UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Book Class mm HISTORICAL SURVEY ^ DR. WILLIAM S. EVANS, (I)eceastd). MARION, ILLINOIS. Aged 96 years. Died since this book was begun. HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY ILLINOIS Being a Brief Review of the County from Date of Founding to the Present COMPILED ANn EniTEC J. F. WILCOX ILLUSTRATED PUBLISHED BV THE LeCRONE press EFFINGHAM, ILL. '/^^y^ •^^^.^^^^^^^ PREFACE ^^^HE evolution of book-making has, in our time, reached such a stajre of perfection that the ^^^ non-professional public has been trained to expect the impossible. With them the printer (unfortunate man) has only to wave his hand and crj' "let there be light" and there is light — printed, illustrated, bound and delivered. They never know of the weary days of the canvasser; the exhausting drudgery of the brain wracking burner of the midnight oil as he grinds but his grist; the patient, never-ceasing, yet swift and unerring compositor as he nimbly fingers the leaden mes- sengers; or the lightning-like manipulator of the linotype miracle. They know not the woes of that universal walking encyclopedia, the proof-reader: or the vexations of the editor. No sooner do they read or hear of a new book, then it is on the market. The dear public is out for entertainment; it looks for good lights and a comfortable seat, fine music and an interesting play, and it- is not ex- pected to go nosing around after the rigging that shifts the scenery- So ye. ''Souvenir Book man" is not astonished that the dear innocent public looked for the work of months to be accomplished in as many days. Nor does he wonder that some enthusiastic patrons found it difficult to maintain their interest through the eighteen months of arduous labor required to perfect the volurdn now given to the public. And this sufficiently explains the omissions of prpmjneiit persons, places and things from the book. The author wanted them all, but couldn't get around in time' for some and was turned down by a few. So there are some blanks where he expected a full representation, for which he offers no apology: he did the best he could. ' To the few who lent a helping hand he offers the grateful incense of the belated footsore traveler caught in the darkness, rain and mud, to the driver of a brisk span and a covered buggy who ""gives him a lift", and whirls him to his journey's end. So the '"Souvenir Book man" wants particularly to acknowledge his indebtedness to Judge Geo. W. Young for the valuable historical matter furnished bj' him, without which it would have been scarcely possible to succeed. The Pub- lic Schools, as far as they are interested in the book, will join the autlior in thanks to Hon. R. O. ;yj Clarida. superintendent of public schools; Prof. J. W. Asbui-y, principal of Marion city schools; to -^ Professors Turner, Lentz and others at Carterville, Herrin, Creal Springs and elsewhere for the ^ valuable biographical and historical matter and other data furnished. To the hundreds of pronii- ^ nent citizens whose portraits appear in the book for the unselfish aid rendered, without whose ^ generous cooperation it would have been impossible to have accomplished the task. "jTo the profes- H sional gentlemen, particularly to the large corps of physicians, members of the bench and bar, min- isters, bankers, and business men generally a hearty and grateful acknowledgement for ready and cheerful acquiescence and efficient aid in the arduous undertaking is the least that can be rendered by a grateful and weary old man. The book itself, it is to be hoped, will not be a disappointment. fj> Its mechanical execution refiects credit upon the incomparable workmen connected |with the Le- ^ Crone Press of Effingham, 111. , who did the job. THE AUTHOR. U Effingham, 111., November 15, 1905. JT) "> 200789 "MARION" BY MRS. M. J. SPARKS BACK in the last of the "Thirties" While yet the state was young, Where undisturbed on bush or bough The birds of the forest sung, Was born an infant city, A babe in the wilderness, While the Autumn breezes swept its brow With a lingering, fond caress. No towering mountains guarded The spot where the hamlet lay; No mighty river brought it wealth And commerce day by day. No scenery picturesque and grand Brought travelers from afar. Yet who shall say it was not born Beneath a luckj' star. For steadily has it pros- pered Through many a month and year; And stately buildings proud- Iv stand Where herded once the deer. And o'er the plain where the "whip-per-will" Oft called to its mate afar. Now is heard the engine's whistle, And the hum of the trolley car. MRS. M. J. SPARKS, the Author. The boys who marched with Logan In those trying days of old Stood bravely by their colors Till slavery's knell was tolled. No braver soldiers ever Sprang to their country's aid. Than those men of ours who followed the flag While the fife and bugle played. And when the strife was over, .And freedom's cause was won. How proudly were they wel- comed back, Each husband, brother, son! But many, alas, were miss- ing Of those heroes tried and true; And others yet were swing- ing An empty sleeve of blue. And no more generous peo- ple In this wide universe. E'er helped a friend in trou- ble Or opened wide the purse When an unlucky stranger Appealed to them for aid; Or the widow and the or- phan Their plea for shelter made. And a thousand lighted casements Make cheerful now the night Where the camp-fire of the red man Once shed its fitful light. They builded better than they knew. Those pioneers of old; They reckoned not what march of time Three score of years unfold. Now schools and churches lift their spires Above the busy street Where the pavement echoes the live-long day The tread of hurrying feet. While in the place of honor. The center of the square. The county's capitol proudly stands And shelters "Justice" there. Thrice in our city's histor3' Was raised war's dread alarms; And Marion's boys were prompt to heed The call to shoulder arms. And bravely too through heat and cold They served their country well; The stars and stripes they followed Through storms of shot and shell. Our town has furnished its quota Of notable women and men; It has sent out statesmen, instructors, Lawj'ers, physicians, and then We remember one woman, at least. Who gl. dly to China was sent To carry the light of the Gospel To souls in the dark Orient. Who knows what the future may hold In store for the town of our pride? Perchance ere another decade Her name shall be known far and wide As a manufacturing center; For coal fields unlimited lie On either hand and are hastening to bring Her day of prosperity nigh. Yes, gladly we follow the history Of our town through its three-score of years,. And gratefully speak of each pioneer Whose name in its annals appears. Through labor and hardship undaunted They built in the wilderness lone The fairest and best town in Egypt- Marion, our pride and our own ! HISTORY OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY WILLIAMSON County lies in Southern Illinois, on the di- viding ridge between the Ohio and the Mississippi rivers, and between parallels 3 7 degrees 30 minutes and 38 degrees North Latitude. The meridian of 89 degrees of Longi- tude west from Greenwich passes about three miles west of Marion, and corresponds with the 12th de- gree of Longitude west from Wash- ington. It is composed of town- ships S, 9 and 10 south, and Ranges 1, 2, 3 and 4 east, and is, therefore. in the form of a rectangular paral- lelogram, twenty-four miles from east to west, and eighteen miles from north to south, thus contain- ing 432 square miles or 207,480 acres. It is bounded on the north b.v Franklin County, on the e st by ^m^ LOG CABIN OF WM. WATSON. One of the oldest buildings in the city, built in Marion in 1845. vVilliani Watson and his wife Sit at the right hand, Mrs. Robinson at the left. THERE are (luite a number of homes in Marion which as- pire to the honor of being the very first home erected on the present site of the city of Marion, but care- ful inquiry among the oldest inhab- itants decided an ancient log cabin Stan Mng near the Edward's flour- ing mills and fronting West Main street, just east of the C. & E. I. Railroad tracks. Mr. Lewis Cal- vert, however, insists that the old Calvert house, put up by his broth- er in 18 4.5, was the first and the log cabin built in 1847, the second. It is now occupied by colored peo- ple, William Watson and his wife, and Mrs. Robinson, who have lived in it continuously since 1882. A picture of the ancient structure is given herewith. It was built in 1843 or 41 by George Felts and John Hooper, who put up the cabin to have a place to live in while building the mill which stands near it. The cabin is double, with a passage way three feet wide through the center and three rooms on each side. There is a loft over- heai for storage or sleeping pur- poses, reached by a pair of steep stairs in the corner of each divis- ion. The ceiling is only about six feet or six and a half feet hish, and can be easily reached by the hand. The floor is of puncheons or hewed logs, and the roof of oak "shakes" or split boards. It fronts the south and stands on a little knoll among trees of different sorts. The sides and ends are covered with clap- boards, and chimneys of sticks laid up in mud originally stood at cither end. Mr. G. W. C. McCoy tells me that the occasion of building the cabin was as follows: It seems that Captain .lames Cun- ningham and Milton and Dr. Jona- than Mulkey, seeing the necessity of having a flouring mill for this region bought the necessary ma- chinery and had it shipped to Mar- ion, before the town was built and before railroads existed in these parts, with the intention of putting up a flour mill. But, being ignorant of the whole business, they could do nothing with the machinery, nor could they find a man in a dozen counties who could. At last, how- ever, Felts and Hooper heard of the situation and seeing their opportu- nity, came down from Franklin, bought the outfit for a song and erected the first grist and saw mill ever put up in the county. It was run by steam and people came with their grain from many miles around to get their grists ground. So great was the demand that they often had to wait three and four weeks for their turn. So busy were the enter- prising millers with their saw mill and grinding that they had no time to build them a new house and lived in their log cabin and run their mill for many years. The old mill finally burned down and was replaced by the present brick structure, but the old log cabin still stands and af- fords a home to a couple of hard- working Christian women and their helpless companion. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Saline County, on the south by Johnson County and on the west by Jackson County. A circle of fifty miles would pass through North Cairo, about half way between Cairo and Mound City; cross the Ohio at Paducah and again at Smithland, Ky., pass through Marion Ky., about ten miles east of Elizabeth- town, cross the Wabash and the Ohio near their junction, about ten miles northeast of, just miss Carnii, White County, and Fairfield, in Wayne County, leaves Mt. Vernon ten miles south and Salem, the same distance to the north: passes through Nashville, the county seat of Washington, Sparta and Chester, in Randolph, and crossing the river at that place, just miss Perryville, Jackson and Benton, Mo. Its nearest point to the Ohio is at Golconda, o5 miles distant, and the same from Vine- land, on the Mississippi River, near Jonesboro, the county seat of Union County. Williamson County is one of the most fertile and productive of the district, popularly known as Egypt from its great fertility and the fact that it supplied for a long time the more newly settled parts of the state with food. The northern and southern por- tions of the County are rolling and somewhat broken, but not suffi- ciently so to prevent successful cul- tivation; while the central parts are level, and thirty and forty years ago quite marshy in some sections. With drainage and cultivation, how- ever, the marshes have long since disappeared, and corn ani cattle flourish where the bull-frog once made night musical. The County was originally heav- ily timbered, but the annual fires, for which the hunters and their dusky brethren, the Indians, were mainly responsible, checked the growth and turned much of it into what is known as "oak openings." But with the disappearance of the Indian and the subsidence of the annual fires, the forest has again asserted its supremacy, and the former "oak openings" are covered with a heavy growth of young tim- ber. The great increase in coal mining an 1 railroad building, however, is rapidly using up the timber, and fat pastures are taking the place of woodlands. There is a water-shed which begins near the northeast cor- ner of the County and extends southwestwardly to the Village of Crab Orchard; thence it runs in a more westerly direction to the northeastern corner of Southern Township; thence across said town- ship to the south line of Section 33, where it leaves the County. About one-third of the surface of the County lies sloping to the southeast of this water-shed, and is drained by the Bad^eley, Bank Lick, Brushy Rock and Saline creeks, which flow into the Ohio River. The balance of the County slopes towarJ the northwest and is drained by Pond Lake and Crab Orchard Creeks and the Big Muddy River, which flows into the Mississippi. Geological formatton. The discovery of coal in Wil- liamson County and the great de- velopment of the industry has made its geological formation and his- tory of one special interest and im- portance. The limits of this volume, however, compel us to leave the sci- entific treatment of the subject to specialists in that line, and deal with it only from a practical point of view. There is very little limestone found in the county, not enough to be of any commercial value, but a brown sandstone found in the vicin- ity of Crab Orchard dresses well anl hardens on exposure; and an abundance of good brick clay is found on almost every farm. To the casual observer the soil of Williamson County will be regarded as thin and poor, as it is largely a yellowish clay, but with proper till- age it will, and has produced ex- cellent crops of corn, wheat, pota- toes, cotton and tobacco. "Of late years, however, farmers are com- plaining of a falling off in produc- tion, and are turning their attention to cattle and fruit-raising. Continual cropping of corn and wheat and an entire neglect of prop- THE OLD C.M.VIOKT HOME. Oldest residence in Marion now standing, built by N. B. Calvert in 1842. Now owned by John B. Heyde and used for a blacksmith shop and agricultural tool storage. This venerable old relic once the "swell" mansion of a prosperous citizen of Marion, but now degraded into a smutty blacksmith's shop and a place to store agricultural implements, was built by N. B. Cal- vert in 1842, the year he married. Here he raised his family and here he died in 1SS2. The old home- stead passed into the hands of its present owner, John B. Heyde, Oc- tober 4, 1889, and was run then as now as a blacksmith shop and farm implements. Mr. Heyde boasts of being the oldest man in the business and of never having lost three days from his business on account of sickness. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUN'I'Y, ILLINOIS. HON. C. H, DENNiaON, AI.AYOR OF MARION. 10 SOUVENIR OI' WILLIAMSOX COUNTY. ILLINOIS. 1 1 1-iy,-, i 1^^^^ JMMH^^^^^^^HK 1 ' 3^-^fl^Hil J. \V. HAKTWELL, Deceased. W. W. DUNCAN. .Judge of Circuit Court. 1.. D. HAKT\VEI>1.. States Attorney. er rotation of crops or fertilization, will, in time, exhaust the fertility of any soil, even of "Egypt." Ne- cessity has, therefore, compelled the tillers of the soil to abandon old methods for new and increasing prosperity results. When corn, in the early days, was the only crop, some of the thin clay soils were re- garded as of little value, but peo- ple have discovered that land which will not pay the rent when put into corn or wheat will yield an abund- ant and profitable harvest of all kinds of fruit and vegetables. All varieties of berries, beginning with the luscious strawberry, thrive in unequalled luxuriance in this part of "Egypt." The time was, and not very long ago, when a ten- acre strawberry patch was a mar- vel, but fields of forty and eighty acres are now "as thick as black- berries." Think of a train of twenty-five ov thirty cars loaded with strawberries going over one line of roa i to Chi- cago daily for weeks, and some idea of the immense traffic in that luscious fruit in its season may be gained. We do not say that this county alone does that, but it adds its full quota to the general output of "Egypt" in that particular. Following the strawberry, from early May on through the season, Pomona is the settler's gold mine. Currants, gooseberries, cherries, early apples, raspberries, plums, ap- ricots, peaches, pears, grapes, quinces, till, last and chief of all, comes the winter apple. It has taken them a long time to ■ find it out, but farmers are leai-ning that there is more money for the outlay in time and labor in the honest, good, old, long-keeping winter .ap- ple than in almost anything else the soil is capable of producing. But of late years a very profitable industry is springing up of growing early vegetables for the Northern markets, and vast quantities of spinach, peas, beans, onions, pie- plant, sweet and Irish potatoes, melons, tomatoes, etc., are grown and shipped North at a very satis- fActory profit. No portion of South- ern Illinois is more capable of a suc- cessful prosecution "f this industry than this County. Cotton. which was generally grown here before, during, and for a few years after the Civil War, is no longer produced, it being too far north to be a safe crop. Its most flourishing period was while the South was hindered from producing it by reason of the Civil War; but with the return of peace, normal conditions prevailed, the County could no longer compete with the plant in its natural home, and its production was almost entirely abandoned. SCHOOL AT STONE FORT. Cobacco. There is no doubt that the Indians and the early settlers raised their own tobacco, but it began to be raised for market in 1S40. In 1849 M. S. Ensminger bought and shipped to New Orleans 1100 hogs- heads of the weed, bought almost exclusively in this and the adjoin- ing Counties. So general was the industry at that time, and so profitable as well, that Marion was often glutted with tobacco teams and loaded wagons at harvest time. As many as 50 loade 1 tobacco wagons have been counted at one time on the public square, waiting to be unloaded. All the farming community were en- gaged in raising, manufacturing or shipping the weed, and fortunes were made and lost in the business. But after the close of the Civil War SOUX'EXIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 11 the government surrounded the bus- iness with many regulations and re- strictions, and taxed the finished product so heavily that it discour- aged the raising of the crop, and, declining prices reducing the profits, the business gradually was aban- doned, until now none is raised for market in this region. But instead of tobacco has come all the cereals, fruits and all kinds of stock, fat hogs and cattle, butter, eggs and poultry. Horses and mules are an important feature of trade; industries of various kinds are springing up, as milling, lum- ber, brick-making, artificial ice- making, cold storage, electric light- ing and transportation, and above all. coal mining. With the rapid increase of population attending the development of the mining indus- try, has come a large increase in building: fine houses and business blocks are springing up all around, and the sound of the saw and ham- mer can be heard at all times every- where. Every town and village in the County shares in the solid era of prosperity which has dawned up- on the County: wages are good, and few idle hands are to be seen any- where. ;-r -'^^^'^^^WPrasrr — % '-*,lf*<- ." -iK--^*!^ -* COUKT HOUSK OF \VILI,1A.MS<)\ t'OUXTY. W. W. DUNCAN, Judge of the Circuit Court. L. D. HARTWELL, States Attorney. L. B. PULLEY, Clerk of the Circuit Court. J. M. DODD, County Clerk. W. O. POTTER, llaster in Chancery. J. A. SINKS, Court Reporter. RUFUS NEELY, County Judge. R. R. FOWLER, Justice of the Peace. ROSTER OF PUBLIC OFFICERS, 1904. ROBERT P. HILL, Justice of the Peace. FRANK L. SHRIVES, County Treasurer. R. O. CLARIDA, County Superintendent of Schools. C. H. DENISON, Mayor. D. F. HARTWELL, City Attorney. GEORGE C. CAMPBELL, City Clerk. H. S. HARRIS, Sheriff. FRANK THROGMORTON, Deputy Sheriff. E. N. RICE, Coroner. J. V. GRIDER, City Marshall. JAMES LONG, Deputy Marshall. TOM WATERS, Second Deputy. C. W. MILLER, Jailer. HENRY JONES, Postmaster. JAMES ARTHUR CAMPBELL, Street Commissioner. H. U. SHACKELFORD, JOHN McMURRAY, CARROLL MILLER, County Commissioners. 12 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. HON THOS. H. SHERIDAN, Attorney and Ex-Senator. liON. O. H. BURNETT, State Senator. Population of ^dilUamson Co. 1840 Tnt. 4457 law White 7149 Colored i;7 Tot. 7216 1S60 White 120S7 Colored Ux Tot. 122115 1870 White 17223 Colored 106 Tot. 17H2S 1880 White 20858 Colored 2.i3 Tot 21111 1890 Tot. 22226 1900 Tot. 27796 Births from Jan. 1, 1890, to .A pril 1, 1904: Males, 1194 Kemales, 1138 Blacks, n Tot. 2.137 CITY OF MARION, 1300. According to School Census. Over 21 2309 OfSchoolAge 1583 POPULATION IN COUNTY. 1900. Marion 2.^10 Carterville 1749 Herrin 1539 Creal Springs 940 Crainville 290 Crab Orchard 200 In consequence of the i-rcat in- crease in mining, tlie population of Marion, Carterville, Herrin and Johnson City has more than doubled since the last census was taken. "Caxatton and finances. The taxable property in William- son County in 1S39, as talcen from the records of Franklin County, was as follows: Value of lands $27,136 Personal Property 139,410 Total $166,546 On this property 2 cents was levied on each $100 for state pur- poses, and 2 5 cents for county pur- poses, making in all $749.25. In 1S40 the tax collector reported all collected except $18.01. which was delinquent, thus leaving $721.23 'Col- lected, of which $3 25 belonged to the state and $406.23 to the county. By comparing the above figures. it will be observed that, at that time the personal property was val- ued at more than five times as much as all the lands in the county sub- ject to taxation. But this is account- ed for by the fact that only a small portion of the public funds had then Ijeen entered and conveyed to indi- •>irlual purchasers. In IS 5 6 the personal property was valued, for the purposes of tax- ation, at $363,710, and the lands and lots at $626,004. Total, $989- 714. A large portion of the public Ian 's had now been entered, and their assessed value was nearly double that of the personal prop- erty. The State tax charged therein, including the school tax, amounted to $7,059.53; and the County tax to $3,687.81. The total for all purposes, $10,747.34. In 1S60 the personal property of the County was assessed at $516- 271, and the real estate $794,977; total, $1,311,248. The total taxes charged therein were $14,439.14. Immediately after the close of the Civil War the personal property of the County was assessed at $537- 923, and the realty at $826,132; total, $1,364,055. The State taxes were $10,541.25: County, $14,640- RESIDENCE OP CHARLES SCHWERDT. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. 13 B. S. CRAINE, Mining and Civil Engineer. I JAMES A. FELTS. Of Felts and Baker. Stationers and Booksellers. M. CANTOR. Clothier. .55; total, $24,581.80, showing an increase during the four years of the Civil War of Personal Property .. ..$21,652.00 Real Estate 31,155.00 Total taxes, increase.. 13.834.67 In 1880 the taxable property was assessed as follows: Personal Property .. .$483,290.00 I,ands 806,128.00 Town Lots 87,928.00 Railroad track 35,543.00 Rolling stock 12,747.00 Total $1,425,636.00 Taxes on State State School . . Military . . Total, for all purposes $5,031.61 The following table is compiled from the Public Records for IS 86. and shows the total assessed value of property and the amount of taxa- tion thereon in each Congressional District for that year: 8 1 $ 21730$ 68fil2,3 90740 $ 314S 94 9 1 54022; 124019' 178041 58G1 86 10 1 252881 T.^625! 98913 :«99 72 S 2 31476 84CfiO 11.i5:M 340!) 05 a 2 336.W !:C236 119886 3723 1( 10 2 3J5:;:i Ti-4111 10)949 3982 35 8 3 40]ir ^(111 ■;, vi"i-m 4104 6< 9 3 25.-.:; '.'tl' 't ll:0l'>9 :i908 oi 10 X O'iM'if 11^TS3 .i067 8i 8 i 34W: ■■ 1 i'"- ii'iiTI 4377 55 9 4 3S3:'i ■ r : w 4329 If 10 4 :j;9 .3600 66 M.S D 69'.-:, 1 "."J ■.'- ■i::::«l 10371 6S J463i92 li:i'4fir, l.i?3h97 59481 69 Carbondale and Shawnee- town Ry. Cairo and Vincennes Ry. 54248 1642 72 8308 316 88 $1696253 61440 81 The following table shows the as- sessed valuation, rate and amount of taxation for school purposes in every school County for t istnct year in W 1903, illiamson carefully copied from . Illi:: the Public Records at 52,993.44 I -s- 1,995.63 ° 142.54 5 RESIDENCE OF HON. GEO. \V. YOUNG. 14 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. HON. GEO. W. YOUNG. MEMORAND.'i. School District No. 32 is in Marion; No. A5 is In Carterville; No. 25 is in Herrin; No. 13 is m Johnson City; No. 37 is in Crainville, No. Si is in Creal Springs. The following tabulated state- ment shows the condition of the public finances for the year 1903. copied from the public records at Marion: Valuation by the State Board. Realty $1,268,358 Lots «5,G03 Personal Property . . . . 574 ,437 Total $2;2TS,398 MISS EVA YOUNG. Stenographer and Court Reporter. Youngest daughter of Hon. Geo. W. Young. Western U. Tel. Co.. . .$ 569 Coal Belt Ry. Cc . . 5,000 Corporations . . . 5,569 C V & C (Big 4) Ry. Co. 7,000 C. P. & M. Ry. Co. . 