memorial and biographical sketches. ’78 615.16 Clarke, James F., continued. — Self-culture. 1880 423.28 — Ten great religions. 2 v. 1871-83 438.26 Contents.— 1. Essay in comparative theology. 2. Comparisons of all religions. Clarke, Mrs. M. C. Complete concordance to Shakespeare. 1875 *B.21 — Girlhood of Shakespeare’s heroines[tales] 2 v. 1873 63.4 — The iion cousin; or, mutual influence. 1873 33.22 — The trust and the remittance . . [poems]. 1874 204.13 — Yarns of an old mariner. 1869 22.27 Clarke, R. and co., pubs.. Bibliotheca Americana; a catalogue of books and and pamphlets relating to America. 1876 *3501.9 Clarke, R. S. (Sophie May). Asbury twins 1876 92.30 — The doctor’s daughter. 1873 26.43 — Dotty Dimple series. 6 v. 1870. 1. Dotty Dimple at her grandmother’s . 71.11 2. Dotty Dimple at home 71.12 3. Dotty Dimple out West 71.16 4. Dotty Dimple at play 71.13 5. Dotty Dimple at school 71.14 6. Dotty Dimple’s Flyaway 71.15 — Flaxie Frizzle stories. 6 v. 1877-85 71.2 1. Flaxie Frizzle. 4. Twin cousins. 2. Doctor papa. 5. Flaxle’s Kittyleen. 3. Little pitchers. 6. Flaxie growing up. — J anet, a poor heiress. 1883 81.26 — Little Prudy’s Flyaway series. 6 v. ’72-3 71.1 1. Little folks astray. 4. Little grandmother. 2. Prudy keeping house. 5. Little grandfather. 3. Aunt Madge’s story. 6. Miss Thistledown. Note. — For sequel see Asbury twins. — Little Prudy stories. 6 v. 1863-5. 1. Little Prudy 71.5 2. Little Prudy’s sister Susy 71.9 3. Little Prudy’s Captain Horace 71.6 4. Little Prudy’s storybook 71.10 5. Little Prudy’s cousin Grace 71.7 6. Little Prudy’s Dotty Dimple 71.8 — Our Helen, [cop. 1874] 75.1 — Quinnebasset girls. 1878 88.26 Clarke, W. G. Literarv remains; ed. by L. G. Clarke. 1847 305.11 Contents.— Ollapodiana papers, The spirit of life, Selections from prose and poetical writings. CnAss-book of poetry. Hart, J. S. 1845.. 204.2 CLASs-book of prose. Hart, J. S. 1845 306.21 Classical dictionaries. Anthon, C. Clas- sical dictionary. 1869 *A.6 — Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities *B.15 Smaller classical dictionary. Illus. 1877 313.21 Classical English reader. Hudson, H. N. 314.11 Classical geography. Toser, H. F. (Lit- erature primers) 314.1.4 Classical literature. Cleveland, C. D. Com- pendium of. 1861 313.8 — Collins, W. L . , ed’r. Ancient classics for Eng. readers. 27 v. Contents.— See Collins, W. L., ed'r. — Eschenberg, J. J. Manual of. 1844. . 316.1 — Quackenbos, J. D. Illustrated history of ancient literature and. 1878 313.6 See also Classical dictionaries ; Greek litera- ture; Latin literature. Classical studies. Sears, B. and others. 426.3 CLASSIFICATION. 54 COFFIN. Classification. See Knowledge, Classifi- cation of. See also Bibliography (Classification) . Claude Gueux: last day of a condemned man. Hugo, Victor 34.35 Claude Lorraine. See Lorraine, Claude. Claverings, The. Trollope, Anthony 36.538 Clay, H. Several speeches . (In Moore, F. Am. eloquence, v. 2) 321.12 — Benton, T. Thirty years’ view, [1820-50] 2 v 904.18 — Greeley, H. In Homes of Am. statesmen 617.9 — Parton, J. Famous Americans 603.16 — Smucker, S. M. Life. 1867 612.9 Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. 1865 628.23 Clemens, S. L. [Mark Twain]. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer’s comrade). 1885 47.43 — Adventures of Tom Sawyej. 1876 82.10 — Innocents abroad [Europe and Holy Land]. 1882 507.5 — Life on the Mississippi. 1873 526.24 — Prince and the pauper. 1882 47.38 — Roughing it. 1872 502.1 — Sketches, new and old. 1881 47.39 — Stolen while elephant, etc. 1882 146.12 — Tramp abroad. 1880 513.15 — and Warner, C. D. The gilded age. 1873 33.3 Clement of Alexandria. Writings, 2 v. (A.-N. C lib., v. 4, 12) 415.1 Clement of Rome. Clementine homilies. (A.-N.-C. lib., v. 17) 415.1 . — Clementine recognitions. (A.-N.-C. lib. v. 3] 415.1 Clement, Mrs* C. E. Artists of the 19th century and their works. 2 v. 1879 . . 618.4 — Charlotte Cushman (Am. actor ser.) ’82. . 635.1 8 4 — Egypt [popular history]. Illus. 1880. . 721.15 — Hand-book of legendary and mythologi- cal art. Illus. 1872 *D.2 — Hand-book of sacred and legendary art. Illus. 1881 851.9 — Outline history of painting. 1883 852.6 — Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, and their works. A hand-book. Il- lus. 1876 *D.3 Same. 1879 834.11 Clemmer, Mary. See Ames, M. C., [Mrs. Hudson]. Cleopatra, queen of Egypt. Abbott, J. History of. 1874 611.5 — Antony and Cleopatra [tragedy]. See Shakespeare, W. — Jameson, Mrs. A. Celebrated female sovereigns 633.12 Characteristics of women 332.27 — Lord, J. Cleopatra, [or] The woman of — Plutarch. Lives. [Antony] 604.5 Cleve Hall. Sewell, Eliz. M 131.8 Cleveland, C. D. Compendium of Amer- ican literature. 1859 . 325.24 — Compendium of classical literature. 1861 313.8 — Compendium of English literature. 1H72 325.17 Cleveland, Cecilia. Story of a summer. 1874 502.12 Note.— Reminiscences of H. Greeley’s coun- try home. Cleveland, Grover. Handford, T. W. Life of. Illus. 1884 644.19 — King, P. Life of. 1884 644.18 Cleveland, H. R. Life of H. Hudson. 1883 In 641.4.10 Cleveland, H. W. Village and farm cot- tages. 1879 813.7 Cleveland, J. F. Political text-book for 1860. See Greeley, H 904.9 Cleveland, Rose E. George Eliot’s poe- try and other studies. 1885 323.16 Clever Jack. Bowman, Anne 23.30 CLiFF-climbers. Reid, Mayne. Juv 28.9 Climate and time in their geological rela- tions. Croll, J. 1875 816.26 Climatology of the United States. Blod- get, L. 1857 *8521.3 Clint, A. Landscape from nature (Guide to oil painting, v. 2] 851.4 Clinton. Simonds, W. Juv 91.27.1 Clive, Caroline. Paul Ferroll. 1856 36.110 — Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife. 1861. 36.111 — Year after year. 1858 36.112 Clocks and watches. Booth, M. L. Watch- maker’s manual. 1879 823.11 — Kemlo, F. Watch-repairer’s hand-book. [cop. 1869] 844.9 Clodd, E. Childhood of religions. 1877. . 416.18 — Childhood of the world. 1874 808.19 Cloister and the hearth. Reade, C 36 460 Cloth of gold [poem] . Aldrich, T. B 208.19 Clouds. Ruskin, J. Queen of the air 302.2 See also Meteorology. Clouds and sunshine. Read, C 6.23 and 62.6 Clough, A. H. Poems, with memoir. 1879. 211.9 Clovernook children. Cary, Alice 82.18 Club essays. Swing, David. 1881 317.2 Coach painters. Arlot, — . Guide for. ’80 838.9 Coan, Titus. Adventures in Patagonia, [1833-4] 514.30 Coast survey, U. S. See United States. Coates, H. T., ed. Fireside encyclopaedia of poetry. Illus. 1881 212.8 Cobb, S. A compend of Christian divinity. [Universalistj. 1846 437.15 Cobbe, Frances P. Darwinism in morals, and other essays. 1883 433,8 — Duties of women. 1881 426.27 — Peak of Darien, etc. [Essays.] 1882... 444.4 — Religious duty. 1883 432.12 Cobbett, W. English grammar; rev. by A. Ayres. 1884 326.32 — Bulwer, Sir H. L. Cobbett, the con- scientious man In 643.25.2 Cobbin, I. The child’s commentator on the bible. [1872] 401.16 Cobden, R. Morley, J. Life of 625.8 Cobden club. Systems of land tenure in various countries. [1870] 914.26 Cocker, B. F . Christianity and Greek philosophy. 1870 413.21 — The truth of the Christian religion. 1873 427.8 Cocker, W. J. Hand-book of punctuation. 314.14 Cockton, Henry. Sylvester Sound, the som- nambulist 42.38 — Valentine Vox, the ventriloquist 134.30 Codman, J. The round trip, [Panama, Cal- ifornia, etc]. 1879 514.11 C celebs in search of a wife. More, H. 1857 3.5 Coffin, C. C. [ Carleton ]. Boys of ’76. 1878 734.11 — The boys of ’61. 1882 728.3 — Building the nation. 1883 728.4 — Following the flag. [Army of the Poto- mac. 1861-2]. 1881 714.14 — My days and nights on the battlefield 1 1872 74.8 1 — Old times in the colonies. 1881 722.18 — Our new way round the world, [cop. ’69] 511.22 1 — Seat of empire [the northwest]. 1871. . . . 512.21 COFFIN. 55 COLLINS. Coffin, C. C. [ Carleton ], continued. — Story of liberty [from 1215-1878]. 1876. 745.15 — Winning his way. 1866 71.18 Coffin, Levi. Reminiscences of. [reputed president of the underground rail- road]. 1880 637.4 Coffin, R. R. [ Barry Gray]. Cakes and ale at Woodbine. 1872 48.8 — Matrimonial infelicities; My neighbors; Down in the valley. 1866 142.11 — My married life at Hillside. 1872 45.21 — Out of town: a rural episode. 1867. . . . 142.3 Coggeshall, George. Thirty-six voyages [1799-1841] 513.7 Cohen, J. S . Throat and voice. (Am. Coiner, The. Griffin, G. Fict 44.12 Coins. See Numismatics. Colbert, E. and Chamberlain, E. Chicago and the great conflagration. Illus. 1871 736.10 Colden, C. D. Life of R. Fulton. 1871 . . 612.1 Cole, J. R. The horse’s foot and how to shoe it. 1879 831.22 Cole, Miriam. See Harris, M. C. Colegrove, W. Scientific grammar of the Eng. language. 1879 315.5 Coleman, L. Apostolic and primitive church 1844 407.14 — Historical geography of the Bible. 1853. 703.7 Coleman, W. S. British butterflies 824.18 Coleridge, S. T. Poetical works 201.13 Contents.— Memoir; Juvenile poems ; Sibylline leaves ; Rime of the ancient mariner ; Christabel ; Remorse ; Zapolya; The Piccolomini, translated from Schiller; Death of Wallenstein, translated from Schiller; The fall of Robespierre; Miscellaneous poems. Same. Ed. by D. andS. Coleridge 214.13 — Aids to reflection 432.21 — Ancient mariner, etc In 1001.4 — Bayne P. Essays 317.6.2 — De Quincey, T. Literary reminiscences, v. 1 302.19 — Hall, S. C. Memoirs of (Atlantic v. 15.) 1005.2 — Shairp,J. C. Studies in poetry, etc. 1872. 301.11 — Young, J. C. Personal reminiscences. In 632.18 Coleridge, Sara. Phantasmion, a fairy tale. 1874 32.25 Coles, Edward. Washburne, E. B. Biog. sketch of 623.20 Coles, L- B. On tobacco using. 1851 837.7 — Philosophy of health, [cop. 1851.] 803.23 Coligny, Gaspard de. Besant,W. Life.1879. 621.25.2 Colman, Henry. Agriculture and rural economy. 1857 806.1 Colonel’s daughter. The. Bang, C 146.18 Colonel’s opera cloak. Brush, Mrs. C. G . 145.3 Colonies and dependencies. Cotton, J. S. and Payne, E. J. (English citizen ser.) 18&3 916.5.13 — Fyfe, J. H. Enterprise beyond the seas; or, how great colonies were founded. 1872 711.20 Collectanea Graeca majora. Dalzell, A. 321.14 College, The, market, and the court. Dali, C. H. 1878 903.3 College Greek course in English. Wilkin- son, W. C. 1884 321.10 Colleges and universities. Arnold, M. Higher schools and universities of Germany. 1874 444.9 — Baynes, Peter, The modem university.In 317.6.2 — Bristed, C. Five years in an English university [Cambridge]. 1873 413.3 Colleges and univerities, continued. — Four years in Yale. By a graduate of ’69. 1871 401.2 — Hart, J. M. German universities. 1874 417.22 — Nightingale, A. F. Requirements for ad- mission to colleges of the United States. 1879 442.4 — Porter, N. American colleges and the American public. 1870 413.17 — Schaff, P. German universities. 1867 . 413.30 — Thwing, C. F. American colleges; their students and their work. 1878 417.27 — Tomes, Robert. My college days. 1880 621.23 — Yale examination papers, [1876-1882] 444.17 For illustrative fiction see Bradley’s Verdant Green, an Oxford freshman [74.20], Farrar’s Julian Home [44.24], Hughes’s Tom Brown at Oxford [5.18], Sever- ance’s Hammersmith ; his Harvard days [52.27], Tripp’s student life at Harvard [144.6]. Collegians, The, a talg of Garryowen. Grif- fin, G 44.16 Collier, John. Primer of art. 1882 834.28 Collier, W. F. History of English litera- ture 325 6 — and Schmitz, L. International atlas. *B.30 Collins, C. A. A cruise upon wheels. 1874 36.126 Collins, C. W. Life of Saint Simon, 1880. 636.7.10 — Plato [Outlined and explained]. 1874. . . 1020.37 — Sophocles. [Outlined and explained]. ’73 lu20.28 Collins, Mortimer. Marquis and merchant. 1871 34.22 — Vivian romance. 1874 34.24 Collins, P. McD. Siberia, northern Asia and the Amoor river country [1856-7] 508.15 Collins, Wilkie. After dark. 1874 131.14 — Antonina; or, the fall of Rome, !&63... 131.13 — Armadale. 1862 36.115 — Basil. 1853 31.2 — Dead alive, The. 1874 143.17 — Dead secret In v. 4-5 of 36.177 — Same 142.19 — The frozen deep. 1874 36.117 — Hide and seek. 1874 45.23 — “I say no,” or, the love letter answered. 147.8 — The law and the lady. 1875 136.13 — Man and wife 61.20 — Miss or Mrs? 36.119 — Moonstone. 1873 141.21 — New Magdalen 1873 64.26 — No name. 1863. 3 v. in 2 36 122 — Plot in private life, and other tales. 1859. 36.123 — Poor Miss Finch. 1874 143.16 — Queen of hearts. 1877 43.27 — Woman in white. 1871 61.21 — and Dickins, C. No thoroughfare. 1868. 36.176 Collins, W. Poetical works 208.5 — Johnson, S. Lives of the poets. 1858. 643.17 Collins, W. L., editor. Ancient classics [outlined and explained] for English readers. A popular survey of the chief literature of Greece and Rome. 27 v., namely: iEschylus, by R. S. Copleston 1020.25 Aristophanes, by W. L. Collins 1020.32 Aristotle, by Sir A. Grant 1021.1 Caesar, by Anthony Trollope 1020.22 Cicero, by W. L. Collins. 1020.27 Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, by J. Davies 1021.2 Demosthenes, by J. Brodribb 1021.3 Euripides, by W. B. Donne 1020.30 Greek anthology, by Lord Neaves. . . . 1020.38 Herodotus, by E. C. Swayne 1020.21 Hesiod and Theognis, by J. Davies . . 1020.33 Homer: the Iliad, by W. L. Collins. . . 1020.19 COLLINS. 56 CONANT. Collins, W. L., editor , continued Homer: the Odyssey, by W. L. Collins 1020.20 Horace, by G. Martin 1020.24 Juvenal, by E. Walford 1020.31 Livy, byW. L. Collins 1021.4 Lucian, by W. L. Collins 1020.36 Lucretius, by W. H, Mallock 1021.5 Ovid, by A. Church 1021.6 Plato, by C. W. Collins 1020.37 — - Plautus and Terence, by W. L. Collins 1020.34 Pliny, by A. Church and W. J. Brod- ribb 1020.29 Sophocles, by C. W. Collins 1020.28 Tacitus, by W. Donne 1020.35 Thucydides, by W. L. Collins 1021.7 Virgil, by W. L. Collins 1020.35 Zenophon, by Sir Alex. Grant 1020.26 — LaFontaine and other French fabulists. 1882 636.7.14 — Montaigne [Life of]. 1879 636.7.7 Color. Allen, G. Colors of flowers. [British]. 1882 842.15 — Cevreul, M. E. Colours and their appli- cation to the arts. 1872 852.18 — Church, A. H. Colour [Technical man- ual] 835.15 — Pleasanton, A. J. Influence of the blue ray. 1876 826.4 — Rood, O. N. Modern chromatics. 1879. .815.4.26 CoLOR-blindness; its dangers, etc. Jeffries, B. J. 1879 833.26 Colorado. Bowles, S. Summer vacation in. 1871 506.28 — Dartt, Mary. On the plains and among the peaks. 1879 512.9 — Fossett, F. Colorado: history, etc. 1876 512.4 Colorado [descriptive and historical].’80 501.2 — Hayes, A. A .,jr. New Colorado. 1880. 517.3 — J ackson, H. H. Bits of travel at home 1878 522.15 Nelly’s silver mine. Juv. 1878 76.13 — McCoy, A. Mines and mining in. 1871 911.1 — Townsend, S. N. Colorado [Agricul- ture, etc.] 1879 514.14 Colton, C. C. Lacon: or, many things in few words. 1866 301 .15 Colton, Walter. Deck and port [cruise to California, 1845-6] 506.24 — Sea and sailor; Notes on France and Italy; with memoir of W. C. by H. T. Cheever. 1856 506.23 — Ship and shore, in Madeira Lisbon, the Mediterranean. 1856 506.22 — Three years in California, [1846-9] 504.29 Columbian magazine. Illus. v. 6. 1846. 1007.1 Columbus, Christopher. Abbott, J. S. C. Life of 621.1 — Chambers’s misc. Life 1001.8.6 — Goodrich, A. Character and achieve- ments of the so called. 1874 613.2 — Helps, Sir A. Spanish conquest in America, v. 1 737.1 — Irving, W. Life and voyages of. 3 v. ’70 601.14 Abridged 601.16 — Lord, J. Christopher Columbus, [or] Maritime discoveries In 735 6.3 See also Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella. [704.6.] Colvin, Sidney. Walter S. Landor. [Life] 1881 616.11.23 Combe, George. Constitution of man. . . . In 305.10 — Lectures on moral pnilosophy. 1840. . . 407.12 — Same. 1857 803.19 — Lectures on phrenology. 1876 416.20 Combe, W. Dr. Syntax: his three tours in search of the picturesque, of conso- lation, of a wife. Illus 213.5 Comedy. See Drama. Comedy [Tales]. Little classics, v. 9 304.16 Comedy of errors. See Shakespeare. Cometh up as a flower. Broughton, R 14.20 Comfort for small incomes. Warren, Mrs.E 844.11 Comic Blackstone. A’Beckett, G. A 911.30 Comic history of the United States. Sher- wood, J. D. 1870 721.5 Comic poets of the 19th century. Adams, W. D 217.16 Comic works. See Humor and wit. Coming empire. [Texas]. McDanield, H. F. and Taylor, N. A. [1877] 514.8 Coming race, The. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Fict 64.21 Comin’ thro’ the rye. Mathers, H 47.8 Coming wave. Adams, W. T 73.3.4 Commerce and trade. Barry, P. Interna- tional trade of the United States and England. 1858 904.13 — Fyfe, J. H. Merchant enterprise; or, pictures of commerce, from earliest times. 1872 911.25 — Hunt, F. ed. Library of commerce, v. 1 1845 902.26 Contents . — Commercial intercourse with China. His- tory of the British corn laws. Memoirs of commer- cial delusions. — Simmonds, P. L. Commercial dictionary of trade products, etc. 1883 844.4 See also Banks; Business; Commercial law; Free trade ; Merchants ; Money. Commercial law. Clark, S. S. Text-book on. 1882 914 33 — Parsons, T. Laws of business. 1872... 908.16 Common schools. See Schools. Common sense. Newby, C. J. Fict 36.406 Common sense about women. Higginson, T. W 914.29 Common sense in religion. Clark, J. F. 1874 402.26 Common sense in the household. [Recipes, etc]. Terhune, M. V. 1872 804.12 Commune. See Paris. Communism. See Socialism. Communicant’s manual. Janeway, J. J. [1848] 406.2 Communistic societies of the United States. 1875 911.36 Companions of my solitude. [Essays]. Helps, A. 1870 301.8 Comparative grammar. Bopp, F. 2 v. ’45 321.8 Composition. See English composition. Comstock, Anthony. Traps for the young. [Evil reading, etc.] 1883 432.23 Comte, A. Mill, J. S. Auguste Comte and positivism. 1865.... 413.16 Positive philosophy of A. Comte. 1871. 402.15 — Positive philosophy; tr. by H. Martineau. 1855 434.14 Comyn, L. N. Elena: an Italian tale 32.20 Con Cregan, the Irish Gil Bias. Lever, C. 36.331 Conant, A. J. Footprints of vanished races in the Mississippi valley. 1879 722.8 Conant, H. C. History of the English Bi- ble. 1856 407.22 Conant, H. S. Butterfly hunters. Illus. 1875 828.22 Conant, T. J., joint author. Dictionary of religious knowledge. See Abbott, L. *A.10 CONANT. 57 CONSTITUTION. Conant, W. C. Remarkable conversions and revival incidents . 1858 435 3 Concepts and theories of modern physics. Stallo, J. B. 1882 815.4.38 Conchology. See Shells. Concord, Mass. Emerson, R. W. Histori- . cal discourse. (In his Miscellanies) 322.2 — Frothmgham, R. Battle of. 1872 737.16 Concord and the Merrimac rivers, Week on. Thoreau, H. D. 1868 301.29 Concord days [diary]. Alcott, A. B 622.8 Concordances. Clarke, Mrs. M. C. Con- cordance to Shakespeare. 1875 *B.21 — Cruden, A. Concordance to the Old and New Testaments 412.1 — Young, R. Analytical concordance to the Bible. 1880 *E.9 Concrete works. Dobson, E 811.29 Conde, Lewis, prince of. Stanhope, P. H. Life of 641.9 — Wilson, J. G. Sketches of illustrious soldiers 632.17 Conde, J. A. The Arabs in Spain. 1854. . 717.9 Condensed novels. Harte, Bret 311.24 Conder, C. R. Judas Maccabseus. [Life.] 1879 621.25.4 — Tent work in Palestine, 1872-5. 2 v 517.14 Condit, I. M. English and Chinese dic- tionary. 1882 331.9 Conduct of life. Emerson, R.W..332.17 and 307.19.2 — Frothingham, O. B. Creed and con- duct, etc 421.34 — Swing, D. Motives of life. 1879 421.38 See also Character; Christian life; Success; Young men. Cone, Mary. Two years in California. 1876 518.32 Confectionery. Ice cream and cakes. [Re- ceipts]. 1883 842.17 Confederate States. Bullock, J. D. Se- cret service of the Confederate States in Europe. £ 2 v. 1884 728.15 — Davis, J. Rise and fall of the Confeder- ate government. 2 v. 1881 726.4 See also United States, ( Civil war of 1861-5.) Confessions. Rousseau, J. J. 1877 642.17 Confessions of a frivolous girl. Grant, R. 48.15 Confessions of a schoolmaster. Alcott, W. A. 1856 406.26 Confessions of an English opium eater. DeQuincey. T 302.17 Confidence. James, H., jr 46.14 Conflagrations. See Fires. Conflict between religion and science. Dra- per, J. W 815.4.12 Conflict of ages; or, the moral relations of God and man. Beecher, Edward. 443.1 Conformists, The. Banim, M. Fict 44.14 Confucius. Analects, Great learning, Do. - trine of the mean;trans. by J. Legge. (Chinese classics). 1870 402.3 Chambers’s papers for the people 1001.9.5 — Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions. 1871. 438.26 — Douglas, R. K. Confucianism and Taouism 444.18.2 — Hardwick, C. Christ and other mast- ers 433.27 — Maurice, F. D. Religions of the world. 441.6 — Muller, M. Chips, etc. v 1, p. 300-309 404.2 Congden, C. T. Reminiscences of a jour- nalist. 1880 624.14 Congo, The, and the founding of its free state. Stanley, H. M. 2 v. 1885... 021.22 Congregationalism. Congregational year book, 1880 427.4 — Dexter, H. M. Congregationalism as seen in its literature. With biblio- graphy 442.17 Congress of nations, Essays on a. 1840 . 904.2 Congress of the U. S. See United States . Congressional globe. See United States . Congressional record, See United States. Coningsby. Disraeli, B 17.33 and 36.185 Conjugial love. Swedenborg, E 414.11 Conjuring. Houdin, R. Conjuring and magic. 1878 832.29 Memoirs 606.7 Conkling, A. R. Appleton’s guide to Mexico, etc., 1884 522.5 Conkling, Howard. Mexico and the Mexi- cans. 1883 522.1 Connecticut. Bushnell, H. Historical estimate, etc In 317.18 — Dwight, T. History of Connecticut [to 1840]. 1872 723.20 — Public records of the colony of Connec- ticut, 1636-67. Ed. by J. H. Trum- bull. Hartford, 1850-2. 2 v 748.5 — Trumbull, J. H. Blue laws of Connecti- cut; the true and the false. 1876 911.26 Conquest and self-conquest. Macintosh, M. J 74.4 Conquest of England. Green, J. R. 1 884. 732.3 Conscience, Hendrik. The lion of Flan- ders. 1878 44.18 — Tales of Flemish life. 1857 44.17 Conscience. Cook, J. (Boston Monday lectures) 441.30 Conscript, The, [France, 1813]. Erckmann, E. andChatrian, A. 1877 137.21 Conservation of energy. Stewart, B. 1874 81 5.4.7 Consolation. Eddy, D. C. Angel whisp- ers. I860 408.19 Consolations of science. Straub, J. 1884 431.17 Constable, Archibald. Personal recollec- Constable De Bourbon. Ainsworth, W. H. 36.11 Constable of the tower, Ainsworth, W. H. 36.12 Constance Aylmer. Parker, H. F. 1869. 13.23 Constance Sherwood. Fullerton, G 36.213 Constantine the great. Cutts, E, L. His- tory of. 1881 624.20 — Lord, J. Beacon lights of history 735.6.1 — Milman, H. H. Latin Christianity, v. 2 416.19 — Stanley, A. P. History of the eastern church 416.17 Constantinople* Amicis, E. de. 1878. . 511.23 — Eddy, D. C. Constantinople. Juv. ’62 515.1.5 Constipation relieved without drugs Ed- wards, J F 838.21 Constitution of England. De Lolme, J. L 1853 911.4 — Freeman, E. A. Growth of the 916.8 — Hallam, H. Constitutional hist. 1870 . . 904.6 Constitution of man. Combe, G. .803.19 and 305.10 Constitution of the United States, and the several states. 1856 904.11 — Bancroft, G. History of formation of the constitution. 2 v. 1882 915.1 — Federalist, The; commentary by Hamil- ton, Jay, and Madison. 1864 904.1 — Story, J. Commentaries on the 908.9 Familiar exposition of the constitution [cop. 1840 1 912.9 — Towle, N. C. History and analysis of. 1873 902.17 8 CONSTITUTION. 58 COOPER. Constitution of the United States, continued. — Townsend, C. Analysis of civil govern- ment and the constitution. 1875 911.22 See also United States. Consuelo. Sand, George 6 7 Consumption. Hall, W. W. 1865 828.18 — Kitchen, M. W. Consumption, its na- ture, causes, etc. 1885 847.1 — Stone, A. Pulmonary. 1863 806.18 Contarini Fleming. Disraeli, Benjamin. . 36.186 Contraband. Melville, G. J. W 36.392 Contractions See Abbreviations. Contracts. Parsons, T. Law of. 3 v. ’73 908 13 Conversation, Giles, H. Illustrations of genius 31711 — Hervey, G. W. Rhetoric of. 1863 308.21 — Mathews, W. Great conversers, etc 332.7 — Saunders, F. Salad for the solitary 304.6 Conversations. See Dialogues Conversion of the northern nations. Mer- ivale, C. 1873 403.8 Conversion of the Roman empire. Meri- vale, C 1870 403.7 Conversions See Revivals. Convict, The. James, G. P. R 36.256 Conway, Hugh, pseud. See Fargus, F . J. Conway, M. D. Thomas Carlyle. [Recol- lections]. 1881 624.8 — Travels in South Kensington, with notes on decorative art in England. 1882 . . 848.13 — The wandering Jew [study of the legend] 1881 443.4 Conybeare, W. J. and Howson, J. S. Life and epistles of St. Paul. 1870 418.1 Cook, Clarence. The house beautiful; essays on beds and tables, stools and candlesticks. 1878 848.16 Cook, Eliza. Poetical works 213.6 Cook, F. C., ed’r. Bible commentary, v. 1-6. 1871-’5 422.5 — Ideology and subscription. (Aids to faith) 438.17 Cook, Capt. J ames Three voyages round the world. 1876 525.20 Cook, Joel. Holiday tour in Europe [in ’78] 522.23 Cook, Joseph. Boston Monday lectures. Biology. 1877 417.2 Conscience. 1879 441.30 Heredity. 1879 441.31 Labor. 1880 914.2 Marriage. 1879 914.1 — - Occident. 1884 433.22 Orthodoxy. 1878 441.29 Socialism. 1880 914.13 Transcendentalism. 1876 417.5 Cook, T. P. Lives of S. J. Tilden and T. A. Hendricks. 1876 624.27 Cooke, F. E. Story of Theodore Parker. 1883 627.20 Cooke, G. W. Ralph Waldo Emerson; his life, writings, and philosophy. 1882. 624.23 — George Eliot; her life, writings and philosophy. 1883 627.22 Cooke, J. E. Bonny bel Vane [Virginia, 1774-5]. 1884 56.2 Note.— Same as “St John, gentleman.” — Last of the Foresters 64.3 — * Pretty Mrs. Gaston and other tales. 1874 31.10 — Stories of the Old Dominion. 1879 721 4 — Virginia: a history of the people. 1883.. 738.16.1 — Virginia Bohemians. 1880 47.6 — Virginia comedians. [Virginia in 1765]. 2 v. 1854 44.20 — Wearing of the gray: personal portraits, scenes, etc., of the war. 1867 737.12 Cooke, Joseph P. Chemical philosophy. 1879 841.19 — The new chemistry. 1874 815.4.6 — Religion and chemistry. 1880 425.1 Cooke, M. C. Fungi: their nature and uses. 1875 815.4.15 Cooke, P. St. Geo. Conquest of New Mex- ico and California. 1878 723.14 Cookery. Baker, Lady . First lessons in cooking. 1874 823.16 — Barringer, M. M. Dixie cookery 844.14 — Beeton, S. O. Every-day cookery 813.20 — Blot, P. Practical cookery. 1876 833.10 — Corson, Juliet. Cooking manual. 1877. 827.42 ’ — Dods, M. L. Art of cooking. 1880 835.12 — Frost, S . A. What I know about cook- ing. 1872 804.13 — Henderson, Mrs. M. F. Practical cook- ing and dinner giving. 1876 818.26 — Ice cream and cakes, [Receipts]. 1883. . 842.17 — Jewry, Mary. Lippincott’s [Warne’s] every-day cookery 808.6 Warne’s model cookery 814.31 — Kirkland, E. S. Six little cooks; or, Aunt Jane’s cooking class. 1877 74.25 — Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. Boston cook book. 1884 845.16 — Parloa, Maria. Camp cookery. 1878... 823.17 New cook book and market guide. 1881 842.3 — Porter, Mrs. M. E. New southern cook book. 1871 828.16 — Richards, E. H. Chemistry of cooking and cleaning. 1882 842.9 — Terhune, M. V. Breakfast, luncheon and tea. 1875 805.23 — - Common sense in the household. 1872 804.12 Cottage kitchen. 1883 842.40 — Whitney, A. D. T. Key to the cook- books. 1880 835.32 — Youmans, E. A., ed’r. Lessons in cook- ery : Kensington training school. 1879 822.28 See also Domestic economy; Food; Receipts. Cooley, A. J. Cyclopaedia of receipts. ’73 813.6 — Toilet and cosmetic arts. 2 v. 1873 818.23 Cooley, L. C. Natural philosophy. 1873. 847.3 Coolidge, Susan, pseud. See Woolsey, S.C. Coomassie and Magdala. Stanley, H. M. ’74 706.21 Cooper, J. F. Afloat and ashore, [sea story]. 1872 2.10 — The bravo; a Venetian story. 1871 2.11 — The chainbearer, or, Littlepage manu- scripts [No. 2]. 1870 2.12 Note . — Revolutionary period. — The Crater; or, Vulcan’s peak. [Pacific island]. 1872 2.13 — Deer slayer; or, the first war path. 1870 2.14 — Headsman. [Switzerland and Italy.] 1870 2.15 — Heidenmauer; or, the Benedictines; a le- gend of the Rhine. 1872 2.16 — Home as found; sequel to “Homeward bound.” 1870 2.17 — Homeward bound; or, the chase. 1872. 2.18 — Jack Tier; or, the Florida reef. 1871.. 2.19 — Last of the Mohicans. [Old French war, 1756-60]. 1871 2.20 — [Leather-stocking tales]. 5 v. 1. Deerslayer 2.14 2. Last of the Mohicans 2.20 3. Pathfinder 2.26 4. Pioneers 2.28 5. Prairie 2.29 — Lionel Lincoln; or, the leaguer of Bos- ton [1775]. 1870 2.21 COOPER. 59 COSTELLO. Cooper, J. F., continued. — Mercedes of Castile; or, voyage to Cathay [Spain and Columbus]. 1871 2.22 — Miles Wallingford, sequel to “Afloat and ashore.” 1871 2.23 — The Monikins, [political satire]. 1870. . 2.24 — Naval history of the United States [to 1815]. 2 v. in 1. 1847 736.4 — Oak openings; or, the bee hunter. [Ear- — Pathfinder; or, the inland sea. 1872 2.26 — Pilot; a tale of the sea, [Revolutionary period] 2.27 — Pioneers; or, the sources of the Susque- hanna. 1871 2.28 — Prairie, a tale. 1872 2.29 — Precaution, a novel. With W. C. Bry- ant’s discourse on the life, genius, and writings of Cooper. 1871 2.30 Note . — English society novel, time about 1814. — Red Rover. [Old French war] 2.31 — Red skins; conclusion of Littlepage mss. 2.32 Note.— Anti-rent trouble in New York state. — Satanstoe; or, the Littlepage mss. [No. 1.] 1807 2.33 Note . — Westchester county, New York, 1750. — Sea lions; or, the lost sealers. [South- ern ocean]. 1869 2.34 — Spy; a tale of the neutral grounds. [Rev- olutionary war; Washington] 2.35 — Stories of adventure [selected from his works]. 3 v. [cop. 1862] 23.2 1. Stories of the prairie. 2. Stories of the sea. 3. Stories of the woods. — Two admirals. [English navy; Old French war.] 2.36 — Water-witch. [Colonial period.] 1872.. 2.37 — Ways of the hour [evils of trial by jury]. 1872 2.39 — Wept of Wish-ton- wish. [King Philip’s war]. 1871 2.38 — Wing and Wing; or, Le Feu-follet, [sea tale; Napoleonic wars]. 1871 2.40 — Wyandotte, or the hutted knoll. [Revo- lutionary period]. 1871 2.41 — Bryant, W. C. Discourse on. In 2.30 and 325.22 — Fenimore, C. Haunted lake [Otsego]. (Harpers’ m., v. 44.) 1004.1 Note.— Describes Cooper’s home and the scene of the Deerslayer. — Lounsbury, T. F. Life of. 1883 624.12.5 Cooper, Peter. Ideas for a science of good government [on currency, tariff, etc]. 1883 915 7 Cooper, Susan F. Rural hours. 1876 822 1 Cooper, T. V. and Fenton, H. T. American politics. [History, statistics, etc]. ’82. 915.3 Co-operation. Associated dairying, cream- eries, etc. 1879 835.13 — Barnard, C. Co-operation as a busi- ness. 188] 914.23 — Holyoake, G. J. Co-operation in Eng- land. 2 v. 1875-9 912.5 Contents.— v. 1. 1812-44. v. 2. 1845-78. — Peirce, M. F. Co-operative housekeep- ing. 1884 845.2 Coote, C. History of modern Europe from 1802 to 1815. 1822 706.6 Copeland, R. M. Country life; a hand-book of agriculture, horticulture and land- scape gardening. 1867 821.10 Copleston, R. S. HSschylus [Outlined and explained]. 1872 1020.25 Copp, H. N. Settler’s guide: public land system of the United States. 1883 . . 915.6 — ed'r. United States salary list and civil service law, rules and regulations, etc. 1883 915.8 Coppee, H. Conquest of Spain by Arab- Moors. 2 v. 1881 724.16 Copyright. Macfie. R. A., comp. Pleas and plans for cheaper books, etc.' 79.915.17.1 — Reade, C. Eighth commandment. [Copy- right question]. 1860 301.28 Coquelin, C. The actor and his art . 1881 . 837.23 Coral island, The. Ballantyne, R. M. Juv. 74.13 Corals. Dana, J. D. Corals and coral islands. 1872 821.8 — Huxley, T. H. Coral and coral reefs. In 808.1 — Tenney, Mrs. S. Corals. Juv. 1868... 22.17 Coran, The. See Koran. Corbin, C. F. His marriage vow. 1874. . 32.17 Cord and creese. DeMille, James. 1869. 47.27 Corea, The. Oppert, Ernest. A forbidden land (Voyage to the). 1880 513.16 Corfjeld, W. H. Health. 1880 838.41 Corinne, or Italy. Stael-Holstein, Mme. baronne de 4. 1 2 — Same. [In French] 313.1 Coriolanus [tragedy]. See Shakespeare, W. Corn laws. Platt, J. C. History of the British. 1845 In 902.26.1 Corneille. Trollope, H. M. [Life and writings]. 1881 * 636.7.12 Cornell, W. M. C. History of Pennsylva- nia. Illus. 1876 728.7 Corner stone. Abbott, J. (Young Christ- tianser) 433.2.2 Cornwallis, K. Pilgrims of fashion. 1862 15.13 Coronation. Tenney, E. P. 1877. Fict. 137.4 Corpulency Brillat-Savarin, A. Hand- book of dining; or, corpulency and leanness scientifically considered. ’65 814.32 — Ebstein, W. Corpulence and its treat- ment. 1884 844.32 Correlation and conservation of forces. [Essays]. Youmans, E . L\, ed'r. ’71 801.17 Correspondence. See Letters and letter- writing. Corsica. Gregorovius, F. Corsica, with early life of Napoleon, [cop. 1855] . . 717.7 — Cox, S. S. Search for winter sunbeams in. [1869].. 503.24 Corson, Miss Juliet. Cooking manual 1877 827.42 Cortez, Hernando. Abbott, J. S. C. His- tory of . . . . 611.12 Conquest of Mexico (Harper’s m., v. 12) 1004.1 — Adventures of. Juv. 1873 606.32 — Helps, A. Life of. 1871 608.15 Spanish conquest in America, v. 3 737.1 — Prescott, W. H. Conquest of Mexico. 3 v. 1871 704.9 — Robertson. W. History of America. . . . 731.6 Note.— In fiction see Wallace’s Fair god. [142.24. J Cosmetic arts. See Toilet and cosmetic arts. Cosmic philosophy, Outlines of. Fiske, J. 2 v. 1874 ' 431.16 Cosmology. Hickok, L. P. Rational. 1858. 404.8 See also Creation ; Earth; Geology; World. Cosmos: physical description of the uni- verse. Humboldt, A. von. 5 v. 1856 801.1 Cossacks, The: a tale of the Caucasus in 1852. Tolstoy, Leo. 1878 44.10 Costello, L. S. Specimens of early French poetry. {With Oxenford’s French songs) 218.28 COSTUME. 60 CRAIG. Costume. See Dress and costume. Cottage by the cathedral and other para- bles. Charles, E 36.93 Cottage kitchen. Terhune, M. V. 1883.. 842.40 Cottages. See Architecture {Domestic.) Cottin, S. R. Elizabeth, or the exiles of Siberia. 1863 7.23 Cotton, C. Complete angler. See Walton, Isaac 814 26 Cotton, J. S. Colonies and dependencies, pt. 1: India. 1883 916.5.13 Cotton states in 1875. Nordhoff, C. 1876 524.5 Coues, Elliott. Biogen; a speculation on the origin and nature of life. 1884.. 844.17 — Key to North American birds. Illus. ’72 *C.2 — North American fur-bearing animals. ’77 826.17 Coughs and colds. Hall, W. 1870 807.2 Coulter, Miss. - From hay-time to hopping. Fict. 1861 63.14 Counsel to a mother. Chevasse, P. H. ’73 812.16 Counsel to parents on moral education. Blackwell, Dr. Eliz. 1881 421.21 Count de Camors. Feuillet, Octave 46.23 Count Frontenac and New France. Park- man, F 736.15.5 Count Kostia. Cherbuliez, Victor. 1873.. 63.35 Count of Monte-Cristo. .Dumas, Alex 61.22 Count Robert of Paris. Scott, Sir W 12.24 Counterparts. Sheppard, E. S. 3 v 134.18 Countess Gisela. John, E. [E. Marlitt]. . 131.11 Countess of Monte-Cristo. DuBois, J. 1871 42.36 Countess of Rudolstadt; sequel to “Con- suelo.” Sand, George 6 5 Country book. Howitt, W 315.15 Country doctor. Jewett, S. O. Fict. 1884 56.9 Country in danger [France, 1792]. Erck- mann, E, and Chatrian, A. Fict 45.16.2 Country life. Cooper, S. F. Rural hours. 822.1 — Copeland, R. M. Country life. 1867 . . 821.10 — Goodale, E. Journal of a farmer’s daugh- ter. 1881 838.39 — Milner, G. Country pleasures . Chron- icle of a year [1878] 824 10 — Wilmot, R. A. Summer time in the country. 1852 301.2 See also Agriculture ( Farming ); Nature ; Sea- sons; Villages. Country living and country thinking. Dodge, M. A 301.16 Country of the dwarfs. DuChaillu, P. B. 504.21 Country quarters. Blessington, Countess of 36.223 Courage. Emerson R. W. Society and solitude, etc 301.35 ' — Higginson, T. W. Out door papers 307.15 — Plato. Laches, or courage. (Dialogues, v. 1) 404.1 Courage and cowards. Gaye, S. Juv 24.32 Course of faith, The. James, J. A. 1859. . 408.14 Courtesy, Principles of. Hervey, G. W . . . 413.20 See also Etiquette. Courthope. W. J. Joseph Addison (Eng. men of letters). 1884 616.11 Courtship. Alcott, W. A. Courtship and marriage. 1860 406.25 — DeFoe, D. Religious courtship In 62.32 See also Marriage. Courtship of Miles Standish [poem]. Long- fellow, W. H 202.3 Cousin, Victor. Elements of psychology. 1838 404.9 — History of modem philosophy. 2 v. [con. 1857] 424.11 — The true, the beautiful, and the good.’73 402.2 Cousin Maude. Holmes, Mrs. M. J 11.5 Cousin Nicholas. Barham, Richard 17.16 Cousin Phillis. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C 36.224 Couture, T. Conversation on art methods. 1879 833.5 Covetousness. Dick, T. Sin and evil of. 437.17 and 411.12.1 Covode, J. Memorial addresses on the life of. [Congress, 1871] 608.5 Cowley, Abraham. Essays, with life. 1868 311.34 Cowper, W. Works. Life, letters and poems. Illus 201.4 — Poetical works . 3 v 203.6 Contents. — v. 1. Memoir; Table-talk; Progress of error ; Truth ; Expostulation ; Hope; Charity; Conver- ‘ sation; Retirement; John Gilpin; Miscellaneous poems. 2. The Task; Miscellaneous poems; Translations from V. Bourne. 3, Hymns ; Translations from the French of Mme. de La Mothe-Guion, Milton and Bourne; Translations of Latin and Italian poems of Milton; Minor poems; Translations from Virgil and Dante. — Jeffrey, F. Essays • 305.5 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. English portraits . 642.2 — Smith, Goldwin. [Life]. 1880 616.11.15 — Taylor, T. Life of. 1835 411.1 Cows. Flint, C. L. Milch cows, etc. 1868 835.8 See also Dairy. Cox, E. T. Geological survey of Indiana, 3d and 4th annual reports, 1871-2 Maps, 2 v. 1872 *8501.10 Cox, E. W. Arts of writing, reading and speaking 325.23 Cox, F. A. Life of Philip Melancthon. ’35. 411.1 Cox, G. W. Comparative mythology and folk-lore. 1881 427.14 — The crusades. Map. 1874 743.5.2 — General history of Greece. 1876 743.7 — Manual of mythology. 1875 416.23 — Mythology of the Aryan nations. 188 427.19 — Tales of ancient Greece. 1877 416.22 — and Jones, E. H. Romances of the mid- dle ages. 1880 47.5 Cox, J. D. Atlanta. (Campaigns of the civil war). 1882 726 9.9 — March to the sea, Franklin and Nash- ville. (Campaigns of the civil war). .726.9.10 Cox, S. S. Search for winter sunbeams in the Riviera, Corsica, Algiers and Spain, [1869] 503.24 — Why we laugh. 1876 332.25 Cox, Mrs. W. N. {Percy Curtiss.) Rich- ard Peters. 1872. Juv 21.29 Cox’s diary [Burlesques]. Thackeray, W. Coxe, W. History of the house of Austria [1218-1848]. 4 v. 1877 727.11 Cozzens, F. S. Acadia; or, a month with the blue noses. 1877 514.5 — Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker [Humor- ous]. 1877 314.23 — The Sparrowgrass papers [Humorous]. 1856 304.5 Cozzens, S. W. The marvellous country. Three years in Arizona and New Mexico. 1873 524.16 Crabb, G. English synonymes. 1879 312.12 Crack shot. Barber, E. C. 1868 838.45 Crackers for Christmas. Knatchbull-Hu- gessen, E. H 87.2 Craddock, C. E. pseud. See Murfree, Miss M. N. Craig, A. H. Question book on common school studies. 1880 426.15 CRAiG-Knox, Isa C. See Knox, I. C. CRAIK. 61 CRITICISM. Craik, D. M., formerly Miss Muloch. Ad- ventures of a brownie. 1872 24.38 — Agatha’s husband 33.6 — Brave lady. 1871 17.6 — Bread upon the waters; A family in love; A low marriage; The double house. 36.128 — Christian’s mistake. 1872 4.8 — Domestic stories. 1862 36.130 — Fair France: impressions of a traveller. 1872 501.22 — Hannah [Marrying a wife’s sister]. 1871 . 36.195 — Head of the family. 1873 33.8 — A hero; Bread upon the waters; Alice Learmont 1 3.3 — Is it true? tales, curious and wonderful. 24.24 — John Halifax, gentleman. 1859 13.1 — A legacy; life of John Martin. 1878. . . 631.13 — Life for a life. 1872 33.9 — Lord Erlistoun. 1864 36.134 — Miss Tommy; a mediaeval romance; [also] In a house-boat . 1884 147 .9 — Mistress and maid. 1872 4.9 — My mother and I. 1872 31.32 — A noble life. Fid. 1871 14.2 — TheOgilvies. 1871 33.7 — Olive. 1874 33.21 — Poems. 1863 214.14 — Romantic tales. 1861 36.140 — Sermons out of church 311.21 — Studies from life. 186,7 322.10 — Thirty years; poems, new and old. 1881. 218.1 — ed. Twenty years ago: journal of a girl in her teens 24.25 — Two marriages. 1867 13.2 — Unkind word, and other stories. 1869 . . 36.141 — The woman’s kingdom. 1868 36.142 — A woman’s thoughts about women. 1874 903.13 — Young Mrs. J ardine 45.19 Craik, George L. A manual of English literature, and of the history of the English language, from the Norman conquest. 1874 327.3 — Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties [Biographies]. 1872... 308.20 Craik, Georgiana M. Esther Hill’s secret. 1871 36.143 — Faith Unwin’s ordeal. 1866 36.144 — Hero Trevelyan. 1872 36.145 — Leslie Tyrrell. 1867 36.146 — Lost and won. 1862 36.147 — Mildred. 1868 36.148 — Only a butterfly, and other stories. 18"4. 36.149 — Winifred’s wooing and other tales. 1868. 36.150 — Without kith or kin. 1872 36.151 Crane, A. M . See Seemuller. A. M. [or] The English reformation In 735.6.3 Crapsey, E. Nether side of New York. 1872 904.8 Craque-o-doom. Catherwood, M. H 146.7 Crater, The. Cooper, J. F 2.13 Craven, Mme. A. Ann Severin. 1869 131.16 — Fleurange. 1873 63.21 — A sister’s story 134.21 Crawford, F. M. An American politician. 1885. Fid 57.15 — Doctor Claudius. 1883 147.5 — Mr. Isaacs. 1883 54.4 — Roman singer. 1884 56.5 — To leeward. 1884 55.28 — Zoroaster. 1885 58.4 Crawford, M. S. Life in Tuscany. 1859 . 527.14 Crawfurd, Oswald. Portugal, old and new 1880..... 517.1 Cray fish: an introduction to the study of zoology. Huxley, T. H. 1880 815.4.28 Crayon, Geoffrey, pseud. » v ee Irving, W. Crayon miscellany. Irving, W 306.4 Creameries. See Dairy. Creasy, E. S. The fifteen decisive battles of the world. 1872 703.6 — History of the Ottoman Turks. 1877... 716.6 Creation. Haeckle, E. History of crea- tion [development through natural cause]. 2 v. 1876 827.15 — Lewis, Tayler. The six days of creation; or. Scriptural cosmology. 1881 444.12 — McCaul, A. Mosaic record of In 438.17 — Vestiges of natural history of. 1846. . . 801.10 Explanations; a sequel. 1846 801.11 — Winchell, A. Sketches of. 1873 812.8 See also Evolution ; Genesis and geology ; Geology. Creators of the age of steel. Jeans, W. T. 1884 644.7 Credo. [Theological essays]. Townsend, L. T. 1873 402.22 Creed and conduct, and other discourses. Frothingham, O. B 421.34 Creeds. Baring-Gould, S. Village confer- ences on the creed. 1878 443.19 — Greg, W. R. Creed of Christendom 443.11 — Roberts, R. Teaching of the Bible and the faiths of Christendom . 1869 401.12 Creighton, Mandell. Age of Elizabeth. (Epochs of history). 1876 743.5.10 — History of Rome. (History primers). ’80 716.27.6 Cremation and other modes of sepulture. Williams, R. E. 1884 844.20 Cremer, W. H. Hanky panky. 1875 823.6 Creoles of Louisiana. Cable, G. W. 1884 734.18 Cresent and the cross. [Eastern travel]. Warburton, E. 1852 501.32 Crete. Taylor, B. Excursion to, [ 1857] . . 506.20 Crichton, Andrew. History of Arabia. 2 v. 1858 716.3 — and Wheaton, H. to 1837. History of Scandinavia. 2 v. 1878 742.11 Cricket. Box, C. Theory and practice. ’68 823.33 Cricket on the hearth. Dickens, C. [ With his Christmas carol] 36.193 Crime and punishment. Brace, C. L. Dan- gerous classes of New York. 1872... 912.2 — Crapsey, E. Nether side of New York city. 1872 904 8 — Dugdale, R. L. “The Jukes.” A study.. in crime, heredity, etc. 1877 913.19 — Greenwood, J. Wilds of London. 1874. 912.20 See also Prisons. Crimea. Chambers’s pictorial hist, of the Russian war, [1854-6] 733.4 — Froude, J. A. The Eastern question. In 307.22.2 — Kinglake, A. W. Invasion of the Cri- mea [1844-6]. 4 v 705.4 Same. 6v. in 3 746.14 — Kingsley, H. Ravenshoe [Crimean war] Fid 36.289 — Melville, G. J. W. The interpreter; tale of the Crimean war 36.289 Cringle and crosstree. Adams, W. T. Juv 72.4 4 Cripple of Antioch, etc. Charles E. Fict 143.11 Cripps, the carrier. Blackmore, R. D. ’76 47.32 Critical essays, etc. Taylor, B. 1880 315.17 Criticism. Arnold, M. Essays in. 1873. 302.4 — Helps, A. Criticism I n 302.3.2 On giving and taking criticism In 302.3.2 CRITICISM. 62 CUNNINGHAM. Criticism, continued. — Kames , Lord. Elements of criticism . . 323.16 — Mathews, W. Curiosities of In 332.7 — Pope, A. Essay on In 302.3 See also ^Esthetics ; Essays ; Literature ; Rhetoric. Critique of pure reason. Kant, E. 1872. 411.19 Critiques and addresses. Huxley, T. H. ’73 808.1 Crittenden, S, W. Book-keeping by sin- gle and double entry 821.9 Crockett, Col. David. Adventures in Texas; written by himself. 1845 505.3 — Abbott, J. S. C. Life and adventures. ’74 632.20 Crofton boys. Martineau, Harriet. Juv. 24.40 Croker, T. C. Fairy legends and tradi- tions of the south of Ireland . . ...... 135.22 Croud, James. Climate and time in their geological relations. 1875 816.26 Crody, Mrs. D. G. {Jenny June). For bet- ter or worse [on marriage]. 1875 417.16 Crody, George. Salathiel; the wandering Jew 42.13 Cromwedd, Oliver. Carlyle, T. Heroes and hero-worship 301.23 ed’r. Letters and speeches of. 2 v. 1845 605.18 — Cromwell and his contemporaries In 1001.9.4 — Hood, P. Life of. 1883 626.14 — Jesse, J. H. England under the Stu- arts, v. 2. 1857 718.6 — Lord, J. Oliver Cromwell, [or] English — Merle d’ Aubigne, J. H. The protector; a vindication. 1848 605.24 — Picton, J. A. Oliver Cromwell: the man and his mission. 1883 625.20 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men In 613.22 — Smith, G. Three Eng. statesmen 606.13 — Southey, R. Life of 612.14 and 606.34 — Wilson, J. G. Illustrious soldiers 632.17 Cronise, T. F. Natural wealth of Califor- nia, with description of each county. 1868 528.7 Crooked places. Mayo, I. F. [E .Garrett,] 43.23 Crosby, H. The Christian preacher (Yale lectures). 1879 423.17 Crosdand, Mrs N. Memorable women. 1854 631.15 Cross, Mrs. J. W. See Eliot, George. Cross and crescent; Turkey and Greece. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.5.3 Cross of Berny. Girardin, Emile de and others . 1873 31.33 Crouch, Julia. Three successful girls. ’73. 33.27 Crowfiedd, Christopher, pseud. See Stowe, H. B. Crozier, W. and Henderson. P. How the farm pays. The experiences of forty years of successful farming and gar- dening. 1884 846.11 Cruden, A. Concordance to the old and new testaments 412.1 Cruise of the Betsey; summer ramble among the Hebrides [geological ex- pedition]. Miller, H. 1875 801.25 Cruise of the Casco. Kellogg, E. Juv.. 25.32 Cruise of the Frolic. Kingston, W. H. G. 24.20 Cruise of the Midge . Scott, Michael . . . 136.25 Cruise upon wheels. Collins, C. A 36.126 Crum, G. C. Mount of blessing; or, lectures on the beatitudes. 1854 437.8 Crusades. Bloss, C. A. Heroines of the. Fict . 1853 634.2 — Cox, G. W. The crusades. Map. 1874 743.5.2 — Edgar, J. G. Crusades and the crusa- ders.. 721.13 Crusades, continued. — Gibbon, E. Decline and fall of the Roman empire, v. 5-6 701.3 — Gray, G. Z. The children’s crusade; episode of the 13th century. 1872 . . . 706.24 — Guizot, F. P. G. History of France, v.l 735.4 — James, G. P. R. History of chivalry.. . 703.12 — Mackay, C. Extraordinary popular de- lusions 311.5 — Michaud, J. F. History of the crusades, 3 v. 1881 724.11 — Mills, C. History of the crusades. ’26. 745 9 — Milman, H. H. The crusades. {In his Latin Christianity, v. 4-8) 416.19 — Tasso, J. Jerusalem delivered. [Poem]. 204.24 — Yonge, C. M. Cameos from English his- tory. 1877 742.20.1 For illustrative fiction see Scott’s Ivanhoe. [12.9], Count Robert of Paris. 1 12.24], Talisman. [12.20], Crusoe in New York, etc. Hale, E. E 48.26 Crusje’s island, California and Washoe. Browne, J. R. 1864 512.7 Crust and the cake. Mayo, I. F 64.22 Cruttwedd, C. T. History of Roman lit- erature, to death of Marcus Aurelius. [A. D. 180]. 1877 321.4 Cryptogram. De Mille, James 18.27 Cryptogram. [Giant raft; pt. 2]. Yerne, J. 54.22 Cuba. Dana, R. H. To Cuba and back, [1859]. 1870 508.6 — Murray, A. M. Cuba and the Cubans. 1850 506.17 — Steele, J. W. Cuban sketches. 1881.. 518.17 Cud jo’s cave. [Tennessee in the war.] Trow- bridge, J. T 28.40 Cuddip, Annie, formerly Miss Thomas. — Called to account. 1867 36.152 — Dennis Donne. 1864 36.153 — No alternative 32.22 — On guard 36.154 — Only herself. 1870 36.155 — Played out. 1867 36.156 — Walter Goring. 1866 36.157 Cues from all quarters. Jacox, F. 1871. . 301.30 Cudprit fay [poem]. Drake, J. R 212.12 Cudtivator, The. v. 1-4 Albany, 1834-8. 8521.1 — Same; new ser. v. 4-5 1847-8 8521.7 Cudture. Emerson, R. W. Culture ... In 332.17 Progress of culture In 332.23 — Giles, H. Cost of a cultivated man. In 317.11 — Shairp, J. C. Culture and religion. ’72. 301.10 — Youmans, E. L., ed’r. Culture demand- ed by modern life. [Essays.] 1872. 401.3 See also Civilization; Conduct of life; Education; Self-culture. Cumming, Mrs. C. F. G. At home in Fiji. 1882 526.1 Cumming, G. Wild men and wild beasts. [India]. 1872 505.19 Cummings, G. D. Memoirs, [cop. 1878] . . . 637.5 Cummings. J. W. Spiritual progress. 1867 443.23 Cummins, M. S. El Fureidis. [Syria] 64.7 — The Lamplighter. 1854 8.9 — Mabel Vaughan. 1882 52.26 Cumnock, R. M. Choice readings. 1878.. 323.4 — School speaker. 1884 326.27 Cunningham, Allan. Lives of most emi- nent British sculptors and painters [to 1833]. 5 v. 1868 614.2 Contents — 1. Early painters. William Hogarth ; Rich- ard Wilson; Sir Joshua Reynolds; Thomas Gainsbo- rough. CUNNINGHAM. 63 CYRUS. 2. Benjamin West; James Barry; William Blake ; John Opie ; George Morland ; Edward Bird ; Henry Fuseli. 3. G. Gibbons; C. G. Cibber; L. F. Roubiliac; J. Wil- ton; T. Banks; J. Nollekens; J. Bacon; Anne S. Da- rner; J. Flaxman. 4. G. Jamesone; A. Ramsay; G. Romney; A. Runci- man ; J. S. Copley ; J. H Mortimer; Sir H. Raeburn; J. Hoppner; W. Owen; G. H. Harlow; R. P. Bonington. 5. R. Cosway ; D. Allan . J. Northcote : Sir G. H. Beaumont; Sir T. Lawrence; J. Jackson ; H. Liverseege; G. Burnet. Cunningham, W. The church of Asia. 1880 42610 Cupid and Chow-Chow, etc. Alcott, L. M. 26.42.3 Cupid and the sphinx. Flemming, H. 1880 • 138.15 Cupples, George The deserted ship. 1881 51 23 Cupples, George, Mrs. Driven to sea. 1881 81.4 Curate in charge. Oliphant, M. O. W 45.15 Curiosities of literature. Disraeli, I. [ al- so ] Curiosities of Am. lit., by R. W. Griswold 305.8 Curious stories about fairies, etc. 1856... 22.28 Curran, J. P. Goodrich, C. A. Select Brit- tish eloquence 321.15 — Curran, W. H. Life of 631.10 Currency. See Money. Currents and counter currents in medical science. Holmes, O. W 803.27 Currer, Bell, pseud. See Bronte, C. Curtis, G. T. Life of Daniel Webster. 2 v. 1870 603.3 — Life of James Buchanan. 2 v. 1883 625.19 Curtis, G. W. Bryant: a commemorative address. 1878 635.4 — Lotus-eating [summer resorts]. 1852... 527.3 — Nile notes. 1872 504.27 — Potiphar papers, [satire]. 1854 8.26 — Prue and I. 1868 7.35 — Trumps. 1872 132.9 Curtis, T. F. Human element in inspira- tion. 1867 403.10 Curtiss, Percy pseud. See Cox, Mrs. W. N. Curtiss, S. I. Ingersoll and Moses. A. reply. 1880 421.7 Curtius, Ernst. History of Greece, [to B. C. 362]. 4 v. 1871 713.3 Curwen, H. History of booksellers. 1873. 314.20 Curzon, R. Monasteries of the East. 1856. 504.28 — Travels in Armenia. 1854 525.2 Cusack, M F. Present case of Ireland. *81 914.25 Cushing, Caleb. Treaty of Washington. 1873 902.13 Cushing, L. S. Manual of parliamentary practice. 1872 902.8 Cushman, Charlotte. Clement, C. E. Life of. 1882 635.18.4 — Stebbins, E. Life of. 1879 615.14 Custer, Mrs. E. B. “Boots and saddles;” or, life in Dakota with General Cus- ter, [1873-6]. 1885 523.4 Custer, Gen. G. A. My life on the plains. 1876 511.7 Customs. See Manners and customs. Cutter, C. A. Rules for a printed diction- ary catalogue. 1876 *328.14.2 Cutter, W. Life of Israel Putnam. 1859 605.9 Cutts, E. L. Charlemagne. [Life and times]. 1882 626.15 — History of Constantine, the great. 1881 624.20 — St. Jerome. [Life of.] 423.14.6 Cycling. Pratt, C. E. American bicycler. 1879 833.18 Cyclones, tornadoes, etc. See Meteorology. Cyclopaedias and cyclopaedic works. [Ap- pleton’s] American cyclopaedia. 16 v. 1873-8 *B.23 — Same. Index *B.23.17 — Appletons’ annual cyclopaedia, v. 16-23. 1876-1884 *B.32 — Arvine, K. Cyclopaedia of moral and religious anecdotes. 1869 424.7 — Chambers, W. and R. Encyclopaedia 10 v. Phil. 1873 *B.7 — - Encyclopaedia of English literature. 2 v. 1875 312.9 — - Information for the people. 4 v. 1865 1008.1 Miscellany. 10 v 1001.8 Papers for the people. 6v 1001.9 -7 Treasury of knowledge. 1855 804.22 — Champlin, J. D. Young folks’ cyclopae- dia of common things. 1880 316.15 Young folks’ cyclopaedia of persons and places. 1882 316.16 — Coates, H. T. ecl’r. Fireside encyclopae- dia of poetry. 1881 212.8 — Cooley,A J. Cyclopaedia of receipts 1873. '813.6 — Duyckinck, E . A. and G. L. Cyclopae- dia of Am. literature. 2 v. 1877 . . *E.7 — Encvclopaedia Britannica, 8thed’n. 21 v. 1860 *C.l Same. 9th ed’n. v. 1-17, 1878-’85. . *0.1 — Frost, J. Cyclopaedia of eminent Chris- tians. 1875 634.14 — Goodholme, S. Domestic encyclopaedia. 1882 841.31 — Hamersly & Co., L. R .,pub. Naval ency- clopaedia. Phil. 1881 *E.8 — Harpers’ cyclopaedia of American and British poetry. 1881 207.19 — Hoyt, J. K. and Ward, A. L. Cyclopae- dia of practical quotations. 1882... *E.10 — Johnson’s new universal encylopaedia. 4 v. N. Y. 1877-8 *B.26 — Kiddle, H. and Schem, A. J. Cyclopae- dia of education. 1883 *B.29 — Kirkland, F. Cyclopaedia of commer- cial and business anecdotes 2 v. 1864. 305.16 — Kitto, J. Cyclopaedia of biblical lit. 2 v. 1868 442 3 — Maunder, S. Treasury of knowledge. 1873 314.2 Scientific and literary treasury. 1872. 314 5 — Moore, J. W. Encyclopaedia of music. [1876] *B.25 — New American cyclopaedia, v. 11 1861. |B.9 — Pierce, E . M. Cottage cyclopaedia of history and biography. 1871 *B.2 — Schaff-Herzog. Encyclopaedia of relig- ious knowledge. 3 v. N. Y. 1882-3 . *A.12 — Trail, R. F. Hydropathic. 1872 811.16 — Walsh, J. H. ( Stonehenge ). Encyclo- paedia of rural sports. 1867 831.12 See also Dictionaries. Cymbeline [tragedy]. See Shakespeare, W. Cyprian, bishop of Carthage. Writings. (A.-N.-C. lib., v. 8, 13) 415.1 Cyprus. Cesnola, L. P. di. Cyprus: its ancient cities, tombs, and temples. Ulus. 1878 521.14 Cyrilla. Tautphoeus, Baroness I. von. Ft 36.518 Cyrus the great. Abbott, J. History of. 1872 611.6 — Xenophon. Anabasis; Cyropaedia. 2 v. 1020.1 D. 64 DARWIN. D., J. Pen pictures of popular English preachers. 1852 606.22 D., S. M. Life of Sir Philip Sidney. 1858. 618.12 Dab Kinzer. Stoddard, W. 0 87.25 Dadd, G. H. American cattle doctor. 1881 836.16 — American reformed horsebook. 1880... 836.17 — Modern horse doctor. 1854 804.3 Dahlgren, Mrs. A Washington winter. Fict. 1883 55.3 Daily News [London] correspondence of the war between Germany and France 1870-71 706.10 Dairy. Associated dairying, creameries, etc. 1879 835.13 — Flint, C. L. Milch cows, etc. 1868 835.8 — Keeping one cow. [Experience of prac- tical writers.] ILLus 835.23 Daisy; sequel to Melbourne house. War- ner, S 137.25 Daisy Burns. Kavanagh, Julia 36.296 Daisy chain, The. Yonge, C. M 36 600 Daisy Snowflake’s secret. Reaney, G. S . . 82 25 Daisy Thornton, [and] Jessie Graham. Holmes, M. J 144.18 Daisy Travers. Samuels, A. F 84.6 Dakota. Custer, Mrs. E. B. ‘ Boots and saddles,” or. life in Dakota with Gen- eral Custer. 1885 523.4 Dale, R. W. Lectures on preaching. 1878. 417.4 Dall, C. H. The college, the market and the court; or, woman’s relation to ed- ucation, labor and law. 1878 903.3 Dallas Galbraith. Davis, Mrs. R. H 47.28 Dalton, H. Evening amusement and drawing-room plays. 1884 832.34 Dalton, J. C. Human physiology. 1875.. 846.9 Dalton, W. Mark Raffles [in Japan]. Juv. 1872 26.39 — War-tiger, [Tartar conquest of China.]. . 23.20 — White elephant [of Ava'j. Juv. 1879.. 78 7 — Wolf -boy of China. Juv. 1869 78.32 Daltons, The. Lever, C 36.332 Dalzel, A., ed’r. Collectanea Graeca ma- iora. 2 v. 1883 321.14 Damascus. Eddy, D. C. Walter’s tour in the east. 1862 515.1.4 — Porter, J. L . Five years in. 1870 503.3 Dame Nature and her three daughters. Saintine, X. B. 1872 832.8 D amen’ s ghost. Bynner, E. L. 1881 57.10 Damon, W. E. Ocean wonders. 1879 835.22 Dampier, W. Life and voyages In 512.24 Dana, C. A. edW. Household book of poe- try 1877 207.7 Dana, E. S. Text book of mineralogy. 1882 843.15 Dana, J. D. Corals and coral islands. 1872 821.8 — Geological story briefly told. 1877 823.10 — Manual of geology, [cop. 1862] 806.7 — Manual of mineralogy, [cop. 1857] 816.27 — Text book of geology, [cop. 1874] 847.4 Dana, M. S. B. Letters on the Trinity. ’46 407.21 Dana, R. H. To Cuba and back [1859]. ’70 508.6 — Two years before the mast [1834-6]. 1878 505.12 — Poets’ homes. [Sketch of Dana] 622.6.1 Dancing. The German. How to give it. ’79 831.20 — Hillgrove, T. Art of dancing, [cop. 1863] 828.21 — Wilkinson. W. C. The dance of mod- ern society, [essay against]. 1880... 417.25 Danenhower, J. W. Narrative of the “J eannette.” 1882 501.8 Dangerous classes of New York. Brace, C. L 912.2 Dangers to health. Teale, T. P. 1883... 844.38 Daniel. See Bible (Old Testament). Daniel Deronda. Eliot, George. 1872 . . . 136.5 Daniels, W.H. D. L. Moody and his work. 1875 613.10 — That boy; who shall have him? [Religi- ous]. 1878 54.7 Danish literature. See Scandinavian liter- ature. See also works of Andersen, H. C. and Hertz, H. Danish story book. Andersen, H. C 22.30 Dannenburg, G., [Golo Raimund.] From hand to hand. 1882 54.18 — A new race. 1880 145.17 Dante, Alighieri. Divine comedy; trans. by W. H. Longfellow. 1875 204.23 Contents. — Inferno ; Purgatorio ; Paradiso. — The inferno. Literal prose translation by J. A. Carlyle. 1876 206.15 — The vision; or, hell, purgatory and para- dise; trans. with memoir, by H. F. Cary. 1870 306.13 Note.— Same work as the Divine comedy. — Botta, Y. Dante as philosopher, patriot and poet, with analysis of the Divina commedia. 1665 308.12 — Carlyle, T. Heroes and hero-worship . . 301.23 — J ameson, Mrs A. Loves of the poets [Dante and Beatrice] 633.13 — Lord, J. Dante, [or] Rise of modern poetry In 735.6.3 — Lowell, J. R. Among my books, v. 2. . . 332.12 — Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Life of. 1881 636.7.1 Makers of Florence 615.18 — Rosetti, M. F. A shadow of Dante, be- ing an essay toward studying himself, his world, and his pilgrimage. 1872 . 206.14 — Sismondi. Influence of, on his age. In . 302.6 — Symonds, J. A. Introduction to the study of Dante. 1872 206.17 — Tweedie, W. K. Earnest men. [Life] 632.8 D’ Anvers, N. pseud. See Bell, N. R. E. Danvers papers. Yonge, C. M 36.601 D’Aeblay, F. B., formerly Miss Burney. Evelina 15.1 Darby, J ohn, pseud. See Garretson, J . E. Darien. [Scotch colony, 1698-8]. War- burton, E 36.559 Darius the great. Abbott, J. History of. 1871 611.7 Dark night’s work. Gaskell, E. C 36.226 Darkness and day light. Holmes, M. J... 135.10 Darnley. James, G. P. R 17.31 Dartt, Mary. On the plains and among the peaks. [Colorado]. 1879 512.9 Darwin, Charles. Cross and self-fertiliza- tion in the vegetable kingdom. 1877. 828.9 — Descent of man and selection in relation to sex. 2 v. 1872 803.2 — Expression of the emotions in man and animals. 1873 807.5 — Firtilization of orchids by insects. 1877 828.10 — Formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms. 1884 815.4.37 — Insectivorous plants. 1875 805.24 — Movements and habits of climbing plants. 1876 816.19 — Origin of the species . 1872 803.3 — Power of movement in plants. 1881... 837.18 — Variation of animals and plants under domestication. 2 v. 1868 803.1 DARWIN. 65 DECORATIVE. Darwin, Charles, continued. — Voyage of a naturalist round the world, 1831-6. 2 v 525.17 — What Mr. Darwin saw in his voyage round the world. [Compiled for the young.] 1879 832.7 Darwinism. See Evolution. Darwinism in morals, etc. Cobbe, F. P. ’83. 433 8 Dasent, G. W. Norse tales for children. 1862 74.18 D \ta of ethics. Spencer, H. 1880 421.3 Dates. See Chronology. D’Aubigne, J. H. M. See Merle d’Aubigne. Daudet, Alphonse. L’evangeliste. 1883... 54.15 — Numa Roumestan. [France]. 1882 146.9 — Sidonie. 1877 136.23 Daughter of an Egyptian king. Ebers,G. 31 30 Daughter of an empress. Mundt, C. M. 42.10 Daughter of Bohemia. Fisher, F. 0., Daughter of Hetn. Black, William 36.40 Daughter of the Philistines. Boyesen, H. H. 1883.... 54.21 Daughters of America [biographies]. Hana- ford, Mrs. P. A 625 17 Daughters of England. Ellis, S. S 305.15.1 Davenport Dunn. Lever, C 36.333 David Copperfield. Dickens, C 1.3 David Elginbrod. MacDonald, G 36.357 Davids, T. W. R. Buddhism; life and teachings of Gautama, the Buddha. 1880 444.18.1 Davidson, A. and Stuve, B. History of Illinois [to 1873]. 1876 712.10 Davidson, E. A. The boy joiner and model maker 832.33 — House-painting, graining, etc. 1880 838.11 Davidson, J. M. Eminent Eng. liberals. 1881 67211 Davidson, J. W. School history of S. Car- olina. ’69 7383 Davidson, Lucretia M. Sedgewick, C. M. Memoirs of In 641.47 Davidson, Margaret M. Poems, with bio- graphy [by W. Irving]. 1842 602 9 Davie, W. R. Hubbard, F M. Life. .In 601.1 15 Davies, C. Elements of geometry and trigonometry; adapted from Legendre 1874 821.22 — Logic and utility of the mathematics. 1851 806 12 — Mathematical dictionary. 1855 836.28 Davies, J. Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius. [Outlined and explained]. 1877 1021 2 — Hesiod and Theognis. [Outlined and ex- Davies, Thomas. Preparation of micro- scopic objects. 1882 842 23 Davis, A. J. Principles of nature, etc ’47. 411.7 Davis, Garrett. Memorial addresses on life, etc. [Congress, 1872] 638.3 Davis, I. P., joint author. Health at home. See Guernsey, A. H . 1884 844.15 — Hygiene for girls. 1883 842.19 Davis, Jefferson. Rise and fall of the Con- federate government. 2 v. 1881 726.4 Pollard, E. A. Life of. 1869 612.2 Davis, N. Carthage and her remains. 1861 745.7 Davis, Mrs. R. H . Dallas Galbraith. 1868 47.28 — John Andross 32.2 — Margaret Howth. 1862 52.17 — Waiting for the verdict. 1868 134.23 Davis, W. M. Nimrod of the sea. [Whale fishery]. 1874 823.32 — Whirlwinds, cyclones and tornadoes. ’84 844.45 Davy, Sir H. Mayhew, H. Wonders of science; or, young Humphry Davy. . 827.11 Dawkins, Rush C. Titles of the first books from the earliest presses of the 15th century. Illus. with reproductions of early types and engravings. N. Y. ’84. *428.3 Dawkins, W. B. Cave hunting [early man in Europe]. 1874 846.1 — Early man in Britain. 1880 843.11 Dawn of history. Keary, C. F. ed'r 717.6 Dawson, J. W. Earth and man. 1877 822.10 — Origin of the world according to revela- tion and science. 1877 827.16 Day, G. T., ed'r. African adventures and adventurers. Jnv 502.2 Day, H. N. Art of English composition. ’72 308.13 — Art of rhetoric. 1868 325.19 — Rhetorical praxis. 1876 315.16 — Science of aesthetics, [cop. 1872] 833.4 Day, L. B. Folk tales of Bengal. 1883. . . 326.16 Day, M. L. Incidents in the life of a blind girl 1860 607.11 Day, T. Sanford and Merton. Juv. 1867 22.20 Day by the fire, etc. Hunt, Leigh [Essays] 308.2 Day of fate. Roe, E. P. 1880 138.4 Day’s ride. Lever. C 36.334 Days near Rome. Hare, A. J. C. 1875 525.8 Days of Bruce. Aguilar, Grace. 1871 5.14 Days of yore. Keddie, H. [Sarah Ty tier]. 13L.3 Deacons. Murray, W. H. H. Illus 421.11 Dead alive, The. Collins, W 143.17 Dead sea. See Palestine. * Dead sea fruit. Braddon, M. E 36.46 Dead secret. Collins, Wilkie. In v. 4-5 of 36.177 — Same 142.19 Dean’s daughter, The. Gore, Mrs. C. F . . 36.234 Dean’s, The, English. Moon, G. W 314.21 Dear lady Disdain. McCarthy, Justin 42.21 Death. Papillon, F. Physiology of. In 8501.16.3 — Wright, G. F. Death and probation . . . 443.30 See also Future life. Death by measure [liquor selling]. Hunt, T. P. 1846.... 408.6 Death penalty. See Capital punishment. Debatable land between this world and the next. Owen, R. P. 1872 435.16 Debates. See United States, Congress. Debating. McElligot, J. N. The Ameri- can debater. 1855 • 903.12 See also Parliamentary practice.' Debenham’s vow. Edwards, Amelia B. . . 36.198 Debit and credit. Freytag, G. Fict. 1871 7.7 Decatur, Stephen. McKenzie, A. S. Life of ..In 601.1.11 Decay of modern preaching. Mahaffy,J.P. 443.24 Decisive events in history. Archer, T 745.5 Deck and port. Colton, W., [1845-6] .... 506.24 Decline and fall of the Roman empire. Gibbon, E. 6v 701.3 — Same; student’s series 706.18 Decorative art. Blanc, C. Art in orna- ment and dress. 1877 831.8 — Church decoration. 1877 833.34 — Conway, M. D. Travels in South Ken- sington. 1882 848.13 — Delamotte, T. Ornamental alphabets . . 848.11 — Dresser, C. Principles of decorative de- sign 848.15 — Industrial arts: historical sketches. Il- lus. [1883] 852.3 9 DECORATIVE. 66 DePEYSTER. Decorative art, continued. — Leland, C. G. The minor arts: porce- lain painting, etc. 1880 851.14 — Pullan, R. P. Church decoration. 1878 848.8 — Recent decorative art In 1001.9.5 DeCosta, B. F. Pre-Columbian discovery of America. 1868 748.6 DeCourcy, H and Shea, J. G. History of the Catholic church in the United States, 1879 434.1 DECRESsy, a tale. 1867 36.160 Deep down in the mine. Ballantyne, R. M. 75.20 Deephaven. [stories]. Jewett, S. 0 137.7 Deer. Caton, J D. Summer in Norway. 508.29 — Van Dyke, T. S. The still-hunter. 1883. 842.18 Deerbrook: a novel. Martineau, Harriet . 33.10 Deerslayer, The Cooper, J. F 2.14 Defenders of the faith. Watson, F 423.14.2 DeFoe, Daniel. History of the plague of London, [also] Religious courtship. 62.32 — Life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe. 23.25 — Chadwick, W. Life of. 1859 628.14 — Chambers’s papers for the people. [Life]. 1001.9.4 — Minto, W. Life of. 1879 . . . . , . 616.11.7 Deforest, J. B Short history of art. ’81 851.8 De Forest, J. W. The bloody chasm. [Southern reconstruction]. 1881 51.1 — Miss Ravenel’s conversion from secession to loyalty. 1867 137.27 — Overland. 1871 61.26 De Gama. See Gama, Vasco da. DeGarmo, W. B. Dance of society. 1879 831.19 Degeneration; a chapter in Darwinism. Lankester, E . R . 1880 844 . 29 De Graff, E . V . School room guide . ’82 444 . 20 Deirdre. [Poem]. 1878 217.3 De Kroyft, Mrs. S . H . A place in thy memory . 1858 605 . 4 Delamotte, F . Book of ornamental alpha- bets, ancient and mediaeval, from the eighth century . Lond . 1868 848.11 Delany, Mrs. Mary. Autobiography and correepondence, 1700-88 . 2 v . 1879 . 622 . 1 De la Rame, L. See Rame, L. de la. De Leon, E . The Khedive’s Egypt . 1877 526.15 De Liefde, J. B. Charities of Europe. 2 v. 1866 912.4 — Maid of Stralsund 5 1. 25 Delitzsch, F. Jewish artisan life in the time of Jesus. 1883 432.15 De Lolme, J . L . Constitution of Eng- land; or, an account of the English government . 1853 911.4 Delusions . Mackay, C . Extraordinary popular delusions 311.5 — Scheie de Vere. Modern magic. 1873. 808.11 See also Animal magnetism; Magic; Spiritualism; Witchcraft. De Mille, James. The American baron. 61.32 — B . O . W . C . series . 6 v . 1. TheB. O. W. C 22.5 2. - Boys of Grand Pre school 22.6 3. Lost in the fog 22.8 4 . Fire in the woods 22.7 5 . Picked up adrift 23.17 6. Treasure of the seas 84.7 — Castle in Spain . 1883 47.40 — Cord and creese . 1869 47.27 — Cryptogram. 1870 18.27 — Dodge club; or, Italy in 1859 . [Humorous] 64 . 15 — Fire in the woods. 1872 22.7 — Lady of the ice . 1871 18.26 — Lily and the cross: tale of Acadia. 1875 43.19 De Mille, James, continued. — Living link. 1874 47.24 — Young Dodge club . v. 1-3 . 1 . Among the brigands 22.13 2. The seven hills. [Rome] 22.12 3. Winged lion; or, stories of Venice. . 87.21 Democracy. King, Clarence. Fict 48.3 Democracy. Dumas. A. Its progress illust. by hist, of Gaul and France.’41 903.22 — Tocqueville, A. de . Democracy in Amer- ica. 1873. 2 v 904.7 See also Government and politics. Democratic party . Jones, W. D. Mir- ror of modem democracy . 1864 903 . 20 — Patton, J . H . The Democratic party, its political history and influence ’84 916.18 See also United States. Demon of Cawnpore Verne, J. (Steam house, pt 1.) 1881.. 141.22 Demorest’s monthly magazine. Ulus. v. 17-21. N. Y., 1881-5 • *1008.6 Demosthenes. Orations; trans. by C. R. Kennedy. 4 v 307.14 Contents. — 1* Olynthiac and other public orations. 2. Oration on the crown and on the embassy. 3. Ora- tions against Leptines, Midias, Androtion, and Aristo- crates. 4. Private and other orations. — Orations; trans. by T. Leland. 2 v.. 1020.3 — Demosthenes [outlined and explained] by J. Broadribb. 1877. 1021.3 — Plutarch. Demosthenes. (In his Lives) 604.6 See also hist, of Greece by Curtius, Grote, and others. Denis Donne. Cudlip, Annie 36.153 Denise. Roberts, Miss M 36.162 Denison, Mrs. M. A. Mill agent. 1870. 24.12 — Out of prison. 1870 24.13 — That husband of mine. 1877 137.5 Denmark Adams, W. T. Up the Baltic. Juv 73.5.1 — Brace, C. L. Norsefolk. 1857 508.23 — Crichton, A. and Wheaton. H. Scandi- navia. 2 v. [pub. 1837] 742.11 — History of, to 1730 v. 28-29 of *708.1 — Mallet, P. H. Northern antiquities. 1878 742.8 — Taylor, B. Northern travel [1856] 506.12 See also Scandinavia. Dennis Duval. Thackeray, W. M 36.525 and 301.12.3 Denominations and sects. American Chris- tian record: history, confessions of faith, statistics, etc. of each denomi- nation in the United States and Eu- rope. 1860 423.24 — Hand-book to all religions. 1877 434.4 — Pitts’ street chapel lectures. 1858 438.23 Contents.— Clark, W. R. Why I am a methodist. Thayer, T. B. Why are you a universalist? Sykes, J. N. Why I am a baptist. Adams, N. Why I am a trin- itarian congregational! st? Randall, G. M. Why I am a churchman. Dewey, O. Why I am a Unitarian. King, T. S. Spiritual Christianity. — Sturtevant, J. M. The keys of sect; or, the church of the New testament 421.23 — Where is the city? 1868 408.26 Contents. — Baptists, Congregationalists, Methodists, etc. See also names of different denominations. DeNormand, Hugh. Julienne; daughter of the hamlet. 1854 18.5 Denounced. The. Banim, M 44.14 De Peyster, J. W. Personal and military history of Philip Kearny. Hlus. 1869 628,9 DEPPING. 67 DICK. Depping, G. Wonders of bodily strength and skill. 1872 813.19 De Quincey, T. Autobiographic sketches, [1790-1803] 302.21 Contents . — The afflictions of childhood. Introduction to the world of strife. Infant literature. Female infi- del. Public school. I enter the world. The nation of London. Dublin. First rebellion in Ireland. French invasion of Ireland, and second rebellion . Travelling. My brother. Premature manhood. — Biographical essays. 1870 302.25 Contents.— Shakspeare. Pope. Charles Lamb. Goethe. Schiller. — The Caesars. 1865 .... 302.20 — Confessions of an English opium-eater, and Suspiria de profundis. 1866 302.17 — Essays on Christianity, paganism, and su- perstition. 1877 444.14 Contents .— On Christianity as an organ of political movement. The Essenes. Secret societies. Suple- mentary note on the Essenes. Judas Iscariot. The true relations of the bible to merely human science. On the supposed scriptural expression for eternity. On Hume’s argument against miracles. Protestantism. Se- cession from the church of Scotland. The Pagan ora- cles. Modern superstition. Sortilege on behalf of the 1 Glasgow Athenaeum. Note. — Historical and critical essays. 2 v. 1859. 302.18 Contents.— v. 1. Philosophy of floman history; The Essenes; Philosophy of Herodotus; Plato’s Republic; Homer and the Homeridae. v. 2. Cicero ; Style ; Rheto- ric; Secret societies. — Literary reminiscences. 2 v. 1854 302.19 Contents. — v. 1. Literary novitiate. Sir Humphrey Davy. Wm. Godwin. Mrs. Grant. Recollections of Charles Lamb. Walladmor. Coleridge. Wordsworth. v. 2. Wordsworth and Southey. Southey, Words- worth, and Coleridge. Recollections of Grasmere. The Saracen’s head. Society of the lakes. Charles Loyd. Walking Stewart. Edward Irving. Wordsworth. Tal- fourd. The London magazine. Junius. Clare. Cun- ningham. Libellous attack by a London journal. Duelling. — Logic of political economy and other papers. 1859 302.23 Contents .— Logic of political economy. Life of Mil- ton. The Suliotes. The fatal marksman. The incog- nito. The dice. The king of Hayti. — and others. Famous stories. 2 v. 1878. 46.1 — Baynes, Peter. De Quincey and his works In 317.6.1 — Giles, H. Hlustrations of genius 317.11 — Masson, D. [Life.] 1881 616.11.24 Derby, E. Earl of. Hiad of Homer; trans- lated. 1867 217.29 Derby, G. H. [John Phcenix]. Phoenix- iana. 1856 304.10 Descent and Darwinism. Schmidt, O. ’75. .815.4.13 Descent of man. Darwin, C. 2v. 1872.. 803.2 Deschanel, A. P. Natural philosophy; ed. by Everett. 1876 826.15 Desert home. Reid, Mayne 92.1 Desert of ice: sequel to “At the North pole. Verne, J 136.14 Deserted ship. Cupples, G. 1881 51.23 Deserted wife. Southworth, E. D. E. N. . 5.23 Deshler, C. H. Afternoons with the poets [Essays]. 1879 207.14 Desk and debit. Adams, W. T, Juv 72.4.3 Desmond hundred. Austin, Mrs. J. G. ’82 57.32 Destiny of man. Fiske,John. 1885 435.21 Destruction and reconstruction [in the South]. Taylor, Gen. R. 1879 726.16 Detlef, Carl, pseud. See Bauer, Karoline. Developement, Theories of. See Evolution. Devereux. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L 36.72 Devil’s chain [temperance tale]. Jenkins, E 137.3 De Voe, T. F. Market assistant, contain- ing a brief description of every arti- cle of human food sold in the public markets of New York, Boston, Phila- delphia and Brooklyn. N. Y., 1867 . . 814.30 Dewey, Melvil. A classification and sub- ject index for cataloguing and ar- ranging the books and pamphlets in a library. 1876 *3501.1 Dewey, Orville. Autobiography and let- ters. 1883 643.3 — Discourses on human life. 1841 438.8 — Problem of human destiny. 1864 411.17 Dewing, T. W., formerly M. R. Oakey. Beauty in dress. 1881 836126 — Beauty in the household. 1882 851.15 Dexter, G. T ..joint author. Spiritualism. v. 1. 1853. See Edmonds, J. W 411.9 Dexter, H. M. Congregationalism as seen in its literature. 1880 442.17 DiCary. Thornton, J. 1879 47.3 Dialogues. Landor, W. S. Imaginary conversations. 5 v 315.1 Contents — 1. Classical dialogues. 2. Sovereigns and statesmen. 3. Literary men. 4. Literary men, famous women, etc. 5. Miscellaneous. — Monroe, L. B. Dialogues and dramas.. 311.23 — Plato. Dialogues; tr. by B. Jowett. 4 v 404.1 See also Elocution (Speakers.) Diamond rose. Keddie, H., [Sarah Tytler.] 33.30 Diamonds and precious stones.Dieulafait, L 828.8 Diana. Warner, S. and A. B 144.9 Diane Coryval. (No name ser.) 1884 56.11 Diary, A. Bremer, Fredrika. Fict 133.14.4 Diary of a late physician. Warren, S. Fict. 36.560 Diary of a superfluous man. Turgenieff, I. G 56.14 Diary of an ennuyee. Jameson, Mrs. A. [Travel in Italy] 518.8 Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. Charles, Mrs. E 36.95 Diary of the revolution, 1775-81. Moore, F. ed'r. 1875 722.5 Diaz, Mrs. A. M. Christmas morning; lit- tle stories, [cop. 1880] 87.3 — Chronicles of the Stimpsett family. 1882 77.21 — A domestic problem. 1875 421.10 — The Jimmy Johns, etc. 1878 88.20 — King’s lily and his rosebud. 1869 28.16 — Lucy Maria. 1874 28.19 — Schoolmaster’s trunk. Papers on home- life in Tweenit. 1875 311.25 — Story book for the children. 1875 74.22 — William Henry and his friends. 1872. . 84.8 — William Henry letters. 1872 28.26 Dibdin, C. Songs. (Universal songster. 3 v) 212.10 Dicey. Edward. England and Egypt, [’81] 727.16 — Victor Emanuel. [Life]. 1882 621.25.9 Dick, Thomas. Works. 11 v. in 2. 1853. 411.12 Contents. V. 1 Improvement of society ; Philosophy of a future state; Philosophy of religion; Mental illum- ination and moral improvement of mankind ; Sin and evil of covetousness. 2. The Christian philosopher; Celestial scenery illustrated; Siderial heavens, planets, etc. ; The practical astronomer; The solar system ; The atmosphere. — Sin and evil of covetousness. 1836 437.17 Dick, W. B., ed ’ r . Book of toasts, speeches and responses. 1883 326.20 — Games of patience, [with cards]. 1883 832.31 Dick Cheveley: his adventures. Kingston, W. H 82.16 Dick Duncan. Wise, Daniel. Juv 71.21 Dick Netherby. Walford, L. B. 1882.... 53.7 Dick’s wanderings. Sturgis, Julian. 1882 53.1 DICKENS. 68 DICTIONARIES. Dickens, Charles. American notes. [Travel in 1842] 1 16 and 52^.22 — Barnaby Rudge. Ulus 1.2 — Battle of life; The haunted man. 1856. 36163 — Bleak house. 4 v. in 2. 1852 36.164 Same. Illus 1.9 — Child-pictures from [his works]. 1872.. 28.21 — A child’s history of England. 2 v 738.23 — Christmas carol. 1846 36.193 Contents,— Christmas carol in prose; The chimes ; Cricket on the hearth. — and others. Christmas stories. 1862 36.165 Contents. — Haunted house; Message from the sea; Tom Tiddler’s ground. Same. Illus 1.10 — David Copperfield. Illus 1.3 — Dr. Mary gold’s prescriptions; Mugby junction. 1867 36.166 — Dombey and son. 3 v. in 2. 1847 36.167 Same. Illus 1.5 — Great expectations 1861. 2v.ini. ... 36.168 Same. Illus 1.15 — Hard times. 1854 36169 — Hunted down; The uncommercial trav- eler. 1860 36.170 — editor. Household words. 36 v. in 18. [1850-9]......., 327.13 — Letters; ed. by his sister-in-law and his eldest daughter, [1833-70]. 2v 622.5 Note .— Intended to supplement Forster’s life of Dickens. — Little Dorrit. 4 v. in 2. 1857 * 36.171 Same. Illus 1.11 — Martin Chuzzlewit. 1844 36.172 Same. Illus 1.13 — Mudfog papers, etc. 1880 138.1 — Mystery of Edwin Drood 36.174 Note . — For sequel [so-called] see “John Jas- per’s secret” by H. Morford [33.15]. Same. Illus 1.14 — Nicholas Nickleby 36.175 Same. Illus 1.7 — Old curiosity shop. Illus 1.1 — Oliver Twist 36.178 Same. Illus 1.8 — Our mutual friend. 4 v. in 2 36.179 Same. Illus 1 12 — Pickwick papers 36.180 — - Same. Illus 1.4 — Picnic papers 61.1 — Pictures from Italy, 1846 527.20 — Pictures from Italy; Sketches; American notes. Illus 1.16 — Sketches. 1843 36.181 Same. Hlus 1.16 — Somebody’s luggage. 1867 36.182 Contents. — Mrs. Lirriper’s lodgings ; Mrs. Lir- riper’s legacy. — Tale of two cities. 1859 36.183 Same. Hlus 1.6 *— Uncommercial traveler; Hard times; Mystery of Edwin Drood. Illus 1.14 — and Collins, W. No thoroughfare [also] The late Miss Hollingford. 1868. . . . 36.176 — Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors. . 601.20 — Forster, J. Life of. 1872-74. 6 v. in 3 . 643.13 Same. Life of. 3 v. 1872 607.24 — Harper’s m., v. 12. [Sketch of Dickens]. 1004.1 — Mackenzie, R. S. Life. 1870 642.6 — Pierce, G. A. Dickens dictionary: a key to character and incident 314.12 — Sala, G. A. [Memoir of]. 1870 In 36.174 Dickens, Charles, continued. — Stoddard, R. H., ed'r. Anecdote biog- raphy of. 1875 In 612.17 — Ward, A. W. [Life]. 1882 616.11.27 — Whipple, E. P. In his Success, etc 303.7 Dickens, Charles, Jr. Dictionary of Lon- don [hand book]. 1879 514.24 — Dictionary of Paris. 1882 518.25 Dickinson, Anna E. A paying investment. [Social reforms] 1876 911.18 — Ragged register. [Western travel]. 1879. 512.29 — What answer? 1869. Fict 132.2 Dictionaries. Abbott, L. and Conant, T. J. Diet, of religious knowledge [’74] *A.10 — Adams, W. H. D. Diet, of English lit. . 315.3 — Addis, W. E. and Arnold, T. Catholic dictionary. 1884 *428.5 — Adler, G. J. German and English dic- tionary. [cop. 1848] *B.16 — Allibone, S. A. Critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors. 3 v 1871 *A.8 Dictionary of poetical quotations. ’75. *B.20 Dictionary of prose quotations. 1876. . *B.19 — Andrews, E. A. Latin-English lexicon . 1872 *A.4 — Anthon, C. Classical dictionary. 1869. *A.6 — Bouvier, I. Law dictionary, [cop. ’67] 2v *E.l — Brande, W. T. and Cox, G. W. Die. of science, literature and art. 3 v. 1872. *B.3 — Brewer, E. C. Die. of phrase and fable.* 326.12 The reader’s hand-book of allusions, references, plots and stories. 1880 . . *312.1 3 — Davies. C. Mathematical dictionary. [cop. 1855] 836.28 — Diet, of Shakespearean quotations. 1 881 315.22 — Drake, F. S. Diet, of American biog- raphy. 1872 *A,7 — Dunglison, R. Dictionary of medical science. 1874 *AT1 — Fairholt, F. W. Dictionary of terms in art ... *D.4 — Grove, G. ed’r. Dictionary of music and musicians (1450-1883). 4v *B.24 — Hamilton, J. A. Diet, of musical terms. 1854 :.. 852.8 — Haydn, J. Diet, of dates; ed. by B. Vincent. 1870 *B.4 — Johnson, S. Diet, of the Eng. language. Latham’s edition abridged. 1877. . . . *E.6 — Knight, E. H. New mechanical diction- ary. 3 v. 1877 *E.4 New mechanical dictionary. 1884 *E.4.4 — Lanman, C. Dictionary of Congress. 1859 913.20 — Pierce, G. A. Dickens dictionary. 1879 , 314.12 Putnam, G. P. The world’s progress; a dictionary of dates. 1873 *B.10 — Riley, H. T. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations. 1882 313.30 — Rogers, May. Waverly dictionary. 1879 314.4 Simmonds, P. L. Commercial dictionary of trade products, etc. 1883 844.4 — Skeat,W. W. Etymological dictionary of the English language. 1882 316.8 — Smith, W. Concise dictionary of the Bible *B17 — - Dictionary of Greek and Roman anti- quities. 1873 *B.15 Dictionary of the Bible. Am. edition. 4 v. 1883 *A.13 Smaller classical dictionary 313.21 DICTIONARIES. 69 DOCTOR. Dictionaries, continued. Disraeli, Benj., continued. — Spiers, A. and Surenne, G. French and English [and English and French] dictionary. 1871 — Staunton, W. Ecclesiastical dictionary. [cop. 1861] — Ure, A. Dictionary of arts, manufactures and mines. With supplement. 3 v. 1871 — Velasquez, Seoane’s, Nueman and Bar- etti. Diet, of the English and Span- ish languages, [cop. 1855] — Webster, N. Am. diet, of the English language. 1880 — Wheeler, W. A. Dictionary of noted names of fiction. 1872 — Worcester, J. E. Diet, of the English language. 1872 See also Cyclopaedias. Didier, E. L. Life and letters of Madame Bonaparte. 1879 Diet and dining. See Food and diet. Dieulafait, L. Diamonds and precious stones. 1874 Digby Grand. Melville, G. J. W Digestion. Flint, A. Alimentation, di- gestion, etc. 1873 In 813.1.2 — Hall, W. W. Dyspepsia. 1877 828.17 — Lewis, Dio. Our digestion. 1872 847.2 Talks about people’s stomachs. 1870 . 828.19 — Mace, J. History of a mouthful of bread 803.11 Dikes and ditches: Holland and Belgium. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.4.4 Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain; travel in English speaking countries, 1866-7. . 503.20 Diman, J . L. Theistic argument and recent theories. 1881 426.21 Dimitri Roudine. Turgenieff, I. Fict 48.7 Dimitry, J. History of Louisiana, [cop. ’77] 738.7 Dingelstedt, F. The Amazons. An art novel. 1874 131.15 Dining, Handbook of. Brillat-Savarin, J. A. 814 32 See also Cookery; Food. Dinwiddie, W. Times before the reforma- tion, with account of Savanarola. ’80. 423.26 Diothas; or, a far look ahead. Thiusen, I., pseud 56.23 Directories. See Chicago; Freeport; Illi- nois; Rockford. Dlscoveries. See Inventions; Patents; Useful arts. Discovery [in Geography]. See Geogra- phy; Travels and voyages. Diseases. Beale, L. S. On slight ail- ments. 1880 834.24 — Habershon, S. O. Diseases of the stom- ach. 1879 831.18 — Hewitt, G. Diseases of women. 1872... 836.12 — Richardson, B. W. Diseases of modern life 835.27 The field of disease, a book of preven- tive medicine 843.27 See also Constipation ; Consumption ; Dys- pepsia; Medicine; Nervous system. Disowned, The. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. . . . 36.73 Disraeli, Benj., Earl of Beaconsfield. Al- roy. 1846 36.184 — Coningsby. 1844 36.185 — Contarini Fleming, 1846 36.186 — Endymion. 1880 47.15 — Henrietta Temple. 1859 36.187 — Lothair. 1871 7.8 — Sybil. 1845 36.189 *B.6 422.2 *B.l *B.18 *A.2 *332.1 *A.3 618.6 828.8 36.393 — Tancred. 1847 36.190 — Venetia. 1858 36.191 — Vivian Grey. 1859 36.192 — Young duke and Coningsby. 2 v. in 1. . 17.33 — Brandes, G. Lord Beaconsfield: a study. 1880 621.19 — Gilfillan, G. Third gallery of portraits. 1855 301.24 — Political adventures of Lord Beacons- field. [anon]. 1878 613.30 and 642.3 — Smiles, S. Brief biographies 606.4 See also Harper’s m. v. 6, 34, 36 [1004.1] ; Scribner’s m. v. 14. LI 006.4] Disraeli, Isaac. Amenities of literature. 2 v. 1864 308.11 — Calamities and quarrels of authors. 2v.. 314 6 — Curiosities of literature. 1857 305.8 Distillation, brewing and malting. Mc- Culloch, J. 1867 838.32 Disturbing element; or, chronicles of the Blue-bell society. Yonge, C. M 46.28 Divers women. Alden, I. M. and Livings- ton, C. M 86.25 Divine comedy. See Dante. Divine love and wisdom. Swedenborg, E. 414.12 — - Same; trans. by R. N. Foster 401.17 Divine origin of Christianity. Storrs, R.S. 1884 434.19 Divine providence. Swedenborg, E. 1873 . 414.13 Divine tragedy. Longfellow, H. W 211.22 and 211.23 Divorce and divorce legislation. Woolsey, T. D. 1869 911.3 See also Marriage. Dix, J. A. Speeches and addresses. 2 v. 1864 305.18 — Dix, M. Memoirs of. 2 v. 1883 625.18 Dix, Morgan. The calling of a Christian woman . 1883 443.37 — Memoirs of John A. Dix. 2 v. ’83 625.18 Dix, T. L. The healthy infant. 1880 833.21 Dixie, Lady , Florence. Across Patagonia. 1881 517.11 Dixie cookery. Barringer, M. M 844.14 Dixon, Charles. Rural bird-life. [Eng- lish.] 1880 83423 Dixon, W. H. Free Russia [emancipation of serfs]. 1872 501.33 — Her majesty’s tower [Tower of London]. 1869-71. 4 v. in 2 746.15 Same. 1869 74411 — History of two queens: Catharine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn. 1874. 6 v. in 3. 643.11 — The holy land. 1865. 2v. ini 501.23 — New America [beyond the Mississippi.] 1867 501.24 — Personal history of Lord Bacon. 1861 . . 643.12 — Spiritual wives [socialisms, etc.] 1868. . 432.31 Dobell, Sydney. Poems. 1860 211.12 Dobson, Austin. Henry Fielding. [Life] — Vignettes in rhyme, etc. 1880 217.22 Dobson, E. Foundations and concrete works. 1872 811.29 — Masonry and stone-cutting. 1873 811.30 Doctor Antonio: tale of Italy. Ruffini, G. 36.475 Doctor Ben. (Round-robin ser.) 1882... 57.31 Dr. Breen’s practice. Howells, W. D. ’81 51.5 Doctor Claudius. Crawford, F. M. 1883. 147.5 Dr. Gilbert’s daughters. Mathews, M. M. 81.2 Doctor Grattan. Hammond, W. A. 1885 57.12 DOCTOR 70 DORA. Doctor Grimsliaw’s secret. Hawthorne, N. 1883 53.29 Doctor Jacob. Edwards, M. B. 1869 138.18 Dr. Marygold’s prescriptions. Dickens, C. 36.166 Dr. Ox’s experiment, eta. Verne, Jules. ’75 136 12 Doctor papa. Clarke, R. S., [Sophie May ] 71.2 2 Dr. Sevier. Cable, G. W. 57.6 Dr. Syntax: his three tours. Combe, W. [Humorous] 213.5 Doctor Thorne. Trollope, Anthony 4.19 Dr. Wainwrigkt’s patient. Yates, Edmund 36.589 Dr. Willoughby and his wine. Walker, M.S. 86.22 Doctor Zay. Phelps, E. S. 1882 53.18 Doctor’s daughter, The. Clarke, R S. Juv 26.43 Doctor’s wife, The. Braddon, M. E 36.47 Doctors, Book about. Jeaffreson. J. C. ’70 643.16 Dodd family abroad. Lever, C.. 3 v. in 2. 36.329 Doddridge, P. Paraphrase of the New Testament, 6 v. 1739 428.1 Dodge, M. A., [Gail Hamilton .] Child- world. [stories]. 1873 28.20 — Country living and country thinking. ’63 301.16 — First love is best. 1877 45.4 — Gala-days, etc.. 1863 306.7 — Little folk life, [stories]. 1875 76.6 — Anew atmosphere. 1866 307.23 — Nursery nooning. [Training of children] 332.22 — Our common school system. 1880 912.22 — Sermons to the clergy. 1877 441.33 — Skirmishes and sketches. 1866 307.13 — Stumbling blocks. [Essays]. 1866 307.12 — Summer rest. [Essays]. 1866 304.4 — Twelve miles from a lemon, etc. 1874.. 332.3 — Woman’s worth and worthlessness. The complement to a “New atmosphere.” 1872 902.27 — Woman’s wrongs; a counter-irritant. ’68. 903.17 — Wool gathering. [Travel in the West.] 1867 306.24 Dodge, M. E. A few friends and how they amused themselves. 1869 811.20 Dodge, Mary M. Donald and Dorothy. ’83 82.26 — Hans Brinker; or, the silver skates. ’74. 28.33 — Rhymes and and jingles. 1880 218.5 — Theophilus and others. 1876 314.27 Dodge, R. J. Our wild Indians. 1882 728.5 — Plains of the great West. 1876 511.3 Dodge, T. A. Birds-eye view of our civil war. Maps. 1883 731.7 Dodge, W. S. A waif of the war; or, his- tory of the seventy-fifth Hlinois infan- try. 1866 712.26 Dodge club. DeMille, J. [Humorous] . . . 64.15 Dodgson, C. L., [Lewis Carroll ]. Alice’s adventures in wonderland. 1877 76.15 — Hunting of the snark 1876 215.9 — Rhyme and reason. Hlus. 1884 211.38 — Through the looking-glass. 1878 86.3 Dods, J. B. Electrical psychology. 1854. . 804.17 — Spirit manifestations examined and ex- plained. 1854..... 437.28 Dods, M. L. Art of cooking. 1880 835.12 Doesticks, Q. K. P., pseud. See Thomp- son, M. M. Dog Crusoe. Ballantyne, R. M 75.4 Dogs. Walsh, J. H. Dogs of Great Bri- tain. 1879 838.32 — Youatt, W. The dog; ed. by E. J. Lew- is. [cop. 1846] 821.6 Doing his best. Trowbridge, J. T 87.24 Dolbear, A. E. The telephone. 1877 827.28 Dole, N. H. Young folks’ history of Rus- sia. 1881 721.19 Doliver romance. Hawthorne, N. [With Fanshawe] 137.12 Dollars and cents. Warner, A. B. Fict. 14.17 Dollinger, J. J. I. von. Mediaeval fables about the popes. The prophetic spirit. Prophecies of the Christian era. 1872 437.22 — Reunion of the churches. 1872 408.37 Dolly. Burnett, Frances H 14416 Dombey and son. Dickens, C. 3 v. in 2 . . 36.167 Same. Illus 1.5 Domestic economy. Bazar book of the household. 1875 828.15 — Beecher, C. E. House-keeper and health keeper. 1873 813.24 and Stowe, H. B. American woman’s home. 1870 811.24 Domestic science. 1870 803.28 — Beecher, Mrs H. W. All around the house. 1879 822.30 Motherly talks with young house- keepers. 1873 812.15 — Brown, P. What girls can do 837 21 — Diaz, Mrs. A. M. A domestic problem. 421.10 — Freedley, E. T. Home comforts. 1870 838.43 — Goodholme, T. S. Domestic encyclopae- dia. 1882 841.31 — Household conveniences. Illus. ’84 844.21 — Kirkland, E. S. Dora’s house-keeping. Juv. 1883. 82.19 — Parloa, M. First principles of house- hold management. 1880 842.4 — Peirce, M. F. Co-operative house-keep- ing. 1884 845.2 — Warren, Mrs. E. Comfort for small in- comes 844.11 — -• How I managed my house on £200 a year 844.10 How to choose a house and furnish it at small expense •. . 844.13 My lady help and what she taught me. Fict 827.13 Six hundred dollars a year. 1867 308 30 — Youmans, E. L. Hand-book of house- hold science 813.23 See also Cookery; Food ; Home, (The); Nee- dle work; Receipts; Servants. Domestic explosives. [Humorous.] Al- den, W. L 315.2 Domestic folk-lore. Dyer, T. F. T 426.29 Domestic problem, A. Diaz, Mrs. A. M. . . 421.10 Domestic stories Craik, D. M. 1862 36.130 Dominies, Book about. Hope, A. R 306.10 Dominion of Canada. See Canada, Domin- ion of. Don John. Ingelow, Jean 145.16 Don Quixote. Cervantes, S. M. de. 4 v . . 45.5 Same 5.9 Donal Grant. Macdonald. G. 1883 55.14 Donald and Dorothy. Dodge, M. M ..... . 82.26 Donald Deane and his cross. Bradley, W. J 23.19 Donkersley, R, Facts about wives and mothers. 1869 605.27 Donne, J. Walton, I. Life of In 606.25 Donne, W. B. Euripides [outlined and ex- plained]. 1872 1020.30 — Tacitus [outlined and explained]. 1873. 102035 Donnelly, Ignatius. Atlantis: theante-di- luvian world. 1882 724.19 — Ragnarok: the age of fire and gravel. ’83 844.16 Doolittle, J- Social life of the Chinese. 2 v. 1867 706.7 Dora. Kavanagh, Julia 36.297 DORA. 71 DRAMAS. Dora’s house-keeping. Kirkland, E. S 82.19 Dora Deane. Holmes, M. J 135.6 Doran, Dr. J. Habits and men with rem- nants of record touching the makers of both. 1865 323.9 — Monarchs retired from business. 2 v. ’81 623.18 Contents. — V. 1. I In] Britain, France, Corsica, Ger- man empire. Bohemia, Hungary, Bavaria, Poland. 2. Rome, Eastern empire, Russia, Sardinia, Scandina- via, Spain, Portugal, Turkey. Dorcas club Adams, W. T 73.3.5 Dorchester, D. The problem of religious progress. 1881 433.3 Dorner, I. A. On the future state. See Smyth, N. 1883 443.35 Dorothea. Patchin, O. H. 1882 52.20 Dorothy. Paul, Mrs. M. A 36.196 Dorothy; a country story in elegiac verse. Munby, A. J. 1882 211.5 Dorothy Fox. Parr, Louisa 36.441 Dorset, F. Treatise on agriculture. 1867. 807.10 Dosia, a Russian story, Greville, H. pseud. 48.28 Dostoyeffsky, F. Buried alive; or ten years of penal servitude in Siberia. ’81. 516.22 Dotty Dimple series. See Clarke, R. S. Double house. Craik, D. M In 36.128 Doubleday, Abner. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. (Campaigns of the civil war). 1882 726.9.6 — Reminiscences of Sumter and Moultrie. 737.5 Doubting heart. Keary, Annie. 1882.... 541 Douglas, Amanda M, Floyd Grandon’s honor 1884 55 26 — Intrust. 1875 4310 — Kathie stories. 6 v. 1883 83.13 Contents.— 1. Kathie’s three wishes. 2. Kathie's aunt Ruth. 3. Kathie’s summer at Cedarwood . 4. Kathie’s soldiers. 5. In the ranks. 6. Kathie’s harvest days. — Lost in a great city. 1881 145.25 — Nelly Kinnard’s kingdom. 1876 53.24 — Out of the wreck; or, was it a victory? 1885 57.17 — Seven daughters. 1874 91.16 — Sydnie Adriance 1875 43.11 — Whom Kathie married. 1883 56 15 Douglas, R. K. China. [Descriptive]. ’82 526.13 — Confucianism and Taouism. 1879 444.18.2 Douglas, Stephen A. Sheahan, J. W. Life. 1860 63617 Douglass, Fred, American freedman. Life, by himself. 1846 605.3 — My bondage and my freedom. 1855 606 28 — Stowe, H. B. Men of our times 1868. 634.3 Dove in the eagle’s nest. Yonge, C. M 36.602 Dow, Lorenzo. Dow, Peggy. Life and writings of 628.3 Dowden, E. Southey. (Eng. men of letters). 1880 616.11.18 — Shakspere. (Literature primers). ’78 314 1 5 — Shakspere; mind and heart 317,1 Dowling, J. History of Romanism. 1846 411.6 Down the Rhine; Germany. Adams, W T. Juv 73.4.6 Down the river. Adams, W. T Juv 73.1.6 Downing, Major Jack, pseud. See Smith, Seba. Downs, Eliz. Nettie Loring. [Temperance tale.] 1875 92.20 Doyle, J. A. Eng. colonies in America; Virginia, Maryland, Carolinas. 1882. 728 6 Doyle, Richard. Foreign tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones, and Robinson, in Bel- gium, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. [Humorous illus.] 1871 *8521 28 Drainage Waring, C. F. Drainage for profit and health. 1867 813.27 See also Sewerage and drainage. Drake, Sir Francis. Life and voyages. In 512.24 Drake, F. S. Dictionary of American biog- raphy. With supplement. 1872 *A.7 — Indian history for young folks. Illus. 1882 734.17 — ed’r. The Indian tribes of the United States. 2 v. 4to. 1884 *8541.25 Note .— The above is substantially a condensation of H. R. Schoolcraft's “Archives of aboriginal knowledge,” in six vols. quarto. Drake, J. R. Culprit fay and other poems . 1836 212.12 Same In 201.15 — Griswold, R. W. Poets of America 201 .6 Drake, S. A. Captain Nelson. [Romance of colonial days] . ! 879 47.2 — New England legends and folk-lore. 1884 321.3 Drake, S. G Aborigines of North America. 1860 722.1 — Indian captivities. 1855 503.5 Drama. Brown, T. A. History of the Ameri- can stage, 1733-1870. [Biographical sketches]. Portraits 628.12 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. L Athens, its rise and fall. [Grecian drama] 701.6 — Clayton, E. C Chronological list of all the operas that have been performed in Europe. (In her Queens of song): 1865 628.23 — Coquelin, C. The actor and his art. 1881 837.23 — Guide to selecting plays ; or manager’s companion. Description of 1,500 pieces. 1881 211.10 — Hazlitt, W. Dramatic literature of the age of Elizabeth. 1870 302.5 — Leeds, J. W. The theatre ; non-accor- dant with the Christian profession. 1884 435.22 — Macaulay, T. B. Comic dramatists of — Matthews, J. B. Theatres of Paris. Illus. 1880 217.23 — Murdoch, J. E. The stage ; or recol- lections of actors, etc. 1880 622.7 — Schlegel, A. W. Lectures on dramatic art and literature. 1871 204.17 — Scott, Sir W. Lives of eminent novel- ists and dramatists 624.19 — Smith, Sol. Theatrical management. ’68. 617.7 — Taine, H. A. The theatre. ( In his Eng. lit., v. 1) 305.12 — White, R. G. Rise and progress of the English drama to the times of Shakes- peare In 308.3 See also Biography ( Collective : Actors ; Artists ) ; Shakespeare ; See also English, German, Greek, and other literatures. Drama, Tales of the. Macauley E. W. ’47 8.21 Dramas. Collections. British drama. 2 v. 1856 207.1 — Inclibald, Mrs. E. British theatre. 25 v. Lond. 1808 205.1 — - Collection of farces. 7 v. Lond. 1809 . 205.3 — - Modem theatre. 10 v. Lond., 1811.. 205.2 Note . — For contents of above see alphabeti- cal list of dramas. DRAMAS. 72 DRAMAS. Dramas, continued . Amateur and Juvenile. — Baker, G. M. Amateur dramas 206.24 Contents. Sylvia’s soldier. Standby the flag. Wanted, a male cook. The tempter; or, the sailor's return. Sea of troubles. Greatest plague of life. We’re all teeto- talers. A drop too much. Freedom of the press. The sculptor’s triumph. The rival poets. The peddler of Very-Nice. Once on a time. — - Drawing-room stage. 1873 206.23 Contents . — My brother’s keeper. Revolt of the bees. Tender attachment. Among the breakers. Gentlemen of the jury. Seven ages. Boston dip. Duchess of Dublin. Exhibition drama. 1875 208.16 Contents .— Enlisted for the war; or, the home guard. Never say die. The champion of her sex. The visions of freedom. Merry Christmas of the old woman who lived in a shoe. The tournament of Idylcourt. Thorn among the roses. Christmas carol. Handy dramas. 1877 208.15 The mimic stage. 1875 208.2 Contents .— Down by the sea. Close shave Capuletta. The great elixir. Man with the demijohn. An original idea. My uncle the captain. No cure, no pay. Humors of the strike. Bread on the waters. — - The social stage. 1873 812.24 Contents .— The last loaf. A Grecian bend. Too late for the train. Snowbound. Bonbons. Light heart’s pilgrimage. War of the roses. Thirty minutes for re- freshinents A little more cider. New brooms sweep clean. — Dalton, H. Drawing-room plays [char- ades, proverbs, burlesques, etc.,] 1884 832.34 — Howard, (3. J. ed'r. Drawing-room the- atricals. 1870 812.26 Contents.— Student’s frolic. Household fairy. Kiss in the dark. Mrs. Willis’s will. Jack of all trades. His first brief. Sudden arrival. Medical man. Terrible secret. Poisoned. Eligible situation. “ Wanted, a young lady.” — Monroe, L. B., ed'r. Public and parlor readings: dialogues and dramas. 1878 311.23 Dramas arranged alphabetically by titles. Adopted child, musical drama. Birch, S 205.3.6 Agamemnon, tragedy. JEschylus 1020.17 Ajax, tragedy. Sophocles 1020.14; 218.11 Alcestis, tragedy. Euripides 1020.15.1 Alchemist, The. Johnson, Ben . .. 201.19 Alexander the great; or rival queens, tragedy. Lee, Nathaniel 207.1.2; 205.1.6 All for love, tragedy. Dryden, J 20T. 1.2; 205.1.6 All in the wrong, comedy. Murphy, A 205.1.15 All’s well that ends well, comedy. See Shakespeare. All the world’s a stage, farce. Jackman, I 205.3.4; 207.1.2 Alzira, tragedy. Hill, Aaron 207.1.2 Andromache, tragedy. Euripides 1020.15.3 Andromaque, tragedie. Racine 313.3 Antigone, tragedy. Sophocles 1020.14; 218.11 Antony and Cleopatra, tragedy. See Shakespeare. Apprentice, farce. Murphy, Arthur . S05.3.3; 207.1.1 Arden of Feversham. trag. Lillo, G 207.1.1 As you like it, comedy. See Shakespeare. Athalie, tragedie, Racine 313.3 Author, The, com. Foote, S 205.3.7 Bacchae, The, trag., Euripides 1020.15.1 Banknote; or lessons for ladies, com. Macready,W. 202.5.9 Barbarossa, trag. Brown, Dr. J 207.1.1; 205.1.15 Barnwell, George, trag. Lillo, G 205.1.11 Bartholomew fair. Jonson, Ben 201.19 Battle of Hexham, hist. play. Colman G. the younger 205.1.20 Beaux’ stratagem, com. Farqnhar, G 207.1.1; 205.1.8 Beggar’s opera, opera. Gay, John 207.1 1 ; 205.1.12 Belle’s stratagem, comedy. Cowley, Mrs. H. 207.1.1; 205.1.19 Birth-day, comedy., altered from Kotzebue. Dibdin. 205.3.2 Blind boy, melo-drama. Kenney, J, 205.3.1 Bold stroke for a husband, comedy. Cowley, Mrs. H 205.1.19 Bold stroke for a wife, com. Centlivre, Mrs .207.1.1 ; 205.1.11 Bon ton: or high life above stairs, farce. Garrick, D 207.1.1 Box-lobby challenge, comedy . Cumberland, R 205.2.5 Braganza, tragedy. Jephson, R 205.2.6 Bride of Messina, tragedy. Schiller 218 20 Brothers, The, comedy. Cumberland, R 205.1.18; 207.1.2 Busy body, comedy. Centlivre, Mrs. S 205.1.11 Cain: a mystery. Byron, Lord 214.12.4: 201.2 Careless husband, comedy. Cibber, Colley 207.1.2; 205.1.9 Dramas, continued. Case is altered. Jonson, Ben.. 201.19 Castle of Andalusia, comic opera. O’Keeffe, J.. 205.1.22 Catherine and Petruchio com., altered from Shakes- peare, by D Garrick 205.3.4 Catiline ; his conspiracy. Jonson, Ben. 201.19 Cato, tragedy. Addison 207.1.1; 205.1.8; 1001.2.1 Chances, com., altered from Beaumont and Fletcher by Duke of Buckingham 205.1.6; 207.1.2 Chapter of accidents, comedy. Lee, Sophia 202.5.9 Child of nature, altered from the French, by Mrs. Inchbald 205.3.1 Choephone, The, tragedy. AEschylus 1020.17 Citizen, The^ farce. Murphy, A. 205.3.4 City wives’ confederacy, comedy. Vanbrugh Sir John 207.1.2 Clandestine marriage, comedy. Colman, G. and Gar- rick, D 207.1.1; 205.1.16 Clavigo, tragedy. Goethe 218 14 Comedy of errors, comedy. See Shakespeare. Comus, a mask. Milton, J — 207.1.2 ; 203.1.3 : 201.3 Same; altered by George Colman. . . 205.3.7 Concious lovers, comedy. Steele, Sir Richard 205.1.12 Constant cbuple, comedy. Farquhar, G 205.1.8 Coriolanus, tragedy. See Shakespeares works. ... Count of Narbonne, tragedy. Jephson, Robert 205.1 20 Countess of Salisbury, tragedy. Hartson, Hall 205.1.16 Country girl, comedy. Garrick, D . . 205.1.16 ; 207.1.1 Critic, or tragedy rehearsed. Sheridan, R. B. 207.1.1 : 208.29 ; 214.27 ; 205.3.3 Cure for the heart ache, comedy. Morton, T... 205.1.25 Cymbeline, tragedy. See Shakespeare. Cynthia’s revels, comedy. Jonson, Ben 201.19 Deformed transformed. Byron, Lord 214.12.4; 201.2 Delinquent, or seeing company, com. Reynolds, F. 205.2.2 Demetrius, tragedy. Schiller 218.21 DeMontfort, tragedy. Baillie, Joanna 205.1.24 Deserted daughter, comedy. Holcroft, T 205.1.24 Deserter, farce. Dibdin, C 205.3.2 Deuce is in him, farce. Colman, G ....205.3.6; 207.1.1 Devil is an ass. Jonson, Ben 201.19 Devil to pay, ballad farce. Coffey, C. . . . 205 3.5 ; 207.1.1 Distressed mother, tragedy. Philips, Ambrose. 205.1.7; 207.1.2 Doctor and apothecary, mus. ent. Cobb, J. . . 207.1.1; 205 3.6 Don Carlos, historical play. Schiller .... 218.20 Douglas, tragedy. Home, J. 207.1.1 ; 205.1.16 Dramatist, or stop him who can. Reynolds, F 205.1.20 Drummer, or haunted house, com. Addison. 1001. 2.1 ; 207.1.2 Duchess de la Valliere, hist.play.Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. 207.3 Duenna, The, comic opera. Sheridan, R. B. 207.1.2; 205.1.19; 208.29; 214.27 Duplicity, comedy. Holcroft, T 205.2.4 Earl of Essex, tragedy. Jones, H 207.1.2; 205.1.22 Earl of Warwick, trag. Franklin, Dr. Thomas 205.1.19 Edgar and Emmeline, comedy. Hawkesworth, Dr. 205.3.6 Edward the Black prince, hist. trag. Shirley, W. .. 205.1.14 Egmont, tragedy. Goethe 218.14 Electra, tragedy. Euripides 1020.15.3 Electra, tragedy. Sophocles 1020.14 ; 218.11 Ella Rosenberg, melo-drama. Kenney, J 205.3.1 England preserved, tragedy. Watson, G 205.2.8 English merchant, comedy. Colman, G 202.5.9 Epicoene : or the silent woman Jonson, Ben 201.19 Esther, tragedie. Racine.... 313.3 Every man in his humour, comedy. Jonson, B. .201.19; 207.1.2 Every one has his fault, comedy. Inchbald, Mrs. E. 205.1.23 207.1.1 205.1.10 201.19 205.2.5 205.3.6 205.3.2 205.2.10 205.1.11 218.22 Fair penitent, tragedy. Rowe, N Fall of Mortimer. Jonson, Ben . ... False impressions, comedy. Cumberland, R Farm-house, farce Farmer, The. O’Keeffe, J Fashionable levities, comedy. Macnally, L . . . . Fatal curiosity, tragedy. Lillo, G 207.1.1 Faust, tragedy. Goethe. Translated by Blackie ... Same; translated by Hayward 204.11 Same; translated by Swanwick 218.15 Same ; translated by Taylor 208.26 Same [German text] 313.15 Fellow-culprits, comedy. Goethe 218.14 Fiesco ; or the Genoese conspiracy, trag. Schiller.. 21».21 First floor, farce. Cobb, J 207.1.2; 2( 5.8.6 First love, comedy. Cumberland, R 205.1.18 Flora ; or Hob in the well, farce • 205.3.5 Folly as it flies, comedy. Reynolds, F 205.2.2 Fontainbleau, comic opera. O’Keeffe, J 205.1.22 Fortune’s fool, comedy.. Reynolds, F 205.2.2 Fortune’s frolic, farce. Allingham, J. T 207.1.1 Fouudling, comedy. Moore, E • • 205.1.14 Fugitive, The, comedy. Richardson, Joseph Furies, The, tragedy. ^Eschylus Gamester, tragedy. Moore, E 205.1.14 George Barnwell, tragedy. Lillo, G. Goetz Von Berlichingen, tragedy. Goethe ... Good-natured man, comedy. Goldsmith, O. ..205.1.17; 214.15 Greciau daughter, tragedy. Murphy, A ...207.1.1; 205.1.15 Guardian, comedy. Garrick, D 205.3.4; 207.1.1 Gustavus Vasa, trag. Brooke, H 207.1.1; 205.1.7 205.2.8 1020.17 207.1.1 207.1.1 218.14 DRAMAS. 73 DRAMAS. Dramas, continued. Hamlet, prince of Denmark, trag. See Shakespeare. Harold, drama. Tennyson 206.6 Hartford bridge, operatic farce. Pearce, W 205.3.3 He wonld be a soldier, comedy. Pilon, F 205.2.8; 207.1.2 He's much to blame, comedy. Holcroft, T 205.2.4 Heaven and earth, a mystery 214.12.4; 201.2 Hecuba, tragedy. Euripides .. 1020.15.3 Heir at law, comedy. Colman, G., the younger 205.1.21 Heiress, comedy, Burgoyne, Gen. Sir John 205.1 22 Helena, tragedy. Euripides 1020.15.3 Henry II. or fall of Rosamond, trag. Hull, T 205.2.9 Heraclidae, tragedy. Euripides 1020.15.2 Hercules, tragedy. Euripides 1020.15.2 Hero and Leander, comic burletta. Jackman, I... 207.1.1 High life below stairs, farce. Townley, Rev. J 207.1.2 High life below stairs, farce. Garrick, D 205.3.5 Highland reel, musical farce. O’Keeffe, J 205.3.2 Hippolytus, tragedy. Euripides 1020.15.1 Honey-moon, comedy. Tobin, J 205.1.25 How to grow rich, comedy. Reynolds, F 205.2.1 Hypocrite, comedy. Bickerstaff, I — 207.1.1 I’ll tell you what, comedy. Inchbald, Mrs. E 205.2 7 Impostors, comedy. Cumberland, R 205 2.6 Inkle and Yarico, opera. Colman, G ... 205.1.20 ; 207.1.2 Intriguing chambermaid, farce. Fielding, H 207.1.2 Ion, tragedy. Euripides 1020.15.1 Iphigenia in Aulis, tragedy. Euripides 1020.15.2 Iphigeniain Tauris. Goethe... 2 tS. 14 Iphigenia in Tauris, tragedy. Euripides 1020.15.3 lphigenie, tragedie. Racine 313.3 Irish widow, comedy. Garrick, D 207.1.1 ; 205.3.5 Irishman in London, farce. Macready, W 205.3.2 Iron chest. Colman, G., the younger 205.1.21 Isabella; or, fatal marriage, trag. Southern, T.207.1.1; 205.1.7 Jane Shore, tragedy. Rowe, N 207.1.1 ; 205.1.10 Jealous wife, comedy. Colman, G 207.1.1; 205.1.16 Jew, The, comedy. Cumberland, R 205.1.18 Jew and the doctor, farce. Dibden, T 205.3.2 John Bull; or the Englishman’s fireside, comedy. Colman, G., the younger 205.1,21 Julius Caesar, trag. See Shakespeare. King Henry IV., V., VI., VIH. See Shakespeare. King John, historical play. See Shakespeare. King Lear, tragedy. See Shakespeare. King Rene's daughter, lyrical drama. Hertz, H. ... 211.32 King Richard II., III. See Shakespeare. Know your own mind, comedy. Murphy, Arthur. . . 205.1.15 Lady Jane Grey, tragedy. Rowe, N 205.1.10 Lady of Lyons, comedy. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L 207.3 Lame lover, farce. Foote, S 207.1.2 Laugh when you can, comedy. Reynolds, F 205.2.2 Law of Lombardy, tragedy. Jephson, R .... 205.2.b Lie of a day, comedy. O’Keeffe, J 205.2.10 Life, comedy. Reynolds, F 205.2.1 Lionel and Clarissa; or, school for fathers, comic opera. Bickerstaff, I 205.1.17; 207.1.2 Lock and key, musical entertainment. Hoare, Prince 205.3.3 Lodoiska, opera. Kemble, J. P 205.3.7 Love a la mode, farce. Macklin, Charles 207.1.2; 205.3.1 Love and intrigue, tragedy. Schiller 218.21 Love for love, comedy. Congreve, W 207.1.2; 205.1.13 Love in a village, comic opera. Bickerstaff, I.. 205. 1.17; 207.1.2 Love makes a man, comedy. Cibber, Colley 205.1.9 Love's labour lost, comedy. See Shakespeare. Lovers’ vows. Inchbald, Mrs. E 205.1.23 Lyar, The, comedy. Foote. S 207.1.1; 205.3.5 Lying valet, farce. Garrick, D 207.1.1 ; 205.3.4 Macbeth, tragedy. See Shakespeare. Magnetic lady. Jonson, B 201.19 Mahomet, the impostor, tragedy. Miller, J... 207.1.2 ; 205.1.13 Maid of Orleans. Schiller 218.20 Maid of the mill, comic opera. Bickerstaff, 1 205.1.17 Maid of the Oaks, dram. ent. Burgoyne, Gen. Sir J. 205.3.6 Man of the world, comedy. Macklin, Charles 207.1.1 ; 205.1. 14 Manfred, dramatic poem. Byron, Lord . 214 12.4; 201.2 Marino Faliero, Dodge of Venice, trag. Byron. 214.12. 4; 201.2 Mary Queen of Scots, tragedy. St. John, J 205.2.8 Mary Stuart, tragedy. Schiller. .. 218.20 Masques [Various] See Jonson, Ben 201.19 Matilda, tragedy. Franklin, Dr. T . 205.2.8 Matrimony, petit opera, from the French. Kenney, J. 205.3.1 Mayor of Garratt, comedy. Foote, S 207.1.1 ; 205.3.5 Measure for measure, comedy. See Shakespeare. Medea, tragedy. Euripides 1020.15.1 Merchant of Venice, comedy. See Shakespeare. Merry wives of Windsor, comedy. See Shakespeare Midas, English burletta. O’Hara, K 207.1.11 205.3.7 Midnight hour, comedy, from the French. Inchbald, 205.3.1 Midsummer-night’s dream, com. See Shakespeare. Millerof Mansfield, dramatic tale, Dodsley, R. .. . 205.3.7 Minor, The, comedy. Foote, S 205.3.5 Miss in her teens, farce. Garrick, D 205.3.4; 207.1.2 Mock doctor, farce. Fielding, H 205.3.5; 207.1.1 Money, comedy. Bulwer-Lytton, E- L 207.3 Mountaineers. Colman, G., the younger 205.1.21 Dramas, continued. Mourning bride, tragedy. Congreve, W 205.1.13; 207.1.1 Much ado about nothing, comedy. See Shakespeare. Mysterious husband, tragedy. Cumberland, R 205.2.5 Nathan the wise, dramatic poem. Lessing 211.4 Natural son, comedy. Cumberland, R 205.2.5 Netley abbey, operatic farce. Pearce, W 205.3.3 New inn; or the light heart. Jonson, Ben 201.19 New way to pay old debts, com. Massinger. 207.1.1 ; 205.1.6 Next door neighbors, comedy. Inchbald, Mrs. E . . . 205.2.7 Not so bad as we seem, comedy. Bulwer-Lytton, E.L. 207.3 Notoriety, comedy. Reynolds, F 205.2.1 CEdipus at Colonos, tragedy. Sophocles 1020.14; 218.11 (Edipus the king, tragedy. Sophocles ...1020.14; 218 11 Old maid. The, comedy. . 205-3.7 Orestes, tragedy. Euripides 1020.15.3 Oroonoko, tragedy. Southern, T 207.1.1; 205.1.7 Orphan, or the unhappy marriage, trag.Otway. 207.1. 1 ; 205.1.12 Orphan of China, tragedy. Murphy, A 207.1.2 Othello, The Moor of Venice, tragedy. See Shakes- peare. Out of the question, comedy. Howells, W. D 208.1 Padlock, The, comic opera. Bickerstaff, I — 205.3.4 ; 207.1.1 Percy, tragedy. More, Hannah 207.1.1; 205.2.7 Pericles, prince of Tyre, tragedy. See Shakespeare. Persian, The, tragedy. JSschylus 1020.17 Philoctetes, tragedy. Sophocles 1020.14; 218.11 Phoenician virgins, tragedy. Euripides 1020.15.1 Piccolomini. Schiller 727.8.2 Same. [German text] 313.17 Pizarro, from Kotzebue, by R. B. Sheridan.... 207.1.2; 208.29; 214.27 Plaideurs, comedi’e. Racine 313.3 Poetaster: or his arraignment. Jonson, Ben 201.19 Point of honor, comedy. Kemble, C 205.1.24 Poor gentleman, comedy. Colman, G., the younger.. 205.1.21 Poor soldier, comic opera. O’Keeffe, J 205.3.2 Prisoner at large, comedy. O’Keeffe, J 205.3.2 Prometheus chained, tragedy. Aeschylus 1020.17 Provoked husband, Vanbrugh, Sir J 207.1.2 ; 206.1.9 Provoked wife, comedy. Vanbrugh, Sir John.207.1.2; 205.1.9 Quaker, The, comic opera. Dibdin, C 205.3.4; 207.1.1 Queen Mary, drama. Tennyson 204.21 Rage, The, comedy. Reynolds, F 205.2.1 Raising the wind, farce. Kenney. James 205.3.1 Ramah Droog, comic opera. Cobb, J 205.2.6 Recruiting officer, comedy. Farquhar, G.. . 205 . 1 . 8 ; 207.1.2 Recruiting sergeant, mus. ent. Bickerstaff, 1 207.1.1 Register office, farce. Reed, Joseph 205.3.3 Revenge, The, tragedy. Young, E 207.1.1; 205.1.12 Rhesus, tragedy. Euripides 1020.15.2 Richard Cceur de Lion, hist, romance. Burgoyne. 205.3.6 Richelieu, hist. play. Bulwer Lytton, E. L 207.3 Rightful heir, comedy. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L 207.3 Rival queens. See Alexander, the great, above . . 205.1.6 Rivals, The, com. Sheridan ..207.1.1; 2(8.29; 214.27; 205.1.19 Road to ruin, comedy. Holcroft, T 205.1.24 Robbers, The, tragedy. Schiller 218.21 Roman father, tragedy. Whitehead, W.. 207.1.2 ; 205.1.14 Romeo and Juliet, tragedy. See Shakespe'are. Rosina, opera. Brooke, Mrs. F. M 207.1.1 Rule a wife and have a wife, comedy. Beaumont, F. and Fletcher, J .. 205.1.6 ; 207.1.2 Sad shepherd ; or tale of Robin Hood, Jonson, Ben 201.19 St. Patrick’s day, farce. Sheridan, R. B 208.29 ; 214.27 Samson, Agomstes, dramatic poem. Milton. J. 203. 1 3; 201.3 Sardanapalus, tragedy, Byron, Lord 214.12.4; 201.2 School for arrogance, comedy. Holcroft, T 205 2.4 School for authors, comedy. Tobin, J 205.3.7 School for prejudice, comedy Dibden T. . 205.2.4 School for scandal, comedy. Sheridan, 207.1.2; 208.29 ; 214.27 School for wives, comedy [Kelly, H?1 205.2.9 School of reform; or how to rule a husband. Morton 205.1.25 Secrets worth knowing, comedy. Morton T 205.2.3 Seduction, comedy. Holcraft, T 205.2.4 Sejanus; his fall. Jonson, Ben 201.19 Seven chiefs against Thebes, tragedy. Aischylus.. 1020.17 Shakespeare. See under his name in the general alphabet. She stoops to conquer, com. Goldsmith, O .. .207.1.1; 205. 1..17; 214.15 She wou’d and she wou’d not, comedy. Cibber, C... 205.1.9 Siege of Damascus, tragedy. Hughes, J. . .205.1.10; 207.1.2 Speculation, comedy. Reynolds, F 205.2.2 Speed the plow, comedy. Morton, T 205.1.25 Staple of news. Jonson, Ben 201.19 Stranger, from Kotzebue, by B. Thompson 205.1.24 Such things are. Inchbald, Mrs. E 205.1.23 Sultan; or peep into the seraglio, com. Bickerstaff 205.3.3 Supplicants, tragedy. yEschylus 1020.17 Supplicants, tragedy. Euripides 1020.15.2 Surrender of Calais, hist. play. Colman, G., the younger •• 205.1.20 Suspicious husband, comedy. Hoadly, B .. .207.1.1 ; 205.1.13 Tale of a tub. Jonson, Ben — 201.19 Tamerlane, tragedy. Rowe, N. 205 1.10; 207.1.2 Taming of the shrew, comedy. Shakespeare. lO DRAMAS. 74 DuBOIS. Dramas, continued. Tancred and Sigismunda, trag. Thomson. 205. 1.13 ; 207.1.1 Tempest, comedy. See Shakespeare. Tender husband, comedy. Steele, Sir R 207.1.2 Three weeks after marriage, farce. Murphy, A 207.1.1; 205.3.4 Time’s a tell-tale, comedy. Siddons, H 205.2.10 Timon of Athens, tragedy. See Shakespeare. Titus Andronicus, tragedy. See Shakespeare. To marry, or not marry, comedy. Inchbald, Mrs. E. 205.1.23 Tom Thumb, burlesque tragedy, altered from Field- ing by R. O’Hara 205.3.6 ; 207.1.1 Torquato Tasso. Goethe 218.14 Trachinise [maids of Trachisl, tragedy. Sophocles. . 1020.14; 218.11 Trip to Scarborough, com. Sheridan 205.2.7 : 208.29 ; 214.27 Troilus and Cressida, tragedy. See Shakespeare. Trojan dames, tragedy. Euripides 1020.15.2 Turnpike gate, mus. ent. Knight, T 205.3.3 Twelfth night, comedy. See Shakespeare. Two Foscari, tragedy. Byron, Lord 214.12.4; 201.2 Two gentlemen of Verona, com. See Shakespeare. Two strings to your bow, farce. Jephson, Robert.. 205.3 2 Venice preserved, tragedy. Otway, T 205.1.12; 207 1.1 Volpone; or, the fox. Jonson, Ben 201.19 Votary of wealth, comedy. Holman, J. G 205.2.3 Wallenstein, tragedy. Schiller 727.8.2 Walpole, comedy. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L 207.3 Waterman, The, or, the first of August. Dibdin, C. 205.3.7 Way to get married, comedy. Morton, T 2<>5 1.25 Way to keep him, comedy. Murphy. A 207.1.2 ; 205.1.15 Ways and means, comedy. Colman, G 205.3.7 ; 207.1.1 Wayward lover, pastoral drama. Goethe 218.14 Wedding day, comedy. Inchbald, Mrs. E 205.3.1 Werner, or the inheritance, tragedy. Byron 214.12.4; 201.2 Werter, tragedy. Reynolds, F 205.2.3 West Indian, comedy. Cumberland, R — 205.1.18 ; 207.1.2 What is she? comedy 205.2.10 Wheel of fortune, comedy . Cumberland, R 205.1.18 Which is the man? comedy. Cowley, Mrs. H 205.2.10 Who wants a guinea? com. Colman, the younger.. 2f'5.2.3 Who’ s the dupe, farce . Cowley, Mrs . H 207 .1.2 ; 205.3.1 Wife of two husbands, musical drama. Cobb, J 205.2.6 Wild oats; or, the strolling gentlemen, comedy. O’Keeffe 205.1.22 Wilhelm Tell. Schiller . . 727.8.2 Will, The, comedy. Reynolds, F 205.2.1 Winter’s tale, comedy. See Shakespeare. Wise man of the East, comedy from Kotzebue, by Mrs. E. Inchbald 205.2.7 Wives as they were, and maids as they are, comedy. Inchbald, Mrs. E 205.1.23 Wonder: a woman keeps a secret, comedy. Centli- vre, Mrs. S 207.1.1; 205.1.11 Ximena: or the heroic daughter, trag. Cibber, C. 207.1.2 Zara, tragedy. Hill, Aaron 205.1.7; 207.1 2 Zorinski. Morton, T 205.2.3 Draper, J. W. History of the American civil war. 3 v. 1867 747.3 — History of the conflict between religion and science. 1875 815.4. 12 — History of the intellectual development of Europe. 5th ed’n. 1872 904.16 — Human physiology. 1878 843.5 Draughts. See Checkers. Drawing. Bartholomew, W. N. National system of industrial drawing; free hand, mechanical, perspective. 2 v. . . 852 1 .23 — Bum, R. S. Hlustrated drawing book. . 825.11 Illustrated engineering and architec- tural drawing book 825.12 — Carter, Susan N. Drawing in black and white. 1882 852.13.8 — Chapman, J. G. American drawing book. 1873 8541-4 Elementary drawing book. 1872 8541.5 — Hamerton, P. G. The graphic arts. ’82. 824.17 — Hulme, F. E. Mathematical drawing in- struments. [How to use]. 1882 842.5 — Rose, J. Mechanical drawing self- taught. 1882 843.22 — Ruskin, J. Elements of. 1872 804.30 Elements of perspective. 1876 822.4 — Tuthill, W. B. Lessons in architectural drawing. 1881 851.30 — Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. .Our sketching club. 831.7 Drawing, continued. — Viollet-Le-Duc. Learning to draw. ’81 835.20 — Walker, W. Handbook of drawing. ’80 834.15 — Ware, W. R. Modern perspective. With portfolio of 27 plates. 1883 *8541.13 — Weigall, C. H. Art of figure drawing. ’79 852.13 4 DRAwiNG-room stage. Baker, G. M 206.23 DRAWiNG-room theatricals. Howard, C. J. 812.26 Drayson, A. W. On whist. 1879 833.23 Drayton, H. S. Light in dark places. ’79 145.9 Draytons and the Davenants. Charles, E. 36.94 Dream life. Mitchell, Donald G. 1857 ... 3.3 Dream numbers. [Fiction]. Trollope, T A. 11.2 Dreams. Owen. R. D. In his Foot-falls, etc 437.32 Dred. Stowe, H. B. 2 v 6.14 Dred Scott case. Examination of. Benton, T. H. 1860 806.16 Dress and costume. Art of dress. (Papers from the Quarterly review). 1852. . . 301.6 — Dewing, T. W. Beauty in dress. ’81. 836.26 — Doran, Dr . J. Habits and men 323.9 — Dress, health and beauty. Lond 844.2 — Duffey, E. B. Our behavior; dress and etiquette 417.17 — Gale, E. C. Hints on. 1872 804.26 — Hinton, H. L, Select historical. 1868. *848.17 — Lacroix, P. Manners, customs, and dress during the middle ages, and during the Renaissance. 1874 *722.10.2 — Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Dress (Art at home series) 833.33 — Phelps, E. S. What to wear. 1873. . . . 814 10 — Planche, J. R. History of British cos- tume. 1874 742.15 — Saunders, F. [The toilet]. Salad for the solitary 304.6 — Stowe, H. B. The chimney corner. [Dress] 301.27 DRESS-reform. Woolsen, A. G., ed'r. Dress- reform and the health of women. ’74 805.18 Dresser, Christopher. Japan: its architec- ture, art and art manufactures. 1882. 848 12 — Principles of decorative design. Illus. 848.15 Drift from two shores. Harte, Bret 44.28 Drinking. Disraeli, I. Drinking customs in England, p. 198 In 305.8 — Parton, J. Smoking and drinking. 1868. 802.3 See also Alcohol ; Stimulants and narcotics; Temperance question. Driven to sea. Cupples, G. Juv 81.4 Droz, Gustave. Around a spring. 1873.. 63.22 — Babolain. 1873 63.31 — Monsieur, madam and the baby. [1881] 141.31 Drummond, H. Natural laws in the spiritual world. 1884 432.34 Drummond, W. H. Large game and natural history of south and south-east Africa. 1875 841.11 Drunkenness. Macnish, R. Anatomy of. 1844 In 305.10 See also Alcohol ; Temperance. Dryden, John. Poetical works. 1855 206.22 — Howitt, W. Homes of the British poets. 615.15 — Johnson, S. Lives of the poets 643.17 — Lowell, J. R. Among my books, v. 1 . . 332.12 — Macaulay, T. B. Essays 305.13 — Reed, H. British poets, v. 1 208.22 — Saintsbury, G. [Life], 1881 616.11.21 — Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists . . 624.19 Du Bois, J. Countess of Monte-Cristo. 1871 42.36 DuCHAILLU. 75 EARLY. DuChaillu, P. B. Country of the dwarfs. [Africa]. 1872 504.21 — Explorations in eqatorial Africa, [1855-9]. 1871 528.2 — /Journey to Ashango-land, [1863-4]. 1871. 528.1 — Land of the midnight sun; Norway, Sweden, etc. 2 v. 1881 517.17 — Lost in the jungle. [Africa]. 1870 502.8 — My Apingi kingdom, with life in the great Sahara. 1872 502.10 — Stories of the Gorilla country. 1872. . . 502.11 — Wild life under the equator. 1871 502.9 Duchess, The., pseud. See Argles, Mrs. M. Dudevant, A. L A. D. [George Sand], — Antonia. 1870 6.2 — Consuelo. 1870 6.7 — Countess of Budolstadt; sequel to Con- suelo. 1883 6.5 — Fanchon, the cricket. 1871 6.3 — Impressions and reminiscences. 1876 . . . 614 20 — Jealousy; or, Teverino. 1870 6.6 — Mauprat. 1870. 6.1 — Recollections. 1874 In 612.16 — Snowman; a novel. 1871 57.11 — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders. 1872 . . 607.5 — Thackeray, W. M. Paris sketch book. 36.530 — Thomas, B. Life of George Sand. 1883 627.1.3 Due West; or, round the world in ten months. Ballou, M. M. 1884 522.2 Duelling Sabine, L. Notes on. 1859.. 413.10 Duff, Alex. Smith. G. Life of. 2 v. 1879 637.11 Duff, Mrs. Mary. Ireland, J. N. [Life]. Dufferin, Earl of. [F. T. Blackwood]. Letters from high latitudes; yacht voyage to Iceland, Jan Mayen, and Spitzbergen. 1878 511.21 Duffey, Mrs. E. B. No sex in education. 1874 412.6 — ■ Our behavior. [1876] 417.17 Duffy, C. G. Young Ireland [1840-50].’81. 745.13 DuFresnoy, C. A. Art of painting: trans. Dugdale, R. L. “The Jukes.” A study in crime, heredity, etc. 1877 913.19 Dulcken, H. W. Worthies of the world.’82 634.15 Dulles. C. W. What to do first in accidents and emergencies. 1883 838.44 Dumas, Alex. Count of Monte-Cristo. ’69 61.22 — Edmund Dantes; sequel to “Count of Monte-Cristo.” 1878 135.15 — Memoirs of a physician [France, Louis XVJ. 1879 5529 — Progress of democracy, as illustrated in the history of Gaul and France. 1841 903.22 — Queen’s necklace. [Marie Antoinette] ... 55 30 Note. — Sequel to “Memoirs of a physician.” — Three guardsmen series. 5 v Three guardsmen 42.1 Note.— Same as “Three musketeers;' 1 scene, siege of La Rochelle, 1625-8. Twenty years after. [Mazarin, 1645, etc.] 42.2 Bragelonne. [Revolution in England, 1688, etc.[ 42.3 Iron masque 42.4 Note. — Louis XIV and the prisoner in the iron mask. Louise la Yalliere; [La Valliere, died, 1710.] 42.5 Dumb traitor. [Temperance tale] Wilmer, M. E 92.21 Du Moncel, Count Theodore. The telephone, microphone and phonograph. 1879 . 833.27 Dumont, J. L. Life sketches from common paths. 1856 15.3 Dunglison, Robley. Dictionary of medical science. [1873] *A.ll Dunham, A. History of Spain and Portugal. 5 v. 1872 716.14 Dunlop, J. History of fiction. 2 v. 1842 302.7 Dunn Browne, pseud. See Fiske, S. Duplessis, G. Wonders ot engraving. ’71. 802.27 Du Puy, Miss E. A. Planter’s daughter. .. 43.8 — Why did he marry her 43.9 Durand, Mme. Alice. [ H . Greville .] Dosia a Russian story. 1877 48.28 — Lucie Rodey. 1880 138.14 — Philomene’s marriages. 1879 46.25 — Pretty little Countess Zina, 1879 46.24 — Tania’s peril. 1882 53.11 — Xenie’s inheritance. 1880 141.15 Durant, Ghislani. Horse-back riding from a medical point of view. 1878 823.1 — Hygiene of the voice. 1879 834.3 Durer, A. Clement, C. E. Painters, etc. 834.11 — Keddie,H.[&araft Tytler\M.odern. paint- ers 808.31 — Ruskin, J. Modern painters, v. 5. 1871 805.2 — Sweetser, M. F. Artist biographies 626.5.4 Dust. Hawthorne, Julian. Fict. 1881 54.3 Dutch republic, Rise of. Motley, J. L. 3. v. 1856 704.5 Duties of women. Cobbe, Frances, P. . . 426.27 Duty. Cobbe, Frances P. Religious duty 432.12 — Smiles, S. Duty, with illustrations of patience, etc 425.28 Duyckinck, E. A. History of the war for the Union. 3 v. 1861 *733.2 — National portrait gallery of eminent Americans. 2 v. 1862 *638.1 — and G. L. Cyclopaedia of American lit- erature. Illus. 2 v. 1877 *E.7 Dwarfs, Country of the. Du Chaillu, P. B. 504.21 Dwight, B. W. Modern philology. 2 v. ’77. 312.10 Dwight, H. O. Turkish life in war time, ’81 724.12 Dwight, M. A. Grecian and Roman mytho- logy. 1873 416.24 — Introduction to the study of art. 1868. 852.10 Dwight, N. Lives of the signers. 1876... 621.16 Dwight, Theodore,^. History of Connect- icut [to 1840]. 1872 723.20 Dwight, Timothy. Sprague, W. B. Life. In 601.1.4 Dwyer, C. P. Economic cottage builder. 1856 806.14 Dyer,T. F. T. British popular customs.’76 742.14 — Domestic folk-lore. 1881 * 426.29 — Folk-lore of Shakespeare. 1884 431.20 Dyer, T. H. Life of Calvin. 1850 617.5 — Pompeii; its history and antiquities. ’75 742.18 Dynamic sociology. Ward, L. F. 2 v. ’83. 916.13 Dynevor terrace. Yonge, Charlotte M 36.603 Dyonisius of Alexandria. Writings. (A.- N. C. lib. v. 20) 415.1 Dyspepsia. Hall, W. W. 1877 828.17 Each and all. A companion to the “Seven little sisters.” Andrews, J. 1876 86. 7 “Eadgyth,” pseud. Wilford family; or, hero-worship in the school-room 78.14 Earl and the Doctor, pseud. See Herbert, G. R. C. and Kingsley, C. H. Earl’s promise, The. Riddell, Mrs. J. H.. 36.469 Early, Jubal A. Memoirs of the last year of the war [1864-5]. 1867 731.2 Early and late papers. Thackeray, W. M. 311.26 EARLY. 76 EDGAR. Early Christian lit. primers. 4 v. See Fisher, G. P., ed’r, 426.24 Early dawn; or, Christian life in England. Charles, E. Fict 4.2 Early days of Christianity. Farrar, F.W. 431.2 Early history of institutions. Maine, H. S. 1878 913.24 Early mankind. Tylor, E. B. 1878 841.10 Early Plantagenets. Stubbs, W 743.5.9 Early years of Christianity. Pressense, E. de 425.14 Earnest men. [Biographies]. Tweedie, W. K 632 8 Earnest trifler. Sprague, M. A. Fict 145. L Earth. Brewster, G. Origin of the globe. [Mosaic history]. 1850 804.24 — Dawson, J. W. Earth and man. 1877.. 822.10 — Guyot, A. Earth and man. [cop. 1849]. 807.24 — Harris, J. The pre-adamite earth. 1856 437.20 — Higgins, W. M. The earth 837.11 — Reclus, E. The earth [its physical phe- nomena]. 1872 825.18 See also Astronomy; Creation; Geography; Geology; Physical geography. Earth and its treasures. Mangin, A. ’75. . 828.28 Earthly paradise. [Poem]. Morris, W.3 v. 204 8 Earthquakes and volcanoes. Ponton, M. 802.12 Eassie, William. Healthy houses. 1879.. 837.5 East, The. Andersen, H. C. Poet’s bazaar, [1840] 522.26 — Brassey, Mrs. Annie. Sunshine and storm in the. [Cruises in 1874-8] 517.2 — Browne, J. R. Yusef : a crusade in the East, [1851]. 1871 508.7 — Bryant, W. C. Letters from the East, [1852-3] 508.16 — Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in the Orient. 1884 515.2.3 — Eddy, D. C. Walter’s tour in the East. 6 v. [cop. 1862] 515.1 Contents.— V. 1. Egypt, v. 2. Jerusalem, v. 3. Samaria. v. 4. Damascus, v. 5. Constantinople, v. 6. Athens. — Field, H. M From Egypt to Japan.’76. 527.17 — Harper’s Hand-book for travelers in Europe and the East. 1873 *B.13 — Houghton, R. C. Women of the Orient. 518.13 — Keating, J. M. With Gen. Grant in the East. 1879 514.31 — ■ Kinglake, A. W. Eothen: travels in the. 1855 505.7 — Lord, J. Ancient states and empires.’69 745.14 — Morris, E. J. Tour in Turkey, Greece, Arabia Petrsea. 2 v. 1842 505.5 — Rand, E. A. All aboard for sunrise lands. Juv. 1881 515.11 — Smith, P. Ancient history of. (Student’s series). 1871 701 .1 Smaller history of. Illus. 1872 715.15 — Stephens, J. L. Egypt, Arabia Petrsea, Holy Land, [1835-6]. 2 v 505.13 * — WarburtOn, E. The crescent and the cross. 1852 501.32 See also names of Asiatic countries ; Oriental ; also Levant; Mediterranean; Turkey, etc. East, Romances of the. Gobineau, J. A. ’78. 44 3 East Indian archipelago. Bickmore, A. S. Travels in. [1865] 527.6 See also Malaysia. East Indies. Thornes, W. H. Life in. Fict. 23.27 See also Asia; India; East Indian Archipelago. East Lynne. Wood, Mrs. H 36.567 Eastern and Greco-Russian churches. Stan- ley. A. P. History of the Eastern church 416.17 Eastern fairy legends. Frere, M 26.32 Eastern questions. Palgrave, W. G. Es- says on. 1872 732.12 Eastlake, C. L. Hints on household taste in furniture, upholstery, etc. 1872 . . 813.8 Eastman, Julia A. School days of Beulah Romney. 1872 87.6 — Young Rick. Juv. 1875 78.8 Eating and drinking. Beard, G. M. 1871 813.22 See also Food. Eaton, C. B. Civil service in Great Britain. 1880 913.4 Eaton, J. S. Treatise on arithmetic. 1873. 811.13 Eaton, W. Felton, C. C. Life of In 641.4.9 Ebers, Georg. The burgomaster’s wife. [Holland, 1574-81]. 1882. 14613 — Daughter of an Egyptian king 1871 . . 31.30 — The emperor. [Hadrian; Egypt; early Christianity] 2 v. 1881 146.2 — Homo sum. [Arabia; Anchorites, 4th century]. 1880 48.24 — Serapis a romance. [Alexandria A D. 389] 1885 58.3 — The sisters. Romance of ancient Egypt [Memphis, B. C. 164] 1880 48.23 — Uarda. Romance of ancient Egypt. 2 ' v. 1880 48.22 Ebrard, J. H. A. Gospel history. [Histor- ical criticism]. 1876 431.3 Ebstein, Wilhelm. Corpulence and its treatment. 1884 844.32 Ecce coelum: or parish astronomy. Burr, E. F. [cop. 1867] 811.21 Ecce Deus. Parker, Joseph. 1867 423.2 Ecce homo. Seeley, J. R. 1871 408.22 Ecce spiritus. 1881 443.7 Ecclesiastical art in Germany during the middle ages. Lubke, W. 1877 834.6 Ecclesiastical dictionary. Staunton, W. 422.2 Ecclesiastical history. See Church history Echoes from mistland: or, the Nibelungen lay. Forestier, A 217.27 Echoes of a famous year. [France, 1870-1.] 746.12 Echoing and re-echoing. Foster, L H 81.14 Eclectic magazine, v. 22. N. Y., 1851 . . . 1002.2 Eclogues. See Virgil 1020.10 Economic cottage builder. Dwyer, C. P. ’56 806.14 Edda, The younger: tr. by R. B. Anderson. 431.6 See also Mallet’s Northern antiquities [742.8 1 and Crichton’s Scandinavia, v. 1 [742.111. Eddy, D. C. Angel whispers [comfort to mourners] 1860 408.19 — Europa; or, scenes and society in Eng- land, France, Italy and Switzerland. 1858 504.23 — Our traveling party. 5 v. 1882. Juv. 515.13 Contents. — 1. Visit to Ireland. 2. Scotland and Eng- land. 3. Paris to Amsterdam. 4. Baltic to Vesuvius. 5. Alps and the Rhine. i— Walter’s tour in the East. 6 v. 1865.. 515.1 Contents.— 1. Egypt; 2. Jerusalem; 3. Samaria; 4. Damascus; 5. Constantinople; 6. Athens. — The young man’s friend. 1855 406.13 Eddy, T. M. Patriotism of Illinois. 2 v. 1865 603.5 Edelweiss. Auerbach, B. Fict 131.9 Eden, Emily. Semi-attached couple. 1861 134.15 — Semi-detached house. 1860 134.14 Edgar, J. G. Crusades and the crusaders. 721,13 — History for boys, [modem Europe]. 1874. 716.22 EDGEWORTH. 77 EDUCATION. Edgeworth, Maria. Belinda. 1856 63.12 — Helen. 1856 7.21 — Parent’s assistant; stories for cliildren.’66 7.20 — Popular tales, [also] Tales of fashionable life. 1856 63.11 Contents.— Murad the unlucky ; The manufacturers ; The contrast; The grateful negro ; Tomorrow; Ennui; The dun. — Rosamond, etc. Juv 76.14 — Thackeray, A. I. Book of sibyls. 1883 628.13 — Zimmem, Helen. [Life.] 1883 627.16 Edina. Wood, Mrs. H. Fict 42.25 Edinburgh review, v. 135-160. 1872-84. . *1007.4 — Jeffrey, F. Contributions to the. 1858 305.5 Edith Lyle, etc. Holmes, M. J 142.16 Edkins, J. Chinese Buddhism. 1880 424.3 — Religion in China. 1878 435.26 Edmond Dantes; sequel to “Count of Monte- Cristo,” by A. Dumas. 1878 135.15 Edmonds, J. W. and Dexter, G. T. Spirit- ualism. With an appendix by N. P. Tallmadge. v. 1. 1853 411.9 Edmonds, S . E. E. Nurse and spy in the Union army 506.1 Edna Browning. Holmes, Mrs. M. J 135.7 Education. Cyclopcedias and Periodicals. — Barnard, H. ed’r. American journal of education, v. 1-7, 10 : 13. 1855-63 . . . 403.1 — Education. An international magazine; bimonthly. Bost, 1881-5 *1008.7 — Hlinois school journal; monthly, v. 2-4. 1882-5 *1008.9 — Illinois teacher, v. 1,3. 1855-7 401.7 — Journal of education. [New England and National], v. 7-22, Boston, 1878-85. fol *8541.26 — Kiddle, H. and Schem, A. J. Cyclopae- dia of education. 1883 *B.29 — Pennsylvania school journal, v. 4-5. 1855-7 428.4 General and Miscellaneous. — Abbott, J. Gentle measures in training the young 401.5 — Abercrombie, J. Culture and discipline of the mind. 1839 401.21 — Baine, A. Education as a science. 1879. 815.4.25 — Bayne, P. The classical controversy; Art of study In 322.6 — Boutwell, G. S. Educational topics. ’59 426.4 — Brackett, A. C., ed'r. Education of American girls. [Essays]. 1874.... 402.31 — Browning, O. Educational theories. 443.13 — Burton, W. Helps to. 1863 413.8 — Clarke, E. H. Building of a brain. 1874 . 413.27 Sex in. 1873 402.18 — Dick, T. On the mental illumination and moral improvement of mankind. (Works, v. 1) 411.12 — Duffey, E. B. No sex in. 1874 412.6 — Education of the citizen In 1001.9.1 — Everett, E. Practical. [Addresses]. ’59 426 2 — Froude, J. A. Education In 307.21 — Goulbum, E. M. Education of the world. In 437.12 — Helps, A. Education In 302.3.1 — Hill, T. True order of studies. 1876. . 416.2 — Howe, J. W., ed'r . Sex and education. [Essays]. 1874 412.7 — Kingsley, C. Health and. [Essays]. ’74 413.4 Education, continued. — Library of education. 3 v. 1869-70 414.1 Contents — 1. .Locke, Thoughts on education; Mil- ton, Treatise on education. 2. Mann, H., Physiology in schools; Scottish university addresses, by Mill, Froude, and Carlyle. 3. Bible in the public schools. — Locke, J. On education In 327.10 — McArthur, A. Education and its rela- tion to manual industry. 1884 917.1 — Mahaffy, J. P. Old Greek e. 1882.. 443.9 — Mann, H. Annual reports on, 1839, 1841-43, 1845-8 413.19 Lectures and reports on. 1872 413.18 — Mansfield. E. D. American e. 1851. 401.6 — Martineau, Harriet. Household. 1867. 413.9 — Mayhew, I. Popular education. 1850.. 405.21 — Milton, J. Tractate on education In 1001.6.3 — Peabody, A. P. Scientific education of mechanics (Smiths rep. 1872) *8501.2 — Phelps, Mrs. L. Hours with my pupils. 1859 401.4 — Philobiblius, pseud. History of. 1860. 426.1 — Richter, J. P. F. Levana; or, the doc- trine of e. 1866 413.11 — Schmidt, H. I. Hist, of ancient and modem [cop . 1842] 413.26 — Sears, B. and others. Classical studies. 1843 426.3 — Short history of education. [From En- cyclopaedia Britannica; 9th ed’n. ’78] 426 23 — Smith, Walter. Art education; scholas- tic and industrial . 1873 851.5 — Spencer, H. Education: intellectual, moral and physical. 1861 401.8 — Todd, J. Student’s manual. 1873 402.17 — Tourgee, A.W. An appeal to Caesar [for education of the South]. 1884 916.21 — United States. Commissioner of edu- cation. Reports. 13 v. 1870-1883. See United States. Schools. — Arnold, M. Higher schools of Germany. 1874 444.9 — Craig, A. H. Question book on common school studies. 1880 426.15 — De Graff, E. V. School-room guide. ’82. 444.20 — Dodge, M. A, Our common school sys- tem. 1880 912.22 — Greene, S. S. Libraries and schools. Selected papers. 1883 426.33 — Hazen, W. B. School and the army in Germany and France. 1872 732.13 — Hope, A. R Book about dominies. ’69 306.10 — Lincoln, D. F. School and industrial — Montgomery, Z. The poison fountain. [Public school system]. 1878 913.25 — Potter, A. and Emerson, G. B. School and schoolmaster, [cop. 1842] 413.5 — Sheely, A. Anecdotes of school life. ’77 317.27 — Staunton, H. The great schools of Eng- land. 1877 421.13 — Taylor, N. W. School amusements, ’59. 426.5 Teaching. — Abbott, J. Tne teacher; or, moral influ- ence in instruction. 1873 413.7 — Alcott, W. A. Confessions of a school- master. 1856 406.26 — Calderwood, H. On teaching. 1875... 417.18 — Fitch, J. G. Lectures on. 1881 425.32 — Hewett, E. C. Pedagogy. 1884 432.38 — Holbrook, A. The normal; or, methods of teaching the common branches.’72. 413.6 — Johonnot, J. Principles and practice of. 1879 441.18 EDUCATION. 78 EGYPT. Education, continued. — Kiddle, H. and others. How to teach. 412.14 — Page, D. P. Theory and practice of.’48. 401.15 — Parker, F. W. Notes of [his] talks on. -^ggg 432.39 — Sypher, J. R. Art of teaching school.’ 72. 441.17 See also Children; Colleges; Culture; Elocution; Etiquette; Kindergarten; Literature; Mental philoso- phy; Object-teaching; Pestalozzi; Physical culture; Ragged school ; Self-culture ; also, for official reports see Massachusetts; New York city; Illinois. Edward, the son of Edward III. — Jones, M. The black prince. Juv 28.6 — Shirley, W. Edward, the black prince: Edwards, Amelia B. Barbara’s history.’64 36.206 — Debenham’s vow. 1870 36.198 — Half a million of money. 1865 36.210 — Hand and glove. 1865 36.199 — In the days of my youth. 1874 32.21 — Miss Carew. 1865 36.201 — Miss Forester. 1873 32 10 — Monsieur Maurice. 1873 . . 36.202 — A night on the borders of the Black forest. 1874 36.2 '3 — Untrodden peaks and unfrequented val- leys. [The Tyrol]. 1873 501.25 Edwards, Mrs. Annie. Archie Lovell 34.8 — At the eleventh hour. 1882 53.4 — Ought we to visit her? 61.37 — A point of honor 45.13 — Stephen Lawrence, yeoman 34.3 — Susan Fielding 17.11 — Vagabond heroine. 1873 143.4 — Vivian the beauty. 1878 46.27 Edwards, C. History and poetry of finger rings. 1880 717.20 Edwards, E. Free town libraries; their formation, management, etc. 1869 328.18 Edwards, Eliez. Words, facts and phrases 316.10 Edwards, Emory. Catechism of the marine steam engine. 1880 831.21 Edwards, J. F. Constipation relieved with- out drugs. 1881 838.21 Edwards, Jonathan. Miller, S Life of. In 641.4.8 Edwards, M. B. Doctor Jacob. 1869 138.18 — The Sylvestres. 1872 36.209 Edwards, N. W. History of Illinois, from 1778 to 1833; and life and times of Ninian Edwards. 1870 712.22 Edwin Brothertoft. [Am. revolution]. Win- throp, T 44.21 Edwin Drood. Dickens, C 36.174 and 1.14 Egg farm, An. Stoddard, H . H. 1876 . . . 822.29 Eggleston, E., D. D. Christ in art; story of the evangelists, with designs of Bida. 1875 428.2 Egglest >n, E. Circuit rider. 1874 31.6 . — End of the world. 1872 8 34 — Hoosier school-boy. Fict. 1883 82.21 — Hoosier schoolmaster. Fict.. 1871 8.33 — Mystery of Metropolisville. 1873 15.22 — Roxy. 1868 144.13 — and others. Famous American Indians. v. 1-5. 1878-80 635.5 Contents. — 1. Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet. 2. Red Eagle. 3. Pocahontas. 4. Brant and Red Jack- et. 5. Montezuma. Eggleston, G. C. Big brother ser. v.1-4. Big brother [Indian war,Alabama]’75. 88.12 Captain Sam; or, the boy scouts of 1814. [Alabama]. 1876 88.13 Signal boys; or, Captain Sam’s com- pany. 1878 88.23 Eggleston, G. C., continued. Wreck of the “Red Bird;” story of the Carolina coast. 1882 83.1 — How to educate yourself. 1872 402.19 — How to make a living; making, saving and using money. 1875 827.30 — Man of honor, [cop. 1873] 64.17 — A rebel’s recollections ( civil war, 1861-5) 736.11 Egleston, N. H. Hand-book of tree plant- ing. 1884 844.24 — Villages and village life. 1878 822.24 Egypt. Baker, Sir S. W. Ismailia: a nar- rative of the expedition to central Af- rica for the suppression of the slave trade, [1870-3] 508.28 — Baldwin, J. D. Pre-historic nations 706.23 — Bartlett, S. C. From Egypt to Palestine 1879 51312 — Birch, S. Egypt to B. C. 300. (Anc. hist. from the monuments) 716.13.1 — Clarke, J. F. Gods of Egypt ,.In 438.26 — Clement, C. E. Egypt [popular history] . Illus. 1880 721.15 — De Leon, E. The Khedive’s Egypt. ’77 526.15 — Dicey, E. England and Egypt. [1881]. 727.16 — Draper, J. W. Intellectual development of Europe [Egypt’s influence] 904.16 — Ebers, G. Daughter of an Egyptian king. [Subjection of Egypt by the Per- sians.] 31.30 The emperor.[Hadrian; Roman domin- ion; Christianity]. 2 v 146.2 The sisters : a romance [Memphis, B.C. 161] 48.23 Uarda: romance [Pharaonic times]. 2 v. 1880 48.22 — Eddy, D. C. Egypt. (Walter’s tour, et<3.) 515.1.1 — Gautier, T. Romance of the mummy [Old Egyptian life] .... 134.16 — Gilbart, J. W. Commerce of ancient. In. 905.1. 19 — Harman, H. W. Egypt and the Holy Land, 1869-70 504.11 — Herodotus. History; tr. by Beloe. 3 v 1020.8 Same; tr. by Cary. 706.14 Same; tr. by G. Rawlinson. 4 v. Illus. 745.1 See also Herodotus in general alphabet. — History. (Universal hist. anc. pt., v. 1) 1779 *707.1 — Jenks, J. W. Commerce of Egypt. 1840. In 905.1.8 — Kenrick, J. Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs. 2 v. 1852. 745.11 — Kingsley, C. Hypatia [Alexandria; Neo- Platonism] 1869 14.7 — Klunzinger, C. B. Upper Egypt; its peo- ple and products. 1878 526.12 — Lane, E. W Manners and customs of the modem Egyptians. 2 v. Illus. 1871 713.5 — Lanoye, F. de. Egypt 3300 years ago . 802. 1 7 — Leland, C. G. Egyptian sketch book. ’74 5 ’4.29 — Lewis, G. C. Early history and chrono- logy of the'Egyptians. 1862 821.18 — McCoan, J. C. Egypt as it is. 1877.. 526.14 — Potter, H. C. Gates of the East. 1877 514.23 — Prime, W. C. Boat life in. 1872 502.19 — Rawlinson, George. Egypt and Baby- lon. From sacred and profane sources. 1885 746.20 History of ancient Egypt. 2 v. 1882. . 725.7 — Seventh great oriental monarchy. 2 v. ’82. 725.15 — Sharpe, S. Hist, of Egypt [to 640]. 2 v. 745.10 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in, [1835-6]. 2 v 505.13 EGYPT. 79 ELLIS. — Stoddard, G. W. Mashallah! a flight in- to Egypt. 1880 518.27 — Taylor, B. Egypt and Ireland in 1874. . 524.12 — Warburton, E. Crescent and the cross. 1852 501.32 — Warner, 0. 1). Mummies and Moslems. 1876 , 521.17 — Wilkinson, J. G. Ancient Egyptians. [Abridged], 2 v. Itlus 705.5 See also Africa; History (Ancient ) ; Nile; Pyr- amids. Eichberg, Julius. High school music reader. 1859 834.5 Eight cousins. Alcott, L. M. 1875 74.21 Eight hundred leagues on the Amazon. Verne, J. (Giant raft, pt. 1). 1882. 54.20.1 Eighteen Christian centuries. White, J. 725.9 Eighth commandment [copyright question] Reade, C 301.28 Eiloart, C. J. Boy with an idea. 1878. . . 77.6 Eirene. Ames, Mary. C. 1872 61.28 Eldorado [California in ’49]. Taylor, B . . 524.25 Eleanor’s victory. Braddon, M. E 36.48 Elective affinities. Goethe, J. W. von. In 33.29 Same 63.29 Electric light. Hammond, R. Electric light in our homes. 1884 843.28 Electrical psychology. Dods, J. B. 1846. 804.17 Electricity and magnetism. Bade, J. Won- ders of. 1872 802.6 — Bakewell, F. C. Manual of e. 1857 .... 805.20 — Berley, J. A. Universal electrical direc- tory. 1884 *3502.14 — Charming, W. F. Medical application of electricity. 1849 803.21 — Fonvielle W de. Thunder and lightning. 813.17 — Gordon, J. E. H. Electricity and mag- netism. 2 v. 1880 843.4 — Greer, H., ed’r. Recent wonders in elec- tricity, etc [1883.] 843.16 — Guthrie, F. Magnetism and e. 1875.. 827.10 — Lardner, D. Magnetism and e. 1857 . 801.7 — Rockwell, A. D. Electricity as related to medicine, etc. 1879 834 21 — Tyndall, J. Notes on. 1871 803.7 See also Electric light; Natural philosophy; Meteorology; Telegraph; Telephone. ELECTRO-metallurgy. Gore, G. 1877 838.28 ELECTRo-therapeutics. Amidon, R.W. Man- ual of. 1884. 844.37 Elena: Italian tale. Comyn, L. N 32.20 El Fureidis. [Syria]. Cummins, M. S .Fict. 64.7 Elia, Essays of, and Eliana. Lamb, C 327.4 Elia; or Spain fifty years ago. Arrom, C. B. de. 1868 135.24 Eliot, C. W., and Storer, F. H Elementary manual of chemistry; abridged by W. R. Nichols. 1875 847.6 Eliot, George, pseud. [Mrs. J. W Cross]. — Adam Bede. 1859 36.321 — Daniel Deronda. 1876 136.5 — Essays. 1883 .* 326.8 — Essays and leaves from[her]note-book.’8I 327.17 — Felix Holt, the radical. 1869 7.5 — Impressions of Theophrastus Such. [Es- says]. 1879 314.17 — Legend of Jubal, etc. [Poems]. 1874.. 206 27 — Middlemarch 1873 18.21 — Mill on the Floss. 1860 36 322 — Poems. 1883 213.3 — Romola. [Florence and Savonarola.] ’63. 36.323 — Scenes of clerical life. 1859 36.324 Same In 7.6 — Silas Marner, the weaver of Raveloe. . . . 36.325 Elliot, George, pseud, continued. Same In 7*6 — Spanish gypsy. A poem. 1879 206 26 — Blind, M. Life of George Eliot. 1883.. 627.1.1 — Cleveland, R. E. George Eliot’s poetry. In 323.16 — Cooke, G. W. Life of George Eliot. ’83. 627.22 — George Eliot’s life as related in her let- ters and journals. Ed. bv her hus- band J. W. Cross. 3 v. 1885 631.8 — Lord, J. George Eliot, [or] Woman as novelist In 735.6.5 — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders. 1872 . . 607.5 Eliot, John. Francis, C. Life of In 641.4.5 Eliot, Samuel, ed'r. Poetry for children. 1880 217.6 — Selections from American authors. 1879 326.5 — ed'r. Six stories from the Arabian Nights. 1880 77.10 Elizabeth, queen of England. Abbott, J. History of. 1873 611.8 — Aiken, L. Court and times of Queen Elizabeth, [1533-1603] 716.17 — Froude, J. A. History of England, v. 7-12 703.1 — Jameson, A. Celebrated female sover- eigns 633.12 — Lord, J. Queen Elizabeth, [or] Woman as a sovereign In 735.6.5 — Russell, W. Extraordinary women 618.2 — Strickland, A. Queens of England, v 3. 641.13 Note. — See Prescott’s Ferdinand and Isabella, v. 3 [Comparison of Elizabeth with Isabella] ; Also , Froude’s United Netherlands for studies of Elizabeth as woman and queen. In fiction , see Fullerton’s Constance Sherwood [Cath- olic view]; Kingsley’s Westward ho! [The Armada], Scott’s Kenilworth. Elizabeth. Thackeray, Anne 1 36.555 Elizabeth; or, the exiles of Siberia. Cotton, S. R 7.23 Elkswatawa; or, the prophet of the West. 2 v. 1836 8.11 Ella. Simonds, W. Juv 91.27.2 Ellen Linn. Abbott, Jacob. Juv 91.23 7 Ellen Middleton. Fullerton, Lady G 36.214 Ellen’s idol. Phelps, E S Juv 76.8.4 Elleby, W. Channing, E. T. Life of . .In 641.4.6 Ellet, E F. Pioneer women of the west. . 614.24 — Queens of American society. 1867 615.4 Ellicott, C. J. Scripture and its interpre- tation In 438.17 — Some present dangers of the church of England. 1877 .... 441.28 Elliot, Frances. Diary of an idle woman in Italy. 1873 47.41 — Romance of old court life in France. ’73. 501.26 Elliot, I. M. ed'r. Poetry for home and school. See Brackett, A. C 208 9 Elliott, A. Out of doors: game*, etc. ’72. 802.8 — Withindoors: games, etc. 1872 802.9 Elliott, C. W. Book of American interiors From existing houses]. Heliotype il- us. 1876. fol *8541.6 — Mysteries, or glimpses of the supernat- ural. 1852 408 29 — Pottery and porcelain. 1878 826.14 Elliott, F. R. Hand-book of landscape gardening. 1881 848 6 — Popular deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs, [cop. 1868] 824.31 Ellis, G. E. History of battle of Bunker’s hill 1875 734.6 — Life of Anne Hutchinson In 601.1.7 ELLIS. 80 EMERSON. Ellis, G. E., continued. — Life of Sir Benj. Thompson, Count Rumford, with notices of his daugh- ter. [1871] 615.6 — Life of Geo. Mason In 601.1.3 — Life of W. Penn In 601.1.12 — Red man and white man in North Amer- ica. 1882 728.2 Ellis, Mrs. S. S. Works. 8 v. in 2. 1845. . . 305.15 Contents.—!. The women of England; The daughters of England; The wives of England; The mothers of England. 2. Poetry of life ; Pictures of private life ; A voice from the vintage, etc. — Hearts and homes 1866 34.14 — Home; or, the iron rule. 1855 132 13 Ellis, Sumner. At our best, etc. 1873 332.5 Ellis, Rev W. Madagascar revisited. 1867 521.13 — Three visits to Madagascar, 1853-6. 1859. 527.5 Elm island stories. See Kellogg, E. Elocution, Oratory, Speeches. Elocution. — Bacon, A. M. Manual of gesture. 1881. 318.30 — Bautain, M. • Art of extempore speak- ing. 1873 308.14 — Cox, E. W. Arts of writing, reading and speaking 325.23 — Day, H. N. Art of rhetoric. 1868 325.19 — Townsend, L. T. Art of speech. 2 v. ’81 317.13 — Vandenhoff, G. Art of elocution [with selections]. 1862 301.22 Readers and Readings. — Carpenter, J. E. Popular readings 323.7 — Cumnock, R. M. Choice readings. 1878 . 323.4 — Eliot, S. Selections from American au- thors. Franklin, Adams, Cooper, Longfellow. 1879 326.5 — Green, J. R. Readings from Eng. his- tory. 1879 717.10 — Hart, J. S. Class-book of prose. 1845. 306.21 — Hudson, H N. Classical English read- er. 1878 314.11 — Johonnot. J. Geographical reader. ’82 526.25 Natural history reader. 1883 842.39 — Monroe, L.B.Public and parlor readings. Dialogues and dramas 311.21 Public and parlor readings. Humorous. 325.11 Public and parlor readings. Miscel- laneous 325.8 Young folk’s readings. 1877 311.22 — One hundred choice selections in poetry and prose. Nos. 1 to 25. 1884-5 322.11 — Penney, L. ed’r. Readings and recita- tions [temperance]. 1878 314.15 — Randall, Anna T. Reading and elocu- tion 1878 325.34 Speakers. — Alden, J. Natural speaker. 1872 323.6 — Carpenter, J. E. Public school speaker. 325.18 — Cumnock, R. M. School speaker. 1884. 326.27 — Kavanaugh, Mrs. R. Juvenile speaker for little boys and girls. 1877 318.27 — Oldham, O. Humorous speaker, [c. ’53] 325.33 — Raymond, J. L. Orator’s manual. 1880 314 26 — Sanders, C. W. School speaker. [cop.’571 323.5 — Stearns, J. N. Temperance speaker. ’79 317.4 Oratory and Eloquence. — Cicero. Three dialogues on the orator. 1020.12 — Emerson, R. W. Eloquence, In 332.23 Eloquence In 332.15 — Macaulay, T. B. Athenian orators. .In 305.13 — Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American revolution. 1873 613.9 Elocution, continued. — Percy anecdotes [of eloquence] 312.1 — Quintillian. Institutes of oratory. 2 v 318 4 — Tacitus. Dialogue on orators In 1021.10.2 Note.— For works on pulpit eloquence see Preaching. Speeches: Collections. — Goodrich, C. A. Select British elo- quence. 1874 321.15 — Moore, F. American eloquence: a col- lection, etc. 2 v. [cop. 1856-7]. J. . . 321.12 Note- Also give biog. sketches of the orators. See also Congressional globe and Congressional record. [De- bates in Congress] . Note . — For speeches and addresses see under the fol- lowing names: Bryant (W. C), Cicero, Giddings (J. R), Demosthenes, Dix, (J. A.), Garfield (J. A), Mac- aulay (T. B.), Phillips (Wendell). Quincy (Josiah), Sumner, (Charles), Webster, (D.) Elpis Israel. Thomas, J. 1867 434.16 Elsie books. Finley Martha. 9 v 87.20 1. Elsie Dinsmore. 6. Elsie’s children. 2. Elsie’s holidays 7. Elsie’s widowhood. 3. Elsie’s girlhood 8. Grandmother Elsie. 4. Elsie’s womanhood. 9. Elsie’s new relations. 5. Elsie’s motherhood. 10. Elsie at Nantucket. Elsie Yenner. Holmes, O. W. 1871 3.15 Elson, L. C. Curiosities of music. 1880. . 837.24 Elves, The. Tieck, L In 133.15.2 Elwell, E. H. Boys of thirty-five; story of a seaport town 1864 83.2 Ely, Alfred. Journal of a prisoner of war in Richmond [in 1861] 737.7 Ely, R. T. French and German socialism in modern times. 1884 916.20 Ely volume. [Missions and science]. Lau- rie, T. 1884 431.18 Emblems. Long, J. Eastern proverbs and. 318.19 — Quarles, F. Emblems. 1861 413.22 — Holmes, W. and Barber, J. W. Allegories and. 1849 408.10 Emergencies. Hope, H. H. Till the doc- tor comes 814.34 See also Accidents. Emerson, Rev. J. E. Clarke, R. W. Me- moirs of. 1852 605.8 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Conduct of life. 1871 332.17 Contents.— Fate, Power, Wealth, Culture, Behavior, Worship, Considerations by the way, Beauty, Illu- sions. — Essays. 2 v. 1883 326.9 Contents. — v. 1- History, Self-reliance, Compensation, Spiritual laws, Love, Friendship, Prudence, Heroism, The over-soul, Circles. Intellect, Art. v. 2. The poet, Experience, Character, Manners, Gifts, Nature, Politics, Nominalist and realist, New England reformers. — Lectures and biographical sketches. ’84. 322.1 Contents. — Demonology. Aristocracy. Perpetual forces. Character. Education The superlative. The sovereignty of ethics. The preacher. The man of let- ters. The scholar. Plutarch. Historic notes of life and letters in New England. The Chardou street con- vention. Ezra Ripley, D. D. Mary Moody Emerson, Samuel Hoar, Thoreau,- Carlyle. — Letters and social aims. 1876 332.23 Contents.— Poetry and imagination. Social aims. Elo- quence. Resources. The comic. Quotation and origi- nality. Progress of culture. Persian poetry. Inspira- tion. Greatness. Immortality. — Miscellanies. 1884 322.2 Contents .— The Lord’s supper. Historical discourse in Concord. Address at the dedication of the soldier’s monument in Concord. Address on emancipation in the British West Indies. War. The Fugitive slave law. The assault upon Mr. Sumner. Speech on affairs in EMERSON. 81 ENGLAND. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, continued. Kansas. Remarks at a meeting for the relief of John Brown’ 8 family. John Brown: Speech at Salem. Theo- dore Parker: address at the memorial meeting in Bos- ton. American civilization. The emancipation procla- mation. Abraham Lincoln. Harvard commemorative speeeh. Editors’ address; Massachusetts quarterly review. Woman. Address to Kossuth. Robert Burns. Walter Scott. Remarks at the organization of the Free religious association. Speech at the annual meeting of the Free religious association. The fortune of the re- public. — Nature, addresses and lectures. 1883 326.21 Contents. — Nature. The American scholar. An ad- dress delivered before the senior class in Divinity col- lege, Cambridge, July 15, 1838 Literary ethics. The method of nature. Man the reformer. Lecture on the times. The conservative. The transcendentalism The young American. — ed'r. Parnassus. [Selected poems.] 1876. 207.6 Contents. — Nature. Human life. Intellectual. Con- templative. Heroic. Portraits Narrative poems and ballads. Songs. Dirges and pathetic poems. Comic and humorous. Poetry of terror. Oracles and counsels. — Prose works. 2 v. 1873 307.19 Contents.— v. 1. Miscellanies: Nature. The American scholar. Address to the senior class in Divinity college, Cambridge, July 15, 1838. Literary ethics. Method of nature. Man the reformer. Lectures on the times. The conservative. The transcendentalism The young American. Essays: History. Self-reliance. Compensa- tion. Spiritual laws. Love. Friendship. Prudence. Heroism. The over soul.Circles. Intellect. Art. The poet. Experience. Character. Manners. Gifts. Nature. Politics. Nominalist and realist. New England re- formers. v. 2. Representative men: Uses of great men. Plato; or, the philosopher. Plato ; new readings. Sweden- borg; or, the mystic. Montaigne; or, the sceptic: Shakespeare; or, the poet. Napoleon; or, the man of the world. Goethe; or, the writer. — English traits: First visit to England. Voyage to England. Land. Race. Ability. Manners. Truth. Character. Cock- ayne. Wealth. Aristocracy. Universities. Religion. Literature. The “Times.” Stonehenge. Personal. Result. Speech at Manchester. — Conduct of life : Fate. Power. Wealth. Culture Behavior. Worship. Con- sideration by the way. Beauty. Illusions. — Selected poems, [cop. 1876] 211.1 — Society and solitude. 1872 332.15 Contents.— Society and solitude. Civilization. Art. Eloquence. Domestic life. Farming. Works and days. Books. Clubs. Courage. Success. Old age — and Carlyle, T. Correspondence of, 1834- 72. 2 v. 1883.. 625.10 — and others. Memoirs of Margaret Ful- ler Ossoli. 2 v 632.13 — Cooke, G. W. Life of. 1882 . . . 4 624.23 — Guernsey, A. H. Emerson: philosopher and poet 624.11 — Holmes, O. W. Memoir of. 1885 624.12.7 — Lowell, J.R. Emerson, the lecturer. In 332.13 — Poets’ homes, v. 2. Ulus 622.6 Emerson, W. A. Wood-engraving. 1881. 837.31 Emery’s journal of agriculture, v. 1-2. See Prairie Farmer, v. 17-18 *8541.1 Emigrant’s story, etc. [Poems]. Trow- bridge, J. T 211.18 Emilia Wyndham. Marsh-Caldwell, Mrs. A. 36.374 Emily Chester. Seemuller, A. M 32.13 Eminent women of the age. Parton, J. and others. Ulus. 1877 625.13 Emma. Austen, Jane. 1871 7 32 Emmet, Robert. Life of 605.29 Emmonds, Ebenezer. Geology of New York, 2nd district. Albany, 1842. v. 2 of.. *852 1.13 Emotions. Darwin, C. Expression of, in man and animals 807.5 — McCosh, J. The emotions. 1880 435.28 See also Eye ; Physiognomy. Emperor, The. [Hadrian], Ebers,G.2v. Fict. 146,2 Empress Josephine. Mundt, C. M. Fict. Enchanting and enchanted. [Fairy tales] . . Hacklander, F. W Encyclopaedias. See Cyclopaedias. End of a coil. Warner, Susan. 1880 End of religious controversy. Milner, J. End of the world. Eggleston, E Endless chain. Alden, I. M., 1884 Endless future of the human race. Henry, C S Endymion. Disraeli, B. 1880 Energy. See Forces, etc. Engineering. Knight, E. H. American mechanical dictionary. 3 v. 1877... New mechanical dictionary. 1834 See Civil engineering. Engineers, Lives of the. Smiles, S. 4 v. 1862. Illus 47.21 26.33 138.6 441.13 8.34 82.29 421.26 47.15 *E.4 *E.4.4 607.1 England and the English government. Constitution , Government , Laws. — Blackstone, Sir W. Commentaries on the laws of. Sharswood’s ed’n. 4 v in 2. 1872 908.1 — Campbell, J. Lives of the lord chan- cellors. 10 v 618.14 — Cotton, J. S. and Payne, E. J. Colonies and dependencies 916.5.13 — DeLolme, J. L. Constitution of Eng- land; or, an account of the English government. 1853 9 1 1 .4 — Freeman, E. A. Growth of the English constitution. 1872 916.8 — Hallam, H. Constitutional history of, from Henry VII. to George III. 1870. 904.6 Same; student’s series 715.12 — Jennings, G. H. Anecdotal history of the British parliament. 1881 913.21 See also , in general alphabet, Government; Law. History: General worhs. — Bishop, C. E. Pictures from Eng- lish history. Illus. 1883 732.1 — Buckle, H. T. History of civilization in. 2 v. 1872 904.3 — Craig-Knox, Isa. Little folks history of England [to 1872] — Dickens, C. A child’s history of. [to 1688]. 2v — English history in short stories. 1878 . — Gardiner, S. R. English history for schools [to 1880]. Illus. 1884 English history for young folks [to 1880.1 1881 — Goodrich, S. G. Pictorial history of. ’47 — Green, J. R. History of the English people [to 1873]. 4 v. 1879 ed'r. Readings from English his- tory. 1879 Short history of the English people [to 18731. — Hume, D. History of [to 1688]. 6v Same. Students’ Hume; abridged and continued to 1878 — Keightley, T. History of, [to 1837. J 1875. — Knight, C. Popular history of, [to 1849] 8 v. 1878 — Lingard, J. History of, [to 1688]. 9 v. ’74 — Lossing, B. J. History of England. 1871 — Maurice, F. D. English history In — Seeley, J. R. Expansion of England. ’83 — Smith, W. Smaller history of England, [to 1862]. Illus. 1876 — Strickland, A. Tales from English his- tory. Juv. 742.19 738.23 717.18 735.3 721.20 703.4 745.8 717.10 744.12 703.2 743.10 715.2 718.4 718.3 718.2 327.15 746.16 715.19 716.21 11 ENGLAND. 82 ENGLAND. England, continued. — Univ. hist; mod. pt. History of E, [to 1762]. Lond. 1783 v. 39-40 of *708.1 — Vaughan, R. Revolutions in English hist. v. 1. 1860 745.16 — Wikoff, H. The four civilizations of the world. 1874 902.23 — Yonge, C. M. Cameos from English his- tory. v. 1-5 742.20 Contents.— 1. From Rollo to Edward. 2. Wars in France. 3. Wars of the roses. 4. Reformation times. 5‘ England and Spain [1565-1602 1 . - Young folks’ history of England 721.10 Note. — Of the above works Green’s is deemed the best f 'eneral history, especially his work in 4 vols. Of the arger histories of England, Hume’s is Tory in sym- pathy and of literary rather than historical value ; Lin- gard’s, by a catholic, is candid and learned. His histo- ry like that of Hume’s ends at 1688. Knight’s is pop- ular in sympathies and is deemed the best of the more lengthy narratives. Of the brief histories designed for the young, Dickens’s [to 1688] and Gardiner’s [to 1880] are of high merit. In chronological sequence Hume and Lingard are fol- lowed by Macaulay, and to him succeed Stanhope’s histories. [to 1783]. Forsubsequent period see histories by Alison, Lecky, Martineau, etc. For critical notices of various histories see Adam’s Manual of historical lit- erature [725.6]. Allen’s Reader’s guide to Eng. history [732.15] gives, also, lists of illustrative novels, poems, etc. Early and Norman Period [to 1154], — Anglo-Saxon chronicle 441.8 — Armitage, E. S. Childhood of the Eng- lish nation. 1877 716.12 — Freeman* E. A. History of the Norman conquest of. 5 v. 1870-6 705 9 Old English history [to 1066]. 1871 . . 705.8 — Gairdner, J. Early chroniclers of Europe- England 727.14 — Geldart, Mrs. T. Hist, of [to 1087] ’60 703.13 — Green, J. R. Conquest of England. ’84 732 3 The making of England [449-830]. ’82 725.8 — Lord, J. Alfred the great, [or] The Sax- ons in Eng In 735.6.2 — Milton, J. Hist, of Britain to Norman conquest In 1001.6.5 — Palgrave, F. Hist, of the Anglo-Saxons 715.7 See also in biography, lives of Alfred the great and Anselm. In illustrative fiction , etc., see Kingsley’s Hereward, the wake, Shakespeare’s Macbeth [drama], Tenny- son ,s Harold [drama], Scott’s Count Robert of Paris. The Plantagenets [1154-1485]. — Burke, E. Abridgement of Eng. history to end of reign of king John In 305.9 — Froissart, Sir J. Chronicles of England, France, and Spain. [1326-1399]. Illus. 746.17 — Gairdner, J. Houses of Lancaster and. York. Maps. 1875..: ' 743.5.4 — Stubbs, W. The early Plantagenets, 1135-1327 743.5.9 Illustrative fiction , etc. Aguilar’s Days of Bruce. Ainsworth’ 8 Merrie England. Yonge’ s Lances of Lin- wood, and Caged lion [James I. of Scotland]. Bulwer- Lytton’s Last of the barons [wars of the roses]. James’s Agincourt, and Forest days. Percy’s Reliques [Chevy chase and other ballads]. Scott’s Talisman (1193), Ivanhoe (1194), Castle Dangerous (1306), Fair maid of Perth (1402), Shakespeare’s Edward III., Richard II., HI., Henry IV., Y. The Tudors, , [1485-1603]. — Aiken, Lucy. Court and times of Queen Elizabeth 716.17 — Creighton, M . Age of Elizabeth 743.5.10 — Froude, J. A. History of, from the fall of Wolsey to death of Elizabeth. 12 v 703.1 In biography, see lives of Queen Elizabeth and of Mary queen of Scots. Lives of Wolsey, More, Bacon and others will be found in Campbell’s Lord Chancel- lors [618.14.1-3J. England, continued. In fiction , etc., see Ainsworth’s Windsor Castle, Tow- er Hill, Constable of the Tower, James’s Darnley, Kingsley’s Westward Ho! Manning’s Household of Sir Thomas More, and Faire gospeller, Mundt’s Henry VIII. and his court, Scott’s Kenilworth, Abbot, and Mo- nastery, Shakespeare’s Henry VIII. The Stuarts, Commonwealth and Restora- tion, [1603-1688]. — Gardiner, S. R. The first two Stuarts and the Puritan revolution 743.5.8 — Hale, E. Fall of the Stuarts and west- ern Europe (Epochs of history) 743.5.7 — Jesse, J. H. Court of England under the Stuarts. 3 v. 1857 718.6 The pretenders and their adherents.’60 718.7 — Lord, J. Oliver Cromwell, [or] English revolution In 735.6.4 — Macaulay, T. B. History of, from the accession of James II., [1685-1702). 2 v. 1849 704.1 Same. 4 v. 1858 703.3 Same. 10 v. in 5. 1861 746.8 — Macintosh, "ir J. Causes of the revo- lution of 1688. (In his Misc. works.) 305.2 — Smith, Goldwin. Three English states- men. [Pym, Cromwell, Pitt.] 606.13 In biography see lives of Cromwell, and Monk, and of Henrietta Marla queen of Charles 1., in Strickland's Queens [641.13.4]. Evelyn’s diary and correspondence, 1620-1705. [633.6] and Pepys’ diary and correspondence, 1659-69. [633.7.] illustrate tbe manners of their times. In fiction, see Ainsworth's Guy Fawkes [Gunpowder plot], Star chamber, Spanish match, Boscobel, Oving- dean grange, James’s Arabella Stuart, Arrah Neil. Scott’s Fortunes of Nigel, Legend of Montrose, Woodstock, Charles’s Draytons and Davenants, Mac- donald’s St. George and St. Michael. Modern England, [1689 to present time.] — Alison, A. History of Europe, [1789- 1852]. 8 v 744.3 History of Europe, [1789-1815]. Abridged * 744.1 — Dicey, E. England and Egypt. 1881.. 727.16 — Greville, C. C. F. Memoirs, 1818-37. . . 612.19 — Lecky, W. E. H. History of England in the 1 8th century. 2 v. 1878 718.5 — McCarthy, J. Epoch of reform, 1830-50.743.5.14 History of our own times [1837-80] 2 v 724.4 — Martineau, H. History of, from 1800- 1854. 4 v. 1865 705.2 — Morris, E. E. Age of Anne. 1876 743.5.6 — Stanhope, P. H., Lord Mahon. History of, 1701-1713. 2 v 743.1 — - Same. 2 v. in 1 746.10 History of, 1713-1783. 7 v. in 4 746.9 Same. 7 v 743.2 — Thackeray, W. M. The four Georges. In 301.1 .4 In fiction , see Thackeray’s Henry Esmond [Reign of Anne], and the Virginians [Washington], Charles’s Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevelyan, and Against the stream, [Wilberforce], Scott’s Rob Roy (1715), Heart of Mid- Lothian (1736-51), Guy Mannering (1750-70), Red Gaunt- let (1770), James’s Ticonderoga, Cooper's Wing and Wing, Dickens’s Barnaby Rudge (1780), Tale of two cities. Ecclesiastical History. — Bede. Ecclesiastical history of England. [to 731] 441.8 — Geikie, C. The English reformation. 1879 423 25 — Herford, B. Story of religion in England 425 3 — Maclear, G. F. Conversion of the West.423.15.2 See also Church history; Church of Eng- land; Reformation. ENGLAND. 83 ENGLISH. England, continued. Army and Navy. — Adams, W. H. D. Famous ships of the British navy 738.24 Neptune’s herpes; or, the sea kings of England 74.19 — Valentine Mrs. R. Land battles from Hastings to Inkerman 738.26 Sea fights and land battles: from Alfred to Victoria. Illus 717.8 Sea-fights from Sluys to Navarino 738.25 See also Crimea; Peninsular war; and his- tories of England. Antiquities . Customs , etc. — Brand, John. Popular antiquities of Great Britain. 3 v. 1877 718.8 — Dyer, T. F. T. British popular customs. 1876 742.14 — Evans, J. The ancient stone imple- ments, weapons and ornaments of Great Britain. 1872 704.2 — Jewitt, L. Half hours among English antiquities. 1877 724.20 — Planche, J. R. History of British cos- tume. 1874 742.15 — Strutt, J. Sports and pastimes of the people of England. 1876 742.22 Description , Travels , Society . — Adams, W. T. Red cross; England and Wales. Juv 73.4.3 — Bailey, J. M. England from a back win- dow. 1874 512.2 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. England and the English 522.9 — Burroughs, J. Fresh fields. [Studies of nature.] 1885 522.25 — Carlyle, T. Past and present. [1843].. 316.11 — Carnegie, A. American four-in-hand in Britain. [1881] 521.16 — Champney, Lizzie W. Three Vassar' girls in England. 1884. Fict 531.10 — Eddy, D. C. Scenes and society in. 1858 504.23 Scotland and England. Juv 515.13.2 — Ellis, Mrs. S. S. The women of Eng- land; The daughters of England; The wives of England; The mothers of England. 1844 v. 1. of 305.15 — Escott, T. H. S. England: her people, policy, etc. 188' l 745.6 — Freeman, E. A, The English people in its three homes, etc. 1882 727.13 — Hamerton, P. G. A painter’s camp . ’71. 505.11 — Hawthorne, N. Our old home: English sketches. 1865 524.6 and 306.23 Passages from[his] English note books, [1853-1858]... 633.5 — Hawthorne, Mrs. N. Notes in England and Italy, 1872 525.26 — Hoppin, J. M. Old England. [Travel 1. 1872 508.13 — Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of British poets. 1847 615.15 — Irving, W. Bracebridge hall [country life of the gentry] 306.14 Sketch book 306.15 — James, H. Portraits of places. 1884... 522.7 — Langel, A. England, political and so- cial. 1874 727.4 — Marshall, E. Stories of the cathedral cities. 1881 738.2 — Mateaux, C. L. Around and about Old England. Illus. juv 515.19 England, continued. — Miller, Hugh. First impressions of Eng- land and its people. 1856 506.14 — Olmsted, F . L. American farmer in. ’59 502.23 — Palmer, Dr . - and Mrs. Four years in the Old World, [1859-63] 506.3 — Scudder. H. E. English Bodley family. Juv 531.1.2 — Staunton, H. The great schools of Eng- land. 1847 421.13 — Taine, H. Notes on. 1872 504.12 — Timbs, J. Abbeys, castles, etc. of Eng- land and Wales. 3 v 501.10 — White, R. G. England without and within. 1881 518.2 — Winter, W. Trip to England, [1877] .... 522.21 See also Biography ( Collective : Various headings ) ; Fine arts ; English language ; English literature ; Gov- ernment: Poetry; etc. Se also London; Bath; Selborne. England and the English. [Criticism]. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L 522.9 England’s antiphon. [History of her reli- gious poetry]. Macdonald, G 218.27 England’s daybreak; narratives of the re- formation during the fourteenth and following centuries. 1860 406.14 Englebach, A. H. The king’s warrant 145.8 English bible. Conant, F. C. History of 407.22 English Bodley family. Scudder, H. E . . . 531.1.2 English composition See English lan- guage ( Composition ). English governess at the Siamese court. Leonowens, A. H. 1862 525.15 English grammar. See English language {Grammar). English history in short stories. \cop. ’78]. 717.18 English humorists of the 18th century. Thackeray, W. M 301.12.4 and 302.15 English illustrated magazine, v. 1-2. N. Y 1883-5 *1008.11 English language. General Works. — Abbott, E. A. and Seeley, J. R. Eng- lish lessons for English people 307.3 — Craik, G. M. Manual of Eng. literature and language. 1874 327.3 — Lounsbury, T. R History of the ’79 314.19 — Marsh, G. P. Lectures on the. I860.. 321.13 Origin and history of the 323.2 — Scheie De Vere, M. Studies in English 307.4 — Trench, R. C. English, past and present. 1873.. 308.15 — Welsh, A. H Development of the Eng- lish language and literature. 2 v. ’82. 316.12 Dictionaries. — Johnson, S. Diet, of [Latham’s ed’n abridged | 1877 *E.6 — Skeat, W. W. Etymological diet. 1882 *316.8 — Stormonth, J. Diet, of the Eng. lan- guage. 1835 *A.15 — Webster, N. Dictionary of the English language. Unabridged. 1880 *A.2 High school diet.; rev. ed’n. \cop. 1-' 68] 323.17 — Worcester, J. E. Dictionary of the Eng- lish language. 1872 *A.3 Pronounciation. — Ayres, A. The orthoepist. 1883 326.31 — Salisbury, A. Phonology and orthoepy, 1879 315.4 — Whitney, W. D. Elements of In 332.26.2 ENGLISH. 84 ENGLISH. English language, continued. English Composition. — Abbott, E. A. How to write clearly. ’81 317.29 — Boyd, J. R. English composition. ’68 325.20 — Day, H. N. Art of. 1872 308.13 — Hart. J. S. Composition and rhetoric. . . 325.14 — How to write; a pocket manual. 1857. In 307.9 — Nichol, J. English composition. (Lit- erature primers). 1879 314.1.7 — Parker, R. G. Aid to English composi- tion. 1856 325 21 — Quackenbos, G. P, Advanced course of 1883 325.13 First lessons in composition. 1867 . . . 325.12 See also Rhetoric. English Grammar. — Abbott, E. A. How to parse. 1878 314.9 How to tell the parts of speech. 1881 317.24 Shakespearian grammar. 1878 314.13 — Brown, Goold. First lines of English grammar. 1880 318.26 Grammar of English grammars. 1882. 316.13 — Bullions, P. English grammar. 1854.. 332.16 — Cobbett, W. English grammar; revised by W. Ayres. 1884 326.32 — Colegrove, W. Scientific grammar of the Eng. language. 1879 315.5 — Greene, H. R. The English language.. 315.10 — Greene, S. S. English grammar. 1874. 332.28 — Jonson, Ben. English grammar In 201.19 — Kerl. S. Common-school grammar. ’68 332.29 — Kirkham, S. English grammar. 1830.. 326.6 — Morris, R. English grammar. (Litera- ture primers). 1875 3141.1 Historical English grammar. 1879... 317.23 and Bowen, H. C Eng. grammar ex- ercises. (Literature primers) 314.1.9 — Nesbitt, M. L. Grammar-land. Juv. ’80 326.2 — Pierce, O. B. Common school grammar. 1837 402*32 — Ridpath, J. C. Inductive English gram- mar. 1880 326.14 — Swinton, W. English grammar and composition. 1883 326.13 — Whitney, W. D. Essentials of English grammar 325.30 Words , Errors of Speech , etc. — Ayres, A. The verbalist; discussions on the right and wrong use of words.’83 326.30 — Bardeen, F. W. Verbal pitfalls. 1883. 326.24 — Gould, E. S. Good English; or, popular errors in language. 1867 307.8 — Hodgson, W. B. Errors in use of Eng- lish 318.22 — Mathews, W. Words, their use and abuse 325.2 — Maurice, F. 1). Words In 327.15 — Meredith, L. P. Errors of speech. 1873. 306.17 — Moon, G. W. The dean’s English [Criti- cism on the “Queen’s English”] 314.21 The revisers’ English. Portraits 318.18 — Roget, E. Thesaurus of Eng. words and phrases. 1855 307.5 — Swinton, W. Rambles among words. . .. 314.10 — Trench, R. C. Glossary of English words used formerly in senses different from their present. 1859 332.21 Study of words. 1872 308.19 — White, R. G. Every day English; a se- quel to “Words and their uses.” 315.19 Words and their uses. 1872 332.14 See also Abbreviations ; Americanisms ; Lan- guage; Punctuation; Synonymes. English letters. Selections, 1450-1861. Scoones, W. B 617.19 English liberals, Eminent. Davidson, J. M. 1881 622.11 English literature. Adams, O. F. Brief hand book of Eng. authors. 1884... 322.4 — Adams, W. H. D. Dictionary of Eng- lish literature 315.3 Famous books. 1879 314.28 — Alison, A. Hist, of Europe, ch. 5 of 744.3.5 Note.— Lit., etc. in first half of the 19th cen- tury. — Allibone, S. A. Critical diet, of Eng. lit. and British and American authors. 3 v. [1858-70-71] *A.8 — Ashton, J. Chap-books of the eigh- teenth century. 1882 318.15 — Brooke, S. English literature. (Litera- ture primers). 1879 314.1.2 — Chambers, R. Cyclopaedia of English literature [to 1727]. 2 v 312.9 — Cleveland, C. D. Compendium of. ’72. 325.17 — Collier, W. F. History of . 1875 325.6 — Craik, G. M. Manual of Eng. lit. and lan- guage. 1874 327.3 — Disraeli, I. Amenities of lit. 2v. 1864. 308.11 — Gilman, A. First steps in. 1872 332.20 — Hallam, H. Literature of Europe in 15th 16th and 17th centuries. 2 v. 1868 . 312.4 — Jenkins, O. L. Student’s hand-book of British and American literature. 1876 318.33 — Knight, C. Half hours with the best authors. 6 v. in 3 302.14 — Lanier, Sidney. The English novel and its development. 1883 318.35 — Lowell, J. R. Library of old authors. In 332.13 — Maertz, Louise. New method for the study of Eng. lit. 1884 323-13 Note. - Questions, with references to selected books. — Masson, D. British novelists and their styles. 1859 303.14 — Maurice, T. D. Friendship of books, etc 327.15 Note .— Characterizes chief writers down to Cowper. — Minto, W. Manual of, biographical and critical. 1 872 323.14 — Morley. H. First sketch of [to 1873] 314.3 Handbook of [to 1878]. Ed. by M. C. Tyler 312.14 — Nicoll, H. J. Landmarks of. 1883 .... 326 3 — Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Literary hist, of England in end of 18th and beginning of 19th century. 3 v 318.28 — Phillips, Maude, G. Popular manual of; containing outlines of the lit. of France, Germany, etc., with histori- cal, scientific, and art notes. 2 v. ’85. 323.15 — Reed, H. Lectures on the British poets. 2 v. 1867 208 22 — Richardson, A. S. Familiar talks on. ’81 317.26 — Shaw, T. B. History of. 1876 325.4 Manual of Eng. and Am. lit. [cop. ’67.] 325.5 and Smith, W. Specimens of Eng. lit.; adapted to use of American students by B. N. Martin, [cop. ’69] 311.19 — Spalding, W. History of. 1874 325.15 — Stephen, L. History of English thought in the eighteenth century. 2 v. 1881. 425.30 — Swinton, W. Masterpieces of Eng. lit.’80 312.16 — Symonds, J. A. Debt of, to Italian lit- erature. 1880 In 514.33.1 — Taine, H. A. History of. 2 v. 1872... 305.12 See English portraits, by Sainte-Beuve [642.2] for review of Taine. ENGLISH. 85 ESSAYS. English literature, continued. — Tauchnitz, B. Five centuries of. [Wyc- liffe to Gray] 327.10 — Ten Brink, B. Early Eng. lit. 1883 318.29 — Tuckerman, B. Hist, of Eng. prose fic- tion. 1882 322.8 — Underwood, F. H. Hand-book of; British authors. 1878 312.8 — Warton, T. History of English poetry from 11th to the 17th century. 1870. 208.21 — Welsh, A. H. Development of Eng. lan- guage and. 2 v. 1882 316.12 — Whipple, E. P. Eng. poets of the 19th century. 1871 In 303.6 Literature of the age of Elizabeth. ’71 303.5 See also American literature ; Anglo-Saxon literature ; Bibliography ; Biography ( Collective ; Literary ) ; Drama ; Essays; Elocution (Readers); Fiction; Journalism; Literature; Poetry ; Reading. English men of letters, v. 1-35 616.11 Contents. — SeeM«rley, J., editor. English orphans. Holmes, M\ rs. M. J 11.6 English poets. [Selections]. Ward, T. H. 4 v. 1881 218.8 English poets and poetry. See Biography (Collective: Literary); Eng- lish literature ; Poetry. English portraits. [Essays] Sainte-Beuve, 0. A. 1875 642.2 English preachers. Pen pictures of popu- lar. D. J. 1852 60622 English radical leaders. Hinton, R. J. ’77 613.20.2 English statesmen. Higginson, T. W. ’76 613 20.1 English traits. Emerson, R. W In 307.19.2 English women of letters. Kavanagh, J. 643.18 Englishmen of science. Galton, F. 1875. 834.27 Engravers, etc.', a handbook. Clement, C. E 834.7 and *D.3 Engraving. Baker, W. S. Origin and an- tiquity of engraving. 1875 848.2 — Blanc, C. Grammar of painting and. 1874 826.23 — Dulplessis, G. Wonders of. 1871 802.27 — Emerson, W. A. Wood-engraving. ’81. 837.31 — Hamerton, P. G. The graphic arts. 82. 824.17 — Linton, W. J. Some practical hints on wood engraving. 1879 833 20 — Ruskin, J. Ariadne Florentina. Lectures on wood and metal engraving. Ulus. 841.17 — Woodberry, G. E. History of wood-en- graving . 1883 , 848.3 Enigmas of life. Greg, W. R. 1880 326.4 Ennui. Edgeworth, Maria. Fict 63.11 Ensilage. Bailey, J. M. Book of. 1881. 836.8 Entailed hat. Townsend, G. A. 1884 56.4 Enterprise beyond the seas, or, how great colonies were founded. Fyfe, J. H.’72. 711.20 Enthusiasm. Taylor, I. Natural hist of. ’68 403.5 Entomology. See Insects. Eothen: travels in the East. Kinglake, A. W. 1845 505.7 Epictetus. Discourses, with the Encheirid- ion, etc. 1877 311.28 — Farrar, F. W. Saintly workers. 1877.. 614.23 Epicurean, The. Moore, T. Fict 31.27 Epochs of modem history. See Morris, E. E., ed'r. Epoch of reform. [InEng.J. McCarthy, J.. 743.5.14 Era of the Protestant revolution. Seebohm, F 743 5.1 Erasmus, Desiderius. Froude, J. A. Times of Erasmus and Luther In 307.21.1 — Hallam, H. In his Lit. of Europe 312.4 — Manning, A. Household of Sir Thomas More. Fict 34.20 See also Reformation. Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A. Alsacian schoolmaster 45.17 — Blockade of Phalsburg. [France, 1814] Fict. 1877 137.20 — Brigadier Frederick; or, driven out by the Germans. 1875 42.34 — The conscript [France, 1813]. 1877 137.21 — Madame Therese; or, the volunteers of ’92. 1877 44.8 — The plebiscite. [Franco-German war]. 1877 44.7 — Story of a peasant. 4 v 45 16 Contents.- 1. The states general [1789]. 2. The country in danger [1792]. 3. Year one of the republic. 4. Citi- zen Bonaparte [1794-1815]. — Waterloo; sequel to “The conscript of 1813.” 1877 44.9 Erema. Blackmore, R. D. 1877 47.31 Eric. Farrar, F. W 18.16 Ericsson, John. Headley, P. C. The miner boy and his monitor 23.4 Erie canal. Abbott, J. Marco Paul on the. Juv 91.25.2 Erling the bold. Ballantyne, R. M 75.18 Ernest Linwood. Hentz, Mrs. C. L 7.29 Ernest Maltravers. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. 36.74 Errors in the use of English. Hodgson, W. B. 1882 318.22 Errors of speech. Meredith, L. P. 1873 . 306.17 Esau Runswick, Macquoid, K. S. 1882.. 53.3 Eschenburg, J. J. Manual of classical lit- erature. 1844 316.1 Escott, T. H. S. England: her people, pol- icy, etc. 1880 745.6 Essay on criticism. [Poem]. Pope, A. In 214.21 and 215.4 Essay on man. [Poem]. Pope, A. In 214.21 ; 215.4 Essays, addresses, etc. See works under the following names: See also special ese Albert, prince consort Alcott, A. B. Alger, W. R. Alison, Sir Archibald Ames, Mrs. M. C. Arnold, Fred Arnold, Matthew Arnold, Thomas. Bacon, Francis, Lord. Bagehot, Walter Bancroft, G. Bayne, Peter Beecher, H. W. Boyd, A. K. H. British essayists Brougham, Henry, Lord Brown, John, M. D. Bryant, W. C. Buckle, H. T. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Burritt, E. Burton, Robert Bushnell, Horace Carlyle, Thomas Chambers’s Miscellany. Chambers’s Papers for the pie. Clark, W. G. Cobbe, Frances P. Coleridge, S. T. Colton, Rev. Walter Cowley, Abraham. Cozzens, Fred S. Craik, Mrs. D. M. DeQuincey, Thomas Deshler, C. H. Disraeli, I. Dix, John A. Dodge, M. A. Dodge, M. M. Doran, Dr. John Eliot, George Ellis, Mrs. S. S. Ellis, Sumner i under their subject. Emerson, R. W. Everett, Edward Fiske, J. Forbes, A. Foster, John Franklin, B. Froude, J. A. Gail Hamilton. See Dodge, M. A. Garretson, J. E. [John Darby) Giles, Henry Giltillan, George Godwin, Parke Goldsmith, Oliver Greeley, Horace Greg, W. R. Guardian, The Guthrie, T. Harrison, J. B. Hazlitt, William Heine, Henrich Helps, A. Higginson, T. W. Holland, J. G. Holmes, O. W. •-Horne, R. H. Hoyt, J. G. Hume, David Hunt, Leigh Huxley, T. H. Irving, W. Jacox, F. Jameson, Mrs. Annie Jeffrey, Francis Johnson, Samuel King, T. S. Kingsley, Charles Landor, W. S. Lowell, J. R. Macaulay, T. B. Macintosh, Sir J. Macnish, Robert. Maginn, W. Maistre, X. ESSAYS. 86 EURIPIDES. Essays, continued. Mann, Horace Mathews, W. Maurice, F. D. Miller, Hugh Montaigne, M. de Muller, M. Newman, J. H. North, Christopher. See Wil son, J. Ossoli, Marg. F. Palgrave, W. G. Papers from the Quarterly Re view. Parton, James • Parton, S. P. Paulding, J. K. Phillips, Wendell Prime, S. Irenseus Prout, Father See Mahoney, Rev. F. Rambler, The Richter, J. P. F. Ruskin, John Sainte-Beauve, C. A. Saunders, F, Schlegel, C. W. F. von Seeley, J. R. Shairp, J. C. Shedd, W. G. T. Sigourney, Mrs. L. H. Sinclair, E. Smith, G. B. Smith, Horace Smith, Rev. Sidney Souvestre, E. -Spectator, The Spencer, H. Stael-Holstein, Mme de Stephen, Sir James -Sterne, L. Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Sumner, Charles Swing, David Symonds, J. A. Talfourd, T. N. Talmage, T. DeW. Tatler, The Taylor, Bayard Taylor, B. F. Thackeray, W. M. Thoreau, H. C. Tupper, M. F. Warner, C. D. Whipple, E. P. Whittier, J. G. Wilson, John Essays and reviews. Aids to faith. A reply, etc. ed. by W. Thomson. 1862 438.17 Note .— For contents see Aids to faith. — Replies to “ Essays and reviews.” 1867 . 437.12 Contents— Goulburn, E. M . The education of the world; Rose, H. J., Bunson, the critical school and Dr. Williams ; Heurtley, C. A., Miracles ; Irons, W. J., The idea of the national church; Rorison, G. The creative week; Haddon, A. W., Rationalism; Woodworth, C„ Interpretation of scripture; Letter from R. Mayne; Letter from J. Phillips. Essays of Elia. Lamb, C 306.20 and 303 2 Essenes. DeQuincey, T. Historical es- says, v. 1 302.18 Estelle Russell. Marie Celeste, Sister. 36.207 Ester Ried. Alden, I. M 86.12 Ester Ried yet speaking. Alden, I. M 82.27 Estes, Dana, ed’r. Half-hour recreations in popular science. 2 v. 1874-9 825.10 Contents.— v. 1. Strange discoveries respecting the Aurora, by A. R Proctor. Recent solar researches, by R. A. Proctor. Cranial affinities of man and the ape, by Prof. Rud. Virchow. Spectrum analysis explained, and its uses to science illustrated, by Profs. Schellen, Young, Roscoe, Lockyer, Huggins, and others. Nebulae, comets, meteoric showers, by Prof. H. Schellen, and others. Corals and coral islands, by Prof J. D. Dana. Unconscious action of the brain, by Dr. W, B. Carpen- ter. Epidemic delusions, by Dr. W. B. Carpenter. Scientific miscellany. Geology of the stars, by Prof. A. Winchell On yeast, by T. H. Huxley. Relations be- tween matter and force, by John H. Tice. The stone age, past and present, by E. B. Tylor. Theory of ner- vious ether, by Dr. Richardson. Toads in the hole. Origin ofometalliferous deposits, by T. S. Hunt. Rotun- dity of the earth. The phenomena of sleep, by Dr Richardson. Animal life at great depths in the sea. Russian metallurgical works. Coal as a reservoir of power, by R. Hunt. Hot springs in New Zealand, by Hon . H. Meade. Atoms, by Prof. Clifford. The circu- lation of the water on the surface of the earth, by H. W. Dore. What is activeism. 2. On transmission of sound by the atmosphere, by J. Tyndall Gigantic cuttle-fish, by W. Saville Kent. The glacial epoch of our globe, by Alex. Braun. The sun and the earth, by Prof. Balfour Stewart. Force electrically exhibited, by J. W. Phelps. Weighing the earth in a coal-pit. The influence of violet light on the growth of animals and plants. The ice age in Britain, by Prof. Geikie. Perceptions of the lowest animals. Causes of the degeneracy of the teeth, by Prof. H. S. Chase. The great pyramid of Egypt. Photography. Plant life in the sea, by L. Kny. Illumination of bea- cons and buoys. The telephone,, by Prof. F. J. Garbit. The use and abuse of food, by R. A. Proctor. Ozone, by R. A. Proctor The succession of life on the earth, by Prof. W. C. Williamson. What the earth is composed of, by Prof. Roscoe Dew, by R. A. Proctor. On sym- pathetic vibrations as exhibited in ordinary machinery, by Prof. Joseph Lovering. Notes on tree growth, by Prof. Asa Gray. Science and war, by H. B. Pritchard. Existence of glacial action upon the summit of Mount Washington, N. H., by Prof. C. H. Hitchcock. The levelling power of rain, by R. A. Proctor. Estep, Dana, ed’r., continued. — Spectrum analysis explained. 1872 808.12 — Home book of poetry. Illus. 1882 212.7 Esther. See Bible ( Old Testament). Esther Gray and otner poems. Brainard, Mrs. Mary. 1871 203.16 Esther Hill’s secret. Craik, Georgiana M. 36.143 Esther Maxwell’s mistake. [Temperance tale.] Janvier, Mrs. E. N. 1874 92.28 Estvan, B. War pictures from the South. 1863 723.15 Etching and etchers. Hamerton, P. G. ’76 826.2 See also Engraving. Ethelyn’s mistake. Holmes, M. J 11.7 Ethics. See Moral philosophy. Ethics of the dust. Ruskin, J 433.7 Ethnography and ethnology. See Man. Etiquette, manners, politeness, etc. — Amenities of home. (Appleton’s home books) 426.28 — Baker, G. A. Bad habits of good socie- ty. 1876 433.25 — Bazar book of decorum 811.23 — Calvert, G. H. The gentleman. 1863. . . 435.7 — Duffey, E. B. Our behavior. 1876 417.17 — Emerson, R. W. Behavior In 332.17 Manners In 326.9.2 — Flint, A. Medical ethics and etiquette. 1883 842.26 — Gow, A. M. Good morals and gentle manners. [1873] 402.21 Primer of politeness. 1883 444 21 — The habits of good society. 1864 408.30 — Hale, E. E. How to do it. 1872 332.9 — Hartley, Florence. Ladies book of eti- quette. [1873] 441.34 — Hervey, G. W. Principles of courtesy. 1862 413.20 — Hill, T. E. Manual of social and busi- ness forms. 1884 *0.3 — How to behave. 1857 In 307.9 — Kirkland, E. S. Speech and manners for home and school. 1884 82.23 — Leslie, Eliza. Behaviour book. For la- dies. [cop. 1859] 426.8 — • Lieber, F. Character of the gentleman. 1864 413.25 — Lunettes, H. American gentleman’s guide to politeness and fashion. 1857. 407.23 — Mathews, W. Who are gentlemen. . .In 318.1 — Power, Mrs. S D. Behaving; or, papers on children’s etiquette. 1877 417.29 — Sedgwick, C. M. Morals of manners. Juv. 1873 423.4 — Sherwood, Mrs. J. Manners and social usages. 1884 433.6 — Social etiquette of New York. 1881 .... 426.30 — Ward, Mrs. H. O. Sensible etiquette.’78 441.25 — Wiggin, Edith E. Lessons on manners for school and home use. 1884 433.23 Eugene Aram. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L 36.75 Eugenie, empress of France. — Delisle, H. A. Empress Eugenie. . . . In 1004.1.27 — McCarthy, J, Modern leaders. 1872... 607.5 — Parton, J. Eminent women of the age. 625.13 Eunice Lathrop, spinster. Noble, A. L. ’8?. 52.9 Euphrates. Blunt, Lady. Bedouin tribes of the. 1879 513.17 Euripides. Tragedies; trans. by R. Pot- ter. 3 v. 1855-61 1020.15 Contents o\. 1. The Bacchae ; Ion ; Alcestis ; Medea; Hippolytus ; The Phoenician virgins. 2. The supplicants ; Hercules; The Heraclidae; Iphigenia in Aulis; Rhe- sus; The Trojan dames. 3. Hecuba; Helena; Electra; Orestes; Iphigenia in Tauris; Andromache. EURIPIDES. 87 EVENINGS. Euripides, continued. — Cyclops, a satiric drama; tr. by P. B. Shelley In 202.12 — Euripides [outlined and explained] by W. B. Donne . 1872 1020.30 Europa. [Travels]. Eddy, D. C. 1858... 504.23 Europe. History , Politics , etc. — Alison, Sir A. History of, 1789-1852.8v 744.3 History of, 1789-1815. Abridged 744.1 — Coote, C. History of, from 1802-15. 1822 706.6 — Draper, J. W. History of the intellec- tual development of Europe. 1872. 904.16 — Edgar, J. D. History for boys, [Modern Europe]. 1874 716.26 — Freeman, E. A. General sketch of his- tory. 1876. 742.7 Hist. of. (Hist, primers). 1877 716.27.1 — Hallam, Henry. State of Europe dur- ing the middle ages. 3 v. 1872 701.4 — Lecky, W. E. H. History of European morals, from Augustus to Charle- magne. 2 v 903.1 — Muller, W. Political history of recent times. 1882 72513 — Rau, C. Early man in Europe. 1876 . . 836 3 — Schlegel, F. Lectures on modern his- tory. 1862 742.6 — Sewell, E. M. and Yonge, C. M. Selec tions from European history. 2 v. 1873 742.4 Contents.— 1. 1003-1154. 2. 1088-1228. — Smyth, W. Lectures on modern his- tory [to 1783]. 2 v 724.5 — Taylor; W. C. Manual of modem his- tory. 1850 744.6 — Wikoff, H. The four civilizations of the world 902.23 Description , Travels , etc. — Abbott, J. Rollo’s tour in. 10 v. See Abbott, J. — Adams, W. T. Young America abroad. 1st and 2d ser. 12 v. See Adams, W. T. — Alcott, L. M. Shawl straps. Juv 26.42.2 — Allen, J. W. Paul Dreifus; his holiday abroad. 1881 518.28 — Bellows, H. W. Impressions of, in 1867-8. 2 v 503.17 — Brown, H. E. Abroad; or, Lilian’s new school. 1870 515.3 — Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in Europe. Illus. juv. 1884 515.2 — Clemens, S. L. Innocents abroad. 1872. 507.5 Tramp abroad. 1880 513.15 — Cook, Joel. Holiday tour in, [1878] 522.23 — Eddy, D. C. Our travelling party. 5 v. Juv 515.13 Contents.—]. Visit to Ireland. 2. Scotland and Eng- land. 3. Paris to Amsterdam. 4. Baltic to Vesuvius. 5. Alps and the Rhine. — Fetridge, W. P. Harper’s hand-book for travellers in. 1873 *B.13 — Field, H. M. From the lakes of Killar- ney to the Golden Horn. [cop. 1876] . 527.16 — Goodrich, S. G. Balloon travels by Rob- ert Merry 515.4 — Hale, E. E. A family flight through France, Germany, etc. Juv. 1881.. 515.14 — Heine, H. Pictures of travel, [cop. ’55] 512.3 — Hodder, E. Old Merry’s travels on the continent 26.37 Europe, continued . — Howard, Blanche. One year abroad. ’77. 524.24 — James, H,jr. Portraits of places. 1884. 522.7 — King, Horatio. Sketches of travel. ’78, 514.18 — Lander, S.W. Spectacles for young eyes. [Travels.] 8 v. See Lander, S. W . — Longfellow, W. Outre-mer. [cop. ’46] . 522.27 — MacGregor, J. Rob Roy canoe on rivers and lakes of. 1871 506.27 — Marryat, F. Diary on the continent, ’35 16.17 — Mitchell, D. G. Fresh gleanings. 1855 503.6 — Prime, S. I. Alhambra and the Krem- lin. 1875 516.9 — Round, W. M. F. Child Marian abroad. Juv. 1878 76.5 — Satchel guide to Europe. N. Y. 1876 . 524.7 — Scudder, H. E. Mr. Bodley abroad. 1881 77.13 — Sears, R. Scenes and sketches in conti- nental. Illus. 1848 - 736.8 — Symonds, J. A. Sketches and studies in southern Europe. 1880 514.33 — Taylor, B. By-ways of. 1869 502.17 Northern travel: Sweden, Denmark, Lapland [1856] 506.12 Views a foot. 1873 502 15 — Terhune, M. V. [Marion Harland ]. Loiterings in pleasant paths. 1880. 514.26 — Thompson, E. W. Beaten paths. A woman’s vacation. 1874 514.32 — Van Wert, Rupert. Rip Van Winkle’s travels in foreign lands. Juv 515.12 — Waring J. E.,yr. A farmer’s vacation in. 511.9 — Warner, C. D. A roundabout journey. 1884 521.4 Saunterings. 1879 514.3 Literature. — Guizot, F. Hist, of civilization. [Be- ginnings of European literature] 903.6.1 — Hallam, H. Literature of Europe in fif- teenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth cen- turies. 2 v. 312.4 — Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe. 1871 207.2 — Milman, H. H. Latin Christianity [to 1147] 416.19 — Sismondi, J C. L. de. Literature of the south of Europe. 2 v. 1848 302.6 Eusebius. Ecclesiastical history to Con- stantine. 1876 441.7 Eustace diamonds. Trollope, A 644 Eutaw. Simms, W. G 16.7 Euthanasy; or, happy talk towards the end of fife. Mountford, W. 1849 435 12 Eva’s adventures in shadow land. Nauman, M. D 78.34 Evangeline, a tale of Acadie. [Poem]. Evans, Augusta J. See Wilson, A. J. Evans, John. The ancient stone implements, weapons, and ornaments of Great Britain. 1872 704.2 Eve’s daughters : or, common sense for maid, wife and mother. Terhune, M. V 914.34 Evelina. Arblay, Mme. F. d ’ 36.90 Evelyn, J. Diary and correspondence, [1620-1705]. 4 v 633.6 Evelyn Marston. Marsh-Caldwell, Mrs. A 36.375 Evening amusements and drawing-room plays. Dalton, H. 1884 832.34 Evenings at Donaldson manor McIntosh, Maria J 74.17 Evenings at home. Aiken, J. and Barbauld, A. L 28.18 EVERETT. 88 EEZKIEL. Everett, A. H. Life of J. Warren. ’73. In 641.4.10 — Life of Patrick Henry In 601.1.1 Everett, E. Importance of practical edu- cation and useful knowledge. [Ad- dresses]. [cop. 1840] 426.2 — Life of George Washington 606.6 — Life of J. Stark. 1863 In 641.4.1 Evergreens. Hoopes, J. Book of ever- greens. [Coniferse]. J868 811.10 — Warder, J. A. Hedges and. 1859 807.9 Evers, H. Elementary treatise on nautical astronomy. 1873 827 24 — Steam and the steam engine. 1873 827.12 — Theory and practice of navigation. 1873 827.23 Everts, Mrs. M. K., Life of. 1867 601.12 EvERY-day English. White, R. G 315.19 EvERY-day topics. Holland, J. G 325.7 Every Saturday: a journal of choice read- ing. v. 13-17. Boston, 1872-4 *1007.9 Evidence, Law of. Greenleaf, S. 3 v. 1868 908.11 Evidences of Christianity. Addison, J. Of the Christian religion In 1001.2.2 — Aids to faith. [Replies to “Essays and re- views”] Ed. by W. Thomson. 1862.. 438.17 — Alexander, A. Evidences, [cop. 1836].. 407.13 — Appleton, J. Evidences In 405.1 — Boston lectures, 1871. Christianity and scepticism 438.19 — Butler, J. Analogy of religion 401.26 — Channing, W. E. Evidences In 1001.3.3 — Christlieb, T. Modern doubt and Chris- tian belief . 1874 412.3 — Dick, T. Philosophy of religion In 411.12.1 — Fisher, G. P. Grounds of theistic and Christian belief. 1883 431.12 The four gospels : a review of “Super- natural religion.” In 442.1 5 — Gibson, J. M. Foundations of Chris- tianity 423 22 — Hopkins, Mark. Evidences 416.12 — Locke, J. Reasonableness of of Chris- tianity In 411.2 — McCosh, J . Christianity and positivism 417.6 — Paley, W. Evidences 1001.4 and 441.5 — Peabody, A P. Christianity and science 444.11 — Rogers. H. Superhuman origin of the Bible. 1874 412.5 — Savage, M. J. Christianity the science of manhood. 1873 4413 — Spring, G. The Bible not of man. [’47]. 438.21 — Storrs, R. S. Divine origin of Chris- tianity. 1884 434.19 — Wright, C. F. Logic of Christian evidences 423.7 See also Ante-Nicene Christian library; Atheism; Bible; Christ; Christianity; Inspiration; Natural theo- logy ; Religion and science. Evolution, Darwinism, and other theories. — Chapman, H. C . Evolution of life. 73. . 825.9 — Cope, E. D. Hypothesis of evolution. 1872 In 812.32.1 — Darwin, Charles. Descent of man. 1875 803.2 Origin of species. 1872 803.3 — Fiske, J. Darwinism and other essays. 1879 8351 Excursions of an evolutionist. 1884.. 844.22 Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doctrine of evolution. 2 v. 1874 431.16 — Haeckel, E. Evolution of man. 2v. 1879 831.14 History of creation; development through natural causes. 1876 827.15 — Hodge, C. What is Darwinism? 1874. 808.30 — Homo versus Darwin. 1872 812.13 Evolution, continued. — Huxley, T. H. American addresses. ’77 838.34 — Lankester, E. R Degeneration. 1880 . 844.29 — McCosh, J. The development hypothe- sis. 1876. 827.14 Development: what it can do and what it cannot do. 1883 In 435.27.1 — Schmidt, O. Descent and Darwinism.’ 75 815.4.13 — Semper, K. Animal life as affected by conditions of existence. 1881 815.4.30 — Wallace, A. R. Action of natural selec- tion on man In 812.32.2 Island life. [Faunas and floras]. ’81. . 836.18 Natural selection. 1871 807.28 — Winchell, A. Doctrine of e. 1874 808.29 Ewald, H. History of Israel. 5 v. 1876 . 418.5 Contents. — v. 1. Introduction and preliminary history ^ 2. History of Moses and the theocracy. 3. Rise and splendor of the Hebrew monarchy. 4. From the disruption of the monarchy to its fall. 5. History of Ezra and the hagiocracy in Israel to the time of Christ. Ewbank, Thomas. History of hydraulics. [cop. 1863] • • • 826.8 Ewer, F. C. Catholicity, Protestantism, and Romanism 1878 441.14 Ewing, J. H. A great emergency and other tales. 1877 88.29 — We and the world. A book for boys. ’80 86.16 Exchanges. Goschen, G. J. Theory of for- eign. 1879 913.7 See also Money ; Political economy. Excursions. Thoreau, H. D. 311.10 Excursions of an evolutionist. Fiske, J . 1874 844.22 Executor, The. Alexander, Mrs. A. 1883 55.22 Exhibition drama. Baker, G. M. 1875... 208.16 Exhibitions. Industrial. See Industrial exhibitions. Exile. Percy anecdotes, — [Tales]. (Little classics) Exodus. See Bible (Old Testament). Exodus of Israel. Brugsch,H. True story of. Expanse of heaven. Proctor, R. A. 1874. Expansion of England. Seeley, J. R. 1883 Experience of a barrister. [Tales]. War- 312.1 304.16.1 423.19 811.32 746.16 Experience of life. Sewell, Eliza M. Fict. Experimental science series, v. 1-2. 1879 31.1 36.508 835.10 Contents. — 1. Light, by A. M. Mayer and C. Barnard. 2. Sound, by A. M. Mayer. Expiated. Pryor, H 36.208 Explorers. See travels and voyages. Expressions of the emotions in man and animals. Darwin, C. 1873 807.5 Expressman and detective. Pinkerton, A. Fict 43.21 Extempore preaching. Smith, Rev. Wilder 1884 '.... 433.4 Extempore speaking, Art of. Bautain, M. 308.14 Extracts. See Elocution (Readings); Poe- try ( Collective ); Quotations. Extraordinary popular delusions. Mackay, C 311.5 Extraordinary women. Russell, W 618.2 Eye. Angell, H. C. How to take care of our eyes. 1878 823.20 — Williams, H. W Our eyes and how to take care of them. 1871 803.25 See also Optics; Sight. Eyebright. Woolsey, S. C 78.17 Ezekiel. See Bible ( Old Testament). FABIOLA. 89 FAMOUS. Fabiola; or, the church of the catacombs. Wiseman, N 137.15 Fable for critics. [Poem]. Lowell, J.R. In 202.23 Fables. .SSsop’s fables, with life. 1868... 306.13 — Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of phrase and fable 326.12 — Bulfinch, T. Age of fable 407.5 Poetry of the age of fable 211.28 — Bulwer-Lytton, R. Fables in song 214.31 — La Fontaine, J. Fables. 2 v. 1860... 308.7 — Phsedrus. Fables; trans. by 0. Smart. .1020.2.2 — Pilpay. Fables: rev. [from transl. of 1818] 321.2 — Wheeler, W. A. Diet . of noted names of fiction *332.1 See also Classical dictionaries ; Mythology. Face illumined. Roe, E. P 144.14 Faerie queene. [Poem]. Spencer, Edmund 204.25 Fair barbarian. Burnett, F. H. 1881 141.8 Fair god, The. [Tale of Mexico]. Wallace, L 142.24 Fair Harvard. Washburn, W. T. Fict. . . 8.28 Fair maid of Perth. Scott, Sir W 12 22 Fair play. Southworth, E. D. E. N 15.23 Fair Saxon. MacCarthy, Justin 143.2 Fairbanks, G. R. History of Florida, 1512- 1842. 1871 711.26 Fairbanks, L. Book-keeping by double entry. 1869 806.15 Faire gospeller, The. Manning, A 34.18 Fairholt, F. W. Dictionary of terms in art. Illus *D.4 Fairport nine, The. Brooks, N 86.17 Fairy mythology. Keightly, T 443.26 Fairy queen. See Faerie queene. Fairy tales. Andersen, H. C. Danish story book. 1869 22.30 Fairy tales 22.32 Story book 22.29 Wonder stories 22.35 Wonderful tales from Denmark 22.31 — Arabian nights’ entertainments 26.23 — Asbjomsen, P. C. Folk and fairy tales. [Norwegian] 316.22 — Blum, G. and Wahl, L. Seaside and fireside fairies 25.7 — Bunce, J. T. Fairy tales; their origin, etc 443.39 — Burkhardt, C. B. Fairy tales and legends. 1878 76.3 — Child, L. M., ed'r. Rainbows for child- ren. 1868 92.13 — Child’s own book. 1869 75.12 — Clarke, R. S. Little Prudy’s story book 71.10 — Coleridge, Sara. Phantasmion 32.25 — Craik, D. M. Is it true 24.24 — Croker, T. C. Fairy legends of the south of Ireland 135.22 — Curious stories about fairies and other funny people. 1856 22.28 — Diaz, A. M. The king’s lily and his rose bud 28.16 — Dodgson, C. L. Alice’s adventures in wonderland. 1877 76.15 Through the looking glass. 1878 86.3 — Frere, M. Eastern fairy legends cur- rent in southern India. 1874 26.32 — Grimm, J. and W. German popular sto- ries 74.5 Home stories 22.23 — Hacklander, F. W. Enchanting and en- chanted. 1874. 26.33 — Hauff, W. Tales of the caravan, inn and palace. 1882 82.17 — Hawthorne, N. Tanglewood tales for boys and girls 25.6 Fairy tales, continued. — Hays, W. J. Princess Idleways. 1880. 78.21 — Ingelow, J. Mopsa the fairy 28.30 — Kingsley, C. The heroes; or, Greek fairy tales 74.6 The water babies. 1872 83.15 — Knatchbull-Hugessen, E. H. Crackers for Christmas 87.2 — - Higgledy-piggledy. 1876 82.28 — Laboulaye, E. Fairy tales of all nations 23.23 Last fairy tales. 1885 83.12 — LaMotte Foque, Baron de. Undine, Sintram and his companions 131.2 — Mac Donald, G. Phantastes; a faerie ro- mance 6.26 Princess and curdie. 1883 82.4 The princess and the goblin 25.8 — Nauman, M. D. Eva’s adventures in shadow-land, [also] The merman and the figure head by C. F. Gurnsey. ’74 78.34 — Niebuhr, B. G. Greek hero stories 87.11 — Pabke, M. and Deane, M., trs. The won- der-world. 1877 88.24 — Ruskin, J. King of the golden river .’82 56.25 — Standard fairy tales. Phil 76.2 — Thorpe, B. Yule-tide stories 131.22 See also Folk-lore ; Legends ; Mythology. Fairyland of science. Buckley, A. B. ’79 832.4 Faith. Fisher, G. P. Faith and rational- ism. 1879 421.24 — James, J. A. The course of. 1859 408.14 — Maitland, B. Skepticism and faith. ’82 . 443.34 — Rutherford, S. Trial and triumph of 1840 408.3 — Thomson, W., ed’r. Aids to faith. [Es- says] 438.17 Faith and unfaith. Argles, Mrs. M. 1882 52.2 Faith Gartney’s girlhood. Whitney, Mrs. A. D.T 6.34 Faith Unwin’s ordeal. Craik, G. M. 1842 36.144 Falconberg. Boyesen, H. H. 1879 46.12 Falkland. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. ( With Godolphin) 36. 76 Falkner Lyle. Lemon, Mark. 1866 36 315 Fall of the Stuarts. Hale, E 743.5.7 Falloux, A. F. P., Count de. Life and let- ters of Mme. Swetchine; tr. by H. W. Preston. 1875 614.5 Fallows, S. Hand-book of abbreviations and contractions. 1883 326.17 False heir. James, G. P. R 36.291 Familiar allusions [in art, literature, etc.] Wheeler, W. A. and C. G *316.9 Familiar quotations.^ Bartlett, J.*D.l and 315.20 Familiar talks on Eng. literature. Rich- ardson, Abby S. 1881 317.26 Familiar talks to boys. Hall, J. [cop. ’76] 416.11 Family at home. Abbott, G. D. 1834 437.26 Family flight around home. [New Eng- land.] Hale, E. E. and S. Juv. 1884. 531.9 Family flight through France, Germany, etc. Hale, E. E. and S. Juv . . 1881 515.14 Family flight through Spain. Hale, S. ’83. 531.6 Family in love. Craik, Mrs. D. M. 1863. In 36.128 Family library of British poetry. Fields, J. T. and Whipple, E. P. 1878 207.24 Family life. See Home and family life. Famous American Indians, v. 1-5. See Eg- gleston, E. and others . . . 635.5 Famous Americans of recent times. Parton, James. 1871 603.16 Famous books. Adams, W. H. D. 1879. . . 314 28 Famous stories. DeQuincey, Hawthorne and others. 2v 46.1 12 FAMOUS. 90 FERNS. Famous victory. [Political fiction]. 1880 . 48.18 Famous women series, v. 1-10. Bos. ’83-4 627.1 Contents.— 1. George Eliot. 2. Emily Bronte. 3. George Sand. 4. Mary Lamb. 5. Margaret Fuller. 6. Maria Edgeworth. 7. Elizabeth Fry. 8 Countess of Albany. 9. Mary Wollstonecraft. 10. Harriet Marti- neau. Fanchette. (Round-robin ser.) 1883 54.14 Fanchon, the cricket. Sand, George 6.3 Fanshawe, and Dolliver romance. Haw- thorne, N . . . 137.12 Far above rubies. Riddell, Mrs . J. H . . . . 36.470 Far from the madding crowd. Hardy, T.. 137 19 Faraday, M. Chemical history of a can- dle. 1861... 802.4 — Conservation of force. 1871 In 801.17 — Forces of matter 1868 813.30 — De la Rive, A. Life and works. (Smith. rep., 1867) *8501.2 — Gladstone, J. H. [Life] 644.23 — Tyndall, J. Faraday as a discoverer. 602.14 Farces. See Dramas. Fardorougha, the miser. Carleton, W . . . 52.4 Fargus, F. J. [ H . Conway .] Called back 1884 57.22 Faris, W. W. The children of fight. 1877. 441.24 Farjeon, B. L. Bread-and-cheese and kisses. 1876 42 20 — Grif: story of Australian fife. 1875 42.19 Farm ballads. Carleton, W. 1874 201.14 Farm festivals. [Poems.] Carleton, W. ’81. 207.21 Farm homes in-doors and out-doors. Le- land, E. H. 1881 835.33 Farm legends. [Poems.] Carleton, W. ’76 207.5 Farm villages. Waring, G. E.,jr. 1877... 827.27 Farmer boy library. See Thayer, W. M.. Farmer boy, The. [Washington.] Thayer, W.M 83.14.1 Farmer’s, A., vacation [in Europe]. War- ing, G. E., jr. 1873 511.9 Farming. See Agriculture {Farming.) Farnell’s folly. Trowbridge, J. T. 1885. 57.16 Farnham, J. T. Travels in California and Oregon. 1855 507.9 Farquharson, M., pseud. See Finley, M. F. Farr, Jonathan. Sermons, 1833 406.33 Farragut, D. G., Admiral. Farragut, L. Life and letters of . Ulus. 1879 623.10 — Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders, [cop. 1866] 615.7 — Montgomery, J. E. Cruise of the Frank- lin, 1867-8 504.5 Farragut, L. Life and letters of D. G. Farragut. 1879 623.10 Farrar, G. S. History of sculpture, paint- ing and architecture. Topical les- sons, with specific references. 1881 . . 851.2 Farrar, Eliza W. Young folks’ Robinson Crusoe. 1882 77.19 Farrar, F. W. Early days of Christianity. [1882] 431.2 — Eric; or, little by httle. 1866 18.16 — Julian Home: tale of college fife. 1878. 44.24 — Language and languages. 1878 314.8 — Life of Christ. [1874] 418.13 — Life of St. Paul. 2 v 442.2 — St. Winfred’s. 1867 18.17 — Saintly workers 636.8 — Seekers after God. [Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius] 614.23 — Talks on temperance. 1878 441.26 Farrar, J. A. Primitive manners and cus- toms. 1879 717.11 Farrow, E. S. Mountain scouting: a hand- book for officers and soldiers on the frontiers. 1881 841.30 — West Point and the military academy. 1881 426.26 Fashion. Percy anecdotes 312.1 Fashion and famine. Stephens, Mrs. A. S 33.4 See also Dress; Etiquette. Fashion in deformity. Flower, W. H. ’81. 842.32 Fast friends. Trowbridge, J. T 87.22 Fate of Madame La Tour, a tale of Great Salt lake. Paddock, Mrs. A. G. ’81. 146.1 Father and daughter. Bremer, Fredrika . 18.8 Father Tom and the pope. Murray, J. F. 315.13 Fathers and sons. Turgenieff, I. S. 1872. 63.38 Fathers of the church. — The fathers for English readers. 7 v... 423.14 1. Apostolic fathers. 2. Defenders of the faith. 3. St. Ambrose. 4. St. Augustine. 5. St. Basil. 6. St. Jerome 7. The venerable Bede. — Jackson, G. A. Fathers of the third cen- tury. ... 426.24.2 See also Ante-Nicene Christian library ; Ear- ly Christian literature primers. Faust; drama. See Goethe J. W. von. Faust, Dr. John, Hist. of. {In Roscoe, T. German novelists) 313.27 Favorite scholar and other tales. Howitt, Mary 22.2 Fawcett, Edgar. An ambitious woman.’84 147.4 — Gentleman of leisure. 1881 146.4 — A hopeless case. 1880 48.16 — Purple and fine linen. 1873 143.23 — Rutherford. 1884 56.26 Fawcett, Henry. Manual of political econ- omy. 1876 912.23 Fawcett, M. G. Political economy for be- ginners. 1876 912.15 Fay, Amy. Music study in Germany. ’81. 837.19 Fearful responsibility, etc. Howells, W.D 141.30 Fechter, O. A. Field, Kate. [Life]. (Am. actor ser). Hlus. 1882 ,635.18.6 Federalist, The: commentary on the con- stitution by Hamilton, Jay, and Mad- ison. Also the Continentafist by Hamilton. Phil., 1864 904.1 Felix Holt. Eliot, George. 1869 7.5 Felton, C. C. Life of W. Eaton. 1873.. 641.4.9 Female piety. James, J. A 425.25 Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. Adventures of Telemachus. With fife of Fenelon by Lamartine, and essay on his genius and character by Villemain. 1872. . . 4.18 — Selections from, with memoir. ’79 421.40 — Chambers’s papers, etc. Life In 1001.9.2 Fenn, G. M. “Ship, ahoy!” 1874 47.37 — The vicar’s people. 1881 51.25 Fenton, H. T. American politics. See Cooper, T. Y. 1882 915.3 Fenton’s quest. Braddon, M. E 36.49 Ferdinand and Isabella. Prescott, W. H. 3 v. 1845 704 6 Ferguson, James. Mayhew, H. Story of the peasant boy philosopher 827.31 Ferguson, R. Surnames as a science. 1884 644.11 Fergusson, James. History of architec- ture. 4 v. 1874 851.1 Contents. — v. 1-2. In all countries. 3. Indian and eastern. 4. Modern. Fermentation. Schutzenberger, P. 1876 815.4,20 Fern, Fanny, pseud. See Parton, S. P. Fern leaves. 2nd ser. Parton, S. P. ’54 8.24 Ferns in their homes, and ours. Robinson, J 822.26 FERREY. 91 FICTION. Ferrey, Benj. Recollections of A. W. Pugin. 1861 617.2 Ferris, G. T. Great German composers. 1881 624.1 — Great Italian and French composers. 1879 624.2 — Great singers. 2 v. 1880-1 624.3 — Great violinists and pianists. 1881 624.4 Fessenden, W. P. Memorial addresses on life of, etc. [Congress, 1869] 638.2 Festus. A poem. Bailey, P. J 212.15 Fetridge, W. P. Harper’s hand-book for travellers in Europe and the East. 1873 *B.13 — Rise and fall of the Paris commune. ’71. 724.15 Feudalism. Buckle, H. T. History of civilization 904.3.1 — Guizot, F. History of civilization, v. 1. 903.6 — Hallam, H. The middle ages. 3v 701.4 — Maine, H. S. Early history of institu- tions 913.24 — Pearson, C. H. Historical selections. In 742.4.1 See also Chivalry ; Middle ages. Feudge, Fannie R. India. [Popular his- tory] Illus. 1880 724.3 Feuillet, Octave. Bellah. Tale of Brit- tany. [Vendean war]. 1881 146.11 — Count de Camors. 1879 46.23 — Marriage in high life. 1876 43.29 — Romance of a poor young man. 1859 . . . 31.23 Feval, P. The Jesuits. [Brief history]. ’78 443.22 Few friends, A, and how they amused themselves. Dodge, M. E 811.20 Fiction. Bayne, P. The modem novel. In 317.6.1 — Bowen, H. C. Catalogue of historical novels and tales. 1882 328.19 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Art in fiction. 302.9.1 Certain principles of art in works of the imagination. (In his Caxtoniana.) 327.5.2 — Dunlop, J. History of. 2 v. 1842 302.7 — Giles, H. Illustrations of genius 317.11 — Greg, W. R. False morality of lady novelists In 332.4 — Helps, A. Fiction In 302.3.1 — Kavanagh, J. English women of letters 643.18 French women of letters 643.19 — Lanier, S. The Eng. novel and its de- velopment. 1883 318.35 — Mosson, D. British novelists and their styles. 1859 303.14 — Roscoe, T. German novelists 313.27 Italian novelists 313.29 Spanish novelists 313.28 Note.— Selections, with biog. and critical notices. — Scott, Sir W. Lives of eminent novel- ists and dramatists 624.19 — Tuckerman, B. Hist, of Eng. prose fic- tion. 1882 322.8 — Wheeler, W. A. Dictionary of noted names of fiction. 1872 *332.1 — Whipple, E. P. Novels and novelists. In 303.3 See also Dramas ; Fables; Fairy tales; Le- gends ; Poetry. — Works of fiction, including juvenile books, will be found under the following names: Note.— A star (*) prefixed to a name indicates that at least a part of the author’s works are for young readers. For juvenile histories, travels, science, etc., see names of countries and subjects. ♦Abbott, A. W. * Adams, W. II. D. ♦Abbott, Jacob *Adams, W. T. About, Edmond (Oliver Optic) . Adams, Emily Aguilar, Grace Adams, Mary Aide, Hamilton Fiction, continued. ♦Aiken, J. ♦Aimwell, Walter, pseud. See Simonds, W. Ainslie, H. pseud. See Maitland, E. Ainsworth, W. H. ♦Albertsen, Frank ♦Alcott, L. M. ♦Alden, Mrs. I. M. ♦Alden, Joseph ♦Alden. W. L. ♦Aldrich, T. B. Alexander, Mrs. pseud. (Mrs. A. F. Hector,) ♦Alger, Horatio, jr. ♦A. L. O. E. pseud. See Tucker, C. Ames. M. C. ♦Andersen, H.C. ♦Andrews. Jane Anstey, F. pseud. See Guthrie, F. A. Arblay, Mme. d’ formerly (Frances Burney.) Argles, Mrs. M. (The Duchess ) . Arr, E. H. pseud. See Rollins, E . H. Arrom, C. B. de. ♦Arthur, T. S, Auerbach, Berthold Austen, Jane Austin, Mrs. J. G. ♦Austin, Stella ♦Baker, G. M. ♦Baker, Mrs. II. N. W. ♦Baker, Sir S. W. Baker, W. M. ♦Baldwin, James Baldwin, J. G. ♦Ballantyne, R. M. Balzac, H. de. Banim, Michael ♦Barbauld, A. L. ♦Barham, Richard Baring-Gould, S. ♦Barkley, H. C. ♦Barnum, P. T. ♦Barrows, W. Bates, Arlo Bates, E. K. Bauer, Clara. (Carl Detlef.) Beatty, J. Beaumont, Averil Beckford, William ♦Bede, Cuthbert, pseud. See Bradley, Edward Beecher, H. W. ♦Begon, F. de. (Mme. de Stolz.) Behrens, Bertha, (W. Heimburg). Bellamy, Edward Benedict, F. L. Berger, L., pseud. See Sheppard. E. S ♦Berquin. Arnaud Berthet, Elle. Besant, VN alter ♦Beverley, May ♦Biart, Lucien Bikelas, D. Billings, Josh., pseud. See Shaw, H. W. Bird, It. M. Bishop, W. H. Bjornson, B. ♦Black, William Blackmore, R. D. Blagden. Isa Blaisdell, E. W. Blaze de Bury, Mme. M. P. R. ♦Bluin, G. Bolte, Amely Booth, Mrs. Otto Borrow, George Boucicault, D. ♦Bowman, Anne Boyesen, II. H. Braddon, M. E. Bradley, E. ( Cuthbert Bede). Bradley, W. J. (Glance Gaylord. Bremer, Fredrika Brock, Mrs. C. Brock, Sallie A. Bronte, Anne Bronte, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Brooks, Noah Brooks, Sbirley Broughton, Rhoda ♦Brown, E. E. Browne, C. F. Brush, Mrs. C. C. Buchanan, R. Bulfinch, Thomas Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. •Burkhardt, C. B. Burnett, F. H. Burnham, C. L. Burstenbinder, E. (E. Werner.) Butt, B. M. Bynner, E. L. Cable, G. W. Cain ter, Hobart ♦Caldecott, R. Cambridge, Ada Campbell, Helen Cantacuzene-Altieri, princess. ♦Carleton, pseud. See Coffin, C. C. Carleton, William Carlyle, Thomas Carrington, Katie ♦Carroll, Lewis, pseud. See Dodgson, C. L. ♦Cary, Alice ♦Castlemon, Harry, pseud. SeeFosdick. C. A. Catherwood, M. H. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Chamberlain, Dr. W. Chamisso, A. von. ♦Champney, Mrs. L. W. Chandler, E. L. Charles, Mrs. Eliz. ♦Charlesworth, M. L. Chateaubriand, F. R. de Chatrian, A. ♦Chellis, M. D. Cherbuliez, Victor Chesebro, Caroline ♦Child, L. M. ♦Church, A. J. ♦Church, Mrs. Ross Clarke, r.C. Clarke, Mrs. C. M. ♦Clarke, Mrs. M. C. ♦Clarke, R. S. (Sophie May). Clemens, S L. (Mark Twain) Clive. Caroline Cocton, H. ♦Coffin, C. C. (Carleton). Coffin, R. B. (Barry Gray). Cole, Miriam (M. C. Harris.) ♦Coleridge, Sara Collins, C. A. Collins, Mortimer Collins, Wilkie Comyn, L. N. Conscience, Hendrick Conway, H. pseud. See Fargus, F. J. Cooke, J. E. ♦Coolidge, Susan, pseud. See Woolsey, S. C. Cooper. J. F. Corbin, C. F. Cornwallis, K. ♦Cottin, S. R. Coulter, Miss Cox, G. W. ♦Cox, Mrs. W. N. Craddock, C E. pseud. See Murfree, M. N. ♦Craik, D. M . , formerly Miss Mulocn. Craik, G. M. Craven, Mme. A. Crawford, F. M. Croker, T. C. Cross, Mrs. J. W. See Eliot, George, pseud. Crouch, Julia Cudlip, A. formerly Ann’c Thomas Cummins, M. S. Cupples, Mrs. G. Curtis, G. W. FICTION. 92 FICTION. Fiction, continued. Fiction, continued. ♦Curtiss, Percy, pseud. See Cox, W. N. Dahlgren, Mrs. ♦Dalton, William Daniels. W. H. Dannenburg, G. ( Goto Baimund). D’Arblay, F. formerly Miss Burney. *Da8cent, G. W. Daudet, Alphonse Davis, Mrs. R. H. *Day, Thomas DeBury, Blaze ♦DeFoe, Daniel DeForest, J. W. DeLiefde, J. B. *DeMille, James *Denison, Mrs. M. A. DeQuincey, Thomas Detlef, Carl, pseud. See Bauer, Clara *Diaz, Mrs. A. M. *Dickens, Charles Dickinson, Anna E. Dingelstedt, Franz. Disraeli, B. ♦Dodge, M. A. (Gail Hamilton.) ♦Dodge, M. E. *Dodge, Mary M. ♦Dodgson, C. L. ( Lewis Carroll) . *Douglas, Amanda M. Drake, S. A. Drayton, H. S. Droz, Gustave ♦DuChaillu, P. B. Duchess, The, pseud. See Argles, M. Dudevant, Mme. A. L. A. D. ( George Sand.) Dumas, Alexander Dumont, J. L. DuPuy, Miss E. A. Durand, Mme. Alice, C H . Greville.) ♦“Eadgyth.” pseud. ♦Eastman, Julia A. Ebers, Georg. Eden, Emily ♦Edgeworth, Maria Edwards, Amelia B. Edwards, Mrs. Annie Edwards, M. B. ♦Eggleston, Edward ♦Eggleston, G. C. ♦Eiloart, C. J. Eliot, George, pseud. (Mrs. J. W. Cross.) Elliot, Frances Ellis, Mrs. S. S. ♦Elwell, E . H. Englebach, A . H. Erckmann, E. ♦Ewing, J H. Fargus, F. J. ( H . Conway.) ♦Farquharson, M. pseud. See Finley, M. F. ♦Farrar, Mrs. E. W. ♦Farrar, F. W. Fawcett, Edgar Fenelon, F. de S. de la M. Fenn, G M. Fern, Fannie, pseud. See Parton, S. P. Feuillet, Octave Fielding, Henry Finley, M. F. (Martha Farquharson ) Fisher, F. C. (Christian Beid) Fleming, Mrs. Agnes Fleming, George, pseud. See Fletcher, Julia Flemming, Harford Fletcher, Julia Folio, Fred, pseud. Foote, Mary H. Forney, J. W. Forrester, Mrs — ♦Fosdick, C. A. (Harry Castlemon). Fothergill, Jessie Fox, Mrs. Emily Foxton, E. pseud. See Palfrey, S. H. ♦Frere, M. Freytag, G. Fuller, M. V. Fullerton, Lady G. Gaboriau, Emile Gagneur, M. L. A. Galt, John Garuiner, Mary P. Countess of Blessington. Garrett, E. andR. pseud. See Mayo, I F. Gaskell, Mrs E . C . ♦Gasparin, Countess de Gautier, Theophile ♦Gaye, S. ♦Gerstacker, F. Gift, Theo, pseud. See Havers, Theodora ♦Gilbert, William Giles, Ella A. Gilman, Caroline Girardin, E. de Girardin, J. Gluraer, C. von Gobineau, J. A. Comte de Godwin, W. Goethe, J. W. von Goldsmith, O. * *Goodrich, S. G. ♦Gordon, C. Gore, Mrs. C. F. ♦Goulding, F. R. ♦Gouraud, Mme. Julie Grant, Robert Gray, A. M. Gray, Barry, pseud. See Coffin, R. B. Gray, Robertson, pseud. See Raymond, R. W. Gray, W. T. Green, Annie K. ♦Greenaway, Kate Greenough, R. S. Greenwood, Grace, pseud. See Lippincott, S. J. ♦Greenwood, James Greville, H. pseud. See Durand, Mme. Alice Griffin, Gerald ♦Griffis, W. E. ♦Grimm, J . L and W. C. Griswold, V. M. ♦Grosvenor, H. S. ♦Guernsey, C. F. Guthrie, F. A. (F. Anstey) . ♦Habberton, John ♦Hacklander, F. W. ♦Hale, E. E. ♦Hale, Lucre tia P. Halevy, Ludovic Haliburton, T. C. ♦Hall, C. W. ♦Hall, James Hall, Mrs. S. C. Hamerling, Robert ♦Hamerton, P. G. ♦Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, M. A. Hamley, E. B. Hammond, Mrs. E. H. Hammond, W. A. Hannay, James Hardman, Francis Hardy, A. S. Hardy, Thomas Harrington, G. Harris, L. O. Harris, Mrs. M. C. formerly Miss Cole. Harrison, Agnes. ♦Harrison, Jennie. Harland, Marion, pseud. See Terhune, M. V. Hart, Miss. — Harte, Bret Hartner, E. Hatton, J. ♦Hauflf, W. ♦Havers, Theodora Hawthorne, Julian ♦Hawthorne, Nathaniel ♦Hays, W. J. ♦Hayward, M. L. ♦Headley, P. C. Healy, Mary Heine, Henrich Heimburg, W. pseud. See Behrens, Bertha. Helps, Sir A. ♦Henry, L. pseud. See Lewis, A. H. ♦Henry, S. M 1. Hentz, Mrs C. L. Heyse, Paul ♦Higginson, Mary, T. ♦Higginson, T. W. Hiller, Shaler ♦Hodder, E. Hoey, Mrs. C. Holland, J. G. Holley, Marietta Holmes, Mrs. M. J. Holmes, O. W. Hood, Thomas Hooper, Lucy H. ♦Hope, A. R. Hope, T. Hoppin, Mary A. M. Howard, B. W. ♦Howard, Marion Howe, E. W. Howe, Maud Howells, W. D. ♦Howitt, Mary ♦Howitt, William Hubbell, M. S. ♦Hughes, Tom Hugo, Victor ♦Hunt, Helen See Jackson, H. H. ♦Huntington, Faye, pseud. See Foster, Mrs. I. H. Inchbald, Mrs. E. ♦Ingelow, Jean Ingraham, J. H Irving, Washington Jackson, Mrs. H. H. James, G. P. R. James, Henry, jr. Janson, Kristofer. Jeaffreson, J. C. Jenkin, Mrs. C. Jenkins. Edward Jerrold, Douglas Jewett, Sara O. John, E. (E. Marlitt.) Johnes, Merideth Johnson, Richard ♦Johnson, Rossiter Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Virginia W. Jones, B. D. Jones, E. H. Jones, J. B, Joyce, R. D. Judd, Bev. Sylvester Kavanagh, Julia Keary, Annie ♦Keddie, Henrietta ♦Kellogg, Elijah Kennedy, J. P, Kimball, R. B. King, Capt. C. King, Clarence King, Edward ♦Kingsley, Charles Kingsley, Henry ♦Kingston, W. H. G. Kip, Leonard Kirk, Mrs E. O. ♦Kirkland, Miss E. S. ♦Knatchbull-Hugessen, E. H Knorring. Baroness ♦Laboulaye, Edouard Laffan, May Lamartine, Alphonse de ♦Lamb, Charles ♦Lamb, Mrs. J. ♦Lamb, Mary LaMotte Fouque, F. H. C. ♦Lander, S. W. ♦Lane, L. M. ♦Lanier, S. Lasselle, N. P. Lathrop, G. P. Lawrence, G. A. Lazarus, Emma ♦Lear, E. Lee, Harriet Lee, Holme, pseud. See Parr, ♦Lee, Mrs. R. | Lee, Sophia Le Fanu, J. S. Lemon, Mark LeSage, A. R. Leslie, Eliza Leslie, Emma Leslie, Mrs. M. pseud. See Baker, Mrs H. N. W. Lever, Charles Lewes, Mrs. M. E. See Eliot, George, pseud. ♦Lewis, A. H., (Louis Henry). Lie, J. Linton, Mrs E . L. ♦Lippincott, S. J. ♦Livingston, C. M. Locke, D. R. Lockhart, J. G. Longfellow, H. W. Longstreet, A. B. ♦Lothrop, Amy, pseud. See Warner, A. B. Lover, Samuel Lowell, R. T. S. Lukin, J. Lyster, Annette MacCarthy, Justin Macauley, Miss ♦McConaughy, Mrs. J. E. MacDonald, George Macfarlane, C. ♦Macintosh, Maria J. ♦Mackarness, Mrs. H S. ♦Mackamess, M. A. Mackenzie, Henry Mackenzie, R. S. McKnight, Charles McLean, Sally P. Macleod, Norman Macquoid, K. S. Maitland, E. (H. Ainslie ) Malet, Lucas Malory, Sir T. Malot, Hector Manning, Anne Manzoni, Count Alessandro. ♦Markham, Richard Marlitt, E . pseud. See John, E. Marryat, Emilia Marryat, Florence. Mrs. Ross-Church. ♦Marryat, Capt, F. Marsh-Caldwell, Mrs. A. ♦Martineau, Harriet Marvel, Ik , pseud. See Mitchell, D. G. ♦Mateaux, C. L. Mathers, Miss H. B. Mathews, Joanna H. Mathews, Julia A. ♦Mathews, Margaret H. ♦May, C.L. ♦May, Sophie, pseud. See Clarke, R. S. ♦May hew, H. May hew, Hor. and A. Mayo, Isabella, F. (E and B. Garrett.) Mayo, W. S. ♦Mead, L. T. Meinhold, J. W. Melville, G. J. W. Melville, Herman Mery, J. ♦Miller, E. H. Miller. Hugh Miller, Joaquin ♦Miller, O. T. Milne, A. D. Mitchell, D. G. (Ik Marvel.) Mitford, M. R. ♦Molesworth, Mrs. M. ♦Montgomery, Florence Monti, Luigi ♦Montolieu, Baronne de Moore, John Moore, T. ♦More, Hannah Morford, H. Morgan, Lady S. O. ♦Moulton, Louise C. ♦Moustache, Vieux, pseud. See Gordon, C. HMugge, Theodore Muir, Alan Muller, O. FICTION. 93 FIGS.. Fiction, continued. Mundt, C. M. (. Louise Muhlbach.) Murfree, Miss M. N. (C E. Craddock.) Murray, Grenville ♦Myers, P. H. *Napier, C. O. G. Neal. Alice B. Newby, Mrs. C. J. Newman, J. H. Newton, W. W. ♦Niebuhr, B. G. Nicholls, Mrs. C. See Bronte, C. Noble, A. L. Noel, Lady Augusta ♦Nordhoff, C. Normand, Hugh de Norris, W. E. Norton, Mrs. C. E. O’Connor, W. D. ♦Old Merry, pseud. See Hodder, E. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. ♦Optic, Oliver, pseud. See Adams, W. T. ♦Otis, James Ouida, pseud. SeeRame,L. de la Owen, R. D. Paddock, Mrs. A. G. Palfrey, S. H. ♦Palgrave, F. T. Palgrave, W. G. ♦Pansy, pseud\See Alden, I. M Parker, H. F. Parr, Miss H. ( Holme Lee.) Parr, Louisa Parton, S. P. ( Fanny Fern.) Patchin, C, H. Paul, Mrs. M. A. ♦Paul, W. A. Payne, James Peacock, T. L. Peard, Frances M. ♦Pearson, C. H. Peck, Ellen (Cuyler Pine) . ♦Phelps, E. S. Pine, Cuyler, pseud. See Peck, E. Pinkerton, Allan Poe, E. A. Porter, Miss Jane ♦Porter, Mary W. Pouvillon, Emile Poynter, E. Frances ♦Prentiss, Mrs. Eliz. ♦Prescott, M. N. ♦Pressense, E. D. Preston, Harriet W. Radcliffe, Anna Raimond, Golo, pseud. See Dannenburg, G. Rame, L. de la. (Ouida.) Randolph, Mrs. ♦Raspe, R. E. Reaae, Charles ♦Reaney, Mrs. G. S. Reid, Christian, pseud. See Fisher, F. C. ♦Reid, Mayne Rice, J. Richardson, S. Richmond. Legh Richter, J. P. F. Riddell, Mrs. J. H. Riddle, A. G. Rita, pseud. See Booth, Mrs. O. Ritchie, Mrs . A. I. formerly Miss Thackeray Ritchie* L. ♦Robbins, Mrs. S. S. Roberts, Margaret Robertson, Margaret M. Robinson, F. W. Roche, R. M. Rochefort, Henri ♦Roe, A. S. Roe, E. P. Rollins, Mrs. E. H. ( Arr .) Roosevelt, R. B. Ross, C. H. Ross-Church, Mrs, formerly F. Marryat. ♦Round, W. M. F. ♦Rowcroft, Charles Rowson, Susannah Ruffini, G. Ruskin, John Russell, W. C. Rydberg, Victor ♦St. Pierre, J. Benardin de Saintine, X. B. Sala, G. A. ♦Samuels, Adelaide F. Sand, George, pseud. See Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Sandeau, Jules ♦Sanford, Mrs. D. P. Sarcey, Francisque Sargent, Epes Sartoris, Mrs. A. Saunders, John Saunders, Katherine Savage, M. W. Schucking, L. Schwartz, Marie S. Scotford, John Scott, Michael Scott, Sir Walter ♦Sc udder, H. E. ♦Seamer, Mary ♦Sedgwick, C. M. Seemuller, A. M. formerly Miss Crane. ♦Seguin, L. G. Sergeant, Adeline Severance, M. S. Sewell, Elizabeth M. ♦Shaw, Flora L. .Shaw, H. W. ( Josh Billings.) Shelley, M. W. Sheppard, E. S., (E . Berger.) Sheppard, F H. Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. W. Shorthouse, J. H. ♦Sidney, Margaret Sigourney, L. H. Simms, W. G. ♦Simonds, W. (Walter Aimwell.] Sinclair, Catherine Sleight, M. B. Smedley, F. E. Smedley, M. B. Smith, Julia P. ♦Smith, M. P. W., (P. Thome) Smith, Seba Smollett, Tobias Southworth, E. D. E. N. Spielhagen, F. Spoffora, H. P. Sprague, M. A. Staats, William Stael-Holstein, Baronne de Stephens, Mrs. A. S. ♦Stephens, O. A. Sterne, Lawrence ♦Stevenson, R. L. ♦Stockton, F. R. ♦Stoddard, W. O. ♦Stolz, Mrtie de, pseud. See Begon, F. de. ♦Storr, Francis ♦Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Streckfuse, Adolph Stretton, Hesba Strickland, Agnes Sturges, Julian Sue, Eugene Swift, Jonathan Tabor, Eliza Tautphoeus, Baroness I. von ♦Taylor, Bayard Taylor, Miss Eliz. Taylor, George •Taylor^ Meadows ♦Tenney, E. P. ♦Tenney, Mrs S. Terhune, M. V. ( Marion Harland.) Thackeray, A. I., (Mrs. Ritchie.) ♦Thackeray, W. M.. ♦Thayer, W . M . Theuriet, Andre Thiusen, Ismar, pseud. Thompson, D. P. Thompson, Maurice Thompson, W. T. ♦Thorne, P . , pseud See Smith, M. P. W. Thornton, Jacqueline ♦Thorp, B. Fiction, continued. ♦Ticknor, A. E. Tieman, M. F. Tilton, T.. Tincker, M. A. Tolstoy, Leo Topelius, L. Tourgee, A. W. Townsend, G. A. ♦Townsend, V. F. Trafford, F. G., pseud. See Riddell, J. H. Trafton, Adeline ♦Traill, Mrs. C. P. Trench, W. S. ♦Trimmer, Mrs. S. K. Tripp, G. H. Trois-Etoiles, pse'ud. See Murray, G. Trollope, Anthony Trollope, T. A. ♦Trowbridge, J. T. ♦Tucker, C. (A. L. O.E.) Turgenieff, Ivan ♦Turner, Hawes Turner, W. W. ♦Tuthill, Mrs. L. C. ♦Tuttle, E. B. ♦Tytler, Sarah, pseud. See Keddie, H. Underwood, F. H. ♦Van Sommers, E. ♦Verne, Jules Vingut, G. F. de ♦Wahl, Louis Walford, Mrs. L. B. ♦Walker, Mary S. Wallace, Lew. Walpole, Horace Ward, Artemus, pseud. See Browne, C F. Ware, William ♦Warner, AnnaB. (Amy Lothrop.) ♦Warner, C. D. ♦Warner, Susan (Eliz. Wetherell.) Warner, W., Esq. Warren, Samuel Washburn, K.. S. Washburn, W. T. ♦Weeks, Mrs. H. C. ♦Welty, Mrs. E. A. Werner, Ernest, pseud. See Burstenbinder, E . ♦Whitmarsh, C. S. ♦Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Whittaker, Frederick ♦Wilberforce, S. Williams, Mrs. ♦Willing, Mrs. Jennie ♦Wilmer, Margaret E ♦Wilson, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. A . J. formerly Miss Evans. Winchester, Carroll Winthrop, Theodore ♦Wise, Daniel Wiseman, H. E. Wister, Mrs. A. L. Wood, George Wood, Mrs. Henry ♦Woolsey, S. C. (Susan Coolidge.) Woolson, Constance F. Worboise, E. J. Wormeley, R. P. Wraxhall, Sir Lascelles Wright, Mrs. J. ,vi . ♦Wyss, J. R. von Yates, Edmund ♦Yonge, C. M. Field, H. M. From Egypt to Japan. 1876. 527.17 — From the lakes of Killarney to the Gol- den Horn. [cop. 1876] 527.16 — On the desert [Peninsula of Sinai], with brief review of recent events in Egypt 1883 526.22 Field, Kate. C. A. Fechter (Am. actor ser.) — Ten days in Spain. Illus. ’73 512.31 Field and forest. Adams, W. T. Jnv 72.4.1 Field, dungeon and escape, [1861-5]. Rich- ardson, A. D 507.8 Field friends and forest foes. Browne, P. . 832.3 Field of disease: a book of preventive med- icine. Richardson, B. W. 1884 843.27 Field sports. See Sports. Field, wood and meadow rambles. Har- ris, A. B 832.10 Fielding, Henry. Amelia. 1857 144.10 — Joseph Andrews; Jonathan Wild. 1857. 58.6 — Tom Jones. 1844 36.211 — Dobson, A. [Life]. 1883 616.11.32 — Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists. . . 624.19 — Smith, G. B. Poets and novelists 322.7 — Thackeray, W. M. English humorists . 302.15 — Whipple, E. P. Essays, v. 2 303.6 Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors. ’72 601.20 — and Whipple, E. P. Family library of British poetry 207.24 — Biographical notes [about him]. 1882.. 617.22 Fields, Mrs. J. T. How to help the poor. 1884 916.6 Fields, Poetry of the. [Selections.] 217.11 Fifty years of London life, [1831-75]. Yates, E. 1875 631.3 Fifty years of science [A review]. Lubbock, J. 1882 841.16 Fighting Joe. Adams, W. T. Juv 72.1 .5 Figs and thistles. Tourgee, A. W. Fict. . 46.16 FIGUIER. 94 FIRE. Figuier, L. The insect world. Ulus. ’69 806.3 — Mammalia. Illus. 1870 812.21 — Ocean world. Illus. 1872 808.8 — Primitive man. Illus. 1873 812.23 — Reptiles and birds. Illus. 1870 813.5 — The to-morrow of death; or, the future life according to science. 1872 407.7 — Vegetable world. Illus 812.22 — World before the deluge. 1872 808.9 Figure drawing, Art of. Weigall, C. H. . .852.13.4 Fiji islands. Cumming, C. F. G. At home in Fiji. Ulus. 1882 526.1 — Williams, T. and Calvert, J. Fiji and the Fijians. Illus. I860.. 503.28 Files and rasps, Treatise on. Nicholson, W. T. 1878. 8521.24 Fillmore, J. C. Pianoforte music: its his- tory, with biog. sketches, etc. 1883. . 851.28 Filtration. Kirkwood, J. P. Filtration of river waters. 1779 8521.15 — Nichols, W. R. Filtration of potable water. 1879 834.4 Finance. See Money; also Political econ- omy; Banks; United States ( Reports on.) Fine arts. Dictionaries, Directories, etc. — Brande, W. T. and Cox, G. W. Diction- ary of science, literature and art. 1872. 3v *B.3 — Clement, Mrs. C. E. Hand-book of leg- endary and mythological art. Illus. *D.2 Same. 14th ed’n. 1881 851.9 Painters, sculptors, architects, engrav- ers and their works. A hand-book. Illus. 1876 *D.3 and 834.11 — Fairholt, F. W. Dictionary of terms in art. Illus *D.4 — Huish, M. P. The year’s art. Hand- book for 1881; [Great Britain and Ireland] 837.20 — Koehler, S. R. United States art direc- tory and year book. 2 v., 1882-3 848.4 History, etc. — Bell, N. R. E. [ N . D’ Anvers], Elemen- tary history of art. 1875 852.11 — Benjamin, S. G. W. Art in America [Critical and historical]. 1880 831.24 — De Forest, J. B. Short history of art. 1881 851.8 — Dresser, C. Japan: its architecture, art, etc. 1882 848.12 — Farrar, C. S. History of sculpture, painting and architecture. Topical lessons, with specific references. 1881 851.2 — Jarves, J. J. The art of Japan. 1876. . 816.3 — Lord, John. Phidias, [or] Ancient art. — Lossing, B. J. Outline history of the fine arts. 1840 818.22 — Lubke, W. Ecclesiastical art in Ger- many during the middle ages. 1877 . . 834.6 History of art. Ed. by C. Cook. 2 v. 1881 834.7 — Percy anecdotes 312.1 — Ruskin, J. The art of England. 1883 . 852.7 — Seeman, O. Mythology of Greece and Rome, with special reference to its use in art 417.20 — Symonds, J. A. The renaissance in Italy [Fine arts]. 1879 831.23 — Taine, H. Art in Greece. 1871 812.19 Art in the Netherlands. 1872 812.18 Fine arts, continued . — Tuckerman, H. T. Book of the artists. [American]. 1867 821.12 — Tyrwhitt, R. St. John. Christian art and symbolism. 1872 437.9 — Winckelmann, J. History of ancient art. 2v. 1880 851.3 Philosophy, Criticism , Study. — Allston, W. Lectures on art. 1850 204.20 — Carter, S. N. Art suggestions from the master’s selections. 1881 851.7 — Collier, J. Primer of art. 1882 834.28 — Couture, T. Conversations on art meth- ods. 1879 833.5 — Dwight, M. A. Introduction to study of art 1868 852.16 — Emerson, R W. Art In 326.9.1 — Hamerton, P. G. The graphic arts. 1882 824.17 Thoughts about art. 1871 804.27 — Howitt, A. M. Art-student in Munich, [1850-2] 508.12 — Jameson, Mrs. A. Legends of the Ma- donna. 1866 852.12 Legends of the monastic orders. 1866. 852.14 — Jarves, J. J. Art hints. 1855 805.3 The art idea. 1877 824.5 Art thoughts. 1882 852.12 — Johnson, E. W. The studio arts. ’78. 823.14 — Lessing, G. E. Laocoon; an essay on the limits of painting and poetry .... 852.19 — Marshall, J. Anatomy for artists. 1878 *8521.17 — Palgrave, F. T. Essays on art. 1867... 818.19 — Ruskin, J. Arrows of the chace. 1881. 836.9 Lectures on art. 1878 824.11 The true and the beautiful. [Selec- tions] 808.27 — Samson, G. W. Art criticism. Abridged. [cop. 1868] 818.14 — Scott, W. B. Half-hour lectures on the fine and ornamental arts. 1875 834.14 — Smith, Walter. Art education; scholas- tic and industrial. 1873 851.5 — Taine, H. Ideal in art 812.20 Philosophy of art 852.17 Periodicals. — Art amateur. A monthly journal devo- ted to the cultivation of art in the household, v. 11-13. N. Y., 1884-5*8541.27 — Magazine of art. v. 7-8. N. Y., 1884-5*8541 21 See also ^Esthetics; Architecture; Biography (Col- lective; Artists); Color; Decorative art; Drawing; En- graving; Music; Painting ; Photography ; Sculpture. Finger rings. Edwards, C. History and poetry of. 1880 717.20 Finley, Martha. Elsie books. 10 v 87.20 1. Elsie Dinsmore. 6. Elsie’s children. 2. Elsie’s holidays. 7. Elsie’s widowhood. 3. Elsie’s girlhood. 8. Grandmother Elsie. 4. Elsie’s womanhood. 9. Elsie’s new relations. 5. Elsie’s motherhood. 10. Elsie at Nantucket. — Mildred series. 5. v. 1878-’84 81.8 1. Mildred Keith. 2. Mildred at Roselands. 3. Mildred and Elsie. 4. Mildred’s married life. 5. Mildred at home: Finney, Rev. C. G. Lectures on revivals of religion. 1835 437.3 — Memoirs, written by himself. 1876 612.29 — Sermons. 1836 411.10 Finod, J. de, ed ' r . Thousand flashes of French wit, etc . 1880 315.18 Fire and flame. Schucking, L. Fict. 18T6. 42.32 Fire brigade. Ballantyne, R. M. Juv ... 75.19 FIRE. 95 FLAG. FiRE-fighters. McConaughy, J. E. [Tem- perance tale] 92.22 Fire in the woods. DeMille, James. Juv. 22.7 Fire place, The open. Putnam, J. P 846.2 Fires. Bird. J. Precaution against fire. ’73. 827.3 — Colbert, E. and Chamberlin, E. Chi- cago and the great conflagration. ’71 736.10 — Fowler, W. W. Fighting fire. Great fires of history. 1873 722.4 Fireside encyclopaedia of poetry. Coates, H. T. ed'r. [1881] 212.8 Fireside piety. Abbott, Jacob. 1834 408.11 Fireside saints, eta. Jerrold, D. [Humor- ous] 306.30 Fireside science. [Essays.] Nichols, J. R. 1872 835.4 Fireside travels. Lowell, James R. 1864. 508.18 Firmilian: a spasmodic tragedy. Aytoun, W. E 208.8 First century of the republic. Woolsey, T. D. and others. 1876 734.5 First fam’lies of the Sierras. Miller, J . . . 135.16 First love is best. Dodge, M. A 45.4 Fish, D W. Complete arithmetic. 1880.. 837.26 — Higher arithmetic. 1876 816.30 Fish, G. T. American manual of parlia- mentary law. 1880 914.9 Fish and fishing Francis, F. Fish cul- ture. 1868 814.29 — Green, S Trout culture. 1870 821.21 — Hallock, C The fishing tourist. 1873 . 814 27 — Henshall, J. A. Book of black bass, with treatise on angling and fly-fish- ing. 1881 847.12 — Norris, T. American angler’s book. [cop. 1864] 826.3 American fish-culture. 1868 814.28 — Prime, W. C. I go a-fishing. 1876 503.7 — Roosevelt, R. B. Superior fishing [in the northern states]. 1884 845.5 and Green, Seth. Fish hatching and fish catching. 1879 833,31 — Scott, G. C. Fishing in American wa- ters 1875 826.19 — Tenney, Mrs. S. Fishes and reptiles Juv. 1868 22.15 — Treasures of the deep. 1876 818.9 — United States. Commission of fish and fisheries. Reports 1878-79, 1880. See United States. — Walton, I. and Cotton, C. Complete angler. 1867 814.26 Fisher, Frances C. [ Christian Reid]. — Daughter of Bohemia : a novel. 1874 47.44 — A gentle belle 148.3 — Heart of steel. 1883 54.11 — Roslyn’s fortune: a novel. 1885 57.33 Fisher, G. P. The beginnings of Christ- ianity. 1877 418.4 — The Christian religion. See Ingersoll, R. G. 1882 427.15 Note . — First pub. in N. A. Review. Feb. 1882. — Discussions in history and theology. ’80 442.15 — Faith and rationalism. 1879 421.24 — Grounds of theistic and Christian be- lief. 1883 431.12 — Life of Benjamin Silliman. 2 v. 1866. 634.8 — The reformation. 1877 418.11 — ed’r. Early Christian literature primers 4 v. 1881-4. See Jackson, G. A 426.24 Fisher, R. S. Gazetteer of the United States. 1853 *B.8 Fisher, S. W. Three great temptations of young men. 1852 437.21 Fisher boys of Pleasant Cove. Kellogg, E. 25.47 Fisher maiden. Bjornson, B 132.8 Fishing. See Fish and Fishing. Fisk, Fidelia. Recollections of Mary Lyon [cop. 1866] 621.12 Fiske, John. American political ideas viewed from the standpoint of univer- sal history. 1885 917.2 Contents . — The town-meeting. The federal union. “Manifest destiny.” — Darwinism and other essays 835.1 Contents . — Darwinism verified. Mr. Mivart on Dar- winism. Dr. Bateman on Darwinism. Dr. Buckner on Darwinism. A crumb for the “modern symposium.” Chauncey Wright. What is inspiration? Dr. Ham- mond and the table-tippers. Mr. Buckle’s fallacies. Postscript on Mr. Buckle. The races of the Danube. A librarian’s work. — The destiny of man viewed in the light of his origin. 1885 435.21 — Excursions of an evolutionist. 1884 844.22 Contents .— Europe before the arrival of man. The arrival of man in Europe. Our Aryan forefathers. What we learn from old Aryan words. Was there a primeval mother tongue? Sociology and hero-worship. Heroes of industry. The causes of persecution. The Origins of protestantism. The true lesson of protest- anism. Evolution religion. The meaning of infancy. A universe of mind-stuff. In memoriam; Charles Dar- win. — Myths and myth-makers. 1873 401.18 Contents . — Origins of folk-lore. The descent of fire Werewolves and swan-maidens. Light and darkness. Myths of the barbaric world. Juventus mundi. The primeval ghost-world. Note. Index. — Outlines of cosmic philosophy, based on the doctrine of evolution, with criti- cisms on the positive philosophy. 2 v. 1874 431.16 — Tobacco and alcohol. 1869 808.5 Contents.— 1. It does pay to smoke. 2. The coming man will drink wine. — The unseen world and other essays. 1876 433.28 Contents.— Unseen world. “The to-morrow of death.” The Jesus of history The Christ of dogma. A word about miracles. Draper on science and religion. Nathan the wise. Historical difficulties. Famine of 1770 in Bengal. Spain and the Netherlands. Longfellow's Dante. Paine’s St Peter. A philosophy of art. Athe- nian and American life. Fiske, S. Mr. Dunn Browne’s experiences in the army, [1862-4]. 1866 737.23 Fitch, J. Wescott, T. Life of John Fitch, inventor of the steamboat. 1857 606.3 Fitch, J. Annals of army of the Cumber- land. 1864 734.15 Fitch, J. G. Lectures on teaching. 1881 . 425.32 FiTZ-Boodle papers. Thackeray, W. M. In 301.12.4 Fitzgerald, W. Evidences of Christian- ity In 438.17 Five days entertainment at Wentworth Grange. Palgrave, F. T 17.13 Five, The, great monarchies of the ancient eastern world. Rawlinson, G. 3 v.. . 715.5 Five hundred employments for women. Penny, Virginia. 1868 912.12 Five little peppers. Sidney, Marg 87.31 Five little southerners. Porter, M. W 87.18 Five minutes chat with young women. Lewis, Dio. 1874 828.14 Five, The, senses of man. Bernstein. J 815.4.21 Five thousand a year on the farm. Mitchell, E 844.5 Five weeks in a balloon. Verne, J. Fict. 143.20 Five years in an English university. Bristed, C. A. 1873 413.3 Flag of distress: story of the South sea. Reid, M 144.15 FLAGG. 96 FOLK. Flagg, Wilson. Woods and by-ways of New England. 1872 522.24 — Year among the trees [in New England]. 1881 842.24 Flags. Preble, G. W. History of the flag of the United States, etc. 1880 726.10 Flammarion, C. The atmosphere. 1873. . 813.2 — Astronomical myths. See Blake, J. F. 841.22 — Wonders of heavens. 1871 813.18 Flaxie Frizzle stories. See Clarke, R. S. Fleetwood, J. Life of Christ. 1875 416.8 Fleming, Mrs. Agnes. Guy Earlscourt’s wife. 1876 136.8 — Kate Danton. 1876 43.13 — Norine’s revenge. 1876 136.9 — One night’s mystery. 1876 11.31 — Silent and true. 1878 43.12 — A wonderful woman. 1873 32.18 Fleming, George pseud. See Fletcher, Julia Fleming, S. Ocean to ocean. Through Canada in 1872. See Grant, G M. . . 514.10 Flemming, Harford. Cupid and sphinx. .. 138.15 Fletcher, Mrs. E. Autobiography. 1876 613.3 Fletcher, Julia, [ George Fleming]. Head of Medusa. 1881 , 145.24 — Kismet. 1879 145.4 — Mirage. 1878 145.13 — Vestigia. 1884.,...’ 56.17 Fletcher, Rev. J. Benson, J. Life of. ’37 601.8 Fletcher, J. C. and Kidder, D. P. Brazil and the Brazilians. 1868 502.26 Fleurange. Craven, Mme. A 63.21 Flint, Austin. Medical ethics and eti- quette. 1883 842.26 — Physiology of man. 5 v. 1873-4 813.1 Contents .— Blood circulation. Respiration. 2. Ali- mentation. Digestion. Absorption. 3. Secretion. Nu- trition. Movements. 4. Nervous system. 5. Special senses. Generation. — Practice of medicine. 1873 836.11 Flint, C. L. Milch cows, etc. 1868 835.8 Flipper, H. O. Colored cadet at West Point. 1878 635.7 Flitch of bacon. Ainsworth, W. H 36.13 Floating light; or, the Goodwin sands. Ballantyne, R. M. 87.27 Floating matter in the air. Tyndall, J.’82 841.21 Flood, J. N. and Summerbell, N. Discus- sion on the Trinity, etc. 1855 407.15 Flora of the southern United States. Chapman, A. W. 1883 843.23 Floral decorations. Hassard, Annie. 1876 816.8 Flora’s interpreter. [Language of flowers]. Hale, S. J 822.25 Florence Macarthy. Morgan, S. 0 133.4 Florence. Eliot, George. Romola. [Flor- ence; Savonarola]. Fict 36.323 — Hare, A. J. C. Florence. [Guide-book]. 1884 522.10 — Horner, Susan and Joanna. Walks in Florence. 2 v. 1873 525.24 — Machiavefli, N. History of. [to 1492] . . . 702.10 — Oliphant, Mrs. Makers of Florence. 1876 615.18 — Taine, H. Italy, Florence and Venice. 503.23 Florentine nights. Heine, H. 1873 63.34 Florian J. P. C. de. Moors in Spain. 1874 716.15 Floriculture. See Flowers. Florida. Barbour, G. M. Florida, for tourists, etc. 1881 518.7 — Beecher, Mrs.H. W. Letters from Flori- da. 1879 514.15 — Fairbanks, G. A. History of, [1512- 1842]. 1871 711.26 — Giddings, J. R. The exiles of. [Fugitive slaves]. 1858 711.4 Florida, continued. — Hallock, C. Camp life in. 1876 — Harcourt, H. Florida fruits and how to grow them. 1883 — Henshall, J. A. Camping and cruising in Florida. 1884 : — Lanier, S. Florida; its scenery, etc. ’76 — Munroe, C. K. Florida annual. 1884 . . — Robbins, S. S One happy winter. ’78 — Rooseveit, R. B. Florida and the game water birds of the Atlantic coast, and the lakes of the United States. 1884. — Stowe, H. B. Palmetto leaves. 1873.. Florus. Works. [Roman history] Flower, W. H. Fashion in deformity, as . illustrated in the customs of barbar- ous and civilized races. 1881 Flower, fruit and thorn pieces. Ritchter, J. P. F. 2 v . Fict Flower of the family. Prentiss, Mrs. E Flowers and floriculture. Allen, G. Col- ors of flowers. [British]. 1882 — Buist, R. Am. flower garden directory. [copi 1854] — Conway, M. D. Sacred Flora. [Symbol- ism, folklore, etc.] (In Harper’s m., v. 41-42) — Hassard, A. Floral decorations. 1876. . — Henderson, Peter. Practical floricul- ture. 1874 — Lubbock, J. British wild flowers in re- lation to insects . 1875 — Rand, E. S., jr. Flowers for the parlor and garden. 1872 Popular flowers. 1873 See also Gardening ; Rose ; Orchids ; Win- dow gardening. 524.2 847.14 522.11 524.13 521.12 531.3 847.13 502.7 1021.9 842.32 14 29 82.22 842.15 814.22 1004.1 816 8 828.4 822.15 805.7 812.31 Flowers, Language of. Greenwood, L. Rural wreath; or, life among the flowers. 1858 202.13 — Hale, S. J. Flora’s interpreter. 1848. 822.25 — Hooper, Lucy, ed’r. Lady’s book of flowers and poetry. 1863 204.3 Flowers of the sky. Proctor, R. A 833.13 Floyd Grandon’s honor. Douglas, A. M. ’84 55.26 Flush times of Alabama and Mississippi. Baldwin, J. G. [Humorous] 315.12 Fly leaves. Calverley, C. S. [Humorous verse] .* 204.4 Flyers and crawlers [Insects] Church, E.R. 832.35 Flying. Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism . .815.4 11 — Pettigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion.’74. 815.4 8 See also Aeronautics. Foe in the household. Chesebro’, Caroline 34.7 Foggy night at Offord. Wood, Mrs. H 36.568 Folio, Fred, pseud. Lucy Boston; or, woman’s rights and spiritualism. ’55. 3.6 FoLK-lore. Asbjornsen, P. C. Folk and fairy tales. [Norwegian] 316.22 — Baldwin, J. Story of Roland. 1883 . . . 82.24 — Chambers, R. Book of days; popular antiquities in connection with the cal- endar. 2 v. 1878 *E.5 — Cox, G. W. Comparative mythology and folk-lore 427.14 Popular romances of the middle ages. 1880 47.5 — Day, L. B. Folk tales of Bengal. 1883. 326.16 — Drake, S. A. New England legends and folk-lore. 1884 321.3 — Dyer, T. F. T. Domestic folk-lore. 1884 426.29 Folk-lore of Shakespeare. 1884 431.20 — Fiske, J. Origins of folk-lore In 401.18 — Harris, J. C. Nights with Uncle Remus. 326.29 FOLK. 97 FOSTER. FoLK-lore, continued. Uncle Remus. [Plantation folk-lore] . 317.15 - — Johnson, R. The seven champions of Christendom 138.3 — Ralston, W. R. S. Russian folk-tales . . 421.6 — Thorpe, B. Yule-tide stories; Swedish, Danish and German. 1853 131.22 See also Fairy tales; Legends; Mythology; Superstitions. FoLLE-Farine. Rame, L. de la 36.450 “ Following the drum.” Yiele, Mrs. E. L. 1858 504.20 Following the flag. Coffin, C. C. 1865. . . 714.14 Folsom, E. G. Logical book-keeping. ’73. 816.29 Fonvielle, W. de. Thunder and light- ning. 1871 813.17 Food, diet, and dining. — Bazar book of the household. 1875 828.15 — Beard, G M. Eating and drinking. ’71 813.22 — Bellows, A. J. Philosophy of eating. ’76 818.17 — Breakfast, dinner, and tea; viewed clas- sically, poetically, and practically. ’69 811.14 — Brillat-Savarin, A. Hand-book of din- ing 814.32 — Chambers, T. K. Diet in health and disease. ( With Lessons in cookery). 1879 822.28 — De Yoe, T. F. The market assistant. ’67 814.30 — Hall, W. W. Health by good living. ’70. 803.15 — Hassall, Ar H. Food and its adultera- tions. 1855 806.23 — Henderson, Mrs. M. F. Practical cook- ing and dinner giving. 1876 818.26 — Jacobi, A. Infant diet. 1874 816.16 — Kingsford, Anna. The perfect way in diet. [Vegetarian]. 1881 824.33 — Lewis, Dio Our digestion. 1872 847.2 — Liebig, J. Chemistry of food. 1848... 801.3 — Pereira, J. Food and diet. 1873 821.5 — Smith, Edward. Foods. 1873 815.4.3 — Terhune, M. Y. [Marion Harland.j Din- ner year-book. 1878 835.28 — Thompson, . bigne ; Meyer; Mommsen; Muller (Max): Neander; Richter; Rosenthal; Rotteck; Schiller; Schmidt (Os- car); Semper; Strauss; Ueberweg; Uhlhorn; Vogel; Von Holst ; Wagner (Rudolph) ; Zschokke. Novelists : Auerbach ; Bauer ; Bernstein ; Blum : Bolte ; Chamisso; Dannenburg; Ebers; Freytag; Goethe; Grimm; Hacklander; llamerling; Hartner; Hauff; Heine; Ileyse ; John ( E . Marlitt ); La Mottc Foque ; Lommel; Meinhold; Meyer; Mugge; Mundt; Richter; Rosenthal; Schuclcing; Spielhagen ; Tautphoeus; Taylor (G) ; Tieck ; Wahl, German popular stories. Grimm, J. and W. 74.5 German tales. Auerbach, B. 1869 142.6 German thought; six lectures. Hillebrand, K 318.24 Germany. History: General and Miscellaneous. — Alison, Sir A. Hist, of Europe, [1789- 18521. 8 v 744.3 — Bryce, J. The holy Roman empire. ’77. 716.16 — Coxe, W. House of Austria [1218-18481 4 v. 727.11 — Kohlrausch, F. History of, [to 1814] — 744.9 — Lewis, C. T. History of. 1878 735.11 — Menzel, W. History of Germany [to 1840]. 3 v. 1882 727.10 — Perthes, C. T. Memoirs of F. Perthes, [1789-1843]. 2 v. 1856 ... 641.2 — Seeley, J. R. Life and times of Stein, 1757-1831, 2 v 625.7 14 GERMANY. 106 GILFILLAN. Germany, continued. — Smyth, W. Lectures on modern history [to 1783]. 2 v 724.5 — Taylor, B. History of Germany. 1874. 716.22 — Universal hist.; anc. pt., v. 18. [Ancient Germans] *707.1 Mod. pt., v. 25-27, [887-1814] *7u8 1 — Yonge, C. M. Young folks’ history of. 716.25 Early History , to the Reformation — Caesar, J. Wars in Gaul 1020.5 — Creasy, E. S. Decisive battles. [Victory of Arminius] 703.6 — Gibbon, E. [Ancient Germans]. Ch. 9 of 701.3.1 — Hallam, H. History of G. to 1495 In 701.4.2 — Merivale, C. The continental Teutons. (Conversion of the West, v. 5) 423.15 — Tacitus. Germany. {In his works, v. 2) 1021.10 See also histories of Charlemagne and illus- trations of early German life in Frey tag’s Ingra- ban, etc. For the 16th century see Reformation ; also Robertson’s Charles V. [704.7]. Thirty Years’ War, 1618-48. — Chambers’s miscellany, v. 8 1001.8 — Gardiner, S. R. The thirty years’ war, 1618-48. Maps. 1875 743.5.3 — Gindely, A. History of the. Illus. 2 v. 1884 732.2 — Motley, J. L. Life of John of Barne- velde [Causes, etc]. 2 v 634. \ — Schiller, F. The thirty years’ war 727.8.1 — Trench, R. C. Gustavus Adolphus in Germany. 1872 742.10 In biography , see lives of Gustavus Adolphus. In illustrative fiction, see Yonge’s Dove in the eagle’s nest; De Lief de’s Maid of Stralsund; Schiller’s drama of Wallenstein; Topelius’s Surgeon’s stories. Seven Years War , 1756-63. — Longman, F. W. Frederick the great and the seven years’ war. 1883 743.5.13 See also histories of Frederick the great, especially that by Carlyle 1631.1] and [643.8J. Franco-German War, 1870-1. See France (Franco-German war.) Seven Weeks' War, 1876. — Hozier, H. M. The seven weeks’ war [Austria and Prussia, 1876] 727.12 Description, Travels, etc. — Adams, W. T. Down the Rhine. Juv. 73.4.6 — Andersen, H. C. Poet’s bazaar. [1840] . . 522.26 — Brace, C. L. Home life in, [1850-1J. ’53 504.32 — Browne, J. R. American family in. 1871. 502.22 — German home life. 1878 512.30 — Gould, S. B. Germany, past and present. 1882 526.16 — Hale, E. E. A family flight. 1881. Ju v 515.14 — Hill, Lucy A. Rhine roamings. 1880 . 513.19 — Howard, Blanche. One year abroad. ’77 524.24 — Johnson, A. C. Peasant life in. 1858... 508.11 — Mansfield, R. B. Log of the Water Lily on the Rhine and other streams of Germany, (1851-2) 527.24 — Stael-Holstein, Mme. Germany. 1875.. 512.10 — Tuttle, H. German political leaders. (Brief biographies) 613.20.4 Education, etc. — Arnold, Matthew. Higher schools and universities of Germany. 1874 444.9 — Barnard, H. National education in Europe. [Public schools]. 1854 431.15 — Hart, J. M. German universities 417.22 — Hazen, W. B. School and the army in Germany and France, 1872 732.13 Germany, continued. — Schaff, P. Universities, theology and re- ligion of. i 867 413.30 See also Austria; Prussia; also , Berlin ; Mun- ich; Rhine. Gerst acker, F. How a bride was won; or, a chase across the pampas. 1 869 34.5 Gertrude. Sewell, Eliz. M. Fict 131.19 Gervinus, G. G. Shakespeare commenta- ries. 1880 316.6 Gesta Christi; history of humane progress. Brace, C. L 915.5 Gesta Romanorum; or, entertaining moral stories, [by mediaeval monks] 311.17 See notices in Old and New. [1002.6.6]. Gesture. See Elocution. Get money. Tuthill, L. C. Juv 78.24 Getting on in the world. Mathews W 304.12 Ghardia; or, ninety days in the desert. Naphegyi, G. 1871 508.1 Giant cities of Bashan. Porter, J. L. ’65 525.13 Giant raft. [On the Amazon.] Verne, J. 2 v. 54.20 Giant’s robe. Guthrie, F. A. [F. Anstey.] 56.10 Gibbon, Edward. Autobiography and cor- respondence. Ed. by A. Murray 641.7 — Decline and fall of the Roman empire. 6 v. 1876 701.3 Same. Abridged by W. Smith. Illus. 706.18 — Morison, J. C. Life. (Eng. men of let- ters.) 1878 616.11.1 Gibbon, J. S. Banks of New York. 1859 . 912.8 Gibbon, L. Exploration of the valley of the Amazon. See Herndon, W. L. 2 v. 528.8 Giberne, Agnes. Sun, moon and stars. [For beginners]. 1880 835.21 Gibson, John M. The ages before Moses . 1879 441.32 — Foundations of Christianity. 1880 423.22 Gibson, W. H. Camp life, trapping, etc .’81 837.30 Giddings, J. R. Exiles of Florida. [Fugi- tive slaves]. 1858 711.4 — Speeches in Congress. 1853 913.17 Gideon’s rock. Saunders, Katherine. Fict. 36.484 Gieseuer, C. L. Text book of church his- tory [to 1648]. 4 v. 1868 405.3 Gift, Theo., pseud. See Havers, Theodora. Gil Bias. Le Sage, A. R. Fict 5.8 Gilbart, J. W. On banking. 1851 806.11 Gilbert, W. King George’s middy. ’71. Juv 91.26 — The struggle in Ferrara. A story of the reformation in Italy. 1871 34.12 Gilbert, W. S. “Bab” ballads. 1877.... 207.9 Gilchrist, Anne. Mary Lamb. (Famous women). 1883 627.1.4 Gilded age. Clemens, S. L. and Warner, C. D. Fict 33.3 Gilder, W. H. Ice-pack and tundra: the search for the Jeannette, and a sledge journey through Siberia, [1881-2] 521 .19 — Schwatka’s search. [Franklin records.] 1881 526.10 Gilding. See Painting, {Mechanical.) Gilead. See Palestine. Giles, C. Lectures on the nature of spirit and of man as a spiritual being. 1873. 413.24 Giles, Ella A. Maiden Rachel. 1879.... 46.19 Giles, H. Human life in Shakespeare. ’82. 318.23 — Hlustrations of genius. 1854 317.11 Contents— Cervantes ; Don Quixote ; Tne scarlet let- ter ; Fiction ; Public opinion ; The philanthropic senti- ment ; Music ; The cost of a cultivated man ; Conversa- tion; Wordsworth ; Robert Burns ; Thomas De Quincey. Gilfillan, G. Third gallery of portraits . 1855, [Biographical sketches] 301,2^ GILL. 107 GLEANINGS. Gill, W. F. Life of E. A. Poe. 1877 617.16 Gillet, I. A., joint author. Elements of astronomy. See Rolfe, W. J. 1871 . . 807.14 — Hand-book of astronomy, [cop. 1868]. . 818.2 — Hand-book of natural philosophy, [cop. 1869] 818.3 — The heavens above. Popular astrono- my. 1882 842.33 Gillies, J. History of ancient Greece till the division of the Macedonian em- pire. 4 v. 1822 706.2 Same. [1852.] 744.2 Gillies, R. P. Personal recollections. 1876 In 612.25 Gilliss, J. M. United States naval astro- nomical expedition to the south hem- isphere, 1849-’52. v. 1-2, 6. 1855-6 *8521.27 Contents : — 1. Chile, its geog., climate, etc. '2. The Andes and pampas, by A. Mac Rae ; Minerals, by J. L. Smith; Indian remains by T. Ewbank; Mammals, by S. F. Baird; Birds, by J. Cassin; Reptiles, fishes and Cru- stacea, by C. Girard; Shells, by A. A. Gould; Dried plants, by A. Gray ; Living plants and seeds, by W. D. Brackenridge ; Fossil mammals, by J. Wyman ; Fossil shells by T. A. Conrad. 6. Magnetical and meteorol obs., by J. M. Gilliss. Gillmore, Parker. The great thirst land [South Africa]. 1878 521.21 — Travel, war, and shipwreck 527.9 Gillmore, Q. A. Limes, cements and mor- tars. 1874 826.7 — Roads, streets and pavements. 1882 824.30 Gilman, Arthur. First steps in English lit- erature. 1872 332.20 — First steps in general history. 1874 715.13 — History of the American people. Illus. [1883] 738.14 — Library of religious poetry. See Schaff,P 212.3 — Seven historic ages. 1874. Juv 743.6 — Tales of the pathfinders [Early Am. his- tory]. 1884 738.21 Gilman, Caroline. Recollections of a southern matron and a New England bride, [cop. 1867] 138.21 Gilman, D. C. James Monroe, (Am. states- men). 1883 626.4 6 Gilmor, H. Four years in the saddle. 1866 737.9 Gilmour, James. Among the Mongols... 501.16 Gindeley, A. Hist, of the thirty years’ war. 2 v. 1884 732.2 GiNGER-snaps. Parton, S. P. [Fanny Fern] 301.26 Gink’s baby. A satire. Jenkins, E 308.28 and 36.274 Gipsies. See Gypsies. Giraffe hunters. Reid, M. Juv 92.7 Girardin, E. de, Gautier, Sandeau, and Mery , joint authors. Cross of Bemy. [cop. 1873] 31.33 Girardin, J. Adventures of Johnny Iron- sides. Juv 75.21 Girlhood of Shakspeare’s heroines. Clarke, M. C. 2v 63.4 Girls. Brown, P. What girls can do. [’80] 837.21 — Campbell, H. American girl’s home book. 1883 832.32 — Davis, I. P. Hygiene for girls. 1882 . . 842.19 — Lewis, Dio. Our girls. [On health, etc]. 1871 802.33 — Ruskin, J. Letters of advice to young girls. 1879 431.7 — Salford, M. J. and Allen, M. E. Health and strength for girls. 1884 844.31 — Shepherd, D. A. How two girls tried farming. 1879 835.16 — Tytler, S. Papers for thoughtful girls. 417.28 Girls of Feversham. Church, Mrs. R 34.28 Girondists. Lamartine, A. de. History of the. 3 v. 1868 702.4 Glaciers. Agassiz, L. Geological sketches. 1871 801.12.2 — Geikie, J. Great ice age. 1875 847.8 — Helmholtz, H. Ice and glaciers. 1881. In 843.6.1 — Lyell, Sir C. Glacial geology. 1873... 821.26 — Tyndall, J. Forms of Water. 1872 815.4.1 Glaciers of the Alps. 1861 506.5 — Wallace, A. R. Glacial epochs. {In his Island life).1881 836.18 Glaucus; or, the wonders of the shore. Kingsley, C. 1855 807.6 Gladden, W. Christian league of Connec- ticut. 1883 432.14 Gladiators, The. Melville, G. J. W 36.394 Gladstone, J. H. Michael Faraday, [his life, etc.] 644.23 Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of past years, 3843-79. 7 v 315.11 Contents.— v. 1. Death of the Prince Consort. Life of the Prince Consort (vol. i-3). The county franchise, and Mr. Lowe thereon. Kin beyond sea. v. 2. Blanco White. 1845. Giacomo Leopardi. Tennyson. Wedgwood. Bishop Patteson. Macaulay. Memoir of Dr. Norman Macleod. v. 3. The theses of Erastus and the Scottish church establishment. 1844. On ‘Ecce Homo.’ 1868. The courses of religious thought. 1876. The influence of authority in matters of opinion. 1877. Rejoinder on authority in matters of opinion. 1877. The sixteenth century arraigned before the nineteenth. 1878. v. 4. Letters to the Earl of Aberdeen on the state prosecutions of the Neapolitan government. 1851. An examination of the official reply of the Neapolitan gov- ernment 1852. Farini on the states of the church. Germany, France, and England. 1870. The Hellenic factor in the Eastern problem. Montenegro. 1877. Aggression on Egypt and freedom in the East. v. 5. Present aspect of the church. 1843. Ward’s ideal of a Christian church. 1844. Remarks on the royal supre- macy. 1850. v. 6. On the functions of laymen in the church. 1851. The bill for divorce. 1857. The church of England and ritualism. 1874-5. Italy and her church. 1875. v. 7. Inaugural address on the work of univer- sities. April 16, 1860. Place of ancient Greece in the providential order. A chapter of autobiography. 1868. The law of probable evidence, and its application to conduct. 1849. The evangelical movement; its par- entage, progress, and issue. — Homer. [Literature primer] 314.1.6 — Juventus mundi; gods and men of the heroic age. 1869 433.24 — Place of Homer in history In *1006.2122 — Time and place of Homer. 1876 715.20 — The Vatican decrees and civil allegiance, with the history of the Vatican coun- cil by P. Schaff. 1875 414.8 — Conway, M. C. Gladstone as leader of the commons In 1004.1.33 — Higginson, T. W. English statesmen.613.20.1 — Macaulay, T. B. Gladstone on church and state In 305.13 — McGilchrist, J. Life [to 1868] 611.36 — Smiles, S. Brief biographies 606.4 — Smith, G. B. Life of. 1880 625.2 Glass. Abbott, L. Glass-blowing as a fine art In 1004.1.42 — Callingham, J. Glass-embossing. 1883 . 842.30 — Feuchtwanger, L. On soluble or water glass. 1875 827.4 — Powell, H. J., and others. Glass-mak- ing. 1883 844.6 — Sauzay, A. Wonders of glass-making in all ages. 1870 802.19 — Trowbridge, J. T. Lawrence’s adven- tures among the glassmakers, etc. ’70 88.21 Glass cable. [Temperance story.] Wilmer, M. E 92.19 Gleanings from the poets. 1858 215.5 GLEANINGS. 108 GOLDSMITH. Gleanings of past years, 1843-79. Glad- stone, W. E. 7 v 315.11 Gleig, G. R. Life of Sir Walter Scott. Illus. 1871 635.3 Glen Morris stories. See Wise, Daniel. Gliddon, G. R. and Nott, J. C. Indige- nous races of the earth. 1857 *8521.2 Globe, The. See Earth. Globe within the sun our heaven. Mor- timore, D. 1869 437.29 Gltjmeb, C. von. A noble name. 1883 53.27 Goadby, E. The England of Shakespeare. 1881 727.7 Gobineau, J. A. Comte de. Romances of the East. 1878 44.3 Goblet, The. Tieck, L. Fict In 133.15.2 God. Child, G. C. Benedicite; illustra- tions of the power, wisdom and good- ness of. 1869 401.20 — Swedenborg, E. Divine love and wis- dom. 1868 401.17 See also Atheism ; Christ; Evidences; Natural the- ology; Religion and science ; Religions (Various); The- ism; Theology ; Trinity ; Unitarianism. God and man; conferences. Lacordaire, J. B. H 441.15 God and the bible. Arnold, M 414.9 God and the future life. Nordhoff, C 432.24 God’s glory in the heavens. Leitch, W 822.9 Goddard, T. H. History of banking in- stitutions in Europe and America ’31. 911.12 Godey’s lady’s book. v. 89-109. Phil., 1874-84 *1002.14 Godfrey, E. K. Island of Nantucket. 1882. 518.29 Godolphin. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Fict . . 36.76 Godwin, Parke. Biography of W. C. Bry- ant. 2 v. 1883 625.11 — Hist, of France, v. 1. [Ancient Gaul.]. 745.12 — Out of the past. 1870 311.18 Contents. — Bryant’s poems. Jeremy Bentham and law reform. Edward Livingston and his code. Jour- nalism. John James Audubon. Percy Bysshe Shelley. The last half-century. American authorship. Alison’s histories of Europe. The ‘’Works” of American statesmen. Comte’s philosophy. Strauss’s Life of Jesus. The late Horace Binney Wallace. Thackeray as novelist. Goethe. Ruskin’s writings. Causes of the French revolution. Motley’s Rise of the Dutch republic. Emerson on England. Godwin, W. Adventures of Caleb Will- iams. 1856 132.14 Goethe, Catharine E. [Goethe’s mother]. Correspondence with Goethe and others, with biog. sketches by A. S. Gibbs. 1880 623.16 Goethe, J. W. von. Autobiography; tran- slated by J. Oxenford. 2 v. 1872. . . 632.2 — Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann and Soret; tr. by Oxenford. 1879... 317.21 — Correspondence with a child. 1872 611.33 — Dramatic works. 1879 218.14 Contents . — Wayward lover. Fellow-culprits. Goetz von Berlichingen. Clavigo Egmont,. Torquato Tasso. Iphigeniain Tauris. — Elective affinities, a novel 63 29 and 33.29 — Faust. [German text.] Ed. by J. M. Hart. 2 v. 313.15 Same. Trans, by A. Swan wick. 1879 . 218.15 Same. Tr. in the original metres by Bayard Taylor. 2 v. 1875 208.26 Same. Tr. into Eng. prose by A. Hay- ward. 1871 204.11 Same. Tr. into Eng. verse by J. S. Blackie. 1880 218.22 — Goethe; ausgewahlte. Ed. with notes, by J. M. Hart. 1880 313.20 Goethe, J. W. von, continued. — Hermann and Dorothea. [German text.] Ed. by J. M. Hart. 1880 313.16 — Novels and tales. 1873 33.29 Con+ents :— Elective affinities; Sorrows of Werther: German emigrants; The good woman ; A novelette. — Poems. Tr. by E. A. Bowring. 1880.. 218.16 — Wilhelm Meister’s apprenticeship. 1873. 64.1 — Blackie, J. S. Wisdom of Goethe; with citations, with ref. to the text of the more important works. 1883 326.18 — Boyesen, H. H. Goethe and Schiller, with commentary on Faust. 1879 635.17 — Calvert, G. H. Goethe; his life and works. 1872 332.6 — Carlyle, T. Essays 305.6 Same. 4 v 304.1 — Characteristics. From the German of Falk and others, with notes, by Sarah Austin. 3 v. 1833 308.1 — De Quincey, T. Biog. essays 302.25 — Emerson, R. W. Goethe the writer. . In 307.19.2 — Godwin, P. Out of the past 311.18 — Grimm, Herman. Life and times of. ’80 623.3 — Hayward, A. Life of. 1878 636.7.4 — Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 615.8 — Helmholtz, H. On G’s scientific re- searches In 843.6.1 — Lewes, G. H. Story of Goethe’s life. ’73 632.15 — Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe 207.2 In fiction see ‘Alide,’ by E. Lazarus|31.17] and Mrs. Mundt’s ‘Goethe and Schiller’ [47.20]. Gold. Chevalier, M. Probable fall in value of. 1859 904.20 See also Metallurgy ; Mining ; Money. Gold and dross. Mayo, I. F. [E. Garrett], 32.1 Gold and name. Schwartz, Maria S. 1871. 61.35 Gold Elsie. John, E. [E. Marlitt ] 32.9 GoLD-foil. Holland, J. G. 1859 408.34 Gold of Chickaree. Warner, S. and A. B. 136.18 Golden butterfly. Besant, W. and Rice, J. 47.33 Golden fetters. Lemon, Mark 36.316 Golden hair; tale of the Pilgrim fathers. Wraxhall, L 43.26 Golden legend. Longfellow, H. W In 211.22 Golden lion of Granpere. Trollope, A. 36.540 Golden sorrow, A. Hoey, C 36.247 Golden treasury for the children of God. Bogatzky, C. H. V 402.35 Golden treasury of songs. Palgrave, F. T. 208.4 Goldmaker’s village. Zschokke, H. Fict. 34.19 Goldschmidt, Jenny Lind. Clayton, E. C. Queens of song 628.23 Goldsmith, O. Poetical works, with life. 1871 In 208.5 Same. With life by J. Mitford 203.8 — Select works. Portrait. 1842 214.15 Contents . — Vicar of Wakefield. Poems: The traveler; The hermit; The deserted village; The haunch of veni- son; The captivity ; Retaliation. Miscellaneous pieces. Dramas; The good-natured man, a comedy; She stoops to conquer, a comedy; Scene from the Grumbler, a farce. — Good natured man; comedy 205.1.17; 214.15 — She stoops to conquer; comedy 207.1.1; 205.1.17; 214.15 — Vicar of Wakefield; Poems and essays. . 4.28 — Black, W. Life. 1879. ...616.11.6 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Oliver Goldsmith. In 327.6.1 — Forster, J. Life and times. 1873 . . . 643.15 GOLDSMITH. 109 GOURAUD. Goldsmith, O., continued. — Howitt, W. Homes of British poets . . . 615.15 — Irving, W. Life of 601.15 — Macaulay, T. B. Essays 305.13 Life of. (Harper’s m., v. 14) 1004.1 — Scott, Sir, W. Lives of novelists 624.19 — Thackeray, W. M. English humorists . . 302.15 and 301.12.4 — Towle, G. M. Life. (Harper’s m.,) 1004.1.48 Gone to Texas; letters from our boys. Hughes, T., edW 522.8 Good, J. M. Book of nature. 1844 806.13 Good, The. See Moral philosophy. “GooD-bye, sweet-heart.” Broughton, Rhoda 63.3 Good company: monthly magazine. See Sunday afternoon. Good English. Gould, E. S. 1867 307.8 Good for nothing. Melville, G. J. W 36.395 Good girl and true woman. [Marv Lyon]. Thayer, W. M 83.14.2 Good luck. Werner, E. Fict 42.31 Good old times, The. Ainsworth, W. H . . . 36.14 Good old times. Kellogg, E. Juv 83.7 Good old times series. See Kellogg, E. Good stories. Reade, O. 1884 56.20 Good things: a picturesque magazine for boys and girls, v. 1-5. London, 1873-6 *1002.9 Good time coming. Arthur, T. S. 1855... 8.17 Good woman, The. Goethe, J. W. von. Fict 33.29 Good words. Ed. by N. Macleod. v. 13-18. London, 1872-7 *1002.3 Good ale, Elaine. Journal of a farmer’s daughter. 1881 838.39 — and D. R. All around the year. [Poems]. 1881 218.2 Apple-blossoms : verses of two children. 1879 206.25 Goodell, W. Prime, E. D. G. Forty years in the Turkish empire, [1823- 65]; or, memoirs of Rev. William Goodell, by his son-in-law. 1878 Goodeve, T. M. Elements of mechanism . — Principles of mechanics. 1876 Goodholme, T. S. Domestic encyclopaedia 1882 637.10 838.30 838.26 841.31 Goodrich, A. Character and achieve- ments of the so-called Christopher Columbus. 1874 613.2 Goodrich, Charles A. Child’s history of the United States; rev. by A. B. Be- rard. 1879 721.2 Goodrich, Chauncey A. Select British eloquence, embracing the best speeches entire of the most eloquent orators of Great Britain for the last two centuries. 1874 321.15 Goodrich, F. B. Ocean’s story; or, the tri- umphs of thirty centuries; maritime adventures; rise and progress of ship- building and ocean navigation, etc. Illus. 1875 511.20 Goodrich, S. G. [Peter Parley .] Balloon travels of Robert Merry and his friends in Europe. Juv. 1869 515.4 — Lives of celebrated American Indians. [cop. 1843] 643.6 — Peter Parley’s merry stories. Illus. [cop. 1869] 332.11 — ed'r. Peter Parley’s thousand and one stories, [cop. 1857] 332.10 — Pictorial history of England. 1847 703.4 — Pictorial history of the United States. [to 1865]. 1874 711.25 — Recollections of a life time. 2 v. 1857. . . 642.12 Goodwin, Henry M. Christ and humanity, with a review, historical and critical, of the doctrine of Christ’s person. ’75 414.5 Goodwin, W. W. Greek grammar. 1883.. 331.1 Gordian knot. Brooks, S. 1868. Fict . . . 142.20 Gordon, C. [ Vieux Moustache .] Board- ing school days. 1873 7.24 Gordon, C. G. [Chinese Gordon]. The journals of Kartoum; introduction and notes by A. E. Hake. Illus. ’85. 645.2 — Chesney, C. C. Essays in military biog- raphy 617.6 — Forbes, A. Chinese Gordon. 1884 643.26 — Hake, A. E. Story of Chinese Gordon. Illus. 1884 628.8 Gordon, G. H. Brook farm to Cedar mountain [1861-2]. 1883 728.10 — War diary of events in the war of the great rebellion, 1863-5. 1882 741.5 Gordon, J. E. H. Electricity and magne- tism. 2 v. 1880 843.4 Gore, Mrs. C. F. The banker’s wife. 1870. 34.32 — Castles in the air. 1856 36.233 — The dean’s daughter. 1853 36*234 * — Heckington. 1858 ' 36^235 — A life’s dream. 1857 * 36.*236 — Mammon; or, the hardships of an heir- ess. 1855 36.238 — Peers and parvenus 134.7 — Progress and prejudice. 1854 36 237 — Two aristocracies. 1857 ’ 36.239 Gore, G. Electro-metallurgy. 1877 838.28 Gorilla country, Stories of. Du Chaillu, P-R 502.11 Gorilla hunters. Ballantyne, R. M. 1874. 75.17 Gorton, S. Mackie, J. M. Life of In 601.1.5 Gortchakof, A. M., prince. Klaczko, J. Two chancellors [Gortchakof and Bismarck]. 1876 613.14 Goschen. G. J. Theory of foreign ex- changes. 1879 913.7 Gospel hymns complete. 4 v. in 1. 1881. 207.28 Gospels. See Bible {New Testament.) Gosse, E. W. Thomas Gray. [Life of.] ’82. 616.11.28 Gosse, P, H. The aquarium. 1854 821.23 — Evenings at the microscope. 1873 80L21 — Romance of natural history. 1875 833.8 Gostwick, J. and Harrison, R. Outlines of German literature. 