BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTRIBUTIONS NO. 7 American Labor in Journals of History A BIBLIOGRAPHY Institute of Labor and Industrial UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS L I E) RARY OF THE UNIVERSITY or ILLINOIS 0(6.3310973 R72a R aUNOIS hiSIOHY SUKVtr LIBRARY AMERICAN LABOR IN JOURNALS OF HISTORY A Bibliography Compiled by FRED DUANE ROSE BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTRIBUTIONS NO. 7 INSTITUTE OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS University of Illinois Champaign, Illinois, I962 y,ciq_Bt:gc Lie ^d A "J:oaJ:I.;i 'to liJAa-taviXjU PREFACE In 1961, the University of Illinois Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations published Labor History in the United States : A General Bibliography by Gene S. Stroud and Gilbert E. Donahue as the sixth in its Bibliographic Contributions Series. This reference tool, restricted primeurily to books, incorporated some articles which appeared in special or topical issues of Journals, anthologies, and encyclopedias but was limited necessarily to partial coverage of these sources of labor history. American Labor in Journals of History ; A Bibliography is intended to supplement the Stroud and Doneihue work in one important area. Although well known to professional historians, the numerous local, state, regional, and subject history Journals have often escaped the attention of the more specialized student of labor and industrial relations. In addition to the primary purpose of fxirnishing a compre- hensive bibliography of articles related to labor history, the present study serves to indicate the need for additional investigations in many areas and to direct scholars to an extensive publishing outlet for their efforts. The emergence of Labor History has proved to be a welcome addition to the field but by no means pre-empts it. In setting preliminary standards it was decided to limit the list of journals to be searched to those published in the United States. Complete runs of one hundred forty-eight periodiceLLs were examined and ninty-eight of these contained articles suitable for inclusion in the bibliography. The compiler did not rely on indexes but actually examined the contents of every issue of every periodiceLL included in the study through December, i960. A sepeurate appendix contains in eJ-phabetical order the names of journals also searched but which produced no entries. The 1961 edition of the Directory of Historical Societies in the United States and Canada was helpful in identification of currently published journals. Older, no-longer published periodicals were utilized whenever fu3J. runs could be obtained. No claim is made that the journal list is exhaustive. Conspicuously absent are numerous smaller publications issued by local suad county historical societies and by some religious and ethnic groups. The great difficulty in locating complete sets of this type of journal, many of which have been issued irregularly or for only brief periods of time, outweighed their usefulness. Furthermore, it seemed unlikely that most users of this bibliography would be in a better position to obtain them. Journals of history published by religious denominations were incliided when available as were those issued by and for various ethnic groups. Althoiigh some of the ethnic group publications tended to be of 11 aOAISH'? leAtiaL'bal Jb.uc ioq'jbJ 1o 9jjj^i;taal etvailll 'iv -^^j ±aiisv iaU sdS ^lbsq6Df:s ns^o svarf 8lBfliuo(;. v.-joJalrf ^L-^^.^fifa tins ^.LsclckQ^-i ,i>::teJ-8 , lerol j'.£xiw'-ebl:ri: baa lodal ^o crn9i)i;J-a f>3sia.;3lc3qe 9^00 od^f lo ficcc^csJ^fi ■i>iiJ -eaqmoo xj saidEinayjt lo saoq^jjq ^^jsaiiiq ad* o* aoi*xJ6i>B nl .aaoictelsT lol d-sI;ft.'o gallic ilduq 9vian9*jc& as oi zi&LodCB J06ilb o;t f)na asa^ui xiiea JB 9d oj £>9voTq aer "■ lo sonegt&TO ar^ .s^iolts ixariJ .ft zi::Ti3-o-s- ud hJle'-l' ori^t on noLfhSfie s^^joclaw Jail 9iict ttmtl c;' ir?Jixo&i> aew ^I ai>ti3i>asj2 \:iaciiaixlijtci auicfi^s-j nl • Bflcfi^cta Jbf>?iaU sriJ nJ; bsriElidog ssodj j.t Darioijssa .>d oj alstrarot lo bfl*» JjcscTxasxe 9i9W alaoiooiisq ids to-y^Jiol botbc^Jd sno. ^o aaui ^IsXcakdO sricr rri nolnuioax lol alda^ij a BslottTji beatBiaoz sfcesd^ ac Jriaie-YJ^i'iIa b^aissBxa \£J.Buir>8 tud asxsbni: :io x^3t ioa btb lallqiUOD .-ufT .lidqErsolidtcf ■^£)u;jn art:}- ai i-siirionx XBoihottsq x^svs lo suasi v^asvo "io ad^aecfnoo sd* taoiisdadqls ax zata^tnon xibasqqB acraifiqaa A .OdSi ^isdmsosQ xjjiwoiri^ .aaii*ii9 oa J&93ux>oiq noirfw cfad Jbsn'j-tJS&u csIb ai^muoi. >c aaissrr oric Tei-T;© Sri J- al Eal^9j--o3 iBoiT. jtlH lo -(^loJsg-ixa Bdi lo £:o.r;tii>3 Id?I SfiT X'^'iasi'.nj'y lo noiiBOxli.'fl'iJbJ: ni lulqlad sbw abangO Laa il!!£$?' ' "^'"^^^ i>9sxli.-' . »i9w aisoiixsiisq Bsiln clduq -i&aaoi-on ^•li'M''' ajja.iii.oi, r q .ijsnxB^do sd liaoo i0t« XIjjI idv&a-nAv vlejjousic^aoO .svicTauadxa a2 IslJ. isaiucl. erid ;Jarfd- sfmat ai raxaXo oH ^.j-iiuoo ficta leooX \d bsuzPii aacicJB^xIc.jjq Tollsraa auoismun eis> ia'^zds adl" .squoia oxnrii'S bas mcip.: iiai «ooa x<^ J&na aol^aiooa laoliojatri ■^nam ^X/JiTsuot, lo sq^cf air'i^ lo a^aa aisifiraoo gaii^aDoi ai ^JluotVilb Amwj? t3fi(lJ- lo zbrjtreq Isxid y-^J^o aol -lO \J.!.b. u^&tti bsuzst need svsd doidv lo daom JAd* x-^^^tla^j bsaa^a tt ^aioaii&dcf'ru'i .sajniijlsaL. ■^lisdt bad^tsV'ii'o .fflsdJ rriaJdo o;r noid^laoq •loJ^.d a ni j^d JbXuow xiri-iaisriidid aliii lo aise-r e-raw aaoictaaxiuonab auoiaiXe-x yd ."isdaildijq yioJ-airi lo fiXfljnuoT, i.i;anJ3 ai/oi-iav 10I bee yd ij8x;aa 1 ©son.' c-xaw .-'.a aldaXxava nedw f)of3t;-; 5x lo sd oJ- i)9i)t79^ anoi:ffioiIdir'4^ qwo'xg oxndd^s 9ri.+ lo eai-^a dsuoriilA .sq: 'i^ il iii a semipopular nature, they sometimes contained articles valuable to an understanding of the background of groups important in the American labor movement. Ethnic group articles in strictly historical journals were selected on this same premise and were omitted only when, in the judgment of the compiler there was no relationship, direct or indirect, to the labor subject. A wide variation in the caliber of the jovirnals is apparent. All of the general and regional journals and many of those published under state suid local auspices are devoted to serious and scholarly articles. Wherever public funds are available in ample simounts, quality is usually, but not invariably, better. In some instances editorial policies and other considerations have compelled a journal to retain an outdated, antiquarian approach once typical of many of the more modern journals as well. Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, and South Dakota presently are not favored with journals of history on the state level. Connecticut is represented only by a bulletin and New Hampshire by an irregularly issued periodical which recently has not produced a volume a year. Several other states are struggling to establish periodiceLLs which have been in existance only a few yeeu-s. In order that industrial Massachusetts, which like Maine euad the • other New England states claims some attention in the excellent New England Quarterly , be directly represented, the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society has been admitted to the bibliography. This venerable publication, never much concerned with labor history, now appears at irregular intervals in hard binding. Volume 72 embracing proceedings from October, 1957^ to May, 196(i will not be issued until late in I963 and could not be included. A preliminary report on tentative editorieJ. plems did not disclose any forthcoming labor articles. Articles chosen for inclusion in the bibliography were restricted to those dealing with labor in the United States and its possessions or with American labor in other countries. Those dealing with the treide union movement in Germany or with striking coal miners in Wales, for example, were not cited unless the author stressed some direct connection with the American labor movement. Articles concerning slavery posed a speciSLL problem. American historians have given considerable attention to this subject, a condition reflected in the number of entries dealing with it. Careful selectivity was employed in including pieces touching on slavery, and decisions were often necessarily arbitrary. Since titles are frequently misleading, content was made the determining factor. Most articles treating abolition, politics and slavery, the slave trade, etc., were rejected. Articles covering the economics of slavery, working conditions under slavery, etc., were retained. In indexing, slavery articles restricted to a particular state or region were entered under the appropriate subheadings, but the number of entries under the general heading of slavery remains large. As might be expected, journals in agrarian southern states with relatively recent industrialization have been preoccupied with the slavery issue. i^i ft* ocf ^IdAisXBv a9xct&^B £t>aia.tnor asottisiaoa ^sd^ ,3rtuiBa ijaluqcttliasa * '. ijiiJ- n ' ■ ;; I. .. ..^ „cii"tc;r2_.. ^-.__.j- -- - . . ., __ - .^:-,:S. artvi ai ,n9riw vino i>*.tj±mo srtev isna eaiuaaiq saes siriJ no Jbaioslas •n.sw ,:fosilJbcI TO joa^fib iqxdeaoi:;*-^!*! on c«w enarict ieii;ac:-: edi 1<^ t, .c^o'it^dije ioo'b: . .*• .ssIoiJ-i.' \;j.-'Blorioa iiofl euciisa o* b^-iOJ'ob 9za esolq^ive. IjbooI 1«s 9*b4^8 ,.\tIim/cL ai -^JilBij:,' ,r..tnifoa;B ?I(j2ia ni 'JisIiB^'a e-xs 3.onu'i oi:ldu9anoO .leval ajsia srfo no Tcaoctexri lo Qlsatuol dSiM Lo-sovsl joa s^b y.IxbIosb'i-xI OB -(d sixriequxH wall Jbas zl&slS^d e xfi xisio toctnsEeiqsT: el •IBSV; ii aaujlov b IisouLo'iq Jon aari Y-i-^n^^s^ xbidV .Cfiaii>C' irr^j Bsifec t rloidw alBoifioi'isq riBildB^se oJ j^allsstrtcra sis s3:tB.Ta tsd.ito liriBvaS .aiesY. V9^ B xLno sonc :-ix9 nl n-39i sv«d iiA& bns QfliBM aafil rfolriw ,e*j»et.ziDBepsM lBxiJai(f)ii i ctariJ isirto nl V9K 5^asX:'9oy"=» ^rfJ ni iiol;JasJ*B ^aroe amlsio ce:tB:t3 jbH/'f^i^i w^M T9/{,to ari^ lo £2j^ ^^'^ ^iioc*-ns89Tq3i ^iIJ^r.»tlJb ad . i .Xtiqstaoilo'ii. :....,, oj I>as.'':tx!B5jB f<3Sd 3Brf -yj-elocc: J-^ '~ ;J .X;'£0*eixl lodal rlj ■"j_ ji&msoaoo r{-..jas larsrr ,nc. T Scx3£':5in9 57 aaaicv .snlJbaid fnari nx elBvaocfal iBiyasTsx js woit ix.ttuf i)eo23i &o ;too ILiM C'cR.l »yj^1 oJ J^^^I iTscfcJoO aonl c.^, iv-^-oo-rq 9vi:^B^^9i no *ioqsi viijaJtiaxIsTiq A .Issbuloni scf :k)n Muco fona £d?i ci. s:fBl .8©Ioid"i6 lodal gahaooff-ttot xa^ sacloaib -toa l>i.b aoBlq Isiioctif-B ba^ox^Jesn eie" ^qBrpcHdld sri* til noiauloci -soTl osaorio asIolirA 70 aaoiieaseaoq atl J&aa e9iB:^8 iocrinli SiW ni lodal rid 'iw :gifliJ.3sb ascrf:t o* sbtij srij^ dil.: ^ailasft osorlT .aaJhcd-CLJor; isriJ-o aJ. -xodBl ncox raiLH rl3^i\/ •lot ,asiBW ni aT9a.lra lac:; ^n Wild's .I^J^f io y-'siJ^^ -li d-c3mevt>ji nclai/ col^toaoooo d'o&Tit ercoa Aegaaids lod^us 'sdJ EsaJxtt' i)itflt) cton ©i^w .elqauixe .dC2«aevoai lodBl nsa2isia.*i. arf:' nBOliaoA .caaldoiq iBiosqe b boaoq yt.o^s1b ^la-ssi-noi' esIoli^A aoiJi-JbQoo Aj ^So^idi'n Ri.-iJ- oj aoiJa9J;tB sideiefjiaaoo aev.lg svsd an«J:-io:fB±rf TCcrivxJoaisa JxIstbO .it liJiw gnliBsi: asx^tns "ic is'j:tivr. aiij al £5t-:9i5si 9t?v aflcrelosB Lab ,\ji9v.'3Xa iiu grririsuo* esf^'^iq gaLbiuioai r:i f>Bvt>xqas .isw ,ani6S9X8iai -^rnsi^s^l sis fe9l.+iJ^ fniS .xt£n.tidT.B xlttsnssoBU nd^to ,0oi:fiiciB anlcTBa^.J^ z'^loi-^^xa cfaoM .-ro:tr>Bl aalnJx'iaJsI) oaj sfxan ssw ^nsin ?o ealDltxA .&93-r;'3(,9'i dtfyw ^.aje ,oi>3a* evBia ariJ ^x;r3VBie bna aoi.^llof; 4.o:!9 ,x79VBla -tsl^fiu sa>;)±c^}JbGoo gaiJiiow ^^; *• ■ - -rav :. iBljjoxJ-raq a d1 . aJoiiJaei aaioi^jp ■•^•lavBla <8ai:>.aii)ai nl ,£s. 9i9W srfu J^ijrd , agri i.v.*!3i,fidi/a s^Biiqo-xqqB axiJ^ labnii J!)9rt9Jfle a^av iXolji©i to o&ait. .■s^t&L -filajidT: v~-j.viiCa Io ■ .; leiaasa -d* "i9i»aiT a;.i-t:tfl*» t^j rsrfffljjn .Siisai >fX9veX3 Oiij rfJ-iv i)9i(.;U3009^q a99d svexi noii6sJ:I«xT.J^eiii>ai :fn909t Iv Journals appear in the bibliography under 196O titles in alphabeticed. order. Title changes axid the names of predecessor journals in a direct line of descent are indicated in the heauiing along with the i960 publisher and the inclusive dates of publication. Articles eu:^ listed under each periodical in the chronological order of their appearance. A Subject Index has been prepared to increase the usefulness of the bibliography. Articles are numbered consecutively, totaling 903 entries in sill. Each subject entry is followed by the numbers of the articles pertinent to it. Wherever possible, each article is indexed under category of workers, neune of specific iinion, city or state, persons, etc. Each article is limited to a majcimum of five index entries, a rule violated in only three or four sjiecial cases. G?he great majority are indexed under less than five entries. Here again many arbitrary decisions were necessary. All casual references to persons, unions, concepts, and events are not indexed. The name of Samuel Gcanpers, for instance, appears in many eurticles but index entries are made only for those in which he is given special attention. On the other hand, William Z. Foster is given ein entry for the only article in which his name appears, eO-though the relative emphasis given him might not warrant a separate entry otherwise. To some extent the length and content of the article itself determines the index entries. Occasionally entries have been made in the case of brief general essays which would have been omitted in longer, more comprehensive studies. Liberal use has been made of double entries and cross references. A separate Picture Index follows the same pattern of nvunerical entries under alphabetically arranged subject heeuiings. Resiilts of this bibliographical study suggest that labor and industrial relations history remains a relatively untapped resource in some states, including some important industrial ones. Some state joiirnals have published no labor history articles; others have devoted surprisingly little space to the subject. With but few exceptions it was not until the depression of the 1930's that studies of more than a superficial nature began to appear. Many persons contributed to the preparation of this bibliography. Chairmen of the Institute Library Committee, Professors Milton Berber (1961) and Adolf Sturmthal (1962), provided encouragement and support in the initial stages of planning. Professors William Howard Huff, Thomas Edward Ratcliffe, Jr., and Mr. Frank Rodgers of the University Library gave valuable assistance in obtaining many of the necessary materials. Mrs. Darlene Feurer typed and checked the text and indexes. Professor Barbara D. Dennis furnished editorial advice and supervision during the final stages of preparation. A special debt is owed to Professor Archie Green who suggested the project and without whose generously contributed time, information, judgments, and advice the work could scarcely have been completed. vl Xc: i-:t*dj6f"qij8 ni 2di.tiJ Od$i nobau Xf^qstno lid id od& al ta^^iqe aisatuol i9ris.LC.cfuq OdPI oriJ riaiw Sflci*; sai:u:?ari scJ ni i;s;^30ii)n± -ii^j ^c-jcaco lo anil il3fi-3 isJbni' ii9oaJ:i sid 8-3Xrxtx/l .noiJaoildijcj "io as^sl) svieulaai srfJ Jo::a .^!;llB^B9^iq^fi -^isriiJ to 'iBbrso iisoisoloaoxd'j edit ni Ifisi£)o !T;3q[ ssxox.-tt?j3 sftct to a-iddmun siii ^cj iowclio'i 8i v^-^i^^ ■■toat°i^'2 ioeiSL .liB ril TfitAu bexsi>'-^ ax sloittB /loss ^sirfxecoq isv^isrlW . *x u* icaaxit^q, .o&s jSfioaisq ^fct/jj-a lO v.+Jro .nciruj oJtllosQc. "io sin'.;,-: ^■^^:9Jl':ow 'ir. '^TOj^eJjej 3laT a tCjaxiaas xsJbaJ: svH 'lo 'imx.'xsin s oa .bsctiffiil el eial.lifi jloaa 9TCB ^Jl-yotan +5913 ^^^1' .esaso iBiosqa ix'ol: io aatrlct vlao ni is^tjaloiv Rctolziosb Yijb-^Jio'ifi 'inera nisga srsH •. B^iidna 5vi;t aarf-r sasX isisny J-:i>x9l>i'.t tctfl tsnoini.' ^anoaiaq o& assaststsTC Ist'sso liA .Y^caaaeda at-y.-- ac 9il noixiv nx ascdcf lOt y-l-'^'^ 5br-;io sib .39ii«fl9 xs£)n.t ^xicf ^sLni^s ycjekb ni nevJts 2l lad'ao'i .S caslIIxW ^bnari isrido adJ- iiO .nolsas^v+B iBi-^g? nsvxg ad* .•i:»jOiioXB jpi-xsoqqfl ssii-ia airf flo trtw nJ: alolJ^c yXco .&riv-^ lol \,iJ'-59 xia .S3±vi9ilTo Y'fj^as sSBTi'.qo^i a .tnBTTBV J^ca cfdsxffl said navig elaariama 9vIcJ"el3i asDJtai^sctslj tleaJ^i ^loliiB add- 'to .tnsicoo bne d:^ACii>l ^lii *ci9.txv aooa cT 93BO 9d* ni afsan nesd gvsd C9±'x--j9 Y-tI-8^<^.ifi«»30 .asiiore x9Jbol sd& sioa! .-r9ai;oI ni: bS':i^Sttno noscf svjsrf Iijjjow rfoidw s^fiEag Ijsioasa l^lid 'to f>a3 seirt^as sicj.'ob tc 3i>£2i nocf eari tei; Is^scftJ .asitbi^os 9vxen9risrf^jnoc' ssi'i.tae Isoxiemuf: 'io a1^.?.^3q gae:; nri.' awollol xsJbrrI s-iu^foli stfsrxjq.'ja /. .'ia«-i-B^9d Jo9c>dt.f8 jfcBSiiei-ra \IXi50J-.tecfjE5xfqla isi-cu IsJi^Euibai: fciifl lodBl :tBd-f ieo^^^va x^*^ Xeoinqs-iso tXdxd tirfJ to aclXi^'a«»H .t39Jx:.Ts i«no3 a/ 93XUC331 i!)oqq*ict-;iij v;X9vi;j£X9i a saisats'i V-i^-^-a-f^f anolciaXs'i ovfiri elfirritrof, 9,tB*a asooS .asno XjaitJEiibn: cfiiJB.-tioq,cri sjnoa anlfcoXonX ©IJ-i^i-I Y.X:^oieI'Tq-u'8 bsJ-ovsi) «vad aii?d.j^o jasxcitrs y:toJ-8id ladxjX ca J[>9dEiIo>jq siicf XX^nL .-'or: scv it saoxcfqsoxe vst Ji>ct xI;t.tW ,v+r?(,c-y3 Si'l't o^l assqa oiL\ren Xilisi1^squ8 ij nsr!^ 9-xoa to sajtbyrfa isxirt c'0£(?X ©dJ- to noxaesiqslt .istjqqfi oJ ne^ed .y^^cier^olLcirf eidj to nold-jenisqattq srict oJ- Xw-t^dliiiToc axroa-'aq '^^^aM tsd'isC :^ojX 'id s-roeas'jc.t^ ^sa&ilBLnoO Afia-tdiJ aJu^MJenl sdJ- io n&.in.lBfiO JioqquB :*D^n^^iiiuooao bs>btv^tq t(SdQx) XiJd.ra-i.cJO tici>A Jbaa (X>;>X) ^ttuH i)iawoi! fflBii.IiVi oioaac>'iQ'fi .aninasXq '.o aogB^+s XalJ'xax Ai't ni Ytis'xsvxaU 3dl to ais^I^cH AixB'il .-xM bas ^.%l> ^s1'iixoyeP.;/.-? ^.n^iontlT y;T;Baa'=^:i9n ni.i to yO'S^ gn Liixs*do nl sonsct-axaBB .-jldsulav ^vxig \iu'tdlJ. .23xe£;rii baa ix9? odd^ i>9?io;='!ia Joax; fe3qv;>'*^ •xs^ija'i i*r >XxsCI .aiM . aXfi t-xei^.rr aoXei-n'?qi;e &;» aoiviis XexioJ-ibs Xj'rdaln-ijjt atnnjtl .Q xy-rxirfTXja loaestoi^ • nojc^aieqs'sq to fi^gxicfe i.rjjiit sdi -^aiivb 9iU Lai-asssus odw aaaiO sldoiA -losagtCT^ oJ X:;n7o a.l .tdel- Xaxo9qa A .£)o;je>XqpK>s nsi^J sved xXsoijioa iluoo aliow sriJ coivJb^ ba^ ^r.&tiw^bu*^ AMERICAN LABOR IN JOURNALS OF HISTORY A Bibliography AGRICULTURAL HISTORY . Quarterly. Agricultural History Society, 1927--. 1. Coiilter, E. Merton. "A Century of a Georgia Plantation," III (October, 1929), 1^*7-159 • 2. Gray, L. C. "Economic Efficiency and Competitive Advantages of Slavery Under the Plantation System," IV (April, 1930 ), 31-47. 3. Robbins, Roy Marvin. "Horace Greeley: Land Reform and Unemploy- ment, 1837-1862," VII (January, 1933), l8-4l. k, Landon, Fred, and Everett E. Edwards. "A Bibliography of the Writings of Professor Ulrich Bonnell Phillips," VIII (October, 1934), 196-218. 5. Russel, Robert R. "The Economic History of Negro Slavery in the United States," XI (October, 1937), 308-32I. 6. House, Albert V., Jr. "Proposals of Government Aid to Agricultural Settlement During the Depression of I873-I879," XEI (January, 1938), k6-66. 7. Fhilllps, Ulrich B. "Plantations with Slave Labor and Free," XII (January, 1938), 77-95- 8. Zeichner, Oscar. "The Transition from Slave to Free Agricultural Labor In the Southern States," XIII (January, 1939), 22-32. 9. Wiley, B. I. "Salient Changes In Southern Agriculture Since the Civil War," XIII (April, 1939), 65-76. 10. Russel, Robert R. "The Effects of Slavery upon Nonslaveholders in the Ante Bellum South," XV (April, 19^1), U2-126. 11. Saloutos, Theodore. "The Decline of the Wisconsin Society of Equity," XV (July, 19^1), 137-150. 12. Useem, John. "Changing Economy euid Rural Security in Massachusetts," XVI (January, 19^2), 29-40. III ".rrnf^fa^nal^ cxsicsO « lo xiifiaaD A" .ao^JnsM .3 ,'-c5.+XiroO .1 1o s9ss;tnJ3vM svi^lSsqfOo'J baa x^aoioi^tia fiJtiBOaooa" .0 .d ,xsiD .3 • T+i-it t(Og?I ^litqA) VI '\m9tf8YB aoUje^aalS wf.-* rrsjiJt.''.. V3-9v.'*I2 -^olqaaoU -^.^-ra miolzTl haad :x^la&id aoBtctV -nivxaM -xjofi .'fflrfii'of' .14-81 ^'-rOi ^%:iS;rni!l,} IIV '\^^L-\Zdi .JiTM ^-©cfoJoO) IIIV '\ati2Iilrf3 .rj.eaaoa doxiXU losastOTrtL lo ssnl-:'-i-tW .815- a$i a*^^:^i . .ISe-60P afE^-C ti9'oO 'io e-lsaaqd-s^" .-cL j.V ■it9(SL\ ,?euoH .3 le-OFd'IinliaA ee-tl o? ftvcIB acili aoicfisrariT aril" .-iaoaO ^T!»ariri9.r .0 .S£-P,S ,(QcQX ^y::tBl:abl) IIIX '\a9d-eJf^ fnsriJ-uo?. ad* ni s-^dBl ■3d* sonja oiu^Jirol-igA msncfijori nl .'.ssn-ufC .taallsS" .1 .fi .ics-tiV •(• .^T-^ci ,(9£vci .liiq.a,' IIIX ",isV/ ilviC al rrxsMoxlivflxBiicil aoqu '{ISVbIS "ic 3c^os1-1:S ariT' .fi JtactoH ^IsssufT .01 .SsX-SiX V ■ -t--^'^-'' ^XliqA) VX '^riJuoB airilaS sJirA s-ij lo 'i*»iDo3 ai&aooBlW arfi lo sriiXodC arlT" .•jioionriT ^aotfiJOisS .XX ",.8*J'9e;M?saaflM al vrfliuoaS iatuR bns \:nionooa aniansriD" ndoL ^asaaU .£X .04l-,'>q ^(a+^PX ,\:-iJBL'ajeL) r/x 2 13. Sitterson, J. Carlyle. "The Transition from Slave to Free Economy on the William J. Minor Plantations," XVII (October, 19^3), 2l6-22lf. ik. Jordan, Weymouth T- "The Management Rules of an Alabama Black Belt Plantation, I8I+8-I862," XVIII (January, 19^^), 53-64. 15. Cox, LaWanda Fenlason. "Tenancy in the United States, I865-I9OO: A Consideration of the Validity of the Agricultural Ladder Hypothesis," XVIII (July, 19^^), 97-105- 16. Shannon, Fred A. "A Post Mortem on the Labor-Safety-Valve Theory," XIX (January, 19^5 )> 31-3?. 17. Russ, Willisun A., Jr. "Godkin Looks at Western Agrarianism: A Case Study," XIX (October, 19^+5), 233-2^^2. 18. Saloutos, Theodore. "The Rise of the Nonpartisan League in North Dakota, I915-I917," XX (January, 19^+6), i^3-6l. 19. Smith, Robert Worthington. "Was Slavery Unprofitable in the Ante- Bellum South?" XX (January, 19^), 62-6k. 20. Saloutos, Theodore. "The Expansion and Decline of the Nonpartisan League in the Western Middle West, 1917-1921," XX (October, 19^), 235-252. 21. Lee, Shu-Ching. "The Theory of the Agricultural Ladder," XXI (January, 19^+7), 53-61. 22. Cox, LaWanda F. "The American Agricultural Wage Earner, I865-I90O: The Emergence of a Modern Labor Problem," XXII (April, 19^8), 95-114. 23. Holt, W. Stull. "Hegel, the Turner Hypothesis, and the Safety-Valve Theory," XXII (July, 19^8), 175-176. 2k. Liss, Samuel. "The Concept and Determination of Prevailing Wages in Agricultxire During World War II," XXIV (January, 1950), 4-l8. 25. Engberg, George B. "Collective Bargaining in the Lumber Industry of the Upper Great Lakes States," XXIV (October, 1950), 205-211. 26. Liss, Samuel. "Farm Wage Boards Under the Cooperative Extension Service During World War II," XXVII (July, 1953), IO3-IO8. 27. Taylor, Paul S. "Plantation Laborer Before the Civil War," XXVIII (January, 195^), 1-21. 28. House, Albert V. "Labor Management Problems on Georgia Rice Plantations, l840-l860," XXVIII (October, 195^), 1^9-155. 