THE!IE HISTORY OF THE n ■| Jj TERY r\ 'T i W JL N n H U 1 1 JLj I SYNOD OF ILLINOIS, 1870 — 1888 . Compiled by Rev. W. H. Prestley, Stated Clerk, and Published by the Order of Presbytery. REVIEW PRINT, DECATUR, ILLINOIS, 1888. THE3 HISTORY OF THE PRESBYTERY OF SPRiN n jf 1 ft SYNOD OF ILLINOIS, 1870-1888. Compiled by Rev. W. H. Prestley, Stated Clerk, and Published by the Order of Presbytery. REVIEW PRINT, DECATUR, ILLINOIS, 1888. Map Showing the Location of Churches in THE PRESBYTERY OF SPRINGFIELD STATE OF ILLINOIS. 2$5,m3 f 'IXlak THE PRESBYTERY - 03 ?- ♦^SPRINGFIELD.^ The Presbytery of Springfield, as constituted by the Synod of Illinois Central, Tuesday, September 13, 1870, succeeds the Presbytery of Sangamon, (O.S.), and that of Illinois (N.S.), and is bounded on the north by the Presby¬ teries of Bloomington and Peoria; on the east by the Pres¬ byteries of Bloomington and Mattoon; on the south by the Synodical boundary line; and on the west by the Presbyte¬ ries of Schuyler and Peoria, including in its territory Macon, the southern portion of Logan, Menard, the south¬ ern portion of Mason, Cass, Morgan and Scott counties. And when constituted had enrolled the following named Min¬ isters and Churches. The ministers without charge were: Rev, John G. Bergen, D. D., Billious Pond, Samuel M. Wilson, William G. Gallaher, Josiah Porter, George C. Wood, Fielding N. Ewing, John W. Scott, D. D., Tracy M. Oviatt, John V. Dodge, George W. Birch, James R. Dunn, Samuel B. Ayers, Agt.; John F. Brooks, Tea.; Fred¬ erick H. Wines, Sec’y-; Joseph Platt, H. M. 4 THE HISTORY OF THE The following were pastors: Revs. J. A. Pinkerton, Petersburg; Livingston M. Glover, D.D., First Jacksonville; David H. Hamilton, D. D., West¬ minster, Jacksonville; G. H. Robertson, Second Springfield; * W.W, Harsha, Central Jacksonville; J. A. Reed, First Spring- field; Asahel L. Brooks, Second Decatur; John Crozier, North Sangamon; J. Augustus Hood, Maroa; James E. Moffatt, First Decatur; Emmanuel N. Pires, Second Port. Jacksonville; James D. Kerr, Farmington; David J. Strain, Virginia; Samuel J. Bogle, P. E., Mason City. The following were stated supplies: Revs. Albert Hale,-; Erastus W. Thayer, Dawson; Prof. W. D. Sanders, Pisgah; Francis I. Moffitt, Irish Grove; John Dale, Providence; F. W, Steffens, Beardstown. The following churches were regularly supplied: First Port. Springfield, Union, West Union, Chatham, Winchester. The following churches were vacant: Third Springfield, Lincoln, Williamsville, Bates, Ma¬ con, Pleasant Plains, Auburn, Manchester, Second Port. Springfield, First Port. Jacksonville, Naples, Illiopolis, Buffalo, Bethel. Churches Organized, Brush Creek, Hickory Grove, Pennsylvania, Sweet¬ water, Cent. Port. Jacksonville, Greenview, State Street, Jacksonville; Union, Williamsville; United Port. Jackson¬ ville. PRESBYTERY OF SPRINGFIELD. 5 Moderators of Presbytery. The Moderators of Presbytery have been as follows: MODERATORS. YEAR. PLACE. Revs. George C. Wood, rs O QO M Second, Springfield L. M. Glover, D. D., 1870, u u John Crozier, M 00 M Winchester. William W. Harsh a, 1871, North Sangamon. Levi P. Crawford, 1872, Decatur. David J. Strain, 1872, Chatham. Samuel M. Wilson, 1873 . Lincoln. J. Augustus Hood, l 873 » Second, Springfield Samuel B. Ayers, M 00 '-J s* Mason City. Fielding N. Ewing, 1^. GO M Farmington. Samuel J. Bogle, 1875, Petersburg. Robert Mackenzie, 1875, Second, Springfield George H. Fullerton, 1876, Cent., Jacksonville. Samuel M. Morion, 1876, North Sangamon. John D Jones, 1877, Virginia. Allan McFarland, 1877. Irish Grove. Erastus W. Thayer, 1878, Decatur. H. V. D. Nevius, D.D., 1878, Chatham. William N. Steele, 1879, Westr., Jacksonville John Crozier, 1879, Williamsville. David J. Strain, l880, Macon. Fred. H. Wines, 1880, First, Jacksonville. Samuel J. Bogle, l88l, Mason City. Samuel M. Morton, l88l, First, Springfield. James A. Reed, D. D., 1882, Virginia. David S. Johnson, D.D.,1882, Petersburg. John P. Dawson, M 00 00 Oj Lincoln. 6 THE HISTORY OF THE Revs. William H. Prestley, 1883, Pisgah. Ethan S. McMichael, 1884, Westr., Jacksonville Asa Leard, CN ■e - 00 M Greenview. Robert M. L. Braden, 1885, Mason City. Thomas C. McFarland, 1885, Farmington. Alexander B. Morey, l886,. Third, Springfield. William L. Tarbet, 1886, Pleasant Plains. James A. Reed, D, D., 1887, Lincoln. Elder David A. Brown, 1887, North Sangamon. Rev. Asa Leard, 1888, State St., Jacksonville Stated Clerks. The stated Clerks of Presbytery have been as follows: STATED CLERKS. TIME. Revs. James A. Reed, D. D., Robert Mackenzie, Allan McFarland, William H. Prestley, 1870—1876. 1876—1877. 3:87 7—1878. 1878- Ministers Licensed. J. F. DeGarmo, July 18, 1870. Joseph F. Cherry, September 15, 1870. William G. Ready, April 10, 1872. Wm. Frackleton, April 10, 1872. J. I. Gulick, October, 10, 1875. Chas. A. Taylor, October 10, 1875. William J. Harsha, April 13, 1876. Frederick J. Stanley, May 31, 1876. 