1873 313.5 Gottschalk, L. M. Notes of a pianist. ’8i 617.20 Gough, J. B. Autobiography. 1870 604.2 — Sunshine and shadow [autobiography!. Illus. 1881 ..... 623.7 Goulburn, E. M. The education of the world i n 437.12 — Thoughts on personal religion. 1873 . . . 408.38 Gould, A. A., joint author. Comparative physiology. See Agassiz, L. 1880.. 842.22 Same. 1870 827.35 Gould, Emily B. Bacon, L. W. Memo- rials of. 1879 635.14 Gould, E. S. Good English; or, popular errors in language. 1867 307.8 Gould, J. M. How to camp out. 1877 . . . 818.33 Gould, Joseph. Game of draughts. 1884. 845.18 Gould, L. D. Carpenter’s and builder’s assistant. 1881 841.25 Gould, S. Baring. See Baring-Gould, S. Goulding. F. R. Young marooners on the Florida coast. 1873 28.23 Gouraud, Mme. Julie. Little boy’s story. 1870 78.28 GOVERNMENT. 110 GRAY. Government and politics. Alden, Joseph. Science of government in connection with American institutions, [cop. ’76] 912.28 — Amos, S. Science of politics. 1883... 815.4.43 — Bagehot, W. Physics and politics. 1873 815.4.2 — Fate of republics. 1880 724.1 — Fiske, J. American political ideas view- ed from the standpoint of universal history. 1885 917.2 — Humboldt, W. von, Sphere and duties of government. 1854 911.10 — Hurlbut, E. P. Human rights. 1850. .. 903.11 — Johnston, A. Hist, of Am. politics. [Handbook.] 1879 912.19 — Lieber, F. Civil liberty and self-govern- ment. 1859 904.5 — Machiavelli, N. The prince. With Hist. of Florence 702.10 — Macpherson, E. Hand-book of politics for 1882 915.4 — Maine, H. S. Early history of institutions 913.24 Village communities. 1876 913.15 — Martin, G. H. Text-book on civil gov- ernment iu the United States 914.21 — Mill, J. S. On liberty. 1871 903.9 Representative government. 1869 903.8 — Mulford, E. The nation. 1872 903.7 — Muller, W. Political history of recent times [Europe]. 1882 725.13 — Nordhoff, C. Politics for young Ameri- cans. 1874 911.17 — Paine, T. Political works 911.24 — Plato. The republic [ Dialogues, v. 2].. 404.1 — Spencer, H. Essays 435.10 Political institutions. 1882 913.10 — Stickney, A. A true republic. 1879... 912.18 — Sullivan, W. Political class-book. 1831 902.11 — Townsend, C. Analysis of civil govern- ment, etc. 1875 911.22 — Woolsey, T. D. Political science. 2 v. 913.1 — Young, A. W. Citizen’s manual of gov- ernment and law. 1865 903.23 Government class-book. 1865 902.10 See also Civil service ; Democracy. Government revenue. Roberts, E. H. ’84. 916.11 Governor's pardon. Leslie, M. Juv 24.1 Gow, A. M. Good morals and gentle man- ners. 1873 402.21 — Primer of politeness. 1883 444.21 Grace Lee. Kavanagh, Julia 36.298 Graham, A. J. Handbook of phonography. 1858 808.4 Graham, Douglas. Practical treatise on massage. 1884 846.8 Graham, H. G. Rousseau. [Life,etc].1883. 636.7.17 Graham, James. Life of Gen. Daniel Mor- gan. 1858 621.15 Graham, S. Science of human life. 2 v. 1839 805.19 Grahame, James. History of the United States [to 1776]. 2 v. 1848 726.1 Grains for the grangers. Smith, S. 1873 902.19 Grammar. Bopp, F. Comparative gram- mar. 2 v. 1845 321.8 See also Language ; also names of various languages. Gramm AR- land. Nesbitt, M. L. Juv 326.2 Grandfather’s chair. Hawthorne, N. .In 614.10 Grandissimes, The. Cable, G. W 145.19 Grandma’s strong box. May, C. L 76.7.5 Grandpa’s darlings. Alden, I. M 86.15 Grangers, Grains for the. Smith, S. 1873 902.19 Granny Short’s barbecue. [ Satire on Ken- tucky politics]. Bradley, R. M. 1879. 913.13 Grant, Sir Alex. Aristotle [outlined and explained]. 1877 1021.1 — The ethics of Aristotle [Greek text]; illus- trated with notes and essays. 2 v. ’74. 431.13 — Xenophon [outlined and explained]. 1874. 1020.26 Grant, Mrs. Anne. Memoirs of. [Revo- lutionary period]. 1876 617.3 Grant, G. M. Ocean to ocean. Sanford Fleming’s expedition through Canada in 1872. 1877 514.10 Grant, Horace. Arithmetic for young child- ren. 1880 832.9 Grant, Robert. An average man. Fict. ’84. 56.12 — Confessions of a frivolous girl. 1880 48.15 Grant, Ulysses S. Personal memoirs of U. S. Grant. Illus. 2 v. 1885-6 645.3 — Battle of Shiloh. (Century, v. 29, 1885.) 1006.4 — Nicaragua canal. (N. A. R., v. 132, 1881) *1007.8 — Personal memoirs: the siege of Vicks- burg. (Century, v. 30, 1885) 1006.4 — Abbott, J. S. C. Life of. 1868 606.16 — Badeau, A. Military history of U. S. Grant. 3 v. 1868-81 634.4 Note— Reviewed in The Nation, v. 32, 1881 [*8541.28], and in Appleton’s m. v. 26, [*1007.3]. — Chesney, C. C. Military biography 617.6 — Headley, J. T. General Grant’s travels around the world. 1881 526.20 — Headley, P. C. Life and campaigns of. Ulus. 1866 628.10 — Keating, J. M. With Gen. Grant in the East. 1879 514.31 — Stowe, H. B. Men of our times. 1868. . 634.3 — Wilson, J. G. Hlustrious soldiers 632.17 See also Recollection of Grant, by W. F. G Shanks (Harper’s v. 31, 1 h 65). 1004.1; Lieutenant-General Grant (Hours at home, v. 3, 1866), 10u6.1 ; Grant on the battle-field, (Harper’s, v. 39, 1869}, 1004.1; Intellectual character of, by A. Badeau, (Atlantic, v. 23, 1869), 1005.2; President’s message, and Speech at DesMoines, by L. Rosecrans, (Catholic World, v. 22, 1876), 1002.13; Administration of Gen. Grant, by G. W. Julian (N. A. R., v. 126, 1878), 1007.8; Gen. Grant and a third term, by G. S. Boutwell, (N. A. R., v. 130, 1880), 1007.8; Grant and strong government, by J. S. Black, (N. A. R. v. 130, 1880), 1007.8; Ex-president Grant on popular education by L. F. Parker, (Education, v. 5, 1885), 1008.7; General Grant, by A. Badeau, (Century, v. 30, 1885), 1006.4; Rec- ollections and letters of Grant, by D. Ammen, (N. A. R„ 141, 1885), 1007.8. Granville, F. M. Secret of a clear head. 1879 833.17 Granville Valley. Abbott, J 78.5.4 Grapes. Fuller, A. S. Grape culturist. ’67. 823.27 — Husmann, G. American grape growing and wine making. 1880 838.20 — Mead, P. B. American grape culture and wine making. 1867 821.2 — Redding, C. Modern wines. 1871 814.16 Graphic arts, The. Hamerton, P. G. 1882. 824.17 Grattan, T. C. History of the Nether- lands [to 1815]. 1830 703.11 Graves, J. R. The great iron wheel [Ad- verse criticism of Methodism]. 1856 . 405.13 Gray, Agnes M. Adah, the Jewish maiden. 64.24 Gray, Alonzo. Elements of chemistry. ’57. 808.24 Gray, Asa. Field, forest and garden bot- any. 1869 813.9 — How plants behave. 1875 828.3 — How plants grow. 1873 812.14 — Lessons in botany and vegetable phys- iology. 1871 814.25 — Manual of botany. 1875. 828.2 — Natural science and religion. 1880 421.16 — Structural botany. 1880 843.14 Gray, G. Z. The children’s crusade. An episode of the thirteenth century. ’72. 706.24 GRAY. Ill GREECE. Gray, H. Anatomy, descriptive and sur- gical. 8th edn. Phil. 1878 *B.33 Gray, O . W. and son, pubs. National atlas. Phil., 1880. folio *8541.22 Gray, Robertson, pseud. See Raymond, R. W. Gray, T. Poetical works. Illus.. 1870.. 217.24 Same; with memoir. 1871 In 208.5 — Gosse, E. W. Life. (Eng. men of let- ters). 1882 616.11.28 — Howitt, W. Homes of the British poets 615.15 — Johnson, S. Lives of the English poets. 643.17 Gray, W. T. Bad boy’s diary. [ Humorous ] 53.28 Great Britain. See England. Great Christians of France. Guizot, F . . . 636.9 Great composers. Butter worth, H. 1884. 644.10 Great conversers, etc. Mathews, W 332.7 Great emergency and other tales. Ewing, J. H. 1877 88.29 Great English churchmen. Adams, W.H.D. 635.8 Great events. Lieber, F. 1871 706.25 Great expectations. Dickens, Charles 36.168 — Same. Illus 1.15 Great fortunes. McCabe, J. D.,jr 604.1 Great fur land. Robinson, H. M 513.1 Great Hoggarty diamond. Thackeray, W. M In 301.12.1 and 36.528.1 Great ice age. Geikie, James. 1879 847.8 Great iron wheel [Methodism]. Graves, J.R. 405.13 Great match. Trowbridge, J. T. Fict.... 46.3 Great movements. Nicoll, H. J. 1882. . . 727. 1 Great rebellion. [1861-5]. Headley, T. 2 v. 736.2 GREAT-thirst land. Gillmore, P. 1878 521.21 Great treason, A; story of the war of inde- pendence. Hoppus, M. A. M. 1883 . 56.18 Greater Britain: travel in English-speak- ing countries, 1866-7. Dilke. C. W. . 503.20 Greatest plague of life. Mayhew, H. and A. 53.20 Greece. History and Antiquities. — Anthon, C. Classical dictionary *A.6 — Arnold, F. History of, [to B. C. 317]. Illus 713.10 — Barnes’s brief history of Greece; with readings from prominent historians. Illus . 1883 738.20 — Bonner, J. Child’s history of, [to 1857]. 2 v. Illus. 1868 706.15 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Athens; its rise and fall [to B. C. 429] 701.6 — Coulanges, F. de. The ancient city; study of the religion, laws, and insti- tutions of Greece and Rom 3 735.10 — Cox, G. W. General history of Greece. 1876 743.7 Tales of ancient Greece. 1877 416.22 — Curtius, E. History of. [to B. C. 362]. 4 v. 1871 713.3 — Eschenburg, J. J. Manual of classical lit. etc . 316.1 — Felton, C. C. Greece; ancient and mod- ern. 1877 735.7 Selections from Greek historians; with notes by M. Fernald. 1878 735.6 — Fyffe, C. A. Hist, of [to Alexander]. — Gillies. J. History of ancient [18521... 744.2 Same. 4 v. 1822 706.2 — Grote, George. History of Greece, [to B. C. 280]. 12 v. 1869 713.11 — Herodotus. See his name in general alphabet. — History: (Univ. hist. anc. pt. v. 5-8.) Greece, continued . — Lord, J. Ancient states and empires. ’69. 745.14 — Macaulay, T. B. Essays 305.13 On the mythology, see works under that heading; also Chamber’s Religion of the Greeks [1001.9.3] ; and Clarke’s Ten great religions 1438.26.1] ; Muller’s Chips [404.2.2] ; DeQuincey on Pagan oracles [444.14]. See also Biography (Collective; Ancient); Drama; Fine arts ; Greek language ; Greek literature ; History (Ancient) ; Homer. — Plutarch. Lives 604.5 and 604.6 — Ranke, L. von. The Greeks (In his Uni- versal history) In 732.5 — Rich, A. Dictionary of Greek and Ro- man antiquities; with illus. of the in- dustrial arts and social life. 1881 . . . 331.11 — Sewell, E. M. First history of Greece . . 721.17 — Smith, W. Diet, of Greek antiquities. ’73 *B.15 History of to the Roman conquest of [B. C. 146]. Illus. 1874 713.8 Smaller history of Greece to Roman conquest. Illus. 1881 727.9 — Thucydides. History of the Pelopon- nesian war 1020.16 — Timayenis, T. T. History of Greece, to present time. 2 v. 1881 725.11 — Wikoff, H. The four civilizations of the world 902.23 — Xenophon. Hellenics; bks. 1-2; rev. by H. Hailstone. 1878 735.9 — Yonge, C. M. Aunt Charlotte’s stories of Greek history. 1879 735.8 Young folks’ history of Greece 721.9 Art. — Taine, H. Philosophy of art in Greece. 812.19 — Winckelman, J. History of ancient art. 2 v 851.3 See also Fine Arts; Painting; Sculpture. Social Life , Manners , Etc. — Barthelemi, J. J. Travels of Anacharsis the younger [B. C. 363-337]. 8 v. 1791. 507.1 — Becker, W. A. Charicles; or, illustra- tions of the private life of the ancient Greeks. 1866 713.6 — Every day life of the Greeks In 1001.9.2 — Landor, W. S. Imaginary conversa- tions 315.1.1 — Mahaff y, J. P. Old Greek education . . . 443.9 Old Greek life (History primers). ’77. .716.27.4 — - Social life in Greece [ancient]. 1877. . 717.5 — Timayenis, T. T. Greece in the times of Homer [Life, customs and habits.] 1885 523.3 In fiction, see Bulwer-Lytton’s Pausanias, the Spar- tan; Hamerling’s Aspasia. Description and Travel. — About, E. Greece and the Greeks of the present day. [1852-4] 508.22 — Adams, W. H. D. Temples, tombs and monuments of ancient. 1872 802.13 — Adams, W. T. Cross and crescent. Juv. 73.5.3 — Andersen, H. C. Poet’s bazaar, [1840]. . 522.26 — Baird, H. M Modern Greece; residence and travels in 1806 503.19 — Butterworth, H. In classic lands. (Zig- zag journeys). 1884 515.2.2 — Jebb, R. C. Modern Greece. 1880 523.5 — Mahaffy, J. P. Rambles and studies in Greece. 1878 514.19 — Morris, E. J. Tour through. 2 v. 1842. 505.5 — Pitman, E. R. Mission life in Greece and Palestine, [1835-77[ 518.24 — Slade, 4, frayele in. [1839-30] 508.21 GREECE. 112 GREENWOOD. Greece, continued. — Taylor, B. Travels in [18571 506.20 — Tuckerman, C. K. Greeks of to-day.’73 502.6 See also East (The) ; Turkey ; also Athens. Greek anthology. Neaves, C., lord. 1875... 1020.38 Greek church. See Eastern church. Greek cities and islands of Asia Minor, Yaux, W. S. W. (Anc. hist, from the monuments) 716.13.4 Greek hero stories. Niebuhr, B. G 87.11 Greek language. Anthon, C. Greek prosody and metre. 1838 331.7 — Boise, J. R. First lessons in Greek 313.10 — Collectanea Graeca majora. Ed. by A. Dalzel. 2 v, 1883 321.14 — Goodwin, W. W. Elementary Greek grammar. 1883 331.1 — Hadley, J. Greek grammar for schools and colleges. 1883 331.2 — Liddell, H. G. and Scott, R. Greek-Eng- lish lexicon. 7th ed’n. 1883 *C. 4 — Riley, H. T. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations 313.30 Greek literature. Ancient classics for En- glish readers. 27 v. Contents: See Collins, W- L., ed'r. — Felton, C. C. Greece; ancient and modern 735.7 — Grote, G. In his History, v. 1, 2, 4, 8-. 713.11 — Jebb, R. C. Greek literature. (Litera- ture primers, v. 8) 314.1 — Jennings, G. H. and Johnstone, W. S. Half-hours with Greek and Latin authors 318.9 — Neaves, C., lord. Greek anthology 1020.38 — Smith, W. In his History 713.8 — Symonds, J. A. Studies of the Greek poets. 2 v. 1880 217.15 — Wilkinson, W. C. College Greek course in English. 1884 321.10 Preparatory Greek course in English . 1882 321.11 Note.— See entries under Classical literature ; Classical dictionaries ; also, Drama; Elocution ; Oratory, etc. See translations from the Greek under the following names : Achilles Tatius ; HSschylus ; Anacreon ; Antoni- nus (Marcus Aurelius); Aristophanes; Aristotle; Bible; Demosthenes; Epictetus; Euripides; Heliodorus; He- rodotus; Hesiod; Homer; Longus; Pindar ; Plato ; Plu- tarch; Sophocles; Theognis; Thucydides; Xenophon. Greek philosophy. Cocker, B. F. Christ- ianity and. 1870 413.21 See also Philosophy. Greek romances of Heliodorus, Longus, and Achilles Tatius: tr. by R. Smith 133.6 Greek tragedians, Stories from. Church, A. J 48.13 Greedy, A. W., Arctic explorer. Schley, W. S. and Soley, J. R. The rescue of Greely. 1885 523.2 Greeley, Horace. The American conflict: a history of the great rebellion. 1860- 65. 1867. 2 v 737.13 — Glances at Europe, [1851] 506.15 : ‘ Hints towards reform 325.32 — Political economy. 1871 902.25 — Recollections of a busy life.[Added].Mis- cellaneous essays, etc. 1872 603.9 — What I know about farming. 1871 811.9 — and Cleveland, J. F. Political text- book for 1860 904.9 — Browne, J. H. Personal characteristics . ....In 1004.1.46 Greeley, Horace, continued. — Cleveland, C. Story of a summer [at Chappaqua, 1873] 502.12 — Hudson, F. Journalism in the United States 312.2 — Ingersoll, L. D. Life of Greeley. 1873. 617.10 — Parton, J. Life of. 1855 642.5 — Stowe, H. B. Men of our times. 1868 . 634.3 — Weed, Thurlow. Recollections of . . Zn*1005.3.15 Green, Anna K. Leavenworth case: a law- yer’s story. 1880 138.2 — Sword of Damocles. 1881 141.20 Green, J. H. Gambling exposed. 1857. . . 804.20 Green, J. R. Conquest of England. 1884 . 732.3 — History of the English people. 4 v. 1879 745.8 — ed'r. History primers. 7 v. 1877-’83.. 716.27 Contents— 1. Europe, by E. A. Freeman. 2. Greece, byC. A. Fyffe. 3. Geography, by G. Grove. 4. Old Greek life, by J. P. Mahaffy. 5. Roman antiquities, by A. S. Wilkins. 6. History of Rome, by M. Creighton. 7. Mediaeval civilization, by G. B. Adams. — ed'r. Literature primers. 9 v. 1875-78 314.1 Contents.— 1. English grammar, by R. Morris. 2. English literature, byS. Brooke. 3. Philology, by J. Peile. 4. Classical geography, by B. F. Tozer. 5. Shakspeare, by E. Dowden. 6. Homer, by W. E. Gladstone. 7. English composition, by J. Mchol. 8. Greek literature, by R. C. Jebb. 9. English grammar exercises, by R. Morris and H. C. Bowen. — The making of England, [449-830]. 1882 725.8 — ed'r. Readings from Eng. history. 1879 717.10 — Short history of the English people. ’80 744.12 Green, S. G., ed'r. Pictures from bible lands 528.10 - ’83 426.33 833.31 821.21 8.10 137.9 15.15 77.24 724.7 Green, S. S. Libraries and schools. Green, Seth Fish hatching and fish catch- ing. See Roosevelt, R. B. 1879 .... — Trout culture. 1870 Green mountain boys. Thompson, D. P. Green pastures and Picadilly. Black, W. Green peas. [Humorous]. 1856 Greenaway, Kate. Under the window . Pic- tures and rhymes for children. 1880 Greene, F. Y. Army life in Russia, [1877-8] — The Mississippi. (Campaigns of the war) 726.9.8 Greene, G. W. German element in the war of independence. 1876 711.18 — Historical view of the American revolu- tion. 1876 J14.8 — Life of Gen. jNathaniel Greene. 3 v. 1867 623.1 Same. (Sparks’ Am. biog.) In 601.1.10 — Short history of Rhode Island. 1877 . . . 723.8 Greene, H. R. The English language. 1879 315.10 Greene, Gen. N. Greene, G. W. Life. 3v 623.1 Same. (Sparks’ Am. biog) In 60L1.10 — Simms, W. G. Life of 621.11 Greene, S. S. English grammar. 1874 — 332.28 Greener, W. W. Choke-bore guns 835.25 — The gun and its development; with notes on shooting. 1881 Greenland. Crichton, A. and Wheaton, H. History of Scandinavia. 2 v. ’78 Hayes, I. The land of desolation. [1869] Greenleaf, B. National arithmetic. 1856. Greenleaf, S. The law of evidence. 3 v.. Greenough, J.B. Latin grammar. See Allen, J. H 313.7 Greenough, Mrs. R. S. In extremis. 1872. 32.11 Green well, Dora, Patience of hope. 1862. 437,30 Greenwood, Grace, pseud , See Lippin- cott, S* 846.3 742.11 504.8 808.22 908.11 GREENWOOD. 113 GUNBOAT. Greenwood, James. Reuben Davidger. [Captive among Dyaks.] Juv. 1866. 77.23 — Wild sports of the world. 1864 805.15 — The wilds of London. 1874 912.20 Greenwood, Laura. The rural wreath; life among the flowers. 1858 202.13 Greenwood, W. H. Metallurgy. 2 v.. . . . . . 835.17 — Steel and iron; their manufacture. 1884 845.20 Greenwood,, leaves. Lippincott, S. J 8.3 Greer, H. ed'r. Recent wonders in elec- tricity, etc . 1883 843.16 Greey, Edward. Young Americans in Japan. Juv. Illus. 1882 515.10 Greg, W. R. Creed of Christendom: its foundations contrasted with its super- structure. 1880 443.11 — Enigmas of life. 1880 326.4 Contents . — Realizable ideals. Malthus notwith- standing. Non-survival of the fittest. Limits and di- rections of human development. The significance of life. De profundis. Elsewhere. Appendix. — Literary and social judgments. 1873. . . 332.4 Contents . — Madame de Stael. British and foreign characteristics. False morality of lady novelists. Kingsley and Carlyle. French fiction: the lowest deep. Chateaubriand. M. de Tocqueville. Why are women redundant? Truth versus edification. Time. Good people. Gregorovius, F. Corsica, with early life of Napoleon. 1855 717.7 Gregory Thaumaturgus. Writings. (A.-N. C. lib., v. 20) 415.1 Gregory, D. S. Christian ethics. 1880 425.2 Gregory, John M. Hand-book of history and chronology. 1867 703.8 — New political economy. [1882] 916.1 Gregory, W. Animal magnetism. 1857. 811.15 Grenada. Irving, W. Conquest of. [cop. 1855] 738.9 — Prescott, W. H. Ferdinand and Isa- bella, v. 1-2 704.6 See also Saracens ; Spain. Greville, C. C. F. Memoirs: a journal of the reigns of George IV, and Will- iam IV., 1818-37. 1875 Greville, H., pseud. See Durand, Mme. E. GREY-bay mare and other humorous sketches. Leland, H. P Gridley, J. A. Astounding facts from the spirit world. 1854 Griesinger, F. History of the Jesuits. 2 v. 1882 Grif: story of Australian life. Farjeon, B. L. 1875 Griffin, Gerald. Aylmers of Bally-Ayl- mer; Barber of Bantry, etc. 1876. . . — Card drawers; Half-Sir; The coiner. 76. — The collegians; tale of Garry owen — The rivals; Tracy’s ambition. 1876 Griffis, W. E. J apanese fairy world. ’80 . — The Mikado’s empire. History of Japan to 1872, and personal experiences, 1870-74. Illus. 1876 Griffith Gaunt. Reade, Charles. Fict. . Grimm, Herman. Life of Goethe. '1880.. — Life of Michael Angelo. 2 v. 1872 . — and W. German popular stories Home stories Griswold, R. W. Curiosities of American literature J n — Poets and poetry of America. 1842 — Prose writers of America. Portraits. 70 Griswold, V. M. Hugo Blanc, the artist. Fict. 1867 612.19 311.1 412.9 431.9 42.19 44.11 44.12 44.16 44.13 87.16 715.1 31.11 623.3 608.12 74.5 22.23 305.8 201.6 316.17 5.3 Grohman, W. A. B. Camps in the Rock- ies, with account of the cattle ranches of the west. 1882 518.26 — Gaddings with a primitive people. [In the Tyrol]. 1878 512.13 Grosvenor, H. S. Old Red house. Juv. ’60 86.9 Grote, George. History of Greece, [to B. C. 280]. 12 v. 1869 713.11 Grove, G. Beethoven’s nine symphonies. Analytical essays. 1884 852.10 — ed'r. Dictionary of music and musicians, (1450-1883]. 4 v *B/24 — Geography. (History primers). 1877... 716.27.3 Guardian, The. By Addison, Steele, etc. v. 13-15 of 303.15 Guardian and Monitor. Monthly mag. v.7. New Haven, 1825 408.2 Guardian angel. Holmes, O. W. 1881... 3.16 Guatemala. Conkling, A. R. Appletons’ guide to Mexico, etc. 1884 522.5 — Helps, A. Spanish conquest in America 737.1.3 See also America ( Central ) . Gubernatis, A. de. Zoological mythology. 2 v. 1872 427.20 Guenn. Howard, Blanche W. 1884 55.24 Guerin, Eugenie de. Journal, (1834-40). . 624.17 — Letters 624.18 — Arnold, M. Essays in criticism 302.4 Guernsey, A. H. Emerson: philosopher and poet. 1881 624.11 — and Davis, I. P. Health at home. 1884. 844.15 Guesses at truth. Hare, A. W. and J. C. . 311.35 GuiDE-books. See Travels; also, names of countries. Guide for young disciples. Pike, J. G 406.1 Guide to selecting plays; or, managers com- panion. 1881 211.10 Guido Reni. Clement, C. E. Painters, etc. Illus *D.3 and 834.11 — Jameson, Mrs. A. Early Italian painters 614.3 — Lanzi, L. Hist, of painting, v. 3 822.3 — Sweetser, M. F. Artist biographies .... 626.5.2 — Tytler, S. Old masters 808.32 Guillemin, A. The heavens. 1878... 843.1 — Wonders of the moon. 1873 802.5 — Wonders of the sun. 1870 802.32 Guilt and innocence. Schwartz, M. S. Fict. 61 .33 Guizot, F. Great Christians of France. Saint Louis and Calvin 636.9 — History of civilization in Europe, from the fall of the Roman emp ire, to the French revolution. 4 v. 1872 903.6 Same. v. 1. 1847 902.6 — History of France; to 1848; tr. by R. Black. Illus. 8 v. 1884-5 735.4 Same to 1789. Abridged by Masson . [1880] 725.4 — Memoirs of George Monk, Duke of Al- bemarle. 1838 617.15 — Shakespeare and his times. 1852 304.9 — Witt, Mme de. Monsieur Guizot in private life, 1787-1874 623.8 Gulf, The, and inland waters. Mahan, A . T. (Navy in the civil war). 1883 741.1.3 Gulistan; or, rose-garden. [Persian poem]. Sadi 207.30 Gulliver’s travels. Swift, J. Fict. 1869. 62.2 Gun, The. Greener, W. W . Choke-bore guns 835.25 — The gun and its development 846.3 Gunboat series. See Fosdick, C. A. 13 GUNNING. 114 HALE. Gunning, W. D. Life-history of our planet. 1876 816.25 Gurney, Eliza P. Memoir and correspon- dence; by B. F. Mott. 1884 644.25 Gurnsey, C. F. The merman and the fig- ure head. 1874 In 78.34 Gurowski, A. de. Bussia as it is. 1854. . 702.13 Gustavus II. Adolphus, king of Sweden. — Chambers’s miscellany, v. 8 1001.8 — Lawrence, E. Wallenstein and . . . In 1004.1.42 — Lord, J. Gustavus Adolphus, [or] The thirty years’ war In 735.6.4 — Stevens, J. L. History of. 1884 628.18 — Topelius, Z. Times of. 1883. Fict . . 54.5.1 — Trench, B. C. Gustavus Adolphus in Germany. 1872 742.10 Gustavus III, of Sweden. Brougham, H. Statesmen, etc 633.1.3 — Parton, J. Lives of illustrious men 617.17 Gustavus IV, of Sweden. Doran, J. Mon- archs retired from business 623.18.2 Guthrie, F. First book of knowledge. ’82. 841.18 — Magnetism and electricity. [1875] 827.10 Guthrie, F. A. [F. Anstey.] Giant’s robe. 1884 56.10 — Vice versa; or, a lesson to fathers 53.19 Guthrie, T. Autobiography. With me- moir by his sons, D. K. and C. J. Guthrie. 2 v. 1874 642.7 — The city; its sins and sorrows, and pleas for ragged schools. 1877 914.14 — The gospel in Ezekiel. 1862 437.6 — “Out of harness;” sketches, narrative and descriptive. 1876 516.14 — Studies of character from the Old Tes- tament. 1872 437.27 Gutmann, E. Watering places, etc., of Ger- many, Austria and Switzerland. 1880 516.2 Gutta Percha Willie. MacDonald, George 28.44 Guy Carlton. Wise, Daniel. Juv 71.20 Guy Deverell. Le Fanu, J. S 36.313 Guy Earlscourt’s wife. Fleming, Mrs. A. ’76 136.8 Guy Livingstone. Lawrence, G. A 36.309 Guy Mannering. Scott, Sir W 12.2 Guy Vernon: novelette in verse In 217.4 Guyot, Arnold. Earth and man. [cop. ’49] 807.24 — Physical geography. [1873.] folio 8541.14 Gwendoline’s harvest. Payn, James. ’70. 36.240 Gymnastics and calisthenics. Beecher, C. E. Physiology and calisthenics. ’60. 812.17 — Blaikie, W. Sound bodies for our boys and girls. 1884 844.18 — Hunt, L. B. Hand-book of light gym- nastics. 1882 824.8 — Lewis, Dio. New gymnastics. 1862... 812.2 — Maclaren, A. Physical education. 1869. 822.34 — Monroe, L. B. Vocal and physical training, [cop. 1879] 825.8 — Tyler, M. C. Brawhville athletic club: [Humorous] 325.9 • — Watson, J. M. Manual of calisthenics. . 825.13 • — Wood, W. Physical exercises. . 1870.. 803.24 Gypsies. Borrow, G. Gypsies in Spain. ’72. 524.22 — Chambers’s miscellany. Account of. In 1001.8.7 — Leland, C. G. Visiting the. [Philadel- phia]. 1883 In 1006.4.25 — Simson, W. History of the Gipsies. ’78 742.5 See also Borrow’s novels ‘Lavengro’ [17.20] and ‘Romany Rye 1 [17.21]; Scott’s Guy Mannering (Meg Merrilies) [12.2]. H. H. See Jackson, H. H. H family. Bremer, Fredrika. Fict.. In 133.14.4 Habberton, J. Barton experiment. [Tem- perance story]. 1877 144.2 — Helen’s babies. [1876] 136,4 — Jericho road: story of western life. 1877. 137.1 — Other people’s children. 1877 137.6 — Who was Paul Grayson? Juv. 1881.. 81.5 — Worst boy in town. Juv. 1880 86.11 — and Norton, C. L. Canoeing in Kan- uckia. 1878... 518.16 Habershon, S. O. Diseases of the stom- ach. 1879... 831.18 Habitations of man in all ages. Voillet- le-Duc, E. 1776 851.27 Habits and men. [sketches, etc.] Doran. J. 323.9 Habits of good society. 1864 408.30 Hackett, H. B. Bible dictionary. 4 v. See Smith, W *A.13 Hacklander, F. W. Enchanting and enchanted. [Fairy tales.] 1874 26.33 Hadley, James. Greek grammar. 1863.. 331.2 — Introduction to Boman law. 1873 902 14 Haeckel, Ernst. Evolution of man. 2 v. 1879 831.14 — Freedom in science and teaching. 1879. 421.22 — History of creation: or the development of the earth and its inhabitants by the action of natural causes. 2 v. ’76 . 827.15 — Visit to Ceylon. 1883 501.1 Hahnemann, S. Organon of the art of healing. 1881 825.5 Hailman, W. N. Kindergarten culture. [18731. 441.16 Haines, E. M. Laws of Illinois relating to cities and villages, with principles of parliamentary law. 1878. 913.6 Hake, A. E. Story of Chinese Gordon. ’84 628.8 Hale, Dr. Annie M. Management of children. 1881 842.35 Hale, Rev. E. Fall of the Stuarts, and western Europe, 1678-97. (Epochs of history). Maps. 1876 743.5.7 Hale, Rev. E. E.Christmas eve and Christ- mas day : ten stories. 1873 143.8 — Christmas in Narragansett. 1884 57.13 — Crusoe in New York, and other tales. 1880 48.26 — Fortunes of Bachel. 1884 57.2 — His level best, and other stories. 1873 . 63.5 — How to do it. [Self-improvement.] 1872 . 332.9 — Ingham papers. 1869 48.10 — Our Christmas in a palace: a traveller’s story. 1883 147.2 — Phillip Nolan’s friends. [Annexation of Louisiana.] 1877 137.22 — Seven Spanish cities. 1883 501.13 — Stories of adventure. 3 v. 1879 721.6 Contents — 1. Of war [1861-3.] 2. Of the sea. 3. Of adventure. — Sybaris and other homes. 1869 914.6 Note .— Better homes for laboring men. — Ten times one is ten. Fict. 1872 64.13 — Ups and downs, an every day novel. ’73. 64.12 — What career?' 417.14 — and Susan. Family flight around home. [New England]. 1884 531.9 Family flight over Egypt and Syria.’82 531.13 Family flight through France, Ger- many, etc. [1881] 515.14 Hale, L. P. Art needlework. Decorative embroidery 843.8 — : Peterkin papers 87.32 — Plain sewing; Knitting. 1878 843.10 — Point-lace; Guide to lace making. ’82.. 843.9 HALE. 115 HAMLIN. Hale, Mrs. S. J. Flora’s interpreter. 1848 . 822.25 — Woman’s record; or sketches of all dis- tinguished women [to 1868] . 1873 . . *E.3 Hale, Susan. Family flight through Spain.’83 531.6 See also Hale, E. E, and S. Halevy, L. Abbe Constantine. Fict. 1882 53.5 Half a century. [Autobiography], Swiss- helm, Mrs. J 621.20 Half a million of money. Edwards, A. B. 36.210 HALF-hour recreations in popular science. 2v 825.10 Contents —See Estes, D., ed'r. HALF-hours with Greek and Latin authors. Jennings, G. H. and Johnstone, W. S. 318.9 HALF-hours with modem scientists. 2 v. 1872-3 812.32 Contents — 1. On the physical basis of life, by T. H. Huxley Correlation of vital and physical forces, by G. F. Barker. As regards protoplasm — reply to Huxley, by J. H. Stirling. On the hypothesis of evolution, by E. D. Cope. Scientific addresses, by J. Tyndall. 2. The action of natural selection on man, by A. R. Wallace. Spectrum analysis, by Roscoe, W. Huggins, and J. N. Lockyer. The sun and the phenomena of its atmosphere, by C. A. Young. The earth a great magnet, by A. M. Mayer. Mysteries of the voice and ear, by O. N. Rood. HALF-hours with the best authors. Knight, C. 6 v. in 3 302.14 HALF-hours with the best letter writers. Knight, C. 2 y 634.9 HALF-hours with the stars. Proctor, R. A. 8521.20 HALF-sir, The. Griffin, Gerald. Fict. 1876 44.12 Halibubton, T. C. [Sam Slick]. Nature and human nature. [1858] 16.2 — Sam Slick in England. 1849 16.1 — Sam Slick’s sayings and doings. [1840] . 16.4 — Wise saws; or, Sam Slick in search of a wife 16.3 Hall, A. W. Problem of human life. 1880 427.21 Hall, C. W. Adrift in the ice-fields. Juv. 76.11 — Drifting round the world. 1883 531.4 Hall, G. S. Aspects of German culture . . 313.22 Hall, H. H. The bric-a-brac hunter. 1875. 823.19 Hall, James. Geology of New York; 4th Hall, J ames, judge. Legends of the West. 1833 44.31 — Memoirs of T. Pos:y In 601.1.9 Hall, Rev. John. A Christian home; how to make and how to maintain it. 1883 433.15 — Familiar talks to boys. 1876 416.11 — Papers for home reading. 1873 308.6 Hall, L. V. See Artman, W. Hall, Robert. Hood, E. P. Life of. 1881 622.10.4 Hall, S. C. Retrospect of a long life. ’83. 642.13 — and Mrs. S. C. Ireland; its scenery, character, etc. Hlus 513.3 Hall, Mrs. S. C. Can wrong be right? 1868. 36.243 — Sketehes of Irish character. 1868 134.31 See also above , Hall. S. C. and Mrs. S. C. Hall, S. R. History of the United States. See Baker, A. R. 1843 703.9 Hall, W. W. Consumption. 1865 828.18 — Coughs and colds. 1870 807.2 — Dyspepsia. 1877 828.17 — Health and disease. 1871 803.16 — Health by good living. 1870 803.15 — How to live long. 1876 816.12 — Sleep. [Hygiene ofJ. 1866 803.18 Hall’s journal of health. Ed. by W. W. Hall. v. 19-23. N. Y., 1872-6 8501 .13 Hall and hamlet. [Stories], tlowitt, W. 135.1 Hall in the grove. Alden, I. M. [1881]. . 51,26 Hallam, H. Constitutional history of Eng- land, from Henry VII. to the death of George II. 1870 904.6 Same; student’s series. 1873 715.12 — Literature of Europe in fifteenth, six- teenth, and seventeenth centuries. 2v. . 1868-71 312.4 — The state of Europe during the middle ages. 3 v. 1872 701.4 Same; student’s series. 1873 715.14 Halleck, Fitz-Greene. Poems. 1855 .... 207.23 — Bryant, W. C. Commemorative oration. 325.22 — Griswold, R. W- Poets of America. ... 201.6 — Whipple, E. P. Poets of America. . . In 303.6.1 Hallock, C. Camp life in Florida. 1876 . 524.2 — The fishing tourist; angler’s guide and reference book. 1873 814.27 — Sportsman’s gazetteer. 1878 823.9 Hallowell, Anna D. Life and letters of James and Lucretia Mott. 1884 628.11 Hallucinations. Clark, E. H. Visions. 828.30 — Spectral illusions In 1001.8.10 See also Animal magnetism; Delusions; Spiritualism; Superstitions; Witchcraft. Hamerling, R. Aspasia; a romance of an- cient Hellas. 2 v. 1882 146.16 Hamebsly, L. R. & Co., pubs. Naval encyc- lopedia. 1881 *E.8 Hamerton, P. G. Chapters on animals. 1874 814.2 — Etchings and etchers. 1876 826.2 — The graphic arts. 1882 824.17 — Harry Blount. Juv. 1875 75.15 — Human intercourse. 1884 323.1 — Intellectual life. 1873 402.14 — Life of J.M.W. Turner. 1879 635.11 — Marmorne. Fict. 1878 46.9 — A painter’s camp [tent-life] in England, Scotland, France. 1871 505.11 — Round my house [in France]. 1876 524.19 — Sylvan year. [Appended.] The un- known river [The Arroux]; an etcher’s voyage of discovery. 1876 841.8 — Thoughts about art. 1871 804.27 — Wenderholme: story of Lancashire and Yorkshire. 1876 136.10 Hamilton, Alex., joint author. The Feder- alist, etc 904.1 — Lodge, H. C. [Life of]. (Am. states- men.) 1882. 626.4.2 — Lord, J. Alexander Hamilton, [or] The American constitution In 735.6 .4 — Magoon, E. L. Orators of the revolu- tion 613.9 — Morse, J. T. Life of. 2 v. 1876 642.10 — Parton, J. Lives of illustrious men 617.17 Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, M A. Hamilton, J. A. Dictionary of musical terms. 1854 852.8 Hamilton, James. Mount of Olives and other lectures on prayer. 1851 406.32 Hamilton, Sir W. Lectures on meta- physics and logic. 2 v. 1860-72 434.9 Contents.— 1. Metaphysics. 2. Logic. — Philosophy; ed. by O. W. Wight. 1853. . 424.12 Contents — Philosophy of common sense, Philosophy of perception. Philosophy of the conditioned. Hamlet [tragedy]. See Shakespeare. Hamley, E. B. Lady Lee’s widowhood. 1870 134.1 — Voltaire [Life of]. 1877 636.7.2 Hamlin, Cyrus, Among the Turks. 1877. 525.11 HAMLINE. 116 HARRIS. Hamline, L. L. Palmer, W. C. Life and letters of. 1866 632.19 Hammersmith; his Harvard days. Sever- ance, M. S 52.27 Hammond, Mrs. E. H. The Georgians. Fict. 1881 141.28 Hammond, R. Electric light in onr homes. 1884 843.28 Hammond, W. A. Doctor Grattan. Fict. ’85 57.12 — Lai. Fict. 1884 147.10 Hampden, J. Macaulay, T. B. Essays. . . 305.13 — Tweedie, W. K. Earnest men 632.8 Hanaford, Mrs. P. A. Daughters of Amer- ica [Record of noted women]. 1883. . 625.17 — Life of Abraham Lincoln. 1881 624.10 Hancock, W. S. Junkin, D. X. and Nor- ton, F. H. Life of. 1880 621.22 Hand, The. See Palmistry. Hand and glove. Edwards, Amelia B 36.199 HAND-books. >ee subject heading and au- thor's name. HAND-books for home improvement. 4 v. ini. 1857 307.9 HAND-lathe. Watson, E. ,P. Manual of. 838.5 Handel, G. F. Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men 614.14 — Harper’s m., v. 15 [Sketch of] 1004.1 — Haweis, H. R. Music and morals 818.5 — Schoelcher, Victor, Life of 626.8 Handy Andy. Lover, Samuel. Fict 61.11 Handy dramas. Baker, G. M 208.15 Hanford, T. W. Lives of Grover Cleve- land and T. A. Hendricks. Illus. 1884. 644.19 Hankey, T. Principles of banking. 1873. 911.11 HANKY-panky. [Conjuring tricks.] Cremer, W. H 823.6 Hannah. Craik, Mrs. D. M 36.195 Hannah Thurston. Taylor, Bayard 143.3 Hannay, J ames. Singleton Fontenoy, R. N. 47.35 Hannibal, the Carthaginian. Abbott, J. History of. 1871 611.10 — Arnold, T. Life of. 1870 641.5 See also histories of Rome and Carthage. Hans Brinker. Dodge, M. M. Juv 28.33 Happy boy. Bjornson, B. ( With Arne) 14.18 Harbaugh, H. Heavenly recognition 1857 423.27 Harcourt, H. Florida fruits and how to grow them. 1883 847.14 Hard cash. Reade, Charles. Fict 36.461 HARD-scrabble of Elm island. Kellogg, E. 21.23 Hard times. Dickens, Charles 1.14 and 36.169 Hardman, Francis. Frontier life: tales 51.8 Hardwick, C. Christ and other masters. ’82 433.27 — History of the church. 590-1520 441.9 Hardwicke’s science-gossip; monthly mag- azine. Illus. v. 19-21. London, ’83-85 . *1008.10 Hardy, Arthur S. But yet a woman. ’83 . 54.24 Hardy, Lady D. Through cities and prairie lands. 1881 517.18 Hardy, Miss Iza. Not easily jealous. 1872 36.417 Hardy, Thomas. Far from the madding crowd. 1874 137.19 — A Laodacean. 1881 51.19 — Pair of blue eyes. 1873 63.27 — Return of the native. 1878 53.22 — The trumpet-major. 1880 145.27 — Under the greenwood tree. 1873 63.36 Hare, A. J. C. Cities of southern Italy and Sicily 518.36 — Days near Rome. 1875 525.8 — Florence. [Guide-book]. [1884] 522.10 — Life and letters of Baroness Bunsen. ’80. 642.11 — Records of a quiet life [of Julius, Au- gustus and Maria Hare] 631.11 Hare, A. J. C., continued. — Walks in Rome 501.5 — Wanderings in Spain. 1871-2 512.11 Hare, A. W. and J. C. Guesses at truth. With memoir 311.35 Harem life, Leonowens, A. H. Romance of the harem. [In Siam]. 1873 503.16 — Melek-Hanum. Thirty years in the harem [In Turkey]. 1872 602.4 Harford, J. S. Life of Michael Angelo. 2 v. 1858 615.17 Hargreaves, William. Alcohol and science. 1882 845.13 — Our wasted resources. The missing link in the temperance reform. 1876 911.16 Harkness, A. Latin composition. 1880.. 313.23 — Latin grammar. 1880 313.24 Harlan, Caleb. Farming with green ma- nures. 1880 835.24 Harlan, G. C. Eyesight. (Am. health primer). 1879 833.14.4 Harland, Marion, pseud. See Terhune, M. V. Harley, A. J. The young Crusoe 23.16 Harlie stories. See Abbott, Jacob. Harman, H. M. Egypt and the Holv Land, [1869-70] 504.11 Harness, William. Personal reminiscen- ces. 1874 In 612.18 Harney, G. E. Barns, out-buildings and fences. 1870 8521.21 Harold Hardrada, king of Norway. — Carlyle, T. Early kings of Norway 742.9 Harold II., last Anglo-Saxon king of England. — Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Harold. Fict 36.77 — Tennyson, A. Harold. A drama 206.6 See also Freeman’s Norman conquest of Eng- land [705.9] Haroun Alraschid and Saracen civilization Palmer, E. H ..621.25.5 Harper, James, publisher. McCabe, J. D. In his Great fortunes 604.1 Harper’s cyclopaedia of American and Brit- ish poetry. Ed. by Epes Sargent. ’81 207.19 Harper’s hand-book for travellers in Europe and the east. By W. P. Fetridge. ’73 *B.13 Harper’s new monthly magazine, v. 1-70. 1850-1885 1004.1 Same. Index to volumes 1-50. From June, 1850 to May, 1875 *1004.2 Harper’s pictorial history of the rebellion. By A. H. Guernsey and H. M. Alden. 1866 Harper’s young people; illus. weekly. v. 1-6 N. Y., 1879-85 *1008.5 Harrington, G. F. Inside: chronicle of se- cession. 1866 18.1 Harrington. O’Connor, W. D. [ cop 1860] 142.5 Harris, Amanda B. Field, wood and mea- dow rambles. [Same as “How we went birds-nesting.”] 1882 832.10 Harris, Joel C. Mingo and other sketches in black and white. 1884 57.3 — Nights with Uncle Remus: myths and legends of the old plantation. 1883. 326.29 — Uncle Remus. [Plantation folk-lore]. ’81 317.15 Harris, John. Man primeval. 1854 438.10 — Pre-adamite earth. 1856 437.20 Harris, Joseph. On the pig. [cop. 1870] 804.19 — Talks on manures. 1878 838.15 Harris, L. O. The man who tramps. Fict 144.21 HARRIS. 117 HAWTHORNE. Harris, M. C., formerly Miriam Cole. — Missy. 1880 48.29 — Phoebe. 1884 147.7 — Richard Vandermark. 1871 11.13 — Rutledge. 1868 11.12 — The Sutherlands. 1864 11.14 Harris, S. M. Masonic discourses. 1801 . 438.24 Harris, S. S. Relation of Christianity to civil society. 1883 443.36 Harris, T. W. Insects injurious to vegeta- tion. 1862 813.10 Harrison, Mrs. [ Lucas Malet J. Mrs. Lor- imer. 1883 146.20 Harrison, Agnes. Martin’s vineyard. ’74. 36.245 Harrison, C. C. Woman’s handiwork in modern homes. 1881 836.14 Harrison, H. W. Battles of the republic. [cop. 1858] 723.1 Harrison, J. A. Spain. [History to 1881.] 727.2 — Spain in profile. 1879 512.32 Harrison, J. B. Certain dangerous ten- dencies in American life, and other papers. 1880 914.7 Contents .— Certain dangerous tendencies in American life. The Nationals, their origin and their aims. Three typical workingmen. Workingmen’s wives. The ca- reer of a capitalist. Study of a New England factory town. Preaching. Sincere demagogy. Harrison, J ennie. Old back room 86.4 Harrison, J oseph. Locomotive engine in Philadelphia. [History]. 1872 831.15 Harrison, R. Outlines of German litera- ture. See Gostwick. J 313.5 Harrison, T. P. How to teach. See Kid- dle, H. 1871 412.14 Harrison, W- H., 9th president. Frost, J. Lives of the presidents 621.8 — Lossing, B. J. Campaigns of In 1004.1.27 . Harry [Poem]. Hart, Mrs. — . 1877 208.11 Harry Blount. Hamerton, P. G. Juv . 1875. 75.15 Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. Trollope, A. 36.541 Harry Lorrequer. Lever, Charles 36.336 Hart, Mrs. — . Harry. [Poem]. 1877 208.11 — Miss Hitchcock’s wedding dress 138.20 Hart, J. M. German universities. 1874 . . 417.22 — Syllabus of Anglo-Saxon literature. 1881 316.14 Hart, J. S. Class-book of poetry. 1845 . . 204.2 — Class-book of prose. 1845 306.21 — Composition and rhetoric. 1876 325.14 — Manual of American literature. 1872 . . 316.4 Harte, Bret. Condensed novels. [Imita- tions of well-known novelists.] 1877. 311.24 — Drift from two shores. 1879 44.28 — In the Carquinez woods. Fict. 1884.. 55.21 — Luck of Roaring Camp, and other sketches. 1871 7.22 — Mrs. Skagg’s husband and other tales. 1873 142.18 — Poetical works. 1883 203.13 — Tales of the Argonauts, etc. 1875 137.26 — Twins of Table mountain, and other stories. 1880 145.6 — Brooks, N. [Sketch of Harte. J In 1006.4.6 Hartley, C. T. Life of Josephine. 1572.. 604.15 Hartley, Florence. Ladies’ book of eti- quette 441.34 Hartner, E. Severa. 1882 51.15 Hartsborne, H. Conspectus of the med- ical sciences. 1874 824.26 — Our homes (Am. health primers.) 1880. .833.14.9 — Principles and practice of medicine. ’71. 813.28 Hartwio,G. The polar world. Illus. ’69. 521.20 — The subterranean world. Hlus. 1871 . . . 806.4 — Tropical world. Illus. 1873 831.17 Hartz mountains. Andersen, H. C. Pic- tures of travel. 1871 508.3 Hasell, E. J. Calderon. [Life, etc.] 1882. 636.7.9 — Tasso. [Life, etc.] 1882 636.7.16 Hassal, A. H. Food and its adulterations. Illus. 1855 806.23 Hassard, Annie. Floral decorations. 1876 816.8 Hassard, J. R. G. Life of John Hughes, first archbishop of New York. 1866. 608.11 Haste and waste. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.2.6 Hatfield, R. G. American house-carpen- ter. 1880 836.15 Hatton, J. Christopher Kenrick. Fict. ’69 142.2 Hauff, W. Tales of the caravan, inn and palace. 1882 82.17 Haunted homestead. South worth, Mrs. E. D. E. N 11.15 Haunted house. Dickens, C In 36.165 Haunted man. Dickens, C In 36.163 Haussaurek, F. Four years among Span- ish- Americans. [cop. 1867] 518.4 Hausser, Ludwig. Period of the reforma- tion, [1517 to 1648]. 1884 432.35 Havelock, Sir. H. Brock, W. Memoir of. 1858 636.3 Haven, E. O. Rhetoric. 1874 308.24 Haven, G. Our next door neighbor: a win- ter in Mexico. 1875 524.4 Haven, Joseph. History of philosophy. ’76 416.3 — Mental philosophy; including the intel- lect, sensibilities and will. 1876 444.5 — Moral philosophy. 1875 441.1 Havergal, Frances R. Poems. 1881 218.17 — Swiss letters, with Alpine poems. [1869]. 518.11 — Memorials, by her sister Maria Y. G. Havergal. [1880] 622.18 Havers, Theodora, [Theo. Gift.] Matter- of-fact girl. 1881 51.18 Hawaiian islands. See Sandwich islands. Haweis, H. R. American humorists [1883] 326.7 Contents. — W. Irving, O. W. Holmes, J. R. Lowell, Artemus Ward, Mark Twain, Bret Harte. — Music and morals. 1876 818.5 Contents.— Philosophical: music, emotion and mor- als. Biographical: Ambrose to Handel, Handel, Gluck, Haydn, Schubert, Chopin, Mozart, Beethoven, Mendels- sohn. Instrumental: violins, piano-fortes, bells, caril- lons. Critical: music in England. — My musical memoirs 644.1 Contents .— Early life and recollections. Hearing mu- sic. Old violins. Paganini. Wagner. Parsifal. The Niebelung’s ring. 1. Rheingold. 2. Walkure. 3. Siegfsied. 4. The Gotterdammerung. Liszt. Haweis, Mrs. H. R. Art of beauty. 1878. 823.31 Haworth’s. Burnett, Frances H 45.6 Hawthorne, Julian. Bressant. 1876 42.24 — Dust, a novel. 1881 54.3 — Fortune’s fool. 1883 55.16 — Garth. [Scene, New England]. 1880. . 47.34 — Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife. A biography. 2 w. Illus. 1885 644.26 — Noble blood. 1885 57.25 — Saxon studies. [Dresden, etc.] 1876.. 525.10 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. American note- books [1835-52]. 2 v. in 1 606.5 — The birthmark. (Little classics) 304.16.8 — Blitliedale romance. 1872 In 3.19 — David Swan, a fantasy (Little classics). 304.16.4 — Doctor Grimsliawe’s secret. 1883 53.29 — Ethan Brand. (Little classics) 304.16.1 — Fanshawe; Dolliver romance, and other pieces. 1876 137.12 — French and Italian note books, [1858-9]. 522.14 — House of seven gables; snow image, and other twice-told tales. 1875... 335.17 HAWTHORNE. 118 HEALTH Hawthorne, continued . — The marble faun, or romance of Monte Beni [Italy]. 2 v. 1860 18.23 — Mosses from an old manse [stories of Concord]. 1872 3.20 — Our old home [England], and Septimius Felton. 1873 524.6 — Passages from [his] English note-books [1853-8]. 1873 633.5 — Scarlet letter. 1850 62.24 Same, and Blithedale romance. 1872 . 3.19 — Septimius Felton, or the elixir of life . . 524.6 — Tanglewood tales for girls and boys. 1864. [Fairy stories] 25.6 — The threefold destiny. (Little classics. )304. 16. 12 — True stories from history and biography. 614.10 Contents. — Grandfather’s chair; Biographical stories. — Twice-told tales. 2 v. 1865 3.17 — Wakefield. (Little classics.) 304.16.2 — Wonder-book for girls and boys.[cop.’51] 3.18 — Analytical index to [his] works, with sketch of his life. 1882 318.21 — Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors. 601.20 — Giles, H. The scarlet letter In 317.11 — Hawthorne, J. Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife. Illus. 2 v. 1885 644.26 — James, H., jr. Hawthorne. (Eng. men of letters). 1880 616.11.12 — Smiles, S. Brief biographies 606.4 — Smith, G. B. Poets and novelists 322.7 — Stoddard, R. H. [Sketch]. Illus In 1004.1.45 Hawthorne, Mrs. Nathaniel. Notes in England and Italy. 1872 525.26 Hay, George. Scripture doctrine of mira- cles 433.16 Hay, John. Castilian days [Spain]. 1872. 522.13 — Pike county ballads, etc. 1877 208.7 Haydn, J. Dictionary of dates. Ed. by B. Vincent. 1870 *B.4 Haydn, J oseph. Haweis, H. R. Music and morals 818.5 — Keddie, H. Musical composers 613.23 — Seeburg, F. von. Life of ; tr. by J. M. Toohey. 1884 644.24 Haydon, B. K Taylor, T. Life of. 2 v. ’59. 613.11 Hayes, A. A, jr. New Colorado. [1880]... 517.3 Hayes, I. I. Arctic boat journey. [1854]. 501.3 — Land of desolation. [Greenland.] 1872. 504.8 — The open Polar sea, 1 1860-1] 504.7 Hayne, Paul H. Poems. Illus. 18S2.... 212.5 — Poets’ homes, v. 2 622.6 Hayne, R. Y. Speech on Foote’s resolu- tion In 303.1 and In 321.12.2 Haynes, J. E. Pseudonyms of authors, anonyms and initialisms. 1882 316.21 Hays, Frances. Women of the day [Brief biographies]. 1885 631.9 Hays, W. J. Princess Idleways [Fairy tale]. 1880 78.21 Hayward, A. Life of Goethe. 1878 636.7.4 Hayward, C .Jr. Life of S. Cabot. ’73. In 641.4.9 Hayward, J. New England Gazetteer. [’39] 516.21 Hayward, M. L. The Huntingdons. Juv.’lv 24.11 Hazard, R. G. On the will. 1866 402.5 Hazen, E. Popular technology; or, pro- fessions and trades. 2 v. 1859 823.15 Hazen, W. B. School and the army in Germany and France, with a diary of siege life at Versailles. 1872 723.13 Hazlitt, W. Dramatic literature of the age of Elizabeth. Characters of Shakespeare’s plays. 1870 302.5 — Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 3 v. 1875.. 631.12 — Personal recollections of. 1875 In 612.21 — The round table; Northcote’s conversa- tions; Characteristics. 1871 311.29 He knew he was right. Trollope, Anthony. 34.4 Head, F. B. Journey across the Pampas and Andes. 1826 512.20 Head of Medusa. Fletcher, Julia 145.24 Head of the family. Craik, Mrs. D. M 33.8 Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 1866 615.7 — General Grant’s travels around the world. 1881 526.20 — The great rebellion, [1861-5]. 2 v. 1864 736.2 — Napoleon and his marshals, [cop. 1865] 613.4 — Second war with England. 2 v. 1853.. 711.24 Headley, P. C Life and campaigns of General Grant. Illus.. 866 628.10 — Life of Josephine. 1854 604. 13 — Life of Mary, queen of Scots, [cop. 1853.] 621.14 — Miner boy and his monitor.. [Ericsson]. 23.4 — Women of the Bible. 1852 606.8 Headlong hall and Nightmare abbey. Peacock, T. L. 1848 141.2 Headsman, The. Cooper, James F 2.15 Health. Alcott, W. A. Lectures on life and health. 1851 837.10 — Bazar book of. 1873 808.16 — Beale, L. S. On slight ailments. 1880. . 834.24 — Beecher, Catherine E. Letters to the people on health and happiness 1856 814.35 — Bellows, A. J. How not to be sick. 1869 814.36 — Black, J. R. Ten laws of health. 1873. 827.38 — Blaikie, W. How to get strong and how to stay so. 1879 823.30 — Brown, J. Health; five lay sermons to working people. 1865 818.28 — Chomet, H. Influence of music on. 1875. 835.26 — Coles, L. B. Philosophy of. [cop. 1851] 803.23 — Corfield, W H. Health. 1880 838.41 — Eassie, W. Healthy houses. 1879 837.5 — Fothergill, J. M. Maintenance of. 1875 823.2 — Granville, F. M. Secret of a clear head. ’79 833.17 — Guernsey, A. H. and Davis I. P. Health at home. 1884 844.15 — Hall, W. W. Health and disease. 1871. 803.16 Health by good living. 1870 803.15 — Hall’s journal of. v. 19-23 8501.13 — Hartshorne, H. Our homes (Am. health — Higginson, T. W. Out-door papers 307.15 — Hutchinson, J. C. Physiology and hy- giene. 1873 807.16 — Huxley, T. H. and Youmans, W. J. Phy- siology and hygiene. 1872 803.22 — Journal of health, v. 1-3. Phil., 1830-2 807.20 — Keen, W. W., ed'r. American health primers. 12 v 833.14 Contents.— See Keen, W. W., ed'r. — Kingsley, C. Health and education. [Essays.] 1874 413.4 — Lewis, Dio. Our girls. 1871 802.33 — Lincoln, D. F. School and industrial hygiene. [American health primer]. 833.14.12 — Mitchell, S. W. Wear and tear. 1874.. 811.17 — Packard, J. H. Sea-air and sea-bathing. [Am. health primer.] 833.14.11 — Parkes, E.A. Practical hygiene. 1878. 836.23 — Plunkett, Mrs. H. M. Women, plumbers, and doctors. 1885 845.22 HEALTH. 119 HELOISE. Health, continued. — Pope, J. J. Number one and how to take care of him. 1884 845.15 — Richardson, B. W. Health and life. ’78 833.11 — Safford, M. J. and Allen, M . E. Health and strength for girls 844.31 — Sanitarian; monthly magazine, v. 5-15* 1877-85 1007.13 — Sanitary care and treatment of children. [Essays]. 1881 841.3 — Sanitary engineer. [Weekly journal]. v. 9-12. N. Y., 1883-5 *8541.20 — The sanitary movement In 1001.9.1 — Smith, E. Health: a handbook. 1875. . 827.40 — Taylor, G.H. Health by exercise. [Move- ment cure]. 1879 833.6 — Tracy, R. S. Hand-book of sanitary information. 1884 844.30 — Wight, O. W. Maxims of public health. 1884 845.23 — Wilson, George. Hand-book of hygiene. 1873 816.15 — Wilson, Joseph. Naval hygiene. 1879. 834.22 — Winslow, F. Light : its influence on life and health. 1867 811.34 — Woolsen, A. G. ed'r. Dress-reform and health of women. [Lectures] 805.18 See also Air; Children; Dress; Food and diet; Gym- nastics; Health resorts; Medicine; Mental hygiene; Nursing; Physical education; Sewerage and drainage Sleep; Warming and ventilation. Health resorts. Appletons’ hand-book of American winter resorts. 1879 — Benjamin, S. G. W. Atlantic islands as resorts of health and pleasure. 1878 . . — Gutmann. E. Watering places, etc., of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. 1880 — Howe, J. W. Winter homes for invalids 1875 — Wilson J. Health, and health resorts. ’80 See also Mineral springs . Health trip to the tropics. Willis, N. P. Healthy houses. Eassie, W Healthy infant, The . Dix, T. L. 1880 . . Healy, Mary. Lakeville. 1873 — A mere caprice. 1882 — A summer romance. 1872 Heaps of money. Norris, W. E Heard, F. F. Shakespeare as a lawyer. ’83. Hearing. Burnett, C. H. (Am. health prim- ers). 1879 833.14.1 Heart of Africa, [1868-71]. Schweinfurth, G. 2 v 524.3 Heart of Mid-Lothian. Scott, Sir W 12.7 Heart of steel. Fisher, F. C. 1883 54.11 Hearts and homes. Ellis, Mrs. S. S. Fict 34.14 Heartsease. Yonge, Charlotte M 36.604 Heat. Abbott. J. Science for the young. 827.18 — Box, T. Treatise on, as applied to the useful arts. 1869 814.13 — Cazin, A. Phenomena and laws of. 1869 802.29 — Lardner,.D. Heat. 1857 801.7 — Lees, W. Acoustics, light and heat. Illus 827.21 — Trowbridge, W. P. Heat, steam-gene- rators and heat engines. 1874 841.5 — Tyndall, J. Heat considered as a mode of motion. 1872 803.5 Molecular physics [of radiant heat.]’73 825.22 Heating of houses. See Warming and ven- tilation. Heaton, Mrs. C. Concise history of painting 834.13 Heaven. Alleine, R. Heaven opened 437.7 — Harbaugh, H. Heavenly recognition. . . 423.27 513.21 527.8 516.2 828.32 835.3 504.15 837.5 833.21 42.40 52.31 32.12 52.19 326.22 Heaven, continued. — Mortimore, D. The globe within the sun our heaven. 1869 437.29 — Swedenborg, E. Heaven, the world of spirits, and hell. 1879 414.14 Heavens, The. Gillet, J. A. and Rolfe, W. W. The heavens above. 1882 842.33 — Guillemin, A. The heavens 843.1 — Flammarion, C. Wonders of the. 1871 813.18 — Proctor, R. A. Expanse of heaven. ’74 811.32 See also Astronomy. Heber, R., bishop. Life of, by his widow.’56 606.15 Hebrew heroes. Tucker, C. Juv. 1869.. 143.9 Hebrew literature. See Bible; Jews. Hebrew poetry. Taylor, I. Spirit of. ’73. 403.6 Hebrides. Boswell, J. Journal of John- — Campbell, W. W. Colonsay and Oron- — Miller, H. Cruise of the Betsey 801 .25 Note.— Black’s ‘Princess of Thule.’ [34.21J depicts scenery and customs. Hecker, I. T. Questions of the soul. ’55. 433.14 Heckington. Gore, Mrs. C. F 36.235 Hector, Mrs. A. F. See Alexander, Mrs. Hector. Shaw, Flora L. Juv 81.3 Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany . [cop. 1847] 615.8 Hedge fence. Alden, I. M. Juv. [1884]. . . 82.33 Hedged in. Phelps, Elizabeth S. 1870. . . 7.18 Hedges and evergreens. Warder, J. A. ’59. 807.9 Heidelberg. James, G. P. R. Fict 36.258 Heidenmauer; or the Benedictines. Coop- er, J. F 2.16 Heimburg, W. pseud. See Behrins, Bertha Heine, Heinrich. Pictures of travel [prose and verse] 512.3 — Poems. 1876 208.24 — Scintillations from [his] prose works. ’73. 63.34 Contents.— 1. Florentine nights. 2. Excerpts. — Arnold, M. Essays in criticism 302.4 — Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe 207.2 Heinrich, J. J. Window flower garden.’80 824.21 Heir of Redcliffe. Yonge, Charlotte M . . . 36.605 Heir of Wast-Wayland. Howitt, Mary. . . 131.17 Heiress of Haughton. Marsh-Caldwell, Mrs. A 36.376 Helen. Edgeworth, Maria 7.21 Helen and Arthur. Hentz, Mrs. C. L 11.16 Helen Gardner’s wedding-day. Terhune, Mrs. M. V 33.19 Helen’s babies Habberton, John. 1876.. 136.4 Heliodorus. The Ethiopics. (Greek ro- mances) 133.6 Helmholtz, H. Popular scientific lec- tures. 2 v. 1881 843.6 Contents. — 1. On the relation of natural science to science in general. On Goethe’s scientific researches. On the physiological causes of harmony in music. Ice and glaciers. On the interaction of the natural forces. The recent progress of the theory of vision. On the conservation of force. On the aim and progress of physical science. 2. Gustav Magnus. — In memoriam. On the origin and significance of geometrical axioms. On the relation of optics to painting. On the origin of the planetary system. On thought in medicine. On academic free- dom in German universities, — Pop. sci. mo., [Sketch and portrait] 8501.16.5 Helmsley, W. B. Hardy trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. 1873 821.4 Heloise. Lord, J. Heloise. [or] Love..i>i 735.6.5 See also Abelard. HELPER. 120 HERMAN. Helper, H. R. Impending crisis of the South: how to meet it. 1860 911.34 Helpful thoughts for young men. Wool- sey, T. D. 1874 433.11 Helps, Sir Arthur. Companions of my solitude. [Essays]. 1870 301.8 — Friends in council : a series of readings and discourse thereon. [1st and 2d series]. 4 v. in 2 302.3 — Fruits of leisure. [Essays]. 1853 408.13 — Ivan De Biron; or, the Russian court in the middle of the last century. 1874. 31.16 — Life of Hernando Cortes. 1871 608.15 — Life of Las Casas. 1868 818.8 — Life of Thomas Brassey. 1874 611.39 — Realmah. [Stone age; lake dwellers]. ’69 133.2 — Social pressure. 1875 912.6 — Spanish conquest in America, and its relation to the history of slavery and to the government of colonies. 4 v. 1856-68 737.1 Contents. — v. 1. Prince Henry of Portugal. Colum- bus. Ovando. The Dominicans. Ojeda and Nicuesa. Vasco Nunez de Balboa. Cuba. Las Casas as a col- onist and a reformer. v 2. Las Casas. Hernando Cortez. The siege of Mexico. v. 3. The administration of Cortez. Nicaragua. En- comiendas. Gautemala. The conquest of Peru. v. 4. The feud between the Pizarros and the Alma- gros. * The new laws. The reconquest of Peru by the president Gasca. The protectors of the Indians : their efforts and achievements. A general survey of Span- ish colonization in America. Hemans, Mrs. F. D. Poetical works. With memoir. 1869 201.2 Contents .— Juvenile poems. Domestic affections. Translations from Camoens, etc. Miscellaneous poems. Wallace’s invocation to Bruce. Tales and historic scenes. The sceptic. Superstition and revelation. Italian lit- erature. Dartmoor. Welsh melodies. Vespers of Palermo. Tales and historic scenes. Songs of the Cid. Greek songs. Sebastian of Portugal Siege of Valencia. Translations from Horace. DeChatillon. Forest sanctuary. Lays of many lands. Records of women. Songs of the affections. Hymns of childhood. Lyrics, and songs for music. Songs of Spain. Songs for summer hours. Songs of captivity. Miscel- laneous lyrics. Scenes and hymns of life. Fe- male characters of scripture. Sonnets, devotional and memorial. Records of the spring and autumn of 1834. Despondency and aspiration. Thoughts during sick- ness. — Select poetical works. 1865 214.16 — Songs of the affections. Ulus. 1870. . . 217.13 — Howitt, W. Homes of British poets 615.15 Henderson, Howard. Hints on camping.’82. 842.27 Henderson, Mrs. M. F. Practical cooking and dinner giving. 1876 818.26 Henderson, Peter. Garden and farm top- ics. 1884 844.42 — Gardening for pleasure. 1879. 838.19 — Gardening for profit. 1867 813.25 — Hand-book of plants. 1881 843.21 — How the farm pays. 1884 See Cro- zier, W 846.11 — Practical floriculture. 1874 828.4 Hendricks, T. A. Cook, T. P. Life of. ’76. 624.27 — Hanford, T. W. Life of. Illus. 1884. 644.19 Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles I. Jes- se, J. H. England under the Stu- arts 718.6.2 — Strickland, A. Queens ot England, v. 4 641.13 Henrietta Temple. Disraeli, Benjamin 36.187 Henry VIII, of England. Froude, J. A. — Seebohm, F. Protestant revolution .. . 743.5.1 Henry VIII, and his court. Mundt, C. M. Fict 47.26 Henry IV., of France . Abbott. J. S. C. History of. 1856 611.11 — Chambers’s miscellany. Life of 1001.8.7 Henry, C. S. Endless future of the human race. 1879 421.26 Henry, Patrick. Speeches In 321.12.1 — Everett, E. Life of In 601.1.1 — Homes of American statesmen. Illus.. 617.9 — Wirt, W. Life of 1873 633.3 Henry, Mrs. S. M. I. After the truth. 2 v. 1874 28.32 Contents.— 1. Finding the truth. 2. Teach- ing the truth. — Mable’s work: sequel to “Voice of the home.” 1882 82.2 — Voice of the home. 1882 82.1 Henry Ashton. Alden, Joseph. Juv 76.9.4 Henry Dunbar. Braddon, Mary E 36.50 Henry Esmond. Thackeray, W. M. 133.18; 36.5 26 Henry Powers. Kimball, R. B 13.11 Hensel, S. The Mendelssohn family, [1729- 1847], 2 v. 1882 617.24 Henshall,J.A. Book of black bass, with prac- tical treatise on angling and fly fish- ing. 1881 847.12 — Camping and cruising in Florida. 1884 . 522.11 Hentz, Mrs. C. L. Ernest Linwood. 1855 . 7.29 — Helen and Arthur. 1852 11.16 — Linda; with biography of author 43.6 Note.— For sequel See ‘Robert Graham.’ — Lost daughter, and other tales. 1870 . . . 18.6 — Love after marriage 43.5 — Marcus Warland 43.4 — Planter’s northern bride. 1854 7.28 — Robert Graham: sequel to Linda; 1855 43.7 Her crime. (No name series). 1882 147.6 Her dearest foe. Alexander, Mrs 11.32 Her lord and master. Church, Mrs. R. . . . 36.102 Her majesty’s tower. Dixon, W. H. 744.11 and 746.15 Her picture. (No name ser). 1882 52.5 Her title of honour. Parr, Harriet 36.438 Heraldry. Clark, H. Introduction to. ’66. 641.8 Herbert, George. Works. 1869 206.3 — Adams, W. H. D. Great English church- men. 1879 635.8 — Ossoli, M. F. In her Literature and art 317.3 — Walton, J. Life of \ 606.25 Herbert, G. R. C. and Kingsley, G. H. South sea bubbles; by the earl and the doctor. [Sketches of the Society islands] 1874 527.21 Herbert, H. W. [ Frank Forrester ]. Field sports of the United States and British Provinces. 2 v. 1858 812.1 — Hints to horse keepers. 1859 813.13 Herbert Carter’s legacy. Alger, H. Juv. 84.2.4 Herculaneum. See Pompeii. Heredity. Brooks, W. K. The law of heredity. 1883 844.25 — Cook, J. (Boston Monday lectures). 1879 441.31 — Dugdale, R. L. “The Jukes.” A study in crime, heredity, etc. 1877 913.19 — Galton, F. Hereditary genius. 1871.. 816.2 — Ribot, T. Heredity. 1875 824.12 Hereward, the wake. Kingsley, Charles . . 132.19 Herford, Brooke. Story of religion in England. 1880 425.3 Hericourt, Iv. de. A woman’s philosophy of woman. 1854 903.18 Heritage of Langdale. Alexander, Mrs . . 144.5 Herman; or, young knighthood. Palfrey. S.H.... 17.17 HERMANN. 121 HINTON. Hermann, Agha. Palgrave, W. G. Fict. . . 63.20 Hermann and Dorothea. [German text]. Goethe, J. W. von. . . 313.16 Hermits, The. [Biographies]. Kingsley, C. 636.10 Herndon, W. L. and Gibbon, L. Explora- tion of the valley of the Amazon. 2 v. 1854 528.8 Hero, A. Craik, Mrs. D. M. Fict 13.3 Hero Carthew. Parr, Louisa 63.24 Hero of the pen. AVerner, Ft., pseud 47.16 Hero Trevelyan. Craik, Georgiana, M 36.145 Herodotus, Greek historian , 5th cent., B.C. — History; trans. by W. Beloe. 3 v. ’59. . . 1020.8 Same; trans. by H. Cary. 1872 706.14 Same; trans. with notes by G. Rawlin- son. ; Hlus. 4 v. 1880 745.1 — Church, A. J . Stories from 738.11 — De Quincey, T. Philosophy of In 302.18.1 — Swayne, E. C. Herodotus [outlined and explained], 1875 1020.21 Heroes, and the heroic. — Carlyle, T. Heroes, hero-worship, etc.. . 301.23 — Emerson, R. W. Heroism In 326.9.1 — Kingsley, C. Heroism In 413.4 — Percy anecdotes 312.1 — Whipple, E. P. Heroic character In 303.3 Heroes of Christian history, v. 1-5. 1881-2. 622.10 Contents.— 1. Henry Martyn. 2. W. Wilberforce. 3. Philip Doddridge. 4. Robert Hall. 5, Thomas Chal- mers. Heroes of the mission field. Walsh, W. P. 635.6 Heroes; or, Greek fairy tales. Kingsley, C. 74.6 Heroic women of history. Watson, H. C. 617.1 Heroines of domestic life. Owen, Afrs.O.F. 614.27 Heroines of the crusades. Bloss, C. A. ’53. 634.2 Heroines of the household. Wilson, W. ’70 644.8 Heroism. [Tales.] Little classics, v. 11.... 304.16 Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Outlines of astron- omy. [pub. 1869] 826.20 Herschel, Sir W. Arago, F. Biographies 602.2.1 — Holden, E. S. Life of. 1881 624.15 Hertz, H. King Rene’s daughter. Danish ^ drama 2H 32 Hervey, G. W. Christian rhetoric, i.873. 402.1 — Principles of courtesy. 1862 413.20 — Rhetoric of conversation; or, bridles and spurs for the management of the tongue. 1863 308.21 Hervey, James. Meditations and contem- plations. 1793 402.34 Herzog, J. J. and Schaff, P. Religious en- cyclopaedia; based on the Real-ency- klopadie of Herzog [and others]; ed. byP. Schaff. 3 v. 1882-3 *A.12 Hesekiel, J. G. L. Life of O. von Bis- marck. 1871 • • • * 604.7 Hesiod. [Writings outlined and explained] by J. Davies. 1873 1020.33 Hesperus. Richter, J. P. F. Fict 132.11 Hesse -W artegg, E. Y. Tunis; the land and people. 1882 526.18 Hetty’s strange story. Jackson, Mrs. H. H. 46.6 Hewett, E. C. Pedagogy. 1884 432.38 Hewett, Graily. Diseases of women. 1872 836.12 Heyne, C. G. Carlyle, T. Life of In 305.6 — Chambers’s papers for the people. Bio- graphy of In 1001.9.3 Heyse, Paul. In paradise. 2. v. ’79. Fict 52.13 — Tales. 1879.... 46.22 Hickok, L. P. Rational cosmology. 1858. 404.8 — Rational psychology. 1854 434.8 — A system of moral scienoe. 1856 404.6 Hidasta Indians, Dakota. Ethnography of. Matthews, W 826.18 Hidden path. Terhune, Mrs. M. V 14.1 Hidden record. Blaisdell, E. W. 1882. Fict 53.14 Hide and seek. Collins, Wilkie 45.23 Higgins, W. M. The earth. 1854 837.11 Higginson, M. T. Room for one more. 78.19 Higginson, T. W. Army fife in a black regiment. 1870 503.22 — Book of American explorers 1877 711.22 — ed'r. Brief biographies. 4 v. [cop. ’75] 613.20 Contents . — v 1. English statesmen, by Higginson. 2. English radical leaders, by Hinton. 3. French poli- tical leaders, by King. 4. German political leaders, by Tuttle. — Common sense about women. 1882 914.29 — Life of Margaret Fuller Ossoli, with bib- liographical appendix. 1884 624.12.6 — Malbone: an Oldport romance. 1869... 4.10 — Oldport days [Newport]. Illus. 1873.. 332.2 — Out-door papers. 1871 307.15 Contents— Saints and their bodies. Physical courage. A letter to a dyspeptic. The murder of the innocents. Barbarism and civilization. Gymnastics. A new coun- terblast. The health of our girls. April days. My out- door study. Water lilies. The life of birds. The pro- cession of the flowers. Snow. — Short studies of American authors. 1880 315.9 Contents. — Hawthorne, Poe, Thoreau, Howells, Helen Jackson, Henry James, jr. — Young folks’ history of the United States. 1873 714.4 Higgledy - piggledy. [Fairy stories]. Knatchbull-Hugessen, E. H 82.28 High life in Washington. Lasalle, N. P. . . . 18.20 Higher law; a romance Ainslie, H 3.21 Higher ministry of nature. Leifchild, J. R. 443.10 Highland widow. Scott, Sir W 12.19 Highways of literature. Pryde, D 426.35 Hilary St. Ives. Ainsworth, W. H. Fict. 36.15 Hildreth, Richard. History of the Uni- ted States, 1497-1821. 6 v. 1871-4.. 748.2 — Japan as it was and is, [1855] 724.9 — Memoirs of Archy Moore, the slave. [cop. 1840] 613.24 Hill, A. S. Principles of rhetoric. 1881 . . . 318.8 Hill, D. J. American authors, v. 1-2. 1879 635.12 Contents.— 1. Irving. 2. Bryant. Hill, Lucy A. Rhine roamings. 1880... 513.19 Hill, Thomas. Geometry and faith. 1882 444.10 — True order of studies. 1876 416.2 Hill, T. E. Hill’s manual of social and business forms. 1884 *C.3 Hillard, G. S. Life of Gen. G. B. Mc- Clellan. [cop. 1864] 636.14 — Life of Capt. John Smith. 1873 In 641.4.2 Hillard, S. Six months in Italy, [1847]. ’71 5< >5.10 Hillebrand, K. German thought. 1880 318.24 Hillern, W. von. Only a girl. From the German by A. L. Wister. 1873 132.12 Hillgrove, Thomas. Art of dancing. 1863 828.21 H ills of the Shatemuc. Warner, S. Fict. 132.7 Hillyars aud the Burtons. Kingsley, H. . 36.285 Hillyer, Shaler. Marable family. 1879. 46.15 Himalaya mountains. Wilson, A. Abode of snow. 1875 516.6 Hindostan. See Asia; India. Hinduism. Chambers’s misc. In 1001.8.4 — Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions 438.26 — Johnson, S. Oriental religions 438.27 — Williams, Monier. Hinduism. 1880. . .444.18.4 See also Buddism ; India; Vedas. Hinsdale, B. A. Public life of Gen. Gar- field. 1880 637.15 Hinton, H. L. Select historical costumes. 1868 *848.17 16 HINTON. 122 HISTORY. Hinton, J. Man and his dwelling place. ’72. 402.13 — Mystery of pain. 1872 402.16 — Physiology for practical use. 1874 814.9 Hinton, R. J. English radical leaders. ’77 613.20.2 Hints to our boys. Symington, A. J 432.32 Hippolytus. Writings. (A.-N.-C. lib., v. 6,9) 415.1 His inheritance. Trafton, A 45.14 His level best, and other stories. Hale, E. E. 63.5 His majesty, myself. Baker, W. M 145.2 His marriage vow. Corbin, C. F 32.17 His own master. Trowbridge, J. T. 1878. 88.25 His second campaign. Thompson, Maurice. 146.27 His sombre rivals. Roe, E. P. 1883 55.11 His two wives. Ames, M. C 137.23 Historical characters. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir H 643.25 Historical monuments of France. Hun- newell, J. F. 1884 732.4 Historical novels and tales, Catalogue of. Bowen, 11. C. 1882 328.19 History. Philosophy, Study, etc. — Adams, C. K. Manual of historical lit- erature; comprising brief descriptions of the most important histories in English, French, and German, with practical suggestions. 1882 725.6 — Carlyle, T. History. (Essays). In 304.1.2; 305.6 — De Quincey, T. Historical and critical essays. 2 v. 1859 302.18 — Emerson, R. W. History. (Essays). 2 v 326.9 — Fisher, G. P. Discussions in history and theology. 1880 442.15 — Freeman, E. A. Select historical essays. 746.11 Scientific method applied to hist. .In 307,21.2 — Helps, A. History. (In his Friends in council 302.3.1 — Macaulay, T. B. Historical essays 305.13 — Newman, J. H. Essays. 2 v 441.19 — Schlegel. F. von. Lectures on hist. ’62. 742.6 — - Philosophy of history. 1873 713.1 — Smith, Goldwin. Study of history. 1866 706.8 — Yolney, C. F. Ruins; or, meditations on the revolutions of empires 403.9 Universal and General History . — Anderson, J. J. Manual of general his- tory. 1879 717.14 — Archer, T. Decisive events in history . . . 745.5 — Buckle, H. T. History of civilization in England. 2 v 904.3 — Clark, W. S. Elements of geography and history. 1871 736.9 — Creasy, E. S. The fifteen decisive bat- tles of the world. 1872 703.6 — Fate of republics, [cop. 1880] 724.1 — Freeman, E. A. General sketch of his- tory. 1876 742.7 — Historical geography of Europe. 2 v. ’82 732.16 Contents. — v. 1. Text. 2. Maps. — Gilman, Arthur. First steps in general history. 1874 715.13 Seven historic ages. Juv 743.6 — Green, J. R., ed’r. Hist, primers, v. 1-7 716.27 Contents.— See Green, J. R., ed'r. — Gregory, J. M. Hand-book of history and chronology. 1867 . . . . 703.8 — Labberton, R. H. Outlines of history. . 1878 715.22 — Lieber, F. Great events. 1871 706.25 — Lord, John. Beacon lights of history. 5 v. 1885 735.6 Contents — See Lord, J. in general alphabet. — Maunder, S. Treasury of history. 1872. 715.21 History, continued. — Nicoll, H. J. Great movements and who achieved them. 1882 727.1 — Pierce, E. M. Cottage cyclopaedia of history. 1871 *B.2 — Ploetz, C. Epitome of ancient, mediae- val and modern history. 1884 746.4 — Quackenboss, J. D. School history of the world. 1880 724.17 — Ranke, L. von. Universal history: the oldest historical group of nations and the Greeks. 1885 732.5 — Reade, W. Martyrdom of man. 1874 . . 808.26 — Rotteck, C. von. History of the world 4 v. in 2. 1875. ... 715.3 — Smith, Philip. History of tile world to fall of Roman empire. 3 v. 1882 725.10 — Universal history. 60 v. Lond., 1779-84. — - Same. Ancient part; 18 v *707.1 Contends. — v. 1. Egypt. 2. Phoenicians and Jews. 3. Jews and Troy. 4. Medes and Persians. 5-6. Greece. 7. Greek islands and Macedon. 8. Macedon and Pon- tus. 9. Asia Minor and Rome. 10-14. Rome. 15. Car- thage. 16. Africa, Spain and Gaul. 17. Northern na- tions. 18. Turkey, China, etc. Same. Modern part; v. 1-10 *707.2 Same. Modern part; v. 11-42 *708.1 Contents.— v. 1-3. Arabia. 4. Turks, Moguls and Tar- tars. 5. Persia and Hindostan. 6. Hindostan. 7. Chi- na. 8-9. East Indies. 10. Tartary and Persia. 11-14. Africa. 15. Africa and Malta. 16-17. Spain. 18. Spain and Portugal. 19. Portugal and Navarre. 20-21. France. 22-24. Italy. 25 Italy and Germany. 26. Germany. 27. Germany and Holland. 28. Holland and Denmark. 29. Denmark and Sweden. 30. Sweden and Poland. 31. Poland, Prussia and Russia. 32. Russia, Hungary and Austria. 33. Tuscany and Milan. 34. Savoy and Amer- ica. 35-36. America. 37. West Indies and Asia. 38. America and index to history. 39^10. England. 41. Scotland. 42. Ireland. — Weber, G. Outlines of universal his- tory. [cop. 1853] 744.5 — White, J. Eighteen Christian centur- ies. 1881 725.9 — Wikoff, H. Four civilizations of the world 902.23 — Willard, Emma. Universal history. ’45 744.4 — Young, L. H. Remarkable events. . . 723.12 See also Babylon; Greece ; Jews. Rome, etc. Ancient History. — Ancient history from the monuments. 6v. 716.13 Contents.— 1. Egypt, to B. C. 300: by S. Birch. 2. Assyria, to fall of Ninevah ; by G. Smith. 3. Persia to Arab conquest; by W. S. W. Vaux. 4. Greek cities and islands of Asia Minor; by W. S. W. Yaux. 5. Baby- lonia; by G. Smith. 6. Sinai, from fourth Egyptian dynasty; byH. S. Palmer. — Baldwin, J. D. Pre-historic nations. ’74 706.23 — Barnes’ brief history of ancient peoples. Illus. 1881 727.17 Same, [also] Mediaeval and modern peoples. Illus. 1883 738.18 — Donnelly, I. Atlantis: the ante-diluvian world. 1882 724.19 — Herodotus. See under his name. — Keary, C. F. The dawn of history 717.6 — Lenormant. F. Beginnings of history, to the deluge. 1883 746.3 — Lord, J. Ancient states and empires. ’69 745.14 — Plutarch. Lives [of ancient Greeks and Romans] 604.5 and 604.6 — Rawlinson, G. Five great ancient mon- archies [Chaldea, Assyria, Babylon, Media and Persia]. 3 v. 1873 715.5 Manual of ancient history. 1869 713.4 Seventh great oriental monarchy: Sas- sanian, or new Persian empire. 2 v. 1882 732.15 Sixth great oriental monarchy [Par- thiaj. 1873 706.11 HISTORY. 123 HOLLEY. History, continued. — Rollin, C. Ancient history [to the Ro- man empire.] 4 v 701.2 — Smith, P. Ancient history of the East; student’s series. 1871 701.1 Smaller ancient history of the East. ’72 715.15 — Smith, W. Old testament history [to B. C. 400]. 1871 : 706.17 — Strickland, A. True stories from an- cient history. Juv 716.19 — Thalheimer, M. E. Manual of ancient history, [cop. 1872] 744.7 Mediaeval History. See Middle ages; also, Chivalry; Crusades. Modern History. — Arnold, T. Lectures on. 1857 705.7 — Disraeli, I. First sources of In 308.11.1 — Draper, J. W. Intellectual develop- ment of Europe 904.16 — Freeman, E. A. General European his- tory. [cop. 1882] 727.13 — Gage, W. L. Modem historical atlas. 1869 *B.12 — Guizot, F. History of civilization in Eu- rope. 4 v 903.6 — Lord, J. Modern history, from Luther to Napoleon, [cop. 1877] 727.6 — Mackenzie, R. The 19th century. 1880 724.2 — Memorabilia of the 17t]i century In 1001.9.1 — Morris, E. E., ed'r. Epochs of modern history, v. 1-14 743.5 Contents. — v. 1. Era of the Protestant revolution by F. Seebohm. 2. ‘ rusades, by G. W. Cox. 3. Thirty years’ war, 1618-1648, by S. R. Gardiner. 4. Houses of Lancaster and York, with conquest and loss of France, by J. Gairdner. 6. French revolution and first empire, by W. O. C. Morris. 6. Age of Anne, by E. E. Morris 7. Fall of the Stuarts, by E. Hale. 8. The first two Stu- arts and the Puritan revolution, 1603-1660, by S. R. Gardiner. 9. Early Plantagenets. by W. Stubbs. 10. Age of Elizabeth, by M. Creighton. v. 11. War of American independence, by J. M. Ludlow, v. 12. Nor- mans in Europe, by A. H. Johnson, v. 13. Frederick the great and the seven years’ war, by F. W. Longman, v. 14. Epoch of reform, by J. McCarthy. — Smyth, W. Lectures on modem his- tory [to 1783]. 2 v. 1854 724.5 — Strickland, A. True stories from. Illus. 716.20 — Taylor, W. C. Manual of. 1850 744.6 — Thalheimer, M. E. Manual of mediae- val and modem history, [cop. 1874]. . 725.1 Note.— For the histories of particular countries, see their names. See also , for related subjects, Biography ; Chronolo- gy ; Church history; Crusades; Classical dictionaries; Fine arts; Geography; Government and politics; Liter- ature; Man (Pre-historic.) For the history of any subject, such as Architecture ; Fine arts, etc., see the name of the subject. History of a crime. [Coup d’ etat, 1851]. Hugo, Victor 732.14 Hitchcock, E. Elementary geology. 1847 . 801.15 — Geology of the globe, etc. 1856 836.4 — The phenomena of the four seasons. ’61. 801.6 — The religion of geology and its connec- ted sciences. 1890 406.30 Hitchcock, E. Religious truth illustrated from science. 1857 417.3 — and E., jr. Anatomy and physiology. 1873..' 807.15 Hitherto. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Fict.. 8.32 Hive and honey-bee. Langstroth, L. L. ’62 807.18 Hoaryhead and McDonner. Abbott, J. 433.30.4 Hobson, A. H. G. Amateur mechanic’s hand-book. 1877 -836.25 Hodder, E. Old Merry’s travels on the continent. 1873 26.37 Hodder, G. Personal reminiscences. 1883 In 612.18 Hodge, A.. A. Life of Charles Hodge. ’80. 637.19 Hodge, C. What is Darwinism. 1874 808.30 — Hodge, A. A. Life of. 1880 637.19 Hodgson, W. B. Errors in the use of Eng- lish. 1882 318.22 Hoey. Mrs. C. A golden sorrow. 1872. . . . 36.247 — Out of court. 1874 36.248 Hoffman, C. F. The administration of J a- cob Leisler [in colonial New York]Jn 601.1.3 Hoffmann, Prof. Parlor amusements, etc. 837.28 Hoffmann, Frederick. Chemical analysis as applied to the examination of me- dicinal chemicals. 1877 831.5 Hogan, M . P. : a novel. Laff an, May 52.10 Hoge, W. J. Blind Bartimeus. [cop. ’58] . 406.19 Hohensteins, The. Spielhagen, Friedrich. 11.27 Holbrook, A. The normal; or, methods of teaching the common branches. 1872. 413.6 Holden, E. S. Life of Sir W. Herschel. 1881 624.15 Hole, S. R. Book about roses. 1883 842.25 Holiday tour in Europe, [1878]. Cook, Joel 522.23 Holidays on high lands. MacMillan, H. . 824.9 Holland, Sir U. Recollections of past life. 1872 602.15 Holland, H. S. The apostolic fathers. ’79.. 423.14.1 Holland, J. G. [Timothy Titcomb.] Arthur Bonnicastle. 1873 142.23 — Bay-path: tale of New England colonial life. [1857] 3.8 — Bitter-sweet, a poem. 1873 204.16 — Every-day topics. 1876 325.7 — Gold-foil, hammered from popular prov- erbs. 1859 408.34 — Kathrina. [Poem] 203.17 — Lessons in life. 1862 302.11 — Letters to the Joneses. 1863 302.10 — Letters to young people, single and mar- ried. 1859 405.22 — Life of Abraham Lincoln. 1866 603.8 — The marble prophecy, and other poems. 203.19 — Miss Gilbert’s career. 1882 58.7 — Mistress of the manse. [Poem.] 1875. . . 215.7 — Nicholas Minturn. 1877 144.7 — Puritan’s guest, and other poems . 1881 215.11 — Seven oaks : a story of to-day. 1875 15.25 — [Biog. sketch and portrait]. 1881... In 1006.4.23 Holland. Abbott, J. Rollo in Holland. 21.17 — Adams, W. T. Dikes and ditches. Juv. 73.4.4 — Amicis, E. de. Holland and its people. 1881 517.9 — Charles, Mrs. E. Liberation of. Fict 408.20 — Eddy, D. C. Paris to Amsterdam. Juv . 1882 515.13.3 — History of H. to 1697. [Univ. hist., v. 27-8] *708.1 — Motley, J. L. History of the United Netherlands, [1584-1609]. 4 v. 1871.. 704.4 Life and death of John of Barneveld, 2 v. 1874 634.1 Rise of the Dutch republic, [1555-84] . 3 v. 1856 704.5 — Satchel guide to Europe. N. Y., 1876... 524.7 — Scudder, II. E. Bodley grandchildren in Holland. Juv. 1884 531.1.1 — Waring, J. E .,jr. A farmer’s vacation.’73 511.9 Seo also Netherlands ; also in biography lives of William the silent and William of Orange. Hollands, The. Townsend, V. F. Fict.. 64.19 Holley, Marietta. Josiah Allen’s wife; or, Samantha at the Centennial. 1880.. 148.1 — My opinions, and Betsey Bobbet’s. » 875 18.22 — My wayward pardner; or, my trials with Josiah. 1882 148.5 HOLLOWAY. 124 HOME. Holloway, L. C. The ladies of the White House. Illus. 1881 628.20 Holly, H. H. Modern dwellings. 1878... 841.27 Holmby house. Melville, G. J. W 36.396 Holmes, E. Life of Mozart, with corres- pondence. 1845 612.3 Holmes, Mrs. M. J. Cameron pride. 1881 135.11 — Chateau D’Or. 1880 135.13 — Cousin Maude, and Rosamond. 1871 . . 11.5 — Daisy Thornton, and Jessie Graham. ’78 144.18 — Darkness and daylight. 1872 135.10 — Dora Deane, and Maggie Miller. 1884. 135.6 — Edith Lyle, etc. [cop. ’76] 142.16 — Edna Browning. 1883 135.7 — The English orphans. 1871 11.6 — Ethelyn’s mistake. 1871 11.7 — Forrest house. 1879 135.12 — Homestead on the hillside. 1871 11.9 — Hugh Worthington. 1871 11.8 — Lena Rivers. 1871 11.11 — Madeline. 1881 135.14 — Marian Grey. 1874 135.5 — Meadow brook. 1874 135.8 — Mildred. 1877 137.28 — Millbank. 1871 11.4 — Rose Mather. 1872 135.9 — Tempest and sunshine. 1871 11.10 — West lawn, and Rector of St. Marks. . .. 135.4 Holmes, Mead., jr. Holmes, M. Memoir of. 1864 601.3 Holmes, N. Authorship of Shakespeare. ’76 325.29 Holmes, O. W. Astrsea: the balance of illusions. [Poem]. 1850 215.12 — The autocrat of the breakfast-table. ’72 303.9 — Currents and counter-currents in medi- cal science, [cop. 1861] 803.27 — Elsie Yenner; a romance of destiny. ’71. 3.15 — Grandmother’s story and other poems. 1883 215.14 — Guardian angel, [cop. ’67] 3.16 — Iris In 303.8 and 304.16.7 — Iron gate and other poems. 1880 215.13 — John Lothrop Motley; a memoir. 1879. 631.2 — Mechanism in thought and morals. 187 1 402.12 — Pages from an odd volume of life: essays, 1857-81. 1883 326.10 Contents.— Bread and the newspaper. My hunt after “the captain.” The inevitable trial. The physiology of walking. The seasons. The human body and its management. Cinders from the ashes. Mechanism in thought and morals. The physiology of versification. Crime and automatism. Jonathan Edwards. The pul- pit and the pew. — The poet at the breakfast-table. 1872. . 303.10 — Poetical works, [cop. 1877] 202.1 — The professor at the breakfast-table; with the story of Iris. 1872 303.8 — R. W. Emerson. (Am. men of letters).’85 624.12.7 — Brown, E. E. Life of. 1884 644.3 — Haweis, H. R. American humorists. ’83. 326.7 — Kennedy, W. S. Life of. 1883 627.10 — Poets’ homes, v. 2 622.6 — Stedman, E.C. [Sketch]. 1885.. .In 1006.4.29 — Whittier, J. G. Mirth and medicine. ... 1001.7.2 Holmes, O. W., jr. The common law. [A general view]. 1881 913.23 Holmes, W. and Barber, J. W. Emblems and allegories. 1849 408.10 Holst, H. von. Constitutional and politi- cal history of the United States, v. 1-5. 1877-’85 913.3 Contents. — v. 1. 1750-1833. State sovereignty and slavery. 2. 1818-1846. Jackson’s administration— annex- ation of Texas. 3. 1846-18:0. Annexation of Texas — compromise of 1850. 4. 1850-1854. Compromise of 1850 — Kansas-Nebraska bill. 5. 1854-1856. Kansas-Nebras- ka bill— Buchanan’s election. — John C. Calhoun. [Am. statesmen]. ’82 626.4.3 Holy and profane states. Fuller, T 417.30 Holy land. See Palestine. Holy living. Taylor, Jeremy 441.21 Holy Roman empire. Bryce, J. 1877 : 716.16 Holy Spirit. Philip, R. Love of the. 1836 411.2 Holyo4Ke, G. J. Co-operation in England, 1812-78. 2 v 912.5 Homans, I. S. Manual for notaries and bank- ers. See Wedgewood, W. B 908.8 Home, D. D. Incidents in my life [Spirit- ualism]. 1863 618.7 Home, H., Lord Kames. Elements of criti- cism 325.16 Home, The. [Building, etc.] Gardner, E. C. Homes and how to make them... 805.22 — Hlustrated homes. 1875 805.21 — Hartshorne, H. Our homes. (Am. health primer) 833.14.9 — Stockton, F. R. and M. The home: where it should be and what to put in it. 1873 805.5 See also Architecture ( Domestic ) ; Garden- ing ; also below , titles beginning with ‘Home. 1 Home and family life. Emerson, R. W. Domestic life In 332.15 — Hall, J. Christian home. 1883 433.15 — J ackson, H. H. Bits of talk about home matters. 1873 307.17 — Percy anecdotes 312.1 — Stowe, H. B. House and home papers. 1867 306.11 Little foxes. 1872 332.18 See also Domestic economy ; Household art, etc. Home as found; sequel to ‘Homeward bound’ Cooper, J. F 2.17 Home at Greylock. Prentiss, E. 1876 53.23 Home, Ballads of. Baker, G. M., ed’r 212.2 Home book of pleasure and instruction. Valentine, R 811.5 Home book of poetry. Estes, D. 1882 212.7 Home books [Appletons’]. 12 v. 1. Oakey, A. F. Building a home. 1883. 851.17 2. Church, E. R. How to furnish a home 851.13 3. — Home garden. 1881 851.24 4. Oakey, A. F. Home grounds. 1881. 851.18 5. Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. W. Ameni- ties of home. 1881 426.28 6. — Home amusements 847.15 7. Rees, J. E. R. Home decoration. ’81 824.6 8. Babcock, Mrs. E. W. Household hints. 1884 847.16 9. Rees, J. E. R. Home occupations. 847.17 10. Church, E. R. Home needle. 1882.851.19 11. Matthews, J. B. Home library. 1883.. 426.34 12. Guernsey, A. H. and Davis, I. P. Health at home. 1884 844.15 Home comforts. Freedley, E. T. 1879 .... 838.43 Home influence. Aguilar, G. Fict 36.1 Home interiors. Gardner, E. C 835.2 Home life in Germany. Brace, C. L. 1853 . 504.32 Home life in song. [Selections]. 1879 211.27 Home life, Journal of a. Sewell, Eliza W. 36.509 HOME. 125 HORACE. Home of God’s people. [Bible lands]. Gage, W. L. 1874 513.22 Home of Washington. Lossing, B. J 628.15 Home, or family cares and joys. Bremer, F. 17.32 Home; or, the iron rule. Ellis, Mrs. S. S. . 132.13 Home! or, the pilgrims’ faith revived. Tor- rey, C. T. 1845 408.7 Home reading, Papers for. Hall, J. 1873 . 308.6 Home recreations [in science] and foreign travel. Juv 28.4 Home scenes and heart studies. Aguilar, Grace 64.10 Home stories. Grimm, J. and W 22.23 Homer. [Homeras.] Batrachomuomachia; or, the battle of the frogs and mice. Tr. by T. Parnell In 203.4 — Hymns. Tr. by P. B. Shelley In 212.11 — Iliad. From [Greek] text of Wolf; with English notes and Flaxman’s designs Ed. by C. C. Felton. 1834 204.14 — Hiad. Tr. into English blank verse by W.C. Bryant. 2 v. 1873 204.6 — Iliads, and Odysseys. Tr. by George Chapman 218.9 — Hiad. [Outlined and explained] by W. L. Collins 1020.19 — Iliad. Rendered into Eng. blank verse by Edward, earl of Derby. Illus 217.29 — Hiad. Tr. by Alex. Pope v. 1-2 of 1020.7 — Hiad. Book 1. Tr. by T. Tickell . . . In 203.4 — Odyssey. Tr. into English blank verse by W.C. Bryant. 1873 204.15 — Odyssey. Done into prose by S. H. Butcher and A. Lang. 1882 211.17 — Odyssey. [Outlined and explained] by W. L. Collins. 1874 1020.20 — Odyssey. Tr. by Alex. Pope 1020.7.3 — Arnold, M. On translating Homer .. In 302.4 — Church, A. J. Stories from Homer. ’78. 45.9 — DeQuincey, T. Homer and the Homer- idse. 1859 In 302.18.1 — Froude, J. A. Homer In 307.21.1 — Gladstone, W. E. Juventus mundi; gods and men of the heroic age 433.24 Homer. [Literature primer] 314.1.6 Place of, in history (Littell’s. v. 121-2) *1006.2 Time and place of, 1876 715.20 — Lessing, G. E. [Analysis of Homer’s art.] In his Laocoon 852.19 — Mahaffy, J. P. Greeks of the Homeric age In 717.5 Note.— The Homeric poems and personality of Homer are discussed in Grote’s Greece v. 1, chap. 21, and the Legend of Troy in v. 2, chap . 15. See also Troy. Homes. See Home; also, titles beginning with Home. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets. Howitt, W. Illus 615.15 Homes of American statesmen. Illus. 1855. 617.9 Homes of the new wdrld, [1853-4]. Bre- mer, F. 2 v 506.7 Homes without hands. [Animal.] Wood, J. G. 1870 806.21 Homestead on the hillside. Holmes, M. J. 11.9 Homeward bound. Cooper, J. F 2.18 Homiletics, See Preaching. Homo sum. [Early anchorites]. Ebers, G. 48.24 Homo versus Darwin. 1872 812.13 Homceopathy. Hahnemann, S. Organon of the art of healing. 1881 825.5 — Laurie, J. Homoeopathic domestic medicine. Ed. by R. J. McClatchey. [cop. 1871] 846.13 Homoselle. Tiernan, M. F. 1881 141.29 HoNEY-bee. See Bees. Honorable surrender. Adams, M. Fict. ’83 54.6 Honourable Miss Ferrard. Laft'an, May .’81 54.2 Hood, E. P. Life of Robert Hall. 1881 ... 622.10.4 — ed'r. World of anecdote. 4 v. 1875-8.. 317.7 Contents.— v. 1. Ways of doing good. Adventure. Science. 2. Things clerical. Lawyers. Human folly. 3. Martyrs. The bible. Prayer. 4. Christian life. Preachers and preaching. Noble women. Hood, J. B. Advance and retreat. Person- al experiences in the United States and Confederate States armies. 1880 . 731.1 Hood, Paxton. Life of Cromwell. 1833.. 626.14 — Scottish characteristics. 1883 501.11 Hood, Robin, English outlaw. James, G. P. R. Forest days. Fict 36.263 — Scott, Sir W. Ivanhoe 12.9 — Timbs, J. Abbeys, castles, etc . [Story of.] 501.10.3 Hood, Thomas. Works; ed. by E. Sargent v. 4-6. Hlus. 1873 307.22 Contents.— v. 4. Our family : a domestic novel, Comic miscellany. Autobiographical papers. Appendix. 5. Up the Rhine. Romances and extravagances. 6. Whims and oddities. National tales. Humorous tales. — Choice works. Illus 315.14 Contents. — Memoir. Early essays and sketches. Odes and addresses to great people. Whims and oddi- ties. Minor poems. Contributions to the Gem. Cream of the comic annuals. National tales. — Poetical works. 1873 202.9 — Tylney hall. 1873 34.16 — Whims and oddities 314.18 — Memorials; ed. by his daughter. 2 v. ’60 . 606.10 — Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets 215.6 — Whipple, E. P. Essays, v. 2 303.6 See also Atlantic, v. 6; Harper’s m., vols. 22, 26, 39. Hooker, J. D. Botanv. (Science prim- ers.) 1877 828.20.8 Hooker, Richard. Walton, I. Life of . . . 606.25 Hooker, W. Child’s book of nature. 1872 . 802.2 Hooper, L., edr.. Lady’s book of flowers and poetry. With floral dictionary. 1863 204.3 Hooper, Mrs. L. H. Tsar’s window. 1881 . 141.26 — Under the tri-color. 1880 53.26 Hoopes, J. Book of evergreens : a practi- cal treatise on the coniferse or cone- bearing plants. (cop.. 1868) 811.10 Hoosier school-boy. Eggleston, E. Juv. 82.21 Hoosier schoolmaster. Eggleston, E 8.33 Hope, A. R. Book about boys. 1869 306.19 — Book about dominies. 1869 306.10 — My schoolboy friends. 1870 78.6 Hope, G. H. Till the doctor comes and how to help him. 1871 814.34 Hope, T. Anastasius; or, memoirs of a Greek. Fict» . . 144.1 Hope, Pleasures of. [Poem.] Campbell, T. 217.10 Hope and have. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.2.5 Hope Leslie. Sedgewick, C. M 132.6 Hopeless case. Fawcett, E 48.16 Hopes and fears. Yonge, C. M 36.606 Hopkins, Mark. Evidences of Christianity 416.12 — Law of love, and love as a law. 1878. . 441.2 — Moral science. 1871 406.11 — Outline study of man. 1873 402.20 — Strength and beauty. Discussions for young men. 1874 416.7 Hoppin, J. M. Old England: its scenery, art and people. 1872 508.13 Hoppin, Mary A. M. A great treason: a story of the war of independence. ’83 56.18 Horace [Quintus Horatius Flaccus]. Works; tr. by P. Francis. 2v 1020.2 HORACE. 126 HOW. Hokace, continued. — Works, literally tr. by C. Smart. ’72 208.12 — Odes and epodes; tr. into English verse by E. Bulwer-Lytton. 1869 214.7 — Dryden, J. Translations from In 206.22 — Horace [outlined and explained] by G. Martin 1^0.24 Horace Templeton. Lever, Charles 36.521 House subsecivse. Rab and his friends, etc. Brown, John 327.2 Horn, F. W. History of the literature of the Scandinavian North. Tr. by R. H. Anderson. 1884 321.9 Horne, R. H. New spirit of the age. [Bio- graphies]. 1844 306.9 Horner, Susan and Joanna. Walks in Flor- ence. 2 v. Illus. 1873... 525.24 Horry, P. and Weems, M. L. Life of Gen. F. Marion. 1872 601.10 Horse. Anecdotes of the In 1008.1.1 — Cole, J. R. Horse’s foot and how to shoe it. 1879 831.22 — Dadd, G. H. American reformed horse- book. 1880 836.17 The modern horse doctor. 1854 804.3 — Herbert, W. H. Hints to horse-keepers. 813.13 — Loring, G. B. Agriculture and the 813.11 — McClure, R. Gentlemen’s stable guide. [cop. 1870] 835.9 — Mavhew, E. Illustrated horse doctor. ’80 834.26 — Miles, W. The horse’s foot. 1856 804.4 — Murray, W. H. H. The perfect horse . . 813.11 — Youatt, W. On the horse. 1864 825.4 — Walsh, J. H. [ Stonehenge ]. The horse in the stable, etc. [cop. 1871] 824.28 — Woodruff, H. Trotting horse of Ameri- ca. 1871 808.14 Horsemanship. Anderson, E. L. On horse- back. 1882 824.20 — Durant, G. Horse-back riding, from a medical point of view. 1878 823.1 — Karr, Mrs. E. American horsewoman. 844.36 HoRSE-shoe Robinson. Kennedy, J. P . Fict 64.6 Hortense, queen of Holland. Abbott, J. S. C. History of. 1870 611.13 — Mundt, C. M. Queen Hortense. Fict. 47.22 — Napoleon dynasty 604.11 Horticulture. See Gardening. Horticulturist, The. v. 5-8. 1855-8. 4v. in 3 *8501.6 Horton, C. W. Architecture for general students. 1874 818.7 Horton, R. G. Life of James Buchanan. 1856 602.12 Hosmer, J. K. Samuel Adams. [Life of.] 1885 626.4.13 Hospital sketches. Alcott, Louisa M. 1873 26.41 Hospitals. New York state charities aid association. Hand-book for . 1883 . 842.37 See also Insanity; Nursing. Hot plowshares. Tourgee, A. W. Fict. . . 146.24 Hotel du Petit St. Jean. 1871. Fid 36.249 Hotel life, Law of. Rogers, H.Y.,jr. 1879 912.31 Houdin, Robert. Conjuring and magic. ’78 832.29 — Memoirs, by himself. 1859 606.7 Hough, F. B. Elements of forestry. 1882 841.29 — Report on forestry. 1878 . 831.1 Houghton, R. C. Women of the Orient.’77 518.13 Houghton, W. Natural history of the an- cients 842.8 Hour and the man. [Toussaint L’Overture]. Martineau, H. Fict 34.26 Hours at home: a popular monthly of in- struction and recreation, v. 1-11. N. Y., 1865-70 *1006.1 Hours of exercise in the Alps. Tyndall, J. 525.25 Hours with girls. Sangster, M. E 426.25 Hours with men and books. Mathews, W. 325.31 Hours with my pupils. Phelps, Mrs. L.’59. 401.4 House, E. H. J apanese episodes. [Descrip- tive]. 1881 518.9 House and home papers. Stowe, H. B. ’69 306.11 House beautiful [household art]. Cook, Clarence. 1878 ! 848.16 HousE-building. See Architecture. House decoration. Garrett, R. and A 818.29 See also Household art. House in the glen. Juv 87.4 House in town: sequel to “Opportunities.” Warner, S 81.25 House of a merchant prince. Bishop, W. H. 53.30 House of seven gables. Hawthorne, N 135.17 House on wheels. Begon, F. de. Juv 25.23 HousE-plans for everybody. Reed, S. B. ’81 838.13 Household art and furniture. Church, E. R. How to furnish a home. 1882.. 851.13 — Cook, Clarence. The house beautiful: essays on beds and tables, stools and candlesticks. 1878 848.16 — Dewing, T. W. Beauty in the house- hold. 1882 851.15 — Eastlake, C. L. Hints on household taste. 1872 813.8 — Elliott, C. W. Book of American inte- riors [From existing houses]. Helio- type illus. 1876 *8541.6 — Harrison, C. C. Woman’s handiwork in modem homes. 1881 836.14 — Jones, C. S. and Williams, H. T. House- hold elegancies 821.27 Ladies’ fancy work. 1876 826.1 — Rees, Mrs. J. E R. Home decoration. 824.6 See also Decorative art; Domestic economy.. Household book of poetry. Dana, C. A. ’77 207.7 Household conveniences. Illus. 1884... 841.21 Household education. Martineau, H. ’67. 413.9 Household hints. Babcock, Mrs. E. W. ’84 847.16 Household of Sir Thomas More. Man- ning, A. Fict 34.20 Household puzzles. Alden, I. M 86.1 Household science, Hand-book of. You- mans, E. L. 1872 813.23 Household taste, Hints on. Eastlake, C. L. 1872 813.8 Household words. Conducted by C. Dickens. 36 v. in 18. [Lond., 1850-9] 327.13 — Same. Novels and tales from. 1856-9 11 v in 6 36.177 — Stories from. 2d ser. 1869 142.4 Housekeeping. See Domestic economy. Houses of York and Lancaster. Gairdner, J. 1875 743.5.4 Housman, H. Story of our museum 832.24 Houston, Sam, Life of. Illus. 1855 602.11 Houstoun, Mrs. M. Recommended to mer- cy. 1864 36.467 — Zoe’s brand. 1864 36.436 Hovey, H. C. Celebrated American [and other] caverns. 1882 843.2 Hovey, W. A. Mind reading and beyond. . 435.20 How a bride was won. Gerstacker, Fred . . 34.5 How could he escape. [Temperance tale.] Wright, J. M 92.16 How crops feed. Johnson, S. W. [cop. 1870] 804.9 How crops grow. Johnson, S. W. [cop. ’68] 804.10 HOW. 127 HUGHES. How he won her. Southworth, E . D. E. N. 5.20 Note .— Sequel to ‘‘Fair play.” How I managed my children. Warren, E. 844.12 How I managed my house on £200 a year. Warren, Mrs. E 844.10 How not to be sick. Bellows. A. J. 1869. 814.36 How plants grow. Gray, Asa. 1874 812.14 How the farm pays. Crozier, W. and Hen- derson, P. 1884 846.11 How to amuse an evening party. 1863 812.29 How to behave. . 1857 In 307.9 How to choose a house and furnish it at small expense. Warren, E 844.13 How to do business. 1857 In 307 9 How to do it. [Manners, etc.] Hale, E. E. 332.9 How to educate yourself. Eggleston, G. C. 402.19 How to furnish a house. Church, E. R. 851.13 How to get a farm. Morris, E. 1864 807.4 How to get strong and how to stay so. Blaikie, W. 1879 823.30 How to help the poor. Fields, Mrs. J. T. ’84 916.6 How to keep a store. Terry, S. H. 1882 . . 914.35 How to make a living. Eggleston, G. C 827.30 How to parse. Abbott, E. A 314.9 How to succeed. [Essays.] Abbott, L. ed'r. 443.32 How to succeed in life. Tulloch, J 421.9 How to tell the parts of speech. Abbott, E. A. 1881 317.24 How to understand music. Mathews,W.S.B 848.7 How to write. [Hand-book]. 1857 307.7; 307.9 How to write clearly. Abbott, E. A 317.29 How we saved the old farm. Fict 835.19 Howard, Blanche W. Aulnay Tower. 1885 58.5 — Aunt Serena. 1881 51.4 — Guenn. [Breton tale.] 1884 55.24 — One summer, [cop. 1875] 135.18 Howard, C. J. Book of conundrums and riddles. 1869 812.28 — Drawing-room theatricals 812.26 Howard, H., ear l of Surrey. Poems 203.7 Howard, Marion. Fred’s hard fight. [Tem- perance tale]. 1874 92.14 Howe, E. W. Mystery of the Locks [a. house]. 1885 * 57.28 — Story of a country town. 1885 57.27 Howe, Joseph W. Winter homes for inva- lids. 1875 828.32 Howe, Julia W. Margaret Fuller. [Life, etc.] 1883 627.1.5 — ecTr. Sex and education. 1874 412.7 Howe, Maud. Newport aquarelle. Fict. 55.7 — San Rosario ranch. 1884 57.5 Howells, W. D. Chance acquaintance. ’73 63.7 — Dr. Breen’s practice. 1881 51.5 — Fearful responsibility; At the sign of the Savage; Tonelle’s marriage. 1881... 141.30 — Foregone conclusion. 1877 52.7 — Italian journeys, [1864-5] 505.25 — Lady of the Aroostook. 1879 144.19 — A modem instance. 1882 53.17 — Out of the question: a comedy 208.1 — Suburban sketches. 1871 306.6 — Their wedding journey 4.11 — Three villages [Lexington, Shirley, Gna- denhuttenj. 1884 522.6 — The undiscovered country. [Future life. 1 1880 48.19 — Venetian life, [1866]. 1874 508.5 — A woman’s reason. 1883 55.15 — Century m. jBiog. sketch]. 1882. . In 1006.4.23 — Stoddard, R. H. and others. Poets’ homes 622.6.1 Howitt, A. M. Art-student in Munich, [1850-2]. 1853 508.12 Howitt, Mary. Alice Franklin 91 1 — Favorite scholar and other tales. 1868 . 22.2 — Heir of Wast-Wayland. 1855 131.17 — Little coin, much care 91.2 — My uncle the clock-maker ... 91.3 — New story book. 1866 78.29 — No sense like common sense 91.4 — Peter Drake’s dream, etc. 1866 78.30 — Sowing and reaping. Fict 91.5 — Story of a genius 91.6 — Strive and thrive 91.7 — Two apprentices 91.8 — Which is the wiser 91.9 — Who shall be greatest 91.10 — Work and wages 91.11 Howitt, William. Book of the seasons. ’42 306.28 — Boy’s adventures in Australia. 1855 25.20 — Country book [pleasures and pursuits]. . 315.15 — Hall and the hamlet. 2 v. 1848 135.1 — Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets. Ulus 615.15 — Jack of the mill; a fireside story 74.2 — Woodburn Grange 135.21 — and M. Stories of English and foreign life. 1853 :... 14.9 Howleglass, the merry jester [German Howson, J. S. Character of Saint Paul. ’73 402.25 — Life and epistles of St. Paul. See Cony- beare, W. J 418.1 Hoyle, Edm. Hoyle’s games. 1872 816.11 Hoyt, J. G. Addresses, lectures and re- views. 1863 303.12 Hoyt, J. K. and Ward, A. L. Cyclopaedia of practical quotations. 1882 *E.10 Hozier, H. M. The seven weeks’ war. [Aus- tria and Prussia in 1876]. 2 v 727.12 Hubbard, F. M. Life of W. R. Davie. [Sparks’ Am. biog., 2d ser., v. 15] 601.1 Hubbell, M. S. Shady side; or, life in a country parsonage. 1853 8.18 Hubert. Abbott, J. (Juno stories) 83.11.3 Hue, E. R. Journey through Tartary, Thi- bet and China, 1844-6. 1852 In 502.21 — Journey through the Chinese empire. 2 v. 1855 505.8 Huckleberry Finn, Adventures of. Clem- ens, S. L. 1885 47.43 Hudibras. [Satirical poem.] Butler, S . . . 202.6 Hudson, F. History of journalism in the United States. 1873 312.2 Hudson, H. N. Classical English reader. 1878 314.11 — Lectures on Shakspeare. 2 v. [cop. ’48] 304.7 — Shakespeare: his life, art, and charac- ters. 2 v 204.19 Hudson, Henry. Adventures of. ’73. Juv. 606.31 Hudson, Mrs. M. C. See Ames, M. C. Hugh Worthington. Holmes, Mrs. M. J. 11.8 Hughes, G. E. Hughes, T. Memoir of a brother. 1873 608.17 Hughes, J., archbishop. Hassard, J. R. G. Life of. 1866 608.11 — and, Breckinridge, Rev. J. Oral discus- sion. [cop. 1836] 418.17 Hughes, R. W. The currency question. ’79 914.11 Hughes, S. Gas works and the distribu- tion of coal gas. 1871 814.38 — Waterworks for cities and towns. 1872. 814.39 HUGHES. 128 HUMOR. Hughes, T. Alfred the great. 1871 608.16 — Manliness of Christ. 1880 421.19 — Memoir of a brother, [George E.] 1873 608.17 — Scouring of the White Horse. 1859 17.30 Note.— A festival in memory of Alfred’s victory over t>liG Danes — Tom Brown at Oxford. 2 v. 1870 5.18 — Tom Brown’s school days [at Rugby] ’72 5.17 — True manliness. 1880 425.23 — ed'r. Gone to Texas. Letters from our boys. 1884 522.8 Hughes, W. C. The American miller and millwright’s assistant. 1859 804.25 Hugo, Victor. Claude Gueux: the last day of a condemned man. 1871 34.35 — Gavroche; the gamin of Paris. From “Les miserables,” tr. by M. C. Pyle. 4.26 — History of a crime. [Coup d’ etat of ’51] . 732.14 — The hunchback of Notre Dame. 34.10 — Les miserables. Fict 61.13 — The man who laughs. 1869 61.15 — Ninety-three. [French revolution; La Vendee.] 1874 31.5 — Toilers of the sea. Fict. 1873 34.11 — Barbou, A. Life of. 1882 625.5 Hugo Blanc, the artist. Griswold, V. M. Fict. 1867 5.3 Huguenot family. Keddie,* H. [ Sarah Tytler .] 17.24 Huguenots, The. James, G. P. R. Fict. 131.20 Huguenots. Baird, H. M. Rise of the Huguenots in France, (1512-74). 2 v. 745.4 — Lord, J. Henry of Navarre, [or] The Huguenots In 735.6.3 — Parkman, F. Pioneers of France, etc. [Huguenots in Florida and Brazil] . .736.15.1 — Smiles, S. Huguenots in England and Ireland. [Added]. Huguenots inAmer- ica. 1872 706.19 The Huguenots m France after revo- cation of the edict of Nantes 744.10 Huish, M. B. The year’s art. Hand-book for 1881. [Great Britain and Ireland] 837.20 Hullah, John. Music in the house 827.20 Hulme, F. E. Mathematical drawing in- struments. [How to use]. 1882 842.5 Human body. Le Pileur, A. Wonders of. 802.20 — Martin, H. N. The human body. 1881. 837.13 — Object lessons on. By three New York teachers. 1883 432.20 See also Anatomy; Physiology. Human destiny. See Civilization and pro- gress; Future life; Man. Human intellect, The. Porter, N. 1872... 434.7 Human intercourse. Hamerton, P. G. ' ’84 323.1 Human life. Graham, S. Science of. 2 v. 1839 805.19 Human life in Shakespeare. Giles, H 318.23 Human race. See Man. Human rights. Hurlbut, E. P. 1850 903.11 Human society. Huntington, F. D. 1860 . 431.19 Human species. Quatrefages, A. de. ’79 815.4.27 Human understanding. Locke, J. Essay on ; 417.26 Humanity in the city. Chapin, E. H. [1854] 407.11 Humboldt, A. von. Cosmos: a sketch of a physical description of the universe. 5 v. 1856 801.1 — Travels in equinoctial America. [1799- 1804], etc.; condensed by W. Macgil- lioray 527.1 Humboldt, W. von. Sphere and duties of government. 1854 911.10 — Schlesier, G. Life of. 1854 611.37 Hume, David. Essays; literary, moral, and political 317.17 — History of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the abdication of James II., 1688. 6 v. 1853 703,2 Same; student’s series. Abridged and continued to 1851. Illus 743.10 — Huxley, T. H. [Life, etc]. 1879 616.11.5 — Lewes, G. H. Biog. history of philoso- phy 427.1 Humming birds. Adams, H. G. CoVd illus. 822.23 — Wallace, A. R. Tropical nature, etc 825.17 Humok, wit, and the comic. Philosophy , etc. — Cox, S. S. Why we laugh. 1876 332.25 — Emerson, R. W. The comic In 332.23 — Macbeth, J. W. V. Might and mirth of literature 325.1 — Spencer, H. Physiology of laughter In 404.13 — Whipple, E. P. Ludicrous side of life . In 303.3 Biographical etc. — Haweis, H. R. American humorists. I ’83] 326.7 — Thackeray, Wm. English humorists of the 18th century 301.12.4 and 302.15 — Thomson, K. B. and J. C. Wits and beaux of society 613.17 Collections. — Book of blunders [verbal] 311.33 — Brown, M. Wit and humor. 1880 315.7 — Finod, J. de. Thousand flashes of French wit, etc 315.18 — Lemon, Mark. The jest book 315.8 — Little classics, v. 5. Laughter 304.16 — Oldham, O. Humorous speaker 325.33 — Watterson, H., ed'r. Oddities of south- ern life and character 318.25 See also Caricature ; Aphorisms ; Dramas. Humorous and Comic Works. — A’Beckett, G. A. Comic Blackstone. . . 911.30 — Alden, W. L. Domestic explosives. 1878 315.2 — Baldwin, J. G. Flush times of Alabama and Mississippi 315.12 — Besant, W. Revolt of man. 1882 52.24 — Bradley, E. Verdant Green, Oxford freshman 74.20 — Browne, C. F. [ Artemus Ward]. Works 304.18 — Burnand, F. C. More happy thoughts. 323.10 — Cervantes, M. de. Don Quixote. [Satire on knight-errantry]. 4 v 45.5 — Clark, C. H. Out of the hurly-burly .. . 311.2 — Clemens, S. L. [ Mark Twain]. Huck- leberry Finn. 1885 47.43 Innocents abroad. 1872 507.5 Roughing it. 1872 502.1 Stolen white elephant, etc. 1882 146.12 Tom Sawyer. 1876 82.10 Tramp abroad. 1880 513.15 — Cockton, H. Sylvester Sound, the som- nambulist 42.38 Valentine Vox, the ventriloquist 134.30 — Coffin, R. B. [ Barry Gray.] Cakes and ale at Woodbine. 1872 48.8 Matrimonial infelicities, etc. 1866... 142.11 My married life at Hillside. 1872 45.21 Out of town : a rural episode. 1867 . . 142.3 — Klencke, P. F. H. Life. 1854 611.37 — Taylor, B. Life, travels, and books. ’59. 607.19 HUMOR. 129 HUNT. Humor, wit, etc., continued. — Cozzens, F. S. Sayings of Dr. Bush- whacker 314.23 Sparrowgrass papers. 1856 304.5 — Curtis, G. W. Potiphar papers. 1854. . 8.26 — De Mille, J. American baron 61.32 Dodge club. 1875 64.15 — Derby, G. H. Phoenixiana 304.10 — Dickens, C. Pickwick papers. . . .1.4 and 136.80 — Doyle, R. Foreign tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones, and Robinson. /Kws. *8521.28 — Gray, W. T. Bad boy’s diary 53.28 — Green peas from Invisible’s patch. 1856 15.15 — Guthrie, F. A. Vice versa. 1882 53.19 — Haliburton, T. C. Nature and human nature 16.2 Sam Slick in England 16.1 Sam Slick in search of a wife 16.3 Sam Slick’s sayings and doings 16.4 — Harte, Bret. Condensed novels. 1877. 311.24 — Holley, M. My opinions, and Betsey Bobbet’s. 1875 18.22 My wayward pardner. 1882 148.5 Samantha at the Centennial. 1880 148.1 — Holmes, O. W. Autocrat of the break- fast-table. 1872 303.9 Poet at the breakfast-table 303.10 Professor at the breakfast-table 303.8 — Hood, Thomas. Choice works 315.14 — Irving, W. Knickerbocker’s history of • New York 306.5 — Jenkins, E. Ginx’s baby 308.28 and 36.274 — Jerrold, D. Fireside saints; Mr. Cau- dle’s breakfast talk, etc 306.30 Men of character 36.275 Mrs. Caudle’s curtain lectures 306.12 — Leland, H. P. Grey-bay mare and other humorous sketches 311.1 — Longstreet, A. B. Georgia scenes. 1873 64.9 — Mahony, F. Reliques of Father Prout. 307.11 — Mayhew, H. and A. Greatest plague of life [in search of a good servant] 53.20 — Mrs. Limber’s raffle; or, a church fair and its victims. 1882 146.15 — Neal, A. B. Widow Bedott papers 8.15 — Paulding, J. K. The Bulls and the Jon- athans 332.24 — Peacock, T. L. Headlong hall and Nightmare abbey. 1848 141.2 — Raspe, R. E. Baron Munchausen 8.20 — Reynard the fox. [From the German ]. In 313.27 — Sarcey, F. Miseries of Fo Hi 55.10 — Shaw, H. W. j Josh Billing sj. Writings.. 323.18 — Sherwood, J. D. Comic history of the United States. 1870 721.5 — Shillaber, B. P. Ike Partington and his friends. 1879 311.32 Partingtonian patch work \ . 323.8 — Smith, H Gaieties and gravities. 1852. 301.3 — Smith, Seba. Life and letters of Major Jack Downing. 1833 311.31 “ Way down East.” 55.31 — Smith, Sydney. Wit and wisdom of. 1870 303.11 — Sterne, Laurence. Tristram Shandy . . . 36.513 — Swift, J. Gulliver’s travels. 1869 62.2 — Tangletown letters. 1856 15.5 — Thompson, M. M. Doesticks and what he says. 1855 31.4 — Thompson, W. T. Major Jones’ chroni- cles of Pineville 44.30 Major Jones’ courtship and travels .... 44.29 - Tyler* M. C. Brawnville atheletic club. 325.9 — Verne, J. Tribulations of a Chinaman 45.7 1 Humor, wit, etc., continued. — Warner, C. D. My summer in a garden. 1872 ... 301.31 See also under the following names: Addison, J. [Essays] ; Dickens, C. [Novels] ; Galt, J. [Novels] ; Lamb, C. [Works] ; Thackeray, W. M. [Novels and mis- cellanies] ; Smollett, T. [Novels] ; Swift, J. [Works] ; Verne, J. [Romances]. Humorous Poetry. — Adams, C. F. Leedle Yawcob Strauss. 208.31 — Adams, W. D., ed'r. Comic poets of the 19th century 217.16 — Aytoun, W. E. Firmilian: a spasmo- dic tragedy. (With Book of ballads) 208.8 — Barham, R. H. Ingoldsby legends 204.9 — Butler, S. Hudibras 202.6 — Butler, W. A. Nothing to to wear . In 1004.1.15 — Calverley, S. C. Flyleaves. [Verse].. 204.4 — Carroll, L. Hunting of the snark 215.9 Ryhme? and reason? Illus 211.38 — Combe, W. Dr. Syntax’s tours. Hlus . 213.5 — Gilbert, W. S. “Bab” ballads. 1877. . . 207.9 — Holmes, O. W. Poems 202.1 — Hood, T. Poetical works 202.9 — Lear, E. Book of nonsense. [Nonsense songs]. Illus 207.16 — Lowell, J. R. Biglow papers In 202.23 — Martin, T. Book of ballads In 208.8 — Parton, J., ed'r. Humorous poetry of the English language. 1872 201.11 — Saxe, J. G. Poems 203.22 — Smith, H. and J. Rejected addresses. 206.20 — Trumbull, J. McFingal; an epic poem. 218.10 — Universal songster. 3 v 212.10 — Whitney, A. D. T. Mother Goose for grown folks 211.20 Humphreys, A. A. Gettysburg to the Rap- idan. The army of the Potomac, July 1863 to April, 1864. 1883 741.2 — Virginia campaign of 1864-2. 1883 726.9.12 Humphry Clinker. Smollett, Tobias 36.511 Hunchback of Notre Dame. Hugo, V 34.10 Hundred greatest men. Wood, W., ed'r. Portraits. 1885 628.22 Hungary. Brace, C. L. H. in 1851. 1853 504.31 See also Austria ; also life of Kossuth. Hunnewell, J. F. Historical monuments of France. Illus. 1884 732.4 — Lands of Scott. 1871 514.1 Hunt, E. M. Alcohol as a food and medi- cine. 1877 835.29 Hunt, F. Lives of American merchants. 2 v. 1858 604.3 Contents ,—x . 1. Introductory essay, by G. R. Russell; T. H. Perkins, by T. G. Cary; T. P. Cope, by J. R. Chandler; P. C. Brooks, by E. Everett; J. G. King, by C. King; N. Brown; S. Girard; S. Ward, by C. King; M. Carey, T. Eddy; J. Goodhue; J. Peabody, by G. A. Ward; Lorillard, by W. Berrian; G. Lee, by C. M. Leupp; W. R. Jones, by W. A. Jones; S. Appleton, by E. Peabody; J. May; S. Slater, by J. L. Blake; A. Henry, by S. A. Allibone ; J. Chickering, by J. L. Blake ; A. Clapp; P. T. Jackson, by J. A. Lowell; H. Laurens; W. Parsons ; appendix to the life of Patrick T. Jackson, v. 2. E. H. Derby, by E. H Derby; Sir W. Pepperrcll, by U. Parsons; S. Allen, by W. M. Allen; Major S. Shaw ; Amos Lawrence ; Abbott Lawrence, by N. Ap- pleton; W. Lawrence, by S. K. Lothrop; J. J. Astor, by D. R. Jaques; J. Touro, by A. Walker; J. Brom- fleld, J. Quincy; H. R. W. Hill, by W. K. King; J. Brown, by G. S. Hillard; J. Hancock, by G. Mountfort; R. Morris. — ed'r. Merchants magazine, v. 1-20. ’39-’44 *905.1 Hunt, H. G. B. Concise history of music. 828.31 Hunt, Helen. See Jackson, H. H. Hunt, L. B. Hand-book of light gymnastics. 1882 824.8 17 HUNT. 130 HYMNS. Hunt, Leigh. A day by the fire, and other papers. 1870 308.2 — Essays and miscellanies. 1854 301 .9 Hunt, Robert. Poetry of science. 1854... 807.1 Hunt, T. P. Death by measure [liquor selling]. 1846 408.6 Hunt, W. History of Italy. 1874 716.23 Hunted down. Dickens, Charles 36.170 Hunter and Tom. Abbott, J. Juv 78.5.2 HuNTER-naturalist. Webber, C. W. 1852. 836.6 Hunting and shooting. Baker, S. W. Rifle and hound in Ceylon. 1869 522.28 — Baldwin, W. C. African hunting. 1863 831.10 — Batty, J. H. How to hunt and trap, ’78. 835.11 — Bogardus, A. H. Field, cover, and trap shooting, [cop. 1874] 828.12 — Cumming, G. Wild men and wild beasts 505.19 — Drummond, W. H. Large game and nat- ural history of south and south-east Africa. 1875 841.11 — Frost J. Wild scenes of a hunter’s life. 823.8 — Gillmore, P. Great thirst land. 1878.. 521.21 — Jefferies, R. Amateur poacher. 1879.. 833.30 — Levison, H. A. Sport in many lands. . . 843.12 — Meunier, Y. Great hunting grounds of the world. 1873 816.22 — Reid, M. Bruin: the bear hunt. 1878. 92.6 — Revoil, B. Hunter and trapper in North America. 1875 818.12 — Stephens, C. A. Lynx hunting. Juv . . 24.18.4 — Webber, C. W. Hunter-naturalist. ’52 836.6 See also Sports ; Trapping. Hunting of the snark. [Humorous]. Car- roll, L 215.9 Huntingdons, The. Hayward, M. L 24.11 Huntington, F. D. Human society, its pro- vidential structure, etc. 1860 431.19 Huntington, Faye, pseud. See Foster, Mrs I. H. Huntington, W. R. Conditional immortality. 421.25 Huntington, W. S. Road-master’s assis- tant. 1878 837.22 Hurlbut, E. P. Human rights and their political guaranties. 1850 903.11 Hurst, J. F. Outline of church history, to 1880 426.11 — Short history of the reformation. 1884 . 433.20 Husbands and homes. Terhune, Mrs. M. Y. 33.18 Husmann, G. American grape growing and wine making. 1880 838.20 Hutchinson, Anne. Ellis, G. E. Life. . In 601.1.6 Hutchinson, J. C. Physiology and hygiene 1873 807.16 Huth, A. H. Life and writings of H. T. Buckle. 1880 623.5 Hutton, C. Course of mathematics. 2 v. ’41 806.10 — Same. Ed. by Rutherford. 1850 812.5 Hutton, L., ed'r. American actor series. v. 1-6. Illus. 1881-2 635.18 Contents.— v. 1. Edwin Forest, by L. Barrett. 2. The Jeffersons, by W. Winter. 3. The Booths, by Mrs. A. B. Clarke. 4. Charlotte Cushman, by E. C. Clement. 5. Mrs. Duff, by J. N. Ireland. 6. Fechter, by Kate Field. Hutton, R. H. Life of Sir W. Scott. 1878 616.11.? Hutton, W. Chambers’s misc. Life ot.In 1001.8.8 Huxley, T. H. American addresses... ’76 838.34 Contents— Three lectures on evolution. An address on the occasion of the opening of the Johns Hopkins university. A lecture on the study of biology. — The crayfish; an introduction to the study of zoology. 1880 815.4.28 Huxley, T. H., continued. — Critiques and addresses. 1873 808.1 Contents . — Administrative nihilism. The school boards. On medical education. Yeast. On the forma- tion of coal. On coral and coral reefs. On the methods and results of ethnology. On some fixed points in British ethnology. Palaeontology and the doctrine of evolution. Mr. Darwin’s critics. The genealogy of animals. Bishop Berkeley on the metaphysics of sen- sation. — David Hume. (Eng. men of letters) ’79.. 616.11.5 — Elementary physiology. 1881 824.34 — Elementary zoology. 1877 822.18 — Introduction to the classification of ani- mals. 1869 821.7 — Introductory. (Science primers). 1880. 828.20.1 — Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews. ’71 401.9 Contents. — On the advisableness of improving natural knowledge. Emancipation— black and white. A lib- eral education : and where to find it. Scientific educa- tion : notes on an after-dinner speech. On the educa- tional value of the natural history of sciences. On the study of zoology. On the physical basis of life. The scientific aspects of positivism. On a piece of chalk. Geological contemporaneity and persistent types of life. Geological reform. The origin of species. Criticisms on “The origin of species.” On Descartes’ “Discourse touching the method of using one’s reason rightly and of seeking scientific truth.” Spontaneous generation. — Man’s place in nature. 1872 803.4 — On the origin of species: or, the causes of the phenomena of organic nature. A course of six lectures to working men. 1880 838.33 — Principles and methods of palaeontology. (In Smith, rep., 1869) *8501.2 — Science and culture, and other essays.’82. 824.13 Contents .— Science and culture. Universities: actual and ideal. Technical education. Elementary instruc tion in physiology. Joseph Priestly. On the method of Zadig. On the border territory between the animal and the vegetable kingdoms. On certain errors respecting the structure of the heart attributed to Aristotle. On the hypothesis that animals are automata, and its histo- ry. On sensation and the unity of structure of the sen- siferous organs. Evolution in biology. The coming of age of “The origin of species.” The connection of the biological sciences with medicine. — Study of zoology. [Essay] In 401.3 — Unwritten history. (Pop. sci. mo). ’83 8501.16.23 — and Martin, H. N. Elementary biology. 1879 838.42 — and others , edr's. Science primers, v. 1-12 1877-’80 n. 828.20 Contents.— v. }. Introductory, by T. H. Huxley. 2. Chemistry, by H. E. Roscoe. 3. Physics, by B. Stewart. 4. Physical geography, by A. Geikie. 5. Geology, by A. Geikie 6. Physiology, by M. Foster. 7. Astrono- my, by J. N. Lockyer. 8. Botany, by J. D. Hooker. 9. Logic, by W. S. Jevons. 10. Inventional geometry, by W. G. Spencer. 11. Pianoforte playing, by F. Tay- lor. 12. Political economy, by W. S. Jevons. — and Youmans, W. J. Elements of phy- siology and hygiene. 1872 803.22 Hydraulics. Ewbank, T. History of. ’76 826.8 Hydropathy. Trail, R. T. Hydropathic encyclopedia. N. Y., 1872. 2v.ini.. 811.16 — Water-cure journal, v. 15-16. 2 v. in 1. 1853 8521.5 Hygiene. See Health. Hygienic physiology. Steele, J. D. 1884.. 844.33 Hylton, J. D. Bride of Gettysburg. [Poem] 207.13 Hymns. Bickersteth, E. H. From year to year. 1884 211.39 — Bonar, H. Hymns of faith and hope. 3 v. 1871 202.19 — Bourne, W. O. Now I lay me down to sleep. Prayer of childhood in liter- ature and song 218.30 — Gospel hymns complete. 4 v. in 1. [cop. 1879-81] 207.28 HYMNS. 131 ILLINOIS. Hymns, continued. — Hemans, F. D. Hymns for childhood; Hymns of life In 201.2 — Hymns of Luther, set to their original melodies, with Eng. version. 1833. . . 212.6 — Keble, John. The Christian year 215.8 — Lyra Anglicana : hymns and sacred songs ; Ed. by R. H. Baynes. 1868 214.1 — Lyra Germanica : hymns for the Sun- days and chief festivals of the Christ- ian year. Tr. by C. Winkworth. ’81. 213.2 — Palmer, Roundell, ed’r. Book of praise 208.27 — Schaff, P. and Gilman, A. Library of re- ligious poetry. 1881 212.3 — Temple melodies [with music]. 1858. . . 408.15 — Watts, Isaac. Psalms, hymns, etc. 1859 218.7 — Wesley, C. Poems 217.2 — Whitmarsh, C. S. and Guild, A. E., ed’rs. Hymns of the ages. 3 v. 1877 206.12 — Winkworth, Catharine. Christian singers of Germany 211.25 See also Songs. Hypatia. Kingsley, Charles. 1869 14.7 Hyperion; a romance. Longfellow, H. W. 8.1 I don’t know how. Phelps, E. S. Juv. . . . 76.8.2 I go a-fishing. Prime, W. C. 1873 503.7 “I say no.” Collins, Wilkie 147.8 Ice. See Geology; Glaciers. IcE-cream and cakes. [Receipts.] 1883 . . . 842.17 IcE-pack and tundra. Gilder, W. H. 1883. . 521.19 Iceland. Browne, J. R. Land of Thor. ’70. 508.8 — Dufferin, Earl of. Letters from high latitudes. 1878 511.21 — Hartwig, G. Polar world. 1869 521.20 — Kneeland, S. An American in Iceland. ’74 525.5 — Mallet, P. H. Northern antiquities. ’78. 742.8 — Stephens, C. A. Off to the geysers. Juv. 24.18.3 — Taylor, B. Egypt and Iceland in 1874 . 524.12 Icelandic literature. See Scandinavian literature. Ida, Story of. Alexander, Francesca 627.28 Idalia. Rame, L. de la. Fid 36.451 Idealism. Watson, J. Schellings tran- scendental idealism, 1882 443.38 Ideality in physical sciences. Pierce, Benj. 1881 843.7 Ike Partington and his friends. Shillaber, B. P 311.32 Iliad of Homer. See Homer. Ilka on the hill-top, etc. Boyeson, H. H. . 141.1 Illinois. Constitution. — Constitutional convention, 1847. Jour- nal *9601.4 Same, 1862. Journal *9601.5 Same, 1870. Journal *9601.6 Same. 1869-70. Debates and proceed- ings. 2v *9601.7 Legislative Reports , etc. — Adjutant-general, report, 1861-2 *9601.1 Same. 1865-’66. 8v *9601.2 Contents.— v. 1. Reports for 1865'6, and roster of officers from the 7th to 46th regiment. 2. 1861-6, Roster of officers from 47th to 156th regiment. 3. i861-’6, ros- ter of officers of cavalry and artillery; also roster of enlisted men from 7th to 20th regiment. 4. 1861-’6, Roster of enlisted men from 21st to 47th regiment. 5. 1861-’6, Roster of enlisted men from 48th to 76th regiment. 6. 1861-’6, Roster of enlisted men from 77th to 117th regiment. 7. 1861-6, Roster of enlisted men from the 118th to 156th infantry; also, 1st to 3d cavalry. 8. 186l-’fi, Roster of enlisted men from 4th to 17th cavalry; artillery; colored troops; 1st army corps, and recruits for for regular army. Illinois, continued. — Auditor, reports, 1869, 1872 *9601.3 — Geological survey. A. H. Worthen, direc- tor. 6 v. 1866-75 *8521.11 Contents— v. 1. Geology. 2. Palaeontology. 3-6. Geology and paheontology. — Illinois state library, catalogue. 1877.. . *328.12 — Industrial university, reports, v. 1-6. 1868-73. . 6. v *9601.8 Note.— Now entitled “University of Illinois.” — Insurance reports, 1870-4. 4 v *9601.9 — Journal of the house, 1839-40, 1840-1, 1842-3, 1844-5, 1846-7, 1849, 1850-1, 1852, 55, 57, 59, 63, 67, [1867, S. and H.], 1869, 71, 2 v. [1871, H. and S.} 1873-4, 1875, 77, 79, [1882, H. and S.] 1883 *9601.10 — Journal of the senate, 1839-40, 1840-41, 1842-3, 1844-5, 1847, 49, 51, 52, 55, 57, 59, 65, 67, 69, 2 v. 71, 73, 74, 75, 77, 79, [1882, S. and H.], 1883 *9601.11 — Laws of Hlinois relating to cities and villages, with principles of parliamen- tary law. By E. M. Haines. 1878.. 913.6 — Public charities, reports of board, 1870, 78,80,82. 4 v *9601.12 — Public instruction, reports of superin- tendent, 1865-6,1867-8, 1869-70, 1871- 72,1875-76. 5v *9601.13 School laws and common school decis- ions. Bateman, N., ed’r. 1867 904.19 — Public laws, 1831; 37; 39;-40; 40-41; 42- 43; 46-47 and 49; 49. 2d. sess.; 52, 2d. sess.; 53; 54, 2d. sess; 55; 57; 59; 61; 63; 65; 67; 69; 71-72; 71-74; 81; 83; 85 *9601.15 — Private laws, 1865, v. 2; ’67, 3 v; ’69, v. 1 , 3-4 *9601.15 — Public and private laws, in one volume, 1831; 37; 39-40; 40-41; 42-43; 46-47 and 49; 51; 52, 2d. sess. 53; 54, 2d. sess 55; 57; 59 *9601.15 — Railroad and warehouse commission, reports, 1870-1, 72, 73, 74, 77. 5 v... .*9601.16 — Reports to the general assembly, 1838-39; 39-40; 40-41; 44-5; 47; 49; 51; 55; 57; 59, 2 v.; 63. v. 3; 67, 2 v; 69, 3 v; 71, 3 v.; 73-4, 5 v; 75, 2 v; 77, 4 v. in 2; 79, 4 v. 82, v. 1; 83, v. 2-3 *9601.17 Note . — These include, besides occasional re- ports, the reports of the Adjutant-general. Insurance reports. Attorney-general. Secretary of state. Auditor of public accounts. State board of health, benevolent and reforma- State board of public chari- tory institutions. ties. Canal commissioners. State penitentiaries. Educational institutions. State treasurer. Fish commissioners. Swamp land commissioners, Governor’s messages. and others. — Secretary of state, biennial report, 1878*9601.1® — State agricultural society, transactions. v. 1-13, 1853-76 *8501.7 — State board of equalization, proceedings 1878 *9601.20 — State board of health, report, 1882. .. .*9601.10 — State horticultural society, transactions. v. 2-9, 1868-75 *8501.8 — Statutes. Compilations , 1858 *9601.21 Revisions , 1874 *E.2 History , Description , etc. — Blanchard, R. Discovery, etc.,ot the Northwest. 1880 726.7 History of Hlinois, to accompany an historical map of the state. 1883. . 712.23 ILLINOIS. 132 INDIA. Illinois, continued. — Breese, Sidney. Early history of Illi- nois, until its session to Great Britain in 1763, including Marquette’s discov- ery of the Mississippi. With biog. memoir by M. W. Fuller. 1884 731.4 — Carpenter, W. H. and Arthur, T. S. His- tory of [to 1850]. 1854 712.25 — Davidson, A. and Stuve, B. History of Illinois, to 1873 712.10 — Dodge, W. S. Hist, of the 75th Illinois infantry. 1866 712.26 — Eddy, T. Patriotism of Illinois. Mili- tary history of the state in the war for the union. Illus. 2 v. 1865 603.5 — Edwards, N. History of, [to 1833]. 1873 712.22 — Ford, T. History of, [1818-1847]. 1854. 712.24 — Gerhard, Fred. Illinois as it is, [1857]. 712.12 — Illinois state directory, 1860 712.8 — Illinois state gazetteer, 1859 712.2 — Hlinois state gazetteer, and business directory, 1864-5 712.1 Same, 1884 *B.31 — Kinzie, Mrs. J. Wau-bun, the early day of the North-west, [1830-3] 503.10 — Matson, N. Memoirs of Shaubena. ’80 723.7 — Parkman, F. Discovery of the Great West 736.15.3 — Washburne, E. B. Sketch of Edward Coles, and the slavery struggle of 1823-24. 1882. 623.20 — Wood, W. W. History of the ninety- fifth Illinois infantry volunteers. ’65 . 712.9 See also Bureau Co. ; Chicago; Freeport; Rockford ; Winnebago Co. Illinois school journal. Monthly maga- zine. v. 2-5. 1882-6 *1008.9 Illinois teacher, v. 1, 3. 1855-7 401.7 Illusions. Sully, James. Illusions; a psychological study. 1881 815.4.33 — Yignoli, T. Dreams and illusions (In his Myth and science). 1882 815.4.40 See also Apparitions ; Delusions ; Witchcraft, etc. Illustrated library of wonders. 31 v. N. Y., 1869-76. Namely : — Adams, W. H. D. Lighthouses and lightships. 1870 802.23 — Baile, J. Wonders of electricity. 1872. 802.6 — Bernard, F. Wonderful escapes. 1871. 802.28 — Cazin, A. Phenomena and laws of heat. 802.29 — Depping, G. Wonders of bodily strength and skill. 1872 813.19 — Dieulafait, L. Diamonds and precious stones. 1874 828.8 — Duplessis, G. Wonders of engraving. 71. 802.27 — Flammarion, C. Wonders of the heav- ens. 1871 813.18 — Fonvielle, W. de. Thunder and light- ning. 1871 813.17 — Guillemin, A. The moon. 1873 802.5 The sun. 1870 802.32 — Headley, J. T. ed'r. Mountain adven- tures 523.8 — Lacombe, M. P. Arms and armour. 76. 816.23 — Lanoye, F. de. Rameses the great; or, Egypt 3300 years ago. 1871 802.17 The sublime in nature. 1871 802.24 — Lefevre, A. Wonders of architecture. 802.26 — Le Pileur, A. Wonders of the human body. 1871 802.20 — Marion, F. Wonderful balloon ascents. 802.15 Wonders of optics. 1871 802.30 Wonders of vegetation. 1872 802.7 Illustrated library of wonders, continued. — Menault, E. Intelligence of animals.’70 802.21 — Meunier, Y. Great hunting grounds .. . 816.22 — Monnier, M. Wonders of Pompeii. 71. 802.31 — Radau, R. Acoustics. 1870 802.25 — Sauzay, A. Wonders of glass-making . . 802.19 — Sonrel, L. Bottom of the sea. 1870... 802.16 — Tissandier, G. Wonders of water. 1872. 813.14 — Yiardot, L. Wonders of European art 802.18 Wonders of Italian art. 1870 802.22 Wonders of sculpture. 1873 813.15 — Zurcher, F. and Margolle, E. Meteors, aerolites, storms, and atmospheric phenomena. 1876 816.24 Illustrated London News. v. 76-87. 1880- 5. folio *8541.17 Illustrations of genius, culture and so- ciety. Giles, H 317.11 Imaginary conversations. Landor,W. S. 5v. 315.1 Imagination, Scientific use of. Tyndall, J. 1872 821.25 Imitation of Christ. Kempis, Thomas A . 432.4 Immortality. Weiss, J. The immortal life. 1880 423.18 See also Future life . Impending crisis of the South. Helper, H. R. 1860 911.34 Impending sword. Yates, Edmund. Fict. 36.591 Impressions of Theophrastus Such. Eliot, George 314.17 Improvisatore, The. Andersen, H. C. Fict. 22.37 Impulse and principle. Abbott, A. W. Juv. 24.15 In a house-boat; a journal. Craik, D. M. . 147.9 In a winter city. Rame, L. de la. 1880 . . . 57.30 In exitu Israel. Baring-Gould, S. Fict. 70. 8.27 In extremis. Greenough, Mrs. R. S. Fict. 32.11 In paradise. Heyse, P. 2 v. 1879 52.13 In school and out. Adams, W. T. Juv.. . 73.2.2 In silk attire. Black, William 36.41 In that state of life. Aide, Hamilton ...... 36.4 In the brush: old-time life in the southwest. Pierson, H. W 624.9 In the Carquinez woods. Harte, Bret. 1884 55.21 In the days of my youth. Edwards, A. B. . 32.21 In the distance. Lathrop, G. P 146.19 In the harbor. [Poems.] Longfellow, H. W. 211.16 In the heart of a hill. Payn, J ames 36.241 In the olden time. Roberts, Margaret 55.8 In the ranks. Douglas, A. M. Juv 83.13.5 In the Schillingscourt. John, E 45.24 In the sky-garden. Champney, L. W . Juv. 832.28 In the Tennessee mountains. Murfree, Miss M. N 56.1 In the toils [in Utah]. Paddock, Mrs. A. G. 144.20 In trust. Douglas, Amanda M. 1875 43.10 Inchbald, Mrs. E. Simple story. 1871... 34.31 — ed'r. British theatre. 25 v. Lond. 1808 205.1 Collection of farces. 7 v. Lond. 1809 205.3 Modern theatre. 10 v. Lond. 1811 . 205.2 Note . — For contents of above see Dramas [arranged by titles.] Incidents in the life of a blind girl. Day, M. L. 1860 607.11 Indexes. There are indexes in this library to the following eye* lopsedic and periodical publications: American cyclo" psedia, 1873-6; Encylopaedia Britannica, 8th edn.i 1860; Harper’s new monthly magazine, v. 1-50, 1850-75; Sanitarian, Indexes, v. 1-10, in v. 10; U. S. Agricultur- al reports, 1837-76; U. S. Patent Office, general index to patents, 1790-1873. General Indexes to Periodicals. . Ayer (N. W.) and son’s American newspaper annual, 188 1 , [B. 27] ; Co-operative index to periodicals, 1883-85. [B. 33] ; Poole, (W. F.) Index to periodical literature. 1882. [B.28]. INDIA. 133 INDUSTRIAL. India. History. — Ball, 0, History of the Indian mutiny, [1857-91. 2 v 733.1 — Cainter, H. Romance of history. India. 51.27 — Camoen’s, L. de. The Lusiad; or, the discovery of India. Epic poem 217.21 — Chambers’s misc. British conquest of. 1001.8.9 — Cotton, J. S. India. (Colonies and de- pendencies, pt. 1.) 916.5.13 — Feudge, Fannie R. History of. Hlus.’80 724.3 — India: geographical, statistical, and his- torical. [Compilation]. 1858 702.14 — Lethbridge, R. Manual of history of In- dia. 1881 724.10 — Muller, F. Max. India : what can it teach us? 1883 746.1 — Myers, P. Y. N. Remains of lost em- pires 511.6 — Story of the Indian mutiny In 1001.8.2 — Taylor, M. Student’s manual of the his- tory of. 1870 705.6 — Univ. hist.; anc. pt. v. 18. 1779 *707.1 Same; mod. pt. v. 6-7. 1781 *708.2 — Wright, C. and Brainerd, J. A. Historic incidents and life in. 1861 702.16 Note . — On the rise of British India see Macaulay’s essays on Clive and Hastings; also Burke’s speeches on the impeachment of Hastings. Religion, Literature , etc. — Anderson, R. Missions to I. [A. B. C. F. M.]. 1875 417.1.1 — Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions. 1871. 438.26 — Day, L. B. Folk-tales of Bengal 326.16 — Fergusson, J. History of Indian architec- ture. 1876 851.1.3 — Frere, M. Eastern fairy legends 26.32 — Johnson, S. Oriental religions. 1872.. 438.27 — Muller, F. Max. Origin and growth of religion 421.36 [The Vedas; Buddhism] In 404.2.1 — Schlegel, F. Language and philosophy of the Indians In 323.12 — Whitney, W. D. [The Yeda; A vesta] In 332.26.2 See also Buddhism ; Missions ; Oriental liter- ature ; Sanskrit literature. Travel and Description. — Butler, W. Land of the Yeda. Illus.’71 732.11 Note . — Gives a sketch of the Sepoy mutiny. — Clark, E. W. From Hong-Kong to the Himalayas, [cop. 1880] 516.11 — Cumming, G. Wild men and wild beasts 505.19 — Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain, 1866-7. . . 503.20 — Marshall, W. E. Travels amongst the To- das. 1873 521.11 — Robinson, Phil. Under the sun. 1882 . 518.30 — Rowe, A. D. Every-day life in India. Illus. [cop. 1881] 518.6 — Russell, W. H. Tour of the Prince of Wales, 1875-6 526.2 — Taylor, B. India, China, and Japan [in 1853] 524.26 — Taylor, M. Tara; a Mahratta tale. ’64. 36.520 — Verne, J. The steam house. 2 v. Fict. ’81 141.22 — Vincent, F. jr. Land of the white ele- phant, 1871-2 523.9 See also Ceylon . India, the pearl of Pearl river. South worth, E. D. E. N. Fict 5.26 Indian idylls. [Sanskrit.] Arnold, E 211.36 Indiana. Geological survey, 3d and 4th annual reports, by E. T. Cox, 1871-2. 2 v. 1872 *a501.10 Indians of America. — Abbott, C. C. Primitive industry. 1881 . 843.3 — Abbott, J. Aboriginal America. I860.. 721.1.1 — Beckwourth, J. P. Life [with the Crow Indians.] 1856 631.17 — Bradford, A. W. Origin and history of the red race. 1841 748.7 — Brinton, D. G. Myths of the New World 417.11 — Catlin, G. Manners and customs of the North American Indians. Illus. 1876 722.9 — Custer, G. A. My life on the plains. ’76 511.7 — Dodge, R. I. Our wild Indians. 1882 . 728.5 — Drake, F. S. Indian history for young folks. Illus 734.17 ed'r. Indian tribes of the United States. 2 v. 1884 *8541.25 Note . — A condensation of Schoolcraft’s “Archives of aboriginal knowledge” in 6 vols quarto. — Drake S. G. Aborigines of North Amer- ica. 1860 722.1 Indian captivities. 1855 503.5 — Eggleston, E. and others. Famous Am. Indians: v. 1-5 635.5 — Ellis, G. E. Red man and white man in North America. 1882 728.2 — Goodrich, S. G. Celebrated American Indians. Illus. [cop. 1843] • 643.6 — Jackson, Helen Hunt. Century of dishonor. 1881 723.10 — J ones, C. C. Antiquities of the southern Indians. 1872 734.13 — Kinzie, Mrs. J. H. Wau-bun, the early day in the North-west, [1830-3] 503.10 — McIntosh, J. Origin of the North Amer- ican Indians. 1855 736.3 — Manypenny, G. W. Our Indian wards. 1880 722.15 — Matthews, W. Ethnography, etc., of the Hidatsa Indians [Dakota]. 1877 826.18 — Meacham, A. B. Wigwam and war- path. [Modoc war.] 1875 513.2 — Palfrey, J. G. History of New England, v. 1 747.5 — Parkman, F. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 2 v. 1870 706.3 Note.Portrays forest life and Indian character. Native tribes In 736.15.2 — r Schoolcraft, H. R. Thirty years with Indian tribes. 1851 511.24 — Thatcher, B. B. Indian biography. 2 v. 614.18 — Trumbull, H. Discovery of America, with Indian wars. 1822 726.2 — Tuttle, E. B. Boy’s book about Indians 91.15 — Whipple, A. W. and others. Tribes of Utah, etc. (P. R. R. rep., v. 3) *8521.7 Note — Valuable contributions to North America eth- nology, with fine illustrations, are to be found in the publications of the U. S. government; see under United States. See also general histories of the United States, and histories of Canada, Mexico, Peru, etc. In biography see Brant, J; Philip (King) ; Pocahon- tas ; Red Eagle ; Red Jacket ; Shaubena ; Tecumseh. In fiction see Cooper’s “Leatherstocking series.” In poetry see Longfellow’s Hiawatha. Indigenous races. Nott, J. C. and Glid- don, G. R. 1857 *8521.2 iNDo-China. Thomson, J. Malacca, Indo- China and China. 1875 511.4 Inductive sciences. Whewell, W. History of. 2 v. 1872 434.6 Industrial and international exhibitions. London, 1851. — Lectures on the results of the London exhibition, by W. Whewell and others 805 .8 INDUSTRIAL. 134 INSTITUTIONS. Industrial and international exhibitions, cont. — Warren, S. Lily and the bee: an apolo- gue of the Crystal palace. 1857 327.11 Vienna , 1873. — Vienna international exposition. Reports of U. S. commissioners. 4 v. 1876. *826.10 Contents.— v. 1. Introduction; Foreign reports; Ag- riculture. v. 2. Science; Education, v. 3. Engineer- ing. v. 4. Architecture; Metallurgy; General index. Philadelphia, 1876. — McCabe, J. D. Illus. history of Centen- nial exhibition. [cop. 1876] 831.6 — U. S. international exhibition. 1876. Reports and awards. 9 v. Washing- ton, 1880 *846.15 Contents. — v. 1. Report of the director-general, v. 2. Reports of the officers of the Centennial commission. [Reports and awards, v. 3-8.] v. 3. Minerals, mining, and metallurgy ; Pottery, porcelain, bricks, clays, ce- ments, and their materials, etc. v. 4. Chemistry and pharmacy, including the apparatus ; Animal and vege- table products, and the machinery for their prepara- tion; Fish and fishing products, apparatus of fish- ing, etc.; Timber, worked lumber, parts of buildings, forestry; Furniture, upholstery, wooden- ware, baskets, etc. v. 5. Cotton, linen, and other fab- rics; Wool and silk fabrics ; Clothing, furs, india-rub- ber goods, ornaments and fancy articles; Jewelry, watch cases, silverware, bronzes, etc. ; Leather and manufactures of leather ; Paper industry, stationery, f irinting, and book-making; Apparatus for heating, ighting, ventilation, water-supply, drainage, etc. ; v. 6. Builder’s hardware, edge-tools, cutlery, etc.; Mil- itary and sporting arms, weapons, explosives, etc. ; Carriages, vehicles, and accessories; Railway-plant rolling-stock and apparatus, road engines ; Vessels and apparatus of transportation; Motors, hydraulic and pneumatic apparatus, etc. ; v. 7. Machine-tools for metal, wood, and stone ; Machines, etc., used in sew- ing and making clothing; Agricultural machines, im- S lements of agriculture, horticulture and gardening ; ledicine, surgery, prothesis; Instruments of precis- ion, research, experiment, and illustration, including telegraphy and music; Architecture and engineering; Plastic and graphic art. v. 8. Educational systems, methods, and libraries ; Tillage and general manage- ment, garden tools, accessories of gardening, garden designing, construction and management; Horses, mules, and asses ; Cattle ; Sheep ; Swine ; Dogs ; Poul- try ; Pomology; Collective exhibits ; Index to reports on awards, v. 9. Grounds and buildings. — What Ben Beverly saw at the great ex- position. 1876 75.3 Paris, 1878. — Paris international exposition. Report of Illinois commissioners. 1879 846.14 Industrial arts: historical sketches. Ilhis. [1883] 852-3 Industrial biography. Smiles, S. 1871.. 601.13 Industrial education. MacArthur, A. Edu- cation and its relation to manual in- dustry. 1884 917.1 iNdusTRiAL history of the United States. Bolles, A. S. 1878 913.2 Industrial university, Illinois. See. Illinois Industries, Great, of the United States. Greeley, H. and others. Illus. 1873 812.4 Inez. Wilson Mrs. A. J 13.6 Infancy. Dix, T. L. The healthy infant. 833.21 — Jacobi, A. Infant diet. 1874 816.16 See also Children. Infantry tactics. Upton, E. 1880 838.38 Infelice. Wilson, Mrs. A. J 15.26 Inferno, The. [Poem]. See Dante. Infidelity. Christlieb, T. Modern infidel- ity. 1874 415.3 See also Atheism; Scepticism, etc. Information for the people, Chambers’s. 4v. 1008.1 Ingelow, Jean. Don John. 1881 145.16 — Mopsa the fairy. 1871 28.30 — Off the Skelligs. 1873 36.242 — Poems. 1875 206.7 Same. 1873 214.17 — Sarah De Berenger. 1879 45.20 Ingelow, Jean, continued . — Studies for stories. 1867 142.21 Ingersoll, Ernest. Friends worth knowing. [Am. natural history.] 1881 832.22 — Knocking around the Rockies. 1882. . . 526.17 Ingersoll, L. D. Life of Horace Greeley. 1873 617.10 Ingersoll, R. G., Black, J. S., and Fisher, G. P. The Christian religion, a series of articles from the N. A. Review. ’82 427.15 — Curtiss, S. I. Ingersoll and Moses. A reply. 1880 421.7 — Lambert, L. A. Notes on Ingersoll. ’83 432.7 Ingham papers. Hale, E. E 48.10 Inglis, James. Our Australian cousins. ’80 517.7 Inglis, R. Gleanings from the English poets 217.26 Ingo. Frey tag, G. [Germany, 357 — ] 63.32 Ingoldsby legends. Barham, R. H 204.9 Ingraban. Freytag, G. [Germany, 724— ]. 63.33 Ingraham, J. H. Pillar of fire: or, Israel in bondage. 1870 13.22 — Prince of the house of David. 1872 13.21 — Sunny South. 1860 3.11 — Throne of David. 1877 43.17 Initials. Tautphceus, Baroness I. von 14.23 Innocent. Oliphant, Afrs. M. O. W 36.422 Innocents abroad. Clemens, S. L. 1882.. 507.5 Insanity. Massachusetts. Reports relat- ing to state lunatic hospital. 1837 . . *8521 .4 See also Mental diseases ; Mind and body. Insectivorous plants. Darwin, C. 1875.. 805.24 Insects. Ballard, J. P. Insect lives 832.5 — Church, E . R. Flyers and crawlers. ’84. 832.35 — Conant, H. S. Butterfly hunters. 1879. 828.22 — Figuier, L. The insect world 806.3 — Harris, T. W. Insects injurious to vege- tation. 1862 813.10 — Le Baron, W. Outlines of entomology — Lubbock, J. British wild flowers in rela- tion to insects. 1874 822.15 Origin and metamorphoses of insects. 822.14 — Packard, A. S. Guide to study of insects 841.33 Our common insects. 1873 818.20 — Poems on In 1001.8.9 — Riley, C. V. Potato pests. [Colorado, beetle, etc. [cop. 1876] 838.16 — Silver wings and golden scales. Illus... 832.2 — VanBruyssel,E. Population of an old pear-tree. 1870 822.22 — Whitmarsh, C. S. Familiar insects. Juv. 845.27.4 — - Wings and webs. Juv 845.27.5 — Wood, J. G. Insects abroad. 834.17 Insects at home. 1872 806.2 See also Ants ; Bees ; Butterflies; Locusts; Wasps. Inside: a chronicle of secession. Harring- ton, G 18.1 Inspiration. Browne, E. H. Inspiration. Jw 438.17 — Curtis, T. F. Human element in. 1867 403.10 — Gaussen, S. R. L. Theopneusty: or, ple- nary inspiration. 1853 435.11 Instinct. Animal instincts and intelligence In 1001.9.6 — Chadbourne, P. A. Instinct in animals and men. 1872 828.27 — Lindsay, W. L. Mind in the lower ani- mals. 2 v. 1880 834.1 — Menault, E. Intelligence of animals . . . 802.21 — Percy anecdotes 312.1 — Romanes, G. J. Animal intelligence. . .815.4.44 See also Zoology. Institutes of oratory. 2 v. Quintilian. . . 318.4 Institutions. Maine, H.D. Early history of. 913.24 See also Government ; Law ; Man ; Social science. INSURANCE. 135 IRON. Insurance. Illinois annual reports. See Illi- nois. — New York, annual report. See New York. Intellect. [Tales]. Little classics, v. 2. . 304.16 Intellect. Porter, N. Human intellect. ’72 434.7 See also Mental philosophy, etc. Intellectual development of Europe. Dra- per, J. W 904.16 Intellectual life, The. Hamerton, P. G. 402.14 Intellectual science. See Mental philo- sophy. Intelligence, On. Taine, H. 1872 411.18 Intemperance. See Temperance. Interest tables. Julian, E. [cop. 1859]. . . 818.34 International arbitration. Prize essays on a congress of nations. 1 840 904.2 International exhibitions. See Industrial exhibitions. International law. Woolsey, T. D. 1872 903.5 International review, v. 12-13. 1882.. .*1007.16 International scientific series. Yols. 1-49. N. Y., 1872-’85 815.4 Contents. — v. 1. Tyndall, J Forms of water. 2. Bagehot, W. Physics and politics. 3. Smith, Edward. Foods. 4. Bain, A. Mind and body. 6. Spencer, H. Study of sociology. 6. Cooke, J. P. New chemistry. 7. Stewart, B. Conservation of energy. 8 Pettigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion. 9. Maudsley, H. Respon- sibility in mental disea°e. 10. Amos, S. Science of law. 11. Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism. 12. Dra- per, J. W. Conflict between religion and science. 13. Schmidt, O. Descent and Darwinism. 14. Yogel, H. Chemical effects of light, and photography. 15. Berkeley, M. J. Fungi. 16. Whitney, W. D. Life and growth of language. 17. Jevons, W. S. Money and the mechanism of exchange. ’8. Lommel, E. Na- ture of light. 19. Van Beneden, M. Animal parasites and messmates 20. Schutzenberger, P. Fermenta- tion; 21. Bernstein, J. Five senses of man. 22. Blas- erna, P. Theory of sound in its relation to music. 23. Lockyer, J. N. Spectrum analysis. 24. Thurston, R. H. Growth of the steam-engine. 25. Bain, A. Edu- cation as a science. 26. Rood, O. N. Student’s text- book of color; or, modern chromatics. 27. Q,uatrefages, A. de. The human species. 28. Huxley, T. H. The crayfish. 29. Wurtz. A. Atomic theory. 30. Sem- per, Karl. Animal life as affected by the natural con- ditions of existence 31. Le Conte, Joseph. Sight. 32. Rosenthal, J. General physiology of muscles and nerves. 33. Sully, James. Illusions. 34. Young, C. A. The sun. 35. Judd, J. W. Volcanoes. 36. Mor- selli, H. Suicide. 37. Darwin, C. Formation of vege- table mould, through the action of worms. 38. Stallo, J. B. Concepts and theories of modern physics. 39. Luys, J. The brain and its functions. 40. Vignoli, Tito. Myth and science. 41. Ribot, Th. Diseases of memory 42. Lubbock, Sir John. Ants, bees, and wasps. 43. Amos, S. Science of politics. 44. Ro- manes, G. J. Animal intelligence. 45. Joly, N. Man before metals. 46. Meyer, G. n. von. Organs of speech. 47. Sidgwick, A. Fallacies. 48. Candolle, A. de. Origin of cultivated plants. 48. Romanes, G. J. Jel- ly-fish, star -fish and sea-urchins. Interpreter, The. Melville, G. J. W. Fict. 36.397 Inventions and inventors. — Fyfe, J. H. Triumphs of invention. ’71. 802.11 — Smiles, S. Men of invention and indus- try. 1885 631.4 — Timbs, J. Inventors and discoverers. ’60 636.12 Wonderful inventions 837.25 See also Patents. Involuntary voyage. Biart. L 87.7 Iowa, Geological survey of. Owen, D. ’52 *8541.2 Irby, A. P. Slavonic provinces of Turkey- in-Europe. See Mackenzie, G. M. . . . 517.10 Ireland, A. Book-lover’s enchiridion. ’83 . 326.19 Ireland, J. N. Mrs. Duff. (Am. actor ser.) 635.18.5 Ireland. Adams, W. T. Shamrock and thistle. Juv 73.4.2 — Banim, M. Boyne water. [Battle of the Boyne, 1690]. 1875 44.15 Burke, E. Letters, etc., on affairs in./n 305.9.2 Ireland, continued. — Carleton, W. Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry. 2 v 134.8 Willy Reilly. [Penal laws] 138.5 — Carlyle, T. My Irish journey in 1849. .. 501.17 — Case of Ireland stated historically, with gazetteer. 1880 717.15 — Conquest of, 1167-1173 In 742.4.2 — Croker, T. C. Fairy legends of the south of 135.22 — Cromwell, O. Letters, etc. [Campaign in, 1649]. 2 v 605.18 — Cusack, M. F. Present case of Ireland. 1881 914.25 — Duffy, C. G. Young Ireland, [1840-50]. 745.13 — Eddy, D. C. Visit to Ireland. Juv... 515.13.1 — Froude, J. A. The English in Ireland in the 18th century. 3 v. 1881 724.13 Fortnight in Kerry In 327.1.2 — Hall, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ireland: scenery, etc. Illus 513.3 — Hall, Mrs. S. C. Sketches of Irish char- acter 134.31 — J oyce, R. D. Legends of the wars in . . 131.7 — Keary, Annie. Castle Daly. [Famine of 1847] 48.4 — Lawrence, E. Conquest of In 1004.1.43 — Lecky, W. E. H. Leaders of public opinion in. Swift, Flood, Grattan, O’Connell. 1872 611.34 — McGrath, Terence. Pictures from. 1881 914.20 — MacLear, G. F. The Celts. (Conver- sion of the West) 423.15.1 — Maine, H. S. Hist, of institutions. [An- cient Irish law] . 913.24 — Montalembert, C. Monks of the West. [St. Patrick, and early Christianity] . 434.3 — Moore, T. History of, [B. C. 1000— A. D. 1545]. 4 v 743.4 — Seelye, L. C. Ancient Fenians. (Scrib- ner’s, v. 1) 1006.4 — Smiles, S. Huguenots in Ireland. ’72. In 706.19 — Sullivan, A. M. New Ireland. 1878... 746.2 — Taylor, W. C. History of, till the union with Great Britain, [1801]. 2 v 743.3 — Thackeray. W. M. Irish sketch book, [1813] In 301.12.2 and 36.527 — Trench, W. S. Realities of Irish life.. 132.5 — Univ. hist; history of [to 1791] *708.1.42 — Walpole, C. G. Short history of Ireland, to the union with Great Britain. 1882 727.20 Note . — For fiction illustrative of Irish character see various works of Banim (J.), Carleton (W.), Edge- worth (Maria), Griflin (G.), Hall (Mrs. S. C.), Lever (O.), Lover (S.), Thackeray (W.), Trollope (A.) Iris. Holmes, O. W In 303.8 and 304.16.7 Iris. Randolph, Mrs.. 1882 53.15 Irish essays, etc. Arnold, M 318.17 Irish language and literature. — Joyce, P. W. Grammar of the Irish lan- guage 313.13 — - Murray, J. O’K. Prose and poetry of Ireland; With biographical sketches. 1877 323.19 — Williams, A. M. Poets and poetry of Ireland. 1881 218.24 Irish melodies In 201.12 Irish sketch book. Thackeray, W 301.12.2 and 36.527 Iron and steel. Blinn, L. J. Tin, sheet iron, and copper plate workers. 1880 838.4 — Greenwood, W. H. Steel and iron: their manufacture, etc. 1884 845.20 IRON. 136 ITALY. Ikon and steel, continued. — Jeans, W. T. The creators of the age of steel. 1884 644.7 — Smiles, S. Industrial biography: iron- workers and tool-makers. 1871 601.13 See also Metallurgy; Useful arts. Iron cousin; or, mutual influence. Clarke, Mary C 33.22 Iron furnace; or, slavery and secession. Aughey, J. H. 1863 406.6 Iron gate and other poems. Holmes, O. W. 215.13 Iron horse, The. Ballantyne, R. M. Juv. 3.22 Iron mask. Dumas, A. Fict 42.4 Iron shroud. Mudford, W. Fict In 304.16.3 Irrigation for farm, garden, etc. Stewart, H. 1877 824.22 Irving, P. M. Life and letters of Wash- ton Irving. 3 v. 1873 636.2 Irving, Washington. [Geoffrey Crayon , Diedrich Knickerbocker]. Adven- tures of Captain Bonneville in the Rocky mountains and the far West, [1832-5] 524.1 — The Alhambra. [Moorish palace at Grenada; stories], [cop. ’65] 142.17 — Astoria, enterprise beyond the Rocky mountains, [1810-13]. 1869 505.28 — Biography and poetical remains of Mar- garet M. Davidson. 1842 602.9 — Bracebridge Hall. 1869 306.14 Contents: [abridged] The hall. St. Mark’s eve. Fortune- telling. The student of Salamanca. Gypsies. May- day. Annette Delarbre. Popular superstitions. Dolph Heyliger. The storm-ship. — Conquest of Grenada, [cojp. 1850] 738 . 9 — Crayon miscellany. 1853 306.4 Contents.— Tout on the prairies ; Abbotsford ; Newstead abbey. — History of New York. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. [Burlesque]. 1849.. 306.5 — Life and voyages of Columbus. 3 v. ’70. 601.14 Same. Abridged. Illus 601.16 — Life of George Washington. 5 v. [cop. 1855-9] 605.14 Same 614.1 — Life of Oliver Goldsmith. 1868 601 . 15 — Mahomet and his successors. 2 v. 1869. 605 . 13 — Sketchbook. 1872 306.15 Contents — [Abridged.] Kip Van Winkle. Boar’s head tavern. Spectre bridegroom. Westminster abbey. Christmas. Legend of Sleepy Hollow, etc. — Spanish papers, [cop. 1868] 716 . 18 Contents .— The legend of Don Roderick. Legend of the subjugation of Spain. Legend of Count Julian and his family. The legend of Pelayo. Abderahman: founder of the dynasty of the Ommiades of Spain. Chronicle of Feman Gonzalez, count of Castile. Chron- icle of Fernando the saint. Spanish romance. — Tales of a traveller. 1849 306.3 Contents . — Strange stories by a nervous gentleman. Buckthrone and his friends. The Italian banditti. The money-diggers. Hell-gate. Kid, the pirate, etc. — Wolf ert’s roost. 1854 306.1 Contents. — Wolfert’s roost. Birds of spring. Creole village. Mountjoy. The Bermudas. Widow’s ordeal. Knight of Malta. The Mississippi bubble. Sketches in Paris, 1825. A contented man. Broek; or, the Dutch paradise. Guests from Gibbet-island. Ralph Ring- wood. The Seminoles. Count Van Horn. Don Juan. Legend of the engulphed convent. The phantom island. The adalantado of the seven cities. Recollections of the Alhambra. The Abencerrage. — and others. Salmagundi. See Irving, W 308.9 — Adams, C. Memoir of 621 . 13 — Bryant, W. C. [Commemorative oration] In 325.22 Irving. Washington, continued. — Harper’s m., v. 14. Sunnyside. Illus.. 1004.1 — Hill, D. J. Life of 635.12.1 — . Irving, P. M. Life and letters. Con- densed. 3 v. 1873 636 . 2 — Thackeray, W. M. Irving and Macaulay In 1004.1.20 — Warner, C. D. Life of. 1882 624.12.1 and others. Studies of Irving 316 . 7 Irving, William, Paulding, J. K. and Irv- ing, Washington. Salmagundi. 1873 308.9 Is it true? [Fairytales]. Craik, D. M. .. 24.24 Is life worth living? Mallock, W. H 442.1 Is that all? Preston, Harriet W 46.2 Ishmael. Southworth, E. D. E. N 136.1 Islam and its founder. Stobart, J. W. H. .444.18.5 Island life. [Faunas and floras]. Wallace, A. R. 1881 836.18 Island world. Nordhoff, C. Stories of .. . 531.8 Island world of the Pacific. Cheever, H. T. 711 . 3 Isle of Wight: history, antiquities, etc. ’82 523.10 — Same. [History and description] . In *1006.2.122 Isles of shoals. Thaxter, Celia. Among the. 1879 514.7 Isles of the sea; homeward bound. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.5.6 Ismailia: expedition to Central Africa, [1869-73[. Baker, S. W 508.28 Israel and Israelites. See Jews. Israel Mort, overman. Saunders, J. Fict. 36.485 It is never to late to mend. Reade, Charles. 36 . 463 It isn’t right. Lamb, J. Juv 25.29 Italian art, Wonders of. Viardot, L. 1870 802 . 22 Italian girl, The. Washburn, K. S. Fict 32 . 19 Italian journeys, [1864-5]. Howells, W. D. 505.25 Italian language. Meadows’ Italian-Eng- lish and English-Italian dictionary. 1876 *D.5 — Monteith, A. H. Italian, etc., without a master 331 . 5 Italian literature. Dunlop, J. Italian tales. (In his Hist, of fiction, 2 v.) 1842.. . 302.7 — Hallam, H. Lit. of Europe [15th-17th cent]. 2v 312.4 — Longfellow, W. H. Poets and poetry of Europe. 1872 207 . 2 — Mahony, F. Songs of Italy. (In his Reliques, etc.) 307.11 — Prescott, W. H. Italian lit. and poetry. In 305.14 — Roscoe, T. Italian novelists. Transla- tions with notes 313.29 — Sismondi, J. C. L. de. Lit. of south of Europe. 2 v. 1848 302.6 See also Alfieri; Ariosto; Buonarotti (Michael Angelo); Dante; Machiavelli; Tasso; also novels by Manzoni; Ruffini. Italy. History. — Bryce, J. The holy Roman empire .... 716 . 16 — Hallam, H. The middle ages. 3v .701.4 — Hunt, W. History of Italy. 1874 716.23 — Marguerittes, J. de. Italy and the war of 1859 702.9 — Ranke, L. History of the Popes. 3 v. 1871 701.5 — Sismondi, J. C. L. de. History of the Italian republics [to 1805] 703.14 Art. — Jameson, Mrs. A. Early Italian painters 1875 614.3 — Kugler, F. T. Schools of painting in Italy. 2 v. 1874 834.10 ITALY. 137 JAMES. Italy, continued. — Lanzi, L. History of painting in. 1872. 822 . 3 — Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. The fine arts. 1879 831 . 23 — Vasari, G. Lives of painters, sculptors and architects [until the 16th century]. 5 v. 1878 618.10 — Viardot, L. Wonders of Italian art. ’70 802.22 See also Fine arts ; also, histories of architecture, painting, and sculpture ; also, lives of artists, as Buo- narotti, Raphael, etc. Descrip ■ 'on, Travel , etc. — Adams, W. T. Sunny shores. Juv.... 73.5.4 — Andersen, H. C. Poet’s bazaar, [1840]. 522.26 — Castelar, E. Old Rome and new Italy. 1873 503.14 — Dickens, C. Pictures from Italy 527.20; 1.16 — Eddy,D. C. Scenes and society in. ’58. 504.23 — Elliot, F. Diary of an idle woman in. ’73 501 . 26 — Hare, A. J. 0. Cities of southern Italy and Sicily 518.36 — Hawthorne, N . French and Italian note books, [1858-9] 522.14 Marble faun. Fict. 2 v 18.23 — Hawthorne, Mrs. N. Notes in. 1872.. 525.26 — Hillard, S. Six months in, [1847] 505.10 — Howells, W. D. Italian journeys, [1864-5] 505.25 — Jameson, Mrs. A. Dairy of an ennuyee. 1879 518.8 — Lowell, J. R. Fireside travels. 1864.. 508.18 — Maffei, A. Brigand life in. 2 v. 1865 . . 745 . 3 — Murrav, J. Handbook for central Italy. 1875 512.14 — Taine, H. Italy, Rome and Naples. ’72 507.10 See also Corsica; Europe; Florence; Naples; Pomp- eii; Rome; Sicily; Tuscany; Venice. In illustrative fiction see Andersen’s ‘Improvisatore.’ 22.37; Bulwer-Lytton’s ‘Rienzi’ [plague at Florence, 1848, etc]. 7.13; DeMille’s ‘Dodge ( lub.’ 64.15, and ‘American baron.’ 61.32; Jenkin’s ‘Who breaks, pays’ [Charles Albert of Sardinia]. 63.25; Macfarlane’s ‘Romance of history; Italy.’ 51 28; Manzoni’s ‘The be- trothed [plague^at Milan 1628], 136.22; Roberts’s ‘Made- moiselle Mori,’ . [Roman revolution of 1848]. 36.370; Ruftini ‘Doctor Antonio’ [Naples, 1848-58]. 36.475; Mrs. Stowe’s ‘Agnes of Sorrento. 3.2. Ivan De Biron. Helps, A. Fict 31.16 Ivanhoe. Scott, Sir W 12.9 Ivy, T. P. Harvard and its surroundings. See King, M 523.6 Jack and Jill: a village story. Alcott, L. M. 86.26 Jack Hazard. Trowbridge, J. T. Juv 25.13 Jack Hinton, the guardsman. Lever, C.. 36.337 JACKHopeton. Turner, W. W. 1860 18.7 Jack in the jungle. Barnum, P. T 86.18 Jack of all trades. Reade, C 6.23 Jack of the mill. Howitt, W. Juv 74.2 J ackson, Andrew. Bancroft, G. [Commem- orative oration] In 321 . 17 — Benton, T. Thirty years’ view, v. 1 904.18 — Homes of American statesmen. Illus., 617.9 — Lossing, B. J. Andrew Jackson. Illus. .In 1004.1.10 — Parton, J. Life of. 3 v. 1866 603.14 Lives of illustrious men. 1881 617.17 — Sumner, W. G. Andrew Jackson as a public man, etc. 1882 626.4.4 — Waldo, S. P. Memoirs of. 1819 607.22 J ackson, Lady , C. C. The old regime, court, salons and theatres. 1882 727.5 J ackson, G. A. Early Christian literature primers; ed. by G. P. Fisher. 4 v. 1881-4 426.24 Contents.— 1. Apostolic fathers and apologists of the second century. 2. Fathers of the third century. 3. Post-nicene Greek fathers. 4. Post-nicene Latin fath- ers. Jackson, Helen Hunt. Bits of talk about home matters. 1873 307 . 1 7 — Bits of travel at home; California, New England, Colorado. 1878 522.15 — Century of dishonor [in treatment of In- dians.] 1881 723.10 — Hetty’s strange story. 1877 46.6 — Letters from a cat. 1880 78.11 — Mammy Tittlebat and her family: a true story of seventeen cats. 1881 81.1 — Mercy Philbrick’s choice. 1882 136 . 19 — Nelly’s silver mine: story of Colorado life. 1878 76.13 — Ramona, a story. 1885 57.29 — Verses. 1884 215.10 Jackson, J. C. Training of children. 1881 842.34 Jackson, J. D. Black arts in medicine. ’80 834.20 Jackson, James. Letters to a young physi- cian. 1856 823 . 21 Jackson, Sheldon. Alaska and the missions on the North Pacific coast [1880] 514.27 Jackson, T. Stories about animals 832.20 Jackson, T. J. [“Stonewall.”] Cooke, J. E. Life of. 1866 608.13 Wearing of the gray. 1867 737.12 — Eggleston, G. C. A rebel’s recollections. 1875 736.11 Jackson, W. Doctrine of retribution (Bamp- ton lectures). 1876 442.9 Jacob Faithful. Marryat, Francis 36.380 Jacobi, A. Infant diet. 1874 816.16 Jacobi, Dr. Mary P. Question of rest for women during menstruation. 1877.. 846.7 Jacobus, M. W. Notes on Genesis. 2 v.’69. 405.5 Jacox, Francis. Cues from all quarters: or, the literary musings of a clerical re- cluse. 1871 301.30 — Literary life; or, aspects of authorship. 323.11 — Shakespeare diversions. 1875 312.11 Jamaica. Trollope, A. West Indies and the Spanish main, [1859] 503 . 15 James, F. L. Wild tribes of the Soudan, [1881-2.] 1883 521.7 James, G. P. R. Agincourt. 1871 34.30 — Agnes Sorel [France; Charles VII.] ’68 134.13 — Arabella Stuart. [Times of James I].. . 34.29 — Arrah Neil. [Time of the commonwealth] 36.253 — Beauchamp. 1846 36.254 — Castle of Ehrenstein. 1847 36 . 255 — The convict. 1847 36.256 — Darnley; or, the field of the cloth of gold, [1520]. 1864.. 17.31 — False heir. 1843 36 . 291 — Forest days. 1845 36.263 — Heidelberg. [Thirty years’ war in Ger- many], 1846 36.258 — History of Charlemagne. [Pub. 1832] . . 626 . 11 — History of chivalry [and the crusades]. 1871 703.12 — The Hugenots;a tale of the French prot- estants. 1864 131.20 — Morley Ernstein. 1842 36.259 — The old dominion [Virginia, 1831]. 1856. 34.36 — Richelieu. A tale of France 131.21 — Rose, d’Albret; [Time of Henry IV. of France]. 1844. 2v.ini 36.260 — Russell: tale of reign of Charles II. 1847. 36.261 — Sir Theodore Broughton; or, laurel wa- ter. 1848 36.262 — The smuggler. 1845 36 . 264 — The step-mother. 1845 36 . 265 — Ticonderoga; or, the Black Eagle. [Old French war], 1874 34.38 — A whim and its consequences. 1847 36 . 266 18 JAMES. 138 JELLY. James, H. jr. The American. Fict. ’77. 137.24 — Confidence. 1880 46.14 — French poets and novelists. 1878 627.13 — Hawthorne. (Eng. men of letters). 1880 616.11.12 — Portrait of a lady. 1882 146.5 — Portraits of places. [Europe and the United States]. 1884 522.7 — Siege of London; Pension Beaurepas; Point of view. 1883 54.10 — Washington square. 1881 138.29 — Watch and ward. 1878 53.21 James, J. A. The Christian father’s present to his children. 1857 406.4 — The course of faith. 1859 408 . 14 — Female piety. 1873 425.25 — Young man from home 412 . 2 Jameson, Mrs. A. Characteristic of women, moral, poetical and historical. 1870. 332.27 — Dairy of an ennuyee. [Travel in Italy]. 1879 518.8 — Early Italian painters. 1875 614 . 3 — Legends of the Madonna. 1866 852 . 15 — Legends of the monastic orders, as repre- sented in the fine arts. 1866 852.14 — Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns 633 . 12 — Memoirs of the loves of the poets. ’66 . . 633 . 13 — Sisters of charity, catholic and protestant. 1855 414.3 — Sketches of art, literature, and character 318.6 — Macpherson, G. Life of Mrs. Anna Jameson 617.4 Jane Eyre. Bronte, Charlotte 36.408 Janet, a poor heiress. Clarke, K. S 81.26 Janet’s love and service. Robinson, M. M. 33.23 Janeway, J. J. Communicant’s manual [1848] 406.2 Janson, K. Spell-bound fiddler: Norse ro- mance. 1880 138.27 January and June. Taylor, B. F. 1871.. 304.17 Janvier, Mrs. E. N. Esther Maxwell’s mis- take. [Temperance story]. 1874 92.28 Japan. Bird, Mrs. I. L. Unbeaten tracks in J apan. 2 v. 1881 517 . 8 — Carrothers, J. D. Sunrise kingdom. [’79] 514.20 — Dalton, W. Mark Raffles, the English boy in Japan. 1872 26.39 — Dresser, C. Japan: its architecture, art, and art manufactures. 1882 848 . 12 — Greey, E. Young Americans in Japan. 515.10 — Griffis, W. E. Mikado’s empire. History of Japan, 660 B. C. to 1872, A. D. Personal experiences, etc , 1370-4 715 . 1 — Hildreth, R. Japan as it was and is, [1855] 724.9 — Jarves, J. J. The art of Japan. 1876.. 816.3 — Tamenaga, Shunshui. Loyal Ronins. [Japanese romance]. 1880 47.11 — Taylor, B. India, etc., [in 1853] 524 . 26 ed’r. Japan in our day. 1872 504.30 — Tomes, R. Americans in Japan. Abridge- ment of narrative of U. S. expedition, [1852-4] 506.4 Japanese episodes. House, E. H. 1881.. 518.9 Japanese fairy world. Griffis, W. E 87.16 Japhet in search of a father. Marry at, F. 36.381 Jarves, J. J. Art hints. 1855 805.3 — Art idea. 1877 824.5 — Art of J apan. 1876 816 . 3 — Art thoughts. 1882.. 852.12 Jarvis, Edward. Physiology. 1848 801.5 Jasmin, J. Preston, H. W. Troubadours and trouveres 206.16 Jason, Life and death of. [Poem]. Mor- ris, W 217.18 J ava. See Malaysia. Jay, J., joint author. See Federalist 904 . 1 Jay, W. Thoughts on marriage. 1833 408.12 Jeaeereson, J. C. Book about doctors.’70 643.16 — Lottie Darling. 1875 148.4 — Olive Blake’s good work. 1871 134.2 — The real Lord Byron. New views of the poet’s life. 1883 642 . 9 — A woman in spite of herself. 1872 36 . 273 Jealousy; or, Teverino. Sand, George 6.6 Jean Teterol’s idea. Cherbuliez, Victor. . . 57.9 Jeanie’s quiet life. Tabor, Eliza 42.15 Jeannette, U. S. steamer. Danenhower, J. W. Narrative of the. 1882 501.8 — Gilder, W. H. Ice-pack and tundra, [1881-2] , 521.19 Jeans, W. T. Creators of the age of steel. 1884 644.7 Contents.— Sir H. Bessemer. Sir William Siemens. Sir John Whitworth. Sir John Brown. Mr. S. G. Thomas. Mr. G. J. Snelus. Jebb, R. C. Greek literature. (Literature primers). 1879 314.1.8 — Modern Greece. 1880 523.5 — Richard Bentley. (Eng. men of letters). 1882 ....616.11.26 Jefferies, Richard. Amateur poacher. ’79. 833.30 — The game-keeper at home. Sketches of natural history and rural life. 1879. 823 . 25 — Round about a great estate [in England.] 1880 : 516.5 — Wild life in a southern county. [Eng- land]. 1879 823.29 — Wood magic; a fable. 1881 832.17 Jefferson, Thomas. Brougham, H., lord. Statesmen in the time of George III. 633.1.3 — Frost, J. Lives of the presidents 621 . 8 — Guernsey, A. H. Mr. Jefferson’s pet. [University of Virginia] In 1004.1.44 Thomas Jefferson and his family. In 1004.1.43 — Homes of American statesmen 617.9 — Monticello. [Home of Jefferson] In 1004.1.7 — Morse, J. T. Life of. 1883 626.4.7. — Parton, J ames. Life of. 1874 632 . 11 Lives of illustrious men. 1881 617.17 — Randall, H. S. Life of. 3 v. 1858 603 . 1 See also Atlantic, v. 9 [Jefferson and slavery, by a A. D. White] ; Harper’s m., v. 3, 7, 26, [Talk with J., by J. D. Thompson]. Jefferson family. [Actors]. Winter, W. The Jeffersons. 1881 635.18.2 Jeffrey, Francis, lord. Contributions to the Edinburgh review. 1858 305.5 — Carlyle, T. Lord Jeffrey In 622.17 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men . . . 614 . 14 — Harper’s m., v. 1. Francis Jeffrey 1004.1 — [Memoir] In 1001.9.1 — Smiles, S. Brief biographies 606.4 Jeffreys, G., English judge. Campbell, J. Lord chancellors of England 618.14.4 See also Macaulay’s history. Jeffries, B. J. Color-blindness; its dan- gers, etc. 1879 833.26 Jeffries, J. P. Natural history of the hu- man races. 1869 812 . 3 jELLY-fish, star-fish, and sea-urchins. Ro- manes, C. J 815.4.49 jELLY-fishes. Tenney, S. Juv 22.17 JENKIN. 139 JIMMY. Jenkin, Mrs. C. Jupiter’s daughter. 1844 36.267 — Once and again. 1865 36 . 268 — Skirmishing. 1863 36.269 — Two French marriages. 1868 36.270 — “Who breaks, pays.” 1873 63.25 — Within an ace. 1869 36.272 Jenkins, E. The Devil’s chain. [Temper- ance tale]. 1876 137.3 — Ginx’s baby, his birth and other misfor- tunes. A satire. 1873 308.28 Same. [Also] Lord Bantam. A satire. 36.274 — A paladin of finance. Fict. 1882 146 . 14 Jenkins, O. L. Students’ hand-book of British and American literature. ’76. 318.33 Jennie June, pseud. See Croly, Mrs. D. G. Jennings, G. H. Anecdotal history of the British parliament. 1881 913 . 21 — and Johnstone, W. S. Half-hours with Greek and Latin authors. 1882 318 . 9 Jerdan, W. Personal reminiscences. ’75 In 612.20 Jericho road. Habberton, J. 1877 137.1 Jerome, St. Cutts, E. L. (The fathers) 423.14.6 Jerrmann, E. Pictures from St. Petersburg 1852 506.11 Jerrold, Douglas. Fireside saints; Mr. Caudle’s breakfast talk. 1873 306 . 30 — History of St. Giles and St. James. [Neg- lect of the poor]. 1852. 2 v. in 1 . . . 36 . 276 — Men of character. [Humorous sketches] 36 . 275 — Mrs. Caudle’s curtain lectures. 1871 . . . 306 . 12 Jerry. Simonds, W. Juv 91.27.7 Jerusalem. Abbott, L. Recovery of Jeru- salem In 1004.1.43 — Barclay, J. T. City of the Great King. 1858 507.13 — Eddy, D. C. Jerusalem. Juv 515.1.2 — Gibbon, E. Decline and fall, ch. 23. [Julian attempts to rebuild the tem- ple] 701.3 — Porter, J. L. Giant cities of Bashan. . . . 525 . 13 — Prime, W. C. The holy city In 1004.1.14 — Smith, W. Dictionary of the bible, v. 2 *A.13 Note . — Contains an elaborate article on J. . — Tasso, T. Jerusalem delivered. [Poem] 204.24 — Tweedie, W. K. Jerusalem; pictorial and descriptive. 1877 516 . 27 — Williams, G. The holy city. 2 v. 1849 517.12 See also Crusades; East (The); Jews; Palestine. Jessamine. Terhune, Mrs. M. Y 64.23 Jesse, J. H. Court of England under the Stuarts. 3 v. 1857. 718.6 — The pretenders and their adherents. ’60 . 718 . 7 Jessie. Simonds, W. Juv 91.27.3 Jessie Carlton. Wise, Daniel. Juv 71.22 Jessie Graham. Holmes, Mrs. M. J In 144.18 Jessup, H. H. Mohammedan missionary problem. 1879 421.29 — Women of the Arabs, with a chapter for children. 1878 531.12 Jesuits. Feval, Paul. The Jesuits, 1878. . . 443.22 — Griesinger, T. History of the. 2 v. ’83 431.9 — Jameson, Mrs. A. Legends of the mon- astic orders. 1866 852 . 14 — Lawrence, E. Loyola and the Jesuits. In 1004.1.39 — Parkman, F. Jesuits in North America in the 17th century 736.15.2 Pioneers of France in the new world 736.15.1 — Pascal, Blaise. Provincial letters 441 . 10 — Ranke, L. History of the popes. 3 v. . 701 . 5 — Robertson, W. Charles V. [Sketch of the order in book 6.1 704.7.2 — Taylor, I. Loyola and Jesuitism. 1849. 433.2 See also Church history; Loyola; Roman catholic church. Jesus. See Christ. Jevons. W. S. Logic. (Science primers). 1877 828.20.9 — Methods of social reform, etc. 1883 915.9 — Money and mechanism of exchange. ’76. 815.4.17 — Political economy. (Science primers.) 1879 828.20.12 — Principles of science. 1877 417.21 Jewel in the lotos. Tincker, M. A. 1884. 55 . 23 Jewett, C. Forty years’ fight with the drink demon. [Hist, of the temp, reform. ]’76 425.11 Jewett, Sara 0. A country doctor. 1884. 56.9 — Deephaven. [Stories of the N. E. coast] 137.7 — Old friends and new. [Stories]. 1880. . 46.29 Jewish artisan life in the time of Jesus. Delitzscli, F 432.15 Jewitt, L. Half hours among English an- tiquities. 1877 724.20 Jews. Aguilar, Grace. Women of Israel. 2 v. 1871 644.28 — Allen, J. H. Hebrew men and times.’79 421.27 7 ~ j ' * — Baring-Gould, S. Origin and develop- ment of religious belief. [Judaism].. 411.22 — Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions. [Juda- ism] 438.26 — Conder, C. R. Judas Maccabaeus and the J ewish war of independence 621.25.4 — Ewald, H. History of Israel, 5 v. 1876 418.5 Contents.— v. 1. Introduction and preliminary history. 2. History of Moses and the theocracy. 3. Rise and splendor of the Hebrew monarchy. 4. From the dis- ruption of the monarchy to its fall . 5. History of Ezra and the hagiocracy in Israel to the time of Christ. — History of the Jews in England In 1001.8.10 — Jewish life in central Europe In 1001.9.3 — Josephus, Flavius. Works. 3v 732.17 Contens . — v 1-2. Antiquities of the Jews. v. 3. Wars of the Jews; Josephus against Apion; Three disser- tations. Same 715.9 — Laurence, E. The Jews and their per- secutors In 1004.1.49 — Lord, J. Moses, [and] Jewish jurispru- dence In 735.6.1 — Milman, H. H. History of the Jews. 3 v. 1875 715.11 — Smith, W. New testament history. [Hist. of the Jews, B. C. 400-A. D. 70] 715.18 Old testament history [to the return from captivity] 706.17 — Smith, W. R. Old testament in the Jewish church. 1881 426.20 — Stanley, A. P. History of the Jewish church. 3 v. 1872-7 438.25 Contents.— 1. Abraham to Samuel. 3. From Samuel to the captivity. 3. From the captivity to the birth of Christ. — Tacitus. Works, v, 2, ch. 5. [Roman view.] 1021 . 10 — Univ. hist.; anc. pt., v. 2-3 *707.1 — Same; mod. pt. v. 10. [Dispersion of the Jews, lst-17th cent.] *707.2 Illustrative fiction.— Aguilar’s “Vale of cedars” [Ex- pulsion of the Jews from Spain]. 5.14; Ingraham’s “Prince of the house of David” [Jerusalem under Herod]. 13.21; Ware’s “Julian” [Time of Christ]. 14.3; White- Melville’s “Gladiators” [Fall of Jerusalem], 36.394. Jewsbury, Maria J. Letters to the young. 407.6 Jimeson, A. A. The twenty-five articles of religion as taught by the Methodists. 1855 437.4 Jimmy’s cruise in the Pinafore. Alcott, L.M. 26.42.5 JOAN. 140 JOHNSON. Joan of Arc. Chambers’s miscellany, v. 4. 1001 8 — Charles, Mrs. E. Joan the maid. Fict. 46.20 — Guizot, F. P. G. History of France. . . . 735.4.2 — Jameson, Mrs. A. Lives of celebrated sovereigns 633 . 12 — Lord, J. Joan of Arc. [or] Heroic women In 735.6.5 — Michelet, J. History of France, v. 2. .. . 702.2 — Tuckey, Janet. Joan of Arc., “the maid.”621.25.3 — Watson, H. C. Heroic women of hist.. . 617.1 Job, Book of. See Bible (Old testament). Jocoseria. [Poems]. Browning, R 213.7 John, Mrs. E. [E . Marlitt]. At the coun- cillor’s. 1876 144.17 — Bailiff’s maid. 1881 141.19 — Countess Gisela. 1870 131.11 — Gold Elsie. 1871 32.9 — In the Schillingscourt. 1879 45.24 — Little moorland princess. 1862 25.21 — Old mam’selle’s secret. 1870 142 . 7 — Second wife. 1877 44.25 John: a love story. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. 34.40 John Andross. Davis, M rs. R..H. Fict.. 32.2 John Barlow’s ward. 1881 146.6 John Bull and Brother Jonathan. Paulding, J. K 332.24 John Eax; [also] Mamelon. Tourgee, A. W. 1882 51.11 John Gay series.} 4v. See Abbott, J. John Godfrey’s fortunes. Taylor, Bayard. . 13.16 John Godsoe’s legacy. Kellogg, Elijah. Juv. 25.46 John Halifax, gentleman. Craik, D. M. .. 13.1 John Inglesant. Shorthouse, J. H. 1882. 52.14 John Jasper’s secret: sequel [so called] to “Edwin Drood.” Morford, H 33.15 John Law, the projector. Ainsworth, W.H. Fict 36.17 John Marchmont’s legacy. Braddon, M. E. 36.51 John Merry weather. Saunders, Catherine. 36.486 John Ploughman’s pictures. Spurgeon, C.H. 423.29 John Ploughman’s talk. Spurgeon, C. H. . 402.30 Johnes, M. Prince Charlie; the young chev- alier. 1860 24.19 Johnny Ironsides. Girardin, J. Juv 75.21 Johnny Ludlow. 1874 36.277 Johnson, Andrew, YWi president of the TJ. S. Ames, M. C. Ten years in Washington 521.5 — United States. Senate. Trial of A. J. on impeachment, v. 1. 1868. See United States. Johnson, Anna C. Peasaht life in Germany 508.11 Johnson, A. H. Normans in Europe, [700- 1154.] 1877 743.5.12 Johnson, E. A. Winter greeneries at home. 1878 838.17 JoHNSon, E. W. The studio arts. 1878 . . . 823 . 14 Johnson, H. Christianity’s challenge, etc. 1881 443.3 Johnson, Helen K. Our familiar songs, with piano accompainment. 1881 212.4 Johnson, Joseph. Self-effort; or, the true method of attaining success in life.’83 433 . 10 Johnson, O. Garrison and his times. 1881 623.19 Johnson, R. W. Life of Gen. G. H. Thomas. 1881 623.12 Johnson, Richard. The seven champions of Christendom 138 . 3 Contents.— [Abridged]— St George of England. St. Dennis of France; St. James of Spain; St Anthony of Italy; St. Andrew of Scotland; St. Patrick of Ireland. Johnson, Rossiter. History of the French war. (Minor wars of the U. S.) ’82. 723.18.1 — History of the war of 1812-15. (Minor wars of the United States). 1882. . .723.18.2 J ohnson, Rossiter, continued . — Phaeton Rogers; a novel of boy life. ’81 82. 13 — ed'r. Little classics. 16 v. 1875 304.16 Contents. — v. 1. Exile. — Ethan Brand, by N. Haw- thorne. Swans of Lir, by G. Griffin. A night in a workhouse, by J. Greenwood. Outcasts of Poker- Flat, by Bret Harte. The man without a country, by E. E. Hale. Flight of a Tartar tribe, by T. DeQuincey. 2. Intellect .—}l ouse and the brain, by E. Bulwer-Lyt- ton. D’ outre mort, by H. P. tpofford. The fall of the house of Usher, by E. A. Poe. Chops the dwarf, by C. Dickens. Wakefield, by N. Hawthorne. Murder, con- sidered as one of the fine arts, by T. DeQuincey. Cap- tain’s story, by Mrs. R. H. Davis. 3. Tragedy. The murders in the Rue Morgue, by E. A. Poe. The Lauson tragedy, by J. W. DeForest. The iron shroud, by W. Mudford. The bell-tower, by H. Melville. The Kathayan slave, by E. C. Judson. The The story of La Roche, by H. M ackenzie. The vision of sudden death, by T. DeQuincey. 4. Life— Rab and his friends, by John Brown. A ro- mance of real life, by W. D. Howells. The luck of Roaring Camp, by Bret Harte. Jerry Jarvis’s wig, by R. H. Barham. Beauty and tjie beast, by N. P. Willis. David Swan, by N. Hawthorne. Dreamthorp, by Alex- ander Smith. A bachelor’s revery, by D. G. Mitchell. The grammar of life, by B. F. Taylor. My chateaux, by G. W. Curtis. Dream-children, by C. Lamb. The the man in tbe reservoir, by C. F. Hoffman. Westmin- ster Abbey, by J. Addison. The Puritans, by T. B. Macaulay. Gettysburg, by Abraham Lincoln. 5. Laughter. — A Christmas carol, by C. Dickens. The haunted crust, by Katherine Saunders. A disserta- tion upon roast pig, by C. Lamb. The total depravity of inanimate things, by Mrs. E. A: Walker. The skele- ton in the closet, by E. E. Hale. Sandy Wood’s sepul- chre, by H. Miller. A visit to the asylum for aged and decayed punsters, by O. W. Holmes. Mr. Tibbot O’Leary, the curious, by G. Griffin. Neal Malone, by W. Carleton. 6. Love.— Love and skates, by T. Winthrop. The maid of Malines, by E. Bulwer-Lytton. The story of Ruth- Holy Bible. The rise of Iskander, by B. Disraeli. 7. Romance.— Iris, by O. W. Holmes. The Rosicru. cian, byD, M. M. Craik. The South Breaker, by H. P- Spofiiord, The snow-storm, by J. Wilson. The king of the peak, by A. Cunningham. 8. Mystery.— The ghost, by W. D. O’Connor. The four-fifteen express, by A. B. Edwards. The signal- man, by C. Dickens. The haunted ships, by A. Cun- ningham. A raft that no man made, by R. T. S. Lowell. The invisible princess, by F. O’Connor. The advocate’s wedding-day, by C. Crowe. The birthmark, by N. Hawtnorne. 9. Comedy. — Barny O’Reirdon the navigator, by Samuel Lover. Haddad-Ben-Ahab the traveller, by John Galt. Bluebeard’s ghost, by W. M. Thackeray. The picnic party, by Horace Smith. Father Tom and the pope, by S. Ferguson. Johnny Darbyshire, by W. Howitt. The gridiron, by S. Lover. The box tunnel, by C. Reade. 10. Childhood.— Dog of Flanders, by L. De la Rame. King of the Golden river, by J. Ruskin. Lady of Sha- lott, by E. S. Phelps. Marjorie Fleming, by John Brown. Little Jakey, by, Mrs. S. H. De Kroyft. Lost child, by Henry Kingsley. Goody gracious! and the forget-me-not, by John Neal. Faded leaf of history, by Mrs. R. H. Davis. Child’s dream of a star, by C. Dickens. 11. Heroism.— Little Briggs and I, byF. H Ludlow. Ray, by H. P. Spofford. Three November days, by B. F. Taylor. The forty-seven Ronins, by A. B. Mitford. A chance child, by Isabella Mayo. A. leaf in the storm, by L. De la Rame. 12. Fortune.— The gold-bug, by E. A. Poe. The fairy- finder, by S. Lover. Murad the unlucky, by Maria Edgeworth. The children of the public, by E. E. Hale. The rival dreamers, by John Banim. The threefold destiny, by N. Hawthorne. 13. Poems narrative.— Deserted village, by O Gold- smith. Ancient mariner, by Coleridge. The prisoner of Chillon, by Byron. Bingen on the Rhine, by Caro- line Norton. O’Connor’s child, by T. Campbell. Kil- meny, by J. Hogg. The dream of Eugene Aram, by T. Hood, Lady Barbara, by Alexander Smith. The sensi- tive plant, by P . B. Shelley. Eve of St. Agnes, by J. Keats. Paradise and the peri, by T. Moore. The raven, by E. A. Poe. Skeleton in armor, by H. W. Longfellow. Haunted house, by T. Hood. Writing on the image, by W. Morris. Tam O’Shanter, by R. Burns. Forging of the anchor, by S. Ferguson. Morte d’ Arthur, by A. Tennyson. Horatius, by r. B. Macaulay. 14. Poems lyrical. 15. Minor Poems. 16. Biographical sketches of the authors represented in the series. With a general index. JOHNSON. 141 JOURNAL. Johnson, R., and others. Two fortune-seek- ers and other stories 87.9 Johnson, Samuel, L. L. D. Dictionary of the English language. Ed. by R. G. Latham. Abridged. 1877 *E.6 — History of Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia. 62 . 4 — Lives of the English poets. 2 v. in 1. ’58 643.17 Contents. — v. 1. Cowley. Denham. Milton. Butler. Rochester. Roscommon. Otway. Walter. Pomfret. Dorset. Stepney. J. Philips. Walsh. Dryden. Smith. Duke. King. Sprat. Halifax. Parnell. Garth. Rowe. Addison. Hughes. Sheffield. 2. Prior. Congreve. Blackmore. Fenton. Gay. Granville. Yalden. Tickell. Hammond. Somervile. Savage. Swift. Broome. Pope. Pitt. Thomson. Watts.- A. Philips. West. Collins. Dyer. Shenstone. Young. Mallet. Akenside. Gray. Lyt- telton. — The Rambler. (British essayist, v. 16-18) 303 . 15 — Allibone, S. A. Dictionary of authors, v.l *A.8 — Boswell, J. Life of. With additions by J. W.' Crocker. 2v 604.4 — Carlyle, T. Heroes and hero-worship . . 301 . 23 : — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men.. . . 614.14 — Macaulay, T. B. Biographical essays. In 643 . 21 Crocker’s ed’n of Boswell In 305.13 — Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists. . . 624.19 — Stephen, L. Life of. 1878 .616.11.4 Johnson, Rev. Samuel. Oriental religions and their relation to universal religion: China. 1881 431.4 Same. India. 1872 438.27 Johnson, S. W. Agricultural chemistry. (Smith, report, 1859) *8501.2 — How crops feed. [cop. 1879] 804.9 — How crops grow. [cop. 1868] 804.10 Johnson, T. R. Book-keeping by double entry. 1879 834.2 Johnson, Virginia W. Foreign marriage: or, buying a title. 1880 47.4 Johnson’s new universal encyclopaedia. 4 v. N. Y., 1877-8 *B.26 Contents. — 1. A-E; 2. F- Lichens. 3. Lich- feld-R; 4. S-Appendix. Johnston, Alex. History of American poli- tics. [Handbook]. 1879 912.19 Johnston, Gen. J. E. Narrative of military operations. 1874 734.4 Johnston, J. F. Chemistry of common life. 2 v. 1871 803.14 Johnstone, W. S. Half-hours with Greek and Latin authors. See Jennings, G.H 318.9 Johonnot, James. Geographical reader.’82 526.25 — Natural history reader. 1883 842 . 39 — Principles and practice of teaching. ’79 441 . 18 Joinery. See Carpentry. Jolly fellowship. Stockton, F. R 87.5 J olly good times. Thorne, P., pseud 74.23 Joly, M. Man before metals. 1883 315.4.45 Jonas books. 6 v. See Abbott, J. Jonathan Wild. Fielding, H. Fict 58.6 Jones, B. D. Tallahassee girl. 1882 52.6 Jones, C. C. Religious instruction of negroes [to 1842 in U. S.J 426.19 Jones, C. C .,jr. Antiquities of the south- ern Indians. 1873 734 . 13 Jones, C. H. Africa; history of explora- tion. 1875 526.5 — History of the campaign for the conquest of Canada in 1776. 1882 726 . 14 — ecCr. Vers de societe. 1876 211.11 Jones, C. S. and Williams, H. T. Beauti- ful homes. 1878 833.7 — Household elegancies. 1875 821.27 — Ladies’ fancy work. 1876 826.1 Jones, E. H. Romances of the middle ages. See Cox, G. W. 1880 47.5 Jones, G. Observations on the zodiacal light, 1853-5 *8521.12 Jones, Harry. The regular Swiss round. IUus. 1873 512.27 Jones, Henry, [ Cavendish ]. Laws of whist. 1884 844.43 Jones, J. B. Rebel war clerk’s diary. 2 v. 1866 714.19 — Wild western scenes, [cop. 1856] 88.19 Jones, John Paul. Abbott, J. S. C. Life of. 621.3 — Headley, J. T. Washington and his gen- erals 602.7.2 — Lossing, B. J. [Sketch]. Illus In 1004.1.11 — Mackenzie, A. S. Life. 2 v. [1841] . . . 636 . 5 — Parton, J. Lives of illustrious men. ... 617.17 In fiction see Cooper’s Pilot [2.27]; “Paul Jones and and Denis Duval” in Hale’s Ingham papers [48 . 10] i Thackeray’s Denis Duval with notes appended [36.525]. Jones, L. E. The best reading: a priced and classified bibliography. 2d ser. 1876-82 *3501.4.2 Jones, M. [Edward] the black prince. Illus 1863 28.6 Jones, W. Treasures of the earth; or mines, minerals and metals. 1872 812 . 12 Jones, W. D. Mirror of modern democ- racy. 1864 903.20 Jonson, Ben. Works, with memoir. 1853 201.19 — Taine, H. A. Hist, of Eng. literature, v. 1 305.12 — Whipple, E. P. Lit. of the age of Eliza- beth. 1871 303.5 Jonveaux, E. Two years in east Africa. ’75 524.17 Jordan, D. S. Manual of verterbrates. ’76 828.24 Jordan, W. L. The ocean: its tides and currents and their causes. 1873 821 . 17 Jordon, The. MacGregor, J. The Rob Roy on the 502 . 32 See also Palestine. Joseph II. and his court. Mundt, C. M. 61.24 Joseph and his friend. Taylor, B 45.26 Joseph Andrews. Fielding, H. Fict. ’67. 58.6 Josephine, empress of the French. Abbott, J.S. C. History of. 1873 611.15 — Hartley, C. T. Life of. 1872 604.15 — Headley, P. C. Life of. 1854 604.13 — Jameson, Mrs. A. Female sovereigns . . 633.12 — Mundt, C. M. Empress Josephine. Fict 47.21 — Russell, W. Extraordinary women 618.2 See also lives of Hortense; Napoleon I. Josephus, Flavius. Works; tr. by W. Whis- ton. 3 v. 1839 732.17 Contents.— v 1-2. Antiquities of the Jews. 3. Wars of the Jews; Josephus against Apion; Three disserta- tions. — Same 715.9 Joshua Davidson, communist. Linton, E.L. 133.7 Josiah Allen’s wife; Samantha at the cen- tennial. Holley, M 148 . 1 Journal of a farmer’s daughter. Goodale, E. 1881 838.39 Journal of a home life. Sewell, Eliza M. . 36.509 Journal of a prisoner of war in Richmond [in 1861 ]. Ely, Alfred 737.7 Journal of a residence in Georgia in 1838-9 Kemble, F. A 506 . 13 Journal of education. [New England and National], v. 7-22, Bost, 1878-85. fol. *8541 .26 Journal of health, v. 1-3. Phil. 1830-2. . . 807.20 Journal of summer time in the country. Wilmott, R. A 301.2 JOURNALISM. 142 KEARY. Journalism and the press. Congdon, C. T. Reminiscences of a journalist. ’80.. 624.14 — Froude, J. A. Free discussion of theo- logical difficulties In 307.21.1 Liberty of conscience and free discus- sion In 307.21.1 — Godwin, Parke. Journalism In 311.18 — Hamerton, P. G. Reading of newspapers In 1006.4.5 — Hudson, F. Hist, of journalism in the U. S., 1690-1872 312.2 — Mathews, W. Writing for the press. In 325.31 — Maurice. F. D. Use and abuse of news- papers In 327.15 — Milton, J. Areopagitica: a speech for the liberty of unlicensed printing . In 1001.6.2 See also Newspapers; Periodicals. Journey due north [Russia]. Sala, G. A.. . 527.15 Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo [in 1844]. Thackeray, W. M. (Miscella- nies, y 2) 301.12 Journey in the seaboard slave states. Olm- sted, F. L. 1858 512.8 Journey round my room. Maistre, X. de. 308.18 Journey to the centre of the earth. Verne, J. 64 . 11 Joyce, P. W. Grammar of the Irish lan- guage. 1879 313.13 Joyce, R. D. Legends of the wars in Ire- lend. 1868 131.7 . Juan Fernandez. Browne, J. R. Crusoe’s island. 1864 512.7 Judd, J. W. Volcanoes. [Int. sci. ser.] ’81. 815.4.35 Judd, Rev. Sylvester, Margaret. 1871 17.19 Judd family. Scotford. J 433.29 Judge and jury. Abbott, B. V. 1880 914.8 Judith. Terhune, Mrs. M. V. 1883 55.18 Judith Shakespeare. Black, W. 1884. . . 57.23 Judson, [Mrs. Ann H., Mrs. S. B., .Mrs. E. C.] Wilson, Mrs. A. M. Lives of the three Mrs. Judsons. 1875 613.13 JuG-or-not. [Temp. tale]. Wright, J 92.15 “Jukes, The:” a study in crime, etc. Dug- dale, R. L 913.19 Julia Ried. Alden, Mrs. I. M 86.13 Julian, Eran. Interest tables, [cop. 1859] 818.34 Julian, G. W. Political recollections, 1840- 72. 1884 916.15 Julian; or, scenes in Judea Ware, W. 2 v 14.3 Julian Home: tale of college life. Far- rar, F. W. 1878 44.24 Julienne: daughter of the hamlet. De Normand, H 18.5 Julius Caesar. See Caesar, C. J. Julius Caesar, [tragedy]. See Shakespeare. Junius, pseud. Letters. 2 v. ini 304.11 — Goodrich, C. A. Select British eloquence. 1874 321.15 — Allibone, S. A. [Bibliography of the subject] *A.8.1 — Campbell, J. Lives of the Lord chan- cellors. [Identified with Sir P. Fran- cis] p. 527 of 618.14.8 — De Quincey, T . Lit. reminiscences, v. 2 302 . 19 — Macaulay, T. B. Essay on Wm. Hast- ings. [ J . indentified with Sir Philip Francis] 305.13 — Weed, Thurlow. Letters of Junius. 7n*1005.3.15 Junkin, D. H. and Norton, F. H. Life of Gen. W. S. Hancock. 1880 621.22 Juno stories. 4 v. See Abbott, J. Junot, Laure, P., duchesse d’Abrantes. Memoirs of Napoleon, his court and family. 2 v. 1873 615.11 Jupiter’s daughters. Jenkin, C 36.267 Justin Martyr. Writings. (A.-N. lib., v. 2). 415.1 Juvenal [D. J. Juvenalis]. Satires; tr. by C. Badham 1020 . 13 — Juvenal [outlined and explained] by E. Walford. 1872 1020.31 Juventus mundi. [Homeric age]. Glad- stone, W. E 433.24 Kaloolah. Mayo, W. S. 1872 8.4 Kames, Lord. See Home, H. Kane, E. K. Second Grinnell expedition in search of Sir J ohn Franklin, [1853-5] ; with biog. sketch of the author 503 . 26 — Smucker, S. M. Life of. 1859 606 . 24 — Sontag, A. Narrative of the Grinnell ex- pedition, [1853-5] 507.6 Kane, H. H. Opium smoking in China and America. 1882 824.16 Kansas. Phillips, W. The conquest of, [1854-6]. 1856.. 711.5 Kant, Immanuel. Critique of pure reason. 1872 411.19 — Lewis, G. H. Biog. hist, of philosophy. 427 . 1 Karr, Mrs. E. American horsewoman. ’84. 844.36 Kartoum. Gordon, C. G. Journal at. ’85 645.2 Kate Carlton. Wise, D. Juv 71.24 Kate Danton. Fleming, Mrs. A 43.13 Katherine Walton. Simms, W. G , 14.8 Katherine’s trial. Parr, Harriet 36.439 Kathie stories. 6 v. See Douglas, A. M. 83 . 13 Kathrina. [Poem]. Holland, J. G 203.17 Kaufman, R. Queens of England; abridg- ed. etc., from Strickland’s “Queens of England.” 3 v. 1883-4 738.12 Kavanagh, Julia. Adele. 1872. 3 v. in 2. 36.293 — Beatrice. 1864 36.294 — Bessie. 1872 36.295 — Daisy Burns. 1853 36.296 — Dora. 1868 36.297 — English women of letters. 1862 643 . 18 Contents. — Miss Fielding. Mme. D’Arblay. Mrs. Charlotte Smith. Mrs. Radcliffe. Mrs. Inchbald. Miss Edgeworth. Mrs. Austen. Mrs. Opie. Lady Morgan. — French women of letters: biographical sketches. 1862 643 . 19 Contents . — M’lle. De Gournay. M’lle. De Scudery. Mme. De la Fayette. Mme. De Tencin. Mme. Ricco- boni. Mme. De Genlis. Mme. De Charriere. Mme. De Krudener. Mme. Cottin. Mme. De Stael. — Grace Lee. 1855 36.298 — Nathalie. 1851 36.299 — Queen Mab. 1863 36.300 — Rachel Gray. 1856 36.301 — Seven years, and other tales. 1856 36 . 302 — Silvia. 1870 ......36.303 — Summer and winter in the two Sicilies. 1858 527.23 — Sybil’s second love 36.304 Kavanagh. Longfellow, H. W. Fict 14.25 Kavanaugh, Mrs , R. Juvenile speaker for little boys and girls 318 . 27 Kearny, Philip. De Peyster, J. W. Per- sonal and military history of. Ulus. 1869 628.9 Keary, Annie. Castle Daly. [Irish famine, 1847] 48.4 — A doubting heart. 1882 54.1 — Oldbury. 1874 36.305 — Keary, Eliza. Memoir of. 1883 627.9 Keary, C. F. The dawn of history. 1879. 717.6 — Outlines of primitive belief among the Indo-European races. 1882 443.25 KEATING. 143 KINDER-GARTEN. Keating, J. M. With Gen. Grant in the East. 1879 514.31 Keats, J. Poetical works. 1836 201 . 13 Same. Plus. 1878 203.18 — Howitt, W. Homes of British poets 615 . 15 — Lowell, J. R. Among my books, v. 2. . . 332.12 — Whipple, E. B. Essays 303.6.1 Keble, John. The Christian year: thoughts in verse for Sundays and holidays — 215 . 8 — Shairp, J. C. Studies in poetry, etc 301.11 Keddie, Henrietta [Sarah Tytler.] Citoy- enne Jacqueline. [French revolu- tion]. 1866 131.1 — Days of yore. 1868 131.3 — Diamond rose 33.30 — Huguenot family. 1868 17.24 — Marie Antoinette. [Biography]. 1883. 621.25.10 iK .r n • j- n _ • • - i.* ir7 4 orvo oi — Modern painters and their paintings. ’74 808.31 — Musical composers and their works. ’76. 613.23 — Old masters and their pictures. 1874 . . 808 . 32 — Papers for thoughtful girls. 1864 417.28 Keel, and saddle. Revere, J. W. 1872... 505.9 Keen, W. W., ed’r. American health prim- ers. 12 v. 1879-80 833.14 Contents.— v. 1. Hearing, by Burnett; 2 Long life, by Richardson ; 3. Summer and its diseases, by Wilson ; 4. Eyesight, by Harlan ; 5. Throat and voice, by Cohen ; 6. Winter and its dangers, by Osgood; 7. Mouth and teeth, by White ; 8, Brainwork and overwork, by Wood; 9. Our homes, by Hartshorne ; 10. Skin in health and disease, by Bulkley; 11. Sea-air and sea-bathing, by Packard ; 12. School and industrial hygiene, by Lin- coln. Keeping one cow. Ulus. 1880 835.23 Keightley. Thomas. Fairv mythology. 78 443.26 — Hist, of England [to 1837.] 1875 715.2 Kellehman, W. A. Plant analysis. 1874 . 845.11 Kelley, W. K., comp'r. History of Russia [to 1854]. 2 v. 1875 716.5 Kellogg, Elijah. Elm island stories. 6 v. [1868-71]. 1875. 1. Lion Ben 21.24 2. Charlie Bell 21.22 3. Ark of Elm island 21.20 4. Boy farmers 21.21 5. Young ship-builders 21.25 6. Hard-scrabble of Elm island 21.23 — Forest glen stories. 6 v. [74-75]. 1. Sowed by the wind.. 83.10.1 2. Wolf run 83.10.2 3. Brought to the front 83.10.3 4. Black Rifle’s mission 83.10.4 5. Forest glen 83.10.5 6. Burying the hatchet 83.10.6 — Good old time series, v. 1-4. [77-83]. 1. Live oak boys 83.4 2. The unseen hand 83.5 3. Strong arm and a mother’s blessing 83 . 6 4. Good old times 83.7 — Pleasant cove series. 6 v. [71-74]. 1. Arthur Brown 25.44 2. Young deliverers 25.45 3. Cruise of the Casco 25.32 4. Child of the island glen 25.31 5. John Godsoe’s legacy 25.46 6. Fisher boys of Pleasant cove 25.47 — Whispering pine series. 6 v. [71-73]. 1. Stout heart 25.41 2. Spark of genius 25.33 3. Sophomores of Radcliffe 25.35 4. Whispering pine 25.34 5. Turning of the tide 25.43 6. Winning his spurs 25.42 Kelly, Michael. Personal reminiscences. 1875 .In 612.22 Kemble, Frances A. Records of a girlhood 1879 618.5 — Records of later life. 1882 625.6 — Residence on a Georgian plantation in 1838-9 506.13 Kemlo, F. Watch-repairer’s hand-book. [cop. 1869] 844.9 Kemp, Edward. How to lay out a garden. 1880 838.18 Kemper county [Mississippi] vindicated. Lynch, J . D . 1879 ...912.30 Kempis, Thomas a. See Thomas a Kempis. Kenelm Chillingly. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. 36 . 78 Kenilworth. Scott, Sir W 12 . 1 2 Kennan, G. Tent life in Siberia, [1865-7 . . . 508 . 26 Kennedy, J. P. Horse-shoe Robinson. 72. 64.6 — Life of W. Wirt. 2 v. 1849 602.16 — Rob of the bowl. 1866 8.29 — Tuckerman, H. T. Life of. 1871 624.25 Kennedy, W. S. J. G. Whittier: his life, genius, and writings. 1882 626 . 9 — Oh ver Wendell Holmes : poet, litterateur, scientist. 1883 627.10 — Wonders and curiosities of the railway. 1884 845.17 Kenneth, my king, Brock, Sallie A 32.28 Kenrick, F. P. Primacy of the apostolic see. 1875 418.15 Kenrick, J. Ancient Egypt under the Pha- raohs. 2 v. 1852 745.11 Kent, J. Commentaries on American law. 4 v. 1867 908.2 Kentucky. Bradley, R. M. Granny Short’s barbecue [political satire]. 1879 913.13 — Shaler, N. S. Kentucky. A pioneer commonwealth. 1885 738.16.4 Keppel, H. Expedition to Borneo of her majesty’s ship Dido. 2 v. 1847 508.19 Keramos, etc. [Poems]. Longfellow, H. W. 208.10 Kerl, B. Assaying of lead, etc. See Bode- man, T. 1872 811.2 Kerl, S. Common school grammar. 1868 332 . 29 Kett & Co., publishers. History of Win- nebago county, Illinois. 1877 *712 . 13 Key of heaven; or, a manual of prayer. [Catholic] 435.24 Keys of sect; or, the church of the new tes- tament. Sturtevant, J. M. 1880 421.23 Khiva. Burnaby, F . Ride to Khiva [in 1875]. 1877 525.3 Kickleburys abroad. Thackeray, W. M. In 36.528.2 Kidd, Capt. W. Abbott, J. S. C. Life of 621.4 Kidder, D. P. Brazil and the Brazilians. See Fletcher, J. C 502 . 26 Kiddle, H., Harrison, T. F., and Calkins, N. A. Howto teach. 1874 412.14 — and others. Manual of astronomy, and use of globes. * 1855 814 . 8 — and Schem. A. J. Cyclopaedia of educa- tion. 1883 *B.29 Kilmeny. Black, W 36.42 Kimball, R. B. Henry Powers. 1868 13.11 — Romance of student life abroad. 1865. 13.12 — Saint Leger. 1868 13.13 — Undercurrents. 1868 13.14 — Was he successful ? 1 864 3.9 Kinder-garten. Froebel, F. Mother-play — Hailman, W. N. Kindergarten culture. 1873 441.16 — Kriege, M. H. The child; its nature and relations. 1877 432.6 KINDER-GARTEN. 144 KIRKWOOD. Kinder-garten, continued. — Mann, H. and Peabody, E . P. Kinder- garten guide. 1874 416 . 5 — Wiebe, E. Paradise of childhood: a guide to kinder-gartners 422.3 See also Object teaching. Kinematics. Mac Cord, O. W. 1883 843.26 King, Capt, C. The colonel’s daughter. [Western army life]. 1883 146.18 — Kitty’s conquest. 1884 56.3 King, Clarence. Democracy. Fict. 1880. 48.3 — Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada.’72 504.4 King, E. French political leaders. 1876.613.20.3 — The gentle savage. Fict. 1883 56.21 King, E. F., ed’r. Ten thousand wonderful things 311 . 4 King, Horatio. Sketches of travel [in Eu- rope]. 1878 514.18 King, M. and Ivy, T. P. Harvard and its surroundings. 1878 523 . 6 King, P. Life of Grover Cleveland. 1884 644.18 King, T. S. Substance and show, etc. 1877. 311 . 15 — The White Hills. Plus. 1876 525.7 King, W. R., of Alabama. Obituary ad- dresses on death of, in Congress. ’54. 603 . 10 King Arthur. [Poem]. Bulwer-Lytton, E. 214.5 King George’s middy. Gilbeit, W. Juv.. . 91.26 King of the golden river. [Fairy tale.] Ruskin, J 56.25 King of the mountains. [Greece; comic ro- mance]. About, E. . .’ 31.22 King Rene’s daughter. Lyrical drama. Hertz, II 211.32 King’s daughter. [Temp, tale.] Alden, I. M 86.24 King’s dictionary of Boston. Bacon, E. M.’83 501 . 6 King’s lily and his rosebud. Diaz, A. M. .. 28.16 King’s missive,, etc. [Poems]. Whittier, J. G. 1881 218.13 King’s own. [Sea tale.] Marryat, F 36.382 King’s warrant. Englebach, A. H 145.8 Kings. See Biography (Royal); Govern- ment. Kinglake, A. W. Eothen; or traces of travel from the East. 1845 505 . 7 — Invasion of the Crimea, [1854-6]. 4v... 705.4 Same. 8 v. in 4 746 . 14 Kingsbury, H. Law and government, and religious liberty. 1849 405 . 16 Kingsford, Anna. The perfect way in diet. [Vegetarian]. 1881 824.33 Kingsley, C. Alton Locke; tailor and poet 17.27 — Ancien regime. [Pre-revolutionary France] 706 . 26 — At last: a Christmas in the West Indies 522.30 — Glaucus; or the wonders of the shore.’55 807.6 — Health and education. 1874 413.4 Contents .— The science of health. The two breaths. The tree of knowledge. Nausicaa in London: or, the lower education of woman. The air-mothers. Thrift. The Btudy of natural history. On bio-geology. Hero- ism. Superstition. Science. Grots and groves. George Buchanan, scholar. Rondelet, the Huguenot natural- ist. Yesalius, the anatomist. — Hereward the wake, “ Last of the Eng- lish.” [Norman conquest] 132.19 — The hermits [biographies]. 1868 636 . 10 — The heroes; or, Greek fairy tales for my children. 1873 74.6 — Hypatia. [Early Christians; Alexandria] 14.7 — Madam How and Lady Why. [Earth lore]. 1881 832.25 Kingsley, C., continued. — New miscellanies. 1859 306.26 Contents.— “A. mad world, my masters.” Chalk-stream studies. Alexander Smith and Alexander Pope. Thoughts on Shelley and Byron. Mansfield’s Paraguay, Brazil, and the Plate The agricultural crisis. The water supply of London. Speech in behalf cf the ladies’ sanitary association, 1859. Great cities, and their influence for good and evil. On the study of nat- ural history. Thoughts in a gravel pit. John Tauler. Henry Brooke, and the fool of quality. Pilgrim’s pro- gress illustrated. — Plays and Puritans, and other essays. ’73 308.16 Contents.— Plays and Puritans. Sir Walter Raleigh and his time. Froude’s History of England. — Town geology. 1873 801.1 1 — Two years ago. Fict. 1871 14.6 — The water babies: a fairy tale for a land baby. 1872 83.15 — Westward ho! or, the voyages and adven- tures of Sir Amyas Leigh [time of Elizabeth], 1874 132.17 — Yeast; a problem. 1873 132.18 — Bayne, P. In his Essays 317.6.2 — Kingsley, Mrs. C., ed’r. Charles Kings- ley: his letters and memories of his life. 1877 613.15 Kingsley. H. Austin Elliot. [Corn-laws; Peel]. 1863 36.283 — Geoffry Hamlyn. 1864 36 . 284 — The Hillyars and the Burtons. 1 865 ... 36 . 285 — Leighton court. 1866 36.287 — Oakshott castle: memoir of an eccentric nobleman. 1873 36.288 — Ravenshoe. [Oxford; Crimean war] 36.289 — Reginald Hetherege. 1874 36.290 — Valentin: a French boy’s story of Sedan. 36.282 Kingsley, J. L. Life of Ezra Stiles, [c. ’44] In 601.1.6 Kingston, W. H. G. Afar in the forest; a tale of adventure in North America. 84.4 — Boys own book of boats. Ulus 827.32 — Cruise of the Frolic. 1866 24.20 — Dick Cheveley 82.16 — Fred Markham in Russia. Ulus 531.2 — The frontier fort [in British America].’79 78.20 — In New Grenada; or, heroes and patriots 87.8 — Notable voyages. 1880 516.1 — School-boy days. 1872 22.26 — Shipwrecks and disasters at sea. 1875. . 524.20 Kinzie, Mrs. I. Wau-bun, “the early day” in the North-west, [1830-3]. 1859 .... 503.10 Kip, Leonard. Under the bells. 1879 46.17 Kirby, Mary and Eliz. The sea and its won- ders. 1873 811.31 Kirk, Mrs. E. O. Lesson in love. 1881... 51.13 Kirk, J. F. Life of Charles the bold. 3 v. 1864 615.13 Kirkh am, Samuel. English grammar. ’30 326.6 Kirkland, C. M. Our new home in the West. 1872 525.30 Kirkland, E . S. Dora’s house-keeping.’83 82 . 19 — Short history of France. 1880 721 . 23 — Six little cooks; or, aunt Jane’s cooking class. 1877 74.25 — Speech and manners for home and school. 1884 82.23 Kirkland, F. Cyclopaedia of commercial and business anecdotes. 2 v. 1864 . 305 . 16 Kirkland, S. Lothrop, S. K. Life of. [c.’44] In 601.1.15 Kirkwood, J. P. Filtration of river waters. 1869 *8521.15 KISMET. 145 LACE. Kismet. Fletcher, Julia 145.4 Kitchen, M. W. Consumption its nature, etc. 1885 847.1 KiTCHEN-garden. Kitchen Garden assoc. Advanced lessons in, with songs and occupations . 1883 436 . 2 Kith and kin. Fothergill, J. 1881 51.20 Kitto, J. Cyclopaedia of biblical literature. 2 v. 1868 442.3 — Illustrated history of the bible. 1876.. 442.5 Kitty’s class day, etc. Alcott, L. M 75.9 Kitty’s conquest. King, C. 1884 56.3 Klaczko, J. Two chancellors; Prince Gortchakof and Prince Bismarck. ’76 613 . 14 Klencke, P. T. EL Life of A. von Hum- boldt. 1854 611.37 Klippart, J. H. The wheat plant. 1860. 804.7 Klunzinger, C. B. Upper Egypt; its peo- ple and products. 1878 526 . 12 Knapp, Elder Jacob. Autobiography. ’66 605.7 Knapper^ J. Beligion of Israel. 1878 417.13 KNATCHBULn-Hugessen, E. H. Crackers for Christmas. [Fairy stories] 87.2 — Higgledy-piggledy. [Fairy stories]. ’76. 82.28 Kneeland, S. An American in Iceland. ’74 525.5 Knickerbocker, Diedrich, pseud. See Irv- ing, W. Knickerbocker, The. v. 41-42. 1853 *1002.4 Knight, C. Half-hours with the best auth- ors. With short biog. and critical notices. 6 v . in 3 302 . 14 — Half-hours with the best letter-writers and autobiographers. 2 v. 1867 634 . 9 — Knowledge is power. Productive forces of modem society 914.15 — Popular history of England [to 1849]. 8 v. 718.4 Knight, Cornelia. Personal reminiscences. (Bric-a-brac ser). 1875 612 . 23 Knight, E. H. American mechanical dic- tionary. Hlus. 3 v. 1877 *E.4 — New mechanical dictionary. 1884. *E.4.4 Knight of Gwynne, Lever, C, 36 . 338 Knight of the XIX century. Roe, E. P.. . 144.8 Knight of to-day. Mead, L. T. Juv 86.28 Knighthood. See Chivalry. Knights and sea-kings. Smith, S F 724.8 Knights templar of Illinois. History of the grand commandery, [1857-81.] ’85 915.18 Knocking round the Rockies. Ingersoll, E. 526 . 17 Knorring, Baroness. Peasant and his landlord. TSweden]. 1855 131.18 Knots untied. Me Watters, G. S., detective 603.12 Knout, The, and the Russians. Lagny, G. de 525 . 6 Knowledge. Buckle, H. T. Influence of women on progress of 326 . 1 — Chambers, W. and R. Treasury of. ’55. 804 . 22 — Craik, G. L. Pursuit of, under difficul- ties 308.20 — Dick, T. Improvement of society by diffusion of In 411.12.1 — Everett, E. Importance of useful. ’59 426.2 Practical education and useful. 1859. 426.2 — Guthrie, F. First book of. [For the young]. 1882 841.18 — Knight, C. Knowledge is power. Pro- ductive forces of modern society 914.15 Classification of Knowledge. — Harris, W. T. In St. Louis Pub. school libr. catalogue. 1870 *3502 . 4 — Mill, J. S. In his Auguste Comte 402.15 — Spencer, H. In his Recent discussions, etc 432 . 5 See also Bibliography ( Classification ). Knowledge and faith, and other discourses. Frothingham, O. B 443.18 Knox, Isa C. Little folks’ history of England [to 1872] 742.19 Knox, John. M’Crie, T. Life of 637.12 — Stanley, A. P. Hist, of church of Scot- land 418.18 — Thrust out. [Knox and the reformation]. Fict 64.18 Knox, Gen. Henry. Headley, J. T. Wash- ington and his generals 602 . 7 — Parton, J. Lives of illustrious men. . . . 617.17 Knox, T. W. How to travel, [cojo. 1880]. 516.17 — Overland through Asia. Siberian, Chi- nese, and Tartar life. 1870 521.9 Koehler, S. R. American painters. (With Wilmot-Buxton, H. J. English paint- ers). 1883 851.36 — United States art directory and year book, 1882-3. 2 v 848.4 Kohlrausch, F. History of Germany [to 1814]. 1873 744.9 Koran, The. Mohammed. Tr. by G. Sale. 402 . 27 — ' Muir, W. The Coran: its composition and teaching 444.18.3 See also Mohammed. Kossuth, Louis. Memoirs of my exile. ’80 637.16 — Harper’s m., v. 4. [Biog. sketch] 1004.1 Kostlin, Julius. Life of Luther. Illus.’83 628.1 — Same. Ed. by J. G. Morris. Illus. ’83 628 . 2 Kriege, M. H. The child: its nature and relations. 1877 432 . 6 Krummacher, F. A. The parables. Illus. 1858 432.8 Krummacher, F. W. Select discourses. See Monod, A. 1858 438.15 Kugler, F. T. Handbook of painting: German, Flemish, and Dutch schools; based on handbook of K. by G. F. Waagen. 1879 851.10 — Handbook of painting: Italian schools. Ed. by Sir C. L. Eastlake. Revised by Lady Eastlake. 2 v. 1874 834.10 Kuhne, J. Four years in Ashantee, 1869- 74. See Ramseyer, F. A 516 . 12 Labberton, R. H. Historical atlas. 1874 . 528 . 1 1 — Outlines ot history. 1878 715.22 Labor and capital. Brassey, T. Work and wages. 1872 903 . 2 — Carlyle, T. Past and present 316.11 — George, H. Progress and poverty. 1880 913.16 — Greeley, H. Emancipation of labor. In 325.32 — Mallock, W. H. Progress and poverty.’84 916 . 22 — Rogers, J. E. T. Six centuries of work and wages: history of English labor. 1884 915.13 See also Co-operation; Trades-unions. Labor and the laboring classes. Cassagnac, A. G. de. History of the working and burgher classes. 1871 916.17 — Cook, J. Labor. (Boston Monday lec- tures). 1880 914.2 — Hale, E. E. Sybaris and other homes. ’69 914.6 — Improved dwellings for the laboring classes. Illus. 1879 913.14 — Thompson, J. P. The workman; his false and true friends. 1379 914.4 Labor- value fallacy. Scudder, M. L. ’84. 916.24 Laboulaye, E. Fairy tales of all nations. 23.23 — Last fairy tales. 1885 83.12 Labrador. Hallock. C. Three months in. In 1004.1.22 — Stephens, C. A. Lett on. Juv 24.18.2 Lace. Hale, L. P. Point lace; guide to lace work. 1879 19 843.9 LACOMBE. 146 LANDON. Lacombe, M. P. Arms and armour. 1876. . 816.23 Lacon. [Aphorisms.] Colton, C. C 301.15 Lacordaire, J. B. H. God and man: confer- ences 441.15 — Jesus Christ: conferences at Notre Dame in Paris. 1870 434.2 Lacboix, Paul. Manners, customs, and dress during the middle ages. 1874 733.7 — Military and religious life in the middle ages. 1874 733.6 — Science and literature in the middle ages. 1878 733.8 Lactantius. Writings. (A.-N.-C. lib., v. 21-22) 415.1 Ladies Lindo'res. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. 146 . 25 Ladies of the White House. Holloway, L. C 628.20 Ladies’ book of etiquette. Hartley, F.. . 441.34 Ladies’ fancy work. Jones, C. S. and Wil- liams, H. T. 1876.. 826.1 Lady Adelaide’s oath. Wood, Mrs. H 36 . 569 Lady Anna. Trollope, Anthony 36 . 543 Lady Audley’s secret. Braddon, M. E 17.9 Lady Beauty. Muir, Alan 53.2 Lady Hester. Yonge, Charlotte M 36.607 Lady J udith. McCarthy, Justin 61.36 Lady Lee’s widowhood. Hamley, E. B 134.1 Lady of the Aroostook. Howells, W. D. . . 144.19 Lady of the ice. De Mille, James 18.26 Lady of the lake, a poem. Scott, Sir W. . . 217 . 8 Lady’s book of flowers and poetry. Hooper, L 204.3 Lady’s life in the Rocky Mountains. Bird, I. L. 1880 514.12 Lady’s mile. Braddon, M. E 36.52 Lady’s voyage around the world. Pfeiffer, I 502 . 13 Laefan. M ay. Christy Carew. 1880 48.2 — Hogan, M. P. 1881 52.10 — Hon. Miss Ferrard. 1881 54.2 La Fontaine, J. de. Fables. 2 v. 1860... 308.7 — Collins, W. L. [Literary biog]. 1882 . . 636.7.14 — Scribner’s m., v. 9. Fables of 1006.4 LAGironiere, P. P. de. Twenty years in the Philippines, [ 1820-39]. 1868 512.17 Lagny, G. de. The knout and the Russians 1854 525.6 Laicus. Abbott, L. 1872 406.8 Laibd of Norlaw. Oliphant, M. O. W.... 132.21 Laibd’s Jock. Scott, Sir W 12.20 Lake shore series. 6 v. See Adams, W. T. Lakeside monthly, v. 8-9. Chicago, 1872-3*1002 . 5 Lakeville. Healy, Mary. Fict 42.40 Lal. Hammond, W. A. Fict 147.10 Lalla Rookh. [Poem.] Moore, T.. 202. 17; 201.12 Lamabtine, A. de. The French revolution of 1848. 1871 702.6 — Genevieve; or, the history of a servant girl. 1871 34.27 — History of the Girondists. 3 v. 1868 702.4 — History of the restoration of monarchy in France, [1813-1830]. 4 v. 1872... 742.3 — Memoirs of my youth. 1878 617.8 — Raphael: or, pages from the book of life at twenty. Fict. 1872 44.27 — Stonemason of Saint Point. 1851 134.22 — Twenty-five years of my life. 1874. In 612.16 Lamb, Charles. Works. With sketch of life, etc., by Sir T. N. Talfourd. 2 v. 303 . 2 Contents.— v. 1. Letters; with a sketch of his life. Final memorials. 2. Essays of Elia. Rosamund Gray. Recollections of Christ’s Hospital. Essays : On the tragedies of Shakspeare. Character of dramatic writers contemporary with Shakspeare. Speci- mens from the writings of Fuller. On the genius and Lamb, C., continued. character of Hogarth. On the poetical works of George Wither. Letters : The Londoner. On burial societies. On the danger of confounding moral with personal deformity. On the inconveniences resulting from being hanged. On the melancholy of tailors. Hospita on the immoderate indulgences of the pleasures of the palate. Edax on ap- petite. Curious fragments. Mr. H — , a farce. Poems , including ‘A farewell to tobacco,’ etc. Son- nets. Blank verse, including John Wopdvil, a tragedy. Album verses, etc. The wife’s trial; or, the intruding widow, dramatic poem. — Essays of Elia 303.2.2 and 306.20 Same, and Eliana 327.4 — Poetical works. Illus. 1867 217.9 Same In 303.2.2 — and Mary, 'tales from Shakespeare. Juv 21.30 — Adams, W. D. Famous books 314.28 — Ainger, A. Charles Lamb. 1882 616.11.25 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Prose works . ,. . . 327.6.1 — Personal recollections of. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 1875 612.21 — Quincey, T. Literary reminiscences, v. 1 302 . 19 See also the article in Allibone ; and references in Poole’s Index. Lamb, Mrs. J. It isn’t right. Juv 25.29 Lamb, Mrs. M. J. Wall street in history. Illus. 1883 915.10 , Lamb, Mary. Gilchrist, A. Mary Lamb . . See also above Lamb, C. and M. Lambert, Rev. L. A. Notes on Ingersoll. 1883 432.7 Lamon. W. H. Life of Abraham Lincoln. [cop. 1872] 615.3 La Motte Fouque, Baron de. Thiodolph the Icelander 132 . 15 — Sintram and his companions 4.24 — Undine 4.25 — Undine; The two captains; Aslauga’s knight; Sintram and his companions. 131.2 Lamplighter, The. Cummins, M. S. Fict. 8.9 Lamson, Mary S. Life and education of Laura D. Bridgman, the deaf, dumb and blind girl. 1881 624.13 Lancashire witches. Ainsworth, W. H — 36.18 Land and its story [Palestine]. Burt, N. C. 706.12 Land and the book. Thompson, W. M. 2 v. 505.14 Land at last. Yates, Edmund 36.592 Land of desolation.[Greenland]. Hayes, 1. 1. 504.8 Land of Gilead. Oliphant, L. 1881 516.25 Land of Israel, [1863-4]. Tristram, H. B. . . 527 . 19 Land of the behemoth. Verne-, J 32.3 Note . — Same work as “Meridiana.” Land of the midnight sun. Du Chaillu, P. B. 2 v. 1881 517.17 Land of the Veda. [India]. Butler, W 732.11 Land of the white elephant. Vincent, F. jr. 523.9 Land tenure. George, H. Progress and poverty 913.16 — Systems in various countries. (Cobden club essays). [1870] 914.26 Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes. 8 v. [1865]. 1. Boston 21.2 2. St. Petersburg 21.7 3. Pekin 21.5 4. Moscow 21.3 5. Zurich 21.8 6. Berlin 21.1 7. Rome 21.6 8. New York 21.4 Landon, L. E. [“L. E. L.”] Poetical works. 1841.... 201.5 LANDON. 147 LATIN. Landon, L. E., continued. — Howitt, W. Homes of the British poets. 615 . 15 — Thompson, K. B. and J. 0. Queens of society 632.10 Landor, W. S. Imaginary conversations. 5 v 315.1 Contents.— 1. Classical dialogues; 2. Sovereigns and statesmen; 3. Literary men; 4. Literary men, famous women, etc.; 5. Miscellaneous. — Colven, S. Landor. (Eng. men of let- ters). 1881 ....616.11.23 — Forster, J. Life of. 1869 633 . 10 — Stedman, E. 0. Victorian poets 215 . 6 Lands of Scott. Hunnewell, J. F. 1871 . . 514 . 1 Landscape gardening. Copeland, R. M. Country life; a hand-book. 1867 821.10 — Elliott, F. R. Hand-book of practical.’81 848.6 — Kemp, E. How to lay out a garden. ’80 838.18 — Mitchell, D. G. Rural studies 301.14 — Oakey, A. F. Home grounds. 1881 . . . 851 . 18 — Smith, C. H. J. Landscape gardening. 1856 807.7 Landscape painting. Hamerton, P. G. Painter’s camp. 1871 505 . 11 — Ty r whitt, R. St. J. Study of.-. In 437.9 Landseer, Sir Edwin. Littell’s, v. 123. Crit- icism of his works *1006 . 2 — Sweetser, M. F. Artist biographies, v. 3. 626 . 5 — Thackeray, Miss. [Sketch of] In *1006.2.120 — Tytler, S. Modern painters. 1874 808.31 Lane, E. W. Manners and customs of the modern Egyptians, [1833-5]. Illus. 2 v 713.5 Lane, L. M. “A character.” Story for girls. 78 . 22 Langstroth, L. L. Hive and honey -bee.’62 807 . 18 Language and philology. Bopp, F. Compar- ative grammar. 2 v. 1845 321 . 8 — Comfort, G. F. Study of languages. In 1006.4.4 — Dwight, B. W. Modem philology. 2v.’77 312.10 — Farrar, F. W. Language and languages 314.8 — Gibbs, G. Lang, of the Indians of America. (Smith, rep., 1870) *8501.2 — Marcel, C. Study of languages. 1873. 307.16 — Muller, M. Chips, etc. 5v 404.2 Science of language. 2 v. 1871-2 404.4 — Peile, J. Philology. (Literature prim- ers.) 1878 314.1.3 — Savce, A. H. Comparative philology.’75. 327.14 — Whitney, W. D. Life and growth of language. 1875 815.4.16 Oriental and linguistic studies. 2 v. 1873-4 332.26 See also English, French, German, Greek, Irish, Ital- ian, Latin, Sanskrit, Spanish, Yoruba, languages, etc. For Indian languages see Indians of North America; also , the publications of the United States government Language of flowers. Greenwood, L. Rural wreath. 1858 202.13 — Hooper, L., ed'r. Lady’s book of flowers and poetry. 1863 204 . 3 Lanier, Sidney. The boy’s Froissart. Illus. 1879 721.7 — The boy’s King Arthur. Illus. 1880 . . 77.18 — The English novel and its development 1883.. 318.35 — Florida: its scenery, climate and history. 1876 524.13 — Science of English verse. 1880 213.11 Lankester, E. R. Degeneration: a chapter in Darwinism. 1880 844.29 Lanman, C. Dictionary of the United States congress, with biog. sketches of its members from the foundation of the government. 1859 913 . 20 Lanoye, F. de. Rameses the great, or, Egypt 3,300 years ago 802 . 17 — The sublime in nature. 1871 802 . 24 Lansdell. H. Through Siberia, [1879]. ’82 526.19 Lanzi, A. L. History of painting in Italy. 3 v. 1872 822.3 Laocoon; essay on painting and poetry, Lessing, G. E. 1883 852.19 Laodacean, A. Hardy, T. 1881 51.19 La Place, P. S. Arago, F. Biographies, etc. 602.2.1 Lapland. Harting, G. Polar world. 521.20 — Taylor, B. Northern travel, [1856] 506 . 12 Larcom, Lucy. Poems. 1881.. 211.29 Lardner, D. Hand-book of natural philo- sophy [mechanics]. 1856 823.28 — Heat; magnetism; electricity. 1857 801.7 — Meteorology and astronomy. 1858 801 . 8 Larkin, L. Brass and iron founder’s guide. 1883 824.37 Larned, Augusta. Old tales retold from Grecian mythology. Juv 421 . 8 Lasalle, N. P. High life in Washington. Fict. 1865 18.20 LaSalle, R. C. de. Abbott, J. S. C. Life of 621.5 — Parkman, F. Discovery of the great — Sparks, J. Life of In 601.1.1 Lasaulx, A. von. Sister Augustine, an old catholic. Memorials of, tr. from the German. 1881 624.16 Las Casas, Bartolome. Helps, A. Life of. 1868 618.9 Spanish conquest in America. 4 v 737 . 1 See index, vol. 4. Last Athenian, The. Rydberg, V 46.13 Last chronicle of Barset. Trollope, A 36 . 544 L\st days of Pompeii. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L 7.10 Last fairy tales. Laboulaye, E. 1885 83.12 Last of the barons. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. 36 . 79 Last of the cavaliers. [Battle of Kil- liecrankie, 1689]. 1862 36.306 Last of the Foresters. Cooke, J. E 64.3 Last of the Mohicans. Cooper, J. F 2.20 Last of the Mortimers. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W 36.423 Lathrop, G. P. Afterglow. 1877 46.5 — In the distance. 1882 146 . 19 — True, and other stories. 1.884 57.14 — ed’r. Masque of poets. (No name ser). 217.4 Latin Christianity. Milman, H. H. 8 v.. 416.19 Latin language. — Allen, J. H. and Greenough, J. B. Latin grammar. 1878 313.7 — Andrews, E. A. Latin-English lexicon. 1872 *A.4 and Stoddard, S. Latin grammar. ’64 331 . 3 — Anthon, C. Latin prosody and metre. 1870. [cop. 1841] 331.6 Latin versification. 1845 331.8 — Brambach, W. Latin orthography. 1877 331.4 — Harkness, A. Latin composition. 1880 313.23 Latin grammar. 1880 313.24 — Monteith, A. H. Latin without a mas- ter 331 . 5 Latin or Roman literature. — Cleveland, C. D. Compendium of class- ical literature 313 . 8 — Comparison between L. and Greek lit . In *1006.3.116 — Cruttwell, C. T. History of Roman lit- erature, to death of Marcus Aurelius 321.4 LATIN. 148 LEAR. Latin or Roman literature, continued. — Hallam, H. Lit. of Europe in 15th-17th centuries. 2 v.' 312 . 4 — Jennings, G. H. and Johnstone, W. S. Half-hours with Greek and Latin authors 318 . 9 — Lord, J. Old Roman world. [Roman lit] 717.4 — Merivale, C. Hist, of the Romans under the empire. 7 v 717 . 2 Note.— See Index in y. 7. — Mommsen, T. Hist, of Rome. 4v 713.2 Note.— See final chapters in each vol. — Riley, H. T. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations 313 . 30 — Schmitz, L. History of Latin literature [1877] 313.9 — Wilkinson, W. C. College Latin course in English. 1885 313.32 Preparatory Latin course in English. 1884 313.31 See also entries under Classical literature ; Classical dictionaries; also, Drama; Elocution; Literature. See also under the following names: Caesar; Catullus ; Cicero: Florus; Horace; Juvenal; Livy; Lucian; Lu- cretius ; Ovid ; Paterculus ; Persius ; Phaedrus ; Plautus ; Pliny ; Propertius ; Quintilian ; Sallust ; Suetonius ; Tacitus;. Terence; Tibullus; Virgil. Latouche, John. Travels in Portugal. [’78] 514.9 LATTEK-day saints. See Mormons. Laugel, Auguste. England, political and social. 1874 727.4 Laughter. [Tales]. Little classics, v. 5 . . 304 . 16 Laurie, J. Homoeopathic domestic medi- cine. Ed. and rev. by R. J. McClatch- ey. 10th Am. ed’n. [cop. 1871] 846.13 Laurie, T. The Ely volume; or, contribu- tions of our foreign missions to science and human well-being. 1 Uus. 1882 431.18 Lavater, J. C. Essays on physiognomy. 1878 831.4 Yendee. La Rochejaquelein and the war in In 1001.8.1 Lavengro. Borrow, George. Fict 17.20 Lavinia. Rpffini, Giovanni 36.477 Law, John. Mackay, 0. Law and the Mis- sissippi scheme In 311.5 — Smyth, W. The Mississippi scheme. In 724.5.2 In fiction see Ainsworth’s “John Law,” [36.17], Law. Abbott, B. Y. Judge and jury [Ex- planatory]. 1880 914 . 8 The travelling law-school and famous trials. 1884 916.12 — Amos, S. Science of law. 1874 815.4.10 — Anthon, J. The law student, or guides to the study of the law. 1850 904 . 21 — Argyll, Duke of. Reign of law. 1872. 407 . 16 — Blackstone, Sir W. Commentaries on the laws of England. Sharswood’s edition. 4 v. in 2. 1872 908 . 1 — Bouvier, J. Law dictionary. 2 v.[c. ’67] *E.l — Bushnell, H. Growth of law. [In his Work and play] ... 317.18 — Cooper, J. F. Ways of the hour. [Evils of trial by jury] 2.39 — Hadley, James. Introduction to Roman law. 1873 902.14 — Holmes, O. W., jr. The common law. 1881 913.23 — Kent, J. Commentaries on American law. 4 v. 1867 908.2 — Kingsbury, H. Law and government, and religious liberty, 1849 405.16 Law, continued. — Lea, H. C. Superstition and force. Essays on the wager of law, the wager of battle, the ordeal, torture. . 1878 912.3 — Livingston, J. Livingston’s law regis- ter. N. Y., 1854 908.15 — Maine, H. S. Ancient law. 1871 903.4 Yillage communities. [Origin of law, etc. 1 1876 913.15 — Plato. The laws. (Dialogues, v. 4.) 404.1 — Sharswood, G. Legal ethics. 1869 911.28 Study of the law. 1870 911.29 — Wedgewood, W. B., and Homans, I. S. Law manual for notaries public and bankers. 1873 .‘ 908 . 8 See also Business; Commercial law; Contracts; Evi- dence; International law; Hotel; Land tenure; Mar- riage ; Mines ; Parliamentary law ; Pleading. Law and the lady. Collins, Wilkie 136.13 Law of love and love as a law. Hopkins, M. 441 . 2 Law student, The. Anthon, J 904 . 21 See also Law. Lawford, Louisa. Every girl’s book [of amusements] 835.31 Lawrence, Amos. Diary and correspon- dence. 1856 604 . 19 — McCabe, J. D. How great fortunes were made 604.1 — Thayer, W. M. Poor boy and merchant prince. Juv 83.14.3 Lawrence, G. A. Anteros. 1871 36.307 — Barren honour. 1862 36.308 — Border and bastille. [The South, 1863]. 741 . 7 — Breaking a butterfly. 1869 42.27 — Guy Livingstone; or, “thorough.” 1860 36.309 — Maurice Dering 36 . 354 — Sans merci; or, kestrels and falcons. ’60 36.310 — Sword and gown. 1860 36 . 312 Lawrence’s adventures among the ice-cut- ters, etc. Trowbridge, J. T 88.21 Lawrie Todd; or, the settlers in the woods Galt, J. 1832 134.28 Lawyers. Arnold, F. Great lawyers. . . In 304 . 14 — Bigelow, L. J. Bench and bar. [Anec- dotes]. 1871 308.4 — Percy anecdotes. [A. of the bar] 312 . 1 — Warren, S. Duties of attorneys and so- licitors. 1870 911.8 See also Law ; Lord chancellors. Lay of the last minstrel. Scott, Sir W. 201.8; 214.23 Lay preacher for 1880. [Magazine.] 427.3 Lay sermons, addresses, etc. Huxley, T. H. 401 . 9 Layard, A. H. Nineveh and its remains, [1845-6] Abridged 504 . 10 — Ruins of Babylon and Nineveh. Second expedition, [1849-50]. 1871 502.28 Iaycock, T. Mind and brain . 1869 821 . 19 Lays of ancient Rome. Macaulay, T. B. . 206 . 8 — Same In 305.13 Lays of the Scottish cavaliers. Aytoun, W. E 208.23 Lazarus, Emma. Alide: an episode of Goe- the’s life. 1874 31.17 Lea, H. C. Superstition and force. 1878 . 912 . 3 Contents .— Wager of law ; Wager of battle ; The ordeal ; Torture. Leaf in the storm. Rame, L. de la 36.452 Leahy, J. Swimming in the Eton style. 1875 833.9 “Leal, light heart.” Lyster, Annette 146.8 Lear, Edward. Book of nonsense.[Songs] Col. illus 207.16 LEAR. 149 LENDERMAN. .Lear, King [tragedy]. See Shakespeare. Lear of the steppe [Russian]. Turgenieff, I. 137 . 17 Learning about common things. Abbott, J 91.24.4 Learning about right and wrong. Abbott, J 91.24.5 Learning to read. Abbott, J 91.24.3 Learning to talk. Abbott, J 91.24.1 Learning to think. Abbott, J 91.24.2 Leavenworth case. Green, A. K. 1880.. 138.2 Leaves from the book of nature. Scheie de Yere, M 812.10 Leaves of grass. [Poems]. Whitman, W. 218 . 18 Lechler, G. Y. John Wiclif and his Eng- lish precursors. 1881 628 . 16 Lecky, W. E. H. History of England in the 18th century. 2 v. 1878 718.5 — History of European morals from Augus- tus to Charlemagne. 2 v. 1872 903.1 — History of rationalism in Europe. 2 v. 1872 437.1 — Leaders of public opinion in Ireland. ’72 611.34 Contents. — Jonathan Swift. Henry Flood. Henry Grattan. Daniel O’Connell. LeConte, Joseph. Elements of geology. ’79 825.21 — Religion and science. 1880 425.26 — Light: monocular and binocular vision. 1881 815.4.31 Lectures. See Essays; Sermons. Lectures to children. Todd, John 423.11 Lectures to young men. Beecher, H. W. 407 . 8 Lectures to young men. Clark, R. W. ’57 407 . 18 Lectures to young men. Livermore, A. A. 407 . 10 LED-horse claim. Foote, M. H. 1883 54.17 Ledyard, J. Smucker, S. M. Life of. In 606 . 24 — Sparks, J. Life of In 601.1.14 Lee, Charles. Sparks, J. Life of . .... .In 601.1.8 Lee, Harriet and Sophia. Canterbury tales. 5 v. 1797-1805 34.15 Contents.— v. 1. Traveller’s tale; Poet’s tale; French- man’s tale; Old woman’s tale. 2. Young lady’s tale. 3. Officer’s tale; Clergyman’s tale. 4. The German’s tale ; The Scotsman’s tale. 5. The landlady’s tale; The friend’s tale; The wife’ stale. Lee, Holme, pseud. See Parr, Harriet. Lee, Mrs. R. Adventures in Australia. ’79 78.18 — African crusoes. 1871 75.11 — Australian wanderers. 1873 74.7 — Habits and instincts of animals 835 . 6 — Habits and instincts of birds, reptiles, and fishes 845.25 Lee, Gen. R. E. Chesney, C. C. Military biography. 1874 617.6 — Eggleston, G. C. A rebel’s recollections, 1875 736.11 — Jones, J. W. Personal reminiscences of. . 1874 615.10 — McCabe, J. D. Life and campaigns of. 1870 615.5 — Taylor, W. H. Four years with. 1878. 726.6 — Wilson, J. G. Hlustrious soldiers. 1874 632.17 Lee, Sophia. Canterbury tales. See Lee, H. 5 v 34.15 Lee, Vernon. See Paget, Violet. Leedle Yawcob Strauss, etc. Adams, C. F. 208 . 31 Leeds, J. W. History of the United States 1878. 714.18 Leeds, Josiah W. The theatre: its non- accordancy with the Christian profes- sion. 1884 435.22 Leeds, L. W. Ventilation. 1868 806.22 Lees, F. R. Text book of temperance. 413.33 — and Bums, D. Temperance Bible com- mentary. 1880 424.5 Lees, William. Acoustics, light and heat. 827 . 21 LEFanu, J. S. Guy Deverell. 1865 36.313 — Uncle Silas 36.314 Lefevre, A. Wonders of architecture. ’71 802.26 Left on Labrador. Stephens, C. A 24.18.2 Legal tender. See Money. Legend of Jubal. Eliot, George 206.27 Legend of Montrose. Scott, Sir W 12.6 Legend of the Rhine. [Burlesque]. Thack- eray, W. M In 301.12.1 and 36.528.2 Legendre, A. M. Elements of geometry and trigonometry. Adapted by C. Davies. 1874 821.22 Legends. Barham, R. H. Ingoldsby le- gends. 1872 204 . 9 — Baring-Gould, S. Curious myths of the middle ages 423 . 6 Legends of Old Testament characters. 437 . 23 — Bulfinch, T. Legends of Charlemagne. 1871 303.16 — Clement, C. E. Handbook of legendary and mythological art. 1872 *D.2 Same. Enlarged ed’n. 1881 851.9 — Conway, M. D. The wandering Jew. . . 443.4 — Drake, S. A. New England legends 321 . 3 — Hall, J. Legends of the West. 1833... 44.31 — Irving, W. Spanish legends In 716.18 — Jameson, Mrs. A. Legends of the Madonna 852.15 Legends of the monastic orders 852 . 14 — Joyce, R. D. Legends of the wars in Ireland 131 . 7 — Weil, G. Biblical legends of the Mus- sulmans. 1874 416 . 16 See also Arthur (King ) ; Ballads ; Fairy tales ; Folk- lore; Indians; Mythology; Nibelungenlied; Roland. Le Goff, F. Life of L. A. Thiers. 1879 . . . 625 . 3 Legouve, Ernest. Reading as a fine art.’70 421.39 Lehmann, C. G. Physiological chemistry. 2 v. 1855 806.19 Leibnitz, G. W. Atlantic m., v. 2. [Sketch]*1005 . 2 — Gostwick, J. and Harrison, R. Ger- man literature 313 . 5 — Lewes, G. H. Biog. history of philoso- phy 427.1 — Mackie, John. Life. 1845 633.16 Leifchild, J. R. Higher ministry of na- ture. 1872 443.10 Leighton, Caroline, C. Life at Puget sound, etc., 1865-81 522.3 Leighton, John. Paris under the commune [1871] 724.14 Leighton court. Kingsley, H 36.287 Leila. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. 1870 7.15 Leisler, J. Hoffman, C. F. Life of. .In 601.1.3 Leisure hours in town. Boyd, A. K. H. 301.20 Leitch, R. P. Painting in neutral tint .... 834 . 9 — Sepia painting 834.8 — Water-colour painting 822.2 Leitch, W. God’s glory in the heavens. ’67 822 . 9 Leland, C . G. Abraham Lincoln and the — Egyptian sketch book. 1874 514.29 — Minor arts: porcelain painting, etc. ’80 851.14 Leland, E. H. Farm homes in-doors and out-doors. 1881 835 . 33 Leland, H. P. Grey-bay mare and other humorous sketches 311.1 Lemon, Mark. Falkner Lyle. 1866 36.315 — Golden fetters. 1868 36 . 316 — comp'r. The jest book 315.8 — Leyton hall and other tales. 1867 36.317 — Loved at last. 1865 36 . 318 — Wait for the end. 1864 36.319 Lena Rivers. Holmes, Mrs. M. J 11.11 Lenderman, — . Lenderman’s thousand characters, etc. 1866 303.13 LENORMANT. 150 LEWIS. Lenokmant, Francois. Beginnings of his- tory, to the deluge. 1883 746.3 Lenox Dare. Towsend, Virginia F 145 . 26 Leo I., the great. Lord, J. Beacon lights of history, v. 1 735.6 LeoX. Roscoe, W. Life of. 1872 613.19 Leon, J. Ponce de. Irving, W. Columbus and his companions 601 .14.3 Leone. Monti, Luigi. 1882 53.10 Leonora Casaloni. Trollope, T. A 11.1 Leonowens, A. H. English governess at the Siamese court. 1862 525.15 — Romance of the harem. [Siam]. 1873 . 503 . 16 Le Pileur, A. Wonders of the human body. 802.20 Le Sage, A. R. Gil Bias 5.8 — Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists . . . 624 . 19 Lesley, J. P. On the classification of books. (Smith, rep., 1862) *8501 . 2 Leslie, C. R. lland-book for young paint- ers. 1870 818.32 — and Taylor, T. Life and times of Sir J. Reynolds. 2 v. 1865 641 . 1 Leslie, Eliza. American girl’s book; or, occupation for play hours. 1874. ... 74.11 — Behaviour book; manual for ladies. [c.’59] 426.8 Leslie, Emma. Saxby; tale of old and New England [Puritans]. 1880 141.5 Leslie, Madeline, pseud. See Baker, H. N. W. Leslie Tyrrell. Craik, Georgiana M 36 . 146 Lessing, G. E. Laocoon; an essay on the limits of painting and poetry. 1883. 852.19 — Nathan the wise. Dramatic poem 211.4 — Lowell, J. R. Among my books 332.12.1 — Sime, James. Life of. 2 v. 1879 628.7 Lesson in love. Kirk, E. O. 1881 51.13 Lessons from my masters. Bayne, Peter . 315 . 6 Lessons in life. Holland, J. G. 1862 302.11 LESSons on manners. Wiggin, E. E 433 . 23 Lester, C. E. Napoleon dynasty. By the Berkley men, [pseud]. 1852 634 . 10 Lethbridge, R. Manual of the history of India. 1881 724.10 Lettering. See Alphabets; Penmanship. Letters and letter-writing. Cocker, W. J. Punctuation, letter- writing, etc 314 . 14 — - Hill, T. E. Manual of social and busi- ness forms. 1884 *0.3 — How to write. 1857 307.7; 307.9 — Knight, C. Half-hours with the best let- ter-writers. 1867 634 . 9 — Locke, J. S. Art of correspondence. ’83 326 . 26 — Scoones, W. B. English letters. Selec- tions, 1450-1861 617.19 — Townsend, C. Letter-writing, with mod- els of business letters 316.18 For letter-writers see also: Adams (John); Adams (Mrs. J.) ; Arblay (Mme. d’.); Bis marck( Prince ) ; Beetho- ven; Byron ; Carlyle(Jane W.) ; Carlyle(Thomas) ; Chan- ning(W. E.) ; Chesterfield (Earl o/); Child (Lydia M.) Cowper(W.); Cromwell (O.) ; Delany (Mrs. M.): Dewey (Orville); Dickens (C.) ; Eliot (George j; Emerson (R. W.); Evelyn (J.); Gibbon (E.); Goethe (Catherine E.) ; Goethe (J. W.); Guerin (Eugenie de): Irving (W.); Jefferson (T.) ; Junius, vseud\ Kingsley (C.) ; Macau- lay (T. B.) ; Merimee (Prosper); Montagu (Lady M. W.); Parker (Theodore); Pepys (S.) ; Pliny (the younger ); Prentiss (Eliz.); Recamier (Mme .) ; Remusat (Mme. de.); Robertson (F. W.); Scott (Sir W.); Sevigne (Mme. de); Sigourney (Mrs. L. H.); Sterne (L.); Swetchine (Mme.); Thoreau (H. D.); Ticknor (George); Webster (D). See also names under Biography (Individual), page 30 Letters and social aims. Emerson, R. W. . 332 . 23 Letters from a cat. Jackson, H. H 78.11 Letters from high latitudes. Dufferin, Lord 511.21 Letters to a young physician. Jackson, J.. 823.21 Letters to Guy. Barker, Lady M. A 531 . 11 Letters to the Joneses. Holland, J. G. . . 302.10 Letters to the people on health and Happi- ness. Beecher, C. E. 1856 814.35 Letters to the young. Jewsbury, M. J. ’42 407.6 Levana; or, the doctrine of education. Richter, J.P. F 413.11 Levant. Warner, C. D. In the Levant [in 1875] 524.18 See also East (The). Lever, C. Arthur 'O’Leary. 1847. 36.326 — Barrington. 1863 36.327 — The Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly 36 . 328 — Charles O’Malley, the Irish dragoon. ’48 36.330 — Con Cregan; the Irish Gil Bias. I860.. 36.331 — The Daltons. 1852 36.332 — Davenport Dunn. 1859. 3 v. in 2 36 . 333 — A day’s ride; a life’s romance. 1864 36.334 — Dodd family abroad. 1854 36 . 329 — Fortunes of Glencore. 1857 36 . 335 — Harry Lorrequer. 1847 36.336 — Horace Templeton. 1848.. 36.521 — jack Hinton, the guardsman. 1848 36.337 — Koight of Gwynne. [The union in 1801]. 1847. 3 v. in 2 36.338 — Lord Kilgobbin. 1872 36.339 — Luttrell of Arran. 1865 36 . 340 — Martins of Cro’ Martin. 1856 36 . 341 — Maurice Tiernay, the soldier of fortune. 36.342 — The O’Donoghue. 1845 36 . 344 — One of them. 1860 36 . 343 — A rent in a cloud. 1869 36 . 345 — Roland Cashel. 1868 36.346 — St. Patrick’s eve; Paul Gosslett’s confes- sion. 1870 36 . 347 — Sir Brooke Fossbrooke. 1867 36.348 — Sir Jasper Carew. 1861 36.349 — That boy of Norcott’s. 1869 36.350 — Tom Burke of “Ours.” 1860 36.351 — Tony Butler. 1866 36.352 Leveson, H. A. [Old Shekarry ]. Sport in many lands 843.12 Lewes, G. H. Biographical history of philo- sophy. 1857 427.1 — Physiology of common life. 2 v. 1860. 803.13 — Problems of life and mind. 3 v. 1874.. 418.20 — Ranthorpe. 1847 36.320 — Story of Goethe’s life. 1873 632 . 15 — Pop. sci. mo. [Sketch of G. H. L.]. . .8501.16.9 Lewes, Mrs. M. E. See Eliot, Geo. pseud. Lewis, A. H. [ Louis Henry], Only ask. 1872. Juv 21.28 Lewis, C. T. History of Germany. 1878. 735.11 Lewis, Dio. Five minutes chat with young women. 1874 828.14 — New gymnastics. 1862 812.2 — Our digestion. 1872 847 . 2 — Our girls. [On health, etc.]. 1871 802.33 — Talks about people’s stomachs. 1870... 828.19 — Weak lungs, and how to make them strong. 1874 818.18 Lewis, G. C. Historical survey of the as- tronomy of the ancients; early history and chronology of the Egyptians and Assyrians. 1862 821 . 18 Lewis, M. and Clarke, W. Hist, of the exped. of Lewis and Clarke across the Rocky Mountains, etc., [1804-6]. Ed. by P. Allen. 2 v 527.4 LEWIS. 151 LINCOLN. Lewis, Tayler. Punishment and the death penalty. ( With Cheever, G. B. De- fence of capital punishment). 1846.. 911.5 — The six days of creation, [cop. 1885]. . . 444 . 12 Lexicons. See under names of various lan- guages. Lexington, Mass. Frothingham, R. Bat- tle of 737.16 — Howells, W. D. Three villages. 1884. 522.6 Leypoldt, F. American catalogue. 3 v. N. Y. 1880-5 *3502.1 Leyton hall. Lemon, Mark. 1867 36.317 Liberty. Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty [from 1215-1878]. 1876 745 . 1 5 — Mill, J. S. Liberty. 1871 903.9 See also Government and politics. Libraries. Adams, C. F. Public libraries and the public schools In 431.21 — American library journal. See below, Library journal. — Chambers’s papers, etc. Public libraries . 1001.9.3 — Edwards, E. Free town libraries. Lon- don. 1869 328.18 — Foster, W. E. Libraries and readers. 1883 *426.36 — Greene, S. S. Libraries and schools. Selected papers. 1883 426.33 — Library journal. 10 v *328.17 — Matthews, J. B. The home library 426.37 — United States. Bureau of education. Public libraries in the United States: their history, condition and manage- ment. 2 pts. Washington. 1876. . .*328.14 Note. — Pt. 2 is “Rules for a printed dictionary catalogue, by C. A. Cutter.” For library catalogues see Aurora public library; Bos- ton public library ; Chicago public library; Cincinnati public library; Cincinnati young men’s mercantile library : Galesburg public library ; Illinois state library ; Milwaukee young men’s Christian association; Library of Congress; New York City, Apprentices library; Philadelphia, Mercantile library; Pittsfield, Mass., Berkshire athenaeum; Rockford public library; St. Louis public school library; St. Louis mercantile* libra- ry association ; San Francisco public library ; Yale col- lege, Linonian and Brothers’ library. See also references in Poole’s Index. See also Bibliography; Literature; Reading. Library journal. 10 v. N. Y., 1877-85. . .*328.17 Library of American biography. See Sparks, J. Library of Congress. Catalogue of addi- tion, 1866-8, 1872. 3 v *3502 . 2 Library of education. 3 v. 1869-70 414.1 Library of poetry and song. Bryant, W. C 201 . 15 Liddell, H. G. History of Rome to B. C. 30. Student’s ser. Illus. 1879 717.13 — and Scott, R. Greek-English lexicon. 7th ed’n. 1883 *C.4 Liddon, H. P. The divinity of our Lord 1866 408.35 — Some elements of religion. 1872 435 . 18 Lie, J. The pilot and his wife. From the Norse. 1877 45.22 Lieber, Francis. Character of the gentle- man. 1864 413.25 — Civil liberty and self government. 1859. 904.5 — Great events, described by distinguished historians. 1871 706.25 Liebig, Justus. Chemistry in its applica- tion to agriculture and physiology.’47 806 . 8 — Chemistry of food. 1848 801.3 Life. [Tales]. Little classics, v. 4 304 . 16 Life. See Biology ; Evolution ; Physiology ; Natural history, etc. Life. [Conduct and philosophy of]. — Arnold, F. Turning points in. 1873 304 . 14 — Dewey, O. Discourses on human life. ’41 438 . 8 — Emerson, R. W. Conduct of life 332.17 — Geikie, C. Life: a book for young men. 423.12 — Giles, H. Human life in Shakespeare . . 327 . 18 — Greg, W. R. Enigmas of life. 1880 326 . 4 — Hall, A. W. Problem of human life. . . . 427 . 21 — Mallock, W. H. Is life worth living ?.’79 442.1 - — Swing, David. Motives of life. 1879.. 421.38 — Value of life. A reply to “Is life worth living.” 1879 442.7 — Whipple, E. P. Literature and life.. ’71 303.4 Life [Future]. See Future life. Life and death of Jason. Morris, W 217.18 Life and her children. Buckley, A . B ... . 837.15 Life and liberty in America. Mackay, C... 505.4 Life at Puget sound. Leighton, C. C. ’84 522.3 Life cruise of Capt. Bess Adams. Wright, J. M 92.17 Life for a life. Craik, D. M 33.9 Life histories of animals. Packard, A. S. . 846 . 6 Life history of our planet. Gunning, W. D. 1876 816.25 Life in camp and field. Taylor, B. F 714.7 Life in earnest . Smith, C. B. 1848 437 . 25 Life in nature. Hinton, J 813 . 21 Life in the East Indies. Thornes, W. H. Juv 23.27 Life in the primeval world. Adams, W. H. D. 1872 808.10 Life incidents. White, J. [Advent move- ment]. 1868 435.9 Life insurance. Chambers’s misc In 1001 . 8.5 Life on a ranch. Aldridge, A. 1884 522.18 Life on the Mississippi. Clemens, S. L.’83 526 . 24 Life sketches. [Tales.] Dumont, J. L .. . 15.3 Life thoughts. Beecher, H. W. 1858 406.29 Life’s dream, A. Gore, C. F 36.236 Life’s lesson : a tale. N. Y.. 1854 33.2 Life’s secret, A. Wood, Mrs. H. 1867 36.570 Light. See Optics. LiGHT-hearted girl. Alden, J 76.9.1 Light in dark places. Drayton, H. S 145 . 9 Light in lands of darkness. Young, R. . . . 432 . 33 Light of Asia. [Poem]. Arnold, E 208.30 Light on shadowed paths. Arthur. T. S.. 63.16 Light science for leisure hours. Proctor, R. A. 1871 828.6 Lightfoot, J. B. and others. Revision of the New Testament. 1873 418.10 Lighthouses and lightships. Adams, W. H.D 802.23 Lightning express. Adams, W. T 72.3.2 Like father, like son. Payn, James. 1871.36.353 Lildingstones of Lillingstone. Worboise, E. J 143.15 Lily and the bee: an apologue. Warren, S. 1851. 327.11 Lily and the cross: tale of Acadia. De Mille, J 43.19 Limes, cements and mortars. Gillmore. Q. A. 1874 826.7 Lincoln, Abraham, 1 6th president of the U.S — Arnold, I. N. Life of. 1885 628.24 — Barrett, J. H. Life of. 1864 602.8 — Blanchard, R. Abraham Lincoln. [Poem] 1882 207.22 — Carpenter, F. B. Six months at the White House, [cop. 1867] 613.12 — Hanaford, Pliebe A. Life of 624.10 — Holland, J. G. Life of. 1866 603.8 — Lamon, W. H. Life of Lincoln, [c. ’72] C15.3 LINCOLN. 152 LITERATURE. Lincoln, Abraham, continued. — Leland, C. G. Abraham Lincoln and the abolition of slavery. 1879 621.25.1 — Lowell, J. R. My study windows, pp. 150-178 332.13 — Raymond, H. J. Life, state papers, speeches, etc. With anecdotes and reminiscences by F. B. Carpenter. ’65 603 . 7 — Sermons in Boston on [his] death. With funeral service at Washington. ’65. 601.9 — Speech at Gettysburg. ( Little classics, v. 4.) 304.16 — Stowe, H. B. Men of our times 634.3 — Thayer, W. M. The pioneer boy, and how he became president 25.25 See also Baltimore plot to assassinate L. , by I. H. Arnold (Harper’s, v. 37), 1004.1 ; Hour and the man, by R. W. Emerson (Atlantic, v. 10), 1005.2; Later life and religious estimates, by J. A. Reid (Scribner’s, v. 6), 1006.4; Pericles and Lincoln, by H. H. Alden (Atlantic, v. 11), 1005.2; Personal recollections of, by N. Brooks (Scribner’s, v. 15), 1006.4 and (Harper’s, v. 31), 1004 1; Personal recollections of. (Hours at home, v. 1), 1006.1; Place of L. in history, by G. Bancroft (Atlantic, v 15), 1005.2; Triumph of, in 1864, by G. Welles (Atlantic, v. 41), 1005.2. Lincoln, A. H. Lectures on botany. 1829 . 807 . 19 Lincoln, Benj. Bowen, F. Life of In 601.1.13 Lincoln, Mrs . D. A. Boston cook book.’84 845 . 16 Lincoln, D. F. School and industrial hy- giene. 1880 833.14.12 Lind, Jenny. See Goldschmidt, Jenny Lind. Linda. Hentz, Mrs, C. L 43.6 Linderman, H. R. Money and legal tender in the United States. 1878 911 . 33 Lindisfarn chase. Trollope, T. A. 1865 . 17.7 Lindley, John. Theory of horticulture. ’81 824.24 — and Moore, T. Treasury of botany. 2 v. 1873 828.11 Lindsay, W. L. Mind in the lower animals. 2 v. 1880 834.1 Lingard, John. History of England to 1689. 10 v. 1874 718.3 Contents.— v. 1. A. C. 55— A. D. 1100. v. 2. 1100-1307. v. 3. 1307-1422. v. 4. 1422-1532. v. 5. 1532-1555. v. 6. 1555-1603. v. 7. 1603-1642. v. 8. 1642-1660. v. 9. 1660- 1680 v. 10. 1680-1686. Links in Rebecca’s life. Alden, I. M 81.17 Linton, Mrs. E. L. Joshua Davidson, com- munist. 1873 133 . 7 Linton, W. J. Hints on wood-engraving. 1879 833.20 Linwoods, The. Sedgwick, Mrs. C. M. 2 v. 1873 131.10 Lion Ben of Elm island. Kellogg, E 21.24 Lion hunting in Algeria. Gerard, J 805.16 Lion Jack. Barnum, P. T. Juv 75.8 Lion of Flanders. Conscience, H. Fid. . . 44.18 Lionel Franklin’s victory. Van Sommer, E 86.21 Lionel Lincoln. Cooper, J. F 2.21 Lippincott, S. J. [Grace Greenwood]. Greenwood leaves. 1850 8.3 — Queen Victoria: her girlhood and wo- manhood. Illus. 1883 643.1 Lippincott’s dictionary of biography and mythology. See Thomas, J *B.22 Lippincott’s [Warne’s] every-day cookery. Ed. by M. Jewry 808.6 Lippincott’s magazine, v. 10-34. 1872-84. *1002. 7 Lippincott’s pronouncing gazetteer of the world. 1880 *A.5 Lippincott’s universal pronouncing diction- ary of biography and mythology. By J. Thomas. 1876 *B.22 Liquors. See Alcohol; Distillation; Brew- ing; Grapes; Temperance question. Liszt, Franz. Life of Chopin. 1863 614.17 — Haweis, H. R. My musical memories. 644.1 — Nohl, L. Life of. 1884 644.16 Literary and social judgments. Greg, W. R 332.4 Literary life, Recollections of. Mitford, M. A 601.18 Literary recreations and miscellanies. Whittier, J. G 302.16 Literary reminiscences. DeQuincey, T. 2v 302 . 19 Literary stvle and other essays. Mathews, W 318.1 Literature and dogma. Arnold, M. 1873 411.21 Literature, literary life, etc. — Arnold, F. Turning-points in life, p. 162 304 . 14 — Authors and publishers. Manual of suggestions for beginners in litera- ture 316 . 19 — Botta, A. C. L. Hand-book of universal literature 318 . 14 — Brande, W. T., and Cox, G. W. Diction- ary of science, literature and art. 3 v. *B.3 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Authors and their works; Literature as a profession. In 302.9.2 — - Disraeli, J. Amenities of literature. 2 v. 308.11 Calamities and quarrels of authors. 2v 314.6 Curiosities of literature. [Added] The literary character illustrated. 1857 . . 305 . 8 — Emerson, R. W. Literary ethics In 326 . 21 — Hamerton, P. G. The intellectual life.’73 402.14 — Jay cox, F. Literary life; or, aspects of authorship 323.11 — Knight, C. Half-hours with the best authors. 6 v. in 3 302 . 14 — Macbeth, J. W. V. Might and mirth of literature. 1875 325 . 1 — Mathews, W. Literary style and other essays. 1881 318 . 1 — Maunder, S. Scientific and literary treasury 314 . 5 — Percy anecdotes. [A. of literature] 312.1 — Quackenbos, J. D. Illus. history of an- cient lit. 1878 313.6 — Schlegel, F. History of literature [to 1815] 318.13 — Shepard, W. The literary life: authors and authorship 318 . 10 — Stael-Holstein, Mme. de. Influence of lit. upon society. (With Combe, G., Note. — Reviewed in Jeffrey’s Essays. [305.5]. — Whipple, E. P. Literature and life. ’71 303.4 — Wilmott, R. A. Pleasures, objects, and advantages of literature 325.25 Dictionaries , Handbooks, etc. — Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of phrase and and fable 326.12 Reader’s hand-book of allusions, refer- ences, etc. 1880 312 . 13 — Edwards, E. Words, facts, and phrases 316 . 10 — Haynes, J. E. Pseudonyms of authors, anonyms and initialisms 316 . 21 — Wheeler, W. A. Who wrote it? 318.3 and C. G. Familiar allusions 316 . 9 See also American ; Anglo-Saxon ; Classical ; English ; European; French; German; Greek; Italian; Latin; Middle ages ; Oriental ; Spanish literature, etc. See also Anecdotes ; Aphorisms; Bibliography; Biog- raphy (Collective); Copyright; Criticism; Drama; Elo- cution; Essays; Fiction; Journalism; Letters; Libra- ries; Periodicals; Poetry; Printing; Rhetoric; Read- ing. Literature primer. Gladstone, W. E. Homer. [Literature primer] 314.1.6 LITERATURE. 153 LOIS. Literature primers. Green, J. R., ed’r. v. 1-9. 1875-9 314.1 Contents.— v. 1. English grammar, by R. Morris. 2, English literature, by S. Brooke. 3. Philology, by J. Peile. 4. Classical geography, by H. F. Tozer. 5. Shakspere, by E. Dowden. 6. Homer, by W. E. Glad- stone. 7. English composition, by J. Nichol. 8. Greek literature, by R. C. Jebb. 9. English grammar exer- cises, by R. Morris and H. C. Bowen. Littell’s living age. v. 21-24, 26, 55-66, 89, 104, 115-164. Bos., 1849-85 *1006 . 2 Little Arthur’s history of France. Call- cott, Lady. 1884 735.2 Little Bobtail. Adams, W. T 73.3.1 Little boy’s story. Gourand, Mme. J 78.28 Little by little. Adams, W. T 72.2.6 Little classics. Ed. by Rossiter Johnson. 16 v 304.16 Note. — For contents see Johnson, R. Little coin, much care. Howitt, Mary. . . 91.2 Little Dorrit. Dickens, C. Ulus 1.11 — Same. 4 v. in 2 36 . 171 Little folk life. [Stories]. Dodge, M. A. 76.6 Little folks astray. Clarke, Rebecca S .. . 71.1.1 Little folks in feathers and fur. Miller, O. T. 1879 832.16 Little foxes Stowe, Mrs. H. B 332.18 Little grandfather. Clarke, Rebecca S. . . 71.1.5 Little grandmother. Clarke, Rebecca S . . 71.1.4 Little learner series. 5 v. See Abbott, J. Little Lou's sayings and doings. Prentiss. E 78.31 Little men. Alcott, Louisa M 4.32 Little Mr. Bouncer. Bradley, E 44.23 Note.— Sequel to “Verdant Green.” Little moorland princess. Marlitt, E 25.21 Little people of God. [Poems]. Austin, G. L., ed’r 217.28 Little pilgrim. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. . 55.12 Little pitcher stories. 6 v. See May, C. L. Little pitchers. Clarke, R. S ,71.2.3 Little Prudy Flyaway series. See Clarke, R S. [Sophie May]. Little Prudy stories. See Clarke, R. S. Little Pussy Willow. Stowe, Mrs. H. B. 26.31 Little schoolmaster Mark: a spiritual ro- mance. Shorthouse, H. S. 1883 55.25 Little Susie’s six birthdays. Prentiss, E . 87.26 Little wanderers, and other stories. Wil- berforce, S 28.34 Little women. Alcott, Louisa M. 2v... 4.33 Littledale, R. F. Plain reasons against joining the church of Rome. 1880 . . . 423 . 21 Littlejohn, W. H. Constitutional amend- ment; or, Sunday and the Sabbath.’73 425.6 Liturgies. Early liturgies, etc. (A.-N.-C. lib., v. 24) 415.1 Live and learn. Leslie, Madeline 24.2 Live oak boys. Kellogg, Elijah. 1883 83.4 Livermore, A. A. Lectures to young men. 1847 407.10 — and others. Anti-tobacco. [Essays]. ’63. 842.36 Livermore, Mary A. What shall we do with our daughters? 1883 916.14 Lives. See Biography. Lives of familiar insects. Whitmarsh, C. S 845.27.4 Living and loving. Townsend, Virginia,! 1 . 62.25 Living link. DeMille, J. Fict. 1874 47.24 Livingston, C. M. Divers women. See Alden, I. M 86.25 Livingston, J. Livingston’s law register: a guide for every man of business. N. Y.., 1854 908.15 Livingstone, D. Last journals in central Africa, [1865-73]. 1875 508.27 20 Livingstone, D, continued. — Missionary travels and researches in South Africa, [1840-56] 507.14 — Travels in South Africa. Abridged. ’58 503 . 1 — and Charles Livingstone. Expedition to the Zambesi, [1858-1864] 517.4 — Blaikie, W. G. Personal life of 623.6 — Stanley, H. M. How I found Livingstone, [1871-2] 526.6 Livy. [T. Livius Patavinus.] History of Rome; tr. by G. Baker. 5 v. 1858-70. 1020.6 — Church, A. J. Stories from. 1883 738.10 — Livy [outlined and explained], by W. L. Collins. 1876 1021.4 Liza. [Russian novel]. Turgenieff, Ivan. . . 63.23 Lizars, J. Tobacco; its use and abuse. ’72 807.30 Lizzie Leigh, etc. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C 36.227 Lobdell, Rev. H. Tyler, W. S. Memoir of. 1859 605.21 Locke Amsden; or, the schoolmaster. Thompson, D. P 15.2 Locke, D. R. Paper city. [Western specu- lation]. 1879 45.3 Locke, J. Essay concerning human under- standing. 1877 417.26 — Reasonableness of Christianity. (Works of Philip, Locke, etc). 1836 411.2 — Brown, J. Locke and Sydenham In 304.3.3 — Fowler, T. (Eng. men of letters). 80. . .616.11.16 — Lewes, G. H. Biog. hist, of philosophy. 427 . 1 Locke, J. S. Art of correspondence. 1883 326 . 26 Lockhart, J. G. History of Napoleon. 2 v. 1875 614.19 — Life of Robert Burns 612 . 4 — Life of Sir Walter Scott. 9 v. 1861 ... 602.1 — Spanish ballads 208.3 — Valerius, a Roman story. [Early Chris- tians] 133.17 Lockyer, J. N. Astronomy. (Science primers). 1877 828.20.7 — Elements of astronomy. 1875 847.5 — Spectrum analysis. 1878 815.4.23 Locomotion, Animal. — Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism. ’74. 815.4.11 — Pettigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion. 74 815.4.8 Locomotive engine. Forney, N. Catechism of the. 1881 824.4 — Pittenger, W. Capturing a locomotive [in late rebellion.] 1882 723.17 See also Steam. Locusts. U. S. E. C. Report on the Rocky mountain locust. See United States. Lodge, H. C. Alex. Hamilton. (Am. states- men). 1882 626.4.2 — Daniel Webster. (Am. statesman). ’83 626.4.8 — Short hist, of Eng. colonies in America. 1881 726.5 — ed’r. Ballads and lyrics. 1880 217.32 Loo-book of a fisherman and zoologist. Buckland, F. 1883 842.29 Log of the Water Lily. Mansfield, R. B. . . 527.24 Logan, J. A. Balestier, C. W. Life of. ’84 644.22 — Poore, B. P. Life of. 1884 In 644.27 Logic. Hamilton, Sir W. Lectures on.’60 434.9.2 — Jevons, W. S. Logic. (Science prim- ers). 1877 828.20.9 — Tappan, H. D. Elements of. 1855 404.10 — Townsend, L. T. Eloquence and logic. .317.13.2 — Whately, K. Elements of. 1854 404.11 Logic of the Christian evidences. Wright, C. F 423.7 Lois the witch. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. 1861 . . 36 . 228 LOITERINGS. 154 LORD. Loiterings in pleasant paths. [Travels in Europe]. Terhune, M. V. 1880 514.26 Lommel, Eugene. Nature of light. 1876.815.4.18 London. Abbott, J. Rollo in. Juv 21.18 — Bagehot,W. Lombard street: a descrip- tion of the money market 917.3 — Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London mer- chants • 614.16 — Dickens, C. Dictionary of London. ’79 514.24 — Greenwood, J. Wilds of London. 1874. 912.20 — McCulloch, J. R. London in 1850-1 . In 502.21 — Mayhew, H. London characters. 1874.912.21 — Memories of the great metropolis. Illus. 711.10 — The plague in London, [1864-5] In 1001.8.3 See also De Foe’s Plague of L. [Fiction] . 62.32. — Rideing, W. H. Young folks’ history of. Illus. 1884 738.19 — Stanton, II. Great schools of England. 421 . 13 — Stow, John. Survey of London. Lond , 1599 *R. R. C. — Thackeray, W. Travels in London 301.12.3 — Timbs, J. Abbeys, castles, etc 501.10.1 — Towle, G. M. British museum and its reading room In 1004.1.46 See also Tower of London. For fiction illustrative of London life see novels of Ainsworth, Bulwer-Lytton, Dickens, Thackeray. London international exposition. Results on the progress of the arts and sciences 1856 805.8 London romance, A. Ross, C. H. 1869 ... 36 . 482 Long, C. C. Central Africa; naked truths of naked people. [1874] 521 . 18 Long, G. Atlas of classical geography.’56 513.4 Long, J. Eastern proverbs and emblems.. 318.19 Long, J. D. Pictures of slavery. 1857... 902.5 Long look ahead. Roe, A. S 33.12 Longevity. Hall, W. W. How to live long. 1876 816.12 — Richardson, J. G. Long life. (Am. health primers). 1880 833.14.2 — .Thomson, E. Curiosities of In 1006.4.11 Longfellow, H. W. Poetical works 202.3 Contents —Voices of the night. Earlier poems. Trans- lations. Ballads and other poems. The children of the Lord’s supper. Miscellaneous. Poems of slavery. The Spanish student. The belfry of Bruges and other poems. Miscellaneous pongs. Sonnets. Translations. Curfew. Evangeline. By the seaside. By the fireside. The song of Hiawatha. Courtship of Miles Standish. Birds of passage. Tales of a wayside inn. Flower-de- luce. Judas Maccabaeus. A handful of translations. The masque of Pandora. The hanging of the crane. Morituri salutamus. Birds of passage, flight the fourth. Book of sonnets. Keramos. Birds of passage, flight the fifth. Book of sonnets, part second. Translations. Seven sonnets and a canzone, from the Italian of Michael Angelo. Ultima Thule. Folk-songs. Sonnets. L’envoi. Notes. Index. — Aftermath, [cop. 1873] 202 . 22 Contents .—' Tales of a wayside inn, part third. Birds of passage, flight the third. Note.— See description of the Red Horse inn [“A way- side inn”] in Sudbury, Mass., in Appleton’s journal, v. 11. — Christus: a mystery. 1873 211.22 Contents .— 1 The divine tragedy ; Golden legend; New England tragedies. — Divine tragedy. 1871 211.23 — Evangeline, a tale of Acadie. [cop. 1847] 217 . 14 — Hyperion; a romance, [cop. ’45-’69] 8.1 — In the harbor. Ultima Thule, pt. 2 211.16 Contend.— Poems. Translations. Personal poems. L’envoi. — Kavanagh. [Fiction.] [cop. 1849] 14.25 Longfellow, H. W. Poetical works, continued. — Keramos and other poems. 1878 208.10 Contents. — Keramos. Birds of passage, flight the fifth. Book of sonnets, pt. 2. Translations. Seven sonnets and a canzone, from the Italian of Michael Angelo. — Masque of Pandora, etc. 1875 204.22 Contents .— Masque of Pandora. The hanging of the crane. Morituri salutamus. Birds of passage, flight the fourth. Book of sonnets. — Outre-mer, a pilgrimage beyond the sea. [cop. 1846] 522.27 — Poets and poetry of Europe. With in- troductions and biog. notices. 1871. 207.2 — Three books of song. 1872 211.24 Contents.— v. '. Tales of a wayside inn, second day. 2. Judas Maccabae us. 3. Handful of translations. — Ultima Thule. 1882 211.15 Contents. — Poems. Folk-songs. Sonnets L’envoi. — Macchetta, Blanche R. Home life of, [1880-2] 624.24 — Stoddard, R. H., and others. Poets’ homes 622.6. 1 — Underwood, F. H. Life of. 1882 626.2 See also Scribner’s, v. 17, 1878 [article by R. H. Stod- dard] ; Century, v. 26, 1883 [article by E. E. Stedman] ; Atlantic, v. 12, 1883 [article by G. W. ( Curtis] ; Littell’s v. 156 [study cf L.] and v. 157, 1883 [visit to L.] Longman, F. W. Frederic the great and the seven years war. 1883 743.5.13 Longstreet, A. B. Georgia scenes. [Hu- morous. ] 1873 ~ 64.9 Longus. Daphnis and Chloe. (In Greek romances) 133.6 Lonsdale, Marg. Sister Dora [Pattison]: a biography. 1880 621 . 17 Look before you leap. Alexander, Mrs. A. 53.8 Loomis, Elias. Elements of geometry. 1874 811 . 12 — Meteorology. 1879 841.20 Lord, J. Ancient states and empires. 1869 745.14 — Beacon lights of history [lectures]. 5 v. 1885 •••• 735.6 Contents. — v. 1. Antiquity— Moses ; Socrates ; Phidias; Julius Caesar; Cicero; Marcus Aurelius; Constantine the great; Chrysostom; Saint Ambrose; Saint Augus- tine; Theodosius the great; Leo the great. v. 2. The middle ages — Mohammed; Charlemagne; Alfred the great; Hildebrand; Saint Bernard; Saint Anselm: Thomas Aquinas; Thomas Becket; The feu- dal system; The crusades; William of Wykeham ; John Wyclif. v. 3. Renaissance and reformation— Dante ; Geoffrey Chaucer; Christopher Columbus; Savonarola; Michael Angelo; Martin Luther; Thomas (Jranmer; Ignatius Loyola; John Calvin; Henry of Navarre; Lord Bacon; Galileo. v. 4. Warriors and statesmen— Gustavus Adolphus ; Cardinal Richelieu; Oliver Cromwell; Louis XIV.; Louis X V . ; Peter the great ; Frederic the great ; Ed- mund Burke; Mirabeau ; Alexander Hamilton; Napo- leon Bonaparte ; Daniel Webster. v. 5. Great women— Cleopatra: Paula; Heloise ; Joan of Arc; Saint Theresa; Queen Elizabeth; Madame de Maintenon; Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough; Madame Recamier; Madame de Stael; Hannah More; George Eliot. — Modem history, from Luther to Napo- leon. [1877] 727.6 — The old Roman world. 1874 717.4 Lord Bantam: a satire. Jenkms, E 36.274 Lord chancellors. Campbell, J. Lives of the. 10 v 618.14 Lord Erlistoun. Craik, Mrs. D. M 36 . 134 Lord Kilgobbin, Lever, C 36 . 339 Lord mayor of London. Ainsworth, W. H 36.19 Lord Oakburn’s daughter. Wood, Mrs, H. 36.571 Lord of himself. Underwood, F. H 32.27 Lord’s supper. Janeway, J. J. Communi- cant’s manual 406.2 LOEIMER. 155 LUBKE. Loriher Littlegood, Esq. Smedley, F. E. 62 . 19 Loring, G. B. Agriculture and the horse. 1873 813.11 Lorna Doone. Blackmore, R. 1> 47.12 Lorraine, C. Clement, C. E. Painters, etc 834.11 — Sweetser, M. F. Artist biographies. ’81 626.5.2 — Tytler, S. Old masters 808.32 Lossing, B. J. Common school history of the United States. 1872 737.18 — History of England. 1871 718 . 2 — Home of Washington; or, Mount Vernon and its associations. Illus. 1870... 628.15 — Outline history of the fine arts. 1876 . . . 818 . 22 — Pictorial field-book of the revolution. 2v 726.12 — Pictorial field-book of war of 1812. 1868 726.15 — Pictorial history of the civil war. 3 v. ’70 747.2 — Pictorial history of the United States [to 1869]. 1872 737.17 — Story of the U. S. navy [for boys]. 1880 721.14 Lost and saved. Norton, Mrs. C. E 36.414 Lost and won. Craik, Mrs. D. M 36 . 147 Lost cause. [Southern rebellion]. Pollard, E. A 734.12 Lost daughter. Hentz, Mrs. C. L 18.6 Lost for love. Braddon, M. E 36.53 Lost in a great city. Douglas, Amanda. . . 145 . 25 Lost in the fog. De Mille, J. Juv 22.8 Lost in the jungle. Du Chaillu, P. B. Juv. 502.8 Lost lamb. Alden, Joseph 76.9.3 Lost Lenore. Reid, Mayne 3.26 Lost tales of Miletus. Bulwer-Lytton. E. L 214 . 9 Lothair. Disraeli, Benj 7.8 Lothrop, Amy , pseud. See Warner, A. B. Lothrop, S. K. Life of Sam’l Kirkland. In 601.1.15 Lottie Darling. Jeaffreson, J. C 148.4 LoTUS-eating; a summer book. Curtis, G. W. 1852 527.3 Loudon, Mrs. J. W. Gardening for ladies. 1869 814.11 Louis IX., of Fiance , Saint Louis. Gui- zot, F. Great Christians of France. 636.9 Louis XIV., of France. Abbott, J. S. C. History of. 1871 611.17 — Bungener, L. F. Preacher [Bourdaloue] and the king 58.10 — Lord, J. Louis XIV. [or] The French monarchy In 735.6.4 — Voltaire, F. M. A. de. The age of Louis XIV. 2 v. 1752 742.21 Louis XV., of France. Lord, J. Louis XV. [or] Remote causes of revolu- tion 735.6.4 Louis Napoleon. See Napoleon III. Louis Philippe, of France. Abbott, J. S. C. History of. 1871 611.18 — Poore, B. P. Rise and fall of 702.11 Louisa of Prussia, and her times. Mundt, C. M. Fict 61.30 Louise la Valliere. Dumas, A 42.5 Louisiana. Burnett, F. H. Fict 48.1 Louisiana. Cable, G. W. Creoles of. 1884. 734.18 — Dimitry,!. History of. [cop. 1877] 738.7 — Hale, E. E. Philip Nolan’s friends. [An- nexation of]. Fict. 1877 137.22 Loukis Laras: Greek tale. Bikelas, D.’81 47.30 Lounsbury, T. R. History of the Eng. language. 1879 314 . 19 — Life of J. Fenimore Cooper. 1883 624.12.5 Love. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Influence of, on lit. and real life. (In his Misc. prose works, v, 4) In 327 . 6 — Emerson, R. W. Love. (In his Essays) 326.9.1 — J ameson, Mrs. A. Loves of the poets . . 633 . 13 — Love. [Tales]. Little classics 304.16.6 Love, continued. — Swedenborg, E. Conjugial love 414.11 — Tender and true. Poems of love. 1882 211.30 Love afloat. Sheppard, F. H 43.15 Love after marriage. Hentz, Mrs. C . L. . . 43.5 Love and life in Norway. Bjomsen, B 133.16 Love me little, love me long. Reade, Chas. 36.462 Love the avenger. Blaze de Bury, Mme ... 36 . 159 Love’s conflict. Church, Mrs. R 36 . 103 Love’s labor won. Southworth, E. D. E. N 5.24 Love’s labour lost [comedy]. See Shakes- peare. Loved at last. Lemon, Mark 36.318 Love joy, B. G. Francis Bacon; his life, with selections from his writings.’83. 644.9 Lovejoy, Elijah P. Tanner, H. Martyr- dom of. 1881 623.9 Loved the widower. Thackeray, W. M. In 133.18 and 327.12 Loveds or Arden. Braddon, M. E 36.54 Lover, Samuel. Handy Andy 61.11 — Rory O’More. 1872 14.28 — Symington, A. J. Biog. sketch of, with selections from his writings. 1880 . . 622 . 12 Loves of the poets. Jameson, Mrs. A 633.13 Low marriage, A. Craik, D. M 36.128 Loweld, J. R. Among my books. 2 v 332 . 12 Contents— v. 1. Dryden; Witchcraft; Shakespeare once more; New England two centuries ago; Lessing; Rousseau and the Sentimentalists, v. 2. Dante ; Spen- ser; Wordsworth; Milton; Keats. — Fireside travels. 1864 508.18 — My study windows. 1871 332.13 Contents .— My garden acquaintance ; A good word for winter; On a certain condescension in foreigners; A great public character: Carlyle; Abraham Lincoln; Life and letters of Ja^es Gates Percival; Thoreau; Swinburne’s tragedies; Chaucer; Library of old au- thors; Emerson, the lecturer; Pope. — Poetical works. 1881 202.23 Contents .— Earlier poems; Sonnets; Miscellaneous poems; Memorial verses; Vision of SirLaunfal: Fable for critics; Biglow papers; The unhappy lot of Mr. Knott; An oriental apologue ; Under the willows, and other poems; Poems of the war; The cathedral; Three memorial poems ; Index. — Griswold, R. W. Poets of America 201 . 6 — Poets’ homes, v, 1 622 . 6 — Underwood, F. II. Life of. 1882 617.25 Lowell, R. T. S. New priest in Concep- tion bay. 1873 17.29 — A story or two from an old Dutch town . 44.22 Lowndes, W. T. The bibliographer’s man- ual of English literature. 2 v. 1834 *328 . 8 Loyal Ronins. [Japanese romance]. Tame- naga, Sliunsui. 1880 47.11 Loyola. Bartoli, D. Life of. 2v 432.10 — Lord, J. Ignatius Loyola. Rise and influence of the Jesuits In 735.6.3 — Stephen, J. Essays 305.1 — Taylor, I. Loyola and Jesuitism. 1849 . 433.2 Lubbock, Sir J. Ants, bees and wasps.’84. 815.4.42 — British wild flowers in relation to insects 1875 822.15 — Chapters in popular natural history. ’84. 845.1 — Fifty years of science. [A review]. ’82. 841 . 16 — North American archaeology. (Smith. rep., 1862) *8501.2 — Origin and metamorphoses of insects.’74 822.14 — Origin of civilization and primitive con- dition of man. 1873 807.27 — Pre-historic times. 1872 704.3 Lubke, W. Ecclesiastical art in Germany during the middle ages. 1877 834 . 6 — History of art. Ed. by C. Cook. 2 v. ’81. 834.7 LUCIAN. 156 MACAULAY. Lucian. [Lucianus.] Froude, J. A. In his Short studies 307.21.3 — Lucian [outlined and explained] by W. L. Collins. 1875 1020.36 Lucie Rodey. Durand, Mme. A 138 . 14 Lucile. [Poem]. Bulwer-Lytton, R 217.31 Lucius Davoren. Braddon, M. E 36.55 Luck and pluck series. See Alger, H. Luck and pluck. Alger, H. Juv 84.1.1 Luck of Roaring camp. Harte, Bret 7.22 Lucretia. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L 42.37 Lucretius Carus, Titus. Lucretius [outlin- ed and explained] by W. H. Mallock. 1878 1021.5 Lucy books. Abbott, J. 6 v 81.9 Lucy Boston; or, woman’s rights and spirit- ualism. Folio, Fred. pseud. 1855.. 3.6 Lucy Maria. Diaz, Mrs. A. M. Juv 28.19 Lucy Temple; sequel to Charlotte Temple. Rowson, S 137.2 Ludlow, J. M. War of Am. independence . 1876 743.5.11 Lukin, J. Amongst machines; a book for boys. 1877 827.9 — The boy engineers. 1878 828 . 5 — Young mechanic 818.15 Lunacy. See Insanity; Mental physiology. Lunettes, H., pseud. American gentle- man’s guide to politeness and fashion. 1857 407.23 Lungs. Catlin, G. Breath of life, or mal- respiration. 1872 836 . 21 — Lewis, Dio. Weak lungs, and how to make them strong. 1874 818.18 See also Consumption. Lunt, George. Old New England traits. 1873 714.6 Lusiad, The; an epic poem. Camoens, L. de 217.21 Lutfullah, Mohammedan Hindoo. Auto- biography. 1857 643 . 20 Luther, Martin. Hymns of, set to their ori- ginal melodies, with English version. Ed. by L. W. Bacon and N. H. Allen 1883 212.6 — Life written by himself. Collected by [Jules] Michelet; tr. by W. Hazlitt, [1846] 627.17 — Table-talk: trans. by W. Hazlitt. 1858. 633.14 — Bunsen, C. C. J. Life of Martin Luther, with estimate of his character by T. Carlyle, and an appendix by Sir W. Hamilton. 1870 636.1 — Carlyle, T. Heroes and hero-worship 301 . 23 — Chalmers, A. Life of. 1857 633.14 — Charles, Mrs. E. Schonberg-Cotta family 4.1 — Fisher, G. P. The reformation 418.11 — Froude, J. A. Erasmus and Luthur./n 307.21.1 — Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 615 . 8 — Kostlin, J. Life of. Illus. ’83 628.1 Life of; ed. by Morris. Illus. Phil.’83 628.2 — Lawrence, E. Leo and Luther In 1004.1.39 — Lord, J. Martin Luther, [or] The prot- estant reformation In 735.6.3 — Macaulay, Dr., ed'r. Luther anecdotes 643.5 — Martyn, W. C. Life and times of. 1866 632 . 14 — Mayhew, H. Boyhood of Martin Luther 614.26 — Rein, W. Life of. [cop. 1883] 627 . 25 — Robertson, W. Reign of Charles Y. 3v 704.7 — Roscoe, W. Life of Leo X, v. 2 613.19 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men 613.22 — Schlegel, F. Modern history. [Person- al character]. 1862 742.6 Luther, Martin, continued. — Seebohm, F. The protestant revolution 1874 743.5.1 — Taylor, B. Interview of J. Kessler with. In 1004.1.24 — Treadwell, J. H. Martin Luther and his work. 1881 621.25.7 — Woodbury, Frank P. Luther and the annals of the reformation. A Compi- lation. 1883 432.11 See also Reformation. Luttrell of Arran. Lever, C 36.340 Luys, J. The brain and its function. 1882. 815.4.39 Lyell, Sir C. Elements of geology; stu- dent’s series. 1871 818 . 24 — Elementary geology. 1854 806 . 6 — Geological evidences of the antiquity of man. 1873 821 . 26 — Principles of geology. 2 v. 1877 825.20 — Pop. sci. mo. [Sketch of.] 1872 8501.16.1 Lying. Opie, Amelia. Illustrations of. 1859 406 . 3 Lynch, J. D. Kemper county [Mississippi] vindicated. [Chisholm murder, etc.] 1879 912.30 Lynde Palmer, pseud. See Peebles, M. L. Lynx hunting. Stephens, C. A. Juv 24.18.4 Lyon, Mary. Fisk, Fidelia. Recollections of. 1866 621.12 — Thayer, W. M. Good girl and true wo- man 83.14.2 Lyra Anglicana. Baynes, R. H., ed’r 214.1 Lyra Germanica. Tr. by C. Winkworth. ’81 213 . 2 Lyster, Annette. A “leal light heart.” 146 . 8 Lytton. See Bulwer-Lytton. M. or N. Melville, G. J. W. Fict 36.398 Mabel Vaughn. Cummings, M. S 52.26 Mabel’s step-mother. Robbins, S. S 81.7 Mabel’s work: sequel to “Voice of the home.” Henry, Mrs. S. M. 1 82.2 Mabinogeon, or Welsh popular tales. Bul- finch, T 8.14 McAdam, Graham. Alphabet in finance. ’77 912.25 Macaria. Wilson, Mrs. A. J 142 . 14 MacArthur, A. Education and manual in- dustry. 1884 917.1 MacArthur, Margaret. History of Scot- land. Ed. by E. A. Freeman. [A.D. 80-1843]. 1874 706.20 Macaulay, Miss. Tales of the drama. ’47. 8.21 Macaulay, James, ed’r. All true; records of peril, etc. 317.9 — ed'r.. Luther anecdotes. Illus 643.5 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Biographical essays 643.21 Contents .— Frederic the great; John Bunyan ; Oliver Goldsmith; Samuel Johnson ; Bertrand Barere. — Critical and historical essays. 5 v. in 3. 327.7 Contents.— v. 1-2. Milton. Machiavelli. Hallam’ 8 Constitutional history. Southey’s Colloquies of society. Mr. Robert Montgomery’s poems. Civil disabilities of the Jews. Moore’s life of Lord Byron. Croker's Boswell’s life of Johnson. Southey’s edition of the Pilgrim’s progress. Lord Nugent’s memorials of Hamp- den. Burleigh and his times. Lord Mahon’s War of the succession in Spain. Walpole’s Letters to Sir Hor- ace Mann. Thackeray’s History of the Earl of Chatham. Sir James Mackintosh’s History of the revolution, v. 3-4. Lord Bacon. Sir William Temple. Gladstone on church and state. Lord Clive. Ranke’s History of the popes. Comic dramatists of the Restoration. Lord Holland. Warren Hastings, v. 5. Diary of Madame D’Arblay. Life and writings of Addison. The Earl of Chatham. Index. MACAULAY. 157 MACDONALD. Macaulay, T. B., lord, continued. — Essays, critical and miscellaneous. 1858. 305.13 Contents in addition to those of above edition : Dry- den; History; Dumont’s Recollections of Mirabeau; Cowley and Milton; on Mitford’s History of Greece; On the Athenian orators; Frederic the great; Lays of ancient Rome; Mill’s Essay on government; Beutham’s ) efence of Mill; Utilitarian theory of government: Speech on installation as Lord Rector of Glasgow Uni- versity; Speech on retiring from political life. — History of England from accession of James II., [1685-1702]. 5v 703.3 Same. Leip., 1861. 10 v. in 5 746.8 — Lays of ancient Rome and other poems. 1871 206.8 — Speeches. 1853. 2 v. in 1 916.9 — William Pitt; Francis Atterbury. 1860. 643.24 — and others. New biographies. 1857... 605.20 Contents .— Joseph Addison, by W. Spalding; Francis Atterbury, by T. B. Macaulay ; Francis Bacon, by W. Spalding; Joseph Butler, by H. Rogers; John Howard, by Hepworth Dixon; John Bunyan, by T. B. Macaulay ; Horace, by Theodore Martin; Robert Hall, by H. Rog- ers; Sir John Franklin, by Sir J. Richardson; Homer, by J. S. Blakie; Oliver Goldsmith, by T. B. Macaulay; Edward Gibbon, by H. Rogers: Gassendi, by H. Rog- ers, James Crichton, by D. Irving; Samuel Johnson, by T. B. Macaulay; Sir Humphry Davy, by J. D. Forbes; David Hume, by H. Rogers. — Bayne. P. In his Essays 317.6.2 — Gilfillan, G. Third gallery of portraits. 1855 301.24 — Morison, J. O. Life. (Eng. men of let- ters.) 1883 616.11.31 — Trevelyan, G. O. Life and letters of. 2. v. 1876 612.31 — Whipple, E. P. In his Essays 303.6.1 Macbeth, J. W. Y. Might and mirth of lit- erature : figurative language. 1875 . . 325 . 1 Macbeth [tragedy]. See Shakespeare. McCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes and how they were made. 1871 604 . 1 Contents. — v. 1. Merchants: Stephen Girard; John Jacob Astor; Alexander T. Stewart; Amos Lawrence; Andrew V. Stout; Jonas Chickering; Nicholas Long- worth; George Peabody. 2. Capitalists: Cornelius Vanderbilt; Daniel Drew; James B. Eads ; Cyrus W. Field. 3. Inventors: Robert Fulton; Charles Good- year; Eli Whitney; Chauncey Jerome; Elias Howe, jr.,* Richard M. Hoe; Samuel Colt; Samuel F. B. Morse. 4. Publishers: James Harper ; James T. Fields. 5. Edit- ors: James Gordon Bennett; Robert Bonner. 5. Lawyers: James T. Brady. 7. Artists: Benjamin West; John Rogers ; Hiram Powers ; Emanuel Leutze. 8. Divines: Henry Ward Beecher ;*Peter Cartwright. 9. Authors: Henry W. Longfellow ; Nathaniel Hawthorne. 10. Actors: Edwin Booth ; Joseph Jefferson. 11. Physi- cians: Benjamin Rush; Valentine Mott. — Illustrated history of the Centennial Exhibition. 1876 831.6 — Life of Gen. R. E. Lee. 1870 615.5 — Planting the wilderness; or, the pioneer boys. 1875 75.22 Maccabeus, Judas, and the Jewish war of independence. Conder, C. R. 1879. 621.25.4 McCarthy, Carlton. Soldier life in the army of northern Virginia. 1882 518.31 McCarthy, Justin. Dear lady Disdain.’ 76. 42.21 — Epoch of reform, 1830-50 743.5.14 — Fair Saxon. 1873 143.2 — History of our own times, [1837-1880]. 2v. 724 . 4 — Lady Judith. 1871 61.36 — Modern leaders: biog. sketches. 1857.. 