29. Saloutos, Theodore. "Southern Agriculture and the Problems of Readjustment: l865-l877/' XXX (April, 1956), 58-76. •■ipoaoo'd ^sf? oi 9veI8 moil flOtJiaa^Tl saT" .sL<(,J.i&0 .L .noeiscftflB .£i :OOPI-?dBl ,3fl:^js.t2 f)e.+iaU add" ai YraensT" .nossln." i-ijaJsWjEsJ tXoD ,cfl • eOI-T^ <(^i''QI tiXu^/! IIIVX '\5lp.edJocncH '\it-toadT ovlBV-^^^stsS-iodfia 9rl,t no m^^'ioM Jec"? A"' .A t^rtl ^nonasriC .d/. .c-i!c;_££S t{rs(xaoH sfl* lo saifl aaT" .stafeos:)^, ^BOCfooieS .81 az^iitsqaoVi odi Jo eniioaC Jboa acxeaeqyJS srIT" .♦;xD£>o&il7 ^eoJtfcI^B .OS :OOQI-?33l .xsaTsa se£--f l3?r --luoItxA aaol-ieaiA -'IT" ."^ sbasV.sJ .xo^ .£.S ssgaW snI.[xj»vaTl ;o cjoxvtsnixffiejaG i^aa 3-qso'ioC sclT" .Xsumee iBsIJ ■4'-"; .XIS-?OS JcePX ^tadoooO) Vi;'X '\8s:?fJ-2 saiJBJ o'--=.iO tsqqU aiic' "ic aoia:i9*yJK svxJ-fii-sq'-.oO t ri.-f isJia-j £,ViiJoa assW art£i" .iswaaS ^Zi3Xu) .^ .aox-r-l ,U?9i ,\:i'-'T.) XIVXX '\IT ibW LXioV 8ai-r;;a 90.r\-?S IIIl'XX ",i£V XiMD'&xl* t?-iolc3 it>iocffiJ noxJairiBXCL" X IubI .ici\:aT ^■ ^olR zi:^-i'-iV, no a&eldo-fi c^a^^-s^-B^iJ^{ -rodsJ" .V iisdXA .j-'S^oE .6S .?CX-t4ii av.^^'X ^lydc.+oO) IIIVXX " ,/SdSl-Oi^l ^ancitsti^sl^ .ST-6? JdtvX ^litqA) XXX 'MV8l-er^i : fa^:n:^aulv&3R 30. Liss Samuel. "Farm Wage Boards Under the Wage Stabilization Program During World War 11/' XXX (July, 1956), 128-137 . 31. Abbott, Martin. "Free Land, Free Labor, and the Freedmen's Bureau," XXX (October, 1956), I5O-I56. 32. Gressley, Gene M. "The Turner Thesis--A Problem in Historiography," XXXII (October, 1958), 227-249. 33. Simler, Norman J. "The Safety -Valve Doctrine Re -evaluated," XXXII (October, 1958), 250-257- 3U. Logan, Frenise A. "Factors Influencing the Efficiency of Negro Farm Laborers in Post-Reconstruction North Carolina," XXXIII (October, 1959), 185-I89. 35. Scruggs, Otey M. "Evolution of the Mexican Farm Labor Agreement of 19^2," XXXIV (July, i960), 140-1^9 . ALABAMA HlgTORICAL QUARTERLY . State Department of Archives and History, 1930, 1940—. 36. Sisk, Glenn Nolen. "Some Population and Agricultural Trends in the Alabama Black Belt, 1800-1930," V (Spring, 19^3), 47-54. 37* . "Social Classes in the Alabama Black Belt, I87O-I9IO," XX (Winter, 1958), 653-655- ALABAMA REVIEW . Quarterly. University of Alabama Press and Alabama Historical Association, 1948 — . 38. Reynolds, Alfred W. "The Alabama Negro Colony in Mexico, I894-I896," V (October, 1952), 243-268; VI (January, 1953), 31-58. .T£i-8SX ,(d^^i ^X-t-T.) XXX ",11 teW filaoW anl^i/Q msTso-rl '\i/B»-rua a ' aambss-i il ari* i>aa ^loo'jaJ S;>'i'5 ^ba&l aeil" .nii^iaM tJ'JoddA' .If .S^I-OcI t(S^»?I i7»cJo;JdO) XXX '\>Crfq[fiT50ito*8iH nl nxsltfoi*^ A--8la3frr lacrurT sdT" .M t-ssO .vsIea^tO .3£ .^4S-TSS ^(e^ej: i-isdodoO) IIXXX ■ Y^S-O^S Jfi'^ei ^1900:^:^0} IIIXXX '\ii0i:IoiaO dJTCori aol*r>UT::t3noo9H-J3o1 "t ct^iodAl mxa'-f .Q8X-(f6l I'.ic'c:?! ,i?Kfoc^oO) .e^J-04i.[ ,(o^QX ,^Ii/L) VIXXX '\i4ei lo j&a« 8&vj;ifoTA lo ^ago^t-xaqgd &:^B:Je. .'^ ■ iAJA '\0i^I-CT8l »;tl9a ioeia mscffllA sricf al a9aai>10 ijaincS" . -'.£ •B<-X£ ,(e?ei ,rtJ3U--st) IV i8as-e4iS ,(3?§i ^isJcJoO) V AMERICAN ARCHIVIST . Quarterly. Society of American Archivists, 193a--. 39. Levinson, Paiil. "The Archives of Labor/' XVII (January, 1954), 19-24. 4Q. Browne, Henry J. "Raiding Labor Records," XVII (July, 195^), 262-264. Ul. Lewinson, Paul. "State Labor Agencies: Where Are Their Records?" XIX (January, 1956), 45-50. AMERICAN-GERMAN REVIEW . Bimonthly. Carl Schtirz Memorial Foundation, 1934—. /Issued quarterly, 1934-1938_J' 42. Engelmann, Peter. "Fifty Years of German Solidarity," V (Febrtiary, 1939 )> 27> 39. 43. Colt, Eleanor G. "Labor Cooperates with Labor," XVI (August, 1950), 17-18. AMERICAN HERITAGE . New Series. Bimonthly. American Heritage Publishing Company, 1949--. /isBued. quarterly 1949-1954. A quarterly predecessor published 1947-1949 by American Association for State and Local History under same title^^^ 44. Middleton, Arthur Pierce. "Colonial Craftsmen Made Good in the Planter's Capital," I (Winter, 1950), 42-45, 73. 45. Botsford, Harry. "Valley of Oil Transportation Tribulations," I (Spring, 1950), 4-7, 70-71. it6. Bale, Elizabeth F. "Marble Valley's UN," II (Spring, 1951), 34-41. 47. Reuther, Victor G. "U. A. W.," II (Summer, 1951), 42-43, 68-69. 48. Holbrook, Stewart. "Sawdust on the Wind," IV (Summer, 1953), 48-53- fe. Brooks, Traa. "The Terrible Triangle Fire," VIII (August, 1957), 54-57, 110-111. ,3 3-oJviri i csattfusA lo xd-9i3o2 yirsi'vsufi .gglVIHJgA KADK3MA .. •Of ^{^^L ^yrtSL'aah) IIVX '\tocfaJ *o esvirioiA sriT" .Jx'b^ ^aoani"-'' 9' "tsfiico^ TisrfT &iA i'lsrfW :sex3C33A TOdai 9,tBda .lueH ,.ioanfv.T.'" ..[4 ijs.Ho-uaM siuxfo2 IibO . v;Iif ^ooaUa .W5 IV3H : '^ ■'-- - ■ ' ' 'H2R- OBoi-isaP. vcf 54^'X-V*'^! fjsris iltfua loaeaoebtiq vIi-aJoBjjp A .ly-OT ,T-4 ,(OPQI .sniiViS) I •-1-^-^e v(l«:ei ^Sa^iq2) II ",f5U 3'Y9lI«V sidiaM" .'? rftsoiBTtXa ^si.Vi . ?V .c^d-Sd ^£^-:i4i .(i^^' . .::^) TI ".-W ..• .U" .r ;.t.-.i7 ,i-i3dcH ^eiioasisfl .^5 .O0I-4ie ^Ib-^i xi'Jd^l ^-ttqA) .r.-,ohio*8rH as-lrt^sA .xl'i->tn.Bu9 . ^3IV3H J AO IflOTc: IE KADIfeg MA . • - ^^>'^- ^aolist:: .Tar.A ".^£71 ^d£TI , :.:*rie>n9fc A9.t.i96nl &■:« ^iiovsIB no b-z^SL taalinv li-rrcIoD" .7? "Taist'vt ov.''A .0<.5-6e ,(?P8l ^-•sdci-O.V I aj8olie»aA oj ijaqqwr:'O riaitiig" .sx/eG j-anel, ^idlUA .6? •CE-SI ,(dP8j. ,TecfoJ;jO) II '\39saoloO •AobIS axiidiL'je adi lo dJvoiO bns r •:-. > " :iflT " .? if;iiIU .aqilllxfi .0^ ",vno;»aiII axaoaonS nt&ff/^iroP. to aasldot^ iroL" .^-loH ierlxA ^9i;r-tB .Id .I^-T4? ,(OieC ^I.^-rgA) VX ". . to nsct-yaciA al ic^mvIH riai:-"--. ' -.3c.U sriT" .a-'.f-ia.'ir o-'-ilvraX ^;'-— •f;-'' . £b ■ ,UI^I ,'asisniil" rm \nwi.: ,(^Xei ,yXjjI.) XIX "./iiSr ,8»vai "io sl'IbV sdS 'ia 89:t;:- '• '"" .-^^o 65- Phillips, Ulrich B. "Slave Crime in Virginia/' XX (January, 1915), 336-3^0. 66. Jernegein, Marcus W. "Slavery and Conversion in the American Colonies," XXI (April, I9I6), 504-52?. 67. . "Slavery and the Beginnings of Industrialism in the American Colonies," XXV (January, 1920), 220-2^0. 69. Marshall, Thomas Maitland. "The Miners' Laws of Colorado," XXV (April, 1920), 426-^+39. $9' Darling, Arthur B. "The Workingmen's Party in Massachusetts, 1833-1834," XXIX (October, 1923), 8I-86. 70. Phillips, Ulrich B. "Plantations with Slave Labor and Free," XXX (July, 1925), 738-753. 71. Buck, Paul H. "The Poor Whites of the Ante-Bellum South," XXXI (October, 1925), 41-54. 72. Sydnor, Charles S. "The Free Negro in Mississippi Before the Civil War," XXXII (July, 1927), 769-788. 73. Donnan, Elizabeth. "The Slave Trade into South Carolina Before the Revolution," XXXIII (July, I928), 804-828. 7^. Sydnor, Charles S. "Life Span of Mississippi Slaves," XXXV (April, 1930), 566-574. 75. Spiller, Robert E. "Fenimore Cooper's Defense of Slave-Owning America," XXXV (April, 1930), 575-582. 76. Howe, George Frederick. "President Hayes"s Notes of Four Cabinet Meetings," XXXVII (January, 1932), 286-289. 77. Smith, Abbot Emerson. "The Transportation of Convicts to the American Colonies in the Seventeenth Century," XXXIX (January, 1934), 232-249. 78. Larson, Laurence M. "The Norwegian Element in the Northwest," XL (October, 1934), 69-8I. 79. Dodd, William E. "The Emergence of the First Social Order in the United States," XL (January, 1935), 217-231. 80. Smith, Abbot Emerson. "The Indentured Servant and Land Speculation in Seventeenth Century Maryland," XL (April, 1935), 467-472. 81. Rezneck, Samuel. "The Social History of an American Depression, 1837-1843," XL (July, 1935), 662-687. 62. Shannon, Fred A. "The Homestead Act and the Labor Surplus," XLI (July, 1936), 637-651. saJ^ ni aailBltJ-SL'Jifll lo eaatoiilsga ariw i»aa 'ii9vfif8i-F£8.r sdd- 9io*J33 IjtiieEiaa]:!! n.l c:c39tl 9«rc'5 sriT" .3 &sliflxl0 ^loniivS .';^ .ear-o&Y ,(vsci a-tt'L) iix>D( ".ixsw iitfio saoteS BnlloisO f(wt/oS cJ-fii: aijeiT svbIS 9.iT" . sdjssiJJ ^cueacoC .?.T .8s8-tl08 »(8sei ,xlul,) III.OCX '\acimlov9H drft VXXl' ".95Vi3l3 i-oqJt38J:2-.;xM lo ac>cf3 elU'' .3 aal'iBifO ^-tocit^d .4iY S^iirrwO-9vrI8 "lo san&lsG s'taqooO stoffilasl" .2 i^ 3u bn-Mjiaoml 9ifT" .noE-T:5a]K d-oddA ^rid-iae .<^ .ST4i-7b4i »(?€v;l rX-ttciA) JJ: '\i)uaivtsM \:^if:^^'^D x{;fa99dai'V- 8 aJ ».'Tolsa97<;s(I oaoii^mA a« lo v^oiaiH iaiooS, 9rfT" .Isifcea ^>:r9i0S9a .-'5 IJ}' ",auIq-iuC i.-a&I erfi jbcui ^to.*^: i;s9^8oajP axIT" ' .A : ar^ ,aonrmrfn .'3 83. Lindsey, Almont. "Paternalism and the Pullman Strike," XLIV (January, 1939), 272-289. 84. Diamond, William. "Urban and Rural Voting in I896," XLVI (January, 19^1), 281-305. 85. Deutsch, Albert. "The Sick Poor in Colonial Times," XLVI (April, 1941), 560-579. 86. Wish, Harvey. "Altgeld and the Progressive Tradition," XLVI (July, 19^1), 813-831. 87. Rudolph, Frederick. "Chinamen in Yankeedom: Anti-Unionism in Massachusetts in I87O," LIII (October, 19^7), 1-29- 88. Dorfman, Joseph. "The Jackson Wage-Earner Thesis," LIV (January, 1949), 296-306. /See also communication of Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., (April, 1949), 785-786 J" 89. Stavisky, Leonard Price. "Negro Craftmanship in Early America," LIV (January, 19^9), 315-325. 90. Morris, Richsurd B. "Andrew Jackson, Strikebreaker," LV (October, 1949), 5^-68. 91. Stampp, Kenneth M. "The Historian and Southern Negro Slavery," LVII (April, 1952), 613-624. 92. Fine, Sidney. "Anarchism and the Assassination of McKinley," LX (July, 1955), 777-799. 93. Coll, Blanche D. "The Baltimore Society for the Prevention of Pauperism, 182O-1822," LXI (October, 1955), 77-87. 94. Rezneck, Samuel. "Patterns of Thought and Action in an American Depression, 1882-I886," LXI (January, 1956), 284-307- 95. Detweiler, Philip F. "Congressional Debate on Slavery and the Declaration of Independence, I819-I82I," LXIII (April, 1958), 598-616. 96. Bremner, Robert H. "The Big Flat: History of a New York Tenement House," LXIV (October, 1958), 54-62. .P6S-STS ,{^Zqi .xrv.^aA) ^nauneT,) IVJX '\3eSl ai gnlfoV IstsjP. J>fi« cacfiU" .malUlS! ibaomm .48 ^litqA) IVJX " --i^T leirtoxoO cl ioo2Js9-id9aii;J8 ,aoEai3ai:, wsifioA" .2 inaiiolH ^el-noM .0$ '\^C^»v3l2 oigsH nT'jric} f)ns asiio3alfl erfT" .M ilJ-erfas}! ^qqraB^fc . Iv? XJ '\x^JLanioH Jo aol*Bai;aai338A arf* Jxie aenLdoiarA" .i£onl>2o ,«t1'? .^^ 'to Bolia°'V9-rt srfj lol \:*9i:Doe. 9:tO£(ii*LBa adT" .0 arioojjXa ,ilo0 .to .T3-YT t(e?^I »i9do:^oO) IXJ \S£3l-a38l ,a:alTC9qt;Bc; sriT" .brujcnaE ^fll*^£*l .<^P aaciistfn;. sfct fioB ;fa9a9Vx;M soWauL XeJtooS »riT" .l» fixanceJ .alviaM .OCX .0£S-ITi t(?a ^aJtrfqT^fisiifW ni :taST3.iaimI dslwaV' .ICI "\d^:. .,.. . Dirr? sxfT . . . aoiiulofvsn 'a^oalioW 0'" Si lOv+iaW ^J-uosfciH .iiCI .eyi-Tc'i t('^cei ,-tscfo:roO) IX -?;it8l :fioi-texnA nx zfelLB.t:':o'd snljlaaq^B-di-^.-^.i'" .H faBxnsfl ^taocSii .£01 .8&-4i£ ^(0^1 iliiqA) IIX ",C«rI .--I-ti^U ,3r^;:^q9V: JsoitaoA . \;I'i schcaxiP . aKUTqi3K VL)\DIH3MA ,(£^QI Ji-sqA> IIIX ' ^ntansrlaj:^ ejlaaa lo ssIjbT" /I sceioH ^jIosS .401 .Oei-Cil \chioI ^-t^cfoH lY^a-f'^ -COl ,iTZ^i K\.iisW IIVX ".sftlilJtjIO il9;fT bcsA 3iolJts8 ' -D .ft ,3saIoH .dCl XX ' .si)snT aliocO aaenldO ^rli baa JbisW .3 ndoV .1 .M ('isiis"? .yOI 9 AMERICAN QUARTERLY . American Studies Association, 19^9—. 108. Carter, Everett. "The Haymarket Affair in Literatxire , " II (Fall, 1950), 270-278. 109. May, Henry F. "The End of American Radicalism," II (Winter, 1950), 291-302. 110. Lerner, Max. "Big Technology and Neutral Technicians," IV (Summer, 1952), 99-109. 111. Feuer, Lewis S. "Thorstein Veblen: the Jfetaphysics of the Interned Immigrant," V (Summer, 1953), 99-112. 112. Ginger, Ray. "On American Technology, I8IO-I86O," V (Winter, 1953), 367-370. 11'3. Schiffman, Joseph. "Edward Bellamy's Altruistic Man," VI (Fall, 1951*), 195-209. llU. Brown, Robert E. "Economic Democracy Before the Constitution," Vri(Fall, 1955), 257-27^. 115. Elkins, Stanley, and Eric McKitrick. "Institutions and the Law of Slavery: The Dynamics of Unopposed Capitalism," IX (Spring, 1957), 3-21. 116. . "Institutions and the Law of Slavery: Slavery in Capitalist and Non-Capitalist Cultures," IX (Summer, 1957), 159-179. 117. Quint, Howard H. "American Socialists and the Spanish -American War," X (Summer, I958, Part i), 131-1^1. 118. Morgan, H. Wayne. "The Utopia of Eugene V. Debs," XI (Summer, 1959), 120-135. 119. Tyler, Robert L. "The I.W.W. and the West," XII (Summer, I960), 175-187. AMERICAN-SCANDINAVIAN REVIEW . Quarterly. American-Scandinavian Foundation, 1913--. IJesued. bimonthly, I913-I919J monthly, 1920-1933^ 120. Falnes, Oscar J. "Thorstein Veblen," XXIII (March, 1935), 24-33. 121. I^gg, A. N. "Andrew Furuseth," XXVI (June, 1938), 123-133. 9 tils'?) II "■ .S)ruii:ii:S}:a al tijallA ;t92!'uecr^BF adT" " ""^ ,'"' ' ,(0?^I ^-iSJnJrW) II \n3lijB?ijbaH aA.'oii9inA tc baS oi\x . •. TiisH ,x^'^ .^l 6*m?7nl srf;t io aDi3Yci''-iJ2>:^9M s;;\t laalde'J nlsda.zod!7'' .?^ eiwsj /io ■>''I .ili .Sll-e^' t(£C\?-i. iiaouUiS) V''\*afi'r3J:ja:I ,(F?9I -isJarwj V "'.OdSX-CiSl ,\3oXoflrfP9T asoliSinA aO" .tcbS , .s;li "{noltuj-i+i-:0oO Sri;)' s^co^ea x^JS''- oat^^l oJ ' .3 jtsdoa »awr^a .4X1 r.^ ,S o'ee^I ^liB-^) IIV wjsJ 9x1.7 baa aac tfuSl-lsul'' .^i^itii^oVi oJr3 has ,\":9XfTfe.ta ■ .^XI .gaiTtqa) XI "t-iJilsJiqaO ijsaoqqciU In -.oiaiBrrviG vdT :yisv.,..., ..,; al i£-t9VflI2 1 weJ sdJ hoe aaojv;. JI:fBrTl" . .^11 ..-.-•-X.Cy'X £ie;'±i9RiA-;fa icaqo ariJ- 3ns aciallsiooS osoiisiffiA" .K t-tfiwc:.i ^;^niuP JOdQX ^lei-iawS) IIX '',cfa9W af?* brte . . /.I 9t!T .J JieuoH ,isIy:T .9X1 .T6I-?TI n«lvaatb0Bo2-rTflolT«3A .xl-xsi^auP . W3IV5 .'-. SfAi:VAVITaHA-X-HA?Lx.jS( VXXX '\3yxtn9agqA >aB is.^se.v. :::;D" .8£ aa fcaueelX .--8£.Pi :>v;'?I-£SPi , Jr.stai-'.ac \j._^ ■■.- •■_■-. ^• u ARIZONA AIID THE WEST . Qwarterly. University of Arizona, 1959". 131. Scruggs, Otey M. "The First Mexican Farm Labor Program," II (Winter, i960), 319-326. ARKANSAS HISTORICAL QUARTERLY . Arkansas Historical Association, 132. Carmichael, Maude. "Federal Experin^nts with Negro Labor on Abandoned Plantations in Arkansas: I862-I865," I (June, 19^2), 101-116. 133. Venable, Austin L. "The Arkansas Council of Defense in the First World War," II (June, 19^*3), 116-126. I3U. Cathey, Clyde W. "Slavery in Arkansas," III (Spring, 19^)> 66-90; (Summer, 19^), I5O-I63. 135. Zimmerman, Jane. "The Convict Lease System in Arkansas and the Fight for Abolition," VIII (Autumn, 19^9), 17I-I88. 136. Walz, Robert B. "Arkansas Slaveholdings and Slaveholders in 185O," XII (Spring, 1953), 38-7^*. 137- Worley, Ted R., editor. "Tenant and Labor Contracts, Calhoun County, 1869-1871," XIII J[ Spring, 195^), 102-106. BULLETIN OF THE FRIENDS HICTORICAL ASSOCIATION . Biannually. The Association, 1906--. /^Issued irregularly, 1906-1921_^ 138. Hallowell, Marguerite. "Some Quaker Furniture Makers in Colonial Philadelphia," XLVII (Autumn, 1958), 67-72. 11 ,aol;fjBioca3A IsoiToiBlH efiaixsritA ,Y.- rro lodflJ otgaK if*Jv a :tfl9fflii9qx3 lBi«f>s1" .efs^'aM ,I»fcU> inrtsO .2^1 .&SX-6x.. i(t4QI ^9m;l.} II ",xeW t.:.ioW i(X»-r>d ,(+U!QI tgai-iqB} III '\8»?n«2fTA nl vi6VBie" .W dfnilO .- - "': .^iS .681- :YI ae^^^^i ,ncDJjj;A) i:^IV ",n::=jJIodA '\OcBl cl sisJbloriWBie i)nB esnlbXorfsvjsIS tA" .5 ^^60^ . c.CaW .a£I ■ . .(£^ei ,sni-t£i£;.IIX • OiicrfLeD a^ofltcfnoO tod&l Ixn:, :!:js-r-yT" .loi Iba ^.n b'VT .'■ ' " .T£I .dOI-20.l ^{.•'■c'O'. .ani^qa), IIIX ^IVSl-Pcei ,, .-^'-— Mia .'-■■■"" "r"^""" '■■>•-- - -" —-T.^jjya .^T'-VS ,[6'xl. acLJJjA) : , , . 12 BULLETIN OF TEE HISTORICAL AMD PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO . Quarterly. The Society, 1943--. 139. Clopper, Edward N. "The C»iio Mechanics Institute: Its 125th Anniversary," XI (July, 1953), 179-191. II4O. Lockett, Annie Hoge. "Hiram Powers: Clockmaker's Apprentice," XII (October, 195^), 283-292. llH. Herron, Robert. "The Police Strike of I918," XVII (July, 1959), 181-194. BULLETIN OF THE MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY . Quarterly. The Society, 1944--. 142. Oberholzer, Emil. "The Leged. Aspects of Slavery in Missouri," VI (January, 1950), 139-161; (April, 1950), 333-351; (July, 1950), 540-545. 143. Gazzam, Joseph P. "The Leadville Strike of I896," VII (October, 1950), 89-94. 144. Beuttenmuller, Doris Rose Henle. "The Granite City Steel Company: History of an American Enterprise," X (January, 1954), 135-155> 199-282. /See particularly Chapter XII, 243-255^ 145. Van Ravenswaay, Cheurles. "The Anglo-American Cabinetmakers of Missouri, I80O-I85O," XIV (April, 1958), 231-25?. BUSINESS HISTORY REVIEW . Quarterly. Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, 1926--. /issued as Bulletin of the Business Historical Society , 1926-1953 . Issued irregularly, 1926-1948^ ll»6. "Contributions to Source Material for Business History," VI (November, 1932), 17-21. /Samuel Watkinson Collins 's accovmt of a labor dispute, 1833^ 147. " Workingman's Advocate ," VIEI (March, 1934), 30-32. 148. "Slaves on a Federal Project," VIII (March, 1934), 32-33. sx .O HIO ^ YOTSIOO''^ JA02:r?O50.II1H QHA JADIflOTcilH aiT '^'' t-rra^^liys .£;-S-£85 ^(4eQI ,isdoj30) IIX . yl-rschisoP . 'iT3I003 JAOIR OISIH IHU038IM 3 HT ifO VuTSJ^l UB. tioc-ci ^xiw^) i-!e£-fce£ do^^L ^xi-iA/ iidi-eei joeex ^^cxsjjati.) iv ■l^'l-Zc''- J^^^l ^yrs^-.jnjjL) X ■'.•sax-. li^aoA as Ic ' \i??i-^:'>*S .IIX loJqadL ;.^i ....... Jt£• 'io aisMaaid-ec; tc ;9iflA-oIacA .*dT" .seXiecfO t-^BiTA'sasva^ nsV .(?4X •^,'?X ■ y &»topZ _ gfiJ lo TV '\\rtci>-alK ss^cieoa 'iol laJntsct'cM sotuoS o;J ertoi * .^fT*iTn'i' .^ii£ «» Tto ctm/ci'joa c:'B£(.i:iXoO aoaniaiJjsw IsuoaS^ .XS-TX ^('?6CX . \^££8X , ■»d'j:,'»,ci ^ u t /(^i/ .^c-0£ ,(^£€X .rtotjeW) IXr; ",9£^oovM .W' .?*■*! .e£-'=^f. ^(••■^ei. ,rioi^) Iirv ",*r>9t,o-rt JJSieJbft^ « ao asvaXS" .8+^1 13 1^9. "Labor Agreements and Indentxires," VIII (December, 193'*^), 104-107. 150. "Labor Relations in 1857," XL (April, 1937), 28-29- 151. Moore, C. W. "Some Thoughts on the Early Labor Policy of the Waltham Watch Co.," XIII (April, 1939), 25-29- 152. Msu:burg, Theodore F. "Aspects of Labor Administration in the Early Nineteenth Century," XV (February, 19^1), 1-10. 153. Lso-son, Henrietta M. , editor. "An Early Industrial Capitalist's Labor Policy and Management," XVIII (November, 19^4), 132-l4l. /Samuel Watkinson Collins_^ 154. Lovett, Robert W. "The Thompson Products Collection," XXIII (December, 1949), 191-195- 155. Chatfield, Charles W. "The W. L. Douglas Shoe Con5>any: Background of a Recent Merger," XXIV (December, 1950), 159-183- 156. Gorb, Peter. "Robert Owen as a Businessman," XXV (September, 1951), 127-1'*8. 157. Norton, Nancy P. "Labor in the Early New England Carpet Industry," XXVI (March, 1952), 19-26. 158. Ginger, Ray. "Company-Sponsored Welfare Plans in the Anthracite Industry Before I900," XXVII (June, 1953), 112-120. 159. Goodstein, Anita Sheifer. "Labor Relations in the Saginaw Valley Lumber Industry, I865-I885," XXVII (December, 1953), 193-221. 160. Ginger, Ray. "Labor in a Massachusetts Cotton Mill, I853-6O," XXVIII (March, 1954), 67-91- 161. Mandel, Bernard. "Gompers and Business Unionism, 1873-9O," XXVIII (September, 1954), 264-275- 162. Blicksilver, Jack. "George Gunton: Pioneer Spokesman for a Labor-Big Business Entente," XXXI (Spring, 1957), 1-22. 163. Eilbirt, Henry. "Twentieth-Century Beginnings in Employee Counseling," XXXI (Autumn, 1957), 310-322. 164. Fine, Sidney. "The Ford Motor Company and the N. R. A.," XXXII (Winter, 1958), 353-385- 165. Soltow, James H. "Small City Industrialists in the Age of Organization: Case Study of the Manuf actxirers ' Association of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, I908-I958," XXXIII (Summer, 1959), 178-189. 166. Eilbirt, Henry. "The Development of Personnel Management in the United States," XXXIII (Autumn, 1959), 345-364. .TCI-40i ^{K^i ^ledcasasa) IIIV '\&Btu^a9hal bae r^.^'aamsatBA locfisj" .$4x .eS-Ss ,(TLr:I tXIiqA) IX '\T'^Sl ci anoicfsisH loefaa" .0?! ed.t 10 xoilo*i -iOQ&l x^-iSiSi asLt CO e^tilgiforfT smoS" .W .0 . .i?I .PS-?S dil^l ^litqA) IIIX '\.;^^ Jfc-teW m.;. n,v i'd* al aoi-taiJc-iajtei^A to6ad to s^tosqaA" ."5 s'xofioszfT ^gtyo'iaM .^?i .Ci-1 ^(14^1 ,Yiaiiide'=I) VX ",\crtucfC30 r'.tass^sniK v.I-xj33 8 ' .t3il«d"lq[a0 l.'ii'iiBUbr'I xStaS. oA" .-iDv+Jti? , .M eW'^tjasH ^trorriJBj .F?! .i4il-Sfi ^(4i4QI. .t9dxa9vo«) IIIVX '\^^^'- --■' - • ^-"^ ■ ■ d^l \,.. ,.„; ^, • .... "\ ., ,, v;.': ^isdmsoaa) VIXX ' ,- , . . c to ^~9rfi29;3-qs3) VXX '\asiisai5S ' . £oI . ?TS-4i&S t ( +lc'e: , -rsdras^tq-K^ ) „ £1 lol aafflasjioaa t390on rnod-ax/O ssnoeO" .iiaaL viPvIi5dc.lX3 -SdX .SS-i .(\"'(.'i;X »8'JiilS) IXXX '\9insKtnS aasnJtaua ^ia-todj&i ,2S£-0Xt ,()'?ex tr.m-';^i.>i} DCtl '^gaiXej.nuoO ",.A -Ji .t1 sdi baa Y.a6qinoO 7' .s:iM Jb-ro"? sriT'' .'cscrMB ^•3Di'?. .4&X ,ie«Bmt/8) IIIX:9*i3U Ik 16T. Paul, Arnold M. "Legal Progressivism, the Courts, and the Crisis of the l890's," XXXIII (Winter, 1959), ^95-509. 168. Gable, Richard W. "Birth of an Bnogloyers' Association," XXXIII (Winter, 1959), 535-5^5- iK.A.uJ 169. Wood, Norman J. "Industrial. Relations Policies of American Management, 1900-1933/' XXXIV (Winter, I96O), 403-'*20. CALIFORNIA HlgTORICAL SOCIETY QUARTERLY . The Society, 1922—. 170. Taylor, I^xil S. "Foundations of California Rural Society," XXIV (September, 19^5), 193-228. 171. Morefield, Richard Henry. "Mexicans in the California Mines, 1848- 1853," XXXV (March, 1956), 37-^- 172. Robinson, Robert M. "San Francisco Teamsters at the Turn of the Century," XXXV (March, 1956), 59-69; (June, 1956), 145-153- CATHOLIC HISTORICAL REVIEW . Quarterly. Catholic University of America, 1915--. 173 • Mary Evangela, Sister. "Bishop Spalding's Work on the Anthracite Coal Strike Commission," XXVIII (July, 19^2), 184-205- 174. Browne, Henry J. "Terence V. Powderly and Church-Labor Difficulties of the Early l880's," XXXII (April, 1946), 1-27- 175- Nelson, Bernard H. "Legislative Control of the Southern Free Negro, 1861-1865," XXXII (April, 1946), 28-46. 176. Abell, Aaron I. "Americeui Catholic Reaction to Industrial Conflict: The Arbitral Process, 1885-I9OO," XLI (January, 1956), 385-407. 4ii .i^l-^M ,(o?ei ^9cul.) :^d-t,' ,(cc^';;I ^doisH) VXXX '\^.. ■ .. \,ixe-isrviii'J olLoiiiBO .YliattBup .W. .e02-*^I ^13:+^^-!; ,Xl:., .....--- ",noi53JtfliMC.. t, .. . .. .34-3s ,(d*i^I ^li-rqA; IJQCXX '%«,. ..l- ■ ,:u ^oiS'->H 15 CHICAGO HISTORY . Quea-terly. Chicago Historical Society, 177. "Wage Negotiations, I886," II (Winter, 19'*8-i*9), 59-60. [kn. appeal of John Morris Company employees for a 9-liour day^ CHRONICLES OF OKLAHOMA . Quarterly. Oklahoma Historical Society, I92I--. 178. Hilton, 0. A. "The Oklahoma Council of Defense and the First World War," XX (March, 19^2), l8-l*2. 179* Foreman, Carolyn Thomas. "Chickasaw Manual Labor Academy," XXIII (Winter, 19^5-^), 338-357- 180. Fite, Gilbert C. "The Nonpartisan League in Oklahoma," XXIV (Summer, 19^), 146-157. 