8 THE HISTORY OF THE Ministers Received. Revs. M. P. Ormsbv, Sept. 13, 1870, from Pres. Bloomington H. M. Paynter, Sept. 13, 1870, from Pres. Louisville. S. P. Crawford, April 12, 1871, from Pres. Ottowa. H. W. McKee, April 12, 1871, from Pres. Rio de Janeiro A. McFarland, April 12, 1871, from Pres. Des Moines. R. W. Allen, April 12, 1871, from Pres. St. Louis. J. H. Harris, Sept. 22, 1871, from Pres. Mattoon. C. D. Shaw, April 10, 1872, from Pres. New Castle. J. D. Jones, April 10, 1872, from Pres. Alton. Maurice Waller, April 10, 1872, from Pres. Baltimore. T. D. Davis, April 10, 1872, from Pres. Potosi. IL V. D. Nevius, Oct. 12, 1873, from Pres. Peoria. I. W. Ward, April 9, 1873, from Pres. Chicago. J. D. Jenkins, April 9, 1873, from Pres. St. Louis. J. E. Williamson, April 9, 1873, from M. E. Church. Aaron Thompson, Sept. 11, 1873, from Pres. Mattoon Rudolph Shide, Sept. 11, 1873, from Pres. St. Louis. Robert Mackenzie, April 15,1874, from P res - Ottawa. Wm. N. Steele, Sept. 22, 1874, from Pres. Bloomington B. E. Mayo, Sept. 22, 1874, from Pres. Bloomington. S. M. Morton, Oct. 12, 1874, from Pres. Bloomington. L. C. Littell, April 14, 1875, from Pres. Iowa. G. H. Fullerton, April 14, 1875, from Pres. Cincinnati. F. W. Steffens, Sept. 27, 1876, from Pres. Austin. E. K. Lynn, Sept. 27, 1876, from Pres. Bloomington. W. IL Prestley, April 10,1877, from Pres. Mattoon. Chas. B. Barton, April 10, 1877, from Pres. Alton. Abraham H. Bates, April 11,1877, from Pres. Oregon Alex. S. Peck, April 10, 1878, from Pres. Ottawa. PRESBYTERY OF SPRINGFIELD. 9 Revs. H. G. Pollock, April io, 1878, from Pres. Alton. F. M. Baldwin, June 26, 1879, f rom Pi*es. Transylvania. M. M. Cooper, June 26, 1879, f rom Pres. Cairo. J. W. Cecil, Oct. 10, 1879, f rom Pres. Mattoon. L. Y. Hays, April 14* 1880, from Pres. Sacramento. H. C. Mullen, Sept. 14, 1880, from Pres. Schuyler. E. S. McMichael, Nov. 16,1880, from Pres. Boston, U.P. J. P. Dawson, April 12, 1881, from Pres. Schuyler. E. N. Pires, April 12, 1881, from Pres. St. Louis. J. R. Sutherland, D. D., May 3, 1881, from Pres. Kapids. S. T. Wilson, D.D..May 3,1881, from Pres. Huntingdon Asa Heard, Sept. 7, 1881, from Pres. Chicago. Aaron Thompson, Sept. 14, 1881, from Pres. Schuyler. D. S. Johnson, D. D., Oct. 14, 1881, from Pres. Chicago Geo. B. Black, April 11, 1882, from Pres. Rock River. P. C. Thyholt, April 12, 1882, from Pres. Detroit. W. L. Tarbet, April 10, 1883, from Pres. Alton. Barnabas Lyman, Ap. 10,1883,from P res - Decatur,C.P. Joel Kennedy, Sept. 12,1883, from Pres. Council Bluffs D. K. Campbell, Sept. 12, 1883, Pres, of Palmyra. D. H. Mitchell, June 19, 1884, Pres, of Denver. A. B. Morey, April 14, 1885, Pres, of Cincinnati. S. W. Mitchell, April 14,1885, Pres. Pine Bluffs, So. C. T. C. McFarland, April 14, 1885, Pres, of Iowa City. Alonzo Michael, Mav 14, 1885, Pr°s. of Mattoon. T. M. Watson, Sep. 22, 1885, Pres, of Rock River. W. N. Steele, Sep. 22, 1885, Pres, of Alton. M. H. Ambrose, April 12, 1887, So. Ill. Asso. Cong. Ch. A. H. Bates, April 12,1887, Pres, of Chicago. Ashbel G.Lane,April 12, 1887,Pres, of Bellefontaine. W. H. Ilsley, April 12, 1887, Pres, of Ottawa. IO THE HISTORY OF THE Revs. T. W. Leard, April 12, 1887, Pres, of Ottawa. W. (\ West, June 14, 1887, Pres, of Bloomington. J. M. Cross, D D Sept. 28, 1887, Pres, of Zanesville. Orin D. Covert, Sep. 28, 1887, Pres, of Schuyler. William Miller, Sep. 28, 1887, Pres, of Mankato. Ministers Dismissed. Revs. Geo. W. Birch, Nov. 28, 1870, to Pres. Ebenezer. Jno. V. Dodge. Nov. 28, 1870, to Pres. Vincennes. A. L. Brooks, Nov. 28, 1870, to Pres. Bloomington J. W. Scott, D. D., Feb. 1, 1871, to Pres. Dayton. J. A. Pinkerton, Sept. 18, 1870, to Pres. Platte. Jas. D. Kerr, Sep. 18, 1870, to Pres. Missouri River G. H. Robertson, Sept. 22, 1871, to Pres. Louisville. Joseph Platt, Sep. 22, 1871, to Pres. Crawfordsville F. I. Mohatt, Sep. 22, 1871, to Pres. Rock River. M. P. Ormsby, Nov. 16, 1871, to Pres. Peoria. J. H. Harris, Sept. 18, 1872, to Pres. Cincinnati. D. H. Hamilton, D. D. Ap.9,1873, to Pres. Porstmouth. J. E. Moffatt, Sept. 11, 1873, to Pres. Ottowa. T. M. Oviatt, April io, 1874* Dropped from Roll. F. W. Steffens, April 15, 1874, to Pres, of Austin. W. G. Ready, April 15, 1874, to Pres. of Osage. J. D. Jenkins, Sept. 22, 1874, t0 Pres. of Mattoon. H. M. Paynter, Sept. 23,1874, to Pres, of New York T. D. Davis, Sept. 23, 1874, t0 Pres, of Schuyler. J. A. Hood, April, 14, 1875, to Pres, of Omaha. C. D. Shaw, April 14, 1875, to Pres of New Jersey J. R. Dunn, Oct. 9, 1875, to Pres, of St. Louis. PRESBYTERY OF SPRINGFIELD. I I Revs. E. N. Fires, April 12, 1876, to Pres, of St. Louis. Rudolph Shide, April 12, 1876, to Pres, of St. Louis R. Mackenzie, Sept. 27,1876, Pres, of Crawfordsville L. C. Littell, April 10, 1877, to Pres, of Matton. I. W. Ward, April 10, 1877? to Pres, of Newburg. J. E. Williams, April 11,1877, to Pres, of Rock River F. W. Steffens, Sept. 19, 1877, Ev. Lutheran Church. Allen McFarland, April 19, 1878, to Pres, of Cairo James Thompson, Sept, n, 1878, to Pres, of Schuyler. A. K. Bates, Oct. 11, 1878, to Pres, of Zanesville. L. P. Crawford, Oct. 11, 1878, Pres, of Bloomington E. K. Lynn, April 8,- 1879, to Pre^. of Neosho. G. H. Fullerton, June 29,1879 t° Pres, of Cincinnati H. G. Pollock, Sept. 23, 1879,P res - of Portsmouth S. E. Taylor, April 25, 1880, to Pres of Colorado. M. M. Cooper, Sept. 14, 1880, Pres. Bloomington. Maurice Waller, Sept. 14,1880, to Pres. Portsmouth. John Crozier, April 12, 1881, to Pres, of Cairo. A. H. Bates, April 12, 1881, to Pres, ot Bloomington. W. N. Steele, Sept. 7, 1881, to Pres, of Alton. A. S. Peck, Sept. 7, 1881, to Pres, of DesMoines. F. M. Baldwin, April 11, 1882, to Pres, of Ozark. S.T. Wilson, D.D.,Ap. 11, i882,toPres. St.Johns,Ch.So H. C. Mullen, April 11, 1882, to Pres, of Peoria. B. E. Mayo, April 11, 1882, to Pres. Nebraska Citv. S. J. Bogle, April 12, 1882, to Pres. Bellefountaine. J. W. Cecil, Sept. 27, 1882, to Pres, of Logansport. J. I. Gulick, Sept. 27, 1882, to Pres, of Monmouth. J. C. Cherryholmes, Sept. 27,1882, to Pres. Red River. P. C. Thyholt, Nov. 27, 1882, to Pres, of Fort Wayne. L. Y. Hays, April 10,1883, to Pres, of Crawfordsville. 