607.5 Contents . — Queen Victoria ;Louis Napoleon : Eugenie ; The Prince of Wales; The King of Prussia; Victor Emanuel; Louis Adolph Thiers; Prince Napoleon; Duke of Cambridge; Liberal triumvirate of England; English positivists; English toryism; Brigham Young; “George Eliot” and George Lewes; George Sand; Ed- ward Bulwer and Lord Lytton; Arch-bishop Manning; John Ruskin; Charles Reade; Charles Kingsley; J. A. Fronde. — Waterdale neighbors. 1868 36.359 McCaul, A. Mosaic record of creation; Prophecy. (In Aids to faith.) 438 . 17 Macchetta, Blanche R. Home life of Longfellow, [1880-2] 624 . 24 McCheyne, R. M. Life, letters, etc. 1860 . 634.13 McClellan, Gen. G. B. # Report of the organization and campaigns of the army of the Potomac; to which is added an account of the campaign in Western Virginia. With plans of battle-fields. 1864 711.15 — Hillard, G. S. Life and campaigns of. 1864 636.14 McClellan, H. H. Life and campaigns of Major-general J. E. B. Stuart. ’85. 747.6 Macleod of Dare. Black, W. 1879 44.2 McClintock, F. L. In the Arctic seas: discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin, [1859] 525.23 McClure, Robert. Gentleman’s stable guide. 1870 835.9 McCoan, J. C. Egypt as it is. 1877 526 . 14 McConaughy, Mrs. J. E. Fire fighters. [Temperance tale.] 1875 92.22 McCook, H. C. Agricultural ant of Texas. 1880 841.15 — Honey ants and occidental ants. 1882 . . 841 . 6 MacCord, C. W. Kinematics [mechanical movements]. 1883 843 . 26 McCosh, James. Christianity and positiv- ism. 1872 ; '. ..: 417.6 — The development hypothesis. 1876 827 . 14 — The emotions. 1880 435.28 — Philosophic series. 8 v. in 2. 1883-5. . . . 435 . 27 Contents.— v. 1. Didactic — Criteria of diverse kinds of truth, as opposed to agnosticism ; being a treatise on applied logic. Energy, efficient and final cause. De- velopment; wbat it can do and what it cannot do. Cer- titude, providence and prayer, v. 2. Historical— Locke’s theory of knowledge, with a notice of Berkeley. Ag- nosticism of Hume And Huxley, with a notice of the Scottish school. A criticism of the critical philosophy. Herbert Spencer’s philosophy as culminated in his ethics. McCoy, A. Mines and mining in Colorado. [also] Manual of mining laws. 1871. 911.1 McCrie, Thomas. Life of John Knox 637.12 McCulloch, J. R. London in 1850-1. . .In 502.21 McDanield, H. F. and Taylor, N. A. The comipg empire ; or, two thousand miles in Texas on horseback, [1877].. 514.8 MacDonald, Flora. Jesse, J. N. [Life.] In 718.7 — Scott, Sir W. Waverly. Fid 12.1 — [Sketch of] In 1001.8.2 MacDonald, G. Adela Cathcart 6.29 — Alec Forbes of How-glen. 1865 36.355 — Annals of a quiet neighborhood. 2 v. in 1. 36.356 Note .— For sequel, see “Seaboard parish.” — At the back of the north wind. Juv. .. 78.2 — Cheerful words. 1880 * 425.24 — David Elginbrod. 1871 36.357 — Donal Grant. 1883 55.14 — England’s antiphon. [History of her religious poetry.] 218.27 — Gutta Percha Willie. 1873 28.44 — Malcolm: a romance. 1875 42.8 — Marquis of Lossie. 1877 42.7 — Mary Marston. 1881 145.22 — Paul Faber, surgeon. 1879 47.7 — Phantastes ; a faerie romance for men and women 6.26 — The portent 6.27 — Princess and Curdie. 1883 82.4 — Princess and the goblin. 1872 25.8 — Robert Falconer 6.25 MACDONALD. 158 McMASTER. MacDonald, G., continued. civil wars in England 142 . 15 — Seaboard parish; sequel to “Annals of a quiet neighbourhood.” 1872 14.22 — Sir Gibbie. 1879 47.1 — Thomas Wingfold, curate 141 . 4 — Unspoken sermons. 1867 405.7 — The vicar’s daughter. 1872 36.358 — Warlock o’ Glen warlock. 1881 51.10 — Weighed and wanting. 1882 56.24 — Wilfrid Cumbermede. 1882 6.30 MacDuff, J. R. Tales of the warrior judges. 406 . 20 Mace, J. History of a mouthful of bread. 803.11 — Servants of the stomach. 1868 803 . 10 McElligott, J. N. American debater. 1855. 903.12 Macfarlane, C. Romance of history : Italy. 51 . 28 Macfie, R. A., compiler. Copyright and patents for inventions : pleas and plans for cheaper books and greater industrial freedom. 2 v. 1879-83... 915.17 Contents.— v. 1. Copyright. 2. Patents. M’Fingal; an epic poem. Trumbull, J. . . 218.10 McGilchrist, J. Life of W. E. Gladstone [to 1868] 611.36 McGrath, T. Pictures from Ireland. 1881. 914.20 MacGregor, J. The Rob Rov [canoe] on the Baltic. 1872 503.21 — The Rob Roy on the Jordan. 1870 502.32 A thousand miles in the Rob Roy canoe. 506.27 — Voyage alone in the yawl “ Rob Roy.” From London to Paris and back by Havre, Isle of Wight, etc. 1868 508.25 Machtavelli, N. History of Florence [to 1492]. With The prince, etc. 1854.. 702.10 — Story of Belphagor In 313.29 — Macaulay, T. B. In his Essays 305.13 Mackintosh, Sir J. In Ms Essays 305.2 Machinery. See Mechanics. Macintosh. See also Mackintosh. Macintosh, J. Origin of the N. A. Indians. • 1855 736.3 Macintosh, Maria J. Charms and counter- charms 74.16 Conquest and self-conquest. 1871 74.4 Evenings at Donaldson manor; or, the Christmas guest. 1874 74.17 Mack, E. Life of G. M. de Lafayette. ’48. 604.17 Mackarness, Mrs. M. A. A mingled yaro . 36.360 — Peerless wife. 1871 36 . 361 — Sunbeam stories. 1863 36.362 Contents. —Trap to catch a sunbeam. Cloud with the silver lining. Old Joliffe. Sequel to Old Joliffe. Star in the desert. “Only.” A merry Christmas. — and others. Magnet stories 23.5 Mackay, Charles. Life and liberty in America. [Tour in 1857-8.] 505.4 Memoirs of extraordinary popular de- lusions. 2 v. in 1 . 1869 311 . 5 Contents.— v. 1. Mississippi scheme. The South-Sea bubble. The Tulipomania. The alchymists. Modern prophecies. Fortune telling. The magnetizers. In- fluence of politics and religion on the hair and beard, v. 2. The crusades. The slow poisoners. Haunted houses. Popular follies of great cities.- Popular ad- miration of great thieves. Duels and ordeals. Relics. — Poetical works 218 . 29 — ed'r. Thousand and one gems of Eng- lish poetry. [1867.] 206.5 Mackenzie, Alex. Voyages from Montreal through the northwest continent of America, to the frozen and Pacific oceans, 1789-93. 1801 8521 . 16 Mackenzie, Alex. S. Life of Paul Jones. 2 v. 1841 636.5 — Life of Stephen Decatur In 601.1.11 Mackenzie G. M. and Irby, A. P. Travels in Sclavonic provinces of Turkey-in- Europe. 1866 517.10 Mackenzie, H. D. S. History of Switzer- land to 1871. 1881 724.18 Mackenzie, Henry. Man of feeling. 1810. 134.26 — Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists. . . 624.19 Mackenzie, R. America: a history. 1882. 723.13 — The 19th century: a history. 1880 724.2 Mackenzie, R. S. Life of Charles Dick- ens. 1870 642.6 — Life of W. Maginn. With Fraserian papers. 1855 306 . 25 — Tressilian and his friends. 1859 33.20 Mackey, A. G. Lexicon of free-masonry. 1866 412.16 Mackie, J. M. Life of G. W. von Leibnitz. 1845 633.16 — Life of S. Gorton... In 601.1.5 — Life of Schamyl and narrative of the Circassian war. 1856 606 . 23 Mackintosh, Sir James. Miscellaneous works. 1858 305.2 Contents.— On the philosophical genius of Lord Bacon and Mr. Locke. A discourse on the law of nature and nations. Life of Sir Thomas More. A refutation of the claim on behalf of King Charles I. to the author- ship of the Eikon basilike. Dissertation on the prog- ress of ethical philosophy, chiefly during the 17th and 18th centuries. An account of the partition of Poland. Sketch of the administration and fall of Struensee. Statement of the case of Donna Maria de Gloria, as a claimant to the crown of Portugal. Character of Charles, first marquis of Cornwallis. Character of the right honourable George Canning. Preface to a reprint of the Edinburgh Review of 1755. On the writings of Machiavel. Review of Mr. Godwin’s lives of Edward and John Philips, &c., &c. Review of Rogers’ poems. Review of Madame de Stael’s “De L’ Allemagne.” Re- view of the causes of the revolution of 1688. Memoir of the affairs of Holland, 1667-1686. Discourse read at the opening of the literary society of Bombay. Vindicue Gallic*: a defense of the French revolution and its English admirers. Reasons against the French war of 1893. On the state of France in 1815. On the right of parliamentary suffrage A speech in deffense of John Peltier, accused of a libel on the flrst consul of France. A charge, delivered to the grand jury of the island of Bombay, on the 20th of July, 1811. Various speeches. — Speeches. {In Goodrich, C. A. British eloquence.) 321.15 — Bulwer-Lytton, Sir H. Historical char- acters 643.25 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men . . . 614 . 14 McKnight, C. Old fort Duquesne. [Brad- dock’s defeat.] 1874 36.363 Maclaren, A. Physical education. 1869 . 822.34 : McLaughlin, M, L. China painting. 1882. 851.23 — Pottery decoration under the glaze. 1880. 851 . 22 McLean, J. P. The mound builders. 1879. 723.5 Mclean, Sally P. Cape Cod folks. 1881.. 51.16 Maclear, G. F. Apostles of mediaeval Europe. 1869 636.11 i — Conversion of the West ser. v. 1-4. 1879. 423.15 1. The Celts. 2. The English. 3. The Northmen. 4. The Slavs. Macleod, D. Memoir of N. Macleod. 1876. 615.2 Macleod, Norman. The old lieutenant and his son. 1863 36.364 — Macleod, D. Memoir of. 1876 615.2 I McMaster, J. B. History of the people of the United States, from the revolu- tion to the civil war. v. 1-2. 1883-5. 728.12 MACMILLAN. 159 MAINE. Macmillan, Hugh. Bible teaching in na- ture. 1880 448 . 6 — Foot-notes from the page of nature. ’61 824 . 7 — Holidays on high lands. [Alpine botany] 1873 824.9 — Ministry of nature. 1879 443.5 — Sabbath of the fields; sequel to “Bible teaching in nature.” 1879 443.12 Macnish, N. Philosophy of sleep; anatomy of drunkenness. (With Combe, G. etc.) 1844 305.10 Macon, J. A. Uncle Gabe Tucker; or, re- flection, song, and sentiment in the quarters. 1 883 327 . 1 Macoun, John. Manitoba and the great north-west. 1 883 521.8 Macpherson, E. Hand-book of politics for 1882 915.4 Macpherson, Gerardine. Life of Mrs. Anne J ameson. 1 878 617.4 MacPherson, J. Poems of Ossian. 1847. 214.19 Macquoid, Mrs. Katharine S. Esau Runs- wick. 1882 53.3 — Miriam’s marriage. 1872 36.365 — Patty. 1872 36.366 — Pictures across the channel. 1872 36 . 367 — Through Brittany. Illus 518.35 — Too soon. 1864 36.368 Macquoid, T., and Katherine, S. Pictures and legends from Normandy and Brit- tany. 1881 518.19 McSherry, J. History of Maryland. 1852 714.17 Me Watters, G. S. Knots untied: life of American detectives. 1872 603.13 Mad Dumaresq. Church, Mrs. R. 36 . 104 Madagascar. Ellis, Rev. W. Madagascar revisited. 1867 521 . 13 — - Three visits to, 1853-6. 1859 527.5 — Sibree, Rev. J. Madagascar. [Mission-* ary manual]. 1880 522 . 17 Madam. Oliphant, M. O. W 57.20 Madam How and Lady Why. Kingsley, C. 832.25 Madame. Benedict, F. L. 1878 "... 44.26 Madame de Stael; an historical novel. Bolte, A 4.30 Madame Delphine. Cable, G. W 145.28 Madame Fontenoy. Clarke, C. C 36 . 369 Madame la Marquise. Rame, L. de la 36.453 Madame Lucas. (Round-robin ser.) 1882. 51.17 Madame Therese. Erckmann, E., and Chat- rian, A 44.8 Madcap Violet. Black, William. 1877 136.11 Madden, R. R. Literary life and corre- spondence of the Countess of Bless- ington. 2 v. 1860 633.2 Madeline. Holmes, Mrs. M. J 135.14 Mademoiselle Bismarck. Rochefort, H . . 146 . 10 Mademoiselle Mori: tale of modern Rome. Roberts, Miss M 36 . 370 Madison, J., joint author. See Federalist. 904.1 — Adams, J. Q. Life of. 1854 605.11 — Gay, S. H. Life of. (American States- men.) 1884 626.4.10 — Homes of American statesmen 617.9 Madonna, The, Jameson, A. Legends of 852.15 See also Mary, mother of Jesus. Madonna Mary. Oliphant, M. O. W. Fict. 36 . 424 Madrid, Attache in, [1853-4]. 1856 508.9 M.®rtz, Louise. New method for the study of English literature. 1884 323.13 Maes, C.P. Life of Rev. C.Nerinckx. 1880 637.9 Mapfei, A. Brigand life in Italy. 2 v. 1865 745.3 Maffei, J. P. Life of St. Francis Xavier. See Bartoli, D 628.17 Magazine of American history. Ed. by Mrs. M. J. Lamb. v. 11-14. N.Y. 1884-5*1008.12 Magazine of art. v. 7-8. N.Y. 1884-5. .*8541.21 Magazines. See Periodicals. Magellan. Towle, G. M. Magellan; or, the first voyage ’round the world. 1882. 515.7.3 — Verne, J. Exploration of the world, p. 249 513.5.1 Maggie Miller. Holmes, M. J. (With Dora Deane.) 135.6 Magic. Baring-Gould, M. A. The divin- ing rod In 423.6 — Houdin, R. Conjuring and magic. 1878. 832 . 29 Memoirs. By himself 606 . 7 — Lecky,W. E. H. Rationalism itf Europe. [Magic and witchcraft.] 437.1.1 — Scheie de Vere. Modern magic. 1873. 808.11 Maginn, W. Fraserian papers, with life by R. F. Mackenzie. 1857 306.25 Magnet stories. Mackarness, M. A. and others 23.5 Magnetism. See Electricity. Magoon, E. L. Orators of the American revolution. 1873 613.9 Contents— The battle-fields of early American elo- quence. James Otis. Samuel Adams. Josiah Quincy. Jonn Hancock. Joseph Warren. John Adams. Patri- otic piety of ’76. Patrick Henry. Richard Henry Lee. Alexander Hamilton. Fisher Ames. William Pinkney. William Wirt. Thomas Addis Emmet. John Randolph. Magruder, A. B. J ohn Marshall. (Am. statesmen). 1885 626.4.12 Maguire, J. F. Life of Father Mathew. [Apostle of temperance]. 1 864 636 . 16 Mahabharata. Arnold, E. Indian idylls. 211.36 Mahaffy, J. P. Decay of modern preach- ing. 1882 443.24 — Old Greek education. 1882 443 . 9 — Old Greek life. (History primers). ’77. 716.27.4 — Rambles and studies in Greece. 1878 . . 514 . 19 — Social life in Greece from Homer to Menander. 1877 717.5 Mahan, A. T. The gulf and and inland wa- ters. (Navy in the civil war). 1883 . 741.1.3 Mahan, D. H. Civil engineering. 1879. . . 836.7 Mahomet. See Mohammed. Mahon, Lord. See Stanhope, P. H. Mahony, F. Reliques of Father Prout. ’73 307.11 Maid of Stralsund. De Liefde, J. B 53.25 Maid, wife or widow. Alexander, Mrs . A . 45.1 Maiden and married life of Mary Powell. Manning, A 132.3 Maiden aunt, The. Smedley, M. B 15.9 Maiden Rachel. Giles, Ella A 46.19 Maiden sisters. Fict. 1859 36.371 Maidenhood series. 6 v. — Baker, G. M. Running to waste 84.5 — Clark, R. S. [Sophie May]. Our Helen. 75.1 The Asbury twins 74.40 — Douglas, A. M. Seven daughters 30.16 — Samuels, A. F. Daisy Travers 84.6 — Townsend, V. F. That queer girl 58.1 Maine, Sir H. S. Ancient law. 1871 903 . 4 — Early history of institutions : sequel to “Ancient law.” 1878 913 . 24 — Village communities in the East and West, and miscellanies. 1876 913.15 Maine. Abbott, J. Marco Paul in 91.25.3 — Lowell, J. R. AMoosehead journal. .In 508.18 — Springer, J. S. Forest life. [Lumbering, etc.] 1851 504.19 — Thoreau, H. D. The Maine woods. 1864. 524.27 MAINTENON. 160 MAN. Maintenon, Mme. de. Lord, J. Mme. de Maintenon. [or] The political woman. In 735.6.5 — Thomson, K. B. and J. G. Queens of society 632.10 Maistre, X. de. Journey round my room. 1871 308.18 Maitland, B. Skepticism and faith. 1882. 443.34 Maitland, E., [H. Ainslie.] Higher law; a romance. 1872 3.21 — Pilgrim and the shrine. Fict. 1871... 64.16 Majolica and fayence. Beckwith, A. 1877. 827 . 17 Major Gahagan. [Burlesque.] Thackeray, Major Jones’ chronicles of Pineville. Thompson, W . T 44.30 Major J o n e s’ courtship and travels. Thompson, W.T 44.29 Make or break. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.1.5 Making of a man. Baker, W. M. 1884. . . 57.21 Note.— Sequel to “His majesty, myself.” Malacca. Bird, J. L. Golden Chersonese. 1883 526.21 — Thompson, J. Malacca, Indo-China and China. 1874 511.4 Malay archipelago or Malaysia. Bickmore, A. S. Travels in the. 1879 527.6 — Sir S. Raffles and the In 1001.8.6 — Wallace, A. R. Malay archipelago. ’69. 527.13 See also Philippines. Malbone: an Oldport romance. Higgin- son, T. W..: 4.10 Malcolm: a romance. MacDonald, G 42.8 Malet, Lucas, pseud. See Harrison, Mrs. — . Mallet. P. H. Northern antiquities. An account of the manners, religion, laws, discoveries, language and liter- ature of the ancient Scandinavians. 1878 742.8 Malleville. Abbott, J. Juv 91.23.1 Mallock, W. H. Is life worth living? ’79’ 442.1 — Lucretius [outlined and explained]. ’78 1021 . 5 — Property and progress, or a brief inquiry into contemporary social agitation in England. 1884 916.22 Malory, Sir T. Morte D’ Arthur: history of King Arthur and his knights of the round table. 1870 33 . 1 3 Malot, Hector. No relations. 1880 145 . 18 Malting. McCulloch, J. Distillation, brewing and. 1867 838.22 Mamelon. Tourgee, A. W. Fict 51.11 Mammalia. Figuier, L. 1870 812 . 21 See also Zoology. Mammon; or, the hardships of an heiress. Gore, C. F 36.238 Mammy Tittleback and her family. Jack- son, Mrs. H. H 81.1 Man: prehistoric man; ethnology, etc. General Works. — Candolle, A. de. Probable future of the — Combe, G. The constitution of. 1857. 803.19 — Darwin, C. The descent of. 2 v. 1872. 803 . 2 — Dewey, O. Problem of human destiny. 411.17 — Fiske, J. Destiny of man. 1885 435.21 — Graham, S. Science of human life. 2 v. 1839 805.19 — Guyot, A. Earth and man. 1849 807.24 — Haeckel, Ernst. Evolution of man. 2 v. 831 . 14 History of creation. 2 v 827 . 15 — Hinton J. Man and his dwelling place. 402 . 13 Man, continued. — Hopkins, M. Outline study of man; or, body and mind in one system. 1873. 402 . 20 — Huxley, T. H. Man’s place in nature. 1872 803.4 — Moore, G. Man and his motives. 1848. 408.24 — Newman, J. B. Natural history of man. 1852 837.8 — Quetelet, M. A. Man and the develop- ment of his faculties 821 . 15 — Reade, W. Martyrdom of man. 1874.. 808.26 — Thomas, H. W. Origin and destinv of man. 1877. *....425.21 — Tylor, E. B. Anthropology. 1881 824.3 Prehistoric Man. — Abbott, E. C. Stone age in New Jersey. — Argyll, Duke of. Primeval man. 1872. 805.4 — Baldwin, J. D. Ancient America 711.7 Pre-historic nations. 1874 706 . 23 — Clodd, E. Childhood of the world 808.19 — Conant, A. J. Foot-prints of vanished races in the Mississippi valley. 1879. 722.8 — Donnelly, I. Atlantis: the antediluvian world. 1882 724.19 — Evans, J. Ancient stone implements of Great Britain. 1872 704.2 — Farrer, J. A. Primitive manners and customs. 1879 717.11 — Figuier, L. Primitive man 812.23 — Foster, J. W. Pre-historic races of the United States. 1873. 808.7 — Harris, J. Man primeval. 1854 438 . 10 — Joly, N. Man before metals. 1883 815.4.45 — Keary, C. F., ed’r. Dawn of history: an introduction to pre-historic study. 717 . 6 Outlines of primitive belief 443 . 25 — Lubbock, Sir J. Origin of civilization and primitive condition of man 807 . 27 Pre-historic times. 1872 704.3 — Lyell, Sir C. Geological evidences of the antiquity of man 821 . 26 — McLean, J. P. The mound builders .’79 723.5 — Man as the contemporary of the maih- moth and reindeer in middle Europe. (Smith, rep , I s 67) • ..*8501.2 — Nadaillac, Marquis de. Pre-historic America. 1884 734.19 — Rau, C. Early man in Europe. 1876.. 836.3 — Short, J. T. The North Americans of antiquity. 1880 722.7 — Thompson, J. P. Man in Genesis and and geology. 1872 807 . 26 — Tylor, E. B. Early history of man- kind. 1878 841.10 Ethnology , etc. — Brace, C. L. Races of the old world. 1871 807.23 — Gibbs, G. Intermixture of races. (Smith, — Jeffries, J. P. Natural history of the human races. 1869 812.3 — Nott, J. C. and Gliddon, G. R. Indige- nous races of the earth. 1857 8521.2 — Quatrefages, A. de. The human species. Natural history of man. 1875 827.41 — Rawlinson, G. Origin of nations. ’78. 717.3 — Reid, M. Odd people. [Singular races of men] 92.8 — Smith, C. H. Natural history of the hu- man species. 1851 801.9 MAN. 161 MARIE. Man, continued. — Wilson, D. Physical [cranial] ethnology. (Smith, rep., 1862) : *8501 . 2 See also Civilization ; Evolution ; Future life, etc. Man and beast; here and hereafter. Wood, J. G 417.23 Man and his dwelling place. Hinton, J. ’72 402 . 13 Man and nature. Marsh, Geo. P. 1871 816.31 Man and wife. Collins, Wilkie 61.20 Man before metals. Joly, N. 1883 815.4.45 Man of feeling. Mackenzie, H 134 . 26 Man of honor'. Eggleston, G. C 64.17 Man of the house. Alden, Mrs. I. M 82.3 MAN-of-war life. Nordhoff, C. Juv 531.5 Man versus the state. Spencer, H. 1884 . . 915 . 15 M an who laughs. Hugo, Y. Fid. 1869. 61.15 Man who tramps. Harris, L. O. Fid. . . . 144 . 21 Man with the broken ear. About, E 63.28 Man’s a man for a’ that. 1879 138.13 Mandeville. - See Maundeville. Mangin, Arthur. Earth and its treasures.’75 828.28 Manhood. Hughes, T. Manliness of Christ 1880 421.19 True manliness. 1880 425.23 — Savage, M. J. Christianity the science of 441.3 See also Character. Manitoba and the great nortli-west.Macoun, J. 1883 521.8 Manley, W. E. Biblical review. 2 v. 1859 438 . 12 Mann, H. Annual reports on education, 1839,1841-43,1845-48. 1868 413.19 — Lectures and annual reports on educa- tion. 1872 413.18 — Lectures on various subjects. 1859 407.24 — Mann. Mrs. M. P. Life of. 1865 604.10 Mann, Mrs. M. P. Life of Horace Mann. ’65 604.10 — and Peabody, E. P. Moral culture of infancy and kindergarten guide. ’74 416.5 Manners. See Etiquette, manners, etc. Manners and customs. Brand, J. Popu- lar antiquities of Great Britain. 3 v. 718 . 8 — Dyer, T. F. T. British popular customs. 742 . 14 — Farrer, J. A. Primitive manners and customs. 1879 717 . 1 1 — Flower, W. H. Fashion in deformity [of the human body]. 1881 842.32 — Lacroix, P. Manners, customs and dress during the middle ages. 1874 733 . 7 — Spencer, H. Cremonial institutions . ’80 913.9 — Tegg, W. Meetings and greetings of nations. 1877 742.17 See also Antiquities ; Burial usages; Dress; Etiquette ; also , works descriptive of various countries. Manners and customs of ye Harvard stu- dente. Atwood, F. E. Illus. 1877. 848.21 Manning, Anne. The faire gospeller, Mis- tress Anne Askew. 1867 34.18 — Household of Sir Thomas More. [Time of Henry VIII.; Erasmus] 34.20 — Maiden and married life of Mary Powell. [Milton’s household] 132.3 Manning, H. E., Cardinal. The Vatican decrees in their bearing on civil alle- giance. 1875 441.20 Mansel, H. L. Miracles. {In Aids to faith) 438.17 Mansfield, E. D. American education.’Sl 401.6 Mansfield, R. B. Log of the Water Lily during cruises on the Rhine, Neckar, and other streams of Germany. ’54. 527 . 24 20 Mansfield park. Austen, Jane 36.36 Manson, G. J. Work for women. 1883... 916.4 Manton, W. P. Beginnings with the micro- scope. 1884 845.7 Manuela Paredes. Chamberlain, Dr. W. 141.16 Manufactures. Bolles, A. S. Industrial history of the United States. 1878. 913.2 — Greeley, H. and others. Great indus- tries of the United States. Illus.’73. 812.4 — Simmonds, P. L . Commercial dictionary of trade products, manufacturing and technical terms. 1883 844 . 4 — U. S. census reports. Manufactures. See United States. — Ure, A. Dictionary of. 3 v. 1871 *B.l See also Useful arts; also, names of different materials and processes. Manure. Harlan, C. Farming with green manures. 1880 835 . 24 — Harris, J. Talks on. 1878 838 . 15 — Vienna int. exhib. Report on fertilizers*826.10.2 Many lands and many people. Illus. 1875 511 . 11 Manypenny, G. W. Our Indian wards.’80 722 . 15 Manzoni, A. The betrothed. [Milan; the 17th century]. 1876 136.22 Maps. See Atlases. Marable family. Hillyer, S. 46.15 Marble faun. Hawthorne, N. 2 v. 1860 18 . 23 Marble prophecy. [Poem.] Holland, J. G. 203.19 Marble- workers’ manual. From the French, with appendix on American marbles. 1876 844.7 Marcel, C. Study of languages. 1873. . . 307 . 16 March, C. W. Webster and his contempo- raries. [cop. 1850.] 636.15 Marco Paul’s voyages and travels. 6 v. See Abbott, J 91.25 Marco Polo. See Polo, Marco. Marcus. Simonds, W. Juv 91.27.4 Marcus Aurelius. See Antoninus, M. A. Marcus Warland. Hentz, Mrs. C. L 43.4 Marcy, Gen. R. B. Army life on the bor- der. 1874 511.14 — Border reminiscences. 1872 505.1 — The prairie traveler: a hand-book. 1859 512.25 Marenholtz-BuIow, Bertha, yon. The child, its nature and relations. A free rendering from the German by M. H. Kriege. 1877 432.6 — Reminiscences of Froebel. 1877 614.21 Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism: terres- trial and aerial locomotion. 1874. . .815.4.11 Margaret of Anjou , queen of Henry VI. of Eng. Abbott, J. History of. ’74. 611.21 Margaret. Judd, S 17.19 Margaret Maitland. Oliphant, Mrs M. O. W : 36.425 Margaret Smith’s journal, 1678-9. Whit- tier, J. G. [In his Works] 1001.7.1 Margolle, E Meteors, etc. See Zurcher, F 816.24 Margret Howth. Davis, Mrs. R. H. 1862 52.17 Marguerittes, J. de. Italy and the war of 1859 702.9 Marian Grey. Holmes, Mrs. M . J 135.5 Marie Antoinette, queen of France. Ab- bott, J. S. C. History of. 1873.... 611.20 — Campan, Mme. Private life of. 2 v.... 634.5 — Russell, W. Extraordinary women 618.2 — Ty tier, Sarah. Life of. 1883 621.25.10 In Fiction see Dumas’ “Queen’s necklace.” 55 . 30 . Marie. Pushkin, A. Fid. 1877 137.13 MaRie Celeste, Sister. Estelle Russell. Fid 36.207 MARIETTA. 162 MARTINEAU. Marietta. Trollope, T. A 11.3 Marion, F. Wonderful balloon ascents. 1870 802.15 — Wonders of optics. 1871 802.30 — Wonders of vegetation. 1872 802 . 7 Marion Harland, pseud. See Terhune, M. Y. Marjorie Daw. Aldrich, T. B 64.8 Mark, St., Gospel of. See Bible (New Testament). Mark Raffles. Dalton, W. Juv 26.39 Mark Twain, pseud. See Clemens, S. L. Market assistant. De Yoe, T. F. 1865.. 814.30 Markham, Mrs. pseud. See Penrose, E. Markham, C. R. War between Peru and Chili, [1879-’82] 727.19 Markham, Richard. Aboard the Mavis. ’80. 77 . 14 — Around the Yule log. 1879 77.15 — King Philip’s war. 1883 723.18.3 Marlitt, E., pseud. See John, Mrs. E. Marmaduke Herbert. Blessington, Count- ess of. 36.219 Marmorne. HameHon, P. G 46.9 Marquette, Jacques. Narrative of discov- ery of the Mississippi. (In Breese, J. Early hist, of Illinois) 731 . 4 — Parkman, F. Discovery of the great West 736.15.3 — Sparks, J. Life of In 641.4.10 Marquis and merchant. Collins, Mortimer 34.22 Marquis of Carabas. Spofford, Mrs. H. P. 53.13 Marquis of Lossie. Macdonald, G 42.7 Marquis’s hand-book of Chicago. 1885... 523.1 Marriage. Alcott, W. A. Courtship and marriage. 1860 406 . 25 — Physiology of marriage. 1860 837 . 12 — Arnold, F. Turning points in life In 304.14 — Carlier, A. Marriage in the United States. 1867 902.3 — Cook, J. Marriage. (Boston Monday lectures). 1879 914.1 — Croly, Mrs. D. G. For better or worse. 417.16 — Dixon. W. H. Spiritual wives. [Polyg- amy]. 1868..... 432.31 — Hamerton, P. Women and marriage. In 402 . 14 — Holland, J. G. Letters to young mar- ried people 405.22 — Jay, W. Thoughts on. 1833 408.12 — Milton, J. Doctrine of divorce. (Works)1001.6.3 — Spencer, H. The domestic relations. (In his Principles of sociology) 913.8.1 — Swedenborg, E. Conjugial love 414.11 — Wood, E. J. Wedding day in all ages and countries 1869 742 . 16 — Woolsey, T. D. Divorce and divorce legislation. 1869 911.3 Marriage in high life. Feuillet, Octave . . 43.29 Married belle. Smith, Julia P 32.26 Married beneath him. Payn, James 136.3 Married in haste. Stephens, Mrs. A. S . . 11.24 Marryat, Emilia. Henry Lyle 142.9 Marryat, Florence. See Church, Mrs. R. Marryat, Frederick. Children of the New forest. [Time of Charles I]. 1848.. 36.379 — Frank Mildmay: or, the naval officer. . . 16.10 — Jacob Faithful. 1842 36.380 — Japhet in search of a father. 1843 36.381 — The king’s own. [Mutiny at the Nore, 1797.] 1869 36.382 — Masterman Ready. Juv 71.25 — The mission; or, scenes in Africa . 1845. 36.384 — Mr. Midshipman Easy. 1869 36.383 — Newton Forster. 1873 16.16 Marryat, Frederick, continued. — Olla-podrida. [Diary on the continent, 1835, etc.] 1874 16.17 — Pacha of many tales 16.18 — Percival Keene. 1842 36 . 385 — Peter Simple. 1842 36 . 386 — Phantom ship 16.19 — The poacher 16.22 — Poor Jack 82.14 — Privateer’s man. 1846 36.387 — Rattlin, the reefer 16.23 — Settlers in Canada [1794 — ]. Fict. ... 36.388 — Snarleyow; or, the dog fiend : 16.9 — Travels and adventures of Monsieur Violet in California, Sonora, and Western Texas. Fict 16.15 — Valerie, an autobiography 16.24 — Marryat, Florence. Life and letters of. 643 . 10 Marsh, G. P. Lectures on the English language. 1860 321 . 13 — Man and nature; or, physical geography modified by human action. 1871 . . . 816 . 31 — Origin and history of the English lan- guage. 1872 323.2 MARSH-Caldwell, Mrs. A. Aubrey. 1842. 36.372 — Castle Avon. 1852 36.373 — Emilia Wyndham. 1852 36.374 — Evelyn Marston. 1856 36.375 — Heiress of Haughton. 1855 . . 35 . 376 — Ravenscliffe. 1857 36.378 — The rose of Ashurst. 1857 36.377 Marshall, Emma. Stories of the cathe- dral cities of England. 1881 738.2 Marshall, John. Anatomy for artists. ’78.8521.17 — Life of Washington. 2 v. 1810 617.14 Marshall, W. E. Travels amongst the Todas [primitive tribe in South India] 1873 521.11 Marstons, The. Aide, Hamilton 36.5 Martha: a memorial. Reed, A. 1835 ...In 411.3 Martha Brown, the heiress. 1861 ... 36 . 389 Marthas, The; or, varieties of female piety. Philip, R In 411 . 2 Martin, B. N. Choice specimens of Am. literature. 1871 311.20 Martin, E. W. Behind the scenes [in Wash- ington]. 1873 714.3 Martin, G. Horace [outlined and explain- ed] 1020.24 Martin, G. H. Text-book on civil govern- ment in the United States, [cop. ’75] 914.21 Martin, H. N. The human body. 1881.. 837.13 — and Huxley, T. H. Elementary biology. 1879 838.42 Martin, John. Craik, D. M. A legacy; life of. 1878 631.13 Martin, Sir T. Book of ballads; ed. by Bon Gaultier 208 . 8 Martin, W. A. P. The Chinese; their edu- cation, etc. 1881 516 . 18 Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens, C . . 1 . 13 and 36 . 172 Martin Merrivale. Trowbridge, J. T 75.7 Martin’s vineyard. H arrison, Agnes 36 . 245 Martineau, Harriet. Autobiography. 2 v. 1877 615.1 — The Crofton boys 24.40 — Deerbrook. 1870 33.10 — History of England, 1800-1854. 4v. 1865 705.2 — Hour and the man. [Toussaint L’Ouver- ture]. 1874 34.26 MARTINEAU. 163 MATHEWS. Martineau, Harriet, continued. — Household education. 1867 413.9 — Miller, Mrs. F. F. Harriet Martineau. 1885 627.1.10 — Smiles, S. Brief biographies 606 . 4 Martineau, Jas. Materialism, religion and theology. 1877 443.21 Martins of Cro’ Martin. Lever, C. 3 v. in 2 36.341 Martyn, Henry. Bell, C. D. Life of. ’81. 622.10.1 Martyn, W. C. Life of Martin Luther.[c.’66] 632 . 14 Martyr, Justin. See Justin Martyr. Martyrdom of man. Reade, Win wood. 808.26 Martyrs, The.[Rome, 3d century.]Chateau- briand, F . R. de 137.14 Martyrs. Blanchard, A., comp’r. Book of martyrs [to 1880]. 1852 434.10 — Brown, J. N. Memorials of Baptist martyrs. [1854] 612 . 15 — Charles, E. Martyrs of Spain. Fict... 408.20 — Fox, J. Book of martyrs. 1854 434 . 11 Martyrs of science. Brewster, David. ’74 614.9 Marvel, Ik, pseud. See Mitchell, D. G. Marvellous country. [Arizona, etc]. Coz- zens, S. W 524 J 6 Marvin, C. The Russians at the gates of Herat. 1885 735.5 Mary, the mother of Jesus. Jameson, Mrs. A. Legends of the Madonna . . 852 . 15 — Milman, H. H. Hist, of Christianity. 3 v 403.4 Mary Stuart, queen of Scots. Abbott, J. History of. 1873 611.22 — Benger, Eliz. O. Life of [in France].. 618.3 — Froude, J. A. History of Eng., v. 4-12 . 703 . 1 — Headley, P. C. Life of Mary, queen of Scots, [cop. 1853] 621.14 — Meline, J. F. Mary, queen of Scots and her latest English historian. 1872 . . . 605 . 19 — Russell, W. Extraordinary women. ... 618.2 In fiction, etc., see Melville’s “Queen’s Maries’” [maids of honor], 36.399; Scott’s “Abbot,” 12.11; James’s “Darnley,” 17.31 ; Yonge’s “Unknown to his- tory” [story of her captivity,”] 52.25; St. John’s “Mary queen of Scots,” a tragedy, 205.2.8. Mary and I. Forty years with the Sioux. Riggs, S. R. 1880 516.8 Mary Anerly: a Yorkshire tale. Blackmore, R. D.. 48.25 Mary Barton. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C 134.4 Mary Bell. Abbott, Jacob. Juv 91.23.4 Mary Brandagee. Peck, E. [Cuyler Pine]. Mary Erskine. Abbott, Jacob. Juv 91.23.3 vl ary Gay series. 4 v. See Abbott, J. Mary Gertrude, pseud . Philip Randolph; a tale of Virginia 606.35 Mary Marston. MacDonald, G 145.22 Mary Osborne. Abbott, Jacob. Juv 83.11.2 Mary Schweidler, the amber witch. Mein- hold, J. W : 133.5 Maryland. Browne, W. H. and Scharf, J. T. History of [cop. 1 877] 738.4 — McSherry, J. History of Maryland. ’52 714.17 Mashallah ! a flight into Egypt. Stoddard, C. W. 1880 518.27 M ason, G. Ellis, G. E. Life of In 601.1.3 Mason, G. C. Old house altered. 1878. 826.22 Mason, J. On self-knowledge. 1844 305 . 10 Masonic institution. See Freemasonry. Masonry. Dobson, E. Masonry and stone- cutting 811.30 — Powell, G. T. On foundations. 1879 . . 831 . 26 Masque of Pandora. Longfellow, H. W.’75. 204.22 Masque of poets, A. (No name ser.) 1878 217.4 Mass, The. O’Brien, J. History of 421.31 Massage. Graham, D. Practical treatise on. 1885 846.8 Massachusetts. Austin, G. L. Hist. of. ’76 722.3 — Howells, W. D. Suburban sketches. [Boston, etc] 306.6 — Returns of agricultural societies, 1856, ’58, ’59 8501.5 — School returns for 1840-41 904.12 — State lunatic hospital, Reports relating to. 1837 8521.4 — Thoreau, H. D. Cape Cod. 1856 506.26 Early spring in 838.40 Excursions 311.10 Week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers . 1868 301 . 29 See also Andover; Boston; Bunker Hill; Cambridge; Concord; Lexington; Plymouth; Springfield.^ Masson, D. British novelists and their styles. 1859 303 . 14 — Recent British philosophy. 1866 403.11 — Thomas De Quincey. 1881 616.11.24 Masson, Gustave. Early chroniclers of France 717.16 Master of Greylands. Wood, Mrs. H 18.24 Masterman Ready. Marry at, F. Juv... 71.25 Masterpieces of Eng. literature. Swin- ton, W 312.16 Mateaux, C. L. Around and about old England. 1 1 lus 515.9 — Odd folks at home. Juv 832.15 — Stories about animals 832 . 20 — Wonderland of work. 1881 848.18 Materialism, religion and theology. Mar- tineau, J ames 443 . 21 Mathematical drawing instruments. Hulme, F. E. 1882 842.5 Mathematics. Davis, C. Logic and util- ity of. 1851 806.12 Mathematical dictionary. 1855 836 . 28 — Hutton, C. Course of. 2 v. 1841 806 . 10 Same; ed. by W. Rutherford. 1850.. 812.5 See also Algebra, Arithmetic, Astronomy, Civil engi- neering, Geometry, Mechanics, Navigation, Optics, Physics, Surveying, etc. Mather, Cotton. Peabody, W. B. O. Life of. 1873 In 641.4.6 Mather, W. H. On the road to riches; hints for clerks and young business men. 1878 827.37 Mather, W. W. Geology of New York. 1st district. Albany. 1843. v. 1 of. *8521. 13 Mathers, Helen B. Cherry ripe. 1878.. 42.11 — Cornin’ thro’ the rye. 1879 47.8 Mathew, Father T. Maguire, J. F. Life of 636.16 Mathews, Joanna 11. Bessie books, 6 v.’80. 86.20 1. Bessie at the seaside 4. Bessie among the moun- 2. Bessie in the city. tains. 3. Bessie and her friends. 5. Bessie at school. 6. Bessie on her travels Mathews, Julia A. Bessie Harrington’s ventures. 1877 145.10 Mathews, Marg. H. Dr. Gilbert’s daugh- ters. 1881 81.2 Mathews, William. Getting on in the world; or, hints on success in life. ’73. 304.12 — Great conversers, and other essays. ’74 332 . 7 — Hours with men and books. 1877 325 . 31 — Literary style, and other essays. 1881 . 318 . 1 — Oratory and orators. 1879 323.20 — Words, their use and abuse. 1876 325.2 MATHEWS. 164 MECHANICS. Mathews, W. S. B. How to understand music, [also] Dictionary of music and musicians. 1883 848 . 7 Matrimonial infelicities. Coffin, R. B. ’66 142.11 Matrimony: a novel. Norris, W. E. 1881. 141.12 Matson, N. Map and sketches of Bureau county. 1867 712.11 — Memories of Shaubena. [Black Hawk war, etc]. 1880 723 . 7 MATTER-of-fact girl. Havers, Theodora, 51.18 Matter. See Biology, Chemistry, Natural philosophy. Matthews, J. B. [Arthur Penn]. The home library. 1883 426 . 37 — Theatres of Paris. Illus. 1880 217 . 23 Matthews, Washington. Ethnography, etc., of the Hidatsa Indians [Dakota]. ’77. 826.18 Matt’s follies. Prescott, M. N 28.17 Maudsley, H. Pathology of mind. 1880. 824.19 — Physiology of mind. 1877 * 828 . 23 — Responsibility in mental disease. 1874. 815.4.9 Maunder, Samuel. Treasury of history.’72 715.21 — Treasury of knowledge and library of reference. 1873 314 . 2 — Treasury of natural history [zoology] 1874 828.29 Maundeville, Sir J. Book of, [1322-56]. See Wright, T. Early travels in Pales- tine 516.23 Mauprat. Sand, George 6.1 Maurice, F. D. Friendship of books and other lectures. 1880 327 . 15 Contents .— On the friendship of books; On words; On books; On the use and abuse of newspapers! On Christian civilization ; Ancient history ; English history ; Spenser’s “Faerie queene Milton ; Milton considered as a schoolmaster; Edmund Burke; Acquisition and illumination ; On critics. — Moral and metaphysical philosophy. 2 v 1873 431.8 — Religions of the world and their rela- tions to Christianity. 1877 441.6 — Life of, chiefly told in his letters; ed. by his son, Frederick Maurice. 2 v. ’84. 645 . 1 Maurice Deering. Lawrence, G. A 36 . 354 Maurice Tiernay. Lever, C 36 . 342 Mauritius. Pike, N. Sub-tropical rambles. 1873 517.5 Maury, M. F. Physical geography of the sea. 1855 806.5 Max Adeler, pseud. See Clark, C. H. Maxims. See Aphorisms. Maxims of public health. Wight. O. W.’84 845.23 Maxwell, W. H. Field book [British Is- lands]. [1833] 831.11 — Stories of Waterloo 42.12 Maxwell Drewitt. Riddell, J. H 36 . 472 May, C. L. Little pitcher stories. 6 v. [cop. ’67-’69] 76.7 1. Four little pitchers. 4. Charley’s calico rooster. 2. Bertie's telegraph. 5. Grandma’s strong box. 3. Uncle Barney’s fortune. 6. Baby Pitcher’s trials. May, Caroline. American female poets, with biog. notices, [cop. 1869]...... 212.13 May, Sophie, pseud. See Clarke, R. S. May. Oliphant, M. O. W 36.426 MAY-flower, The. and other sketches. Stowe, H. B 15.10 Mayer, A. M. and Barnard, C. Experimen- tal science ser. v. 1-2. 1879 835 . 10 Contents. — 1. Light. 2. Sound. Mayhew, E. Illustrated horse doctor. ’80. 834.26 Mayhew, H. Boyhood of Martin Luther. 1864 614.26 — London characters : the humors, pathos and peculiarities of London life. ’74 912.21 — Story of the peasant boy philosopher [Ferguson]. 1855 827.31 — Wonders of science: or, young Humphry Davy 827.11 Mayhew, El or. and A. Greatest plague of life [in search of a good servant]. ... 53.20 Mayhew, I. Popular education. 1850 405.21 Maynard, C. J. Naturalist’s guide 827.8 Mayne, L. D. What shall we do to-night . 828.1 Mayo, Mrs. I. F. [Edward and Ruth Gar- rett]. By still waters. 1874 43.24 — Crooked places 43.23 — Crust and the cake 64.22 — Gold and dross. 1874 32.1 — Occupations of a retired life 134.17 — Quiet Miss Oodolphin; Chance chi]d.’71 134.24 — White as snow 13.24 Mayo, W. S. The Berber: a tale of Mo- rocco. 1873.. 143.7 — Kaloolah. 1872 8.4 — Never again. 1873 143.6 Meacham, A. B. Wigwam and war-path. [Modoc war]. 1875 513.2 Mead, C. M. The soul here and hereafter. 1879 421.32 Mead, L. T. Knight of to-day. 1880 86.28 Mead, P. B. American grape culture and wine making 1867 821 . 2 Meadow brook. Holmes, Mrs. M. J 135.8 Meadows’ Italian-English and English- Italian dictionary. London, 1876 .... *D.5 Measure for measure [comedy] . See Shakespeare. Meccah, Pilgrimage to. Burton, R. F . ’58. 504 . 25 Mechanical drawing. See Drawing. Mechanics and mechanic arts. — American machinist, v. 8-9. 1885-6 . *8541 . 29 — Boy’s workshop. By a boy and his friends 1881 844.44 — Brown, H. T. Five hundred and seven mechanical movements. 1881 844.19 — Goodeve, T. M. Elements of mechan- ism 838.30 Principles of mechanics, 1876 838.26 — Hobson, A. H. G. Amateur mechanic’s hand-book. 1877 836 . 25 — Kmght, E. H. American mechanical dictionary. 3 v. 1877 *E.4 New mechanical dictionary. 1883. . . *E.4.4 — Lardner, D. Handbook of natural phi- losophy (mechanics). 1856 823 . 28 — Lukin, J. The boy engineers. 1878.. 828.5 Young mechanic 818.15 — McCord, 0. W. Kinematics. 1883.-. ... 843.26 — Rankine, W. J. M. Manual of applied 1873 , ... 814.12 Rules and tables. 1873 . . f 827 . 1 and Bamber. Mechanical text-book.’73 818.35 — Rose, J. Complete practical machinist . 1880 834.18 — Scientific American, v. 4-5, 22-23, 27-28, — See, J, W. Extracts from Chordal’s let- * ters [to mechanics]. 1880 842 . 1 — Shelley, C. P. B. Workshop appliances. 838.27 — WortheD, W. E. First lessons in. 1862. 807.11 See also Useful arts; and names of special arts and trades. Mechanics, Lives of. See Biography (Sci- entific, Industrial , etc.) MECHANISM. 165 MEN. Mechanism in thought ami morals. Holmes, O. W. 1871 402.12 Med aes. See Numismatics. Medbery, J. K. Men and mysteries of WaH street. 1870 912.11 Media. Rawlinson, G. Five great monarch- ies, v. 2. 1873 715.5 Medleval civilization. Adams, G. B. (History primers). . .’ 716.27.7 Medeevae history. See Middle ages. Medici, Lorenzo de. Roscoe, W. Life. ’72 641 . 12 Medicinal chemicals. Hoffman, F. Chemi- cal analysis of . 1877 831.5 Medicine. Dunglison, R. Dictionary of medical science. 1874 *A.ll — Flint, A. Medical ethics and etiquette 1883 842.26 Practice of medicine. 1873 836 . 11 — Hartshome, H. Conspectus of the med- ical sciences. IUus. 1874 824 . 26 Contents.— Anatomy ; Physiology; Chemis- try; Materia medica; Practice of medicine; Surgery; Obstetrics. Principles and practice. 1871 813.28 — Helmholtz, H. On thought in medicine. 1871 In 843.6.2 — Holmes, O. W. Currents and counter currents in medical science, [cop. ’61] 803 . 27 — Hope, H. H. Till the doctor comes 814 . 34 — Jackson, J. D. The black arts in medi- cine. 1880 834.20 — Jackson, James Letters to a young phy- sician. 1856 823.21 — Medical and surgical history of the war of the rebellion. 2 v. 1875 *8521.6 Contents— Part I., Vol. 1. Medical history. Part II., Yol. II. Surgical history. — Richardson, B. W. The field of disease: a book of preventive medicine. 1884 843 . 27 — Turner, D. W. Treatment of common accidents and diseases. 1882 844 . 27 — Wilson, J. C. Summer and its diseases. (Health primer) 833.14.3 See also Accidents; Air; Alcohol; Anatomy; Brain: Children; Constipation; Corpulency; Digestion ; Dis- eases; Electricity; Eye; Food and diet; Health; Health resorts; Heredity; Homoeopathy; Hospitals; Hydropathy; Insanity; Light; Lungs; Massage; Men- tal disease; Microscope; Mineral waters; Movement cure; Nervous system; Nursing; Obstetrics; Para- sites; Physicians; Physiology; Sanitary science; School hygiene; Sleep; Stimulants and narcotics ; Sur- gery; Teeth; Thermpmetry; Yegitarianism ; Veteri- nary medicine; Voice; Women. Mbdina. Burton, R. F. Pilgrimage to, [1852-3] 504.25 Meditations- Burgess, Dr. Meditations. 1871 408.9 — Hervey, J. Meditations and contempla- tions. 1793 402.34 — Meikle, J. The traveller; or, meditations. 1812 408.18 — Zschokke, H. Meditations on death and eternity. 1863 438 . 18 Mediterranean. Colton, W. Sea and sailor 1856 506.23 Ship and shore. 1856 506 . 22 — Cox, S. S. Search for winter sun-beams 503 . 24 — Thackeray, W. M. Journey from Com- Medusa, and other tales. Sartoris, A. K. . . 34 . 37 Meeting the sun; journey around the world Simpson, W. 1877 513.8 Meetings and greetings of nations. Tegg, W. 1877 742.17 Meikle, J. The traveller; or, meditations on board of a man of war. [added] Converse with the world unseen, with life of author. 1812 408.18 Meinhold, J. W. Mary Schweidler, the amber witch. [Times of Gustavus Adolphus]. 1861 133.5 Melancholy. Burton, R. Anatomy of. .. 427.17 Melancthon, P . Cox, F. A. Life of . . In 411.1 See also Luther ; Reformation. Melbourne house. Warner, Susan 17.25 MELEK-Hanum, Mme. Thirty years in the harem [In Turkey]. 1872 602.4 Meline, J. F. Mary queen of Scots and her latest English historian. 1872. . . 605 . 19 — Two thousand miles on horseback: [Kan- sas to] Santa Fe and back. 1868 512.6 Mellichampe. Simms, W. G 58.12 Melville, G. J. W. The Brookes of Bridle- mere. 1864 36.390 — Cerise: tale of the last century 36.391 — Contraband; or, a losing hazard. 1871. 36.392 — Digby Grand: an autobiography. 1862. 36.393 — The gladiators. Tale of Rome and Judea. 1864 ....36.394 — Good for nothing; or, all down hill.. ’62 36.395 — Holmby house. [Charles 1st time]. ’60.. 36.396 — Interpreter, a tale of the [Crimean] war 36 . 397 — M. or N. “Similia similibus curantur.” 36 . 398 — The queen’s Maries, a romance of Holy- rood. 1862 36.399 — Sarchedon, a legend of the great queen. [Semiramis, 13th century B. C.] 36.400 — Uncle John. 1874 36.401 — The White rose. 1868 36.402 Melville, H. Moby-Dick; or, the whale.. 132.23 — Omoo: adventures in the south seas. ’63 132.22 — Redburn; his first voyage. 1875 55.6 — Typee: a peep at Polynesian life. [Fic- tion]. 1871 504.26 Member for Paris. Murray, G 36.532 Memoir of a brother. Hughes, T 608.17 Memoirs of a femme de chambre. Bless- ington, Count ess of 36.220 Memoirs of a physician. [France, Louis XV.] Dumas. A 55.29 Memoirs of my exile. Kossuth, L. 1880.. 637.16 Memorial pictures of war and peace. [Poems.] Brainard, Mrs. Mary. 1873 204.5 Memories of the great metropolis. [Lon- don] 711.10 Memory. Fowler. O. S. Memory and in- tellectual improvement. 1848 408.31 Same. 1855 In 804.16 — Ribot, T. Diseases of. 1882 815.4.41 — Rogers, S. Pleasures of memory [Poem] 217.10 Men and books: studies in homiletics. Phelps, A. 1882.... 427.16 Men and manners in America one hundred years ago; ed. by H. E. Scudder. ’76. 714.2 Men and mysteries of Wall street. Med- bery, J. K. 1870 912.11 Men of character. [Humorous]. Jerrold, D. 36.275 Men of invention and industry. Smiles, S. 631 . 4 Men of our times. Stowe, H. B. 1868.. . . 634.3 Men of the third republic; or, leaders of France. 1873... 634.7 Men of the time: dictionary of contempo- raries. 11th ed’n. Lond. 1884 644.13 M en who have risen : a book for boys. ’59 . 635 . 9 Men, women and ghosts. Phelps, Eliz. S . 7.19 MEN. 166 METHODISM. Men’s wives. Thackeray, W. M In 36.528.8 Menault, E. Intelligence of animals. ’70. 802.21 Mencius. Works. Tr. by J. Legge. (Chinese classics). 1870 402.3 — Johnson, S. Oriental religions 431.4 Mendelssohn family. Hensel, S. The Mendelssohn family, ( 17 29- 1847 ) ; from letters and journals. 2 v. 1882 617.24 MENDEussoHN-Bartholdy, F. Reminiscences of. Polko, E. 1869 633.17 — Haweis. H. R. Music and morals. 1876 818.5 — Sheppard, E. S. Charles Auchester. Fict 34.33 — Tytler, S. Musical composers 613.23 Mental diseases. Maudsley, H. Responsi- bility in. 1874 815.4.9 See also Hallucinations; Illusions; Mind; Suicide. Mental evolution in animals. Romanes, G. J. 1884 844.26 Mental hygiene. Ray, I. 1863 818 . 21 Mental philosophy. Burton, R. Anatomy of melancholy 427.17 — Brown, T. Philosophy of the human mind. 2v. 1826 414.7 — Draper, J. W. History of the intellect- ual developement of Europe. 1872. 904.16 — Galton, F. Human faculty and its devel- opment. 1883 843 . 17 — Hamerton, P. G. Intellectual life. 1873 402.14 — Haven, Joseph. Mental philosophy. ’76 444.5 — Hopkins, Mark. Outline study of man . 1873 402.20 — Hovey, W. A. Mind reading and beyond. 1885 435.20 — Kant, E. Critique of pure reason, 1872. 411 . 19 — Locke, J. Essay on the human under- standing. 1877 417.26 — Porter N. The human intellect. 1872. 434 . 7 — Taine, H. On intelligence. 1872 411.18 — Upham, T. C. Mental philosophy. 2 v. 1855 404.5 See also Metaphysics; Mind; Phrenology; Philosophy ; Psychology. Mental physiology. See Mind. Mental science, See Mental philosophy. Menzel, W. History of Germany [to 1840], 3 v. 1882 727.10 Mercantile business; Mercantile morals. See Business. Mere caprice, A. Healy, Mary. 1852 52.31 Mercedes, and later lyrics. Aldrich, T. B. 215 . 1 Mercedes of Castile. Cooper, J. F 2.22 Merchant enterprise. [History of com- merce]. Fyfe, J. H. 1872 911.25 Merchant of Berlin. Mundt, C. M 4.5 Merchant of Venice [comedy]. See Shakes- peare. Merchants. See Biography, Collective. Merchants’ magazine. Conducted by F. Hunt, v. 1-20 . N. Y., 1839-1844 *905 . 1 Mercy Philbrick’s choice. Jackson, H. H. 136.19 Meredith, L. P. Every-day errors of speech. 1873 306 . 1 7 — The teeth and how to save them. 1877. 822.33 Meredith, Owen, pseud. See Bulwer-Lyt- ton, R. Meredith. Blessington, Countess of. 36.221 Meridi ana : adventures in S. Af rica. Y erne, J 32.4 Merimee, Prosper. Letters to an incognita. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 1874 612.16 Merivale, C. The continental Teutons. (Conversion of the West,) 423.15.5 — Conversion of the northern nations. ’73. 403.8 — Conversion of the Roman empire. 1870 403.7 Merivale, C., continued. — General history of Rome. 1876 743.8 — History of the Romans under the empire [to A. D. 180]. 7 v. 1876 717.2 Merle d’Aubigne, J. H. History of the ref- ormation of the 16th century. Tr. by H. White, 5v 405.4 Same. v. 1-4. 1844 435.1 — The Protector [Oliver Cromwell.] A vin- dication. 1848 605.24 Merman and the figure head. Guernsey, C. F 78.34 Merrill, Selah. East of the Jordan, 1875-7 517.16 Merrimac river. Boyd, P. S. Up and down the. [1879] 514.16 — Thoreau, H. D. Week on. 1868 301.29 Merry England. Ainsworth, W. H. 1874 36 . 20 Merry stories. Goodrich, S. G. [Peter Parley] 332.11 Merry wives of Windsor [comedy]. Shakes- peare: Mervyn Clitheroe. Ainsworth, W. H 36.21 Mery, J. Cross of Berny. See Girardin, E. de 31.33 Mesmerism. Carpenter, W. B. Mesmerism, spiritualism, etc. 1877 836 . 22 — Townshend, C. H. Facts in mesmerism 821 . 14 See also Animal magnetism, etc. Message from the sea. Dickens, C In 36 . 165 Metal working. Blinn, L. J. Tin, sheet- iron and copper-plate works. 1880 . . 838 . 4 Metallic currency. See Money. Metals and metallurgy. Bloxam, C. L. Metals; their properties and treatment 1876 838.29 — Greenwood, W. H. Manual of metallur- gy. 2 v 835.17 — - Steel and iron: their manufacture, etc. 1884 845.20 — Hartwig, G. Subterranean world. 1871 806 . 4 — Jones, W. Treasures of the earth. 1872 812.12 — Pepper, J. H. Playbook of metals 808 . 25 See also Assaying. Metamorphoses, The. 2 v. See Ovid — 1020.9 Metaphysics. Bowne, B. P. Metaphysics. A study of first principles. 1882 427.11 — Hamilton, Sir W. Lectures on. 1872.. 434.9.1 — Hickok, L. P. Rational cosmology. 58. 404.8 See also Mental philosophy; Philosophy; Psychology. Meteorology. Davis, W. M. Whirlwinds, cyclones and tornadoes. 1884 844 . 45 — Fonvielle, W. de. Thunder and light- ning 813.17 — Humboldt, A. von. Review of natural phenomena. (In his Cosmos, v. 3). 801.1 — Lardner, D. Meteorology. 1858 801 . 8 — Loomis, E. Meteorology. 1879 841.20 — Reclus, E. The ocean, atmosphere, etc.. 825 . 19 — Russell, R. Meteorology (Smith, rep., 1854) *8501.2 — U. S. Signal Service. Reports. See United States — Zurcher, F. and Margolle, E. Meteors, etc. 1876 816.24 See also Air ; Climatology ; Electricity ; Phy- sical geography; Volcanoes. Methodism. Graves, J. R. Great iron wheel; or, Christianity reversed, etc. 1856 405.13 — Jimeson, A. A. The twenty-five articles of religion as taught by the Metho- dists. 1855 437.4 METHODISM. 167 MILITARY. Methodism, continued. — Southey, R. Life of Wesley and rise and progress of Methodism 608 . 22 — Stephens, A. History of, [1739-1839. J 3 v. 437.5 See also lives of the Wesleys and Whitefield. Methodius. Writings. (A.-N.-C. lib., v. 14) 415.1 Methods of social reform. Jevons, W. S. 915.9 Metric system of weights and measures. Barnard, F. A. B . 1879 913.5 Metternich, Prince. Memoirs: ed. by Prince R. Metternich. v. 1-2, [1773- 1815]. 1880 637.8 Meunier, Y. Great hunting grounds of the world. 1873 816 . 22 Mexico. Baldwin, J. D. Ancient America [antiquities] 711 . 7 — Biart, L. Young naturalist in. Juv... 845.27 — Bishop, W. H. Old Mexico and her lost provinces. Hlus. 1883 501.14 — Chambers’s misc. Conquest of In 1001.8.9 — Conkling, A. R. Appleton’s guide to Mexico. 1884 522.5 — Conkling, H. Mexico and the Mexicans 1883 522.1 — Eggleston, E. Montezuma and conquest of. 1880 635.5.5 — Frost J. Pictorial history of Mexico and the Mexican war. 1871 722.16 — Haven, G. Our next door neighbor. ’75 524.4 — Helps, A. Spanish conquest in America, v. 2-3 737.1 — Ober, F. A. Travels in. 1884 531.14 Young folks’ history of Mexico. Ulus. 1883 721.24 — Oswald, F. L. Summerland. 1880 517.13 — Prescott, W. H. Conquest of, [1521]. 3 v. 1871 704.9 — Reville, A. Native religions of. 1884.. 433.17 — Ruxton. G. F. Adventures in. 1855 . . 504 . 17 — Wallace, Lew. The fair god: tale of the conquest in Mexico. 1873 142.24 — Wilson, R. A. Mexico: its peasants and its priests, [1851-4] 506.8 See also Chihuahua; Sonora; United States (History) ; also, Cortez. Meyer, Bertha. Family government; or, from the cradle to the school, accord- ing to Frobel 421 . 20 Meyer, G. H. von. The organs of speech and formation of articulate sounds. 1884 815.4.46 Meyer, H. A. W. Critical and exegetical commentary on the New Testament. 12 v. 1875-7 424.2 Michael Angelo. See Buonarotti, Michael Angelo. Michael Strogoff, courier of the Czar Verne, J 47.23 Michaud, J. F. History of the crusades. 3 v 724 . 11 Michelet, J. The bird. Illus. by Gia- comelli. 1869 *813.3 — History of France [to 1483] . 2 v. 1869 . 702 . 2 — History of the Roman republic [to A. D. 31]. 1859 702.8 — Life of Luther. 1880. 627.17 Microscope. Brocklesby, J. Views of the microscopic world. 1851 804 . 1 — Carpenter, W. B. The microscope. 1881 842 . 7 — Chambers’s misc Wonders of In 1001.8.6 — Davies, T. Preparation of microscopic objects. 1882 842.23 — Gosse, P. H. Evenings at the. 1873... 807.21 — Manton, W. P. Beginnings with the. ’84 845.7 Middle ages. Adams, G. B. Mediaeval civilization, (History primers). 1883.. 716.27.7 — Baring-Gould, S. Curious myths of the 423.6 — Berington, J. Literary history of. ’83 . 326 . 25 — Buckley, T. A . Great cities of the mid- dle ages 716.10 — Bulfinch, T. Legends of Charlemagne . 303 . 16 — Cox, G. W. Romances of the middle ages. 1880 47.5 — Gibbon, E. Decline and fall of the Ro- man empire to [1453]. 6 v 701 . 3 Same. Abridged. 1872 706.18 — Hallam, H. State of Europe (luring the middle ages. 3 v 701.4 Same; student’s series 715.14 — Lacroix, P. Manners, customs and dress during the middle ages. 1874 733 . 7 Military and religious life in the mid- dle ages. 1874 733.6 Science and literature in the middle ages. 1878 733.8 — Lord, J. The middle ages In 735.6.2 — Maclear, G. F. Apostles of mediaeval Europe. 1869 636.11 — Schlegel, F. Lectures on modern hist . . . 742 . 6 — Smyth, W. Lectures on modern history 724.5.1 — Thalheimer, M. E. Manual of mediae- val history. 1874 725.1 — Woodhouse, F. C. The military relig- ious orders of the middle ages. 1879 727.15 See also Charlemagne ; Chivalry ; Crusades ; History ( Universal, etc.) Middle kingdom [China]. Williams, S. W. 2 v. 1883 521.1 Middlemarch. Eliot, George 18.21 Midshipman Easy. Marryat, Francis 36 . 383 Midsummer-night’s dream [comedy]. See Shakespeare Midwifery. See Obstetrics. Might and mirth of literature. Macbeth, J. W. V 325.1 Mikado’s empire [Japan]. Griffis, W. E. 1876 715.1 Milburn, W. H. Rifle, axe and saddle-bags, and other lectures. 1857 506 . 10 Mildred. Craik, Georgiana M 36 . 148 Mildred. Holmes, Mrs. M. J 137.28 Mildred Arkell. Wood, Mrs. H 36.573 Mildred series. 5 v. See Finley, M 81.8 Miles, W. The horse’s foot. 1856 804.4 Miles Wallingford. Cooper, J. F 2.23 Miletus, Lost tales of. [Poems], Bulwer- Lytton, E. L 214 . 9 Military and religious life in the middle ages. Lacroix, P 733 . 6 Military academy. See West Point. Military art and science. Farrow, E. S. Mountain scouting. 1881 841.30 — Greene, F. V. Army life in Russia, [’77-8] 724.7 — Hazen, W. B. School and the army in Germany and France. 187-2 723.13 — Lacombe, M. P. Arms and armor. ’76. 816.23 — U. S. War dep't. Publications. See United States. — Upton, E. Infantry tactics. 1880 838.38 — Viollet Le Due, E. Annals of a fortress. [History of military engineering]. ’76 825.7 — Wheeler, J. B. Art and science of war. 1879 824.23 See also Battles; Gun; Naval science; Rifle; West Point; also, names of various countries for their military history. MILITARY. 168 MILTON. Military art and science, continued. Of celebrated military bistories, see Xenophon (The Anabasis); Caesar (Commentaries) ; Napier (Peninsular war.) See also Biography ( Collective : Ancient; Mili- tary,) In individual biography , see Xenophon: Alexander the Great ; Hannibal ; Pyrrhus; Caesar; Al- fred the Great ; William the Conqueror ; Charlemagne; Richard I., of England ; Cortez; Pizarro ; Charles V, of Germany, Henry IY, of France-, William, the Silent; Gustavus Adolphus ; Louis XIV.; Conde {Prince of Cromwell; Frederick the Great; Washington; Greene (N.); Napoleon; Havelock {Sir H.) ; Taylor (Z.) ; Scott (W.); Grant (U. S.); Sherman (W. T.); Thomas f G. H.); Kearny (P.) ; McClellan (G. B.); Lee (R. E.) Johnson (J. E.); Jackson (T. J.); Hood (J. B.) Beauregard (G. T.) Military biography. Chesney, C. C. 1868 617.6 Military religious orders of the middle ages. Woodhouse, F. C. 1879 727.15 Milk. Chandler, C. F. [Elaborate article] In *B.26.3 See also Dairy. Mill, J. S. Auguste Comte and positivism. 1865 . . 413.16 — Autobiography, [1806-70]. 1873 608.23 — Positive philosophy of Auguste Comte. 1871 402.15 — Principles of political economy. 2v. ’72 904.4 — Representative government. 1869 903 . 8 — The subjection of women. 1870 903 . 19 — Three essays on religion; [also] Berkeley’s life and writings. 1884 434 . 5 — Buckle, H. T. Mill on liberty. ’60. . . In 326.1 — Spencer, H. and others. John Stuart Mill. [Sketches]. 1873 607.13 Mill agent, The. Dennison, M. A. Juv. 24.12 Mill on the Floss. Eliot, George 36 . 322 Millbank. Holmes, Mrs. M. J 11.4 Miller, Cincinnatus H. See Miller, Joa- quin. Miller, E. H. The royal road to fortune. 24.31 — What Tommy did. 1876.... 75.14 Miller, Mrs. F. F. Harriet Martineau.’85 627.1.10 Miller. Hugh. Cruise of the Betsey; sum- mer ramble among the fossiliferous deposits of the Hebrides, [also] Ram- bles of a geologist I in Scotland]. ’75 801.25 — First impressions of England and its people. 1856 506 . 14 — Foot-prints of the Creator. [Geology]. 1851 801.24 — My school and school-masters. 1873 . . . 612 . 7 — Old red sandstone. [Geology]. 1857. . . 801 . 21 — Popular geology. 1859 801 . 23 — Tales and sketches. 1863 8.8 — Testimony of the rocks. [Geology]. ’57 801 . 22 — Bayne, P. Life and letters. 2v 627.19 In his Essays . 317.6.1 Miller, Joaquin. [C. H. Miller.] First fam’lies of the Sierras. 1876 135.16 — Shadows of Shasta. 1872 141 . 18 — Ship in the desert. 1875 202.24 — Songs of Italy. 1878 208.25 — Songs of the Sierras. 1871 203 . 14 — Poets’ homes, v. 2 622 . 6 Miller, John. Alcohol; its place and power 1872 807.30 Miller, O. T. Little folks in feathers and fur. 1879 832.16 — Nimpo’s troubles. 1880 78.9 — Queer pets at Marcy’s. [Natural history] 832.11 Miller, R. K. Romance of astronomy. ’75. 822.7 Miller, S. Life of Jonathan Edwards.’ 73 641.4.8 Miller, William. White, J. Life of. 1875. 627.5 Miller and millwright’s assistant. Hughes, W. C. 1859 804.25 Miller’s, millwright’s and engineer’s guide. Pallett, H. 1866 804.21 Mills, C. History of the crusades. 1826 745.9 Mills of Tuxbury. Townsend, Virginia. 32 . 16 Milman, H. H. History of Christianity, from the birth of Christ to the aboli- tion of paganism in the Roman em- pire. 3 v. 1867 403.4 Contents:— v. 1. Introduction. Life of Christ. Resur- rection, and first promulgation of Christianity. Chris- tianity and Judaism. Christianity and paganism, v. 2. Christianity to the close of the first century. Chris- tianity and Orientalism. Christianity and Marcus Au- relius the philosopher. Fourth period— Christianity under the successors of Marcus Aurelius. The perse- cution under Diocletian. Constantine. Foundation of Constantinople. Trinitarian controversy. Christianity under the sons of Constantine. Julian, v. 3. Julian. Valentinian and Yaiens. Theodosius — Abolition of paganism— Triumph of Trinitarianism— The great prel- ates of the East. The great prelates of the West. Jerome— The monastic system. The Roman empire under Christianity. Public spectacles. Christian lit- erature. Christianity and the fine arts. Index. — History of Latin Christianity. 8 v. 1874 416.19 — History of the Jews. 3 v. 1875. 715.11 Milne, A. D. Uncle Sam’s farm fence. [Temperance tale], 1854 62.15 Milner, G. Country pleasures. Chronicle of a year [1878] 824.10 Milner, J. End of religious controversy. [pub. 1818] 441.13 — The essentials of Christianity. 1855 406.7 Milner, T. The Turkish empire. [1877].. 716.9 Milton, J. Poetical works. 3 v. 1853 203 . 1 Contents:— v . 1. Life of Milton, by J. Mitford. Para- dise lost, books 1-4. v. 2. Paradise lost, books 5-12. Paradise regained, books 1-4. v. 3. fcamsdn Agonistes. Cemus, a mask. Lycidas. II Penseroso. L’ Allegro. Arcades. Miscellaneous poems. Sonnets. Psalms. Latin poems. Elegiarum liber. Epigrammatum liber. Sylvarum liber. — Prose works. With preface and notes by J. A. St. John. 5 v. 1872-7 1001.6 Contents: 1. Defence of the people of England. Second defence. Eikonoklastes. 2. Tenure of kings and magistrates. Areopagitica. Tracts on the common- wealth. Observations on Ormond’s peace. Letters of state, etc. Notes on Dr. Griffin’s sermon. Of the ref- ormation in England. Prelatical episcopacy. The rea- son of church government urged against prelacy. True religion, heresy, schisms, and toleration. Civil power in ecclesiastical causes. 3. Likeliest means to remove hirelings out of the church. Animadversions upon the remonstrant's defence against Smectymnuus. Apology for Smectymnuus. Doctrine and discipline of divorce. Judgment of Martin Bucer concerning divorce. Tetra- chordon. Colasterion. Tractate of education. Dec- laration for the election of John III., king of Poland. Familiar letters. 4. Treatise on Christian doctrine, tr. by C. R Sumner. 5. Second book of the same. History of Britain. History of Moscovia. Accedence commenced grammar. Index to the 5 vols. — Paradise lost 203 . 20 — Same, and Paradise regained 214.30 — Treasures from [his] prose writings. ’66 . 301 . 7 — Channing, W . E. Writings of Milton. In 1001.3.1 — DeQuincey, T. Life of Milton In 302.23 — Howitt, W. Homes of Eng. poets 615.15 — Johnson, S. Lives of the Eng. poets 643.17 — Lowell, J. R. Among my books 332 .12.2 — Macaulay. T. B. Essays. . . . In 327 . 7 . 1 ; 305 . 13 — Maurice, F. D. Friendship of books . . . 327 . 15 MILTON. 169 MISSIONS. Milton, J., continued. — Pattison, M. Life. (English men of let- ters). 1880.. 616.11.17 — Seeley, J. R. Milton’s political opinions, and poetry. (In his Roman imperial- ism) 308.22 — Taine, H. A. Hist, of Eng. literature, v. 1 305.12 Milwaukee. Young men’s Christian asso- ciation. Catalogue. 1868 *328.4 Mimic stage, The . Baker, G. M 208 . 2 Mind; mind and body, etc. — Abercrombie, J. Culture and discipline of the mind. 1839 401.21 — Bain, A. Mind and body. 1873 815.4.4 — Brodie, Sir B. Mind and matter 426 . 7 — Carpenter, W. B. Mental physiology. ’74 814.1 — Lay cock, T. Mind and brain. 2 v. ’69. 821 . 19 — Lewes, G. H. Physiology of common life. [Mind and brain] 803.13.1 — Lindsay, W. L. Mind in the lower ani- mals. 2 v. 1880 834.1 — Maudsley, H. Pathology of mind. 1880 824.19 — Pop sci. mo., v. 6. Growth and decay of mind -. 8501 . 16 — Ray, I. Mental hygiene. 1863 818.21 — Romanes, G. J. Mental evolution in ani- mals. 1884 844.26 — Tuke, D. H. Influence of the mind up- on the body in health and disease.’84. 843.24 See also Brain: Mental philosophy; Metaphysics; Philosophy ; Psychology. Mind reading and beyond. Hovey. W. A. 1885 435.20 Miner boy and his monitor. [John Ericsson] Headley, P. C 23.4 Mineral waters. Moorman, J. J. Mineral springs of North America. 1873 845.4 — Walton, G. E. Mineral springs of the United States and Canada, etc. 1883. 845.3 Mineralogy. Dana, E. S Text-book of. ’82. 843 . 15 — Dana, J. D. Manual of. [cop, 1857.] .. . 816.27 — Mangin, A. Earth and its treasures. ’75 828.28 — Orton, J. Underground treasures: a key to the ready determination of all the useful minerals in the United States. 1881 844.1 See also Geology ; Precious stones. Minerals. See Mineralogy. Mines and mining. — Browne, J. R Resources of the Pacific states, etc. 1869 . . J 748 . 3 — H art wig, G. The subterranean world.’ 71 806.4 Y Jones, W. Treasures of the earth. 1872 812.12 — McCoy, A. Mines and mining in Colo- rado. [Also] Manual of mining laws. 1871 911.1 — Raymond, R. W. Mines and mining west of the Rocky mountains. 1873 848 . 22 — Ure, A. Dictionary of mines. 3 v. 1871 *B.l — Woods, D. B. Sixteen months at the gold diggins, [1849-51] 505.15 See also Metallurgy ; Mineralogy. Mingled yarn, A. Mackarness, H. S 36.360 Mingo and other sketches. Harris, J. C... % 57.3 Minister’s wife. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. 36.427 Minister’s wooing. Mrs. Stowe, H. B. ’59 6.11 Ministry of nature. MacMillan, H 443.5 Minnesota. Bond, J. W. Minnesota and its resources. 1853 711.6 — Owen. D. D. Geological survey of. 2 v 1852 *8541.2 Minor, E. E. Life of Murillo. 1882 627.14 Minor arts, The. Leland, C. G 851.14 22 Minor wars of the United States. 3 v. ’82-3 723 . 18 Contents.— 1. The French war, by R. Johnson. 2. War of 1812-15, by R. Johnson. 3. King Philip’s war, by M. Markham. Minto, W. Life of Daniel DeFoe. 1879.. 616.11.7 — Manual of English prose literature. [’72]. 323. 14 Mirabeau, H. G. R. de. Alison, A. Essays 305.4 — Carlyle, T. Essays 305.6 — Lamartine, A. de. History of the Girond- ists. 3 v 702.4 — Lord, J. Mirabeau. [or] The French revolution In 735.6.4 — Macaulay, T. B. Mirabeau In 305.13 Miracle of stone [Great pyramid]. Seiss, J. A , 837.4 Miracles. De Quincey, T. On Hume’s argument against miracles In 444 . 14 — Hay, G. Scripture doctrine of 433 . 16 — Heurtley, C. A. Miracles In 437.12 — Lecky, W. E. H. Miracles of the church. (In his Rationalism in Europe) 437 . 1 — Mansel, H. Miracles. (In Aids to faith) 438.17 — Steinmeyer, F. L. Miracles of our Lord 418 . 19 — Supernatural religion. 3 v. 1875 442.8 — Taylor, W. M. Gospel miracles, etc. ’80 423 . 9 — Trench, R. C. On miracles 427 . 7 Mirage. Fletcher, Julia 145.13 Mireio. Provencal poem. Mistral, F* 211.3 Miriam. Terhune, Mrs. M. Y 33.16 Miriam’s marriage. Macquoid, Katherine S 36.365 Mirror of modern democracy. Jones, W. D. 1864 903.20 Mirror of nature. Schubert, G. H. 1851 805.17 Miserables, Les. Hugo, Victor 61.16 Miseries of Fo Hi. Sarcey, F. 1883 55.10 Miss Angel. Thackeray, Miss A. J 47.29 Miss Carew. Edwards, Amelia B 36.201 Miss Forrester. Edwards, Amelia B 32.10 Miss Gerald’s niece. Fullerton, Georgiana 36 . 215 Miss Gilbert’s career. Holland, J. G 58.7 M iss Hitchcock’s wedding dress. Hart, Mrs 138 . 20 Miss Ludington’s sister. Bellamy. E 57.4 Miss Majoribanks. Oliphant. M. O. W. . . 36.428 Miss or Mrs? Collins, Wilkie 36.119 Miss Ravenel’s conversion from secession to loyalty. DeForest, J. W. 1867 137.27 Miss Thistledown. Clarke, R. S. Juv... 71.1.6 Miss Tommy. Craik, Mrs. D. M. 147 . 9 Mission, The; or, scenes in Africa. Mar- ryat, F. Fict 36.384 Mission Ridge and Lookout Mountain. Taylor, B. F. 1872 503.13 Missions. Anderson, R. History of the mis- sions of the American board of com- missioners for foreign. 4 v. 1875 ... 417.1 Contents:— v. 1. India. 2. Hawaiian Islands. 3-4. Oriental churches. — Bonar, H. White fields of France. Mis- sion to workingmen of Paris and Lyons. 1880 443.15 — Christlieb, T. Protestant and foreign missions. 1 880 423 . 8 — Jackson, S. Alaska and missions on North Pacific coast. [1880] 514.27 — Jessup, H. H. Mohammedan missionary problem. 1879 421.29 Women of the Arabs. 1873 531.12 — Jones, C. H. Missions in Africa. 1875. In 526.5 — Laurie, T. The Ely volume; foreign missions, science and human well-be- ing. Ulus. 1882 .....431.18 — Maclear, G. F. Apostles of mediaeval Europe 636.11 MISSIONS. 170 MOHAMMED. Missions, continued. — Memorial volume of the first fifty years of the American board of commis- sioners for foreign missions. 1861 . . . 413 . 15 * — Muller, F. M. On missions; lecture. ’74 416.10 — Pitman, E. R. Mission life in Greece and Palestine, 1835-77 518 . 24 — Prime, E. D. Forty years in the Turkish empire: memoirs of Rev. W. Goodell. 1878 637.10 — Riggs, S. R. Mary and I. Forty years with the Sioux. 1880 516 . 8 — Smith, G. Short hist, of Christian mis- sions. 1884 433.9 — Thompson, G. Missionary labours in western Africa. 1852 503.4 — Walsh, J. J. Futtehgurh mission [In- dia]. 1859 603.12 — Walsh, W. P. Heroes of the mission field. 1879 635.6 — West, M. A. Romance of missions [in AmericaJ. 1875 516 . 13 — Woman and her saviour in Persia. 1863. 518.14 — Young, R. Light in lands of darkness; record of missionary labour. 1884.. 432.33 Modern missions. Their trials and triumphs 432 . 1 Mississippi river. Bishop, N. H. Four months in a sneak-box. [Boat voyage down the Ohio and Mississippi] 513.20 — Clemens, S. L. [Mark Twain], Life on the. 1883 526.24 — Humphreys, A. A. and Abbot, H. L. Report upon the physics and hydraul- ics of the Mississippi river. 1867. . . 848.23 Same. [Reprinted with additions]. ’76*8521.29 Mississippi, state. Baldwin, J. G. Flush. times of. 1879 315.12 — Lynch, J. P. Kemper county vindicated, [Chisolm murder, etc.] 1879 912.30 Mississippi valley. Conant, A. J. Foot- prints of vanished races in the. 1879 722 . 8 — Foster, J. W. The Mississippi valley: its physical geography. 1869 738 . 7 Missy. Cole, M 48.29 Mb. Bodley abroad. Scudder, H. E. 1881 77.13 Me. Caudle’s breakfast talk. Jerrold, D. 306.30 Mb. Isaacs. Crawford, F. M. 1883 54.4 Mistbal, F. Mireio, a Provencal poem. Tr. by H. W. Preston. 1874 211.3 Misteess and maid. Craik, D. M 4.9 Mbs. Beauchamp Brown. Austin, Jane. . . 145.14 Mbs. Caudle’s curtain lectures. Jerrold D. 306.12 Mbs. Geoffrey. Argles, M. 1881 141.23 Mbs. Gerald’s niece. Fullerton, Georgiana 36.215 Mbs. Halliburton’s troubles. Wood, Mrs . H 36.574 Mbs. Limber’s raffle; or, a church fair and its victims. 1882 146.15 Mbs. Lirriper’s lodgings; Mrs. Lirriper’s legacy. Dickens, C. and others. . .In 36.182 Mbs. Lorimer. Malet, L. 1883 146.20 Misteess of the manse. Holland, J. G.. 215.7 Mbs. Skagg’s husband. Harte, B 142 . 18 Mbs. Solomon looking on. Alden, I. M. . . 81.22 Misundebstood. Montgomery, F. Juv... 81.11 Mitchell, Arthur. The past in the present; [origin of civilization], 1881 836.20 Mitchell, D. G. [Ik. Marvel]. About old storytellers. 1878 311.13 — Dream life. 1857 3.3 — Fresh gleanings [in Europe]. 1851... 503.6 — My farm at Edgewood. 1864 304.13 — Reveries of a bachelor. 1851 3.1 — Rural studies. 1865 301.14 Mitchell, D. G., continued. — Seven stories, with basement and attic. Fict. 1864 62.31 — Wet days at Edgewood. 1865 301 . 13 Mitchell, E. Five thousand a year and how I made it 844.5 Mitchell, Lucy M. History of ancient sculpture. 1883 848.9 Mitchell, O. M. Astronomy of the Bible 1871 413.13 — The planetary and stellar worlds. 1870. 811 . 33 — Popular astronomy. 1871 808.15 Mitchell, S. W. In war time. 1885 58.22 — Nurse and patient, and camp cure. 1877 818.37 — Wear and tear; or, hints for the over- worked. 1874 811.17 Mitfobd, J. Life of Milton In 2031.1 — Life of Swift In 203.5.1 Mitfobd, M. R. Atherton. 1854 62.28 — Our village; sketches of rural character and scenery. 2 v 133 . 1 — Recollections of a literary life. 1872. . . 601.18 — Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors . 601 . 20 Mivaet, St. George. The cat: introd. to the study of backboned animals. 1881 . . 836 . 13 — The common frog. (Nature ser.) 1874.. 822.16 — Elementary anatomy. 1877 823 . 13 — Genesis of the species. 1871 807 . 25 Mo ab, Land of. Tristram, H. B. 1873... 503.8 Moabite stone. (Scribner’s mo., v. 2) 1006.4 Moby-Dick; or, the whale. Melville, H .. . 132.23 Model merchant. See Budgett, S 605.25 Modebn agitators [American]. Bartlett, D. W. 1855 602.13 Modebn architectural designs and details. [cop. 1881] *8541.10 Modebn classics; stories from the “Atlan- tic monthly.” 1865 51.7 Modebn doubt and Christian belief. Christ- lieb, T 412.3 Modebn instance, A. Howells, W. D 53.17 Modebn leaders; biog. sketches. McCar- thy, J 607.5 Modebn Mephistopheles. Alcott, Louisa A 46.4 Modebn perspective. Ware, W. R, 2 v. 1883 8541.13 Modebn pilgrims. Wood, G. 2 v 133 . 19 Modebn prophets, etc. Alden, I. M. and Foster. I. H 81.16 Modebn theatre; collection of plays. See Inchbald, E 205.2 Modoc war. Meacham, A. B. Wigwam and war-path . 1875 513 . 2 Mogul empire, (in India). Myers, P. Y. N. Remains of lost empires. Illus. ’71-2 511.6 See also India ( History of*. Mohammed or Mahomet and Mohammed- anism. — Arnold, Edwin. Pearls of the faith; or, Islam’s rosary. 1883 211.35 — Bush, G. Life of Mohammed. 1830 614 . 4 — Carlyle, T. Heroes and hero-worship . . 301 . 23 — Child, L. M. Progress of religious ideas, v. 3 401.24 — Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions, v. 1 . . 438 . 26 — Crichton, A. History of Arabia, v. 1. ’58 716.3 — Irving, W. Mahomet and his successors 2 v. 1869 605.13 — Jessup, II. H. Mohammedan missionary problem. 1879 421.29 — Life of M. (Univ. hist. Mod. pt., v. 1) 1780 *707.2.1 MOHAMMED. 171 MONTAGU. Mohammed, continued. — Lord, J. Mohammed, [or] Saracenic conquests In 735.6.2 — Miller, J. Mahomet: a tragedy In 207.1.2 — Milman, H. H. Latin Christianity, v 2. 416.19 — Ockley, S. History of the Saracens. ’75 716 . 1 — Palgrave, W. G. Mahometanism in the Levant. 1872 732.12 — Smith, R. B. Mohammed and Moham- medanism. 1875 *. . . . 416 . 15 — Smyth, W. Lectures on modern history, v. 1. 1854 724.5 — Stobart, J. W. H. Islam and its founder. (Non-Chr. religious systems). 1878 444.18.5 See also Koran . Mohammed Ali and his house. Mundt, C. M. Fict 61.23 Molding. See Founding. Molecular physics. Tyndall, J. On ra- diant heat . 1873 825 . 22 Moles worth, Mrs. M. “Carrots;” just a lit- tle boy. 1882 81.30 — Two little waifs. 1883 83.3 Moliere, J. B. P. de. Dramatic works; tr. with short life, by C. H. Wall. 3v. ’79 215.15 . Contents.— v . 1. Jealousy of Le Barbouille. Flying doctor. The blunderer, or the mishaps. Lovers’ quar- rels. Affected ladies. Sganarelle. Don Garcia of Navarre, or the jealous prince. School for husbands. The bores. School for wives criticised. Impromptu of Versailles. 2. Forced marriage. Princess of Elis. Don Juan; or the feast of the statue. Love is the best doctor. The misan- thrope. The doctor in spite of himself. Melicerte. The Sicilian ; or love the painter. Tartuffe ; or the impos- ter. Amphitryon. George Dandin ; or the baftied hus- band. 3. The miser. Mr. de Pourceaugnac. Tbe magnifi- cent lovers. The shopkeeper turned gentleman. Psyche. Impostures of Scapin. Countess of Escarbagnas. Learned women. Imaginary invalid. — Oliphant, M. O . W. and Tarver, F. [Life of]. 1879 Molloy, Gerald. Geology and revelation . 1873 Molloy, J. L. Our autumn holiday on French rivers. 1879 Mollusca. Woodward, S. P. Manual of. 1871 636.7.6 , 822.8 514.25 822.19 See also Shells. Mommsen, Theodor. History of Rome [to Caesar] . 4 v. 1874 713.2 Monarchs of the main. [Buccaneers]. Thombur y , W 718.1 Monarchs retired from business. Doran, J 623.18 Monasteries of the East. Curzon, R. ’56 504.28 Monastery, The. Scott Sir W 12 10 Monastic and religious orders. Carlyle, T. The ancient monk . [In his Past and present] 316.11 — Ebers, G. Homo sum [Arabia, 4th centu- ry] 48.24 — Farrar, F. W. Saintly workers 636.8 — Froude, J. A. Dissolution of the mon- asteries [In his Short studies, v. 1].. 307.21 — Jameson, Mrs. A. Legends of the. ’66. 852.14 — Kingsley, C. The hermits [biographies] 636 . 10 — Lord, J. Saint Bernard, [or] Monastic in- stitutions In 735.6.2 Saint Theresa, [or] Religious enthusi- asm Ia 735.6.5 — Montalembert, C. A. Monks of the West. 2 v. 1872 434.3 MoNDAY-chats. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. 1877 311.12 Money, currency, finance, etc. — Bagehot, W. Lombard street: descrip- tion of the money market. 1876 917.3 — Chevalier, M. Probable fall in value of gold. 1859 904.20 — Cooper, P. On national currency, tariff , etc. 1883 915.7 — Goschen, G. J. Theory of foreign ex- changes. 1879 913.7 — Hughes, H. R. The currency question. [Against inflation.] 1879 914 . 11 — Jevons, W. S. Money and mechanism of exchange. 1876 815.4.17 — Linderman, H. R. Money and legal ten- der in the United States. 1878 911.33 — McAdam, G. Alphabet in finance. 1877. 912 . 25 — Poor, H. Y. Resumption and the silver question. 1878... 914.5 — Seyd, E. Metallic currency of the United States. [Favors the double standard] 1871 911.27 — Sumner, W. G. History of American currency. 1874 902.22 — Walker, F. A. Money, trade and indus- try. 1879 914.10 — Wells, D. A. Robinson Crusoe’s money. 1876 911.19 — Weston, G. M. The silver question. ’78 913.18 — White, A. D. Paper-money inflation in France. 1876 911.21 See also Banking; Wall street. Money maker. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.3.3 Money-makers; a social parable. 1885... 57.26 Money making for ladies. Church, E. R.’85 916.3 Mongolia. Gilmour, J. Among the Mon- gols. Illus 501 . 16 — Hue, M. Tartary, etc., 1844-6 502.21 — Knox, T. W. Overland through Asia. 1870 521.9 Mongredien, A. History of free trade movement in England. 1881 914 . 30 Monikins. The. Cooper, J. F 2.24 Monitor, The. [Monthly mag.] v. 1-2. Boston. 1823-4 408.1 Monk, G., Duke of Albemarle. Guizot, F. Life of 617.15 Monks. See Monastic orders. Monnier, M. Wonders of Pompeii. 1871.802.31 Monod, A., and others. Select discourses. 1858 438.15 Monroe, J. Science and art of chess. ’59 . 827 . 36 Monroe, James. Adams, J. Q. Life of. ’54 605.11 — Gilman, D. C. James Monroe. (Am. statesmen). 1883 626.4.6 Monroe, L. B. Public and parlor readings. 325.8 — Public and parlor readings. Dialogues and dramas. 1878 311 . 23 — Public and parlor readings [humorous].. 325.11 — Vocal and physical training. 1879 825.8 — Young folks’ reading. 1877 311.22 Monroe, Mrs. L. B. Story of our country. 1876 711.21 Monsieur Lecoq. Gaboriau, E. 1880 47.13 Monsieur, madam and the baby. Droz, G 141 . 31 Monsieur Maurice. Edwards, A. B 36 . 202 Monsieur Violet. Marry at, F 16.15 Monsters of the deep. Adams, W. H. D . 818 ; 10 Montagu, Lady M. W. Letters; ed. by Mrs. Hale. 1869 633.8 — Chambers’s papers, etc. [Sketch of] 1001.9.4 MONTAIGNE. MORAL. 172 Montaigne, M. de. Works. Hazlett’s edi- tion, ed. by O. W. Wight. 4 v. 1875 1001 . 5 Contents:— v. 1-3. Life and essays. 4. Jour- ney into Italy and letters. — Collins, W. L. Life of. 1879 636.7.7 — Emerson, R. W. Representative men. In 307.19.2 Montalembert, C. F. comte de. Monks of the West; from St. Benedict to St. Bernard. 2 v. 1872 434.3 — Oliphant, M. Memoirs of. 1875 643.22 Montana. Johnson, W. W. Distribution of forest trees in. (Smith, rep., 1870) *8501.2 — U. S. Geological survey. See United States. Montcalm and Wolfe. Parkman, F. 2 v.. 736.15.7 Monteiro, J. J. Angola and the river Con- go. 1876 524.11 Monteith, A. H. French, German, Spanish, Latin and Italian languages without a master 331 . 5 Montesquieu, C. S. Grandeur and deca- dence of the Romans. 1882 725.12 Montezuma. Eggleston, E. and Seelye, L. E. Famous American Indians 635.5.5 Montgomery, Florence. Misunderstood. 81.11 — Thrown together. 1872 36.404 — Thwarted, or duck’s eggs in a hen’s nest. 36 . 403 Montgomery, H. Life of Zachary Taylor. 1847 606.14 Montgomery; J. E. Cruise of Admiral D. G. Farragut. 1869 504.5 Montgomery, Gen. R. Armstrong, J. Life of In 641.4.1 Montgomery, Z. The poison fountain, or anti-parental education. 1878 913.25 Monti, Luigi. Leone. (Round robin ser). ’82 53.10 Montolieu, Baronne de. Swiss family Robinson. See Wyss, J. R 25.22 Moods. Alcott, Louisa M 34.17 Moody, D. L . Glad tidings, sermons, etc., delivered at the New York hippo- drome. 1876 416 . 6 — Talks on temperance. [In Boston]. ’78 . 425.10 — Daniels, W. H. Moody and his work. 1875 613.10 Moon, G. W. The dean’s English [Criticism on the “Queen’s English”] 314 . 21 — The revisers’ [of New Testament] Eng- lish . Portraits 318.18 Moon. Guillemin, A. Wonders of the. ’73. 802 . 5 Moonstone, The. Collins, W 141.21 Moore, Alex. Gas-consumer’s guide. 1871 833 . 16 Moore, Archy, the slave. Hildreth, R. 613.24 Moore, C. H. What to read and how to read. 1871 328.6 Moore, Mrs. C. J. [ H . O. Ward]. Sensi- ble etiquette. 1878 441 . 25 Moore, F. American eloquence: speeches, etc., with biog. sketches. Portraits. 2 v. 1872 321.12 — Anecdotes, poetry and incidents of the war: North and South [1860-5]. . 1882 731.3 — Diary of the revolution, 1775-81. 1875. . 722.5 — Women of the war; their heroism and self-sacrifice. 1867 737.21 Moore, G. Man and his motives. 1848 . 408.24 Moore, G. C. Life of Alex. Carson. ’53. 435.2.1 Moore, John. Zuluco. 2 v. 1789 15.24 Moore, J . W. Encyclopsedia of music, with appendix. [1876] *B.25 — History of North Carolina [to 1876]. ’80 728.11 Moore, T. The Epicurean. [Worship of Isis]. 1856 31.27 and 214.18.5 — History of Ireland [to 1646]. 4v 743.4 — Lalla Rookh. [Poem] 202.17 and 214.18.3 — Life and letters of Lord Byron. 1875.. 642.8 — Personal reminiscences. (Bric-a-brac ser.) 612.20 — Poetical works. 5 v. in 3. 1842 214.18 Contents : — v. 1-2. Biographical preface. Odea ot Anacreon. Juvenile poems. Poems relating to Ameri- ca. Corruption, ana Intolerance: two poems. The sceptic, a philosophical satire. Two-penny post-bag. Intercepted letters, etc. Satirical and humorous poems. Irish melodies. National airs. Sacred songs. v. 3-4. Evenings in Greece Legendary ballads. Glees, ballads, songs, etc. Songs from the Greek anthology. Unpublished songs. Lalla Rookh Political and satiri- cal poems. The Fudge family in Paris. Fables for the Holy alliance. Rhymes on the road. Miscellane- ous poems. The loves of the angels. Satirical and humorous poems. v. 5. Satirical and humorous poems. The Fudges in England. Songs from M. P., or, the blue stocking. Miscellaneous poems. The Epicurean : a tale. Alciphron: a fragment. — Same. 1845 201.12 — Chambers’s papers. [Brief life of] 1001.9.5 — Howitt, W. Homes of British poets 615 . 15 Moore, T., F. L. S. Treasury of botany 2 v. See Lindley, J 828 . 11 Moorman, J. J. Mineral springs of North America. 1873 845.4 Moors. Chambers’s misc. Moors in Spain. 1001.8.5 — Florian, J. P. C. de. Moors in Spain.’ 74 716.15 See also Arabs. Mopsa the fairy. Ingelow, Jean 28.30 Moral philosophy or ethics. — Antoninus, M. A., emperor. Thoughts of 1864 408.25 — Aristotle. Ethics [Greek text]; illustrated with essays and notes by Sir A. Grant 2 v. 1874 431.13 — Blackie, J. S. Four phases of morals. ’72 402 . 11 — Browne, Sir T. Christians morals. With Religio medici. 1872 408 . 21 — Bushnell, H. Moral use of dark things. 317.19 — Combe, G. Constitution of man. 803.19; 305.10 Moral philosophy. 1840 407.12 — Cousin, M. Y. The true, beautiful and good 402.2 — Craik, D. M. Sermons out of church.. . 311.21 — Gow, A. M. Good morals and gentle manners [1873] 402.21 — Gregory, D. S. Christian ethics. 1880. 425.2 — Hall, J. Papers for home reading. 1873 308.6 — Hare, A. W. and J. C. Guesses at truth 311.35 — Haven, J. History of. 1875 411.1 — Hickok, L. P. Moral science. 1856. . . . 404 . 6 — Holmes, O. W. Mechanism in thought and morals. 1871 402 . 12 — Hopkins, M. Law of love and love as a law. 1878 441.2 Moral science. 1871 406.11 — Lecky, W. E. H. History of European morals from Augustus to Charle- magne. 2 v 903 . 1 — Macintosh, Sir J. Progress of ethical philosophy In 305 . 2 — Mason, J. Self-knowledge 305.10 — Maurice, F. D. Moral and metaphysical philosophy. 2 v 431 . 8 — Moore, G. Man and his motives. 1848. 408.24 — Paley, W. Moral philosophy In 1001 . 4 — Porter, N. Moral science. 1885 434.17 — Ruskin, J. The true and the beautiful . 808 . 27 — Shairp, J. C. Moral motive power. . .In 301.11 MORAL. 173 MORTIMORE. Moral philosophy or ethics, continued. — Spencer, Herbert. Data of ethics. ’80. 421.3 Essays. 1871 435.10 Recent discussions in morals, etc. ’82 432 . 5 — Spinoza, B de. Ethics In 436.5.2 — Stephen, Leslie. Science of ethics. 1882 427.18 — Stowe, H. B. Little foxes. 1872 332.18 — Xenophon . Memoirs of Socrates 601 . 6 See also Esthetics: Boys; Character; Business; Charities; Children; Civilization; Conscience; Crime; Duty; Etiquette and manners; Future life; Girls; Home life ; Life (Conduct of) ; Marriage ; Slavery ; Suc- cess; Temperance; Young men; Will; Women. Moral pirates. Alden, W. L. Juv 87.19 Moral science. See Moral philosophy. Moral testament of a man. [Selection of maxims, etc.] 1834 408.5 Morals and mysteries. Aide, H. Fict... 36.6 Moravians. Howells, W. D. Three villa- ges [Gnadenhutten, etc ] 522 . 6 More, Hannah. Ccelebs in search of a wife. 3 . 5 — Shepherd of Salisbury plain, and other tales. 1857 3.4 — Lord, J. Hannah More— Education of woman In 735.6.5 More, Sii • T. Campbell, J. Lives of the chancellors 618.14.2 — Macintosh, Sir J. Life of In 305.2 — Manning, A. Household of. Fict 34.20 More happy thoughts. Burnand, F. C 323 . 10 Morford, H. John Jasper’s secret; se- quel to “Mystery of Edwin Drood” . . 33.15 Morgan, Gen. D. Graham, J. Life of. ’58. 621.15 Morgan, Lady S. O. Autobiography, diary, etc. 3 v. in 2. 1863 643.23 — Florence Macarthy. 1839 133.4 Moriarty, P. E. Life of St. Augustine. ’72 644.17 Morison, J. C. Edward Gibbon. [Lit. biog]. 1878 616.11.1 — Life of St. Bernard. 1877 644.6 — T. B. Macaulay. [Lit. biog.] 1883. . .616.11.31 Mobley, H. First sketch of English liter- ature. 1873 314.3 — Life of Bernard Palissy 606 . 21 — Manual of Eng. literature; rev. with ad- ditions, etc., by M. C. Tyler. 1879. . 312.14 Morley, J. Burke. 1879 616.11.11 — Life of Richard Cobden. 1881 625.8 — Rousseau. 1878 623.4 — Voltaire. 1872 604.8 — ed'r. Eng. men of letters, v. 1-36. 1878-84 616.11 Contents', — v. 34, Addison, by Courthope. 35, Bacon, by Church. 26, Bentley, by Jebb. 13, Bunyan, by Froude. 11, Burke, by Morley. 20, Byron, by Nichol. 14, Chaucer, by Ward. 36, Coleridge, by Traill. 15, Cowper, by Goldwin Smith. 7, DeFoe, by Minto. 24, DeOuincey, by Masson. 27, Dickens, by Ward. 21, Dryden, by Saintsbury. 3z, Fielding, by Dobson. 1, Gibbon, by Morison. 6, Goldsmith by Black. 28, Gray, by Gosse. 12, Hawthorne, by James. 5, Hume, by Huxley. 4, Johnson, (Samuel), by Steph- en. 25, Lamb, by Ainger. 23, Landor, by Colvin. 16, Locke, by Fowler. 31, Macaulay, by Morison, 17, Milton, by Pattison. 22, Pope, by Stephen. 2, Scott, by Hutton. 8, Burns, by Shairp. 33, Sheridan, by Mrs. Oliphant. 18, Southey, by Dowden. 9, Spenser, by Church. 3, Shelley, by Stephen. 30, Sterne, by Traill. 29, Swift, by Stephen. 10, Thackeray, by Trol- lope. 19, Wordsworth, by Myers. Morley Ernstein. James, G. P. R 36.259 Mormons and Mormonism. Bowles, S. Our new West. 1869 508.20 — Chambers’s misc. History of In 1001.8.3 — Dixon, W. H. New America. 1867.. . . 501.24 — Paddock, Mrs. A. G. Fate of Madame La Tour. Fict. 1881 146.1 In the toils. Fict 144 . 20 Mormons and Mormonism, continued. — Stenhouse, Mrs. “Tell it all.” 1877. . . 617.23 — Young, Ann E. Wife No. N 19 [of Brigham Young]. 1876 637.3 See also Utah. Morning glories. Alcott, Louisa M 4.34 Morocco. Amicis, de E. Morocco: its peo- ple and places. 1882 518 . 12 — Mayo, W. S. The Berber. Fict. 1873. . 143 . 7 Morris, B. F. Life of Thomas Morris. ’56 632 . 12 Morris, C., Commodore. Autobiography. 1880 623.15 Morris, E. Farming for boys. 1863 814.23 — How to get a farm. 1864 807.4 — Ten acres enough. 1872 814.24 Morris, E. E. Age of Anne. 1876 743.5.6 — ed'r. Epochs of modern history, v. 1-14 743.5 Contents. — v. 1, Era of the Protestant revolution, by F. Seebohm. 2, Crusades, by G. W. Cox. 3, Thirty years war, 1618-1648, by S. R. Gardiner. 4, Houses of Lancaster and York, with conquest and loss of France, by J. Gardiner. 5, French revolution and first empire, by W. O C. Morris. 6, Age of Anne, by E. E. Morris. 7, Fall of the Stuarts, by E. Hale. 8, The first two Stuarts and the Puritan revolution, 1603-1660, by S. R. Gardiner. 9, Early Plantagenets, by W. Stubbs. 10, Age of Elizabeth, by Creighton. 11, War of American independence, by J. M. Ludlow. 12, Normans in Eu- rope, by A. H. Johnson. 13, Frederick the great, and the seven years! war, by F. W. Longman. 14, Epoch of reform, by J. McCarthy. Morris, E. J. Tour in Turkey, Greece, Arabia Petrsea. 2 v. 1842 505 . 5 Morris, G. S. British thought and thinkers 1880 317.20, Morris, R. English grammar. (Lit. prim- ers). 1875 314.1.1 — Historical English grammar. 1879 317 . 23 — and Bowen, H. C. English grammar exercises. (Lit. primers). 1878 314.1.9 Morris, T. Earthly paradise. [Poem.] 3 v. ’71 204 . 8 — Life and death of Jason. [Poem]. 1877 217.18 — Life; ed. by B. F. Morris. 1856 632.12 — Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets 215.6 Morris, W. O’Connor. The French revolu- tion and first empire, 1789-1815 743.5.5 Morrison, R. J. Grammar of astrology. By Zadkiel, pseud. ( With Lilly, W. Astrology) 822 . 6 Morse, E. S. First book of zoology. 1877. 822.21 Morse, J. T. jr. John Adams (Am. states- men). 1885 626.4.11 — John Quincy Adams (Am. statesmen).’82 626.4.1 — Life of Alexander Hamilton. 2 v. 1876. 642.10 — Thomas Jefferson (Am. statesmen). 1883 626.4.7 — ed'r. Am. statesmen, v. 1-13. 1882-4. 626.4 Contents.— v. 1, J. Q. Adams, by Morse. 2, Alex. Hamilton, by Lodge. 3, J. C. Calhoun, by Von Holst. 4, Andrew Jackson, byW.J.Sumner. 5, John Randolph, by H. Adams. 6, James Monroe, by Gilman. 7, Thomas Jefferson, by Morse. 8, Daniel Webster, by Lodge. 9, Albert Gallatin, by Stevens. 10, James Madison,, by Gay. 11, John Adams, by Morse. 12, John Marshall, by Magruder. 13, Samuel Adams, by Hosmer. Morse, S. F. B. Lossing, B. F. Morse and the telegraph. 1873 In 1006.4.5 — McCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes, etc . 604.1 — Memorial [tributes to]. Pub. by order of Congress. 1875 *638.5 — Prime, S. I. Life of. 1875 628.19 — Tuckerman, H. T. Book of the artists. 821.12 Morselli, H. Suicide. (Int. sci. ser.)’ 81. 815.4.36 Morte, d’ Arthur. [History of King Arthur, etc.] Malory, T 33.13 Mortimore, D. The globe within the sun our heaven. 1869 437.29 MOSCHELES. 174 MUNDAY. Mosoheles, I. Life and correspondence of Beethoven 633.18 Moscow. Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes. Moscow 21.3 Mose Evans. Baker, W. M 32.24 Moses. Lord, J. Moses— Jewish juris- — Taylor, W. M. Moses the law-giver 421 . 28 Moss-side. Terhune, M. Y 11.29 Mosses from an old manse. Hawthorne, N. 3.20 Mother Goose for grown folks. Whitney, A. D. T. 1882 211.20 Mother Goose’s melodies 92.11 Mother Goose’s melodies; illus. in colors A. Kappes. 1879 77.25 Mother-in-law. Southworth, E. D. E. N. 5.19 Mother Molly. Peard, F. M. 1880 138.24 Mother-play and nursery songs. Frcebel, F 8521.18 Mother’s recompense: sequel to “Home in- fluence.” Aguilar, Grace 36.2 Motherly talks with young housekeepers. Beecher, Mrs. H. W 812.15 Mothers. Chavasse, P. H. Advice to a mother; [also] Counsel to a mother. . 812.16 — Donkersley, R. Facts about wives and. 605 . 27 — Ellis, Mrs. S. S. Mothers of England. 305. 15.1 — Parker, Dr. E. H. Handbook for. 1867. 818.25 See also Children. Motion. See Kinematics; Natural philoso- phy. Motives of life. Swing, David. 1879 421.38 Motley, J. L. History of the United Neth- erlands, [1584-1609]. 4 v 704.4 — Life and death of John of Barneveld, ad- vocate of Holland. 2 v. 1874 634.1 — Rise of the Dutch republic, [1555-84]. 3 v 704.5 — Holmes, O. W. Memoir of. 1879 631 . 2 Mott, J ames and Lucretia. Life and letters; ed. by A. D. Hallowell. 1884 628.11 Mott, R. F., ed’r. Memoir and correspond- ence of Eliza P. Gurney. 1884 644.25 Moule, A. E., ed’r. Chinese stories for boys and girls, etc. 1880 87.15 Moulton, Louise C. Bed-time stories. ’73. 26 . 24 — New bed-time stories. 1880 86.19 — Some women’s hearts. 1874 143.24 Mound builders. MacLean, J. B. 1879. . . 723.5 See also America: Man ( Prehistoric ); Smith- sonian Institution ( Beports ) . Mount of Olives. [Lectures.] Hamilton, J. 406.32 Mount Vernon. Cooper, Miss S. F. Mount Vernon letter to the children of Amer- ica. 1859 306.18 — Lossing, B. J. Home of Washington. 628.15 Mount Vernon as it is. 1859 In 1004.1.18 Mount Washington in winter: or, the ex- perience of a scientific expedition, 1870-71 522.22 Mountain adventures. Headley, J. T., ed’r 523.8 Mountain adventures in various countries. Zurcher F. and Margolle, E. 1869. 502.20 Mountain scouting. Farrow, E. S. 1881.841.30 Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. King, C. 1872 504.4 Mountains. Agassiz, L. Their origin./R*1005. 2.11 — Reclus, E. History of a mountain. 1881 838.31 — Ruskin, J. Modem painters [of moun- tain beauty] 805.2.4 See also Geology ; also , Alps ; Andes ; Hima- laya; Rocky Mountains. Mountford, W. Euthanasy; or, happy talk towards the end of life. 1849. . . 435.12 Mouth and teeth. White, J. W 833.14.7 Mouth of the Leamy. Yonge, C. M. Fict. 36.607 Mouthful of bread, Story of. Mace, J. ’71. 803 . 11 Movement cure. Taylor, G. H. Health by exercise. 1879 833 . 6 Mo watt, A. C. Autobiography of an act- ress. 1854 607.15 Mowry, S. Arizona and Sonora: their geography, history, etc. 1864 711.27 Mozart. Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men 614.14 — Fuller, S. Marg. Art, etc 317.3 — Holmes, E. Life of, with correspond- ence. 1845 612.3 — Rau, H. Mozart; a biographical romance 1876 626.7 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men; their boyhood 613.22 MozLEy, Rev. T. Reminiscences of Oriel college and the Oxford movement. 2 v. 1882 642.14 Mozoomdar, P. C. The oriental Christ. ’83 432 . 27 Much ado about nothing [comedy]. See Shakespeare. Mudfog papers, etc. Dickens, C 138 . 1 Mugby junction. Dickens, C. and others. 36.166 Mugge, T. Afraja; or, life and love in Nor- way. 1865 133.8 Muhlbach, L., pseud. See Mundt, C; M. Muhlenberg, Dr. W. A. Ayres, A. Life of. 1880 637.18 Muir, Alan. Lady Beauty. 1882 53.2 Muir, W. The coran; its composition and teaching, and testimony to the Holy Scriptures. 1878 444.18.3 Muirhead, J. P. Life of James Watt. 1859 605.17 Mulford, E. The nation : the foundations of civil order and political life in the United States. 1872 903.7 — Republic of God: institute of theology. 1881 427.5 Muller, F. Max. Chips from a German workshop. 5 v 404 . 2 Contents:— v. 1, Science and religion; 2, Mythology, tradition and custom; 3, Literature, biography and an- tiquities ; 4, Science of language ; 5, Miscellaneous later essays. — India; what can it teach us? 1883 746.1 — On missions; lecture. 1874 416.10 — Origin and growth of religion as illus- trated by the religions of India. 1879 421 . 36 — Science of language. 2v. 1871-2 404.4 — Science of religion, with papers on Buddhism. 1872 404.3 Muller, G. Life of trust. 1873 614.22 Muller, J. Select discourses. See Monod, A. 1858 438.15 Muller, O. Charlotte Ackerman. A the- atrical romance 31.34 Muller, W. Political history of recent times [Europe]. 1882 725.13 Muloch, D. M. See Craik, Mrs. D. M. Mummies and Moslems. Warner, C. D. ’76. 521.17 Mumu. Turgenieff, I. G. Fict 56.14 Munby, Arthur J. Dorothy; a country story in elegiac verse. 1882 211 . 5 Munchausen, Baron. Travels and surpris- ing adventures of [ Burlesque ]. Raspe, R.E 8.20 Munday, L. A. H. Acacian lyrics, etc. ’62. 202.14 MUNDT. 175 MY. Mundt, C. M. [ L . Muhlbach ]. Andreas Hofer. [The Tyrol, 1809.] 1868 42.30 — Berlin and Sans-Souci; or, Frederick the great. 1867 4.6 — Daughter of an empress. [Russia, 18th century] 42.10 — Empress Josephine. Fict. 1880 47.21 — Frederick the great and his court. 1867 4 . 4 — Frederick the great and his family. ’80. 47 . 19 — Goethe and Schiller. 1881 47.20 — Henry the Eight and his court. 1881 47.26 — Joseph II. and his court 61.24 — Louisa of Prussia and her times. 1867. 61 . 30 — Merchant of Berlin. 1867 4.5 — Mohammed Ali and his house. 1872 ... 61.23 — Napoleon and Blucher. 1879 47.17 — Napoleon and the queen of Prussia. ’80 47.18 — Old Fritz and the new era. 1868 61.31 — Prince Eugene and his times. 1869 61.29 — Queen Hortense. 1880 47.22 — Story of a millionaire. 1872 14.21 Munger, T. T. Freedom of faith. [Ser- mons.] 1885 433.26 Munich, Art-student in. [1850-52.] How- itt, A. M 508.12 Munroe, 0. K., ed’r Florida annual. 1884. . 521.12 Murdoch, J. E. The stage; or recollections of actors, etc. 1880 622.7 Murfree, Mary N. [C. E. Craddock .] — Down the ravine. 1885 58.9 — In the Tennessee mountains. 1884 56.1 — Prophet of the great Smoky mountains . 1885 58.8 — Where the battle was fought; a novel.’84 57.34 Murillo, B. E. Minor, E. E. Murillo. 627.14 — Stothert, J. Spanish painters. Illus.. 848.5 — Sweetser, M. F. Artist biographies. ’81. 626.5.5 — Tytler, S. Old masters 808 . 32 — Washburn, E. W. Spanish painters. ’84. 852.4 Murphy, J. M. Sporting adventures in the far West. 1880 833.28 Murphy’s master. Payn, James, 1873... 36.615 Murray, A. M. Cuba and the Cubans. ’50. 506.17 Murray, E. C. G. Round about France.’78. 512 . 12 Murray, G. [Trois-Etoiles.] Member for Paris, 1871 36.532 — Young Brown 36 . 533 Murray, J. Handbook of central Italy. ’75. 512 . 14 — Handbook of France. 1870 516.16 — Handbook of Syria. 1875 516 . 24 Murray, J. F. Father Tom and the pope. 1879 315.13 Murray, J. O’K. Catholic pioneers of Amer- ica. 1882 433.12 — Prose and poetry of Ireland; with bio- graphical sketches. 1877 323 . 19 Murray, T. C. Origin and growth of the Psalms. 1880 423.16 Murray, W. H. H. Adventures in the wil- derness; or, camp life in the Adiron- dacks. 1869 505.2 — Deacons. Illus. 1875 421.11 — The perfect horse. 1873 813.11 Muscles and nerves. Rosenthal, I. Physi- ology of. 1881 815.4.32 Music and musicians. Dictionaries and Histories. — Grove, G., ed’r, Diet, of music and musi- cians, (1450-1883). 4 v *B.24 — Hamilton, J. A. Diet, of musical terms. 1854 852.8 — Hunt, H. G. B. Concise hist, of music. 1878 828.31 Music and musicians, continued . — Mahaffv, J. P. Greek music In 514.19 — Mathews, W. S. B. Diet, of musical terms. 1883 In 848 . 7 — Moore, J. W. Encyclopaedia of music; [added] appendix, to 1876 *B . 25 — Ritter, F. L. History of music. 2 v. ’76 818.16 Music in America. 1883 852 . 2 Music in England. 1883 852.1 — Stainer, J. Music of the Bible. 1879.. 833.22 Biography and Criticism. — Anecdotes of. (Percy anecdotes) 312.1 — Butterworth, H. The great composers. (Little biographies). Illus. 1884... 644.10 — Clayton, E. O. Queens of song: mem- oirs, with chronological list of operas performed in Europe. 1865 628.23 — D’ Anvers, N. Elementary history of art 1875 852.11 — Ferris, G. T. Great German composers. 1881 624.1 Great Italian and French composers. 1879 624.2 Great singers. 2 v. 1880-1 624.3 — Haweis, H. R. Music and morals. 1876 818.5 My musical memories. 1881 644.1 — Keddie, H. ( Sarah Tytler). Musical composers and their works. 1876 . . . 613 . 23 — Ossoli, M. F. Lives of the great com- posers In 317.3 — Upton, G. P. Woman in music. 1880. 835.30 See also Biography (Collective artists ) ; also, lives of Bach; Beethoven; Chopin; Gottschalk; Handel; Haydn; Liszt; Mendelssohn; Mozart; Wagner. Miscellaneous. — Blaserna, P. Sound in relation to music. 1876 815.4.22 — Bryant, W. C. Music in the public schools In 325.22 — Chomet, H. Influence of music on health, etc. 1875 835.26 — Eichberg, J High school music reader. 834.5 — Elson, L. C. Curiosities of music 837.24 — Fay, A. Music study in Germany. ’81. 837.19 — Giles, H. Illustrations of genius 317.11 — Grove, G. Beethoven’s nine symphonies. Analytical essays. 1884 852.10 — Helmholtz, A. Physiological causes of harmony. 1857 In 843.6.1 — Hullah, J. Music in the house. 1877 . . 827 . 20 — King, T. S. Music In 311 . 15 — Mathews, W. S. B. How to understand music.' With Dictionary of musical terms. 1883 848 . 7 — Pole, W. Philosophy of music. 1879. 831 . 25 — Popular cultivation of In 1001.9.1 — Spencer, H. Origin and function of ..In 404.13 See also Hymns ; Opera ; Pianoforte ; Songs ; Voice. Mutiny of the ship Bounty, [1778] 508.17 Muzzey, A. B. The Christian parent. 1850 435.14 — Young maiden. 1856 408.17 My adventures afloat in the ‘Sumter’ and ‘Alabama.’ Semmes, R. 1869 737.4 My Apingi kingdom. Du Chaillu, P. B... 502.10 My aunt Margaret’s mirror. Scott, Sir W. 12.20 My bondage and my freedom. Douglass, F. 606 . 28 My boyhood: story book for boys. Barkley, H. C 82.11 My boys. Alcott, Louisa M. Jav 26.42.1 My brother’s keeper. Warner, A. B 8.16 My cave life in Vicksburg, [1864]. By a lady 737.24 My daughter Elinor. Benedict, F. L 18.28 MY. 176 MYTHS. My days and nights on the battlefield. Coffin, C. C 74:8 My Desire. Warner, Susan. Fict. 45.2 My diary in America, [1863-41. Sala, G. A. 2 v 737.22 My diary, north and south, [1861-2]. Rus- sell. W. H 737.10 My farm at Edgewood. Mitchell, D. G 304.13 My girls, etc. Alcott, L. M 26.42.4 My guardian. Cambridge, Ada 46.26 My house: an ideal. Bunce, O. B. 1884.. 852.5 My lady help and what she taught me. Warren, Mrs 827.13 My Lady Pokahontas. Cooke, J. E. 1885. 58 . 16 My life on the plains. Custer, G. A. 1876. 511.7 My little lady. Poynter, E. F. 1871 36 . 405 My married life at Hillside. Coffin, R. B. . . 45 . 21 My mother and I. Craik, Mrs. D. M 31.32 My novel. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L 36.80 My opinions, and Betsey Bobbet’s. Hol- ley, M 18.22 My prisons. Pellico, Silvio 614.11 My schoolboy friends. Hope, A. R 78.6 My schools and schoolmasters. Miller, H . 612.7 My study windows. Lowell, J. R. 1871 . . 332 . 13 My summer in a garden. Warner, C. D.’72 301.31 My uncle the clock maker. Howitt, Mary. 91.3 My wayward pardner. Holley, M 148 . 5 My wife and I. Stowe, Mrs. H. B 6.8 My wife and my wife’s sister. Wormelev, Mrs. K. P. 1881 .". 51.6 Myddleton Pomfret. Ainsworth, W. K. . . 36.22 Myers, F. W.H. Life of Wordsworth. ’81. 616.11.19 Myers, P. H. Young patroon 1849 62.18 Myers, P. Y. N. Remains of lost empires. [Travel in, 187 1-2.] 511.6 Myrtis, with other etchings. Sigourney, L. H 63.15 Mysteries of Udolpho. Radcliffe, Anna . . 14.14 Mysteries; or, glimpses of the supernatu- ral. Elliott, C. W. 1852 408.29 Mysterious island. Verne, Jules 43.30 MysTERY. [Tales.] Little classics 304.16.8 Mystery of Edwin Drood. Dickens, C. 36.174; 1.14 Mystery of Metropolis ville. Eggleston, E. 15.22 Mystery of the Locks. [A house.] Howe, E.W 57.28 Mythology. Dictionaries and Manuals. — Anderson, R. B. Norse mythology. ’76. 415.5 — Anthon, C. Classical dictionary. 1869 . *A . 6 — Brewer, E. C. Diet, of phrase and fable. 326 . 12 — Bulfinch, T. Age of fable 407 . 5 Poetry of the age of fable. [Collec- tion.] 1857 211.28 — Chambers’ papers for the people. [Re- ligion of the Greeks.] 1001.9.3 — Clement, C. E. Handbo -k of legendary and mythological art. 1872 *D.2 — Cox, G. W. Manual of mythology 416 . 23 Mythology of the Aryan nations. 1882. 427 . 19 Note . — Reviewed in Whitney’s “ Oriental and linguistic studies.” [307.2.2.] — Dwight, M. A. Grecian and Roman my- thology 416.24 — Eschenburg, J. J. Manual of classical lit. 1844 316.1 — Gladstone, W. E. Mythology, or, the Olympian system. (In his Juventus mundi.) 1869 433.24 Same; condensed. (In his Homer). . . 314.1.6 — Grote, G. Legendary Greece In 713.11.1 — Murray, A. S. Manual of mythology. 76 416.14 Mythology, continued. — Seeman, O. Mythology of Greece and Rome, with special reference to its use in art. 1877 417 . 20 — Smith, W. Smaller classical dictionary. 313.21 — Thomas, J. [Lippincott’s]. Dictionary of biography and mythology, [cop. 1870] *B.22 — Wheeler, W. A. Dictionary of noted names of fiction. 1872 *332.1 Stories from Mythology. — Cox, G. W. Tales of ancient Greece. . . 416.22 — Hawthorne, N. Tanglewood tales 25.6 — Kingsley, C. The heroes; or, Greek fairy tales 74.6 — Larned, A. Old tales retold from Grecian mythology 421 . 8 — Niebuhr, B. G. Greek hero stories 87.11 Miscellaneous. — Butler W. Hindoo m. (In his Land of the Veda.) Illus 732.11 — Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions. 1871. 438.26 — Cox, G. W. Comparative mythology and folk-lore 427 . 14 — Germanic world of gods In *1007.8.115 — Griffis, W. E. Japanese mythology. In 715.1 — Gubernatis, A. de. Zoological mythol- ogy. 2 427.20 — Hunt, L. Day by the fire, etc 308.2 Contents.— H e athen mythology. Fairies. Genii Nymphs of antiquity and the poets. Sirens and mer- maids. Giants, ogres and Cyclops. — Keightly, T. Fairy mythology ..... 443.26 — Mallet, P. H. Northern antiquities. [Scandinavian M.] 742 . 8 — Muller, M. Chips, etc 404.2 Contents.— V. 2. Comparative mythology. Greek mythology and legends. Folk-lore. Zulu nursery tales. Popular tales from the Norse. Tales from the West Highlands. V. 5. Philosophy of mythology . — Science of language 404.4 Contents.— V . 2. Mythology of the Greeks. Jupiter the supreme Aryan God. Myths of the dawn. Modern mythology. — Mythology of the ancient Japanese. In *1007.5.110 — Poor, L. E. Sanskrit and kindred litera- tures. Studies in comparative mythol- ogy 426 . 12 — Rawlinson, G. Five great ancient mon- archies, [Chaldea, Assyria, Babylon, Media and Persia]. 3 v. 1873 715 . 5 Ancient Egypt, v. 1. 1882 725 . 7 Religion of the Babylonians and Assyr- ians. (In Herodotus, by G. Rawlin- son.) 1880, 745.1.1 — Tylor, E. B. Primitive culture [Mythol- ogy, etc ] 825.16.1 — Wilkinson, J. G. Ancient Egypt. 2 v. 1854 705.5 See also Myths ; also Buddhism ; Fairy tales ; Folk- lore; Legends. Myths. Baring-Gould, S. Curious myths of the middle ages 423 . 6 Origin of myths In 411.22 — Blake, J. F. Astronomical myths. 77.841.22 — Brinton, D. G. American hero-myths. . 427 . 22 Myths of the new world 417.11 — Chambers’s papers, etc. The myth. In 1001.9.1 — Clodd, E. Childhood of religions; birth and growth of myths and legends . . . 416 . 18 — Fiske, J. Myths and myth-makers. 73. 401.18 — Proctor, R. A. Myths and marvels of as- tronomy. 1877 826.21 MYTHS. 177 NATURAL HISTORY. Myths, continued. — Ruskin, J. Queen of the air: study of the Greek myths of cloud and storm. 302 . 2 — Smith, S. F. Myths and heroes. 1879 . 832 . 12 — Tylor, E. B. Geographical distribution of myths In 841 . 10 — Vignoli, T. Myth and science. 1882 . . 815.4.40 See also Mythology. Nadaillac, Marquis de. P re-historic America. 1884 734.19 N ameless nobleman. Austin, J. G. 1881. 141.13 Names. Arthur, W. Dictionary of family and Christian names. 1857 644 . 15 — Chambers’s misc. Names of persons. .. 1001.8.7 — Charnock. R. S. Prsenomina; or, the etymology of the . principal Christian names of Great Britain and Ireland . 1882 644.20 — Ferguson, R. Surnames as a science. ’84 644.11 — Yonge, C. M. History of Christian names. 2 v 642.16 Nancy. Broughton, Rhoda 36.65 Nantucket. Godfrey, E. K. Island of. ’82. 518.29 Naomi Torrente. Vingut, G. F. de 17.8 Naphegyi, G. Ghardaia; or, ninety days in the desert. 1871 508 . 1 Napheys, G. H. Personal beauty. See Brin- ton, D. G. 1879 805.12 — Physical life of woman. 1872 805.11 Napier C. O. G. Tommy Try and what he did in science. 1869 23.28 Napier, W. F. P. History of the Peninsu- lar war, 1807-1814 . 5 v 705.3 Naples. Abbott, J. Rollo in 21.14 — Taine, H. Italy, etc. [Art in N.] 507.10 Napoleon I. Abbott, J. S. C. Napoleon Bonaparte. (Harper’s m. v. 3-9) 1004.1 — Alison, A. Essays 305.4 — Arnault, M. A. and Panckoucke, C. L. F. Life and campaigns of 604.16 — Bayne, P. Essays 317.6.2 — Brougham, H. Statesmen in the time of George III 633.1.2 — Carlyle, T. Heroes and hero-worship . . 301 . 23 — Channing, W. E. Life and character. In 1001.3.1 — Chesney, C. C. Essays in military biog- raphy 617.6 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. . 614.14 — Emerson R. VV. Representative men. In 307.19.2 — Forsyth, W. Napoleon at St. Helena: from the letters and journals of Sir Hudson Lowe. 2 v. 1853 644.14 — Gilfillan, G. Third gallery of portraits 301 . 24 — Gregorovius, F. Corsica with early life of Napoleon. 1855 717.7 — Hazlitt, W. Life of Buonaparte. 3 v. ’75. 631 . 12 — Headley, J. T. Napoleon and his mar- shals. 1865 613.4 — Junot, Mme., Duchesse d' Abrantes. Na- poleon, his court and family. 1873. . 615.11 — Lanfrey, P. History of. 4 v. 1871-6 645.2 — Lester, C. E. Napoleon dynasty. 1852. 634.10 — Lockhart, J. G. History of. 2 v. 1875 614 . 19 — Lord, J. Napoleon Bonaparte, [or] The French empire In 735.6.4 — O’Meara, B. E. Napoleon in exile. 2v. 1823 607.21 — Ropes, J. C. The first Napoleon. 1885.. 646.4 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men: their boyhood, etc 613.22 — Scott, Sir W. Life of. 2 v. 1836 634.11 23 Napoleon I, continued. — Table talk and opinions. 1870 612 . 13 — Thiers, L. A. History of the consulate and empire of . 5 v 702 . 1 — Wilson, J. G. Illustrious soldiers 632.17 See also France ; Josephine, etc. Napoleon II., son of Napoleon I. Green- wood, L. In Scribner’s m., v. 5. Illus. 1006.4 Napoleon III. [Louis Napoleon.] History of Julius Caesar. 2 v. 1863 608.9 — Chambers’ miscellany. Life of 1001.8.3 — Hugo, Y. History of a crime [coup d’ etatof 1851] 732.14 — Kinglake, A. W. History of the coup d’ etat. (Invasion of the Crimea, v. 1) 705.4 — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders. 1872 . . 607 . 5 Napoleon and Blucher. Mundt, C. M. Fict 47.17 Napoleon and the queen of Prussia. Mundt, C. M. Fict 47.18 Napoleon dynasty. See Lester, C. E 634.10 Napp, R. Argentine republic. [History, statistics, etc], 1876 — 511.26 Narcotics. See Stimulants and narcotics. Nash, J. A. The progressive farmer. 1854 804.5 Nash, R., Beau Nash. Doran J. Habits and men 323.9 — Thompson, K. B. Wits and beaux of society 613.17 Nash, Wallis. Oregon in 1877 512.5 — Two years in Oregon, 1879-80 518 . 10 Nasmyth, James. Autobiography; ed. by S. Smiles. 1883 627.8 Nathalie. Kavanagh, Julia 36.299 Nathan the wise. Dramatic poem. Less- ing, G. E 211.4 Nation, The; a weekly journal devoted to politics, literature, science, and art. v. 32-41. N. Y., 1881-5 *8541 . 28 Nation, The. [Origin and functions.] Mul- f ord, E 903 . 7 National economy. Young, A. W. 1864. 903.24 National education in Europe. Barnard, H. 1854 431.15 National magazine. Illus. v. 3. 1853 . . . *1007 . 2 National portrait gallery of eminent Amer- icans. Duyckinck, E. A. 2 v *638.1 National tales. Hood, T.. In 307.22.4 Native religions of Mexico and Peru. Reville, A. 1884 433.17 Natural history. Abbott, C. C. A natural- ist’s rambles about home [New Jer- sey]. 1855 845.30 — Adams, W. H. D. Life in the primeval world. 1872 808.10 — Agassiz, E. C. and A. Seaside studies in. 1871 806.24 — Agassiz, L. Methods of study in. 1871. 801 . 20 — Bates, H. W. Naturalist on the Amazon, [1848-59] 508.14 — Biart, L. Adventures of a young natu- ralist. Fict 845.27 — Browne, P. Field friends and forest foes, Illus. juv. [1879] 832.3 — Buckland, F. F. Curiosities of. 2nd series. 1860 801.13 — Burroughs, J. Locusts and wild honey. 823 . 24 — Centennial exhibition. Animal and vege- table products *846.15.4 — Damon, W. E. Ocean wonders. 1879 . 835 . 22 — Dartt, M. On the plains, etc. [Colorado] 512.9 — Darwin, C. Voyage of a naturalist round the world. 2 v. 1871 525 . 17 — Figuier, L. Ocean world 808 . 8 NATURAL HISTORY. 178 NATURE. Natural history, continued. — Gosse, P. H. Romance of. 1875 833.8 — Greenwood, J. Wild sports of the world. 805.15 — Gunning, W. D. Life-history of our planet 816.25 — Hartwig, G. Polar world. 1869 521.20 Tropical world. 1879 831 . 17 — Houghton, W. Natural history of the ancients 842.8 — Housman, H. Story of our museum [for the young] 832 . 24 — Ingersoll, E. Country cousins. 1884.. 854.2 — Jefferies, R. The game-keeper at home. 823.25 Wild life in a southern county [Eng- land]. 1879 823.29 — Johonnot, J. Natural history reader 842.39 — Kingsley, C. Glaucus; or the wonders of the shore. 1855 807.6 — Lubbock, J. Chapters in. 1884 845.1 — Maunder, S. Treasury of. [Zoology]. 2 v 828 . 29 — Maynard, C. J. Naturalist’s guide. ’77. 827.8 — Napier, C. O. G. Tommy Try and what he did in science 23.28 — Peabody, S. H. Cecil’s books of 832.13 — Pouchet, F. A. The universe. Ulus.. 841.14 — Romer, A. Anecdotal and descriptive. 835 . 7 — Saintine, X. B. Dame Nature and her three daughters. 1872 832.8 — Spry, W. J. J. Cruise, of the Challen- ger. 1877 511.8 — Treat, Mary. Home studies in nature. 1885 847.18 — Wallace, A. R. Island life; [faunas and floras]. 1881 836.18 Tropical nature, etc. 1878 825.17 — What Darwin saw in his voyage round the world. [For the young.] 832.7 — White, G. Natural history of Selborne. 837.17 — Whitmarsh, C. S. Summer-house series. 5 v. Juv 845 . 37 — Wood, J. G. Homes without hands. 1870 806.21 Hlustrated natural history. 1873 812.30 New illustrated natural history. 1881 841.32 — World of wonders. 1881 841 . 7 Periodicals , etc. — American naturalist, v. 8-20. 1874-86 . *8501 . 15 — Hardwicke’s science-gossip, v. 19-22. 1883-6 *1008.10 — Nature : a weekly journal, v. 28-33. 1883-6 *1008.19 — Popular science monthly, v. 1-29. 1872-86 *8501.16 — Science; an illustrated journal, v. 1-7. 1883-6 *1008.13 See also United States ( Surveys of the territories ) ; also Smithsonian Institution (Publications) . See also Aquarium ; Biology; Birds; Botany; Evolu- tion and Darwinism; Fish and fishing; Geology; In- sects ; Instinct ; Man ; Meteorology ; Microscope ; Min- eralogy; Mollusca; Nature; Ocean; Physical geog- raphy; Reptiles; Shells; Worms; Zoology ; also, works descriptive of various countries. Natural law in the spiritual world. Drum- mond, H 432.34 Natural philosophy or physics. Arnott, N. Elements of physics. 1882 842 . 12 — Cooley, L. C. Natural philosophy. 1873. 847.3 — Deschanel, A. P. Natural philosophy. Ed. by Everett. 1876 826.15 — Ganot, A. Natural philosophy. 1878.. 823.34 — Helmholtz, H. Relation of physical sci- ence to science in general. (Smith, rep., 1871.).... *8501.2 Natural philosophy, continued. — Henry, J. Syllabus of a course of lec- tures on physics. (Smith, rep., 1856.)*8501 . 2 — Hunt, R, Poetry of science. 1854 807 . 1 — Lardner, D. Heat, magnetism, electric- ity. 1857 801.7 — Lees, W. Acoustics, light and heat 827.21 — Mayer, A. M. and Barnard, C. Experi- mental science series for beginners. 1879 835.10 Contents, v. 1, Light ; v. 2, Heat. — Mayhew, H. Wonders of science 827 . 11 — Pickering, E.C. Physical manipulations. 2. v. 1875 826.6 — Rolfe, W. J. and Gillet, J. A. Handbook of natural philosophy. 1869 818 . 3 — Scientific irrigator. 1828 812 . 6 — Stallo, J. B. Concepts and theories of modern physics. 1882 815.4.38 — Steele, J. D. Fourteen weeks in physics. 1878 833.1 — Stewart, B. Physics. (Science primers.) 1878 828.20.3 — Winslow, C. F. Force and nature [at- traction and repulsion]. 1869 821 . 11 See also Acoustics; Electricity; Forces of nature; Heat ; Hydraulics ; Mechanics ; Meteorology ; Molecular physics ; Optics ; Physical geography ; Pneumatics. Natural religion. Seeley, J. R 443 . 28 Natural science. See under Science. Natural selection. Wallace, A. R. . 1871 807.28 See also Evolution. Natural theology. Argyll, Duke of. Reign of law 407.16 — Brougham, H., lord. Discourse of. 1835 In 411.3 — Bushnell, H. Nature and the super- DBitnrd^l 405 9 — Butler, J. Analogy of reiigion. 1,881.. 401.26 — Chadbourne, P. A. Natural theology. 1871 402.7 — Chalmers, T. Adaptation of external nature to man 408.27 — Child, G. C. Benedicite; illustrations of the power, wisdom and goodness of God. 1869 401.20 — Harris, J. Pre-adamite earth. 1856... 437.20 — Hill, T. Geometry and faith 444.10 — Nordhoff, C. God and the future life.’83 432.24 — Paley, W. Natural theology. 1850. In 1001.4 Same; with notes by J. Ware. Hlus.’73 402.6 — Seeley, J. R. Natural religion. 1882.. 443.28 — Wilson, W. D. Foundations of relig- ious belief. 1883 432.19 See also Evidences of Christianity ; Religion ; Theology. Naturalist on the Amazon. Bates, H. W. 1873 508.14 Naturalist, Young [in Mexico]. Biart, L. . 845.27 Naturalist’s guide. Maynard, C. J. 1877. 827.8 Naturalist’s rambles about home. [New J ersey.] Abbott, C. C 845 . 30 Naturalist’s wanderings in the eastern archipelago. 1878-’83. Forbes, H. O. 531 . 18 Nature. Burroughs, J. Fresh fields. [England.] 1885 522.25 — Chalmers, T. Adaptation of external nature to man. 1853 408 . 27 — Emerson, R. W. Nature In 326.9.2 — Good, J. M. Book of. 1884 806.13 — Hinton, J. Man and his dwelling place. 1872 402.13 — Hooker, W. Child’s book of. 1872 802.2 — Howitt, W. Book of the seasons. 1842 . 306.28 NATURE. 179 NEW. Nature, continued . — Humboldt, A. von. Incitements to the study of In 801.1.2 — Hunt, R. Poetry of science; or physi- cal phenomena of nature. 1854 807 . 1 — Lanoye, F. de. Sublime in nature. 1871 802 . 24 — Leifchild, J. R. Higher ministry of 443 . 10 — Macmillan, H. Bible teachings in na- ture. 1880 443.6 Foot-notes from the page of. 1861 . . . 824 . 7 Ministry of nature. 1879 443 . 5 Sabbath of the fields. 1879 443.12 — Scheie de Yere, M. Leaves from the book of. 1872 812.10 — Schubert, G. H. Mirror of. 1851 805.17 — Shairp, J. C. Poetical interpretation of. 314.35 — Wilson, J. Recreations of Christopher North 305.7 See also Earth; Natural history ; Seasons. Nature, addresses and lectures. Emerson, R.W 326.21 Nature and human nature. Haliburton, T.C 16.2 Nature and the supernatural. Bushnell,H. 405.9 Naum an, Mary D. Eva’s adventures in shadow land. 1874 78.34 Nautical astronomy. Evers, H. 1873 827.24 Naval history. Boynton, C. B. History of the navy during the rebellion. 2. v. 1868 737.19 — Cooper, J. F. Naval history of the United States [to 1815] 736.4 — Valentine, R. Seafights [British] 717.8 See also Battles ; Buccaneers ; also , names of countries. In biography , see lives of Dampier; Drake; Nelson; Jones (J. Paul); Preble; Decatur; Farragut. Naval hygiene. Wilson, J. 1879 834.22 Naval officer, Recollections of a, (1841-65.) Parker, W. H 501 . 15 Naval science. Goodrich, F. B. Ocean’s story, nius. 1875 511.20 — Hamersly, L. R. Naval encyclopaedia. 1881 *E.8 — Nordhoff, C. Man of war life. ’83. Juv. 531.5 — Russell, W. C. Sailors’ language. 1883. 844 . 23 — Whymper, F. The sea. Illus 528.12 See also Battles; Boats; Buccaneers; Navi- gation; Ocean; Sailors; Ships. Navigation. Evers, H. Theory and prac- tice. 1873 827.23 — Qualtrough, E . F. Sailors’ handy book. 1881 837.29 — Robinson, H. N. New surveying and navigation. 1878 823 . 23 See also Nautical astronomy ; Nayal science. Neal, D. Hist, of the Puritans, 1517-1688. 2 v 413.23 Neale, H. Romance of history: France. [Tales.] 1872 135.2 Neander, A. History of the Christian re- ligion and church to the reformation. 5 v. 1853 427.13 — Life of Christ in its historical connec- tion with historical development. ’64. 413 . 1 Near to nature’s heart. Roe, E. P 136.6 Neaves, C., Lord. Greek anthology [outlined Nebraska. Wilber, C. D. Nebraska and and the northwest. 1881 501 . 20 See also United States (Geological and geo- graphical surveys). Needle-work. Church, E. R. Home needle. 1882 851.19 — Croly, Mrs., D. G., ed'r. Needle-work: embroidery and drawn work. 1885.. 853.3 — Hale, L. P. Art-needlework. Decora- tive embroidery 843.8 — Plain sewing: knitting 843.10 See also Lace. Negroes. Jones, C. C. Religious instruc- tion of [to 1842] 426.19 See also Africa ; Man ( Ethnology ); Slavery; United States {History). Neighbor Jackwood. Trowbridge, J. T. ’76 136.7 Neighbors, The. Bremer, F. Fict 133.14.1 Nelly Brooke. Church, Mrs. R 36.105 Nelly Kinnard’s kingdom. Douglas, A... 53.24 Nelly’s silver mine. Jackson, B. H. Juv. 76.13 Nelson, H., Lord. Chambers’s miscel- lany. Life of 1001.8.2 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men.. . 614.14 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men 613.22 — Southey, R. Life of 601.5 Nelson; or, how a country boy made his way in the city. Thayer, W. M 83.14.4 Nemesis. Terhune, Mrs. M. Y. Fict 33.17 Neptune’s heroes. Adams, W. H. D 74.19 Nerinckx, C. Maes, C. P. Life of. 1880. 637.9 Nero. Abbott, J. History of. 1873 611.23 See also Caesars (The). Nervous system. Beard. G. M. American nervousness. 1881 837.27 On nervous exhaustion. 1880 836.2 — Flint, A. Nervous system. 1873 813.1.4 — Mitchell, S. W. Wear and tear; or hints for the overworked. 1 874 811 . 17 — Romanes, C. J. Jelly-fish, starfish and sea urchins [primitive nervous sys- tems]. 1885 815.4.49 — Wood, H. C. Brain-work and over- work. 1880 833.14.8 See also Insanity ; Brain ; Mind ; Neuralgia ; Physiology ; Stimulants. Nesbitt, M. L. Grammar-land. Juv. ’80 . 326.2 Nessmuk, pseud. See Sears, G. W. Netherlands. Ebers, G. The burgomas- ter’s wife: a romance [1574-81]. 1882. 146.13 — Grattan, T. C. History of the [to 18151. 703.11 — Motley, J. L. History of tne United, [1584-1609.]. 4 v 704.4 Life of John of Barneveld. 2 v. ’74.. . 634.1 Rise of the Dutch republic. [1555-84.] 704.5 — Schiller, F. Yon. Revolt of the [16th century] 703.10 — Taine, H. Art in the. 1872 812.18 — Young, A. W. History of. Illus. 1884 732.8 See also Belgium ; Holland. Nettie Loring [Temperance tale]. Downs, E 92.20 Neutral French, or exiles of Nova Scotia. Williams, Mrs 8.12 Nevada. Browne, 3. R. Silver regions of. (In Tit's Apache country.) 1871 503.18 See also U nited States ( Geogr . and geolog. and mining reports) . Never again. Mayo, W. S 143.6 Never give up. Leslie, Madeline 24.6 New America. Dixon, W. H. 1867 501.24 New atmosphere [“woman’s rights,” etc]. Dodge, M. A 307.23 New bedtime stories. Moulton, L. C 86.19 New biographies. Macaulay, T. B., and others 605.20 New. 180 NEWCOMES. New departure in the common schools of Quincy, etc. Adams, C. F. 1879... 431.21 New England. Arr, E. H. New England bygones. 1880 621 . 21 — Bacon, L. Genesis of the New England churches. 1874 435.17 — Flagg, W. Woods and by-ways of. ’72. 522.24 — Frothingham, O. B. Transcendentalism in New England. 1876 416.4 — Hale, E. E. and S. Family flight around home. Juv 531.9 — Hawthorne, N. True stories. [Early history . ] 614 . 10 — Hayward. J. New England gazetteer. 1839 516.21 — Jackson, H. H. Bits of travel at home. 1878 522.15 — Lowell, J. B. New England two cen- turies ago In 332.12.1 — Lunt, G. Old New England traits. ’73. 714.6 — Markham, K. King Philip’s war. 1883. 723.18.3 — New England; a hand book for travellers. 1873 *B.14 — Palfrey, J. G. History of [to 1741]. 4 v. 747.5 — Samuels, E. A. Birds of New England. 1875 826.11 — Scudder, H. E. The Bodleys on wheels. 1879 77.1 — Stearns, W. A. New England bird-life. 1881 836.29 See also Indians ; Pilgrims ; and names of States. New England bride and housekeeper, Bec- oliections of. Gilman, Mrs. C. Fict. 138.21 New England legends and folk-lore . Drake, S. A. Illus. 1884 321.3 New England tragedies. Longfellow, H. W In 211.22 New Englander, The. v. 42-45. New Haven, 1883-5 *1008.8 New games for parlor and lawn. Bartlett, G. B. 1882... 842.11 New graft on the family tree. Alden, I. M. 81.20 New Grenada ; or, heroes and patriots. Kingston, W. H. G 87.8 New Jersey. Sypher, J. B. and Apgar, E. A. History of New Jersey. 1871... 738.5 New Magdalen. Collins, Wilkie 64.26 New Mexico. Bartlett, J. B. Explorations in, [1850-3]. 2v 507.2 — Cooke, P. St. Geo. Conquest of. 1878 . 723 . 14 — Cozzens, S. W. Three years in. 1873 . . 524 . 16 — Lo Conte, J. L. Coleoptera of. ’59. Irc*8541.15.11 — Lyon, W. B. Antiquities in. (Smith rep. 1871.) *8501.2 — Meline, J. F. 2000 miles on horseback. 1868 512.6 — Bitch, W. G. Hlus. New Mexico 523 . 11 See also United States ( Geogr ., geolog., and mining reports. New miscellanies. Kingsley, C 306.26 New nobility. Forney, J. W. Fict 145.23 New Plutarch. Ed. by W. Besant. v. 1-11. 1879-84 621.25 Contents.— V . 1, Abraham Lincoln, by C. G. Leland. 2, Coligny, by W. Besant. *3, Joan of Arc, by Janet Tuckey. 4, Judas Maccabseus, by C. R. Conder. 5, Haroun al Raschid, by E. H. Palmer, 6, Sir. J. Frank- lin, by A. Beesley. 7, Martin Luther, by J. H. Tread- well. Sir R. Whittington, by Besant and Rice. 9, Victor Emanuel, by E. Dicey. 10, Marie Antoinette, by Sarah Tytler. Frederick the great, by C. B. Brackenbury. New priest in Conception Bay. Lowell, B. T. S 17.29 New race. Baimund, G. Fict 145.17 New shoes, Abbott, J. Juv 82.15.1 New spirit of the age. Horne, B. H. 1844. 306.9 New story book. Howitt, Mary 78.29 New Testament. See Bible. New Timon. [Poem.] Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. 214.6 New Timothy, The. Baker, W. M 4.17 New West; or, California in 1867-8. Brace, C. L 502.14 New world, The. [History.] Brownell, H. H. 1857 748.8 NEW-year’s bargain. Coolidge, S. 1876... 88.33 New years’ masque and other poems. Thomas, Edith M 215.18 New York, city. Abbott, J. Marco Paul in 91.25.1 — American Institute, annual reports, v. 8, 11-12, 19-20. 1849-61 *8501.9 — Appleton’s Dictionary of. Maps. 1880 . . 516 . 3 — Apprentices’ library, Catalogue. 1874 . *3502 . 13 — Board of education. 21st annual report, 1863 *403.3 — Barrett, W. Old merchants of. v. 1-2. 604.20 — Brace, C. L. Dangerous classes of. ’72. 912.2 — Crapsey, E. The nether side of. 1872 . 904 . 8 — Gibbon, J. S. Banks of New York. ’59. 912.8 — Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes. 1869 21.4 — Smith, M. H. Sunshine and shadow in. 1869 736.5 See also Wall street ; also references in Poole’s Index to periodical literature, [B. 28]. New York, state. Hammond, J. D. His- tory of political parties, to Dec., 1840. 2 v. 1847 932.1 — Irving, W. History of. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. [Humorous.] 306.5 — Bandall, S. S. History of 714 . 16 State Documents , etc. — Assembly documents. 55th ses., 1832, v. 4; 57th sess., 1834, v. 2-4; 58th sess., 1835, v. 2, 3, 5 932.3 — Assembly journal. 55th sess., 1832; 58th sess., 1835 932.4 — Attorneys’s companion: rules of the su- preme court, etc. 1818 908.14 — Insurance, dep’t, 2d annual report, v. 1 . 1861 932.7 — Manual for use of legislature. 1863 . . . 902 . 18 — Natural history. Geology. By W. W. Mather, E. Emmons, L. Vanuxem, and J ames Hall. 4 v. 1842-43. Q. *8521 . 13 Natural history. Mineralogy. By Lewis C. Beck. 1842. Q *8521 . 14 — Bandall, S. S. Digest of the common school system of the state. 1 844 932 . 8 — Senate documents. 55th sess., 1832, v. 2 ; 57th sess., 1837, v. 2 932.5 — Senate journals. 55th session., 1832; 57th sess., 1854 932.6 — State agricultural society, transactions. v. 2, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 24. 1843-64. *8501.4 — State charities aid association. Hand- book for hospitals. 1883 842.37 See also Adirondacks. New Zealand. Barker, M. A. Station amusements in 501 . 19 Note Sequel to “ Station life.” Station life in, [1865-8] 501.20 — Trollope, A. Australia and. 3. v in 2. 1873 501.29 Newby, Mrs. C. J. Common sense. Fief. ’66. 36.406 Newcomb, Simon. Political economy. ’86. 915.19 — Popular astronomy. 1878 825.14 Newcomes, The. Thackeray, W. M 36.529 NEWELL. 181 NOBLE. Newell, W. W. Games and songs of Amer- ican children. 1883 848 . 20 Newfoundland. Hatton, J. and Harvey, M. Newfoundland: its history, etc. 1883 531.22 — Bae, W. F. Newfoundland to Mani- toba. 1881 518.3 Newman, J. B. Natural history of man.’52. 837.8 Newman, J. H. Apologia pro vita sua. 1864 433.18 — Arians of the fourth century. 1871 444 . 8 — Callista, a sketch of the third century. [N. Africa, persecutions.] 1869 36.407 — Discussion and arguments. 1873 441.11 — Essays: critical and historical. 2v 441.19 — MacCarthy, J. Modern leaders 607.5" Newman, J. P. Babylon and Nineveh. ’76. 524.8 Newport, R. I. Browne, J. B. Queen of Aquidneck In 1004.1.49 — Palfrey, J. G. History of the “ round tower” In 747.5.1 See in Fiction, Higginson’sMalbone: Oldport days, and Mrs. Stowe’s Minister’s wooing. Newport aquarelle. Howe, Maud. 1883.. 55.7 Newspaper annual. Ayer and son’s. 1881. *B.27 Newspapers. See Journalism; Periodicals. Newton, D. F. Apples of gold in pictures of silver. 1869 405.19 Newton, Sir Isaac. Principia, 1st book, sec. 1-3; notes and problems by P. Frost. 1880 836.19 — Brewster, D. Life of. 1871 611.35 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. . . 614.14 — Parton, J. Illustrious men, etc 617.17 Newton, B. H. Bight and wrong uses of the Bible. 1883 426.31 Newton, W. W. Priest and the man; or, Abelard and Heloisa. 1883 55.9 Newton Forster. Marryat, F 16.16 Nibelungenlied. Carlyle, T. Essays.... 305.6 — Cox, G. W. Bomances of the middle ages. 1880 47.5 — Forestier, A. Echoes from mist-land: or the Nibelungen lay 217 . 27 — Haweis, H. B. The Nibelung’s ring. — Nibelungenlied. The fall of the Nibe- lungers. Tr. by W. N. Lettsom. 1874. 211 . 13 Nicaragua. Helps, A. Spanish conquest in America 737.1.3 — Squier, E. G. Nicaragua; its people, etc. Hlus. 1860 503.27 Nichol, J. American literature: historical sketch, 1620-1880 316.20 — Byron. (Eng. men of letters.) 1880.. .616.11.20 — English composition. [Literature primer.] 1879 314.1.7 Nicholas, W. B. Elementary manual of chemistry; abridged from Eliot and Storer’s manual. 1875 847.6 Nicholas Minturn. Holland, J. G 144.7 Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens, C. . 1.7 and 36.175 Nicoll, H. J. Great movements and who achieved them. 1882 727 . 1 — Landmarks of English literature. 1883. 326.3 Nicholls, Mrs. C. B. See Bronte, C. Nichols, G. W. Art education applied to industry. 1877 826.13 — Story of the great march [Sherman’s].’66. 737.6 Nichols, J. B. Fireside science. [Essays.] 1872 835.4 — Whence, what, where ? [Man’s destiny.] 1883 444.15 Nichols, W. B. Filtration of potable water. 1879 834.4 Nicholson, H. A. Geology for schools and colleges. 1872 805.25 — Manual of zoology. 1879 822.11 Nicholson, J. B. Art of bookbinding. ’78. 838.23 Nicholson, W. T. Files and rasps. 1878. 8521.24 Nick of the woods. Bird, B. M. [cop. ’53.] 55.19 Nicolay, J. G. Outbreak of rebellion. (Campaigns of the civil war.) 1881 . . 726.9.1 Niebuhr, B. G. Greek hero stories. 1879. 87.11 — History of Borne, from the earliest times to death of Constantine. 3 v. 1849 . 732 . 9 Night and morning. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. 36.81 Night, A, on the borders of the Black for- est, etc. Edwards, A. B. Fict 36.203 Night thoughts. [Poem.] Young, E. 207.4 ; 202.15 Nightingale, A. F. Bequirements for ad- mission to colleges of the United States. 1879 442.4 Nightingale, Florence. Notes on nursing. 1872 803.26 Nightmar e Abbey. Peacock, T. L 141 . 2 Nights with Uncle Bemus. Harris, J. C. ’83 326.29 Nihilism. Empire of the discontented, by a Bussian nihilist. (N. A. Bev. v. 128.)*1007.8 — Gagneur, M. L. A. A nihilist princess. Fict. 1881 141.10 — Turgenieff, I. Fathers and sons. Fict. 1872 ... 27.38 Virgin soil. Fict. 1877 137.18 — Wallace, D. M. In his Bussia 511.2 Nile. Baker, Sir S. W. The Albert N’y- anza; great basin of the Nile, [1861-6] 505.22 Ismailia, [1869-73] 508.28 — - Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, [1861-2]. 505.26 — Curtis, G. W. Nile notes. 1872 504.27 — Speke, J. H. Discovery of the source, [1859-63] 528.4 — Warner, C. D. My winter on the Nile. 1876 516.19 Nile days; or, Egyptian bonds. Bates, E. K 53.16 Nimpo’s troubles. Miller, O. T, Juv 78.9 Nimrod of the sea. Davis, W. M. 1874.. 823.32 Nina. Bremer, F 133.14.2 Nina Balatka. Trollope, A 36.412 Nine little goslings. Woolsey, S. C . . 78.10 Nineteenth century: a history. Mackenzie, B. 1880 724.2 NiNETY-three. [French revolution.] Hugo,V 31.5 Nineveh. Layard, A. H. Discoveries among the ruins of, [1849-50] 502.28 Nineveh and its remains, [1845-6]. Abridged. 1871 504.10 — Myers. P. V. N. Bemains of lost em- pires, [1871-2] 511.6 — Newman, J . P. Babylon and. 1 875 524 . 8 — Bawlinson, G. Ancient monarchies, v. 1-2 715.5 — Smith, G. Assyrian discoveries, 1873-4. 511.16 No alternative. Cudlip, Mrs. Annie 32.22 No church. Bobinson, F. W 36.413 No intentions. Church, Mrs. B 36.106 No name. Collins, Wilkie 36.122 No new thing. Norris, W. E 146.31 No relations. Malot, Hector 145.18 No sense like common sense. Howitt, Mary. 91.4 No sex in education. Duffey, Mrs. E. B.. . 412.6 No thoroughfare. Dickens, C. and Collins, Wilkie 36.176 Noble, A. L. Eunice Lathrop, spinster. ’82. 52 . 9 — Uncle Jack’s executors. 1880 138.16 Noble, E. The Bussian revolt. 1885 735 . 15 NOBLE. 182 NUMA. Noble, Lucretia. A reverend idol. 1882.. 52.23 Noble blood. Hawthorne, Julian. 1885.. 57.25 Noble deeds of women. Starling, E 605.10 Noble life, A. Oraik, Mrs. D. M. Fict. . . 14.2 Noble lord, A. Southworth, E. D. N 5.22 Noble name, A. Glumer, C. von 53.27 Noblesse oblige. Roberts, Marg 144.3 N obod y. W arner, Susan 146.21 Nobody’s fortune. Yates, Edmund 36.593 Noel, Lady Augusta. Owen Gwynne’s great work. 1876 42.26 Nohl, Lewis. Life of Liszt. 1884 644.16 — Life of R. W. Wagner. 1884 627.23 Non-Christian religious systems. 5 v. ’78-80 444.18 1. Buddhism. 2. Confucianism and Taou- ism. 3. The coran. 4. Hindooism. 5. Islam. Nordenskiold, A. E. Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe. 1882. 521.2 Nordhoef, C. California: for health, pleas- ure and residence. 1873 528.5 — Communistic societies of the United States. 1875 911.36 — The cotton states in 1875 524.5 — God and the future life; the reasonable- ness of Christianity. 1883 432.24 — Man-of-war life. Juv. 1883 531.5 — Northern California, Oregon and the Sandwich Islands. 1874 524.10 — Politics for young Americans. 1874 911.17 — Stories of the island world. 1857 531.8 Norine’s revenge. Fleming, Mrs. A. 1876. 136.9 Norman, B. M. Rambles in Yucatan, [1841-2]. 1843 507.11 Norman, C. B. Armenia and the campaign of 1877 511.10 Normandy. Blackburn, H. Normandy picturesque. 1873 524 . 28 — Macquoid, T. and K. S. Pictures and legends from Normandy and Brittany. 1881 518.19 — Taylor, W. C. Hist, of France and N., — Waring, G. E. jr. A farmer’s vacation. 1873 511.9 Normans. Freeman, E. A. History of the Norman conquest. 5 v. 1870 705.9 — Knight, H. G. Normans in Sicily, 1003- 90 In 742.4.1 — Johnson, A. H. Normans in Europe, France ; also Scandinavia. Norris, T. American angler’s book. 1864. 826.3 — American fish culture. 1868 814 . 28 Norris, W. E. Heaps of money. 1882... 52.19 — Matrimony. 1881 141.12 — No new thing. 1883 146.31 NoRSE-folk. Brace, C. L. 1857 508 . 23 Norse literature. See Scandinavian liter- ature. Norse mythology. Anderson, R. B 415.5 Norse tales for children. Dasent, G. W.. 74.18 Norsemen in the West. Ballantyne. R. M. 76.4 Norsemen’s pilgrimage. Boyesen, H . H . . 44.5 Norsk, Lapp and Finn. Vincent, F. 1881. 518.1 North, Christopher, pseud. See Wilson, J. North America [1861-2]. Trollope, A. 2 v. . 501 . 30 North America. See America (North). North American birds, Key to. Coues, E. *C.2 North American review, v. 115-139. N. Y. 1872-84 *1007.8 North and South. Gaskell, E. C. Fict.. 36.230 North Carolina. Moore, J. W. History of, [to 1876]. 1880 728.11 Northanger abbey. Austen, Jane 36.34 Northern lands. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.5.2 Northern nations, Conversion of the. Mer- ivale, C. 1873 403.8 Northern travel. Taylor, B. 1856 506.12 Northmen. Anderson, R. B. America not discovered by Columbus. 1877 714.15 — Ballantyne, R. M. Erling the bold. Juv. 75.18 Norsemen in the West. Juv 76.4 — De Costa, B. F. Pre-Columbian discov- ery of America. 1868 748.6 See also Scandinavia ; also , Sweden and Norway; Denmark; Iceland; Normans. Northrup, A. J. Camps and tramps in the Adirondacks. 1880 516.28 Northup, S. Twelve years a slave. 1853. 606.27 Northwest, The. See United States. Northwest passage. See Arctic regions. Norton, C. E. Historical studies of church architecture in the middle ages. 1880. 836 . 1 Norton, Mrs. C. E. Lost and saved. 1863. . 36.414 — Old Sir Douglas. 1867 36.415 — Stuart of Dunleath. 1851 36.416 Norton, C. L. Canoeing in Kanuckia. See Habberton, J. 1878 518.16 Norton, F. H. Life of Gen.W. S. Hancock. See Junkin, D. X. 1880 621.22 Norway. See Sweden and Norway. Norwood. Beecher, H. W. Fict 13.10 Not easily jealous. Hardy, Iza 36.417 Not wisely but too well. Broughton,Rhoda. 131 . 6 Not wooed, but won. 1871 36.418 Notable thoughts about women: a literary mosaic. Ballou, M. M. 1882 318.20 Notaries public. Wedgwood, W. B. and Homans, I. S. Law manual for. ’73 . 908.8 Notelrac, pseud. [Fanny E. Carleton.] Operas : their plots and their writers. 1881 218.26 Notes from Plymouth pulpit. By A. Moore. 437.24 Nothing but money. Arthur, T. S 134.27 Nothing to do. [Poem.] By a lady. 1857.202.18 Nothing to drink. Wright, J. M 92.18 Nott, Dr. E. Van Santvoord, C. Memoirs of. 1876 612.28 Nott, J. C. and Gliddon, G. R. Indigenous races of the earth. 1857 8521.2 Nourse, J. E. Am. explorations in ice zones. 1884 521.6 Nova Scotia. Cozzens, F. S. Acadia; or, a month with the blue noses. 1877. . 514 . 5 — De Mille, J. Lilly and the cross. 1875 43.19 — Longfellow, W. H. Evangeline. [Poem.] 217.14 — Parkman, F. Removal of the Acadians. In 736.15.1 — Warner, C. D. Baddeck. 1874 508.24 — Williams, Mrs. The neutral French. Fict. 1841. 8.12 Novels and novelists. See Fiction. Novels and tales, reprinted from “ House- hold Words,” conducted by C. Dick- ens 36.177 Novels by eminent hands. [Burlesques.] Thakeray, W. M 301.12.1 and 36.528.5 Now and then. Warren, Samuel 36.561 Now I lay me down to sleep, etc. Bourne, W. O., ed'r 218.30 Now or never. Adams, W. T. Juv 72.2.3 Noyes, J. H. History of American social- isms. 1870 915.12 Nubia. Prime, W. C. Boat life in 1872. 502.19 — Russell, M. History of. [Pub. 1833] . . 706 . 22 Numa Roumestan. Daudet, Alphonse. ... 146.9 NUMBER. 183 OLD. Number one and how to take care of him. Pope, J. J. 1884 845.15 Numerals. Muller, M. Our figures In 404.2.2 Numismatics. Addison, J. Dialogues on medals. {In his works, v. 1.) 1001 . 2 — Snowden, J. R. Description of ancient and modern coins in the cabinet col- lection at the mint of the U. S. 1860. 911.2 Nursery, The. Ulus, magazine, v. 17-18, 21-24. Bos., 1878-80 77.2 Nursery. Terhune, M. V. Common sense in. 1885 847.22 See also Children; Infancy; Mothers. Nursery noonings. Dodge, M. A. 1875.. 304.21 Nursery songs. Dodge, M. M. Rhymes and jingles. Ulus. 1880 218.5 — Froebel, F. Mother-play and nursery songs. Ulus. 1878 8521 . 18 — Mother Goose’s melodies. Ulus, in color by A. Nappes. Bost., 1879 77.25 — Mother Goose’s melodies, [cop. 1869]. . 92.11 — Willie Winkie’s nursery-songs of Scot- land. Ed. by Mrs. Silsbee 217.25 Nursing. Manual of nursing; Bellevue hospital : training school 823 . 5 — Mitchell, S. W. Nurse and patient, and camp cure. 1877 818 . 37 — Nightingale, Florence. Notes on. 1872. 803.26 — Storer, H. R. Nurses and. 1868 807.13 OAK-openings. Cooper, J. F 2.25 Oakey, A. F. Building a home. 1883 851 . 17 — Home grounds. 1881 851 . 18 Oakey, M. R. See Dewing, T. W. Oakshott castle. Kingsley, H 36.288 Obelisk, The, and freemasonry. Weisse, J. A. 1880 834.19 Ober, F. A. Camps in the Caribbees. 1880. 513.10 — Travels in Mexico. 1884 531 . 14 — Young folks’ history of Mexico. 1883.. 721.24 Oberlin, J. F. Chambers’s misc. Life of. In 1001.8.10 Object teaching. • Barnard, H. Object teaching. 1860 403.2 — Calkins, N. A. Primary object lessons. 1861 406.27 Same. Revised. 1881 443.8 — Object lessons on the human body. By three New York teachers. 1883 432.20 — Sheldon, E. A. Lessons on objects. ’75. 416.13 — Welsh, A. S. Object lessons. 1863 423.3 See also Kindergarten. O’Brien, J. History of the mass. 1879... 421.31 Obstetrics. Hartshome, H. Manual of 1874 In 824.26 — Playfair, W. S. Midwifery ; rev. by R. P. Harris. 1880 846.16 Occident. Gook, J. (Boston Monday lec- tures.) 1884 433.22 Occupations of a retired life. Mayo, I. F. 134.17 Ocean. Adams, W. H. D. Monsters of the deep 818.10 — Chambers’s papers, etc. Ocean routes. In 1001.9.4 — Damon, W. E. Ocean wonders. 1879. . 835.22 — Figuier, L. Ocean world 808.8 — Goodrich, F. B. Ocean’s story. 1875. . 511.20 — Jordan, W. L. The ocean: its tides, etc. 1873 821.17 — Kirby, M. and E. The sea and its won- ders 811.31 — Maury, M. F. Physical geography of the sea. 1855 806.5 I Ocean, continued. ‘ — Perils of the sea. 1833 516.31 — Reclus, E. The ocean, etc. 1B74 825.19 — Scheie De Yere, M. Wonders of the deep. 1872 812.9 — Simmonds, P. L. Commercial products of the sea. 1879 833.35 — Sonrel, L, Bottom of the. 1870 802 . 16 — Spry, J. J. Cruise of the Challenger.’77. 512.14 — Whymper, F. The sea: its stirring story of adventure, peril and heroism. Illus 528.12 See also Naval science; Shipwrecks; Travels and voyages. Ocean born. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.3.6 Ocean to ocean. [Canada.] Grant, G. M. . 514 . 10 Ocean waifs. Reid, M. Juv 88.18 Oceanica. See Australia ; East Indian Archipelago; Malaysia; Polynesia. Ockley, Simon. History of the Saracens. 1875 716.1 O’Connell, Daniel. Lecky,W. E. H. Lead- ers of public opinion in Ireland. 1872. 611.34 O’Connor, J. D. History of Turkey. [Brief.] 716.24 O’Connor, W. D. Harrington. 1860 142.5 Odd couple. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W 48.6 Odd Fellows. Journal of proceedings of grand lodge of the United States. Baltimore, 1868-75. v. 1-8 412.15 — Bristol, D. W. Odd-fellows’ amulet. ’54 408.36 — Revelations of odd fellowsip. With “ Light on free masonry.” 1872 401 . 14 Odd folks at home. Matteaux, C. L 832 . 15 Odd or even? Whitney, Mrs. A. D 145.12 Odd people. Reid, May ne. Juv 92.8 Oddities of southern life and character. Watterson, H., ed’r 318 . 25 O’Donoghue, The. Lever, C 36 . 344 Odyssey of Homer. See Homer. Off on a comet: sequel “To the sun.” Yerne, J. 1878 55.2 Off the Skelligs. Ingelow, J. 3 v. in 2 . . 36 . 242 Off to the geysers. Stephens, C. A. Juv. 24.18.3 Ogilvies, The. Craik, Mrs. D. M 33.7 Oglethorpe, J. Peabody, W. B. O. Life of In 601.1.2 OiL-painting. See Painting. Oil regions of Pennsylvania. Wright, W. 1865 811.18 See also Petroleum. O’Keefe, J. Personal reminiscences. 1875. In 612.22 Olcott, H. S. Buddhist catechism. 1885.435.25 Old age. Boyd, A. K. H. Concerning growing old In 301.17.1 — Cicero. Cato; an essay on old age. . . . 1020.11.3 — Emerson, R. W. Society and solitude, etc 301.35 — Mountford, W Euthanasy. 1849 435.12 Old and new. v. 1, 6-10. Boston, 1870-4.. *1002. 6 Old back room. Harrison, Jennie 86.4 Old court. Ainsworth, W. H 36.23 Old Creole days. Cable, G. W. Fict 45.18 Old curiosity shop. Dickens, C 1.1 Old dominion [Virginia, 1831], The. James G. P. R. Fict 34.36 Old England [Travels]. Hoppin, J. M. ’72. 508.13 Old faith and the new. Strauss, D. F. ’73. 402 . 23 Old faiths in a new light. Smyth, N 423 . 5 Old fashioned girl. Alcott, L. M 4.31 Old fashioned thanksgiving. Alcott, L. M . 26.42 .6 Old fort Duquesne. McKnight, C. Fict. 36.363 Old friends and new. Jewett, S. O. Fict. 46.29 Old Fritz and the new era. Mundt, C. M. 61 . 31 OLD. 184 ONLY. Old Greek life. Mahaffy, J. P. 716.27.4 Old helmet. Warner, Susan. Fict 132.10 Old homestead. Stephens, Mrs. A. S 7.26 Old house altered. Mason, G. C. 1878.. . 826.22 Old Kensington. Thackeray, Annie, I 64.5 Old lady Mary. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. 147.3 Old lieutenant and his son. Macleod, N. . 36 . 364 Old mam’selle’s secret. Marhtt, E 142 . 7 Old masters and their pictures. Tytler, S. 808.32 Old Merry, pseud. See Hodder, E. Old mortality. Scott, Sir W 12.5 Old red house. Grosvenor, H. S. Juv . . . 86.9 Old red sandstone. Miller, H. 1857 801 . 21 Old regime in Canada. Parkman, F 736.15.4 Old Rome and new Italy. Castelar, E. ’73 503.14 Old Sir Douglas. Norton, C. E 36.415 Old tales retold from Grecian mythology. Larned, A 421.8 Old Testament. See Bible. OLD-time child-life. Arr, E. H. 1880 622 . 21 Old time pictures. [Poems.] Taylor, B. F. 218.6 Old times. [Temperance tales.] Chellis, M. D.. 92.29 Old times in the colonies. Coffin, C. C. ’81. 722 . 18 Oldbury. Keary, Annie 36 . 305 Older than Adam. Whitmarsh, C. S. Juv. 845.37.2 Oldham, O. Humorous speaker 325.33 Oldport days. [Newport, R I.] Higgin- son, T. W 332.2 Oldtown fireside stories. Stowe, Mrs. H. B. 6.9 Oldtown folks. Stowe, Mrs. H. B 6.13 Oliphant, Laurence. Land of Gilead, with excursions in the Lebanon. Illus. 1881 516.25 — Russian shores of the Black sea [in 1852] 506.16 Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Agnes. 1865.. 36.419 — Agnes Hopetoun’s schools and holidays. 86.8 — An odd couple 48.6 — At his gates. 1873 34.9 — The Brownlows. 1872 134.3 — Chronicles of Carlingford 17.10 Contents. — Executor; Rector’s family ; Doc- tor’s family; Salem chapel. The rector and the doctor’s family 36 . 420 Salem chapel 36.432 Perpetual curate 17.12 and 36.430 Miss Majoribanks 36.428 — Curate in charge. 1876 45.15 — Dress. (Art at home series). 1879 833.33 — For love and life. 1874 36.421 — Francis of Assisi. 1874 641.6 — Innocent; a tale of modern life. 1873.. 36.422 — John: a love story. 1872 34.40 — The ladies Lindores. 1883 146 . 25 — Laird of Norlaw. 1872 132 . 21 — Last of the Mortimers, a story in two voices. 1862 36 . 423 — Life of Cervantes. 1881 636.7.11 — Life of Dante. 1881 636.7.1 — Literary history of England, in end of 18th and beginning of 19th century. 3 v 318.28 — The little pilgrim. [Life in heaven]. ’83. 55.12 — Madam. 1885 57.20 — Madonna Mary. 1867 36.424 — Margaret Maitland. 1862 36 . 425 — Miss Majoribanks. 1870 36 . 428 — The makers of Florence. 1876 615 . 18 Contents.— Dante ; The cathedral builders; MoDks of San Marco. — May. 1873 36.426 — Memoir of Count de Montalembert. ’75. 643.22 — Minister’s wife. 1869 36.427 Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W., continued. — Old lady Mary. [Life in heaven.] 1884. 147 . 3 — Ombra. 1872 36.429 — Perpetual curate. 1870 17.12 and 36.430 — The rector and the doctor’s family. 1870. 36.420 — Richard B. Sheridan. (Eng. men of let- ters.) 1883 616.11.33 — Rose in June. 1874 36.431 — Salem chapel. 1870 36.432 — Son of the soil. 1877 45.12 — Zaidee. 1866 134.9 — and Tarver, F. Moliere. 1879 636.7.6 — ed’r. Foreign classics for English read- ers. v. 1-17 636.7 Contents. — v. 1, Dante, by Mrs . Oliphant. 2, Voltaire, by E. B. Hamley. 3, Pascal, by J. Tulloch. 4, Goethe, by A. Hayward. 5, Petrarch, by H. Reeve. 6, Moliere, by Mrs. Oliphant and F. Tarver. 7, Montaigne, by W. L. Collins. 8, Rabelais, by W. Besant. 9, Calderon, by E. J. Hasell. 10, Saint Simon, by C. W. Collins. 11, Cervantes, by Mrs. Oliphant. 12, Corneille and Racine, by H. M. Trollope. 13, Madame de Sevigne, by Miss Thackeray. 14, La Fontaine and other French fabu- lists, byW. L. Collins. 15, Schiller, by J. Sime. 16, Tasso, by E. J. Hasell. 17, Rousseau, by H. G. Graham. Olive. Craik, Mrs. D. M 33.21 Olive Blake’s good work. Jeaffreson, J. C. 134.2 Oliver of the mill. Charlesworth, M. L . . 138 . 26 Oliver Twist. Dickens, C 1.8 and 36.178 Ollapodiana papers. Clark, W. G 305.11 Olla-podrida: diary on the continent, etc. Marryat, F 16.17 Ollier, E. Cassell’s history of the Russo- Turkish war. 2 v. 1879 733 . 3 Olmsted, F. L. Journey in the seaboard slave states. 1856 512 . 8 — Journey through Texas. 1857 506.25 — Walks and talks of an American farmer in England. 1859 502.23 Olney, E. Trigonometry and geometry. ’80 841 . 13 — University algebra. 1880 841 . 1 Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat. [Persian poem] 1878 211.2 Ombra. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W 36.429 O’Meara, B. E. Napoleon in exile. 2 v. 1823 607.21 Omen, The. Galt, J. Fict 133.9 Omoo. Melville, EL 132.22 On both sides of the sea. Charles, Mrs. E. 36 . 96 On guard. Cudlip, Annie 36 . 154 On slight ailments. Beale, L. S. 1880. . . . 834.24 On the Amazons. Stephens, C. A. Juv.. 24.18.6 On the desert [Sinai]. Field, H. M. 1883. 526.22 On the edge of the storm. Roberts, Marg. 36.433 On the eve. Turgenieff, I. S. 1873 63.19 On the heights. Auerbach, Berthold 33.28 On the plains and among the peaks. [Colo- rado.] Dartt, Mary. 1879 512.9 On the road to riches. Maher, W. H. 1876. 827 . 37 On time. Adams, W. T. Juv 72.3.3 Once and again. Jenkin, C 36.268 Once upon a time. Brown, E. E. Juv... 78.12 One hundred choice selections for readings and recitations. Nos. 1-24. Phila., One night’s mystery. Fleming, Mrs. A. . . . 11.31 One of them. Lever, Charles 36 . 343 One summer. Howard, B. W 135.18 One year. Peard, Frances M 36 . 444 One year abroad. Howard, Blanche W. ’77. 524.24 Only a butterfly and other stories. Craik, G. M 36.149 Only a clod. Braddon, M. E 36.56 Only a fiddler. Andersen, H. C 22.34 Only a girl. Hillern, W. von 132.12 Only ask. Lewis, A. H. Juv 21.28 ONLY. 185 OUR. Only girls. Townsend, Virginia F 143.13 Only herself. Cudlip, Annie 36 . 155 Onward and upward ser. See Adams, W.T. Open fireplace in all ages. Putnam, J. P. 846 . 2 Open Polar sea, [1860-1]. Hayes, I. 1 504.7 Opening of a chestnut burr. Roe, E. P. . . 142.12 Opera. Carleton, F. E. Operas: their writers and their plots. 1882 218 . 26 — Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. 1865. 628.23 — Upton, G. P. The standard operas: their plots, music and composers. 1885... 215.21 See also Music. Opie, A. Illustrations of lying. 1859 406 . 3 Opium. Calkins, A. Opium and the opium appetite. 1871 807.29 — De Quincey, T. Confessions of an Eng- lish opium eater. 1856 302 . 17 — Kane, H. H. Opium smoking in China and America. 1882 824.16 See also Stimulants and narcotics. Oppert, E. A forbidden land [Corea]. 1880. 513.16 Opportunities ; sequel to “ What she could.” Warner, S. 1875 88.27 Opportunity. Seemuller, A. M. C 11.30 Optics. Abbott, Jacob. Light. 1872 827.19 — Lees, W. Acoustics, light and heat 827.21 — Lommel, E. Nature of light, with gen- eral account of physical optics. 1876. 815.4.18 — Marion, F. Wonders of. 1871. . . ... . . 802.30 — Mayer, A. M. and Barnard, C. Light. (Exp. sci. ser.) 1879 835.10.1 — Tyndall, J. Light and electricity 803 . 7 Notes on light. 1871 803.7 — Vogel, H. Chemistry of light and pho- tography. 1875 815.4.14 — Winslow, F. Influence of light on life and health. 1867 811.34 See also Eye ; Sight. Oracles. DeQuincey, T. Pagan oracles. In 444 . 14 Orators of the American revolution. Ma- goon, E. L 613.9 Oratory. See Elocution ( Speeches ; Ora- tory.) Oratory and orators. Mathews, W. 1879 . 323 . 20 Orchids. Darwin, C. Fertilization of, by insects. 1877 828 . 10 Oregon. Barrows, W. Oregon: the strug- gle for possession (Am. common- wealths). 1884 738.16.2 — Chambers’s misc. Excursion to the Ore- gon In 1001.8.9 — Farnham, J. T. Travels in. 1855 507.9 — Irving, W. Astoria, [1810-13] 505 . 28 — Nash, Wallis. Oregon in 1877 512.5 Two years in Oregon, 1879-80 518 . 10 — Nordhoff, C. Northern California, Ore- gon, etc. 1874 524.10 — Winthrop, T. Canoe and saddle. 1863. 505.27 Organs of speech. Meyer, G. II. von. ’84. . 815.4.46 Orient. See East (The); Oriental. Orient, Poems of the. Taylor, B 203 . 24 Oriental Christ, The. Mozoomdar, P. C . 432 . 27 Oriental churches. Anderson, R. Mis- sions to. 1872 417.1.4 Oriental literature. Alger, W. R. Poetry of the Orient. 1874 211.21 — Poor, L. E. Sanskrit and kindred litera- tures 426.12 — Quackenbos, J. D. Illus. history of ancient literature. 1878 313.6 — Whitney, W. D. Oriental and linguistic studies, etc. 2 v 332.26 See also Chinese, Persian, Sanskrit literatures. 24 Oriental religions: China. Johnson, S. ’81. 431.4 Oriental religions: India. Johnson, S. ’72. 438.27 Origen. Writings. (A.-N. C. lib. v. 10, 23.) 415.1 — Froude, J. A. Origen and Celsus. . In 307.21.4 Origen and destiny of man. Thomas, H.W. 425 . 21 Origin of cultivated plants. Candolle, A. de. 1885 815.4.48 Origin of nations. Rawlinson, G. 1878.. 717.3 Origin of species. Huxley, T. H. 1880.. 838.33 Origin of the globe. Brewster, G. 1850. . 804 . 24 Orkney islands. Abbott, J. Excursions to. 23 . 1 Orlando Furioso. [Poem.] See Ariosto, L . 206.11 Orley farm. Trollope, Anthony 36 . 545 Ornithology. See Birds. Orthodox theology of to-day. Smyth, N . 443 . 17 Orthodoxy. Cook, Joseph. 1878 441.29 Orthoepist, The. Ayers, A. 1883 326.31 Orthoepy. See English language (Pro- nunciation, etc.) Orton, J. The Andes and the Amazon.’70. 502.16 — Comparative zoology. 1877 822 . 12 — Underground treasures; how and where to find them. 1881 844 . 1 Orville college. Wood, Mrs. H 36 . 575 Oscar. Simonds, W. Juv 91.27.5 Osceola the Seminole. Reid, Mayne. Fict. 3.30 Osego chronicles. Sleight, M. B 46.21 Osgood, H. Winter and its dangers. 1879.. 833 .14.6 Ossian. Poems: trans. by J. MacPherson. 214.19 Ossoli, S. Margaret Fuller, marchesa d\ Papers on literature and art. 1846.. 317.3 — Cranch, C. P. Ode [read on her birth- day festival I. (Atlantic, m., v. 26.)/n*1005.2.26 — Crosland, N. Memorable women. 1854. 631 . 15 — Frothingham, O. B. Transcendentalism in New England. 1876 416.4 — Griswold, R. W. Prose writers of Amer- ica 316.17 and 615.9 — Hale S. J. Woman’s record. 1873 *E.3 — Higginson, T. W. Life, with biographi- cal appendix. 1884 624.12.6 — Howe, Julia, W. Margaret Fuller. ’83. 627,1.5 — Memoirs. By R. W. Emerson, W. H. Channing and J. F. Clarke. 2 v. ’75.. 632.13 — Parton, J. Eminent women of the age. 625.13 — Russell, W. Extraordinary women 618.2 — Smiles, S. Brief biographies. 1864. . . 606.4 Oswald, F. L. Physical education. 1882 . 824 . 14 — Summerland [Mexico and Central Amer- ica]. 1880 517.13 — Zoological sketches. 1883 843.18 Oswald Gray. Wood, Mrs. H 36.576 Othello [tragedy]. See Shakespeare. Other girls, The. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. 15.21 Other people’s children. Habberton, J . . . 137 . 6 Other worlds than ours. Proctor, R. A. . . 812 . 7 Otis, James. Bowen, F. Life of. 1847. In 601.1.2 Otis, James. Left behind. Juv. 1885... 84.9 — Toby Tyler. Juv. 1881 87.30 Otto, E. French conversation-grammar.’75 313 . 19 — German conversation-grammar. 1874.. 313.18 Ottoman empire. See Turkey. Ought we to visit her? Edwards, Mrs. A. 61.37 Ouida, pseud. See Rame, L. de la. Our autumn holiday on French rivers. Molloy, J. L. 1879 514.25 Our behavior. Duffey, Mrs. E. B 417.17 Our business boys. Clark, F. E 432 . 37 Our Christmas in a palace. Hale, E. E. . . 147.2 Our common school system. Dodge, M. A. 912.22 Our digestion. Lewis, Dio. 1872 847 . 2 Our familiar songs. Johnson, H. K 212.4 OUR. 186 PAINTING. Our family. [Humorous.] Hood, T 307.22.6 Our farm of four acres. 1871 822.27 Our girls. [Health, etc.] Lewis, Dio 802.33 Our Helen. Clarke, R. S 75.1 Our homes. Hartshorne H. (Health prim- ers.) 833.14.9 Our mutual friend. Dickens, C . . 1 . 12 and 36 . 179 Our new home in the West. Kirkland, C. M. 525 . 30 Our new way round the world. Coffin, C. C. 511 . 22 Our next door neighbor [Mexico]. Haven, G. 1875 524.4 Our old home [England]. Hawthorne, N. 524.6 and 306.23 Our sketching club. Tyr whitt, R. St. J. ’75. 831.7 Our summer house series. See Whit- marsh, C. S. Our travelling party. 5 v. See Eddy, D. C. Our village: sketches. Mitford, M. R. 2v. 133.1 Our wasted resources. [Temperance re- form.] Hargreaves, W. 1876 911.16 OuT-door life. See Boating; Camping; Fish- ing; Health resorts; Hunting; Sports. OuT-door papers. Higginson, T. W. 1871.307.15 Out of court. Hoey, Mrs. Cashel 36.248 OuT-of-doors: games, etc. Elliott, A. 1872. 802.8 Out of harness; sketches, narrative and descriptive. Guthrie, T. 1876 516.14 Out of prison. Dennison, M. A. Juv 24.13 Out of the deep. Wood, Mrs. H. Fict.’IS. 42.22 Out of the fire. Chellis, M. D 92.25 Out of the hurly-burly. Clark, C. H 311.2 Out of the past. [Critical and literary papers.] Godwin, P 311.18 Out of the question; a comedy. Howells, W.D 208.1 Out of the wreck. Douglas, A. M. 1885.. 57.17 Out of town. Coffin, R. B 142.3 Outline church history. Hurst, J. F 426.11 Outline study of man, Hopkins, M. 1873. 402.20 Outlines of men, women and things. Ames, M. C 311.8 OuTRE-mer.. [Travel in Europe.] Long- fellow, H. W 522 . 27 Outward bound. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.4.1 Overland. DeForest, J. W. Fict 61.26 Overland monthly, v. 13-14. San Fran- cisco, 1874-5 *1002.11 Overland through Asia. Knox, T. W.’70. 521.9 Overman, F. Moulder and founder. 1881 . 838.3 Ovid. [P. Ovidius Naso.] Metamorphoses and epistles; tr. by Dry den and oth- ers. 2 v. 1872 1020.9 — Ovid [outlined and explained] by A. Church. 1876 1021 . 6 Ovingdean grange. Ainsworth, W. H 36.24 Owen, D. D. Geological survey of Wiscon- sin, Iowa, Minnesota, and a portion of Nebraska territory. 2 v. 1852. .. *8541 . 2 Owen Gwynne’s great work. Noel, Lady A. 42 . 26 Owen Meredith, pseud. See Bulwer-Lyt- ton, R. Owen, Mrs. O. F. Heroines of domestic life. 1860 614.27 Owen, R. D. Beyond the breakers. 1870. 61.12 — The debatable land between this world and the next. 1872 435 . 16 — Footfalls on the boundaries of another world. 1871 435.15 — Threading my way [autobiography]. ’74 . 632 . 4 Owen, a waif. Robinson, F. W 36.474 Oxenford, J. Book of French songs.. .In 218.27 Oyster. Lockwood, S. Nat. history of .In 8501.16.6 — Scheie de Vere. Wonders of the deep, p. 176-212. 1872 812.9 P., H. F. See Parker, Mrs. H. F. Pabke, M. and Deane, M. Wonder- world: stories from the Chinese, French, Ger- man, etc. 1877 88.24 Pacha of many tales. Marryat, F 16.18 Pacific railroad. Reports of explorations and survey, v. 1-12. Washington, 1855-60 *8521.9 See also United States ( Various surveys). Packard, A. S. Guide to study of insects. 841 . 33 — Life history of animals; or, comparative embryology. 1876 846.6 — Our common insects. 1873 818 . 20 — Zoology. (Am. sci. ser.) 1880 838.37 Packard, J. H. Sea-air and sea-bathing . . 833.14.11 Packard, S. S. and Bryant, H. B, New Bryant & Stratton common school- book-keeping. 1881 *814.6 Paddock, Mrs. A. G. Fate of Madame La Tour: a tale of Great Salt Lake. ’81. 146.1 — In the toils [in Utah]. 1879 144.20 Paganini, N. Ferris, G. T. Great violin- ists. 1881 624.4 — Haweis, H. R. My musical memories.’84. 644 . 1 Paganism. De Quincey, T. Essays on. In 444.14 — Farrar, F. W. Seekers after God. 1877. 614.23 See also Classical dictionaries ; Mythology; also names of ancient countries, as Egypt, Rome, etc. Page, D. P. Theory and practice of teach- ing. 1848 401.15 Pageant and other poems. Rossetti, C. G. 218.25 Pages from an odd volume of life [Essays]. Holmes, O. W 326 . 10 Pain. Hinton, J. Mystery of. 1872 402.16 Paine, T. Political works 911 . 24 Contents . — The crisis ; Common sense ; Rights of man. Painter’s camp. [England, Scotland and France.] Hamerton, P. G 505.11 Painters. See Biography {Collective: Ar- tists). Painters, Modem. Ruskin, J. 5 v 805.2 Contents.— See below , under Painting. Painters, sculptors, etc.: handbook. Clem- ent, C. E *D.3 and 834.11 Painting. Blanc, C. Grammar of. 1874 . 826 . 23 — Buxton, H. J. W. and Poynter, E. J. Flemish and Dutch painting. 1881 . 851 . 32 — Champney, L. W. All around a palate. Juv. 1878 832.27 — Clement, C. E. Outline history of. ’84 . 852.6 — Du Fresnoy, C. A. Art of, tr. into Eng. verse In 308.26.2 — Fromentin, E. Old masters of Belgium and Holland. 1882 851.16 — Guide to oil painting. 2 v 851 . 4 Contents.— 1. Elementary, by J. S.Templeton. 2. Landscape from nature, by Alfred Clint. — Hamerton, P. G. The graphic arts. ’82 . 824.17 A painter’s camp. 1871 505.11 — Handbook of oil-painting. 1875 818.31 — Heaton, Mrs. C. Concise history of. ’80. 834.13 — Helmholtz, H. Relation of optics to. In 843.6.2 — Kugler, F. T. Handbook of German, Flemish and Dutch schools. 1879 . . 851.10 Handbook of: Italian schools. 2v. ’74. 834.10 — Lanzi, A. L. History of painting in Italy to end of 18th century. 3 v . . . 822 . 3 — Leitch, R. P. Painting in neutral tint. 834.9 Sepia painting. Plates 834 . 8 Water-colour painting. Plates 822.2 — Leslie, C. R. Handbook for young painters. 1870 818.32 — Lessing, G. E. Laocoon; an essay on the limits of painting and poetry. ’83. 852 . 19 PAINTING. 187 PANCKOUCKE. Painting, continued. — Poynter, E. J. and Head, P. R. Classi- cal and Italian painting. 1880 851.33 — Radcliffe, A. G. Schools and masters of painting. 1879 831 . 9 — Reynolds, Sir J. Literary works. 2 v.’72. 308.26 — Ruskin, J. Lectures on. 1875 822 . 5 Modern painters. 5 v. 1871 805 . 2 Contents. — v. 4. Of general principles, v. 2. Of ideas of beauty, v. 3. Of many things, v. 4. Of mountain beauty, v. 5. Of leaf beauty; of cloud beauty; of ideas of relation. — Schlegel, F. von. Description of paint- ings in Paris and the Netherlands, 1802-1804, etc In 323.12 — Walpole, H. Anecdotes of painting in England [to 1762] 308.5 — Washburn, E. W. Spanish masters.’84. 852.4 — Woltmann, A. and Woermann, K. His- tory of. 2 v. 1880-5 848 . 1 Contents.— v. 1. Ancient, early Christian and mediaeval, v. 2. Painting of the renascence, See also Fine arts (Histories, etc.); Biography (Collec- tive: artists.); also Color; Landscape painting, etc. Painting [mechanical]. Arlot, -. Guide for coach painters. 1880 838 . 9 — Davidson, E. A. House-painting, grain- ing, etc. 1880 838.11 — Gardner, F. B. Everybody’s paintbook. 845 . 19 How to paint 1880. 838.12 — Painter, gilder and varnisher’s compan- ion. 1880 838.10 Pair of blue eyes. Hardy, T 63.27 Palace and cottage. Adams, W. T. Juv.. 73.4.5 Palaces and prisons. Stephens, Mrs. A. S . 11.25 Paladin of finance. Jenkins, F. Fict 146.14 Paleontology. See Geology. Palestine. Bartlett, S. C. From Egypt to Palestine. 1879 513.12 — Burt, N. C. The land and its story. ’69. 706.12 — Burton, I. Inner life of Syria and. 1879. 516 . 20 — Charles, E. Wanderings over Bible lands and seas. 1873 502.3 — Clemens, S. L. Innocents abroad. 1872. 507.5 — Conder, C. R. Tent- work in, 1872-5. 2 v 517 . 14 — Dixon, W. H. The Holy land. 1865... 501.23 — Early travels in, (700-1697) In 516.23 — Eddy, D. C. Samaria, (Walter’s tour, etc.) 515.1.3 — Gage, W. L. Home of God’s people. Ulus. 1874 513.22 — Harman, H. W. Egypt and the Holy land, 1869-70 504.11 — The Jordan and the Dead sea. 1880 516.26 — McCheyne, R. M. Familiar letters from. I860 In 634.13 — Manning, S. “ Those holy fields. Ulus. 528.9 — Merrill, S. East of the Jordan, 1875-7. . 517.16 — Oliphant, L. Land of Gilead, with ex- cursions in the Lebanon. 1881 516.25 — Pictures from Bible lands, drawn with pen and pencil; ed. by S. G. Green. . 528.10 — Pitman, Mrs. E. R. Mission life in, .[1837-77] 518.24 — Prime, W. C. Tent life in the Holy land. (cop. 1857) 512.15 — Smith, A. C. Pilgrimage through [1873]. 514.34 — Stanley, A. P. Sinai and. 1870 504.9 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in the Holy land [1835-6 1 505.13 — Taylor, B. Lands of the Saracen [in 1852] ..514.28 — Thompson, W. M. The land and the book. 2 v. 1871 505.14 Palestine, continued. Same: Lebanon, Damascus and be- yond Jordan. 1886 528.15.3 — Tristram, H. B. Land of Israel, [1863-4]. 527.19 Land of Moab. 1873 503.8 — Tweedie, W. K. Jerusalem ; pictorial and descriptive. 1877 516.27 — Warburton, E. Crescent and the cross. 1852 501.32 — Ware, W. Julian; or, scenes in Judea. 1869 14.3 — Warner, C. D. In the Levant. 1875. . . . 524.18 See also Bible (Various headings); also Bashan; Cru- sades; East (The); Jerusalem; Jews; Jordan; Sinai; Syria; etc. Paley, W. Works. 1850 1001.4 Contents.— Life. Moral and political philosophy; Horae Paulime. Clergyman’s companion. Evidences of Christianity. Natural theology. Sermons. — Evidences of Christianity 441 . 5 — Natural theology 402.6 and 1001.4 Palfrey, F. W. Antietam and Fredericks- burg. (Campaigns of the civil war). 726.9.5 — Memoirs of W. F. Bartlett. 1878 636 . 13 Palfrey, J. G. History of New England [to 1741]. 4 v 747.5 — Life of Wm. Palfrey. 1848 In 601.1.7 Palfrey, S. H. [ E . Foxton .] Agnes Went- worth. 1849 132.20 — Herman; or, young knighthood. 1866.. 17.17 Palfrey, W. Palfrey, J. G. Life. 1848. In 601.1.7 Palgrave, F. T., ed’r. Children’s treasury of Eng. song. 1875 217.19 — Essays on art, 1867 818 . 19 — Five days entertainment at Wentworth grange. 1868 17.13 — Golden treasury of songs 208 . 4 Palgrave, Francis. History of the Anglo- Saxons. 1876 715.7 Palgrave, W. G. Essays on eastern ques- tions. 1872 732.12 — Hermann Agha, tale of Arabia. 1872. . . 63.20 — Journey through central and eastern Arabia, [1862-3]. 1871 504.13 Palissy, B. Morley, H. Life of Palissy, the potter. [1869.] 606.21 Pallett, H. The miller’s, millwright’s and engineer’s guide. 1866 804.21 Palliser’s American cottage homes. 1878 . *8521 . 22 Palliser’s model homes. [Plans, cop. ’78]. 841.24 Palmer, Dr. and Mrs. Four years in the old world, [1859-63] 506.3 Palmer, E. H. Haroun Alraschid and Sar- acen civilization. 1881 621.25.5 Palmer, H. S. Sinai, from the fourth Egyptian dynasty. (Anc. hist, from the monuments.) 1879 716.13.6 Palmer, R., ed'r. Book of praise. [Hymns.] 208.27 Palmer, W. C. Life and letters of L. L. Hamline. 1866 632.19 Palmerston, Viscount. See Temple, H. J. Palmetto leaves [Porida]. Stowe, H. B.’73. 502.7 Palmistry. Frith, H. and Allen, E. H. Language of the hand. 1884 845 . 14 Palmyra. Myers. P. Y. N. Remains of lost empires, [1871-2] 511.6 — Porter, J. L. Journey to. 1870 In 503.3 — Ware, W. Zenobia; or, the fall of. 2 v. 14.4 Pamela. Richardson, Samuel 132.1 Pampas. Head, F. B. Journey across. 1826. 512.20 Panckoucke, C. L. F and Arnault, M. A. Life and campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte 604.16 PANSIES. 188 PARTON. Pansies. [Poems.] Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. 218 . 19 Pansy, pseud. See Alden, Mrs. I. M. Pansy’s picture book. Alden, Mrs. I. M . . 77.16 Papacy and the civil power. Thompson, R.W ; ... 418.6 PAPER-hanger’s companion. Arrowsmith, J. 1874.... 838.8 PAPEB-money. See Money. Papers for home reading:. Hall, J. 1873. 308.6 Papers for thoughtful girls. Keddie, H. . . 41 7 . 28 Papers on literature and art. Fuller, Marg.S 317.3 Parables. Krummacher, F. A. The par- ables. Illus 432.8 — Trench, R. C. Notes on the 432.9 Paradise lost. [Poem.] Milton, J.203 . 1 and 203.20 Paradise of childhood: guide to kinder- gartners. Weibe, E 422.3 Paragreens on a visit to Paris. Ruffini, G. 36.478 Paraguay. Carlyle, T. Dr. Francia. . .In 305.6 Parasites. Van Beneden, P. J. Animal parasites. 1876 815.4.19 Pardee R. G. Sabbath-school index. 1868. 405 . 14 Parent’s assistant. [Stories] Edgeworth, M. 7.20 Paris, Comte de. History of the civil war in America, v. 1-3. 1876-83 722.6 — King, E. French political leaders. 1876. 613.20.3 Paris. Abbott, J. Rollo in Paris 21.10 — AmicisE.de. Studies of. 1879 518.15 — Cassell’s illustrated guide to. 1884 522.4 — Dickens, Charles, jr. Dictionary of. ’82. 518.25 — Eddy, D. C. Paris to Amsterdam. Juv. 515.13.3 — Freeman, E. A. Early sieges of. ’73. In 746.11 — Jackson, Lady , C. C. The old regime, courts, salons and theatres. 1882... 727.5 — Matthews, J. B. Theatres of. Hlus. ’80 . 217.23 — Sala, G. A. Paris herself again in 1878- 9. Illus 526.9 — Taine, H. Notes on Paris. 1875 524.14 — Thackeray, W.M. Sketchbook. 301.12.2; 36.530 — Ticknor, A. E. American family in. Fict. 1870 24.33 See also Prance ( Franco-German war; The commune.) Parish work. Abbott, Lyman. Laicus. . . 406 . 8 Parisians, The. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. 4 v. in 2. Fict 36.82 Park, Mungo. Life and travels in Africa, [1795-1805] . 504.33 — Same, [1771-1805] 527.2 Parke, Madison. [Temperance tale.] Ful- ler, M. Y 18.9 Parker, Dr. E. H. Handbook for moth- ers. 1867 818.25 Parker, F. W. Notes of [his] talks on teaching. 1883 432 . 39 Parker, Mrs. H. F. Frank’s search for sea shells. 1866 816.14 Parker, J. Ecce Deus. 1867 423.2 — Inner life of Christ. [Sermons on St. Matthew.] 2. v. 1883-4 434.18 Contents. — 1. These sayings of mine. 2. Ser- vant of all. Parker, J. 0. A. B. C. of Gothic architec- ture. 1882 852.9 Parker, O. H. Recollections of a naval officer, 1841-65 501.15 Parker, R. G. Aid to Eng. composition.’ 56. 325 . 21 Parker, Theo. Cooke, F. E. Story of. ’83 . 627.20 — Frothingham, O. B. Life of. 1880 623.13 — Weiss, J. Life and correspondence. 2v. 1864 603.4 Parkes, E. A. Practical hygiene. 1878. . . 836 . 23 Parkman, F. Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian war after the conquest of Canada. 2 v. 1870 706.3 Parkman, F., continued. — France and England in North America. v. 1-5, 7. 1873-84 736.15 Contents. — 1, Pioneers of France in the New World. 2, Jesuits in North America in the 17th century. 2, Discovery of the great West. 4, The old regime in Canada. 5, Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. 7, Montcalm and Wolfe. — The Oregon trail, [1846] 511 . 13 Parley, Peler, pseud. See Goodrich, S. G. Parliamentary law. Cushing, L. S. Man- ual of. 1872 902.8 — Fish, G. T. American manual of. 1880. 914.9 — Haines, E. M. Principles of. 1878. In 913.8 — Jefferson’s manual. {In Cooper’s Am. politics, book 4.) 915 . 3 Same In 902.18 — McElligot, J. N. American debater. ’55. 903.12 — Roberts, H, M. Rules of order. 1877. . 902 . 28 — Smith, U. Diagram of parliamentary rules. 1883 902.29 Parloa, Maria. Camp cookery. 1878 823 . 17 — First principles of household manage- ment. 1880. 842.4 — New cook book and market guide. 1881. 842.3 Parlor amusements, etc. Hoffman, L 837.28 Parnasse Francais. [Selections.] Parton, J. 207.11 Parnassus. [Selections.] Emerson, R. W. 207 . 6 Parnell, T. Poetical works, with memoir. 203 . 4 Parr, Miss H., [ Holme Lee.] Against wind and tide. 1873 133.12 — Annis Warleigh’s fortunes . 1864 31.13 — Basil Godfrey’s caprice. 1868 36 . 434 — Beautiful Miss Barington. 1871 36 . 440 — Ben. Milner’s wooing. 1877 43.16 — Bessie Fairfax. 1874 36.435 — Echoes of a famous year. (France, 1870-71.) 1872 746.12 — For richer for poorer. 1870 36.437 — Her title of honour. 1871 36.438 — Katharine’s trial. 1873 36 . 439 — Sylvan Holt’s daughter. 1872 133.13 Park, Mrs. Louisa. Adam and Eve: a novel. 1881 47.14 — Dorothy Fox. 1872 36.441 — Hero Carthew ; or, The Prescotts of Pamphillon. 1873 63.24 and 36 . 442 Parseeism. Muller, M. The modern Par- sis In 404.2.1 See also Avesta ; Zoroaster. Parsons, T. Law of contracts. 3 v. 1873. 908.13 — Laws of business. 1872 ..908.16 Parthia. Rawlinson, G. Sixth great Ori- ental monarchy. 1873 706.11 — Universal history. 1779 *707.1.9 Partington, Mrs. pseud. See Shillaber, B. P. Partingtonian patchwork. Shillaber, B. P 323 . 8 Partisan, The [Revolution; S. Carolina.] Simms, W. G 58.13 Parton, James. Captains of industry. ’84 . 644.21 — Caricature and other comic art in all times and many lands. 1878 853 . 4 — Eminent women of the age. Illus 625.13 — Famous Americans of recent times. 1871. 603 . 16 Contents. — H. Clay ; D. Webster; J. C. Calhoun; J. Randolph; S. Girard and his college; J. G. Bennett and the New York Herald; C. Goodyear; H.W. Beecher and his church; C. Vanderbilt; T. Burr; J. J. Astor. — General Butler in New Orleans [in 1862] 737.11 — ed’r. Humorous poetry of the English language. 1872 201.11 — Illustrious men. [Short lives.] 1881... 617.17 — Life and times of Aaron Burr. 1858. . . 603.17 PARTON. 189 PEAK. Pabton, James, continued. — Life and times of Benjamin Franklin. 2 y. 1864 606.1 — Life of Andrew Jackson. 3 v. 1866 603.14 — Life of Horace Greeley. 1855 642 . 5 — Life of Thomas Jefferson. 1874 632.11 — Life of Voltaire. 2 v. 1881 623.17 — Pamasse Francais. [Selections, from 1550 to 1877.] 1877 207.11 — Smoking and drinking. 1868 802 . 3 — Words of Washington. [Selections.]... 318.5 Pabton, Mrs. S. P. [ Fanny Fern.] Fern leaves. 2d series. 1854 8.24 — Ginger-snaps. 1870 301.26 — Life and beauties of Fanny Fern. [Anon]. 1855 8.23 Pascal, Blaise. Provincial letters. 1875.. 441.10 — Thoughts on religion, etc. With mem- oir by C. Craig. 1835 In 411 . 3 — Parton, J. Illustrious men 617.17 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men 613 . 22 — Tulloch, J. Pascal. (Foreign classics, etc.) 1878 636.7.3 Pascarel. Rame, L. de la 36 . 454 Past and present. Carlyle, T 316.11 Past in the present. Mitchell, A 836 . 20 Pasteur, Lewis. His life and labors; ed. by his son-in-law . 1885 646 . 2 Pastimes. See Amusements. Patagonia. At home with the Patagonians. (In Many lands, etc.) 1875 In 511.11 — Beerbohm, Julius. Wanderings in. ’77. 512.28 — Bourne, B. F. Captive in. 1853 516.15 — Coan, Titus. Adventures in, 1833-4 514 . 30 — Dixie, Lady. Across Patagonia, [1879]. 517.11 Patchin, C. H. Dorothea. 1882 ...» 52.20 Patents. Macfie, R. A., compiler. Patents for inventions; pleas and plans for greater industrial freedom. Edinb., See also United States ( Patent Office). Pater Mundi. Burr, E. F. 2 v. 1872.... 402.9 Paterculus. Works. [Roman history]. . . 1021.9 Pathfinder, The. Cooper, J. F 2.26 PATHOLOGy of mind. Maudsley, H. 1880. 824.19 Patience of hope. Green well, Dora. 1862. 437 . 30 Patience Strong’s outings. Whitney, A. D. T 135.23 Patmore, C. Children’s garland from the best poets. 1874 217.20 Patriarchs and prophets, Legends of the. Baring-Gould, S. 1872 437.23 Patrick, St. Life; by an Irish priest. [1863.] 605.28 — Maclear, G. F. Apostles of mediaeval Europe. 1869 636.11 Patbidge, L. E. “Quincy methods” illus- trated. 1885 436.16 Patriotism of Illinois. Eddy, T. 2v.’68. 603.5 PATTERN-maker’s assistant. Rose, J. 1878. 838 . 2 Patterson, J. C. Awdry, F. Story of a fellow soldier. 1880 624 . 5 — Yonge, C. M. Life of. 2 v. 1878 624.7 Pattison, D. W. Lonsdale, M. Sister Dora. A biography. 1880 621 . 17 Pattison, M. Milton. (Eng. men of let- Patton, J. H. The Democratic party, its political history and influence. 1884 . 916.18 — History of the United States [to 1861]. . 737.2 Patty. Macquoid, Katherine S 36.366 Patty Pearson’s bov. [Story of heredity]. Campbell, H." 1879 53.9 Patty's perversities. Bates, Arlo. 1881.. 51.14 Paul, St. Arnold, M. St. Paul and prot- estantism. 1875 443.14 — Clarke, J. F. Ideas of the apostle Paul translated into their modem equiva- lents. 1884 432.36 — Farrar, F. W. Life of. 2 v 442 . 2 — Howson, J. S. Character of 402 . 25 — Milman, H. H. History of Christianity. [Life.] 403.4.1 — Paley, W. Horse Paulinse In 1001.4 — Paul of Tarsus. By a graduate. 1872 . 408 . 23 — Renan, E. St. Paul. 1869 413.28 — Shakspeare, C. St. Paul at Athens. [Sermons.] 1879 421.30 Paul, H. and others. Book of modern anecdotes : American, legal, theatrical 311 . 3 Paul, Mrs. M. A. Dorothy. 1857 36.196 — Still waters. 1857 36.514 Paul, W. A. Willie’s choice. 1882 81.24 Paul and Virginia. St. Pierre, B. de 71.17 Paul Barton. Leslie, Madeline. Juv 24.3 Paul Clifford. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L 56.13 Paul Dreifus; his holiday abroad. Allen, J. W 518.28 Paul Faber, surgeon. Macdonald, G 47.7 Paul Ferroll. CliVe, Caroline 36 . 110 Paul Gosslett’s confessions. Lever, Charles 36.347 Paulding, J. K. The Bulls and the Jona- thans ; comprising John Bull and Brother Jonathan, and John Bull in America. 1867 332 . 24 — and others. Salmagundi. 1873 308.9 Paws and claws. Illus. juv 832.1 Paying investment. [Social reforms.] Dick- inson, A. E 911.18 Payn, James. At her mercy. 1874 36.33 — Best of husbands. 1874 36.443 — Cecil’s tryst. 1872 36.91 — Found dead. 1869 36 . 212 — Gwendoline’s harvest. 1870 36.240 — In the heart of a hill, etc. 1873 36.241 — Like father, like son 36 . 353 — Married beneath him 136.3 — Murphy’s master 36.615 — Not wooed, but won. 1871 36.418 — Woman’s, A, vengeance. 1872 36.563 Payne, E. J. Colonies and dependencies, [English], pt. 2. 1883 916.5.13 Payson, Dunton & Scribner. Manual of penmanship. 1872 808.2 Peabody, A. P. Christianity and science. 1875 444.11 — Christianity the religion of nature. 1864. 405.18 Peabody, E. P. Kindergarten guide. See Mann, Mrs. M. P. 1874 416.5 Peabody, O. W. B. Life of Israel Put- nam. 1873 In 641.4.7 — Life of [Gen.] John Sullivan. 1848. .In 601.1.3 — Life of Alex. Wilson [ornithologist]. In 641.4.2 Peabody, S. U. Cecil’s book of natural history. Juv. 1879 832.13 Peabody, W. B. O. Life of Cotton Mather. 1873 In 641.4.6 — Life of David Brainerd. 1873 In 641.4.8 — Life of James Oglethorpe. 1847 In 601.1.2 Peacock, T. L. Headlong hall and Night- mare abbey. 1848 141.2 Peak, Gavilan. Struggle for existence, etc. [Poems.] 1872 203.10 Peak of Darien, etc. [Essays.] Cobbe, F.P 444.4 PEARCE. 190 PERIODICALS. Pearce, Rev. S. Fuller, A. Life of. ’35. In 411.1 Peard, Frances, M. Mother Molly. 1880 . 138 . 24 — One year; a story of three homes. 1867. 36.444 — The rose garden. 1872 36 . 445 — Thorpe Regis. 1874 36 . 446 — Unawares: story of an old French town. 36.447 Pearl of Orr’s island. Stowe, Mrs. H. B.. 6.17 Pearls and pearl fisheries In 1001.8.8 Pearls of faith; or, Islam’s rosary. Ar- nold, E 211.35 Pears, Edwin. The fall of Constantinople: story of the fourth crusade. 1886... 732.19 Pearson, C. H. Cabin on the prairie. 1869. 26 . 13 Peasant and his landlord. [Sweden.] Knorr- ing, Baroness 131.18 Peasant boy philosopher [Ferguson], Story of. Mayhew, H 827.11 Peasant life [in Scotland]. 2 v. 1871-2. Fict. 51.29 Peck, Ellen [ Cuyler Pine]. Mary Branda- gee. 1866 63.17 — Renshawe. 1867 13.18 Peck, J. M. Annals of the West [1512-1850 J. See Perkins, J . H. 1851 736.6 — Life of Daniel Boone. 1847 In 601.1.13 Peck, J. T. The central idea of Christian- ity. 1856 405.11 Pedagogy for young teachers. Hewett, E. C 432.38 PEEP-show, y. 3. Illus. mag. 1876 77.5 Peerless wife, A. Mackarness, H. S 36.361 Peers and parvenus. Gore, Mrs. C. F 134.7 Peg Woffington. Reade, Charles. 36.466 and 6.23 Peile, J. Philology. (Literature primers.) 1878 314.1.3 Peirce, M. F. Co-operative house-keep- ing. 1884 845 . 2 Pekin. Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes 21.5 See also China. Pelham. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L 36.83 Pellico, Silvio. My prisons. 1868 614.11 Peloponnesian war, History of. Thucy- dides 1020.16 Pemaquid. Prentiss, Mrs. E. 1877 138.25 Pen, Arthur, pseud. See Matthews, J. B. Pendennis. Thackeray, W. M. 3 v. in 2 . . 36 . 531 Peninsular war. Napier, W. F. P. His- tory of, 1807-14 705.3 Penmanship. Payson, Dunton & Scribner. Manual of. 1872 808.2 — Spencer, H. C. Spencerian key to. 1873. 808 . 3 Penn, W. Chambers’s misc. [Life of.] . . In 1001.8.8 Pennell, E. R. Life of Mary Wollstone- craft. 1884 627.1.9 Penney, L. ed’r. Readings and recitations. [Temperance.] 1878 314 . 15 Penniless girl. Behrens, Bertha. 1885 . . 57.24 Pennsylvania. Cornell, W. M. C. History of. Illus. 1876 728.7 — Sypher, J. R. School history of. 1870. 738.6 — Wright, W. Oil regions of. 1865 811.18 See also Philadelphia. Pennsylvania pilgrim. Whittier, J. G 203.14 Pennsylvania school journal, v. 4-5. ’55-7. 428.4 Penny, Virginia. Five hundred employ- ments for women. 1868 912.12 Penny wise and pound foolish. Brook, C . 25.30 Penrose, E. [Mrs. Markham .] Hist, of France [to 1848] 706 . 9 Penruddocke. Aide, Hamilton 36.7 Pension Beaurepas. James, H ,,jr 54.10 Pentateuch. See Bible— Old Testament. Pepper, J. H. Boys’ playbook of science. 811.6 — Playbook of metals 808 . 25 — Scientific amusements 827 . 25 Pepys, Samuel. Diary and correspondence of, in reigns of Charles II and James II. 4 v. 1871 633.7 Percival Keene. Marryat, F 36.385 Percy, T. Reliques of ancient Eng. poetry. 1839 201.18 Same. 3 v. in 2. 1866 214.20 Percy anecdotes. [Also] Am. anecdotes 312.1 Peregrine Pickle. Smollett, Tobias 36 . 512 Pereira, J. Food and diet. 1873 821.5 Pericles, [tragedy]. See Shakespeare. Perilous secret. Reade, C. 1884 56.19 Periodicals. Ayer, N. W. and Son’s Amer- ican newspaper annual . 1880 *B . 27 — North, S. N. D. History and present condition of the newspaper and peri- odical press of the United States, with a catalogue of the publications of the census year. See United States Tenth census: 1880: v. 8. See also Journalism and the press. Subject Indexes to Periodicals. — Fletcher, W. P. Co-operative index to periodicals, 1883-5 *B.33 Note— Issued quarterly since 1885. — Poole, W. F. Index to periodical liter- ature, to January, 1882 *B.28 List of Periodicals. — American agriculturist, v. 12-15, 17-22, 32-45, N. Y., 1854-85 *8541 . 16 — American architect and building news. v. 12-18. B., 1882-5 *8541 . 18 — American builder, v. 10-13. N.Y., ’74-7 . *8521 . 19 — American journal of education, v. 1-7, 10-13. Hartford, 1855-63 403.1 — American journal of horticulture, v. 5-6. B., 1869 825.1 — American machinist, v. 8-9. N.Y., ’85-6.*8541 . 29 — American naturalist, v. 8-19. P., ’74-85.*8501 . 15 — Andover review, v. 1-4. B., 1884-5 *1008.14 — Appleton’s annual cyclopaedia, v. 16-24. N. Y., 1876-84 *B.32 — Appleton’s journal, v. 1-26. N. Y., ’69-81. . *1007 . 3 — Art amateur, v. 11-13. N. Y., 1884-5. . *8541 . 27 — Atlantic monthly, v. 1-55. B., 1858-85. *1005. 2 — Ave Maria, v. 10-21. Notre Dame, Ind. 1874-85 *1008.4 — Blackwood’s Edinburgh magazine, v. 109-138. 1871-85 *1006.3 — British quarterly review, v. 55-82. 1872-85 *1007.7 — Carpentry and building, v. 1-7. N. Y., 1879-85 *8541 7 — Catholic world.’ v. 19-40.’ N.Y., 1874-85 >1002 . is — Century, v. 23-29. N. Y., 1881-85 *1006.4 Note . — Continuation of “Scribner's monthly.” — Chatterbox. Illus. juv. 9 v. L., ’77-85. 93.1 — Chautauquan. v. 5-6. Meadville, 1884-6 . *1008 . 20 — Christadelphian. [Adventist.] v. 10-13. Birmingham, 1873-6 *1008 . 2 — Christian disciple and theological review. v. 1-2. B., 1819-20 401.25 — Columbian magazine, v. 6. Illus. N. Y., 1846 *1007.1 — Contemporary review, v. 47. 1885. Am. ed'n *1008.16 — Cultivator, v. 1-4. Albany, 1834-8 *8521 . 1 Same. New series, v. 4-5. 1847-8 . . *8521 . 7 PERIODICALS. 191 PERSIA. Periodicals, continued. — Demorest’s monthly magazine, v. 17-21. N. Y., 1881-5 *1008.6 — Eclectic magazine, v. 22. N. Y., 1851. . *1002 . 2 — Edinburgh review, v. 135-162. 1872-85 . *1007 . 4 — Education, v. 1-5. B., 1880-5 *1008.7 — English illustrated magazine, v. 1-3. N. Y., 1883-6 *1008.11 — Every Saturday, v. 13-17. B., 1872-4. . *1007 . 9 — Fortnightly review, v. 43. Am. ed'n. 1885 *1008.17 Note.— Now issued monthly. — Frank Leslie’s popular monthly, v. 9-20. N. Y., 1880-5 *1008.3 — Galaxy, v. 7-24. N. Y., 1869-77 *1005.3 — Gardener’s monthly, v. 14-27. P., ’72-85*8501 . 14 — Genesee farmer, v. 6. Rochester, 1845. .*8521.8 — Godey’s lady’s book. v. 89-109. P.,’74-84 *1002.14 — Good company, v. 1-7. Springfield, Mass., 1878- 81 *1007.12 Note.— Yols. 1-3 entitled “ Sunday afternoon.” — Good things, v. 1-5, L., 1873-6 *1002.9 — Good words, v. 13-18. L., 1872-7 *1002.3 — Guardian and monitor, v. 7. New Haven, 1825 408.2 — Hall’s journal of health, v. 19-23. N.Y.*8501.13 — Hardwicke’s science gossip, v. 19-21. L., 1883-5 *1008.10 — Harper’s new monthly magazine, v. 1-73. N. Y., 1850-86 *1004.1 Same. Index to vols. 1-50. 1850-75. .*1004.2 — Harper’s young people, v. 1-7. N. Y., 1879- 86 *1008.5 — Horticulturist, v. 5-8. N. Y., 1855-8. . .*8501.6 — Hours at home. v. 1-11. N. Y., 1865-70*1006 . 1 — Household words. 36 v. in 18 [L.], ’50-9. 327.13 — Hunt’s merchant’s magazine, v. 1-20. N. Y., 1839-44 *905.1 — Hlinois school journal, v. 2-5. 1882-6 . *1008 . 9 — Illinois teacher, v. 1, 3. 1855-7 *401.7 — Illustrated London news. v. 76-87. ’80-5*8541. 17 — International review, v. 12-13. N.Y.,’82 . *1007 . 16 — Journal of health, v. 1-3. P., 1831-2.. 807.20 — Knickerbocker, v. 41-2. N. Y., 1853 . . . *1002 . 4 — Lakeside monthly, v. 8. Chicago, 1872. *1002 . 5 — Library journal, v. 1-10. N. Y., 1876-85 .*328.17 — Lippincott’s magazine, v. 10-36. P., 1872-85 *1002.7 — Littell’s living age. v. 21-24, 26, 55-56, 89,104,115-164. B., 1849-85 *1006.2 — London quarterly review. See Quarterly review. — Magazine of American history, v. 11-14. N. Y., 1884-5 *1008.12 — Magazine of art. v. 7-8. N. Y., 1884-5. *8541. 21 — Merchants’ magazine. See Hunt’s mer- chants’ magazine. — Monitor, v. 1-2. B., 1823-4 *408.1 — Nation. Weekly, v. 32-41. N.Y., 1881-5 . *8541 . 28 — National magazine. Illus. v. 3. N.Y., 1853 *1007.2 — Nature. Weekly, v. 27-32. L., 1883-5 . *1008 . 19 — New England historical and genealogical register, v. 38-39. B., 1884-5 *1008.15 — New Englander, v. 42-45. New Haven, 1883-5 *1008.8 — Nineteenth century; monthly review, v. 17. Am. ed'n. 1885 *1008.18 — North American review, v. 115-141. N. Y., 1872-85 *1007.8 — Nursery. Illus. magazine, v. 17-18, 21- 24. B., 1878-80 77.2 Periodicals, continued. — Official gazette of the United States pat- ent office, v. 1-34. Wash., 1872-86. Ref — Overland monthly, v. 13-14. San Fran- cisco, 1874-5 *1002.11 — Peep-show. v. 3. Illus. juv. L 77.5 — Pennsylvania school journal, v. 4-5. 1855-7 *428.4 — Philadelphia photographer, v. 11. 1874.*8501.11 — Phrenological journal, v. 50-52. N. Y., 1870- 1 *8501.12 — Popular science monthly, v. 1-29. N. Y., 1872-86 8501.16 — Prairie farmer, v. 3-14, 17-24. Chicago, 1843-61, *8541.1 — Princeton review. Neiv series, v. 5-14. N. Y., 1880-84 *1007.15 — Putnam’s monthly magazine, v. 1-6, 12. N. Y., 1853-68 *1005.1 — Quarterly [London] review, v. 130-158. 1871- 84 *1007.6 — Rockford, III. Newspapers. See Rock- ford in general alphabet. — Rockford Seminary magazine, v. 1-3, 7- 10, 12. Rockford, 1873-84 *1002 . 1 — St. Nicholas, v. 1-12. N. Y., 1874-85.. *1002. 12 — Sanitarian, v. 5-15. N. Y., 1878-85. . .*1007.13 — Sanitary engineer, v. 9-12. N.Y.,’83-5 . *8541 . 20 — Saturday magazine, v. 1-2. B., ’78-9. .*1005.5 — Science. Weekly, v. 1-6. Cambridge, Mass., 1883-5 *1008.13 — Scientific American, v. 4-5, 22-23, 27-28, 32-34, 37-53. N. Y., 1861-85 *8541 . 19 — Scribner’s monthly, v. 1-22. N. Y., ’70-81 *1006.4 Note .— Continued as “ The Century.” — Sunday. Reading for the young. 2 v. L., 1879-81 77.8 — Sunday afternoon, v. 1-3. Springfield, Mass., 1878-9 *1007.12 Note.— Continued as “ Good company.” — Sunday magazine, v. 2-5. Hlus. L., 1872- 6 *1002.10 — Water-cure journal, v. 15-16. N. Y., ’53. *8521. 5 — Westminster review, v. 97-124, 1872-85. *1007. 5 — Wideawake, v. 8-22. B., 1879-86 *1007.14 — Workshop. Illus. v. 7-9. N.Y., 1874-6. *8541. 3 Perkins, E. E. Treatise on gas and ventil- ation. 1856 811 . 1 Perkins, F. B. The best reading: a priced and classified bibliography. 1st ser- ies. 1877 *3501.4.1 — A rational classification of literature for shelving and cataloguing, books in a library. 1882 *3501.2 Perkins, J. H. Annals of the West [1512- 1850]; rev. by J. M. Peck. 1851 736.6 Perpetual curate, The. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W 36.430 and 17.12 Perry, A. L. Political economy. 1877... 902.12 Perry, M. C. U. S. expedition to Japan. Abridged. 1857 506.4 Perry, Nora. After the ball, and other poems. 1879 211 . 34 — [Sketch of.] In 622.6.2 Persepolis. Myers, P. Y. N. Remains of lost empires, 1871-2 511.6 Persia. Arnold, A. Through Persia by caravan. 1877 525.4 — Ballantine, Henry. Midnight marches through Persia. 1879 513.18 — Fraser J. B. History of P. [to 1833]. . . 742.13 PERSIA. 192 PHILADELPHIA. Persia, continued. — Rawlinson, G. Five great monarchies, v. 3. 1873 715.5 Seventh great monarchy. 2 v. 1882. 725.15 — Universal history; anc. pt., v 4, 9. 1779. *707.1 — Yaux, W. S. W. Persia, to Arab con- quest 716.13*3 — Woman and her saviour in Persia. 1863 . 518.14 See also histories of the East, and of Greece ; also , lives of Alexander ; Cyrus ; Darius ; Xerxes. See also Persepolis. Literature. — Emerson, R. W. Persian poetry In 332.23 — Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat. [Poem.].. 211.2 — Poor, L. E. Sanskrit and kindred litera- tures 426.12 See also Avesta ; Zoroaster. Persius [A. Persius Flaccus.] Satires; tr. by W. Drummond 1020 . 13 Personal beauty. Brinton, D. G. and Naphys, G. H 805.12 Personal recollections. Somerville, Mrs. Mary. 1874 632.1 Personal reminiscences, by C h o r 1 e y, Planche, and Young. Ed. by R. H. Stoddard 632.18 Perspective. See Drawing. Persuasion. Austen, Jane. Fict. 36.34 and 7.34 Perthes, Fred. Perthes, C. T. Memoirs of, 1789-1843. 2 v 641.2 Peru. Baldwin, J. D. Ancient America . . 711 . 7 — Brownell, H. H. History of. 1857. In 748.8 — Chambers’s papers, etc. [Incas of P.] Jnl001.9.6 — Goodrich, S. G. Famous Indians. [Incas of.].... 643.6 — Helps, Sir A. Spanish conquest, etc. v. 3.4 737.1 — Markham, C R. War between Peru and Chili [1879-82]. 1883.. 727.19 — Prescott, W. H. Conquest of, [1531]. 2 v. 704.8 — Reville, A. Native religions of 1884.. 433.17 — Schudi, J. J. von and Rivers, M. E. Peruvian antiquities. Ulus. 1855.. 711.8 — Searching for the quinine plant In 511.11 — Squier, E. G. Travel and exploration in. 1877 511.15 See also America, and lives of Pizarro. Pessimism. Cobbe, F. P. In her Peak of Darien, etc 444.4 — Nesbit, C. P. and its antidote . . . . In 8501.16.11 Pestalozzi, J. H. Evening hours of a her- mit. 1859 In 403.1.6 — Assistants and disciples of In 403.1.7 — Barnard, H. Life and methods of. 1859. 413.29 — Browning, O. Educational theories. ’82. 443.13 Peter, of Alexandria. Writings. (A.-N. C. lib., v. 14.) 415.1 Peter the great, emperor of Russia. Ab- bott, J. History of, 1871 611 . 24 — Chambers’s misc. Life of In 1001.8.6 — Lord, J. Peter the great. His services to Russia In 735.6.3 — Parton, J. Hlustrious men 617.17 — Russell, W. Extraordinary men. ...... 613.22 — Voltaire, F. M. A. de History of 612.12 Peter Drake’s dream, etc. Howitt, Mary. 78.30 Peter Parley, pseud. See Goodrich, S. G. Peter Schlemihl. Chamisso, A. von. Fict. 133.3 Peter Schlemihl in America. Wood, G. 3.10 Peter Simple. Marryat, Frederick 36.386 Peterkin papers. Hale, L. P. Juv 87.32 Peters, Anzonetta R. Clark, J. A. Mem- oir of 606 . 26 Peto, S. M. Resources and prospects of America. 1866 711.16 Petrarch, Francisco. Jameson, A. Loves of the poets 633 . 13 — Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe 207 . 2 — Reeve, H. Petrarch. 1877 636.7.5 See also Hallam’s and Sismondi’s histories of literature. Petroef, I. Preliminary report upon the population, industry and resources of Alaska. 1881 526.11 Note.— See full report, with maps and illus., in U. S census, 1880, v. 8. Petroleum. Bone, J. H. A. Petroleum and petroleum wells. 1865 811.19 — Wright, W. Oil regions of Pennsylva- nia. 1865 811.18 Petronel. Church, Mrs. Ross 36 . 107 Pettenkofer, Max von. Air in relation to clothes, dwelling and soil. 1873 842.2 Pettigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion; or, walking, swimming and flying, with dissertation on aeronautics. 1874. . . 815.4.8 Peveril of the Peak. Scott, Sir W 12.15 Pfeiffer, Ida. Lady’s voyage around the world, [1846-7]. 1852 502.13 Phaedrus, Fables of. Tr. by C. Smart . . . 1020.2.2 Phaeton Rogers. Johnson, R. Juv 82.13 Phantasmion, a fairy tale. Coleridge, Sara. 32 . 25 Phantastes; a fairy romance. MacDonald, G 6.26 Phantom ship. Marryat, F. Fict 16.19 Pharmaceutical chemistry. Attfield, J. 1879 824.36 — Hoffman, F. Chemical analysis of me- dicinal chemicals. 1877 831.5 Phear, J. B. Aryan village in India and Ceylon, 1880 914.18 Phelps, Austin. Men and books. Studies in homiletics. 1883 427.16 — Theory of preaching. 1882 427 . 10 Phelps, Miss Eliz. S. Beyond the gates.’83. 55.13 — Doctor Zay. 1882 53.18 — Friends; a duet. 1881 141.14 — Gates ajar. [Future life.] 1871 7.17 — Hedged in. 1870 7.18 — Men, women and ghosts. [Stories.] ’69 . 7 . 19 — Sealed orders, etc. 1379 45.8 — Silent partner. 1871 7.16 — Story of Avis. 1877 137.11 — Tiny’s library. 4 v. [cop. 1864-9.] 76.8 Contents.— 1, Tiny. 2, I don’t know how. 3, Tiny’s Sunday nights. 4, Ellen’s idol. — Trotty book. 1869 82.5 — Trotty’s wedding tour. 1874 28.31 — What to wear. [Hints on dress.] 1873. 814.10 — Poets’ homes. [Sketch of.] 622.6.2 Phelps, Mrs. L. Hours with my pupils.’59. 401.4 Phemie Frost’s experiencies. Stephens, Mrs. A. S 31.9 Phemie’ s temptation. Terhune, Mrs. M.Y. 13.20 Philadelphia. Mercantile library. Cata- logue. 1870 *328.11 — A sylvan city. Illus. 1883 501 . 12 Philadelphia photographer. Ed. by E. L. Wilson, v. 11 *8501.11 PHILIP. 193 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Philip, Indian chief. Abbott, J. S. C. History of. 1873 611.25 — Goodrich, S. G. Famous Indians 643 . 6 — Irving, W. In his Sketch book 306 . 15 — Markham, R. King Philip’s war. 1883.723.18.3 — Thatcher, B. B. Indian biography, v. 2. 614.18 Philip II., of Spain. Prescott, W. H. Reign of. 3 v. 1871 704.10 Philip V., of Spain. Doran, J. Monarchs retired, etc 623.18.2 Philip, R. The Marthas. [Also] Love of the spirit. 1836 In 411.2 Philip, Adventures of. Thackeray, W. M. 36.523 Philip Nolan’s friends. Hale, E. E. 1877.137.22 Philip Randolph: tale of Virginia. Juv. . 606.35 Philippines. La Gironiere, P. P. de. Twen- ty years in the. 1868 512 . 17 Phillips, G. M. Astronomy for schools and general readers. See Sharpless, I. 1882 842.6 Phillips, Maude, G. Manual of English literature. 2 v. 1885 323.15 Phillips, Wendell. Conquest of Kansas by Missouri and her allies, [1854-6]. . 711.5 — Speeches, lectures and letters. 1884 . . . 321 . 5 — Stowe, H. B. Men of our times. 1868. 634.3 Philobiblius, pseud. History of educa- tion. 1860 426 . 1 Philobiblos, pseud. See Ireland, Alex. Philochristus. Abbott, E. A 441.4 Philology. See Language. Philomene’s marriages. Durand, Mme. A. 46.25 Philosophers. Banvard, J. Wisdom, wit and whims of distinguished ancient philosophers. 1855 317.10 Philosophy. — Aristotle. See his name. — Bacon, F. See his name. — Bascom, J. Science, philosophy and religion. 1872 402 . 8 — Bowen, Francis. Modern philosophy, from Descartes to Schopenhauer and Hartmann. 1877 424 . 10 — Butler, W. A. History of ancient philos- ophy. 2 v. 1879 421.15 — Chambers’s papers, etc. Ancient philo- sophic sects In 1001.9.4 What is philosophy In 1001.9.6 — Comte, A. Positive. 1855 434.14 — Cousm, V. History of modern philoso- phy. 2 v. 1857 424.11 The true, beautiful and good. 1873 . . 402 . 2 — Fiske, J. Outlines of cosmic philosophy. 2 v. 1874 431.16 — Hamilton, Sir W. Philosophy of ; ed. by O. W. Wight. 1860 424.12 — Haven, J. History of philosophy. 1876. 416.3 — Hillebrand, K. German thought; six lectures. 1880 318 . 24 — Lewes, G. H. Biographical history of. 1857 427.1 Problems of life and mind. 3 v. ’74-7. 418.20 — Locke. See his name in general alphabet. — Lord, J. Lord Bacon— The new philos- ophy In 735.6.3 Socrates— Greek philosophy In 735.6.1 Thomas Aquinas — The scholastic phi- losophy In 735.6.2 — Masson, D. Recent British. 1866 403.11 — Morris, G. S. British thought and think- ers. 1880 317.20 — Plato. See his name. — • Schiller, F. Philosophical essays. 1882. 326 . 28 28 Philosophy, continued. — Spencer, Herbert. See his name. — Stephen, L. History of English thought in the eighteenth century. 2 v. 1881. 425 . 30 — Ueberweg, F. History of philosophy .’76. 416.1 Contents.— v. 1, Ancient and mediaeval, v. 2, Modern. See also Mental philosophy; Metaphysics; Mind; Moral philosophy; Natural philosophy; Positivism; Psychology. Philosophy of art. Taine, H. 1872 852.17 Philosophy of religion. Bascom, J 444 . 2 Philosophy of the plan of salvation. Walker, J. B 433.1 Phineas Finn. Trollope, Anthony 61.38 Phips, Sir W. Bowen, F. Life of In 641.4.7 Phisterer, F. Statistical record of the ar- mies of the United States. (Cam- paigns of the civil war.) 1883 726.9.13 Ph(EBE. Harris, Miriam C 147.7 Phoenicia. Baldwin, J. D. Pre-historic nations 706.23 — Lewis, G. C. Navigation of the P. . . In 821.18 Phcenix, John, pseud. See Derby, G. H. Phcenixiana. Derby, G. H 304.10 Phonograph. Du Moncel. The telephone, microphone and. 1879 833 . 27 Phonography and stenography. Cross, J. G. Eclectic short-hand. 1882 855 . 2 — Graham, A. J. Hand-book of. 1858. . . 808.4 — Pitman, B. Manual of. [cop. 1871.]. . . 827.39 Phonology and orthoepy. Salisbury, A. 315.4 Photography. Hepworth, T. C. P. for amateurs. 1884 853.1 — Philadelphia photographer, v. 2. 1874. *8501 .11 — Steele, T. S. Canoe and camera [in Maine]. 1882 518.23 — Vogel, H. Chemistry of light and. ’75. .815.4.14 — Wallace, E.,?>. Amateur photographer. 1884 855.3 Phrase and fable, Diet. of. Brewer, E. C . 326 . 12 See also Proverbs ; Quotations. Phrenology. Combe, G. Lectures on. ’76. 416 . 20 — Fowler, L. N. Familiar lessons in. ’48. 804 . 23 — Fowler, O. S. Practical. 1846 804 . 18 Self-culture, [also] Memory. 1855. .In 804.16 and L. N. Self-instructor in. 1856 804.15 — Lewes, G. H. Life of Gall In 427.1 — Phrenological journal, v. 50-52. N. Y., 1870-1 *8501.12 — Weaver, G. S. Mental science. 1854.. 426.9 — Wells, S, R. How to read character.’ 77. 416.21 Phyllis Browne. Shaw, Flora L 81.29 Physical education. Blaikie, W. Sound bodies for our boys and girls. 1884 . 844 . 18 — Maclaren, A. Physical education. 1869. 822.34 — Oswald, F. L. Physical education. 1882. 824.14 — Spencer, H. Education: intellectual, etc. 401.8 — Wood, W. Physical exercises. 1870.. 803.24 See also Gymnastics; Health; Movement- cure. Physical geography. Abbott, J. Water and land. 1872. Juv 803.12 — Adams, W. H. D. Beneath the surface. 818 . 8 — Geikie, A. Phvsical g. (Science prim- ers.) 1877. . 828.20.4 — Guyot, A. Earth and man. 1873 807 . 24 Physical geography. 1873 8541 . 14 — Hartwig, G. The subterranean world.’71. 806.4 — Higgins, W. M. The earth. 1854 837.11 — Humboldt, A. von. Cosmos. 5 v. 1856. 801 . 1 — Marsh, G. P. Man and nature. 1871.. 816.31 — Maury, M. F. Physical g. of the sea.’55. 806 . 5 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 194 PILGRIMS. Physical geography, continued. — Reclus, E. The earth. 1872 825 . 18 The ocean, atmosphere and life. 1874 . 825 . 19 — Somerville, Mrs. M. Physical g. 1848 . 801.19 — Young, J. Physical g. 1873 . 827 . 22 See also Astronomy; Earth; Geology; Me- teorology; Ocean; Mountains; Volcanoes. Physical life of woman. Napheys, G. H. 1872 805.11 Physical manipulation. Pickering, E. C . 2 v. 1875... 826.6 Physical sciences. Helmholtz, H. On the aim and progress of. 1869 In 843.6.1 — Somerville, M. Connection of. 1871... 823.12 See also under Science. Physical theory of another life. Taylor, I. 413 . 12 Physicians. Cathell, D. W. The physician himself. 1882 841.28 — Flint, A. Medical ethics and etiquette. 1873 836.11 — J ackson, J. Letters to a young physi- cian. 1856 823 . 21 Physics. See Natural philosophy. Physics and politics. Bagehot, W. 1873. 815.4.2 Physiognomy. Darwin, C. Expression of the emotions in man and animals.’ 73. 807.5 — Lavater, J. C. Essays on. 1878 831.4 — Mathews, W. Faces. (In his Great conversers.) 332 . 7 — Redfield, J. W. Comparative p. 1866.. 826.5 — Wells, S. R. How to read character.’ 77. 416.21 Physiology. Agassiz, L. and Gould, A. A. Comparative physiology. 1877 827 . 35 Same; rev. e’dn. 1880 842.22 — Beecher, C. E. Physiology and calisthen- ics. 1860 812.17 — Combe, G. Constitution of man. 1857. 803 . 19 — Dalton, J. C. Human physiology. 1875. 846.9 — Draper, J. W. Human physiology. 1878. 843.5 — Flint, A. Physiology of man. 5 v. 1773-4. 813.1 Contents.— 1, Blood, Circulation, Respiration. 2, Ali- mentation, Digestion, Absorption. 3, Secretion, Nutri- tion, Movements. 4, Nervous system. 5, Special senses, Generation. — Foster, M. Physiology. (Science prim- Text book of. 1880 833 . 32 — Fowler, L. N. « Familiar lessons in. 1848. 804.23 — Fowler, O. S. Animal and mental, [cop. 1847.] 804.16 and L. N. Self instructor in. I cop. .1849.] . 804.15 — Hinton, J. P. for practical use. 1874 . 814.9 — Hitchcock, E. and E.,?>. P. and hygiene. 1873 807.15 — Hutchinson, J. C. P. and hygiene. 1863 . 807 . 16 — Huxley, T. H. Elementary. 1881 824.34 and Youmans, W. J. P. and hygiene. 803 . 22 — J arvis, E. Practical. 1848 801 . 5 — Le Pileur, A. Wonders of the human body. 1871 802.20 — Lewes, G. H. Physiology of common life. 1860 803.13 — Mace, J. Servants of the stomach. ’68. 803.10 — Martin, H. N. The human body. 1881 . 837 . 13 — Napheys, G. H. Physical life of woman. 805.11 — Object lessons of the human body. By three New York teachers. 1883 432.20 — Packard, A. S, Life histories of ani- mals, including man; or, comparative embryology 846.6 — Rosenthal, I. Physiology of muscles and nerves. 1881 815.4.32 — Steele, J. D. Hygienic physiology. 1884. 844.33 Physiology, continued. — Stevenson, Sarah H. Physiology of woman, etc. 1883 845 . 12 See also Anatomy; Animal magnetism; Biology; Brain; Chemistry; Food; Health; Medicine; Mind; Muscles ; Nervous system. Piano-forte. Ferris, G. T. Great violinists and pianists. 1881 624.4 — Fillmore, J. C. Pianoforte music: its history, with biog. sketches, etc . 1883 . 851 . 28 Picciola, or the prison flower. Saintine, X. B 62.11 — Same. Abridged In 1008.1.1 — Same. [French text.] 313.2 Piccolomini: drama. Schiller, J. C. F. . . In 727.8.2 — Same. [German text.] 313.17 Picked up adrift. DeMille, J. Juv 23.17 Pickering, E. C. Physical manipulation. 2 v. 1875 826.6 Pickwick papers. Dickens, 0 1 A and 36.180 Picnic papers. Dickens, 0 61.1 Picton, J. A. Oliver Cromwell; the than and his mission. 1882 625 . 20 Pictorial tour of the world. 1880 517 . 6 Picture book. Caldecott, R.; col’d illus. . 77.22 Pictures across the channel. Macquoid. K. S. 1872 36.367 Pictures and stories of animals. See Ten- ney, Mrs. S. Pictures from Bible lands, drawn with pen and pencil. Ed. by S. G. Green 528.10 Pictures from Eng. history Bishop. C. E. 732 . 1 Pictures from Italy. Dickens, C 1.16 Pictures of country life [stories]. Cary, Alice 45.10 Pictures of private life. Ellis, S. S ... In 305.15.2 Pictures of travel. Andersen, H. C. 1871 . 508.3 Pictures of travel [poems]. Heine, H. In 208 . 24 and 512.3 Pictures of travel in far off lands: South America 525.18 — Same: Central America 525.19 Picturesque journeys in America. Brom- field, E. F., ed’r. 1883 531.7 Picturesque science for the young 848 . 19 Pierce, B. Ideality in physical sciences.’81. 843 . 7 Pierce, E. L. Memoir and letters of Chas. Sumner. 2 v. 1878 623.11 Pierce, E. M. Cottage cyclopedia of his- tory and biography. 1871 *B.2 Pierce, G. A. Dickens dictionary. 1879.. 314.12 Pierce, O. B. Common school grammar. ’37. 402.32 Pierson, H. W. In the brush : oldtime life in the southwest. 1881 624 . 9 Pig. Harris, J. On the. 1870 804.19 Pigeons. Wright, L. Practical pigeon- keeper . 1879 833 . 24 Pike, J. G. A guide for young disciples . . 406 . 1 Pike , N. Sub-tropical rambles [Mauritius]. 1873 517.5 Pike, Oen. Z. M. Whiting, H. Life of. In 601.1.5 Pike county ballads. Hay, John. 1877... 208.7 Pilgrim and the shrine. Ainslie, H. Fict. 64 . 16 Pilgrim fathers. See Pilgrims. Pilgrim’s progress. Bunyan, J. 434.13 and 408.8 — Cheever, G. B. Lectures on 425.16 — Macaulay, T. B. Essays 305.13 Pilgrims. Bacon, L. Genesis of the New England churches. 1874 435.17 — Banvard, J. Plymouth and the. 1851 . 711 . 28 — Chambers’s misc. Pilgrim fathers 1001.8.9 — Russell, W. S. Pilgrim memorials. ’55. 736.12 See also New England ( History ) ; Plymouth ; Puritans. PILGRIMS. 195 PLUNKETT. Pilgrims of fashion. Cornwallis, K. Fict. 15 . 13 Pilgrims of the Rhine. Bulwer-Lytton, E.L 7.15 Pillar of fire. Ingraham, J. H 13.22 Pillars of the house. Yonge, C. M 36.608 Pilot, The. Cooper, J. F 2.27 Pilot, The, and his wife [Norse tale]. Lie, J. 45 . 22 Pilpay. Fables. Illus. 1872 321.2 Pindar [Pindarus]. Odes; tr. by C. A. Wheelwright 1020 . 18 Pine, Cuyler, pseud. See Peck, Ellen. Pine needles; Old yarns. Warner, Susan. 52.22 Pink and white tyranny. Stowe, Mrs. H.B. 6 . 16 Pinkerton, Allan. Claude Melnotte and the detectives. 1875 43.22 — Expressman and detective. 1875 43.21 — Strikers, communists, tramps and detec- tives. 1878 912.1 Pinkney, W. Wheaton, H. Life. of. [cop. 1834.] In 641.4.6 Pioneer boy, and how he became president [A'ftaham Lincoln]. Thayer, W. M . 25.25 Pioneer women of the west. Ellet, E. F . . 614 . 24 Pioneers, The, Cooper, J. F. Fict 2.28 Pioneers of France in the New World. Parkman, F. 1871 736.15.1 Pirate, The. Scott, Sir W. Fict 12.13 Pitcairn’s island, with account of the mu- tiny of the ship Bounty [1778]. 1872. 508.17 — Same. [Short account.] In 1001.8.3 Pitman, B. Manual of phonography. 1871. 827.39 Pitman, Mrs. E. R. Elizabeth Fry. 1884. 627.1.7 — Mission life in Greece and Palestine, [1835-77] 518.24 Pitman, R. C. Alcohol and the state. 1878. 912 . 17 Pitt, W., Earl of Chatham. Speeches. In 321 . 15 — Macaulay, T. B. Essay on In 305 . 13 Pitt, W., the younger. Brougham, EL, lord. Statesmen, etc 633.1.1 — Macaulay, T. B. Wm. Pitt. In 1004.1.19; 643.24 — Smith, G. Three English statesmen . . . 606 . 13 Pittenger, W. Capturing a locomotive [in the rebellion]. 1882 723.17 Pittsfield, Mass. Berkshire Athenaeum Catalogue. 1884 *3502.3 PiTTS-street chapel lectures. 1858 438 . 23 Contents. — Clark, W. R., Why I am a methodist. Thayer, T. B., Why are you a universalist? Sykes, J. N., Why I am a baptist. Adams, N., Why am I a trini- tarian congregation alist? Randall, G. M„ Why I am a churchman. Dewey, O., Why I am a Unitarian. King, T. S., Spiritual Christianity. Pizarro, Francisco. Helps, A. Spanish conquest in America, v. 3-4 737 . 1 — Prescott, W. H. Conquest of Peru. 2 v. 1871 704.8 — Towle, G. M. Pizarro; his adventures, etc. 1879 515.17.2 Place in thy memory. [Letters.] DeKroyft, S. H 605.4 Plague of London, History of. DeFoe, D . 62.32 Planche, J. R. History of British costume. 1874 742.15 — Personal reminiscences. 1874 In 632.18 Planchette; the despair of science. Sar- gent, E. 1869 411.23 Plain reasons against joining the church of Rome. Littledale, R. F 423 . 21 Plane and plank. Adams, W. T. Juv 72.4.2 Planetary and stellar worlds. Mitchell, O. M. 1870 811.33 Plant hunters. Reid, Mayne. Juv 92.2 Planter’s daughteh DuPuy, E. A 43.8 Planter’s northern bride. Hentz, C. L . . . 7.28 Planting the wilderness. McCabe, J. Juv. 75.22 Plants. Candolle, A de. Origin of culti- vated. 1885 815.4.48 — Darwin, C. Climbing plants. 1876 816 . 19 Insectivorous plants. 1875 805 . 24 — - Power of movement in. 1881 837.18 Variation of, under domestication. ’68. 803.1 — Gray, A. How plants grow. 1873 812 . 14 — Henderson, P. Hand-book of. 1881 843.21 — Kellerman, W. A. Plant analysis. 1884.845.11 — Scheie de Vere, M. Plant mummies, etc In 812.10 — Twining, E. Plant world 802 . 10 See also Botany ; Flowers. Plasterer’s manual. Cameron, R. 1879. 823.36 Plato. Dialogues; tr. by B. Jowett. 4 v. 404.1 Contents . — .v 1, Charmides; Lysis; Laches; Protag- oras; Euthydemus; Ion; Meno; Euthyphro; Apology; Crito; Phsedo; Symposium; Phsedrus; Cratylus. v. 2, Republic; Timseus; Critias. v. 3, Gorgias; Philebus; Parmenides ; Thesetetus ; Sophist ; Statesman, v . 4, Laws; Lesser Hippias; First Alcibiades; Menexenus; Index of persons and places. — Bulkley, C. H. A., compiler. Plato’s best thoughts. 1876 427.6 — Bayne, P. Essays in biography, etc 317.6.2 — Butler, W. A. Hist, of anc. philos. 2 v. . 421.15 — DeQuincey, T. Plato’s republic In 302.18.1 — Emerson, R. W. Plato, the philosopher, etc In 307.19.2 — Plato [outlined and explained] by C. W. Collins. 1874 1020.37 — Lewes, G. H. Biog. hist, of philosophy. 427.1 Plautus [outlined and explained] by W. L. Collins. 1873 1020.34 Playbook of metals. Pepper, J, H 808 . 25 Playbook of science. Pepper, J. H 811.6 Played out. Cudlip, Annie 36 . 156 Playfair, J. Euclid’s elements of geom- etry. 1855 825.6 Playfair, W. S. Midwifery; rev. by R. P. Harris. 1880 846 . 16 Plays. See Drama. Plays and pastimes. See Amusements; Games; Sports. Plays and puritans, etc. [Essays.] Kings- le^C 308.16 Pleading. Stephen, H. J. Principles of. 1867 908.10 Pleasant cove series. 6 v. See Kellogg, E. Pleasonton, A. J. Influence of the blue ray. 1876 826.4 Pleasure. Culture of, in social and relig- ious aspects. 1873 425.27 Pleasures of hope. [Poems.] Campbell, T. 217.10 Pleasures of literature. Wilmott, R. A.. 325.25 Pleasures of memory. [Poems.] Rogers, S. 217.10 Plebiscite, The. [Franco-German war.] Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A 44.7 Pliny, the younger [C. Plinius C. Secun- dus]. Letters. Tr. by Melrose 613.27 — Pliny’s letters [Selections, with notes] by A. Church and W. J. Brodribb. 1874 1020.29 Ploetz, C. Epitome of ancient, mediaeval and modem history. Tr., with addi- tions, by W. T. Tillinghast. 1884. . . 746.4 Plon, Eugene. Life and works of Thor- valsden. 1874 816.5 Plot in private life. Collins, Wilkie ...... 36 . 123 Plummer, P. W. Carpenter’s and builder’s guide. 1879 841.26 Plunkett, Mrs. H. M. Women, plumbers and doctors; or, household sanitation. 1885 845.22 PLURALITY. 196 POETRY. Plurality of worlds. Dick, T. Siderial heavens In 411.12.2 — Proctor, R. A. Other worlds than ours. 1871 812.7 — Whewell, W. Plurality of worlds. With an introduction by E. Hitchcock. ’55 . 801 . 16 Plutarch. Lives [of ancient Greeks and and Romans]. Dryden’s translation rev. by A. H. Clough. 1880 604.5 Same. With notes and life of Plu- tarch, by J. and W. Langhorne. 1843. 604.6 — Morals. Tr. by W. W. Goodwin. 5 v . . 445 . 3 — White, J. S. Boys’ and girls’ Plutarch. Illus. 1883 628.6 Plymouth, Mass. Banvard, J. Plymouth and the pilgrims. 1851 711 . 28 — Philleo, C. W. Pilgrimage to. 1853. In 1004.1.8 — Russell, W. S. Pilgrim memorials and guide to Plymouth. 1855 736 . 12 See also Pilgrims. Plymouth pulpit. See Beecher, H. W. Pneumatics. Centennial exhibition. Re- ports: pneumatic apparatus, etc. .In *846.15.6 Poacher, The. Marry at, Fred 16.22 Pocahontas, Indian princess. Cooke, J. E. My lady Pokahontas. Fict 58.16 — Eggleston, E. and Seelye, L. E. Poca- hontas. 1879 635.5.3 — Goodrich, S. G. Celebrated Am. Indians. 643 . 6 — Thatcher, B. B. Indian biography 614.18.1 Pocket atlas of historical geography. Wel- ler, E 525.1 Pocket measure. Alden, I. M. Juv 87.29 Poe, E. A. Poems. With memoir. 1874. 202.12 — ' Prose tales. 2 v. [cop. 1849.] 62.13 — Select works of, with life by R. H. Stod- dard 317.12 — Gilfillan, G. Third gallery of portraits. 301.24 — Gill, W. F. Life of. 1877 617.16 — Smiles, S. Brief biographies 606.4 — Woodberry, G. E. Edgar A. Poe. 1885.624.12.8 Poems of the Orient. Taylor, B. 1855 206 . 19 Poet at the breakfast-table. Holmes, O.W. 303.10 Poet’s bazaar. [Travels.] Andersen, H. C . . 522 . 26 Poet’s journal. [Poems.] Taylor, Bayard. . 203.23 Poetry. History , etc. — Ellis, Mrs. S. S. Poetry of life. ’45. .In 305.15.2 — Emerson, R. W. The poet In 326.9.2 Poetry and imagination In 332 . 23 — Lessing, G. E. Laocoon; limits of paint- ing and 852.19 — MacDonald, G. England’s antiphon. [Religious poetry.] 218.27 — Preston, H. W. Troubadours and trou- veres. 1876 206 . 16 — Reed, H. Lectures on the British poets. 2 v. 1867 208.22 — Shairp, J. C. Aspects of poetry. 1882 . 211.8 Poetical interpretation of nature. ’78. 314.25 Studies in. 1872 301.11 — Taylor, I. Spirit of Hebrew poetry. ’73. 403.6 — Townsend, L. T. Studies in poetry. ’81. .317.13.1 — Warton, T. History of English poetry from the 11th to 17th century 208.21 — Wilson, J. An hour’s talk about p. In 305.7 Versification and Rhyme. — Barnum, S. W. Vocabulary of English rhymes. 1876 215.23 — Hood, T., the younger. The rhymes- ter. 1884 215.24 Poetry, continued. — Lanier, S. Science of English verse.’83. 213 . 11 — Symonds, J. A. Blank verse In 514.33.2 See also Ballads ; Drama ; Humor ( Humorous -poetry ) ; Hymns; Poets; Quotations; Songs; also various litera- tures: American, English, German, Latin, Scandina- vian, etg. Collections. — Adams, W. D. Comic poets of the 19th century 217.16 — Alger, W. R. Poetry of the Orient. 1874. 211.21 — American poems : Longfellow, Whittier, Bryant, Holmes. Lowell, Emerson; with biog. sketches. 1880 217.5 — Austin, Mrs. G. L. Little people of God. What the poets have said of them. Illus. 1877 217.28 — Baskerville, A. Poetry of Germany. Se- lections, with text and translation. ’54. 211 . 26 — Bethune, G. W. British female poets. 1875 y . 212.14 — Brackett, A. C. and Eliot, I. M. Poetry for home and school. 1876 208.9 — Bryant, W. C. Library of poetry and song. 1874 201.15 — Bulflnch, T. Poetry of the age of fable. 211 . 28 — Campbell, L. J. Young folks’ book of poetry. 1880 211.33 — Chamber of peace, etc. 1874 218.3 — Changed cross, etc. 1872 217 . 33 — Christmas in art and song. Illus. 1879.207.12 — Coates, H. T. Fireside encyclopaedia of poetry. 1881 212 . 8 — Dana, C. A. Household book of poetry. 1877 207.7 — Emerson, R. W. Parnassus. A collec- tion. 1876 207.6 — Estes, D. Home book of poetry. 1882. 212.7 — Field, J. T. and Whipple, E. P. Family library of British poetry. 1878 207 . 24 — Gleanings from the poets. 1858 215.5 — Griswold, R. W. Poets and poetry of America. 1842 201 . 6 — Harper’s cyclopaedia of Am. and British poetry. 1871 207 . 19 — Hart, J. S. Class-book of poetry. 1845 . 204.2 — Home life in song. 1879 211.27 — Hooper, L. Lady’s book of flowers and poetry. 1863 204 . 3 — Inglis, R. Gleanings from the English poets 217.26 — Johnson, R. Little classics, v. 13-15. ’75. 304.16 — Jones, C. H. Vers de societe. 1876 211.11 — Lathrop, G. P. Masque of poets. 1878. 217.4 — Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe. 1871 207 . 2 — Mackay, C. Thousand and one gems of English poetry. 1867 206 . 5 — May, Caroline.* American female poets. 1869 212.13 — Parton, J. Humorous poetry of the Eng- lish language. 1872 201 . 1 1 Le Parnasse Francais. 1877 207.11 — Patmore, C. Children’s garland from the poets 217.20 — Percy, T. Reliques of ancient English poetry 201.18 Same. 5 v. in 3 214.20 — Poetry of the fields. 1856 217.11 — Poetry of the woods. 1868 217.12 — Quiet hours. 2 v. 1881-2 211 . 14 — Rogers, C. Scottish minstrel. 1872 207.17 — Schaff, P. and Gilman, A. Library of religious poetry. 1881 212.3 POETEt. POETRY. 19 ? Poetry, continued. — Shadow of the rock, etc, 1872 218 . 4 — Tender and true. Poems of love 211.30 — Thompson, S. The humbler poets: a collection of newspaper and periodi- cal verse, 1870-85 212 . 20 — Ward, T. H. The English poets: selec- tions, with critical introductions by various writers, and a general intro- duction by Matthew Arnold. 4 v. ’81. 218.8 Contents. — 1, Chaucer to Donne. 2, Ben Jonson to Dryden. 3, Addison to Blake. 4, Wordsworth to Dobell. — Whittier, J. G. Child life. Collection. 213.4 Songs of three centuries. 1875 206.9 — Williams, A. M. Poets and poetry of Ireland. 1881 218.24 Single Works . — Abraham Lincoln, Blanchard, Rufus 207.22 — ASneid. See Virgil in general alphabet. — Aftermath. Longfellow, H. W 202.22 — All around the year. Goodale, E. and D. R,..t... 218.2 — America discovered. 1850 217.34 — Apple-blossoms. Goodale, E. and D. R 206.25 — Astraea. Holmes, O. W 215.12 — Aurora Leigh. Browning, Mrs. E. B 214.2 — Bay of seven islands. Whittier, J. G 213.9 — Bitter-sweet. Holland, J. G 204.16 — Bride of Gettysburg. Hylton, J. D 207.13 — Canterbury tales. Chaucer, G 203.9 — Century of roundels, etc. Swinburne, A, C 215.2 — Christian year. Keble, John 215.8 — Christus. Longfellow, H. W 211.22 — City ballads. Carleton, Will. Illus 212.18 — Cloth of gold, etc. Aldrich, T. B 208.19 — Culprit fay. Drake, J. R 212.12 — Deirdre. Joyce, R. D 217.3 — Divine comedy. See Dante in general alphabet. — Divine tragedy. Longfellow, H. W 211.22 and 211.23 — Dr. Syntax’s tours. Combe, W .. 213.5 — Dorothy. Munby, A. J 211.5 — Earthly paradise. Morris, W. 3v 204.8 — Emigrant’s story, etc. Trowbridge, J. T 211.18 — Esther Gray. Brainard, Mrs. M 203.16 — Evangeline. Longfellow, W. H 217.14 — Fables. La Fontaine, J. de .. . 308.7 — Faerie queene. Spenser, E 204.25 — Farm festivals. Carleton, Will 207.21 — Farm legends. Carleton, Will 207.5 — Festus. Bailey, J. P 212.15 — Flyleaves. [Humorous.! Calverley, E. S. 204.4 — Fridthjof ’s saga. Tegner E In 203.17 — From year to year. Bickersteth, E. H 211.39 — Georgies of Virgil ; tr. by H. W. Preston 218.12 — Glenaverll. Bulwer-Lytton, R 215.20 — • Grandmother’s story, etc. Holmes, O. W 215.14 — Gulistan; or, rose-garden. See Sadi 207.30 — Harry. Hart, Mrs 208.11 — Hudibras. Butler, S 202.6 — Hunting of the snark. Carroll, Lewis 215.9 — Iliad. See Homer in general alphabet. — In the harbor. Longfellow, II. W 211.16 — Indian idylls. Arnold, E 211.36 — Ingoldsby legends. Barham, R. H 204.9 — Iron gate. Holmes, O. W 215.13 — Jerusalem delivered. Tasso, T 204.24 — Jocoseria. Browning, R *. 213.7 — Kathrina. Holland, J. G 203.17 — Keramos. Longfellow, H. W 208.10 — King’s missive, etc. k Whittier, J. G 218.13 — Lady of the lake. Scott, Sir W 217.8 — Lallah Rookh Moore, T. ... * 202.17 Poetry, continued. — Lays of ancient Rome. Macaulay, T. B.. .305.13 and 206.8 — Lays of the Scottish cavaliers. Aytoun, W. E 208.23 — Legend of Jubal, etc. Eliot, George 206.27 — Life and death of Jason, Morris, W 217.18 — Light of Asia. Arnold, E 208.30 — Lost tales of Miletus. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L 214.9 — Lucile. Bulwer-Lytton, R 206.10 — Lusiad. Camoens, L 217.21 — Marble prophecy, etc. Holland, J. G 203.19 — Memorial pictures. Brainard, Mrs. Mary 204.5 — Mercedes, etc. Aldrich, T. B 215.1 — Mireio. Provencal poem. Mistral, F 211.3 — Mistress of the manse. Holland, J. G 215.7 — Nathan the wise. Dramatic poem. Lessing, G. E. 211.4 — New Timon, The. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. 214.6 — New year’s masque, etc. Thomas, Edith M 215.18 — Nibelungenlied. See entry in general alphabet. — Night thoughts. Young, E 202.15 and 207.4 — Nothing to do. Illus 202.18 — Odyssey. See Homer in general alphabet. — Orlando Furioso. Ariosto, L ... 206.11 — Pageant and other poems. Rossetti, C. G 218.25 — Pansies. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T 218.19 — Paradise lost. Milton, J 214.30 and 203.20 — Pearls of the faith. Arnold, Edwin 211.35 — Pennsylvania pilgrim. Whittier, J. G 203.14 — Pictures of travel. Heine, H 512.3 — Pleasures of hope. Campbell, T 217.10 — Pleasures of memory. Rogers, S ... 217.10 — Poems of the Orient. Taylor, Bayard 203.24 — Poet’s journal. Taylor, Bayard. 203.23 — Princess, The. Tennyson, A 204.12 — Proverbial philosophy. Tupper, M. F 203.21 — Puritan’s guest, etc. Holland, J. G 215.11 — Rejected addresses. Smith, H. and J 206.20 — Rhyme? and reason? Carroll, L 211.38 — Rubaiyat. [Persian poem.] Omar Khayyam 211.2 — Ship in the desert. Miller, Joaquin 202.24 — Songs of Italy. Miller, Joaquin 208.25 — Songs of the Sierras. Miller, Joaquin 203.11 — Spanish gypsy. Eliot, G 206.26 — Tales of a wayside inn. Longfellow, H. W 206.21 — Thanatopsis. Bryant, W. C 207.29 — Theism. Sanborn, R. S 202.21 — Three books of song. Longfellow, H. W 211.24 — Trust, The, and The remittance. Clarke, M. C 204.13 — Two brothers, etc. Bickersteth, E. H 202.16 — Ultima Thule. Longfellow, H. W 211.15 — Verities in verse, [On religion, etc.] 212.13 — Vignettes in rhyme, etc. Dobson, A. 217.22 — Vision, The. See Dante. — War lyrics. Brownell, H. H. 208.6 — Yesterday, to day and forever. Bickersteth, E. II. 202.25 See also Ballads ; Humor ( Humorous poetry ) ; Songs. Class-list of Poets. Note .— 1 The following list of poets, whose works, in part at least, are in the library, does not include many to be found in poetical and dramatic collections. Addison, Joseph. ASschylus. Aldrich, T. B. Allston, Washington. Anacreon. Ariosto. Arnold, Edwin. Arnold, Matthew. Aytoun, W. E. Bailey, J. P. Bickersteth, E. II. Blanchard, Rufus. Bon Gaultier, pseud. Brainard, Mrs. Mary. Brownell, H. H. Browning, Mrs. E. B. Browning, Robert. Bryant, W. C. Buchanan, Robert. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Lord Lytton. Bulwer-Lytton, R., 2d Lord Lytton. Burns, Robert. Butler, Samuel. Byron, Lord. Camoens. Campbell, Thomas. Carleton, Will. Carroll, L, pseud. Cary, Alice. Cary, Phoebe. Chaucer, Geoffrey. Churchill, Charles. POETRY. 198 POLLARD. Poetry, continued. Clarke, W. G. Clough, A. H. Coleridge, S. T. Collins, William. Cook Eliza. Cowper, William. Craik, Mrs. D M. Cross, Mrs. J. W. See Eliot, George. Dante. Davidson, Marg. M. Derby, Earl of. Dobell, Sydney. Dobson, Austin. Dodgson, C. L. Drake, J. R. Dryden John. Eliot, George, pseud. Emerson, R. W. Euripides. Gilbert, W. S. Goethe . Goldsmith, Oliver. Goodale, Elaine and Dora E. Gray, Thomas. Halleck, Fitz-Greene. Harte, Bret. • Havergal, Frances R. Hay, John. Hayne, P. H. Heine, Heinrich. Hemans, Mrs. F. D. Herbert, George. Holland, J. G. Homer. Hood, Thomas. Horace. Howard, H., Earl of Surrey. Hylton, J. D. Ingelow, Jean. Jackson, H. H. Jonson, Ben. Joyce, R. D. Juvenal. Keats, John. Keble, Rev. John. La Fontaine, J. de. Lamb, Charles. Landon, L. E. Larcom, Lucy. Lessing, G. E. Lewes, Mrs. M. E. See Eliot, George. Longfellow, H. W. Lowell, J. R. Mackay, Charles. MacPherson, James. Miller, C. H. Joaquin Miller. Milton, John. Morris, William. Munby, A. J. Munday, L. A. H. Omar Khayyam. Ossian. Parnell, Thomas. Peak, Gavilan. Perry, Nora. Persius. Pindar. Poe, E. A. Pope, Alexander. Powers, H. N. Praed, W. M. Procter, Adelaide A. Rogers, Samuel. Rossetti, C. G. Rossetti, D. G. Ryan, Abram J. Sadi. Saxe, J. G. Schiller. Scott, SirW. Shakespeare. Shelley, P. B. Sheridan, R. B. Smith, Horace and James. Sophocles. Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Swift, Jonathan. Swinburne, A. C. Taylor, Bayard. Taylor, Ben. F. Tegner, Esaias. Tennyson, A. Thackeray, W. M. Thomson, James. Tickell, Thomas. Trowbridge, J. T. Virgil. Wesley, Charles. White, H. K. Whitman, Walt. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Whittier, J. G. Wilde, Oscar. Willis, N. P. Wilson, John. Wordsworth, William. Young, Edward, and others. Poetry for children. Eliot, S. edV. 1880. 217.6 Poetry for home and school. Brackett, A. C. and Eliot, I. M. edWs 208.9 Poetry of astronomy. Procter, R. A 824 . 1 Poetry of life, The. Ellis, Mrs. S. S 305.15.2 Poetry of science. Hunt, R 807 . 1 Poetry of the fields. [Collection.] 1868 . . 217 . 11 Poetry of *the woods. [Collection.] 1868. 217.12 Poets. Bethnne, G. W. British female poets. 1875 212.14 — Dashler, C. H. Afternoons with the.’79 . 207 . 1 4 — Griswold, R. W. Poets and poetry of America. 1842 201 ' 6 — Jameson, A. Loves of the. 1866 633.13 — Johnson, S. Lives of the English 643.17 — Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe. 1871 207.2 — Stedman, E. C. Poets of America. 1885. 215 . 19 Victorian poets. 1876 215.6 — Stoddard, R. H. and others. Poets’ homes. [American]. 2v 622.6 — Williams, A. M. Poets and poetry of Ireland. 1881 218.24 See also Poetry ; also Biography ^ Collective : Literary.) Poets and novelists. Smith, G. B 322.7 Poganuc people. Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Fict . 144 . 12 Point of honor. Edwards, Annie. Fict.. 45.13 Point of view. J ames, H., jr. Fict 54.10 Poison fountain. [Public schools.] Mont- gomery, Z. 1874 913.25 Poison of asps, Church, Mrs. Ross- Fict. 134.10 Poland. Brown, J. R. Poland overground and underground. (Harper’s m., v. 25-26.) 1862 1004.1 — Doran, J. Monarchs retired, etc. 623.18.1 — Hist, of, to 1764. (Univ. hist., v. 30,31,37.) *708.1 — Porter, Jane. Thaddeus of Warsaw. Fict 5.6 Polar seas and regions. See Arctic regions. Polaris expedition. Blake, E. V., ed'r 524.15 Pole, Wm. On whist. 1879 847.7 — Philosophy of music. 1879 831.25 Politeness. See Etiquette, manners, etc. Political adventures of Lord Beacons- field 642.3 Political class-book. Sullivan, W. 1831. 902.11 Political economy. About, E. Hand-book of social economy. 1873 902 . 15 — Bastiat, M. F. Essays on. 1872 902 . 1 — Blanqui, J. A. History of, in Europe.’82. 915 . 2 — Bowen, F. American. 1873 911.6 — Cairnes, J. E. Political economy. 1874. 911.23 — Chalmers, T. Political economy in con- nexion with the moral state and moral prospects of society. 1842 911 . 7 — Chapin, A. L. First principles of. 1880. 912.26 — DeQuincey, T. Logic of. 1859 302 . 23 — Fawcett, H. Manual of. 1876 912.23 — Fawcett, M. G, Political economy for beginners. 1876 912.15 — George, H. Progress and poverty. 1880. 913.16 — Greeley, H. Political economy. 1871 . . 902 . 25 — Gregory, J. M. New political economy. 1882 916.1 — Jevons, W. S. Political economy. (Sci- ence primers.) 1879 828.20. 12 — Knight, C. Knowledge is power 914.15 — Mallock, W. H. Property and progress. 1884 916.22 — Mill, J. S. Principles of. 2 v. 1872... 904.4 — Newcomb, S. Principles of. 1886 915.19 — Perry, A. L. Political economy. 1877. 902.12 — Scudder, M. L. Labor-value fallacy.’84. 916.24 — Smith, A. Nature and causes of the wealth of nations. 1872 902 . 2 — Smith, E. P. Manual of. 1877 912 . 24 — Steele, G. M. Outline study of. 1885. 917.4 — Thompson, R. E. Social science and national economy. 1875 « 914.32 — Walker, F. A. Political economy. 1883. 915.14 — Wayland, F. Elements of. 1845 903.25 See also Banking ; Co-operation ; Commerce and trade; Free-trade and protection; Labor and capital; Labor and the laboring classes; Money; Socialism; Trades-unions. Political institutions. Spencer, H. 1882 . 913 . 10 Political recollections, 1840-72. Julian, G. W 916.15 Political science. See Government and politics. Political text book for 1860. Greeley, H. and Cleveland, J. F 904.9 Politics. See Government and politics. Politics for young Americans. Nordhoff, G. 1874 911.17 Polko, E. Reminiscences of F. Mendels- sohn-Bartholdy: a social and artistic biography. 1869 633 . 17 Pollard, E. A. Life of Jefferson Davis, with secret history of the Southern confederacy 1869 612 . 2 -- The lost cause. 1867 734.12 — Southern history of the war. 3 v. 1862 . 734.10 POLO. 199 POSEY. Polo, Marco. Travels; transl. by Marsden. 508.10 — Spencer, O. M. Polo and his book. In 1004.1 .46 — Towle, G. M. Marco Polo. Juv. 1880. .515.17.4 Polynesia. Cheever, H. T. Island world of the Pacific. 1856 711.3 — Cook, J. Three voyages, [1768-79] 525 . 20 — Nordhoff, C. Stories of the island world. 1857 531.8 See also Fiji islands; New Zealand; Pitcairn’s island ; Sandwich islands ; Society islands ; Typee ; also , Trav- els and voyages. Pomegranates from an English garden. [Poems.] Browning, R. 1885 215.16 Pompeii. Adams. Buried cities of Cam- pania 802.14 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Last days of. Fiat. 1855 ......... 7.10 — Dyer, T. H. Pompeii; its history and antiquities. Illus. 1875 742.18 — Jarves, J. J. A day at P. Illus In 1004.1.11 — Monnier, M. Wonders of. Illus, 1871 . 802 . 31 — Visit to Vesuvius and Pompeii In 1001.8.5 Pond, G. E. The Shenandoah valley in 1864. 1883 726.9.11 Pontiac, Ottawa chief. Goodrich, S. G. Celebrated American Indians 643 . 6 — Parkmann, F. Conspiracy of, [1763]. 2 v. 706 . 3 Ponton, M. Earthquakes and volcanoes.’70. 802 . 12 Poole, M. Annotations upon the Holy Bible. London, 1683. Folio, v. 1 . . . Ref, Poole, W. F. Index to periodical litera- ture, to 1882. Boston, 1882 *B . 28 Poor, H. V. Resumption and the silver question. 1878 914 . 5 Poor, Laura E. Sanskrit and kindred lit- eratures. 1880 426 . 12 Poor, The, and poor relief. Brown, E. E. Child -toilers of Boston streets. 1879. 914.24 — Campbell, Helen. Problem of the poor, 914 . 36 — Fields, Mrs. J. T. How to help the poor. 1884 916 . 6 — Giles, H. The philanthropic senti- ment In 317.11 — Jenkins, E. Ginx’s baby 308.28 See also Charities. Poor and proud. Adams, W. T. Juv 72.2.5 Poor boy and merchant prince. [Amos Lawrence.] Thayer, W. M 83.14.3 Poor Jack. Marryat, F. Juv 82.14 Poor Miss Finch. Collins, Wilkie 143.16 Poor papa. Porter, M. W. Juv 48.30 Poore, B. Life of John A. Logan. 1884.. 644.27 — Rise and fall of Louis Philippe, [1830- 48]. 1848 702.11 Pope, Alex. Poetical works, with life. 2 v. in 1. 1848 215.4 Contents.— v. 1, Pastorals; Messiah; Windsor forest; Ode on St. Cecilia’s day ; Choruses ; Essay on criticism ; Rape of the lock; Prologue; Epilogue; Eloisa to Abe- lard; Temple of Fame; January and May; Wife of Bath, from Chaucer ; Thebais of Statius ; Fable of Dry- ope; Vertumnus and Pomona; Imitation of English poets; Essay on man; Universal prayer; Moral essayB. v. 2, Imitations of Horace; Satires of Donne, versified ; Miscellanies; Epitaphs; The Dunciad; etc. — Select poetical works. 1848 214 . 21 — DeQuincey, T. Biog. essays 302.25 — Disraeli, J. Quarrels of authors 314.6.2 — Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors . 601 . 20 — Kingsley, C. New miscellanies. 1859.. 306.26 — Lowell, J. R. My study windows 332 . 13 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. English portraits. 642.2 — Stephen, L. Life. (Eng. men of let- ters.) 1880 616.11.22 — Taine, H. A. In his Eng. literature. . . . 305.12 — Thackeray, W. M. English humorists. . 302 . 15 Pope, J. J. Number one and how to take care of him. [Social and sanitary science.] 1884 845 . 15 Popes. Dollinger, J. J, I. von. Mediaeval fables about the popes 437 . 22 — Lord, J. Hildebrand — The papal em- pire In 735.6.2 Leo the great — The foundation of the papacy In 735.6.1 — Milman, H. H. Hist, of Latin Chris- tianity. 8v 416.19 — Ranke, L. Hist, of, in 16th and 17th cen- turies. 3 v 701.5 — Thompson, R. W. Papacy and the civil power. 1876 418.6 — Wiseman, N. Last four popes. 1875... 636.6 Popular antiquities, customs, delusions, etc. See Antiquities ; Calendar; Delusions; Folk- lore ; Superstitions, etc. Popular science monthly, v. 1-29. N. Y., Popular tales. Edgeworth, Maria 63.11 Population of an old pear tree. VanBruys- sel, E . 1870 822.22 Porcelain. See Pottery. Porte Crayon, pseud. See Strother, D. H. Portent, The. MacDonald, G. Fict 6.27 Porter, C. B., ed’r. Silver cup of spark- ling drops. 1860 408 . 33 Porter, D. D. Adventures of Harry Mar- line. 1885 77.27 — Incidents and anecdotes of the civil war. 1885 747.8 Porter, J. A. Sketches of Yale life. 1886. 436.7 Porter, J. L. Five years in Damascus, etc. 1870 503.3 — Giant cities of Bashan and Syria’s holy places. 1873 525.13 Porter, Jane. The Scottish chiefs. [Time of Wallace.] Fict 5.5 — Sir Edward Seaward’s narrative of his shipwreck. Fict 502.21 — Thaddeus of Warsaw. [Kosciusko; Po- land, 1791.] 5.6 Porter, Mrs. M. E. New Southern cook book. 1871 828.16 Porter, Mary W. Five little southerners . 87.18 — Poor papa. 1879 48.30 Porter, Noah. American colleges and the American public. 1870 413.17 — Books and reading* 1882 401 . 1 — Elements of moral science. 1885 434 . 17 — The human intellect. 1872 434.7 Porter, R. P. The West: from census of 1880. Maps. 1882 526.8 Portrait, The. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Fict 58.24 Portrait, The. Riddle, A. G. Fict 64.20 Portrait of a lady. James, H., jr. Fict.. 146.5 Portraits of places. [Travels.] James, H., jr 522.7 Portugal. Adams, W. T. Vine and olive. Juv 735.5 — Andersen, H. C. In Spain and. 1870. . 508.2 — Crawfurd, O, [J. Latouche]. Portugal, old and new. 1880 517 . 1 Travels in. 1878 514.9 — Dunham, A. History of Spain and. 5 v. 1872 716.14 — International exhibition, 1876. Cata- logues: Agriculture, colonies 831.2 See also Longfellow’s Poets and poetry of Europe [207.2], and Sismondi’s Life in Europe [302.6.2]. Posey, T. Hah, J. Life of. 1846 In 601.1.9 POSITIVISM. 200 PRE-HISTORIC. Positivism. Comte, A. Positive philos- ophy. 1855 434.14 — Fiske, J. Cosmic philosophy, with criti- cism on. 431.16 — McCosh, J. Christianity and positiv- ism. 1872 417.6 — Mill, J. S. A. Comte and positivism.’65. 413.16 Post-Nicene Greek fathers. Jackson, G. A.. 426.24.3 Post-Nicene Latin fathers. Jackson, G. A. .426.24.4 Potato pests. [Colorado beetle, etc.] Riley, G. V. 1876.... 838.16 Potiphar papers. [Satire.] Curtis, G. 1854. 8.26 Potomac, Army of the. Swinton, G. 1866. . 734.3 Potomac and the Rapidan, 1861-3. Quint, A. H. 1864 741.4 Potter, A. Hand-book for readers and students, [cop. 1843.] 325.26 — and Emerson, G. B. School and school- master. 1844 413 . 5 Potter, H. C. The gates of the East. [Egypt and Syria.] 1877 514.23 Pottery and porcelain. Beard, J. C. Paint- ing on china. 1882 851 . 11 — Beckwith, A. Majolica and fayence.’77. 827.17 — Elliott, C. W. Pottery and porcelain. 1878 826.14 — Hall, H. B. The bric-a-brac hunter.’75. 823.19 — Leland, C. G. The minor arts. Porce- lain painting, etc. 1880 851 . 14 — McLaughlin, M. L. China painting. ’82. 851.23 Pottery decoration under the glaze.’80 . 851 . 22 — Prime, W. C. Pottery' and porcelain of all times and nations. 1878 848.14 Pouchet, F. A. The universe. [Natural history.] Illus. 1882 841.14 Poultry. Bement, C. N. American poul- terer’s companion. 1871 818 . 36 — Bennett, J. C. Poultry book. 1854. . . 804.11 — Wright, L. Practical poultry keeper. 1884 845.21 See also Eggs. Pouvillon, Emile. Cesette. Story of peas- ant life in south of France. 1882 . . . 146.17 Powell, F. Bacchus dethroned. [Prize essay] 1875 425.12 Powell, G. T. On foundations [in build- ing]. 1879 831.26 Powell, H. J. and others. Glass-making. 1883 844.6 Power, J. H. An exposition of universal- ism. 1843 408.16 Power, Mrs. S. D. Anna Maria’s house- keeping. 1884 — . 855 . 1 — Behaving; or, children’s etiquette. 1877. 417.29 — Ugly-girl papers: hints for the toilet. ’78. 822.32 Powers, H. N. Poems. 1876 206.4 Poynter, E. F. Among the hills. Fict. ’81 . 51.21 — My little lady . 1871 36.405 Poynter, E. J. German, Flemish and Dutch painting. 1881. See Buxton, H. J. W 851.32 — and Head, P. R. Classic and Italian painting. 1 880 851 . 33 Practical religion. Woodbridge, J. 1837.438.16 Praed, W. M. Poems, with memoir. 2v.’65. 208.28 Pr^enomina. [Christian names.] Charnock, R. S. 1882 644.20 Prairie, The. Cooper, J. F. Fict 2.29 Prairie Crusoe; or, the far West. 1869. . 23.14 Prairie farmer, v. 3-14, 17-24. Chicago, 1843-61 *8541.1 Prairie traveller: a handbook. Marcy, R. B. 1859 512.25 Pratt, Anne. Dawnings of genius. 1873 . 606.30 Pratt, C.E. American bicycler. 1879... 833.18 Prayer. Book of common prayer, with psalter, or psalms of David. 1878... 436.18 — Bourne, W. O. Now I lay me down to sleep. Prayer of childhood in litera- ture and song. 1881 218.30 — Butterworth. H. Notable prayers of Christian history. 1880 425 . 18 — Chambers, T. W. The noon prayer meeting of the North Dutch church. 1858 437.13 — Hamilton, J. Mount of Olives, etc. ’51 . 406 . 32 — Key of heaven: manual of. [Catholic.]. 435.24 — Thompson, L. O. How to conduct prayer meetings . 1880 423 . 10 — Whitmarsh, C. S., comp. Prayers of the ages. 1880 425.17 Preacher and the king. [Bourdaloue and Louis XIV.] Bungener, L. F. Fict. 58 . 10 Preaching and pastoral work. Bayne, P. . Preaching and the press In 317.6.2 — Beecher, H, W. Yale lectures on. 3 v. 1872 437.10 — Brooks, P. Lectures on. (Yale lectures.) 1877 417.8 — Crosby, H. The Christian preacher. (Yale lectures . ) 1 880 423 . 17 — Dale, R. W. Nine lectures on. (Yale lectures.) 1878 417.4 — Dix, J. [J. D.] Pen pictures of popu- lar English preachers. 1852 606 . 22 — Fiske, F. W. Manual of preaching. ’84. 445 . 2 — Lay preacher for 1880. Periodical 427.3 — Lord, J. Chrysostom — Sacred elo- quence In 735.6.1 — Mahaffy, J. P. Decay of modern preach- ing. 1862 443.24 — Phelps, Austin. Men and books. Studies in homiletics. 1882 427.16 Theory of preaching. 1882 427.10 — Smith, Wilder. Extempore preaching. 1884 433.4 — Taylor, W. The model preacher. 1860 . 438.4 — Tyng, S. H. Offices and duty of a Christian pastor. 1874 412.4 — Voice of the parsonage. Fict. 1854... 135.20 See also Biography ( Collective : Religious ); Sermons. Pre-adamite earth. Harris, J. 1856 437.20 Pre Adamites. Winchell, A. 1881 836 . 31 Preble, Edward. Sabin, L. Life of. 1847 . 601.1.12 Preble, G. N. History of the flag of the United States, etc. 1880 726.10 Precaution, a novel. Cooper, J. F 2.30 Precious stones. Dieulaf ait, L . Diamonds and 828.8 Pre-Columbian discovery of America. DeCosta, B, F. 1868 748.6 Preece, W. H. and Sivewright, J. Teleg- raphy. 1876 816.10 Pre-historic America. Nadaillac, Marquis de. 1884 734.19 Pre-historic man. Berthet, E. Pre-his- toric world. Fict 145.11 — Dawkins, W. B. Cave-hunting [in Eu- rope]. 1874 846.1 Early man in Britain. 1880. 843.11 — Geikie, J. Great ice age. 1879 815 . 21 — Tylor, E. B. Primitive culture. 2 v. ’77 . 825.16 — Winchell, A. Pre-adamites. 1881 836.31 See also under Man additional works on pre- historic man, races, times, etc. Pre-historic nations . Baldwin, J. D. ’74. 706.23 Pre-historic races of the United States. Foster, J. W. 1873 808.7 PRE-HISTORIC. 201 PROBABILITIES. Pre-historic times. Lubbock, Sir J. ’72. 704.3 Prentiss, Mrs. Eliz. Aunt Jane’s hero.’71 . 13.17 — Avis Benson and other sketches. 1879 . . 138 . 23 — Flower of the family. 1853 82.22 — Fred, and Maria, and me. 1875 88.28 — Home at Grey lock. 1876 53.23 — Little Lou’s sayings and doings. 1873.. 78.31 — Little Susie’s six birthdays 87.26 — Pemaquid. Old times in New England. *138 . 25 — Stepping heavenward. 1869 142 . 10 — Life and letters. 1882 625 . 16 Prentiss, Seargent. Memoir; ed. by his brother. 2 v. 1879 618.11 Presbyterianism. Presbyterian church throughout the world. 1874 427 . 12 — Westminster assembly’s larger cate- chism 444.13 Prescott, Mary N. Matt’s follies. 1873 . . 28.17 — Poets’ homes. [Sketch of] 622.6.1 Prescott, W. H. Biographical and critical miscellanies. 1855 305 . 14 — Charles V. after his abdication. See Robertson, W. 1869 Li 704.7.3 — Conquest of Mexico. 3 v. 1871 704.9 — Conquest of Peru. 2 v. 1871 704.8 — Life of C. Brockden Brown, [cop. 1835]. 641.4.1 — Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella . . 3 v. 1845 704.6 — Reign of Philip II. of Spain. 3 v. 1871. 704.10 — Ticknor, G. Life of. 1864 607 . 4 — Whipple, E. P. Prescott’s histories. In 303.6.2 Prescotts of Pamphillon. Parr, Louisa . . 36.442 President’s daughters. Bremer, F. Fict. 133.14.2 Presidents. Ames, M. C. Ladies of the White house In 521 . 3 — Frost, J. Lives of the, to Pierce. 1860 . 621 . 8 — Holloway, L. C. Ladies of the White house. 1881 628 . 20 Press, The. See Journalism; Periodicals. Pressense, E. de. Early years of Chris- * tianity. 1870 425 . 14 Pressense, Mme. E. de. Two years of school life 28.2 Preston, Harriet W. Is that all? 1877... 46.2 — Troubadours and trouveres. New and old. 1876 206.16 Pretenders, The, and their adherents. Jesse, J. H. Ulus 718.7 Pretty little countess Zina. Durand, Mme. A 46.24 Pretty Mrs. Gaston. Cooke, J. E 31.10 Pretty Polly Pemberton. Burnett, F. H. . 141 . 24 Preventive medicine. Richardson, B. W . 843 . 27 Prey of the gods. Church, Mrs . R 34.23 Price she paid. Benedict, F. L 55.27 Prices. Benner, S. Prophecies of future.’79 914.3 Pride and prejudice. Austen, Jane. Fict. 36.35 Priest and the man; or, Abelard and Hel- oisa. Newton, W. W. 1883 55.9 Primacy of the apostolic see. Kenrick, F. P. 418.15 Prime, E.D.G. Around the world, f ’69-70] 504.6 — Forty years in Turkish empire. [ Life of Rev. W. GoodeU.] 1878 637.10 Prime, S. I. Alhambra and the Kremlin. ’73 516.9 — Letters from Switzerland. 1860 525 . 28 — Life of S. F. B. Morse. 1875 628.19 Prime, W. C. Boat life in Egypt and Nu- bia. 1872 502.19 — I go a-fishing. 1873 503 . 7 Prime, W. C., continued. — Pottery and porcelain of all times and nations. 1878 848 . 14 — Tent life in the Holy land. 1857 512.15 Prime minister. Trollope, A. Fict 42.28 Primers. American health primers. 12 v. See Keen, W. W., ed'r. — Collier, J. Primer of art. 1882 834.28 — Early Christian literature primers. 4 v. SkPP "Fulfill AT* f-r P — Gow, A. M. Primer of politeness. 1883. 444.21 — History, v. 1-7. See Green, J. R., ed’r. — Literature, v. 1-9. See Green, J. R., ed r. — Richardson, C. F. Primer of American literature. 1883 318.34 — Science, v. 1-12. See Huxley, T. H. and others , ed'rs. Primeval man. Argyll, Duke of. 1872. . . 805.4 Primitive belief. Keary, C. F. Outlines of. 443.25 Primitive culture. Tylor, E. B. 2 v. 1877. 825.16 Primitive industry. Abbott, C. C. 1881. 843.3 Primitive man. Figuier, L 812 . 23 See also Man. Prince, The. [Rules of conduct.] Machia- velli, N In 702.10 Prince and the page. Yonge, Charlotte M. 36 . 60^ Prince and the pauper. Clemens, S. L. . . 47.38 Prince Charlie; the young chevalier. Johnes, M 24.19 Prince Eugene and his times. Mundt. C . M. Fict 61.29 Prince of darkness. South worth, E. D. E. N. 5 . 21 Prince of the house of David, Ingraham, J. H. Fict.. 13.21 Princess, The, a medley. Tennyson, A... 204.12 Princess Amelie. (Nonameser.) 1883... 57.19 Princess and Curdie. Macdonald. G. ’83 . 82.4 Princess and the goblin. Macdonald, G. . 25.8 Princess Idleways. [Fairy tale.] Hays, W. J ; 78.21 Princess of Thule. Black, W. Fict 34.21 Princeton college. Carmina Princetonia: Princeton college songs. 1879 207 . 15 Princeton review. New series, v. 5-14. N. Y., 1880-4 *1007.15 Principles of nature. Davis, A. J. 1847. . 411.7 Principles of science. Jevons, W. S 417 . 21 Printer boy; life of Benj. Franklin. Juv. 24.17 Printing. DeVinne. T. L. John Gutten- berg In 1006.4.12 — Disraeli, I. Amenities of literature. [Invention of printing; first English printer] 308.11.1 — Fyfe, J. H. Triumphs of invention 802 . 11 — Hazen. E. Popular technology 823.15.2 — Timbs. J. Inventors and discoverers. . . 636 . 12 Wonderful inventions 837.25 Prior, J. Life of Edmund Burke. 1873 . 612 . 10 Prisons. Abbott, A. O. Prison life in the South, 1864-5 737.8 — Prison discipline society, annual reports, 1826-33 911.33 — Thompson, G. Prison life [in Missouri]. 1849 606.18 Note .— Imprisoned for aiding fugitive slaves. — Wines, E. C. State prisons and child- saving institutions. 1880 913 . 22 See also Andersonville, Ga. ; Fry, Eli’z; Pel- lico, S. ; Trench, Baron. Privateer’s man. Marryat, Frederick ... . 36.387 Probabilities. Quetelet, M. A. Theory of, as applied to the moral and politi- cal sciences, 1849 821 . 16 20 PROBABILITIES. 202 PUBLISHING. Probabilities : an aid to faith. Tupper, M. F In 302.12.2 Probation, a novel, Fothergill. Jesse 138.19 Problem of human destiny. Dewey, O. ’64. 411.17 Problem of human life. Hall, A. W 427 . 21 Problem of religious progress. Dorches- ter, D 433.3 Problem of the poor. Campbell, Helen.. 914.36 Problematic characters. Spielhagen, F. 3.7 Problems of life and mind. Lewes, G. H. 3 v 418.20 P robyn, J. W. Italy: from 1815 to 1878. ’84. 751.1 Procter, Adelaide A. Poems. Illus. ’80. 217.30 — Dickens, C. [Recollections of.]. . . In *’005.2.16 Proctor, E. D. A Russian journey. 1872. 504.14 Proctor, R. A. The expanse of heaven.’74. 811.32 — Flowers of the sky. 1879 833.13 t* The great pyramid. 1883 842 . .1 8 — Half hours with the stars [maps]. ’75. .8521.20 — Half hours with the telescope. 1868... 807.12 — Light science for leisure hours. 1871.. 828.6 — Other worlds than ours. 1871 812.7 — Poetry of astronomy. 1881 824.1 — Science by-ways. 1876 816.28 — Transits of Venus, [1639-2012] 836.30 Professional ethics. [Legal]. Sharswood, G. 1869 911.28 Professions, [Choice of]. Arnold, F. Turn- ing points in life. 1873 304.14 — Hale, E. E What career. 1878 417.14 — Hazen, E. Popular technology; or, pro- fessions and trades. 2v. 1859 823.15 — Mathews, W. Getting on in the world. 304.12 Professor Th^. Bronte, Charlotte. Fict. 36.409 Professor at the breakfast-table. Holmes, O. W 303.8 Progress. See Civilization and progress. Progress and poverty. George, H. 1880. 913.16 Progress and prejudice. Gore, C. F. Fict. 36.237 Progress of religious ideas. Child, Lydia M. 3 v. 1855 401.24 Progressive farmer. Nash, J. A. 1854 . . 804 . 5 Progressive petticoats. Roosevelt, R. B. 43.20 Prohibition. See Temperance. Prohibitionist’s text-book. 1878. 912.16 Prometheus in Atlantis; a prophecy of the extinction of Christian civilization.’67. 903.10 Propertius [outlined and explained] by J. Davies. 1877 1021.2 Property. Lieber, F. On property and labour, [cop . 1841.] 917.9 — Mallock, W.H. Property and progress. ' 1884 916.22 Prophecy. Dollinger, J. J. I. von. The prophetic spirit and prophecies of the Christian era 437.22 — McCaul, A. Prophecy (In Aids to faith). 438 . 17 — Smith, U. Thoughts on Daniel. 1873. . 435 . 5 Thoughts on Revelation. 1865 435.4 United States in prophecy. 1872.... 435.6 — White, Ellen G. Spirit of prophecy. 3 v. 444.19 Prophet of the Great Smoky mountains. Murfree, Mary N. 1885 58.8 Prophetic voices concerning America. Sumner, C. 1874 711.11 Prophets of Israel. Smith, W. R. 1882 . 443 . 27 Propria quae maribus. Reade, C. Fict.. 6.23 Prose and poetry of Ireland. Murray, J. O’K 323.19 Prose writers of America. Cheever, G. B. 326.11 Prose writers of America. Griswold, R. W. 316. 17 Prose writers of Germany. Hedge, F. H. . 615.8 Protection. See Free trade; Political economy. Protestantism. Arnold, M. St. Paul and 443.14 — Balmes, J. Protestantism compared with catholicity 418 . 14 — Froude, J. A. Condition and prospects of In 307.21.2 See also Reformation ; also , names of differ- ent churches and sects. Provencal and Romance literature. Schle- gel, F. von. Remarks on the Romance poetry of the middle ages In 323 . 12 — Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de. Literature of the south of Europe 302.6.1 See also Troubadours; also histories of European literature, especially, the French. Proverbial philosophy. Tupper, M. F. 203.21 Proverbs. Bohn, H. G. Handbook of 311.30 — Book of proverbs. See Bible. — Disraeli, I. Philosophy of In 305 . 8 — Helps, Sir A. Proverbs, (In his Friends, etc.) 302.3.3 — Herbert, G. J acula prudentium In 206 . 3 — Long, J. Eastern proverbs and emblems 318.19 — Riley, H. T. Latin and Greek proverbs. 313.30 — Trench, R. C. Lessons in proverbs 311.16 Providence. Carson, A. The book of Esther 435 . 2 — Swedenborg, E. Divine providence. ’68 413.32 Provincial letters. Pascal, Blaise 441 . 10 Provost, The*. Galt, J. Fict 133.9 Prudence Palfrey. Aldrich, T. B. Fict.. 143.22 Prudy keeping house. Clarke, R. S 71.1.2 Prue and I. Curtis, G. W, Fict 7.35 Prussia. Adams, W. T. Northern lands Juv 73 5.2 — Hozier, H. M. The seven weeks war [with Austria]. 2 v. 1867 727.12 — Tuttle, H. History of Prussia to acces- sion of Frederick the Great, 1134 — 1740. 1884 746.18 See also Germany; France ( Franco-German war ); also, lives of Frederick the Great , Stein, Bismarck, etc. See also Berlin. Pryde, D. Highways of literature; or what to read and how to read. 1883 . 426 . 35 Pryor, H. Expiated. 1872 36.208 Psalms. Alexander, W. Witness of the psalms to Christ. 1879 442 . 10 — Murray, T. C. Origin and growth of. ’80. 423.16 See also Bible ; Hymns. Pseudonyms. Cushing, W. Initials and. ’85*3501 . 10 — Haynes, J. E. Pseudonyms, anonyms, and initialisms. 1882 *316 . 21 — Wheeler, W. A. Noted names of fiction. 1872 *332.1 See also Bibliography; also , annual vol- umes of the Library Journal. Psychology. Cousin, V. Elements of. ’38. 404 . 9 — Dods, J. B. Electrical. 1854 804.17 — Hickok, L. P. Empirical. 1857 404.7 Rational psychology. 1854 434.8 — Porter, N The human intellect, etc. ’68 434.7 — Spencer, H. Principles of. 2 v. 1880 . 442 . 16 See also Mental philosophy ; Metaphysics ; Mind; Philosophy, etc. Public lands. See U nited States. Public libraries. See Libraries. Publishers’ trade list annual. 6 v. N. Y , 1880-5 *3502.16 Publishers’ weekly. v. 16-28. N. Y., 1879-’85 *3502.15 Publishing. Authors and publishers: a manual. 1883 316.19 PUGET. 203 QUITE. Puget sound. Leighton, C. C. Life at, 1865-’81 522.3 Pugin, A. N. W. and A. Ferrey, B. Rec- ollections of. 1861 617.2 Pulaski, Count. Sparks, Jared. Life of. 1847 In 601.1.4 Pullan, R. P. On church decoration. ’78 848 . 8 Pumpelly, R. Across America and Asia, ’71 527.11 Punctuation. Bigelow, M. T. Punctua- tion, etc. 188! 317.28 — Cocker, W. J. Handbook of. 1878. ... 314.14 Punishment. See Capital punishment; Crime and punishment; Future pun- ishment; Prisons. Purgatory; doctrinally; practically, and historically opened. Barrows, W . . . 433 . 33 Puritan’s guest, and other poems. Holland, J. G 215.11 Puritans. Arnold, M. St. Paul and prot- estantism, etc 443 . 14 — Bacon, L. Genesis of the New England churches 435.17 — Carlyle, T. Heroes and hero-worship . . 301 . 23 — Gardiner, S. W. Puritan revolution, 1603-1660 743.5.8 — Kingsley, C. Plays and Puritans In 308.16 — Neal, D. History of the, 1577-1688. 2v 413.23 See also histories of New England, Massa- chusetts, etc. Purple and fine linen. Fawcett, E. Fict. 143.23 Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties. Craik, G. L. 1872 308.20 Pusey, E. B. On everlasting punishment. 1880 424.9 Pushkin, A. Marie: story of Russian love. 1877 137.13 Pussy Tiptoe’s family. Sanford, D. P 77.7 Put yourself in his place. Reade, C 34.1 Putnam, G. P. The best reading. Hints, etc. With classified bibliography. ’72 *328.7 — World’s progress; a dictionary of dates. 1873 *B. 10 Putnam, Israel. Cutter, W. Life of. 1859 605.9 — Harper’s m. [Sketch of.] 1004.1.12 — Peabody, O. W. B. Life of In 641.4.7 Putnam, J. P. Open fireplace in all ages. ’82 846.2 Putnam’s art hand-books. See Carter, S. N. ed’r. Putnam’s monthly magazine, v. 1-6, 12. N Y. 1853-68 *1005.1 Puzzles, Book of 500. 1850 812.27 Pycroft, J. Course of English reading. ’64 435.8 Pyle, Howard. Within the Capes. 1885. 58.21 Pym, J. Smith, G. Three English statesmen 606 . 13 Pyramids. Proctor, R. A The great pyr- amid. 1883 842.28 Myths and marvels of astronomy. ’77 826.21 — Seiss, J. A. Miracle of stone. [Great pyramid] 837.4 See also Egypt. Pyrenees. Taine, H. A. Tour through. ’74 502 . 18 Pyrrhus, king of Epirus. Abbott, J. History of. 1873 611.26 Quackenbos, G. P. Advanced course of composition and rhetoric. 1874 325 . 13 — First lessons in composition. 1867 325.12 Quackenbos, J. D. Illus. history of ancient literature. 1878 313.6 — School hist ry of the world. 1880 724 . 1 7 Quadroon, The. Reid, Mayne. Fict 3.29 Quakers. See Friends, Society of. Qualtrough, E. F. Sailor’s handy book.’81 837 . 29 Quarles, Francis. Emblems. 1861 413.22 Quarterly [London] review, v. 130-160. 1871-86 *1007.6 — Papers from. 1852 301.6 Quartet: sequel to Dab Kinzer. Stod- dard, W. O 82.12 Quatbefages, A. de. The human species. 1879 815.4.27 — Natural history of man. 1875 827.41 Queechy. Warner, Susan. Fict 14.15 Queen Hortense. Mundt, C. M. Fict ’80. 47.22 Queen Mab. Kavanagh, Julia. Fict 36.300 Queen Mary [“Bloody Mary”]: a drama. Tennyson, A, 204.21 Queen of hearts. Collins, Wilkie 43.27 Queen of Sheba. Aldrich, T. B. Fict 137.10 Queen of the air. [Greek myths] Ruskin, J. 302 . 2 Queen Titania, etc . Boyesen, H. H. Fict. 52.3 Queen’s Maries [Queen of Scots.] Melville, G. J. W, 36.399 Queen’s necklace [Marie Antoinette.] Du- mas, A. Fict 55.30 Queens. See Biography ( Collective ; Royal); also , Anne Boleyn ; Anne (Queen) ; Catherine, of Aragon; Cleopatra; Eliza- beth (Queen); Ferdinand and Isabella; Henrietta Maria; Hortense; Josephine (Empress); Margaret, of Anjou; Marie Antoinette ; Mary, queen of Scots; Semiramis ; Zenobia. Queens of American society. Ellet, E. F.’67 615.4 Queens of society, Thomson, K. B. and J. C. 1861 632.10 Queens of song. Clayton, Ellen C. 1865. 628.23 Queer bonnets. Tuthill, Mrs. L. C. Juv.. 78.25 Queer little people. Stowe, Mrs. H. B 26.30 Queer pets at Marcy’s. Miller, Olive T. Juv 832.11 Quentin Durward. Scott, Sir W. Fict... 12.6 Question book on common school studies. Craig, A.H. 1880 426.15 Question of rest for women. Jacobi, Dr. Mary P 846.7 Questions of the soul. Hecker, I. T. ’55 . . 433 . 14 Quetelet, M. A. Man and the development of his faculties. 1842 821 . 15 — The theory of probabilities as applied to the moral and political sciences.’49 821 . 16 Quicksands. Streckfuss, A. Fict 56.22 Quiet hours. Collection of poems, 2 v. ’81-2 211.14 Quiet Miss Godolphin. Mayo, Mrs. I. F. 134.24 Quiet nook in the Jura. Ruffini, G. Fict. 36.479 Quinby’s new bee-keeping. Root, L. C. ’79. 833.25 Quincy, Edmund. Life of Josiah Quincy. 1868 603.15 Quincy, Josiah, jr., b. 1744. d. 1775. Magoon, E. L. Orators of Am. revolution . ’73. 613.9 — Quincy, Josiah. Life of. 1875 613.1 Quincy, Josiah, son of preceding. Life of John Quincy Adams. 1858 603 . 2 — Life of Josiah Quincy, jr 613.1 — Speeches in Congress, 1805-13 911.20 — Life, by his son Edmund Quincy. 1868. 603 15 — Lowell, J.R. A great public character./n 332 . 13 Quincy, Mass. Adams, C. F. New depart- ure in the common schools of Quincy, etc. 1879 431.21 — Patridge, L. E. “Quincy methods.” Il- lustrated. 1885 436 . 16 Quinnebasset girls. Clarke, R. S. Juv.. 88.26 Quint, A. H. The Potomac and the Rap- idan. Army notes, 1861-3. 1864 741.4 Quintilian. [Quintilianus, M. F.j Insti- tutes of oratory. 2 v. 1875 318.4 Quintus Fixlein, Life of. Richter, J. P. F. Fict 133.15.2 Quite alone. Sala, G. A. Fict 134.5 RANDOLPH. QUITS. 204 Quits. Tautphoeus, I. Baroness von 36 . 519 Quixstar. Taylor, Miss. Fict 64.25 Quizzism; and its key. Southwick, A. P. ’84 327.16 Quotations. Adams, W. D. Diet, of Eng. lit *315.3 — Allibone, S. A. Poetical quotations from Chaucer to Tennyson. 1875 *B.20 Prose quotations from Socrates to Ma- caulay. 1876 *B . 19 — Bartlett, J. Familiar quotations. 1876 *D.l Same 315.20 — Book of familiar quotations 315 . 21 — Brewer, E. C. Diet, of phrase and fable 326 . 12 — Dictionary of quotations from the poets [based upon Bohn’s edition.] 1883.. 321.1 — Emerson, R. W. Quotation and origi- nality In 332.23 — Hoyt, J. K. and Ward, R. L. Cyclo- paedia of practical quotations, Eng- lish and Latin. 1882 *E . 10 — Jacox, F. Cues from all quarters 301.30 — Riley, H. T. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations 313 . 30 See also Anecdotes; Aphorisms; Extracts; Humor and wit; Proverbs; Shakespeare, etc. Rab [a dog] and his friends. Brown, J. 304.3.1 and 327.2 Rabelais, F. Besant,W. [Life and works].’ 79 636.7.8 Race for a wife. Smart, Hawley. 1870 ... 42.29 Race for wealth. Riddell, Mrs. J. H 36 . 473 Races of men. See Man. Rachel Gray. Kay anagh, Julia 36.301 Rachel Ray. Trollope, Anthony 36.547 Racine, J. Chefs-d’oeuvre. With notes by L. Fasquelle. 1858 313 . 3 — Trollope, H. M. [Life and works]. ’81 636.7.12 Radau, R. Wonders of acoustics. 1870... 802.25 Radcliffe, Mrs. A. Mysteries of Udolpho. 1864 14.14 — Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists. . . 624.19 Radcliffe, A. G. Schools and masters of painting. 1879 831 . 9 Rae, J. Contemporary socialisms. 1884.917.12 Rae, W. F. Newfoundland to Manitoba. ’81 518.3 — Westward by rail. 1874 501.28 Raffaello or Raphael Santi. Clement, C. E. Painters, etc. : hand book. Illus.’79 834.11 — Jameson, Mrs. Early Italian painters.’75 614.3 — Lanzi, A. L. History of painting. 1872 822.3.1 — Roscoe, W. Life of Leo X. 1870 613.19.2 — Ruskin, J. Modern painters. [ See index inv. 5.] 805.2 — Sweetser, M. F. Artist biographies. ’80. 626.5.1 — Tytler, Sarah. Old masters 808.32 Raffles, T. Life of Rev. T . Spencer. ’35.7n 411 . 1 Ragged register. [Western travel]. Dick- inson, A. E. 1879 512 . 29 Ragged schools. Guthrie, T. 1877. In.. 914.14 Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel. Don- nelly, I. 1883 844.16 Ragozin, Z. A. The story of Chaldea. ’86. 752.1.4 Raikes, T. Personal reminiscences, ’32-8. In 612.23 Railroads. Abbott, L. The American railroad In 1004.1.49 — Adams, C. F., jr. On railroad acci- dents. 1879 912.32 Railroads; their origin and problems. 1878 912.7 — Ballantyne, R. M. The iron horse. Juv 3.22 — Fyfe, J. H. Triumphs of invention 802.11 Railroads, continued. — Kennedy. W. S. Wonders and curios- ities of the railway. 1884 845.17 See also Pacific railroad ;also, Civil engineer- ing ; Locomotive engine. Raimund, Golo, pseud. See Dannenburg, G. Rainbows for children. [Fairy stories.] Child, Mrs. L. M 92.13 RAiNY-day stories. [Natural history.] Rale, Sebastian. Francis, C. Life of. ’48. In 601.1.7 Raleigh, Sir Walter. Disraeli, I. Psy- — Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes 646 . 10 — Towle, G. M. Ralegh: his exploits and voyages. 1882 515.7.5 Ralph, the heir. Trollope, Anthony 36 . 548 Ralston, W. R. S. Russian folk-tales. 1878. 421.6 Rambaud, A. History of Russia, [to 1877]. 2 v. 1879 725.14 Rambler, The. Johnson, S. (British es- sayists, v. 16-18) 303.15 Rambles among words. Swinton, W 314.10 Rambles in wonder-land. [The Yellowstone, etc]. Stanley, E. J 1878 513.11 Rame, Louise de la [Ouida]. Bimbi. Stories for children. 1882 81.13 — Cecil Castlemaine’s gage, etc. 1872 36.448 — Chandos. 1871 36.449 — Folle-Farine. 1872 36.450 — Idalia. 1872 36.451 — In a winter city. 1880 57.30 — Leaf in the storm, and other stories. ’72 36.452 — Madame la Marquise, and other stories. 36.453 — Pascarel, 1873 36.454 — Signa. 1882 146.29 — Strathmore. 1871 36.481 — Tricotrin, the story of a waif. 1870 36.456 — Two little wooden shoes. 1871 36.457 — Under two flags. 1871 36.458 — Wanda. 1883 54.23 Ramona, a story. Jackson, Mrs. H. H. ’85. 57.29 Ramsay, E. B. Reminiscences of Scottish life and character. 1874 641 . 3 Ramsdell, H. J. Life of J. G. Blaine. ’84. 644 . 27 Ramseyer, F. A. and Kuhne, J. Four years in Ashantee. [Missionaries, 1869-74] . 516.12 Ran away to sea. Reid, Mavne 28.24 Rand, E. A. All aboard for sunrise lands, [California, Japan, China, Australia]. 515.11 Rand, E. S., jr. Flowers for the parlor and garden. 1872 805 . 7 — Popular flowers, and how to cultivate them. 1873 812.31 Randall, A. Reading and elocution. 1878 325.34 Randall, H. S. Life of Thomas Jefferson 3 v. 1858 603.1 — Sheep husbandry. 1854 825.3 Randall, S. S. Digest of the common school system of the state of New York. 1844 932.8 • — History of the state of New York. 1870. 714.16 Randolph, Mrs. Gentianella 48.5 — Iris. 1882 53.15 Randolph, John. [Several speeches] . In 321.12.2 — Adams, H. John Randolph. ’82 626.4.5 — Garland, H. A. Life of. 1866 608.10 — Magoon, E. P. Orators of the Am. revo- lution 613 . 9 — Parton, James. Famous Americans .... 603 . 16 RANDOLPHS. 205 READINGS. Randolphs, The. Alden, I. M. Juv 86.2 Rangers and regulators. Reid, Mayne 3.27 Ranke, L. von. History of the popes in 16th and 17th centuries. 3v 701.5 See review in Macaulay’s Essays [305.13.] — Universal history. 1885 732.5 Rankine, W. J. M. Civil engineering. ’76. 827.2 — Manual of applied mechanics. 1873... 814.12 — Rules and tables. 1873 827.1 — and Bamber, E. F. Mechanical text- book. 1873 818.35 Ranthorpe. Lewes, G. H. Fict. 1847. 36.320 Raphael. See Raffaello Santi. Raphael. Lamartine, A. de. Fict. 1872.. 44.27 Raspe, R. E. Baron Munchausen [Hu- morous.] 8.20 Rasselas. Johnson, S. Fict 62.4 Rationalism and skepticism. Boston lec- tures for 1871. Christianity and scepticism 438.19 — Christlieb, T. Modern doubt and Chris- tian belief. 1874 412.3 — Draper, J. W. Intellectual development of Europe. 1872 '. 904 • 16 — Fisher, G. P. Faith and rationalism. . . 421.24 — Frothingham, O. B. Knowledge and faith, etc. 1876 443.18 Rising faith. 1878 443.19 Safest creed, etc. 1874 415.2 Spirit of the new faith, etc. 1877 443.20 — Gregg, W. R. Creed of Christendom. .. 443.11 — Haddon, A. W. Rationalism In 437 . 12 — Lecky, W. E. H. History of rational- ism in Europe. 2 v. 1872 437.1 — Maitland, B. Skepticism and faith. ’82 443 . 34 — Reade, W. W. Martyrdom of man. . . . 808.26 — Somerset, Duke of. Christian theology and modern skepticism. 1872 407.17 — Strauss, D. F. Old faith and the new.’73 402 . 23 — Volney, C. F. Ruins, or, meditations on revolutions of empires 403.9 See also Atheism ; Infidelity ; Miracles ; Relig- ion and science ; Supernaturalism, etc. Ratlin, the reefer. Marryat, F 16.23 Rau, C. Early man in Europe. 1876 836 . 3 Ratt, LI. Mozart; a biographical romance. 626.7 Ravenshoe. Kingsley, H 36.289 Ravenscliffe. Marsh-Caldwell, A 36.378 Rawlinson, G. Egypt and Babylon. From sacred and profane sources. 1885 . . . 746 . 20 — The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world. Illus. 3 v. 1873 . . . 715 . 5 1, Chaldea. Assyria. 2, Assyria. Media. Babylonia. 3, Babylonia. Persia. — History of ancient Egypt. 2 v. 1882.. 725.7 — Manual of ancient history, from the earliest times to the fall of the west- ern empire. 1869 713.4 — Origin of nations; Early civilizations; Ethnic affinities, etc. 1878 717.3 — The pentateuch. (In Aids to faith.) 438.17 — Religions of the ancient world. 1883... 444.16 — Seventh great oriental monarchy : Sas- sanian or, new Persian empire. 2 v’.82 725.15 — Sixth great oriental monarchy. [Par- thia]. 1873 706.11 Ray, I. Mental hygiene. 1863 818.21 Raymond, H. J. Life and public services of A. Lincoln. With anecdotes and reminiscences by F. B. Carpenter.’65 603 . 7 Raymond, Ida. Southland writers [Female]. 2 v. 1869 316.2 Raymond, J. L. Orator’s manual . 1880.. 314.26 Raymond, R. R. ed’r. Shakespeare for the young folk. 1881 212.9 Raymond, R. W. [Robertson Gray]. Brave hearts. 1873 143.14 — Statistics of mines and mining west of the Rocky mountains. 1873 848 . 22 Reade, A. R. ed'r. Study 'and stimulants. 842.20 Reade, Charles. Christie Johnson. 1873. 36.459 — Cloister and the hearth. [15th century] 36 . 460 — Clouds and sunshine, and Art: a dramat- ic tale. 1855 62.6 — Eighth commandment [copyright ques- tion.] 1860 301.28 — Good stories of man and other animals. 56 . 20 — Griffith Gaunt: or, jealousy. 1869 31.11 — Hard cash. [Private insane asylums] . . 36.461 — It is never too late to mend. [Prison hfe in England; Australia]. 1856 36.463 UUVtJ JLLIt? llltlu) lUVu 1 lie lUll^* J.Ot/0 • • • • OU • jcDm — Peg Woffington. 1872 36.466 Same, and other stories. 1871 6.23 Contents . — Peg Woffington ; Christie John- stone ; Clouds and sunshine ; Art ; Propria quae maribus; The box tunnel; Jack of all trades. — Perilous secret. 1884 56.19 — Put yourself in his place. [Trades unions] 34 . 1 — A simpleton 36.465 — A simpleton; The wandering heir. 1873. 63.39 — A terrible temptation. 1871 6.20 — White lies. [Napoleonic times] 1877.. 6.22 — A woman-hater. 1877 42.6 — and Boucicault, D. Foul play 6.24 — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders. 1872.. 607.5 Reade, W.Winwood. Martyrdom of man.’ 74 808.26 — Savage Africa. 1864 503.25 Reader’s guide to English history. Allen, W.F. 1883 732.15 Reader’s handbook of allusions, references, etc. Brewer, E. C 312.13 Readers and reading books. See Elocution. Reading, Abbott. L. ed'r. Hints for home reading. 1880 423 . 23 — Atkinson, W. P. Right use of books. ’78 441 . 22 — Baldwin, J. Book-lover; guide to the best reading. 1885 426.39 — Foster, W. E . Libraries and readers. ’83 426 . 36 — Helps, A .In his Friends in council, v. 1 302 . 3 — Ireland, A. Booklover’s enchiridion. ’83 326 . 19 — King, T. S. In his Substance and show, etc 311.15 — Legouve, Ernest. Reading as a fine art’ 79 421 . 39 — Matthews, J . B. [ Arthur Penn.] Home library. 1883 426.37 — Moore, C. H. What to read, and how to read. 1871 328.6 — Porter, N. Books and reading. 1882 . . 401 . 1 — Potter, A. Hand-book for readers and students. 1843 325.26 — Pryde, D. Highways of literature. 1883. 426.35 — Putnam, G. P. The best reading. 1872. *328 . 7 — Pycroft, J. Course of English reading.’64 435. 8 — Richardson, C. T. Choice of books. . ’80. 432 . 16 — Ruskin, J. Sesame and lilies. 1872 . . . 302 . 1 — Thwing, C. F. Reading of books. 1883 426.38 — Yaile, E. O. Reading, as an intellect- ual process. 1875 In 8501.16.8 — Van Dyke, J. C. Books and how to use them. 1880 426.34 — What shall I read? Ed by* J. H. Vin- cent. 1879 421.18 See also Bibliography; Books; Elocution (Readers)-, Fiction. Reading and elocution. Randall, A 325.34 Readings from Eng. history. Green, J.R.’ 79 717.10 REAL. 206 REFORM. Real folks. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Fict. 4.29 Realities of Irish life. Trench, W. S. Fict. 132.5 Realmah. Helps, Sir A. Fict 133 . 2 Reaney, Mrs. G. S. Daisy Snowflake’s secret. 1883 82.25 Reason. Kant, E. Critique of pure. 1872. 411.19 See also Logic. Reason why. General science. 1863 837.2 Rebecca and Rowena. [Burlesque.] Thack- eray, W. M In 301.12.1 Rebel war clerk’s diary. Jones, J. B. 2 y. 1866 714.19 Rebel’s recollections. Eggleston, G. C. ’75 736.11 Rebellion record. Ed. by F. Moore. 12 v. 1862-4 *731.9 Recamier, Mme. Memoirp and corre- spondence. Ed. by I. M. Luyster. ’67. 612 . 11 — Lord, J. Madame Recamier— Woman in society In 735.6.5 — Russell, W. Extraordinary women.. 618.2 — Thomson, K. B. and J. C. Queens of society.. 632.10 Receipts. Chase, A. W. Recipes; or infor- mation for everybody. 1874 818.13 — Cooley, A. J. Cyclopaedia of. 1873... 813.6 — Goodholme, T. S. Domestic cyclopaedia. 1882 841.31 See also Cookery ; Domestic economy. Recent advances in physical science. Tait, P. G. 1876 844.3 Reclus, E. The earth [its physical phe- nomena.] 1872 825.18 — History of a mountain. 1881 838 . 31 — The ocean, atmosphere and life. 1874 . . 825 . 19 Recollections of a busy life. Greeley, H. 1872 603.9 Recollections of a lifetime. Goodrich, S. G. 2 v 642.12 Recollections of a literary life. Mitford, M. R, 1872 601.18 Recollections of a Southern matron and a New England bride. Gilman, C. . 138.21 Recollections of an old pioneer. Burnett, P. H. 1880 623.14 Recollections of my youth. Renan, E. ’83 627.12 Recollections of past life. Holland, Sir H. 1872 602.15 Recommended to mercy. Houstoun, Mrs. M....: 36.467 Reconciliation of science and religion. Winchell, A 417.7 Records of a girlhood. Kemble F. A. ’79 618 . 5 Records of a quiet life. Hare, A J. C . . . . 631 . 11 Records of later life. Kemble, F. A. 1882 . 625 . 6 Recreations. See Amusements. Recreations of a country parson. Bovd, A.K. H. 2 v 301.17 Recreations of Christopher North. Wil- son, J 305 . 7 Rector and the doctor’s family. Oliphant, M.O. W 36.420 Rector of St. Marks. Holmes, Mrs. M. J. 135 . 4 Red as a rose is she. Broughton, Rhoda . . 331.5 Red court farm. Wood, Mrs. Henry 36.577 Red cross; England and Wales. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.4.3 Red Eagle. Eggleston, G. C. Red Eagle and wars with the Creek Indians of Alabama. [1878] 635.5.2 Red Eric. [Sea tale.] Ballantyne, R. M. . 25.17 Red Jacket, Seneca chief. Eggleston, E. and Seely e, L. E. 1879 In 635.5.4 — Moore, F. Am. eloquence, v. 1 321.12 Red Rover. Cooper, J. F 2.31 Red skins, The. Cooper, J. F 2.32 Note. Anti-rent troubles in New York state. RED-tape and pigeon-hole generals, [’62-3] . 714.10 Redburn; his first voyage. Melville, H. 55.6 Reddie, W. Anecdotes, literary and scientific 316 . 5 Redding, C. Modern American wines. 71 814.16 Redfield, A. M. Zoological science. 1872. 818.30 Redfield, J. W. Comparative physiog- nomy. 1866 826 . 5 Redford, G. Manual of anc. sculpture. ’82 851 . 35 Redgauntlet. Scott, Sir W 12.18 Redpath, J. Life of Capt. John Brown. ’60 618 . 1 Reed, A. Memorial of Martha Reed. ’35. In 411.3 — and Matheson, J. Visit to the Ameri- can churches. 1835 In 411.3 Reed, Henry. Lectures on the British poets. 2 v. 1867 208.22 — Life of J. Reed. 1848 In 601.1.8 Reed, S. B. House-plans for everybody. ’81 838 . 13 Rees, Mrs. J. E. R. Home decoration. ’81 824 . 6 — Home occupations. 1883 847.17 Reeve, H. Petrarch. [Lit. biog.]. 1877.. 636.7.5 Reference catalogue of current literature. 2 v. Lond., 1880-5 *3502.17 Reform. See Civilization and progress; Social science. Reformation. Bacon, L. Genesis of the New England churches. [Reforma- tion in England] 435.17 — Dinwiddie. W. Times before the ref- ormation, with account of Savona- rola. 1880. 423.26 — England’s daybreak: narratives of the reformation 406.14 — Fisher, G. P. The reformation. 1877. 418.11 Note. Gives list of books on the Reforma- tion. — Froude, J. A. Times of Erasmus and Luther In 307.21.1 — Geikie, C. The English reformation. 79 423.25 — Guizot, F. History of civilization 902.6 — Hausser, L. Period of the, 1517 to 1648. 1884 432.35 — Hurst, J. F. Short history of. 1884. . . 433.20 — Lord, J. John Wyclif— Dawn of the reformation In 735.6.2 Renaissance and reformation In 735.6.3 — M’Orie, Thomas. Life of John Knox. [Scottish reformation] 637 . 12 — Merle D’Aubigne, J. H. History of the reformation of the 16th century. 4 v. 435 . 1 Same. Tr. by H. White 405.4 — Milton, J. Reformation in England. ZwlOOl.6.2 — Seebohm, F. Era of the protestant rev- olution. Maps. 1874 743.5.1 — Spalding, M. J. History of the prot- estant reformation, [Catholic view]. 2 v. 1860 414.2 — Woodbury, Frank P. Luther and the annals of the reformation. A com- pilation. 