181. Clark, Stanley. "Immigrants in the Choctaw Coal Industry," XXXIII (Winter, 1955-56), 440-455- 182. Gibson, A. M. "Early Mining Camps in Northeastern Oklahoma," XXXIV (Summer, 1956), 193-202. CHRONICLE OF THE EARLY AMERICAN INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION . Irregularly. The Association, 1933 — • 183. Wolcott, Stephen C. "A Southern Wheelwright Shop of the Early 19th Century," I (February, 1934), 3; (March, 1934), 4; (April, 1934), 2-3. 184. Sprague, William B. "The Cork Cutter," I (September, 1934), 4. 185. . "The Wool Comber," I (November, 1934), 6; (January, 1935), 4, 6. 186. Wolcott, Stephen C. "A Cooper's Shop of I8OO," I (January, 1935), 1-2, 7. 187- Sprague, William B. "The Gold Beater," I (March, 1935), 1-2, 7; (May, 1935), 2-3- ?I ^\&slooZ ijaotrc&eiS oa^olrlO .xltstnosj^i . YH0T8IH OOAOIHr lasiio^alH aaodsIiJO .>:Ii&J-rv3i;P .AJ-r^V AJAO 'gQ 83JDIil0gH0 .S4l-8i ^(q4qi ^rioriaM) Xl'i '\.TcaV MioV "jYB'si'ScA lodBj JLnjoeirl Wfl2JSjfi.IrfD" .aaffiOifT c^-^'^'**^ ^aasro^c'i .. A'^i-< t(d4-5^QI ^is^clW) IIIXX VIXX ",aaoru6l3ia ai 9t;s«sJ r:aslJT:jaq:aoK sxIT" .0 JisdliD tfcM"? .08i .5P4i.o44l ja^-e^QI ^leitav) IIIXXX '^osodBlifO nisJ-sfiSiidTiM: ni aqmsO scio-^M -^t^a" .M .A ^aosdJtO .S8l . K0ITAI308EA 33IflTaUQKI Vi A'^^^-^- A YJaAa 5H ^ "" H ■ PIH QilHD .-fi ,(4£ei ti9o"a5:rq?)a) I " ^tattiuO A-ioD arfT" .3 maiiiiW ,9i;s«-iqS .48x ,\ria«c.«L) " ",008X Ic lodE a'asqocO A' .0 nsxlcrscra ,;+:?aoIoW .331 16 188. Ranaine, Lawrence B. "A Man of Iron," I (July, 1935), 1, h. 189. Sprague, William B. "The Tanner and the Currier," I (November, 1935), ^, 6; (January, 1936), 3-4; (March, 1936), 3- 190. Hubbard, Howard 0. "The Lumberman," I (January, 1936), 1, 2; (March, 1936), 7- 191. Sprague, William B. "The File Maker," I (September, 1936), 1-2; (November, 1936), 3- 192. . "The Pin Maker," I (May, 1937), 1, 2-3- 193. . "The Parchment Maker," I (July, 1937), 1, 2. 19**. . "The Wool Spinner," II (January, 1938), 19- 195. . "The Straw Hat Maker," II (March, 1938), 25-26. 196. Thwing, L. L. "Carpenters, Joiners, and Cabinet Makers," II (March, 1938), 31- 197. S£rague, William B. "The Cooper," II (June, 1938), 33, 35-36, 38. /Reprinted IX (May, 1956), 16-17, 19, 20, 2hJ^ 198. . "The Glove Maker," II (March, 1939), 62. 199- • "The Brush Maker," II (April, 1939), 65, 67-68. 200. . "The Tailor," II (September, 1939), 8I-82. 201. . "The Rope Maker," II (February, 19^), 97, 100-101. 202. "The Vermont Guild of Old Time Crafts and Industries," II (September, 19^0), 126-127- 203. Romaine, L. B. "My Friend the Blacksmith— Again, " II (May, 19^1), U2, Ikk. 20k. Sprague, William B. "The Conb Maker," II (April, 19U2), I69, 171-172. 205. Lyman, Paul. "Southern Chairmakers," II (April, 19*^2), 172. 206. Wat kins, Lura Woodside. "Early New England Redware Potters," III (April, 191*5), 21, 30, 33, 36. 207. Van Wagenen, Jared. "The Bygone Cobbler," III (March, 19^7), 83-85, 91-92. 208. Jewett, Amos E. "Shoemaking in New England," III (April, I9W), 132. '^ ^I A?.Z^^ lY-Ci'^) I "tcotl lo (MM A" .a aoaertVBj. .sai^araH .88l i5 ^I K(d£9I tXTtBuaaL) I '\mMn9drauJ 9dT" .C • - " ' " " .091 ;£-! Jd£QI ,i3Ciias;qi?a) I \i>?iiS.{ alii yrlT" .S aeliXiW - .IQl •e-S ,i t(Ve^I t^aM) I ",- .H 9d?- . .SQl .^i i(8£^I ^VWi'-aa^-') II '\-ieaiiiqa looV aitr' . .4PX •^-^S ^(8£ei ,dD-iaM) II ",i9iaM *«H wa-i^ erfr" . .i^^l II '\3i93lj8M :fsr.j:dfiO bae ^aisnicL ^aisctnsqTUBD" .J .J ,snxv:iT .3^1 ■ S? ^5£-e£ ,££ ,(6£$I ,9CU/L) II ".isqcoD sriT" .S msiiliW ^eusjpxqa .T^I '.:' t(e£ex ^doT^) II ''^-rsaLS'! svoiO e-fl . .SQX .S^Td ,?d t(5£?I -.XiitlA) TI •\is:i3M riei^fi ^riT" . .^QI .SS-XB ,(ie£OX ,-r3dhia;^i93) II ".-ruIisT srfT" . .OOS .lOX-OOX ,Y^ .(O+i?! ^x:ii3uncf9l) II '\i9:iaH &.70H 9riT" . .lOS II '\3s2iJa0i)cI i>nB a^t.^"" ■■'nlT MO 1.- JbiitO ^ncflresV sxlT" .S03 t^aM) II '\nlBaA— d*.Uo. 1.. 9dJ Ijnaln'i y^V .3 .J .cmiIbcoH .£0S .STI-XYI .2TX ,(^i^I .Il^lA) II ".'^^-. - mdri^^uoa" -Xusfl .asc^'l -'^02 '\ai^JJ09 aaawtsH ir^IgnH V9?5 vitaH'' .sf>±ai>ooV £.-. J .scWJbW -dOS .6{: ,££ .C£ ,iS ,(?*i?X .ii-KlA} III »(T-»*QX ^dirueM) JIT ",i3lcfcfoO sooaife &r{T" .^SfjeL ,a9nas«W n«V -TOS .S^-i? taM) 7.:x 18 221. Cooke, Persifor M. "A Labor EScchange of the Nineties," XX (July, 1943), 15^-155. 222. Bancroft, Caroline. "Cousin Jack Stories from Central City," XXI (March, 19H), 51-56. 223. Ourada, Patricia K. "The Chinese in Colorado," XXIX (October, 1952), 213'2Qk. 22U. Crawford, Ivan C. "The Leadville Muleskinner," XXXV (July, 1958), 178-186. 225. Thompson, J. T. "Cousin Jack Stories," XXXV (July, 1958), I87-I92. DELAWARE HISTORY . Biannually. Historical Society of Delaware, 19^*6--. 226. Dorman, Charles G. "Delaware Cabinetmakers and Allied Artisans, 1655-1855," IX (October, I96O), 111-21?. EAST TENNESSEE HISTORICAL SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS . Annually. The Society, I929— . 227. Hut son, A. C, Jr. "The Coal Miners' Insurrections of I89I in Anderson County, Tennessee," VII (1935), 103-121. 228. . "The Overthrow of the Convict Lease System in Tennessee," VIII (1936), 82-103. 229. White, Charles P. "Eeirly Experiments with Prison Labor in Tennessee," XII (19^0), 45-69- 8i XX '\asl;JsnJt« sxi^ to ssn^rf-jxa xodaJ A" .M lOliaTsq .s^iooO .iSS .c::-!^ v(^4iei ,doaAM) ixx ,i9doJo: ) XTXX '\cjbj8iolo0 al sasaldO aril" .Ji «i:Jn*s? y£hartu: -TSS ,(8e^I .\^l) VXXX ",i9anW39Xi,'M al^lvfcasJ srfl"' .0 aavl ^l;ao"iwaiO .*iiS ^^V-Sb ,(^£^1) IIIV 19 FLORIDA HISTORICAL QUARTERLY . Florida Historical Society, 1908-1909, 192i|— . 230. Siebert, Wilbur H. "Slavery and White Servitude in East Florida, 1726 to 1776," X (July, 1931)> 3-23. 231- . "Slavery in East Florida, 1776 to I785," X (January, 1932), 139-161. 232. Barr, Ruth B. , and Modeste Hargis. "The Voluntary Exile of Free Negroes of Pensacola," XVII (July, 1938), 3-1^. 233. Williams, Edwin L., Jr. "Negro Slavery in Florida," XXVIII (October, 19^9), 93-110; (January, 1950), l82-204. 23'*. Doherty, Herbert J., Jr. "A Free Negro Purchases His Daughter," XXIX (July, 1950), 38-i»3- 235. Atkins, Emily Howard. "The I913 Campaign for Child Labor in Florida/' XXXV (January, 1957), 233-2^0. 236. Richardson, Joe M. "The Freedmen's Bureau and Negro Labor in Florida," XXXIX (October, I96O), I67-I7I*. FOUNDATIONS. Quarterly. American Baptist Historical Society, 1938—. /issued as The Chronicle , 1938-1957^ 237. Miller, Robert Moats. "Social Attitudes of American Baptists, 1919-1929," XIX (April, 1956), 73-89. 238. . "The Social Attitudes of American Baptists," XIX (July, 1956), 100-114. GEORGIA HISTORICAL QUARTERLY . Georgia Historical Society, 1917- . 239. Thompson, C. Mildred. "The Freedmen's Bureau in Georgia in I865-6," V (March, 1921), i^O-49. 2*^0. Flanders, Ralph B. "Planters' Problems in Ante-Bellim Georgia," XIV (March, 1930 ), 17-UO. ex iYtifoa 0rfT--aqiII2xH IlsaaoS rloliiU" .esIixaO JilJtiH tOsmwall .^4^2 .I^i£-4i4^5 Jlli^X ^-xsdasj^qsa) VXX '\aK>ioJa±H rtaocdio"? JojBi^noO taqcioi'J-'^-iaria nol^ot"iJa0co9H A" .tL , .V Stedlh ^scOjoE .Y^S .?dl-aei ,(S4U>I .anuL; IVXX '\nolJj8^aBl'i ©DiH si3^c£,n c ao ffl9J8x8 easaJ JcJrvaoO sdJ- lo coiJiXody. 3ifr" .d^idssilZ .A ^toI^sT .8+13 ,11-1 ,{6^1 .doisii) XXX a-isctriBil ac;f*oO n-£9xl*iJo3 srlcf lo ^soddc-fl" .W iijaxblH »nxlllt0 .0?S .TIX-LOJ: Je^^I .sail-.} XiiOCX ".teV llvi:) Sri* ~s.:HA "^aoid-JtbsiT on.i::?3SloB odi Ms actlilx.-fi .6 .U" .3 msB ,ffisljsa .I$iS .e3i-sYi rio^i ,9m/i.) v:jx *• ,m9;tg-'£8 sesaj rfoivnoO erti fiOB nvciE ,3 dqsact" .Ii#t'isi:^- kSSoM ■iZ'^ ©rfi fctiS aisajacnsr:-^ BJblioI'^ Ic nol:fflslnolnU aril" .J cnuL ., . s^h--- '^cIS 21 THE HISTORIAN . Quarterly. Phi Alpha Theta, National Honor Society in History, I938--. /issued biannually, I938- I956J 255. Greer, Richard A. "Edward Bellamy, an American Utopian," IV (Autumn, 19^1), 103-115- 256. Daney, Walter F. "Louis D. Brandeis, Champion of Labor," VI (Spring, 19^), 153-166. 257* Bremner, Robert H. "The Background of the Norris-La Guardia Act," IX (Spring, 19^7), I7I-I8O. 258. Varg, Paul A. "The PoliticeuL Ideas of the American Railway Union," X (Spring, I9W), 85-IOO. 259. Porter, Eugene 0. "The Colorado Coal Strike of I913— An Interpretation," XII (Autumn, 19^9), 3-27- 260. Shideler, James H. "The Disintegration of the Progressive Party Movement of 192U," XIII (Spring, 1951), I89-2OI. a6l. Pine, Sidney. "Is May Day American in Origin?" XVI (Spring, 195^), 121-134. 262. Bomet, Vaughn Davis. "The New Labor History: A Challenge for American Historians," XVIII (Autumn, 1955), 1-2^. 263. Tyler, Robert L. "The Rise and Fall of an American Radicalism: The I. W. W.," XIX (November, 1956), J^8-65. 264. McKee, Don K. "The Influence of Syndicalism Upon Daniel De Leon," XX (May, 1958), 275-289. 265. Mclfee, Delber L. "Samuel Gompers, the A. F. of L., and Imperialism, 1895-I9OO," XXI (February, 1959), 187-199- 266. Murray, Robert K. "Public Opinion, Labor, and the Clayton Act," XXI (May, 1959), 255-270. 267. KLebaner, Benjamin J. "Poor Relief and Public Works During the Depression of I857," XXII (May, I96O), 264-279- HISTORICAL BULLETIN . Quarterly. Saint Louis University Press, 1922-1956. /^Superseded in I957 by Manuscripta^J^ 268. Muller, Herman J. "The Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1942," XXVIII (March, 1950), 55-60. -^S?-!- i'cilBunaojuS bsuazl^ .--d£^X ,x'io^i^i aiiiiBuD jaJ-i'r-iTcoW an^ to bci ■ arlT" .H tisc'^o^ ^ .OCI-58 ,(84191 ,ar:i:iqE.: X ",!toi.rir nA--£I9X *S:c '.-:'iij-3 IboO oaetoIcO o.riT" .0 I'^sguS ,i3#^o1 .?J?S *^) IVX "YataXiO ni nsoliscj-, ^sa ysM si" .Y.©ai>i:3 .salt .X^ »S:r?Xi.-.iiO A .-vtc^taiK ^cdaI well 3ri?" .alvaa orfsi^^V i^i-rrioa .S^ ■.la&tlaoil:':''", nsol-iSfflA as lo lj.:i'K brj^ 3SiH 9ffT" .J rtsdoH ttsxTfT .£ciS .fd-B^ ,:j(JQX ^rtsdfasvoH) XIX '\.W .W .1 edT \r109J sa I-^iuaa noqll m:i&!jlb<:!\,Z 1r> aoaeuX'Jnl sxfT" .3! aod. .saXoM .4^ .^•8s-ei;\i ,(8ecx .\-£M) XX '1 -. ■ erS-iiSS ,(:'C.c.L ,Y6M) IIXX \t?8X lO .JC-.^-a;^;?^ .Oo-" I (April, 1859), l'*-15. 270. Johnson, Lucy P. "Historical Sketch of the Salem Female Employ- ment Society," XVI (July, l879), I66-I71. 271* Bantoul, Robert, Sr. "Negro Slavery in Massachusetts," XXIV (April, May, June, 1887), 8I-IO8. 272. Dennis, William D. "The Salem Charitable Mechanic Association," XLII (January, I906), 1-29. 273- "List of the Charter Members of the Salem Charitable Mechanic Association, I817," XLII (January, 1906), 30-35 . 274. "Indentures of Apprentices in Essex County," LVIII (July, 1922), 263-264. 275. "Lucy Larcoffl Letters," LXVIII (July, 1932), 257-279. 276. "Salem Charitable Mechanics /slo/ Association Awards for Fixmiture, 1849," LXXXVIII (July, 1952), 276. 277. Klebaner, Benjamin J. "Pauper Auctions: The 'New England Method' of PubUc Poor Relief," XCI (July, 1955), 195-210. 278. Hall, John Philip. "The Journal of James Weston, Cordwainer, of Reading, Massachusetts, 1788-1793," XCII (April, 1956), 188-202. 279. Cole, Donald B. "Lawrence, Massachusetts: Model Town to Immigrant City, 1845-1912," XCII (October, 1956), 349-375- 280. Labaree, Benjamin W. "Closing the Golden Door: An Essay Review," XCIII (January, 1957), 93-105- 281. Solomon, Barbara M. "The Growth of the Population in Essex County, 1850-1860," XCV (April, 1959), 82-103. 282. Hayes, David F. "The Role of the Finnish Immigrant in the History of Lanesville, Massachusetts, 1870-1957," XCV (October, 1959), 313-347. 283. Cole, Donald B. "The Collapse of the Pemberton Mill," XCVI (January, i960), 47-55. .c ' t-, . . ■■.,.-■ .iii'^1 aeeSi ..xiTtqA) .ITI-ddi i(eT8l ,xli-''!') IVX '\xHiooa iaem VIXX 'jSi jf>eudoeeafiM ni xisvoLB oi^sH" ia ^i~i9CfoH tiuo.+rrsH .ITS , 801-18 i(T88i .Mti'I. ix^ ^n-iciA) *\.'7o:;tsi:.-708 2A olaeri^sM sidB^-itiaiO ajsijEic srfT" -G aisiJ QW jUiafteC .§TS oiasiloi=)M eldeJ itasiO aj3.LeS i^dA Jo staarnoJd -rsdasrfD srf:" !:.< talJ" .gTS 'ii~Oi ,(80?' .vtBxrnjsL) IIJX '\TX8X ,aoi.?«i30caA ^(2SQI ^'iluT.) IIIVJ "^Ycfat-or lOcsS ctx ^s-oxcJ'a3-tci?iA lo soix;r.- ' - ' .-tiTS , 9iucf Imii'^ T..' ;iL%ewA aoWfiiooaaA ^£ifc\ eolnsn-^sM £ dO taB.is2" .bXS .SOi;-68i .(a^ieX ^XiiqA) IIDX '\Z^1-B&\: ,a«dsudoi3aas!-i ^gniiesa ",W9iv9a v-3sa iiA ;Tooa nsjbXoO 9ii^ gnJcoXO" .W aiaiB{,a33 ,9f»isdAl .03s ,-/a/-)0 x'=2r;'a ni cioijB.Cuqo^ ad^ I0 ri*woiO ariT" .M < ^ ^iiooclae .iBs .£0X-S8 t(e?Pi .liiqA) *... ^C^U-0-:Oi srf.t as. ^tasrcsiaanT rieinai"? vjii* lo eXoR ariT" ."5 bivsQ .sa^nll .S8S ^TOdoiioQ) VDX 'Wv^i-OySl ^3rfJs3i;ti0B3i;Btl ^^XiJ:v^;.■u*J to vio:t8iI{ • V^^rae a?-«x 23 HISTORICAL MAGAZINE OF THE PROTESTAHT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Quarterly. Joint Commission of the General Convention and the Church Historical Society, 1932--. 28U. Miller, Robert Moats. "The Social Attitudes of the American Episcopal Church During Two Decades, I919-I939," XXV (June, 1956), 162-192. 285. Webber, Christopher L. "William Dwight Porter Bliss: Priest and Socialist," XXVIII (March, 1959), 9-39- HISTORICAL REVIEW OF BERKS COUNTY . Quarterly. Historical Society of Berks County, Pennsylvania, 1935 — • 286. Gibson, Lucy. "Journal of a Workman in the Early Nineteenth Century," III (July, 1938), IO8-IIO. 287. Golis, Paul. "Cigar Making in Berks County, to i860," VI (April, 19^1), 66-73. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA QUARTERLY . The Society, 1884--. ^Issued annually as Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California , 1884-1934.7 288. Wellborn, Mildred. "The Events Leading to the Chinese Exclusion Acts," IX (1912-191^), ^9-58. 289. Malcolm, Roy. "Ant i -Japanese Legislation in California, and the Naturalization of the Japanese," IX (1912-1914), 97-103- 290. Clifton, A. R. "History of the Communistic Colony Llano Del Rio," XI (1918-1920), 80-90. 291- Newmark, Marco R. " Calle de los Negros and the Chinese Massacre of 1871/' XXVI (March, 1945T, 97-9B^ 292. DuFault, David V. "The Chinese in the Mining Camps of California: 1848-1870," XLI (June, 1959), 155-170. 293. De Falla, Paul M. "Lentem in the Western Sky," XLII (March, I96O), 57-88; (June, I960), I6I-I85. ES ■.HOaUH- JA'iC'^11'^ Tl': '■ 5HT m 5tIi::A-JAM .:AnT<: .;ToIE • • — 56^1 ^-^j^iooo .'■.Boi70;t3iH doicaO aiU ins fifioJtisnA ?ri.t "ic a«fiu;tiJ;tA lBi:oc3 sdT ' .z^boU rnscfoa ./loIILM .-jifiS .011.-301 ^(eePI tY-^i-r.) Ill '\„ £>nT ,v-— r,--- i22J|0_V_— !?-'■ ^ 22^.110.. '___ , ,._ ^^Ji~ .--i'SSJ \'. .8e-e4 ,(.4iQi-si^i) XI ",H*oA .f.0I-7Q t(4X(^j:-SIti./ Xi ",9a9as<:j3l- sdj lie rioid^Bril£TLi.'crjBK XsCI oaeU Y.aoIaO oxc^c '.ai;m.TioD 9ii* lo ytod^XH" .-1 .A ^noa-tX/? .C^ .O-^-OS ,{C-SOX_8Xei) IX '\olrI &iOB2Be-M ^esuifiO -^d) baa p. oip. 'M eoX aX? f^XX sO " .H ?ci^ , :iasan.T!T1 .X^3 .B^-Tv","ni^ier,doisK) iVX>: ' ,XT8X lo :aXmo1XXiiO ^o aqspO ^aiaiM 3.rr aj. sssnXiciD orfT" .V .bXvsG ^ilsysHuQ .2^5 .oTx^?e^x .'•'«ux,) ux ".GTSx-aiisx .idL-Shl ,[Ob^l ^&D'jl) ,':'8-V^ 2t^ 294. Locklear, William R. "The Celestials and the Angels: A Study of the Anti-Chinese Movement in Los Angeles to I882," XLII (September, i960), 239-256. 295. Vucinich, Wayne S. "Yugoslavs in California," XLII (September, i960), 287-309. HISTORY REFERENCE BULLETIN . Monthly (except July and August). History Reference Council, 1925-19^0. ^irst Series 1925-1926. Second Series, 1927-19^0. Issued as Bulletin , I927-I932J History Bulletins , 1932; History Reference Bulletin , 1932-1936; /Source's./ History Reference Bulletin , 1936-1937; " Sources ." History Reference Bulletin , 1937- 19'+0_J 296. "Labor and Relief: The Great Depression, l837-l8^3>" VII (January, 193^, Section Two), 73-76. 297- "Creating Lowell: Early American Cotton Manufacturing, I8II-I836," VII (January, 193^> Section Three), 77-80. 298. "The Lowell Young Ladies: Early American Cotton Manufacturing, 1833-185^," VII (February, 193''^> Section One), 8I-88. 299. "Labor Saving: Ford's River Rouge Plant, 1929; Mersey Paper Company, 1933," VII (February, 193^, Section Two), 89-96. 300. "Labor and Trades: Regimentation in New England, I633-I682," IX (November, 1935, Section One), 33-^0. 301. "For Immigration Restriction: Pressure Groups in Action, 1890-1921," X (May, 1937, Section One), 137-1^^- 302. "An Early Trade in America: The Cordwainers, or Boot and Shoe Workers, I6W-I806," XI (October, I937, Section One), 9-15- 303. "Children, Soot and Beets," XI (December, 1937), ^1-^8. IDAHO YESTERDAYS . Quarterly. Idaho Historical Society, 1957- 304. Scheinberg, Stephen. "The Haywood Trial: Theodore Roosevelt's 'Undesirable Citizens,'" IV (Fall, I96O), IO-I5. 305. "Those Were the Days," IV (Fall, i960), I6-17. 4iS .(d-st-a^ hna ijlut. *qsDxs) \l^i&aohi .VilTSJJo^ ?""' ' ^ YF-JTSIH -T?Pi ~£lr ■_:]..€ si.fT; ■c?i9/i , "".asoitioa" ilt^I-isf'?! .C6-Tr ^(^o-nT ii0.>;t332 ,4£\^I ^'^rsunfll.) II v .66-18 ^(aaC aoI^oeS ,^5£Oi ^^^^'^-irfs'^) IIV '\4ic6l-e^yX i9qLfi^ i^eaisM ;^"2^I yicsl'i aguoh ^avlH D'ino'? :g;:i;ve3 "odBd" .^"22 .p.4i-r.^ ,'Tf.^I .-rydciaoed) IX ",8.t-sa toe -coS ^ns-rJfcl.u-'.O ' -tOE .ci>Cj: ,(Od?I .il&i} VI "',8ass^-.TlO a-XcfB^ia&f^TU" • TI-oX UO^I ^Il3l) VT '\3^.^a 9/1? 9isW saoflT' .cOP 25 306. Kissane, Leedice. "The Haywood Trial: Steve Adams, the Speechless Witness," IV (Fall, I960), 18-21. INDIANA MAGAZIME OF HISTORY . Quarterly. Department of History of Indisuaa University and Indiana Historical Society, 1905 — • /issued as Indiana Quarterly Magazine of History , I905-I913I7 307. "An Early Trades Union," IV (March, 1908), U6. 308. "Two Indentures of Negroes," VII (September, I9II), 133-135. 309. Van Valer, Ralph Walden. "The Indiana State Federation of Labor," XI (March, 1915), 40-58. 310. Cox, Ora Ellen. "The Socialist Party in Indiana Since I896," XII (June, 1916), 95-130. 311. Stewart, Ernest D. "The Populist Party in Indiana," XIV (December, 1918), 332-367; XV (March, 1919), 53-7^*. 312. McDonald, Earl E. "The Negro in Indiana Before 188I, " XXVII (December, 1931), 291-306, 313- Freytag, R. C. "The Indiana Coal Industry's Part in World War II," XLI (September, 19^5), 265-286. 314. Stevens, Harry R. "Did Industrial Labor Influence Jacksonian Land Policy?" XLIII (June, 19^7), 159-167- 315. Ehrmann, Bertha K. "Reminiscences of Max Ehrmann," XLVI (September, 1950), 2^*9-258. 316. Mooney, Chase C. "The Literature of Slavery: A Re-Evaluation," XLVII (September, 1951 ), 251-260. 317. Shannon, David A. "Eugene V. Debs: Conservative Labor Editor," XLVII (December, 1951), 357-36U. 318. Steele, Ellsworth. "The Flint Glass Workers' Union in the Indiana Gas Belt and the Ohio Valley in the 1890*8," L (September, 195^), 229-250. 319- Morgan, H. Wayne. "'Red Special': Eugene V. Debs and the Campaign of 1908," LIV (September, 1958), 211-236. 320. Homig, Edgar A. "Campaign Issues in the Presidential Election of 1908," LIV (September, I958), 237-264. sri.f ^^mBbk sv9-fZ :lBiiT booi?\',aII 9dT" .»cai.9al lanfiiiaJt}? .dO£ .JS-8i ^iOb<$i 2 sncx/jnl ni o-rssK ailT" .SI- > .;.BacGoM .SI£ .dS5-?d3 ^U^^^1 ./isaa^cJqs?) XJ>: .VSX-if'i; ..(T+^eX ^sa^J\> "Jv;niXo^ IVJX "^naaiirtda /.B.M lo aa-.tsoainiaisH"' " ••■'^ .^(lacrx.'iS .?:j. ■',ucX,ti»0X£va-« ^^ ■ v^iavi^XE "io fjiL'jaisJiJ sjfT" .0 -. •" ,■.'/,,'■ .'^ .,'^XE ■\io.+ ii)a todfU svljAvrnsaoC : a IsQ .V dnagoa" -A iblvs'J ^noflflarfS .VX£ .',4ir';i .■::-3. ) J '^b'O'JSX e»ri.t 'i.r y,9XIsV clriO ado br.x ;tXs3 caO 9ri:r baB ecfsfl .? anr^aiif! :'XJ?.J:C9q8 bs?!'" .■3ny;aW . <{ ,iu8stoM .PX^; as INLAMD SEAS . Quarterly. Great Lakes Historical Society, 19^5". 321. Murreiy, Captain Thomas E. "Some Recollections," II (January, 19^), 28-32. 322. Duncan, Francis. "The Story of the D & C," VII (Winter, 1951), 219-228; VIII (Spring, 1952), ^9-55; (Summer, 1952), 90-98; (Fall, 1952), 167-176; (Winter, 1952), 268-27^; IX (Spring, 1953), 27-3^; (Summer, 1953), 125-129; (Fall, 1953), 181-186; (Winter, 1953), 28I-287; X (Spring, 195^), 26-3^+; (Summer, 195*^), II9-I3O; (Fall, 195*^), 171-179; (Winter, 195^), 253-262; XI (Spring, 1955), 17-23; (Summer, 1955), 126-132; (Fall, 1955), 181-186; (Winter, 1955), 285-288; XII (Spring, 1956), 3^-31; (Summer, 1956), 95-103; XIII (Winter, 1957), 27^-282; XIV (Spring, 1958), 36-^*9; (Summer, 1958), 136-144; (Fall, 1958), 199-206. 2.^^°^ policy appears intermittently throughout^ IOWA JOURNAL OF HISTORY . Quarterly. State Historical Society of lovra, 1903 — . /^Issued as lova Journal of History and Politics , 1903 -1948 J^ 323. Flom, George T. "The Scandinavian Factor in the American Population," III (January, 1905 ), 57-91- 32'*« . "The Coming of the Norvfegians to Iowa," III (July, 1905), 347-383. 325. Loos, Isaac A. "Child Labor Legislation in Iowa," III (October, 1905), 562-582. 326. Flom, George T. "The Early Swedish Immigration to Iowa," III (October, I905), 583-615. 327. . "The Danish Contingent in the Population of Early Iowa," IV (April, I96O), 220-244. 328. . "The Growth of the Scandinavian Factor in the Population of Iowa," IV (April, I906), 267-285. 329. Aurner, Clarence Ray. "Mechanics' Institutions," XIX (July, 1921), 389-413. 330. Nixon, Herman Cleu-ence. "The Populist Movement in Iowa," XXIV (January, I926), 3-107- a?. ,(ie^x ti:-»c»nlW) IIV ",0 !^ (1 ©n'.' to •c:o:f& sr^T" .eloasrl ^aBoavn .SS£ '^ <(cC§X .lis'?) . . JI ,-;emmua) i^*t-TS jE-ee' aK$I tlstaiW; IIIX i£OI-cQ ,{.dePI tteffitOi.S) jTC-^c! d^C^:- •44X-dci ,(8cyX ,isfflffli/3) ;.s?;4-de ,(6eei ,sr-nq:3./ VIX ^-^B^i-iir^ YiaasJ-d-iis'is^oi a-ieaqqa xolloqi rtodaT^ .dCS--£^'I 5(.3?^'i rliis^) aaoizMiti 3::i n,;. 'icJOB*? aaivBn JtJbflBOS sriT"' .T a;?". -gSf, •!'"-".■"? a?0»cl t^T^i^CisL) III %! j-rodoJ-oO) III "^fiwol nl no.i;^BXe-rS3>i "icxfjel MlriO" .A OisBal ^zc:-.^ .^Ai III ' .flwol 0.+ -■::iJB'x3lr.\ea rf8iJb^v^ YiiaS s.x 227-243. 333. Brookman, Donald W. "Prison Labor In Iowa," XXXII (April, 193^), 124-165. 334. Zorbaugh, Grace S. M. "Farm Background of Country Migreuats to Iowa Industries," XXXIV (July, 1936), 312-318. 335. Griffith, Martha E. "The Czechs in Cedar Rapids," XLII (April, 1944), 115-161; (July, 19^4), 266-315. 336. Petersen, William J. "Legal Holidays in Iowa," XLIII (April, 1945), 113-191. /Labor Day, 132-l43_J 337. Bergmann, Leola Nelson. "The Negro in Iowa," XLVI (January, 1948), 3-90. 338. Schulz-Behrend, George. "Conanunia, Iowa, A Nineteenth-Century German -American Utopia," XLVIII (January, 1950), 27-54. 339. Rutland, Robert. "The Mining Camps of Iowa: Faded Sources of Hawkeye History," LIV (Janueu^r, 1956), 35-42. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY . Quarterly. National Historical Society, 1907-1935- 340. Allaben, Frank. "American Principles," XXIX (1935), 67-8O. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS HISTORY . Quarterly. Business Historical Society and Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, I928-I932. 341. Stearns, Bertha Monica. "Early Factory Magazines in New England: The Lowell Offering and Its Contemporaries," II (August, 1930), 685-705. 