77,562 E. I. & M 64,197 Chi. & Tex. . . . 36,427 St. L. A. & T. H. (111. Cen.) Ry Co. 156,928 Total Assesse 1 Val . .$12 ,631,650 Cash Valuation . .$13,163,250 The Williamson County = Pre s s By Geo. W. Young. RESIDENCE OF M. CANTOR. THE first printing office ever es- tablised in Williamson Coun- ty was in the year 1838, was owned by W. H. Willeford, and was located at his residence, seven miles southeast of- Marion. This was be- fore Marion was laid off and located as a county seat. In fact. It was while Williamson and Franklin Counties were embraced in the same territory and called Franklin County, with the county seat at old Frankfort, twelve miles north of Marion. Mr. Willeford was en- ergetic and resourceful, and was a good printer for his day and time; he was also a book binder; he bound small books and pamphlets, and printed about all of the blank forms that were used by the county offices and Justices of the Peace. He continued in this line of print- ing and book binding until about the year 1S5 0, when he established a by-monthly journal, called the "Western Family Monitor." The publication of this paper, in con- nection with the job printing turned out by the office, attracted the at- tention of some business men In Marion, who bought out his press and stock of printing material, and moved the same to Marion, and started the newspaper called the "Marion Intelligencer," published SOU\"EXIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLLXOIS. 15 . VUlXGBLOOD. and Insurance Agent REV. B. F. BAKER. Of Felts and Baker. Stationers Booksellers. D. C. SMITH. Real Estate Agent. by I. B. .Tones, editor and publisher. From l.s.5o to lb..59 the 'Marion Intelligencer" was the only news- paper printed and published in the County. There were many changes in editors, publishers and mana- gers. It is said that at one time Robert G. IngersoU was manager and editor-in-chief. This was, per- haps, about the year 1S5S and 1859. The Winter and Spring of 1861, Mr. De Bard Rock and Mr. John McGarvey were editors and managers. With the breaking out of the Civil War, it seems that the paper suspended publication for a while. We have no reliable data as to the extent of the publication of any newspaper during the time of the Civil War, although the of- fice and material situated in a room on the north side of the Public Square was occasionally used to do job printing and to keep up appear- ances. It continued to bear the name of the "Marion Intelligencer," and was the only newspaper pub- lished in the County. In the Spring of 186G, the name of the paper was changed to "The Marion Star," and was owned by a company, or an association, of individuals, and ■was published as the Democratic or- gan of the County. In ISfifi, the first Republican pa- per ever printed or published in the County was issued by an associa- tion that organized for the purpose of giving the Republicans in the County a newspaper or party organ. The original contributors to this enterprise were Captain George W. Sisney, Capt. William X. Mitchell, Capt. David G. Young, S. M. Mitch- ell, William M. Hindman, Jesse Bishop and George W, Young. The name given it was "Our Flag." Ly- man E. Knapp. a practical printer. and Jesse Bishop were designated and installed as editors and pub- lishers. In September, 1S66, the Democratic organ, "The Marion Star," changed owners, and changed its name to that of "The Old Flag," with Dr. Samuel H. Bundy, editor and manager. These were the two papers that represented the two IXTElUOi; UF AI. l.'A.\TUR'3 RESIDENCE. Mrs. Schwerdt and Sisters. 10 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. SOUA^ENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. 17 MAYOR C. H. DENISON. AIRS. C. H. DENISON. RESIDENCE OF C. H. DENISON, MAYOR OP .AIARION. West Main St., near Vicksbuig, Erected in 1S99 18 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ROBERT C. NOLL. Noll and Williams. Carpenter OSCAR M. WILLIAMS. Contractors. parties, Republican and Democrat, during and through the campaign of 1S66. George W. Sisney, Republican, was elected Sheriff at the election in November, 18G6. and the Republi- cans having carried the election the year previous, they had control of all the County offices. "Our Flag," the Republican or- gan, under one management and another, continued to be the organ of the Republican party during the years 1S67, ISGS and 1869. Judge Jesse Bishop shaped the policy and politics of the paper. Lyman B. Knapp, the original editor and pub- lisher, was succeeded by Ed Bishop, and others, among whom I remem- ber was John I. Hogg. James F. Connell and Samuel O. Hart. James F. Connell became editor and RESIDENCE OF R. C. NOLL. Noll and Williams, Architects and Builders. publisher in the Spring of 1870, and remained in charge something like one year, when the office again came under the control of Judge Jesse Bishop. In 1871, the material of "The Marion Star" was disposed of to Mit A. Bates, who establishel the paper called "The People's Friend," independent Democrat. About the year 1874 "The People's Friend" was sold by Mit A. Bates to an old gentleman by the name of W. R. Brown and his sons, Richard H. and C. D., who changed the name to that of "The Williamson County Democrat." and run it for a short time, but it was closed out liv the Sheriff. A stock company was formed in the Spring of 1S75. which organ- ized and started a Democratic pa- per called "The Egyptian Press," Will S. Washburn as manager, edi- tor and publisher. The old print- ing office and material of the Re- publican party, called "Our Flag," was run under other names and other managements up to May, 1S74, when James P. Copeland, of Vienna, came to Marion, and pro- cured a lease, or rather a permit, to revive the dormant "Flag." This he proceeded to do by changing the name to "The Marion Monitor." On the 30th day of May, 1S75, the offices of "The Egyptian Press" and "Marion Monitor" were consumed bv fire, lioth a total loss. "The SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. 19 G. L. BRACK, Miner and Alderman 2nd Ward. ROBT. L. KUDJEXS. Alc'erman 1st Ward. JOSEPH FOZARD, Alderman 4th Ward. EgJ'ptian Press" was immediately re-established by a stock company or association of leading Democrats of the County, among whom we call to mind Z. Hudgens. Jas. M. Wash- burn. Charles H. Denison. William H. Bun y, N. E. Xorris, William T. Davis, Levi Ferrell; there might have been others, but we do not call them to mind at this distant day. "The Marion Monitor" was re- established at once by James P. Copeland and George W. Young, who were assisted by liberal con- tributions from various Republi- cans throughout the County. James P. Copeland continued to be editor and publisher, and the paper con- tinued to be, as it had been from the start, soundly Republican, while "The Egj-ptian Press" was soundly Democratic. In 1S77, John F. Lusk, a practical printer an 1 writer, bought an interest in "The Moni- tor" from George W. Young, and remained connected with the paper something like two years, when he sold out to John H. Duncan and E. E. Mitchell. In ISSC. Thomas J. Helton started a paper called "The Marion Independent," published the same about one year, when it was bought by a stock company com- posed of E. E. Mitchell, John H. Duncan. W. C. S. Rhea and Elder (HOIK OF M. E. CHl'KCH SOVXH. First Row — Lloyd Hunter, Bass: S.M. ilay, Bass: Ed E. Gill, Bass: J. W. Asbury, Tenor; Earl Cline, Tenor. 2nd Row — Miss Fanny Davis. Alto: Miss Fannie Hunter, Alto: Alice Samuels, Soprano: Mrs. Dr. Evans, Soprano: Mrs. Dr. Baker, Soprano: Mrs. Alice Cline, Soprano, not in the group. The group whose half tone and names appear above has had for its organist and leader for the past 22 years Mrs. Dora Evans, wife of Dr. Evans, and its members all agree in ascribing whatever efficiency they possess to her skill and untiring diligence and persistency in their training. To a reader of character, the portraits speak for themselves and the artist is no flatterer. One portrait we are compelled to omit. It is tat of Mrs. Alice Cline, who with her husband were visiting in California when the group was taken. She is a talented soprano singer. 20 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. OTIS W. WILLIAMS, Contractor and Builder. Alderman 3rd Ward. ED M. STOLLAR, JIanager of Stollar Herrin Lumber Co. Elected member of Board of Education in Spring of 1904. HON. RUFl'S NEELY, County Judge. William H. Bole.,, a'.id this office was consolidated with "The Marion Monitor" in 1886, and the name changed to "The Leader," with Jas. P. Copeland editor and manager. This new company continued the publication of "The Leader" for abut one year, when it became the property of O. J. Page, who, after running the paper about a year, sold the same to Arthur Roberts and Thomas M. Mitchell. About 1896, W. R. Lee started a paper in Marion called "The Marion News," which was Republi- can in politics, but was not well supported. It was mostly of the material of the defunct "Creal Springs News." (independent). MtsccUancous Newspapers. During the period from 18 6 6 to 18 7 5, there were a great many newspaper enterprises started by aiyenturous itinerant printers, but aS a rule, they did not exist very long, and died for the want of pa- tronage. I call to mind the "Williamson County Progress" published by John A. Wall. It was a Republi- can sheet, but did not last more than about one year. Another, called "The Old Flag." It was es- tablished by Lyman B. Knapp, af- ter he had ceased his connection with the Republican paper called "Our Flag," which, as I have said STOLLAR HERRI X LUMBER CO. before, was the first Republican paper ever established and pub- lished in Williamson County. An- other called "The People's Friend," established by Mit A. Bates, ft was an independent Democratic paper, and was the most successfully pub- lished paper of the whole number of papers of this class, I think. It went out of existence, being suc- ceeded by the Egyptian Press Print- ing Company in 1874, when the plant was sol 1 to an old eccentric publisher by the name of H. P. Brown, and his two sons, Richard H. and C. D., of White County. They published, for a while, two pa- pers, one called "The Williamson County Advocate," and other they called "The Williamson County Democrat." They did not live more than a year, as the old gentleman and his two sons were rather eccen- tric in their style, and their publi- cations were not popular with any class of our citizens. Some time about the year '84, Thomas J. Helton established or bought out a dead office in Creal Springs, called "The Creal Springs Advocate," and run it something like a year on a losing basis, and then moved to Marion, and printed "The Marion Independent" for one year, and sold the same to the stock company that bought out the old "Marion IVIonitor" Company, and established "The Marion Leader." About the year 1SS2, John H. Barton established "The Carterville Advocate," and sold the same after- wards to James P. and B. F. Cope- lani, who run the same something over a year, and sold it to L. E. Robertson, who still continues the publication of the paper. Will L. Connell established a paper at Creal Springs, called "The Creal Springs SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 21 HON. ROBT. P. HILL. .1. P., AND WIFE. T. .1. ERWLN. Union." It was poorly supported, and didn't exist but a few months. when it was accidentally burned out. There was a paper called "The Farmers' Advocate." printed by H. G. Blood and John Palmer. It had Democratic tendencies in politics. but professed to be published in the interest of the farmers. If went out of existence sometime about 1S75. About the year 1S70, Green Stew- art, George Gulp, Fergis Farris and T. J. Helton launched the newspa- per enterprise, called "The Marion Gazette." It professed to be inde- pendent in politics. They issued five numbers and it died a natural death. "The Williamson County Republican" was started by Thomas Boren in Marion in 1SS9, but RESIDENCE OF A. J. BINKLEY. Northeast Corner North Market Street and Boulevard. Residence of A. J. Binkley, late of the firm of Burkhart & Binkley, Dry Goods. Built in the Spring of 1S98, George F. Barber & Co., of Knoxville, Tenn., Architects. Contractors and Builders. The grounds are 160 feet front by 2 85 feet back and occupy the Northeast corner of North Market Street and Boulevard. SOU\EXTR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. W. T. SPILLER, Farmer ARTHUR G. DAVIS. Deputy Circuit Clerk. D. A. DAVIS. passed out of existence after four weeks. In June, 1904, Tlie Leader Print- ing Office was incorporated with a capital stock of eight thousand dollars, incorporators being Arthur Roberts, T. M. Mitchell, John H. Duncan, O. H. Burnett, Oliver J. Page, Lloyd C. Campbell, J. F. Throgmorton, John M. Dodd, J. B. Bundy, F. T. Joyner, Leonard Culp, W. T. Felts. John H. Duncan was elected President of the Company; O. H. Burnett, Vice President, and L. C. Campbell, Secretary and Treas- urer. Arthur Roberts was chosen as editor and publisher. January 1, 1S95, Samuel K. Ca- sey bought a half interest of the "Egyptian Press," and the same was owned by Samuel K. Casey and Jas. M. Washburn until 19 01, when Wal- ter Williams bought Jas. M. Wash- tnirn's half interest. Casey and AVilliams were the owners until January, 190 3, when James H. Felts bought Williams' interest. The plant is now owned by Samuel K. Casey and James H. Felts. In February, 1904, James P. Copeland and others, bought "The Marion News" from W. R. Lee, and established a paper called "The Record," so that there are now three weekly papers in Marion, viz: "The Leader," "The Egyptian Press" and "The Record." The pa- pers printed in the county at pres- ent are: "Herrin News," (Independ- ent), printed at Herrin; "Carter- ville Herald," (Independent), at Carterville; "Creal Springs News," (Independent), at Creal Springs; "Johnson City Review," (Independ- ent), "Johnson City Progress" (Re- publican) rt Johnson City; "Egyp- tian Press," (Democratic) ; "Marion Leader," Republican: and "The Record," Republican, the last three at Marion. RESIDENCE OF WILLIAM J. SPILLER. Location of the former home of the late Robert G. IngersoU, and his father and family. Daily INfcvcapapcrs.' There have been several attempts to publish a daily paper in Marion, first by J. P. Copeland, who started "The Daily Leader" in 1900; next was "The Marion Post," by Ollie R. Nation, in 1901; next was "The Ma- rion News," by W. R. Lee. These publications were of short duration, and in March, 19o2, Casey and Felts, having bought out the "Daily Ma- rion News" and "The Daily Marion Post," began the publication of the "Daily Marion Post," and it has become a permanent daily publica- tion, with a circulation of eight hun- dred. It is quite a newsy sheet, neatly printed, and well edited in the main. On the whole, the press of Wil- liamson County compares favorably with the press of any other County in Southern Illinois. SOL'X'EXIR OF WILLIAMSON COUXTY. ILLINOIS. 23 ^^^^^K^i^^^^^i' ^^^H ^^^^ r^ J. C. JACKSON. E.x-llavor three times. A. L. CLIXE, Merchant and President of Pressed Bricli Co. MRS. XAXNIE HEXDRICKSOX, The fii'st girl born in Marion. POLITICS AND POLITICAL PARTIES THE early settlers of this County were people from the South- ern States, principally from Tennes- see, Kentucky, Virginia and the Carolinas, and it was but natural that these people should bring with them and cherish their political opinions, which prevailed almost universally over the Southern por- tions of this County since the foun- dation of the Government, viz: Pro- slavery and Democratic; hence the normal conditions of the people of Williamson County prior to IS 60 were Democratic, intensely so. Going back as far as 1S52, in the Presidential election, the Democrats polled 799 votes for Franklin Pierce for President, General Winfleld Scott, nominee of the Whigs, re- ceived 344 votes for President. Four years later, in IS.IC. .lames Buchan- an, Democratic nominee for Presi- dent, received 1419 votes: John C. Fremont, the first nominee for President run by the Republican party, received lu votes: Millard Fillmore, the candidate run by the American or "Know Xothing" par- ty, received ISS votes. Four years later, in IS GO, at the time when the Democrats experi- enced the bolt of the Southern wing of the party at the Baltimore Con- vention, in which the Northern Democrats generally supported Stephen A. Douglas, and the South- ern Democrats John C. Breckenridge, and the Unionists supported John Bell, of Tennessee. At this elec- tion, Stephen A. Douglas received 1S35 votes; Abraham Lincoln, 873 votes; John C. Breckenri'ge re- ceived 40 votes and John Bell 166 votes. Four years later, in 1S64, WlLI.I.VilSOX COrXTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. 1st Row — James A. Goodall, Harrison White, H. V. Boles, O. S. Tippy, John Gray, man. President; Chas. M. Kern. Wni. H. Bundy, Secretary. 2nd Row — W. J. Aik 24 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 1 ROBERT SPARKS, Contractor and Builder. FRANCIS xMARION SPARKS. JOHN G. SPARKS, Deceased. RESIDENCE OF F. M. SPARKS. This substantia! and elegant home of Mr. Sparks and his family stands on the north side of West Main street in Marion, between Court and Vicksburg. The grounds are spacious and nicely kept, as shown in the half-tone and the land lies on the highest point in the street giving its attractive surroundings a prom- inence which at once commands the admiration of the passer-by. It was largely planned by Mrs. Sparks and her husband, and erected by their son, Robert Sparks, the Contractor and Builder, in 1903. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 25 PHILIP RICK AXD WIFE. Proprietors of West Side Hotel. O. .!. PAGE. Editor and Pul5lisher of the Daily Non-Partisan, Marion. being the Presidential election that occurred during the war, McClellan received 1121 votes, Lincoln re- ceived 859 vtes. This brings us up to the close of the War in IS 6. 5, and it shows that in 18.56 there were only ten Republicans in the County who voted lor John C. Fremont, the regular nominee for President of the Republican Party. There were ISS "Know Nothings," or straight Americans, and the Republican vote only increased during the four years to 173, being the number Lincoln received for President in 1860. In an early day prior to 1840, the voting was done viva voce, and after the adoption of the system of voting by ballot, it was the custom for the names of all candidates to be printed upon one slip of paper or ballot, and the voter, with a pen- cil, scratched off all the names ex- cept the one he wished to vote for. The voting in Presidential years was done by preparing the ballot with the names of all the Presiden- tial electors printed thereon, and this was followed by the names of all the candidates for State Offices and other minor offices, and this system has been kept up to the present time, as it is the system pro- vided for in the Constitution, so that in the Presidential elections of 18.56, 1860 and 1S64, the names of the Republican and Democratic elec- tors were on separate tickets, but usually on the same piece of paper, so that the system of scratching, as it was called, remained in vogue un- til 1891, when the present Austra- lian ballot system was adopted in this State, hence for the last thir- teen years, the tickets have been printed at public expense, with cards containing voluminous instructions as to how the voter could vote his sentiments when retired to the se- crecy of the voting booth. But to go back to 1860, there was no Republican Organization in the County. The 173 votes cast for Abraham Lincoln for President were east by his supporters, who pro- cured their own tickets and wrote them out themselves. In 1864, the regular Republican ticket was print- ed by the State Central Committee, containing the names of the various State Officers, but the candidates for County offices were simply put on the County part of the ticket, without the formality of any Repub- lican caucus or Convention, so that while there were some Republican or Union men voted for prior to 1865, they were on what was called mixed tickets, upon which all the names of all the candidates were placed, and the voters scratched the names of all the candidates, except the name of the canlldate of his choice. There was never any notable con- test where Party lines were drawn, except perhaps in the contest for Sheriff in 186 4, when Captain Fran- cis M. Norman and Captain Robert M. Allen were candidates for Sheriff. Captain Robert M. Allen was re- garded as a Democrat, and Captain Norman was an avowed Union man, as they were called then, but really a Republican. While their names were printed on the same ticket, it was understool that the Re- publicans or Union men would scratch tne name of Robert M. Al- len and give their vote to Captain Norman, and so the Democrats like- WEST SIDE HOTEL. Philip Rick, Proprietor. 26 SOU\^ENIR OF WILLIAMSON' COUNTY, ILLINOIS. . S. VICK, Pioneer. MRS. S. S. VICK, Pioneer, MRS. MARY I>. MAXIER. Pioneer. wise scratch the name of Captain Norman and give their vote to Cap- tain Allen. The heavy vote of S5 9 cast for Abraham Lincoln in 1SG4 was prin- cipally given by soldiers, who were in the army, and who were fur- loughed home to vote in the election. Of course, this vote was largely sup- plemented by the friends and rela- tives of the soldiers in the Union Army. But the alignment of politi- cal parties and the selection of can- didates to be voted for by the dif- ferent political parties did not as- sume definite shape until September 30, 1865. The War closed in May of that year, and from that on un- til September, the soldiers who had enlisted in the Union Army were being mustered out ; and Jesse Bishop, who hal been a politician in Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and also had taken some interest in politics in McLean County in this State, came to this County in 1S64, and was the guiding star in directing and conducting the political cam- paign of 1SC4, and when the sol- diers returned from the War, they were influenced, in a great measure, by such men as John A. Logan, who then resided at Carbondale, and Major A. J. Kuykendall, at Vienna, and General Green B. Raum, who lived at Harrisburg, and Captain Isaac Clements, of Carbondale, sup- plemented with such positive char- acters as Captain Francis M. Nor- man, Geo. W. Sisney. David G. RESIDENCE OF JO VICK. Young, William N. Mitchell, Geo. W. Young and numerous others, that had been conspicuous in the army and during the V.'ar aligned themselves with the Republican par- ty; and the inside history sliows that on the 30th day of September, 1S65, there were thirteen of the ex- soldiers and Union men met in the rear room of the drug store of Dr. Isaac M. Lewis, on the south side of the Public Square, in the old frame building, corresponding with the store room owned by Dr. Casey at this time, and they then and there proceeded to nominate and make up the first Republican ticket that was ever placed before the people of Wil- liamson County at the general elec- tion. The names of those individu- als were as follows: Dr. Isaac M. Lewis, Dr. Geo. L. Owen, Samuel W. Russell, Dr. S. M. Mitchell, Cap- tain Francis M. Norman, Geo. A. Willeford, James M. Edwards, Cap- tain Geo. W. Sisney, Robert P. Er- win, A. J. Lewis, Addison Reese, Jesse Bishop and Geo. W. Young. This caucus proceeded to nominate candidates for the different County offices, to be voted for at the coming November election. For County Judge, Robert L. Pulley; Associate Justices, Jonathan Impson and Ad- dison Reese; for County Clerk, Cap- tain William N. Mitchell; for Super- intendent of Schools, Captain David G. Young; for County Treasurer, Joseph W. Hartwell, of the 31st Illi- nois. On the 21st of October follow- ing, Robert L. Pulley died, and at the suggestion of Jesse Bishop, who was then regarded as the head of the party, Isaac M. Lewis was placed on the ticket to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Pulley. There being no printing office un- der the control of the Republicans SOU\E\IR OF WILLIAMSON' COUXTY, ILLINOIS. BOARD OF EDl'CATIOX. Reading from left to right the Board of Education is as follows: Top row — Ed Spilled, E. E. Deni- son, W. G. Cochran, Dr. A. il. Edwards. 2nd row — J. M. Burkhart, Geo. H. Goodall and W. J. Aikman. With the steady advance in improvements in all matters pertaining to education, a change from the old system of control under the old law was inevitable, and it came in 1898. The Board of Education was organized at that time, and its first members were: W. H. Bundy, its first president, W. W. Clemmens, Judge W. W. Duncan, Dr. A. M. Edwards, J. .M Cline, W. J. Aikman and .J. H. Burnett. They were di- vided into one, two and three year members, and the President and two members are elected every year. The two new members of the present Board are E. M. Stotlar, President, and .J. M. Do'ld. at that time. Captain David G. Young and Joseph \V. Hartwell rode through the country on horseback to Desoto to have the tickets print- ed to be voted at the coming elec- ion. The election came off on the 7th day of November, 1S65. The whole Republican ticket was elected by good majorities, being the first Republican ticket and the first Re- publicans that were ever' elected to any office in Williamson County. The next year, 1SG6, was the first general State and Congressional election that came off after the close of the war. Geo. W. Sisney was candidate for Sheriff on the Re- publican ticket, and Samuel S. Vick was candidate on the Democratic ticket. The lines were drawn, and the tickets were prepared on sepa- rate pieces of paper by both parties: Captain Sisney and the other Re- publicans were elected by a major- ity less than one hundred. In 1867, T. P. White was elected Assessor and Treasurer on the Re- publican ticket. In 1868, being the first Presidential election aftfi the close of the War, General Grant, Republican candidate for President carried the County by 68 majority, electing Hardin Goodall Sheriff and all the rest of the Republicans on the ticket. In 1869, the Democracy lined up in good shape for the contest. Schisms had gotten into the Repub- lican ranks, and the result was that the Democrats carried the County, electing all of their officers by ma- jorities ranging from 30 to 120. In 1870, the County went Republican, electing A. N. Owens for Sheriff by majority less than 100. In 1871, the County went Democratic by a small majority. In 187 2, being the second Presidential election after the close of the War, party spirit ran high. The Democrats and the liberal Republicans, who joined forces, nominated Horace Greeley as RESIDENCE OF J. M. BURKHART, Southwest corner North Market Street and Boulevard. 