12 THE HISTORY OF THE Revs. Aaron Thompson, April io, 1883, to Pres, of Schuyler. J. P. Dawson, April 9, 1884, to Pres, of Transylvania. J. R. Sutherland,D.D., June 19,1884, to Pres. Freeport. W. W. Harsha, D. D. June 19, 1884, to Pres. Omaha. A. H. Trick, Dec. 15, 1884, to Pres, of Cario. Geo. B. Black, March 16, 1885, to Pres, of Peoria. J. F. Cherry, May 14, 1885, to Pres, of San Jose. S- W. Mitchell, Sept. 22, 1885, to Pres. Potosi, (Ch.So.) R. M. L. Braden, Jan. 21, 1886, to Pres, of Omaha. Joel Kennedy, April, 13, 1886, to Pres. Cedar Rapids. D. K. Campbell, Oct. 25, 1886, to Pres, of Alton, B. Lyman, Sept. 28, 1887,^0 Pres, of Pembina. T. C. McFarland, Sept. 28, 1887, to Pres. So. Dakota. W. N. Steele, April 10, 1888, to Pres, of Bloomington. A. Michael, April 10, 1888, to Pres, of Mahoning. Ministers Deceased, Revs. John Dale, November 15, 1871. John G. Bergen, D. D., January 17, 1872. Billious Pond, December 9, 1874. H. W. McKee, May 21, 1877. Geo. C. Wood, January 5, 1879. L. M. Glover, D. D.,July 15, 1880. Fielding N. Ewing, November 25, 1880. Wm. G. Gallaher, December 8, 1881. Robert W. Allen, D. D., July 29, 1882, Samuel M. Wilson, April 18, 1883. Josiah Porter, January 11, 1887. Samuel B. Ayers, December 15, 1887. CHURCHES. Jacksonville First Church was organized, June 30 1827, with twelve members. The first session was composed of two members, viz: John Leeper and William C. Posey; but was very shortly afterwards enlarged by the addition of James Kerr and Hector G. Taylor. The pastors serving this church have been: Revs. John M. Ellis, from April A. H. Dashiell, Ralph W. Gridley, W. H. Williams, Chauncey Eddy, L. M. Glover, D. D. u u a u u Dec. April May June Nov. 1830 to 183s 1838 1842 i 8 4 + 1848 l88l Dec. Oct. “ Feb. Sept. a u u July June 1831. 1836. I84O. 1843. 1848. 1880. 1884. Jno.R.Sutherland,D.D. May This church, April, 1885, entered into organic union with the Central Church, Jacksonville; the sessions of the two churches uniting; and the united church taking the name of the State Street Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, Illinois. I 4 THE HISTORY OF THE Springfield First Church was organized as “San¬ gamon, v Jan. 30, 1828, with eighteen members, and after¬ wards was designated as the First Church, Springfield, Ills. The first session was constituted with four members, Messrs. John Moore, Samuel Reid, Isaiah Stillman and John N. Moore. The first year this church w r as without a pastor. Rev. John G. Bergen v T as sent as a stated supply, by the Home Missionary Society, Dec. 1828, and continued as such till Nov. 1835, w’hen he w r as called and installed pastor. The following is the roll of the regular pastors of the church: Revs. J. G. Bergen, D. D. from Nov. 1835 to Sept. 1848. James Smith, “ April 1849 “ Dec. 1856. J. H. Brown, D. D. “ Jan. 1857 “ June 1864. Frederick H. Wines, 44 Sept. 1865 44 June 1869. J. A. Reed, D. D. 44 Feb. 1870 44 April 1888. 1 1 Auburn Presbyterian Church, Sangamon County, was organized in 1830, with twelve members. Messrs. Samuel Mcllvain, John Fletcher and James Fletcher consti¬ tuted the first bench of elders. This church w r as not reported to the General Assembly till 1858, and had then but twelve members. In 1878 thirty- five w r ere reported. It has never had a settled pastor. The first sessional records have been lost and these meager facts have been furnished by those now living and conversant with the history of the church. Providence Presbyterian Church, Cass County, was organized, April 25, 1830, with fourteen members. Messrs. Jacob Lorance and Benjamin Workman con¬ stituted the first session. PRESBYTERY OF SPRINGFIELD. I 5 This church had been served by various supply pas¬ tors until May 1872, when Rev. Thomas D. Davis was call¬ ed and installed as pastor. This pastoral relation was dis¬ solved Sept. 23, 1874. From that time on the church has been supplied by various ministers. A historical sketch of this church would be incom¬ plete without some short reference to Mr. Jacob F. Bergen, who for more than half a centurv was the dork of its ses- J sion; a man known among his friends and acquaintances as possesing rare intelligence, sound judgment, amiable dispo¬ sition and characterised by overflowing liberality, as is well known to the members of this Presbytery. Generous in his gifts to the Presbyterian church while he lived and making generous provision for her interests in his last will and testament, it is fitting that his name be historically as¬ sociated with this church of Providence and with this Pres- bytery. Union Presbyterian Church, Morgan County, was organized by a committee appointed by Center Presbytery, Oct. 2, 1831, with thirty-five members. This church was afterwards known as “Unity.” The first session consisted of four members, Messrs. James Craig, Jno M. Hill, W. C. Stevenson and Robert Smith. The following ministers have at various times supplied this church: Revs. W. J. Fraser, John Brich, Joseph J. Gray, William G. Gallaher, David D. Hicker and Thomas A. Spilman during the years from 1845 to 1854. The stated supplies have been as follows: i6 THE HISTORY OF THE Rev. Thomas M. Newell, from 1854 to I ^ 57 * John D. Shane, “ 1857 “ 1861. Noah Bishop, “ 1862 “ 1867. Thomas D. Davis, “ 1867 “ 1870. R. W. Allen, D. D. “ 1870 “ 1873. In 1871 this church united with a