342. Ham, William T. "Associations of Employers in the Construction Industry of Boston," III (November, 1930), 55-80. V5 \'UI '\'SfSf^iio:^ lod^ iBLnsM giscfnedftlW sriT" .Y d-ae?( '\"tiO acs^M n.i nrslcioi^ cBoIxsM sdT" .M .acrfG »ai9\:9M .SC' ,^l ,\^ul,) VIXXX '\8slitauial Bvol .Xl-'qA) ILIX '\!a/:>icisa laJbeO n.!: aiiDSsO erlT" .3 iw?J-icM .djmJtzS- -cf: . U - . - tl-vi'J- .tsciir: '''t^} IT" "(acJ-aofi "Jo >ct?3ifJtaI 28 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY . Quarterly. Economic History Association, 19^+1--. llssued biannually, 19it-l-1950_^ 3^3* Creeuner, Daniel. "Recruiting Contract Laborers for the Amoskeag Mills," I (May, 19^1), U2-56. 3^4. Carman, Heurry J. "Terence Vincent Powderly — An AppraisaJ., " I (May, 1941), 83-87. 345. Rezneck, Ssunuel. "The Influence of Depression Upon Americem Opinion, l857-l859/' II (May, 19^2), 1-23- 3^6. Saiith, Abbot Emerson. "Indentured Servants: New Light on Some of America's 'First' Families," II (May, 19^2), 40-53. 347. Rayback, Joseph G. "The American Workingman emd the Antislavery Crusade," III (November, 1943), 152-I63. 348. Buttrick, John. "The Inside Contract System," XII (Summer, 1952), 205-221. 349. McMurry, DonsLLd L. "Labor Policies of the General Managers' Association of Chicago, I886-I894," XIII (Spring, 1953), I6O-I78. 350- Heald, Morrell. "Business Attitudes Toward European Immigration, 1880-1900," XIII (Summer, 1953), 291-304. 351. Grob, Gerald N. "Reform Unionism: The National Labor Union," XIV (Spring, 1954), 126-142. 352. Ginger, Ray. "Managerial Employees in Anthracite, 1902: A Study in Occupational Mobility," XIV (Spring, 1954), 146-157- 353- Kirkland, Edward C. "You Can't Win," XIV (Fall, 1954), 321-332. 354. Seastone, Don A. "The History of Guaranteed Wages and Employment," XV (Spring, 1955), 134-150. 355' North, Douglass C. "Agenda for a History of l>feinagement Policies Towards Labor in the United States," XVI (June, 1956), 206-211. 356. Lorwin, Val R. "Reflections on the History of the French and American Labor Movements," XVII (March, 1957), 25-44. 357- Stein, Bruno. "Labor's Role in Government Agencies During World War II," XVII (September, 1957), 389-4o8. 358. Hall, John Philip. "The Knights of St. Crispin in Massachusetts, 1869-1878," XVIII (June, 1958), 161-175. 359' Grob, Gerald N. "The Knights of Labor and the Trade Unions, 1878-1886," XVIII (June, 1958), 176-192. .T8-£8 .(i^^jL ,>CJB^J} I .£S-i a 54^1 .Y-QM; II ",,K-8X-Te8r "aolalqO • £c-04 ^Cst'^qi ,-^aM) TI .ejilxme'? 'Jtii'i' a'arl-rsa/, .sex--"-' a-*'<: i\C>.\' ")XX '\fliaiaoifiU a£- ^---:". .-~9Z9,L ^Y^^.tsiH *3cr« ..f?^^-g.IS ,(04ip; , .„ •• II ". -..791:52 " ,v,-^ 5) ■.■•£, 13 s;^i.';_i;U x^^J^?^ Su-inoM o.. s3oia-*:-i s;a„ . ... .li ^r^ocvS .^oi .f4'.rr ax4^: .■■-■'::£* ) ui r ':^4!or .(S4^i ..,:.:t;7* : .. 93sauc.ofia Oct snaiqqisexiisi.' , ic -jjioria .i ~<5t> •^V-Pt: ^(6^t- ' --qA) x:< "'.oSe-r-c' , .... ,=>.ovsI3 sua 3n±.'«A to ~.:- -yS' .0 J"!.::! ,J:i?F .85^ rrlc ac'l a.o2v^ioo3.t;A . vl-xs.'tJ5jj.;j "" .ri^v'si. ■ -"■-•IPI , rtoJ.'l-H >.'i-^ ■ ^'■'■■^^s ,{\j.q.:. .,xj.u\.; ■^^\---:i .. .. : n "a^- ----- 30 371. "Observations on the Negroes of Loiilsiana," II (April, 191?), 164-185. 372. McDougle, Ivan E. "Slavery in Kentucky," III (July, I9I8), 211-328. 373. Scott, Enmett J., editor. "Letters of Negro Migremts of I916- 1918," IV (July, 1919), 290-3^0. 37'*. . "Additional Letters of Negro Migrants of I9I6-I918," IV (October, I919), kl2-k63. 375. Donald, Henderson H. "The Negro Migration of I9I6-I918," VI (October, 1921), 383-^98. 376. Alexander, Herbert B. "Brazilian and United States Slavery Compared," VII (October, 1922), 349-364. 377. Jackson, Luther P. "The Educational Efforts of the Freedmen's Bureau and Freedmen's Aid Societies in South Carolina, I862-I872, " VIII (January, 1923), l-40. 378- Davis, T. R. "Negro Servitude in the United States," VIII (July, 1923), 247-283. 379. Taylor, A. A. "The Movement of Negroes from the East to the Gulf States from I830 to 1850," VIII (October, 1923), 367-383. 380. Haynes, Elizabeth Ross. "Negroes in Domestic Service in the United States," VIII (October, 1923), 384-442. 381. "Free Negro Ovmers of Slaves in the United States in I83O," IX (January, 1924), 41-85. 382. Taylor, R. H. "Feeding Slaves," IX (April, 1924), 139-143- 383. Taylor, A. A. "The Negro in South Carolina During the Reconstruction," IX (July, 1924), 241-364; (October, 1924), 381-569- 384. . "The Negro in the Reconstruction of Virginia," XI (April, 1926), 243-415; (July, 1926), 425-537- 385. Greene, Lorenzo J. "Slave -Holding New England and Its Awakening," XIII (October, 1928), 492-533- 386. Padgett, James A. "The Status of Slaves in Colonial North Carolina," XIV (July, 1929), 300-327- 387. Frazier, E. Franklin. "The Negro Slave Family," XV (April, 1930), 198-259- 388. McKelvey, Bleike. "PeneJ. Slavery and Southern Reconstruction," XX (April, 1935), 153-179- . ?5j.-4ldl TV ",Sl(>I-5IP.L -io aoi^^i^-rgl-" oz-^isV, erf?" .H aoaisi^naH ..t>I^;. ..Vc \':T[6vaIf; aoSsi'i bsiic^j Mb asiilKBifi" .a cHstJ-raK ^fsMi;: • ■'^c£-Q4£ ,(S2(ci ,ieiod-DO) IIV " jX/ft-rsqui... o ' 0affl£>39's'i dd* to s^-toltJ iBac'tfBtiL'bS srtT" .*? isricfv^ . .0-4-1 tCSlS^-A, txafiiiiieo) .;liV .^6S-Y4s ,v,. ,■:... silt' o^-t jssa srfj aorrt ■;-.30-\;rir.Il -to J-nsai'^voM sdT" -A -A ^-v-jIvs}': ■3dJ as aciv^aa olJ-aasaoC ni S90t5,-'^' .bzoZ dt3de::Lrd. ^asc . . '\0f8X cif aft^TB^g i)9j-ia'J Qfi,? ; ■. ; s^vbH-. Jo aisrrwO oipsf! e?-r'=l'' .18= '\ao2i-i)L": , -jQXttjfl BfliioxeO sW srlT" .A .A .- ,e^-X8£ ,(43^1 ,1^ ;f-dt-I*^ ^(^Q'' rV '\noi:*ot;tJ.- ■ .i/j vi3vsia Jsa»q" .saiaiir ^/svia^niM .8a£ 31 389. Fletcher, Ralph, and Mildred Fletcher. "Scane Data on Occupations Among Negroes in St. Louis from I866 to I897/' XX (July, 1935), 338-3^1. 390. Van Deusen, John G. "The Exodus of I879," XXI (April, I936), 111-129. 391. Tebeau, C. W. "Some Aspects of Planter-Freedman Relations, I865- 1880," XXI (April, 1936), 130-150. 392. Alilunas, Leo. "Statutory Means of Impeding Emigration of the Negro," XXII (April, 1937), l48-l62. 393* Powdermaker, Hortense, and Joseph Semper. "Education and Occupation Among New Haven Negroes," XXIII (April, 1938), 200-215. 39^ • Jackson, Luther Porter. "The Virginia Free Negro Farmer and Property Cvmer, I83O-I860," XXIV (October, 1939), 390-if39. 395. Warren, Samuel E. "A Partial Background for the Study of the Development of Negro Labor: An Adventure in Teaching Certain Aspects of American Labor History," XXV (January, 19^0), U5-59. 396. Bauer, Raymond A., and Alice H. Bauer. "Day to Day Resistance to Slavery," XXVII (October, 19^2), 388-^19. 397. Franklin, John Hope. "Slaves Virtually Free in Ante-Bellum North Carolina," XXVIII (July, 19^3), 28U-3IO. 398. Hofstadter, Richard. "U. B. Phillips and the Plantation Legend," XXIX (April, 19^^^), 109-12if. 399. Franklin, John Hope. "The Enslavement of Free Negroes in North Carolina," XXIX (October, 1944), 401-428. 400. Saveige, W. Sherman. "The Negro on the Mining Frontier," XXX (January, 1945), 30-46. 401. Alexander, Raymond Pace. "The Upgrading of the Negro's Status by Supreme Covirt Decisions," XXX (April, 1945), 117-149. /See particularly l44-l48^ 402. Rodabaugh, James H. "The Negro in Ohio," XXXI (Januaiy, 1946), 9-29. 403. Kesselman, Louis C. "The Fair Employment Practice Commission Movement in Perspective," XXXI (January, 1946), 30-46. 404. Linden, Fabian. "Economic Democracy in the Slave South: An Appraisal of Some Recent Views," XXXI (April, 1946), l40-l89. 405. Cobb, Chsurles W., Jr. "The Outlook Regarding State FEPC Legislation," XXXI (July, 1946), 247-253- ^(?£<* ^X^'^) XX "J\^J. oJ oobi coii riit/oJ .cTE al esc-. /cf'? .i-liqA) IKX '\^V8l 'lo acficxa sdT" .D nrioL ^asaysQ rrsV .02i-0£i Jd^ei .iiiqA) IXX \vU.L .S^i-64l jTSe.i: .IliqA) IIXX .cvs'j,: fina ac5i.tany£>5[" -isqmea JqaaoL br^ .sBascrYoH ,ts:^iiart?ir«o'^ .?I'-.-003 JBf^oi ^XxrqA) IIIXX '\390i,j9W n.^.-aH W5>H suofli^. r -- :.■:-• bas 'X92n..c"i o-tgsl' ."sr I i-vaigitV sriT" .isjrto^ Ttsd.t^r.I .ooa^L^s". &oa£73^i-.->:-: ..£.(1 OJ yaCI" .-xsos?: .H 3oi.u\ r.-i ,.."- i>acrr ■ . ' ^^t .;■ -+i3S ,{Zr'--i t^tluL; IIIVXX '\j8nii: .4iSX-P0I ,(4i.,^ ,.--^-. d:i'vM at ^90•I8sW ??'x'? io cfa ■■ nolaaiaiaioO soJ^odi^ ^nsar^o'.T ,..:" .0 aiuoJ ^:tBn^ ; ^ ^ .•A :rf*i;o8 3vaX3 s.ii\* fli: ^afiid>oai«Ci Di.u;oaoo2" .afllda'? ."-^ . ^^^''-li X /dliCX .Xi:iqA) TXyj. ",aw9XV :' t^osH JSffloG "io X* rv"f>irj ~ -.i/.^- nr ■ '•- «s e^ 3looX*ir;"' «»"'^" .11. t.w esXiBiiD ^!idc.J .eoi' .-S-T+'S ,(t , n-T) IXXX ",aoX;^sXei5sX 32 406. Nelson, Bernard H, "Confederate Slave Impressment Legislation, 1861-1865," XXXI (October, 19^+6), 392-^10. 407. Stavisky, Leonard. "The Origins of Negro Craftsmanship in Colonial America," XXXII (October, 19^7)> hl'J-k29. koQ. Richards, Eugene S. "Trends of Negro Life in Oklahoma as Reflected by Census Reports," XXXIII (January, 19^), 38-52. 409. Lofton, WUliston H. "Abolition and Labor," XXXIII (July, 19hQ), 2119-283. ^HO. Matison, Sumner Eliot. "The Labor Movement and the Negro During Reconstruction," XXXIII (October, 19^8), 426-U68. kll. McConnell, Roland C. "Importance of Records in the National Archives on_the History of the Negro," XXXIV (April, 19^9)* 136-152. /Labor materials described li4-8-152^ lH2. Lofton, Williston H. "Northern Labor and the Negro During the Civil War," XXXIV (July, 19^9), 251-273. 413. Weaver, Robert C. "Negro Labor Since 1929/' XXXV (January, 1950), 20-38. '♦•I'*. Reid, Robert D. "The Negro in Alabama During the Civil War," XXXV (July, 1950), ^5-288. 415. Moss, Simeon F. "The Persistence of Slavery and Involuntary Servitude in a Free State (I685-I866)," XXXV (July, 1950), 269- 314. hl£. Stavisky, Leonard Price. "Industrialism in Ante Bellum Charleston," XXXVI (July, 1951), 302-322. 14-17. Man, Albon P., Jr. "Labor Competition and the New York Draft Riots of 1863," XXXVI (October, 1951), 375-'*05. kl&. Low, W. A. "The Freedmen's Bureau and Civil Rights in Maryland," XXXVII (Jxily, 1952), 221-2^^7. U19. Kessler, Sidney H. "The Organization of Negroes in the Knights of Labor," XXXVII (July, 1952), 248-276. 420. Lander, E. M., Jr. "Slave Labor in South Carolina Cotton Mills," XXXVIII (April, 1953), 161-173. 421. Kaplan, Sidney. "Jan Earnst Matzeliger and the Making of the Shoe," XL (January, 1955), 8-33. 422. Mandel, Bernard. "Samuel Gompers and the Negro Workers, I886- 1914," XL (January, 1955), 34-60. 'in n: cildaasa-iS'tsil' 0139S lo anigJtTO srfT" .J&^-snoaJ ,vialvBdF, .704 ^(8-*^^-t ,-£iijL) IIIXXX '\ioo'aj ills noX'ilotfA" -H aoiailHW ,00^0! .PO*l .3d+^-J34i t(8il§X ,iedoJoO) IIIXXX ■^.^oi:;JoiJ•ac^aac59S ,(5iiPI ,Xj:'iqA2 VIXXX ".c-rssM aricf Jo vric-^eiH e.-fi_cc- at)vixiotA V^'-iCl-f^-t^x badi-iossh elBiisJ-am loda.!^ .S^X-d£I .£T£icS c(?-iiQX t^lul.) VIXXX "i-Sjs^' ii-vlD t{0?ex ,v-tBya.«L} VXXX ' ^rxrlc ludaj o-j^sK^' .D cfisofoH ^-xavBaW .£X4 •\"taW itvlO 5di ^clf.l ijcsc-fsIA nx otssM s/fT"' .a c^Te<:fofi ..Msa .-jSl+i .SSs-^as ,(0?ox ^Y-i-l) VaXX .•^vc-e^t; .is^ex a-^'t.) ii\--. %bXXJ;M air;-!-,- . _ ,-l:t:;oa .xt lOffs.T s>veX2" .teT, ^.M .Z .latn^J .0£4' .£Ti-idX ,(£?^.. yll''.a& e-raqaioO XsuebS" ,'^iBCitsS ^i^baab' .??^ 33 U23. Williamson, Hugh. "The Role of the Courts in the Status of the Negro," XL (January, 1955), 61-72. k^. Woolfolk, George R. "Plantation Capitalism and Slavery: The Labor Thesis," XLI (April, 1956), 103-116. 1*25. Bloch, Herman D. "Craft Unions and the Negro in Historical Perspective," XLIII (January, 1958), 10-33. U26. Brewer, William M. "The Historiography of Frederick Jackson Turner," XLIV (July, 1959), 240-259. 427- Hoffman, Edwin D. "The Genesis of the Modern Movement for Equal Rights in South Carolina, 1930-1939>" XLIV (October, 1959 )> 3^-369. 428. Genovese, Eugene D. "The Medical and Insurance Costs of Slave- holding in the Cotton Belt," XLV (July, I96O), 1^1-155. JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN HISTORY . Quarterly. Southern Historical Association, 1935 — • 429. Wiley, B. I. "Vicissitudes of Early Reconstruction Farming in ' the Lower Mississippi Valley," III (November, 1937), 441-452. 430. Russel, Robert R. "The General" Effects of Slavery upon Southern Econcanic Progress," IV (February, 1938), 34-54. 431. Landon, Fred. "Ulrich Bonnell Phillips: Historian of the South," V (August, 1939), 364-371. 432. Carsel, Wilfred. "The Slaveholders' Indictment of Northern Wage Slavery," VI (November, 194o), 504-520. 433. Fraser, Jessie Melville. "A Free Labor Contract, I867," VI (November, 194o), 546-548. 434. Govan, Thcanas P. "Was Plantation Slavery Profitable?" VIII (November, 1942), 513-535- 435. England, J. Merton. "The Free Negro in Ante-Bellum Tennessee," IX (February, 1943), 37-58. 436. Sitterson, J. Carlyle. "The William J. Minor Plantations: A Study in Ante-Bell\im Absentee Ownership," IX (February, 1943), 59-74. It .ij^S_04e JP?5X t\'.r.L'l.) VUX '\i9Cix;T -s\sX8 le a*eon syrunuonl trie iB&Jif)^ siff" ,0 saastra ^s3svorla^ .B59'£'5 ^aoUw-J .X£4 IY?-<^0€ ^(e?:?X ^;*-b;jS"A) V \d*uoc: .OS^-^C)? t(044eX .-xactoa^-olil) IV " .\::^3V^.L3 i;.. IV '\T^X ^ :tofiiv''rjoO lod^J ss-iv A" .cIIivXsM sie.:'!?".. .iseert^ .ffsi .84f-d4? ^(0»SCX ,r'->':iQ»3von) ■\s9333;,n9T\ ni oiasK ssi'i sriT" .iiorx^ .1. ^baelzaS. .(?£4 ■8e-YS i(e4^' ,Yraincd3^) XI «(£'n- vYT^"-*'J*'5) XI ",qiil3i9xrr.-:' sstnaedA rcLiJlXea-s^aA ni" 1^1...^ 3h lj-37. Coles, Harry L., Jr. "Some Notes on Slaveovmership and Landowner- ship in Louisiana, I85O-I86O/' IX (August, 1943), 38l-403. k3&. Martin, Thomas P., editor. "The Advent of William Gregg and the Graniteville Company," XI (August, 19^5), 389-'^23. U39. Fite, Gilbert C. "Oklahoma's Reconstruction League: An Experiment in Farmer-Labor Politics," XIII (November, 19^7), 535-555. kkO. Bethel, Elizabeth. "The Freedmen's Bureau in Alabama," XIV (February, 19^)8), U9-92. khl. Sitterson, J. Carlyle. "Hired Labor on Sugar Plantations of the Ante-Bellum South," XIV (May, 1948), I92-205. kh2. Morris, Richard B. "Labor Controls in Maryland in the Nineteenth Century," XIV (August, 1948), 385-400. 443. Berthoff, Rowland T. "Southern Attitudes Toward Immigration, 1865-1914," XVII (August, 1951), 328-360. 444. Zimmerman, Jane. "The Penal Reform Movement in the South during the Progressive Era, I89O-I917, " XVII (November, 1951), 462-492. 445. McWhiney, Grady. "Louisiana Socialists in the Early Twentieth Century: A Study of Rustic Radicalism," XX (August, 1954), 315-336. 446. Yanuck, Julius. "Thomas Ruff in and North Carolina Slave Law," XXI (November, 1955), 456-475. 447. Haywood, C. Robert. "Mercantilism and Colonial Slave Labor, 1700-1763," XXIII (November, 1957), 454-464. 448. Doherty, Herbert J., Jr. "Alexander J. McKelway: Preacher to Progressive," XXIV (May, I958), 177-I9O. 449. Bradford, S. Sydney. "The Negro Ironworker in Ante Bellum Virginia," XXV (May, 1959), 194-206. 450. Woolfolk, George Ruble. "Taxes and Slavery in the Ante Bellum South," XXVI (May, I96O), 18O-2OO. f?dj has 5S3'>^ rasIjXlW j.o jn-i-vM SifT" .T:o-11fie»- ^.4 BtstaoilT iaiJ-ir,M .8j;-ti nA :eL:T339J flo.\+ri;j-!:d-8f!cs3r. E'eaads^ilO" .0 a-iooMiO rSj-l"? .^Jc*^ xf.tncrcv'-sniH one)- ci isoBlv-fiM ril aloi^noD iocfa.X" .R £.'iJ3rl:Jir! .^s^-i'icM .2-^+^ .Oc>e-b-;;jc ^(ic:x .JajigwA; iivx \-tiiei-c53l o:' Z'-d'^j&z-^'i : '.i^BWlsJisH .'. isJonitAOiA" -iT, .1, ^sd-r-'K ^Y^3JoC .d44 ::ivl'.sfJ 9JfxA ci" oigsV! sdT" .YSflir^U .£ , fc- c"'.I>e^'T .Qf-*- i::bil:,i '^i.-■ ~ V~ L'-tlmS* f^ "..LeiscfU CtfX'tBigA aA--io.S'='9i:^ T. • -i- LA." .W fi^ 'i A .scfiooovaU ,'^i^ .r->y^ JcVc; ,rie-v^-!) XDvJO. ivi' ;e«H;.i ,"JUiii?06u) IIIVJXX 36 h6^. Sigmimd, Elwin W. "Railroad Strikers in Court: Unreported Contempt Cases in Illinois in 1877," XLIX (Summer, 1956), 190-209 . 466. Hicken, Victor. "The Virden and Pana Mine Wars of I898," LII (Summer, 1959), 263-278. 1*67. Gutman, Herbert G. "The Braidwood Lockout of iQ'Jk," LIII (Spring, i960), 5-28. JOURMAL OF THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HigrORIANS . Quarterly. The Society, 1941--. 468. Lillibridge, Robert M. "Pullman : Town Development in the Era of Eclecticism," XII (October, 1953), 17-22. 469. Nelson, Lee H. "Brickmaking in Baltimore, 1798," XVIII (March, 1959), 33-34. KANSAS HISTORICAL QUARTERLY . Kansas State Historical Society, 1931—- 470. Gagliardo, Domenico. "A History of Kansas Child-Labor Legislation," I (August, 1932), 379-401. 471. . "The Gompers-Allen Debate on the Kansas Industrial Court," III (November, 1934), 385-395. 472. Walker, Edith, and Dorothy Leibengood. "Labor Organizations in Kansas in the Early Eighties," IV (August, 1935), 283-290. 473. Walker, Edith. "Labor Problems During the First Year of Governor Martin's Administration," V (February, 1936), 33-53- 474. Leibengood, Dorothy. "Labor Problems in the Second Year of Governor Martin's Administration," V (May, 1936), 191-207 . 475. Gagliardo, Domenico. "Some Wage Legislation in Kansas," VIII (November, 1939), 384-398. 476. . "The First Kansas Workmen's Compensation Lav," IX (November, 1940 ), 384-397. IIJ ".Bi^ito a-ZBV: snLM an/i^^I f;:.^ aebrlV aril' .lOi-oiV ,.ns^oin .3&}i .•'S--T.L tftrt'i ^lodcctsO) ILX "^aielojtd-:;©!^^ 37 ^77' • "Development of Common and Etaployers' Liability Law in Kansas/' X (May, 19^1), 155-17^. LABOR HISTORY . Three times a year. Tamiznent Institute, I960—. k^Q. Garraty, John A. "The United States Steel Corporation Versus Labor: The Early Years," I (Winter, I96O), 3-3Q. 1*79 • Nash, Gerald D. "Franklin D. Roosevelt and Labor: The World War I Origins of Early New Deal Policy," I (Winter, I96O), 39-52. 480. Taft, Rxilip. "The I. W. W. in the Grain Belt," I (Winter, I96O), 53-67. 481. Green, Archie. "The Death of Mother Jones," I (Winter, 1960), 68-80. 482. "In Memoriam: Selig Perlman," I (Winter, I96O), 97. 483. "Preserving Trade Union Archives," I (Winter, I96O), 98-99. 484. "A Directory of Labor History Materials," I (Winter, I960), 99-100. 485. Howard, J. Woodford, Jr. "Frank Murphy and the Sit-Down Strikes of 1937/' I (Spring, I960), 103-l40. 486. Soffer, Benson. "A Theory of Trade Union Development: The Role of the 'Autonomous' Workman," I (Spring, I960), l4l-l63. 487. Grob, Gerald N. "Organized Labor and the Negro Worker, 1865-I9OO," I (Spring, i960), 164-176. 488. Shaughnessy, D. F. "Labor in the Oral History Collection of Columbia University," I (Spring, I96O), I77-I95. 489. Gates, Freuicis. "Labor History Resources in the Libraries of the University of California, Berkeley," I (Spring, i960), I96-205. 490. Harrington, Michael. "Catholics in the Labor Movement: A Case History," I (Fall, i960), 231-263- 491. McKee, Don K. "Daniel De Leon: A Reappraisal," I (Fall, I960), 264-297. 492. Reuter, Frank T. "John Swinton's Paper," I (PaU, I96O), 298-307- T£ SU816V coi-tfiTtog-coO Ia9.:ta as.tjsd-3 bsS^lnll si^T" .A.nrial. ^\i£i-i-tBi) .6^4 .8c:-£ t(Od«?I ,iaJalW) I "^aiasY \:i'xa3 3dT :-xcdjaJ Jbl-ioW svfr iiccfj&J Lna :tX»v?80oH .G rAl^ci£rt'\' .C iiiaisD ^iir-eU .CT^* ((OdQI ^19:r^j:W) 1 '\il5a. cxbuI".' t3:r:? ni .W .W ,1 as?" .qili-jH .nsT .OSi^ Jos?' ^•x'3iaxVJ) T '\escoL la/.t-r ".o ricrj330: taxIT" .sic(so:A ^asi^rcO .;84l • T€ JOhRI ^lainlW) I '\nj3ral-i9l s-t-i'^S :miJliocjsM nl" .S84 .^C-Bq JOc-ei ti^tcJrW) I '\a9vJsiozA nolAi obail :gaivrszoiH" .t&4 dO^l tis.-taiV/) I "^alBiioi^i >rioJ-3JtH locfsl 'ic ^-ictfoaiW A" .48*1 .£SX-l4ii t(0d9I ^8nJtiq:2) I '\aaaaiioW 'gi/oaioao.tijA' srii' io sloH *io noii-oalloD ^lOJ^iH istO ij.i*al -lodAl" .1 .Q' ^YaEecrfax/fifS ..8c}4 eaaO A : sc?i^fKr->ii lodeJ srf.1- rfj aolXorf^i-sO" .'XsAdTo-iM ^rioci-aiii^"-''5H .0?+' .(;3S-Ce2 .JOoyi .XLs'a) I ",>cio*eiE ,(0?)tfX .XXb-?) I '\l^aidiqqd©a A :£ioaJ sQ XsiaJsQ" .If .acnl ,39j!oM .X^^ ..TQS-4as .TCr-8^?: .(ca^i ^XIb-i) I ",T9CDe^ a'coinJcwS adcl-' .T :ia«ia viac^i-f^^ -2^*^ 38 l<-93« Morris, Richard B. "American Labor History Prior to the Civil War: Sources and Opportunities for Research^" I (Fall, I96O), 308-318. kSk. Miller, J. G. "Labor Resources in the Cornell University Libraries," I (Fall, i960), 319-326. LOUISIANA HISTORICAL QUARTERLY . Louisiana Historical Society, 1917—. /^Issued irregxilarly, 1951--^ i>95. Moody, V. Alton. "Slavery on Louisiana Sugar Plantations," VII (April, I92U), 191-301. If96. Deiler, J. Hanno. "The System of Redemption in the State of Louisiana," XII (July, 1929), h26'h60. /Translated with addenda by Rev. Louis Voss^ kSJ. Shugg, Roger Wallace. "The New Orleans General Strike of I892, " XXI (April, 1938), 5^7-560. U98. Winston, James E. "The Free Negro in Ifew Orleans, I803-I86O," XXI (October, 1938), IO75-IO85. U99. Kendall, John S. "New Orleans' ' Peculiar Institution, •" XXIII (July, 19^0), 861^-886. 500. Stahl, Annie Lee West. "The Free Negro in Ante-Bellum Louisiana," XXV (April, 19^2), 301-396. 501. Engelsman, John Cornelius. "The Freedmen's Bureau in Louisiana," XXXII (January, 19^9), l45-22l^. MARYLAND HISTORICAL MAGAZINE . Quarterly. Maryland Historical Society, 1906--. 502. Sollers, Basil. "Transported Convict Laborers in Maryland During the Colonial Period," II (March, I907), 17-^7- 503. Berkley, Henry J. "A Register of the Cabinet Makers and Allied Trades in Maryland, as Shown by the Newspapers and Directories, 17^ to 1820," XXV (March, 1930), 1-27- ,(03^'I tils?) 1 ,tb'isa3?fl io1 z^t&ia^^t-ioqqp bcia, e--'tuo8 :ibW .6lt-B0£ IIV '\3nox;fB;ra3i'T[ •»bs;/3 ^njeialtfoJ ao visvalS" .noiXA .V ^-^iooM .^^4 '\i^I lo s:{i'i*3 LeisasO BaasIiC waZ sdT" .aDsIfxW isaoS .§9^i2 .:<^i " ^aaaid z'jol oulleS-f>JnA ni ctssil ds-;*? srfT" .j::9W sad sj;:.a.° ^lic-52 .CO? • TS-i ,(0?^-^ ^AorsH) VXX '' . X3l 0.+ d^Vi 39 50't'. "Transportation of Felons to the Colonies," XXVII (December, 1932), 263-27^. 505. Hoyt, William D., Jr. "The White Servants at 'Northampton,' 1772.7U," XXXIII (June, 1938), 126-133- 506. White, Frank F., Jr. "A List of Convicts Transported to Maryland," XLIII (March, 19^8), 55-60. 507. Zornow, William Frank. "The Judicial Modifications of the Maryland Black Code in the District of Columbia," XLIV (March, 19^9), 18-32. 508. Low, W. A. "The Freedmen's Bureau and Education in Maryland," XLVII (March, 1952), 29-39- 509. Jonas, Manfred. "Wsiges in Early Colonial Maryland," LI (March, 1956), 27-38. 510. Yearley, Clifton K., Jr. "The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Strike of 1877," LI (September, 1956), 188-211. MICHIGAN HISTORY . Quarterly. Michigan Historical Commission, 1917--. ^ssued as Michigan History Magazine , 1917-1946 j/ 511. L. B. W. "The United States Boys' Working Reserve: Boy Soldiers of the Soil," IV (January, 1920), 279-286. 512. Jopling, James E. "Cornish Miners of the l^per Peninsula," XII (July, 1928), 55*^-567. 