28 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. M. A. FELTS, Reporter Egyptian Press. MARTIN V. FELTS, Farmer. PROF. C. C. DSXXEY, Marion High School. their candidate for President, and the regular Republicans renominat- ing General Grant for President. The campaign was bitter and excit- ing, and every effort was put forth by the respective parties to carry the election. The result was, that while General Grant carried the County by 12 majority, the Democrats elect- ed their County ticket by majori- ties ranging from 35 to 200. In 1873, the Republicans were success- ful by a small majority. In 1874 was the great land slide in favor of the Democracy, being the first that had come over the country since the close of the War. The Democrats carried almost everything, not only in Williamson County, but in the country at large. N. E. Norris was elected Sheriff by a majority of something over 200. In 1S75. the Republicans carried the County by "a small majority. In 1S76, being the third presidential campaign af- ter the close of the War, and the old parties being lined up on the issues growing out of the results of the War, the Republicans nominated Rutheford B. Hayes for their candi- date for President; and the Demo- crats nominated Samuel J. Tilden for their candidate for President. The Republicans won, electing all their County officers. M. S. Strike was electel Circuit Clerk by 12 ma- jority. W. J. Caplinger was elected Sheriff by 120 majority. Hayes car- ried the County by 2 8 majorty. In 1S77. the Republicans elected their ticket by majorities ranging from 39 to 113. In 1878, was a Congressional election, in which John R. Thomas, Republican, was pitted against William J. Allen. It was a war of giants, and very excit- ing and much interest manifested. Captain Thomas carried the County over William J. Allen by 143 ma- jority. James H. Duncan, Demo- crat, defeated W. J. Caplinger, Re- publican, by 7 8 majority. CIKIOI. lUll.DIXC. In 1S79, the Republicans elected their candidate by 173 majority. In 1880, the Republicans elected their ticket, except the States' Attorney; W. W. Clemens defeated John W. Peebles by 94 majority. In 1881, the Republicans elected their County Commissioner by 155 majority. In 18 82, being a general election for State Treasurer, State Superintend- ent of Schools, State Senator, Mem- ber of Congress, Member of Legisla- ture, and County Officers, the Demo- crats elected the Coroner, County Treasurer, County Clerk, Sheriff, County Judge and County Commis- sioner. The Republican candidate for Congress had 5G majority; Re- publican candidate for Superintend- ent of Schools had 5 8 majority; the Democrats elected everything else. In 1883, Reuben Borton, Democrat, defeated John Scoby, Republican, for County Commissioner, by 5 8 ma- jority. In 1884, being a Presiden- ital election, the Republicans nomi- nated James G. Blaine and the Dem- ocrats nominated Grover Cleveland for President. Blaine carried the County by 272 majority, and all the Republicans in the County were elected by majorities ranging from 135 to 272. In 1885, the Republi- cans elected their County Commis- sioner by a small majority. In 1886 was the most hotly con- tested campaign that had taken place between the two parties since 1868. In this campaign, the Dem- ocracy rallied the old guard as if for a final struggle. They put forth their strongest and best men, and this campaign was for years after referred to as the "Cat and Dog Fight." It was pre-eminently the boodle campaign of the County. In no campaign prior thereto was there anything like the amount of money SOU\-ENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 29 R. O. CLARIDA, Superintendent of Schools. spent by the candiaates among the voters as there was in this campaign. Both parties were equally guilty of the abominable and corrupt practice, and the campaign of 'SG is referred to at the present time as being the initial campaign for the corrupt use of money by candidates in elections. The Republicans were successful, and this campaign broke the back- bone of the Democracy. They have never rallied or been able to put forth a successful campaign since. The fact is, that the Democracy have never nominated a ticket com- posed of men who were willing to spend their money in 'procuring votes to that degree of . liberality that the Republicans have. The use of money in elections has be- come so corrupt and notorious that two years ago, twenty-four men, mostly Republicans, were indicted for the infamous crime of bribery in elections. There have been sev- eral convictions, and some of the ■cases are still pending. The Supreme Court of the State has upheld the constitutionality of the bribery in election law . In this connection, it might be proper to add that any elector who shall so- licit, request, demand or receive, di- rectly or indirectly, any money, in- toxicating liquor, or other thing of value, or the promise thereof, either to influence his vote, or to be used, or under the pretense of being used to procure the vote of any other per- son or persons, prior to or on the day of an election for or against any candidate for otfice, or for or against any measure or question to be voted upon at such election, shall be guilty of the infamous crime of bribery in elections. The Statute also further provides that solicitation by any person of a loan of money, or the purchase of anything of value, or of liquor by the drink or treat, to influence or ef- fect his vote, or any other subter- fuge, shall be deemed a violation of the Statute. The man who pays the money is not culpable, but by the law is made a witness against the man who receives the money. The penalty is disfranchisement for not less than five years, and imprison- ment In the County jail for not less than three months, and to stand im- prisoned until the costs of the pros- ecution are paid. It is to be hoped that all good citi- zens will unite in the strict enforce- ment of this law: and in this con- nection, it might be proper to add that if the law could be amended in such a way that the voter who re- ceives the money could be made a witness against the man who pays the money, it would decidedly ele- vate the morals of the politics of our country. At the Presidential election of ISSS, the Republicans carried the County by majorities ranging from ITS to 32S. At the next Presiden- tial election in 1S92, the Republican majority was 151, the lowest, and ?,Sfi, the highest. The next Presi- NEW SCHOOL BLTILDING. PROF. TURNER. Teacher. dential election, in 1S9(;, the Repub- licans carried the County by majori- ties ranging from 433 to 510. At the election for County Commis- sioner in 1S99, the Democrats broke the record, and for the first time since 1883, they elected E. H. Bul- linger County Commissioner by ma- jority of 73 votes. At the Presiden- tial election of 1900, the Republi- cans elected their whole ticket by majorities ranging from 854 to 101 S. This brings us up to the last Presidential election, and by way of explanation, it would be proper to say that the majorities spoken of really represent pluralities, as there has always been (especially -n Pres- idential years') from three to fiv and 87 years old. The log house was liuilt in 1JS4.5 and still does service as kitchen and dining room. 38 Snr\'l'.\IR ( »I' WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. AN IMPROMPTU GROUP AT MARION, ILL. 1st Row Mrs Dr. Thomson, Mrs. H. N. Boles, Mrs. Shannon Holland, Mrs. Mat tie Bortree, Wetzel Bortree, Mrs. Minnie Hall, Mrs. Geo. Goodall, Mrs. Gus Brown, Mrs. Dr. Theo. Hudson, Mrs. R. D. Hol- land. 2nd Row — Mrs. Charles Gent, Mrs. Eph. E. Snyder, Mrs. W. H. Warder, Mrs. L. D. Hartwell. 3rd Row Mrs. A. F. White, Mrs. Wiley Cochran, rMs. W. J. Aikman, Mrs. W. P. Moore. Babies— Miss Sarah Augusta Snyder, Mary Louisa Gent, Charlie Hay, Miss Harriet Goodall. control or direct the rapidly social- izing forces of industry. The so- called trust is but a sign and form of the developing socialism of the world's work. The universal in- crease of the uncertainty of employ- ment, the universal capitalist de- termination to break down the unity of labor in the trades unions, the widespread apprehensions of impending change, reveal that the institutions of capitalist society are passing under the power of inher- ing forces that will soon destroy them. Into the midst of the strain and crises of civilization, the socialist movement comes as the only con- servative force. If the world is to be saved from chaos, from univer- sal disorder and misery, it must be by the union of the workers of all nations in the socialist movement. The. socialist party comes with the only proposition or program for in- telligently and deliberately organ- izing the nation for the common good of all its citizens. It is the first time that the mind of man has ever been directed toward the con- scious organization of society. Socialism meant, that all those things upon whirh the people in common depend shall by the people in common be owned and adminis- tered. It means that the tools of employment shall belong to their creators and users: that all pro- duction shall be for the direct use of the producers; that the making of goods for profit shall come to an end; that we shall all be work- ers together; and that all oppor- tunities shall be open and equal to all men. V. To the end that the workers may seize every possible advantage that may strengthen them to gain com- plete control of the powers of gov- ernment, and thereby the sooner establish the co-operative common- wealth, the Socialist Party pledges itself to watch and work, in both the economic and the political struggle, for each successive im- mediate interest of the working class; for shortened days of labor and increase of wages; for the in- surance of the workers against ac- cident, sickness and lack of em- ployment; for pensions for aged and exhausted workers; for the graduated ta.xation of incomes, in- heritances, franchises and land val- ues, the proceeds to be applied to the public employment and improve- ment of the conditions of the work- ers; for the complete education of children, and their freedom from the workshop; for the prevention of the use of the military against la- bor in the settlement of strikes; for the free administration of justice; for popular government, including initiative, referendum, proportional representation, equal suffrage of men and women, municipal home rule, and the recall of officers by their constituents; and for every gain or advantage for the workers that may be wrested from the cap- italist system, and that may relieve the suffering and strengthen the hands of labor. We lay upon every man elected to any executive or legislative office the first duty of sorxEXik oi- V. ii_LiA^;se;x couxtv. illixois 39 ELDER A. M. KIRKLAXD, Pastor of thp Primitive Baptist Church. striving to procure whatever is for the workers' most immediate inter- est, and for whatever will lessen the economic and political powers of the capitalist, and increase the lilie powers of the worker. But, in so doing, we are using these remedial measures as means to the one great end of the co-op- erative commonwealth. Such meas- ures of relief as we may be able to force from capitalism are but a preparation of the workers to seize the whole powers of government, in order that they may thereby lay hold of the whole system of indus- G. \V. CHESLEY McCOY, California Pioneer. try, and thus come into their right- ful inheritance. To this end we pledge ourselves, as the party of the working class, to use all political power as fast as it shall be entrusted to us by our fellow-workers, both for their im- mediate interests and for their ul- timate and complete emancipation. To this end we appeal to all the workers of America, and to all who will lend their lives to the service of the workers in their struggle to gain their own, and to all who will nobly and disinterestelly give their ilnys and energies unto the work- LEOX SENTER, With his Billy Goat. Leon Senter, .vho appears beside his goat "Billie" in the half-tone illustration, is the son of G. F. Senter, of Marion, and is now at- tending school in the third grade, under Byrd Spiller at Marion. He was born August 9, 1892. His fa- vorite, handsome "Billie" was ob- tained last year at Paducah, at a cost of one dollar and fifty cents. He is three years old and well- trained and kind and tractable. Leon has a wagon in which he and his sister Christina ride after "Billie" all over town. "Billie" never needs tying, but will stand quietly anywhere on the street until his master returns. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH. A. M. Kirk land. Pastor. ers' cause, to cast in their lot and faith with the socialist party. Our appeal for the trust and suffrages of our fellow-workers is at once an appeal for their common good and freedom, and for the freedom and blossoming of our common human- ity. In pledging ourselves, and those we represent, to be faithful to the appeal which we make, we believe that we are but preparing the soil of that economic freedom from which will spring the freedom of the whole man. The Interiiatiuuality of Socialism. The Socialist Party is the only political organization which repre- sents the interests of the working class in all countries, as against the interests of the capitalist class now ruling under every form of gov- ernment, whether Republican, as in the United States, or monarchical as in England and Germany, or despotic as in Russia. The following report of the So- cialist vote wherever the workers have an opportunity to vote, ex- presses the growing power of the 40 SorX'F.XIR ()!• WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. HON. JOHN H. DUNCAN, States Prison Commissioner. MRS. JOHN H. DUNCAN. movement having for its mission the emancipation of Labor from the world-wide rule of capitalism; Aus- tria, 600,000; Belgium, 463,000; Denmark, 55,479; Prance, 880.000; Great Britian, 100,000; Holland, 39,00ii; Italy, 170,841; Norway, 24,779; Servia, 50,000; Spain, 2 5,000; Switzerland, 3 6,000, and in the United States in 1902, 225,- 903, making a total of 5,678,002 votes. PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF WILLIAMSON CO. By Prof. R. O. Clarida, Sup't.. and Prof. Jas. W. Turner. RE3IDE.NCE OF HON. JOHN H. DUNCAN. West Main Street, Northwest Corner of Vicksburg. AT and prior to the year, 1839, when Williamson County was formed out of a part of Franklin County, the number of schools were few, and these continued but a few months in the fall and early win- ter. Settlements, where there were any, were far apart, and only the most thickly populated of these were able to support a "subscrip- tion" school for a tew months in the year. Like all frontier schools of that date, the school curriculum was the three "R's." As the county became more thickly populated and its agricultural advantages became more developed, a few Eastern, (Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York) teachers came in, on their way "westward," and gave the schools a new start by teaching other branch- es in addition to reading, writing and arithmetic. The advantages for the few subscription schools at this time were the most meager, in fact, nothing but the four walls of a log house and a clapboard roof; no stove — much less steam heat — -no blackboard; no apparatus; a big, wide-open fire place and stick and clay chimney. The distance trav- eled by some of the pupils was three and four miles. Strange to think that some of our most distinguished men and women. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 41 MARION C. CAMPBELL, Deceased. MRS. M. C. CAMPBELL, Of Greenville, Miss. CAPT. J. M. CUXNINGHAM, Deceased. had only these school advantages, if such could be called advantages. The first official record pertaining to the public schools of Williamson County dates from the year A. D , 1S40, when Mr. William T. Tanner, School Commissioner of the new county of Williamson, receipts Sion H. Mitchell, then School Commis- sioner of Franklin County, for Wil- liamson County's share of the school funds. The records in the County Superintendent's office at present show that Mr. Tanner served as School Commissioner for .one year. He was succeeded by Henry W. Per- ry, who also served one year. J. H. Mulkey served from 18-12 to 1848; N. B. Calvert from ISIS to 1S55; J. H. Swindell from 1,S.55 to 1S59; John N. Calvert from 1859 to 1860; W. H. Scobey from LSCO to iS62; Wm. R. Scurlock from 1862 to 1866; David G. Young from 1866 to 1869. It might be well to give here a part of Mr. Young's annual report to the State Superintendent, in or- der to show Mr. Young s rather modern ilea of school work, as well as to show that yome teachers ex- isted then as now. He says: "The matter of examination of teachers has generally been re- garded as a matter of little im- portance, and the effect of such a course has been bad, indeed. I can not be as strict in the examination of teachers as I would like to be, for the number of applicants is not large, and if I should not give cer- tificates to some, who do not really deserve them, many districts would HESIDE.M'K OF L. P. YANDELL. be without schools. We have few teachers who make teaching a pro- fession; numbers have been in the habit of teaching, or rather tortur- ing school, not because they like teaching, but to secure the two hun- dred dollars." The files of the office of the County Superintendent show that the first written report was made to the State Superintendent of Schools by William R. Scurlock. in 1863. The contrast is so striking compared with the reports made in the last few years, that it deserves to be given herein. Some statistics of the report follow: "Number of teachers, 39; number first grade, 14; number second grade, 15; number third grade, 10. No expenditures for school furni- ture and apparatus; amount re- ported as expended for repairs, $1.67; amount expended for teach- ing $7,387.94; for all school pur- poses for the year (1863) $9,194.59. At this time Marion School District had five months' school; other schools of the county ranged in term from one to five months." David G. Young, above mentioned and now called "County School Superintendent" instead of "County School Commissioner," was suc- ceeded by A. N. Lodge, who served from 1869 to 1877. The County had by this time became greatly de- veloped in the way of agriculture and population compared to former years, and thereby demanded better teaching and better qualified teach- ers. To help meet this demand. Superintendent Lodge reports in 1870, the first attempt at a Teach- ers' Institute. Quoting from the re- port of that year to the State Super- intendent, it says: "Institute continued for five days, beginning Dec. 27th. Number en- 42 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS F. M. WESTBROOK. MRS. P. M. WESTBROOK. rolled, 55; paid instructors, $4.00; total expenses of Institute, $12.00. Instructors were: E. H. Andrews, Dr. F. M. Stratton, Dr. J. D. F. Jen- nings. J. H. Patrick. Theodore James, Clark Braden, Dr. S. H. Bundy and J. M. Clemenston. At the expiration of A. M. Lodge's last term, 1ST7, Dr. J. M. Fowler was elected and served till 1SS2. It was not until the expiration of Dr. Fowler's term that the County Superintendent of Schools was al- lowed by law any stated or specified salary for services, their emolu- ments being two per cent for money distributed and loaned, and such pay as the County Commissioners saw fit to allow them for actual of- ficial services rendered. During Dr. Fowler's term special efforts were made to awaken a bet- ter professional interest among the teachers, and this by the Teachers' Institute. For some several years past it seems what efforts had been made were lost as regarded the in- terest of the institute. His report to the State Department in 1S78 «ays in part: RESIDENCE OF F. M. 'WESTBROOK. "Held ten days' Institute. A grand success. I am persuaded it has accomplished much good. No provisions were made by the County Commissioners to help pay expenses of the Institute, and we had to charge a tuition fee sufiicient to de- fray expenses. D. G. Ray, In- strucor." It will be seen that the County Superintendent and the school inter- ests generally were completely handicapped by the absence of any provision to pay Institute In- structors and bear other expenses necessary to make the Institute the best success. It was probably these efforts of school officers which later caused a law to be passed by our State Legislature, making provi- sions for the adequate maintenance of an annual Institute. John H. Duncan succeeded Mr. Fowler as County Superintenient. and served until 1890. During all this time, since the organization of the county, the old log school houses had been gradually giving place to frame buildings, with some preten- sions to comfort, and slight tenden- cies to convenience. The close of Mr. Duncan's term, 1S90, left only one log school house — an old moss covered land-mark of the early school days of Williamson County. This district, in 1893, replaced the log house with a frame building, to- gether with good board furniture and some apparatus. The county, in the meantime, had been making progress in other ways. The Teach- ers' Institute had become an estab- lished fact, provisions having been SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUXTY, ILLINOIS. 43 REV. W. \V. WEEDON. MRS. M. \V. ROBERTSON'. M. W. ROBERTSON. made by the Legislature for pay- ment of Instructors and other ne- cessary expenses, by requiring the applicants for certificates to pay a fee of $1. During the term of Mr. Duncan as County Superintendent, the first step looking to the grading of the County, or common schools, was made by suggesting the use of the Manual and Guide, a rudi- mentary Course of Study. Under this law the first Township or Cen- tral and Final Examinations were held. Also during the last term of Mr. Duncan, the first volumes of a Teachers' County Library were bought, the County Superintendent being made Librarian. Mr. Duncan's successor was T. J. Youngblood, who served until 189S. By this time the County contained several good high schools, which in- cluded Marion, Carterville, Creal Springs, and Crab Orchard Academy CHRISTL\X CHURCPL W. W. Weelon. Pastor. and the Creal Springs College and Conservatory of Music. In addition to the support of the annual Insti- tute by law, the good of the schools demanded more meetings, and reg- ular monthly Teachers' Meetings were held during the school term at Marion or some other convenient point in the County. At these meet- ings questions and problems were discussed which directly touched up- on the duties of the hour; a course of professional reading for the teacher, recommended by a State Committee, was also discussed. The State Course (old JIanual and Guide of Study) came in for some discus- sion at almost every meeting, and like every other innovation that is worth anything, was opposed by not a few good teachers. The res.ilts of these meetings and an ambition by some of the teachers of the county to see what other teachers in ad- joining counties were using, re- sulted in the organization at Stone- fort, in February, IS 9 3, of the Tri- Oounty or Union Teachers' Meet- ing, composed of the counties of Williamson, Saline and Johnson, (since Joined by Pope County.) The meetings of this organization are held anntially at one of the County Seat towns, during the two days following Thanksgiving. Be- sides an address at this annual meeting by some prominent edu- cator, one of the leading features was a discussion of the adaptation of the State Course of Study to our common schools. M. N. Swan was elected in the Fall of 1S98 to succeed T. J. Young- blood. Mr. Swan served until December, 1902. The academic work done in the early Institute of the County now has given place to almost exclusive professional training, the theory be- 44 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. WILLIAM AIRMAN, Deceased. ing that in a five days' Institute the time cannot be devoted to learning Arithmetic, Geography, etc., things that can be learned at school or at home. Mr. Swan emphasized the importance of professional prepara- tion, maintaining that qualifications of teachers should and must keep pace with the expenditures for school purposes. The attendance at the annual Institutes and the monthly Teachers' Meetings show how well the teachers fell in with this idea of professional improve- ment. While the academic instruc- tion of the teacher was urged to be sought at other times than at the annual Institute, a strong and ef- fective demand was made that it be obtained, and that the teacher pos- sess equal moral fitness. Normal Schools, Colleges and Select Schools MRS. MARY AIRMAN, (nee Cox.) were well attended by teachers and those expecting to teach. Mr. Swan, at the conclusion of his term, left a strong, healthy school sentiment, the patrons, as well as the teacher, seeing the importance of more than ordinary knowledge of the teacher. R. O. Clarida, the present incum- bent, succeeded Mr. Swan as County Superintendent in 1902. Mr. Clar- ida enters upon his duties in the 63rd year of the life of the schools of Williamson County. In view of the first report made by the School Commissioner in 1S63, it is well to give a few figures of the report made by Mr. Clarida in the fall of 1903, forty years after the first re- port. These items of the report follow: "Number of teachers employed, 173; No. of Districts, 105; No. of H. M. RICKART and GRANDSON. The only child of an only son; Frederick William Rickart, all of Lauder near Carterville, 111. libraries, 5S; No. of Vols, in li- braries, 5022; amount paid teach- ers for the year (1902) $41,130.58; whole amount for all school pur- poses paid for the year (1902) $58,569.00; No. of children, 15,756; No. of school age, 11,030; No. en- rolled for the year (1902), 9,012; value of school property, $10 8- 248.50; value of apparatus, $3,256- .00; value of libraries, $2827.90; No. enrolled at annual Institute, 166; No. of days Institute was in session, 5; expenses of Institute, $144.73; instructors, H. W. Shry- W. Asbury and R. O Sarah Mont- Clarida, con- RESIDENCE OP M. W. ROBERTSON. ock, J gomery ductor." By a glance at the above it can readily be seen the great quantity of work to be done by the County Superintendent over and above what was required in an earlier day. It is true, the County Superintendent is now under the law, allowed a specified salary, but compared with the increased amount of work and the increased responsibility, it is not more, if hardly equal, to the emoluments of the office in the early days. Mr. Clarida took up the work at the close of Mr. Swan's term with a strong arm, the State Course of Study and professional work being among the strong features of the service. Resulting from complete gradation of the common schools by reason of the use of the Course of Study therein, County Graduation Exercises were held at an evening of the annual Teachers' Institute in 1903. A large class of pupils were given diplomas for finishing the Course at this, the first annual County Commencement. The effect SOUX'EXIR OF WILLIAMSON COLA^TV. ILLIN'OIS. 45 REV. X. A. HUXT. Deed. Presbyterian Minister, Built second house in Marion and first church. the the MRS. CLARISSA HUXT, Dec'd. Wife of Rev. N. A. Hunt. ALOXZO P. BAKER, M. D. Cottage Home, niinois. seems to have been electrical among the pupils and patrons of the count.v throughout. A course of professional reading is pursued by the teachers, in which they have to show themselves rea- sonably proficient by examination before they are permitted to teach. The educational outlook in the county was never quite so bright as now. 1904. The wages of county teachers in many places are suf- ficiently large as to have a tendency to lead some teachers to Jife work, or to dignify country teaching up to a profession. As a means of helping and en- couraging teachers to do better pro- fessional work, the Teachers' Coun- ty Library is serving a useful pur- pose, there being now 2 09 volumes, bearing on every phase of school work. These books are freely read liy the teachers of the county, espe- cially by the young teachers. A fee of $1 constitutes a life membership. Jlembers are privileged to draw and THE OLD DR. LE\Vt.