part of the Presby¬ terian church of Pisgah and took the name of “Unity.” Nov. 2, 1873, Rev. Robert W. Allen was called and install¬ ed pastor, which pastoral relation was terminated by his death, July 29, 1882. In May 1883 Rev. W. L. Tarbet became pastor-elect of the united charge consisting of this church and Pisgah, and this relation continues. North Sangamon Presbyterian Chnrch, Sangamon County, was organized May 20, 1832, with thirty-eight members. Messrs. John Moore and John N. Moore, his son, con¬ stituted the first session. This church was supplied by various ministers till Nov. 20, 1853, when Rev. R. A. Criswell was called and install¬ ed as pastor. This relation continued till April 10, 1867, when it was dissolved. Rev. R. H. Van Pelt was stated supply till 1869. Rev. John Crozier became pastor May, 1870, continuing till July, 1880. Rev. David J. Strain was pastor from Sept., 1880 till June 1884. Rev. Barnabas Lyman was stated supply in 1885. In June 1887 Rev Thomas W. Leard was called and installed as pastor, and so continues. Naples Presbyterian Church, Scott County, was or¬ ganized Aug. 5, 1832, with ten members. The first session consisted of Benjamin Beckford. THE HISTORY OF THE Revs. William G. Gallaher from 1834 to 1865 W. D. Sanders, it 1865 “ 1872. Thomas Gallaher, a 1872 “ 1873- W. D. Sanders, a 1873 “ 1874. W: N. Steele, u 1874 “ 1881. P. C. Thyholt, it 1881 “ 1882. W. L. Tarbet, 4* 1883 • Farmington Presbyterian Church, Sangamon County, was organized December 1833. The original members numbered thirty. The first session was composed of Asel Lyman, Haraldus Estabrook and Luther N. Ransom. The church was furnished with occasional supplies till April 19, 1836, when Rev. Thomas Galt was called, or¬ dained and installed pastor. The subsequent pastorates were as follows: Revs. Billious Pond, two years. -Plummer, one year. C. B. Barton, four years. E. Jenney, Missionary Supply. C. E. Blood, two years. C. L. Watson, eight years. Geo. C. Wood, two years. In 1S65, Center Presbyterian and Farmington churches were united, taking the name of Farmington. Since this union the church has had the following pastors: Revs. J. D. Kerr from June 1865 to Sep. 1870. Allan McFarland “ Apr. 1871 “ Apr. 1877. A. S. Peck, S. S. “ Apr. 1878 “ Apr. 1881. Asa Leard, S. S. & Pastor, 1881 . 20 THE HISTORY OF THE Revs. J. M. Grout Gideon C. Clark C. B. Barton Hugh Barr Geo. C. Wood, from Sep. 1848 to M 00 vo • u Dec. 1850 “ 1851. a Sep. 1852 “ 1853. a 1854 “ 1857- a 1865 “ 1869. Then Rev. J. E. Williamson supplied the church two years. As also Rev. W. G. Gallaher for a time. Rev. B. Lyman was stated supply, March 1883 to 1885. Rev. William N. Steele stated supply, June 1885 to Dec. 1887. Irish Grove Presbyterian Church, Menard county, was organized April 3, 1836, with thirty members, for the most part formerly members of the church of North Sanga¬ mon. Messrs. M. Ravburn and Alex M. Barnet constituted - •/ the first session. The Rev. Alexander Ewing supplied this church from the time of its organization till 1838. The supply pastors from that time have been as follows: Revs. John W. Little from 1839 to 1842. Thomas Galt “ 1843 “ I846. Geo. McKinley 00 ''t- 00 M V# “ I849. W. Perkins “ I85O “ 1852. Rev. R. A. Criswell was stated supply in 1854. He was succeeded by Rev. F. H. L. Laird from 1855 to 1856; and he by Rev. John Andrews from 1856 to 1859. During the year i860 the church had leave to supply itself. October, 1862 the name of the church was changed to that of Middletown. In 1865 Rev. David J. Strain supplied the church for six months, and was called as pastor but declined the call. He was succeeded by Rev. Francis I. Moffatt as supply pastor from October 1866 to October 1871. In PRESBYTERY OF SPRINGFIELD. , 21 April 1867, the name of the church was changed back to that of Irish Grove. In 1872 the church is reported vacant. From April, 1873 t0 April 1875 Rev. Aaron Thompson was supply pastor. Rev. Joseph Mahon sup¬ plied the church for six months in 1875; and was succeeded the following six months by Rev. J. I. Gulick. Rev. E. K Lynn became supply pastor July 1876 and continued till Februrary 1870. Rev. R. M. L. Braden began supplying the church May 1879 a °d was installed pastor of the church April 25, 1880. This relation continued till April 27, 1884 when it was dissolved. Rev. Samuel W. Mitchell supplied the church from August 1, 1884 till August 1885. From that time the church had only occasional supply till April 10, 1887 when Rev. O. D. Covert became supply pastor and so continues. Jacksonville Second Presbyterian Church had its distinctive origin in the unhappy division in the First Church occasioned by the troubles of 1837-8. The session of the First Church at the time was composed of three elders, one of whom, William C. Posey and a minority of the church forty-two in number sympathising with the body known as the Old School, maintained a distinctive organization until the union of the bodies in 1870, when the Presbytery of Sangamon changed the name from Second to that of “Central Presbyterian Church.” The first bench of elders consisted of William C. Posey and John M. Hill. The pastors have been as follows: Revs. Andrew Todd, Nov. 1838 to April 1850. J. V. Dodge, April 1851 to April 1855. R. W. Allen, Dec. 1858 to May 1867. W. W. Harsha, Nov. 1869 to June 1884. 