513* Draper, A. S. "Reminiscences of the Lumber Camp," XIV (Summer, 1930), 438-1^5'*. ^Ik. Wax, Anthony S. "Calumet and Hecla Copper Mines: An EJpisode in the Economic Development of Michigan," XVI (Winter, 1932), 5-Ul. 515. Conrad, Lawrence H. "Jo Labadie— Poet," XVI (Spring, 1932), 218-22^. 516. Ward, Willis C. "Reminiscences of Michigan's Logging Days," XX (Autumn, 1936), 301-312. 517. Beynon, Erdmann Doane. "The Hungarians of Michigan," XXI (Winter, 1937), 89-102. ■ V. ^X .(Sc^L ^9iii;L) illXXX %4JY-2rTI '\.f.r..fiIviBM o* I->sJ-io:T?.L-!ij'iT 3-T!3t'--roZ lo ,t:^xJ A" .--T, ^.'5 SUi^i'i ,«:?.! riW . ' %'?! ^ri?a«M)'li:t;JX 9iii:-:J€ *BOTiia^ olfiC bam ^10';: , .31 «0«li'J5 ^v.:vi-xi?9"i. .01^ .•39.tq98) I J \fTti If. .'C;'! .//teynjBl.) VI ko 518. Rankin, Lois. "Detroit Nationality Groups," XXIII (Spring, 1939), 129-205. 519. Leech, Carl Addison. "Pictures of Michigan Lumbering," XXIII (Autumn, 1939), 337-3^9. 520. Wargelin, John. "The Finns in Michigan," XXIV (Spring, 19^0 ), 179-203. 521. Bellaire, John I. "Michigan's Lumber- Jacks, " XXVI (Spring, 19l*2), 173-187. 522. Brooks, Harold C. "Story of the Founding of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers," XXVII (October-December, 19^3), 6II-6I9. 523. Glazer, Sidney. "The Michigan Labor Movement," XXIX (January -March, 19^5), 73-82. 524. Fisher, James. "Michigan's Cornish People," XXIX (July-September, 1945), 377-385. 525. Allie, Betty W. "History of Workmen's Compensation in Michigan," XXX (April -June, 19^6), 317-330. 526. Johnson, Aili Kolehmainen. "Finnish Labor Songs from Northern Michigan," XXXI (September, 19^7), 331-343- 527. Engberg, George B. "Who Were the Lumberjacks?" XXXII (September, 1948), 238-246. 528. Lewis, Ferris E. "Frederic: A Typical Logging Village in the Twilight of the Lumbering Era, 1912-I8," XXXII (December, 1948), 321-339. /Part one of a series^ 529. Fine, Sidney, editor. "The Ely-Labadie Letters," XXXVI (March, 1952), 1-32. 530. Kolehmainen, John I. "The Inimitable Marxists: The Finnish Immigrant Socialists," XXXVI (December, 1952), 395-405. 531. Ward, Richard J. "Labor Relations in the Building Industry of Washtenaw County in 1951," XXXIX (March, 1955), 25-48. 532. Yearley, Clifton K., Jr. "Richard Trevellick: Labor Agitator," XXXIX (December, 1955), 423-444. 533. Fine, Sidney. "The Tool and Die Makers Strike of 1933," XLII (September, 1958), 297-323- 534. Sullivan, William A. "The I913 Revolt of the Michigan Copper Miners," XLIII (September, 1959), 294-314. Oil .?.OS-^SI .^♦i£-T££ vCSt^X ,nia:-'.ti;A) ,(S^»ei .gci-rqC) IVXX '\a:iDBl.-i&cifln/i a 'xuB^ixIolI'i" .1 ariol, .eil£?l3€ .IS? .T8I-MTI .23-r: ,(?4^I •OL£-TX£ ,(d4iei .saiit-IiiqA) :*XX insiiJ-ioK moti a^noS lotfal rfsinnl'a" .aocisairislo}! xJxA .ncsiiriol. .cSc .F/'£-'££ i(T+i$X ,te: '\z^^\lJiom ^t^czsJi^) IIX.a "?a.^of5tiS'ifflLl adJ- oioV on"'.." .a sbiosO ^giscfsnSf .T5? AJcftcc '8401 edi nx ^:}qII1Y gniaBsJ £>::;l5-cT A :ri-i9fi^xa" .3 o.ciis'i »£;lwj»J .Sic: ^ilntaM) iVXXy. ".-i-rsj.taj oiiiedz-I-tia srlT' .lOJJrfis ^vs-obiS ^anl^ .QS? .PCUl-^e?. tvS^^l ,"iecfic9C3G) TVXXX '\6J3il6loo3 cfnBiaimal lo ■"^j-euJbiti gidiLCiiJ? eri;^ ai snclSoiaH w-fi^J" .1- lisdolTL ^fruaW .X£? •S+'-^S ,(??QX ,rioi£M) XIXiD': ".XCex ai \:*atJoS usrfav-rxfgaW ILK '\£c;- 'io a.iJi-i.+B aioaiiM aia bcin XooT 9x{T" .Y9iTbi3 ,-3<-iI1 .C£C •isqqoD rBgirf'-tM ^rij- "io ^lovsH £iCI scT" .AmfilCiiW ^j36vlXi:-'2 .4i£C Ul MID-AMEP ICA. Institute of Jesuit History, Loyola University, I91O--. /issued as Illinois Catholic Historical Review, I918-I929I7 535. Palickar, Stephen J. "The Slovaks of Chicago," IV (October, 1921), 180-196. 536. Abell, Aaron. "The Catholic Church and Social Problems in the World War I Era," XXX (July, I9W), 139-151- 537. Lang, Elfrieda. "Irishmen in Northern Indiana Before 185O," XXXVI (July, 195^), 190-198. 538. Grob, Gerald N. "Terence V. Powderly and the Knights of Labor," XXXIX (January, 1957)> 39-55- 539. Morgan, H. Wayne. "Eugene Debs and the Socialist Campaign of 1912," XXXIX (October, 1957), 210-226. 5^. Grob, Gerald N. "The Knights of Labor, Politics, and Populism," XL (January, 1958), 3-21. 541. Sisk, Glenn S. "Crime and Justice in the Alabama Black Belt, 1875-1917," XL (April, 1958), 106-113. MILITARY AFFAIRS . Quarterly. American Military Institute, 1937 — • Z^ssued as Journal of the American Military History Foundation , 1937-19357 Journal of the American Military Institute , 1939-1940_^7''^ 5U2. Blackman, John L., Jr. "Navy Policy Toward the Labor Relations of Its War Contractors," XVIII (Winter, 195^^), I76-I87; XIX (Spring, 1955), 21-31. MINNESOTA HISTORY . Quarterly. Minnesota Historical Society, 1915--. /Issued as Minnesota History Bulletin , 1915- 1924^ 5^3. Orcutt, Wright T. "The Minnesota Lumberjacks," VI (March, 1925), 3-19. lii ,-tDdoJ-oO) VI ".ogaolilD Ic aatsxTjia sriT" .L nsriqslB ^iB^nlJjfl .<£- ^rfj as BflraXaroil iaisoS Xins dytuxlD oilodi'aO stfP' .noTsA ^XleoA .5£^ -X5X-^£r ,(84eX ,TtIuL) >D(X ",1313 I laW 6I-roW '\0^8x 910I&3 Ro^lbal nt&d&iofi al nsjmfeiil" .Biaia^XS ^g/TsJ ,T£^ .bt'i-oex a'^^c- ,-v:i"T-; ivxxx .5e-§£ ,(Ts;Qi .X-'.BisaBV) XIXXX ,dSS-OiS aTe^X .rsdctoO) XDQCX *\S-[?X ".jraXXx/aoS: Mb . aolllic-1 iiodsJ. lo s.+rlalaJI sxiT" .K JbXjBn5>C ^dotO .045 .XS-£ ,(8cex t'<;nsL'nsL) JX ^JXaa :iiosXa asasdeXA sdcf r.i si^JJ^^i/L ^ac sraliO' .2 naelv .ifaxe .X4i^ ,9*i;:^iJ-ajI x^&^lim Mslaa-nA .vXi9*f6i.'P . SfllA'^'iA YHATLIIM 1- 83', i;t«l3H iod»I 9dJ- XxsvoT x^iXo-i \:vft«[" ;it ^.J mloL ,r:.3auiOj9X9[ .24^ tX^''-3o3 l6o^io*Bta £*oe3afliM . \:XT9iT:3;jp . YHOie IK ATT . ' :lil 'CM .^I-£ h2 544. Bardon, John A. "Early Logging Methods," XV (June, 193^), 203-206. ^ 545. Engberg, George B. "The Rise of Organized Labor in Minnesota," XXI (December, 19^0 ), 372-39**. ^' ' '"^^ Knights of Labor in Minnesota," XXII (December, 1941), 367-390. 547. Le Sueiir, Meridel. "Notes on North Country Folkways," XXV (September, 1944), 215-223. 548. Kolehmainen, John Ilmari. "The Finnish Pioneers of Minnesota," XXV (December, 19^), 317-328. 549. Warner, Donald F. "Prelude to Populism," XXXII (September, 1951)^ 129-146. 550. Nevue, Wilfred. "A Winter in the Woods," XXXIV (Winter, 195^)> 1^9-153. 551. Mitau, G. Theodore. "The Democratic -Farmer -Labor Party Schism of 1948," XXXIV (Spring, 1955), 187-19**. 552. Morlan, Robert L. "The Nonpartisan League and the Minnesota Campaign of I918," XXXIV (Summer, 1955), 221-232. 553. Naftalin, Arthxir. "The Tradition of Protest and the Roots of the Farmer-Labor Party," XXXV (June, 1956), 53-63- 554. Chrislock, Carl H, "The Alliance Party and the Minnesota Legislature of I891," XXXV (September, 1957), 297-312. 555. Engberg, George B. "Lumber and Labor in the Lake States," XXXVI (March, 1959), 153-166. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY HISTORICAL REVIEW . Quarterly. Mississippi Valley Historical Association, 19l4 — . 556. Hicks, John D. "The Political Career of Ignatius Donnelly," VIII (June-September, 1921), 80-132. 557. McMurry, Donald L. "GThe Industrial Armies and the Caomonweal," X (December, 1923), 215-252. 558. McGrane, R. C. "Ohio and the Greenback Movement," XI (March, 1925), 526-542. ^ .c>QS-£03 '\«;fce9ct0J:M nJ: rodtd bv^ta&-gtO lo aalfi sriT" .a sgiosc* ,siscf3fla .^4^ .4^e-SYc ,(04^1 .iJMfnisosa) IXX •Oee-Tct .(I4QX VXX '\e\;BwjiIo'? ifTd-nwoO ridrtoK no z^ioYt" .IshlieU ^zusuB -jj .T4? .8S£-YX£ ^(44^1 ^isdflisoaG) VXX ^(iCtX ^leisod-qaii ) IIXXX "^raaiiijqoq o* shularl" .'? MsnoG ^1^£rt;>3W .9^ »(4?ex .isi^niW) YIXXX '\al»oW sdi al isctaXW A" .ie-rVlW .Sirvsjl .0^? .£X-T8i t(??^X ,sai-cq3) VIX:J ftaex;t'3:j8qaGW orfT' .J *isdoH ^aaXiaM .S?? .seS-XSS J.?cQX t'laaaaua) VIXX>: '\8xeX lo caisqai^D 't^-li t(<3?^I ^QtwI.) \'XXX "tXii^ra^ lodja-TScnal ad* B*089fixilM -iii;? f>nB Y;-*ia^ soaslXIA stit" .H ItsO ^icolBlidl) .4?? .SXe-T^S iCre^X ^if^^lms^qae) VXXX '\xe8X tc eiircfBisl-gal .dda:-£?x ,(eeQX .ifao^i) rvxxx iqqi : 2 Jrac 2M . Yi13C^IBL^p . V.-5.>'.'3fl JA0"^:10T£LH Y3 J. IAV I?' ^iaSI381M IIIV "tY.i'snfloa ayl^teaal ?o ijsijao Issj: aXo'J s»dl" -G nnoL .a^olU. .'d^i:TB asxarcA Latttvkubal 9dT' .J bXsaoQ ^\fx•IuMn^' .T?r7 .S^S-exS ^(f5^: ./iscfmacsa) X .s4v:-as? h3 559. ftynes, Fred E. "The Significance of the Latest Third Party Movement," XII (September, 1925), 177-186. 560. Woodbum, James Albert. "Western Radicalism in American Politics," XIII (Septeiaber, 1926), 143-168. 561. Woody, R. H. "The Labor and Immigration Problem of Soxith Carolina During Reconstruction," XVIII (September, 1931), 195-212. 562. Hicks, John D. "The Third Party Tradition in American Politics," XX (June, 1933)> 3-28. 563. Ross, Earle D. "The Manual Labor Experiment in the Land Grant College," XXI (March, 1935), 513-528. 564. Kane, Murray. "Some Considerations on the Safety Valve Doctrine," XXIII (September, 1936), I69-I88. 565. Schafer, Joseph. "Was the West a Safety Valve for Labor?" XXIV (December, 1937), 299-314. 566. Wish, Harvey. "John Peter Altgeld and the Background of the Campaign of 1896," XXIV (March, I938), 503-518. 567. Geurrison, E. H., editor. "Conversations with Hayes: A Biographer's Notes," XXV (December, I938), 369-38O. /See particularly "Labor and Capital...," 376-380^ 568. Trexler, Harrison A. "The Opposition of Planters to the Employment of Slaves as Laborers by the Confederacy," XXVII (September, 19^0), «" 211-224. 569. Destler, Chester McA. "Consummation of a Labor-Populist Alliance in Illinois, 1894," XXVII (March, 194l), 589-6O2. 570. Perrigo, Lynn I. "Law and Order in Early Colorado Mining Camps," XXVIII (June, 1941 ), 41-62. 571> Bernstein, Irving, editor. "Samuel Gompers and Free Silver, I896," XXIX (December, 1942), 394-400. 572. Lillard, Richard G., editor. "A Literate Woman in the Mines: The Diary of Rachel Haskell," XXXI (June, 1944), 8I-98. 573. Destler, Chester McArthur. "Western Radicalism, I865-I9OI: Concepts and Origins," XXXI (December, 1944), 335-368. 574. Quint, Howard H. "Jxilius A. Wayland, Pioneer Socialist Propagandist," XXXV (March, 1949), 585-606. 575' Huntington, Samuel P. "The Election Tactics of the Nonpartisan League," XXXVI (March, 1950), 613-632. \iT.^ fc_:-!T *89:ri!j Bd* 5c 'OTjstoitiflgJS ad?" .3 fe^rT . ' .???. fin iLo'^.jfZ lii/oa lo ajeXdOTfi no±?jST5Jtiani ics lodad sAT .H .3 ^^JoooW .ji'; .SXL-" ;. ^iscit^-tg^S ) IIIVX '\^oic^otai•c:.■Jc•oc-. .ti5-£ ^U^Pi ,3i2IJl./ XX ■L ;£oia A rac- v &no.'%ts2i9viioO' . rcj-tfe-? ..H .;2 ^noaJ-nsO .7<^^ .4125- IIS .2i^- ::i ,{li^'21 ,-::irL) ttiVXX ",6v-U ^■x:yr^Lc 5>3T^ iiiua si:. V'^-> loi/ai-i.' .•r.-yx.-v ^^-^vt:! j. ;.:::< /c"I»1s€ . TC ■'"■'■ '-i3X ^iHi;^.^"- :. .3;i oa ■ii-c;::.^>iK' t'lsI^ciM.. .^ 'i' . 5'." :? - -■? ? , I ? ' ^ ' -- . zfrt-LsSi ) '. 576. Roelofs, Vernon W. "Justice William R. Day and Federal Regulation," XXXVII (June, 1950), 39-60. 577. Wall, Bennett H. "Medical Care of Ebenezer Pettigrew's Slaves," XXXVII (December, 1950), 451-470. 578. Mann, Arthur. "Frank Parsons: The Professor as Crusader," XXXVII (December, 1950), 471-490. 579. Shannon, Fred A. "The Status of the Midwestern Farmer in I900," XXXVII (December, 1950), 491-510. 580. Fine, Sidney. "Richard T. Ely, Forerunner of Progressivism, 1880-1901," XXXVII (March, 1951), 599-624. 581. Shannon, David A. "The Socialist Party Before the First World War: An Analysis," XXXVIII (September, 1951), 279-288. 582. Murray, Robert K. "Communism and the Great Steel Strike of 1919>" XXXVIII (December, 1951), 445-466. 583. Higham, John. "Origins of Immigration Restriction, I882-I897: A Social Analysis," XXXIX (June, 1952), 77-88. 584. Randall, Edwin T. "Imprisonment for Debt in America: Fact and Fiction," XXXIX (June, 1952), 89-IO2. 585. Fine, Sidney. "The Eight-Hour Day Movement in the United States, 1888-1891," XL (December, 1953), 441-462. 586. Morris, Richard B. "The Measure of Bondage in the Slave States," XLI (September, 1954), 219-240. 587. Glaser, William A. "Algle Martin Simons and Marxism in America," XLI (December, 1954), 419-434. 588. Blackwood, George D. "Frederick Jackson Turner and John Rogers Commons- -Complementary Thinkers," XLI (December, 1954), 471-488. 589. Doherty, Herbert J., Jr. "Voices of Protest from the New South, 1875-1910," XLII (June, 1955), 45-66. 590. Mann, Arthur. "British Social Thought and American Reformers of the Progressive Era," XLII (March, 1956), 672-692. 591. Kirkland, Edward C. "Divide and Ruin," XLIII (June, 1956), 3-17- 592. Pessen, Edward. 'The Workingmen's Movement of the Jacksonian Era," XLIII (December, I956), 428-443- 593- Meier, Hugo A. "Technology and Democracy, 180O-I86O," XLIII (March, 1957), 618-640. -MjI) IlVXiX 0D9G) • S .A :tj5W - .O.Tiju" "'IXXX ' 'Oc .'- .j^'-liaak a'r -.-■■-;-,>- .Tiit'.'''^ ' 'sJbojsH . ''"■"' '.> XIX: ;icx? 'Iv-i' i. - -sH Oifj ato-. .-• ^ .I.- — -.--.^i ^-^^j^ar;. ; h5 59lf. McCoy, Donald R. "The National Progressives of America, 1938," XLIV (June, 1957), 75-93. 595. Fine, Sidney, "President Roosevelt and the Automobile Code," XLV (June, 1958), 23-50. 596. Cox, LaWanda. "The Promise of Land for the Freedmen," XLV (December, 1958), 413-440. 597. Eaton, Clement. "Slave-Hiring in the Upper South: A Step Toward Freedom," XLVI (March, I96O), 663-678. 598. Venkataramani, M. S. "Norman Thomas, Arkansas Sharecroppers, and the Roosevelt Agricultural Policies, 1933-1937/' XLVII (September, i960), 225-246. 599. Tyler, Robert L, •'The United States Government as Itoion Organizer: The Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen," XLVII (December, I960), 434-451. MISSOURI HISTORICAL REVIEW . Quarterly. State Historical Society of Missouri, I906--. 600. Trexler, Harrison A. "Slavery in Missouri Territory," III (April, 1909), 179-198. 601. . "The Value and the Sale of the Missouri Slave," VIII (January, 19l4), 69-85. 602. Meriwether, Lee. "A Century of Labor in Missouri," XV (October, 1920), 163-175. 603. Nelson, Earl J. "Missouri Slavery, I86I-I865," XXVIII (July, 1934), 260-274. 604. "St. Louis Carpenters Form Union in I832," XXX (July, 1936), 471-472. 605. Nolen, Russell M. "The Labor Movement in St. Louis Prior to the Civil War," XXXIV (October, 1939), 18-37- 606. . "The Labor Movement in St. Louis from i860 to I89O," XXXIV (January, 194o), 157-l8l. 607. "Hurry CaJ.l for John L. Lewis," XLVII (April, 1953), 297* .£5-ey ,(T^ei ,9ai;I,) VIJX ■^^^-t--^ ^l^^v.-^! tsOUl*^ ■ VJ>r '\n9aifi3P'i'i add- •:: t baed 1o ©aimoT? eriT" .BJ&oBWaJ tXoC Iran .eiaqgoiosiiri? R^aasiiiA ^aflffioriT fl£Bnc5I" .3 .M ^lABSiB-iB&.B^CiS'V .805 f TIVJX "tT '1 lesxoilol i^iucJ-Xiisir-qjA ^tlaveacoH adit III "..xio^iTiaT iiiX-csiii oi v-iavaia" .A n^- siiiaH tisIxsiT- .005 ",3V£Xa l-tvczsm edi "to sIb^ 9A& bns auleV SiiT' . :0g ' XX»af; .. /.ji. .:■ •■■•laM) IIiV ' ,eil'ii3 .Sii-TC -(ii^P:. ./.aiaM) XI "..ei/dJIsM lo ^JueaocccfD v.:i£.2 nt nTiuna-xsvllB -rhV .- ..ii9C9T:'^l .'..■.=:CTt';H ^aJJ7-.'"^ ''iB i(?6?f .i;>-r6i;) IIX ",::fioi.''' tM,' ■ ->j:J;*ixi>- .A ■= ■.. ^JL.ijBiIo'5 .C.o .soi-e$ k8 631 • S ma rt, George K. "Fourierism in Northampton: Two Documents," XII (June, 1939), 370-37'+. 638. Whyte, William Foote. "Race Conflicts in the North End of Boston," XII (December, 1939) > 623-6U2. 639. Hawthorne, Manning. "Hawthorne and Utopian Socialism," XII (December, 1939), 726-730. 640. Bestor, Arthur E., Jr. "Fourierism in Northampton: A Critical Note," XIII (March, 19^0), 110-122. 641. Smart, George K. "The Approach to Utopian Socialism: A Brief Rejoinder," XIII (June, 19^0), 322-323. 642. Hartz, Louis. "Seth Luther: The Story of a Working-Class Rebel," XIII (September, 19^0), 401 -4l8. 643. O'Donnell, William G. "Race Relations in a New England Town," XIV (June, 1941), 235-242. 644. Handlin, Oscar. "A Russian Anarchist Visits Boston," XV (March, 1942), 104-109. 645. Wilson, J. B. "The Antecedents of Brook Farm," XV (June, 1942), 320-331. 646. Madison, Charles A. "Edward Bellamy, Social Dreamer," XV (September, 1942), 444-466. 647. Glicksberg, Charles I. "Henry Adams Reports on a Trades-Union Meeting," XV (December, 1942), 724-728. 648. Madison, Charles A. "Benjamin R. Tucker: Individualist and Anarchist," XVI (September, 1943), 444-467. 649. Sadler, Elizabeth. "One Book's Influence: Edward Bellamy's 'Looking Backward,'" XVII (December, 1944), 530-555. 650. Merrill, Louis Taylor. "Mill Town on the Merrimack," XIX (March, 1946), 19-31. 651. Lyons, Richard L. "The Boston Police Strike of I919," XX (June, 1947), 147-168. 652. Davies, Wallace Evan. "A Collectivist Experiment Down East: Bradford Park and the Cooperative Association of America," XX (December, 1947), 471-491. 653. Kaplan, Sidney. "The Reduction of Teachers' Salaries in Post- Revolutionary Boston," XXI (September, 1948), 373-379. 654. Struik, Dirk J. "Frederick Engels in New England," XXII (June, 1949), 240-243. "4^ .3SI-0iJ t(04ei ^rioia-'].) IIIX ",9^cH '.J.Dds«l aaBlO-gaijI-icW s I0 ^iod-3 srfT :i9r(;ruJ ri:f'»?" .ei'JoJ ^sJlfiH .Si^d .8:4.iO-«i aO-'^I t'i9-^fc9.;^i?o) IIIX '\flVoT Jbnai3.-iS wall a rx snoiJ'alsJI so^«'^ .D mexIilW JirrinoCO .£-4^ .C^-S-5c3 t{i-ei .sfli^l.} VIX .ic£-OS£ VX "..•x^aBsiCI Is>oo3 ,YmsXi9a ,nflWD2'' .A seliBiiD .no^ifia:;^ .dv'^ 'i^ti-OZ^ t(44?I ^•:^Jm9c-a) IIVX '\inii^*Tifs3. jniaooJ' '' .oni;!,) y:( "i^I^I Iro 9i'j:-t:r? sallo'H .TOJecE arfT*' .J IiBdo^ft ,;'>nc\:.^ ._;;^ .8c)I-|4l ,(■ •i^i .enuL) I,:/"-: ".fcnfir8.:3 veil aI bIsso^ xcftsM-i'I ' .1- jfiiCI .Jlxtnj'd ^-^c h9 655* Podea, Iris Saunders. "Quebec to 'Little Canada': The Coming of the French Caneuiiajas to New England in the Nineteenth Century," XXIII (September, 1950), 365-380. 656. Fairfield, Roy P. "Labor Conditions at the Old York: I83I-I900," XXX (June, 1957), I66-I80. 657- Carter, Paul J., Jr. "Mark Twain and the American Labor Movement," XXX (September, 1957), 382-388- /Includes a previously vinpublished Twain article, "The New Dynasty. _7 658. Bowman, ^Ivia E. "Bellamy's Missing Chapter," XXXI (March, 1958), i+7-65. 659. Sher m an, Richard B. "Charles Sumner Bird and the Progressive Party in Massachusetts," XXXIII (September, I960), 325-3^0. NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS; A MAGAZINE OF NEW JERSEY HISTORY . New Series. Quarterly. New Jersey Historical Society, 1845—. ^irst Series, 18^5-1866; Second Series, 1867-I895; Third Series, I896-I915; New Series numbered I-I6 (I916-I93I), 50-- (1932—). Issued irregularly, 1845-1915^ 660. Connolly, James C. "Slavery in Colonial New Jersey and the Causes Operating Against Its Extension," XIV (April, 1929), l8l-202. 661. "A New Jersey Apprentice Indenture of I68O," XV (April, 1930), 269-270. 662. Schmidt, Hubert. "Slavery and Attitudes on Slavery, Hunterdon County, New Jersey," LVIII (July, 19^0), 153-169; (October, 19^), 240-253. 663. Newman, Philip. "The First I. W. W. Invasion of New Jersey," LVIII (October, 19^0), 268-283. 664. Nadworny, Milton J. "New Jersey Workingmen and the Jacksonians, " LXVII (July, 1949), 185-198. 665. Popper, S. H. "New Tensions in Old Newark: Germanic Influence and the Sabbath Observance Controversy, I87O-I9IO," LXX (April, 1952), 121-132. 666. Wilson, Harold F. "The North American Phalanx: An Experiment in Communal Uving," LXX (July, 1952), I88-209. .' . ; IIIXX V .Y,^3J3aY3 veil 3£iT" ^9loi;fTJ3 als'«'T b3d^sS6JZir.u -■''■■■ i - -nuii-O gnigaiM a'xenjsilscl" .S .-.IvI^a ^asoiwoa .6^? ©viassiao"*! erf J Pins Jbiia nsnau/B a-^lTBrfO" .fi fnsrfoxH tiiacrasda •Pc''^ .04£-^S£ JodPi ^i&daeiq&Z) IXIJ'.XX '\s;}i9BS'djBtsfyi al yS'ie'i \-j=i^i-r48x ^-^r'-fli /-.,--;■•.■. :-u.3sT .-' .:.H ^visvs-ES no esJ&yJid-M bna "osvalS" .:tidcft'H i.+blau-oa .SdS .8t-I-e8i ,{;;'^i ticit'l.) U\Vai .££X-xsi ae^ei .QOS-88i ,(2-f: ^aijs'sx evlsscato'^ sdT riooS an'./ 1o aolitbtsGd iBOl-iOisiH 9Ji8:r8 iHoY waJl _^I-x :»,rt:jiiJp . Y30T31H :?i HOY Wg: •■•.roi' wsll ni leilsH lo aJosqaA laolioJaiH sflioS" .tsccoH ,.EJilo'5 .ITd ".?(-.•■.. V9V1 iBlnoIoO nl ^builv^eS. bsiuiaabaV ,^L .IsjotsS iSaXoM .r.Td '\3i-rcY wail lij-id-asO to .3xl:txnsBi9vIi:5 scT" .no.-^aS 99'io£»0 ^aslu'.'O .$.!''? iosiiicxoO 3-a0ii?3A dls3u^;t£ '8ie»iJioM 3ffT" .r.3di6l ^^iifL) IV .iSi-COl ^Ot^I ,1 :iIX '\eOCx-£88i ,^i:XoifiO VIX '\y.Ci:l sonlS flaiJr;-:j30 ri:fio?! ax arnotsa TodaJ-LJliO" . .7*^? .:r3-ccs .(Y^.^i ^yLjh) vix '%-iocf«j i)ixr::i 52 689. Franklin, John Hope. "The Free Negro in the Economic Life of Ante- Bellum North Carolina/' XIX (July, 19*^2), 239-259; (October, 19^2), 359-375. 690. Spraggins, Tinsley Lee. "Mobilization of Negro Labor for the Department of Virginia and North Carolina, I86I-I865," XXIV (April, 19^*7), 160-197. 691. Jolley, Harley E. "The Labor Movement in North Carolina, I88O- 1922," XXX (July, 1953), 35^-375. 692. Ross, M. H. "Court Decisions Involving Trade Unions in North Carolina: A Bibliography," XXX (October, 1953), ^7-^82. 693. Collins, Herbert. "The Idea of Cotton Textile Industry in the South, 1870-1900," XXXIV (July, 1957), 358-392. 69^. Logan, Frenise A. "The Econcsnic Status of the Tovra Negro in Post -Reconstruction North Carolina," XXXV (October, 1958), 448-460. NORTHWEST OHIO QUARTERLY . Historical Society of Northwestern Ohio, 1929--. ^Issued as Historicea Society of North - western Ohio Quarterly Bulletin , 1929-1943^ 695. Slckerson, Frank R. "The Founding of the Toledo University of Arts and Trades," XVIII (April, 1946), 68-88. 696. "University of Toledo: Manual Training School Era, 1884-1900, " XX (April, 1948), 97-117. 697. . "The Fight For Life: The University of Toledo, 1900-1909," XX (Autumn, 1948), I68-I9I. 698. Cunningham, J. W. "'Social Security ' —l827 Style," XXIII (Autumn, 1951), 191-194. 699. Downes, Randolph C. "The People's Schools: Popular Foundations of Toledo's Public School System," XXIX (Winter, 1956-57), 9-26; (Spring, 1957), 108-116. 700. Anderson, Elliott J. "The Scott Nearing Controversy in Toledo, 1916-1917/' XXIX (Spring, 1957), 72-88; (Summer, 1957), 161-173; (Autumn, 1957), 206-223. 701. Morgan, John M. "The Ann Arbor Strike of I893," XXX (Summer, 1958), 164-176. .Voi-Odi. .(V+l^I ,ii:iqA) -i\Z'*^^t ,(£v!i2i .-^iiJi.: XXi: \S5^I .584-734 /^£i^Ql ,X9doJ-oO; XXX "^xdqB-csolidlS A cjsciloxpC .?£e-i?ef. t(V;^X all-''''* TT'JCX ",0Ot.'-:;T8l ^rl^uco nJ; crt^?'! rrwo'!? oricr 'io sufe^h oifnorioo3 sriT" .A ^nlaatl ,ni5y';J .4-'5d n-re+Dsvul^yvf '.to ^siooft Isol-xoiaiH .YJH3T?lAUp OIBO TcSl-fflTgOl-l .88-80 A^Qi- iS.tiqJ.) IIIVX '\9ebc^ bas sjtA .TII-T'c- vCS'^P-i; .-i^iAj XX ",00v?X-»i5dl ril.-jC "^e-u-cja TS'^J— '\r:tJ:Tj.'oe?. lalooE'" .W .1. .ms^isnir-auO .8^^ «aoi-«J;nuo'? laijjqpl :s.locAoZ t.^slqcal prfT" .0 rfllcJtai^ v39fivroa .'$(;d ic)^-^' t(Y':-3?^X ,i9JnlW) XIXX -^ffic+av?. loorfoa oildt/i a'-^belif^ lo ^of-s.icX rri xatsvoiJaoD snJhcBdH *d-o:i3 adT" .t t'T.JriX?. ^noafsfcnA .O'-T ti««fiau;3' XXX '\f:^l I0 ooLtije ^ocfTrt .miA s.IT" .m nnoU ^caaaoW ,ICT 53 OHIO HISTORICAL QUARTERLY . Ohio Historical Society, I887--. /Issued as Ohio ArchaelologiceLl and Historical Publications , 1887-I89T; Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly , 1898-1935^ Issued irregularly, 1887-1897^7 702. Hooper, Osman C. "The Coxey Movement in Ohio/' IX (October, I900), 155-176. 