-3 OR GALLIGHER HOUSE. The Second Residence built in Marion. Hlinois. The brick at the corn er stands on the spot where Rev. N. A. Hunt built the first Church erected in Marion. 46 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLL\()!S. FRANK P. GILLIS, M. D. L. B. OASEY, 11. D. RESIDENCE OF ROBERT C. THOMPSON, ERECTED 1S92. Names of ?roup from left to right. Top row— William Spoors, Joseph Smith, .lohn Smith, Belle Smith, his wife. Miss Clara Thompson, John Cassedy, Miss Margaret Thompson, Jlrs. ilary Thompson, Joseph Thompson, her husbani. Second row — Harry Thompson, with horse and buggy, Robert C. Thomp- son and his grandson, Lester Thom^sTn, Mrs. Anna Thompson and her grandson, Robert T., Harry Bell and his daughter Maggie, James W. Bell, Mrs. Hannah Bell and daughter Elsie. SOUX'EXIR OF WILLIAMSON COUXTY, ILLLXOIS. REV. J. S. EDMONDS, Late Pastor of Missionarj- Baptist Church, now of Bl.ackwell, Oklahoma. FARM RESIDENCE OF WILLIS AIK.MAX. keep a book six weeks, and a fail- ure to return it at the end of that time subjects the delinquent to a fine of ten cents. A board of three directors is elected at each annual Institute, who has control of the Library, and who is empowered to purchase new books and to pre- scribe new rules. As a means of enthusing and stimulating patrons as well as pu- pils and teachers, a school officers' meeting was held at the County .^eat in the summer of 1903. This proved an innovation. It clearly showed the need of closer touch of Superintendent, teachers and school officers, as well as patrons. This meeting is to be a yearly feature, and promises untold good for the common schools. At each session is to be discussed vital questions af- fecting the schools for good, as well as bad. Thus it is that the schools of Williamson County nave grown from the back woods, old-time insti- tution to the modern Public School, as good as any in tlie state, or as any in the Middle West. FIRST MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH. ROBERT O. CLARIDA. Robert O. Clarida, County Super- intendent of Schools, is of German and Irish parentage, his father, a native of Virginia and his mother of Tennessee. He was born, reared and educated in Williamson County, and has spent the greater part of his life in promoting the interests of the public schools. His father, Archibald Clarida, died while Robert was quite young, and to his mother largely belongs the credit of his rearing. In order to com- plete his education he was com- pelled to begin teaching at 2 and for 14 successive years taught in the schools of the County. Much of this time he worked on the farm summers and taught winters. He succeeded in getting in four years at Crab Orchard Academy, and graduated in 1S9G. It is an indi- cation of his worth as a teacher that he taught one school eight terms, and the last three terms of his 14 years at Crab Orchard. In 1902 he was elected County Superintendent of Schools on the Republican ticket by a majority of 8 00, running ahead of his ticket. May 27th, 1S91, he was united in marriage to Miss Dora Wilson, daughter of A. H. Wilson, of Crab 48 SOLAEXIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. M» •jiS ? i: 5 ,- S a •2 a t; H . 5 '^ J ^ bo c3 Oh • ° "S CO So- S u £ s |l^ --1 ^ "^ "* o 1^* S J c PL, M • O o S -g s c ■a << 2 .O'ffl ^ o Q 'S 'O a; ^ o "-1 a) p. .; Hi =^ S fl SOUVENIR OF WILLIA.MSOX OJUXTV, ILLINOIS. MARION STATE AND SAVINGS BANK. 49 W. W. WHITTIXGTON, Vice President. W. G. COCHRAN, Director. -its ^^ • 4 THOS. A. COX, Director. w.M. T. .\p:\vtox, Director. C. H. DENISON, President. EARL B. JACKSON, Cashier. J. H. BURXETT. Director. Collector International Revenue, St. l.ouis, Mo. W. J. AIRMAN, Director. 50 SOU\'ENlR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. HON. WILLIAM H. BUN DY. W. S. BURKHART, Cashier Williamson Co. Bank. Orchard. The.v have had four chil- Count.v Sunday School Association. dren, three girls and one boy, the He is a member of the Modern eldest. He is a member of the Woodmen, an Odd Fellow, and also Methoiist Episcopal Church, and belongs to the Blue Lodge A. F. is the President of the Williamson and A. M. JAS. W. TIRXEK. James W. Tui-ner, Ex-Superin- tendent of Schools at Carterville, commenced teaching in 1S6S, taught The elegant home of the Hon. William H. Bundy, on South Market Street, ilarion. 111. Erected in 1S96. SOUVEXIR OF WILLIAMSON COUXTY, ILLINOIS. 51 JOAB GOODALL. eleven years in country schools, nine terms being in the same dis- trict. Was principal of Stone Fort Schools from '79 to 'S3; conductor of the Williamson County Institute in 'S3, and was assistant instructor for many years. Was principal of Marion schools in the year of 'S3-4. Was principal of Crab Orchard pub- lic schools for five years; founder of Crab Orchard Academy in 18S9, and served as principal of that Institu- tion for twenty consecutive terms. Was again principal of Stone Fort schools from '9G to '9 9, organized Carterville High School in 1S99, and has served as Superintendent of that school since. Was chosen Pres- ident of the Tri-County Teachers' Association for 1904. THE. MARION CITY SCHOOLS. By Prof. J. W. Asbury. Anything like a complete and im- partial history of public education in Marion would fill a volumn. Hence we shall have to content our- selves with a more or less meager "write up." There are doubtless many incidents of both interest and importance in the minds of many of the citizens which the writer either does not know or cannot use. A great many citizens have been connected intimately with the schools as teachers and as officers; some of them will receive mention for one reason or another, while others will not. Xeither partiality nor slight is intended. The school sentiment of our town has always been reasonably strong and healthful. In fact, an over- whelming majority of the American people believe thoroughly in the free school. It is our most distinc- MRS. GOODALL. five institution, as a nation. It is the most democratic of our free in- stitutions. The lives of all the peo- ple are definitely touched by its power and influence. Here, at least, all are for several years on an equality. The children of the rich and poor, the influential and the obscure, have the same advantages and opportunities. What an in- estimable privilege for all classes! What a God send to the poor and those even of moderate means! However, as is true everywhere, the common school has had its op- ponents in Marion. Some men, prominent in social, political and financial affairs, have been opposed to the free school as it has devel- oped. As the course of study has been extended, as the length of term has been increased, as modern buildings have been constructed, all of which call for greater expendi- tures of money and higher taxes, some men have been found on the wrong side. And although these men frequently controlled in other affairs, they have been, as they al- ways will be, unable to divorce pub- lic sentiment from its devotion to .America's most fundamental insti- tution — the public free school. Back somewhere about 1855, a four-room, two-story frame build- ing was erected for school purposes. Doubtless there was a school for years before that, as no community of American people will long be without a school, public or private. This building seems to have been adequate till about 1881-82. when a two-room ad-Iition was built. This building was destroyed by fire in the year 1SS5-S6, then the town built a good eight-room, two-story brick, which is still used. The increase in population called for a four- room addition in 1S96-97. Such is our present West Side school build- ing. Marion had so increased in pop- ulation by 1901 that a building, partly for High School and partly for the grades, became an absolute necessity. The splendid East Side school property is the result, a fit- ting monument to all the people who favored the enterprise, more directly to the entire board of edu- cation, but more especially to the public spirited President and Sec- retary, who gave much of their val- uable time, cheerfully, to the de- mands of the business then in hand. One Mr. Scurlock taught school in Marion about the beginning of the Civil War or before. Then Mr. Eb. Hearn was principal with Mrs. J. C. .Jackson as his assistant, in 1S61-62. Their salaries were $40 and $2 respectively, and they did their own janitor work. Dur- ing their early years Mr. and Mrs. Scurlock taught for some time. RESIDENCE OF .JOAB GOODALL. 52 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. JOHN H. WHITE. Killed at the Battle of Ft. Donaldson. The records that are available begin in 1,S7S. J. M. Burkhart was clerk of the Board. For some years, beginning in 1S79, M. W. Robertson was treasurer of the school district; J. C. Jackson took the census: W. J. Spiller was fur- nishing coal: J. H. Duncan sold lumber; W. H. Warder, insurance; Bainbridge & Goddard, curtains; J. C. Mitchell, register and charts: Anthony Feator did the plastering, and X. Davis an 1 Robert Pride re- ceived pay for janitor work. There were five teachers em- ployed, at salaries which compare favorably with those paid at the present: C. C. Stollar, principal for several years, $75; Georgia Wrot- en, $35: Parle Vick, $35; Helen Yost, $35; G. W. Rowley, $2 2. Misses Wroten and Yost taught in the schools for many years. The following are some of the men who have had charge of the schools, that are remembered as being strong, successful school men bv many of our ciitzens: AMZI F. WHITE AND HIS FAVORITE COMPANIONS. DR. H. D. NORRIS. Osteopath. E. C. Hill, 1880. — He was publicly in charge of the school some time previous. He succeeded in mak- ing the term nine months. M. G. Kimmel, 1884-86. — Noted as a disciplinarian of the "old type." The man the school needed. He knew everything the pupils did in school and out. B. F. Kiser, 1886-89. — A fine in- structor and well educated. He had an extraordinary memory. Married a Miss Goddard. S. C. Ncwsolne, 1890-92. — He was one of the best all-round men the school has ever had. He has held for some years the position of Department Superintendent in the Philippine Islands, at about $2 500 per year. W. R. Kinisey, 1892-94. — At pres- ent he is County Superintendent, Perry County. E. Loushoiis, 1894-97. — Now with Ginn & Co. Married Miss Bundy, and was Superintendent of the Metropolis Schools for six years. Other men who were at the head of the school for one or more years were: Dr. John Washburn, who received the highest salary — $100 per month and all non-resident tui- tion — of any past superintendents of schools in JIarion. He was probably the finest classical scholar ever connected with the school. J. R. Davis. 18,S!-8.S. SOLA'EXIR OF \^ ILLIAMSOX COUN^TY. ILLINOIS. 53 SAM, MARY AND RUTH, Children of Samuel H. Goodall. together with Jem, the Shetland Pony. Jas. W. Tuiiiei-, lSX:5-«4 — Now Su- perintendent of Carterville Public Schools. LaFayette Hunter, 1889-00. I. O. Kairakoi-, 1897-98. — At pres- ent a banker at Jonesboro. School work is not all done by principals and superintendents, any more than all the fighting is done by Generals in the army. The fol- lowing teachers have been spoken of as having been very efficient in various grades, perhaps the list ought to be extended: Georgia Wroten, Helen Yost, Ger- trude Warder, Lou Nance, Adde Goodall, Augusta Jackson, Ada Jetej', J. A. Emerson, Frank Joiner, F. M. Beaty, John Reid, Beulah Hall. The character of men who serve on School Boards, who have the business management of the schools and who stand in support of the Superintendent and teachers, have much to do in determining what the schools shall be. The following have been staunch supporters of the public schools in Marion: N. B. Calvert, W. R. Hall, A. N. Lodge, C. M. Edwards, John Good- all, G. W. Young, C. H. Denison, J. C. Jackson, J. M. Burkhart, W. W. Duncan. But the limits of this paper pre- vent the mentioning of many others, teachers, officers and friends of the school, that the community should remember gratefully and honor. There are many curious and sug- gestive items recorded in the treas- urer's book. But one of the most strikingly suggestive is "To W. M. Dunston, straps for school, 70c." The growth of the school may be noted in various ways — In the char- acter and size of school buildings, in the length of term and the char- acter of course of study, in number of teachers employed and the en- rollment of pupils, in the increase of population of city of Marion, in the amount expended annually for the support of rhe schools. RESIDENCE OF S. H. GOODALL. Corner North Market Street and Boulevard. Census Rpt. Boys. Girls. Total. 1S93 ;se 250 536 1898 355 402 757 1903 761 8 22 15S3 Enrollment in School 1892-93 247 209 456 1898-99 301 328 629 1902-03 571 621 1192 Jan. 1904 ovei 1350. 54 S( )r\i':y W ll.l lAMSoX CoL'XTV, ILLINOIS. A. p. WHITE'S BUILDING. The growth was gradual until 1900 and 1901, since which time the school population has increased more than 100 per cent. The annual expenditures have in- creased till about $15,000 is now required. Perhaps the greatest strides in the development of the city schools have been taken during the past six years. The first was in legislative act giving the district a Board of Education of six members and a president. The plan gives better re- presentatives and more share the re- sponsibility. The people have used good judgment in electing mem- bers of the Board. The second was in changing from a three-year to a four-year High School course of study. This has brought us well up to the standard for High Schools in this and other states. The third was in the erection of the East Side school building, modern and up-to- date, though now too small on ac- count of the rapid increase in popu- lation. The fourth was in securing a place on the accredited list with the State University. This was possible by showing that our work done was of such high excellence that we were entitled to this recog- nition and by the efficient aid of our Rep., Mr. Warder. The fifth was in expanding our High School course of study, offering some elec- tives. The sixfh is in the policy of the Board of Education to retain, if possible, from year to year teachers who do effective work, thus making the work throughout all grades and departments more efficient from year to year, simply a very practical application of the basic principles of the reforms in our Civil Service. Pi'eseiit Corjts of Teachers. J. W. Asbury, Superintendent; Bettie Peterson, Minnie Whittock, Augusta Henry, May Gallagher, Carrie Malone, Agnes Sherertz, Aetha Perry, Dyrd Spiller, Anna Thompson, Maude Cocke, Lola Howe, Ada Edvvards, Ellen Sim- mons, Ella Lightfoot, Alice Sam- uels, Mary Bentley, J. S. Campbell, Florence Hill, Nan Hundley. Lillian Tuter, C. C. Durney, W. A. Cook. Total number of pupils enrolled, 1354. Present indications are that next year the High School will demand entire second story of the East Side building and that the 7th and Sth grades must have another room. Hence, two rooms will have to be sacrificed and the increase in grades below 7th will demand four more rooms. A six-room building will be needed. Can it be furnished by the community? We are conscious that in the above there is but a meager amount of history. May we not be permit- ted to say that the demands of a multitude of luties have made it impossible to devote the time to this matter that would be required were one to prepare any worthy history of the Marion Schools. The school problems have not all been solved for our city. The schools are overcrowded and the population increases day by day. Much wis- dom and sound judgment will be required continually. The expenses will be considerable, for additional teachers and a new building. The people are intere.sted in the schools, the school spirit is good. The poli- cies of the educational administra- tors are, we think, sound and lib- eral. Let there be no backward step. J. W. ASBURY, % m. Hsbury. The subject of this sketch, Supt. J. W. Asbury, was born in 18 68, in the northeastern part of the "Blue Grass State." His ancestry, Eng- lish on his father's and German on his mother's side, were successful and substantial tillers of the soil. They were always public spirited and influential citizens. Their views were nor narrow, but they were pronounced in their atitude A MiTiy Suniiih r ilronp Posing for a Picturt' at Marion. Guess Who They Are. SOU\ EXIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 55 ilAKIUX FLUUi;iX(! MIL AX1> i:i,lCVATOK. The fine flouring mills and elevator illustrated lierewitli stand on North Market street and the Illinois Central track. Mr. Whittington run it as a private enterprise for five years before it was incorporated, which took place early in the present year. The new management took possession March 4th. They run six double stand of rolls with a daily capacity of 100 barrels. Their out-put is entirely disposed of in South- ern Illinois with the exception of shipments to Paducah. Kentucky. The elevator has a capacity of 45,000 barrels, and has been in charge of T. J. Erwin for eleven years. The following gentlemen run the busi- ness of the new corporation: W. W. "Whittington. President; S. W. Swain, Vice President. Secretary and General Manager; Directors — C. C. Whittington. D. C. Brien and W. H. Rix. mented his liberal education by ex- tensive travel both in this country and in Europe. He realizes that a school man in particular must be progressive in spirit to escape fos- silization. He is also active in lo- cal and state associations, and has been a member of the National Edu- cational Association for several years. He always identifies himself, so far as is consistent with his duties, with the interests and welfare of the community in which he labors. While here, he has been active in conducting entertainment courses of a high order. He has been, and is yet, active in Church and Sunday School work in the M. E. Church South, of which he is a member, and in the County. He attributes his success, in no small degree, to his interest and activity in what- ever pertains to the moral and in- tellectual welfare of the community in general. He does not believe that a school man should be expect- ed to forfeit his citizenship. Prof. Asbury married Miss Zada Baker January 1st, 1903, and thus started in life snew. To them a son has been born, and the auspices for their happiness are favorable. Mr. Asbury is yet a young man, scarcely having reached his prime. His professional career having only begun, he may confidently expect promotions and markel professional success in the luture. upon religious and political ques- tions. All were Methodists, but in politics one side were republicans, and the other democrats. Mr. Asbury received his early education in the common schools; later he spent about five years in Normal Schools at Glasgow, Ky.. and at Valparaiso, Indiana. He spent one summer in the University of Illinois. His years in school were not consecutive, the interven- ing time being spent in teaching. His first experience as a teacher was in the rural schools of Ken- tucky. For three years he was ward principal at Somerset, Kentucky, one year principal of the schools at Mayslick, Kentucky, two years principal of the Intermediate De- partment of the city schools at Maysville, Kentucky, and for the past six years Superintendent of the Marion City Schools. Mr. Asbury has always succeeded Early habits of industry and self- reliance have to far made success possible. He has always stood well with the people and as a stu- dent ranked with the best. The institutions from which he has graduated have conferred upon him the degrees of B. S.. A. B. and B. Pd. The fact that he has given such universal satisfaction in his present position and that the schools have made su'jn decided progress under his administration is the strongest testimonial to his charac- ter and efficiency. During the -last few years Mr. Asbury has become known as a popular and efficient Institute in- structor, Mr. Asbury has supple- prof. «i. H. Cooh. Principal W. A. Cook is a native of Bureau County, 111. His boy- hood days, until he was eleven, were spent on the farm. He then attended the public schools of Ke- wanee, graduating from the High CEMETERY AT MARION. ILL. 56 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. HENRY BROWX AND FAMILY. the city's rapidly increasing popula- tion tlie two large and commolious schools, East and West, have long been inadequate to accommodate the pupils, and the building just finished has been in contemplation for a long time. It adds between 250 and 40 to the seating capac- ity of the schools of the city. The four large rooms on the main floor, only, will be utilized the present term, leaving the three rooms on the basement floor to be finished and occupied next year. The build- ing is of dark red repressed Belle- ville brick, with slate roof and stone trimmings, and was erected after plans furnished by G. W. Ash- by, Architect, Riverside, 111. This gentleman was chosen not because Marion could not furnish a capable architect, but because it had one STORE BUILUINU OF HENRY BROWN. MARION. II. I. School in '9S. After graduation he took the state scholarship examina- tion, and entersd the State Univer- sity, graduating from there in 190 2. While in the (Iniversity Mr. Cook was quite prominent in athletics, especially class athletics. He also wrote the essay that won the Bryan prize, represented Illinois in Inter- collegiate debate, and won third in Oratorical contest. Since gradua- tion he has been teaching. His first year was spent as Principal of the Albion (111.) High School, and last year he came to Marion, where he has been -engaged for another year. XZhe Second QIard New School Building. This plain and substantial addi- tion to the school facilities of Ma- rion was begun last July and com- pleted in November. 1904. With HENRY BROWN'S RESIDENCE. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 57 THE GREENHOUSES OF J. P. COPELAND Florist and Gardener. too many. Both Robert C. Noll and Ed Gill are men of recognized merit and both wanted the job. Both have warm friends on the Board, which was about equally di- vided on their respective claims. The contention was so sharp that the candidates themselves recom- mended a third man, and Mr. Ash- by got the appointment. No one regrets the selection, as the work has been well done and gives uni- versal satisfaction. Utility, convenience, health and safety have never been lost sight of from start to finish, and the re- sult is a handsome and up-to-date structure which does honor to all concerned. The following data was furnished by Mr. O. M. Williams, of Noll & Williams, contractors, and taken di- rectly from the blue-print plans of the architect. They are given for presei-vation and reference, and may be considered reliable: Size, over all, 59 feet 7 Inches by 81 feet 2 inches; height over all to comb of roof, 4 5 feet; central hall, from door to door, 17 by 59 feet. The school rooms open out of the cen- tral hall, and there is a main stair- case running down to the exits east and west, having solid oak doors with plate glass in the upper half and having double action hinges for safety in case of panic or fire. All rooms are 27 feet by 30 feet, and 13 feet 9 inches high. The lower rooms are 10 feet in the clear. Each room is provided with a glass-front bookcase, two pro- gram boards and ample blackboard finish on the walls, done in green to protect the eye and of the latest and best material, practically im- perishable. The floors are laid double, with deadening felt be- tween to secure warmth and quiet. and the rooms ceiled up to the win- dows, except the stairways. The entire building is finished in Georgia yellow pine, and highly polished; the stairs are of curled maple; the plastering is of three- coats of alibaster, and sand-finished to relieve the eye. The building is well lighted, thoroughly ventilated, both direct and indirect, and is drained by tiling laid in cement. The cross-walls are all of brick, as a fire protection. The Professor's room is at the south end of the hall, over the stairway and between the cloak- rooms. The building is heated by steam, furnished by a boiler in the basement. The total cost will be about $10,000. The lumber, lath, inside finish, doors and windows were all furnished by the Stotlar- Herrin Lumber Company, whose Marion representative, Mr. Ed Stot- lar, the President of the Board of Education, was also Chairman of the building committee. His as- sociates on the committee were: Dr. A. M. Edwards, J. M. Burkhart, William J. Aiknian and Lawyer E. E. Denison. Griggs Bros, and the Marion pressed-brick company fur- RESIDENCE OF J. P. COPELAND. This delightful an^l inviting home consists of five acres of rich bottom land, lying towards the south end of S. Court St., parallel to and south of the C. & E. I. Railroad. The house was built in 1901 by W. L. Gill at a cost of $1200, Mrs. M. L. Copeland furnishing the plan. 58 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. \VH1STI>K. JOHNNIE! Whistle Johnnie while I'm spattin. Whistle sumfln awful cute. Look at me, here on the mattin. Watch my fingers, and den toot. Now's de time to have de singin. While de birds are singin too, While de vineses are a clingin. An de posies wet wif dew. Hark! de fiinder. Whistle Johnnie! Don't .vou never mind de rain. When it comes, just whistle sunifin. An I'll spat wif might and main. Don't fraid for boo-boos when it funders, Whistle, Johnnie, while I pla.v. Keep up courage, make no blunders. An de boo-boos go away. J. F. WILCOX nished all the brick e.vcept the fac- ing course, which were of Belle- ville re-pressed dark red brick. The slating was done by a St. Louis firm. The lime tor the brick laying was from St. Genevieve, and the sand from Spiller's bank, de- livered by Laue Brothers transfer company. The plastering sand was river sand from St. Louis, shipped over the Illinois Central Railway. The stone was procured at Bedford, Ind., and the slating from Pennsyl- vania. L. J. Pergan, of Marion, did the plumbing and Frank Bock the painting. Albert Sumner had the contract for lathing. The following Marion boys worked on the job: Carpenters — James Felts, Chas. Calvert, John Jolly, Geo. Vick, Chas. Williams, Roy Felts, Chas. and Wal- lace Peebles, D. K. Noll, Isaac Hess, Ed Campbell, Geo. Miller and Mr. Goodman. Bricklayers — Doak Veach, Fore- man; Chas. Veach, Gern Blackbern, Sam and George Fuller, brothers; Fritz Norris, Bert Bobbett and Sam Scobey, of Cai'terville. The following teachers take charge of the classes in the four rooms on the main floor: Anna Thompson. Nellie Rich, Maud E. Roberts and Cynthia Tram- mel. REV. F. L. THOMPSON. Pastor of M. E. Church. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH BUILDING, West Main St., Marlon, Illinois. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAAISOX COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 59 .JJW,'-/;' r3IRDS-RYE VIEW O?^ .MARION LOOKI.V,; NORTH. Railroads of WilliaLin- son County. THIS County has at the present time four railroads doing bus- iness within its limits, besides the Electric Trolley line. The old Car- bondale & Shawneetown Ry., now- forming a part of the Illinois Cen- tral; the Chicago & Eastern Illi- nois, now a part of the Rock Is- land, and included in the "Frisco System;" the Big Four or the Cleve- land, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis, and the Chicago and Texas now also a part of the Illinois Cen- tral. Being an inland county, with no river or lake traffic, it is entire- ly dependent upon its railroads for its immense business. Being the center of the great coal field, of course, the heaviest item in its transportation is coal. According to the Illinois coal report for 1902, for the seventh district, composed of the counties of Gallatin, Hamil- ton, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Perry, Randolph, Saline, Wabash, Washington and Williamson, all of which are reached by the roads en- umerated, the total number of tons of coal shipped was 3,439.364, while the total for Williamson County alone was 1,893,414, or 55f^ per cent, of the whole amount. Chicago «Si eastern Illinota Rail- road Company. The southern end of this road, from Altamont in EfiBngham County to Marion, was built under contract by Johnson Brothers & Faught, of St. Elmo, as the Chicago. Paducah and Memphis, in 1S95. In 1899 the C. & E. I. bought it and pushed it on to Thebes, on the Mississippi. as a terminus. During the past year the Rock Island secured it and made it a part of the Frisco Sys- tem. As a matter of special inter- est to Williamson County, and par- ticularly to Marion and West Frankfort, it may be said that the latter place has been selected as a division point, and the shops, tracks, engines, cars an I working force are soon to be removed from Ma- rion. Resting a Bit on the North Side of the Square. 60 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. BIRDS-EYE VIEW OF MARION LOOKING EAST. Big four Railroad Company. Chicago &. Ccxas Railroad- The Big Four road barely touch- es this county at Stone Fort, just crossing the southeast corner, where it joins Saline, Johnson and Pope. The system is too well known and plays a too important part in the commerce of this County to merit or require any further notice from this volume. The Chicago & Texas Railway is a new coal feeder, which penetrates the coal field at Johnson City and runs southwest to Carbondale, Mur- physboro. Grand Tower, Cape Gi- rardeau and Cairo. In 1899 it became the property of the Illinois Central and is destined to become a very important coal Getting Ready for a "Spin." North Side of Public Square. feeder. It shipped in 1903 1,116,- 8S0 tons of coal and four new mines have been openel on it between Johnson City and Carterville. The new Burr Shaft, the Chicago & Johnson City, the Jeffrey and the Tom Johns at Lauder. In addition to the above the Great Northern has lately bought 15,000 acres of coal land in this county, and are now surveying a line from Centralia to the Ohio River. Coal men are coming to know that we have an inexhaust- able supply of the best soft coal in the United States, and are scramb- ling for territory. The following account of the origin and building of the first rail- road in the County is taken entire from the History of Williamson County by Milo Erwin, and is be- lieved to be reliable. The date of the book is given as 1S7 6: "During the summer months, from 1S50 to 1872, there was a class of men in this county known as teamsters, who followed the bus- iness of hauling the products of the county to the railroads an 1 river. In an early day nothing could be sent to market but such things as could walk. Ox teams were used up to 1.S6G, when everybody com- menced to use horses for teaming. This hauling got to be so extensive and costly that there was a general demand for a railroad. An act passed the legislature and was ap- proved March 7th, 1867, incorporat- ing the Murphysboro and Shawnee- SOUVEXIR OF WILLIAMSON COUXTY, ILLIXOIS 61 BIRDS-EYE VIEW OF MARION LOOKING SOUTH. town Railroad company, and in 1S6S a petition signed by mil voters as required by said act, was filed with the County Clerk, asking the court to submit a proposition of vot- ing a subscription of $100,000 to the capital stock of the said com- pany to the legal voters of the coun- ty. Speakers went out over the county during the canvass, and' the people were led to believe that they were taking stock in a railroad com- pany on which they would annually draw a dividend more than suffi- cient to pay the interest on the bonds of the county. On the 3rd day of November, 186S, the propo- sition was voted upon and resulted in 1779 votes for and lOS against the subscription. On the 12th day of December, 1860, the court made an order that the subscription should be paid in the bonds of the county running 20 years, bearing interest at the rate of S per cent. per annum, payable annually at the office of the County Treasurer. But said bonds were not to be issued, bear date, draw interest or be de- livered until the road was completed and the cars running on the same from Carbondale to Marion, pro- vide 1, If the road was not completed by the 1st day of January, 1870, this subscription was to be void. In the same order is found this lan- guage: "Whereas the County of William- son has this day subscribed $100,- 000 to the capital stock of the Mur- physboro and Shawneetown Rail- road Company: Now, therefore, for the purpose of securing the con- struction and early completion of said road, that said County enter into an agreement with the M, & S. R. R. Co., and that said County in and by said agreement, sell to said company the $100,000 stock. That the towns of said sale and agreement shall be in effect as fol- lows: That when the certificate of stock shall have been issued by said Company to said county, the said County, after the said road shall have been completed, and within ten days after said Railroad Com- pany shall have issued to said county the certificates of stock for said $100,000, assign, transfer and set over to said Company the cer- tificate for said $100,000 stock so issued to saii county for the con- sideration of $5,000, to be paid to said county at the time of said transfer and assignment in the hands of said county issued to said company, in payment cf the sub- scription." On the 12th day of December, 1SG8, Jesse Bishop and Addison Reece on behalf of the county, and Samuel Dunoway, as President of •A Little Fun on the Fair Ground:- 62 S(^r\T:\lR ni- Wll.l.l A-MSOX •■OI'NTY, ILLINOIS. ww^'* i f" BIRDS-EYE VIEW OF MARION LOOKING WEST. the M. & S. R. R. Company, en- tered into a contract in pursuance of the above order, to sell the stock. It was recorded at the December Special Term of the County Court. This contract was drawn up by Jesse Bishop. They did not claim to have any authority from the people tor making this infamous contract, because they give as their reason for making it for securing the construction and early comple- tion of said road. They did not make it in compliance with any law or vote of the people. It has since been urged as an excuse for the sale that it was best for the county, that the Railroad Company would have closed out the stock by mort- gage bonds, an:l the county would have gotten nothing. That might be a good reason to give at this day, but I have copied the motives above, which actuated the Court in its ac- tion at the time. An act passed the legislature and was approved March 10, 1S69, to change the name of the Murphys- Fair Cliuiinds at Marion, 111. and Judge's Stand. Amphitheater boro and Shawneetown Railroad Co. to that of the Carbondale & Shaw- nee Railroad Co., and to make valid the subscription and contract of sale of the County Court. By this act it was declared that the County Court should, on the completion of the road to Marion, set over and transfer the certificates of stock to the Railroad Company without the payment of the $5,000 or any sum. The act further provided that the interest on the bonds should be paid semi-annually in New York, in place of at the County Treasurer's office. It was contended in the Railroad suit described hereafter, that this act was unconstitutional, as being ex post facto and impairing the ob- ligation of contracts. On the 2 4th day of December, 1S70, there was an order made by the court, extending the time for the completion of the M. & S. R. R. to the first day of January, 1S72, and also extending the time for the completion of a Railroad from Car- bondale to Marion to the same time. It was contracted in the suit that the County Court here recog- nized two railroad companies, and that the giving the bonds to the lat- ter that were voted for the former was not valid. It was also contend- ed by the counsel in said suit that if the act of March 1st, 1S69, was constitutional, it limited the time of the completion of said road to the 1st day of January, 1S71, and it being an amended charter could not be changed only by legislature. At the July special term, 1871, the SOliVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 63 ARTHUR A Editor of court adopted the form of a bond to be issued to the coaipany. At this same term, July 24, the court, with Spain as Judge, made an order, af- ter reciting all the acts of the leg- islature and the previous orders of this court, and reaffirming the sub- scription, that the County Clerk should procure one hundred bonds of one thousand dollars each, and that on presentation of the certifi- cates of stock by the company, the bonds should be issued and placed in the hands of James W. Samuels, as trustee, to hold until the road was completed. On this same day the Carbondale & Shawneetown Railroad Company entered into contract with E. C. Dawes & Co., to build said road. On the 4th day of September, 1871, the Court, after reciting the order of July 2 4th, which stated that the bonds should bear date of January 1st, 1872, made an order that the bonds should be prepared in blank and bear date from the completion of the road, as they expected to have It completed before that date. Most people supposed that only $50,000 worth of stock would be taken when the road was completed to Marion, and but few of them ROBERTS, Leader. knew anything about the contract of sale, Init it had leaked out by the 1st of November, 1871. There was considerable talk of an injunction to keep the court from issuing the bonds. The work on the road was progressing rapidly, and Walter P. Hanchett, the agent of E. C. Dawes & Co,, became very uneasy, and on Sunday, November 6, 1871, he sent out a special messenger to bring in the County Court. They came in the next morning and were set upon all that day by Hanchett and his friends to sign the bonis and place them in the hands of a trustee to avoid the intended in- junction from the citizens. Judge Spain and Associate Justice Holland were opposed to issuing the Ijonds until the road was completed, but Manier was for signing them. About dark on Monday, the 7th, Hanchett and his friends got the court together in a room over Good- all and Campbell's store, and tried every way to get the bonds signed. About 12 o'clock in the night some one told Hanchett to send for R. M. Hundley, that he could get the court to act. Hundley was sent for and when he came up town he went to the Lancier Hotel where Han- chett met him and told him what was up, and that his assistance was urgently solicited, Hundley told him he would let him know in from thirty to sixty minutes, Hundley then went over and had a talk with the court, and then went back and asked Hanchett what it was worth to him to have those bonds signed that night. He said, one thousand dollars. He then drew a draft on the Carbondale bank and left Hund- ley, who immediately went home. The court signed the bonds that night' and delivered them to W. N. Mitchell as trustee, the first giving $100,00(1 bond for their delivery when called for. Encampment of Union Veterans Union at Grand Reunion at Marion August, 1904. 64 S()l-\E.\]K (»]■ WILLIAMSON Q^UNTY, ILLLNOIS. S. K. CASEY, Editor and Publisher of Marion Evening Post and the Egj'ptian Press. Casey & Felts, Proprietors. J. H. FELTS, Of the Egyptian Publishing Company. These County Judges were not bribed, as would seem from this story, because they are honest, con- scientious men, neither did Hundley attempt to bribe them. He simply got $1,000 to use his influence. That they ought not to have signed the bonds when they did was plain, hut it was an undue influence and not corruption. Mitchell deposited the bonds in the bank at Spring- field, and at the December ad- journed term, 1871, the President and Directors of the Railroad re- ported to the court their acceptance of the road as complete from the contractors, E. C. Dawes & Co., and the court ordered the bonds to be delivered to the company, and re- ceived the certificates of stock of 1100,000. On Sunday, January 14, IS 72, five car loads of iron were l)rought to Marion, and on Monday, the 15th, the last rail was laid on FISHERS OF FISH. (Not Men-fishers.) the track, but the cars had been run- ning to Marion for some time be- fore. At the special term, being the 24th day of January, 1872, the court made an order authorizing the County Clerk to assign and transfer the certificates of stock held by the county in the C. & S. Ry. Company to E. C. Dawes & Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio, excepting $10,- 000 of the stock, which was to be held by the clerk until the Rail- road Company should have the road completed to Crab Orchard, in this county, and by the contract the railroad company was to pay $5,- 00 for the certificates in the bonds issued by the county in payment of the subscription, and if they had done so there would have been only $9.5,000 in bonds outstanding. But they paid it in money, or at least settled $5,000 of interest on the $100,000 in bonds. The $10,000 of certificates are still in possession of the county clerk, and we pay an- nually $8,000 interest and another $1,000 for collecting and disbursing it. At the March term of the Cir- cuit Court, 1873, a bill for an in- junction and relief was filed by George Bulliner, W. M. Hindman, Henry Williams, George W. Sisney, Robert M. Allen and F. M. Maxey. The injunction was granted by the Master in Chancery and stopped the Sheriff from collecting the Railroad taxes and the State Treasurer from paying the interest on the bonds. This case created a great deal of SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 65 EUGENE F. BOXES, Managing Editor Egyptian Press. anxiety. The case was decided by Judge Crawfor' against the com- plainants, and a judgment of $1,000 given against them for Attorneys' fees. An appeal was taken to the Supreme court and the judgment below affirmed. The Carbondale & Shawneetown Railroad is IT 'miles, 2..5G0 feet long, from Carbondale to Marlon, and cost $583,4 7.12, and has a funded and unfunded debt of $2 7.5,- 890.15. For the year ending June 30, 1875, it transportel 38,959 tons of freight. The road has been honestly and fairly operated and has been a great benefit to our TrDDT MARION EGYPTIAN PRESS, OUTSIDE. THREE LITTLE DIAMONDS. "They look like three little diamonds," said a Jewish lady of Los Angeles when she saw the three bright boys shown in the accompanying cut. They are Percy, Teddy and Frank, the sons of E. F. Bones, managing editor of the Marion Evening Post, aged 6, 4 and 2 years, respectively. They are natural born artists, having inherited the talent from their papa. The drawings surrounding their picture were made by Percy, the oldest, who occupies the central position in the group. Teddy can draw almost equally as well, and even two-year-old Frank can outline a locomo- tive. Having lost their mamma, who died in Los Angeles last November, the little fellows are separated. Percy, the oldest being in Marion with Grandpa and Grandma Bones, Teddy, the second, with Grandpa and Grandma Tate in Tex- as, and Frank, the baby, having a good home with Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Walker, in Carterville. They learned to talk early, and have never been afflicted with "baby talk," having used good English from the beginning. They never fail to attract attention wherever they go by their bright ways and civil manners. "He talks like a man," is an ex- pression often made about each of them. This picture is a snapshot taken on the court house lawn at El Paso, Tex., and although it was in the winter time, the sun was a little too bright for the baby's eyes. county, but it is not right in prin- ciple for a majority to force the unwilling minority to contribute to the building up of a private person or corporation. It is right in pub- lic matters, but in private concerns, their own consent ought to be ob- tained to make them partners or contributors. The present status of the road and its history subsequent to the date of the above account seems to be about as follows: The road was never completed by the company beyond Marion, but in 1S8S the St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute Railroad Company bought it and completed it to Paducah. Ky., 66 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON C )UNTV. ILLI\0!S. DICKSON B. WARD, Deceased. ""^ — ~- nijii^ and in 1S9S the Illinois Central purchased it. So it has become a branch of that great system, and a very important feeder to its coal and general passenger and freight traffic. It has built a branch from Carterville to Herrin, with spurs to the principal mines, and has greatly Improved its road bed the whole length of the line. About eight years ago, by a vote of the county, the bonds were re- funded at 4 per cent., and payment was begun at the rate of $5,000 an- nually. The interest is kept up and $40,000 has been paid on the principal. The Bench and Bar of Williamson County. By Judge Cieo. W. Young. BY act of the Legislature approved January 7, 1835, the State was divided into five (5) Judicial Circuits. Williamson (then Frank- lin) was in the first circuit, but we have no records of courts being held in this County prior to the estab- lishment of the County Seat, Ma- rion, August 20, 1839. The records C. & E. I. RAILROAD BRIDGE, miles south of Marion. Crossing the Saline Creek. Height show that Samuel D. Lockwood, William Brown, Jeptha Hardin, held court in and for the County of Franklin prior to 1840. After the division (1840) Walter B. Scatese and Sidney Breese held the courts prior and up to September, 1848. After the adoption of the consti- tution of 1848 the following judges held the circuit court while Wil- liamson County was in the third cir- cuit: Wm. A, Denning, Wm. K. Par- rish, Alexander M. Jenkins and Jno. H. Mulkey. By act of the Legisla- ture, approved January 15, 1859, the State was redistricted and Wil- liamson County was put in the 26th Judicial Circuit. From that time to 18 73 the following named Judges held the Circuit Court of this Coun- ty: Willis Allen, William Joshua, Allen and Andrew D. Duff. After the adoption of the consti- tution of 1870, and by act of the Legislature approved March 2 8, 1873, Williamson County was placed in the 2 5th Judicial Circuit, and Monroe C. Crawford was elected Judge June 2, 1873, for the term of six (G) years. But by the act of March 10, 1877, the State was di- vided into thirteen (13) circuits, and Williamson was placed in the first circuit, and this same act pro- vided for the election of three (3) Judges after the first Monday in June, 1879, and provided also for the election of one additional judge to hold until the regular election on the first Monday of June, 187 9. Ac- cordingly John Dougherty, of Jones- boro, was elected August 20, 1877, to serve until June 2, 1879. Fol- lowing said election David J. Baker, Monroe C. Crawford and John Dougherty were the three (3) Judges for the tripple consolidated first circuit until the re.gular elec- tion, first Monday in June, 1879. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLLVOIS. 67 REV. J. J. TATUM. Pastor of the Free Baptist Church. MR. SAMUEL DUNAWAY. Chief Bookkeeper for the Frisco System Ry.. Danville, Illinois. .J. .M. BRADLEY. Farmer. Sidney Breese, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, died sudden- ly at Mt. Vernon, while holding court, June 28, 1878, and on July 9, 1878, David J. Baker was ap- pointed by the Governor, from the Circuit Bench, to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Bench caused by the death of Judge Breese. August 27, 1878, Governor Cul- lom appointed Oliver A. Marker Cir- cuit Judge to fill the vacanc>; on the Circuit Bench, caused by the ap- pointment of David J. Baker to the Supreme Bench. June 2, 1S79, occurred the first regular election under the three (3) Judge System. At this election David J. Baker, Daniel M. Brown- ing and Oliver A. Harker were elected to serve six years. Under this three Judge law it became the duty of the three Juiges to meet in conference and assign, or lay out, the work each had to do. As there has been no change in the system of assignments since the act of 187 7, and no Judge ever having been per- manently assigned to hold the Cir- cuit Court in Williamson County, the history of the Circuit Bench is the history of the election and ser- vice of the Judges who have been elected since June, 1S79. COAL BELT BOTTLEIXG CO'S FACTORY. Morrison & Willeford, Proprietors. At the election held June 1st, 1SS5, David J. Baker, Oliver A. Harker and Robert \V. McCartney were elected to serve for a term of six years. These Judges alternated irregularly in holding court in Williamson County. At the election June 4, 1888, David J. Baker was elected to the Supreme Bench, vice John H. Mul- key whose term expired. November 6, 1888, George W. Young was elected Circuit Judge to fill the vacancy caused by the elec- tion of David J. Baker to the Su- preme Court. June 1st. 1891, at the regular election, Oliver A. Harker, Joseph P. Roberts and Alonzo K. Vickers were elected for the full term of six years. June 7. 