1883 432.11 — Yonge, C. M. Reformation times, (1520-65). (Cameos from Eng.history) 742.20.4 In fiction, see Charles, E., Schonl erg-Cotta family [Luther, etc] 36.97; Hale, E E., In his name [story of the VValdenses] 47.45: James, G. P. R., ;The Hugue- not [Reign of Louis XIV] 131.20; Tales from Alsace, 4.27. See also Church history; Huguenots; Waldenses; also , Calvin; Erasmus; Knox ; Luther ; Melancthon. Reform. See Charities; Government; Pris- ons; Social science. REGINALD. 207 RELIGION. Reginald Hetherege. Kingsley, H 36.290 Reid, Christian, pseud. See Fisher, Fran- ces C. Reid, Mrs. H. Woman, her education and influence. 1852 914.16 Reid, Mayne. Afloat in the forest. [Ama- zon river] 92.5 — Boy hunters. [Texas, etc] 92.9 — Boy slaves. [Africa] 88.16 — Boy tar 75.25 — Bruin; the grand bear hunt 92.6 — Bush boys. [Africa] 92.4 — Cliff-climbers: sequel to “The plant- hunters.” 28.9 — Desert home 92.1 — Flag of distress, [pub. 1876.] 144.15 — Forest exiles. [Amazon valley.] 92.3 — Giraffe hunters 92.7 — Lost Lenore 3.26 — Ocean waifs. 1874 88.18 — Odd people; singular races of man. 1866 92.8 — Osceola the Seminole 3.30 — Plant-hunters. [Himalaya mountains]. . . 92.2 — Quadroon; or adventures in Louisiana. . 3.29 — Ran away to sea 28.24 — Rangers and regulators 3.27 — Rifle rangers, [pub. 1849.] 3.25 — Tiger hunter 3.23 — Wild hunters 3.28 — Wood rangers; or the trappers of Sonora 3.24 — Young voyageurs [North America]. 1876 75.24 — Young yagers. [South Africa]. 1874.. 75.23 Reign of law. Argyll, Duke of. 1872 . . . 407 . 16 Reigning belle. Stephens, Mrs. A. S 7.27 Rein, W. Life of Luther. 1883 627.25 Reindeer, dogs, and snow-shoes. [Siberia], Bush, R. J 527.12 Rejected addresses. [Poems]. Smith, H. and J 206.20 Religio medici. Browne, Sir T 408 . 21 Religion and chemistry. Cooke, J. P 425 . 1 Religion and religions. Dictionaries^ etc. — Abbott, L. Dictionary of religious knowledge. 1874 *A.10 — Herzog, J. J. and Schaff, P. Religious encyclopaedia. 3 v. 1882-3 *A . 12 See also Bible ( Dictionaries .) Philosophy , History , etc. — Bascom, J. Philosophy of religion. ’76 444 . 2 — Child, L. M. Progress of religious ideas. 3 v. 1855 401.24 — Clarke, J. F. Common-sense in religion. 1884 402.26 Events and epochs in religious history 1883 436.19 Ten great religions. Pt. 1. Essay in comparative theology .1871 438.26.1 Contents,— v. 1. Introduction.— Ethnic and Catholic religions. Confucius and the Chinese, or the prose of Asia. Brahmanism. Buddhism, or the protestantism of the East. Zoroaster and the Zend Avesta. Gods of Egypt. Gods of Greece. Religion of Rome. Teutonic and Scandinavian religion. .Jewish religion Moham- med and Islam. The ten religions and Christianity. Religion, continued. Same. Pt. 2. Comparison of all re- ligions. 1883 438.26.2 Contents . — Description and classification. Special types, law of development. Origin and development of all religions. The idea of God in all religions: animism, polytheism, pantheism, ditheism, tritheism, and monotheism. The soul and its transmigrations in all religions. The origin of the world in all religions ; Evolution, emanation, and creation. Prayer and wor- ship in all religions. Inspiration and art in all relig- ions. Ethics in all religions. Idea of a future state in all religions. The future religion of mankind. — Clodd, E. Childhood of religions, 1877 416 . 18 — Dick. T. Philosophy of religion. . .In 411.12.1 — Dorchester, D. Problem of religious progress. 1881 433.3 — Gould, B. S. Origin and development of religious belief. 2 v. 1871 411.22 — Hand-book to all religions . 1877 434.4 — Hardwick, C. Christ and other masters: Christianity and the religious systems of the ancient world. 1882 433.27 — Harrison, F. and Spencer, fl. Nature and reality of religion. [Discussion] 1885 436.11 — Keary, C . F. Outlines of primitive be- lief. 1882 443.25 — Maurice, F. D. Religions of the world and their relations to Christianity.’ 77 441.6 — Muller, F. Max. Origin and growth of religions of India. 1879 421.36 Science of religion, etc. ’72 404.3 — Non -Christian religious systems. 5 v. 1878-80 444.18 Contents 1, Buddhism. 2, Confucianism and Taouism. 3, The Coran. 4, Hinduism. 5, Islam. — Rawlinson, George. Religions of the ancient world. 1883 444.16 — Seeley, J. R. Natural religion. 1882.. 443.28 — Tylor, E. B. Primitive culture. 2 v. ’77 825.16 See also Buddhism; Christianity; Confucius; Hin- duism; Mohammed; Mythology; Oriental religions; Paganism; Parseeism; also China; Egypt; Greece; In- dia; Mexico; Peru; Scandinavia, etc. Miscellaneous and Practical. — Abbott, J. Fireside piety. 1834 408.11 Young Christian series. 4v 433.30 — Alleine, R. Heaven opened. 1852 437.7 — Baxter. R. A call to the unconverted.’35 406.18 Saints’ everlasting rest . 406 . 17 — Bogatzky, C. H. Y. Golden treasury. ’21 402.35 — Browne, Sir T. Religio medici, etc. ’72 408 . 21 — Bunyan, J. Pilgrim’s progress 408 . 8 — Burgess, Dr. Meditations. 1871 408 . 9 — Bushnell, H. Vicarious sacrifice. 2 v. 444.6 Forgiveness and law. 1874 444 . 7 Moral uses of dark things. 1881 .... 317 . 19 — Campbell, A. J. Power of Jesus Christ to save. 1860 406.12 — Cecil, R. Remains. 1836 In 411.2 — Charles, E. Cottage by the cathedral, and other parables. 1872 36.93 Tales and sketches of Christian life.’ 72 143.10 — Cobbe, Frances P. Darwinism in morals, etc. 1883 433.8 Religious duty. 1883 432.12 — Coleridge, S. T. Aids to reflection 432 . 21 — Dick, T. Christian philosopher In 411.12.2 — Ecce spiritus. 1881 443 . 7 — Eddy, D. C. Angel whispers. 1860 ... 408.19 — Fans, W. W. The children of light. ’77 441.24 — Fuller, T. Holy and profane states 417 . 30 — Goulburn, E. M. Thoughts on personal religion. 1873 408 . 38 RELIGION. 208 RETRIBUTION. Religion, continued. — Greenwell, Dora. Patience of hope. ’62 437.30 — Hoge, W. J. Blind Bartimeus. 1869.. 406.19 — James, J. A. Christian father’s present to his children. 1857 406 . 4 — Janeway, J. J. Communicant’s manual . 406.2 — Kempis, Thomas a. Of the imitation of Christ 432 . 4 — Liddon, H. P. Some elements of relig- ion. 1872 435.18 — Mills, J. S. Three essays on religion. ’84 434 . 5 — Mountford, W. Euthanasy. 1849 407.28 — Pascal, B. Thoughts on religion. ’35. In 411.3 — Philip, R. The Marthas. 1836 In 411.2 — Pike, J. G. Guide for young disciples . 406 . 1 — Smiley, S. F. Garden graith; or, talks among my flowers 443.16 — Swetchine, Mme. S. S. Writings. 1869 441.23 — Talmage, T. DeWitt. Every-day relig- ion. 1875 425.15 — Taylor, Jeremy. Holy living and dying. 441.21 — Torrey, C. T. Home ! or the pilgrims’ faith revived. 1845 408.7 — Woodbridge, J. Practical religion. 1837 438 . 16 See also Allegories; Atheism; Atonement; Christ; Church history; Conscience; Consolation; Evidences of Christianity; Faith; Future life; God; Heaven; Hymns; Infidelity; Inspiration; Meditations; Miracles; Missions; Names of different denominations and sects; Natural theology; Philosophy; Prayer; Preach- ing; Purgatory; Rationalism; Religion and science; Reformation; Retribution; Revivals; Sanctification; Scepticism; Sermons; Spiritualism; Supernaturalism; Symbolism; Theism; Theology. Religion and science. Argyll, Duke of. Reign of law. 1872 407 . 16 — Bascom, J. Science, philosophy, and re- ligion. 1872 402.8 — Brunton, T. L. Bible and science. 1871 841.4 — Burr, E. F. Pater mundi. 2 v. 1872. 402.9 — Chalmers, T. Revelation and modern astronomy 821 . 24 — Cooke, J. P. Religion and chemistry.’80. 425 . 1 — Dawson, J. W. Origin of the world. ’77. 827.16 — Dick, T. Christian philosopher In 411.12.2 — Draper, J. W. History of the conflict between religion and science. 1875. 815.4.12 — Drummond, H. Natural law in the spiritual world. 1884 432.34 — Gibson, J. M. The ages before Moses.’79 441.32 — Gray, Asa. Natural science and religion 1880 421.16 — Hitchcock, E. Religion of geology. ’60. 406 . 30 Religious truth illustrated from sci- ence. 1857 417.3 — Le Conte, J. Religion and science. 1880 425 . 26 — Leifchild, J. R. Higher ministry of na- ture. 1872 443.10 — McCosh, J. Certitude, providence and prayer In 435.27 — Molloy, G. Geology and revelation. ’73 822.8 — Rorison, G. The creative week In 437.12 — White, A. D. Warfare of science. ’76. 816.9 — Winchell A. Reconciliation of science and religion. 1877 417.7 See also Evidences of Christianity; Genesis and geology; Natural theology, etc. RelIgious aspects of the age. [Unitarian addresses.] 1858 437.18 Religious liberty. Kingsbury, H. Law government and. 1849 405.16 Religious poems. Stowe, Mrs. H. B. 1867. 204.7 RELiQUESof ancient English poetry. Percy T 201.18 — Same. 3 v. in 2 214 . 20 Reliques of Father Prout. Mahony, F. . . 307.. 11 Remains of lost empires. Myers, P. Y. N. 511.6 Remarkable events in history. Young, L. H 723 . 12 Rembrandt van Ryn, P. Clement, C. E. Painters, etc. Illus. 1879 834.11 — Fromentin, E. Old masters of Holland. 1882 851.16 — Ruskin. J. Modem painters. [See Index in v. 5] 805 . 2 — Sister of Rembrandt; Flemish story.Inl00l.8.8 — Sweetser, M. F. Artist biographies. ’81 626.5.4 — Tytler, Sarah. Old masters 808 . 32 Reminiscences of an idler. Wikoff, H... 637.13 Reminiscences of Oriel College, etc. Moz- ley, T. 1882 642.14 Remittance, The. [Poem.] Clark, Mary C. 204 . 13 Remusat, Mme. de. Letters, 1804-13 617.18 Note. Mme de Remusat was lady-in-waiting to Empress Josephine. — Memoirs, 1802-8. 2 v. 1880 637.7 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits, etc. 1868. 614.6 Renaissance period. Lord, J. Renais- sance and reformation In 735.6.3 — Pater, W. H. The renaissance : studies in art and poetry. 1877 852 . 21 — Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy, 4 pts. See his name in gen. alphabet. Renan, Ernest. The apostles, [cop. 1866.] 423 . 1 — English conferences. 1880 423.20 Contents. -Rome and Christianity; Marcus Aurelius. — Life of Jesus. 1874 413.2 — Recollections of my youth. 1883 627 . 12 — St. Paul. 1869 413.28 Renshawe. Ed. by Cuyler Pine. Fict 13.18 Rent in a cloud. Lever, Charles 36 . 345 Renwick, J. Life of Count Rumford. ’48. In 601.1.5 — Life of David Rittenhouse, [ 1732-96] In 641.4.7 — Life of Robert Fulton, [1765-1815].. .Zn641.4.10 Replies to “Essays and reviews.” 1862.. 437.12 Representative government. Mill. J. S. ’69 903 . 8 Representative men. Emerson, R. W. In 307.19.2 Representative women. Baldwin, G. E . . 606 . 9 Reptiles. Figuier, L. Reptiles and birds.’70 813 . 5 — Tenney, S. Fishes and reptiles. Juv.’ 68 22.15 Republic, The. (Dialogues of Plato) 404.1.2 Republic of God. Mulford, Elisha 427 . 5 Republican party. Boutwell, G. S. Why I am a Republican. 1884 916.19 Republics. Fate of republics. 1880 .... 724 . 1 See also various republics under names of Greece, Rome, Holland, Switzerland, Italy, France, United States. Rescue of Greely [Arctic explorer]. Schley, W. S. and Soley, J. R. 1885 523.2 Resolution. Roe, A. S. Fict. 1871 8.30 Resources of the Pacific slope. Browne, J. R. 1869 748.3 Responsibility in mental disease. Mauds- ley, H. 1874.. 815.4.9 Resumption and the silver question . Poor, H. Y. 1878 914.5 Resurrection. Row, C. A. Historical evidence of the resurrection of J esus Christ 444.22 See also Christ; Commentaries on the gos- pels ; Future life. Retribution. South worth, E. D . E. N. Fict 5 . 25 Retribution. Beecher, E. Doctrine of scriptural. 1878 417 . 12 — Jackson, W. Doctrine of. (Bampton (lectures.) 1876 442.9 See also Future life ; Future punishment. RETROSPECT. 209 RIDPATH. Retrospect of a long life. Hall, S. C 642 . 13 Return of the native. Hardy, T. Fict. . . 53.22 Reuben Davidger. [Captive among Dyaks.] Greenwood, J. Juv. 1866 77.23 Revepl, Benedict. Hunter and trapper in North America. 1875 818.12 Revelation of St. John. See Bible. Revere, J. W. Keel and saddle: forty years of military and naval service. 1872. 505.9 Reverend idol. Noble, Lucretia. Fict.. 52.23 Reveries of a bachelor. Mitchell, D. G . . 3.1 Reville, A. Native religions of Mexico and Peru. 1884 433 . 17 Revivals. Conant, W. C. Remarkable con- versions and revival incidents. 1858. 435 . 3 — Finney, C. G. Lectures on revivals. ’35 437 . 3 Revolt of man. [Satire. ] Besant, W 52.24 Revolution, American. See United States. Reynard the fox. Pleasant history of. Tr. by T. Roscoe In 313.27 — Froude, J. A. Short studies 307.21.1 Reynolds, Sir J. Literary works. With memoir by H. W. Beechy. 2 v. 1872 308.26 — Clement, C. E. Painters, etc. Illus. 1879 834.11 — Cunningham, A. British painters. 1868. 614.2.1 — Leslie, C. R. and Taylor, T. Life and times of. 2 v. 1865 641.1 — Sweetser, M. F. Artist biographies. ’81 . 626.5.3 — Tytler, Sarah. Modern painters. 1874. 808 . 31 Rhetoric. Bascom, J. Philosophy of. ’70 402 . 10 — Day, H. N. Rhetorical praxis. 1876... 315.16 — De Quincey, T. Historical and critical essays 302.18.2 — Hart, J. S. Composition and. 1876 325.14 — Haven, E. O. Rhetoric. 1874. 308.24 — Hervey, G. W. Christian rhetoric. ’73. 402.1 — Hill, A. S. Principles of rhetoric. 1881. 318.8 — Quackenbos, G. P. Advanced course of composition and. 1874 325.13 — Whately, R. Rhetoric. 1884 304.15 Rhetoric of conversation. Hervey, G. W.’63 308 . 21 Rheumatism. Ashburner, J. Observations on In 821.13 Rhine. Abbott, J. Rollo on the. Juv.. 21.16 — Hill, Lucy A. Rhine roamings. 1880. . 513 . 19 — Hood, T. Up the Rhine In 307.22.5 — Waring, G. E .jr. Bride of the Rhine. [Voyage in a row-boat.] 1878 514.2 Rhode Island. Greene, G. W. Short history of. 1877 723.8 Rhyme. See Versification. Rhyme? and reason? Carroll, L 211.38 Rhymes and jingles. Dodge, M. M 218.5 Rib ault, J. Sparks, J. Life of. 1848. In 601.1.7 Ribot, T. Diseases of memory. 1882 815.4.41 — Heredity. 1875 824.12 Rice, E. W. Pictorial commentary on St. Mark. 1882 443.2 Rice, J. Golden butterfly. See Besant, W. 47.33 — Sir Richard Whittington. 1881. See Besant, W. 621.25.8 Rich, A. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities; with illus. of the indus- trial arts and social life. 1881 331.11 Rich and humble. Adams, W. T. Juv . . 73.2.1 Richard I., of England. Abbott, J. His- tory of. 1857 611.27 In drama, see Burgoyne’s Richard Coeur de Lion [205.3.6] ; in fiction , see Scott’s Talisman, and Ivanhoe. Richard II., of England. Abbott, J. His- tory of. 1858 611.28 See also Shakespeare’s Richard II. 27 Richard III., of England. Abbott, J. His- tory of 611 . 29 See also Shakespeare’s Richard III. Richard Peters. Cox, W. N. Juv 21.29 Richard Vandermark. Harris, Miriam C . 11.13 Richards, E. H. Chemistry of cooking and cleaning. 1882 842.9 Richardson, A. D. Beyond the Mississippi, 1857-67 511.12 — The secret service, field, dungeon and escape, [1861-5] 507.8 Richardson, Abby S. Familiar talks on English literature. 1881 317 . 26 Richardson, B. W. Diseases of modern life. 1878 835.27 — The field of disease: a book of prevent- ive medicine. 1884...* 843.27 — Health and life. [Essays]. 1878 833.11 — On alcohol. 1876 816.6 — Temperance lesson book. 1879 837 . 1 Richardson, C. F. The choice of books.’80 432 . 16 — Primer of American literature . 1882 . . 318 . 34 Richardson, C. J. Picturesque designs for mansions, villas, and lodges. 1870.. 806.20 Richardson, J. Wonders of the Yellow- stone. 1873 505.20 Richardson, J. G. Long life. [Health primer]. 1880 833.14.2 Richardson, S. Clarissa Harlowe. 1862 . 36 . 468 Same. Abridged 142.22 — Pamela; or, virtue rewarded 132.1 — Sir Charles Grandison 132.4 Richardson, T. A. Architectural modelling in paper. 1859 811 . 27 Richelieu, Cardinal. Lord, J. Cardinal Richelieu— Absolutism In 735.6.4 In fiction see Bulwer's play [207.3], DeVigny’s Cinq- Mars M2. 14], Dumas’ Three guardsmen [42.1], James’s Richelieu [131.21] . Richmond, L. Annals of the poor 71.4 Contents : Dairyman’s daughter; Negro ser- vant; Young cottager. Richmond during the war. By a Richmond lady. 1867 737.15 Richter, J. P. F. Flower, fruit and thorn piece. 2v. Fict. 1872 14.29 — Hesperus; or forty-five dog-poet days; a biography. Fict. 1865 132.11 — Levan a; the doctrine of education. 1866 413.11 — Schmelzle’s journey to Flaetz; Life of Quintus Fixlein. 2 v 133 . 15 — Titan; a romance. 2 v. 1864 18.13 — Carlyle, T. German romance. 2 v... 62.33 In his Essays, v. 1-2 304 . 1 Same In 305.6 — Hedge, F. H. Prose writers of Germany 615.8 Riddell, Mrs. J. H. [F. G. Trafford .] The earl’s promise. 1873 36.469 — Far above rubies. 1867 36.470 — George Geith of Fen court. 1865 36 . 471 — Maxwell Drewitt. 1865 36.472 — Race for wealth. 1866 36.473 Riddell, R. Practical carpenter and joiner, with cardboard models. 1874 *8541 . 12 Riddle, A. G. The portrait. Fict. 1874. 64.20 Riddles. See Amusements. Rideing, W. H. Young folks’ history of London. 1884 738.19 Riding. See Horsemanship. Ridpath, J. C. History of the United States. 1878 722.14 — Inductive English grammar. 1880 326.14 — Popular history of the United States.’80 722.17 RIENZI. 210 ROCKFORD. Rienzi. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Fict 7.13 Rifle and hound in Ceylon. Baker, Sir W. 522.28 Rifle, axe and saddle-bags . Milburn,W.H. 506.10 RiFLE-practice. Barber, E. C. Crack shot. 838 . 45 — Wingate, G. W. Manual of 847.9 Rifle rangers. Reid, Mayne. Fict 3.25 Riggs, S. R. Mary and I. Forty years with the Sioux. 1880 516 . 8 Right at last, and other tales. Gaskell, C. E. 33 . 26 Rights of man. Paine, T In 911 . 24 Riley, C. V. Potato pests. [Colorado beetle, etc.] 1876 838.16 Riley, H. T. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations, etc . 1882 313 . 30 Riley, J. Shipwreck on West coast of Africa, [1815] 503.9 Rings. See Finger-j-ings. _ Rip Yan Winkle’s travels in foreign lands. Yan Wert, Rupert. Juv 515.12 Ripley, George. Frothingham, O. B. Life of. 1882 624.12.4 Rise and fall of the slave power. Wilson H. 3 v 734.9 Rise of Silas Lapham. Howells, W. D . . . 58.18 Rise of the republic of the U. S. Frothing- ham, R 722.2 Risen from the ranks. Alger, H. Juv. . . 84.2.3 Rising and the setting faiths, etc. Froth- ingham, O. B 443 . 19 Rita, pseud. See Booth, Mrs . Otto. Rita: an autobiography. Aide, H 36.8 Ritch, W. G. New Mexico. Illus. 1885. 523.11 Ritchie, Mrs. A. I. See Thackeray, A. I. Ritchie, L. Romance of history: France. 17.34 Rittenhouse, D. Renwick, J. Life of. In 641 .4.7 Ritter, F. L. History of music. 2 v. 1876 818.16 — Music in America. 1883 852 . 2 — Music in England. 1883 852 . 1 Rivals, The. Griffin, G. Fict 44.13 Rivero, M. E . and Tschudi, J. J. von. Peru- vian antiquities. 1855 711.8 Roads. Gillmore, Q. A. Roads, streets, and pavements. 1882 824 . 30 — Huntington, W. S. Road-master’s assist- ant. 1878 837.22 See also Civil engineering. Rob of the bowl. Kennedy, J. P. Fict. . . 8.29 Rob Roy. Scott, Sir W. Fict 12.4 Rob Roy canoe. See Mac Gregor, J. Roba di Roma. [Sights in Rome]. Story, W. W 525.21 Robbins, Mrs. S. S. Mabel’s step-mother.’82. 81 . 7 — One happy winter [in Florida.] Juv. ’78. 531.3 Robert Ainsleigh. Braddon, M. E 131.12 Robert Dick, baker, geologist and botanist. Smiles, S. 1879 635.16 Robert Falconer. MacDonald, G 6.25 Robert Graham; sequel to Linda. Hentz, C. L 43.7 RoBERT-Houdin. See Houdin, Robert. Roberts, Alex. Companion to revised ver- sion of the New Testament. [1881.] 426.22 — Old Testament revision : handbook for English readers. 1883 426 . 32 Roberts, E. H. Government revenue. 1884. [Favors protection] 916.11 Roberts, H. M. Rules of order for deliber- ative assemblies. 1877 902 . 28 Roberts. Miss Margaret. Denise. 1865.. 36.162 — In the olden time. 1883 55.8 — Mademoiselle Mori. Tale of modern Rome. 1862 36.370 — Noblesse oblige. 1876 144.3 Roberts, Miss Margaret, continued. — On the edge of the storm. 1869 36.433 Roberts, R. Teaching of the Bible in rela- tion to the faiths of Christendom. ’69. 401 . 12 Robertson, F. W. Sermons, [series 1-5] 2. v. 1873 402.4 Same [series 1-3, 5]. 4 v. in 2 . : 432 . 29 — Brooke, S. A. Life^nd letters of. 1871. 608.19 Robertson, Marg. M. Janet’s love and ser- vice. 1870... 33.23 Robertson, W. Discovery and settlement of America. 1855 731.6 Same: abridged, with memoir of author 738.17 — Hist, of Scotland during reigns of queen Mary and James YI., with disquisi- tion concerning the knowledge the ancients had of India, etc 732 . 10 — Reign of Charles Y. With life after his abdication, by W. H. Prescott. 3 v.’69 704 . 7 Robin Hood. See Hood, Robin. Robins, Story of the. Trimmer, S. K 82.8 Robinson, A. M. F. E mily Bronte. [Life, etc.] 1883 627.1.2 Robinson. B. W. As long as she lived. ’76. 148.2 Robinson, Fred W. Anne Judge, spinster. 134.12 — For her sake. 1874 34.34 — No church. 1851 38.413 — Owen, a waif. 1862 36.474 — Stem necessity. 1871 134.11 Robinson, H. C. Diary, reminiscences and and correspondence. 2 v. 1871 .... 608.24 Robinson, H. N. New surveying and nav- igation; ed. by O. Root. 1878 823.23 — New university algebra. 1874 811.4 Robinson, John. Ferns in their homes, and ours. 1878 822.26 Robinson, P. Under the sun [in India]. ’82 518.30 Robinson, W. Gleanings from French gar- dens. 1869 814.14 Robinson Crusoe. De Foe, Daniel 23.25 See life of Selkirk, the original of Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe in Chambers’s misc. [1001.8.9]. Robinson Crusoe, Young folks’ Farrar, Eliz.W 77.19 Robinson Crusoe’s money. Wells, D. A. . . 911.19 Robinson Playfellow, young French marine. Juv. 1875 75.16 Roche, Regina M. Children of the abbey. 5 . 10 Rochefort, H. Mademoiselle Bismarck. 146.10 Rochefoucauld, F. de la. Reflections; or, sentences and moral maxims. 1871.. 317.25 Rock ahead, The. Yates, Edmund. Fict . . .36.594 Rock River Baptist association. Minutes of annual meetings. 2 v. 1840-1874. *431 . 1 Rockford, Illinois. Charter and ordinan- ces to July 6, 1874.. 911.14 Same, with acts of the general assem- bly to May 10th, 1880 *911.15 — Kett, H. F. & Co., pubs. History of Win- nebago county. 1857 *712 . 13 Note . Gives histories of the town and city of Rockford. — Public library catalogues. 1873-82 328.16.1 Same. 1886 328.16.2 — Rockford hospital association. First re- port. 1886 *9602.2 Directories. Directory, 1857. [Gager & Co] . - 1857. - 1859. - 1861. - 1866. - 1869. Hall & McEvoy.] , C. S. Williams.]...... Umberhine & Gustin. Rorebeck & Andrus.] . Kauffman & Burch.l, *712.27 *712.28 *712.3 *712.29 *712.7 *712.30 ROCKFORD. 211 ROMAN. Rockford, Directories, continued. 1872, '74, ’76, ’79, ’80, ’82, .83’ ’85 *9602.1 Note. Several of tlie directories give histor- ical sketches of the city and county. Newspapers , etc. — Rock River Express. Weekly, v. 1, 1840-1. — Rockford Forum. Weekly, v. 9-11, 1851-3. — Rockford Gazette. Daily. 1879 86. Same. Weekly and Semi-weekly. 1875-80. — Rockford Journal. Weekly. 1874-82. — Rockford Register. Daily. 1878-86. Same. Weekly. 1875-80. — Spirit Advocate. Monthly, v. 1-2, 1854-6.*8541 . 30 Also, with omissions and in imperfect condition, copies of the “Winnebago Forum,” Feb. 17, 1843-Dec. 25, 1844. “Rockford Forum,” Jan. 15, 1845-Feb. 4, 1846: Mch. 17, 1847-Sep. 6, 1848; Sep. 13, 1848-Dec. 5, 1849; Jan. 2, 1850-Dec. 10, 1851; also, “Rockford Star” of May 25, 1841 ; odd numbers of the “Rockford Pilot” from July 7, 1841-Oct. 6, 1842, and of the “Rockford Free Press” from Oct. 25-Feb. 16, 1850. Rockford Seminary magazine, v. 1-3, 7-10, 13. 1873-85 *1002.1 Rockwell, A. D. Electricity, medicine, and surgery. 1879... 834.21 Rocky mountains. Bird. J. L. A lady’s life in. 1880 514.12 — Grohman, W. A. B. Camps in the Rock- ies. 1882 518.26 — Ingersoll, Ernest. Knocking round the Rockies. 1882 526.17 — Irving, W. Bonneville’s adventures, [1832-5] 524.1 — Lewis, M. and Clark, W. Expedition to, 1804-1806. 2 v 527.4 — Ruxton, G. F. Adventures in. 1855 . . . 504 . 17 Rodenbough, T. F. Afghanistan and the Anglo-Russian dispute. 1885 727.21 Rodman, the keeper, etc. Woolson, C. F. . . 48.20 Rodolphus. Abbott, Jacob. Juv 91.23.6 Rodwell, G. F. The birth of chemistry. ’74 822 . 17 Roe, A. S. A long look ahead. 1873 33.12 — Resolution. 1871 8.30 — Time and tide; The sacrifice. 1867 74.14 Roe, E. P. Barriers burned away. 1873. . 31.8 — Day of fate. 1880 138.4 — Face illumined. 1878 144.14 — From jest to earnest. 1875 142.13 — His sombre rivals. 1883 55.11 — A knight of the XIX century. 1877 . . . 144 . 8 — Near to nature’s heart. 1876 136 . 6 — Opening of a chestnut burr. 1874 142.12 — Success with small fruits. 1880 834.16 — Unexpected result, and other stories. ’83 55.4 — What can she do? 1873 64.14 — Without a home. 1881 51.2 — A young girl’s wooing. 1884 57.7 Rogers, C. Scottish minstrel. Songs since Bums, with memoirs of the poets. ’72. 207 . 17 Rogers, Henry. Superhuman origin of the Bible inferred from itself. 1874 412.5 Rogers, J. B. War pictures [by a chap- lain]. 1863 : 711.10 Rogers, J. E. T. Six centuries of work and wages. The history of English labour. 1884 915.13 Rogers, Mary. Waverly dictionary. 1879 314.4 Rogers, R. V., jr. Law of hotel life; or, the wrongs and rights of host and guest. 1879. 912.31 Rogers, Samuel. Poems, with memoir . . . 202 . 20 — Pleasures of memory. Ulus. 1868 .. In 217.10 — Howitt, W. Homes of the British poets. 615 . 15 Roget, P. M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases. 1855 307.5 Roland, paladin of Charlemagne. Bald- win, J. Story of. 1883 82.24 — Cox, G. W. and Jones, E. H. Popular romances of the middle ages. 1880 . 47.5 See also Chanson de Roland, by L. L. Gau- tier. In *1007.5.100. Roland, Mme. M. J. P. Abbott, J. S. C. History of. 1872 611.19 P.liQTY^VtorCj’cj mion f QlrA+nL rvfl T nrt Q — Russell, W. Extraordinary women .... 618 . 2 — Samte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits, etc. 1868 614.6 — Thomson, K. B. Queens of society 632.10 Roland Cashel. Lever, Charles 36 . 346 Roland Yorke. Wood, Mrs. Henry 61.27 Rolfe, W. J. and Gillet, J. A. Elements of astronomy. 1871 807.14 — Elements of chemistry. 1874 818.27 — Hand-book of astronomy, [cop. 1868.] 818.2 — Hand-book of chemistry. 1872 818.1 — Hand-book of natural philosophy, [cop. 1869] 818.3 — The heavens above. Popular astronomy. 1882 842.33 Rollin, C. Ancient history [to the Roman empire]. 4 v. 1844 701.2 Rollins, E. H. [E. H. Arr.] New Eng- land bygones. 1880 621 . 21 — Old-time child-life [in N. England] ’81.. 622.21 Rollo books. 14 v. See Abbott, J. Roman, A. Military operations of General Beauregard, 1861-5. 2 v. 1884 731.5 Roman catholic church. — Addis, W. E. and Arnold, T. Catholic dictionary. 1884 428.5 — Adventures of a Protestant in search of a religion. By Iota. 1883 433 . 13 — Cummings, J. W. Spiritual progress . . 443 . 23 — De Courcy, H. and Shea, J. G. History of the Catholic church in the United States. 1879 434.1 — Hecker, I. T. Questions of the soul. ’55. 433 . 14 — Kenrick, F. P. Primacy of the apostolic see vindicated. 1875 41 8 . 15 — Key of heaven; or, manual of prayer... 435.24 — Milman, H. H. History of Latin Chris- tianity. 8 v .• 416.19 — Newman, J. H. Apologia pro vita sua. 1865 433.18 — Wiseman, N. Cardinal. Doctrines of the Catholic church. 2 v. 1843 441 . 12 Discussions, etc. — Balmes, J. European civilization. Prot- estantism and catholicity compared. 1850 418.14 — Hughes, J. and Breckinridge, J. Oral discussion. 1836 418.17 — Littledale, R. F. Plain reasons against joining the church of Rome. 1880.. 423.21 — Milner, J. End of religious contro- versy. 1818 441 . 13 — Newman, J. H. Discussions and argu- ments. 1873 441.11 — Ryder, H. P. D. Catholic controversy. A reply to Dr. Littledale’s “Plain reasons.” 1882 443 . 29 Works: Adverse , etc. — Bamum, S. W. Romanism as it is 442 . 11 — Dowling, J. History of Romanism. ’46. 411.6 — Ewer,F. C. Catholicity, protestantism, and Romanism. 1878 441.14 ROMAN. 212 HOME. Homan catholic church, continued. — Roman Catholicism in the United States 1879 421.35 — Thompson, R. W. Papacy and the civil power 418.6 For periodicals see Catholic World and Ave Maria, in general alphabet. See also Christianity; Church history; Fathers of the church; Jesuits; Mass; Missions; Monastic or- ders; Popes; Purgatory; Reformation. Roman literature. See Latin literature. Roman law, Introduction to. Hadley J. ’73 902.14 Roman singer. Crawford, F. M. Fict .... 56.5 Romance. [Tales]. Little classics, v. 7 . . 304 . 16 Romance languages. Sismondi, J. C. S. de. Romance of a poor young man. Feuillet, O. 31 . 23 Romance of Am. history. Scheie de Vere .In 711.13 Romance of astronomy. Miller, R. K 822.7 Romance of history: France. Neale, H. . . 135.2 Romance of history: France. Ritchie, L.. 17.34 Romance of history: India. Cainter, H.. 51.27 Romance of history: Italy . Macfarlane, C. 51.28 Romance of natural history. Goss, P. H . . 833 . 8 Romance of old court-life in France. Elliot, Frances. 1873 47.41 Romance of Spanish history. Abbott, J.S.C. 717.12 Romance of student life abroad. Kimball, R. B 13.12 Romance of the harem. Leonowens, A. H. 503.16 Romance of the mummy. Gautier, T 134.16 Romance of the republic. Child, Mrs. L.M. 13 . 25 Romance of travel. 1869 504 . 22 Romances and novels. See Fiction. Romances of the East. Gobineau, J. A.’78 44.3 Romances of the middle ages. Cox, G. W. and Jones, E. H 47.5 Romanes, G. J. Animal intelligence. 1883. . 815.4.44 — Jelly-fish, star-fish and sea-urchins. ’85. . 815.4.49 — Mental evolution in animals. With a posthumous essay on instinct, by C. Darwin. 1884 844.26 Romanism. See Roman catholic church. Romantic tales. Craik, D. M 36 . 140 Romantic tales from English history. Bev- erley, May. 1871 26.28 Romany Rye: sequel to“Lavengro.” Borrow, G. 2 v 17.21 Rome. Antiquities , etc. — Adams, W. H. D. Temples, tombs, and monuments of ancient. 1872 802.13 — Becker, W. A. Gallus; or Roman scenes of the time of Augustus. 1873 713 . 7 — Church, A. J. Roman life in the days of Cicero. 1884 735.1 — Coulanges, F. de. The ancient city: the religion, laws, and institutions of Greece and Rome „ . . 735.10 — Landor, W. S. Imaginary conversa- tions 315.1.1 — Myddleton, J. H. Ancient Rome in 1885. 523.19 — Parker, J. H. Architectural hist of.’82. 752.3 — Rich, A. Dictionary of Greek and Ro- man antiquities; with illus. of the industrial arts and social life. 1881. 331.11 — Shumway, E. S. A day in ancient Rome. Illus. 1885 523.17 — Smith, W. Diet, of Roman antiquities . . . *B. 15 — Wilkins, A. S. Roman antiquities (Hist primers). 1878 716.27.5 See also Classical dictionaries; Catacombs, etc. Rome, continued. History. — Arnold, T. History of. [To end of sec- ond Punic war] 706.13 — Bonner, J. Child’s hist, of [to 476]. 2 v. 706 . 16 — Caesar, C. J. Commentaries on the Gallic and civil wars. 2 v 1020 . 5 — Creighton, M. History of. (History primers.) 1880 716.27.6 — DeQuincey, T. The Caesars. 1865 302.20 — Dyer, T. H. History of the city of Rome. 1877 751.6 — Florus. [Epitome of Roman history, to Augustus] In 1021.9 — Gibbon, E. Decline and fall of the Ro- man empire. [98-1453]. 6 v 701.3 Same; Abridged by W. Smith. Illus. 706.18 — Gilman, A. Story of [to end of the re- public]. 1885 752.1.2 — History. (Univ. hist., v. 9-15). 1779 . . . *707 . 1 — Liddell, H. G. History of, to B. C. 30. Student’s series. Illus. 1879 717.13 — Livy. History of [toB. C. 166.] 5 v 1020.6 — Lord, J. Ancient states and empires. ’69. 745.14 Old Roman world. [Roman civiliza- tion]. 1874 717.4 Theodosius the great — Latter days of Rome In 735.6.1 — Merivale, C. General history of, (to a. d. 476). 1876 743.8 History of the Romans under the em- pire. 7 v. 1875 717.2 Contents, -v. 1-2, from the first triumvirate to the death of Csesar; v. 3, to Augustus and the commence- ment of the monarchy; v. 4-5, to death of Claudius, A. D. 54; v. 6, to destruction of Jerusalem. A. D. 70; v. 7, to death of M. Aurelius, A. D. 180. — Michelet, J. History of the Roman re- public [to a. d. 31] 702.8 — Mommsen, T. History of. [The repub- lic]. 4 v. 1874 713.2 — Montesquieu, C. S. Grandeur and deca- dence of the Romans. 1882 725.12 — Niebuhr, B. G. History of [to a. d. 337]. 3 v. 1849 732.9 — Paterculus. [Compendium of Roman history, to reign of Tiberius] In 1021.9 — Rawlinson, G. Manual of ancient history 713.4 Note . — Gives history of Rome, by periods, with references to authorities. — Sallust. Works. Tr. by J. S. Watson. In 1021.9 Contents .— Conspiracy of Catiline; Jugur- thine war. — Seeley, J. R. Roman imperialism, etc.’ll 308.22 — Sewell, E. M. Child’s history of [to a. d. 476]. Illus. 1880 721.16 — Smith, W. Smaller history of, [to a. d. 476]. Illus. 1876 715.16 — Steele, J. D. and E. B. Brief history of. Illus 752.2 — Suetonius. Lives of the Caesars, etc... 1021.8 — Tacitus. Annals .and history of, [a. d. 16-70]. 2 v 1021.10 — Yonge, C. M. Young folk’s history of, [to a. d. 800]. 1879 721.8 Literature , Arty etc. See Fine arts ; Latin language ; Latin literature ; and on the religion of the Romans, see Mythology; also , Clarke’s Ten great religions [438.26.1]. Conversion to Christianity. — Fisher, G. P. State of the Roman world at the birth of Christ. 1877.. In 418.4 ROME. 213 RUDDER. Rome, continued . — Merivale, C. Conversion of the Roman empire . 1870 403 . 7 See also Christianity ; Gibbon’s History, y. 1-3; Milman’s Latin Christianity, v. 1. Travel and Description. — Abbott, J. Rollo in Rome. Juv 21.19 — Butterworth, H. In classic lands. Juv. 515.2.2 — Castelar, E . Old Rome and new Italy. 1873 503.14 — De Mille, J. The seven hills. Juv 22.12 — Hare, A. J. C. Days near Rome. 1875. 525.8 Walks in Rome. 1871 501.5 — Hawthorne, N. Marble faun. [Fiction.] 2 v. 1860 18.23 — Hillard, G. S. Six months in Italy, [1847-8] 505.10 — Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes. 21.6 — Rydberg, Y. Roman days. [History, art, etc.] 1880 727.3 — Story, W. W. Roba di Roma, 1856-7 525 . 21 — Taine,H. Italy. Rome and Naples. ’72. 507.10 See also Italy ; Middle ages ; Popes, etc. In fiction of historical value, see Macaulay’s “Lays of ancient Rome” ; Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” and “Antony and Cleopatra” : Jonson’s (Ben) “Sejanus”; Bulwer’s “Pompeii:” Ware’s “Zenobia’’ and “Aure- lian”; Wiseman’s “Fabiola” ; Melville’s “Gladiators”; Collins’ “Antonina.” Romeo and Juliet [tragedy]. See Shakespeare. Romer, A. Anecdotal and descriptive nat- ural history 835 . 7 — Aquatic, domestic and minor animals.’72. 805.14 Romola. Eliot, George. Fict 36.323 Romulus. Abbott, J. History of. 1873. . 6JL1 . 30 Ronald Bannerman’s boyhood. Macdon- ald, G 136.17 Rood, O. N. Modern chromatics, with ap- plications to art and industry. 1879. 815.4.26 Room for one more. Higginson, M. T 78.19 Roorback, O. A. Bibliotheca Americana; with supplement and addenda. From 1820 to 1858. 3 v *328.1 Roosevelt, R. B. Florida and the game birds of the Atlantic coast and the lakes of the United States. 1884. . . 847.13 — Game birds of the coasts and lakes of the northern states of America 1866. 811 . 7 — Progressive petticoats. [Satire.] 1874. 43.20 — Superior fishing; or, the striped bass, trout, black bass, and blue-fish of the northern states. 1884 845.5 — and Green, S. Fish hatching and fish catching. 1879 833.31 Roosevelt, Theo. Naval war of 1812. ’82. 728 . 1 Root, L. C. Quinby’s new bee-keeping. ’79. 833 . 25 Roper, S. Engineer’s handy-book. 1884. 855 . 8 Ropes, J. C. The army under Pope. 1881. 726.9.4 — The first Napoleon: a sketch. 1885 646.4 Rory O’More. Lover, S 14.28 Rosamond. Holmes, Mrs. M. J 11.5 Rosamond, etc. Edgeworth, Maria 76.14 Rosamund Gray. Lamb, C 306. 20 and 303.2.2 Roscoe, H. E. Chemistry. (Science primers). 1 878 828.20.2 — and Schorlemmer, C. Treatise on chem- istry. 3 v. 1878 831.27 Contents.— v. 1, Non-metalic elements, v. 2-3, Metals. Roscoe, T. German novelists. Transla- tions, with crit. and biog. notices 313 . 27 — Italian novelists. Translations, with crit. and biog. notices 313.29 — Spanish novelists. Translations, with crit. and biog. notices 313.28 Roscoe, W. Life of Leo the tenth. 2 v. ’70. 613. 19 — Life of Lorenzo de Medici. 1872 641 . 12 Rose, J. Complete practical machinist. ’80. 834.18 — Mechanical drawing self-tf^ight. 1883.. 843.22 — Pattern-maker’s assistant. 1878 838.2 Rose and the ring; fireside pantomime. Thackeray, W. M 24.39 Rose D’Albret. James, G. P. R 36.260 Rose garden, The. Peard, Frances M. Fict. 36.445 Rose in bloom; sequel to “Eight cousins.” Alcott, L. M 88.11 Rose in June. Oliphant, M. O. W. Fict. . 36.431 Rose Mather. Holmes, Mrs. M. J 135 . 9 Rose of Ashurst. Marsh-Caldwell, Mrs. A. 36 . 377 Rosemary and rue. Champney, Mrs. L. W. 1881 51.12 Rosengarten, A. Hand-book of architect- ural styles 851 . 26 Rosenthal, I. Physiology of muscles and nerves. 1881 815.4.32 Roses. Hole, S. R. Book about roses. ’63. 842.25 Roslyn’s fortune, Fisher, Frances C 57.33 Ross, C. H. A London romance. 1869. . . 36.482 Rossetti, C. G. A pageant, and other poems. 1881 218.25 Rossetti, D. G. Poems, with memoir by F. Huffer. 1873 214.22 — Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets 215.6 Rossetti, Maria F. A shadow of Dante, being an essay toward studying him- self, his world, and his pilgrimage. 1872 206.14 Rotteck, C. History of the world. 4 v. in 2. 1875 715.3 Roughing it. [In the far West] Clemens, S. L 502.1 Round, W. M. F. Child Marian abroad.’78. 76.5 Round about a great estate [in England]. Jefferies, R. 1880 516.5 Round dozen [stories]. Coolidge, S. A . . . 82.20 Round my house[in France]. Hamerton,P.G 524 . 19 Round the world. Smiles, S., jr. 1872 527.7 Round trip, The. [Panama, California, etc.] Codman, J. 1879 514 . 11 Roundabout journey [in Europe] . Warner, C. D. 1884 521.4 Roundabout papers. Thackeray, W. M. 301.12.4 and 36.556 RouND-about rambles in lands of fact and fancy. Stockton, F. R 23.29 Rousseau, J. J. Confessions. 1877 642.17 — Graham, H. G. Rousseau. 1883 636.7.17 — Lowell, J. R. Rousseau and the senti- mentalists In 332.12.1 — Morley, J. Rousseau. 1878 623.4 Routledge, R. Popular hist, of science.’81. 836 . 10 Row, C. A. Historical evidence of the res- urrection of J esus Christ. 1883 444 . 22 Rowan, F. M. History of the French rev- olution. 2 v. 1873 606 . 36 Rowckoft, C. Australian Crusoes. Juv. ’69. 78.35 Rowe, A. D. Every day life in India. 1881. 518 . 6 Rowing. See Boats and boating. Rowson, Susannah. Charlotte and Lucy Temple. Fict 137.2 Roxy. Eggleston, E. Fict 144.13 Roy and Viola. Forrester, Mrs 141 . 7 Royal road to fortune. Miller, E. H. Juv. 24.31 Royse, N. K. Manual of American liter- ature. 1872 318 . 32 Rubaiyat [Persian poem]. Omar Khayam. 211.2 Ruby’s husband. Terhune, Mrs. M. V 4.15 Rudder grange. Stockton, F. R. Fict.. 145.7 RUFFINI. 214 SABBATH. Ruffini, G. Carlino and other stories. ’72. 36.476 — Doctor Antonio. A tale of Italy. 1856. 36 . 475 — Lavinia. 1861 36.477 — The Paragreens on a visit to Paris. . ’69 36 . 478 — Quiet nook in the Jura. 1869 36.479 — Vincenzo; or, sunken rocks. 1863 36.480 Ruins. Myers, P. V. N. Remains of lost empires [in the East]. 1875 511.6 — Volney, C. F. Ruins; or, meditations on the revolutions of empires 403 . 9 Rules of order. See Parliamentary law. Rumford, Count. See Thompson, Benjamin. Run to earth. Braddon, M. E 36.57 Running to waste. Baker, G. M. Juv. . . 84.5 Rupert Godwin. Braddon, M. E 36.58 Rural homes. Wheeler, G. 1851 807 . 8 Rural hours. Cooper, Susan F. 1876 822 . 1 Rural life. See Country life. Rural studies. Mitchell, D. G. 1865 301 . 14 Rural wreath. Greenwood, L. 1858 202 . 13 Rush, R. Washington in domestic life. ’57. 634.12 Ruskin, J ohn. Ariadne Florentina. Lectures on wood and metal engraving. 1880 . 841 . 17 — Arrows of the chase. [Letters on art, politics, etc.] 1881 836.9 — The art of England. Lectures 1-4. ’83. 852.7 — Elements of drawing. 1872 804.30 — Elements of perspective. 1876 822.4 — The ethics of the dust. Ten lectures to little housewives on the elements of crystalisation. 1882 433 . 7 — King of the Golden river; or, the black brothers. [Fairy tale]. 1882 56.25 — Lectures on architecture and painting.’ 75 822.5 — Lectures on art. 1878 824.11 — Letters of advice to young girls. 1879. 431.7 — Modern painters. 5 v. 1871 805 . 2 Contents.— v. 4, Of general principles, v. 2, Of ideas of beauty, v. 3, Of many things, v. 4, Of mountain beauty, v. 5, Of leaf beauty ; of cloud beauty; of ideas of relation. — Queen of the air. Study of Greek myths of cloud and storm. 1869 302 . 2 — Sesame and lilies : two lectures. 1872. 302.1 Contents.— 1, Of kings’ treasuries [On read- ing]. 2, Of queens’ gardens [The power of woman.] — The seven lamps of architecture. 1871. 804.29 — The stones of Yenice. 3 v. 1872 804.28 — The true and the beautiful in nature, art, morals, and religion. Selections; ed. by L. C. Tuthill. 1872 808.27 — Bayne, P. R. and his critics. 1880 In 317.6.1 — Godwin, P. Out of the past. 1870. .In 311.18 — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders. 1872 .. In 607.5 Russell, J., Earl. Recollections and sug- gestions, [1813-73.]. 1875 615.12 Russell, M. History of Nubia and Abys- sinia. [pub. 1833 .] 706 . 22 Russell, W. Extraordinary men: their boyhood and early life 613 . 22 — Extraordinary women : their girlhood and early life 618.2 Russell, W. C. Sailors’ language : a collec- tion of sea-terms and their definitions. 1883 844.23 — A sea queen. 1883 146 . 30 — Wreck of the Grosvenor. 1878 47.10 Russell, W. H. Canada: its defences, con- dition and resources. 1865 711.17 — My diary north and south, [1861-2]. ’63. 737.10 — Tour of the Prince of Wales in India, etc., 1875-6 526.2 Russell, W, S. Pilgrim memorials and guide to Plymouth. 1855 Russell. James, G. P. R. Fict Russia. Adams, W. T. Northern lands. Juv. — Browne, J. R. Land of Thor. 1870. . . — Dixon, W. H. Free Russia. 1872 — Dole, N. H . Young folks’ hist. of. 1881. — Gurowski, A. de. Russia as it is. 1854. — Hare, A. J. C. Studies in. Illus. 1885. — Hist, of to 1725. [In Univ. hist., v. 31-32]. — Kelly, W. Iv. History of [to 1855]. Com- piled from Karamsin, Tooke, and Se- 736.12 36.261 73.5.2 508.8 501.33 721.19 702.13 523.16 *708.1 gur. 2 v. 1855 716.5 — Kingston, W. H. G. Fred Markham in Russia. Juv 531.2 — Lagny, G. de. The knout and the Rus- sians. 1854..... 525.6 — Milton, J. History of Moscovia [to 1604] In 1001.6.5 — Noble, E. The Russian revolt. 1885.. 735.15 — Oliphant, L. Russian shores of the Black sea in 1852 506 . 16 — Proctor, E. D. A Russian journey. 1872. 504.14 — Rambaud, A. History of Russia [to 1877[. 2 v. 1879 725.14 — Sala, G. A. Journey due north, [1856]. 527.15 — Sears, R. The Russian empire. Illus. 1855 521.10 — Segur, P. P. Comte de. Expedition to Russia by Napoleon in 1812. 2 v 752 . 4 — Shaw, F. A. Brief history of Russia.’77. 716.8 — Stepniak, S. Russia under the tzars.’85 735 . 14 — Taylor, B. Travels in [1857] 506.20 — Wahl, O. W. Land of the czar. 1875.. 526.4 — Wallace, D. M. Russia, [1870-5] 511.2 In ‘Russian literature see Westminster rev., Oct. 1872, [* 007.5.108]; also , novels of Pushkin; TurgeniefE, lolstoy. See also Peter the Great; Scribner’s m. v. 19-22 LLife by E. Schuyler] ; Gortchakof. See also Amoor River; Crimea; Moscow; St. Peters- burg; Siberia; Turkistan; also Russo-Turkish war. Russian church. See Eastern church. Russian folk-tales. Ralston, W. R. S 421 . 6 Russians at the gates of Herat. Marvin, Chas. 1885 735.5 Russo-Turkish war, 1877-8. Greene, F. Y. Army life in Russia. 1880 724.7 — Norman, C. B. Armenia and the cam- paign of 1877 511.10 — Ollier, E. Cassell’s history of the Russo- Turkish war. 2 v. Illus 733.3 See also Crimea ( Crimean war ); Tnrkey. Ruth. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C 36.231 Ruth Erskine’s crosses. Alden, Mrs. I. M. 86.14 Rutherford, S. Trial and triumph of faith. Sermons, with selections from [his] letters. 1840 408 . 3 Rutherford. Fawcett, Edgar. 1884 56.26 Rutledge. Harris, Mrs. M. C. 1868 11.12 Ruttan, H. Ventilation and warming. ’62. 825.15 Ruxton, G. F. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky mountains. 1855 504.17 Ryan, Abram J. Poems. 1884 211.37 Rydberg, Victor. The last Athenian. ’79. 46.13 — Roman days. [History, art, etc.] 1880. 727.3 Ryder, H. I. D. Catholic controversy. Re- ply to “Plain reasons.” 1882 443 . 29 Sabbath. Andrews, J. N. History of the. 1873 425.5 — Littlejohn, W. H. Constitutional amendment; or, Sunday and the Sab- bath. 1873 425.6 SABBATH. 215 SANBORN. Sabbath of the fields. Macmillan, H 443.12 Sabin, L. Life of Edward Preble. 1848.. In 601.1.12 Sabine, L. Biog. sketches of loyalists of the American revolution, with his- torical essay. 2 v. 1864 617.12 — Notes on duels and dueling. 1859 413 . 10 Sabine’s falsehood. Cantacuzene Altieri, Princesse. 1881 51.22 Sachs, Julius. Text -book of botany. 1882. 841.34 Sacrifice, The. Roe, A. S. Juv 74.14 Sadi. The gulistan; or, rose-garden. Tr. fr. the Persian by E. B. Eastwick . ’80. 207 . 30 Safest creed, etc. [Sermons.] Frothing- ham, O. B 415.2 Safford, M. J. and Allen, M. E. Health and strength for girls 844 . 31 Safford, W. H. Life of H. Blennerhasset. 1853 607.8 Sagas. See Scandinavian literature. Sahara, Desert of. Naphegyi, G. Ghardia. 1871 508.1 — Riley, James. Shipwreck, etc., [1815]. . 503.9 Sailor boy. Adams, W. T. Juv 72.1.2 Sailor’s handy book. Qualtrough, E. F.’81. 837 . 29 Sailors. Atlantic m. Language of . . . In *1005.2.2 — Colton, W. Sea and sailor. 1856 506 . 23 — Nordhoff, C. Superstitions of In 1004.1.16 — Rideing, W. H. Jack ashore 7^1004.1.47 — Russell, W. C. Sailors’ language. A collection of sea-terms and their def- initions. 1883 844.23 See also Naval science; Ocean. St. Elmo. Wilson, Mrs. A. J. Fict 13.7 St. George and St. Michael. MacDonald, G. Fict 142.15 St. Giles and St. James. Jerrold, D 36 . 276 St. James’s. Ainsworth, W. H. Fict 36.25 St. John, P. B. The arctic Crusoe. 1868. 23.13 Saint Leger. Kimball, R. B. Fict 13.13 St. Louis. Mercantile library association. Catalogue. 1858 *328.3 — Public school library. Catalogue. 1870. . *3502 . 4 St. Martin’s eve. Wood, Mrs. H 36.579 St. Nicholas. Illustrated magazine for boys and girls, v. 1-12. N. Y., 1874- ’85 *1002.12 St. Olaves. Tabor, Eliza. 1874 134.6 St. Patrick’s eve. Lever, Charles 36.347 St. Paul. Conybeare, W. J and Howson, J. S. Life and epistles of. 1870 418 . 1 See also Paul {St.) in general alphabet. St. Petersburg. Jermann, E. Pictures from. 1852 506.11 — Lander, S.W. Spectacles for, young eyes. 21 . 7 See also works on Russia. Saint Pierre, B. de. Paul and Virginia. Fict 71.17 St. Ronan’s well. Scott, Sir W 12.17 Saint Simon. Collins, C. W.[Lifeof], 1880.. 636.7.10 St. Stephens, a poem. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L In 214.6 St. Valentine’s day. Scott, Sir W 12.22 St. Winifred’s. Farrar, F. W 18.17 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. English portraits. Selected and tr. from the “Causeries du Lundi,” with introductory chapter on [his]life and writings. 1875 642 . 2 Contents. — Sainte-Beuve’s life and writings; Mary, Queen of Scots; Lord Chesterfield; Benj. Franklin; Gibbon; Cowper; English literature, by H. Taine; Pope as a poet. Sainte-Beuve, C. A ., continued. — Monday-chats; selected and tr. from the “Causeries du Lundi” with introduc- tory chapter on [his] life and writings by W. Mathews. 1877 311.12 Contents . — Sainte Beuve’s life and writings; Lewis XIV; Fenelon ; Bossuet; Massillon; Pascal; Rousseau; Madame Geoffrin; Joubert; Guizot; The Abbe Galiani; Frederic the great; Index. — Portraits of celebrated women. 1868.. 614.6 Contents.— Mine, de Sevigne ; Mme. de La Fayette; Mme. de Souza; Mme. Roland; Mme. de Stael; Mme. de Duras; Mme. de Remusat; Mme. de Krudener; Mme. Guizot. Saintine, X. B. Dame Nature and her three daughters. 1872 832.8 — Picciola [The prison flower]. 1873 62.11 Same; abridged In 1001.8.1 — - Same. [French text] 313.2 Saintly workers. See Farrar, F. W 636 . 8 Saints. Froude, J. A. Lives of the. {In his Short studies, v. 1 and 4) 307 . 21 Saints’ everlasting rest. Baxter, R 406 . 17 Saintsbury, G. Dryden. (Eng. men of letters.) 1881 616.11.21 — Short history of French literature. 1882. 313 . 25 Sakya Buddha. See Buddhism. Sala, G. A. Journey due North. [Russia, 1856] ' 527.15 — Memoir of Charles Dickens In 36.174 — My diary in America in the midst of the war. 2 v. 1865 737.22 — Paris herself again in 1878-9. Ulus. ’79. 526.9 — Quite alone. 1865 134.5 — The seven sons of mammon. 1869 36 . 483 Salad for the solitary. [Essay s. ] Saunders, F 304 . 6 Salathiel, the wandering Jew. Croly, G. 42.13 Salem chapel. Oliphant, Mrs. M . O. W.. 36.432 Salisbury, Albert. Phonology and or- thoepy. 1879 315.4 Sallust [Sallustius, C. C]. Works: tr. by J. S. Watson. 1879 1021.9 Contents .— Conspiracy of Catiline; Jugurthine war; Two epistles to Julius < 'aesar, on the government of the state; Pseudo Sallust’s Declamation against Cicero; Pseudo Cicero’s Declamation against Sallust. — Works: tr. by W. Rose. 1871 1020.4 Contents . — Sketch of Sallust; Conspiracy of Catiline; Jugurthine war. Salmagundi. Irving, William and Wash- ington and Paulding, J. K 308 . 9 Salt Lake. See Utah. Saltello boys. Stoddard, W. O. Juv. . . 81.27 Saltus, E. E. Balzac. 1884 644 . 2 Salvage. (No name ser.) 1880 145.15 Sam Slick in England. Haliburton, T. C . . 16.1 Sam Slick in search of a wife. Haliburton, T. C 16.3 Sam Slick’s sayings and doings. Halibur- ton, T. C 16.4 Samantha at the Centennial. Holley, M.’79 42 . 42 Samaria. Eddy, D. C. Walter in S .Juv. cop. 515.1.3 Sampson, G. W. Art criticism; abridged. ’68 818.14 Samuel Titmarsh. Thackeray, W. M. .In 301.12.1 Samuels, A. F. Daisy Travers. Juv. 1876. 84.6 Samuels, E. A. Birds of New England. ’75. 826.11 San Domingo. Martineau. H. The hour and the man. [Toussaint L. Over- ture.] Fict 34.26 San Francisco, Cal. Public library cata- logue. 1880 *3501.7 San Rosario ranch. Howe, Maud 57.5 Sanborn, F. B. Henry D. Thoreau. 1882. .624.12.3 — Memoirs of John Brown. 1878 625.21 Sanborn, R. S. Theism: a poem. 1873 202.21 SANCTIFICATION. 216 SCHAFF. Sanctification. Snodgrass, W. D. Scrip- ture doctrine of. 1841 408.4 Sand, George, pseud. See Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Sandeau, Jules. Cross of Berny. See Gi- rardin, E. de 31.33 Sanders, C. W. School speaker. 1857 . . . 323 . 5 Sanderson, Dr. R. Walton, I. Life of. In 606.25 Sand-MIIs of Jutland. Andersen, H. C. 22.25 Sandwich or Hawaiian Islands. Bird, Miss I. L. Six months in. 1881 518.5 — Chaney, G. L. “Aloha” ! a Hawaiian salutation. 1880 514.17 — Cheever, H. T. Island world of the Pacific. 1856 711 . 3 — Nordhoff, C. Northern California, etc. 1874 524.10 — Wood, J. G. Uncivilized races. Ulus. 854.4.2 See also Missions; Polynesia; Voyages. Sane lunatic. Burnham, C. L. Fict 146.23 Sanford, Mrs. D. P. Pussy Tiptoe’s fam- ily. 1877 77.7 — Sunday evening hour. [Stories.] 1880. 87 . 13 Sanford and Merton. Day, T. Juv 22.20 Sangster, Mrs. M. E. Hours with girls. ’81. 426.25 Sanitarian. Monthly magazine, v. 5-15. N. Y. 1878-85 *1007.13 Sanitary engineer: a [weekly] journal of civilization and sanitary engineering and public and private hygiene, v. 9-12. N. Y. 1883-5 *8541.20 Sanitary science. See Health; Sewerage and drainage; Warming and ventila- tion, Sans merci. Lawrence, G. A. Fict 36.310 Sanskrit language and lit. Poor,L. E. San- skrit and kindred literatures. 1880 . 426 . 12 — Whitney, W. I). Sanskrit grammar. ’79 312.15 See also Oriental literature, also, Mahabha- rata; Vedas. Saracens. Freeman, E. A. Hist, of the.’ 76. 71 6 . 2 — Hallem, H. History of [to 1453] In 701.4.2 — Ockley, S. History of the. 1875 716 . 1 — Palmer, E. H. Haroun Alraschid and Saracen civilization 621.25.5 — Taylor, B. Lands of the Saracen [in 1852] 514.28 See also Arabs; Moors; Spain. Sarah, duchess of Marlborough— The woman of the world. Lord, J In 735.6.5 Sarah De Berenger. Ingelow, Jean 45.20 Sarcey, F. Miseries of Fo Hi. [Satire on civil service.] 1883 55.10 Sarchedon: legend of the great queen [Semiramis.] Melville, G. J. W 36 . 400 Sargent, E. Planchette; the despair of science. 1 869 411 . 23 Sargent, Mrs. J. T. Sketches and remi- niscences of the Radical club of Chestnut street, Boston. 1880 317.16 Sarmiento, D. F. Life in the Argentine republic. 1868 502 . 4 Sartor resartus. Carlyle, T 306 . 22 Sartoris, Mrs. A. (K.) A week in a French country-house; Medusa, and other tales 34.37 Sassanian empire. See Persi a . Satanstoe. Cooper, J. F. Fict 2.33 Satchel guide for the vacation tourist in Europe. N. Y., 1876 524 . 7 Saturday magazine. v. 1-2. Boston, 1878-9 *1005.5 Saunders, F. Salad for the solitary. [Essays.] 1856 304.6 Saunders, J. Israel Mort, overman. 1874. 36.485 Saunders, Katherine. Gideon’s rock and other tales. 1873 36.484 — John Merryweather, and other tales. ’73 36.486 Saunterings [in Europe]. Warner, C. D.’79 514.3 Sauzay, A. Wonders of glass-making.’70. 802.19 Savage, M. J. Christianity the science of manhood. 1873 441 . 3 Savage, M. W. Bachelor of the Albany.’64 136.21 Savage Africa. Reade, W. W. 1864 503.25 Savage life and customs. — Wood, J. G. Uncivilized races of men. 2 v 854.4 See also Man ( Various headings ) ; Indians; also names of countries. Savonarola, G. Clark, W. R. Life of. ’78. 642.1 — Dinwiddie, W. Times before the refor- mation. 1880 423 . 26 — Grimm, H. Life of M. Angelo, v. 1, ch. 4. 608 . 12 — Harford, J. S. Life of M. Angelo, v. 1, ch. 8 615.17 — Lord, J. Savonarola — Unsuccessful re- forms In 735.6.3 — Oliphant, Mrs. In her Makers of Florence 615.18 In fiction, see “Romola” by George Eliot and Mrs. Stowe’s “Agnes of Sorrento.” Saxby: tale of the Puritans. Leslie, Emma. 141.5 Saxe, J. G. Poems, [cop. 1868] 203.22 Saxe Holm’s stories. 1874 143 . 12 Saxony. Hawthorne, J. Saxon studies. 1876. 525.10 Say and seal. Warner, S and A. B. 2v.. 14.16 Sayce, A. H. Comparative philology. 1875. 327.14 Sayings and doings of Sam Slick. Hali- burton, T. C 16.4 Sayings of Ur. Bushwacker. Cozzens, F. S. 314 . 23 Scandinavia. Ancient Scandinavia In 1001.9.4 — Clarke, J. F. Scandinavian religion. 1871 In 438.26.1 — Crichton, A. and Wheaton, H. History of [to 1837.] 2 v. 1878 742.11 — MacLear, G. F. The Northmen. (Con- version of the West) 423.15.3 — Mallet, P. H. Northern antiquities. ’78. 742.8 — Sinding, P. C. History of, 811-1863. 66. 746.19 — Tyler, K. E. • Story of a Scandinavian summer. 1881 526.7 See also Denmark; Iceland; Northmen; Sweden and Norway ; also. Mythology. Scandinavian literature. Dasent, G. W. Norse tales. 1862 74.18 — Horn, F. W. History of the literature of the Scandinavian North. 1884 . . . 321 . 9 — Mallet, P. H. Northern antiquities 742.8 — Tegner, E. Fridthjof’s saga. 1877 208.18 — Viking tales of the North. The sagas of Thornstein, Viking’s son, and Fridthjof the bold. From the Ice- landic by R. B. Anderson and J. Bjarnason. Also, Tegner’s Fridthjof’s Saga, tr. by G. Stephens 208 . 17 — The younger Edda. Tr. by R. B. An- derson 431 . 6 Scarlet letter. Hawthorne, N ... 3 . 19 and 62 . 24 Scenes and sketches in continental Europe. Sears, R 736.8 Scenes of clerical life. Eliot, George. 36.324 and 7.6 Scepticism. See Rationalism and Scepticism. Schaff, P. Germany: its universities, the- ology and religion. 1867 413.30 — History of the Vatican council. 1875 . . 414.8 — ed'r. Religious encyclopaedia. 3 v. 1882-3. See Herzog, J. J *A . 12 — and Gilman, A. Library of religious poetry. 1881 212.3 SCHAMYL. 217 SCIENCE. Schamyl, Circassian chief. Mackie, J. M. Life. 1856 606.23 Scharf, J. T. History of Maryland. See Browne, W. H 738.4 Schele De Yere, M. Leaves from the book of nature. 1872 812.10 — Modern magic. 1873 808.11 — Romance of American history; early annals. 1872 711.13 — Studies in English. 1867 307 . 4 — Wonders of the deep. 1872 812.9 Schellen, H. Spectrum analysis. 1872.. 813.4 Schelling, F. W. J. Bowen F. Modern philosophy. 1877 424.10 — Ueberweg, F. Hist of philosophy. ’76.. 416.1.2 — Watson, J. Schelling’s transcendental idealism. 1882 443.38 Schem, A. J. Cyclopaedia of education. See Kiddle, H *B . 29 Schiller, F. von. Early dramas and roman- ces. 1875 218.21 Contents .— The robbers; Fiesco; Love and intrigue; Demetrius; The ghost-seer; Sport of destiny. — Essays, aesthetic and philosophical. ’82. 326 . 28 — Historical dramas, 1881 727.8.2 Contents.— Wallenstein’s camp; The Pic- colomini, Death of Wallenstein; Wilhelm Tell. — Historical dramas, etc. 1877 218.20 Contents .— Don Carlos ; M ary Stuart ; Maid of Orleans; Bride of Messina. — Historical works. 2 v. 1881 727.8 Contents. — v. 1, History of the thirty years’ war; Re- volt of the Netherlands, v. 2, Revolt of the Nether- lands, continued ; Trials of Counts Egmont and Horn ; Siege of Antwerp. — The Piccolomini. [German text] 313 . 17 — Poems and ballads ;tr. by Bui wer-Lytton. 214.8 Same; tr. by Bowring 211.7 Popular tales. {In Roscoo’s German novelists) 313.27 — Revolt of the Netherlands. [16th cent.] 703.10 — Boyesen, H. H. Goethe and Schiller, with commentary on Faust. 1879 . . . 635 . 17 — Bryant, W. C. In his Orations 325.22 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Life of In 327.6.2 — Carlyle, T. In his Essays 305.6 Life of... 626.10 — De Quincey, T. In his Biog. essays . . . 302 . 25 — Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe 207 . 2 — Muller, Max. In his Chips, etc 404.2.3 — Mundt, C. M. Goethe and Schiller. Fict. 47 . 20 — Sime, J. Life of. 1882 636.7.15 Schlegel, A. W.von. ^Esthetic and miscel- laneous works. 1881 323 . 12 Contents . — Letters on Christian art. Essay on Gothic architecture. Romance-poetry of the Middle Ages, and Shakespeare. Romantic fictions of the Middle Ages. Lother and Mailer. Limits of the beautiful. Lan- guage and wisdom of the Indians. [Hindus]. — Dramatic art and literature. 1871 204.17 — Hist, of literature, ancient and modern.’80 318 . 13 Schlegel, F. von. Lectures on history. 1862 742.6 — The philosophy of history. 1873 713.1 Schlesier, G. Life of W. von Humboldt. 1854 611.37 Schley, W. S. and Soley, J. R. The rescue of Greely. 1885 523.2 Sohliemann, H. Troy and its remains. Illus. 1875 508.30 Schmelzle’s journey to Flaetz. Richter, J. P. F 133.15.2 28 Schmidt, H. I. Historv of education, [cop. 1842] ". 413.26 Schmidt, O. Descent and Darwinism. ’75. 815.4.13 — The mammalia in their relation to prime- val times. 1886 815.4.53 Schmitz, L. History of Latin literature.’ 77. 313.9 — International atlas. See Collier, W. F. *B.30 Schmucker, S. M. Life and times of Henry Clay. 1867 612.9 ScHtELOHER, Y. Life of Handel 626.8 School and industrial hygiene. Lincoln, D. F 833.14.12 School and the army in Germany and France. Hazen, W. B. 1872 732.13 School days at Rugby. Hughes, T 5.17 Schoolboy days. Kingston, W. H. G 22.26 School days of Beulah Romney. East- man, J. A 87.6 Schoolcraft, H. R. Indian tribes of the United States. Ed. by F. S. Drake, 2 v. 1884 *8541.25 Note .— A condensation of his “Archives of aboriginal knowledge” in 6 vols. quarto. — Thirty years with Indian tribes, 1812-42. 511.24 Schoolmaster’s trunk. Diaz, Mrs. A. M. 311.25 Schools. See Education (Schools). Schooner Mary Ann. Abbott, J 78.5.3 Sohorlemmer, C., joint author. Treatise on chemistry. 3 v. 1878-80. See Ros- coe, H. E 831.27 Schubert, G. H. Mirror of nature. 1851.805.17 Schuoking, L. Fire and flame. 1876 42.32 Schudi, J. J. von and Rivero, M. E. Peru- vian antiquities. Illus. 1855 711.8 Schumann, R. Catholic world, v. 24. Mod- — Every Saturday, v. 15. [Sketch] *1007.9 Schutzenberger, P. Fermentation. 1876. 815.4.20 Schuyler, E. Journey in Russian Turkis- tan, Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja. Illus. 2 v. 1877 524.21 Schwartz, Marie S. Birth and education. 61 . 34 — Gerda; or, the children of work 31.35 — Gold and name. 1871 61.35 — Guilt and innocence. 1871 61.33 — Son of the organ-grinder 31.36 — Two family mothers. 1872 42.39 Sohwatka’s search [for the Franklin rec- ords.]. Gilder, W. H. 1881 526.10 Schweinfurth, Georg. Heart of Africa, [1868-71.] 2 v 524.3 Science. Abbott, J. Science for the young. 4 v. 1872-3. 1. Heat 827.18 2. Light 827.19 3. Water and land 803.12 4. Force 807.3 — Baird, S. F. Annual record of science and industry for 1873 808 . 28 — Brande, W. T. and Cox, G. W. Diction- ary of science. 1872. 3 v *B.3 — Buckley, A. B. Fairyland of science. Juv. 1879 832.4 Short history of natural science. ’81. 837 . 14 — Good, J. M. Book of nature. 1844. . . . 806 . 13 — Guthrie, F. First book of knowledge.’82. 841 . 18 — Haeckel, E. Freedom in science and teaching. 1879 421 . 22 — Half-hour recreations in popular science. 2 v. 1874 825.10 Contents.— See Estes, D., ed'r. — Half-hours with modern scientists. 2 v. 1872. [Essays] 812.32 Contents. See entry in gen. alphabet. SCIENCE. 218 SCOTLAND. Science, continued . — Helmholtz, H. Relation of natural sci- ence to science in general. 1862. . . In 843.6.1 — Home recreations. Juv 28.4 — Hooker, W. Child’s book of nature. ’72. 802.2 — Hunt, R. Poetry of science. 1854 807.1 — Huxley, T. H. Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews. 1871 401.9 ■ Science and culture and other essays. 1882 824.13 — Jevons, W. S. Principles of science: treatise on logic and scientific method. 1877 417.21 — Kingslev, C. Madam How and Lady Why. [Earth lore.] 1881... 832.25 — Lubbock, J. Fifty years of science: a review. 1882 841.16 — Maunder, S. Science and literary treas- ury 314.5 — Nichols, J. R. Fireside science. [Es- says]. 1872 835.4 — Pepper, J. H. Boy’s playbook of science. 811.6 Scientific amusements 827 . 25 — Picturesque science for the young 848.19 — Pierce, Benj. Ideality in the physical sciences. 1881 843 . 7 — Proctor, R. A. Light science for leisure hours. 1871 828 . 6 Science by-ways. 1876 816.28 — Reason why. General science, [cop. ’63.] 837 . 2 — Routledge, R. Popular historv of sci- ence. 1881 836.10 — Science primers. Ed. by T. H. Huxley and others, v. 1-12. 1877-80 828.20 Contents. — 1, Introductory, by Huxley. 2, Chemis- try, by Roscoe. B, Physics, by Balfour. 4, Physical geography, by Geikie. 5, Geology, by Geikie. 6, Phys- iology, by Foster. 7, Astronomy, by Lockyer. 8, Botany, by Hooker. 9, Logic, by Jevons. 10, Inven- tion al geometry, by Spencer. 11, Pianoforte playing, by Taylor. 12, Political economy, by Jevons. — Shields, C. W. Order of the sciences. ’82. 444.3 — Somerville, Mary. Connection of the physical sciences. 1871 823 . 12 — Spencer, H. Recent discussions in sci- ence, etc 432.5 Contents .— Classification of the sciences, etc. — Tait, P. G. Recent advances in physical science. 1876 844.3 — Tyndall, J. Fragments of science. 1871 . 803.6 — Whewell, W. History of the inductive sciences. 2 v. 1872 434 . 6 — Wonders of the physical world. 1875. . 818.11 — Youmans, E.L. ed’r. Culture demanded by modern life. 1872 401 . 3 Science for the young. 4 v. See Abbott, J. Science of English verse. Lanier, S. ’80. . 213.11 Science of human life. Graham, S. 2 v. 805.19 Science, philosophy and religion. Bascom, J. 1872 402.8 Science primers. Huxley, T. H. and others , edr’s. Contents: See entry above under Science. Scientific American, vols. 4-5, 22-23, 27-28, 32-34, 37-53. N. Y., 1861-85 *8541 . 19 Scientific amusements. Pepper, H 827 . 25 Scientific and literary treasury. Maunder, S 314.5 Scientific irrigator. [Natural science]. ’28. 812 . 6 Scientific lectures. Helmholtz, H. 2v.. 843.6 Scientists. See Biography ( Collective ; Scientific.) Scoones, W. B. English letters. Selec- tions, 1450-1861. 1880 617.19 Scotch sermons. By J. Caird and others. 1881 425.29 Sootfokd, J. The Judd family, or scrip- tural baptism. 1869 433.29 Scotland. History , etc. — Buckle, H. T. Hist, of civilization in England 904.3.2 Note. Treats of S. to and during the 18th century, with analysis of the Scotch intellect. — Hist, of, 400-1603. (Univ. hist., v. 41). . *708.1 — Lawrence, E. Scottish covenanters . In 1004.1.46 — McArthur, M. History of, a. d. 80-1843. Ed. by E. A. Freeman. 1874 706.20 — Persecutions in Scotland, [1605-88]. .In 1001.8.6 — Robertson, W. Hist, of Scotland during reigns of Mary and James VI 732 . 10 — Scott, SirW. Tales of a grandfather. Scottish history [to 1747]. 4 v 738.27 Same. 2 v 743.9 — Stanley, A. P. History of the church of Scotland. 1872 418.18 See also England ( History , etc.) Literature , etc. — Aytoun, W. E. Ballads of S. 2v 217.17 Lays of the Scottish cavaliers 208.23 — Rogers, C. Scottish minstrel songs since Burns, with memoirs of the poets. 1872 207.17 — Scott, Sir W. Minstrelsy of the Scot- tish border In 201 . 8 See also leading works on English litera- ture; also , Ballads; Poetry. Travel, Description , etc. Periodicals , etc. — Hardwicke’s science gossip, v. 19-21. .*1008.10 — Nature, v. 27-32. Weekly *1008 . 19 — Popular science monthly, v. 1-29 8501.16 — Science, v. 1-6. Weekly *1008.13 — Scientific American. See gen. alphabet. — Smithsonian Institution. See gen. alphabet. See also Astronomy; Chemistry; Industrial exhibi- tions; Mathematics; Natural history ; Natural philos- ophy; Philosophy; Religion and science; Theology; also , names of different sciences and departments of knowledge. Science, an illustrated journal: weekly, v. 1-6. Cambridge, Mass. 1883-5 *1008.13 Science and literature in the middle ages. Lacroix, P. 1878 733.8 Science and religion. See Religion and science. Science by-ways. Proctor, R. A. 1876.. 816.28 — Abbott, J. Rollo in Scotland 21.12 — Adams, W. T. Shamrock and thistle. Juv 73.4.2 — Eddy,D. C. Scotland and England. Juv 515.13.2 — Hamerton, P. G. Painter’s camp. 1871. 505.11 — Hawthorne, Mrs. N. Notes in England, etc., [1857] 525.26 — Hood, P. Scottish characteristics. 1883. 501 . 11 — Hunnewell, J. F. Lands of Scott. ’71. 514.1 — Miller, H. Rambles of a geologist. — Palmer, Dr. — and Mrs. Four years in the old world, [1859-63] 506 . 3 — Peasant life. Fict. 2 v 51.29 — Ramsey, E. B. Reminiscences of Scot- tish life and character. 1874 641 . 3 — Victoria, Queen. Our life in the High- lands, 1848-61 522.20 SCOTLAND. 219 SCRIPTURES. Scotland, continued. — Wordsworth, Dorothy. Tour in, 1803.. 524.9 See also England (Various headings) ; also , Hebrides ; Orkneys In illustrative fiction see Porter’s “Scottish chiefs,” Aguilar’s “Days of Bruce,” Yonge’s “Caged lion” [James I.], Kingsley’s “Austin Elliot” [Famine of 1845-6] ; also various novels of Galt, (J.), Scott, Oli- phant (Mrs.), Craik, (Mrs. D. M.), Macdonald, (G.), and others. Scott, G. C. Fishing in American waters. 1875 826.19 Scott, Sir G. G. Personal and professional recollections. 1879 628.5 Scott, Michael. Cruise of the Midge. Fict. 136.25 — Tom Cringle’s log. Fict 136.24 Scott, R. Greek-English lexicon. 1883 *C.4 Scott, Sir Walter. Poetical works 201.8 Contents . — Minstrelsy of the Scottish border; Sir Tristrem ; Lay of the last minstrel ; Ballads translated or imitated from the German; Marmion, a tale of Flod- den Field; Lady of the Lake; Miscellaneous poems; Rokeby; Vision of Don Roderick; Lord of the Isles; Occasional poems; Bride of Triermain; Harold the Dauntless; Field of Waterloo; Songs and miscellanies. Same. 2 v. in 1. 1861 214 . 23 — Lady of the lake. [Poem] 217.8 — Life of Napoleon I. 2 v. 1836 634.11 — Lives of eminent novelists and drama- tists 624.19 — Tales of a grandfather. 4v 738.27 Contents.— v. 1-3, Scottish history [to 1747]. 4, French history [to 1483]. Same. [Scottish history]. 2 v 743.9 — Waverley novels: namely : — The abbot 12.11 Note .— Sequel to the “Monastery.” — Anne of Geierstein 12.23 — Antiquary 12.3 — Betrothed; Highland widow 12.19 — Bride of Lammermoor 12.8 — Chronicles of the Canongate. 1st series. Highland widow. Two drovers. Sur- geon’s daughter. Same. 2d series. Fair maid of Perth; or, St. Valentines day. — Count Robert of Paris 12.24 — Fair maid of Perth; or, St. Valentine’s day 12.22 — Fortunes of Nigel 12.14 — Guy Mannering; or, the astrologer 12.2 — Heart of Mid-Lothian 12.7 — lvanhoe 12.9 — Kenilworth 12.12 — Legend of Montrose; Black dwarf 12.6 — Monastery 12.10 Note.— For sequel see “The abbot.” — Old Mortality 12.5 — Peveril of the Peak 12.15 — The pirate 12.13 — Quentin Durward 12.16 — Redgauntlet 12.18 — Rob Roy 12.4 — St. Ronan’s well 12.17 — Surgeon’s daughter; Castle Dangerous . 12.25 Note. Contains “General index” to the Waverley novels. — Tales of my landlord. 4 series. 1. Black dwarf, and Old Mortality. 2. Heart of Mid-Lothian. 3. Bride of Lammermoor, and Legend of Montrose. 4. Count Robert of Paris, and Castle Dangerous. Scott, Sir Walter, continued. — Talisman; Two drovers; My aunt Mar- garet’s mirror; Tapestried chamber; Laird’s Jock 12.20 — Waverley 12.1 — Woodstock 12.21 Note. The shelf numbers of the Waverley novels in- dicate the order of their publication. Note. For a key to the scenery of Scott’s novels and poems see Hunnewell’s Lands of Scott [514.1]; for characters, incidents, etc., in Scott’s novels, see Rogers’ Waverley dictionary [814.4]. The following table gives, briefly, the time, the place, and some of the characters in the various novels: Count Robert of Paris. 1090. Crusaders, and Con- stantinople. Betrothed. 1187. Welsh marches in time of the 2nd crusade. Talisman. 1193. 3rd crusade. Richard Coeur-de- Lion. Saladin. lvanhoe. 1194. Cceur -de-Lion. Robin Hood. Re- becca the Jewess. Castle Dangerous. 1306-7. Douglas Castle, Scotland. Fair Maid of Perth. 1402. Scotland. Wager of battle. Quentin Durward. 1470. France. Louis XI. Charles the bold. Anne of Geierstein . 1474-77. Louis XI. of France. Charles the bold. Switzerland. Monastery. 1559-68. Scotland. White lady of Avenel. Abbot. 1568. Mary, Queen of Scots. Kenilworth. 1575. Queen Elizabeth. Earl of Lei- cester. Amy Robsart. Laird's Jock. 1600. Scottish Fortunes of Nigel. 1620. James 1st, of England. Legend of Montrose. 1645-6. Scottish. Marquis of Montrose. Duke of Argyl. Dugald Dalgetty. Woodstock. 1662. Cromwell. Charles II. Peveril of the Peak. 1660-80. Charles II. and court. Old Mortality. 1679-90. Scottish Covenanters. Pirate. 1700. Zetland and Orkney Islands. My Aunt Margaret's mirror. 1700. Scottish. Bride of Lammermoor. 1700. Scottish. Ravens- wood. Balderstone. Black dwarf. 1708. Scottish Jacobites. Rob Roy. 1715. English and Scottish. Diana Vernon. Heart of Mid-Lothian. 1736-51. Scottish. Jeanie Deans. Waverley. 1745. Scottish. Charles Edward, and the Jacobite rebellion. Highland widow . 1755. Scottish. Surgeon's daughter. 1750-70. England and India. Guy Mannering. 1750-70. Scottish. Meg Merriles. Dominie Samson. Two drovers. 1765. Scottish. Redgauntlet. 1770. Charles Edward the Pretender. Tapestried chamber. 1780. English. Antiquary. 1798. Scottish. Edie Ochiltrie. Jona- than Oldbuck. Monkbarns. St. Ronan's well. 1800. Life at a Scottish watering place. — Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. In his Miscella- nies, v. 1 302 . 9 — Carlyle, T. Life of. ( In his Essays). . . 305.6 — Chambers’s misc. Life of In 1001.8.5 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. . . 614.14 — Gleig, G. R. Life of Scott. [Brief]. Illus. 635.3 — Howitt, W. Homes of British poets . . . 615 . 15 — Hutton, R. H. [Life of.] 1878 616.11.2 — Irving, W . Abbotsford In 306 . 4 — Lockhart, J. G. Life of. 9 v. 1861 . . . 602 . 1 — Maginn, W. Miscellanies 306.25 — Masson, D. Scott and his influence .. In 303.14 — Prescott. W. H. Miscellanies 305.14 Scott, Gen. Winfield. Memoirs. 2 v. 1864. 607.16 Scottish chiefs. Porter, J. Fict 5.5 Scouring of the White Horse. Hughes, T . 17.30 Scout, The. [Revolution; S. Carolina]. Simms, W. G 58.14 Scoville, J. A. See Barrett, Walter, pseud. Scribner’s monthly. An illustrated mag- azine. v. 1-22. N. Y., 1870-81 1006.4 Note. For continuation see “Century.” Scriptures. See Bible. SCUDDER. 220 SELF. Scudder, H. E. Bodley books. 5 v. 1. Bodleys in town and country. 1884. 77 . 26 2. Bodley s telling stories. 1880 77.11 3. Bodleys on wheels. 1879 77.1 4. Bodleys afoot. 1880 77.12 5. Mr. Bodley abroad. 1881 77.13 — - Same; 2d series, v. 1-2. 1884 531.1 1. Bodley grandchildren in Holland.’84. 531.1.1 2. English Bodley family. 1884 531.1.2 — Boston town. Illns. 1881 515.8 — Life of Noah Webster. 1882 624.12.2 — One hundred years ago. 1876 714.2 — Seven little people and their friends. ’67. 92 . 12 — ed’r. American commonwealths, v. 1-6 738.16 Contents.— 1. Virginia, by J. E. Cooke. 2. Oregon, by W. Barrows. 3. Maryland, by W. H. Browne. 4. Ken- tucky, by N. S. Shaler. 5. Michigan, by T. Me I. Cooley. 6. Kansas, by L. W. Spring. — ed,r. Men and manners in America one hundred years ago. 1876 714.6 Scudder, M. L. Labor-value fallacy . . ’84. 916.24 Sculptors. Clement, C. E. Sculptors, etc.: a handbook. Illus. 1876 *D . 3 Same 834.11 — Gosse, E. W. Living English sculptors. 1883 .In 1006.4.26 — Shedd, Mrs. J. A. Famous sculptors and sculpture. 1881 852 . 20 — Yasari, G. Lives of the. 5v 618.10 Sculpture. Clarke, W. J. Great Amer- ican sculptures. 1878 *8541 . 8 — Clement, Mrs. C. E. Outline hist. of. ’85 848.24 — Hosmer, Harriet. Process of in *1005.2.14 — Jacobs, F. Plastic art of the Greeks. . In 426.3 — Mitchell, Lucy M. History of ancient.’83 848 . 9 — Bedford, G. Manual of ancient. 1882. 851.35 — Yiardot, L. Wonders of. 1873 813.15 Sea. See Ocean. Sea and sailor. Colton, W. 1856 506 . 23 Sea and shore. Adams, W. T. Juv 72.4.6 SEA-air and sea-bathing. Packard, J. H.. 833.14.11 Sea fights and land battles. [British]. Val- entine^ 717.8 Sea fights from Sluys to Navarino. Valen- tine, R 738.25 Sea kings and naval heroes. Edgar, J. G. 646 . 10 Sea lions. Cooper, J. F. Fict 2.34 Sea queen, A. Russell, W. C. Fict 146.30 SEA-shore. Abbott, J. Juv 82.15.5 SEA-shore. Ulyat,W. C. Life at the. [Hand- book.] 1880 516.4 Sea songs. See Dibdin, C. Seaboard parish. MacDonald, George 14.22 Seaboard slave states. Olmsted, F. L. ’56 512.8 Sealed orders, etc. Phelps, Eliz. S 45.8 Seamer, Mary. Shakespeare’s stories sim- ply told 87.10 Search for winter sunbeams. Cox, S. S.’69. 503 . 24 Sears, R. Pictorial descrintion of the United States. 1857...*. 747.1 — The Russian empire. Illus. 1855 521 . 10 — Scenes and sketches in continental Eu- rope. Illus. 1848 736 . 8 — Wonders of the world; 2d ser. 1847. . . 744.8 Sears, Barnas, and others. Classical studies. 1843 426.3 Seaside and fireside fairies. Blum, G. and Wahl, L 25.7 Seaside studies in natural history. Agas- siz, E. C. and A. 1871 806.24 Seasons. Hamerton, P. G. Sylvan year. ’76. 841.8 — Hitchcock, E. Phenomena of the four. 801 . 6 — Howitt, W. Book of the. 1842 306.28 — Thompson, James. The seasons. [PoemJ. 214.29 Seasons, continued. — Thoreau, H. D. Early spring in Massa- chusetts. 1881 838.40 See also Calendar; Country life; Winter! Seat of empire. [Northwest]. Coffin, C. C. 512.21 Seaward, Sir Edward. Narrative of his shipwreck. Porter, J 502.21 Second thoughts. Broughton, Rhoda 48.27 Second war with England [1812-14]. Head- ley, J. T. 2 v. 1853 711.24 Second wife. John, E., \E. Marlitt.] 1877. 44.25 Secret of a clear head. Granville, T. M . . 833 . 17 Secret of success. Adams, W. H. D ' 421 . 4 Secret of success. Leslie. M. Juv 24.7 Secret service, U. S. Baker. L. C. Hist. of [1861-5]. 1868 737.20 — Richardson, A. D. Secret service, the field, etc 507.8 Secret societies. De Quincey, T. Histor- ical essays 302.18.2 — Secret societies of the ipiddle ages. .In 1001.9.3 — Secret societies of modern Europe. .In 1001.9.1 See also Freemasonry; Odd Fellows. Sects. See Denominations and sects; Religion. Sedgwick, 0. M. Hope Leslie; or, early times in Massachusetts. 2 v. 1872. 132.6 — The Linwoods; or, “Sixty years since” in America. 2 v. 1873 131 . 10 — Memoir of Lucretia M. Davidson In 641.4.7 — Morals of manners. Juv. 1873 423.4 See, J. W. Extracts from Chordal’s letters [to mechanics]. 1880 842 . 1 Seebohm, F. Era of the protestant revo- lution. 1874 743.5.1 — Joseph Haydn: story of his life. 1884. 644.24 Seek and find. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.1.3 Seekers after God. Farrar, F. W. 1877... 614.23 Seeley, J. R. Ecce Homo. 1871 408.22 — English lessons for English people. See Abbott, E. A. 1872 307.3 — Expansion of England. 1883 746.16 — Life of Stein; or, Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic age. 2 v. 1879... 625.7 — Natural religion. 1882 443.28 — Roman imperialism and other essays.’71. 308.22 — Short history of Napoleon I. 1886 646.9 Seemann, O. Mythology of Greece and Rome, with special reference to its use in art. 1877 417.20 Seemuller, Mrs. A. M. Emily Chester.’73. 32 . 13 — Opportunity. 1868 11.30 Seguin, E. Family thermometry. 1873. 813.29 Seguin, L. G. The children’s pastime: pic- tures and stories 77.4 Segur, P. P., Comte de. Expedition to Russia by Napoleon in 1812. 2 v. . . 752.4 Seiss, J. A. Miracle in stone. [Great pyr- amid]. 1877 837.4 Selborne. White, G. Natural history of. 837.17 Selections, extracts, etc. See Aphorisms ; Elocution ( Readings ) ; Poe- try ( Collective ) ; Quotations, etc. SELE-culture. Blackie,J.S. Self-culture. ’74. 412.13 — Channing, W. E. Self-culture In 1001.3.2 — Clarke, Jas. F. Self-culture: physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual. ’80. 423 . 28 — Craik, G. L. Pursuit of knowledge un- der difficulties 308.20 — Eggleston, G. C. How to educate your- self. 1872 402.19 — Fowler, O. S. Intellectual improve- ment. 1848 In 408.31 Same, [also) Self-culture. 1855 In 804.16 SELF. 221 SEVEN. SELF-culture, continued. — Hints on. (Harper’s m., v. 18) 1004.1 — Mathews, W. Getting on in the world.’73 304.12 — Universal instructor. Illus. 3 v 321.6 See also , Books ; Character ; Education ; Life (Conduct of .) ; Beading; also, entries beginning with “Self.” SELF-effort; or, success in life. Johnson, J. 433.10 SuLF-help. Smiles, Samuel. 1871 408.28 SELF-knowledge. Mason, J. Treatise on 1844 In 305.10 SELF-made. Welty, E. A. Fict 48.11 SELF-raised; sequel to “Ishmael.” South- worth, E. D. E. N 136.2 SELF-taught men. Biographies for the young. 1873 622.14 SEMi-attached couple. Eden, Emily 134.15 SEMi-detached house. Eden, Emily 134 . 14 Seminole war. Giddings, J. R . Exiles of Florida. 1858 v 711.4 Semiramis, queen of Assyria.' Jameson, Mrs. A. Female sovereigns 633.12 — Melville, G. J. W. Sarchedon. Fict.. 36.400 See also Assyria. Semmes, R. My adventures afloat in the ‘Sumter’ and ‘Alabama.’ 1869 737.4 Semper, K. Animal life as affected by the natural conditiops of existence. 1881. 815.4.30 Seneca. Farrar, F. W. Seekers after God. 614.23 Sense and sensibility. Austen, Jane. Fict. 36.37 Same 7.34 Senses. Bernstein, J. The five senses. ’76.. 815.4.21 — Flint, A. Physiology; special senses.’74. 813.1.5 — Scheie DeVere, M.’ The senses. ’55 .In 1004.1.12 See also Hearing ; Sight. Senses, Education of. See Object teaching. Sensible etiquette. Ward, Mrs. H. O 441.25 Sentimental journey. Sterne, Laurence. 306.27 and 327.9 Sepia painting. Leitch, R. P 834.8 Septimitjs Felton. Hawthorne, N. Fict. In 524 . 6 Serapis; a romance. Ebers, G. 1885 58.3 Sergeant, Adeline. Beyond recall. 1883. 146.22 Sermons, etc. Alexander, A. Practical sermons. 1 850 405 . 2 — Appleton, Jesse. Sermons. (Works.) ’37. 405.1 — Arnold, T. School sermons. 1874 413.31 — Beecher, H. W. Plymouth pulpit: ser- mons. 1883 432.22 Sermons. 2 v. 1868 434.12 — Boston lectures for 1871 438 . 19 Note. For contents see Boston lectures. — Brooks, Fred. Sermons. 1876 417.15 — Brooks, P. Influence of Jesus. 1879.. 421.2 Sermons. 1879 421.1 Sermons in English churches. 1883. . 432 . 26 — Bushnell, H. Sermons on living sub- jects. 1872 438.9 — Channing, W. E. Works. 6 v. in 3. ’73. 1001.3 — Chapin, E. H. Humanity in the city. ’54. 407 . 11 — Crum, G. C. Lectures on the beatitudes. 1854 437.8 — Dewey, O. Discourses on human life .’41. 438.8 — Doliinger, J. J. I. von. On the reunion of the churches. 1872 408 . 37 — Ewer, F. C. Catholicity, protestantism and Romanism: conferences 441.14 — Farr, Jonathan. Sermons. 1833 406.33 — Farrar, F. W. Saintly workers 636 . 8 — Finney, C. G. Sermons. 1836 411.10 — Frothingham, O. B. See name in gen. alphabet. Sermons, continued. — Guthrie, T. The city: its sins and sor- rows. 1877 * 914.14 — Lacordaire, J. B. H. God and man: con- ferences. 1872 441.15 — Liddon, H. P. Some elements of relig- ion. 1872 435.18 — Macdonald, G. Unspoken sermons. ’67. 405.7 — Monod, A., Krummacher, Tholuck and J. Muller. Select discourses. 1858. 438.15 — Moody, D. L. Glad tidings: Sermons, etc. 1876 416.6 — Munger,T. T. Freedom of faith. 1885.433.26 — Osgood, S. and others. Religious aspects of the age. Ih58 437 . 18 — Outlines of sermons to children. 1884. 432.17 — Paley, W. Sermons In 1001 . 4 — Parker, J. Inner life of Christ. 2 v. . . 434.18 — Pitts-street chapel lectures. 1858 438.23 — Quinby, G. W., ed’r. Fifteen sermons. [Universalist]. 1845 438.22 — Renan, C. E. English conferences. ’80. 423 . 20 — Robertson, F. W. Sermons. 4 v. in 2.’61 432.29 Same. 2 v. 1873 402.4 — Rutherford, S. Trial and triumph of faith. 1840 408.3 — Scotch sermons. By John Caird and others. 1881 425.29 — Shakspeare, C. St. Paul at Athens.’ 79. 421.30 — Spurgeon, C. H. Sermons. 10 v. 1864-77. 407.19 — Sterne, Laurence. Sermons In 306.27 — Swing, David. Sermons. 1874 418 . 7 Truths for to-day. 1874 412.8 — Talmage, T. DeW . Sermons. 4 v. 1875. 425 . 15 — Thomas, H. W. Origin and destiny of man. 1877 425.21 — Thompson, Otis. Sermons, v. 1. 1850. 401 . 13 — Way land, F. Sermons to the churches. 1858 437.16 See also Preaching ; Religion ( Miscellaneous works.) Sermons out of church. Craik, Mrs. D. M. 311.21 Sermons to the clergy. Dodge, Mary A . . 441 . 33 Servant of all. Sermons. Parker, J 434.18.2 Servants. Mayhew, H. and A. Greatest plague of life. [Humorous] 53.20 — Spofford, H. P. The servant girl ques- tion. 1881 914.19 See also Domestic economy. Servants of the stomach. Mace, J. Juv . 803 . 10 S esame and lilies : two lectures. Ruskin, J. 302 . 1 Settler’s guide. Copp, H. N. 1883 915.6 Settlers in Canada. Marryat, F .Fict... 36.388 Seven champions of Christendom. John- son, R 138.3 Note. A famous book, once generally read, and founded on the traditional tales of the knight-errantrv of Europe; published 1576-1580. Contents [abridged] .—St. George of England; St. Denis of France; St. James of Spain; St. Antony of Italy; St. Andrew of Scotland; St. Patrick of Ireland Seven daughters. Douglas, Amanda M . . . 91.16 Seven hills [Rome.] De Mille, J. Juv. . . 22.12 Seven historic ages. Gilman, A. Juv. .’74. 743.6 Seven little people and their friends. Scud- der, H. E 92.12 Seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air. Andrews, J. 1876 86.6 Seven oaks. Holland, J. G. Fict 15.25 Seven sons of mammon. Sala, G. A. Fict. 36.483 Seven Spanish cities. Hale, E. E. 1883.. 50i.]3 Seven stories. Mitchell, D. G 62.31 Seven weeks’ war. See under Germany. SEVEN. 222 SHAKESPEARE. Seven wonders of the world, The. Ulus... 823.18 Contents.— Pyramids of Egypt; -Temple, walls, and hanging gardens of Babylon; Statue of Jupiter by Phidias; Temple of Diana at Ephesus; Mausoleum of Mausolus; The pharos at Alexandria; Colossus of Rhodes. Seven years. Kavanagh, Julia. Fict 36.302 Seven years’ war. See under Germany. SEVENTH-day adventists. Christadelphian; monthly. v. 10-13. Birmingham, 1873-76 *1008.2 — Smith, U. Thoughts on Daniel. 1878. 435.5 Thoughts on Revelation. 1865 435.4 — Thomas, John. Elpis Israel. 1867 406.34 — White, J. Life incidents in connection with the great advent movement. ’68 435.9 Seventh great oriental monarchy. Rawlin- son, G. 2v. 1882 725.15 Sever a. Hartner, E. Fict. 1882 51.15 Severance, M S. Hammersmith; his Har- vard days. 1878 52.27 Sevigne, M. de R.C. Marquise de. Letters to her daughter. 1869 633.9 — Russell, W. Extraordinary women 618.2 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits of cele- brated women. 1868 614 . 6 — Savage, J. Mme. de S. and her contem- poraries In 1004.1.47 — Thackeray, Miss A. I. Mme. de S. 1881. 636.7.13 — Thomson, K. B. Queens of society... 632.10 Seward, G. F. Chinese immigration. ’81.914.22 Seward, W. H. Diplomatic history of the war for the union. 1884 728.16 — Life of J. Q. Adams. 1849 602 . 18 — Travels around the world. Ed. by Olive R. Seward. 1874 502.24 — Baker, G. E. Life of W. H. Seward.’55. 622.4 Sewell, Eliza M. After life. Sequel to “The journal of a home life.” 1868 . 36 . 506 — Amy Herbert. 1857 36.507 — Child’s history of Rome. 1880 721 . 16 — Clevehall. 1869 131.8 — Experience of life; or, aunt Sarah. 1874. 36.508 — First history of Greece. 1880 721.17 — Gertrude. 1869 131.19 — Journal of a home life. 1867 36.509 Note. For sequel see “After life.” — Ursula. 1858 36.510 — and Yonge, C. M. Selections from Eu- ropean history. 2 v. 1873 742.4 Contents.—- v. 1, 1003-1154. v. 2, 1088-1228. Sewerage and drainage. Bayles, J. C. House drainage. 1882 843.25 — Eassie,W. Healthy houses. 1879 837.5 — Gerhard, W. P. Drainage and sewerage of dwellings. 1884 844.39 — Plunkett, Mrs. H. M. Women, plumb- ers and doctors; or, household sanita- tion. 1885 845.22 — Teale, T. P. Dangers to health: a pic- torial guide to domestic sanitary de- fects. 1883 844.38 — Tracy, R. S. Hand-book of sanitary in- formation for householders. 1844 . . . 844 . 30 — Varona, A. de. Sewer gases and how to protect our dwellings. 1879 833 . 15 — Waring, G. E. Drainage for profit and health 813.27 How to drain a house. 1885 847.25 • Sanitary condition of city and country houses. 1877 827.29 Sanitary drainage. 1876 816.21 j Sewing. See Needle-work. Sex and education . Howe, Mrs. J. W. ed’r. 412 . 7 Sex in education. Clarke, E. H. 1873 402 . 18 Note .— For replies and reviews see “Education of American girls,” by Anna C. Brackett [402.31 1 ; “No sex in education,” by Mrs. E. B. Duffey [412.6] ; “Sex and education,” by Mrs. J. W. Howe [412.7.] Sex in industry. Ames, Azel, jr. 1875 912.14 Seyd, E. Metallic currency of the United States. 1871 911.27 Shabby genteel story. Thackeray, W. M. Shadow of Ashlydyat. Wood, Mrs. H 36.580 Shadow of the rock and other religious poems. 1872 218.4 Shadow of the sword. [The return from Elba,] Buchanan, R. 1877 1^7.16 Shadows of Shasta. Miller, J. Fict 141 . 18 Shady side; or, life in a country parsonage. Hubbell, M. S 8.18 Shairp, J. C. Aspects of poetry, 1882. . . 211.8 — Culture and religion. 1872 301 . 10 — Poetic interpretation of nature. 1878. . 314.25 — Robert Burns. (Eng. men of letters.)’79. 616.11.8 — Studies in poetry and philosophy. 1872. 301.11 Shakers. Howells, W. D. Three villages. [Shirley, etc.] 1884 522.6 — Lossing, B. J. The Shakers. Illus.. . In 1004.1.15 — Warner, C. D. Out of the world. .In 1006.4.18 Shakespeare, W. Works. Ed. by Mary C. Clarke. Illus .. 201.7 — Works. Ed. by G. L. Duyckinck. Illus. 201.20 — Works. Ed., with notes by W. J. Rolfe. Illus. 40 v. 1881-3 213.1 Contents.— v. 1, All’s well that ends well. v. 2, An- tony and Cleopatra, v. 3, As you like it. v. 4', Com- edy of errors, v. 5, Coriolanus. v. 6, Cymbeline. v. 7, Hamlet, v. 8, Julius Caesar, v. 9, King Henry the fourth, pt. 1. v. 10, King Henry the fourth, pt. 2. v. 11, King Henry the fifth, v. 12, King Henry the sixth, pt. 1. v. 13, King Henry the sixth, pt. 2. v. 14, King Henry the sixth, pt. 3. v. 15, King Henry the eighth, v. 16, King John. v. 17, King Lear. v. 18, King Richard the second, v. 19, King Richard the third, v. 20, Love’s labour’s lost. v. 21, Macbeth, v. 22, Measure for measure, v. 23, Merchant of Venice, v. 24, Merry wives of Windsor, v. 25, Midsummer night's dream, v. 26, Much ado about nothing, v. 27, Othello, v. 28, Pericles, v. 29, Romeo and Juliet, v. 30, Taming of the Shrew, v. 31, Tempest, v. 32, Timon of Athens. v. 33, Titus Andronicus. v. 34, Troilus and Cressida. v. 35, Twelfth night, v. 36, Two gentlemen of Verona, v. 37, The winter’s tale, v. 38, Two noble kinsmen, v. 39, Poems; Vepus and Adonis; Rape of Lucrece; A lover’s complaint; Pas- sionate pilgrim ; Phognix and the turtle, v. 40, Bon- nets. — Works. Text of A. Dyce. 7v. in 4. ’68. 214.24 Contents.— v. 1-2, Measure for measure ; Comedy of errors; Much ado about nothing ; Love’s labour’s lost; Midsummer-night’s dream; Merchant of Venice; As you like it; Taming of the shrew; All’s well that ends well; Twelfth-night; Winter’s tale; King John; King Richard II. v. 3-4, King Henry IV, pt. 1 ; King Henry IV, pt. 2; King Henry V ; King Henry VI, pt. 1 ; King Henry VI, pt. 2 ; King Henry VI, pt. 3; King Richard III; King Henry VIII; Troilus and Cressida; Titus Andronicus. v. 5-6, Coriolanus; Romeo and Juliet; Timon of Athens; Julius Caesar; Macbeth; Hamlet; King Lear; Othello; Antony and Cleopatra; Cymbe- line. v. 7, Pericles; Tempest; Two gentlemen of Ve- rona; Merry wives of Windsor; Poems; Life of Shakespeare; Glossary. SHAKESPEARE. 223 SHAW. Shakespeare, W., continued. — Works. Ed. by R. G. White. 3 v. ’83. 213.8 Contents.— 1, Comedies. 2, Histories and poems. 3, Tragedies. — Works. Text of Clark and Wright. . . . 204.10 — Dramatic works; from text of Johnson, Stevens and Reed. Illue 201 . 21 — Plays. (Inchbald’s British theatre, v. 1-5.) 1808 205.1 Contents. — v. 1, Comedy of errors; Romeo and Ju- liet; Hamlet; King John; King Richard III. v. 2, King Henry IV, pt. 1; King Ilenry IV, pt. 2; Mer- chant of Venice; King Henry V; Much ado about nothing, v. 3, As you like it; Merry wives of Wind- sor; King Henry VIII ; Measure for measure; Winter’s tale. v. 4, King Lear; Cymbeline; Macbeth; Julius Caesar; Antony and Cleopatra. v. 5, Coriolanus; Othello ; Tempest ; Twelfth night ; Every man in his humour. — Plays. Selected and prepared for use in schools, clubs, etc. With introduc- tion and notes by H. N. Hudson. 2v. 1872 201.17 Contents.— v. 1, Sketch of the poet’s life; As you like it; Merchant of Venice; Twelfth night; King Henry the fourth, 1st and 2d parts ; Julius Caesar ; Ham- let, prince of Denmark. v. 2, Tempest; Winter’s tale; King Henry the fifth; King Richard the third; King Lear; Macbeth; Antony and Cleopatra. — Doubtful plays. 1869 214.25 Contents.— King Edward HI; Thomas, Lord Crom- well; Locrine; Yorkshire tragedy; London prodigal; Birth of Merlin. Concordances , etc. — Abbott, E. A. Shakespearian grammar. 1878 314.13 — Bartlett, J. Shakespeare phrase-book.’81. 318.7 — Clarke, Mrs. M. C. Concordance to Shakespeare. 1875 *B.21 — Dictionary of Shakespearian quota- tions. 1881... 315.22 Critical and Miscellaneous. — Allibone, S. A. Shakspeare’s life and bibliography of his works. (In his Dictionary of Eng. lit) *A.8.2 — Bryant, W. C. In his Orations, etc. ’73. 325.22 — Calvert, G. H. Shakespeare; a study.’79. 318.11 — Campbell, J . Lord. Shakespeare’s legal acquirements. 1859 318.12 — Carlyle, T. Heroes, etc. [Hero as a poet]. 301 . 23 — De Quincey, T. In his Biographical essays 302.25 — Disraeli, I. Shakespeare In 308.11.2 Predecessors and contemporaries of S. (In his Amenities, etc.) 308.11.2 — Dowden, E. Shakspere. (Literature primers). 1878 314.1.5 Shakspere; mind and art. 1879... 317.1 — Dyer, T. F. T. Folk-lore of Shakes- peare. 1884 431 . 20 — Emerson, R. W. Representative men. (Prose works.) 307.19.2 — Gervinus, G. G. Shakespeare commen- taries. 1880 316.6 — Giles, H. Human life in Shakespeare. ’82. 318.23 — Gilfillan, G. Shakspeare: a lecture. 1855 In 301.24 — Goadby, E. The England of Shakes- peare. 1881 727.7 — Goethe, J. W. von. Wilhelm Meister’s apprenticeship. [Criticism on Ham- let]. 1873 Shakespeare, W., continued. — Guizot, F. Shakspeare and his times.’52 304.9 — Hazlitt, W. Characters of Shakespeare’s plays. 1870 302.5 — Heard. F. F. Shakespeare as a lawyer. 1883 326.22 — Holmes, N. The authorship of Shakes- peare. 1876 325.29 — Hudson, H. N. Lectures on. 2 v.[cop.’48] 304.7 Shakespeare: his life, art and charac- ters, with origin and growth of the drama in England. 2 v. 1872 204 . 19 — Irving, W. Stratford-on-Avon. [Home of S.] In his Sketch-book 306.15 — Jacox, F. Shakespeare diversions. 1875. 312.11 — Lowell, J. R. In his Among my books. 332.12.1 — Page, W. Study of Shakespeare’s por- traits In 1006.4.10 — Schlegel, A. W. von. Dramatic art and literature 204.17 — Shakespeare’s death-mask. Illus In 1006.4.8 — Taine, H . A. Hist, of Eng. literature.’72. 305 . 12 — Weiss, J. Wit, humor, and Shakspeare. 317.8 — Whipple, E. P. Lit. of the age of Eliz- abeth. 1871 303.5 — White, R. G. Memoirs of, with essay on his genius and account of the English drama. 1865 308 . 3 Studies in Shakespeare. 1886 323.21 — Wordsworth, C. Shakespeare and the bible. 1880 317.14 Shakespeare for the Young , etc. — Barr, A. E. Young people of Shake- speare’s dramas. 1882 211.31 — Lamb, C. and M. Tales from Shake- speare 21.30 — Seamer, Mary. Shakespeare’s stories simply told. Illus ; 87.10 — Shakespeare for the young folk. Ed. by R. R. Raymond. Illus. 1881 212 . 9 Contents . — Memoir of Shakespeare; Mid- summer night’s dream; As you like it; Julius Caesar. Women of Shakespeare. — Clarke, M. C. Girlhood of Shakespeare’s heroines : tales. 2v. 1873 63.4 — Jameson, Mrs. A. Characteristics of [S’s.] women 332.27 — Weiss, J. In his Wit, humor, etc 317.8 Shakspeare, C. St. Paul at Athens: ser- mons. 1879 421.30 Shakyamuni [Buddha]. See Buddhism. Shaler, N. S. First book in geology. ’84. 845 . 6 — Kentucky. A pioneer commonwealth. Shamrock and thistle. Adams, W. T. Juv. 73.4.2 Shandon bells. Black, W. 1883 54.9 Shannon, R. H. Vestiges of civilization; or the aetiology of history. 1851... 914.17 Sharpe, S. History of Egypt [to 640]. 2 v. 1852 745.10 Sharpless, I. and Philips.G.M. Astronomy for schools and general readers. ’82. 842.6 Sharswood, G. Legal ethics. 1869 911.28 — Study of the law. 1870 911.29 Shaubena, Indian chief. Matson, N. Mem- ories of. [Black Hawk war, etc]. 80 . 723 . 7 SHAWj T. B. and Smith, W. Specimens of English literature. Adapted to use of American students by B. N. Mar- tin. 1869 311.19 64.1 SHAW. 224 SHUT. Shaw, Flora L. Castle Blair. Juv. 1883. 56.16 — Hector: a story. Juv. 1881 81.3 — Phyllis Browne. Juv. 1883 81.29 Shaw, H. L. Josh Billings: his works, com- plete. [cop. 1876.] -323.18 Shaw, T. A. Brief history of Russia. 1877. 716.8 Shaw, T. B. Hist, of Eng. lit. [cop. 1875.] . 325.4 — Manual of Eng. and Am. lit. [cop. ’67.]. 325.5 — Specimens of Eng. lit. [cop. ’69.] 311 . 19 SHAwn-straps. Alcott, L. M. Juv 26.42.2 Sheahan, J. W. Life of Stephen A. Doug- las. 1860 636.17 Shedd, Mrs. J. A. Famous sculptors and sculpture. 1881 852 . 20 Shedd, W. G. T. Literary essays. 1878. . 317.5 Sheep. Randall, H. S. Sheep husbandry’54. 825.3 Sheely, A., ed'r. Anecdotes of school life. 1877 317.27 Sheldon, E. A. Lessons on objects. 1875. 416.13 Sheldon, H. C. History of Christian doc- trine. 2 v. 1886 445.1 Contents.— v. 1, From 90-1517. v. 2, 1517-1885. Shelley, C. P. B. Workshop appliances.’ 79 838.27 Shelley, Mrs. M. W. Frankenstein. Fict. 1869 13.19 Shelley, P. B. Poetical works; ed. by Mrs. Shelley, [pub. 1839] 212 . 11 Contents — Queen Mab ; Alastor ; Revolt of Islam ; Prometheus unbound, lyrical drama ; The Cenci, trag- edy; Hellas, lyrical drama; (Edipus Tyrannus, tragedy ; Early poems; Poems, 1815-1822; Translations. Same. 1836 201.13 — Select poems, with memoir by M. Blind. 214 . 26 — Allibone, S. A. Diet, of Eng. literature. *A.8.2 — Godwin, P. Out of the past 311.18 — Howitt, W. Homes of British poets . . . 615 . 15 — Symonds, J. A. Shelley. 1879 616.11.3 Shells. Adams, H.G. Beautiful shells.’71 822.13 — P. H. F. Frank’s search for sea shells.’66. 816.14 — Tenney, S. Sea, land and river. Juv.’Q 8. 22 . 16 — Tryon, G. W. Structural and systematic conchology. 1882 846.12 — Woodward, S. P. Manual of mollusca. 1871 822.19 See also. Pacific R. R. survey, v. 6 [Report upon land shells] ; Same, v. 5 [Catalogue of recent fossil shells] ; also , Smithsonian misc. col., v. 5, 9 [Bibliography of North American conchology, to I860]; Same, v. 7, 8 [Land and fresh water shells of North America] ; Same, v. 10 [Mollusks of western N. A] ; Same, v. 10 [Ar- rangement of the families of shells] ; also, Smithson- ian rep., 1859 [Shells of the gulf of California] ; Same, 1866 [instructions for collecting land and fresh water shells]. See also , articles on Shell-heaps, in the Smithsonian reports for 1871, 71, 77, 78, 81, 82, 83. Shepard, Hazel. Great cities of the ancient world. Illus. 1885 531.20 — Great cities of the modern world. Illus. 1885 531.21 Shepard, W., ed’r. The literary life— au- thors and authorship. 1882 318 . 10 — eclr. Enchiridion of criticism. 1885.. 323.26 Shepherd, D. A. How two girls tried farming. 1879 835.16 Shepherd king. [King David.] Tucker, C. 23.21 Shepherd of Salisbury plain. More, H . . . 3.4 Sheppard, Eliz. S. [E. Berger .] Charles Auchester. [Music novel.] 1872.... 34.33 — Counterparts. 3 v. 1864 134.18 Sheppard, F. H. Love afloat: story of the American navy. 1875 43.15 Sheppard, N. Shut up" in Paris, [1870-1] . 746 . 13 Sheridan, R. B. Dramatic works; with memoir. 1873 208 . 29 Contents.— Biographical memoir; The rivals, a com- edy; St. Patrick’s day, a farce; The duenna, a comic opera ; The school for scandal, a comedy ; The critic, a drama; Trip to Scarborough; Pizarro, a tragedy; Verses to the memory of Garrick. Same. 1869 214.27 — Oliphant, Mrs. M. O.W. Sheridan. ’83. 616.11.33 — Stowe, H. B. Men of our own times.’68. 634.3 Sherman, W. T. Memoirs of, by himself. 2 v. 1875 734.1 — Nichols, G. W. Story of the great march, [1864-5] 737.6 — Stowe, H. B. Men of our times. 1868 . . 634 . 3 — Wilson, J. G. Hlustrious ’soldiers. 1874. 632.17 Sherwood, Mrs. J. Manners and social usages. 1884 433 . 6 Sherwood, J. D. Comic history of the United States. 1870 721.5 Sherwood, J. M., ed’r. Memoirs of Rev. David Brainerd. 1885 631 . 6 Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. W. Amenities of home. 1884 426.28 — Home amusements . 1884 847 . 15 — Transplanted rose. 1882 58.2 Shetland islands. Visit to In 1001.8.4 Shifting winds. Ballantyne, R. M. Juv. 88.31 Shillaber, B. P. Ike Partington and his friends. 1879 311.32 — Partingtonian patchwork. 1873 323.8 “Ship ahoy!” Fenn, G. M. Fict 47.37 Ship and shore. Colton, W. 1856 506 . 22 Ship in the desert. [Poem.] Miller, J.’75. 202.24 Shippen, E. Thirty years at sea. 1879 : . . . 512.19 Ships. Centennial exhibition. Official re- ports In *846.15 6 — Goodrich, F. B. Ocean’s story. 1875... 511.20 — Whymper, F. History of. {In his Sea) 528.12 See also Naval science ; Sailors, etc. Shipwrecks. Kingston, W. H. G. Ship- wrecks and disasters at sea. 1875,... 524.20 — Percy anecdotes 312 . 1 — Perils of the sea. 1833 516.31 — Porter, J. Sir Edward Seaward’s nar- rative. Fict 502.21 — Riley, J. Shipwreck on west coast of Africa, [1815] 503.9 — Verne, J. Wreck of the Chancellor. Fict. 137.8 — Wrecked on a reef. [Auckland islands.] 515.6 Shirley. Bronte, Charlotte. Fict 36.410 Shoemakers. Chamber's misc. Anec- dotes of In 1001.8.8 — Winks, W. E. Lives of illustrious. Illus. 1883 627.11 Shooting. See Gun; Hunting and shoot- ing; Rifle practice; Military art and science. Short, J. T. The North Americans of an- tiquity. 1880 722.7 SHORT-hand. See Phonography and Ste- nography. Short studies of American authors. Hig- ginson, T. W. 1880 315.9 Short studies on great subjects. Froude, J. A. 4 v 307.21 Shorthouse, H. S. John Inglesant [philo- sophical romance.] 1882 52.14 — Little schoolmaster Mark: a spiritual romance. 1883 55.25 Shrubbery. See Trees; Plants. Shut up in Paris, [1870-1]. Sheppard, N. . 746.13 SHUMWAY. 225 SIR. Shumway, E. S. A day in ancient Rome. 1885 523.17 Siam. Bacon, G. B. Land of the white elephant. 1873 502.5 — Leonowens, A. H. English governess at the Siamese court. 1862 525 . 15 Romance of the harem. 1873 503 . 16 — Siam and the Siamese In 1001.9.5 Siberia. Atkinson, T. W. Oriental and western. 1865 502 . 25 Upper and lower Amoor. 1860 511 . 1 — Bush, R. J. Reindeer, dogs, and snow shoes, [1865-7] 527.12 — Collins, P. McD. Siberia, the Amoor country, etc., [1856-71 508 . 15 — Dostoyeffsky, F. Buried alive; or, ten years of penal servitude in Siberia.’81 516 . 22 — Gilder, W. H. Ice pack and tundra, [1881-21. 1881 521.19 — Hart wig, G. Polar world. 1869 521.20 — Humboldt, A. von. Travels in America, etc 506.29 — Kennan, G. Tent life in, [1865-7] 508.26 — Knox, T. W. Overland through Asia.’70. 521.9 — Lansdell, H. Through Siberia, [1879.]’82. 526.19 — S. and the Russian penal settlements.Znl001.9.5 Sibree, Rev. J. Madagascar. [Missionary manual]. 1880 522.17 Sicily. Browne, J. R. Yusef. 1851 508.7 — Hare, A. J. C. Cities of southern Italy. 518 . 36 — Kavanagh, J. Summer and winter in the two Sicilies. 1858 527.23 Sidney, Margaret. Five little peppers. ’80. 87.31 Sidney, Sir Philip. Adams, W. D. Famous books. [The Arcadia] 314.28 — Davis, Mrs. S.M. Life and times of.’75. 618.12 — Disraeli, I. Amenities of literature, v. 2. 308.11 — Jameson, Mrs. A. Loves of the poets. 633.13 — Whipple, E. P. Lit. of the age of Eliz. 303 . 5 Sidonie. Daudet, A. Fict 136.23 Siege of London. James, K., jr. Fict... 54.10 Siemens, Sir W. Jeans, W. T. Creators of the age of steel. 1884 644.7 Sight. Clarke, E. H. Visions; a study . of false sight. 1878 828.30 " — Harlan, G. C. Eyesight. (Am. health primers) 833.14.4 — Helmholtz, H. Recent progress of the theory of vision. 1868 In 843.6.1 — Le Conte, Joseph. Sight. 1881 815.4.31 See also Eye ; Optics. Sights and insights. Whitney, A. D. T.2 v. 144.11 SiGN-language. Tylor, E. B. Gesture-lan- guage, etc. 1878 In 841.10 Sign writing and glass embossing. Cal- lingham, J. 1883 842.30 Signa. Rame, L. d6 la. Fict 146 . 29 Signal boys. Eggleston, G. C. Juv 88.23 Signers. Dwight, N. Lives of the signers. 621 . 10 Signor Monaldini’s niece. Tincker, Miss M. A 145.5 Sigourney, Mrs. L. H. Letters of life. [Biographical]. 1867 607.23 — Myrtis, with other etchings. 1£55 63.15 — Young man’s offering. [Selections]. ’52. 62.20 Silas Marner. Eliot, George. 7.6 and... 36.325 Silent and true. Fleming, Mrs. M. A 43.12 Silent partner. Phelps, Eliz. S 7.16 Silliman, Benj. Fisher, G. P. Life of. ’66. 634.8 Silver. See Metals; Mining; Money. Silver castle; sequel to “Dumb traitor.” Wilmer, M. E 86.23 Silver cord, The. Brooks, Shirley 36.63 Silver cup of sparkling drops. Porter, C .B. 408 . 33 29 Silver medal. Trowbridge, J. T. Juv... 86.27 Silver pitchers. Alcott, L. M. Juv 75.2 Silver wings and golden scales. Illus. juv. 1877 832.2 Silversmith’s handbook. Gee, G. E. ’77. 844.8 Silvia. Kavanagh, Julia. Fict 36.303 Sime, James. Life of Lessing. 2 v. 1879. 628.7 — Schiller. 1882 636.7.15 Simmonds, P. L. Commercial dictionary of trade products, manufacturing and technical terms, moneys, weights, etc. 1883 844.4 — Dictionary of useful animals and their products: a manual 855.9 — Waste products and undeveloped sub- stances and their utilization. 1873... 823.22 Simms, W. G. Beauchampe: or. the Ken- tucky tragedy. Sequel to Charle- mont. [cop. 1856.] 16.8 — Border beagies; a tale of Mississippi. [cop. 1855] 16.6 — Eutaw. [cop. 1856] 16.7 — The foray ers 58.11 — Katherine Walton 14.8 — Life of Capt. John Smith. 1846 631 . 16 — Life of Chevalier Bayard. 1854 641 . 11 — Life of Nathaniel Greene. 1859 621.11 — Mellichampe: a tale of the Santee 58.12 — Ths partisan : a romance of the revolu- tion. [cop. 1853] 58.13 — The scout; or, the black riders of Cong- aree 58.14 — Vasconselos. [Florida; De Soto]. 1857. 44.19 — The Yemassee [Indian conspiracy, 1715.] 16.5 Note . — Of the above tales the Revolutionary roman- ces in order of succession are : 1, The partisan. 2, Mellichampe. 3, The scout. 4, Katherine Walton. 5. The forayers. 6. Eutaw. Simon, Jules. King, E. French political leaders. 1876 613.20.3 — Men of the third republic. 1873 634 . 7 Simonds, W. [Walter Aimwell.\ Aimwell stories. 7 v. 1872 91.27 Contents..— 1, Clinton; or, boy life in the country. 2, Ella; or, turning over a new leaf. 3, Jessie; or, trying to be somebody. 4, Marcus ; or, the boy-tamer. 5, Oscar ; or, the boy who had his own way. 6, Whist- ler; or, the manly boy. 7, Jerry; or, the sailor boy ashore. Simple story. Inchbald, Mrs. Eliz 34.31 Simpleton, A. Reade, Charles. Fict. 36.465 and 63.39 Simpson, W. Meeting the sun; journey around the world. 1877 513 . 8 Sims, J. Marion. Story of my life. 1885 . . 631 . 7 Simson, Walter. History of the gipsies.’78. 742.5 Sinai. Field, H. M. On the desert. 1883. 526.22 — Palmer, H. S. Sinai from the fourth Egyptian dynasty. 1879 716.13.6 — Stanley, A. P. Sinai and Palestine. ’70. 504.9 See also Palestine. Sinaitio manuscript, Discovery of. Tis- chendorf, C 414 . 4 Sinclair, Catherine. Beatrice 8.13 Sinclair, E. Book of gems, [selections.] 1856 306.8 Sinding, P. C. Hist, of Scandinavia, 811- 1863....... 746.19 Singers and singing. See Music and musi- cians. Singleton Fontenoy, R. N. Hannay, J. 47.35 Sink or swim. Alger, H. Juv 84.1.2 Sintram and his companions. La Motte Fouque, Baron de 4.24 and 131 . 2 Sir Amy as Leigh. Kingsley, C 132.17 Sir Brooke Fossbrooke. Lever, Charles . . 36 . 348 SIR. 226 SMILES. . Sir Charles Grandison. Richardson, S . . . 132 . 4 Sir Gibbie. Macdonald, G 47.1 Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite . Trollope, A 36.549 Sir J asper Carew. Lever, C 36 . 349 Sir Jasper’s tenant. Braddon M. E 36.59 Sir Theodore Broughton. James, G. P. R. 36.262 Siren, A. Trollope, A 36 . 554 Sismondi, J. C. L. de. History of the Ital- ian republics [to 1805] 703 . 14 — Literature of the south of Europe. 2 v. 1848 302.6 Sister Dora. See Pattison, D. W 621.17 Sister’s, A, story. Craven, Mme. A 134.21 Sisters, The, [Romance _of ancient Mem- phis.] Ebers, G. . . ~ 48.23 Sisters of charity. Jameson, Mrs. A. 1855. 414.3 Sivewright, J. Telegraphy. 1876. See Breece, W. H 816.10 Six centuries of work and wages; history of English labour. Rogers, J. E. T. 915.13 Six days of creation. Lewis, Tayler 444 . 12 Six hundred dollars a year. Warren, Mrs. E. 308 . 30 Six little cooks; or, aunt Jane’s cooking class. Kirkland, E. S. 1877 74.25 Six months at Mrs Prior’s. Adams, E. Juv. 78 . 15 Six months at the White house [1864.] Car- penter, F. B 613.12 Six months in Italy [1847]. Hillard. S . . . . 505.10 Six nights with the Washingtonians. Ar- thur, T.S.. V 32.29 Six stories from the Arabian Nights. Eliot, S 77.10 Sixteen months at the gold diggings [1849- 51.] Woods, D.B 505.15 Sixth great Oriental monarchy. [Parthia]. Rawlinson, G. 1873 706.11 Skeat, W. W. Etymological dictionary of the English language. 1882 316 . 8 Skepticism. See Rationalism and skepti- cism. SKETCH-book. Irving, W 306 . 15 Sketches and reminiscences of the radical club of Chestnut street, Boston. Sar- gent, Mrs. J. T 317.16 Sketches and studies in southern Europe. Symonds, J. A. 2 v. 1880 514.33 Sketches by Boz. Dickens, C. 36.181 and 1.16 Sketches of art, literature, and character. Jameson, Mrs. A 318 . 6 Sketches of creation. Winchell, A. 1873. 812.8 Sketches of illustrious soldiers. Wilson, J.G , 632.17 Sketches of Irish character. Hall, Mrs. S. C.... . 134.31 Sketches of life and character. Arthur, T. S 15.12 Sketching. See Drawing. Skin, The, in health and disease. Bulkley, Skirmishes and sketches. Dodge, M. A.’66. 307 . 13 Skirmishing. Jenkin, C. Fict 36.269 Slade, Augustus. Travels in Turkey, Greece, etc., with cruise in the Black sea, [1829-30]. 1854 508.21 Slave trade. See Slavery. Slavery. Aughey, J. H. Iron furnace; or, slavery and secession. 1863 406 . 6 — Banks, M. R. Bright days in the old plantation time. Juv. 1882 515.15 — Benton, T. H. Examination of the Dred Scott case. 1857 806 . 16 — Canot, Captain. Twenty years of an Af- rican slaver. 1854 518.21 Slavery, continued . — Channing, W. E. Slavery. (Works, v. 2 and 5) 1001.3 — Clarke, J. F. Anti-slavery days: sketch of the struggle which ended in the abolishment of slavery in the United States. 1884 •••• 741.6 — Greeley, H. The American conflict. [S. in the U. S.] 1867 737.131 — Helper, H. R. Impending crisis of the South. 1860 911.34 — Helps, A. (In his Friends in council, v.l). 302.3 Spanish conquest in America. 4 v. . . 737.1 — Hildreth, R. The slave; or, memoirs . of Archy Moore. 1846 613.24 — Johnson, O. Garrison and the anti-sla- very movement. 1881 623.19 — Kemble, F. A. Journal of a residence on a Georgia plantation in 1838-9 506 . 13 — Long, J. D. Pictures of slavery. 1857. . 902.5 — Macon, J. A. Uncle Gabe Tucker. [Char- acter sketches] 327 . 1 — Olmsted, F. L. Seaboard slave states.’56. 512 . 8 — Still, W. The underground railroad. [History of fugitives from slavery]. Illus. 1872 734.16 — Tanner, H. Martyrdom of Lovejoy 623.9 — Thoreau, H. D. Anti-slavery papers. 1866 In 311.11 — Wilson, H. Anti-slavery measures of the 37th and 38th Congresses, 1861-4 902 . 9 Rise and fall of the slave power. 3. v. 1878 734.9 See also Africa; Negroes; United StateB (History). For anti-slavery writings, etc., See Parker (Theo- dore) ; Phillips (Wendell); Smith (Gerrit); Sumner (Charles). In fiction see “Uncle Tom’s cabin” and “Dred” by Mrs. Stowe. Slavonic provinces of Turkey. See Turkey. Slavs, The. McLeod, G. F. (Conversion of the West) 423.15.4 Sleep. Hall, W. W. 1866 803.18 — Macnish, R. Philosophy of. 1844 In 305.10 Sleight, M. B. The Osego chronicles; or, the Kuylers and their friends. 1879. 46.21 Slick, Sam, pseud. See Haliburton, T. C. Slip in the fens. [Anon.] Fict. 1873 63.30 S, M. Memoir of Edmund Cartwright, in- ventor of the power loom. 1843 612 . 8 Small house at Allington. Trollope, A . . . 61.14 Smart, Hawley. Race for a wife. 1870 ... 42.29 Smeaton, J. Smiles, S. Lives of the engineers In 607.1.2 Smedley, Frank E. Frank Fairleigh. 1864. 36.516 — Lorimer Littlegood . ! 62.19 Smedley, M. B. The maiden aunt; The use of sunshine. 1856 15.9 Smiles, Samuel. Brief biographies. 1860. 606.4 — Character. 1878 417.9 — Duty, with illustrations of courage, pa- tience, and endurance. 1881 425 . 28 — The Huguenots in England and Ireland. [Appended.] The Huguenots in Amer- ica. 1872, 706.19 — The Huguenots in France after the rev- ocation of the edict of Nantes, with a visit to the country of the Vaudois. 1874 744.10 — Industrial biography: iron-workers and tool-makers. 1871 601.13 — Life of a Scotch naturalist, Thos. Ed- ward. 1877 613.18 — Life of George Stephenson. 1873 607.17 — Lives of the engineers. 4v. Hlus. 1862. 607.1 SMILES. 227 SMITH. Smiles, continued. — Men of invention and industry. 1885.. 631.4 — ed'r. James Nasmyth, engineer: an autobiography. 1883 627.8 — Robert Dick, baker, geologist and botan- ist. 1879 635.16 — Self-help; with illustrations of charac- ter, conduct and perseverance. 1871. 408 . 28 — Thrift. 1876 415.4 Smiles, S .,jr. Round the world. By a boy. Ed. by S. Smiles. 1872 527.7 Smiley, S. F. Garden graith; or, talks among my flowers. 1880 443 . 16 Smith, Adam. Nature and causes of the wealth of nations. 1872 902.2 Smith, Alfred C. Pilgrimage through Pal- estine. 1873 514.34 Smith, C. B. A life in earnest. [Lectures] 1848 437.25 Smith, C. H. Natural history of the human species. 1851 801 . 9 Smith, G. H. J. Landscape gardening.’56. 807 . 7 Smith, Edward. Foods: a handbook. ’73. 815.4.3 — Health: a handbook. 1875 827.40 Smith, Mrs. E. M., ed’r. Woman in sacred song. [Selections, with biog. sketch- es]. 1885 212.19 Smith, E. P. Incidents of the U S. Chris- tian commission. 1869 737.14 Smith, E. Peshine. Political economy. ’77. [cop. 1853] 912.24 Smith, E. R. The Araucanians. A tour among the Indian tribes of southern Chili. 1855 508.4 Smith, F. H. My experience; or, foot- prints of a presbyterian to spiritual- ism. 1860 412.11 Smith, Rev. G. Visit to the consular cities of China, and the islands of Hong Kong and Chusanf [1844-6] 506 . 2 Smith, G., of the British museum. Assyria, to the fall of Ninevah. Illus. 1876. 716.13.2 — Assyrian discoveries, 1873-4. Illus 511.16 — Chaldean account of Genesis, containing the description of the creation, the fall of man, the deluge, the tower of Babel, the times of the patriarchs, and Nimrod: Babylonian fables, and leg- ends of the Gods; from the cunei- form inscriptions. Illus. 1876 715.4 — History of Babylonia. Illus. 1879 716.13.5 Smith, G., L. L. D. Life of Alex. Duff. 2 v. 1880 637.11 — Short history of Christian missions. ’84. 433 . 9 Smith, G. B. Life and speeches of John Bright. 1881 617.21 — Life of W. E. Gladstone. 1880 625.2 — Poets and novelists: literary studies.’76. 322.7 Smith, G. G. Life and letters of Bishop J, O. Andrew. 1882 627.18 Smith, Gerrit. Frothingham, O. B. Life of. 1879 624.26 Smith, Goldwin. Cowper (Eng.men of let- ters). 1880 616.11.15 — Lectures on the study of history. 1866. 706.8 — Three English statesmen. [Pym, Crom- well, Pitt]. 1867 606.13 Smith, H. Gaieties and gravities. 1852 . . 301 . 3 — and J. Rejected addresses. 1851 206 . 20 Smith, H. B., D. D. History of the church of Christ in chronological tables. N. Y., 1859. folio *8541.24 Smith, Capt. John. Hawks, F. L. Adven- tures of. 1873 606.33 — Hillard, G. S. Life of. [cop. 1835] .. In 641 .4.2 — Lossmg, B. K. Captain John Smith. Illus. 1860 Inl004.1.21 — Simms, W. G. Life of. [cop. 1846], . . 631.16 — Warner, C. D. Life of. 1881 626.12 SIiith, John. Fruits and farinacea; the proper food of man. 1854 837.6 Smith, Julia P. The married belle. 1872. 32.26 Smith, Lloyd P. On the classification of books. 1882 *3501.3 Smith, M. H. Successful folks. . How they won. 1878 617.11 — Sunshine and shadow in New York. ’69. 736.5 Smith, M. P. W. [P. Thorne.] Jolly good times; or, child life on a farm. 1875. 74.23 Smith, Philip. Ancient history of the East. Illus. 1871 701.1 — History of the world, to the fall of the Roman empire. 3 v. 1882 725.10 — Smaller ancient history of the East, [to Alexander]. Illus. 1872 715.15 — Student’s ecclesiastical history. 1879. . . 417 . 19 Smith, R. B. Mohammed and Mohammed- anism. k 1875 416.15 Smith, R. T. Saint Basil, the great. 1879. .423.14.5 Smith, S. F. Knights and sea-kings. [Mid- dle Ages] 724.8 — Myths and heroes. [Early man]. 1873. 832 . 12 Smith, Seba. Major Jack Downing’s let- ters. 1833 311.31 — Way down East: portraitures of Yankee life. [cop. 1854.] 55.31 Smith, Sol. Theatrical management. ’68 . 617 . 7 Smith, Stephe. Grains for the grangers: the farmers’ movement. 1873 902 . 19 Smith, Rev. Sydney. Works. 1858 305.3 — Wit and wisdom of. [Selections]. With biog. memoir. 1870 303.11 — Thomson, K. B . Wits and beaux of soci- ety. 1861 613.17 — Whipple, E. P. Essays v. 1 303.6.1 Smith, T. R. Acoustics in relation to archi- tecture and building 811 . 26 — Architecture, gothic and renaissance. ’80. 851.31 — and Slater, J. Architecture, classic and early Christian. 1882 851 . 34 Smith, Uriah. Diagram of parliamentary rules. 1883 902.29 — State of the dead and destiny of the wicked. 1873 425 . 7 — Thoughts on Daniel. 1873 435.5 — Thoughts on Revelation. 1865 435 . 4 — United States in prophecy. 1872 435.6 Smith, Walter. Art education; scholastic an d industrial. 1873 851 . 5 Smith, Rev. Wilder. Extempore preach- ing. 1884 433 . 4 Smith, Dr. W. Dictionary of the bible; rev. and ed. by H. B. Hackett and E. Ab- bot. 4 v. 1883 *A . 13 Same; condensed. 1865 434.21 — Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiq- uities. 1873 *B.15 — History of Greece, to the Roman con- quest. 1874 713.8 — New Testament history. 1875 715.18 — Old Testament history, to the return of the Jews from captivity. 1871 706.17 — Smaller classical dictionary. Illus 313.21 — Smaller history of England. 1876 715.19 SMITH. 228 SMOLLETT. Smith, Dr W., continued. — Smaller hist, of Greece, to Roman con- quest. 1881 727.9 — Smaller hist, of Rome to the empire.’76. 715.16 — Smaller Scripture history. 1874 715.17 Smith, W. E. Tributes to [his] life and character. Ed. by A. E. Smith. Portrait. 1881 625 . 4 Smith, W. R. History of Wisconsin, v. 3. [Documentary]. 1854 736 . 1 Smith, W. Robertson. The Old Testament in the Jewish church. 1881 426.20 — The prophets of Israel and their place in history. 1882 443.27 Smithsonian institution. Annual reports of the board of regents, 1854, ’56, ’58, ’59, ’62-’83 *8501.2 Note. Volume 14 of “Miscellaneous collections” con- tains a list of Smithsonian publications to July, 1857; a “systematic list,” and an “alphabetical index” to “Con- tributions,” v. 1-21, and to Miscellaneous collections, v. 1-12: and the contents of the “Reports,” to 1876. — Contributions to knowledge, v. 10-21. 1858-76 *8541.15 Contents.— v. 10, Harvey, W. H., Nereis Boreali- Americana, or contributions to a history of the marine algae of North America; Kane, E. K., Magnetical obser- vations in the Arctic seas; Bowen, T. J., Grammar and dictionary of the Yoruba language, etc. v. 11, Brew- er, T. M., North American oology, pt. 1, raptores and fissirostres; Gilliss, J. M., Total eclipse of the sun on September 7, 1858, as observed near Olmos, Peru; Bache, A. D., Discussion of the magnetic and meteoro- logical observations made at the Girard college observ- atory, Philadelphia, in 1840-45 ; Kane, E. K., Meteoro- logical observations in the Arctic seas; LeConte, J. L., Coleoptera of Kansas and Eastern New Mexico ; Sonn- tag. A., Observations on terrestrial magnetism in Mex- ico; Loomis, E., On certain storms in Europe and America, December, 1836. v. 12, Kane, E. K., Astro- nomical observations in the Arctic seas ; Whittlesey, E., Fluctuations of level in North American lakes; Cas- well, A., Meteorological observations at Providence, R. I., from 1840 to 1859; Smith, N. D., Meteorological ob- servations near Washington, Ark., from 1840 to 1859; Mitchell, S. W., Researches upon the venom of the rat- tlesnake. v. 13, Kane, E. K., Tidal observations in the Arctic seas; McClintock, L., Meteorological obser- vations in the Arctic seas; Whittlesey, C., Ancient mining on the shores of lake Superior; Bache, A. D., Discussions of magnetic and meteorological observa- tions, Girard college, parts 2-6; Bache, A. D., Magnetic survey of Pennsylvania; Mitchell, S. W., and More- house, G. R., Anatomy and physiology of chelonia. v. 14, Bache, A. D., Discussion of magnetic and mete- orological observations, Girard college, parts 7-12; Dra- per, H., Construction of a silvered glass telescope, and its use in celestial photography; Meek, F. B., and Hay- den, F. V., Palaeontology of the Missouri; Leidy, J., Cretaceous reptiles of the United States, v. 15, New- comb, S., Orbit of Neptune; Whittlesey, C., Fresh- water glacial drift of the Northwestern states; Pum- pelly, R, Geological researches in China and Japan; Hayes, I, I., Physical observations in the Arctic seas, 1860 61. v. 16, Dean, J., The gray substance of the medulla oblongata, and trapezium ; Cleveland, P . , Re- sults of the meteorological observations made at Brunswick, Me., 1807-59, reduced and discussed by C. A. Schott; Hildreth, S. P., and Wood, J., Results of meteorological observations made at Marietta, O., 1817- 59, reduced and discussed by C. A. Schott; Pickering, C., On the Gliddon mummy case in the museum of the Smithsonian institution; Coffin, J. H., Orbit and phe- nomena of a meteoric fire-ball, seen July 20, 1860; Gould, B. A., On the transatlantic longitude; Swan, J. G , The Indians at cape Flattery, Washington terri- tory. v. 17, Morgan, L. H., Systems of consanguin- ity and affinity of the human family, v. 18, Tables and results of the precipitation in rain and snow in the United States, discussed by C. A. Schott; Stockwell, M. A., Secular variatious of the elements of the orbits of the eight principal planets ; Harkness, W., Magnetic observations ; Ferrel, F., Converging series expressing the ratio between the diameter and the circumference of a circle. v. L9, Barnard, J. G., Problems of ro- tary motion presented by the gyroscope, the precession of the equinoxes, and the pendulum; Wood, H. C., Fresh-water algae of the United States; Newcomb, S., Orbit of Uranus; v. 20, Coffin, J. H., Winds of the globe ; or the laws of atmospheric circulation over the Smithsonian institution, continued. surface of the earth, v. 21, Alexander, S., Statement ana exposition of certain harmonies of the solar sys- tem; Newcomb, S., On the general integrals of plane- tary motion; Swan, J. G., TheHaidah Indians of Queen Charlotte’s islands, British Columbia; Schott, C. A., Tables, distribution, and variations of the atmospheric temperature in the United States, and some adjacent parts of America. — Miscellaneous collections, v. 3-4, 6-9, 11-15. 1862-78 *8501.1 Contents.— v. 3, Osten Sacken, R., Catalogue of dip- tera of North America; Morris, J. G., Catalogue of lepidoptera of North America; Le Conte, J. L., Classi- fication of coleoptera, part 1 ; Catalogue of publications of societies in Smithsonian library, v. 4, Hagen, H., Synopsis of North American neuroptera, with list of South American species; Morris, J. G., Synopsis of North American lepidoptera. v. 6, Loew, H., Mono- graphs of diptera of North America, parts 1 and 2; Le Conte, J. L , New species of coleoptera of North America, v. 7, Allen, H., Monograph of the bats of North America; Binney, W. G., Land and fresh-water shells of North America, parts 2 and 3; Stimoson, W., Researches upon the hydrobiinae and allied forms ; Prime, T., Monograph of American corbiculadae ; Con- rad, T. A., Check-list of the invertebrate fossils of North America, miocene, cretaceous, and jurassic; Eg- leston, T., Catalogue of minerals, with their formulas; Gibbs, G., Dictionary of the Chinook jargon, or trade language of Oregon; Gibbs, G., Instructions for re- search relative to the ethnology and philology of Amer- ica; List of works published by the Smithsonian insti- tution, January, 1866. v. 8, Osten Sacken, R., Mon- ographs of the diptera of North America, part 4; Scud- der, S. H., Catalogue of the orthopteraof North Amer- ica, described previous to 1867; Binney, W. G., and Bland, T., Land and fresh-water shells of North Amer- ica, part 1 ; Arrangement of families of birds; Circular to officers of the Hudson’s bay company; Suggestions relative to scientific investigation in Russian America ; Circular relating to collections in archaeology and eth- nology ; Circular to entomologists ; Circular relative to collection of birds from middle and South America; Smithsonian museum miscellanea. v. 9, Binney, W. G , Bibliography of North-American conchology, part 2; Catalogue of publications of societies and of period- ical works belonging to the Smithsonian institution, Jan. 1, 1866. v. 11, Gill, T., Families of mammals ; Gill, T., Families of fishes; Loew, H., Diptera of North America, part 3; Packard, A, 8., ji\. Directions for col- lecting and preserving insects; LeConte, J. L., New species of North American coleoptera, part 2; LeConL ; J. L., Coleoptera of North America, part 2. v. 12, Review of American birds in the museum of the Smith- sonian institution, part 1 ; Clarke, F. W., The constants of nature, part 1 ; Henry, J., Telegraphic announce- ments of astronomical discoveries, v. 13, Cope, E. D., Check-list^of North-American batrachia and reptilia ; Kidder, J. H., Contributions to the natural history of Kerguelen islands; Sumic.hrast, F. E., Birds of South- western Mexico; Goode, G. B., Classification of the collection to illustrate the animal resources of the Uni- ted States; Streets, T. H., Contributions to the natural history of the Hawaiian and Fanning islands and lower California; Dali, W. H , Index to the names which have been applied to the sub-divisions of the class brachio- poda; Jordan, D. S., Contributions to North American ichthyology, v. 14, De Saussure, H., Synopsis of American wasps; Gill, T., Catalogue of the fishes of the east coast of North America; Clarke, F. W., Con- stants of nature, pts. 1-3; Photographic portraits of North American Indians in the gallery of the Smith- sonian institution ; List of publications of the Smith- sonian institution ; Holden, E. S., Index catalogue of books and memoirs relating to nebulae and clusters, etc. v. 15, Watson, S., Bibliographical index of North American botany ; Toner lectures, 1-7; List of foreign correspondents of the Smithsonian institution; Circu- lar in reference to American archaeology; Circular of inquiries relative to the natural history of the Ameri- can crawfish and other fresh-water Crustacea; Circu- lar relating to collections of living reptiles. Smoke, a Russian novel . Turgenieff, I. S. 63 . 26 Smoking ami drinking. Parton, J. 1868.. 802.3 Smollett, Tobias. Adventures of Pere- grine Pickle. 1870 36.512 — Expedition of Humphrey Clinker. 1846. 36.511 — Mason, D. British novelists 303.14 — Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists. . . 624 . 19 — Thackeray, W. M. English humorists. 302.15 SMUCKER. 229 SONGS. Smucker, S. M. Life of E. K. Kane and other explorers. 1859 606.24 Smuggler, The. James, G. P. R. Fict . . . 36.264 Smyth, Newman. Domer on the future — Old faiths in new light. 1879 423 . 5 — Orthodox theology of to-day. 1881 443.17 Smyth, W. Lectures on modern history [to 1783]. 2 v. 1854 724.5 Snarley yo w ; or, the dog fiend. Marry at, F. 16.9 Snodgrass, W. D. The scripture doctrine of sanctification. 1841 408.4 Snow, Herman. Spirit intercourse. 1853. 412.10 SNOW-berries. Cary, Alice. Juv 92.10 Snow image, and other twice-told tales. Hawthorne, N. 135 . 17 Snow man. Sand, George. Fict 57.11 Snowdon, J. R. Description of ancient and modern coins in the cabinet collection at the mint of the U. S. 1860 911.2 Sociable, The. [Theatricals, etc.] 1858.. 812.25 Social destiny of man. Fourier, C. 1857. 411.8 Social economy, Handbook of. About, E. 902 . 15 Social pressure. Help^, A. 1875 912.6 Social science. Carey, H. C. Manual of social science, [cop. 1864] 912 . 27 — Dickinson, A. E. A paying investment. 1876 911.18 — George, Henry. Social problems. 1883. 917.6 — Greeley, H. Hints toward reform 325.32 — Helps, Sir Arthur. Social pressure. ’75. 912.6 — Jenkins, E. Ginx’s baby: a satire. ’73. 308.28 Same; [and] Lord Bantam 36.274 — Jevons, W. S. Methods of social reform, etc. 1883 915.9 — Spencer, H. Man versus the state.’84. 915.15 Principles of sociology; pts. 1-6. 1-3. Data of sociology; Inductions of sociology; Domestic relations.’ 79. 913 . 8 4. Ceremonial institutions. 1880. . . 913 . 9 5. Political institutions. 1882 913.10 6. Ecclesiastical institutions. 1885.913.11 Social statics. 1883 916.2 Study of sociology. 1874 815.4.5 — Stuckenberg, J. H. W. Christian soci- ology. 1880 917.11 — Sumner, W. G. What social classes owe to each other. 1884 916.7 — Thompson, R. E. Social science and na- tional economy. 1875 914.32 — Ward, L. F. Dynamic sociology; or, ap- plied social science. 2 v. 1883 916 . 13 See also Charity; Civilization; bocialism; Co-opera- tion; Crime; Education; Etiquette; Government and politics; Labor and capital; Labor and the laboring classes; Law; Man; Marriage; Political economy; Poor; Prisons; Religion; Slavery; Temperance; Woman. Social stage. [Dramas.] Baker, G. M.’73. 812.24 Socialism and communism. Cook, J. So- cialism. 1880 914.13 — Ely, R. T. French and German social- ism in modem times. 1883 916.20 Recent American socialism. 1885 918.1 — Fourier, C. Social destiny of man. ’57. 411.8 — Hitchcock, R. D. Socialism. 1879 917.8 — Laveleye, E. de. Socialism of to-day. ’85. 917.15 — Linton, E. L. Joshua Davidson, [Christ- ian] communist. Fict 133.7 — Mallock, W. H. Social equality. 1884. 917.7 — Nordhoff, C. Communistic societies of the United States. 1875..... 911.36 — Noyes, J. H. History of American so- cialisms. 1870 915.12 Socialism and communism, continued. — Pinkerton, A. Strikers, communists, etc, 1878 912.1 — Rae, John. Contemporary socialism.’84. 917.12 — Woolsey, T. D. Communism and so- cialism. 1880 912 . 29 See also Co-operation; Nihilism; Trade unions; Land tenure. Society. See Civilization ; Social science. Society and solitude. Emerson, R. W. ’72. 332 . 15 Society islands. South sea bubbles. By the Earl and the Doctor 527 . 21 Sociology. See Social science. Socrates. Blackie, J. S. Four phases of morals. 1872 402.11 — Grote, G. Life, teachings, and death of S. (In his history of Greece, v. 8, ch. 58) 713.11 — King, T. S. Substance and show, etc. . 311.15 — Lewes, G. H. Biog. history of philos- ophy 427.1 — Lord, J. Socrates —Greek philosophy. 1885 In 735.6.1 — Stanley, A. P. Socrates. (In his His- tory of the Jewish church, v. 3.) 438.25 — Xenophon. Memoirs [Memorabilia] of Socrates. Tr. by E. Levien. 1872. . 601.6 See also Jowett’s “Dialogues of Plato” [404.1], es- pecially the “Apology,” the “Crito” and the “Phaedo” ; concerning the “Daemon” of Socrates see Plutarch’s “Morals,” v. 2, p. 378-423 [445.3]. Soldier and pioneer. See Anderson, R. C. 622 . 13 Soldier boy, The. Adams, W. T. Juv . . 72.1.1 SoLDiER-life in army of northern Virginia, 1861-5. McCarthy, C 518.31 Soldier of the Cumberland. See Holmes, M., jr 601.3 Soldier’s orphans. Stephens, Mrs. A. S. 43.3 Soldiering and scribbling. Forbes, A.’72. 501.27 Soldiers. Sketches of illustrious. Wil- son, J. G 632.17 Soley, J. R. The blockade and the cruis- ers. (Navy in the civil war). 1883.. 741.1.1 — Rescue of Greely. See Schley, W. S.’85. 523 . 2 Solitude. Emerson, R. W. Society and. 332.15 — Zimmerman, J. G. Solitude; its influ- ence. 1819 401.23 Soluble glass. Feuchtwanger, L. 1875. 827.4 Some women’s hearts. Moulton, Louisa C. 143 . 24 Somebody’s luggage, etc. Dickens, C 36 . 182 Somerset, Duke of. [E. A. Seymour.] Christian theology and modern skep- ticism. 1872 407.17 Somerville, Mi&. M. Connection of the physical sciences. 1871 823 . 12 — Personal recollections. 1874 632 . 21 — Physical geography, 1848 801.19 Son of the organ-grinder. Schwartz, Ma- ria S 31.36 Son of the soil. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. . 45.12 Songs. Carmina Princetonia: Princeton college songs. 1879 207 . 15 — Christmas in art and song. Ulus. 1879. 207. 12 — Costello, L. S. Early French poetry... 218.28 — Eichberg, J. High school music reader. 1879 834.5 — Franklin Square song collection [with music]. 3 v. 1881-5 207.25 — Heine, H. Book of songs In 208 . 24 — Hemans, Mrs. F. Songs of the affec- tions. 1870 217.13 — Home life in song. Selections. 1879.. 211.27 — Johnson, Helen K. Our familiar songs, with piano accompaniment 212.4 — Mahony, F. Songs of France In 307.11 SONGS. 230 SPAIN. Songs, continued. — Oxenford, J. Book of French songs. . In 218.28 — Palgrave, F. T. Children’s treasury of Eng. song. 1875 217.19 Golden treasury of songs 208.4 — Rogers, C. Scottish minstrel. 1872... 207.17 — Universal songster. The most complete collection of ancient and modern songs in the English language. 3 v . 212 . 10 — Willie Winkie's nursery songs of Scot- land. 1859 217.25 See also Ballads; Hymns; Poetry. Songs of Italy. Miller, Joaquin 208.25 Songs of the Sierras, Miller, Joaquin. ’71. 203.11 Songs of three centuries. Whittier, J. G., ed'r 206.9 Sonnets. See Poetry. Sonoea. Bartlett, J. R. Explorations in [1850-3]. 2 v 507.2 — Browne, J. R. The Apache country.’71. 503.18 — Mowry, 8. History, resources, etc. ’64. 711.27 Soneel, L. The bottom of the sea. 1870. 802 . 16 Sontag, A. Narrative of the Grinnell ex- pedition [1853-5J 507.6 Soonee or later. Brooks, Shirley 36 . 194 Sophie May, pseud. See Clarke, R. C. Sophisms of protection. Bastiat, M. F.’77. 914.27 Sophocles. Tragedies, tr. by E. H. Plum- tre. 1880 218.11 Contents— Life and writings of S. : (Edipus the king. (Edipus at Colonos. Antigone. Electra. Maidens of Trachis. Aias [Ajax]. Philoctetes. Fragments. Same; tr. by T. Francklin. 1860 1020.14 — Sophocles [outlined and explained] by C. W. Collins. 1873 1020 . 28 — Symonds, J. A. Studies of the Greek poets 217.15.1 Sophomores of Radcliffe. Kellogg, E. Juv. 25.35 Soeeows of Werther. Goethe, J. W. von. 33.29 Soto, F. de. Abbott, J. S. C. [Life, etc.] 632 . 6 Soudan, Africa. Colston, R. E. Land of the false prophet [Mahdi]. 1885. In 1006.4.29 — James, F. L. Wild tribes of the. 1883. 521.7 See also Egypt ; Kartoum. Soul. Bain, A. History of the theories of the In 815.4.4 — Mead, C. M. The soul here and hereaf- ter; a biblical study. 1879 421.32 — Plutarch. Iu his Morals, v. 2, pp. 326- 367 445.3 See also Future life; Mental Philosophy; Mind. Soule, R. English synonymes. 1874 332.30 Sound. See Acoustics. Sound bodies for our boys and girls. Blaikie, W. 1884 844.18 South America. See America, South. South Carolina. Davidson, J. W. School history of. 1869 738.3 South Kensington museum. Travels in. Conway, M. D. 1882 848.13 South Kensington national training school for cookery. Lessons in cookery. . Ed. by E. A. Youmans. 1879 822.28 South sea bubble. Ainsworth, W. Fict. . 36.26 — Mackay, C. Popular delusions 311.5 — Smyth, W. Modern history 724 . 5 South sea bubbles. [Sketches of the Soci- ety islands]. By the Earl and the Doctor. 1874 527.21 Southeen history of the war. First and second years. Pollard, E. A. 2v... 734.10 Southeen states. See United States. Southey, Robert. Poetical works. Illus. 212.21 — Chronicle of the Cid. From the Span- ish In 208.3 — Life of Lord Nelson. 1871 601.5 — Life of Oliver Cromwell. 1873 606 . 34 Same, and John Bunyan. 1861 612.14 — Life of Wesley and rise and progress of methodism. 1871 608 . 22 — Dowden, E . Southey (Eng. men of let- ters). 1880 616.11.18 — Macaulay, T. B. Essays 305 . 13 Southland writers. Raymond, I. 2 v. ’69. 316 . 2 Southwick, A. P. Quizzism; and its key. [Questions in literature, science, etc.] 1884 327.16 South woeth, Mrs. E. D. E. N. Deserted wife — Fair play Note. For sequel see “How he won her.” — Haunted homestead, etc. [cop. 1876]. . — How he won her. [cop. 1869] — India, [cop. 1875] — Ishmael. [cop. 1876] Note. For sequel see “^Self-raised.” — Love’s labor won — Mother-in-law — Noble lord. [cop. 1872] — Prince of darkness, [cop. 1869] — Retribution, [cop. 1856] — Self-raised; sequel to ‘Tshmael.” [cop. 1876] Souvestee, E. An attic philosopher in Paris; or, a peep at the world from a garret. 1874 Soveeeigns. See Biography ( Collective ; Royal); Queens. Sowed by the wind. Kellogg, E. Juv Sowing and reaping. Howitt, M. Fict. . . Spain. History , etc. — Abbott, J. S. C. Romance of Spanish history. 1869 — Alison, A. Carlist struggle, [1820]. . . In — Buckle, H. T. History of civilization^. 2. — Dunham, A. History of Spain [to 1778.] 5 v. 1872 — Froissart, Sir J. Chronicles of. Illus. — Gibbon, E. Decline and fall, v. 3, 5 [con- quest by the Goths and Arabs] — Hallam, H. History of, to 1492 In — Harrison, J. A. Spain. [History to ’81]. — Helps, Sir A. Spanish conquest in America. 4 v See also Columbus; Cortez; Mexico; Peru. — History of, to 1713. [Univ. hist., v.16-18] — Macaulay, T. B. War of the succession, [1700-14] In — Napier, W. F. P. Hist, of the Peninsular war, 1807-14. 5 v — Smyth, W. Modern history; lecture 8. In biography , see lives of Ferdinand and Isa- bella; Charles I. |V. of Germany]; Philip H. Moorish Dominion in , 7 10-1493. — Conde, J. A. The Arabs in Spain. 1854. — Coppee, H. Conquest of Spain by Arab- Moors. 2 v. 1881 — Florian, J. P. C. de. The Moors in Spain. 1874 — Irving, W. Conquest of Grenada Spanish papers. [Legends] — Southey, R. Chronicles of the Cid — Yonge, C. M. Story of the Christians and Moors in Spain 5.23 15.23 11.15 5.20 5.26 136.1 5.24 5.19 5.22 5.21 5.25 136.2 308.17 83.10.1 91.5 717.12 305.4 904.3 716.14 746.17 701.3 701.4.2 727.2 737.1 *708.1 305.13 705.3 724.5.1 717.9 724.16 716.15 738.9 716.18 208.3 742.12 SPAIN. 231 SPENCER. Spain, continued. Description , Travels , e£c. — Adams, W. T. Vine and olive; Spain and Portugal. Juv 73.5.5 — Amicis, E. de. Spain and the Spaniards. [cop. 1881] 517.15 — Andersen, H. C. In Spain. 1870 508 . 2 — Attache in Madrid; or, sketches of the court of Isabella II., [1853-4] 508.9 — Borrow, G. Bible in S. [pub. 1842] 524 . 23 — - Zincali; or, the Gypsies of S 524.22 — Cox, S. S. Search for winter sunbeams in. 1869 503.24 — Field, Kate. Ten days in Spain. 1873 . 512 . 31 — Hale, Susan. Family flight through. lllus. juv. 1883 531.6 — Harrison, J. A. Spain in profile. 1879.512.32 — Hay, John. Castilian days. 1872 522 . 13 — Irving, W. The Alhambra. [Semi- fiction] 142.17 — Longfellow, H. W. Outre-mer. [cop. 1846] 522.27 — Stevenson, R. L. Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes. 1879 514 . 22 — Taylor, B. Lands of the Saracen [in ’52.] 514.28 — Thornbury, Walter. Life in Spain. ’59. 525.14 See also Pyrenees . In fiction see Bulfinch’s “Age of chivalry’' [Period of Charlemagne and his Paladins], 8.14; Aguilar’s (Grace) “Home scenes,” 64.10, and “Vale of cedars” [Expul- sion of the Jews, 1492], 5.16; Bulwer’s “Leila” [Siege of Granada], 7.15; Cooper’s “Mercedes of Castile” [Era of Columbus], 2.22; Cervantes’ “Don Quixote,” 45.5, and Le Sage’s “Gil Bias” [Manners, etc.], 5.8; Charles’ (Mrs.) “Martyrs of Spain” [Persecutions], 408.20; Blackmore’s “Alice Lorraine” [Peninsular war] 42.17. Spalding, M. J. History of the protestant reformation. 2 v. 1860 414 . 2 Spalding, W. History of English litera- ture. 1853 325.15 Spanish- A merica. Haussarek, F. Four years among Spanish- Americans. [cop. 1867] 518.4 Spanish gypsy, a poem. Eliot, George. . . 206.26 Spanish language. Monteith, A. H. Span- ish without a master, etc 331 . 5 — Velasquez. Dictionary. Spanish and English, [cop. 1852] *B.18 Spanish literature and art. — Lockhart, J. G. Tr. Spanish ballads . 208 . 3 — Prescott, W. H. Miscellanies 305.14 — Schlegel, A. W. Dramatic art, etc 204.17 — Sismondi, J. C. L. de. Lit. of the south of Europe ,. . . . 302.6.2 — Spanish novelists. Translations with notes by T. Roscoe 313 . 28 — Stothert, J. Spanish painters. 1875 . . 848 . 5 — Ticknor, G. History of Spanish litera- ture. 3 v. 1854 312.5 — Washburn, E. W. Spanish masters.’84. 852.4 Spanish match. Ainsworth, W. H. Fict. 36 . 27 Spanish student. [Drama]. Longfellow, Spare hours. [Essays and tales.] Brown, J. 3 v. 1873-83 v ’.. 304.3 Spark of genius. Kellogg, E. Juv 25.33 Sparks, Jared. Library of American biog- raphy. 1st ser. 10 v. [cop. 1834-7] . 641.4 Contents. — v. 1, J. Stark, by E. Everett; C. B. Brown, byW. II. Prescott; R. Montgomery, by J. Armstrong; E. Allen, by J. Sparks, v, 2, A. Wilson, by W. B. O. Pea- body; Capt. J. Smith, by G. S. Hillard, v. 3, Life and treason of B. Arnold, by J. Sparks, v. 4, A. Wayne, by J. Armstrong; Sir II. Vane, by C. W. (Jp- ham. v. 5, J. Eliot, by C. Francis, v. 6, W. Pink- Sparks, Jared, Continued. ney, by H Wheaton ; W. Ellery, by E. T. Channing; C. Mather, by W. B. O. Peabody, v. 7, Sir W. Phips, by F. Bowen; I. Putnam, by O. W. B. Peabody; Me- moir of L. M. Davidson, by C. M. Sedgwick; D. Ritten- house, by J. Renwick. v. 8, J. Edwards, by S. Mil- ler; D. Brainerd,'by W. B. O. Peabody, v. 9, Baron Steuben, by F. Bowen; S. Cabot, by C. Hayward, jr.; W. Eaton, by C. C. Felton, v. 10, R. Fulton, by J. Renwick; J. Warren, by A. H. Everett; H. Hudson, by H. R. Cleveland; Father Marquette, by J. Sparks. Same. 2d series. 15 v. [cop. 1844] . 601 . 1 Contents.— v. 1, R. C. de LaSalle, by J. Sparks; P. Henry, by A. H. Everett, v. 2, J. Otis, by F. Bowen; J. Oglethrope, by W. B. O. Peabody. v. 3, J. Sulli- van, by O. W. B. Peabody; J. Leisler, by C. F. Hoff- man; N. Bacon, by w. Ware; J. Mason, by G. E. Ellis, v. 4, R.Williams, by W. Gammell; T. Dwight, by W. B. Sprague; Count Pulaski, by J. Sparks, v.5. Count Rum- ford, by J. Renwick; Z. M. Pike, by H. Whting; S. Gorton, by J. M. Mackie. v. 6, E. Stiles, by J. L. Kingsley; J. Fitch, by C Whittlesey; A. Hutchinson, by G. E. Ellis. v. 7, J. Ribault, by J. Sparks; S. Rale, by C. Francis; W. Palfrey, by J. G. Palfrey. v,8, C. Lee, by J. Sparks; J. Reed, by H. Reed. v. 9, L. Calvert, by G. W. Burnap; S. Ward, by W. Gammell; T. Posey, by J. Hall. v, 10, N. Greene, by G. W. Greene. v. 1L, S. Decatur, by A. S. Mac- kenzie. v. 12, E. Preble, by L. Sabine; W. Penn, by G. E. Ellis. v. 13, D. Boone, by J. M. Peck; B. Lincoln, by F. Bowen. v. 14, J. Ledyard, by J. Sparks. v. 15, W. R. Davie, by F. M. Hubbard; S. Kirkland, by S. K. Lothrop. Sparks from a geologist’s hamme'r. Win- chell, A. 1882 838.46 Sparrowgrass papers. Oozzens, F. S. ’56. 304.5 Spaulding, M. C. Handbook of statistics of the United States. 1874 902.24 Speaking and speakers. See Elocution. Species. Darwin, C. Origin of. 1872... 803.3 — Mivart, S. G. Genesis of. 1871 807.25 See also Evolution. Spectacles for young eyes. [Travels in Europe.] 8 v. See Lander, S. W. Spectator, The. (British essayists, v. 5- 12). 1856 303.15 Note.— Contains contributions complete of Addison, Steele, etc, — Same. Selections from. 2 v 306 . 16 See also Guardian ; Tatler. Spectrum analysis. Estes, D., ed'r. Spec- trum analysis explained. 1872 808.12 — Half hours with mod. scientists. 1873. .812.32.2 — Lockyer, J. N. Spectrum analysis. ’78.815.4.23 — Schellen, H. Spectrum analysis. 1872. 813.4 Speech. Meyer, G. H. von. Organs of.’84. 815.4.46 Speech and manners for home and school. Kirkland, E. S 82.23 Speech, Art of. Townsend, L. T. 2 v 317 . 13 Speeches and addresses. See Elocution. Speke, J. H. Discovery of the source of the Nile, [1859-63] 528.4 SPELL-bound fiddler: Norse romance. Jan- son, K 138.27 Spencer, A. Narrative of Anderson ville. 1866 736.14 Spencer, H. O. Spencerian key to practi- cal penmanship. 1873 808.3 Spencer, Herbert. Data of ethics. 1880. 421.3 — Essays; moral, political and aesthetic.’ 71 435.10 Contents.— Philosophy of style. Over-legislation. Morals of trade. Personal beauty. Representative government. Prison-ethics. Railway morals and rail way policy. Gracefulness. State-tamperings with" money anu banks. Parliamentary reform : the dangers and the safeguards. Mill versus Hamilton— The test. of truth. — First principles of a new system of phi- losophy. 1872 407.25 Contents.— Pt. 1, The unknowable. Pt. 2, the knowable. SPENCER. 232 SPOFFORD. Spencer, Herbert, continued. — Illustrations of universal progress. ’64. 404.13 Contents. — Progress: its law and cause. Manners and fashion. Genesis of science. Physiology of laughter. Origin and function of music. Nebular hypothesis. Bain on the emotions and the will. Il- logical geology. Development hypothesis. Social or- ganism. Use and beauty. Sources of architectural types. Use of anthropomorphism. — Man versus the state. 1884 915 . 15 Contents.— The new toryism. The coming slavery. The sins of legislators. The great political superstition. — Principles of biology. 2 v. 1868 404.12 Contents.— v. 1, Data of biology. Inductions of bi- ology. Evolution of life v. 2, Morphological devel- opment. Physiological development. Laws of multi- plication. Appendices. — Principles of psychology. 2 v. 1880. . . 442 . 16 Contents.— v. 1, Data of psychology. Inductions of psychology. General synthesis. Special synthesis. Physical synthesis. Appendix v. 2, Special anal- ysis. General analysis. Corollaries. — Principles of sociology; pts. 1-3. 1879. 913.8 Contents.— Part 1, Data of sociology; pt. 2, Induc- tions of sociology ; pt. 3, Domestic relations. Same; pt. 4, Ceremonial institutions.’80 913.9 Same; pt. 5, Political institutions. ’82. 913.10 Same; pt. 6, Ecclesiastical institutions. 1885 913.11 — Recent discussions in science, etc. 1883. 432 . 5 Contents. — Morals and moral sentiments. Origin of animal-workship. Classification of the sciences. Post- script — Replying to criticisms. Reasons for dissenting from the philosophy of Comte. Of laws in general and the order of their discovery. Genesis of science. Specialized administration. What is electricity? Con- stitution of the sun. Collective wisdom. Political fet- ichism. Mr. Martineau on evolution. — Social statics; or, the conditions essen- tial to human happiness specified, and the first of them developed. ’83.. 916.2 — Study of sociology. 1874 815.4.5 Contents —Our need of it. Is there a social science? Nature of the social science. Difficulties of the social science. Objective difficulties. Subjective difficulties — Intellectual. Subjective difficulties — Emotional. Ed- ucational bias. Bias of patriotism. Class-bias. Po- litical bias. Theological bias. Discipline. Prepara- tion in biology. Preparation in psychology. Conclu- sion. — and Harrison, F. Nature and reality of relig- ion: a controversy. 1885 436.11 Contents.— Introduction. Religion: a retrospect and prospect, by H. Spencer. The ghost of religion, by F. Harrison. Retrogressive religion by H. Spencer. Ag- nostic metaphysics, by F. Harrison. Last words about agnosticism and the religion of humanity, by H. Spen- cer. Mr. Herbert Spencer and agnosticism, by F. B ar- rison. Appendix — The religious value of the unknow- able, by Count G. D’ Alviella. Synopsis of the cardinal principles of the synthetic philosophy as stated by its author. A positivist religious service. — and others. J. S. Mill: life and works. 1873 607.13 — Fiske, John. Outlines of cosmic philos- ophy. 2 v 431.16 Note — Contains a somewhat complete out- line-sketch of the new philosophy. — Pop. sci. mo., 1876. Sketch of S. Por- trait In 8501 .16.8 See also Pop. sci. mo., v. 6, 1874 [H. S. and the doc- trine of evolution, byE. L. Youmansj; North Am. rev., v. 129, 1879 [Spencer’s evolution philosophy by E L. Youmansl ; Pop. sci. mo., v. 23, 1883 [German view of the “Data of ethics”] ; New Englander, v. 42, 1883 L“Data of ethics,” by A. C. Sewall] ; Edinb. review, v. 159, 1884 [Spencerian philosophy] ; Pop. sci. mo., v, 24, 1884 [Edinburgh rev. on the Spencerian philosophy, byR. A. Proctor] ; Catholic world, v. 41, 1885 [Herbert Spencer’s enigma] ; also , other references in Poole’s index [*B. 28], and Co-operative index [*B. 33] . Spencer, T. Raffles, T. Life of. 1835.. In 411.1 Spencer, W.G. In ventional geometry .’77. 828.20.10 Spendthrift, The. Ainsworth, W. H. Fict. 36 . 28 Spenser, Edm. Faerie queene. Added, The epithalamion 204.25 — Church, R. W . Spenser. (Eng. men of letters]. 1879 616.11.9 — Disraeli, I. Amenities of literature 308.11.2 — Howitt, W. Homes of the British poets. 615 . 15 — Lowell, J. R. Among my books 332.12.2 — Maurice, I. D. Spenser’s “Faerie queene.” In 327.15 Spielhagen, F. The Hohensteins. 1870. 11.27 — Problematic characters. Fict. 1869... 3.7 — Through night to light; sequel to prob- lematic characters. 1871 11.28 — What the swallow sang. 1873 63.18 Spiers, A. and Surenne, G. French and English [and English and French] dictionary. 1871 *B . 6 Spinoza, B. de. Chief works; tr. by R. H. M. Elwes. 2 v. 1883 436.5 Contents.— v. 1, Introduction; Theologico-political treatise ; Political treatise, v. 2, On the improvement „ of the understanding ; The ethics ; Correspondence. — Arnold, M. Essays in criticism, p. 237- 253 302.4 — Froude, J. A. Short studies 307.21.1 — Leifchild, J. R. Spinoza and panthe- ism In 443.10 — Ueberweg, F. History of philos., p. 55- 78. 1876 416.1.2 Spinoza. A novel. Auerbach, Berthold . . 52.18 Spirit. ’Giles, C. Nature of. 1873 413.24 See also Mind ; Soul. . Spirit advocate [monthly]; ed. by George Haskell, v. 1-2. Rockford, 1854-6. .*8541.30 Spirit of prophecy. White, E.G. 3v 444.19 Spirit of the new faith, etc. Frothingham, O. B. 1877 443.20 Spiritual progress. Cummings, J. W. ’67. 443.23 Spiritual wives. [Communistic societies, etc.] Dixon, W. H. 1868 432.31 Spiritualism. Ashburner, J. Philosophy of. 1867 821.13 — Beecher, C. Spiritual manifestations.’79 421.17 — Carpenter, W. B. Mesmerism, spiritual- ism, etc. 1877 836.22 — Davis, A. J. Principles of nature. 1847. 411.7 — Dods, J.B. Spirit manifestations exam- ined and explained. [1854] 437.28 — Edmonds, J. W. and Dexter, G. T. Spir- itualism. With appendix by N. P. Tallmadge. v. 1. 1853 411.9 — Folio, Fred. Lucy Boston. [Humor- ous]. 1855 3.6 — Gridley, J. A. Astounding facts from the spirit world. 1854 412.9 — Home, D. D. Incidents in my life. 1863. 618.7 — Howells, W. D. The undiscovered coun- try. Fict 48.19 — Owen; R. D. The debatable land be- tween this world and the next. 1872. 435.16 Footfalls on the boundaries of another world. 1871 435.15 — Sargent, E. Planchette; the despair of science. 1869 411.23 — Smith, F. H. My experience. 1860. . . 412.11 — Snow, Herman. Spirit intercourse. ’53. 412 . 10 — Truesdell, J. W. Bottom facts concern- ing spiritualism. 1883 432 . 3 Spofford, A. R. American almanac and treasury of facts. 1882-6. 5 v *D . 6 SPOFFORD. 233 STEAM. Spofford, Harriet P. Amber gods, etc. ’81. 141 . 11 — Art decoration applied to furniture. 78. 826 . 12 — Marquis of Carabas. 1882 53.13 — The servant girl question. 1881 914 . 19 — Thief in the night. 1872 7.25 — Poets’ homes. [Sketch of] . 1877 622.6.1 Sports. Angus, J. K. Sportsman’s year- book for 1880. [British] 834.25 — Cassell’s book of sports and pastimes. . . 832 . 18 — Gerard, J. Lion hunting and sporting life in Algeria 805.16 — Greenwood, J. Wild sports of the world. 1864 805.15 — Grohman, W. A. B. Camps in the Rock- ies. 1882 518.26 — Hallock, C. Sportsman’s gazetteer. ’78. 823.9 — Herbert, W. Field sports of the United States and British provinces. 2 v. ’58. 812 . 1 — Leveson, H. A. Sport in many lands. . 843.12 — Maxwell, W. H. Field book. [British Islands.] 1833 831.11 — Murphy, J. M. Sporting adventures in the far West. 1880 833.28 — Northrup, A. J. Camps and tramps in the Adirondacks. 1880 516 . 28 — Strutt, J. Sports and pastimes of the people of England. 1876 742.22 — Walsh, J. H. [Stonehenge]. Encyclo- pedia of rural sports. 1867 831 . 12 See also Archery; Boating; Camping; Cy- cling; Fishing; Horsemanship; Hunting; Swimminp. Sports that kill. Talmage, T. DeWitt ... . 436.22 Sprague, M. A. Earnest trifler. 1880 145.1 Sprague, W. B. Life of Timothy Dwight. 1848 In 601.1.4 Spring, G. The bible not of man. 1847.. 438.21 Springer, J. S. Forest life and forest trees [in Maine]. 1851 504 . 19 Springfield armory. Abbott, J. Marco Paul at the 91.25.6 Spry, W. J. J. Cruise of the Challenger. 1877 511.8 Spurgeon, C. H. John Ploughman’s pic- tures. 1881 423 . 29 — John Ploughman’s talk; or, plain advice to plain people 402 . 30 — Sermons. 10 v. 1864-7 407.19 . Spy, The. Cooper, J. F. Fict 2.35 Squier, E. G. Nicaragua; its people, scen- ery, etc. 1860 503 . 27 — Travel and exploration in Peru. 1877 . . 511 . 15 “ Staats,” pseud. See Staets, W . Stables, W. G. Cats: their points, classi- fication, and ailments. 1884 845.29 STAEL-Holstein, Baronne de. Cormne; or, Italy. Fict 4.12 Same. [In French] 313.1 — Germany. 2 v. in 1. 1875 512.10 — Influence of literature upon society; [also], Reflections on suicide In 305 . 10 — Bolte, A. Madame de Stael. Fict 4.30 — Greg, W. R. In his Literary and social judgments. 1873 332.4 — Lord, J. Madame de Stael — Literary women , , In 735.6.5 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits, etc. ’68. 614.6 — Stevens, A. Life of. 2 v. [1880] 626 . 3 — Thomson, K. B. and J. C. Queens of society 632.10 Staets, W . [“ Staats.”] A tight squeeze [as & tramp.] Fict. 1879 46.18 30 Stage, The. See Drama; Dramas (Collec- tions). Stainer, John. Music of the bible. 1879.833.22 Stallo, J. B. Concepts and theories of modern physics. 1882 815.4.38 Standish, Miles. Abbott, J. S. C. Miles Standish, the Puritan captain 632.9 — Austin, J. G. The Puritan captain. Fict In 1004.1.39 — Longfellow, H. W. Courtship of. [Poem]. In 202.3 Stanford, C. Life of Philip Doddridge.’81. 6122.10.3 Stanhope, P. D., Earl of Chesterfield. Letters to his son. 1857 406.23 Stanhope, P. H., Earl , formerly Lord Ma- hon. History of England, 1701-1713. 746.10 Same. 2 v 743 . 1 — History of England, 1713-83. 7 v. in 4. 746.9 Same. 7 v 743.2 — Life of Louis, prince of Conde. 1845. . 641.9 Stanley, A. P. Christian institutions. ’81. 427 . 2 — History of the church of Scotland. ’72. 418.18 — History of the Eastern church. 1876 . . 416 . 17 — History of the Jewish church. 3 v. 1872-7 438.25 — Sinai and Palestine. 1870 504.9 — Bradley, G. G. Recollections of. 1883. 627 . 6 Stanley, H. M. The Congo, and the found- ing of its free state; a story of work and exploration. 2 v. 1885 521.22 — Coomassie and Magdala: two British campaigns in Africa. ’74 706.21 — How I found Livingstone, [1871-2] 526 . 6 — Through the dark continent. 2 v. 1878. 513 . 9 Stansbury, H. Exploration of the valley of the Great Salt lake of Utah, [1849-50]. 2v 507.3 STAR-chamber, The. Ainsworth, W. H.Fict. 36.29 Star papers [art and nature]. Beecher, H.W 314.22 Stark, J. Everett, E. Life of. [cop.’35]In 641.4.1 Starling, E. Noble deeds of woman. ’58. 605 . 10 Starry flag. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.1.1 Starry flag series. See Adams, W. T. Stars. See Astronomy. State of the dead, etc. Smith, U. 1873.. 425.7 States general. [France, 1789]. Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A. Fict 45.16.1 Statesman’s year book, 1886. Keltie, J. S. *D . 7 Statesmen, Lives of. See Biography : Col- lective (American ; English.) Statesmen of the time of George III. and IV. Brougham, H. 3v 633.1 Statistics. Spaulding, M. C., ed'r. Hand- book of statistics of the United States. 1874 902.24 — Spofford, A. R. American almanac. 5 v. 1882-6 *D.6 See also , Annuals; Year-books, and names of countries. Staunton, H. Chess-player’s handbook.’73 808 . 18 — The great schools of England. 1877 . . . 421 . 13 Staunton, W. Ecclesiastical dictionary. [cop. 1861] 422.2 Steam and the steam-engine. — Barr, W. M. High pressure steam- boilers. 1880 841.12 — Bourne, J. Catechism of the steam en- gine. 1877 4 828.7 Handbook of the steam engine. 1877. 855 . 10 — Edwards, Emory. Catechism of the ma- rine steam engine. 1880 831.21 — Evers, H. Steam and the steam engine. 1873 827.12 STEAM. 234 STEVENSON. Steam, continued. — Ewbank, T. Development of the steam engine, [cojp. 1863] 826 . 8 — Roper. S. Engineer’s handy-book. ’84. 855.8 — Thurston, R. H. Growth of the steam- engine. 1878 815.4.24 See also, Locomotive engine. Steam heating. Briggs, Robert. 1883 844 . 28 STEAM-house. Verne, J. Fict. 2v 141.22 Steamboat, The. Galt, J. Fict 133.9 Stearns, J. N. Temperance speaker. 1879. 317.4 Stearns, W. A. New England bird-life.’81. 836.29 Stebbins, Emma. Life of Charlotte Cush- man. 1878 615.14 Stebbins, G. B. American protectionist’s manual. 1883 916 . 10 Stedman, E. C. Poets of America. 1885 . 215 . 19 — Victorian poets. 1876 215.6 — Poets’ homes. [Sketch of S.] 1877 622.6.1 Steel. See Iron and steel. Steele, G. M. Outline study of political economy. 1885 917 . 4 Steele, J. D. Fourteen weeks in astron- omy. 1869 842 . 13 — Fourteen weeks in chemistry. 1873 824.25 — Fourteen weeks in physics. 1878 833.1 — Hygienic physiology, with special refer- ence to the use of alcoholic drinks and narcotics. 1884 844.33 — and E. B. Brief history of Rome. Illus. 1885 752.2 Steele, J. W. Cuban sketches. 1881 518.17 — Frontier army sketches. 1883 518.33 Steele, Sir R. Papers in the Guardian, Spectator and Tatler. See British essayists. — Selections from the Spectator. 2 v 306.16 — Adams, W. D. Famous books 314 . 28 — Macaulay, T. B. Essays [on Addison, etc.] 305.13 — Thackeray, W. M. English humorists. 302.15 Steele, R. Christian teacher in Sunday schools. 1868 405.27 Steele, T. S. Canoe and camera [in Maine forests. 1882 518.23 Stein, H. F. K. von. Seeley, J. R. Life and times of; or. Germany and Prus- sia in the Napoleonic age, 1757-1831. 2v 625 . 7 Steinmeyer, F. L. Miracles of our Lord. 1875 418.19 Steinwehr, A. von. Centennial gazetteer of the United States, [cop. 1874]. . . *A.9 Stenhouse, Mrs. T. B. H. “Tell it all”: story of a life’s experience in Mor- momsm. 1877 617.23 Stenography. See Phonography and sten- ography. Step, E. Plant-life. [Phenomena of bot- any]. 1883 842.31 STEP-mother, The. James, G. P. R 36.265 Stephen, H. J. Principles of pleading in civil actions . 1867 908 . 10 Stephen, Sir J. Critical and miscellaneous essays In 305.1 — Lectures on French history [to Louis XIV] 744.14 Stephen, Leslie. Alexander Pope. (Eng. men of letters). 1880 616.11.22 — History of English thought in the eighteenth century. 2 v. 1881 425.30 — Jonathan Swift. (Eng. men of letters).616.11.29 Stephen, Leslie, continued. — Samuel Johnson. (Eng. men of letters.) 616.11.4 — Science of ethics. 1882 427.18 Stephen Lawrence, yeoman. Edwards, Mrs. A 34.3 Stephen, M. D. Warner, Susan. Fict 55.20 Stephens, A. H. Constitutional view of the war between the states. 2 v. ’68. 734.2 Stephens, Mrs. Ann S. Bellehood and bondage. 1873 143.5 — Bertha’s engagement. 1875 43.2 — Fashion and famine 33.4 — Married in haste 11.24 — Old homestead 7.26 — Palaces and prisons. 1871 11.25 — Phemie Frost’s experiences. 1874 31.9 — Reigning belle 7.27 — Soldier’s orphans. 1866 43.3 — Wives and widows, [cop. ’69] 11.26 Stephens, C. A. Camping out series. 6 v. 24.18 1. Camping out. 2. Left on Labrador. 3. Off to the geysers. 4. Lynx hunting. 5. Fox hunting. 6. On the Amazon. Stephens, H. Book of the farm. 2 v. ’54. 825.2 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yuca- tan, [1839-40.] 2 v 507.12 — Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia Pe- trsea and the Holy Land, [’35-6.] 2v. 505.13 Stephenson, G. Chambers’s misc. Life of. In 1001.8.1 — Smiles, S. Life of. 1873 607.17 Same and Robert. (Lives of the en- gineers.) 607.1.3 Stepniak, S. Russia under the tzars. ’85. 735 . 14 Stepping heavenward. Prentiss Mrs. E . . 142 . 10 Sterling, John. Carlyle. T. Life of. 1852. 622.20 — Smiles, S. Brief biographies. 1860... 606.4 Stern necessity. Robinson, F. W. Fict. 134.11 Sterne, Laurence. Sentimental journey, letters, and a life of the author. 1861. 327.9 — Sentimental journey, letters, and ser- mons. 1857 306 . 27 — Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists. . . 624 . 19 — Thackeray, W. M. English humourists. 302 . 15 — Traill, H. D. Sterne. (Eng. men of let- ters). 1882 616.11.30 — Tristram Shandy. 1849 36.513 Sterne, Simon. Constitutional history and political development of the United States. 1882 916.23 Steuben, F. W. A., Baron. Bowen, F. Life of In 641.4.9 Stevens, Abel. History of Methodism. 3 v. 1860 437.5 — Life of Mme. de Stael. 2 v. 1880 626 . 3 Stevens, J. A. Albert Gallatin (Am. statesmen). 1884 626.4.9 — Yorktown centennial handbook 726 . 8 Stevens, J. L. History of Gustavus Adolphus. 1884 628.18 Stevens, Thaddeus. Memorial addresses on [his] life and character, [in con- gress, 1868. J 603.11 Stevens, W. B. History of Georgia, to 1798. 2 v 748.4 Stevenson, A. F. Battle of Stone’s river. ’84. 731 . 8 Stevenson, R. L. Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes. 1879 514 . 22 — Treasure island. [Sea tale]. 1884 56.8 STEVENSON. 235 STORIES. Stevenson, Sarah H. Boys and girls in biology. 1875 838.35 — Physiology of woman. 1883 845 . 12 Stewart, B. Conservation of energy. ’74. 815.4.7 — Physics. (Science primers). 1878 828.20.3 — and Tait, P. G. The unseen universe. ’81. 443.31 Stewart, H. Irrigation for farms, garden, etc. 1877 824.22 Stickney, Albert. A true republic. 1879. 912 . 18 Stiles, Ezra. Kingsley, J. L. Life of. 1847 In 601.1.6 Still, W. The underground railroad. [His- tory of fugitives from slavery.] 1872. 734.16 Still waters. Paul, M. A 36.514 Stillwater tragedy. Oldrich, T. B 138 . 7 Stimulants and narcotics. Beard, G. M.’71. 803.20 — Johnston, J. F. Chemistry of common life. 1871 803.14.2 — Reade, A. A. ed'r. Study and stimu- lants. 1883 842.20 — Richardson, B. W. Diseases of modern life. [Narcotics.] 1878 835.27 See also Alcohol; Food and diet; Opium; Tobacco; Temperance. Stobart, J. W. H. Islam and its founder. 1878 444.18.5 Stocks and stock-dealing. See Wall street. Stockton, F. R. A jolly fellowship. 1880. 87.5 — Round-about rambles in lands of fact and fancy. 1872 23.29 — Rudder grange. 1879 145.7 — What might have been expected. 1874. 78 . 27 — and M. The home; where it should be, and what to put in it. 1873 805.5 Stoddard, C. W. Mashallah! a flight into Egypt. 1880 518.27 Stoddard, H. H. An egg farm. 1876 822.29 Stoddard, R. H., ed'r. Bric-a-brac series. 10 v. 1874-6. 1. Personal reminiscences by Chor- ley, Planche and Young 632 . 18 2. Anecdote biographies of Thacke- ray and Dickens 612 . 17 3 Prosper Merimee’s letters to an in- cognita, with recollections by Lamartine and Geo. Sand 612 . 16 4. Personal reminiscences by Bar- ham, Harness, and Hodder 612.18 5. The Greville memoirs 612.19 6. Personal reminiscences by Moore and Jerdan 612.20 7. Personal reminiscences by Cornelia Knight and Thomas Raikes 612 . 23 8. Personal reminiscences by John O’Keeffe, Michael Kelly, and John Taylor 612.22 9. Personal recollections of Lamb, Hazlitt and others 612 . 21 10. Personal reminiscences by Consta- ble and Gillies 612.25 — Select works of Poe, with life 317.12 — and others. Poets’ homes. 2 v. 1879 . 622 . 6 Note. — Vol. 1 contains a sketch of Stoddard. Stodd\rd, S. Latin grammar. See An- drews, E. A 331 . 3 Stoddard, W. O. Dab Kinzer 87.25 — The quartet: sequel to Dab Kinzer. ’81. 82.12 — Saltillo boys. 1882 81.27 Stokes, J. Cabinet-maker and upholsterer’s companion. 1880 838.6 Stolen white elephant, etc. Clemens, S. L. 146 . 12 Stolz, Mine de, pseud. See Begon, F. de . Stomach. Habershon, S. O. Diseases of the stomach. 1879 831 . 18 Stone, A. Pulmonary consumption. 1863. 806.18 Stone cutting. Dobson, E 811.30 Stone’s river, Battle of. Stevenson, A. S.’84. 731 . 8 Stonehenge, pseud. See Walsh, J. H. Stonemason of Saint Point. Lamartine, A. de 134.22 Stones of Venice, The. Ruskin, J. 3 v. 804.28 Storer, F. H. Elementary manual of chem- istry. See Eliot, C. W. 1875 847.6 Storer, H. R. Nurses and nursing. 1868. 807.13 Stories by American authors. 10 v. ’84-5. 56.6 Contents.— v. 1, Who was she?, by B. Taylor. The documents in the case, by B. Matthews and H. C. Bun- ner. One of the thirty pieces, by W. H. Bishop. Bal- acchi brothers, by Rebecca H. Davis. An operation in money, by A. Webster. v. 2, The transferred ghost, by F. R. Stockton. A martyr to science, by Mary P. Jacobi. Mrs. Knollys, by J. S. of Dale. A dinner party, by J. Eddy. The mount of sorrow, by Harriet P. Spotford. Sister Silvia 4 by Mary A. Tincker. v. 3, The spider’s eye, by F. J. O’Brien. A story of the Latin quarter, by Frances H. Burnett. Two purse- companions, by G. P. Lathrop. Poor Ogla-Moga, by D. D. Lloyd. A memorable murder, by Celia Thaxter. Venetian glass, by B. Matthews. v. 4, Miss Grief, by Constance F. Woolson. Love in old cloathes, by H. C. Bunner. Two buckets in a well, by N. P. Willis. Friend Barton’s concern, by Mary H. Foote. An inspired lobbyist, by J. W. De Forest. Lost in the fog, by N. Brooks. v. 5, A light man, by H, James. Yatil, by F. D. Mil- let. The end of New York, by Park Benjamin. Why Thomas was discharged, by G. Arnold. The tachy- pomp, by E. P. Mitchell. v. 6, The village convict, by C. H. White. The Den- ver express, by A. A. Hayes. The misfortunes of bro’ Thomas Wheatley, by Lina R. Fairfax. The heart- break cameo, by L. W. Champney. Miss Eunice’s glove, by A. Webster. Brother Sebastian’s friendship, by H. Frederic. v. 7, The bishop’s vagabond, by Octave Thane t. Lost, byE. Bellamy. Kirby’s coals of fire, by Louise Stock- ton. Passages from the journal of a social wreck, by Margaret Floyd. Stella Grayland, by J. T. McKay. The image of San Donato, by Virginia W. Johnson. v. 8, The brigade commander, by J. W. De Forest. Split zephyr, by H. A. Beers. Zerviah Hope, by Eliza- beth Stuart Phelps. The life -magnet, by A. A. Adee. Osgood’s predicament, by Elizabeth D. B. Stoddard. v. 9. Marse Chan, by T. N. Page. Mr. Bixby’s Christmas visitor, by C. S. Gage. Eli, by C. H. White. Young Strong of “The Clarion,” by M. W. Shinn. How old Wiggins wore ship, by R. T. Coffin. “—Mas has come, ” by L. Kip. v. 10, Pancha, by T. A. Janvier. The ablest man in the world, byE. P. Mitchell. Young Moll’s Peevy, by C, A. Stephens. Manmat’ha, by C. de Kay. A dar- ing fiction, by H. H. Boyesen. The story of two lives, by Julia Schayer. Stories for the household. Andersen, H. C. Stories from “Blackwood.” Stories from Dickens’ “Household words.” 2d ser. 1869 Stories from Herodotus. Church, A. J. . . Stories from Homer. Church, A. J Stories from Livy. Church, A. J Stories from the Greek tragedians. Church, A. J Stories from Virgil. Church, A. J Stories of adventure. Hale, E. E Stoires of American history. Yonge, C. M . Stories of English and foreign life. Howitt, W. and M Stories of the cathedral cities. Marshall, E. Stories of the island world. Nordhoff, C. Stories of the Italian artists from Vasari, Stories of the Old Dominion. Cooke, J. E. Stories of the prairie. Cooper, J. F Stories of the sea. Cooper, J . F Stories of the sea. Hale, E. E Stories of the war. Hale, E. E. 1879 . . . Stories of the woods. Cooper, J. F Stories of Waterloo. Maxwell, W. H 77.9 301.4 142.4 738.11 45.9 738.10 48.13 48.12 721.6.3 738.15 14.9 738.2 531.8 631.5 721.4 23.2.1 23.2.2 721.6.2 721.6.1 23.2.3 42.12 STORMONTH. 236 STRICKLAND. Stormonth, James Dictionary of the Eng- lish language. 1885 *A.15 Stobms. See Meteorology. Stormy life, A. Fullerton, Georgiana 18.29 Storr, F. and Turner, H. Chaucer tales retold for children. 1880 82.7 Storrs, R. S. The divine origin of Chris- tianity indicated by its historical effects. 1884 434.19 Story, Joseph. Commentaries on the con- stitution of the United States. 2v.’73. 908.9 — Familiar exposition of the constitution. [cop. 1840] 912.9 Story, W. W. Roba di Roma, [1856-7.]. . . 525.21 Story book. Andersen, H. C 22.29 Story book for the children. Diaz, Mrs. A. M 74.22 Story of a bad boy. Aldrich, T. B. Juv. 26.44 Story of a country town. Howe, E. W.’85. 57.27 Story of a fellow soldier. Awdry, F 624.5 Story of a genius. Howitt, Mary 91.6 Story [of the building] of a house. Viol- let-le-Duc, E. E. 1874 826.9 Story of a millionaire. Mundt, C. M 14.21 Story of a peasant. Erckmann, E. and Chatrain, A. 4 v 45.16 Story of a summer [at Chappaqua.] Cleve- land, C 502.12 Story of an honest man. About, E. Fict. 47.9 Story of Avis. Phelps, Eliz. S 137 . 11 Story of Ida. Alexander Francesca 627.28 Story of Kennett. Taylor, Bayard 13.15 Story of liberty. Coffin, C. C. 1876 745.15 Story of my life. Andersen, H. C 633.11 Story of our country. Monroe, Mrs. L. B. 711 . 21 Story of our museum. Housman, H. Juv. 832.24 Story of Roland. Baldwin, J 82.24 Story of small beginnings. 4 v. See War- ner, S. Story of the nations, v. 1-7. 1885-6 752 . 1 Contents .— v. 1, Story of Greece, by J. A. Harrison. 2, Story of Rome, by A. Gilman. 3, Story of tbe Jews, by J. K. Hosmer. 4, Story of Chaldea, by Z. A. Rag- ozin. 5, Story of Germany, by S. Baring-Gould. 6, Story of Norway, by H. H. Boyesen. 7, Story of Spain, by E. E. and S. Hale. Story of the robins. Trimmer, S. K 82.8 Story or two from an old Dutch town. Lowell, R. 1878 44.22 Stothert, J. French and Spanish paint- ers. Illus. 1875 848.5 Stoughton, J. Life of Wilberforce. 1880. 622.10.2 Stout heart, A. Kellogg, E. Juv 25.41 Stow, J. Survay of London. London, Stowe, Edwin. Velazquez. Illus. 1881. 627.15 Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Agnes of Sorrento. ’68. 3 . 2 Note.— Story of Italy, Savonarola, etc. — Betty’s bright idea; Deacon Pitkin’s farm; the first Christmas of New England. 1876 . . . . * 43.18 — Chimney comer. [Essays], 1868 ...... 301 . 27 — Dred [or Nina Gordon], 2v. 1856 6.14 Note. — A tale of slavery and the Dismal swamp. — House and home papers. 1869 306.11 — Little foxes. [Fault-finding, etc]. 1872. 332 . 18 — Little Pussy Willow. Juv. 1873 26.31 — Mayflower, and other sketches. 1855 . . . 15.10 — Men of our times; or, the leading patri- ots of the day. 1868 634 . 3 Contents— Lincoln : Grant; Garrison; Sumner; Chase; H. Wilson; Greeley; Farragut; Andrew; Col- fax; Stanton; Douglass; Sheridan; Sherman; How- ard; Buckingham; Phillips; Beecher. Stowe, Mrs. H. B., continued. — The minister’s wooing, [cop. 1859] 6.11 Note .— Story of Newport in the last century. — My wife and I. [cop. 1871] 6.8 — Oldtown fireside stories. 1872 6.9 — Oldtown folks. 1871 6.13 — Palmetto-leaves. [Sketches of Florida.] 1873 502.7 — Pearl of Orr’s island. [Coast of Maine.] 6.17 — Pink and white tyranny. 1871 6.16 — Poganuc people. 1878 144 . 12 — Queer little people. 1870 26.30 — Religious poems. Illus. 1867 204.7 — Uncle Tom’s cabin, [cop. 1851-78.] 18.15 Key to Uncle Tom’s cabin [cop. 1853]. 911 . 35 — We and our neighbors; or, the records of an unfashionable street. Sequel to “My wife and I.” 1875 143.21 — and Beecher, C. E. American woman’s home. 1870 811.24 Principles of domestic science. 1870.. 803.28 Note. Revision of “American woman’s home.” — Hanaford, P. A. Daughters of America. 1883 625.17 — Parker, E. P. Eminent women of the age. 1877 625.13 Strange adventures of a phaeton. Black, W. 36.39 Strange story. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L 36.86 Strangers and pilgrims. Braddon, M. E. 36.60 Strathern. Blessington, Qountess of 36.222 Strathmore. Rame L. de la 36 . 481 Stratton, H. D. See Bryant, H. B. Straub, Jacob. The consolations of sci- ence. [Future life, etc] . 1884 431.17 Strauss, D. F. Life of Jesus. 2 v. 1860. 418.2 Note.— Rev. in Godwin’s (P). “Out of the past.” — Old faith and the new. 1873 402.23 Note.— Rev. in Edin. rev., Oct. 1873. Stray pearls. [Story of the Fronde war]. Yonge, C. M. 1883 55.5 Streckfuss, Adolph. Quicksands. 1884. 56.22 Streets. See Roads. Strength and beauty. Discussions for young men. Hopkins, Mark. 1874 . 416.7 Strength of materials. Anderson, J. ’72. 838.25 Stretton, Hesba.j oseud. [Hannah Smith]. Through a needle’s eye. 1878 138.22 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the queens of England. 6 v. 1872 641.13 Contents .— v . 1, Matilda of Flanders, queen of Wil- liam the Conqueror; Matilda of Scotland, queen of Henry I; Adelicia of Louvaine, second queen of Henry I; Matilda of Boulogne, queen of Stephen; Eleanora of Aquitaine, queen of Henry 11. ; Berengaria of Navarre, queen-consort of Richard I. ; Isabella of Angouleme, queen-consort of king John; Eleanor of Provence, queen of^Henry III. ; Eleanora of Castile, first queen of Edward I ; Marguerite of France, second queen of Ed- ward I. ; Isabella of France, queen of Edward II. ; Philippa of Hainault, queen of Edward III. ; Anne of Bohemia, first queen of Richard II. ; Isabella of Val- ois, second queen-consort of Richard II.; Joanna of Navarre, queen of Henry IV. ; Katharine of Valois, consort of Henry V. ; Margaret of Anjou, queen of Henry VI. v. 2, Elizabeth Woodville, queen of Edward IV.; Anne of Warwick, queen of Richard III. ; Elizabeth of York, queen-consort of Henry VII; Katharine of Arra- gon, 1st queen of Henry VIII. ; Anne Boleyn, 2d queen of Henry VIII. ; Jane Seymour, 3d queen of Henry VIII.; Anne of Cleves, 4th queen of Henry VIII.; Katharine Howard, 5th queen of Henry VIII. ; Katha- rine Parr, 6th queen of Henry VIH. ; Mary, 1st queen- regnant of England and Ireland. v. 3, Elizabeth, 2d queen-regnant of England and Ireland. STRICKLAND. 237 SUMMER. Strickland, Agnes, continued. v. 4, Anne of Denmark, queen-consort of James I. ; Henrietta Maria, queen-consort of Charles I. ; Catha- rine of Braganza, queen-consort of Charles II; Mary Beatrice of Modena, queen-consort of James II. v. 5, Mary Beatrice of Modena, continued ; Mary II., queen-regnant of Great Britain and Ireland. y. 6, Mary n., continued ; Anne, queen-regnant of Great Britain and Ireland. Same. Abridged. 1870 706.5 Same. Abridged, adapted and contin- ued by R. Kaufman. Illus. 3 v 738.12 — Tales from English history 716 . 21 — True stories from ancient history 716.19 — True stories from modern history 716.20 Strife and peace. Bremer, F. Fict. . . In 133.14.3 Strikers, communists, tramps and detec- tives. Pinkerton, A. 1878 912.1 Strive and succeed. Alger, H. Juv 84.1.4 Strive and thrive. Howitt, Mary 91.7 Strong, W. C. Fruit culture. 1885 847 . 24 Strong and steady. Alger, H. Juv 84.1.3 Strong arm and a mother’s blessing. Kel- logg, E. Juv 83.6 Strother, D. H. [Porte Crayon.] Vir- ginia illustrated: containing visit to the Virginia Canaan, etc 531 . 23 Struggle for existence. Peak, Gavilan. [Poems.] 203.10 Struggle in Ferrara. [Reformation.] Gil- bert, W. Fict 34.12 Struggles and triumphs [to 1873.] Bar- num, P. T 641.10 Strutt, Joseph. Sports and pastimes of the people of England, [pub. 1801] 742.22 Stuart, A. W. Lives of the three Mrs . Jud- sons. [cop. 1855] 613 . 13 Stuart, J. E. B. McClellan, H. H. Life and campaigns of. 1885 747.6 Stuart, of Dunleath. Norton, C. E 36 . 416 Stuarts, of England. — Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of court of Eng- land under the Stuarts. 3v. 1857.. 718.6 The pretenders and their adherents.’60 718 . 7 — Johnes, M. Prince Charlie, the young chevalier. 1860 24.19 Stubbs, W. The early Plantagenets, 1135- 1327 743.5.9 Stuckenberg, J. H. W. Christian sociol- ogy. 1880 917.11 Student life at Harvard. Tripp, G. H. Fict. 144.6 Student’s atlas of historical geography, ’73 528.13 Student’s manual. Todd, John. 1873... 402.17 Student’s series: namely : — — Gibbon’s decline and fall of the Roman empire 706.18 — Hallam’s constitutional history of Eng- land 715.12 Middle Ages 715.14 — History of France to 1852 706.4 — Hume’s history of England 743.10 — Merrivale’s general history of Rome . . . 743 . 8 — Smith’s [P.] ancient history of the East. 701.1 Smaller ancient history of the East. . 715.15 Ecclesiastical history 417.19 — Smith’s [W.] New Testament history. . . 715.18 Old Testament history 706.17 Smaller classical dictionary 313.21 Smaller history of England 715 . 19 Smaller history of Rome 715 . 16 Smaller scripture history 715.17 — Strickland’s queens of England 706 . 5 Studies for stories. Ingelow, Jean 142.21 Studies from life. Craik, Mrs. D. M. ’67. 322.10 Studies in English. Scheie De Vere, M. . 307.4 Studies in philosophy and poetry. Shairp, J. C. 1872 301.11 Studies in Shakespeare. White, R. G.’86. 323 . 21 Studies of character from the Old Testa- ment. Guthrie, T. 1872 437.27 Studies of Irving. Warner, C.U.and others. 316 . 7 Studies of the Greek poets. Symonds, J. A. 2 v. 1880 217.15 Studio arts, The. Johnson, E. W. 1878.. 823.14 Study. See Education. Study and stimulants. [Essays.] Reade, A. A., ed'r. 1883 842.20 Stumbling blocks [in religion]. Dodge, Mary A 307.12 Sturgis, Julian. Dick’s wanderings. Fict. 1882 53.1 Sturtevant, J. M. The keys of sect; or, the church of the New Testament .’80. 421 . 23 Stuve, B. History of Illinois [to 1873.] See Davidson, A 712.10 Stuyvesant, Peter, the last Dutch governor of New Amsterdam. Abbott, J. S. C. 608.20 Stuyvesant. Abbott, J. Juv 91.23.8 Style. See Rhetoric; Criticism; English language ( Composition ); Elocution {Oratory)', Preaching. Sub-tropioal rambles. [Mauritius.] Pike, . N. 1873 517.5 Subjection of women. Mill, J. S. 1870. 903.19 Sublime and beautiful. See ^Esthetics. Sublime in nature. Lanoye, F. de. 1871 . 802 . 24 Substance and show, etc. King, T. S 311.15 Subterranean world, The. Hartwig, G.’71. 806.4 Suburban home grounds. Scott, F. J 854 . 5 Suburban sketches. Howells, W. D. 1871. 306 . 6 Success. Abbott, L., ed’r. How to suc- ceed. [Essays.] 1882 443.32 — Adams, W. H. D . Secret of success . . 421 . 4 — Emerson, R. W. Society and solitude, p. 251-279 332.15 — Hale, E. E. How to do it. 1872 332.9 — Helps, A. Self-advancement In 302.3.2 — Johnson, J. Self-effort. 1883 433.10 — McCabe, J. D., jr. Great fortunes and how they were made. 1871 604.1 — Mathews, W. Getting on in the world. 304.12 — Smiles, S. Self-help. 1871 408.28 — Smith, W. H. Successful folk; how they win. [Anecdotal biography,] 1878. 617.11 — Thayer, W. M. Tact, push, and princi- ple. 1880 426.14 — Tulloch, J. How to succeed in life. ’79. 421.9 — Whipple, E. Success and its condi- tions. 1871 303.7 See also Business; Life ( Conduct of). Successful merchant. See Budgett, S 605 . 26 Sue, M. J., called Eugene. The wandering Jew 17.5 Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Lives of the twelve Caesars; added, lives of the grammarians, rhetoricians, and poets. 1878 1021.8 Suicide. Morselli, H. (Int. sci. ser.) 1882.. . 815.4.36 — Stael-Holstein, Mme. de. Reflections on -....In 305.10 Sullivan, A. M. New Ireland. 1878 746.2 Sullivan, J. Peabody, O. W. B. Life of. 1848 In 601.1.3 Sullivan, W. Political class-book. 1831.902.11 Sully, J. Illusions; a psychological study. 1881 815.4.33 Sumatra. See Malaysia. Summer and its diseases. Wilson, J. C.’ 79. .833.14.3 SUMMER. 238 SWEDENBORG. SuMMEE-house series. 5 v. See Whitmarsh, C. S. Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite’s life. Whit- ney, A. D. T 25.24 Summer resorts. Appleton’s illus. hand- book of American summer resorts.’81 . 516 . 29 — Same. 1883 501.4 Summer rest. [Essays.] Dodge, Mary A. 304.4 SuMMER-savory. [Essays.] Taylor, B. F. 514.4 Summer’s romance, A. Healy, Mary 32.12 Summekbell, N. andFlood, J. M. Discus- sion on the trinity, etc. 1855 407 . 15 Summerland sketches. [Mexico and Cen- tral America.] Oswald, F. L. 1880 . 517 . 13 Sumner, Charles. Prophetic voices concern- ing America. 1874 711.11 — Recent speeches and addresses. 1856 . . 332 . 19 — Ames, M. C. Outlines, etc. [His home], 311.8 — Chaplin, J. and J. D. Life of. 1874... 613.8 — Pierce, E. L. Memoir and letters of. 2 v. 1878 623.11 — Scribner’s m., v. 8-10. Recollections of. 1006 . 4 — Stowe, H. B. Men of our times. 1868. 634.3 — Whipple, E. P, Recollections of. In 1004.1.59 Sumner, W. G. Andrew Jackson. (Am. statesmen). 1882 626.4 4 — History of American currency. 1874 . . . 902 . 22 — What social classes owe to each other.’84. 916 . 7 Sumter and Moultrie, [Forts]. Doubleday, A. Reminiscences of, in 1860-1 737 . 5 1 Sumter, Confederate privateer. Semmes, R. Cruise of the Alabama and 737.4 Sun. Chambers’s misc. The sun 1001.8.5 — Giberne, Agnes. Sun, moon, and stars.’80 835 . 21 — Guillemin, A. The sun. 1870 802.32 — Proctor, R. A. Recent solar researches. 1874 In 825.10. L — Verne, J. To the sun: a journey. Fict. 55.1 — Young, C. A. The sun. (Int. sci. ser.)815.4.34 The sun and its atmosphere. 1872./n 812.32.2 See also Astronomy. Sunbeam stories. Mackarness, H. S 36 . 362 Sunbeam, Voyage in the. Brassey. Mrs. T. 511.19 Sunday. See Sabbath. Sunday. Reading for the young. Illus. magazine. 2 v. Lond., 1879-81 77.8 Sunday afternoon. Monthly magazine, v. 1-3. Springfield, Mass., 1878-81 .... *1007 . 12 Note .— For continuation see “Good company.” Sunday evening hour. [Stories]. Sanford, D. P 87.13 Sunday magazine, v. 2-5. Hlus. Lond,, 1872-6 *1002.10 Sunday school. Abbot, W. Our Sunday school : and how we conduct it. 1863. 405 . 15 — Pardee, R. G. The Sabbath school in- dex. 1868 405.14 — Steel, R. The Christian teacher in. 1868. 405.27 — The teacher taught. 1861 405.12 — The teacher teaching. 1861 405 . 10 — Tyng, S. H. Forty years’ experience in Sunday-schools. 1869 417.24 Sunny shores; Italy and Austria. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.5.4 Sunny South, The. Ingraham, J. H. Fict. 3.11 Sunnybank. Terhune, Mrs. M. V. Fict. 14.10 Sunrise. Black, W. Fict 141.3 Sunrise kingdom. [Japan]. Carrothers, J. D. 1879 514.20 Sunshine and shadow in New York. Smith, M. H. 1869... 736.5 Sunshine and storm in the East. [Voya- ges]. Brassey, Mrs. T. 1880 517.2 Supernatural religion; an inquiry into the reality of divine revelation. 3 v. ’75.: 442.8 Supernaturalism. Bushnell, H. Nature and the supernatural. 1864 405 . 8 — Elliott, C. W. Glimpses of the super- natural. 1852 408.29 — Townsend, L. T. Credo. 1873 402.22 See also Animal magnetism; Evidences; Miracles; Spiritualism; Superstitions; Witch- craft. Superstitions. Brand, J. Popular antiq- uities of Great Britain. 3 v 718 . 8 — De Quincey, T. Modern superstition. In 444.14 — Kingsley, C. Superstition In 413.4 — Lea, H. C. Superstition and force 912.3 — Plutarch. Of superstition. {In his Morals) 445.3.1 — Pouchet, F. A. Monsters and. (In his Universe) 841.14 See also , Apparitions; Astrology; Delu- sions; Folklore; Magic; Mythology; Palm- istry; Witchcraft, etc. Surenne, G. French and English diction- ary. See Spiers, A *B . 6 Surgeon’s daughter, The. Scott, Sir W . . 12.25 Surgeon’s stories. 6 v. See Topelius, Z.. 54.5 Surgery. See Medicine. Surnames. -See Names. Surrey, Earl of. See Howard, H. Surveying. Robinson, H. N. New sur- veying and navigation; ed. by O.Root. [cop. 1863] 823.23 Susan Fielding. Edwards, Mrs. A .... 17.11 Suspiria de profundis. DeQuincey, T. ’56 . 302 . 17 Sutherlands, The. Cole, M 11.14 Swayne, E. C. Herodotus [outlined and ex- plained]. 1875 1020.21 Sweden and Norway. Adams, W. T. Up the Baltic. Juv 73.5.1 — Andersen, H. C. Pictures of travel. ’71. 508.3 — Brace, C. L. Norse-folk. 1857 508.23 — Browne, J. R. Land of Thor. 1870... 508.8 — Carlyle, T. Early kings of Norway. ’75. 742.9 — Caton, J. D. A summer in Norway.’ 75. 508.29 — Du Chaillu, P. B. Land of the midnight sun: Norway, Sweden, etc. 2 v. ’81. 517.17 — Hale, E. E, A family flight through. ’81. 515.14 — Scenes from peasant life in In 1001.8.10 — Taylor, B. Northern travel, [1856] 506.12 — Topelius, Z. The surgeon’s stories: Swe- dish historical romances. 6 v. ’83-4. 54.5 Contents . — See Topelius in gen. alphabet. — Tyler, R. E. Story of a Scandinavian summer . 188 1 526 . 7 — Vincent, F. Norsk, Lapp, and Finn. ’81. 518 . 1 In biography see lives of Gustavus II. Adol- phus; Gustavus III. ; Gustavus IV. ; Charles See also Scandinavia; Scandinavian litera- ture; also, Longfellow’s “Poets and poetry of Europe” [207.2] In Swedish fiction, see novels of Bremer, Knorring, Schwartz ; in Norwegian fiction, see novels of Asbjornsen, Bjornson, Boyesen, Lie, Mugge. Swedenborg. E. Angelic philosophy of the divine love and wisdom. 1875... 414.12 Same; tr. by R, N. Foster. 1868 401.17 — Angelic wisdom concerning the divine providence. 1873 414 . 13 Same; tr. by R. N. Foster. 1868 413.32 — Apocalypse revealed. 2 v. 1875 414 . 15 — Arcana ccelestia. 10 v. 1875 414.18 Contents. — v. 1-6, Genesis, v. 7-10, Genesis, continued ; Exodus. SWEDENBORG. 239 SYMONDS. Swedenborg, E., continued. — Compendium of [his] theological wri- tings. 1875 418.9 — Conjugial love, etc. 1871 414.11 — Four leading doctrines of the New Church concerning the Lord, the sa- cred scripture, faith, and life. 1873. . 414.16 — Gems from [his] writings. With me- moir by O. P. Hiller. 2 v. 1868 ... 413.14 — Heaven and its wonders, the world of spirits, and hell. 1872 414 . 14 — Miscellaneous theological works. 1871. 414.17 Contents . — The New Jerusalem and its heavenly doc- trine ; Brief exposition ; The intercourse between the soul and the body ; The white horse ; On the earths in the universe; The last judgment. — Swedenborg library; ed. by B. F. Barrett [Selections]. 12 v. 1875-81 444.1 Contents.— v, I, Death, resurrection, and the judg- ment. v. Heaven, v. 3, Freedom, rationality and catholicity, v. 4, Divine providence, and its laws, v. 5, Charity, faith, and works, v. 6, Free-will, re- pentance, reformation, and regeneration, v. 7, Holy scripture and the key to its spiritual sense v* 8, Creation, incarnation, redemption and the trinity, v. 9, Marriage, and the sexes in both worlds, v. 10, The author’s memorabilia, v. 11, The heavenly doc- trine of the Lord. v. 12, Swedenborg : with a com- pendof his teachings. — The true Christian religion; containing the universal theology of the New Church. 1873 414.10 — Emerson, R. W. Swedenborg; or, the mystic In 307.19.2 — White, W. Life and writings of. 1866 . 608 . 25 Sweet Cicely; or, Josiah Allen a politician. Holley, Marietta. 1886 148.6 Sweetser, M. T. Artist biographies. 5 v. Illus. 1880-1 626.5 Contents .— 1, Raphael; Vinci; Angelo. 2, Titian; Rem; Lorraine. 3, Reynolds; Turner; Landseer. 4, Durer; Rembrandt; Van Dyck. 5, Angelico; Mu- rillo; Allston. Swetchine, Mine. S. S. Writings. 1869.. 441.23 Contents.— Airelles; Thoughts; On old age; On resignation. — Falloux, Count de. Life and letters of. 1875 Swift, Jonathan. Choice works 614.5 323.27 Contents.— Memoir of Swift; Gulliver’s travels; A tale of a tub ; The battle of the books ; The mechanical operation of the spirit; Directions to servants; Polite conversation; Miscellanies in prose and verse. — Poetical works, with life by J. Mitford. 3 v 203.5 — Poetical works, with memoir by T. Ros- coe. v. 1. 1860 204.1 — Gulliver’s travels. Fict 62.2 — Forster, J. Life of. [v. 1, only]. 1881. 637.2 — Howitt, W. Homes of British poets... 615.15 — Jameson, Mrs. A. Loves of the poets. [Stella and Vanessa] 633.13 — Jeffrey, F. Essays 305.5 — Lecky, W. E. H. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland. 1872 611 . 34 — Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists.. . 624.19 — Stephen, L. Life. (Eng. men of letters) 1882 616.11.29 — Taine, H. A. Hist, of Eng. literature.. 305.12 — Thackeray. W. M. Eng. humourists. . . 302.15 Swimming. Leahy, J. Swimming in the Eton style. 1875 833.9 — Pettigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion. ’74. 815.4.8 Swinburne, A. C. A century of roundels, and other poems. 1883 215 . 2 — Poems and ballads; including Atalanta in Calydon, a tragedy. 1884. ... 215.27 — Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets 215 . 6 Swing, David. Club essays. 1881 317.2 — Motives of life. 1879 421.38 — Sermons. 1874 418.7 Same. 1884 432.13 — Truths for to-day. [Sermons]. 2 v.’ 74-6. 412.8 — Trial before the presbytery of Chicago. 1874 418.8 Swinton, W. Campaigns of the army of the Potomac. 1866 734 . 3 — English grammar and composition. ’83 . 326 . 13 — Masterpieces of Eng. literature. 1880 . 312 . 16 — Rambles among words. 1874 314.10 — Twelve decisive battles of the war. ’71. 747.4 Swiss family Robinson. Wyss, J. R. von and Montolieu, Baronne de 25.22 Swisshelm, Mrs. Jane. Half a century [au- tobiography]. 1880 621 . 20 Switch off. Adams, W. T. Juv 72.3.4 Switzerland. Abbott, J. Rolloin. Juv. 21.13 — Adams, W. T. Palace and cottage. Juv. 73.4.5 — Andersen, H. C. Pictures of travel. ’71 508.3 — Bache, A. D. Lecture on. (Smith, rep., — Eddy, D. C. Scenes and society in 1858. 504 . 23 — Hale, E. E. A family flight, etc. 1881. 515.14 — Havergal, F. R. Swiss letters and Al- pine poems. 1869 518.11 — Rodder, E. Old Merry’s travels. 1873. 26.37 — Jones, Harr v. The regular Swiss round. Illus. 1873 512.27 — Mackenzie, H. D. S. History of, to 1871. 724.18 — Prime, S. I. Letters from, 1860 525.28 See also Alps; Geneva; Zurich ; also , Charles the Bold; Tell (William.) Switzerland of America. [Colorado]. Bowles, S. 1869 506.28 Sword and gown. Lawrence, G. A .Fict.. 36.312 Sword of Damocles. Green, A. K. Fict. 141.20 Sybaris and other homes. Hale, E. E 914.6 Sybil. Disraeli, Benjamin 36.^189 Sybil’s second love. Kavanagh, Julia 36.304 Sydnie Adriance. Douglas, Amanda 43.11 Sylvan city. [Philadelphia]. Illus. 1883. 501.12 Sylvan Holt’s daughter. Parr, Harriet . . . 133 . 13 Sylvan year. Hamerton, P. G. 1876 841.8 Sylvester Sound, the somnambulist. Cock- ton, H 42.38 Sylvestres, The. Edwards, M. B 36 . 209 Sylvia’s lovers. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C 36 . 244 Symbolism. Clement. C. E. S. in art. In *V. 2 and 851.9 — Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Christian art and.’72. 437.9 See also Emblems. Symington, A. J. Hints to our boys. 1884. 432 . 32 — Life of Samuel Lover. 1881 622.12 Symonds, J. A. Introduction to the study of Dante. 1872 206.17 — Renaissance in Italy . 4 pts. 1. Age of despots. 1885 751.2 2. Revival of learning. 1885 751.3 3. Fine arts. 1879 831.23 4. Italian literature. 2 v. 1885 751.5 — Shelley. 1879 616.11.3 — Sketches and studies in southern Eu- rope. 2 v. 1880 514.33 — Studies of the Greek poets. 2 v. 1880. 217.15 SYMONDSON. 240 TATLER. Symondson, F. W. H. Two years abaft the mast. 1884 501.18 Synonymes. Crabb, G. English syno- nymes 312.12 — Roget, P. M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases. 1855 307 . 5 — Soule, R. English synonymes. 1874 . . 332 . 30 Sypher, J. R. Art of teaching school. ’72. 441 . 17 — School history of Pennsylvania. 1870 . 738 . 6 — and Apgar. History of New Jersey.’71. 738.5 Syria. Appleton, T. G. Syrian sunshine. 1875' 525.16 — Burton, I. Inner life of Syria, Palestine, etc. 1879 516.20 — Hale, E. E. and S. Family flight over. 1882 531.13 — Murray’s hand-book of Syria. 1875 .... 516 . 24 — Potter, H. C. The gates of the East. ’77. 514.23 See also Damascus ; Palestine. Syriac. The New Testament transl. from the, by J ames Murdock. 1879 442 . 13 TABLE-talk. Alcott, A. B. Table talk. ’77. 314.24 — Cowper, W. Table-talk. (Poetical works) 203.6.1 — Luther, Martin. Table-talk 633.14 — Napoleon I. Table-talk and opinions.’70. 612 . 13 — Smith, Sydney. Wit and wisdom of.’70. 303 . 11 See also Aphorisms, etc. Tabor, Eliza. Blue ribbon. 1875 42.16 — J eanie’s quiet life. 1876 42.15 — St. Olave’s. 1874 134.6 Tacitus, Caius Cornelius. Works. 2 v. ’80. 1021.10 Contents.— v. 1, The annals, v. 2, The his- tory ; Germany ; Agricola ; Dialogue on ora- tors. — Tacitus [outlined and explained] by W. B. Donne. 1873 1020.35 Tact, push, and principle. Thayer, W. M. 1880 ,... 426.14 Tactics. See Military art, and science. Taine, H. A. The ancient regime. [France]. 715 . 8 — The French revolution. 2 v. 1878 725 . 3 — History of English literature. 2 v. ’72 . 305 . 12 — Ideal in art. 1872 812 . 20 — Italy, Florence and Venice. 1873 503.23 — Italy, Rome and Naples. 1872 507.10 — Notes on England. 1872 504.12 — Notes on Paris. 1875 ; . . 524.14 — On intelligence. 1872 411.18 — Philosophy of art. 1873 852.17 — Philosophy of art in Greece. 1871 812.19 — Philosophy of art in the Netherlands.’72. 812 . 18 — Tour through the Pyrenees. 1874 502 . 18 Tait, P. G. Recent advances in physical science. 1876 844.3 — Unseen universe. See Stewart, B 443 . 31 Taken at the flood. Braddon, M. E. 3 v. in 2 36.61 Talbot Harland. Ainsworth, W. H 36.30 Tale of two cities. Dickens, C 1.6 and 36 . 183 Tales and sketches. Miller, Hugh 8.8 Tales for boys and girls. London 28.1 Tales for Christmas eve. Broughton, Rhoda 36.68 Tales from Alsace. [Reformation period.] 4.27 Tales from Ariosto, retold for children. ’80. 87.12 Tales from English history. 1855 26.16 Tales from Eng. history. Strickland, A. 716 . 21 Tales from Genesis. Thayer, W. M 74.10 Tales from Shakspere. Lamb, C. and M. 21.30 Tales of a grandfather. [Scotch and French history.] Scott, Sir W. 4v. 738.27 — Same. [Scotch history]. 2v 743.9 Tales of a traveller. Irving, Washington. 306.3 Tales of a wayside inn. Longfellow, H.W. 206.21 Tales of ancient Greece. Cox, G. W 416.22 Tales of fashionable life. Edgeworth, Maria In 63.11 Tales of Flemish life. Conscience, H 44.17 Tales of my landlord. See Scott, Sir W . Tales of the Argonauts, etc. Harte, Bret. 137.26 Tales of the caravan, inn, and palace. Hauff, W 82.17 Tales of the drama. Macauley, Miss 8.21 Tales of the pathfinders. Gilman, A 738.21 Tales of the warrior-judges. Macduff, J.R. 406.20 Talfourd, T. N. Critical and miscellane- ous writings. 1 857 305 . 1 — Life of Charles Lamb In 303.2.1 — De Quincey, T. Literary reminiscences 302 . 19.2 — Whipple, E. P. Essays, v. 1 303 . 6 Talisman, The. Scott, Sir W 12.20 Tallahassee girl. Jones, B. D 52.6 Talleyrand, Perigord C. M. de. Brough- am, H., Lord. Statesmen, etc In 633.1.3 — Bulwer, Sir H. L. Historical charac- ters, v. 1 643 . 25 Talmage, T. DeWitt. Abominations of modern society . 1872 408 . 32 — Crumbs swept up. 1875 311.6 — Sermons. 4v. 1875 425.15 Contents.— 1st series; 2d ser. ; 3d ser. : Old wells dug out; 4th ser. : Every-day religion. — Sports that kill. 1875 436 . 22 Tamenaga, Shunsui. Loyal Ronins. [Jap- anese romance]. 1880 47.11 Taming of the shrew [comedy]. See Shake- speare. Tancred. Disraeli, Benjamin. Fict 36.190 Tangletown letters. [Humorous sat.]’56.. 15.5 Tanglewood tales. [Fairy stories ] Haw- thorne, N 25.6 Tania’s pride. Durand, Mme. A 53.11 Tannkr, H. Elementary lessons in agri- cultural practice. 1881 844 . 35 Tanner, H. Martyrdom of [E. P.] Lovejoy [in 1837]. 1880 623.9 Tao-ism. Douglas, R. K. Confucianism and 444.18.2 — Johnson. S. Oriental religions 431.4 Tapestried chamber. Scott, Sir W 12.20 Tappan, Arthur. Tappan, L. Life of. ’70. 605.15 Tapp an, H. P. Elements of logic. 1855.. 404.10 Tappan, L. Life of Arthur Tappan. 1870. 605.15 Tara; a Mahratta tale. Taylor, M. 3 v. in 2. 36.520 Tartary and the Tartars. — Anc. hist, of the Tartars. (Univ. hist., v. 18) *707.1 — De Quincey, T. Flight of a Tartar tribe In 304.16.1 — Hue, E. R. Journey through Tartary, [1844-6] 502.21 See also Mongolia; Turkistan; also, en- tries under Asia, and life of Genghis Khan. Tarver, F. Moliere. See Oliphant, M. O. W Tasso, Torquato. Jerusalem delivered; tr. into Eng. verse by J. H. Whiffin. ’72. 204.24 — Hasell, E. J. Tasso. 1882 636.7.16 — Longfellow, H.W. Poets, etc, of Europe. 207.2 Taste. Alison, A. Principles of 325.27 See also ^Esthetics ; Criticism ; Rhetoric. Tatian. Writings. (A. N. C. lib., v. 3). . . 415.1 Tatler, The. By Steele, Addison, etc. (British essayists, v. 1-4.) 1856 303.15 TAUHNITZ. 241 TELEMACHUS. Tauchnitz, B., ed’r. Five centuries of the English language and literature.’ 60. 327 . 10 Taussig, F. W. Protection to young indus- tries as applied in the United States. 1884 916.16 Tautph(eus, Baroness I. von. At odds. ’63. 36.517 — Cyrilla. 1853 36.518 — Initials 14.23 — Quits. 1858 36.519 Taxidermy. Baird, S. F. Directions for collecting, preserving, etc., specimens of natural history. (Smith, rep., 1856). *8501.2 — Batty, J. H. Taxidermy. 1880 833.29 — Coues, E. Field ornithology. 1884. ..In *C. 2 — Maynard, J. C. Naturalist’s guide. 1877. 827.8 Taylor, Bayard. Beauty and the beast; [also] Tales of home. 1878 45.25 — Boys of other countries. [Stories]. 1876. 88. L7 — By-ways of Europe. 1869 502.17 — Critical essays and notes. 1880 315.17 — Egypt and Iceland in 1874 524.12 — Eldorado. [California in ’49.] 524.25 — Hannah Thurston, [cop. 1868] 143.3 — History of Germany. 1874 716.22 — India, China and Japan [in 1853] 524.26 — John Godfrey’s fortunes. 1865 13.16 — Joseph and his friend, [cop. ’70] 45.26 — Journey to Central Africa [on the Nile, 1852-3] .. 506.18 — Lands of the Saracen. [Palestine, Asia Minor, Sicily and Spain in 1852] 514.28 — Life, etc., of A. von Humboldt. 1859 607.19 — Northern travel: Sweden, Denmark, Lap- land. [1856.] 506.12 — Poems of the Orient. 1855 203.24 — Poetical works. 1880 217.1 — The poet’s journal. 1863 203.23 — Story of Kennett. 1879 13.15 — Studies in German literature. 1879 313.11 — Travels in Greece, Russia, and Crete, [1857] 506.20 — Views a-foot; or, Europe seen with knap- sack and staff. 1873 502.15 — ed’r. Illustrated library of travel, explo- ration and adventure. Namely : — Japan in our day. 1872 504.30 Siam, the land of the white elephant; compiled by G. B. Bacon. 1873 502 . 5 Travels in Arabia. 1872 505.18 Travels in South Africa. 1872 505.17 Wild men and wild beasts. [India.] By R. G. Cumming. 1872 505.19 Wonders of the Yellowstone; ed. by J . . Richardson. 1872 505 . 20 — Conwell, R. H. Life, travels, etc. 1881. 646.12 — Poets’ homes. [Sketch of.] 1877 622 .6.1 Taylor, Benj. F. Between the gates. [Cal- ifornia.] 1878 525.22 — January and June. [Rural essays.] 1871. 304.17 — Life in camp and field. 1875 714 . 7 — Mission Ridge and Lookout Mountain, with pictures of life in camp and field. 503 . 13 — Old time pictures and sheaves of rhyme. 218 . 6 — Summer savory. [Rural essays.] 1879. 514.4 — World on wheels, and other sketches 332 . 8 Taylor, C. B. Universal hist, of the Uni- ted States. 1876 714.5 Taylor, Elizabeth. Blindpits. Fust. 1873. 138.17 — Quixstar. 1873 64.25 Taylor, F. Pianoforte playing. [Primer.] 828 .20.11 Taylor, G. Antinous [favonte of Ha- drian]; romance of ancient Rome. ’82. 53 . 12 31 Taylor, G. H. Health by exercise. [Move- ment cure.] 1879.- 833.6 Taylor, Isaac. Loyola: and Jesuitism in its rudiments. 1849 433 . 2 — Natural history of enthusiasm. 1868... 403.5 — Physical theory of another life. 1853 . . . 413 . 12 — Spirit of the Hebrew poetry. 1873 403 . 6 Taylor, J. Personal reminisences. ’75. In 612.22 Taylor, J. E. The aquarium. 1876 822.20 — Geological stories. 1874 845 . 28 Taylor, Jeremy. Holy living; [also] Holy dying 441.21 — Adams, W. H. D. Great English church- men 635 . 8 — * Evelyn, J. Diary, v. 3. Portrait 633.6 Taylor, Meadows. Manual of the history of India. 1870 705.6 — Tara; a Mahratta tale. 2v. 1864, 36.520 Taylor, N. A. The coming empire. [Texas.] See McDanield, H. F. 1877 514.8 Taylor, Richard. Destruction and recon- struction [in the South]. 1879 726.16 Taylor, T. Life of William Cowper. ’35. In 411 . 1 Taylor, Tom. Life and times of Sir J. Revnolds. See Leslie, C. R. 2 v. ’65. 641 . 1 — Life of Haydon. 2 v. 1859 613.11 Taylor, W. The model preacher. I860.. 438.4 Taylor, W. C. History of France and Nor- mandy [to 1848] 702.7 — History of Ireland [to 1801]. 2 v 743 . 3 — Manual of modern history, with ques- tions. 1850 744.6 Taylor, W. H. Four years with General Lee. 1878 726.6 Taylor, W. M. Gospel miracles, etc. 1880. 423 . 9 — Moses the law-giver. 1879 421 . 28 Taylor, Zachary. Benton, T. H. * Thirty years’ view, v. 2 904.18 — Frost, J. Lives of the presidents 621.8 — Montgomery, H. Life of. 1847 606 . 14 Tea. Disraeli, I. Introduction of In 305 .8.2 — Fortune, R. Tea countries of China, etc. 2 v. 1853 512.18 Teacher [Sunday school] taught. 1861. . . 405.12 Teacher [Sunday school] teaching. 1861. . 405.10 Teaching. See Education. Teale, T. P. Dangers to health: a picto- rial guide to domestic sanitary de- fects. 1883 844.38 Technology. See Chemistry; Trades; Use- ful arts. Teoumseh, Indian chief. Speeches . . In 321 .12.2 — Eggleston, E. and Seelye, L. E. Te- cumseh and the Shawnee prophet. . . 635.5.1 — Thatcher, B. B. Indian biography 614 .18.2 Teeth. Meredith, L. P. The teeth and how to save them. 1877 822.33 — White, J. W. Mouth and teeth. [Prim- er.] 1879 833.14.7 Tegg, T. Young man’s book of knowledge. 307.6 Tegg, W. Meetings and greetings of na- tions. 1877 742.17 Tegner, E. Fridthjof’s saga; tr. by Hol- comb. 1877 208.18 Same; tr. by Stephens. 1877 208.17 Telegraph. Bond, R. Handbook. 1873. 811.28 — Harper’s m., v. 47. The telegraph. Illus. 1004.1 — Preece, W. H. and bivewright, J. Tele- graphy. 1876 816 . 10 Telemachus. Fenelon, F. de S. de la M 4 . 18 TELEPHONE. 242 TERHUNE. Telephone. Dolbear, A. E. The telephone. 827.28 — Du Moncel, Count T. The telephone, etc. 1879 833.27 Telescope. Draper, H. Construction and use of a silvered-glass telescope (Smithsonian contrib., v. 14) *8541.15 — Proctor, R. A. Half-hours with the 807 . 12 Tell, William. Baring-Gould, M. A. Cu- rious myths 423 . 6 — Chambers’ misc. William Tell In 1001 .8.2 — Schiller, J. C. F. Wilhelm Tell. [Drama.] In 727.8.2 Temperaments. Bancroft, G. Doctrine of. 1855 In 321.17 See also Physiognomy ; Physiology ; Phrenology. Temperance and the temperance reform. — American temperance society. Perma- nent temperance documents, v. 1. ’35. 411 . 11 — Bungay, G. W. Temperance anecdotes. 314.16 — Carpenter, W. B. Use and abuse of alco- holic liquors. 1851 801.4 — Channing, W. E. In his Works, v. 2. . . 1001.3 — Ellis, S. S. Voice from the vintage../?! 305.15.2 — Farrar, F. W. Talks on temperance. ’78. 441 . 26 — Fisher, S. W. Three great temptations . 437 . 21 — Gustafson, Axel. Foundation of death . 436 . 10 — Hargreaves, W. Our wasted resources; the missing link m the temperance reform. 1876 911.16 — Hunt, T. P. Death by measure. 1846. . 408 . 6 — Jewett, C. Forty years’ fight with the drink demon. [History of the tem- perance reform.] 1876 425 . 11 — Lees, F. R. Text book of temperance . . 413 . 33 and Burns, D. Temperance Bible com- mentary. 1870.. 424.5 — Macnish, R. Anatomy of drunkenness . 305 . 10 — Mann, Horace. On intemperance. ’59. In 407.24 — Moody, D. L. Talks on temperance [in Boston.] 1878 425.10 — National temperance society. Temper- ance sermons. 1873 425 . 8 Same. Temperance tracts. 2 v. 1874 425.9 — Parton, J. Drinking. 1868 802 . 3 — Penny, L., ed’r. Readings and recita- tions. 1878 314.15 — Pitman, R. C. Alcohol and the state.’78. 912 . 17 — Porter, C. B., ed’r. Silver cup of spark- ling drops. 1860 408.33 — Powell, F. Bacchus dethroned. 1875.. 425.12 — Prohibitionists’ text-book. 1878 912.16 — Richardson, B. W. Temperance lesson book. 1879 837.1 — Stearns, J. N. Temperance speaker. ’79. 317.4 See also Alcohol; Distillation; Stimulants and nar- cotics; Wine; also , lives of Mathew (Father); Gough (J. B.). Temperance Fiction. — Alden, I. M. [Pansy.] King’s daughter. 1873... 86.24 — Arthur, T. S. Six nights with the Washingtonians. 32..29 Ten nights in a bar-room. 1860 63.2 Three years in a man-trap. 1872 43.14 — Chellis, M. D. Aunt Dinah’s pledge. 1875 92.26 Old times. 1876 92.29 Out of the fire. 1875 92.25 Temperance doctor. 1874. 92.24 Wealth and wine. 1876 92.23 — Downs, Eliz. Nettie Loring. 1875 92.20 — Fuller, M. V. Parke Madison. 1860 18.9 — Habberton, J. Barton experiment. 1877 144.2 — Howard, Marion. Fred’s hard fight. 1874 92.14 — Jenkins, E. The Devil’s chain. 1876 137.3 — McConaughy, Mrs. J. E. Fire-fighters. 1875 92.22 — Milne, A. D. Uncle Sam’s farm fence. 1854 62.15 Temperance. Fiction, continued. — Walker, M. S. Dr. Willoughby and his wine. 1878. 86.22 — Wilmer, M. E. Dumb traitor. 1875 92.21 Glass cable. 1874 92.19 Silver castle; sequel to “ Dumb traitor.” 1876. .. 86.23 — Wilson, Mrs. Esther Maxwell’s mistake. 1874 92.28 Sydney Martyn ; or, time will tell. 1874 92.27 - Wright, Mrs. J. M. Dragon and the tea-kettle. ’85. 58.23 How could he escape. 1875 92.16 Jug-or-not. 1874 92.15 Nothing to drink. 1875 92.18 Temperance doctor. Chellis, M. D. 1874. 92.24 Tempest. [Comedy.] See Shakespeare. Tempest and sunshine. Holmes, Mrs. M. J. 11.10 Tempest tossed. Tilton, Theodore. Fict. 143.25 Temple melodies [with music.] 1858 408.15 Temples, tombs and monuments of ancient Greece and Rome. Adams, W. H. D. 802 . 13 Templeton, J. S. Guide to oil painting. 851.4.1 Ten acres enough. Morris, E. 1872 % 814.24 Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now. Andrews, Jane. 1886. . 84.11 Ten great religions. Clarke, J. F. 2 v 438 . 26 Ten nights in a bar-room. Arthur, T. S. . . 63.2 Ten thousand a year. Warren, S 36.562 Ten thousand wonderful things. King, E. F 311.4 Ten times one is ten. Hale, E. E. Fict.. . 64.13 Ten years in Washington. Clemmer, Mary. 521.5 Tenant of Wildfell hall. Bronte, Anne. . . 135.19 Ten Brink, B. Early English [to Wiclif].’83. 318 . 29 Tender and true: poems. Tileston, Mrs. M. F. edr 211.30 Tenney, E. P. Coronation. Fict. 1877.. 137.4 Tenney, Sanborn. Elements of zoology. ’75. 842.21 — Manual of zoology. 1873 814.7 — Natural history of animals. 1866 828.25 — Pictures and stories of animals. Rep- tiles and fishes. 1868 22.15 Sea, land and river shells. 1868 22.16 Sea-stars, jelly-fishes, sea-anemones and corals. 1868 22.17 Tennyson, Alfred. Poetical works. 1879 . 202 . 2 Contents.— Miscellaneous poems; Lady of Shalott; Dream of fair women; Locksley Hall; Day dream; Maud ; The brook ; In memoriam ; The princess ; Enoch Arden ; Idyls of the king ; Queen Mary ; Harold ; The lover’s tale, etc. — Same. 1860-72. 7v.in4 214.28 Contents.— \ . 1-2, Idyls of the king; Maud; In mem- oriam; The princess. 3-4, Poems. 5-6, Enoch Arden; The holy grail, etc. 7, Gareth and Lynette ; The last tournament. — Harold, a drama. 1877 206.6 — The princess, a medley. 1848 204 . 12 — Queen Mary, a drama. 1875 204.21 — Bayne, P. Tennyson and his teach- ers In 317.6.1 — Howitt, W. Homes of British poets 615 . 15 — Preston, H. W. The Arthuriad In 206 . 16 — Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets 215.6 — Taine, H. Hist, of Eng. literature, v. 2 . 305 . 12 Tent life in the Holy land. Prime, W. C . 512 . 15 Terence, [outlined and explained] by W. L. Collins. 1873 1020.34 Terhune, Mrs. M. V. [ Marion Harland .] Alone. 1880 14.11 — Breakfast, luncheon and tea. 1875 805.23 — Common sense in the household: a man- ual of practical housewifery. 1875.. 804.12 — Common sense in the nursery. 1885... 847.22 — Cottage kitchen. Practical and inexpen- sive receipts. 1883 842 . 40 — Dinner year-book. 1878 835.28 TERHUNE. 243 THEIR. Terhune, Mrs. M. V., continued . — Eve’s daughters; or, common sense for maid, wife and mother. 1882 914 . 34 — Helen Gardner’s wedding day. 1870. . . 33.19 — Hidden path. 1882 14.1 — Husbands and homes. 1873 33.18 — Jessamine. 1875 64.23 — Judith. 1883 55.18 — Loiterings in pleasant paths. [Travels in Europe.] 1880 514.26 — Miriam. 1874 33.16 — Moss-side. 1880 11.29 — Nemesis. 1884 33.17 — Phemie’s temptation. 1880 13.20 — Ruby’s husband. 1869 4.15 — Sunnybank. 1867 14.10 — True as steel. 1870 4.16 Terrible temptation, A. Reade, C. Fict. 6.20 Terry, S. H. How to keep a store. 1882. 914.35 Tertullian. The five books against Mar- cion. (A.-N. C. lib., v. 7.) 415.1 — Writings. (A.-N. C. lib., v. 11, 15, 18.). . 415.1 Testament, Old and New. See Bible. Testimony of the rocks. Miller, H 801.22 Teutonic nations. See Germany. Texas. Baker, W. M. The Virginians in Texas. Fict. 1878 47.42 — Bartlett, J. R. Explorations in, [1850-3.] 2 v 507.2 — Crockett, Co l. D. Adventures in. 1845. 505.3 — Hughes, T., ed'r. Letters from our boys. 522.8 — McDanield, H. F. and Taylor, N. A. The coming empire. 1877 514.8 — Marryat, F. Travels of Monsieur Violet. 16.15 — Olmsted, F. L. Journey through, [’57.]. 506.25 — Thrall, H. S. History of Texas. 1876. 738.8 See also Houston (Sam). Thackeray, A. I. [Mrs. Ritchie.] A book of sibyls. 1883 628.13 Contents.-Mrs. Barbauld ; Maria Edgeworth ; Mrs. Opie; Jane Austen. — Elizabeth. 1863 36.555 — Madam de Sevigne. 1881 636.7.13 — Miss Angel. [1875.] 47.29 — Old Kensington. 1873 64.5 — Village on the cliff. 1871 36.613 Thackeray, W. M. Adventures of Philip. 36.523 — Ballads. 1884 215.28 — Catherine. 1870 36.524 — Complete poems. 1883 213.10 — Denis Duval. 1867 36.525 — Early and late papers. 1867 311 . 26 — English humourists of the eighteenth century . 1858 302 . 15 — The four Georges; Lovel the widower. 1861 327 12 — History of Henry Esmond, Esq. i852 . . 36 . 526 Same; [also] Lovel the widower 133.18 — History of Pendennis. 1849 36 . 531 — Irish sketch book. 1872 36.527 — Miscellanies. 1849-57. 8 v. in 4 36.528 Consents. — v . 1, Tne great Hoggarty diamond ; The book of snobs, v. 2, The Kickleburys abroad ; A le- gend of the Rhine; Rebecca and Rowena; The second funeral of Napoleon ; The chronicle of the drum. v. 3, The tremendous adventures of Major Gahagan; The fatal boots; Ballads, v. 4, The memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush; The diary of C. Jeames de la Pluche, esq. ; Cox’s diary, v. 5, Sketches and travels in Lon- don; Novels by eminent hands; Character sketches, v. <>, The memoirs of Barry Lyndon, esq. v. 7, A lit- tle dinner at Timmins’s; The Bedford row conspiracy; The Fitz-Boodle papers ; A shabby genteel story, v. 8, Men’s wives. Thackeray, W. M. Miscellanies, continued. Same. 4v 301.12 Contents . — v. 1, The memoirs of Barry Lyndon, esq. ; The history of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hog- garty diamond; Burlesques; The diary of C. Jeames de la Pluche, esq, ; The tremendous adventures of Major Gahagen; A legend of the Rhine; Rebecca and Row- ena; The history of the next French revolution; Cox’s diary, v. 2, The Paris sketch-book ; The memiors of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush ; The Irish sketch book of 1842; A journey from Combill to Cairo, v* 3, Book of snobs ; Sketches and travels in London ; Character sketches ; Denis Duval; Men’s wives ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berry; Denis Haggerty’s wife; Bedford Row conspiracy; Lit- tle dinner at Timmins’s ; Fatal boots. v. 4. The four Georges; The English humorists of the 18th cem tury; Charity and humor; Roundabout papers; The second funeral of Napoleon; Little travels and road- side sketches; The Fitz-Boodle papers; Critical re- views ; The wolves and the lamb. — Newcomes. 1854-6. 4 v. in 2 36.529 — Paris sketch book. 1872 36.530 — Rose and ring: fireside pantomine. 1871. 24.39 — Roundabout papers. 1869 36.556 — Shabby genteel story, and other tales. . 62.17 — Vanity fair, a novel without a hero. 1848. 36.557 — Virginians, a tale of the last century. 2 v. 1858 9 ....36.614 — Yellowplush papers. 1853 301.1 — Bayne, Peter. Essays. 1880 317.6.1 — Brown, J. Thackeray’s literary career and death In 304.3.2 — Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with authors.. 601.20 — Gilfillan, G. Third gallery of portraits. 301 . 24 — Godwin, P. Thackeray as novelist. In 311 . 18 — Smith, G. B. Poets and novelists. ’76. 322.7 — Stoddard, R. H., ed'r. Anecdote biogra- phy of. 1875 612.17 — Taine, H. A. Hist, of Eng. lit., v. 1 305.12 — Trollope, A. Thackeray. (Eng. men of letters.) 1879 616.11.10 — Whipple, E. P. Character and charac- teristic men. 1871 303.3 See also article in Allibone, v. 8 [*A.8], and references in Poole’s Index [*B.28]. Thaddeus of Warsaw. Porter, Jane 5.6 Thalheimer, M. E. Manual of ancient his- tory. 1872 744.7 — Manual of mediaeval and modern his- tory. 1874 725.1 Thanatopsis. [Poem.] Bryant, W. C 207.29 That beautiful wretch. Black, W 146.3 That boy of Norcott’s. Lever, Charles 36.350 That boy; who shall have him? Daniels, W.H 54.7 That husband of mine. Denison, Mrs. M. A. 137 . 5 That lass o’ Lowrie’s. Burnett, F. H 144 . 4 That queer girl. Townsend, Virginia F . . 58.1 Thatcher, B. B. Indian biography. 2 v. [cop. 1834.] :. 614.18 Thaxter, Celia. Among the Isles of Shoals. 514 . 7 — Driftwood. [Poems.] 1879 216.1 — Poets’ homes. [Sketch of.] 1877 622.6 Thayer, W. M. Farmer boy library. 4 v. 83 . 14 Contents . — !, Farmer boy [Washington]. 2, Good girl and true woman TMary Lyon], 3, Poor boy and merchant prince [Amos Lawrence]. 4, Nelson, the country boy in the city. — Pioneer boy [Abraham Lincoln]. 1864. 25 . 25 — Tact, push and principle. 1880 426 . 14 — Tales from Genesis. 1863 74.10 — Youth’s history of the rebellion. 4v. ’64. 714.13 Theatre. See Drama; Dramas; Opera. Their wedding journey. Howells, W. D. 4.11 THEISM. 244 THOMSON. Theism. Diman, J. L. Theistic argument and recent theories. 1881 426 . 21 — Fisher, G. P. Grounds of theistic and Christian belief. 1883 431.12 — Fiske, J. Idea of God as affected by modern knowledge. 1886 436.9 — Mill, J. S. Three essays on religion. ’84. 434 . 5 Theism : a poem. Sanborn, R. S. 1873... 202.21 Theo. Burnett, F. H. Fict 48.17 Theognis [outlined and explained], by J. Davies. 1873 1020.33 Theology. Beecher, Edward. Conflict of ages; or, the moral relations of God and man . 1853 443 . 1 — Cook, J. Orthodoxy. 1878 441 . 29 — Fisher, G. P. Discussions in history and theology. 1880 442 . 15 — Greg, W. R. Creed of Christendom. ’80. 443.11 — Hughes, J. and Breckinridge, J. Oral discussion. 1836 418 . 17 — Lord, J. John Calvin — Protestant the- ology. 1885 ..In 735.6.3 — Martineau, Jas. Materialism, religion and. 1877 443.21 — Mulford, E. Republic of God. 1881 ... 427.5 — Sheldon, H. C. History of Christian doctrine. 1886 445.1 — Smyth, Newman. Old faiths in new light. 1879 423.5 Orthodox theology of to-day. 1881.. 443.17 — Somerset, Duke of. Christian theology and modern skepticism . 1872 407 . 17 — Strauss, D. F. Old faith and the new. ’73. 402.23 — Walker, J. B. Philosophy of the plan of salvation. 1855 433.1 See also entries and references under Relig- ion (Various headings) . Theophilus. Writings (A.-N. C. lib., v. 3). 415 . 1 TheophIlus and others. Dodge, M. M 314 . 27 Theopneusty. Gaussen, S. R. L. 1853. . . 435.11 Theresa, Saint. Lord, J, Saint Theresa — Religious enthusiasm In 735.6.5 Thermometry. Seguin, E. Family. 1873. 813.29 Thesaurus of English words and phrases. Roget, P. M. 1855 307.5 “These sayings of mine.” [Sermons.] Theuriet, Andre. Gerard’s marriage. ’77. 44.4 Thibet. Hue, E. R. Journey through, [1844r-6.] 502.21 — Wilson, A. Abode of snow. 1875 516.6 Thief in the night. Spofford, H. P. Fict. 7.25 Thiers, L. A. Consulate and empire of Napoleon, [1799-1815.] 5v 702.1 — History of the French revolution. [1789-99.] 2 v 702.3 — Le Goff, F. Life of. 1879 625.3 — MacCarthy, J. Modern leaders. 1872. 607.5 Thinkers and thinking. Garretson, J. E . . 402 . 24 Thiodolph, the Icelander. La Motte Fouque, Baron de 132 . 15 Third gallery of portraits. Gilfillan, G. ’55. 301 . 24 Thirty years at sea. Shippen, E. 1878.. 512.19 Thirty years in the harem. Melek-Hanum, Mme 602.4 Thirty years: poems. Craik, Mrs. D. M. . 218.1 Thirty years’ view. Benton, T. H. 2 v. ’54. 904 . 18 Thirty years with Indian tribes. School- craft, H. R. 1851 511.24 This, that, and the other. Chandler, E. L. 8.7 Thiusen, Ismar, pseud. Diothas; or, a far lookahead. 1883 56.23 Tholuck, A. F. G. Select discourses. In 438.15 Thomas a’ Becket. See Becket, Thomas. Thomas a’ Kempis. Imitation of Christ.. . 432.4 Thomas, Annie. See Cudlip, A. Thomas, B. George Sand. (Famous women.) 627.1.3 Thomas, Edith M. A new year’s masque and other poems. 1885 215.18 Thomas, Gen. G. H. Johnson, R. W. Mem- oir of. 1881 623.12 Thomas, H. W. Origin and destiny of man. [Sermons.] 1877 425.21 Thomas, J. Elpis Israel; [also] Chrono- logy of the scriptures. 1867 434.16 Thomas, J. [Lippincott’s] Universal pro- nouncing dictionary of biography and mythology, [cop. 1870.] *B . 22 Thomas, J. J. American fruit culturist. ’67. 804.8 — Farm implements. 1869 813.26 Thomas Wingfold, curate. Macdonald, G. 141.4 Thomes, W. H. Life in the East Indies. Fict 23.27 Thompson, Sir B., Count Rumford. [Brief life of.] In 1001.8.10 — Ellis, G. E. Life of. 1871 615.6 — Ren wick, J. Life of In 601.1.5 Thompson, D. P. Centeola, and other tales. 63 . 13 — - Green mountain boys. [cop. 1848.] 8.10 — Locke Amsden; or, the schoolmaster. 15.2 Thompson, Ella W. Beaten paths; or, a woman’s vacation [in Europe]. 1874. 514.32 Thompson, G. Missionary labors in west- ern Africa. 1852 503.4 — Prison life [in Missouri, for aiding slaves]. 606 . 18 Thompson, Sir H. Food and feeding. 1884. 844.34 Thompson, Joseph P. Church and state in the United States. 1873 902 . 16 — Man in Genesis and geology. 1872 807.26 — The United States as a nation. 1877 . . . 911 . 31 — The workman; his false and true friends. 914.4 Thompson, L. O. How to conduct prayer- meetings. 1880 423 . 10 Thompson, Maurice. At love’s extremes . . 58.25 — His second campaign. 1883 146 . 27 — How to train in archery. 1879 823 . 37 — Witchery of archery. 1878 823.7 Thompson, O. Sermons, v. 1. 1850 401 . 13 Thompson, R. E. Social science and na- tional economy. 1875 914.32 Thompson, R. W. Papacy and the civil power. 1876 418.6 Thompson, Slason, ed’r. The humbler poets : a collection of newspaper and period- ical verse. 1886 212 . 20 Thompson, W. T. Major Jones’ chronicles of Pineville. 1843 44.30 — Major Jones’ courtship and travels. 1848. 44.29 Thomson, J ames. Poetical works . 1853 . . 214.29 Contents. — The seasons; Poems; Songs; Britannia; Liberty. — Howitt, W. Homes of British poets. . . 615.15 — Johnson, S. Lives of English poets. . . . 643.17 Thomson, John. The straits of Malacca, Indo-China, and China [1862- 72] 511.4 Thomson, K. B., and J. C. [Grace and Philip Wharton.] Queens of society. 632.10 Contents.— Sarah Churchill, duchess of Marlborough.; Madame Roland ; Lady Mary Wortley Montagu ; Georgi- ana, duchess of Devonshire: Letitia Elizabeth Landon; Madame de Sevigne; Sydney Lady Morgan; Jane, duchess of Gordon; Madame Recamier ; Lady Hervey ; Madam de Stael; Mrs. Thrale Piozzi; Lady Caroline Lamb; Anne Seymour Darner; La marquise du Def- fand; Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu; Mary Herbert, countess of Pembroke; La marquise de Maintenon. THOMSON. 245 TILESTON. Thomson, K. B. and J. C., continued . — Wits and beaux of society. 1861 613 . 17 Contents. — George Villiers, 2d duke of Buckingham; Count de Grammont, St. Evremond and Lord Rocbes- ter; Beau Fielding ; Clubs and club- wits under Anne; William Congreve; Beau Nash; Philip, duke of Whart- on; Lord Hervey ; P. D. Stanhope, 4th earl of Chester- field; Abbe Scarron; Due de la Rochefoucault and the Due de Saint-Simon; Horace Walpole; George Selwyn; R. B. Sheridan; Beau Brummell, T. E. Hook; Sydney Smith ; G. B. Dodington ; Lord Melcombe. Thomson, M. M. Doesticks and what he says. 1855 31.4 Thomson, W., ed’r. Aids to faith: essays.. 438.17 Contents— Mansel, H. L., On miracles ; Fitzgerald, W., Evidences of Christianity; McCaul, A., Prophecy; Cook, F, C., Ideology and subscription; McCaul, A., The Mosaic record of creation; Rawlinson, G., Genuineness and authenticity of the Pentateuch; Browne, E. H., Inspiration; Thomson, W., The death of Christ; Elli- cott, C. J., Scripture and its interpretation. Thomson, W. M. Land and the book. 2 v. Illus. 1871 505.14 Same. 3 v. Illus. 1880-6. 528.15 Contents— v. 1, Southern Palestine and Jerusalem, v. 2, Central Palestine and Phoenicia, v. 3, Lebanon, Damascus, and beyond Jordan. Thor, Land of. Browne, J. R. 1870 508.8 Thoreau, H.D. Cape Cod. 1856 506.26 — Early spring in Massachusetts. 1881 . . 838 . 40 — Excursions, with memoir. 1866 311.10 — Letters; Poems. 1865 605.5 — The Maine woods. 1864 524.27 — Walden. [Life in the woods.] 1870 308.29 — Week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers. 1868 301.29 — A Yankee in Canada, with anti-slavery and reform papers. 1866 311 . 11 — Channing, W. E. Thoreau; the poet- naturalist. 1873 632 . 5 — Flagg, W. Woods and by-ways of New England. 1872 522.24 — Lowell, J. R. My study windows. 1871. 332 . 13 — Sanborn, F. B. Henry D. Thoreau. ’82. 624.12.3 Thornbury, Walter. History of the buc- caneers. Illus 718.1 — Life in Spain. 1859 525 . 14 Thorne, P., pseud. See Smith, M. P. W. Thornicroft’s model. Beaumont, A 36.38 Thornton, Jacqueline. Di Cary. 1879... 47.3 Thornton, R. St. Ambrose: his life, etc. . 423.14.3 Thorpe, B., ed’r. Yule-tide stories: popu- lar tales and traditions, from the Swe- dish, Danish and German. 1853 131 . 22 Thorpe Regis. Peard, Frances M 36.446 Thorvaldsen, Bertel or Albert. Plon, E. Life and works of. Illus. 1874 816 . 5 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men 614.14 Those boys. Foster, Mrs. I. H. Juv 81.21 “ Those holy fields.” Palestine. Manning, S. 528 . 9 Thoughts about art. Hamerton, P. G. ’71. 804.27 Thoughts and things at home and abroad. Burritt, E. 1854 304.2 Thoughts on personal religion. Goulburn, E. M. 1873 408.38 Thousand and one gems of Eng. poetry. Mackay, C 206.5 Thousand and one nights. See Arabian nights’ entertainments. Thousand and one stories. Goodrich’ S. G. 332 . 10 Thousand characters. Lenderman, — . ’66. 303 . 13 Thousand miles walk across South Amer- ica. Bishop, N. H 522 . 29 Thrall, H. S. History of Texas. 1876 . . . 738 . 8 Threading my way [autobiography]. Owen, R. D....» 632.4 Three books of song. Longfellow, H. W. 211.24 Three English statesmen. Smith, Goldwin. 606 . 13 Three eras of a woman’s life. Arthur, T. S. Fict 31.29 Three feathers. Black, W. Fict 42.18 Three guardsmen. Dumas, Alex. Fict.. 42.1 Three little spades. [Gardening.] War- ne^S 24.41 Three people. Alden, Mrs. I. M 81.18 Three proverb stories. Alcott, L. M 74.3 Note .— Same as “Kitty’s class-day.” Three scouts. Trowbridge, J. T. Juv ... 22.22 Three successful girls. Crouch, Julia 33.27 Three Yassar girls in England. Champ- ney, L. W. Fict 531 . 10 Three villages. Howells, W. D. 1884 522.6 Three voyages round the world. Cook, J. 525.20 Three years in a man-trap. [Temperance tales.] Arthur, T. S 43.14 Thrift. Smiles, S 415.4 Throat and voice. Cohen, J. S. 1879 833.14.5 Throne of David. Ingraham, J. H. Fict. 43.17 Through a needle’s eye. Stretton, Hesba. 138.22 Through by daylight. Adams, W. T. Juv. 72.3.1 Through night to light. Spielhagen, F. . . 11.28 Through one administration. Burnett, Mrs. F. H 54.22 Through the dark continent. Stanley, H. M. 2 v 513.9 Through the dark to the day. Willing, Mrs. Jennie 81.12 Thrown together. Montgomery, Florence. 36.404 Thrust out. [Scottish reformation.] Fict. 64.18 Thucydides. Hist, of the Peloponnesian war. 2 v 1020.16 — Thucydides [outlined and explained], by W. L. Collins. 1878 1021.7 Thunder and lightning. Fonvielle, W de. 813 . 17 — Henry, Joseph. Instructions for obser- vations of thunder storms; Directions for constructing lightning rods. (Smith, misc. col., v. 10.) *8501 . 1 See also Meteorology. Thurston, R. H. Growth of the steam en- gine. 1878 815.4.24 Thwarted. Montgomery, Florence. Juv. 36.403 Thwing, C. F. American colleges; their students and work. 1878 417.27 — The reading of books. 1883 426 . 38 Tibullus [ outlined and explained], by J. Davies. 1877 1021.2 Tickell, T. Poetical works, with life. In 203.4 Ticknor, A. E. An American family in Paris. Fict. 1870 24.33 Ticknor, G. Hist, of Spanish literature. 3 v. 1854 312.5 — Life of W. H. Prescott. 1864 607.4 — Hillard, G. S. Life and letters of. 2 v. 612.30 Ticonderoga. [Old French war.] James, G. P. R 34.38 Tieck, L. The elves; The goblet. 1874.. 133.15 Tierman, M. F. Homoselle. Fict. 1881. 141.29 Tiger hunter. The. Reid, M. Fict 3.23 Tigers and traitors. Verne, J. (Steam house, pt. 2.) 1881 141 . 22 Tight squeeze [as a tramp]. Staets,W. Fict. 46.18 Tilden, S. J. Cook, T. P. Life of. 1876. 624.27 Tileston, Mrs. M. F., ed’r. Classic heroic ballads. 1883 216.2 — Quiet hours. [Poems of nature and re- ligion.] 2 v. 1881-2 211.14 — Tender and true: poems of love. 1883.. 211.30 TILL. 246 TOWNSEND. Till the doctor comes, and how to help him. Hope, G. H. 1871 814.34 Tilton, Theodore. Tempest tossed 1874. 143 . 25 Timayenis, T. T. Greece in the times of Homer. 1885 523 . 3 — Hist, of Greece, to present time. 2 v. ’81. 725 . 11 Timbs, J. Abbeys, castles, and ancient halls of England and Wales. 3 v. 1873.. 501.10 — Century of anecdote, 1760-1860 326.15 — Inventors and discoverers. 1860 636.12 — Wonderful inventions. 1867 837.25 Time and tide. Roe, A. 8 . Juv 74.14 Times of alchemy. Topelius, Z. Fict 54.5.6 Times of battle and rest. Topelius, Z. Fict. 54.5.2 Times of Charles XII. Topelius Z. Fict . 54.5.3 Times of Frederick I. Topelius, Z. Fict. 54.5.4 Times of Gustaf Adolf. Topelius, Z. Fict. 54.5.1 Times of Linnaeus. Topelius, Z. Fict 54.5.5 Timon of Athens [tragedy]. See Shakespeare. Tin, sheet iron, and copper plate workers. Blinn, L. J. 1880 838.4 Tincker, Mary A. By the Tiber. 1881 . . . 141 . 9 — Jewel in the lotos. 1884 55.23 — Signor Monaldini’s niece. 1879 145 . 5 Tiny houses and their builders. [Birds.].. 832.6 Tiny’s library. Phelps, E. 8. 4 v 76.8 Tip Lewis and his lamp. Alden, Mrs. I. M. 81 . 19 Tischendorp, C. New Testament, the au- thorized version; with introduction and various readings from the most celebrated manuscripts of the original Greek text. 1869 432 . 30 — When were our gospels written? with narrative of the discovery of the Sina- itic manuscript 414 . 4 Tissandier, G. Wonders of water. 1872. 813.14 Titan: a romance. Richter, J. P. F. 2 v. . 18.13 Titcomb, T imothy, pseud. See Holland, J.G. Titian [Tiziano Yecellio]. Clement, C. E. Painters, etc. Illus *D 3 and 834 . 11 — Lanzi, L. History of painting, v. 2 . . . 822 . 3 — Ruskin, J. Modern painters. [See In- dex, v. 5.] 1871 805.2 — Sweetser, M. F. Artist biographies, v. 2. 626 . 5 — Vasari, G. Lives of the painters, v. 5. . 618.10 Titles of the first books of the 15th cen- tury, etc. See Dawkins, R. C. 1884. *428.3 Titmarsh, Michael Angelo, pseud. See Thackeray, W. M. Titus Andronicus [tragedy]. See Shakes- peare. To leeward. Crawford, F. M . Fict 55.28 To the sun. Verne, J. Fict 55.1 Toasts. Book of, etc.; ed. by W. B. Dick. 326.20 — Every Saturday, v. 13 In *1007.9 Tobacco. Axon, W. E. A. Physiological position of. 1872 In 8501.16.2 — Coles, L. B. On tobacco-using. 1851 . In 837 . 7 — Fiske, J. Tobacco and alcohol. 1869 . . 808 . 5 — Handy, M. P. Manufacture of In 1004.1.47 — Hassall, A. H. Tobacco and its adul- terations. 1855 In 806.23 — Higginson, T. W. A new counter-blast. In 307.15 — Livermore, A. A. and others. Anti-to- bacco [and other lectures]. 1883 842 . 36 — Lizars, J. Use and abuse of. 1872 807.30 — Nordhoff, C. A pipe of. Illus In 1004.1.20 — Parton, James. Smoking. 1868 802.3 — Richardson, B. W. Diseases of modern life, p. 273-323 835.27 — Thorpe, T. B. History and mystery of. Illus In 1004.1.11 Toby Tyler. Otis, James. Juv 87.30 Tocqueville, A. de. Democracy in Amer- ica. 2 v. 1873 904.7 — Memoir, letters and remains. 2 v. 1861 . 606 . 12 — Greg, W. R. M de Tocqueville. ’73. In 332.4 Tod as. Travels among the. [South India.] Marshall, W. E. 1873 ! 521.11 Todd, John. Lectures to children. 1874.. 423.11 — Story of his life. 1876 612.27 — Student’s manual. 1873 402.17 Toilers of the sea. Hugo, Victor. Fict.. 34.11 Toilet. Cooley, A. J. The toilet and cos- metic arts. 2v. 1873 818.23 — Power, S. D. Ugly girl papers. 1878 822.32 Toinette : tale of the south. Tourgee, A. W. 138 . 8 Tolstoy, Leo. The Cossacks : a tale of the Caucasus in 1852. 1878 44.10 Tom Brown at Oxford. Hughes, T. 2v.. 5.18 Tom Brown’s school days at Rugby. Hughes, T 5.17 Tom Burke of “ Ours .” Lever, C. 3 v. in 2 36 . 351 Tom Cringle’s log. [Sea story.] Scott, M. 136.24 Tom Jones, History of. Fielding, H 36.211 Tom Sawyer, Adventures of. Clemens, S. L. 82 . 10 Tom Tiddler’s ground. Dickens, C. and others In 36.165 Tomes, R., ed'r. The Americans in J apan, [abridgement of Perry’s expedition, 1852-4.] 506.4 — My college days. 1880 621 . 23 Tommy Try and what he did in science. Napier, C. O. G 23.28 To-morrow of death, The. Figuier, L. ’72 . 407 . 7 Tony Butler. Lever, C. Fict 36.352 Too soon. Macquoid, Katherine S. Fict. 36.368 Too strange not to be true. Fullerton, LadyQ 34.2 Topelius, Z. Surgeon’s stories. 6 v. 1883-4. 54.5 Contents.— 1, Times of Gustaf Adolph, 2, Times of battle and of rest. 3, Times of Charles XII. 4, Times of Frederick I. 5, Times of Linnaeus. 6, Times of alchemy. Torry, C. T. Home; or, the pilgrim’s faith revived. 1845 408 . 7 Torture. Lea, H.C. Superstition and force. 912.3 Tour of the world in eighty days. Verne, J. 63.40 Tourgee, A. W. An appeal to Caesar [for the education of the south]. 1884... 916.21 — Bricks without straw. [Reconstruction and education in the south.] 1880.. 145.21 — Figs and thistles. 1879 46.16 — A fool’s errand. [Reconstruction in the south.] 1880 144.22 — Hot plowshares. 1883 146.24 — John Eax, and Mamelon. 1882 51.11 — Toinette: a tale of the south. 1879 138.8 Toussaint L’Ouverture, F. D. Martineau, H. The hour and the man. Fict... 34.26 — Phillips, Wendell. In his Speeches, etc. 321.5 — Toussaint L’Ouverture and Hayti. In 1001.8.10 Tower hill: historical romance. Ainsworth, W. H 36.31 Tower of London. Dixon, W. H. Her majesty’s tower. 2 v 744.11 and 746.15 Towle, G. M. Young folks’ heroes of his- tory. . 5 v. Illus. 1878-83 515.7 Contents.— v. 1, Vasco da Gama. 2, Pizarro. 3, Magellan. 4, Marco Polo, 5, Ralegh. 6, Drake. Towle, N. C. History and analysis of the constitution of the United States.’73 . 902.17 Townsend, C. Analysis of civil govern- ment, with analysis of the constitu- tion of the United States. 1875 911.22 — Letter- writing, with model business let- lers. 1872 ...... 316.18 TOWNSEND. 247 TRAVELS. Townsend, E. D. Anecdotes of the civil war in the United States. 1884 741.3 Townsend, G. A. The entailed hat. 1884. 56.4 Townsend, G. H. Manual of dates. 1870. *B.5 Townsend, L. T. Art of speech. 2 v. ’81 . 317 . 13 Contents. — v. 1, Studies in poetry and prose. 2, Studies in eloquence and oratory. — The bible and other ancient literature in the nineteenth century. 1885 436.3 — Credo. [Theological essays.] 1873 402.22 Townsend, Virginia F. But a Philistine . . 56.7 — The Hollands. 1869 64.19 — Lenox Dare. 1881 145.26 — Living and loving 62.25 — Mills of Tuxbury. 1871 32.16 — Only girls. 1872 143 . 13 — That queer girl. 1874 58.1 Townshend, C. H. Facts in mesmerism. ’44. 821 . 14 Townshend, S. N. Colorado. [Agricul- ture, etc.] 1879 514.14 Tozer, H. F. Classical geography. [Prim- er.] 1877 314.1.4 Tracy, R. S. Hand-book of Sanitary infor- mation for householders. 18^4 844.30 Tracy’s ambition. Griffin, Gerald 44 13 Trade. See Commerce and trade. Trades. Boy’s book of 811.22 — Hazen, E. Popular technology. 2 v. ’59. 823.15 — Wylde, J. Book of trades 822.35 TRADES-unions. Pinkerton, A. Strikers, etc. 912 . 1 — Reade, C. Put yourself in his place. Fict 34.1 See also references under Political economy. Trading: sequel to “The house in town.” Warner, S 24.34 Trafford, F. G., pseud. See Riddell, J. H. Trafton, Adeline. His inheritance. 1878. 45 . 14 Tragedies. See Dramas {Collections). Traill, C. P. Afar in the forest. [Cana- da.] 1873 28.43 Traill. H. D. Coleridge (Eng. men of let- ters). 1884 616.11.36 — Laurence Sterne (Eng. men of letters). 616.11.30 Training. See Physical education. Trall, R. T. Hydropathic encyclopedia. ’72. 811 . 16 Tramp abroad. [1 ravels.] Clemens, S. L. 513.15 Tramps. . Harris, L. O. The man who tramps. Fict. 1878 144.21 — Pinkerton, A. Strikers, etc. 1878..... 912.1 — Staets, W. A tight squeeze [as a tramp], Fict. 1879 46.18 Transcendentalism. Cook, Jos. Trans- cendentalism. 1876 417.5 — Frothingham, O. B. T ranscendentalism in New England. 1876 416.4 — Watson, J. Schelling’s transcendental idealism. 1882 443 . 38 Transits of Venus. Proctor, R. A 836.30 Transplanted rose. Sherwood, M. E. W . 58.2 Trapping. Batty, J. H. How to hunt and trap. 1878 835.11 — Gibson, W. H. Camp life, trapping, etc . 837.30 See also Hunting. Traps for the young. [Evil reading.] Com- stock, A. 1883 432.23 Trautwine, J. C. Civil engineer’s pocket- book. 1885... 855.7 Travel, war, and shipwreck. Gillmore . . . 527 . 9 Travellek, The; or, meditations. Meikle, J. 1812 408.18 Travelling law school and famous trials. Abbott, B. V. 1884 916.12 Travels and voyages. Guide-books, etc. — Appleton’s general guide to the United States and Canada. 2 v. 1881 516.30 Contents .— v 1, New England and Middle States and Canada. 2, Western and Southern States. Hand-book of American cities . 1877 . 513 . 14 Hand-book of American summer re- sorts. 1881 516.29 Same. 1883 501.4 Hand-book of Am. winter resorts. 1879. 513 . 21 — Harper’s hand-book for travellers in Eu- rope and the East . 1873 *B . 13 — Knox, T. W. How to travel. 1880 516 . 17 — Marcy, R. B. J he prairie traveler; a hand-book. 1859 512.25 — New England; a hand-book. 1873 *B.14 — Rogers, R. V.. jr. Law of hotel life. ’79. 912.31 — Satchel guide to Europe. N. Y., 1876. . 524.7 — Ulyat, W. C. Life at the sea shore. 1880. 516 . 4 — Winser, H. J. Guide to N. Pacific R. R. and allied lines. 1883 501 . 9 General and Miscellaneous. — Abbott, J. Rollo on the Atlantic. Juv. 21.15 — Adams, R. C. On board the “ Rockett ” [in East India trade]. 1879 516.10 — Ballou, M. M. Due West; or, round the world in ten months. 1884 522 . 2 Due South. [Cuba and the tropics.]. 523.20 — Brassey, Mrs. T. Sunshine and storm in the East. [Mediterranean.] 1880. 517.2 Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1876-7 511.19 — Coffin, C. C. Our new way round the world. 1869 511.22 — Coggeshall, G. Thirty-six voyages. [1799- 1841.] 513.7 — Colton, W. Deck and port. [Cruise to California, 1845-6.] 506.24 Sea and sailor. 1856 506.23 Ship and shore. 1856 506 . 22 — Cook, J. Three voyages round the world. 525 . 20 — Dana, R. H. Two years before the mast, [1834-6.] 505.12 — Darwin, Charles. Voyage of a natural- ist round the world. 2 v. 1871 525.17 — Drake. Sir F., Cavendish, T. and Damp- ier, W. Lives and voyages. 1873... 512.24 — Fyfe, J. H. Enterprise beyond the seas. 711.20 — Goodrich, F. B. Ocean’s story. 1875.. 511.20 — Hale E. E. Stories of adventure. 1881 . 721.6.3 Stories of discovery. 1885 721.6.4 Stories of the sea. 1880 721 .6.2 — Hall, C. W. Drifting round the world . . 531 . 4 — Headley, J. T. General Grant’s travels around the world. 1881 526 . 20 — Keating, J. M. With Gen. Grant in the East. 1879 514.31 — Kingston, W. H. G. Notable voyages . . 516 . 1 — Macaulay, Dr. All true; records of peril, etc 317.9 — Many lands and many people. Illus. ’75. 511.11 — Nordenskiold, A. E. Voyage of the Vega. 521 . 2 — Perils of the sea. [Shipwrecks, etc.] ’33. 516.31 — Pfeiffer, I. Lady’s voyage round the world, [1846-7] 502.13 — Pictorial tour of the world: pen and pen- cil sketches of travel, adventure, etc . 517 . 6 — Prime, E. D. G. Around the world, 1869-70 504.6 — Pumpelly, R. Across America and Asia. 1871 527.11 — Revere, J. W. Keel and saddle. 1872 . 505 . 9 TRAVELS. 248 TROLLOPE. Travels and voyages, continued. — Romance of travel. 1869 504.22 — Seward, W. H. Travels around the world. 1874 502.24 — Shippen, E. Thirty years at sea. 1879. 512 . 19 — Simpson, W. Meeting the sun; journey all round the world. 1877 513 . 8 — Smiles, S .,jr. Round the world. By a boy. 1872 527.7 — Spry, W. J. J. Cruise of the “ Challen- ger.” 1877 511.8 — Symondson, F. W. H. Two years abaft the mast. 1884 501.18 — Taylor, Bayard, ed'r. Illustrated library of travel, etc. See his name. — Taylor, B. F. World on wheels. 1874. 332.8 — Towle, G. M. Young folks’ heroes of history. 5v 515.7 Contents- ■ I, Vasco Da Gama. 2, Pizarro. 3, Magellan. 4, Marco Polo. 5, Ralegh. 6, Drake. — Treasury of travel and adventure. 1865. 504 . 24 — Verne, J. Exploration of the world. 3 v. 513.5 Contents.— l. Famous travels and travelers. 2, Great navigators of the eighteenth century. 3, Great explor- ers of the nineteenth century. Tour of the world in eighty days. Fict. 27 . 40 Voyage round the world Fict. 136.15 — Vincent, Frank, jr. Through and through the tropics. 1869 525 . 29 — Whymper, F. ''he sea. Illus 528.12 — Willis, N. P. Health trip to the tropics. 504.16 — Winthrop, T. Canoe and saddle. Isth- miana. 1863 505 . 27 See also Adventures; Arctic regions; East (The); Health resorts; Ocean; also , names of separate coun- tries, etc. Travels in London. Thackeray, W. M. . .301.12.3 Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes. Stevenson, it. L. 1879 514.22 Treadwell, S. H. Martin Luther and his work. 1881 621.25.7 Treasure island [sea tale]. Stevenson, R. L. 56.8 Treasure of the sea. DeMille, J. Fict.. 84.7 Treasures of the deep : the great fisheries. 818 . 9 Treasures of the earth. Jones, W. 1872. 812 . 12 Treasury of geography. Hughes, W. ’75. 522 . 16 Treasury of history. Maunder, S. 1872.715.21 Treasury of knowledge. Chambers, W. andR. 1855 804.22 Treasury of knowledge. Maunder, S. ’73. 314.2 Treasury of natural history [zoology]. Maunder, S. 1874 828 . 29 Treat, Mary. Home studies in nature. ’85. 847.18 Treaties. See United States. Trees. Becquerel, A. C. Forests and their climatic influence. (Smith, rep., ’69.)*8501 . 2 — Browne, D. S. Trees of America. 1846. 821.3 — Bryant, A. Forest trees for shelter, or- nament, etc. 1871 808.13 — Cooper, J. G. On the distribution of forests and trees of North America. (Smith, rep., 1858) *8501 . 2 — Egleston, N. H. Handbook of tree-plant- * ing. 1884 844 . 24 — Elliott, F. R. Popular deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs. 1868. . . 824.31 — Flagg, W. Woods and by-ways of New England. 1872 522.24 Year among the trees [in New Eng- land]. 1881 842.24 — Fuller, A. S. Practical forestry. 1884. 845.10 — Hemsley, W. B. Handbook of hardy trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. 821.4 Trees, continued. — Hough, F. B. Elements of forestry ."82. 841.29 Report on forestry. 1878 831 . 1 — Sargent, C. S. Report on the forests of North America (exclusive of Mexico). See United States : 10th census, v. 9. — Scott, F. J. Suburban home grounds.’81. 854.5 — Springer, J. S. Forest life [Maine]. 1851 504.19 See also Botany; Evergreens; Fruit; Land- scape gardening. Trench, R. C. English past and present.’73. 308 . 15 — Glossary of English words. 1859 332.21 — Gustavus Adolphus in Germany. 1872. 742.10 — Lessons in proverbs, 1866 311.16 — Mediaeval church history. 1878 418.12 Contents .— Conversion of England; Islam; Conver- sion of Germany ; Monasticism; Hildebrand; Crusades; Papacy at its height ; Earlier schoolmen ; Sects of the middle ages; Mendicant orders; Waldenscs; Wiclif and the Lollards; Hus and Bohemia, etc. < — Notes on the parables. 1881 432.9 — On miracles. 1880 427.7 — On the study of words. 1872 308.19 Trench, W. S. Realities of Irish life. ’69. 132.5 Trenck, F., Baron. Memoirs. 1788 612.5 Trescot, W. H. Diplomatic history of ad- ministrations of Washington and 0 Adams, 1789-1801 904.14 Trespassers. [Animals]. Wood, J. G 831.16 Tressilian and his friends. Mackenzie, R. S. Fict 33.20 Trevlyan, G. O. Early history of C. J. Fox. 1880 623.2 •*— Life and letters of Lord Macaulay. 2 v. 612 . 31 Trial, The ; sequel to “ Daisy chain.” Yonge, C. M 36.609 Trials. Abbott, B. V. Famous trials. In 912 . 16 — Cases of circumstantial evidence Zn.1001.8.1 Trials and confessions of a housekeeper. Arthur, T. S 134.19 Tribulations of a Chinaman. Verne, J. . 45.7 Tricotrin: story of a waif. Rame, L. dela. 36.456 Trigonometry. Legendre, A. M. Elements of. Adapted by C. Davies. 1882 . . . 821 . 22 — Olney, E. Trigonometry and geometry. 2 v. in 1. 1880 841.13 Trimmer, Mrs . S. K. Story of the robins. 82 . 8 Trinity. Dana, M. S. B. Letters on the . 407 . 21 — Summerbell, N. and Flood, J. M. Dis- cussion on the. 1855 407 . 15 Trip to England. Winter, W. 1879 522.21 Tripp, G. H. Student life at Harvard. Fict. 144 . 6 Tristram, H. B, Land of Israel, [1863-4]. 527.19 — Land of Moab. Illus. 1873 503 . 8 Tristram Shandy. Sterne, Laurence 36.513 Triumphs of invention and discovery. Fyfe, J.H 802.11 Troilus and Cressida[tragedy]. See Shakes- peare. Trois-Etoiles, pseud. See Murray, G. Trollope, Anthony. The American sena- tor. 1877.. 47.36 — Australia and New Zealand. 2 v. 1873. 501.29 — Autobiography. 1883 643.4 — Barchester towers. 1859 36 . 534 — Belton estate. 1866 36 . 535 — The Bertrams. 1859 36.536 — Can you forgive her? 1874 133.11 — Castle Richmond. 1860 36 . 537 — The Claverings. 1867 36.538 — Commentaries of Caesar [explained]. ’75.1020.22 — Doctor Thorne. 1870 4.19 — Eustace diamonds. 1873 64.4 TROLLOPE. 249 TULLOCH. Trollope, Anthony, continued. — Framley parsonage. 1861 36 . 539 — Golden lion of Granpere. 1872 36.540 — Harry Heathcote of Gangoil 36 . 541 — He knew he was right 34.4 — Lady Anna. 1873 36.543 — Last chronicle of Barset. 2 v. 1872. . . 36.544 — Life of Cicero. 2 v. 1881 622.16 — Life of W. M. Thackeray. 1879 616.11.10 — Nina Balatka: story of a maiden of Prague. 1867 36.412 — North America [travels, 1861-2]. 2 v. . . 501.30 — Orleyfarm. 2v. 1862 36.545 ■ — Phineas Finn, the Irish member. 1868. 61.38 — The prime minister. 1876 42.28 — Rachel Ray. 1863 36.547 — Ralph the heir . : 36 . 548 — Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite . . 36 . 549 — Small house of Allington. 1864 61.14 — Struggles of Brown, Jones and Robin- son. By one of the firm. 1875 42.23 — Vicar of Bullhampton. 1870 36.551 — The warden. 1859 36.552 — West Indies and the Spanish main [1859], 503 . 15 Trollope, T. A. Dream numbers. [Life in Italy.] 11.2 — The Garstangs of Garstang grange. ’70. 36.553 — Leonora Cassaloni. [Tale of Italy] 11.1 — Lindisfarn chase. 1865 17.7 — Marietta. [Tale of Tuscany.] 11.3 — A siren. [Tale of Italy.] 1870 36 . 554 Tropics. Hartwig, G. Tropical world. ’73 . 831 . 17 — Vincent, F.,jr. Through and through the. 525.29 — Wallace, A. R. Tropical nature, etc.’78. 825.17 — Willis, N. P. Health trip to the. 1853. 504.16 Trotting horse of America. Woodruff, H . 808 . 14 Trotty book. Phelps, Eliz. S. 1669. 82.5 Trotty’s wedding tour. Phelps, Eliz. S . . 28.31 Troubadours. Costello, L. S. Early French poetry 218.28 — Longfellow, H. W. Poets and poetry of Europe. [Lyric poems of the trouba- dours.] 207.2 — Preston, H. W. Troubadours and trou- veres. 1876 206.16 — Sismondi, J. C. L. de. Literature of the south of Europe 302.6.1 — T roubadours and trouveres In 1001.9.6 Troublesome daughters. Walford, L. B. . 48.21 Trout culture. Green, S. 1870 821.21 Trowbridge, J. T. Chance for himself. ’72. 28 . 10 — Coupon bonds, and other stories. 1884 . 58.28 — Cudjo’s cave. [Civil war in Tennessee.] . 28.40 — Doing his best. 1873 87.24 — Drummer boy. 1884 84.13 — Emigrant’s story, etc. 1874 211.18 — Farnell’s folly. 1885 57.16 — Fast friends. 1874 87.22 — Great match. 1877 46.3 — Jack Hazard and his fortunes. 1871. . . 25.13 — Lawrence’s adventures among the ice- cutters, glass-makers, etc. 1870 88.21 — Martin Merrivale. 1875 75.7 — Neighbor Jackwood. 1876 136.7 — Hatin-wood box. 1886 84.23 — Silver medal stories. 6 v. 1880-2: 1. Silver medal 82.27 2. Young Joe and other boys 78.16 3. His own master 88.25 4. Bound in honor 84.14 5. Pocket-rifle 84.15 • 6. Jolly rover 84.16 Trowrridge, J. T., continued. — Three scouts. [Civil war]. 1865 22.22 — Young surveyor 87.23 — Poets’ homes. [Sketch of T.] 1877 622.6.1 Trowbridge, W. P. Heat, steam genera- tors and heat-engines. 1874 841 . 5 Troy. Benjamin, S. G. W. Troy: its le- gend, history, etc. 1880 724.6 — Grote, G. Legend of Troy. {In his Hist, of Greece, v. 1, ch. 15.) 713.11 — Schliemann, H. Troy and its remains . . 508 . 30 See also Homer. True, and other stories. Lathrop, G. P . . . 57.14 True, The, and the beautiful in nature, etc. Ruskin, J 808.27 True as steel. Terhune, M. V 4.16 True, beautiful and good. Cousin, M. V. . 402 . 2 True Christian religion. Swedenborg, E. 414.10 True manliness. Hughes, T 425 . 23 True order of studies. Hill, T 416 . 2 True path. Arthur, T. S., ed'r 62.16 True republic. Stickney, A. 1879 912 . 18 True stories from ancient history. Strick- land, A 716.19 True stories from history and biography. Hawthorne, N. 614 . 10 True stories from modern history. From Charlemagne to Waterloo. Strick- land, A 716.20 True tales for my grandsons. Baker, S. W. 1884 85.1 Truesdell, J. W. Bottom facts concern- ing spiritualism. 1883 432 . 3 Trumbull, H. Discovery of America, with Indian wars. 1822 726 . 2 Trumbull, J. M’Fingal ; an epic poem.’81. 218.10 Trumbull, J. H., ed'r. Public records of the colony of Connecticut, 1636-’67. 2 v. 1850-2 748.5 — The true-blue laws of Connecticut and New Haven, and the false blue-laws invented by the Rev. S. Peters. 1876. 911.26 TRUMPET-major. Hardy, T. Fict ... 145.27 Trumps, pseud., [W. B. Dick]. American Hoyle. 1880 835.14 Trumps. Curtis, G. W. Fict 132.9 Trust and the remittance. [Poem ] Clarke, M. C 204.13 Truths for to-day. [Sermons.] Swing, D. 412.8 Try again. Adams, W. T. Juv 72.2.4 Try and trust. Alger, H. Juv 84.2.1 Tryon, G. W .,jr. Structural and system- atic conchology. 3v.ini. 1882.... 846.12 Tsar’s window. Hooper, Mrs. L. H. Fict . 141 . 26 Tsohudi, J. J. von. Peruvian antiquities. See Rivero, M. E. 1855 711. 8 Tucker, Charlotte, [A. L. O. E.\ Hebrew heroes. Juv. 1869 143.9 — Shepherd-king, [King David]. Juv. ’69. 23.21 — Victory stories. 3v.ini. 1877 86.29 322.8 502.6 Tuckerman, B. Hist, of Eng. prose fiction. Tuckerman, C. K. Greeks of to-day. 1873. Tuckerman, H. T. Book of the artists; American artist life, with an account of notable pictures and private col- lections. 1867 821 . 12 — Life of J. P. Kennedy. 1871 624.25 Tuckey, J. Joan of Arc, “the maid.” 1880.621.25.3 Tuke, D. H. Influence of the mind upon the body in health and disease. 1884. 843.24 Tulloch, J. How to succeed in life. 1879 . 421 . 9 — Life of Pascal. 1878 636.7.3 32 TUNIS. 250 TYLER 0 Tunis. Hesse- Wartegg, E. Y. Tunis; the land and people. 1882 526 . 18 Tupper, M. F. Works, v. 2. 1851 302.12 Contents .— An author’s mind; Essays; Prob- abilities. — Proverbial philosophy. 1846 203.21 Turgenieff, Ivan S. Dimitri Roudine.’73 . 48.7 — Fathers and sons. 1872 63.38 — Liza. 1873 63.23 — Mumu; Diary of a superfluous man. ’84. 56.14 — On the eve. 1873 63.19 — Smoke. 1872 63.26 — Spring floods; A Lear of the steppe. ’74 137.17 — Virgin soil. 1877 137.18 Turkey. History, etc. — Blochwitz, J. Brief history of. 1877 . . 716 . 7 — Clark, E. L. Races of European Tur- key. 1878 751.11 Contents.— Byzantine empire ; Modern Greeks and the Albanians; Turkish Slavonians, the Wallachians and the Gypsies. — Creasy, E. S. Historv of the Ottoman Turks. 1877.... * 716.6 — Milner, T. The Turkish empire 716.9 — O’Connor, J. D. History of. 1877 716 . 24 — Universal history. 60 v. 1779 84. See Indexes in 707.1.18 and 708.1.38 See also Crimea ( Crimean war ) ; Russo-Turk- ish war ; Saracens . Travels and Description. — Adams, W. T. Cross and crescent. Jav. 73.5.3 — Baker, James. Turkey. Maps. 1877.. 511.5 — Dwight, H. O. Turkish life in war time. 724.12 — Hamlin, Cyrus. Among the Turks. ’77. 525.11 — Mackenzie, G. M. and Irby, A. P. Trav- els in Slavonic provinces of Turkey- in-Europe. 1866 517.10 — Morris, E. J. Tour through. 2 v. 1842. 505 . 5 — Prime, E. D. G. Forty years in the Turkish empire; or, memoirs of Rev. W. Goodell, [1823 65.] 637.10 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel, [1835-6]. 2 v 505.13 — Warburton, E. Crescent and the cross.’52. 501 . 32 See also Armenia; Constantinople; East (The); Palestine; Syria. Turkistan. Burnaby, F. Ride to Khiva [in 1875] 525.3 — Schuyler, E. Journey in. 2 v. 1877.. 524.21 — Vambery, A. Travels in central Asia, [1863] 502.27 Turner, D.W. Hints and remedies for the treatment of common accidents and diseases. 1882 844 . 27 Turner, H. Chaucer tales retold for chil- dren. See Storr, F. 1880 82.7 Turner, J. M. W. Clement, C. E. Paint- ers, etc: a hand-book. ’79. *D.3 and 834.11 — Hamerton, P. G. Etchings and etchers. 826 . 2 Life of Turner. 1879 635.11 — Nordhoff, C. Gossip about a great painter In 1004.1.22 — Ruskin, J. Modern painters. [See In- dex, v. 5.] 805.2 — Sweetser, M. F. Artist biographies. ’81. 626.5.3 — Tytler, S. Modern painters. 1874 808.31 Turner, W. W. Jack Hopeton. 1868 18.7 Turning. Turner’s companion. 1872 838 . 7 Turning of the tide. Kellogg, E. Juv... 25.43 Tuscan wedding, A. Blagden, Isa. Fict. 36.44 Tuscany. Crawford, M. S. Life in. 1859. 527.14 Tuthill, Mrs. L. C. Braggadocio. Juv.. 78.23 — Get money. Juv. 1865 78.24 — Queer bonnets. Juv. 1865 78.25 Tuthiul, W. B. Lessons in architectural drawing. 1881 851 . 30 Tuttle, E. B. Boy’s book about Indians.’73 . 91.15 Tuttle, H. German political leaders. ’76. 613.20.4 — History of Prussia to accession of Fred- erick the great, 1134-1740. 1884 746.18 Tuttle, W. Tuttle, J. F. Life of. 1852. 601.4 Twain, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, S. L. Tweedie, W. K. Earnest men: their life and work. 1872 632 . 8 — Jerusalem; pictorial, descriptive. 1877. 516.27 Twelfth night [comedy]. &ee,Shakespeare. T welve decisive battles' of the war [1861-5]. Swinton, W. 1871 747.4 Twelve miles from a lemon, etc. [Essays.] Dodge, M. A. 1374.. 332.3 Twelve nights in the hunters’ camp. Bar- rows. W 74.24 Twelve years a slave. Northup, S. 1853.606.27 Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Verne, J 143 . 19 Twenty years after. Dumas, A 42.2 Twenty years ago. [Journal of a girl’s res- idence in Paris.] Craik, D. M., ed’r. 24.25 Twenty years of an African slaver. Canot, Captain. 1854 518 . 21 Twenty years of Congress. Blaine, J. G. 2 v. 1884-6 915.11 Twice told tales. Hawthorne, N. 2 v . 135.17 and 3.17 Twin cousins. Clarke, R. S. Juv 71.2.4 Twining, Eliz. The plant world. 1866 . . . 802 . 10 Twins of Table mountain, etc. Harte, Bret. 145 . 6 Two admirals. Cooper, J. F 2.36 Two apprentices. Howitt, Mary. Juv 91.8 Two aristocracies. Gore, Mrs. C. F . Fict. 36.239 Two baronesses. Andersen, H. C. Fict... 22.38 Two brothers, etc. [Poems.] Bickersteth, E. H 202.16 Two captains. La Motte Fouque, Baron de. 131.2 Two Cosmos: tale of fifty years ago. 1861. 36.558 Two drovers. Scott, Sir W 12.20 Two family mothers. Schwartz, Maria S. . 42.39 Two fortune-seekers, etc. Johnson, R and others. Juv 87.9 Two French marriages. Jenkin, Mrs. C.. 36.270 Two gentlemen of Verona, [comedy]. See Shakespeare. Two guardians. Yonge, Charlotte M 36 . 610 Two little waifs. Molesworth, Mrs. M 83.3 Two little wooden shoes. Rame, L. de la.. 36.457 Two marriages. Craik, Mrs. D. M 13.2 Two queens, History of. Dixon, W. H. 3 v. 643.11 Tw6 thousand miles on horseback: Santa Fe and back. Meline, J. F. 1868.. . 512.6 Two vocations, The. Charles, Mrs. E. Fict. 134.20 Two years abaft the mast. Symondson, F. W. H. 1884 501.18 Two years ago. Kingsley, C 14.6 Two years before the mast [1834-6]. Dana, R. H 505.12 Two years behind the plough [Pennsylva- nia]. 1878 836.27 Two years of school-life. Pressense, E. de. 28.2 Tyerman, L. Life of John Wesley. 3 v.’72. 604.9 Tyler, K. E. Story of a Scandinavian summer. 1881 526 . 7 Tyler, M. C. Brawnville athletic club. [Humorous.] 1869 325.9 — History of American literature, v. 1-2.’ 78. 312 . 6 Contents.— v. 1, 1607-1676. v. 2, 1677-1765. TYLER 251 UNITED. Tyler, W. S. Memoir of Rev. H. Lobdell. 1859 605.21 Tylney hall. Hood, Thomas. Fict 34.16 Tyloe, E. B. Anthropology. Illus. 1881. 824.3 Contents.— Man, ancient and modern; Man and other animals ; Races of mankind ; Language ; Language and race; Writing; Arts of life; Arts of pleasure ; Science; The spirit-world ; History and mythology ; Society. — Early history of mankind and the devel- opment of civilization. 1868 841.10 Contents.— Introduction ; Gesture-language and word- language; Picture-writing and word -writing; Images and names; Growth and decline of culture; Stone age —past and present; Fire, cooking and vessels; Some remarkable customs; Historical traditions and myths of observation; Geographical distribution of myths; Concluding remarks. — Primitive culture: researches into the development of mythology, philoso- phy, religion, language, art and cus- tom. 2 v. 1877.. 825.16 Contents.— x. 1, Science of culture; Development of culture ; Survival in culture ; Emotional and imitative language; Art of counting; Mythology; Animism, v. 2, Animism, continued; Rites and ceremonies; Con- clusion. Tyndall, J. Contributions to molecular physics in the domain of radiant heat. 1873 825.22 — Faraday as a discoverer. 1868 602 . 14 — Floating matter in the air. 1882 841 . 21 — Forms of water in clouds and rivers, ice and glaciers. 1872 815.4.1 — Fragments of science. 1871 803.6 Contents.— Constitution of nature; Prayer and natu- ral law; Miracles and special providences: Matter and force; An address to students; Scope and limit of sci- entific materialism ; Scientific use of the imagination ; Radiation ; Radiant heat and its relations ; Chemical rays and' the structure and light of the sky ; Dust and disease ; Life and letters pf Faraday ; Elementary lec- ture on magnetism ; Shorter articles ; Slates, Death by lightning, Science and spirits, Vitality, Additional remarks on miracles. — Glaciers of the Alps. 1861 506 . 5 — Heat considered as a mode of motion.’72. 803 . 5 — Hours of exercise in the Alps. 1871 . . . 525 . 25 — Notes on light and electricity. 1871. . . . 803 . 7 — Scientific addresses. 1872 In 812.32.1 Contents.— Methods and tendencies of physical inves- tigation: Haze and dust; Scientific use of the imagina- tion. — Scientific use of the imagination. 1872.. 821.25 — Sound. 1867 803.8 — Pop. sci. mo., 1872. [Sketch of.] 8501.16.1 Tyng, S. H. Forty years experience in Sun- day schools. 1869 417.24 — Office and duty of a Christian pastor.’74. 412 . 4 Typee. [Polynesian life.] Mellville, H. Fict. 504 . 26 Tyrol. Edwards, A. B. Untrodden peaks and unfrequented valleys. 1873 501.25 — Grohman, W. A. B. Gaddings with a primitive people. ] 878 . . * 512 . 13 Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Christian art and sym- bolism. 1872 437.9 — Our sketching club. 1875 831 . 7 Tyson, G. E. Arctic experiences. See Blake, E. Y 524.15 Tytler, S., pseud. See Keddie, Miss H. Uarda. Ebers, G. Fict 2v 48.22 Ueberweg, F. History of philosophy. 2 v. 416.1 Contents.— x. 1, Ancient and mediaeval. 2, Modern. Ugly girl papers [on the toilet]. Power, S. D. 822 . 32 Uhlhorn, Gerhard. Christian charity in the ancient church. 1883 431 . 1 1 — Conflict of Christianity with heathenism. 431 . 10 Ultima Thule. [Poems.] Longfellow, H.W. 211.15 Ulyat, W. C. Life at the sea shore. 1880. 516 . 4 Unawares. Peard, Frances M 36.447 Uncivilized races of men. Wood, J. G. 2 v. 854.4 Uncle Barney’s fortune. May, C. L 76.7.3 Uncle Gabe Tucker. Macon, J. A 327.1 Uncle Jack’s executors. Noble, A. L 138.16 Uncle John. Melville, G. J. W 36.401 Uncle Ralph. Paul, M. A. 1858 36.585 Uncle Remus. [Plantation folk-lore.] Har- ris, J. C 317.15 Uncle Sam’s farm fence. [Temperance tale.] Milne, A. D 62.15 Unole Silas. Le Farm, J. S 36.314 Uncle Tom’s cabin. Stowe, Mrs. H. B. . . 18.15 — Same. Key to 911.35 Uncommercial traveller. Dickens, C 1.14 and 36.170 Under green apple boughs. Campbell, H. 54.16 Under the bells. Kip, L 46.17 Under the greenwood tree. Hardy, T 63.36 Under the lilacs. Alcott, L. M. Juv 76.1 Under the sun [in India]. Robinson, P.’82. 518.30 Under the tri-color. Hooper, Mrs. L. H. . 53.26 Under the window. Pictures and rhymes for children. Greenaway, K 77.24 Under two flags. Rame, L. de la 36.458 Undercurrents. Kimball, R. B 13.14 Underground railroad. Still, W. 1872.. 734.16 Underground treasures. Orton, J. 1881. 844.1 Underwood, F. H. Handbook of English literature: American authors. 1879. 312.7 — Same: British authors. 1878 312.8 — H. W. Longfellow: a biog. sketch. 1884. 626.2 — J. R. Lowell: a biog. sketch. 1882 617.25 — J. G. Whittier: a biog. sketch. 1884. . . 627.27 — Lord of himself. 1874 32.27 Undine. La Motte Fouque, Baron de. Fict 4.25 and 131.2 Undiscovered country. [Future life]. How- ells, W. D. Fict . 48.19 Unexpected result, etc. Roe, E. P. Fict. 55.4 Unitarianism. Channing,W. E. Unitarian Christianity In 1001.3.3 — Dewey, O. Why I am a Unitarian. In 438.23 i— Religious aspects of the age: addresses. 1858 437.18 See also Denominations and sects ; Trinity, and the works of Channing (W. E.), Clarke (J. FA Dewey (O.). United Netherlands. See Netherlands. United States of America. Arrangement of Sub-Divisions. — [1-10 Govern- ment publications.] 1, Archives. 2, Congress. 3, Department of Agriculture. 4, Department of Justice. 5, Department of State. 6, Department of the Interior. 7, Department of the Navy. S, Department of the Treasury. 9, Department of War. 10, Post-office de- partment. 11, Archaeology and antiquities. 12, Gov- ernment and politics. 13, History : General. 14, His- tory: Colonial. 15, History : Revolution. 16, War of 1812-14. 17, War with Mexico, 1845-7. 18, Civil war, 1861-5. 19, Military and naval history. 20, Historical registers and magazines. 21, Statistics, industries, etc. 22, Travels and description. Note— See “Descriptive catalogue of the government publications of the United States, Sept 5, 1774— March 4, 1S81.” Compiled by B. P. Poore. 1885 *C.5 X. Archives , etc. — American archives ; a documentary history of the English colonies in North America. 4th series, v, 1, 1774-5. 5th series, v. 1-3. 1776-83. 4v Pll.l UNITED. 252 UNITED. United States of America, continued. 2. Congress. — American state papers; documents legislative and executive of the Congress of the United States. Ed. under authority of Congress. 37 v P11.2 Contents. — Claims, 1 v., 1789-1823; Commerce and navigation, 2 v., 1815-23, Finance, 5 v., 1789-1828; For- eign relations, 4 v., 1789-1834; Foreign relations, 2d series, v. 5, 6, 1789-1859; Indian affairs, 2 v., 1789-1827; Military affairs, 7 v., 1789-1838; Miscellaneous, v 2, 1809-23; Naval affairs, 4 v., 1789-1836; Post-office depart- ment, 1 v., 1789-1833; Public lands, 8 v., 1789-1837. — Debates of the 3d sees., 11th congress, 1810-11 P12.1 — Register of debates in congress, 2d sess., ISth con- gress to 2d sess., 22d congress. 1821-33 P12.2 — Congressional Globe. Debates and proceedings, 23d cong., 10th sess., to 42d cong., 3d sess. 1636- 1873 PI 2. 3 Continued in — Congressional Record: proceedings, debates, etc., 43d cong., special sess., to 42d cong., 2d sess-, 1873-1885 P12.4 — Dictionary of Congress, by C. Lanman. 1859 913.20 — Messages and documents. [Incomplete.] 1849- 1850, 53-54, 55-56, 56-57, 57-58, 58-59, 61-62, 64-65, 67-68, 68-69, 69-70, 71-72, 72-73, 73-74, 76-77, 79, 79- 80, 80-81, 81-82, 82-83, 83 84. 95 vols P13.1 — Same; abridgements. 1S59-60, 66-67, 68-69, 69-7% 70-71, 71-72, 72-73, 73-74, 74-75, 75-76, 76-77, 77-78, 78-79, 79-80, 80-81, 81-82, 82-83, 83-84. 18 vols P13.2 Note . — These include the President’s messages to the two houses of congress, with the reports of the heads of departments [State, War, Interior, Post-office, etc.,] and their dependent bureaus and offices. — Senate and house journals. 1875-81. 16 v P14.1 — Statutes, recent conventions and executive procla- mations P14.2 37th cong., 2d sess., 1861-62 46th cong., 1st, 2d, and 3d sess., 1879-81 47th cong., 1st sess., 1881-S2 — Memorial addresses: W. R. King. 1853 603.10 Thaddeus Stevens. 1868 603.11 W. P. Fessenden. 1869 638.12 John Covode. 1871 608.5 Garrett Davis. 1872 638.3. Zachariah Chandler. 1880 638.6 G. S. Houston. 1880, 638.7 Evarts W. Farr. 1880 638.8 Fernando Wood. 1881 638.9 Ambrose E. Burnside. 1882 638.10 M. H. Carpenter. 1882 638.11 Thomas Allen. 1882 638.12 W. M. Lowe. 1883 638.13 Johnathan T. Updegraft. 1883 638.14 R. M. A. Hawk. 1883 638.15 J. M. Shackelford. 1883 638.16 Dudley C. Haskell. 1883 638.17 — Memorial of S. F. B. Morse. 1874 C38.5 — Reports , etc.: Civil service. Report of Mr. Jenckes. 1868.... P15.1 Covode investigation. 1860 P15.2 -- - Credit Mobilier investigation. Report of Poland committee. 1883 P15.3 -- - Fish and fisheries. Report of com’r. 1873-79,81- 82. 7 v P16.2 Fishery industries of the U. S., by G. B. Goode and others P16.3 Contents.— Sec. 1, History of useful aquatic animals, with atlas of plates. 2 v. 1884. Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, v. 1. 1868.. P15.4 International congress for the suppression of crime. Report of commissioner. 1872 P15.5 International exhibitions. See Industrial exhibi- tions. Meteorology, fourth report, by J. P. Espy. 1857. P15.6 Report of committee on the condition of affairs in the late insurrectionary states. [Ku-klux con- spiracy, etc.] 1872 PI5.7 Report of joint committee on reconstruction, in 1866 P15.8 United States. Congress , continued. Report of select committee of five. 1861 P15.9 Report of a select committee on Mississippi elec- tion of 1872. 2 v P15.10 Report of select committee on naval contracts and expenditures. 1859 P15.ll Report of senate committee on the relations be- tween labor and capital, v. 1-4. 1885 P15.12 Report on exploration of the Colorado river of the west, 1869-72, by J. W. Powell. Ulus. 1875.. P16.1 Reports of special committee on the troubles in Kansas. 1856 P15.13 Report of the tariff commission. 2v. 1882, P15. 14 Report on causes of reduction of American ton- nage. 1S76 P15.15 Report on the transportation-routes to the sea- board. 2 v. 1874 P15.16 Report on the metric system. 1879 P15.17 Supplemental report of committee on conduct of the war. 2 v. 1866 P15.18 3. Department of Agriculture. — Reports of com’r of patents [agriculture]. 1849- 51, 57, 59-61 *8501.3 — Reports of com’r of agriculture. 1862-73, 75, 77, 80- 84 *8501.3 — Agricultural reports. General index, 1837-76 *8501.3 — Entomological commission, 1st, 2d and 3d reports on Rocky mountain locusts, etc. 1877-82. 3v.. P21.1 — Report on contagious diseases of domestic ani- mals. 1881 P21.2 — Report on diseases of swine and other domestic animals. 1879 P21.3 — Report on forestry. T. B. Hough. 1878 P21.4 4. Department of Justice. — Attorney-general, annual reports, 1881-4. 4v P31.1 5. Department of State. — Alabama claims Case of Great Britain. Tribunal of arbitration at Geneva, v. 1-3. 1872 P41.1 Case of the United States. 1872. 904.10 Counter case of Great Britain. 1872 P41.2 — Consular reports. Nos. 1-3. 1880-1 ... P41 3 — Report on the commercial relations of the United States with all foreign nations. 1856-57, 59-61, 64- 65,67-71,79 P41.4 — Statistics of foreign and domestic commerce. 1864. P41.5 — Treaties and conventions between the United States and other powers since July 4, 1776. 1871. P41.6 6. Department of the Interior. — Bureau of education. Reports of commissioner, 1870-84. 14 v P51.1 Circulars of information. [Incomplete.] Namely: P51.2 1872: German and other foreign universities; The kindergarten. 18 3: No. 5, Account of college commencements dur- ing 1873 in the western and southern states. 1875: No. 3, Public instruction in Belgium, Russia, Turkey, Servia and Egypt. No. 4,' Waste of labor in the work of education. No. 5, Educational exhibit at the Centennial exhibition, 1876. No. 6, Reformatory, charitable and industrial schools in the United States. No. 7, Constitutional provisions in regard to education in the several states. No. 8, .Schedule of students’ work for the Centennial exhibition, 1876. 1877: No. 1, Education in China. No. 2, Public in- struction in Finland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Wurt- temberg, and Portugal ; the university of Leipzig. 1878: No. 1, Training of teachers in Germany. 1879: No. 2, Proceedings of the department of super- intendence of the national educational association in in 1H77 and 1879, and of the conference of state college presidents held in Ohio in 1877. 1880: No. 1, College libraries as aids to instruction. No. 2, Proceedings of the department of superinten- dence of the national educational association in 1880. No. 3, Legal rights of children. No. 4, Rural school architecture. No. 5, English rural schools. No. 6, Teaching of chemistry and physics in the United States. No. 7, The spelling reform. 1881: No. 1, Construction of library buildings. No. 2, Relation of education to industry and technical train- ing in American schools. No. 3, Proceedings of the deparment of superintendence of the national educa- tional association in 1881. No. 4, Education in France. No. 5, Causes of deafness among school children and the instruction of children with impaired hearing. No. 6, Effects of student life on the eyesight. UNITED. 253 UNITED, United States. Dep. of Interior , continued. — Bureau of education. Circulars of information, continued. 1882: No. 1, Training schools for nurses. No. 2, Pro- ceedings of the department of superintendence of the national educational association for 1882. No. 3, Uni- versity of Bonn. No. 4, Industrial art in schools. No. 5, Maternal schools in France. No. 6, Technical instruc- tion in France. 1883: No. 1, Legal provisions respecting the examina- tion and licensing of teachers. No. 2, Co-education of the sexes in the public schools of the United States. No. 3, Proceedings of the department of superinten- dence of the national educational association in 1883. No. 4. Recent school law decisions. 1884 : Meeting of the international prison congress at Rome, 1884. No. 2, Teaching, practice and literature of shorthmid. No. 3, Illiteracy in the United States in 1870 ana 1880. No. 4, Proceedings of the department of superintendence of the national educational .associa- tion in 1884. No. 5, Educational exhibit at the New Orleans exposition. No. 6, Rural schools: improve- ment in instruction. No. 7, Teaching of physics. 1885: No. 1, City school system in the United States. No. 2, Teachers’ institutes. No. 3, Review of the British royal commissioners on technical instruction. No. 4, Education in Japan. No. 5, Physical training in American colleges and universities. Other publications. [Pamphlets, etc.] 1883-4. . P51.3 — - Special reports. Public libraries in the United States: their history, condition ana manage- ment. 2 pts. 1876 *328.14 — Bureau of ethnology. 1st annual report, 1870-80, by J. W. Powell. 1681 P55.1 — Census office. Seventh census : 1850 P52.1 Same. Compendium. 1854 P52.2 Eighth census: 1860. 4v P52.3 Contents. — v. 1, Agriculture. 2, Manufactures. 3, mortality and miscellaneous statistics. 4, Population. Same. Preliminary report P52.4 Ninth census: 1870. 3 v P52.5 Contents.— v. 1, Population and social statistics. 2, Vital statistics. 3, Industry and wealth. — -Same. Compendium of ninth census P52.6 Statistical atlas of the United States, by F. A. Walker. 1870 *8541.23 Tenth census: 1880. v. 1-11, 13-14, 16, pt.l P52.7 Contents. — y. 1, Population. 2, Statistics and manu- factures. 3, Statistics of agriculture. 4, Transporta- tion: railroads, steam navigation, canals, telegraphs and telephones. 5, Cotton production, pt. 1. 6, Cotton production, pt. 2. 7, Valuation, taxation and public indebtedness. 8, Newspapers and periodicals, Alaska, Fur-seal islands, and shipbuilding. 9, Forest trees of North America. 10, Petroleum, coke and building stones. 11, Mortality, and vital statistics, pt. 1. 12, . 13, Statistics and technology of the precious metals. 14, Mining laws. 15, . 16, Water-power, pt. 1. Same. Compendium of tenth census. 2v P52.8 Sixteen maps accompanying report on forest trees in America, by C. S. Sargent P52.9 Census of pensioners for revolutionary and mili- tary services. 1840 P52.10 — Geographical and geological survey of the Rocky Mountain region. Contributions to North Ameri- can ethnology. v. 1. 3-4. 1877-81 P53.1 Contents. — v. 1, Tribes of the extreme northwest, by W. H. Dali; Tribes of western Washington and north- western Oregon, by G Gibbs, v. 3, Tribes of Califor- nia, by S. Powers, v. 4, Houses and house-life of American aborigines, by L. II. Morgan. Report on geology of the Henry mountains, by G, K. Gilbert, 1877 P53.2 Report on lands of the arid region, by J. W . Powell. 1879 P53.3 — Geological and geographical sui'vey of the terri- tories. Annual reports, 1-5, 9-10, 12, by F. V. Hayden. 1870-80 P53.4 History of North American pinnipeds; a mono- graph of the walruses, sea-lions, sea-bears and seals of North America, by J. A. Allen. 1880... P53.5 Monographs of N. A. rodentia, by E. Coues and J. A. Allen. 1877 P53.6 — Geological survey. Second annual report, 1880-1, by J. W. Powell P53.7 Mineral resources of the United States, by Albert Williams. 1883 P53.8 United States. Dep. of Interior, continued. — Geological survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minne- sota, and a portion of Nebraska, by D. D. Owen. 2 v. 1852 *8541.2 — Geology of Lake Superior land district, by Foster and Whitney. Pt. 2. 1851 P53.9 Contents .— The iron region, together with gen- eral geology. — General land office. Reports of com'r, 1862-63, 67-71. P53.10 Existing land laws. 1880 P53.ll Land laws of the United States, by A. T. Britton. 2v. 1882 P53.12 The public domain, its history with statistics, by T. Donaldson. 1884 P53.13 — Office of Indian afairs. Report of com’r. 1864, 71, 72, 77, 84 P53.14 — Patent office. Annual reports of commissioner, 1846, lc48-69 P54.1 Note . — Since 1870 no plates are given in the Annual report, but are printed in the “ Official Gazette” and “ Specifications.” Official Gazette. [Weekly.] v. l-%. 1872-86... P54.2 Same. Annual index [to patentees and inven- tors]. 187z-84 P54.3 Subject-matter index of patents for inventors, 1790-1873. 3 v P54.4 Arguments before the committee on patents, ’78. P54.5 — Report on the United States and Mexico boundary survey, by W. H. Emory, v. 1. 1857 P55.2 7. Department of the Navy. — Expedition to Japan under Commodore Perry. 1852-4. v. 2, 3 *8521.12 Contents— v. 2, Reports by subordinate officers of the expedition v. 3, Observations on the zodiacal light by G. Jones. Same. Abridgement, by R. Tomes. 1857 506.4 — Naval astronomical expedition to the southern hemisphere, v. 1-2, 6. See Gillies, J. M ..*8521.27 — Naval observatory. Reports on total solar eclipses of July 29, 1878, and January 11, 1880 P61.1 — Report on interoceanic canal and railroads. 