703. Mengert, H. R. "The Ohio_Worlanen's Compensation Law," XXIX (January, 1920), 1-48. ^See also (October, 1920), 557-558, 560^ 70k. "Lincoln on Labor: In Speech at Cincinnati, I859," XXXII (January, 1923), 284-289- 705. Wilson, Charles Jay. "The Negro in Early Ohio," XXXIX (October, 1930), 717-768. 706. Van Cleef, Eugene. "The Finns in Ohio," XLIII (October, 193^), 452-460. 707. Pordyce, Wellington G. "Immigrant Colonies in Cleveland," XLV (October, 1936), 320-340. 708. . "Nationality Groups in Cleveland Politics," XLVI (April, 1937), 109-127. 709. . "Immigrant Institutions in Cleveland," XLVII (April, 1938), 87-103. 710. ^_. "Attempts to Preserve National Cultures in Cleveland," XLIX (April -June, 194o), 128-149 . 711. Kolehmainen, John I. "Founding of the Finnish Settlements in Ohio," XLIX (April-June, 1940), 15O-I59. 712. Waite, Frederick C. "An Indenture of I83I in Portage County, Ohio," LV (July-September, 1946), 288-292. 713- Zornow, William F. "Bellamy Nationalism in Ohio I89I to I896," LVIII (April, 1949), 152-170. 714. Wittke, Carl. "Peter Witt, Tribune of the People," LVIII (October, 1949), 361-377- 715- Hubbard, Paiol G. "A Toledo Trade Union and the Arizona Constitution of I9IO," LXVII (April, 1958), 109-128. 716. Fine, Sidney. "The Toledo Chevrolet Strike of 1935/' LXVII (October, 1958), 326-356. 717. Shover, John L. "Washington Gladden and the Labor Question," LXVIII (October, 1959), 335-352. ■&UJS LsDi - ^olcs£ d:>s:A ^iBici cl.iO ;7Q^rr-"56^'. i£-''-:5:XffL(I ^gnuViiiqA) XIJX ni '.rfa«36X^*9-'; .laXmii'i 9d^ "io gn ii)ai;o'i" .1 mioL ^asataaidslcji . 'J"\ .^J^X-Cc'.i ,(U4«PX ,9U0-G-ilTqA) XIJX '\ohiO iC-''-i'JO'' .?4;j33-toT aj. S'i8l 'XV fiiLi'Sasbal nA" .0 ifr-.t-'shs^'? ,s-Jisy .SIT '\^ei Oj if-'8X oirfO fij. ns,iXaaoJ::f«W ^waXXsa" .'£ inBliliV? ^woaioS .tIT .OTX-y?i ^{9^1 .liiqA) IIIVJ IMVJ %9lqoj«I orl.+ lo am-dlaT ,+.+i-.' i9^3^" . i-ieO ^aiUJ^iV .*iiT Bn'-'Si-tA 9ff:' i>f:s noJriiJ 9X1B1T obsloT ^'." .0 i,-.«"t ti)X£c<"cJ;;H -clIT .P-^X-^OX ,(6?QX ,Xi-7A) IIVXJ '\Q1IoT srfl ' .^:snbt3 ^onl?. .dXT ■ ^Zi-KZl ^(Qet'X ^I3cforfo0) IIIVXJ 54 7l8. Gutman, Herbert G. "An Iron Workers' Strike in the Ohio Valley, 1873-187^/' LXVIII (October, 1959), 353-370. OREGON HISTORICAL QUARTERLY . Oregon Historical Society, I9OO— . 719- Blue, George Verne. "A Hudson's Bay Company Contract for Hawaiian Labor," XXV (March, 1924), 72-75- 720. Stearns, Marjorie R. "The Settlement of the Japanese in Oregon," XXXIX (September, 1938), 262-269. 721. Stone, Harry W. "Beginnings of Labor Movement in the Pacific Northwest," XLVII (June, 19^6), 155-164. 722. Tobie, Harvey Elmer. "Oregon Labor Disputes, I919-23: I, The Living Wage," XLVIII (March, 19^7), 7-24; "II, Government and Wages," (September, 1947), 195-213; "HI, Local Controversies," (December, 1947), 309-32I. 723. Marshall, Willieim A. "Workmen's Compensation Law: Notes on the Beginning," LIV (December, 1953), 273-290. 724. Moreland, Robert M. "Development of Industrial Arts in Oregon's School System," LIV (December, 1953), 301-315. 725. Tyler, Robert L. "I. W. W. in the Pacific N. W. : Rebels of the Woods," LV (March, 1954), 3-44. PACIFIC HISTORICAL REVIEW . Quarterly. Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association, 1932 — . 726. Rowland, Donald. "The United States and the Contract Labor Question in Hawaii, I862-I90O," II (September, 1933), 2^9-269. 727. McKelvey, Blake. "Penology in the Westward Movement," II (December, 1933), 418-^38. 728. Sandmeyer, Elmer C. "California Anti-Chinese Legislation and the Federal Courts: A Study in Federal Relations," V (September, 1936), 189-211. --&>Ji .•.-JfJ-'--- r£?rr^*3JfcH jc^fi-rk. . YJ.:^:^"."^^'.:.? JlATL^iOTBTH 'JiOCgHQ . f .T . -v^-c,-* «' cCs- .iddasos'l" VLi .30 L-inlj^sS srf- .: 0..-. -..I* .Jl o^-^ioe'' srfl ni .W .H .1" .J .: vrT .^'iT 55 729* Caughey, John Walton. "Current Discussion of California's Migrant Labor Problem," VIII (December, 1939), 3'*7-35^. 730. Ladenaon, Alex. "The Background of the Hawaiian -Japanese Labor Convention of l886," IX (December, 19^^), 389-'»00. 731. Merrlstt, H. 0. "Ethnic Settlement of Montana," XII (June, 19'»3)/ 157-168. 732. Knoles, George Harmon. "Populism and Socialism, %rlth Special Reference to the Election of 1892," XII (September, 19'»3)/ 295-304. 733. Kauer, Ralph. "The Workingmen's Party of California," XIII (September, 19^*^), 278-291. 73U. Saloutos, Theodore. "The Montana Society of Equity," XIV (December, 19^*5), 393-^08. 735. Destler, Chester McA. "Shall Red and Black Unite? An American Revolutionary Document of I883," XIV (December, 19^*5), h3k-k31. 736. Whltten, Woodrow C. "Trial of Charlotte Anita Whitney," XV (September, 19^^), 286-29'*. 737. Gertiard, Peter. "The Socialist Invasion of Baja California, 19U," XV (September, 19^^), 295-304. 738. Splitter, Henry Wlnfred. "Concerning Vinette's Los Angeles Regiment of Coxey's Army," XVII (February, 19^8), 29-36. 739* Whltten, Woodrow C. "The Wheatland Episode," XVII (February, 1948), 37-42. 740. Levis, Ruth R. "Kaveah: An Experiment in Cooperative Colonization," XVII (November, 1948), 429-441. 741. Bean, Walton E. "Boss Ruef, the Union Labor Party, and the Graft Prosecution in San Francisco, I9OI-I9II," XVII (Hovember, 1948), 443-455. 742. McKee, Irving. "The Background and Early Career of Hiraun Warren Johnson, I866-I9IO," XIX (February, 1950), 17-30. 743. Higham, John. "The American Party, I886-I89I," XIX (February, 1950), 37-46. 744. Elliott, Russsll R. "Labor Troubles in the Mining Camp at Goldfield, Nevada, I906-1908," XIX (November, 1950), 369-384. 745. Brown, Giles T. "The West Coast Phase of the Maritime Strike of 1921," XIX (Hovember, 1950), 385-396. tc ■ ^^t-x^f. k(v.,i_ »CO+K?I tiddasofiG) Xi '\^Bl 'lo aolin9vao'J .6bI-T5X Jarosqa il*tw ,asB.^la}ocA ba& ajazIuqo'T ' .noxaxsE sg-iosC ^39ica:}f .S£T • K-'f-cigS i(£4iti ,-iscf2ie.7q?e) IIX '\S^I lo 30J:dosI2 sri^ od sonsTtelsii IIIX '\i«imo*iJHBO lo x^Bl a'nsaianriioV/ 'idT" .riqls*? .lauaiX .ITX VIX '\>ijlu^ Ic 'c^^iooS jBCB-^ooM sifT" .srtono^xfT ^3CJiUoXe3 .itc-^8£ ^(0?tX .-T'^cf,?' -H) Xiy "tiSe- 56 7^. Van Valen, Nelson. "The Bolsheviki and the Orange Growers," XXII (February, 1953), 39-50. ^k^, Holt, W. Stull. "Some Consequences of the Urban Movement in American History," XXII (November, 1953), 337-351. ^k8. Appel, John C. "American Labor and the Annexation of Hawaii: A Study in Logic and Economic Interest," XXIII (February, 195^), 1-18. Jk9. Tyler, Robert L. "The Everett Free Speech Fight," XXIII (February, 195^), 19-30. 750, ELaisdell, Lowell L. "Was It Revolution or Filibustering? The Mystery of the Flores Magon Revolt in Baja California," XXIII (May, 195^), 1^7-16^^. 751- Karlin, Jules Alexander. "The Anti-Chinese Outbreak in Tacoma, 1885," XXIII (August, 195^), 271-283. 752. Splitter, Henry Winfred. "Quicksilver at NewAlmaden," XXVI (February, 1957), 33-^9- 753. Quint, Howard H. "Gaylord Wilshire and Socialism's First Congressional Campaign," XXVI (November, 1957), 327-3^- 75li.. Seager, Robert, II. "Some Denominational Reactions to Chinese Immigration to CaUfomia, I856-I892," XXVIII (February, 1959), 49-66. 755. Hundley, Norris C, Jr. "Katherine Philips Bdson and the Fight for the California Minimum Wage, 1912-1923," XXIX (August, I96O), 271-285. PACIFIC NORTHWEST QUARTERLY . University of Washington, I9O6- I9O8; 1912--. ^Issued as Washington Historical Quarterly , I906-I935J' 756. Wilcox, B. P. "Anti-Chin«se Riots in Washington," XX (July, 1929), 204-212. 757. Underbill, W. M. "Historic Bread Riot in Virginia City," XXI (July, 1930), 189-194. 758. Winton, Harry N. M., editor. "The Powder River and John Day Mines in 1862: Diary of Winfield Scott Ebey," XXXIII (October, 1942), 409-437; XXXIV (January, 1943), 39-86. oc. .vTlBtTrf-j'?) III}a ^jrfgiift -'c:&9;[3 e^T*^. c^^p-t9v3 srfT' .J .+i-;Jofl ,isi\-T .t^i^ .'■•-VI <(^cei IIIXX '\BJui\c^LisO BlsS. al .ilovsiT cejjaJ^ hetill silj 'n ^13+i.xM • CBs-iTs ^(ji^yi ^i3■..'^^A) IIIXX ".;;e;.; -50OI ,co^i,.' :.'{■= ^W lo vJJtBiavlnU .y. -"^ .IHEITT CK QIIID.V? .-rsioj-O) IIIX>r>: '\\;9d3 cr>+o33 ijisllc^W 'lo -..ii:!! :..._ ._ zar^m 57 759- Arestad, Sverre. "The Norwegians in the Pacific Coast Fisheries," XXXIV (January, 19^3), 3-17. 760. Reuss, Carl F. "The Farm Labor Problem in Washington, I917-I8," XXXIV ^tober, 19^3), 339-352. 761. Johnson, Claudius 0. "The Adoption of the Initiative and Referendum in Washington," XXXV (October, 19^), 291-303. 762. . "The Initiative and Referendum in Washington," XXXVI (January, 19^5), 29-63. 763. Winner, Dorothy. "Rationing During the Montana Gold Rush," XXXVI (April, 1945), 115-120. 764. "Trouble in the Coal Mines, I889: Documents of an Incident at Newcastle, W. T.," XXXVII (July, 19^), 231-257- 765. Karlin, Jviles Alexander. "The Anti-Chinese Outbreaks in Seattle, 1885-1886," XXXIX (April, 19^8), 103-130. 766. Tyler, Robert L. "Violence at Centralia, 1919," XLV (October, 1954), 116-124. 767. Tharp, Marilyn. "Story of Coal at Newcastle," XLVIII (October, 1957), 120-126. 768. Sotting, David C, Jr. "Bloody Sunday," XLIX (October, 1958), 162-172. PALIMPSEST . Monthly. State Historical Society of Iowa, 1920—. 769. McMurry, Donald L. "Kelly's Army," IV (October, 1923), 325-3^5. 770. "Tramping with Kelly through Iowa: A Jack London Diary," VII (May, 1926), 129-158. 771. Petersen, William J. "Regulating the Lead Miners," XVII (June, 1936), 185-200. 772. Bergmann, Leola Nelson. "The Scandinavians Come to Iowa," XXXVII (March, 1956), 1^5-155. '\6i-VI'$l ,no*5«iflosW at fflsIcfoT!^ jodaJ urtu'i aiiT'' .1. LieO ..aaj^fsS ObT '^noJ-sniris^V/ d jauinsialsH i>a£ evx^slilal sdT" .fS-^ ^(c-*^X ^i^^yaunalT rVXXX ■^o\ .021-;? II J5*^^i ti:-iqA; r«xx wj& c-^rpisloiil nj3 la :0SoI ^&=>n-LM LeoO srfJ nl S'lcfywTl" .'ii^V .TeSie«i ,(dJei t^Ii^-") IIVICXX ",..T .W ^3l:»^.aoweK »?;^cfea<3 as. aiasadi^LO &a:>*3irtO-2va.\ 9dT" . ra^exsIA esxi-'L li-iilxsM -cdV • OeX-cOI JS4ICI ,Xi:iqA) XIX:a '\^8&I-?86l ,i9:ioJcO) VJX '\9I9i ,£i:Iaii.390 .t£ ^r-aalolV ' -J i-iS'ioH ^islrf .c)dY • iisi-exL ,(4i?ei .?..[-osi »(Yc')IiciEli: 3v*«iS .TcIirctaoM ..1g:i3j;:i ■ jH .--csei ■"" '".'^a^u rrr, f.;i:< _ ?ioB'- A tjtiw.I rig^ 'i.-j ^Llrfl f!5l'.v y.-i JqjE.'rs'.'" .CAT .^vir-c^.: ,(S?PI ,vi ■:-•.: -'-M) IBT^:-' 58 PENNSYLVANIA HISTORY . Quarterly. Pennsylvania Historical Association, I93U--. 773. Itter, William A. "Early Labor Troubles in the Schuylkill Anthracite District," I (January, 193^), 26-37. TJh. Miller, William. "The Effects of the American Revolution on Indentured Servitude," VII (July, 19^0), 131-li+l. 775. Schlegel, Marvin W. "The Workingmen's Benevolent Association: First Union of Anthracite Miners," X (October, 19^3)> 2^^3-267- 776. Hogg, J. Bernard. "Public Reaction to Pinkertonism and the Labor Question," XI (July, 19^), 171-199- 777. Pritchard, Paul W. "William B. Wilson, Master Workman," XII (April, 1945), 81-108. 778. Purcell, Richard J. "Irish Settlers in Early Delaware," XIV (April, 1947), 94-107. 779. Sullivan, William A. "Philadelphia Labor During the Jackson Era," XV (October, 19^8), 305-320. 780. ♦ "A Decade of Labor Strife," XVII (January, 1950), 23-38. 781. Kuritz, Hyman. "Criminal Conspiracy Cases in Post-Bellvmi Pennsylvania," XVII (October, 1950), 292-301. 782. Theiss, Lewis Edwin. "Lumbering in Penn's Woods," XIX (October, 1952), 397-412. 783. Nuschke, Marie Kathem. "Hicks, Fighters and Clog Dancers: Early Lumber Camps in Freeman Run Valley," XIX (October, 1952), 435-451. 784. Pessen, Edward. "The Ideology of Stephen Simpson, Upperclass Champion of the Early Philadelphia Workingmen's Movement," XXII (October, 1955), 328-340. 785. Klebaner, Benjamin Joseph. "Employment of Paupers at Philadelphia's Almshouse Before I86I," XXIV (April, 1957), 137-147- 786. Pessen, Edwsird. "Thomas Brothers, Ant i -Capitalist Employer," XXIV (October, 1957), 321-330. 787. Johnson, Donald. "The Political Career of A. Mitchell Palmer," XXV (October, 1958), 345-370. 788. Cleland, Hugh G, "The Effects of Radical Groups on the Labor Movement," XXVI (April, 1959), 119-132. <3'. ■ I idGj 3rf7 !:.ij? aeiffcnsdnH ot nGi-lOe-jS ::.lXvii;^' .h-jienisS ,1- tj'B'''^ -^ri' .■ OZ-iS ,1'"':-'PI .xtiq^) VIX ",,-iBwsaS>a vX«sj3j as. n-^XcJct^.^ rieiril' -t iifi'.lsi'-T ^IlvviiM .8TT • YOX-iiP \vT->'vX t-IH'7A; ''■^A'::S rxca-ioBl. eat ^airs'jQ lodaJ al:\ilob£llii'i" .A f.:alIiiV,' : " -li- ^Ji:lLi:■yI ■i5ll£:iqti0-'iiaj. , sisxldo-tS jsaroc'I'" .MawixH ^n^^h3^1 .diiY "tiC/i^iBl iX'V.:iJl. ,A iO Teet£^D £iiC-icJXIo0) VXX s^-c'iyJ ii!-' ;-o r;qLfo^tj X/5-.lfe4»>i "^v iJ-o^^'nOi s/fT" .C tisrH ^ijacXaXO .83T ".■"^ll .'^C'^I ^XiiqA) r.Ttt "..jnarnsvot'i 59 789. Fenton, Edwin. "Italians in the Labor Movement," XXVI (April, 1959), 133-1^8. PENNSYLVANIA MAGAZIME OF HiaTORY AMD BIOGRAPHY . Quarterly. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, lb77— . 790. Turner, Edward Raymond. "Slavery in Colonial Pennsylvania," XXXV (April, 1911), 1^1-151. 791. Mning, Arthur Cecil. "The Iron Plantations of Eeurly Pennsylvania," LVII (April, 1933), 117-137. 792. Crane, Vemer W. "Benjamin Franklin on Slavery and American Liberties," LXII (January, 1938) > l-H- 793. Jackson, Sidney L. "Labor, Education, and Politics in the iSSO's," LXVI (July, 19^2), 279-293. 79lt.. Wilkinson, Norman B. "The Philadelphia Free Produce Attack Upon Slavery," LXVI (July, 19^*2), 29^-313. 795. Pendleton, 0. A. "Poor Relief in Philadelphia, 1790-l84o," LXX (April, 19^), 161-172. 796. Bernstein, Leonard. "The Working People of Philadelphia from Colonial Times to the General Strike of I835," LXXIV (July, 1950), 322-339. 797. Phillips, Harlan B. "A War on Philadelphia's Slums: Walter Vrooman and the Conference of Moral Workers, I893," LXXVI (Jfimuary, 1952), U7-62. 798. Arky, Louis H. "The Mechanics' Union of Trade Associations and the Formation of the Philadelphia Workingmen's Movement," LXXVI (April, 1952), IU2-I76. 799. Sullivan, William A. "The Industrial Revolution and the Factory Operative in Pennsylvania," LXXVIII (October, 195^), ^76-^94. 800. Yearley, Clifton K., Jr. "Thomas Phillips, A Yorkshire Shoemaker in Hiiladelphia," LXXIX (April, 1955), I67-I96. 801. Butterfield, Roger. "George Lippard and His Secret Brotherhood," LXXIX (July, 1955), 285-309. 802. Gutman, Herbert G. "Two Lockouts in Pennsylvania, l873-l87^," LXXXIII (July, 1959), 307-326.'. .ftsdiJ '\C+i8l-0QTI te.r.-sl±ifl ax lsJ:l9?I "loc^" .A .0 ,ao^9ii>rf3«[ .?:^ .STf-lM .(?^I ti^lqA) JOCJ t\;IaX,) VIXXJ \cS£.i- "io sjlliJa le-isaeO adi ct p.saxT LBlnoXoO IVXXi '\£56l tSiaiioW It/re*! to aonsTtsT^o*} ad* ind -ft 3n-oI.T£ rooasA ^bcxL to noxr.'. icinsdja^i oJa' .L bXi.'CJ ^ X'f "\Jnasc9voM B'ci'iTn'.-r.talncW Blrii^J!?.i^^iifi Siij io .lOiJrr-io'i siii .BVi-G4l ,(S,^^I ..xiiqA) r/XXJ •CTOioBi sec* f-os coi^Tiovsa i.il7Jai.?:Gl Sri?" -A aielilxW ^OBVilljA: .^l^^i-J^T^. .(tlcvX iisdo^oO) IIIVXXI '\fllftBVi\aans^ ai svliaisqC; .a^i-ToI MV^l Klirtik) XIXXJ '^jSidqli^ijBlirfi ax .PO£-^fis ^(r^x^I ,X^I.) XlXXi ".•".f7l-rT''i .al.TavXv=ru-:9'7 nl sitrojiooj ovT" .0 JiadisH ,i-fa3t*i/T0 .SC6 .cSf-VOS ,(5?.ei t'i-^^) IlliC^XJ 60 POLISH AMERICM STUDIES . Biarmually. Polish American Historical Association of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America, St. Meury's College, 19^+4 — . 803. Bemigia, Sister M. "The Polish Immigrant in Detroit to I91U," II (January- June, 19^5), 4-11. 804. Swastek, Rev. Joseph. "The Poles in South Bend to 19l4," II (July -December, 19^5), 79-88. 805. Accxirsia, Sister M. "Polish Miners in Luzerne County, Pennsylvemia, " III (January- June, 19^+6), 5-12. 806. Gaudentia, Sister M. "The Polish People of Passaic," V (July- December, 1948), 74-83. 807. Accursia, Sister M. "Poles in Shenandoah, Pennsylvania," VI (January- June, 1949), 9-13. 808. Theodosetta, Sister M. "The Poles in Blossburg, Pennsylvania," VII (July-December, 1950), 73-78. 809. Siekaniec, Rev. L. J. "The Polish Colony of Sioux City," IX (January- June, 1952), 24-27- 810. Zand, Helen Stankiewicz. "Polish Family Folkways in the Itoited States," XIII (July-December, 1956), 77-88. 811. Lucille, Sister. "Polish Farmers and Workers in the United States to 1914," XV (January-June, 1958), 1-9- 812. Libera, Paul. "Polish Settlers in Winona, Minnesota," XV (January-June, 1958), 18-29 . 813. Chmielewski, Rev. Edward A. "Polish Settlement in East Minneapolis, Minn.," XVII (January -June, I960), 14-27- PROCEEDINGS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY . Annually. The Society, 1791. 814. "Sarah Brovrae bound apprentice," XX (November, I882), 2-3- 815. "Articles of Apprenticeship, 1776/' XLIV (May, I9II), 657-658. Go -\ .ic, . -i OJ jd:;v.t u*uo8 .:x 33X0I sdT" .c- irt;-, ./;-.. ^W9:taflw8 .4^06 , 88-07 , ( ?ilpj; ,-'902e-.^9Ci- •.:I;.'f } .SI-? »(^vJ- i9aL-V^^.c-'8l.) Ill -V ■ Jl. ! >^ .^i-9 (^^•'K'l ,:<'^;^- -ii^i-ni''."' .^-j:_dvii..^.n:vi ^£•I:.!C^■iisa^'i{ :^h?: '^ ?^Ka-:m 7.1: aodj^J iiaa ^nsJ" .&\sdZ10 .'i ninB r.,ned[ .biis j.H JbievJsE .eswoH .) VIX '\04i>X-0v.>yi--eI.ri:M .i^il-OXi Jccv.i ■ — C£^X tV^iBtdiJ. VIX '\i?d-35r'jo?I xil i^&I to aoXaasiqoQ odT" .3 axsi^ictBi: ^■I?X^ri .^f.8 ",\;-:J a {-'>.•! soxS 79J-asaooH siIcT- lo Yiod^XH A" .s^LeXE .•yi9vXaX:3M .T£6 • 32-X ,(£<'-.• ^llzaji) VX ^3 838. McKelvey, Blake. "The Irish in Rochester: An Historical Retrospect," XIX (October, 1957), I-I6. 839. . "The Germans of Rochester: Their Traditions and Contributions," XX (January, I958), 1-28. ^°- . "The Men's Clothing Industry in Rochester's History," XXII (July, i960), 1-32. 8^1' . "The Italians of Rochester: An Historical Review," XXII (October, I96O), l-2l^. SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL MAGAZINE . Quarterly. South Carolina Historical Society, 19OO— . /^Issued as South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine , 1900-1950^ 8^2. Jervey, Theo. D. "The White Indentured Servants of South Carolina," XII (October, I9II), 163-171. 8^3. Morris, Richard B. "White Bondage in Ante-Bellum South Carolina," XLIX (October, 19^8), I9I-207. &kk. Walsh, Richard. "The Charleston Mechanics: A Brief Study, 1760-1776," LX (July, 1959), 123-lif'*. 845. Griffin, Richard W. "Poor White Laborers in Southern Cotton Factories, I789-I865," LXI (January, I96O), 26-40. SOUTHWECTERN HISTORICAL QUARTERLY . Texas State Historical Association, 1897--. ^Issued as Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association , 1897-1912^ 846. Holden, W. C. "The Problem of Hands on the Spur Ranch," XXXV (January, 1932), 194-207. 847. Allen, Ruth Alice. "The Capitol Boycott: A Study in Peaceful Labor Tactics," XLII (April, 1939), 316-326. ^(oaei :. Tt-j;- .D ■'.-ro i;,-ieu!- u.- b4 TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE . Quarterly. Society for the History of Technology, 1959—. 848. Drucker, Peter F. "Work and Tools," I (Winter, 1959), 28-3?. TENNESSEE HISTORICAL QUARTERLY . Tennessee Historical Commission and Tennessee Historical Society, 1915-1926; 1930-1937; 19^2 — . /^Issued as Tennessee Historical Magazine , First Series, I915-I926, publication suspended April, 1922- -January, 1924; Second Series, 1930-1937, three voliimes issued irregularly^ 849. Henry, H. M. "The Slave Laws of Tennessee," First Series, II (September, I916), 175-203. 850. "Management of Negroes Upon Southern Estates — An Echo of Slave Days in the Southland," First Series, V (July, I919), 97-106. /Excerpt frcaa J. D. B. DeBov, Industrial Resources of the Southwest .7 851. Mooney, Chase C. "Some Institutional and Statistical Aspects of Slavery in Tennessee," I (September, 19^2), 195-228. 852. Belissary, C. G. "Tennessee and Immigration, I865-I88O," VII (September, 1948), 229-248. 853. Corlew, Robert E. "Sanae Aspects of Slavery in Dickson County," X (September, 1951), 224-248; (December, 1951), 344-365. 854. Belisseu:y, Constantine G. "Behaviour Patterns and Aspirations of the Urban Working Classes of Tennessee in the Inanediate Post-Civil War Era," XIV (March, 1955), 24-42. ITTAH HISTORICAL QUARTERLY . Utah State Historical Society, 192e-1933; 1939- . 855. Snow, William J. "Utah Indians and Spanish Slave Trade," II (July, 1929), 67-90. 856. Papanikolas, Helen Zeese. "The Greeks of Carbon County," XXII (April, 1954), 143-164. •TC-8S ,(P<^I .lecfniW) T '\ a. iooT ixiB AidV" .1 10S9I ^i^ylosna .648 noise inunoO Isoi-toialH saaaannsT .YJgaT»{/.Up JA0IH0T81H ^tZliimwr iXitqA i>3i)n6:.;sua r:o.v... -, ^-... .. D-^^l ,3i!^-is8 .-t^." ' ~ ^^XLialifii-inil Jbsi-asi ^^jej^ .v IX ^aeltsB iniVi '^asaaaaatr Ic bwaI ^wbIc. adT" .M .3 tY?WT3H .'^48 svflXcJ I0 orfr'3 nA--as*«t3a ; 3SC7gsi-1 l;o *r.".'E35^c<.pM' .cOX-Te .(eXPX rC--*X.} V t.sX.sT, Jciia ",r.nfi:iic^, o3 -.IJ ni .,,•; ^ . J 3 9Vj fv t 0Op , "..Y^ntroO noarloXG al VTyvsXS ic bJD31X ". ■' nx v-tocfc.;ti . -.' JifJsaioT .Ode. •t.?'.u.i-J ^ jcnis'^iV .^i-T'ftFjvQ ■ SGAD.IAV^.."' lYji'I/'; '■>;■; . 4io-')i i:x lA0o?3r:'oJta ai. i:'.-'.'.i:!^^yi" ■ '.- .^- ^shoir: ■ i>3 .+'■0'.' 66 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL MAGAZINE . Quarterly. Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, 1918 — . 867. "The Factory Riots in Allegheny City," V (July, 1922), 203-211. 868. James, Alfred P. "The First Convention of the American Federation of Labor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 15th -l8th, I88I: A Study in Contemporary Local Newspapers as a Source," VI (October, 1923), 201-233; VII (January, 1924), 29-56; (April, 1924), 106-120. 869. Southwick, A. F. "Ethnic Elements of Colonial Pennsylvania and the Population of Today," VI (October, 1923), 234-249. 870. Henderson, James A. "The Railroad Riots in Pittsburgh, Saturday and Sunday, April 21st and 22nd, 1877>" XI (July, I928), 194-197- 871. Halich, Wasyl. "Ukrainians in Western Pennsylvania," XVIII (June, 1935), 139-146. 872. Marshall, Leon S. "The English and American Industrial City of the Nineteenth Century," XX (September, 1937), I69-I8O. 873. Marchbin, Andrew A. "Hungarian Activities in Western Pennsylvania," XXIII (September, 194o), 163-174. 874. Ceurver, George. "Legend in Steel," XXVII (September-December, 1944), 129-136. 875. Sullivan, William A. "The Pittsburgh Working Men's Party," XXXIV (September, 1951), I5I-I6I. WEST VIRGINIA HISTORY . Quarterly. State Department of Archives and History, 1939 — . 