1897, Oliver A. Harker, Alonzo K. Vickers and Joseph P. Robarts were elected for the full term of six years. June 1st, 1903, Warren W. Dun- can. Alonzo K. Vickers and Joseph P. Robarts were elected for the full term of six years. Joseph P. Robarts died after a long and painful illness at San Diego. California. October 20, 1903. At a special election held Decem- ber 12, 190 3, William N. Butler was elected Circuit Judge for the unexpired time of Jos. P. Robarts, deceased. The present presiding Judges for this, first Judicial Circuit, are War- ren W. Duncan, of Marion: Alonzo K. Vickers. Vienna: William N. Butler, Cairo, and they alternate in holding Circuit Court in this County, as has been the custom for the last 2 8 years. Their terms will expire June 7, 1909. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON O )rNTV. ILLINOIS. MAJOR JAMES D. McCOWN, Deceased. MRS. MARGARET SHERERTZ, Aged SG. MRS. CENA A. McCOWN, Wife of James D. McCown. County ludgcs and jfudgcs of the County Court. Prior to 1S72 the office of County Judge was not regarded with the same degree of importance that it has been since that date. Up to 1S73 the County Judge, with two other officers, called associate jus- tices, constituted the County Board, and did all the county business, the County Judge doing probate busi- ness also. Since 1S73 county busi- ness has been given to three County Commissioners. By act of 1S72 the County Couri was given common law jurisdiction in civil actions to the extent of $1,000, and criminal jurisdiction of misdemeanors, in addition to pro- bate jurisdiction. The first county judge after the division in 1S40 was William H. Eubanks, then David Norman, Isaac M. Lewis, Jesse Bishop and James M. Spain. At the election in 1S73, being the first election under the new consti- tution and the new law, Jesse Bishop was elected Judge of the County Court, which had become a court of considerable importance. At the election in IS 77 George W. Young was elected County Judge; at the election in 1SS2 James W. Washburn was elected; in IS 86 Warren W. Duncan was elected; in 1890 Lorenzo D. Hart well was elect- ed, and again in 1894; in 1S98 Wiley K. Slater was elected; in 19 02 Rufus Neeley, the present in- cumbent, was elected. All the seven men who have filled the position of County Judge since 1S7 3 have been praciiciiig licensed lawyers iv, ,.>o ul .HE OLD COURT HOUSE. Burned May 30, 1875. It stood at the southeast corner of the square. All the houses to the west of it as far as South Market Street were also burned. Loss, $25,000. prosecuting Httorncys and States Httomeya. Prior to 1872 the prosecuting at- torneys or public prosecutors were elected in the same territory of the Circuit Judges and went with the Circuit Judges to attend Court in the different Counties composing the Circuit. Among the early Pros- ecuting Attorneys were Edward V. Pearce, John A. Logan, John M. Clementson, Chas. N. Damron and Francis M. Youngblood. This brings us up to the change in the statute and the provision of the constitution of 1S70, and the act of the Legislature approved March 2 2, 1872, which provided that one States Attorney should be elected at the general election to be held November 5, 18 7 2, in each county in the state and every four years thereafter. The names and date of election of the States Attor- neys for this, Williamson, County, since 1872 are as follows: John D. P. Jennings, 1872; Jos- eph W. Hartwell, in 1875, to fill the unexpired time of Jennings; Joseph W. Hartwell, 1S76; William W. Clemens, 188 0; Geo. W. Young, 1SS4; Jesse Bishop, 1SS8; John W. Peebles, 1892; Richmond R. Fowl- er, 1896; Lorenzo D. Hartwell, 1900; Richmond R. Fowler, 1904, all of them lawyers in good practice and men of considerable legal ability. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. «9 KARL WOLF, Journeyman Merchant Tailor. W. J. WALKER, Alderman 2nd Ward. ED SPILLER, Attorney at Law. The following named attorneys who formerly resided in Williamson County, an 1 practiced before the Courts in said County, are dead, but their names are inserted in this article in honor of their memories; John T. Louden, John A. Logan, Anderson P. Corder, John E. Galla- gher, Willis Allen, George W. God- dard, Jerome B. Calvert, Joseph H. Benson, William Joshua Allen, Jos- eph W. Hartwell. Jesse Bishop and Milo Ervin. The following are the names of the lawyers composing the William- son County Bar, and who are con- sidered practitioners, according to the age and the length of service: William W. Clemens, James M. Washburn, Lorenzo D. Hartwell, Geo. W. Young, John W. Peebles, Geo. W. Pillow, William H. War- der, Winfteld C. S. Rhea, John C. B. Smith, EJ M. Spiller, Geo. B. White, Wiley F. Slater, Andrew J. Kimmel, Richmond R. Fowler, John E. Carr, Charles A. Jochum, John A. Treese, John L. Gallimore, William O. Pot- ter, William T. Freeze, Thos. J. Youngblood, Otis H. Burnett, De- witt T. Hartwell, Everett E. Deni- son, Rufus Neeley, Archibald C. Hentz, Luther E. Robertson and Robert T. Cook. The City of Marion By Geo. W. Young, Attorney at Law THE JORDAN HOUSE. One of the Oldest in Marlon. Built of Hewn Logs. BY an act of the Legislature, en- titled "An Act to establish the County of Williamson," approved February 2S, IS 39, it was provided that Calvin Bridges of Union Co., Thornbury C. Anderson, of Galla- tin Co., and Jefferson Allen, of Jackson Co., were appointed Com- missioners to locate the seat of jus- tice for the County of Williamson. These Commissioners were to meet at the town of Bainbridge, and after being qualified, they were directed to proceed to locate the said seat of Justice at or as near the center of the County as an eligible site con- taining twenty acres could be ob- tained by donation from the owner thereof, in accordance with said Act. The County of Franklin was divided, and the County of William- son established. On the Sth day of October, 1839, the Commissioners to locate the County seat made the following re- port: "STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of Williamson. We, the Commissioners, appoint- ed by an Act of the Legislature of said State to locate the County Seat of Williamson County, approved February 2 8, 1839, have agreed on the Southwest corner of Section Eighteen (IS), Township Nine (9) Sctiith, and of Range No. Three (3) East of the Third Principal Me- ridian line; and that we do further agree to name the site Marion. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. J. H. REYNOLDS, Deceased. MRS. A. C. REYNOLDS. Proprietor of Commercial Hotel. J. W. WILDER, Photographer. Given under our hands this 2 0th day of August, 1S39. Signed, CALVIN BRIDGES, THORNBURY C. ANDERSON, JEFFERSON ALLEN." On the same day, August 20, 1839, William Benson and Bethany, his wife, deeded as a gift to the County the West half of the South- west Fourth of the Southwest Quar- ter, Section Eighteen (IS), Town- ship Nine (9) South, Range Three (3) East of the Third Principal Me- ridian line, containing 2 acres, which was the first deed record- ad in the County by the County Clerk, who was then the recorder. Henry W. Perry, a surveyor, was employed October 16, IS 3 9, to sur- vey and plat the town lots, which are known as the Original Survey of the City of Marion, including the Public Square. These lots were or- dered to be sold on six, twelve and eighteen months' time by the Sher- iff. The sale commenced November 17, 1839, and continued for three days. At this sale there were thirty-eight lots sold for the sum of two thousand four hundred and forty-nine dollars and fifty cents ($2 449.5 0) to the persons and for the prices shown in the following tabular statement: Nahie. No. Lts. Amt. Sam'l. H. D. Ryburn 1 $ 50 00 Sterling Hill 60 00 John T. Davis 111 00 William Benson 113 00 Daniel R. Pulley 93 00 Joab Goodall 67 00 J. T. and T. D. Davis 100 00 F. F. Duncan 116 00 John G. Sparks 78 00 Dempsey Odum 80 00 John Davis 131 00 A. T. Benson 150 00 E. C. Spiller 114 00 William Benson 102 00 William L. Benson 161 25 J. B. Freeman 96 00 John D. Sanders 68 00 John Davis 70 50 Geo. W. Binkley 50 00 John D. Sanders 5 00 Henry Sanders 30 00 W. K. Spiller 63 50 James Hill 90 25 Elijah Mooneyham 41 00 Henry Robertson 76 00 John Simpson 66 00 Sterling Hill 30 00 John D. Sanders 2 37 00 William Burns 2 51 00 Junior Meredith 2 51 00 G. W. Binkley 1 30 00 Willis Allen 1 23 00 FIRST SIOiiK i.\ F. M. Westbrook & Co's Store, built then moved and rebuilt of brick in 189 3 .\JAKI(I.\, in 1S76. Used until 1893, Now The New York Store. Total 38. $2449 50 The sale of the lots was one of the first sources of revenue to the County, and the aggregate consti- tuted a liberal sum with which to defray the cost of the construction of the public buildings. The first buildings erected were a clerk's office and the jail. The clerk's office was built on the Pub- lic Square early in the year 1S40 by Gabriel Sanders, who took the con- tract for $108.00, and the first term of Court was held in this building SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOLS. 71 F. M. GOODALL, Capitalist. MRS. F. M. GOODALL. F. L. NAXCE. Merchant. beginning May 4, 1S40. The con- tract for the jail was let to Squire Howell for $3 35.00 on the Sth day of January, 1S40. It was a log house, and stood where the jail now stands, being Lot No. Two (2). in Block No. Eight (8) in the Original Survey or plat of the town of Ma- rion. This building was used as a County jail until 1865, when the second jail was erected by Robert M. Hundley, contractor, for $9,000 on the same lot. Its dimensions were 20x44 feet square and two stories high; the Walls of the' first story were of brick and were IS in- ches in thickness; the walls of the second story consisted of nine in- ches of brick on the outside and of timbers squared 8x10 inches on the inside, the floor and ceiling being made of these timbers also. This building stood until November, 1SS2, when it was consumed by Are. The Courts were held in the building erected for a clerk's office until the completion of the first Court House, which was built by John Paschal, began in 1841, and .-ompleted in 1842. It was a two- story brick building 40 ft x 40 ft., and stood on the Public Square, and cost the County $3500.00. This building was used for the Court House and County offices until 1859, when it was removed and the brick was used in building the brick house which now stands on the Brooks' farm, three miles north- west of Marion. In 185 8 a new Court House was erected by Col. R. M. Hundley, the contractor, on Lot Two (2), Block Five (5) of the Original Survey of the town, being the site where H. M. Parks' build- ing now is. This building was also a two-story brick structure, being about 5 0x7 ft. square, with a hall and stairs. County offices and jury rooms on the first floor and the Court Room on the second. Col. Hundley, the contractor, received $7700.0 in County orders, bearing eight per cent, interest from date until paid, and $1800.00 in cash from the Swamp Land Fund, mak- ing $9500.00 in all which he re- ceived for erecting the building. He also received $245.00 for painting it, and N. B. Calvert was paid $305 for furnishing the Court room. This house was destroyed by fire May 3 0, 1875, but the County records were all saved, with the ex- ception of one or two court records. The proposition to levy and col- lect a special tax of thirty-five cents tor each one hundred dollars of taxable property within the County, for a period of three years, to raise a sum sufficient to build a new Court House was submitted to the people of the County at an election held November 2, 1880, and was carried by a large majority. The present Court House was built un- der the supervision of Mr. Isaac Rapp, of Carbondale, who was em- ployed at a salary of $5.50 per day to superintend the planning and building of the house. The esti- mated cost was eighteen thousand dollars, and it was finished in the summer of 1889. The Town of Marion was first chartered by Act of the Legislature approved February 2 4, 1841, but it seems there was no organization or election of officers under this Act, and the same was repealed Febru- ary 15. 1847. The town was again chartered by Act of the Legislature approved February 16, 1865, by ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD DEPOT AT MARION, ILLINOIS. S()L-\ENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. JOHN W. PEEBLES, Attorney at Law. PAUL J. SMITH, Local organizer Marion Trades Council and district organizer of Labor Unions for American Fed- eration of Labor. DR. C. L. WASHfeURN. which said Act, it is provided that the inhabitants of the town of Ma- rion, in Williamson County, Hlinois, be, and they are hereby, constituted a body politic and corporate by the name and style of the "Town of Ma- rlon," and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and may have, or not have, a common seal, which they may change, alter or abolish at pleasure. The corporate limits of the Town of Marion shall embrace a territory of one mile square ex- tending one-half mile East, West, North and South of the Public Square in said town. The munici- pal government of the town shall consist of a president and six trus- tees and other general provisions vesting corporate authority and power in the municipal authorities of said town. Under and by virtue of the authority of this Charter, at the election in April, 1865, Rev. A. T. Benson was elected President, W. P. Goodall, Wiley W. Hall, Jas. M. Edwards, Jeremiah Rice, Oliver H. Wiley and James H. Stewart were elected trustees. This City Board adopted and approved the first code of orlinances for the gov- ernment of the Town of Marion May 15, 1S65. After the adoption of the present State Constitution in 187 0, which prohibits special legislation, the Legislature passed a general act for the incorporation and government C. & E. I. RAILROAD DEPOT, LOOKING SOUTH. of all cities, towns and villages, and under this Act, Marion became in- corporated as a City under the gen- eral law of the State in April, 1873, and at the election held in April, 1874, Jos. W. Hartwell was elected and qualified as the first Mayor of the "City of Marion." The City has been under the organization and powers vested in cities, towns and villages under and by virtue of the authority of the general law of the State granting powers to cities, towns and villages since April, 1873. Prior to IS 72, there was no rail- road reaching the city of Marion, and prior to 1854, there was no market at any point on any railroad accessible to the citizens of Marion. In this latter year the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad was completed, run- ning from Chicago to Cairo, passing through Carbondale, eighteen miles west of Marion. The early history and progress of the town (now City) of Marion in- cludes many novel facts and condi- tions connected with the life and conduct of our people in the early days of the City; for instance, at the time the City was located, it seems that John Davis, more familiarly known as "Bone" Davis, owned a log house located near the center of the Square where the Court House now stands. As soon as the County was organized, he immediately ap- plied for license to sell whiskey, and the County authorities charged him $25.00 license for one year, and the Court also established the price at which liquor should he sold, as follows: Whiskey, 12i4 cents per one-half pint; brandy, rum, wine and gin each IS.vJ cents per one- half pint; cider per quart 12i/{ cents. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. 73 CITY HALL AND MAHIOX STATE AND SAVI XGS BANK. The first store put up in Marion was by Joshua Mulkey in 1S40; the next by Robert Hopper. It seems that groceries, as they were called in those days (they are called sa- loons now) were always plentiful in the early days of the history of Ma- rion, license to sell liquor varying from $25.00 per annum in 1839 to $500.00 in 1864. The County Com- missioners' Court also regulated the charges for the hotels. Prior to 1901 the Mayor and Al- dermen were elected by the popular vote of the voters of the City. On the 14th day of January, 1901, the City Council passed an ordinance dividing the City into four wards, making the four main streets lead- ing East. West. North and South from the Public Square the dividing lines. All that territory lying north of West Main Street and west of North Market Street, being the Northwest Quarter of the City, is designated as Ward Number One (1). All that part of the territory lying south of West Main Street and west of South Market Street, being the Southwest Quarter of the City, is designated as Ward No. Two (2). All that part of the territory lying south of East Main Street and East of South Market Street, being the Southeast Quarter of the City, is designated as Ward No. Three (3). All that part of the territory lying north of East Main Street and east of North Market Street, being the Northeast Quarter of the City, is designated as Ward No. Four (4). With the opening up of the vast coal fields lying adjacent to and im- mediately North and Northwest of the City, there have been great im- provements in the way of substan- tial buildings and sidewalks and the construction of an Electric Street Railway leading north two miles to the Spillertown mines and west through the mining district to Her- rin and Carterville. The population since 189C has almost doubled. It is estimated now that we have some- thing near six thousand inhabitants within the corporate limits of the city. There have been a great many new additions surveyed and at- tached to the Original Plat, so that now the corporate limits extend three-quarters of a mile north, south and east and one mile west of the center of the Public Square, em- bracing and including 14S0 acres of land. The City of Marion is also a noted railroad center, Illinois Cen- tral Railroad passing through run- ning east and west, the C. & E. I. (Frisco System) running north and south. It is the leading market point in the County, in fact, it is the greatest market for mules, horses and live stock of any point in Southern Illinois. W'e have an extensive telephone system, electric light plant, water works, ice and cold storage plant, two flouring mills, bottling works, a brick plant for the manufacture of first-class building brick. Marion is also headquarters for the Egyp- tian Powder Company, three of the leading coal mines, all lines of gen- eral merchandise, hardware, furni- ture, farming implements, wagons, buggies, harness, family groceries, are represented in the business in- terests of the city. We have not the space to particularize, but we can say in a .general way that there are as large stores and business houses, and as much business is done in the commercial line as in any City in Southern Illinois. Large trains of cars loaded with coal leave the City every day: live stock and farm products going to distant mar- kets continuously. We venture the assertion that there is not another city in the 74 SOU\"ENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ^HP'pi'^ jyA ^ T^' Pl^g^^*^ ^^^^^^^^^^■^^^^^^^l^iV^^^^^^^^ two weekly uew'spapers and two daily papers. Our people, as a rule, are honest, intelligent, industrious and law abiding. There is no bonded in- debtedness hanging over the city, and the floating debt is small, the reveirue from taxation and license being adequate to meet all liabili- ties. The rate of taxation is as low, if not lower, than any city of its size in the state. Taking into consideration the wealth, intelligence and progressive character of our citizenship, we have every reason to believe that the City of Marion will keep and maintain its present high position, that of being the most progressive and best governed city in Southern Illinois. ANOTHER VIEW OF C. & E. I. RAILROAD DEPOT, Looking South. The Electric Belt Line Railroad Crossing in the Foreground. United States possessed with the school facilities that Marion is, for the reason that we are conducting our public schools under a special charter granted by Act of the Leg- islature approved February 16, 1S57, forty-seven years ago, and it embraces six whole sections, and one-fotirth of another section, of land, running one mile north and one mile south and two miles east and one mile and a half west of the Public Square, containing 4000 acres of land. All this vast wealth is under the supervision and control of the Board of Education, and is governed in the distribution of the school funds of the State the same as in other common school districts that are operated under the state school law, and the result is that the inhabitants of the City of Ma- rion get the benefit of an academic high school course, with all the modern appliances and methods of instruction for the same rate of tax- ation as is levied for the purpose of keeping up the schools in the coun- try districts where nothing but the common branches are taught. We have two large, modern. well- equipped school buildings all paid for, and only a few days ago, the people voted to purchase another site and build an additional build- ing in the Southwest Quarter of the City, which will probably be com- pleted the present year. This one feature of our public advantage is quite an inducement for those hav- ing children to educate to purchase property and become residents of our city, as it enables them to give their children a high school educa- tion at a very small expense with- out sending them away from home. We include in this article the names of all the Mayors and Alder- men that have held positions since the city assumed corporate author- ity in February, 1SG5, so that our readers may see who have been in- strumental in enacting and enforc- ing the laws and ordinances govern- ing the city up to the present time. We are in possession of wonder- ful natural facilities, such -as fuel, light, water, good markets, first- class transportation to all the lead- ing cities and markets of the coun- try. We have six churches, all well attended and in a prosperous condi- tion, the largest and best managed Building and Loan Association in the State. We are well supplied with a full complement of Lawyers, Doctors, Ministers and Teachers; City Officers. The following is a list of the Trustees, Mayors and Aldermen of (he Town and City of Marion, Illi- nois, from A. D. 1SG5 to A. D. 1904: 1^65 — A. T. Benson, President; W. P. Goodall, Wiley W. Hall, J. M. Edwards, Jeremiah Rice, O. H. Wi- ley, .7. H. Stewart, Trustees. 18C6 — R. M. Hundley, President: O. H. Wiley, J. S. Rice, J. M. Ed- wards, A. T. Benson, Wm. Cook, W. W. Hall, Trustees. ISGT — R. M. Hundley, President; O. H. Wiley, Wm. Broad, W. W. Hall, A. T. Benson. Wm. Cook, S. W. Dunaway, Trustees. ISGS — R. M. Hun ley. President; A. T. Benson, O. H. Wiley, Samuel Cover, S. W. Dunaway, Wm. Cook, Thomas Davis, Trustees. 1SC9-^G. V,'. Goddard, President: \. B. Calvert, O. H. Wiley. W. W. ■■lil';.\I)Y FOR LU'SI.XESS." .Tust Coming Out of the Stable. SOU\ EXIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. GEO. C. HEYDE BLOCK. Noll & Williams, Architects and Builders. This firm, brick block was erected by Messrs. Noll and Williams, in the present year, at a total cost of $22,000. It is a two-story and basement building, and one of the most substantial structures in Marion and complete in every rletail. The front is of pressed brick and plate glass, with iron columns, plate and gird- ers throughout. The lower story is divided into three large stores, the center one being largest of all, and filled by Mr. Hyde himself with a miscellaneous stock of hardware, hard to beat in this County. It is lighted by electricity and fittei with an up-to-date freight elevator. All the plans and details were fur- nished by the contractors and builders. Clemens, C. M. Edwards. J. C. Jack- son, M. W. Robertson, Trustees. 1870 — G. W. Goddard, President; O. H. Wiley, N. B. Calvert, M. W. Robertson, C. M. Edwards, W. P. Goodall, S. W. Dunaway, Trustees. 1871 — G. W. Goddard. President; O. H. Wiley. N. B. Calvert, S. W. Dunaway, M. W. Robertson. Hardin Goo "all, C. M. Edwards, Trustees. 1872 — G. W. Goddard, President: S. W. Dunaway, O. H. Wiley, M. W. Robertson, Hardin Goodall, N. B. Calvert, C. M. Edwards, Trustees. 1873 — W. N. Mitchell, President; O. H. Wiley, W. H. Howell, J. C. Jackson, Hardin Goodall, C. M. Ed- wards, S. W. Dunaway, Trustees. 187 4 — J. W. Hart well. Mayor; M. W. Robertson, Hartwell Hen- dricks, R. M. Allen, John M. Young, C. M. Edwards, A. X. Lodge. Alder- men. 1875 — W. R. Hall, Mayor; Jas. C. Jackson, C. M. Elwards, Wm. Hen- drickson, Hartwell Hendrickson, J. M. Young, R. M. Allen, Aldermen. 187^ — G. W. Goddard, Mayor; C. M. Edwards, Wm. Hendrickson, Jas. C. Jackson, Jas. L. Adams, W. H. Howell, O. H. Wiley, Aldermen. 1S77 — J. C. Jackson, Mayor; M. W. Barham, C. M. Edwards, Jas. L. Adams, W. H. Howell, H. T. God- dard, F. M. Sparks, Aldermen. 1S7S — J. C. Jackson, Mayor; Jas. H. Duncan, C. M. Edwards. W. H. Howell, M. W. Barham, Shannon Holland, Jas. L. Adams, Aldermen. 18 79 — L. A. Goddard, Mayor; C. M. Kern, R. M. Hundley, T. J. Good- all, M. W. Barham, C. M. Edwards, J. M. Campbell, Aldermen. 1880 — L. A. Goddard. Mayor: Thomas Davis, C. M. Kern, J. M. Campbell, T. J. Goodall, J. L. Cal- vert, C. M. Edwards, Aldermen. 1S81 — L. A. Goddard, Mayor; J. M. Campbell, C. M. Edwards, J. L. Calvert, C. M. Kern, Thomas Davis, T. J. Goodall, Aldermen. 1S82 — L. A. Goddard, Mayor; J. M. Campbell, T. J. Goodall, Thos. Dunaway, John P. Moore. E. L. Denison, R. Borton, Aldermen. 