1886.. P61.2 8. Department of the Treasury. — Bank statistics. 1850 P71.1 . — Bureau of statistics. Reports on commercial navi- gation, 1857, 67-72, 79-84 ... P71 2 Reports on customs-tariff legislation of the United States, by E. Young P71.3 Special report on immigration, with information for immigrants, by E. Young. 1872 P71.4 — Coast survey. Reports of superintendent, 1852-64, 68, 73. 15 v P71.5 — Direct and excise tax system of the United States, by G. S. Boutwell, 1868 P71.6 — Director of the mint. Reports. 1879-80 P71.7 Reports on the production of the precious metals in the United States, 1880-81 P71.8 — •Finance reports, 1854-58, 61, 68-72, 79, 81 P71.9 — Internal revenue laws. 1866 P71.10 — Mines and mining. Mineral resources of the states and territories west of the Rocky mountains, by J. R. Browne. 1867 .. P71.ll Statistics of mines and mining in the states and territories west of the Rocky mountains, by R. W. Raymond. 1873 848.22 — Reports of commissioner of internal revenue, 1863-70 P71.12 — Reports of comptroller of the currency, 1868-70, 76,84 P71.13 — Reports on inland commerce of the U.S., 1879-80, 82. P71 .14 — Report of national board of health. 1879 P71.15 — Report on life saving service . 1876 .... P71 . 16 9. Department of War. — Corps of engineers. Geographical surveys wept of the 100th meridian. Reports, v. 2-7. 1877-9... P81.1 Contents.— v . 2, Astronomy and barometric hypsome- try. 3, Supplement-geology. 4, Paleontology. 5, Zool- ogy. 6, Botany. 7, Archseology. Fortifications of to-day, etc. [Translations.] ’83. P81.2 Professional papers .... P81 .3 No 15. On the use of the barometer in surveys and reconnoisances ; Appendix, Practical tables by R. S. Williamson. 1868. UNITED. 254 UNITED. United States. Dep. of War , continued. Professional papers, continued. No. 24. Primary triangulation of the U. S. lake survey. 1862. No. 25. Report upon the practice in Europe with the heavy Armstrong, Woolwich and Krupp rifled guns. 1883. Reconnoisance of the Black Hills of Dakota, 1874, by W. Ludlow. 1875 P81.4 Reconnoisance from Carroll, Montana to Yellow- stone national park, 1875, by W. Ludlow. 1876.. P81 .5 Report of explorations across the great basin of Utah in 1859, by J. H. Simpson. 1876 P81.6 Reports of the chief of engineers, 1878-85. 25 v. P81.7 Report of the exploring expedition from Santa Fe to junction of Grand and Green rivers, 1859, by J. N. Macomb. 1876 P81.8 United States. Gov't and politics, continued. — Benton, T. H. Thirty years’ view; or, his- tory of the government, 1820-50. 2v. 904 . 18 — Blaine, J. G. Twenty years of congress, 1861-81, etc. 2 v. 1884-6 915.11 — Bout well, G. W. Why I am a republi- can. 1884 916.19 — Constitution of the United States and the several states. 1856 904.11 — Cooper, T. V. and Fenton, H. Y. Ameri- can politics. 1882 915.3 Contents. — 1, History of political parties. 2, Politi- cal platforms. 3, Great speeches. 4, Parliamentary practice. 5, Existing political laws. 6, federal blue book. 7, Political statistics. — - Report on Paris electrical exhibition, 1881, by D. L. Heap. 1884 P81.9 Report on physics and hydraulics of the Missis- sippi river, Humphreys and Abbott. 1867 848.23 Same. [Reprinted with additions.] 1876 *8521.29 Report on upper Columbia river, 1881, by T. W. Simons P81.10 Tables of geographical positions, azimuths, dis- tances, etc., by M. M. Macomb. 1885 P81.ll — History of the war department, by L. D. Ingersoll. 1879 753.3 — Maps of battlefields [in sheets]. Namely. Atlanta campaign [sheets 1-5] ; Atlanta, operations in front of; Blakely; Chattanooga; Fort Fisher; Fort Fisher and vicinity; Franklin; Gauley Bridge; Gettysburg [3 sheets]; Grant’s cam- paign in Virginia : Hagerstown ; Falling Waters, etc. ; Harper’s Ferry ; Knoxville ; Nashville ; Sherman’s march ; South Mountain ; Vicksburg. P83.1 — Medical and surgical history of the rebellion. 2 v. 1875 *8521.6 Contents.— Pt. 1, v. 1, Medical history. Pt. 1, v . 2, Surgical history. — Medical statistics of the United States army, 1855-9. 1860 P83.2 — Military commission to Europe in 1855-6, by A. Mor- decai. 1861 P83.3 — Ordnance department. History of the Rock Island arsenal, by D. W. Flagler. 1877 P82.1 Reports of chief of ordnance, 1878-85 P82.2 — Pacific railroad. Reports of explorations and survey. v. 1-12. 1855-60 8521.9 — Quartermaster general. Roll of honor. Names of soldiers who died in defence of the Union, interred in the national cemetries. No. 1-27 [Nos. 2, 3, 11, 25 wanting] . 1869-71 P84.1 Martyrs who for our country gave up their lives. List of interments in the Andersonville cemetry, Georgia P84.2 Statement of the disposition of some of the bod- ies of deceased soldiers and prisoners of war, whose remains have been removed to national cemeteries in the southern and western states. 4 v. in 1. 1868-9 P84.3 — • Report of the army of the Potomac, by G. B. McClel- lan. 1864 P83.4 and 711.15 — Signal service. Reports of the chief signal officer. . 1871, 72, 73, 74, 79, 80, 81, 84, 8 v P85.1 Daily bulletin of weather reports, Sept.-Nov., 1872. 3 v P85.2 — War of the rebellion; a compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate armies. Series 1, v. 1-16. 1880-6 P86.1 10. Post-office Department. — See reports of the Postmaster-general in “Messages and documents.” P13.2 ' 11. Archaeology and Antiquities. — Foster, J. W. Pre-historic races of the United States. 1873 808.7 — Curtis, G. T. History of the constitu- tion. 2 v 918.4 — Cushing, C. Treaty of Washington; its negotiation, etc. 1873 902.13 Contents.— Introduction ; Alabama claims; Miscel- laneous claims; Northwestern boundary-line; Fish- eries ; Commercial intercourse and transportation; Appendix — Treaty of Washington; Decision and award. — Dawes, Anna L. How we are governed. 1885. 917.14 — Federalist, The: commentary, by Hamil- ton, Jay and Madison. 904.1 — Greeley, H. and Cleveland, J. F. Politi- cal text book for 1860 904 . 9 — Holst, H. von. Constitutional and politi- cal history of the United States, [1750-1856.] v 1-5. 1877-85 913.3 — Johnston, A. History of Am. politics. [Handbook.] 1879 912.19 — Jones, W. D. Mirror of modern democ- racy : history of the democratic party, with sketch of the old federal and republican parties. 1864 903.20 — Julian, G. W. Political recollections, 1840-72 916.15 — Macpherson, E. Hand-book of politics for 1882 915.4 — Martin, E. W. Behind the scenes [in Washington.] 1873 714.3 — Martin, G. H. Text-book on civil govern- ment in the United States. 1875 914. 21 — Patton, J. H. The democratic party.’84. 916 . 18 — Sterne, S. Constitutional history and political development of. 1882 916 . 23 — Story, Joseph. Commentaries on the constitution. 2v. 1873 908.9 Familiar exposition of the constitu- tion. 1878 912.9 — Thompson, J. P. Church and state in the. 1873 902.16 — Tocqueville, A. de. Democracy in. 2 v.’ 73. 904.7 — Towle, N. C. History and analysis of the constitution. 1873 902.17 — Trescott, W. H. Diplomatic history of the administrations of Washington and Adams, 1789-1801 904.14 — Wilson, H. Kise and fall of the slave power. 3 v. 1878 734.9 — Young, A. W. The American states- man: a political history. 1855 904.17 See also entries under Government and politics. See also entries under America ; Man ( Pre- historic, .) 12. Government and Politics. — Bancroft, G. History of the formation of the constitution. 2 v. 1882 915.1 Same. 1885 747.9.6 13. History : General. — Abbott, J. American history. 8 v 721 . 1 Contents. — v. 1, Aboriginal America, v. 2, Discovery of America, v. 3, Southern colonies, v. 4, Northern colonies, v. 5, Wars of the colonies, v. 6, Revolt of the colonies, v. 7, War of the revolution, v. 8, Wash- ington. UNITED. UNITED. 255 United States. History, general, continued. — Anderson, J. J. School hist. of. 1879 . . 723 . 2 — Bancroft, G. History of the [to 1782]. 10 v. 1854-74 748.1 Contents.— v. 1-3, Colonization, v. 4-6, Causes of the American revolution, v. 7-10, The American revolu- tion. Same; rev’d. [Centenary ed’n.] 6 v. 1879 723.19 Contents. — v. 1-2, Colonization, v. 3-4, Causes of the American revolution, v. 5-6, The American revolu- tion. Same; last rev’n [continued to 1789]. 6 v. 1885 747.9 Contents. — v. 1-2, Colonization, v. 2-3, Causes of the American revolution, v. 4-5, The American revolu- tion. v. 6, Formation of the constitution. — Barnes’ brief history of the. 1879 723 . 3 Popular history of the. 1878 722 . 13 — Berard, A. B. History of the. 1878. . . 721 .3 — Blanchard, R. Discovery and conquest of the northwest. 1880 726 . 7 — Bonner, J. A child’s history of the [to 1865J. 3 v 738.22 — Brownell, H. H. The new world. 1857. 748.8 — Bryant, W. C. and Gay, S. H. Popular history of the [to 1865] ; preceded by a sketch of the pre-historic period and the age of the mound builders. 4 v. Ulus. 1876-81 728.13 Contents.— v. 1-3, 1000-1779. v. 4, 1779-1865. — Gilman, A. History of the American people. Illus. 1883 738.14 — Goodrich, C. A. Child’s history of the.’79. 721 . 2 — Goodrich, S.G. Pictorial history of the [to 1865]. 1874 711.25 — Hall, S. R. and Baker, A. R. History of the [to 1830] 703.9 — Higginson, T. W. Larger history of the [to 1837]. Illus. 1886 747.7 Young folks’ history of [to 1875]. 79. 714.4 — Hildreth, Richard. History of the [to 1821]. 6 v. 1871-4...., 748.2 Note. — Index to vol. 1-3 in vol. 3. Contents.— v . 1-2. Colonial, 1497-1773. v. 3, Revolu- tionary, 1773-1789. v. 4, Administration of Washington, 1739-1797. v. 5, John Adams and Jefferson, v. 6, Madison and Monroe. — Leeds, J. W. History of the. 1878. . . . 714 . 18 — Lossing, B. J. Common school history of [to 1870]. 1873 737.18 Pictorial history of the [to 1869]. ’72. 737.17 — Mackenzie, R. America: a history. ’82 . 723.13 — McMaster, J. B. History of the people of the, from the revolution to the civil war. v. 1-2. 1883 728 . 12 Contents— v. 1, 1781-90. v. 2, 1790-1803. — Monroe, Mrs. L. B. 8tory of our coun- try [to 1783]. 1876...: 711.21 — Palfrey, J. G. Hist, of New England [to 17411. 4 v 747.5 — Patton, J. H. History of the [to ’61].’ 73. 737.2 — Preble, G. W. History of the flag of the United States, etc. 1880 726 . 10 — Ridpath, J. C. History of the. 1878.. 722.14 Popular history of the. 1880 722.17 — Sherwood, J. D. Comic history of the.’70. 721 . 5 — Smith, U. United States in prophecy.’72 . 435 . 6 — Taylor, C. B. Universal history of the. 1876 714.5 — Thompson, J. P. The United States as a nation. [Origin and development.] .1877 . 911.31 — Wikoff, H. The four civilizations of the world. 1874 902 . 23 I United States. History, general, continued. — Woolsey, T. D., and others. First cen- tury of the republic, a review of American progress. 1876 734 . 5 Contents— Introduction : colonial progress, by Eugene Lawrence. 2, Mechanical progress, by E. H. Knight. 3, Progress in manufacture, by 1>. A. Wells. 4, Agri- cultural progress, by W. H. Brewer. 5, Development of our mineral resources, by T. S. Hunt. 6, Commer- cial development, by E. Atkinson. 7, Growth and dis- tribution of population, by F. A. Walker. 8, Monetary development, by W. G. Sumner. 9, Experiment of the Union, with its preparations, by T. D. Woolsey. 10, Educational progress, by Eugene Lawrence. 11, Exact sciences, by F. A. P. Barnard; Natural science, by Theodore Gill. 12, Century of American literature, by E. P. Whipple. 13, Progress of the fine arts, by S. S. Conant. 14, Medical and sanitary progress, by Austin Flint. 15, American jurisprudence, by B. V. Abbott. 16, Humanitarian progress, by C. L. Brace. 17, Relig- ious development, by J. F. Hurst. — Yonge, C. M. Aunt Charlotte’s stories of Am. history [to 1865]. Illus. ’83. . . 738.15 See also Indians of America. Note . — For critical notices of various histories see Adams’ “Manual of historical literature” [725.6]. Elab- orate notes for readers are to be found in the Boston public library catalogue of history 1*3502.5]. Allen’s “Reader’s guide to Eng. history” [732.15] gives, also, lists of illustrative novels, poems, etc. ; likewise Bowen’s “Descriptive catalogue of historical novels” [*309.19] . Lists of books for readers are also given in Higginson’s “ Young folks’ history” [714.4], Barnes’ “One term history” [723.3], and Berard’s History [721.3], For the period of the revolution, see Winsor’s “ Read- er’s handbook” [723.4]. 14. History: Colonial. — Coffin, C. C. Building the nation. Illus. 1883 728.4 Old times in the colonies. Illus. ’81 . 722 . 18 — Doyle, J. A. Eng. colonies in America: Virginia, Maryland, Carolinas. 1882. 728.6 — Frothingham, R. Rise of the republic. 1876 722.2 — Grahame, J. History of the [to 1776]. 2 v. 1848 726.1 — Grant, 3Irs. A. Memoirs of an Ameri- can lady 617 . 3 — Johnson, R. The French war. 1882. . .723.18.1 — Lodge, H. C. Short history of the Eng- lish colonies in America. 1881 726 . 5 — Markham, R. King Philip’s war. ’83. .723.18.3 — Parkman, G. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 2 v. 1870 706.3 France and England in North America. v. 1-5, 7. 1873-84 736.15 15. History: Revolution. — Abbott, E. Revolutionary times. 1876 . 711 . 19 — Abbott, J. The revolution 721.1.7 — Carrington, H. B. Battles of the revo- lution; criticism, with topog. illus.’76. 722.12 — Coffin, C. C. Boys of ’76. 1878 734.11 — Dwight, N. Lives of the signers. 1876. 621 .*10 — Ellis, G. E. History of the battle of Bunker’s hill. 1875 734.7 — Force, P. American archives : documen-. tary history. 4th series, v. 1, 1774-5. Pll.l Same; 5th series, v. 1-3, 1876 Pll.l — Frothingham, R. Hist, of the siege of Boston, and of the battles of Lexing- ton, Concord, and Bunker Hill. 1872. 737 . 16 — Greene, G. W. German element in the war of independence. 1876 711.18 Historical view of the Am. revolution . . 1876 714.8 — Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals. 2 v 602 . 7 — Jones, C. H. Hist, of the campaign for the conquest of Canada, 1876. 1882. 726.14 UNITED. 256 UNITED. United States. History , revolution , continued. — Lossing, B. J. Pictorial field-book of • the revolution. 2v. 1859 726.12 — Ludlow, J. M. War of Am. indepen- dence. 1876 743.5.11 — Magoon, E. L. Orators of the Ameri- can revolution. 1873 613.9 — Moore, F. Diary of the revolution, 1775-81. 1875 722.5 Note . — Compiled from newspapers, diaries, etc. — Sabine, L. Biog. sketches of loyalists. 2 v. 1864 617.12 — Scudder, H. 0. One hundred years ago. 1876 714.2 — Smyth, W. Lectures on modern his- tory. 2 v. 1854 724.5 — Stevens, J. A. Yorktown centennial handbook. 1881 726 . 8 — Washington, G. See his name. — Watson, H. C. Camp fires of the revo- lution. 1850 714.12 — Winsor, J. Beader’s handbook of the American revolution, 1761-83. 1880. 723.4 Note . — List of books and authorities. — Woodman, C. H. Boys and girls of the revolution. 1877 738.1 In biography see Dwight's “ Lives of the signers;” also, lives of Adams (J.), Adams (S.), Ellery (W), Franklin, Hamilton, Henry (P.), Jefferson, Madison, Otis (lames), Quincy (Josiah), Heed (Joseph), Warren (Joseph). For lives of revolutionary officers , see Allen (Ethan), Arnold (Benedict), Greene (N.), Knox (H.), La f ayette, Lee (Charles), Marion (F.), Montgomery (R.), Morgan (Daniel), Pulaski {Count), Putnam, btark, Steuben, Sullivan (J.), Washington, Wayne. 16. War of 1812-14. — Headley, J. T. Second war with Eng- land. 2 v. 1853 711.24 — Johnson, R. War of 1812-15. 1883 723.18.2 — Lossing, B. J. Pictorial field-book of the war of 1812. 1868 726.15 17. War with Mexico , 1845-7. — Cooke, P. St. G. Conquest of New Mex- ico and California. 1878 723.14 — Frost, J. Mexico and the Mexican war. 1871 722.16 See also lives of Scott (Winfield), and Tay- lor (Zachary). 18. Civil War, 1861-5. (2 n n p Y*n V T I T) > * Jr q — Abbott, J. S. C. History of the. 2v.’64. 734.6 — Baker, L. C. History of the United States secret service 737 . 20 — Bullock, J. D. Secret service of the confederate states in Europe. 2 v.’84. 728.15 — Campaigns of the civil war. 13 v. ’81-3. 726.9 Contents— v. 1, Outbreak of rebellion, by J. G. Nic- olay. 2, From Fort Henry to Corinth, by M. F. Force. 3, Peninsula, by A. S. Webb. 4, Army under Pope, by J. C. Ropes. 5, Antietamand Fredericksburg, by F.W. Palfrey. 6, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, by A. Doubleday. 7, Army of the Cumberland, by H. M. Cist. 8, Mississippi, by F. V. Greene. 9, Atlanta, by J. D. Cox. 10, March to the sea, Franklin and Nash- ville, by J. D. Cox. 11, Shenandoah valley, in 1864, by G. E. Pond. 12, Virginia campaign of ’64 and ’65, by A. A. Humphreys. 13, Statistical record of the armies of the United States, by F. Phisterer. — Champlin, J. D., jr. Young folks’ history of the war for the Union. Illus. ’81. 728.8 — Cheney, Mrs. C. E. Young folks’ his- tory of the civil war. Illus. 1884.. 738.13 — Chittenden, L. E. Report of the debates and proceedings in the secret sessions of the conference convention, for pro- posing amendments to the constitu- tion of the United States, held at Washington, D.C., in February, A.D., 1861. 1864 753.2 United States. Civil war, continued. — Davis, J. Rise and fall of the confed- erate government. 2 v. 1881 726.4 — Dodge, T. A. Birds-eye view of our civil war. Maps. 1883 731 . 7 — Draper, J. W. History of the. 3v.’67. 747.3 — Duyckinck, E. A. History of the. 3 v . *733 . 2 — Echoes from the South. [Speeches, pub- lic acts, etc., 1860-5.] 1866 741.8 — Foote, H. S. War of the rebellion. [Causes and issues]. 1866 737.3 — Gasparin, A. de. America before Europe. 1862 902.4 — Greeley, H. The American conflict. 2v. 737.13 — Harper’s pictorial history of the great rebellion. 1866 *8541.31 — Headlev, J. T. The great rebellion. 2 v/ 1864 736.2 — Helper, H. R. Impending crisis of the South. 1860 911.34 — Lossing, B. J. Pictorial history of the. 3 v. 1870 747.2 — Moore, F., ed'r. Anecdotes, poetry and incidents of the war: North and South. 1882 731.3 Rebellion record: a diary of American events, with documents, narratives, illustrative incidents, poetry, etc., [1861-5]. Ed. by F. Moore. Por- traits, maps, etc. 11 v. 1862-8 *731.9 Same. Supplement, [1860-3]. 1868. *731.9.12 — Paris, Comte de. History of the civil war in America, v. 1-3. 1876-83.. . . 722.6 — Pollard, E. A. Life of Jefferson Davis, with secret history of Southern con- federacy. 1869 612.2 The lost cause. 1867 734.12 Southern hist, of the. 3 v. 1862 734 . 10 — Seward, W. H. Diplomatic history of the war for the Union. 1884 728.16 — Stephens, A. H. Constitutional view of the war between the states. 1868. . . 734.2 — Thayer, W. M. Youth’s history of the rebellion. 4 v. 1864-5 714.13 — United States. Dep. of war. War of the rebellion; a compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate armies. Series 1, v. 1-16. 1880-6. . . . P86.1 See also other entries under United States ( Congress ; DepVs of State and War). — Wilson, H. History of the anti-slavery measures in Congress, 1861-4 902.9 Miscellaneous Works. — Abbott, A. O. Prison life in the South, 1864-5 737.8 — Badeau, A. Military history of U. S. Grant. 3v. 1868-81 634.4 — Bailey, G. W. Private chapter of the war. 1880 721.12 — Brockett, L. P. Woman’s work in the civil war. 1867 726.3 — Califf, J. M. Record of the 7th regiment U. S. C. T. 1878 734.8 — Coffin, C. C. The boys of ’61. 1882. . . 728.3 Following the flag [army of the Poto- mac]. 1865 714.14 My days and nights on the battle field. 74.8 — Cooke, J. E.' Wearing of the gray. ’67. 737.12 — Doubleday. A . Reminiscences of Sum- ter and Moultrie. 1876 737.5 — Early, J A . Memoir of the last year of the Avar. 1867 731 . 2 — Eggleston, G. C. A rebel’s recollec- tions. 1875 736.11 UNITED. 257 UNITED. United States. Civil war. continued. — Ely, A. Journal of a prisoner of warm Richmond, [1861] 737.7 — Estvan, B. War pictures from the South. 1864 723.15 — Fiske, S. Dunn Browne in the army, [1862-4] 737.23 — Fitch, J. Annals of army of the Cum- berland. 1864 734.15 — Fremantle. Col. Three months [1863] in the Southern states. 1864 723 . 16 — Gilmor, H. Four years in the saddle [Confederate]. 1866 737 . 9 — Gordon, G. H. Brook farm to Cedar mountain, [1861-2]. 1883 728.10 War diary of events, 1863-5. 1882. . . 741.5 — Grant, U. S. Personal memoirs. 2 v. 1885-6 645.3 — Hale, E. E. Stories of war [1861-3] .... 721.6.1 — Hood, J. B. Advance and retreat; per- sonal experiences [1861-5]. 1880 731 . 1 — Johnston, J. E. Narrative of military operations. 1874 734.4 — Jones, J. B. Rebel war clerk’s diary. 2 v. 1866 714.19 — Jones, J. W. Personal reminiscences of Gen. R. E. Lee. 1874 615.10 — Higginson, T. W. Army life in a black regiment, [1862-4]. 1870 503.22 — Humphreys, A. A. From Gettysburg to- the Rapidan. Army of the Potomac, July, 1863 to April, 1864. 1884 741.2 — Lawrence, G. A. Border and bastille, [the South, 1863] 741.7 — McCarthy, C. Soldier life in the army of northern Virginia, 1861-5 518.31 — McClellan, G. B. Report of organiza- tion and campaigns of the army of the Potomac [1861-2] 711.15 — McClellan, H. H. Life and campaigns of Major-general J. E. B. Stuart. ’85. 747.6 — Moore, F. Women of the war. 1867.. 737.21 — My cave life in Vicksburg. By a lady. 1864 737.24 — Nichols, G. W. Story of the great march. [Sherman’s]. 1866 737.6 — Parton, J. Gen. Butler in New Orleans [1862] 737.11 — ■ Pittinger, W. Capturing a locomotive: secret service [in Georgia, 1862.] 723.17 — Porter, D. D. Incidents and anecdotes of the civil war. 1885 747.8 — Quint, A. H. The Potomac and the Rapidan, 1861-3 741.4 — Red-tape and pigeon-hole generals, [1862-3] 714.10 — Richardson, A. D. The field, the dun- geon and the escape [ 1861-5] 507 . 8 — Richmond during the war. By a Rich- mond lady. 1867 737 . 15 — Rogers, J. B. War pictures. 1863 711.9 — Roman, A. Military operations of Gen. Beauregard, 1861-5. 2 v. 1884 731.5 — Russell, W. H, My diary, north and south [1861-2]. 1863 737.10 — Sala, G. A. My diary in America, [1863-41. 2 v. 1865 ’. 737.22 — Semmes, R. My adventures afloat in the “Sumter” and “Alabama.” 1869. 737.4 — Sherman, W. T. Memoirs of. 2 v. ’75. 734 . 1 — Smith, E. P. Incidents of the U. S. Christian commission, [1861-5]. 1879. 737.14 — Spencer, A. Narrative of Anderson- ville, 1866 736.14 United States. Civil ivar, continued. — Stevenson, A. S. Battle of Stone’s river. 731 . 8 — Swmton, W. Campaigns of the army of the Potomac. 1866 734.3 The twelve decisive battles of the war [1861-5]. 1871 747.4 — Taylor, B. F. Life in camp and field.’75. 714.7 Mission ridge and Lookout mount- ain. 1872 503.13 — Taylor, R. Destruction and reconstruc- tion [in the South]. 1879 726 . 16 — Taylor, W. H. Four years with Gen. Lee. 1878 726.6 — Townsend, E. D. Anecdotes of the civil war. 1864 741.3 In biography , see lives of Lincoln, Seward, Sumner, Andrew, (J. A.), etc.; of Union generals, lives of Grant, Kearny, Logan, McClellan, Sherman, Thomas ; of Con- federate generals, Lee, Jackson (Stonewall), etc. 19. Military and Naval History. — Boynton, C. B. History of the navy dur- ing the rebellion.- 2 v. 1868 737.19 — Chesney, C. C. Navy of the Union. In 617.6 — Cooper, J. F. Naval history [to 18151. 2 v. in 1. 1847 736.4 — Fry, J. B. Army sacrifices [on Indian frontier]. 1879 723.6 — Hax^ersly’s naval encyclopaedia. 1881.. *E.8 — Harrison, H. W. Battles of the repub- lic by sea and land. 1858 723 . 1 — Headley, J. T. Farragut and our naval commanders 615 . 7 — Ingersoll, L. D. History of the war de- partment. 1879 753.3 — Lossing, B. F. Story of the United States navy [for boys]. Illus. 1880. 721.14 — Navy in the civil war. 3 v. 1883 741.1 Contents.— 1, Soley, J. R., The blockade and the cruisers. 2, Ammen, D., The Atlantic coast. 3, Ma- han, A. T., The gulf and inland waters. — Parker, O. H. Recollections of a naval officer, 1841-65 501.15 — Roosevelt, Theo. Naval war of 1812.... 728.1 — Wilkinson, J. Narrative of a blockade- runner. 1877 714.11 See also general histories of the U. S. ; Reports of secretaries of war and navy and their subordinates (In Messages and docs., p. 252); also , Military art and science; West Point. In naval biography, see lives of Jones (J. Paul), Preble, Decatur, Farragut. 20. Historical Registers , etc. — Appletons’ annual cyclopaedia and regis- ter of important events, v. 1-7, 16- 24. 1861-85 *B.32 — Magazine of American history. Illus. v. 11-14,1884-5 *1008.12 21. Statistics , Industries, etc. — Barry, P. International trade of Eng- land and the United States. 1858... 904.13 — Bolles, A. S. Industrial history of the United States. 1878 913.2 — Camp, D. N. American year book and national register for 1869 904 . 15 — Greeley, H. and others. The great in- dustries of the United States. 1873. 812.4 — Peto, S. M. Resources and prospects of America. 1866 711.16 — Spofford, A. R. American almanac, ’82-6. *D.6 — Spaulding, M. C. Handbook of statis- tics. 1874 902.24 — Walker, F. A. Stati stical atlas. 1870*8541 . 23 See also United State s, State and Treasury deps. [Re- ports op commerse, etc.] ; Interior dep. [Census re ports]. 38 UNITED. 258 UNIVERSALISM. United States. 22. Travels and Description. 1. Guide Books and Gazetteers. — Appletons’ general guide to the U. S. and Canada. 2 v 516.30 Contents. — v. 1, New England and Middle Stales and Canada, v. 2, Western and Southern States. Handbook of Am. summer resorts.’81. 516 . 29 Same. 1883 501.4 Handbook of Am. winter resorts. ’79. 513.21 — Fisher, R. S. Gazetteer of the U. S.’53 . *B . 8 — Gray’s national atlas, [cop. 1876.] *8541.22 — New England: a hand book. 1873 *B.14 — Stein wehr, A. von. Centennial gazet- teer of the U. S. [cop. 1874] *A.9 — Winser, H. J. Guide to Norther Pacific R. R. and allied lines. 1 883 501 . 9 2. Travels and Description: Miscellaneous. — Ames, Mary C. Ten years in Washing- ton. 1884 521.5 — Blodget, L. Climatology of the United States. 1857 1 8521.3 — Bremer, F. Homes of the new world, [1853-4]. 2 v 506.7 — Bromfield, E. F., ed'r. Picturesque jour- neys in America. Illus.juv. 1883.. 531.7 — Campbell, G. White and black. 1879. 526.23 — Curtis, G. W. Lotus-eating: a summer book. 1852 527.3 — Dickens, C. American notes, [’42]. 1 . 16 and 527 . 22 — Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain, 1866-7 . . 503 . 20 — Freeman, E. A. The English people in its three homes, etc. 1882 727 . 13 — Grant, Mrs. Anne. Memoirs of an Ameri- can lady; with sketches of manners and scenes in America previous to the revolution 617 . 3 — Hardy, Lady D. Through cities and prairie lands. 1881 517.18 — Hovey, H. C. Celebrated American cav- erns. 1882 843.2 — Jackson, H. H. Bits of travel at home: New England, California, Colorado. 1878 522.15 — Mackay, C. Life and liberty in America, — Reed, A. and Matheson, J. Visit to the American churches. 1835 411 . 3 — Sears, R. Pictorial description of the United States. 1857 747 . 1 — Trollope, A. North America, 1861-2... 501.30 3. Travels and Description: The South. — Benham, G. C. Year of wreck [on cot- ton plantations in 1866] 516.7 — Chapman. A. W. Flora of the Southern United States. 1883 843.23 — Nordhoff, C. Cotton states in 1875 524.5 — Olmsted, F. L. Journey in the seaboard slave states. 1856 512 . 8 — Pierson, Rev. H. W. In the brush. 1881. 624.9 — Watterson, H. ed’r. Oddities of South- ern life and character 318.25 4. Travels , etc.: The West and Pacific Coast. — Bird, I. L. A lady’s life in the Rocky mountains. 1880 514.12 — Bowles, S. Across the continent, [1865]. 505.29 Our new West. 1869 508.20 — Browne, J. R. Adventures in the Apache country, etc., [Arizona, Sonora, Ne- vada]. 1871 503.18 Resources of the Pacific states. 1869. 748.3 — Butterworth, H. In the Occident. (Zig- zag journeys,) 1884 515,2,4 United States. Travels , etc., continued. — Clemens, S. L. Roughing it. 1872 502 . 1 — Codman, John. The round trip. [Pan- ama, California, etc.] 1879 514 . 11 — Coffin, C. C. The seat of empire [the Northwest]. 1871 512.21 — Dickinson, A. E. Ragged register. [Western travel.] 1879 512.29 — Dodge, M. A. Woolgathering. [West- ern travel.] 1867 306 . 24 — Dodge, R. I. Plains of the great West, ’76. 511.3 — Foster, J. W. Mississippi valley: phys- ical geography, etc. 1869 736.7 — Hall, J. Legends of the West. 1833.. 44.31 — Irving, W. Astoria, [1810-13] 505.28 Bonneville’s adventures, [1832-5] 524.1 Tour on the prairies, [1832] In 306.4 — Kinzie, Mrs. J. H. Waubun, the early day of the Northwest, [1830-3] 503.10 — Kirkland, Mrs. C. M . Our new home in the West. 1872 525.30 — Leighton, C. C. Life at Puget sound, etc., 1865-81 522.3 — Lewis, M. and Clarke, W. • Expedition across the Rocky mountains, [1804-6]. 2 v 527.4 — Marcy, R. B. Border reminiscences ’72. 505.1 — Murphy, J. M. Sporting adventures in the far West. 1880 833.28 — Parkman, F. Discovery of the Great West. 1871 736.15.3 Oregon trail, [1846] 511 . 13 — Perkins, J. H. and Peck, J. M. Annals of the West [to 1850]. 1851 736.6 — Porter, R. P. The West ; from census of 1880. Maps. 1882 526.8 — Rae, W. F. Westward by rail. 1874.. 501.28 — Richardson, A. D. Beyond the Missis- sippi, [1856-7] 511 . 12 — Taylor, B. F. Between the gates. 1878. 525 . 22 — Wilber, C. D. Nebraska and the North- west. 1881.. 518.20 — Winthrop, T. Canoe and saddle. 1863.505.27 See also , in this class, Alaska; Alabama; America; Arizona; California: Colorado; Connecticut; Dakota; Florida; Georgia, Illinois; Indians; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Minnesota; Mississippi ( state of ) ; Mississippi river; Mississippi valley; Montana; Ne- braska; Nevada; New England: New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; North Carolina; Oregon, Pennsyl- vania; Rhode Island; Rocky Mountains; South Caro- lina; Texas; Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington (City of); Washington territory; Wisconsin; Wyoming. See also Agriculture; Biography {Collective: Ameri- can) ; Birds ; Botany ; Commerce ; Denominations and sects; Drama; Education; English language; English literature; Finance; Fine arts; Fish and fishing; Geol- ogy ; Government and politics ; Insects ; Law ; Medicine ; Meteorology; Mines and mining; Natural history; Naval science ; Periodicals ; Poetry ; Political economy ; Slavery; Useful arts. United States as a nation. Thompson, J. P. 1877 911.31 United States Christian commission. Smith, E. P. Incidents of, [1861-5].. 737.14 Universal history. 60 v. London, 1779-84. Note . — For contents, see History ( Universal). Universal instructor; or, self-culture for all. 3 v. Illus... 321.6 Universal songster; or, museum of mirth. 3 v 212.10 Universalism. Cobb, S. A compend of Christian divinity. 1846 437.15 — Power, J. H. An exposition of. 1843.. 408.16 — * Quinby, G. W., ed'r. Fifteen sermons. 1845. .* 438.22 See also Denominations and sects, UNIVERSE. 259 VASHTI. Universe, The. See World. Universities. See Colleges. Unkind word, etc . Craik, D. M 36.141 Unknown river, The; an etcher’s voyage of discovery. Hamerton, P. G. 1876.. 841.8 Unknown to history. Story of the cap- tivity of Mary of Scotland. Yonge, C. M. 1882 : 52.25 Unseen hand. Kellogg, E. Juv . . 83.5 Unseen universe. Stewart, B. and Tait, P. G 443.31 Unseen world and other essays. Fiske, J. 433.28 Unspoken sermons. MacDonald, G. 1867. 405.7 Untrodden peaks and unfrequented val- leys. [The Tyrol.] Edwards, A. B. . 501 . 25 Up the Baltic. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.5.1 Up the Rhine. Hood, T In 307.22.5 Upham, C. W. Life of Sir H. Vane In 641.4.4 Upham, T. C. Interior or hidden life. ’45. 436.20 — Life of faith. 1874 436.13 — Mental philosophy. 2 v. 1855 404.5 Upholstering. Practical information for cabinet-makers, upholsterers, etc. ’84. 847 . 11 — Stokes, J. Cabinet-maker and uphol- sterer’s companion. 1880 838.6 Ups and downs. Hale, E. E. Fict 64.12 Upton, E. Infantry tactics. 1880 838.38 Upton, G. P, The standard operas: their plots, music, and composers. 1885 . . 215 . 21 — Woman in music. 1880 835.30 Ure, A. Dictionary of arts, manufactures and mines. With supplement by R. Hunt. 3 v. 1871 *B.l Urn-burial. Browne, Sir T .In 408 . 21 Ursula. Sewell, Eliza M 36.510 “ Us,” an old fashioned story. Molesworth, Mrs. M. 1885 84.24 Use of sunshine. Smedley, M.B. Fict. In 15.9 Useful arts. Abbott, C. C. Primitive in- dustry. 1881 843.3 — Baird, S. F. Annual record of science and industry for 1873 808 . 28 — Bolhs, A. S. Industrial history of the United States. 1878 913.2 — Carey, A. Threads of knowledge 832 . 14 — Census reports. See United States. Dep. of Interior, p . 253. — Greeley; H. and others. The great in- dustries of the U. S. 1873 812.4 — Industrial arts: historical sketches. ’83. 852.3 — Knight, C. Knowledge is power 914 . 15 — Knight, E. H. American mechanical dictionary. Ulus. 3 v. 1877 *E.4 New mechanical dictionary. 1884 *E . 4 . 4 — MacArthur, A. Education and manual industry. 1884 917 . 1 — Mateaux, C. L. Wonderland of work. Juv. 1881 848.18 — Progress of, resulting from the great exhibition in London, 1856 805 . 8 — Ure, A. Dictionary of arts, manufac- tures and mines. With supplement. 3 v. 1871 *B.l — Workshop ; monthly journal, v. 7-9. Illus *8541.3 See also JSronautics ; Agriculture ; Architecture ; Assaying; Book-binding; Brewing; Cabinet-making; Carpentry and building ; Chemistry ; Clocks and watches; Color; Domestic economy; Drawing; En- gineering; Engraving; Fish and fishing; Furniture; Gas; Gilding; Glass; Industrial exhibitions; Inven- ventions; Lace; Manufactures; Masonry; Mechanics and mechanic arts; Metals; Naval science; Needle- work; Painting (mechanical) ; Photography; Porcelain and pottery; Printing; Receipts; Poads; Steam-engine; Telegraph; Trades; Turning; Varnishing; Water- works. Utah. Simpson, J. H. Explorations across the great basin of Utah in 1859 P81 .6 — Stansbury, H. Exploration of the val- ley of the Great Salt lake of, [’49-50]. 507.3 See also Mormons. Utopias. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Coming race, or the new Utopia 64.21 — Chambers’s papers for the people 1001.9.2 — Hume, D. Idea of a perfect common- wealth In 317 . 17 — Ideal commonwealths: More’s Utopia, etc.; ed. by H. Morley. 1886 917.16 Vagabond heroine. Edwards, Annie ...... 143.4 Vale of cedars. Aguilar, Grace 5.16 Valentin: French boy’s story of Sedan. Kingsley, H 36 . 292 Valentine, Mrs. R. Home book of pleas- ure and instruction 811.5 — Land battles from Hastings to Inker- man 738.26 — Sea fights and land battles, [British]. Illus 717.8 — Sea fights from Sluys to Navarino 738.25 Valentine, the countess. Bauer, Clara. . . 32.23 Valentine Vox, the ventriloquist. Cock- ton, H 134.30 Valerie, an autobiography. Marryat, F. . 16.24 Valerius, a Roman story. Lockhart, J. G. 133.17 Value of life. A reply to “Is life worth living?” 1879 442.7 Vambery, A. Travels in central Asia, [’63]. 502.27 Van Beneden, P. J. Animal parasites and messmates. 1876 815.4.19 Van Bruyssel, E. Population of an old pear tree. [Insects.] 1870 822 . 22 Vandenhoff, G. Elocution, [with selec- tions]. 1862 301.22 Van Doren, W. H. Mercantile morals.’57. 406.5 Vandyck, Sir A. Clement, C. E. Paint- ters, etc.; a handbook. ’79. .D. 3 and 834.11 — Fromentin, E. Old masters of Belgium, etc. Illus. 1882 851.16 — Sweetser, M. F Artist biographies 626.5.4 — Tytler, Sarah. Old masters 808.32 Van Dyke, J. C. Books and how to use them. 1883 426.34 Van Dyke, T. S. The still -hunter [deer hunting]. 1883 842 . 18 Vane, Sir H. Upham, C. W. Life of In 641.4.4 Vanity fair. Thackeray, W. M 36.557 Van Laun, H. History of French litera- ture [to 1848]. 3 v 312.3 Van-Lennep, H. J. Bible lands ; their modern manners and customs illus- trative of Scripture. 1875 715.6 Van Santvoord, C. Memoirs of Dr. E. Nott. 1876 612.28 Van Sommer, E. Lionel Franklin’s victory. 86 . 21 Vanuxem, L. Geology of New York. Third Van Wert, R. Rip Van Winkle’s travels in foreign lands. 1881 515.12 Variation of animals and plants under domestication. Darwin, C. 2 v. ’68. 803 . 1 Varnishing. Painter, gilder and varnish- er’s companion. 1880 838.10 See also Painting (mechanical). Vasari, G. Live^ of the painters, sculp- tors, etc. 5 v. 1878 618.10 — Stories of the Italian artists from Vasari. 1885 631.5 Vasconselos. [Florida; DeSoto.] Simms, W. G 44.19 Vashti, Wilson, Mrs. A. J. Fict 13.8 VATHEK. 260 VICTORY. Vathek, an Arabian tale. Beckford, W. . . 8.2 Vatican council. Gladstone, W. E. Vati- can decrees and civil allegiance, with the history of the Vatican council by P. Schaff. 1875 414.8 — Manning, H. E. Vatican decrees and civil allegiance. 1875 441.20 Vaughan, Robert . Revolutions in English history, v. 1. 1860 745.16 Vaux, W. S. W. Greek cities and islands of Asia Minor. 1877 716.13.4 — Persia to the Arab conquest, [A. D. 641]. 1876 716.13.3 Vedas. Gubernatis, A. de. Zoological mythology. [Translations from the Rigvedas.] 2 v 427.20 — Muller, M. The Vedas In 404.2.1 — Whitney, W. E>. Oriental and linguistic studies In 332.26.1 Vegetable mould. Darwin, C. Forma- tion of, throne'll the action of worms.81 5.4.37 Vegetable world. Figuer, L. Illus 812.22 Vegetables. See Botany; Gardening. Vegetarianism. Alcott, W. A. Vegetable diet. 1851 837.9 — Kingsford, A. Perfect way in diet. ’81 . 824 . 33 — Smith, J. Fruits and farinacea. 1854. 837.6 Vegetation. Curiosities of In 1001.8.1 — Marion, F. Wonders of. 1872 802.7 Velazquez de la Cadena, M. Pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and Eng- lish languages, based upon Seoane’s Neum:m and Baretti. \cop 1855.]. . . .*B.18 Velazquez, D. R. de S. Stothert, J. Span- ish painters. Illus 848 . 5 — Stowe, Edwin. Life of. Illus. 1881.. 627.15 — Tytler, Sarah. Old masters 808 . 32 — Washburn, E. W. Spanish masters. ’84. 852.4 Vendetta, The. Balzac, H. de. Fict 53.31 Venetia. Disraeli, B. Fict 36.191 Venice. De Mille, J. Winged lion; or, stories of Venice. Juv 87.21 — Hare, A. J. C. Cities of northern Italy, etc. 1876 527.25.2 — Howells, W. D. Venetian life, [1866]. . . 508.5 — Taine H. Italy, Florence and. 1873 . . 503 . 23 Ventilation. See Warming and ventila- tion. Venus. Proctor, R. A. Transits of, 1639- 2012 836.30 Verbal pitfalls: 1500 words commonly mis- used. Bardeen, C. W. 1883 326.24 Verbalist, The. Ayres, A. 1883 326.30 Verdant Green, Adventures of. Bradley, E. 74 . 20 Verities in verse. [Thoughts on religion, education, politics, etc.] 1885 212 . 16 Vermont. Abbott, J. Marco Paul in 91.25.4 Verne, Jules. At the North Pole. 1874.. 138.28 Note— For sequel see “Desert of ice.” — Desert of ice. 1876 136.14 Note.— Sequel to “ At the North Pole.” — Dr. Ox’s experiment; Master Zacharius; Drama in the air; A winter amid the ice; Ascent of Mont Blanc. 1875... 136.12 — Exploration of the world. 3 v. 1879.. 513.5 Contents— v. 1, Famous travels and travelers. 2, Great navigators of the eighteenth century. 3, Great explorers of the nineteeth century. — Five weeks in a balloon [in Africa]. 1873. 143 . 20 — From the earth to the moon. 1874 143.18 — Fur country. 1874 42.41 — Giant raft. 2 v. 1881-2 54.20 Contents.— v. 1, Eight hundred leagues on the AmazoD. 2, The cryptogram. Verne, Jules, continued. — Journey to the centre of the earth 64.11 — Land of the behemoth. 1874 32.3 Note .— Same work as “Meridiana.” — Meridiana. 1874 32.4 — Michael Strogoff, courier of the czar.’81. 47 . 23 — Mysterious island. 1876 43.30 Contents .— Dropped from the clouds ; Aban- doned; Secret of the island. — Off on a comet. 1878 55.2 Note— Sequel to “To the sun.” — Steam house. 2 v. 1881 141 . 22 Contents. — v. 1, Demon of Cawnpore. 2, Tigers and traitors. — To the sun; a journey through planetary space. 1879 55.1 Note .— For sequel see “Off on a comet.” — Tour of the world in eighty days. 1877. 63.40 — Tribulations of a Chinaman. 1880 45.7 — Twenty thousand leagus under the sea. 143.19 — Voyage round the world. 1877 136.15 — Wreck of the Chancellor; [also] Martin Paz. 1875 137.8 Varona, Adolfo de. Sewer gases and how to protect our dwellings. 1879 833.15 Verner’s pride. Wood, Mrs. H. 3 v. in 2.. 36.582 Veronique. Church, Mrs. R 36.109 Vers de society. Jones, C. H., ed’r 211.11 Versification. See Poetry. Vertebrates. See Zoology. Vesper, Gasparin, Countess de. Juv 71.3 Vestiges of civilization. Shannon, R. H . . 915.17 Vestiges of the natural history of crea- tion. 1846 801.10 — Explanations: a sequel to. 1846 801.11 Vestigia. Fletcher, Julia 56.17 Veterinary medicine. United States. Dep. of Agriculture. Report on conta- gious diseases of domestic animals.’81 P21 . 1 Report on diseases of swine, etc. ’79. P21.2 See also Cow; Dog; Horse; Pig; Sheep. Viardot, L. Wonders of European art.’71. 802.18 — Wonders of Italian art. 1870 802.22 — Wonders of sculpture. 3873 813.35 Vicar of Bullhampton. Trollope, A 36.551 Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith, O. .4.28 and 214 . 15 Vicarious sacrafice. Bushnell, H. 2 v. . . 444.6 Vicars, Capt. H. Memorials of. 1858 601.7 Vicar’s daughter. MacDonald, G 36.358 Vice versa. Guthrie, F. A. Fict 53.19 Vicksburg, Miss. My cave life in. By a lady. 1864 737.24 Victor Emanuel II, king of Italy. Dicey, E. Life of. 1882 621.25.9 — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders. 1872.. 607.5 Victoria, queen of England. Leaves from the journal of our life in the Highlands, 1848-61 522.20 — Lippincott, S. J. Queen Victoria : her girlhood and womanhood. By Grace Greenwood. Illus. 1883 643.1 — McCarthy, J. Hist, of our times. 2 v.’80. 724.4 Modern leaders. 1872 607.5 — Parton, J. Eminent women of the age. 1877 625.13 — Strickland, A. Queens of England; con- tinued by R. Kauffman. 1884 738.12.3 Victorian poets. Stedman, E. C 215.6 Victorinus. Extant works. (A .-N. C. lib., v. 18.) 415.1 Victory. Juv. 1869 22.11 Victory of the vanquished. Charles, E... 13.4 VICTORY. 261 VOYAGES. Victory stories. Tucker, Charlotte 86.29 Viele, Mrs. E. L. “ Following the drum:” frontier life. 1858 504.20 Vienna international exposition. Reports of U. S. commissioners. 4 v. 1876 . *826 . 10 Vieux Moustache, pseud. See Gordon, C. Views a-foot [in Europe], Taylor, B. ’73. 502.15 Vignettes in rhyme, etc. Dobson A 217.22 ViGNom, T. Myth and science. 1882 815.4.40 Vigny, A. de. Cinq-Mars. [Time of Louis XIII. 1 42.14 Viking tales of the north. The sagas of Thorstein, Viking’s son, and Fridth- jof the bold. From the Icelandic by R. B. Anderson and J. Bjarnason. Also,Tegner’s Fridthjof’s saga,£rcmsZ. by G. Stephens 208.17 Villa on the Rhine. Auerbach, B. 2 v. . 131.24 Village and farm cottages. Cleveland, H. W. 1869 813.7 Village communities.* Maine, H. S. 1876. 913.15 Village conferences on the creed. Baring- Gould, S. 1878 433.19 Village improvements. Waring, G. E.’ 77. 827.27 Village on the cliff. Thackeray, A. I 36.613 Villages and village life. Eggleston, N. H. 1878 822.24 Villette. Bronte, Charlotte 36.411 Vincent, F. jr. Land of the white ele- phant; sights and scenes in south- eastern Asia. 1871-2 523.9 — Norsk, Lapp and Finn. 1881 518.1 — Through and through the tropics. 1881 . 525 . 29 Vincenzo. Ruffini, Giovanni 36.480 Vinci, Leonardo da. Clement, C. E. Paint- ers, etc: a hand-book 834.11 — Jameson, Mrs. A. Early Italian paint- ers. 1875 614.3 — Lanzi, L. History of painting. 1872 . . 822.3.2 — Ruskin, J. Modern painters. [See In- dex in v. 5.] 805 . 2 — Sweetser, M. F, Artist biographies.’80. 626.5.1 — Tytler, S. Old masters 808.32 — Vasari, G. Lives of the painters 618.10.2 Vine and olive; Spain and Portugal. Ad- ams, W. T. Juv 73.5.5 Vinegar. Wetherill, C. M. Manufacture of. 1860 .. 847.10 Vinet, A. History of French literature in the eighteenth century. 1857 323.3 Vingut, G. F. de. Naomi Torrente. 1864. 17.8 Violinists. Ferris, G. T. Great violin- ists. 1881 624.4 Viollet-Le-Duc, E. Annals of a fortress. [Popular history of military engineer- ing.] 1876 825.7 — Habitations of man in all ages. 1876.. 851.27 — Learning to draw. 1881 ... 835 . 20 — Story [of the building] of a house. 1874. 826.9 Virgil [P. Virgilius Maro]. iEneid. Tr. into English verse by J. Connington. 1877 208.14 — iEneid. Tr. into English blank verse by C. P. Cranch. 1872 207.18 — iEneids. Done into English verse by W. Morris. 1875 208.13 — The eclogues; tr. by Wrangham : the georgics, by Sotheby, the a3neid, by Dry den. 2 v. 1872 1020.10 — Georgics of Vergil. Tr. into Eng. verse by Harriett W. Preston. 1881 218.12 — Bruce, E. C. Wanderings with V. In *1002.7.16 — Church, A. J. Stories from V. Hlus.. 48.12 Virgil, continued. — Collins, W. L. Virgil [outlined and ex- plained]. 1875 1020 . 23 — Lessing, G. E. In his Laocoon 852 . 19 — Littell’s, v. 123. Virgil’s sea descrip- tions *1006 . 2 — Shairp, J. C. V. as a religious poet. In 211.8 Virgin soil. [Russian tale.] Turgenieff, I. S. 137.18 Virginia. Campbell, C. History of, 1492- 1781. 1860 734.14 — Cooke, J. E. Stories of the Old Domin- ion. 1879 721.4 Virginia: a history of the people.’83. 738.16.1 — Doyle, J. A. Eng. colonies in Am. 1882. 728.6 — Lodge, H. C. Short hist, of the English colonies. 1881 726.5 — Strother, D. H. Virginia illustrated; containing A visit to the Virginia Canaan, etc 531 . 23 See also Pocahontas; Smith (Capt. John). In fiction , see Thackeray’s “Virginians” [Washing- ton in youth], 36.(514; Cooke’s (J. E.) Bonnybel Vane [Virginia in 1774-5], 56.2, “Virginia Bohemians” [Moon- shiners, etc.], 47.(5, “Virginia comedians” [Virginia in 1765], 44.20; James’ “Old Dominion” [Southampton massacre, 1631], 34.36. Virginia Bohemians. Cooke, J. E 47.6 Virginia comedians. Cooke, J. E 44.20 Virginians, The. Thackeray, W. M. Fict. 36.614 Virginians in Texas. Barker, W. M. Fict. 47.42 Vision. See Eye; Optics; Sight. Vision, The. [Poem.] See Dante, A. Visions; a study of false sight. Clarke, E. H. 1878 828.30 Visions of the future, etc. Frothingham, O. B 421.33 Vivian Grey. Disraeli, Benjamin 36.192 Vivian romance. Collins, Mortimer 34.24 Vivian the beauty. Edwards, Mrs. Annie. 46 . 27 Vogel, H. Chemistry of light and pho- tography. 1875 815.4.1 4 Voice. Durant, G. Hygiene of the. 1879. 834.3 — Meyer, G. H. von. Organs of speech.’84. . 815.4.46 — Monroe, L. B. Physical and vocal train- ing. 1879 825.8 — Rood, O. N. Mysteries of the In 812.32.2 Voice from the parsonage; or, life in the ministry. 1854 135.20 Voice from the vintage. Ellis, S. S In 305.15.2 Voice of the home. Henry, Mrs. S. M. I. . 82.1 Volcanoes. Earthquakes and* In 1001.8.3 — Humboldt, A. von. In his Cosmos 801.1.5 — Judd, J. W. Volcanoes. 1881, 815.4.35 — Ponton, M. Volcanoes. 1870 802.12 See also Physical geography. Volney, C. F. The ruins; or, meditations on the revolutions of empires 403.9 Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Age of Louis XIV. 2 v. 1752 742.21 — History of Charles XII. [of Sweden]. With life of Voltaire, by Lord Brougham. 1864 605.16 — History of Peter the great. 1836 612 . 12 — Buckle, H. T. Hist, of civilization 904.3.1 — Carlyle, T. In his Essays 305.6 — Hanley, E. B. Voltaire. 1877 636.7.2 — Lecky,W. E. H. Rationalism in Europe. 437.1.1 — Morley, J. Voltaire. 1872 604.8 — Parton, J. Life of. 2 v. 1881 623.17 Voyage alone in the yawl “ Rob Roy.” Macgregor, J . 1 868 508 . 25 Voyage of the paper canoe. Bishop, N. H. 527.18 Voyages. See Travels and voyages. WAGER 262 WARD. Wager of law and battle. Lea, H. C . . . In 912.3 Wages question. See Labor. Wagner, R. Chemical technology . 1875 . 846 . 10 Wagner, W. R. Art life and theories; selected from his writings, and tr. by E. L. Burlingame. 1875. 613.16 — Haweis, H. R. My musical memoirs. 1884 In 644.1 — Nohl, L. Life of. 1884 627.23 — Tytler, Sarah. Musical composers. ’76. 613.23 Wahl, O. W. Land of the czar. 1875 526.4 Waif of the war. See Dodge, W. S 712.26 Wait for the end. Lemon, Mark 36.319 Waiting for the verdict. Davis, R. H 134.23 Waiting race. Yates, Edmund 36.595 WAKE-Robin. [Bird-life.] Burroughs, J. . 833.2 Walden. [Life in the woods.] Thoreau, H. D. 308.29 Waldeneses. Hale, E. E. In his name. [Fiction.] 47.45 — Smiles, S. Country of the Yaudois. 1874 In 744.10 — Trench, R. C. Mediaeval church his- tory 1878 418.12 — Waldenses of Piedmont. 1853 702.12 Waldo, S. P. Memoirs of Andrew Jack- son. 1819 607.22 Wales, Albert Edward, prince of. Rus- sell, W. H. Tour in India, etc. ’75-6. 526.2 Wales. Adams, W. T. Red cross. Juv. 73.4.3 — Timbs, J, Abbeys, castles, etc., of 501.10.3 See also England. Waleord, E. Greater London: its history, its people and its places. Illus. 2 v. 528.14 — Juvenal [outlined and explained]. 1872. 2020.31 Walford, Mrs. L. B. Baby’s grand- mother. 1884 57.1 — Dick Netherby. 1882 53.7 — Troublesome daughters. 1880 48.21 Walker, F. A. Money, trade and indus- try. 1879 914.10 — Political economy. 1883 915.14 — compiler. Ninth census: 1870. 3v P52.5 Same. Compendium P52.6 Statistical atlas of the United States, based on the results of the ninth census: 1870 *8541.23 Walker, G. W. Gaddis, M. P. Recollec- tions of. 1857 602.10 Walker, J. B. Philosophy of the plan of salvation. 1855 433 . 1 Walker, Mary S. Dr. Willoughby and his wine. 1878 86.22 Walker, W. Handbook of drawing. ’80. 834.15 Walking. Marey, E. J. Animal mechan- ism. 1874 815.4.11 — Pettigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion.’74. 815.4.8 Walks and talks of an American farmer in England. Olmstead, F. L. 1859.... 502,23 Wall St., New York. Lamb, Mrs. M. J. Wall street in history. Illus. 1883. 915.10 — Medbery, J. K. Men and mysteries of. 912.11 Wallace, A. R. Geographical distribution of animals. 2 v. 1876 854.7 — Malay archipelago. Illus. 1868 527.13 — On natural selection. 1871 807.28 — Tropical natures and other essays. 1878. 825.17 Contents . —Climate and physical aspects of the equa- torial zone ; Equatorial vegetation ; Animal life in the tropical forests ; Humming-birds; Colours of animals and sexual selection ; Colours of plants and the origin of the color-sense; By-paths in the domain of biology; Distribution of animals as indicating geographical changes. Wallace, D. M. Russia, [1870-5] 511.2 Wallace, E. jr. Amateur photographer. 1884 855.3 Wallace, Lew. Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ. 1880 51.9 — The fair god, a tale of the conquest of Mexico. 1873 142.24 Wallace. Abbott, Jacob. Juv 91.23.2 Wallenstein, duke of Friedland. Gardi- ner, S. R. The thirty years’ war. ’75. 743.5.3 — Wilson. J. G. Illustrious soldiers 632.17 ' See also Germany ( Thirty years' 1 war), and Schiller’s dramas, “Wallenstein” and “The Piccolomini. 727.8.2. Walpole, Horace. Anecdotes of painting in England [to 1762]. 1871 308.5 — Castle of Otranto, a Gothic story . 1863. 133.10 — Macaulay, T. B. In his Essays 305.13 — Scott, Sir W. Lives of the novelists.. 624.19 — Thomson, K. B. Wits and beaux of society 613 . 17 Walsh, J. H. [Stonehenge. f Dogs of Great Britain. 1879 838.32 — Encyclopedia of rural sports 831.12 — The horse in the stable and field. 1880. 824.28 Walsh, J. J. Futtehgurh mission [India] and her martyred missionaries. ’59. 603.12 Walsh, W. P. Heroes of the mission field. 1879 635.6 Walter, Emile. What is free trade? ’74. 914.28 Walter and Frank. Leslie, Madeline. Juv. 24.4 Walter Goring. Cudlip, Annie 36 . 157 Walter Sherwood. Wise, Daniel. Juv... 71.23 Walter’s tour in the East. See Eddy, D. C. Walton, G. E. Mineral springs in the United States and Canada. 1883... 845.3 Walton, I. Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert and Sanderson. ’66. 606.25 — and Cotton, C. The complete angler.’67. 814.26 Wanda. Rame, L. dela 54.23 Wandering heir. Reade, C. A 63.39 Wandering Jew. Conway, M. D. Study of the legend 443.4 — Croly, G. Salathiel ; the wandering Jew. Fid 42.13 — Gould, S. B. Curious jnyths 423 . 6 — Sue, E. Wandering Jew* Fid.... 17.5 Wanderings over Bible lands and seas. Charles, Mrs. E 502.3 War. Burke, Edm. Vindication of nat- ural society In 305.9.1 — Channing, W. E. Works, v. 3, 4, 5 1001.3 — Helps, Sir A. Friends in council 302.3.2 — Percy anecdotes. Anecdotes of war... 312.1 — Prize essays on a congress of nations. [By J. A. Bowles and others.] 1840. 904.2 See also Military art and science. War diary of events, 1863-5. Gordon, G. H. 1882 741.5 War for the Union. Duyckinck, E. A. 3v. 733.2 War lyrics, etc. Brownell, H. H 208.6 War of American independence. Ludlow, J. M. 1876 743.5.11 War of the rebellion, [1861-5]. Foote, H. S. 737 . 3 War pictures. Rogers, J. B. 1863 711.9 War tiger. Dalton, W. Juv 23.20 Warburton, E. The crescent and the cross; or, romance of eastern travel. 1852 501.32 — Darien; or, the merchant prince [Scotch colony, 1698-9]. 1853 36.559 Warburton, G. Conquest of Canada. 2 v. 1850 723.11 Ward, Anna, L. Cyclopaedia of quota- tions. See Hoyt, J. K *E.10 WARD. 263 WASHBURNE. Ward, A. W. Charles Dickens. 1862. . .616.11.27 — Chaucer. (Eng. men of letters.) 1880.616.11.14 Ward, Artemas, pseud. See Browne, C. F. Ward, H. O., pseud. See Moore, Mrs. C. J. Ward, L. F. Dynamic sociology; or, ap- plied social science. 2 v. 1883 916.13 Ward, S. Gammell, W. Life of. 1846.. 601.1.9 Ward, T. H., ed'r. The English poets: se- lections, with critical introductions by various writers. 4 v. 1881 218 . 8 Contents.— v. 1, Chaucer to Donne. 2, Ben. Johnson to Dryden. 3, Addison to Blake. 4, Wordsworth to Dobell. Warden, The. Trollope, A 36.552 Warder, J. A. Hedges and evergreens. ’59. 807.9 Ware, W. Aurelian; or, Rome in the third century. 2 v. 1869 14.5 — Julian; or, scenes in Judea. 2 v. 1869. 14.3 — Memoir of Nathaniel Bacon. 1848 .. In 601.1.3 — Zenobia; or, the fall of Palmyra. 2v.’69. 14.4 Ware, W. R. Modern perspective, with portf oho of 27 plates. 1883 *8541.13 Warfare of science. White, A. D. 1876. 816.9 Waring, G. E., jr. Bride of the Rhine. [Voyage in a row-boat]. 1878 514 . 2 — Drainage for profit and health. 1867 . . . 813 . 27 — Elements of agriculture. 1870 821 . 20 — Farmer’s vacation [Holland, Normandy, Channel islands, in 1873], Illus 511 . 9 — How to drain a house. 1885 847.25 — Sanitary condition of city and country houses. 1877 * 827.29 — Sanitary drainage of houses and towns, 1876 816.21 — Village improvements and farm villages. 1877 827.27 — Whip and spur [in war and field]. 1875 . 514 . 6 Warlock o’ Glenwarlock. Macdonald, G. 51.10 Warming and ventilation. Billings, J. S. Ventilation and heating. 1884 846.4 — Briggs, Robert. Steam heating. 1883 . 844 . 28 — Butler, W. F. Ventilation of buildings. 818.38 — Eassie, W. Healthy houses. 1879 837.5 — Kingsley, C. The two breaths In 413.4 — Leeds, L. W. Lectures on. 1868 806 . 22 — Morin, A. Warming and ventilation. (Smithsonian reports, 1873-4.) *8541 . 15 — Perkins, E. E. Gas and ventilation 811 . 1 — Putnam, J. P. Open fireplace in all ages. Illus. 1882 846.2 — Ruttan, H. Ventilation and warming.’62. 825.15 — U. S. international exhibition, 1876. Re- ports and awards: group 14. Appa- ratus for heating, ventilating, etc. 771*846.15.5 — Wyman, M. Treatise on ventilation. ’46. 801 . 2 Warne’s [Lippincott’s] every day cookery. . 808.6 W arne’s model cookery and housekeeping book 814.31 Warner, A. B. Dollars and cents. 1871. 14.17 — My brother’s keeper. 1873 8.16 — Three little spades, [Gardening]. 1868. . 24.41 — joint author. See Warner, Susan. Warner, C. D. Backlog studies. 1874... 308.8 — Baddeck and that sort of thing. 1874.. 508.24 — Being a boy. 1878 311.14 — In the Levant [in 1875] 524.17 — Life of Captain John Smith. 1881 626.12 — Mummies and Moslems. 1876 521.17 — My summer in a garden. 1872 301.31 — My winter on the Nile. 1876 516.19 — Round about journey [in Europe]. 1884. 521.4 — Saunterings [on the continent]. 1872 . . . 514 . 3 — Washington Irving. 1882 624.12.1 — and others. Studies of Irving. 1880.. 316.7 Warner, C. D., continued. — joint author. The gilded age. See Clemens, S. L 33.3 — ed’r. American men of letters, v. 1-9. 1882-5 624.12 Contents.— v. 1, Irving, by C. D. Warner. 2, Noah Webster, by H. E. Scudder, 3, Thoreau, by F. B. San- born. 4, George Ripley, by O. B. Frothingham. 5, J. Fenimore Cooper, by T. R. Lounsbpry. 6, Margaret N. Fuller Ossoli, by T. W. Higginson. 7, Ralph W. Emerson, by Oliver W. Bolmes. 8, Edgar A. Poe, by G. E. Woodberry. 9, N. P. Willis, by H. A. Beers. Warner, Susan. Daisy; sequel to “Mel- bourne House.” 1874 137.25 — End of a coil. 1880 138.6 — Hills of the Shatemuc. 1873 132 . 7 — House in town : sequel to “ Opportuni- ties.” 1881 81.25 — Melbourne House. 1878 17.25 — My desire. 1879 45.2 — Nobody. 1883 146.21 — The old helmet. 1873 132.10 — Opportunities: sequel to “What she could.” 1875 88.27 — Pine needles and old yarns. 1881 52.22 — Queechy. 1872 14.15 — Stephen, M. D. 1883 55.20 — Story of small beginnings. 4 v Contents.— 1, What she could [88.32]; v. 2, Oppor- tunities [88.27] ; v. 3, House in town [81.25] ; v. 4, Trad- ing [24.34] . — Trading; finishing the story of “ The house in town.” 1873 ' 24.34 — What she could. 1875 88.32 Note. — For sequel see “Opportunities.” — Wide, wide world. 2 v. 1853 5.1 — and A. B. Diana. 1877 144 . 9 Gold of Chickaree. 1876 136.18 Note— Sequel to “ Wych Hazel.” Say and seal. 2 v. 1869 14.16 Wych Hazel. 1879 136.20 Note.- -For sequel see “ Gold of Chickaree.” Warner, W. Experience of a barrister.’52. 31.1 Warren, D. M. Common school geog- raphy. 1881 8521 . 25 — New primary geography. 1874 515.5 Warren, Mrs. E. Comfort for small in- comes 844 . 11 — How I managed my children 844 . 12 — How I managed my house on two hun- dred pounds a year 844 . 10 — How to choose a house and furnish it at a small expense 844 . 13 — My lady help and what she taught me. . 827.13 — Six hundred dollars a year : a wife’s effort at low living under high prices. 1867. 308.30 Warren, H.W. Recreations in astronomy. 823.35 Warren, Jos. Everett, A. H. Lif of. In 641.4.10 Warren, S. Diary of a late physician. [Fiction.] 1844 36.560 — Lily and the bee : an apologue of the Crystal palace. 1851 327.11 — Moral, social and professional duties of attorneys and solicitors. 1870 911.8 — Now and then. Fict 36.561 — Ten thousand a year. Fict. 1845 36.562 Warriors and statesmen [biographies]. Lord, J In 735.6.4 Wars of the roses. Edgar, J. G 752.7 Warton, T. History of English poetry from 11th to 17th century. 1870.... 208.21 Was he successful ? Kimball. R. B. 1864. 3.9 Washburne, E. B. Edward Coles, second governor of Illinois, and the slavery struggle of 1823-4. 1882 623.20 WASHBURNE. 264 WEAVER. Washburne, E. W. Spanish masters: out- line history of painting in Spain. ’84. 852 . 4 Washburn, Ichabod. Autobiography and memorials, by Rev. H. T. Cheever.’78. 635.10 Washburn, Kath. S. The Italian girl. ’74. 32.19 Washburn, W. T. Fair Harvard. [College life.] 1869 8.28 Washington, George. Inaugural and fare- well addresses. {In Moore, F. Amer- ican eloquence.) 321.12.1 — Words of. Selected by J. Parton. 1871. 318.5 — Abbott, Jacob. Washington. 1860 721.1.8 — Abbott, J. S. C. Life of 621.6 [Sketch of.] Illus In 1004.1.12 — Bancroft, A. Life of. 2 v. 1839 607.20 — Brougham, H., lord. Napoleon — Wash- ington In 633.1.3 — Chambers’s misc. [Sketch of.] In 1001.8 4 — Chambers’s papers. [Sketch of.]. . . In 1001.9.1 — Cooper, Miss S. F. Mount Vernon; a letter to the children of America. ’59. 306.18 — Everett, E. Life of. 1860 606.6 — Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals. 2 v. 1847 602.7 Homes of American statesmen. 1855. 617.9 — Irving, W. Life of. 5 v. 1856-72 605.14 Same. 5v. 1857 614.1 — Marshall, John. Life of. 2 v. 1840... 617.14 — National portrait gallery. By A. Chap- pel and E. A. Duyckmck *638.1.1 — Parton, J. Cabinet of In *1005.2.31 Illustrious men. 1881 617.17 — Rush, R. Washington in domestic life. 634.12 — Savage, J. Washington’s portrait. In 1004.1.20 — Thayer, W. M. The farmer boy, and how he became commander-in-chief . 83.14.1 — Trescott, W. H. Diplomatic history of administrations of 904 . 14 — Webster, D. Character of In 312.17 — Weems, M. L. Life of. 1873 607.18 — Whipple, E. P. Character and charac- teristic men. 1871 303.3 — Wilson, J. G. Illustrious soldiers. 1874. 632 . 17 See also Mount Vernon. See also general histories of the United States and of of the Revolution; also references in Allibone [*A.8.3], and in Poole’s Index [*B.28]. In fiction see Thackeray’s “ Virginians’' [Washing- ton in youth] 36.614; and Cooper’s “ Spy ” [Revolution- ary war] 2.35. Washington, Martha, wife of the presi- dent. Ellett, E. A. Queens of Ameri- can society 615 . 4 — Holloway, L. C. Ladies of the white house 628.20 — Lossing, B. J. Martha Washington. Il- lus In 1004.1.7 Washington, D. C. Ames, M. C. Ten years in. 1884 521 . 5 — Martin, E. W. Behind the scenes. ’73. 714.3 Washington, Mount, in winter, [1870-71].. . 522.22 Washington, Treaty of. Cushing, C 902.13 Washington square. James, H., jr. Fict. 138.29 Washington territory. Browne, J . R. Re- sources of the Pacific states. 1869.. 748.3 — Leighton, C. C. Life at Puget sound, etc, 1865-81 522.3 Washington winter. Dahlgren, Mrs. M.V. 55.3 Washoe. Browne, J. R. Crusoe’s island and. 1864 512.7 Wasps. Lubbock, J. Ants, bees and 815.4.42 \Vaste products and undeveloped sub- stances and their utilization. Sim- monds, P. L 823 . 22 Watch and wait. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.2.3 Watches. See Clocks and watches. Water and water works . Hughes, • S. Water works for cities and towns. ’72. 814.39 — Kirkwood, J. P. Filtration of river waters. 1869 8521.15 — Nichols, W. R. Filtration of potable water. 1879 834.4 — Tissandier, G. Wonders of water. 1872. 813.14 — Tyndall, J. Forms of water. 1872 815.4.1 See also Hydraulics; Ocean. Water and land. Abbott, J. Juv 803.12 Water babies; a fairy tale. Kingsley, C. . 83.15 WATER-color painting. Leitch, R. P 822.2 WATER-cure. See Hydropathy. WATER-cure journal, The. v. 15-16. 1853.. 8521.5 W ATER-glass. Feuchtwanger, L. 1875 827.4 WATER-witch. Cooper, J. F. Fict 2.37 Waterdale neighbours. MacCarthy, J . . . 36.359 Watering places. See Health resorts. Waterloo; Sequel to “ I he conscript.” Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A 44.9 Waterloo, Stories of. Maxwell, W. H. . . 42.12 Waterton, C. W anderings in South Amer- ica, etc., 1812-24. Ed. by J. G.Wood. 514.21 Watson, A. American home garden. 1870. 814.20 Watson, E. P. Manual of the hand lathe. 838.5 Watson, F. Defenders of the faith. (The fathers for Eng. readers.) 1879 423.14.2 Watson- H. C. Camp fires of the revolu- tion. 1850 714.12 — Heroic women of history. 1857 617.1 Watson, J. Schelling’s idealism: a critical exposition. 1882 443 . 38 Watson, J. M. Manual of calisthenics.’ 77. 825.13 Watson, Richard. Life of John W esley.’53. 622 . 3 Same. 1835 In 411.1 Watt, James. Arago, F. Life of In 602.2.2 — Chambers’s misc. Life of In 1001.8.9 — Craik, G. L. Pursuit of knowledge. ’72. 308.20 — Muirhead, J. P. Life of. 1859 605.17 — Smiles, S. Brief biographies. 1860... 606.4 Industrial biography. 1871. 601 . 13 Lives of the engineers. 1865. Illus . 607.1.4 — Timbs, J. Inventors and discoverers.’60. 636.12 Watterson, H., ed’r. Oddities of south- ern life and character. 1 883 318 . 25 Watts, Isaac. Psalms, hymns, etc. Added Select hymns by S. Worcester. 1859. 218.7 — JohnsonS. Lives of the poets 643.17 Wau-bun, the early day of the North-west, (1830-3). Kinzie, J 503 . 10 ^averly. Scott, Sir W. Fict 12.1 W a verly dictionary. Rogers, M. 1879... 314.4 Waverly novels. See Scott, Sir W. “ Way down East.” Smith, Seba 55.31 Way to do good. Abbott, J .433.30.3 Wayland, Francis. Elements of political economy. 1845 903.25 — Sermons to the churches. 1658 437.16 — Wayland, H. L. Life of. 2 v. 1868... 633.4 Wayne, Anthony. Armstrong, J. Life of. 641.4.4 Ways of the hour. Cooper, J. F. Fict... 2.39 W e and our neighbors. Stowe, Mrs. H. B. 143 . 21 W e and the world. Ewing, J. H 86.16 We girls. WLitney, Mrs. A. D. T 8.31 Wealth and wine. Chellis, M. D. Fict. . 92.23 Wealth of nations. Smith, Adam 9Q2.2 Wear and tear ; or, hints for the over- worked. Mitchell, S. W 811.17 W T EARiNGof the gray, [1861-5]. Cooke, J. E. 737.12 W eather. See Meteorology. Weaver, G. S. Aims and aids for girls and young women. 1856 406.24 WEAVER 265 WHAT. Weaver, G. S., continued, — Mental science and phrenology. 1854.. 426.9 Webb, A. S. The Peninsula: McClellan’s campaign of 1862. 1881 726.9.3 Webber, C. W. Hunter-naturalist. 1852. 836.6 Weber, G. Outlines of universal history. [cop. 1853.] 744.5 Webster, Daniel. Great speeches and ora- tions of; with an essay on Daniel Web- ster as a master of English style, by E. P. Whipple. 1879 312.17 — Orations and speeches. 1853 303 . 1 Confers .— Eulogy on Adams and Jefferson; First settlement of New England; Bunker Hill monument; Reply to Hayne; Speech on the slavery compromise, 1850 . — Private correspondence; ed. by F. Web- ster. 2 v. 1857 608.7 — Speech on Mr. Foot’s resolution; Argu- ment in the trial of J. F. Knapp, etc In 321.12.2 — Banvard, Joseph. Life of. 1875 613 . 7 — Benton, T. Thirty years’ view. 2 v. ’54. 904.18 — Curtis, G.T. Life of. 2 v. 1870 603.3 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men.’76. 614.14 — Harper’s m. Social hours of 1004.1.13 — Homes of American statesmen. 1855.. 617.9 — King, T. S. In his Substance and show, etc. 1877 311.15 — Lodge. H. C. Daniel Webster. 1883 . . 626.4.8 — Lord, J. Daniel Webster — The Ameri- can Union. 1885 In 735.6.4 — March, C. W. Webster and his cotem- poraries. 1850 636 . 15 — Parker, T. On the death of. 1853 . . In 303 . 1 — Parton, J. Famous Americans. 1 871 . . 603 . 16 — Tweedie, W. K. Earnest men. 1872... 632.8 — Whipple, E. P. Essays, [cop. 1850.] . . 303.6.1 Webster, Noah. American dictionary of the English language. New ed’n, with supplement. 1880 *A . 2 — High-school dictionary, [cop. 1868] 323.37 — Scudder, H. E. Life of. 1882 624.12.2 Wedding day in all ages and countries. Wood, E. J. 1869 742.16 Wedgewood, W. B. and Homans, I. S. Law manual for notaries and bankers. ’73. 908.8 Weepen, W. B. Social law of labor. 1882. 917.13 Week in a French country house. Sar- toris, A. K. Fict 34.37 W eek on the Concord and Merrimack riv- ers. Thoreau, H. D. 1868 301.29 Weeks, Mrs. H. 0. Ainslee stories. 1869.. 78.33 Weeks, L. H. Among the Azores. 1882. . 518.22 Weems, W. L. Life of Franklin. 1876 . . 613.6 — Life of George Washington. 1873 607.18 — and Horry, P. Life of Gen. F. Marion . 601 . 10 Weigall, C. H. Art of figure drawing.’79. 852. 13.4 Weighed and wanting. MacDonald, G . . . . 56.24 Weights and measures. Barnard, F. A. P. The metric system of. 1879 913.5 Weil, G. Biblical legends of the Mussul- mans. 1874 416.16 Weiss, J. The immortal life. 1880 423.18 — Life and correspondence of Theodore Parker. 2 v. 1864 603.4 — Wit, humor and Shakespeare. 1876.... 317.8 Weisse, J. A. The obelisk and free- masonry. 1 880 834 . 19 Welch, A. S. Object lessons. 1863 423.3 Weller, E. Pocket atlas of historical geography 525 . 1 Wellfields, The, Fothergill, Jessie, Fict. 138.10 34 Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, duke of. — Bayne, P. Essays in biography 317.6.1 — Brougham, H., lord. Statesmen, etc... 633.1.2 — Chambers’s papers. [Sketch of.] Inl001.9.6 — Napier, W. P. F. Peninsular war. 5 v. 705.3 — Russell, W. Boyhood of extraordinary men 613.32 — Wilson, J. G. Illustrious soldiers. ’74. 632.17 Wells, D. A. Robinson Crusoe’s money. 1876 911.19 Wells, S. R. How to read character. 1868. 416.21 Welsh, A. H. Development of the Eng- lish language and literature. 2 v. 1882. 316 . 12 Welty, Mrs. E. A. Self-made; or, living for those we love. 1868 48.11 Wenderholme. Hamerton, P. G. Fict 136.10 W ept of Wish-ton- wish, The. ' Cooper, J. F. 2 . 38 Werner, E., pseud. See Burstenbinder, E. Werner, F. L. Z. Carlyle, T. Life and writings {In his Essays) 305.6 Wesley, Charles. His finer and less fa- miliar poems; ed. by F. M. Bird. ’78. 217.2 — Whitehead, J. Life of. 1881 628.4 Wesley, John. Charles, E. Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. Fict 36.95 — Clarke, J. F. John Wesley and his times. 1883 In 436.19 — Southey, R. Life of. 1871 608.22 — Tyerman, L. Life of. 3 v. 1872 604.9 — Watson, R. Life of. 1835 In 411.1 Same. 1853 622.3 — Whitehead, J. Life of. 1881 628.4 West, M. A. Romance of missions [in America]. 1875 516.13 West, The. See United States ( Travels , etc., p. 258). West Indies. Conant,H.S. Rambles in. In 1004.1.43 — Kingsley, C. A Christmas in. 1871 . . . 522 . 30 — Trollope, A. The West Indies, [1859].. 503.15 — Waterton, C. Wanderings, etc., 1812-24. 514 . 21 West lawn. Holmes, Mrs. M. J. Fict. . . 135.4 West Point. Farrow, E. S. West Point and the military academy. 1881 426.26 — Flipper, H. O. Colored cadet at. 1878. 635.7 Westcott, B. F. History of the English Bible. 1868 405.6 — Introduction to study of the gospels. ’75. 424.6 Westcott, T. Life of John Fitch, inventor of the steam-boat. 1857 606.3 Westminster assembly’s larger catechism. 444.13 Westminster review, v. 97-126. 1872-86. *1007. 5 Weston, G. M. The silver question. 1878.913.18 Westward by rail. Rae, W. T. 1874 501.28 Westward ho ! or Sir Amyas Leigh. Kingsley, C 132.17 Wet days at Edgewood. Mitchell, D. G. . . 301.13 Wetherell, Elizabeth, pseud. See War- ner, Susan. Wetherill, C. M. Manufacture of vine- gar. 1860 847.10 WHALE-fishery. Davis, W. M. Nimrod of the sea; or, the American whalemen. 1874 823.32 — Melville, H. Moby-Dick. Fict 132.23 — Polar seas and regions. 1868 512.23 — U. S. Fish commission. Reports, ’73-82. P16.2 Wharton, Grace and Philip, pseud. See Thomson K. B. and J. C. What answer? Dickinson, A. E. Fict. ... 132.2 What Ben Beverly saw at the great exposi- tion [at Philadelphia]. 1876 75.3 What came afterward. Arthur, T. S 142.1 What can she do ? Roe, E. P. Fict 64,14 WHAT. 266 WHITMARSH. What career ? or, the choice of a vocation and the use of time. Hale, E. E.’78 . . . 417 . 14 What I know about farming. Greeley, H. 811.9 What is Darwinism ? Hodge, C. 1874. . . 808.30 What Katy did. Woolsey, Mrs. S. C 74.26 What Katy did at school. Woolsey, S. C. 82.30 What might have been expected. Stock- ton, F. R 78.27 What shall I read ? Ed. by J. H. Vincent. 1879 421.18 What shall we do to-night. Mayne, L. D. 828.1 What shall we do with our daughters ? Livermore, M rs. M. A. 1883 916.14 What shall we eat ? A manual for house- keepers. 1868 816.17 What she could. Warner, S. 1875 88.32 What social classes owe to each other. Sumner, W. G. 1884 916.7 What the moon saw. Andersen, H. 0 22.33 What the swallows sang. Spielhagen, F — 63.18 What to do first in accidents, etc. Dulles, C. W. 1883 838.44 What to wear. Phelps, Eliz. S. 1873 814.10 What Tommy did. Miller, E. H 75.14 What will he do with it ? Bulwer-Lytton, E. L 36,87 WHATBLy, Richard. Elements of logic. ’54. 404.11 — Rhetoric. 1854 304.15 Wheat plant. Klippart,* J. H. 1860 804.7 Wheaton, H. History of Scandinavia. See Crichton, A. 3 v 742.11 — Life of William Pinkney. 1873 In 641.4.6 Wheeler, G. Rural homes. 1855 807.8 Wheeler, J. B. Art and science of war.’79. 824.23 Wheeler, W. A. Dictionary of noted names of fiction, etc. 1872 *332 . 1 — Who wrote it? Index to noted books, etc. 318 . 3 — Familiar allusions: handbook of miscel- laneous information. 1882 316 . 9 Whence- what, where? [Man’s destiny.] Nichols, J. R 444 . 15 Where is the city. 1868 408.26 Contents.— Among the Baptists, Methodists, etc. Where the battle was fought. Murfree, Mary N 57.34 Whewell, W. History of the inductive sciences. 2 v. 1872 434 . 6 — Plui*ality of worlds; with introd. by E. Hitchcock. 1855 827 . 7 Which is the wiser? Howitt, M 91.9 Which shall it be? Alexander, Mrs. A. F . 31.20 Whim, A, and its consequences. James, G. P.R 36.266 Whims and oddities. Hood, T In 307.22.4 Whip and spur [in war and field]. Waring, G. E. 1875 514.6 Whipple, E. P. Character and characteris- tic men. 1881 303.3 Contents. — Character; Eccentric character; Intellec- tual character ; Heroic character; The American mind; The English mind; Thackeray; Nathaniel Hawthorne; Edward Evereit; Thomas Starr King; Agassiz; Wash- ington and the principles of the revolution. — Essays and reviews. 2 v. 1871 303 . 6 — Lectures on literature and life. 1871... 303.4 — Literature of the age of Elizabeth. 1871. 303 . 5 — Success and its conditions. 1871 303.7 Contents . — Young men in history; Ethics of popu- larity; Grit; The vital and the mechanical; Economy of invective; Sale of souls; Tricks of imagination; Cheerfulness ; Mental and moral pauperism ; Genius of Dickens; Shoddy; John A. Andrew. — ed’r. Family library of British poetry. See Fields, J. T 207.24 Whipple, E. P., continued. Great speeches and orations of Web- ster, with essay. 1879 312 . 17 Whispering pine series. See Kellogg, E. Whist. Drayson, A. W. On whist. 1879.833.23 — Jones, H. Laws of. By Cavendish. ’84. 844.43 — Pole,W. On whist. 1879 847.7 Whistler; or, the manly boy. Simonds,W. 91.27.6 Whitcher, Mrs. F. M. Widow Bedott papers. 1883 8.15 White, A. D. Paper money inflation in France. 1876 , 911.21 — Warfare of science. 1876 G . . . 816 . 9 White, Ellen G. Spirit of prophecy. 3 v. 1870 444.19 White, Gilbert. Natural history of Sel- borne. 1880 837.17 White, H. K. Poetical works, with memoir. 203.3 — Beauties of; ed. by A. Howard 202.8 White, James. Eighteen Christian cen- turies. 1881 725.9 — History of France, to 1848. 1879 744.13 White, James. Life incidents in connec- tion with the great advent move- ment, etc. 1868 435.9 — Life of Elder J. Bates. 1877 627.4 — and Ellen G. Lives of. 1880 627 . 3 White, J. S. Boys’ and girls’ Plutarch. ’83. 628.6 White, J. W. Mouth and teeth. 1879 833.14.7 White, R. G. England without and with- in. 1881 518.2 — Every day English; sequel to ‘Words and their uses.” 1880 315 . 19 — Memoirs of t-Kakespeare, with essay on his genius and an account of the Eng- lish drama. 1865 308 . 3 — Studies in Shakespeare. 1886 323.21 — Words and their uses. 1872 332.14 White, W. Life of E. Swedenborg. 1866.. 608.25 White, W. Life of W. Miller. [Advent- ist.] 1885 627.5 White and black. [Visit to the United States.] Campbell, G. 1879 526.23 White as snow. Garrett, E. and R 13.24 White elephant [of Ava]. Dalton, W. Juv. 78.7 White fields of France. Mission to work- ing men of Paris and Lyons. Bonar, H 443 . 15 White House. Ames, M. C. Ladies of the In 521 . 3 — Holloway, L. C. Ladies of the. 1881 . . . 628 . 20 White lies. [Napoleonic times.] Reade, C. 6.22 White mountains. King, T. S. The White Hills. 1876 525.7 — Mount Washington in winter; or, the experiences of a scientific expedition, 1870-1 522.22 White rose. Melville, G. J. W. Fict . . . . 36.402 White wings: yatching romance. Black, W. 145.20 Whitefield, G. Belcher, J. Life of. ’57. 606.11 Whitehead, J. Lives of John and Charles Wesley 628.4 Whiting, H. Life of Z. M. Pike. 1848. In 601.1.5 Whitman, W. Leaves of grass. [Poems.] ’60. 218.18 — Poet’s homes. [Sketch of W.] 622.6.2 — Steadman, E. C. Poets of America. ’85. 215 . 19 Whitmarsh, C. S. Summer-house series. [Natural History.] 5 v. 1867 845.37 Contents. — v. 1, Our Summer house. 2, Older than Adam. 3, Rainy-day stories. 4, Lives of familiar in- sects. 5, Wings and webs. — ed'r. Prayers of the ages. 1880 425.17 WHITMARSH. 267 WILKINSON. Whitmarsh, C. S., continued. and Guild, A. E., ed’rs. Hymns of the ages. 3 y. 1877 £06.12 Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Bonnyborough.’86. 58 . 20 — Boys at Chequasset. 1863 22.19 — Faith Gartney’s girlhood. 1863 6.34 — Gayworthys. 1865 6.33 — Hitherto. 1869 8.32 — Just how. Key to the cook-books. ’80.835.32 — Mother Goose for grown folks. [Rhymes.] 1882 211.20 — Odd or even ? Fict. 1880 145 . 12 — Other girls. 1876 15.21 — Pansies. [Poems], 1872 218.19 — Patience Strong’s outings. 1868 135 . 23 — Real folks. 1872 4.29 — Sights and insights. [Travel in Europe.] 2 v. 1876 144.11 — Summer in Leslie Goldth waite’s life.’72. 25.24 — We girls. 1874 8.31 — Zerub Throop’s experiment. 1871 71.19 — Poets’ homes. [Sketch of.] 1877 622.6.1 Whitney, Eli. McCabe, J. D. Great for- tunes and h >w they were made.’71. 604.1 — Parton, J. Illustrious men, p. 159. 1880.. 617.17 Whitney, J. D. Yosemite guidebook. ’74. 532.4 Whitney, J. L. A modern Proteus, or list of books under more than one title. 1884 322.9 Whitney, W. D. Compendious German grammar. 1871 313.14 — Essentials of English grammar. 1877.. 325.30 — Life and growth of language. 1875 815.4.16 — Oriental and linguistic studies. 2 v.’ 73-4. 332.26 Contents:— v. 1, The Veda; The A vesta; The science of language, v. 2, The East and West; Religion and mythology; Orthography and phonology; Hindu as- tronomy. — Sanskrit grammar. 1879 312.15 Whittaker, Fred. Cadet button. Fict. ’78. 43.1 Whittier, J. G. Poetical works. 1880... 202.4 Contents:— Mogg Megone; Bridal of Ponnacook; Legendary ; Voices of freedom; Miscellaneous: Songs of labor, etc. ; Chapel of the hermits, etc. ; Panorama, etc. ; Ballads; Later poems; Home ballads; Poems and lyrics; In war time; Occasional pcems; Snow-bound; Tent on the beach; National lyrics; Among the hills, etc. ; Miriam, etc. ; Poems for public occasions ; Penn- sylvania pilgrim, etc ; Hazel blossoms; Summer; Poems by Elizabeth H. Whittier; Vision of Echard, etc, ; Notes; Index. — Prose works. 2 v. 1880 1001 . 7 Contents. — v. 1, Margaret Smith's journal in the pro- vince of Massachusetts Bay, 1678-9; Old portraits and modern sketches; J. Bunyan; T. Ellwood; J. Nayler; A. Marvell; J. Roberts; S. Hopkins; R. Baxter; W. Leggett; N. P. Rogers; R. Dinsmore. v. 2, Literary recreations and miscellanies. — Bay of seven islands, etc. 1883 213 . 9 — King’s missive, and other poems. 1881. 218.13 — Literary recreations and miscellanies.’54. 302 . 16 — Pennsylvania pilgrim and other poems. 1872 203.14 — ed’r. Child life; collection of poems. ’71. 213.4 Songs of three centuries. 1875 206.9 — Kennedy, W. S. Life and writings of. ’82. 626.9 — Poets’ home. [Sketch of W.] 1877. . . 622.6.1 — Stedman, E. C. Poets of America. 1885. 215.19 — Underwood, F. H. Biog. sketch of. ’84. 627.21 Whittington, Sir R., lord mayor of Lon- don. Besant, W. and Rice J. Life of. 1881 621.25.8 Whittlesey, C. Life of J. Fitch. 1848. In 601.1.6 Whitworth, Sir J. Jeans, W. T. Cre- ators of the age of steel. 1884. In 644.7 Who breaks— pays. Jenkin, Mrs. C 63.25 Who shall be greatest ? Howitt, M 91.10 Who was Paul Grayson ? Habberton, J. Juv 81.5 Who wrote it ? Index to noted books, etc. Wheeler, W. A 318 . 3 Whom Kathie married. Douglas, A. M 56.15 Why did he marry her. Dupuy, Eliza A. . 43.9 Why I am a Republican. Boutwell, G. S. 916.19 Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife. Clive, C. 36.111 Why we laugh. Cox, S. S. 1876 332.25 Whymper, E. Scrambles amongst the Alps, [1860-9]. Illus 507.7 Whymper, Fred. Heroes of the Arctic.’75. 518.34 — The sea: its stirring story of adventure, peril, and heroism 528.12 — Travel and adventure in Alaska, [1862]. 503 . 12 Whyte Melville, G. J. See Melville, G. J. W. Wickliff or Wycklyffe, J. Lechler, G. Y. John Wiclif and his English precur- sors. 1881 628.16 — Lord, J. John Wyclif — Dawn of the reformation In 735.6.2 — Milman, H. H. Latin Christianity 416.19.7 — Ward, A. W. [Illus. sketch.] Inl004.1.70 Wide awake. [Monthly magazine.] v. 8-22. 1879-86 *1007.14 Wide, wide world. Warner, Susan. 2v... 5..1 Widow B edott papers. Whitcher, Mrs.F.M. 8.15 Wiebe, E. Paradise of childhood: a guide to kinder-gartners. 1869 422.3 Wife No. 19 [of Brigham Young]. Young, A. E. 1876 637.3 Wiggin, Edith E. Lessons on manners. ’84. 433.23 Wight, O. W. Maxims of public health ’84. 845.23 Wightwick, G. Hints to young archi- tects. 1875 838.14 Wigwam and war-path [Modoc war]. Mea- cham, A. B. 1875 513.2 Wikoff, H. The four civilizations of the world. 1874 902.23 — Reminiscences of an idler. 1880 6-J7.13 Wilbur, C. D. Nebraska and the North- west 1881 518.20 WilberforOe, S. Little wanderers, etc. ’74. 28.34 Wilberforce, W. Brougham, H., lord Statesman, etc. 1872 633.1.1 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. ’76. 614. 14 — Macdonough, A. R. In Harper’s m .1004. 1.44 — Stoughton, J. Life of. 1880 622.1(1.2 Wild huntress. Reid, M. Fict * 3.28 Wild life in a southern county [England]. J efferies, R. 1879 823 . 29 Wild life under the equator. DuChaillu, P. B. Juv 502.9 Wild men and wild beasts. [India.] Cum- mings, G. 1872 505.19 Wild oats. Wraxall, Sir L. Fict 36.584 Wild Peggie. Abbott, Jacob 82.15.4 Wild western scenes. Jones, J. B 88.19 Wilde, Oscar. Poems. 1882 218.23 Wilds of London. Greenwood, J. 1874.. 912.20 Wilford family; or, hero-worship in the school-room. Eadgyth, pseud 78.14 Wilfred Cumbermede. MacDonald, G. . 6.30 Wilhelm Meister. Goethe, J. W. von. . . 64.1 Wilkins, A. S. Roman antiquities. [Pri- mer.] 1878 716.27.5 Wilkinson, G. W. History of the negro race in America from 1690 to 1880. . . 753 . 1 Wilkinson, J. Narrative of a blockade- runner. 1877 714.11 Wilkinson, J. G. Popular account of the ancient Egyntians; abridgment. 2 v.. 1854 ? 705. [5 WILKINSON. 268 WINE. Wilkinson. W. C. College Greek course in English. 1884 321.10 — College Latin course in English. 1885. 313.32 — The dance of modern society. 1870 417 . 25 — Preparatory Greek course in English.’82. 321 . 11 — Preparatory Latin course in English.’84 313.31 Will. Hazard, R. G. On the. 1866 402.5 Will Denbeigh, nobleman. Fox, Mrs. E.. 46.7 Willard, Emma. Universal history in perspective. 1845 744.4 William I., the conqueror. Abbott, J. His- tory of. 1874 611.31 — Brooks, E. S. Historic boys. 1881 645.4 See' also England ( Norman 'period). In fiction. See Bulwer-Lytton’s Harold [36.77], and Kingsley’s Hereward [132.19]. William IV., of England. Greville, C. C. F. The Greville memoirs 612 . 19 William, prince of Orange. Barrett, Mary. Story of Wihiam the silent 717.19 — Chambers’s misc. [Sketch of.] In 1001.8.5 — Motley, J. L. Dutch republic. 3v 704.5 William Gay series. See Abbott, J. William Henry and his friends. Diaz, Mrs. A. M 84.8 William Henry letters. Diaz, Mrs. A. M. 28.26 William Tell. See Tell, William. Williams, Mrs . — . The neutral French; or, exiles of Nova Scotia, [cop. 1841.] . . 8.12 Williams, A. M. Poets and poetry of Ire- land. 1881 218.24 Williams, G. The holy city. [Jerusalem.] 2 v. 1849 517.12 Williams, H. T. Window gardening. ’74. 814.21 — and Jones, C. S. Beautiful homes [House furnishing]. 1878 833.7 Household elegancies. 1875 821 . 27 Ladies’ fancy work. 1876 826.1 Williams, H. W. Our eyes and how to take care of them. 1871 803.25 Williams, Rev. J ., first minister of Deer- field , Mass. Memoir of, by S. W. Williams. 1837 601.17 Williams, J. Life of Csesar. Ulus. [1854.] 635.2 Williams, Monier. Hinduism. 1880 444.18.4 Williams, R. E. Cremation and other modes of sepulture. 1884 844 . 20 Williams, Roger. Gammell, W. Life of. 1848 In 601.1.4 WiLLiAks, S. W. The middle kingdom: the Chinese empire; rev. ed’n. 2 v.’83. 521.1 Williams, Stephen W. Memoir of Rev. J. Williams. 1837 601.17 Williams, T. and Calvert, A. Fiji and the Fijians. 1860 503.28 Willie Winkie’s nursery-songs of Scot- land. Ed. by Mrs. Silsbee. 1859.. 217.25 Willie’s choice. Paul, W. A 81.24 W illie’s money box 87.1 Willing, Mrs. Jennie. Through the dark to the day. 1868 81.12 Willis, N. P. Poems. 1845 201.9 — Prose writings. Selected by H. A. Beers. 1885 323 . 22 — Health trip to the tropics. 1853 504.16 — Beers, H. A. N. P. Willis. 1885 624.12.9 — Richards, T. A. Home of. (Harper’s m.)1004.1.16 Willis the pilot; sequel to the “Swiss fam- ily Robinson” 23.15 Willmott, R. A. Journal of summertime in the country. 1852 301 . 2 — Pleasures, objects and advantages of lit- erature. 1866 325.25 Willy Reilly. Carleton, W. Fict 138.5 Wilmer, Margaret E. Dumb traitor. [Tem- perance tale.] 1875 92.21 — Glais cable. [Temperance tale.] 1874. 92.19 Silver castle; sequel to “Dumb traitor.” 86.23 Wilmot- B uxton, H. J. English painters; with a chapter on American painters by S. R. Koehler. 1883 851.36 Wilson, Alex. Peabody, W. B.O. Life of. In 641.4.2 — Sketch of In 1001.8.9 Wilson, Andrew. Abode of snow. [Hima- layas.] 1875 516.6 Wilson, Augusta J., formerly Miss Evans. Beulah. 1884 13.9 — Inez. 1876 13.6 — Infelice. 1881 15.26 — Macaria. 1875 142.14 — St. Elmo. 1883 13.7 — Vashti. 1875 13.8 Wilson, G. Handbook of hygiene. 1873.. 816.15 Wilson, H. History of the anti-slavery measures of the 37th and 38th con- gresses, 1861-4. 1864 902.9 — Rise and fall of the slave power. 3 v. 1878 734.9 — Stowe, H. B. Men of our times. 1868. 634.3 Wilson, J. [ Christopher North.] Recrea- tions of. 1859 305.7 — Gilfillan, G. Third gallery of portraits. 301 . 24 — Howitt, W. Homes of British poets. . . 615.15 Wilson, J. Health and health resorts.’80. 835.3 Wilson, J. C. Summer and its diseases. 1879 833.14.3 Wilson, J. G. Sketches of illustrious soldiers. 1874 632.17 Contents .— Gonsalvo of Cordova; Chevalier Bayard; Constable Bourbon; Prince of Orange ; Duke of Parma; Prince Wallenstein; Gustavus Adolphus; Oliver Crom- well; Marshal Turenne; The great Conde; Duke of Marlborough; Prince Eugene; Charles the twelfth; Marshal Saxe ; Frederick the great ; Marshal Suwarrow ; General Washington; Duke of Wellington; Napoleon Bonaparte : General Scott ; Lord Clyde ; Marshal Moltke ; General Lee : General Sherman : General Grant. Wilson, Joseph. Naval hygiene. 1879... 834.22 Wilson, R. A. Mexico: its peasants and its priests. 1856 506.8 Wilson, W. Heroines of the household. ’75. 644.8 Wilson, W. D. Foundations of religious belief. 1883 432.19 Wilson, Woodrow. Congressional govern- ment: a study in American politics. 1885 917.5 Winohell, Alex. Doctrine of evolution.’74. 808.29 — Geological excursions. 1884 844 . 40 — Preadamites. 1881 836.31 — Reconciliation of science and religion.’77. 417.7 — Sketches of creation. 1873 812.8 — Sparks from a geologist’s hammer. 1882. 838 . 46 — World-life; or, comparative geology. ’83. 843.30 Winchester, Carroll. From Madge to Margaret. 1880 84.3 Winckelmann, J. History of ancient art. 2 v. 1880 851.3 Window gardening. Heinrich, J. J. Win- dow flower garden. 1880 824.21 — Johnson, E. A. Winter greeneries at home. 1878 838.17 — Williams, H. T. Window gardening.’74. 814.21 See also Flowers. Windsor castle. Ains worth, W. H. Fic t. . 36.32 — - Timbs, J. Abbeys, etc 501.10.2 Wine. Redding, C. Modern wines. 1871.814.16 See also Alcohol ; Grapes; Temperance. WINES. 269 WOLSEY. Wines, E. C. State prisons and child- saving institutions in the civilized world. 1880 .913.22 WiNG-and-wing. [Sea tale.] Cooper, J. F. 2.40 Wingate, G.W. Manual of rifle practice.’75. 847.9 Winged lion; or, stories of Venice. De- Mille, J 87.21 Wings and webs. Whitmarsh, C. S. Juv.. 845.37.5 Winifred Bertram. Charles, Mrs. E 131.23 Winifred’s wooing. Craik, Mrs. G. M. . . . 36.150 Winks, W. E. Lives of illustrious shoe- makers. 1882.... 627.11 Wink worth, C. Christian singers of Ger- many 211.25 Winnebago county, III., History of. H. F. Kett and Co., pubs. 1877 *712 . 13 Winners in life’s race. [Backboned ani- mals.] Buckley, A. B. 1883 832.23 Winning his spurs. Kellogg, Elij ah. Juv. 25.42 Winning his way. Coffin, C. C. Juv 71.18 Winser, H. J. Guide to the Northern Pa- cific Rail Road and allied lines.’83. 501.9 — Yellowstone national park : manual. ’83. 501 . 7 Winslow, C. F. Force and nature. [At- traction and repulsion in their rela- tions to physical and morphological development.] 1869 821.11 Winslow, F. Light: its influence on life and health. 1867 811.34 Winsor, Justin. Reader’s hand-book of the American revolution. 1880 723.4 Winter, W. The Jeffersons. (Am. actor ser.) 1881 .' 635.18.2 — Trip to England. 1877 522 ,21 Winter. Lowell, J. R. A good word for. In 332.13 — Osgood, H. Winter and its dangers. . .833.14.6 See also Seasons. Winter amid the ice. Verne, J In 136 . 12 Winter greeneries at home. Johnson, E. A. 838.17 Winter resorts. See Health resorts. Winter’s tale [comedy]. See Shakespeare. WrNTHROP, Theo. Canoe and saddle [Ore- gon] and Isthmiana. 1863 505.27 — Cecil Dreeme. 1861 62.36 — Edwin Brothertoft. [Am. revolution. ]’76. 44.21 Wirt, W. Life of Patrick Henry. 1873.. 633.3 — Homes of Am. statesmen. Illus. 1855. 617.9 — Kennedy, J. P. Life of. 2 v. 1849. . . . 602 . 16 — Magoon, E. L. Orators of the Am. rev. 613.9 Wisconsin. Geology of Wisconsin. Sur- vey of 1873-9. v. 2-3. Accompanied by an atlas of maps. 2 v. 1877-’80. *8521.10 — Legislative manual, 1870-2, 1874-5. 5v.. *931.1 — Owen, D. D. Geolog. survey of. 2 v. ’52 . *8541 . 2 — Smith, W. R. History of. v. 3. [Docu- mentary]. 1854 736.1 — State historical society. Reports and collections, v. 2-7. 1856-76 736 . 13 Wisdom, wit and whims of distinguished ancient philosophers. Banvard, J. . . 317 . 10 Wise, D., [Francis Forrester .] Glen Morris stories. 5 v. [cop. 1859-60.] 1. Guy Carlton 71.20 2. Dick Duncan 71.21 3. Jessie Carlton 71.22 4. Walter Sherwood 71.23 5. Kate Carlton 71.24 — Young lady’s counselor. 1851 433 . 5 — Young man’s couDselor. 1851 406.21 Wise, J. iEronautics. [History and art.]’50. 841.9 See also Balloons. Wise and otherwise. Alden, I. M.. . 82.31 Wiseman, N., cardinal. Doctrines of the Catholic church. 2 v. 1836 441.12 — Fabiola; or, the church of the catacombs. 137 . 1 5 — Last four popes. 1875 636.6 Wister, Mrs. A. L., translator. At the councillor’s, by E. Marlitt 144.17 — Bailiff’s maid, by E. Marlitt 141 . 19 — Countess Gisela, by E. Marlitt 131.11 — From hand to hand, by Golo Raimund. . 54.18 — Gold Elsie, by E. Marlitt 32.9 — In the Schillingscourt, by E. Marlitt. . . 45.24 — Little moorland princess, by E. Marlitt.. 25 . 21 — New race, by Golo Raimund 145.17 — Old mam’selle’s secret, by E. Marlitt. . . 142.7 — Only a girl, by Wilhelmine von Hillern. 132.12 — Penniless girl, by Bertha Behrens 57.24 — Quicksands, by A. Streckfuss 56.22 — Seaside and fireside fairies, by G. Blum and H. Wahl 25.7 — Second wife, by E. Marlitt 44.25 — Severa, by E. Hartner 51.15 Wit and humor. See Humor, wit, etc. W it and wisdom of George Eliot. 1885 . . . 323 . 29 Wit and wisdom of the Rev. Sydney Smith, with biog. memoir by E. A.Duyckinck. 303 . 11 Wit, humor and Shakespeare. Weiss, J.. 317.8 Wit of women. Sanborn, Kate. 1883 323.23 Witchcraft. Drake, S. A. New England legends. 1884 321 . 3 — Lecky, W. E. H. Rationalism in Eu- rope In 437.1.1 — Lowell, J. R. Among my books 332.12.1 — Mackay, C. Popular delusions 311.5 — Meinhold, J. W. Mary Schweidler, the amber witch. Fict 133.5 — Old witchcrafts In 1001.8.9 — Palfrey, J. G. The witchcraft tragedy. (Hist, of New England, v. 4. p. 96- 132) 747.5 — Scott, Sir W. Letters on 436 . 24 — Whittier, J. G. Magicians and witch folk; Agency of evil JnlOOl.7.2 See also Delusions; Superstitions. Witherspoon, O. Doctor Ben. Fict. 1883. 57.31 Within an ace. Jenkin, Mrs. C 36.272 WiTHiN-doors; games, etc. Elliot, A 802.9 Within the Capes. Pyle, Howard. Fict.. 58.21 Without a home. Roe, E. P 51.2 Without kith or kin. Craik, Mrs. G. M. . 36.151 Withrow, W. H. Catacombs of Rome. ’75 423.13 Wits and beaux of society. By Philip and Grace Wharton, pseud. Illus 613 . 17 Witt, Mme. H. de. Monsieur Guizot in private life. 1881 623.8 Wives. Chevasse,P.H. Advice to a wife.’75. 818.4 — Child, L. M. Biographies of good. 1871. 607 . 10 — Donkersley, R. Facts about wives and mothers. 1869., 605.27 — Ellis, Mrs. S. S. Wives of England 305.15.1 See also Marriage. Wives and daughters. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. 36.232 Wives and widows. Stephens, Mrs. A. S. 11.26 Woermann, K. See Woltmann, A. and Woermann, K. Wolf at the door. (No name ser.). 1877.. 46.8 WoLF-boy of China. Dalton, W. Juv 78.32 Wolf run. Kellogg, E. Juv 83.10.2 Wollstonecraft, Mary. Pennell, E. R. Life of. 1884 627.1.9 Wolsey, T., cardinal. Campbell, J. Lord chancellors of England Jw618.14.1 In drama, see Shakespeare’s “Henry VIII;” and in fiction , Ainsworth’s “Windsor castle” [36.32]. WOLTMANN. 270 WOMEN. Woltmann, A. and Woermann, K. His- tory of ancient, early Christian, and mediaeval painting. 2 v. Illus. ’80-5. 848 . 1 WoMAN-hater. Reade, C. Fid 42.6 Woman I loved, and the woman who loved me. Blagden, Isa 36.44 Woman in American society. Woolson, A.G. 912 . 13 Woman in sacred song. Smith, Mrs. E. M., ed’r. 1885 212.19 Woman in spite of herself. J eaffreson, J. C. 36 . 273 Woman in white. Collins, Wilkie 61.21 Woman’s A, inheritance. Douglas, A M.. 65.3 Woman’s friendship. Aguilar, Grace. Fid. 33.24 Woman’s kingdom. Craik, Mrs. D. M 36 . 142 Woman’s reason, A. Howells, W. D. Fid. 55.15 Woman’s record; or, sketches of all distin- guished women, to 1868. Hale, S. J. . . *E.3 Woman’s, A, thoughts about woman. Craik, D. M. 1874 903.13 Woman’s, A, vengeance. Payn, J. Fid.. 36.563 Woman’s worth an i worthlessness. Dodge, M.A. 1872 902.27 Woman. Biography. — Brockett, L. P. Woman’s work in the civil war. 1867 *. 726.3 — Hays, F. Women of the day. [Bjdef biographies.] 1885 631 . 9 — Lord, J. Great women. 1885 735.6.5 Contents:— Cleopatra—' The woman of paganism; Paula — Woman as friend ; Heloise — Love; Joan of Arc —Heroic women; Saint Theresa— Religious enthu- siasm ; QueenElizabeth— Woman as sovereign ; Madame de Maintenon— The political woman; Sarah, duchess of Marlborough— The Woman of the world; Madame Recamier— Woman in society; Madame de Stael— Literary woman; Hannah More -Education of woman; George Eliot— * oman as novelist. — Moore, F. Women of the war [1860-5]. 737 . 21 — Percy anecdotes. Woman 312.1 — Starling, E. Noble deeds of women. ’58. 605.10 See also Biography. (Collective: Women, and other headings , p. 27-30) /Biography (Individual, p. 30-31.) Miscellaneous ivorks. — Alger, W. S Friendships of women. ’79. 421.12 — Ballou, M. M., ed’r. Notable thoughts about. 1882 . 318.20 — Croly, J. C. [ Jennie June.] ’ For bet- ter or for worse. 1875 417.16 — Ellis, S. S. Women of England 305.15.1 — Houghton, R. C. Women of the Orient. 1877 518.13 — James J. Female piety. 1773 425.25 — Jameson, Mrs. A. Characteristics of women. [In Shakespeare.] 332.27 — Philip, R. The Marthas; or, varieties of female piety. 1836 In 411.2 — Plutarch. Concerning the virtues oi.In 445.3.1 — Smith, E. M. Woman in sacred song. [Selections.] 1885 212 . 19 — Symonds, J. A. Women of Homer. . Jn217.15.1 — Upton, G. P. Women in music. 1880. 835.30 Education , etc. — Brackett, A. C., ed’r. Education of American girls. 1874 402.31 — Buckle, H. T. Influence of women on the progress of knowledge 326.1 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Education and influence of In 302.9.2 — Clarke, E. H. Building of a brain. ’74.413.27 Sex in education. 1873 402 . 18 Note . — Reviewed in N. A. review, v. 118. 1007.8. — Duffey, E.B. No sex in education: a review of Dr. E. H. Clarke’s “Sex in education.” 1874 412.6 Woman. Education , etc., continued. — Howe, Mrs. J. W., ed’r. Sex and educa- tion. 1874 412.7 — Livermore, Mrs. M. A. What shall we do with our daughters ? 1883 916 . 14 — Muzzey, A. B. The young maiden. ’56. 408.17 — Phelps, L. Hours with, my pupils. 1859. 401.4 — Reid, Mrs. H. Woman; her education and influence. 1852 914 . 16 — Ruskin, J. Letters of advice to young girls 431 . 7 — Terhune, M. Y. [Marion Harland.] Eve’s daughters; or common sense, for maid, wife and mother . 1882 914.34 — Weaver, G. S. Aims and aids for girls and young women. 1836 406 . 24 — Wise, D. Young lady’s counselor. 1851. 433.5 Employments. — Ames, Azel. Sex in industry. 1875 912.14 — Church, Ella R. Money making for ladies. 1882 916.3 — Dali, C. H. The college, the market and the court. 1878 903 . 3 — Manson, G. J. Work for women. 1883. 916.4 — Penny, Y. Five hundred employments for. 1868 912.12 Health and diseases of. — Hewitt, G. Diseases of women. 1872.. 836.12 — Higginson, T. W. Health of our girls.Di 307.15 — J acobi, M. P. Question of rest for wo- men. 1877... 846.7 — Lewis, Dio. Five minutes chat with young women. 1874 828.14 — Napheys, G. H. Physical life of. 1872. 805.11 — Stevenson, S. H. Physiology of women. 1883 845.12 See also Health ; Medicine ; Obstetrics. Rights and duties. — Brockett, L. P. Women: her rights, wrongs, etc. 1869 903.16 — Bushnell, H. Woman’s suffrage; the re- form against nature . 1869 903 . 1 5 — Cobbe, Frances P. Duties of women.’81. 426 . 27 — Craik, D. M. A woman’s thoughts about women. 1874 903.13 — Dix, M. The calling of a Christian wo- man. 1883 443.37 — Dodge, M. A. A new atmosphere. 1866. 307.23 Woman’s worth and worthlessness. The compliment to “A new atmos- phere.” 1872 902.27 Woman’s wrongs: a counter-irritant. 1868 903.17 — Hericourt, Mme. d’. A woman’s philoso- phy of woman; or, woman affran- chised. 1854 903.18 — Higginson, T. W. Common sense about women. 1882 914.29 — Mann, H. Powers and duties of. 1859 .In 407 . 24 — Mill, J. S. Subjection of women. 1870. 903.19 — Monod, A. Woman; her mission and life 438.15 — Ruskin, J. Sesame and lilies. 1872 . . . 302 . 1 — Stowe, H. B. Woman’s sphere, etc. .In 301.27 — Woolson, Abba G. Woman in American society. 1873 912.13 — Yonge, C. M. Womankind. 1877 911.32 See also Domestic economy ; Children ; Education ; Girls; Marriage; Mothers; Wives. Women of Christendom. Charles, Mrs. E. 626.13 Women of Israel. Aguilar, Grace. 2 v. . . 644.28 Women, plumbers and doctors. Plunkett, H. M. 1885 845.22 WONDER. 271 WOOLSEY. WoNDER-book for girls and boys. Haw- thorne, N 3.18 Wonder stories. Andersen, H. C 22.35 WoNDER-world stories; tr. by M. Pabke and M. Deane 88.24 Wonderful balloon ascents. Marion, F. 1870 802.15 Wonderful escapes. Bernard, F. 1871 . . 802 . 28 Wonderful tales from Denmark. Ander- sen, H. C 22.31 Wonderful things, Ten thousand." King, E. F 311.4 Wonderful woman. Fleming, Mrs. A. Fict. 32 . 18 W- »nderlan t d of work. Mateaux, C. L. . .. 848.18 Wonders, Illustrated library of. See Illus- trated library of wonders, p. 132 Wonders of science; or, young Humphry Davy. Mayhew, H 827.11 Wonders of the deep. Scheie de Yere, S. 812.9 Wonders of the physical world. 1875 818.11 Wonders of the world; 2d series. Sears, R. 744.8 Wonders of the world, The seven 823.18 Wonders of the Yellowstone. Richardson, J. 1873 505.20 Wood, A. Class-book of botany, [cop. 1869.] 843 . 19 — Object lessons in botany, [cop. I860.]. 843.20 Wood, C. Buried alone. 1869 36.89 Wood, E. J. Wedding day in all ages and countries. 1869 742 . 16 Wood, G. The gates wide open, or scenes from another world. 1871 142.8 — Modern pilgrims; the newest methods of reaching the Celestial City. 2 v. Fict. 133.19 — Peter Schlemihl in America. 1848 3.10 Wood, Mrs. Henry. Anne Hereford. 1869. 36.564 — Channings. 1862 36.566 — East Lynne. 1861 36.567 — Edina 42.25 — Foggy night at Offord. 1872 36.568 — George Canterbury’s will. 1870 36.565 — Lady Adelaide’s oath. 1867 36 . 569 — A life’s secret. 1867 36.570 — Lord Oakburn’s daughter. 1864 36 . 571 — Master of Greylands. 1873 18.24 — Mildred Arkell. 1865 36.573 — Mrs. Halliburton’s troubles. 1863 36.574 — Orville college. 1867 36.575 — Oswald Gray. 1865 36.576 — Out of the deep. 3 876 42.22 — Red court farm. 3868 36.577 — Roland Yorke; sequel to “The Chan- nings.” 1869 61.27 — St. Martin’s eve. 1866 36.579 — Shadow of Ashlydyat. 1863 36.580 — Trevlyn hold. 1864 36.581 — Vemer’s pride. 3 v. in 2. 1863 36.582 Wood, H. C. Brain-work and overwork. (Am. health primers). 1880 833.14.8 Wood, J. G. Homes without hands. 1870. 806.21 — Horse and man : their mutual depend- ence and duties. 1886 854 . 1 — Hlus. natural history. 1873 812.30 — Insects abroad 834 . 17 — Insects at home. 1872 806 . 2 — Man and beast; here and hereafter 417.23 — New illus. natural history 841.32 — Trespassers. [Habits of animals.] 831.16 — Uncivilized races of men in all countries of the world. 2 v. Illus. 1871 .... 854.4 Wood, W. Manual of physical exercises. 1870 803.24 Wood, W. W. History of the ninety-fifth Illinois infantry volunteers. 1865. . . 712.9 Wood, Wallace, ed’r. The hundred great- est men. Portraits. Introductions by R. W. Emerson and others. 1885. 628.22 Contents.— Poetry : Homer; Pindar; JEschylus; So- phocles; Euripdes; Aristophanes; Menander; Lucre- tius; Virgil; Dante ; Rabelais; Cervantes; Shakspeare; Milton; Moliere; Goethe; Scott. — Art: Phidias; Prax- iteles ; Leonardo da Vinci; Michael Angelo; Raphael; • Correggio ; Titian ; Rubens ; Rembrandt ; Bach ; Handel ; Mozart; Beethoven.— Religion: Moses; Zoroaster; Con- fucius; Buddha; Mahomet; St. Paul; St. Augustine ; St. Bernard; St. Francis; Erasmus; Luther; Calvin; Loy- ola; Bossuet; Wesley. — Philosophy: Pythagoras; Soc- rates; Plato; Aristotle; St, Thomas Aquinas; Bacon; Descartes; Spinoza; John Locke; Leibnitz; Berkeley; Hume; Kant.— History : Herodotus; Thucydides; Demosthenes; Cicero ; Tacitus ; Plutarch; Montaigne; Montesquieu; Voltaire; Diderot; Lessing ; Gibbon. — Science : Hippocrates ; rchimedes ; Galen ;Copernic,us : Kepler; Galileo; Harvey; Newton; Linnseus; Lavoisier; Bichat; Cuvier. — Politics: Pericles; Alexander the great; Hannibal; Caesar; Charlemagne; Alfred the great; William the conqueror; Charles V. ; William the silent ; Richelieu ; Cromwell ; Peter the great ; Frederick the great; Washington ; Jefferson ; Nelson ; Napoleon I ; Wellington.— Industry : Gutenberg; Columbus; Palissy; Franklin; Montgolfier; Howard; Arkwright; Watt; Stephenson: Appendix. WooD-engraviug. See Engraving. Wood magic; a fable. Jefferies, R. 1881. 832.17 WooD-rangers. Reid, M. Fict 3.24 Wood- working tools and how to use them. 1881 836.24 Woodberry, G. E. Edgar, A. Poe. 1885. .624 12 8 — History of wood-engraving. 1 883 848 . 3 Wmodbridge, J. Practical religion. 1837. 43S.16 Woodburn grange. Howitt, W 135.21 Woodbury, F. P. Luther and the annals of the reformation. A compilation.’83. 432.11 Woodcraft. Sears, G. W. [NessmuJc.] [’84. 844.41 Woodhouse, F. G. The military religious orders of the middle ages. 1879 727 . 15 Woodman. O. H. Boys and girls of the revolution. 1877 738 . 1 Woodruff, H. Trotting horse of America. 1871 808.14 Woods, D. B. Sixteen months at the gold diggings [1849-51] 505.15 Woods and bv-ways of New England. Flagg, W" 522.24 Woods, Poetry of the. [Selections.] 217.12 Woodstock. Scott, SirW. Fict 12.21 Woodville stories. See Adams, W. T. Woodward, A. A. [Auber Forestier .] Echoes from mist-land: or the Nibe- lungen lay. 1877 217.27 Woodward, S. P. Manual of mollusca. 1871 822.19 Wooing o’t, The. Alexander, Mrs. A. F. 31.18 WooL-gathering. [Travel in the West.] Dodge, M. A. 1867 306.24 Woolever, A. Treasury of wisdom, wit, and humor, odd comparisons and proverbs. 1885 321 . 19 Woolfert’s Roost. Irving, W. 1854 306 . 1 Woolsey, S. C. [Susan Coolidge.] Eye- bright. 1879 78.17 — New-year’s bargain. 1876 88.33 — Nine little goslings. 1878 .* 78.10 — A round dozen [stories]. 1883 82.20 — What Katy did. 1878 74.26 — What Katy did at school. 1883 82.30 Woolsey, Theo. D. Communism and so- cialism. 1880 912.29 — Essay oh divorce and divorce legisla- tion. 1869 911.3 — Helpful thoughts for young men. 1874 . 433 . 11 — International law. 1872 903.5 — Political science. 2 v. 1878 913.1 WOOLSEY. 272 WYOMING. Woolsey, Theo. D., continued. — and others. First century of the re- public: a review of American prog- ress. 1876 734.5 — Fisher, G. P. Academic career of. Woolson, Abba G. George Eliot and her heroines : a study. 1886 324 . 1 — Woman in American society. 1873 912.13 — ed'r. Dress-reform; lectures on dress as it affects the health of women. 1874. 805.18 Woolson, Constance F. Anne. 1882 52.28 — Castle Nowhere: lake-country sketches. 1875 44.6 — For the Major. 1883 146.26 — Rodman, the keeper, etc. [Southern sketches.] 1880 48.20 Worboise, E. J. Lillingtones of Lilling- stone. 1872 143.15 Worcester, J. E. Dictionary of the Eng- lish language. 1872 *A . 3 Words. See English language ( Words). Words and their uses. White, R. G. 1872. 332.14 Words, facts and phrases. Dictionary of. Edwards, E 316.10 Wordsworth, Charles. Shakespeare and the Bible. 1880 317.14 Wordsworth, Dorothy. Tour in Scotland, 1803 524.9 Wordsworth, W. Poetical works. 1866 . 202 . 10 — Select poetical works. 2 v. in 1 215.3 — Poems; chosen and ed. by M. Arnold.’79. 237.7 — Chamber’s papers. [Sketch of.] Inl001.9.3 — De Qnincey, T. Literary reminiscences.302.19.1 — Fields, J. T. Yesterday with authors. . 601.20 — Giles, H. Illustrations of genius 317.11 — Howitt, W. Homes of the poets 615.15 — Lowell, J. R. Among my books 332.12.2 — Myers, F. W. H. Life. (Eng. men of letters) 616.11.19 — Shairp, J. C. Wordsworth: the man and the poet In 301 . 11 — Whipple, E. P. Characteristics, etc.. . . 303.3 Essays 303.6.1 Literature and life 303.4 Work. Alcott, L.M. Fict. 1876 143.1 Work and play, etc. [Essays.] Bushnell, H. 317.18 Work and wages. Brassey. T. 1872 903.2 Work and wages. Howitt. M. Juv 91.11 Work and win. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.2.4 Work for women. Man son, G J. 1883... 916.4 Working classes. See Labor and capital; Laboring classes. Workman, The. Thompson, J. P. 1879.. 914.4 Workshop, The. Monthly journal of the useful arts. v t 7-9. 1874-6 *8541.3 Workshop appliances. Shelley, C. P. B.’79. 838.27 World. Adams, W. H. D. Life in the primeval. 1872 808 . 1 0 — Clodd, E. Childhood of the. 1874 .... 808.19 — Dawson, J. W. Origin of the world ac- cording to revelation and science. ’77. 827.16 — Donnelly, I. Atlantis: the antediluvian world. 1882 724.19 — Figuier, L. World before the deluge. . 808.9 — Hickok, L. P. Rational cosmology 404.8 — Humboldt, A. von. Cosmos. 5 v. 1856. 801.1 — Pouchet, F. A. The universe. [Natural history]. 18*2 841 . 14 — Whewell, W. Plurality of the worlds.’55. 827 . 7 See also Astronomy; Genesis aDd geology; Creation; Evolution; Earth; Plurality of worlds. WoRLD-life; or, comparative geologv. Win- chell, A. 1883 * 843.30 World of anecdote. Hood, E. P. 4 v 317.7 World of ice. Ballantyne, R. M. Juv. . . 24.43 World of wonders. [Natural history.] ’81. 841.7 World on wheels. [Sketches.] Taylor, B.F. 332.8 World’s progress: a dictionary of dates. Ed. by G. P. Putnam. 1873 *B.10 Wormeley, K. P. My wife and my wife’s sister. 1881 51.6 Worms. Dalwin, C. Formation of vege- table mould, etc. 1884 815.4.37 Worst boy in town. Habberton, J. Juv. 86.11 Worth and wealth. Leslie, Madeline. Juv. 24.9 Worthen, W. E. First lessons in mechan- ics. 1862 807.11 Worthies of the world, historical and crit- ical sketches; ed. by H. W. Dulcken. Ulus. 1882 634.15 Contents .— Sir Walter Haleigh; Napoleon; Edmund Burke; Frederick von Schiller; Frederick the great J. B. P. DeMoliere; Doctor Samuel Johnson; Simon De Montfort; William Shakspeare; Oliver Goldsmith; Dante ; John Bunyan ; W. E Gladstone ; Martin Luther ; Horatio Nelson; Geoffrey Chaucer; Lord Chatham; Duke of Wellington; Benjamin Disraeli; Alexander von Humbolt; Thomas Carlyle; Thomas A. Becket; Robert Burns; Christopher Columbus; Peter the great; Sir Walter Scott; Julius Caesar; John Wesley; George Stephenson; Charles J. Fox; George Washington; Sir William Wallace; Charles Dickens; William Pitt; John Calvin; Joseph Garibaldi; Alexander the great; Con- fucius ; Oliver Cromwell; Alfred the great; Gustavus Adolphus; Socrates; Robert Bruce; John Knox; Charles Haddon Spurgeon; Victor Hugo; John Bright; Homer. Wotton, Sir H. Wotton, J. Life of.. . In 606.25 Wraxhall, Sir L. Golden-hair: tale of the Pilgrim fathers 43.26 — Wild oats. 1862 36.584 Wreck of the Chancellor. Yerne, J. Fict. 137.8 Wreck of the Golden Mary. Dickens, C./n36. 177.3 Wreck of the “Grosvenor.” Russell, W. C. 47.10 Wreck of the “Red Bird.” Eggleston,G.C. 83 . 1 Wrecked in port. Yates, Edmund 36.596 Wrecked on a reef [Auckland islands.] ’80. 515.6 Wright, C. and Brainerd J. A. Historic incidents and life in India. 1861. . ., 702.16 Wright, G. F. Logic of the Christian evi- dences. 1880 423 . 7 — Relation of death to probation. 1882 . . . 443 . 30 Wright, G. N. Historic guide to Bath. [England.] 1864 703.5 Wright, Julia M. Dragon and the tea- kettle; [also] The droppleganger. ’85. 58.23 — How could he escape. 1875 92.16 — Jug-or-not. 1874 92.15 — Life cruise of Captain Bess Adams. 1874. 92.17 — Nothing to drink. 1875 92.18 Note. — The above are temperance tales. Wright, Lewis. Practical pigeon keeper. 833.24 — Practical poultry keeper. 1884 845 . 21 Wright, T. History of caricature and gro- tesque in literature and art. 1875... 851.6 Wright, W. Oil regions of Pennsylvania. 1865 811.18 Writing. See Composition; Letters; Pen- manship; Phonography. Wurthering heights. Bronte, Emily 36.62 Wurtz, A. Atomic theory. 1881 815.4.29 Wyandotte, The. Cooper, J. F 2.41 Wych Hazel. Warner, S. and A. B 136.20 Wycklyffe. See Wickliff. Wylde, James. Book of trades 822.35 Wyman, Morrill. On ventilation. 1846... 801.2 Wyoming territory. See reports of the U. S. geological survey [P53.4]; also, Yel- lowstone region in general alphabet, WYSS. 273 YORKTOWN. Wyss, J. R. and Montolieu, Baronne de. Swiss family Robinson. 1876 25.22 Xavier, St Francis. Bartoli, D. and Maffei, J. P. Life of. 1882 628.17 Xenie’s inheritance. Durand, Mme. A 141 . 15 Xenophon. The Anabasis; or, Expedition of Cyrus, and the Memorabilia of Socrates; tr. by J. S. Watson, with a geographical commentary by W. F. Ainsworth 735.9 — The Anabasis; tr. by E. Speiman; The Cyropaedia; tr. by M. A. Cooper. 2 v. 1020.1 — Memoirs [Memorabilia] of Socrates; tr. byE. Levien. 1872 601.6 — Xenophon [outlined and explained] by Sir A. Grant. 1874 1020.26 — Yonge, C. M. Book of worthies. 1869.. 621.18 Xerxes. Abbott, J. History of. 1872... 611.32 — Rawlinson, G. Ancient monarchies 715.5.3 Yacht club. Adams, W. T. Juv 73.3.2 Yacht club series. 6 v. See Adams, W. T. Yachting. Frazar, D. Practical boat- sailing. 1879 823 . 26 — Qualtrough, E. F. Sailor’s handy book. 873 . 29 See also Boating; also , Harper’s mag., v. 47, [Cheap yachting], v. 67, LModern yacht] ; Scribner’s, v. 4, [Yachts and yachting], and v. 24, [Evolution of Ameri- can yachts ; Steam yachting in America] . Yale college. Change in the academic cur- riculum; Classics and the curriculum. New Englander, v. 44 *1008.8 — Decrow, W. E. Yale, and the “City of Elms.” 1882 523.7 — Four years in Yale. By a graduate of ’69. 1871 401.2 — Linonian and Brothers’ librarv. Cata- logue. 1873 *328.15 — Porter, J. A. Sketches of Yale life. ’86. 436.17 — Yale examination papers, [1876— 1882]. . 444.17 Yale lectures on preaching. See Preaching. Yale review. See New Englander and. Yankee in Canada, etc. Thoreau, H. D. . . 311 . 11 Yankee middy. Adams, W. T 72.1.4 Yarns of an old mariner. Clarke, Mrs. M.C. 22 . 27 Yates, Edmund. Black sheep. 1867 36.586 — Broken to harness. 1866 36 . 587 — Castaway. 1872 36.588 — Dr. Wainwright’s patient. 1871 36.589 — Fifty years of London life, [1831-75]. ’85. 631 . 3 — Forlorn hope. 1867 36 . 590 — Impending sword. 1874 36.591 — Land at last. 1866 36.592 — Nobody’s fortune. 1872 36.593 — The rock ahead. 1868 36 . 594 — A waiting race. 1872 36 . 595 — Wrecked in port. 1829 36.596 — Yellow flag . 1873 36.597 Year after year. Clive, Caroline 36.112 Year books. Appletons’ annual cyclo- paedia. v. 16-23, 1876-83 *B.32 — Congregational year book, 1880 427.4 — Keltie, J. S. Statesman’s year-book.’86. *D.7 See also Almanacs ; Annuals. Year of wreck. [Cotton plantation, 1866.] Benham, G. C 516.7 Year one of the republic. [France, 1793.] Erckmann, E. and Chatrian, A. Fict. 45.16.3 Year’s housekeeping in south Africa. Bar- ker, A. 1875 525.12 Yeast; a problem. Kingsley, C. Fict 132.18 Yej low flag. Yates, Edm. Fict 36.597 33 Yellowplush papers. Thackeray, W. M 301.1 and 301.12.2 Yellowstone region. Langford, N. P. Wonders of the 7^1006.4.3 — Ludlow, W. Reconnaisance from Car- roll, Montana, to Yellowstone national parkin 1875 P81.5 — Richardson, J. Wonders of the. 1873. 505.20 — Stanley, E. J. Rambles in wonder-land. 1878 513.11 — Winser, H. J. Yellowstone national park. 1883 501.7 — Yellowstone national park: Geology; Thermal springs; Topography. See U. S. geolog. and geo g. survey of the territories by F. Y. Hayden. 12th re- port, pt. 2. 1883 *P53 . 4 Yemassee, The. Simms, W. G. Fict 16.5 Yesterday, to-day and forever. [Poem.] Bickersteth, E. H ". 202.25 Yesterdays with authors. Fields, J. T. ’72. 601.20 Yolande. Black, W. Fict 146.28 Yonge, Charlotte M. Aunt Charlotte’s stories of Greek history for the little ones. 1879 735.8 — Book of golden deeds 631 . 14 — Book of worthies. 1867 621 . 18 Contents. — Joshua ; David; Hector; Aristides; Nehe- miah; Xenophon; Epaminondas; Alexander; Marcus Curius Dentatus; Cleomenes; Scipio Africanus; Ju- das Maccabaeus ; Julius Caesar. — Caged lion. [James I. of Scotland.] 1870. 36.598 — Cameos from Eng. history, v. 1-5. 1877-83. 742 . 20 Contents.— v . 1, From Rollo to Edward II. 2. The wars in France. 3, Wars of the roses 4, Reformation times. 5, England and Spain, (1565-1602). — Chaplet of pearls. [St. Bartholomew, 1572.] 1870 36.599 — Daisy chain. 1856 36 . 600 — Danvers papers; Prince and the page.’67. 36.601 — The disturbing element; or, chronicles of the Blue-bell society. 1879 46.28 — Dove in the eagle’s nest. [Thirty years’ war.] 1866 36.602 — Dynevor terrace 36.603 — Heartsease. 1855 36.604 — Heir of Redcliffe. 1855 36 . 605 — History of Christian names. 2 v. 1863. 642 . 16 — History of France. [Brief.] 1879 717.17 — Hopes and fears. 1861 36.606 — Lady Hester; Mouth of the Leamy. ’74. 36.607 — Life of J. C. Patteson, missionary bishop of the Melanesian islands. 2 v. 1878. 624 . 7 — Pillars of the house. 5 v. in 3. 1873 36 . 608 — Selections from European history. 2 v. See Sewell, E. M. 1873 742 . 4 — Stories of American history. 1883 738 . 15 — Story of the Christians and Moors in Spain. 1878 742.12 — Stray pearls. [Fronde war, 1648-53.]’83. 55.5 — The trial: more links of the Daisy chain. 36.609 — Two guardians. [Self-renunciation.] ’80. 36.610 — Unknown to history. Story of the cap- tivity of Mary of Scotland. 1882 52.25 — Womankind. 1877 911.32 — Young folk’s Bible history. 1880 432.25 — Young folk’s history of England. 1872.. 721.10 — Young folk’s history of France. 1879... 721.11 — Young folk’s history of Germany. 1877. 716.25 — Young folk’s history of Greece. 1879.. 721.9 — Young folk’s history of Rome. 1879. . . . 721 . 8 — Young step-mother. 1861 36.611 Yorke, Oliver, pseud. See Mahony, F. Yorktown centennial handbook. Stevens, J. A. 1881 726.8 YORUBA. 274 YOUNG. Yoruba language. Bowen, T. J. Gram- mar and dictionary of 7n*8541.15.10 Yosemite valley. Whitney, J. D. Yose- mite guidebook. 1874 532.4 See also California; also , Harper’s m., v. 32; Scrib- ner’s, v. 2 [Visit to], v. 3 [Big trees in], v. 6 [Day in.] Youatt, W. The dog; ed. by E. J. Lewis. [cop. 1846] 821.6 — On the horse. 1864 825 . 4 Youmans, E. A., ed’r. Lessons in cookery; added, Diet in health and disease, by T. K. Chambers. 1879 822 . 28 Youmans, E. L. Hand-book of household science. 1872 813.23 — ed’r. Correlation and conservation of forces. 1865 801.17 Contents. — The correlation of physical forces, by W. R. Grove; The interaction of natural forces, by H. L. F. Helmholtz ; The forces of inorganic nature, by J. R. Mayer; Celestial dynamics, by J. R. Mayer; The me- chanical equivalent of heat, by J. R. Mayer; The con- servation of force, by M. Faraday ; The connection and equivalence of forces, by J. von Liebig; The correla- tion of the physical and vital forces, by W. B. Carpen- ter. Culture demanded by modern life; addresses and arguments on the claims of scientific education. 1872. . 401.3 Contents.- -Mental discipline in education, by E. L. Youmans; Physics, by J. Tyndall; Botany, by A. Hen- frey; Zoology, by T. H. Huxley; Importance of physi- ology, by J. Paget; Education of the judgment, by M. Faraday ; Scientific history of education, by W. Whewell : Study of economic science, by W. B. Hodgson; Polit- ical education, by H. Spencer ; Early mental training, by F. A. P. Barnard ; Development of scientific ideas, by J. von Liebig; Scientific study of human nature, by E. L. Youmans; Appendix. Youmans, W. J. and Huxley, T. H. Elements of physiology and hygiene. 1872 803 . 22 Young, Andrew W. The American states- man: a political history. 1855 904.17 — Citizen’s manual of government and law. 1865 903.23 — Government class-book. 1865 902 . 10 — National economy: history of the Amer- ican protective system. 1864 903 . 24 Young, Ann E. Wife No. 19 [of Brigham Young], or a life in bondage. 1876.. 637.3 Young, Arthur. History of the Nether- lands. Jllus. 1884 732.8 Young, Arthur. Travels in France, 1777-9. 2 v. 1793 526.3 Young, Brigham. McCarthv, J. Modern leaders. 1872 607.5 See also Mormons. Young, C. A. The sun. (Int. sci. ser.)’81. .815.4.34 Young, Edward. Night thoughts. [Poem.] In 202.15 Same; with life, etc., by G. Gilfillan. . 207.4 — The revenge; tragedy Ia 207.1.1 — Johnson, S. Lives of the poets 643 . 17 Young, J. Physical geography 827.22 Young, J. C. Personal reminiscences. 1874...., In 632.18 Young, L. H. Remarkable events in his- tory. 1883... 723.12 Young, R. Analytical concordance to the Bible. 1881 *E.9 — Light in lands of darkness: a record of missionary labor. 1884 432.33 — Modern missions. Their trials and triumphs. 1883 432 . 1 Young, The. Abbott, J acob. Gentle meas- ures in training of the young. 1872. . 401.5 — Holland, J. G. Titcomb’s letters to young people, single and married . . . 405 . 22 — James, J. A. Christian father’s present. 406.4 Young, The, continued. — Jewsbury, M. J.Letters to the young.’42. 407.6 — Percy anecdotes. Anecdotes of youth. . 312 . 1 See also Biography (Collective: Youth); Boys; Child- ren; Girls; Women ( Education , etc.)\ Young men. YounG America abroad series. See Adams, W.T. Young Brown. Murray, M. Fict 36.533 Young Christian, The. Abbott, J 433.30.1 Young Christian series. See Abbott, J . Young Crusoe, The. Harley, A. J 23.16 Young deliverers of Pleasant Cove. Kel- logg, E 24.45 Young Dodge club. See De Mille, J. Young duke. Disraeli, B. Fict 17.33 Young folk’s Bible history. Yonge, C. M.’80. 432 . 25 Young folk’s book of poetry. Campbell, L. J., ed’r 211.33 Young folk’s cyclopaedia of common things. Champlin, J. D. 1880 316.15 Young folk’s cyclopaedia of persons and places. Champlin, J. D. 1882 316.16 Young folk’s heroes of history, v. 1-5. See Towle, G.W 515.7 Young folk’s history of France. Yonge, C.M. 721 . 11 Young folk’s history of Greece. Yonge, C. M. 721 . 9 Young folk’s history of the civil war. Cheney, C. E. 1884 738.13 Young folk’s history of the United States. Higginson, T. W. 1875 714.4 Young folk’s Robinson Crusoe. Farrar, E. W. 77 . 19 Young fur traders. Ballantyne, R. M 74.1 Young girl’s, A, wooing. Roe, E. P 57.7 Young Joe, and other boys. Trowbridge, J. T 78. L6 Young lady at home: stories. Arthur, T.S. 31.26 Young lady’s counsellor. Wise, D. 1851. 433.5 Young lieutenant. Adams, W. T. Juv . . . 72.1.3 Young maiden, The. Muzzey, A. B. 1856 . 408 . 17 Young man’s book of knowledge. Tegg, T. 307.6 Young man’s offering. [Selections.] 1852.. 62.20 Young marooners. Goulding, F. R. Juv. 28.23 Young mechanic. Lukin, J 818.15 Young men. Alcott, W. A. Gift book for.’53. 406.22 Young man’s guide. 1851 406 . 15 — Beecher, H. W. Lectures to. 1854 .... 407.8 — Buckley, J. M. Oats or wild oats? com- mon sense for young men. 1885 436 . 8 — Chesterfield, Earl of. Letters to his son. 406.23 — Clark, R. W. Lectures to. 1857 407.18 — Eddy, D. C. Young man’s friend. 1855. 406.13 — Fisher, S. W. Three great temptations. 437.21 — Geikie, C. Life: a book for 423.12 — Hopkins, M. Strength and beauty: dis- cussions for young men 441 . 2 — James, J. A. Young man from home.. . 412.2 — Livermore, A. A. Lectures to. 1847.. 407.10 — Mann, H. Thoughts for a young man. In 407 . 24 — Smith, C. B. A life in earnest. 1848. . . 437 . 25 — Wise, D. Young man’s counsellor. ’51.406.21 — Woolsey,T. D. Helpful thoughts for. ’74. 433.11 — Young man’s friend. [Lectures.] 1850. 426.6 Young Mrs. Jardine. Craik, Mrs. D. M. . . 45.19 Young patroon. Myers, P. H. Fict 62.18 Young people of "Shakespeare’s dramas. Barr, A. E 211.31 Young Rick. Eastman, J. A. Juv 78.8 Young shipbuilders of Elm island. Kel- logg, E. Juv 21.25 Young step-mother. Yonge, Charlotte M. . 36.611 Young surveyor. Trowbridge, J. T. Juv. 87.23 Young voyageurs. Reid, Mayne 75.24 Young women. See Women. Young yagers. Reid, Mayne 75.23 YOUTH. ZURICH. 70 Youth’s history of the rebellion. Tliaver, W.M. 4 v. [cop. 1864] 714.13 Yucatan. New and old in. Ulus. 1885. Jwl004.1.70 — Ober, F. A. Travels in. 1884 In 531 . 14 — Stephens, J. L. Travels in, [1839-40]. 2v. 507.12 Yusef: crusade in the East. Browne, J. R. 508 . 7 Zadkiel, pseud. See Morrison, R. J. Z^hnsdoef, J. W. Art of book-binding.’80. 838 . 24 Zaidee. Oliphant, Mrs. M. 0. W 134.9 Zambesi. Livingstone, D. and C. Expedi- tion to the. 1866 517 . 4 Zanoni. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Fict . 62.9 Zeluco. Moore, J. 2 v. 1789 15.24 Zend-avesta. See Avesta; Zoroaster. Zenobia. Jameson, Mrs. A. Female sov- ereigns 633.12 — Ware, W. Zenobia; or, the fall of Rome. 2 v 14.4 Zeph: a posthumous story. Jackson, Mrs. H. H 58.27 Zerub Throop’s experiment. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T 71.19 Zigzag journeys. See Butterworth, H. Zimmerman, J. G. Solitude; with life of author. 1819 401 . 23 Zimmern, Helen. Maria Edgeworth. 1883. 627.1.6 Zincali: gipsies of Spain. Borrow, G 524.22 Zodiacal light. Jones, G. Observations on, 1853-5 *8521.12 Zoe’s brand. Houstoun, Mrs. M 36 . 436 Zoological mythology. Gubematis, A. de. 2 v 427.20 Zoology. Adams, W. H. D. Animal life throughout the globe. 1876 828 . 26 Monsters of the deep 818.10 — Agassiz, L. Structure of animal life .’74. 821.1 — Allen, J. A. North Am. pinnipeds.’80. In *P53.5 — Broderip, W. J. Zoological recreations. 831.13 — Buckland, F. Log-book of a fisherman and zoologist. 1883 842 . 29 — Buckley, A. B. Life and her children. 1881 837.15 Winners in life’s race. [Vertebrates.]. 832.23 — Carpenter, W. B. Zoology. 2 v. 1866. 811.11 — Children’s book of the sagacity of ani- mals 75.10 — Coues, E. North American fur-bearing animals. 1877 826.17 Zoology, continued. — Jordon, 1). S. Manual of verterbrates.’ 76. 828.24 — Lee, Mrs. R. Habits and instincts of animals 835.6 Habits of birds, reptiles and fishes . . . 845 . 25 — Lindsay, W. L. Mind in the lower ani- mals. 2 v. 1880 834.1 — Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism: ter- restrial and serial locomotion. 1874. .815.4.11 — Mateaux, C. L. Odd folks at home 832.15 — Maunder, S. Treasury of natural his- tory. 1874 828.29 — Menault, E. Intelligence of animals. ’70: 802 21 — Miller, O. T. Little folks in feathers and fur. 1879 832 16 Queer pets at Marcy’s. 1880 832.11 — Morse, E. S. First book of zoology. ’77. 822.21 — Nicholson, H. A. Manual of zoology.’79. 822.11 — Orton, J. Comparative zoology. 1877.. 822.12 — Oswald, F. L. Zoological sketches. ’83. 843.18 — Packard, A. S. Zoology. 1880 838.37 — Paws and claws. Illus.juv 832.1 — Pettigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion; walking, swimming and flying. 1874. 815.4.8 — -Redfield, A. M. Zoological science. ’72. 818.30 — Romanes, G. J. Animal intelligence.’83. 815.4.44 Mental evolution of animals. With essay on instinct by C. Darwin. 1884. 844.26 — Romer, A. Aquatic, domestic and mi- nor animals. 1872 805.14 — Semper, K. Animal life as affected by natural conditions of existence. 1881. 815.4.30 — Simmonds, P. L. Dictionary of useful animals and their products 855 . 9 — Tenney, Sanborn. Elements of. 1875. 842.21 Manual of. 1873 814.7 Natural history of animals. 1876 828.25 — Tenney, Mrs. S. Pictures and stories of animals. Fishes and reptiles 22.15 Sea, land and river shells 22.16 Sea-stars, jelly-fishes, sea-anemones and corals 22.17 — Van Beneden, P. J. Animal parasites. 1876 815.4.19 — Wallace, A. R. Geographical distribu- tion of animals. 2v. 1876 854.7 — Wood, J. G. Ulus, natural history. ’73. 812.30 New illus. natural history. 1881 841.32 — - Trespassers 831 . 16 and Allen, J. A. Monographs of North American rodentia. 1877 In *P53 . 6 — Darwin, C. Variation of animals under domestication. 2 v. 1868 803 . 1 — Elliott, H. W. Seal islands of Alaska. 1884 In *P52.7.8 — Figuier, L. Mammalia. 1870 812.21 Ocean world • 808 . 8 — Hamerton, P. G. Chapters on animals. 1874 814.2 — Holder, C. F. Marvels of animal life.’85. 847.20 — Hooker, W. Child’s book of nature-’72. 802 . 2 — Huxley, T. H, The crayfish: an intro- duction to the study of zoology. ’80. .815.4.28 Elementary zoology. 1877 822 . 18 Introduction to the classification of animals. 1869 821 . 7 — Ingersoll, E. Friends worth knowing. [Am. natural history.] 1881 832.22 — Jackson, T. Stories about animals 832.20 — Jefferies, R. Wood magic; a fable. 1881. 832.17 See also entries under Natural history; also , Animal products; Aquarium: Birds; Corals; Evolution and * Darwinism ; Fish and fiishing ; Geology (Paleontology ) ; Insects; Instinct; Mollusca; Natural history ; Nature ; Ocean ; Reptiles. Taxidermy ; and names of domestic animals. Zoroaster. Crawford, F. M. Fict 58.4 Zoroaster and Zoroastrianism. Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions. 1871 438.26 — Hardwick, C. Christ and other mas- ters. 1882 433.27 — Rawlinson, G Five great ancient mon- archies. [See Index, v. 3.] 715.5 See also Avesta; Parseeism; Religions. ^schokke, H. Goldmaker’s village. Fict.'M). 34.19 — Meditations on death and eternity. ’63. 438.18 Zurcher, F. and Margolle, E. Meteors, etc. 1876 816.24 Mountain adventures. 1869 502 . 20 Volcanoes and earthquakes. 1869 855.15 Zurich. Lander, S. W. Spectacles for young eyes. 21.8 CATALOGUE OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY > OF ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS. EDITION OF 1886. FIRST SUPPLEMENT, 1894. \ Rockford, Illinois. SMITH PUBLISHING COMPANY, ABBREVIATIONS FOR FORENAMES: A: Augustus. I: Isaac. R: Richard. B: Benjamin. J : John. t S: Samuel. C: Charles. K: Karl. T: Thomas. D: David. L: Lewis. U: Ulrich. E: Edward. M: Mark. V : Victor. F : Frederic, Frederick. N : Nicholas. W: William. G: George. 0: Otto. H: Henry. P: Peter. Summary of the Regulations Books and periodicals may be used in the Reading Room by any person without previousj registration. Conversation and other conduct inconsistent with good order are prohibited ] Every resident of Rockford, fourteen years old, or over, is entitled to draw books froi the Library. Residents of the town of Rockford may do so upon guaranty satisfactory t( the executive committee. Each person entitled to draw books will be supplied with a Library card, which must presented whenever a book is drawn, returned or renewed. The holder of a card is entitled to draw one book at a time of octavo or larger size; c| two books of smaller size, they being of the same work. • Books may be kept out fourtet days and may be once renewed without return of the book if application is made before t| book has become due, and a new slip made out. But books marked for a shorter time tin fourteen days and overdue books are not renewable. For keeping out a book beyond its time, a fine of two cents a day is incurred, and other book will be delivered on the card until the fine is paid. Any book retained one wt beyond the time shall be sent for and the messenger’s fee charged to the borrower. No card or book can be lent out of the household of the borrower, and no book can| kept by transfers in the same household more than twice its prescribed time, or again drc within one week after its return. Books, whose shelf numbers include a star (*), do not circulate, but may be used in Library. [EXTRACT FROM THE CITY ORDINANCE.] Section 1. Whoever shall intentionally destroy, tear, mark, write upon, or otherwise deface, or injure any Book, pJ ical, Newspaper, Plate, Picture, Engraving or Statue, belonging to the Public Library and Reading Room of said City off ford, shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay a fine of not less than three nor more than one hundred dollars, for eac| every such oflense. Sec. 3. Whoever shall fail to return any Book belonging to said Library and Reading Room, in accordance withl quirements oi the By-Laws and Regulations thereof, shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay a fine of not less than three noj than twenty dollars for each and every such offense. CATALOGUE EDITION OF 1886. FIRST SUPPLEMENT, 1894. Alphabetically Arranged by Authors, Titles and Subjects. “A. L. A.” index to general literature. Fletcher, W: I. 1893 C.18 Abbey of Croyland. Ingulph. Chronicle of 771.6 Abbot, F. E. Scientific theism. 1886... 453.5 — The way out of agnosticism. 1890 401.21 Abbot, H. L., joint author. ^Humph- reys, A. A. Abbot, W. J. Battlefields and camp fires. [1890] 774.9.2 — Battlefields and victory. [1891] 774 9.3 — Battlefields of ’61. [1889] 774.9.1 — Blue-jackets of 1812. [1887.] 761.4 — Blue-jackets of ’61 . 1886 761.3 Abbott, B. Y. and A. Clerks’ and convey- ancers’ assistant. 1887 926.21 Abbott, C: C. Outings at odd times. 1890 874.10 — Recent rambles. 1892 882.24 — Travels in a tree-top. 1894 897.1 — Upland and meadow. 1886 845.31 — Waste-land wanderings. 1887 856 21 Abbott, Edwin A. Oxford sermons. 1879. 467.12 Abbott, Evelyn. Pericles and the golden age of Athens. 1891 664,1.3 — ed. See Heroes of the nations series. Abbott, Jacob. See Fiction class-list. Abbott, J: S. C. Empire of Austria. [1882] 751.8 — Historyof Napoleon Bonaparte. 2v. 1885 652.4 — History of Napoleon III. 1868 657.1 — Historyof Prussia. [1882] 751.10 — Italy.. [1882] 751.9 Abbott, Lyman. Evolution of Christian- ity. 1892 472.6 — In aid of faith. 1888 464.18 — Life of Christ. Illus. 1882 465.9 — Old Testament shadows of New Testa- ment truths. 1870 468.3 — Popular commentaries on the New Test- ament. 5 v. 1876-’88 424.1 Contents : v. 1, Matthew; v. 2, Mark and Luke; v. 3, John; v. 4, Acts of the Apostles ; v. 5, Romans. — Signs of promise. Sermons. 1889 455.11 — A study in human nature. 1885 436.4 — ed. For family worship; scripture read- ings ; family prayers. 1883 461.17 — and Gilmore, J. R. Gospel commentary. [Life of Christ.] 1890 464.19 Abbott, Mary. See Fiction class-list. Abelard, Pierre. Compayre, Gabriel. Abelard and the origin and early history of universities. 1893 677.2.5 Abernethy, J: Macilwain, G: Memoirs of. 1853 683.17 Abney, W. de W. Photography. Illus. 1890 891.11 Abolition. See Slavery. Aboriginal American authors and their productions. Brinton, Daniel G. .. . 351.2 Abortion. Stover, H . N. Why not ? A book for every woman. 1866 847.32 About, Edmond. See Fiction class-list. Above rubies. Bright well, C. L 655.8 Abraham, patriarch. Dean, W: J. Abra- ham : his life and times 461.6.1 Arbitration, Industrial. Lowell, J. S., comp. 1893 937.76 Abroad and at home. Phillips, Morris.. 544.31 Abyssinia. Smith, F. H. Through A. [in 1880] 542.4 Accidents and emergencies. Butler, Glent- worth R. Emergency notes. 1889. 893.21 — Sargent, Dr. D. A. In case of accident. Illus. [1884] 872.13 “According to Crocker.” Smith, W. A. 878.12 Acheta Domestica, pseud. See Budgen, Miss L. M Acoustics. Tissandier, G. and Frith, H; Marvels of heat, light, and sound .... 874.39 — Zahm, J. A. Sound and music. Illus. 1892 883.8 Acrobats and mountebanks. Le Roux, H. and Gamier, J. 1890 878.21 Across the plains, etc. Stevenson, R. L. 344.17 Acting. See Drama. Acton, W: Functions and disorders of the reproductive organs. 6thed’n. 1883. 854.9 Actors and actresses of Great Britain and the United States. Matthews, B. and Hutton, L., edrs. 5 v. 1886 647.2 Adams, Abigail. [Mrs. W. S. Smith.] Cor- respondence ; ed. by her daughter. 1842 661.16 Adams, Brooks. Emancipation of Mass- achusetts. 1877 767.2 Adams, C: F. Massachusetts: its histo- rians and its history. 1893 785.10 — Memoirs of J: Q. Adams. 12 v. 1874... 682.12 — New departure in the common schools of Quincy, and other papers on educa- tional topics. 1879 431.21 — Richard Henry Dana ; a biography. 2 v. 1890 668.7 — Three episodes of Massachusetts history: The settlement of Boston Bay ; The Antinomian controversy ; A study of church and town government. 2 v. 1892 775.23 Adams, C: J. Where is my dog? or, is man alone immortal ? 1892 473.2 Adams, C. K. Christopher Columbus. 1892 665.10.11 — ed. Representative British orations. 3 v. 1884 333.29 Adams, E. L. S., joint author. See Steele, F. M. ADAMS. 4 AFRICA. Adams, Emily. See Fiction class-list. Adams, G: B. Civilization during the mid- dle ages. 1894 793.1 Adams, H: History of the United States. v. 1-9. 1889-90 767.4 Contents : v. 12, 1801-3; v. 3-4, 1805 9; v. 5-6, 1809-13; v. 7-9, 1813-17. Adams, H. B. Life and writings of Jared Sparks. 2 v. 1893...... 685.16 — ,ed. Johns Hopkins University stud- ies. v. 1-10. 1883-92 942.1 Adams, H. C. History of the Jews [A. D. 7-1885]. 1887 778.7 See also Fiction class list. Adams, H: C. Public debts: an essay in the science of finance. 1893 935.4 Adams, H. G. Life and adventures of Dr. Livingston 655.5 Adams, J: Stoddard, W. O. Life of. 1887. 647.1.2 Adams, J: Q. Memoirs of, 1795-1848; ed. by C. F. Adams. 12 v. 1874 682.12 — Stoddard, W: O. Life of. 1887 In 647.1.3 Adams, Myron. The continuous creation. 1890 461.25 — Creation of the Bible. 1892 478.15 Adams, Nehemiah. South-side view of slavery. 1855 924.5 Adams, O. F. The presumption of sex and other papers. 1892 344.15 — Story of Jane Austen’s life. 1891 673.18 Adams, Samuel. Wells. W: V. Life and public services of. 3 v. 1865 648.8 Adams, W. H. D. Child-life and girlhood of remarkable women. 1890 674.21 — “In perils oft.” Romantic biographies. Ulus. 1886 544.23 — Land of the Incas. [Conquest of Peru.] 1885 752.5 — The Maid of Orleans. Ulus. 1889.... 673.6 — Warriors of the crescent. 1892 783.13 Adams, W: T. [ Oliver Optic.] See Fiction class-list. Adamson, R. Fichte. (Philosophical classics.) 1881 675.1.4 Addams, Jane and others. Philanthropy and social progress : [Seven essays.] • [c. 1893] 933.21 Addison, Joseph. Selected essays. 1886. 333.20 See also Guardian; Spectator; Tatler. See also Fiction class list. Addresses and speeches. See Elocution ; Essays ; Sermons. Adeline, Jules. Art dictionary. 1891 . . 878.1 Adler, Felix. Moral instruction of child- ren. 1892 448.2.21 Advancement of learning. Bacon, Fran- cis 458.4 Adventurer, The. (British essayists, v. 19-21.) 303.15 Adventures. See under names of coun- tries ; Hunting ; Travels and voy- ages. Adventures of a blockade runner. Wat- son, W: 554.4 Adventures of early discoverers. Humph- rey, F. A 676.2 Adversaria. Dobree P. P. 5 v. in 2 324.9 Advertising. Fowler, N. C. Building business. 1898 928.5 — Sampson, H: History of. 1875 916.27 Aerial world . Hartwig, G 862 . 7 .ZEschylus. Dramas ; tr. by A. Swanwick. 1886 225.1 iEscHYLUS, continued. — Tragedies; lit. transl. by T. A. Buckley. 1888 225.2 — Tragedies; tr.,with biog. essay, by E. H. Plumptre 225.22 ^Esthetics. Allen, Grant. Physiological aesthetics. 1877 885.22 — Bosanquet, Bernard. History of aes- thetic. 1892 886.19 — Lotze, H. Outlines of aesthetics. [1885] 472. 20. 5 — Veron, Eugene. ^Esthetics ; tr. by W. H. Armstrong. 1879 865.13 See also Beauty (Personal); Delsarte philosophy ; Fine arts. Afghanistan. Ker, D. The lost city. Juv. 1885 84.10 — Rodenbouffh, Theo. F. Afghanistan and the Anglo-Russian dispute. 1885. . . 727.21 — Wheeler, J. T. Short history of. 1884. In 755.2 Africa. Baker, Sir S. W. In the heart of Africa, [1861-5]. 1884 552.25 — Bridge, Horatio. Journal of an Afri- can cruiser [on the west coast, 1848-4]. 1853 542.12 — Casati,G. Ten years in Equatoria and the return with Emin Pasha, 1880-9. 2 v. 1891 543.5 — Churchill, Lord R. S. Men, mines and animals in South Africa. 1892 551.2 — Drummond, H: Tropical Africa. Maps. 1888 542.5 — Du Chaillu, Paul. Equatorial Africa and country of the dwarfs, 1855-66. 1890 538.18 Note— Abridgment of original editions. — Field, H. M. The Barbary coast. Ulus. 1893 554.20 — Galton, F. Tropical South A. 1889.. 547.24 — Greswell, W. Our South African em- pire. 2 v. 1885 777.16 — Harrison, J. W. Life of Mackay of Uganda told for boys, by his sister. 1892 687.2 — Jephson, A. J. M. Emin Pasha and the rebellion at the equator. 1890 541.16 — Junker, Dr.W: Travels in, 1875-8. 1890. 541.6 — Knox, T: W. Boy travelers in Central Africa. 1884 532 1.5 — - Boy travelers on the Congo. [1887.] 541.3 — Macdonald, Duff. Africana ; or, the heart of heathen [Eastern Central] Africa. 2 v. Ulus. 1882 541.15 Contents: v. 1, Native customs and beliefs; v. 2, Mission life. — Ober, Fred A. Knockabout club in N. Africa. Ulus. [1890] 543.2.1 — Pinto, S. How I crossed Africa [1877-9]. 2 v. 1881 545.13 — Ritchie, J. E. Brighter South Africa ; [the Cape and Natal]. 1892 552.10 — Selous, F: C. Travel and adventure in South-east Africa. Ulus. 1893 554 19 — Sheldon, Mrs. M. French. Sultan to sul- tan. [East Africa.] 1892 551.16 — Smith, W. R. Africa illustrated. [1889] *8522 14 — Stanley, H: M. In darkest Africa. 2 v. 1890 541.1 My dark companions and their strange stories. 1893 172.7 My Kalulu. [Fiction.] 1887 67.19 Slavery and the slave trade in Africa. 1893 933.19 AFRICA. 5 ALFRED. Africa, continued. — Stevens, T: Scouting for Stanley in East Africa. [1890] 537.25 — Thomson, J. MungoPark and the Niger. [1890] 663.1.3 - — Through Masai Land, [1883]. 1885.. 551.25 — Trollope, Anthony. South Africa. 1878. 538.29 — Ward, Herbert. Five years with the Congo cannibals. 1890 541.17 — Wilson, J. L. Western Africa : its his- tory, etc. 1856 542.1 See also Algeria ; Carthage ; Egypt ; Liberia ; Mashona- land; Morocco; Niger river; Tunis; Zulu Land. Agassiz, Louis. Holder, C: F. Louis Agas- siz: his life and work. 1893 672.1.2 — Life and correspondence ; ed. by E. C. Agassiz. 2 v. 1886 646.1 Age of the Antonines. Capes, W. W 787. 12.11 Agnosticism. Abbot, F. E. The way out of agnosticism. 1880 461.21 — Fawcett, E. Agnosticism and other es- says. [1889] In 336.11 — Stephen, L. An agnostic’s apology, etc. 1898 475.16 Agriculture. Brown, Waldo F. Peo- ple’s farm and stock cyclopedia. 2 v. ini. [c. 1884] 888.9 — Cole, A. N. The new agriculture. [Un- derground irrigation.] 1885 854.24 — Elliott, J. R. American farms : their condition and future. 1890 937.62 — Jefferies, R: Toilers of the field. [Eng- lish farm life.] 1892 884.18 — Loring, G: B. Farm-yard club of Jo- tham. 1881 872.3 — Robbins, M. C. Rescue of an old place. 1892 877.39 — Storer, F. H. Agriculture in some of its relations with chemistry. 2v. 1887. 868.1 — United States. Reports of com’r of agri- culture, 1849-92 *8501.3 — Weld, M. C. and others. A B C of agri culture. 1888 861.3 See also Dairy ; Domestic animals ; Forestry ; Fruit; Gardening; Grasses; Insects; Irrigation ; Potato; Soils. Aide, Hamilton. See Fiction class-list. Aids to endeavor. [Y. P. S. C. E.] [1890]. 455.18 Ainsworth, W: H, See Fiction class-list. Air. See Meteorology. Airy, Osmund. The English restoration and Louis XlV. Maps. 1889 743.5.18 Aitken, M. C., ed. Scottish song. 1874. 222.6 Alaska. Ballou, M. M. New Eldorado : a summer journey to Alaska. 1889. 536.10 — Bancroft, H. H. History of Alaska, 1730-1885. 1886 782.1 — Elliott, H. W. Our Arctic province. 1886. 532.6 — Hallock, C: Our new Alaska. 1886... 537.22 — Karr, H. W. S. Shores and alps of. 1887. 535.11 — Niblack, A. P. Indians of the North- west coast. 1890 788.2 — Rollins, A. W. From palm to glacier. 1892 In 548.2 — Woodman, A. J. Picturesque Alaska : a tour. 1890 538.7 Albert, prince consort, of England. Grey, Hon. C. Early years of, 1819-41. 1867 674.16 Alcaforado, Marianna. Love letters of a Portuguese nun, [1668]. [1890] 348.13 Alcohol. Carpenter, W: B. Alcoholic liquors and the human system. 1885. 865.29 Alcohol, continued. — Greenfield, W. S. Alcohol. [Health primer.] 1890 891.20 — Palmer, A. B. Temperance teachings of science. 1887 876.28 Alcott, A. Bronson. Ralph Waldo Emer- son ; his character and genius. 1882. 657.15 — Sanborn, F. B. and Harris, W: T. Life and philosophy of. 2 v. 1893 683.18 Alcott, Louisa May. Life, letters, and journals ; ed. by E. D. Cheney. 1889. 656.9 See also Fiction class-list. Alcuin. West, A. F. Alcuin and the rise of the Christian schools. 1892 677.2.3 Alden, Mrs . I. M. [Pansy.] See Fiction class-list. Alden, Rev. J. Story of a pilgrim family, 1620-1889. 1890 685.7 Alden, J: B. Handy atlas of the world. 1888 533.22 — Home atlas of the world. 1888 8542.2 Alden, Rev. Timothy. Collection of Ameri- can epitaphs and inscriptions. 5 v. 1814 666.27 Alden, W. L. See Fiction class-list. Aldrich, M. Almy. History of the United States marine corps. 1875 934.3 Aldrich, T: B. The sister’s tragedy, and other poems. 1891 227.7 — Wyndham towers. [Poem]. 1890 223.12 See also Fiction class-list. Alexander ' the great. Dodge, T. A. Alexander. (Great captains.) 1890. 686.11.1 — Mahaffy, J. P. Story of Alexander’s empire. 1887 752.1.16 Alexander, Mrs., pseud. See Hector, Mrs. A. F. Alexander, A. Healthful exercises for girls. 1886 872.40 — Modern gymnastics ; elementary 873.16.1 — Modern gymnastic exercises ; advanced. 873.16.2 Alexander, Archibald, B. D. Alexan- der, James W. Life of. 1854 657.14 Some problems of philosophy. 1886. 451.4 Alexander, E. P. Railway practice. 1887. 937.36 Alexander, Francesca. Roadside songs of Tuscany; ed. by J. Ruskin. 1887... 224.8 Alexander, H: C. Life of Joseph A. Alexander, D. D. 1875. 657.17 Alexander, J. A., B. B. Alexander, H: C. Life of. 1875 657.17 Alexander, J. B. Dynamic theory of life and mind. Ulus. 1893 881.18 Alexander, J. W. Life of Archibald Alexander, D. D. 1854 657.14 Alexander, W: T. History of the colored race in America. 1887 774.11 Alfieri, Vittorio. Tragedies; ed. by E. A. Bowring. 2 v. 1876 216.12 Contents: v. 1, Philip; Polynices; Antigone; Vir- ginia ; Agamemnon; Orestes; Rosmunda; Octavia; Timoleon; Merope; Mary Stuart v. 2, Conspiracy of the Pazzi; Don Garcia; Saul; Agis; Sophonisba; The First Brutus; Myrrha; The second Brutus; Antony and Cleopatra; Abel; Alces- tis II. Alford, H: The queen’s English. 1889. 324.22 Alfred the great. Anglo Saxon version of Boethius: with English transl. by S. Fox. 1864 457.1 — Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius. 1884. In 771.1 — Pauli, Reinhold. Life of. 1884 771.1 — Turk, M. H., ed. Legal code of. 1893, 935.5 ALGiE. 6 AMERICA. Alg^e. See Mosses. Alger, J. G. New Paris sketch book. 1889 552.9 Alger, W: R. Sources of consolation in human life. 1892 472.1 Algeria. Bridgman, F. A. Winters in. 1890 546.13 Ali, Syed Ameer. Life and teachings of Mohammed ; or, the spirit of Islam. 1891 692.7 Allan, W: Army of northern Virginia in 1862. 1892 784.10 — History of the campaign of Gen. T. J. [Stonewall] Jackson in the Shenan- doah valley of Virginia. 1880, 784.13 — , joint author. See Hotchkiss, Jed. Alldridge, Lizzie. See Fiction class-list. Allen, A. V. G. Continuity of Christian thought. 1887 446.24 — Life of Jonathan Edwards. 1889 656.6.1 Allen, C. B. and Mary A. The man won- derful in the house beautiful. 1890. 882.11 Allen, E: H. Practical cheirosophy. 1891. 876.18 Allen, F: H. Great cathedrals of the world. Plates in photogravure. 2 v. [1886] *8542.19 Allen, Grant. Colin Clout’s calendar. [1883] 893.1 — Falling in love, with other essays. 1890. 836.16 — Physiological aesthetics. 1877 885.22 Allen, H. N., tr. See Fiction class-list. Allen, J. L. Blue-grass region of Ken- tucky, etc. Ulus. 1892 554.6 Allen, J. H: and others. Unitarianism: its origin and history. [Lectures. ]1890. 478. 17 Allen, J: H. Tariff and its evils. 1888. 937.53 Allen, Joseph. Battles of the British navy [to 1840]. 2 v. 1889 772.4 Allen, Richard. See Fiction class-list — Allen, Walter. Governor Chamberlain’s administration in South Carolina, [1874-1877]. 1888 784.17 Allen, Willis B. See Fiction class-list. Allen, W: F. Reader’s guide to English history. 1883 732.15 Allibone, S: A. Critical dictionary of English literature. 3 v. 1871 A. 8 Supplement; by J : F. Kirk. 2 v. 1892. A. 8.4-5 Allston, Washington. Flagg, J. B. Life and letters of. 1892 682.1 — James, Mrs. A. Washington Allston, and his axioms on art. 1893 In 347.3 Almanacs, annuals, etc. Appleton’s an- nual cyclopaedia. v 1-33. 1861-93 B.32 — Hazell’s annual for 1891 I). 9 — Hone, W: Every-day book and table- book. 3 v. [1827-47] 334.14 Year book of daily recreation and in- formation. 1868 334.15 — Keltie, J. S., ed. Statesman’s year book, 1886, 1888-’92, ’94. 7 v D.7 — Spofford, A. R., ed. American almanac, 1882-1889. 8 v D.6 — Tribune almanac and political register, 1893 *931.2 — Western Rural year book ; ed. by G. Milton. 1886 854.17 — World almanac, 1893-4. 2 v *931.3 Almost fourteen [Physiological]. War- ren, M. A 885.29 Along New England roads. Prime, W. C. 547.26 Along the Florida reef. Holder, C: F 882.23 Alps. Alpine climbing. [Narratives.] 1881. 533.30 — Baedeker, K: Eastern Alps. Handbook. 555.1 Altgeld, J: P. Live questions [Social]. 1890 923.13 — Our penal machinery and its victims. 1886 918.3 Alton, Edmund, pseud. See Bailey, Ed- mund. Aluminium. Richards, J. W. Its history, etc. 1887 861.1 Amana Society. Perkins, W: R. and Wick, B. L. History of. 1891.... 768.11 Amazon river. Wallace, A. R. Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro, [1848- 1852]. 1889 547.25 America [as a whole]. Bandelier, A. F. The gilded man and other pictures of the Spanish occupancy of America. 1893 787.15 — Bell, N. R. E. [W. D' Anvers] Heroes of American discovery. [1885] 531.16 — Brown, M. E. Icelandic discoverers of. 1887 757.9 — Fiske, J: Discovery of America. 1892. 775.18 — Gilman, A. Historical readers. 3 v. [1887] 755.8 — Hakluyt. R. Voyages of the English nation to America before the year 1600. 4 v. 1889 551.14 — Payne, E: J: History of the new world called America, v 1. 1892 784.2.1 — Peet, Stephen. Prehistoric America, v. 1-2. 1890-2 788.1 — Priest, Josiah. American antiquities. 1835 775.17 — Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and criti- cal history of America. 8 v. 1886-9. *762.1 — Wright, Henrietta C. Children’s stories in American history. Illus. 1890... 97.5 America. Central. Bancroft, H. H. His- tory of, 1501-1887. 3 v. 1882 -’87 .... 782. 9 — Brigham, W: T. Guatemala. 1887... 534.7 — Charnay, D. Ancient cities of the new world. 1887 545.20 — Curtis, W:E. Capitals of Spanish Amer- ica. [c. 1888] 537.26 — Ford, I: N. Tropical America. 1893. 553.10 — Knox, T. W. Boy travelers in Mexico, etc. 1886 537.1 — Squier, E. G. Notes on. [Honduras, San Salvador, etc.] 1855 543.11 — Vincent, F. In and out of. 1890 542.6 See also Costa Rica; Honduras; Panama; Yucatan. America, North. Bancroft, H. H. His- tory of the Northwest coast, 1543- 1846. 2v. 1886 782.3 — Carver, Jonathan. Travels# through, [1766-8]. 1802 556.5 — King, C: F. This continent of ours [Picturesque geographical readers]. — Parkman, F. France and England in North America. 7 pts. in 9 v. 1873- 1892 736.15 Historic handbook of the northern tour, Lakes George and Champlain ; Niagara, Montreal, Quebec. 1885.. 785.2 — Shaler, N. S. Story of our continent: [geography and geology]. 1892 544.10 America, South Ballou, M. M. Equa- torial America. 1892 544.20 — Champney, E. W. Three Vassar girls in. 1885 543.1.3 — Child, T. Spanish-American republics. 1891 545.21 AMERICA. 7 AMERICAN. America, continued. — Curtis, W: E. Capitals of Spanish Amer- ica. Illus. [1888] 537.26 — Ford, I: N. Tropical America. Illus. 1893 553.10 — Knox, T: W. Boy travelers in. 1886.. . 532.2 — Marcoy, P. Journey across. Illus., 4 v. 1873 *8542.6 — Vincent, F. Around and about, [1885-7]. 1890 537.18 See also Amazon river; Andes; Argentine Repub- lic; Brazil; Chili; Ecuador; Paraguay; Peru; Uruguay. America heraldica. Vermont, E de V.,i 791.1.4 — Keary, J. S. Spoiling the Egyptians. 1882 937.7 — Klunzinger, C. B. Upper Egypt : its people and its products. 1878 537.5 — Knox, T: W. Boy travelers in. [1882.] 532.1.4 — Lepsius, Richard. Letters from, [1812-5]. 523.25 — Lindsay, A. W: C. Letters on Egypt, [1836-7.] 536.17 — Lockyer, J. N. Dawn of astronomy: temple-worship and mythology. Illus. 1894 '. 894.10 — Macdonald, M. Chronology of the Egyptians. 1891 In 766 14 — Manning, S: Land of the Pharaohs drawn with pen and pencil. 1887. . 528.22 — Mariette, A. Monuments of upper Egypt. 1877 793.18 Outlines of ancient Egyptian history. 1892 783.15 — Maspero, G. Egyptian archaeology. 1887 766.3 Life in Ancient Egypt and Assyria. 1892 792.19 — Milner, Alfred. England in E. 1892.. 791.11 — Paton, Andrew A. History of- the Egyptian revolution. 2 v. 1870 793.20 — - Perrot, Georges and Chipiez,C: History of art in ancient Egypt. 2 v. 1883. . 898.21 — Petrie, W. M. F. Ten years’ digging in E., 1881-91 547.28 — Rawlinson, G: Story of ancient E. 1887.752.1.14 — Records of the past ; ed. by S. Birch. 12 v. 1875-9 794.1 — Records of the past ; new series, ed. by A. H. Sayce. 6 v. 1888-92 792.18 — Reeve, C: M. How we went and what we saw. 1891 546.12 — Renouf, P. L. P. Religion of ancient E. 446.8 — Robinson, C : Seymour. Pharaohs of the bondage and the Exodus. 1887. . 793.19 — St. Clair, G: Buried cities and Bible countries. 1892 783.3 — Wendell, F.C. H. History of. [Primer.] [1890.] 716.27.9 — Wilkinson, J. G. Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. 1883. 3 v. 756 4 Eiirich, L: R. Question of silver. 1892. 937.70 EroiiT hours question. Robertson, .1 : M . . 941.22 Elections. See Political science ; Presi- dent of the U. S. [Election of.] Electoral commission. See Presidential election. Electra, tragedy. See Sophocles. Electric light. Atkinson, Philip. Ele- ments of electric lighting. 1890 S85.10 — Foote. A. R. Electric light and power. 1889 865.2 — Gordon, J. E. H. Practical treatise on electric lighting. 1890 873.24 — Maycox, W. P. Electric lighting and power distribution, v. 1 893.2 — Pope, F. L. Evolution of the electric incandescent lamp. 1889 873.5 — Urquhart, J. W. Electric light. 1880. . 861.1 Electric railway. Crosby, O. T. and Bell, L: Electric railway. 1893... 887.8 Electrical engineering. Crocker, F. B. and Wheeler, S. S. Practical manage- ment of dynamos and motors. 1892. 885.8 ELECTRICAL. 56 ELMIRA. Electrical engineering, continued. — Desmond, C: Electricity for engineers. 1890 874.13 — Fleming, J. A. Alternate current trans- former. 1892-3. 2 v 887.7 Contents : v. 1, Induction of electric cur- rents. v. 2, Utilization of induced currents. Short lectures to electrical artisans. 1893 887.15 — Kempe, H. R. Electrical testing. 1892. 887.5 — Tesla, Nikola Experiments with alter- nate currents of highpotential and high frequency. 1892 885.12 — Thompson, S. P. Dynamo-electric ma- chinery. 1892 881.5 Electromagnet and electromagnetic mechanism. 1892 887.4 Electrical world. JSee Periodicals. Electricity and magnetism. Atkinson, Philip. Elements of static electric- ity. 1887....- 876.6 — Beniamin, Park. Age of electricity. 1886 845.32 Voltaic cell. 1893 887.6 — Bonney, G. E. Electrical experiments. 885.26 — Brackett, C. F. and others. Electricity in daily life. 1891 875.13 — Cumming* L. Electricity treated ex- perimentally. 1891 891.6 — Forbes, G: Lectures on electricity. ^ 1888 861.13 — Frith, H: Marvels of electricity and magnetism 874.37 — Guillemin, A. Electricity and mag- netism; rev. by S. P.Thompson. 1891. 887.3 — Houston, Edw. J. Dictionar} 7 of electri- cal words, terms and phrases. 1889. 876.5 Electric transmission of intelligence, and other advanced primers of elec- tricity. 1893 891.3 Electricity and magnetism. [Advanced primer.] 1893 885.4 — Jenkin, Fleeming. Electricity and magnetism. 1891 887.14 — Lodge. O. J. Modern views of electric- ity. 1889 865.26 — Maxwell, J. C. Elementary treatise on electricity. 1888 886.26 — Meadowcroft, W: H. A B C of electric- ity. [1888.] 874.8 — Mendenhall, T. C. Century of electric- ity. 1887 847.30 — Poyser, A. W: Magnetism and E. [Ele- mentary.] 1891 891.8 Magnetism and E. 1892 891.7 — Sprague, ,T: T. Electricity: its theory, etc. 1892 891.5 — Thompson, S. P. Elementary lessons in E. and M. 1891 876.4 Tunzelmann, G. W., ed. Electricity in Tyndall, J: Lessons in electricity. [1875-6] 887.13 See also Electric light; Electric railway; Electri- cal engineering; Electro metallurgy ; Electro-thera- peutics; Lightning; Telegraph; Telephone. Electro-metallurgy. Bonne} 7 , G. E. Electro-platers’ handbook/ 1891 876.38 — Byrne, O. History of the art of . 1884. In 854.3 — Houston, Edw. J. Electric-metallurgy. 1893 in 891.3 Electro-metallurgy, continued. — Watt, Alex. Electro-deposition. 1889. 891.4 Electro-metallurgy. 1889 In 891.4 ELECTRO-therapeutics. Houston, Edw. J. Electro-therapeutics. 1893 In 891.3 — Morrill, Dr. Sarah E. Medical and surgical' electricity. 1882 847.28 Elephant. Holder, C: F. The ivory king: the elephant and its allies. 1888 876.8 Elijah, Hebrew prophet. Milligan, W. Elijah:his life and times 461.6.8 Elioart, Mrs. C. J. See Fiction class-list. Eliot, George, pseud. [Mrs. J. W. Cross.] Wit and wisdom of, with a biograph- ical memoir. [1873.] 323.29 — Woolson, Abba G. George Eliot and her heroines: a study. 1886 324.1 See also Fiction class-list. Eliot, John. Mather, Cotton. Life of. [In AwMagnalia.] 1820 In. 445.4.1 Ellacombe,H: N. Plant-lore and garden- craft of Shakespeare. 1884 343 37 Ellet, Mrs. Elizabeth F. Domestic his- tory of the American revolution. [1850] 741.11 Elliot, Frances. Diary of an idle woman in Constantinople. 1893 552.2 — Diary of an idle woman in Sicily. 1882. 538.21 — Diar} 7 of an idle woman in Spain. 1884. 538.22 — Pictures of old Rome. 1882 538.23 See also Fiction class-list. Elliot, Jonathan. Debates on the adop- tion of the federal constitution. 5 v. [1836.] 918.13 Elliott, E. N., ed. Cotton is king, and [other] pro-slavery arguments. 1860. 923.1 Elliott, H.W. Our Arctic province: Alaska and the seal islands. Illus. 1886. . . . 532.6 Elliott, J. R. American farms: their condition and future. 1890 937.62 Elliott, MaudH., ed. Art and handicraft in the woman’s building of the World’s Columbian exposition. 1893. 886.22 Ellis, G: Specimens of early English metrical romances, with historical introduction. 1848 226.1 Ellis, G: E. Puritan age in Massachusetts, 1629-1685. 1891 788.18 Ellis, Grace A. Life and [selected] works of Mrs. Anna L. Barbauld. 2v. 1874. 636.18 Ellis, Havelock. The criminal 941.9 — Naturalization of health. 1892 896.24 Ellis, J: The new Christianity: its life of charity. 1887 472.4 Ellis, T: T. Leaves from the diary of an army surgeon. 1863 767.11 Ellis, W : Polynesian • researches. The Society and Sandwich islands. 4 v. 1859 542.7 Ellsworth, Oliver. Flanders, H: Lives of the chief justices. 1875 668.11.2 Ell w anger, G: H. The garden's story. 1889 865.23 — Story of my house. 1891 343.3 Elmira, Hew York. Winter, Alex. The New York state reformatory in El- mira. 1891 941.5 ELOCUTION. 57 ENGELMANN. Elocution, Oratory, Speeches. Elocution. — Plumtre, C: J: King’s college lectures on elocution. 1880 353.5 — Sheppard, N. Before an audience; or, the use of the will in public speak- ing. 1892 345.14 — Warman, E. B. How to read, recite, and impersonate. 1889 342.6 Readers and Readings. — Hussey, M. S. Helps in teaching read- ing. [1891.] 464.13 — One hundred choice selections, Nos. 1-30. 1884-90 322.11 — Swinton, W: and Cathcart, G: R., ed. Golden book of choice reading. [For children.] 343.18 — Warner, C: D., ed. Book of eloquence : extracts in prose and verse. 1889. . . 343.24 Speakers. — Baldwin, J., ed. Harper’s school speak- er. v. 1-3 1891 344.23 — Comstock, A. and Lawrence P. Elocu- tion and model speaker. [1871.]... 333.2 — Priest, S. M., comp. Little pieces for little speakers. [Poetr}'.] [1870.].. 343.29 — Rook, E. C. and L. J. Child’s own speaker. 1889 343.28 — Shoemaker, C: C.. ed. Young folks dialogues. 1885 343.26 — Shoemaker, Mrs. J. W., comp. Little people’s speaker. 1889 343.27 Young folks’ recitation. v. 1-2. 1888-9 343.25 Oratory and Eloquence. — Delsarte, F. System of oratory. 1887. 874.19 — Lord, J: Sacred eloquence. (Beacon lights v. 1.) 735.6.1 — Mathews. W: Oratory and orators. 1879. 323.20 — Swing, David. Greatest of the fine arts. (Club essays.) In 317.2 Speeches : Collections. — Adams, C: K., ed. Representative Brit- ish orations. 3v. 1884 333.29 — Johnston, Alex., ed. American ora- tions. 3 v 1886 333.7 Note : For speeches and addresses see under the following names: Beecher (H. W.), Calhoun (J. C:), Clay (H:), Depew (C. M.), Everett (E:), Julian (G: W.), Lodge (H: C.), Macaulay (T: B .), McKinley, (W:), Webster (D.) Elson, L:C: Theory of music. 1890 895.15 Elterlein, Ernest von. Beethoven’s pi- anoforte sonatas explained. [1875.]. 897.30 Elton, C. I. and Mary A. Great book- collectors. 1893 347.16 Elton, R. Life of Roger Williams. 1853. 655.7 Ely, R: T. Introduction to political econ- omy. 1889 901.24 — Labor movement in America. [1886.] . . 917.23 — Outlines of economics. 1893 933.24 — Problems of to-day: a discussion of pro- tective tarilf, taxation, and monopo- lies. [1888.] 922.19 — Recent American socialism. 1885 918.1 — Social aspects of Christianity, and other essays. [1889.] 922.20 — Socialism and social reform. 1894 944.18 Ely, continued. — Taxation in American states and cities. [1888.] 922.18 — ,ed. Library of economics and politics.. Contents : v. 1, History, organization and influ- ence of the independent treasury of tbe United States; by David Kinley; v. 2, Repudiation of state debts ; by W : A. Scott. Ely, Talfourd. Manual of archaeology. 1890. 878.4 — Olympos: tales of the gods of Greece and Rome. Illus. 1891 467.8 Emblematic mounds and animal effigies. Peet, S. D. 1891 788.1.2 Emblems. Wheeler, Candace, ed. Colum- bia’s emblem: Indian corn. 1893... 897.22 Embryology. Hertwig, Oscar. Text book of the embryology of man and mam- mals. 1892 883.22 Emergencies. See Accidents and emerg- encies. Emergency notes.. Butler, G. R. 1889. 893.21 Emerson, E: W. Emerson in Concord: a memoir. 1889 656.3 Emerson, Ellen R. Indian myths. [1884.] 467.16 Emerson, P. H. Naturalistic photography for students. 1890 897.28 Emerson, Ralph, jr. Life and letters ; ed. by his mother. Port. 1891... 674.20 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. English traits. [1856.] 523.21 — Alcott, A. B. Emerson ; his character and genius. 1882 657.15 — Cabot, J. E. Memoir of. 1887 651.4 — Emerson, E: W. Emerson in Concord ; a memoir. 1889 656.3 — Ireland, Alex. Ralph Waldo Emerson: a biog. sketch. 1882 648.10 — Morley, J: Critical miscellanies, v. 1. 1888 In 352.5.1 — Woodbury, C: J. Talks with Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1890 687.21 Emerton, E. Introduction to the study of the Middle ages, (375-814). 1891. 783.20 Emerton, J. H. Life on the seashore; or, animals of our coasts and bays. 1880. 884.21 — Structure and habits of spiders. 1890. 844.23 Emery, S: H. Ministry of Taunton, [Mass.] 2 v. 1853 666.26 Emigrant life in Kansas. Ebbutt, P. G. 1880 531.25 Emigration. Smith, R. M. Emigration and immigration. 1892 936.10 Emile. See Rousseau, Jean Jacques. Emin Pasha. [Edward Schnitzer.] Jeph- son, A. J. M. Emin Pasha and the rebellion at the equator. 1890 541.16 Eminent Americans : brief biographies. * Lossing, B. J. 1886 652.13 Eminent persons. Biographies reprinted from “The Times.” 4v. 1892-1893.. G85.13 Enault, Louis. See Fiction class-list. Enchiridion of criticism. Shepard, W., ed. 1885 323.26 Enchiridion of wit. [Conversational.] 1885 323.25 Encyclopaedias. See Cyclopaedias. Engel, Carl. Music of the most ancient nations. 1870 895.10 — Musical instruments. 1877 853.24 Engelmann, R. and Anderson, W. C. F. Pictorial atlas to Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. Plates. 1892 8542.32 ENGINEERING. 58 ENGLAND. Engineering. Descriptive index of cur- rent engineering literature. v. 1, 1884-91. [1892.] 894.1.1 — Harcourt, L. F. V-. Achievements in engineering during the last half cen- tury. 1892 896.25 — Haswell, C: H. Mechanics’ and engi- neers’ pocket book. 1888 861.25 — Iconographic encyclopaedia, v. 5, 1889. 863.2.5 — Molesworth, G. L. Pocket book for civil and mechanical engineers. 1887 861.26 — Roper, Stephen. engineer’s handy- book. 1884 855.8 — Thurston, R. H: Friction and lost work in machinery and mill work. 1891. 896.26 — Trautwine, J. C. Civil engineer’s pbck- et-book. 1885 855.7 — Weisbach, Julius. Mechanics of en- gineering. 1889 896.27 Engineering and building record. See Periodicals. England, John, bishop. Furniture and or- naments of a church ; The mass ; Holy week. 2 v. in 1 476.27 England and the English government. Sub-Diyisions.— 1 , Constitution, Government, Laws. 2 , History: General works. 3 , Early and Norman period [to 1154]. 4:, The Plantagenets [1154-1485]. 5, The Stuarts, Commonwealth and Restoration [1603-1688]. 6, Modern England [1689 to present time] . 7, Colonies and Dependencies. 8 , Ecclesiastical history. 9 , Army and Navy. 10 , Antiquities, Customs, etc. 11 , Description, Travels, etc. 1, Constitution , Government , Laws. — Gneist, Dr. Rudolf. Student’s history of the English parliament to [1887]. 923.2 — May, T: E. Constitutional history of England, 1760-1871. 2 v. 1891 934.5 — Skottowe, B. C. Short history of par- liament. 1887 918.9 — Stubbs, W: Constitutional history of England. 1891 934.6 — Taylor, Hannis. Origin and growth of the English constitution. Pt. 1, Making of the constitution. 1889. . 923.8.1 — Turk, Milton H., ed. Legal code of Alfred the Great. 1893 935.5 2 . History ; General works. — Allen, W. F. Reader’s Guide to English History. 1883... 732.15 — Callcott, Lady. Little Arthur’s history of England. 1884 752.8 — Doran, J: Lives of the Queens of En- gland of the house of Hanover. 2 v. 1880 645.9 — Gardiner, S: R. Student’s history of England, 3 v. 1890 777.6 Contents : v. 1,B.C. 55-A.D.1509. v, 2, 1509-1689. v. 3, 1689-1885. — Green, J. R. Short history of the English people, v.1-3. Q. Illus. 1894. 786.9 — Guizot, F. History of England [to 1837]. 3 v. 1877 766.4 — Higginson, T: W. and Channing, E. English history for American readers. 1893 ' 792.12 — Joy, J. R: Outline history of England. 1890 765.15 England, continued. — Jukes-Browne, A. J. Building of the British Isles: a study of geographical evolution. 1888 868.21 — Kirkland, E. S. Short history of Eng- land for young people. 1891 777.14 — Montgomery, D. H. Leading facts of English history [to 1887]. 1888 755.24 — Sanderson, E. History of England and the British empire, to 1890. Maps. 1893 793.11 — Schmitz, L. History of E. for junior classes, [to 1837] . [1873.] 755.18 — Stories from English history for young people. 1893 97.4 — Towle. G: M. Young people’s history of England. 1886 765.5 — Wheeler, A. M., ed. Sketches from English history [to 1857]. 1886.... 755.9 — Yonge, C. M. Kings of England. [For the young.] 1870 765.17 3. Early and Norman Period \to 1154]. — Church, A. J. Story of early Britain. — Freeman, E: A. Reign of William Ru- fus and the accession of Henry the first. 2 v. 1888. 756.6 — Haigh, D. H. Conquest of Britain by the Saxons. 1861 791.4 — Henry, of Huntingdon. Chronicle;from Julius Caesar, to Henry II., [1154]. 1853 771.5 — Henty, G. A. Beric the Briton: a story of the Roman invasion. 1892 101.1 — Hovenden, Roger de. Annals, [732- 1201.] 2 v. 1853 771.10 — Ingulph. Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland with continuations, [704- 1486.] 1854 771.6 — Lappenberg, J. M. History of England under the Anglo-Saxon kings. 2 v. 1884 772.14 — Matthew, of Westminster. Flowers of history, to 1307. 2v. 1853 771.8 — Miller, T: History of the Anglo-Saxons, to the Norman conquest. 1878 772.7 — Roger, of Wendover. Flowers of history, 447-1235. 2 v. 1849 771.11 — Six old English chronicles; ed. by J. A. Giles. 1885 771.12 Contents: Ethelwerd’s chronicle; Asser’s life of Alfred; GeoflErey of Monmouth’s British history ; Gildas; Nennius; Richard of Cirencester. — Thierry, Augustin. Conquest of En- gland by the Normans; tr. by Haz- litt. 2 v. 1885 773.3 — William, of Malmesbury. Chronicle of the kings of England, to reign of Stephen. 1883 771.13 4. The Plantagenets 115Jf-lJfS5. — Edgar, J. G. Wars of the roses; stories. 752.7 — Florence, of Worcester. Chronicle of; to Edward I., [1295]. 1854 771.3 — Paris, Matthew. English history, from 1235 to 1273. 3 v. 1852 771.7 — Warburton, W. Edward III 743.5.16 ENGLAND. 59 ENGLAND. England, continued. 5. The Stuarts, Commonwealth and Restoration, [1603-1688]. — Airy, Osmund. The English restora- tion and Louis XIV. 1889 743.5.18 — Carrel, A. History of the counter-revo- lution in England, under Charles II. and James II., [1658-1689]. 1857 . . . 772.15 — Cattermole, Rev. R: The great civil war of the times of Charles I. and Cromwell. Ulus. 1852. Q 768.12 — Clarendon, Earl of. History of the re- bellion and civil wars in England, [1628-60]. 7 v. 1839 755.16 — Fox, C: J. History of the reign of James II., [1685-88]. 1857 In 772.15 — Gardiner, S: R. History of England, 1603-42. 10 v. 1887 777.13 — Guizot, F. History of the English rev- olution of 1640: from the accession of Charles I. to his death. 1884 772.13 — Lotwher, J :, Viscount Lonsdale. Memoir of the reign of James II., [1685-88]. 1857 In 772.15 — Yonge, C. M. Cameos from English his- tory. v. 6-7. 1887-90 742.20 Contents — v. 6, Forty years of Stuart rule, 1603-43. v. ?, The rebellion and restoration, 1612-1678. 6. Modern England [ 1689 to present time\. — Browning, Oscar. Modern England, 1815-1885. 1891 787.14.8 — Greville,C: C.F. Memoirs ; journal of the reign of queen Victoria. 3 v. 1885-7. 755.5 Contents : v, 1-2. 1837-1852. v. 3, 1852-1860. — Lecky, W: E: H. History of England in the 18th century. 8 v. 1890.... 718.5 — McCarthy, J. H. England under Glad- stone, 1880-'85 765.11 The i’our Georges. 2 v. in 1. 1885. . . . 765.19 — - Short history of our own times, 1837, 1880. 1883 765.16 — Morris, E. E. Early Hanoverians. 1886.743.5.17 — Rowley, J. Settlement of the constitu- tion, 1689-1784. Maps. 1891 787.14.6 — Sidney, W: C. England and the Eng- lish in the 18th century. 2 v. 1891. 777.15 — Tancock, O. VV. England during the American and European wars, 1765- 1820. Maps. 1891 ...787.14.7 7. Colonies and Dependencies. — Cotton. J. S. Colonies and dependencies. 1883 916.5 — Dilke, C: W. Problems of Greater Brit- ain. Maps. 1890 765.14 — Froude, J. A . Oceana; or, England and her colonies. 1888 534.12 — Greswell, W: Our South African em- pire. 2 v. 1885 777.16 8. Ecclesiastical History. — Burnet, G. History of the reformation. 4 v. 1842 445.17 — Hunt, W: English church in the mid- dle ages 464.1.11 — Ordericus Vitalis. Ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy [to 1141]. 4 v. 1853 771.9 England, continued. — Overton, J: H: Evangelical revival in the 18th century 464.1.6 — Perry, G: G. History of the reforma- tion in England 464.1.8 — Tucker, Rev. H. W. The English church in other lands 464.1.5 — Tulloch, J: Religious thought in Brit- ain during the 19th century. 1886.. 451.12 See also Church of England. 9. Army and Navy. — Allen, Joseph. Battles of the British navy, [to 1840]. 2 v. Ports. 1889... 772.4 — Johns, R: and Nicolas, P. H. Naval and military heroes of Great Britain, or calendar of victorv, [to 1854]. 1889 772.9 — Maxwell, W. H. Victories of Welling- ton and the British armies. 1885. . . 772.8 10. Antiquities, Customs , etc. — Armytage, Mrs. F. F. Old court customs and modern court rules. 1883 865.4 — Hodgetts, J. F: The English in the middle ages. [Customs, dress, etc.] 1885 791.3 Older England. [Anglo-Saxon antiqui- ties, etc.] 2 v. 1884 791.2 — Hone, W: Every-day book and table book. 3 v. [1827-47.] 334.14 Contents : v. 1-2, Every-day book. v. 3, Table book. — Jusserand, J. J. English wayfaring life in the middle ages. [14th century.] Illus. 1889 537.4 — Smith, W:. ed. Old Yorkshire. [History and antiquities.] n. s. v. 1. 1889. . .778.8.1 — Strutt, J. Dress and habits of the peo- ple of England, [to the close of the 17th century] ; ed., with notes, by J. R. Planche. 2 v. 1842 *8542.15 — Wright, T: Homes of other days: his- tory of domestic manners and senti- ments in England. 1871 756.8 11. Description. Travels, Society. — Ashton, X: Dawn of the 19th cen- tury ; a social sketch of the times. Illus. 1886 765.3 Old times: a picture of social life at the end of the 18th century. Illus. 1885 760.12 — - Social life in the reign of Queen Anne. Illus. 1893 792.6 — Badeau, A. Aristocracy in England. 1886 533.2 — Baedeker, K: Great Britain. Hand- book. 1890 *555.11 — Beattie, W: Castles and abbeys of Eng- land 534.21 — Besant, Walter. Fifty years ago. [So- ciety. etc.] Illus 551.11 — Blouet, B. [Max O’ Rett.] English phar- isees and French crocodiles. [1892.] 547.1 John Bull and his island. 1891 544.18 — Booth, Gen. W: In darkest England and the way out 924.20 — Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in the British Isles. [1889.] 515.2.11 ENGLAND. 60 ENGLISH. England, continued. — Champlin, J. D. Chronicle of the coach: Charing Cross to Ilfracombe. 1886 532.8 — Champney, Eliz. W. Three Vassar girls in England. Ulus. [1883.]. .. 543.1.2 — Collier, R. L. English home life. 1886. 523.12 — Davis, R: H. Our English cousins. 1894. 556.14 — Dodd, Anna B. Cathedral days: tour through England. 1887 533.11 — Emerson, R. W. English traits. 1884.. 523.21 — Greswell, W:, Our South African em- pire. 2 v. 1885 777.16 — Hall, S. C. Book of the Thames. Illus. 535.3 — Hamerton, P: G. French and English: a comparison. 1889 536.3 — Holmes, O. W. Our hundred days in Europe. 1887 533.15 — Hunnewell, James F. Imperial island: England’s chronicle in stone. 1886.. 756.11 — Jefferies, R: Toilers of the field. [Eng- lish farm life.] 1892 884.18 — Jennings, L: J: Rambles in the Peak of Derbyshire and South Downs. 1880. 554.25 — Jewett, L. and Hall, S. C. Stately homes of England. 2v. 1881 532.7 — Knowles, J. H. To England and back. 1892 547.21 — Knox, T: W. Boy travelers in Great Britain and Ireland. Illus. [1890.] 541.10 — The land we live in. 3 v. Illus 548.1 — Manning, S: and Green, S. G. English pictures drawn with pen and fjencil. 528.20 — . Pike, L. O. History of crime in Eng- land. 2 v. 1873-6 923.5 — Pond, J. B. A summer in England with Henry Ward Beecher, [1886].. 522.33 — Porritt, E. The Englishman at home: his responsibilities and privileges. 1893 944.9 — Rimmer, A. About England with Dickens. 1883 554.26 Our old country towns. Illus. 1881... 552.13 — Smith, Gold win. Trip to England. 1891 544.12 — Stanley, A. P. Historical memorials of Canterbury. 1889 755.23 — Stone, J. S. Heart of Merrie England. [1887.] 556.15 — Thwaites, R. G. Our cycling tour in England. 1892 547.22 — Tristram, W. O. Coaching days and coaching ways. 1893 552.16 — Yillars, P. England, Scotland, and Ire- land ; a picturesque survey, with 600 illus. 1887 *8542.9 — Winter, W: Gray days and gold in Eng- land and Scotland. 1892 556.19 Shakespeare’s England, [1877 and 1882]. 1891 544.2 — Woods, R. A. English social move- ments. 1891 925.30 See also Isle of Man; London; Stratford on Avon; Windsor Castle. English as she is taught. [Answers to ex- amination questions.] Le Rowe, C. B. [1887.] 333.13 English associations of working men. Baernreither, J. M. 1893 943.2 English citizen series ; ed. by H: Craik. — Cotton, J. S. and Payne, E. J. Colonies and dependencies 916.5 English citizen ser., continued. — Craik, H: State in its relation to edu- cation 944.23 — Du Cane, E. F. Punishment and pre- vention of crime 936.24 — Fowle, T. W. The poor law 936.32 — Jevons, W. S. State in relation to la- bor 941.1 English illustrated magazine. See Peri- odicals. English lands, letters and kings. Mitchell, D. G. 2 v. 1889 336.8 English language. General Works. — Alford H: The queen’s English. 1889. 324.22 — Barnes’ short stories in English. 1887. 345.23 — Bell, Alex. M. World English: the uni- versal language. [1888.] 334.12 — Champneys, A. C. History of English. 1893 348.9 — Hill, Adams S. Our English. 1889... 336.9 — Mead, Theo. H. Our mother tongue. [1890.] 342.16 — Schaff, Philip. Studies on the English language. 1890 In 341.11 — Sprague, Homer B. Lessons in the Eng- lish language. 1874 346.2.1 — Sweet. H: History of English sounds. 1888 353.9 Dictionaries. — Century dictionary. An encyclopaedic lexicon of the English language. W: D. Whitney, editor in chief. 6 v. [1889] A. 19 — Dixon, J. M. Dictionary of idiomatic English phrases. 1891 342.27 — Grose, Francis. Classical dictionary of the vulgar tongue ; rev. by P. Egan. 1823 341.9 — Halliwell, J. O. Dictionary of archa- isms and provincialisms. 2v. 1847. *343.36 — Hunter, R: Encyclopaedic dictionary. [7 v. in 14.] 1884-7 A.18 — Murray, J. A: H:, ed. New English dictionary on historical principles, v. 1-2. 1884-93 Ref. Contents : v. 1, A-B. v. 2, C. — Nares, Robert, ed. Glossary of words, customs, etc., in English authors, particularly Shakespeare. 2v. 1876. 353.7 — Nuttall, P. A. Standard dictionary of the English language ; rev. by J. Wood. 1886 343.30 — Ogilvie, John. Imperial dictionary of the English language; rev. by C: Annandale. 4 v. 1883 A. 20 — Richardson, C: New dictionary of the English language. 2 v. 1856 *338.1 — - Same. Supplement. 1856 *338.1.3 — Smith, H: P. Glossary of terms and phrases. 1883 353.8 — Walker, J. Rhyming, spelling and pro- nouncing dictionary 333.9 — Webster, N. High school dictionary ; rev. ed. [1868.] 1 323.17 — Wright, T: Dictionary of obsolete and provincial English. 2 v. 1886 324.13 ENGLISH. 61 ENGRAVING. English language, continued. Pronounciation and Spelling. — Hyde. W. T. C. How do you spell it?. 1892 345.27 — Phyfe, W: H: P. How should I pro- nounce ? 1889 343.4 Seven thousand words often mispro- nounced. 1889 336.2 The test-pronouncer ; a companion volume to 7,000 words often mis- pronounced. 1892..,. 244.26 English Composition. — Badlam, AnnaB. Suggestive lessons in language and reading for primary schools. 1889 464.15 Etymology. — Skeat, W. W: Etymological dictionary of the English language. 1882 *316.8 Primer of English etymology. 1892. 345.11 English Grammar. — Arnold, Helen. Practice in parsing and analysis. 1893 347.7 — Earl. J: Philology of the English tongue. 1892 345.3 — Morris, R: Historical outlines of Eng- lish accidence. 1892 354.16 — Murrav, Lindley. English grammar. 1819 346.4 — Sievers, Eduard. An old English gram- mar. [1887.] 345.12 — Sweet, H: New English grammar, v. 1. — Swinton, W: New language lessons: an elementary grammar and composi- tion. 1888 345.4 — West, A. S. Elements of English gram- mar. 1893 354.2 Words, Errors of Speech, etc. — Hewitt, Emma C. Hints to the ungram- matical. 1893 347.6 — Long, J. H. Slips of tongue and pen. 1888 333.25 — Palmer, A. S. Folk etymology, a dic- tionary of verbal corruptions. 1882. 334.11 See also Anglo-Saxon language and liter- ature; Slang; Synonyms. English literature. Allibone, S: A. Criti- cal dictionary of English literature. 3 v. 1871 A. 8 Supplement ; by J: F. Kirk. 2 v. 1892. A. 8.4-5 — Bates, Katharine, L. English religious drama. 1893 234.23 — Beers, II: A. From Chaucer to Tenny- son. 1890 341.3 — Birrell, Augustine. Obiter dicta, lst-2d ser. 2v. 1891 354.18 — Brookes, S. A. History of early English literature; English poetry to the ac- cession of King TElfred. 1892 345.21 — Craik, H: English prose selections, v. 1. 14th to 16th century. 1893 347.9.1 — Earle, J: English prose ; its elements, history and usage. 1890 353.4 — Gosse, Edm. W: History of 18th cen- tury literature. 1891 354.19 English literature, continued. — Hodgkins, Louise M. A guide to the stud}' of 19th century authors. 1890. 342.26 — Lawrence E. English literature primer: romance period. 1878 347.15.2 Same: classical period. 1878 347.15.3 Same: modern period. 1879 347.15.4 — McMahan, Anna B. The study class [in English literature]. 1891 343.35 Contents: Shakespeare; The English drama; English poetry ; Robert Browning ; The English essay. — Mitchell, Donald G. English lands, let- ters and kings. 2v. 1889 336.8 — Morley, H: English literature in the the reign of Victoria. 1882 336.5 English writers, v. 1-10. 1887-93... 335.1 For contents see Morley H : — Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Victorian age of English literature. 2v.[1892.] 347.14 — Renton, W: Outlines of English litera- ture. With diagrams. 1893 447.18 — Saintsbury, G: Specimens of English style from Malory to Macaulay. 1886. 333.10 — Smith. G. J. English and American literature. 1890 341.10 — Sprague, Homer B. Masterpieces in English literature. 1874. v.l 346.2.1 — Stephens, Leslie. History of English thought in 18th century. 2v. 1881. 425.30 Hours in a library. 3 v. 1892 348.6 — Typical selections from the best Eng- lish writers. 2v. 1876-91 342.22 Contents : v. 1, From Latimer to Berkeley; v. 2, Pope to Macauley. English men of action, v. 1-17 655.17 Contends: v. 1. C: G: Gordon; by W: F. Butler, v. 2, Henry the fifth; by A. J. Church, v. 3, David Livingstone ; by T: Hughes, v. 4, Lord Lawrence; by Sir R: Temple, v. 5, Duke of Wellington ; by G: Hooper, v. 6, William Dampier; by W. C. Rus sell. v. 7, George Monk ; by Julian Corbett, v. 8, Lord Strafford ; by H. D. Traill, v. 9, Peterborough ; by W : Stebbing. v. 10, II: Havelock ; by A . Forbes, v. 11, Warren Hastings ; by Sir A. Lyall. v. 12, Sir Charles Napier ; by Sir W: F. Butler, v. 13, Lord Clive; by Sir C : Wilson, v. 14, Capt. James Cook; by W. Besant. v. 15, Sir Francis Drake ; by J. Cor- bett. v. 16, Earl of Warwick; by C. W. Oman. v. 17, G: B. Rodney ; by D: Hannay. English men of letters, ed. by J: Morley. v. 37-38 616.11 Contents : v. 37, Sir Philip Sidney ; by J. A. Sy- monds v. 38, John Keats; by S. Colvin. Note : For other volumes of the series see Li- brary Catalogue of 1886. English pharisees and French crocodiles. Blouet, B. [ Max O'liell.] 547.1 English pictures drawn with pen and pen- cil. Manning, S: and Green, S. G. 528.28 English traits. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. . 523.21 English writers, v. 1-10. See Morley, H: 335.1 Englishman at home. Porritt, E: [1893.] 944.19 Englishman in Paris. 2 v 676.18 Englishman’s house. Richardson, C. J.. 893.23 Engraving. Chatto, W. A. Treatise on wood engraving 848.29 — Delaborde, H. Engraving: its origin, etc. 1886 853.6 ENGRAVING. 62 ESOTERIC. Engraving, continued. — Fuller, S.E. Artof wood engraving. 1879. 877.5 — Hamerton, P. G. Drawing and en- graving. 1892 886.5 — Maberly, J. The print collector; with appendix containing Fielding’s treat- ise on the practice of engraving ; ed. with notes, and a bibliography of en- graving by R. Hoe. Iilus. 1885... 875.1 — One thousand quaint cuts from books of other days 894.4 See also Etching and etchers; Photogra- phy. Enigmas. Praed, W. M. Charades and enigmas. (Poems, v. 2, p. 380.) 208.28.2 Ennemoser, J. History of magic. 2 v. 1854 458.23 Entertaining naturalist. Loudon, J. W. 867.15 Entymology. See Insects. Ephesus, Wood, J. T. Modern discover- ies on the site of ancient. 1890 473.1.14 Epic of the inner life. Genung, J; F. 1893. 476.3 Epigrams. Callimachus. Epigrams. . In 225.6 — Dodd, H: P. The epigrammatists : a selection from the epigrammatic lit- erature of ancient, mediaeval, and modern times. 1889 324.11 — Martial. Epigrams. 1888 225.12 — Mathews, W: Great conversers,e£c. pp. 53-71 332.7 Episcopal church. See Protestant episco- pal church. Epitaphs. Alden.T. American epitaphs, and inscriptions, with notes. 5 v. 1814 666.27 — Pettigrew, T: J. Collection of epitaphs. 1888 658.7 — Saunders, F: Citations from the ceme- teries In 304.6 Epochs of American history ; ed. by Al- bert B. Hart. 3 v 775.7 Contents : v. 1, The colonies, 1492-1750; by R. G. Thwaites. v. 2, Formation of the Union, 1750-1829; by A. B. Hart. v. 3, Division and reunion 1829-89; by W. Wilson. Epochs of ancient history ; ed. by G. W. Cox and C: Sankey. v. i-4, 7-11. 1890-3 782.12 Contents : v. 1, Troy; bv S. G. W. Benjamin v. 2, Greeks and Persians; by G. W. Cox. v. 3, Athe nian empire; by G. W. Cox. v. 4, Spartan and The- ban supremacies; by C: Sankey. v. 7, Rome and Carthage; by R. B. Smith, v. 8, The Gracchi, Ma- rius and Sulla; by A. H. Beesly. v. 9, The Roman triumvira'es; by C: Merivale. v. 10, The early em- pire; by W. W Capes, v 11, Age of the Antonines; by W. W. Capes. Epochs of church history ; ed. by M. Creighton, v. 1-15 464.1 Contents: v. 1, The church and the eastern em- pire; by H: F. Tozer. v. 2, The church and the Pur- itans; by H: O. Wakeman. v. 3, The church and the Roman empire; by A. Carr. v. 4, Church of the early fathers; by A. Plummer, v. 5, English church in other lands; by H.W. Tucker, v. 6, Evangelical re- vival in the 18th century; by J: H: Overton, v. 7, Hildebrand and his times; by W. R. W. Stephens, v. 8, Reformation in England; by G: G. Perry, v. 9, University of Oxford; by G. C. Brodrick. v. 10, University of Cambridge; by J. B. Mullinger. v. 11, Epochs, continued. English church in the middle ages; by W : Hunt. v. 12, The popes and the Hohenstaufen ; by Ugo Bal- zani. v. 13, The counter-reformation ; by A. W : Ward. v. 14, WycliflEe and movements for reform; by R. L. Poole, v. 15, The Arian controversy; by H. M. Gwatkin. Epochs of English history ; ed. by M. Creighton, v. 6-8 787.14 Contents : v. 6, Settlement of the constitution, 1689-1784; by J. Rowley, v. 7, England during the American and European wars, 1765-1820; by O.W. Tan- cock. v. 8, Modern England, 1815-1885; by O. Browning. Epochs of modern history; ed. by E. E. Morris and others v. 1-18 743.5 Contents: v. 1, Era of the Protestant revolution, by F. Seebohm. 2, Crusades, by G. W. Cox. 3, Thirty years’ war, 1618-1648, by S. R. Gardiner. 4, Houses of Lancaster and York, with conquest and loss of France, by J Gardiner. 5, fljrench revolution aud first empire, by W.O. C. Morris. 6, Age of Anne, by E. E. Morris. 7, Fall of the Stuarts, by E. Hale. 8, The first two Stuarts and the Puritan revo- lution, 1603-1660, by S. R. Gardiner. 9, Early Plantag- enets, by W. Stubbs. 10, Age of Elizabeth, by M. Creighton. 11, War of American independence, by J. M. Ludlow. 12, Normans in Europe, by A. H. Johnson. 13, Frederick the great, and the seven years’ war, by F. W. Longman. 14, Epoch of reform by J. McCarthy. 15, Beginning of the middle ages, by R. W. Church. 16, Edward III., by W. Warbur- ton. 17, Early Hanoverians, by E. E . Morris. 18, English restoration and Louis XIV., by O. Airy. Equatorial America. Ballou, M. M. 1892. 544.20 Erasmus, Desiderius. Familiar colloquies. 1877 346.14 — Praise of folly, with etchings by Hol- bein. 1876 346.9 — Froude, J. A. Times of Erasmus In 307.21.1 Erdmann, C. F. D. Samuel. (In Lange’s Commentary.) 471.1.5 Erdmann, Johann E. History of philosophy. 3 v. 1893 477.11 Contents : v. 1, Ancient and mediaeval, v. 2, Modern, v. 3, Since Hegel. Ericsson, J: Church, W: C. Life of. 2v. 1891. 668.8 Errors of speech. See English language, ( Words, Errors, etc). Erskine, T:, lord chancellor. Adams, C. K., ed. Representative British ora- tions. v. 2. pp. 262-296 In 333. 29. 2 — Goodrich, C. A , ed. Select British elo- quence In 321.15 — Campbell, J. Lord chancellors, v. 6. pp. 297-535 in 618.14.6 — Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men 646.13 Ertel, A. I. [£tepnmA;.] Russia under the tzars. 1885 735.14 — Russian peasantry. 1888 547.18 See also Fiction class-list. Eskimos or Esquimaux. Nansen, Fridtjof. Eskimo life. 1893 554.18 — Reclus, E. Primitive folk. pp. 1-142. 876.32 See also Arctic regions. Esoteric Christianity and mental thera- peutics. Evans, W. F. 1886 447.17 ESSAYS. 63 EUROPE. Essays, addresses, etc. See works under the following names ; See also special essays under their subjects. Addison, Joseph Leland, C: G. Allen, Grant Linton, E. Lynn Arnold, Matthew Lowell, J.R. Bacon, Francis Lubbock, Sir J : Birrell, Augustine Mabie, Hamilton W. Bridges, Robert Macaulay, T: B., lord Buckle, H : T : McCosh, James Burroughs, J : Mathews, W : Carlyle T : Matthews, Brander Catlin, W. W., comp ., Morley, J : Caton, J : D. Moulton, Louise C. Chadwick, Edwin Page, T: Nelson Cheever, G: B. Pater, Walter Cobbe, Frances P. Payn, James Cook, Joseph Prime, S: I. Quigg, Lemuel E. Craik, D. M. DeQuincey, T: Repplier. Agues Deutsch. Emanuel Schaff, Philip Diman, J. Lewis Rees, J. Rogers Ellwanger, G: H. Runciman, James Fawcett, Edgar Stephen, Leslie Fisk, Amos K. Stevenson, Robert L. Foster. J : Swift, Jonathan Hall, Robert Talmage, T. De Witt Hazlitt, W : Thackeray, Anne I. [Mrs. Holmes, Oliver W. Ritchie]. Howells, W: D. Tyndall, J: Huxley, T: H. Warner, C: D. Iugersoll, Robert G. Willis, Nathaniel P. Irving, Washington Wilson, J: Jameson, Mrs. Anna Winthrop, Theodore Jerome, Jerome K. Wirt, W : Johnson, S : Lang, Andrew Woodberry, G: E. Essays and reviews. 1862 342. Contents-. Education of the world, by F: Temple ; Bunsen’s biblical researches, by Rowland Williams ; Etiquette, continued. — Starrett, H. E. Letters to a daughter. 446.6 Etruria. Dennis, G: Cities and cemeter- ies of Etruria. 2 v. Maps, plans, illus. 1883 553.12 Euclid. Elements ; ed. by I: Todhunter. 1891 . 897.9 Euphues. Anatomy of wit, etc. Lyly, J: 347.5 Euripides. Three dramas of Euripides. The Medea, The Hippolytos, and the Alkestis; tr. with essays, by W: C. Lawton 223.7 — Tragedies; lit. tr. with notes, by T. A. Buckley. 2 v. 1888 225.5 Contents : v. 1, Hecuba, Orestes, Phcenisste, Me- dea, Hippolytus, Alcestis, Bacchae, Heraclidse, Iphi- geniain Aulide, Iphigenia in Tauris. v. 2, Hercules furens, Troades, Ion, Andromache, Suppliants, Hel- en, Electra, Cyclops, Rhesus. — Schlegel, A. W. von. Dramatic art and literature, pp. 111-144 In 204.17 — Wood, W.,ed. Hundred greatest men. In 628.22 Europe. History , Politics , etc. — Creighton, M. Age of Elizabeth. 1876. 743.5.10 — Dollinger, J. J. I. von. Studies in Euro- pean history. 1890 793.17 — Freeman, E. A. Historical geography of Europe. 2 v. 1882 732.16 — Fyffe, C: A. History of modern Europe, Study of the evidences of Christianity, by Baden Powell ; Seances historiques de Geneve— The na- tional church, by H: B. Wilson. Esterlein, E. von. Beethoven’s piano- * forte sonatas explained. 1886 853.17 Etching. Hamerton, P. G. Graphic arts. 824.17 — Hitchcock, J. R. W. Etching and etch- ers. 1886 872.24 — Lalanne, Maxime. Treatise on. 1880.. 892.6 See also Engraving. Ethelwerd, Fabius. Chronicle of. 1885. In 771.12 Ethical religion. Salter, W: M. 1890... 461.18 Ethics. See Moral philosophy. Ethics of literary art. Thompson, Maurice. 354.7 Ethiopia. Lepsius, R: Letters from, (1842-5) 523.25 Ethnography and ethnology. See Man. Etiquette, manners, politeness, etc. Col- ton, M. and French-Sheldon M. Ev- erybody’s book of correct conduct. 1792-1878. 3 v. 1886-90 751.18 — Gosse, Edm. W: Studies in the litera- ture of northern Europe. 1882 353.10 — Heeren, A. H. L. History of the polit- ical system of Europe and its colo- nies 791.1.5 — Hovenden, Roger de. Annals, [732-1201]. 2 v. 1853 771.10 — Lodge, R: History of modern Europe, 1453-1878. 1886 752.9 — Maurice, C. Edm. Revolutionary move- ment of 1848-9, in Italy, etc. 1887.. 756.9 — Maurice, J: F: Balance of military power in Europe. 1888 924.16 — May, Sir T. E. Democracy in Europe. 2 v. 1889 944.24 — Morris, E: E. Age of Anne. 1876 743.5.6 — Murdock, H. Reconstruction of, [1850- 71]. 1890 765.9 — Sovereigns and courts of Europe. Ports. 1891 666.13 1893 486.18 — Conway, Moncure I). George Washing- ton’s rules of civility. [1890.] 463.11 — Dahlgren, Mrs. M. Y. Etiquette of so- cial life in Washington . 1881 453.12 — Gaskell, G. A. Compendium of forms. 1889 C.9 — Hale, Mrs. S. J. Manners, happy homes, and good society. [1867.]... 466.4 — Hall, Mrs. Florence. The correct thing in good society. [1888.] 472.15 Social customs. [1887.] 452.8 — Hardy, E. J. “Manners makyth man.” 1887 446.18 — McAllister, W. Society as I have found it. [1890.] 924.19 — Munger, T. T. On the threshold . .In 461.13 — Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. W. Royal girls and royal courts. [1887.] 651.16 Description , Travels , etc. — Aldrich, T: B. From Ponkapog to Pesth. 1892 556.20 — Carter, Nellie M. Two girls abroad. [1888.] 544.25 — Doyle, R. Foreign tour of Messrs. Brown, .Jones and Robinson. [Humorous illus.] 1871 *8521.28 — Galton, Francis. Vacation tours, 1860-1. [North Spain, Naples,^.] In 547.24 — Guild, Curtis. Over the ocean. 1891... 554.28 — Holmes, O. W. Our hundred days in Europe [in 1886]. 1887 533.15 — Howard, Blanche W. One year abroad. 1887 524.24 — Jackson, H. H, Glimpses of three coasts. [Scotland, England, Norway, Den- mark, and Germany.] 1890 542.18 EUROPE. 64 EYE. Europe, continued. — Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in central. 1893 551.5 Boy travelers in northern. 1892 .... 545.12 — Leland, C: G. Meister Karl’s sketch- book. 1855 335.7 — Loomis, L. 0. Index guide to travel and art study in Europe. 1890... 538.16 — Macquoid, G. S. Up and down. 1890. 552.11 — Meriwether, Lee. A tramp trip: how to see Europe on fifty cents a day. 1887. 522.31 — Miller. D. L. Letters from, 1883-4. 1887 546.5 — Ninde, Mary L. We two alone in Europe. 1887 533.5 — Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, marchesa d’ . At home and abroad. 1856 542.10 — Sidney, Marg. How they went to Europe. Illus. [1884.] 544.26 — Stockton, F. R. Personally conducted. Illus. juv. 1889- 537.7 — Taylor, Bayard, ed. Picturesque Europe. 3 v. [1875.] *8542.30 — Warner, C: D. Roundabout journey, [1881] ‘ 536.6 Eutropius. Abridgment of Roman his- torj' [to Jovian, A. D. 364], 1886. In 771.16 Evagrius, Scholasticus. History of the church, 431-594, with memoir of au- thor. 1854 In 458.1 Evangelical revival in the 18th centurj^. Overton, J: H: 464.1.6 Evans, F: W. Shakers and Shakerism. 1859 466.22 Evans, W. F. Esoteric Christianity and therapeutics. 1886.' 447.17 — Mental cure. 1885 446.15 — Primitive mind cure. 1886 446.14 Everett, C: C. Ethics for young people. 1892 482.31 Everett, E: Orations and speeches. 4 v. 1883 334.1 — Whipple, E: P. Character and charac- teristic men 303.3 EvERY-body’s pocket cyclopaedia. 1892... 344.16 Everybody’s writing-desk book. Nisbet, C: and Lemon, D. 1892 344.8 EvERY'-day book. Hone, W: 3 v 334.14 Every girl’s book of amusements. Law- ford, L 847.29 Evidences of Christianity. Fisher, G: P. Manual of Christian evidences. 1892. 472.11 — Gladstone, W: E. The impregnable rock of holy scripture. 1891 463.18 — Gregory, Olinthus. Evidences, doc- trines aud duties of the Christian re- ligion. 1876 458.11 — Mowat, Oliver. Christianity, and some of its evidences. 1890 464.20 — Powell, B. Study of the evidences. 1862. In 342.13 — Row, C. A. Manual of Christian evi- dences 466.28 — Stearns, L: F. Evidence of Christian experience. 1891 464.8 See also Revelation. Evil. Petavel, E. Extinction of. 1889. 464.17 Evil eye. See Witchcraft. Evolution, Darwinism and other theories. — Adams, Myron. The continuous crea- tion. 1890 461.25 — Beecher, H: W. Evolution and religion. [Sermons.] 1885 447.4 Evolution, continued. — Braden, Clark. Problem of problems ; or, atheism, Darwinism and the- ism. 1878 453.30 — Calderwood, H: Evolution and man’s place in nature. 1893 885.1 — Clodd, E. Story of creation. 1888 861.12 — Cope, E. D. Hypothesis of evolution . In 812.32.1 Origin of the fittest: essays on evolu- tion. 1887 862.11 — - Theology of evolution. [1887.] 862.15 — Curtis, G: T. Creation or evolution ? 1887 862.13 — Durham, W: Evolution, antiquity of man, etc. 1890 897.25 — Gray, Asa. Darwiniana: essays and re- views. 1888 862.14 — Huxley, T: H. More criticisms on Dar- win, etc. 1883 856.19 Palaeontology and E In 808.1 — Iverach, Rev. J. Ethics of evolution examined. [1888.] In 482.25 — LeConte, J. Evolution and religious thought. 1888 451.18 — McCosh, J. Religious aspect of E. 1888. 452.6 — Powell, E. P. Our heredity from God. 1889 458.22 — Schmid, R. Theories of Darwin: their relation to philosophy, religion, and morality. 1885 855.25 — Schurman. J. G. Ethical import of Darwinism. 1888 453.29 — Spencer, Herbert. Factors of organic evolution. 1887 858.2 — Sutton, J. B. Evolution and disease. 1892 893.17 — Yarigny, H. de. Experimental evolu- tion. 1892 :.. 884.13 — Wallace, Alfred R. Darwinism. 1889. 862.16 Evolution in religion. McLane, W: W. 1892 472.22 Evolution of Christianity. Abbott, Ly- man. 1892 472.6 Evolution of religion. Caird, Edward. 2 v. 468.10 Evolution of the snob. Perry, T: S 333.5 Ewald, Heinrich. Antiquities of Israel. 1876 477.8 — History of Israel. 8 v. 1876*86 418.5 Contents : v. 1, Introduction and preliminary his- tory. v. 2, History of Moses and the theocracy, v. 3, Rise and splendor of the Hebrew monarchy, v. 4, From the disruption of the monarchy to its fall. v. 5, History of Ezra and the hagiocracy in Israel to the time of Christ, v. 6, Life and times of Christ, v. 7, The apostolic age. v. 8, The post-apostolic age. Ewing, Juliana H. See Fiction class-list. Exercise. See Physical education. Exhibitions, Industrial. See Industrial exhibitions. Exodus. See Bible. ( Old Testament: Com- mentaries. ) Explorers and travellers. Greely, A. W. 686.3.1 Expositions. See Industrial exhibitions. Expression. Bell, Sir C: Anatomy of. 1888 867.4 — Brown, M. T. Synthetic philosophy of. 1886 872.31 — Morgan, A. Hour with Delsarte. 1889. 873.21 — Warner, F. Physical expression. 1886. 815.4.51 Extracts. See Elocution ( Readings ); Poe- try ( Collective ); Quotations. Eye and sight. Bernstein, J. The five senses of man. 1876 815.4.21 EYE. 65 FARRAR. .Eye and sight, continued. — Hinton, James. Physiology, pp. 61-101. 1874 814.9 Fabian essays in socialism. Shaw, G. B. and others 926.1 Fables. Florian, J. P. C. de. Fables. [Verse.] 1888 221.11 — Phaedrus. Fables. 1887 In 225.19 Fact, fancy and fable: a new hand-book for ready reference. Reddell, H. F., Factory system. Taylor, R. W. C. Mod- ern factory system. 1891 942.5 Fagan, W. L. Southern war songs. 1890. 228.3 Fairbairn, A. M. Place of Christ in mod- ern theology. 1893 475.13 Fairbairn, Sir W: Principles of mecha- nism and machines of transmission. 1891 896.28 Fairfield, Conn. Schenck ; Eliz. H. His- tory of, 1639-1818. v. 1. 1889 774.3.1 Fairholt, F. W. Costume in England. 2 v. 1885 ' 867.3 — Tobacco: its history and associations. 1876.... 865.21 Fairy tales. Atkinson, J. C. Scenes in fairyland. 1892 102.1 — Bunce, J: Thackeray. Their origin and meaning. 1878 453.31 — Grimm, ,1. L. C. and W. C. Gammer Grethel’s popular stories and fairy tales. 1884 94.12 Household tales. 2 v. 1884 94.11 — Jacobs, Joseph, ed. Celtic fairy tales. 1892 98.16 English fairy tales. 1892 98.17 Indian fairy tales. 1892 98.15 — Kavanagh, B. and J. Pearl fountain, etc. 1877 95.14 — Kremnitz, M. Roumanian fairy tales. 1885 95.5 — Lang, Andrew. Blue fairy book. 1890. 96.1 Green fairy book. 1892 I 101.7 Red fairy book. 1890 96.2 — Mace, Jean. Home fairy tales. [1867.] 97.1 — Munkittrick, R: K. Moon prince and other nabobs. 1893 102.2 — Ridley, James. Tales of the Genii. 1882 94.13 — Stockton, Frank R. The floating prince and other fairy tales. 1889 98.8 Faith. Abbott, Lyman. In aid of. 1888. 464,18 — Smith, H: B. Faith and philosophy. 1886 483.4 — Upham. T. C. Lifeoffaith. 1874.... 436.13 — Wace, H: Foundations of faith. 1880. 475.3 FAiTH-cure, etc. See Mind-cure, etc. FAiTHs*of the world. 1882 484.1 Falconer, Lanoe. See Fiction class-list. Falconer, W: Mushrooms; how to grow them. 1891 871.23 Falke, Jacob von. Art in the house. 1879. *8522.2 Falkeniiorst, C. See Fiction class-list. Fallacies. Sidgwick, A. 1884 815.4.47 Falling in love, with other essays. Allen, Grant. 1890 336.16 Fallows, S: Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms. 1886 348.14 Familiar colloquies. Erasmus, Desiderius. 1877 346.14 Familiar short sayings of great men. Bent, S: A. 333.15 Familiar studies of men and books. Ste- venson, R. L 333.11 Family, The. Starcke, C. N. The primi- tive family. 1889 815.4.65 — Thwing, C. F. and F. B. The family: an historical and social study, 1887. 901.2 Family flight over Egypt and Syria. Hale, E. E. and S. [1882.] 531.13 Family life. See Home and family life. Family living on $500 a year. Corson, Ju- liet 861.21 Family worship. Abbott, Lyman, ed. For family worship: scripture readings; family prayers. [1883.] 461.17 Famous English authors of the 19th cen- tury. Bolton, Mrs. Sarah K. [1890.] 666.18 Famous English statesmen. Bolton, Mrs. Sarah K. [1891.] 673.7 Famous European artists. Bolton, Mrs. Sarah K. Ports. [1890.] 666.17 Famous plays. Molloy, J. F. 1886 224.19 Famous types of womanhood. Bolton, Mrs. Sarah K. [1892.] 681.6 Famous voyagers and explorers. Bolton, Mrs. Sarah K 687.3 Famous women series, v. 1-21. 1883-9 627.1 Contents : 1, George Eliot. 2, Emily Bronte. 3, George Sand. 4, Mary Lamb. 5, Margaret Fuller. 6, Maria Edgeworth. 7, Elizabeth Fry. 8, Countess of Albany. 9, Mary Wollstonecraft. 10, Harriet Marti - neau. 11, Rachel. 12, Madame Roland. 13, Susanna Wesley. 14, Margaret of Angouleme. 15, Mrs. Sid- dons. 16. Madame de Stael. 17, Hannah More. 18, Adelaide Ristori. 19, Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 20, Jane Austen. 21, St. Theresa. Fanning, J. T. Hydraulic and water-sup- ply engineering. 1892 8101.1 Fanshawe, E. L. Liquor legislation in the United States and Canada 944.12 Fargus, F. J. [Hugh Conway . ] See Fic- tion class-list. Farjcon, B. L. See Fiction class-list. Farmer, Lydia H. Boys’ book of famous rulers. Illus. [1886.] 673.27 — Girls’ book of famous queens. Illus. [1887.] 673.26 Farmer, Silas. History of Detroit and Michigan. 2 v. Illus. 1889 776.17 Farmer’s boy: a rural poem. Bloomfield, Robert. 1801 222.36 Farmer’s side: his troubles and their rem- edy. Peffer, W. A. 1891 925.22 Farming. See Agriculture ( Farming ) ; Do- mestic animals. FARM-yard club of Jotham. Loring, G: B. 1881 872.3 Farcjuiiar, G: Dramatic works. 1880. In 221.7 Contents : Love and a bottle; The constant couple; or, atrip to the jubilee ; Sir Harry Wildair ; The in- constant; or, the way to win him; The twin-rivals ; The recruiting officer; The beaux-stratagem. Farragut, D: G. Mahan, A. T. Admiral Farragut. Ports and maps. 1892. 681.7.1 Farrar, F: W. Life of Christ. Illus. [1890.] 468.6 — Lives of the fathers. 2 v. 1889 454.17 — The minor prophets 461.6.14 — Solomon: his life and times 461.6.3 — and other's. Book by book: popular studies on the canon of scripture. 1892 475.17 FARRAR. 66 FICTION. Farrar, continued. — and others. The wider hope: essays and strictures on the doctrine and literature of future punishment. 1890 463.20 See also Fiction class-list. Farrar, Sir T: H: State in its relation to trade. 1883 944.21 Farrer, James A. Books condemned to be burned. [1892.] 344.22 — Military manners and customs. 1885.. 735.12 Farrow, E: S. Military encyclopaedia: a dictionary of military knowlege. Illus. 3 v. 1885 C.6 Far- West sketches, Fremont, Jessie B.. 542.2 Fashion. See Dress and costume; Eti- quette; Manners and customs. Fat and blood. Mitchell, S. W 861.17 Fathers of the church. Ewald, H. The apostolic age 418.5.7 — Farrar, F. W. Lives of the fathers. 2 v. 1889 454.17 Contents: v. 1, Chronological tables; St. Ignatius of Antioch; St. Polycarp of Smyrna; St. Irenaeus; St. Justin the martyr; Tertullian; St. Cyprian: Clement of Alexandria; Origen: St. Athanasius; St. Hilary of Poictiers; St. Martin of Tours; St. Greg- ory of Nazianzas. v. 2, St. Basil; St. Gregory of Nyssa; St. Ambrose; St. Jerome; St. Augustine; St. Chrysostom; Index. — Genuine epistles of the apostolical fathers ; tr., with preliminary dis- courses, by Apb. Wake. 1840 447.16 Contents— St. Clement; St. Polycarp ; St. Igna tius; St. Barnabas; Pastor of Hermas. — Plummer, Alfred. Church of the early fathers 464,1.4 Father’s tragedy. Field, Michael, pseud. 236.8 Faunce, Linus. Descriptive geometrv. Plates. 1888 881.26 Faust. See Goethe, J. W. von. Faustus, Doctor. [Drama.] Marlowe, Chris- topher. 1885 In 216.4 Faustus, Doctor, Famous history of ... In 323.30 Fawcett, Edgar. Agnosticism and other essays. [1889.] 336.11 See also Fiction class-list. Fawcett, H: Free trade and protection. 1885 936.27 Fawcett, Mrs. H: Some eminent women of our times. 1889 661.8 Fay, F. R. Joshua. (In Lange’s Commen- tary.) 471.1.4 Fay, Theo. S. Three Germanys : glimpses into their history. 2 v. [1889.] 793.3 Fearon, H: B. Sketches of America. [United States, 1817-18.] 1818.. .In 551.12 Feast of the virgins, and other poems. Gordon, H. L. 1891 224.18 Feathers, furs and fins. Illus. juv. [1889.] 875.18 Federal government. See Political science. Federal taxes and state expenses. Jones, W: H. 1890 937.39 Feeding animals. Stewart, E. W. 1890. 893.7 Fellows. H: P. Boating trips on New England rivers. Illus. 1884 544.9 Felt, J. B. Customs of New England. [House furnishings, dress, etc.] 1853. 775.22 Felton, C. C. Lectures on Greece, an- cient and modern. 1888 735.7 Fencing. Griffiths, T. The modern fencer 872.19 — Rondelle, L: Foil and sabre. [1892.]... 883.23 Fenelon, Francois. Spiritual letters ; let- ters to men. 1889 482.2 — Spiritual letters : letters to women. 1890.... 482.3 Fenn, George M. See Fiction class-list. Fergusson, James. History of architec- ture in all countries. 2 v. [1874.]... 883.1 — History of Indian and Eastern archi- tecture. 2 v. 1891 883.2 — History of the modern styles of archi- tecture. 2 v. 1891 883.3 — Rude stone monuments in ail countries. 1872 886.17 Fermentation. Pasteur, L: Studies on fermentation. 1879 8101.3 — Trouessart. E. L. Microbes, ferments, and moulds. 1886. 815.4 56 Fernald, F: A., comp. Popular science monthly. Index v. 1-40, 1872-92. 1893 *8501.16. Index 1-40 Fernald, J. C. Economios of prohibition. 1890 925.11 Fernald, O. M. Selections from Greek historians. [Greek text.] 1885 ... 735.16 Ferns. Lowe, E. J. New and rare. 1871. *862.21 — Meehan, T: Native flowers and ferns of the United States. 2 v. 1878 *888.13 — Underwood, L. M. Our native ferns and their allies. 1888 856.35 Ferrel, W: Popular treatise on the winds, etc. 1890 894.5 Ferrier, Mary. See Fiction ciass-list. Ferris, G. T* Great leaders: historic por- traits. 1889 661.7 Festival poems. 1884 236.2 Fetichism. Schultze, Fritz. Fetichism ; tr. from the German 456.19 Feuchtwanger, Lewis. On soluble or water glass. 1875 827.4 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb. Adamson, Rob- ert. Fichte. (Philosophical classics.! 1881 675.1.4 Fiction. Bibliography , History , etc. — Besant, Walter. Art of fiction In 321.7 — Boston public library. Chronological in- dex to historical fiction; including prose fiction, plays and poems. 1875. *3502.18 — Bowin, Herbert C. Descriptive catalogue of historical novels and tales. 1882. *353.6 — [Buffalo] Young men’s library. Books for young readers, pp. 50-62 *354.20 — Clouston, W.A. Popular tales and fiction: their migrations and transformations. „ 2 v. 1887 347.4 — Foster, J: Morality of works of fiction . In 324.14.1 — Jaycox, Francis. Personality in fiction ; Fiction appealing to facts. (Literary life, pp. 428-451.) 323.11 — Mathews, W: Immoral novels In 343.6 — Sargeant, J : F. Reading for the young, pp. 43-70 338.5 — Symonds, J: A. Italian fiction. (Renais- sance: It. lit. v. 2, p. 51.) 751.5.2 — Ticknor, G: Romances of chivalry. (History of Spanish lit. v.l,p. 218.) 312.5.1 See also Dramas ; Fables; Fairy tales; Folk-lore; Legends; Poetry. FICTION. 67 FICTION. Fiction Glass-list. Note: j before shelf-numbers indicates books for young readers. For other juvenile books: histories, science, trav els, etc., see names of countries and subjects. Abandoned claim. Loughead, Jfrs. Flora H. 104.3 Abbott, Jacob. Harper’s story books. 12 v. [1854-7.] j94.6 Contents: v. 1, Bruuo. Willie. The straight gate, v. 2, The little Louvre. Fraok. Emma. v. 3, Virginia, Timboo and Joliba. Timboo and Fanny, v. 4, Harper’s establishment. Franklin, the apprentice boy. The stu- dio. v. 5, Ancient history. English history. American history, v. 6, John True. Elfred. The museum, v. 7, The engineer. Rambles among the Alps. The three gold dollars, v. 8, The Gibraltar gallery. The alcove. Dialogues, v. 9, The great elm. Aunt Mar garet. Vernon, v. 10, Carl and Jocko. Lapstone. Orkney the peacemaker, v. 11, Judge Justin. Mini- go. Jasper, v. 12, Congo. Viola and Arno. Little Paul. Abbott, Mary. Alexia. 1889 153.6 — The Beverleys: a story of Calcutta. 1890. 157.19 About, Edmond. The notary’s nose. 1886. 68.29 Across the chasm. Macgruder, Julia 58.19 Adam Grainger. Wood, Mrs. Henry 37.82 Adams, Emily. Six months at Mrs. Prior’s. [1879.] J78.15 Adams, H: C. Boys of Westonbury. 1878. j85.4 — Schoolboy honour. [1892.] jl03.17 Adams, W. T. [Oliver Optic.] The blue and the gray series. 6v. 1889-93 j94.24 1. Taken by the enemy. 4. Stand by the Union. 2. Within the enemy’s lines 5. Fighting for the right. 3. On the blockade. 6. A victorious Union. Addison, Joseph. Sir Roger de Coverley. 166.6 Adirondack cabin. Lothrop, Harriet M . . j93.18 Adrift in Dixie [in 1864]. Gilmore, J. R. 155.4 Adventures of a younger son. Trelawny, E: J 148.16 Adventures of Captain Mago; Cahun, Leon j98.21 Adventures of Harry Marline. Porter, D.D. 77.27 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle, A. C 181.15 Adventures of Ulysses. Lamb, Charles. . j96.14 Affinities. Praed, Mrs. Campbell 37.11 Afloat. Maupassant, Guy de 154.23 After London. Jefferies, Richard 153.23 Agnes Surriage. Bynner, Edwin L 67.2 AiDe, Hamilton. Introduced to society. 1884 36.620 — “A nine days’ wonder.” 1875 36.621 — Poet and peer. 1880 36.622 — Voyage of discovery: a novel of Ameri- can society. 1892 166.10 Ainsworth, W: H. Beatrice Tyldesley. 1878 36.623 — Chet wynd Cal verley. 1876 36.624 — The fall of Somerset. [Time of Edward VI.] 1877 36.625 — The goldsmith’s wife. [Edward IV.; Jane Shore.] 1875 36.626 — Leaguer of Lathom: a tale of the civil war in Lancashire. 1877 36.627 — Preston fight ; or, the insurrection of 1715. 1875 36.628 — Stanley Brereton. 1881 36.629 Aladdin in London. Hume, Fergus 171.12 Albert Savarus. Balzac, Honore de 166.16 Alcott, Louisa M. Garland forgirls. 1888. j85.26 — Jo’s bo}s; sequel to ‘‘Little men.” 1886. j85.9 Allcott, continued. — Lulu’s library. 3 v. 1886-9 j84. 21 — Spinning-wheel stories. 1890 j96.15 Alden, Mrs. I. M., [Pansy]. Chrissy’s en- deavor. [1889.] j94.8 — Eighty-seven. [1887.] j95.1 — Her associate members, [Y. P. S. C. E. story; sequel to Chrissy's endeavor.]. [1891.] j96.18 — Judge Burnham’s daughters. [1888.]. j88.84 — Miss Dee Dunmore Bryant. 1891 j96.4 — One commonplace day. [1886.] j84.17 — Sidney Martin’s Christmas j81.23 — and Livingston, Mrs. C. M. John Rem- ington, martyr. [1892.] 166.18 Alden, W. L. Loss of the Swansea. [1889.] j94.10 — A new Robinson Crusoe. 1888 j95.27 Aldrich, T: B., joint author. See Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Aleph, the Chaldean. Burr, E. F. . 165.1 Alexander, Mrs., pseud. See Hector, A. F. Alexia. Abbott, Marv 153.6 Alice, Dugdale, etc. Trollope, Anthony . . 37.57 All sorts and conditions of men. Besant, Walter 152.18 Allan Quatermain. Haggard, H. R 66.31 Allan’s wife and other tales. Haggard H. R. 154.13 Alldrige, Lizzie. By love and law. 1878 36.632 — The world she awoke in. 1879 86.633 Allen, H. N., tr. Korean tales. 1889... 152.29 Allen, R: Miss Eaton’s romance. 1890. 156.23 Allen, Willis Boyd. Gulf and glacier [in Alaska.] [1892.] jl01.28 Alma. Marshall, Emma 36.893 Alpine fay. Burstenbinder, E 151.27 Altiora Peto. Oliphant, Laurence 36.940 Amadis of Gaul. Lobeira, Vasco 172.12 Amazon, The. Vosmaer, Carl 167.7 American claimant. Clemens, S. L 167.1 American girl, and her four years in a boy’s college. Anderson, Olive S. L. 157.9 American girl in London. Duncan, S. J. . 163.12 Ames, Lucia T. Memoirs of a millionaire. 1889 153.4 Among the camps. Page, T: N j93.26 Among the lakes. Stoddard, W: O j95.9 Among the pines; or, South in secession- time. Gilmore, Edmund 67.29 Amos Kilbright. Stockton, F. B 168.20 Anderson, Olive S.L. American girl, and her four years in a boy’s college. 1878. 157.9 Andrews, Jane. Stories mother Nature told her children. Illus. 1891 J96.13 — Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now. 1886 j 84 . 1 1 Ange Pitou. Dumas, Alexandre. 2v... 171.1 Anglomaniacs, The. Harrison, Mrs. B.. 157.16 Angular stone, The. Bazan, Emilia P. . . 178.9 Anna Karenina. Tolstoi, L. N 67.23 Anne Warwick. Craik.Georgiana M 36.737 Annie Kilburn. Howells, W. D 152.26 Another Brownie book. Cox, Palmer. j98.2 Another flock of girls. Perry, Nora j93.15 Anstey, F., pseud. See Guthrie, F. A. April hopes. Howells, W: D 67.30 Arabian nights’ entertainments; tr. by E: W: Lane. 3v 148.23 — Same; with introd. by W: E. Griffis. 4v. jl03.18 Arcadia, Countess of Pembroke’s. Sidney, Sir Philip 168.2 Ardis, Claverden. Stockton, Frank P 157.15 FICTION. FICTION. Ariadne. Rame, Louise de la 37.15 Armorel of Lyonesse. Besant, Walter. 155.17 Armourer’s prentices. Yonge, Charlotte M. 37.102 Armstrong, Annie E. Very odd girl jl01.32 Army Portia, An. King, Capt.C : In 171.21 Arnold, Edw. L. Phra the Phoenician. 1890 161.7 Arrabiata, L’. Heyse, Paul 36.827 Arthur Mervin. Brown, C: B 168.13 Artiste. Grant, M. M 36.806 As he comes up the stair. Reeves, H. B. . . 36.905 As in a looking glass. Philips, F. C 37.1 Ascutney street. Whitney, A. U. T 157.13 Ashton, J: Romances of chivalry. 1887. 148.10 Aspen shade. Fuller, Mabel L 154.18 Asphodel. Braddon, M. E. 3 v. in 2 36.647 Astor.J : J. Journey in other worlds. A romance of the future. 1895 181.2 Astor, W: W. Sforza: a story of Milan. 1889 154.19 At an old chateau. Macquoid, K. S 158.2 At bay. Hector, Mrs. A. F 68.31 At love’s extremes. Thompson, Maurice. 58.25 At the mercy of Tiberius. Wilson, A. E. 67.31 At the Red Glove. Macquoid, K. S 181.3 Atalanta in the south. Howe, Maud. . . . 65.16 Atelier du Lys. Roberts, Margaret 37.30 Atherton, Gertrude F. Los Cerritos. [Californian story.] [1890.] 158.23 Atkinson, J. C. Scene in fairyland. 1892. jl02.1 Atonement of Learn Dundas. Linton, E. L. 36.873 Auerbach, Berth old. The convicts. 1887. 147.11 — Landolin. 1878 147.12 — Little barefoot, [or Barefooted maiden] . j96.31 — Lorley and Reinhard. 1887 147.14 — Poet and merchant. 1877 147.13 Aulnay tower. Howard, Blanche W 58.5 Aunt Anne. Clifford, Mrs. W. K 175.29 Aunt Diana. Carey, Rosa N 133.21 Aunt Dorothy. Preston, Marg. J 161.15 Aunt Phillis’s cabin. Eastman, Mary H. 164.19 Aunt Rachel. Murray, J. D: C 182.3 Austin, Jane G. Betty Alden, first-born daughter of the Pilgrims. 1891 164.10 — David Alden’s daughter and other sto- ries of colonial times. 1892 167.29 — Dr. Le Baron and his daughters. 1891. 161.16 — Standish of Standish ; a story of the Pilgrims. 1889 153.18 Author’s love, An. Balch, Miss E 154.32 Averil. Carey, Rosa N 165.16 Axel Ebersen. Laurie, Andre 171.23 Ayala’s angel. Trollope, Anthony. 3v. in 2. 37.60 Aztec treasure-house. Janvier, T: A 156.25 Baby world. Selected from St. Nicholas. [1884.] j93.2 Bachelor’s blunder. Norris, W:E 36.935 Bachelors’ club. Zangwill, 1 163.23 Bachelor’s wedding trip. Sherman, C: P. 155.11 Baffled conspirators. Norris, W: E 158.10 Bagpipers. Dudevant, A. L. A. D 154.16 Baker, Sir S: W. True tales for my grand- sons. 1884 j85.1 Baker, W: M. Blessed Saint Certainty. 1884 181.7 Balaam and his master. Harris, Joel C. . . 162.6 Balch, Miss E. An author’s love: being the unpublished letters of Prosper Merimee’s “Inconnue.” 1889........ 154.32 Baldwin, James. Story of Siegfried. f 882 . j85.12 — A story of the golden age. 1891 j97.3 Ballroom repentance. Edwards, Mrs. Annie 36.752 Balzac, Honore de. Albert Savarus; Paz; Madame Firmiani. 1892 166.16 — Bureaucracy; or, a civil service reform- er. 1890 168.27 — Cesar Birotteau. 1886 65.29 — The Chouans; Brittany in 1799. 1893.. 168.32 — Country doctor. 1887 65.34 — Cousin Bette. 1888 132.29 — Cousin Pons. 1886 • . 65.28 — Duchesse de Langeais. 1886 65.30 — Eugenie Grandet. 1886 65.31 — Fame and sorrow. 1890 158.6 — Great man of the provinces in Paris. 1893. 174.8 — An historical mystery. 1891 168.24 — Lily of the valley. 1891 162.3 — Lost illusions: The two poets ; Eve and David. 1893 171.22 — Louis Lambert. 1892 168.26 — The magic skin. 1888 147.30 — Modeste Mignon. 1888 65.32 — Pere Goriot. 1885 65.7 — Pierrett ; Vicar of Tours. 1892 166.23 — Seraphita. 1892 168.25 — Sons of the soil. 1890 158.5 — Two brothers. 1887 65.33 — Ursula. 1891 162.26 Bandelier, Adolf F. The delight makers. [Story of the Pueblo Indians. [1890.] 157.10 Bar Harbor days. Harrison, Mrs. Burton. 67.4 Barbara Peering. Rives, Amelie. Sequel to “The quick or the dead?” 173.29 Barbara Heathcote’s trial. Carey, R. N.. 161.10 Barbarossa. Heyse, Paul 36.826 BARING-Gould, S. Cheap Jack Zita. 1894. 178.26 — Court Royal. 1886 36.804 — In the roar of the sea. 1891 177.4 — John Herring. 1883 36.805 — Mehalah, a story of the salt marshes, [England]. 1892 182.15 — Red spider. 1889 181.22 Barnaby Rudge. Dickens, Charles 36.749.2-3 Barque Future. Lie, Jonas 175.5 Barr, Amelia E. Beads of Tasmer. [1891.] 165.22 — Between two loves. [1889.] 151.30 — Border shepherdess. [1887 ] 151.32 — Bow of orange ribbon. [1886.] 147.34 — Christopher and other stories. [1888].. . 168.1 — Cluny MacPherson. [1883.] 174.9 — A daughter of Fife. 1886 65.22 — Feet of clay. [1889.] 154.6 — Friend Olivia. [1890.] 157.6 — The Hallam succession. [1884.] 168.22 — Household of McNeil. [1890.] 157.7 — Jan Vedder’s wife. [1885.] 154.7 — Last of the Macallisters. 1889 151.31 — The lost silver of Briffault. [1885.]... 168.21 — Love for an hour is love forever. [1891.] 168.23 — Master of his fate. [1888.] 147.33 — Mate of the “Easter Bell,” etc. 1893. . . 173.12 — Michael and Theodora: a Russian story. [1892.] 167.15 — Paul and Christina. [1887.] 162.12 — The preacher’s daughter. [1892.] 167.16 — Remember the Alamo. [1888.] 162.10 — A rose of a hundred leaves. '1891 165.23 — She loved a sailor. [1890. ] 162.9 — Sister to Esau. [1891.] 164.1 — Squire of Sandal-side. [1886.] 162.11 Barrie, James M. Little minister. 1891. 166.26 — My lady Nicotine. [1891.] 166.27 — Tillyloss scandal and other stories 174.17 — Window in Thrums. [1891.] 166.28 Barrows, S: J. and I. C. Shay backs in camp; ten summers under canvas. 1887. j67. 13 FICTION. 69 FICTION. Bates, Arlo. A lad’s love. 1888 156.24 — The pagans. 1884 147.18 Battershall, Fletcher. A daughter of this world. 1893 177.14 Battle and a boy. Howard, Blanche W. j 103 10 Battle of New York. Stoddard, W: O. . . J97.27 Baxter’s second innings. Drummond, H: j 103.20 Baylor, Frances E. On both sides. 1892. 181.8 Bayly, A. E. [ Edna Lyall\ Donovan: a modern Englishman. 1890 162.1 — Hardy Norseman. 1889 153.29 — In the golden days. 1890 162.23 — Knight-errant. 1889 162.2 — To right the wrong. 1894 177.18 — We two. 1891 162.16 — Won by waiting 164.12 Bazan, Emilia P. Angular stone. [1892.] 178.9 Beads of Tasmer. Barr, Amelia E 165.22 Beaton’s bargain. Hector, Mrs. A. F 65.26 Beatrice Tyldesley. Ainsworth, W: H.. 36.623 Beauchamp’s career. Meredith, George . . 151.20 Beautipul Joe: autobiography [of a dog]. Saunders, M 103.16 Bec’s bed-time. Hallowell, Mrs . J. L. j97.15 BEE-man of Orn, etc. Stockton, F. R. .. . 168.19 Beggars all. Dougall, L 177.11 Begum’s daughter. Bynner, Edwin L. . . . 155.23 Behind the counter. Hacklander, F. W. 36.817 Behrens, Bertha. [W. Heimburg .] Christ- mas stories. 1890 161.24 — Her only brother. [1888.] 154.24 — Lucie’s mistake. 1890 156.14 — Misjudged. 1891 164.11 — Pastor’s daughter. 1890 155.18 — Sister’s love. [Same as “Her only brother.”] 1890 154.24 — Two daughters of one race. 1889 151.23 Belhaven tales ; Crow’s nest ; Una and King David. Harrison, Mrs. Burton. 167.18 Belinda. Broughton, Rhoda 36.670 Bell of St. Paul’s. Besant, Walter 155.16 Bellamy E: Looking backward, [2000- J \. 1889 151.12 — Six to ne. 1890 157.18 Belt and spur: stories of the middle ages. 18* 177.19 Benven'l ta; or, rainbow colors. Marshall Emma 36.894 Beric the Briton. Henty, G. A j 101. 1 Berkeleys and their neighbors. Seawell, Molly E 167.21 Berry, E: Payson. Leah of Jerusalem; story of the time of Paul. [1890.]. . 158.26 Besant, Walter. All sorts and conditions of men. 1888 152.18 — Bell of St. Paul’s. [1889.] 155.16 — Children of Gibeon. 1888 152.5 — Dorothy Foster. 1884 36.634 — For faith and freedom. 1889 152.6 — Herr Paulus. 1888 36.635 — The inner house. 1888 36.636 — Katharine Regina. 1888 36.637 — The world went very well then. 1888. 152.21 — and Rice, James. Ready-money Morti- boy. 1884 36.638 Beside the river. Macquoid, Katherine S. 36.888 Bessy Rane. Wood, Mrs. Henry 37.84 Betty Alden. Austin, Jane G 164.10 Betty Leicester. Jewett, Sarah Orne j94.16 Between the lines. King, Capt. C: 152.17 Between two loves. Barr, A. E 151.30 Between whiles. Jackson, Helen II 66.26 Beverleys, The. Abbott, Mary 157.19 Birchwood. Williams, Annie B j97.2 Birds' Christmas Carol. Wiggin, Kate D.. j95.31 Bishop, W: H: Choy Susan, etc 181.9 Bjornson, Bjornstjerne. Bridal march; Captain Mansana; Magnhild; Dust. 1885 181.10 Black, W: Donald Ross of Heimra. 1891.. 164.7 — In far Lochaber. 1889 36.639 — Lady Silverdale’s sweetheart: Marriage of Moira Fergus, etc. 1876 36.640 — Maid of Killeena, etc. 1875 36.642 — Mr. Pisistratus Brown, M. P., in the Highlands, etc. 1882 36.641 — Sabina Zembra. 1887 66.29 — Stand fast, Craig-Royston! Illus. 1891.. 158.8 — Strange adventuresof a house-boat. 1888. 147.29 — White heather. 1886 36.643 — Wise women of Inverness, etc. 1885 36.644 — Wolfenberg. Illus. 1893 173.20 Black arrow. Stevenson, Robert L 147.26 Black beauty: his grooms and companions. Sewell, Anna 156.9 Black ice. Tourgee, Albion W 68.2 Black robe. Collins, Wilkie 36.719 Black tulip. Dumas, Alexandre 171.9 Blackfoot lodge tales. Grinnell, G: B. . . 172.3 Blackmore, R. D. Christowell. 1882... 36.645 — Springhaven. 1887 66.17 — Tommy Upmore. 1884 ... 36.646 “Blackwood,” Tales from. 3rd series. 12v. [1884-90.] 164.17 Contents: v. 1, Bourgonef; Thomas; The brigand’s bride; The misogynist; A fetish city; The Gascon O’Driscol. 2, An Elie ruby; Alexander Nesbitt, ex-school- master; King Bemba’s point; A vendetta; Master Tommy’s experiment; A matrimonial fraud. 3, A French speculation; Rufus Hickman of St. Botolph’s; Hans Preller: a legion of the Rhine falls; The Puerto de Medina; Jack and Minory. 4, My treasure; Who were they ? a Maltese ap parition; Within his danger: a tale from the Chi, nese; The factor’s shooting; A magnetic mystery. 5, A singular case ; Pentock. 6, The dragon-tree of Felde; The last words of Jo- seph Barrable; How I fell among thieves; Fiddlers three ; The ghost of Morcar’s tower; Ancrum Moore: a historical ballad. 7, A medium of last century; Alive, and yet dead; An unexpected fare ; Reminiscence of a march. 8, Don Angelo’s stray sheep ; The twins ; The doctor : an old Virginia fox hunter; The enchanted bridle. 9, Such pity as a father hath ; Coincidences ? ? ; A dead man’s vengeance; The story of James Barker: a tale of the Congo coast. 10, Mr. Cox’s protege; A dramatic effect ; A bud that lived; Daniel Fosque; The great unloaded. 11, Christmas eve on a haunted hulk; Dicky Dawkins; or, the bookmaker of the outer ring; Airy nothing; Chapter from an unknown life; Mar’se Dab after the war; “Unfathomed mysteries.” 12, A philanthropist; The grateful ghosts; A pickle of salt; On the Wallaby track; Rathillet. Blake, M. M. Siege of Norwich Castle. [Time of William the conqueror.] 1893 j 101 . 30 Blanche, Lady Falaise. Shorthouse, J. H: 164.9 Blessed Saint Certainty. Baker, W:M.. 181.7 Blind fate. Hector, Mrs. A. F 161.3 Blind musician. Korolenko, Vladimir... 155.20 BLUE-stocking, A. Edwards, Mrs. Annie. 36.753 Blue veil. Montgomery, Florence. 36.919 Bluebeard’s keys, etc. Thackeray, A. I. . 37.50 FICTION. TO FICTION. Boisgilbert, Edm., pseud. See Donnelly, Ignatius. Boldrewood, Rolf, pseud. The squatter’s dream; astoryof Australian life. 1890. 156.82 Bonaventure. Cable, G: W 68.6 Bondman, The. Caine, Hall 167.2 Bonnyborough, Whitney, A. D. T 58.20 Book of love stories. Perry, Nora 151.7 Book of pity and of death. Viaud, Julien. [ Pierre Loti .] 177.10 Book of vagaries. Paulding, James K... 165.30 Booth, Mrs. O. ['‘Rita.’’] Man in posses- sion. [1891.] 176.24 Border lances. 1886 178.18 Border shepherdess. Barr, Amelia E 151.32 Borderland. Fothergill, Jessie 36.782 Boston girl’s ambitions. Townsend, Y. F. 67.1 Bostonians. James, Henry, jr 65.6 Bound in honor. Trowbridge, J. T j84. 14 Bound together. Fargus, F. J 36.768 Bourget, Paul. Cosmopolis. [1893.].... 173.17 — Pastels of men. 2 v. 1891-2 177.3 Bouvet, Marguerite. Little Marjorie’s love story. 1891 j96.32 — Prince Tip-Top; a fairy tale. 1892 ... jlOl.33 — Sweet William. 1890 j93.16 Bow of orange ribbon. Barr, A. E 147.34 Bowman. Anne. Boy pilgrims j85.5 Boy emigrants [to California]. Brooks, N. j85. 15 Boy pilgrims. Bowman, Anne j85.5 Boyesen, Hjalmar H. Bovhood in Nor- way. 1892 ‘ j97.32 — Golden calf. 1892 175.17 — Gunnar; a tale of Norse life. 1891 167.13 — Light of her countenance. 1889 153.3 — Modern Vikings. 1887 j88.15 — Social strugglers. 1893 174.13 Boyhood in Norway. Boyesen, H. H j97.32 Boy’s Mabinogion. Lanier, Sidney J77.28 Boys of Beechwood. Eiloart, Mrs. C. J. . . j85.6 Boys of Greenway Court. Butterworth, H. j 103.3 Boys of Westonbury. Adams, H. C j85.4 Boy’s town. Howells, W. D j95.29 Braddock. Musick, J: R 175.27 Braddon, M. E. [Mrs. J; Maxwell.] As- phodel. 3 v. in 2. 1881 36.647 — Cloven foot. 3 v. in 2- 1879 36.649 — Cut by the county. 1887 36.650 — Dead men’s shoes. 1876 36.651 — The fatal three. 1888 36.652 — Flower and weed. 1883 36.653 — Golden calf. 1883 36.654 — Hostages to fortune. 1875 36.655 — In great waters, etc. 1877 36.656 — Ishmael. 3 v. in 2. 1884 36.657 — Joshua Haggard’s daughter. 1877 36.658 — Just as I am. 1880 36.659 — Like and unlike. 1887 36.660 — Mount Royal. 1882 36.661 — One thing needful. 1886 36.662 — Open verdict. 3 v. in 2. 1878 36.663 — Phantom fortune. 3 v. in 2. 1883 36.664 — Story of Barbara. 1880 36.648 — Strange world. 1875 36.665 — Under the red flag. 1884 36.666 — Vixen. 3 v. in 2. 1879 36 667 — Weavers and weft. 1877 36.668 — Wyllard’s weird. 3 v. in 2. 1885 36.669 Brampton sketches. Claflin, Mary B 161.13 Brave giris. Catherwood, M. H. and others. j97.8 Bridal march, etc. Bjornson, B 181.10 Bride of the Nile. Ebers, G: 2 v 66.30 Briscoe, Margaret Sutton. “Perchance to dream” and other stories. 1892 173.2 Broken blossom. Church, Mrs. Ross 36.686 Broken pitchers. Dunning, A. K j96.23 Brooke, H. Fool of quality. 2v.ini. 1877. 153.16 Brooks, E. S. Chivalric days. 1888 j93.8 — Heroic happenings, told in verse and story. 1893 j98.18 i — Son of Issachar. [Time of Christ.] 1890. 161.4 ! Brooks, Noah. Boy emigrants [to Cali- fornia]. 1885 j85. 15 Brook’s daughter. Sergeant, Adeline. . . 182.7 Brother Gabriel. Edwards, M. B. B.-.. 36.758 Brothers and strangers. Poor, Agnes B . . 177.5 j Brought home. Smith, H jl01.12 Brouhgton, Rhoda. Belinda. 1883 36.670 — Doctor Cupid. 1886 36.671 Brown, C: Brockden. Arthur Mervin. [1800.] 168.13 — Wieland. [With memoir of the author.] [1798.] 168.14 Brown, Helen D. Petrie estate. 1893... 175.8 — Two college girls. 1891 j96.19 Brownies; their book. Cox, Palmer j98.1 Brush, Christine C. Inside our gate. 1889. 152.8 Buchanan, Robert. Come, live with me, and be my love. [1891.] 176.13 — Heir of Linne. [1888.] 132.23 Buchholz family: sketches of Berlin life. Stinde, Julius. 2 v j67.8 BuLWER-Lytton, E. L.. 1st Lord Lytton. Pausanias the Spartan. [1876] 43.25 BuLWER-Lytton, E: R., 2d Lord Lytton , [ Owen Meredith ]. Ring of Amasis. 1890 156.18 Bungener, L. F. Preacher and the king ; or, Bourdaloue in the court of Louis XIV. with port, and biog. sketch of author. 1855 :.... 58.10 — Pfiest and the Huguenot. [Time of Louis XV.] 2 v. 1854 174.14 Bunner, H. C. Story of a New York house. 1887 66 28 — Zadoc Pine and other stories. 1891 161.25 Bureaucracy. Balzac, Honore de 168.27 Burkett’s Lock. McClelland, M. G 155.9 Burnett, Frances H. Giovanni and the other children who have made stories. 1892 j98. 11 — Little Lord Fauntleroy. 1887 j93.5 — Little Saint Elizabeth and other stories. 1890 j93.10 — Pretty sister of Jose. 1889 152.8 — Sara Crewe; or, what happened at Miss Minchins. 1888 j93.6 Burnham, Clara L. Dearly bought. 1889. 157.29 — Dr. Latimer. 1893 174.10 — Miss Bagg’s secretary: a West Point romance. 1892 165.27 ) — Mistress of Beech Knoll. 1890 155.31 — Next door. 1889.. 155.25 — “No gentlemen.” 1889 155.32 — Young maids and old. 1889 157.28 Burning of Rome. Church, A. J 163.28 Burr, E. F. Aleph, the Chaldean. [1891.] 165.1 Burstenbinder, E. [2£. Werner.] Alpine fay. 1889 151.27 — Saint Michael. 1887 67.15 But men must work. Carey, Rosa N 174.5 Butt, B. M. Keith Deramore. 1892 178.15 Butterworth, Hezekiah. Boys of Green- way court. [Early days of Wash- ington.] 1893 j 103. 3 — In the boyhood of Lincoln. 1892 jl01.25 — Log school-house on the Columbia. 1890 j 101.24 Button’s inn. Tourgee, A. W 67.12 FICTION. 71 FICTION. Buxton, B. H. From the wings. 1881.. — Great Grenfell gardens. 1879 — Jennie of “The Prince’s.” 1877 — Nell— on and off the stage. 1880 — Won. 1878 Buz. [A honey bee.] Noel, Maurice. By land and sea. King, Gapt. C By love and law. Alldrige, Lizzie By pike and dyke: a tale of the rise of the Dutch republic. Henty, G. A By proxy. Payn, James By woman’s wit. Hector, Mrs. A. F BYE-words. [Tales.] Yonge, C. M Bynner, Edw. L. Agnes Surriage. [Story of colonial Marblehead.] [188(3.] . . — The Begum’s daughter. 1890 — Chase of th^ Meteor, etc. 1891 — Zachary Phips. 1892 Cab and caboose. Munroe, Kirk Cable, G: W. Bonaventure: a prose pastor- al of Acadian Louisiana. 1888 — Strange true stories of Louisiana. 1889. Cadets of Fleming Hall. Ray, Anna C.. Caesar's column. Donnelly, Ignatius Cahun, Leon. Adventures of Captain Mago ; or a Phoenician expedition. Caine, Hall. The bondman. [A story of Iceland.] — Capt’n Davy’s honeymoon. 1892 — Deemster. 1892 — Last confession and The blind mother. [1892.] — Scapegoat. [A story of Morocco.] [1891.] — Shadow of a crime. 1892 — A son of Hagar. 1892 Callias. Church, Alfred J Calmetts, Fernand. Fisher girl of France. [1892.] Calmire. 1893 Cambridge, Ada, pseud. See Cross, J/rs.G.F. Campbell, Mrs. Helen. Dr. Martha Scar- borough. 1893 — What-to-do club. 1888 Campmates. Munroe, Kirk, Canadians of old. Gaspe, PhilippeA.de. Canoemates. Munroe, Kirk Canon’s ward, The. Payn James Cape Cod and all along shore. Nordhoff, C: Captain Blake. King, Gapt. C: Captain Dangerous. Sala, G: A Capt’n Davy’s honeymoon. Caine, Hall. Captain of the Janizaries. Ludlow, J. M. Captain of the Kittiewink. Ward, H. D. Captain of the Polestar, etc. Doyle, A. C. Captain of the Rajah. Patterson, H Captain Polly. Sweet, Sophie Captive of love: Japanese romance. Greey, E: Cara Roma. Grant, M. M Career of a nihilist. Ertel, A. I Carey, Rosa N. Aunt Diana. 1889 — Averil. 1892 — Barbara Heathcote’s trial. 1889 — But men must work. 1893 — Esther; a book for girls — Little MissMuffet. 1893 — Merle’s crusade — Nellie’s memories. 1890 — Our Bessie — Queenie’s whim. 1890 — Robert Ord’s atonement. 1888 Carine. Enault, Louis Carita. Oliphant, M. O. W 36.672 36.673 36.674 36.675 36.676 ]95.4 162.29 36.632 .194.17 36.969 66 20 j95.17 67.2 155.23 j97. 18 167.19 j 102.9 68.6 154.26 j97.28 ‘161.6 j98.21 167.2 176.21 167.3 176.27 167.5 168.30 168.31 166.29 171.18 173.6 173.31 j 103. 19 j 104.6 158.32 j 97.24 36.970 157.12 163.7 152.20 176.21 157.26 j 101.6 178.22 157.11 J95.7 58.29 36.807 162.4 133.21 165.16 161.10 174.5 j95.35 ’] 102.3 161.12 158.28 165.13 161.19 161.18 164 24 36.942 Carleton, Robert, pseud. See Hall, B. R. Carr, Alaric. Treherne’s temptation. 1883. 36.683 Carroll, Lewis, pseud. See Dodgson, C. L. Cartouche. Peard, Frances M 36.989 Cassy. Smith, Hannah J 101. 17 Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. Stockton, F. R v 152.15 Castle and town. Peard, Frances M 182.4 Castle Blair. Shaw, Flora L 56.16 Castle Hohenwald, Streckfuss, Adolph. . 154.29 Cat stories. Jackson, Helen Hunt j84.18 Catherine. Sandeau, Jules 174.7 Cathedral courtship and Penelope’s Eng- lish experiences. Wiggin, Kate D.. 174.4 Catherwood, Mary H. Lady of Fort St. John. [Story of Acadia.] 1891.... 164.2 — Old Kaskaskia. 1893 174.19 — Romance of Dollard. [Adam Daulac: Canada, 1660.] [1889.] 154.8 — Story of Tonty [companion of La Salle.] 1890 153.24 — and others, Brave girls. Illus. [1886.]. j97.8 Cattermole, G: Evenings at Haddon Hall. 1881 153.8 Cecilia de Noel. Falconer, Lanoe 164.14 Century, A, too soon. Musick, J: R 175.26 Century’s World’s fair book for boys and girls. Jenks, Tudor. [1893] j98.19 Cervantes, S. M. de. Exemplary novels. 1882 153.11 — Galatea. 1883 153.10 Cesar Birotteau. Balzac, H, de. 1886... '65.29 Champney, Elizabeth W. Witch Winnie series, v. 1-4. [1891-3.] Witch Winnie 168.11 Witch Winnie’s mystery 168.12 Witch Winnie’s studio 166.31 Witch Winnie in Paris 175.14 Chaney, G: L. F. Grant and Co. 1886. . . 185.21 — - Tom: a home story. 1886 j85.20 Chanler, Amelie Rives. Barbara Deering; sequel to “The quick or the dead?” 1893 173.29 — Quick or the dead ? 1886 152.14 Chantry House. Yonge, C. M 65.27 Chantry priest of Barnet. Church, A. J: 181.12 Chaplin, Heman W. Five hundred dol- lars and other stories of New Eng- land life. 1890 155.22 Characteristics. Mitchell, S. Weir 167.14 Charles, Mrs. Eliz. Conquering and to conquer. [Rome in the days of St. Jerome.] 1876 36.684 — Lapsed but not lost. 1878 36.685 Chase of the Meteor, etc. Bynner, Edw. L. j97.18 Chata and Chinita. Heaven, L. P 154.3 Chatelaine of La Trinite. Fuller, II: B. 167.17 Cheap Jack Zita. Baring-Gould, S 178.26 Chelsea householder. Lawless, Emily. 181.31 Chetwynd Calverley. Ainsworth, W: II. 36.624 Chevalier d’Harmental. Dumas, A... 171.10 Chevalier de Maison-Rouge. Dumas, A. 171.3 Chevalier of Pensiere—Vani. Fuller, II. B. 164 5 Childhood, boyhood, youth. Tolstoi, L.N. 66.4 Children of Gibeon. Besant, Walter 152.5 Children of the castle. Molesworth, M. L. 196. 12 Children of the Ghetto. Zangwill, I. 2 v. 177.20 Children of the king. Crawford, F. M.. . 173.3 Children of the world. Heyse, Paul 181.24 Children’s book. Scudder, H. E., ed j98.23 Children’s journey and other stories. Tuckett, Eliz j98.9 Children’s stories in American history. Wright, H.C j97.5 FICTION. 72 FICTION. Children’s stories of American progress. Wright, H. C j97.6 Children’s stories of the great scientists. Wright, H. C j 102. 18 Chivalric days. [Stories.] Brooks, E. S. j93.8 Chosen valley. Foote, Mary H 173.23 Chouans, The. Balzac, H. de 168.32 Choy Susan and other stories. Bishop, W:H: 181.9 Chrissy’s endeavor. Alden, I. M j94.8 Christmas child. Molesworth,M. L jl02.33 Christmas every day and other stories told for children. Howells. W. D j 101 . 29 Christmas stories. Behrens, Bertha 161.24 CHRisTMAs-tree laud. Molesworth, M. L. j 102.31 Chistmas wreck, etc. Stockton. F. R ‘ 66.5.2 Christopher and other stories. Barr, A. E 168.1 Christowell. Blackmore R. D 36.645 Church, Alfred J. Burning of Rome; or, a story of the days of Nero. 1891. . . 163.28 — Callias ; a tale of the fall of Athens. 1891. 166.29 — Chantry priest of Barnet ; a tale of the two Roses. 1884 181.12 — Count of the Saxon shore: [a story of early Britain]. 1888 155.13 — The hammer: a story of Maccabean times. 1890 155.15 — Stories from the Creek comedians. 1892. 173.8 — Stories of the magicians j96.7 — Three Greek children: [a story of an- cient Greece]. 1889 j95.6 — To the lions: a tale of the early Chris- tians. 1889..., 155.14 — Two thousand years ago; or the adven- tures of a Roman boy. [1887.] j85.13 — With the king at Oxford. [Charles I.]. 177.26 Church, Mrs. R. [Florence Marry at.] — Broken blossom. 1879 36.686 — Daughter of the tropics. 1888 36.687 — Driven to bay. 1887 36.688 — Facing the footlights. 1883 36.690 — Fair-haired Alda. 1880 36.691 — Fighting the air. 1875 36.692 — Gentleman and courtier. 1888 36.693 — Ghost of Charlotte Cray, etc. 1883 36.694 — Harvest of wild oats. 1877 36.695 — Heart of Jane Warner. 1885 36.696 — Heir presumptive. 1886 36.697 — Her father’s name. 1877 36.698 — Her world against a lie. 1879 36.699 — How they loved him. 1882 36.700 — Little stepson. 1878 36.701 — Lucky disappointment, etc. 1876 36.702 — Master passion. 1886 36.703 — Moment of madness, etc. 1883 36.704 — Mount Eden. 1890 36.705 — ‘ My own child. ” 1876 36.706 — My sister the actress. 1881 36.707 — The nobler sex. [1892.] ; 176.23 — On circumstantial evidence. 1889 36.689 — Peeress and player. 1884 36.708 — Phyllida. 1882 36.709 — Root of all evil. 1880 36.710 — Spidres of society. 1887 36.711 — A star and a heart. 1876 36.712 — Under the lilies and roses. 1884 36.713 — With Cupid’s eyes. 1881 36.714 — Written in fire. 1878 36.715 CiGARETTE-maker’s romance. Crawford, F. M 157.8 City boys in the woods. Wells, H: P J98.25 City in the sea; stories of the old Vene- tians. S., E. L 177.17 Claflin, Mary B. Brampton sketches; old time New England life. [1890.] 161.13 Clark, Kate E. The dominant seventh ; a musical story. 1890 157.32 Clarke, R. S. [ Sophie May.] Drone’s honey. 1887 67.17 — In old Quinnebasset. [1891.] j96.20 Clarke, Sarah J. [Penn Shirley.] Little Miss Weezy’s sister. 1890 j94.20 Clemens, S. L. [Mark Twain.] The American claimant. 1892 167.1 — Merry tales. 1892 177.7 — One million pound bank-note, etc. 1893. 173.19 — Yankee in King Arthur’s court. 1889. 148.14 Cleopatra. Ebers, Georg. 2 v 182.12 Cleopatra. Haggard, H. Rider 151.25 Clerk of Portwick. Fenn., G: M 36.772 Cleveland, Rose E. The long run. 1886. 65.9 CLiFF-dwellers. Fuller, H: B 175.21 Clifford, Mrs. W. K. Aunt Anne. 1893. 175.29 — Last touches and other stories. 1892.. 178.5 — Love letters of a worldly woman. 1893. 177.13 Clocks of Rondaine, etc. Stockton, F. R. j98.12 Cloven foot. Braddon, M. E. 3 v. in 2.. 36.649 Clover. Woolsey, S. C j95.2 Cluny MacPherson. Barr, Amelia E 174.9 Coast of Bohemia. Howells, W: D 177.29 Coelho, J. G. G. [Julio Diniz.] Fidalgos of Casa Mourisca. [From the Portu- guese.] [1891.] 161.21 Coleridge, Christabel R. An English squire. 1884 36.716 Collins, Mortimer. Fight with fortune. 1877 36.717 — Sweet and twenty, 1875 36.718 Collins, Wilkie. Black robe. 1881 ..... 36.719 — Evil genius. 1886 36.720 — Fallen leaves. 1879 36.721 — Guilty river; The ghost’s touch. 1887. . 36.724 — Haunted hotel. 1878 36.722 — Heart and science. 1883 36.723 — Jezebel's daughter. 1880 36.725 — Legacy of Cain. 1888 36.727 — My lady’s money; Percy and the prophet. 1877 36.726 — Plot in private life; Mad Monkton, etc. 1859 36.728 — Two destinies. 1876 36.729 Colomb, Mme. C. Hermine’s triumphs. 1892 jl01.26 Colonel Carter of Cartersville. Smith, F.H. 162.8 Colonel Dacre. Jolly, Emily 36.857 Colonel Enderby’s wife. Harrison, Mrs. W. 58.15 Colonel Quaritch, V. C. Haggard, H. R. 86.818 Col. Ross of Piedmont. Cooke, J: E 168.9 Colonel Starbottle’s client, etc. Harte, Bret 177.8 Colonel’s Christmas dinner. King, Capt.C: 171.20 Columbia. Musick, J:R 166.25 Columbian historical novels. 12 v. See Musick, J: R. Columbus and Beatriz. Du Bois, C. G. . . 166.8 Come forth. Phelps, E.S. and Ward, H. D. 157.3 Come, live with me, and be my love. Bu- chanan, Robert 176.13 Comtesse de Charney. Dumas, A. 4 v.. 171.2 Condemned as a nihilist. Henty, G. A. . . j 101.2 Confidential agent. Payn, James 36.971 Conklin, Mrs. N. [Jennie M. Drink water.] Fairfax girls. [1886.] j96.22 Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s court. Clemens, S. L 148.14 FICTION. 73 FICTION. Conquering and to conquer. Charles, E. 36.684 Contradictions. Peard, Frances M 36.990 Convicts, The . Auerbach, Berthold 147.11 Conway, Hugh, pseud . See Fargus, F. J. Conways, The. Merriman, Effie W jl01.27 Cooke, J: E. CoJ. Ross of Piedmont. 1892. 168.9 — Hilt to hilt. [Story of the civil war, 1864-5.] 1890 168.3 — Leather and silk. [Virginia at the com- mencement of present century.] 1892. 168.4 — Lord Fairfax. [Virginia, 1748-9.] 1892. 168.6 — Mohun. [Story of the civil war, 1863-5.] 1889 168.8 — My lady Pokahontas. 1885 58.16 — Out of the foam. 1888 168.5 — Surry of Eagle’s-Nest. [Confederate staff-officer.] 1889 157.23 Cooke, Rose Terry. Happy Dodd. 1892.. 181.13 — Huckleberries. [Short New England stories.] 1892 167.9 — Somebody’s neighbors. [1881.] 173.14 — Steadfast. [1889.] 152.27 Coolidge, Susan. >S^Woolsey, S. C. Cooper, S: W. Think and thank. [Boy- hood of Sir Moses Montefiore.] 1890. j 101. 23 Coppee, Francois. Ten tales. 1891 161.14 — True riches. 1893 175.12 Copperhead, The. Frederic, Harold 176.3 Coral ship. Munroe, Kirk j 102. 10 Corelli, Marie. Romance of two worlds. 1888 36.730 — Thelma, a Norwegian princess. 1887.. 36.731 — Vendetta. 1887 36.732 Coryell, J: R. Diego Pinzon and the fear- ful voyage he took into the unknown ocean, A. D. 1492. 1892 j97.16 Cosmopolis. Bourget, Paul 173.17 Cotes, Mrs. Everard. $66 Duncan, Sara J. Couch, Arthur T. Q. The splendid spur. [Time of Charles I.] [1890.] 158.3 Count of the Saxon shore. Church, A. J. 155.13 Countess de Bonneval. Fullerton, Lady G. 36.786 Countess Kate. Yonge, C. M j95.18 Country by-ways. Jewett. Sarah O 156.2 Country doctor. Balzac, H. de 65.34 Country gentleman and his family. Oli- phant, M. O. W 36.943 Couperus, Louis. Eline Vere. 1892 165.24 Coupon bonds, etc. Trowbridge, J. T... 58.28 Court of Charles IV., a romance of the Es- corial. Galdos, B. P. 1888 182.22 Court Royal. Baring-Gould, S 36.804 Courting of Dinah Shadd, etc. Kipling, R. 156.27 Cousin Bette. Balzac, H. de 132.29 Cousin Henry. Trollope, Anthony 37.61 Cousin Pons. Balzac, H. de 65.28 Cousin Trix. Craik, G. M j95.13 Cousins. Walford, L. B 147.15 Couvreur, Mme. [ Tasma .] Penance of Portia James. [1891.] 177.12 — Uncle Piper of Piper’s Hill. An Aus- tralian novel. 1889 37.77 Cox, Palmer. Another Brownie book. [1890.] j98.2 — The Brownies: their book. [1887.] j98.1 Cracker Joe. (No name series.) 1887.... 67.18 Craddock, Charles E., pseud. See Murfree, Mary N. Craik, Mrs. Diana M. His little mother, etc. 1882 36.733 — King Arthur : not a love story. 1886.. 36.734 — Laurel bush. 1876 36.735 — Little lame prince. IUi$, 1874 36.736 Craik, Georgiana M. Annie Warwick. 1877 — Cousin Trix and her welcome tales. 1868 — Dorcas. 1880 — Hard to bear. 1878 — Sylvia’s choice; Theresa. 1875 — Two women. 1881 Crane, T. F: Italian popular tales. 1889. Craven, Mrs. Augustus. Eliane. 1882.. Crawford, F. Marion. Children of the King: a tale of southern Italy. 1893. — Cigarette maker’s romance. 1890 — Don Orsino. [Continuation of “Sara- cinesca” and Sant’ Ilario.] 1892 — Greifenstein. 1889 — Katherine Lauderdale. 2 v. 1894 — Khaled: a tale of Arabia. 1891 — Marion Darche. 1893 — Marzio’s crucifix. 1887 — Paul Patoff. 1888 — Pietro Ghisleri. 1893 — Sant’ Ilario; sequel to Saracinesca. 1889. — Saracinesca. 1889 — Tale of a lonely parish. 1886 — The three fates. 1892 — Witch of Prague. 1891 — With the immortals. 1888 Cressy. Harte, Bret. Crew of the Dolphin. Smith, Hannah.. . Crime and punishment. Dostoyevsky, F.M. Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard. Thibauld, A. F. [ Anatole France .] Crotchet castle. Peacock, T : L Crockett, S. R. The raiders. 1894 — Stickit minister and some common men . 1893 Crooked path. Hector, Mrs. A. F Crosby, Margaret. Violin obligato, etc. 1891 Cross, Mrs. G. F. \Ada Cambridge.'] Three Miss Kings. 1892 Cross currents. Dickens, Mary A Crowded out o’ Crofield. Stoddard, W : O. Crowninshield, Mary B. Plucky Smalls: his story. [1889.] • Cruger, Mrs. Van Rensselaer \Julien Gor- don.] Diplomat’s diary. 1891 — Marionettes. [1892.] — Puritan pagan. 1891 „ — Successful man. 1891 Ciiuikshank, G: Three courses and a des- sert. 1888 Crusade of the Excelsior. Harte, Bret. . . Crystal button. Thomas, Chauncey Cuckoo clock. Molesworth, Mrs. M. L — Cuckoo in the nest. Oliphant, M. O. W. Cudlip, Mrs. A. [Annie Thomas.] Nar- row escape. 1875 Cupples, G: Cupples Howe, mariner. 1885 Cupples Howe, mariner. Cupples, G:... Curtin, Jeremiah. Myths and folk-lore of Ireland. 1890 — Myths and folk-tales of the Russians, western Slavs and Magyars. 1890. Curtis, Mrs. C. P. [Carroll Winchester. ] From Madge to Margaret. 1887. . . Cut by the county. Braddon, M. E Da capo, etc. Thackeray, Anne I Daddy* Jake and other stories. Harris, J. C'. Daisy Miller, James, 11: Daisy Plains. Warner, Susan Dally, Pool, Maria L 36.737 j 95 . 1 3 36.739 36.742 36.740 36.741 172.15 36.743 173.3 157.8 168.28 151.9 178.21 163.17 175.10 68.9 68.1 174.27 153.26 153.25 65.4 165.32 163.24 165.3 154.4 j 101.15 66.3 172.9 167.8 178.24 178.2 152.22 164.4 181.11 176.2 j93. 13 J95.3 161.20 174.29 176.15 161.9 153.7 67.14 161.2 .]84.19 176.10 36.744 157.21 157.21 156.8 162.18 184.3 36.650 37.51 j93.7 172.11 - 58.32 174.30 FICTION. 74 FICTION. Dame de Monsoreau. Dumas, Alexandre. 2v. 171.5 Dandelion clocks. Ewing, Juliana H . . . j93.21 Danilevsky, G. P. Princess Tarakanova: a dark chapter of Russian history . . 165.8 Dannenberg, G., pseud. See Friederich, Bertha H. Dark days. Fargus, F. J 36.769 Darkness and dawn. Farrar. F: W 161 8 Darryll Gap. Townsend, Virginia F... 162.20 Daudet, Alphonse. Belle Nivernaise: a story of a river-barge and its crew. 1889 183.16 — The immortal ; or, one of the “forty.” 1889 151.1 — Jack. 1887 151.5 ■ — Kings in exile. 1890 158.7 — L'evangeliste. 1883 54.15 — The nabob. 1878 151.4 — Port Tarascon : the last adventures of the illustrious Tartarin. [1890.].... 148.18 — Tartarin of Tarascon: traveler, “Turk” and lion-hunter. 1887 67.9 — Tartarin on the Alps. 1892 181.14 Daughter of Eve. Kirk, Mrs. E. 0 152.1 Daughter of Fife. Barr, Amelia E 65.22 Daughter of the South, etc. Harrison, Mrs. Burton 166.12 Daughter of the tropics. Church, Mrs.R. 36.687 Daughter of this world. Battershall,. Fletcher 177.14 Daughter of to-day. Duncan, Sara J . . . 178 28 Daughter of Venice. Wood,J:S 171.15 David Alden’s daughter,^. Austin, Jane G. 167.29 David Balfour. Stevenson, R. L 175.16 David Grieve. Ward, Mrs. Humphrey .. . 164.22 Davis, Rebecca Harding. Kent Hampden. 1892 jl01.5 — Silhouettes of American life. 1892 167.25 Davis, R: Harding. Gallegher and other stories. 1891 162.13 — Stories for boys. 1891 j96.21 — Van Bibber and others. 1892 . . 166.5 Dawes, Mrs. S. E. Ethel’s year at Ash- ton. [1888.] j96 26 Day and nightstories. Sullivan, T. R. 2 v. 175.9 Day at Laguefre’s and other days. Smith, F. Hopkinson 165.4 Dayspring. Marshall, Emma .... 36.895 Dead lake. Heyes, Paul 36.825 Dead men’s shoes. Braddon, M. E 36.651 Dean, The, and his daughter. Philips, F. C 37.2 Dean’s, The, daughter. Veitch, Sophie F. F. 157.4 Dearest. Forrester, Mrs 174.18 Dearly bought. Burnham, Clara Louise. 157.29 “December roses. ”Praed, J/rs. Campbell. . . 167.4 Deemster, The. Caine, Hall 167.3 Deerings of Medbury. Townsend, Vir- ginia F 147.19 Deland, Margaret. John Ward, preacher. 1888.... 147.31 — Mr. Tommy Dove, etc. 1893 174.22 — Sidney. 1891 157.5 — Story of a child. 1892 j 101. 20 Delight makers. Bandelier, Adolf F ... 157.10 Deluge ; sequel to “With fire and sword.” Sienkiewicz, Henryk. 2 v 164.23 Demagogue. Locke, David R 168.18 Demos. Gissing, George 36.801 Dempster, Charlotte. Vera. 1871 36.748 Dene Hollow. Wood, Mrs. Henry • 37.85 Deserter, The. King, Capt. C: 148.7 Devon boys. Fenn, G: M j 102. 25 Diana, Lady Lyle. Dixon, W: H 36.750 Diana of the crossways. Meredith, G: .. . 151.14 Diane. Macquoid, Katherine S 36.889 Diary of a poor young lady. Nathusius, Maria In 36.932 Diaz, Mrs. A. M. John Spicer lectures. [1887.] j85.24 — Molasses candy: little stories for little folks. 1880 ]94.4 — William Henry and his friends. [1871.] ]84.8 Dick o’ the Fens. Fenn,G: M j 102.26 Dickens, C: Master Humphrey’s clock. 3v. 36.749 Contents: v. 1, Master Humphrey’s clock ; Old curiosity shop. v. 2, Old curiosity shop; Earnaby Rudge. v. 3, Barnaby Rudge. Dickens, Mary A. Cross currents. 1892. 176.2 Dickinson, Ellen E. The King’s Daugh- ters. [1888.] 158.27 Dictator, The. McCarthy, Justin 174.6 Diego Pinzon. Coryell, J: R j97.16 Diniz, Julio, pseud. See Coelho, J. G. G. Diplomat’s diary. Cruger, Mrs. V. R... 161.20 Dixon, W: H. Diana, Lady Lyle. 1877. 36.750 Doctor, Ben. Whitherspoon, Rev. 0 57.31 Doctor Cupid. Broughton, Rhoda 36.671 Doctor Dodd's school. Ford, J. L J97.30 Doctor Jacob. Edwards. M. B. B. — . ... 181.18 Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Stevenson, R. L 65.11 Dr. Latimer. Burnham, dara L 174.10 Dr. Le Baron and his daughters. Austin, J. G 161.16 Dr. Martha Scarborough. Campbell, H.. 173.31 Doctor of Deane. Palmer, Mary T 156 11 Dr. Wortel’s school. Trollope, A 37.62 Doctor’s dilemma. Smith, Hannah 163.22 Dodge, Louisa. Question of identity. 1887. 153.22 Dodge, Mary M. Baby world. Selected from St. Nicholas. [1884.] j93.2 Dodgson, C: L: [Lewis Carroll .] The nur- sery “Alice.” 1890 J93.12 — Sylvie and Bruno. 2 v. 1890 j 103. 14 Dominant seventh. Clark, Kate E 157.32 Don Braulio. Valera Juan 166.24 Don Orsino. Crawford, F. M 168.28 Dona Luz. Valera, Juan 158.14 Donald Marcy. Phelps, Eliz. S... 174.23 Donald Ross of Heimra. Black, W: 164.7 Donna Quixote. McCarthy, J 36.885 Donnelly Ignatius. [Edmund Boisgil- bert.] Caesar’s column : a story of the 20th centuiy. 1891 161.6 Donovan. Bayly, A. E 162.1 Dorcas. Craik, Georgiana M 36.739 Dorcas, the daughter of Faustina. Kouns, Nathan C 155.8 Doris. Hungerford, Mrs. Marg 36.830 Dorothy Forster. Besant, Walter 36.634 Dorothy Grape. Wood, Mrs. Henry 37.86 Dorothy’s daughters. Marshall, Mrs. E . . j 104.4 Dorothy’s experience. Trafton, Adeline. j95.32 Dorrie. Tirebuck, W: 178.30 Dorymates. Munroe, Kirk j 104.7 Dostoyevosky, Feodor M. Crime and pun- ishment. [Russian story.] [1886.] 66.3 Dougall, L. Beggars all. 1893 177.11 — What necessity knows. 1893 177.16 Douglas, Amanda M. Foes of her house- hold. 1887 67.16 — Fortunes of the Faradays. 1888 66.18 — From hand to mouth. [1877.] 163.4 — Home nook. 1873 163.3 — Hope Mills. [1879.] 163.2 — Lost in a great city. [1880.] .......... 145.25 FICTION. 75 Fiction. Douglas, continued. — Lyndell Sherburne; sequel to Sherburne House. [1893.] ^5.19 — Modern Adam and Eve in a garden. 1889. 152.10 — Old woman who lived in a shoe ; or, there’s no place like home. [1874.] . . j85.8 — Osborne of Arrochar. 1890 153.21 — Sherburne House. [1892.] 166.32 — Stephen Dane. 1867... 163.1 — A woman’s inheritance. [1886.] 65.3 Douglas, Edith. We Von Arldens 163.21 Down in Tennessee [in 1863-4]. Gilmore, J. R. [Edmund Kir/ce] 155.2 Down the O-hi-o. Roberts, C: H 161.8 Down the ravine. Murfree, Mary N 58.9 Doyle, A. Conan. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. 1892 181.15 — Captain of the Polestar, etc. 1893 178.22 — The great shadow. [Napoleon I.] 1893. 174.11 — Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes ; sequel to “Ad ventures of Sherlock Holmes.” 1894 182.26 — Micah Clarke. 1889 152.7 — Refugees. 1894 182.27 — Sign of the four. 1894 182.29 — White company. 1891 181.16 Dragon and the tea-kettle. Wright, Mrs. J. McN 58.23 Drake, Jeanie. In old St. Stephen’s. 1892. 167.31 Dreams. Schreiner, Olive 157.25 Drinkwater, Jennie M. See Conklin, Mrs. Nathaniel. Driven back to Eden. Roe. E. P 168.17 Driven to bay. Church, Mrs. R 36.688 Drone’s honey. Clarke, R. C 67.17 Drummer boy. Trowbridge, J: T j84.13 Drummond, H: Baxter’s second innings. 1892 j 103. 20 Du Bois, Constance G. Columbus and Beatrix. 1892 166.8 — Martha Corey: a tale of the Salem witchcraft. 1890 157.17 Du Chaillu, Paul. Ivar the Viking. 1893. 175.20 Duchess, The, pseud. See Hungerford, Mrs. Margaret. Duchess de Langeais. Balzac, H.de 65.30 Dudevant, A. L. A. I)., [George Sand.] — The bagpipers. 1890 154.16 — The gallant lords of Bois-Dore. 2v. 1890. 158.13 — My sister Jeannie. 1874 151.6 — Nanon. 1890 161.23 Duffels. [Short stories.] Eggleston, E: 176.32 Duke’s, The, children. Trollope, A 37.63 Dulcken, H. W. One by one: a child’s book of tales and fables j 94 . 3 Dumas, Alexandre. Black tulip. [Hol- land, 1672.] 171.9 — The Marie Antoinette romances. [Per- iod of Louis XV., Louis. XVI. and the French Revolution.] Memoirs of a physician. 3 v 55.29 The queen’s necklace. 2 v 55.30 Ange Pitou. 2 v 171.1 La Comtesse de Charnay. 4 v 171.2 Chevalier de Maison-Rouge 171.3 — Page of the duke of Savoy. [France, Henry II.] 2 v 171.7 — The Regency romances. [Period of the regency of Philippe d’ Orleans.] Chevalier d’ Harmental 171.10 The regent’s daughter 171.11 — Two Dianas. [France ; Henry II. — Charles IX.] 3v 171.8 Dumas, continued . — The Valois romances. [Period of Charles IX. and Henry III.] Marguerite de Valois. 2v 171.4 La dame de Monsoreau. 2 v 171.5 The forty-five. 2v 171.6 Du Maurier, G: Peter Ibbetson. 1892. . . 181.17 — Trilby. 1894 182.18 Duncan, Sara Jeannette. [Mrs. E. Cotes.] — An American girl in London. 1891 163.12 — A daughter of to-day. 1894 178.28 — A social departure: how Orthodocia and 1 went round the world by ourselves. _ 1890 156.28 Dunning, Mrs. A. K. Broken pitchers. _ [1887.] j96.23 Dunraven ranch. King, Capt. C: In 158.24 Dutchman’s fireside. Paulding. James K. 166.9 Eaglehurst Towers. Marshall, Emma. . 167.32 Early lessons. Edgeworth, Maria ]97.14 Earth trembled, Roe, E: P '67^21 East Angels. Woolson, Constance F 65.24 Eastman, Julia A. Romneys of Ridge- mont. 1872 ^94 2 Eastman, Mary H. Aunt Phillis’s cabin; or, Southern life as it is. 1852 164.19 Ebers, Georg. Bride of the Nile; a ro- mance. [7th century.] 2 v. 1887. . 66 30 — Cleopatra. 2 v. 1894 182.12 — The elixir, and other tales. 1890 158.17 — Joshua: a story of biblical times. 1890. 156 29 — Margery; a tale of old Nuremburg. 2 v. . 1889 152.13 — A question : [a story of ancient Syracuse. 1881 -j 182.25 — A thorny path. [Alexandria: Caracalla.l 2 v. 1892 166.22 — A word, only a word. [16th century ; Battle of Lepanto.] 1890 156.30 Echo of passion. Lathrop, G: P 156.22 1 Edelweiss of the Sierras, etc. Harrison, Mrs. B 166.15 Edgeworth, Maria. Early lessons. [Rosa- mond ; Frank ; Harry and Lucy,e£c.l 1891 J J97.14 Edward Burton. Wood, Henry i57.14 Edwards, Amelia B. Lord Brackenbury. 1880 :. 36.751 Edwards, Mrs. Annie. A ballroom repent- ance. 1882 36.752 — Blue-stocking. 1877 36.753 — Girton girl. 1885 36 754 — Jet: her face or her fortune? 1878 36.755 — Leah: a woman of fashion. 1875 36.756 — Playwright’s daughter; Bertie Griffiths. _ 1880 ... 36.757 Edwards, Harry S. Two runaways and other stories. [1889.] 154.27 Edwards, M. B. B.- Brother Gabriel. 1878. 36.758 — Doctor Jacob. 1883 181.18 — Exchange no robbery, etc. 1882 36.759 — Felicia. 1875 36.760 — Forestalled. 1880 36.761 — Next of kin wanted. 1887 36.762 — Parting of the ways. 1888 36.763 — Pearla. 1884 36.764 Eggleston, E: Duffels. [Short stories.] 1893 176.32 — Faith doctor. 1891 164.15 — The Graysons; a story of Illinois. 1887. 151.26 — Queer stories for boys and girls. 1884. j84.25 Eggleston, G: C. and Harbourg, Dolores. Juggernaut; a veiled record. 1891.. 161.30 FICTION. FICTION. ?6 Egoist, The. Meredith, George 15121 Eichhofs, The. Reichenbach, Moritz von. 154.31 EiGHTY-seven. Alden, Mrs. I. M j95.1 Eiloart, Mrs. C. J. Boysof Beechwood.. J85.6 Ekkehard. Scheffel, Joseph Y 37.43 Elect lady. Macdonald, George 132.24 Eliane. Craven, Mrs. Augustus 36.743 Eline, Yere. Couperus, Louise 165.24 Eliot, George, pseud. [Mrs. J. W. Cross.] Lifted veil; Brother Jacob. 1878... 36.765 Elixir, The. Ebers, Georg 158.17 Elliot, Frances. The Italians. 1875 36.766 . — The red cardinal. 1884 36.767 Elsie books, v. 1-19. See Finley, Martha. Elsket and other stories. Page, T: N 163.30 Elster’s folly. Wood, Mrs. Henry 37.87 Emigrant ship. Russell, W. Clark 178.13 Enault, Louis. Carine: a story of Sweden 1891 .' 164.24 End of a rainbow. Johnson, Rossiter .... j97.31 English squire. Coleridge, Christabel R. 36.716 Englishman’s Haven. Gordon, W. J j97.23 Environment. McCray, Florine T 67.3 Eric Brighteyes. Haggard, H. R 163.16 Ersilia. Poynter, E. F 37.9 Ertel, A. I. [ Stepniak .] Career of a ni- hilist. 1889 162 4 Esau Hardery. Stoddard, W: 0 147.20 Estevan. Musick, J; R 175.22 Esther. Carey, Rosa N j95.35 Esther Vanhomrigh. Woods, Margaret L. 175.3 Etelka’s vow. Gerard, Dorothea 175.32 Ethel’s year at Ashton. Dawes S. E j96.26 Eugenie Grandet. Balzac, H. de 65.31 Evan Harrington. Meredith, George 151.15 Evangeliste, L\ Daudet, Alphonse 54.15 Evening tales. Ortoli, Frederic J103.8 Evenings at Haddon Hall. Cattermole,G: 153.8 Evil genius. Collins, Wilkie :... 36.720 Ewing, Juliana H. Dandelion clocks, etc. J93.21 — Flatiron for a farthing. 1891 ji.02.16 — Jackanapes, etc . ; with memoir of au- thor. 1887 j88.22 — Lob Lie-by-the-fire ; The brownies, etc. 1890 j 103. 21 — Mary’s meadow ; Letters from a little garden j93.22 — Melchior’s dream; Brothers of pity, etc. 1891 j 103.22 — Story of a short life j93.24 Exchange no robbery. Edwards, M. B. B.- 36.759 Eye for an eye. Trollope, Anthony 37.58 Eyre’s acquittal. Reeves, Mrs. H. B 36.906 F. Grant and Co. Chaney, G. L j85.21 Face to face. Grant, Robert 65.13 Facing the footlights. Church, Mrs. R.. 36.690 Fairfax girls. Conklin, Mrs. N j96.22 FAiR-haired Alda. Church, Mrs. R 36.691 Faith doctor. Eggleston, Edward 164.15 Faithful lover. Macquoid, KatherineS. 36.890 Falconer, Lanoe. Cecilia de Noel. 1891. 164.14 Falkenhorst, C. With Columbus in America. 1892 jl02.23 ■ — With Cortez in Mexico. 1892 j 102. 24 — With Pizarro in Peru. 1892 jl02.22 Fall of Somerset. Ainsworth, W: H ' 36.625 Fallen fortunes. Payn, James.. 36.972 Fallen idol. Guthrie, F. A 36.812 Fallen leaves. Collins, Wilkie 36.721 Fame and sorrow. Balzac, Honore de. . . . 158.6 Family affair. Fargus, E. J 36.770 Family feud. Harder, Ludwig 68.18 Family happiness. Tolstoi, Lyof N 165.6 Family tree. Matthews, Brander 165.12 Far away and long ago. Kemble, F. A. . . 154.10 Far in the forest. Mitchell, S. Weir 162.19 Fargus, F. J. [Hugh Conway .] Bound together. [Tales.] 2 v. in 1. 1884. 36.768 — Dark days. 2v. ini. 1885 36.769 — Family affair. 2v.ini. 1885 36.770 — Living or dead. 1886 36.771 Farina. Meredith, George In 151.22 Farjeon, B; L. Something occurred. [1893.] 173.27 Farrar, F: W: Darkness and dawn ; or, scenes in the days of Nero. 1891 — 164.8 Fashion of this world. Reeves, H. B 36.907 Fatal Phryne. Philips, F. C. and Wills, C J 37 6 Fatal three. Braddon, M. E 36.652 Fate of a voice. Foote, Mary H In 153.5 Fate of Fenella. Reeves, H. B. and others. 171.17 Fated to be free. Ingelow, Jean 36.854 Father Aldur. Giberne, Agnes j97.12 Father Brighthopes. Trowbridge, J: T. jl01.22 Fawcett, E dgar. An heir to millions. [1892.] 177.21 — A New York family . [1891.] 178.7 — Women must weep. [1891.] 176.30 Feet of clay. Barr, Amelia E 154.6 Felicia. Edwards, M. B. B.- 36.760 Felicia. Murfree, Fanny N. D 163.8 Fellowe, A, and his wife. Howard, Blanche W. and Sharp, W: 165.26 Fenn, G: Manville. Clerk of Portwick. 1881 36.772 — Devon boys. [1887.] jl02.25 — Dick o’ the Fens. [1888.] jl02.26 — Grand Chaco. [1892.] j 102. 11 — Nat the naturalist jl02.27 — Nurse Elisia. [1892.] 173.13 — Parson o’ Dumford. 1880 36 773 Ferrier, Mary. Inheritance. [1824.]... 153.15 — Marriage. [1818.] 153.14 Feud of Oakfield Creek. Royce, Josiah. . . 167.27 Fidalgos of Casa Mourisca. Coelho, J. G. G. 161.21 Field, Eugene. Little book of profitable tales. 1891 166.7 Fifty years, three months, two days. Wolff, Julius 158.12 Fight with fortune. Collins, Mortimer. . . 36.717 Fighting the air. Church, Mrs. R 36.692 Finley, Martha. Elsie books, v. 1-19. [1867-93.] J87.20 1. Elsie Dinsmore. 12. Elsie’s kith and kin. 2. Elsie’s holidays. 13. Elsie’s friends at Wood- 3. Elsie’s girlhood. burn. 4. Elsie’s womanhood. 14. Christmas with grandma 5. Elsie’s motherhood. Elsie. 6. Elsie’s children. 15. Elsie and the Raymonds. 7. Elsie’s widowhood. 16. Elsie yachting with the 8. Grandmother Elsie. Raymonds. 9. Elsie’s new relations. 17. Elsie’s vacation, etc. 10. Elsie at Nantucket. 18. Elsie at Viamede. 11. The two Elsies. 19. Elsie at Ion. — Mildred series. 6. v. [1876-86.] j81.8 1. Mildred Keith. 4. Mildred’s married life. 2. Mildred at Roselands. 5. Mildred at home. 3. Mildred and Elsie. 6. Mildred’s boys and girls. — Thorn in the nest. 1866 65.18 — Tragedy of Wild River valley. [1893.] 174.3 First family of Tasajara. Harte, Bret . . 175.4 First violin. Fothergill, Jessie 36.783 Fisher, Frances C. [Christian Reid.] “Land of the sky;” or, adventures in moun- tain by-ways. [North Carolina.] 1889. 148.17 — Miss Churchill : a study. 1887 .... 67.11 B. boy. Kingston, W: H. G Fisher girl of France. Calmetts, Fernand. Fisherman’s daughter. Montgomery, F. . . Five hundred dollars and other stories of New England life. Chaplin, H: W. Five little Peppers grown up. Lothrop, Harriet M Five little Peppers midway. Lothrop, Har- riet M Five old friends. Thackeray, Annie I . Fixed period. Trollope, Anthony Flamingo feather. Munroe, Kirk Flammarion, Camille. Urania. [Ast nomical romance.] [1890,] Flat iron for a farthing. Ewing, J. H. Flaubert, Gustave. Salammbo. 1885. Fleming, George, pseud. See Fletcher, Jul Fletcher, Julia. [Geoi'ge Fleming . ] Tru about Clement Ker. 1889 Flitters, Tatters and the Counsellor. Hart - ley, May Laffan Floating prince, etc. Stockton, F. R. Flock of girls. Perry, Nora Flower and weed. Braddon, M. E . . . Flower de Hundred. Harrison, Mrs. Flo aver people, Mann, Mrs. Horace Floyd, Isobel H. Stolen America. [1890 Flying Hill farm. Swett, Sophie ...... Foes of her household. Douglas, A. M. . Folly and fresh air. Phillpotts, Eden. . Fool of quality. Brooke, H: 2 v. in 1. Foot, Katharine B. Rovings of a restless boy. [1892.] Foote, Mary Hallock. Chosen valley the Far West]. 1893 — In exile and other stories. 1894 — John Bodewin’s testimony. 1886 — Last assembly ball ; Fate of a voice. For cash only. Pay n , James For faith and freedom. Besant, Walter For her daily bread. Litere, pseud For his sake. Hector, Mrs. A. F For the right. Franzos, K: E For the temple. Henty, G: A Forayers. Simms, W: G Ford, James L. Dr. Dodd's school. 1892. Forestalled. Edwards, M. B. B. — Forget-me-nots. Kavanagh, Julia. 1878. Forging the fetters, etc. Hector, A. F. Forrester, Mrs., pseud. [Mrs . — Bridges.] — Although he was a lord, etc. 1885 — Dearest. [1893.] — I have lived and loved. 1883 — - June. 1883 — My lord and my lady. 1882 — Omnia vanitas. 1884 — Once again. 1887 — Rhona. 1879 — Viva. 1878 Fortunes of the Faradays. Douglas, A. M. FoitTY-five, The. Dumas, Alexandre. 2 v. Foster, Mrs. I. H. [Faye Huntington.] A modern exodus. [1890.] Fothergill, Jessie. Borderland. 1887.. — First violin. 1878 — Made or marred; “One of three.” 1881. — Oriole's daughter. [1892.] — Peril. 1885 Found out. Reeves, Mrs. H. B Four ghost stories. Molesworth, Mrs. M.L. Four Winds farm. Molesworth, Mrs. M. L. Fourteen to one. Phelps, Eliz. S France, Anatole, pseud. See Thibault, Anatole F. j95.11 171.18 36.920 155.22 j97.9 ]95.28 '37.52 37.64 j85.16 158.4 j 102.16 ‘181.19 152.12 36.823 j98.8 J88.14 36.653 157.22 .185.27 156.1 j97.13 '67.16 165.28 153.16 j 97.20 173.23 181.1 65.15 153.5 36.973 152.6 147.23 175.8 181.20 .1103.29 58.11 j97.30 36.761 36.860 66.21 36.774 174.18 36.775 36.776 36.777 36.778 36.779 36.780 36.781 66.18 171.6 j96.5 36.782 36.783 36.784 174.16 36.785 36.908 177.31 j85.10 162.7 Frances Raymond’s investment. Mrs. S. M. I Francillon, R. E. Romances of tl 1889 164.18 Francis, M. E. In a north country village. 1893 178.18. Franzos, K: E. For the right. 1888 181.20 Frau Frohman, etc. Trollope, A 37.65 Frazer, Douglas. Perseverance Island. 1888 j96.ll Fred, and Maria, and me. Prentiss, Mrs. Eliz , j88.28 Frederic, Harold. The copperhead. 1893. 176.3 — In the valley. [Mohawk valley ; French war.] 1890 158.11 — Return of the O’Mahony 178.1 — Seth’s brother’s wife. 1887 68.10 Free Joe, etc. Harris, Joel C 152.25 French, Alice. [Octave Thanet.] Knitters in the sun. 1891 163.20 — Otto the knight and other trans-Mis- sissippi stories. 1891 163.10 — Stories of a western town. 1893 173.24 French, Harry W. Lance of Kanana; a story of Arabia. [1892.] j 101. 11 French country family. Witt,j Mme. H. de. j85.30 French pictures in English chalk. Mur- ray, E. C. G 36.924 Frescoes and other stories. Rame, L. de la. 37. 16 Fresneau, Mme. A. Theresa at San Domingo; a tale of the Negro insur- rection of 1791. 1889 j94.21 Freytag, G ustav. Lost manuscript. 1890. 172.10 — Soil und haben 177.28 Friarswood post-office. Yonge, C. M j95.19 Friedericii, Bertha H. [Goto Raimund; Georg Bannenberg.] Sought and found. 1889 177.1 Friend Olivia. Barr, Amelia E 157.6 Friendship. Rame, Louise de la 37.17 Frith, H: On the wings of the wind. [On a locomotive.] 1885 j84.12 From an island. Thackeray, Anne 1 37.53 From exile. Payn, James 36.974 From generation to generation. Noel, Lady Augusta 36.934 From hand to mouth. Douglas, A. M 163.4 From Madge to Margaret. Curtis, Mrs. C. P j84.3 From the ranks. King, Capt. C : 148.12 From the wings. Buxton, B. II 36.672; From timber to town, down in Egypt. [Illi- / nois.] Bjr an early settler. 1891... 163.13 Froude, J. A. Two chiefs of Dunboy ; or, j an Irish romance of the last century. / 1889.... 151/! 28 Fulham lawn,^c. Thackeray, Anne I ... 37.54 Fuller, H: B. Chatelaine of La Trinite. 1892 167.17 — Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani. 1890 164.5 — Cliff-dwellers. [Story of Chicago.] 1893. 175.21 Fuller, Mable L. Aspen shade. 1889. . . 154.18 Fullerton, Lady Georgiana. Countess de Bonne val. 1879 / 36.71 — Grantley Manor. 1847 f 36 -Lady-Bird. 1853 36 A — Laurentia: a tale of Japan. 1883 36.' — Lillies of the valley. 1879 36. — Notary’s daughter. 1878 36 — Rose Leblanc. 1880 36 — Seven stories. 1880 3C — A will and a way ; The handkerchief at the window. 1881 ACTION. a story of Alaskan ad- Munroe, K j 104. 8 GABRiEL^Mptory of the Jews in Prague. Kofl^S 36.867 Gabriel Conroy. Harte, Bret 164.21 Galatea. Cervantes, S. M. de 153.10 ^Galdos, Binot Perez. Court of Charles IV.: a romance of the Escorial. 1888. 182.22 — Leon Roch: a romance. 2 v. 1886 182.23 — Marianela. 1892 182.21 Gallant lords of Bois-Dore. Dudevant, A. L. A. D 158.13 Gallegher, and other stories. Davis, R:H. 162.13 Gammer Grethel’s popular stories and fairy tales. Grimm, J. L. K: and W. K: j94.12 Garland, Hamlin. Jason Edwards, an average man. 1892 176.18 — Main-travelled roads. Six Mississippi valley stories. 1891 165.11 — Member of the third house. [1892.] 167 12 — Prairie folks. 1893 173.10 — A spoil of office; a story of the modern West. 1892 176.19 Garland for girls. Alcott, Louisa M j85.26 Gaspe, Philippe A. de. Canadians of old; an historical romance. 1890 158.32 Gates between. Phelps, Eliz. S 67.20 Gautier, T heophile and Merimee, Prosper. Tales before supper. 1887 68.28 Geiere-Wally. Hillern, Mme. W. von. 181.25 General’s daughter. Potapeeko, N. E. . . 178.4 Genone, Hudor. Inquirendo Island. 1892. 174.26 Gentle breadwinners. Nitsch, Afrs. Helen. 68.25 Gentleman and courtier. Church, Mrs. R. 36.693 Gentleman of France. Weyman, Stanley J. 177.27 Gerard, Dorothea. Etelka’s vow. 1892. 175 32 — Queen of curds and cream. 1892 167.6 Ghost of Charlotte Cray. Church, Mrs. R. 36.694 Ghost’s touch. Collins, Wilkie In 36.724 Giant dwarf. K., J. A j85.25 Giberne, Agnes. Father Aldur; a water story. [1887.] j97.12 Gid Granger. Stoddard, W: O j95.34 Gifts of the child Christ. Macdonald, G; 36 887 Gilmore, J. R. [ Edmund Kirke .] Adrift in Dixie [in 1864] 155.4 — Among the pines; or, South in secession- time. 1865 67.29 — Down in Tennessee [in 1863-4] 155.2 — My southern friends. 1863 67.28 — On the border [Kentucky, 1861-2]. 1867. 155.3 Qioyanni, etc. Burnett, F. H ]98.11 Gipsy, The. James, G: P. R 36.856 Girl graduate. Wooley, Celia P 152.2 Girls, The, and I. Molesworth, Mrs. M.L. j 101.21 Girton girl. Edwards, Mrs. Annip 36.754 Gissing, G: R. Demos: a story of English socialism. 1886 * 36.801 1 — Nether world. 1889 148.15 — The odd women. 1893 174.2 [Gladden, Washington. Santa Claus on a lark, and other Christmas stories. 1890 J93.14 rLiMPSE of the world. Sewell, E. M 37.44 Low - worm tales. Pay n, .James. 2v 36.975 Iid’s fool. Schwartz, J. V. P. [ Maarten Maartens.] 171.24 jethe, J. W. von. Wilhelm Meister’s travels. 1882 68.15 jol, Nicholai V. Taras Bulba. [Rus- sian story.] [1886.] 67.24 P>en age, A story of. Baldwin J ]97.3 >en calf. Boyesen, H. H 175.17 JEN calf. Braddon, M. E 36.654 Golden, A, gossip. Whitney, A. D. T. Golden wedding, etc. Stuart, Ruth M. 173.16 Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield. 1890 156.31 Goldsmith’s wife. Ainsworth, W: H. 36.626 Goodman, E: J. Too curious. 1888 36.803 Gordon, Julien, pseud. See Cruger, Mrs. Van Rensselaer. Gordon, W. J. Englishman’s Haven. [Story of Louisbourg.] 1892 J97.23 Gore, Mrs. C. F. A life’s lessons. 1857. 36.802 Gosau smithy. Parr, Mrs. Louisa 36.962 Gospel stories. Tolstoi, Lyof N 165.5 Goss, Warren Lee. Jed: a boy’s adventures in the army of ’61 and ’65. [1889.]. J94.9 Gosse, Edmund. Secret of Narcisse. [1892.] 173.25 Governor, The, etc. Hibbard, G: A 166.13 Grand, Sarah. The heavenly twins. [1893.] 176.11 Grand Chaco, The Fenn, G: M j 102. 11 Grandison Mather. Harland, Henry 156.4 Grandmother, The. Nemec, Bozena 163.29 Grange garden. Kingsley, Henry 36.866 Grania: the story of an island. Lawless, E. 166.3 Grant, Maria M. Artiste. 1880 36.806 — Cara Roma. 1885 36.807 — My heart’s in the Highlands. 1878.... 36.808 — Prince Hugo. 1882 36.809 — The sun-maid. 1877 36.810 — Victor Lescar. 1875 36.811 Grant, Robert. Jack Hall; or, the school days of an American boy. 1888 J85.29 — Knave of hearts. 1886 162.22 — Opinions of a philosopher. 1893 175.15 — Reflections of a married man. 1892 166.21 — Romantic young lad} 7 . 1886 162.21 Grantley Manor. Fullerton, Lady G 36.787 Grape from a thorn. Payn, James 36.976 Gray, Maxwell, pseud. $eeTuttiet, M. G. Graysons: a story of Illinois. Eggleston, E: 151.26 Great Grenfell gardens. Buxton, B. H 36.673 Great man of the provinces in Paris. Bal- zac, Honore de 174.8 Great shadow. Doyle, A. Conan 174.11 Great treason. Marks, Mar} 7 A. M 56.18 Great war syndicate. Stockton, F. R 155.27 Greater glory. Schwartz, J. V. P 178.10 Greatest heiress in England. Oliphant, M. O. W 36.944 Greek comedians, Stories from. Church, A. .T 173.8 Green, Anna Katharine. Marked “Per- sonal.” 1893 174.20 Green gate. Wichert, Ernst 68.17 Green pleasure and grey grief. Hunger- ford, Mrs. Margaret 36.831 Greene, Homer. Riverpark rebellion ; and A tale of the tow-path. [1892.] . J97.29 Greene, Sarah P. McLean. Leon Ponti- fex. [1890.] 162.25 — Towhead: the story of a girl. 1883 162.24 — Vesty of the Basins. 1892 176.16 Greenleaf, Elizabeth, The working ten of the King’s Daughters. 1889 j95.10 Greey, E: Captive of love: Japanese ro- mance. 1885 58.29 Greifenstein. Crawford, F. M 151.9 Griffis, W: E. Honda, the Samurai; a story of modern Japan. [1890.] 162.17 Grimm, J. L. K: and W. K: Gammer Grethel’s popular stories and fairy tales. 1884 j94.12 — Household tales; tr. by M. Hunt. 2 v. 1884 / j94.11 FICTION. 79 FICTION. •Grinnell, G: B. Blackfoot lodge tales. 1892 172.3 — Pawnee hero stories and folk-tales. 1889. 155.10 Grossi, Tommaso. Marco Visconti. [From the Italian.] 1881 06. 1 •‘Ground arms!” Suttner, Bertha von... 105.21 Guilderoy. Rame, Louise de la 37.18 Guilty river. Collins, Wilkie 36.724 Gulf and glacier. Allen, Willis B j 101. 