876. McCormick, Kyle. "The National Guard of West Virginia During the Strike Period of 1912-1913," XXII (October, 196O), 34-35- ^Xi-iqA) ;c)e-K? A^i-^ ■ ■) HV lliZ-IO'J. ^{l^: ",eXtU-iX^X lo f>oxjt,i 32lx-rc*S eai 67 WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY . _Institute of Early American History and Culture, 1692--. /First Series, I892-I919; Second Series, 1921-19i*-3; Third Series, ISkk—. Issued as William and Ifery College Quarterly Historical Papers , l892-l89irr "William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine , I894-I919, 1921-195317 877' Bjnice, Kathleen. "Slave Labor in the Virginia Iron Industry," Second Series, VI (October, 1926), 289-302; VII (January, 1927), 21-31. 878. Hoyt, William D., Jr., editor. "An Autobiographical Application for Employment, 1788," Third Series, II (October, 19^5), 402-1^05- 879. Handlin, Oscar, and Mary F. Handlin. "Origins of the Southern Labor System," Third Series, VII (April, 1950), 199-222. 880. Nichols, Charles H., Jr. "The Case of William Grimes, the Runaway Slave," Third Series, VIII (October, 195l)> 552-560. WISCONSIN MAGAZINE OF HISTORY . Quarterly. State Historical Society of Wisconsin, I917--. 881. Nelligan, John E. "The Life of a Lumberman," XIII (September, 1229), 3-65; (December, I929), 131-185; (March, 1930), 24l-304. /As told to Charles M. Sheridan^ 882. Schafer, Joseph. "The Wisconsin Phalanx," XIX (June, 1936), 454.474. 883. KLotsche, J. Martin. "The 'United Front' Populists," XX (June, 1937), 375-389. 884. Foreman, Grant. "Settlement of English Potters in Wisconsin," XXI (June, 1938), 375-396. 885. Glover, W. H. "Lumber Rafting on the Wisconsin River," XXV (December, 19^1), 155-177; (March, 19^2), 30Q-32k. 886. Jarstad, Anton. "The Melting Pot in Northeastern Wisconsin," XXVI (June, 19^3), ^35-432. 887. Kolehmainen, John I. "The Finns of Wisconsin," XXVII (June, 19Mf), 391-399. 888. Perlman, Selig. "John Rogers Commons, 1862-1945," XXIX (September, 19^5), 25-31. Vb br.r. ' -w^i-i ,■---■--•- .--■ii . ■. jTSQi .v-xaynjsL) IIV iSCc>CS2 ,< $P<>L . - ^ TV .£.s/v^ .ll-iSi rrisiic^x ■' sriJ lo 8aiai"i0" .nil&oflH ."5 v^M baa ,"iooaO ,ailba«H .^V8 . -.^S-PPi. ,(0??I ..IliqA) IIV ,3di^oa i^il^T ",:.v--*&\:3 -lodAl .0S?-£<(; I'vtclt'I ti9; ' .cjacndrffliul s -Jc s>1iJ erfT" .3 adal. (USailXsH .l88 Xa '\8c;aJXjqc1 'd-aoi'? h^tluU' odT" .cIJ-ibM .L »ndosJoX?l .£88 .f8£-^T£ jTt?X ,sxu/T.) •^e-^T£ t(8£eL ,9Ci>X,) DC\ VX-: "tisviS ciaflooaiW sri* rjo ,'^ni*lsS -.MrauJ" -a .W ^isvoIO .^88 .sp^L^q+i : ,9ni.i,; rvxx .^■91' IPX t(*^^K^X "iC**^X-*i^J ,a0OicaoO atagon ndcV .jjiXs?. ,fj.'3au'i9^ .888 68 889- Stoveken, Ruth. "The Pine Lumberjacks in Wisconsin/' XXX (March, 19^*7), 322-33^. 890. Bradley, Phillips. "Local History Awaits the Prospector," XXXIII (June, 1950), i^03-iHl. 891. Shideler, James H. "The La Follette Progressive Party Campaign of 192*^," XXXIII (June, 1950), hkh-k^l. 892. Witte, Edwin E. "Labor in Wisconsin History," XXXV (Winter, 1951), 83-86, 137-1^2. 893. Reinders, Robert C. "Daniel W. Hoan and the Milwaiakee Socialist Party During the First World War," XXXVI (Autumn, 1952), ^^8-55. 894. Johnston, Scott D. "Wisconsin Socialists and the Conference for Progressive Political Action," XXXVII. (Winter, 1953-5^), 96-IOO. 895. McDonald, Forrest. "Street C8urs and Politics in Milwaukee, 1896-1901," XXXIX (Spring, 1956), 166-I7O, 206-212; (Summer, 1956), 253-257, 271-273. 896. McDonald, Sister M. Justille. "The Irish of the North Countyy," XL (Winter, 1956-57), 126-132. 897. Work, John M. "The First World War," XLI (Autumn, 1957), 32-U4. 898. Keppel, Ann M. "Civil Disobedience on the Mining Frontier," XLI (Spring, 1958), 185-195. 899. Woerdehoff, Frank J. "Dr. Charles McCarthy: Planner of the Wisconsin System of Vocationeil and Adult Education," XLI (Summer, 1958), 270-27^. 900. Marsden, K. Gerald. "Patriotic Societies and Americein Labor: the American Protective Association in Wisconsin," XLI (Summer, I958), 287-29^^. 901. Altmeyer, Arthur J. "The Wisconsin Idea and Social Security," XLII (Autumn, 1958), 19-25. 902. Yanko, Ann E., and Peter A. Kersten, translators. "A Soviet View of the American Past: An Annotated Translation of the Section on American History in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, " XLIII (Autumn, 1959), 2-55- XXX ".aisncasl:'-.' rt p.ji'j£t,ieiEf.a ^atl aril .rifcfjf. .asjlsvoje .P^ ",t scH^wA Y-xocraiH laooj" .^ .0P8 .il-ki-tO^i t('_;j^ .Y^4l.4lW ^{0(:(U ,^ayL) i;:>cxx \+^sei ^0 • • , ^1 .cvuuSu:.' IV'y.XX ''^ibW LItoW sztII - "t:i/Q Yi-s:-.-, •Twt aoasv: . : .i-:'xlexooc nlaaoo&iV.'" ';•: .GOi-cJP ,'v-c- ' .II'«/X>:X ".iici^oA J ^-sc-^irL-a) .bXS-cC'i ,UTX-?ci ,((^^cj: ^griiii-'l >: ; .S£.£-&j' .{Tit-oiQ: -'■^^iat'i<: JLX .*4-S£ . TJX '',xe' • ' ia-i'iZ suT' .h aiioL ^Aro^' .'\9^ . , -. - L-Ts , ( 8? '. .-.; , i j'ssuo ■; 1 ■ ".aiancoaiW -'■ • '.i-^jjcoc-'jaA svi. ■■''•• -• ;.-..■ ■^£<^ '; ' . Y,J-iTi.-'98 IfilDoS he/' - ■'-.J. aiBGOoeiV.' i^riT" ..':Jx ti-Ct^ ■ •'*•'; 69 YEAR BOOK, THE DUTCH SETTLERS SOCIETY OF ALBANY . The Society, 903. Van Laer, A. J. F. "Albany Notarial Papers, 1666-1693," XIII (1937-1938), I-I8. [See especially exeimples of apprenticeship indent lire s^ IfclR 76 (1961-62) BD/df 3/28/62 .■•Cfyi-^ot &dT .■ ^?0d iV- _ JIDTfJO :x?_,;u. a JAHY IT'X ",udX-^oi te-iS4flT leirBio^' \;cjjBdrA" .1 .L .A -TflCvI ni'V .fiC-P 70 SUBJECT INDEX Nvimbers following the subject entries refer to the items in the body of the bibliography. Accidents and disasters Pemberton Mill collapse, 283 Triangle Fire, 1|9 Adams, Henry, 6ii7 Adams, Steve, 306 Agricultural labor, 8, 22, 31, hia Alabama, 36, 37 Arkansas, 137 California, 170, 729, 7hS children, 303 emergency, 511 Louisiana, 13 Mexican, 35 * 131 migratory, Ii80 See also Migrant labor; Migraticai North Carolina, 3ii Puerto Rico, 253 ranch workers, 8U6 southern, 250, U33 tenant farmers, 9, 15, 29 391, 579, 589, 598, 865, 866 See also Share cropping unions and unionism, i;80, 739 wages, 2ii, 26, 30 Washington, 76O Agricultural ladder, theory of, 15, a Alabama agricultural labor, 36, 37 convict labor, 5Ul Freedmen's Bureau, UUo free Negro labor, 6l7 Negro workers, 621 slave labor, lit, UlU Altgeld, John Peter, 86, Ii55, U56, 566 Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin V/orkers, lUU, U78 American Federation of Labor, 261, 265, 360, U22, U87, 868 American Labor Education Service, U3 American labor in Mexico, 38, 232, 668 American Party, 7U3 American Protective Association, 900 American Railway Union, 258 American Society of Equity, 11, 73U American Union of Associationists, 835 Anarchism, 92, U56, li6I;, 6h8 Ann Arbor Strike (1893), 701 Anti -labor activities, 776 See also Injunctions, labor j Man- agement attitudes toward labor Apprenticeship, 128, ihl, 27U, 5o8, 661, 698, 712, 8lli, 815, 862, 903 Arbitration, 173, 176 Arkansas agricultural labor, 137 convict labor, 135 Council of Defense, World War I, 133 free Negro labor, 132 slave labor, 13li, 136 Association of Catholic Trade Unionists, U90 Automobile, Aircraft, and Agricultural Implement torkers of America, International Union, United, hi 360, U85, 716 Automobile workers, hi, 299, 360, U85, 595, 716 Autonomous workmen, U86 Axe makers, lii6, 153 Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council, Chicago, 122 Bakunin, Mikhail, 6Ui Baltimore bricklayers, U69 Society for the Prevention of Pauperism, 93 Bellamy, Edward, 113, 255, 63I, 6U6, 6ii9, 658 Blacksmiths, 188, 203 X3a!II rD?T,H'J3 Qbd COP .^rroijsiaopa ". '?vri'o?>i-o'r'-* n£oi-ir*rA aCV ,11 .^j:' '. ^ .^ ■ r.o''i-i. nriA ;9 bdV .9^': -OVI ,i:J;mo1t':. '^ i~3rfi ^riil r^i. r^f> ':> r >1SS''- ^"^'1 ^^ t^ diT ,$«i; ,?a:'. 5»fuA t < ■ fti^ bos I'3»-i£ 71 Bliss, William Dvdght Porter, 285 Boston employers' associaticMi, con- struction industry, 31^2 police strike (1919)* 651 teachers' salaries, 653 violence, 638 Boycotts, Sli? Brandeis, Louis D. , 2^6, 8l8 Bricklayers, ii69 Brook Farm, 52 Brotherhood of the Union, 80l Brothers, Thomas, 786 Brown, Joseph E,, 252 Brush makers, 199 Buffalo Jewish workers, 683 Polish workers, 68U "Business unionism," l6l Button makers, 152 Byrd, Colonel William, 57 California agricTiltural labor, 729 Chinese workers, 292, 728, 75it criminal syndicalism legis- lation, 736 Japanese workers, laws relating to, 289 mine workers, 171, 752 minimum wage legislation, 755 Workingmen's Party, 733 Yugoslav workers, 295 Capital and labor, 266, 353, 657 Carpenters and Joiners of America, United Brotherhood of, 585 Carpenters, joiners, and cabinetmakers, lU5, 196, 226, 503, 6oU Carpet weavers, 157 Centralia, Washington, riot, 766 Chairmakers, 205 Charleston, South Carolina, mechanics, 6Uli Check-off system, 777 Chemical VJorkers Union, Inter- national, lUi Chicago Back of the Yards Neighbortiood Council, 122 General Managers Association, 3U9 Slovak workers, 535 Welsh workers, h58 Child labor, l6o, 235, 303, 325, IiU8, U70, 589, 686, 687, 688, 862 Chinese workers, 87, 107, 129, 130, 170, 223, 288, 291, 292, 293, 29li, 728, 751, 756, 765 Christian sociology, 237, 238, 28U, 536 Church and labor, 66, 17U, 176, 217, 218, 219, 237, 238, 28U, 536 Cigarmakers, 287 organizing activities, 25U Cigar Makers' International Iftiion of America, l6l, 25U Cincinnati, police strike (I9I8), liil Clayton Anti-Trust Act, 266 Cleveland, immigrants, 707, 708, 709, 710 Closed shop, U97 Clothing workers, 200, 307, 8U0 See also Garment workers j Textile workers Coal miners. See Mine workers Collective bargaining, lumber workers, 25 Collins, Samuel Watkinson, lii6, 153 Colonial labor, hk, 58, 59, 77, 79, 80, 85, 138, 27U, 300, 378, li07, 502, 503, 509, 633, 672, 67U, 791, 8U1, 862 slave artisans, 67, 89, U07 Colorado Chinese workers, 223 coal strike of 1913, 259 mine workers, 68, 220, 570 strikes, lii3 Comb makers, 20ii Commons, John R,, 588, 888 Communism, 55, 290, 582, 78? Communist-Labor Party, 736 Company towns, U68 Company welfare programs, 158 Conference for Progressive Political Action (I92U), 891, 89li Congress of Industrial Organizations, li85 Construction workers, 3U2, 531 Contract labor, IU9, 3U3, 719, 726 tnoiJsi'joasA ■'.•■ .3 ' jdHc^ .985 ;OYiS \£^. ,:^9s j^s J36Q te;5 tOT.f c'dV .d^? .r^^Y ,8^V ,4. .•fjfiio^ffji 'b -.j^jO j^x t(6Xr;Ii B-irr-B stoxT;..; ,i.JsnxrJ;cnjLC' .<:-:0V tSoV .,7 tBtnei^^-^i tbflfilc-/»10 ■■ .IV •nZl-fx^? jRTSjtTDW itiitt.'^rTfiO or. C a 3-?? at who'.-? 'I'-'I ,''yLLr . 4K)snl7{d-sV; XeymaS ^irtCIoO i^'T tT\" . '■ t8c tt'J t-iccTsX Xr,j:r;Ou.o'^ t+!w tST^' i?:£0' t^o? .eo;: t':o?? ^.iC t;3 ,X^r VOi.. ,^?^ -V^ ,?,i<.';pi W3 wbXs o.b£";c>Lc" x'^S tC''.,r J.C soJXr:^ Xsor :-^^ ,OCf: ,8d ,,>:v sxtiun f^S .88? ..H ar •-. ,8nonr:or. •^^r ,.X'"'''S'i iousa-.'u , ' I35X . '?n'n;E3'xi7 i=.'t&7Xw..' ■\ji*sq3io0 ^64: . noirEaXajij'rO X'^sir.! ' ' ■ Lir. ,^!l: — .■: ■) .0 ?i:5 ,7&.+-to". ctrisxKa rtisiXX^-/ (esj-ia -ii'-io «nv ' ■ ■"" " " " Siie I ■ Ct^ t(2ST .icrfflX XiiTX'cfJ;;D.Ligi3 • rOOiJjsX ?.?,T ,J,.rX t^isr-lro-- Q.-J.^- 'L.'-- b.:.i si-sJuftqi/.... bcc:h.>.:':'orH t -..- i:^U » sox-ir.. :-\ c8c' .Ic DC.B --r-"" Veil ,,810.=i9W .J' ^SY t?f .'. J TijJi.-'nDO -"^^nJ. ,not;i'! eie-'JioV/ i- 72 Convict labor, $8, 77, 135, 227, 228, 2U6, 2U8, 252, 388, hhh, 502, 5U, 589, 675, 727 See also Prison labor Cooper, James Feniraore, 75 Cooperative Association of America, 652 Coopers, 186, 197, 210, 211 Cork cutters, l8i4. Cornish workers, 220, 222, 225, 512, 521+ Councils of Defense, World Vfeir I, Arkansas, 133 Oklahoma, 178 Counseling, employee, l63 Court decisions, l67, UOl, ii23, 576, 692, 728 See also Labor and the courts j U.S. Supreme Court and labor Coxey's Array, 17, 557, 702 Craftsmen, 202, 2lU, 215, 2l6, U07 Czech workers, 335 Debs, Eugene V., 118, 315, 317, 319, 539 Delaware cabinetmakers, 226 Irish workers, 778 De Leon, Daniel, 26[i, 1x91 Depressions and panics 1830 's and iSUO's, 81, 296 1850 's, 1870 's. 150, 267, 3U5 6 9h 221, 836 98 1880 's, 1890 's, 1930 >s, Detroit immigrants, 5l8 Negro workers, 628 Polish workers, 803 Die Zukunft , 103 Discrimination in emplojrment, l;03, U25, U27, 626 Disputes, See Strikes and lockouts Domestics and servants, 378, 380 Donnelly, Ignatius, 5U9, 556 Economic democracy, llU Edson, Katherine Philips, 755 Ehrmann, Max, 315 Eight-hour movement, 585, 607 Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, United, U90 Ely, Richard T., 529, 580 Enerson, Ralph Waldo, 632 Employers ' associations, l65, I68, 3U2 Employers ' liability, hll Enqjloyment, 878 guaranteed, 35U See also Unemployment Employment agencies, private, 221 Engels, Friedrich, 65U Everett, Alexander Hill, 630 Everett, Vvfeishington, free speech fight, 7U9, 768 Fair Employment Practice Committee, 1;03, U05, 615 Farm labor. See Agricultural labor Farm-labor cooperation, 11, 18, 20, 180, 311, 330, U39, Uli5, k62y 5Uo, 5Ii9, 551, 552, 553, 55U, 556, 558, 559, 56o, 569, 573, 685, 713, 732, 73U, 89I Farm wage boards, 26, 30 File makers, I9I Finnish workers, 282, 520, 526, 5ii8, 706, 711, 887 Fishermen, lOU, 759 Florida child labor legislation, 235 cigarmakers, 25U Negro workers, 236 slave labor, 230, 231, 233 Folklore, lOii, 222, 225, 5U7, 87U Forced labor, 8li3 See also Convict labor; Prison labor; Slave labor Foreign labor. See Immigrants; also names of national origin (e.g., Chinese workers) Foremen and foremen's unions, U86 Foster, William Z., 582 Foundry worters, 675, 676 Fourierism, 52, 632, 637, 6ii0, 61il, 666, 835, 882 Franklin, Benjamin, 792 9n2rl0Si-; bus cibsH ^lBruiior.j;iL j' a 3:n ■{ o i ■ - "^ 5.":U o 8 Is 993 ri09?a2 sail ^noct'^nxrlari.-J ^cfrfgrte--'?' loiifjl ife7uciJ.i. ":^jA 9v2 ^'iO(^p^i nei .OS <.?il lit (T.oi.'-s'rsqooo 'lodfii-wiGi ,S^j Jlilii ^ ,Oii JIC ,061 t;l5- tC?^ tS^^: ' >^. t'^i^^ tOJ^ .cT^ , ,0^r ,9^5 ti)cl ,61^:^ iqd «i'o ,!icV ,a7 ,r:^3 X^I t8T[02iBn 9lx'5 ^5V t^'JJ^ ,naan3-rir:xr <:ii;S .noxJ-BlexniM lodtl blLin ii^S. . 81 5>i Sill le-^i.) Ces .If" ,0?:?. ti-odi5l yv3.L2 li^8 ^-sM t'-^S? ,SS3 ,;iOI ,9'lolM£o1 ncaxYI j-odsl -toxviioO osls 9q£ 'lodsl 9VBI8 ;iodi3l OUifi J' ( 31 -J) to"? 32 6n Xtt'O oBii ^snctr.d a'noTT'riiol onjo nans': o''. ^To ,IxB ,OjB tVEc- /i£.d ..Sc ..Tl?,XX3X-tL-o1 ^VSU ,5a tVT ,85 ,iod£l cfoxv-floD ,68e iS?.5 ,3A^ ,dilS ,0:5s TSV ,5To ,?SS ,1.^ ,1:05 t;liia lodsl ncain^i os l.: &s3 I0 n&x.JBxoos3A BVlSntfiqooZ IIS ,OXS ,T"PI ,d6i iQ'xsqooC ,$ss .i:?? .r?«; ,!ii^-viiow osiaioo il^'^ »SXc ,1 •::BVf bti^j. .yc-iolsa lo 8lxonx;o0 8TI tS:ncriBjjiO C^I tsec-olqino ,3nxl 92 fit.:''.". tf.Sii (lOU ,Toi tanolainao .iifoj :e-.:iu'o ariJ btu; lodsJ oa lg' aeS lodsl ba^ JfuoO aiisiqyS .0..' SOT ^Ycr" ,71 ,YfrtA e'v3xoO t'biS ,512 tiilS ,SGS ,n9fli3J'UiO TOii 5t£ ^^■xs'A^ow rloesO rr'tiV-'sIsfl •v;^ ti. .\i.,:.!-r*nxd/So 3VT tEl^Ti-row jin^i'il I<^ti ,iBS ,Isxi-tBQ ,av:)3a ©Q •■-'■iriaq briB anoxeacr" :" d85 tX8C c'iCt ,u?:S Txi '-':a SfX ^.: .A oo< ^xve ,£ -= ■ .1 8? J tenseiiJ w&i4 98a t^£ ^BoiXoisD di-^o^i ?0T tSO:i ,ox.D a^c t^^ • ^ 856 151 fUs-ibnA ^,. 'i , :. . s. :tfixoo6 c A ' ai sgcuiBH Lsrz ' neC exgioeO Tils ("lo^fsX IC'^:.a_ij.'i:'sgB XjS tOiiC .dS jl .lodsC ^-.'bXb ^C8 t^^d tS4 tBisjfiow TfiflrtsC SLS ■ ■ ■ rn£0 no/ ♦kxoo?,B'. v,XO b.';.s B'i^Big boiixil ©rfct lo SX£ 8xs: ^si. flt-foK "io noxa'-i aisjj-tov/ asr,!-'! 8xe 8!>r tc':3jIiBm svoXO rsx . • - TX t',J nxv. ,.^ . ; Xy4i t63Bdeb n9XX«.-Bi3iT3toC .SSil .^^S ,XdX tlofmsS ^zzxpnoC XY"? .T84-' aeS tX--Xoq icf'iiO aj'xnBi''^' Yt-8 iBoxianiA to csoJiBiooe&A 7U Iraitiigrants (cont.) New York City, 678 Norwegian, 32U Pennsylvania, 869 Scandinavian, 772 South Carolina, ^61 Swedish, 326 Tennessee, 852 Ukranian, 871 Wisconsin, 886 Yugoslav, 295 Imraigration and emigration, 280, 288, 289, 301, 583, 678, 7li3, 75U, 822 business attitudes toward, 350, UU3 Indentured servants, 57, 80, lli9, 230, 269, 27U, 308, 3U6, ii96, 5oU, 505, 506, 672, 77U, 816, 8U2, 862 Indiana glass workers, 318 Irish workers, 537 mine workers, 313 Negro workers, 312 Populism, 311 Socialist Party, 310 State Federation of Labor, 309 Indian woiicers, American, 667 Industrial democracy, 8I8 Industrial education, 179, 331, U53, 563, 695, 696, 697, 699, 72U, 899 Industrial relations, I69, 5U2 clothing industry, 81i0 Pennsylvania, 799 textile industry, 656 Industrial Vtorkers of the World, 119, 263, 30U, Uii5, U80, U91, U99, 663, 725, 737, 739, 7l;ii, 7U6, 7U9, 760, 766, 768 Injunctions, labor, I67, 257 See also Labor and the courts Inside contract system, 3ii8 International affairs and labor, 25U, 265, 737, 7U8, 750 International Workingmen's Association, 735 International Working Peoples Association, 735 Iowa child labor legislaticxi, 325 Danish workers, 327 Labor Day, 336 mine workers, 339 Negro workers, 337 Norwegian workers, 32U Oelwein shops strike, 126 Populism, 330 prison labor, 333 Scandinavian workers, 328, 772 Swedish workers, 326 Union Labor Party, 125 Urbanization, 33U Irish workers, 90, iil7, 537, 778, 838, 859, 896 Iron workers, 718, 791 Italian workers, ii6l, 669, 789, 8UI, 860 Jackson, Andrew strikebreaker, 90 wage -earner thesis, 88 Japanese workers, 289, 720, 730 Jewish workers, 98, 683, 8I6, 817, 819, 820, 821, 822, 823, 82k, 825, 826, 827, 828, 829, 830, 831 Johnson, Hiram W,, 7li2 Jones, Mary Harris (Mother Jaies), 1^81 Kansas child labor legislation, 1;70 Court of Industrial Relations, i;71 early labor organizations, h72 employers' liability, U77 laws and legislation, U73, U7U Negro workers, 390 strikes, klh wages and salaries, U75 workmen's compensation, li76 Kaweah, 7U0 Kelly's Industrial Army, 12li, 557, 769, 770 Kentucky, slave labor, 372, 832, 833 4lV ,no ;J3lsiga.C Tod.?! b'Lldo BWOi T^C ^a^9>^10v. o'lr^vsl'i tif^C .3if»3{'TO>f nsigovnoll OfX ^tzesJpqo'i. ^"^VV .3SC -errrMiow nsivBnxi'iieoC ^Sc. t ?. 1 -:)>(aow dsibovS. ^,21 t'^crfis'I lodsJ iTo.cnU JtC tfloxJBSXnerl'iU .PT*^ ,V:^" ,YJji tO? .?/i£5>(iow rliixil Od8 ^iiiS 0'? ,.'is>{s3-ids>(x'i.ja .88 tSiaericJ- -larrus 0-336.; ^TI? tOl6 tt5d 48^ jSidoIfOK riaxvislj ,:128 ,B6 .S^n tise ,02G t?l8 lOW ,'^f;'' t8i.6 iVSe t>3?3 .to:6 ■ SXb 'JiiV ft' jKBiiH .noenifoT- tC^onoL toriJ^oi-O sx'iisH vrt.?,; ^eenol. 0. li ,noxJBj.-ixs3l ioobI i>.iJ:f{o . IVU 'iVi , tjnoxJssi'Xj-fo lodsl vliea VVii ^vJs.lldas.l ' itsyoJiqma jiVil t^Tii ,nox.^j6XsJtgsI b/i;^ ewel On tC:^ ( .^xioo) aJftsislmml 8Vo ■."•xj y-tpY woll Ilf d3r; tni:s;foo3±W jOSS tnoxJBig.bT!9 &rts xioxoe-xaJnmi tST'^ ,e52 ,I0£ t?82 t882 SS8 ,i?', ^OiT ^ b'iBWO 7 ?. S b f v' J -f •' S 3 3 SilXBif d ,80t ,iiT2 ,OdS ,C^i o:JI td^l ,ci05 eJOc ,d?!i ,d4£ ^^ ,3ii8 ^d.C3 ,jiVT ,SVa zrmibnl VC? t3X»i-ioH riax-il £It ,5i3>i'!:ow snim 0I£ txric'i ^tailBfcooS- Tea tfiBOxiarjl ,T.T':<:.i'iow iiethnx 816 .YOjD-v.nofa Isi."^ J-Birbnl »!££ f^'yl iuoxis:'j/&9 Ibxt -• axfbnl JPe ,d?d ^>Sd ,idZ j:: ,£dS ^^XI tT£T t59T ce:^^^ «^^j^ tX'<-a t03T ,^aV ,d;lV .iiaV ,^CT T5S tTt^C .rodsl tEfioxJoni;(;nI 8ui. ,r<:9:f8Y2 dT^£iifl':o atixsnl ^ir>dr.i brue. e'ixsl'ir. XacioxijpniodrJ 05T ,^ilV ,TtV \5^S ,i}^. 2' ner .'i±>!'ioV<' Xenox-lBiTtadnl ^CV ,.n- x^Blocciii/ 3<3/r--»<~'' r.£v!'j,j..J XBno x.:t Gin "ir:I 5CV ^noxiBxocBEA 75 Knights of Labor, 17U, 218, 359, U9, U51, l»72, U73, U7U, li87, 538, 5liO, 5U6, 761i, 777, 800, 8U7 Knights of St, Crispin, 87, 358, 800 Labadie, Jo, 5l5, 52? Labor archives, 39, iiO, Ul, I5ii, 262, Ull, U83, USU, li88, U89, U93, U9U, 890 Labor ballads. See Labor songs and ballads Labor and capital. See Capital and labor Labor and the church, See Church and labor Labor and the courts, 167, 305* 306, U52, 1^57, U6li, U65, 736, 781 See also Court decisions; U.S. Supreine Court and labor Labor histoiy, 262, 395, 902 Labor holidays Labor Day, 336 May Day, 261 Labor injunctions. See Injimct- ions, labor Labor and international relat- ions. See International affairs and labor Labor journalism, U92 See also Labor periodicals Labor legislation. See Laws and legislation Labor-management cooperaticn, 116, 162 Labor movement Catholic, U90 Jacksonian period, 88, 592, 681, 779, 780, 793, 798 Jewish, 97, 103, 819, 820, 821, 823, 82U, 826, 827, 828 Michigan, 523 Minnesota, 5U5 Negro, 395, lilO, 6II North Carolina, 69I Pacific Northwest, 721 Pennsylvania, 788 Philadelphia, 796 St. Louis, 605, 606 U.S. and France compared, 356 ViH-sconsin, 892 Labor periodicals, lli7, 3i|l See also Labor journalism Labor policy. See Public labor policies Labor political parties, 69, 125, 2l;9, 1;62, U91, 551, 553, 558, 559, 562, 569, 592, 66U, 733, 7Ul, 779, 798, 875 Labor societies, 272, 273, 276, li59 Labor songs and ballads, Wl, 526 Labor and the state. See Public labor policies Labor surplus, 82 Labor unions craft, li25 education, 699 factionalism and rival unionism, 359, U63, ii90 growth, 361, 362 health centers, 97 Jewish, 819, 820, 821 membership, 1|25, I186, U87, 6IO, 611, 612, 6lli, 616 organizing, 360, Sh$, 60U philosophy, 359 political action, 258, 7ii8 recognition, 802 Labor in World War I, 373, 37li, 375, li51i, 760 Labor in V/orld lifer II, 313, 357, U03, 677 Labor Zionist movement, 98 LaFollette, Robert M., 260 Land policy and labor, 3, 6, 80, 82, 31U, 596 Larcom, Lucy, 275, 298 Lasters' Protective Union, i;21 Laws and legislation anarchism, 92 California, 289, 728, 736, 755 child labor, 235, 325, Ui8, U70, 686, 687 Chinese Exclusion Acts, 288 Clayton Anti-Trust Act, 266 eight-hour legislation, 607 fair employment legislation, U05j 619 free Negro labor, 175 Homestead Act, 82 ?v L'^3 ^n.r^ciO'^i^.i^: Zut ,ViiI talfloiboiiO'; locfB-J 3ftJ:ci:Ioq ..r^: ,1?".^ ,i9.( tS.\. ,(?as; .ti-^a ^§9$ ,^6? .sd^d t??:^ 5T3 ,8<:S" »^TV ,I4T q5u ,o\S .^V;:; ^<;v§ taeXvSXooB lodsl £9X-jxIoq lO'isI SB ^B'JLq^.lJ^ -iod&i \'°i tHox^tsoifba ixnaiinoxny lfi\'Xi '■/as mzilpr (Old ,T8ii ,d8ii tSSfl ,qfn'^.7^;nc.Ti i^d ^dfd »SXci ,XXd .■^riqc;?.oI±riq 84T t'^bi ,.nox 5C8 ,^»£: X<^ $TX .T3c's[ otgaH sw't ,tYa tSui ^x^dj ,?r4i ,95e - ,da:? »oir^ ^8e5 su ju :,.'.3 »oo8 ,YVV t>i6T 008 tB^e ^S^ t5X5 .oT. i^ib&daJ iLd tOti t^t tenvxrisia iog'sX ^aea ,CR,i ^II^l .5dS »il3I 098 .ii^'.i ,^?a ^Q8tl ,83a B"!Coc Tcodf,! seS itihBLx&d nod&d ahsXXsd bns -^-'-^■- ...A ^•tJSixqBo bruB lodsj; lodfiX bze lOdjaX I-ni- .i-jitiriO i50£ tT^I ,?.-tiiroo erfcr hns lod&I t^aa ^aaa »T5a ,5?a ^acc x:^T t6tT jenoxaX^sb dT^roO csXe 9g3 bns c^•ufo:;; snetqae" .3.U lodBt cY^blXoH lodaJ 6ff. ."fii: •jdBl -. --.•... 'Ji _'^ 4P.noXjoa ,cl.:;-rW£0 tSr? .3^ .':■" cisq n£Xno3,^nBli tOS8 Aj. f,uX ,T^ ,d8i'-.- ,V^;^ .d':8 ,as8 ,£78 ,IS8 3S8 boY t^XrisvXYsnnsS 76 Laws and legislation (crait.) Illinois, 86 iraprisoninent for debt, SQh Kansas, U73, UTU, U75, hlS, U77 Michigan, $2^ mine workers, 68, 570 National Industrial Recovery- Act, l6ii, 360, 595 See also U.S. National Re- covery Administration Norris-LaGuardia Act, 257 CMo, 703 Oregon, 723 prison labor, hhh Sherman Anti-Trust Act, U97 social welfare, 123 Washington, 76I, 762 Lincoln, Abraham, foli lippard, George, 80I Llano Del Rio, 290 Lockouts, See Strikes and lock- outs Locomotive Engineers, Brother- hood of, 522, 701 Locomotive Firemen and Engine- men, Brotherhood of, 317 > 701 London, Jack, 770 Los Angeles Chinese massacre, 291, 293 Negro workers, 625 Workingmen's Party, 2^U Lotiisiana agricultural labor, 13 Freedmen's Bureau, 501 free Negro labor, 371, 500 slave labor, 371, U36, ii37, U95 Lowell Offering , 3Ul, 63I Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen, 599 lAimber workers, 25, li8, 50, 159, 190, lUi5, 513, 516, 519, 521, 527, 528, 5U3, 5Uh, 550, 555, 599, 782, 783, 881, 885, 889 Luther, Seth, 61i2 Machinists, International Association of, 1).