2 2 THE HISTORY OF THE This church in 1885 entered into union with the First Church, Jacksonville, constituting the State Street Presby¬ terian Church of that city. •/ Winchester Presbyterian Church was organized February 19, 1837, with eleven members; and was at first a union church made up of Congregationalists and Pres¬ byterians. The first bench of elders consisted of Zalmon Carter and Stephen Carter who were ordained and installed Feb. 24, 1837. In April, 1839, this church became thoroughly Presbyterian. The supply pastors have been as follows: Revs. Geo. C. Wood, April, 1839, three years. W. S. Williams, Nov. 1844- Josiah Porter, Dec. 1846, three years. A. L. Pennoyer, Feb. 1850, six months. Gideon C. Clark, July 1850, five years. C. J. Pitkin, Dec. 1856, two years. Jas. R. Hale, Jan. 1859, one year. John Henderson, March i860, one year. From 1861—65 what ministration the church enjoyed was by r occasional supply". During this period the congre¬ gation erected a new and commodious house of worship. The stated supply" from that time has been as follows: Revs. W. A. Hendrickson, Jan. to July, 1865. W. J. G. Nutting, July 1869 to April 1870. M. P. Ormsby, April 1870 to April 1871. J. D. Jones, Oct. 1871 to April 1873. I. W. Ward, April 1873 to Sept. 1874. Levi C. Littell, Sept. 1874 t0 Sept. 1876. PRESBYTERY OF SPRINGFIELD. 23 Aaron Thompson and others supplied till April 1883. Then Rev. B. Lyman became stated supply till April 1885. He was succeeded in June 1885 by Rev. W. N. Steele as supply pastor who continued this relation to the church till December, 1887. Petersburg Presbyterian Church was organized December 1839, with twenty members. Messrs. John Allen and L. Y. Plallock constituted the first session. For five years after its organization the church had only occasional supply. Rev Geo. McKinley was the first regular supply pas¬ tor from 1847 to 1857. Rev. J. A. Pinkerton, was called and regularly install¬ ed pastor, Sept. 1857, and so continued till 1870. Revs. J. Mahon supplied from Feb. to Sept. 1871. Geo. C. Wood supplied from Sept. 1871 to Jan. 1872. Maurice Waller, pastor from Feb. 1872 to April 1878. H. V. D. Nevius, D. D., was supply pastor in 1878. F.M. Baldwin was stated supply from Jan. 1880—1882. A. J. Berger supplied from 1882—1883. T.C. McFarland, pastor from Sept. 1884 to Ap. 1887. W. Miller was called as pastor Sept. 1887 and will soon be installed. West Union, (now Murrayville) Presbyterian Church was organized in Morgan County October 1842, with fifteen members. Edward Ray constituted the first session; but William McDonald was very soon added to the session. 24 THE HISTORY OF THE This church was ministered to at different times, from 1842 to 1871, by Revs. Thomas A. Spilman, Chas G. Selleck, Thomas M. Newell, Jno. D. Shaw, Noah Bishop, Thos. D. Davis and Robert W. Allen. April 13, 1871, the name of this church was changed by the Presbytery of Springfield from that of West Union to that of Murrayville. Since then it has been supplied by Revs. R. W. Allen, James E. Williamson and again by R. W. Allen up to the time of his death in the year 1882. He was succeeded by Rev. B. Lyman from March 1S83 to 1885: and he by Rev. W. N. Steele from June 1885 till December, 1887. Springfield Third Presbyterian Church was organ¬ ized, February 7, 1849 with forty-four members, a colony from the First Presbyterian Church, Springfield. The first Session was composed of Messrs. Asahel Stone, James L. Lamb and E. R. Wiley. The church has been supplied by the following pastors: Revs. R. V. Dodge, Aug. 1849 to Sept. 1857. C. P. Jennings, May 1858 to April 1861. Geo W. F. Birch, Jan. 1862 to Sept. 1869. H. M. Paynter, Oct. 1870 to Sept. 1874. Jacob I. Gulick, May 1876 to April 1877. Alfred K. Bates, Nov. 1877 to Oct. 1878. F. M. Baldwin stated supply, 1879. Ethan S. Me Michael, Nov. 1880- Springfield Portuguese First Church was originally composed of immigrants in 1849, and was at first an inde¬ pendent Presbyterian Church. In September 1855 it was received under the care of Presbytery. PRESBYTERY OF SPRINGFIELD. 25 _ The session consisted of the following named per¬ sons: J. Glovina, J. DeFreitas, J. Correia and J. DeOrnellas. The pastors of this church were: Revs. Antonio DeMattos, 1850—1858. Robert Lennington, 1862—-1867. H, W. McKee, 1872—1877. After this it remained a vacancy with occasional sup¬ plies till in 1886, when Rev. Robert Lennington became supply pastor. Jacksonville Portuguese First Church was also orig¬ inally an independent Presbyterian church composed of immigrants who settled in Jacksonville in 1849. This church was received under the care of Presbytery in April 1856. The session was composed of Jno. C. Vasconcellos* Domingos de Crastos and John J. de Menezes. The pastors have been as follows: Revs. Antonio DeMattos, 1850—1868, H. W, McKee, 1870—1872* Henry Vieria, 1872—1877, Since 1877 the church has been occasionally supplied* In 1887 a union was effected between this church and the Central Portuguese church of Jacksonville, forming the “United Portuguese Presbyterian Church.” Springfield Second Portuguese Church was organ¬ ized with a colony from the First church in May, 1858. The first session was composed of the following per¬ sons: Jose Rodrigues, Manoel Fernandes and J. Correa. The pastors have been as follows: 2 6 THE HISTORY OF THE Revs. Antonio DeMattos, 1858—1867. Hugh Wk McKee, 1870—1872. Henry Vieria, 1872—1877.. E. N. Pires, 1877- Jacksonville Second Portuguese Church was organ¬ ized May, 1858 with a colony from the First Portuguese Church. The first session was composed of John J. de Menezes, Manoel Meline, Manoel J. de Andrade, Joseph