28 Gunnar. Boyesen, H. H 107.13 Gunsaulus, Frank W. Monk and knight; an historical study in fiction. [Early half of 16th century.] 2 v. 1891.. 163.9 Gunter, Archibald C. Mr. Barnes of New York. 1887 67.32 — Mr. Potter of Texas. 1888 67.33 Guthrie, F. A. [ F . Anstey.] Fallen idol. 1886 36.812 — The talking horse, etc. [1891 •] 176.28 — Tourmalin’s time cheques. 1891 163.15 Gutzkow, K: Through night to light. 1870 36.813 Gypsy series. See Phelps, E. S j85.23 H. H. See Jackgon, Helen Hunt. Habberton, John. A lucky lover. [1892.] 167.30 Hacklander, F: W: Behind the counter. 1868 36.817 Hagarene. Lawrence, G. A 36.871 Haggard, H: Rider. Allan Quatermain. 1887 66.31 — Allan’s wife, etc. 1889 ... 154. 13 — Cleopatra. [1889.] 151.25 — Colonel Quaritch, V. C. 1889. 36 818 — Eric Brighteyes. 1891 163.16 — Jess. [Scene in South Africa.] 1887. . . 66.14 — King Solomon’s mines. 1887 66.16 — Maiwa’s revenge. 1888 36.819 — Mr. Meeson’s will. 1888 147.28 — Montezuma’s daughter. 1893 177.30 — Nada the lily, [a Zulu romance]. 1892 166.11 — She : a story of adventure. 1887 66.15 — Witch's head. 1887 36 820 Haile, Ellen. Three Brown boys. [1879.] j93.19 — Two Gray girls. [1880.] j93.20 Hale, E: E. In his name. [Story of the Waldenses.] 1886 47.45 — Man without a country, etc. 1890 161.27 — Sybil Knox. [1892 ] 175.31 — and Lucretia P. The new Harry and Lucy; a story of Boston in the sum- mer of 1891. 1892 167.11 Hall, B. R. [Robert Garleton .] New pur- chase; or, early years in the Far West. [1855.] 178.19 Hall, James. Tales of the border. 1853. 155.5 Hall, Mrs. S. C. Marian. 1877 36.821 Hallam succession. Barr, Amelia E 168.22 Hallowell, Mrs. Joshua L. Bee's bed- time; stories. [1873.] ]97.15 Halves. Payn. James 39.977 Hammer, The; a story of Maccabean times. Church, Alfred J 155.15 Hammer and anvil. Spielhagen, Friedrich. 182.8 Hammond, W: A. A strong-minded wo- man. [1885.] 65.8 Hancock, Anson U. Silhouettes from life [in Nebraska and Michigan]. 1893.. 173.18 Hand of Ethelberta. Hardy, Thomas 36.822 Handicapped. Terhune, M. V 117.21 Happy Dodd. Cooke, Rose Terry 181.13 Hard to bear. Craik, Georgiana 36.742 Harder, Ludwig. A family feud. 1883. 68.18 Hardy, Arthur S. Passe Rose. 1889.... 151.3 — Wind of destiny. 1886 65.25 Hardy, T: Hand of Ethelberta. 1876... 36.822 — Life’s little ironies. 1894 182.28 — Mayor of Casterbridge. 1886 65.17 — Tess of the D’Urbervilles. 1892 166.1 — Two on a tower. 1882 68.33 — Woodlanders. 1887 66.32 Hardy Norseman. Bayly, A. E 153.29 Harland, H: [, Sidney Luska .] Grandison Mather. [1889.] 156 4 — Yoke of the Thorah. [1887.] 67.26 Harland, Marion, pseud. See Terhune, M. V. Harper’s story books. See Abbott, Jacob. Harraden, Beatrice. In varying moods. 1894 181.5 — Ships that pass in the night. 1894 178.14 Harris, Joel Chandler. Balaam and his master, etc. 1891 162.6 — Daddy Jake and other stories. [1889.] J93.7 — Evening tales. See Ortoli, Frederic. 1893 j 103.8 — Free Joe, and other Georgian sketches. 1887 152.25 — On the plantation: a story of a Georgia boy’s adventure during the war. 1892. 166.4 — Uncle Remus and his friends. 1892. . . 168.29 Harris, Miriam C. Louie’s last term at St. Mary's. [I860.] j85.2 Harrison, Mrs. Burton. Anglomaniacs. [1890.] 157.16 — Bar Harbor days. 1887 67.4 — Belhaven tales; Crow’s nest; Una and King David. 1892 167.18 — Daughter of the South and shorter stories. 1892 166.12 — Edelweiss of the Sierras; Golden rod and other tales. 1892 166.15 — Flower de Hundred: story of a Virginia plantation. [1890.] 157.22 Harrison, Elizabeth. Vision of Dante; a story for little children and a talk to their mothers. 1894 j98.20 Harrison, Mrs. Mary K. [Lucas~ Malet.] Colonel Enderby’s wife. 1885 58.15 — Wages of sin. [1890 ] 161.32 Harry Joscelyn. Oliphant, Afrs.M.O. W. 36.945 Harry Marline. Porter, Admiral D. D. . . J77.27 Harry Richmond. Meredith, G: 151.17 Harry’s vacation. Richards, W. C j 94. 1 4 Harte, Bret. Colonel Starbottle’s client and some other people. 1893 177.8 — Cressy. 1890 154 4 — Crusade of the Excelsior. 1887 67.14 — First family of Tasajara. 1892 175.4 — Gabriel Conroy. 1877 164.21 — Protegee of .Tack Hamlin’s and other stories. 1894 178.16 — Sally Dows and other stories. 1893. . . . 174.1 — A Sappho of Green Springs and other stories. 1891 161.29 — Snow-bound at Eagles. 1892 181.23 Hartley, May LafFan. Flitters, Tatters and the Counsellor, etc. 1881 36.823 Harvest of wild oats. Church, Mrs. R. . 36.695 Hatton, Joseph. Princess MazarofT. [1891.] 176 12 Hauff, Wilhelm. Three tales. 1869 36.824 Haunted hotel. Collins, Wilkie 36.722 Hawthorne, Julian. Six cent Sam’s. [1893.] 173.32 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. House of the seven gables. [1851.] 165.18 Hayes, H enry, pseud. See Kirk, Mrs . Ellen O. Hazard of new fortunes. Howells, W: I). 2 v 154.1 FICTION. 80 FICTION. Hazlitt, W. C. ed . Tales and legends, [national or current in England]. 1892. 148.24 He fell in love with his wife. Roe, E: P. 58.31 He that will not when he may. Oliphant, M. O. W 36.946 Head of the firm. Riddell, Mrs. J. H 178.3 Head station. Praed, Mrs. Campbell 37.12 Hearn, Lafcadio. Youma; the story of a West Indian slave. 1890 158.30 Heart and science. Collins, Wilkie 36.723 Heart of Jane Warner. Church, Mrs. R. 36.696 Heather and snow. Macdonald, George. 174.28 Heaven, L ouise P. Chata and Chinita. 1889. 154.3 Heavenly twins. Grand, Sarah 176.11 Hector, Mrs. Annie F. [Mrs. Alexander . ] — At bay. 1885 68.31 — Beaton’s bargain. 1886 65.26 — Blind fate. 1890 161.3 — By woman’s wit. 1887 66.20 — Crooked path. [1889.] 152.22 — For his sake. 1893 176.8 — Forging the fetters, etc. 1887 66.21 — A life interest. 1888 36.630 — Mammon. 1892 176.7 — Mona’s choice. 1887 36.631 — A second life. 1885 ; 66.19 Hector Servadac. Verne, Jules 148.21 Hetmburg, W., pseud. See Behrens, Ber- tha. Heir of Linne. Buchanan, Robert 132.23 Heir of the ages. Payn, James 36.978 Heir presumptive. Church, Mrs. R 36.697 Heir to millions. Fawcett, Edgar 177.21 Helen Brent, M. D.: asocial study. [1892.] 167.22 Helen Whitney’s wedding, etc. Wood, Mrs. Henry 37.88 Henrietta’s wish. Yonge, C. M j95.20 Henry, Mrs. S. M. I. Frances Raymond's investment; or, the cost of a boy. [Temperance tale.] 1889 174.24 — The pledge and the cross. [1879.] j 102.21 Henty, G: A. Beric the Briton: a story of the Roman invasion. 1892 jlOl.l — By pike and dyke; a tale of the rise of the Dutch republic j94.17 — Condemned as a nihilist; a story of es- cape from Siberia. 1892 j 101 .2 — For the temple; a tale of the fall of Jerusalem jl03.29 — In Greek waters; a story of the Grecian war of independence, (1821-1827). 1892. j 101.3 — In the reign of terror j98.22 — Jacobite exile. [In service of Charles XII. of Sweden.] 1893 ’jl03.ll — Lion of St. Mark; a tale of Venice. 1889. j94.1 — Lion of the North; a tale of the times of Gustavus Adolphus jl03.23 — One of the 28th; a tale of Waterloo j94.18 — Out on the pampas. 1888 jl03.24 — St. Bartholomew’s eve; a tale of the Huguenot wars. 1893 jl02.17 — Through the Sikh war; a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. 1893.... j 102. 14 — Under Drake's flag j 103.25 — With Clive in India j 103.26 — With Lee in Virginia; a story of the American civil war j94. 19 — With Wolfe in Canada ji03.27 — Young Carthaginian j 103. 28 Her associate members. Alden.I. M j96.18 Her brother Donnard. Veeder, E. E 164.3 Her dearest foe. Hector, A. F 11.32 Her father’s name. Church, Mrs. R 36.698 Her first appearance. Hungerford, M... 36.832 Her love and his life. Robinson, F. W. . 163.18 Her only brother. Behrens, Bertha .’ 154.24 Her only son, etc. Smith, Hannah j 101.14 Her world against a lie. Church, Mrs. R. 36.699 Heresy of Mehitable Clark. Slosson,A.T. 176.5 Hermine’s triumphs. Colomb, Mme. C. jl01.26 Heroic happenings. Brooks, Elbridge S. J98.18 Herr baby. Molesworth.M. L j85.11 Herr Paulus. Besant, Walter 36.635 Heyse, Paul. Barbarossa, etc. 1874 36.826 — Children of the world. 1890 181.24 — The dead lake,e£c. 1870 36.825 — L’Arrabiata, etc. 1867 36.827 Hibbard, G: A. The Governor, etc. 1892. 166.13 Higginson, T: W. Monarch of dreams. 1887 153.17 High mills. Saunders, Katherine 37.41 High spirits. Payn, James. 2 v 36.979 Hillern, Mme. Wilhelmine von. Geiere- Wally ; a tale of the Tyrol. 1890. . . 181.25 — The hour will come. 1879 36.828 — Vulture maiden. 1876 36.829 Hilt to hilt. Cooke, J: Esten 168.3 Hiram Golf’s religion. 1893 175.6 His broken sword. Taylor, Winnie L 68.7 His grace. Norris, W. E 182.14 His great self. Terhune, Mrs. M. V 175.30 His little mother. Craik, D. M 36.733 His little royal highness. Ogden, Ruth.. . j93.11 Historical mystery, An. Balzac, H. de. . i.68.24 History of a slave [in Africa]. Johnston, H. H 153.20 History of David Grieve. Ward, H 164.22 Hithersea Mere. Noel, Lady Augusta. . 36.933 Hoffmann, Ernst T. W. Serapion breth- ren. 2 v. 1892 153.12 — Weird tales. 2v. 1885 152.24 Hogg, James. \Ettrick Shepherd.'] Tales. 2v. 1886 148.13 Holley, Marietta. [« Josiah Allen's icife.\ Miss Richard’s boy and other sto- ries. 1888- 172.2 — Samantha among the brethren. 1890. 148.20 — Samantha at Saratoga. 1887 148.8 — Samantha at the world’s fair. 1893 172.8 — Sweet Cicely ; or, Josiah Allen as a pol- itician. 18S6 148.6 Holm, Saxe, pseud. ^Jackson, H. H. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. A mortal antip- athy. 1885 58.26 Holt, Emily S. Sister Rose 181.26 Home nook. Douglas, Amanda M 163.3 Homespun yarns. Whitney, A. D. T 66.8 Honda the Samurai. Griffis, W. E 162.17 Hon. Mrs. Vereker. Hungerford, M .. 36.833 Hope Mills. Douglas, Amanda M 163.2 Hope’s heart bells. Oberholtzer. Mrs. S. L. 156.13 Hopkins, Mark, jr. The world’s verdict. 1888 68.3 Hoppin, Augustus. Recollections of Au- ton House. By C. Auton. 1885 j93.4 Hoppus, Mary A. M. See Marks, Mrs. M. A. M. Hostages to fortune. Braddon,M. E 36.655 Hour, The, will come. Hillern, Wilhelm- ine von 36.828 House, E: H. Midnight warning and other stories. 1892 j 101. 31 House by the medlar-tree. Verga, Gio- vanni 158.16 House of Martha. Stockton, F. R 163.27 FICTION. 81 FICTION. House of Pen ar van. Sandeau, Jules. . .In 36.790 House of the seven gables. Hawthorne, N. 165.18 House of the wolf. Weyman, S. J 156.20 House party. Rame, L. de la 37.19 Household of McNeil. Barr, A. E 157.7 Household tales. Grimm, J. L. K: and W. K: 2 v j94.11 How men propose. Stevens, Agnes, comp. 147.32 How they loved him. Church, Mrs. R 36.700 Howard, Blanche Willis. A battle and a boy. [1892.] j 103. 10 — No heroes. 1893 j 102. 20 — The open door. 1889 151.2 — Tony the maid. 1887 68.12 — and Sharp, W: A fellowe and his wife. 1892 165.26 Howe, Edgar W. A man story. 1889. . . . 132.28 Howe, M aud. Atalanta in the South. 1886. 65.16 Howells, W: D. Annie Kilburn. 1889. 152.26 — April hopes. 1888 67.30 — A boy’s town. 1890 . j95.29 — Christmas every day and other stories told for children. 1893 j 101. 29 — Coast of Bohemia. 1893 177.29 -r A hazard of new fortunes. 2 v. 1890.. 154.1 — An Indian summer. 1886 65.5 — Minister’s charge. 1886 66.10 — Quality of mercy. 1892 165.25 — Rise of Silas Lapham. 1885 58.18 — Shadow of a dream. 1890 157.20 — Traveller from Altruria. 1894 182.30 — World of chance. 1893 173.21 Huckleberries. Cooke, Rose Terry 167.9 Hulda: a romance. Lewald, F 68.16 Humble romance. Wilkins, Mary E 156.12 Hume, Fergus. Aladdin in London. 1892. 171.12 Humphrey, Frances A. Little pilgrims at Plymouth. [1890.] J96.6 Humphrey, Frank P. New England cac- tus and other tales. [1892.] 177.6 Hundredth man. Stockton, Frank R.. . . 68.8 Hungerford, Mrs. Marg. [ The Duchess . ] — DcSris. 1884 36.830 — Green pleasure and grey grief. 1886. . 36.831 — Her first appearance, etc. 1883 36.832 — Hon. Mrs. Yereker. 1888 36.833 — . In durance vile, etc. 1889 36.834 — Lady Valworth’s diamonds. 1887 36.835 — A life’s remorse. 1890 36.836 — Loys, Lord Berresford, etc. 1883 36.837 — Maiden all forlorn, etc. 1885 36.838 — Marvel. 1888 36.839 — Modern Circe. 1888 36 840 — Molly Bawn. 1878 36.841 — A passive crime and other stories. 1885. 36.842 — Phyllis. 1883 36.843 — Portia. 1883 36.844 — Rossmoyne. 1884 36.845 — - A troublesome girl, etc. 1889 36.846 — Under-currents. 1889 36.847 Hunter cats of Connorloa. Jackson, H.H. /nj84.18 Huntington, Faye, pseud. See Foster, Mrs. I. H. Hurrish. Lawless, Emily 36.870 I. D. B. in South Africa. Sheldon, Louise V- 152.23 I have lived and loved. Forrester, Mrs. . . 36.775 Icelandic fisherman. Viaud, Julien [Pierre Loti.] 181.32 Immortal, The. Daudet, Alphonse 151.1 In a north country village. Francis, M. E. 178.12 In durance vile. Hungerford, Mrs. M 36.834 In exile and other stories. Foote, MaryH. 181.1 In far Lochaber. Black, W: 36.639 In four reigns. Marshall, Emma 36.896 In great waters. Braddon, M. E 36.656 In Greek waters. Henty, G: A jl01.3 In His name. [Story of the Waldenses.] Hale, E: E 47.45 In Maremma. Ram&, Louise de la 37.20 In old Quinnebasset. Clark R.S J96.20 In old St. Stephen’s. Drake, Jeanie 167.31 In Old Virginia. [Stories.] Page, T:N.. 66.25 In pursuit of happiness. Tolstoi, L. N. . . 67.25 In search of the castaways. Verne, Jules. 148.22 In the boyhood of Lincoln. Butterworth, H. jl01.25 In the cheering-up business. Lee, MaryC. 161.17 In the city of flowers. Marshall, Emma. . 36.897 In the clouds. Murfree, Mary N 66.7 In the east country with Sir Thomas Browne. Marshall, Mrs. Emma. .. . 36.898 In the eastern seas. Kingston, W: H. G. . j 104.1 In the golden days. Bayly, E. A i.62.23 In the reign of terror. Henty, G: A j98.22 In the roar of the sea. Baring-Gould, S. 177.4 In the service of Rachel, Lady Russell. Marshall, Emma 171.14 In the “stranger people’s” country. Murfree, MaryN 165.19 In the valley. Frederic, Harold 158.11 In the wilds of Africa. Kingston, W: H. G. j 104. 2 In the wrong paradise, etc. Lang, Andrew. 181.30 In the year ’13. Reuter, Fritz 37.27 In trust. Oliphant, M. O. W 36.948 In varying moods. Harraden, Beatrice. .. . 181.5 In war time. Mitchell, S. W 58.22 Independence. Musick, John R 175.7 Indian fairy tales. Jacobs, Joseph, ed j98. 15 Indian summer. Howells, W:D 65.5 Ingelow, Jean. Fated to be free. 1875. . 36.854 Ingersoll, Ernest. The silver caves ; a mining story. [1890.] j95.36 Inheritance. Ferrier, Mary 153. 15 Inner house, The. Besant, Walter 36.636 Inquirendo Island. Genone,Hudor 174.26 Inside our gate. Brush, Christine C 152.8 Introduced to society. Aide, Hamilton.. 36.620 Invaders and other stories. Tolstoi, L. N. 67.22 Invisible lodge. Richter, J. P. F 68.34 I one. Linton, E. Lynn 36.874 Irish tales. Yeats, W. B., comp. 2v 163.11 Iron, Ralph, pseud. See Schreiner, Olive. Iron crown. [Abuses of corporate power.] 66.27 Iron game. Keenan. H: F 161.28 Ironmaster. Ohnet, Georges 172.13 Is he Popenjoy ? Trollope, A. 3v. in 2.. 37.66 Isaacs, Abram S. Stories from the rabbis. 1893 175.2 Isaacs, Jorge. Maria ; a South American romance. 1890 154.15 Isiiamael. Braddon, M. E. 3 v in 2 36.657 Island, The. Whiteing, Richard 37.80 Island nights’ entertainments. Stevenson, R. L 173.28 It was a lover and his lass. Oliphant, M. O. W. 3 v. in 2 36.949 Italian popular tales. Crane, T: F: 172.15 Italians, The. Elliot, Frances 36.766 Ivan Ilyitch, etc. Tolstoi, L. N 67.6 I var the Viking. Du Chaillu, Paul 175.20 Jack. Daudet, Alphonse 151.5 J ack and three Jills. Philips. F. C 37.3 Jack Hall. Grant, Robert j85.29 FICTION. 82 FICTION. Jack Horner. Tiernan, Mary S 156.5 Jack the fisherman. Phelps, Eliz. S 134.32 Jack the hunchback. Kaler, James O. . . j97.26 Jackson, Helen Hunt. Between whiles. [Stories.] 1887 66.26 — Cat stories. [1879.] j84.18 — Stories. 2 v. 1886 143.13 — Zeph. A posthumous story. 1885... 58.27 Jacobite exile. Henty, G. A ] 103.1 Jacobs, Joseph, ed. Celtic fairy tales. Illus. 1892 .198.16 — English fairy tales. Illus. 1892 J98.17 — Indian fairy tales. Illus. 1892 J98.15 Jak, pseud. See Williams, Annie B. James, G: P. R. The gipsy. 1847 36.856 James, H: The Bostonians. 1886 65.6 — Daisy Miller. 1892 172.11 — Lesson of the master, etc. 1892 166.2 — A London life; The Patagonia; The liar; Mrs. Temperlv. 1889 152.4 — Princess Casamassima. 1886 66.9 — The private life; Lord Beaupre; The visits. 1893 177.24 — Real thing and other tales. 1893 173.9 — Tragic muse. 2 v. 1890 155.26 Jan Vedder’s wife. Barr, Amelia E 154.7 Jane Field. Wilkins, Mary E 171.19 Janet’s home. Keary, Annie 63.1 Janvier, T: A. Aztec treasure-house. 1890 156.25 — Stories of old new Spain. [Mexico.] 1891 173.1 Jason Edwards. Garland, Hamlin 176.18 Jean de Kerdren. Schultz, Jeanne. 167.24 Jed. Goss, Warren Lee j94.9 Jefferies, R: After London; or, Wild England. 1885 153.23 Jenkin, Mrs. C. A Psyche of to-day. 1876. 147.16 Jenks, Tudor. Century’s World’s fair book for boys and girls. [1893.] . . j98.19 Jennie of “The Prince’s.” Buxton, B. H. 36.674 Jerome, Jerome K. Three men in a boat. 1890 157.31 — Told after supper. 1891 157.30 Jess. Haggard, H. Rider 66.14 Jet: her face or her fortune? Edwards, Mrs. Annie 36.755 Jew, The. Kraszewski, Joseph 1 157.1 Jewett, Sarah Orne. Betty Leicester, a story for girls. 1890 j94.16 — - Country by-ways. 1888 156.2 — King of Folly Island, and other people. 1888 156.7 — A marsh island. 1885 58.17 — Mate of the Daylight and friends ashore. 1891 :.... 181.28 — A native of Winby, etc. 1893 175.11 — Strangers and wayfarers. [Short stor- ies.] 1891 161.11 — Tales of New England. 1890 158.20 — White heron and other stories. 1892. 175.1 Jezebel’s daughter. Collins, Wilkie 36.725 Joachim v. Kamern. Nathusius, Maria. . 36.932 John, Mrs. E. [E. Marlitt .] Lady with the rubies. 1888 154.25 — The owl’s nest. 1888 133.22 John Bodewin’s testimony. Foote, Mary H. 65. 15 John Boyd’s adventures. Knox, T: W. . jl03.2 John Caldigate. Trollope, A. 3 v. in 2. 37.67 John Dorrien. Kavanagh, Julia. 3 v in 2. 36.861 John Gray. Allen, James Lane. 1893.. 182.20 John Herring. Baring-Gould, S 36.805 John Holdsworth, chief mate. Russell, W: C 147.27 John Maidment. Sturgis, Julian 65.23 John Remington, martyr. Alden, Mrs. I. M. and Livingston, Mrs. C. M 166.18 John Spicer lectures. Diaz, Mrs. A. M. . j85.24 John Ward, preacher. Deland, Marg 147.31 Johnson, Rossiter. End of a rainbow. 1892 J97.31 Johnston, H. H. History of a slave. [In Africa.] 1889 153.20 Johnston, R: Malcolm. Mr. Billy Downs and his likes, etc. 1892 177.9 — The Primes and their neighbors. Ten tales of Middle Georgia. 1891 162.28 — Widow Guthrie. [A Georgia story.] 1890 161.5 Jokai, Maurus. Eyes like the sea. 1894. 182.31 — Modern Midas. 1884 181.29 — Timar’s two worlds. 1894 182.32 Jolly, Emily. Colonel Dacre. 1877 36.857 Jolly Rover. Trowbridge, J. T j84.16 Jones, C: C. Negro myths from the Geor- gia coast. 1888 171.26 Joost Avelingh. Schwartz, J. V. P 178.11 Jo’s boys; sequel to “Little men.” Alcott, Louisa M J95.9 Joshua. Ebers, Georg 156.29 Joshua Haggard’s daughter. Braddon, M. E 36.658 Josiah Allen’s wife, pseud. See Holley, Marietta. Journey in other worlds. Astor, J: J. . . 181.2 Judge Burnham’s daughters. Alden, I. M. j88.34 Juggernaut. Eggleston, G: C. and Mar- bourg, Dolores 161.30 Juncker, E. Margarethe: a romance. 1887 68.20 June. Forrester, Mrs 36.776 Jungle book. Kipling, Rudyard jl04.9 Jupiter lights.. Woolson, Constance F. 154.2 Just as I am. Braddon, M. E 36.659 Just sixteen. Coolidge, Susan j94.23 Justina. 1886 65.21 K., J. A. Giant dwarf. [1889.] ]85.25 Kaler, James O. [James Otis.] Jack the hunchback. [1892.] j97.26 — Left behind; or, ten days a newsboy. 1885 j84.9 — Mr. Stubbs’s brother; sequel to “Toby Tyler.” [1882.] .' . jl02.5 Kamehameha; a romance of Hawaii. Newell, C. M 153.27 Katerfelto. Melville, G. J. W 36.913 Katharine Lauderdale. Crawford, F. M. 2 v 178.21 Katharine North. Pool, Maria Louise. . 173.11 Katharine Regina. Besant, Walter 36.637 Kavanagh, Bridget and Julia. Pearl fountain and other fairy tales. 1877. ]95. 14 Kavanagh, Julia. Forget-me-nots. 1878. 36.860 — John Dorrien. 3 v in 2. 1875 36.861 — Two Lilies. 1877 36.862 Keary, Annie. Janet’s home. 1882 .... 65.1 — A York and a Lancaster Rose. 1888. . J96.28 Keeling, Elsa d’Esterre-. Laughing philosopher, 1886 36.863 — Professor’s wooing. 1887 36.864 — Three sisters. 1884 36.865 Keenan, H: F. The iron game: a tale of the war, [1861-5], 1891 161.28 Keith Deramore. Butt, B. M 178.15 Kemble, Frances A. Far away and long ago. 1889 ' 154.10 Kenneth. Yonge, Charlotte M ]95.21 Kent Hampden. Davis, Rebecca H.... j 101.5 FICTION. 83 FICTION. t Kept in the dark. Trollope, Anthony. . . 37.G8 Ker, D. Lost city [Central Asia]. 1885. j84.10 Khaled. Crawford, F. Marion 163.17 Kidnapped. Stevenson, R. L: 65.14 King, Capt. C: Between the lines [story of the war]. 1889 152.17 — By land and sea. [Stories.] 1891 162.29 — Cadet days: a story of West Point. 1894. 98.28 — Captain Blake. 1891 163.7 — Colonel’s Christmas dinner. [Stories.] 1892 171.20 — The deserter. [1887.] 148.7 — From the ranks. [1887.] 148.12 — “ Laramie a story of the Sioux war of 1876. 1889.. . 154.20 — Marion’s faith; sequel to the “Colonel’s daughter.” 1886 65.12 — Soldier’s secret: a story of the Sioux war of 1890, and An army Portia. 1893 171.21 — Starlight ranch; and other stories of army life on the frontier. 1890 155.30 — Trials of a staff-officer. 1891 168.10 — Two soldiers; Dunraven ranch. 1891. 158.24 — A war-time wooing. [1888.] 152.16 King, Grace. Tales of a time and place. 1892 176.31 King Arthur. Craik, D. M 36.734 King of Folly Island. Jewett, Sarah O. . 156.7 King of Schnorrers, etc. Zangwill, 1 178.25 King of Tyre. Ludlow, James M 165.20 King Solomon’s mines. Haggard, H. R. 66.16 King Tom and the runaways. Pendleton, Louis j93.17 King’s Daughters. Dickinson, Ellen E. . i58.27 Kings in exile. Daudet, Alphonse 158.7 King’s servants. Smith, Hannah jl01.16 Kingsley, H: The grange garden. 1876. .36.866 Kingston, W: H: G. Fisherboy j 95 . 1 1 — In the Eastern seas. 1892 j 104.1 — In the wilds of Africa. 1892 jl04.2 — Peter the whaler j94.5 — Peter Trawl;or, adventures of a whaler. j85.3 Kipling Rudyard. Courting of Dinah Shadd, etc. 1890 156.27 — The jungle book. 1894 jl04.9 — Life’s handicap; being stories of mine own people. 1891 164.13 — Light that failed 157.24 — Mine own people. [Stories.]. 1891... 162.27 — Phantom ’rickshaw; and other tales. 1890 156.17 — Plain tales from the hills. 1890 156.15 — Soldiers three; In black and white. [1890.] 156.16 — and Balestier, Wolcott. The Naulah- ka. 1892 166.19 Kirk, Mrs. Ellen O. [Henry Hayes.] Daugh- ter of Eve. 1889 152.1 — Margaret Kent. [1886.] 67.10 — Queen money. [1888.] 68.4 — Walford. 1891 161.1 Kirke, Edmund, pseud. Hee Gilmore, .J. R. Kirkland, Joseph. The McVeys. 1888. 151.29 — Zury: the meanest man in Spring county; anovel of western life. 1889. 164.6 Kit: a memory. Payn, James 36.980 Klytia. Taylor, George, pseud 37.48 Knave of hearts. Grant, Robert 162.22 KNiGHT-errant. Bayly, A. E 162.2 Knightly legends of Wales; or, the Boy’s Mabinogion; ed by S. Lanier j77.28 Knitters in the sun. French, Alice 163.20 Knox, T: W. John Boyd’s adventures. 1893 jl03,2 Ivohn, S: Gabriel; a story of the Jews in Prague. 1869 36.867 Kokhanovsky% Mme. Rusty linchpin; Luboff Archipovna. [Russian tales.] [1887.] 67.7 Korean tales. Allen, H. N., tr 152.29 Korolenko, Vladimir. Blind Musician. 1890 155.20 Ivouns, Nathan C. Dorcas, the daughter of Faustina. [1884.] 155.8 Kraszewski, Joseph I. The Jew. [From the Polish.] [1890.] 157.1 Kremnitz, Mite, ed. Roumanian fairy tales. 1885 j95.5 La Mfcre Bauche. Trollope, Anthony 37.69 Lacey, W : J. Through storm to sunshine. [Temperance tale.] 1887 j85.22 Lads and lassies of Langley, etc. Yonge, C. M j95.22 Lad’s, A, love. Bates, Arlo 156.24 Lady Alice. Marshall, Emma 36.899 Lady Bird. Fullerton, Lady Georgiana. . 36.788 “Lady Maud: ” schooner yacht. Russell, W : C 37.33 Lady of Fort St. John. Catherwood, Mary H 164.2 Lady, or the tiger ? Stockton, F. R 66.5.1 Lady Silverdale’s sweetheart. Black, W: 36.640 Lady Valworth’s diamonds. Hunger- ford, Mrs. M 36.835 Lady with the rubies. John, Mrs. E. . . . 154.25 LaFayette, M. M. P. de la V. , comtesse de. Princess of Cloves. 2 v. 1891 164.20 Lamb, C: Adventures of Ulysses. 1886. j96.14 — and Mary. Tales from Shakespeare’s comedies; ed., with notes, by W: J. Rolfe. Illus. 1891 j96.9 — Tales from Shakespeare’s tragedies; ed., with notes, by W: J. Rolfe. 1891. j96.8 Lance of Kanana. French, Harry W.. jl01.ll “Land o’ the leal.” Reeves, Mrs. H. B. . 36.909 “Land of the sky.” Fisher, Frances C. . 148.17 Landolin. Auerbach, Berthold 147.12 Lang, Andrew. In the wrong paradise, etc. 1887 181.30 — ed t Blue fairy book. Illus. 1890.... j96.1 — - Green fairy book. Illus. 1892 jl01.7 — - Red fairy book. Illus. 1890.... j96.2 — - True story book. Illus. 1893 j 103.6 Lanier, Sidney, ed. Boy’s Mabinogion; being earliest Welsh tales of King Arthur. 1881 77.28 Lapsed but not lost. Charles, Mrs. E. . . 36.685 ‘ ‘ Laramie. ’ ’ King, Captain C : 154. 20 Last assembly ball. Foote, Mary H 153.5 Last confession. Caine, Hall 176.27 Last of the Macallisters. Barr, Amelia E. 151.31 Last sentence. Tuttiett, Miss M. G 174.15 Last touches, etc. Clifford, Mrs. W. K . . 178.5 Late Mrs. Null. Stockton, F. R 65.10 Lathrop, G: P. An echo of passion. 1885 156.22 Laughing philosopher. Keeling, Elsa d’E. 36.863 Laurel bush. Craik, Mrs. D. M 36.735 Laurentia. Fullerton, Lady Georgiana. 36.789 Laurie, Andre. Axel Ebersen, the grad- uate of Upsala. 1893 171.23 Lawless, Hon. Emily. Chelsea house- holder. 1883..’ 181.31 — Grania: the story of an island. 1892. . 166.3 — Hurrish: a study. 1888 37.870 Lawrence, G: A. Hagarene. 1874 36.871 FICTION. 84 Leaguer of Lathom. Ainsworth, W: H. Leah. Edwards, Mrs. Annie Leah of Jerusalem. Berry, E: Leather and silk. Cooke, J : Esten Lee, Holme, pseud. See Parr, Miss H. Lee, Mary C. In the cheering-up busi- ness. 1891 — Quaker girl of Nantucket. 1890 Left behind: or, ten days a newsboy. Kaler, James O Legacy of Cain. Collins, Wilkie Leon Pontifex. Greene, Sarah P. McL. . Leon Boch. Galdos, B. P Leonard and Gertrude. Pestalozzi, J. H. Less black than we’re painted. Payn, James Lesson of the master. James, H: ...... . 166.2 Letter of credit. Warner, Susan 152.9 Levy, Amy. Reuben Sachs 153.13 Lewald, Fanny. Hulda. 1887 68.16 — Stella. [Rome in 1845.] 1884 36.872 Lie, Jonas. Barque. Future; or, life in the far North. [Norway.] 1879.. 175.5 Life interest. Hector, Mrs. A. F 36.630 Life’s aftermath. Marshall, Emma 36.900 Life’s handicap. Kipling, Rudvard 164.13 Life’s, A, lessons. Gore, Mrs. C. F 36.802 Life’s little ironies. Hardy, T: 182.28 Life’s, A, remorse. Hungerford, Mrs. M. 36.836 Lifted veil. Eliot, George, pseud 36.765 Light of her countenance. Boyesen, H. H 153.3 Light that failed. Kipling Rudyard ... : 157.24 Like and unlike. Braddon, M. E 36.660 Lilies of the valley. Fullerton, Lady G. . 36.790 Lily of the valley. Balzac, H. de 162.3 Linton, .E. Lynn. Atonement of Learn Dundas. 1876 36.873 — lone. 1884 36.874 — “My love.” 1881 36.875 — Patricia Kemball. 1875 36.876 — Tod hunters’ at Loanin’ Head, etc. 1881 36.877 — Under which lord? 1880 36.878 - — With a silken thread, etc. 1880 36.879 — The world well lost. 1877 36.880 Lion of St. Mark. Henty, G: A j94. 1 Lion of the North. Henty, G: A JJ03.23 List, ye landsmen! Russell, W. C 173.7 Little Barefoot. Auerbach, Berthold. . . j96.31 Little book of profitable tales. Field, Eugene 166.7 Little country girl. Woolsey, S. C j95.8 Little duke. Yonge, C. M j95.23 Little Jarvis. Seawell, Molly E j 103. 11 Little journey in the world. Warner, C:' D ' 154.17 Little lame prince. Craik, D. M 36.736 Little Lord Fauntleroy. Burnett, F. H. . j93.5 Little Lucy’s wonderful globe. Yonge, C. M j96.16 Little Marjorie’s love story. Bouvet, Marguerite j96. 32 Little minister. Barrie, James M 166.26 Little Miss Muffet. Carey, Rosa N jl02.3 Little Miss Weezy’s sister. Clark, Sarah J. j94.20 Little Mrs. Murray. Philips, F. C 37.7 Little Peggy. Molesworth, M j85.28 Little pilgrim.. Oliphant, M. O. W 154.9 Little pilgrims at Plymouth. Hum- phrey, F. A j96.6 Little Saint Elizabeth. Burnett, F. H. j93.10 Little stepson. Church, Mrs. Ross 36.701 Living or dead. Fargus, F. J 36.771 FICTION. Lob Lie-bv-the-fire, etc. Ewing, J. H... j 103. 21 Lobeira, Vasco. Amadis of Gaul 172.12 Locke, David R. [P. V. Nasby.] The demagogue, a political novel. 1891. 168.18 Lockhart, L. W. M. Mine is thine. 1878. 36.881 Log school-house on the Columbia. But- terworth, H j 101. 24 London life, etc. James, Henry 152.4 Long run. Cleveland, Rose E 65.9 Looking backward; 2000-1887. Bellamy, E: 151.12 Looking further forward. Michaelis, R: 156.26 Lord Brackenbury. Edwards, A. B 36.751 Lord Fairfax. Cooke, J: E 168.6 Lord Ormont and his Aminta. Mere- dith, G: 182.16 Lorenzo Benoni. Ruffini, G 37.32 Lorley and Reinhard. Auerbach, B. . . 147.14 Los Cerritos. Atherton, G. F 158.23 Loss of the Swansea. Alden, W. L j94.10 Lost battle. Price, Mrs. E. C 37.14 Lost canyon of the Toltecs. Seeley, C. S. jl03. 15 Lost city. Ker, David j84.10 Lost Gip. Smith, Hannah jlOl.18 Lost illusions. Balzac, Honorede 171.22 Lost in a great city. Douglas, A 145.25 Lost in the post. Wood, Mrs. Henry 37.89 Lost jewel. Spofford, H. P j95. 33 Lost manuscript. Freytag, Gustav. 2 v. 172.10 Lost silver of Briffault. Barr, Amelia E. 168.21 Lothrop, Harriet M. [ Margaret Sidney.'] Adirondack cabin. [1890.] j93. 18 — Five little peppers grown up: sequel to Five little Peppers midway. [1890.] j97.9 — Five little Peppers midway. 1890. . . . j95.28 — Our town. [1889.] J94. 7 — What the seven did. 1882 j98.24 Loti, Pierre, pseud. See Yiaud Julien. Loughead, Mrs. Flora H. Abandoned claim. 1892 jl04.3 Louie’s last term at St. Marv’s. Harris, M. C j85.2 Louis Lambert. Balzac, Honore de 168.26 Love and life. Yonge, C. M 37.104 Love and theology. Wooley, Celia P. .. . 68.23 Love for an hour is love for ever. Barr, Amelia E 168.23 LovE-letters of a worldly woman. Clif- ford, Mrs. W. K 177.13 Loyalty George. Parr, Mrs. Louise 36.964 Loys, Lord Berresford. Hungerford, M. 36.837 Luboff Archipovna. Kolchanovsky, Mme. In 67.7 Lucie’s mistake. Behrens, Bertha 156.14 Luck of the Darrells. Payn, James 36.982 Lucky disappointment. Church, Mrs. R. 3d. 702 Lucky lover. Habberton, John 167.30 Lucky young woman. Philips, F. C 37.8 Ludlow, James M. Captain of the Janiz- aries. [Time of Scanderberg and • the fall of Constantinople.] 1890. . 157.26 — A king of Tyre. [Times of Ezra and Nehemiah.] 1891 165.20 — That angelic woman. 1892 165.15 Lulu’s library. Alcott, L. M. 3 v j84. 21 Luska, Sidney, pseud. See Harland, Henry. Lyaul, Edna, pseud. See Bayly A. E. Lyndell Sherburne. Douglas, Amanda M. . 175.19 Maartens, Maarten, pseud. See Schwartz, J. Y. P. Mabie, Hamilton W. Norse stories retold from the Eddas. 1888 j96.3 McCarthy, Justin. The dictator: a novel of politics and society. 1893 174.6 — Donna Quixote. 1881 36.885 — Miss Misanthrope. 1878 36.886 36.627 36.756 158.26 168.4 161.17 154.5 .184.9 36.727 162.25 182.23 158.18 FICTION. 85 FICTION. McCarthy, Justine, continued. ■ — and Praed, Mrs. C.-“The right honor- able.” 1888 McClelland, M.G. Burkett’sLock. [1888.] McCray, Florinet T. Environments. 1887. Macdonald, G: Elect lady. 1888 — Gifts of the child Christ, etc. 1882 — Heather and snow. 1893 — There and back. [1891.] — What’s mine’s mine. 1886 Mace, Jean. Home fairy tales. [1867.].. McLean, Sarah P. See Greene, S. P. Me L. Macquoid, Katharine S. At an old cha- teau. 1890 — At the Red Glove. 1885 — Beside the river: a story of the Ar- dennes. 1881 — Diane. 1876 — A faithful lover. 1882 — Maisie Derrick. [1891.] — My story. 1875 McVeys, The. Kirkland, Joseph Madame de Presnel. Poynter, E. F Madame Fontenoy. Roberts, Miss M . . . . Madame’s grand-daughter. Peard, F. M. Made or marred. Fothergill, Jessie Madonna of the tubs. Phelps, Eliz. S. . . Madrigal, A, etc. Peard, F. M Magic skin. Balzac, H. de Magnum bonum. Yonge, C. M Magruder, Julia. Across the chasm. 1885. Maid Marian and other stories. Seawell, Molly E Maid Marian and Robin Hood. Muddock, J. E Maid of Killeena. Black, W: Maiden all forlorn. Hungerford, Mrs. M. Maiden sisters. Pauli, M. A Maine, E. S. Scarcliff rocks. 1876 MAiN-travelled roads. Garland, Hamlin. Maisie Derrick. Macquoid, KatherineS. Maiwa’s revenge. Haggard, H. Rider. . . Major and minor. Norris, W: E Malet, L ucas, pseud. See Harrison, Mrs. W. Mallock, W: H. The new republic. 1880. Mammon. Hector, Mrs. A. F Man in possession. Booth, Mrs. O Man, A, story. Howe, Edgar W M an without a country. Hale, E: E Mann, Mrs. Horace. Flower people. 1888. Manon Lescaut. Prevost d’ E. A. F Mantegazza, Paolo. Testa: a book for boys. 1889 Manteuffel, Ursula Z. von. Violetta. 1886 Marcella. Ward, Mrs. Humphrey. 2 v. Marcia. Norris, W: E Marco Visconti. Grossi, Tommaso Margaret Kent. Kirk, Mrs. Ellen O. . . . Margaret Regis. Ryder, Annie II Margaretiie. Juncker, E Margery. Ebers, Georg. 2 v Marguerite de Valois. Dumas, A. 2 v. Maria; a South American romance. Isaacs, Jorge Marian. Hall, Mrs. S. C Marie Antoinette and her son. Mundt, C. M.- • Marienela. Galdbs, Binot Perez Marion Darche. Crawford, F. M Marion Fay. Trollope, Anthony Marionettes. Cruger, Mrs. Van R Marion’s faith ; sequel to the “Colonel’s daughter.” King, Capt. C 68.27 155.9 67.3 132.24 36.887 174.28 163.19 66.6 j97.1 158.2 181.3 36.888 36.889 36.890 166.17 36.891 151.29 37.10 36.369 36.991 36.784 47.47 36.992 147.30 37.105 58.19 182.6 j 101.8 36.642 36.838 36.371 36.892 165.11 166.17 36.819 36.936 151.8 176.7 176.24 132.28 161.27 j85.27 148.11 j96.17 66.2 178.20 158.9 66.1 67.10 j97. 10 ' 68.20 152.13 171.4 154.15 36.821 47.46 182.21 175.10 37.70 174.29 65.12 Marius the Epicurean. Pater, Walter.. 162.5 Mark Twain, pseud. See Clemens, S. L. Marked “Personal.” Green, Anna K 174.20 Marks, Mrs. M. A. M. [Mary A. M. Hop- pus.] Great treason. 2 v. in 1. 1883 56.18 Marlitt, E., pseud. See John, Mrs. E. Marooned. Russell, W: Clark 156.3 Maroussia, maid of Ukraine. Stahl, P. J. 156.19 Marriage. Ferrier, Mary 153.14 Marriage oI' Moira Fergus. Black, W: In 36.640 Marryat, F lorence. See Church, Mrs. Ross. Marryat, F: Pirate and three cutters. 1886 153.9 Marsh, C: L. Opening the oyster. 1889. 153.2 Marsh island. Jewett, Sarah 0 58.17 Marshall, Mrs. Emma. Alma [Musical story.] 1889 36.893 — Benvenuta; or, rainbow colors. 1882. 36.894 — Dayspring: a story of the time of Wil- liam Tyndale 36.895 — Dorothy’s daughters jl04.4 — Eaglehurst Towers 167.32 — In four reigns, 1785-1842. 1887 36.896 — In the city of flowers. [Florence.] 1889. 36.897 — In the east country with Sir Thomas Browne. 1885 36.898 — In the service of Rachel Lady Russell. 1893 ' 171.14 — Lady Alice. 1882 36.899 — Life’s aftermath. 1883 36.900 — Mrs. Mainwaring’s journal, [1819-69]. 1881 ' 36.901 — No. 13; or the story of the lost vestal. [The early church in Britain and Rome.] 1886 36.902 — On the banks of the Ouse. [William Cowper; John Newton.] 1888 36.903 — - Rex and Regina. 1883 36.904 Martha Corey. Du Bois, Constance G. . 157.17 Marvel. Hungerford, Mrs. Margaret... 36.839 Mary’s meadow. Ewing, Juliana H j93.22 Marzio’s crucifix. Crawford, F. M 68.9 Masollam. Oliphant, Laurence 36.941 Master Humphrey’s clock. Dickens, C: 3v 36.749 Master of Ballantrae. Stevenson, R. L: 153.1 Master of his fate. Barr, Amelia E 147.33 Master of the magicians. Phelps, E. S. and Ward, H. D 155.29 Master passion. Church, Mrs. Ross 36.703 Master Rockafellar’s voyage. Russell, W: C 163.6 Mate of the Daylight, etc. Jewett, S. O.. 181.28 Mate of the “Easter Bell,” etc. Barr, Amelia E 173.12 Mate of the Vancouver. Roberts, Mor- ley 176.22 Mathers, Helen B. $66 Reeves, Mrs. H. B. Matthews, Brander. Family tree and other stories. 1889 165.12 — Story of a story and other stories. 1893. 174.21 — Tom Paulding; [a story of New York city]. 1892 j97.25 Maupassant, Guy de. Afloat. 1889 154.23 — Odd number. [Thirteen tales.] 1889. 154.14 Mavericks; short stories. By Puck’s authors. 1892 166.14 Max Kromer. Smith, Hannah j 101. 13 Maximina. Valdes, A. P 68.21 May, Sophie, pseud. See Clark, R. S. Mayor of Casterbridge. Hardy, T: 65.17 Meade, Lillie T. See Smith, Mrs. L. T. FICTION. 86 FICTION. Mediaeval tales; with introd. by H: Mor- ley. 1884 323.30 Meh lady. Page, T: Nelson 172.6 Mehalah. Baring-Gould, S 182.15 Meissner, Sophie R. de. Tcherkesse prince. 1892 173.22 Melchior’s dream, etc. Ewing, Mrs. J. H. jl03.22 Melville, G: J: AY. Katerfelto: a story of Exmoor. 1875 36.913 — Rosine: a story of the Red Revolution. 1877 36.914 — Roy’s wife. 1878 36.915 — Sister Louise. [Louise de la Valliere; Louis NIY.] 1875 36.916 Member of the third house. Garland, Hamlin 167.12 Memoirs of a millionaire. Ames, L 153.4 Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle, A. C 182.26 Men of Iron. Pyle, Howard J93.25 Meredith, G: Beauchamp’s career. 1888. 151.20 — Diana of the crossways. 1888 151.14 — Egoist. 188S : 151.21 — Evan Harrington. 1888 151.15 — Harry Richmond. 1888 151.17 — Lord Ormont and his Aminta. 1894. . 182.17 — One of our conquerors. 1891 162.15 — Ordeal of Richard Feverel. 1888 151.13 — Rhoda Fleming. 1888 151.19 — Sandra Belloni: [originally Emilia in England]. 1888 151.16 — Shaving of Shagpat and Farina. 1888. 151.22 — The tragic comedians. 1881 36.917 — Vittoria. 1888 151.18 Merimee, P., joint author. Tales before supper. 1887 68.28 Merle’s crusade. Carey, Rosa N 161.12 Merriman, Effie \Y. The Conways. 1893. jl01.27 Merriman, H: S. Slave of the lamp. [1891.] 176.1 Merry Chanter. Stockton, Frank R.... 156.21 Merry men, etc. Stevenson, R. L: 68.28 Merry tales. Clemens, S: L 177.7 Metzerott, shoemaker. Woods, Kath- erine P 155.21 Micah Clarke. Doyle, A. Conan 152.7 Michael and Theodora. Barr, Amelia E. 167.15 Michaelis, R. Looking further forward; an answer to “Looking backward.” 1890 ' 156.26 Midnight warning, etc. House, E: H. . . . j 101. 31 Midshipman Paulding. Seawell, Molly E. J96.25 Mildred series. 6 v. For contents see Finlej^, Martha j81.8 Mine is thine. Lockhart, L. AY. M 36.881 Mine own people. Kipling, Rudyard 162.27 Minister’s charge. Howells, AY: D 66.10 Misjudged. Behrens, Bertha 164.11 Miss Bagg’s secretary. Burnham, Clara L. 165.27 Miss Bayle’s romance. 1887 36.918 Miss Bretherton. Ward, Mrs. Humph rev. 154.22 Miss Brooks. White, Eliza 0 158.31 Miss Churchill. Fisher, Francis C 67.11 Miss Dee Dunmore Bryant. Alden, I. M. j96.4 Miss Eaton’s romance. Allen, Richard.. 156.23 “Miss Lou.” Roe, E: P 133.20 Miss Misanthrope. McCarthy, Justin... 36.886 Miss Richard’s boy, etc. Holley, Marietta. 172.2 Miss Shafto. Norris, W: E 36.937 Miss Toosey’s mission. Smith, Mrs. L. T. 182.1 Miss Wilton. Warren, Cornelia 167.10 Mr. Barnes of New York. Gunter, A. C.. 67.32 Mr. Billy Downs and his likes, etc. Johns- ton, R: M 177.9 Mr. Meeson’s will. Rider, H. R 147.28 Mr. Pisistratus Brown, M. P. in the High- lands. Black, W: 36.641 Mr. Potter of Texas. Gunter, A. C 67.33 Mr. Stubb’s brother. Kaler, J j!02.5 Mr. Tommy Dove, etc. Deland, Margaret. 174.22 Mistletoe bough, etc. Trollope, Anthony. 37.71 Mrs. Arthur. Oliphant, M. O. W 36.950 Mrs. Denys of Cote. Parr, Miss H 36.963 Mrs. Dymond. Thackeray, Anne I 37.55 Mrs. Keats Bradford. Pool, M. L 171.16 Mrs. Mainwarings journal. Marshall, Emma •. 36.901 MisTREssof Beech Knoll. Burnham, C. L. 155.31 Mrs. Yereker’s courier maid. Hector, Mrs. A. F In 66.21 Mitchell, S. Weir. Characteristics. 1892. . 167.14 — Far in the forest [in Pennsylvania]. 1889 162.19 — In war time. . 1885 58.22 — Roland Blake. 1886 66.22 Modern Adam .and Eve in a garden. Douglas, Amanda M 152.10 Modern Aladdin. Pyle, Howard j96.27 Modern Circe. Hungerford, Mrs. Marg.. 36.840 Modern exodus. Foster, Mrs. I. H j96.5 Modern Midas. Jokai, Maurus 181.29 . Modern Telemachus. Yonge,' C. M 66.12 Modern Vikings. Boyesen, H. H 88.15 Modeste Mignon. Balzac, Honore de. . . 65.32 Mohun. Cooke, J: E 168.8 Molasses candy. Diaz, A. M j94.4 Molesworth, Mrs. Mary L. [ Ennis Gra- ham .] Adventures of Herr baby. 1886 j85.11 — Children of the castle. [1890.] j96.12 — Christmas child. 1893 jl02.33 — Christmas-tree land and A Christmas posy. 1893 j 102. 31 — Cuckoo clock. 1882 J84.19 — Four ghost stories. 1888 177.31 — Four Winds farm. 1887 ]85.10 — Girls and I. 1892 j 101. 21 — Little Peggy. 1887 J85.28 — Nurse Heatherdale’s story. 1891 jl02.29 — Rectory children. 1893 j 102.32 — Rosy. '1891 j 102. 30 — Story of a spring morning, etc. 1890. j96.30 *— Tapestry room. 1886 j 102. 28 — Tell me a story, [Fairy tales.] 1882. j84.20 — “Us,” an old fashioned story. 1885.. j84.24 Molly Bawn. Hungerford, Mrs. Margaret. 36.841 Moment of madness, Church, Mrs. Ross. . 36.704 Mona Maclean, medical student. Travers, Graham 167.28 Monarch of dreams. Higginson, T: AY. . 153.17 Mona’s choice. Hector, Mrs. A. F 36.631 Monk and knight. Gunsaulus, F. AY. 2 v. 163.9 Montezuma’s daughter. Haggard, H. R. 177.30 Montgomery, Florence. Blue veil, etc . 1883 36.919 — Fisherman’s daughter; A very simple story. 1889 36.920 — Seaforth. 1878 36.921 — Town-crier, etc. 1874 j95. 15 — Transformed: or, three weeks in a life- time. 1886 36.922 — Wild Mike and his victim. 1875 36.923 Moon prince and other nabobs. Munkitt- rick, R: K jl02.2 Moorehead, Warren K. AA r anneta, the Sioux. [1890.] 148.19 Morris, C: Tales from the dramatists. 4 v. Ports. 1893 171.25 FICTION. 87 FICTION. Morris, W: News from nowhere. 1891. 182.2 — Story of the glittering plain. 1892. . . 165.7 Mortal antipathy. Holmes, O.W 58.26 Mortomley’s estate. Riddell, Mrs. ,T. H. 37.29 Mostly Marjorie Day. Townsend, V. F. 168.15 Mount Eden. Church, Mrs. Ross 36.705 Mount Royal. Braddon, M. E 36.661 Muddock, J. E. Maid Marian and Robin Hood. 1892 jl01.8 Muhlbach, L ., pseud. See Mund t, C. M. Mundt, C. M. [L. Muhlbach.] Marie An- toinette and her son. 1886 47.46 Munkittrick, R: K. Moon prince and other nabobs. 1893 j 102. 2 Munroe, Kirk. Cab and caboose: the story of a railroad boy. 1893 j 102.9 — Campmates: a story of the plains. 1891. j 104.6 — Canoemates: a story of the Florida reef and Everglades. 1893 j97.24 — Coral ship: a story of the Florida reef. 1893 j 102. 10 — Dorymates: a tale of the fishing- banks. 1890 j 104.7 — Flamingo feather. 1887 j85.16 — Fur-seal’s tooth: a story of Alaskian adventure. 1894 j 104.8 — Prince Dusty: a story of the oil regions. 1892 j 102.8 — Raftmates: a story of the great river. [Mississippi.] 1893 j 102. 12 — Under orders: the story of a young re- porter. 1890 jl02.7 Murder or manslaughter '! Reeves, Mrs. H. B 36.910 Murfree, Fanny N. D. Felicia. 1891.. 163.8 Murfree, MaryN. [Charles E. Craddock.'] Down the ravine. 1885 58.9 — In the clouds. 1887 66.7 — In the “stranger people’s” country. 1891 165.19 — Story of Keedon Bluffs. 1888 68.24 Murray, E. C. G. French pictures in English chalk. 4 v. in 2. 1876 .... 36.924 — Six months in the ranks [in the Brit- ish army] . 1882 36.925 — Strange tales. 1878 36.926 — That artful vicar. 1879 36.927 Murray, J. D: C. Aunt Rachel. 1886 . . 182.3 — Time’s revenges. 1892 173.26 Murvale Eastman. Tourgee, Albion W. 158.25 Musick, J: R. Columbian historical novels, v. 1-9. 1891-3. 1, Columbian discovery of America. . . 166.25 2, Estavan: Spanish conquests 175.22 3, St. Augustine: the Huguenots in America 175.23 4, Pocahontas: story of Virginia 175.24 5, The Pilgrims: story of Massachusetts. 175.25 6, Century too soon: Bacon’s rebellion. 175.26 7, The witch of Salem 178.6 8, Braddock: the French and Indian wars 175.27 9, Independence: the revolution 1^.7 My dark companions and their strange stories. Stanley, H: M 172.7 My friend Jim. Norris, W. E 36.938 My heart’s in the Highlands. Grant, M.M. 36.808 My Kalulu. Stanley, H: M 67.19 My Lady Green Sleeves. Reeves, Mrs H. B 36.911 My Lady Legend and other folk tales from the North. Segerstedt, A. [Swedish.] J97.22 My lady Nicotine. Barrie, James M 166.27 My lady Pokahontas. Cooke, J: E 58.16 MYladyRotha. Weyman, Stanley J 183.1 My lady’s money. Collins, Wilkie 36.726 My lord and my lady. Forrester, Mrs . . . 36.777 “My love.” Linton, E. Lynn 36.875 “My own child.” Church, Mrs. Ross 36.706 My shipmate Louise. Russell, W: C 158.1 My sister Jeannie. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. 151.6 My sister the actress. Church, Mrs. Ross. 36.707 My southern friends. Gilmore, J. R 67.28 My story. Macquoid, Katherine S 36.891 My young Alcides. Yonge, C. M 151.10 Mystery of Jessy Page. Wood, H: 37.90 Mystery of Mirbridge. Payn, James. 36.983 Nabob, The. Daudet, Alphonse. 151.4 Nada the lily. Haggard, H. R 166.11 Nanon. Dudevant, A. L. A. D 161.23 Narrow escape. Cudlip, A. P 36.744 Nasby, P. V., pseud. See Locke, D: R. Nat the naturalist. Fenn, G: M j 102. 27 Nathusius, Maria. Joachim v. Kamern; Diary of a poor young lady. 1869. 36.932 Native of Winby, etc. Jewett, Sarah O. 175.11 Nature’s serial story. Roe, E: P 58.30 Naulahka. Kipling, R. and Balestier, W. 166.19 Near neighbors. Peard, Frances M 36.993 Needell, Mrs. J. H. Story of Philip Methuen. 1892 176.9 Negro mvths from the . Georgia coast. Jones, C:C 171.26 Neighbors on the green. Oliphant, M. O. W 154.21 Nell — on and off the stage. Buxton, B. H. 36.675 Nellie’s memories. Carey, Rosa N 158.28 Nelly’s dark days. Smith, Hannah.... .j 101. 19 Nemec, Bozena. The grandmother: a story of Bohemia. 1891 163.29 Nether world. Gissing, George 148.15 New Arabian nights. Stevenson, R. L: . . 182.9 New England cactus, etc. Humphrey, F. P 177.6 New England nun. Wilkins, Mary E. . . 161.31 New Harry and Lucy. Hale, E: E. and Lucretia P 167.11 New purchase. Hall, B. R 178.19 New republic. Mallock, W: H 151.8 New Robinson Crusoe. Alden, W:L. .. j95.27 New senior at Andover. Ward, H. D... j95.30 New York family. Fawcett, Edgar 178.7 Newell, C. M. Kamehameha: a romance of Hawaii. 1885 153.27 Newell, P. S. Topsys and turvys. 1893. jl03.9 News from nowhere. Morris, W: 182.2 Next door. Burnham, Clara L 155.25 Next of kin wanted. Edwards, M. B. B.- 36.762 Nicholson, J. Shield. Thoth. 1888 37.56 Nimrod and Co. Ohnet, Georges 177.25 “Nine days’ wonder.” Aide, Hamilton. 36.621 Nitsch, Mrs. Helen. [ Catherine Oicens.] Gentle bread-winners. 1888 68.25 “No gentlemen.” Burnham, Clara L... 155.32 No heroes. Howard, Blanche W j 102.20 Noble wife. Saunders, John 37.39 Nobler sex. Church, Mrs. Ross 176.23 Noel, Lady Augusta. From generation to generation. 1880 36.934 - Hithersea Mere. 1888 36.933 Noel, Maurice. Buz; or, the lift' and ad- ventures of a honey bee. 1888 j05.4 Nordiioff, C: Cape Cod and all along shore. 1868 157.12 Norris, W: E. Bachelor’s blunder. 1887. 36.935 - Battled conspirators. [1890.] 158.10 His Grace. 1894 182.14 — Major and minor. 1887 36.936 FICTION. 88 FICTION. Norris, AY: E., continued. — Marcia. [1890.] 158.9 — Miss Shafto. 1889 36.987 — Mv friend Jim. 1886 36.938 — The rogue. 1889 36.939 Norse stories retold from the Eddas. Mabie, Hamilton W j96.3 Notary’s daughter. Fullerton, Lady G. 36.791 Notary’s nose. About, Edmond 68.29 No. 13; or, the story of the lost vestal. Marshall, Emma 36.902 Nurse Elisia. Fenn, G. Manville 173.13 Nurse Heatherdale’s story. Molesworth, M. L j 102. 29 Nursery Alice. Dodgson, C. L j93. 12 Oberholtzer, Mrs. S. L. Hope’s heart bells. 1884 156.13 Ocean tragedy. Russell, AY: Clark 155.1 Odd number. Maupassant, Guy de 154.14 Odd women, The. Gissing, George. ..... 174.2 Ogden. Ruth. His little royal highness. [1887.] .j93.ll Ohnet, Georges. Ironmaster. 1890 172.13 — Nimrod and Co. [1892.] 177.25 Old curiosity shop. Dickens, C: 36.749.1-2 Old Kaskaskia. Catherwood, Mary H 174.19 Old maid’s club. Zangwill, 1 171.13 Old man’s love. Trollope, Anthony 37.59 Old ways and new. Roseboro’,ATola. . . 167.20 Old woman who lived in a shoe. Douglas, Amanda M j85.8 Oliphant, Laurence. Altiora Peto. 1883. 36.940 — Masollam: a problem of the period. 1886 36.941 Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. AY. Carita. 1877. 36.942 — Country gentleman and his family. 1886 36.943 — Cuckoo in the nest. [1892.] 176.10 — Greatest heiress in England. 1880 36.944 — Harry Joscelyn. 1881 36.945 — He that will not when he may. 1881. 36.946 — Hester. 3 v. in 2. 1884 36.947 — It was a lover and his lass. 3 v. in 2. 1883 : 36.949 — Little pilgrim; further experiences. 1889 154.9 — Mrs. Arthur. 1877 36.950 — Neighbors on the green. [Stories.] 1889. 154.21 — The open door; The portrait: two stories of the seen and the unseen. 1885 58.24 — Phoebe, junior. 1876 36.951 — Primrose path. 1878 36.952 — Sir Tom. 1884 147.17 — Story of Valentine and his brother. 1875 36.953 — AVhiteladies. 1875 36.954 — AVithin the precincts. 3 v. in 2. 1879.. 36.955 — AVizard’s son. 3 v. in 2. 1884 36.956 — Young Musgrave. 1878 36.957 — and Aldrich, T: B. Second son. 1888. 68.5 Omnia vanitas. Forrester, Mrs 36.778 On both sides. Baylor, Frances C 181.8 On circumstantial evidence. Church, Mrs. R 36.689 On the banks of the Ouse. Marshall, E. . 36.903 On the blockade. Adams, AY: T j 94. 24. 3 On the border. [Kentucky, 1861-2.] Gil- more, J. R 155.3 On the offensive. Putnam, G: 1 178.27 On the old frontier. Stoddard, AY: O jl03.5 On the plantation. Harris, Joel C 166.4 On the wings of the wind. [Locomo- tive.] Frith, H: 184. 12 Once again. Forrester, Mrs 36.779 One by one. Dulcken, H. AY j94.3 One commonplace day. Alden, I. M J84.17 One million pound bank-note, etc. Clemens, S: L 173.19 One of our conquerors. Meredith, George. 162.15 One of the 28th: a tale of AYaterloo. Henty, G: A 194. 18 “One of three. ” Fothergill, Jessie. .. .In 36.784 One thing needful. Braddon, M. E 36.662 Open door. Howard, Blanche AY 151.2 Open door. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. AY 58.24 Open verdict. Braddon, M. E. 3v. in 2. 36.663 Opening the oyster: story of adventure. Marsh, C: L 153.2 Opinions of a philosopher. Grant, II... 175.15 Ordeal of Richard Feverel. Meredith, G: 151.13 Original belle. Roe, E: P 65.2 Oriole’s daughter. Fothergill, Jessie . .. 174.16 Ortoli, Frederic. Evening tales; from the French by J. C. Harris 1 103. 8 Osborne of Arrochar. Douglas, A. M. 153.21 Osbourne, Lloyd, joint author. See Stev- enson, R. L: Oswald, E. Vain forebodings. 1887.... 154.28 Othmar. Ramfc, L. dela 37.21 Otis, James, pseud. See Kaler, J. O. Otto the knight. French, Alice 163.10 Otto of. the silver hand. Pyle, Howard. . 1 98. 6 Our Bessie. Carey, Rosa N 165.13 Our town. Lothrop, Harriet M 194. 7 Out of the foam. Cooke, J: E 168.5 Out of the sunset sea. Tourgee, Albion AY. 175.18 Out of the toils. [Temperance storv.] Spear, J: AY 67.27 Out on the pampas. Henty, G: A j 103. 24 Outcasts, The. Tellet, Roy 37.49 Owen, Catherine, pseud. See Nitsch, Mrs. Helen. Owen, Mary A. Voodoo tales. 1893.... 172.5 Owl’s nest. John, Eugenie 133.22 P’s and Q’s, etc. Yonge, Charlotte M. . . j95.24 Pactolus Prime. Tourgee, Albion AY . . . 155.24 Pagans, The. Bates, Arlo 147.18 Page, T: Nelson. Among the camps; or, young people’s stories of the war. 1891 J93.26 — Elsket and other stories. 1891 163.30 — In Ole Virginia. [Stories.] 1887 66.25 — Meh lady; a story of the war. 1893. . . 172.6 — Pastime stories. 1894 178.29 Page of the duke of Savoy. Dumas, A. 2 v. 171.7 Pair of originals. AYard, E j96.29 Palmer, Mary T. Doctor of Deane. 1888 156.11 Paltock, Robert. Life and adventures of Peter AYilkins. 2 v. 1884 172.14 Pan Michael; sequel to “The deluge.” Sienkiewicz, Henryk 176.17 Parker, Gilbert. Translation of a sav- age. 1893 177.2 Par&, Harriet. \Holme Lee.~\ Mrs. Denys of Cote. 1880 36.963 — Poor squire. 1882 36.965 — Straightforward. 1878 36.967 Parr, Mrs. Louise. Gosau Smithy, etc. 1875. 36.962 — Loyalty George. 1888 36.964 — Robin. 1882 36.966 — The squire. [1892.] 176.29 Parson o’ Dumford. Fenn, G: M 36.773 Parting of the ways. Edwards, M. B. B-. 36.763 Partisan leader. Tucker, Nathaniel B. . 163.14 FICTION. 89 FICTION. Passe Rose. Hardy, Arthur S 151.3 Passenger from Scotland Yard. Wood, H. F 37.94 Passive crime. Hungerford, Mrs. Marg. 36.842 Pastels of men. Bourget, Paul. 2v 177.3 Pastime stories. Page, T: N 178.29 Pastorals of France. Wedmore, F: 177.32 Pastor’s daughter. Behrens, Bertha 155.18 Pater, Walter, H. Marius the Epicurean. 1891 162.5 Patricia Kemball. Linton, E. Lynn 36.876 Patterson, Howard. Captain of the Ra- jah. [1890.] 157.11 Paul and Christina. Barr, A. E 162.12 Paul Jones. Seawell, Molly E jl03.7 Paul Patoff. Crawford, F. Marion 68.1 Paulding, James K. Book of vagaries. 1868 165.30 — Dutchman’s fireside. 2v.ini. 1856.. 166.9 — Tales of the good woman. 1867 165.31 Pauline. Walford, L. B 37.79 Paull, Mrs. G: A. Prince Dimple. 1890. j98.26 — Prince Dimple on his travels. 1891.. J98.27 — Prince Dimple’s further doings. [1891.] j98.29 Paull, M. A. Maiden sisters. 1859 36.371 — Martha Brown, the heiress. 1861 36.389 — Vanessa. 1874 36.968 Pausanias, the Spartan. Bulwer-Lytton, E. L 43.25 Pawnee hero stories and folk-tales. Grin- nell, G: B 155.10 Pa yn, James. By proxy. 1878 36.969 — Canon’s ward. 1884 36.970 — Confidential agent. 1881 36.971 — Fallen fortunes. 1876 36.972 — For cash only. 1882 36.973 — From exile. 1881 36.974 — Glow-worm tales. 2 v. 1887 36.975 — Grape from a thorn. 1882 36.976 — Halves. 1876 36.977 — Heir of the ages. 1886 36.978 — High spirits. 2 v. 1880 36.979 — Kit: a memory. 1883 36.980 — Less black than we’re painted. 1878. 36.981 — Luck of the Darrells. 1885 36.982 — Mystery of Mirbridge. 1888 36.983 — Prince of the blood. 1888 36.984 — Talk of the town. 1885 36.985 — Under one roof. 1879 36.986 — Walter’s word. 1875 36.987 — What he cost her. 1877 36.988 Peacock, T: Love. Crotchet castle. 1891. 167.8 Peard, Frances M. Cartouche. 1879.... 36.989 — Castle and town. 1882 182.4 — Contradictions. 1883 36.990 — Mada'me’s grand-daughter. 1887 36.991 — A madrigal, etc. 1887 36.992 — Near neighbors. 1885 36.993 — Schloss and town. 1882 36.994 — A winter story. 1876 36.995 Pearl fountain, etc. Kavanagh, Bridget and Julia j95.14 Pearla. Edwards, M. B. B- 36.764 Peculiar. Sargent, Epes 182.5 Peeress and player. Church, Mrs. R. . . 36.708 Peltz, G: Delightful stories. [1888.].. j93.9 Pembroke. Wilkins, Mary E 181.6 PENANCEof Portia James. Couvreur, Mme. 177.12 Pendleton, Louis. King Tom and the runaways. 1890 j93.17 Pepita Ximenez. Valera, Juan 161.22 Pepper and salt. Pyle, Howard j98.3 “Perchance to dream,” etc. Briscoe, M. S. 173.2 Pere Goriot. Balzac, Honore de 65.7 Peril. Fothergill, Jessie 36.785 Perry, Nora. Another flock of girls. 1890. j93.15 — Book of love stories. 1881 151.7 — Flock of girls. 1888 j88.14 — Rosebud garden of girls. 1892 j 101. 10 — Youngest Miss Lorton, etc. 1889 J96.10 Perseverance Island. Frazer, Douglas. j96.11 Pestalozzi, J. H. Leonard and Gertrude. [Swiss village life ; educational.] 1889 158.18 Peter Ibbetson. Du Maurier, G: 181.17 Peter the whaler. Kingston, W: H: G. . j94. 5 Peter Trawl. Kingston, W: H: G j85.3 Peter Wilkins. Paltock, Robert 172.14 Petrie estate. Brown, Helen D 175.8 Phantom fortune. Braddon,M.E. 3 v. in 2. 36.664 Phantom ’rickshaw, etc. Kipling, R 156.17 Phelps, Eliz. S. Donald Marcy. 1893.. 174.23 — Fourteen to one. [Stories.] 1891 162.7 — Gates between. 1887 67.20 — Gypsy series. 4 v. [1876.] j85.23 Contents: v. 1, Gypsy Breynton. v. 2, Gypsy’s cousin Joy. v. 3, Gypsy’s sowing and reaping, v. 4, Gypsy’s year at the Golden Crescent. — Jack the fisherman. 1888 134.32 — Madonna of the tubs. 1887 47.47 — and Ward, H. D. Come forth. [Story of Lazarus.] 1891 157.3 Master of the magicians. 1890 155.29 Philips, F. C. As in a looking glass. 1886. 37.1 — The dean and his daughter. 1887 37.2 — Jack and three Jills. 1888 37.3 — Little Mrs. Murray. 1889 37.7 — Lucky young woman. 1888 37.8 — Strange adventures of Lucy Smith. 1887 37.4 — Young Mr. Ainslie’s courtship. 1889. 37.5 — and Wills, C. J. Fatal Phryne. 1889. 37.6 Phillpotts, Eden. Folly and fresh air. 1892 165.28 Phcebe, junior. Oliphant, M. O. W 36.951 Phra the Phoenician. Arnold, Edwin L. 161.7 Phyllida. Church, Mrs. Ross 36.709 Phyllis. Hungerford, Mrs. Margaret .. . 36.843 Picked up in the streets. Schobert, H. . 68.19 Pierrette. Balzac, Honore de 166.23 Pietro Ghisleri. Crawford, F. Marion . . 174.27 Pilgrims, The. Musick, J: R 175.25 Pipistrello. Rame, L. de la 37.22 Pirate and three cutters. Marryat, F. . 153.9 Plain tales from the hills. Kipling, R.. 156.15 Playwright’s daughter. Edwardes, Mrs. A. 36.757 Pleasures of old age. Souvestre, Emile. 68.13 Pledge and the cross. Henry, Mrs. S. M. I. j 102.2 Plot in private life. Collins, Wilkie. . . 36.728 Ploughed under: story of an Indian chief. Harsha, W. J 65.19 Plucky Smalls. Crowninshield, Mary B. j95.3 Pocahontas. Musick, J: R 175.24 Pocket-rifle. Trowbridge, J: T j84. 15 Poet and merchant. Auerbach, B 147.13 Poet and peer. Aide, Hamilton 36.622 Pomeroy abbey. Wood, Mrs. Henry 37.91 Pool, Maria Louise. Dally. [1891.] 174.30 — Katharine North. 1893 173.11 — Mrs. Keats Bradford. [Sequel to “Row- eny in Boston.”] 1892 171.16 — Roweny in Boston. 1892 165.2 Poor, Agnes Blake. [ Dorothy Prescott.'] Brothers and strangers. 1893 177.5 Poor squire. Parr, Miss Harriet 36.965 Port Tarascon. Daudet, Alphonse 148.18 FICTION. 90 FICTION. Porter, Admiral D. D. Adventures of Harry Marline [midshipman]. 1885. j 77.27 Portia. Hungerford, Mrs. Margaret ... . 36.844 Portrait, The. Oliphant, M. O. W 58.24 Pot of gold, etc. Wilkins, Mary E j 102. 19 Potapeeko, N. E. The general’s daugh- ter. [1892.] 178.4 Poushkin, Alex. Prose tales. 1894 178.32 Poynter, E. Frances. Ersilia. 1876 37.9 — Madame de Presnel. 1885 37.10 Praed, Mrs. Campbell. Affinities. 1885. 37.11 — “December roses. ” 1892 167.4 — Head station. [Australian life.] 1886. 37.12 — Zero: a story of Monte Christo. 1884.. 37.13 Praed, Mrs. Campbell, joint author. See McCarthy, J. Prairie folks. Garland, Hamlin P 173.10 Pratt, Mara L. Storv of Columbus. [1892.] ' j97.17 Pratt portraits. Fuller, Anna 177.15 Preacher and the king. Bungener, L. F. 58.10 Preacher’s daughter. Barr, Amelia E. . 167.16 Prentiss, Mrs. Eliz. Fred, and Maria, and me. 1875 j 88.28 Prescott, Dorothy, pseud. See Poor, Ag- nes B. Preston, Harriet W. Year in Eden. 1887. 66.24 Preston, Marg. J. Aunt Dorothy; an old Virginia plantation-story. [1890.] 161.15 Preston fight. Ainsworth, W: H 36.628 Pretty sister of Jose. Burnett, F. H 152.3 Pretty widow. Ross, C: H 37.31 Prevost d’E, A. F. Manon Lescaut. 1887 148.11 Price, Mrs. Eleanor C. Lost battle. 1878. 37.14 Priest and the Huguenot. Bungener, L. 2 v 174.14 Primes and their neighbors. Johnston, R: M 162.28 Primrose path. Oliphant, M. O. W 36.952 Prince and the page. Yonge, C. M j85.17 Prince Dimple. Pauli, Mrs. G: A j98.26 Prince Dimple on his travels. Pauli, Mrs. G: A j98.27 Prince Dimple’s further doings. Pauli, Mrs. G: A j98.29 Prince Dusty. Munroe, Kirk J102.8 Prince Hugo. Grant, M. M 36.809 Prince of India. Wallace, Lew. 2v 174.25 Prince of the blood. Payn, James 36.984 Prince Tip-Top. Bouvet, Marguerite. . . jl01.33 Princess Casamassima. James, Henry . . 66.9 Princess Mazaroff. Hatton, Joseph 176.12 Princess Napraxine. Rame, L. dela. 3v. in 2 37.23 Princess of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel. Zschokke, H 37.108 Princess of Cleves. LaFayette, Gom- tesse de. 2 v 164.20 Princess Tarakanova. Danilevsky, G.P. A. 165.8 Private life, etc. James H: 177.24 Professor’s - wooing. Keeling, Elsa d’E. 36.864 Protegee of Jack Hamlin’s, etc. Harte, B. 178.16 Psyche of to-day. Jenkin, Mrs. C 147.16 Puritan pagan. Cruger, Mrs. Van R 176.15 Putnam, E leanor. Woodland wooing. 1889. 153.30 Putnam, G: I. On the offensive: an army story. 1894 '. 178.27 Pyle, Howard. Men of iron. [England; Henry IV.] 1892 j93.25 — Merry adventures of Robin Hood. 1890 j98.5 — Modern Aladdin. 1892 j96.27 — Otto of the silver hand. 1888 j98.6 Pyle, Howard, continued. — Pepper and salt. 1890 j98.3 — Rose of Paradise. [Sea tale] . 1888. 164.25 — Wonder clock. 1892 j98.4 Quaker girl of Nantucket . Lee, M.C.. i54.5 Quaker home. Tucker, G: F 163.5 Quality of mercy. Howells, W: D 165.25 Queen money. Kirk, Mrs. Ellen 0 68.4 Queen of curds and cream . Gerard, Dor- othea 167.6 Queenie’s whim . Carey, Rosa N 161.19 Queer stories for boys and girls . Eggles- ton, E: j84.25 Question, A. Ebers, Georg i82.25 Question of identity. Dodge, Louisa. 153.22 Quick or the dead ? Chanler, AmelieR. 152.14 Raftmates. Munroe, Kirk jl02.12 Raiders, The. Crockett, S. R 178.24 Raimund, Go\o, pseud . See Friederich,B . H . Rainy June, etc. Rame, L. dela 37.24 Rame, Louise de la. [Ouida.] Ariadne. 1877 37.15 — Frescoes, etc. 1883 37.16 — Friendship. 1878 37.17 — Guilderoy. 1889 37.18 — House party. 1886 37.19 — In Maremma. 3 v.in 2. 1882 37.20 — Othmar. 3v. in 2. 1885 37.21 — Pipistrello, etc. 1880 37.22 — Princess Napraxine. 3 v.in 2. 1884. 37.23 — Rainy June; Don Gesualdo. 1885 37.24 — Village commune. 1881 37.25 Rankell’s remains. Wendell, Barrett.. 66.23 Ray, Anna Chapin. Cadets of Fleming Hall. [1892.] 97.28 Reade, C: Singleheart and doubleface. 1884 37.26 READY-money Mortiboy. Besant, W. and Rice, J 36.638 Real thing and other tales. James, H:. 173.9 Recollections of Auton House. Hop- pin, A j93.4 Rectory children. Molesworth, M. L. j 102. 32 Red cardinal. Elliot, Frances 36.767 Red spider. Baring-Gould, S 181.22 Reeves, Mrs. H. B. [Helen Mathers.] As he comes up the stair, etc. 1882. 36.905 — Eyre’s acquittal. 1884 36.906 — Fashion of this world. 1886 36.907 — Found out. 1885 36.908 — “ Land o’ the leal; ” Stephen Hatton. 1879 36.909 — Murder or manslaughter ? 1885 36.910 — My Lady Green Sleeves. 1879 36.911 — Sam’s sweetheart. 1883. . 36.912 — and others. Fate of Fenella. [1892.] ... 171.17 Reflections of a married man. Grant. R. 166.21 Refugees. Doyle, A. C 182.27 Regent’s daughter . Dumas, Alexandre. 171.11 Regimental legends . Winter, J. S 37.81 Reichenbach, M. von. The Eichhofs. 1881 154.31 Reid, Christian, pseud. See Fi.sher, F. C. Remember the Alamo. Barr, A. E 162.10 Renunciations. Wedmore, Frederick. In 177.32 Reproach of Annesley. Tuttiett, M. G. 152.19 Republic without a president. W T ard, H. D 173.15 Return of the O’Mahony. Frederic, Har- old 178.1 Reuben Sachs. Levy, Amy 153.13 Reuter, Fritz. In the year ’13. 1867... 37.27 Revolution in Tanner’s Lane. Shapcott, FICTION. 91 FICTION. Rex and Regina. Marshall, Emma 36.904 Rhoda Fleming. Meredith, G: 151.19 Rhona. Forrester, Mrs 36.780 Rhymes and ballads for girls and boys. Woolsey, S. C j98.13 Richards, Alfred B. So very human. 3 v . in 2 . 1882 37.28 Richards, W: C. Harry’s vacation. 1887. J94.14 Richter, J. P. F. Invisible lodge. 1883. 68.34 Riddell, Mrs. J. H. [T. O. Trafford .] Head of the firm. [1891.] 178.3 — Mortomley’s estate. 1874 37.29 Ridley. James, tr. Tales of the genii. 1882. j94.13 “ Right honorable, The.” McCarthy, J . and Praed, C.- 68.27 Ring of Amasis. Bulwer-Lytton, E: R. . 156.18 Rise of Silas Lapham. Howells, W: D. . 58.18 “ Rita,” jpseud. See Booth, Mrs. O. Ritchie, Mrs. See Thackeray, A. I. Riverpark rebellion, etc. Greene, Homer. j97.29 Riverside museuiri . Williams, Annie B. jl01.4 Rives, Amelie. See Chanler, A. R. Robber count. Wolff, Julius 157.2 Robert Elsmere. Ward, Mrs. Humphrey. 147.25 Robert Ord’s atonement. Carey, Rosa N. 161.18 Roberts, C: H. Down the O-hi-o. 1891. 161.8 Roberts, Miss Marg. Atelier du Lys; or, an art student in the reign of ter- ror. 1877 37.30 — Madame Fontenoy. 1866 36.369 Roberts, Morley. Mate of the Vancouver. [1892.] 176.22 Robin. Parr, Mrs. Louisa 36.966 Robin Hood, Merry adventures of. Pyle, Howard j98.5 Robinson, F: W. Her love and his life. 1891 163.18 Roe, E: P. Driven back to Eden. 1888. . 168.17 — Earth trembled. [Charleston earth- quake.] 1887 67.21 — He fell in love with his wife. [1886.] 58.31 — “Miss Lou.” 1888 133.20 — Nature’s serial story. [1884.] 58.30 — An original belle. [1885.] 65.2 — Taken alive, etc. With autobiography. [1889.] 153.28 Roger Hunt. Woolley, Celia P 165.9 Rogue, The. Norris, W: E 36.939 Roland Blake. Mitchell, S: W 66.22 Romance of a transport. Russell, W: C. . 182.13 Romance of Dollard. Catherwood, M. H. 154.8 Romance of history: Spain. Trueba,T. de. 177.22 Romance of two worlds. Corelli, Marie. 36.730 Romances of the law. Francillon, R. E.. 164.18 Romantic young lady. Grant, Robert. . . 162.21 Romneys of Ridgemont. Eastman, J. A. j94.2 Root of all evil. Church, Mrs. R 36.710 Rose Leblanc. Fullerton, Lady G 36.792 Rose of a hundred leaves. Barr, A. E. . . 165.23 Rose of paradise. Pyle, Howard 164.25 Roseboro’, Viola. Old ways and new. 1892. 167.20 Rosebud garden of girls. Perry, Nora. . . j 101. 10 Rosine. Melville, J. G. W 36.914 Ross, C: H. Pretty widow 37.31 Rossmoyne. Hungerford, Mrs. Marg 36.845 Rosy. Molesworth, Mrs. M. L j 102.30 Roumanian fairytales. Kremnitz, White, ed ’. J95.5 Rousing of Mrs. Potter, etc. Smith, Ger- trude 178.31 Rousselet, Louis. Tale of the Indian mutiny; or, the serpent charmer. 1889 J98.7 Rovings of a restless boy. Foot, K. B. . . j97.20 Roweny in Boston. Pool, Maria L 165.2 Royal gentleman, [or Toinette.] Tour- gee, A. W 138.8 Royce, Josiah. Feud of Oakfield Creek. [California life.] 1887 167.27 Roy’s wife. Melville, G. J. Whyte 36.915 Rudder Grangers abroad. Stockton, F. R. 162.14 Ruffini, Giovanni D. Lorenzo Benoni. 1861 37.32 Russell, W: Clark. Emigrant ship. [1893.] 178.13 — John Holdsworth, chiefmate. 1886... 147.27 — “Lady Maud” : schooner yacht. 1883. 37.33 — List, ye landsman! 173.7 — Marooned [on a Bahama key]. 1889. . 156.3 — Master Rockafellar’s voyage. 1891... 163.6 — My shipmate Louise; the romance of a wreck. 1890 158.1 — Ocean tragedy. 1889 155.1 — Romance of a transport. 1894 182.13 — Sailor’s sweetheart. 1881 37.34 — Strange elopement. 1892 173.5 — Tragedy of Ida Noble. 1891 176.25 Rusty linchpin. Kokhanovsky, Mme 67.7 Ruth and her friends. 1860 j95.16 Ryder, Annie H. Margaret Regis and some other girls. [1888.] j97. 10 S., E. L. City in the sea: stories of the old Venetians. 1884 177.17 Sabina Zembra. Black, William 66.29 Sage of sixteen. Walford, L. B 155.12 Sailor’s sweetheart. Russell, W: C 37.34 Saint Augustine. Musick, J: R 175.23 St. Bartholomew’s eve. Henty, G: A. jl02.17 Saint Michael. Burstenbinder, Elizabeth. 67.15 Sala, G: A: Strange adventures of Cap- tain Dangerous 152.20 Salammbo. Flaubert, Gustave 181.19 Sally Dows, etc. Harte, Bret 174.1 Samantha among the brethren. Holley, M. 148.20 Samantha at Saratoga. Holley, M 148.8 Samantha at the world’s fair. Holley, M. 172.8 Sam’s sweetheart. Reeves, Mrs. H. B 36.912 San Salvador. Tincker, Mary Agnes 165.14 Sand, George, pseud. See Dudevant, A. L. * A. D. Sandeau, Jules. Catharine. [1893.] 174.7 — House of Penarvan. 1879 In 36.790 Sandra Belloni. Meredith, George 151.16 Sant’ Ilario. Crawford, F. M 153.26 Santa Claus on a lark, etc. Gladden, W. j93.14 Sappho of Green Springs. Harte, Bret.. 161.29 Sara Crewe. Burnett, Frances H J93.6 Saracinesca. Crawford, F. M 153.25 Sargent, Epes. Peculiar; a hero of the Southern rebellion. 1892 182.5 Satin- wood box. Trowbridge, J: T j84.23 Saunders, John. A noble wife. 1884... 37.39 — Shipowner’s daughter. 1876 37.40 Saunders, Katherine. The High Mills. 1874 37.41 — Sebastian. 1878 37.42 Saunders, Marshall. Beautiful Joe: an autobiography [of a dog]. 1894... 103.16 Scapegoat. Caine, Hall 167.5 Scarcliff rocks. Maine, E. S 36.892 Scheffel, Joseph V. Ekkehard. [Ger- many; 10th centurj'.] 1872 37.43 Schloss and town. Peard, Frances M. . . 36.994 Schobert, IT. Picked up in the streets. 1888 68.19 Schoolboy honor. Adams, H: C j 103. 17 Schoolboys all the world over. Frith, H: j85.7 School girls alhthe world over. 1884 j84.22 FICTION. 92 FICTION. Schreiner, Olive \Ralph Iron.'] Dreams. 157.25 — Story of an African farm. [1888.] 132.27 Schultz, Jeanne. Jean de Kerdren. 1892. 167.24 — Story of Colette. 1892 167.23 Schwartz, J. Y. P. [. Maartin Maartens.] God’s fool. 1893 171.24 — Greater glory: a storj^ of high life. 1894 178.10 — Joost Avelingh: a Dutch story. 1894. 178.11 Scofield, C: J. Subtle adversary. [Tem- perance tale.] 1891 172.4 Scudder, Horace E.,e$. Children’s book. 1881 j98.23 Sea Mew Abbey. Warden, Florence 176.26 Seaforth. Montgomery, Florence 36.921 Seawell, Molly E. Berkeleys and their neighbors. 1892. 167.21 — Little Jarvis. 1893 jl03.ll ■ — Maid Marian, etc. 1891 182.6 — Midshipman Paulding. 1891 j96.25 — Paul Jones. 1893 jl03.7 Sebastian. Saunders, Katherine 37.42 Sebastopol. Tolstoi, L. N 67.5 Second life. Hector A. F 66.19 Second son. Oliphant, M. O. W. and Al- drich, T: B 68.5 Secret of Narcisse. Gosse, Edmund 173.25 Seeley, C: Sumner. Lost canyon of the Toltecs. 1893 j 103. 15 — Spanish galleon. 1891 163.25 Segerstedt, Albrekt. My Lady Legend and other folk tales. [Swedish.] [1891.] j97.22 Seraphita. Balzac, Honore de 168.25 SeraI*ion brethren. Hoffmann, E. T. W. 2 v 153.12 Sergeant, Adeline. Brooke’s daughter.. 182.7 Seth’s brother’s wife. Frederic, Harold. 68.10 Seven dreamers. Slosson, Annie T 158.29 Seven stories. Fullerton , Lady Georgiana. ^6.793 Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty: his grooms and companions. [1890.] 156.9 Sewell, E. M. Glimpse of the world. 1863. 37.44 Sforza. Astor, W: W 154.19 Shadow of a crime. Caine, Hall 168.30 Shadow of a dream. Howells, W: D 157.20 Shapcott, Reuben. \Mark Rutherford. ] Revolution in Tanner’s Lane. 1887. 153.19 Shaving of Shagpat and Farina. Mere- dith^: 151.22 Shaw, Flora L. Castle Blair. 1883 56.16 Shaybacks in camp. Barrows, S. J. and I. C. 67.13 She: a story of adventure. Haggard,H. R. 66.15 She loved a sailor. Barr, Amelia E 162.9 Sheldon, Louise Vescelius.- An I. D. B. in South Africa. [1888.] 152.23 Sherburne house. Douglas, Amanda M. 166.32 Sherlock Holmes, Adventures of. Doyle, C. A 181.15 Sherlock Holmes, Memoirs of. Doyle, C. A 182.26 Sherman, Charles P. A bachelor’s wed- ding trip. 1889 155.11 Shipowner’s daughter, The. Saunders, J: 37.40 Ships that pass in the night. Harraden, B. 178.14 Shirley, Venn, pseud. See Clark, Sarah J. Shorthouse.J: H: Blanche, LadyFalaise. 1891 164.9 — Sir Percival; a story of the past and present. 1886 66.13 Sidney, Margaret, pseud. /SeeLothropjH. M. Sidney, ^r-Philip. Countess of Pem- broke’s Arcadia 168.2 Sidney. Deland, Margaret 157.5 Sidney Marten’s Christmas. Alden,I. M. j81.23 Siege of Norwich Castle. Blake, M. M. . j 101.30 Siegfried, Story of. Baldwin, James j85.12 Sienkiewicz, Henryk. The deluge. [Po- land, Sweden, and Russia] ; sequel to “With fire and sword.” 2 v. 1891. 164.23 — Pan Michael; sequel to “The Deluge.” 1893 176.17 — With fire and sword; historical nbvel of Poland and Russia. 1890 155.19 — Without dogma:a novel of modern Po- land. 1893, 174.12 Sign of the four. Doyle, A. C 182.29 Silence of Dean Maitland. Tuttiett,M. G. 152.11 Silent witness. Yates, Edmund 37.100 Silhouettes from life. Hancock, A. W.. 173.18 Silhouettes of American life. Davis, Rebecca H 167.25 Silver caves. Ingersoll, Ernest j95.36 Silverado squatters. Stevenson, R. L:.. 1.32.25 Simms, W: G. Forayers. [Revolution; South Carolina.] [1855.] 58.11 Singleheart and doubleface. Reade, C: 37.26 Sir Percival. Shorthouse, J: H: 66.13 Sir Roger de Coverley. Addison, Joseph. 166.6 Sir Tom. Oliphant, M. O. W 147.17 Sister Louise. Melville, G. J. W 36.916 Sister Rose. Holt, Emily S 181.26 Sister Saint Sulpice. Valdes, Don A. P. 158.15 Sister to Esau. Barr, Amelia E 164.1 Sister’s love. Same as “Her only broth- er.” Behrens, Bertha 154.24 Six cent Sam’s. Hawthorne, Julian 173.32 Six in all. Townsend, Virginia F j85.31 Six little rebels. Woods, Kate T j 101.9 Six months at Mrs. Prior’s. Adams, E. . j78.15 Six months in the ranks. Murray, E.C. G. 36.925 Six to one. Bellamy, Edward 157.18 Slave of the lamp. Merriman, H: S 176.1 Slosson, Annie T. Heresy of Mehitable Clark. 1892 176.5 — Seven dreamers. 1891 158.29 Smith, F. Hopkinson. Colonel Carter of Cartersville. [A story of Viginia.] 1891 162.8 — Day at Laguerre’s and other days. 1892. 165.4 Smith, Gertrude. Rousing of Mrs. Potter and other stories. 1894 178.31 Smith, Hannah. [. Hesba Stretton.] Brought home. [1875.] ] 101. 12 — Casey. [1874.] jlOl.17 — Crew of the Dolphin. [1876.] j-101.15 — Doctor’s dilemma. [1892.] 163.22 — Her only son; Michael Lorio’s cross. [1876-87.] jlOl.14 — The King’s servants. [1873.] jl01.16 — LostGip. [1873.] jl01.18 — MaxKromer: a story of the siege of Strasburg. [1871.] jl01.13 — Nelly’s dark days. [1870.] jlOl.19 — Through a needle’s eye. 1878 138.22 Smith, Mrs. L. T. [Lillie T. Meade.] Miss Toosey’s mission; Laddie. 1892... 182.1 — World of girls. 1891 jl04.5 SNOW-bound at Eagle’s. Harte, Bret.... 181.23 So very human. Richards, A. B. 3v. in 2. 37.28 Social departure. Duncan, Sara A 156.28 Social strugglers. Boyesen, Hjalmar H. 174.13 Soldier’s secret. King, Capt. C: 171.21 Soldiers three ; In black and white. Kip- ling, R 156.16 Soll und haben. Frey tag, Gustav 177.28 Somebody’s neighbors. Cooke, Rose Terry. 173.14 Something occurred. Farjeon, B. L 173.27 FICTION. 93 FICTION. Son of Hagar. Caine, Hall 168.31 Son of Issachar. Brooks, E. S 161.4 Son of Old Harry. Tourgee, A. W 165.29 Sons of the soil. Balzac, Honore de 158.5 Sought and found. Frederick, Bertha H. 177.1 Southern silhouettes. Walworth, Jean- nette H 68.11 Souvestre, Emile. Pleasures of old age. 1868 68.13 Spanish galleon. Seeley, C:S 163.25 Spear, J: W. Out of the toils. [Tem- perance story.] [1887.] 67.27 Spiders of society. Church, Mrs. R 36.711 Spielhagen, Friedrich. Hammer and an- vil. 1888 182.8 SpiNNiNG-wheel stories. Alcott, L. M j96.15 Splendid spur. Couch, Arthur T. Q . . . . 158.3 Spofford, Harriet P. Lost jewel. 1891. j95.33 Spoil of office. Garland, Hamlin 176.19 Springhaven. Blackmore, R: D 66.17 Squatter’s dream. Boldrewood, Rolf. . . 156.32 Squire, The. Parr, Mrs. Louisa 176.29 Squire of Sandal-side. Barr, A. E 162.11 Squirrel inn. Stockton, F. R 163.26 Stahl, P. J. Maroussia, maid of Ukraine. 1890 156.19 Stand by the Union. Adams, WrT j94.24.4 Stand fast, Craig-Royston! Black, W:.. 158.8 Standish of Standish. Austin, J. G 153.18 Stanley Brereton. Ainsworth, W: H . . . . 36.629 Stanley, H: M. My dark companions and their strange stories. 1893. . . . 172.7 — My Kalulu: story of Central Africa. 1887 67.19 Star and a heart. Church, Mrs. R. 36.712 Starlight ranch, etc. King, Capt. C: . . . . 155.30 Steadfast. Cooke, Rose Terry 152.27 Stella.' Lewald, Fannie 36.872 Stephen Dane. Douglas, Amanda M 163.1 Stephens, Agnes, comp. How men pro- pose. [Selected love passages.] 1888 147.32 Stephens, C. A. Young moose hunters. 1883 j96.24 Stephenson, Robert L: Black arrow: a a tale of the two roses. 1888 147.26 — David Balfour; sequel to “Kidnapped” 1893 175.16 — Island nights’ entertainments: Beach of Falesd; The bottle imp; The isle of voices. 1893 » 173.28 — Kidnapped: the adventures of David Balfour in the year 1751. 1886 65.14 — Master of Ballantrae. 1889 153.1 — Merry men and other tales. 1887 68.26 — New Arabian nights. 1890 182.9 — Silverado squatters. [1888] 132.25 — Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 1886 65.11 — and Osbourne, Lloyd. The wrecker. 1892. 166.20 Wrong box. 1889 151.24 Stepniak, pseud. See Ertel, A. I. Stewart, Aubrey. Tale of Troy. 1886... j85.14 Stickit minister, etc. Crockett, S. R 178.2 STiFF-necked generation. Walford, L. B. 154.11 Stinde, Julius. Buchholz family: sketches of Berlin life. 2 v. 1887 67.8 Stirling, M. C. A true man. 1878. ..In 36.742 Stockton, Frank R. Amos Kilbright, etc. 1888 • 168.20 — Ardis Claverden. [1890.] 157.15 — Bee-man of Orn, etc. 1887 168.19 — Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. [1886.] 152.15 Stockton, Frank R., continued. — Christmas wreck and other stories. 1886. 66.5.2 — Clocks of Rondaine, etc. 1892 j98.12 — Floating prince and other fairy tales. 1889 .198.8 — Great war syndicate. [1889.] 155.27 — House of Martha. 1891 163.27 — Hundredth man. [1886-7.] 68.8 — Lady or the tiger? and other stories. 1887 66.5.1 — Late Mrs. Null. 1886 65.10 — Merry Chanter. [Schooner.] [1890].. 156.21 — Rudder Grangers abroad, etc. 1891. . . . 162.14 — Squirrel inn. 1891 > 163.26 — Stories of the three burglars. [1889] . . 155.28 — Story of Viteau. [Time of Louis IN.] 1884 .197.7 — Tales out of school. 1891 j98.10 — Watchmaker’s wife, etc. 1893 175.13 Stoddard, W : O. Among the lakes. 1888.. j95.9 — Battle of New York. [Draft riots of 1863.] 1892 j97.27 — Crowded out o’ Crofield; or, the boy who made his way. 1890 j93.13 — Esau Hardery. 1881 147.20 — Gid Granger. [1891.] j95.34 On the old frontier; or, the last raid of the Iroquois. 1893 jl03.5 — Tom and the money king. [1893.] . . . jl02.13 — White cave. [Story of Australia.] 1893. jl03.4 — Winter fun. 1891 197. 19 — Wrecked ? 1883 147.22 Stokesley secret. Yonge, C. M j95.25 Stolen America. Floyd, Isobel H 156.1 Stories for boys. Davis, Richard H. . . . j96.21 Stories from English history for young people .197.4 Stories mother Nature told her children. Andrews, Jane. Ulus j96.13 Stories of a western town. French, Alice. 173.24 Stories of Old New Spain. Janvier, T: A. 173.1 Stories of the magicians. Church, A. ,T. j96.7 Stories of the rabbis. Isaacs, Abram S. . 175.2 Stories of the three burglars. Stockton, F. R 155.28 Story of a child. Deland, Margaret jl01.20 Story of a New York house. Bunner, H. C. 66.28 Story of a short life. Ewing, J. H j93.24 Story of a spring morning. Molesworth, Mrs. M. L j96.30 Story of a story, etc. Matthews, Brander. 174.21 Story of an African farm. Schreiner, O. 132.27 Story of Barbara. Braddon, M. E 36.648 Story of Colette. Schultz, Jeanne 167.23 Story of Keedon Bluffs. Murfree, M. N.. 68.24 Story of Margaret Kent. Hayes H: 67.10 Story of Philip Methuen. Needell, J. H. . 176.9 Story of Siegfried. Baldwin, James j85.12 Story of the glittering plain. Morris, W : 165.7 Story of Tonty. [Companion of LaSalle]. Catherwood, M. H 153.24 Story of Valentine and his brother. Oli- phant, M. O. W 36.953 Story of Viteau. Stockton, Frank R j97.7 Straightforward. Parr, Harriet 36.967 Strange adventures of a house-boat. Black, W: 147.29 Strange adventures of Captain Danger- ous. Sala, G: A 152.20 Strange adventures of Lucy Smith. Phil- ips, F. C 37.4 Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Stevenson, R. L: 65.11 Strange elopement. Russell, W: Clark.. 173.5 FICTION- 94 FICTION. Strange manuscript found in a copper cylinder. De Mille, James 147.24 Strange tales. Murray, E. C. G 36.926 Strange true stories of Louisiana. Cable, G:W 154.26 Strange world. Braddon, M. E 36.665 Strangers and wayfarers. Jewett, S. O. 161.11 Streckfuss, Adolph. Castle Hohenwald. 1887 154.29 — Too rich. 1887 154.30 Stretton, Hesba, pseud. See Smith, Han- nah. STRONG-minded woman, A. Hammond, W. A i 65.8 Stuart, Ruth M. Golden wedding, etc. 1893 173.16 Sturgis, Julian. John Maidment. 1886. . 65.23 — Thraldom. 1887 182.10 Subtle adversary. Scofield, C: J 172.4 Successful man. Cruger, Mrs. Van R. . . 161.9 Sugar and spice and all that’s nice. Til- eston, Mary W., ed j94.22 Sullivan, T. R. Day and night stories. 2 v. 1893 175.9 — Tom Sylvester. 1893 176.4 Summer in a canon. Wiggin, Kate D 158.22 SuN-maid. Grant, M. M 36.810 Superior woman. Yardley,J/ro. Jane. . . 65.20 Surry of Eagle’s-nest. Cooke, J: E 157.23 Suttner, Bertha von. “Ground arms!’’ 1892 165.21 Sweet and twenty. Collins, Mortimer.. 36.718 Sweet Cicely. Holley, Marietta 148.6 Sweet William. Bouvet. Marguerite j93.16 Swett, Sophie. Captain Polly. [1889].. j95.7 — Flying Hill Farm. 1892 j97.13 Sybil Knox. Hale, Edward E 175.31 Sylvia’s choice. Craik, Georgiana M. . . 36.740 Sylvie and Bruno. Dodgson, C: L. 2v.. j 103. 14 Taken alive, etc. Roe, E: P 153.28 Taken by the enemy. Adams, W: T j94.24.1 Tale of a lonely parish. Crawford, F. M. 65.4 Tale of sin. Wood, Mrs. Henry 37.92 Tale of the Indian mutiny. Rousselet,L: j98.7 Tales and legends. Hazlitt, W: C ., ed. .. 148.24 Tales before supper. Gautier, T. and Merimee, P 68.28 Tales from “Blackwood.” 2 v 37.47 Tales from Blackwood. 3rd series. 12 v. 164.17 Tales of a time and place. King, Grace. 176.31 Tales of New England. Jewett, S. O 158.20 Tales of the border. Hall, J 155.5 Tales of the borders. Wilson, J: M. 4 v. 68.14 Tales of the genii. Ridlej’, J. tr j94.13 Tales of the good woman. Paulding, J. K. 165.31 Tales of the southern border. Webber, C. W 172.1 Tales out of school. Stockton, F. R j98.10 Talk of the town. Payn, James 36.985 Talking horse, etc. Guthrie, F. A 176.28 Tapestry room, Molesworth. Mrs. M. L. . jl02.28 Taras Bulba. Gogol, Nikolai' V 67.24 Tartarin of Tarascon. Daudet, Alphonse. 67.9 Tartarin on the Alps. Daudet, Alphonse. 181.14 Tasma, pseud. See Couvreur, Mme. Taylor, George, pseud. Klytia. 1883 37.48 Taylor, Hobart C.- With edge tools. 1891. 164.16 Taylor, Winnie L. His broken sword. 1888 68.7 Tcherkesse prince. Meissner, Sophie R. de. 173.22 Tell me a story. Molesworth, M. L j84.20 Tellet, Roy. The outcasts. 1889 37.49 Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now. Andrews, Jane j84.11 Ten tales. Coppee, Francois 161.14 Terhune. M.Y. [Marion Harland.] Hand- icapped. [Stories.] 1881 147.21 — His great self. 1893 175.30 — With the best intentions. 1890 156.6 Tess of the D’Urbervilles. Hardy, T:... 166.1 Testa. Mantegazza, Paolo j96.17 Thackeray, A. I . [Mrs. Ritchie. Bluebeard’s keys, etc. 1875 37.50 — Da Capo, etc. 1880 37.51 — Five old friends. 1875 37.52 — From an island, etc. 1877 37.53 — Fulham lawn,e£c. 1877 37.54 — Mrs. Dymond. 1886 37.55 Thanet, O ctave, pseud. See French, Alice. That angelic woman. Ludlow, J. M. . . 165.15 That artful vicar. Murray, E. C. G 36.927 That wild wheel. Trollope, Frances E. . 182.11 Their pilgrimage. Warner, C: D 66.11 Thelma, a Norwegian princess. Corelli, Marie 36.731 Theodoli, Lily, Marcfiesa. Under pres- sure. [Society^ life in modern Rome] 1892 173.30 There and back. Macdonald, George. . . 163.19 Theresa at San Domingo. Fresneau, A. . j94.21 Thibault, Anatole, F. [Anatole France. ] Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard. 1890. 172.9 Think and thank. Cooper, S: W j 101. 23 Thomas, Annie. See Cudlip, Mrs. A. Thomas, Chauncey. Crystal button. [Me- chanical and material possibilities of the future.] 1891 161.2 Thompson, Maurice. At love’s extremes. 1885 58.25 Thorn in the nest. Finley, Martha 65.18 Thorny path. Ebers, Georg. 2v 166.22 Thoth. Nicholson, J. Shield 37.56 Thraldom. Sturgis, Julian 182.10 Three brides. Yonge, C. M 37.106 Three Brown boys. Haile, Ellen j93.19 Three courses and a dessert. Cruikshank, G: 153.7 Three fates. Crawford, F. M 165.32 Three Greek children. Church, A. J. . . j95.6 Three men in a boat. Jerome, J. K 157.31 Three Miss Kings. Cross. Mrs. G. F 181.11 Three sisters. Keeling, Elsa d’Esterre-.. 36.865 Three tales. Hauff, Wilhelm 36.824 Through a needle’s eye. Smith, Hannah. 138.22 Through night to light. Gutzkow K:. . . 36.813 Through storm to sunshine. Lacey, W: J. j85.22 Through the Sikh war. Henty,G: A . . . . jl02.14 Tiernan, Mary S. Jack Horner. 1890. . 156.5 Tileston, Mary W., ed. Sugar and spice and all that’s nice. 1886. j94.22 Tillyloss scandal, etc. Barrie, J. M 174.17 Tim: [a story of school life]. 1892 j97.11 Timar’s two worlds. Jokai, Maurus 182.32 Time’s revenges. Murray, David C 173.26 Timothy’s quest. Wiggin, Kate D 158.21 Tincker, Mary A. San Salvador. 1892. 165.14 — Two coronets. 1889 152.28 Tirebuck, W: Dorrie. 1891 178.30 To right the wrong. Bayly, A. E 177.18 To the lions. Church, Alfred J 155.14 Todhunters’ at Loanin’ Head. Linton, E. L 36.877 Told after supper. Jerome, J. K 157.30 Told in the twilight. Wood, Mrs. H: 37.93 Tolstoi, Lyof N., Count. Anna Karenina. 1886 67.23 FICTION. 95 FICTION. Tolstoi, Lyof N. Count , continued. — Childhood, boyhood, youth. 1886. . . . — Family happiness. [1888] — Gospel stories. [1890] — In pursuit of happiness. [Stories.] [1887] — The invaders, and other stories. [1887]. — Ivan Ilyitch. and other stories. [1887]. — Sebastopol. 1887 War and peace. 4 v. in 2. 1889 Tom: a home story. Chaney, G: L Tom and the money king. Stoddard, AY: O Tom Paulding. Matthews, Brander Tom Sylvester. Sullivan, T. R Tommy Upmore. Blackmore, R: D Tony the maid. Howard, Blanche AA r — Too curious. Goodman, Edward J Too rich. Streckfuss, Adolph Topsys and turvys. Newell, P. S Tourgee, Albion AY. Black ice. 1888. . — Button’s inn. [Early Mormonism.] 1887 — Murvale Eastman, Christian socialist. [1889.] — Pactolus Prime. [1890] — A royal gentleman, [or Toinette] . 1884. — Son of Old Harry. 1891 Tourmalin’s time cheques. Guthrie, F. A. Towhead. Greene, S. P. McLean Town-crier. Montgomery, Florence Townsend, Virginia F. Boston girl’s ambitions — Darryll Gap; or whether it paid. 1866.. — Deerings of Medbury. 1886 — Mostly Marjorie Day. 1892 — Six in all. 1886 — Woman’s word and how she kept it. [1878] Trafford, T. G ., pseud. See Riddell, J. H. Trafton, Adeline. Dorothy’s experience. 1891 Tragedy of Ida Noble. Russell, AY: C. .. Tragedy of Wild River Valley. Finley, M. Tragic comedians. Meredith, George Tragic muse. James, Henry. 2v Transformed. Montgomery, Florence.. Translation of a savage. Parker, Gilbert . Traveler from Altruria. Howells, AY: D.. Travers, G raham. Mona Maclean, medi- cal student. 1892 Treherne’s temptation. Carr, Alaric. . . Trelawny,E: J: Adventures of a young- er son. 1890 Trials of a staff-officer. King, Capt. C.. Trilby. DuMaurier, G: Trollope, Anthony. Alice Dugdale, etc. 1883 — Ayala’s angel. 3 v. in 2. 1881 — Cousin Henry. 1879 — Dr. AA r ortel’s school. 1881 — The duke’s children. 3 v, in 2. 1880. - An eye for an eye. 1879 — The fixed period. 1882 — Frau Frohmann, etc. 1883 — Is he Popenjoy? 3 v. in 2. 1878 John Caldigate. 3 v. in 2. 1879 — Kept in the dark. 1882 — LaMere Bauche, etc. 1883 — Marion Fay. 1882 — Mistletoe bough, etc. 1883 — An old man’s love. 1884 — Way we live now. 4v. in 2. 1875.... 66.4 165.6 165.5 67.25 67.22 67.6 67.5 157.27 J85.20 j 102. 13 j97.25 176.4 36.646 68.12 36.803 154.30 j 103. 9 68.2 67.12 158.25 155.24 138.8 165.29 163.15 162.24 j95.15 67.1 162.20 147.19 168.15 j85.31 168.16 j95.32 176.25 174.3 36.917 155.26 36.922 177.2 182.30 167.28 36.683 148.16 168.10 182.18 37.57 37.60 37.61 37.62 37.63 37.58 37.64 37.65 37.66 37.67 37.68 37.69 37.70 37.71 37.59 37.72 Trollope, Frances E. That wild wheel. 1892 182.11 Troublesome girl. Hungerford, Mrs. M. 36.846 Trowbridge, J: T. Bound in honor; or, a harvest of wild oats. [1877.] j84.14 — Coupon bonds, and other stories. [1871.] 58.28 — Drummer boy. [1883.] j84.13 — Father Brighthopes. 1892 j 101. 22 — Jolly rover. [1882.] j84.16 — Pocket-rifle. [1881.] j84.15 — Satin-wood box. [1885.] j84.23 — Young Joe, and other boys. [1879.].. j78.16 Troy, Tale of. Stewart, Aubrey, j85.14 True man. Stirling, M. C In 36.742 True riches. Coppee, Francois 175.12 True story book. Lang, Andrew, ed jl03.6 True tales for my grandsons. Baker, Sir S: AV j85.1 Trueba, T. de. Romance of history: Spain 177.22 Truth about Clement Ker. Fletcher, J. 152.12 Tucker, G: Fox. A Quaker home. 1891. 163.5 Tucker, Nathaniel B. Partisan leader. [Foreshadows the War of the Rebel- lion.] 1861 163.14 Tuckett, Elizabeth. Children’s journey, etc. 1872 .' j98.9 Tuttiett, M. G. [Maxwell Cray .] The last sentence. [1893] 174.15 — Reproach of Annesley. [1889] 152.19 — Silence of Dean Maitland. 1889 152.11 Twenty years after. Dumas, A 42.2 Two brothers. Balzac, H. de 65.33 Two, by tricks. Yates, Edmund 37.101 Two chiefs of Dunboy. Froude, J. A 151.28 Two college girls. Brown, H. D j96.19 Two coronets. Tincker, Mary A. 152.28 Two daughters of one race. Heimburg,W. 151.23 Two destines. Collins, Wilkie 36.729 Two Dianas. Dumas, A. 3v 171.8 Two Gray girls. Haile, Ellen j93.20 Two Lilies. Kavanagh, Julia 36.862 Two on a tower. Hardy, T: 68.33 Two runaways, etc. Edwards, H. S 154.27 Two sides of the shield. Yonge, C. M. . . 37.107 Two soldiers, etc. King, Capt. Charles... 158.24 Two tales of married life. 2 v. in 1 36.742 v. 1, Hard to bear, by Georgiana Craik. v. 2 , A true man, by M. C. Stirling. Two thousand years ago. Church, A. J.. j85.13 Two women. Craik, Georgiana M 36.741 Uncle Piper of Piper’s Hill. Couvreur, Mme 37.77 Uncle Remus and his friends. Harris, J. C 168.29 Under Drake’s flag. Henty. G: A jl03.25 Under one roof. Payn, James 36.986 Under orders. Munroe, Kirk jl02.7 Under pressure. Theodoli, Lily, Marchesa. 173.30 Under the lilies and roses. Church, R.. 36.713 Under the red flag. Braddon. M. E 36.666 Under the red robe. Weyman, S. J 181.4 Under which lord? Linton, E. L 36.878 UNDER-currents. Hungerford, Mrs. Marg. 36.847 Uranie. Flammarion, Camille 158.4 Ursula. Balzac, Honore de 162.26 “Us, ’’ an old fashioned story. Moles- worth, M. L j84.24 A^ain forebodings. Oswald, E 154.28 Valdes, Armando, P. Maximina. [1888] 68.21 — Sister saint Sulpice. [1890] 158.15 \ r alentine and his brother. Oliphant, M. O. AV 36.953 FICTION. 96 FICTION. Valera, Juan. Commander Mendoza. 1893. 182.19 — DonBraulio. 1892 166.24 — Dona Luz. 1891 158.14 — Pefita Ximenez. 1891 161.22 Van Bibber and others. Davis, R: H 166.5 Vanessa. Pauli, M. A 36.968 Veeder, Emily E. Her brother Donnard. 1890 164.3 Veitch, Sophie, F. F. The dean’s daugh- ter. 1890 157.4 Vendetta. Corelli, Marie 36.732 Vera. Dempster, Charlotte 36.748 Verga, Giovanni. House by the medlar- tree. [Story of an Italian fishing village.] [1890.] 158.16 Verne, Jules. Hector Servadac. [Same as “To the sun” and “Off on a com- et.”] 1889 148.21 — In search of the castaways. [187*3.] . . 148.22 — Voyage round the world. 3 v 136.15 v. 1, Australia; v. 2, New Zealand; v. 3, South America. Very odd girl. Armstrong, Annie E. . . . jl01.32 Vesty of the basins. Greene, S. P. McL. . 176.16 Viaud, Julien. [Pierre Loti.] Book of pity and of death. [1892.] 177.10 — Iceland fisherman. 1890 181.32 Vicar of Tours. Balzac, Honore de. In 166.23 Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith, Oliver. 156.31 Victor Lescar. Grant, M. M 36.811 Victorious Union. Adams, W: T j94.24.6 Village commune, Rame, L. de la 37.25 Village tragedy, Woods, Marg. L 37.95 Violetta. Manteuffel, Ursula Z. v 66.2 Violin obligato, etc. Crosby, Margaret.. 164.4 Virginia: a Roman sketch. Duff, H. A.. 37.78 V ittoria. Meredith, George 151.18 Viva. Forrester, Mrs 36.781 Vixen. Braddon, M. E. 3 v. in 2 36.667 V olckhausen, A. von. Why did he not die? 1886 155.6 Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Zadig, etc. 1891.. 165.17 Voodoo tales. Owen, Mary A 172.5 Vosmaer, Carl. The Amazon. 1890 167.7 Voyage, of discovery. Aide, Hamilton. . 166.10 Vulture maiden. Hillern,Wilhelmine von. 36.829 Wages of sin. Harrison, Mrs. W 161.32 Wagner, W. Epics and romances of the middle ages. 1887 148.9 W alford, Lucy B. Cousins. 1879 147.15 — Pauline. 1877 37.79 — Sage of sixteen. 1889 155.12 — Stiff-necked generation. 1889 154.11 Walford. Kirk, Ellen Olney 161.1 Wallace, L ew. Prince of India. 2v. 1893. 174.25 Walworth, Jeannette H. Southern sil- houettes. 1887 68.11 Wanneta, the Sioux. Moorehead, W. K. 148.19 War and peace. Tolstoi-, Lyof N 157.27 War time wooing. King, Capt. C: 152.16 Ward, E. Pair of originals. 1891 j96.29 Ward, Herbert D. Captain of the Kittie- wink. 1892 jl01.6 — New senior at Andover. 1891 j95.30 — Republic without a president, ete.[1891.] 173.15 Ward, Mrs. Humphrey. David Grieve. 1892 164.22 — Marcella. 2 v. 1894 178.20 — Miss Bretherton. 1888 154.22 — Robert Elsmere. [1888] 147.25 Warden, Florence. Sea Mew Abbey. [1891.] 176.26 Warner, C: Dudley. Little journey in the world. 1889 ' 154.17 Warner, C: Dudley, continued. — Their pilgrimage. 1887 66.11 Warner, Susan. Daisy Plains. [1885].. 58.32 — Letter of credit. [1881.] 152.9 Warren, Cornelia. Miss Wilton. 1892.. 167.10 Watchmaker’s wife, etc. Stockton, F. R. 175.13 Way we live now. Trollope, A. 4 v. in 2. 37.72 We two. Bayly, Ada Ellen 162.16 We, Von Arldens. Douglas, Edith 163.21 Weavers and weft. Braddon, M. E 36.668 Webber, C: W. Tales of the southern border. 1887 172.1 Wedmore, F rederick. Pastorals of France; Renunciations. 1893 177.32 Weird tales. Hoffmann, E. T.W. 2v.... 152.24 Wells, H: P. City boys in the woods. 1889 * j98.25 Wendell, Barrett. Rankell’s remains. 1887 66.23 Werner, E. See Burstenbinder, E. Weyman, Stanley J. A gentleman of France. [Time of Henry III. and Henry IV.] 1893 177.27 — House of the Wolf: a romance. [Mass- acre of St. Bartholomew, etc.] 1890. 156.20 — My Lady Rotha. [Thirty years’ war.] 1894 183.1 — Under the red robe. [Cardinal Riche- lieu.] 1894 181.4 What he cost her. Payn, James 36.988 What Katy did next. Woolsey, S. C j85.18 What necessity knows. Dougall, L 177.16 What the seven did. Lothrop, H. M. . . . j98.24 What’s mine’s mine. Macdonald, G:... 66.6 WHAT-to-do club. Campbell, Mrs. Helen. jl03.19 White, Eliza O. Miss Brooks. 1890 158.31 — Winterborough. 1892 176.14 White cave. Stoddard, W: O j 103.4 White company. Doyle, A, Conan 181.16 White heron, etc. Jewett, Sarah 0 175.1 Whiteing, R: The island. 1888 37.80 Whiteladies. Oliphant, M. O. W 36.954 Whitney, A. D. T. Ascutney street. 1890. 157.13 — Bonnyborough. 1886 58.20 — A golden gossip. 1892 165.10 — Home spun yarns. [Short stories.] 1887. 66.8 Why did he not die? Volckhausen, A. v. . 155.6 Wichert, Ernst. The green gate. 1887.. 68.17 Widow Guthrie. Johnston, Richard M. . 161.5 Wieland. Brown, C: B 168.14 Wiggin, Kate D. The Birds’ Christmas Carol. • 1891 j95.31 — Cathedral courtship; Penelope’s En- glish experiences. 1893 174.4 — Summer in a canon; a California story. 1890 158.22 — Timothy’s quest. 1891 158.21 WiLDMike and hisvictim. Montgomery, F. 36.923 Wilhelm Meister’s travels. Goethe, J.W. v. 68.15 Wilkins, Mary E. Humble romance, etc. [1887] 156.12 — Jane Field. 1893 171.19 — New England nun, etc. 1891 161.31 — Pembroke. 1894 181.6 — Pot of gold, etc. [1892] j 102. 19 — Young Lucretia, etc. 1892 j97.21 Will and away. Fullerton,Z«d2/G 36.794 William Allair. Wood, Mrs. Henry j95. 26 Williams, Annie B. [ Jdk .] Birchwood. [1885.] j97.2 — Riverside museum. [Sequel to Birch- wood.] [1886.].. jl01.4 Wills, C. J. See Philips, F. C. FICTION. 97 FICTION. Wilson, Augusta E. At the mercy of Ti- berius. 1887 67.31 Wilson, J: M. Tales of the borders and of Scotland. 4 v 68.14 Wiltse, Sara E. Stories for kindergar- tens and primary schools. 1890 j95.37 Winchester, Carroll, pseud. See Curtis, C. P. Wind of destiny. Hardy, Arthur S 65.25 Window in Thrums. Barrie, James M. . 166.28 Winter, J. S. Regimental legends. 1883. 37.81 Winter fun. Stoddard, W: O j97.19 Winter story. Peard, Frances M 36.995 \y interborough. White, Eliza Orne. . . . 176.14 Wise women of Inverness. Black, W: 36.644 Wister, Mrs. A. L., translator. Alpine fay, by E. Burstenbinder 151.27 — Castle Hohenwald, by Adolph Streck- fuss 154.29 — The Eichhofs, by M. von Reichenbach. 154.31 — Family feud, by Ludwig Harder 68.18 — Green gate, by Ernest Wichert 68.17 — Hulda, by F. Lewald 68.16 — Lady with the rubies, by Mrs. E. John. 154.25 — Margarethe, by E. Juncker 68.20 — Owl’s nest, by Mrs. E. John 133.22 — Picked up in thestreets, by H. Schobert. 68.19 — Saint Michael, by E. Burstenbinder... 67.15 — Too rich, by Adolph Streckfuss 154.30 — Vain forebodings, by E. Oswald 154.28 — Violetta, by U. Z. von Manteuffel 66.2 — Why did he not die?, by A. v. Volck- hausen 155.6 Witch of Prague. Crawford, M. F 163.24 Witch of Salem. Musick, J: R 178.6 Witch Winnie series. #€eChampney,E. W. Witch’s head. Haggard, H. Rider 36.820 With a silken thread. Linton, E. L 36.879 With Clive in India. Henty, G: A jl03.26 With Columbus in America. Falken- horst, C j 102. 23 With Cortez in Mexico. Falkenhorst, C. jl02.24 With Cupid’s eyes. Church, Mrs. R 36.714 With edge tools. Taylor, Hobart C.- 164.16 With fire and sword. Sienkiewicz, H. . . 155.19 With Lee in Virginia. Henty, G: A j94.19 With Pizarro in Peru. Falkenhorst, C. . «jl02.22 With the best intentions. Terhune,M.V. 156.6 With the immortals. Crawford, F. M. . . 165.3 With the king at Oxford. Church, A. J. 177.26 With Wolfe in Canada. Henty, G: A. . . j 103.27 Witherspoon, Rev. Orlando. Doctor Ben. 1883 57.31 Within the enemy’s lines. Adams, W: T. j94.24.2 Within the precincts. Oliphant, M. O.W. 3 v in 2 36.955 Without dogma. Sienkiewicz, Henryk. 174.12 Witt, Mme. de. French country family. 1868 .185.30 WizARD’sson. Oliphant, M. O.W. 3 v. in 2. 36.956 Wolfenberg. Black, William 173.20 Wolff, Julius. Fifty years, three months, two days; a tale of the Neckar val- ley. [1890.] 158.12 — The robber count; a story of theHartz country. [1890.] 157.2 Woman’s, A, inheritance. Douglas, A. M. 65.3 Woman’s word and howshekept it. Town- send, V. F 168.16 Women must weep. Fawcett, Edgar 176.30 Won. Buxton, B. H 36.676 Won by waiting. Bayly, A. E 164.12 Wonder clock. Pyle, Howard j 98 . 4 Wood, H. F. Passenger from Scotland Yard. 1888 37.94 Wood, Henry. Edward Burton. 1890.. 157.14 Wood, Mrs. Henry. [Johnny Ludlow.] Adam Grainger. 1876.... 37.82 — Anne, etc. 1881 37.83 — Bessy Rane. 1870 37.84 — Dene Hollow. 1871 37.85 — Dorothy Grape, etc. 1885 37.86 — Elster’s folly. 1866 37.87 — Helen Whitney’s wedding, etc. 1885. 37.88 — Lost in the post, etc. 1881 37.89 — Mystery of Jessy Page, etc. 1885 37.90 — Pomeroy abbey. 1878.. 37.91 — Tale of sin, etc. 1881 37.92 — Told in the twilight, [Tales.] 1875. 37.93 — William Allair. 1874 j95.26 Wood, J: S. Daughter of Venice. [1892.] 171.15 Woodland wooing. Putnam, Eleanor 153.30 Woodlanders. Hardy, Thomas 66.32 Woods, Kate T. Six little rebels. [1879.] jl01.9 Woods, Katherine P. Metzerott, shoe- maker. [1889.] 155.21 Woods, Margaret L. Esther Vanhomrigh. [1891.] 175 3 — Village tragedy. 1889 37.95 Woolley, Celia P. Girl graduate. 1889. 152.2 — Love and theology. 1887 68.23 — Roger Hunt. 1892 165.9 Woolsey, Mrs. S. C. [Susan Coolidge.] Clover. 1889.- j95.2 — Just sixteen. 1889 j94.23 — Little country girl. 1887 j95.8 — Rhymes and ballads for girls and boys. 1892 j98.13 — What Katy did next. 1887 j85.18 Woolson, Constance F. East Angels. 1886. 65.24 — Jupiter lights. 1889 154.2 Word, A, only a word. Ebers, Georg 156.30 Working ten. Greenleaf, Elizabeth j95.10 World of chance. Howells, W: D 173.21 World of girls. Smith, Mrs. L. T j 104.5 World she awoke in. Alldridge, Lizzie. 36.633 World well lost. Linton, E. L 36.880 World went very well then. Besant, W. . . 152.21 World’s verdict. Hopkins, Mark, jr . . . . 68.3 Wrecked? Stoddard, W: 0 147.22 Wrecker, The. Stevenson, R. L: and Os- bourne, L 166.20 Wright, Henrietta C. Children’s stories in American history. Ulus. 1890. j97.5 — Children’s stories of American pro- gress. lllus. 1891 j97.6 — Children’s stories of the great scien- tists. Ports. 1891 j 102. 18 Wright, Julia McNair. Dragon and the tea-kettle; The doppleganger. [Tem- perance tales.] 1885 58.23 Written in fire. Church, Mrs. Ross. . . . 36.715 Wrong box. Stevenson, R. L: and Os- bourne, L 151.24 Wyllard’s weird. Braddon, M. E. 3v. in 2. 36.669 Yardley, Mrs. Jane. A superior woman. 1885 65.20 Yates, Edmund. Silent witness. 1875. 37.100 — Two, by tricks. 1875 37.101 Year in Eden. Preston, Harriet W 66.24 Yeats, W. B.,comp. Representative Irish tales. 2 v 163.11 Yoke of the Thorah. Luska, Sidney. . . . 67.26 Yonge, C harlotte M. Armourer’s prentices. 1884 37.102 — Bye-words: a collection of tales old and new. 1880 j95.17 — Chantry house. 1886 65.27 — Countess Kate. 1864 j95.18 FICTION. 98 FINE ARTS. Yonge, Charlotte, M., continued. — Friarswood post-office. 1867 j95.19 — Henrietta’s wish; or, domineering. 1870 j95.20 — Kenneth; or, the rear guard of the grand army. 1860 j95.21 — Lads and lasses of Langley; Sowing and reaping. 1882 j95.22 — The little duke. 1861 j95.23 — Little Lucy’s wonderful globe. 1878. j96. 16 — Love and life. 1880 37.104 — Magnum bonum. 1880 37.105 — Modern Telemachus. 1886 66.12 — My young Alcides. 1876 151.10 — Prince and the page: story of the last crusade. 1883 j85.17 — P’s and Q’s, etc. 1873 j95.24 — Stokesley secret. 1862 j95.25 — Three brides. 1876 37.106 — Two sides of the shield. 1885 37.107 York and a Lancaster rose. Keary, Annie. j96.28 Youma. Hearn, Lafcadio 158.30 Young Carthaginian. Henty, G: A jl03.28 Young Joe, and other boys. Trowbridge, J: T j78.16 Young Lucretia, etc. Wilkins, Mary E. . j97.21 Young maids and old. Burnham, C. L. . 157.28 Young Mr. Ainslie’s courtship. Philips, F. C 37.5 Young moose hunters. Stephens, C. A. j96.24 Young Musgrave. Oliphant, M. O. W. 36.957 Youngest Miss Lorton. Perry, Nora .. . j96.10 Zachary Phips. Bynner, Edwin L 167.19 ZADiG,and other tales. Voltaire, F. M. A de. 165.17 Zadoc Pine. Bunner, H: C 161.25 Zangwill, I. Bachelor’s club. 1891 163.23 — Children of the Ghetto. 2 v. 1892. . . . 177.20 — King of Schnorrers, etc. 1894 178.25 — Old maids’ club. 1892 171.13 Zeph. Jackson, Helen Hunt 58.27 Zero. Praed, Mrs. Campbell 37.13 Zschokke, Heinrich. Princess of Bruns- wick-Wolfenbiittel, etc. 1867 37.108 — Tales. [1889.] 152.30 Zury. Kirkland, Joseph 164.6 Fiddle. See Violin. Field, Cyrus W. McCabe, J. D. Great fortunes, pp. 221-248 604.1 Field, Eugene. Little book of Western verse. 1891 226.23 — Second book of verse. 1893 231.25 — With trumpet and drum. [Verse.] 1892. 231.18 See also Fiction class-list. Field, G: Grammar of colouring. 1882. 853.15 Field, H: M. Among the holy hills. 1890. 544.15 — Barbary coast. Illus. 1893 554.20 — Bright skies and dark shadows. [The Southern states.] 1890 537.24 — Gibraltar [in 1887]. 1890 545.11 — Greek islands and Turkey after the war. 1888 778.1 — Old Spain and new Spain. 1888 534.8 — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among au- thors, etc In 654.9 Field, Michael, pseud. Father’s tragedy; William Rufus; Loyalty of love. 1886 236.8 Field, Parker B. Canvas canoes. 1887. 856.32 Field andhedgerow. [Essays.] Jefferies.R; 872.27 Field sports. See Sports. Fields, Mrs. James T. How to help the poor. 1889 941.33 — Whittier: notes of his life and of his friendships. 1893 683.9 Fifty law lessons. Clark, Arthur B 925.3 Fifty perfect poems. Dana, C. A. and Johnson, R., ed *221.17 Fifty years ago. [England.] Besant, W. 55L11 Fifty years among authors,^. Derby, J.C. 654.9 Fifty years and beyond. Lathrop, S. G. 472.31 Fifty years in both hemispheres. Nolte, Vincent. 1854 556*4 Fifty years of science. Lubbock, Sir J : . 898. 16 Fight at Finnsburh. See Beowulf. Figuier, Louis. Joys be\mnd the thresh- hold; sequel to the “To-morrow of death.” 1893 476.11 Figures of the past. Quincy, Josiah. . . . 683.6 Filibusters, Story of the. Roche, J.J. 1891. 788.16 Filippini, Alessandro. The table: how to buy food, how to cook it, and how to serve it. 1891 881.15 Fillmore, M illard. Stoddard, W: O. Life of. 1888 647.1.6 Filmer, Sir R: Patriarcha: the natural power of kings In 917.17 Final causes. Janet, Paul. 1892 477.5 Finance. Adams, H. C. Public debts. 1893 935.4 — Bastable, C. F. Public finance. 1892. 935.16 — Bourne, E: G. Surplus revenue of 1837. 1885 937.24 — Cowperthwait, J. H. Money, silver and finance. 1892 937.69 — Newcomb, Simon. A B C of. [1877.] 944.15 — Reeves, J. The Rothschilds 647.11 — True or false finance: the issue of 1888. 937.55 See also Money, currency, eta ; Repudiation. Finch, J: B. People versus the liquor traffic. 1887 944.25 Finck, H: T. Chopin and other musical essays. 1889.. : 872.26 — Pacific coast scenic tour. 1890 542.15 — Romantic love and personal beauty: their development, causal relations, historic and national peculiarities. 1887 448.3 — Spain and Morocco. 1891 542.24 — Wagner and his works. 2v. 1893 685.6 Finden,W. and^i. Landscape illustrations of the Bible 537.12 Fine arts. Dictionaries , Directories, etc. — Adeline, Jules. Art dictionary. 1891. 878.1 — Loomis, L. C. Index guide to travel and art study in Europe. 1890 538.16 History, etc. — Clement, Clara E. History of art for beginners and students. 1887 853.18 Contents: Painting; Sculpture; Architecture. — Goodyear, W: H: History of art for classes, art students, etc. 1889 881.19 Roman and medieval art. 1893 885.31 — Lacroix, Paul. Arts in the middle ages, and at the period of the re- naissance 768.1 — Pater, W. H: The renaissance: stud- ies in art and poetry. 1877 852.21 FINE ARTS. 99 FISHER. Fine arts, continued . — Perrot, Georges and Chipiez, C: His- tory of ancient art in Phoenica. 2v. 1885 896.20 Historv of art in ancient Egypt. 2 v. 1888.! , 896.21 History of art'in Chaldea and Assyr- ia. 2 v. 1883 896.22 History of art in Persia. 1892 888.3 History of art in Phrygia, Lydia, Caria, and Lycia. 1892 888.2 — - History of art in Sardinia, Judaea, Syria, and Asia Minor . 2 v. 1890. 896.23 — Reber, F. von. History of ancient art. 1883 887.27 History of mediaeval art. 1887 853.7 — Scott, L. Renaissance of art in Italy. 1883 *8522.4 — Turner, F. C, Short history of art. 1888 864.16 Philosophy , Criticism , Study. — Brownell, W. C. French art. 1892.. 884.9 — Collignon,Maxime. Manual of mythol- ogy in relation to Greek art. 1890.... 467.7 — Crane, Lucy. Art and the formation of taste. 1886 852.23 — Jameson, Anna M. Sacred and legend- ary art. 2v. 1890 875.9 and Eastlake, Eliz. History of our Lord as exemplified in works of art. 2 v. 1890 875.8 — Rejmolds, Joshua. Discourses. 1891. 877.24 — Ruskin, J: Readings from; with in- troduction by H. A. Beers. 1886;. 852.22 — Scharf, G: Characteristics of Greek art. 1882 In 534.13 — Spooner, S. Anecdotes of painters, en- gravers, sculptors and architects, etc. 3v. [1880.].. 335.10 — Story, W: W. Conversations in a stu- dio. 2 v. 1890 872.23 — Van Dyke, J:C. Principles of art. 1887. 853.9 Periodicals. — Art amateur, v. 11-30. 1884-1894. .. *8541.27 — Art interchange, v. 25-32. 1890-1894. *8541.37 — Magazine of art. v. 7-17. 1884-1894.. *8541.21 See also ./Esthetics; Anatomy; Architecture; Bi- ography ( Collective ; Artists)-, Christian art; Color; Decorative art; Drawing; Engraving; Expression; Gems and precious stones; Music; Painting; Pho- tography; Sculpture; Sketching. Finger plays. Poulsson, Emilie. Finger plays for nursery and kindergarten. [1889.] Finger-ring lore. Jones, W: 1890 Finland. Cox,S: S. Arctic sunbeams. 1887. — DuChaillu, P. B. Land of the mid- night sun. 1881 — Kalevala; the epic poem of Finland. . . — Prime, S: I. Alhambra and Kremlin. 1873 — Vincent, F. , jr. Norsk, Lapp and Finn. Finley, Martha. See Fiction class-list. Finney, C: Grandison. Wright, G. F: Life of. 1891 Firdausi, Abul K4sim. Sh£h Ndmeh. 1892. — Church, A. J. Story of Rustem . . . .In Fireman’s guide. Dahlstrom, K:P. 1891? First editions of American authors. Stone, H. S 878.16 478.27 536.27 517.17 235.7 516.9 518.1 656.6.8 234.2 j96.7 897.29 348.4 First healing and then service, and other sermons. Spurgeon, C. H 436.33 First steps in scientific knowledge. Bert, Paul. 1887 832.37 Fischer, Kuno. History of modern phi- losophy. Descartes and his school. 1887 447.1 Fish,G: T. Guide to the cond uct of meet- ings. 1888 925.26 Fish, H: C. Primitive piety revived. 1860. 478.10 Fish and fishing. Burnand, F. C. The in- compleat angler. [Humorous.] 1887. 334.4 — Foster, D. Scientific angler; ed. by W. C. Harris. 1883 855.5 — Goode, G. Brown. Game and food fishes of North America. 1888. . . . 881.8 — Green, Seth. Home fishing, etc.: prac- tical treatise on fish culture. 1886. 861.4 — Gunther, A. C: L: G. Introduction to the study of fishes. 1881 8101.4 — Harris, W: C., ed. Angler’s guide book. 1885 855.24 — Henshall, J. A. Book of the black bass. 1881 847.12 More about the black bass. 1889. . . 865.6 — Herbert, H: W: [ Frank Forester .] Fish and fishing. 1855 875.22 — Naturalist’s library, v. 35-40. /S^Jar- dine, W:, ed 866.1 — Orvis, C. F. and Cheney, A. N. Fish- ing with the fly. i883 865.8 — Pennell, H. Cholmondeley-. Fishing. 1885 891.2 — Perry W. A. and others. American game fishes. 1892 881.3 — Proutv, L. Fish: their habits and haunts, etc. 1883 854.15 — Samuels, E: A. With fly-rod and cam- era. 1890 875.2 — Shields, G. O., ed. American game fish- es. 1892 881.3 — U. S. Commission of fish and fisheries. Report of com ’r. See United States. — Van Doren, Louis O. Fishes of the east Atlantic coast; [also] Fishes of the eatst coast of Florida. 1886. . . . 854.26 — Wells, H. P. Fly-rods and fly-tackle. 1885 856.14 — Young, L. J. H. Sea-fishing as a sport. 1872 861.31 Fisher, Mrs. A. B. See Buckley, A. B. Fisher, Frances C. [Christian Peid.] See Fiction class-list. Fisher, G: P. Colonial era. 1892 775.19 — History of the Christian church. 1888. 452.2 — Manual of Christian evidences. 1892. 472.11 — Manual of natural theology. 1893 473.3 Contents: Nature and origin of religion. Cos- mological argument for the being of God. Argument of design. Moral argument. Intuition of the infinite and absolute. Anti-theistic theories. Future life of the soul. Ontological argument. — Nature and method of revelation. 1890. 461.12 Contents: Revelation and the Bible. Gradualness of revelation. Differentiating of Christianity from Judaism. Revelation and faith. Supplementary essays. — Outlines of universal history. [1885.] . 751.13 — Supernatural origin of Christianity. [1855.] '. . 447.2 Contents: Nature of the conflict of Christian faith with skepticism and unbelief. Genuineness of the fourth gospel. Recent discussions upon the origin of the first three gospels. Baur on parties in the FISHER. 100 FLOWERS. Fisher, G: P., continued. Apostolic church and the character of the hook of Acts. Baur on Ebionitism and the origin of Catholic Christianity. Mythical theory of Strauss. Strauss’s restatement of his theory. Legendary theory of Renan. Critical and theological opinions of Theodore Parker. Examination of Baur and Strauss on the conversion of Paul. Nature and function of the Christian miracles. Testimony of Jesus concerning himself. Personality of God: in reply to the posi- tivist and the pantheist. Fisher, Joseph. History of landholding in England In 923.11 Fisk, F. W. Manual of preaching: hom- iletics. 1884 445.2 Fisk, Wilbur. Prentice, George. Life of. 1890 656.6.2 Fiske, Amos K. Midnight talks at the club. 1890 342.3 Fiske, John. American political ideas. 1885 917.2 — The American revolution. 2 v. 1891. 775.4 — Beginnings of New England. 1889. . . . 757.19 — Civil government in the United States. 1890 924.18 — Critical period in American history, 1783-1789. 1889 757.15 — Discovery of America. 2 v. 1892 775.18 — Edward L. Youmans; interpreter of science for the people. 1894 692.9 — Idea of God as affected by modern knowledge. 1886 436.9 — War of independence. 1889 757.18 — Washington and his country ; abridge- ment, with continuation, of Irv- ing’s Life of Washington. 1888... 673.23 — , joint ed. Appleton’s cyclopaedia of American biography. 6 v. 1888-9.. B 34 Fitzgerald, Percy. Art of acting. 1892. 898.15 Five hundred books for the young. Hardy, George E. 1892 345.30 Five talents of woman. Hardy, E. J. . . . 453.33 Flagg, A. T. Primer of navigation. 1894. 897.31 Flagg, Jared B. Life and letters of Wash- ington Allston. 1892 682.1 Flagg, Wilson. Birds and seasons of New England. 1875 8101.15 — Studies in field and forest. 1857 893.31 Flammarion, Camille. See Fiction class- list. Flanders, H: Lives and times of the chief justices of the supreme court of the United States. 2 v. 1875 668.11 Flaubert, Gustave. See Fiction class- list. Flaxman,J: Lectures on sculpture. 1884. 867.6 Fleay, F: G. Shakespeare manual. 1878. 215.32 Fleet, The; its river, prison, etc. Ashton, J: 554.8 Fleets of the world. Parker, F. A. 1876. 794.10 Fleming, G: Practical horse-keeper. 1886. 856.24 Fleming, George, pseud. ^Fletcher, Julia. Fleming, J. A. Alternate current trans- former. 2 v. v. 1, Induction of electric currents; v. 2, Utilization of induced currents. 1893 887.7 — Short lectures to electrical artisans. 1893 887.15 Fleming, W: Vocabulary of philosophy, psychological, ethical, etc. 1887... 478.25 Fletcher, Alfred E. , ed. Cyclopaedia of education. 1889 477.18 Fletcher, C. R. L. Gustavus Adolphus and the struggle of Protestantism for existence. 1890 664.1.2 Fletcher, J: Works. 2 v. See Beau- mont, F 221.3 Fletcher, J: MacDonald, F. W. Fletch- er of Madeley. 1886. . . .' 622.10.6 Fletcher, Julia. ’ [ George Fleming. ] See Fiction class-list. Fletcher, W: I: Public libraries in America. 1894 482.9 — ,ed. “A. L. A.” index to general lit- erature. 1893. C.18 — and Bowker, R. R., ed. Annual liter- ary index. 2 v., 1892-3 C.22 — jointed. See Poole, William F: Fleury, J. A. B. See Benard, Joseph A. Flint, Austin. Text-book of human phys- iology. 1886.. . .. 854.19 Flint, C: L. Grasses and forage plants. 1888 884.4 Flint, Robert. Historical philosophy in France, French Belgium and Switz- erland. 1894 793.12 — Vico. (Philosophical classics..) 1884. 675.1.9 Florence. Duffy, Bella. Tuscan repub- lics. 1893 752.1.35 — Karoly,K: Guide to the paintings of. 1893 885.6 — Norton, C: E. Church building in the middle ages 836.1 — Trollope, T: A. History of the com- monwealth of. 4 v. 1865 794.9 — Yriarte, C: Florence: its history — The Medici— The humanists — Letters — Arts. Illus. 1882 *8542.16 Florence of Worcester. Chronicle of, to Edward I., [1295]. 1854 771.3 Florian, J.- P. C. de. Fables. Illus. 1888. 221.11 Floriculture. /^Flowers. Florida. Brinton, Daniel G. Floridian peninsula, its history and archaeol- ogy. 1859 785.14 Guide-book of Florida and the South. 1869 552.15 — Davidson, J. W. Florida of to-day. Maps and illus. 1889 542.17 — French, B. F. Historical collections of. New series. 1869 776.2 — Holder, C: F. Along the Florida reef. [Natural history.] 1892 882.23 — Kerr, R. Collection of voyages, etc. [Discovery of F. by the Spaniards under Ponce de Leon, etc.~\ 535.6.5 — Ober, F: A. Knockabout club in the Everglades. [1887.] 543.2.4 — Roosevelt, R. B. Florida and the game water birds. 1884 847.13 Florida days. Deland, Marg. 1889 537.19 Flower, B. O. Lessons learned from other lives. 1891 677.6 Flower, W: H. The horse. 1892 898.14 Flowers and floriculture. Dana, Mrs . W: S. According to season. 1894. 893.15 How to know the wild flowers. 1893. 886.2 — Ellwanger, G: H. The garden’s story. 1889 865.23 — Friend, Hilderic. Flowers and flower lore. Illus. 1886 883.13 — Goodale, G: L. Wild flowers of Amer- ica. 1886 *8542.31 — Grant, Allen. Flowers and their ped- igrees. 1884 877.34 FLOWERS. 101 FORESTERS. Flowers and floriculture, continued. — Hardinge, E. M. With the wild flow- ers from pussy-willow to thistle- down. [1894.] 898.4 — Harris, Amanda B. Wild flowers and where they grow. [1882.] 875.20 — Lubbock, Sir J: Flowers, fruits and leaves. 1886 845.83 — Meehan, T: Native flowers and ferns of the United States. 2 v. 1878. . . . *888.18 — Muller, Hermann. Fertilization of flowers. 1883 896.5 — Pratt, M. L. Fairyland of flowers. 1890. 8101.2 Little flower folks. 2 v. 1890-1 j898.13 — Thaxter, Celia. An island garden. 1894. 896.18 — Whitcomb, Ida P. Bunch of wild flowers for the children. 1894 898.3 See also Gardening. Floyd, Isobel H. See Fiction class-list. Flying trip around the world. Bisland, Elizabeth. 1891 544.3 Foil and sabre. Rondelle, Louis. [1892.] 883.23 Folk etymology, a dictionary of verbal corruptions. Palmer, A. Smythe. 1882 334.11 Folk-lore, legends, Bassett, F. S. Le- gends of the sea and of sailors. 1885. 446.16 — Clouston, W. A. Book of noodles. 1888. 342.35 — Crane, T: F: Italian popular tales. 1889. 172.15 — Curtin, Jeremiah. Myths and folk- lore of Ireland. 1890 156.8 Myths and folk-tales of the Russians, Western Slavs, and Magyars. 1890. 162.18 — Dyer, T. F. T. English folk-lore. 1884. 453.2 Folk-lore of plants. 1889 455.1 — Folk-lore and legends. 8v. 1889-90.. 336.10 Contents: v.l, Germany; v. 2, Oriental; v. 3. Ireland; v. 4, Scotland; v. 5, English; v. 6, Scandinavian; v. 7, Russian and Polish; v. 8, North American Indian. — Hazlitt, W. C., ed. Tales and legends, [national or current in England]. 1892 '. 148.24 — Jones, C: C. Negro myths from the Georgia coast. 1888 171.26 — Journal of American folk-lore. See Periodicals. — Kalakaua, king. Legends and myths of Hawaii. 1888 475.2 — Lanier, S. Knightly legends of Wales; or, the boy’s Mabinogion. 1884.... j77.28 — Me Anally, D. R.,jr. Irish wonders. 1888. 452.10 — Martinengo-Cesaresco, Evelyn, Countess. Essays in the study of folk-songs. 1886 234.6 — Monteiro, M. Legends and popular tales of the Basque people. 1887. . 454.4 — Nat$sa Sa.stri, S. M. Folk-lore in southern India. 18$4 475.9 — Owen, Mary A. Voodoo tales as told among the negroes of the South- west. 1893 172.5 — Rand, Silas T. Legends of the Mic- macs. 1894 477.17 — Segerstedt, A. My Lady Legend and other folk tales. [Swedish.] [1891 .] J97.22 — Stanley, H: M. My dark companions and their strange stories. 1893 172.7 — Wagner, W. Epics and romances of the middle ages. 1887 148.9 — Wilde, Lady J. F. S. Ancient cures, charms, and usages of Ireland. 1890. 461.26 Folk-lore, legends, etc., continued. Ancient legends and superstitions of Ireland. 1888 453.1 — Yeats, W. B. Celtic twilight, men and women, dhouls and faeries. 1894.. 182.24 See also Ballads; Fairy tales; Mythology. Following the guidon. Custer, Eliz. B. . . 542.3 Folly, Praise of. Erasmus, Desiderius. . 346.9 Fontaine, E: How the world was peo- pled. 1884 861.15 Food, diet and dining. Athenteus. The Deipnosophists ; or, banquet of the * learned. 3 v. 1854 324.4 — Atkinson, E: Science of nutrition. 1892. 881.14 — Durham, W: Food physiology. 1891.. 896.15 — Henderson, Mrs. Mary. Diet for the sick. 1885 847.23 — Herrick, Christine T. The little din- ner. 1892 882.19 — Jeaffreson, J:C. Book about the table. ’75. 862.19 — Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. Carving and ser- ving. 1887 856.20 — Thompson, Sir H: Food and feeding. 1891 897.18 See also Cookery. Fools of fortune. Quinn, J: Philip 926.4 Foot, Katharine B. See Fiction class-list. Football. Camp, Walter. American football. 1882 884.19 Book of college sports. 1893 In 887.12 Foote, A. R. Economic value of electric light and power. 1889 865.2 Foote, Mary Hallock. See Fiction class- list. Foot-path way. Torrey, Bradford 882.21 Footprints of famous men. Edgar, J: C. 646.13 Footprints of travel. Ballou, M.M. 1889.. 544.29 For fifty years. Hale, E: E. 1893 234.14 Forbes, Archibald. Afghan wars, 1839- 42 and 1878-80. 1891 794.8 — Life of Sir Henry Havelock. 1890. . .655.17.10 — William [I.] of Germany: a succinct biography. 1888 651.17 Forbes, Edwin. An artist’s story of the great war, [1861-5]. 2v. [1890.] .. *8542.33 Forbes, G: Lectures on electricity. 1888. 861.13 Forbes, H. O. A naturalist’s wanderings in the Eastern archipelago, [1878- 83]. 1885 531.18 Ford, Isaac N. . Tropical America. 1893. 553.10 Ford, James L. See Fiction class-list. Ford, John. Dramatic works In 221.4 Contents: List of plays; Commendatory verses; The lover’s melancholy; ’Tis pity she’s a whore; The broken heart; Love’s sacrifice; Perkin Warbeck; The fancies, chaste and noble; The Lady's trial; The sun’s darling; The witch of Edmonton; Glossary. Ford, W. C. American citizen’s manual. 1891 937.5 Forecastle to the cabin. Samuels, S. . . 522.32 Foreign countries and British colonies; ed. by F. S. Pulling. Kay, D: Austria-Hungary. 1880... 794.7 Markham, Clements R. Peru. 1880. 796.1 Morfill, W: R. Russia. 1882 796.2 Sergeant, L: Greece. 1880 796.3 Foreign tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones and Robinson. 1871 *8521.28 Forester, Frank, pseud. See Herbert, H: W. Foresters, The, Robin Hood and Maid Marian. Tennyson, A 226.18 FORESTRY. 102 FOWLER. Forestry. Fiirst, Hermann. Protection of woodlands. 1893 896.16 — Houston, Edwin J. Outlines of. 1893. 885.32 - Jarchow,H. N. Forest planting. 1893. 885.17 — Ohio State Forestry Bureau. Reports for 1887, 1889. 2v 875.11 — Rousset, A. Forest waters the farm. 1886 898.5 — Schlich, W: Manual of forestry, v. 1, Utility of forests, and fundamental principles of sylviculture. 1889. . . 878.3.1 See also Oak; Trees. Forgiveness of sin. Clarke, J. F. Doc- trine of. 1884 446.33 Formation of the Union. Hart, Albert B. 775.7.2 Forms [in law]. Abbott, B. Y. and A. Clerk’s and conveyancer’s assistant. 1887 * 926.21 — Spalding, H. M. Encyclopaedia of law and forms for all the states and Canada. 1880 926.22 Forney, Matthias N. Catechism of the locomotive; rev. and enlarged. 1890. 875.12 Forrest, N. B., Confederate general. Jor- dan, T: and Pryor, J. P. Cam- pains of. 1868 763.15 Forrester, A.H: [Alfred CmcgmYZ.] Laugh- ing philosopher . 1889 343.16 Forsyth, J. Highlands of central India. Map and illus. 1889 545.17 Forsyth, W: History of lawyers. 1875. 901.12 Fort, G: F. History and antiquities of freemasonry. 1889 456.10 — Medical economy during the middle ages. 1883 873.4 Fort Ancient. Moorehead, Warren K. Illus. 1890 886.24 Fortnightly review. See Periodicals. Fortnum, C: D. E: Bronzes. (South Ken- sington art handbook.) 1887 8101.7 — Maiolica. (South Kensington art hand- book.) 1887 853.27 Forty years among the Zulus. Tyler, J. 544.32 Forum, The. See Periodicals. Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king; tr. by S. Beal. (Sa- cred books of the East.) 1883 481.1.19 Foster, Andrew, joint author. See Lester, C. E. Foster, David. Scientific angler. 1883.. 855.5 Foster, Mrs. I. H. [Faye Huntington .] Stories of remarkable women. [1887.] 675.3 See also Fiction class-list. Foster, J: Critical essays; ed. by J. E. Ryland. 2 v. 1888 324.14 Contents: v. 1, On travel writing; On memoir writing; Thoughts on affectation; Future of England and America; On memoir writing: memoirs of Lord Karnes; On Blair’s life and writings; On David Hume; Hindoo idolatry and Christianity; Vindication of the Baptist missionaries; On poetical criticism; On per- sonal virtue in relation to political eminence; On statesmen; Memoirs of Sir Thomas More; Christian- ity in India; On Paley as a theologian; America be- fore the Revolution; On the Peninsular war; Sidney Smith’s sermons; Paley’s memoirs; Rose on Fox’s history; On theatrical amusements; Characters of Fox; Education in reference to religion; Sanscrit liter- ature; Morality of works of fiction; On cruelty to ani- mals; Southey’s curse of Kehama; Vindication of Fox’s history; Jesse’s sermons. Foster, J;, continued. v. 2, Coleridge; Highland superstitions; Grecian architecture; Richard Cumberland; George White- field; Junius; Henry Grattan; Zollikoffer’s sermons; Irish society; Horne Tooke; On biography; Public worship of nonconformists; The relation of man to nature; Wilberforce on Christian missions; Robert Hall on the East India charter; Chateaubriand’s Christian martyrs; Life of Michel de l’Hopital; Mun- go Park; Hobhouse’s Albania; Curran; Britton’s Cathedral antiquities; Jeremy Taylor; Astronomy and the Christian revelation; Andrew Fuller; Benja- min Franklin; John Fawcett, D. D. ; John Ryland, D. D. ; Recollections of Coleridge; Modern Egypt; Chatterton; Daniell’s Oriental scenery. — Fosteriana; consisting of thoughts, re- flections, and criticisms. 1877 324.16 — Notes of sermons. 1886 In 324.15 — On the improvement of time, with notes of sermons, etc. 1886 324.15 — Ryland, J. E. Life and correspond- ence of. 2 v. 1875-82 658.10 Foster, J: Y. New Jersey and the rebell- ion. 1868 j 763.21 Foster, Joseph. Alumni Oxoniensis: mem- bers of the university of Oxford, 1715-1886. v. 1. 1887 428.8 Foster, Michael. Text book of physiol- ogy. 5 v. 1893 894.2 Contents: v. 1, Blood. Tissues of movement. Vas- cular mechanism, v. 2, Tissues of chemical action with their respective mechanism. Nutrition, v. 3, Cen- tral nervous system, v. 4, The senses and some special muscular mechanisms. Tissues and mechanisms of reproduction, v. 5. Appendix. Chemical basis of the animal body; by A. Sheridan Lea. Foster, R. F. Duplicate whist. [1894.] 893.18 Fothergill, J:M. Diseases of sedentary and advanced life. 1887 858.6 — Manual of dietetics. 1886 8101.6 — The town dweller; his needs and his wants. 1889 872.18 Fothergill, Jessie. See Fiction class-list. Fouche, Joseph, duke of Otranto. Memoirs of. Ports. 1892 683.15 Fouillee, Alfred. Education from a na- tional standpoint. 1892 448.2.23 Foulke, W: D. Slav or Saxon: [a study of Russian civilisation]. 1891 937.43 Foundation of death: a study of the drink question. Gustafson, A. 1885.... 436.10 Founders of Old Testament criticism. Cheyne, T. K. 1893 477.16 Founding. Bolland, Simpson. Iron found- er: art of moulding. 1892 898.6 — West, T: 0. American foundry prac- tice. 1890 874.26 Moulders’ text book. 1890 874.27 Four feet, two feet, and no feet. Rich- ards, Laura E., ed 878.7 Four Frenchwomen. Dobson, Austin. . . 661.26 Four Georges, The. McCarthy, J 765.19 Four hundred years of American history. Patton, J. H. 2 v 784.4 Four years in rebel capitals. De Leon, T. C 774.8 Four years in Secessia. Browne, J. H. . . 762.6 Fowle, T. W. The poor law. 1890 936.32 Fowler, F. Oil painting: a handbook. [1885.]...... 853.8 Fowler, L. N . ) joint author . See Fowler, O. S. FOWLER. 103 FRANCE. Fowler, Nathaniel C. , jr. Building bus- iness. [Manual for business men.] 1893 928.5 Fowler, O. S. and L. N. Self-instructor in phrenology and physiology; rev. by N. Sizer. 1890 804.15 Fowler, W. Warde. The city-state of the Greeks and Romans. 1893 787.2 — Julius Caesar and the foundation of the Roman imperial system. 1892 6G4.1.6 Fowler, W: Worthington. Twenty years of inside life in Wall street. 1880. . 920.16 Fox, C: James. History of the reign of James II. 1857 In 772.15 — Trevelyan, G: O: Early history of Fox. 692.14 Fox, W: F. Regimental losses in the American civil war, 1861-5. 1889 *8522.9 Fox-hunting. See Hunting and shooting. Frackleton, Susan S. Tried by fire; a work on china painting. 1892 892.7 Fraipont, G. Art of sketching. 1893... 885.18 France, Anatole,psewe?. See Thibault,A. F. France. History. — Airy, Osmund. English restoration and Louis XIY. 1889 743.5.18 — Bigelow, J: France and the Confeder- ate navy, 1862-8. 1888 767.15 — Caesar, C. J. Commentaries on the Gallic war. 1888 In 771.15 — Coignet, Clarisse. Francis I. and his times. 1888 685.8 — Duruy, Y. History of France; abridged and tr. by M. Carey. 1889 765.2 — Flint, R. Historical philosophy in France. 1894 793.12 — Kitchin, G: W: History of France, B. C. 58— A. D. 1792. 3 v 792.20 — Lacombe, Paul. Growth of a people; a short study in French history. 1883 792.21 — Lacroix, Paul. Eighteenth century: its institutions, customs and cos- tumes, 1700-1789. Illus. 1876 *758.10 — Lockwood, H: C. Constitutional his- tory of France. 1890 945.7 — Martin, Henri. Popular history of France, 1789-1881. 3v. [1877.].... 766.13 — Masson, Gustave. Story of mediaeval France. 1888 752.1.21 — Menzies, S. History of [to 1874], for junior classes '. 755.20 — Monstrelet, E. de. Chronicles of, 1400- 1516. 2 v. Illus. 1877 766.5 — Montgomery, D. H. Leading facts of French history. Maps. 1891 783.6 — Norman, C. B. Colonial France. 1886. 766.10 The corsairs of France. Ports, and maps. 1887 778.9 — Perkins, J. B. France under Mazarin, [1643-61]: with a review of the ad- ministration of •Richlieu, [1624-42]. 1887 794.5 France, under the regency, [1715-23] ; with a review of the administration of Louis XIV., [1661-1715]. 1892... 794.4 — Yonge, C. M. History of. (History primers.) 1882 716.27.8 In biography see also Francis I.; Henry IV.; Charles VIII. ; Louis XI.; Louis XIV.; also Bush's Memoirs of the queens of France [to 1848], and Saint-Amand’e Women of the Valois and Versailles courts, France, continued. Revolution and First Empire, [1789-1814]. — Alison, A. Reign of terror. (Essays). In 305.4 — Dabney, R: H. Causes of the French revolution. 1889 792.8 — Duras, Duchess de. Prison life during the French revolution. 1891 673.3 — Kavanagh, Julia. Woman in France during the 18th century. 2 v. Ports. 1893 686.6 — Lowell, E: J. Eve of the French rev- olution. 1892 778.15 — Mahan, A. T. Influence of sea power upon the French revolution and empire, 1793-1812. 2 v. 1892 786.6 — Mallet, C: E. The French revolution. 1893 787.5 — Michelet, J. Historical view of the French revolution, [to 1791]. 1888. 772.16 — Mignet, F. A. History of the French revolution, 1789-1814. 1888 772.17 ■ — Smyth, W : Lectures on the French rev- olution. 2 v. 1860 772.20 — Stephens, H. M. The French revolu- tion. 2 v. 1891 778.5 — Sybel, H. von. History of the French revolution, [1789-1795]. 4 v. 1867-9. 791.14 — Symes, J. E. French revolution, 1789- 1795. 1892 792.3 — Tocqueville, A. de. Society in France before the revolution of 1789 and the causes which led to that event. 1888. 793.10 See also Josephine; Napoleon I.; Marie Antoinette; Marie Louise. Restoration, Second Empire, Republic. — Latimer, Elizabeth W. France in the 19th century, 1830-1890. 1892 778.17 — Moltke, Count Helmuth von. Franco- German war of 1870-1. 1892 778.2 — Taine,H. A. The modern regime, v. 1. 1890 777.2.1 — Washburne, E. B. Recollections of a minister to France, 1869-1877. 2 v. 1887 654.10 See also Napoleon III. Travel, Description, Society. — Baedeker, K: Northern France. Hand- book. 1889 555.6 Southern France, including Corsica. Handbook. 1891 555.7 — Barker, E: H. Wanderings by south- ern waters: Eastern Aquitaine. 1893. 553.5 — Blouet, B. [Max O’Rell.] English phar- isees and French crocodiles. [1892.] 547.1 Jacques Bonhomme. [Sketches of French life.] [1889.] 536.14 — Carette, Mme. Recollections of the Tuileries. • [Napoleon III.] 1889. 536.13 — Champney, Eliz.W. Three Vassar girls abroad. [1882.] 543.1.1 - Three Vassar girls in France: story of the siege of Paris. Illus. [1888.]. 543.1.7 — Edwards, M.B.B. Franceof to-day.1892. 556.18 — Green, S: G. French pictures drawn with pen and pencil 548.16 — Hamerton, P. G. French and En- glish : a comparison. 1889 536.3 The Saone; a summer voyage. Illus. 1888 *864.4 FRANCE. 104 FREESTONE. France, continued. — Hare, A: J:C. Northeastern France. 1890 - 554.29 Southeastern France. 1890 554.30 Southwestern France. 1890 554.31 — James, H: Little tour in France. 1892. 556.21 — Knox, T: W. Boy travelers in central Europe. Illus In 551.5 — Lebon, A. and Pelet,P. France as it is. Maps. 1888 552.8 — Pennill, J. andE. R. Our sentimental journey through [on a tricycle.] 1888. 533.25 — Stevenson, R. L: An inland voyage. 1893 556.22 See also Normandy; Pari6; Provence; Pyr- enees; Riviera, The France and England in North America. $eeParkman, Francis. Francillon, R. E. See Fiction class-list. Francis I., of France. Coignet, Clarisse. Francis the first and his times. 1888. 685.8 Frank Leslie’s popular monthly. See Periodicals. Franklin, B. , D. D. Marriage and divorce. 1889 922.10 Franklin, Benjamin. “The sayings of Poor Richard;” ed. by P. L. Ford. 1890 342.7 — Hale, E. E. and E. E.,jr. Franklin in France. 1887 753.14 — McMasters, J:B. Benjamin Franklin as a man of letters. 1887. 624.12.10 — Morse, J. T., jr. Life of. (American statesmen ser. ) 1889 626.4.20 Franklin, Sir John. Markham, A. H. Life of. (Great explorers.) 663.1.5 Franklin Square song collection. Nos. 1-8. McCaskey, J. P., comp. 1881-92... 207.25 Franzos, K: E. See Fiction class-list. Fraser, Alex. C. Berkeley. (Philo- sophical classics.) 1881 675! 1.3 — Locke. (Philosophical classics.) 1890. .675.1.15 Frazer, Douglas. See Fiction class-list. Frazer, J. G. Golden bough: a study in comparative religion. 2 v. 1890... 462.8 Frederic, Harold. The new exodus: a study of Israel in Russia. 1892 778.18 See also Fiction class-list. Frederick II. , of Germany. Brooks, E. S. Historic boys In 645.4 Frederick III., of Germany. Rodd, R. Frederick: crown prince and em- peror 666.11 Frederick II., of Prussia. Lavisse, E. Youth of Frederick the great. 1892. 681.10 — Lord, J: Two German giants; Fred- eric the great and Bismarck. 1894. 687.13 Frederick, Bertha II. [ Goto Raimund\ G. Dannenberg .] See Fiction class- list. Free trade and protection. Allen, J: H. Tariff and its evils. 1888 937.53 — Atkinson, E: Taxation and work. 1892. 941.31 — Blair, L: H. Unwise laws. 1886 937.35 — Bowker,R. R. President’s [Cleveland] message, 1887. 1888 937.48 — Donnell, E. J. The true issue. 1884. 937.16 — Fawcett, H: Free trade and protection. 1885 936.27 — George, Henry. Protection or free trade. [Favors free trade.] 1891... 933.8 Free trade and protection, continued. — Gladstone, W: E., and others. Both sides of the tariff question. [1889.] 945.8 — Lieb, Hermann. Protective tariff: What it does for us. 1888 901.14 — Moore, J. S. Friendly letters to Amer- ican farmers and others. 1888 937.50 — Patten, Simon N. Economic basis of protection. 1890 944.10 — Philpott, H: J: Tariff chats. 1888... 937.52 — Rice, D: H. Protective philosophy. 1890 926.12 — Schoenhof, J. Destructive influence of the tariff upon manufacture and commerce. 1891 937.9 — Shaw, A., ed. National revenues; pa- pers by American economists. 1888. 917.29 — Sherman, Porter. Tariff primer. 1891. 937.65 — Springer, W: M. Tariff reform, the paramount issue. 1892 927.5 — State papers and speeches on the tar- iff; with introd. by F. W. Taussig. 1892 933.2 — Strange, Daniel. Farmer’s tariff man- ual. 1892 937.72 — Sumner, W:G. Protectionism. [Against.] _ 1888 936.26 — Taylor E: Is protection a benefit? [Against.] 1888 917.30 — Thompson, R. E. Protection to home industry. 1886 901.13 — Trumbull, M. M. Free trade struggle in England. 1892 936.20 — Wells, D: A. Relation of the tariff to wages. 1888 937.4 — Wise, B. R. Industrial freedom: a study in politics. 1892 944.1 Free trade in capital. Hake, A. E. and Wesslau, O. E. 1890 943.9 Freedmen. See Negroes. Freedom triumphant. Coffin, C: C. ... . 774.6.4 Freeman, E: A: Comparative politics. 1874 945.6 — Historical geography of Europe. 2 v. 1882 732.16 Contents : v. 1, Text. v. 2, Maps. — History of federal government in Greece and Italy. 1893 928.12 — History of Sicily. 3v. Maps. 1891... 778.13 — Methods of historical study. 1886. . . . 751.12 — Reign of William Rufus and the acces- sion of Henry the First. 2 v. 1882. 756.6 — Some impressions of the U. S. 1883. . 556.23 — Story of Sicily. 1892 752.1.34 — William the conqueror. 1888 687.22 Freeman, H:, comp. Wonders of the world. 1873 534.23 Freemasonry. Fort, G: F. History and antiquities of. 1889 456.10 — Paton, Chalmers I. Freemasonry and its jurisprudence. 1872 454.14 Freemasonry: its symbolism, relig- ious nature and law of perfection. 1873 454.15 — - Freemasonry: its two great doctrines; Three masonic graces. 1878 454.13 — Rebold, Emanuel. General history of. 1885 462.9 General history of free-masonry in Europe. 1866 454.9 Freestone, mortars and concretes. Gill- more, Quincy A. Compressive re- sistance of. 1890 8101.17 FREILIGRATH. 105 FROTHINGHAM. Freiligrath, Ferdinand. Poems: ed. by his daughter. 1871. 214.33 Fremantle, W. H. The world as the subject of redemption. 1892 477.7 Fremont, Jessie B. Far- West sketches. [1890.] 542.2 — Souvenirs of my time. [1887.] 647.14 — Story of the guard: a chronicle of the war. 1863 767.9 — and others. How to learn and earn; or, half-hours in some helpful schools. [1884.] 925.2 French, Alice. [Octave Thanet.] ^Fic- tion class-list. French, B F. Historical collections of Louisiana, v. 2, 5. 1850-3 762.9 — Historical collections of Louisiana and Florida. New series. 1869 776.2 French, C: W. Abraham Lincoln the liberator. 1891 671.1.7 French, G. H. Butterflies of the eastern United States. 1890 885.27 French, H. W. Our boys in China. 1889. 546.22 — Our boys in India. [1882.] 546.23 — , joint author. See Frost, John. See also Fiction class-list. FRENCH-Sheldon , M . See Sheldon , Mrs. M . F. French language. Brachet, Auguste. Etymological dictionary of the French language. 1882 354.11 Grammar of the French tongue. 1888. 354.12 — Lambert, E. and Sardou, A. Idiomat- ic key to the French language. 1874. 331.35 — Spiers, A. and Surenne, G. French and English [and English and French] dictionary. 1871 354.22 Wessely, J. E. New pocket diction- ary of the English and French [and French and English] languages. 1887. 331.26 — Whitney, W: D. Practical French grammar. 1887 354.13 French literature. Anthologie des pofctes Francaisdu 19 e siecle. 4 v. 1887 353.16 — Crane, T: F :,ed. Chanson’s populaires de la France. 1891 236.9 — Great French writers, v. 1-8 651.19 For contents see Great French writers. — Lee, Eliz., comp. Humour of France. 1893 352.1.1 — Masson, Gustav. La lyre Francaise. 1884. 222.2 — Matthews, J. B. French dramatists of the 19th century. 1881 657.10 — Saintsbury, G: Primer of French lit- erature 347.15.5 — Wilkinson, W: C. Classic French course in English. 1890 331.16 French war and the revolution. Sloane, W: M. Maps. 1893 787.1 Frenchman in America. Blouet, B 544.16 Freneau, Philip. Poems. 1861 222.30 Frere, C:, joint author. See Binet, Alfred. Fresenius, K: R. Manual of qualitative chemical analysis. 1892 8101.8 — System of instruction in quantitative chemical analysis. 1891 8101.9 Fresh light from the ancient monuments. Sayce, A. H. 1892 473.1.2 Fresneau, Mme. A. -Stee Fiction class-list. Frey, Albert R. Sobriquets and nick- names. 1883 *3501.11 Frey, Heinrich. Histology and histo- chemistry of man. 1875 862.12 Freytag, Gustav. Reminiscences of my life. 2 v. 1890 '. 683.13 See also Fiction class-list. Friend, H. Flowers and flower-lore. 1886. 883.13 Friendly letters to American farmers and others. Moore, J. S. 1888 937.50 Friendly societies. Baernreither, J. M. English associations of working men. 1893 943.2 — Wilkinson, J: F. Friendly society movement. 1886 936.30 Friends, Society of. Adams, B. Emanci- pation of Massachusetts, pp. 128- 178 767.2 — Clarke, J. F. George Fox and the Quakers In 436.19 — - Neal, D. History of the Puritans. v. 2, pp. 353-436 413.23.2 — Palfrey, J. G. History of New Eng- land. v. 2, pp. 453-484 747.5 — Where is the city? pp. 181-194 408.26 Friends worth knowing. Ingersoll, Er- nest. [Zoology.] [1880.] 865.5 Friendship. Cicero, M. T. Laelius, an essay on friendship In 457.4 Frith, Henry. Half hours of scientific amusement. 1890 874.30 — Marvels of animal and plant life 874.40 — Marvels of astronomy 874.34 — Marvels of electricity and magnetism. 874.37 — Marvels of geology and physical geog- raphy .' 874.36 — Triumphs of steam 884.17 — , joint author . See Tissandier, Gaston. See also Fiction class-list. Frith, W. P., English painter. My autobi- ography and reminiscences. 2 v. 1888-9 653.4 Froebel, Friedrich. Autobiography. 1889. 657.11 — Education of man. 1887 448.2.5 — Bowen, H. C. Froebel and education by self-activity. 1893 677.2.4 — Quick, Robert H. Educational re- formers, pp. 384-413. 1892 448.2.17 From Adam’s Peak to Elephanta. Car- penter, Edward. 1892 552.12 From Chaucer to Tennyson. Beers, H: A. 341.3 From everglade to canon with the second dragoons. Rodenbough, T. F 768.7 From flag to flag. Ripley, E. McH 523.30 From palm to glacier. Rollins, A. W. . . . 548.2 From Ponkapog to Pesth. Aldrich, T: B. 556.20 From tannery to the White House. Thayer, W: M '. ... 675.18 From the Arctic ocean to the Yellow sea, 1890-1. Price, Julius M 551.6 Fronmuller, G. F. C. Epistle general of Jude. 1867 In 471.2.9 — Epistles general of Peter. 1867 In 471.2.9 Frost, J: and French, H: W. Presidents of the United States from Washing- ton to Cleveland. 1889 675.19 Frothingham, O. B. Life of Gerrit Smith. 1879 657.13 — Memoir of W: II: Channing. 1886.. . . 647.7 — Recollections and impressions, 1822- 1890. 1891 673.1 — Transcendentalism in New England: a history. 1876 416.4 Frothingham, R: Life of Joseph War- ren. 1865 692.4 FROUDE. 106 GARNETT. Froude, James A. The English in the West Indies; or, the bow of Ulysses. 1888 534.11 — Knights Templars. 1886 451.2.1 — Lord Beaconsfield. 1890 666.12 — Luther. 1884 687.25 — Oceana: England and her colonies. 1888 534.12 — Spanish story of the Armada and other essays. 1892 344.21 See also Fiction class-list. Fruit. Downing, A. J. Fruits and fruit- trees of America. 1892 896.11 — Story, W. C. Fruit culture. 1885.... 847.24 Fry, James B. Operations of the army under Buell, from June 10 to Oct. 30, 1862. 1884 767.8 Fuerst, Dr. Julius. Hebrew and Chal- dee lexicon to the Old Testament. 1885 341.4 Fuller, Henry B. See Fiction class-list Fuller, Mable L. See Fiction class-list Fuller, Margaret. See Ossoli, M. F. Fuller, R. and Wayland, F. W. Domes tic slavery as a scriptural institu tion: a correspondence. 1847 917.37 Fuller, S. E. Art of wood engraving. 1879 877.5 Fuller, Thomas. History of the wor- thies of England ; ed. by P. A. Nuttall. 3 v. 1840 654.16 — Specimens from writings. In Lamb,C: Works, v. 2, pp. 381-387 303.2.2 Fullerton, Lady Georgiana. Life of Louisa de Carvajal. *= 1881 665.2 See also Fiction class-list. Fulton, Robert. Knox, T: W. Life of, and history of steam navigation. 1886 646.22 — Thurston, Robert H. Life of. 1891. 665.10.8 Furber, G: C. Twelve months volunteer and the war with Mexico, 1846-7. 1857 763.5 Furness, Mrs. Horace H. Concordance to Shakespeare’s poems. 1874 228.4 Furniture. Litchfield, F: Illustrated his- tory of. 1893 *888. 6 — Ormsbee, A. B. House comfortable. 1892 882.8 — Pollen, J: H. Ancient and modern furniture and woodwork. (South Kensington Museum art hand- books.) 1887 853.22 See also Cabinet-making. Furst, H. Protection of woodlands. 1893. 896.16 Fuseli, H: Lectures on painting. 1848. In 868.6 Future life. Adams, C: J. Where is my dog? or, is man alone immortal? 1892 473.2 — Emerson, R. W. Immortality In 332.23 — Farrar, F. W. and others. The wider hope: essays and strictures on the doctrine and literature of future punishment, with bibliography. 1890 463.20 — Figuier, Louis. Joys beyond the thresh- hold: a sequel to “The to-morrow of death.’’ 1893 476.11 — Gordon, G. A. Witness to immortal- ity in literature, philosophy and life. 1893 484.5 — Phelps, Eliz. S. Struggle for immor- tality. 1889 455.8 Future life, continued. — Potts, J. H., ed. Golden dawn; or, light on the great future. 1884 456.14 — Straub, Jacob. Consolations of science. 1884 * 431.17 See also Evil. Fyffe, C. A. History of modern Europe, 1792-1878. 3 v. 1886-90 751.18 Gage, Alfred P. Elements of physics. 1893 891.12 Gaina Sutras; tr. by H. Jacobi, pt. 1. (Sa- cred books of the East.) 1884 481.1.22 Gairdner, James. Henry the seventh. (Twelve English statesmen.) 1889. .. 687.28 Galilee in the time of Christ. Merrill, Selah. Map. 1891 473.1.5 Gallenga, Antonio C. N. \Luigi Mariotti.~\ Practical grammar of the Italian language 354.24 Gallwey, Sir R. P. , joint author. See Wal- singham, Lord. Galton, Francis. Natural inheritance. 1889 862.17 — Tropical South Africa [Damaraland in 1851] ; Vacation tours, 1860-1. 1889. 547.24 Gambetta, Leon. Marzials, Frank T. Life of. 1890 687.26 Gambling. Beecher, H: W. Lectures, pp. 135-169 407.8 — Maskelyne, J: N. “Sharps and flats.’’ 1894 944.20 — Proctor, R: A. Gambling supersti- tions In 856.10 — Quinn, J: P. Fools of fortune. 1890. 926.4 Games, etc. See Amusements, etc. Garden and forest. See Periodicals. Garden secrets. [Poems.] Marston, P. B. 222.25 Gardeners’ monthly and horticulturist. ^Periodicals. Gardening. Long, Elias A. Ornamental gardening. 1885 855.28 — Roe, E. P. Home acre. [Trees, fruit, etc.] 1889 865.7 Play and profit in my garden. 1886. 855.27 See also Agriculture; Flowers; Fruit; Landscape gardening; Periodicals. Garden’s story. Ellwanger, G: H 865.23 Gardiner, F. Leviticus. (Lange’s Com- mentary.) In 471.1.2 Gardiner, S: R. Historical biographies. 1887 687.27 — Historv of England, 1603-1642. 10 v. 1887 777.1.3 — Student’s history of England. 3 v. 1890. 777.6 Contents : v. 1. B. C. 55-A. D. 1509; v. 2, 1509-1689; v. 3, 1689-1885. — and Mullinger, J. B. Introduction to the study of English history. 1881. 795.2 Gardner, Percy. New chapters in Greek history. 1892 795.3 Garfield, James A. Brown, E. E. Life of. 1881 673.31 — Stoddard, W: O. Life of. 1889. . . .In 647.1.9 Garibaldi, Gen. Giuseppe. Marriott, J. A. R. Makers of modern Italy. 1889. 693.1 Garland, Hamlin. See Fiction class-list. Garlanda, F: Fortunes of words. [1887.] 344.6 — Philosophy of words. [1886.] 344.5 Garnett, Lucy M. J. Women of Tur- key and their folk-lore ; The Chris- tian women. 1890 926.5 GARNIER. 10T GEOGRAPHY. Garnier, Jules, joint author. See Le Roux, Hugues. Garrick, D: Davies, T: Memoirs of. 2 v. 1781 656.7 — Dobsou, A. Garrick and his contem- poraries. 1886 647.2.1 Garrison, W. P. and F. J. William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; story of his life. 4 v. 1885 678.5 Garrison, William Lloyd. Garrison. W. P. and F. .1. Story of his life, 1805- 1879. 4 v. 1885 678.5 — Grimke > A. H: William Lloyd Garri- son, 1891 671.1.6 Gas. Kimball, Arthur L. Physical prop- erties of gases. 1890 874.7 Gas engine. Clerk, Dugald. The gaaen- gine. 1886 861.2 Gaskell, G. A. Compendium of forms, educational, social, legal and com- mercial. Ulus. 1889 C.9 Gasparin, Count A. de. Uprising of a great people. United States in 1861. 1862 767.16 Gaspe, Philippe A. de. See Fiction class- list. Gate beautiful. Macmillan, Hugh 472.8 Gates, Adelia. Orpen, Adela E. Chron- icles of the Sid 554.15 Gatschet, A. S., ed. Migration legend of the Creek Indians, pt. 1. 1884 351.1.4 Gatty, H. K. F. Memoir of Juliana H. Gatty, Mrs. Marg. Parables from nature. 1888 465.15 Gauntlet, A. [Norwegian drama.] Bjorn- son, B 236.10 Gautier, Theophile. Winter in Russia. 1875 536.4 See also Fiction class-list. Gayarre, Charles. History of Louisiana. v. 1-2. 1852-4 762.8 1, French domination, [1539-1769]. 2, Spanish domination, [1769-1803]. — Louisiana; its colonial history and ro- mance. 1851 788.13 Gaye, Selina. Great world’s farm: Na- ture’s crops and how grown. 1893. 884.6 Gayley, C: M., ed. Classic myths in Eng- lish literature. 1893 476.31 Gazetteers. Lippincott’s gazetteer of the world. 1893 A. 5 — Polk, R. L. and Co., pubs. Illinois state gazetteer and business direc- tory. 1893 B.31 See also Geography. Gear wheels. Cromwell, J. Howard. Treatise on toothed gearing. 1891. 897.19 Geddes, Patrick and Thomson, J. A. Evo- lution of sex. 1889 872.32 Gee, W. W. H., joint author. See Stewart, Balfour. Geikie, Sir Archibald. Class-book of ge- ology. 1886 854.16 — Outlines of field-geology. 1889 872.16 — Teaching of geography. 1887 533.21 — Text-book of geology. 1893 886.29 Geikie, Cunningham. Entering on life: a book for young men. 1887 451.22 — Holy Land and the Bible. 2v 558.2 — Hours with the Bible. 3 v. 1887 448.1 — Short life of Christ. 1888 454.18 Geikie, James. Prehistoric Europe ; a geological sketch. 1881 8101.16 Gems and precious stones. Burnham, S. M. Precious stones in nature, art and literature. 1886 853.11 — King, C. W. Handbook of engraved gems and precious stones. 1866. . . 864.18 Natural history of gems or semi-pre- cious stones. 1870 867.14 Natural history of precious stones and precious metals. 1883... 867.13 — Westropp, H. M. Handbook of archse- ology. [Engraved stones.]... 867.20 Genealogy. Austin, J. O. Genealogical dictionary of Rhode Island. 1887.*8542.13 — Durrie, D. S. Alphabetical index to American genealogies and pedi- grees. 1886 645.14 — New England historical and genealog- ical register, v. 38-48. 1884-94 *1008.15 — Savage, James. Genealogical diction- arv of the first settlers of New Eng- land. 4 v. 1860 *682.6 See also county and town histories ; and for fami- lies, see Biography, Individual; See also Heraldry; Peerage and baronetage. Genesis. See Bible. [Old Testament : Com- mentaries.) Genesis and geologv. Guyot, A. Crea- tion. 1887../. 451.6 — Smith, J:Pye. Relation between the scriptures and geological science. 1854 871.4 Genesis of Genesis. Bacon, B: W 468.1 Genesis of the civil war. Crawford, S: W. 761.13 Genius. Disraeli, J. Literary character; or, history of men of genius. [Cu- riosities of literature, p. 403.] ... .In 305.8 — Galton, Francis. Hereditary genius. . 816.2 — Hazlitt, W: On genius and common sense. [Table talk.] In 324.21 — Percy anecdotes In 312.1 — Sanborn, Kate. Vanity and insanity of genius. 1886 345.1 — Whipple. E. P. Genius. [Literature and life.] In 303.4 Genoa. Dutfy, Bella. The Tuscan re- publics with Genoa. 1893 752.1.35 Genone, Hudor. See Fiction class-list. Gentry, T: G. Family names from the Irish, Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and Scotch considered in relation to their etymology. 1892 676.16 Genung, J: F. Epic of the inner life; be- ing the book of Job. 1893 476.3 Geodesy. Gore, James Howard. 1891.. 898.12 Geoffrey, of Monmouth. British history. [In Six old English chronicles.] 1885. In 771.12 Geographical distribution of animals. Wallace, A. R. 2 v. 1876 854.7 Geography. Atlases. — Alden, J : B. Handy atlas of the world. 1888 533.22 — Home atlas of the world. 1888 *8542.2 — Colton, G. W. General atlas of the world. 1874 *8542.3 — Ginn and Co., pubs. Classical atlas. [1886.] 548.5 — Labberton, R. H. New historical at- las and general history. 1886 528.17 GEOGRAPHY. 108 GERMAN. Geography, continued. — Rand, McNally and Co. Enlarged bus- iness atlas. 1891 R. R. D. Indexed atlas of the world. 1892. . R. R. D. — Scribner-Black atlas of the world . 1890. R.R. D. — Standard atlas of classical geography. 528.26 Manuals, Study, etc. — Bohn, H: G. Pictorial handbook of modern geography; witf^maps. 3rd ed’n. 1865 586.20 — Freeman, H:, comp. Wonders of the world. 1873 534.23 — Geikie, Archibald. Teaching of geog- raphy. 1887.. 533.21 — Hughes, W. Treasury of geography. 1875 522.16 — King, C: F. Methods and aims in ge- ography. 1892 557.1 Picturesque geographical readers. 1891-2 547.9 v. 1, At home and at school, v. 2, This continent of ours. v. 3. The land we live in, pt. 1. v. 4, The land we live in, pt. 2. — Morse, J. American universal geog- raphy. 2 v. 1805 541.14 — Parker, Frances W. How to study ge- ography. 1889 448.2.10 — Strabo. Geography [of antiquity]. 3 v. 1887 536.15 See also Cyclopaedias; Gazetteers; Physical geog- raphy; Travels and descriptions of various coun- tries. Geology. Buckland, W: Geology and mineralogy as related to natural theology. 2 v. 1869 868.13 — Dawson, Sir J. W: Canadian ice age. 1894 894.20 — Frith, H: Marvels of geology and physical geography 874.36 — Geikie, Sir Archibald. Class book of geology. 1886 854 16 Outlines of field-geology. 1889 872.16 Text-book of geology. 1893 886.29 — Geikie, James. Prehistoric Europe; a geological sketch. 1881 8101.16 — Geology of Wisconsin. Survey of 1873- — Giberne, Agnes. World’s foundations; or, geology for beginners. 1881... 898.18 — Hull, E: Geological history. 1887... 861.28 — Hunt, T: S. Chemical and geological essays. 1891 8101.14 — Hutchinson, H. N. Autobiography of the earth. 1891 898.11 — Huxley, T: H. Discourses, biological and geological. 1894 8i)8.22 — Iconographic encyclopaedia, v. 7. Prin- ciples of geology; by Angelo Heil- prin. 1890 *863.2.7 — Jukes-Browne, A. J. Building of the British Isles: a study of geographi- cal evolution. 1888 868.21 Student’s handbook of historical ge- ology. 1886 868.22 Student’s handbook of pt^sical ge- ology. 1884 868.23 — Macfarland, James. American geolog- ical railway guide. 1890 8101.13 — Mantell, G. A. Geological excursions around the Isle of Wight. 1854. . . 871.1 Wonders of geology. 2v. 1864 871.2 Geology, continued. — Shaler, N. S. Aspects of the earth: a popular account of some familiar geological phenomena. 1889 873.7 First book in geology. 1885 874.22 Nature and man in America. 1891.. 898.10 — Thomson, Sir W. Geology and gen- eral physics 877.26.2 — Williams, S: G. Applied geology. 1886. 871.22 — Winchell, Alex. Shall we teach Geol- ogy ? a discussion. 1889 872.35 — - Walks and talks in the geological field. 1888 872.34 — Wright, G. F: Ice age in North Amer- ica. 1889 ! 864.13 Paleontology : Fossils. — Dawson, J: W: Chain of life in geologi- cal time. Illus. 1888 893.5 — Mantell, G. A. Petrifactions and their teachings. 1851 868.24 See also Genesis and geology; Glaciers; Man; Min- eralogy; Mountains. Geometry. Faunee, L. Descriptive ge- ometry. 1888 881.26 — Newcomb, S. Elements of analytic geometry. 1889 897.11 — - Elements of geometry. 1889 897.12 — Todhunter, I: Plane co-ordinate ge- ometry and conic sections 1888. . . 897.8 — - , ed. Elements of Euclid. 1891. . . . 897.9 George, Henry. Condition of labor: an open letter to Pope Leo XIII. 1891. 933.9 — The land question. [1881.] 936.5 — The land question ; Property in land; Condition of labor. 1893 944.11 — Perplexed philosopher. [H. Spencer on the land question.] 1892 933.7 — Protection or free trade. [Favors free trade. 1891 933.8 — Social problems. 1883 917.6 — Rae, J. Contemporary socialism. [Re- view of “Progress and poverty.”] . . 917.12 — Mallock, W: H. Property and pro- gress. [Review of “Progress and poverty.”] 916.22 Georgia, state. Jones, C: C., jr. Anti- quities of the southern Indians. 1873 734.13 Biographical sketches of the dele- gates from Georgia to the Continent- al congress. 1891 674.15 — Lodge, H: C. Short history of the English colonies, pp. 187-204 726.5 — Miller, S. F. Bench and bar of. 2 v. 1858 667.7 — Strobel, P. A. The Salzburgers and their descendants. 1855 775.3 — White, G: Historical collections of. 1855 758.3 Georgia housekeepers, Choice receipts of. 1883 855.16 Geraldine. Hopkins, Alonzo 222.22 Gerard, Dorothea. Fiction class-list. Gerard, Emily. Land beyond the forest; Transylvania. 2v. 1888 558.3 Gerhard, W: P. Disposal of household wastes. 1890 877.20 — Sanitary house-inspection. 1885 856.22 German emperor and his eastern neigh- bors. Bigelow, Poultney. 1892... 677.5 GERMAN. 109 GILDED. German language. Cassell’s German pro- nouncing dictionary. 1884 331.10 — Colby, W. I. Natiirliche methode. 1889 344.18 Praktische uebersicht der Deutschen grammatik. 1891 344.19 — German principia. 2 v. 1886-7 331.33 Contents : v. 1, First German course; v. 2, First German reading book. — Joynes, E. S. German grammar [based on “Meissner.”] 1887 331.21 — Schlessing, A. Manual of the German language of conversation. 1879. . . 331.25 — Wessely, J. E. New pocket dictionary of the English-German [and Ger- man-English] languages. 1890.... 331.27 German literature. Boyesen, Hjalmar H. Essays on German literature. 1892. 344.14 — Buchheim, C. A. Deutsche lyrik. 1886 222.1 — Conant, Helen S. Primer of German literature. [1878.] 347.15.6 — Dippold, G: T. Great epics of medi- aeval Germany. 1891 236.1 — Freiligrath, F. Poems; ed. by his daughter. 1871 ' 214.33 — Hedge, F: H; Hours with German classics. 1887 353.15 — Hosmer, J. K. Short history of. 1879.. 313.12 — Kroeger, A. E. Minnesinger of Ger- many. 1873 222.33 — Muller-Casenov, Hans, comp. Humor of Germany. 1893 352.1.2 — Scherer, W. History of German liter- ature [to death of Goethe]. 2 v. 1886 . 331.14 — Wilkinson, W: C. Classic German course in English. 1887 331.15 See also Nibelungenlied. German soldier in the wars of the United States. Rosengarten, J. G. 1890.. 775.11 Germany. History. — Baring-Gould, S. Story of Germanv. 1886 752.1.5 — Fay, Theo. S. Three Germanys: glimp- ses into their history, 1768-1888. 2v. [1889.] 793.3 — Gindely, Anton. History of the Thir- ty 3 -ears’ war. 2v. 1892 795.4 — Malleson, G. B. Refounding of the German empire, 1848-1871. 1893... 778.6 — Maurice, C. Edm. Revolutionary movement of 1848-9. 1887 756.9 — Sime, James. History of Germany [to 1871]. 1884 783.21 — Smith, G. B. William I. and the Ger- man empire. 1888 756.5 — Sybel, Heinrich von. Founding of the German empire by William I. 5 v. 1890-1 794.6 Description , Travels , etc. — Baedeker, K: Northern Germany.Hand- book. 1890 *555.8 The Rhine from Rotterdam to Con- stance. Handbook. 1892 *555.10 Southern Germany and Austria. Handbook. 1891 *555.9 — Green, S. G. Pictures from the Ger- man fatherland drawn with pen and pencil 528.25 Germany, continued. — Hurst, J: F. Life and literature in the fatherland. 1875 523.15 — Mahaffy, J: P. and Rogers, J. E. T. Sketches from a tour through. 1888. 558.4 — Parry, Emma L. Life among the Ger- mans. [1887.] 533.12 — Ruggles, H: Germany seen without spectacles. [1883.] 547.19 Mythology. — Grimm, Jakob Ludwig. Teutonic my- thology'. 4 v. 1879-88 483.8 See also Austria; Baden-Baden; Berlin; Prussia; Rhine, river. Germ-plasm. Weismann, August. 1893. 885.3 Gesenius, F. H. W: Hebrew grammar ; rev. by E: C. Mitchell. [1880.] .... 353.13 Gestures and attitudes. Warman, E: B. 1892 857.8 Ghosts. Fisk, J: Primeval ghost world. [In his Myths, etc .] 401.18 — Jameson, Mrs. Anna. Ghost stories [In her Studies, stories, etc.] 1893 347.3 — Lang, Andrew. Cock Lane and com- mon sense. 1894 484.9 — Molesworth, Mrs. M. Four ghost sto- ries. 1888 177.31 — Proctor, R. A. Ghosts and goblins. [In his Border land of science.] .... 856.10 See also Delusions, etc. Gibbins, H: de B. History of commerce in Europe. 1891 944.22 — Industrial history of England. 1894. 941.30 Gibbon, E: Memoirs; with essay by W: D. Howells. 1882 ' 687.29 Gibbons, James, cardinal. Our Christian heritage. 1889 455.14 Gibbs, G:, ed. Administrations of Wash- ington and John Adams. 2v. 1846. 784.16 Giberne, Agnes. World’s foundations; or, geology for beginners. 1881 898.18 See also Fiction class-list. Gibraltar. Field, H; M. Gibraltar. 1890. 545.11 — Stoddard, C: A. Gibraltar. 1892 .. In 551.7 Gibson, L: H. Convenient houses; with fifty plans. [1889.] 864.15 Gibson, W : Hamilton. Sharp eyes among insects, birds, and flowers. 1892... 881.23 Giddings, Franklin H., joint author. See Clark, J: B. Giddings, Joshua R. Julian G; W. Life of. 1892 676.5 Gide, C; Political economy. 1892 936.14 Giffen, Robert. The case against bimet- allism. 1892 936.7 — Progress of the working classes in the last half centmy. 1885 937.20 Gifford lectures. — 1890. Muller, F. M. Plyysical relig- ion 466.25 — 1890-2. Caird, E: Evolution of relig- ion. 2 v 468.10 — 1891. Muller, F. M. Anthropological religion 466.26 — 1891. Stokes, G. G. Natural theology. 466.18 — 1892. Muller, F. M. Theosophy or psychological religion 476.15 Gilbert, W: S. Original plays. 1876... 222.34 Gild as. Works. [In Six old English chronicles.] 771.12 Gilded man. Bandelier, A. F 787.15 GILDER. 110 GLENAYERIL. Gilder, J. L. and J. B., ed. Authors at home. [American writers.] [1888.] C61.9 Gilder, Richard W. Lyrics, [1887.]... 231.16 Giles, J. A., ed. Six old English chron- icles. 1885 771.12 Contents : Ethelwerd's Chronicle ; Asser’s Life ol' Alfred; Geoffrey of Monmouth’s British history; Gil- das; Nennius; Richard of Cirencester. Gill, J: School education, method and school management. 1880 453.18 — Systems of education. 1889 464.14 Gillet, Ransom H. The Federal govern- ment; its officers and their duties. 1871 922.26 Gillette, F. L. White-house cook book. [1887.] 858.20 Gillies, John. Memoirs of George White- held. 1838 667.2 Gillmore, Parker. The hunter’s Arcadia. 1886 877.28 Gillmore, Quincy A. Notes on the com- pressive resistance of freestone, mortars and concretes. 1890 8101.17 — Roads, streets and pavements. 1892.. 898.19 Gilman, Arthur. Historical readers. 3 v. 1887 • 755.8 Contents : v. 1, Discovery and exploration of America; v. 2, Colonization of America; v. 3, Making of the American nation. — Shakespeare’s morals; suggestive selec- tions. [1879.] 215.31 — Story of Boston. 1889 757.5.3 — Story of Rome [to end of the republic]. 1885 752.1.2 — Story of the Saracens, to the fall of Bagdad. 1887 752.1.10 Gilman, Mrs. Bradley. Life of St. The- resa of Avila. (Famous women.) 1889 627.1.21 Gilman, Daniel C., ed. Organization of charities. 1894 945.3 Gilman, Nicholas P. Profit sharing be- tween employer and employee. 1889. 922.5 — Socialism and the American spirit. 1893 933.12 — and Jackson, E. P. Conduct as a fine art. 1892 482.23 Gilmore, James R., [Edmund Kirke.] John Sevier as a common-wealth builder: a sequel to the “Rearguard of the revolution.” 1887.. 741.17 — Rear guard of the revolution. 1886.. 741.15 — and Abbott, Lyman. Gospel com- mentary. [Life of Christ.] 1890.. 464.19 See also Fiction class-list. Gilmour, James, missionary in Mongolia. His diaries, letters and reports; ed. by R. Lovett. [1892.] 681.9 Gindely, Anton. History of the Thirty years’ war. 2v. 1892. 795.4 Ginn and Co., pubs. Classical atlas. [1886.] 548.5 Gipsies. See Gypsies. Giraldus Cambrensis. Historical works. 1887 771.4 Contents: Topography of Ireland; History of the conquest of Ireland; Itinerary through Wales; De- scription of Wales. Girard, Stephen. Arey, H: W. Girard college and its founder. 1869 476.7 Girdle round the earth. Richardson, D.N. 1880 532.17 Girl in the Karpathians. Dowie, M. M. 544.21 Girl of the period, etc. Linton, E. L. . . 924.15 Girls. Bolton, Sarah K. Girls who be- came famous. 1886 646.26 — Chester, E. Girls and women. [Con- duct of life.] 1890 461.11 — Dodge, Grace H. Letters to busy girls on practical matters. 1892 478.16 — Ryder, Annie H. Go right on, girls! [1891.] 464.11 — Willard, Frances E. How to win. 1886. 446.5 See also Women. % Girls’ book of famous queens. Farmer, L. H 673.26 Girl’s life 80 years ago. Bowne, E. S. . . 653.3 Gissing, George. See Fiction class-list. Glaciers. Ball, Sir R. S. Cause of an ice age. 1891 8101.18 — Green, W. S. Among the Selkirk gla- ciers. 1890 544.8 — Ramsay, Sir A. C. and others. Glacial erosion. 1890 In 873.15 — Wright, G. F: Man and the glacial period. 1892 815.4.69 Gladden, Washington. Applied Chris- tianity. 1886 446.26 — Being a Christian: what it means and how to begin. [1876.] 482.18 — Burning questions of the life that now is and of that which is to come. 1891 466.19 — Cosmopolis City Club. 1893 936.19 — The Lord’s prayer. 1886 446.27 — Tools and the man: [Christian social- ism]. 1893 933.15 — Who wrote the Bible ? 1891 464.3 — , ed. Parish problems: hints and helps for the people of the churches. [1887.] 467.15 See also Fiction class-list. Gladstone, W: E. Bulgarian horrors, etc. 1876 924.14 — Hellenic factor in the eastern problem, etc. 1877 924.13 — Impregnable rock of holy scripture. 1891 463.18 — Rome and the newest fashions in relig- ion. 1875 924.17 Contents: Vatican decrees; Vaticanism; Spqpches of the Pope. — and others. Both sides of the tariff question. [1889] 945.8 — Jerrold, W. Gladstone: England’s great commoner. [1893.] 683.25 — McCarthy, J. H. England under Glad- stone, 1880-5 765.11 — Russell, G: W: E. Right Hon. William Ewart Gladstone. 1891 687.30 Glass. Feuchtwanger, L. On soluble or water-glass. 1875 827.4 — Nesbitt, Alex. Glass. (South Kensing- ton art handbook.) 1879 853.29 Glazebrook, R. T. Laws and properties of matter. 1893 885.19 Glazier, Willard. Down the great river. [Mississippi.] 1888 552.7 Gleig, G. R. Life of Robert, 1st Lord Clive. 1869 661.20 Glenaveril; or, the metamorphoses. [Poem.] Bulwer-Lytton, E: R 215.20 GLIDDON. Ill GORE. Gliddon, G: R., joint author. See Nott,J. C. Glimpses of fifty years. Willard, F. E. . . 654.1 Glimpses of three coasts. Jackson, H. H. 542.18 Gloves. Beck, W. S. Gloves, their an- nals and associations. 1883 872.15 Gneist, Dr. Rudolf. Student’s history of the English parliament to 1887 923. 2 Gnosticism. King, C. W. Gnostics and their remains, ancient and mediae- val. 1887 456 2 God. Brace, C. Loring. The unknown God; or, inspiration among pre- christian races. 1890 462.19 — Fiske, John. The idea of God as af- fected by modern knowledge. 1886. 436.9 — Larcom, Lucy. The unseen friend. 1892 472.10 See also Christ; Evidences; Holy spirit; Natural theology; Religion and science; Religions (Various); Theism; Theology; Unitarianism. God in his world. Alden, H: M 461.19 Godard, J: G: Poverty; its genesis and exodus. 1892 933.3 Godkin, G. S. Life of Victor Emmanuel II., first king of Italy. 1880, 647.13 God’s acre. Stone, Mrs. Eiiz. 1858 925.25 God’s image in man. Wood, Henry 472.9 Gods of Olympos. Petiscus, A. H 475.4 God’s words to his children. [Sermons.] Macdonald, George 448.7 Godwin, W: Lives of the necromancers. 1834 454.10 Gcethe, J. W. von. Autobiography; Let- ters from Switzerland; Letters from Italy. 2 v. 1874 632.2 — Correspondence between Gcethe and Carlyle [1824-31]. 1887 651.2 — Correspondence between Schiller and Gcethe. 1887 647.19 — Early and miscellaneous letters; with short biography by E. Bell. 1884. . 652.11 — Faust; tr. by J. Anster. 1885 In 216.4 — Faust; tr. by C. T. Brooks. 1869... 222.27 — Hermann and Dorothea; tr. by E. A. Bowring. 1880 In 218.16 — Letters to Zelter. 1887 651.9 — Miscellaneous travels. 1882 533.19 Contents : Swiss tour in 1779; Campaign in France in 1792; Siege of Mainz in 1793; Tour on the Rhine, etc., in 1814-15. — ReinekeFox; tr. in hexameters by Alex. Rogers. 1888 226.5 — Reineke Fox ; West-Eastern divan ; Achilleid; tr. by Alex. Rogers. 1890. 236.12 — Travels in Italy, with second residence in Rome [1786-8]. 1883 533.20 — Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, K; Goethe and Mendelssohn. 1874 687.16 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Goethe and Bet- tina. 1891 In 666.15 — Taylor, Bayard. Studies in German literature, pp. 304-387 313.11 — Wilkinson, W. C. Classical German course in English, pp. 160-221 331.15 See also Fiction class-list. Gogol, Nicholai V. See Fiction class-list. Gold and silversmiths’ work. Pollen, J: II. (South Kensington art hand- books.) 853.30 Golden, W: E. Brief history of the Eng- lish drama. 1890 227.18 Golden ass. Apuleius In 324.2 Golden book of choice reading. Swinton, W: and Cathcart, G: R., ed 343.18 Golden bough. Frazer, J. G. 462.8 Golden dawn; or, light on the great fu- ture. Potts, J. H., ed 456.14 Golden hour [for abolition of slavery]. Conway, Moncure D. 1862 924.3 Goldschmidt, Jenny Lind-. Holland, H: S. and Rockstro, W. S. Memoir of, 1820-51. 2 V. 1891 674.3 Goldsmith, Oliver. Selections from his works. 1886 333.21 See also Fiction class-list. Gomme, G: L. Ethnologv in folk-lore. 1892 882.3 Gooch, Fanny C. Face to face with the Mexicans. [1887.] 541.8 Good, Arthur. Magical experiments. 1892 883.21 Good housekeeping. See Periodicals. Good living: a cookery book. Brugifere, Sara V 878.2 Good news of God; sermons. Kingsley, C: 484.8 Good roads. See Periodicals. Good ale, Frances A., ed. Literature of philanthrophy. 1893 484.2 Goodale, G: L. Physiological botany. (Gray’s Botanical text-book, v. 2.) 1885." 843.14.2 — Wild flowers of America. 1886 *8542.31 Goode, G. Brown. Game and food fishes of North America. 1888 Goodell, W: American slave code in theory and practice. 1853 Goodeve, T: M. Manual of mechanics.. Goodhugh, W. and Taylor, W. C., ed. Bible cyclopaedia. Ulus. 2 v. 1843. Goodloe, D. R., comp. Birth of the re- public. [1889.] 757.21 Goodman, E: J. See Fiction class-list. Goodnow, Frank J. Comparative admin- istrative law. 2v. 1893 Goodrich, S: G. Manners and customs of the American Indians. 1864 Goodwin, Daniel R. Southern slavery; a reply to Bishop Hopkins. 1864. . . . Goodwin, J: A. Pilgrim republic: [col- ony of New Plymouth]. 1888 788.14 Goodwin, Maud W ., joint editor. See Bella- my, Blanche W. Goodwin, T: Shepard. The grange; a study in the science of society. 1874.. 944.26 Goodyear, W: H: History of art for classes, art-students, etc. 1889 881.19 — Roman and medieval art. 1893 885.31 Gordon, Gen. C: G: Butler, Sir W : F. Life of. 1889 655.17.1 881.8 924.4 897.26 428.16 945.5 ?57.17 i57.13 Gordon, G. A. Witness to immortality in literature, philosophy and life. 1893. 484.5 Gordon, H. L. Feast of the virgins and other poems. 1891 224.18 Gordon, J. E. H. Electric lighting. 1890. 873.24 Gordon, Julien, pseud. See Cruger, Mrs. Van Rensselar. Gordon, M. L. American missionary in Japan [in 1891]. 1892 547.14 Gordon, Mary, comp. Christopher North: a memoir of John Wilson. [1863.] 676.15 Gordon, W. J. See Fiction class-list. Gore, Mrs. C. F. See Fiction class-list. .. L-- GORE. 112 GREAT. Gore, C ed. Lux mundi: a series of stud- ies in the religion of the incarna- tion 461.22 Gore, J. Ellard. The visible universe. 1893 886.1 /tore, James Howard, Geodesy. 1891... 898.12 Gorlach, W. Prince Bismarck, a biog. / sketch. 1875 665.3 / Gospel narratives. Miles, Henry A 472.5 / Gospels. See Bible (New Testament.) Gospels are true histories. Barrows, J:H: 464.6 Goss, Warren L. The soldier’s story of his captivity at Andersonville, Belle Isle, etc. 1869 763.12 See also Fiction class-list, Gosse, Edm. Sie Fiction class-list. Gosse, Edm. W: History of 18th cen- tury literature. 1891 354.19 j j — Studies in the literature of northern Europe. 1882 353.10 — , ed. English odes. 1881 236.3 Gosse, Philip H. Life in its lower, inter- mediate and higher forms. 1857. . 874 16 Gothic architecture. Parker, J: H: Con- cise glossary to terms in. 1888.... 898.21 Introduction to Gothic architecture. 1888 898.20 Goths. Bradley, H: Story of the [to 711]. 1888 752.1.18 Gough, J: B. Platform echoes; with in- troduction by Lyman Abbott. 1890. 465.21 — Martyn, C. Gough: the apostle of cold water. 1893 671.1.11 Gouin, Francois. Art of teaching and studying languages. [1892.] 345.10 Gould, E. W. Fifty years on the Missis- sippi; or, history of river navigation. 1889 923.16 Gould, G: M. New medical dictionary. 1 1892 '. . 8101.19 Gould, Jay. Halstead, M. and Beale, J. F .,jr. Life of. 1892 691.5 Gould, L. D. Carpenter’s and builder’s assistant. 1882 854.22 Gould, S. Baring-. See Baring-Gould, S. Goupil, F. Pastel painting. [1886.] 865.9 Governesses, Book for 453 . 1 1 Government and politics. See Political science. Gowing, Lionel F. Five thousand miles in a sledge [across Siberia]. 1890. 538.10 Gracchi, The, Marius, and Sulla. Beesly, A. H. 1892 787.12.8 Grace, A. F. Landscape painting in oils. 1885 *8542.26 Grady, H: W. Harris, Joel C. Life, writings and speeches. [1890.] 668.12 Graetz, H: History of the Jews. 5 v. 1891-2 778.16 Graham, Ennis, pseud. See Molesworth, M. L. Graham, W: Socialism new and old. 1891 815.4.68 Grammar. See names of various languages. Grammar of science. Pearson, Karl. 871.25 Grammont, Philibert Count de. Hamil- ton, A. Memoir of. 1888 662.11 Grand, Sarah, pseud. See Fiction class- list. Grandmother’s story, etc. Holmes, O. W. 215.14 Grange, The. Goodwin, T: Shepard. The grange; a study in the science of so- ciety. 1874 944.26 Grant, Allen. Flowers and their pedi- grees. 1884 877.34 Grant, J: B. Our common birds and how to know them. 1891 876.39 Grant, M. M. See Fiction class-list. Grant, Robert. The lambs: a tragedy. [Humorous.] 1883 : 223.8 See also Fiction class-list. Grant, Gen. U. S. Adams, W. T. Our standard-bearer. 1888 673.24 — Arnold, Matthew. General Grant: an estimate. 1887 661.14 — Badeau.A. Grant in peace. 1887 653.1 — Dieck, Col. Herman. Life and public services. [1885.] 645.10 — Stoddard, W: O. Life of. 1886 647.1.8 — Thayer, W: M. From tannery to the White House. 1890 675.18 Granville, J. Mortimer. Common mind troubles. [1885.] 872 14 Grasses. Flint, C: L. Grasses and for- age plants. 1888 884.4 — Hackel, Eduard. True grasses. 1890. 873.14 — Vasey, G: Agricultural grasses and forage plants of the United States. 1889 894.7 Gray, Asa. Darwiniana: essays and re- views. 1888 862.14 — Gray’s Botanical text-book. v. 1-2 843.14 Contents: v. 1, Structural botany; by A. Gray. v. 2, Physiological botany; by G. L. Goodale. — Letters of ; ed. by Jane L. Gray. 2 v. 1894 691.9 — School and field book of botany. 1887. 858.15 Note : Consists of “Lessons in botany” and “Field, forest, and garden botany.” Great Britain. See England. Great captains. Dodge, Theo. A 686.12 Great captains [series].^ Dodge, Theo. A. Great cathedrals of the world. Allen, F. H. 2 v. F *8542.19 Great cities of the republic, v. 1-3. 1888-9. 757.5 Contents : v. 1, New York; by C: B. Todd. v. 2, Washington; by C: B. Todd. v. 3, Boston; by A. Gilman. Great commanders. Wilson, J. G. v. 1-6. 1892-3 681.7 Contents : v. 1, Admiral Farragut; by A. T. Mahan, v. 2, General Taylor; by O. O. Howard, v. 3, General Jackson; by James Parton. v. 4, General Greene; by F. V. Greene, v. 5, General Johnston ; by R. M. Hughes, v. 6, General Thomas; by H: Coppee. Great conspiracy. Logan, Gen. J: A 753.4 Great cryptogram. Donnelly, Ignatius. 334.5 Great discourse. [Christ’s words topi- cally arranged, etcC\ L.,C. W 476.32 Great educators. Butler, N. M., ed. v. 1-5. 1892-3 677.2 Contents : v. 1, Aristotle and ancient educational ideas; by T: Davidson, v. 2, Loyola and the educa- tional system of the Jesuits; by T: Hughes, v. 3, Alcuin and the rise of the Christian schools; by A. F. West. v. 4, Froebel and education through self-ac- tivity ; by H. C. Bowen, v. 5, Abelard and the origin and early history of universities; by G. Compayre. Great enigma, Lilly, W: S 475.21 GREAT. 113 GREEK. Great explorers. J. S. Keltie and others. v. 1-5, 1889-91 663.1 Contents : v. 1, John Davis, the navigator; by C. R. Markham, v. 2, Palestine; by C. R. Condor, v. 3, Mungo Park and the Niger; by J. Thomson, v. 4, Ferdinand Magellan; by F. H. H. Guillemard. v 5, Sir John Franklin; by A. H. Markham. Great French writers, v. 1-8. 1888-93... 651.19 Contents : v. 1, Madame de Sevigne; by G. Boissier. v. 2, George Sand; by E. Caro. v. 3, Montesquieu; by A. Sorel. v. 4, Victor Cousin; by J. Simon, v. 5, Tur- got; by L. Say. v. 6, Thiers; by P. de Remusat. v 7, Madame de Stael; by A. Sorel. v. 8, B. de St. Pierre; by A . Barine . Great giant Arithmos. Aldis, Mary S. .. 898.26 Great leaders: historic portraits. Ferris, G. T 661.7 Great men and great women of history — their portraits. [1885.] *8542.11 Great senators of the United States forty years ago. Dyer, Oliver. [1889.] . . . 661.5 Great South, The. King, E: 1875 545.19 Great thoughts for little thinkers. Ames, Lucia T. 1889. 336.3 Great words from great Americans 344.11 Great world’s farm. Gaye, Selina 884.6 Great writers ; ed. by E. Robertson and F. T. Marzials. — Austen, Jane; by Goldwin Smith... 693.13 — Bronte, Charlotte; by Augustine Birrell 693.14 — Carlyle, T:; by R: Garnett 693.15 — Cervantes; by H. E. Watts 693.16 — Coleridge, S: T.; by Hall Caine 687.20 — Darwin, C : ; by G . T. Bettany 693. 17 — Eliot, George; by Oscar Browning 693.18 — Goethe; by James Sime 693.19 — Hawthorne, Nathaniel; by M. D. Conway 686.1 — Heine, Heinrich; by W: Sharp 693.20 — Hugo, Victor; by F. T. Marzials 693.21 — Johnson, S:; by F. Grant 693.22 — Longfellow, H: W: ; by E. S. Robertson 693.23 — - Milton, J: ; by R: Garnett 693.24 — Schiller, F: von; by H: W.*Nevinson 693.25 — Schopenhauer, Arthur; by W. Wallace 693.26 — Smith, Adam; by R: B. Haldane 693.27 — Thackeray, W: M. ; by H. Mervale and F. T. Marzials 693.28 — Voltaire, F. M. A. de. ; by Francis Espinasse 693.29 — Whittier, James G. ; by W. J. Linton 693.30 Greater America. 1887 557.2 Greatest thing in the world. Drum- - mond H: 461.9 Grecian Archipelago. Field, H: M. Greek islands. 1885 778.1 — Tozer, H: F. Islands of the iEgean.... 557.3 Greece. History. Geeece, continued. — Mahaffy, J. P. Greek world under Roman sway. 1890 777.11 — Oman, C: W: C. History of Greece to Macedonian conquest. 1890 795.6 — Pausanias. Description of [ancient] Greece. 2 v. 1886 771.17 — Sankey, C: Spartan and Theban su- premacies. Maps. (Epochs of an- cient history.) 1891 787.12.4 — Sergeant, L: Greece. 1880 796.3 — Vincent, J: H. and Joy, J. R. Outline history of .Greece. 1888 755.17 — Xenophon. The Hellenics; or, Grecian history; tr. by J. S. Watson and H: Dale. ' 1886 771.18 Antiquities and Art. — Redford, G: Greek sculpture. 1892 ..In 882.7 — Seyffert, Dr. Oskar. Dictionary of classical antiquities, etc. 1891. ... C.12 — Smith, T. Roger. Greek architecture. 1892 882.7 — Smith, W: and others. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 2 v. 1890 C.10 Life, Manners, etc. — Bliimner, H. Home life of the ancient Greeks. 1893 792.11 — Coulanges, F. de. The ancient city: a study of the religion, laws and in- stitutions of Greece and Rome. 1882 735.10 — Guhl, E. and Koner W. Life of the Greeks and Romans. 1876 766.9 — Mahaffy, J. P. Greek life and thought from Alexander to the Roman con- quest. 1887 777.10 — Smith, J. M. Ancient Greek female costume. 1882 897.16 Description and Travel. — Baedeker, K: Handbook. Maps. 1889. 555.12 — Diehl, C: Excursions in. [Recent ex- cavations.] 1893 551.22 — Harrison, J. A. Greek vignettes. 1878. 557.4 — Mahaffy, J. P. Greek pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 1890 548.9 — Schuchhardt, Carl. Schliemann’s ex- cavations. 1891 558.5 — Snider, D. J. Walks in Hellas. 1883. 558.6 — Wordsworth, C. Greece: pictorial, descriptive and historical. 1882... 534.13 See also Athens; Tiryns. See also Biography (Collective; Ancient ) ; Drama; Fine arts; Greek language ; Greek literature ; History (Ancient); Mythology. 735.7 in 795.3 — Church, A. J. Callias; a tale of the fall of Athens. 1891 166.29 — Cox, G: W: Greeks and Persians. (Epochs of ancient history.) 1893. 787.12.2 — Felton, C. C. Lectures on Greece, an cient and modern. 1883 k — Gardner, Percy. New chapters ^ Greek history. 1892 Harrison, J. A. Story of Greece [to Alexander the great]. 1885 ^^Heeren, Arnold H. L. Ancient Greece. ■[oy, J. R. Grecian history, [ancient]. } 892 . , . 752.1.1 791.1.1 783.2 Greek language. Fernald, O. M. Se- lections from Greek historians [Greek text]. 1888 735.16 — King, J: E: and Cookson, C. Intro- duction to the comparative gram- mar of Greek and Latin. 1890 354.25 — Smith, W: Initia Graeca: pt. 1 and appendix. 2 v 1881-90 331.32 Greek lines [Architectural]. Van Brunt, H: 1893 893.26 Greek literature. Appleton, W: H., ed. Greek poets in English verse, by various translators. 1893 234.5 GREEK. 114 GROHMAN. Greek literature, continued. — Greek anthology ; lit. tr. by G: Burges, with metrical versions and an in- dex. 1889 324.6 — Jebb, R: C. Attic orators from Anti- phon to Isaeus. 1876 353.17 Growth and influence of classical Greek poetry. 1894 234.24 — Jevons, F: B. History of, to death of Demosthenes. 1886 331.13 — Mahaffy, J. P. History of classical Greek literature. 2 v. [1890.] 331.30 Contents : v. 1, Poets; v. 2, Pn»se writers. — Perry, T: S. History of Greek litera- ture. 1890 341.12 — Wilkinson, W:C. Classic Greek course in English. 1892 344.31 See also iEschylus; Aristophanes; Aristotle; Athe- nseus; Bion; Callimachus; Demosthenes; Euripides; Heroditus; Hesiod; Homer; Moschus; Pausanias; Pindar; Plato; Socrates; Sophocles; Strabo; Theoc- ritus; Theognis; Thucidides; Xenophon. Greek philosophy. Hatch, Edw. Influ- ence of Greek ideas and usages up- on the Christian church. 1891 465.4 Greek play [Electra] and its presenta- tion. Tyler, H: M. [1891.] 224.16 Greeley, Horace. Zabriskie, F. N. Hor- ace Greeley; the editor. 1890 671.1.2 Greely, A. W. Explorers and travelers. [Biog. sketches.] 1893 686.3.1 — Three years of Arctic service, 1881-84. 2 v. 1886 554.1 Green, Anna K. See Fiction class-list. Green, J. R. Short history of the Eng- lish people. Illus. 4 v. 1893 786.9 — , ed. History primers, v. 1-9 716.27 For contents see History primers. Green, Mrs. J. R. Town life in the 15th century. 2 v 795.5 Green, S: G. French pictures drawn with pen and pencil 548.16 — Pictures from the German fatherland drawn with pen and pencil 528.25 — Scottish pictures drawn with pen and pencil 528.23 — , joint author. See Manning,S: Green, Seth. Home fishing, etc.: a prac- tical treatise on fish culture. 1886. 861.4 Green, W. S. Among the Selkirk gla- ciers. 1890 544.8 Green, W: H: Grammar of the Hebrew language. 1884 353.12 Greene, Francis V. General Greene. (Great commanders series). 1893... 681.7.4 Greene, Homer. Coal and the coal mines. 1889 872.20 See also Fiction class-list. Greene, Gen. Nathanael. Greene, F. V. General Greene. (Great command- ers series.) 1893 681.7.4 Greene, Robert. Dramatic and poetical works. 1874 In 221.10 — Poems; ed. by R. Bell. 1889 226.10 Greene, Sarah P. McL. See Fiction class- list. Greenfield, W. S. Alcohol: its use and abuse. [Health primer.] 1890.... 891.20 Greenland. Nansen, Fridtjof. Eskimo life. 1893 554.18 First crossing of Greenland. 2 v. 1890 543.6 Greenleaf, Elizabeth. See Fiction class- list. Greenwood, F: Lover’s lexicon: hand- book for novelists, etc. 1894 352.8 Greenwood, T: Free public libraries, their organization, uses and man- agement. 1886 343.15 Greey, Edward. See Fiction class-list. Greg, Percy. History of the United States from the foundation of Virginia to the reconstruction of the Union. 2v. 1887 776.14 Grego, Joseph. History of parliamentary elections and electioneering in the old days. 1886 928.9 Gregory VII., pope. Stephens, W. R. W. Hildebrand and his times. [1888.] . 464.1.7 Gregory, J: M. The seven laws of teach- ing. [1886.] 461.5 Gregory, Olinthus. Evidences, doctrines and duties of the Christian religion. 10th edn. 1876 458.11 Grenville, G: N. T., Lord Nugent. Me- morials of John Hampden, his party and his times. 1889 658.2 Gresswell, H: W: and G: How to play the fiddle. 1888 '. 876.22 Greswell, W: Our South African em- pire. 2 v. 1885 777.16 Grettis Saga. Story of Grettir the Strong; from the Icelandic by W: Morris. 1869 353.18 Grey, C: Early years of the Prince Con- sort [Albert], 1819-40. 1867 674.16 Grey, Maxwell, pseud. See Tuttiett, M. G. Griesinger, Wilhelm. Mental pathology and therapeutics. 1867 483.14 Griffin, S. B. Mexico of to-day. 1886.. 533.4 Griffis, W : E. Brave little Holland and what she has taught us. 1894 792.16 — Corea, the hermit nation. 1882. ..... 554.23 — Japan in history, folk lore and art. 1892 547.20 — Lily among thorns: a study of the Song of songs. 1890 : 455.17 — Sir William Johnson. 1891 665.10.14 See also Fiction class-list. Griffiths, T. The modern fencer. [1879.] 872.19 Grihya-sutras. (Sacred books of the East ,v. 29, 30.) 1886,1892 481.1 Grimke, A. H. Life of Charles Sumner. 1892 671.1.4 — William Lloyd Garrison, the abolition- ist. 1891 671.1.6 Grimke, Sarah M. Letters on the equality of the sexes, and the condition of woman. 1838 925.20 Grimm, Herman. Life of Raphael 673.15 Grimm, J. L. K: Teutonic mythology. 4 v. 1879-88 483.8 See also Fiction class-list. Grimm, W. K: See Fiction class-list. Grimshaw, Robert. Steam-boiler cate- chism. 1888 872.29 Grinnell, G: B. See Fiction class-list. Griswold, Hattie T. Home life of great authors. 1887 646.28 Griswold. R. W. Republican court; or, American society in the days of Washington. 1855 *75 Grohman, W. A. B. Tyrol and the Tyro- lese. 1877 ' JZo GRONLUND. 115 HAKLUYT. Gronlund, L. Co-operative common- wealth. 1890 936.15 Grose, Francis. Classical dictionary of • the vulgar tongue; rev. by P. Egan. 1823...-..: *341.9 Groser, VV: H. Trees and plants men- tioned in the Bible. 1888 473.1.10 — Young teacher; handbook of Sunday school instruction. 1885 461. 2 Grossi, Tommaso. See Fiction class-list. Grote, G; Plato and the companions of Socrates. 4 v 692.15 — Grote, Mrs. H. Personal life of George Grote. Port. 1873 676.14 Grove, Sir G:, ed. Dictionary of music and musicians, [1450-1889]. 5 v. 1879-90 B.24 Growoll, A. A bookseller’s library and how to use it. 1891 344.25 — Profession of bookselling, pt. 1. 1893. 892.11 Growth of a people. Lacombe, Paul.... 792.21 Guardian, The. By Addison, Steele and others. (British essayists, vols. 13- 15.) 303.15.13-15 Guardsman’s handbook. Hershler, N. 1886 847.26 Guatemala. Brinton, D: G., tr. Annals of the Cakchiquels. 1887 351.1.6 — Helps, A. Spanish conquest in Amer- ica 737.1.3 See also America, Central. Guerin, Maurice de. Journal of; with memoir by Sainte-Bouve. 1891 .... 673.2 Guest, Edwin. History of English rhythms 1882 235.1 Guhl, E. and Koner, W. Life of the Greeks and Romans. Illus. 1876. . 766.9 Guide to scientific knowledge of things familiar. [1850.] 861.35 Guides for science-teaching. No. 12. Cros- by, W:0. Common minerals and rocks. 1889 874.2.12 Guild, Curtis. Over the ocean. 1891... 554.28 Guild, Reuben A. Librarian’s manual. 1858 3501.14 Guillemard, F. H; H. Cruise of the Marchesa to Kamschatka and New Guinea, etc. 1889..... 535.2 — Life of Ferdinand Magellan, 1480-1521. 663.1.4 Guillemin, Amedee. Electricity and magnetism. 1891 887.3 Guimps, Roger de. Pestalozzi ; his life and works. (Internat. ed.ser.) 1890. 448.2.14 Guiness, Geraldine. In the Far East; [let- ters from China.] [1889.] 537.21 Guinness, J/rs.H. Grattan. The new world of Central Africa. 1890 554.32 Guinot, M. Eugene. A summer in Baden- Baden, [1876.] 548.7 Guiteau, C: J. Hayes, H. G. and C. J. Life and trial of C: J. Guiteau. [1882.] . 944.5 Guizot, Francois. Character and influ- ence of Washington. 1840 666.3 — History of England [to 1837]. Illus. 3 v. 1877 766.4 — History of the English revolution of 1640. 1884 772.13 — History of the origin of representative government in Europe. 1861 922.12 Gunn, J: C. New family physician. 1887. 886.16 Gunnison, J. W. Mormons, or, Latter- day saints. 1856 476.2 Gunter, A. C. See Fiction class-list. Gunther, A. C: L: G. Introduction to the study of fishes. 1881 8101.4 Gunton,G; Principles of social economics. 1891 926.7 Gurowski, Adam. Diarv, from March 4, 1861-Nov. 12, 1862.* 1862 767.17 — Diary, from Nov. 18, 1862-Oct. 18, 1863. 1866 767.18 — Diary, 1863-5. 1866 767.19 Gustafson, Axel. Foundation of death: a study of the drink-question. 1885. 436.10 Gustavus II, Adolphus, king of Siceden. Fletcher, <3. R. L. Life of. 1890. . 664.1.2 — Harte, W. History of Gustavus Adol- phus. 2 v. 1807 684.10 — Wilson, J. G. Sketches of illustrious sol.diers 632.7 Gustavus III, king of Siceden. Parton, J. Illustrious men. 1881 617.17 Gutenberg, J: Pearson, E. C. Gutenberg and the art of printing. [1879.].. 871,15 Guthrie, F. A. [ F . Anstey.~\ See Fiction class-list. Guttman, Oskar. Gymnastics of the voice. 1884 ' 885.23 Gutzkow, Karl. See Fiction class-list. Guyan, J. M. Education and heridity. .. 893.19 Guyot, Arnold. Creation; or bible cos- mogony in the light of modern sci- ence. 1887 451.6 Gwatkin, H. M. The Arian controversy. 464.1.15 Gwilt, J. Encyclopaedia of architecture. 1881 *864.6 Gymnastics. See Physical education. Gypsies. Leland, C: G. Gypsies. 1888. 944.27 — Pennell, Eliz. R. Togipsyland. [Hun- gary, etc.] 1893 556.7 H., D. G. Polyglot pronouncing hand- book. 1890 ‘ 343.12 H. H. See Jackson, Helen Hunt. Habberton, John. See Fiction class-list. Habit. Arnold, F: Turning points in life. Chap. 2 304.14 — Radestock, Paul. Habit in education. 1886 463.24 Hackel, Eduard. True grasses. 1890... 873.14 Hacklander, F. W., joint author. See Stieler, K: See also Fiction class-list. Hadley, Arthur T. Railroad transporta- tion: its history and its laws. 1893. 944.2 Hadow, W. H. Studies in modern music: Hector Berlioz; Robert Schumann; Richard Wagner. 1893 895.6 Haggard, H. Rider. See Fiction class- list. Hague, Parthenia A. A blockaded fam- ily. [Alabama during the civil war.] 1888 523.28 Haigii, Daniel H. Conquest of Britain by the Saxons. 1861 791.4 Haile, Ellen. See Fiction class-list. Hailmann, W. N. Primary methods. 1887 453.14 Haines, Elijah M. The American Indian. 1888 758.8 Haines, T. L. , joint author. See Y aggy, L. W. Hake, A. E. and Wesslau, O. E. Free trade in capital. 1890 943.9 Hakluyt, Richard. Voyages of the Eng- lish nation to America before the year 1600; ed. by E. Goldsmid. 4 v. 1889 551.14 HALDANE. 116 HAMILTON. Haldane, R: B. Life of Adam Smith. 1887. 693.27 Hale, E: E, Boys’ heroes. [1886.] 673.28 — For fifty years. 1893 234.14 — History of the United States. 1887.. . 753.16 — Life of George Washington studied anew. 1888 651.12 — Story of Massachusetts. 1891 764.1.8 — , ed. Stories of discovery 721.6.4 Stories of inventions. [1885.] 721.6.5 — and E: E. Franklin in France. 1887. 753.14 — and S. Family flight over Egypt and Syria. [1882.] 531.13 Family flight through Mexico. [1886.] 531.17 Storv of Spain. (Story of the nations.) 1886 752.1.7 See also Fiction class-list. Hale, H., ed. Iroquois book of rites. 1883. 351.1.2 Hale, Lucretia P. See Fiction class-list. Hale, Nathan. Lossing, B. J: Two spies. , 1892 692,20 Hale, Sarah J. Manners, happy homes and good society. 1889 466.4 — Woman’s record; or, sketches of all distinguished women [to 1868] .Illus. 1870 688.2 Hale, Susan. Story of Mexico. 1889 752.1.22 Hale, W: G. Art of reading Latin. 1887. 331.19 Half hours in field and forest. Wood, J. G. 855.18 Half hours with a naturalist. Wood, J. G. 855.17 HALF-hours with the best humorous au- thors. Morris, C:4v 336.12 Halkett, S: and Laing, J: Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous literature of Great Britain, includ- ing the works of foreigners written in or translated into the English language. 4v. 1882 *3501.16 Hall, B. R. [ Robert Carleton.\ See Fiction class-list. Hall, Bolton, ed. Who pays your taxes ? 1892 937.71 Hall, Mrs. Florence. Correct thing in good society. [1888.] 472.15 — Social customs. [1887.] 452.8 Hall,G. S., joint author. See Mansfield, J:M. — , ed. Methods of teaching history. 1889 796.5 Hall, H: Ethan Allen, the Robin Hood of Vermont. 1891 693.10 — , ed. Tribune book of open-air sports. 1887 873.23 Hall, James, judge. Letters from the West; scenery, manners and cus- toms. 1828 553.1 — Romance of Western history. 1857. . . 753.12 — Joint author. See McKenney, T: L. See also Fiction class-list. Hall Joseph. Mundus alter et idem. [Ideal commonwealth.] In 917. 16 Hall, Robert. Miscellaneous works; ed. by J: Foster. 1878 324.17 Contents : Christianity consistent with a love of freedom; An apology for the freedom of the press; Modern infidelity considered; Reflections on war; Sen- timents proper to the present crisis; Advantages of knowledge to the lower classes; Sermon on the death of her royal highness the princess Charlotte of Wales. Reviews. — Gilfillan, G: Third gallery of por- traits, pp. 76-85. 1855 301.24 Hall, S: C. Book of British ballads. 1888. 222.17 — and Mrs. S: C: Book of the Thames. . 535.3 Hall, S: C., continued. — , joint author. Stately homes of Eng- land. See Jewitt, L. 532.7 Hall, Mrs. S. C. See Fiction class-list. — joint author. See Hall, S: C. Hall, T. D., joint author. See Smith, W: Hall, W:W. Health at home. [1872.].. 878.13 Hallam, H : Literary history of Europe. 3 v. 1871 353.19 — Gilfillan, G: Third gallery of portraits. 301.24 Halliwell-Phillips, J. O. Dictionary of archaisms and provincialisms. 2v. 1847 *343.36 — Outlines of the life of Shakespeare. 2 v. 1889 692.20 Hallock, C: Our new Alaska. 1886 537.22 Hallowell, Mrs. J. L. See Fiction class- list. Hallucinations. See Delusions, etc. Halpine, C: G. Adventures of private Miles O’Reilly. 1864 323.34 Halstead, M. and Beale, J. F. Life of Jay Gould. 1892 691.5 Ham, C; H. Manual training. 1886 917.24 Hamerton, Philip G. Drawing and en- graving. 1892 886.5 — French and English: a comparison. 1889 536.3 — Imagination in landscape painting. 1887 . . *8542.4 — Landscape. [Influence upon man.] 1885 853.5 — Modern Frenchmen. 1890 692.11 — The Saone ; a summer voyage. Illus. 1888 . *864.4 Hamilton, Alexander. Works ; ed. by J: C. Hamilton. 7 v. 1851 943.4 Contents : v. 1. Correspondence. Notes in pay- book of the state company of artillery. Narrative of a duel between Gen. Lee and Col. Laurens. 2. Full vindication of the measure of Congress. Farmer refuted; a further vindication of the Congress. Reorganization of the army. Inspector General, 1778-79. Publius. Military remarks and queries. Mission to France. Military regulations. Discipline. Continentalist. Resolution for general convention of the states. Plan of specific taxation for the state of New York. Resolutions in Congress, 1782-83. Report on impost duty. Military peace establishment. Reports. Letters of Phocion. Constitution of the Bank of N. Y. Petition as to revenue system. Cincinnati. Address of the Annapolis convention. Resolutions, etc., in legislature of New York for a general conven- tion. Propositions for a constitution in the Federal Convention. Brief speech on his plan of constitution. Impressions as to the new constitutions. Comments on the opposition to the constitution. Resolution in Congress. Speech in convention of New York, on the compromises of the constitution. Brief argu- ment on the constitution of the U. S. Draft of pro- posed ratification of the constitution of the U. S.,with specified amendments. Resolutions in Congress, 1788. Address to the supervisors of the city of Al- bany. Eulogium on Maj. Gen. Greene. 3. Finance. Remission of forfeitures. Additional estimate for 1790. State debts. Operations of the act laying duties on imports. Tonnage duties. Money received from, or paid to, the states. West Point. Public lands. Estimates. Renewal of final settlement certificates. Public credit. National bank. Estimates for 1791. Duties on imports. Es- tablishment of a mint. Trade with India and China. Dutch loan. Spirits, foreign and domestic. Manu- factures. Estimates of receipts and expenditures for 1791-92. Loans. Additional supplies for 1792. Re- mission of duties. Pubiic debt. Loans. 1793. Bank deposits, surplus revenue, and loans. Balance in the treasury, and domestic loans. Public debt, receipts and expenditures. Loan, 1794. Public credit, 1795. Revenue circulars, 1789-93. Instructions to collectors of customs. Reports on claims. 4. Cabinet papers. 5. Cabinet papers, continued. Draft of Smith’s speech on commercial relations. Act to punish cer- tain crimes. Duties upon carriages. Act as to call- HAMILTON. 117 HARRIS. Hamilton, Alexander, continued. mg forth militia. Remarks on the treaty with Great Britain. Military papers. Correspondence. 6. Correspondence. Letters of H. G. Address to public creditors. Funding system vindicated. Anti- defamer. 7. An American. Payments of public debt. Civis to Mercator. Fact. Amicus. Catullus to Aristides. Metellus. Catullus. A plain honest man. Observer. Pacificus. No Jacobin. Draft of a reply of Washing- ton to citizens of New York. Americanus. Tully. Horatius. Camillus. Explanation. Draft of Wash- ington’s speech to Congress. Abstract of points for Washington’s farewell address. Draft of fare- well address. France. The answer. First draft of Washington's speech to Congress. The warning. The stand. A French faction. The war in Europe. Allegorical device. Measures of defence. Public conduct and character of John Adams. Address to the electors of the state of New York. Examination of Jefferson’s message to Congress of Dec. 7, 1801. Amendment of the constitution; resolutions in the legislature of New York. Supplying New York with water. Plan of the Merchants’ Bank. Law-briefs. Lansing or Burr. Indexes of letters from, and to Hamilton. General index. — Moore, F., ed. American eloquence. v. 1, pp. 183-223 321.12.1 — joint author. The Federalist, etc 904.1 — Homes of American statesmen 617.9 — Sumner, W. G. Life of. [1890.] 665.10.2 Hamilton, Anthony, count. Memoirs of Count Grammont. Illus. 1888 662.11 Hamilton, Sir Vi: Morris, G. S. British thought, pp. 265-301 317.2 — Yeitch, J: Hamilton. (Philosophical classics.) 1882 675.1.6 Hamlet, Sir E: B. Operations of war ex- plained. 1878 892.13 Hamlin, Cyrus. My life and times. [1893.] 686.7 Hammer and rapier. Cooke, J: E 785.3 Hammond, J. D. History of political par- ties in the state of NewYorkto Dec. 1840. 2 v. 1847..... 932.1 Hammond, Dr. W: A. Certain conditions of nervous derangement. 1883.... 893.12 See also Fiction class-list. Hampden, John. Greenville, G. N. T. Memorials of. 1889 658.2 Hancock, A. U. See Fiction class-list. Hancock, Gen. W. S. Hancock, Mrs. A. R. Reminiscences of. 1887 653.2 Hand. Bell, Sir C: The hand; its mech- anism, etc. 1885 453.10 Handel, Georg F. Marshall, J. Han- del. 1890 693.2 — Rockstro, W. S. Life of. 1883 673.17 Hands full of honey: sermons. Spur- geon, C: H 436.31 Handy, Moses P., ed. Official directory of the World’s Columbian exposi- tion. Illus. 1893...... *894.19 Hannay, David. Admiral Blake. 1886. 693.11 — Rodney.(English men of action.) 1891. 655.17.17 Hannibal. Dodge, Theo. A. (Great cap- tains series.) 1891 686.11.2 Hans Breitmann’s ballads. Leland, C: G. 224.17 Hansa towns. Zimmern, Helen. The Hansa towns. (Story of the nations.) 1889 752.1.25 Hansard, G: A. Book of archery. 1841.. 862.3 Happiness. Brinton, D. G. Pursuit of. 478.30 — Smith, Hannah W. Christian’s secret of a happy life. [1888.] 472.29 Happy homes. Smiles, Samuel 447.22 Harcourt, L. F. V-. Achievements in engineering during the last half century. 1892 896.25 Hard life in the colonies and other ad- ventures. Jenkyns, C. C., ed. 1892. 546.9 Hardinge, E. M.' With the wild flowers from puss^- willow to thistle-down. [1894.]...* 898.4 Hardtack and coffee. Billings, J: D 534.17 Hardwick, C: History of the articles of religion. 1884 457.13 Hardwicke’s science gossip. See Periodi- cals. Hardy, A. S. Life and letters of Joseph Hardy Neesima. 1892 673.12 See also Fiction class-list. Hardy, E. J. Five talents of woman. 1888.. 453.33 — How to be happy though married. 1886 446.17 — “Manners makyth man.’’ 1887 446.18 — Sunny days of youth; a book for boys and young men. 1893 476.29 Hardy, G: E. Five hundred books for the young; a graded and annotated list. 1892 345.30 Hardy, Thomas. See Fiction class-list. Hardy, W. J. Book-plates. Illus. 1893. 351.3 Hare, A: J: C. Cities of northern and central Italy. 3 v. 1876 527.25 — Days near Paris. [1888.] 552.27 — Northeastern France. 1890 554.29 — Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia. 523.14 — Southeastern France. 1890 554.30 — Southwestern France. 1890 554.31 — Studies in Russia 523.16 — Venice. [1884.] 557.5 — Walks in London. 2 v. in 1 542.19 — Walks in Paris. [1888.] 533.24 Hargrove, E. Anecdotes of archery, to 1791. 1845 886.10 Hariot, Thomas. Narrative of the first English plantation in Virginia, [1585]. [1893.] 788.9 Harkness, Albert. Easy method for be- ginners in Latin. [1890.] 331.29 Harland, Henry. [Sidney Luska.] See Fiction class-list. Harland, Marion, pseud. See Terhune, M. V. Harlow, Louis K., comp. The world’s best hymns. 1892 231.28 Harmony. See Music and musicians. Harmony of ancient history, and chronol- ogy of the Egyptians and Jews. Macdonald, M. 1891... 766.14 Harnack, Adolf. Outlines of the history of dogma. 1893 *. 477.20 Harper, H: A. Bible and modern dis- coveries. 1891 483.15 Harper, W: R. and Burgess, I. B. In- ductive Latin method. [1888.] 331.22 — and Waters, W: E. Inductive Greek method. [1888.] 331.23 Harper’s new monthly magazine. See Periodicals. Harper’s popular cyclopaedia of U. S. history. Lossing, B. J. 2 v 758.1 Harper’s young people. See Periodicals. Harris, Amanda B. American authors for young folks. [1887.] 335.4 — Wild flowers and where they grow. 1882. 875.20 Harris, F. McCready. [Hope Ledyard .] Plain talks with young home ma- kers. [1889.] 865.30 Harris, Joel C. H: W. Grady: his life, writings and speeches. [1890.] 668.12 See also Fiction class-list. HARRIS. 118 HAY. Harris, Miriam C. See Fiction class-list. Harris. W: C. Prison life at Richmond. 1862 775.16 — , ed. Angler’s guide book. # 1885 855.24 Harris, W : Torrey. Introduction to the study of philosophy. 1890 484.10 — joint author. Life and philosophy of A. B. Alcott. See Sanborn, F. B 683.18 — , ed. See International education series. Harrison, Alex. J. The church in rela- tion to sceptics. 1892 476.22 Harrison, Benjamin. Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the declaration of independence 621.16 Harrison, Benjamin, 23d president. Wal- lace, Lew. Life of. [1888.] 653.8 Harrison, Mrs. Burton. See Fiction class- list. Harrison, Carter H. A race with the sun. [Tour around the world, 1887-8.] [1889.] 537.20 Harrison, Eliz. Study of child nature. 1891 463.28 See also Fiction class-list. Harrison, F: Choice of books, etc. 1886. 333.3 — New calendar of great men. 1892 692.21 — Oliver Cromwell. 1890 693.12 — and Spencer, H. Nature and reality of religion; a controversy. 1885 436.11 Harrison, J. A. Story of Greece [to Alexander the great] 1885 752.1.1 — and Sharp, Robert, ed. Beowulf; The fight of Finnsburh. 1892. 231.8 Harrison, Mrs. J. W. Life of Mackay of Uganda; told for boys. 1892 687.2 Harrison, Mrs. W. [ Lucas Malet ] See Fictionclass-list. Harrison, W: H:, 9th president. Mont- gomery, H. Life of 655.1 — Stoddard, W: O. Life of. 1888. ...In 647.1.5 Harrison, W. Jerome. Chemistry of photography. 1892 887.18 — History of photography. 1887 887.19 Harshberger, J. W: Maize; a botanical and economic study. 1893 892.3 Hart, A. B. Study of federal govern- ment. 1891 943.16 — , ed. See Epochs of American history. Hart, G; The violin; its famous makers and their imitators. 1887 895.17 Hart, H: C. Animals mentioned in the Bible. 1888 473.1.11 Harte, Bret. See Fiction class-list. Harte, Walter. History of Gustavus Adolphus. 2 v. 1807 684.10 Hartford convention. Dwight, T. His- tory of, etc. 1833 784.6 Harting, J. E. Our summer migrants; an an account of the migratory birds which pass the summer in the Brit- ish Islands. Illus. 1889... 886.13 Hartley, May Laffan. ^Fiction class- list. Hartmann, Eduard von. Philosophy of the unconscious. 3 v. 1884 483.16 Hartmann, R. Anthropoid apes. 1886. .815.4.52 Hartwig, G: Aerial world. 1875 862.7 — Harmonies of nature. 1866 862.8 — The sea and its living wonders. 1873. . 862.9 Harvard university. Atwood, F. G. Manners and customs of ye Har- vard studente. Illus. 1877 *848.21 Harvard university, continued. — Bush, G: G. Harvard: the first Amer- ican university. [1886.] 446.19 — Harvard examination papers. 9th edn. 1883 436.15 — King, Moses. Harvard and its sur- roundings. 1883 523.6 — Lowell, J. R. Harvard anniversary : an address. 1886 In 333.6 — Peabody, A. P. Harvard graduates whom I have known. 1890 666.10 — Sleeper, H. D. Songs of Harvard. [With music.] 1888 221.12 — Vaille, H. O. and Clark, H. A., ed. The Harvard book. 2v. 1878 *8542.18 See also Scribner’s monthly, v. 12. 1876 and Ap- pleton’s journal. v 3, 1870, and v. 11. 1874 [Descriptive articles] ; Atlantic monthly, v. 12, 1863 and Appleton’s journal, v. 10, 1873 [Class day at H.] ; North American Review, v. 117. 1873 [Graduates of H.]; New Eng- lander, v. 44, 1885 [Greek and Latin in H.]. Harvey, M., joint author. Newfoundland; its history, etc. See Hatton, J 531.22 Harvey, W : On the motion of the heart and blood in animals. 1889. ...... 867.22 Haskins, C. W. The Argonauts of Cali- fornia. [Early mining days.] 1890. 541.7 Hasluck, PaulN. Lathe work; tools, ap- pliances and processes. 1890 8101.20 Hastings, Warren. Lyall, Sir A. Life of. 1889 655.17.11 Haswell, C: H. Mechanics’ and en- gineers’, pocket-book. 1888 861.25 Hatch, Edw. Influence of Greek ideas and usages upon the Christian church. 1891 465.4 Hatch, F: H. ' Mineralogy. 1892 882.15 Hatcher, Edm. N. The last four weeks of the war, [1861-5]. 1892 785.5 Hatfield, Marcus P. Physiology and hygiene. 1887 858.5 Hatton, Frank. North Borneo: explora- tions and adventures on the equa- tor. 1886 545.16 Hatton, Joseph. Club-land; London and provincial. 1890 8522.29 — and Harvey M. Newfoundland: its his- tory,^. 1883 531.22 See also Fiction class-list. Haug, Martin. Essays on the sacred lan- guage, writings and religion of the Parsis. 1884 483.17 Haughton, S: Physical geography. 1880. 878.5 Hausser, Ludwig. Period of the refor- mation, 1517-1648 778.3 Hayard, H: Dutch school of painting. 1885 893.13 — Picturesque Holland. 1876 558.7 Havelock, Sir H. Forbes. A. Life of. 1890 655.17.10 Haverhill, Mass. Record of the com- memoration, July 2d and 3d, 1890, of the settlement of Haverhill. 1891. 768.6 Hawaiian Islands. See Sandwich Islands. Hawkesworth, J:, joint author. See Ad- venturer, The 303.15.19-21 Hawthorne, Julian. See Fiction class-list. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Bridge, H. Per- sonal recollections of. 1893 683.12 — Conway, Moncure D. Life of. 1890.... 686.1 See also Fiction class-list. Hay, John, joint author. /S^Nicolay, J. G. HAYDEN. 119 HEALTH. Hayden, Ferdinand Y. tmcZSelwjm, A. R: C. North America. 1893 558.8 Haydn, Joseph. Nohl, L. Life of. 1883. 646.7 — Townsend, Pauline D. Haydn. 1884. 693.2 Haydn, Joseph. Dictionary of dates; ed. by B: Vincent. 1888 B.4 Hayes, H., pseud. /SteKirk, Mrs. Ellen O. Hayes, H. G. and C. J. Life and trial of C: J. Guiteau 944.5 Hayes, I: I. Arctic boat journey[in 1854]. 1883.... '. 533.7 Hayes, Rutherford B , 19th president. Stoddard, W: O. Life of. 1889.. . . 647.1.9 Haymond, U. S., ed. Illus. history of the state of Indiana to 1879. 1879 788.5 Hayti. St. John, Sir S. Hayti; or, the black republic. 1889 538.11 Hazard, Caroline. Memoirs of Rev. J. Lewis Diman, D. D. 1887 647.8 — Thomas Hazard, son of Robert, call’d College Tom. 1893 686.9 Hazard, T: Hazard, Caroline. Thomas Hazard, son of Robert, called Col- lege Tom. 1893 686.9 Hazell’s annual for 1891 D.9 Hazen, W: B. Narrative of military ser- vice. 1885 761.12 Hazlitt, William. Lectures on the Eng- lish comic writers and English poets. 1854 335.8 — Plain speaker: opinions on books, men and things. 1886 324.19 — Sketches and essays ; Winterslow. 1884 324.18 — Spirit of the age ; or, contemporary portraits. 1886.* 324.20 — Table talk: essays on men and man- ners. 1887..! 324.21 Hazlitt, W: C. Old cookery books and ancient cuisine. 1886 855.31 See also Fiction class-list. Headache. Day, W: H: Headaches; their nature, causes, and treatment. 1883. 896.10 Headley, J: T. Chaplains and clergy of the Revolution. 1864 666.1 — Great American riots. 1882 741.9 — Mountain adventurers. 1885 523.8 — Washington and his generals. 1847. . 602.7 Heads and faces: how to study them. Sizer, N. and Drayton, H. S. [1885.] 445.13 Health. Allen, C. B. and Mary A. The man wonderful in the house beau- tiful. 1890 882.11 — American public health association. Lomb prize essays. 1886 858.3 Contents : Healthy homes and food for the work- ing classes, by V: C. Vaughn ; Sanitary conditions and necessities of school-houses and school-life, by D. F. Lincoln ; Disinfection and individual prophylaxis against infectious diseases, by G: M. Sternberg ; pre- ventable causes of disease, injury, and death in American manufactories and workshops, and the be6t means and appliances for preventing and avoiding them, byG: II. Ireland. Health, continued. — Buck, A. H., ed. Treatise on hygiene and public health. 2 v. 1879 858.16 Contents : v 1, Introduction : Prefatory remarks; Causes of disease; Jurisprudence of hygiene. — Indi- vidual hygiene: Infant hygiene; Food and drink ; Drinking-water and public water supplies; Physical exercise; Care of the person. — Habitations: Soil and water; Atmosphere ; General principles of hospital construction. v. 2, Occupation: Hygiene of occupation; Hygiene of camps; Hygiene of the naval and merchant marine; Hygiene of coal mines ; Hygiene of metal-mines. — Public health: Infant mortality; Vital statistics; Adulteration of food ; Public nuisances ; Quarantine ; Inland quarantine ; Small-pox and other contagious diseases ; Hygiene of Syphilis ; Disinfectants ; Vil- lage sanitary associations ; School hygiene ; Gen- eral index. — Chadwick, Edwin. Sanitary essays. 1887... «01.19.2 — Child’s health primer. (Pathfinder series.) 1885 855.4.1 — Coan,T:M: Ounces of prevention. 1888. 885.15 — Cook, Mrs. E. G. Mothers and daugh- ters: a manual of hygiene. 1884.. 882.12 — Culver, H. H. Epitome of anatomy, physiology and hygiene. 1888 896.3 — Dibble, F. L. Vagaries of sanitary science. 1893 886.18 — Ellis, Havelock. Nationalization of health. 1892 896.24 — Fothergill, J. M: The town dweller: his needs and his wants. 1889 872.18 — Gerhard, W: P. Sanitary house- inspection. 1885 856.22 — Granville, J: Mortimer. Common mind troubles 872.14 — Hall, W: W. Health at home. [1872.] 878.13 — Hatfield, M. P. Physiology and hygiene. 1887 858.5 — Home sanitation: a manual. 1887. . . . 861.40 — Hoyt, W: E. Household sanitation: an address. 1886 872.11 — Kimmins, C. W. Chemistry of life and health. 1892 891.23 — Lewis, Dio. Dio Lewis treasury. 1887. 8101.12 — Matthews, W: Strength and health. In 325.31 — Mead, Theo. H. Health without medi- cine. 35 pp 877.6 — Munger, Theo. T. On the threshold. [1880.] 461.13 — Newsholme, Arthur. School hygiene. 1889 872.10 — Palmberg, Albert. Public health and its applications [in Europe]. 1893. 886.6 — Richardson, B: W. The commonhealth. 1887 856.33 — Rohe, G: H. Text-book of hygiene. 1890 857.7 — Sykes, J: F. J. Public health prob- lems. 1892 884.14 — Walker, Jerome. Anatomy, physiol- ogy, and hygiene: a manual. 1886. 856.26 Periodicals. — Engineering record and sanitary en- gineer: weekly *8541.20 — Sanitarian: monthly *1007.13 For reports of boards of health see Illi- nois; Massachusetts ; New York. See also Air; Alcohol; Bacteria; Childreu; Dress; Dust; Food and diet; Gymnastics; Health resorts; — Anders, J. M. House-plants as- sani- tary agents. 1887 856.1 — Barkan, Louis. How to preserve health. 1890 877.2 — Bissell, Mary T. Household hygiene. 1890 874.15 — Brackett, Anna C. Technique of rest. 1892 871.28 — Browne, Phillis. What girls can do. .. 837.21 | HEALTH. 120 HEPWORTH. Health, continued. Medicine; Nursing; Physical education; Sewerage and drainage; Sleep; Warming and ventilation; Water. Health, beauty and the toilet. Kings- ford, Anna, M. D 855.20 Health resorts. Cullimore, D. H. Book of climates. 1891 877.11 — James, B. W. American resorts; with notes upon their climate. 1889 ... 857.9 — Macmillan, Hugh. The Riviera. 1885. 545.18 — Warner, C: D. Their pilgrimage. [Fiction.] 1887 66.11 — Yeo, I: B. Climate and health resorts. 1890 898.27 Heard, J. B. Tripartite nature of man: spirit, soul and body. 1882 461:23 Hearing. See Ear. Hearn, Lafcadio. Two years in the French West Indies. [Martinique.] 1890 538.15 See also Fiction class-list. Heart-beats. Mozoomdar, P. C 482.5 Heartsease and rue. [Poems.] Lowell, J. R 222.19 Heat. Maxwell, J. C. Theory of. 1888. 872.22 — Thurston, R. H. Heat as a form of energy. 1890 .. 874.1 — Tissandier, G. and Frith, H: Marvels of. 874.39 Heath, R: F. Albrecht Diirer. (Great artists.) 1881 683.21 Heating. See Warming and ventilation. Heaton, C. W. , joint author. See Stoclc- hardt, J. A. Heaton, J: L. Story of Vermont. [1889.] 764.1.4 Heaven, Louise P. See Fiction class-list. Heavens. See Astronomy. Hebrew language. Fuerst, Julius. He- brew and Chaldee lexicon to the Old Testament. 1885 341.4 — Gesenius, F. H. W: Hebrew grammar; rev. byE: C. Mitchell. [1880.] 353.13 — Green, W: H: Grammar of the He- brew language. 1884 353.12 Hebrides. Cumming, C. F. G. In the. 1886 552.28 — Pennell, J. and E. R. Our journev to. 1889 ' .\... 536.5 Hector, A. F. [Mrs Alexander.] See Fic- tion class-list. Hedge, F: H: Hours with German clas- sics. 1887 353.15 Heeren,A.H.L. Historical works of. 6v. 791.1 Contents : v. 1, Ancient Greece'; v. 2, Asiatic na- tions; v. 3, Asiatic nations, continued ; v. 4, African nations ; v. 5, Political system of Europe and its colonies ; v. 6, Manual of ancient history. — Manual of ancient history 791.1.6 Hegel, G: W: F: History of philosophy. v. 1. 1892 477.14.1 Heilprin, Louis. Historical reference book. 1885 732.18 Contents : Chronological table of universal his- tory ; Chronological dictionary of universal history ; Biographical dictionary. ■ Heimburg, W., pseud. See Behrins, Bertha. Heimskringla, The. Snorre Sturlason. 4v. 351.5 Heine, Heinrich. Arnold, M. Essays in criticism 302.4.1 — Sharp, W: Life of. 1888 693.20 Heitman,F. B. Historical register of the United States army, from its organ- ization, 1789-1889. 1890 C.7 Heliography. See Photography. Hellenic factor in the eastern problem. Gladstone, W. E 924.13 Hellyer, S. S. Principles and practice of plumbing. 1891 877.38 Helmholtz, H. Sensations of tone. 1885. 8101.21 Henderson, Alfred. Peter Henderson, gardener, author, merchant. A me- moir. 1890 662.9 Henderson, Mary F. Diet for the sick. 1885 847.23 Henfrey, H: W: Guide to English coins. 1885 868.4 Henley, W: E. Book of verses. 1888 236.4 — , ed. Lyra heroica: a book of verse for boys. 1891 226.16 Hennequin, Alfred. Art of plavwriting. 1890 *. 227.10 Henry V., of England. Church, A. J. Life of. 1889 655.17.2 Henry VII., of England. Gairdner, James. Henry the seventh. [Twelve Eng- lish statesmen.] 1889 687.28 Henry IV., of France. Sully, M. deB, due de. Memoirs, 1570-1611. 4 v. 1856. 773.2 — Willert, P. F. Henry of Navarre and the Huguenots in France. 1893... 664.1.9 Henry of Huntingdon. Chronicle, from Julius Caesar, to Henry II. [1154.] 1853 771.5 Henry, B. C. The cross and the dragon. [China,] 1885 523.18 Henry, Joseph. Memorial of, pub. by order of Congress. 1880 678.7 Henry, Matthew. Exposition of the Book of Psalms. 1866 457.14 Henry, Patrick. Henr} 7 , W. W. Life, cor- respondence, and speeches of. 3 v. 1891 678.4 — Homes of American statesmen 617.9 — Magoon, E. L. Orators of the Revolu- tion 613.9 — Moore, F., ed. American eloquence. v. 1, pp. 8-39 321.12.1 — Tyler, Moses. Patrick Henry. (Amer- ican statesmen.) 1887 626.4.17 Henry, Mrs. S. M. I. The unanswered prayer. 1889 462.7 — Philosophy of history. 1888 458.8 — Caird, E: Hegel. (Philosophical clas- sics.) 1891 675.1.7 Hehn, Victor. Wanderings of plants and animals from their first home. 1888. 886.11 Heilprin, Angelo. The Arctic problem, and Peary relief expedition. 1893. 554.11 — Geographical and geological distribu- tion of animals. 1887 815.4.57 — Principles of geology. (Iconographic encyclopaedia, v. 7.) 1890 *863.2.7 See also Fiction class-list. Henry, W: W. Patrick Henry: life, cor- respondence and speeches. 3 v. 1891. 678.4 Henshall, J*. A. Book of the black bass. 1881 847.12 — More about the black bass. 1889 865.6 Henslow. G: Botany for beginners. 1888. 897.7 — Origin of floral structures. 1888 815.4.63 Henty, G. A. See Fiction class-list. Hepworth, T. C. Photography for ama- teurs. 1884 853.1 HERALDRY. 121 HIBBERT. Heraldry. Hulme, F. E: History, prin- ciples, and practice of heraldry. 1892 675.2 — Lower, M. A. Curiosities of heraldry. 1845 691.7 — Royal book of crests of Great Britain and ^Ireland, Dominion of Canada, India and Australia! 2 v. v. 1, Texts; v. 2, Plates *688.1 — Sylvan city. [Philadelphia.] 1883 501.12 — Vermont, E. de V., ed. America he- raldica: a compilation of coats of arms, crests and mottoes of promi- nent American families settled in this country before 1800. [1886.] . .*8542.17 — Whitmore, W: H. Elements of her- aldry with an essay upon the use of coat-armor in the United States. 1866 662.5 See also Genealogy ; Peerage and baronetage. Herbart,J. F. Science of education. 1894. 482.29 Herbert, Auberon, ed. Sacrifice of edu- cation to examination. 1889 945.13 — Text book in psychology. 1891 448.2.18 Herbert, H:W: [Frank Forester.] Amer- ican game. 1873 872.4 — Fish and fishing. 1855 875.22 Herbert, W: World grown young; a record of reforms, 1894-1914 944.28 Heredity. Dugdale, R. L. “The Jukes.” A study in crime, heredity, etc. 1891. 937.14 — Galton, Francis. Natural inheritance. 1889 862.17 — Guyau, J. M. Education and heredity. 893.19 — Lewes, G: H: Physiology of common life. v. 2, pp. 314-344 803.13.2 — Powell, E. P. Our heredity from God. 1889 458.22 — Strahan, S. A. K. Marriage and dis- ease. 1892 871.18 — Wallace, A. R. Darwinism, pp. 411-474. 862.16 — Weisman, Auguste. Essays upon heredity. 2 v. 1891-2 897.14 Germ-plasm; a theory of. 1893 885.3 Hermann and Dorothea. Goethe, J. W. von In 218.16 Hermas, Pastor of. Epistles In 447.16 Hermits. Cutts, E; L. Hermits and re- cluses of the middle ages In 735.13 Herndon, W: H. and Weik, Jesse W. Abraham Lincoln. 2 v. 1892 683.1 Herodotus. Turner, D.W. Notes on. 1882. 772.1 — Wheeler, J. T. Analysis and sum- mary of. 1885 772.2 Heroes of American discovery. Bell, N. R. E 531.16 Heroes of chivalry; the lives of the chev- alier Bayard and the Cid 692.22 Heroes of Christian history. v. 1-8.... 622.10 Contents: v. 1, Henry Martin ; by C: D. Bell. v. 2, William Wilberforce ; by J: Stoughton, v. 3, Philip Doddridge ; by C : Stanford, v. 4, Robert Hall ; by E. P. Hood. v. 5, Thomas Chalmers ; by D. Fraser, v. 6, Fletcher of Madeley; by F: W. Macdonald, v. 7, Richard Baxter ; by G. D. Boyle, v. 8, William Carey; by James Culross. Heroes of the nations. Abbott, E., ed. v. 1-8 664.1 Contents: v. 1, Horatio Nelson; by W. C. Russell, v. 2, Gustavus Adolphus; by C. R. L. Fletcher, v. 3, Pericles; by E. Abbott v. 4, Theodoric the Goth; by Heroes of the nations, continued. T: Hodgkin, v. 5, Sir Philip Sidney; by H. R. F. Bourne, v. 6, Julius Caesar; by W. Fowler, v. 7, John Wyclif; by Lewis Sergeant, v. 8, Napoleon; by W : O. Morris. Heroines in obscurity. Keddie, Henrietta. 453.32 Heroism. Emerson, R. W. Essays, v. 1. 326.9.1 — Grimm, J. L. K: Teutonic mythology. 483.8.1 — Kingsley, C: Health and education. . 413.4 Heron, Addie E. Dainty work for pleasure and profit. [1891.] 883.25 Herrick, Christine T. Housekeeping made easy. 1888 882.13 — Liberal livingupon narrow means. 1891. 874.32 — The little dinner. 1892 882.19 Herrick, R: Hesperides. [Poems.] 1884. 216.8 Herrick, Sophie B. Wonders of plant life under the microscope. 1883. . . . 872.5 Herron, G: D. The larger Christ. [1891.] 482.13 — Message of Jesus to men of wealth. [1891.] 466.3 Herschel, C aroline. Herschel, Mrs. John, ed. Memoir and correspondence of. 1879 652.9 Hershler, N. Guardsman’s hand-book. 1886 847.26 HERSiion, P. I. Talmudic miscellany. 1881 445.6 Hertwig, Oscar. Text-book of the em- ' bryology of man and mammals. 1892 883.22 Hervey, A. B. Sea mosses: a collector’s guide., 1882 872.6 Hervey, Arthur. Masters of French music. 1894 687.19 Hervey, M. H. Dark days in Chile. [Rev- olution of 1891.]. . 546.7 Hervey, T: K. Book of Christmas. 1888. 482.22 Hesiod. Works; lit. tr. by J. Banks; with metrical transl. by C. E. El- ton. 1889 225.6 Contents : The Theogony ; Shield of Hercules ; Works and days. — Symonds, J. A. Greek poets 217.15.1 Hesperia. Wilde, Richard H: 226.20 Hesperides. [Poems.] Herrick, R: 216.8 Hessels, J: H: Haarlem, the birthplace of printing, not Mentz. 1887...... 892.12 Hessey, James A: Sunday; its origin, history and present obligations. 1889 483.18 Hewitt, Emma C. Hints to the ungram- matical. 1893 347.6 Hexateuch. Briggs, C: A. Higher crit- icism of the hexateuch. - 1893 468.14 Heyse, Paul. See Fiction class-list. Hibbard, G: A. See Fiction class-list. H ibbert lectures. — 1878. Muller, M. Religions of India 421.36 — 1879. Renouf, P. L. P. Religion of Ancient Egypt 446.8 — 1880. Renan, M. E. Influence of Rome on Chris- tianity and the development of the Catho- lic church 467.4 — 1881. Davids, T. W. R. History of Indian Budd- hism 456.8 — 1882. Kuenen, A. National and universal relig- ions 446.9 — 1883. Beard, C. Reformation of the 16th cen- tury and modern thought t — 467.5 — 1884. Reville, A. Ancient religions of Mexico and Peru 433.17 HIBBERT. 122 HISTORY. Hibbert lectures, continued. — 1885. Pfleiderer, O. Influence of the Apostle Paul on the development of Christianity 436.21 — 1886. Rhys, J. Celtic heathendom 452.4 — 1887. Sayce, A. H. Religion of ancient Assyria and Babylonia 447.15 — 1888. Hatch, E. Influences of Greek ideas and usages upon the Christian church 465.4 — 1891. Alviella, G.d’. Origin and growth of the conception of God, as illustrated by an- thropology and history 483.11 — 1892. Montefiore, C. G. Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of the ancient Hebrews 483.12 — 1893. Upton, C: B. Bases of religious belief .. . 483.13 Hickok, L. P. Creator and creation. 1872. 456.3 Higginson, Francis. Higginson, T: W. Life of Francis Higginson, first minister in the Massachusetts Bay colony. [1891] 665.10.4 Higginson, S. J. Java, the pearl of the East. Maps. 1890 538.17 Higginson, T: W. How I was educated. In 447.3 — Larger history of the U. S. 1886. . . . 747.7 — Life of Francis Higginson, first minis- ter in the Massachusetts Bay col- ony. [1891.] 665.10.4 — Women and men. [Short papers.] 1888 902.36 — and Channing, E: English history for American readers. 1893 792.12 — and Bigelow, E. H., ed. American son- nets. 1890 227.11 See also Fiction class-list. Higher criticism, The. Smith, R. P. and others 482.26 Hildebrand. See Gregory VII. Hill, Adams S. Our English. 1889 336.9 Hill, Florence D. Children of the state. 1889 917.40 Hill, F: S. Twenty years at sea. 1893.. 556.9 Hill, M. J. and P. S. Song stories for the kindergarten. [With music.] 1893. 945.10 Hill, Nathaniel P. Speeches and papers on the silver, and other economic questions. 1890 943.17 Hill, Royal. Stars and constellations. [Their identification.] 1891 8522.23 Hillern, W. von. See Fiction class-list. Hillier, G. L., joint author. Cycling. See Bury, Viscount 856.13 Hills. See Mountains. Himalaya mountains. Cumming, C. F. G. In the Himalayas. 1884 535.9 — Field, H: M. Week in the 527.17 — Hooker, J.D. Himalayan journals; or, notes of a naturalisL[1847-51], 1891. 547.23 Hind, J. R. Introduction to astronomy. [1863.] 868.12 Hindu literature. See India. ( Religion , lit- erature, etc.) Hindu philosophy. Bose, Ram Chandra. Hindu philosophy. 1884 478.5 Hinduism. Bose, Ram Chandra. Brahmo- ism; or, history of reformed Hindu- ism. 1884 478.6 — Draper, J: W: Intellectual develop- ment of Europe, ch. 3 904.16 — Foster, J: Critical essays 324.14.1 — Hardwick, C: Christ and other mas- ters.. 433.27 ■ — Lyall, Sir A. Natural religion in India. im , 472,14 Hinduism, continued. — Mitchell, J. M. and Muir, Sir W. Two old faiths. 1891 472.16 Hindustan. See India. Hinman, R. R. Blue laws and Quaker laws [of various states]. 1838 924.27 — , comp. Connecticut during the wax' of the Revolution, [from official rec- ords, files, etc.]. 1842 784.7 Hinman, W. F. Corporal Si Klegg and his “pard.” 1889 761.20 Hinsdale, B. A. How to study and teach history 448.2.25 — The old Northwest; with a view of the thirteen colonies as constituted by the royal charter. 1888 774.17 Hinsdale, Grace W. Coming to the King; Thinking aloud: daily devotions for children. [1865.] 461.16 Hinton, R: J. John Brown and his men. (American reformers.) 671.1.12 Hints to the ungrammatical. Hewitt, Emma C 347.6 Hiorns, Arthur H. Iron and steel man- ufacture. 1889 898.28 Hirtius, Aulus. Supplementary books. See Caesar, C. J In 771.15 Histology. Frey, H. Histology and his- tochemistry of man. 1875 862.12 — Prudden, T. M. Practical normal his- tology. 1890 877.15 Historic boys. Brooks, E. S 645.4 Historic girls. Brooks, E. S 652.5 Historic waterways. Thwaites,R. G. . . . 533.18 Historical biographies. Gardner, S: R. 687.27 Historical geography of Europe. Free- man, E. A. 2v 732.16 Historical lights. Little, C: E., comp. . . 353.3 Historical magazine. See Periodicals. History. Sub-divisions— 1, Philosophy, Study, etc. 2, Uni- versal and General. 3, Ancient. 4, Mediaeval. [See Middle Ages.] 5, Modern. 1. Philosophy, Study, etc. — Adams, C: K. Manual of historical lit- erature. 3d ed’n. rev. 1889 — Brewer, E. Cobham. Historic note- book. 1891 — Flint, Robert. Historical philosophy in France and French Belgium and Switzerland. 1894 — Freeman, E:A. Methods of historical study. 1886 — Hall, Granville S., ed. Methods of teaching history. 1889 — Hegel, G. W. F. Philosophy of his- tory. 1888 — Hinsdale, B. A. How to study and teach history 448.2.25 — Lecky, W. E. H. Political value of his- tory. 1893.. 787.3 — Miller, G: History, philosophically illustrated, from the fall of the Ro- man empire, to the French revolu- tion. 4 v. 1852-4 772.10 — White, A. D. and others. Methods of teaching history. 1886 777.1 2. Universal and General. — Andrews, E. B: Brief institutes of gen- eral history. 1888 765.13 — Andrews, Jane. Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now. j84.1 J *725.6 *777.7 793.12 751.12 796.5 458.8 HISTORY. 123 HOFFMAN. History, continued. — Collier, W. F. Great events of history. [Christian era.] 1889 787.11 — Dawe, C. S. Landmarks of general his- tory in the Christian era. [1874]. 755.21 — Fisher, G. P. Outlines of universal his- tory. [1885.] 751.13 — Green, J. R .,ed. History primers, v.1-9. 716.27 For contents see History primers. — Heilprin, L. Historical reference book. 1885 732.18 — Justin. [Justinus.] History of the world [to B. C. 20]. 1886 In 771.16 — Labberton, R. H. New historical at- las and general history. 1886 528.17 — Lord, J: Points of history. [1881.]... 792.2 — Ridpath, J. C. Cyclopaedia of univer- sal history. [1890.] 756.1 , 3. Ancient. — Epochs of ancient history. Cox,G. W. and Sankey, C:, ed. For contents see Epochs of ancient history in general alphabet. — Fowler, W. W. The city-state of the Greeks and Romans. 1893 787.2 — Heejen, A. H. L. Historical works. 6 v. 791.1 For contents see Heeren, A. H. L. Manual of ancient history 791.1.6 — McLennan, J. F. Studies in ancient history. [Primitive marriage, etc.\ 1886 923.19 — Matthew of Westminster. Flowers of history, to 1307. 2 v. 1853 771.8 — Myers, P. Y. N. Ancient history for colleges an'd high schools. 1889... 765.7 — Orosius Paulus. King Alfred’s Anglo- Saxon version of ; tr. by Thorpe. 1884 In 771.1 — Rawlinson, G: Manual of ancient his- tory. 1886 752.10 — Shepard, Hazel. Great cities of the ancient world. Illus. 1885 531.20 — Wright, W: B. Ancient cities of the Bible. 1887 523.23 — Yaggy, L. W. and Haines, T. L. Mu- seum of antiquity. Illus. 1881.... 756.3 4. Mediaeval. ^Middle ages; also, Chivalry: Crusades. 5. Modern. — Epochs of modern history. Morris, E. E. and others, ed. For contents see Epochs of modern history in general alphabet. — Myers, P. Y. N. Outlines of mediae- val and modern history. 1889.. 765.8 — Ranke, L. von. Latin and Teutonic nations, 1494-1514. 1887 755.15 — Shepard, Hazel. Great cities of the modern world. 1885 531.21 — Symes, J. E. Prelude to modern his- tory. [From the 3rd to the 9th century.] 1890 777.5 Note : For the histories of particular countries, see their names. For the history of any subject, such as Architecture; Fine arts, etc., seethe name of the subject History primers. Green, J. R., ed. v. 1-9. 716.27 Contents: v. 1, Europe; by E: A. Freeman, v. 2, Greece; by C. A. Fyffe. v. 3, Geography; by G: Grove, v. 4, Old Greek life;' by J. P. Mahaffy. v. 5, Roman antiquities; by A. S. Wilkins, v. 6, Rome; by M. Creighton, v. 7, Mediaeval civilization; by G: B. Adams, v. 8, France ; by Charlotte M. Yonge. v. 9, Egypt; by F. C. H. Wendel. Hitchcock, H: American state constitu- tions. 1887 937.37 Hitchcock, J. R. W. Etching in Ameri- ca. 1886 872.24 Hitchcock, R. D. Complete analysis of the Bible. 1870 C.17 — Socialism. 1879 917.8 Hittell, J: S. History of the mental growth of manhood. 4 v. 1893 793.5 Hittites, The. Sayce, A. H. 1890 473.1.12 Hobart, A. C. [Hobart Pasha.] Sketch- es from my life. 1887 665.4 Hobbes, T: Leviathan. [On civil gov- ernment and absolute monarchy.] 1885 917.18 — Robertson, G: C. Hobbes. (Philosophi- Hobson, J: A. Problems of poverty. 1891. 941.17 Hodge, C: Systematic theology. 4v. 1872-5 456.1 Contents: v. 1, Introduction; On method; The- ology ; Rationalism; Mysticism; Roman Catholic doctrine concerning the rule of faith; Protestant rule of faith. — Pt. 1, Theology proper: Origin of the idea of God; Theism; Anti-theistic theories; Knowl- edge of God; Nature and attributes of God; The Trinity; Divinity of Christ; The Holy Spirit; Decrees of God; Creation; Providence; Miracles; Angels. v. 2, Pt. 2, Anthropology: Origin of man; Nature of man; Origin of the soul; Unity of the human race; Original state of man; Covenant of works; The fall; Sin; Free agency.— Pt. 3, Soteriology: Plan of salva- tion; Covenant of grace; Person of Christ; Media- torial work of Christ; Prophetic office; Priestly office; Satisfaction of Christ; For whom did Christ die?; Theories of atonement; Intercession of Christ; Kingly office of Christ; Humiliation of Christ; Exaltation of Christ; Vocation. v 3, Regeneration; Faith; Justification; Sanctifica- tion; The law; Means of grace.— Pt. 4, Eschatology: State of the soul after death; Resurrection; Second advent; Concomitants of the second advent, v. 4, Index. Hodgetts, J. F: The English in the mid- dle ages. [Customs, dress, etc.] 1885. 791.3 — Older England. 2v. 1884 791.2 Hodgkin, T. Italy and her invaders. 4 v. 1885 795.7 — Theodoric the Goth, the barbarian champion of civilization. 1891 664.1.4 Hodgkins, Louise M. Guide to the study of nineteenth century authors. [English and American.] 1890 342.26 Hodgson, F: T. Practical carpentry. 1883. 8102.1 — Stair-building made easy. 1884.... 856.6 Hodgson, Joseph. Cradle of the confed- eracy. 1876 763.11 Hoffman, Prof., pseud. See Lewis, A. J: Hoffman, C: F. Poems. 1873 222.28 — A winter in the west, [1833-34]. 2 v. 1835 538.13 Hoffman, E. T. W. See Fiction class-list. HOGARTH. 124 HOMER. Hogarth, W: Works; Atfith introductory essay by J. Hannay; with descrip- tive letterpress by J. Trusler and E. F. Roberts 8542.12 — Cunningham, A. Lives of eminent painters In G14.2.1 — Dobson, Austin. William Hogarth. [Memoir, bibliography and cata- logues!] 1891... 676.17 Hogg, J. Experimental and natural phi- losophy. 1861 868.18 Holbein, Hans. Dance .of death and Bible cuts. Illus. on wood. 1884.. 867.12 — Woltmann, A. Holbein and his time. 1872 684.1 Holbrook, J. Ten years among the mail- bags. 1888 \ 923.18 Holbrook, M. L. How to strengthen the memory. [1886.] 446.20 Holder, C: F. All about Pasadena. 1889. 523.29 — Along the Florida reef. [Natural his- tory.] 1892 882.23 — Charles Darwin, his life and work. 1891 672.1.1 — Ivory king: the elephant and its allies. 1888 876.8 — Living lights: phosphorescent animals and vegetables. 1887 876.7 — Louis Agassiz: his life and work. 1893. 672.1.2 — - Marvels of animal life. 1885 847.20 — and J. B. Elements of zoology. [1885.] 891.22 Holiday in bed, etc. Barrie, J. M 345.29 Holland, F: M. Frederick Douglass: the colored orator. 1891 671.1.8 — Reign of the Stoics. 1879 453.25 Holland, H: S. tmcZ Rockstro. W. S. Mem- oir of Jennie Lind-Goldschmidt, 1820-1851. 2 v. 1891 674.3 Holland, Josiah Gilbert. Plunkett, Mrs. H. M. Life of. 1894 687.18 Holland, W. J. On collecting and pre- serving insects. 1891 In 878.14 Holland. Griffis, W: E. Brave little Hol- land and what she has taught us. 1894 792.16 — Rogers, J. E. T. Story of Holland. 1889 752.1.23 Description , travel , etc. — Baedeker, K: Belgium and Holland. Handbook. 1891 *555.2 — Boughton, G. H. Sketching rambles in. 1885 531.19 — Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys. 1884 515.2.5 — Cox, S: S. Arctic sunbeams. 1887... 536.27 — Dircks, W. H ,,ed. Humour of Holland. 1894 352.1.5 — Hare, A. J. C. Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia 523.14 — Havard, H: Picturesque Holland* 1879. 558.7 — Lovett, R: Pictures from Holland drawn with pen and pencil. 1887. 545.6 — Mahaffy, J: P. and Rogers, J. E. T. Sketches from a tour through Hol- land and Germany. 1888 558.4 — Stanton, Theo., ed. Woman question in Europe. 1884 901.22 — Waring, G: E., 7 >. A farmer’s vacation. 1876 511.9 Holley, Marietta. [Josiah Allen’ s wife.] See Fiction class-list. Hollister, O. J. Life of Schuyler Col- fax. 1886 648.6 Holloway, Laura C. Mothers of great men and women, etc. 1883 654.12 Holm, Saxe, pseud. See Jackson, Helen H. Holmes, G: C. V. The steam engine. 1887 855.35 Holmes, Mary E. Morphology of the cari- ng upon the septa of rugose corals. 1887 858.4 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Astraea: the balance of illusions. [Poem.] 1850. 215.12 — Grandmother’s story and other poems. 1883 215.14 — Our hundred days in Europe [in 1886]. 1887 533.15 — Over the teacups. 1891 336.24 — Bolton, S. K. American authors. 1887. 894.4 — Hodgkins, L. M. 19th century authors. 342.26 — Nichol, J. American literature. 1882. 316.20 — Richardson, C: F. American litera- ture. 1888 334.3 — Rideing, W: H. Boyhood of living authors 651.11 — Saunders, F: Some famous books, p. 196 335.13 — Stedman, E:C. Poets of America. 1885. 215.19 — Taylor, Bayard. Critical essays. 1880. 315.17 See also Fiction class-list. Holst, H. von. Constitutional and politi- cal history of the United States. 7v. 1877-92 913.3 Contents: v. 1, 1750-1833. State sovereignty and slavery, v. 2, 1828-1846. Jackson’s administration — annexation of Texas, v. 3, 1846-1850. Annexation of Texas— compromise of 1850. v. 4, 1850-1854. Com- promise of 1850 — Kansas-Nebraska bill. v. 5, 1854-56 Kansas-Nebraska bill — Buchanan’s election, v. 6, 1856-1859. Buchanan’s election — end of 35th con- gress. v. 7, 1859-1861. Harper’s Ferry — Lincoln’s In- auguration. — Constitutional law of the United States. 1887 918.11 Holstein, Anna M. Three years in field hospitals of the Army of the Poto- mac, [1862-5] 767.13 Holt, Emily S. See Fiction class-list. Holy Land. See Palestine. Holy Spirit. Arthur, W: Tongue of fire. 478.29 Holyoake, G: J. Sixty years of an agita- tor’s life. 2 v. 1893 686.2 Home acre. Roe, E. P 865.7 Home amusements. Sherwood, M. E. W. 847.15 Home and family life. Smiles, S: Hap- py homes. 1884 ‘ 447.22 — Swing, David. Home. (Motives of life.) In 421.38 Home-life in the Bible. Palmer, H. L. . 428.13 Home life of great authors. Griswold, H. T. 646.28 Home occupations. Rees, Janet E. R 847.17 Home of the Eddas. Locke, C: G. W. 1879 558.9 Home sanitation; a manual. 1887 861.40 Home studies in nature. Treat, Mary. 1885 847.18 See also Netherlands ; also, in biography Life of DeWitt (John.) Hollander, J. H. Guide to the city of Baltimore. 1893 552.4 Homer. Iliad ; lit. tr. by T. A. Buckley. 1884 225.7 — Iliad; tr. by Pope. Flaxman’s designs. 1886 1020.7.1-2 HOMER. 125 HOSPITALS. Iomer, continued. - Odyssey; Hymns ; Epigrams, and Bat- tle of the frogs and mice; lit. tr. by T. A. Buckley. 1884 225.8 -Odyssey; tr. [into prose] by G: H. Palmer. 1891 227.14 Alison, A. Homer, Dante and Michael Angelo In 305.4 Arnold, Matthew. On translating Homer. 1883 In 343.20 Engelmann, R. and Anderson, W. C. F. Pictorial atlas to Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. Plates. 1892 *8542.32 Fiske, J: Myths, etc. p. 174. [Homeric age.] 401.18 Lang, Andrew. Homer and the epic. 1893 234.1 Steward, A. Tale of Troy j85.14 Symonds, J: A. Women of. (Greek poets, p. 124.) 217.15.1 Timayenis, T. T. Greece in the times of Homer 523.3 Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 »mes in city and country. Sturgis, Rus- sell and others. 1893 886. 7 mes of other days: a history of do- mestic manners and sentiments in England. Wright, T: 1871 756.8 mes under the ground. Wood, J. G. . . 861.23 milectics. See Preaching. nduras. Charles, C. Honduras. 1890. 547.4 Lombard, T:R. New Honduras. 1887. 554.24 ne, Philip. Diary [1828-51]. 2v. 1889. 657.19 ne, W: Ancient mysteries. [English miracle plays, etc.] 1823 454.7 Every-day book, and table book. 3v. [1827-47.]. 334.14 v. 1-2, Every-day book. v. 3, Table book. Year book of daily recreation and in- formation. 1868 334.15 )D, C. On warming and ventilation. 1885 857.3 )D, Edw. P. Lamps, pitchers and trumpets. On the vocation of the preacher, v. 1. [1869.] 453.13 )D, T:, the younger. The rhymester ; or, the rules of rhyme. 1884 215.24 >k, Stella L. Little people and their homes in meadows, woods and waters. 1891 : 871.14 k, Theodore. The French stage dur- ing a period of fifty years. 2v. 1842. 224.2 lumorous works. 1889 343.34' ker, Joseph D. Himalayan journals; or, notes of a naturalist, [1847-1851]. 1891 547.23 ker, R: Complete works: Ecclesiasti- cal polity and other treaties, with life by I. Walton. 2 v. 1845 452.12 ker, T: Walker, G: L. Life of. [1891.] 665.10.7 uer, G: Life of Duke of Wellington. 1889 •••‘....655.17.5 c, Eva. Grace Darling; her life.... 673.25 t ins, Alonzo. Geraldine. [Poem.] 1887. 222.22 iins, G: M. Experimental science. 1890 873.8 ins, J: H:, bishop of Vermont. Scrip- tural, ecclesiastical, and historical view of slavery. [1864.] 924.1 ins, Louisa P. How shall my child be taught? 1887 446.30 Hopkins, Mark. Carter F. Life of. (Am. religious leaders.) 1892 656.6.9 Hopkins, Mark,y>. ^Fiction class-list. Hoppin, Augustus. See Fiction class-list. Hoppin, James M. Homiletics. [1881.] . . 477.13 Hoppus, Mary A. M. See Marks, M. A. M. Horace [Quintus Horatius Flaccus.] Mil- man, H: H. Life of. 1854 685.4 — Sargent, J: O. Horatian echoes; trans- lations of the odes of Horace. 1893. 234.4 Hore, A. H. History of the church of England. 1893 476.16 Hornaday, W: T. Extermination of the American bison, with sketch of its life history 894.8 — Taxidermy and zoological collecting. 1891 878.14 — Two years in the jungle [in India, Cey- lon, Malay Peninsula and Borneo]. 1887 534.6 Horne, Herbert P. Binding of books. . . 897.2 Horology. Carpenter, W. B. Horology. — Kendal, J. F. History of watches and other time-keepers. 1892 893.24 Horse and horsemanship, Browne, Theo. S. In the riding-school. [1890.].. 876.23 — Dodge, Theo. A. Riders of many lands. Illus. 1894 894.15 — Fleming, G: Practical horse-keeper. 1886 856.24 — Flower, W:H. The horse. 1892 898.14 — Kerr, W. A. Horsemanship ; Riding — Knox, T: Horse sfories. [1890 ] 878.23 — Martin, G: A. Family horse; its sta- bling, etc. 1887. . .’ 8102.2 — Mead, Theo. H. Horsemanship for women. 1887 856.23 — Melville, G. J. W. Riding recollec- tions. 1879 874.4 — Merwin, H. C. Road, track and stable. 1892... 884.15 — Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty: his grooms and companions. [1890.]... 156.9 — Smiles, S: Duty., pp. 361-388 425.28 — Wood, J. G. Horse and man. 1886 .. 854.1 Hort, Mrs. Alfred. Via Nicaragua [to California and back by Panama]. 1887 552 24 Hort, F. J. A., ed. New testament. [Greek text.] 1887 448.5 Horticulture. See Fruit; Gardening. Horton, Robert F. History of the Ro- mans. 1887 796.6 — Revelation and the Bible 468.12 — Yerbum Dei. Yale lectures on preach- ing, 1893. 1893 476.10 Horton, S. D. Silver in Europe. 1890... 926.19 Hosmer, James K. Short history of An- glo-Saxon freedom. 1890 945.15 — Short history of German literature. 1877 313.12 — Story of the Jews. 1886 752.1.3 Hospital life in the army of the Potomac. Reed, W: H 767.10 Hospitals, etc. Billings, J: S. and Hufd, H: M., ed. Hospitals, dispensaries, etc. : papers and discussions in the International congress, Chicago, 1893. 1894 943.10 — Swisshelm, Jane G. Half a Century, pp. 243-353 621.20 HOTCHKISS. 126 HUGHES. Hotchkiss, J .,and Allan, W : Battle-fields of Virginia-Chancellorsville. Maps. 1867 786.4 Hotten,J: C., jointed. See Larwood, Jacob. Houghton, 1st lord. S^Milnes, R: Monck- ton. Hours in a library. Stephen, Leslie. 3 v. 348.6 Hours with the Bible. Geikie, C. 3v. . . 448.1 Hours with the living men and women of the Revolution. Lossing, B. J 673.20 Hours with the mystics. Vaughn, Rob- ert A. 2 v 483.19 Hours with the players. Cook, Dutton. 2v. 234.13 House, E: H. See Fiction class-list. House and hearth. Spofford, Harriet P. 466.15 HousE-carpenter’s companion. Sylves- ter, W. A 8102.3 House comfortable. Ormsbee, Agnes B.. 882.8 House of the Wolfings. Morris, W: 223.28 Household art and furniture. Falke, Ja- cob von. Art in the house. 1879. *8522.2 Household book of wit and humor. 1883. 343.17 Household economy: manual. 1882 847.27 Household hints. Babcock, Emma W... 847.16 Household theology. Blunt, J. H 436.28 Housekeeping. See Domestic economy. House-plants as sanitary agents. Anders, J. M. 1887 856.1 Houssay. F: Industries of animals. 1893. 893.22 Houston, Edw. J. Dictionary of electri- cal words, terms and phrases. 1889. 876.5 — Electric transmission of intelligence, etc. 1893 891.3 — Electricity and magnetism . [Advanced primer.] 1893 885 4 — Outlines of forestry. 1893 885.32 Houston, Gen. Samuel. Bruce, H: Life of; 1793-1863. [1891.] 665.10.9 Hovenden, R. de. Annals, [732-1201]. 2 v. 1853 771.10 “How I was educated” papers. From the Forum magazine. 1888 447.3 Contents: E: E. Hale; T: W. Higginson: F. A. P. Barnard; J: H. Vincent; W: T. Harris; S. C. Bartlett; J: R. Kendrick; Timothy Dwight; E. G. Robinson; James B. Angell; Andrew D. White. How six girls made money. Roe, Marion E. 922.4 How the other half lives. Riis, J. A 925.5 How the peasant owner lives. Verne v,F. P. N '. ... 941.2 How the world was peopled. Fontaine, E: 861.15 How they went to Europe. Sidney, Marg. 544.26 How to be happy though married. Hardy, E. J 446.17 How to learn and earn. Fremont, Jessie B. and others. [1884.] 925.2 How to make common things. Bower, J: A. 884.8 How to win: a book for girls. Willard, Frances E 446.5 How we are governed. Dawes, Anna L. . 917.14 How we went and what wesaw. Reeve, C: M. 546.12 Howard, B. D. Life with trans-Siberian savages. [Sakhalin island in Okotsksea.] 1893 552.18 Howard, Blanche W. [Mrs. Blanche W. Teuffel.] One year abroad. [In Europe.] 1887 524.24 See also Fiction class-list. Howard, Oliver O. General Taylor. 1892. 681.7.2 Howe, E. W. See Fiction class-list. Howe, Henry. Historical collections of Ohio. 3 v. 1890-1 776.18 — , joint author. See Barber, J: W. Howe, H: Marion. Metallurgy of steel. 1892 8542.34 Howe, J. B. The common sense, the mathematics, and the metaphj^sics of money. [1881.] 93(#8 — Monetary and industrial fallacies. 1878. 935.8 — Political economy of Great Britain, the United States, and France in the use of money. 1878 935.7 Howe, Maud. See Fiction class-list. Howe, Dr. S. G. Sanborn, F. B. Dr. S. G. Howe: the philanthropist. 1891. 671.1.9 Howell, G: Conflicts of capital and la- bour. [Trade-unions of Great Brit- ain.] 1890 936.21 — Trade unionism, new and old. 1891.. 936.22 Howells, W: D. Counterfeit present- ment: a comedy. [1877.] 223 5 — Criticism and fiction. 1891 343.32 — Little Swiss sojourn. Illus. 1892.... 547.13 — - Modern Italian poets. 1887 354.29 — Mouse trap and other farces. 1889 223.1 Contents : The Garroters ; Five o’clock tea, The mouse trap ; A likely story. — Sleeping car and other farces. 1889... 223.2 Contents: The parlor car; The sleeping car; The register; The elevator. — Tuscan cities. Illus. [1884-5.] 535.10 — and Perry T: S., ed. Library of uni- versal adventure by sea and land. 1888 558.10 See also Fiction class-list. Howitt, Mary. Autobiography; ed. by M. Howitt. 2 v. 1889 657.7 — , ed. Biographical sketches of the queens of England. Ports 638.20 Howland, G: Practical hints for the teachers of public schools* 1891. . .448.2.13 Howson, J. S., joint author. See Cony- beare, W. J. Hoyle, Edm. Standard Hoyle: a com- plete authority upon games. 1887. 8102.4 Hoyne, T:, of Chicago. Life and charac- ter of, with memorial addresses. 1883 645.8 Hoyt, Deristhe L. Handbook of histor- ic schools of painting. 1890 893.4 Hoyt, W: E. Household sanitation. 1886. 872.11 Hubbard, Bela. Memorial of a half-cen- tury [in Michigan]. 1887 647.16 Hubert, Philip G .,jr. Inventors. 1893. 686.3.4 — Liberty and a living [by gardening, hunting and fishing]. 1889 872.31 Hudibras. Butler, Samuel 202.6 Hudson, Edm. Memorial of Mary Clem- mer [Hudson]. 1886 646.20 Hudson, Eliz. H. Life and times of Lou- isa, queen of Prussia. 2v. 1878 692.21 Hudson, James F. Railways and the re- public. 1889 935.11 Hudson, T: J. Law of psychic phenom- ena. 1893 476.^ Hudson, W. H. Naturalist in La Plata. 1892 881. 1( — The purple land that England lost. [Uruguay.] 2v. 1885 552.21 Hueffer, Franz. Richard Wagner and the music of the future. 1874 874.11 Hug, Lina and Stead, R: Switzerland. (Story of the nations.) 1890 752 1.3. Hughes, J:, archbishop. Brann, H: A. John Hughes 665.10.11 HUGHES. 127 HUMOR. Hughes, J: T. Doniphan’s expedition [in the Mexican War, 1845-7], etc. 1850 775.1 Hughes, R. M. General Johnston. 1893. C81.7.5 Hughes, T: Life of David Livingstone. 1889 655.17.3 - and Neale, E: V., ed. Manual for co- operators. 1888 945.14 Hughes, Rev. T: Loyola and the educa- tional system of the Jesuits. 1892. 677.2.2 Hughes, T: Patrick. Dictionary of Islam. 1885 487.1 Hughes, W. Treasury of geography. 1875 522.16 Hugo, Victor. Dramatic works; tr. by N.Crosland. 1887 222.21 - L’art d’etre grand-p&re 354.26 - Les chansons des rues et desbois. 1876. 236.13 - Poetical works;ed., with literary life, by H. L. Williams. 1883 215.25 -Things seen, [1838-1875]. 1887 647.18 - William Shakespeare. 1887 334.2 - Amicis, E. de. Studies of Paris 518.15 - Marzials,F. T. Victor Hugo. 1888... 693.21 Iuguenots. Baird, H. M. The Hugue- nots and Henry of Navarre. 2v. 1886 .' 751.16 - Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs 436.19 - Henty, G. A. St. Bartholomew’s eve. Fict. 1893 j 102. 17 - Parkman, F. Pioneers of France 736.15.1 - Weiss, M. C : History of the French protestant refugees. 2 v. 1854 792.10 - Willert, P. F. Henry of Navarre and the Huguenots in France. 1893. . . 664.1.9 [ull, E: Geological history. 1887 861.28 - Volcanoes: past and present. 1892 882.14 Hjllah, J: Cultivation of the speaking voice. 1884 876.33 - History of modern music. 1891 894.14 - Third or transition period of musical history. 1876 895.4 - , comp. Song book: words and tunes from the best poets and musicians. 1866. 222.5 ulme, F. E: History, principles and practice of heraldry. 1892 675.2 Myth-land. 1886 466.9 Symbolism in Christian art. 1891.,... 466.14 UMANbody. Martin, H. N. 1892 891.14 uman nature. Abbott, Lyman. A study in. 1885..... 436.4 uman origins. Laing, S. 1893 887.16 umbler poets. [Newspaper and period- ical verse, 1870-85.] Thompson, S., ed. 212.20 umboldt, Alex. von. Views of nature. 1884 868.11 ume, David. Brougham, H: Lives of men of letters and science. 1845 ..In 667.3 Knight, W: Hume. (Philosophical classics.) 1886 675.1.11 jmes, T: W. The loyal mountaineers of Tennessee. 1888 763.23 jmming birds. Jardine, Sir W: Hum- ming birds. (Naturalist’s library.) 866. 1.6-7 Martin, W. C. L. General history of . 867.1 jmor, wit, and the comic. History , philosophy , etc. Hazlitt, W: Lectures on the English comic writers. 1854 335.8 L’Estrange, A. G. History of English humor, with introduction upon an- cient humor 335.9 Humor, continued. — Lyly, John. Euphues, the anatomy of wit. 1579. Euphues and his Eng- land. 1580. Ed. byE. Arber. 1868. — Mathews, W: Wit and humor: their use and abuse. 1888 — Wright, T: On the history of comic literature during the Middle Ages. In Collections , etc. — Ashton, J: Humor, wit and satire of the 17th century. 1893 — Burton, W: E., ed. Cyclopaedia of mod- ern wit and humor. 2v. 1858 — Clemens, S. L., comp. Mark Twain’s Library of humor. 1888 — Dircks, W. H., ed. International hu- mor series, v. 1-5 Contents : v. 1, France ; v. 2, Germany; v. 3, Italy ; v. 4, America ; v. 5, Holland ; v. 6, Ireland. — Enchiridion of wit. [Conversational.] 1885 — Household book of wit and humor. 1883 — Mason, E: T., ed. Humorous master- pieces from American literature. 3v. 1887 — Morley, H:, ed. Burlesque plays and poems. 1885 — Morris, C:, ed. Half-hours with the best humorous authors. 4 v. 1889. — Sanborn, Kate. Wit of women. 1883.. — Spofford, A. R. and Shapley, R. E. Li- brary of wit and humor. 5 v. [1884.] — Woolever, A., comp. Treasury of wis- dom, wit and humor. 1885 Humorous and comic works. — American tour -of Messrs. Brown, Jones, and Robinson. By Toby. Illus. 1872 — Burnand, F. C. The incompleat angler. After Master Izaak Walton. 1887. — Clemens, S. L. [ Mark Twain.] Con- necticut Yankee in King Arthur’s court. 1889 — Colman, G:, the younger. Humorous works — Daudet, Alphonse. Port Tarascon. [1890.] Tartarin of Tarascon. 1887 — Forrester, A. H: [ Alfred Crowquill .] Laughing philosopher. 1889 — Grant, Robert. The lambs: a tragedv. 1883 '.. — Halpine, C: G. Private Miles O’Reilly. 1864 — Holley, Marietta. See Fiction class-list. — Hook, Theo. Humorous works. 1889. — Lamb, C: Wit and wisdom of — Locke, D: R. [ Petroleum V. Nasby. ] “Swingin' round thecirkle.” 1867. — Meredith, G: Wit and wisdom of. 1888. — Newell, P. S. Topsys and turvys. 1893 — Pain, Barry. Playthings and paro- dies. [1892.] — Shaw, H .W. Josh Billings : his works complete. 1883 — Smith, C: H. Bill Arp’s peace papers. 1873 — Welch, P. H. Said in fun. 1889 Tailor-made girl. 1888 See also Aphorisms ; Caricature ; Dramas. 347.5 343.8 783.9.2 352.6 334.6 341.14 352.1 323.25 343.17 333.14 216.5 336.12 323.23 341.13 321.19 8522.8 334.4 148.14 343.33 148.18 67.9 343.16 223.8 323.34 343.34 347.1 344.12 347.2 j 103.9 354.4 323.18 344.13 338.4 321.20 HUMPHREY. 128 HUTTON Humphrey, F. P. Fiction class-list. Humphrey, Frances A. Adventures of the early discoverers. [1888.] 676.2 Humphreys, A. A. and Abbot, H. L. Re- port upon the physics and hydraul- ics of the Mississippi river. 1867. . 848.23 'Same. [Reprinted with additions.] 1876 *8521.29 Humphreys, Col. D: Miscellaneous works. 1790 345.24 Humphreys, H. N. Coin collector’s man- ual. 2 v. 18$7 868.5 Hundred riddles of the fairy Bellaria. Leland, C: G 884.16 Hundred years of music in America. Mathews, W: E. B., ed . 1893. ..... 895.18 Hungary. Kay,D: Austria-Hungary. 1880. 794.7 See also Austria. Hungerford, Marg. ^Fiction class-list. Hunnewell, J. F. Imperial island: Eng- land’s chronicle in stone. 1886. . . . 756.11 Hunt, C: H. Life of Edward Living- stone. 1864 638.19 Hunt, Leigh. Leigh Hunt as poet and essayist; being choice passages from his \yorks. 1889 354.27 Hunt, T: S. Chemical and geological es- says. 1891 8101.14 — Systematic mineralogy. 1892 8101.24 Hunt, W: English church in t]ie Middle Ages 464.1.11 Hunt, W: Morris. Talks on art, lst-2nd series. 2 v. 1892 8101.25 Hunter, J: D. Captivity among the [Western] Indians. 1823 763.7 Hunter, Joseph. Founders of New- Plymouth. 1854 762.4 Hunter, R. Encylopaedic dictionary. [7 v. in 14.] i 884-7 •. A. 18 Hunter, R., ed. Ohio commanderyL. L. -Sketches of war history, 1861-5. v. 1-3. 1888-90 761.11 Hunter, Sir. W: W. Brief history of the Indian people. 1893 787.4 — Indian empire; its people, history and products. 1893 795.9 Hunting, Emily. Cooking garden. 1885. 892.15 Hunting and shooting. Beaufort, Duke of, and Morris, M. Hunting. 1885.. 877.32 — Carleton, J: W: Young sportsman’s manual. 1867 867.11 — Gillmore, Parker. The hunter’s Ar- cadia. [South Africa.] 1886 877.28 — Herbert, W: H: American game. 1873. 872.4 — Knox, T: W. Hunting adventures on land and sea. 2v. [1881.] 541.5 Contents : v. 1. Young Nimrods in North America; v. 2, Young Nimrods around the world. — Leffingwell, W: B. Shooting on up- land, marsh and stream . 1890. . .. 896.2 — Wild fowl shooting. 1890 896.1 — Maver, A. M., ed. Sport with gun and rod. [1883.]. : 854.14 — Pease, A. E. Cleveland hounds. [Fox hunting.] 1887 873.3 — Roosevelt, R. B. Florida and the game water birds of the Atlantic coast and the lakes. 1884 847.13 — Roosevelt, Theo. Hunting trips of a ranchman. 1886 532.13 Wilderness hunter. [1893.] 886.20 — Sanderson, G. P. Thirteen years among the wild beasts of India. 1879 886.9 Hunting and shooting, continued. — Schwatka, F: Nimrod in the North. 1885.... .1 857.13 — Sears, G. W r . [NessmukA Woodcraft. .[1884.] 844.41 — Shields, G. O., ed. Big game of North America. 1890 881.4 — Walsingham, Lord , and Gallwey, SirR. P. Shooting. 2 v. (Badminton li- brary.) 1886 874.17 — Watson, B. A. Sportman’s paradise. [Canada.] 1888...' 858.13 See also Deer. Hunting of the deer. Warner, C: D. In 335.20 Huntington, Arria S. Under a colonial roof-tree: fireside chronicles of ear- ly New England. 1891 793.15 Huntington, Emily. Kitchen garden; or, object lessons in household work. 1893 892.5 Huntington, Faye, pseud. See Foster, I. H. Huntington, W: R. * Popular misconcep- tions of the Episcopal church. 1892. 482.16 Hurd, H. B., comp. Revised statutes of Illinois, 1885. 1885 E.2 Hurd, H: M., joint ed. See Billings, J: S. Hurlburt, J: L. Outline normal les- sons for Bible students and Sunday school teachers. 1889 461.4 Hurst, J: F. Indika : the country and the people of India and Ceylon. Maps and illus. 1891 546.1 — Life and literature in the Fatherland. [Germany.] 1875 523.15 — Short history of the church in the United States, 1492-1890. 1899. . . . 461.15 — Short history of the early church. 1886 448.12 — Short history of the mediaeval church. 1887 ’ 448.10 — Short history of the modern church in Europe, 1558-1888. 1888 453.19 Hussey, Martha S. Helps in teaching reading. [1891] 464.13 Hutchings, J. M. In the heart of the Sierras; Yo Semite valley, big trees, etc. 1886 535.1 Hutchinson, Ellen M., joint ed. See Sted- man, Edm. C. Hutchinson, G. A., ed . Boys’ own book of indoor games and recreations. 1888. 873.1 — Out door games and recreations. 1892. 881.2 Hutchinson, H. N. Autobiography of the earth 898.1 — Story of the hills. 1892 877.3 Hutchinson, Col J., regicide judge. Hutch- inson, Mrs . Lucy. Memoirs of ; added , Siege of Latliom House. 1889. 658.1 Hutchinson, T:, gov. of the province of Mass . Diary and letters ; comp, by Peter O. Hutchinson. 2 \. 1884 '• 653 Huther, J. E. Commentary on James and John. (Meyer’s Commentary.) 1882 424.2. — Commentary on Peter and Jude. (Meyer’s Commentary.) 1881 424.2. — Commentary on Timothy and Titus. (Meyer’s Commentary.) 1881 424.2. Hutton, Laurence. Curiosities of the American stage. Illus. 1891 224. — Literary landmarks of London. ■ Ports. 1892. 7 547 HUTTON. 129 ILLINOIS. :ton, Laurence, continued . joint ed. See Matthews, B. 'ton, R: H. Cardinal Newman. 1891. 666.20 :ley, T: H. Anatomy of invertibra- ted animals. 1885 856.17 anatomy of vertibrated animals. 1886. 856.16 liscourses, biological and geological. 1894 898.22 Contents:' On a piece of chalk; Problems of the deep sea; On some of the results of the expedition of H. M. S. "Challenger”; Yeast; On the formation of coal ; On the border territory between the animal and the vegetable kingdoms; A lobster; or, the study of zoology: Biogenesis and abiogenesis; Geological contemporaneity and persistent types of life; Geological reform : Palaeontology and the doctrine of evolution. Issays upon some controverted ques- tions. 1892 344.30 Contents : Rise and progress of palaeontology; In- terpreters of Genesis and the interpreters of nature; Mr. Gladstone and Genesis: Evolution of theol- ogy: an anthropological study; Science and morals; Scientific and pseudo-scientific realism ; Science and pseudo-science; An Episcopal trilogy; Agnosticism; Value of witness to the miraculous; Agnosticism: a rejoinder; Agnosticism and Christianity; Lights of the church and the light of science ; Keepers of the herd of swine; Illustrations of Mr. Gladstone’s con- troversial methods ; Hasisadra’s adventure. lore criticisms on Darwin ; Adminis- trative nihilism. 1883 856.19 ’hysiography: an introduction to the study of nature. 1887 856.18 cience and education. [Essays.] 1894. 478.31 Contents: Joseph Priestley; On the educational value of the natural history sciences; Emancipation — black and white ; A liberal education and where to find it; Scientific education : notes of an after-dinner speech; Science and culture; On science and art in relation to education; Universities: actual and ideal ; Address on university education; On the study of biology; On elementary instruction in physiology. On medical education; The state and the medical profession; Connection of the biological sciences with medicine; School boards: what they can do, and what they may do; Technical education: Ad- dress on behalf of the national association for the promotion of technical education. Feast. 7h825.10.1 md others. Christianity and agnosti- cism: a controversy. 1889 455.6 Sterling, J. H. As regards protoplasm: reply to Huxley 7w812.32.1 OE, W: DeW. Practical ethics. 1892. 472.23 de, W. T. C. How do you spell it ? 1892 345.27 draulics. Fanning, J. T. Practical treatise on hydraulic and water- supply engineering. 1892 8101.1 drophobia. Radot, Y. Louis Pasteur: his life and labors, pp. 271-300. 1885. 646.2 giene See Health. mnology. Butterworth, H. Story of the hymns. [1875.] 466.17 Duffield, S: W. English hymns: their authors and history. 1888 235.2 - Latin hymn-writers and their hymns. 1889 235.3 Harlow, L K World’s best hymns. 1892 231.28 Julian, J:, ed. Dictionary of. 1892.. 228.2 Hymnology, continued. — Parker, W: H. Psalmody of the church ; its authors, singers and uses. 1889 221.16 — Rider, G: T. Lyra Americana; or, verses of praise and faith. 1865. . . 222.31 — Schaff, Philip. Christ in song. 1869. 221.20 — - White, R: G. National hymns. 1861. 235.8 Hypnotism. See Animal magnetism, mes- merism, etc. Ibsen, Henrik. Prose dramas ; ed. by W. Archer, v. 1-6. 1890-92 227.1 Contents : v. 1, League of youth ; Pillars of soci- ety ; Doll’s house. v. 2, Ghosts; Enemy of the peo- ple; Wild duck. v. 3, Lady Inger of Ostrat; Vikings of Helgeland; The pretenders, v. 4, Emperor and Gal- ilean. v. 5, Rosmerholm ; Lady from the sea ; Hedda Gabler. v. 6, Peer Gynt. — Doll’s house ; tr. with memoir, by H. T. Lord. 1889 223.19 — Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the writings of. 1894 354.3 — Jaeger, Henrik. Henrik Ibsen, 1828-88; a critical biography. 1890 661.27 Icaria. Shaw, Albert. 1884 933.20 Ice. See Geology; Glaciers. Ice age in North America. Wright, G. F: 1889 864.13 Iceland. Locke, C: G. W. Home of the Eddas. 1879 558.9 — Longfellow, H: W., ed. Poems of places In 233.18 Literature. — See Grettis saga; Heimskringla; Scan- dinavian literature; Vdlsunga saga. Icelandic discoverers of America. Brown, Marie E 757.9 Iconographic encyclopaedia, v. 1-7. 1886-90. *863.2 Contents: v. 1, Anthropology; Ethnology; Eth- nography. v. 2, Archaeology ; History of culture, v. 3, Sculpture and painting, v. 4, Architecture, v. 5, Constructive arts : building and engineering, v. 6, Applied mechanics, v. 7, Principles of geology. Idea of God as affected by modern knowl- edge. Fiske, J: 436.9 Ideal commonwealths. Morley, H:, ed. 1886 917.16 Contents: Plutarch’s Lycurgus; More’s Utopia; Bacon’s New Atlantis ; Campanella’s City of the sun ; Hall’s Mundus alter et idem. Ideal suggestion through mental photog- raphy. Wood, H: 1893 475.12 Ideals of the republic. [1889.] 344.11 Idiomatic English phrases. Dixon, J. M. 342.27 Idle thoughts of an idle fellow. Jerome, J. K. 1890 342.31 Idler, The. Johnson, S: and others. (Brit- ish essayists, v. 27.) 303.15.27 Ignatius, St. Epistles ; Martyrdom of. (In Apostolical fathers.) 1840 In 447.16 Iles, G:, joint ed. See Bowker, R. R. Illinois. Legislative reports, etc. — Adjutant-general, reports, 1881-6; rev. by J. W. Vance. 8v *9601.2 — Journal of the house, 1885, 1887, 1889. 3 v *9601.10 — Journal of the senate, 1887, 1889. 2 v. .*9601.11 — Labor statistics, Bureau of, reports [bi- ennial],!^. 4 v. 1886-92 *9601.22 ILLINOIS. 130 INDIA. Illinois, continued. Statistics of coal in Illinois, 12th an- nual report, 1893 *9601.22 — Laws of Illinois, 1887, 1889, 1893. 3 v. *9601.15 — Legislative directory, 1881 *9601.23 — Railroad and warehouse commission, report, 1890 *9601.16 — Reports to the general assembly, 1885, v. 1-4; 1887, 4 v; 1888, v. 5; 1889, 4 v *9601.17 — State horticultural society, transac- tions, v. 23-25, 1889-1891 *8501.8 — Statutes. Revised statutes, 1885; com- piled and ed. by H. B. Hurd. 1885. E.2 — University of Illinois, reports [bien- nial], 14, 16. 2 v. 1888-92 *9601.8 History , description, etc. — Beckwith, H. W. Illinois and Indi- ana Indians. 1884 788.11 — Bennett, F. O. Politics and politicians of Chicago, Cook county, and Illi- nois. 1886 712.33 — Birbeck, Morris. Letters from Illinois [in 1817]. 1818 In 551.12 • — Brown, H. History of. [1844.] 712.35 — Course of study for the common schools. 1889 465.8 — Dresbach, A. C. and Ada A. Young people’s history of Illinois. 1886. . . 712.36 — Illinois in 1837 712.37 — Matson, N. Pioneers of Illinois. 1882. 712.31 — Natural history survey of Illinois. 1889 *8521.33.1 Contents : v. 1, Descriptive catalogue of the birds of Illinois, by Robert Ridgway. — Peck, J. M. Gazetteer of Illinois. 1837 712.38 — Polk, R. L. & Co. Illinois state ga- zetteer and business directory, 1890, 1891, 1893. 3 v B.31 — Reynolds, John. Pioneer history of Illinois, 1673-1818 712.34 — Thwaites, R. G. Historic waterways. [Canoeing on the Rock, Fox, and Wisconsin rivers in 1887.] 533.18 — Wallace, Joseph. Illinois and Louis- iana under the French rule. 1893. 788.10 See also Boone county; Ogle county; also Chicago ; Rockford. Illinois school journal. See Periodicals. Illustrated American. See Periodicals. Illustrated London news. See Periodi- cals. Illustrating books, Modern methods of. Wood, H: T. 1887 8102.6 Illustrious Irishmen. Luby, T: C. v. 1. .676.23.1 Imaginary portraits. Pater, Walter 343.31 Immigration. See Emigration. Immortality. Chann ing, W : E. W orks, v. 4. . 1001 . 3. 4 — Gregg, W. R. Enigmas of life, p. 259. 324.6 — Mill, J: S. Three essays, p. 196 434.5 — See also Future life. Imperial island. Hunnewell, J. F 756.11 Impregnable rock of holy scripture. Gladstone, W: E 463.18 In brightest Asia. Mabie, H: C 545.26 In castle and cabin; or, talks in Ireland in 1887. Pellew, G: 536.26 In darkest England. Booth, Gen. W: 924.20 In foreign kitchens. Campbell, Helen. . 884.28 “In perils oft.” Adams, W: H; D 544.23 In scripture lands. Wilson, E:L 541.19 In the child’s world. Poulsson, Emilie, . 945.12 In the Far East. Guineas, Geraldine. ,. , 537.21 In the garden of dreams: lyrics and son- nets. Moulton, Louise C 223.18 In the Lena delta. Melville, G: W. 1882. 558.12 Incompleat angler. Burnand, F. C 334.4 Indexes. Descriptive index of current engineering literature, v. 1. 1884- 1891. [1892.] 894.1.1 — Fletcher, W. I. “A. L. A.” index to general literature. 1893 C.18 — For indexes to Periodicals. See Peri- odicals. India. History. — Adams, W: H: D. Warriors -of the crescent. [The Moguls.] 1892.... 783.13 — Compton, H., comp. European military adventurers, 1784 to 1803. 1893.. . 692.5 — Edwards, H. S. Russian projects against India. 1885 756.15 — Heeren, A. H. L. Asiatic nations [of antiquity] In 791.1.3 — Henty, G. A. Through the Sikh war ; a tale of the conquest of the Pun- jaub. 1893 j 102. 14 — Hunter, Sir W : W. Brief history of the Indian people. 1893 787.4 Indian empire ; its people, history and products. 1893 795.9 — Lyall,$ir A. Rise of the British domin- ion in India. 1893 783.18 — Malleson, G: Bruce. Indian mutiny of 1857 796.4 — Mill, J. and Wilson, H. H. History of British India, 1527-1835. 10 v. in 9. 1858 765.6 — Nolan, E. H. British empire in India and the East, [to 1859]. 2 v 791.12 — Prichard, I. T. Administration of, 1859-68. 2 v. 1869 756.14 — Shipp, J: Memoirs of [his] military career, [1797-1825]. 1890 541.12 — Wheeler, J.T. History of India: Hin- du, Buddhist, and Brahminical. 1874 793.8 History of India: Mussulman rule. 1876 793.9 Short history of. 1884 755.2 Travel and description. — Arnold, Sir Edwin. India revisited. 1890 J 544.17 — Aynsley, Mrs. J. C. M. Our visit to Hindustan, Kashmir, and Ladakh. 1879 537.9 — Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in India. [1887.] j515.2.9 — Carpenter, E: From Adam’s Peak to Elephanta. 1892 552.12 — Carpenter, M. T. A girl’s winter in India. [1892.] 544.33 — Coopooswamey. Every-day life in South India. 1885 675.6 — Corner, Julia. India, pictorial, de- scriptive, and historical [to 1849]. 1887 772.6 — Cumming, C. F. G. In the Himalayas and on the Indian plains. 1884. . . 535.9 — Duffer in, Harriot, Lady. Our vicere- gal life in India, 1884-88. 1891. . . . 556.12 — Forsyth, J. Highlands of Central. 1889 545.17 — French, H. W. Our boys in India. Illus. [1882.] 546.23 INDIA. INDUSTRIAL. 131 India, continued. — Hornaday, W: T. Two years in the jungle. 1887 534.6 — Hurst, J: F. Indika : the country and the people of India and Ceylon. 1891 . 546. 1 — King, R. M. Diary of a civilian’s wife in India, 1877-82. 2 v. 1884 538.2 — Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in. 1882. 532.1.3 — Leonowens, A. H. Life and travel in. [1884.] 531.15 — Life in the Mofussil; or, the civilian in lower Bengal. [1880.] 535.8 — Reclus, E. Primitive folk, pp. 143-336. 876.32 — Sanderson, G-. P. Thirteen years among the wild beasts of India. 1879. . . . 886.9 — Stone, Julia A. lllus. India: its prin- ces and people : added, an account of the visit of the Prince of Wales. 1877 545.15 — Strachey, Sir J. India. 1888 558.13 — Urwick, W. Indian pictures drawn with pen and pencil 528.21 See also Ceylon; Himalaya. Religion, literature, etc. — Reed, Eliz. A. Hindu literature. 1891. 342.25 — Sacred books of the East; ed. by Max Muller 481.1 For contents see Muller, F. Max, ed. — Sastri,S. M. Natesa. Folklore in south- ern India. 3 pts. 1884 475.9 See also Hinduism. Indian corn. See Maize. Indian pictures drawn with pen and pen- cil. Urwick, W 528.21 Indiana, state. Beckwith, Hiram W. Illinois and Indiana Indians. 1884. 788.11 — Dunn, J. P. Indiana. A redemption from slavery. 1888 738.16.11 — Haymond, W. S .,ed. History of, to 1879. 788.5 Indians of America. Bancroft, H. H. Native races of the Pacific states. I 5 v. 1882 781.1 — Beauchamp, W. M. The Iroquois trail. [Includes Cusick’s Ancient history of the Six nations.] 1892. 788.4 — Beckwith, H. W. Illinois and Indiana Indians. 1884 788.11 — Brinton, D. G. Aboriginal American authors and their productions. 1883. 351.2 The American race. [Linguistic and ethnographic.] 1891 876.31 Essays of an Americanist. 1890 341.2 Contents : T. Ethnologic and archseologic. II. Mythology and folklore. III. Graphic systems and literature. IV. Linguistic. , ed. Library of aboriginal American literature, v.1-7. 1882-7 351.1 Contents : v. 1, Maya chronicles; v. 2, Iroquois book of rites; v. 3, The Gueguence; a comedy ballet; v. 4, pt. 1, Migration legend of the Creek Indians; v. 5, The Lenape and their legends ; v. 6, Annals of the Cakchiquels; v.7, Ancient Nahuatl poetry. — Brooks, E. S. Story of the American Indian. 1887 761.9 — Catlin, G: Manners and customs of the North American Indians. Illus. 1891 788.6 — DeForest, J: W. History of the In- dians of Connecticut, to 1850. 1851. 762.5 — Dunn, J. P., jr. Massacres of the mountains. 1886 753.5 — Edwards, J. Life of David Brainerd, missionary. 1822 654.2 Indians of America, continued. — Emerson, Ellen R. Indian myths. [1884.] — Goodrich. S: G. Manners and cus- toms of the American Indians. 1864. — Haines, Elijah M. The American In- dian. 1888 — History of the Indian wars. [1828.]. . . — Hunter, J: D. Captivity among the [Western] Indians; their manners and customs. 1823 — Jackson, Mrs. H. H. Century of dis- honor. 1881 — McKenney, T: L. and Hall, James. History of the Indian tribes of North America, with biog. sketch- es, etc. 3 v. Ports. 1855 — Miller, Joaquin. Unwritten history: life amongst the Modocs. 1874 — Miller, W: J. Wampanoag tribe of Indians. 1880 — Niblaclc, A. P. Indians of the North- west coast. 1890 — Pidgeon, W: Traditions of De-coo-dah and antiquarian researches. 1858. — Proctor, Edna Dean. Song of the an- cient people. [Pueblo Indians.] . . . — Rand, S. T. Legends of the Micmacs. 1894 — Reclus, E. The Apaches. \In Primi- tive folk.] — Schoolcraft, H: R. Notes on the Iro- quois. 1847 — Smith, Col. James. His captivity with the Indian-s [in Ohio, 1755-59]. 1870. 467.16 757.17 758.8 788.8 763.7 723.10 *678.12 534.24 775.15 788.2 776.23 224.21 477.17 876.32 776.22 776.13 In fiction see Bandelier’s Delight makers, [157.10] ; Grinnell’s Blackfoot lodge tales, [172.3] ; Grinnell’s Pawnee hero stories and folk-tales, [155.10] ; More- head’s Wanneta, the Sioux, [148.19] ; Ploughed under, [65.19]. See also Sign language. Indika. Hurst, J: F 546.1 Indo-China. Vincent, F. Land of the white elephant. 1884 523.9 Indoor studies. Burroughs, John 335.19 Industrial and commercial history of England. Rogers, J. E. T. 1892.. 935.15 Industrial and inter-national exhibi- tions. Great exhibitions of the world. [1880.] 8522.12 Philadelphia, 1876. — U. S. international exhibition. 