1883 — J. C. Jackson, Mayor: R. Borton. T. J. Goodall, John P. Moore, Thomas Dunaway, G. W. Evans, Shannon Holland, Aldermen. 1884 — J. C. Jackson, Mayor; J. H. Duncan, J. V. Grider, J. A. En- sminger, C. T. Holland, G. W. Evans, Shannon Holland, Aldermen. 1885 — J. C. Jackson, Mayor: J. H. Duncan, J. V. Grider, G. W. Evans, C. T. Holland, W. L. Benson, J. L. Calvert, Aldermen. 1SS6 — J. C. Jackson, Mayor; S. S. Ireland, J. L. Calvert, W. L. Ben- son, G. W. Evans, James L. Adams, D. A. Davis. Aldermen. 1887 — Brice Holland, Mayor: D. A. Davis. J. L. Adams, S. S. Ireland, R. Borton, Joseph Fozard, Ed T. Gallagher, Aldermen. 18 88 — Brice Holland, Mayor, R. Borton, Joseph Fozard, E. T. Gal- lagher, Chas. H. Denison, O. S. Tip- py. A. B. Scurlock, Aldermen. 1889 — W. T. Davis, Mayor: C. H. Denison, O. S. Tippy, A. B. Scur- lock, Thomas Dunaway, J. H. Bur- nett, A. J. Binkley. Aldermen. 1890 — W. T. Davis, Mayor: J. H. Burnett, Thomas Dunaway. A. J. Binkley, J. A. Ensminger, Joseph Fozard, O. S. Tippy, Aldermen. 76 SOL'XENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. HON. JAMES M. \VASHBURN. GEO. C. CAMPBELL, City Clerk. HON. WM. O. POTTER, Master in Cli.ancery. 1891 — Shannon HoUanl, Mayor; J. C. Mitchell, J. A. Bnsminger, O. S. Tippy, W. H. Phillips, T. J. Bink- ley, Flem Gent, Aldermen. 1S92 — Shannon Holland, Mayor; W. H. Phillips, J. A. Ensminger, J. C. Mitchell, J. V. Grider, S. W. Walker, Flem Gent, Aldermen. 1893 — J. w. Westbrook, Mayor; J. V. Grider, J. A. Ensminser, S. W. Walker, L. B. Casey, T. L. Camp- bell, C. M. Kern, Aldermen. 1S94 — James W. Westbrook, Ma- yor; James V. Grider, Samuel W. Walker, John A. Ensminger, James A. Campbell (vice Theodore Camp- bell, deceased) George H. Goodall. James H. Duncan, William H. Phil- lips, Aldermen. 1895 — John H. Burnett, Mayor; George H. Goodall, James H. Dun- can, William H. Phillips, Charles A. Gent, Thomas G. Blankenship, Thomas J. Binkley, Aldermen. 1896 — John H. Burnett, Mayor; Charles A. Gent, Thomas G. Blank- enship. Thomas J. Binkley, William B. Capron. Romulus D. Holland, Ezra N. Rice, Aldermen. 1897 — Brice Holland, Mayor; William B. Capron, Romulus D. Hol- land, Ezra N. Rice, William B. Lee, Thomas G. Blankenship, Caleb T. Holland, Aldermen. 1898 — Brice Holland, Mayor; William B. Lee, Thomas G. Blank- enship, Caleb T. Holland, WinHeld C. S. Rhea, Leon B. Denison (re- signed), Samuel H. Goodall, Alder- men. THE WATSON MINE. On Coal Belt Ry., Between Carterville and Marion. 1899 — Thomas J. Youngblood, Mayor; John H. Duncan, J. C. Jack- son, John H. Burnett, Charles A. Gent, Robert L. Hudgens, Lloyd C. Campbell, Aldermen. 1900 — Thomas J. Youngblood, Mayor; John H. Duncan, J. C. Jack- son, John H. Burnett, Charles A. Gent, Robert L. Hudgens, Lloyd C. Campbell, Aldermen. 1901 — W. H. Bundy, Mayor: J. M. Dodd, D. A. Davis, Sandy Miller, Joseph Fozard, Charles A. Gent, Robert L. Hudgens, Lloyd C. Camp- bell, Ezra N. Rice, Aldermen. 1902 — W. H. Bundy, Mayor; R. L. Hudgens, James D. Gill, Otis W. Williams, John S. Strike, John M. Dodd, D. A. Davis, Ezra N. Rice, Joseph Fozard, Aldermen. 1903 — Charles H. Denison, Ma- yor; William J. Walker, George L. Brack, Joseph Fozard, James L. Adams, Robert L. Hudgens, James D. Gill, Otis W. Williams, John S. Strike, Aldermen. 1904 — Charles H. Denison, Ma- yor; Robert L. Hudgens, John W. Spiller, Otis W. Williams, W. F. Wright, William J. Walker, Geo. L. Brack. Joseph Fozard, James L. Adams, Aldermen; D. L. Hartwell, City Attorney; Geo. C. Campbell, City Clerk. Location of Manor. Marion stands at nearly the ex- act center of Williamson County, Illinois, on the southwest corner of Section IS, Town 9, Range 3 east of the Third Principal Meridian. Wil- liam Benson and Bethany, his wife, donated the twenty acres which formed the first nucleus of the em- bryo city. This was platted in October 1839, and sold at auction SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 77 Jtimn^cr ▼ JESSE CASEY. Deceased. WASHINGTON BINKLEY, Deceased. MRS. MARIE BINKLEY, Deceased. November 17th, 1 Sth and 19th, bringing "high prices." There were 15 4 tracts of the land valued at the first assessment in March, 1S40, at $27,13G, and per- sonal property at $139,410. The court house stands in the cen- ter of this tract, with four main arteries laid out. running to the four points of the compass from the court house square, and named re- spectively East and West Main Streets and North and South Market Streets. The remaining streets are platted to run parallel with or at right angles to these, making the city easy of access from every point of the compass. The main business houses are built around the four sides of the public square or along the main streets leading from them. The depots are located near these main streets to the north and west, and the two electric lines follow these two streets after passing around the square. The Court House stands on an elevated knoll, or hill, nicely rounded and gently and evenly sloping in all directions as if artificially constructed for the purpose. Our birds-eye view of the city was taken from the cupola of the court house, and runs down the four main streets to the four points of the compass. All the principal busi- ness blocks, public schools and fac- tories are easily discernable, and some of the fine residences stand out prominently at a short distance from the business center, along the main streets and avenues. The Churches of Marion. THE SOUTHERN ILLINOIS COAL MINING AND WASHING CO. first Christian Church. The First Christian Church of Marion. 111., was first organized by Elder H. T. Banta and A. T. Ben- son in 1865. Its fortunes were somewhat varied for a few years and was finally reorganized by El- der Matthew Wilson, and since that time it has occupied a prominent place among the religious forces of this city. Of the charter members there are living as far as known F. M. Goodall, Mary J. Goodall, Har- riet Goodall and Mary Gray. Pas- tors who have served this church are: W. H. Boles, M. L. Kurfees, R. Trinkle, John A. Williams, J. C. McReynolds, J. P. Davis, J. Fred Jones, Elder Germaine, Elder Holt, J. T. Purvis, J. P. Rowlinson, J. A. Lemmon, C. T. Spitler J. J. Harris, W. G. McColley, and W. W. Wee- don, who is the present pastor. Evangelists who have held meetings for this church are H. T. Banta, Matthew Wilson, W. L. Crim, W. T. Napin, H. R. Triekett, Ira J. Chase, A. J. Fishback, W. A. Ingram, J. V. Coombs, and S. F. Fowler. The official board is composed of the following: Elders W. J. Spiller, John H. Duncan, J. W. Keeler, J. M. Aikman; Deacons W. H. War- der, A. J. Binkley, D. A. Davis, Ed. Campbell, Chas. Binkley, David Bennett. A splendid evergreen Sunday school is maintained with the following officers: Supt., W. H. Warder; Asst. Supt. Ed. Camp- bell: Sec, Mabel Dunnaway. The Senior Y. P. S. C. E. is flourishing and has the following officers: 78 SOUVENIR OV WILLIAMSON' Col^XTY, ILLINOIS. ELDER J. J. HARRIS. ANNIE B. CASEY, Wife of Samuel K. Casey. LAURA B. CASEY, Daughter of Samuel K. and Annie B. Casey. Pres., Byid Spiller; Vice Pres., Harry Roach; Sec, Mabel Dunna- way. The Junior Y. P. S. C. E. is under the control of Pres. Grace Goddard. The building was erected In 1S75, and remodeled in 1901. It is well located on North Market St., and has a seating capacity of 500. Che first Methodist Gpiscopal Church, South. The First Methoiist Episcopal Church South in Marion, 111., was organized in the Court House by Dr. Jacob Ditzler in 186?. Dr. Lodge and wife, Matthew Edwards and wife, Mrs, Zack Duram, Mrs. William Cook, Mrs. Wiley and others whose names cannot be se- cured were charter members. Rev. William Finley was the first ap- pointed pastor. He took charge of the work soon after his appoint- ment, holding services for a short time in the Court House, then the place for services was changed to the old school house. Hon. S. S. Vick organized the first Sunday School in 1S66 and remained its ef- ficient superintendent for about twenty years. In the fall of 1SG5 Rev. J. B. Saunders was appointed preacher in charge, serving only for a short itme. In the fall of 18 66 Rev. W. P. Nance was appointed to the work, and by his untiring energy the first church building was erected, but .^iBiHafBlBhuiBrtff CHICAGO AND BIG MUDDY COAL MINE. soon after it was completed he closed his eyes in death. In the erection of this building Dr. Lodge, Matthew Edwards and S. S. Vick were prime factors. Matthew Ed- wards, Zack Hudgens and S. S. Vick constituted the first board of trustees, the last named has served throughout the entire history of the church, and is still a promin- ent member on the board. In 1892 the first building was sold, and under the pastorate of Rev. R. P. Howell the present com- modious building was erected on South Street at a cost of about $3,- 000.00, and dedicated free of debt, soon after it was completed by Dr. John Matthews, of St. Louis, Mo. J. M. Cline, S. S. Vick and A. L. Cline and others were prominently connected with the building enter- prise. The church owns a valuable and up-to-date parsonage, located on North Liberty Street. The church is free of debt, and is in a prosperous condition. John M. Dodd, A. L. Cline and S. S. Vick constitute the present board of trus- tees. The present official board is com- posed of the following named per- sons: Joshua Lowe, chairman; Prof. J. W. Asbury, Secretary; A. L. Cline, Treasurer; S. M. May, Ed. Gill, J. M. Cline, W. M. Davis and J. H. Farris, trustees. This church has been served by some of the most ef- ficient members of the Illinois con- ference. The present pastor is now serving his third year. This church has a prompt and an efficient choir, a most excellent Sunday School under the direction and control of Prof. J. W. Asbury, the efficient su- perintendent; and a live and enthu- siastic Woman's Home Missionary Society. SOUN'ENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. THOMAS H. GAHAGAX, Miner, Carterville District. T. S. MORRISSON, Morrisson & Williford Coal Bottling Works. HOGAX WILLIFORD, Morrisson & Willit'ord Coal Bottling Works. Che German Gvangcltcal Ztons Church, C. 6. Michc, Pastor. The German Evangelical Zions Congregation, a member of the Ger- man Evangelical Synod of North America, was founded A. D. 1SS8. The church and parsonage of this congregation are located in Southwest Marion, where sixteen years ago Rev. E. Schweizer, Zions' first pastor, purchased from Chas. Dennison a few lots on which he built a church and parsonage, most- ly out of his own funds. Rev. E. Schweizer remained in charge from ISSS to 18 9 2. His work was difficult, his people being in majority hardworking but not •■well-to-do farmers." After his de- parture the parsonage was sold by the B. P. H. Association and Rev. A. Buckstruck became successor to Rev. Schweizer. He remained in charge from 1S92 to 1894. The congregation being young and the pastor young, they had the experience that many other congre- gations had gone through. In 1894 Rev. H. KruU was placed in charge of the congregation by the board of Mission of said Synod, and did some successful work during a term of nearly four years. The work was under good headway when Rev. Krull was succeeded by Rev. C. JOAB GRAY'S LIVERY BARN. Press, an elderly gentleman of ex- perience. Before Rev. Press came into the church the congregation built a new parsonage west of the church at the instigation of the Board of Mission. This venerable old gentleman did all in his power to bring about good conditions. But past experiences, it seems, had made the people of the church slow to appreciate the good will of their pastor. Rev. Press, however, remained in charge until 1900, when the congregation ex- tended a call to Rev. C. E. Miche, its present pastor. About this time newcon:ers be- gan to settle in Williamson County. Marion rose from Village to City. All sorts of industries were taken up. New life also came into the church. Rev. Miche being equal to the occasion as a man of vast ex- perience in church work, having been connected with some of the largest churches in the Synod, he at once took up the work without the aid formerly given by the Board of Missions. On organizing a young people's society of nearly 50 members, this society became a stronghold of the congregation, the parents quite na- turally taking interest in the spir- itual welfare of their children. The ladies' auxiliary, "Franen verein," was reorganized and proved a great helpmate to^^e congrega- tion. ^-' So far the church had found as- sistance each year from the mission funds of the Synod, the congrega- tion contributing $200 to $300 to the pastor's salary and running ex- penses. On .January 1, 1904, the cashier's report, however, showed a net income of nearly $«nn.(io for 80 SOUVENIR OF WILLI A^rSO^' COUNTY, ILLINOIS. JOHN W. SPILLER, Alderman 2nd Ward. ZOLLA A. DODD, American Express Agent. FRANK M. BARTON, Asst. Cashier Marion State and Savings Bank. 1903, with almost $2 00.on on hand, all expenses being paid. Thus this congregation, listing about 60 members, men only, looks into a prosperous future through the Grace of Gol. Services are held each Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, Sunday School at 9 o'clock, Young People's Society meeting at 2 p. m., 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. All services in German language. The trustees or elders of this church are Messrs. Henry Wickert, Wm. Sander, Nick Krumrey, Chas. Bachmann. first Baptist Church. The First Baptist Church of Ma- rion, Illinois, was organized on the 19th day of August, 1S65. The following ministers composed the presbytery: Elder William Ferrell, Elder David Butler and Elder W. B. Chamness. James M. Washburn was elected secretary of the meet- ing. The charter members were: Isaac McCoy, Thomas Carter, John Jen- kins, William Waggoner, Celenda McCoy, Louisa Carter, Susan Wag- TOUACCU WAKEllOUSK AND DRYING BARN. Built by Goodall and Campbell about 1881. Now used by the Armour Packing Company for a Poultry House. gener, Mary Jenkins and Agnes Jen- kins. These brethern and sisters pre- sented letters of dismission from Davis Prairie church. Louisa Pitts presented a letter from New Hope church. Letters were also presented by Melinda Hargett and Mary Moore, from Academy church, Ken- tucky. Margaret Ireland, Adaline Bennet, Isabelle Marschalk, Eliza- beth Tinker, Ellen Mcllvoy, Nancy A. Morris and Maria Penninger were received as charter members on the promise of letters from their churches. The Articles of Faith, setting forth the fact that the Bible is the only infallible rule of faith and prac- tice with the Baptist, were read and unanimously adopted. The presby- tery then recognized the body as the First Baptist Church of Jesus Christ in Marion, Illinois. On the second day of September, IS 65, the church met in the first regular conference meeting, when Elder David Butler was elected pas- tor and Thomas Carter and Jere- miah Rice were elected to the office of Deacons. Thus began the present Mission- ary Baptist Church in Marion. It would be interesting here to give the names of the different pas- tors and the time they served the church, but the data necessary is not in hand, and it would make this sketch too long. The present out- look for the church is, doubtless, more encouraging than at any period in its history. Many difficulties in the past which hindered the prog- ress of the church are no longer ob- stacles in the way of church growth SOU\ENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. and aggressive development. In November, 1903, the church called to her pastorate Elder J. S. Ed- monds, and he entered upon the work December first. Already signs of more intense church life are manifest, and there have been in three months eighty- five additions to the membership. There are now enrolled upon the church record three hun ired and fifty-four members. Two hundred and fifty Sunday School scholars, and a large, active B. Y. P. U. char- acterize the working forces of the church. The present pastor is plan- ning for a larger and more up-to- date church building in the next year. This is necessary to meet the demands of the cause of Christ in Marion as the present church build- ing often fails to seat the congrega- tion. W. P. THKOG.AIORTON. William P. Throgmorton was born September 16. IS 49, in Henry Co., Tenn., where he remained until he was 1-t years old, when he was brought by his mother and step- father to Johnson county, Illinois, where he remained about two years. His mother died in August. 1S65, after which he was dependent on his own resources. He went to Wil- liamson county, where, in Septem- ber, 1868, he was married to Miss Eliza C. Baker, who continues his life partner. His education is such as he ac- REV. W. P. THROGMORTON. Pastor of the First Baptist Church. quired in the coirmon schools, in a select school and by his own per- sonal efforts at home and in his work. He made a publi" profession of faith in Christ in July, 1870, and was baptized into the fellowship of Pleasant Hill church, Williamson county, Illinois. A month later he was licensed to preach. In Decem- ber, 1.871, he was ordained in the same church, to the full work of the gospel ministry. His first pastorate was with the Hopewell church, Johnson county. 111., beginning in the fall of 1873, he preached FREE BAPTIST CHURCH SI for two years on the once a month plan. Up to 18 7 7, he preached for various churches on the once a month plan, being occupied other- wise as a teacher. In fact, teach- ing was his main work for about ten years. In 1867 he came to Benton, III., and took charge of the church there, at the same time taking edi- torial care of the Baptist Banner, which paper he published for nearly ten years with an intermission of about one year. For about six months of this time the Banner was published at Cairo, 111.: for some- thing over a year, at Mt. Vernon, 111.; all the rest of the time at Ben- ton. Brother Throgmorton contin- ued as pastor at Benton for nine and one-half years, after which he spent three years at Mt. Vernon. After that he was pastor at Louisi- ana, Mo., for two years and three months. Next, at Fort Smith, Ark., for three years and three months. Then in November, 189.5, he came to DuQuoin to become editor of the Baptist News, which paper he con- tinued to publish till in June, 1902, when it was merged into the Cen- tral Baptist, of St. Louis. Most of the time after coming to DuQuoin he had pastoral care of the First church of that city, and there, as well as all former pastorates, God has blessed him with success. Dur- ing his ministry he has baptized over a thousand persons. He can not tell exactly how many, as he has kept no record. Outside of the places named, in his early ministry he served as supply pastor more or less, at Friendship, Union county; Stonefort and Cana, Williamson county; New Hope and Metropolis, Massac county; New Salem and New Burnside, Johnson county. At New Burnside he made his home for some three or four years and while he was supply the house of worship there was built. He cherishes the memory of his work and of his friends in all these places. Brother Throgmorton has had good success in his own churches. He has rarely held special meetings with other pastors. He held one meeting in DuQuoin, continuing seven weeks, in which he preached every sermon but one, resulting in 187 additions to the church, 152 of them by baptism. In another meeting with the same church he was blessed with 122 ad- ditions. Besides pastoral and edi- torial work he has figured some in the controversial field. He has held about forty public debates. Perhaps thirty of these have been with Dis- ciples. He is called on occassionally for work of this sort yet, but the public religious debate seems to be one of the things that are passing. Brother Throgmorton has a fine physique and enjoys excellent health. He does not consider that the dead line in the ministry is yet within many, many years of him. 82 SOUVEKIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. but hopes to retain his mental and physical vigor to a good old age. We omitted to mention that the de- gree of Doctor of Divinity was given him by Ewing college in the year 1S90. He was moderator of the Baptist General association of Illi- nois in ISSd and was president of the Baptist state convention of Arkansas in 1S93. Brother Throgmorton stands among the Baptists of Illinois, a giant, in heart, mind and body. Wherever he goes among the com- mon people, he is spoken of as the great commoner. an:l the common people hear him gladly. This is our best tribute, as we belong to the common people. As a brother in- deed, as a preacher of sound doc- trine, as a man of sweet spirit, who is not above one of the least of God's children, we love him. As a man of power, of ability and keen dis- cernment, a bulwark against false doctrine, we admire him. Now we must make the train. — Primitive Missionary of Manchester, Illinois. The foregoing was published in .June, 1903. December 1, 1904, Dr. Throgmorton came to Marion and took charge of the First Baptist Church of that city. He will fully identify himself with local interests, and doubtless the work here will prosper in his hands. Kr.DER J. J. TATUM. The minister whose name heads this short sketch was the son of W. B. and Emily Johnson Tatum, born at Steelville, Illinois, May 2 2nd. 18 63. His antecedents were hardy English, who came from London, England, in 1619, and settled in Vir- ginia, and from thence the descend- ants migrated to various states in the union. Elder Tatum "wielded the birch" in the counties of Jackson and Per- LAXE BKOTHERS' TRANSFER BARN ry as a successful pedagogue before attaining the dignity of a minister. On January 1, IS 89, Mr. Tatum united with the Free Baptist Church at Campbell Hill. Jackson County, Illinois, and was licensed to preach in July of the same year. In Sep- tember, 1893, he was ordained to the ministry by his church, to which he has ever since brought credit and honorel the most sacred institution by his services. June 22, 1886, he was married to Miss Hettie Mason, who has proven herself a worthy helpmate. During the last decade he has been arduously and successfully en- gaged in the pastoral duties of his chosen profession. Eight years of his preaching were spent in Jackson County, Illinois, and left in answer to a call from Indiana. On August 12. 1890. a Free Bap- tist Church was organized in Ma- rion, Illinois, since which time the congregation has met with varying degrees of success. The importance of this iield appealed to the Home Mission Board, who persuaded Elder Tatum to assume the pastorate Nov- ember 1, 1902. From the date of his induction in- to the pastorate the church has been undergoing a sure, gradual and healthy evolution. The numerical and financial strength of the congre- gation has rapidly grown. The spir- itual side of the church has steadily advanced in appreciation of the pas- tor's precept and practice before them. In fact. Elder Tatum has suc- ceeded in placing his congregation in the forefront of Marion's church- es in the exemplification of the "works of love." An elegant little chapel has also been built and dedi- cated at a nearby mining mission point, due in a great measure to his energy and consecration. On July 10th, 1902, he served as the official "spiritual adviser" to Cal Price and Jerry Graves, executed that day for murder, and his faithful, judicious service for weeks previous prepared the young men for the trying ordeal. ItKV. !!. F. BAKER. SECOND WARD SCHOOL. Mr. B. F. Baker was born Sep- tember 5, 185 7, in Grassy Precinct in the southwestern part of the county, where he was reared and attended the District School until he began teaching in 1875. In the spring of 1877 he took a term in the Southern Illinois Normal Uni- versity at Carbondale. and on the 12th of the following July was mar- ried to Sarah D. Fly, daughter of the Rev. M. L. Fly. He soon after bought a farm and for ten years SOU\'EXIR ()F WIIJJAMSOX COUXTY, ILLIXOIS. 83 HOME OF \V. .1. AlKMAX. Where he was born and has lived to the present time. It is within the corporate limits of Marion, on the old farm property now on the north- east corner of West Main Street and North Russell. farmed in the summer and taught school in the winter. In 1SS7 he dropped teaching but continued to run his farm until August, 1S97, when he moved into Marion. In October, 1896, he hai been or- dained a minister of the Missionary Baptist Church and when he came to town had the pastorate of four churches which he continued to serve. January, 1S9S, he accepted from Sheriff Parks the appointment as deputy collector of taxes, and the following year was re-appointed by Sheriff Gray. Before coming to Marion, he served his township for eight years as treasurer and four years as Justice of Peace, and then moved to Marion. He is at present an elder and active member of the First Baptist Church. In 1903 he entered into partnership with James A. Felts in the book and stationery business, which they are still suc- cessfully carrying on. calling for seekers, and when Mc- Kinney went forwarj the preacher shook his hand and told him ihat he was a little too short to come to the altar, please take the second seat back. Since the public has given him a trial he has never more been accused of being too short, but has been actively engaged in both the ministerial and teaching professions. He is willing to wear the name given him "Jack of all trades." For the past three years Mr. McKinney has been principal of the Crainville public schools and has been em- ployed as superintendent of the Johnson City schools for the com- ing year. His most noted revival meeting was held at Crainville in the spring of 1903. Assisted by Rev. J. F. Kirk, the meeting was held dui-ing the two weeks of school, which resulted in 55 con- versions in the two weeks. All the pupils but three in the principal's room were convertel and the teach- er and about half the pupils in the second room. His pastoral work at Crainville within the past three years, though done in connection with school work, has resulted in 170 conversions and as many additions to the church. His present pastoral work is at Crainville, Lauder and Creal Springs. Jlr. McKinney has attend- ed school at Marion, Carbondale and Valparaiso. He has done a great deal of traveling, but it has been mostly about home. He was mar- ried .March 21, isy."i. to Miss Agnes Neilson. KLDKH A. M. K1HKK.