|).| Malthusian doctrine, 630 Management attitude toward labor, 151, 152, 153, 169, 3I4O, 355, U78, 591, 786 Managerial employees, anthracite coal industry, 352 Maritime strike of 1921, 7U5 Maritime workers, I06, 7kS Great Lakes, 321, 322 Maryland cabinetmakers, 503 convict labor, 502 Freedmen's Bureau, iil8, 508 free Negro labor, iiU2 indentured servants, 80 labor policies, hh2 slave labor, Ul;2, 507 wages and salaries. Colonial, 509 Massachusetts quarry workers, 282 rural security, 12 Salem Charitable Mechanic Assoc- iation, 272, 273, 276 Salem Female Employment Society, 270 shoe woi^cers, 87, 358 slave labor, 271 textile workers, 279j 297, 298 wage regulation, 633 Workingmen's Party, 69 Matzeliger, Jan Eamst, U21 McKelway, Alexander Jeffrey, hhQ McParlan, James, 62, 305 Mechanics Educational Society of America, 533 ^fechanics Union of Trade Associaticxis, 798 Mexican workers, 35, 131, 171, 332 Metal miners. See Mine workers Michigan Cornish workers, 52U Finnish workers, 520, 526 Hungarian workers, 517 labor movement, 523 lumber workers, 513, 5l6, 519, 521 Mechanics Educational Society of America, 533 mine workers, 512 U.S. Boys Working Reserve, 511 Washtenaw County construction industry, 531 workmen's compensation, 525 4 tods I bi£vi-.-\, obvitiJtB >; ■ sH .-rdc i04^: ,^6i ,t:5i ^ 5!^£ »-■■ i: iBoo ?,C< .icdsl v-foivnoo ; jiod'Bl cngsW ©s'l'i 70^ rSJil ^"xadal svsla jl£!ino£oO jBei'TBis? funs 39Sbw ?-.l:f9Sff(o£iSsM -Doscit oxnjsri'/a4 sIqjbj i'XsriO kdIsS ciTS ,£?<; tST5 ,f!oivi«i P'^i tT6 t3Te>fiow oofls IVS .lodzL svfiXa 8iiiJ .via''1:3'v tehcL&xeU^ tY.'"5Wla3^nrt cOf ^Sd 4 a 9/116 L tiisIia*iof to x-^cjioo^i}'B?L'f>S aoinjiriosi- tEiio±.>j5j:ncr;aA -ibBTT 1o noiati B:,/.ascioati iiBSii'^-'- • ^'^'^ ^^'i^^1o\■. rieinioO sa: 1 Tl-T -.V ,-,1. •ipd'rjuX ; Le.noliB'' .>3H •■jifr/coaS i3i^i^'JbK ^'^c . ■oo e' nar;^i-.)v« do a ^Bc* n^dsb lol jn- .. -. .. ..,.n.t tdTii t^Vii ,iiVd ttT;i ^^B^itSA VV4 Xanox^sM -sH iBfiox^sM .2,iJ r : noxoincd'Bi'-.i.ribA -^bvoi. Y^S fioA aib-iBuO&l-zi'i-roii iUiji jtcdsl noc-jriq ^9-r.S'iX.9W 1b±302 ... 1 iX'.'T ^:tC.ty!id3i3;J 40f tf.ifiricrdA ^nXocnxJ X08 rSTi-roeC ^hO-'-qqiJ C-^S ,oi:H Xsu OHBiJ -jjool bns ?.£»(rii2 993 »BJf;o>(ooJ -'::3fy^oiS ^B'i9onxgn3 9vxJoino'>o.I 10 V ,S!:;i^ t,io boo.-i XOY CYY t.-t''.3l. ^!!Ofcf :^I GoXagnA aol £^S tX^? lOtJBEBian 9s?nx;u) cSd ^al9Jt^olv oagal' ex ,iodfiI XGltrtj; XO?, t^iB ?'::•" a 'fie. ,.•,:.•.. i\^''iovr -iodiimJ ,QX5 .iX'^ ,^i; .iU .O^X 988 ,?88 tX83 U^X .'rn aoXicx-:-oe3.A, C'.~3 tdni'sioob nsxaifttrXe i 77 62, 158, 352, 805, 807 181, 313, 339, 767, 777, 808, Migrant labor, 621, 729, 739, 7U6 See also Agricultural labor, migratoryj Migration Migration Negro, 373, 37U, 375, 390, 392, 621, 625 urban, 33U Millinery workers. See Hat workers Milwaukee, Socialist Party of America, 893 Miners' National Association, U67 Mine workers anthracite , 773, 775, bituminous, 669, 76ii, 856, 876 Chinese, 292 disputes, 227, 228 factionalism and rival unionism, U63 metal, 171, 182, 220, 222, 225, UOO, 512, 5lli, 572, 608, 668, 752, 758, 763, 771, 863, laws and legislation, 570 lockouts, U67 organizations and unionism, U63 strikes, 56, lU3, 259, ii66, 53li, 7Ui, 802 Mine VJorkers of America, United, 56, 158, 173, 259, 313, li63, I466, 585 District 13, 339 MLnimvun wage. See Vfeges and salaries, minimum wage Minneapolis, Polish workers, 813 Minnesota Alliance Party, 5U9, 55U Deraocratic-Farmer-Labor Party, 551 Finnish workers, 5U8 Knights of Labor, 5U6 labor movement, $hS lumber workers, ^3 Naapartisan League, 552 Minority group workers. See Jewish workers J Negro workers; etc. 52li, 757, 898 66, Mississippi free Ifegro labor, 72, 36U, 366 immigrants, 367 Port Gibson, occupations, 365 slave labor, 7U Missouri cabinetmakers, lli5 eight-hour legislation, 607 slave labor, lii2, 60O, 60I, 603 Mitchell, John, 56 Molders' and Allied VJorkers' Union of North America, International, 675, 676 Molly Maguires, 62 Montana American Society of Equity, 73U immigrants, 731 "Mother Jones," U8l Mule skinners, 22U Munitions and firearms workers, 3U8 Murphy, Frank, U85 National Association of Manufacturers, 168 National Defense Advisory Commission, See U.S. National Defense Advisory Commission National Industrial Recoveiy Act, See Laws and legislation. National Industrial Recovery Act; U.S. National Recovery Administ- ration National Labor Union, 351 National Progressives of America (1938), 59ii National Recovery Administration, See U.S. National Recovery Adminis tration Nearing, Scott, 700 Negro workers, 236, 380, 391, 393, Ull, U12, U13, laiy i;87, 609, 626, 69U Black codes, 613 Detroit, 628 fair employTtient practices, Uo3, 615, 619 Indiana, 312 Iowa, 337 labor mobility and migration, 373, 37U, 375, 390, 392, 621 Los Angeles, 625 mine workers, UOO, U66 VT oiT 't^oafii 9vsis TO(Tov' boxIXA bns 'atablcM ^^^^ , r ■+ i,'/;)!*! to ijc)-9ioc3 oeoi'iam/. 18;! ".3&noL ?9A.toM" 4S? , aisar. r, (a six/' 1 8iiC ttii3>?'iow aartfieixl bxis sncxdimii'! 58 ii ^jfr.BT"? ^xiimu.'- rjolanxrarioD Y^oe..:7fcA. :C bivi 2W8a 3eS jd-nA yiavogsH islx? '5j;;bnl XsnDx.tB'I -J-ainJbisviA yt^voosSI £3iioic|-sH .ft.U noxdB'X P,£. tHoxnU lodsJ Isnoid^Bia &0.Z '"o asvjtaseigo-t"? IsnoiJjsM •C-.iv-=aH Xjsno.olHV: .?..U 90 S iTc X j 3-ri axnxinhA GOV t^.-^ooS ignJrtB^ .^r5 .'^i' .-.ClI .ri,! .sxJ ,X£a tCOil jBoo.WojBiq ctnsfli^oXqms 'ile'i ^X^ ,5Xr^ T£t «BW'.'I tnoxi.tBi3x.T. ii*':. '.>riXidcifi toobX ISr^ ,;:'■ .Oof ,?T£ ,j:^'e .£Y£ iiii ^OOil t8'i93liow oni-t .?tT ,P?T 1IS6 ,iodoI *nBigii< iiocJsX .!'■•"■ ''— '" ■ •■• '- -•- xiox^BigiM ,0^C t5Tf. ^aVt ttTt .oi'^sl^ crjf.n 992 ^379>flow -yTignxIXXM I0 Y'^ie'I .7 3xX6xOo2 j aejIuewXiM tnoi.+sxoo28'\ Jsncidfiii 's-iyni'i TO8 t?oa i5TT etVT t<2?!C iCXt tX8l ^^^oainusi Id ,608 ,TVY iT^T ,Jc5\- ^^b 8S? ,VSS ,: Xjsvirt bns raaXXBjrraxJoBl C^li tCIEJXiOiiUf tS^S ^OSS ,28X ^XTX tX£.-t3m ^.! 689 labor movement, 69I Negro workers, 69U slave labor, 386, 397, 399, UU6 North Dakota, Nonpartisan League, 18 Norwegian workers, 78, 759 Occupational mobility, 352 Office of Price Administration, See U.S. Office of Price Administra- tion Office of Production Management, See U.S. Office of Production Management Ohio Finnish workers, 706, 711 free Negro labor, li02, 705 Greenback Movement, 558 Negro workers, lj02 workmen's corrpensation, 703 Ohio Mechanics Institute, 139 Oklahoma Council of Defense, World War I, 178 mine workers, 181, 182 Negro workers, li08 Nonpartisan League, I80 Reconstruction League, U39 Orchard, Harry (Albert E. Horsley), 305 Oregon industrial relations, 722 Japanese workers, 720 labor movement, 721 mine workers, 758 workmen's compensation, 723 Owen, Robert, 156 Paliner, A. Mitchell, 787 Paper workers, 299 Parchment makers, 193 Parsons, Frank, 578 Passaic, New Jersey, Polish workers, 806 Paternalism, 83, 156, U68, U78 Pauper auctions, 277 Peck, Bradford, 652 Pemberton Mill collapse, 283 Pennsylvania court decisions, 781 employers' associations, l65 Hungarian workers, 873 av 81 ^<1V t8Y ifiTSiJito'.' ■-•■••rc^' S2f! ,yiJ:I±don I^noxiBqt/coO 03 2 t^oiJs-icl'aJxiirrtbA Boxi'i 'lo eolTiO -jsiJaxnxmbA ooini lo 9--3ri'iO .8.U aoxo ttnsnagfiasM noxd'OtfbciH 'io aoillO .oiitoi/LoTS Ic 90x110 .2.U 9o3 o±rD §Oji ,3i9Miov! otgaM £CT tiioicffianoqmoo e'liajDhow ?CI t0c^t'j.i:i8nl soxnerio^'i oitiQ sraorifilM'! (I 1^'.' blio'.v tSsneleG lo Ilormol* 8YI CfiL ^9^l^Bal oBzLrisqaoVi t(Y9lsacH .:i .tiscfIA) Y'lisH ^i>isi;io-rO 5ce nog ■=•'>•■;": SS'i tcnoxisloi Isxi*aifL«i C--V ^noicfcensq.Too o'aamj'iow T8T tXl9rio.ixM .A ^•smLeH 8va 4'36a td5X tc8 , ;ExIca-i9.ts'I TV'i ^BnoJ;.Jox'B -jgqx/Gi fisYlvaansI £V3 taisTiiow r.'- ! (.d'noo) sisMtow ongei: 8X6 ^-^JiD -iioX weW S"0.- » •- ,f^ 8O4I t;. ... J VSil tC^t tBiJXloifiO iiJucE ^Ci. ,8lL'0J .c^£ OSd ( R'i ^A£ 9ld93l jri J s t.5^C tinaxnoint; bns sriolnw ,esa ,ss4 t9xa ,oxa ^xoa t^lXi ,2X6 tXXd ^OXd ^^Sa 5Xd d6C ^sifrx§^i■V TSci ^Ri^XB-iw ?Tti ^Xr.fva ws'/i bn/ilp,rf3 w^li Tf'X t8i3Vj8eK JaqTjBO eS'I tiodfiX avfiXs tnrviijsXaxTieX i't^nrrclqmc -iKl ?Xd Scio , ■..;; j^Xa ^iocJbI 9VSj;<-. £do ^Bis^irow aXid-xad' .aieTfiou fiS.'Xcil jOOxzsM weM snssIiO wsM 8Qti tioo'cX oiasi'I esil V?(i tS^'U lo n>(jncra Xj^ronog ^9il ttodsX 9VjbXb (yc^IO) 3(10 Y W9W gfiivoiqrol •xol nolJsjoosaA loo'^. oA& lo noidxbraoO arii 0\d ,dQ ,(101 A) TXil .sioxT nsib 8T^ t8insi9xmfn.£ It 8 ^riit-'iotv rteiwsu 8XcS . a'xo>:-ioi. ot aeH V?-^ jiO'- Bxb-iS0DaI-Bjhc:c!d cnlXcnsO rid^o!^ 4C tiodaX XfrifTd-Xf.fJXige tT'O.i.+j :l-5x:j9X lodsX bXiio Y86 ^dQd Iv.'c) ^aiioi?', ■ ' '- ' ■ :- ^d «??■! .<'-'.\Z .6SI ,^T ,89Si-i:!c 5 -si «3Blj:. ndoli ^bgsH eii .ra-cnoini; 'i-iB';'^ , •fx3v^-3>';oh X05 tBi9>l£n oqcH •f4? «f.5 tflierJaifjVi tlsy"; SI ^'^^ii/joe-i XsiyH •Si tX^ ._tdj3r.;isy b:iB orosS t'^^L t^2 tiK ^6 t^icsii:^ svX'- -v*9>Ec ,.K;> ^sd£ ,xoc ,yxt ,i:^ ^c{ (..•trtoc"' cxnsvlYsnns'i 99T t2rn.-;ifiX!n Xalr^ ■' : S3? tdna-^^ovofli 'xod£X XT- .Z'x.s^.'ioi-! n&htBiA'. S€j1 ,3XX&3 tnB/r.Xi3(jn.-t:^ biJOiXxp-x ,ji03 tFOO tiiSci .rTe.jhcw dzi-J.ol .qod t2o3 ,T06 ,do8 t$c5 CX3 tSX8 ,XX8 ^0X8 t8cS t43 jiodBl bns ioijilo'i ,?£■ ^U^;e ,X3;: ,rf> .XYS ,I3^ ,ib'2 ^etT .J&? ,185 tiiV? A'tc ,0F? .'^?^ ,f.«<8 ,L38 ,f?T ^.^5T ,V£t 001 , .^oi. ■/■ixXxcsai^ bns .e'lOTXvxii'S inscJax'^' 9r5fi£Ty?nI T'^X ^*3ni6:&fi sec 3 c<'t ,XV<^ . XslooS •xoos 1 ^-.i^ri - i,0-''i , Jiw :C-v ri3 L f ,13 .•i 1 ,t V- .1 \ tnox 'i c- 3rr>roIq.-;?? sif,; ) ineXsS ooe ■ ^^ c^'i tX^"^*^ lodfiJ fSDxnli t£^.^ tC^ te^a:{10W fiexvsnlfaiif.r? — » > • ^-- * XiiT t'^.5 t^nssul tSiimrio? Sd£ ^io^, tdiiroig i'B.i; iodjBX x3'-i.,..:uly-;'i i^A oe lx, 90". •■ ?0X ^■:-:s;'i'iow gxLLblxfdqxKS t.>:/G tiiil ,5?.C ,SOC t^TS T£S 7^" .T'S-'TsN ('J.'^'W riexXo'i ^"^10 rx'-vlB X8d tSBfnorrr ^norifcXylS : .OX ^6 ,T ,^ t> tiodsX 9VBI2 ,.;: ,dd ,ilA ^Xd ,00 J$ .T£ tfi^e d£i nosxiq ^ll,:. ^-'^^'b; tV^;:i t6l tm^riiioj: ,:l:i\ .Ko-^ .a?^ .r^:^ .red .Cut OS}i . avBle ^Sr*! tCSijix'r.t;;; blV r,{r^S.Z) 9}{.tii.3 :JyJ'.vtV0.1D obelc'^ Z\? ,_ei3>fftr'! sit) bns ■ 9ii ,.3'Ti'^ algfiBiiT . r f . r " . . 1 ;r. ;-. ;i o n I. >.''.; r - ':■ 1 71 ^ i «»;:': c T ,^:i^ JrV .?,<£ ,d9S , V X3 ^an- ^q:- 456 ,^49 ,Cl^d tSS6 tHoirU 'B-ia'Tifi'5 ^JnsneT medJiJOG e.TI ^,J nrfol. qoHsXb' ^gnxJ;XGr:8 Eo±ni»i-io9M (.XXI) bXsn^nh'qB .?S^ ,5?'] .liill ^3r:s:4tcwle3i? • cejinJ ^C3jrr--.,:A lo 5'79>{-:to'.'/Xsed8 ut(X 4'Jc; tEtteifioq-iso T43 ^■"ts^i-fi/o sno:tS bns '^eviXisH ojnt.^'osri , iosioo -ooasA i>&;.«ift!i?7iXsm/. t£CJXtD,'TiA 5^8 jlo noiJB.- did lajwojlnol bns 33-/trijo ^TT tCTT tfU ,a^ tS-ixoBTricsfif; i!dl .^^'i9>{iov.' sXltfcnTOJys Vdi' .6c)4 ^Pf;3 ^biioniMU4V , , -ivvt;^, e;;^B^o '-.xmolxr^j .c\.>;-:o'..- ;v-^x,-t':iin:J3nQ5 Xenso dVX Xjl .sollcq id'jB/'XixonIO £;jiX .ei^ni-fn jfooi biers c-xl tc!S ,3is»;iow TQdr'i'X ^liV tHio^f'Jovr ainx.-iifim 4e5 toix^ T'?4 tSrtGsX-xO .weii 'i^4 ^554 ,f.6 t0vil-i;t8 riBniXX;-^ t^SX tC^V ,i";9?Jtow b«f)lXif't ,^- - .nx-- .rr.! .;^>,t ,^4? OVb Sib ^V8 ^3^9>/■row ; : .:: 534 1 6931X^3^6 aKDb-.J.t8 S35 t'.:Xv;X lo ajCJnia Xsscfs 82 Unemployment (cont.) relief measures, 268, 277 technological, 299 Union Labor Party- Iowa, 125 San Francisco, 53, 7iil Urbanization, 279, 33h, 7U7, 872 U.S. Anthracite Coal Commission, 173 U.S. Boys' Working Reserve, 511 U.S. Civilian Conservation Corps, 268 U.S. National Defense Advisory Commission, 357 U.S. National Recovery Adminis- tration, 16U, li79, ^9^ U.S. National War Labor Board, li79 U.S. Office of Price Adminis- tration, 357 U.S. Office of Production Management, 357 U.S. Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance System, 901 U.S. Shipbuilding Labor Adjust- ment Board, U79 U.S. Steel Corporation, U78 U.S. Supreme Court and labor, 576 See also Court decisions; Labor and the courts U.S. War Manpower Caranission, 357 U.S. War Production Board, 357 Utah, mine workers, 856 Utopianism, 52, 113, 118, 156, 255, 338, 632, 63U, 639, 6ii5, 6U6, 6U9, 652, 658, 713 Veblen, Thorstein, 111, 120 Vermont French-Canadian workers, 858 Guild of Old Time Crafts and Industries, 202 Irish workers, 859 Italian workers, 86O quarry workers, U6 Swedish workers, 857 Vinette's Industrial Army, 738 Violence Allegheny, Pennsylvania, riot, 867 anti -Chinese riots, Seattle, 765 anti-Chinese riots, Washington, 756 Boston, 638 Chinese massacre, Los Angeles, 291, 293 Chinese massacre, Vfyoming territory, 129, 130 Centralia, Washington, riot, 766 copper strikes, 53U Everett, Iifeshington, free speech fight, 7U9, 768 Haymarket Affair, IO8, Ii6U Molly Maguires, 62 racial, in Civil War period, lil2, U17 railroad strikes, 870 steel strikes, 582 Tennessee, 227, 228 use of troops, 510, 876 Virden and Pana, Illinois, mine wars, U66 western mining areas, 668, 76I1, 767 Wheatland, California, episode, 739 Virginia free Negro labor, 39h mine workers, 863 Negro workers, 3Qk slave labor, 65, li;8, 369, 877 Vrooman, IJ^ter, 797 Wages and salaries agriculture, 2h, 26, 30 colcnial, in Maryland, 509 guaranteed wages, 35ii Kansas, U75 Massachusetts, 633 minimum wage, 755 Oregon, 722 reduction, l5o, 653 V/age stabilization. See Farm wage boards Ward, John E,, 107 SQ at' ^.;ojnoH .-fo-s&as ootl tnii^nxi'Sfix" ^ jcfotP-ii- 5i^ .e^ixugiiM x-^XcM ^Tc) .0X5 taqooTj^ lo s^iu erJ-.M tBioriiJlI ^&nz^l hoc nsfctcV tildV ^tidi ^Ji.-trtf. gfiXiiL'K ilia;} a 3'.-. T^Y .s£o3rqs» trntmoliXEO ^bneli-^.^i/ j?x/iJ::3'ixV Of tC^S tii'J j0ii.'JXjJ3X7§c 00? .btcXYis^'! nj fXisiiToCoo sjffx* ■mTG'5 no3 ^iioi.t£'i-..' ricBcS 93sV.' Bl-IROrf vi?S .Xsoigoljmioad- liJ-isI lodsJ noxnU 5s:x ,jBWoI tVii^ .(ice t\3VS iXsoxissinKd') ! ^noi-T-.hTjnoO XeoO 9.f±0J8TfIrfnA .o. . XX$ .5v'ie2eK ^rixjitoV' ' B^ofi .8.1; .-.0 U Rvr. 3zaoO iiBJ:r..ivxO .8.U 8dS tCCTTOO ■y^osirvLA oanslgd xEXioiisM .2.11 Yc'C tnoxss.rraioi -sinlmbA -x^revo't'aH jlBnojutBH .2.L' ficxioi/bo-^ lo '5nillO .2.1' br.^ ,2iovJ:vT.rf£ ^aj^A t.J.0 .2.(.' consi/ranl Y^-'-Xlc'ssiQ -j-3xrtbA locfcJ grrx.'iIxudqxriS .3.U ?T.i tbTcoS .+n?m 3ui ^noiv+BToq-icO X9'=>cj8 .2.U ,-fodJSI '-rLfi ct'XL'oD aaisiqiffc .2.U jsno j' rcoO ctit'oC o?Xb ago .noi^exnirioO lowoqtrM tbV/ .?,U V?t jfriijod nox*ox/boT'^. isW ._,■' TcC jd^X ^6X1 ttri i--; .mairtPxqoiU t^rd ,tito ^iC-^ .e:^ .c>5 .B^a ,S?^^ .^4c> tOii^ ,,^Jd tXY OSX ,rf.r .rTo:fs7o.^ tnaXa'tv' bnB ;'J'^CT'^ -.-:« bXO 'lo faXixfO d^ t3T:t;»lT:ow vtistrp T^8 t279JiTtow cfa fcbevrc^ 83 War labor policies World War I, U79, 5U2, 599 World Viar II, 2h, 26, 30, 35, 5Ii2 War Manpower Coinmission, See U.S. VJar Manpower Commission War Production Board, See U.S. War Production Board Washington labor movement, 721 laws and legislation, 761, 762 Watchmakers, 151 V/ayland, Julius A,, 57U Weavers and spinners, 185* 19U Welfare, See Social welfare Welsh workers, li58 Vfestem Federation of Miners, lli3, 30U, 53ii, 668, 7hk Wialers, 627 Xiiheatland, California, episode, 739 Wheelwrights, 183 Whitney, Charlotte Anita, 736 Whittier, John Greenleaf, 629, 636 WLlshire, H, Gaylord, 753 mison, vailiam B., 777 Winona, Minnesota, Polish workers, 812 Wisconsin American Society of Equity, 11 Finnish workers, 887 immigrants, 886 Irish workers, 896 labor movement, 892 lumber workers, 889 potters, 88U Wisconsin Idea, 901 Witt, Peter, 71h Women in industry cotton and textile workers, I60, 297, 298, 3U, 631, 650 seamstresses, 270 wartime, hSh working mothers, 677 Wood workers. See Lumber workers Work, 8h8 Workers' education, U3, 97, 139, 329, 899 Working conditions, 799 Workingman's Advocate , lli7 Workingmen's Benevolent Association (Miners' and Laborer's Benevolent Association), 775 Workingmen's Party, 69, 592, 66U, 681, 779, 78U, 875 California, 733 Los Angeles, 29li Workmen's Circle, 98 Workmen's insurance and compensation, laws and legislation Kansas, U76 Michigan, 525 Ohio, 703 Oregon, 723 Yellow-dog contracts, 802 Yugoslav workers, 295 109 .aafcl r ' Oco ,lO ^Ldt .8p5 ^V9f. TTc) ..Btsriiom ^nJWtow r '■> ^ -•* •-:.■■'-.■ . - ^vh .iie-Y ,?TV ixea f.£T jSimclxXB-' tec bnc snnjS'Xjjani p; ' n£iT!>'zcv.' ^^■:. ,3BanF-i 1':T ,ei:rlO CSV ,f!:o^^r>-?0 c3xr ;al is'.. ^CC ,dS ^iiS til i£t' ^_ . '"^ia;:.:.-. .-. \ . . .^ . j^; insoH ncj.. xsv^ 4Vc i.A ey.r r j'l. , aoc'tXs-.. . 9^ , •" ;;< (ai^.^iO'..- !-.■■ .'■01 ,£uX . .;-^o'.. - . siimo'ixXf.O ^insXJiJOfl' Ar; L( .i^Txr .-■•^ .1^- dCo ... ., *U (SnXi; . ".I'*?' ".■''rgxiiu'! i. 8U PICTURE INDEX Several of the historical journal articles listed in the bibliography were accompanied by pictures. Numbers following the picture entries refer to items in the body of the bibliography. Adams, Steve, 305 Altgeld, John Peter, hS(> Automobile workers, 1+7 Baer, George F,, 55 Brook Farm, 52 Browne, Carl, 702 Commons, John R,, 888 Coxey, Jacob S., 702 Coxey's Army, 702 Foundry workers, hi Furuseth, Andrew, 121 Haymarket Affair, U61i Haywood, 1-»illiam D,, 305 Haywood trial, 305 Hillquit, Morris, 103 Howard, Asbury, 62U Immigrants, Jewish in Phila- delphia, 101 Kearney, Denis, 29U Kelly's Industrial Army, 770 Labadie, Jo, 5l5, 523 Labor unions, organizing, U7 Locomotive Engineers, Brother- hood of, 522 Los Angeles, Chinese quarter, 293 Lumber workers, 50 McParland, James A,, 305 Mine workers anthracite, 55 bituminous, 1+66 metal, 898 Mitchell, John, 55, U66 Molly Maguires, $$ Orchard, Harry (Albert E. Horsley), 305 Palmer, A. Mitchell, 787 Paterson, New Jersey, silk strike (1913), 55 Pennsylvania coal strike (1902), 55 Pettibone, George, 305 Pullman, Illinois, li68 Reuther, Victor G,, kl Reuther, Walter, hi Ruef, Abraham, 53 Sac CO and Vanzetti, 51 Schraitz, Eugene, 53 Shipbuilding workers, 105 Triangle Fire, h? Veblen, Thorstein, 120 West Virginia, coal strikes, 876 Wilson, Benjamin D., 291; Workingman's Advocate , ll;? X-^Crr/II 3HUTni^i .-^rlqETj^oxIdia ado lo ^fcocf e.iJ- ni amsxJ-j 1. . -I.-.-Ovt.". .A ,18rIs:H 3<.^!l ^plcrr.cXI'.: (nBflilXc'? VJ ,.0 ■xo;:toxV . t?r'J:isfi 15 tl^JsaasV b.'TO cr-ceS 50I t:;i93iiow ,^rf .cbi I :.'df..cfie 021 ^.'-X-'-Taio.-r .n^idoV ^T3 ^a'3>'.""si.-'. •> '-si-rxV i?.o"-: 50?: i^VBiZ ^2PTi?bA T)i t8ia:Iiow slidorroduA 55 t'*^ agiosC ,i9i53 S5 t-Tiie'i jfooi'T 50T ^X'xbO ^9nwo"td Til t2i9>t'iow 1J^f3nyo'^ OVT t''^?in;A'i 'yat-nl s'^J^X-'li, f-5:-' t>X5 ,.-/« tsite'dfij TJ ^gnisxnjBg-.-o ^cciohlu ictfeJ -ic;-{Jct3 tBioanxgnS evx^offioooJ !5S5 t^o bocd t70v*-iai.'p SBSn.criO ,s§Xo;:,n\ aoJ C5 ^^1P'A'^oy! 'SodiTd.C 85 PICTURE INDEX (cont.) The following pictures were located in the journals searched but did not accompany any of the articles indexed. Altgeld, John Peter Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society . XLVI (Summer, 1953), 172. Chicago packinghouse strike (I90U) Chicago History . VI (Winter, I96O-6I), ii6, kl. Coxey, Jacob S. Pennsylvania History . XX (January, 1953), 7U. Dubinsky, David American Jewish Archives . XII (October, i960), 208, Joe Magarac American Heritage . I (Spring, 195o), 2, 75. Labor unions American-Scandinavian Review . VI (January-February, I9I8), 30. Mine workers, metal Wisconsin Magazine of History . XXII (September, 1938), 37 j XXIX (June, 19U6), 396. Old Stormalong American Heritage . I (Spring, 1950), 76, Paul Bunyan American Heritage . I (Spring, 1950), 79. Pennsylvania coal strike (1902) Catholic Historical Review . XLIV (January, 1959), UU7. Pinkerton, William Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society . XLI (December, I9U8), 382. VJaist, Silk Suits and Children's Dressmakers Union Publication of the American Jewish Historical Society . XLV (March, 1956), 175. ^2 xn;- •ii'ifin.T'/.cos J'on bib .ivi bmiCT.zs'c. siecnsjol .2 do3Bl» ^yexc" ir* -/ **^^ osrs-^sil sot. EflOXHiJ TOdsl • TiiJ t(^5?I tVisi/ncL) '/TIX . v:9i.-ofl iaox-ro.taxH oi:Ior.*o eO r.f rail 87=>>fBrTiJ!8'?-iC ^^n<>nbihLZ bnB .-jjxuf^ TflJrE ^tf^BiisVJ 86 APPENDK JOURNALS ALSO SEARCHED The following journals were also searched but produced no entries for the bibliography, American Catholic Historical Researches American Colonial Tracts Monthly American Historical Magazine and Tennessee Historical Society Quarterly American Journal of Legal History Arizona Historical Review Arizoniana Arkansas Historical Review Back Number (Nevada State Historical Society Quarterly) Burton Historical Collection Leaflet California Histoiy Nugget Civil War History Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin Dedham Historical Register Essex Antiquarian Essex County Historical and Geneological Register Filson Club History Quarterly Firelands Pioneer Glimpses of the Past Historical Magazine Historical New Hampshire History d8 .v-fqcT'^jC-r.Wr-' t?r{j lol p?»!:TCfft& on S9nc^Rr;E&^ Is- L'loJ'sxH oxIoA-jJi-,'.) n.csriamA Y'J'QXOo^^ Lsrjri oisjM ageaon nsT hng ^nisBssK Xsoji o^-^sxii fBot-tan A ROB mo s it k ^5S22!i-SI2 Js xl- shTtolils O yicJ-aiH ti-W l -n''i:0 7i(;i'-?.9.7'r.suP s t0>tjjf:^-tl Zso.rxqir'.s.y. clbiconoZi nsi^LL'jB Yviaxnog rfiox-jorfgxH j;jjoli ; :-;9fljto O y J'iat-^csuP y•Ic^13■^:H difID gcslx'^ ■fsie S; eriJ TO eeacfm rXO 87 Illinois Quest Indiana History Bulletin Iowa Historical Record Isis Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society Long Island Historical Society Quarterly Magazine of American History Magazine of History Miss Rutherford's Historical Notes Narragansett Historical Register Nebraska History North Dakota History Olden Time Old Fort News Old New York Panhandle Plains Historical Review Peninsula Historical Review Quarterly of the Society of California Pioneers Railway and Locomotive Historical Society Bulletin Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes South Dakota Historical Review Sprague's Journal of Maine History Steamboat Bill Swedish Pioneer Historical Quarterly West Tennessee Historical Society Papers Vfest Texas Historical Association Year Book U-F-n- West Virginia Historical Magazine Quarterly Year Book of the Society of Indiana Pioneers V8 nji ^ZZu^ -VTTO -^alli snsiJ?.::! frx go gH Is o xio t?. i: H ai /ol 3£gl YT:ciHxH .'i- enxsB^sM sgic t'I Jab x'T?.J-.-'. in g' fato'^-igiij't/fl g? .cH V'T0*3iH ySTfafTi?!^ ■^JBXT r.gblO avail . j-rto''i bjp. . }t^oY w?il hlO gf 5?.i. -efl C.flox'^ft J-'IH c;fU:s.i.l ajbaenn g'! a't99 flox'i jSx-irto'lxIg O 1. _ .v..tyr:c3 atii 'lo ylTg^-igi/p ■^.eJvTi-. i-Sol-roJ.^jH ds rw^l, baslzl 9bodH wa xv 3)1 Xgf^xio J€x'I £Jo>ff-G riicoS yXts.I^'xbjjP Isr;.i:io,*g x }l_ 'i? -?rrol'^ 'ialb^wS ?.'^ ^3. •■^S'fy stooscA ££•^■j:^c■< 3IH 3i3X9 T_j.|_3^.;.- e"i?>-''iO X'I,gfXlbr!l '1-? y.J9.i:ooS eilj lo xoGa-iife -'Y ?B-3-i,3 Ci-T UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA tie3310973R72A C001 AMERICAN LABOR IN JOURNALS OF HISTORY CH 3 0112 025267557