1876. Reports and awards. 11 v. 1880-1884. *846.15 For contents of v. 1-9 see Catalogue of 1886; v. 10-11 Executive departments. Paris, 1878. — Paris universal exposition, 1878. Re- ports of U. S. commissioners. 5 v. 1880 *864.10 Chicago, 1893. — Elliott, Maud H., ed. Art and handi- craft in the Woman’s building of the World’s Columbian exposition. Illus. 1893 886.22 — Handy, Moses P., ed. Official directory of the World’s Columbian exposi- tion. Illus. 1893 *894.19 — Jenks, Tudor. Century’s World’s Fair book for boys and girls. Illus. [’93.] 98.19 — Week at the Fair. Maps and illus. 1893. 8101.30 INDUSTRIAL. 132 INTERNATIONAL. Industrial exhibitions, etc., continued. — White City artfolio. [1893.] *8542.36 For reports of various congresses see Hos- pitals, etc.; Judaism; Man (Anthropology); Religion and religions ; Women. Industrial arts. See Useful arts. Industrial drawing. See Drawing. Industrial education. Barter, S. Wood- work. [1892.] 881.13 — Cutler, Caroline F. Primary manual training. 1861 877.14 — Ham, C: H. Manual training. 1886.. . 917.24 — Salomon, Otto. Teacher’s hand-book of slojd. 1891 925.27 — Seidel, Robert. Industrial instruction : a pedagogic and social necessity. 1887 861.29 — Woodward, C. M. Manual training in education. 1890 876.24 Manual training school. 1887 857.4 Industrial freedom. Wise, B. R. 1892.. 944.1 Industrial history of England. Gibbins, H. de B. 1894 941.30 Industrial peace. Price, L. L.F. R. 1887. 943.20 Industrial progress of the nation. At- kinson, Edward. 1890 923.14 Industrial resources, etc. of the Southern and Western states. De Bow, J. D. B. 3 v. 1853 788.3 Industrial revolution of the 18th century in England. Toynbee, Arnold. 1890. 942.4 Industrial situation and the question of wages. Schoenhof, J. 1885 937.30 Industries of animals. Houssay, Frederic. 893.22 Industries of the world. Wilde, J., ed.2v. *888.8 Infancy. Blake, Sophia Jex-. Care of in- fants. 1884 847.36 — Page,C.E. How to feed the baby. [1882.] 847.37 Influence of sea power upon the French revolution and empire, 1793-1812. Mahan, A. T. 2v 786.6 Inge, W. R. Society in Rome under the Caesars. 1888 755.11 Ingelow, Jean. See Fiction class-list. Ingersoll, Ernest. Country cousins: short studies in the natural history of the U. S. 1884 854.2 — Friends worth knowing. [1880.] 865.5 — A week in New York. [Guide book.] 1891 544.1 — , joint author. See Roberts, C: G. D. — See also Fiction class-list. Ingersoll, L.D. History of the War De- partment. 1879 753.3 Ingersoll, Robert G. Lectures. [1885.] 447.25 — Liberty in literature. Testimonial to Walt Whitman. [1890.] 345.18 — Mistakes of Ingersoll. [Criticisms of his lectures and his answers.] 1887. 475.10 Ingram, J: H. Elizabeth B. Browning. (Famous women.) 1888 627.1.19 Ingram, J: K. History of political econ- omy. 1888 901.15 Ingulph. Chronicle of the Abbey of Croy- land, with continuations, [704-1486] . 771.6 Initials and pseudonyms. See Bibliog- raphy. Inland voyage. Stevenson, R. L: 556.22 Inman, T: Ancient faiths and modern. 1876 447.26 Inquisition. Coffin, C: C. Story of lib- erty, pp. 80-96 745.15 — Lea, H: C: History of, in the Middle Ages. 1888 447.24 Inquisition, continued. Religious history of Spain connected with the Inquisition. 1890. . . ; 463.7 — Symonds, J: A. Renaissance: Catho- lic reaction, v. 1, pp., 159-228 793.2.1 Insanity. Bushnell, H. Moral uses of dark things, p. 249 317.19 — Griesinger, Wilhelm. Mental pathol- ogy and therapeutics. 1867 483.14 Inscriptions. Westropp, H. M. Palaeog- raphy of different nations In 867.20 Insects. Badenoch, L. N. Romance of the insect world. 1893 894.17 — Ballard, Julia P. Among the moths and butterflies. 1890 875.5 Note : “Insect lives,” rev. and enlarged. — Bamford, Mary E. Up and down the brooks. 1889 865.25 — Budgen, Miss L. M. Episodes of in- sect life. By Acheta Domestica. 3 v. 1851 875.21 — Butler, E: A. Our household insects. 1893 894.13 — Duncan, P. M. Transformations of.. . 886.8 — Holland, W. J. On collecting and pre- serving insects. 1891 In 878.14 — Hook, Stella L. Little people and their homes in meadows, woods and wa- ters. 1891 871.14 — Jardine, Sir W:, ed. Naturalist’s li- brary, v. 28-34 866.1 — Lubbock , Sir J: On the senses, instincts and intelligence of animals. 1888. .815.4.64 — McCook, H: C. Tenants of an old farm. 1889 876.11* — Michelet, Jules. The insect. 1875... 883.5 — Packard, A. S. Entomology for begin- ners. 1889 865.16 — Rennie, James. Insect architecture. 1888 867.18 — Treat, Marv. Home studies in na- ture.....' 847.18 Injurious insects of the farm and garden. 1892 893.6 See also Bees; Butterflies; Spiders. Insomnia. See Sleep. Inspiration. Emerson, R. W. Inspira- tion In 332.23 — Fiske, J: What is inspiration?:.../^ 835.1 — Sanday, W. Inspiration. [Bampton lecture, 1893.] 1893 477.15 — Smith, H. P. Inspiration and iner- rancy. 1893 475.23 Instinct. Binet, Alfred. Psychic life of micro-organisms. 1889 8102.7 — Cooke, Joseph. Biology, pp. 191-213... 417.2 Interest. Bohm-Bawerk, E. Y. Capital and interest. 1890 935.12 Interior or hidden life. Upham, T. C. . . 436.20 Intermarriage. Walker, Alexander 861.9 International association. Yilletard,E. History of the 901.11 International council of women. Report of, Washington, 1888. 1888 921.3 International cyclopaedia. 15 v. 1892.. . C.14 International education series. Har- ris, W: T., ed. v.1-26.. 448.2 Contents : v. 1, Philosophy of education; by J. K: F: Rosenkranz. v. 2, History of education; by F. V. N. Painter, v. 3, Rise and early constitution of univer- sities; by S. S. Laurie, v. 4, Ventilation and warm- ing of school buildings; by G. B. Morrison, v. 5, Education of man; by F: Froebel. v. 6, Elementary psychology and education; by Joseph Baldwin. INTERNATIONAL. 133 IRELAND. International, ed. ser., continued . v. 7, The mind of the child, pt. 1 ; by W. Preyer. v. 8, Memory, what it is and how to improve it; byD: Kay. v. 9, Mind of the child, pt. 2; by W. Preyer. v. 10, How to study geography; by F. W. Parker, v. 11, Education in the United States; by R: G. Boone, v. 12, European schools; by L. R. Klemm. v. 13, Practical hints for the teachers of public schools ; by G : How- land. v. 14, Pestalozzi; by Roger de Guimps. v. 15, School supervision; by G. L. Pickard, v. 16, Higher education of women in Europe; by Helene Lange, v. 17, Essays on educational reformers; by R. H. Quick, v. 18, Text-book in physiology; by J. F: Herbart. v. 19, Physiology applied to the art of teach- ing; by Joseph Baldwin, v. 20, Rousseau’s Emile; by W: H. Payne, v. 21, Moral instruction of children; by F. Adler, v. 22, English education in the ele- mentary and secondary schools ; by I: Sharpless, v. 23, Education from a national standpoint ; by A. Fouillee. v. 24, Mental development of the child; by W. Preyer. v. 25, How to study and teach history ; by B. A. Hinsdale, v. 26, Symbolic ' education ; by Susan E. Blow. International humor series. Dircks,W. H., ed. v. 1-5 352.1 Contents : [Compilations.] v. 1, France ; by Eliz. Lee. v. 2, Germany; by Hans Muller-Casenov. v. 3, Italy; by A. Werner, v. 4, America; by James Barr, v. 5, Holland; by A. Werner, v. 6, Ireland ; by D. J. O’Donoghue. International law. Levi, Leone. Inter- national law. 1888 815.4.60 — Maine, Henry S. International law. 1888 923.7 International science series, v. 1-70 815.4 Contents : — v. 1, Tyndall, J. Forms of water. 2, Bagehot, W. Physics and politics. 3, Smith, Ed- ward. Foods. 4, Bain, A. Mind and body. 5, Spen- cer, II. Study of sociology. 6, Cooke, J. P. New chemistry. 7, Stewart, B. Conservation of energy. 8, Pettigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion. 9, Maudsley, 11. Responsibility in mental disease. 10, Amos, S. Science of law. 11, Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism. 12, Draper, J. W. Conflict between religion and sci- ence. 13, Schmidt, O. Descent and Darwinism. 14, Vogel, H. Chemical effects of light, and photography. 15, Cooke, M. C. Fungi. 16, Whitney, W. D. Life and growth of language. 17, Jevons, W. S. Money and the mechanism of exchange. 18, Lommel, E. Nature of light. 19, Van Beneden, M. Animal para- sites and messmates. 20, Schutzenberger, P. Fer- mentation. 21, Bernstein, J. Five senses of man. 22, Blaserna, P. Theory of sound in its relation to music. 23. Lockyer, J. N. Spectrum analysis. 24, Thurston, R. H. Growth of the steam-engine. 25, Bain A. Education as a science. 26, Rood, O. N. Student’s text-book of color; or, modern chromatics. 27, Quatrefages, A. de. The human species. 28, Hux- ley, T. H. The crayfish. 29, Wurtz, A. Atomic the- ory. 30, Semper, Karl. Animal life as affected by the natural conditions of existence. 31, Le Conte, Joseph, Sight. 32, Rosenthal, J. General physiology of muscles and nerves. 33, Sully, James. Illusions. 34, Young, C. A. The sun. 35, Judd, J. W. Volcanoes. 36, Morselli, H. Suicide. 37, Darwin C. Formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms. 38, Stallo, J. B. Concepts and theories of modern physics. 39, Luys, J. The brain and its functions. 40, Vignoli, Tito. Myth and science. 41, Ribot, Th. Diseases of memory. 42, Lubbock, Sir John. Ants, bees and wasps. 43, Amos, S. Science of politics. 44, Romanes, G. J. Animal intelligence. 45, Joly, N. Man before metals. 46, Meyer, G. H. von. Organs of International, sci. ser., continued. • speech. 47, Sidgwick, A. Fallacies. 48, Candolle, A. de. Origin of cultivated plants. 49, Romanes, G. J. Jelly-fish, star-fish and sea-urchins. 50, Clif- ford, W: K. Common sense of the exact sciences. 51, Warner, Francis. Physical expression. 52, Hart- mann, Robert. Anthropoid apes. 53, Schmidt, Os- car. Mammalia in their relation to primeval times. 54, Posnett, H. M. Comparative literature. 55, Milne, J: Earthquakes and other earth movements. 56, Trouessart, E. L. Microbes, ferments, and moulds. 57, Heilprin, A. Geographical and geological distribu- tion of animals. 58, Abercromby, Ralph. Weather. 59, Binet, Alfred and Fere, C: Animal magnetism. 60, Levi, Leone. International law. 61, Dawson, J. W: Geological history of plants. 62, Tylor, E: B. Anthropology. 63, Henslow, G: Origin of floral structures, through insect and other agencies. 64, Lubbock, J : On the senses, instincts, and intelli- gence of animals. 65, Starcke, C. N. Primitive fam- ily in its origin and development. 66. Lagrange, Fer- nand. Physiology of bodily exercise. 67, Poulton, E : B. Colours of animals. 68, Graham, W : Socialism. 69, Wright, G. F: Man and the glacial period. 70, Thompson, E: M. Handbook of Greek and Latin palaeography. 71, Stebbing, T: R. R. History of Crustacea. 72, Lefevre, Andre. Race and language. Interpretation of nature. Shaler, N. S. 476.19 Inter-state commerce act. Dos Passos, J: R. 1887 937.38 Invalid’s tea tray. Brown, Susan A 884.3 Inventions and inventors. Hale, E: E., ed. Stories of. [1885.] 721.6.5 — Hubert, Philip G., jr. Inventors. 1893. 686.3.4 — Tissandier, G. and Frith, H; Marvels of invention 874.41 — Towle, G: M. Heroes and martyrs of invention. 1890 ” 666.5 — Wood, J. G. Man and his handi- work. 1886 854.12 Invertebrates. Huxley, T: H. Manu- al of the anatomy of invertebrated animals. 1885 856.17 Iowa State University publications. His- torical monographs, nos. 1-2. 1891-2. 768.11 Contents : 1. The Amana Society ; by W. R. Perkins. 2, The Trappist Abbey. Ireland, Alex. Ralph Waldo Emerson: a biog. sketch, eta. Ports. 1882... 648.10 Ireland, Mrs. Alex. Life of Jane Welsh Carlyle. 1891 674.8 Ireland. History. — Giraldus Cambrensis. Topography of Ireland ; History of the conquest of. 1887.,.., 771.4 — Lawless, Emily. Story of. 1888 752.1.17 — Lecky, W: E. H. Ireland in the 18th century. 5v. 1893 787.8 — McCarthv, Justin H. Outline of Irish history. 1892 783.11 — Norman, H: Bodyke. [Irish landlord- ism.] 1887 937.42 — Smith, Goldwin. Irish history and Irish character. 1890 795.10 — Sullivan, M. F. Ireland of to-day; the causes and aims of Irish agitation. 1881 777.9 — Towle, G: M. Young people’s history of, [to 1886]. 1887 765.5 Folk-lore , literature , etc. — Curtin, J. Myths and folk-lore of. 1890 156.8 IRELAND. 134 ITALY. Ireland, continued. — Me Anally, D. R .,jr. Irish wonders. . . 452.10 — Murray, J. O’Kane. Prose and poetry of. 1882 323.19 — O’Donoghue, D. J., comjp. Humor of Ireland 352.1.6 — O’Reilly, J. B. Ancient Irish athletic games, weapons, etc. 1888 In 872.7 — Wilde, Lady J. F. S. Ancient cures, charms, and usages of. 1890 461.26 Ancient legends, mystic charms, and superstitions of. 1888 453.1 Description , travels , etc. — Bouvet, Mme. de. Three months’ tour in. 1891 544.11 — Craik, D. M. An unknown country. 1887 534.3 — Irish peasant: a sociological study. 1892 941.8 — Knox, T: W. Boy travelers in. [1890.] 541.10 — Land we live in. v. 3. Illus In 548.1.3 — Lovett, R: Irish pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 1888 537.3 — Pellew, G: In castle and cabin; or, talks in Ireland in 1887. 1888 536.26 — Villars, P. England, Scotland, and Ireland: a picturesque survey. 1887. *8542.9 Iron and steel. Blinn, L. J. Practical work-shop companion for tin, sheet- iron and copper-plate workers. 1891. 8102.8 — Bolland, Simpson. Iron founder: art of moulding. 1892 898.6 — Carnegie, Phipps & Co. Pocket com- panion; information [on] the use of wrought iron and steel. 1892 8102.9 — Hiorns, Arthur H. Iron and steel man- ufacture. 1889 898.28 — Pearse, John B. Concise history of iron manufacture in America. 1876. 872.30 — Swank, J. M. History of the manufac- ture of iron in all ages. 1892, 892.16 Iroquois Indians. See Indians of America. Irrigation. Cole, A. N. The new agri- culture. [Underground irrigation.] 1885 854.24 — Flynn, P. J. Irrigation canals and other irrigation works. 1892 892.9 Irvine, Leigh. The struggle for bread. 1890 944.4 Irving, H: The drama. Addresses. [1892.] 234.3 Irving, Pierre M. Life and letters of Wash- ington Irving. 4 v. Ports. 1862-3.. 661.10 Irving, Washington. Readings from. [1887.] 331.17 — Washington and his country; being Irving’s Life of Washington abridg- ed, with continuation by John Fiske. 1888 673.23 — , and others. Representative essays. [1885.] 348.12 — Irving, Pierre M. Life and letters of. 4 v. Ports. 1862-3 661.10 Irwin, R: B. History of the 19th army corps. 1892 768.8 Is Davis a traitor ? Bledsoe, A. T 922.25 Is it I ? A book for every man. Storer,H.N. 847.31 Isaac, patriarch. Rawlinson, G: Isaac: his life and times 7^461.6.15 Isabella I., queen of Spain. Jameson, A. M. Celebrated female sovereigns.. 633.12 — Prescott, W: H. Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. 3 v 704.6 — Russell, W. Extraordinary women. . . 618.2 Isabella I., continued. — Starr, Eliza A. Isabella of Castile. Port. 1889 676.20 Isaiah, Hebrew prophet. Driver, S. R. Isaiah: his life and times 461.6.4 — Lord, J: Prophet Isaiah In 438.16 — Sayce, A. H. Life and times. 1890. .473.1.13 Isis unveiled. Blavatsky, H. P. 2v 445.14 Islam. See Mohammed. Island garden. Thaxter, Celia 896.18 Island life. [Faunas and flowers.] Wal- Isle of Man. Caine, Hall. The little Manx nation 783.1 Isle of Wight. History, topography, etc. 1882 •... 523.10 — Mantell, G. A. Geological excursions. 1854 871.1 Isles of Shoals. Thaxter, Celia. An island garden. 1894. 896.18 Isles of the Princes. Cox, S: S 536.29 Isms old and new. Lorimer, G: C 436.25 Israel and Israelites. /S^Jews. Italian language. Gallenga, Antonio C. N. [j Luigi Mariotti.\ Practical gram- mar of the Italian language 354.24 — Italian principia. 2 v. 1885-90 331.34 Contents : v. 1, First Italian course; v. 2, First Italian reading book. — Millhouse, J: New English and Italian dictionary. 2v. 1893 E.14 * — Wessely, J. E. New pocket diction- ary of the English and Italian [and Italian and English] languages. 1890 331.28 Italian literature. Howells, W: D. Mod- ern Italian poets. 1887 354.29 — Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. Italian literature. 2v 751.5 • Revival of learning 751.3 — Werner, A .,comp. Humor of Italy. 1893. 352.1.3 Italy. History . — Abbott, J: S. C. Italy and the war for Italian independence [with ap- pendix to 1882] 751.9 — Amicis, E. de. Military life in Italy: sketches. 1882 527.26 — Bradley, H: Story of the Goths 752.1.18 — Burckhardt, Jacob. Civilisation of the renaissance in Italy. 1890 766.8 — Hodgkin, T: Italy and her invaders. 4 v.. 1885 795.7 — Marriott, J. A. R. Makers of modern Italy ; Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi. 1889 693.1 — Maurice, C. Edm. Revolutionary move- ment of 1848-9. 1887 756.9 — Probyn,J.W. Italy from 1815 to 1878... 751.1 Italy from 1815 to 1890 796.8 — Proctor, G. History of Italy, 476-1789. 1844 791.5 — Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy: age of despots 751.2 Renaissance in Italy: the Catholic reaction. 2 v. 1887 793.2 — Thayer, W : R. Dawn of Italian inde- pendence, 1814-1849. 2 v. 1893. . . . 783.17 Art. — Scott, Leader. Renaissance of art. 1883 8522.4 — Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy: the fine arts 831.23 ITALY. 135 JAPAN. Italy, continued. Description , travel , etc. — Baedeker, K: Central Italy and Rome. Handbook. 1893 *555.14 Northern Italy. Handbook. 1892. . *555.13 Southern Italy and Sicily. Hand- book. 1890 *555.15 Switzerland and the adjacent por- tions of Italy. Handbook. 1891. . *555.20 — Bianciardi, Eliz. de R. At home in Italy. 1884 557.8 — Bourget, Paul. Impressions of, [1890]. 544.22 — Champney,Eliz.W. Three Vassar girls in. 1886 543.1.4 — Goethe, J. W. von. Letters from, [1786-7] In 632.2 Travels in [1786-8] 533.20 — Hare, A. J. C. Cities of northern and central Italy. 3 v. 1876 527.25 — Jarves, J. J. it&lian rambles ; studies of life and manners in new and old Italy. ,1885 536.25 — Laveleye, Emile de. Letters from. 1892 558.14 — Lowell, J. R. Fireside travels. 1864. 508.18 — Manning, S: Italian pictures drawn with pen and pencil 548.12 — Norton, G: Eliot. Notes of travel and study. 1859 557.9 — Stockton, F. R. Personally conducted. [Travel.] lllus.juv. 1889 In 537.7 — Symonds, J:A. Italian byways. 1883. 557.6 New Italian sketches. 1884 538.27 Sketches and studies in. 1883 558.16 Sketches in Italy. 1883 538.28 Sketches in Italy and Greece. 1880. 558.15 — Trollope, T: A., ed. Italy, from the Alps to Mount Etna. illus. 1890.*8542.22 See also Etruria ; Florence; Genoa ; Riv- iera, The; Rome ; Sicily; Tuscany; Venice. Iverach, J. St. Paul: his life and times. 461. 6. 13 Ivories: ancient and mediaeval. Maskell, W: (South Kensington museum art handbook. ) 853. 23 Ivory king. [Elephant.] Holder, C:F.. 876.8 Jackson, Andrew, 7th president. Jenkins, J: S. Life of, with eulogy by George Bancroft. 1880 655.2 — Parton, James. General Jackson. 1893. 681.7.3 — Stoddard, W: O. Life of. 1887 647.1.4 Jackson, E: P. The earth in space: a manual of astronomical geography. Illus. 1887 876.30 — , joint author . See Gilman, N. P. Jackson, Frank G. Lessons on decora- tive design. 1891 857.11 Jackson, Mrs. Helen Hunt. [ H . H.; Saxe Holm‘(\ Century of dishonor. [Treat- ment of Indians.] 1881 723.10 — Glimpses of three coasts. [California and Oregon; Scotland and England; Norway, Denmark, and Germany.] 1890 542.18 — Sonnets and lyrics. 1886 216.18 — See also Fiction class-list. — Bolton, Sarah K. Girls who became fa- mous 646.26 — Harris, A. B. American authors for young people 335.4 Jackson, Mrs. Mary A. Life and letters of Gen. T: J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson). 1892 674.9 Jackson, Gen. T. J. [“ Stonewall. ”] Allan, W. History of the campaign of Gen. T. J. Jackson in the Shenan- doah valley of Virginia, 1861-2 784.13 — Dabney, R. L. Life and campaigns of. 1866 654.15 — Jackson, Mrs. M. A. Life and letters of. 1892 674.9 Jacob, patriarch. Rawlinson, G: Jacob: his life and times In 461.6.15 — Physiological notes on primary educa- tion and the study of language. 1889. 455.2 Jacobi, Mary P., M. D. Mental action and physical health .In 402.31 Jacobs, Joseph. See Fiction class-list. Jacotot, Joseph. Quirk, R. H. Educa- tional reformers, pp. 414-438 448.2.17 Jacquemart, Albert. History of the ceramic art. 1887 8101.28 Jacques Bonhomme. Blouet, B. [Max O' Bell.] 536.14 Jaeger, Henrik. Henrik Ibsen, 1828-88 ; a critical biography. 1890 661.27 Jahn, Otto. Life of Mozart. 3 v. 1883 — 695.3 Jak, pseud. See Williams, Annie B. Jamaica. Brassey, Lady T: In the Trades, etc. [in 1883.] 538.19 James, B. W. American resorts. 1889.. 857.9 James, G: P. R. History of Richard Cceur-de-Lion. 2 v. 1854.. 658.12 — Life of Louis XIV. 2 v. 1884 658.13 — See also Fiction class-list. James H: Little tour in France. 1892 — 556.21 — See also Fiction class-list. James, T: P., joint author. See Lesque- reux, L. James, W: Principles of psychology. 2 v. 1890 465.16 Jameson, Mrs. Anna M. Sacred and leg- endary art. 2 v. Illus. 1890 875.9 — Studies, stories, and memoirs. 1893. 347.3 — , and Eastlake, Lady Eliz. History of our Lord as exemplified in works of art. 2 v. 1890 875.8 Jameson, J. F. History of historical writ- ing in America. 1891 775.10 — , ed. Essays in the constitutional his- tory of the United States. 1889 .... 923.3 Jameson, J: Alex. Treatise on constitu- tional conventions. 1887 945.18 Janes, L: G. Study of primitive Chris- tianity. 1887 483.20 — and others. Sociology. [Lectures and discussions before the Brooklyn Ethical Association.] 1890 941.25 Janet, Paul. Elements of morals. 1884.. 482.30 — Final causes. 1892 477.5 Janvier, T: A. Mexican guide. Maps. 1890 542.27 — See also Fiction class-list. Japan. Arnold, Sir Edw. Japonica. [Coun- try, people, ways and thoughts.] 1891 545.10 Seas and lands, [1889-91]. 1891 545.9 — Bacon, Alice M. Japanese girls and women. 1891 542.22 A Japanese interior. 1894 552.26 — Bramhall, M. St. John. Wee ones of Japan. 1894 556.24 — ■ Chamberlain, B. H. Things Japanese. 1892 • 551.15 — Chapin, James H: From Japan to Granada. 1887-8. 188Q 523.31 JAPAN. 136 JEFFERSON. Japan, continued. — Cutler, T: W: Grammar of Japanese ornament and design. 1880 8522.84 — Dickson, W.G. Gleanings from, [1883-4]. 537.6 — Gordon, M. L. American missionary in. 1892 547.14 — Griffis, W: E. Japan in history, folk lore and art. 1892. 547.20 — Hearn, Lafcadio. Glimpses of unfa- miliar Japan. 2v. 1894 558.17 — Knox, T: W. Boy travelers in. 1881.. 532.1.1 — Kcempfer, E. Account of [in 1692]. In 535.5 — Lowell, P. Noto, an unexplored cor- ner of Japan. 1891 542.23 — Morse, E: S. Japanese homes and their surroundings. 1889 8522.36 — Norman, H: The real Japan. 1892.. 546.19 — Pumpelly, R. Across America and Asia, pp. 76-202. 1871 527.11 — Reed, Sir Edw. J. Japan; its history, traditions and religions. 2 v. 1880. 795.13 — Rein. J. J. Industries of Japan. 1889.. 8522.35 Japan; travels and researches. 1884. 8522.37 — Scidmore,E.R. Jinrikisha days. 1891. 544.13 — Seward, W. H. Travels around the world. 1874 502.24 — Smith, Mrs. W. H. Children’s Japan. . 552.6 — Tamura, Naomi. Japanese bride. [Cus- toms, etc.] 1893 , 547.30 See also Pottery and porcelain. Japanese boy. Shigemi, Shiukichi 661.19 Japonica. Arnold, Sir Edw 545.10 Japp, Alex. Hay. [R. A. Page.] Thomas De Quincey; his life and writings. . 695.5 Jarchow, H. N. Forest planting. 1893... 885.17 Jardine, SirW:,ed. Naturalist’s library. 40 v. 1833-53 866.1 Contents : Ornithology . v. 1-14. 1-4. Jardine, Sir W: Birds of Great Britain and Ireland: I, Birds of prey. Memoir of Sir W. Sibbald. 2, In- cessores. Memoir of Smellie. 3, Rasores and gral- latores. Memoir of J. Walker. 4, Natatores. Mem- oir of A. Wilson. 5.— Sun birds. Memoir of R. Willoughby. 6-7.— Humming birds. Memoir of Linnaeus and Pennant. 8. — Game birds. Memoir of Sir T. F. Raffles. 9. Selby, P. J. Pigeons. Memoir of Pliny, by A. Crichton. 10. — Parrots. Memoir of T. Berwick, by Turner. 11-12. Swainson, W : Birds of western Africa. Memoir of J. Bruce and F. Le Vaillant, by A. Crichton. 13. Fly-catchers. Memoir of Baron Haller. 14. Jardine, Sir W. Gallinaceous birds. Memoir of Aristotle, by A. Crichton. Mammalia, v. 15-27. 15. Smith, C. H. Introd. to mammalia. Memoir of Dru Drury. 16. — Jardine, Sir W: Lions, tigers, etc. Memoir of Cuvier. 17. — Macgillivray, W. British quadrupeds. Memoir of A. Aldrovandi. 18-19.— Smith, C. JL Dogs. Memoir of P. S. Pallas and F. d’Azara. 20. — Horses, asses, etc. Memoir of C. Gesner. 21. — Jardine, Sir W: Deer, antelopes, camels, etc. Memoir of P. Camper. 22. — Goats, sheep, oxen, etc. Memoir of J. Hunter. 23. — Thick skinned quadrupeds. Memoir of Sir H. Sloane. 24. Waterhouse, G. R. Marsupialia. Memoir of J. Barclay. 25. Hamilton, R. Amphibious carnivora and herbivorous cetacea. Memoir of F. Peron. 26. — Whales. Memoir of Lacepede. 27. Jardine, Sir W: Monkeys. Memoir of Buff on. Entomology, v. 28-34. Jardine, SirW:, ed., continued. 28. Duncan. J. Introd. to entomology. Memoir of Swam- merdam and De Geer. 29. — British butterflies. Memoir of Werner, by Cuvier. 30. — British moths, sphinxes, etc. Memoir of M. S. Merian. 31. — Foreign butterflies. Memoir of Lamarck. 32. — Exotic moths. Memoir of Latreille. 33. — Beetles. Memoir of Ray. 34. Dunbar, W : Bees. Memoir of Huber. Fishes, v. 35-40. 35. Bushnan, J. S. Fishes; their structure and uses. Mem- oir of H. Salviani. 36-37. Hamilton, R. British fishes. Memoir of W. Rondelet and A. von Humboldt. 38. Jardine, Sir W : Perch family. Memoir of Sir J. Banks. 39-40. Schomburgk, R. H. Fishes of British Guiana. Mem- oir of the author and of J. L. Burckhardt. Jarves, J. J. Italian rambles. 1885 536.25 Jasmin, Jacques. Smiles, S: Jasmin; barber, poet, philanthropist. 1892. 675.12 Java. Forbes, H. O. Naturalist’s wan- derings, 1887-83 531.18 — Higginson, S. J. Java, the pearl of the East. 1890 538.17 — Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in. 1882. 532.1.2 — Wallace, A. R. Malay archipelago. 1868. 527.13 Jay, J: Homes of American statesmen.. 617.9 — Flanders, H: Lives of the chief jus- tices. 1875 ,.668.11.1 — Pellew, G: Life of. 1890 626.4.21 Jay, W : Character and tendency of the American colonization and Amer- ican anti-slavery societies. 1838... 917.39 — A view of the action of the Federal government in behalf of slavery. 1839 917.35 Jeaffreson, J. C; Book about the clergy. 2 v. 1870 454.3 — Book about the table. 1875 862.19 — Brides and bridals. 2 v. 1873 921.5 Jeans, J. Stephen. Waterways and water transport in different coun- tries. 1890 887.29 Jeannette, ship. DeLong, G; W. Voy- age of . 1888 558.18 Jebb, R; C. Attic orators from Antiphon to Ismus. 2 v. 1876 353.17 — Growth and influence of classical Greek poetry. 1894 234.24 Jefferies, Richard. Field and hedge- row; [his] last essays. 1889 872.27 — Life of the fields. 1888 355.2 — Red deer. 1892 871.20 — Toilers of the field. [English farm life.] 1892 884.18 — ■ See also Fiction class-list. Jefferson, Joseph. Autobiography. [1890.] 662.7 Jefferson, Martha, wife of Thomas Jeffer- son. Holloway, L. C. Ladies of the White House 628.20 — Parton, J. Illustrious men, etc., p. 220. 617.17 Jefferson, Thomas, 3d president. Works. 9 v. 1859 '. 928.10 Contents : v. 1. Autobiography, and letters, 1773- 1786. v. 2, Letters, 1786-1789. v. 3, Letters, 1789- 1793. v. 4-5, Letters. 1793-1811. v. 6, Letters, 1811-1816. v. 7, Letters, 1816-1826. Reports and opinions while secretary of state. Inaugural addresses and messages. Replies to public addresses. Indian ad- dresses. v. 8, Inaugural addresses and messages. Replies to public addresses. Indian addresses. Notes on Virginia. Biog. sketches, of Peyton Randolph, Merriwether Lewis, Kosciusko. Anecdotes of Dr. Franklin. The Batture at New Orleans, v. 9, Par- liamentary manual. The Anas. Miscellaneous pa- pers. General index. — Notes on the state of Virginia. 1801.. 784.5 JEFFERSON. 137 JOHN. Jefferson, Thomas, continued. — Adams, H: First and second adminis- trations, 1801-1809. 4 v. 1889 767.4 — Pierson, H. W. Jefferson at Monticello. 1862 684.12 — Randolph, Sarah N. Domestic life of. 1871 685.2 — Schouler, James, Thomas Jefferson. 1893 665.10.17 — Stoddard, W: O. Life of. 1887. . . .In 647.1.2 Jenkin, A. F. Gymnastics. 1891 893.25 Jenkin, Mrs. C. See Fiction class-list. Jenkin, Fleeming. Electricity and mag- netism. 1891 887.14 — Stevenson, R. L. Memoir of. 1887.. 651.10 Jenkins, J: S. Life of Gen. Andrew Jack- son. 1880 655.2 — Life of James K. Polk. 1850 655.11 — Life of John C. Calhoun. 1850 655.12 Jenks, J. W. P ., joint author . See Steele, J. D. .Jenks, Tudor. See Fiction class-list. Jenkyns, C. C., ed. Hard life in the colo- nies, and other experiences.. 1892. 546.9 Jenness, Mabel. Comprehensive physi- cal culture. 1891 878.11 Jennings, H: J. Lord Tennyson, 1809-92. 1892 683.8 Jennings, L: J: Rambles in the Peak of Derbyshire and South Downs. 1880. 554.25 Jenyns, F. G. Book about bees. 1886... 893.9 Jephson, A. J. M. Emin Pasha and the rebellion at the equator. 1890 541.16 Jephson, H: The platform; its rise and progress. 2 v. 1892 927.4 Jeremiah, prophet. Cheyne, T. K. Jere- miah: his life and times 461.6.6 Jerome, Jerome K. Idle thoughts of an idle fellow. 1890 342.31 — Stage-land; curious habits and cus- toms of its inhabitants. 1890 223.27 — See also Fiction class-list. Jerrold, Walter. William E. Gladstone: England’s great commoner 683.25 Jerusalem. Besant, W.and Palmer, E: H: Jerusalem the city of Herod and Saladin. 1888 795.14 — Church, A. J. Story of the last days of Jerusalem. [From Josephus. ]1892. 792.7 — King, J. Recent discoveries on the Temple hill. 1891 473.1.3 — Oliphant, M. O. W. Jerusalem the holy city: its history and hope. 1891. 466.20 — Wright, W. B. Ancient cities 523.33 See also Crusades; Jews; Palestine. Jesse, E: Anecdotes of dogs. 1884 867.16 Jesuits. Carlyle, T: Latter day pam- phlets, pp. 249-286 333.12 — Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs, pp. 262-274 463.22 — Hale, E: E. Stories of adventure 721.6.3 — Lord, J: Rise and influence of In 735.6.3 — Nicolini, G. B. History of the Jesuits. 1889 458.3 — Quick, R. H. Schools of the Jesuits. {In his Educational reformers.) — Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy: Catholic reaction 793.2 See also Loyola. Jevons, F: B. History of Greek litera- ture, to the death of Demosthenes. 1886 331.13 Jevons, W. S. The state in relation to labour. 1887 941.1 Jew in English fiction. Philipson, D: 1889. 335.16 Jewett, Edw. H. Diabology: the person and kingdom of Satan. 1889 462.2 Jewett, Sarah O. Story of the Normans. (Story of the nations.) 1887 752.1.12 — See also Fiction class-list. Jewitt, J: R. Captivity among the sav- ages of Nootka Sound. 1816 556.13 Jewitt, L. and Hall, S. C. Statelv homes of England. 2 v. 1881....". 532.7 Jews. Adams, H. C. History of the Jews (A. D. 7-1885). 1887 778.7 — Baring-Gould, S. Origin and develop- ment of religious belief 411.22.1 — Edersheim, A. Jewish social life in the days of Christ 463.12 The temple, its ministry and services at the time of Christ. 1881 463.16 — Ewald, H. Antiquities of Israel. 1876. 477.8 History of Israel. 8 v. 1876-86 418.5 For contents see Ewald, Heinrich. — Frederic, Harold. The new exodus: a study of Israel in Russia. 1892. . 778.18 — Graetz, H. History of the Jews. 5 v. 1892 778.16.1 — Hosmer, J. K. Story of the Jews. (Story of the nations.) 1886 752.1.3 — Kuenen, A. National religions, etc., pp. 59-246 446.9 Religion of Israel to the fall of the Jewish state, v. 1-3. 1874-5 483.23 — Macdonald, M. Chronology of. 1891. In 766.14 — Magnus, Lady Katie. Outlines of Jew- ish history, B.C.586-C.E.1890 765.18 — Montefiore, C. G. Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the re- ligion of the ancient Hebrews 1892. 483.12 — Morrison, W. D. Jews under Roman rule. 1890 752.1.29 — Nott, J. C. and Gliddon, G. R. Types of mankind, pp. 111-141 *888.4 — Pennell, J. The Jew at home. 1892. 547.2 — Philipson, D: Jew in English fiction. 1889 335.16 — Pick, B. Historical sketch of. 1887. 755.14 — Raphall, M. J. Post-biblical history of the Jews, [420 B.C.E.-70C.E.] 2 v. 1866 756.7 — Rawlinson, G: Kings of Israel and Judah. [1889.] ..461.6.11 — Renan, Ernest. History of the ueople of Israel. 3 v. 1889-91 ‘ 454.16 Contents : v. 1, Till the time of King David, v. 2, From the reign of King David up to the capture of Samaria, v. 3, From the time of Hezekiah till the re- turn from Babylon. — Schvirer, Emil. History of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ. 5 v. 1890 467.9 — Smith, W. R. Prophets of Israel. 1882. 443.27 — Wellhausen, Julius. Sketch of the history of Israel and Judah. 1891. 796.11 See also Judaism ; Talmud. Jinriktsha days in Japan, Scidmore, Eliza R 544.13 Joan of Arc. Adams, W. H Davenport. The maid of Orleans 1889 673.6 — Lea,H:C. H istory of the Inquisition. In 447.24.3 — Michelet, Jules. Joan of Arc 694.7 John, Mrs. E. [ E . Marlitt.] See Fiction class-list. JOHN. 138 JOSEPH. John Bull and his island. Blouet, B 544.18 Johns, R: and Nicolas, P. H. Naval and military heroes of Great Britain ; or, calendar of victory, [to 1854]. Ports. 1889 772.9 Johns Hopkins university studies ; ed. by H. B. Adams, v. 1-10, 1883-1892.... *942.1 Contents : v. 1, Local institutions, v. 2, Institu- tions and Economics, v. 3, Maryland, Virginia and Washington, v. 4, Municipal government and Land tenure, v. 5, Municipal government, History and Politics, v. 6, History of cooperation in the United States, v. 7, Social science, Municipal and Federal government, v. 8, History, Politics, and Education, v. 9, Education, History, and Politics, v. 10, Church and state; Columbus and America. Johnson, Amy. Sunshine. 1892 j8102.15 Johnson, Andrew, 17th president. Poore, B. P. Reminisences, v. 2, pp. 181- 225 645.16.2 — Stoddard, W. O. Life of. 1888 In 647 1.7 Johnson, B. T. General Washington. 1894.. 681.7.8 Johnson, Clifton. The country school in New England. Illus. 1893 477.10 Johnson, Hannah M. About Mexico, past and present. [1887.] 775.9 Johnson, J. B. Theory and practice of surveying. 1893 8101.29 Johnson, R. U. and Buel, C. C., ed. Bat- tles and leaders of the civil war. 4 v. 1887-8 758.9 Johnson, Rossiter. Short history of the war of secession, 1861-5. 1888 763.1 — , ed. Lives and works of the poets, from Chaucer to Morris. 3 v. 1879.. 221.15 — See also Fiction class-list. Johnson, Samuel. Letters of, [1731-84.]; ed. by G: B. Hill. 2 v 1892. 676.8 — Memoir of Roger Ascham. 1886.... ih- 651.3 — Rasselas prince of Abyssinia. 1S84. In 323.31 — Select essays; ed. by G: B. Hill. 2v. 1889 336.13 — , joint author . See Adventurer; Idler; Rambler. — Bolton, Sarah K. Poor boys who be- came famous 646.5 — Boswell, J. Tour to the Hebrides with. 604.4.1 — Crosland, Mrs. N. Memorable women. [Mme. D’Arblay and Mrs. Piozzi.] 631.15 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. . 614.14 — Grant, F. Samuel Johnson 693.22 Johnson, Rev. S: Oriental religions and their relation to universal religions: Persia. 1885 445.11 Johnson, W. F. History of the Johns- town flood. 1889 542.9 Johnson, Sir William. Griffis, W: Elliot. Sir William Johnson. 1891 665.10.14 Johnston, Gen. Albert S. Johnston, W: P. Life of. 1878 654.4 Johnston, Alex. Connecticut. (American commonwealths.) 1887 738.16.9 — History of the United States for schools. 1889 775.5 — Representative American orations to illustrate American political his- tory. 3 v. 1886 333.7 — The United States: its history and con- stitution. 1889 767.6 Johnston, Alex. Keith. Africa. [Com- pendium.] 1884 558.20 Johnston, H: Hamilton. Kilima-Njaro expedition in eastern equatorial Africa. 1885 558.19 — See also Fiction class-list. Johnston, James, ed. Report of the cen- tenary conference on the Protestant missions of the world, London, June, 1888 454.6 Johnston, Gen. Joseph E. Hughes, R. M. General Johnston. 1893 681.7.5 Johnston, R: M. and Browne, W. H. Life of Alex. H. Stephens. 1878... 648.2 — See also Fiction class-list Johnston, W: P. Life of Gen. Albert S. Johnston. 1878 654.4 Johnstone, C.F. Historical abstracts. 1880. 795.15 Johnstown, Pa. Johnson, W. F. His- tory of the Johnstown flood. 1889. 542.9 Joinville, J: de. Crusade of Saint Louis. 1888 In 771.2 J okai, Marcus. ^Fiction class-list. Joliet, Louis. Parkman, F. Discovery of the Great West 736.15.3 Jolly, Emily. See Fiction class-list. Jonathan and his continent. Blouet, P. [Max O' Bell.] Jones, C: C.,jr. Biographical sketches of the delegates from Georgia to the Continental congress. 1891 — Siege of Savannah and Confederate operations in Georgia [in 1864]. 1874 — , comp. Negro myths from the Georgia coast. 1888 Jones, Eli and Sibil. Jones, Rufus M. Life of. [18$9] Jones, J. W:, comp. Army of Northern Virginia memorial volume. 1880. . Jones, J: Paul. Hale, E: E. Stories of the sea 721.6.2 — Parton, J. Illustrious men, pp. 334-9. 617.17 — Seawell, Molly E. Paul Jones. 1893.. j 103. 7 Jones, Lynds E., ed. The best reading. v. 2-4. 1887-93 *3501.4 — , joint author. See Putnam, G: P. Jones, R. M. Jones, Eli and Sibil: their life and work. [1889.] 656.4 Jones, Rev. Sam P. Sermons and sayings. 1886 451.1 — Sermons; with biog. sketch by T. M. Smith. 1888 464.28 Jones, T: R. General outline of the ani- mal kingdom, and manual of com- parative anatomy. 1871 873.1 Jones, W: Credulities, past and present. 1880 478.26 — Finger-ring lore. 1890 478.27 Jones, W: H. Federal taxes and state ex- penses. 1890 937.39 Jonson, Ben. Poems, ed. by R. Bell. 1889. 226.10 — Coleridge, S: T. Noteson In 1001.12.4 — Disraeli, I: Amenities of literature, v. 2, pp. 241-247 308.11.2 — Swinburne, A. C. A study of. 1889.. 342.2 — Whipple, E: P. Essavs and reviews, v. 2 ‘ 303.6.2 Jordan, T: and Pryor, J. P. Campaigns of Lieut. -Gen. N. B. Forrest, and of Forrest’s cavalry. 1868 763.15 Joseph, patriarch. Baring-Gould, S. Leg- ends of the patriarchs 437.23 — Tomkins, H. G. Life and times of Jo- seph. 1891 473.1.1 533.27 674.15 788.15 171.26 656.4 768.9 JOSEPHINE. 139 KAROLY. Josephine, wife of Napoleon I. Bush, Mrs. F. Queens of France. [1851.] 646.15 — Farmer, L. H. Girl’s book of famous queens 673.26 — Lenormand, M. A. Memoirs of. 1890. 687.7 — Saint-Amand, I. de. Citizeness Bona- parte. Port. 1890 661.25 Court of the empress Josephine. 1890. 661.28 — - Wife of the first consul. 1890 661.22 Josh Billings, pseud. See Shaw, H. W. JosHEE.Hr. Amandabai. Dall.C.H. Life of. 1888 651.7 Joshua. Deane, W: J. Joshua: his life and times. 1889 461.6.12 Journal of a young artist. Bashkirtseff, Marie 656.12 Journal of a young lady in Virginia, 1782. 1871 684.7 Journal of American folk-lore. See Per- iodicals. Journal of an African cruiser. Bridge, Horatio 542.12 Journalism and the press. American journalism from 1840 to 1870. 1870. 674.7 — Copeland, T. C. Ladder of journalism. 1889 342.30 — Drew, B: Pens and types; or, hints and helps for those who writb, print, etc. 1889 343.22 — Luce, Robert. Writing for the press: a manual. 1889 343.13 — Pendleton, J: Newspaper reporting. 1890 336.22 — Philips, Melville. Making of a news- paper. 1893 348.3 See also Periodicals. Journey in the back country. Olmsted, F: L. 1860 533.9 Joy, James R: Grecian history ; an out- line sketch. 1892 783.2 — Outline history of England. 1890. . . . 765.15 — Rome and the making of modern Europe. 1893 787.9 — , joint author. See Vincent, J: H. Joyce, J. Familiar introduction to the arts and sciences. 1871 868.19 — Scientific dialogues. [1855 ] 868.20 Joyce, P. W , ed. Ancient Irish music. 1890 895.12 Joynes, E: S. German grammar. 1887. 331. 21 Joys beyond the threshold. Figuier,L:. . 476.11 Judaea. Perrot, G. and Chipiez, C: His- tory of art in. 2v. 1890 896.23 Judaism. Baring-Gould, S. Origin and development of religious belief 411.22.1 — Faiths of the world. . 484.1 — Judaism at the World’s parliament of religions. 1894 483.1 — Kuenen, A. National religions, etc. . . 446 9 — Sayce, A. H. Babylonian influence on . In 447.15 — Toy, C. H. Judaism and Christianity. 1891 462.12 Judson, Rev. Adoniram. Clement, J. Life of. [1885.] 646.16 — Judson, E. Life of. 1883 646.23 Juglar, Clement. Brief history of pan- ics. 1893 937.75 “Jukes, The.” Dugdale, R. L 937.14 Jukes-Browne, A. J. Building of the * British Isles: a study in geographi- cal evolution. 1888 868.21 — Student’s handbook of historical geol- ogy. 1886 868.22 Jukes-Browne, A. J., continued. — Student’s handbook of physical geolo- gy. 1884 868.23 Julian, Roman emperor. Gregory Nazian- zen’s two invectives against Julian; Libanius’ funeral oration ; Julian upon the Sovereign sun; Julian up- on the Mother of the Gods; tr. by C. W. King. 1884 457.5 Julian, G: W. Life of Joshua R. Gid- dings. 1892 676.5 — Speeches on political questions. 1872. 923.6 Julian, J:, ed. Dictionary of hvmnology. 1892 - 228.2 Juncker, E. See Fiction class-list. June, Jennie, pseud. See Croly, Mrs. D.G. Junker, W. Travels in Africa, 1875-78. 1890 541.6 — Travels in Africa, 1879-83. 1891 558.21 — Travels in Africa, 1882-85. 1892 558.22 Junkin, G: Political fallacies. [Causes of the Rebellion.] 1863 757.12 Jusserand, J. J. English wayfaring life in the Middle Ages. [14th century.] 1889 537.4 Justin, [Justinus.] History of the world Juvenal. [D. J. Juvenalis.] Satires; lit. tr., with notes, by Lewis Evans; with metrical version by W. Gifford. 1887 225.9 Kabbala. Pancoast, Seth. Kabbala; or, the true science of light. [1883.].. 456.20 Kalakaua, king. Legends and myths of Hawaii. 1888 475.2 Kalb, Johann, Baron de. Kapp, Friedrich. Life of Kalb. 1884 694.8 Kaler, James O. [ James Otis.] See Fiction class-list. Kalevala; the epic poem of Finland. 2 v. 1891 235.7 — Vincent, F.,jr. Norsk, etc., pp. 240-250. 518.1 Kalidasa, Hindu poet. Sakuntala; ed., with notes by Sir Monier Williams. 1887 356.1 Kalisch, Marcus M. Path and goal; ele- ments of civilisation and happiness. 1880 945.19 Kamschatka Guillemard, F. H. H. Cruise of the Marchesa. 1889 535.2 Kansas. Ebbutt, P. G. Emigrant life in. 1886 531.25 — Spring, L. W. Kansas. (Am. com- monwealths.) 1885 738.16.6 — Thayer, Eli. History of the Kansas crusade. 1889 767.5 » Kant, Immanuel. Kritik of judgment; tr. by J. H. Bernhard. 1892 483.22 — Prolegomena and metaphysical founda- tions of natural science; tr., with biog., by E. B. Bax. 1883 436.6 — Hedge, F.H. Prose writers of Germany. 615.8 — Pfleiderer, O. Philosophy of religion, v. 1, pp. 147-195 475.11.1 — Wallace, W: Kant. (Philosophical classics.) 1882 675.1.5 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. 628 22 Kapp, Friedrich. Life of John Kalb. 1884. 694.8 Kapp, Gisbert. Electric transmission of energy. 1891 8102.17 Kardec, Allen, pseud. >8^Rivail, L. D. H. Karoly, K: Guide to the paintings of Florence. 1893 885.6 KARPATHIAN. 140 KINDERGARTEN. Karpathian mountains. See Carpathian mountains. Karr, H. W. S. Shores and Alps of Alaska. 1887 535.11 Kaufmann, R: Paris of to-day. [1891.].. 543.4 Kayanagh, Bridget. See Fiction class-list. Kayanagh, Julia. Woman in France dur- ing the 18th century. 2 v. 1893 686.6 — See also Fiction class-list. Kay, D. Austria-Hungary. 1880 794.7 — Memory: what it is and how to im- prove it. 1889 448.2.8 Kean, Edm. Kean and Booth and their contemporaries. 1886 647.2.3 Keane, A: H. Asia: compendium of geography and travel. 1886 556.1.2 Keane, J: Friar. Six months in Meccah. 1881 558.23 Keary, Annie. See Fiction class-list. Keary,C:F. Mythology of the Eddas. 1882. 483.3 — Norway and the Norwegians. 1892. . . 783.12 — Vikings in western Christendom, 789-888. 1891 777.3 Keating., J:M. joint author. See Davis, Edward P. Keats, J: Colvin, S: Keats. 1887. .. .616.11.38 Keay, J. S. Spoiling the Egyptians ; a tale of shame told from the British blue books. 1882 937.7 Keddie, Henrietta. [Sarah Ty tier.] Hero- ines in obscurity. 1871 453.32 Keddie, W:, ed. Anecdotes: literary and scientific 316.5 Keeling, Elsa D’E. ^Fiction class-list. Keely, R. N., jr. and Davis, G. G: In Arctic seas. 1892 558.24 Keen, W: W. and White, J. W: Ameri- can text-book of surgery. 1892 8108.1 Keenan, H: F. See Fiction class-list. Keene, H. G. Literature of France. [Manual.] 1892 355.1 Keightley, T: Mythology of ancient Greece and Italy. 1888 457.9 Keim, de B. R. Sheridan’s troopers on the borders, [1868-9]. 1889 767.27 Keim, Theodor. History of Jesus of Na- zara. 6 v. 1876-83 467.6 Kelly, James. American catalogue of books published in theU .S., 1861-71. *3501. 12 Kelly, Walter K. History of the house of Austria, in continuation of the his- tory by William Coxe. 1889 796.12 Keltie, J. Scott, ed. Statesman’s year book for 1886, 1888-92, 1894. 7 v. . . D.7 — , and others , ed. See World’s great ex- plorers and explorations. Kemble family. The Kembles and their contemporaries. 1886 647.2.2 Kemble, Frances A. See Fiction class- list. Kemble, J: Philip. Boaden, James. Mem- moirs of the life of. 2 v. in 1. 1825. 657.2 Kemp, Dixon. Manual of. yacht and boat sailing. 1888 8103.1 Kempe, H. R. Electrical testing. 1892. . 887.5 Kendal, J. F. History of watches and other timekeepers. 1892 893.24 Kendall, Mrs. Madge. Dramatic opin- ions. 1890 223.22 Kendrick, A. C., comp. Our poetical fa- vorites. 3 v. 1881 222.23 Kennan, G: Siberia and the exile sys- tem. 2 v. 1891 546.2 Kennard, Mrs. N. H. Rachel. (Famous women.) 1886 627.1.11 — Mrs. Siddons. (Famous women.) 1887. 627.1.15 Kennedy, J. H. Early days of Mormon- ism. 1888 757.10 Kennedy, W: S. John G. Whittier: the poet of freedom. 1892 671.1.10 Kent, James. Commentaries on Ameri- can law. Abridgment by E. F. Thompson. 1886 917.26 Kent, W: Winthrop. Architectural wrought iron. 1888 8108.2 Kentucky. Allen, James L. Blue-grass region of Kentucky, etc. 1892 554.6 — Connelly, Emma M. Story of Ken- tucky. [1890.] 764.1.6 Ker, David. See Fiction class-list. Ker, John. Lectures on the history of preaching. 1889 454.21 Keramics. See Pottery and porcelain. Kerr, Robert. General history of voy- ages and travels. 18 v. 1811-24 535.6 Kett, [F. H.] & Co., pubs. History of Ogle county, Illinois. 1878 *712.14 Keyes, Emerson W. History of savings banks in the United States, from 1816 to 1874. 2 v. 1876 942.3 Keynes, J: N. Scope and method of po- litical economy. 1891 936.3 Kidd, B: Social evolution. 1894 943.19 Kidd, J: Adaptation of external nature to the physical condition of man. 1887 868.14 Kidder, F. E. Architect’s and builder’s pocket book. Illus. 1890 876.19 Kieffer, H: M. Recollections of a drum- mer-boy. 1888 j 788. 23 Kilbon, G: B Elementary woodwork. 1893 886.21 KiLiMA-Njaro expedition in eastern equa- torial Africa. Johnston, H:H 1885. 558.19 Kimball, Arthur L. Physical properties of gases. 1890 874.7 Kimmins, C. W. Chemistry of life and health. 1892 891.23 Kindergarten. Barnard, H:, ed. Kin- dergarten and culture papers. 1890. 945.20 — Hailmann, W. N. Primary methods. 1887 453.14 — Harrison, Eliz. A study of child nat- ure. 1891 * 463.28 — Hill, M. J., and P. S. Song stories for the kindergarten. [With music.] 1893 945.10 — Huntington, Emily. Kitchen garden. 1893 892.5 — Hurst, J: F. Life and literature in the Fatherland, p. 82 523.15 — Kraus-Bcelte, Maria and Kraus, J: Kin- dergarten guide. 2 v. 1877-92 945.21 — Marwedel, Emma. Conscious mother- hood. 1889 464.25 — Payne, J. Science and art of educa- tion, p. 385 453.22. — Peabody, Eliz. P. Lectures for kin- dergartners. 1886 446.7 — Poulsson. Emilie. Finger plays. 1889 878.16 In the child’s world : talks and stor- ies.. 1894 945.12 — Preyer, W. Mental development of the child 448.2.24 — Smith, Eleanor. Songs for little chil- dren [with music], pt. 1. [1887.]. 8522.11.1 KINDERGARTEN. 141 KNIGHTS. Kindergarten, continued. — Wiggin, Kate Douglas, ed. The kin- dergarten. 1893 476.30 — Wiltse, Sara E. Stories for kinder- gartens and primary schools. 1890. 95.37 See also Children ; Education. King, Gapt. Charles. Campaigning with Crook and stories of army life. 1890. 767.26 — See also Fiction class-list. King, C: F. Methods and aims in geog- raphy. 1892 557.1 — Picturesque geographical readers, v. 1-4. 1891-2 547.9 v. 1, At home and at school, v, 2, This continent of ours. v. 3, The land we live in, pt. 1. v. 4, The land we live in, pt. 2. King, C: W: Gnostics and their remains, ancient and mediaeval. 1887 456.2 — Handbook of engraved gems. 1866. . . 864.18 — Natural history of gems or semi-pre- cious stones. 1870 867.14 — Natural history of precious stones and precious metals. 1883 867.13 King, E: The Great South: a record of journeys [in the Southern states, 1873-4], 1875 545.19 King, Grace. Jean Baptiste Lemoine. 1892 665.10.13 — See also Fiction class-list. King, James. Cleopatra’s needle. (By- paths of Bible knowledge.) 473.1.1 — Recent discoveries on the Temple Hill at Jerusalem. 1891 473.1.3 King, J: E: and Cookson, C. Introduction to the comparative grammar of Greek and Latin. 1890 354.25 King, Lord. Life and letters of John Locke. 1884 658.14 King, Moses. Handbook of New York City. [1892.] 551.17 — Handbook of the U. S. 1891 558.25 — Harvard and its surroundings. 1883.. 523.6 King, Mrs. R. M. Diary of a civilian’s wife in India, 1877-1882. 2v 538.2 King, Rufus. Ohio ; first fruits of the Or- dinance of 1787. 1891 738.16.12 King,W: F. H. Classical and foreign quo- tations. 1889 331.24 Kingdom of the unselfish. Peck, J: L. . . 463.5 Kingdoms of nature. Dexter, Ransom. . 864.7 Kinglake, A. W. Invasion of the Crimea, [1854-6]. 6 v. 1888 705.4 King’s ferry-boat. Norton, J: N 482.7 King’s Mountain and its heroes. Draper, L. C 774.14 Kingsford, Anna, M. D. Health, beauty and the toilet. 1886 855.20 Kingsley, C: Good news of God ; sermons. 1890 484.4 — Literary and general lectures and es- says. 1890 355.4 — Poems. 1891 236.17 — Scientific lectures and essays. 1890.. . 8102.18 — Biographies from “The Times.” 685.13.1 — McCarty, J. Modern leaders 607.5 — Parton, J. Princes, authors, etc 645.13 Kingsley, H: Tales of old travel. 1882. 557.11 — See also Fiction class-list. Kingsley, J: S. Naturalist’s assistant. 1892 883.14 — , ed. Riverside natural history. 6 v. [1885-8.] 863.1 Kingsley, J: S., continued. Contents: v. 1, Lower invertebrates, v. 2, Crus- tacea and insects, v. 3, Fishes and reptiles, v. 4. Birds, v. 5, Mammals, v. 6, Man. Kingsley, W: L., ed. Yale college: a sketch of its history. Ulus. 2v. 1879. F *8542.29 Kingston, W: H: G. and Frith, H: Nota- ble voyagers from Columbus to Nordenskiold. 1892 694.9 — See also Fiction class-list. Kinley, David. History, organization and influence of the independent treasury of the United States. [1893.] 934.1 Kinnear, J: B . Principles of property in land. 1880 941.26 Kinsley, W. W. Science and prayer. 1893 476.24 Kipling, Rudyard. Ballads and barrack- room ballads. 1892 231.7 — See also Fiction class-list. Kirby, W: History, habits, and instincts of animals. 2 v. 1853 868.15 Kirk, Eleanor. Information for authors. 1891 345.15 — Periodicals that pay contributors. 1892 345.16 Kirk, Mrs. Ellen O. [H: Hayes.] See Fic- tion class-list. Kirk, J: F., comp. Supplement to Alli- bone’s Critical dictionary of Eng- lish literature and British and American authors. 2v. 1892 A. 8.4-5 Kirke, Edmund, pseud. See Gilmore, J. R. Kirkland, Miss E. S. Short history of England for young people. 1891.. 777.14 Kirkland, Joseph. See Fiction class-list. Kirkup, Thomas. History of socialism. 1892 933.22 Kitchen garden. Huntington, Emily. . . 892.5 Kitchin, G: W: History of France, B.C. 58-A.D. 1792. 3 v 792.20 Kitto, J: Scripture lands ; historical, geo- graphical and typographical sketch- es. 1873 536.19 Klein, J. F. Elements of machine de- sign. 1892 8103.2 Kleinert, Paul. Obadiah expounded. [In Lange’s Commentary.) In 471.1.14 — and Bliss, G: R. Micah expounded. {In Lange’s Commentary.) Jw471 .1.14 — and Elliott, C: Nahum; Habakkuk, Zephaniah, expounded. {In Lange’s Commentary.). 471.1.14 Klemm, L. R. European schools. 1889. 448.2.12 Klunzinger, C. B. Upper Egypt: its peo- ple and its products. 1878 537.5 Knapp, W: Ireland. Grammar of the modern Spanish language. 1891.. 355.5 Knight, A. A. Primer of botany. 1887. 876.10 Knight, C: Cyclopaedia of London . 1851. 534.9 — William Caxton, first English printer. 1877 652.16 — , ed. London. Ulus. 3v. [1857?]... 553.6 — Nicholl, H: J. Great movements. [Cheap literature.] 727. 1 Knight, F. A. By leafy ways. 1889 865.17 Knight, W: Hume. (Philosophical clas- sics.) 1886 675.1.11 — Philosophy of the beautiful [Manual.] 1891 8102.13 — , ed. See Philosophical classics. Knights; comedy. ^Aristophanes. KNIGHTS. 142 LABOR. Knights Templars. See Chivalry and Knighthood. Knitting. Croly, Mrs. D. G. [. Jennie June .] Knitting and crochet. 1885 853.2 Knockabout club . v.1-7. Illus 543.2 1, In North Africa. 4, In the Everglades. 2, In Spain. 5, In the Tropics. 3, In the Antilles. 6, Along shore. 7, In the woods. Knowledge. Berkeley, G: Principles of . 1887 447.11 — Fichte, Johann G. Science of. 1889.. 483.7 Knowles, J. H. To England and back. 1892 547.21 Knowlton, Helen M. Hints for pupils in drawing and painting. 1887 898.1 Knox, J: J. United States notes. [Paper money.] 1885 901.6 Knox, Robert. Manual of artistic anat- omy. 1852 864.19 — Races of men: influence of race, etc ., with supplement on hybridity, etc. 1862 872.1 Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in Austral- asia. 1889 541.4 — Boy travellers in Central Europe. 1893. 551.5 — Boy travellers in Great Britain and Ire- land. [1890. J 541.10 — Boy travellers in Mexico. [1889.] 537.1 — Boy travellers in Northern Europe. 1892 545.12 — Boy travellers in South America. 1886. 532.2 — Boy travellers in the Far East. 5 v. 1881-4.... 532.1 Contents: v. 1, Japan and China, v. 2, Siam and Java. v. 3, Ceylon and India, v. 4, Egypt and Pales- tine. v. 5, Through Africa. — Boy travellers in the Russian empire. 1887 532.5 — Boy travellers on the Congo. [1887.] 541.3 — Decisive battles since Waterloo. 1887. 756.2 — Dog stories and dog lore. [1887.] 858.8 — Horse stories, and stories of other ani- mals. [1890.] 878.23 — Hunting adventures on land and sea. Illus. 2 v. [1881.] 541.5 Contents : v. 1, The young Nimrods in North America; v. 2, The young Nimrods around the world. — Life of Robert Fulton and a history of steam navigation. 1886 646.22 — Underground; or, life below the sur- face. Illus 928.1 — Voyage of the “Vivian” to the North Pole and beyond. [1884.] 532.3 — See also Fiction class-list. Kobbe, Gustav. New York and its en- virons. Maps and illus. 1891 542.25 Kobell, Francis von. Sketches from the mineral kingdom. 1859 In 871.3 Kceppen, A. L. World in the Middle Ages: an historical geography, etc. 2 v. 1854 755.1 Kohn, S. See Fiction class-list. Kokhanovsky, Mme. ^Fiction class-list. Kolokotrones, Theo. Autobiography; tr. from the Greek. Illus. 1892 678.6 Koner, W ., joint author. See Guhl, E. Koran. Mohammed. The Qur’an; ed. by E. H. Palmer. (Sacred books of the East. v. 6 and 9. ) 1880 481.1 — Selections from the QurJn ; by E: W. Lane. 1§79 485.1 Korea. See Corea. Korolenko, Vladimir. See Fiction class-list. Kosmon church. See Oahspe. Kossuth, Louis. S., E. O. Memoir of. [With Hungary and its revolutions.] 773.1 Kouns, N.. C. See Fiction class-list. Kraszewski, J. I. See Fiction class-list. Kraus-Bcelte, Maria and Kraus J: Kin- dergarten guide. 2v. 1877-92 945.21 Kremnitz, Mite. Fiction class-list. Kritik of judgment. Kant, Immanuel. 1892 483.22 Kroeger, A. E. Minnesinger of Germany. 1873 222.33 Krusi, Hermann. , Pestalozzi; his life, work and influence. 1875 695.6 Kuenen, A. National religions and uni- versal religions. 1882 446.9 — Religion of Israel to the fall of the Jewish state, v. 1-3. 1874-5 483.23 Kunz, G: F: Gems and precious stones of North America. 1892 8108.3 Kurdistan. Bishop, Mrs. I. L. Journeys in. 2 v. 1891 551.3 L., C. W. The great discourse. [Christ’s words topically arranged,^.] [1890.] 476.32 L. L. L ., or fifty law lessons. Clark, Ar- thur B 925.3 Labberton, R. H. New historical atlas and general history. 1886 528.17 Labor and capital. Atkinson, E: Margin of profits. [Eight hour question.] 1887 937.40 What makes the rate of wages. 1892 . In 936.28 — Barns, W: E., ed. Labor problem. [Questions and answers.] 1886 941.11 — Bohm-Bawerk, E. V. Capital and in- terest. 1890 935.12 — Bolles, A. S. Conflict of labor with capital. 1877 917.10 — Booth, C:, ed. Labour and life of the people. 2 v. in 3. 1889 923.4 — Brown, C. O. Talks on labor troubles. [1886.] 917.20 — Campbell, Helen. Prisoners of pover- ty: women wage workers. 1887. .. 902.35 — Eliot, George. Essays, p. 251 327.17 — Ely, R: T. Labor movement in Amer- ica. [1886.] 917.23 — George, H: Social problems, p.49. [Two opposing tendencies.] 917.6 — Gilman, N. P. Profit sharing between employer and employee. 1889 922.5 — Gladden, W. Applied Christianity. 1886 446.26 — Greeley, H. Hints towards reform. . . 325.32 — Hake, A. E. and Wesslau, O. E. Free trade in capital. 1890 943.9 — Holland, J: G. Every day topics, p. 333 325.7 — Illinois. Bureau of labor statistics. Re- ports [biennial], 4-7. 1886-92 9601.22 — Irvine, Leigh. The struggle for bread. 1890 944.4 — Lieber, F. On property and labour. [1841.] 917.9 — Marx, Karl. Capital: a critical analy- sis of capitalistic production. 2 v. 1887 901.1 — Nicholson, J. S. Effects of machinery on wages. 1892 941.21 — Powderly, T. V. Thirty years of la- bor, 1859-1889. [1889.] 945.2 — Price, L. L. F. R. Industrial peace, its advantages, etc.; a report. 1887. 943.20 LABOR. 143 LANDER. Labor and capital, continued. — Rogers, J. E. T. Six centuries of work and wages. [Abridged.] [1890.]. 925.12 — Schoenhof, J. Economy of high wages. 1893 937.73 Industrial situation and the ques- tion of wages. 1885 937.30 — Thompson, Herbert M. Theory of wages. [Eight hours question, etc.] 1892 933.14 — United States. Com'r of labor. Annual and special reports. 1886-93 P55.3 — Villetard, E. History of the Interna- tional. 1874 901.11 — Walker, Francis A. The wages ques- tion. 1891 941.27 — Ward, C. O. History of the ancient working people. 1889 922.14 — Weeden, W. B. Social law of labor. 1882 917.13 See also Co-operation; Eight hours ques- tion; Factory system; Trade Unions; Trusts. Labor and the laboring classes. Baern- reither, J. M. English associations of working men. 1893 943.2 — Booth, C:, ed. Labour and life of the people. 2 v. in 3. 1891 923.4 — George, Henry. Condition of labor: an open letter to Pope Leo XIII. 1891 933.9 Same In 944.11 — Gitfen, Robert. Progress of the work- ing classes in the last half century. 1885 937.20 — The Irish peasant: a sociological study. 1892 941.8 — Jevons, W. Stanley. State in relation to labour. 1887 941.1 — McNeill, G: E., ed. The labor move- ment. 1887 935.1 — Mayhew, H: London labour and the London poor. 3 v. [1864.] 927.1 — Porter. Robert P. Bread winners abroad. [1885.] 924.24 — Simonds, J: C. and McEnnis, J: T. Story of manual labor in all classes and ages. 1887 927.7 — Verney, F. P. N .,Lady. How the peas- ant owner lives in parts of France, Germany, Italy, Russia. 1888 941.2 Labrador. Packard, Alpheus S. Labra- dor coast. 1891 558.26 — Stearns, Winfred A. Labrador: its peoples, industries, and natural his- tory. 1884 536.21 Lace-making. Art of modern. 1891 8522.20 Lacey, W: J. See Fiction class-list. Lacombe, Paul. Growth of a people : a short study in French history. 1883. 792.21 Lacroix, Paul. Arts in the Middle Ages, and at the period of the Renais- sance *768.1 — Eighteenth century; its institutions, customs and costumes. Illus. 1876. *758.10 Ladd, G: T. Introduction to philosophy. 1890 465.2 — Physiological psychology. 1891 465.3 — What is the Bible ? 1888 453.4 Ladd, HoratioO. History of the war with Mexico. 1883 785.21 — Story of New Mexico. [1891.] 764.1.7 Laffan, May. See Hartley, May^Laffan. La Fayette, Gomtesse de. See Fiction class-list. Lafayette, Marquis de. Everett, E: Works, v. 1. Eulogy on 334.1.1 — Tuckerman, B. Life of. 1889 683.14 Lagrange, Fernand. Physiology of bod- ily exericise. 1880 815.4.66 Laing, J joint author. &eeHalkett, S. Laing, S. Human origins. 1893 887.16 — Modern science and modern thought. 1889 8103.3 Lalanne, Maxime. Treatise on etching. 1880 892.6 Lalor, J: J., ed. Cyclopaedia of political science, political economy, and- of political history of the United States. 3 v. 1881 — joint author. See Mason, A. B. Lamb, C: Best letters of; ed., with in- trod. by E. G. Johnson. 1892 — Wit and wisdom of — Martin, B: E. In the foot-prints of ; with bibliography. 1*891 — See also Fiction class-list. Lamb, Martha J. History of the city of New York [to 1876]. 2 v. [1877-80.] Lamb, Mary. See Fiction class-list. Lambert, E. and Sardou, A. Idiomatic key to the French language. 1874.. Lamartine, A. de. Life of Oliver Crom- well. 1887 Lambs, The: a tragedy. Grant, R Lamps and paths. Munger, Theo. T Lamps, pitchers and trumpets. Hood,E.P. v. 1 Lanciani, R. Ancient Rome in the light of recent discoveries. 1890 — Pagan and Christian Rome. 1893 Land and the book. Thomson, W. M. 3v. Land beyond the forest. Gerard, Emily. 2 v Land, land-tenure, etc. Birbecjc, W: L. Distribution of land in England. .In — Coulanges,F.de. Origin of property in land. 1892 — Cox, Harold. Land nationalization. 1892 A. 16 675.13 347.1 674.18 *758.6 331.35 652.14 223.8 464.4 453.13 766.7 786.1 528.15 558.3 923.11 944.9 941.16 — Fisher, Joseph. History of land-hold- ing in England In — George, H: The land question: Prop- erty in land. 1893 Land question. [1881.] Perplexed philosopher: [Herbert Spencer on the land question.] 1892. — Kinnear, J: B. Principles of property in land. 1880 — Norman, H: Bodyke. [Irish landlord- ism.] 1887 — Verney, F. P., Lady. How the peas- ant owner lives. [France, Germany, Italy, Russia.] 1888 — Walker, Francis A. Land and its rent. 1891 — Wallace, A. R. Land nationalisation: its necessity and its aims. 1892... — Winn, H: Property in land. [Against Georgism.] 1888 Land of the Incas. Adams, W: H: D Land of the Lamas. Rockhill, W: W Land of the Pharaohs. Manning, S: Land of the white elephant. Vincent, F. Land we live in: the British islands. 3 v. Lander. Meta. The tobacco problem. [1885.] 923.11 944.11 936.5 933.7 941.26 937.42 941.2 936.23 941.7 937 46 752.5 546.3 528.22 523.9 548.1 885.13 LANDOIS. 144 LARCOM. Landois, L. Text-book of human physi- ology. 1892 8103.4 Landor, Walter S. Citation and exami- nation of Shakespeare, etc. [1891.] 343.14 — Poems ; ed. by E. Radford 234.18 Landscape. [Its influence upon man.] Hamerton, P: G. 1885 853.5 Landscape gardening. Cod man, H: S. Bibliography: a list of works on the art of landscape gardening. [In Garden and Forest, v. 3, pp. 131-6.] /718521.32.3 — Downing, A. J. Theory and practice. 1841 886.12 — Parsons, ‘S:, jr. Landscape gardening. 1891 878.10 — Robbins, Mary C. Rescue of an old place. 1892 877.39 — Scott, F. J. Suburban home grounds. 1881 854.5 — Yan Rensselaer, Mrs. Schuyler. Art out of doors. 1893 885.16 Landscape painting. Grace, A. F. Land- scape painting in oils. 1885 8542.26 — Hamerton, Philip G. Imagination in landscape painting. 1887 8542.4 — Robinson, H. P. Landscape photog- raphy. 1888 887.20 Landseer, Sir E: Stephens, T: G: Sir Edward Landseer. 1883 694.2 Lane, E: W: Arabian society in the Mid- dle Ages. 1883 765.20 Lane-Poole, S. Story of the Moors in Spain. [1886.] 752.1.11 Lanfrey, Pierre. History of Napoleon. 4 v. 1886 645.5 Contents : v. 1, 1769-1800. v. 2, 1800-4. v. 3, 1805-8. v. 4, 1808-11. Lang, Andrew. Ballads and verses vain. 1884 236.18 — Books and bookmen. 1886 335.11 — Cock Lane and common-sense. 1894. 484.9 — Essays in little. 1891 343.7 — Homer and the epic. 1893 234.1 — The library. 1892 355.6 — , ed. Blue poetry book. 1891 227.24 — See also Fiction class-list. Lange, Helene. Higher education of women in Europe. 1890 448. 2. 16 Lange, J: P: and others. Commentary on the Old Testament. From the Ger- man, by P. Schaff [and others]. 15 v. 1884-1890 471.1 Contents : v. 1, General introduction ; Genesis, by J: P: Lange, v. 2, Exodus, by J: P: Lange; Leviti- cus, by F: Gardiner, v. 3, Numbers, by J: P: Lange; Deuteronomy, by F. W. J. Schroeder. v. 4, Josbua, by F. R. Fay; Judges, by P. Cassel ; Ruth, by P. Cassel. v. 5, Samuel, ed. by C. H. Foy and J. Broad- us. v. 6, Kings, by K: C. W. F. Bahr. v. 7, Chron- icles, by Otto Zockler ; Ezra, by F. W. Schultz ; Ne- hemiah, by Howard Crosby; Esther, by F. W. Schultz, v. 8, Job, a rhythmical version, by Tayler Lewis ; a commentary, by Otto Zockler. v. 9, Psalms, by C. B. Moll; New version of the Psalms, by T: J. Conant. v. 10, Proverbs, by Otto Zockler; Ec- clesiastes, by Otto Zockler; Song of Solomon, by Otto Zockler. v. 11, Isaiah, by C. W. E. Nagelsbach. v. 12, Jeremiah, by C. W. E. Nagelsbach; Lam- entations, by C. W. E. Nagelsbach, v. 13. Eze- kiel, by F. W. J. Schroder', Daniel, by Otto Zockler. v. 14, Minor prophets, by Paul Kleinert and others. v. 15, Apocrypha of the Old Testament, by E. C. Bis- sell. Lange, J: P: and others, continued. — Commentary on the New Testament. From the German, by P. Schaff [and others]. 10 v. 1869-71 471.2 Contents : v. 1, General introduction; Matthew, by J: P: Lange, v. 2, Mark, by J: P: Lange; Luke, by J. J. Yan Oosterzee. v. 3, John, by J: P: Lange, v. 4, Acts, by G. Y. Lechler and C. Gerok. v 5, Romans, by J: P: Lange and F. R. Fay. v. 6, Corinthians, by C. F. Kling. v. 7, Galatians, by O. Schmoller; Ephe- sians, Philipians and Colossians, by K. Braune. v. 8, Thessalonians, by C. A. Auberlen and C. J. Riggen- bach; Timothy, Titus and Philemon, by J. J. Van Oosterzee; Hebrews, by C. B. Moll. v. 9, James, by J: P: Lange and J. J. Yan Oosterzee; Peter and Jude, by G. F. C. Fronmuller; Epistles of John, by K. Braun, v. 10, Revelation, by J : P : Lange ; Index. Langford, N. P. Vigilante days and ways [in the Northwestern states]. 2 v. 1890 775.13 Langille, J. H. Our birds in their haunts. [Eastern North America.] 1892... 883.24 Langley, S: P. The new astronomy. 1888. 858.10 Language. Gouin, Francois. Art of teach- ing and studying languages. [1892.] 345.10 — H., D. G. Polyglot pronouncing hand- book. 1890 343.12 — Hamerton, P. G. Human intercourse. [Obstacle of.] In 323.1 — Lefevre, Andre. Race and language. 1894 815.4.72 — Mathews, W: Study of modern lan- guages In 325.31 — Muller, F. Max. Biographies of words and the home of the Aryas. 1888. . 333.27 Science of thought. 1887 448.11 Three lectures on the science of lan- guage. 1890 342.5 — Schlegel, F: von. Philosophy of lan- guage. 1885 458.18 — Strong, Herbert A: and others. Intro- duction to the study of language. 1891 356.2 — Tylor, E. B. Language. [In his An- thropology.] 824.3 — Whitney, W: D. Language and the study of language. 1892 348.11 See also names of languages and countries, as Eng- lish, French, Chinese, etc.; also Visible speech; Words. Lanier, Sidney, ed. The boy’s Percy : old ballads of war, etc. 1882 221.1 — Poems. 1892 236.19 Lankester, Edwin Ray. Advancement of science. 1890 8103.5 — See also Fiction class-list. Lanman, C: Red book of Michigan ; a civil, military and biographical his- tory. 1871 763.20 Lanza, Gaetano. Applied mechanics. 1893. SIOS.O' Lapham, I: A. Antiquities of Wisconsin. *8522.17 Lapland. Du Chaillu, P. B. Land of the midnight sun. 2 v. 1881 517.17 •— Hart wig, G. Polar world, p. 156 521.20 La Plata. See Argentine Republic. Lappenberg, J. M. History of England under the Anglo-Saxon kings. 2 v. 1884 772.14 Larcom, Lucy. At the beautiful gate and other songs of faith. 1892 233.2 — A New England girlhood. 1890 661.4 — The unseen friend. 1892 472.10 LARKIN. 145 LAYARD. Larkin, H: Carlyle and the open secret of his life. 1886 657.16 Larned, Edw. C. In memory of. [Me- morial addresses, etc.] 1886 645.11 La Rocheterie, M. de. Life of Marie Antoinette. 2 v. 1893 686.8 Larwood, J. and Hotten, J: C. History of signboards. 1866 916.26 Lassalle, Ferdinand. Dawson, W: H. German socialism and Ferdinand Lassalle. 1891 941.20 — Rae, J. Contemporary socialism, p. 160 917.12 La Saussaye, P. D. C. de. Manual of the science of religion. 1891 466 35 Last four weeks of the war. Hatcher, EN. 785.5 Last voyages of the admiral of the ocean sea. MacKie, C: P 552.14 Latham, Baldwin. Sanitary engineering. 1878 854.25 Latham, R. G. Descriptive ethnology. 2 v. 1859 858.18 Lathe. Hasluck, Paul N. Lathe-work; tools, appliances and processes. 1890. 8101.20 — Lukin, J. Young mechanic 818.15 — Rose,J. Complete practical machinist. 834.18 — Smiles, S: Industrial biographies. [History of.] 601. 13 Lathom House. Siege of In 658.11 — Ainsworth, W: H: Leaguer of. Fict. 36.627 Lathrop, G: P. Dreams and davs. Poems. 1892 231.11 — Spanish vistas. 1883. 558.27 — See also Fiction class-list. Lathrop, S. G. Fifty years and beyond; or, gathered gems for the aged. 1881. 472.31 Latimer, Eliz. W. France in the 19th century, 1830-90. 1892 778.17 — Russia and Turkey in the 19th century. 791.15 Latin American republics 795.1 v. 1, Markham, Clements It. History of Peru. 1880. Latin and Teutonic nations. Ranke, L. von. 755.15 Latin language. Hale, W: G. Art of reading Latin. 1887 331.19 — Harkness, A. Easy method for begin- ners. [1890.] 331.29 — King, J : E: and Cookson, C. Introduc- tion to the comparative grammar of Greek and Latin. 1890 354.25 — Lewis, C. T: and Short, C: Harper’s Lat- in dictionary, founded on Freund; ed. by E. A. Andrews. 1891 E.15 — Roby, H: J: Grammar of the Latin language. 2 v. 1887-9 355.8 — Smith, W: Principia Latina; ed. by H. Drisler. 2 v. 1891 331.31 Contents : v. 1, First Latin course; v. 2, First Latin reading book. — Smith, W: and Hall, T. D. English- Latin dictionary. 1871 C.8 — White, J:T. English-Latin dictionary. 1888 { 355.7 Latin literature. Sellar, W: Y. Roman poets of the Augustine age ; Horace and the elegiac poets. 1892 237. 1 Roman poets of the Augustine age ; Virgil. 1883 237.2 Roman poets of the Republic. 1889. 237.3 — Simcox, G: A: History of Latin liter- ature. 2 v. 1883 355.9 Wilkinson, W: C. Classic Latin course \rx English. 1 893 348.7 Latin literature, continued. College Latin course in English. 1885. 313.32 See also Ammianus Marcellinus ; Caesar, C. J. ; Cicero; Hirtius, Aulus; Livy; Lu- cretius ; Ovid ; Tacitus; Yirgil. Latter-day pamphlets. Carlyle, T: 333.12 Latude, Henri M. de. Memoirs of. [French state prisoner.] 1892 676.13 Laughlin, J. Laurence. History of bi- metallism in the United States. 1893 935.10 — Study of political economy. 1885 917.19 Laughter. Spencer, H. Illustrations of universal progress, p. 194 404.13 Laurent, Paul M. , called Laurent VArdeche. History of Napoleon. 2 v. in 1. 1847 684.6 Laurie, Andre. See Fiction class-list. Laurie, S. S. Rise and constitution of universities. 1887 448.2.3 Laveleye, Emile de. Balkan peninsula. 1887 534.20 — Letters from Italy. 1892 558.14 — Socialism of to-day; with account of socialism in England by G.H.Orpen. 917.15 Lavisse, Ernest. Youth of Frederick the great. 1892 681.10 Law. Corey, H:B. Law without lawyers. [1885.] .... 925.33 — Dillon, J: F. Laws and jurisprudence of England and America. 1894 943.18 — Kent, James. Commentaries on Ameri- can law: Abridgment by E. F. Thompson. 1886 917.26 — Maine, Sir H: S. Early law and cus- tom. 1886 945.25 — Robinson, Lelia J. Law made easy. 1886 918.7 — Stephen, James F. History of the criminal law of England. 3 v. 1883. 942.6 See also Business ; Commercial law; International law; Land and land tenure; Lawyers; Legislation; Wills. Law of liberty, etc. Whiton, J. M 482.12 Lawes, J. B. and others. Soil of the farm. 1893 893.8 Lawford, Louisa. Every girl’s book of amusements 847.29 Lawless, Emily. Story of Ireland. 1888. .752.1.17 — See also Fiction class-list. Lawn tennis. Peile, S. C. F. Lawn tennis as a game of skill. 1887 856.15 Lawrence, Eugene. English literature: Classical period. [1878] 347.15.3 — English literature: Modern period. [1879.] 347.15.4 — English literature: Romance period. [1878.] 347.15.2 — Primer of American literature. [1880. ]347. 15.1 Lawrence, G. A. See Fiction class-list. Lawrence, J: L. M., baron. Temple, Sir R: Lord Lawrence. 1889 655.17.4 Lawrence, P. Elocution and model speaker. See Comstock, A 333.2 Lawton, G: W. American caucus system. 1885 937.25 Lawyers. Forsyth, W: History of. 1875. 901.12 Lawyer’s examination of the Bible. Rus- sell, II. H. [1893.] 482.1 Lay of the last minstrel. Scott, Sir W... 216.7 Layard, Sir A. H: Early adventures in Persia, Susiana and Babylonia, }840-?, ? v. 1887... rff ... 534,1$ LAYARD. 146 LESSING. Layard, Sir A. H: continued. — Ninevah and its remains, 1845-6. 2 v. 1849 Lea, A. Sheridan. Chemical basis of the animal body. 1893 Lea, H: C. Historical sketch of sacerdo- tal celibacy in the Christian church. 1884 — History of the Inquisition of the Mid- dle Ages. 3 v. 1888 Religious history of Spain connected with the Inquisition. 1890 — Studies in church history. 1883 553.3 894.2.5 462.13 447.24 463.7 462.15 Contents : Rise of the temporal power. Benefit of clergy. Excommunication. The early church and slavery. Lead. Knox,T: W. Lead mines of Iowa. In 928.1 — Pulsifer, W: H. History of. 1888 862.1 Leaders in science series, v. 1-2. 1891. 672.1 — 1, Charles Darwin; by C: F. Holder. — 2, Louis Agassiz; by C: F. Holder. Leaf, Walter. Companion to the Iliad. ’92 236.15 Leather. Davis, C; T: Manufacture of. 1884 8103.7 — Mateaux, C. L. Wonderland of work. 848.18 Leaton, James. History of Methodism in Illinois, 1793-1832. 1883 484.7 Leaves from the d iary of an army surgeon. Ellis, T: T. 1863 767.11 Lebon, A. and Pelet, P. France as it is. Maps. 1888 552.8 Le Brun, Mme. Souvenirs. 1879 695.9 Lechler, G. Y. Acts of the apostles. (Lange’s Commentary.) [1886.]... 471.2.4 Lecky, W: E. H. England in the 18th century. 8 v. 1878-90 718.5 — Ireland in the 18th century. 5 v. 1893. 787.8 — Political value of history. 1893 787.3 Le Conte, Joseph. Evolution and its re- lation to religious thought. 1888. . 451.18 Lectures. See Essays; Sermons. Lee, E liz., comp. Humour of France. 1893. 352.1.1 Lee, Fitzhugh. General Lee. 1894 681.7.9 Lee, H: Memoirs of the war in the Southern department of the United States, (1777-82). 1870. 753.13 Lee, Holme, pseud. See Parr, Miss H. Lee, J. W. Making of a man. [1892.] 473.8 Lee, Mary C. See Fiction class-list. Lee, Gen. Robert E: Cooke, J: E. Life of. 1887 648.4 — Lee, Fitzhugh. General Lee. 1894.. 681.7.9 — Long, A. L. Memoirs of. 1887 648.7 Lee, Sidney. Stratford-on-Avon, to the death of Shakespeare. 1890 552.19 Lee, Yan Phou. When I was a boy in China. [1887.] 533.14 Lees, James C. and others. Scottish church to 1881 484.6 Lefevre, Andre. Race and language. 1894 815.4.72 Lefevre, Pontalis G. A. John DeWitt ; or, twenty years of a parliamentary republic. 2 v. 1885 695.10 Leffingwell, W: B. Shooting on up- land, marsh and stream. 1890. . . . 896.2 — Wild fowl shooting. 1890 896.1 Le Gallienne, R; George Meredith: some characteristics. 1890 343.2 Legends. See Arthur, King; Folk-lore; Middle Ages. Leger, Louis. History of Austro-Hun- gary, to 1889. 1889 765.12 Legge, James. Life and teachings of Confucius. 1877 454.1 Legislation, j Cree, Nathan. Direct leg- islation by the people. 1892 925.32 — Sullivan, J. W. Direct legislation by the citizenship. 1892 925.31 Leibnitz, Gottfried W. Philosophical works. 1890 485.5 — Merz, J: T. Leibniz. (Philosophical classics.) 1884 675.1.8 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 Leighton, R. F. History of Rome. 1889. 765.1 — , ed. Harvard examination papers. 1883. 436.15 Leighton, Robert, archbishop. Works ; with life of the author. 1867 456.4 Leitze, E. Modern heliographic pro- cesses. 1888 888.10 Leland, C: G. Gypsies. 1888 944.27 — Hans Breitmann’s ballads. [1871.] . . . 224.17 — Hundred riddles of the fair} 7 Bellaria. 1892 884.16 — Manual of wood carving. 1891 875 17 — Meister Karl’s sketch book. 1855 .... 335.7 Lemcke, Gesine. Desserts and salads. 1892 883.7 Lemoine, J. B. King, Grace. Jean Bap- tiste Lemoine. 1892 665.10.13 Lemon, Don, joint author. See Nisbet, C: Lena delta. Melville, G: W. In the 558.12 Leonowens, Anna H. Life and travel in India. [1884.] 531.15 — Our Asiatic cousins. [1889.] j538.1 Leprosy. Bird, I. L. Six months [in . the] Sandwich Islands 518.5 — Marsden, Kate. On sledge and horse- back to the outcast Siberian lepers. [1892.] 551.19 — Nordhoff, C: Northern California, Ore- gon and the Sandwich Islands, p. 192 524.10 Lepsius, R: Letters from Egypt, Ethio- pia, and the peninsula of Sinai, [1842-5]. -1853 523.25 Le Roux, H. and Gamier, J. Acrobats and mountebanks. 1890 878.21 Le Row, Caroline B. English as she is taught. Answers to examination questions 333.13 Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole. Empire of the Tsars and the Russians, v. 1. 1893. 791.10.1 Contents : v. 1, The country and its in- habitants. Lesquereux, Leo and James, T: P. Mosses of North America. 1884 883.16 Lesseps, Ferdinand de. Recollections of forty years. 1888 . 654.8 Lessing, G. E. Dramatic works; ed. by E. Bell. 2 v 226.8 Contents : v. 1, Memoir; Miss Sara Sampson; Phi- lotas ; Emilia Galotti; Nathan the wise. v. 2, Damon ; or, true friendship; The young scholar; The old maid; The woman hater ; The Jews; The freethink- er; The treasure; Minna von Barnhelm. — Education of the human race. 1883. 945.27 — Selected prose works ; ed. by E. Bell. 1879 323.24 Contents : Laokoon; How the ancients represented death; Dramatic notes. — Fiske, J: Unseen world, etc. [Re- view of Nathan the Wise.] 211.4 — Pfleiderer, O. Philosophy of religion. v. 1, p. 134... 475.11 LESSING. 147 LIGHT. Lessing, G. E., continued. — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 Lessons learned from other lives. Flower, X) • W j Lester, C. E. Life of Peter Cooper [of New York]. 1885 652.17 — and Foster, A. Life and voyages of Americus Yespucius. 1846 535.4 L’Estrange, A. G. History of English humor. 2v.ini 335.9 Letourneau, C: Biology. 1878 865.15 — Evolution of marriage and of the fam- ily 944.6 — Property: its origin and development. 1892 936.6 Letters and letter-writing. Du Bois, H. P., ed. Love in letters. [1893.]... 352.2 — Merydew, J. T., ed. Love letters of famous men and women. 2v. 1888. 341.8 — Nisbet, C. and L. D. Everybody’s writing-desk book. 1892... 344.8 — Wandle, Jennie T. Art of letter- writing: [1889.] 345.20 For letter-writers see also Beethoven; Chesterfield (Earl of) ; Cowper, W. ; Dickens, C:; Dudevant, A. L. A. D. [ George Sand .]; Gray, Asa; Lowell, James R.; Newman, J: H: ; Goethe; Lamb, C : ; Moltke, H. von; Montague, Lady Mary W. ; Osborn, Mrs. S. B.; Scott, Sir W. i Sevigne, Madame; Stanley. A. P. ; Walpole, H. Letters of the British spy. Wirt, W:.. . 333.26 Letters to a daughter. Starrett, H. E.. 446.6 Letters to elder daughters. Starrett, H.E. 451.13 Levant. ’ Butterworth, H. Zigzag jour- neys in the. [1885.] 515.2.7 See also Egypt; Greece; Syria; Turkey. Levi, Leone. International law; with ma- terials for a code of international law. 1888 815.4.60 Leviathan [on civil government, etc]. Hobbes, T: 917.18 Levy, Amy. See Fiction class-list. Lewald, Fanny. See Fiction class-list. Lewes, G: H: Comte’s philosophy of the sciences ; an exposition. 1883. 458.7 — On actors and the art of acting. 1892. 237.6 — Spanish drama. Lope de Yega and Calderon. 1846 227.26 — McCarthy, J. Modern leaders 607.5 Lewis, A. J: [Prof. Hoffman.] Magic at home j 871.21 — Modern magic: art of conjuring 854.6 Lewis, C. T: and Short, C: Harper’s Lat- in dictionary ; founded on Freund; ed. by E. A. Andrews. 1891 E.15 Lewis, Dio. Dio Lewis treasury. [Hv- gienic.] 1887 ''.8101.12 — Eastman, MaryF. Biography of. 1891. 673.5 Lewis M. and Clarke, W. Hist, of the exped. of Lewis and Clarke across the Rocky Mountains, etc., [1804-6]; ed., by Elliot Coues. Illus. 4v. 1893. 553.9 — Bancroft, H. H. History of the North- west coast, v. 2 782.3.2 Lewis, Tayler. Book of Job: a rhythmical version. {In Lange’s Commentary.) 471.1.8 Lewis, W: M. People’s practical x^oultry book. [1871. j 854.23 Liber amoris. [Poem.] Carpenter, H. B. 216.19 Liberal living upon narrow means. Her- rick, Christine T. 1891 874.32 Liberia. Stockwell,G.S. Republic of. 1868. 783.19 — Wiliams, G. W. History of the negro race in America, v. 1, p. 95 762.2.1 Liberty. Mackay, T:, ed. Plea for liberty. 1891 926.8 — Mill, J. S. On liberty. 1871 903.9 Liberty and a living. Hubert, P. G 872.37 Liberty, equality, fraternity. Stephen, James F. 1893 944.29 Liberty in literature. Ingersoll, Robert G. [1890.] 345.18 Libraries. Clark, J. W. Libraries in the medieval and renaissance periods. 1894 484.14 — Disraeli, I: First founder of a public library. (Amenities of literature, v. 2, pp. 335-44.) 308.11.2 — Dunning, A. E. Sunday-school library. 1884 482.28 — Fiske, J: Darwinism and other essays. [A librarian’s work.] 835.1 — Fletcher, W: I. Public libraries in America. 1894 482.9 — Greenwood, T: Free public libraries, their organization, uses and man- agement. 1886 343.15 — Guild, Reuben A. Librarians manual; a treatise on bibliography ; added, sketches of publick libraries. 1858. 3501.14 — Jevons, W. S. Rationale of free pub- lic libraries In 915.9 — Lang, Andrew. The library, 1892.. 355.6 — Wheatley, H. B. How to form a li- brary. 1887 342.33 See also Bibliography ( Classification and Cataloguing .) Library journal. See Periodicals. Library of aboriginal American litera- ture. Brinton, D: G., ed. v. 1-7. 351.1 For contents see Brinton, Daniel G .,ed. Library of economics and politics. Ely, R: T., ed 934.1 For contents see Ely, Richard T., ed. Library of universal adventure by sea and land. Howells, W: D. and Per- ry, T: S., ed. 1888 558.10 Liddell, H. G. Life of Julius Caesar. 1887 652.15 Lie, Jonas. See Fiction class-list. Lieb, Hermann. Protective tariff: what it does for us. 1888 901.14 Lieber, Francis. On property and labour. [1841.] 917.9 Lietze, Ernst. Modern heliographic pro- cesses. 1888 888.10 Life. See Periodicals. Life [Conduct and philosophy of.] Chan- ning, W: E. The perfect life. 1888. 458.20 — Lilly, W: S. Great enigma. 1892. . . . 475.21 — Schlegel, F: von. Philosophy of. 1885. 458.18 — Tolstoi, L. N. Life. [1888.] : 453.15 Life. ^Biology. Life and labor. [Essays.] Smiles, S:... 453.8 Life in the Mofussil. [1880] 535.8 Life in the open air. Winthrop, Theo. . 335.14 Life insurance. About, E. Hand-book of social economy 902.15 — Willey, Nathan. Principles and prac- tice of. 1892 8522.38 Life of faith. Upham, T. C 436.13 Life of the fields. Jefferies, R: 355.2 Life on the seashore. Emerton, James H. 884.21 Life that now is. Collyer, Robert 484.17 Liggins, Rev. J: Yalue and success of foreign missions. [1888.] 464.10 Light. See Optics. Light of the world. Arnold, Sir Ed w. . . 227.3 LIGHTFOOT. 148 LITERATURE. Lightfoot, J. fi. Cambridge sermons, (1861-1883). 1890 463.26 — Essays on the work entitled Supernat- ural religion. 1889 462.4 Lighthouse on the rock. Buxton, H. J.W.- [Short sermons to children.] 1887. 478.18 Lighthouses. Crowninshields, Mary B. All among the lighthouses. [1886.] 832.38 Lightning and lightning rods. Henry, J. Directions for. [In Smith, miscel. col., 1873.] *8501.2 — Lodge, O. J. Lightning conductors and lightning guards. 1892 ... 885.25 — Proctor, R: A. Science by-ways. [Dan- ger from lightning.] 816.28 — Spang, H: W. On lightning protection. 1883 891.25 Lightning calculator. Orton, H.D. [1871.] 855.11 Lillie, Lucy C. Story of music and mu- sicians for young readers. 1886... 852.24 Lilly, W: S. Great enigma [of human existence]. 1892 475.21 Lily among thorns. Griffis, W: E 455.17 Lincoln, Abraham. Complete works ; ed. by J: G. Nicolay and J: Hay. 2 v. 1894 945.4 — Debates with Stephen A. Douglas, etc. 1860 901.3 — Hale,E: E., ed. The president’s words : a selection of passages from [his] speeches. 1865 336.19 — Inaugurals and Gettysburg address . In 344.11 — Van Buren, G. M., ed. Abraham Lin- coln’s pen and voice: [his] letters, addresses, etc. 1890 924.23 — Abbott, F. E. and others. Lincolniana. 1865 691.2 • — Bolton, S. K. Poor boys who became famous 646.5 — Brooks, Noah. Life of [for young peo- ple]. 1888 656.13 — Butterworth,H. In the boyhood of. 1892. jl01.25 — Chittenden, L. E. Personal reminis- * cences of Lincoln. 1893 In 684.3 Recollections of President Lincoln and his administration. 1891 667.9 — Coffin, C: C. Abraham Lincoln. 1893. 682.4 — Emerson, R. W. Miscellanies 322.2 — Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. 2v 306.29 — French, C: W. Abraham Lincoln, the liberator. 1891 671.1.7 — Herndon, W: H. and Weik, J. W. Abra- ham Lincoln. 2v. 1892 683.1 — McClure, A. K. Abraham Lincoln and men of war times. Ports. 1892. 676.19 — Morse, J: T., jr. Abraham Lincoln. 2v. 1893 626.4.23 — Oldroyd, O. H., ed. Lincoln memor- ial : album-immortelles. 1890... 667.6 — Parton, J,, ed. Princes, authors and statesmen 645 . 13 — - Phillips, Wendell. Speeches, etc 321.5 — Piatt, Donn. Memoirs of men who saved the Union 647.6 — Pitman, B., comp. Assassination of President Lincoln and the trial of conspirators. 1865 923.21 — Poore, B. P. Reminiscences. 2v 645.16 — Putnam, M. Louise. Children’s life of. 1892 681.11 — Raymond, H: J. History of [his] ad- ministration. 1864 767.21 Lincoln, Abraham, continued. — Rice, A. T., ed. Reminiscences of, by distinguished men of his time. 1886. 648.3 — Schurz, Carl. Abraham Lincoln: an essay. 1892 681.1 — Stoddard, W. O. Life of. 1888 647.1.7 — Thayer, W: M. From pioneer home to White House. 1887 647.17 Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. Carving and ser- ving. 1887 856.20 — Peerless cook-book, pp. 120. 1891 877.10 Lind, Jenny. See Goldschmidt, J. L. Linderfelt, K. A. Eclectic card catalog rules: author and title entries. 1890. 3502.21 — Yolapuk: an easy method of acquiring the universal language. 1888 331.20 Lindley, W. and Widney, J. P. Califor- nia of the South. 1888 542.16 Lindsay, A. W: C., Earl of Crawford and Balcarres. Letters on Egypt, Edom and Holy Land, [1836-7.] 1866 536.17 — Sketches of the history of Christian art. 2 v. 1885 8103.9 Lindsley, D. P. Manual of takigrafy. 1887 862.5 Linton, E. Lynn. Girl of the period, and other social essays. 1884 924.15 — See also Fiction class-list. Linton, W. J. Life of John Greenleaf Whittier. 1893 693.30 — Poetry of America: selections from 1776-1876. 1878 226.9 Lippincott’s dictionary of biography and mythology. See Thomas J B.22 Lippincott’s gazetteer of the world. 1893. A. 5 Lippincott’s monthly magazine. See Pe- riodicals. Liquor legislation in the United States and Canada. Fanshawe, E. L. [1892.] 944.12 Liquor traffic. See Temperance. Liszt, Franz. Ramann, L. Franz Liszt, artist and man, 1811-40. 2v. 1882. 656.14 — and Wagner, W. L. Correspondence, 1841-61. 2 v. [1888.] 653.9 Litchfield, F: Illustrated history of fur- niture. 1893 *888.6 Literary blunders . Wheatley, H:B 347.11 Literary criticism for students. McLaugh- lin, E: T 348.1 Literary curiosities. Brooks, H: M., comp 333.4.6 Literary guide for home and school. Caller, M ary A 345 . 19 Literary industries. Bancroft, H. H. . 674.6 Literary landmarks. Burt, Mary E 335.17 Literature, literary life, etc. Bainton, G: ed. Art of authorship. [Contribu- tions by leading authors of to-dav.] 1890 r.. 342.17 — Burt, Mary E. The world’s litera- ture, a course in English for col- leges and high schools. 1890 342.28.1 — Carlyle, T: History of literature. 1892. 344.10 — Dixey, Wolstan. Trade of authorship. 1890 343.21 — Hugo, V. William Shakespeare. [Re- lation of literature to life.] 1887.. 334.2 — Kirk, Eleanor. Information for au- thors. 1891 345.15 Periodicals that pay contributors. 1892 345.16 — Lang, Andrew. Essays in little. 1891. 343.7 LITERATURE. 149 LODGE. Literature, continued. — Lowell, J. R. Literary essays. 6 v. 1892 355.11 — Mabie, Hamilton W. Essays in liter- ary interpretation. 1892 348 2 Short studies in literature. 1891.. 344.9 — Morley, H: Critical miscellanies. 3v. 1888 352.5 English literature in the reign of Vic- toria. 1881 336.5 Note : Contains facsimiles of the signatures of au- thors in the Tauchnitz edition. — Morley, J: Studies in literature. 1891. 343.9 — Posnett, H. M. Comparative litera- ture. 1886 815.4.54 — Repplier, Agnes. Points of view. 1892. 345.8 — Stevenson, R. L: Familiar studies of men and books 333.11 — Taylor, I: Transmission of ancient books. 1889 354.1 — Thompson, Maurice. Ethics of liter- ary art. 1893 354.7 — Vickers, R. H. Martyrdoms of liter- ature. [1891.] 346.10 — Wheeler, D: H. By-ways of literature. [1883.] I 333.8 See also Middle Ages ; Renaissance ; also names of countries and literatures and departments of litera- ture. Literature primers, v.1-6, 9. [1878-’80.] 347.15 Contents : v. 1, American literature ; by E. Law- rence. v. 2, English literature, Romance period; by E. Lawrence, v. 3, English literature, Classical per- iod; by E. Lawrence, v. 4, English literature, Mod- ern period; by E. Lawrence, v. 5, French literature ; by G: Saintsbury. v. 6, German literature; by Helen S. Conant. v. 9, Spanish literature ; by Helen S. Conan t. Littell’s living age. See Periodicals. Little, Rev. A. W. Reasons for being a churchman. [1885.] 436.26 Little, C: E. Historical lights : quota- tions from histories and biogra- phies. 1892 353.3 Little, H: W. Henry M. Stanley: his life. 1890 662.6 Little Arthur’s history of England. Call- cott, Lady 752.8 Little Arthur’s history of Rome. But- terworth, H 783.16 Little book of Western verse. Field, E. 226.23 Little Manx nation. Caine, Hall 783.1 Little masters. Scott, W: B. (Great art- ists.) 683.22 Little people and their homes. [In- sects.] Hook, Stella L j871.14 Little people of Asia. Miller, Olive T. . j532.10 Little pieces for little speakers. Priest, Miss S. M 343.29 Littledale, Harold. Essays on Lord Tennyson’s Idylls of the king. 1893. 231.26 Littlehales, II., ed. The prymer ; or, prayer-book of the lay people in the Middle Ages. pt. 1. Text. 1891.465.20.1 Livermore, G: Opinions of the founders of the republic on negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. 1862. 943.7 Livermore, Mary A. My story of the war. 1889 761.18 Lives and deeds of our self-made men. Stowe, Harriet B 678.3 Lives of the saints. Butler, Alban 674.17 Living lights. [Phosphorescent.] Holder, C: F 876.7 Livingston, C. I ., joint author. See Alden, I. M. Livingston, E: Life of Charles Haven Hunt. 1864 638.19 Livingstone, D: Adams, H. G. Life and adventures of 655.5 — Hughes, Thomas. Life of. (English men of action.) ’89 655.17.3 Livy. [T. Livius Patavinus.] History of Rome ; tr. by D. Spillan and C. Ed- monds. 2 v. 1892 796.13 Lobeira, Vasco. Fiction class-list. Lobscheid, W. Chinese and English dic- tionary. 1871 C.21 Loch, C: Stewart. Charity organization. 1890 947.1 Locke, C: G. W. Home of the Eddas. 1879 558.9 Locke, David R. \Petroleum V. Nasby.~\ “Swingin round the cirkle.” Illus. 1867 344.12 — See also Fiction class-list. Locke, John. Philosophical works. 2 v. 1889 458.12 Contents : v. 1, On the conduct of the under- standing; On human understanding, v. 2, On hu- man understanding, continued ; Examination of Malebrancbe’s opinion of seeing all things in God; Elements of natural philosophy; On reading and study for a gentleman. — Two treatises on civil government. 1884 917.17 — Fraser, Alexander C. Locke. (Philo- sophical classics.) 1890. 675.1.15 — King, L. Life and letters of. 1884. . . 658.14 — Quick, R. H. Educational reformers, pp. 219-238 448.2.17 Locke, R: A. The moon hoax. 1859 864.9 Locker, F:, ed. Lyra Elegantiarum. 1884 223.6 Locksley Hall, sixty years after. Ten- nyson, Alfred 214.36 Lockwood, H: C. Constitutional history of France. 1890 945.7 Lockwood, S: D. Coffin, W: Life and times of. 1889 674.5 Lockwood, T: D. Electrical measure- ment and the galvanometer. 1890. 947.1 Lockyer, J. N. Dawn of astronomy. 1894 894.10 — Meteoritic hypothesis. 1890 8103.10 Locock, France % s. Biographical guide to the Divina commedia of Dante. 1871 222.15 Locomotive engine. Forney, M. N. Cat- echism of. 1890 875.12 — Frith, H. On the wings of the wind. 1885 j84. 12 — Hale, E: E. Stories of invention 721.6.5 — Sinclair, Angus. Locomotive engine running and management. 1890.. 874.28 Lodge, Edm. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain with biog. and hist, memoirs. 8 v. 1849-1888.. 658.3 Contents: v. 1, Elizabeth of York, queen of Henry VII.— Thomas Stanley, Earl of Derby.— Margaret of Lancaster, mother of Henry VII. — Cardinal Wolsey. — William Warbam, archbishop of Canterbury.— Sir John More. — Sir Thomas More. — Ann Bullen, or Bol- eyn, queen of Henry VIII.— Jane Seymour, queen of Henry VIII. — Sir Nicholas Carew. — Thomas Crom- LODGE. 150 LODGE. Lodge, Ed m . , continued. well, earl of Essex. — Margaret Tudor, sister to Henry VIII. — Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk. — Cardinal Beatoun.— Henry Howard, earl of Surrey.— Henry VIII.— Catharine Parr, queen of Henry VIII». — Thomas Seymour, lord Sudeley.— Sir Anthony Denny.— Ed- ward Seymour, duke of Somerset.— Edward VI.— Dudley, duke of Northumberland. — Thomas Howard, duke of Norfolk.— Lady Jane Gray.— Henry Grey, duke of Suffolk.— John Russell, 1st earl of Bedford.— Nicholas Ridley, bishop of London.— Thomas Cran- mer, archbishop of Canterbury.— Edward Courtenay, earl of Devonshire. — Cardinal Pole. v. 2, Mary, queen of England. — William, 1st lord Paget.— Edward, 1st lord North.— Henry Stuart, lord Darnley.— James Stuart, earl of Murray, regent of Scotland.— John Knox.— Thomas Howard, 4th duke of Norfolk.— William Powlett, or Paulet, marquis of Winchester.— Sir William Maitland, of Lethington.— James Hamilton, earl of Arran. — Matthew Parker, archbishop of Canterbury.— Walter Devereux, earl of Essex.— Sir Nicholas Bacon.— Sir Thomas Gresham.— Henry Fitzalan, earl of Arundel.— James Douglas, earl of Morton.— Thomas Radclyffe, earl of Sussex.— Edward Clinton, earl of Lincoln. — Sir Philip Sidney. — Mary Stuart, queen of Scotland.— Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester.— Ambrose Dudley, earl of Warwick.— Sir Francis Walsingham.— Sir Christopher Hatton. -Car- dinal Allen.— Sir Francis Drake.— Philip Howard, earl of Arundel. — John Maitland, lord of Thirles- tane.— William Cecil, lord Burghley, or Burleigh.— Robert Devereux, 2d earl of Essex. v. 3, Elizabeth, queen of England.— John, 1st mar- quis of Hamilton.— George Clifford, earl of Cumber- land. — Charles Blount, baron Montjoy.— Thomas Sackville, earl of Dorset.— Sir Thomas Bodley. — Rob- ert Cecil, earl of Salisbury.— Henry, prince of Wales. — Henry Howard, earl of Northampton. — Lady Ara- bella Stuart.— Thomas Egerton, viscount Brackley.— Sir Walter Raleigh.— Mary Sidney, countess of Pem- broke.— Thomas Cecil, 1st earl of Exeter.— Henry Wriothesley, earl of Southampton. — James, 2d mar- quis of Hamilton. - Charles Howard, earl of Notting- ham.— Lodowick Stuart, duke of Richmond.— Fran- cis Bacon, lord Verulam, viscount St. Alban.— Thom- as Howard, earl of Suffolk. — Edward Somerset, earl of Worcester. — Lucy Harington, countess of Bedford. —George Villiers, duke of Buckingham.— Fulke Gre- ville, lord Brooke. — George Car ew, earl of Totness. — William Herbert, earl of Pembroke.— Sir Hugh Mid- dleton. — Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland.— George Abbott, archbishop of Canterbury.— Richard Weston, earl of Portland. v. 4, Walter, 1st lord Aston.— Frances Howard, duchess of Richmond.— Sir Henry Wotton. — Thomas, lord keeper Coventry.— Francis Russell, earl of Bed- ford.— Thomas Wentworth, earl of Strafford. — Robert Bertie, earl of Lindsey.— Robert Greville, 2d lord Brooke.— Spencer Compton, 2d earl of Northampton. Robert Dormer, earl of Caernarvon.— William Vil- liers, viscount Grandison.— William Fielding, earl of Denbigh. — Henry Spencer, earl of Sunderland.— Lu- cius Carey, viscount Falkland. — Henry Danvers, earl of Danby. — William Laud, archbishop of Canterbury. —Lionel Cranfield, earl of Middlesex. — Henry Somer- set, 1st marquis of Worcester.— Thomas Howard, earl of Arundel and Surrey.— Robert Devereux, 3d earl of Essex.— Arthur, lord Capel.— Charles I. — Edward, lord Herbert of Cherbury. — James, 1st duke of Ham- ilton.— Blanche Somerset, baroness Arundell of Wardour.— Henry Rich, earl of Holland.— George Gordon, marquis of Huntly. — George, lord Goring. Lodge, Edm., continued. — James Graham, marquis of Montrose. — Philip Herbert, earl of Pembroke. v. 5, William, 2d duke of Hamilton — James Stan- ley earl of Derby. — Francis, lord Cottington. — Ralph, lord Hopton. — Edward Sackville, 4th earl of Dorset.— John Selden. — James Stuart, duke of Rich- mond. — Robert Rich, 2d earl of Warwick. — Oliver Cromwell. — Dorothy Percy, countess of Leices- ter. — William Seymour, marquis of Hertford. — Lucy Percy, countess of Carlisle.— Archibald Campbell, marquis of Argyll. — Elizabeth, queen of Bohemia. — Charlotte de La Tremouille, coun- tess of Derby. — Sir Kenelm Digby. — Montague Bertie, 2d earl of Lindsey. — Edward Somerset, 2d marquis of Worcester. — Thomas Wriothesley, 4th earl of Southampton. — Algernon Percy, earl of North- umberland. — Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles I. — George Monk, duke of Albemarle. — Edward Mon- tagu, 2d earl of Manchester. — Anne Hyde, duchess of York. — Edwajd Montagu, earl of Sandwich. — Thomas, lord Clifford of Chudleigh. — Edward Hyde, earl of Clarendon. John Powlitt. 5th marquis of Winchester. — Anne Clifford, countess of Dorset. — William Kerr, 3d earl of Lothian. v. 6, William Cavendish, duke of Newcastle. — Sir Matthew Hale. — George Digby, 2d earl of Bristol. — William Howard, viscount Stafford.— John Leslie, duke of Rothes. — Prince Rupert.— John Maitland, duke of Lauderdale. — Heneage Finch, earl of Not- tingham.— David Leslie, 1st lord Newark.— Dorothy Sidney, countess of Sunderland. — William, lord Rus- sell. — Algernon Sidney.— Anne Carre, countess of Bedford. — Charles II. — James Scott, duke of Mon- mouth. — Henry Bennet, earl of Arlington. — Francis North, lord Guildford. — Archibald Campbell, 9th earl of Argyll. — James Butler, duke of Ormond. — John Graham, viscount of Dundee. — Elizabeth Cecil, countess of Devonshire. — Hon. Robert Boyle.— John Tillotson, archbishop of Canterbury.— William, 1st earl of Craven. — William Russell, duke of Bedford. — Robert Spencer, 2d earl of Sunderland. — Frances Theresa Stuart, duchess of Richmond.— Archibald Campbell, 1st duke of Argyll.— John Locke.— Catha- rine of Braganza, queen of Charles II. v. 7, William Cavendish, 1st duke of Devonshire.— Sidney Godolphin, earl of Godolphin.— Thomas Os- born, 1st duke of Leeds.— Anne, queen of England. — Gilbert Burnet, bishop of Salisbury.— John, 1st lord Somers. — Charles Talbot, duke of Shrewsbury. — John Churchill, duke of Marlborough. — Rachel Wriothesley, lady Russell.— Robert Harley, earl of Oxford.— Sir Isaac Newton. — Francis Atterbury, bishop of Rochester. — Charles Mordaunt, 3d earl of Peterborough. — John Campbell, 2d duke of Argyll and duke of Greenwich.— Sarah Jennings, duchess of Marlborough. — James Butler, 2d duke of Ormond. — Robert Walpole, 1st earl of Oxford. — Charles Seymour, 6th duke of Somerset. — John Montagu, 2d duke of Montagu. — Henry St. John, 1st viscount Boling- broke. -Richard Boyle, earl of Burlington. — Horatio, 1st lord Walpole. — William Pulteney, earl of Bath. — Philip Yorke,lst earl of Hardwicke.— Thomas Pelham Holies, duke of Newcastle.— John Manners, marquis Granby.— John Russell, 4th duke of Bedford.— Henry Fox, 1st lord Holland.— Robert, lord Clive.— William Pitt, 1st earl of Chatham. v. 8, Admiral lord Hawk.— Charles Watson Went- worth, 2d marquis of Rockingham, — Augustus Kep- pel, 1st lord of the admiral ty — George Augustus Eliott, lord Heathfield. — George Brydges Rodney, English admiral.— Frederick North, 2d earl of Guilford. — John Stuart, earl of Bute.— William Murray, earl of LODGE. LORD’S. 151 I Lodge, Edm., continued. Mansfield.— Charles Pratt, earl of Camden.— Sir Wil- liam Jones.— Horace Walpole, 4th earl of Orford. — Jelfrey, baron Amherst.— Richard, earl Howe, admiral. ^Sir Ralph Abercromby— Francis Russell, 5th duke of Bedford.— Adam, viscount Duncan, admiral.— Hora- tio, viscount Nelson, admiral.— Charles, 1st marquis Cornwallis. — William, 1st marquis of Lansdowne. — William Pitt — Charles James Fox —Alexander Hood, viscount Bridport, admiral. — Samuel, viscount Hood, admiral. — Charlotte Caroline Augusta, prin- cess of Wales.— Sir Joseph Banks — John Jervis, earl of St. Vincent, admiral. — Robert Banks Jenkinson, earl of Liverpool .—Sir Walter Scott.— Edward Pel- lew, viscount Exmouth, admiral. — Arthur Wellesley, duke of Wellington. Lodge, H: C. Historical and political essays. 1892 933 6 — Life of George Washington. 2v. 1889.626.4.19 — Speeches. 1892 341.15 Lodge, Oliver J. Lightning conductors and lightning guards. 1892 885.25 — Modern views of electricity. 1889.... 865.26 Lodge, R. History of modern Europe, 1453-1878. 1876 752.9 Loftie, W. J. Westminster Abbey. 1891. 545.24 — Windsor Castle, park, town, and neigh- borhood. 1891 552.21 Logan, James. Scotish Gael; or, Celtic manners. 1846 786.7 Logan, John A. The great conspiracy: its origin and history. 1886 753.4 — The volunteer soldier of America; with memoir of the author and military reminiscences from [his] private journal. 1887 761.16 Logan, Olive. Apropos of women and theatres, etc. 1869 333.18 — The mimic world and public exhibi- tions. 1871 862.10 Logarithms. Compton, A. G. Logarith- mic computation. 1884 874.24 Logic. Aristotle. Organon; or, logical treatises. 1885 457.3 — Devey, Joseph. Logic. 1856 458.5 — Lotze, H. Outlines of logic. 1887. In 472 20.6 — Mill, J: S. A system of. 1887 447.12 — Port-Royal logic ; tr. by T. S. Baynes. 476.12 Loher, F. von and Joyner, A. B. Cyprus: historical and descriptive. 1878. . . 756.12 Lomb prize essays. 1886 858.3 Contents : Healthy homes and foods for the work- ing classes, by Victor C. Vaughan. Sanitary condi- tions and necessities of school houses and school life, by D. F. Lincoln. Disinfection and individual prophylaxis against infectious diseases, by G: M. Sternberg. Preventable causes of diseases, injury and death in American manufactories and workshops, etc., by G: H. Ireland. Appendix. Lombard, T: R. The new Honduras: its situation, resources, 1887 554.24 Lombard street: a description of the mon- ey market. Bagehot, W 917.3 London, England. Baedeker, K: Lon- don and its environs. Handbook. 1892 . *555.16 — Besant, Walter. London. [City and people, from age to age.] 1892 778.11 — Booth, C:, ed. Labour and life of the people. 2 v. in 3. 1891 923.4 — Duncan, Sara Jeannette. An American girl in London. 1891. Fict 163.12 | London, England, continued. — Hare, A: J: C. Walks in. [1878.].... 542.19 — Hatton, J. Club-land ; London and provincial. 1890 8522.29 — Hutton, Laurence. Literary landmarks of London. Ports. 1892 547.17 — Knight, C: London. [Historical and topographical.] [1857.] 553.6 Cycloptedia of. 1851 534.9 [Abridgment of “London,” 1st edn.] — Lovett, R: London pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 1890 545.4 — Mayhew, H: London labour and the the London poor. 3 v. [1864.] 927.1 andB inny,J: Criminal prisons of Lon- don and scenes of prison life. 1862. 926.20 — Societv in London. By a foreign resi- dent. 1885 538.26 — Walford, E. Greater London: its his- tory, its people, and its places. 2 v. 528.14 — Williams, Montagu. Round London: down east and up west. 1892 547.29 See also Fleet; Thames ; Westminster Abbey. London street Arabs. [Drawings.] Stanley, Mrs. H. M. 1890 *875.3 Long, A. L. Memoirs of Robert E. Lee. 1887 648.7 Long, E. A. Ornamental gardening. 1885. 855.28 Long, H. A. Personal and family names. 1883 657.4 Long, J. H. Slips of tongue and pen. 1888. 333.25 Long, Lessel. Twelve months in Ander- son ville [in 1864-5]. 1886 763.14 Longevity. Mathews, W. Secret of .. In 318.1 — Thoms, W:J. Human longevity. 1873. 885.21 Longfellow,.H: W. Complete poetical works. 1893 202.3 — Prose works. 2 v. 1892 345.7 Contents: v. 1, Outre-mer and Driftwood, v. 2, Hyperion and Kavanagh. — Courtship of Miles Standish and other poems. 1859 231.4 — , ed. Poems of places. 31 v. [1876.].. 233.1 Contents : v. 1-4, England and Wales, v. 5, Ire- Land. v. 6-8, Scotland; Denmark; Iceland; Norway and Sweden, v. 9-10, France and Savoy, v. 11-13, Italy, v. 14-15, Spain; Portugal; Belgium; Holland, v. 16. Switzerland and Austria, v. 17-18, Germany, v. 19, Greece and Turkey (in Europe), v. 20, Russia, including Asiatic Russia, v. 21-23, Asia. v. 24, Africa, v. 25-26, New England. v. 27, Middle States, v. 28, Southern States, v. 29, Western States, v. 30, British America; Mexico; South America, v. 31, Oceanica. — Longfellow, S:, ed. Final memorials of. 1887 648.5 Life of, with extracts from his jour- nals and correspondence. Portraits. 2 v. 1886 645.12 — Robertson, E. S. Longfellow 693.23 Lonsdale, Viscount. See Lowther, John. Looker on, The. (British essayists.) 303.15.35-37 Loomis, Lafayette C. Index guide to travel and art study in Europe. ’90. 538.16 Lord, Frances. Christian science healing: its principles and practice. 1888. . 453.20 Lord, John. Points of history. [1881.]. 792.2 — Two German giants: Frederic the great and Bismarck. Ports. 1894 687.13 Lord’s prayer. Gladden, Washington. The Lord’s prayer 446.27 — Stanley, A. P. Christian institutions, pp. 315-325 427.2 LORIMER. 152 LOWE. Lorimer, G: C. Isms, old and new. 1881. 436.25 Lorimer, Mary. Among the trees. 1869. 861.38 Loring, Caleb W: Nullification, seces- sion, Webster’s argument, etc. 1893. 933.23 Loring, G: B. Farm-yard club of Jotham. 1881 872.3 — A year in Portugal, 1889-90 551.21 Lorne, Marquis of. [J. G. E. H. D. S. Campbell.] Canadian pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 1892. 548.13 Lossing, B. J. Eminent Americans: brief biographies. 1886 652.13 — The Empire state: a compendious his- tory. 1888 768.5 — Harpers’ popular cyclopiedia of the history of theUnited States. 2 v. 1882. 758.1 — - Hours with the living men and wo- men of the Revolution. 1889 673.20 — Mary and Martha, the mother and the wife of George Washington. 1886. 646.24 — Two spies; Nathan Hale and John Andre. 1892 692.20 — Washington and the American repub- lic. Illus. 3 v. [1870.] 788.7 Lost cause regained. Pollard, E: A 785.6 Lothrop, Harriet M. [ Margaret Sidney .] How they went to Europe. [1884.] 544.26 — Old Concord: her highways and by- ways. [1888.] 543.8 — See also Fiction class-list. Loti, Pierre, pseud. NeeViaud, Julien. Lotze, Hermann. Metaphysic in three books: ontology, cosmology, and psychology. 2 v. 1887 454.2 — Microcosmus: an essay concerning man and his relation to the world. 1887 452.15 — Outlines of philosophy. 6 v. 1886-90. 472.20 Contents: v. 1, Metaphysic, v. 2, Philosophy of religion, v. 3, Practical philosophy, v. 4, Psychology. v.5, Esthetics, v.6, Logic ; Encyclopaedia of philosophy. Louisa, queen of Prussia. Hudson, Eliz. H. Life and times of. 2v. 1878 692.23 Loudon, J. C. Encyclopaedia of cottage, farm and villa architecture. 1883. *864.5 Loudon, Mrs. J. W. Entertaining natur- alist. 1867 867.15 Loughead, Mrs.F.TA. See Fiction class-list. Louis IX., of France. Joinville, Johnde. Louis FA., of France. Brooks, E. S. His- toric boys 645.4 — Buckle, H.T. History of civilization, v.l. 904.3.1 — Commines, P. de. Historical mem- oirs. [With the Scandalous chron- icle.] 2v. 1889 772.12 — Willert, P. F. Reign of 755.22 In fiction, see Scott, W. Quentin Dur- ward. [12.16.] Louis XIV., of France. Buckle, H. T. His- tory of civilization, v.l 904.31 Brooks, E.S. Historic boys 645.4 — Bungener, F. L. Preacher and the king. Fict 58.10 — James, G. P. R. Life and times of. 2 v. 1884 658.13 — Pardoe, Julia. Louis XIV and the court of France in the 17th century. 3 v. 1887 751.14 — Saint-Amand, I. de. Women of Ver- sailles: court of Louis XIV. Ports. 1893 687.6 IvOuis XV., of France. Saint-Amand I. de. Ooprt of Louis XYr Ports, 1893.. 687,10 Louis XV., of France, continued. Last years of Louis XV. Ports. 1893. 687.11 Louisiana. French, B. F. Historical collections of Louisiana, v. 2, 5... 1850-53 762.9 Contents : v. 2, Account of the Louisiana historical society; Discourse on the life of F. X. Martin; Index to public documents in Paris relating to Louisiana; Letter of De Soto, by L. H. de Biedma, 1544; Narra- tive of the expedition of De Soto, by a gentleman of Elvas, 1669; Description of La Louisiane ; also of the Mississippi, by D. Coxe; Marquette and Joliet’s ac- count of voyage, 1673. v. 5, Historical memoirs by G. M. B. Dumont, 1712-40; Champigny’s memoir on the present state of Louisana, to 1771. Historical collections of Louisiana and Florida. New series. 1869 776.2 Contents : Memoir by de Remonville, 1697; Voyage in 1698, by d’Iberville; Annals of Louisiana, 1698-1722, by Penicaut ; History of the first attempt of the French to colonize Florida, 1562-67, by Rene Lau- donniere. — Gayarre, C: History of Louisiana. v. 1-2. 1852-4 762.8 v. 1, French domination, [1539-1769]. v. 2, Spanish domination, [1769- 1803]. Louisiana; its colonial history and romance. 1851 788.13 — Thompson, Maurice. Story of. [1888.] 764.1.4 — Wallace, Joseph. Illinois and Louisiana under the French rule. 1893 788.10 Lounger, The. (British essayists.) 303.15.30-31 Lounsbury, T: R. Studies in Chaucer: his life and writings. 3 v. 1892 346.3 Love, W: De L. Wisconsin in the war of the rebellion. 1866 763.18 Love. Alcaforado, M. Love letters of a Portuguese nun, 1668. [1890.] 348.13 — Burton, Robert. Love melancholy. 1866.. In 427.17 — Drummond, H: Greatest thing in the world, an address. 1890 461.9 — Du Bois, H. P., ed. Love in letters of statesmen, warriors, men of letters, and others. [1893.] 352.2 — Finck, H: T. Romantic love. 1887... 448.3 — Greenwood, F: Lover’s lexicon: hand- book for novelists, etc. 1894 352.8 — Merydew, J. T., ed. Love letters of famous men and women. 2 v. 1888. 341.8 — Ovid. Art of love, etc. 1887 In 225.13 — Watson, W:, ed. Lyric love. 1892 231.23 Lovering, A . T ., joint author. See Pratt. Mara L. Lovett, R: Irish pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 1888 537.3 — London pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 1890 545.4 — Norwegian pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 1890 548.10 — Pictures from Holland drawn with pen and pencil. 1887 545.6 — United States pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 1891 548.15 — Welsh pictures drawn with pen and pencil 548.14 Low, C: R. Maritime discovery: a his- tory of nautical exploration. 2v. 2 v. 1881 551.24 Low, Sidney, J. and Pulling, F: S. Dic- tionary of English history. 1885. . 795.18 I/OWE f C; Pi-ipce Bismarck, ,?Vr 1886.,, 695.1] LOWE. 153 LUMMIS. Lowe, E. J. Beautiful leaved plants. Col’d. illus. 1872 *862.20 — New and rare ferns. Col’d illus. 1871. *862.21 Lowell, A. Lawrence. Essays on gov- ernment. 1889 922.9 Contents : Introduction ; Cabinet responsibility and the constitution ; Democracy and the constitu- tion; Responsibilities of American lawyers; Theory of the social compact; Limits of sovereignty ; Index. Lowell, E: J. Eve of the French revolu- tion. 1892 778.15 Lowell, James Russell. Democracy and other addresses. 1887 333.6 Contents: Democracy; Garfield; Stanley; Fielding; Coleridge; Books and libraries; Wordsworth; Don Quixote; Harvard anniversary. — Heartsease and rue. [Poems.] 1888. 222.19 — Latest literary essays and addresses. 1892 344.2 Contents: Gray; Some letters of Walter Savage Landor; Walton; Milton’s “ Areopagitica” ; Shake- speare’s “Richard III” ; Study of modern languages; Progress of the world. — Letters of; ed. by C:E. Norton. 2 v. 1894. 691.10 — Literary essays. 6v. 1892 355.11 — Odes, lyrics, and sonnets. 1892 227.28 Contents: Odes: — Ode recited at the Harvard com- memoration, July 21, 1865; Agassiz; Under the old elm. Lyrics: — Endymion ; Origin of didactic poetry ; Incident in a railroad car; At the Burns centennial; Hebe; Phoebe ; To the dandelion ; The nightingale in the study; Auf wiedersehen! ; Palinode; Beaver Brook; First snow-fall; To a pine tree; A1 fresco; An invitation; Without and within; Aladdin; Agro- dole^; Invita Minerva; The flying Dutchman; Monna Lisa; On burning some old letters; The courtin’; To W. L. Garrison; Villa Franca; On board the ’76. Sonnets: — My portrait gallery; Prison of Cervantes; The dancing bear ; To the spirit of Keats; Wendell Phillips; Bankside; To Fanny Alexander; There never yet was flower fair in vain; Our love is not a fading, earthly flower. — Old English dramatists. 1892 231.20 Contents: Introductory; Marlowe; Webster; Chap- man; Beaumont and Fletcher; Massinger and Ford. — Harris, A.B. American authors for young folks 335.4 — Haweis, H. R. American humorists. 326.7 — Rideing, H. W. Boyhood of living authors. 1887 651.11 — Stedman, E. C. Poets of America... 215.19 Lowell, Josephine S., comp. Industrial arbitration and conciliation. 1893. 937.76 Lowell. Percival. Choson; a sketch of Korea. 1888 > 554.22 — Noto, an unexplored corner of Japan. 1891 542.23 Lower, M. A. Curiosities of heraldry. 1845 691.7 — English surnames. 2 v. 1875 652.8 Lowther, J:, Viscount Lonsdale. Memoir of the reign of James II, [1685-88]. In 772. 15 Loyalty of love. Field, Michael, pseud. In 236.8 Loyola, Ignatius. Clark, J. F. Events and epochs, pp. 262-274 In 436.19 — Hughes, T: Loyola and the education- al system of the Jesuits. 1892 677.2.2 — Stephen, J. Essays, pp., 120-148. In 305.1 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 Lubbock, Sir J; Beauties of nature and the wonders of the world we live in. 1892 882.26 Lubbock, Sir J:, continued. — Fifty years of science. 1890 898.16 — Flowers, fruits and leaves. 1886 845.33 — On seedlings. 2v. Illus. 1892 886.3 — On the senses, instincts, and intelli- gence of animals. 1888 815.4.64 — Pleasures of life. [Essays.] 2 v. 1889.. 333.17 Contents : v. 1, Duty of happiness; Happiness of duty; Song of books; Choice of books; Blessing of friends; Value of time; Pleasures of travel; Pleasures of home; Science; Education. v. 2, Ambition; "Wealth; Health ; Love; Art; Poetry; Music; Beau- ties of nature; Troubles of life; Labour and rest; Re- ligion; Hope of progress; Destiny of man. — and others. Best hundred books. 1887. 336.6 Lubke, W. History of sculpture. 2 v. 1878 888.5 Luby, T: C. Lives and times of illustri- ous and representative Irishmen. v. 1. 1878 676.23 Lucan. [Marcus Annaeus Lucanus.] The Pharsalia ; lit. tr. by H. T. Riley. 1889 225.10 Luce, Robert. Writing for the press: a manual. 1889 343.13 Lucian. [Lucianus.] Dialogues; tr. by H. Williams. 1888 324.7 Contents : Dialogues of the Gods; Dialogues of the sea-gods; Dialogues of the dead; Zeus the tragedian ; The ferryboat, etc. — Froude, J. A. Short studies, v. 3 307.21.3 Lucilius, Caius. Satires ; lit. tr. by L. Evans. 1887 In 225.9 Lucretius Carus, Titus. De rerum na- tura ; with notes by H. A. J. Mun- * roe. 2. v. 1873., 485.3 — On the nature of things; lit. tr. by J: S. Watson; with poetical version of J: M. Good. 1886 225.11 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 Ludlow, James M. See Fiction class-list. Ludlow, Johnny, pseud. See Wood, Mrs. H: Lumholtz, Carl. Among cannibals [in Australia, 1880-3]. 1889 537.15 Lummis, C: F. Land of poco tiempo. [New Mexico.] 1893 554.9 — Some strange corners of our country. Illus. 1892 547.11 Contents: Grandest gorge in the world; Forest of agate; American Sahara; Rattlesnake dance; Where they beg the bear’s pardon; Witch’s corner; Magi- cians; Self-crucifiers ; Homes that were forts; Montezuma’s well; Montezuma's castle; Greatest natural bridge on earth; Stone autograph-album ; Rivers of stone ; Navajo blanket ; Blind hunters; Finishing an Indian boy; The praying smoke; Dance of the sacred bark ; Doctoring the year; Odd peo- ple at home; A saint in court. — Spanish pioneers. 1893 785.17 Contents : The broad story: — The pioneer nation; Muddled geography; Columbus the finder; Making geography; Chapter of conquest; Girdle around the world; Spain in the United States; Two continents mastered. Specimen pioneers: — First American traveller; Greatest American traveller ; War of the rock; Storming of the Sky-city; Soldier poet; Pio- neer missionaries; Church-builders in New Mexico; Alvarado’s leap ; American golden fleece. Greatest conquest: — Swineherd of Truxillo ; The man who would not give up ; Gaining ground ; Peru as it was ; Conquest of Peru; Golden ransom; Atahualpa’s treachery and death; Founding a nation — the siege of Cuzco; The work of traitors, LUMMIS. 154 MACAULAY. Lummis, C: F., continued. — Tramp across the continent [in 1884-5]. 547.7 Lunemann, G. Commentary on Hebrews. (Meyer’s Commentary.) 1882.. 424.2.18 — Commentary on Thessalonians. (Mey- er’s Commentary.) 1884 424.2.16 Lungs. Williams, C: T. Aero-therapeu- tics; or, the treatment of lung dis- eases by climate. 1894 896.17 See also Consumption. Lunt, E: 0. Present condition of eco- nomic science. 1888 937.44 Lupton, Arnold. Mining: an elementary treatise. 1893 894.16 Luska, Sidney, pseud. See Harland, Henry. Luther, Martin. Bayne, P. Life and work of. 2 v. 1887 653.6 — Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs, p. 241 436.19 — Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty 745.15 — Froude, James A. Luther. 1884 687.25 — Tulloch, J: Luther and other leaders of the reformation. 1893 694.12 — Wilkinson, W. C. Classic German course in English, p. 24 331.15 — Wood, W .,ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 Lutheran quarterly. See Periodicals. Lutherans. Strobel, P: A. The Salz- burgers and their descendants [in Georgia]. 1885 775.3 — Wolf, Edm. J. Lutherans in America. 1890, 465.12 Lux mundi. See Gore, Charles, ed 461.22 Lyall. Sir Alfred. Natural religion in India. 1891 472.14 — Rise of the British dominion in India. 1893 783.18 — Warren Hastings. (English men of ac- tion.) 1889 655.17.11 Lyall, Edna, pseud. See Bayly, A. E. Lycia. Perrot, G. and Chipiez, C: History of art in Lycia. 1892 888.2 Lycurgus. Plutarch. Life of In 917.16 — See also entries under Plutarch. Lydia. Perrot, G. and Chipiez, C: His- tory of art in Lydia. 1892 In 888.2 Lyly, John. Euphues, anatomy of wit. 1579. Euphues and his England. 1580. Ed. by E: Arber. 1868 347.5 Lynch law. Bancroft, H. H. Popular tribunals [in the Pacific states] . 2v. 1887 781.5 — Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain 503.20 Lyndhurst, Lord. See Copley, J. S. Lyon, Gen. Nathaniel. Woodward, A. Life of. 1862 661.13 Lyra Americana. Rider, G: T 222.31 Lyra bicyclica. Dalton, Joseph G 226.19 Lyra elegantiarum. Locker, Frederick. 223.6 LYRAheroica. Henley, W: E 226.16 Lyre Francaise. Masson, Gustav 222.2 Lyric love. Watson, W:, ed 231.23 Lyrics of loyalty. Moore, Frank, ed. 1864. 222.8 Lyttleton, E. Mothers and sons: [home- training]. 1892 476.20 Lytton. See Bulwer-Lytton. Maartens, Maarten, pseud. See Schwartz, J. Y. P. Maberly, J. The print collector; with ap- pendix containing Fielding’s treat- ise on the practice of engraving; ed. with bibliography by R. Hoe. 1885 875.1 Mabie, Hamilton W. Essays in literary interpretation. 1892 348.2 Contents : Some aspects of modern literature ; Per- sonality in literary work ; Significance of modern criticism ; Poetry of Dante Gabriel Rossetti ; Robert Browning; John Keats: poet and man; Some mod- ern readings from Dante; A word about humour. — My study fire. v. 1. 1890 342.32 Contents : v. 1, The fire lighted ; Nature and child- hood; The answer of life; A poet’s crown of sorrow; Failings of genius; Christmas eve; New Year’s eve.; A scholar’s dream; A flame of driftwood; Dream worlds; A text from Sidney; The art- ist talks ; Escaping from bondage ; Some old scholars; Dull days; Universal biography; Secret of genius ; Books and things ; A rare nature; The cuckoo strikes twelve; Glimpse of spring; Primeval mood ; Method of genius ; Hint from the season; Bed of em- bers: Day out of doors ; Beside the Isis; A word for idleness; “The bliss of solitude”; A new hearth; Idyl of wandering ; The open window. — Short studies in literature. 1891 344.9 — , Bright, M. H. and others. Memorial story of America, 1492-1892. Illus. 1892 768.13 Contents : Introduction; Finding the new country ; Post-Columbian explorers and discoverers; Settling the new country; Making the new people; Old colony days and ways ; Story of the buccaneers and pirates ; Cutting loose from Europe; War for independence; Struggle for liberty and government; Pathfinders and pioneers; Pushing back the boundaries; Second war for independence ; or. the war of 1812; Story of the Indian ; Indian of the 19th century ; Story of the negro ; Story of the civil war ; Some forgotten lessons of the war; Our flag at sea; Difficulties with foreign powers ; Arctic adventurers ; Religion under new conditions ; The people under new conditions; Gold and silver mining; Problem of our national currency ; School, college, and univer- sity ; The farmer and his farm ; Some great Ameri- can industries ; Great inventions and their inventors ; Saving of life; From cave to palace; Trapping and hunting ; Hunting and fishing ; Our American litera- ture; Newspapers and journalism; How we govern ourselves ; Our presidents ; Travel in old times and new; Manufacturing and milling ; Our American railroads; Life on the frontier; World’s fairs; Metro- politan city ; New England capital; City of American independence ; City of the World’s fair; The North- west; The old South and the new; Women in Ameri- ca ; The American church ; The outlook. Mabie, H:C. In brightest Asia. [Sketches, with illustrations, of a tour in mis- sion fields.] 1892 545.26 Macabees. Yonge, C. M. Golden deeds. 631.14 McAdams, W: Records of ancient races in the Mississippi Valley. 1887. 768.14 McAllister, Ward. Society as I have found it. Port. [1890.] 924.19 McAnally, D. R .,jr. Irish wonders. [Legends, etc.] 1888 452.10 Macaulay, James. Sea pictures drawn with pen and pencil 528.18 Macaulay, T. B., lord. Readings from Macaulay. Italy; with introd. by D. G. Mitchell. 1886 333.1 — Selections from [his] writings; ed. by G. O. Trevelyan. 1876 342.9 — Speeches and poems, with report on the Indian penal code. 1875 922.2 MACCALLUM. 155 MCLENNAN. Maccallum, M. W. Tennyson’s Idylls of the king and Arthurian story from the 16th century. 1894 354.6 McCarthy, Justin H. England under Gladstone, 1880-5 765.11 — The four Georges. 2 v. in 1. 1885 765.19 — Outline of Irish history. 1892 783.11 — Short history of our own times, 1837- 80. 1883 765.16 — Sir Robert Peel. .1891 692.16 — See also Fiction class-list. McCaskey, J. P., comp. Christmas in song, sketch, and story. [1890.] . . . 221.21 — Franklin Square song collection. Nos. 1-8. 1881-92 207.25 McClellan, G; Regional anatomy, v. 1. 1891 8108.4 McClellan, Gen. G: B. McClellan’s own story. 1887 753.9 McClelland, M. G. See Fiction class-list. McClintock, J: and Strong, J. Cyclo- paedia of biblical, theological and ecclesiastical literature. 10 v. 1883-6. A. 17 Same. Supplement. 2 v. 1885-7. . .A. 17.11-12 McClintock, W: D., comp. Song and leg- end from the Middle Ages. 1893. . 348.8 McClure, A. K. Abraham Lincoln and men of war times: personal recol- lections. Ports. 1892 676.19 McConnell, S. D. History of the Ameri- can Episcopal church. 1891 462.16 McCook, H: C. Tenants of an old farm. Illus. 1889 876.11 MacCord, C: W: Practical hints for draughtsmen. 1888 8522.10 McCosh, James. First and fundamental truths: "being a treatise on meta- physics. 1889 456.17 — Intuitions of the mind inductively in- vestigated. [1872.] 477.9 — Prevailing types of philosophy. 1890. 466.6 — Psychology: the cognitive powers. 1886. 445.9 — Realistic philosophy defended in a philosophic series. 2 v. 1887 438.29 — Religious aspect of evolution. 1888 452.6 McCray, Florine T. Life work of the author of Uncle Tom’s cabin. 1889. 662.2 — See also Fiction class-list. McCulloch, Hugh. Men and measures of half a century. 1889 927.3 McCurdy, J. F. Haggai expounded. (In Lange’s Commentary.) In 471.1.14 Macdonald, Arthur. Criminology. 1893. 944.17 Macdonald, Duff. Africana; or, the heart of heathen Africa. 2 v. 1882 541.15 Contents : v. 1, Native customs and be- liefs ; v. 2, Mission life. Macdonald, F. W. Fletcher of Made- ley. 1886 622.10.6 Macdonald, Flora, Scottish heroine. Cham- bers’s Miscellany, v. 2 1001.8.2 — Watson, H. C. Heroic women 617.1 Macdonald, G: God’s words to his chil- dren, sermons spoken and unspoken. 1887 448.7 — See also Fiction class-list. Macdonald, J. E. J. A., Marshal of France. Recollections. 2 v. 1892 695.12 Macdonald, Malcolm. Harmony of an- cient history, and chronology of the Egyptians and Jews. 1891 766.14 Mace, Jean. See Fiction class-list. Macedonia. Curteis, Arthur M. Rise of the Macedonian empire. (Epochs of ancient history.) 1890 796.15 McEnnis, J: T ., joint author. See Simonds, J: C. MacFarlane, C: Life of the Duke of Wellington. [1852.] 655.6 Macfarlane, Jas. American geological railway guide. 1890 8101.13 Macfarren, G. A. Six lectures on har- mony. 1892 895.3 Machar, Agnes M. and Marquis, T. G. Stories of New France. [1890.] . . . 767.25 Machiavelli, Niccolo. Macaulay, W. B. Essays 305.13 — Mackintosh, J. Miscellaneous works. 305.2 — Symonds, J. A. Age of despots, p. 308. 751.2 Renaissance: Italian literature, v. 2, pp. 157,431 751.5.2 — Villari,Pasquale. Life and times of.2v. 1891 692.2 Machinery. See Mechanics and mechan- ic arts. * Macilwain, G: Memoirs of John Aber- nethy. 1853 683.17 McIntosh, C. H. Notes on Deuteronomy. 2 v. [1880.] 466.33 — Notes on Exodus. [1868.] • 466.30 — Notes on Genesis. [1861.] 466.29 — Notes on Leviticus. [1861.] 466.31 — Notes on Numbers. [1869.] 466.32 Mackay, Alex. Life of Mackay of Uganda, told for boys by his sister. 1892. . . 687.2 Mackay, T:, ed. Plea for liberty: an argu- ment against socialism and social-^ istic legislation. 1891 926.8 McKenney, T: L. and Hall, J. History of the Indian tribes of North Ameri- ca, with biographical sketches, etc. 3 v. 120 ports. 1855 *678.12 Mackenzie, James. History of Scotland [to the Union, 1707]. 1890 777.4 Mackenzie, Morell. Hygiene of the vo- cal organs. 1886 856.11 MacKie, C: P. Last voyages of the ad- miral of the ocean sea. 1892 552.14 — With the admiral of the ocean sea: [first voyage of Columbus to the Western world]. 1891 544.4 Mackinder, H. J ., jointed. See Great ex- plorers. McKinley, W: Speeches and addresses. 1893 935.20 Mackintosh, Sir James. Life of ; ed. by R. J. Mackintosh. 1853 657.9 — Memoirs of. ed. by Robert J. Mackin- tosh. 2 v. 1835 695.7 Mackintosh, J: Story of Scotland. 1890.752.1.30 Macklin, II. W. Monumental brasses. 1891 877.23 McLane, W: W. Evolution in religion. [1892.] 472.22 McLaughlin, A. C. Lewis Cass. (Ameri- can statesmen.) 1891 626.4.22 McLaughlin, E: T. Literary criticism for students. 1893 348.1 Maclay, Edgar S. History of the United States navy, 1775-1893. 2 v. 1894... 788.17 McLean, Sarah P. See Greene, S. P. McLean. McLennan, J: F. Studies in ancient his- tory. [Primitive marriage, etc.] 1886 923.19 MACLEOD. 156 MAINE. Macleod, H: D. Elements of banking. 1891 936.18 McMahan, Anna B. The study class [in English literature] . 1891 — 343.35 — , ed.Best letters of William Cowper. 1893. 347.13 McMaster, J: B. Benjamin Franklin as a man of letters. 1887 624.13.10 — History of the people of the United States from the Revolution to the civil war. v. 1-4. 1883-94 728.12 Macmillan, Hugh. Gate beautiful and other Bible readings for the young. 1892 472.8 — The Riviera. Illus. 1885 545.18 MacMullen, J. History of Canada [to 1867]. 1869 753.6 McMurry, C: A. Elements of general method, based on the principles of Herbart. 1892 473.5 McNeill, G: E., ed. The labor move- ment. [Essays.] 1887 935.1 McPherson, E: Handbook of politics for 1886, 1888, 1894. 3 v. 1886-’94. 915.4 — Political history of the great rebel- lion. 1864 918.12 Macquoid, Gilbert S. Up and down: sketches of travel [in Europe]. Il- lus. 1890 552.11 Macquoid, Katharine S. See Macquoid, T: R.; also Fiction class-list. Macquoid, T: R. and Mrs. Katherine S. About Yorkshire. 1888 548.18 Macready, W: C: Reminiscences, dia- ries and letters. 1875 646.19 — Barrett, Laurence. William Charles Macvane, S. M. Political economy: a book for beginners. 1891 924.33 MacVicar, M. Principles of education. 1892 484.15 Macy, Jesse. Our government, how it grew, what it does, and how it does it. 1886 902.30 Madagascar. Drury, Robert. Madagas- car ; or, Robert Drury’s journal. [Semi-fiction.] Illus. 1890 541.2 — Nordhoff, C: Stories of the island world 531.8 — Norman, C. B. Colonial France. 1886. 766.10 Madeira. Benjamin, S. G. W. Atlantic islands, p. 94 527.8 — Brassey, Lady A. In the Trades, etc., Madison, Dorothy Payne, wife of the 'presi- dent. Memoirs and letters of Dolly Madison; ed. by her grand-niece, 1886 .* 646.25 — Ellet, E. F. Queens of American so- ciety 615.4 — Holloway, L. C. Ladies of the White House. 1891 , 628.20 Madison, James. Journal of the Federal convention, [1787]. 1893 943.3 — Letters and other writings. 4 v. 1884. 918.8 Contents: v. 1, 1769-93. v. 2, 1794-1815. v. 3, 1816-28. v. 4, 1829-36. — Adams, H: First and second adminis- trations, 1809-17. 5 v. 1890 767.4.5-9 — Frost, J. Lives of the presidents 621.8 — Homes of American statesmen 617.9 — Stoddard, W: O. Life of. 1887 647.1.3 Maetzner, Eduard A. T. English gram- mar. 3 v. 1874 356.4 Magazine of American history. See Pe- riodicals. Magazine of art. See Periodicals. Magellan, Ferdinand. Goodrich, F. B. Ocean’s story, p. 225 511.20 — Guillemard, F. H. H. Life, 1480-1521. . .663.1.4 — Hale, E: E. Stories of discovery 721.6.4 Magic. Good, A. Magical experiments. 1892 883.21 — Lea, H. C. History of the Inquisition, v. 3, p. 379 447.24 — Lewis, Angelo J. [Prof. Hoffman^Mug- ic at home 871.21 Modern magic 854.6 — Wright, T: Narratives of sorcery and. 1852 476.6 See also Delusions. Magic lantern. Hepworth, T. C. Book of the lantern. 1890 8102.16 Magic staff; an autobiography. Davis, Andrew Jackson. 1876 655.15 Maginnis, Arthur J. Atlantic ferry; its ships, men and working. 1892 946.4 Magnalia Christi Americana. Mather, Cotton. 2 v. 1820 445.4 Magnetism. See Electricity. Magnus, Lady Katie. Outlines of Jewish history, B.C. 586-C.E. 1890. 1890.. 765.18 Magnusson, Eirikr Joint ed. See Morris, W; Magruder, Julia. See Fiction class-list. Mahabharata. The great journey ; 'The entry into heaven; Night of slaugh- ter; tr. by Edw r . Arnold Ln 215.29 — Song celestial; tr. by Edw. Arnold. 1885 . 216.14 — Wheeler, J. T. History of India 793.8 Mahaffy, J:P. Art of conversation. 1882. 453.3 — Descartes. (Philosophical classics.) 1891 675.1.1 — Greek life and thought from the age of Alexander to the Roman con- quest. 1887 777.10 — Greek pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 1890 548.9 — The Greek world under Roman sway. 1890 777.11 — History of classical Greek literature. 2 v. [1890.] 331.30 Contents: v. 1, Poets ; v. 2, Prose-writers. — Story of Alexander’s empire. 1887 — 752.1.16 — and Rogers, J. E. T. Sketches from a tour through Holland and Ger- many. 1888 558.4 Mahan, A. Critical history of the late American war. 1877 763.17 Mahan, Gapt. A. T. Admiral Farragut. 1892 681.7.1 — Influence of sea-power upon history, 1660-1783. 1890 766.11 — Influence of sea-power upon the French revolution and empire, 1793-1812. 2v. 1892 786.6 Mahan, D. H. Industrial drawing. 2 v. 1888.. 875.16 Contents : v. 1, Text ; v.-2, Plates. Mahdiism and the Egyptian Sudan. Win- gate, Francis R. 1891 797.1 Mahomet. £00 Mohammed. Maier, Julius, joint author. See Preece, W: H. Mailles, Jacques de. History of Bayard, the good chevalier. 1883 688.4 Maine, E. S. ^Fiction class-list. MAINE. 157 MAN. Maine, Sir H: S. Early law and custom. 1886 945.25 — International law. 1888 923.7 — Popular government. 1886 945.26 Maine, state. Burroughs, J: Signs and seasons, p. Ill 855.14 — Drake, S: A. Pine-tree coast. 1891.... 541.9 — Lowell, J. R. Fireside travels 508.18 — Stephens, C. A. Knockabout club in the woods. [1888.] 543.2.7 — Winthrop, Theo. Life in the open air. 335.14 See also Isles of Shoals. Maistre, Joseph de. Morley, J: Critical miscellanies, v. 2. 1888 In 352.5.2 Maize. Harshberger, J: W. Maize: a bo- tanical and economic study. 1893.. 892.3 — Klippart, J: H. Wheat plant, pp. 641- 675. [Indian corn, its culture, etc.] 1860 804.7 — Wheeler, Candace, ed. Columbia’s em- blem: Indian corn. 1893 897.22 Majolica. Fortnum,C. D. E. Maiolica. 853.27 Makers of America, v. 1-12. 1890-3 665.10 Contents: v. 1, George and Cecilius Calvert; by W : H. Browne, v. 2, Alexander Hamilton ; by W : G. Sumner, v. 3, James E: Oglethorpe; byH: Bruce, v. 4, Francis Higginson ; by T : W. Higginson. v. 5, Cot- ton Mather; by Barrett Wendell, v. 6, John Win- throp; by J. H. Twichell. v. 7, T: Hooker; by G: L. Walker, v. 8, Robert Fulton; by R. H. Thurston, v. 9, Sam Houston ; by H: Bruce, v. 10, Charles Sum- ner ; by Anna L. Dawes, v. 11, Christopher Columbus; by C: Kendall, v. 12, Peter Stuyvesant; by Bayard Tuckerman. v. 13, Jean Baptiste Lemoine ; by Grace King. v. 14, Sir William Johnson; by W: E. Griffis, v. 15, John Hughes; by H: A. Brann. v. 16, Robert Morris ; by W. G. Sumner, v. 17, Thomas Jefferson; by James Scbouler. v. 18, William White; by Julius A. Ward. Making of a man. Lee, J. W 473.8 Making of the great West. Drake, S: A. 757.3 Malden, Mrs. C: Jane Austeq. (Famous women ser.) 1889 627.1.20 Malet, Lucas, pseud. See Harrison, Mrs.W. Malleson, Mrs. Frank. Early training of children. 1887 463.25 Malleson, G: B. Indian mutiny of 1857. 1891 796.4 — Refounding of the German empire, 1848-71. 1893 778.6 Mallet, C: E. The French revolution. 1893 787.5 Mallock, W : H. ‘ ‘Cowardly agnosticism . ’ ’ A word with Prof. Huxley In 455.6 — Social equality. 1884 917.7 — See also Fiction class-list. Malmesbury, Earl of. Memoirs of an ex- minister, [1807-69]. 3v. in 2. 1885. 665.5 Malory. Sir T: History of King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table. 3v. 1889 485.4 Malta. Ballou, M. M. Story of. 1893. . 547.27 Malthus, T: R. Principle of population. 1872 921.6 — Bonar, James. Malthus and his work. 1885 945.24 — Greg, W. R. Enigmas of life 326.4 Mammalia. Schmidt, O. Mammalia in their relation to primeval times. 1886 815.4.53 MAMMOTn'cave, Kentucky. Knox, T: W. Underground, p. 456 928.1 Man ; prehistoric man ; ethnology, etc. General Works. — Abbott, L. A study in human nature. 1885 436.4 — Drummond, H: Ascent of man. [Ev- olution from a religious standpoint.] 1894 897.23 — Durham, W: Evolution, antiquity of man, etc. 1890 .... 897.25 — Fontaine, E; How the world was peo- pled. 1884 861.15 — Heard, J. B. Tripartite nature of man: spirit, soul, and body. 1882. . 461.23 — Hittell, J: S. History of the mental growth of mankind. 4 v. 1893 793.5 — Laing, S. Human origins. 1893 887.16 — Saturday lectures [on anthropology, etc., Washington, 1882] 881.11 — Topinard, Paul. Anthropology. 1878. 865.14 — Tylor, E: B. Anthropology. 1889. .. .815.4.62 — Wake, C. S. Memoirs of the Interna- tional Congress of anthropology [at Chicago, 1893] 896.4 Prehistoric. -T- Bell, N. R. E. [W. D' Anvers.] Story of early man. 1891 877.4 — Fergusson, J. Rude stone monu- ments. 1872 886.17 — Moorehead, W. K. Primitive man in Ohio. 1892 883.9 — Nadaillac, Marquis de. Manners and monuments of prehistoric peoples. 1892 881.24 Ethnology, etc. — Brinton,D.G. Races and peoples. 1890. 874.12 — Gomme, G. L. Ethnology in folk-lore. 1892 882.3 — Huxley, T:H. Critiques and addresses. 808.1 — Iconographic encyclopaedia, v. 1. 1886. *863. 2.1 Contents : Anthropology ; Ethnology ; Ethnography. — Knox, Robert. Races of men: influ- ence of race, etc . ; with supplement on hybridity. 1862 872.1 — Latham, R. G. Descriptive ethnol- ogy. 2 v. 1859 858.18 — Morris, C: Aryan race, its origin and achievements. 1888 765.10 — Nott, J. C. and Gliddon, G: R. Types of mankind. 1854 *888.4 — Peschel, Oscar. Races of man and their geographical distribution. 1892 891.24 — Pickering, C: Races of man. 1876... 861.19 — Pritchard, J. C. Natural history of man. 2 v. 1885 858.9 ■ Researches into the physical history of mankind. 5v: 1841 875.10 — Reclus, Elie. Primitive folk: studies in comparative ethnology. 1891.. 876.32 — Sayce, A. H. Races of the Old Testa- ment. 1891 473.1.16 — Smith, C: H. Natural history of the human species. [1848.] 867.2 — Wood, J. G. Uncivilized races of man. 2 v. 1871 .‘ 854.4 See also Archaeology; Civilization; Evo- lution; Future Life; Mound-builders. Man and his handiwork. Wood, J. G 854.12 Man and the state. Andrews, E. B: and others 936.31 MAN. 158 MARRIAGE. MAN in relation to the Bible and Chris- tianity. Rawlinson, G: and others . . Man, Isle of. See Isle of Man. Man on the ocean. Ballantyne, R. M — Man wonderful in the house beautiful. Allen, C. B. and M. A Manhattan, historic and artistic. Ober, C. F. and Westover, C. M Manhood. Dawson, W. J. Threshold of. [1889.] Manly exercises. See Physical education. Mann, Horace. A few thoughts for a young man. 1890 Mann, Mrs. Horace. See Fiction class-list. Manners. See - Etiquette, manners, po- liteness, etc. “Manners makyth man.” Hardy, E. J. Manning, Bev. R. Plain and rational ac- count of the Catholic faith. 1861 . . Manning, S: American pictures drawn with pen and pencil. [1876.] — Italian pictures drawn with pen and pencil. [1876.] — Land of the Pharaohs drawn with pen and pencil. [1875.] — Swiss pictures drawn with pen and pencil. [1866.] — “Those holy fields.” Palestine illus- trated by pen and pencil. [1874.]. . — and Green, S. G. English pictures drawn with pen and pencil Man’s strength and woman’s beauty. Chevasse, P. H Mansfield, E: D. Life of Gen. Winfield Scott. 1852 Mansfield, J: M. and Hall, G. S. Bibli- ography of education. 1886 Manson, G: J. Ready for business ; or, choosing an occupation. 1889 Mantegazza, Paolo. See Fiction class-list. Mantell,’ G. A. Geological excursions round the Isle of Wight. 1854 — Petrifactions and their teachings. II- lus . 1851 — Wonders of geology. 2v. 1864 Manteuffel, U. Z. von. See Fiction class- list. Manu, Laws of ; tr. by G. Buhler 481.1.25 Manual training. See Industrial educa- tion. Manufactures. Colange, L. de. Ameri- can dictionary of. 1881 C.16 — Japp, Alex. H. Industrial curiosities. 1891 8102.25 — Napier, James. Manufacturing arts in ancient times. 1874 8103.14 — Ure, Andrew. Cotton manufacture of Great Britain. 2 v. 1861 871.10 Philosophy of manufactures. 1861. 871.11 See also Useful arts ; also names of different materials and processes. Many thoughts of many minds. South- gate, H:, comp. 2v 351.4 Mapleson, J. H. Memoirs, 1848-88. 2v. 1888 676.12 Marah. Bulwer-Lytton, R 226.22 Marbot,J. B. A., Baron de. Memoirs. 2v. 1892 695.8 Marbourg, D. , joint author. See Eggles- ton, G: C. Marching to victory. Coffin, C: C 774.6.2 Marcoy, Paul. Journey across South America. Illus. 4v. 1873 8542.6 482.27 544.24 882.11 556.2 461.7 482.32 446.18 475.6 528.19 548.12 528.22 528.24 528.9 528.20 878.19 661.12 463.23 922.23 871.1 868.24 871.2 Margaret of Angonleme, queen of Navarre. Robinson, A. M. F. Margaret of Angouleme.(Famous women.) 1887. 627.1.14 Margin of profits. Atkinson, E: 1887. . . . 937.40 Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI. La Rocheterie, M. de. Life of. 2v. 1893 686 8 — Mundt, C. M. Marie Antoinette and her son. Fict. 1886 47.46 — Saint-Amand, I. de. Marie Antoinette and the downfall of royalty. Port. 1891 673.10 Marie Antoinette and the end of the old regime, 1781-9. Port. 1890.... 661.23 Marie Antoinette at the Tuileries, 1789-91. Port. 1891 673.9 Marie Louise, wife of Napoleon I. Bush, Mrs. F. Queens of France. [1851.] In 646.15.2 — Saint-Amand, I. de. Happy days of the Empress Marie Louise. Port. 1890. 1890 661.21 Marie Louise and the decadence of the empire. 1890 661.29 Marie Louise and the invasion of of 1814. 1891 661.30 — - Marie Louise; the island of Elba, and the hundred days. 1891 673.8 Mariette, Alphonse. Monuments of up- per Egypt. 1877 793.18 Mariette, Auguste. Outlines of ancient Egyptian history. 1892 783.15 M ariotti, L uigi, pseud. See Gallenga, A. C. N. Maritime discovery. Low, C: R. 2 v. 1881. 551.24 Markham, A. H. Sir John Franklin. (Great explorers.) 663.1.5 Markham, C. R. The fighting Veres. 1888 674.11 — History of Peru. 1880 795.1.1 — Life of John Davis, navigator, 1550- 1605. [1890.] 663.1.1 — Peru. 1880 796.1 Marks, Mrs. M. A. M. [Mary A. M. Hop- pus.] See Fiction class-list. Marlborough, Duke of. See Churchill, J: Marlitt, E., pseud. See John, E. Marlowe, Christopher. Works: ed. by Alex. Dyce. 1876 221.9 Contents: Marlowe and his writings. Tambur- laine the great. Tragical history of Doctor Faustus from the quarto of 1604. Tragical history of Doctor Faustus from the quarto of 1616. Ballad of Faustus. Jew of Malta. Edward the second. Massacre at Paris. Tragedy of Dido, queen of Carthage. Hero and Leander. Ovid’s elegies. Epigrams by J. D. Ignoto. First book of Lucan. . Passionate shepherd to his love. Fragment. Dialogue in verse. In obi- tum It. Manwood. Appendices. Index. — Best plays ; ed. by Havelock Ellis. 1887. 236.22 — Doctor Faustus. Drama. 1885.... In 216.4 Same In 227.2 — Poems, ed. by R. Bell. 1889 226.10 — Lowell, J. R. Old English dramatists. 1892 231.20 — Symonds, J: A. Shakespeare’s prede- cessors in the English drama, p. 534. 224.13 — Whipple, E: P. Literature of the 4 ge of Elizabeth 303.5 Marmion. [Poem.] Scott, Sir W 216.6 Marquis, T. G., joint author. Stories of new France. See Machar, A. M. Marriage. Bacon, F. Marriage and single life. (Essays.) 308.23 MARRIAGE 159 MARY. Marriage, continued. — Dodge, M. A. A new atmosphere 307.23 — Du Chaillu, P. B. Viking age. v. 2.. 766.1.2 — Farrar, J. A. Primitive manners, etc. 717.11 — Franklin B. Marriage and divorce. 1889 922.10 — Hamerton,P: G: Companionship in. In 323.1 — Hardy, E. J. How to be happy though married. 1886 446.17 — Jeaffreson, J: C. Brides and bridals. 2 v. 1873 921.5 — Lamb, C: Behavior of married peo- ple In 303.22 — Letourneau, C: Evolution of mar- riage and of the family 944.6 — McLennan, J. F. Primitive marriage, etc. 1886 '...In 923.19 — Marx, K: Rae, J. Contemporary so- cialism, pp. 104-171 917.12 — Mason, Otis T. Woman’s share in primitive culture, ch. 10 946.1.1 — Proctor, R: A. Influence of, on death- rate In 828.6 — Ruskin, J: Letters and advice to young girls and young ladies 431.7 » — Saunders, F. Salad for the solitary. [Monologue on matrimony.] In... 304.6 — Starck, C. N. Primitive family. 1889.815.4.65 — Strahan, S. A. K. Marriage and dis- ease. 1892 871.18 — Tamura, Naomi. Japanese bride. [Cus- toms. etc.] Illus. 1893 547.30 — U. S. Dept, of Labor. Report on mar- riage and divorce in the U. S., 1867- 86. 1891 P55.3 — Westermarck, E: History of human marriage. 1891 926.18 Marriott, J. A. R. Makers of modern Italy: Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi. 1889 693.1 Marry at, Florence. See Church, Mr R. Marry at, F: See Fiction class-list. Marryatt, Joshua. History of pottery and porcelain. 1868 8103.15 Mars, planet. Proctor, R: A. Borderland of science 856.10 Universe of suns, etc 861.32 Marsden, Kate. On sledge and horseback to the outcast Siberian lepers. [1892.] 551.19 Marsh, C: L. See Fiction class-list. Marshall, Alfred. Principles of eco- nomics. v. 1. 1891 926.14.1 — and Mary P. Economics of industry. 1888 925.13 Marshall, Emma. See Fiction class-list. Marshall, J: Flanders, H: Lives of the chief justices. 1875 668.11.2 — Homes of American statesmen 617.9 Marshall, J : A. American bastile. Il- lus. 1883 774.2 Marshall, Julian. Handel. 1890 693.2 Marston, P. B. Garden secrets [Poems] ; with memoir. 1887 222.25 Martial. [M. V.Martialis.] Epigrams. 1888. 225.12 Martin, St., bishop of Tours. Farrar, F: W. Lives of the fathers . ,454.17.1 — Scullard, H. H. Martin of Tours. 1891. 694.13 Martin, Annie. Home life on an ostrich farm. 1890 893.27 Martin, B: E. In the footprints of Charles Lamb. 1891 674.18 Martin, G: A. Familv horse; its stabling, etc. 1889 8102.2 Martin, H. N. The human body; ele- mentary text book. 1892 891.14 Martin, Henri. Popular history of France, 1789-1881. 3 v. Illus. [1877.] 766.13 Martin, Theo. Life of Lord Lindhurst. 1884 691.3 Martin, T: C. am? Wetzler, Joseph. Elec- tric motor and its applications. 1892. 8108.5 Martin, W. C. L. General history of humming-birds. [1852.] 867.1 Martineau, Harriet. Retrospect of West- ern travel, [1834-5]. 2 v. 1838 533.28 Martineau, Jas. Seat of authority in re- ligion. 1891 475.14 — A study of religion ; its sources and contents. 2v. 1888 453.16 Contents : v.l, Introduction; Limits of human intelli- gence considered ; Theism, v. 2, Theism, continued," Review of opposing systems ; The life to come ; Ap- pendix ; Indexes. — Types of ethical theory, v. 1. 1891. 466.21.1 Martinengo-Cesaresco, E., Countess. Es- says in the study of folk-songs. 1886. 234.6 Martyn, Carlos. John B. Gough: the apostle of cold water. 1893 671.1.11 — Wendell Phillips, the agitator. 1890. 671.1.1 — William E. Dodge, the Christian mer- chant. 1890 671.1.3 — , ed. American reformers, v. 1-12 671.1 Contents : v. 1, Wendell Phillips; hy Carlos Mar- tyn. v. 2, Horace Greeley ; hy F. N. Zahriskie. v. 3, William E. Dodge ; by Carlos Martyn. v. 4, Charles Sumner; by A.‘ H. Grimke. v. 5, Henry Ward Beecher; by J: H: Barrows, v. 6, W: L. Garrison; hy A. H. Grimke. v. 7, Abraham Lincoln; hy C: W, French, v. 8, Frederick Douglass; byF; M. Holland, v. 9, Dr. S. G. Howe; by F: B. Sanborn, v. 10, John G. Whittier; hy W: S. Kennedy, v. 11, John B. Gough; by Carlos Martyn. Martyrdoms of literature. Vickers, R.H. 346.10 MARVELSof animal and plant life. Frith, H: 874.40 Marvels of animal life. Holder, C: F. . . 847.20 Marvels of astronomy. Frith, H: 874.34 Marvels of earth, air, and water. Tissan- dier, G. and Frith, H: 874.35 Marvels of electricity and magnetism. Frith, H: 874.37 Marvels of geology and physical geogra- phy. Frith, H: 874.36 Marvels of heat, light, and sound. Tis- sandier, Gaston and Frith, H: 874.39 Marvels of invention and scientific puzzles. Tissandier,G. and Frith, H: 874.41 Marvels of the elements. Tissandier, G. and Frith, H: 874.38 Marvin, A. P. Life and times of Cotton Mather, 1663-1728. [1892.] 676.21 Marwedel, Emma. Conscious mother- hood; or, the earliest unfolding of the child in the cradle, nursery and kindergarten. 1889 464.25 Marx, Karl. Capital: a critical analysis of capitalist production. 2 v. 1887. . 901.1 Mary, the mother of Jesus. Bushnell, H. Sermons on living subjects, ch. 1 . . 438.9 Mary Stuart, queen of Scots. Bush, Mrs. F. Queens of France 646.15 — Jameson, A. Female sovereigns 633.12 — Lodge, Edm. Portraits, v. 2 658.3.2 — Stevenson, J. First eighteen years of. 1886 673 14 — Strickland, Agnes. Life of 652.7.3-7 — - Trial and execution of In 641.13.3 MARYLAND. 160 MATHER. Maryland, state. Bozman, J: L. His- tory of, [1633-1660]. 2v. 1837 776.1 — Browne, W: H. Maryland: the history of a palatinate. 1886 738.16.3 See also Baltimore. Marzials, F. T. Life of Leon Gambetta. 1890 687.26 — Life of Victor Hugo. 1888 693.21 — , joint author. Thackeray. See Merivale, Herman 693.28 Mashonaland. Bent, J. Theodore. Ruined cities of. 1892 551.23 — Blennerhassett, Rose and Sleeman, Lucy. Adventures in. 1893 554.17 Maskell, Mrs. A. E. A-. Children with the animals 847.35 Maskell, W: Ivories: ancient and mod- ern. 1887 853.23 Maskelyne, J: N. “Sharps and flats.” [Gamblers.] 1894 944.20 Masks. Doran, J. Habits, etc., p. 197.. 323.9 — Ward, A. W. English dramatic liter- ture 224.12.1 Mason, A. B. and Lalor, J: J. Primer of political economy. 1887 902.32 Mason, Mrs. A. G. Women of the French salons. 1891 688.3 Mason, E: T .,ed. Humorous masterpieces from American literature. 3v. 1887. 333.14 Mason, Emily V., ed. Journal of a young lady in Virginia. 1871 684.7 Mason, George. Rowland, Kate Mason. Life of, 1725-92. 2v. 1892 676.6 Mason, Otis T. Woman’s share in prim- itive culture. Illus. 1894 946.1.1 Masonic institutions. See Freemasonry. Masonry. Baker, Ira O. Treatise on masonry construction. 1889 8103.16 Maspero, G. Egyptian archaeology; tr. by Amelia B. Edwards. 1887 766.3 — Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria. 1892 !.... 792.19 Masque torn off. [Discourses.] Talmage, T. DeW 456.12 Masquerade and carnival: their customs and costumes. 1892 ... 8522.19 Mass. England, John, bishop. Nature and ceremonies of the. [1834] 476.27 Massachusetts. Adams, Brooks. Eman- cipation of Massachusetts. 1877.. 767.2 — Adams, C: F. Massachusetts: its his- torians and its history. 1893 785.10 Three episodes of Massachusetts his- tory: The settlement of Boston Bay; The Antinomian controversy ; A study of church and town govern- ment. 2v. 1892 775.23 — Barber, J: W. Historical collections of. 1884 776.3 — Barry, J: S. History of, [1492-1820]. 3v. 1855-7 784.14 — Bliss, W: R. Colonial times on Buz- zard’s Bay. 1889 757.22 — Convention of 1788 which ratified the constitution of the U. S. 1856.... 926.13 — Ellis, G: E. Puritan age in, 1629-85. 1891 788.18 — Everett. E: Orations, v. 1. [Settle- ment of.] 334.1.1 — Hale, E: E. Story of. [1891.] 764.18 — Oliver, P: Puritan commonwealth. 1856 784.3 — Pratt, Mara L. and Lovering, A. T. Stories of. 1892 j796.14 Massachusetts, continued. — Quinn, T: C., ed. Massachusetts of to- day. [Historical and biographical.] 1892 *8522.27 — Schouler, W: History of, in the civil war. 1868.. 784.1 — : State board of health. Report on water supply and sewerage. 2v. 1890 8101.22 — Thoreau, H: D. Natural history of. In 311.10 — Whittier, J: G. Prose works, v. 2,pp. 11-23. Peculiar institutions of 1001.7.2 — Young, Alexander. Chronicles of the first planters of the colony of, 1623- 36. 1846 784.15 See also Boston; Cambridge; Concord; Dorches- ter; Haverhill; Medford; Middlesex county; Plym- outh; Quincy; also Pilgrims. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. See St. Bartholomew. Massacres of the mountains: Indian wars of the far West. Dunn, J. P ., jr. 753.5 Massage. Murrell, W: Massage as a mode of treatment. 1887 856.28 — Nissen, H. Manual of Swedish move- ment and massage treatment. Illus. 1889 877.30 Massee, G: Plant world. 1891 891.32 Massinger, Philip. Dramatic works; with introd. by Hartley Coleridge. 221.4 Contents : Introduction; List of plays; Commenda- tory verses; The Virgin martyr ; The unnatural com- bat ; Duke of Milan ; The bondman ; The Renegado ; Parliament of love; The Roman actor; The great duke of Florence; Maid of honour; The picture ; Em- peror of the East; Fatal dowry; New way to pay old debts ; The city madam ; The guardian; A very woman; or, the prince of Tarent; The hashful lover; The old law; Poems; Glossary. Masson, D: Chatterton; a story of 1770. 1874 694.14 Masson, Gustave. Story of mediaeval France. 1888 .....752.1.21 — , comp. La lyre Francaise. 1884 222.2 Masters of French music. Hervey, A. 687.19 Mateaux, Clara L. Brave lives and noble. [Biog. sketches.] 1883 692.10 Materialism. Lorimer, G: C. Isms, old and new, pp. 82-100 436.25 — Stephen L. Common sense and. .. .In 425.30.1 — Tyndall, J: Scientific In 803.6 — W T ilkinson, W. F. Modern. [1888 .].. In 482.25 Materia medica. Wood, H. C. and others. Dispensatory of the U. S. 1894. . . . *888.14 Mathematics. Aid is, Mary S. Great giant Arithmos. 1882 j898.26 — Clifford, W. K. Common sense of the exact sciences. 1885 815.4.50 — Orton, H. D. Lightning calculator. 1875 855.11 See also Astronomy; Geometry; Logarithms; Me- chanics; Natural Philosophy; Navigation; Optics; Surveying, etc. Mather, Cotton. Life of John Eliot. [ In his Magnalia, v. 1, p 533.] 1820 .In 445.4.1 — Magnalia Christi Americana; or, the ec- clesiastical history of New England, 1620-98. 2v. 1820 445.4 — Marvin, A. P. Life and times of, 1663- 1728. [1892.] 676.21 — Wendell, B. Life of. (Makers of America.) [1891.] 665.10.5 Mather, Increase. Remarkable provi- dences. 1856 451.9 MATHER. 161 MECHANICS. Mather, J. M. John Ruskin: his life and teachings. 1890 673.16 Mathers, Helen B. See Reeves, H. B. Matheson, G: Distinctive messages of the old religions. 1893 473.6 Mathew, Father Theobald. Parton, J .,ed. Illustrious men, pp. 109-114 617.17 Mathews, B. and Hutton, L. Actors and actresses of Great Britain and the United States. 5v. 1886 647.2 Contents', v.l, Garrick, etc. v.2. The Kembles, etc. v.3, Keane and Booth, v.4, Macready and Forrest, etc. v.5, The present time. Mathews, W: Men, places, and things. 1887 343.6 — Oratory and orators. 1883 323.20 Contents : Power and influence of tfe orator. Is oratory a lost art ? Qualifications of the orator. Or- ator’s trials. Orator’s helps. Tests of eloquence. Personalities in debate. Political orators: English. Political orators : Irish. Political orators: American. Forensic orators. Pulpit orators. Plea for oratorical culture. Index. — Wit and humor: their use and abuse. 1888 343.8 Mathews, W: S. B., ed. Hundred years of music in America. 1893 895 18 Matson, H: References for literary work- ers; with introductions to topics and questions for debate. 1892 346.6 Matson, N. Pioneers of Illinois. 1882... 712.31 Matter. Dolbear, A. E. Matter, ether and motion. 1892 8102.22 — Glazebrook, R. T. Laws and proper- ties of. 1893 885.19 — Hunt, R. Poetry of science. [Condi- tions of matter.] • 807.1 — Maxwell, J. C. Matter and motion. 1878 877.16 — Picton, J.A. Mystery of matter. 1878. 485.6 — Tyndall, J: Force and matter In 803.6 Matthew of Westminster. Flowers of his- tory, to 1307. 2v. 1853 771.8 Matthew, Jas. E. Popular history of music. 1889. 853.33 Matthews, Brander. Americanisms and Briticisms, etc. 1892 345.6 — French dramatists of the 19th century. 1881 657.10 — See also Fiction class-list. Maudsley, H: Body and mind. 1886.. 845.34 — Natural causes and supernatural seem- ings. 1887 478.24 Maupassant, G uy de. ^Fiction class-list. Maurice, C. Edm. Revolutionary move- ment of 1848-9 in Italy, Austria- Hungary and Germany. 1887 756.9 Maurice, F: Denison. Prayer-book and the Lord’s prayer. 1880 484.18 Maurice, J: F: Balance of military pow- er in Europe. 1888 924.16 Maurine and other poems. Wilcox, El- la Wheeler 222.3 Maury, Gen. Dabney H. Recollections of a Virginian in the Mexican, In- dian and civil wars. 1894 692.8 Maver, W:, jr. American telegraphy. 1892 886.27 Maverick, A: Henry J. Raymond and the New York press for thirty years, 1870 674.7 Maverick national bank manual. 1887.. 901.8 Maximilian I., emperor of Mexico. Schroe- der, Seaton. Fall of Maximilian’s empire as seen from a United States gun-boat. 1887 757.11 Maxims. See Aphorisms. Maxwell, J. C. Elementary treatise on electricity. 1888 886.26 — Matter and motion. 1878 877.16 — Theory of heat. 1888 872.22 Maxwell, W. H. Victories of Welling- ton and the British armies. 1885. 772.8 May, Sophie, pseud. See Clark, R. S. May, Sir T: E. Constitutional history of England, 1760-1871. 2v. 1891.... 934.5 — Democracy in Europe. 2v. 1889 944.24 Maya chronicles. Brinton, D: G .,ed. 1882. 351.1.1 Maycock, W. Perren. Electric lighting and power distribution, v 1 . . 893.2 Mayer, A. M., ed. Sport with gun and rod in American woods and waters. [1883.] 854.14 Mayhew, H: London labour and the Lon- don poor. 3v. Illus. [1864.] 927.1 — and Binney, J: Criminal prisons of London and scenes of prison life. 1862 926.20 Maynard, C. J. Eggs of North American birds. 1890 875.4 — North American butterflies. 1891.... 894.21 Mayor, J. B. Chapters on English metre. 1886 235.5 Mazzini, Joseph. Duties of man. 1862. 478.28 — Marriott, J. A. R. Makers of modern Italy. 1889 693.1 Meade, L. T. See Smith, Mrs. L. T. Meade, Theo. H. Health without medi- cine. 35 pp 877.6 — Horsemanship for women. 1887 856.23 — Our mother tongue. [1890.] 342.16 Meadowcroft, W: H. A B C of electric- ity. [1888.] 874.8 Meccah. Keane, J: F. Six months in. 1881 558.23 Mechanics and mechanic arts. Amateur work. lOv. 1882-8 8108.7 — American machinist. [ lUus . weekly .] v.2-17. 1878-94 *8541.29 — Benjamin, Park, ed. Appleton’s cyclo- paedia of applied mechanics. 2v. 1880 C.19 — Carpenter, W: B. Mechanical philos- ophy. 1877 868.8 — Dana, E: S. Elementary mechanics. 1890 874.25 - Everett, E: Orations, v. 2. [Impor- tance of the mechanic arts.] 334.1.2 — Fairbairn, Sir W: Principles of mech- anism and machines of transmis- sion. 1891 896.28 — Goodeve, T: M. Manual of mechanics. 897 26 — Iconographic encyclopaedia of the arts and sciences, v. 6, Applied me- chanics. 1890 863.2.6 — Joynson, F. H., ed. Mechanic’s and student’s guide in general machine gearing. 1874 8103.11 — Klein, J. F. Elements of machine de- sign. 1892 8103.2 — Lanza, Gaetano. Applied mechanics. 1893 8103.6 — Marx, K: Machinery and modern in- dustry In 901.1.2 — Rose, Joshua. Modern machine-shop practice. 2 v f 1887 8522.39 MECHANICS. 162 MENDELSSOHN. Mechanics and mechanic arts, continued . — Sells, Y. P. Mechanics of daily life. 1893 891.28 — Spon’s Mechanic’s own book. 1886 — 875.15 — Unwin, W. Cawthorne. Elements of machine design. 2v. 1892 8102.20 — Waite, H: R., ed. Boy’s workshop. Illus. 1884 8102.23 — Wood, J. G. Nature’s teachings, p. 308. 854.11 See also Lathes. Medals. See Numismatics. Medford, Massachusetts. Brooks, C: His- tory of the town of. 1855 758.5 Media. Ragozin, Z. A. Story of. 1888. 752.1.20 Mediaeval history. See Middle Ages. Mediaeval tales; with introd. by H: Mor- ley. 1884 323.30 Contents: Charles the great and Orlando; Ballad romance of the days of Charlemange; Tales from the t Gesta Romanorum; Doctor Faustus. Medical men of the revolution. Toner, J. M. 1876 692.3 Medici family. Symonds, J. A. Florence and the Medici In 514.33.1 Medici, Catherine de. Saint-Amand,I. de. Women of the Yalois court. 1893 . In 683.19 Medicine. Brown, Harvey E., comp. Med- ical department of the United States army from 1775-1873. 1873 8104.3 — Call, Annie Payson. Power through repose. 1891 .. 874.20 — Campell, F: R. Language of. 1888.. 8103.17 — Dictionary of medical and surgical knowledge. [1867.] 856.38 — Dupouv, E. Medicine in the Middle Ages. 1889 886.15 — Fort, G: F. Medical economy during the Middle Ages. 1883 873.4 — Gould, G : M. New medical dictionary. 1892 8101.19 — Gunn, J: C. New family physician. 1887 886.16 — Handbook of domestic medicine. By an eminent physician. 1882 868.2 — Holmes, O. W. Over the teacups, p. 124. [Specialists.] 336.24 — Huxley, T: H.On medical education . In 808.1 — Mitchell, S. W. Doctor and patient: essays. [Advice to women. ] 1888.. 861.16 Fat and blood; [treatment of nervous diseases] 861.17 — Osier, W: Principles and practice of medicine. 1888 8103.18 — Ott, I: Action of medicines. 1878... 886.14 — Pepper, W: and Starr, L:, ed. System of practical medicine. 5 v. 1885-6... 8103.19 — Saunders, F: Mysteries of medicine.ih- 304.6 — Sozinskey, T: S. Medical symbolism. 1891 877.35 — Stanton, T. Woman in medicine../^ 901.22 See also Accidents and emergencies; Alcohol ; Anatomy; Bacteria; Children; Consumption; Diges- tion; Diseases ; Electricity; Food and diet; Health; Health resorts ; Heredity; Hospitals; Hygiene; Light; Massage; Microscope ; Nursing ; Obstetrics; Sur- gery; Women. Mediterranean sea. Davis, R: H. Rulers of the. 1894 556.6 — Smyth, W: H: The Mediterranean: physical, historical, and nautical. 1854 537.10 Meehan, T: Native flowers and ferns of the United States, v.1-2, Illus, 1878. *888.13 Meisner, S. R. de. See Fiction class-list. Meister Karl’s sketch-book. Leland, C:G. 335.7 Meitzen, August. History, theory and technique of statistics. 1891 947.2 Meldola, R. Chemistry of photography. 1891 '.. 891.9 Mell, P. H. Manual of parliamentary practice. [1867.]..- 924.21 Melville, G. J.W-. Riding recollections. 1879 874.4 — See also Fiction class-list. Melville, G: W. In the Lena delta. 1892 558.12 Memorable women [of English Puritan times]. Anderson, James. 2v 687.8 Memorial or Decoration day. Baldwin, James. Harper’s school speaker, v. 1, pp. 121-159. 1890 344.23 — Carleton, Will. Cover them over. .. In 207.5 Festival of memory In 207.21 Our army of the dead In 201.14 — Finch, F.N. The blue and the gray . In 221.19 Same In 325.8 — Garfield, J. H. Strewing flowers, etc. Works, v. l,pp. 322-326 1001.10 — The nation’s dead In 322 11.2 Same. Poems of places, v. 25, p. 39. 233.1.25 — Percival,J. G.Gravesof the patriots . In 322.11.7 — Peterson, H. Ode for decoration day. In 322.11.9 See also Songs. Memorial story of America, 1492-1892 Mabie, H. W. and Bright, M. H... 768.13 Memorials of a half century [inMichigan]. Hubbard, Bela. 1887 647.16 Memories and portraits. Stevenson, R. L: 1890 355.13 Memory. Holbrook, M. L. How to strengthen the memory. [1886.] . . 446.20 — Kay, D: Memory: what it is and how to improve it. 1889 448.2.8 — Mathews, AY: Memory and its mar- vels In 31S. 1 Memphis, Egypt. Wright, W. B. Ancient cities 523.23 Men and measures of half a century. McCulloch, Hugh. 1889 927.3 Men and women of the time. Moon, G. W. 1891 E.13 Men of achievement series. 4v 686.3 v. 1, Explorers and travelers, by A. W. Greely. v. 2, Statesmen, by Noah Brooks. v. 3, Men of business, by W. O. Stoddard. v. 4, Inventors, by P. G. Hubert, jr. Men of renown. Wise, Daniel 675.15 Men of the Bible, v. 1-15 461.6 Contents : v. 1, Abraham ; by W. J. Deane, v. 2, Moses; by G. Rawlinson ; v. 3, Solomon; by F. W. Farrar, v. 4, Isaiah; by S. R. Driver, v. 5, Samuel and Saul; by W. J. Deane, v. 6, Jeremiah ; by T. K. Cheyne. v. 7, Jesus Christ; by E. J. Vallings. v. 8, Elijah ; by W. Milligan, v. 9, Daniel ; by H. Deane, v. 10, David; by W. J. Deane; v. 11, Bangs of Israel and Judah; by G; Rawlinson. v. 12, Joshua; by W : J. Deane, v. 13, St. Paul ; by J. Iverach. v. 14, Minor prophets ; by F. W. Farrar, v. 15, Isaac and Jacob; by G: Rawlinson. Men, places, and things. Mathews, AY: 1887 343.6 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix. Letters to Ignaz and Charlotte Moscheles. 1888 653.11 — Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, K: Goethe and Mendelssohn, (1821-31). Ports. 1874 687.16 MENDENHALL. 163 METEOROLOGY. Mendenhall, T.C. Century of electricity. 1887 847.30 Meneval, C.-P. de. Memoirs of Napo- leon L, from 1802 to 1815. 2 v. 1894. 692.17 Mental development in the child. Prey- er, W 448.2.24 Mental diseases. Ribot, T. Diseases of personality. 1891 877.3 See also Insanity. Mental healing. See Mind cure. Mental pathology and therapeutics. Grie- singer, Wilhelnf. 1867 483.14 Mental philosophy, psychology, etc. Ab- bott, Lyman. A study in human nature. 1885 436.4 — Alexander, J. B. Dynamic theory of life and mind. 1893 881.18 Pyschology applied to the art of teaching. 1892 448.2.19 — Baldwin, J. Elementary psychology and education. 1887 448.2.6 — Dewey, J: Pyschology. 1892 473.9 — Fleming, W: Vocabulary of philoso- phy, psychological, ethical, etc. 1887. 478.25 — Herbart, Johann F. Text book in psy- chology. 1891 448.2.18 — James, W: Principles of psychology. 2 v. 1890 465.16 — Kant, Immanuel. Kritik of judg- ment. 1892 483.22 — Locke, J: On human understanding. 2v. 1889 458.12 — Lotze, H. Outlines of psychology. [1886.] 472.20.4 — McCook, James. Psychology: the cog- nitive powers. 1886 445.9 — McCosh, James. Intuitions of the mind inductively investigated.... 477.9 — Perez, B. First three years of child- hood. 1885 446.28 — Porter, Noah. Elements of intellect- ual science. 1891 477.3 — Preyer, W. Mental development in the child. 1894 448.2.24 The mind of the child, pts. 1-2. 1889- ’90. pt.l, Senses and the will 448.2.7 pt.2, Development of the intellect. 448.2.9 — Romanes, G: J: Mental evolution in man. 1889 454.20 — Spinoza, B. de. On the improvement of the understanding 436.5.2 — Steele, G. M. Rudimentary psychol- ogy. [1889.] 463.29 — Sully, J. Outlines of psychology. 1885. 445.8 — Warner, Francis. Growth and means of training the mental faculty. 1890 463.6 See also Metaphysics; Mind and body; Philoso- phy; also , Memory; Psychic phenomena. Menzies, Sutherland. History of France for junior classes 755.20 — Political women. [English and French.] 1873 652.10 Merchant marine. Wells, David A. and Codman,J. Question of ships. 1890. 937.64 See also Commerce and trade. Merchant of Venice. See Shakespeare, W: Meredith, George. Ballads and poems of tragic life. 1887 223.11 — Modern love, etc. [Poems.] 1892 231.24 — Pilgrim’s scrip; or, wit and wisdom of; with introd. by M. R. F. Gilman. 1888 347.2 Meredith, George, continued. ■ — Poems. [Empty purse, etc.] 1892... 231.17 — A reading of earth. 1888 223.15 — Le Gallienne, R: George Meredith: some characteristics, with a bibli- ography by John Lane. 1890 343.2 — See also Fiction class-list. Meredith, Owen, pseud. See Bulwer-Lyt- ton, R., 2d Lord Lytton. Merivale,C: The Roman triumvirates. 1889 787.12.9 Merivale, Herman and Marzials, F. T. Thackeray 693.28 Meriwether, Lee. The tramp at home. 1889 523.26 — A tramp trip: how to see Europe on fifty cents a day. 1887 522.31 Merriam, Florence A. Birds through an opera glass. 1889 865.24 Merriam, G: S. Life and times of Sam- uel Bowles. 2v. 1885 652.3 — , ed. Noah Porter: A memorial by friends. 1893 686.5 — , ed. Story of William and Lucy Smith. 1889 656.8 Merrill, Selah. East of the Jordan, [1875-7]. 1881 554.5 — Galilee in the time of Christ. 1891. . . 473.1.5 Merriman, Effie W. See Fiction class-list. Merriman, M. Treatise on hvdraulics. 1892 1 8103.20 Merritt, Wesley and others. Armies of to-day. 1893 928.2 Merwin, H. C. Road, track, and stable. 1892 884.15 Merydew, J. T., ed. Love letters of fa- mous men and women. 2v. 1888. . . 341.8 Merz, J: T. Leibniz. (Philosophical classics.) 1884 675.1.8 Mesmerism. See Animal magnetism, etc. Message of Jesus to men of wealth. Her- ron, G: D 466.3 Messages to the multitude. Spurgeon, C: H 472.2 Metals. Delmar, Alexander. History of the precious metals. 1880 8103.23 Metal-working. Byrne, O. Practical metal-workers assistant. 1884.... 854.3 Metamorphoses. See Apuleius; Ovid. Metaphysical healing. See Mind cure, etc. Metaphysics. Aristotle, metaphysics; lit. tr. by J: H. M’Mahon. 1887 457.2 — Kant, I. Prolegomena, etc. 1883 436.6 — Lotze, Hermann. Metaphysic in three books: ontology, cosmology, and psychology. 2v. 1887 454.2 Microcosmus. 1887 452.15 Outlines of metaphysic. 1886 472.20.1 — McCosh, J. First and fundamental truths. 1889 456.17 See also Final causes. Meteorology. Barnard, C: Talks about the weather in its relation to plants and animals. [1885.] 891.16 — Ferrel, W: Popular treatise on - the winds, etc. 1890 894.5 — Hartwig, G. The aerial world. 1875.. 862.7 — Prout, W: Meteorology, as related to natural theology. 1855 In 868.16 — Waldo, Frank. Modern meteorology. 1893- 885.9 METEORS. 164 MIDDLE AGES. Meteors. Lockyer, Joseph N. Meteorit- ic hypothesis. 1890 ...8103.10 Methodism. Denominational “confes- sions.” 1887 In 447.3 — Leaton, James. History of Methodism in Illinois, 1793-1832. 1883 484.7 — Where is the city ? 1868 408.26 Metrical romances. See Poetry. Metternich, Prince. Memoirs, [1773-1835]; ed. by Prince R. Metternich. 5v. 1880-2 637.8 Mexico. Baedeker, K: Excursion into. — Bancroft, H. H. History of, 1516-1887. 6v. 1883-’ 88 782.7 History of North Mexican states and Texas, 1531-1889. 2v. 1884 782.8 — Bandelier, A. F. Archaeological re- connoissance in 1881 553.11 — Biart, Lucien. The Aztecs: their his- tory, manners, and customs. 1887. 753.8 — Brinton, D: G., tr. Ancient Nahuatl poetry. 1887 351.1.7 — Brocklehurst, T: U. Mexico to-day, [1881]. 1883 554.7 — Charnay, D. Ancient cities of the new world. 1887 545.20 — Cubas, Antonio G. The republic of Mexico in 1876. Col’d illus. 1876. 532.15 — Curtis, W: E. Capitals of Spanish America. [1888.] 537.26 — Diaz del Castello, B. Discovery and conquest of In 535.6.3 — Falkenhorst, C. With Cortez in. 1892. jl02.24 — Gooch, Fanny C. Face to face with the Mexicans. [1887.] 541.8 — Griffin, S. B. Mexico of to-day. 1886. 533.4 — Hale, E. E. and S. Family flight through Mexico. [1886.] 531.17 — Hale, Susan. Story of Mexico. 1889. 752.1.22 — Janvier, T: A. Mexican guide. 1890.. 542.27 Stories of Old New Spain. 1891 173.1 — Johnson, Hannah M. About Mexico, past and present. [1887.] 775.9 — Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in. [1889.] 537.1 — Ladd, H. O. History of the war with. 1883 785.21 — Mexican border commission, Reports of. 1875 901.9 — Noll, A. H. Short history of. 1890.... 775.14 — Riplev, R. S. The war with Mexico. [1845-7]. 2v. 1849 753.7 — Schroeder, S. Fall of Maximilian’s empire, [1878], 1887 767.3 — Smith, F. H. White umbrella in. 1889. 523.27 — Wells, David A. A study of, [in 1885]. 1890 775.6 — Wilson, R. A. Conquest of. 1861.... 776.20 — Winsor, Justin. Aboriginal Mexico. In 762.1.1 See also Maximilian 1. Meyer, Mrs. Annie N., ed. Woman’s work in America. 1891 946.5 Meyer, F. B. Christian living 472.26 — Present tenses of the blessed life. [1893.] 472.25 — Shepherd psalm. [1889.] 472.27 Meyer, Franz S. Handbook of ornament. 1894 887.28 Meyer, H. A. W. Critical and exegeti- cal commentary on the New Testa- ment. 20 v. 1875-84 424.2 Note : Contains all the books of the New Testa- ment except Revelation. Michael Angelo. See Buonarotti, Mich- ael Angelo. Michaelis, Richard. See Fiction class- list. Michelet, Jules. Bible of humanity. 1877. 475.7 — Historical view of the French revolu- tion, to 1791. 1888 772.16 — The insect. Illus. 1875 883.5 — Joan of Arc 694.7 — The sea. Illus. 1875 883.4 — Woman. [La femme.] 1860 451.16 Michell, T: Russian pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 1889 545.5 Michigan. Cooley, T. Mcl. Michigan: a history of governments. 1885 738.16.5 — Hubbard, Bela. Memorials of a half- century 1887 647.16 — Lanman, C: The red book of Michi- gan: a civil, military, and biograph- ical history. 1871 763.20 — Tuttle, C: R. General history of. 1874. 761.8 See also Detroit. Michigan university. Dilke, C: W. Great- er Britain, p. 68. 1869 503.20 — Hamlin, S. L. Education of American girls. 1874 In 402.31 Micmac Indian legends. Rand, S. T 477.17 Microbes. Binet, A. Psychic life of mi- cro-organisms. 1889. 8102.7 — Trouessart, E. L. Microbes, ferments and moulds. 1886 815.4.56 See also Bacteria. Micro-chemistry of poisons. Wormley, Theo. G: 1885 8103.21 Microcosmus. Lotze, Hermann 452.15 Microscope. Beale, L. S. How to work the microscope. 1880 862.6 — Behrens, Julius W. Microscope in botany. 1885 883.17 — Herrick, Sophie B. Plant life under the microscope. 1883. ... 872.5 — Stokes, A. C. Microscopy for begin- ners. 1887 856.12 — Strasburger, E. Microscope in vege- table histology. 1887 883.18 — Wells, S., Treat, M., and Sargent, F. L. Through a microscope. [1886.] . . . j855.23 — Wood, J. G. Common objects of the. 893.10 Middle Ages. Adams, G: B. Civiliza- tion during the. 1894 793.1 — Belt and spur: stories of the. 1884. . . 177.19 — Church, R. W. Beginning of the. 1886. 743.5.15 — Cutts, E. L. Scenes and characters in. 1885 735.18 Contents : Monks; Hermits and recluses; Pilgrims; Secular clergy; Minstrels; Knights; Merchants. — Duruy, V. History of the. 1891 792.17 — Emerton, E. Introduction to study of, (375-814). 1891 783.20 — Fort, G: F. Medical economy during the. 1883 873.4 — Green, Mrs. J. R. Town life in the 15th century. 2v 795.5 — Koeppen, A. L. World in the Middle Ages: an historical geography. 2v. 1854 755.1 — Lacroix, Paul. Arts in the Middle Ages, and at the period of the re- naissance 768.1 — Lane, E: W. Arabian. society in the. 1883 765.20 — McClintock, W: D., comp. Song and legend from the. 1893 348.8 — Montalambert, C. F. Monks of the West, v. 1, p. 113. [The true and the false.] ' 434.3.1 MIDDLE AGES. 165 MIND-CURE. Middle Ages, continued . — Robertson, W: Charles Y. View of the progress of society in Europe. . . 704.7.1 — Stokes, G: T: Mediaeval history, (395- 1453). 1887 755.10 — Wagner, W. Epics and romances of. 1887 148.9 See also Chivalry; Crusades; Goths. Middlesex county, Mass . Drake, S. A. Historic fields and mansions of Middlesex. 1874 553.4 Middleton, C. Life and letters of Cicero. 1880 i 654.13 Middleton, J: H; Ancient Rome in 1888. 1888 558.28 Midnight talks at the club. Fiske, A. Iv. 1890 342.3 Mignet, F. A. History of the French revolution, 1789-1814. 1888 772.17 Miles, A. H., ed . Poetry and poets of the century. [Great Britain.] 9 v. 1889 235. C Miles, H; A. Gospel narratives ; their origin, peculiarities, and transmis- sion. 1854 472.5 Military art and science. Demmin, A. Arms and armour. 1877 867.5 — Derrecagaix, Y. Modern war. 3v. 1888 881.17 Contents : v. 1, Strategy; v. 2, Grand tactics ; v. 3, Atlas. — Farrow, E;S. Military encyclopaedia: a dictionary of military knowledge. 3v. 1885 C.6 — Ham ley, Sir E: B. Operations of war explained. 1878 892.13 — Hershler, N. Guardsman’s hand-book. 1886 847.26 - Merritt, Wesley and others . Armies of to-day. 1893 928.2 — Root, N. W. T. School amusements. [Drilling.] 1859 426.5 See also Battles; Fencing; Naval science; West Point ; also names of various countries for their mil- itary history. Military life in Italy. Amicis, E. de. 527.26 Military mariners and custom#. Farrer, J. A. 1885 735.12 Mill, Hugh Robert. Realm of nature: an outline of physiography. 1894 8102.28 Mill, J. and Wilson, H. H. History of British India, 1527-1835. lOv. in 9. 1858 765.6 Mill, J: S. On liberty. 1871 903.9 — A system of logic. 1887.. 447.12 — Utilitarianism. 1887 484.23 — Buckle, H.T. Review of On liberty . In 334.13.1 — Morley, J: Mill’s Autobiography .... In 352.5.3 Miller, Annie J. Physical beauty: how to obtain and preserve it. 1892 857.12 Miller, D. L. Letters from Europe and Bible lands, (1883-4). 1887 546.5 Miller, G: History, philosophically illus- trated, from the fall of the Roman empire, to the French revolution. 4v. 1852-4 772.10 Miller, Hugh. Scenes and legends of the North of Scotland. 1851 534.25 Miller, Joaquin. Unwritten history: Life amongst the Modocs. 1874. .. 534.24 Miller, L. W. Essentials of perspective. 1887 853.20 Miller, Olive T. Bird-ways. 1885 j847.19 Miller, Olive T., continued . — Little people of Asia. 1885 j532.10 — Our home pets. 1894 898.8 — The woman’s club : a practical guide and hand-book. [1891.] 925.28 Miller, S. F. Bench and bar of Georgia. 2v. 1858 667.7 Miller, T: History of the Anglo-Saxons, to the Norman conquest. 1878. . . . 772.7 Miller, W: J. Wampanoag tribe of In- dians. 1880 775.15 MiLLE'f, F. D. The Danube, from the Black Forest to the Black Sea. 1893. 558.1 Millhouse, J: New English and Italian dictionary. 2v. 1893 E.14 Milligan, W. Elijah: his life and times. 461.6.8 Millionaires of a day. Yan Dyke, T. S. 924.22 Mills, W. T. Science of [practical] pol- itics. 1888 917.31 Milman, H: H. Life of Quintus Horatius Flaccus. 1854 685.4 Milmer, Alfred. England in Egypt. 1892. 791.11 Milne, J: Earthquakes, etc . 1886 815.4.55 Milnes, R: M., 1 st Lord Houghton . Reid, T. W. Life, letters and friend- ships of. 2v. [1891.] 668.6 Milton, G:, ed . Western Rural year book: a cyclopaedia of reference. 1866. . . 854.17 Milton, John. Poetical works, ed., with memoir, by D: Masson. 1880 224.6 — Poetical works ; with memoir, intro- ductions, notes, and an essay on Milton’s English and versification, by D: Masson. 3v. 1882 223.29 Contents : y. 1, Minor poems; v. 2, Paradise lost; v. 3, Paradise regained and Samson Agonistes. — Poetical works ; with memoir and critical remarks by J. Montgomery. 2 v. 1884 226.4 Contents: v.l, Paradise lost; v. 2, Paradise re- gained; Samson Agonistes; Comus; Arcades, etc. — Paradise lost. Ulus, by Dore. 1884.. 8522.6 — Readings from Milton. 1886 222.13 — Garnett, R: Milton. (Great writers.). 693.24 — Reed, H: British poets. 1867 208.22.1 Mimic world. Logan, Olive. 1871 862.10 Mind and body. Calderwood, H: Rela- tions of mind and brain. 1892. . . . 894.3 — Granville, J. M. Common mind troubles 872.14 — Griesinger, W. Mental pathology and therapeutics. 1867 483.14 — Ladd, G: T. Physiological psychology. 1891 465.3 — Maudsley, H: Body and mind. 1885. . 845.34 — Prince, Morton. Nature of mind and human automatism. 1885 478.3 — Warner, F. Physical expression. 1886. 815.4.51 Mind and mental science. See Mental philosophy. Mind of the child. Preyer, W. 2 pts. 1889-90. pt. 1, Senses and the will 448.2.7 pt. 2, Development of the intellect 448.2.9 Mind-cure, Christian science, etc. Buck- ley, J. M. Faith-healing, Christian science, etc. 1892 482.20 — Carter, R. K. Divine healing. [Faith- cure.] 1888 452.7 — Eddy,J/rs. M. B. G. Science and health. 1887 447.18 — Evans, W. F. Esoteric Christianity. 1887 447.17 MIND-CURE. 166 MOHAMMED. Mind-cure, continued. Mental cure. 1885 446.15 Primitive mind cure. 1886 446.14 — Lord, Frances. Christian science heal- ing. 1886 453.20 — Titcomb, Sarah E. Mind-cure on a material basis. 1885 447.20 — Townsend, L.T. “Faith-work,” “Chris- tian science,” and other cures. 1887 451.5 — Tuke, D. H. Influence of the mind upon the body in health and dis- ease. 1884 843.24 — Wood, Henry. Ideal suggestion through mental photography. 1893 475.12 Mineral waters. See Health resorts. Mineralogy. Buckland, W: Geology and mineralogy as related to nat- ural theology. 2 v. 1869 868.13 — Crosby, W: O. Common minerals and rocks. (Guides for science-teach- ing.) 1889 874.2.12 — Hatch, F: H. Mineralogy. [Popular science.] 1892 882.15 — Hunt, T: S. Systematic mineralogy. 1892 8101.24 — Kobell, F. von. Sketches from the mineral kingdom. 1859 In 871.3 — Rutley, F. Study of rocks. 1884 856.4 See also Geme, precious stones, etc . Mines and mining. Balch, W: R , comp. Mines, miners, and mining inter- ests of the United States in 1882. [1882.] *8522.24 — Knox, T: W. Underground world 928.1 — Lupton, A. Mining: an elementary treatise. 1893 894.16 — Sutro, Theo. Sutro tunnel company: report to stockholders. 1887 847.33 — U. S. Tenth census, 1880. v. 15. Min- ing industries [exclusive of pre- cious metals] P52.7 Minnesingers. Kroeger, A. E. Minne- singer of Germany. 1873 222.33 Minor law-books, pt. 1. See Sacred books of the East 481.1.33 Minor prophets. Farrar, F. W 461.6.14 Minor wars of the United States. — The French Avar, by Rossiter Johnson. 723. 18.1 — War of 1812-15, by Rossiter Johnson. .723.18.2 — King Philip’s Avar, by R: Markham. .723.18.3 — War Avith Mexico, by H. O. Ladd 785.21 Mints. Evans, G: G., ed. Illustrated his- tory of the United States mint. 1890. 8101.11 Miracle plays. Hone, W: In 454.7 Miracles. Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of. 1885 452.5 — Bruce, A. B. Miraculous element in the gospels. [1886.] 467.13 — Fisher, G: P. Grounds of theistic and Christian belief 431.12 Supernatural origin of Christianity. 447.2 — Fiske, J: Unseen world, etc., p. 129*. 433.28 — Supernatural religion. 3v. 1875-87 442.8 Mirror, The. (British essayists . ) . . . 303. 15. 28-29 Missing friends. Adventures in Queens- land, (1871.-80) „ 554.10 Missionary review of the world. See Pe- riodicals. Missions. Bliss, E. M., ed . Encyclopae- dia of missions. 2 v. 1891 C.ll — Foster, J: Wilberforce on Christian missions I n 324.14.2 Missions, continued. — Guinness, Mrs. H. G. First Christian mission on the Congo. 1860 In 554.32 — Johnston, J., ed. Report of the Cen- tenary Conference on Foreign Mis- sions, London, June, 1888. 2v 454.6 — Liggins, J: Value and success of for- eign missions. [1888.] 464.10 — Neander, A: History of missions in the Middle Ages. 1885 In 458.15 — Pierson, A. T. Crisis of missions. [1886.] 478.9 See also Moravians. Mississippi. Davis, Reuben. Recollec- tions of Mississippi and Mississip- pians. 1890 662.3 Mississippi river. Glazier, W. Down the great river. 1888 552.7 — Gould, E. W. Fifty years on the Mis- sissippi; or, history of river naviga- tion. 1889 923.16 — Humphreys, A. A. and Abbot, H. L. Report upon the physics and hy- draulics of the. 1867 848.23 Same. [Reprinted with additions.] 1876 *8521.29 Missouri, state. Carr, Lucien. Missouri: a bone of contention. 1888 738.16.10 — Switzler, W. F. History of Missouri, [1541-1877.] 1879 762.3 Mitchel,F:A: Ormsby MacKnight Mitch- el. 1887 694.20 Mitchel, Ormsby M. Mitchel,F: A: Orms- . by MacKnight Mitchel. 1887 694.20 Mitchell, Donald G. English lands, let- ters and kings. 2v. 1889 336.8 Contents : v. 1, From Celt to Tudor, v. 2, From Elizabeth to Anne. Mitchell, E: C., ed. Gesenius’ Hebrew grammar. [1880.] 353.13 Mitchell, J. M. and Muir, Sir W: Two old faiths: essays on the religions of Hindus and the Mohammedans. 1891 472.16 ' Mitchell, J : T. Duplicate whist. 1891. 877.21 t Mitchell, Kate. The drink question: its social ai*d medical aspects. 1891.. 941.29 Mitchell, S. Weir, M. D. Doctor and patient: essays of advice to women. 1888 861.16 — Fat and blood: treatment of neuras- thenia and hysteria. 1888 861.17 — See also Fiction class-list. Mitchison, W:, ed. Handbook of songs of Scotland, with music 222.35 Mivart, St. George. American types of animal life. 1893 885.14 Modern science and modern thought. Laing, S: 1889 8103.3 Moerlein, George. Trip around the world. Col’d illus. [1886.] *537.2 Moffatt, Robert. Deane, D: J. Robert Moffatt, the missionary hero of Kuruman 681.2 Mohammed or Mahomet and Mohammed- anism. Ali, Syed Ameer. Life and teachings of Mohammed ; or, the spirit of Islam. 1891 692.7 — Deutsch, E. Islam. 1874 In 445.10 — Florian, J. P. C. de. Brief account of the Mohammedan empire In 716.15 — Gibbon, E: Life of Mahomet. [In his Roman empire, ch. 50.] 701.3.5 MOHAMMED. 167 MONSTRELET. Mohammed, continued. — Hughes, T: P. Dictionary of Islam. 1885 487.1 — Kuenan, A. National religions, pp. 1-58 446.9 — Lees, J. C. Mohammedanism. In Faiths of the world, pp. 361-396 484.1 — Mitchell, J. M. and Muir, Sir W: Two old faiths. 1891 472.16 — Muir, Sir W: The caliphate; its rise, decline and fall. 1892 797.6 Life of Mahomet. 1877 676.9 — - Mahomet and Islam. [Abridgment of The life of Mahomet.] 1887 676.10 — Palgrave, W: G. Eastern questions. . . 732.12 — The Qur’an; tr. by E. H. Palmer. (Sa- cred books of the East.) 1880 481.1.6-9 — Speeches and table-talk of Moham- mad ; tr. by S. Lane-Poole. 1882. 446.21 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 Molesworth, G. L. Pocket book for civ- il and mechanical engineers. 1887.. 861.26 Molesworth, MaryL. ^Fiction class-list. Moliere, Jean B. P. (Euvres. 2v. 1880. 355.20 — Prescott, W: H. Miscellanies, pp. 361- 409.... 305.14 — Schlegel, A. W. Dramatic art, etc 204.17 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, p. 47 628.22 Moll, Albert. Hypnotism. 1890 876.15 Moll, C. B. The Psalms. (Lange’s Com- mentary.) [1872.] 471.1.9 Mollett, J: W. Illustrated dictionary of art and archaeology. 1883 8101.26 — Rembrandt. 1890 694.3 Molloy, J.F.Famous plays; [their produc- tion, etc.] [Congreve to Lytton.] 1886 224.19 Moltke, Count Helmuth von . Franco-Ger- man war of 1870-1. 1892 778.2 — Letters to his mother and brothers. 1892 678.9 — Poland. 1885 797.7 — Moltke: his life and character sketched in journals, letters, etc. 1892 682.3 Moluccas. Forbes, H. O. Naturalist’s wanderings. 1885 , 0 531.18 — Wallace, A. R. Malay archipelago. 1868 527.13 Mommsen, T heodor. Provinces of the Ro- man empire from Caesar to Diocle- tian. 2v. 1887 751.17 Monastic institutions. Clark, J. F. Events and epochs 436.19 — Cutts, E L. Scenes and character of the Middle Ages 735.13 — Froude, J. A. Dissolution of the mon- asteries In 307.21.1 — Milman, H. H. History of Latin Chris- tianity. 8v 416.19 — Taylor, I: Natural history of enthu- siasm 403.25 See also Trappists. Money, currency, etc. Bagehot, Walter. Lombard street: a description of the money market. 1883 917.3 A universal money. 1889 936.9 — Bolles, A. S. Financial history of the United States. 3v. 1884-86 901.4 Contents : v.l, from 1774 to 1789; v.2, from 1789 to 1860; v. 3, from 1861 to 1885. — Burhans, J. A. Law of municipal bonds. 1889 901.21 Money, continued. — Cheap-money experiments in past and present times. [From “Topics of the time’’ in Century magazine.] 1892 925.35 — Cowperthwait, J. H. Money, silver and finance. 1892 937.69 — Dunbar, C: F., comp. Laws of the United States relating to currency, finance and banking, from 1789 to 1891. 1891 935.11 — Ehrich, L: R. Question of silver. 1892. 937.70 — Giffen, Robert. Case against bimetal- ism. 1892 936.7 — Hamerton,P.G. Intellectual life. [In- fluence of money.] 402.14 — Hill, N. P. Speeches and papers on silver, etc. 1890 943.17 — Horton, S. D. Silver in Europe. 1890. 926.19 — Howe, J. B. The common sense, the mathematics, and the metaphysics of money. [1881.] '..... 936.8 Monetary and industrial fallacies. 1878 935.8 Political economy of Great Britain, The United States, and France in the use of money. 1878 935.7 — Kinley, D: History, organization and influence of the independent treas- ury of the United States. [1893.] 934.1 — Knox, J: J. United States notes. [His- tory of its paper money.] 1885 901.6 — Laughlin, J. L. History of bimetal- ism in the United States. 1893 935.10 — Nicholson, J. S. Treatise on money and essays on monetary problems. 1893 944.3 — Norman, J: H: The world’s twenty- nine metal monetary systems, etc.. 935.9 — Platt, James. Money. 1889 924.10 — Saunders, F: Modern Moloch In 304.6 — Sherwood, Sidney. History and theory of money. 1893 .' 928.14 — Taussig, F. W. Silver situation in the United States. 1893 937.74 — Van Ornum, W: H. Money, co-opera- tive banking and exchange. [1892.] 936.17 — Walsh, W: J. Bimetallism and mono- metallism. 1893 944.8 See also Banks and banking; Bimetallism; Finance; Mints; Panics; Wall Street. Mongolia and the Mongols. Adams, W: H: D. Warriors of the crescent. 1892 783.13 — Gilmour, James, missionary. His dia- ries, letters and reports; ed., by R. Lovett . .... 681.9 — Rockhill, W: W. Land of the Lamas. 1891 546.3 Monitor and Merrimac. Battles and leaders of the war 758.9.1 — Knox, T: W. Decisive battles since Waterloo 756.2 — Swinton, W: Twelve decisive battles. 747.4 Monk, George, duke of Albemarle. Corbett, Julian. Life of. 1889 655.17.7 Monopolies. Baker, C: W. Monopolies and the people. 1890 937.59 Monroe, James. Stoddard, W: O. Life of. Monroe doctrine. Tucker, G: F. 1885.. 927.9 Monstrelet, E. de. Chronicles [<$f France, England, etc.], 1400-1516 ; tr. by T. Johnes. 2v. 1877 766.5 MONTAGU. 168 MORDAUNT. Montagu, Lady Mary W. Best letters of; ed. by Octave Thanet. 1890 342.20 Montaigne, Michel E. de. Essais. 1882. . 355.21 — Quick, R. H. Montaigne. [In his Ed- ucational reformers. )1892 In 448.2.17 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men, pp. 285-8 628.22 Montana. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. His- tory of. 1890 In 788.24 Montefeltro, Padre Agostino da. Ser- mons [in Florence and Rome] ; ed. by C. M. Phillimore. 2v. in 1. [1889.] 461.20 Montefiore, C. G. Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the relig- ion of the ancient Hebrews. 1892. 483.12 Monteiro, Mariana. Legends and popu- lar tales of the Basque people. 1887. 454.4 Montelius, Oscar. Civilization of Swe- den in heathen times. 1888 791.7 Montesquieu, C: S., Baron de. Spirit of the laws. 2 v. 1878 922.11 — Sorel, A. Montesquieu. (Great French writers.) 1888 651.19.3 Montgomery, D. H. Leading facts of American history. 1891 775.21 — Leading facts of English history. 1888. 755.24 — Leading facts of French history. 1891. 783.6 Montgomery, Florence. ^Fiction class- list. Montgomery, H. Life of William H: Harrison. [1852.] 655.1 Montgomery, M. W. The Mormon de- lusion. [1890.] 464.2 Monumental brasses. Macklin, H. W. 1891 877.23 Monuments. Sayce, A. H. Fresh light from the ancient monuments. 1892. 473.1.2 See also Archaeology. Moodie, Susanna. Roughing it in the bush ; or, life in Canada. [1852.] 542.8 Moody, D. L. Bolton, S. K. Poor boys who became famous 646.5 See also Northfield, Mass. Moon, G: W. Men and women of the time. 1891 E.13 Moon. Locke, R: A. The moon hoax. 1859 864.9 — Nasmyth, J. and Carpenter, J. The moon 8104.6 Moore, Annie and Nichols, Laura D. Overhead. [Astronomv primer.] 1878 “ j93.23 Moore, C: Herbert. Development and character of Gothic architecture. 1890 8104.7 Moore, Clara J. [Mrs. H. O. Ward.'] So- cial ethics and society duties. [Ed- ucation of girls.] [1892.] 933.5 Moore, E:, joint author. See World, The, in general alphabet 303.15.22-24 Moore, Frank, ed. Lyrics of loyalty. 1864 222.8 — , ed. Rebellion record, [1860-5] . v. 1-11. 1862-8 *731.9 - Same. Supplement, [1861-4.] 1864. *731.9.12 — , ed. Songs and ballads of the American revolution. 1856 227.17 — , ed. Songs and ballads of the Southern people, 1861-5. 1886 215.33 Moore, G: Smiles, S; The successful merchant: life of, [1806-7$] 646.18 Moore, J. S. Friendly letters to Ameri- can farmers and others. 1888 937.50 Moore, J. W. Picturesque Washington : pen and pencil sketches. 1887 545.3 Moore, James. History of the Cooper shop volunteer refreshment saloon [in Philadelphia]. 1866 785.18 Moorehead, W. K. Fort Ancient, the prehistoric earthwork of Ohio. 1890. 886.24 — Primitive man in Ohio. 1892 883.9 — See also Fiction class-list. Moors. See Barbary; Spain. Moral crusader:Lloyd Garrison. Smith, G. 692.24 Moral ideal. Wedgwood, Julia. 1889.. 467.11 Moral philosophy or ethics. Adler, Felix. Moral instruction of children. 1892. 448.2.21 — Aristotle. Nicomachean ethics; tr. by R. W. Browne. 1885 446.1 — Bowne, Borden P. Principles of eth- ics. 1892 475.15 — Cicero, M. T. Offices ; or, moral du- ties. 1887 In 457.4 — Everett, C: C. Ethics for young peo- ple. 1892 482.31 — Gilman, N: P. and Jackson E: P. Con- duct as a fine art 482.23 — Hvde, W: DeW. Practical ethics. " 1892 472.23 — Janet, Paul. Elements of morals. 1884. 482.30 — Kant, Immanuel. Critique of practi- cal reason; tr. by T. K. Abbott. 1889. 485.8 — Mann, Horace. A few thoughts for a young man. 1890 482.32 — Martineau, James. Types of ethical theory. 2 v. in 1. 1891 466.21 — Mazzini, Joseph. Duties of man. 1862. 478.28 — Mill, J: S. Utilitarianism. 1887 484.23 — Morley, J: On compromise. 1891 484.22 — Munger, Theo. T. On the threshold.. 461.13 — Peck, J: L. Kingdom of the unselfish. [1889.] 463.5 — Plutarch. Morals; tr. by W. W. Good- win. 5v. 1878 445.3 — Seneca. On benefits. 1887 453.9 — Shepherd, Mrs. E. R. True manhood. 877.12 — Sidgwick, H: History of ethics. 1886. 446.2 — Smiles, S: Life and labor; or, charac- teristics of men of industry, culture and labor. 1888 453.8 — Smith, Adam. Theory of moral sen- timents. 1887. 458.16 — Spencer, Herbert. Principles of eth- ics. 2v. 1893 476.9 — Spinoza, B. de. Ethics. 1883 In 436.5.2 — Stephen, Leslie. Science of ethics. 1882 454.5 — Vincent, J: H. Better not. [Social eth- ics.] 1892 478.21 — Wagner, C: Courage. 1894 482.10 — Wedgwood, Julia. The moral ideal: a historic study, 1889 467.11 — Williams, C. M. Review of the sys- tems of ethics founded on the theory of evolution. 1893. . . : 468.13 See also ^Esthetics; Boys; Business; Children; Eti- quette ; Future life; Girls; Happiness; Life (Con- duct of); Marriage; Philanthropy;” Social science; Temperance; Will, The; Women; Young men. Moral teachings of science. Buckley, Ar- abella B. 1892 871.17 Moran, S. A. One hundred valuable sug- gestions to shorthand students. 1887. 872.8 Moravians. Thompson, A. C. Mora- vian missions. 1886 451.7 Mordaunt, C: Earl of Peterborough. Steb- bing, W; Life of. 1890 655.17.9 MORE. 169 MORSE. More, H annah. Yonge,C.M. Hannah More. 1888 627.1.17 More, Sir tY Utopia.' ’1886.’..’.'.*.’.’.’.’ .’ .’ Yin 1m. 16 — Adams, W: H: D. Famous books. [Re- view of Utopia.] 314.28 — Lodge, E: Portraits, etc 658.3.1 More worlds than one. Brewster D: . . . 861.36 Morelli, Giacomo. Italian painters. 1892. 695.15 Mores catholici. Digby, K. H: 3v 468.7 Morfill, W: R. Russia. 1882 796.2 — Story of Poland. 1893 752.1.36 — Story of Russia. 1890 752.1.28 Morgan, Anna. Hour with Delsarte. 1889. 873.21 Morgan, J: H. Senour, Rev. F. Morgan and his captors. 1864 785.1 Morgan, L: H. Ancient society. 1878.. 901.18 MorlEy, Henry. English literature in the reign of Victoria. 1881 336.5 Note : Contains facsimiles of the signatures of au- thors in the Tauchnitz edition. — English writers, v. 1-10. 1887-93 335.1 Contents : v.l, Introduction; Origins; Old Celtic lit- erature ; Beowulf, v. 2, From Caedmon to the con- quest. v. 3, From the conquest to Chaucer, v. 4-5, Fourteenth century, v. 6, From Chaucer to Caxton. v. 7, From Caxton to Coverdale. v. 8, From Surrey to Spenser, v. 9, Spenser and his time. v. 10, Shake- speare and his time : under Elizabeth. — Ideal commonwealths. 1886 917.16 Morley, J; Critical miscellanies. 3v. 1888. 352.5 Contents : v. 1, Robespierre ; Carlyle ; Byron; Ma- caulay; Emerson, v. 2, Vauvenargues ; Turgot ; Con- dorcet ; Joseph de Maistre. v. 3, On popular culture ; Death of Mr. Mill; Mr. Mill’s Autobiography; Life of George Eliot ; On Pattison’s memoirs ; Harriet Mar- tineau. — Diderot and the encyclopasdists. 2v. 1891 687.12 — On compromise. 1891 484 22 — Studies in literature. 1891 343.9 Contents: Wordsworth; Aphorisms; Maine on pop- ular government; A few words on French models ; On the study of literature; Victor Hugo’s Ninety- three; On The ring and the book; Memorials of a man of letters; Valedictory. — Walpole. (Twelve Eng. statesmen.) 1890 694.21 — , ed. See English men of letters. Morley, Margaret W: A song of life. [Re- production] 1891 877.22 Mormon, Book of ; tr. by Joseph Smith, jr. 1874 451.10 Mormons and Mormonism. -Bancroft, H. II. History of Utah, 1540-1887. 1890. 782.6 — Beadle, J. H. Polygamy; or, the mys- teries and crimes of Mormonism. Illus. [1883.] 465.13 — Gunnison, J. W. Mormons; or, Latter- day saints. 1856 476.2 — Kennedy, J. H. Early days of Mor- monism. 1888 757.10 — Montgomery, M. W. The Mormon de- lusion. [1890.] 464.2 — Smith, Joseph. Doctrine and covenant of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints. 1880 455.29 Morning communings with God. Sturm, C. C 458.17 Morocco. Finck, H: T. Spain and. 1891 . 542.24 — Pellow, T: Adventures of, [1715-38]. 1890 541.11 — Thomson, Joseph. Travels in the At- las and southern Morocco. 1889. . . 523.24 Morocco, continued. — Viaud, Julien [Pierre Loti.] Into Mo- rocco [1889] 538.4 See also Tangier. Morphy, Paul. Games of chess. With notes and memoir by J. Lowenthal. 1886 871.6 Morrill, Sarah E., M. D. Instructions in medical and surgical electricity. 1882 847.28 Morris, Anne C., ed. Diary and letters of Gouverneur Morris. 2 v. 1889 695.16 Morris, C: The Aryan race, its origin and achievements. 1888 765.10 Morris, C: Broken fetters: history of intemperance and temperance re- form. [1888.] 467.17 — , ed. Half-hours with the best humor- ous authors. 4v. 1889 336.12 Morris, E. E. Early Hanoverians. (Epochs of modern history.) 1886 743.5.17 — , ed. See Epochs of modern history. Morris, G ouverneur. Morris, Anna C., ed. Diary and letters of. 2v. 1889 695.16 — Roosevelt, Theo. Gouverneur Morris. (American statesmen.) 1888 626.4.18 Morris, J: M ., joint author. See Croffut, W. A. Morris, Mowbray, joint author. See Beau- fort, Duke of. Morris, R: Historical outlines of Eng- lish accidence. 1892 354.16 Morris, Robert. Sumner, W. G: Robert Morris. (Makers of America.) 1892. 665.10.16 Morris, W: Earthly paradise. 3 v. 1871.. 204.8 — Hopes and fears for art. 1882 8102.14 — House of the Wolfings. 1890..- 223.28 — Selection from [his] poems ; ed ., with memoir, by F. Hueffer. 1886 214.35 — Signs of change. [Lectures.] 1888 941.15 — Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs. 1891 237.7 — , tr. Story of Grettir the Strong; from the Icelandic. 1869 353.18 — and Bax, E. B. Socialism: its growth and outcome. 1893 941.6 — and Magnusson, Eirikr, ed. Saga li- brary 2 v. 1890-91 355.12 — See also Fiction class-list. Morris, W:0’C. Napoleon and the mili- tary supremacy of revolutionary France. 1893 664.1.8 Morrison, D. H., ed. Fireside treasury of best loved song. [With music.] [1888.] 864.2 — Royal quartettes. [Songs with music.] [1888.] 864.3 — Treasury of song for home circle. 3v. v. 1-2, with music, v.3, instrumental. 1882-5 864.1 Morrison, G. B. Ventilation and warm- ing of school buildings. 1887 448.2.4 Morrison, W: Douglas. Crime and its causes. 1891 946.11 — Jews under Roman rule. 1890 752.1.29 Morse, E: S. Japanese homes and their surroundings. 1889 8522.36 Morse, J. T. , jr. Abraham Lincoln. 2v. 1893 626.4.23 — , ed. See American statesmen. Morse, Jedidiah. American universal geography. 2 v. 1805 541.14 Morse, S: F. B. Memorial of; pub. by or- der of Congress. 1875 638.5 — Prime, S: I. Life of. 1875 <654.5 MORTON. 170 MULLINGER. Morton, J: M. Plays for home perform- ance. 1889./. 223.4 Morton, Levi P. Townsend, G. A. Life of. [1888.] 653 8 Mosby, J:S. War reminiscences. 1887.. 757.6 Moscheles, Ignaz, ed. Life of Beethoven; including the biography by Schind- ler 694.22 — Moscheles, Mrs. Charlotte, ed. Recent music and musicians as described in the diaries and correspondence of Moscheles. 1879 651.1 Moschus. Idylls: lit. tr. by J. Banks; with metrical version by J. M. Chapman. 1888 In 225.20 Moseley, H: N Notes by a naturalist on the “Challenger,” i872-76. 1892... 882.27 Moses, Hebrew law-giver. Alexander, Mrs. C.F. Burial of. Poem In 322.11.3 — Blakie,W. G. Heroes of Israel. 1894. 485.7 — Ewald, H. History of Moses and the- ocracy In 418.5.2 — Rawlinson, G: Life and times of 461.6.2 Moses, Bernard. The Federal government of Switzerland. 1889 924.11 Mosheim, J: L. von. Ecclesiastical his- tory; ed. by Murdock and Soames. 4 v. 1845 456 6 Same ; rev. by J. S. Reid 454.8 Moss, Lemuel. Annals of the United States Christian commission. 1868. 761.5 Mossback correspondence. Clark, F. E. [1889.] 455.5 Mosses. Hervev, A. B. Sea mosses: a collector’s guide. 1882 872.6 — Lesquereux, L. and James. T: P. Mosses of North America. 1884 883.16 Most certain fact in history. [The res- urrection.] Ring, T. P. 1892 482.19 Mothers. Davis, E: P. and Keating, J: M. Mother and child. 1893 883.10 — Harris, F. McC. Plain talks with young home-makers. [1889.] 865.30 — Marwedel, Emma. Conscious mother- hood. 1889 464.25 — Mothers in council. [Essays.] 1884... 451.14 — Walker, Jane H. Handbook for. 1893. 894.12 Mothers and daughters: Cook, Mrs. E. G. 882.12 Mothers and sons. Lyttleton, E 476.20 Mothers of great men, etc. Holloway, L. C 654.12 Moths. See Insects. Motion. Dolbear, Amos E. Matter, ether and motion. 1892 8102.22 Motley. J: L. Correspondence of [1824- 77]; ed. bvG: W. Curtis. 2 v. 1889. 657.18 Mottelay, Paul F. Copeland, T. C ..ed. The soldier in our civil war. 2v. Ulus. 1890 *8542.25 Moulding. See Founding. Moulds. Trouessart, E. L. Microbes, ferments and moulds. 1886 815.4.56 Moulton, Louise C. In the garden of dreams: lyrics and sonnets. 1890. . . 223. 18 — Ourselves and our neighbors: social chats on social topics. 1887 333.19 Moulton, R: G. Ancient classical drama. 1890 227.9 — Shakespeare as a dramatic artist. 1893. 234.20 Mound-builders. Carr, Lucien. Mounds of the Mississippi valley historic- ally considered. 1883 798.3 McAdams, W: Records of ancient races in the Mississippi valley. 1887. 768.14 Mound-builders, continued. — Moorehead,W. K. Fort Ancient. Pre- historic earthwork. 1890 886.24 — Peet, Stephen D. Prehistoric Amer- ica. 2 v 788.1 v. 1. The mound builders. 1892. v. 2, Emblem- atic mounds and animal effigies. 1890. — Pidgeon, W: Traditions of De-coo-dah and antiquarian researches. 1858. 776.23 Mountain adventures. Headley, J: T., ed. 1876 523.8 Mountaineering. Dent, C. T. and others. 1892 552.1 Mountains. Hutchinson, H. N. Story of the hills. Ulus. 1892 877.36 — Lanoye, F. de. Sublime in nature — 802.24 See also Andes. Mouse-trap and other farces. Howells, W: D . . . 223.1 Move for better roads. Pennsylvania university. 1891 8104.8 Mowat, Oliver. Christianity, and some of its evidences. 1890 464.20 Mozart, W. A. Butterworth, H. Great composers 644.10 — Ferris, G. T. German composers 624.1 — Haweis, H. R. Music and morals. Let- ters of 818.5 — Jahn, Otto. Life of. 3 v. 1883 695.3 — Nohl, L. Life of. 1880 646 8 — Upton, G. P. Standard operas, p. 167. 215.21 Mozley, Anne, ed. Letters and corre- spondence of John Henry Newman. 2v. 1891 684.11 Mozoomdar, P. C. Heart-beats ; [with biographical sketch]. 1894 482.5 Muddock, J. E. See Fiction class-list. Mudie, Robert. Feathered tribes of the British Islands. 2 v. 1853 867.17 Muhlenberg, W: A. Newton, W: W. Life of. 1890 656.6.3 Muir, J. Mountains of California. 1894. 557.14 Muir, Sir W; The caliphate; its rise, de- cline and fall. 1892. 797.6 — Life of Mahomet. 1877 676.9 — Mahomet and Islam. [Abridgment of the The life of Mahomet.] 1887... 676.10 — , and others. Present day tracts on the non-christian religions of the world. 478.8 — , joint author. See Mitchell, J. M. Mulhall, M. G. Dictionary of statistics. 1892 C.15 Muller, F. Max. Anthropological relig- ion. 1892 466.26 — Biographies of words and the home of the Aryas 1888 - 333.27 — Natural religion. 1889 455.7 — Physical religion. 1891 466.25 — Science of thought. 2 v. 1887 448.11 — Theosophy or psychological religion. 1893...’ 476.15 — Three lectures on the science of lan- guage. 1890 342.5 — , ed. See Sacred books of the East. Muller, Hermann. Fertilisation of flow- ers. 1883 896.5 Muller-Casenov, H., cowp. Humor of Germany. Ulus. 1893 352.1.2 Mullinger, J. B. University of Cam- bridge, to 1625. 2v. 1873 947.3 — History of the U niversity of Cambridge. [1888.] 464.1.10 — , joint author. See Gardner, S: R. MUNDT. 171 MUSIC. Mundt, C. M. [ L . Mulbach .] See Fiction class-list. Mundus alter et idem. [Ideal common- wealth.] Hall, Joseph In 917.16 Munera pulveris. Ruskin,J: 946.10 M unger, Theo. T. The appeal to life. [Sermons.] 1889 464.5 — Lamps and paths. [Sermons to chil- dren.] 1889 464.4 — On the threshold. [Talks with young men.] 1890 461.13 Municipal government, etc. Gladden, Washington. Cosmopolis City Club. 1893 936.19 Munkittrick, R: K. See Fiction class-list. Munro, Wilfred H. Historv of Bristol, R. I. Illus. 1880 774.15 Munroe, Kirk. See Fiction class-list. Muntz, Eugene. Raphael, his life, works, and times. 1888 678.1 Murdock, Harold. Reconstruction of Europe, [1850-71], 1890 765.9 Murfree, Fanny N. D. See Fiction class- list. Murfree, Mary N. \G:E. Craddock.'] See Fiction class-list. Murray, Alex. S. Historv of Greek sculp- ture. 2 v. 1880-3 8104.9 Murray, Andrew. Children for Christ. . 466.2 Murray, C: A. Travels in North Amer- ica, 1834-36. 2v. 1839 538.12 Murray, D: C. See Fiction class-list. Murray, E. C. G. People I have met. 1883. 342.15 — Russians of to-day. 1878 538.25 — See also Fiction class-list. Murray, J. A: H:, ed. New English dic- tionary on historical principles, v. 1-2. 1884-’93 Ref. Contents : v. 1, A-B. v. 2, C. Murray, J. D: C. See Fiction class-list. Murray, J. O. Francis Wayland. (Amer- ican religious leaders.) ’ 1891 656.6.4 Murray, J: Smiles, S: Memoir and cor- respondence. 2v. 1891 668.9 Murray, J : O’ Keane. Prose and poetry of Ireland. [Selections and biog. sketches.] 1882 323.19 Murray, Lindley. English grammar. 2 v. in 1. 1819 346.4 Murray, W: H. H. Daylight land. [Cana- dian Northwest.] 1888 545.1 Murrell, W: Massage as a mode of treat- ment. 1887 856.28 Murrey, T: J. Fifty salads. 1885 898.17 — Salads and sauces. 1884 884.2 Museum of antiquity. Yaggv, L. W. and Haines, T. L. 1881 756.3 Mushrooms. Falconer, W. Mushrooms: how to grow them. 1891 871.23 — Palmer, Julius A., jr. Mushrooms of America. 1885 888.7 Music and musicians. Dictionaries and Histories. — Barrett, W: A. English glees and part- songs : their historical development. 1886 895.7 — Brooks, H. M. Olden-time music: a compilation from newspapers and books. 1888 861.18 — Butterworth, Hezekiah. Story of the tunes. [1890,] 466.11 — Chappell, W: Old English popular music. 2v. 1893 895.13 Music and musicians, continued. — Derthick, W. M., ed. Manual of mu- sic: its history, biography and lit- erature. Illus. 1890 8542.23 — Engel, Carl. Music of the most an- cient nations. Illus. 1870 895.10 Musical instruments. [South Ken- sington museum art hand-book.] 1877... 853.24 — Grove, Sir G:, ed. Dictionary of music and musicians. [1450-1889.] 5v. 1879-90 B.24 Contents : v.l, A — Improm; v.2, Iniprop — Plain; v.3, Plan — Sura.;v.4, Sum — Z. and ap- pendix; v. 5, Index. — Hueffer, Franz. Richard Wagner and the music of the future. History and aesthetics. 1874 874.18 — Hullah, J: History of modern music. Lectures. 1891 894.14 Third or transition period of musi- cal history. Lectures. 1876.' 895.4 — Joyce, P. W., ed. Ancient Irish music. 1890 895.12 — Lacroix, P. Arts in the Middle Ages. 768.1 — Lillie, Lucy C. Story of music and musicians for young readers. 1886. 852.24 — Mathews, W: S. B., ed. Hundred years of music in America. 1893 895.18 — Matthew, James E. Popular history of music. [1888.] S53.33 — Naumann,E. History of music. 2v. 1886. 895.1 — Upton, G. P. Standard cantatas: their stories, music, and com- posers. 1888 222.12 — Wallaschek, Richard. Primitive mu- sic. 1893 895.5 Biography and Criticism. — Bourne, C. E. Great composers: sto- ries of the lives of eminent musi- cians. 1887 651.5 — Bremont, Anna, comtesse de. World of music: the great composers. 1892. 687.9 — Champlin, J: D. and Apthorp, W: F., ed. Cyclopedia of music and mu- sicians. 3v. Illus. 1893 *888.12 — Curwen, J. S. Studies in worship mu- sic. 2 v 853.34 — Finck, Henry T. Chopin and other musical essays. 1889 872.26 — Hadow, W. H. Studies in modern music: Hector Berlioz; RobertSchu- mann ; Richard Wagner. 1893 895.6 — Hervey, Arthur. Masters of French music. 1894 687.19 — Jameson, Anna M. Studies, 1893. 347.3 — Moscheles, I. Recent music and mu- sicians, 1814-1870. 1879 651.1 — Ritter, F. L., ed. Realm of tones. [Por- traits and biog. sketches of Euro- pean and American musicians.] 1882 *8541.32 — Rubinstein, Anton. Music and its masters. [1892.] 884.20 — Schumann, R. Music and musicians: essays and criticism. 2 v. 1880-1.. 853.16 See also Biography ( Collective : Artists)', also, lives of Beethoven ; Goldschmidt (Jenny Lind-) ; Handel; Haydn; Mozart; Mapleson (J. H.); Kis- tori (Adelaide); Rubenstein; Spohr; Verdi; Wagner. MUSIC. 172 NAMES. Music and musicians, continued. Philosophy , Theory , etc. — Crowest, F: J. Musical groundwork: a first manual. 1890 876.20 — Day,H. N. Science of aesthetics. [1872.] 315.16 — Elson, L: C: Theory of music. 1890. 895.15 — Helmholtz, Hermann. Sensations of tone. 1885 8101.25 — Macfarren, G. A. Six lectures on har- mony. 1892 895.3 — Ouseley, F. A. G. Treatise on coun- terpoint, canon, and fugue. 1880. 895.2 — Palmer, H. R. Theory of music. [1876.] 853.14 — Richter, E. F. Manual of counter- point. 1884 873.19 Manual of harmony. [1867.] 873.18 — Symonds, J: A. Origin of modern music In 793.22 — Taylor, Sedley. Science of music. [Theory of sound.] 1875 853.19 — Troutbeck, J: and Dale, R. F. Music primer. 1890 876.21 — Weitzman, K: T: Manual of musical theory; ed. by E. M. Bowman. 1877. 895.19 — Zahm, J. A. Sound and music. 1892. 883.8 Miscellaneous. — Banister, H: C. Music. [Text-book.] 1885 852.25 — Bryant, W: C. Music in the public schools In 325.22 — Bushnell, Horace. Religious music. In 317.18 — Chambers, W: Popular cultivation of music In 1001.9.1 — Cheney, E. D. Study of music. [ In Brackett, A. C. Education of girls, p. 139.] 402.31 — Disraeli, I: Curiosities of literature, v.l, p. 72. [Medical music.] 305.8.1 — Fink, H: T. Chopin and other musical essays. 1889 872.26 Contents : Chopin. How composers work. Schu- mann, as mirrored in his letters. Music and morals. Italian and German vocal styles. German opera in New York. — P., J. E., comp. Musical moments; short selections in prose and verse. 1889 223.10 — Ritter, F: L. Music in its relation to intellectual life; Romanticism in music. 1891 876.40 — Smith, Mrs. E. M., ed. Woman in sa- cred song. 1885 212.19 — Talmage, T. DeW. Massacre of church music In 447.10 — Tapper, T: Chats with music stu- dents. 1891 895.8 See also Opera ; Orchestral music ; Piano-forte; Symphonies; Violin ; Voice. Musical moments. P., J. E., comp. 1889. 223.10 Musick, J; R. /See Fiction class-list. My confession. Tolstoi, L. N 448.4 My note-book. Phelps, Austin 463.19 My religion. Tolstoi, L. N 446.4 My story of the war. Livermore, Mary A. 761.18 My study fire. Mabie, Hamilton W 342.32 Mycenae. Knox, T: W. Underground world, p. 221 928.1 — Mahaffy, J. P. Rambles in Greece. 1878 514.19 — Schliemann, Heinrich. Mycense. 1880. 548.20 — Schuchhardt, C. Schliemann’s excava- tions, pp. 134-298. 1891 558.5 Myers, P. and N. Ancient history for colleges and high schools. 1889. . . 765.7 — Outline of mediaeval and modern his- tory. Maps. 1889 765.8 Mysteries and miracle plays. Bates, Katherine L. English religious drama. 1893 234.23 — Benjamin, S. G. W. Persia, etc., p. 365. [Passion play of Persia.] 528.16 — Blavatsky, Mme. H. P. Isis unveiled. Mysteries of ancient and modern science and theology. 2v. 1886 445.14 — Chambers’s papers for the people. An- cient rites and mysteries In 1001.9.5 — Deutsch, E. O. M. Roman passion drama. 1874 In 445.10 — Hone, W. Ancient mysteries. [Eng- lish miracle plays, etc.] 1823 454.7 — Keary, C. F. Primitive belief, p. 214. 443.25 — Symonds, J : A. Shakespeare’s prede- cessors, pp. 93-143. 1884 224.13 — Ulrici, Herman. Mysteries and moral plays. [. In his Shakespeare’s dra- matic art.] 1888 In 223.21.1 — Ward, A. W. English drama, v.l, p.18. 224.12.1 Mysteries of time and space. Proctor, R: A 861.8 Mysticism and mystics. Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs, p. 275 436.19 — Cousin, V. The true, the beautiful and the good 402.2 — Lea, H: C. Religious history of Spain. 463.7 — Trench, R: C. German mystics In 418.12 — Ueberweg, F. History of philosophy, v.l, p. 467 *. 416.1.1 — Vaughan, Robert A. Hours with the mystics. 2v. 1888 483 19 Myth-land. Hulme, F. E: 1886 466.9 Mythology, mvthg, etc. Clodd, E: Myths and dreams. 1885. 482.24 — Collignon, M. Manual of mythology in relation to Greek art. Illus. 1890. 467.7 — Curtin, Jeremiah. Myths and folk- lore of Ireland. 1890 156.8 Myths and folk-tales of the Rus- sians, Western Slavs and Magyars. 1890 162.18 — Ely, Talfourd. Olympos: tales of the gods of Greece and Rome. 1891.. . 467.8 — Gayley, C; M., ed. Classic myths in English literature. 1893 476.31 — Grimm, J. L. Teutonic mythology. 4 v. 1879-88 483.8 — Hesiod. The Theogony. 1889 In 225.6 — Hulme, F. E: Myth-land. 1886 '466.9 — Keightley, T: Mythology of ancient Greece and Italy, ed. byL: Schmitz. 1889 457.9 — Petiscus,A.H. Gods of Olympos. [1892.] 475.4 — White, C. A. Student’s mythology. 1889 455.15 See also Indians of America. Myths. See Mythology. Nadaillac, Marquis de. Manners and mon- uments of prehistoric peoples. 1892. 881.24 Nagelsbach, C. W. E. Isaiah. {In Lange’s Commentary.) 471.1.11 — Jeremiah. (In Lange’s Commentary.). 471. 1.12 Names. Bardsley, C: W. English sur- names: their sources and signifi- cations. 1875 673.13 — Bowditch, N. I. Suffolk surnames. 1861 667.8 NAMES. 173 NATURAL HISTORY. ' Names, continued. — Chambers’s Miscellany. [Names of persons.] 1001.8.7 — Gentry, T: G. Family names from ? the Irish, Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Nor- man and Scotch considered in rela- tion to their etymology. 1892 676.10 — Long, H. A. Personal and family names. 1883 657.4 — Lower, M. A. English surnames. 2v. 1875 652.8 — Salverte, Eusebius. History of the names of men, nations, and places. 2v. 1862 676.22 — Smith, B: E., ed. Century cyclopedia of names. [1894.] A. 21 See also Nicknames. Nansen, Fridtjof. Eskimo life. 1893.. 554.18 — First crossing of Greenland. From the Norwegian. 2v. 1890 543.6 Nantucket, Mass. Drake, S: A. Nooks and corners of the New England coast, p. 324. [1875.] 532.9 Nantucket scraps. Austin, Jane G. 1893. 556.16 Napier, Sir C: Butler, Sir W: F. Life of. (English men of action.) 1890 655.17.12 Napier, James. Manufacturing arts in ancient times. 1874 8103.14 Naples. Field, H:M. From Killarney, etc., p. 272 527.16 — Gladstone, W : E. State prosecution in, 1851-2 In 315.11.4 — Hare, A. J. C. Cities of southern Italy 518.36 — Knox, T: W. Caverns of In 928.1 — Reumont, Alfred de. Carafas of Mad- daloni: Naples under Spanish do- minion. 1854 772.19 Napoleon I. Abbott, J: S. C. History of. 2v. 1855 652.4 — Ashton, J: English caricature and satire on Napoleon I. Illus. 1888. 352.7 — Bonaparte, Napoleon J. C. P ., prince. Napoleon and his detractors. 1888. 684.8 — Bourrienne, L: A. F. de. Memoirs of. 4v 656.1 — Bryant, W: C. Corsican traits of. ..In 356.5.2 — Chambers’s Miscel. v.4. [Russian cam- paign.] 1001.8.4 — Cockburn, G: Extract from [his] diary. [Buonaparte’s passage to St. Helena.] 694.15 — Dodge, T. A. Great captains. 1892... 686.12 — Holloway, Laura C. Mother of Na- poleon In 654.12 — Lanfrey, P. History of. 4v. 1886.... 645.5 Contents : v.l, 1769-1800. v.2, 1800-1804. v. 3, 1805- 1808. v. 4, 1808-1811. — Laurent, Paul M. [ called Laurent VAr- deche.] History of. 2v. in 1. 1847.. 684.6 — Mathews, W: Character of In 343.6 — Meneval, C.-F. de. Memoirs of, from 1802 to 1815. 3v. 1894 692.17 — Morris, W: O’C. Napoleon and the military supremacy of revolution- ary France. 1893 664.1.8 — Scott, Walter. Life of. 3v. 1827.. 634.11 — Seeley, J..R. Short history of. 1886.. 646.9 — Segur, P. P., comte de. Expedition to Russia [in 1812]. 2v. 1872 752.4 — Tolstoi, L. N. Napoleon and the Rus- sian campaign. [1888.] In 344.24 Napoleon III. Abbott, J: S. C., History of. 1868 657.1 — Carette, Mme. — . Recollections of the court of the Tuileries. 1889 536.13 — Viel Castel, Count H. de; Memoirs of. [Reign of Napoleon III., to 1864.] 2v. 1888 668.2 Nares, Sir G: S. Seamanship. 1882.... 8104.10 Nares, Robert, ed. Glossary of words, customs, etc., in English authors, particularly Shakespeare; ed. by J. O. Halliwell and F : Wright. 2v. 1876 353.7 Nasby, Petroleum V., jpseud. See Locke, D: R. Nasmyth, J. and Carpenter, J. The moon. 1885 8104.6 — Smiles, S:, ed. James Nasmyth, engi- neer; an autobiography 627.8 Nason, Elias. Life and times of Charles Sumner. 1874 687.24 Natesa S&stri, S. M. Folklore in south- ern India. 1884 475.9 Nathusius, Maria. See Fiction class-list. Nation, The. See Periodicals. National education association. Pro- ceedings and addresses, Chicago, 1887. 1888 428.9 National hymns. White, R: G 235.8 National revenues. Shaw, Albert. 1888. 917.29 Nations. Bushnell, H. True wealth or weal of In 317.18 Nations, Story of the. See Story of the nations series. Native races of the Pacific states. Ban- croft, H. H. 4v. 1882 781.1 Natural causes and supernatural seem- ings. Maudsley, Henry 478.24 Natural history. Abbott, C: C. Out- ings at odd times. 1890 874.10 Recent rambles; or, in touch with nature. 1892 882.24 Travels in a tree-top. 1894 897.1 Upland and meadow. 1886 845.31 Waste-land wanderings. 1887 856.21 — Andrews, Jane. Stories Mother Na- ture told her children. 1891 j96.13 — Ball, J: Notes of a naturalist in South America. 1887 8104.11 — Beaugrand, C: Walks abroad of two young naturalists. [1889.] 864.14 — Belt, T: Naturalist in Nicaragua. 1888 8104.12 — Burroughs, J: Signs and seasons. 1886. 855.14 — Champlin, J: D. Young folks’ cate- chism of common things. 1886 856.25 — Clifford, W: K. Seeing and thinking. (Nature ser.) 1890 8102.32 — Davies, C. C. The Swan and her crew. J847.34 — Dexter, R. Kingdoms of nature; or, life and organization from the ele- ments to man. 1884 864.7 — Edwords, C. E. Camp-fires of a nat- uralist. 1893 893.3 — Flagg, Wilson. Studies in field and forest. 1857 893.31 — Forbes, H: O. Naturalist’s wander- ings in the eastern archipelago. 1878-83 531.18 — Gatty, Mrs. Marg. Parables from na- ture. 1888 465.15 — Gibson, W: H. Sharp eyes among in- sects, bird's and flowers. Illus. 1892. 881.23 NATURAL HISTORY. m NAVAL SCIENCE. Natural history, continued. — Hartwig, G. Harmonies of nature. 1866 862.8 — Holder, C: F. Along the Florida reef. Ulus. 1892 882.23 — Hornaday, W: T. Two years in the jungle. 1887 534.6 — Huxley, T: H. Educational value of natural history sciences In 401.9 — Ingersoll, Ernest. Country cousins. 1884 854.2 — Jefferies, Richard. Field and hedge- row. [Essays.] 1889 872.27 — Kingsley, C: Study of In 306.26 and 413.4 — Kingsley, J: S. Naturalist’s assistant. 1892 883.14 , ed. Riverside natural history. 6v. [1885-8.] 863.1 Contents-, v, 1, Lower invertebrates, v. 2, Crus- tacea and insects, v. 3, Fishes and reptiles, v. 4, Birds, v. 5, Mammals, v. 6, Man. — Moseley, H: N. Notes by a naturalist on the ‘•Challenger,” 1872-1876. II- lus. 1892 882.27 — Pliny. [Caius Plinius Secundus.] Nat- ural history; ed ., for boys and girls, by J: S. White. Illus. 1885.... .... 873.2 — Reid ,Capt. Mayne. Naturalist in Si- luria. Illus. 1890 876.34 — Taylor, J. E. Playtime naturalist. 1889. 865.18 — Torrev, Bradford. The foot-path way. 1892 882.21 — Treat, Mary. Home studies in na- ture. 1885 847.18 — Wallace, A. R. Island life. 1881 .... 836.18 — Williams, Martha M. Field tarings. 1892 882.16 — Wood, J. G. Half hours in field and forest. 1867 855.18 — ~ Half hours with a naturalist. 1887. 855.17 Nature’s teachings [and human in- e- .—a# vention]. 1885 854.11 — Wright, Julia McN. Nature’s readers. Sea-side and way-side. 3v. 1890-1. . . 876.12 See also Zoology. Natural inheritance. See Heredity. Natural philosophy or physics. An- thony, W: A. and Brackett, C. F. Elementary text-book of physics. 1890 875.14 — Chute, H. N. Elementary practical physics. 1889 872.17 — Gage, Alfred P. Elements of physics. 1893 891.12 — Hogg, Jabez. Elements of experi- mental and natural philosophy. 1861. 868.18 — Hopkins, G: M. Experimental science. 1890 : 873.8 — Joyce, J. Scientific dialogues. [1885.] 868.20 — Maxwell, J. Clerk. Matter and mo- tion. 1878 877.16 — Pepper, J. H. Cyclopaedic science simplified 858.11 — Richards, W: C. Harry’s vacation;or, philosophy at home. 1887 j94.14 — Steele, J. D. Chautauquan course in physics. [1889.] 865.10 — Stewart, Balfour and Gee, W. W. H. Elementary practical physics, v. 1, General physical processes. 1889. 874.29.1 — Thomson, Sir W: Geology and gener- al physics 877.26.2 Natural philosophy or physics, continued. — Tissandier, Gaston and Frith, Henry. Marvels of earth, air and water. Illus 874.35 See also Heat ; Matter. Natural religion. Muller, F. Max. 1889. 463.17 See also Natural theology, Natural science. See Science. Natural theology. Bell, C. The hand as evincing design. 1882 453.10 — Bridgefwater treatises. See entry in general alphabet. — Fisher, G: P. Manual of. 1893 473.3 — Lyall, Sir Alfred. Natural religion in India. 1891 472.14 — Muller, F. Max. Anthropological re- ligion. [Gifford lectures.] 1892... 466.26 Natural theology. 1889 455.7 Physical religion. 1891 466.25 — Oliphant, Laurence. Scientific relig- ion. 1888 468.2 — Stokes, G. G. Natural theology. 1891. 466.18 See also Evil ; Pantheism. Naturalist among the head-hunters. Woodford, C: M. Illus. 1890 542.29 Naturalist in La Plata. Hudson, W. H. 1892 881.10 Naturalist’s wanderings in the eastern archipelago, 1878-83. Forbes, H. O. 531.18 Nature. Beecher, H: W. Star papers. [Nature a minister of happiness.]. . 314.22 — Burroughs, J: Birds and poets. [Touch- es of nature.] 357.2 Fresh fields. [Nature in England.] 522.25 Pepacton. [Nature and the poets.] 357.3 — Foster, J: Relation of man to nature. 7^324.14. 2 — Humboldt, Alex. von. Views of. 1884. 868.11 — Jaycox, F. Indifference to nature . In 301.30 — Kidd, J: Adaptation of external na- ture to the physical condition of man. 1887 868.14 — Lubbock, Sir J: Beauties of. 1892.. 882.26 — Mill, H.R. Realm of nature. [Phys- iography.] 1894 8102.28 -- Shaler, N. S. Interpretation of. 1893. 476.19 — Tyndall, J: Fragments of science. [Constitution of nature.] 803.6 See also Science. Nature. See Periodicals. Nature and man in America. Shaler, N. S 898.10 Nature and the Bible. Dawson, J. W. . 478.11 Nature in ornament. Day, Lewis F 893.29 Nature of things. [Poem.] See Lucre- tius. Nature readers. Wright, Julia McN. 3v. 876.12 Nature’s teachings: human invention an- ticipated. Wood, J. G. 1885 854.11 Naumann, E. History of music. 2v. 1886. 895.1 . Naval history. Mahan, A. T. Influence of sea power upon history, 1660- 1783. 1890 766.11 Influence of sea power upon the French revolution and empire, 1793-1812. 2v. 1892 786.6 See also Names of countries. Naval schools. Soley, J. R. Histbrical sketch of the United States Naval Academy. 1876 926.17 Naval science. Ballantyne, R. M. Man on the ocean. Illus. 1874 544.24 NAVAL SCIENCE. 175 NEW ENGLAND. Naval science, continued. — Reed, E: J. and Simpson, E: Modern ships of war. 1888 858.14 See also Navigation; Ships. Navigation. Flagg, A.T. Primer of. 1894. 897.13 — Nares, Sir G: S. Seamanship. 1882.. 8104.10 — Proctor, R: A. Finding the way at sea In 816.28 — Thomson, SirW. Navigational affairs. 1891 877.26.3 Navigator islands. See Samoa islands. Navy. Parker, F. A. Fleets of the world. 1876 794.10 Neale, E: V., joint ed. Manual for co- operators. See Hughes, T: 945.14 Neander, A: History of Christian dog- mas. 2v. 1888 458.13 — Memorials of Christian life in the early and Middle Ages ; including his Light in dark places. 1885 458.15 — Planting and training of the Christian church by the apostles; also, Antig- nostikus; or, Spirit of Tertullian. 2v. 1889 458.14 Nebulae. Proctor, R: A. Great nebula in Argo In 861.32 — Spencer, H. Nebular hypothesis In 404.13 Necromancers. Godwin, W: Lives of. 1834 454.10 Needell,^’^. J. H. See Fiction class-list. Needham, G: C. Charles H. Spurgeon, his life and labors. [1890.] 682.2 Needlework. Campbell, H. American girl’s home-book. 1883 832.32 — Cauldfield, S. F. A. and Saward, B. C. Dictionary of needlework. 1887. . . 8108.9 — Croly, Mrs. J. C., ed. Needlework: embroidery and drawn work. 1885. 853.3 — Heron, Addie E. Dainty work for pleasure and profit. [1891.] 883.25 See also Crocheting; Drawn-work; Lace-making. Neesima, J. H. Hardy, A. S. Life and letters of. Port. 1892 673.12 Negroes. Alexander, W: T. History of the colored race in America. 1887. 774.11 — An appeal to Pharaoh: the Negro prob- lem, and its radical solution. 1889. 922.15 — Bruce, Philip A. Plantation negro as a freeman. 1889 937.57 — Cable, G: W. Negro question [in the Southern States]. 1890 924.12 The silent South; The freedman’s case in equity, etc. 1889 941.12 — Garfield, J. A. Suffrage for. (Works, v. 1, pp. 85, 761.) 1001.10.1 — Livermore, G: Opinions of the found- ers of the republic on negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. 1862 943.7 — Whittier, J: G. Black men in the Rev- olution and war of 1812 In 1001.7.2 — Williams, G: W. History of the negro race, 1619-1880. 2v. 1883 762.2 Negro troops in the Rebellion. 1888. 761.14 — Wilson, J. T. The black phalanx: a history of the negro soldiers of the United.States. 1888 763.16 .Neighborly poems. Riley, James W. . . 231.13 Nelson, H., Lord. Hale, E: E. Stories of the sea 721.6.2 — Lodge, Edm. Portraits, etc In 658.3.8 Nelson, H., Lord , continued. — Russell, W: C. Horatio Nelson and the navaf supremacy of England. 1890 664.1.1 Nelson, H. L. Bird-songs about Worces- ter. 1889 874.6 Nelson, Wolfred. Five vears at Pana- ma, [1880-85]. [1889.] 538 8 Nennius. History of the Britons In 771.12 Nepos, Cornelias. Lives of eminent com- manders. 1886 In 771.16 Contents : Miltiades. Themistocles. Aristides. Pausanias. Cimon. Lysander. Alcibiades. Thrasy- bulus. Conon. Dion. Iphicrates. Chabrias. Timo- theus. Datames. Epaminondas. Pelopidas. Agesi- laus. Eumenes. Phocion. Timoleon. Of kings. Ham- ilcar. Hannibal. M. C. Cato. T. Pomponius Atticus. Nervous system. Call, Annie P. Power through repose. 1891 874.20 — Hammond, W: A. Certain conditions of nervous derangement 1883.... 893.12 — Mitchell, S. W. Fat and blood: treat- ment of neurasthenia and hysteria. 1888 861.17 Nesbit, Alex. Glass. (South Kensing- ton art handbooks.) 1879. 853.29 Nests. Wood, J. G. Wonderful nests. 1887 861.24 Netherlands. Alison, A. Partition of the kingdom of In 305.4 — Fiske,J: Spain and the In 433.28 — Stanton, Theo., ed. Woman question in Europe. 1884 901.22 See also Belgium ; Holland. Nettleship, J: T. Robert Browning: es- says and thoughts. 1890... 342.1 Nevada, state. Bancroft, H. H. His- tory of, 1540-1888. 1890 782.4 — Rae, W. F. Westward by rail. [Neva- da and its silver treasures.] 1874. 501.28 Neville, Richard, Earl of Warwick. Oman, C: W. Warwick the king- maker. (English men of action.) 1891 655.17.16 Nevinson, H: W. Life of Friedrich Schiller. 1889 693.25 Nevius, J: L. China and the Chinese. [1882.] 552.22 New calendar of great men. Harrison, F: 692.21 New Christianity. Ellis, J: 1887 472.4 New Eldorado. [Alaska.] Ballou, M. M. 536.10 New England. Backus, I: Church his- tory of New England, 1620-1804. 1839 451.25 — Bushnell, H: Work and play. [Found- ers great in their unconsciousness.] 317.18 — Campbell, Helen. Anne Bradstreet and her times. [1891.] 666.9 — Drake, S: A. The making of New England. 1886 741.14 New England legends and folk-lore. 321.3 Contents : Boston legends. Cambridge legends. Lynn and Nahant legends. Salem legends. Marble- head legends. Cape-Ann legends. Ipswich and Newbury legends. Hampton and 'Portsmouth leg- ends. York, Isles-of-Shoals, and Boon-Island leg- ends. Old Colony legends.’ lthode-Island y legends. Connecticut legends. Nantucket and other legends. Nooks and corners of the New Eng- land coast. [1875.] 532.9 Contents : New England of the ancients. Mount Desert island. Christmas on Mount Desert. Cas- tine, Pemaquid point. Monhegan island. From NEW ENGLAND. 176 NEW YORK. New England, continued. Wells to Old York. Agamenticus, the ancient city. At Kittery point, Maine. Isles of Shoals. Newcas- tle and neighborhood. Salem village, and ’92. A walk to Witch Hill. Marblehead. Plymouth. Say- brook . Index. Our colonial homes. Illus. 1894. .*8522.32 — Dwight, Timothy. Travels in. 4 v. 1823. 532.8 — Earle, Alice M. Costume of colonial times 796.16 Customs and fashions in Old New England. 1893 785.9 Sabbath in Puritan New England. . . 466.12 — Everett, E: Anecdotes of early In 334.1.2 First settlement of In 334.1.1 — Fellows, H: P. Boating trips on New England rivers. 1884 544.9 — Felt, Joseph B. Customs of New Eng- land. [House furnishings, dress, etc.] 1853 775.22 — Fiske, John. Beginnings of. 1889... 757.19 — Flagg, W. Birds and seasons of. 1875. 8101.15 — Fyffe, J. H. Enterprise beyond the seas, pp. 69-96 711.20 — Huntington, Arria S. Under a coloni- al roof tree: fireside chronicles of early New England. 1891 793.15 — Lowell, J. R. New England two cen- turies ago In 355.11.2 — Mather, Cotton. Magnalia Christ! Americana; or, the ecclesiastical history of New England, 1620-1698. 2v. 1820 445.4 — Palfrey, J:G. History of New England, [to 1775]. 5v. 1858-90 747.5 — Prime, W: C. Along New England roads. 1892 547.26 — Savage, James. Genealogical diction- ary of the first settlers of New Eng- land. 4v. 1860 *682.6 — Sweetser, M. F. New England: a hand- book for travellers. 1891 B.14 — Webster, D. Speeches, ete 1001.11.1-2 — Weeden, W: B. Economic and social history of, 1620-1789. 2v. 1891 .... 926.6 See also Indians ; Pilgrims ; and names of states. New England girlhood. Larcom, Lucy.. 661.4 New England historical and genealogical register. See Periodicals. New England magazine. See Periodicals. New England primer, etc. [Reprint of edi- tion of 1777.] 1887 348.10 New England Sunday. Brooks, H: M., New Englander and Yale review. See Pe- 0 riodicals. New era. Strong, Josiah 933.25 New Exodus. Frederic, Harold 778.18 New fragments. Tyndall, J: 882.5 New Guinea. Guillemard, F. H. H. Cruise of the Marchesa, 1882-4. 1889. 535.2 New Hampshire. Lodge, H: C. English colonies in America. 1881 726.5 See also Isles of Shoals. New Haven, Conn. Barber, J: W. and Punderson, L. S. History and an- tiquities of. 1870 785.22 New Jersey. Barber, J: W. and Howe, Henry. Historical collections of the state of New Jersey. 1846 776.19 — Foster, J: Y. New Jersey and the Re- bellion. 1868 763.21 New Jersey, continued. — Lodge, H. C. English colonies in America. 1881 726.5 New London, Conn. Drake, S: A. Nooks and corners of the New England coast 532.9 New Mexico. Bancroft, H. H. History of, 1530-1888. 1889 782.5 — Ladd, Horatio O. Story of. [1891.] . 764.1.7 — Lummis, C: F. Land of the poco tiempo. 1893 554.9 — Stephens, C. A. Knockabout club in the tropics 543.2.5 New points to old texts. Whiton,’ J. M. 482.11 New Princeton review. See Periodicals. New York, city. Appletons’ dictionary of. 1889 516.3.1889 — Barrett, Walter. Old merchants of. 5v. 1885 604.20 — Burr, C: B. Story of. 1888 757.5.1 — Campbell, Mrs. H. and others. Dark- ness and daylight; or, lights and shadows of New York life ; with introd. by Lyman Abbott. 1892. . 928.8 — Description of the New York Central Park. 1869 543.12 — Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain, 1866-7. 503 20 — Dix, J: A. Growth of In 305.18.2 — Ingersoll, E. A week in. [Guide book.] 1891 544.1 — Janvier, T: A. In Old New York. 1894. 785.19 — King, Moses, ed. Handbook of. [1892.] 551.17 — Kobbe, Gustav. New York and its en- virons. Maps and illus. 1891 . . 542.25 — Lamb, Martha J. History of, [to 1876]. 2v. [1877-80.] 758.6 — Ober, C. and Westover, C. M. Man- hattan, historic and artistic. [1892.] 556.2 — Quigg, L. E. Tin-types taken in the streets of. [Stories and sketches.] [1890.] 342.4 — Roosevelt, Theo. New York. (Histor- ic towns.) 1891 775.8 — Stoddard, W: O. Battle of New York. [Draft riots of 1863.] 1892. Fict... j97.27 — The volcano under the city. [The draft-riot of 1863.] 1887. . 767.7 — Wilson, J. G., ed. Memorial history of the city of New York. 4v. 1892-3. 798.1 See also Wall street. New York, state. Barber, J: W. and Howe, H: Historical collections of. Illus. 1842 776 15 — Brooks, E. S. Story of. [1888.] 764.1.1 — Dwight, Timothy. Travels in, 1823. . .532.8.3-4 — Hammond, J. D. Historv of political parties to 1840. 2 v. 1847 932.1 — Lodge, H. C. Short history of the English colonies, pp. 285-340 726.5 — Lossing, B. J. The empire state: a compendious history. Illus. 1888. 768.5 — O’Callaghan, E. B. Documentary his- tory of. 4v. 1850 *8522.28 — Roberts, E. H. New York: the plant- ing and growth of the empire state. 2v. 1887 738.16.8 — Schuyler, G: W. Colonial New York: Peter Schuyler and his family. 2 v. 1885 7101.2 — State board of health, report for 1889. 8101.23. — Townsend, T: S. Honors of the em- pire state in the war of the Rebel- lion. 1889 -774.1 See also Elmira; Rew York city. NEW YORK. 177 NISBET. New York in the Revolution. Pernow, Berthold, ed. (New York state ar- chives.) 1887 *8522.41 New York state reformatory. See Elmira. New Zealand. Bradshaw, J : New Zealand as it is. 1883 558.29 — Cumming, C. F. G. At home in Fiji, p. 260. 1882 526.1 — Froude, J. A. Oceana. 1888 534.12 — Knox, T: W. Underground world. [Mineral resources.] 928.1 — Nordhoff, C: Stories of the island world 531.8 — Sutherland, Alex, and G: History of, 1606-1890 792.13 — Tregarthen, Greville. Story of. 1893. In 752.1.38 — Verne, J. Voyage round the world. 136. 15. 2 — Wallace, A. R. Australia and New Zealand. (Stanford’s Compendium.) 1893 556.1.1 Newcomb, Simon: A B C of finance. [1877.] 944.15 — Algebra. 1888 8105.1 — Elements of analytic geometry. 1889.. 897.11 — Elements of geometry. 1889 897.12 — Elements of plane and spherical trig- onometry. 1889 896.6 — Elements of the differential and inte- gral calculus. 1889 885.33 — Popular astronomy. 1893 887.11 Newell, C. M. See Fiction class-list. Newell, Jane H. Outlines of lessons in botany. 2 v. 1892 891.31 Newell, W: W. Revivals: how and when. 1882 472.30 Newfoundland. Hatton, J. and Harvey, M. Newfoundland: its history, con- dition, etc. 1883 531.22 Newhall, C: S. Shrubs of Northeastern America. 1893 886.28 — Trees of Northeastern America. 1890. 873.26 Newhouse, S. Trapper’s guide. 1887... 873.10 Newman, J: H:, cardinal. Letters and correspondence; ed. by Anne Moz- ley. 2v. 1891 684.11 — Parochial and plain sermons. 8v. 1887-8. 463.1 — Froude, J. A. Grammar of assent. In 307.21.2 Oxford counter-reformation In 307.21.4 — Hutton, R: H. Life of. 1891 666.20 — Shairp, J. C. Aspects of poetry, p. 377. 211.8 Newport, R. I Curtis, G: W. Lotus-eat- ing. 1852 527.3 — Drake, S: A. Nooks and corners of the New England coast 532.9 — James, H: Portraits of places. 1884... 522.7 Newsiiolme, A. Elements of vital statis- tics. 1892 8105.2 — School hygiene. 1889 872.10 Newspapers. Bryant, W: C. Newspaper press In 356.5.2 — Disraeli, I: Origin of. [Curiosities of lit., p. 42.] 305.8 — Garfield, J. A. The press In 1001.10.2 — Hamerton, P. G. Good and evil of. [Intellectual life, p. 372.] 402.14 — Mathews, W: Writing for the press. In 325.31 — Maurice, F: D. Use and abuse of. In 327.15 See also Journalism. Newton, Sir I: Bolton, S. K. Famous men of science 694.18 — Collier, W.T. History of Eng. lit., p.266. 325.6 — Craik, G. L. Pursuit of knowledge, p 1. 308.20 — Lodge, Edm. Portraits, etc., v. 7. . . . 658.3.7 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 Newton, W: W. Life of Rev. William A. Muhlenberg. 1890 656.6.3 Ney, Michel. Alison, A. Miscellaneous essays, p. 84 305.4 — Headley, J:T. Napoleon and his mar- shals 613.14.2 Niagara falls. Curtis, G: W. Lotus eat- ing 527.3 — James, H: Portraits of places. 1884... 522.7 — Martineau, Harriet. Retrospect of western travel 533.28.1 Nibelungenlied. Dippold, G: T. Great epics. 1891 236.1 — Hosmer, J. K. Short history of Ger- man literature 313.12 — Longfellow, H: W. Poets of Europe.. 207.2 — Nibelungenlied; tr. by A. G. Foster- Barham 236.11 — Taylor, B. Studies in German litera- ture 313.11 Niblack, A. P. Indians of the north- west coast [of N. America]. 1890.. 788.2 Nicaragua. Belt, T: Naturalist in Nic- aragua. 1888 8104.12 — Brinton, D. G.,ed. Giiegiience ; a com- edy ballet. 1883 351.1.3 — Hort, Mrs. A. Via Nicaragua. 1887.. 552.24 Nichol, J: Life of Francis Bacon. 1888. 675.1.13 — Philosophy of Francis Bacon. 1888. 675.1.14 Nicholas, Griffith A. The Biddy club. [Servant question.] 1888 847.38 Nicholas, P. H joint author . See Johns, R: Nichols, Laura D., joint author. See Moore, Annie. Nicholson, H: A. Ancient life-history of the earth. 1892 8104.13 Nicholson, J. S. Effects of machinery on wages. 1892 941.21 — Treatise on money and essays on mon- etary problems. 1893 „ 944.3 — See also Fiction class-list. Nicknames. Disraeli, 1: Political. [Cu- riosities of lit., p. 290] 305.8 — Frey, A. R. Sobriquets and. 1883.. *3501.11 — Mathews, W. Words, etc.. 325.2 See also Names. Nicolay, J: G. and Hay, John. Abraham Lincoln: a history. Illus. and maps. 10 v. 1890 662.8 , ed. Abraham Lincoln. Complete works. 2v. 1894 945.4 Nicolini, G. B. History of the Jesuits. 1889 458.3 Nicoll, Robert. Poems. 1853 231.5 Niger river. Richardson, R. Story of. 1888. 544.27 Nights at the play. Cook, Dutton 234.12 Night-side of nature. Crowe, Catherine. 551.8 Nile river. Hale, E: E. Stories of dis- covery *. 721.6.4 — Oliphant, Laurence. Land of Khemi. [The Middle Nile.] 1882 561.1 Nimrod in the_ North. Schwatka, F: 857.13 Ninde, Mary L. We two alone in Europe. 1887 533.5 Nineteenth century. See Periodicals. Nineteenth century authors. Hodgkins, L. M. 1890 342.26 Nineveh. Bonomi, Joseph. Nineveh and its palaces. 1875 536.16 — Layard, A. H. Nineveh and its re- mains, [1845-6]. 2v. 1849 553.3 Nisbet, C: and Lemon, D. Everybody’s writing-desk book. 1882 344.8 NISSEN. 178 NURSING. Nissen, Hartvig. Manual of Swedish movement and massage treatment. 1889 877.30 Nitsch, J/rs. Helen. [ Catherine Owen.~\ Pro- gressive housekeeping. 1889..... 865.4 — Ten dollars enough. [Keeping-house.] 1887 856.7 — See also Fiction class-list. Noble, Edm. The Russian revolt: its causes, condition, and prospects. 1885 735.15 Noctes ambrosianae. Wilson, J: 5v 346.1 Noel, Lady A. Fiction class-list. Noel, Maurice. See Fiction class-list. Nohl, Louis. Life of Beethoven. 1881. 646.6 — Life of Haydn. 1883 • 646.7 — Life of Liszt. 1892 694.24 — Life of Mozart. 1880 646.8 Nolan, E. H. British empire in India and the East, [to 1859]. 2v. Illus. 791.12 Noll, A. H. Short history of Mexico. 1890 775.14 Nolte, Vincent. Fifty years in both hem- ispheres. 1854 556.4 Non-christian philosophies of the age. Porter, Noah and others 482.25 Non-christian religions. Muir, W. and others 478.8 Nooks and corners of the New England coast. Drake, S: A 532.9 Nootka Sound. Jewitt, J: R. Captivity among the savages of. 1816 556.13 Nordhoff, C: Peninsular California. 1888 545.25 — See also Fiction class-list. Norman, C. B. Colonial France. 1886.. 766.10 — Corsairs of France. Ports, andmap. 1887. 778.9 Norman, H: Bodyke. [Irish landlordism.] 1887 937.42 — The real Japan. 1892 546.19 Norman, J: H: The world’s twenty-nine metal monetary systems, etc 935.9 Normandy. Dodd, Anna B. In and out of three Normandy inns. [1892.].. 554.27 — Ordericus Vitalis. Ecclesiastical his- tory of Normandy, [to 1141] .4v.l853. 771.9 Normans. Jewett, Sarah O. Story of the. 1887 752.1.12 Norris, W. E. See Fiction class-list. Norse literature. See Scandinavian liter- ature. North, Marianne. Recollections of a happy life: an autobiography. 2v. 1892 675.14 North, T: Five years in Texas, [1861-6]. 757.4 North American review. See Periodicals. North Carolina. Caruthers, E. W. Rev- olutionary incidents. 2d series. 1856 785.15 — Fisher, Frances C. “Land of the sky.’’ Fiction 148.17 — Schenck, D: North Carolina, 1780-81. 1889 774.5 Northcote, J. S. and Brownlow, W. R. Roma sotterranea. 3 v. in 2. 1880. 7102.1 Northend, C: Teacher and parent: com- mon-school education. [1856.] 451.2 Northfield, Mass. College of colleges, session of 1889. Ed. by F. L. Nor- ton, [1889.] 461.14.1889 Northmen. DuChaillu, P. B. Ivar the Viking. Fiction. 1893 175.20 Viking age. 2v. Illus. 1889 766.1 Northmen, continued. — Keary, C. F. Vikings in Western Christendom, 789-888. 1891 — Wheaton, Henry. History of the Northmen to the conquest of Eng- land by William of Normandy. 1831. Northwest coast [of America]. Bancroft, H.H. History of, 1543-1846. 2v. 1886. — Niblack, Albert P. Indians of the Northwest coast. 1890 Norton, C. E., ed. Correspondence be- tween Goethe and Carlyle, [1824-31] . 1887 777.3 778.4 782.3 788.2 651.2 Norton, C: L. Political Americanisms: a glossary. 1890 925.7 Norton, G: Eliot. Notes of travel and study in Italy. 1859 557.9 Norton, J: N. The king’s ferry-boat and other addresses to children. [1876.] 482.7 Norton, Minerva B. In and around Ber- lin. 1889 536.12 Norton, W: A. Astronomy, spherical and physical. 1878 878.20 Norway. See Sweden and Norway. Notable voyagers from Columbus to Nordenscko'fld. 1892 694.9 Note book of an English opium-eater. De Quincey, T: 354.9 Notelrac, pseud. See Carleton, Fanny E. Notes for boys. By an old boy. 1888. . . 451.11 Nothing to wear. Butler, W. A. [Hu- morous poem.] 1857 236.24 Noto, an unexplored corner of Japan. Lowell, Percival. 1891 542.23 Nott, J. C. and Gliddon, G: R. Types of mankind. 1854 .. *888.4 Nourse, J. E. American explorations in the ice zones. [1884.] 543.7 Nova Scotia. Smith, P. H. Acadia: a lost chapter in American history. 1884 788.20 Novum organum . See Bacon, F In 458.4 Novy, F: G., joint author. See Vaughan, V. C. Nugent, Lord. See Greenville, G: N. T. Nullification, secession, etc. Loring, C. W. 1893 933.23 Numbers. See Bible. (Old Testament: Com- mentaries. ) Numismatics. Addison, Joseph. Dialogues upon medals In 1001 . 2 . 1 — Crosby, Sylvester. Early coins of Amer- ica. 1878 *8521.31 — Dye, J: S. Coin-encyclopaedia. 1883. 862.2 — Henfrey, H: W: Guide to English coins. 1885 : 868.4 — Humphreys, H. N. Coin collector’s manual. 2v. 1887 868.5 — Prime, W. C., ed. Coins, medals, and seals, ancient and modern. 1864... 8104.5 Nurse and spy in the Union army. Ed- monds, S. E. E 506.1 Nursery. Terhune,M.V. Common sense in the. 1885 847.22 See also Children; Infancy; Mothers. Nursing. Billings, J: S. and Hurd,H:M.,ed. Papers and discussions in the Inter- national Congress, Chicago, 1893. 1894 943.10 — Billroth, Theodor. Care of the sick. 1891 874 31 — Brown, Susan A. Invalid’s tea-tray. 1885 884,3 Cursing. 1?9 OLD NAVY. Nursing, continued. — Browne, P. What girls can do. [1880.]. 837.21 — Henderson, Mrs. M. F. Diet for the sick. 1885 847.23 — Manson, G. J. Work for women, p. 47. 1883 916.4 — Shaw, Clara W. Text-book of. 1892. 877.40 See also Accidents; Food; Health ; Hospijtals ; Medicine. Nutrition. Atkinson, E: Science of. 1892. 881.14 Nuttall, P. A. Standard dictionary of thetnglish language ; rev. by James Wood. 1886 343.30 Nuttall, T: Handbook of the ornithol- ogy of the United States and Cana- da; rev. by Montague Chamberlain. 2v. 1891 877.19 Oahspe, a new bible in the words of Je- hovih and his angel embassadors. 1891 477.22 Oak. Ward, H. M. The oak. 1892 871.13 Oats, or wild oats? Common-sense for young men. Buckley, J. M 436.8 Ober, C. F. and Westover, C. M. Man- hattan, historic and artistic: a six days’ tour of New York city. [1892.] 556.2 Ober, F: A. In the wake of Columbus. 1893 553.13 — Knockabout club in North Africa. [1890.] 543.2.1 — Knockabout club in Spain. [1889.] . . . 543.2.2 — Knockabout club in the Antilles and thereabouts. [1890.] 543.2.3 — Knockabout club in the Everglades. [1887.]*. 543.2.4 Oberammergau passion play. Field, H. M. From the lakes of Killarney, etc., p. 179-193 527.16 — Howitt, A. M. Art-student in Munich. 508.12 — Jackson, Helen H. The passion play. 1890 In 542.18 — Stead, W: T. The passion play at Oberammergau in 1890. [1890.] . . . 221.22 Oberholtzer, S. L. See Fiction class- list. Oberlin college. Brackett, A. C., ed. Ed- ucation of American girls, p. 329. 1874 In 402.31 Oberon and Puck. Cone, Helen G. 1893. 234.10 O’Brien, Capt. Narrative of captivity, in France, [1804-8]. 1891 543.9 Observer, The. By Richard Cumber- land. (British essayists, v.32-34.) 303. 15.32-34 Obstetrics and sexual science. Acton, W; Reproductive organs. 1883.... 854.9 — Chevasse, P. H. Physical life of both sexes. [1879 ] 878.19 — Shepherd, E. R. True manhood: a special physiology. 1890 877.12 — Stockholm, Alice M. Tokology. 1888. 861.11 — Storer, H. R. Is it I ? a book for every man. 1868 847.31 Why not? a book for every woman. 1866 ‘. 847.32 — Walker, Alex. Intermarriage. 1851... 861.9 — Walker, Jane H. Handbook for moth- ers. 1893 894.12 — Warren, Mortimer A. Almost four- teen. 1893 885.29 O’Callaghan, E. B. Documentary history of the state of New York. 4 v. 1850.*8522.28 Occult sciences. Waite, A. E. Occult sciences. 1891.... 472.7 See also Delusions, etc. Ocean. Bassett, F. S. Legends of the sea. 1885 446.16 — Croll, J. Climate and time 816.26 — Hartwig, G. The sea and its living wonders. 1873 862.9 — Lanoye, F. de. Sublime in nature... 802.24 — Macaulay, James. Sea pictures drawn with pen and pencil 528.18 — Michelet, Jules. The sea. Illus. 1875. 883.4 — Sharp, Mrs. W., ed. Songs and poems of the sea 223.24 — Tissandier, G. Wonders of water 813.14 Oceanica. Ballou, M. M. Under the Southern cross. 1888 533.23 — Froude, James A. Oceana 534.12 — Reclus, Elisee. Oceanica. 1892 548.22 — Vincent, F ,,jr. Through and through the tropics 525.29 See also Australasia; Borneo; Java; New Zealand; Samoan Islands ; Sandwich Islands. O’Connell, Daniel. Cusack, M. F. Life of. 2v. [1872.] 638.21 O’Connor, E. M. Index to the works of Shakspere. 1887 222.24 O’Donoghue, Mrs. N. P. Ladies on horse- back. 1889 8104.18 Odyssey. See Homer. Official gazette of the U. S. patent of- fice. See Periodicals. Ogden, Ruth. See Fiction class-list. Ogilvie, John. Imperial dictionary of the English language; rev. by C: Annandale. 4v. 1883. A. 20 Ogle county, Illinois. Kett, [F. H.]& Co.: History of Ogle county, Illinois. 1878 ; ‘ *712.14 Oglethorpe, Gen. J. E. Bruce, H: Life of. [1890.] 665.10.3 Ohio, state. Black, Alex. Story of. [1888.] 764.1.2 — Historical collections of Ohio: an en- cyclopedia of the state. 3 v. Illus. 1890-91 776.18 — King, Rufus. Ohio. (American com- monwealths.) 1888 738.16.12 — Reid, Whitelaw. Ohio in the war. 2v. 1868 784.12 — Roosevelt, Theo. Winning of the West. 2v. 1889 763.2 See also Cincinnati. Ohio commandery, L. L. Sketches of war history, 1861-5. 3v. 1888-90 761.11 Ohio state forestry bureau. Reports for 1887,1889. 1888-90 875.11 Ohnet, Georges. See Fiction class-list. Oil painting. See Painting. Old age. Booth, C: Endowment of old age: an argument. 1892 In 946.7 — Boyd, A. K. H. Concerning growing old In 301. 17.1 — Bulwer-Lytton,E. L. Attention to na- ture in In 327.5 — Cicero, M. T. Cato Major, an essay on old age. 1887 '. 457.4 — Holmes, O.W. Over the teacups, p. 25. 336.24 — Lathrop, S. G. Fifty years and be- yond ; or, gathered gems for the aged. [1881.] 472.31 Old colony town and other sketches. Bliss, W: R. 1893 556.8 Old court customs and modern court rule. Armytage, Mrs. F. F. 1883 765.4 Old fashioned roses. Riley, James W. .. 233.3 Old navy and the new. Ammen, D. 1891. 674.4 OLD NORTHWEST. 180 ORMSBEE. Old Northwest, The. Hinsdale, B. A. 1888 774.17 Old South, The. Page,T: Nelson. 1892. 344.27 Old Testament. See Bible ( Old Testament). Old Testament shadows of New Testa- ment truth. Abbott, Lyman 468.3 Old times. Ashton, J: 1885 766.12 Old Touraine. Cook, Theo. A. 1892. 2v. 557.20 Old woman’s outlook in a Hampshire village. Yonge, Charlotte M 347.8 Olden time series. See Brooks. H. M., comp 333.4 Oldroyd, O. H., ed. Lincoln memorial: album-immortelles. 1890 667.6 Oliphant, Laurence. Episodes in a life of adventure. [Autobiography.] 1887 673.11 — Haifa; or, life in modern Palestine, [1882-4]. 1887 534.5 — Land of Khemi. [The Middle Nile.] 1882 561.1 — Scientific religion. 1888 468.2 — ISee also Fiction class-list. — and Alice. Oliphant, Marg. O. W. Life of. 2v. Ports. 1891 675.4 Oliphant, M. O. W. Jerusalem the holy city ; its history and hope, lllus. 1891 466.20 — Life of Laurence and Alice Oliphant. 2v. Ports. 1891 675.4 — Makers of Venice. Illus. 1888 755.13 — Royal Edinburgh ; her saints, kings, prophets and poets, lllus. 1890.. 777.8 — Victorian age of English literature. 2v. [1892.] : 347.14 — See also Fiction class-list. Oliver, J: A. W. Astronomy for ama- teurs. 1888 861.14 Oliver Optic, pseud. See Adams, W : T. Oliver, Peter. Puritan commonwealth. [Massachusetts.] 1856 784.3 Olmstead, F: L. Journey in the back country. [The South ; Slavery.] 1860 533.9 Olympos: tales of the gods of Greece and Rome. Ely, Talfourd. 1891 467.8 Oman, C: W: C. History of Greece to the Macedonian Conquest. 1890. . . 795.6 — Story of the Byzantine empire. 1892. 752.1.33 — Warwick the kingmaker. 1891 655.17.16 On horseback : a tour in Virginia, etc. Warner, C: D. 1889 536.1 On sledge and horseback to the outcast Siberian lepers. Marsden, Kate. [1892.] 551.19 On the border with Crook. Bourke, J: G. 545.23 On the road home. Sangster, Margaret E. 234.17 On the threshold. Munger, Theo. T... . 461.13 One hundred choice selections; prose and poetry. Nos. 1-30. 1884-1890 322.11 One I knew best of all. [Autobiography.] Burnett, Frances H. 1893 687.23 One thousand quaint cuts from books of other days 894.4 One year abroad. Howard, Blanche W. 1887 524.24 O’Neil, C; A. American electoral sys- tem. 1889 902.31 Only a flock of women. Diaz, Mrs. A. M. 936.4 Oort, H. and Hooykaas, I: Bible for learners. 3v. 1888-92 484.16 Contents: v. 1, Introduction; The generations be- fore Moses; From Moses to David, v. 2, From David to Josiah ; From Josiah to the supremacy of the Mosaic law. v. 3, Narratives of the New Testament. Open sesame: prose and poetry for school- days. Bellamy, B. W. and Good- win, M. VV., ed. 3v. 1890 j95.12 Opera. Carleton, Fanny E. Operas: their writers and their plots. 1882 218.26 — Edwards, H. S. The prima donna, Her history, etc. 2v. 1888 667.4 — Edwards, S. History of, from Mont- verde to Donizetti. 1862 895.14 — Mapleson, J. H. Memoirs. 1848-88. 2v. 1888 676.12 Opie, J: Lectures on painting. 1848. In 868.6 Optics. Buckley, Arabella B. [Mrs. Fish- er.] Through magic glasses. 1890. 876.13 — Johnson, Amy. Sunshine. 1892 j8102.15 — Pancoast, S. Kabbala; or, the true science of light. [1883.] 456.20 — Preston, T: Theory of light. 1890 8103.8 — Tissandier, G. and Frith, H: Marvels of light 874.39 — Wright, L: Light; a course of experi- mental optics. 1882 874.23 See also Color. Orations. See Elocution (Speeches.) Oratorios. Upton, G. P. Standard ora- torios: their stories, music and com- posers. 1887 216.17 Oratory. See Elocution. Oratory and orators. Mathews, 323.20 ORBispictus. Comenius, J: Amos 334.8 Note— First children’s picture book. Orchards. See Fruit. Orchestral music. Clarke, Hamilton. Manual of orchestration 895.9 Ordeals. Lea, H: C: Superstition and force 912.3 Ordericus Vitalis. Ecclesiastical his- tory of England and Normandy [to 1141]. 4v. 1853 771.9 Oregon, state. Bancroft, H. H. History of Oregon, 1834-88. 2v. 1886-8 781.6 History of the Northwest coast, 1543-1846. 2 v. 1886 782.3 — Jackson, H. H. Glimpses of three coasts 542.18 O’Reilly, J: B. Athletics and manly sport. 1890 872.7 O’Reilly, Miles, pseud. See Halpine,C: G. O’Rell, Max, pseud. See Blouet, B. Organ. Bosanquet, R. H. The organ. [In Encyclo. Brit., v. 17.] 1884. . . . C.1.17 — Lukin, J. Boy engineers, p. 121 828.5 — Stainer, J: The organ. [Music prim- er.] 1877 895.21 — Wicks, M: Organ building for ama- teurs. 1888 895.20 Organon. See Aristotle. Orient. Cook, Joseph. (Boston Monday lectures.) 1886 446.3 See also Levant. Oriental religions: Persia. Johnson, S: 1885 445.11 Oriental sunbeams. Cox, S: S. 1887... 536.28 Origin of the fittest. Cope, E. D. 1887. 862.11 Orleans, Maid of. See Joan of Arc. Ormsbee, Agnes B. House comfortable. 1892 882.8 ORNAMENT. 181 OXFORD. Ornament. Cutler, T: W. Grammar of Japanese ornament and design. 1880 *8522.34 — Jones, Owen. Grammar of ornament. 1868. F ..*8542.41 — Racinet, A. Polychromatic ornament: ancient, oriental and mediaeval art, including the Renaissance, 17th and 18th centuries ; col’d and ilium, plates. 1877. F... *8542.40 — Wornum, Ralph N. Analysis of or- nament. 1874 8104.19 See also Decorative art. Our colonial homes. Drake, S: A. Ulus. 8522.32 Our country. Strong, Josiah 916.25 Our early presidents, their wives and children. Upton, Mrs. H. T 676.4 Our English. Hill, Adams S 336.9 Our English cousins. Davis, R: H 556.14 Our famous women. By twenty authors. 1888 676.3 Our government. Macy, Jesse. 1886... 902.30 Our home pets. Miller, Olive T 898.8 Our Italy. Warner, C: D 543.3 Our mother tongue. Mead, Theo. H. 342.16 Our New England. Mabie, H. W. Illus. Ornithology. See Birds. Orosius, Paulus. English translation of Alfred’s Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius. 1884 In Orpen, Adela E. Chronicles of the Sid. [Adelia Gates.] Orr, Mrs. Sutherland. Handbook to the works of Robert Browning. 1889.. — Life and letters of Robert Browning. 2v. 1891 Orthometry. Brewer, R. F. 1893 Ortoli, Frederic. See Fiction class-list. Orton, H. D. Lightning calculator and accountant’s assistant. [1871.] . . . Orvis, C. F. and Cheney, A. N. Fishing with the fly. 1883 Osborn, Sarah B. Political and social letters of a lady of the 18th cen- tury, 1727-71. 1891 Osborne, Dorothy. Parry, E: A.,ed. Let- ters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple, 1652-54. 1888. . ; Osbourne, Lloyd, joint author. See Stev- enson, R. L: Osler, W: Principles and practice of medicine. 1888 8103.18 O’Shaughnessy, Arthur. Moulton, Louise Chandler. Arthur O’Shaughnessy, his life and his work, with selec- tions from his poems. 1894 236.27 O’Shea, J: A. Romantic Spain: a record of personal experiences. 2v. 1887. 544.7 Ossoli, S. Marg. F., marchesa d\ At home and abroad. [Summer on the lakes; Things and thoughts in Europe.] 1856 542.10 — Frothingham, O. B. Transcendental- ism in New England 416.4 Ostrich. Martin, Annie. Home life on an ostrich farm. 1890 893.27 Oswald, E. See Fiction class-list. Oswald, Felix L. Days and nights in the tropics. [Brazil.] [1887.] 534.2 Othello. See Shakespeare. Other men’s minds. Davies, E., comp. 1888 341.17 771.1 554.15 222.16 673.19 234.9 855.11 865.8 674.19 695.19 Otis, James. Magoon, E. L. Orators of the Revolution 613.9 — Moore, F., ed. American eloquence, v. 1 , pp.1-7 321.12.1 Otis, James, pseud. See Kaler, J. O. Ott, Isaac. Action of medicines. 1878. Otte, E. C. Scandinavian history. 1874. Ottoman empire. See Turkey. Ouida, pseud. See Rame, L. de la. Ounces of prevention. Coan, T. M. 1888 Our Asiatic cousins. Leonowens, A. H. Our boys in China. French, H. W Our boys in India. French, H. W j546.23 Our Christian heritage. Gibbons, J., car- dinal 455.14 886.14 787.7 885.15 j 538.1 j 546.29 1880 *8522.40 Our old country towns. Rimmer, A. . . . . 552.13 Our penal machinery and its victims. Altgeld, J. P. 1886 918.3 Our poetical favorites. Kendrick, A. C., Our race series. See Totten C: A. L. Our summer migrants. Harting, J. E. . . 886.13 Ourselves and our neighbors. Moulton, L. C 333.19 Ouseley,F. A.G. Treatise on counterpoint, canon, and fugue. 1880 895.2 Out door games and recreations. Hutch- ison, G. A., ed. 1892.. 881.22 Outing. See Periodicals. Outing, An, with the queen of hearts. Tourgee, Albion W. 1894 357.7 Outings at odd times. Abbott, C:C 874.10 Outlines of philosophy See Lotze, Her- man 472.20 Over the border. Chase, E. B. 1885 554.21 Over the ocean. Guild, Curtis. 1891 . . . 554.28 Over the teacups. Holmes, O. W 336.24 Overbeck, J. F: Atkinson, J. B. Over- beck. (Great artists.) 1882 683.20 Overhead. [Astronomy primer.] Moore, A. and Nichols, L. D. 1878 j93.23 Overheard in Arcady. Bridges, Robert. 354.10 Overland monthly. See Periodicals. Overton, J: H: Evangelical revival in the 18th century 464.1.6 — John Wesley. [Shortlife.] 1891 666.22 Ovid. [Publius Ovidius Naso.] Elegies; tr. by C. Marlowe In 221.9 — Fasti ; Tristia; Pontic epistles; Ibis and Halieuticon ; lit. tr., with notes, by H.T. Riley. 1887 225.14 — Hero'fdes ; Amours; Art of love; Rem- edy of- love, and minor works; lit. tr.,with notes, by H.T. Riley. 1887. 225.13 — Metamorphoses; lit. tr., with notes, by H. T. Riley. 1887 225.15 — Metamorphoses: translations from. Ad- dison, Jos. [Works, v.l,pp. 87-153.]. ..1002.1.1 — Selections from the Amores, Tristia, Hero'fdes, and Metamorphoses; by A. J. Macleane. [Text with notes.] 1875 237.4 Owen, Catherine, pseud . /SfeeNitsch, Helen. Owen, Mary A. /Stee Fiction class-list. Oxford, university. Arnold, F: Oxford and Cambridge : their colleges, memories and associations. [1873.] 428.11 — Brodrick, G. C. History of, [to 1886]. 464.1.9 — Foster, Joseph. Alumni Oxoniensis: members of the University of Ox- ford, 1715-1886. v.l. 1887 428.8 — Mathews, W: Hours with men and books, pp. 307-326 325.31 — Smith, Goldwin. Oxford and her col- leges. 1894 482.8 OYSTEft. 182 PALESTINE. Oyster. Brooks, W. K. The oyster. [Cul- ture,anatomy, oyster industry.] 1891. 876.35 — DeVere, M. S. "Wonders of the deep, ch. 7 812.9 — Goodrich, F. B. Ocean’s story, ch. 55. 511.20 — Mathews, W: Men, places and things, 343.6 Oysters a la mode. De Salis, H. A. 1888. 861.20 P., G. W. Whist universal. 1887 856.30 P., J. E., comp. Musical moments ; short selections in prose and verse. 1889. 223.10 P., J. M. and S., F. W. Sketches of the clans of Scotland with col’d plates of tartans 756.10 Pacific coast scenic tour. Finck, H: T. 1890 542.15 Pacific states. Bancroft, H. H. History of the Northwest coast. 2 v. 1886.. 782.3 Native races. 5v. 1886 781.1 Packard, Alpheus S. Entomology for beginners. 1889 865.16 — First lessons in zoology. 1893 891.26 — Labrador coast. 1891 558.26 Packard, J. Malachi. (Lange’s Com- mentary.) In 471.1.14 Pagan and Christian Rome. Lanciani, R. 786.1 Paganini, N. Ferris, G. T. Great violin- ists 624.4 — Haweis, H. R. My musical memories. 644.1 Page, C. E., M. D. How to feed the baby. [1882.] 847.37 Page, D: Chips and chapters: a book for amateur and young geologists. 1869. 8102.26 Page. H. A pseud. See Japp, Alex. H. Page, T: N. The old South: essays so- cial and political. 1892 344.27 — See also Fiction class-list. Pahlavi texts; tr. by E. W. West. (Sa- cred books of the East, v. 5, 18, 24, 37.) 1880-85 481.1 Paige, L. R. History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1887; with a genealogical register. 1877 774.16 Pain, Barry. Playthings and parodies. [1892'.] 354.4 Paine, T: Writings; ed. by M. D. Con- way. 4 v. 1894-5 1001.13 — Yale, G. Life of. 1876 667.5 — Conway, M. D. Life of. 2v. 1892 676.11 Painter, F. Y. N. History of education. 1887 448.2.2 Painting and painters. Armitage, E. Lec- tures on painting. 1883 853.36 — Beard, L. and A. B. American girls handy-book, p.238 * 861.10 — Browne, P. What girls can do, p. 232. 837.21 — Brj 7 an, M. Dictionary of painters and engravers; rev. by G: Stanley. [1849.] 688.6 — Champlain, J: D., jr. and Perkins, C: C., ed. Cyclopedia of painters and paintings. 4v. Illus. 1888 *878.9 — Collier, J: Manual of oil painting. 1886 852.26 — Fowler, F: Oil painting: a handbook. [1885.] .' 853.8 — Havard, H: Dutch school of paint- ing. 1885 893.13 — Helmholtz, H. On the relation of op- tics to painting In 843.6.2 - — Hoyt, D. L. Handbook of historic schools of painting. 1890 893.4 — Iconographic encyclopaedia, v.3., Sculp- ture and painting. 1887 *863.2.3 — Karoly, Karl. Guide to the paintings of Florence. 1893 885.6 Painting and painters, continued. — Knowlton, Helen M. Hints fof pupils in drawing and painting. 1887 898.1 — Lectures on painting by Barry, Opie, and Fuseli, ed. by R. N. Wornum. 1848 In 868.6 — Milman, H. H. History of Latin Christianity, v. 8. [Christian paint- ing.] 416.19.8 — Morelli, Giacomo. Italian painters. 1892 695.15 — Sheldon, G. W. American painters; with 83 examples of their work, engraved on wood. 1879 848.30 — Stanley, G: Painters of the Dutch and Flemish schools. 1855 871.5 — Stranahan, Mrs. Clara. History of French painting. 1889 8104.20 — Yan Dyke, J: C. Art for art’s sake. 1893 885.30 How to judge of a picture. 1889... 865.11 — Yinci, Leonardo da. Treatise on paint- ing. 1887 867.7 See also Fine arts ( Histories , etc. ) ; Color; Land- scape painting ; Pastel painting ; Water-color paint- ing ; also, see Biography ( Collective : Artists) and lives of Bastien-Lepage ; Durer; Holbein ; Hogarth ; Overbeck; Titian. Palaeography. Deutsch,E. Semitic palae- ography 445.10 — Nicholson, H: A. Ancient life-history of the earth. 1892 8104.13 — Thompson, E: M. Handbook of Greek and Latin palaeography. 1893 815.4.70 — Westropp,H.M. Handbook of archae- ology 867.20 Palaeontology. Geikie, J. Prehistoric Europe 8101.16 Palestine. Baedeker, K: Palestine and Syria. Handbook. 1894 *555.18 — Conder, C. R. Palestine. Illus. (Great explorers,^.) [1890.] 663.1.2 — De Hass, F. S. Buried cities recov- ered; or, explorations in Bible lands. 1890 537.23 — Field, H: M. Among the holy hills. 1890 544.15 — Geikie, Cunningham. Holy Land and the Bible. 2v 558.2 — Knox, T: W. Boy travelers in the Holy Land. [1882.] 532.1.4 — Lindsay, A. W: C., lord. Letters on the Holy Land, [1836-7.] 1866.... 536.17 — Manning, S. “Those holy fields.” Illus. 528.9 — Merrill, Selah. East of the Jordan, [1875-7]. 1881 554.5 — Miller, D. L. Letters from Europe and Bible lands, [1883-4] 546.5 — Oliphant, Laurence. Haifa ; or, life in modern Palestine, [1882-4]. 1887. 534.5 — St. Clair, G: Buried cities and Bible countries. 1892 783.3 — Sayce, A. H. Fresh light from the ancient monuments. 1884 473.1.2 — Stapfer, E. Palestine in the time of Christ. [1885.] 534.4 — Temple, Sir R: Palestine illustrated. 1888. Q 545.22 — Thomson, W. M. Land and the book. 3v. 1880-6 528.15 Contents : v. 1, Southern Palestine and Jerusalem, v. 2, Central Palestine and Phoenicia, v. 3, Lebanon, Damascus and beyond Jordan. — Wilson, E: L. In scripture lands. 1890. 541.19 PALFREY. 183 PARLIAMENTARY LAW. Palfrey, J: G. History of New England [to 1775]. 5v. 1858-90 747.5 Palgrave, R. H. Inglis, ed. Dictionary of political economy, v.l. 1894.... 947.5 Palm, A. J. The death penalty. 1892. 937. 6G Palmberg, Albert. Public health and its applications [in Europe] . 1893... 886.6 Palmer, A. B. Temperance teachings of science. 1887 876.28 Palmer, A. S. Folk etymology, a dic- tionary of verbal corruptions. 1882. 334.11 Palmer, H. R. Theory of music. [1876.] 853.14 Palmer, Henrietta L. Home-life in the Bible. 1881 428.13 Palmer, Julius A. Jr. Mushrooms of Amer- ica, edible and poisonous. 1885 — 888.7 Palmer, Mary T. See Fiction class-list. Palmistry. Allen, E. H-. Practical chei- rosophy. 1891 876.18 — Cotton, Louise. Palmistry and its prac- tical uses. 1892 893.11 Paltock, Robert. See Fiction class-list. Panama. Nelson, W. Five years at, [1880-85]. [1889.] 538.8 Pancoast, Seth. Kabbala; or, the true science of light. [1883.] 456.20 Panics. Juglar, C. Brief history of. 1893.. 937.75 Panin, Ivan. Lectures on Russian litera- ture. 1889 336.20 Pansy, pseud. See Alden, Mrs. I. M. Pantheism. Lorimer, G: C. Isms, old and new. 1881 436.25 — Plumtre,C.E. General sketch of the history of. 2v. 1878 467.2 Paper money. See Money. Papers for the teacher. Republished from Barnard’s Am. Jour, of Edu- cation. 1861 456.11 Parables. Bruce, Alex. B. Parabolic teaching of Christ. 1888 465.7 — Dods, Marcus. Parables of our Lord [as recorded by St. Matthew]. 1890. 466.13 Parables from nature. Gatty, Margaret. 465.15 Paradise lost. See Milton, John. Paradise of English poetry. Beeching, H. C., comp. 2v. 1893 224.22 Paraguay. Child, Theo. Spanish-Amer- ican republics. 1891 545.21 — Washburn, C: A. History of, with per- sonal observations and reminis- cences. 2 v. 1871 778.10 Parasites. Van Beneden, P. J. Animal. 1876 815.4.19 Pardoe, Julia. Louis XIV. and the court of France in the 17th century. 3v. 1887 751.14 Paris, Louis Philippe, Gomtede. History of the civil war in America, v.1-4. 1876-88 722.6 Paris, Matthew. English history, from 1235 to 1273. 3v. 1852 771.7 Paris, city. Alger, J. G. The new Paris sketch book: manners, men, insti- tutions. 1889 552.9 — Amicis, E. de. Studies of Paris. 1882. 523.22 — Baedeker, K: Paris and environs. Handbook. 1891 *555.19 — Champney, Eliz. W. Witch Winnie in Paris. Fiction. [1893.] 175.14 — An Englishman in Paris. 2v. [Louis- Philippe ; The second republic and Napoleon III.] 676.18 — Hare, A: J. C. Days near Paris. [1888.] 552.27 Walks in. [1888.] 533.24 Paris, city, continued'. — Kaufmann, R: Paris of to-day. [1891.] 543.4 — Knox,T:W. Underground world. [Cat- acombs, sewers, etc.] 928.1 Parish problems. Gladden, Washington, ed. [1887.] 467.15 Park, Mungo. Thomson, J. Mungo Park and the Niger. [1890.] 663.1.3 Parker, Foxhall A. Fleets of the world. 1876 794.10 Parker, Frances W. How to study ge- ography. 1889 448.2.10 Parker, Gilbert. See Fiction class-list. Parker, J: H: Architectural history of the city of Rome; abridged from Parker’s Archaeology of Rome. 1882. 752.3 — Concise glossary to terms in Grecian, Roman, Italian and Gothic archi- tecture. 1888 898.21 — Introduction to Gothic architecture. 898.20 Parker, T. J. Course of instruction in zootomy. [Vertebrata.] 1884 855.19 Parker, Theo. Historic Americans; Franklin, Washington, J: Adams, and Jefferson 694.26 — Prayers by. 1882 453.27 — Views of religion. 1890 485.13 — Bartlett, D: W. Modern agitators. 1859. 602.13 — Cook, J. Transcendentalism, p. 53... 417.5 — Cooke, F. E. Story of. 1883 651.13 — Johnson, S: Theodore Parker. 1890. 666.21 Parker, W: H. Familiar talks on astron- omy. 1889 865.28 — Psalmody of the church ; its authors, singers and uses. 1889 221.16 Parkhurst, C, H. Three gates on a side and other sermons. [1891.] 466.27 Parkhurst, H. E. The birds’ calendar. Illus 1894 8105.6 Parkman, Francis. France and England in North America. 7 pts. in 9v. 1873-92 736.15 Contents :-l, Pioneers of France in the New World. 2. Jesuits in North America in the 17th century. 3, Discovery of the great West. 4, The old regime in Canada. 5, Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. 6, A half century of conflict. 7, Monte- calm and Wolfe. — Historic handbook of the northern tour, Lakes George and Champlain; Niagara; Montreal; Quebec. 1885. 785.2 — Gilder, J. L. and J. B., ed. Authors at home. [1888.] 661.9 — Harris, A. B. American authors for young folks 335.4 Parliament. Skottowe, B. C. Short his- tory of. 1887 018.9 Parliamentary elections and election- eering in the old da vs. Grego, Jo- seph. Illus. 1886 928.9 Parliamentary law. Bain, Alex. Pro- cedure of deliberative bodies . . . . In 322.6 — Crocker, G: G. Principles of pro- cedure in deliberative bodies. 1889. 922.8 — Fish, G: T. Guide to the conduct of meetings. 1888 925.26 — Manual of parliamentary practice; The rules of the House of Representa- tives and Senate of United States, and Barclay’s Digest. 1867 927.10 — Mell, P. H. Manual of parliamentary practice [1867.] 924.21 PARLIAMENTARY LAW. 184 * PATRICK. Parliamentary law, continued . — Reed, T: B. Reed’s rules. 1894 — Robinson, W: S. Warrington’s man- ual. [1875.] — Shattuck, Harriette R. The woman’s manual of parliamentary law. 1892. — Spofford, A. R. Practical manual of parliamentary rules. 1884 Parloa, Maria. Appledore cook book. 1883 — Kitchen companion. 1887 — New cook book and marketing guide. 1886 951.1 r -> 941.13 925.24 941.14 872.21 858.12 855.32 Parr, H. [Holme Lee.] See Fiction class- list. Parr, Louisa. See Fiction class-list. Parrots. Selby, P. J. Parrots 866.1.10 Parry, E: A., ed. Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple, 1652-54. 1888 695.19 Parry, Emma L. Life among the Ger- mans. [1887.] 533.12 Parseeism, Zoroastrianism. Haug, M. Essays on the sacred language, writings and religion of the Parsis. 1884 483.17 — Pahlavi texts. (Sacred books of the East, v. 5, 18, 24.) 1880-85 481.1 — Ragozin, Z. A. Stud}' of the Zend- Avesta. 1888 752.1.20 — Zend-Avesta ; tr. by Darmesteter. (Sa- cred books of the East, v.4, 23, 31.) 1880-87 481.1 Parsons, Frank and others. World’s best books. 1889 335.18 Parsons, S:, jr. Landscape gardening. 1891 878.10 Parsons, Theophilus. Outlines of the religion and philosophy of Sweden- borg. 1876 472.3 — Memoir of; by his son Theophilus. 1861 .‘ 673.21 Parthia. Rawlinson, George. Story of. 1893 752.1.37 Parties and patronage in the United States. Tyler, L. G. 1891 987.68 Parton, James. Captains of industry. 2v. 1884-91 . 644.21 — Caricature and other comic art in all times and many lands. 1878 853.4 — General Jackson. 1893 681.7.3 — ,ed. Some noted princes, authors, and statesmen of our times; by Canon Farrar, James T. Fields and others.. [1885.] 645.13 Contents : Reminiscences of Arthur Penryhn Stan- ley. A morning with Dr Francis Trevelyan Buck- land. Dickens with his children. Recollections of Dickens. Recollections of Thackeray. A day with Mrs. Dinah Mulock Craik. A meeting with George Eliot. House of Commons. Four famous scenes in the House of Commons. Lord Beaconsfield. The Prince of Wales at home. Three daughters of the princess of Wales. King and queen of Denmark. Royal chil- dren of Denmark. King of Bavaria. End of prince Louis Napoleon. Recollections of Leigh Hunt. Mary Russell Mitford. Charles Lamb. Thomas Hood. Thomas^Campbell. College life of Macaulay. Thom- as Carlyle. Tea with Carlyle. Carlyle: his work and his wife. Victor Hugo at home. Victor Hugo. St. Pierre. Jules Grevy. Sir Walter Scott. Sir Wal- ter Scott’s home. Charles Kingsley. Lord Coleridge and the English law courts. Charles H. Spurgeon. Parton, James, continued . William Macready. Anecdotes of Jenny Lind. A grandson of Robert Burns. Mr. Gladstone. Mr. Gladstone in the House. College life of Rufus Choate. Reminiscences of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The college life of Prescott the historian. Nathaniel Parker Willis. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s college days. The home of J. G. Whittier. The czar, Alexander II., in the field 1877. Adolph Thiers. Queen Victoria. Recollec- tions of Abraham Lincoln. — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among au- thors, etc 1884 654.9 Parzival. Dippold, G. T. Great epics of mediaeval Germany, ch. 8. 1891. 236.1 — Warner, C: D. Roundabout journey, p. 333 521.4 Pasadena, California. Holder, C; F. All about Pasadena. 1889 523.29 Pasquier, Etienne D, Memoirs of. v.l, 1789-1810. 1893 691.8 Passion play. See Oberammergau. Pastel painting. Goupil. Pastel paint- ing simplified and perfected. [1886.] 865.9 Pasteur, Louis. Radot, Y. Life and labors of. 1885 646.2 — Studies on fermentation. 1879 8101.3 Pastor of Hermas. Epistles In 447.16 Pastor Sang. [Norwegian drama.] B]orn- son, B '..... 234.22 Pastoral office. See Preaching. Patch, Olive. Sunny Spain. 1884 548.4 Patents. Brown, D. W. American pat- ent system. 1890 925.8 — Carpmael, A. and E: Patent laws of the world. 1889 947.6.1 Same: supplement. 1889 947.6.2 — Farrer, T. H. State in relation to trade, ch. 9. Patents and copy- right. 1883 944.21 — Official gazette of the United States patent office, v. 1-69. 1872-94 P54.2 See also United States. {Dept, of Interior: Patent office . ) Pater, W. H. Biog. sketch of S: T. Cole- ridge. In Ward, T: H., ed. Eng- lish poets, v. 4, p. 102 218.8.4 — Imaginary portraits. [Anthony Wat- teau, Denys L’Auxerrois, Sebastian van Storck, Duke Carl of Rosen- mold.] 1887 343.31 — Plato and Platonism. [Lectures.] 1893. 473.4 — The renaissance: studies in art and poetry. 1877 852.21 — See also Fiction class-list. Path and goal. Kalisch, Marcus M 945.19 Paton, Andrew A. History of the Egyp- tian revolution. 2v. 1870 793.20 Paton, Chalmers I. Freemasonry and its jurisprudence. 1872 454.14 — Free masonry : its symbolism, relig- ious nature, and law of perfection. 454.15 — Free masonry: its two great doctrines; three masonic graces. 1878 454.13 Paton, J. G., missionary. Autobiography ; ed by J. Paton. 2v. [1889.] 661.24 Paton, W: A. Down the islands: a voy- age to the Carribees. 1887. 534.14 Patriarcha: the natural power of kings. Filmer, Sir R. 1884 In 917.17 Patrick, St. Butler, A. Lives of the saints. 674.17 — Johnson, R. Seven champions 183.3 — Walsh, AY. P. Heroes of the mission field 635.6 PATRIDGE. 185 PEN. Patridge, Lelia E. “The Quine}' meth- ods” illustrated. 1885 436.16 Patten, Simon N. Economic basis of protection. 1890 944.10 Pattern making 8105.13 Patterson, Howard. See Fiction class-list. Patterson, J. B., ed. Autobiography of Black Hawk ; with history of the Black Hawk war. 1882 645.15 Patterson, Robert. Campaign in the val- ley of the Shenandoah in 1861. 1865. 788.22 Pattt, Adelina M. C. Edwards, H. S. The prima donna In 667.4.2 Patton, J. H. Four hundred years of American history. 2v. [1882.].... 784.4 — Natural resources of the United States. [Primer.] 1886 856.29 Paul, St. Conybeare, W. J. and How- son, J. S. Life and epistles. 2v. in 1. 1870 418.1 — Fisher, G:P. Apostle Paul. [Boston lectures, 1871.] 438.19 — Iverach,J. St. Paul: his life and times. . 461. 6. 13 — Plieiderer, Otto. Influence of the apostle Paul on the development of Christianity. 1885 436.21 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 Paul, B: H., joint author. /SieeBolley, P. A: Paulding, J. K. See Fiction class-list. Pauli, R. Life of Alfred the great. 1884. 771.1 — Life of Oliver Cromwell. 1888 658.8 Paull, Mrs. G. A. See Fiction class-list. Paull, M. A. See Fiction class-list. Pauperism. See Poor and poor relief. Pausanias. Description of [ancient] Greece; tr., with notes and index, by A. R. Shilleto. 2v. 1886 771.17 Pavements. See Roads, etc. Payn, James. Holiday tasks. 1887 342.11 — Some literary recollections. 1884. . . . 665.6 — Some private views. [Essays.] 1882.. 342.10 — See also Fiction class-list. Payne, E: J: History of the new world called America, v.l. 1892 784.2.1 Payne, F. M. Business educator. [1889.] 925.4 Payne, Joseph. Science and art of edu- cation. 1885 453.22 Peabody, Andrew P. Harvard gradu- ates whom I have known. 1890. . . 666.10 Contents : Joshua Fisher. Nathan Dane. John Pierce. John Pickering. William Wells. William Jenks. Daniel Appleton White. Charles Lowell. Icha- hod Nichols. James Walker. Jared Sparks. Samuel Atkins Eliot. George Barrell Emerson. Stephen Salis- bury. Nathaniel Wood. Nathaniel Silsbee. Cazneau Palfrey. Samuel Minot Weld. Increase Sumner Wheeler. Appendix. — Henry Dunster, first president of Harvard college. Charles Chauncy, second presi- dent of Harvard college. Index. Peabody, Eliz. P. Lectures for kinder- gartners. 1886 446.7 Peabody, G: Bolton, S. K. Poor boys, etc. 646.5 — Everett, E: Orations, etc 334.1.3 — McCabe, J. IJ. Great fortunes, etc 604.1 Peacock, T: L. See Fiction class-list. Peard, Frances M. See Fiction class-list. Pearl of Asia. [Siam.] Child, J.T. 1892. 548.3 Pearls. Chambers’s Miscellany. Pearls and pearl fisheries In 1001.8.8 — De Yere, M. S. Wonders of the deep. 812.9 — Goodrich, F. B. Ocean’s story, ch. 85. 511.20 Pears, Edw. The fall of Constantinople: being the story of the fourth cru- sade. 1886 732.19 Pearse, J: B. Concise history of iron manufacture in America. 1876... 872.30 Pearson, Emily C. Gutenberg, and the art of printing. Illus. [1879.] 871.15 Pearson, J: Exposition of the creed; with an analysis by Edward Wal ford. 1887 457.15 Pearson, K: Grammar of science. Illus. 1892 871.25 Peary, Josephine D. Mv arctic journey. 1893 554.12 Pease, A. E. Cleveland hounds. [Fox- hunting.] 1887 873.3 Peck, J. M. Gazetteer of Illinois. 1837. 712.38 Peck, J: L. Kingdom of the unselfish ; or, empire of the wise. [1889.].... 463.5 Peck, W: Constellations and how to find them. 13 maps. [1887.] 848.28 Pedagogy. See Education ( Teaching). Peel, Sir Robert. McCarthy, J. Sir Rob- ert Peel. 1891 692.16 Peele, G: Dramatic and poetical works. 1874 In 221.10 Contents : Some account of George Peele and his writings. Arraignment of Paris. Edward the first. A warning-piece to England against pride and wick- edness, etc. The battle of Alcazar. The old wives’ tale. David and Bethsabe. Sir Clyomon and Sir Clamydes. Device of the pageant borne before Wol- stan Dixie. Descensus Astraeae. A farewell to Sir John Norris and Sir Francis Drake, etc., and a tale of Troy. An eclogue gratulatory, etc. Polyhymnia. Speeches to Queen Elizabeth at Theobald’s. Honour of the Garter. Anglorum feriae: England's holidays. Miscellaneous poems . Lines addressed to Thomas Watson. Praise of Chastity. Love. Cupid’s arrows. Coridon and Melampus’ song. Fragments of the Hunting of Cupid, from Drummond’s Mss. A merry ballad of the Hawthorn-tree. Peele’s merry con- ceited jests. Index to the notes on Peele. Peer Gynt. Ibsen, Henrik. 1892 227.16 Peerage and baronetage. Burke, Sir Bernard. Genealogical and heral- dic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage [of Great Britain and Ireland]. 1888 *678.10 Peet, Stephen D. Prehistoric America. v. 1-2 788.1 V. 1, The mound builders. 1892. v. 2. Emblematic mounds and animal effigies. 1890. Peffer, W: A. The farmer’s side: his troubles and their remedy. 1891. 925.22 Peile, S. C. F. Lawn tennis as a game of skill. 1887 856.15 Peirce, B. K. Word of God opened. 1889. 478.12 Pelet, Paul, joint author. See Lebon, A. Peliiam, H. F. Outlines of Roman his- tory. 1893 '187.6 Pellew, G: In castle and cabin; or, talks in Ireland in 1887. 1888 536.26 - Life of John Jay. 1890 626.4.21 Pellow, T: Adventures of. [In captiv- ity in Morocco, 1715-38.] 1890 .... 541.11 Peloubet, F. N. and M. A. Select notes: a commentary on the International lessons for 1895. [1894.] 485.11 Contents : Studies in the life of our Lord, and in Jewish history from Exodus to 1 Samuel. Peltz, G: A. See Fiction class-list. Pen and pencil series: namely: American pictures, f>28.19 ; Australian pictures, 548.11: Canadian pictures. 548.13; English pictures, 528.20; French pictures, 548.16; Indian pictures, PEN. 186 PERIODICALS. 055.4 556. 7 891. 5 4 "I Pen and pencil series, continued. 528.21; Italian pictures, 548.12 ; Land of the Pharaohs, 528 22: Norwegian pictures, 548.10; Pictures from Bible lands, 528.10: Pictures from Holland. 545.6: Pic- tures from the German Fatherland, 528.25; Scottish pictures, 528.23; Sea pictures, 528.18 ; Swiss pictures, 528.24; Those holy fields, 528.9; Irish pictures. 537.3; Russian pictures, 545.5; London pictures, 545.4; United States pictures, 548.15 ; Welsh pictures, 548.14. Pendleton, J: Newspaper reporting. 1890. 336.22 Pendleton. L: See Fiction class-list. Penley, Aaron. Sketching from nature in watercolours. [1869.] 8o4 — / Penmanship. Astle, T: Origin and prog- ress of writing. 1876 8522.44 — Salamanca, F. de. Philosophy of hand- ^ writing 8<~..l — Smith, W. A. “According to Cocker : the progress of penmanship from the earliest times. 1887 Penn, W; No cross, no crown 4 °4.24 — Clarkson, T; Life of. 2v. 1813..... 657.0 Life of. (Young American’s library-) 1869 • Pennell, Eliz. R. To Gypsyland. [In Hungary, etc.] 1893. . • — joint author. See Pennell, Joseph. Pennell, H. C-. Fishing. (Badminton library.) 1885 ••• Pennell, Joseph. The Jew at home: im- pressions of a summer and autumn spent with him. 1892 *•••• — and Eliz. R. Our journey to the Heb- rides. 1889 — - Our sentimental journey through France and Italy. 1888 Play in Provence; sketches written and drawn. 1892 Pennsylvania. EgleW:H. History of. 1877 762 - n — Lodge, H: C. Short history of the English colonies in America, p. 211. See also Philadelphia; also Perm (W:). Pennsylvania university. Move for bet- ter roads. 1891 Pens and types. Drew, Benjamin 343.2* Pentateuch. See Bible [Old Testament)... People I have met. Murray, E. C. G. . . 342.15 People I’ve smiled with. Wilder, M... P656.2 People versus the liquor traffic. Finch, J: B. 1887 944.2o Peoples of the world. Brown, Robert. 6v. 1882-6 8104.21 Pepper, J. H. Cyclopaedic science sim- plified 858.11 Pepper, W: and Starr, L :,ed. System of practical medicine. 5v. 1885-6 8103.19 Pepys, Samuel. Lang, Andrew. Letters to dead authors. 1893 In Perceval, Jas. G. Lowell, J. R. My study windows, p. 178 — Ward, Julius H. Life and letters of. 1866 — Whipple, E: P. Essays Perez, Bernard. First three years of childhood. 1885 446.28 Perfect life, The. Channing, W: E 458.20 Pericles. Abbott, Evelyn. Pericles and the golden age of Athens. 1891 .... 664.1.3 — Grote, G: History of Greece, v. 4-5. . 713.1L4-5 — Lord, J: Ancient states, p. 233 745.14 — Wood. W., ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 Periodicals. Kirk, Eleanor. Periodi- cals that pay contributors; added, a list of publishing houses. 1892. . — Mathews, W: Literary style, etc. [Im- portance of periodical literature.] In See also Journalism and the press. 45. 16 318.1 536.5 533.25 547.12 26.5 8104.8 357.8 332.13 683.11 303.6.1 Subject Indexes. Fletcher, W: I: and Bowker, R: R .,ed. Annual literary index, 1892 to 1895, including periodicals and essays, with bibliographies and necrology. 3v B. 28. 1892-94 - Poole, W: F: and Fletcher, W: I:, ed. Index to periodical literature, and supplements, 1802 to 1892. 3v B.28 List of Periodicals. - Adventurer. See entry in general alpha- be t 303.15.19-21 - American agriculturist, v. 12-15, 17-22, 32-53. 1854-94 *8.>41.1(> - American angler, v.1-24, 1881-94. ... *8541.33 - American antiquarian, v. 1-16, 1878-94. 1008.34 - American architect and building news. v. 11-45, 1882-94 ....*8541.18 - American Catholic quarterly review. v .14-19,1 889-94 * 1008 - 35 - American gardening, v. 10-15, 1889-94. *8521. 34 Note: v. 10-12, entitled “American garden 1 '. - American machinist, v.2-17, 1879-94. .*8541.29 - American naturalist, v. 1-28, 1867-94. ...*8501. lo - American notes and queries, v.1-8, 1888-9° *1008.3/ - Andover review! ' 4.149, 1884-93 *1008.14 -Arena, v. 1-10, 1889-94 JSf&H - Art amateur, v. 11-31, 1884-94 - Art interchange, v. 24-33,1890-94 8-)41.3 i - Atlantic monthly, v. 1-74, 1857-54 100o.^ - - Same; index, v.1-62, 1857-88... *1005. 2. Index - Ave Maria, v. 10-38, 1874-94. 1008.4 - Bay state monthly and New England magazine. 6v. 1884-8 *100/.!/ - Blackwood’s Edinburgh magazine, v. 55-70,72-87,89-101,103-156. 1844-94.... *1000.3 - Carpentry and building, v. 1-1 6, 1879-94.. *8541. 7 - Catholic world, v. 19-59, 1874-94. .... . 1002T3 - Century magazine, v. 23-48, 1881-94. . 1006.4 Note : Continuation of “Scribner’s monthly. - Chambers’s Edinburgh journal, v.1-12 [12v. in 6]. 1832-43 *1008.28 - Chambers’s [Edinburgh] journal, v.l- 38, 40-50, 70-1. 1844-73, 1893-4 M008.29 - Chautauquan. v. l-19,1880-94 ; ....... 1008.20 - Chicago daily Inter ocean. 53v. (Sept. 22, 1 876-No v. 8, 1890.) Kel * - Connoisseur. See entry in general alpha- 303. lu.25-20 - Contemporary review. v. 47-66, 1 885_94, JJ 98 ' ^ - Cosmopolitan, v. 2-17, 1886-94 - Critic, v.15-25, 1889-1894 • - Curio: v. 1, 1887-8 ‘ - Demorest’s family magazine, v. 17-30, 1881-94 - Dial v 10-17, 1889-94 Kel - - Edinburgh review, v. 1-179, 1802-94. .. *1007.4 - - Same ; index, v. 1-20, 1802-12.. .*1007. 4Hndex - Education, v.1-14, 1880-94 -1008./ - Electrical world, v. 11-24, 1888-94. .. .*8541.34 - Engineering and building record, v.9- 30, 1883-94 20 Note: v. 9-15 entitled “Sanitary engineer.” - English illustrated magazine. v.1-11, 1883-94 *1008.11 PERIODICALS. 187 PERRY. — i Periodicals, continued. — Fortnightly review, v. 43-62, 1885-94 ..*1008.17 — Forum, v. 1-18, 1886-94 1008.23 — Frank Leslie’s popular monthly, v.1-38,- 1876- 94 *1008.3 — Garden and forest, v.1-7. 1888-94 .*8521.32 — Gardener’s monthly and horticulturist. v. 14-29, 1872-87 *8501.14 — Good housekeeping, v. 1-19, 1885-94. *8521. 35 — Good roads, v.1-6, 1892-94 *1008.42 — Guardian. See entry in general alpha- bet 303.15.13-15 — Hardwicke’s science-gossip, v. 19-25. 1883-89 *1008.10 — Harper’s new monthly magazine, v. 1- 89,1850-94 1004.1 Same ; index, v.1-50 *1004.2 — Harper’s young people, v. 1-15, 1879-94. 1008.5 — Historical magazine. 23v. 1857-75. .. .*1008.44 — Idler./S^ entry in general alphabet. .303.15.27 — Illinois school journal, v. 2-8, 1882-89. *1008.9 Note: Continued as ‘ Public school journal.” — r Illustrated American, v.5-16, 1890-94. *8521.37 — Illustrated London news. v. 76-105, 1880-94 *8541.17 — Journal of American folk-lore. v. 1-7, 1888-94 *1008.36 — Library journal, v. 1-19, 1876-94 *328.17 — Life. v. 15-24, 1890-94 *8521.36 — Lippincott’s magazine, v. 10-54, 1872- 94 1002.7 — Literary world, v. 11-25, 1888-94 Ref. — Littell’s living age. v. 1-202, 1844-94.. *1006.2 — Looker on. See entry in general alpha- bet 303.15.35-37 — Lounger. See entry in general alpha- bet : 303.15.30-31 — Magazine of American history v. 1-30, 1877- 94 *1008.12 — Magazine of art. v.7-17, 1884-94 *8541.21 — Mirror. See entry in general alpha- bet 303.15.28-29 — Missionary review of the world, v.5-7, 1892-94 *1008.49 — Nation, v. 32-59, 1881-94 *8541.28 — Nature, v. 27-38, 1882-88 *1008.19 — New England historical and genealog- ical register, v. 38-48, 1884-94 *1008.15 — New England magazine, v. 1-11, 1889-94. *1008. 43 Note: Continuation of ‘Bay state monthly.” — New Englander and Yale review, v.42- 56, 1883-92 *1008.8 — New Princeton review, v. 1-6, 1886-88. *1008. 21 — Nineteenth century, v. 17-36, 1885-94. *1008.18 — North American review, v. 115-159, 1872-94 1007.8 — Observer. See entry in general alpha- bet 303.15.32-34 — Official gazette of the United States patent office, v. 2-68, 1872-94 P54.2 Same; indexes, 1872-93 P54.3 — Outing, v. 2-24, 1883-94 *1008.26 — Overland monthly, v. 1-24, 1883-94. . .*1008.22 — Political science quarterly, v. 1-9, 1886- 94 '. *1008.30 — Popular science monthly, v. 1-45,1872- 94 8501.16 Same ; index, v. 1-40, 1872-92 *8501. 16. Index — Princeton review, n. s. v.1-2, 5-14, 1878- 84 *1007.15 — Public opinion, v. 8-17, 1890-94 Ref. — Public school journal, v. 9-13, 1889-94. *1008.9 Note : Continuation of ‘‘Illinois school journal.” Periodicals, continued. — Publisher’s weekly, v. 16-46, 1879-94. *3502.15 — Putnam’s magazine, v.1-9, 12, 1853-68. *1005.1 — Quarterly review, v. 130-139, 141-179, 1871-94 *1007.6 — Rambler. See entry in general alpha- bet. 303.15.16-18 — Review of reviews, v. 1-10,1890-94 1008.40 — Rockford collegian, v.21-22, 1893-94.. *1002.1 Note : Continuation of Rockford seminary magazine. — Rockford seminary magazine, v. 1-20, 1873-92 *1002.1 — St. Nicholas, v.1-22, 1873-94 1002.12 — Sanitarian, v.1-33, 1877-94 *1007.13 — Science, v. 1-23, 1883-94 .1 *1008.13 - — Scientific American; lstser., v.8-13, Sep. 18,1852 -Sept. 4, 1858 *8541.19 Same, 2nd ser., v. 4-71, 1861-94 *8541.19 Same; supplement, v. 29-38, 1890-4. .*8541.36 Same ; architects and builders ed’n. v. 7-18, 1889-94 *8541.35 — Scottish review, v.9-11, 1887-8 *1008.27 — Scribner’s magazine, v. 1-16, 1887-94. *1008.25 — Shakespeariana. v. 4-10, 1887-93 *1008.31 — Southern bivouac, v. 1-2,1885-87 *1008.24 — Spectator. See entry in general alpha- bet 303.15.5-12 — Tat-ler. Seeentry in general alphabet. 303.15.1-4 — Westminster review, v. 95-118, 121-126, 128-142, 1884-94 *1007.5 — Wheelman, v. 2. 1883 *1008.26 Note : Continued as “Outing.” — Wide awake, v.9-14, 16-37, 1879-93. .. .*1007.14 — World. See entry in general alpha- bet 303.15.22-24 — Writer. v.l-S, 1887-94 *1008.41 Perkins, C: O. Historical handbook of Italian sculpture. 1883 864.17 — , joint ed. See Champlin, J: D., jr. Perkins, J. B. France under Mazarin, [1643-61] ; with a review of the ad- ministration of Richelieu, [1624-42]. 794.5 — France under the regency, [1715-23]; with a review of the administra- tion of Louis XIV., [1661-1715]. 1892 794.4 Perkins, W: R. History of the Trappist abbey of New Melleray. 1892 768.11.2 — and Wick, Barthinius L. History of the Amana Society; or, Community of true inspiration. 1891 768.11.1 Perplexed philosopher. George, Henry. 933.7 Perrot, G. and Chipiez, C: History of ancient art in Phoenicia. 2v. 1885.. 896.20 — History of art in ancient Egypt. 2v. 896.21 — History of art in Chaldea and Assvria. 2v. 1883 '.... 896.22 — History of art in Persia. 1892 888.3 — History of art in Phrygia, Lydia, Ca- ria, and Lycia. 1892 888.2 — History of art in Sardinia, Judaea, Sy- ria, and Asia Minor. 2v. 1890 896.23 Perry, G: G. History of the Reformation in England 464.1.8 Perry, Nora. See Fiction class-list. Perry, T: S. Evolution of the snob. 1887. 333.5 — History of Greek literature. 1890 341.12 — , joint ed. See Howells, W: D. Perry, W. A. and others. American game fishes. 1892 881.3 Perry, W. C. Greek and Roman sculpture. 1882 8104.22 PERSECUTION. 188 PFLEIDERER. Persecution. The Cam isards. [Fran ce.]In 100^8.7 — Chambers’s Misc. Religious persecu- tion in Scotland 1001.8.6 — Cobbe,F. P. Religious duty,pp. 46-53. 432.12 — Disraeli, I : Curiosities of lit. p. 330. [Political religionism.] 305.8 — Ulhorn, G. Conflict of Christianity. 431.10 See also Inquisition. Perseverance. Boyd, A. K. H. Recrea- tions, etc., v.l, p. 344 301.17 Persia. Benjamin, S. G. W. Persia and the Persians. 1887 528.16 Story of. (Story of the nations.) 1887 752.1.13 — Bishop, Mrs. I. L. Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan. 2v. 1891 551.3 — Church, A. J. Story of the Persian war. 752.6 — Cox, G. W. Greeks and Persians. (Epochs of ancient history.) 1890-93 787.12.2 — Curzon, G: N. Persia and the Persian question. 2v. 1892 797.9 — Heeren, A. H. L. Asiatic nations [of antiquity] In 791.1.2 — Johnson, S: Oriental religions: Persia. 445.11 1885 — Karib, R. H. Persian women. In Cos- mopolitan, v.13, p. 668 1008.39.13 — Layard, Sir H: Early adventures in, 1840-2. 2v. 1887 534.18 — Myers, P. V. N. Remains of lost em- pires 511.6 — Ragozin, Z. A. Story of, to the Persian war. 1888 J?i752.1.20 — Rawlinson, G: Religions of the ancient world 444.16 — Stack, E: Six months in, [1881]. 2v... 1882 538.3 — Strabo. Geography. 3v 536.15 Art and Literature. — Benjamin, S. G. W. Passion play of Persia. [Persia and the Persians, p. 365.] 528.16 — Emerson, R. W. Persian poetry. [In his Letters and social aims.] 332.23 - — Firdausi, Abul Kasim. Sha Nameh; tr. by James Atkinson. 1892 234.2 — Perrot, G. and Chipiez, C: History of art in Persia. 1892 888.3 — Reed, Elizabeth A. Persian literature, ancient and modern. 1893 346.13 Persius. [A. Persius Flaccus.] Satires; literal and metrical versions. 1887. In 225.9 PERSONAL-creeds. Smyth, Newman. 1890. 461.10 Personality, human and divine. Illing- worth, J. R. 1894 485.12 Personally conducted. [Travel in Eu- rope.] Stockton, F. R. 1889 j537.7 Perspective. See Drawing. Peru. Adams, W: H: D. Land of the Incas. [Pizarro and the conquest of Peru.] 1885 752.5 — Childs, Theo. Spanish American re- publics. 1891 545.21 — Clark, E. B. Twelve months in. 1891. 544.19 — Falkenhorst, C. With Pizarro in. Fict. 1892 j 102. 22 — Marcoy, Paul. Journey across South America. Ulus. 4v.‘ 1873 *8542.6 — Markham, Clements R. History of Peru. 1880..... 795.1.1 Peru. 1880 796.1 — Nadaillac, Marquis de. Pre-historic America 734.19 Peru, continued. — Zarate, A. Discovery and conquest of Peru. [In Kerr’s Voyages, etc. v.4-5.] 535.6 Peschel, Oscar. Races of man and their geographical distribution. 1892 891.24 Pessimism. Cobbe, F. P. Schopenhauer and In 444.4 — Lorimer, G. C. Isms, old and new, p. 127 436.25 — Schopenhauer, A. World as will and idea. 3v 454.12 — Thomson, J. R. Modern pessimism. Pestalozzi; his life and works. 1890.448.2.14 — Kriisi, Hermann. Pestalozzi ; his life, work and influence. 1875 695.6 — Quick, R. H. Educational reformers, pp. 290-383. 1892 448.2.17 — See also Fiction class-list. Petavel, Rev. E. Extinction of evil. 1889 464.17 Peter the great, of Russia. Craik, G: L. Pursuit of knowledge, p. 295 308.20 — Farmer, L. H. Boys’ book of famous rulers 673.27 — Schuyler, Eugene. Life of. 2v. 1884. 657.6 — Wood, VI., ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 Peters, Carl. New light on dark Africa. 1891 548.21 Petiscus, A. H. Gods of Olympos ; or, mythology of the Greeks and Ro- mans. [1892.] 475.4 Petrarch, Francesco. Sonnets, triumphs, etc.; with life 215.26 — Howells, W: D. Italian journeys, p. 216 * 505.25 — Jameson, A. M. Loves of the poets.. 633.3 — Ward, MayAlden. Petrarch; a sketch of his life and works. 1891 666.14 Petrie, W. M. F. Ten years’ digging in Egypt, 1881-91 547.28 Petroleum. Knox, T: W. Underground. 928.1 Pettes, G: W: American whist. 1892.. 8105.8 Pettigrew, T: J. Chronicles of the tombs: collection of epitaphs, etc. 1888 658.7 Pfleiderer, Otto. Influence of the apostle Paul on the development of Christianity. 1885 436.21 — Philosophy of religion on the basis of its history. 4v. 1886 475.11 Contents : v. 1, Introduction. Critical philosophy of religion:— Benedict Spinoza ; Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz; Christian Wolff and the illumination; Eng- lish deism; Gotthold Ephraim Lessing ; Immanuel Kant. Intuitive philosophy of religion:— Johann Georg Hamann ; Johann Gottfried Herder; Johann Friedrich Jacobi; Wolfgang von Goethe ; Novalis and romanticism. Speculative philosophy of religion:— Johann Gottlieb Fichte; Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher. v. 2, Speculative philosophy of religion, continued-. —Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling; Franz von Baader ; Karl Christian Friedrich Krause ; Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Tendencies of philosophic- al religious thought at the present day : — General re- marks ; Anthropologism and positivism : The half- Kantian and neo-Kantian philosophy of religion . Philosophy of religion of Ilerbart ; Philosophy of re ligion of Schopenhauer; Post-Hegelian speculation ; Conclusion. PFLEIDERER. 189 PHILO. P^leiderer, continued. v. 3, Development of religious consciousness: — Be- ginnings of religion ; Development of the religious consciousness in the Indo-Germanic race; Develop- ment of the religious consciousness among the Sem- ites ; Development of the religious consciousness in Christianity. Contents of the religious conscious, ness: — Belief in God; Belief in angels and devils ; Be- lief in creation. v. 4, Contents of the religious consciousness, con- tinued: — Theodicy; Revelation and miracle ; Redemp- tion and mediation ; Destiny of mankind. Relig- ious consciousness in operation : — Worship and church; Religion and morality: Religion and science; General index. Pigedrus. Fables. 1887 In 225.19 Phalaris. Bentley, R: Dissertation upon the epistles of. 1883 324.5 Phallicism. Westropp, H. M. and Wake, C. S. Ancient symbol worship. 1874. 447.19 Pharaohs, fellahs and explorers. Ed- wards, Amelia B. 1892 54C.11 Pharaohs of the bondage and the exodus. Robinson, C: S. 1887 793.19 Pharmacopoeias. See Dispensatories. Pharsalia, The. See Lucan. Phases of thought and criticism. Azar- ias, Brother , pseud. 1893 348.5 Phelan, James. History of Tennessee. The making of a state. 1888 761.15 PnELPS, Austin. My note-book: frag- mentary studies in theology. 1891. 403.19 Phelps, Eliz. S. Struggle for immortality. 1889 455.8 — See also Fiction class-list. Phidias, Greek sculptor. Lord, J: Bea- con lights 735. G.l — - Story, W. W. Phidias and the Elgin — Waldstein, C: Essays on the art of Pheidias. 1885 892.10 Philadelphia. Moore, James. History of the cooper shop volunteer re- freshment saloon. 1866 785.18 — Scharf, J. T: and Westcott T. History of, 1609-1884. 3 v. 1884 768.2 Philadelphia magazines and their con- tributors, 1741-1850. Smyth, A. H. 344.20 Philanthropy. Addams, Jane and others. Philanthrophy and social progress. [1893.] 933.21 — Giles, H. Illustrations of gehius, p. 138. 317.11 — Goodall, Frances A., ed. Literature of philanthrophy. 1893 484.2 — Taylor, I: Natural history of enthusi- asm 403.5 Philbrick, E. S. American sanitary en- gineering. 1881 854.21 Pfiilidor, A. D. Studies of chess. 1825. 864.11 Philip, Indian chief. Church, T: King Philip’s war, etc. 1852 785.13 — Drake, F. S. Indian history for young folks, p. 145 ' ’. 734.17 — Palfrey, J. G. History of New Eng- land, v.3, p. 143 747.5.3 Philip of Macedon. Dodge, Theo. A. Al- exander, p. 125 686.11.1 — Lord, J: Ancient states, p. 356 745.14 Philippine islands. Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in. 1882 532.1.3 Philips, F. C. See Fiction class-list. Pniups, Melville. Making of a newspa- per. 1893 348.3 Piiilipson, David. The Jew in English fiction. 1889 335.16 Phillimore, C. M. Fra Angelico. 1892. 694.1 Phillips, L. B. Dictionary of biographi- cal reference; rev. bv F. Weiten- kampf. 1889 C.13 Phillips, Morris. Abroad and at home: practical hints for tourists. [1891.] 544.31 Phillips, Wendell. Austin, G: L. Life and times of. 1888 694.29 — Martyn, Carlos. Wendell Phillips: the agitator. 1890 671.1.1 Phillips Exeter lectures, 1855-6. McCosh, J. and others 333.22 Phillpotts, Eden. See Fiction class-list. Philo Judaeus, Alexandrian Jew , 1st cen- tury. Works ; tr. by C. D. Yonge. 4v. 1854 457.16 Contents : v. 1, On the creation of the world. On the allegories of the sacred laws. On the cherubim: and on the flaming sword; and on the first born child of man, Cain. Of Cain and his birth. On the sacri- fices of Abel and Cain. On the principle that the worse is accustomed to be always plotting against the better. On the posterity of Cain. On the giants. On the unchangeableness of God. On the tilling of the earth by Noah. About the planting of Noah. On drunkenness. On sobriety. v. 2, On the confusion of languages. On the migra- tion of Abraham. On the question, Who is the heir of divine things. On the meeting for the sake of re- ceiving instruction. On fugitives. On the question why certain names in the holy scriptures are changed. On the doctrine that dreams are sent from God. On the life of the wise man made perfect by instruction ; or, on the unwritten law, that is to say on Abraham. On the life of a man occupied with affairs of state; or, on Joseph. v. 3, On the life of Moses, that is to say, on the the- ology and prophetic office of Moses. Concerning the ten commandments, which .are the heads of the law. On circumcision. On monarchy. On the question. What the rewards and honours are which belong to the priests. On animals fit for sacrifice, or on victims. On those who offer sacrifice. On the commandment that the 'wages of a harlot are not to be received into the sacred treasury. On the special laws which are re- ferred to three articles of the decalogue, namely, the third, fourth and fifth ; about oaths, and the rever- ence due to them ; about the holy Sabbath; about the honour to be paid to parents. To show that the festi- vals are ten in number. On the festival of the basket of first-fruits. On the honour .commanded to be paid to parents. On those special laws which are refera- ble to two commandments in the decalogue, the sixth and seventh, against adulterers and all lewd persons- and against murderers and all violence. On those special laws which are contained under and have ref- erence to the eighth, ninth, and tenth commandments. On justice. On the creation of magistrates. On three virtues, that is to say, on courage, humanity, and re- pentance. On rewards and punishments. On curses. On nobility. To prove that every man who is virtu- ous is also free. v. 4, On a contemplative life, or on the virtues of suppliants. On the incorruptibility of the world. Against Flaccus. On the virtues and on the office of ambassadors . Address to Cains. Concerning tin* world. The fragments of lost works. Fragments ex- tracted from the parallels of John of Damascus. Fragments from a monkish manuscript. Fragments preserved by Antonius. Fragments from an anony- mous collection in the Bodleian library at Oxford. PHILO. 190 PHOTOGRAPHY. Philo, continued. Fragments from an unpublished manuscript in the library of a French king. A volume of questions, and solutions to those questions, which arise in Gen- esis. Index to the four volumes. Philology. See Language. Philosophical classics for English read- ers. Knight, W:, ed. v.1-15. 1881-91. 675.11 Contents : v.l, Descartes; by J:P. Mahaffiy. v.2, But- ler; by W. L. Collins, v. 3, Berkeley; by A. C. Fraser, v. 4, Fichte: by R. Adamson, v. 5. Kant ; by W: Wal- lace. v. 6, Hamilton ; by J: Veitch. v. 7, Hegel; by E: Caird. v. 8, Leibniz; by J: T. Merz. v. 9, Vico; by R. Flint, v. 10, Hobbes; by G: C. Robertson, v. 11. Hume; by W: Knight, v. 12, Spinoza ; by J: Caird. v. 13, Francis Bacon, pt. 1; by J:Nichol. v. 14, Francis Bacon, pt. 2; by J: Nichol. v. 15, Locke; by A. C. Fraser. Philosophy. Alexander, Archibald. Some problems of philosophy. 1886 451.4 — Bax, E. B. Handbook of the history of. 1888 458.6 — Berkeley, G: Principles of human knowledge ; ed. by C: P. Krauth. 1887 447.11 — Same. [In his Works; ed. by G. N. Wright, v. 1.] 452.13.1 Selections from; with introd. and notes by A. C. Fraser. 1891 476.13 — Boethius, A. M. S. De consolatione philosophise; with English transla- tion by S. Fox. 1864 457.1 — Burt, B. C. History of modern phi- losophy, [from the renaissance to the present]. 2 v. 1892 472.21 — Diogenes Laertius. Lives of eminent philosophers [of antiquity]. 1853. 658.1 — Erdmann, Johann E. History of. 1893. 477.11 — Fichte, Johann G. Science of knowl- edge. 1889 483.7 — Fischer, Kuno. History of modern philosophy — Descartes and his school. 1887 447.1 — Harris, W: T. Introduction to the study of philosophy. 1890 484.10 — Hartmann, E. von. Philosophy of the unconscious. 3v. 1884 483.16 — Hegel, Georg W. F. Histor} 7 of. v. 1. — Hickok, L. P. Creator and creation. 1872 456.3 — Ladd, G: T. Introduction to. 1890.. 465.2 — Leibnitz, G. W. Philosophical works. 1890 485.5 — Lewes, G. H. Comte’s philosophy of the sciences; an exposition. 1883.. 458.7 — Lotze, Hermann. Outlines of philos- ophy. 6v. 1886-90 472.20 Contents : v.l, Metaphysic. v.2, Philosophy of relig- ion. v. 3, Practical philosophy, v. 4, Psychology, v. 5, ./Esthetics, v. 6, Logic; encyclopaedia of philosophy. — Lucretius. On the nature of things. [Poem.] 1886 225.11 — McCosh, James. Prevailing types of. 1890 466.6 Realistic philosophy. 2v. 1887 438.29 — Muller, F.M. Science of thought. 2v. 1887. 448.11 — Philosophical classics for English read- ers. For contents see entry above. — Royce, Josiah. Spirit of modern. 1892. 467.14 — Schlegel, F. von. ^Esthetic and misc. works, p. 365. [Hindu philosophy.] 323.12 Philosoph y, continued. — Schopenhauer, Arthur. On the four- fold root; and, On the will in na- ture. 1889... 458.9 Selected essays. 1891 484.2(5 The world as will and idea. 3v. 1887. 454.12 — Tennemann, W. G. Manual of the history of. 1878 458.10 See also Gnosticism; Final causes; Logic ; Matter ; Mental philosophy; Metaphysics; Moral philosophy; Stoics ; Transcendentalism. Philosophy of the unconscious. Hart- mann, Eduard von. 3 v. 1884 483.16 Philostorgius. Ecclesiastical history, epitomised by Photius ; from 324- 425. 1855 In 457.18 Philpott, H: J. Tariff chats. 1888 937.52 Phipson, T. L. The storm and its por- tents. [French revolution.] 1878. 797.2 Phcenicia. Fyfe, J. H. Merchant en- terprise 911.25 — Grote,G: Phenicians. (History of Greece, pp. 265-290.) 7^713.11.3 — Heeren, A. H. L. Asiatic nations In 791.1.2 — Lord, J; Ancient states, p. 100 745.14 — Perrot, G. and Chipiez, C: History of ancient art in. 2v. 1885 896.20 — Rawlinson, G: Religion of the Phoeni- cians In 444.16 Story of Phoenicia. 1889 752.1.24 Phonetic spelling. Whitney, W: D. Ori- ental and linguistic studies, v. 2, p. 181 332.26.2 Piionograhy and stenography. Cross, J. G. Eclectic shorthand. 1882 855.2 — Lindsey, D. P. Manual of takigraphy. 1887 862.5 — Manson, G. J. Work for women. 1883. 916.4 — Moran, S. A. One hundred valuable suggestions to shorthand students. 1887 872.8 — Pitman, I: Phonetic dictionary. 1878. 856.8 Phosphates. Wyatt, Francis. Phos- phates of America. 1892 8104.23 Phosphorescence Holder, C: F. Living- lights: phosphorescent animals and vegetables. 1887 876.7 Photographs. Shepp, J. W. and D. B. Photographs of the world. [1892.]. . *888.1 — Stoddard, J. L. Glimpses of the world. 1892 *8522.42 Photography. Abney, W. de W. Pho- tography. 1890 891.11 — Bblte, Max. Carbon printing. 1893.. 887.22 Photographic printing methods. 1891. 887.10 — Boy’s workshop, p. 169 844.44 — Burbank, W. H. Photographic nega- tive. 1888 8104.24 — Burton, W. K. and Pringle, Andrew. Processes of photography. 1889 887.23 — Duchochois, P: C. Lighting in pho- tographic studios. 1890 8105.9 Photographic image. 1891 8105.10 — Emerson, P. H. Naturalistic photog- raphy for students. 1890 897.28 — Harrison, W. J. Chemistry of. 1892.. 887.18 History of. 1887 887.19 — Hepworth, T. C. Photography for amateurs. 1884 853.1 — Lietze, Ernst, Modern heliographic processes. 1888 888.10 — Mayhew, H. Wonders of science 827.11 — Mcldola, Raphael. Chemistry of. 1891. 891.9 PHOTOGRAPHY. 19-1 PIDGEON. Photography, continued. — Prindle, A. Practical photo-microgra- phy. 1890 8104.25 — Robinson, H. P. Letters on landscape photography. 1888 887.20 Pictorial effect in photography. 1892. 887.21 — Taylor. J. T. Optics of photography and photographic lenses. 1892 891.10 — Timbs, J. G. Inventors and discover- ers 636.12 — Wallace, E., jr. Amateur photographer. 1884.....’ 855.3 — Wilkinson, W. T. Photo-engraving, photo-etching, and photo-lithogra- phy. 1885 887.24 — Wilson, E: L. Quarter century in pho- tography. 1887 887.25 — Wood, H: T. Modern methods of illus- trating books 8102.6 Phrenology. Bastian, H. C. Brain as an organ of mind, p. 511-547 835.18 — Fowler, O. S. and L. N. Self-instruc- tor in phrenology; rev. by N. Sizer. 1890 804.15 — Sizer, N. and Drayton, H. S. Heads and faces. [1885.] 445.13 Piirygia. Perro t, G. tmtZChipiez, C: His- tory of art in Phrygia. 1892 888.2 Phyfe, W: H: P. How should I pro- nounce? 1889 343.4 — Seven thousand words often mispro- nounced. 1889 336.2 — The test-pronouncer; a companion vol- ume to “7000 words often mispro- nounced.” 1892 344.26 Physical beauty. Miller, Annie J. 1892. 857.12 Physical culture. ^Physical education. Physical education. Alexander A. Health- ful exercises for girls. 1886 872.40 Modern gymnastic exercises. 2v 873.16 Contents : v. 1, Elementary, v.2, Advanced. — Bardeen, C: II. Home exercise for health and cure. 1890 876.27 — Bissell, Mary T. Physical develop- ment and exercise for women. 1891. 877.17 — Checkley, Edw. Natural method of physical training. 1890 876.26 — Jenkin, A. F. Gymnastics. 1891 893.25 — Jenness, Mabel. Physical culture. 1891. 878.11 — Johonnot, J. Principles of teaching, p. 184 441.18 — Lagrange, F. Physiology of bodily exercise. 1890 .815.4.(56 — Miller, Annie J. Physical beauty: how to obtain and preserve it. 1892 857.12 — O’Reilly, J: B. Athletics and manly sport. 1890 . 872.7 — Posse, Baron Nils. Swedish system of educational gymnastics. 1890 873.20 — Root, N. W. T. School amusements. [Gymnastics.] 1859 426.5 — - Rosenkranz, J. K. F. Philosophy of education, p. 59 448.2.1 — Spencer, H. Physical education .. .In 401.8 — Thornton, J: P. Training for health, strength, speed and agility. 1890.. 876.14 — Walker, Donald. Manly exercises. 1886 '. 867.19 Physical expression. Warner, F. 1886 815.4.51 Physical geography. Croll, ,T. Climate and time in their geological rela- tions 81(5,26 Physical geography, continued. — Frith, H: Marvels of geology and physical geography 874.36 — Haughton, S: Six lectures on. 1880. . 878.5 — Huxley, T: H. Physiography. 1887.. 856.18 — Mill, Hugh Robert. Realm of nature. 1894 8102.28 See also Geology; Glaciers; Volcanoes; Water. Physical life of both sexes. Chevasse, P. H. [1879.] 878.19 Physical training. Sandow, Eugene. On phj'sical training: ed. by G. M. Adam. 1894.... 892.4 Physicians. Atkinson, W: B., ed. Phy- sicians and surgeons of the United States. Ports. 1878 662.10 — Toner, J. M. Medical men of the Rev- olution 692.3 Physics. See Natural philosophy. Physiognomy. See Phrenology and phys- iognomy. Physiography. See Physical geography. Physiological aesthetics. Allen, Grant. 1877 885.22 Physiological psychology. Ladd, G: T. 465.3 1891. Physiology. ^Anatomy and physiology. Physiology of bodily exercise. Lagrange, F. 1890 * 815.4.6(5 Pianoforte. Christiani, A. F. Expres- sion in pianoforte playing. 1886.. 848.25 — Elterlein, E. von. Beethoven’s piano- forte sonatas explained. 1886 897.30 — Gems of song: vocal and instrumental. [1880.] *8542.5 — Haweis, H. R. Music and morals, p. 337 818.5 — Prentice, Ridley. The musician, a guide for pianoforte students. Six grades. 6v. 1886 882.28 — Smith, Fanny M. A noble art: the evolution and construction of the piano. [1892.] 895.11 — Taylor, F. Primer of pianoforte play- 'ing. 1880 ’.828.20.11 — Wieck, F. Piano and song. [1875.] 853.13 See also Songs. Piatt, Donn. Memoirs of men who saved the Union. 1887 (547.6 Contents : Lincoln; Stanton; Chase; Sew- ard: Major-general G. H. Thomas. and Boynton, H. V. General G: H. Thomas: a critical biography. 1893. (586.4 Pick, Bernard. Apochryphal life of Je- sus. [Compilation.] 451.23 — Historical sketch of the Jews 1887... 755.14 — The Talmud: what it is. 1887 451.20 Pickard, .1. L. School supervision. 1890. 448.2.15 Pickard, S: T. Life and letters of John Greenleaf Whittier. 2v. 1894 694.1(5 Pickering, C: Races of man: their geo- graphical distribution. 1876 8(51.19 Picton, J.A. Mystery of matter. 1878... 485.(5 Pictures. Van Dyke, John C. How to judge of a picture. 1889 865.1 1 Picturesque America. Bryant, W.C:, ed. Picturesque America. 2v. [1872.] *8542.10 Picturesque Europe. Taylor, Bayard, 3v. [1875.] '. *8542.30 Picturesque geographical readers. King, C: F. v.1-4. 1891-2 547.9 Pidgeon, W: ’Traditions of I)e-coo-dah and antiquarian researches. 1858.., 776,23 PIEPENBRING. 192 PINKERTON. Piepenbring, C. Theology of the Old Testament. [1893.] 47G.2G Pierce, Franklin, lJflh president. Poore, B. P. Perley’s reminiscences, v. 1, pp. 424-496 645. 1G — Stoddard, W. O. Life of. 1888. .. .In 647.1.6 Pierce, F: W., comp. Picturesque and descriptive history of the city of Rockford *8542.1 Piers Ploughman, Vision and creed of; ed. by T: Wright. 2v. 1887 234.7 Pierson, Arthur T. Crisis of missions. [1886.] 478.9 Pierson, G: S., joint author. See Staley, Cady. Pierson, H. W. Jefferson at Monticello. 1862 684.12 Pike, Luke O. History of crime in Eng- land. 2v. 1873-6 923.5 Pike, Warburton. Barren ground of Northern Canada, [1889-91]. 1892. 551.8 Pilgrim fathers. Alden, Rev. J: Pilgrim history. 1890 In 685.7 — Coffin, C: C. Story of liberty, p. 383.. 745.15 — Higginson, T:W. American explorers, p. 309 711.22 — Wilson, D. The Pilgrim fathers. 1888. In 467.10 See also New England (History) ; Plymouth ; Puritans. Pilgrim republic. Goodwin, J: A. 1888. 788.14 Pilgrim’s scrip. Meredith, George. 1888. 347.2 Pilgrims. See Pilgrim fathers. Pindar, Greek poet. Odes: lit. tr. and metrical versions. 1887 225.16 — Symonds, J: A. Studies of the Greek poets, v. 1, p. 340 217.15 Wood, W.,ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 PiNE-tree coast. Drake, S: A 541.9 Pinkerton, Allan. The spy of the rebel- lion: being a true history of the spy system of the United States army. 1886 753.10 Pinkerton, J: General collection of voy- ages and travels. 17 v. 1808-14. v . '. . *568.1 Contents : v. 1, Voyages of Willoughby and others to the northern parts of Russia and Siberia, 1553. Voy- ages of the Dutch to the north of Europe, 1594 96. Dissertation of Pontanus concerning the North-east passage. Regnard’s journey to Lapland, etc.. 1681. Journey of Maupertius to the Polar Circle, 1737. (luthier’s journal of a voyage to the north, 1736-37. Travels of Ehrenmalin into western Nordland, etc., 1741. Account of Danish Lapland, by Leems, 1767. Allison's voyage from Archangel, 1697. New account of Samoiedia and the Samoiedes, 1762. Journal of seven seamen left at Spitsbergen, 1634-25. Account of forty-two persons shipwrecked near Spitsbergen, 1646. Phipp’s journal of a voyage to the North Pole. 1773. LeRoy’s narrative of four Russian sailors, cast upon the island of East Spitsbergen. 1743-49. Backstrom’s voyage to Spitsbergen. 1780. Von Troil’s letters on Iceland, 1772. Kerguelen's voyage to the North. 1767-8. Earl of Cumberland’s voyage to the Azores, 1589. Raleigh’s report of an engagement near the Azores. 1591. Voyage toTercera. by Re Chaste. 1583. v. 2. Voyage to England and Scotland by Gonzales, 1 7 80. Shaw’s tour to the west of England. 1788. Sketch of a tour into Derbyshire, by Bray. 1777. Oryc- tography of Derbyshire, by Ferber. Travels through several parts of England, by Moritz, 1782. Skrine’s tours through Wales. 1795. Malkin’s tour through W ales. 1806. llassel's tour to the Isle of Wight, 1790. Heath's account of the islands of Scilly. 1750. Robert- son’s tour through the Isle of Man. 1791. v. 3. Tour in Scotland, by Pennant, 1769. Pennant’s second tour in Scotland. 1772. Account of the Dro sacks, from Garnet’s tour. Martin’s description of the Western islands. Martin's voyage to St. lvilda. An account of Hirta and Rona, by Mackenzie, of Tar- bat. Brand’s description of the Orkneys, and Shet- land. 1700. Abstract of Young's Tour in Ireland. 1776- 78. Hamilton’s letters on the Northern coast of Ire- land. Pinkerton, J:, continued. v. 4. Lister's journey to Paris, 1698. Young’s trav- els in France, 1787-9. Saussure’s attempts to reach the summit of Mont Blanc, 1786. Ramond’s journey to the summit of Mont Perdu, 1802. v. 5, Spallanzani’s travels in the two Sicilies, etc., 1788. Dolomieu’s account of the earthquakes in Calabria in 1783 Bourgoanne’s travels in Spain. 3d ed'n., 1803. Coxe’s travels in Switzerland, 1776-78. v. 6, Riesbeclc's travels through Germany, 1780. Coxe’s travels in Denmark and Norway, 5th ed'n, 1802. Fortia’s travels in Sweden, 1790-92. Coxe’s travels in Russia, about 1800. v. 7. Travels of Rabbi Benjamin from Spain to China. 1160-73. Travels of Rubruquis, in Tartary, China, etc., 1253. Travels of Marco Polo in Asia, middle of 13th century. Travels of two Mahometans through India and China in 9th century. Nieuhoff’s travels in China, 1655. Bell’s travels in Asia, 1716-22. Hamel’s travels in Korea. 1653. Description of Tibet. Travels of Goez from Labor to China, 1602. Travels through Tibet, by several missionaries. 1600-1700. Caron’s ac-. count of Japan, 1673. Kempfer’s history of Japan, 1692. v. 8. Journal of Roe. voyage to India, 1614-15. Ber- nier’s voyage to the East Indies, etc. Extract from Tavernier’s voyages concerning the diamond mines. Hamilton's account of the East Indies, 1688-1723. Lord's discovery of the Banians. Buchanan’s jour- ney through Mysore, Canara, and Malabar, 1800. v. 9. Travels of Pietro Delle Valle in Persia. 1614. Chardin's travels in Persia, 1671-2. Description of Persia, from Harris’s collection republished by Camp- bell. Fraucklin’s tour in the south of Persia. 1786- 87. Forster’s travels in the northern parts of Persia 1 1783. Accounts of Independent Tartary . Jenkinson's travels to Bucharia, 1557. Balbi’s voyage to Pegu, 1579. Fitch’s voyage to Pegu, etc. Syme’s embassy to Ava. Turpin’s history of Siam. Baron’s descrip- tion of Tonqueen. Richard’s history of Tonquin. Borri’s history of Cochin-China. v. 10, Niebuhr’s travels in Arabia, 1762. Blount’s voyage to the Levant, 1634. Dandini’s voyage to Mount Libanus. 1680. Maundrell’s journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, 1697. Journey from Cairo to Mount Sinai, 1722. Pocoeke’s travel in the East, 1737-8. v. 11. Dampier's account of the Philippines, 1686. Observations on the Philippine islands and the Isle of France, from tin 1 French of M. de Guignes. Beeck- man’s voyage to Borneo, 1714. Account of Java and Batavia, from the voyages of Stavorinus. Account of Celebes. Amboyna. etc., from the voyages of Stavori- nus, 1798. Pigafetta’s voyage round the world, 1519-22. Treatise on navigation by Antonio Pigafetta. Aus- tralasia-introductory observations from the work of President De Brosses. Pelsart’s voyage to Australia, 1628. Tasman’s voyage for the discovery of Southern countries. 1642. Dampier’s account of New Holland, 1700. Captain Cook's three voyages, 1768-80. Voyage for the discovery of Southern lands, from the French of Peron, 1800. v. 12, Colon’s [Columbus] discovery of the West Indies, 1492. Discoveries made by the English in America from the reign of Henry VII. to the close of that of Queen Elizabeth. Frobisher's voyages in search of the Northwest passage, 1576-78. Discovery of and voyages to Virginia, 1584-90. Cartier’s discov- ery of the island of New France. 1534. v. 13. Smith’s history of Virginia, New England, and the Summer isles, 1624. Lahontan’s travels in Canada, 1683. Memoirs of North America. Kalm’s travels in North America. 1748. Burnaby’s travels through the middle settlements in North America, 1759-60. v. 14, Betagh’s account of Peru. 1720. Ovalle’s his- torical relation of Chili, 1649. Condamine’s travels in South America. 1743. Bouguer’s voyage to Peru, 1735. Ulloa’s voyage to South America, 1735. Nieu- hoff’s voyages and travels into Brazil, 1640. v. 15. Voyage to Abyssinia, by Lobo, 1622. Poncet’s journey to Abyssinia, 1698-1700. Brown's journey to Darfur, 1793. Pococke’s travels in Egypt, 1737. Addi- son’s account of West Barbary. 1671. Windhus’s jour- ney to Mequinez. 1721. Shaw's travels in Barbary. 1727. Lempriere’s tour to Morocco, 1789. Abd Allatif’s re- lation respecting Egypt. 1203. v. 16. Tliunberg's account of the Cape of Go‘od Hope. 1772. Voyage to Congo by Angelo and Carli, 1666-7. Merolla s voyage to the Congo. 1682. Strange adventures of Andrew Battel in Angola. 1589. Bos- nian's description of the coast of Guinea, 1700. Proy- art’s history of Loango. Kakongo. and other king- doms in Africa. 1776. Adanson’s voyage to Senegal, the isle of Goree. and the river Gambia. 1749-53. San- to’s history of eastern Ethiopia, 1684. Rochon’s voyage PINKERTON. 193 PLUTARCH. Pinkerton, J., continued. Plato, continued. to Madagascar. 1792. Glass’s history of the Canary islands, 1764. Brown’s journeys in the interior of Africa. Park’s travels in Africa. v. 17, Retrospect of the origin and progress of dis- covery. Catalogue of books of voyages and travels. General index. Pinkney, W: Moore, F., ed. American eloquence : speeches, etc 321.12.2 Pinto, F. M. Travels and adventures, 1537- 58; ed. by Vambery. 1891 546.10 Pinto, Major Serpa. How I crossed Afri- ca, 1877-9. 2v. 1881 545.13 Pioneer home to White House. Thayer, W: M. [Life of Lincoln.] 647.17 Piozzi ,Mrs. Hester L.Thrale. Crosland, N. Memorable women 631.15 — Seeley, L. B., ed. Mrs. Thrale. 1890. 695.24 — Thomson, K. B. and J. C. Queens of society 632.10 Piracy. Whymper, F: The sea 528.12 See also Buccaneers. Pitcairn’s island. Fyfe, J. H. Enterprise beyond the seas 711.20 — Hale, E: E. Stories of the sea, p. 192. 721.6.2 Pitman, Benn, comp. Assassination of President Lincoln and the trial of the conspirators. 1865 923.21 Pitman, I: Phonetic shorthand dictionary. 1878 856.8 Pitt, W:, 1st Earl of Chatham. Adams, C. K., ed. Representative British ora- tions 333.29.1 — Brougham, H: Statesmen, etc 633.1.1 — Lodge, E. Portraits, etc 658.3.7 Pitt, W:, the younger. Adams, C. K., ed. Representative British orations. . . .333.29.2 — Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. 646.13 — Goodrich, C: A., ed. Select British el- oquence 321.15 — Lodge, E. Portraits, etc 658.3.8 — Roseberrv,A. P.P., Earl of. Pitt. 1892. 694.30 Plain speaker: opinions on books, men and things. Hazlitt, W: 324.19 Plain speaking. Craik, D. M 342.8 Plain talks with young home-makers... Harris, F. McC 865.30 Plantagenets. See England (History). Planter, The: or, thirteen years in the South. By a Northern man. 1853.. 924.31 PLANT-lore and garden-craft of Shakes- peare. Ellacomb, H: N 343.37 Plants. See Botany. * Platform echoes. Gough, J: B. 1890.. 465.21 Platform; its rise and progress. Jephson, Henry. 1892 927.4 Plato. Works; lit.tr. byH: Cary, H: Davis, and G: Burges. 6 v. 1886 457.6 Contents : v. 1, Apology of Socrates; Crito; Phiedo; Gorgias; Protagoras; Phaedrus ; Thesctus; Euthy- phron; Lysis, v. 2, The republic; Timams ; Critias. v. 3, Meno; Euthydemus; The sophist; The states- man; Cratylus; Parmenides; The banquet, v. 4, Phi- lebus; Charraides; Laches ; Menexenus; Hippas ma- jor; Hippias minor; Ion; First Alcibiades; Second Alcibiades; Theages; The rivals; Hipparchus; Minos; Clitopho; The epistles, v. 5, Laws. v. 6, Doubtful works:— Epinomis ; Axiochus; Eryxias; On virtue; On justice; Sisyphus; Demodocus; Definitions; Ti- majus Locrus; with Lives of Plato, Introductions, Notes, and General index. — A day in Athens with Socrates. Tr. from the Protagoras and Republic. 1888. j 464. 24 — Talks with Athenian youths. Tr. from Plato’s Dialogues. 1891 464.22 — Talks with Socrates about life. Tr. from the Gorgias and the Republic. 1886 464.23 — Trial and death of Socrates. (Golden treas. ser.). : 687.31 — Day, Alfred. Summary and analysis of the Dialogues of Plato. 1870.... 457.7 — Grote, G: Plato and the companions of Socrates. 4v 692.15 — Pater, Walter. Plato and Platonism. [Lectures.] 1893 473.4 — Wood, W.,ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 Platt, J. Business. [Laws of success.] 1889. 922.21 — Money. 1889 924.10 Plautus, Marcus Accius. Comedies; lit. tr. with notes, by H. T. Riley. 2v. 1887 225.17 Plays. See Dramas. Playthings and parodies. Pain, Barry.. 354.4 Playtime naturalist. Taylor, J. E 865.18 Playwriting. See Drama. Plea for liberty. Mackay, T., ed. 1891. 926.8 Pleasures of life. Lubbock, J: 2v 333.17 Pliny. [Caius Plinius Secundus.] Nat- ural history; ed., for boys and girls, by J:S. White. 1885 873.2 — Memoir of In 866.1.9 Plumbing. Buchan, W:P. Plumbing: a text-book. 1883 847.42 — Hellver, S. S. Principles and practice of. 1891 877.38 Plummer, Alfred. Church of the early Fathers 464.1.4 Plumtre, C. E. General sketch of the history of pantheism. 2v. 1878 467.2 Plumtre, C: J: King’s college lectures on elocution. 1880 353.5 Plunkett, Mrs. H. M. Josiah Gilbert Holland. 1894 687.18 Plurality of worlds. Brewster, David. More worlds than one. 1874 861.36 Plutarch. Life of Lycurgus. 1886 .. .In 917.16 — Morals: tr. from the Greek; rev. by W. W. Goodwin; with introduction by R. W. Emerson. 5 v. 1878 445.3 Contents : v. 1, Training of children; Concerning the cure of anger ; Bashfulness ; That virtue may be taught; Laws and customs of the Lacedaemonians; Music; Tranquility of the mind; Superstition, or in- discreet devotion; Apophthegms or remarkable say- ings of kings and great commanders; Rules for the preservation of health ; How a man may receive ad- vantage and profit from his enemies ; Consolation to Apollonius; Virtues of women; Of hearing; Of large acquaintance; Fortune or virtue of Alexander the great . v. 2, Banquet of the seven wise men; How a young man ought to hear poems; Of envy and hatred; How to know a flatterer from a friend; That it is not pos- sible to live pleasurably according to the doc- trine of Epicurus; Roman questions; Greek ques- tions ; Love of wealth; How a man may inoffensively praise himself without being liable to envy; Concern- ing the procreation of the soul, as discoursed in Ti- nueus; That a philosopher ought chiefly to converse with great men; Socrates’s Daemon; Curiosity; How a man may be sensible of his progress in virtue; For- tune ; Virtue and vice; Conjugal precepts. PLUTARCH. 194 POETRY. Plutarch, continued. V. 3, Whether ’twere rightly said, live concealed; Comparison betwixt Aristophanes and Menander; Banishment ; Brotherly love ; Wherefore the Pythian priestess now ceases to deliver her oracles in verse; Sentiments concerning nature with which philoso- phers were delighted ; Stoics speak greater improba- bilities than the poets; Symposiacs ; Moral virtue; Natural questions. v. 4, Why the oracles cease to give answers; Isis and Osiris ; Concerning such whom God is slow to punish; Natural affection towards one’s offspring; Fortune of the Romans; Garrulity; Love; Five tragi- cal histories of love; Discourse to an unlearned prince; Heroditus's malice; Common conceptions against the stoics ; Contradictions of the stoics; The word El engraven over the gate of Apollo’s temple at Delphi ; Whether vice is sufficient to render a man unhappy; Whether the passions of the soul or diseases of the body are worse. v. 5, Eating of flesh; Lives of the ten orators; Whether an aged man ought to meddle in state affairs; Political precepts ; Which are. the most crafty, water- animals or those creatures that breed upon the land? ; That brute beasts make use of reason ; The face ap- pearing within the orb of the moon ; Fate; First prin- ciple of cold; Whether water or fire be most useful; Against Colotes, the disciple and favorite of Epicurus; Plutarch’s consolatory letter to his wife; Of the three sorts of government, — monarchy, democracy, and oligarchy ; Whether the Athenians were more re- nowned for their warlike achievements or their learn- ing ; Against running in debt, or taking up money upon usury; Platonic questions; Parallels, or. a comparison between the Greek and Roman histo- ries; Names of rivers and mountains, and of such things as are to be found therein ; Index. — Morals; ethical essays; tr.. with notes, by A. R. Shilleto. 1888 484.27 — Morals; theosophical essays; tr. by C. W. King. 1882 484.28 — Emerson, R. W. Lectures, etc 322.1 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 Plymouth, Mass. Bliss, W: R. Old Col- ony town, etc. 1893 556.8 — Cheever, G; B. Journal of the Pil- grims at Plymouth. 1848.. 775.12 — Goodwin, J: A. The Pilgrim republic. 1888 788.14 — Humphrey, Frances A. Little pil- grims at Plymouth. [1890.] j96.6 — * ■ Hunter, Joseph. Founders of New Plymouth. 1854 • 762.4 Poe, Edgar A. Works. 6 v. 1884 1001.14 — Gilfillan, G. Third gallery of por- traits 301.24 — Lang, Andrew. Letters to dead au- thors. 1893 In 357.8 — Smiles, S: Brief biographies, p. 334... 606.4 — Stedman, E. C. Poets of America 215.19 Poetry. History, etc. — Aristotle. Poetic; tr., with notes, by English literature. [History of Eng- lish poetry to accession of King Al- fred.] 1892 345.21 — Brooks, Phillips. Essays, etc. Poetry. [1859.] In 356.11 Poetry, continued. — Brooks, Sarah W. English poetry and poets. [1890.] 224.11 — Durfee, C: A. Concise poetical con- cordance. 1885 222.18 — Hazlitt, W: Lectures on the English poets. 1854 335.8 — Jebb, R. C. Growth and influence- of classical Greek poetry. 1894 234.24 — Lang, Andrew. Homer and the epic. 1893 234.1 — Sidney, Sir Philip. Defense of poesy. 1890 223.26 — Stedman, Edm. C. Nature and ele- ments of poetry. 1892... 231.10 See also Folk-lore; Minnesingers. Versification. — Barnum, S. W. Vocabulary of English rhymes. 1876 215.23 — Brewer, R. F. Orthometry, with a rhyming dictionary. 1893 234.9 — Corson, H. Primer of English verse. 1893 234.16 — Guest, Edw. History of English rhythms. 1882 235.1 — Hood, T:, the younger. The rhymster. 1884 215.24 — Mayor, J. B. Chapters on English metre. 1886 235.5 — Walker, J: Rhyming dictionary 333.9 Collections. — Beeching, H. C. A paradise of English poetry. [Anthology.] 2v. 1893.. 224.22 — Beeton, S. O. Great book of poetry [to 1866]. 2v. [1870.] 221.14 — Bellamy, B. W. and Goodwin, M. W. Open sesame; poetry and prose [for young children]. 3v. 1890 95.12 — Browne, F. Y.,ed. Bugle-echoes: poems of the Civil war. 1886 221.19 — Child, F. J. Poems of religious sor- row, comfort, etc. 1886 222.11 — Dalton, J. G. Lyra bicyclica: sixty poets on the wheel. 1885 226.19 — Dana, C. A. and Johnson, R. Fifty per- fect poems. Illus. 1884 *221.17 — Edwards, Amelia B. Poetry book of elder poets. 1878 214.32 — Ellis, George. Specimens of early Eng- lish metrical romances, with his- torical introduction. 1848. 226.1 — Festival poems; ed. by K. B. R. 1884. 236.2 — Gosse, E. W:, ed. English odes. 1881. 236.3 — Greek anthology; literal and metrical versions. 1889 324.6 — Henley, W: E. Lyra heroica: a book of verse for boys. 1891 226.16 — Johnson, R., ed. Lives and works of the poets, from Chaucer to Morris. 3v. 1879 221.15 — Kendrick, A. C. Our poetical favor- ites. 3v. 1881 222.23 — Lang, Andrew. Blue poetry book. 1891. 227.24 — Linton, W. J. Poetry of America. Se- lections from 1776-1876. 1878 226.9 — Locker, F: Lyra elegantiarum. 1884. 223.6 — Longfellow, H: W. Poems of places. 31v. [1876.] 233.1 — Miles, Alfred H. Poetry and poets of the century. 9v. 1889 245.6 — Morley,H. Burlesque plays and poems. 1885 216.5 POETRY. 195 POETRY. Poetry, continued. — P., J. E. Musical moments; short se- lections in prose and verse for music lovers. 1889 223.10 — Priest, S. M. Little pieces for little speakers. [1870.] 343.29 — Repplier, Agnes. Book of famous verse. 233.4 — Shi King, The; tr. by W: Jennings. 1891. 231.21 — Sladen, Douglas. Younger American poets, 1830-90; appended, Younger Canadian poets, ed. by G. B. Roberts. 227.21 — Smith, Mrs. E. M. Woman in sacred song. 1885 212.19 — Soboleski, Paul. Poets and poetry of Poland. 1881 224.5 — Thompson, Slason. The humbler po- ets: a collection of newspaper and periodical verse, 1870-85. 1886.. . 212.20 — Watson, William. Lyric love. 1892. 231.23 — Wilmott, R. A. English sacred poetry. 16th-19th Century. 1877 224.7 Single Works. — Afterwhiles. Riley, James W 236.26 — Astraea. Holmes, O. W 215.12 — At the beautiful gate. Larcom, Lucy 233.2 — Atalanta in Calydon. Swinburne, A. C 215.27 — Becket; The cup; The falcon. Tennyson, A 214.37 — Beowulf: an Anglo-Saxon poem 231.9 — Buntling ball. A social satire 215.22 — Child’s garden of verses. Stevenson, R. L: 227.19 — City festivals. Carleton, Will 224.29 — City legends. Carleton, Will 224.4 — Colonial ballads, etc. Preston, Mary J 222.4 — Course of time. Pollok, Robert 236.29 — Courtship of Miles Standish,6fc. Longfellow, H:W. 231.4 — Death of CEnone ; Akbar’s dream, etc. Tennyson, A. 231.15 — Divine comedy. See Dante in alphabetical list. — Dream of fair women. Tennyson, Alfred 221.13 — Drif tweed. Thaxter, Celia — 216.1 — Empty purse. Meredith, George 231.17 — Farmer’s boy. Bloomfield, R 222.36 — Faust. See Goethe, J. W. von. — For fifty years. Hale, Edward E 234.14 — Foresters. Tennyson, A 226.18 — Garden secrets. Marston, P. B 222.25 — Geraldine. Hopkins, Alonzo 222.22 — Glenaveril. Bulwer-Lytton, R 215.20 — Grandmother’s story, etc. Holmes, O. W 215.14 — Heartsease and rue. Lowell, R. S 222.19 — Hermitage, etc. Sill, Edward R 223.16 — Hesperia. Wilde, Richard H . . * 226.20 — Hesperides. Herrick. Richard 216.8 — House of the Wolfings. Morris, William 223.28 — Hudibras. Butler, Samuel . . 202.6 — In the garden of dreams. Moulton, Louise C — 223.18 — Lancelot of the Laik: a Scottish metrical romance. 237.9 — Lay of the last minstrel. Scott, Sir W 216.7 — Liber amoris. Carpenter, H. B 216.19 — Light of the world. Arnold, Sir Edwin 227.3 — Locksley Hall, sixty years after. Tennyson, A.. 214.36 — Love-songs of childhood. Field, Eugene 238.1 — Marah. Bulwer-Lytton, R 226.22 — Marmion. Scott, Sir Walter 216.6 — Maurine, etc. Wilcox, Ella Wheeler 222.3 — Modem love. Meredith, George 231.24 — Neghborly poems. Riley, James W 231.13 — North shore watch. Woodberry, G: E: 236.25 — Nothing to wear 236.24 — Old fashioned roses. Riley, James W 233.3 — On the nature of things. Lucretius 225.11 — On the road home. Sangster, Margaret 234.17 — Paradise lost. Milton, John 8522.6 Poetry, continued. — Pharsalia. See Lucan. — Piers Ploughman. Wright, Thomas, ed. 2v 234.7 — Pomegranates from an English garden. Brown- ing, R 215.16 — Potiphar’s wife, etc. Arnold, Sir Edwin 226.17 — Reading of earth. Meredith, George 223.15 — Reineke Fox. Goethe, J. W. von 226.5 — Rime of the ancient mariner. Coleridge, S: T 224.15 — Sha Nameh. Firdausi, Abul Kasim 234.2 — Ship of fools. Brandt, Sebastian. 2v 346.11 — Sigurd theY olsung. Morris, W: 237.7 — Sisters’ tragedy. Aldrich, T: B 227.7 — Snow-bound. Whittier, John G 227.23 — Song celestial. Arnold, Sir Edwin 216.14 — Song of the ancient people. Proctor, Edna D . . . . 224.21 — Templars in Cyprus. Werner, F. L. Z 226.12 — Underwoods. Stevenson, R. L : 222.7 — With trumpet and drum. Field, Eugene 231.18 — Wyndham towers. Aldrich, T: B 223.12 Class-list of Poets. Note . — The following list of poets, whose works, in part at least, are in the library, does not include many to be found in poetical and dramatic collections. ^Eschylus. Marston, P. B. Aldrich, T: B. Martial. Alfieri, Vittorio. Meredith, George. Aristophanes. Milton, John. Arnold, Sir Edwin. Moliere, Jean B. P. Beranger, Pierre Jean de Morris, William. Bion. Moschus. Bloomfield, Robert. Moulton, Louise C. Brandt, Sebastian. Nicoll, Robert. Bronte, Charlotte. O’Shaughnessy, Arthur. Browning, Eliz. B. Ovid. Browning, Robert. Peele, George. Bulwer-Lytton, E.L .,1st Lord Persius. Lytton. Petrarch. Bulwer-Lytton, R., 2d Lord Phsedrus. Lytton. [Owen Meredith.'] Pindar. Butler, Samuel. Plautus. Callimachus. Pollok, Robert. Carleton, Will. Prentice. G: D. Carpenter, H. B . Preston, Mary J. Catullus. Proctor, Edna D. Chanler, Amelie R. Propertius. Chapman, George. Pushkin, Alexander. Coleridge, S: T. Read, T: Buchanan. Cone, Helen G. Riley, James W. Congreve, William. Rossetti, D. G. Dana, Richard. Sandys, George. Dante. Sangster, Marg. E. Dickinson, Emily. Santayana. George. Euripides. Scott, Sir Walter. Field, Eugene. Shakespeare, William. Firdausi, Abul Kasim. Sidney, Sir Philip. Freiligrath, Ferdinand. Sill, Edward R. Freneau, Philip. Smith, Alexander. Gilder, R: W. Southey, Robert. Goethe, J. W. von. Spenser, Edmund. Gordon, H. L. Sprague, Charles. Greene, Robert. Stanton, Frank L. Hale, E: E. Stedman, E: C. Henley, W : E. Stevenson, Robert L : Herrick, Richard. Suckling, Sir John. Hesiod. Sulpicia. Hoffman, C: F. Swinburne, A. C. Holmes, O. W. Tennyson, Alfred. Homer. Terence. Hopkins, Alonzo. Thackeray, W : M. Hugo, Victor. Thaxter, Celia. Jonson, Ben. Theocritus. Juvenal. Theognis. Kingsley, Charles. Tibullus. Kipling, Rudyard. Timrod, Henry. Landor, Walter S. Tyrtseus. • Lang, Andrew. Vanbrugh, John. Lanier, Sidney. Virgil. LarCom, Lucy. Watson, William. Lathrop, G: P. Webster, John. Lei and, C: G. Werner, F. L. Z. Lessing, G. E. Whitman, Walt. Longfellow, II: W. Whittier, J: G. Lowell, R. S. Wilcox, Ella Wheeler. Lucan. Wilde, R: II: Lucilius, Caius. Woodberry, G: E: Lucretius, C. T. Woolsey, S. C. [Susan Cool- Macaulay, T: B. idge.] Marlowe, Christopher. Wycherly William. POINTS. 196 POLITICAL. Points of view. Repplier, Agnes 345.8 Poisons. Wormley,Theo. G: Micro-chem- istry of poisons. 1885 8103.21 Poland. Alison, A. Miscellaneous es- says 305.4 — Chambers’s Miscellany. History of. . .1001.8.2 — Disraeli, I: Curiosities of lit. Secret history of an elective monarchy. . . 305.8 — Mackintosh, J. Partition of In 305.2 — Moltke, Count H. von. Poland. 1885.. 797.7 — Morfill, W. R, Story of. 1893 752.1.36 Literature. — Soboleski, P. Poets and poetry of . 1881. 224.5 See also historical novels of Sienkiewicz. Polar regions. See Arctic regions. Political Americanisms. Norton, C: L. 1890 925.7 Political economy. American economic association. Publications, 1886-91. v.1-6 927.11 — Andrews, Elisha B. Institutes of eco- nomics. 1890 936.1 — Aristotle. Economics; tr. by Gillies. 1881 917.22 — Ashley, W. J. English economic his- tory and theory. 2v. 1893 936.29 — Atkinson, E: Industrial progress of the nation. 1890 923.14 — Bagehot, W. Postulates of English. 1891 936.12 — Booth. W: In darkest England and the way out 924.20 — Bowker, R. R. Economics for the peo- ple. 1886 917.21 Of work and wealth: a summary of economics. 1883 937.10 — Clark, J. B. Philosophy of wealth. 1886 917.27 — Ely, R: T. Introduction to. 1889... 901.24 Outlines of economics. 1893 933.24 Problems of to-day. [1888.] 922.19 ,ed. Library of economics and politics. 934. 1 For contents see Ely, R: T. — Gide, Charles. Principles of. 1892.. 936.14 — Gunton, G: Principles of social eco- nomics. 1891 926.7 — Hodgson, W. B. Study of economic science In 401.3 — Ingram, J: K. History of. 1893 901.15 — Keynes, J: N. Scope and method of. 1891 936.3 — Lalor, J: J., ed. Cyclopaedia of. 3v. 1881-6 A. 16 — Laughlin, J. L. Study of. 1885 917.19 — Lunt, E: C. Present condition of eco- nomic science. 1888 937.44 — Macvane, S. M. Political economy: a book for beginners. 1891 924.33 — Marshall, A. Principles of economics. v. 1. 1891 926.14.1 and Mary P. Economics of indus- try. 1888 925.13 — Mason, A. B. and Lalor, J: L. Primer of. 1887 902.32 — Palgrave, R. H. I., ed. Dictionary of political economy, v.l. 1894 *947.5 — Petfer, W. A. The farmer’s side: his troubles and their remedy. 1891. . 925.22 — Political science quarterly, v.1-9, 1886- 94 *1008.30 — Ricardo, D: Works; with introd. by J. R. McCulloch. 1888 921.4 Political economy, continued. — Ruskin, John. “Unto this last” and Munera pulveris 946.10 — Shriver, E: J. Want and wealth. [Fa- vors free trade and single tax.] 1890. 937.63 — Steele, G. M. Outline study of. 1885.. 917.4 — Stephen, L. English thought in the 18th century, v.2, pp. 283-327 425.30.2 — Thompson, R. E. Elements of. [1882.] 934.4 — Toynbee, Arnold. Industrial revolu- tion of the 18th century in England. 1890 942.4 — Walker, F. A. First lessons in. 1892. 951.4 — - Political economy. [Briefer course.] 1888 936.2 — Wells, D: A. Practical economics. 1888 942.7 Recent economic changes. 1890 922.22 See also Banks and banking; Co-operation; Com- merce and trade; Finance; Free-trade and protec- tion ; Labor and capital ; Labor and the laboring classes; Land; Money, etc . ; Monopolies ; Pauperism; Population ; Public debts; Social science; Socialism and communism; Taxation; Trades-unions; Value. Political economy of art. Ruskin, J:. . 8105.11 Political education. Spencer, H In 401.3 Political fallacies. Junkin, G: 1863 757.12 Political science. Ames, Fisher. Works. 2v. 1854 901.16 — Andrews, E. B: arid others. Man and the state. 1892 936.31 — Annals of the American academy of political and social science, v.1-2, 1890-92 1008.50 — Aristotle. Politics. 1881 917.22 — Bluntschli, J. K. Theory of the state. 1892 944.16 — Bowker, R. R. and lies, G. Reader’s guide in political science: a classi- fied bibliography. 1891 924.34 — Buxton, Sidney. Handbook to politi- cal questions. [English.] 1892 943.1 — Cairnes, J. E. Political essays. 1873. 935.19 — Calhoun, J. C. Works; ed. by R. K. Cralle. 6v. 1883 918.6 — Donnell, E. J. Outlines of a new science. 1889 937.56 — Ely, R: T., ed. Library of economics and politics. For contents see Ely,R:T. 934.1 — Emerson, R. W. Essays. [Politics.].. 326.9.2 — Fiske, J: American political ideas. 1885, - 917.2 — Fowler, W. W. The city-state of the Greeks and Romans. 1893 787.2 — Freeman, E: A: Comparative politics. 1874 945.6 History of federal government in Greece and Italy. 1893 928.12 — Goodnow, F. J. Comparative admin- istrative law. 2v. 1893 945.5 — Grego, J. History of parliamentary elections and electioneering in the old days. 1886 928.9 — Guizot, F. History of the origin of representative government in Eu- rope. 1861 922.12 — Hamilton, Alexander. Works of ; ed. by J: C. Hamilton. 7 v. 1851 943.4 — Hart, A. B. Study of federal govern- ment. 1891 943.16 — Hobbes, T: Leviathan. [Ancient gov- ernment.] 1885 917.18 POLITICAL. 197 POOR. Political science, continued. — Hoffman, Franks. Sphere of the state. 1895 951.6 — Ideal commonwealths; ed. by H: Mor- ley 917.16 — Jephson, H: The platform; its rise and progress. 2v. 1892 927.4 — Lalor, J: J., ed. Cyclopaedia of politi- cal science, etc. 3v. 1881-6 A. 16 — Locke, J: Two treatises on civil gov- ernment; preceded by Filmer’s “Pa- triarcha.” 1884 917.17 — Lodge, H: C. Historical and political essays. 1892 933.6 — Lowell, A. L. Essays on government. 1889 922.9 — McPherson, E: Handbook of politics for 1882, 1886, 1888, 1894. 4v 915.4 — Maine, Sir H: S. Popular government. 1886 945.26 — Mills, W. T. Science of [practical] pol- itics. 1888 917.31 — Montesquieu, C: S., Baron de. Spirit of the laws. 2 v. 1878 922.11 — Morley, H:, ed. Ideal commonwealths. [More’s Utopia, etc.] 917.16 — Norton, C. L. Political Americanisms. A glossary. 1890 925.7 — Paine, T: Writings. 4v 1001.13 — Plato. The republic; The laws. 1887.457.6.2,5 — Ritchie, D: G: Principles of state in- terference. 1891 941.18 — Roosevelt, Theodore. Practical poli- tics. 1888 937.49 — Seeley, J. R.Teaching of politics In 308.22 — Seelye, Julius H. Citizenship. 1894. 946.9 — Sergeant, Lewis. Government hand- book: a record of the forms and methods of government. 1890 946.8 — Sidgwick,H: Elements of politics. 1891. 926.15 — Standard library cyclopaedia of politi- cal, constitutional, statistical and forensic knowledge. 4v. 1860 922.13 — Stephen, Leslie. English thought in the 18th century. Political theo- ries, v.2, p. 130..... 425.30.2 — Stickney, Albert. Democratic govern- ment. 1885 922.16 — Storey, M. Politics as a duty and as career. 1889 937.58 — Sumner, W: G. Collected essays. 1885. 947.9 — Wilson, Woodrow. Congressional gov- ernment. 1885 917.5 The state : historical and practical politics. 1890 925.10 See also Suffrage. Political science quarterly. See Period- icals. Political women. Menzies, S. 2 v 652.10 Politics. See Political science. Polk, Jas. K., 11th president. Bancroft, G: Life of 6101.1 — Jenkins, J: S. Lifeof. 1850 655.11 — Stoddard, W: O. Life of. 1888. . . .In 647.1.5 Polk, Leonidas, bishop and Confederate gen- eral. Polk, W:M. Lifeof. 2v. 1893. 687.15 Polk, R. L. & Co., pubs. Illinois state gazetteer and business directory, 1890, 1893. 2v B.31 Polk, W: M. Leonidas Polk: bishop and general. 2v. 1893 687.15 Pollard, E: A. Black diamonds. [Slave life in the South.] 1859 944.13 Pollard, E: A., continued. — Lost cause regained. [Supremacy of the white race.] 1868 785.6 Pollard, Josephine. Artistic tableaux. [1887.] 877.37 — The Bible and its story. [1890.] 477.19 Pollen, J: H. Furniture and woodwork. (South Kensington museum art handbook.) 1877 853.22 — Gold and silversmiths’ work. (South Kensington museum art handbook. ) 853.30 Pollock, W. H. and Lady. Amateur the- atricals. 1879 8105.12 Pollok, Robert. Course of time ; a poem. 1892 236.29 Polo, Marco. Hale, E: E. Stories of ad- venture 721.6.3 — Knox, T: W. Travels of J561.4 — Verne J. Exploration of the world, v.l, ch. 4 513.5.1 Polybius. Histories; tr. by E. S. Shuck- berg. 2v. 1889 797.10 Polycarp, St. Epistles ; Martyrdom of. In 447.16 Polyglot pronouncing handbook. H., D. G- 1890 343.12 Polynesia. Ellis, W: Polynesian research- es. Society and Sandwich islands. 4v. 1859 542.7 — Stoddard, C: W. South-sea idyls. [Ta- hiti, Hawaii, etc.] 1892 547.15 Pomegranates from an English garden. [Poems.] Browning, R 215.16 Pompeii. Chambers’s Misc. [Visit to.] 1001.8.5 — Hare, A: J: C. Cities of S. Italy 518.36 — Knox, T: W. Underground world, p. 157 928.1 — Yaggy, L. W. and Haines, T. L. Mu- seum of antiquity. 1860 756.3 Ponce de Leon, Juan. Irving, W. Com- panions of Columbus .601.14.3 Pond, James B. A summer [1886] in Eng- land with Henry Ward Beecher. 1887 522.33 Pontalis, M. A. L. John DeWitt, grand pensionary of Holland. 2v. 1885... 691.4 Pool, Maria L. See Fiction class-list. Poole, R. L. Wycliffe and movements for reform 464.1.14 Poole, Stanley L-. Story of the Barbary corsairs. 1890 752.1.27 — Story of Turkey. 1888 752.1.19 Poole, W: F: Anti-slavery opinions be- fore the year 1800. 1873 901.10 — and Fletcher, W: I: Index to periodi- cal literature, to 1882 B.28.1 Same; 1st supplement, 1882-1887 B.28.2 Same; 2d supplement, 1887-1892 B.28.3 Poor, A. B. [Dorothy Prescott .] ^Fiction. Poor, H: V. Manual of the railroads of the United States, 1873-4, 1876-7, 1881-5, 1887-8. 7v. 1873-87 *907.1 — and H. W. Directory of railroad offi- cials, 1886-7. 2 v *907.2 Poor and poor relief. Booth, C: Pauper- ism: a picture. 1892 946.7 — Campbell, Helen andothei’s. Darkness and daylight; or, lights and shad- ows of New York life ; with introd. by Lyman Abbott. 1892 928.8 — Channing, W: E. Ministry for the poor In 642.4.4 — Fields, Mrs. J. T. How to help the poor, 1889 941.33 POOR. 198 POO GIN. Poor and poor relief, continued. — Finley, J: H., ed. Public treatment of pauperism. 1894 In 947.4 — Fowle, T. W. The poor law. 1890... 936.32 — Godard, J: G: Poverty: its genesis and exodus. 1892 933.3 — Hawthorne, N. Our old home [Eng- land], p. 320 524.6 — Hobson, J: A. Problems of poverty. 1891 .... 941.17 — Lorimer, G. C. Isms, old and new, p. 326 436.25 — Mayhew, H: London labour and the London poor. 3v 927.1 — Riis, Jacob A. Children of the poor. 1892 935.22 How the other half lives. 1890 925.5 — Stanley,Jfro.H:M. London street Arabs. [Drawings.] 1890 *875.3 — Turner, C.J.R. History of vagrants and vagrancy. 1887 942.8 Poor Richard, Sayings of. Franklin, B:. . 342.7 Poore, Ben. Perley. Perley’s reminis- cences of sixty years in the national metropolis. 2v. [1886.] 645.16 — and Tiffany, O. H. Life of U. S. Grant. 1885 674.2 Pope, Alex. Carruthers.R. Life of. 1857. 658.4 — Howitt, W: Homes and haunts, etc... 615.15 — Jameson, A. M. Loves of the poets.. 633.13 — Johnson, S: Lives of English poets. . 643.17 — Lang, Andrew. Letters to dead au- thors. 1893.. In 357.8 — Stephen, L. Hours in a library 348.6.1 Pope, F. L. Evolution of the electric incandescent lamp. 1889 873.5 — Modern practice of the electric tele- graph. 1892 886.25 Popes. Balzani, Ugo. The popes and the Hohenstaufen 464.1.12 — Creighton, Mandell. History of the papacy during the reformation. 4v. 485.14 — Stephens, W. R.W. Hildebrand [Greg- ory VII.] and his times 464.1.7 — Talbot, J. F., ed. Pope Leo XIII., his life and letters. 1886 662.4 Popular lectures and addresses. Thom- son, Sir W: 3v. 1891 877.26 Popular science monthly. See Periodi- cals. Popular tales and fictions. Clouston, W. A. 2 v. 1887 347.4 Popular tribunals. Bancroft, H. H. 2v. 781.5 Population. Bonar, J. Malthus and his work 945.24 — Malthus, T. R. Principle of popula- tion. 1872 921.6 Porcelain. See Pottery. PpRRiTT, E: Englishman at home: his responsibilities and privileges. [1893.] 944.19 Port Royal. Quick, R. H. Gentlemen of Port Royal. (In his Educational re- formers.) 1892... 448.2.17 Port Royal logic; tr., with introd., by T. S. Baynes 476.12 Porter, D: Porter, D: D., ed. Memoir of Commodore David Porter. 1875... 695.25 Porter, D: D., admiral. Incidents and anecdotes of the Civil war. 1885. . . 747.8 — Naval history of the Civil war. 1886. . 758.7 — , ed. Memoir of Commodore David Porter. 1875 695.^5 — See also Fiction class-list. Porter, Eliza C. Porter, Mary H. Me- moir of. [1892.] 683.26 Porter, J. A. Sketches of Yale life. 1886. 436.17 Porter, J. Hampden. Wild beasts. 1894. 8104.15 Porter, L. H. Cycling for health and pleasure. 1890 876.41 Porter, Mary H. Eliza Chappell Porter: a memoir. [1892.] 683.26 Porter, Noah. Elements of intellectual science. 1891 477.3 — Fifteen years in the chapel of Yale college. [Sermons, 1871-86.] 1888.. 456.13 — Science and sentiment, with other pa- pers. 1882 353.14 — , and others. Non-christian philoso- phies of the age 482.25 — Merriam, G: S., ed. Noah Porter : a memorial by friends. 1893 686.5 Porter, Robert P. Bread winners abroad [in Great Britain]. [1885.] 924.24 Portrait and biographical record of Win- nebago and Boone counties, Illinois. 1892 *678.11 Portraits. Lodge, Edm. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Brit- ain. 1849-88 658.3 — Stead, W. T., ed. Portraits and auto- graphs; an album. 1891 878.15 Portugal. Loring, G: B. A vear in, 1889-90. 1891 551.21 — Stephens, H. M. Story of. 1891 752.1.32 Literature. See Coelho ; Lobeira. Posnett, H. M. Comparative literature. 1886 \ 815.4.54 Posse, Baron Nils. Swedish system of ed- ucational gymnastics. 1890 873.20 Post office. Cushing, Marshall. Story of our post office. Illus. 1893 928.6 — Holbrook, J. Ten years among the mail-bags. 1888 923.18 Potapeeko, N. E. See Fiction class-list. Potato. Carman, E. S. The new pota- to culture. 1891 871.27 Potiphar’s wife, etc. [Poem.] Arnold, ^VE. 226.17 Potomac, Army of the. McClellan, G: B. Report on organization and cam- paigns. 1864 711.15 Potter, Beatrice. [Mrs. Sidney Webb.] Co-operative movement in Great Britain. 1893 941.24 Pottery and porcelain. Audsley, G: A. and Bowes, J. L. Keramic art of Japan. 1881 *888.11 — Earle, Alice M. China collecting in America. 1892 881.6 — Fortnum, C. D. E. Maiolica. (South Kensington art handbooks.) 853.27 — Frackleton, Mrs. Susan S. Tried by fire: a work on china painting. 1892. 892.7 — Jacquemart, A. History of the ceram- — Jewitt, L. Ceramic art of Great Brit- ain. Illus. [1883.] 8108.8 — Lacroix, P. Arts in the Middle Ages. *768.1 — Marryat, Joshua. History of pottery — Wagner, R. von. Chemical technol- ogy, p. 334 881.9 Potts, J. H., ed. Golden dawn; or, light on the great future. 1884 456.14 Pougin, A. Life and works of Yerdi. 1887 657.3 POULSSON. 199 PRESCOTT. Poulsson, Emilie. Finger plays for nur- sery and kindergarten. [1889.]... 878.16 — In the child’s world: talks and stories. 1894 945.12 Poulton, E: B. Colours of animals: their meaning and use. 1890 815.4.67 Poultry. Beale, S. Profitable poultry keeping. 1884 855.30 — Lewis, W:M. Practical poultry book. [1871.] 854.23 Poushkin, Alex. See Fiction class-list.. Poverty. Disraeli, I: Critical history of. Curiosities of lit., p. 53 305.8 Poverty of the learned. Curiosities of lit., p. 10 305.8 — Godard, J: G: Poverty; its genesis and exodus. 1892 933.3 See also Poor and poor relief. Powderly, T. V. Thirty years of labor, 1859-89. [1889.] 945.2 Powell, E. P. Our heredity from God. 1889 458.22 Powell, F: Y ., joint ed. /Stee Vigfusson, G . Power, Mrs. S. D. Anna Maria’s house- keeping. 1884 855.1 Power through repose. Call, Annie P. 1891 874.20 Poynter, E. F. See Fiction class-list. Poyser, Arthur W : Magnetism and elec- tricity. [Elementary.] 1891 891.8 — Magnetism and electricity. [Advanced.] * 1892 891.7 Praed, Mrs. C. See Fiction class-list. Praeger, F. Wagner as I knew him. 1892 677.3 Prjsterita. Ruskin, John. 3v 683.24 Praise. Bacon, F. Essays, p. 523 308.23 — Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Caxtoniana. Efficacy of In 327.5 — Holland, J. G. Influence of In 302.11 — Mathews. W: Literary style. [Duty of.] 318.1 Praise of folly. Erasmus, Desiderius. . . 346.9 Pratt, Dwight M. Decade of Christian Endeavor, 1881-91. [1891.] 466.8 Pratt, Mara L. Fairy land of flowers. 1890 8101.2 — Little flower folks. 2v. 1890-91 j898.13 — and Lovering, A. T. Stories of Mas- sachusetts. 1892 j796.14 — See also Fiction class-list. Pray, I: C. Memoirs of James Gordon Bennett and his times. 1855 666.25 Prayer. Breviarium Romanum. Pars aes- tiva. 1851 433.32 — Channing, W: E. Daily prayer. [Works. v. 5.] 1001.3.5 — Clarke, J.F. Christian doctrine of. 1880. 446.32 — Gladden, W. The Lord’s prayer. 1886. 446.27 — Hinsdale, Grace W. Coming to the King; Thinking aloud : daily devo- tions for children. [1865.] 461.16 — Kinsley, W. W. Science and prayer. 1893 476.24 — Littlehales, Henry, ed. The prymer; or, prayer-book of the lay people in the Middle Ages. pt. 1. Text. 1891. 465.20.1 — Maurice, F: D. Prayer-book and the Lord’s prayer. 1880. 484.18 — Parker, Theo. Prayers by. 1882 453.27 — Proctor, Francis. History of the Book of common prayer. 1889 476.1 — Sturm, C. C. Morning communings with God. 1877 458.17 Prayer, continued. — Tyndall, J: Fragments of science. Prayer and natural law 803.6 — Wheatty, C: Rational illustration of the Book of common prayer. 1885. 458.19 See also Family worship. Preacher’s homiletic commentary on the Old Testament. By various authors. 21 v. For contents see Bible [Old Test- ament : Commentaries] . 1892 474.1 Preaching and pastoral work. Bayne, P: Pulpit and the press In 317.6.2 — Behrends,A. J.F. Philosophy of preach- ing. 1890 463.3 — Burton, N. J. Yale lectures on preach- ing. 1888 468.5 — Cuyler, Theo. L. How to be a pastor. 463.10 — Dupanloup, Felix. Ministry of preach- ing 463.2 — Fisk, F. W. Manual of preaching. 1884. 445.2 — Gladden, Washington, ed. Parish prob- lems. [1887.] 467.15 — Harrison, J. B. Certain dangerous tendencies, etc., p. 203 914.7 — Holland, J. G. Preachers and preach- ing In 325.7.1 — Holmes, O. W. Pulpit and the pew. In 326.10 — Hood, E. P. Lamps, pitchers and trumpets, v.l 453.13 — Hoppin, Jas. M. Homiletics. [1881.]. 477.13 — Horton, R. F. Verbum Dei. [Yale lectures, 1893.] 1893 476.10 — Jeaffreson, John Cordy. Book about the clergy. 2 v. 1870 454.3 — Ker, John. Lectures on the history of preaching. 1889 454.21 — Phelps, Austin. My note book. [Per- sonality of a preacher, etc.] 1891. In 463.19 Precious stones. See Gems; Mineralogy. Preece, W: H. and Maier, J. The tele- phone. 1889 865.3 — and Sivewright, J. Telegraphy. 1891. 884.26 Prehistoric America. 3v. $gePeet, Steph- en D. Prentice, G: Wilbur Fisk. (American religious leaders.) 1890 656,6.2 Prentice, G: D. Poems; ed., with biog. sketch, by J: J. Piatt. 1876 223.20 — Clarke, J. F. Memorial* and biog. sketches 615.16 — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among au- thors, etc 654.9 — Taylor, B. Critical essays 315.17 Prentice, Ridley. The musician, a guide for pianoforte students. Six grades. 6v. 1886 882.28 Prentiss, Eliz. Life and letters. [1882.] 685.15 — See also Fiction class-list. Prentiss, Sergeant S. Moore, F. Amer- ican eloquence, v.2, p. 579 321.12.2 Presbyterianism. Briggs, C: A. Ameri- can Presbyterianism: its origin and early history. 1885 447.14 — Palfrey, J: G. History of New Eng- land, v. 2, p. 165 747.5.2 Prescott, C. E. Sailing boat and its man- agement. 1883 865.31 Prescott, Dorothy, pseud. See Poor, Ag- nes B. Prescott, G: B. Electric telephone. 1890. 8104.28 PRESENT. 200 PRINTING. Present day tracts, v. 1-4. 1. Non-Christian philosophies of the age; by Noah Porter and others 482.25 2. Non-christian religions of the world; by W: Muir and others 478.8 3. The higher criticism; by R. Payne-Smith and others 482.26 4. Man in relation to the Bible and Christianity; by G: Rawlinson and others 482.27 Present tenses of the blessed life. Meyer, F. B : 472.25 Present truth: sermons. Spurgeon, C: H. 436.29 Preservation of life. Burnley, J. Ro- mance of. 1888 8102.24 Presidential elections. O’Neil, C: A. American electoral system. 1889.. 902.31 — Stan wood, E: History of. 1884 902.34 Same; rev. edition. [1892.] 933.1 President’s [Cleveland] message,' 1887. Bowker, R. R. 1888 937.48 Presidents of the United States. Frost, John and French, Harry W. Pres- idents of the United States from Washington to Cleveland. 1889... 675.19 — Stoddard, W. O. Lives of the presi- dents. v. 1-10. 1886-8 647.1 Contents: v. 1, Washington; v. 2, J: Adams and Jefferson; v. 3, Madison, Monroe and J: Q. Adams; v. 4, Jackson and Van Buren; v. 5, Harrison, Tyler and Polk ; v. 6, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce and Bu- chanan; v. 7, Lincoln and Johnson: v. 8, Grant; v. 9, Hayes, Garfield and Arthur; v. 10, Cleveland. — Upton, Mrs. Harriet T. Our early pres- idents, their wives and children. [1890.] 676.4 — Wilson, James G., ed. Presidents of the United States, 1789-94. 1894 6101.1 Press, The. $<30 Journalism; Newspapers. Pressense, E. de. Ancient world and Christianity 462.3 Preston, H. W. See Fiction class-list. Preston, Howard W.,ed. 'Documents il- lustrative of American history, 1606- 1863. 1893 y. 7101.6 Preston, Marg. J. Colonial ballads, son- nets, and other verses. 1887 222.4 — See also Fiction class-list. Preston, T: Theory of light. 1890 8103.8 Presumption of sex.. Adams, O. F. 1892. 344.15 Pretty arts for leisure hours. Davidson, E. A. 1878.* 896.9 Prevost d’Exiles, A. F. See Fiction class- list. Preyer, W. Mental development in the — The mind of the child, pts. 1-2.1889-90. pt. 1, The senses and the will 448.2.7 pt. 2, Development of the intellect 448.2.9 Price, E. D., ed. Hazell’s annual for 1891. 1891 D.9.1891 Price, Eleanor C. See Fiction class-list. Price, Ira M. Syllabus of Old Testament history [1890.] 482.14 Price, Julius M. From the Arctic ocean to the Yellow sea, 1890-1. 1892 551.6 Price, L. L. F. R. Industrial peace; are- port. 1887 943.20 Price, W. T. Technique of the drama. [1892.] 231.19 Prichard, I. T. Administration of In- dia from 1859 to 1868. 2v. 1869. ... 756.14 Prichard, J. Y. Tableaux vivants ar- ranged for amateur representation. [1878.] 871.16 Prichard, James C. Natural history of man. 2v. 1885 858.9 — Researches into the physical history of mankind. 4th ed’n. 5 v. 1841 875.10 Priest, Josiah. Bible defense of slavery. [1851.] 923.12 — , comp. American antiquities and dis- coveries in the West. 1835 775.17 Priest, Miss S. M., comp. Little pieces 'for little speakers. [Poetry.] [1870.] 343.29 Priestley, Joseph. Huxley, T: H. Science and culture, p. 102 824.13 — Jeffrey, F. Contributions to the Edin- burgh review. [Memoirs.] 305.5 Prima donna, The, her history, etc. Ed- wards, H. S. 2v. 1888.. 667.4 Prime. S: I. Life of Samuel F. B. Morse. 1875 654.5 — Under the trees. [Misc. papers.] 1874. 335.6 — Autobiography and memorials; ed. by Wendell Prime. [1888.] 654.14 Prime, W; C. Along New England roads. 1892 547.^6 — , ed. Coins, medals, and seals, ancient and modern. 1864 8104.5 Prime ministers of Queen Victoria; ed. by J. S. Reid. — Beaconsfield; by J. A. Froude 666.12 — Gladstone; by G: W: E. Russell 687.30 — Peel; by Justin McCarthy 692.16 Primers. Literature primers. lOv 347.15 Contents : See Literature primers in general alpha- bet. — New England primer. [Reprint of ed’n. of 1777.] 1887 348.10 — Patton, J. H. Natural resources of the United States. (Science primers.) 1886 856.29 — Tighe, Ambrose. Development of the Roman constitution. (History prim- ers.) 1887 755.7 Primitive folk. Reclus, Elie 876.32 Primitive man in Ohio. Moorehead,W. K. 883.9 Primitive piety revived. Fish, Henry C. 478.10 Prince, Morton. Nature of mind and human automatism. 1885 478.3 Prince Siddartha, the Japanese Buddha. Atkinson, J: L. [1893.] 478.20 Princes, authors, and statesmen of our time. [Biog. sketches.] Parton,J.,ed. 645.13 Princeton college. Vinton, F: College of New Jersey. [1878.] In 428.10 — Wallace, G: R. Princeton sketches. 1893 477.12 Princeton review. See Periodicals. Pringle, A. Practical photo-micrography. 1890 8104.25 — , joint author. See Burton, W. K. Printing. Blades, W: Pentateuch of printing. 1891 878.22 — Disraeli, I: Amenities of lit. [Inven- tionof.] 308.11.1 Curiosities of lit., p. 21. [Early print- ing.] 305.8 — Early printing and printers In 1004.1.11 — Hessels, J:H: Haarlem the birth-place of printing, not Mentz. 1887 892.12 — Lacroix, P. Arts in the Middle Ages. *768.1 — Morley, H: English writers, v. 6,p. 266. [Invention of.] 335.1.6 PRINTING. 201 PROOF. Printing, continued. — Pearson, Emily 0. Gutenberg, and the art of printing. [1879.] — Smiles, S: Men of invention, p. 153 — Thomas, I. History of, in America, etc. 2v. 1810 — Timbs, J. Inventors, etc Wonderful inventions, p. 54 Practical Works. 871.15 631.4 356.8 636.12 837.25 — American dictionary of printing and book-making. 1894 8118.4 — Bishop, H.G. Practical printer. 1889. 8111.11 — De Vinne, Theo. L. Price list. 1871. 8111.10 — Drew, B. Pens and types. 1889 343.22 — Earhart, J. F. The color printer. 1894. 8118.5 — Inland printer. Monthly . 1894 8521.38 — Ringwalt, L. J. American encyclo- paedia of. 1871 848.26 Prints. Maberly,J. Print collector. 1885. 875.1 Prison journals during the French revo- lution. Duras, Duchesse de. 1891. 673.3 Prison life at Richmond. Harris, W: C. 1862 775.16 Prisoners of poverty. [Women wage- workers.] Campbell, Helen. 1887. 902.35 Prisoners of poverty abroad. Campbell, Helen. 1889 922.7 Proctor, R: A. Borderland of science. 1872 856.10 Contents : The Herschels and the star-depths. Voy- age to the sun. Voyage to the ringed planet. A giant planet. Life in Mars. Whewellite essay on the planet Mars. Meteors— seed-bearing and otherwise. Recent star-shower and star-showers generally. News from the moon. Earthquakes. Antarctic regions. A few words about coal . Notes on flying and flying ma- chines. Gambling superstitions. Coincidences and superstitions. Notes on ghosts and goblins. — Easy star lessons. 1891 882.4 — Mysteries of time and space. 1883 861.8 Contents : Newton and Darwin. Vistas of the past. Birth of the moon. Birth and death of worlds. Sun as a perpetual machine. Sun’s corona. Sun’s long streamers. Meteoric astronomy. Comets. Co- metic mysteries. Dangers from comets. The world’s end. The menacing comet. Jupiter’s satellites. Ter- restrial magnetism. Star-depths. Transits of Venus. Star-clouds and star -mist. Herbert Spencer’s philos- ophy. Survey of the northern heavens. Star unto star. — Old and new astronomy. 1892 *8522.30 Contents : Introduction. Ancient and modern methods of observing the heavenly bodies. Ancient and modern studies of the earth’s shape. Apparent motions of the sun, moon and planets. True mech- anism of the solar system. Measuring and weighing the solar system. The sun. Sun’s surroundings. Inferior planets. Planet earth. Moon as a planet. Planet Mars. Zone of asteroids. ' Planet Jupiter. Planet Saturn. Planet Uranus. Planet Neptune. The stars. Table of astronomical constants. Index. Prisons, reformatory institutions, etc. Ashton, J: The Fleet: its river, prison, and marriages. Illus. 1889. — Bernard, F. Wonderful escapes — Cable, G:W. Silent South, p.117. [Con- vict lease system.] — Carlyle, T: Latter-day pamphlets, p.41. [Model prisons.] — Dixon, Hepworth. John Howard, and the prison-world of' Europe. 1849. — Her majesty’s prisons: their effects and defects; by one who has tried them. 2v. 1881 — Mayhew, H: and Binny, J: Criminal prisons of London and scenes of prison life. 1862 — Spencer, H. - Essays, <• [Prison ethics.] — Winter, Alex. NewYork state reform- atory in Elmira. 1891 See also Andersonville. Pritchard, Urban. Diseases of the ear. 1891 Private Miles O’Reilly. Halpine, C: G. Privateers. 'See United States ( War of 1812-U). Problem of problems. Braden, ClaVk. . . Problems of Greater Britain. Dilke,C:W. Problems of to-day. Ely, R: T Probyn, J.W. Italy: from the fall of Na- poleon I. in 1815, to the death of Victor Emmanuel, in 1878. 1884... Same continued to 1890. 1891 — , ed. System of land tenure in various countries Procter, F. B. Classified gems of thought. 1887 Procter, Francis. History of the Book of common prayer. 1889 Procter, G. History of Italy, 476-1789. 1844 Proctor, Edna Dean. Poems. 1890 Song of the ancient people. [Pueblo Indians.] 1893 554.8 802.28 941.12 333.12 694.11 925.23 926.20 435.10 941.5 885.28 323.34 453.30 765.14 922.19 751.1 796.8 951.3 428.12 476.1 691.5 227.16 m. 2i — Pleasant ways in science. 1890 8102.30 Contents : Oxygen in the sun. Sun-spot, storm, and famine. New ways of measuring the sun’s dis- tance. Drifting light-waves. The new star which faded into star-mist. Star-grouping, star-drift, and star-mist. Mallet’s theory of volcanoes. Towards the North pole. A mighty sea-wave. Strange sea creatures. On some marvels in telegraphy. The phonograph, or voice-recorder. The gorilla and other apes. The use and abuse of food. Ozone. Dew. Levelling power of rain. Ancient Babylonian astrog- ony. — Rough ways made smooth. 1880 856.9 Contents : Sun’s corona and his spots. Sun spots and commercial panics. New planets near the sun. Results of the British transit expeditions. Past his- tory of our moon. New crater in the moon. Novem- ber meteors. Expected meteor shower. Cold win- ters. Oxford and Cambridge rowing. Rowing styles. Artificial somnambulism. Hereditary traits. Bodily illness as a mental stimulant. Dual consciousness. Electric lighting. Great storms. Recent storms. Mechanical chess-players. Influence of the mind on the body. — Universe of suns and other science gleanings. 1884 861.32 Contents : Voices of the suns. Universe of suns. Sun’s corona. Great sun-spot. Last great solar eclipse. Great nebula in Argo. Photographic eyes of science. Solar surroundings. Planet Mars. Life in Mars. Ring of small planets. Zone of small planets. Star in the East. Greek fire. Plying ma- chines. Sent to the bottom. Earthquakes in the British isles. South European volcanic system. Earth movements in Java. Earth shakings, their cause and work. Influence of food on civilization. Pyramid of Cheops. Dream space. Three cold days of May. Are women inferior to men? Upright man. Effect of marriage on life. Stimulants and study. Poker principles and chance laws. Laws of proba- bility. Strange coincidences. Proffatt, John. Curiosities and law of wills. 1876 Profit sharing. Gilman, N. P. 1889... Progressive housekeeping. Nitsch, H.... Progressive orthodoxy. Editors of “An- dover Review.” Prohibition. See Temperance. Prompt aid to the injured. Doty, A. II. 1894 ' Pronounciation. See English language. Proof reading. Authors and publishers, 924.30 922.5 865.4 446.25 898.23 316,19 PROPERTIUS. 202 PUTNAM. Propertius, Sextius Aurelius. Elegies ; lit. tr., with notes, by Gantillon. With metrical versions of select elegies, by Nott and Elton. 1888 225.18 Property. Letourneau, C: Property: its origin and development. 1892. 936.6 — Lieber, F. On property and labour. [1841.] 917.9 — Proudhon, P. J. What is property?.. 935.21 Prophets of Israel. Smith, W: R 443.27 Prosody. See Grammar; Poetry (Versifi- cation). Protection. See Free trade and protec- tion. Protection of woodlands. Fiirst, H. 1893. 896.16 Protestant Episcopal church. Coxe, A. C. Thoughts on the services. [I860.] 436.27 — Huntington, W: R. Popular miscon- ceptions of the Episcopal church. 1892 ... 482.16 — McConnell, S. D. History of the Amer- ican Episcopal church. 1891 462.16 — Shinn, G:W. King’s handbook of not- able Episcopal churches. 1889 536.22 — Temple, E: L. The church in the prayer book. 1894 482.15 Protestantism. Chillingworth, W: Re- ligion of Protestants a safe way to salvation. 1888 457.12 — Fisher, G: P. Relation to modern civ- ilization In 442.15 — Fiske,J: Excursions, e£c. Origins of. 844.22 — Froude, J. A. Conditions and pros- pects of In 307.21.2 Prothero, Rowland E. Life and corre- spondence of Arthur P. Stanley. 2v. 1894 691.11 Protoplasm. See Biology. Proudhon, P.J. What is property? [1876.] 935.21 Prout, W: Chemistry, meteorology, and the function of digestion, as related to natural theology. 1855 868.16 Prouty, L. Fish: their habits and haunts and methods of catching them. 1883. 854.15 Provence, France. Pennell, Jos. and Eliz. R. Play in Provence; sketch- es written and drawn. 1892 547.12 — Symonds, J: A. Sketches, etc., v. 2, p. 310 514.33 Proverbs. Beecher, H. W. Proverbs from Plymouth pulpit ; selected by W. Drysdale. 1887 447.5 — Bohn, H. G. Polyglot of foreign prov- erbs. 1889 324.10 — Burton, R: F. Wit and wisdom from West Africa. 1865... 355.19 — Christy, Robert. Proverbs, maxims, and phrases of all ages. 2 v. 1888. 343.5 — Franklin, B: “The sayings of Poor Richard.” 1890 342.7 — Mackay,C: Scottish proverbs. 1888. In 355.14 — Spurgeon, C: H. Salt cellars : a collec- tion of proverbs, etc. 2v. 1889 336.7 Prudden, T. M. Drinking-water and ice supplies. 1891 876.3 — Dust and its dangers. 1890 876.2 — Practical normal histology. 1890 877.15 — Story of the bacteria. 1891 876.1 Prussia. Abbott, J: S. C. History of, [with an appendix to 1881]. [1882.].. 751.10 — Lord, J: Prussia under Frederick the great In 735.6.4 Prussia, continued. — Tuttle, H. History of Prussia under Frederic the great, 1740-5. v.1-2. 1888 794.3 See also Berlin. Prymer, or prayer-book. Littlehales, H: 465.20.1 Pryor, J. P., joint author. See Jordan, T. Psalms, etc. See Hymns. Pseudonyms. See Bibliography (Anonyms, etc.). Psychic life of micro-organisms. Binet, A. 1889.. 8102.7 Psychic phenomena. Hudson, Thomson J. Law of psychic phenomena. 1893.. 476.4 — Savage, Minot J. Psychics: facts and theories. 1893 473.7 See also Animal magnetism, etc. Psychology. See Mental philosophy, etc. Ptomaines, leucomaines, and bacterial proteids. Vaughn, V. C: andNovy, F: G. 1891 881.25 Public debts. Adams, H: C. 1893 935.4 Public health. See Health. Public school journal. See Periodicals. Public schools. See Education (Schools). Public speaking. See Elocution. Publishers’ trade list annual, 1880-86, 1888-94. 14 v *3502.16 Publishers’ weekly. See Periodicals. Pulling, F. S. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1892. 6102.3 — , joint author. See Low, Sidney J. — , ed. See Foreign countries and Brit- ish colonies. Pulsifer, W: H. History of lead. 1888. 862.1 Punch and Judy. See Puppet shows. Punctuation. Dickson, W.B. Modern. 1892. 348.16 — Drew, B: Pens and types 343.22 — Wilson, J: Treatise on Erfglish. 1889. 343.23 Punishment. See Crime and punishment. Puppet shows. Punch and Judy. Illus. by George Cruikshank. 1881 867.9 Purgatorio. See Dante. Puritans. Campbell, Douglas. Puritan in Holland, England, and America. 2 v. 1892 778.12 — Ellis, G: E. Puritan age and rule in the colony Massachusetts, 1629-85. 1891 788.18 — Oliver, P: Puritan commonwealth. 1856 784.3 — Stowell, W. H. Puritans in England. — Wakeman, H:0. The church and the Puritans, 1570-1660 464.1.2 Purple land that England lost. Hudson, W. H. 2v. 1885 552.23 Pushkin, Alex. Poems; tr.by I.Panin. 1888. 236.30 — See also Poushkin in Fiction class-list. Putnam, Eleanor. See Fiction class-list. Putnam, G: H. Authors and their pub- lic in ancient times [to the inven- tion of printing] 357.9 — Question of copyright. 1891...: 937.67 Putnam, G: I. See Fiction class-list. Putnam, G: P. World’s progress: an in- dex to universal history. 2v. 1883. B.10 — and Jones, L. E. Tabular views of uni- versal history. 1891 795.16 Putnam, Israel. Tarbox, I. N. Life of. 1876 655.3 Putnam, M. Louise. Children’s life of Abraham Lincoln. 1892 681.11 Putnam’s magazine. See Periodicals. PYLE. 20S QUOTATIONS. Pyle, Howard, ed. Buccaneers and ma- rooners of America. Illus. 1891... 776.10 — See also Fiction class-list. Pyramids. Kingslake, A. W. Eothen, p.176. 505.7 — Proctor, R: A. Pyramid of Cheops. In 861.32 — Seven wonders of the world 823.18 Pyrenees. Dix, E. A. Midsummer drive through. 1890 537.17 Pythagoras. Diogenes Laertius. Lives of ancient philosophers 658.1 — Lewes, G: H: Biog. history of philos- ophy 427.1 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 Quadrupeds of North America. Audubon, J: J. and Bachman, J: 3v. [1849.].. *892.2 Quain, J. Elements of anatomy; 8th edn. 2v. 1876 862.18 Quaint and curious advertisements. Brooks, H: M., comp. 1886 333.4.4 Quakers. See Friends, Society of. Qualtrough,E: F. Boat sailer’s manual. 1889 876.29 Quarterly anti-slavery magazine. Ed. by Elizur Wright, jr. v. 1-2, [1835-7] . 901.17 Quarterly review. See Periodicals. Queen of the Adriatic. Clement, C. E.. 554.13 Queen’s English. Alford, Henry. 1889.. 324.22 Queen’s highway [through Canada] . Cum- berland, Stuart. 1887 532.12 Queens. See Biography (Col.: Boyal). Question of ships. [Merchant marine.] Wells, D: A. and Codman, J: 1890.. 937.64 Questions of King Milinda. See Sacred books of the East. Questions of the day series. — Wells, D: A. Our merchant marine 937.3 Relation of the tariff to wages 937.4 — Ford,W. C. American citizens’ manual, pts. 1-2. 937.5 — Keay, J. S. Spoiling the Egyptians 937.7 — Schoenhof, J. Destructive influence of the tariff upon manufacture, etc 937.9 — Bowker, R. R. Of wealth and work 937.10 — Dugdale, R. S. The Jukes 937.14 — Donnell, E. J. The true issue 937.16 — Giffen, R. Progress of the working class in the last half century 937.20 — Bourne, E: G. Surplus revenue of 1837 937.24 — Lawton, G: W. American caucus system 937.25 - — Smith, R. H. Science of business 937.26 — Schoenhof, J. Industrial situation 937.30 — Blair, L: H. Unwise laws 937.35 — Alexander, E. P. Railway practice 937.36 — Hitchcock, H: American state^constitutions 937.37 — Dos Passos, J: R. Inter-state commerce act 937.38 — Jones, W : II. Federal taxes and state expenses. 937.39 — Atkinson, E: Margin of profits 937.40 — Norman, II: Bodyke. [Irish landlordism.] 937.42 — Foulke, W: D. Slav or Saxon 937.43 — Lunt, E:C. Economic science 937.44 — Winn, II: Property in land 937.46 — Bowker, R. R. The president’s [Cleveland] mes- sage, 1887 937.48 — Roosevelt, T. Practical politics 937.49 — Moore, J. S. Friendly letters to American far- mers 937.50 — Philpott, II: J. Tariff chats 937.52 — Allen, J: H. Tariff and its evils 937.53 — True or false finance 937.55 — Donnell, E. J. Outlines of a new science 937.56 — Bruce, P. A. Plantation negro as a freeman.... 937.57 — Storey, M. Politics as a duty and as a career. . . . 937.58 — Baker, C: W. Monopolies and the people 937.69 Questions of the day series, continued. — Dabney, W. D. Public regulation of railways. . . ' 937.60 — Bonham, J: M. Railway secrecy and trusts.... 937.61 — Elliott, J. R. American farms 937.62 — Shriver, E: J. Want and wealth 937.63 — Wells, D: A. and Codman J: Question of ships. 937.64 — Sherman, P. Tariff primer 937.65 — Palm, A. J. Death penalty 937.66 — Putnam, G: H. Question of copyright 937.67 — Tyler, L. G. Parties and patronage 937.68 — Cowperthwait, J. H. Money, silver and finance. 937.69 — Ehrich, L:R. Question of silver 937.70 — Hall, B. Who pays your taxes? 937.71 — Strange, D. Farmers’ tariff manual 937.72 — Schoenhof, J. Economy of high wages 937.73 — Taussig, F. W. Silver situation in the U. S 937.74 — Juglar, C. Brief history of panics 937.75 — Lowell, J. S. Industrial arbitration and concilia- tion 937.76 — Remsen, D. S. Primary elections 937.77 Quick, R: H. Essays on educational re- formers. 1885 . 446.29 Same. 1892 448.2.17 Quigg, L. E. Tin-types taken in the streets of New York. [Stories and sketch- es.] [1890.] 342.4 Quincy, Josiah, 1772-1864, president of Har- vard university. Everett, E: Ora- tions, v. 4, p. 684-697 334.1.4 Quincy, Josiah, son of the preceding. Fig- ures of the past. [Reminiscences of men and things.] 1892 683.6 Quincy, Quatremere de. Life and works of Raffaello or Raphael Santi.l888.i?i 658.5 Quincy, Mass. Adams, C: F. New de- parture in the common schools of Quincy. 1879 431.21 Three episodes, etc., v.2, ch. 20. [Pub- lic school system of.] 775.23.2 — First church in Quincy: commemora- tive services, etc. 1890 776.9 — Patridge, Lelia E. “Quincy methods” illustrated. 1885 436.16 Quinn, J: Philip. Fools of fortune; or, gambling and gamblers. 1890 926.4 Quinn, T: C., ed. Massachusetts of to- day. [Historical and biographical.] 1892 *8522.27 Quotations. Ballou, M.M. Edge-tools of speech. [1886.] D.8 — Belton, J: D. Literary manual of for- eign quotations, ancient and mod- ern. 1891 342.24 — Bohn, H: G. and Ward, A. L. Poetical. [1883.] *321.1 — Davies, E. Other men’s minds. 1888. 341.17 — King, W. F. H. Classical and foreign. 1889 331.24 — Little, C: E. Historical lights: quota- tions from histories and biogra- phies. 1892 353.3 — Mathews, W: Men, places, etc. [Liter- ary.] 343.6 — Proctor, F.B. Classified gems of thought. [Religious.] 1887 428.12 — Southey, Robert. Common-place book; ed. by J. W. Warter. 2v. 1850 334.10 — Southgate, Henry, comp. Many thoughts of many minds. lst-2d series 351.4 — Spence, H. D. M. and others , ed. Thir- ty thousand thoughts. 6v. 1889... *468.4 — Talmage, T. DeWitt. Trumpet-peals: extracts from [his] sermons. 1890. 465.17 QUOTATIONS. 204 RANDOLPH. Quotations, continued. — Wood, James. Dictionary of. 1893.. 352.3 See also Anecdotes; Aphorisms; Extracts; Humor and wit ; Proverbs. Qur’an, The. See Koran. Rabbe, Felix. Shelley: the man and the poet. 1888 G51.21 Rabelais, Francois. Works; with notes. [1872.] 345.25 — Lives of Gargantua and Pantagruel; with introd. by H: Morley. 1885.. 323.32 — Besant, Walter, ed. Readings in. 1883. 344.32 — Lang, A. Letters to dead authors. 1893 , In 357.8 — Quick, R. H . Educational reformers, p.60 446.29 Race and language. Leffevre, Andre. 1894 815.4.72 Race with the sun. Harrison, H. 1889.. 537.20 Races of men. See Man. Races of the Old Testament. Sayce,A. H. 473.1.16 Rachel. [Elisa Rachel Felix.] Cook, D. Hours with the players, v. 2,p. 205. 234.13.2 — Curtis, G: W: Rachel. [1855.] In 356.10 — Kennard,N. H. Rachel. (Famous wom- en.) 1886 627.1.11 — Legouve, E. Reading as a fine art, p. 81 421.39 — Lewes, G: H. Actors and acting 237.6 Racine, Jean. CEuvres: text original avec variantes. 5v. 1874-5 238.2 Racinet, A. Le costume historique. 6v. 1888 *873.27 — Polychromatic ornament: ancient, ori- ental and mediaeval art, including the Renaissance, 17th and 18th cen- turies ; col’d and illuminated plates. 1877. F *8542.40 Radcliffe, Ann. Kavanagh, Julia. Eng- lish women of letters 643.18 — Scott, W. Eminent novelists 624.19 Radestock, Paul. Habit in education. 1886 463.24 Radot, Valery. Louis Pasteur: his life and labors. 1885 646.2 Rae, John. Contemporary socialism. 1884 917.12 Rae, W. F. Business of travel: a fifty years’ record of progress, 1841-91. 1891 544.14 Raffaello or Raphael Santi. Buckley, T. A. Dawnings of genius 646.11 — Grimm, H. Life of. 1888 * 673.15 — Muntz, E. Life of. 1888 678.1 — Quincy, Q.de. Life and works of. 1888 . In 658.5 — Symonds, J: A. Renaissance: fine arts, p. 328-338 831.23 Same, p. 490. School of Raphael... 831.23 — Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. Christian art 437.9 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Assyria. 1887. , 752.1.15 — Story of Chaldea. Illus. i886 752.1.4 — Story of Media, Babvlon, and Persia. 1888 r 752.1.20 Railroad transportation. See Transpor- tation. Railroads. Alexander, E. P. Railway practice. 1887 937.36 — Atkinson, E: The railway, the farmer, and the public. 1892 In 936.28 — Bonham, J: M. Railway secrecy and trusts. 1890 937.61 Railroads, continued. — Clarke, T: C. and others. The American railway: its construction, develop- ment, management, and appliances. 1889 923.10 — Dabney, W. D. Public regulation of railways. 1889 937.60 — Farrer,T. H. State in relation to trade, p. 109 944.21 — Hadley, Arthur T. Railroad transpor- tation: its history and its laws. 1893. 944.2 — Hudson, James F. Railways and the republic. 1889 935.13 — Knox, T:W. Underground. [Tunnels. ]In 928.1 — Macfarlane, J. American geological railway guide. 1890 8101.13 — Poor, H: V. Manual of the railroads of the United States, 1873-4, 1876-7, 1881-5, 1887-8. 7v *907.1 and H. W. Directory of railroad offi- cials, 1886-7. 2v. [1886-7.] *907.2 — Ringwalt,J: L. Development of trans- portation systems in the U. S. 1888. 8542.46 — Seligman, Edw. R. A. Railway tariffs and the interstate commerce law. 1887 — Spencer, H. Railway morals and rail- way policy In — Van Oss, S. F. American railroads as investments. 1893 — Wellington, Arthur M. Economic the- ory of the locations of railways. 1891 See also Electric railway ; Street railroads. Raimund, Golo, pseud. £fedFriederich,B. H. Raleigh, Sir W. Bolton, S. K. Famous voyagers — Stebbing,W: Sir Walter Ralegh. 1891. Ralph, J. On Canada’s frontier. 1892. . Ramabai Sarasvati, Pundita. The high- caste Hindu woman. 1887 Ramann, L. Franz Liszt, artist and man, 1811-40. 2v Ramayana, Hindu epic. Reed, Eliz. A. Hindu literature — Wheeler, J. T. History of India: Hin- du, etc Short history of India, ch. 2 Rambler, The. Johnson, S: (British es- sayists, v. 16-18.) 303.15.16-18 Rambler’s lease. Torrey, B 865.27 Rambles in wonderland. [Yellowstone region.] Stanley, E. J. 1878 513.11 Rame, L. dela. [Ouida.\ Fawcett, Edgar. Truth about Ouida. 1889 In 336.11 — [Novels.] See Fiction class-list. Ramsay, A. C. and others. Origin of Al- pine and Italian lakes, and glacial erosion. 1890 873.15 Ramsay, W. M. The church in the Ro- man Empire before A. D. 170. [1893.] 475.5 Ramsey, J. G. M. Annals of Tennessee [to 1800]. 1853 753.17 Rand, E: A. Deeds worth telling. 1890.. 776.8 Rand, McNally &Co. Enlarged business atlas. 1891 R.R.D. — Indexed atlas of the world. 1892 R.R.D. Rand, S. T. Legends of the Micmacs. 1894 477.17 Randolph, Edm. J. Moore, ¥.,ed. Amer- ican eloquence, v.l, p. 163 321.12.1 Randolph, Sarah N. Domestic life of Thomas Jefferson. 1871 685.2 947.12 435.10 935.3 947.13 687.3 6101.5 551.9 947.8 656.14 342.25 793.8 755.2 ftANKF. 205 ft£ccmi)8. Ranke, Leopold von. History of Servia [to 1843]. With sketch of Bosnia. Added, The Slave provinces of Tur- key, by R. Cyprien. 1853 772.18 — Latin and Teutonic nations, 1494-1514. 1887. 755.15 Rankin, F. H. Hygiene of childhood. 1890 872.28 Raphael. See Raffaello Santi. Raphall, Morris J. Post-biblical history of the Jews. 2v. 1866 756.7 Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia. Johnson, S: In 323.31 Rationalism and skepticism. Blavatsky, Mme. H. P. Isis unveiled. 2v. 1886. 445.14 — Harrison, Alex. J. The church in re- lation to sceptics. 1892 476.22 — Ingersoll, R.G. Lectures 447.25 Ravenstein,E. G., jointed. See Great ex- plorers. Rawlinson, George. Isaac and Jacob: their lives and times 461.6.15 — The kings of Israel and Judah. [1889.] 461.6.11 — Manual of ancient history, to fall of the Western empire. 1886 752.10 — Moses: his life and times 461.6.2 — Story of ancient Egypt. 1887 752.1.14 — Story of Parthia. 1893 752.1.37 — Story of Phoenicia. 1889... 752.1.24 — and others. Man in relation to the Bible and Christianity. [1889.] 482.27 Ray, Anna C. See Fiction class-list. Raymond, H: J. History of the adminis- tration of President Lincoln. 1864. 767.21 — Maverick, A: Henry J. Raymond and the New York press for thirty years. 1870 674.7 Read, T: Buchanan. Poetical works. 3v. 1890 238.3 Reade, C: Readiana: comments on cur- rent events. 1882 342.12 — Reade, C: L. and Compton. Memoir of. 1887 647.5 See also Fiction class-list. Reade, C: L .and Compton. Charles Reade, dramatist, novelist, journalist : a memoir. 1887. 647.5 Reader’s guide to English history. Al- len, W. F. 1883 732.15 Readiana. Reade, Charles 342.12 Reading. Best reading; 1st series, ed. by F: B. Perkins. 1876 *3501.4.1 — Same; 2nd-4th series, ed. by L. E. Jones. 1876-91 *3501.4.2-4 — Book-lover’s rosary. [Praise of books.] 1885 451.17 — Boston public library. Chronological index to historical fiction. 1875. . .*3502.18 ' — Buffalo, N. Y. Young men’s library. Books for young readers. 1881 354.20 — Burt, Mary E. Literary landmarks: a guide to good reading for young people. 1889 335.17 — Caller, Mary A. Literary guide for home and school. 1892 345.19 — Hardy, G: E. Five hundred books for the young. 1892 345.30 — Harrison, F: Choice of books. 1886. 333.3 — Lubbock, Sir J: and others. Best hun- dred books. 1887 336.6 — Mathews, W. Men, places, etc., p.335. What shall we read? 343.6 — Parsons, F. and other's. World’s best books. 1889 335.18 Reading, continued. — Rees, J. R. Diversions of a book-worm. 1887 336.15 Pleasures of a book-worm. 1886 335.15 — Sargent, J: F., comp. Reading for the young ; a classified and annotated catalog. 1890 *338.5 — Smart, J. H. Books and reading for the young. 1880 452.9 — Van Rhyn, G. A. F. What and how to read. 1875 3501.13 See also Bibliography; Books; Libraries; Literature. Reading aloud. See Elocution. Reading of earth. Meredith, George 223.15 Real, Antony. Story of the stick. 1875. 917.28 Realistic philosophy. McCosh,J.2v. 1887. 438.29 Realm of tones. Ritter, F. L., ed. 1882. .*8541.32 REAR-guard of the Revolution. Kirke, Edm 741.15 Reason why series. Denominational rea- son why: origin, history, etc. of Christian sects. 1890 478.7 — Dictionary of daily wants. [1869.] . . . 856.39 — Dictionary of medical and surgical knowledge. [1867.] 856.38 Reasons for being a Churchman. Little, A. W 436.26 Rebellion record. Moore, Frank, v. 1-11, 1860-5 731.9 Supplement, 1861-4 731.9.12 Reber, Franz von. History of ancient art. Illus. 1883 887.27 — History of mediaeval art. 1887 853.7 Rebold, E. General history of freema- sonry. 1885 462.9 — General history of freemasonry in Europe. 1866 454.9 Recamier, Mme. Bolton, S. K. Famous types, p. 60 681.6 — Mason, A. G. Women of French salons. 688.3 Receipts. Cooley, A. J. Cyclopaedia of practical receipts. 2 v. 1880 857.2 — Scientific American cyclopedia of re- ceipts, notes and queries; ed. by A. A. Hopkins. 1892 881.20 See also Chemical technology; Domestic economy. Recent economic changes. Wells, D: A. 1890 922.22 Recent rambles. Abbott, C: C 882.24 Recitations, etc. See Elocution ( Speaker’s ). Reclus, Elie. Primitive folk: studies in comparative ethnology. 1891 876.32 Reclus, Elisee. Oceanica. 1892 548.22 Recollections of a drummer-boy. Kief- fer, H: M j788.23 Recollections of a happy life. North, Marianne 675.14 Recollections of a private soldier. Wil- keson, Frank 757.1 Recollections of a Virginian. Maurv, Gen. D. H !. 692.8 Recollections of middle life. Sarcey, Francisque 683.23 Reconstruction of Europe, [1851-71]. Murdock, H 765.9 Records of the past: Egyptian and As- syrian monuments; ed. byS. Birch. 12v. 1875-9 794.1 Records of the past: Ancient monuments of Egypt and western Asia: new series, ed. by A. H. Sayce. 6v. 1888-92 792.18 RLdLALL. 206 RELIGION. Reddall, H: F:, comp. Fact, fancy and fable: a new hand-book for ready reference. 1889 *334.9 Redeeming the republic. Coffin, C: C. . . 774.6.3 Redemption. Fremantle, W.H. The world as the subject of. 1889 *477.7 Redford, George. Greek sculpture. 1892. Redhouse, J. W. Turkish dictionary. 1880 C.20 Re-echoes. Cobbe, Frances P 342.14 Reed, Sir Edward J. Japan; its history, traditions and religions. 2v. 1880. 795.13 — and Simpson, E: Modern ships of war. 1880 858.14 Reed, Eliz. A. Hindu literature. 1891.. 342.25 — Persian literature, ancient and mod- ern. 1893 346.13 Reed, H: A. Photography applied to surveying. 1889 8542.35 Reed, S. b! Dwellings for village and country. 1885 892.8 Reed, T: B. Reed’s rules: a manual of general parliamentary law. 1894. 951.1 Reed, W: H. Hospital life in the army of the Potomac. 1866 767.10 Rees, J. R. Brotherhood of letters. 1889. 336.23 — Diversions of a book-worm. 1887.... 336.15 — Pleasures of a book-worm. 1886 335.15 Rees, Janet E. R. Home occupations. 1883 847.17 Reeve, C: M. How we went and what we saw: a flying trip through Egypt, Syria, and the Aegean Islands. 1891. 546.12 Reeves, J: The Rothschilds: the finan- cial rulers of nations. 1887 647.11 References for literarv workers. Mat- son, H: 1892 346.6 Referendum. Sullivan, J. W. Direct legislation by the citizenship, etc.. 1893 925.31 Reform. See Charities; Political science; Prisons, reformatory institutions, etc.\ Social science. Reformation. Beard, C: Reformation of the sixteenth century in its rela- * tion to modern thought and knowl- edge. 1885 467.5 — Burnet, G. History of the reforma- tion of the church of England. 4v. 1842 445.17 — Butler, C. M. Reformation in Sweden, [1398-1611]. [1883.] 787.10 — Creighton, Mandell. History of the papacy during the reformation. 4v. 485.14 — Fisher, G : P. On books relating to. In 743.5.1 — Hliusser, Ludwig. Period of the ref- ormation, 1517-1648 778.3 — Perry, G: G. History of the reforma- tion in England 461.1.8 — Scliaff, P. The German reformation, 1517-30. v. 1 452.16.6 — Stephen, Jas. Essays, pp. 38-57. [1839.] 305.1 — Ward, A. W: The counter-reformation.464.1.13 See also Luther. Reformers, Religious. Lives of the Brit- ish reformers. Ports 655.9 Regimental losses in the American civil war. Fox, W: F. 1889 *8522.9 Reichenbach, M. von. See Fiction class- list. Reid, Christian, pseud. See Fisher, F. C. Reid, Eliz. Mayne Reid: a memoir. 1890. 683.16 Reid, J. S., ed. See Prime ministers of Queen Victoria. Reid, Mayne. Naturalist in Siluria. 1890. 876.34 — Reid, Eliz. Mayne Reid: a memoir. 1890 683.16 Reid, T. W. Life, letters and friend- ships of Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Lord Houghton. Ports. 2v. [1891.] 668.6 Reid, Whitelaw. Ohio in the war! 2v. 1868 784.12 Rein, J. J. Japan; travels and researches. 1884 8522.37 — Industries of Japan. 1889 8522.35 Reineke Fox. See Reynard the Fox. Reissmann, August. Life and works of Robert Schumann. 1886 658.15 Rejected stone, The. [Justice to the Ne- gro.] Conway, M. C. 1862 757.14 Religion and religions. Dictionaries. — Benham, W:, ed. Dictionary of relig- ion. 1887 438.30 — M’Clintock, J: and Strong, James. Cy- clopedia of biblical, theological and ecclesiastical literature. lOv A. 17 Same: supplement. 2v A. 17.11-12 — Sanford, Elias B: Concise cyclope- dia of religious knowledge. 1890. . . *465.11 — Schaff, Philip. Religious encyclope- dia. 4v. 1891 487.2 Philosophy, History , etc. — Adams, Myron. Continuous creation. [Religion and evolution.] 1890 461.25 — Alden, H. M. God in his world ; an interpretation. 1890 461.19 — Alviella, Goblet d’. Origin and growth of the conception of God, as illus- trated by anthropology and history. 1891 483.11 — Brinton, D. G. Religious sentiment: its source and its aim. 1876 446.13 — Caird, E: Evolution of religion. 2v. 1893 468.10 — Caird, J: Introduction to the philos- ophy of religion. 1889 455.16 — Carpenter, W. B. Permanent ele- ments of religion. 1889 461.24 — Chillingworth, W: Religion of Prot- estants a safe way to salvation. 1888 457.12 — Cicero, M. T. Nature of the gods. In 446.22 — Clarke, J. F. Events and epochs in religious history. 1883 436.19 — Davids, T. W. Rhys. Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by Indian Buddhism. 1882 456.8 — Egyptian Book of the dead; tr. by C: H. S. Davis. 1894. . *8542.45 — Faiths of the world. 1882 484.1 — Frazer, J. G. The golden bough: a study in comparative religion. 2v. 1890 462.8 — Griffis, W: E. Religions of Japan. 1895 484.29 — Harrison, F. and Spencer, H. Nature and reality of religion. [Discus- sion.] 1885 436.11 — Hibbert lectures. See Hibbert lec- tures in general alphabet. — Inman, T. Ancient faiths and mod- ern. 1876 447.26 RELIGION. 207 RENAISSANCE. Religion and religions, continued. — Johnson, S: Oriental religions: Persia. 1885 445.11 — Kuenen, A. National religions and universal religions. 1882 446.9 — Lang, Andrew. Myth, ritual, and re- ligion. 2v. 1887 486.5 — La Saussaye, P. D. C. de. Science of religion. 1891 466.35 — McLane, W: W. Evolution in relig- ion. [1892.] 472.22 — Martineau, Jas. Seat of authority in religion. 1891 475.14 A study of religion. 2v. 1888 453.16 — Matheson, G: Distinctive messages of the old religions. 1893 473.6 — Michelet, Jules. Bible of humanity. 1877 475.7 — Monteflore, C. G. Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the re- ligion of the ancient Hebrews. 1892. 483.12 — Muller, F. Max. Theosophy or psy- chological religion. 1893 476.15 — Parker, Theo. Views of religion. 1890. 485.13 — Pfleiderer, Otto. Philosophy of relig- ion. 4v. 1886 475.11 — Religious systems of the world. 1892. 491.1 — Rhys, J: Origin and growth of religion as illustrated by Celtic heathendom. 1888 452.4 — Royce, Josiah. Religious aspects of philosophy. 1891 472.12 — Salter, W: M. Ethical religion. 1890. 461.18 Miscellaneous and Practical Works. — Barrows, J: H:, ed. World’s parlia- ment of religions. 2v. Illus. 1893.. 477.4 — Beecher, H: W. Comforting thoughts. 1887 446.35 — Bushnell, Horace. Christian nurture. 1886 448.8 — Clarke, J. F. Essentials and non-es- sentials in religion. 1886 446.34 Forgiveness of sin. 1884 446.33 — Fish, H: C. Primitive piety revived. 1860 478.10 — Gibbons, James, cardinal. Our Chris- tian heritage. 1889 455.14 —r Gore, C:, ed. Lux mundi: a series of studies in the religion of the incar- nation. [1889.] 461.22 — Henry, Jfrs.S.M.I. Unanswered prayer. 1889 462.7 — Lotze, Hermann. Outlines of thephi- — Mather, Increase. Remarkable provi- dences. 1856 451.9 — Meyer, F. B. Christian living 472.26 Present tenses of the blessed life. . . 472.25 Shepherd psalm 472.27 — M uir, W: and others. Present day tracts on the non-Christian religions of the world. [1887.] 478.8 Contents: Rise and decline of Islam. Christianity and Confucianism. Zend-Avesta and the religion of the Parsis. Hindu religion. Buddhism. Christian- ity and ancient paganism. — Miiller, F. Max. Natural religion. 1889. 455.7 , ed. See Sacred books of the East, in general alphabet. — Phelps, Austin. My note-book: frag- mentary studies in theology. 1891. 463.19 — Pressense, E. de. The ancient world and Christianity 462.3 Religion and religions, continued. — Proctor, F. B., comp. Classified gems of thought, from the great writers and preachers of all ages. 1887... 428.12 — Schleiermacher, Friedrich. On relig- ion: speeches to its cultured de- spisers. 1893 477.6 — Smith, W. Robertson. Religion of the Semites. First series: Fundament- al institutions. 1889 456.16 — Smyth, Newman. Personal creeds. 1890 461.10 — Sturm, Christopher C. Morning com- munions with God; or, devotional meditations for every day. 1877. . . 458. 17 — Tolstoi, L. N. My confession; Spirit of Christ’s teaching. [1877.] 448.4 — Upham, T. C. The hidden or interior life. 1845 436.20 — Upton, C: B. Bases of religious belief. 1893 483 13 See also Agnosticism; Atonement; Christ; Church history; Demonology; Egypt; Evidences of Chris- tianity; Faith; Future life; God; Hymnology; In- spiration; Mind-cure; Miracles; Missions; Mythol- ogy; Names of different denominations and sects; Natural theology; Parables; Philosophy; Prayer; Preaching; Rationalism and skepticism; Redemp- tion; Reformation; Religion and science; Resurrec- tion; Revelation; Revivals; Sermons; Spiritualism; Supernaturalism; Symbolism; Theism ; Theology. Also Brahmoism; Buddhism; Christianity; Con- fucianism; Hinduism; Judaism; Mohammedanism; Mormonism ; Parseeism; Tao-ism. Religion and science. Dawson, J.W. Na- ture and the Bible. [1875.] 478.11 — Kinsley W. W. Science and prayer. 1893 476.24 — Laing, S: Modern science and mod- ern thought. 1889 8103.3 — Seward, Theo. F. School of life. Divine providence in the light of modern science, etc. 1895 491.3 — Shaler, N. S. Interpretation of na- ture. 1893 476.19 “Religion of humanity.’’ Thomson, J. R. Auguste Compte and the. [1888.] In 482.25 Religious ceremonies, Ancient. Cham- bers’s Papers, No. 73 i/ilOOl.9.5 Religious thought in Britain during the nineteenth century. Tulloch, J: 1886 451.12 Remarkable providences Mather, T. . . . 451.9 Rembrandt van Ryn, P. Mollett, J: W. Rembrandt. 1890 694.3 Remington, J. P .Joint author. See Wood, H. C. Reminiscences of a portrait painter. Hea- ly, G: P. A. 1894 694.32 Reminiscences of court and diplomatic life. Bloomfield, Georgiana, Bar- oness. 1883 065.1 Remsen, I). S. Primary elections. 1894. 937.77 IIemsen,!. Elements of chemistry 1892. 8111.1 — Inorganic chemistry. 1892 8106.2 — Introduction to the study of the com- pounds of carbon. 1892 8111.2 REMUSAT,Paul de. Thiers. (Great French writers.) 1889 651.19.6 Renaissance. Burckhardt, Jacob. Re- naissance in Italy. 1890 766.8 RENAISSANCE. 208 RHYS. Renaissance, continued. — Goodyear, W: H. Renaissance and modern art. 1894 8102.10 — Morley, H: English writers, v.3, p. 383. R. in Italy 335.1.3 — Pater, W. H. The renaissance: stud- ies in art and poetry. 1877 852.21 — Quick, R. H. Effects of the renas- cence. 1892 Jrc 448.2. 17 — Renaissance in Italy. See Symonds, «T: A. — Taine, H. A. Manners and customs of In 507.10 Renan, Ernest. The Christian church, [117-161] 463.9 — The Gospels 463.8 — History of the people of Israel, v.1-4. 1888-95 454.16 Contents : v. 1, Till the time of King David, v. 2, From the reign of King David up to the capture of Samaria, v. .3, From the time of Hezekiah till the return from Babylon, v. 4, From the rule of the Per- sians to that of the Greeks. — Influence of Rome on Christianity and the development of the Catholic church. 1885 467.4 — Fisher, G: P. Supernatural origin of Christianity, p. 443. Review. . .. . v 447.2 — McCosh, Jas. Christianity and posi- tivism, p. 220. [Criticism of Life of Jesus.] 417.6 Rendall, G. H: Cradle of the Aryans. 1889 .. ... 561.8 Rennie, James. Insect architecture. 1888. 867.18 Renouf, P. Le I. Religion of ancient Egypt. (Hibbert lectures, 1879.). . 446.8 Renton" W: Outlines of English litera- ture. 1893 347.18 Reporting. ^Journalism. Repplier, Agnes. Books and men. 1892. 345.9 — Points of view. 1892 345.8 — ,ed. Book of famous verse. 1892 233.4 Representation. Guizot, F. Origin of representative government in Eu- rope 922.12 — Mill, J: S. Representative govern- ment. 1869 903.8 Representative essays. Irving, Wash- ington, and others 348.12 Reproductive organs. Acton, W: Func- tions and disorders of. 1883 854.9 Reptiles. Baird, S. F. Preliminary re- port on natural history. [Pacific R. R. reports, v. 10.] ..8521.9.10 Republic, The. (Dialogues of Plato.) In 457.6.2 Republican court. Griswold, R. W. 1855. *758.11 Repudiation of state debts. Scott, W: A. [1893.] 934.1.2 Res judicatEe. Birrell, Augustine 344.28 Rescue of an old place. Robbins, Mary C. 1892 877.39 ' Rest. Call, A. P. Power through repose. 1891 •. 874.20 Resurrection. Athenagoras. Writings. In Ante-Nicene Christian library. v. 2. pp. 423-456 415.1.2 — Ring, T. P. Most certain fact in his- tory. [Resurrection of Christ.] 1892. 482.19 — Swedenborg, E. Resurrection, etc.. In 444.1.1 Return, O Shulamite! etc. Sermons. Spurgeon, C, H. ,,,, 430-32 Reumont, Alfred de. Carafas of Madda- loni: Naples under Spanish domin- ion. 1854 772.19 Reuss, E. W. E. History of the New Testament. 2v. 1884 491.2 Reuter, Fritz. See Fiction class-list. Revelation. Fisher, George P. Nature and method of revelation. 1890. . . 461.12 — Mill, J: S. Three essays, p. 212 434.5 — Stephen, L. English thought, v. 1, p. 389. Science and 425.30 Revelation and the Bible. Horton, Rob- ert F 468.12 Review of reviews. See Periodicals. Reviewers reviewed. Stephens, Alex. H. 1872 784.18 Revivals. Newell, W: W. Revivals: how and when. 1882 472.30 Revolutionary movement in 1848-9. [In Europe.] Maurice, C. Edm. 1887. 756.9 Reynard the Fox. Carlyle, T: Miscel. writings, p. 262 305.6 — Froude, J. A. Short studies, v.l, p. 486 307.21.1 — Goethe, J. W. Reineke Fox; tr. by A. Rogers 226.5 Same In 236.12 — Longfellow, H: W. Poets of Europe, p. 805 207.2 Reynolds, J: Pioneer history of Illinois. 1887 712.34 Reynolds, /S fr Joshua. Discourses; ed. by E: G. Johnson. 1891 877.24 — Pulling;, F. S. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1892 6102.3 Reynolds, M. Engineman’s pocket com- panion. 1886.... .-... 856.2 Rheinhardt, R. H. Whist scores and card-table talk, with bibliography. 1887 855.22 Rhetoric. Aristotle. Treatise on. 1888. 324.3 — Cook, A. S. Bible and English prose style. 1892 345.17 — Earle, J: English prose. 1890 353.4 — Spencer, Herbert. Philosophy of style. 357.13 Rhine, river. Baedeker, K: The Rhine from Rotterdam to Constance. Handbook. Maps, etc. 1892 *555.10 — Champney,Eliz. W. Three Yassar girls on the. [1886.] 543.1.5 — Stiler, K: Wachenhusen, H. and Hacklander, F.W. The Rhine from its source to the sea *8542.20 Rhoades, H: E. Around the world with the Blue Jackets. [1890.] 541.20 Rhode Island. Austin, J: O. Genealog- ical dictionary of Rhode Island; comprising three generations of set- tlers who came before 1690. 1887. *8542.13 — Lodge, H: C. English colonies, p. 385. 726.5 — Miller, W: J. The Wampanoag Indi- ans. 1880 775.15 — Munro,W.H. History of Bristol. 1880. 774.15 — Stone, E.W. Rhode Island in the Re- bellion. 1864 775.2 Rhodes, J. F. History of the United States from the compromise of 1850. v.1-2. 1893 786.3 Rhymes. See Poetry ( Versification). Rhymes of childhood. Riley, J. W 231.12 Rhyming dictionary. Walker, J. [I860.] 333.9 Rhys, J: Celtic Britain. 1882 796.20 — Origin and growth of religion as illus- trated by Celtic heathendom. 1888, 452,4 RIANO. 209 RIVERSIDE. Riano, Juan F. Spanish arts. (South Kensington art handbooks.) 1879. 853.31 Ribot, T. Diseases of personality. 1891. 877.3 Ricardo, David. Works. 1888 921.4 Contents: Principles of political economy and tax- ation. High price of bullion a proof of the deprecia- tion of bank notes. Reply to Mr. Bosanquet’s prac- tical observations on the report of the bullion com- mittee. Essay on the influence of a low price of corn on the profits of stock. Proposals for an economical and secure currency, with observations on the profits of the Bank of England. On protection to agriculture. Plan for the establishment of a national bank. Essay on the funding system. Observations on parliament- ary reform. Speech on voting by ballot. — Brougham, H: Statesmen, etc. v. 2, p. 17 633.1.2 Rice, A. E. Small talk about business. 1892 933.16 Rice, A. T., ed. Reminiscences of Abra- ham Lincoln by distinguished men of his time. 1886 648.3 Rice, D: H. Protective philosophy. 1890. 926.12 Rice, J. M. Public-school system of the United States. 1893 478.19 Rice, James, joint author. See Besant, W. Ricu, Anthony. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 1881 331.11 Richard I., of England. James, G: P. R. History of. 2v. 1854. 658.12 Richard of Cirencester. Ancient state of Britain. [. In Six old English chron- icles] In 771.12 Richards, J. W. Aluminium: its history. 1887 861.1 Richards, Laura E., ed. Four feet, two feet, and no feet. [1885.] 878.7 Richards, W: C. See Fiction class-list. Richardson, B: W. The com monhealth: essays. 1887 856.33 — , ed. Health of nations. A review of the works of Edwin Chadwick. 1887 901.19 Richardson, C. J. Englishman’s house: practical guide for selecting or building a house. 1888 893.23 Richardson, C: New dictionary of the English language. 2v. 1836-7 338.1 Same. Supplement. 1856 338.1.3 Richardson, C: F. American literature; 1607-1885. 2 v. 1889 334.3 — and Clark, H: A. College book. [His- tory, etc.] Illus. 1878 *428.10 Richardson, D. N. Girdle round the earth. 1888 532.17 Richardson, H: H. Brooks, Phillips. Henry Hobson Richardson. [1886.] In 356.11 Richardson, II. T., joint author. See Par- sons, F. RicnARDsoN, M. T. Practical blacksmith- ing. 4v. 1889-91 898.2 Richardson, R. Story of the Niger. 1888.^ 544.27 Richter, E. F. Manual of counterpoint. 1884 873.19 — Manual of harmony. 1886 873.18 Richter, J. P. Supplementary notes on Vasari’s Lives of painters, sculp- tors and architects. 1885 618.10.6 Richter, J. P. F. See Fiction class-list. Ricketts, P. de P. Notes on assaying. 1891 8106.3 Riddell, J. H. See Fiction class-list. Rideing, W:H: Boyhood of living au- thors. 1887 651.11 Rider, G: T., ed. Lyra Americana; or, verses of praise and faith. 1865. . . 222.31 Riders of many lands. Dodge, Theo. A. 894.15 Ridgway, Robert. Descriptive cata- logue of the birds of Illinois. 1889 *8521.33.1 — Manual of North American birds. 1887. 878.8 Ridicule. Hare,A:W. and J. C: Guesses at truth, p. 247 311.35 — Helps, A. Social pressure, p. 191 912.6 Riding. See Horsemanship. Ridley, James. See Fiction class-list. Ridpath, J: O. Cyclopaedia of universal history. 4v. [1885-90.] 756.1 Contents : v. 1, Ancient world [to 1453]. v. 2-3, Mod- ern world, v. 4, Nineteenth century. Rus, Jacob A. Children of the poor. 1892. 935.22 — How the other half lives. 1890 925.5 Riley, James W. Afterwhiles. 1894.... 236.26 — Neghborly poems on friendship, grief and farm-life. 1891 231.13 — Old fashioned roses. 1892 233.3 — Rhymes of childhood. 1892 231.12 Rime of the ancient mariner. Coleridge, S:T 224.15 Rimmer, Alfred. About England with Dickens. 1883 554.26 — Our old country towns. [England.] 1881 1 552.13 Ring, T. P. Most certain fact in history. Addresses on the resurrection. 1892. 482.19 Ring of the Nibelung; poem. 1888 238.5 Ringwalt, J: L. Development of trans- portation systems in the U. S. 1888. 8542.46 — , ed. American encyclopaedia of print- ing. 1871 848.26 Riots. Headley, J: T. Great American riots. [1877.] 741.9 — Phillips, W. Speeches, etc., p. 342 321.5 — Volcano under the city. [N. Y. draft riot.] 767.7 Ripley, Eliza McH.- From flag to flag [in the South, Mexico, and Cuba], 1889 523.30 Ripley, R. S. The war with Mexico. 2v. 1849 753.7 Rise of great families. Burke, Sir B 353.2 Ristori, Adelaide. Autobiography. 18S8. 627.1.18 Rita, pseud. See Booth, Mrs. O. Ritchie, A. I. See Thackeray, A. I. Ritchie, D: G. Principles of state inter- ference. 1891 941.18 Ritchie, J. E. Brighter South Africa. 1892 552.10 Ritter, F: L. Music in its relation to intellectual life; Romanticism in music. 1891 876.40 — , ed. Realm of tones. [Portraits and bi- ographies of celebrated musicians.] 1882 *8541.32 Rivail, Leon D. H., comp. ( Allan Kar- dec.) Spiritualistic philosophy — The Spirits’ book. 1875 453.23 Riverside library for young people. — Birds through an opera glass ; by Florence A. Merriam 875.24 — Book of famous verse; ed. by A. Repplier 233.4 — Brave little Holland and what she has taught us; by W: E. Griffis 792.16 — Coal and the coal mines; by H. Greene 872.20 — George Washington ; by H. E. Scudder... 656.5 RIVERSIDE. 210 ROCKY. Riverside library, continued. — Girls and women; by E. Chester 461.11 — ^Japan in history, folk-lore and art; by W: E. Griffis 547.20 — Java; by S. J. Higginson 538.17 — A New England girlhood ; by Lucy Larcom 661.4 — Up and down the brooks; by M. E. Bamford. . . . 862.25 — War of independence; by J: Fiske 757.18 Riverside science series. — Century of electricity ; by T. C. Mendenhall 847.30 — Geodosy ; by J. H Gore 898.12 — Heat as a form of energy; by R. H. Thurston . . . 874.1 — Physical properties of gases; by A. L. Kimball. . 874.7 Rives, Amelie. See Chanler, A. R. Riviera, The. Cox, S. S. Search for win- ter sunbeams In 503.24 — Hare, A: J: C. Cities of northern Italy, v. 1, p. 58 527.25 — Macmillan, Hugh. The Riviera. 1885. 545.18 Roads, etc. Burke, M. 1). Brick for street pavements. 1892 881.21 — Bushnell, II. Work, etc. Day of roads. 317.18 * — Davis, Richard Harding and others. Great streets of the world. 1892... 548.6 — Gillmore, Quincy A. Roads, streets and pavements. 1892. 898.19 — Good roads, v.1-0, 1892-4 *1008.42 — Jusserand, J. J. English wayfaring life 537.4 — Mahan, D. H. Civil engineering, p. 277 836.7 — Pennsylvania university. Move for better roa,ds. 1891 8104.8 Roadside songs of Tuscany. Alexander, Francesca. Illus. 1887 224.8 Robbins, Mary Caroline. Rescue of an old place. 1892 877.39 Roberts, C: G. I), and Ingersoll, Ernest. Canadian guide-book. 2v. 1892. .. 547.10 Roberts, E. H. New York. 2v. (American commonwealths.) 1887 738.16.8 Roberts, Edwards. Santa Barbara and around there. 1886 533.3 Roberts, G. B., ed. Younger Canadian poets. 1891 In 227.21 Roberts, J: On billiards. [1869.] ! 861.30 Roberts, Marg. See Fiction class-list. Roberts, Morley. See Fiction class-list. Roberts, R. D. Earth’s history: an in- troduction to modern geology. 1893. 8102.11 — Eighteen years of university extension. 1891 . * 466.5 Robertson, E. S. Longfellow 693.23 Robertson, F: W. Robertson’s living thoughts: a thesaurus ; by K. B. Tupper. 1881.. 436.23 Robertson, G: C. Hobbes. (Philosophi- cal classics.) 1886 675.1.10 Robertson, J: M. Eight hours question. 1893 941.22 Robertson, W: Life and times of John Bright. 1889 6101.7 Robespierre, Maximilian. Brougham, H: Statesmen, etc., v. 3 633.1.3 — Morley, J: Critical miscellanies, v. 1. 1888 In 352.5.1 Robida.A. “Yester-year ” : ten centuries of toilette. 1891 871.19 Robinson, A. M. F. Margaret of Angou- leme, queen of Navarre. (Famous women.) 1887 627.1.14 Robinson, C: S. Pharaohs of the bond- age and the Exodus. 1887 793.19 Robinson, F. W. See Fiction class-list. Robinson, H. P. Letters on landscape photography. 1888 887.20 — Pictorial effect in photography. 1892.. 887.21 Robinson, Rev. John, the Pilgrim father. Works, with memoir and annota- tions, by R. Ashton. 1851 455.9 Robinson, Lelia J. Law made easy. 1886. 918.7 Robinson, Rowland E. Vermont: a study of independence. Map. 1892 738.16.13 Robinson, W: Gas and petroleum engines. 1890 8106.4 Robinson, W : S. Warrington’s manual [of parliamentary law]. [1875.] 941.13 Rociie, J. J. Story of the filibusters; ad- ded, Life of Colonel David Crockett. 788.16 Rock, Daniel. Textile fabrics. 1877 853.25 Rockford, Illinois. Annual reports of the city of Rockford. 1878-93. . *9602.3 — Browne, E. «?idIiowe, F. F., com p. In- dustrial and picturesque Rockford. [1891.] *544.6 — Pierce, F. C., comp. Picturesque and descriptive history of the city of Rockford. 1887..’. *8542.1 — Portrait and biographical record of Winnebago Co. 1892. Q *678.11 — Revised ordinances. 1887, 1892. 2v.. *911.15 — Rockford hospital association. 1st and 2nd reports, 1883-93 *9602.2 — Roe, F. B. Atlas of the city of Rock- ford, Illinois and vicinity. 1892... R.R.D. — Thurston, J: H. Earlv days in Rock- ford. 1891 712.39 Directories. — Directory, 1887-8. [Bunn and Phillippi.] 9602.1 1889-90. [P. L. Phillippi.] 9602.1 1892. [P. L. Phillippi Co.] 9602 1 1894. [L. P. Phillippi Co.] 9602.1 Neiespapers. — Morning Republican. 1890-94 Ref. — Morning Star. 1888-94 Ref. * — Rockford Daily Gazette, 1879-91 Ref. — Rockford Weekly Gazette. 1866-71, 1875-80 Ref. — Rockford Daily Register. 1873-74,1877- 91 Ref. — Rockford Weekly Register. 1855-68,- 1870-71, 1874-80, 1886-90 Ref. — Rockford Daily Register-Gazette. 1891- 94 Ref. Also, with omissions, Winnebago Forum, Feb. 25, 1843-Dec. 30, 1846; Rockford Forum, Jan. 15, 1815- Dec. 28, 1853; Rock River Democrat and Rockford Democrat, June 8. 1852-Dec. 25, 1860; Rockford Re- publican, Jan. 3, 1855- July 24, 1862; Rockford Demo- crat, Jan. 1, 1861-May 31, 1865. Rockford collegian. ^Periodicals. Rockford cook book. Comp, by ladies of Rockford, 111. 1887 847.41 Rockford seminary magazine. See Pe- riodicals. Rockiiill, W : W. Land of the Lamas. 1891 546.3 Rocks. Rutley, F. Study of. 1884 856.4 See also Geology and Mineralogy. Rockstro, W. S. Life of George Frede- rick Handel. 1883 673.17 — , joint author. See Holland, H. S. Rocky mountains. Hoofs, claws and ant- lers of the Rocky mountains by the camera, with introd. by Theo. Roose- velt. 1894 .,....*8542.39 ROCKY. 211 ROME. Rocky mountains, continued. — Lewis, M. and Clarke, W. Hist, of the exped. of Lewis and Clarke across the Rocky Mountains, etc., [1804-G]. Ed., with introd., etc., by Elliot • Coues. Illus. 4v. 1893 553.9 Rodd, Rennell. Frederick; crown prince and emperor [of Germany]. 1888.. GGG.ll RoDENuouGn, Theo. F. Afghanistan and the Anglo-Russian dispute. 1885.. 727.21 — , comp. From everglade to canon with the Second dragoons, 183G-75. 1875. 7G8.7 Rodney, G: B. Hannay, D: Rodney. (English men of action. ) 1891. . . .G55. 17.17 Rodway, James. In the Guiana forest: studies of nature. 1894 8104.29 Roe, E: P. Home acre. [Trees, fruit, etc.] 1889 8G5.7 — Play and profit in my garden. 1886.. 855.27 — See also Fiction class-list. Roe, F: B. Atlas of the city of Rockford, Illinois, and vicinity. 1892 R.R.D. Roe, Marion E. How six girls made money. 1887 922.4 Roger of Wendover. Flowers of history: history of England, 447-1235. 2v. 1849 771.11 Rogers, C: Social life in Scotland. 3v. 1884 793.14 Rogers, James E. T. Industrial and com- mercial history of England. 1892. 935.15 — Six centuries of work and wages. [Abridged.] [1890.] 925.12 — Story of Holland. 1889 752.1.23 — , joint author. See Mahaffy, J: P. Rogers, W. T: Manual of bibliography. 1891 3501.15 Roget, P. M. Animal and vegetable physiology as related to natural the- * ology. 2v. 18G7 868.17 Rohe, G: H. Text-book of hygiene. 1890. 857.7 Roland, paladin of Charlemange. Song of Roland; tr. by J: O’Hagan. 1883. 238.6 — Cox, G.AY. and Jones, E. II. Romances, p. 202 47.5 — Symonds, J: A. Renaissance: Italian literature, v. 1, p. 433. Song of... 751.5.1 — Turpin, J. History of In 323.30 Roland, Mme. M. J. P. Blind, Mathilde. Madame Roland. (Famous women.) 1886 G27.1.12 — Watson, H. C. Heroic women of his- tory 617.1 Rollins. Alice W. From palm to glacier: [Brazil, Bermuda, and Alaska]. 1892. 548.2 Roman and medieval art. Goodyear, W. II. 885.31 Roman Catholic church. Breviarium Ro- manum. Pars aestiva. 1851 433.32 — Brueck, H. History of the Catholic church. 2v. 1889 465.6 — Digby, K. II. Mores Catholici. [Mid- dle Ages.] 3 v. 1845 468.7 — Lea, H: C. Studies in church history. 1883 ‘.. 462.15 Contents: Rise of the temporal power; Benefit of clergy; Excommunication; The early church and slavery. — Manning, R. Plain and rational account of the Catholic faith. 1861 475.6 Roman Catholic church, continued . — Shea, J: G. History of the Catholic church in the United States, 152L 1866. 4v. 1886-1890 487.3 Contents : v. 1, 1521-1763. v. 2. 1763-1815. v. 3, 1808- 1843. v. 4, 1843-1866. For periodicals see American Catholic quarterly review; Ave Maria; Catholic world. See also Celibacy; Christianity; Chfirch history; Fathers of the church; Inquisition; Jesuits; Mass; Missions; Monastic institutions ; Persecution; Popes; Reformation; Rome. Roman or Latin literature. See Latin liter- ature. Romance literature. Sismondi, J. C: L. S. de. Literature of the south of Europe. 2v. 1848 302.6 Romance of Western history. Hill, James. 753.12 Romanes,G:J: Darwin and after Darwin. v. 1. The Darwinian theory. 1892. 882.10 — Mental evolution in man: origin of hu- man faculty. 1889 454.20 Romantic love and personal beauty. Finck, H: T. 1887 448.3 Rome. Antiquities, etc. — Coulanges, F. de. The ancient city: a study of the religion, laws, and in- stitutions of Greece and Rome. 1882. 735.10 — Guhl, E. and Koner, W. Life of the Greeks and Romans. 1876 766.9 — Inge, W. R. Society in Rome under the Caesars. 1888 755.11 — Lanciani, R. Ancient Rome in the light of recent discoveries. 1890.. 766.7 Pagan and Christian Rome. 1893.. 786.1 — Middleton, J. H: Ancient Rojne in 1885 523.19 Ancient Rome in 1888 558.28 Remains of ancient Rome. 2v. 1892. 561.6 Note : Revised and enlarged version of “Ancient Rome in 1885 and in 1888.” — Northcote, J. S. and Brownlow, W. R. Roma sotterranea. 3v. in 2. 1880. 7102.1 — Parker, J. H. Architectural history of the city of Rome; abridged from Parker’s “Archaeology of Rome.” 1882 752.3 — Rawlinson, G: Religion of the ancient Romans 444.16 — Schreiber, T. Atlas of classical anti- quities. 1895 *8542.49 — Seylfert, O. Dictionary of classical an- tiquities. 1891 C.12 — Smith, W: and others. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 1890. C.10 History. — Ammianus Marcellinus. Roman his- tory: books 14-3*1, [A. D. 353-378]. 1887 771.14 — Bancroft, G: Decline of the Roman people In 321.17 — Bcesly, A. II. The Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla. (Epochs of ancient his- tory.) 1892 ...787.12.8 — Bury, J. B. History of the later Ro- man empire, [395-800]. 2v. 1889.... 778.14 — Butterworth, Hezekiah. Little Ar- thur’s history of Rome [to 500 A. J)]. Illus. [1892.] 783.16 — Caesar, C. J. Commentaries on the civil war. 1888 In 771.15 ROME. 212 ROUNDABOUT. Rome, continued. — Capes, W. W. Age of the Antonines. (Epochs of ancient history.) 1893. .787.12.11 The early empire, [44 B.C.-9GA. D.]. (Epochs of ancient history.) 1892. .787.12.10 — Ducoudray,G. History of ancient civ- ilization. The Roman world 922.3 — Dyer, T. H. History of the city of Rome to the end of the Middle Ages. 1877 751.6 History of the kings of Rome. 1868. 791.13 — Eutropius. Abridgment of Roman history [to Jovian, A. D. 364]. 1886. In 771.16 — Gilman, A. Story of Rome [to the end of the republic]. 1885 752.1.2 — Horton, R. F. History of the Romans. 1887 796.6 — Joy, J. R: Rome and the making of modern Europe. 1893 787.9 — Leighton, R. F. History of [to 476]. 1889 ' 765.1 — Livy. [T. Livius Patavinus.] History of Rome; tr.by D. Spillan and Cyrus Edmonds. 2v. 1892 796.13 — Lord, J: Ancient states, etc., p. 398 745.14 Beacon lights, v.l, p. 211. Glory of. 735.6.1 — Merivale, C: The Roman triumvi- rates. Map. 1889 787.12.9 — Mommsen, Theodor. Provinces of the Roman empire from Caesar to Dio- cletian. 1887 751.17 — Pelham, H. F. Outlines of Roman his- tory. 1893 787.6 — Schmitz, Leonhard. History of, [to 192], for junior classes. [1875.] 755.19 — Smith, R. B. Rome and Carthage; the Punic wars. (Epochs of ancient history.) 1891 787.12.7 — Tighe, Ambrose. Development of the Roman constitution. 1887 755.7 — Vincent, John H. and Joy, James R. Outline history of Rome. 1889.... 755.25 Literature, Art, etc. See Fine arts; Latin language; Latin literature; and on the religion of the Romans, see Mythology. Travel and Description. — Baedeker, K. Rome. Handbook. Maps, etc. 1893 In *555.14 — De Quincey, T: Essays in ancient his- tory and antiquities 354.14 — Eaton, Charlotte A. Rome in the nine- teenth century. [Ruins, monu- ments, manners, etc.\ 2v. 1888 536.8 — Elliot, Frances. Pictures of old Rome. 1882.. 538.23 - — Wey, F. Rome; with an introduction by W. W. Story. 1888. F *8542.8 See also Castle St. Angelo. Romilly, Sir S: Memoirs of [1757-1818]; ed. by his sons. 3v. 1840 691.1 Rondelle, Louis. Foil and sabre: a gram- mar of fencing. Illus. [1892.] 883.23 Rons ard, Pierre de. Lang, Andrew. Let- ters to dead authors. 1893 In 357.8 Rook,E C. andLA. Child’s own speaker. 1889 343.28 — Drills and marches. 1890 877.8 Roosevelt, R. B. Florida and the game water birds of the Atlantic coast and the lakes. 1884 847.13 Roosevelt, Theo. Gouverneur Morris. (American statesmen.) 1888 626.4.18 — Hunting trips of a ranchman. 1886. . 532.13 — New York. (Historic towns.) 1891... 775.8 — Practical politics. 1888. . . ; 937.49 — T: H. Benton. (American statesmen.). 626.4.14 — Wilderness hunter. [1893.] 886.20 — Winning of the West. 1769-83. 3v. 1889-94 763.2 Contents : v. 1, 1769-76. v. 2, 1777-83. v. 3, 1784-90. Root,N. W. T. School amusements. 1859. 426.5 Roper, Stephen. Engineer’s handy-book. 1884 855.8 — Young engineer’s own book. 1890 8111.7 Ropes, J: C. Story of the civil war. 1894. 7101.3 Contents: v. 1, To the opening of the campaigns of 1862. Roscoe, Sir H: E. Elementary chemis- try. 1893 891.13 — «?i(ZSchorlemmer,C. Treatise on chem- istry. v. 1-3. 1886-92 831.27 Contents: v.l, Non-metallic elements, v. 2, [2 pts.] Metals, v. 3, [pts. 1-6.] Organic chemistry. Rose, J. H. Century of continental his- tory, 1780-1880" 1889 797.14 — Revolutionary and Napoleonic era, 1789-1815. 1894 796.17 Rose, Joshua. Modern machine-shop practice. 2 v. 1887 *8522.39 — Modern steam engines: an elementary treatise. 1886 *8521.30 — Steam-boilers. 1888 8103.12 Roseberry, A. P. P., Earl of . Pitt. 1892. 694.30 Roseboro’ Viola. See Fiction class-list. Rosengarten, J. G. German soldier in the wars of the United States. 1890. 775.11 Rosenkranz, J. K. F. Philosophy of ed- ucation. 1888 448.2.1 Rosicrucians. King,C. W. The Gnostics. 456.2 — Vaughn, R. A. Hours with the mystics, v. 2, p. 128 483.19.2 Ross, C: H. See Fiction class-list. Ross, Janet. Three generations of Eng- lish women, [Susannah Taylor, Sa- rah Austin, and Lady Dulf Gordon]. 1893 685.11 Rosse, J. W. Index of dates [to 1856]: being an index to Blair’s chrono- logical tables. 1877 E.12 Rossetti, Christina G. Poems. 1888 238.7 Rossetti, Dante, G. Complete poetical works. 1891 238.8 — Ballads and sonnets, with memoir by F. Hueffer. 1882 214.38 — Dante and his circle: with the Italian poets preceding him. 1874 216.16 — Hodgkins, L. M. Study of 19th cen- tury authors 342.26 — Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets 215.6 — Wood, Esther. Dante Rossetti and the pre-Raphaelite movement. 1894. 8106.1 Roth, C. Student’s atlas of artistic anat- omy [plates]. 1891 *.8542.47 Rothschild family. Reeves, J: The Roths- childs: the financial rulers of na- tions. 1887 647.11 Rouen ways made smooth. Proctor, R:A. 856.9 Roughing it in the bush. Moodie, Susanna. 542.8 Roumania. Samuelson, James. Ilouma- nia past and present. [1882.] 554.16 — Walker, Mrs . — . Untrodden paths in. 1888 546.8 Roundabout journey. Warner, C: D 536.6 ROUSSEAU. 213 RUSSIAN. Rousseau, J. J. Emile; or, Concerning , education. [Selections.] 1886.... 451.3 — Emile; tr. by W. H. Payne. 1893 448.2.20 — Social contract; or, principles of polit- ical rights. 1893 944.7 — Brougham, H:, lord. Rousseau In 667.3 — Lowell, J. R. Rousseau and the senti- mentalists In 332. 12. 1 — Quick, R. H. Educational reformers, pp. 239-272 448.2.17 — Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Monday-chats... 311.12 Rousselet, L: See Fiction class-list. Rousset, A. Forest waters the farm. 1886. 898.5 Routledge, Robert. Discoveries and in- ventions of the 19th century. 1891. 8106.5 Row, C. A. Manual of Christian eviden- ces. [1877.] 466.28 Rowe, F. F ., joint comp. See Browne, E. Rowing. See Boats. Rowland, Kate Mason. Life of George Mason, 1725-92. 2v. 1892 676.6 Rowley, James. Settlement of the con- stitution, 1689-1784. (Epochs of Eng- lish history.) 1891 787.14.6 Royal girls. Sherwood, M. E. W 651.16 Royal quartettes. Morrison, D. H.,ed. . . 864.3 RoYCE,Josiah. California [1846-56]. 1886. 738.16.7 — Religious aspect of philosophy. 1891.. 472.12 — Spirit of modern philosophy. 1892... 467.14 — See also Fiction class-list. Rubinstein, Anton. Autobiography, 1829- 89. 1890 666.23 — Music and its masters. [1892.] 884.20 Rude stone monuments. Fergusson, James. 886.17 Rudler, F: W: and Chisholm, G:G. Eu- rope; ed. by Sir A. C. Ramsay. 1885. 561.9 Ruete, E mily. Memoirs of an Arabian princess. 1888 651.8 Ruffini, G. See Fiction class-list. Rugby school. Staunton, H. Great schools, etc 421.13 Ruggles, Henry. Germany seen with- out spectacles. [1883.] 547.19 Rulers of the Mediterranean. Davis,R:H. 556.6 Runciman, J. Side lights. [Social es- says.] 1893 353.1 Rural life. See Country life. Rusden, G: W: History of Australia. 3v. 1883 797.16 Ruskin, .1 : Aratra Pentelici ; elements of sculpture. 1892 8111.3 — Crown of wild olive. 1891 357.14 — Eagle’s nest; the relation of science and art. 1891 8111.4 — “ A joy forever; ” political economv of art. 1891 . 8105.11 — Munera pulveris. Elements of politi- cal economy. 1891 946.10 — Poems. 2v. 1891 238.9 — Praeterita : outlines of scenes and thoughts in my past life. 3v 683.24 ■ — Readings from Ruskin. Italy; with introd. by H. A. Beers. 1886 852.22 — Time and tide by Weare and Tyne. 1891 357.15 — Two paths. 1891 8111.5 — “Unto this last” and Munera pulveris. [Essays on political economy.] 946.10 — Val d’Arno; lectures on Tuscan art. 1891 8111.6 Ruskin, continued. — Verona and other lectures. 1894 8106.9 — Collingwood, W. G. Life and work of. 2v. 1893 684.5 — Godwin, P. Out of the past 311.18 — Hodgkins, L. M. Study of 19th cen- tury authors 342.26 — Mather, J. M. John Ruskin : his life and teaching. 1890 673.16 — Waldstein, C: Work of John Ruskin: its influence upon modern thought and life. 1893 352.9 Russell, G: W: E. Right Hon. William Ewart Gladstone. 1891 687.30 Russell, Howard H. Lawyer’s examina- tion of the Bible. [1893.] 482.1 Russell, W: Clark. Horatio Nelson and the naval supremacy of England. 1890 664.1.1 — Voyage to the Cape [of Good Hope] . .. 536.9 — William Dampier. (English men of ac- tion.) 1889 655.17.6 — See also Fiction class-list. Russia. Bancroft, G: Origin and politi- cal character of In 321.17 — Brandes, Georg. Impressions of. [1889.] 536.2 — Buckley, J. M. The midnight sun: tsar and nihilist. [1886.] 532.14 — Champney, Eliz. W. Three Vassar girls in. [1889.] 543.1.8 — Curzon, G: N. Russia in Central Asia in 1889. 1889 561.7 — Davis, S.M.H. Norway nights and Russian days. 1887 542.20 — Foulke, W: I). Slav or Saxon: [a study of Russian civilization]. 1891. 937.43 — Frederic, Harold. The new exodus: a study of Israel in Russia. 1892. . 778.18 — Gautiur,Theophile. A winter in. 1875. 536.4 — Hare, A. J. C. Studies in Russia. [1885.] 523.16 — Knox, T: W. Boy travelers in. 1887. 532.5 — Latimer, Eliz.W. Russia and Turkey in the 19th century. 1893 791.15 — Leroy-Beaulieu,Anatole. Empire of the tsars and the Russians, v.l. 1893. .791.10.1 — Lord, J: Russia and Peter the great . In 735.6.4 — Mitchell, T: Russian pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 1889 545.5 — Morflll, W: R. Russia. 1882......... 796.2 Story of Russia. 1890 752.1.28 — Murray, E. C. G. Russians of to-day. 1878 538.25 — Noble, Edm. The Russian revolt. 1885. 735.15 — Segur, P. de. History of the expedi- tion by Napoleon in 1812. 2v. 1872. 752.4 — Stead, W: T. Truth about Russia. 1888 537.16 — Stepniak, pseud. [S. Kartchelfsky? ] Russia under the tzars. 1885 735.14 The Russian peasantry. 1888 547.18 — Stevens, Thomas. Through Russia on a mustang. [1891.] 544.30 — Tikhomirov, L. Russia, political and social. 2v. 1888 553.7 — Vogue, E. M. dc, and others. The tsar and his people. 1891 546.14 See also Crimea; Russo-Turkish war; Siberia. Russian literature. Dupuy, Ernest. Great masters of. [1886.] 646.27 RUSSIAN. 214 SALOMON, Russian literature, continued. — Panin, Ivan. Lectures on. 1889 336.20 — Turner, C: E: Studies in. 1882 356.13 See also Gogol ; Tolstoi. Russo-Turkish war. Forbes, A. Czar and sultan: adventures of a British lad in the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-78. 1894 j797.11 Rustic cafpentry.Yorke, Arthur. 1893.7-/2, 8105.17.1 Rutherford, M., pseud. A^eShapcott, R. Rutledge, John. Flanders, H: Lives of the chief justices. 1875 668.11.1 Rutley, Frank. Study of rocks. 1884... 856.4 Ryder, Annie H. Go right on, girls! [1891.] 464.11 — Spe also Fiction class-list. Ryland, J. E. Life and correspondence of John Foster. 2v. 1875-82 658.10 Ryle, Herbert E. Early narratives of Genesis. 1892 476.21 S., E. L. See Fiction class-list. S., E. O. Hungary and its revolutions; with a memoir of Kossuth. 1889.. 773.1 Sabbath. See Sunday. Sabatler, Paul. Life of St. Francis of Assisi. 1894 695.17 Sachs, J. History of botany, [1530-1860]. 1890 874.3 Sacred and legendary art. See Fine arts. Sacred books of the East. Muller, F. Max, ed. v.1-37, 39-41, 45,49. 1879-94. 481.1 Contents : v. 1, 15, The Upanishads; v. 2, 14, Sacred laws of the Ary as; v. 3, 16, 27, 28, 39, 40, Sacred books of China; v.4, 23, 31, Zend-Avesta; v. 5, 18, 24, 37, Pahlavi texts; v. 6, 9, The Qur’an ; v. 7, Institutes of Vishnu; v. 8, The Bhagavadgita, with The Sanatsugatiya, and The Anugita; v. 10, The Dhammapada, The Sutta- Nipata. v, 11, Buddhist Suttas; v. 12, 26, 41, The Sat- apatha-Brahmana; v. 13, 17, 20, Vinaya texts; v. 19, The Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king; v. 21, The Saddharma- pundarika ; v. 22, 45, Gaina Sutras; v. 25, Manu ; v. 29, 30, The Grihya-Sutras ; v. 32,Vedic hymns, pt. 1; v. 33, Minor lawbooks, pt.l; v. 34, Vedanta- Sutras, pt.l; v. 35, 36, Questions of KingMilinda; v. 49, Buddhist Mahay- ana texts. Sacro monte or New Jerusalem. 1888. .. 8106.10 SADDHARMA-pundarika. See Sacred books of the East. Sadler, M. F. Church doctrine, — bible truth. 1882 436.7 Sadtler,S: V ., joint author. ^eWood, H.C. Saffell,W. T. R. Records of the Revo- lutionary war. 1894 7101.1 Safford, Oscar F. Hosea Ballou, a mar- vellous life-story. 1889 661.17 Sagas. See Eddas; Grettis saga; Scandi- navian literature; Volsunga saga. Said in fun. Welch, Philip H 338.4 Sailing. See Seamanship; Boats and boat- ing. Sailor boys of ’61. Soley, J. R 776.4 Sailors. Bassett, F. S. Legends of. 1885. 446.16 Saint- Amand, Imbert de. Famous wom- en of the French court [series]. Portraits. Women of the Valois court. [Mar- guerite, sister of Francis I.; Cather- ine de’Mbdici ; Diane de Poitiers; Mary Stuart; Jeanne d’Albret.]1893. 683.19 Court of Louis XIV. [Queen Marie Ther&se; Mme. deMontespan; Mme. de Maintenon.] 1893 687.6 — - Court of LouisXV. [Marie Leczinska; Mme. de Pompadour.] 1893 687.10 Saint- Amand, continued. Lastyearsof Louis XV. [Countess du Barry; Childhood and marriage of Marie Antoinette.] 1893 687.11 Marie Antoinette and the end of the old regime, [1781-9]. 1891 661.23 Marie Antoinette at the Tuileries, [1789-91]. 1891 673.9 Marie Antoinette and the downfall of royalty. 1891 673.10 Citizen'ess Bonaparte. 1890 661.25 Wife of the first consul. 1890 661.22 Court of the empress Josephine. 1890. 661.28 Happy davs of the empress Marie Louise. 1890 661.21 Marie Louise and the decadence of the empire. 1890 661.29 Marie Louise and the invasion of 1814. 1891 661.30 Marie Louise, the island of Elba, and the hundred days. 1891 673.8 Youth of the duchess of Angouleme. 1892 675.7 Duchess of Angouleme and the two restorations. 1892 677.1 Duchess of Berry and the court of Louis XVIII. 1892 681.3 Duchess of Berry and the court of Charles X. 1892 681.8 Duchess of Berry and the revolution of 1830. 1893 683.7 St. Bartholomew, Massacre of. Coffin, C: C. Story of liberty, pp. 316-327 .... 745. 15 — Disraeli, I: Apology for In 305.8 — Fisher, G. P. Discussions in history, etc., pp. 1-33 442.15 — Marlowe, C. Works, pp. 223-245. [Mas- sacre at Paris: drama.].* 221.9 — Weyman, S. House of the Wolf. Fict. 156.20 St. Clair, George. Buried cities and Bible countries. Maps and illus. 1892.. 783.3 St. Francis of Assisi. Sabatier, P. Life of. 1894 695.17 St. John, Mrs. H. Audubon, his adven- tures and discoveries. [1856.] 632.22 St. John, Sir Spenser. Hayti; or, the Black republic. 1889 538.11 St. Nicholas. ^Periodicals. St. Pierre, B. de. Barine, Arvfcde. Ber- nardin de St. Pierre. 1893 651.19.8 Sainte-Beuve, C: A. Portraits of men ; with critical memoir by W: Sharp. 1891 666.15 Saints. Butler, A. Lives of the. 4v.ini. 1888-91 674.17 — Clement, Clara E. Legends and stor- ies illustrated in art. .. . 851.9 — Froude, J. A. Lives of the In 307.21.1,4 — Higginson, T: W. Saints and their bodies In 307.15 — Wright, T: Lives and miracles of. . In 783.9.1 Saintsbury, G: History of Elizabethan literature. 1877 357.18 — Marlborough. (English worthies. ) 1886. 6102.7 — Primer of French literature 347.15.5 — Specimens of English prose style from Malory to Macaulay. 1886 333.10 Sakuntala; [drama]. Kalidasa. 1887.. 356.1 Sala, G: A. See Fiction class-list. Salads. Murrey, T: J. Fifty salads. 1885. 898.17 — - Salads and sauces. 1884 884.2 Salamanca, Felix de. Philosophy of handwriting 872.9 Salomon, O. Hand-book of slojd. 1891. 925.27 SALT. 215 SARGENT. Salt. DeYere, M. S. Wonders of the deep 812.9 — Jones, W. Treasures of the earth ... . 812.12 — Knox, T: W. Underground 928.1 Salt-cellars: a collection of proverbs, etc. Spurgeon, C. H., ed. 2v. 1889...... 33C.7 Salter, W: M. Ethical religion. 1890.. 401.18 Salutations. Disraeli, I. Curiosities of lit- erature, p. 120. Modes of 305.8 — Spencer, H. Ceremonial institutions.. 913.9 Salvation Army. Booth, Maud B. Be- neath two flags. 1891 472.13 — Booth, Gen. W: In darkest England and the way out. 1890 924.20 — Briggs, C. A. N. A. Review In 1007.8.159 — Farrar, F: W. Harper’s mag., v. 82, p. 897 1004.1.82 — Walsh, G. E. S. A. as a social reform- er In 1008.20.17 — White, A. Truth about In *1008.17.58 Salverte, E. History of the names of men, nations, and places. 2v. 18G2. 070.22 — Occult sciences — Philosophy of magic, prodigies and apparent miracles. 2v. 1844 454.11 Salzburgers and their descendants, [in Georgia]. Strobel, P. A. 1855 775.3 Samoa islands. Stevenson, II: L. Eight years of trouble in Samoa, [1883-92]. 783.5 Sampson, H: History of ad vertising. 1875. 910.27 Samuel, Jewish judge and prophet. Deane, W:J. Life and times of 401.0.5 Samuels, E: A. Our northern and eastern birds. [“Birds of New England” re- vised.] 1883 858.17 — With fly-rod and camera. 1890 875.2 Samuels, S. From the forecastle to the cabin. 1887 522.32 Samuelson, J. Roumania, past and pres- ent. [1882.] 554.10 Sanborn, F. B. Dr. S. G. Howe: the phi- lanthropist. 1891 071.1.9 — Life and letters of John Brown, liber- ator of Kansas, etc. 1885. 04G.17 — , ed. Familiar letters of Henry David Thoreau. 1894 094.0 — and Harris, W: T. A. Bronson Alcott: his life and philosophy. 2v. 1893. . 083.18 Sanborn, Kate. Abandoning an adopted — A truthful woman in Southern Cali- fornia. 1894 557.19 — Vanity and insanity of genius. 1880.. 345.1 — The wit of women. 1883 323.23 Sand, George, pseud. See Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Sanday, W. Inspiration. 1893... 477.15 Sandeau, Jules. See Fiction class-list. Sanders, L. C: Life of Viscount Palmers- ton. 1888 0102.8 Sanderson, Edgar. History of England and the British empire. 1893 793.11 Sanderson, G. P. Thirteen years among the wild beasts of India. 1879 880.9 Sanderson, J: Biography of the signers to the declaration of independence. 9v. 1823-7 053.12 Sandow, Eugene. On physical training. 1894 892.4 Sandwich or Hawaiian islands. Bingham, Hiram. A residence of twenty-one years in the Sandwich islands, [1819- 1841]. Illus. 1847 551.18 Sandwich or Hawaiian islands, continued. — Bird, I. L. Hawaiian archipelago. 1881. 570.0 — Dana; J. D. Characteristics of volca- noes. 1890 873.17 — • Ellis, W: Polynesian researches. 4v. 1859 542.7 — Kalakaua, [King of Hawaii] . Legends and myths of Hawaii. 1888 475.2 — Meriwether, Lee. Tramp at home. 1889 523.20 — Newell, C. M. Kamehameha: a ro- mance of Hawaii. 1885 153.27 — Vincent, F. Through and through the tropics In 525.29 Sandys, George. Poetical works. 2v. 1872. 231.3 Sanford, Elias B., ed. Concise cyclope- dia of religious knowlege. 1890.... 405.11 San Francisco Call Co., pubs. California as it is. 1888 534.15 Sangster, Marg. E. On the road home. 1883 234.17 Sanitarian. See Periodicals. Sanitary engineer. See Engineering and building record. Sanitary engineering. Latham, B. San- itary engineering. 1887 854.25 — Philbrick, E. S. American sanitary engineering. 1881 854.21 Sanitary science. See Health; Sewerage and drainage ; Warming and venti- lation. Sankey, C: Spartan and Theban suprem- acies. 1891 787.12.4 — , joint ed. See Epochs of ancient history. San Salvador. See America, Central. Sanskrit language. Muller, F. M. Gram- matical forms of In 404.2.4 — Schlegel, F. von. ^Esthetic works, p. 428 323.12 — Whitney, W:D. Accent in In 332.20.2 Sanskrit literature. Foster, J: Critical essays, v. 1, p.400 324.14.1 — Muller, F. M. Human interest in; Ob- jections to In 740.1 — Schlegel, F. von. iEsthetic. works, p. 515. Study of 323.12 See also Sacred books of the East. Santa Barbara, Cal. Roberts, E. Santa Barbara. [Guide-book.] 1880 533.3 Santayana, G: Sonnets and other verses. 1894 230.14 Santley, C: Student and singer; remin- iscences. 1892 0102.9 Saone, The; a summer voyage. Hamer- ton, P. G. 1888 *804.4 Safpiio, Greek poet. Memoir, text, and literal transl. by H: T. Wharton. 1887 238.10 — Holland, J. G. Everyday topics. 325.7 — Symonds, J: A. Greek poets, v. 1, p. 309 217.15.1 Saracens. Gibbon, E: Rise and fall of. In Ids Roman empire, ch. 50-52.... 701.3.5 Sarcey, Francisque. Recollections of middle life. Port. 1893. G83.23 Sardinia. Baedeker, K: Southern Italy, etc *555.15 — Perrot, G. and Chipiez, C: History of art in. 2 v. 1890 896.23 Sardou, A., joint author. See Lambert, E. Sargent, C: S. Woods of the United States. 1885 8100.11 Sargent, D. A. In case of accident. [1884.] 872.13 SARGENT. 2J6 SCHERER. Sargent, Epes. See Fiction class-list. Sargent, F. L., and others. Through a mi- croscope. [1886.] 855.23 Sargent, J: F., comp. Reading for the young: a classified and annotated catalog. 1890 *338.5 Sargent, J: O. Horatian echoes; trans- lations of the odes of Horace. 1893* 234.4 Satan. See Demonology. Satapatha-Brahmana. See Sacred books of the East, v. 12, 26, 41. Satire and satires. See Humor, wit, etc. See also Aristophanes; Juvenal; Lucian; Lucilius ; Martial; Persius. Saturday lectures [on anthropology, bi- ology, etc., Washington, 1882] 881.11 Saul, king of Israel. Deane, W: J. Life and times of 461.6.5 Saunders, F: Story of some famous books. 1887 335.13 Saunders, J: ^Fiction class-list. Saunders, Katherine. See Fiction class- list. Saunier, C. Treatise on modern horol- ogy. 1887 8118.1 Savage, James. Genealogical dictionary of the first settlers of New England. 4v. 1860 *682.6 Savage, M.J. Psychics: facts and theories. 1893 473.7 Savings and loans associations. Dexter, S. Co-operative savings and loans associations. 1891 936.16 — Linn, W. A. Building and loan asso- ciations. 1893 In 886.7 Savonarola, Girolamo. Clarke, J. F. Sa- vonarola and the Renaissance. 1883 In 436.19 — Smiles, S: Dutj% p.131 425.28 — Symonds, J: A. Age of despots, p.497. 751.2 — Villari, P. Life and times of. 2v. 1893. 695.14 Sawtelle, H. L. What one can do with a chafing-dish. 1892 884.1 Saxe Holm , pseud. See Jackson. H. H. Saxons in England. Kemble, J: M. 2v. . 795.17 Say, Leon. Turgot. (Great French wri- ters.) 1888 651.19.5 Sayce, A. H: Ancient empires of the East. 1892 796.24 — Assyria, its princes, priests, and peo- ple 473.1.7 — Assyrian grammar. 1872 345.22 — Babylonian literature. 1877 356.14 — Fresh light from the ancient monu- ments. 1892 473.1.2 — “Higher criticism” and the verdict of the monuments. 1894 485.9 — The Hittites. 1890 473.1.12 — Life and times of Isaiah. 1890 473.1.13 — Primer of Assyriology 796.19 — Races of the Old Testament. 1891 . . .473.1.16 — Religion of the ancient Babylonians. 1887 447.15 — , ed. Records of the past; new series. 6v 792.18 Sayer,G. H. How I made my telephones. Scandinavia. Butter worth, H. Zigzag journeys in northern lands 515.2.5 — Cox, S: S. Arctic sunbeams 536.27 — Du Chaillu, P. B. Viking age. 2v. 1889 766.1 — Hare, A. J. C. Sketches in Scandi- navia 523.14 Scandinavia, continued. — Scudder, H. E. Viking Bodleys 531.1.3 — Sinding, Paul C. Scandinavian races. 793.13 See also Denmark; Iceland; Normans; Mythology; Sweden and Norway; Vikings. Literature. — Kearv, C: F. Mythology of the Eddas. 483.3 — Mabie, Hamilton, W. Norse stories re- told from the eddas. 1891 j96.3 — Morris, W. and Magnusson. Eirikr, ed. Saga library. 4v. 1890-94 355.12 Contents : v. 1. Howard the halt. The banded men. Hen Thorir. v.2, The Ere dwellers. The Heath-slay- ings. v. 3-4, Heiinskringla. [Stories of the kings of • Norway.] — Snorre Sturlason. The Heimskringla; or, the sagas of the Norse kings; from the Icelandic; rev. by R. B. An- derson. 4v. Maps. 1889 351.5 — Vigfusson,Gudbrand tmdPowell,F: Y., ed. Corpus poeticum boreale; the poetry of the old northern tongue. 2v. 1884 237.10 Scepticism. See Rationalism and Skepti- cism. Schaff, Philip. Christ and Christianity. 1885 483.6 Contents: Theology of our age and country ; Christ his own best witness; Christ in theology; Protestant- ism and Romanism ; Principles of the reformation; Concensus of the reformed confessions ; Slavery and the Bible ; Die christliche sonntagsfeier; Christian sabbath; Development of religious freedom; Discord and concord of Christendom. — Creeds of Christendom, with a history and critical notes. 3v. [1877.] 452.1 — Encyclopaedia of living divines and Christian workers. 1887 A. 12.4 — History of the Christian church, v.1-4, 6-7. 1887-92 452.16 Contents: v. 1, Apostolic Christianity, A. D. 1-100. v.2, Ante-Nicene Christianity, 100-325. v. 3, Nicene and Post-Nicene Christianity, 311-600. v. 4, Medueval Christianity, 590-1073. v. 6, Modern Christianity ; The German reformation, 1517-1530. v. 7, Modern Christianity; The Swiss reformation. — Literature and poetry. [Essays.] 1890. 341.11 — Oldest church manual. Called the Teaching of the twelve apostles 491.8 — Saint Chrysostom and Saint Augustin. 666.28 — , ed. Christ in song. 1869 221.20 Schaffle, A. Impossibility of social democracy; [supplement of “Quin- tessence of socialism”]. 1892 933.4 — Quintessence of socialism. 1892 941.14 Sciialk, E. Campaigns of 1862 and 1863, civil war, 1861-5. 1863 757.16 Scharf, J. T: Chronicles of Baltimore. 1874 776.21 — and Westcott, T. History of Philadel- phia, 1609-1884. 3v. 1884 768.2 Scheffel, J. V. von. Trumpeter of Siik- kingen. 1877 237.13 — See also Fiction class-list. Schenck, David. North Carolina, 1780-81. 1889 774.5 Schenck, Eliz. H. History of Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut, 1639- 1818. v. 1 . 1889 774.3.1 Scherer, W. History of German litera- ture [to death of Goethe]. 2v. 1886. 331.14 SCHICK. 217 SCIENCE. Schick, L. Chicago and its environs: a handbook. 1891 . 547.6 Schiller, F: von. Werke. 4v. 1888-89.. 356.15 — Correspondence between Schiller and Goethe, 1794-1805. 2v. 1877 647.19.1 — Bancroft, G: Miscellanies 321.17 — Nevinson, H: W. Schiller 693.25 — Taylor, B. Studies, etc 313.11 Schlegel, F: von. Philosophy of life, and Philosophy of language. 1885. 458.18 Schleiermacher,F.E.D. On religion. 1893. 477.6 — Hedge, F. H. Prose writers, etc 615.8 — Pfleiderer, O. Philosophy of religion, v. 1, p. 302 475.11.1 Schlessing, A. Manual of the German language of conversation. 1879. . . . 331.25 Schlich,W: Manual of forestry, v.l. 1889. 878.3.1 Schliemann, Heinrich. Ilios ; the city and country of the Trojans. 1880. . 548.23 — Mycenae. 1880 548.20 — Tiryns: the prehistoric palace of the kings of Tiryns. 1885 537.13 — Troja. 1884.. i 561.11 — Knox, T: W. Underground world. [Mycenae.] 928.1 — Schuchhardt, Carl. Schliemann’s ex- cavations. 1891 558.5 Schloss, D: F. Methods of industrial re- muneration. 1892 945.23 Schmid, R. Theories of Darwin: their re- lation to philosophy, religion, and morality. 1885 855.25 Schmidt, Alex. Shakespeare-lexicon. 2v. 1886 237.14 Schmidt, C. Social results of early Chris- tianity. 1889 478.23 Schmidt, Oscar. Mammalia in their rela- tion to primeval times. 1886 815.4.53 Schmitz, Leonhard. History of England for junior classes. [1873.] 755.18 — History of Rome [to 192] for junior classes. [1875.] 755.19 Schmoller, Otto . Hosea; Joel; Amos, ex- pounded. [In Lange’s Commentary.] In 471.1.14 Schnitzer, Dr. Eduard. See Emin Pasha. Schobert, H. See Fiction class-list. Schoenhof, J. Destructive influence of the tariff upon manufacture and commerce. 1891 937.9 — Economy of high wages. 1893 937.73 — Industrial situation and the question of wages. 1885 937.30 Scholemaster, The. Ascham, Roger 458.21 ScnooL hygiene. Newsholme,A. 1889 872.10 School of life. Seward, Theo. F 491.3 ScnoOLCRAFT, H: R. Notes on the Iro- quois. 1847 776.22 Schools. See Education {Schools). Schopenhauer, Arthur. On the fourfold root; and, On the will in nature. 1889 458.9 — Selected essays. 1891 484.26 — World as will and idea. 3v. 1887 454.12 — Cobbe, F. P. Pessimism and ,In 444.4 — Wallace, W. Schopenhauer 693.26 Schorlemmer, C., joint author. See Ros- coe, H. E. Sciiouler, James. History of the United States under the constitution, v.l- 5. 1889- [91] 767.1 Contents: v.l, 1783-1801. v.S, 1801-1817. v.3, 1817-1831. v. 4, 1831-1847. v. 5, 1847-1861. — Thomas Jefferson. 1893 665.10.17 Schouler, W: History of Massachu- setts in the civil war. 1868 784.1 Schouw, J. F: Earth, plants, and man: popular pictures of nature. 1859. . . 871.3 Schrader, Otto. Prehistoric antiquities of the Aryan peoples. 1890 797.18 Schreiber, T. Atlas of classical antiq- uities. 1895 *8542.49 Schreiner, Olive. [Ralph Iron.] See Fic- tion class-list. Schroeder, J: F: ed. Maxims of Wash- ington. 1855 344.4 Schroeder. S. Fall of Maximilian’s em- pire as seen from a United States gun-boat. 1887 757.11 Schroeder, W: J. Deuteronomy. [Com- mentary.] ..In 471.1.3 — Ezekiel. [Commentary.] 471.1.13 Schubert, F. P. Ferris, G. T. German composers 624.1 — Haweis. H. R. Music and morals, p. 227 818.5 — Hueffer,F. Richard Wagner, etc., p. 125. 874.18 — Keddie, H. Musical composers 613.23 Schuchhardt, C. Schliemann’s excava- tions. 1891 558.5 Schultz, F. W. Book of Esther. [Com- mentary.] In 471.1.7 — Book of Ezra. [Commentary.] In 471.1.7 Schultz, H. Old Testament theology. 2v. 1892 475.22 Schultz, Jeanne. -See Fiction class-list. Schultze, Fritz. Fetichism. [1885.]... 456.19 Schumann, F. Manual of heating and ven- tilation. 1886 847.40 Schumann, Robert. Music and musicians: essays and criticisms. 2v. 1880-1... 853.16 — Ferris, G.T. German composers 624.1 Great violinists and pianists 624.4 — Hueffer,F. Richard Wagner, e£e.,p. 193. 874.18 — Keddie, H. Musical composers 613.23 — Reissmann.A. Life and works of. 1886. 658.15 Schurer, Emil. History of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ. 5v. 1890 467.9 Schurman, Jacob G. Ethical import of Darwinism. 1888 453.29 Schurz, Carl. Abraham Lincoln: an es- say. 1892 681.1 — Henry Clay. (American statesmen.) 2v. 1887 626.4.16 Schuyler, E ugene. American diplomacy. 1886....' 948.3 — Peter the great, emperor of Russia. 2v. 1884 657.6 Schuyler, G: W. Colonial New York: Peter Schuyler and his family. 2v. 1885 7101.2 Schuyler, M. American architecture. 1892 857.10 Schuyler, Gen. P. J. Headley, J: F. Washington and his generals, v. 1, p. 229 602.7 Schwartz, J. Y. P. [Maarten Maartens.] See Fiction class-list. ScnwATKA,F: Nimrod in theNorth. 1885. 857.13 — Adams, W:H:D. In perils of t 544.23 — Nourse, J.E. American explorations. 543.7 Scidmore, Eliza R. Appleton’s guide-book to Alaska and the northwest coast. 1893 557.10 — Jinrikisha days in Japan. Ulus. 1891. 544.13 I Science. Arnold, M. Literature and science In 343.19 SCIENCE. 218 SCOTLAND. Science, continued. — Bell, N. R. E. Science ladders. Nos. 1-6. 1888/. 872.2 — Bert, Paul. First steps in scientific knowledge. 1887 832.37 — Brewer, E. C. Guide to scientific knowl- edge of things familiar. [1850.] 861.35 — Brown, R., ed. Science for all. 5v 8118.2 — Buchanan, W. M. Dictionary of sci- ence and technical terms; with sup- plement. 1884 868.1 — Buckley. Arabella B. Moral teachings of. 1892 871.17 Through magic glasses, etc. 1890 876.13 — Burroughs, J: Science and literature ; Science and the poets. .. In 335.19 — Dodge, M. A. Pure and practical. In 332.3 — Gould, G: M. Illustrated dictionary of medicine, biology and allied scien- ces. 1894 E.17 — Helmholtz, H. Aim and progress of. In 843.6.1 — Hopkins, G:M. Experimental science. 1890 873.8 — Huxley, Thomas H. Science and edu- cation. [Essays.] 1894 478.31 — Joyce, J. Familiar introduction to the arts and sciences. 1871 868.19 — Kingsley, C: Health, etc 413.4 Scientific lectures and essays. 1890.. 8102.18 — Laing, S: Modern science and modern thought, 1889 8103.3 — Lankester, E. R. Advancement of. 1890 8103.5 — Lewis, G. H. Comte’s philosophy of the sciences. 1883 458.7 — Lubbock, Sir J : Fifty years of science. 1890 898.16 Pleasures of life In 333. 17.1 — McCarthy, J. Science and orthodoxy in England In 607.5 — Pearson, Karl. Grammar of science. 871.25 — Pepper, J. H. Cyclopaedic science sim- plified 858.11 — Proctor, R. A. Borderland of. 1872... 856.10 Pleasant ways in. 1890 8102.30 Rough ways made smooth. 1880 856.9 — Ruskin, J: Eagle’s nest ; the relation of science and art. 1891 8111.4 — Saturday lectures [on anthropology,bi- ology, etc., Washington, 1882] 881.11 — Siemens, Sir C: W: Scientific works. 3v. 1893 8106.14 — Smithsonian institution. general alphabet. — Stephen L. English thought, v.l, p. 389. [Science and revelation.] 425.30.1 — Straub, Jacob. Consolations of sci- ence. 1884 431.17 — Thomson, Sir W: Popular lectures and addresses. 1891. v.l, Constitution of matter 877.26 — Tissandier, G. Popular scientific rec- reations. 1885 864.8 — Tyndall, John. New fragments. 1892. 882.5 Periodicals. — American naturalist, v.1-28 *8501.15 — Hardwicke’s science gossip, v.19-25. .*1008.10 — Nature, v.27-38 *1008.19 — Popular science monthly, v.1-45 8501.16 — Science, v.1-20 *1008.13 — Scientific American, ^general alpha- bet. Science, continued. See also Astronomy ; Biology; Botany; Chemistry; Evolution; Geology; Industrial exhibitions; Mathe- matics; Medicine; Mineralogy; Natural history; Nat- ural philosophy ; Philosophy; Physics; Keligion and science; Theology; Zoology; etc. Science. See Periodicals. Science and health. Eddy, Mrs. M.B.G.. 447.18 Science and religion. See Religion and science. Science and sentiment. Porter, Noah*. 1882 353.14 Science ladders. Bell, N. R. E. [AT. D' Anvers.] 6 v. ini 872.2 Science of religion. La Saussaye, P. D. C. de 466.35 Scientific American. See Periodicals. Scientific American cyclopedia of re- ceipts, notes, and queries; ed. by A. A. Hopkins. 1892 881.20 Scientific dialogues. Joyce, J. [1885.] . . . 868.20 Scientific education. Everett, E: Im- portance of In 334.1.1 — Huxley, T: H. Lay sermons 401.9 Scientific recreation series. Frith, H: Half hours of scientific amusement. 1890 874.30 Scientific religion. Oliphant, Laurence. 468.2 Scientific spirit of the age. Cobbe, F. P. 336.21 Sclavonic languages. Bopp, F. Com- parative grammar. *2v 321.8 Scofield, C: J. See Fiction class-list. ScOTCH-Irish in America. Proceedings and addresses of lst-4th congresses, 1889-92 774.4 Scotland. History, etc. — Burton, J: H. History of, 80-1748. 9v. 783.7 — Lees, J. C. and others. Scottish church to 1881 484.6 — Mackenzie, J. History of [to the Union, 1707]. 1890 777.4 — Mackintosh, J: Story of. 1890 752.1.30 — P., J. M. and S., F. W. Sketches of the clans of, with colored plates of tartans 756.10 — Scottish clans and their tartans. 1891. 783.10 — Skene, W: F. Celtic Scotland. 3v. 1876-80 7103.1 — Strickland, A. Queens of. 8v. 1850.. 652.7 Language , Literature , etc. — Aitken, Mary C., ed. Scottish song: a •selection. 1874 222.6 — Child, F. J., ed. English and Scottish popular ballads. 8v. in 4. [1857-85.] 227.15 — Macka}', C: Dictionary of Lowland Scotch. 1888 355.14 — Mitchison, W:, ed. Handbook of the songs of 225.35 — Prescott, W: H: Scottish song In 305.14 — Wilson, J: M. Tales of the borders and of. 4v 68.14 Travel , Description , etc. — Argyll, Duke of. Scotland as it was and as it is. 2v. 1887 534.19 — Carnegie, Andrew. American four in hand in Britain. 1890 521.16 — Field, H: M. Scotland and the Scotch. * In 527.16 SCOTLAND. 219 SECOND. Scotland, continued. — Geikie,A. Scenery of Scotland viewed in connection with its physical geol- ogy. 1887 557.16 — Green, S: G. Scottish pictures drawn with pen and pencil 528.23 — Guild, Curtis. Over the ocean. 1891. 554.28 — The land we live in In 548.1.3 — Logan, J. The Scottish Gael; or, Cel- tic manners. 1846 786.7 — Longfellow, H: W., ed. Poems of places 233.1.6-8 — Macmillan, H. Holidays on high lands. 824.9 — Miller, Hugh. Scenes and legends of the north of. 1851 534.25 — Rogers, C: Social life in. 3v. 1884 793.14 — Villars, P. England, etc.: a picturesque survey. 1887 *8542.9 — Watt, F. and Carter, A. Picturesque Scotland. 1883 541.18 — Winter, W: Gray days and gold in. 1892 556.19 See also Edinburgh. Scott, E: Dancing. 1894. '. . . . 8102.31 Scott, F. J. Art of beautifying suburban home grounds. [1870.] 854.5 Scott, Sir G: G. Lectures on mediaeval architecture. 2v. 1879 8103.22 Scott, H: W. Distinguished American lawyers. 1891 688.5 Scott, Leader. Renaissance of art in Italy. 1883 8522.4 Scott, R. P. Cycling art, energy and lo- comotion. 1889 897.20 Scott, S. P. Through Spain. 1886 553.8 Scott, Sir Walter. Miscellaneous prose works. 1847 346.7 Contents : Biographical memoirs of eminent nov- elists and others ; Paul’s letters to his kinsfolk; Es- says on chivalry, romance, the drama; Essay on bor- der antiquities ; Provincial antiquities of Scotland; Regalia of Scotland; Letters of Malachi Malagrouther on the currency ; On planting waste lands; On land- etc. scape gardening; Davy’s Salmonia ; etc. Demonology and witchcraft. 1885. Familiar letters of. 2v. 1884 Journal, 1825-32. 1891 Lay of the last minstrel. [Poem.] . Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 3v. 1827 436.24 691.14 668.4 216.7 634.11 Marmion. [Poem.] 216.6 — Bolton, S. K. Famous English au- thors of the 19th century In 666.18 — Bryant, W : C. Orations and addresses. 325.22 — Hodgkins, L. M. 19th century authors. 342.26 — Jeffrey, F. Contributions, etc. [Nov- els.] In 305.5 — Lang, Andrew. Letters to dead au- thors. 1893 In 357.8 — Lodge, Edm. Portraits, etc 658.3.8 — Mitchell, D. G. About old story tel- lers 311.13 — Oliphant, M. O. W. Literary history of England 318.28.2 — Parton, J., ed. Princes, ete.. [Home of.] 645.13 — Prescott, W: H: Review of Lockhart’s Memoirs In 305.14 — Reed, H: Lectures on the British poets 208.22.2 — Shairp, J. C. Aspectsof poetry, p.323. 211.8 — Stephen, L. Some words about In 348.6.1 — Talfourd,T.N. Critical writings. [Nov- els.] 305.1 Scott, W: A. Repudiation of state debts. [1893.] 934.1.2 Scott, William B. The little masters. [Great artists.] 1881 683.22 Scott, Gen. Winfield. Coppee, H: Gen- eral Scott 681.7.7 — Mansfield, E: D. Life of. 1852 661.12 Scottish church. Lees, James C. and others. 484.6 Scottish pictures, etc. Green, S: G 528.23 Scottish review. See Periodicals. Scraps from the prison table. Barbiere,J. 763.13 Scribner-Black atlas of the world. 1890. R.R.D. Scribner’s magazine. See Periodicals. Scripture lands; historical sketches, etc. Kitto, J: 536.19 Scrooby, England. Hunter, J. Founders of New Plymouth. 1854 762.4 Scudder,H. E. George Washington: his- torical biography. 1889 656.5 — Viking Bodley: an excursion into Nor- way and Denmark. [1884.] 531.1.3 — See also Fiction class-list. — ,ed. See American commonwealths. Scudder, S: H. Butterflies ; with appen- dix of practical instructions. 1881. 854.13 — Life of a butterfly. 1893 891.21 — Winnepeg country. 1886 533.10 Scullard, H.H. Martin of Tours. 1891. 694.13 Sculpture. Baxter, Lucy E. B. [. Leader Scott.] Sculpture, renaissance and modern. 1886 ; 8101.27 — Clement, Mrs. C. E. Outline history of. 1885 848.24 — Eaton, D. C. Handbook of Greek and Roman. 1884 884.5 — Flaxman, J: Lectures on. 1884 867.6 — Iconographic encyclopaedia, v.3. Sculp- ture. 1887 *863.2.3 — Lacroix, P. Arts in the Middle Ages. *768.1 — Liibke, Wilhelm. History of. 2v. 1878. 888.5 — Murray, A. S. History of Greek. 2v. 1880-3 8104.9 — Perkins, C:C. Historical handbook of Italian. 1883 864.17 — Perry, W. C. Greek and Roman. 1882. 8104.22 — Redford, G: Greek sculpture In 882.7 — Ruskin,J: Aratra Pentelici; elements of. 1892 8111.3 — Westmacott, R: Handbook of. 1864. 884.7 See also Phidias; Wood carving. Sea. See Ocean. Sea and land. Shaler, N. S. 1894 8104.30 Sea pictures drawn with pen and pencil. Macaulay, James 528.18 Sea-kings and naval heroes. Edgar, J.G. j646.10 Seals. Elliott, H. W. Our arctic prov- ince: Alaska and the seal islands. 1886 532.6 Seamanship. Nares, Sir G: S. Seaman- ship. 1882 8104.10 Sea- power. See Naval history. Sears, G. W. [Messmuk.] Woodcraft. [1884.] 844.41 Seas and lands. Arnold, Sir Edwin 545.9 Seasons. Thoreau,H: D. Autumn: from [his] journal. 1892 882.20 Seat of authority in religion. Martineau, J 475.14 Seawell, M. E. See Fiction class-list. Second advent. Totten, C: A. L. Our race series, v. 5 and 6. 1892 466.24 Second army corps, History of. Walker, F. A. 1887 753.15 Second book of verse. Field, Eugene... 231.25 SECULARISM. 220 SEVEN. Secularism. Blaikie, W. G. Christian- ity and secularism compared. [1888.] Sedgwick, Catharine M. Dewey, Mary E., Seedlings. Lubbock, Sir John. 2v. 1892. 886.3 Seeing and thinking. Clifford, W: K. Seeley, J. R. Short history of Napoleon I. 1886 646.9 Seeley, L. B., ed. Mrs. Thrale. 1890... 695.24 Seelye, Eliz. E. Christopher Columbus. 1892 681.5 Seelye, Julius H. Citizenship. 1894... 946.9 Segur, P. de, count. History of Napo- leon’s expedition to Russia in 1812. 2v. 1872 752.4 Seidel, Martin. In the time of Jesus: historical pictures. [1885.] 484.11 Seidel, Robert. Industrial instruction: a pedagogic and social necessity. 1887 861.29 Seiler, Emma. Voice in singing. 1887. 852.28 — Voice in speaking. 1875 852.29 Seiss, Joseph A. Children of silence; or, the story of the deaf . 1887 874.5 Selden, J: Table-talk. (Library of old authors.) 1890 347.17 — Adams, W: H: D. Famous books. Re- view of Table talk In 314.28 Self-culture. Chester, Eliza. Chats with girls on. 1891 466.10 Selfe, Rose E. Dr. Arnold of Rugby. 1889. 661.3 Seligman, Edw. R. A. Railway tariffs and the interstate commerce law. 1887 947.12 Sellar, W: Y. Roman poets of the Au- gustine age; Horace and the ele- giac poets. 1892 237.1 — Roman poets of the Augustine age; Vir- gil. 1883 237.2 — Roman poets of the Republic. 1889. . 237.3 Sells, V. P. Mechanics of daily life. 1893. 891.28 Selous, F: C. Travel and adventure in South-east Africa. 1893 554.19 Selwyn, A. R: C., joint author. North America. See Hayden, F. V 558.8 Semites. Smith, W. R. Religion of. 1889. 456.16 Seneca, L. A. Minor dialogues; with dia- logue on clemency. 1889 457.8 — On benefits. 1887 453.9 Senour, Rev. F. Morgan and his captors. 1864 785.1 Senses and the will. Preyer, W. 1890.. 448.2.7 Sergeant, Adeline. ^Fiction class-list. Sergeant, Lewis. Government hand- . book: a record of the forms and methods of government. 1890 946.8 — Greece. 1880 796.3 — John Wyclif ; last of the schoolmen and first of the English reformers. 1893 664.1.7 Sermons. Abbott, Edw. A. Oxford ser- mons. 1879 467.12 — Abbott, Lyman. Signs of promise, 1887-9. 1889 455.11 — Barrow, Isaac. Works. 3v. 1845 475.1 Eighteen sermons. 1849 456.7 — Beecher, H:W. Evolution and relig- ion. 1885 447.4 Plymouth pulpit : sermons, 1873-5. 4 v. 1890 462.6 Sermons, continued. Sermons: 1873-4 447.6 Same: 1882-3 447.7 Same: 1884 447.8 and others. Temperance sermons. [1873.] 478.2 — Brooks, Phillips. Addresses. [1893.]. 476.23 Light of the world and other ser- mons. 1892 482.21 — Burton, N. J. Yale lectures on preach- ing and other writings. 1888.... In 468.5 — Buxton, H. J. W. Lighthouse on the rock: short sermons to children. 1887 478.18 — Dewey, Orville. The two great com- mandments. 1876 453.28 — Diman, J. Lewis. Selected parish ser- mons. 1882 In 335.2 — Drummond, Henry. Addresses. [1891.] 466.1 — Farrar, F: W. Eternal hope. 1892. 484.30 — Gladden, Washington. Burning ques- tions. 1891 466.19 — Herron, G: D. The larger Christ. [1891.] 482.13 — Hoppin, J. M. Sermons upon faith, hope, and love. [1891.] 484.12 — Jones, Sam.P. Sermons. 1888 464.28 Sermons and sayings. 1886 451.1 — Kingsley, C: Good news of God; ser- mons. 1890. 484.8 — Lightfoot, J. B. Cambridge sermons, (1861-83). 1890 463.26 — Lorimer, G: C. Isms old and new. [1881.] 436.25 — Macdonald, G: God’s words to his chil- dren. 1887 448.7 — Montefeltro, Padre A. da. Sermons [in Florence and Rome]. [1889.] 461.20 — Munger, T. T. Appeal to life. 1889.. 464.5 Lamps and paths. [Sermons to chil- dren.] 1889 464.4 — Newman, J: H:, Cardinal. Parochial and plain sermons. 8v. 1887-8 463.1 — Nicoll, W. R. Ten-minute sermons. [1894.] 486.20 — Norton, J: N. King’s ferry-boat and other addresses to children. [1876.] 482.7 — Parkhurst, C: H. Three gates on a side and other sermons. [1891.] . . 466.27 — Porter, Noah. Fifteen years in the chapel of Yale college, 1871-86 456.13 — Smyth, Newman. Personal creeds; or, how to form a working-theory of life. 1890 461.10 — Swing, David. God cares for our dead, [and other sermons]. [1891.] 466.16 — Van Dyke, H: Straight sermons to young men. 1893 476.14 — Wace, H: Foundations of faith. 1880. 475.3 — Whiton, J. M. Law of liberty and other discourses. 1890 482.12 New points to old texts 482.11 See also Hooker, R : ; Spurgeon, C: H. ; Talmage, T. DeW. ; Unitarianism ; Young men. Servants. Craik,D.M. Woman’s thoughts about women 903.13 — Nicholas, G. A. The Biddy club. 1888. 847.38 Servia. Ranke, L. History of [to 1843]. 1853 772.18 Serviss, G. P. Astronomy with an opera- glass. 1892 881.12 Seven decades of the Union. Wise,H:A. 788.21 Seven thousand words often mispro- nounced. Phyfe, W: H: P 336.2 SEVIER. m SHAKESPEARE. Sevier, J:, gov. of Tennessee. Gilmore, J. R. Rearguard of the Revolution. 1886 745.15 Sevier as a commonwealth builder. 1887 741.17 — Roosevelt, T. Winning of the West. 3v 763.2 Sevigne, M. de R. C., Marquise de. Best letters of; ed. bv E: P. Anderson. 1891 342.18 — Boissier, Gaston. Madame de Sevigne. 1888 651.19.1 Seward, F: W., ed. W: H: Seward: an autobiography, etc. 3v. 1891 686.10 Seward, Olive R. Around the world stories. 1889...... 542.26 Seward, Theo. F. School of life. Divine providence in the light of modern science, etc. 1895 491.3 Seward, W: H: Seward, F: W., ed. W: H: Seward: an autobiography, etc. 3v. 1891 686.10 Contents: v. 1, Autobiography, 1801-34 ; Life and letters, 1831-46. v.2, Seward at Washington, 1846-61. v. 3, Seward at Washington, 1861-72. — Derby, J. C. Fifty years among au- thors, etc 654.9 — Lodge, H: C. Historical and political essays. 1892 933.6 — Piatt, Donn. Memoirs of men who saved the Union 647.6 Sewell, Anna. See Fiction class-list. Sewell, E. M. See Fiction class-list. Sewerage and drainage. Baumeister, R. Cleaning and sewerage of cities. 1891 8106.12 — Buchan, W:P. Plumbing, house drain- age, etc. 1883 847.42 — Gerhard, W : P. Disposal of household wastes. 1890 877.20 — Latham, Baldwin. Sanitary engineer- ing. 1878 854.25 — Massachusetts. State board of health. Report on water supply and sewer- age. 2v. 1890 8101.22 — Philbrick, E. S. American sanitary engineering. 1881 854.21 — Slater, J. W. Sewage treatment. 1887. 897.24 — Staley, C. and Pierson, G: S. Separate system of sewerage. 1891 896.12 — Waring, G. E., jr. How to drain a house. 1885 847.25 Sewerage and land-draining. 1889. . 8542.14 Sewing. See Needlework. Sex. Adams, O.F. Presumption of. 1892. 344.15 — Geddes, P. and Thomson, J. A. Evo- lution of. 1889 872.32 Sexual science. See Obstetrics. Seybert commission. Report on spirit- ualism. 1887 447.13 Seyffert, Oskar. Dictionary of classi- cal antiquities, mythology, religion, literature and art. 1891 C.12 SnAiiNameh: Firdausi, Abul K 234.2 SnAKERS. Carlier, A. Marriage in the U. S.,,, 902.3 — Evans, F: W. Shakers and Shakerism. 1859 466.22 — Nordhoff, C. Communistic societies of the U. S In 911.36 — Sacred. roll anil book. 1843 433.31 Shakespeare, William. Sub-divisions.— 1 , Works. 2, Concordances, etc. 3, Critical and Miscellaneous works. 4, Separate plays and criticisms. 5, Shakespeare for the young. 1.* Works. — Leopold Shakspere. Works in chron- ological order, from the text of Prof. Delius, withintrod. by F. J. Furni- val. [1877.] 242.2 — New variorum edition; ed. by H. H. Furness, v. 1-10. 1871-92. 241.1 * Contents: v. 1, Romeo and Juliet, v.2. Macheth. v. 3-4, Hamlet, v. 5, King Lear. v. 6, Othello, v. 7, Merchant of Venice, v. 8, As you like it. v. 9, Tem- pest. v. 10, Midsummer night’s dream. — Works; ed. by W. G. Clark and W: A. Wright. Globe edition. 1891 204.10 — Works; ed. by W: A. Wright. Cam- bridge edition. 9v. 1891-93 242.1 Contents : v. 1, Tempest; Two gentlemen of Ve- rona ; Merry wives of Windsor ; Measure for measure; Comedy of errors, v. 2, Much ado about nothing; Love’s labour’s lost; Midsummer-night’s dream; Merchant of Venice ; As you like it. v. 3, Taming of the shrew; All’s well that ends well; Twelfth night; Winter’s tale. v. 4, King John; King Richard II.; King Henry IV., pt. 1; King Henry IV., pt. 2 ; King Henry V. v. 5, King Henry VI., pt. 1; King Henry VI., p. 2; King Henry VI., pt. 3; King Richard III. ; King Henry VIII. v. 6, Troilus and Cressida; Corio- lanus; Titus Andronicus; Romeo and Juliet, v. 7, Timon of Athens; Julius Caesar; Macbeth; Hamlet, v. 8, KingLear; Othello; Antony and Cleopatra; Cym- beline. v. 9, Pericles; Venus and Adonis; Rape of Lucrece; Sonnets; Lover’s complaint; Passionate pil- grim ; Phoenix and turtle. Reprints [of the early quartos] : Merry wives of Windsor ; Chronicle historie of Henry the fift; First part of the Contention ; True tragedie; Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet. Additions and corrections. — Works; in reduced facsimile from first folio edition of 1623. 1887 224.14 — Dramatic works: ed. b} r W. G. Clark and W: A. Wright. Victoria edition. 3v 242.3 Contents : v. 1, Comedies, v. 2, Histories, v. 3, Tragedies. — Shakespeare’s poems ; ed ., with notes, by W: J. Rolfe. 1890 223.25 2. Concordances , etc. — Bartlett, J: Complete concordance to the dramatic works and poems of Shakespeare. 1894 B.35 Note: Prepared from the text of the Globe edition [204.10]. — Fleay, F. G. Shakespeare manual. 1878 215.32 — Furness, H. Concordance to [S.’s] poems. 1894 228.4 — Nares, R., ed. Glossary of words, cus- toms, etc. 2v. 1876 In 353.7 — O’Connor, E. M. Index to the works of. 1887 222.24 — Schmidt, Alex. Shakespeare-lexicon. 2v. 1886 237.14 3. Critical and Miscellaneous. — Browne, G: H. Notes on Shakspere’s versification. 4890 234.21 — Calvert, G. EL , Shakespeare: a study. 318.11 SHAKESPEARE. m SHAKESPEARE. Shakespeare, continued . — Clarke, Mary C. Girlhood of Shakes- peare’s heroines. 2v 63.4 — Coleridge, S: T. Shakspeare and other dramatists ’ 1001.12.4 — Collier, W.F. History of Eng. lit. p. 140. 325.6 — Cook, Jos. Conscience, pp. 255-279. Shakespeare on 441.30 Marriage, pp. 205-221. Shakespeare on 914.1 — Corson, H. Introduction to the study of. 1890 227.8 — Craik, G: L. Pursuit of knowledge, p. 260. [Self tuition of poets.] — Dali, C. H. What we really know about S. 1886 — Donnelly, I. Great cryptogram. [Ba- conian myth.] 1888 — Dowden, E: Introduction to Shakes- peare Shakspere. [Literature primer.]. Shakspere; mind and art — Ellacombe, H: N. Plant-lore and gar- den-craft of Shakespeare. 1884. . . — Gervinus, G.G. Shakespeare commen- taries — Gilman, Arthur. Shakespeare’s mor- als: suggestive selections. [1879.].. — Guizot, F. Shakespeare and his times. — Halliwell-Phillips, J. O. Outlines of the life of Shakespeare. 2v. 1889.. — Hazlitt,W: Character of Shakespeare’s plays — Howitt, W: Homes of the British po- ets — Hudson, H. M. Lectures on S. 2v 308.20 215.30 334.5 234.19 314.1.5 317.1 343.37 316.6 215.31 304.9 692.25 302.5 615.15 304.7 Contents: v. 1, S.’s life, character, genius, etc. Fe- male characters. Merry wives of Windsor. Comedy of errors. Two gentlemen of Yerona. Love’s la- bour’s lost. Taming of the shrew. Much ado about nothing. Twelfth night. All’s well that ends well. As you like it. Measure for measure. Merchant of Venice. Winter’s tale. v. 2, Tempest. Midsummer night’s dream. Introd. to the tragedies— Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. Mac- beth. Cymbeline. Lear. Othello. Iago and Desde- mona. Shakespeare: his life, art and charac- ters. 2v 204.19 — Hugo, Victor. William Shakespeare. 1887 334.2 — Jacox, F. Cues from all quarters 301.30 Shakespeare diversions 312.11 Contents : v. 1, Among the sonnets. Among the poems. King Lear. Lear and Kent. Lear, Goneril and Regan. Gloster and his sons. Lear out in the storm. Lear’s madness. Lear at the last. Hotspur. Falstaff at Gadshill. Falstaff on the march and in the field. Falstaff and his creditors. Falstaff at Eastcheap. Death of Falstaff. Shallow and Silence. Index. — Jameson, A. Characteristics of[S.’s] wo- men 332.27 Loves of the poets, p. 182 633.13 — Lamb, C: On the tragedies of S. . . .In 303.2.2 — Landor, W: S. Citation and examina- tion of Shakspeare, etc 343.14 — Lewes, G. H. Actors and acting, p.83. 237.6 — Lewes, L: Women of Shakspeare. 1895 356.12 — Mitchell, D. G. English lands, etc. v.2. 336.8 • — Morley, H: Shakespeare and his time: under Elizabeth. 1893.. In 335.1.10 Shakespeare, continued. — Moulton, R: G. Shakespeare as a dra- matic artist. 1893 234.20 — Parton, J. Illustrious men, p. 23 617.17 — Reed, H. Lectures on the British po- ets 208.22.1 — Schlegel, F. von. ^Esthetic works, p. 267 323.12 — Ten Brink, B. Five lectures on. 1895. 236.6 — Ulrici, H. Shakespeare’s dramatic art. 2v. 1888 223.21 — Walter, James. Shakespeare’s true life. 1890 *638.22 — Weiss, J. Wit, humor and Shaks- peare 317.8 Contents : Cause of laughter. Wit, irony, humor. Dogberry. Malvolio. Troilus and Cressida, Ajax, Bottom, Touchstone. Falstaff; his companions. Americanisms. Hamlet. The porter in “Macbeth,” the clown in “Twelfth night,” the fool in “Lear.” Women and men: Maria, Helena, Imogen, Constance. Lord Bacon and the plays, Shakespeare’s women, love in Shakespeare. Portia. Helena; Ophelia. Mac- beth. Blonde women: Lady Macbeth. — Wendell, B. William Shakespeare: a study in Elizabethan literature. 1894 236.5 — White, R: G. Memoirs of William Shakespeare, with essay on his genius, etc 308.3 Shakespeare’s scholar 237.15 Contents: Historical sketch of the text of 'S.. Col- lier’s folio of 1632. Notes and comments. Shakes- peare’s name. Studies in Shakespeare 323.21 Contents : On reading Shakespeare. Narrative analysis: Lady Gruach’s husband; Case of Hamlet the younger ; Florentine arithmetician ; Tale of the forest of Arden. Miscellanies: Bacon-Shakespeare craze; King Lear, the text, plot and personages; Stage Rosalinds ; On the acting of Iago. Glossaries and lexicons. — Winter, W: Shakespeare’s England. [Visits in 1877, 1882.] 544.2 — Wood,W.,e<2. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 4. Separate plays and criticisms. Note : For the references given under Separate plays see Critical and Miscellaneous works, preced- ing. — All’s well that ends well; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.1 See also Gervinus; Hazlitt; Hudson; Ulrici. — Antony and Cleopatra; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.2 See also Gervinus; Hazlitt ; Hudson; Ul- rici. — As you like it; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.3 Same; New variorum ed’n 241.1.8 See also Gervinus; Hudson; Moulton; Ul- rici; White, Studies in Shakespeare. — Comedy of errors; ed. by W. J. Rolfe.. 213.1.4 See also Gervinus; Ulrici. — Coriolanus; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.5 See also Gervinus; Hazlitt; Hudson; Ulrici. — Cymbeline; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.6 See also Gervinus; Hazlitt; Hudson; Ulrici; also , Jameson, A., Characteristics, etc.’, Clarke, M. E., Girlhood of S.’s heroines; Lewes, Women of Shakes- peare. — Hamlet; ed. by J. W. Rolfe 213.1.7 SHAKESPEARE. 223 SHALER. Shakespeare, continued. Same; New variorum ed’n 241.1.3-4 See also Calvert ; Dowden ;'_Gervinus ; Gui- zot; Hazlitt; Hudson; Ulrici. - — Julius Caesar; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.8 See also Gervinus; Hazlitt; Hudson; Moul- ton; Ulrici. — King Henry I V.;ed. by W.J.Rolfe. . . .213.1.9-10 See also Dowden ; Gervinus ; Hazlitt; Hud- son; Jacox; Ulrici; Whife. — King Henry V.; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.11 See also Dowden; Gervinus; Hazlitt; Hud- son ; Ulrici. — King Henry VI .;ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 213.1.12-14 See also Dowden; Gervinus; Guizot; Haz- litt; Ulrici; White. — King Henry Ylll.-ed. by W. J. Rolfe. .213.1.15 See also Dowden; Gervinus: Hudson; Ulrici. — King John; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.16 See also Calvert ; Gervinus; Ulrici. — King Lear; ed. W. J. Rolfe 213.1.17 Same; New variorum ed’n 241.1.5 See also Dowden; Gervinus; Jacox; Moul- ton ; Ulrici ; White. — King Richard II.; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. .213.1.18 See also Coleridge, S: T.; Gervinus; Haz- litt ; Hudson; Ulrici. — King Richard III.; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 213.1.19 See also Gervinus; Hazlitt; Hudson; Moul- ton; Ulrici. — Love’s labour’s lost; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 213.1.20 See also Gervinus ; Moulton ; Ulrici ; Weiss ; White. — Macbeth ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.21 Same; New variorum ed’n 241.1.2 See also Gervinus ; Moulton ;Ulrici; Weiss; White. — Measure for measure; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.22 See also Gervinus; Hudson; White; also. Jameson, A., Characteristics of women; Lewes, Women of Shakespeare. — Merchant of Venice; ed.by K. Deighton. 227.13 Same; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.23 See also Gervinus; Hudson; Jameson, A., Characteristics of women; Lewes, Women of Shakespeare; Ulrici; Weiss. — Merry wives of Windsor; ed. W. J. Rolfe 213.1.24 See also Gervinus; Hazlitt; Ulrici; Weiss. — Midsummer-night’s dream; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.25 Same ; New variorum ed’n 241.1.10 See also Gervinus; Hudson; Ulrici; White. — Much ado about nothing; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.26 See also Gervinus; Hudson; Jacox; Ulrici. — Othello; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.27 Same; New variorum ed’n 241.1.6 See also Coleridge; Dowden; Gervinus; Guizot; Hazlitt; Hudson; Moulton; Ulrici; White; also, Clarke, M. C., Girlhood of Shakespeare’s heroines ; Jameson, A., Characteristics of [S.’s] women; Lewes, Women of Shakespeare. — Pericles; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.28 See also Gervinus ; Ulrici ; and for the story upon which it is founded see Gesta Rornanorum, p. 259. — Romeo and Juliet; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 213.1.29 Shakespeare, continued. Same; New variorum ed’n 241.1.1 See also Coleridge, S: T.; Dowden; Gervinus; Gui- zot; Hazlitt ; Hudson; Ulrici ; White ; also, Clarke, M. C., Girlhood of Shakespeare’s heroines, v. 2; Jameson, A., Characteristics of [S.’s] women; Lewes, Women of Shakespeare. — Taming of the shrew; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.30 See also Gervinus; Ulrici; also, Clarke, M. C.. Girl- hood of Shakespeare’s heroines, v. 2; Jameson, A., Characteristics of [S.’s] women; Lewes, Women of Shakespeare. — Tempest; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.31 Same; New variorum ed’n 241.1.9 See also Coleridge, S: T. ; Gervinus; Hudson; Moul- ton; Ulrici ; also-, on character of Miranda see Jame- son, A., Characteristics of women; Lewes, Women of Shakespeare. — Timon of Athens; ed. by W. J. Rolfe.. .213. 1.32 See also Gervinus; Ulrici. — Titus of Andronicus; ed.by W.J. Rolfe. 213.1.33 See also Gervinus ; Ulrici. — Troilus andCressida;ee£. by W.J.Rolfe. 213.1.34 See also Gervinus; Hazlitt; Ulrici. — Twelfth night; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.35 See also Gervinus ; Hudson; Ulrici ; Weiss ; White. — Two gentlemen of Verona; ed. by W. J. Rolfe 213.1.36 See also Gervinus; Ulrici. — Two noble kinsman; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 213. 1.38 — The winter’s tale; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 213.1.37 See also Gervinus; Hudson; Jacox; Ulrici. 5. Shakespeare for the young. — Lamb, C: and Mary. Tales from Shakespeare’s comedies; ed., with notes by W : J. Rolfe. 1891 96. 9 Tales from Shakespeare’s tragedies; ed. with notes by W: J. Rolfe. 1891. 96.8 See also Stratford on Avon. Shakespeare’s England. Winter, Wil- liam 544.2 Shakespeariana. See Periodicals. Shaler, N. S. Aspects of the earth: a popular account of some familiar geological phenomena.. 1889 873.7 — First book in geology. 1885 874.22 — Interpretation of nature. 1893 476.19 — Nature and man in America. 1891.... 898.10 — Sea and land: features of coasts and oceans with special reference to the life of man. 1894 8104.30 — Story of our continent: a reader in the geography and geology of North America. 1892 544.10 — , ed. United States of America: a study of the American commonwealth, its natural resources, people, etc. 2v. Illus. 1894 548.17 Contents: v. 1. 1. — The continent, and the reasons for its fitness to be the home of a great people, by N. S. Shaler. 2.— Natural conditions of the East and South, by N. S. Shaler. 3.— What nature has done for the West, by N. S. Shaler. 4. — The North Ameri- can Indians, by Major J. W. Powell. 5.— The Mis- sissippi valley, by H. P. Judson. 6.— The Pacific coast, by H. H. Bancroft. 7.— The farmer’s opportunities, by N. S. Shaler. 8.— Minerals and mining, by N. S. SHALER. 224 SHINDLER. Shaler, N. S., continued. Shaler. 9.— The forests and the lumber industry, by N. S. Shaler. 10.— The maritime industries of Amer- ica, by J. R. Soley. 11. — Our military resources, by Col. T. A. Dodge. v. 2. 1.— Productive industry, by E : Atkinson. 2.— Transportation, by T. M. and C.H. Cooley. 3.— Typical American inventions : Electricity . by A. E. Kennelly; Railroad construction and equipment, by H. G. Prout; Shoemaking, by H. P. Fairfield. 4. — The place of corporate action in our civilization, by Charles Francis Adams. 5.— Our cities, by George E. War- ing, Jr. 6. — Education in the United States, by W: T. Harris. 7. — Science in America, by D. C. Gilm an. 8.— Literature, art, and architecture: American liter- ature, by C: D. Warner; American art, by F. D. Millet ; Development and prospects of architecture in the United States, by Henry Van Brunt. 9.— Physical state of the American people, by D. A. Sargent. 10. — Political organization of the United States, by John Bach McMaster. 11.— How we are governed, by W. L. Wilson. 12.— Industry and finance, by F. W. Taussig. 13. — Public hygiene in the United States, by S: W. Abbott. 14. — The place of the individual in American society, by Lyman Abbott. 15.— Summing up of the story, by N. S. Shaler. Shapcott, R. See Fiction class-list. Shapley,R. 'Ei., jointed. See Spofford,A.R. Sharp, R obert, jointed. See Harrison, J. A. Sharp, W: Life of Heinrich Heine. 1888. 693.20 — , joint author. See Howard, Blanche W. Sharp, Mrs.W ., ed. Songs and poems of the sea 223.24 Sharp eyes among insects, birds, and flowers. Gibson, W: H. Illus. 1892. 881.23 Sharpe, Edm. Seven periods of English architecture. 1888 8118.3 Sharpless, I: English education in the elementary and secondary schools. 1892 448.2.22 “Sharps and flats.” Maskelyne, J: N. 1894. 944.20 Shattuck, HarrietteR. Woman’s manual of parliamentary law. 1892 925.24 Shaw, Albert. Icaria: a chapter in the history of communism. 1884 933.20 — ,ed . National revenues: papers by Amer- ican economists. 1888 917.29 Shaw, Clara W. Text-book of nursing. 1892 877.40 Shaw, Flora L. See Fiction class-list. Shaw, G. B. and others. Fabian essays in . socialism. [1889.] 926.1 Shaw, H. W. Josh Billings: his works. 1883 323.18 Shaw, H: ■ Encyclopedia of ornament. [Plates.] 1842 *8522.25 Shea, J: G. History of the Catholic church in the United States, 1521- 1866. 4v. 1886-1890 487.3 Contents: v. 1, 1521-1763. v. 2, 1763-1815. v. 3, 1808- 1843. v. 4, 1843-1866. Shedd, J. A. Famous sculptors and sculpture. 1881 852.20 Sheep. Naturalist’s library 866.1.22 Sheldon, G. W. American painters: with 83 examples of their work, engraved on wood. 1879 848.30 Sheldon, H. C. History of Christian doctrine. 2v. 1886 445.1 Contents: v. 1, 90-1517. v. 2; 1517-1885. Sheldon, Louise V. Yankee girls in Zulu Land. 1888 538.5 — See also Fiction class-list. Sheldon, M. French-. Sultan to sultan. [Travel in East Africa.] Illus. 1892. 551.16 — , joint author. See Colin, M. Shelf of old books. Fields, Mrs. J. T. 1894 356.9 Contents: Leigh Hunt. Edinburgh. From Milton to Thackeray. Shelley, P. B. Hodgkins, L. M. 19th century authors 342.26 — Lang, Andrew. Letters to dead au- thors. 1893....'. In 357.8 — Rabbe, F. Shelley: the man and the poet. 1888 651.21 Shells. Sowerby, G. B. Conchological manual. 1852 857.5 Shepard, E: M. Martin Van Buren. (American statesmen.) 1888 626.4.15 Shepard, Hazel. Great cities of the an- cient world. 1885. 531.20 — Great cities of the modern world. 1885. 531.21 Shepard, W., ed. Enchiridion of criti- cism. 1885 323.26 Shepherd, Mrs. E. R. For girls: a special physiology. 1888 877.1 — True manhood: a special physiology. 1890 877.12 Shepherd psalm. Meyer, F. B 472.27 Shepp, J. W. and D. B. Photographs of the world. [1892.] 888.1 Sheppard, Nathan. Before an audience; or, the use of the will in public speaking. 1892 345.14 Sheridan, Gen. P. H. Personal memoirs. 2v. 1888 / 653.10 Sheridan’s troopers on the borders. Keim, D. B. R. Illus. 1889 767.27 Sherman, C: P. See Fiction class-list. Sherman, J: Thorndike, R. S., ed. The Sherman letters: correspondence be- tween General and senator Sherman, 1837-91. 1894 692.18 Sherman, Porter. Tariff primer. 1891. 937.65 Sherman, Roger. Duyckinck, E. A. Na- tional portrait gallery *638.1.1 — Dwight, N. Lives of the signers 621.10 — Sanderson, J. Biography of the sign- ers 653.12.3 Sherman, Gen. W: T. Bolton, S. K. Fa- mous leaders among men, pp. 288-332. 6102.4 — Boynton, H. Y. Sherman’s historical raid. Memoirs in the light of the record. 1875 762.7 — Thorndike, Rachel S., ed. The Sher- man letters: correspondence be- tween General and senator Sher- man from 1837 to 1891. Ports. 1894. 692.18 Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. W. Art of enter- taining. 1892 871.24 — Home amusements. 1884... 847.15 — Royal girls and royal courts. Ports. [1887.] 651.16 Sherwood, Sidney. History and theory of money. 1893 928.14 Shi King, The. Jennings, W:, tr. 1891... 231.21 Shields. G. O., ed. American book of the dog. Illus. 1891 881.2 American game fishes. 1892 881.3 Big game of North America. 1890. 881.4 Camping and camp outfits. 1890... 882.1 Shigemi, Shiukiehi. A Japanese boy; by himself. 1890 661.19 Shindler, Robert. Life and labors of Charles H. Spurgeon. 1892 673.22 SHINN. 225 SIMMONDS. Shinn, G: W. King’s handbook of notable Episcopal churches. 1889 586.22 Ship of fools. Brandt, Sebastian. 2v.. . 346.11 Shipp, J: Memoirs of [his] extraordinary- military career [in India, 1797-1825]. 1890 541.12 Ships and shipping. Bates, W:W. Amer- ican marine. 1898 928.3 — Du Chaillu, P. B. Ancient Scandi- navian In 766.1.2 — Maginnis, Arthur J. Atlantic ferry; its ships, men and working. 1892. 946.4 — Smiles, S: Men of invention, p. 1,284. 631.4 — Torr, Cecil. Ancient ships. 1894 8101.10 See also Naval science, etc . Shipwrecks. Stories of the sea in for- mer days Shoemaker, C: C., ed. Young folks dia- logues. 1885 Shoemaker, Mrs. J. W .,comp. Little peo- ple’s speaker. 1889 — Young folks recitations, v.1-2. 1888-9. Shooting. /See Gun; Hunting and shoot- ing; Rifle practice; Military art and science. Shores of Lake Aral. Wood, H. 1876. . . Short, C joint author. See Lewis, C. T. Short studies in literature. Mabie,H.W. Shorthand. See Phonography and ste- nography. Shorthouse, J. H. See Fiction class-list. Shriver, E: J. Want and wealth. [Fa- vors free trade and single tax.] 1890. Shrubbery. Newhall, C: S. Shrubs of Northeastern America. 1893 Shumway, E. S. A day in ancient Rome. 1885 Siam. Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in the Antipodes. 1888 .515.2.10 — Child, J. T. Pearl of Asia. 1892. . . . 548.3 — Corner, Julia. China, etc. 1853 In 772.5 — Cort, Mary L. Siam; or, the heart of Farther India. [1886.] 533.6 — Knox, T: W. Boy travelers in. 1882. 532.1.2 Siberia. Aldrich, H. L. Arctic Siberia. 1889 547.5 — Benyowsky, M. A, Count de. Memoirs and travels in. 1893 : . .In 692.6 — Gowing, L. F. Five thousand miles in a sledge. 1890 538.10 — Hale, E: E. Stories of adyenture. ..In 721.6.3 — Howard, B. D. Life with trans-Siber- ian savages. [Sakhalin island in Okotsksea.] 1893 552.18 — Hutton, James. Central Asia from the Aryan to the Cossack. 1875. . . 558.11 — Kennan, G: Siberia and the exile sys- tem. 2v. 1891 546.2 — Knox, T: W. Underground. [Exiles.] 928.1 — Marsden, Kate. On sledge and horse- back to the outcast Siberian lepers. [1892.] 551.19 — Melville, G: W. In the Lena delta. 1892 558.12 — Price, J. M. From the Arctic ocean to the Yellow sea, 1890-1 . 1892.... 551.6 Sibley, II: H. West, N. Life of. 1889. 654.17 Sicily. Baedeker, K. Sicily. Hand- book. 1890 In* 555.15 — Elliot, Frances. Diary of an idle wo- man in. 1882 538.21 — Freeman, E: A. History of, [to 405 B. C.] 3v. 1891 778.13 556.3 343.26 343.27 343.25 537.8 344.9 937.63 886.28 523.17 Sicily, continued. Story of Sicily; Phoenician, Greek and Roman. 1892 752.1.34 Sickles, Ivin. Exercises in wood-work- ing. 1890 873.9 Sickness. See Medicine; Nursing; etc. Siddons, Mrs. Sarah Kemble. Kennard, Nina A. Mrs. Siddons. (Famous women.) 1887 627.1.15 Side lights. Runciman, James. 1893... 353.1 Sidgwick, A. Fallacies: a view of logic from the practical side. 1884 815.4.47 Sidgwick, H: Elements of politics. 1891. 926.15 — Methods of ethics. 1890 491.7 — Outlines of the history of ethics. 1886. 446.2 Sidney, Sir Philip. Defense of poesy. 1890. 223.26 — Poems. 3v. 1877 237.16 — Adams, W: H: D. Famous books. Review of “Arcadia.” 314.28 — Bourne, H. R. F. Sir Philip Sidney. 1891 664.1.5 — Curtis, G: W: Sir Philip Sidney. [1857.] In 356.10 — Jameson, A. Loves of the poets 633.13 — Lodge, Edm. Portraits, etc. v. 2 658.3.2 — Symonds, J: A. Sir Philip Sidney. — See also Fiction class-list. Sieber, Ferd. Art of singing and vocal culture. [1880.] 852.27 Siemens, Sir C: W: Conservation of solar energy. 1883 8106.13 — Scientific works. 3v. 1889 8106.14 Siena, Italy. Norton, C: E. Church build- ing-in the Middle Ages 836.1 Sienkiewicz, H. See Fiction class-list. Sierra Leone. Williams, G: W. Negro race in America, v. 1, p. 85 762.2.1 Sievers,E. Old English grammar. [1887.] 345.12 Sight. Clifford, W : K. Seeing and think- ing. 1890. 8102.32 See also Eye. Sign language. Clark, W. P. Indian sign language. 1885 346.12 — Mallery, Garrick. Sign language among North American Indians. [In Re- port of Bureau of ethnology, 1879- 80.] P55.1.1 Signboards. Larwood, J. and Hotten J: C. History of. 1866. 916.26 Signers of the Declaration of Independ- ence. Dwight, N. Lives of the sign- ers. 1876 621.16 — Harper’s magazine, v. 47 1004.1.47 — Sanderson, J. Biography of. 9v. 1823-27. 653.12 Signs and seasons. Burroughs, J: 855.14 Signs of change. Morris, W: 1888 941.15 Signs of promise. Abbott, Lyman 455.11 Sigurd the V olsung and the fall of the Nib- lungs. Morris, W. 1891 237.7 Silent South. Cable, G: W 941.12 Sill, E: Rowland. Poems. 1893 238.11 — Hermitage and later poems. 1890 223.16 Silver. ^Metallurgy; Mining; Money. Simcox, G: A: History of Latin litera- ture. 2v. 1883 355.9 Simcox, W: H: Language of the New Testament. [1889.] 463.14 — Writers of the New Testament 463.13 Sime, James. Goethe 693.19 — History of Germany [to 1871]. 1884.. 783.21 Simmonds, P. L. Dictionary of useful animals and their products 855.9 SIMMS. 226 SLAVERY. Simms, W: G. History of South Carolina [to I860]. 1860 785.7 — Life of Francis Marion. [1844.] 694.28 — Trent, W: P. Life of. 1892 624.12.12 — See also Fiction class-list. Simon, Jules. Victor Cousin (Great French writers). 1888 ...651.19.4 Simonds, J: C. and McEnnis, J: T. Story of manual labor in all lands and ages. 1887... 927.7 Simpson, Matthew, bishop. Crooks, G: R. Life of. 1890 668.10 Simson, Alfred. Travels in the wilds of Ecuador. 1886 556.10 Sinai. Lepsius,R: Letters from, (1842-5). 1853 .523.25 Sinclair, Angus. Locomotive engine running and management. 1890.. 874.28 Sinding,P. C. Scandinavian races. 1878. 793.13 Singing. See Music; Voice. Sinnett, A. P. Esoteric Buddhism. 1887. 453.6 — Rationale of mesmerism. 1892 466.23 Sisters’ tragedy. Aldrich, T. B 227.7 Sivewright, J joint author. See Preece, W. H. Six old English chronicles. See Giles, J. A., ed 771.12 Sixty years of an agitator’s life. Holyoake, G: J. 2v. 1893 686.2 Sizer, N. and Drayton, H. S. Heads and faces, and how to study them. [1885.] 445.13 Skeat,W. W; Primer of English etymol- ogy. 1892 345.11 — Principles of English etymology. 2v. 1887-91 357.19 — , ed. Joseph of Arimathie. (Early Eng- lish Text Society.) 1871 237.8 — , ed. Lancelot of the Laik: a Scottish metrical romance. (Early Eng. Text Soc.) 1875 237.9 Skene, W:F. Celtic Scotland. 3v. 1876-80. 7103.1 Skepticism. Confessions of a skeptic .. In 447.3 See also Rationalism. Sketches of debate in the first senate of the United States, in 1789-91. Mac- lay, W: [1880.] 926.9 Sketching. Delamotte,P. H. Sketching from nature. 1888 *8522. 18 — Penley, Aaron. Sketching from na- ture in water colours *8542.27 See also Drawing ; Water-color painting. Skinner, C: R., ed. Arbor day manual. 1890 8106.15 Skottowe, B. C. Short history of par- liament. 1887 918.9 Sladen, D. .ed. Younger American poets, 1830-90; appended, Younger Cana- dian poets. 1891 227.21 Slang. Dixon, J. M. Dictionary of idio- matic English phrases. 1891 342.27 — Grose, Francis. Classical dictionary of the vulgar tongue. 1823 *341.9 — Scheie de Vere, M. Americanisms, p. 573 316.13 Slate. Kingsley, C: Town geology,p.l89. 801.14 — Tyndall, J: Fragments of science, p. 383 803.6 Slater, J. W. Sewage treatment. 1887. 897.24 Slav or Saxon. Foulke, W: D. 1891. . . . 937.43 Slavery. Adams, Nehemiah. South-side view of slavery [in 1854]. 1855 924.5 — Anti-slavery record, v. 1-3. 1835-7.. 917.32 Slavery, continued. — Barnes, Albert. Scriptural views of. 1855 924.26 — Becker, W. A. Charicles,p. 356. Slavery in ancient Greece 713.6 — Channing, W: E. Slavery. 1836 917.38 — Cheever, G: B. God against slavery. 1857 924.6 Guilt of slavery, demonstrated from the scriptures. 1860 924.2 — Child, Lydia M. An appeal in behalf of that class of Americans called Africans. 1836 917.34 — Clarkson, T: History of the abolition of the slave trade. 2v. 1808 926.3 — Cobb, T: R. R. Historical sketch of. 1858 923.20 — Conway, M. D. Golden hour [for the aboiition of slavery]. 1862 924.3 — Elliott, E. N., ed. Cotton is king, and [other] pro-slavery arguments. 1860. 923.1 — Goodell, W: American slave code in theory and practice. 1853 924.4 — Goodwin, Daniel R. Southern slavery; a reply to Bishop Hopkins. 1864. . 757.13 — Hopkins, J: H: Scriptural, ecclesias- tical, and historical view of slavery. [1864.] 924.1 — Jay, W: Character and tendency of the American colonization and American anti-slavery societies. 1838 917.39 View of the action of the Federal gov- ernment in behalf of slavery 917.35 — Johnston, H. H. History of aslave[in Africa]. Fiction. 1889 153.20 — Lea, H: C. Early church and. 1883. In 462.15 — Leonowens, A. H. Romance of the harem, p. 257. Siam, 503.16 — Lincoln, A. and Douglas, S. Debates. 1860 901.3 — Nicholl, H. J. Abolition of the slave — The planter; or, thirteen years in the South; By a northern man. [De- fence of slavery.] 1853 924.31 — Pollard, E: A. Black diamonds. [Slave life in the South.] 1859 944.13 — Poole, W: F: Anti-slavery opinions before the year 1800. 1873 901.10 — Priest, Josiah. Bible defence of slav- ery. Added, a plan of national colo- nization, by W. S. Brown. [1851.] 923.12 — Quarterly anti-slavery magazine, v.1-2. 1835-7 901.17 — Schaff, P. Slavery and the Bible. .In 483.6 — Stanley, H: M. Slavery and the slave- trade in Africa. 1893 933.19 — Stearns, E. J. Notes on Uncle Tom’s cabin: being a logical answer. 1853. 924.9 — Stringfellow, T. Scriptural and sta- tistical views in favor of slavery. 1856 924.8 — Stroud, G: M. Laws relating to slav- ery in the several states. 1856.... 924.7 — Sumner, C: White slavery in the Barbary states. 1853 917.33 — Sunderland, La Roy. Anti-slavery man- ual. 1839 917.36 — Thoreau, H: D. Anti-slavery and re- form papers In 311.11 — Tucker, St. G: Dissertation on slav- ery [and its abolition in Virginia]. [1796.] 943.6 SLAVERY. 227 SMITH. Slavery, continued . — Williams, G: W. History of the Negro race, 1619-1880. 2v. 1883 762.2 See also Negroes. Slavic races. Fiske, J: Races of the Danube In 835.1 Slavonic languages. Bopp, F. Compar- ative grammar. 2v 321.8 Sleeman, Lucy, joint author. See Blen- nerhassett.Rose. Sleep. Bushnell, H. Moral uses, p. 7.. 317.19 — Hinton, J. Physiology for practical use. p.323 814.9 — Lyman, H: M. Insomnia. 1885 8106.16 — Saunders, F. Salad for the solitary, p. 318 304.6 Sleeper, H. D .,comp. Songs of Harvard. 1888 221.12 Sleeping-car, etc. Howells, W. D 223.2 Slips of tongue and pen. Long, J. H. . . . 333.25 Sloane, W: M. The French war and the Revolution, 1756-1783. 1893 787.1 Sloid or Sloyd. See Industrial education; Wood-working. Slosson, A. T. See Fiction class-list. Smart, J. H. Books and reading for the young. 1880 452.9 Smart, W: Theory of value. 1891 941.10 Smedes, Susan D. Memorials of a South- ern planter. 1890 661.18 Smell and taste. Bernstein, J. The five senses of man. 1876 815.4.21 Smetham, James. Letters ; ed. by S. Smetham and W: Davies. 1892.... 683.4 Smiles, S; Happy homes ; rev. by C. C. Gaskell. 1884 447.22 — Jasmin; barber, poet, philanthropist. 1892 675.12 — Josiah Wedgwood; his personal his- tory. 1895 6102.1 — Life and labor; or, characteristics of industry, culture and labor. 1888. 453.8 — Lives of the engineers. 4v. 1862 607.1 Contents : v. 1, Early works of embanking and draining. Life of Sir Hugh Myddleton. Early roads and inodes of travelling. Bridges, harbours, and fer- ries. Life of James Brindley, v.2, Life of John Smeaton. Life of John Rennie. Thomas Telford, v. 3, George and Robert Stephenson, v. 4, Mathew Boulton and James Watt. — Memoir and correspondence of John Murray. 2v. 1891 668.9 — The successful merchant: life of George Moore, merchant and philanthro- pist 646.18 — , ed. James Nasmyth, engineer; an au- tobiography 627.8 Smith:, Adam. On the origin of languages. 1887 In 458.16 — Theory of moral sentiments. Added, a dissertation on the origin of lan- guages. With memoir of author by Dugald Stewart. 1887 458.16 — Haldane, R: B. Life of. 1887 693.27 Smith, Alexander. Poems. 1853 231.6 Smith, Arthur H. Chinese characteris- tics. [1894.] 558.30 Smith, B: E., ed. Century cyclopedia of names. [1894.] A.21 Smith, C: Hamilton. Natural history of the human species. [1852.] 867.2 Smith, C:tl: Bill Arp’s peace papers. 1873. 344.13 Smith, C: H: continued. — Watterson, H:, ed. Oddities of South- ern life and character, p.285 318.25 Smith, C: J: Synonyms and antonyms. 1887 324.12 — Synonyms discriminated. 1889 335.12 Smith, Mrs. E. M., ed. Woman in sacred song. [Selections, with biog. sketch- es.] 1885 212.19 Smith, Eleanor. Songs for little children, [with music], pt. 1. [1887.] .... 8522. 11. 1 Smith, F. Harrison. Through Abyssinia. [in 1886] . 1890 542.4 Smith, F. Hopkinson. White umbrella in Mexico. 1889 523.27 — See also Fiction class-list. Smith, Fanny M. A noble art: the evolu- tion and construction of the piano. [1892.] 895.11 Smith, G. A. Historical geography of the Holy Land. Maps. 1895 561.12 Smith, G. B. William I. and the German empire. 1888 756.5 Smith, G. J. English and American lit- erature. 1890 341.10 Smith, Gerrit. Frothingham, O. B. Life of. 1879 657.13 Smith, Gertrude. See Fiction class-list. Smith, Goldwin. Canada and the Cana- dian question. 1891 776.11 — Irish history and Irish character. 1890. 795.10 -- Life of Jane Austen. 1890 693.13 — The moral crusader, Lloyd Garrison. 1892 692.24 — Oxford and her colleges. 1894 482.8 — Trip to England. 1891 544.12 — The United States; an outline of polit- ical history, 1492-1871. 1893 935.2 Smith, Hannah. [ Hesba Stretton .] The wonderful life. [Life of Christ.]. . . 472.24 — See also Fiction class-list. Smith, Hannah W. Christian’s secret of a happy life. [1888.] 472.29 Smith, H: B. Faith and philosophy. 1886. 483.4 — System of Christian theology. 1890.. 462.11 — Stearns, L. F. Henry Boynton Smith. 1892 656.6.10 Smith, H: P. Glossary of terms and phrases. 1883 353.8 — Inspiration and inerrancy. 1893 475.23 Smith, Horatio. Festivals, games, and amusements, ancient and modern. 1831 885.20 Smith, Huntington, ed. Century of Amer- ican literature: selections from a hundred authors. [1889.] 336.1 Smith, J. M. Ancient Greek female cos- tume. 1882 897.16 Smith, Col. James. [His] captivity with the Indians [in Ohio, 1755-59]. 1870. 776.13 Smith, Gapt. John. Ashton, J: Adven- tures and discourses of. 1883 655.18 — Fuller, T: Worthies of England, v. 1, p. 275 654.16.1 — Higginson, T: W. American explor- ers 711.22 Smith, J: Pye. Relation between the Scriptures and geological science, with memoir by J. H. Davies. 1854. 871.4 Smith, Joseph. Book of Mormon. 1874. 451.10 — Doctrine and covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1888 455.29 SMITH. 228 SMITHSONIAN. Smith, Mrs. L. T. [Lillie T. Meade.] See Fiction class-list. Smith, P. H. Acadia: a lost chapter in American history. 1884 788.20 Smith, R. B. Rome and Carthage: the Punic wars. (Epochs of history.) Smith, R. M. Persian art. (South Ken- sington art handbooks.) 1877 853.32 Smith, R. Payne and others. The higher criticism 482.26 Smith, Richmond M. Emigration and immigration: a study in social sci- ence. 1892 936.10 Smith, Roderick H. Science of business. 1888 937.26 Smith, Sidney. Essays, social and polit- cal 951.15 — Foster, J: Critical essays, v.l, p. 285. .324.14.1 — Whipple, E: P. Essays and reviews. . 303.6.1 Smith, T. Roger. Greek architecture. 1892 882.7 Smith, W. A. “According to Cocker:” the progress of penmanship from the earliest times. 1887 878.12 Smith, Mrs. W. H. The children’s Japan. Illus 552.6 Smith, W: Dictionary of Greek and Ro- man biography and mythology. 3v. 1872 B.36 — Dictionary of Greek and Roman geog- raphy. 2v. 1872 B.37 — Dictionary of the Bible. Rev. and ed. by F. N. and M. A. Peloubet. [1884.] 472.19 — Initia Grseca. pt. 1 and appendix. 2v. 1881-90 331.32 — Principia Latina : ed. by H. Drisler. 2v. 1881 331.31 Contents: v.l, First Latin course; v. 2, First Latin reading book. — and Cheetham, S: Dictionary of Chris- tian antiquities. 2v. 1875-80 B.38 — and Hall,T. D. English-Latin diction- ary. 1871 C.8 — and Wace, H: Dictionary of Chris- tian biography. 4 v. 1877-87 B.39 — and others. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 3d edition, rev. and enlarged. 2 v. 1890 C.10 Smith, W:, ed. Old Yorkshire. [History and antiquities.] New series, v. 1. 1889 778.8.1 Smith, W: H: and Lucy. Merriam, G: S. ,ed. Story of. 1889 656.8 Smith, W:R. Africa illustrated. [1889.]. 8522.14 Smith, W: Robertson. Prophets of Isra- el and their place in history 443.27 — Religion of the Semites. First series: fundamental institutions. 1889... 456.16 Smith, W: Rudolph. History of Wiscon- sin. v.l, pt. 1. [Historical.] 1854.. 736.1.1 Smithsonian institution. Annual reports of the board of regents, 1847-93 *8501.2 Note : volume 27 of “Miscellaneous collections” contains Catalogue of publications of the Smith- sonian institution (1846-1882) with an alphabetical index of articles in the Smithsonian Contributions to knowledge, Miscellaneous collections, Annual reports, Bulletins and proceedings of the U. S. national mu- seum, and report of the Bureau of ethnology, 1882. Smithsonian, continued . — Bureau of ethnology ;Z. W. Powell, direc- tor. Annual reports, 1-12, 1879-91.. P55.1 Contents: v. 1, Report of the director. On the evolu- tion of language, by J. W.Powell. Sketch of the mythol- ogy of the North American Indians, by J. W. Powell. Wyandot government, by J. W. Powell. On limita- tions to the use of some anthropologic data, by J. W. Powell. A further contribution to the study of the mortuary customs of the North American Indians, by H. C. Yarrow. Studies in Central American picture writing, by E. S. Holden. Cessions of land by Indian tribes to the United States, by C. C. Royce. Sign language among North American Indians, by G. Mal- lery. Catalogue of linguistic manuscripts in the library of the Bureau of ethnology, by J. C. Pilling. Illustrations of the method of recording Indian lan- guages, from the manuscripts of J. O. Dorsey, A. S. Gatschet, and S. R. Riggs. v. 2, Report of the director. Zuni fetiches, by F. H. Cushing. Myths of the Iroquois, by Erminnie A. Smith. Animal carvings from the mounds of the Mississippi valley, by H: W. Henshaw. Navajo sil- versmiths, by Dr. W. Matthews. Art in shell of the ancient Americans, by W : H. Holmes. Illustrated catalogue of the collections obtained from the In- dians of New Mexico and Arizona in 1379, by J. Ste- venson. Illustrated catalogue of the" collections ob- tained from the Indians of New Mexico in 1880, by J. Stevenson. v. 3. Report of the director. Notes on certain Maya and Mexican manuscripts, by C. Thomas. On masks, iabrets. and certain aboriginal customs, by W: H. Dali. Omaha sociology, by J. O. Dorsey. Navajo weavers, by Dr. W. Matthews. Prehistoric textile fabrics of the United States, derived from impres- sions on pottery, by W. H. Holmes. Illustrated cata- logue of a portion of the collections made during the field season of 1881, by W. II. Holmes. Illustrated catalogue of the collections obtained from the Pueb- los of New Mexico and Arizona in 1881, by J. Steven- son. Index. v. 4, Report of the director. Pictographs of the North American Indians — a preliminary paper, by G. Mallery. Pottery of the ancient Pueblos, by "J^ 7 : H. Holmes. Ancient pottery of the Mississippi valley, by W: H. Holmes. Origin and development of fornf and ornament in ceramic art, by W : H. Holmes.' A study of Pueblo pottery as illustrative of Zuni cul- ture-growth, by F. H. Cushing. Index. v. 5, Report of the director. Burial mounds of the northern sections of the United States, by C. Thomas. The Cherokee nation of Indians, by C: C. Royce. The mountain chant: a Navajo ceremony, by Dr. W. Mat- thews. Seminole Indians of Florida, by C. Maccau- ley. The religious life of the Zuni child, by Mrs. T. E. Stevenson. Index . v. 6, Report of the director. Ancient art of the province of Chiriqui, by W : H. Holmes. A study of the textile art in its relation to the development of form and ornament, by W: II. Holmes. Aids to the study of the Maya codices, by C. Thomas. Osage traditions, by J. O. Dorsey. The central Eskimo, by Dr. F. Boas. Index. v. 7, Report of the director. Indian linguistic fam- ilies of America north of Mexico, by J. W. Powell. The Midewiwin or “grand medicine society” of the Ojibwa, by W. J. Huffman. Sacred formulas of the Cherokees, by J. Mooney. v. 8, Report of the director. A study of Pueblo architecture, Tusayan and Cibola, by V. Mindeleff. Ceremonial of Hasjelti Dailjis and mythical sand painting of the Navajo Indians, by J. Stevenson. v. 9, Report of the director. Ethnological results of the Point Barrow expedition, by J : Murdoch. Med- icine men of the Apache, by J: G. Bourke. Bibliog- raphy. v . 10, Report of the director. Picture writing of the American Indians, by G. Mallery. v. 11, Report of the director. The Sia, by Matilda C. Stevenson. Ethnology of the Ungava district, by L. M.. Turner. A study of Siouan cults, by J. O. Dorsey. v. 12, Report of the director. Report of the mound explorations of the Bureau of ethnology, by C. Thomas. — Contributions to knowledge, v. 22-29. 1880-1892 *8541.15 Contents: v, 22, Jones J., Explorations of the aboriginal remains of Tennessee. Habel, S., Sculp- tures of Santa Lucia Cosumalwhuapa in Guatemala; with an account of travels in Central America and on the western coast of South America. Rau, C:, Arch- aeological collection of the United States national mu- seum, in charge of the Smithsonian institution, Wash- ington, D. C. Rau, C:, Palenque tablet in the United SMITHSONIAN. SMITHSONIAN. m Smithsonian, continued. States national museum, Washington, D. C. Dali, W. H., On the remains of later pre-historic man ob- tained from caves in the Catherina Archipelago, Alas ka territory, and especially from the caves of the Aleutian Islands. v. 23. Clark, H: J., Lucernariie and their allies. Hil- gard, E. W., On the geology of lower Louisiana and the salt deposit of Petite Anse island. Barnard. J. G., On the internal structure of the earth considered as affecting the phenomena of precession and nutation, being the third of the problems of rotary motion. Elliot, D. G., Classification and synopsis of the tro- chilidte. Wood, H. C., Fever; a study in morbid and normal physiology. v. 24. Caswell, A., Results of meteorological obser- vations made at Providence, R. I., 1831-1876. Schott. C: A., Tables and results of the precipitation, in rain and snow, in the United States: and at some stations in adjacent parts of North America, and in Central and South America. v. 25, Rau, C:, Prehistoric fishing in Europe and North America. Bransford, J. F., Archaeological re- searches in Nicaragua. Cope, E: D. On the con- tents of a bone cave in the island of Anguilla (West Indies.) v. 26. Mitchell, S. W. and Reichart, E: T., Research- es upon the venoms of poisonous serpents. Hyatt, A., Genesis of the Arietid®. v. 27, [incomplete]. Langley, S. P., Experiments in lerodynamics. Langley, S. P., Internal work of the wind. v. 28, Bendire, C:, Life histories of North American birds. v. 29, Michelson, A. A., On the application of in- terference methods to spectroscopic measurements. — Miscellaneous collections, v. 3-4,6-27, 34-36, 38. 1862-1894 *8501.1 Contents : v. 3 4, 6-9. [See Library catalogue, 1886.] v. 10, Carpenter, P. P., Mollusks of western North America. Gill, T., Arrangement of the families of mollusks. Henry, J., Instructions for observations of thunderstorms. Henry, J. , Circular relative to heights. Henry, J., Directions for constructing lightning-rods. Henry, J., Queries relative to tornadoes. Baird, S. F., Questions relative to the food fishes of the United States. Baird. S. F., Memoranda of inquiry relative to the food fishes of the United States. List of the in- stitutions, libraries, colleges, and other establish- ments in the United States in correspondence with the Smithsonian institution. List of foreign corre- spondents of the Smithsonian institution. Corrected to January, 1872. Check list of publications of the Smithsonian institution, July, 1872. v. 11, Gill. T., Families of mammals. Gill.T. Fam- ilies of fishes. Loew, H., Diptera of North America, pt. 3. Packard, A. S., jr. Directions for collecting and preserving insects. Le Conte, J: L., New spe- cies of North American coleoptera, pt. 2. Le Conte, J: L., Classification of the coleoptera of North Amer- ica, pt. 2. v. 12, Baird, S. F., Review of American birds in the museum of the Smithsonian institution, pt. 1. Clarke, F. W., Constants of nature, pt. 1. Henry, J., Tele- graphic announcements of astronomical discoveries. v. 13, Cope, E: D., Check-list of North American batrachia and reptilia. Kidder, J. H., Contributions to the natural history of Kerguelen islands, 1874-75. Lawrence G.N., Birds of southwestern Mexico, collect- ed by Frances E. Sumichrast for the United States national museum. Goode, G. B., Catalogue of the fishes of the Bermudas. Goode, G. B ., Classification of the collection to illustrate the animal resources of the United States. Streets, T: H., Contributions to the natural history of the Hawaiian and Fanning islands and lower California. Dali, W. II., Index to the names which have been applied to the sub-divisions of the class brachiopoda. Jordan, D: S., Contributions to North American ichthyology. v. 14. De Saussure, II., Synopsis of American wasps- solitary wasps. Gill, T. Catalogue of the fishes of the east coast of North America. Clarke, F. W., Constants of nature, 1st supplement to pt. 1, pts. 2,3. Photographic portraits of North American In- dians in the gallery of the Smithsonian institution. List of publications of the Smithsonian institution, July, 1877. Holden, E: S., Index catalogue of books and memoirs relating to nebulae and clusters, etc. v. 15. Watson, 8., Bibliographical index of North American botany, pt. 1, Polypetalai. Woodward, J. J., On the structure of cancerous tumors and mode in which adjacent parts are invaded. Brown-Sequard, C. E., Dual character of the brain. Da Costa, J. M., On strain and over-action of the heart. Wood, II. C., Study of the nature and mechanism of fever. Keen, W: W., On the surgical complications and sequels of Smithsonian, continued. the continued fevers. Adams, W : Sub-cutaneous sur- gery. List of foreign correspondents of the Smith- sonian institution, corrected to January, 1878. Cir- cular in reference to American archaeology. Cir- cular of inquiries relative to the natural history of the American crawfish and other fresh water Crustacea. Circular relating to collections of living reptiles . v. 16, Tryon, G: W., jr., Land and fresh water shells of North America, pt. 4. Sacken, C. R. O., Cat- alogue of the described diptera of North America. Shakespeare, E: O. Nature of reparatory inflamma- tion in arteries after ligature, acupressure, and tor- sion. Circular relative to scientific and literary ex- changes. Business arrangements ol' the Smithsonian institution. Elliot, D. G., List of described species of humming birds. List of the principal scientific and literary institutions in the United States, May 1879. List of publications of the Smithsonian institution, July. 1879. v. 17, Smithsonian institution: documents relative to its origin and history, ed. by W: J. Rhees. v. 18, Journals of the board of regents, reports of committees, statistics, etc., 1846-76, ed. by W: J. Rhees. v. 19, Proceedings of the United States national museum, v, 1-2, 1878-79. v. 20, Bulletins of the Philosophical society of Washington, v. 1-3, 1871-1880. v. 21, Rhees, W: J., James Smithson and his be- quest. Scientific writings of James Smithson. Johnson, W. R., Memoir on the scientific character and researches of James Smithson. Irby, J. It. McD., On the works and character of James Smithson. * Memorial of Joseph Henry. v. 22, Proceedings of the United States national museum, v. 3-4, 1880-81. v. 23, Gill, T. , Bibliograhy of the fishes of the Pa- cific coast of the United States to the end of 1879. Jordan, D: S. and Brayton, A. W., Contributions to North American ichthology, pt. 3. Eggers, H. F. A., Flora of St. Croix and the Virgin Islands. Goode, G. B., Catalogue of the collection to illustrate the ani- mal resources and the fisheries of the United States, exhibited at Philadelphia in 1876. Kumlien, L., Con- tributions to the natural history of Arctic America, made in connection with the Howgate polar expedi- tion, 1877-78. v. 24, Jordan, D: S. and Gilbert, C: H., Synopsis of the fishes of North America. v. 25, Bulletins of the Philosophical society of Washington, 1880-82. Transactions of the Anthropo- logical society of Washington, 1879-1882. Abstract of transactions of the Anthropological society of Wash- ington, 1879-81. Proceedings of the Biological soci- ety of Washington, v. 1. 1880-1882. v. 26, Waring, G: E., jr.. Suggestions for the sani- , tary drainage of Washington city. List of foreign correspondents of the Smithsonian institution, cor- rected to 1882. Additions and corrections to the list of foreign correspondents, to 1883. Le Conte, J: L. and Horn, G. H., Classification of the coleoptera of North America. v. 27, Becker, G: F., Constants of nature, pt. 4. Clarke, F. W., Constants of nature, pt. 5 Check list of publications of the Smithsonian institution, 1881. Rhees, W: J., Catalogue of publications of the Smith- sonian institution (1846-1882) with an alphabetical in- dex of articles in the Smithsonian Contributions to knowledge, Miscellaneous collections. Annual re- ports, Bulletins and proceedings of the U. S. national museum, and report of the Bureau of ethnology. v. 34, Mills, C:K., Mental over work and premature dis- ease among public and professional men. Transactions of the Anthropological society of Washington, v. 3, 1883-85. Traphagen, F. W., Index to the literature of Columbium, 1801-87. Winlock. W: C., Bibliography of astronomy, for the year 1887. Bolton, H. C., Biblio- graphy of chemistry, for the year 1887. Allen, II., Clinical study of the skull. Tuckerman, A., Index to the literature of thermodynamics. Rogers', J. A.. Correction of sextants for errors of eccentricity and graduation. Tuckerman, A., Bibliography of the chemical influence of light. Abbe, C., ed., Mechan- ics of the earth’s atmosphere: collection of transla- tions. v. 35, [incomplete], Smithsonian meteorological tables. Woodward, It. S., Smithsonian geographical tables. v. 36, Bolton, II: C., Select bibliography of chemis- try, 1492-1892. v. 37, [incomplete], Sherborn, C: D., Index to the genera and species of the foraminifera. pt. 1, A-Non. v. 38, [incomplete], Sergi, G., Varieties of the hu- man species: principles and method of classification. Semour, P. II., Bibliography of aceto acetic ester and its derivatives^ SMITHSONIAN. 230 SOCIALISM. Smithsonian, continued. — United States national museum. An- nual reports, 1884-92 *8501.17 Note : For reports of 1881-83 see “Annual reports of the board of regents” for those years. Proceedings, 1891-93 *8501.18 Note : For proceedings of 1878-79 see “Miscellane- ous collections,” v. 19; for 1880-81 see “Miscellaneous collections,” v. 22. Smyrna. Wallace, S. E. Storied sea, p. 201. 557.25 Smyth, Albert H. Philadelphia maga- zines and their contributors, 1741- 1850. 1892 344.20 Smyth, Egbert C. and others. Divinity of Jesus Christ. 1893 476.17 — Progressive orthodoxy. 1887 446.25 Smyth, Newman. Personal creeds; or, how to form a working-theory of life. 1890 461.10 Smyth, W; Lectures on the French revo- lution. 2v. 1860 772.20 Smyth, W: H; The Mediterranean: pl^s- ical, historical, and nautical. 1854. 537.10 Snider, Denton J. Walk in Hellas. 1883. 558.6 Snob, Evolution of the. Perry, T: S. 1887. 333.5 Snorre Sturlason. Heimskringla; or, the sagas of the Norse kings; from the Icelandic by S. Laing; ed. by R. B. Anderson. 4v. 1889 351.5 Same; ed. by W: Morris and Eirikr Magnusson. 1894 355.12.3-4 Snow, W: P. Southern generals: their lives and campaigns. 1866 761.1 Snow. Higginson, T: W. Out-door pa- pers, p. 339 307.15 — Proctor, R: A. Shower of snow-crys- tals In 828.6 — Tyndall, J: Forms of water, p. 29 815.4.1 Snow-bound. See Whittier, J: G. Soboleski, Paul. Poets and poetry of Po- land. 1881 224.5 Sobriquets. See Bibliography {Allusions, etc.) Social customs. Hall, F. H 452.8 Social democracy. See Socialism and communism. Social economics. Gunton, G: 926.7 Social ethics. Moore, C. J. [Mrs. H. 0. Ward .] 933.5 Social evolution. Kidd, B: 943.19 Social horizon, The. 1893 933.18 Social institutions of the United States. Bryce, James. 1891 925.18 Social science and sociology. Addams, Jane and others. Hull-House maps and papers; a presentation of na- tionalities and wages in a congest- ed district of Chicago. [1895.] 952.1 Philanthrophy and social progress: [seven essays] . [1893.] 933.21 — Altgeld, J: P. Live questions. 1890.. 923.13 — American academy of political and social science. Annals, v. 1-2, July 1890-June 1892 1008.50 — Andrews, E. B: and others. Man and the state. 1892 936.31 — Bascom, J: Sociology. [1887.] 941.4 — Bellamy, E: Looking backward. 1889. 151.12 — Bowker, R. R. and lies, G:, ed. Read- er’s guide in social science : a clas sified bibliography. 1891 924.34 — Brooklyn ethical association. Man and the state 936.31 Social science, continued. Sociology. 1890 941.25 — Buxton, Sydney. Handbook to polit- ical questions of the day. 1892 943.1 — Campbell, G. D., Duke of Argyll. The unseen foundations of society. 1893 928.4 — Carey, H. C. Principles of social sci- ence. 3v. 1888 942.2 — Chadwick, Edwin. Health of nations. A review of his works. 2v. 1887 901.19 — Codman, J: T: Brook farm. 1894 951.2 — Ely, R: T. Social aspects of Chris- tianity and other essays. [1889.] . . 922.20 — Fiske, J: Sociology and hero-wor- ship In 844.22 — George, H: Social problems. 1883 917.6 — Gladden, Washington. Tools and the man: [Christian socialism]. 1893.. 933.15 — Herbert; Auberon, ed. World grown young; a record of reforms, 1894- 1914 944.28 — Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science, v.l- 10. 1883-92 *942.1 For contents see entry in general alphabet. — Kalisch, M. M. Path and goal. 1880. 945.19 — Kidd, B: Social evolution. 1894 943.19 — Michaelis, R: Looking forward: an answer to “Looking backward.” 1890 156.26 — Morris, W: Signs of change. 1888... 941.15 — Porter, Noah. Spencer’s theory of so- ciology In 353.14 — Ritchie, D: G. Principles of state in- terference. 1891 941.18 — Rousseau, J.J. The social contract. 1893. 944.7 — Ruskin, J: Crown of wild olive. 1891. 357.14 — Schmidt, C. Social results of early Christianity. 1889 478.23 — Smith, Sidney. Essays * 951.15 — The social horizon. 1893 933.18 — Strong, Josiah. The new era. [1893.] 933.25 — Stuckenberg, J. H. W. Christian soci- ology. 1880 917.11 — Sumner, W:G. Collected essays. 1885. 947.9 — Sutter, Julie. Colony of mercy ; or, social Christianity at work. 1893.. 943.5 — Thwing, F. and C. F. The family. 1887 901.2 — Tolstoi, L. N., count. What to do? [1888] 925.29 — Woods, R. A. English social move- ments. 1891 925.30 Periodicals. — Journal of political economy, v.1-2. 1891-84 *1008.51 — Political science quarterly. v.1-9. 1886-94 *1008.30 — Yale review, v. 1-2. 1892-94 *1008.47 See also Charities; Civilization ; Co-operation; Crime and punishment; Education; Emigration; Etiquette; Grange: Labor and capital; Labor and the laboring classes; Law ; Man; Marriage; Polit- ical economy; Political science; Poor and poor re- lief; Population; Prisons; Religion; Slavery; Sta- tistics ; Temperance; Utopias; Woman. Socialism and communism. Barnett, S: and Henrietta. Practicablesocialism. 1894 951.11 — Bastiat, M. F. Sophisms of In 914.27 — Bax,E. B. Ethics of socialism. [1889.] 941.23 SOCIALISM. 231 SONGS. Socialism, continued . — Brisbane, A. Social destiny of man. 1840 924.29 — Dawson, W: H. German socialism and Ferdinand Lassalle. 1891 941.20 — Ely, R:T. Recent American socialism. 1885 918.1 Socialism and social reform. 1894.. 944.18 — Gilman, N: P. Socialism and the American spirit.. 1893 933.12 — Gissing, G: Demos: a story of English socialism. 1886 36.801 — Gladden, W. Strength and weakness of S In 446.26 — Graham, W: Socialism new and old. 1891 815.4.68 — Gronlund, L. Co-operative common- wealth. 1890 936.15 — Hitchcock, R. D. Socialism. 1879... 917.8 — Kaufmann, M. Christian socialism. 1888 946.15 — Kirkup, T: History of socialism. 1892. 933.22 — Laveleye, E. de. Socialism of to-day. 1885 917.15 — Mackay, T:, ed. Plea for liberty: an argument against socialism. 1891. 926.8 — Mallock, W. H. Social equality. 1884. 917.7 — Mill, J: Stuart. Socialism. [1891.1... 951.9 — Morris. W: Signs of change. 1888... 941.15 and Bax,E. B. Socialism: its growth and outcome. 1893 941.6 — Rae,.T: Contemporary socialism. 1884. 917.12 — Schaffle, A. Impossibility of social democracy. [Supplement of “Quin- tessence of socialism.”] 1892 933.4 — - Quintessence of socialism. 1892 941.19 — Shaw, Albert. Icaria. 1884 933.20 — Shaw, G. B. and others. Fabian essays in socialism 926.1 — Sprague, P. W. Christian socialism. 1891 925.14 — Strong, Josiah. Our country, p.138. 1891. 925.17 — Winterer, L. The social danger; or, two years of socialism. 1886 902.33 See also Amana society; Co-operation; Interna- tional association; Trades unions; Land and land tenure. Society. ^^Civilization; Social science. Society as I have found it. McAllister, Ward 924.19 Society islands. Ellis, W: Polynesian researches. 4v. 1859.. 542.7 Sociology. See Social science. Socrates. Apuleius. On the god of Soc- rates... In 324.2 — Blackie.J: S. Four phases of morals. . 402.11 — Grote, G: Plato and the companions of Socrates. 4v 692.15 — Plato. Apology of Socrates: Crito; Phaedo. 1886 I n 457.6 A day in Athens with Socrates 464.24 Talks with Socrates about life 464.23 Trial and death of Socrates 687.31 — Wood, W., ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 — Xenophon. The banquet; The apol- ogy of Socrates In 324. 8 Socrates Scholasticus. Ecclesiastical history from 305-439, tr. from the Greek. 1888 457.17 Soils. Barnard, C: Talks about the soil in its relation to plants and busi- ness. [1886.] 891.17 Soils, continued. — Lawes, J. B. and others. Soil of the farm. 1893 893.8 Solar biology. Butler, Hiram E 878.6 Soldier in our civil war. Mottelay, P. F. and Copeland, T. C-. 2v. 1890.. *8542.25 Soldier’s story of his captivity at Ander- son ville.' Goss, Warren L. 1869. 763.12 Soley, J. R. Historical sketch of the United States Naval academy. 1876. 926.17 — Sailor boys of ’61. [1888.] 776.4 Solitude. Hamerton, P. G. Intellectual life, p. 300 402.14 ' — Helps, A. Companions of my solitude. 301.8 — Jacox, F. Cues, etc., p. 84. Solitude in crowds 301.30 Solomon, Jewish king. Baring-Gould, S. Legends, etc., p. 347 437.23 — Farrar, F. W. Life and times of 461.6.3 Solomon Islands. Woodford, C: M. Nat- uralist among the head-hunters. 1890 542.29 Solon, Athenian legislator. Grote, G: His- tory of Greece, v. 3, p. 90 713.11.3 — Plutarch. Lives 604.5 and 604.6 — Diogenes Laertius. Lives, etc 658.1 Soluble glass. Feuchtwanger, L: 1875. 827.4 Some eminent women of our times. Faw- cett, Mrs. Henry. 1889 661.8 Some strange corners of our country. Lum- mis, C:F. 1892 547.11 Song and legend from the Middle Ages. McClintock, W: D 348.8 Song celestial [from the Mahabharata] ;tr. by Edwin Arnold 216.14 Song of life. Morley, Marg. W 877.22 Song of the ancient people. Proctor, Ed- na D 224.21 Song stories for the kindergarten. Hill, M. J. and P. S. 1893 945.10 Songs, ballads, sonnets. Aitken,Mary C. Scottish song: a selection. 1874... 222.6 — Alexander, Francesca. Roadside songs of Tuscany; ed. by J. Ruskin. 1887. 224.8 — Butterworth, H. American national songs In 644.10 — Child, Francis J., ed. English and Scottish ballads. 8v. in 4. [1857-85.] 227.15 — Crandall, C: H. Representative son- nets by American poets; with notes, etc. 1890 227.6 — Crane, T: F:, ed. Chansons populaires de la France. ‘ 1891 236.9 — Disraeli, I: Songs of trades and the people. Curiosities of lit., p. 159.. 305.8 — Eggleston, G: C. American war bal- lads and lyrics. 2v. [1889.] 227.20 — Fagan, W. L., comp. Southern war songs. 1890 228.3 — Gems of song: vocal and instrumental. [1880.] *8542.5 — Gilder, R: W. Lyrics. [1887.] 231.16 — Higginson, T. W. and Bigelow, E. H., ed. American sonnets. 1890 227.11 — Hullah, J:, ed. Songbook: words and tunes. 1866 222.5 — McCaskey,J. P ,,comp. Franklin Square song collection, nos. 1-8. i8Sl-1892. 207.25 — Mitchison,W: Songs of Scotland with music 222.35 — Moore ? Frank. Songs and ballads of the American Revolution. 1856... 227.17 Songs and ballads of the Southern people, 1861-5. 1886 215.33 SONGS. 232 SPAIN. Songs, continued. — Morrison, D. H., ed. Fireside treasury of best loved song: [with music]. [1888.] 864.2 Royal quartettes. [1888.] 864.3 , ed. Treasury of song for the home circle. 3v. v. 1-2. Songs with music. v.3. Instrumental. 1882-85 864.1 — Reed.H: English sonnets In 208.22.2 — Sharp, Mrs. W., ed. Songs and poems of the sea 223.24 — Sleeper, H. D. Songs of Harvard. [With music.] 1888 221.12 — Smith, Eleanor. Songs for little chil- dren [with music]. pt. 1. [1887.] .. .8522.11.1 — Stanton, F. L. Songs of the soil. 1894. 236.28 — Waite, H. R. College songs. [1887.].. 221.5 — War-songs for anniversaries and gath- erings of soldiers: Songs and hymns for memorial day. 1888 221.6 See also Hymns; Poetry. Songs before sunrise. Swinburne, A. C: 1871 237.17 Songs of two nations. Swinburne, A. C: 1875 237.18 Sonnenschein, W: S. The best books: a reader’s guide. 1891 *3502.22 Sonnets. See Songs. Sonnets and lyrics. Jackson, H. H 216.18 Sophocles. Sophocles for the use of schools; ed., with English notes, by L. Campbell and E. Abbott. 2v. 1886 357.21 — Tragedies; tr. by T. A. Buckley. 1888. 225.23 — Donaldson, J. W. Theatre of the Greeks 224.3 — Schlegel, A. W. Dramatic art, p. 96.. 204.17 — Symonds,J:A. Greek poets, v.l, p.436.217.15.1 — Tyler, H: M. A Greek play [Electra] and its presentation. Ulus. [1891.] 224.16 — Wood, W. Hundred greatest men.... 628.22 Sorcery. Wright, F: Narratives of ... . 476.6 See also Delusions; Magic. . Sorel, A. Madame de Stael. 1891 651.19.7 — Montesquieu. (Great French writers). 1888 651.19.3 Soudan. McCarthy, J. H. England un- der Gladstone 765.11 — Wingate, F. R. Mahdiism and the Egyptian Sudan. 1891 797.1 Soul. Carus, Paul. Soul of man. 1891. 464.7 — Clodd, E. Myths, p. 182, 198. Barbar- ic theory of 482.24 — Plutarch. Morals, v. 2. Procreation of. 445.3.2 — Tylor, E. B. Primitive culture. 2v. 825.16 See also Future life; Mental philosophy, etc. Sound. See Acoustics. South America. See America, South. South Carolina. Allen, W. Governor Chamberlain’s administration in, [1874-1877]. 1888 784.17 — Doyle, J. A. English colonies, p. 328. 728.6 — Lodge, H. C. English colonies, p.158. 726.5 — Olmsted, F:L. Seaboard slave states, p. 377 512.8 — Si mms,W:G. History of [to I860]. 1860. 785.7 South Kensington Museum art hand- books. — Pollen, J. H. Furniture. 1877 853.22 Maskell, W: Ivories. 1877 :... 853.23 — Engel, C. Musical instruments. 1877. 853.24 — Rock, D. Textile fabrics. 1877 853.25 South Kensington, continued. — Cripps, W. J. College and corporation plate. 1881 853.26 — Fortnum, C. D. E. Maiolica. 1877.. 853.27 — Industrial arts: historical sketches 853.28 — Nesbitt, Alex. Glass. 1879 853.29 — Pollen, J. H. Gold and silversmith’s work 853.30 — Riaho, Juan F. Spanish arts. 1879... 853.31 — Smith, R. M. Persian art. 1877 853.32 South side view of slavery. Adams, N.. 924.5 Southern bivouac. See Periodicals. Southern historical society papers, v. 1- Southern planter. Smedes, Susan D. . . 661.18 Southern war songs. Fagan, W. L., comp. 228.3 Southey, Robert. Common-place book ; ed. bv J. W. Warter. 2v. 1850 334.10 — The doctor. 1872 357.22 — Poetical works. 1853 221.18 Contents : Joan of Arc. Vision of the Maid of Or- leans. Juvenile and minor poems. Thalaba, the destroyer. Madoc. Ballads and metrical tales. Curse of Kehama. Roderick, the last of the Goths. Poet’s pilgrimage to Waterloo. Carmen nuptiale. Vision of judgment. Oliver Newman, etc. — Carlyle, T: Reminiscences, p. 513... 622.17 — De Quincey, T: Reminiscences 302.19.2 — Oliphant, M. O. W. Literary history of England, v.l, p. 285,320. 318.28.1 — Reed, H: British poets, v.2, p.132. . . .208.22.2 — Saunders, F: Some famous books, p. 148 335.13 Southgate, H:, comp. Many thoughts of many minds. 2v 351.4 South-Sea idyls. Stoddard, C: W.. 547.15 Souvenirs of my time. Fremont, J. B. [1887.] 647.14 Souvestre, E. See Fiction class-list. Sovereigns and courts of Europe. 1891. . 666.13 Sowerby, G. B. Conchological manual. 1852 857.5 Sozinskey, T: S. Medical symbolism. 1891 ...... 877 * 35 Sozomen, Greek historian. Ecclesiastical history; from A. D. 324-440. 1855.. 457.18 Spain. Bonner, J: Child’s history of. 1894 792.15 — Champney, Eliz. W. Three Yassar girls abroad. [1882] 543.1.1 — Davillier, C: Spain; illus. by Dore. 1886. F *8542.7 — Day, H: From the Pyrenees to the pillars of Hercules. 1884 536.24 — Dollinger, J. J. I. von. Political and intellectual development of In 793.17 — Elliot, Frances. Diary of an idle wom- an in. 1884..., 538.22 — Field, H: M. Old Spain and new. 1888. 534.8 — Finck, H: T. Spain and Morocco. 1891. 542.24 — Hale, E: E. and Susan. Story of. 1886. 752.1.7 — Lane-Poole, S. Story of the Moors in. [1886.] 752.1.11 — Lathrop, G: P. Spanish vistas. 1883.. 558.27 — Ober, F: A. Knockabout club in. [1889.] 543.2.2 — O’Shea, J: A. Romantic Spain: a rec- ord of personal experiences. 2v.l887. 544.7 — Patch, Olive. Sunny Spain. 1884..’. 548.4 — Scott, S. P. Through Spain. 1886... 553.8 — Stoddard, C: A. Spanish cities. 1892. 551.7 — Thomas, Marg. Scamper through S. and Tangier. [1892.]. 551.4 SPAIN. 233 SPENSER. Spain, continued. — Trueba y Cosio, T. de. Romance of history: Spain 177.22 — Watts, H: E: Christian recovery of, 711-1495. 1894 752.1.40 See also Spanish Armada; Gibraltar; In- quisition ; Isabella I. Spalding, H. M. Encyclopedia of law and forms. 1880.... 926.22 Spalding, J. L., bishop. Education and the higher life. 1890 463.4 Spalding, V. M. Study of common plants. 1893 891.30 Spang, H: W. Lightning protection. 1883 891.25 Spanish- American republics. Child, Theo. 1891 545.21 Spanish and Portuguese South America during the colonial period. Wat- son, R. G. 2v. 1884 7103.2 Spanish Armada. Creasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive battles. 703.6 — Froude, J. A. History of England. . .703.1.12 — Hale, E: E. Stories of the sea 721.6.2 — Kingsley, C: Westward ho! ch. 31. 132.17 — Motley, J: L. United Netherlands, v.2, p. 458 704.4.2 Spanish arts. Riano, J. F. South Ken- sington art handbooks. 1879 853.31 Spanish language. Conkling, A. R. Ap- pletons’ guide to Mexico. English- Mexican vocabulary In 522.5 — Knapp, W: Ireland. Grammar of the modern Spanish language. 1891.. 355.5 Spanish literature. Calderon de la Bar- ca, P. Select plays. [Spanish text]; ed. by N. Maccoll. 1888 227.4 — Conant, Helen S. Primer of Spanish literature. [1878.] 347.15.9 — Lewis, G. H. Spanish drama. Lope de Vega and Calderon. 1846 227.26 See also Valera, Juan. [Novelist.] Spanish pioneers. Lummis, C: F. 1893.. 785.17 Sparks, Jared. Life of Washington. 1858. 667.1.1 Same; abridged. 2v. 1840 666.4 — Adams, H. B. Life and writings of Jared Sparks. 2v. 1893 685.16 — Peabody, A. P. Harvard graduates. 1890 666.10 Sparrow. Barrows, W. B. English spar- row in North America. 1889 894.6 Spartan and Theban supremacies. Sank- ey, C: 787.12.4 Speaking and speakers. See Elocution. Speare, J: W. See Fiction class-list. Spectator, T he. By Addison and others. 303.15.5-12 Spectral illusions. Chambers’s miscel- lany 1001.8.10 Spectrum analysis. Half hours with mod- ern scientists, v.2, p.61-146. 1873. .812.32.2 — Wright, L: Light, p. 129. 1882 874.23 Spedding, James. Life and times of Fran- cis Bacon. 2v. 1880 647.3 Speeches. See Elocution {Speeches). Spelling reform. Muller, F. Max. On spelling. [Printed phonetically.] In 404.2.5 — Scientific alphabet adopted by the American spelling reform associa- tion. See Standard dictionary, v.2, p. 2104 A. 22.2 Spence, H. D. M. and others , ed. Thirty thousand thoughts. 6v. 1889 Spencer, Herbert. Ecclesiastical insti- tutions. (Principles of sociology, Pt- 6.) — Education : intellectual, moral and physical. 1861 — Factors of organic evolution. 1887. . . — Nature and reality of religion: a con- troversy. See Harrison, F. 1885.. — Philosophy of style. 1892 — Principles of ethics. 2v. 1893 *468.4 913.11 401.8 858.2 436.11 357.13 476.9 Contents : v. 1, Data of etbics: Conduct in general; Evolution of conduct; Good and bad conduct: Ways of judging conduct; Physical view ; Biological view; Psychological view; Sociological view; Relativity of pains and pleasures; Egoism versus altruism; Altru- ism versus egoism; Trial and compromise; Concilia- tion; Absolute ethics and relative ethics; Scope of ethics. Inductions of ethics: Confusion of ethical thought; What ideas and sentiments are ethical? Ag- gression; Robbery; Revenge; Justice; Generosity; Humanity; Veracity ; Obedience; Industry; Temper- ance: Chastity; Summary of inductions. Ethics of individual life: Introductory; Activity; Rest; Nutri- tion; Stimulation; Culture; Amusements; Marriage; Parenthood; General conclusions. v. 2, Justice; Animal-ethics; Sub-human justice; Human justice; Sentiment of justice; Idea of justice; Formula of justice: Authority of this formula; Corol- laries ; Right to physical integrity; Rights to free mo- tion and locomotion ; Rights to the uses of natural media: Right of property; Right of incorporeal prop- erty; Rights of gift and bequest; Rights of free ex- change and free contract; Right of free industry; Rights of free belief and worship ; Rights of free speech and publication; Retrospect with an addition; Rights of women; Rights of children; Political rights so-called; Nature of the state; Constitution of the state; Duties of the state; Limits of state-duties. Negative beneficence: Kinds of altruism : Restraints on free competition ; Restraints on free contract ; Re- straints on undeserved payments; Restraints on dis- plays of ability; Restraints on blame; Restraints on praise; Ultimate sanctions. Positive beneficence: Marital beneficence; Parental beneficence; Filial be- neficence; Aiding the sick and the injured; Succour to the ill-used and the endangered: Pecuniary aid to rel- atives and friends ; Relief of the poor ; Social benefi- cence; Political beneficence; Beneficence at large. Appendices: Kantian idea of rights; Land-question; Moral motive; Conscience in animals. — Collins, F. H. Epitome of the Syn- thetic philosophy. 1889 455.12 — Iverach, J. Philosophy of S. exam- ined. [1888.] In 482.25 — Morris, G: S. British thought, etc. In 317.20 — Porter, Noah. Science and sentiment. In 353.14 — Quick, R. H. Educational reformers, pp. 439-469 448.2.17 — Ward, L. F. Dynamic sociology, v.l. Brief survey of the “Synthetic phi- losophy.” In 916.13.1 Spenser, Edmund. Works; ed. by R. Morris. 1886 222.10 Contents: Memoir. Faerie queene. To his booke. The shepheards calender. Ruines of time . Teares of the muses. Virgil’s gnat. Prosopopoia. Ruines of Rome. Muiopotmos. Visions of the world’s vanitie. Visions of Bellay. Visions of Petrarch. Daphnaida. Colin Clouts come home again. Astrophel. Epi- grams. Epithalamion. Fowre hymnes. Protha- lamion. Sonnets. View of the present state of Ire- land, etc. — Selections. In Tauchnitz, B. Five centuries of Eng. lit., pp. 127-176. 327.10 — Jameson, A. Loves of the poets, p. 169. 633.13 — Morley, H. Spenser and his time. 1892 335.1.9 — Morris, G. S. British thought, p.57.. 317.20 SPENSER. 234 STAINER. Spenser, continued. — Reed, H: British poets 208.22.1 — Saunders, F: Some famous books 335.13 — Taine, H. A. English lit.,v.l, p.179. 305.12.1 — Whipple, E: Lit. of the age of Eliza- beth 303.5 Sphere of the state. Hoffman, Frank S. 1895 951.6 Spiders. Chambers’s miscellany. Anec- dotes of 1001.8.3 — Emerton, J. H. Structure and habits of. 1890 884.23 — Treat, Mary. Home studies, etc 847.18 Spielhagen, F: See Fiction class-list. Spiers, A. and Surenne, G. French and English [and English and French] dictionary. 1871 354.22 Spinal concussion. Clevenger, S. V. 1889. 8107.1 Spinoza, Benedict de. Caird, J: Spinoza. (Philosophical classics.) 1888 675.1.12 — Pfleiderer. O. Philosophy of religion, v. 1, p. 31-67 475.11.1 — Wood, W .,ed. Hundred greatest men. 628.22 Spirit of Christ’s teaching. Tolstoi, L. N. In 448.4 Spirit of Islam. Ali, Syed Ameer 692.7 Spirit of the age. Hazlitt, W: 324.20 Spirits’ book. Rivail, L. D. H 453.23 Spiritual letters; to men. Fenelon, F. . 482.2 Spiritual letters; to women. Fenelon, F. 484.3 Spiritualism. Elliott, C. W. Rochester rappings In 408.29 — Fiske, J: Dr. W. A. Hammond on. In 835.1 — Hudson, T. J. Phenomena of spirit- ism. 1893 In 476.4 — Lorimer, G. C. Isms, old and new.... 436.25 — Rivail, L. D. H. \ Allan Kar dec. \ Spir- its’ book. 1875 453.23 — Seybert Commission. Report on spir- itualism. 1887 447.13 — Where is the city ? 408.26 Spitta, K: J. P. Bach; his work and in- fluence. 3v. 1884 6101.11 Spofford, A. R .,ed. American almanac. 8v. 1882-9 D.6 — Practical manual of parliamentary rules. 1884 941.14 — and Shapley, R. E. Library of wit and humor. 5v. [1884.] 341.13 Spofford, Harriet P. House and hearth. [Papers for young women.] 1891. . 466.15 — See also Fiction class-list. Spohr, Louis. Autobiography. 1865 654.3 Spoiling the Egyptians. Keay, J. Seymour. 1882 937.7 Spons’ encyclopaedia of the industrial arts. 5v. 1879-82 8118.9 Spons’ mechanics’ own book. 1886 875.15 Spooner, S. Anecdotes of painters, en- gravers, sculptors, and architects. 3v. [1880.] 335.10 Sports and games. Bell, Ernest, ed. Handbook of athletic sports, v.1-6. Illus. 1890-91 884.25 Contents: v. 1, Cricket; Lawn tennis; Tennis; Rackets; Fives; Golf ; Hockey, v. 2, Rowing and sculling; Sailing; Swimming, v. 3, Boxing; Wrest- ling; Fencing; Broad-sword and Single stick, v. 4, Rugby football ; ' Association football ; Baseball ; Rounders; Quoits; Bowls; Skittles; Curling, v. 5, Athletics; Cycling; Skating, v. 6, Practical horse- manship and riding for ladies. Sports and games, continued. — Camp, Walter. Book of college sports. 1893 In 887.12 — Hall, H:, ed. Tribune book of open- air sports. 1887 873.23 — Thompson, M. Boys’ book of. 1886.. 832.36 See also Amusements; Archery; Boating and boats; Camping; Cycling; Fishing; Horsemanship; Hunting and shooting ; Mountaineering; Swimming. Sportsman’s paradise. Watson, B. A. . . 858.13 Sprague, C: Poetical and prose writings. 1850 222.29 Sprague, C; E. Hand-book of Yolapuk. 1888 333.28 Sprague, Homer B. Masterpieces in Eng- lish literature and lessons in the English language, v.l. 1874 346.2.1 Sprague, J; T. Electricity: its theory, etc. 1892 891.5 Sprague, Philo W. Christian socialism. 1891 925.14 Sprague, W; B. Annals of the American pulpit [to 1855]; with historical in- troductions. 9v. 1857-69 648.1 Contents : v. 1-2, Trinitarian Congregational, v. 3-4, Presbyterian; v. 5, Episcopalian, v. 6, Baptist, v. 7, Methodist, v. 8. Unitarian Congregational, v. 9, Lutheran; Reformed Dutch; Associate ; Associate reformed ; Reformed Presbyterian. Spring, L. W. Kansas: The prelude to the war for the Union. 1885 738.16.6 Spring. Burroughs, J: Signs and seasons. 855.14 — Holmes, O. W. Old volume, p. 132... 326.10 Springer, W: M. Tariff reform, the par- amount issue. 1892 927.5 Springsteed, Anne F. Expert waitress: a manual. 1894 898.7 Spurgeon, C: H. First healing and then service and other sermons in 1885.. 436.33 — Hands full of honey, and other ser- mons preached in 1883 436.31 — Messages to the multitude. 1892 472.2 — Present truth : Sunday and Thursday evening sermons. 1883 436.29 — Return O Shulamite! and other ser- mons preached in 1884 436.32 — Salt-cellars: a collection of proverbs, etc. 2v. 1889 336.7 — Storm signals: Sunday and Thursday evening sermons 436.30 — Bolton, S. K. Famous leaders, pp. 333- 367. 1894 6102.4 — Mathews, W: Men and books, p. 81... 325.31 — Needham, G: C. Spurgeon, his life and labors. [1890.] 682.2 — Parton,J. Princes, authors,