de Menezes and E. N. Pires. The following named pastors have served this church: Revs. Robert Lennington, 1862—1867. E. N. Pires, 1870—1877. C. B. Barton and R. Lennington, 1886- Jacksonville Central Portuguese Church was or¬ ganized in 1876. And was received under the care of Presbytery September 27, 1882. The session consisted of A. J. Vieria, J. Vascon- cellos, John Day, J. de Ornellos and Antonio M. DeFreitas. Rev. E. N. Pires has been the regular supply pastor. It entered into union with the First Portuguese Church of Jacksonville April 1887, forming the “United Portuguese Presbyterian Church” of that city. % Decatur First Presbyterian Church, was organized by the Presbytery of Palestine, Synod of Indiana, May 1, 1852, with ten members; and Sept. 12,1854, was transferred to the Presbytery of Sangamon by the order of the Gen¬ eral Assembly. The first session was composed of David Hopkins. I PRESBYTERY OF SPRINGFIELD. 27 Rev. A. F. Pratt supplied the church for the first year. The supply pastors and regular pastors succeeding him were as follows: Revs. David Monfort, supply pastor, May 1853 —Oct. 1854. E.W. Thayer, supply pastor, Nov. 1854—Mar* 1857* P. D. Young, supply pastor, April 1857 —Apr. 1858. T. M. Oviatt, supply pastor, June 1858 —July 1859. T. M. Oviatt, pastor, D. C. Marquis, pastor, Samuel Conn, pastor, J as. E. Moffatty pastor, R. Mackenzie, pastor, W. H. Prestlev, pastor. July 1859—Apr. 1863. Nov. 1863—June 1866. July 1867—Sep, 1868. June 1869—June 1873, May 1874—May 1876. Nov. 1876— - The Dawson Church was organized January 23,1857, with twelve members. The first session was composed of James Wilson, for¬ merly an elder in the First Church, Springfield. In the April following, the church was received and enrolled by Presbytery. The supply pastors have been as follows: Dr. John G. Bergen, October 1857—October 1858. The church after this v r as occasionally supplied till May, 1861, when Rev. D. R. Todd became stated supply for half his time up to August, 1867. He w r as succeeded by Rev. E, W. Thayer till Nov. 1871; and he by Rev, A. Bartholomew from Dec. 1871 to June, 1872; and he by Rev. W. G. Ready, who, Oct. 25, 1872, was ordained and installed pastor of the united charge of Williamsville and Dawson churches. This relation was dissolved April 15, 1874. March, 1875, Rev. B. E. Mayo became pastor of 28 THE HISTORY OF THE the united charge of Williamsville and Dawson churches- The pastoral relation to Dawson continued till Oct. io, 1879, when it was dissolved. Rev- E. W. Thayer became stated supply of this church from October, 1880 to October, 1881. From this time on the church had occasional sup¬ plies till July, 1886, when a union was effected between this church and that of Williamsville, forming the “Union Pres¬ byterian Church of Williamsville.” The Williamsville Presbyterian Church was organ¬ ized August 26, 1857, with eight members. Bryant Purcell constituted the first session. The church was without regular supply till Dec. 1862, when Rev. D. R. Todd became stated supply for half his time, till February, 1867. In January, 1871, Rev. A. Bar¬ tholomew was supply pastor for one year. Rev. W. G. Ready ministered to this church from June, 1872, till Oc¬ tober of the same year, when he was ordained and installed as pastor; the relation being dissolved April 15, 1874. -^ n June, 1874, Rev. B.E. Mayo was stated supply; and in No¬ vember ot the same year was called as pastor. In March, 1875, ^ was installed as pastor of the united charge of Williamsville and Dawson. The relation as pastor between him and this church was dissolved Oct. 11, 1878. In May, 1879, Rev. M. M. Cooper was called and duly installed as pastor. But this relation continued only till April of the fol¬ lowing year. In the May following Rev. S. B. Ayers be¬ came stated supply for three years. From this time on till July, 1886, the church was supplied occasionally, when a union was formed between this church and that of Dawson, PRESBYTERY OF SPRINGFIELD. 29 constituting “The Union Presbyterian Church of Willians- ville” Mason City Presbyterian Church was organized in -1857, with seventeen members. The first session was composed of the following mem¬ bers: Gideon Osborne and-— Hotchkiss. The following stated supplies and pastors have served this church: Rev. John Andrews, stated supply, 1857—1864. Rev. S. J. Bogle became supply pastor Oct. 1867, and in 1870 was installed as regular pastor. This pastorate continued till May 1882. Dr. E. S. Fitz supplied the church for nearly a year. Rev. D. K. Campbell became pastor July 1883, and demitted his charge Oct. 1886. Rev. A. G. Lane supplied the church from Jan. 1S87. and was installed pastor Nov. 1887. Maroa Presbyterian Church was organized Jan. 30, 1859, with twenty-four members, and was received under the care of Presbytery in the following April. The first session consisted of John Crocker and James McCann, Jr. For the first five years subsequent to its organization the church was only supplied occasionally, by Revs. Mc- Murray, Walton and Dunn. In 1864 Rev. Aratus Kent ministered to the church for one year. The church for the next year had only occasional supplies. In March, 1866, Rev. Joseph Lowrie became stated supply for one-half his time. This supply lasted only for one year. In July, 1867, 30 THE HISTORY OF THE Rev. J. A. Hood became supply pastor, and in Sept., 1868, he was called and installed as pastor. This pastorate con¬ tinued till 1875. 1 ° January of the following year Rev. Abraham H. Bates became supply pastor and continued in this relation to the church till the spring of 1881. He was succeeded by Rev. Geo. B. Black, in the beginning of the year 1882, as stated supply, who remained with the church till March, 1885. In September following, Rev. Thomas M. Watson took charge of the church and remained till the summer of 1886. He was succeeded by Rev. W. C= West, in the spring of 1877, who continues his relation to the church as supply pastor. The Westminster Presbyterian Church of Jackson¬ ville, was organized May 13, i860, with forty-five members. The first session was constituted with the following elders: Henry Jones, M. D., and David A. Smith. The pastors of the church have been as follows: j Revs. D H. Hamilton, D, D., Oct. i860 - Dec. 1871- Id. V. D. Nevius, D. D., Nov. 1872—Apr. 1874. Samuel M. Morton, October 1874—- The Virginia Presbyterian Church was organized June 12, 1863, with thirty-six members. The first bench of elders consisted of George Wilson, G. W. Goodspeed, M. D., and David R. Downing. The supply pastors and pastors have been as follows: Revs. George K. Scott, stated supply, Aug. 1863—Feb. 1865. John Dale, stated supply, February, 1865—Mar. 1866. David J. Strain began ministering to this church Mar. 25, 1866 and was called and installed as pastor the 19th of the following June, demitting the charge July 1, 1880. PRESBYTERY OF SPRINGFIELD. 3 I Rev. J. P. Dawson supplied this church from Oct, 1880, to Sept. 1881, when he was called as pastor, being installed in the following month. He resigned the pastorate March, 1884. R ev. D. J. Strain was again called to the pastorate of the church July 1, 1884, and on the 27th of the same month was installed as pastor and so remains. Macon Presbyterian Church was organized June 11, 1865, with twenty-six members, and received under the care of Presbytery in October of the same year. The first session was composed of W. W. Johnston and William Gibson. The pastors and supply pastors have been as follows: Revs. S. W. Mitchell, supply pastor, Apr. 1866—Apr. 1867. Clarke Lowden, supply pastor, Apr. 1867—Apr. 1869. S. D. Jenkins, pastor, Dec. 1872—Dec. 1873. J. W. Cecil, supply and pastor April, 1879—Aug.1882. Joel Kennedy, supply pastor, April, 1883—Apr. 1886. W. H. Ilsley, s. s. and pastor, Nov., 1886— - Buffalo Presbyterian church was organized Dec. 20, 1865, with nine members. The first session was composed of Samuel Pheasant and Jacob Lewis. This Church having been supplied occasionally from its organization by different members of the Presbytery, never enjoyed much more than a bare existence, and was finally dissolved April 15, 1880 and the remaining members were instructed to unite with the Presbyterian Church of Dawson. 32 THE HISTORY OF THE » Bethel Presbyterian Church was organized at Har- ristown, May 7? 1866, with twenty-two members. The first session was composed of J. R. Garrison and J. H. Allen. This Church was occasionally supplied with the min¬ istration of word and ordinances, but by death and re¬ movals, in the course of a few years, became almost extinct and was formally dissolved by order of Presbytery, April 15, 1880. Lincoln Presbyterian Church was organized Oct. 5 5 1866, with twenty-seven members. The first session was composed of J. C. Ross, H. T. Stryker and D. Gillespie. The pastors and supply pastors have been as follows: Revs. A. J. Layenberger, pastor, June 1868—April 1870. L. P. Crawford, pastor elect, Nov. 1870—Dec. 1878. W. Omelvena, stated supply, Apr. 1879—M a y 1880. S. T. Wilson, D.D., pastor elect, Oct, 1880—Feb. 1882. A. H. Trick, s. s. and pastor, May 1882—June 1884. A. Michael, pastor elect, Oct. 1884—Nov. 1887. C. E. Schaible is now pastor elect. Beardstown German Presbyterian Church was form¬ erly in connection with the German Reformed Church, and was received under the care of Presbytery and enrolled April 15, 1868. This church from its reception by the Presbytery was ministered to by Rev. F. W. Steffens till in 1874. Then Rev. Rudolph Shide became pastor elect and remained with the church till in 1876. He was succeeded by Rev. PRESBYTERY OF SPRINGFIELD. 33 F. W. Steffens as supply pastor in 1877 who continued his ministrations till 1879. After which by death and removal its numbers became so reduced that the organization was dissolved Sept. 7? 1881, and the property sold. The pro¬ ceeds of the sale being- devoted to refunding; to the Board of Church Erection the amount of the appropriation form¬ erly made by the Board, the remainder being passed into the treasury of the Presbytery. Tallula, afterwards Pleasant Plains, Presb} r terian Church, was organized December, 1867, with sixteen members. Mr. J. S. Taylor constituted the first session. Revs. S. M. Wilson and S. B. Ayers ministered to this church on alternate Sabbaths for the space of ten years after its organization. Then Rev. S. M. Wilson became its supply pastor till in 1880. He was succeeded by Rev. Asa Heard, who was regularly installed pastor in 1881 over the united charge of Farmington and this church. Decatur Second Presbyterian Church was organized Jan. 18, 1868, with forty-nine members; all but seven of whom being formerly members of the First Church. The first session was composed of Henry Pressy, J. H. Lewis and Geo. E. Morehouse. The board of deacons con¬ sisted of J. S. Clark and W. M. Barret. The church was received under the care of Presbytery and enrolled April 16, 1868, and on the same day presented a call to Rev. A. L. Brooks to become the pastor. The call was accepted and he was installed the 5th of the fol¬ lowing month. This pastorate continued till near the close 34 TH E HISTORY OF THE of the year 1870, when under the influence of the union of the two Schools, a movement was made to unite the congrega¬ tions of the First and Second Churches. To facilitate this, J Rev. Brooks resigned the pastorate, and the union of the two churches was accomplished; the sessions of both churches uniting and forming the session of the First Church. Illiopolis Presbyterian Church was organized Feb. 22, 1868, with eighteen members. Archibald Maxwell, Samuel Zollinger and George Johnson constituted the first session. The board of dea¬ cons consisted of Milton Dean and John H. Dixon. The church was supplied only occasionally; and its membership was soon so depleted by death and removal that it became practically extinct and was formally dis¬ solved by Presbytery April 15, 1880, and the few members still remaining were instructed to unite with the church at Dawson. Bates Presbyterian Church was organized May 20, 1869, with eleven members. The first session was composed of David A. Brown and Alexander A. Patteson. Rev. John H. Brown, D. D. was supply pastor for half the time, during the first year. \ He was succeeded by Revs. Thayer, Birch and Dr. Bergen, who supplied occasionally until the spring of 1874, when Rev. Allen McFarland became supply pastor, for half the time, until in the autumn of that year, when Rev. H. V. D. Nevius, D. D., became the supply pastor till in Sept. 1887. This church has never received any aid from the Board of Home Missions. All the pecuniary assistance outside of PRESBYTERY OF SPRINGFIELD. . 35 its own congregation that has been rendered it, has been from the Board of Church Erection. Brush Creek Presbyterian Church, Sangamon county, was organized April 12, 1871, with fifteen members. The first session consisted of R. S. Brown. The church was supplied for the first few years during the sum¬ mer months by Revs. John H. Harris, H. G. Pollock and John D. Jones, successively. These were followed by Rev. W. L. Tarbet as supply pastor, who ministered during the summer and autumn for some four years. He was succeed¬ ed by Rev. Aaron Thompson as stated supply for one year; and he by Rev. W. H. Dunning, who supplied dur¬ ing the summer months for two years; and he by Mr. D. L. Temple, a student from the Theological Seminary, who supplied them a year and six months, up to October, 1886. Rev. M. H. Ambrose became their supply pastor immedi¬ ately after Mr. Temple had left the field, and has since been called and installed as pastor, Feb. 28, 1888. In the summer of 1887 the church edifice was removed to Divernon and repaired, and a manse erected. Pennsylvania Presbyterian Church was organized in the summer of 1873, with twenty-six members. The church has been supplied usually by the pastor of the church at Mason City. Hickory Grove Presbyterian Church was organized in the autumn of 1873, with twenty members, and was re¬ ceived under the care of Presbytery, April 1874, an d was formally dissolved, April 12, 1882. 3 ^ THE HISTORY OF THE It was supplied in connection with Beardstown and shared with that congregation the same influences dimin¬ ishing its numbers and finally leading to its being dissolved. Sweetwater Presbyterian Church was organized March 29, 1879 with ten members.. McKinley Jones constituted the first session. Adolph Funk was elected and ordained as Deacon. The Church was supplied by the Rev. R.. M. L. Braden, from Sept. 1879 till the spring of 1884. Rev. S. W. Mitchell was stated supply from the spring of 1884 to that of 1885. After this the church was occasionally supplied until in 1887, Rev. O. D. Covert became and continues supply pastor. Greenview Presbyterian Church was organized Dec. 11, 1883, with twelve members The first session was composed of Louis K. Burns and Hugh Foster. Charles C. Reid was elected and or¬ dained Deacon. Rev. R. M. L. Braden was stated supply from the time of organization till Sept. 2, 1884, when he was install¬ ed as pastor. This relation was dissolved Jan. 26, 1886. Since that time the church has been supplied only occasion- ally. Jacksonville State Street Presbyterian Church was formed by the union of the former First and Central Churches of the same city, April 15, 1885. The sessions of the two original churches forming the session of the united church. PRESBYTERY OF SPRINGFIELD. 37 Rev. A. B. Morey was installed pastor of the church June 7, 1885 and so continues. Williamsville Union Presbyterian Church was formed by the union of the former Williamsville and Daw¬ son Churches, July 24, 1886. The sessions of the two churches forming the session of the United Church. At a subsequent meeting of the church two additional elders, P. J. Telfir and A. L. Berry, were elected and or¬ dained. This union was recognized by Presbytery, and the name of the united church enrolled Sept. 1886. Rev. D. E. Ambrose became the supply pastor Oct. 1, 1886 and so continues. Jacksonville United Portuguese Presbyterian Church was formed by the union of the First and Central Portu¬ guese Churches of the same city April, 1887. The session was constituted as follows : Antonio Nunes, Jos. P. Correa, John Day, Patricio Nunes and Jose de Or- nellas. Rev. E. N. Pires has been installed pastor of the church. ResftectftiUy submitted , W. H. Prestley, ) ^ D. J. Strain. \ Conlm,ttee - I* ft ft •» f ► 1 * * < M (