\.\D. Elder A. M. Kirkland was born in Tennessee Janllary 6, 1S60. Re- moved with his parents to Western Kentucky in 1874. Graduated at Farniington Institute, then a lead- ing school of Western Kentucky, in 1884. Entered the profession of teaching; taught at Farmington, Wingo, Mayfleld and Fulton, Ken- tucky. Studied law and was ad- mitted to the bar at Mayfield, Ky., in 1889. Soon abandonel the law and returned to his old profession, teaching. Was president of Fulton Normal and Business College from 1892 to 1895 inclusive. Was presi- dent of the West Kentucky Educa- tional Association 1893-94. Joined the Primitive Baptist Church in 1891. and was ordained an elder in 1896. He did an active ministerial work in Kentucky and Tennessee. He was called to the care of the church in Marion in May, 1904, ac- cepting the call in July and entered on the work in August. He now re- KEV. J. W. .M. Stotlar, Rcrrin Lumber Company Incorporated. This company has a very large and flourishing establishment at Herrin for its main business, with important branches at Marion, John- son City and DeSoto. It is successor to the W. N. Stotlar Lumber Co., the Paul Herrin Lumber Co. and the Johnson City Lumber Co.. and was incorporated May 1, 1901, with $2n.- 00 cash capital. It handles every- thing used in building a frame house from turret to foundation. Its lum- ber is principally Yellow Pine and Cypress. It does an immense volume of business under the active manage- ment of its officers and branch man- agers. In 1901 they sent to their main house at Herrin at one ship- ment no less than 21 cars of lumber, followed the day after by two more belated ones, giving them the nice little job of unloading 23 cars from the track at one time. This is the largest single shipment of lumber ever made into the County. Of course, this rate is not kept up, but the tremendous development of the mining industry throughout the district has given all branches of bus- iness a rapid and permanent growth, and structures of all kinds are springing up everywhere. New towns are being started and the old ones improved as by the hand of the magician, and the building trades are flourishing. This has given all dealers in material a tremendous rush of business which bids fair to continue for many years, or until new mines cease to be opened. The coal in the district is not only the best in the United States, but is in such vast quantity as to be prac- tically inexhaustible. 104 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. MAP SHOWING LINE OF COAL BELT RAILWAY COMPANY: ACTUAL AND PROPOSED. The present officers of the corpora- tion are W. N. Stotlar, president; Thomas Stotlar, vice president: E. M. Stotlar, secretary: Harry Stotlar, treasurer. The directors are Fred Stotlar. Paul Herrin and C. C. Stotlar. The branch managers are Fred Stotlar, Herrin: E. M. Stotlar, Ma- rion: C. C. Stotlar, Johnson City: Henry Stotlar, DeSoto. They give constant employment to an average of 10 men besides the active force of the officers and yard masters in the four branches. Che transfer Business. The transfer business of Marion consists mainly in the loading and unloading of cars from the two rail- roads entering the city of the various commodities handled here, such as store goods of all sorts, marble, brick, stone, lime, sand and lumber. Coal is loaded for shipment at the mines and for local use is largely brought in by farmers from near-by coal banks. There are no long hauls to furnish steady employment to teams, as the various roads reach all parts of the county, and only short hauls and town and city transfer business can be obtained. The city furnishes some work in grading its streets and graveling them with broken stone. The four wholesale houses here run their own teams, as do also the three lumber dealers, and the two Houring mills. So, in addition to several drays and a swarm of delivery wagons, the ti-ansfer business is in the hands of three firms: Lane & Brother, T. C. Whittock and W. H. Travelstead. Statistics of their work cannot be ob- tained, but all keep busy. employed they keep from eight ten men. B. e. Lane and Brother, Cransfcr and feed Co. This prosperous business started in a small way in August, 1902. The proprietors had but one horse and an old farm wagon, and very little money, but they had lots of energy and ambition, and a determination to succeed. Besides, they had good sense and good morals. There was no one at Marion who made the tran.s- fer of goods and merchandise a busi- ness, so the opening was a fine one and they saw their chance and were quick to seize it. Besides the trans- fer of goods to and from the railroad depot, they do a general teaming business, handling large quantities of all sorts of building material, such as brick, lime and sand, lumber and stone. They also keep a full supply of hay and feed, both for their own teams and for sale. They now own and run four good teams and wagons, and have built a large barn and stables for their teams and supplies, capable of sta- bling twenty horses. When fully Bcnry edward Lane and jfobn j(' Lane, IJrotlicrs and Proprietors of Transfer and Peed Company. These gentlemen have always been partners in everything they did since they were old enough to work. Their father, Andrew Jackson Lane, died in 1S99 and left the wife a widow with two boys, Henry 23, and John 21, who together went into coal mining as soon as they reached manhood. They were poor and had only the benefits of a common school e Uication, although Henry had a short term at Crab Orchard Academy, and digging coal seemed the best prospect for a living they knew of. Henry married April 5, 1900, Miss Elnora Henson. They had one child which died in infancy, and November 6, 1902, the wife sickened and died also. The death of their father and Henry's wife and child all within three years kept the family poorer still, and was a great setback in the way of business. But they had started the teaming busi- ness the August preceding the death of Mrs. Lane in November, and their misfortune only spurred them to greater effort. Henry was born at Bainbridge SOLfVENIR OF WILLIAAISON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 105 April 4, 1S76. and John. Febniaiy 19, 1879. They both belong to the Woodmen and Henry is a member of the M. E. church. In politics both are republicans. Henry at one time spent five years in handling musical instruments and books. That was before the death of the elder Lane, anl before his marriage. Cbc 6oddard 6roccr Co., St. Louts, Mo., Marion Branch. Established September 11, 19ii3, J. A. Burkett, Manager. This new departure is doing a thriving busi- ness, not only catering to the needs of Marion grocers, but shipping on all the railway lines passing through Marion. They keep two men em- ployed in the house and two on the road. dilHamson County Contractors .Association. This association of contractors and builders was incorporated in 1903. Its charter members are: J. W. Chapman, general con- tractor, president; George Fuller, brick contractor, secretary: Robert Sparks, treasurer: R. C. Noll, of Noll & Williams, General Contractors, Frank Bock, painter, Albert Sumner, plasterer: Burt Bobbit, Oscar M. Wil- liams, of Noll & Williams, Otis Wil- liams and A. L. Pulley, directors. Their office is in the old Hyde Building, on North Market St. Marion fruit and produce Business. The Fruit and Produce business of Marion supports two flourishing wholesale houses, both of recent establishment. The Marion Fruit and Produce Company opened busi- ness in the spring of 1904, with Brice Holland as head of the house and his two sons, W. P. Holland and T. A. Holland, junior partners. Their first year's business reached a total of $30,000. They deal in all kinds of foreign and domestic fruits and produce, shipping a car load of bananas about every ten days. When we remember that a car load contains about 400 bunches of fruit and weighs 20,000 pounds, we get a good idea of the amount of this excellent fruit consumed in the area supplied from this point. They handle only the finest of this fruit and ship ex- clusively from Port Le Mon, Central America, via New Orleans. The Southern Illinois Fruit Co., located also at Marion, is another wholesale fruit and produce com- pany, and also opened up in their line last year. The volume of their business is not inferior to that of their competitors. Since writing the above these com- panies have consolidated and incor- porated under the last title. eggs and poultry in Marion. This branch of industry is owned and controlled by Armour & Co., the great Chicago packers. Mr. E. E. Kimmel, the manager, has been con- nected with it for the past six years. The poultry house was originally a tobacco barn, built by Goodall & Campbell, but upon the decline of that industry was sold to Jean & Son, the original promoters of the poultry business in this market. Later the firm changed to Jean & Re 'f earn, then to McArthur & Son, and then a company was formed to facilitate the rapid growth of the business, under the title of the Jean, Hurst. Redfearn Produce Co. This was absorbed by W. B. Hurst & Co., and then the last transfer, that to the present management, took place. The business has always been verv profitable, and at present represents an outlay of about $75,000 annually. They ship mostly to the markets of the East, sending to Chicago only foi cold storage. Insurance. The business of fire insurance in Marion is mostly done by the oldest insurance man in this part of Illi- nois, T. J. Binkley, who has been writing insurance for 24 years. He is devoted exclusively to that line of business, is expert, well known and highly esteemed. He has been a long time in the field, represents only the very best companies, and in consequence, gets the bulk of the business. He, now for some years, is not compelled to do any soliciting, but when Williamson County wants any insurance, they know whe'-o to get the best, and generally go to "Jeff Binkley." The following gentlemen comprise the Marion Board of Underwriters, and are all well-known and solid business men: T. J. Binkley, representing the Na- tional of Hartford, Conn., the Com- mercial Union of London, Eng., American Central of St. Louis, New York Underwriters and the Phoenix of Brooklyn, N. J.: L. C. Campbell, representing the Glens Falls, Spring- field Fire and Marine, West- chester, N. J.: Ed. M. Spiller, repre- senting the Germania: R. P. Fowler, the Connecticut, Hartford and Northern: Dennison & Son, the Phil- adelphia Underwriters, Liverpool, London and Globe: Traders Insurance Co. of Chicago: J. P. Lewis, the Queen: Abney & Bentley, the Cale- donian: T. J. Youngblood, Michigan Fire and Marine: Rice and Throg- morton. North British and Mercan- tile: Fireman's Fund: Home, of New Jersey; Etna: Citizens, of Missouri; Fire Association; Insurance Co. of North America: Norwich Union; Providence, of Washington: German American. The Life Insurance in this section is principally in the hands of the va- rious Orders and benefit associations, the Old Line Stock Companies having very little to do with it. The Pru- dential, howveer, and the Bankers' Association of Des Moines, la., and the Metropolitan are all doing a sat- isfactory business. The local officers of the Prudential are: W. H. Hen- drick, Ass't. Supt.: Isaac N. Cox and A. Z. Elam, agents, Marion: F. W. Burdick, Herrin; J. W. Woodburn, Carterville: Edward L. Bayless, Johnson City: S. C. McClintoc, West Frankfort. The Metropolitan is re- presented by Mr. A. L. Chury, who seems to be very active and success- ful in his canvass. Some postoffice Bistory. This office is now rated 3rd Class, but its annual income having reached $S,000, it will next July be ad- vanced to 2nd Class. Besides the six daily trips over the rural routes, the office receives and discharges ten daily mails. The following table gives the hours received, the direc- tion and the railroad over which sent, of each mail: 5:30 a. m., north over 111. Cen. 6:50 a. m., north over C. & E. I. 10:28 a. m., south over 111. Cen. 12:40 a. m., south over 111. Cen. 3:40 p. m.. north over 111. Cen. 7:50 p. m., north over 111. Cen. 10:25 p. m., south over 111. Cen. 8:00 a. ra., south over 111. Cen. 3:00 a. m., west over Coal Belt. 5:00 a. m.. west over Coal Belt. The total amount of daily mail is about 100 pounds, requiring the la- bor of three clerks besides Mr. Jones, the postmaster, to handle it. Mr. S. S. Miller is assistant postmaster, hav- ing charge of all money order busi- ness. E. T. Howell and T. F. Jones, son of the postmaster, are the gen- eral delivery clerks. The Postoffice Department allows but $580 towards the expense of run- ning the office, besides $60.00 for lights and fuel, and $25 a month for rent. The salary of Mr. Jones la $1900. He had to fit up the office himself at an expense of about $600. He pays $12.50 additional every month for rent and the salaries of his office force. The office has 49 S 106 SOUX'ENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLLNOIS. boxes, rented at from 20 to 40 cents per quarter each. There are six ru- ral routes out of Marion, each carrier getting a salary of $G0 a month and providing his own teams and wagon. Adding together all the items of ex- pense, we find that account with the government for this office stands as follows: Present receipts of office . . . .$S,300 Salary of Postmaster 1,900 Assistants 58^ Lights and Fuel G<' Office rent 300 Total $7,160 Balance for Government. ... $1,140 From which it appears that the post office at Marion is now self-sustaining and gives the Department a surplus of $1,140. Rural Houtes. The six routes are as follows: No. Direction Carrier. 1. Northeast of Marion A. D. Davis 2. East and North Frank Peebles 3. Southeast C. C. Davis 4. South William Erwin 5. Southwest William Collins 6. Northwest J. M. Peterson n. C. lonca, postmaster. Born November 3, 1853. near Creal Springs. Williamson County, Illinois. He secured such education as farmer boys generally get in the district school, and followed the plow until 2 5 years old. His father, John S. Jones, is now living with his chil- dren, at the age of 7G. His mother, whose maiden name was Sarah F. Jones, died in 1891, aged 60. In 18S2 he moved into Creal Springs and in 18SS was elected to the office of Justice of the Peace, serving one term. In 1892 he came to Marion and was elected Circuit Clerk and re-elected in 1900, serving two full terms of eight years. On the 10th of December, 1900, he received his first appointment as postmaster, and after one term of four years received a second appoint- ment, without opposition, on the 13th of last December. His marriage took place while he was living on the farm. February 13, 1871. His wife was Miss Mary J. Bower, daughter of Wm. J. Bower, a farmer near Crab Orchard. To this union four children have been born: Sarah, wife of N W Martin. Marion: Amanda, wife of H. W. Lane. Marion; Madeline, living with her parents, and Thomas F. Jones, employed in the postoffice. The family are mem- bers of the First Baptist Church, and he belongs to Williamson Lodge, No. 392. T. O. O. F. Financial Interests Marion is well equipped with banks and bankers. She has three of the best banks in Southern Illi- nois. The officers of these banking institutions are among the most con- servative business men of the com- munity, and their standing in the community is an adde 1 strength to the integrity of their respective cen- ters of finance. first National Banh. The First National Bank of Ma- rion was organized in January, 1891, with a capital of $50,000, in succes- sion to the Exchange Bank, which for a number of years prior thereto had been conducted under practically the same management as the present institution. It is one of the strong- est financial institutions in this end of the state, and under conservative, yet liberal management, extends every permissible accommodation to customers. Its officers and directors are among the most substantial of our business men and citizens, and in their personalities alone afford every guarantee to depositors, known to banking. We append the last report of the condition of the Bank, taken May 29. 1905: RESOURCKS. nemaJrrLoans :. i i ■.•.;■.■. :*'9M4i ^7 gXSsmes Bonds/.:. :■...•• f^ 500 00 Due from the U. S. Treasurer ba 00 Stocks. Bonds, County and School Orders ^H-km Furniture and Fixtures 2.0'= 00 Real Estate ,■■;,■ v ,•,, Ss «s Cash in bank and Sight Exchange.. . mM » »^ Total $4r.y.l02 3:^ LIABILITIES. Capital Stock * 5??? ?k Undivided Profits w -nn nn rirrulaticn 12,o00 00 Deposits • 3ib.fe3* I: -Potal ..$469,102 33 It has always been the policy of this bank to aid in every legitimate way and assist in the development of the commercial and financial inter- ests of Marion and Williamson coun- ty. To that end we ask your co-op- eration, and trust it may be your pleasure to place all or a part of vour account with us. yet conducted in his name, on an extensive scale, in the Holland block on the south side of our pub- lic square. He is owner of this building, erected in 1894-5. It is 50x75 feet in dimensions. 2 stories and basement, iron front, modernly built and one of the finest structures in Marion. The upper portion, de- voted to residence purposes, is Mr. Holland's handsomely appointed home. Though shunning publicity, Mr. Holland has been city treasurer, served as alderman and during 1891- 2 as Mayor, in each of which posi- tions he acquitted himself with ad- vantage to the public. He married in 1872 Annie Cox, daughter of George Cox, himself a Virginian. She was born and reared in William- son county. They have no children. SHANNON HOLLAND. Mr. Shannon Holland, president of the First National Bank since 1894, was born near Morgantown, West Virginia, February 2, 1864, and came with his parents to Marion at the age of 15 years. His father en- gaged in brick making and was as- sisted by the son, who later entered the livery and stock business on his own account and was successful. Still later he established the dry goods and millinery establishment J. C. MITCHELL. This reference would be inade- quate did it not contain some men- tion of Mr. J. C. Mitchell, since 1891 the capable and conscientious cash- ier of the above institution. He was born in Williamson county in 1852, attended the public schools and at the early age of IG years engaged in the drug business, in which he continued with success until his election as county clerk in 1886. He was re-elected in 1890, serving until 189 4, from 1891 occupying the dual position of county clerk and cashier of the First National Bank. When Mr. Mitchell assumed the duties of his office as county clerk Williamson county had an indebtedness of $30,- 000 and county orders were selling at 4 cents on the dollar of their face value. When he left that office this debt had been cancelled and county warrants were selling at par, a result largely due to the efficiency and financial skill displayed by him in management of county affairs. He has since won added recognition in financial circles, and is known throughout the state as a factor in the development of Williamson county interests. He married in 1872 Lily White, daughter of Col. John White and sister of A. F. White. Her life was spent in doing good. She died in 1901. leaving seven children. John. Rose, Verna. James, Frank. Dessie and Everett, who give promise of inheriting her gentle virtues, with their father's sterling traits of character. LLOYD C. CAMPBELL. Lloyd C. Campbell, assistant cash- ier of the First National Bank of Marion is the son of J. M. Campbell, the grocer, and Mollie Campbell, nee Fubanks. The father dates back to the old Blue-Grass state from which he came to Marion when a boy and married her who was Mollie Eu- SOUXENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 107 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFFICIALS. ROLI.A HOLLAND, Director. J. C. MITCHELL, Cashier. L. C. CAMPBELL. Assistant Casliier. SHANNON HOLLAND, President. ^' w*^ / A. M. TOWNSEND, Director. J. B. BAINBRIDGE, Vice President. THOS. STOTLAR, Director. JOAB GOODALL Director. T. J. BINKLEY, Director. 108 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. banks. L. C. Campbell Is the first child of three in the order of their ages, and was first introduoed to the public eye (and ear) October Iti, 1S74, in Marion. His early educa- tion and training were the best pos- sible, being such as Marion affords to all of its school boys. He is a graduate of the High School class of '9 2 from which he entered the gen- eral merchandise store of Burkhart & Binkley, where he sold goods for two months. Ke then entered the ■ First National Bank as bookkeeper in September, 1S92, where he ac- quitted himself so well that after three years he was elected assistant cashier, which position he still holds. On July 12th, 1S97. he took a "help- mate" in the pei'son of Miss Xettie Hottse, the daughter of C. H. House, now and for some years in the em- ploy of Burkhart & Binkley. Mr. Campbell is an active worker in the Christian field, is a member of the M. E. church and Superin- tendent of its Sun-lay Srho-'l. He rightly regards the leligion of Christ as the most potent influence for good in the world and sees no reason to discard or even neglect the best and most efficient instrument for one of less power for usefulness. Hav- ing a good, sharp steel sword, he has no desire to exchange it for a wood- en one. Hence, his labors and all Tiis influence in all reformative work or for the benefit or upbuilding of his fellowmen are pnd RMist be dis- tinctively Christian, and that simply because he, bein°; a Christian, de- sires that what little good he can do in the world shall be for the honor of the Christian name and principles and to none other whatever. Let others use a wooden sword if they have none better, but he has the "Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." Mr. Campbell is republican in poli- tics, but not pn active politician. In July, 1903. he was elected the Secretary and Treasurer of the Ma- rion Pressed Brick Company and as such looks aftei' the interests of their extensive nlant at the crossing of the Hlinoi" Central and Coal Belt Railways. ALBERT M. TOWXSEND. Albert M. Townsend was born August 26, 1851, in Carroll county, Tennessee. He was from staunch ITnion stock who dared and suffered much at the hands of guerrillas, during the dark days of the war. His mother died at the beginning of the war, his father was killed by guerrillas during the war, one broth- er was cruelly murdered by them when he crept from his hiding place in the brush in order to get food to sustain life, while another, a mere boy, was hung by them, but on relenting they cut him down be- fore life was extinct and thus he was spared. He died April 1.5, 1903. By these untoward events, the sub- ject of this sketch was left an or- phan at the age of ten and the only one left on the farm to support the family of smaller children and look after the crops and their few beasts. Under the circumstances, it is not to be wondered at that his schooling in Tennessee was very light. However, after he came to Williamson county, when past twenty-one years old, he secured three terms of schooling by working out nights and mornings and by the day in summer, in order to pay his board. He spent four rears in Williamson county, and then moved to Senatobia, Miss., where he followed the trade of a carpenter and builder until 1S92 when he returned with his wife and children to Williamson county. While in Mississippi, he married Miss Virginia Adman, a Tennessee lady, by whom he has had five chil- dren, three of whom are still living. He is a republican in nolitics. and was elected Justice of the Peace on that ticket in 1SS6. but finding it was a hindrance to his business, he resigned. In 1S90 he was elected county treasurer pnd in 1S92 moved to Marion, where 'le has since resid- ed. In 1884 he first became a mem- ber of the Primitive Baptist church, where his membership still stands and of which he is at present clerk. He belongs to the directorate of the First National Bank and is a mem- ber in good standing of the Blue Lodge of the A. F. and A. M. In April 15, 1903, he formed a partner- ship with Thomas A. Cox in the im- plement business under the firm name of Cox & Townsend. They handle all kinds of favm implements wagons, buggies, etc. ROLLA HOLLAND. Rolla Holland, farmer and stock- man, was born in Monongahela coun- ty. West Virginia, December 1. 1851. In ISGl he came to Illinois with his parents and grew up on a farm. November 29. 1S7 9, he was married to Mary Roberts by whom he has four children. He is a di'-pftor of the Firsr Na- tional Bank of Marion. THOMAS J. BINKLEY. Insurance and Director of Marion State and Savings Bank. In common with so large a propor- tion of the leading citizens of south- ern Illinois, the subject of this sketch is a native of Tennessee, but mostly reared and educated in this county, where his active life has been spent. He was born January 12, ]S5(i, in Cheatham county, on the Cumberland mountains about twenty miles from Nashville. His father, A. N. Binkley, was one of those sinewy sons of energy out of whose sterling qualities of head and heart has come a very large share of the brawn and brain of this coun- try. He lived and toiled and died on his native mountains in Tennes- see. Ke was born in 1812 and died in 1878. His only brother was George Washington Binkley, who settled at a very early day four miles north of Marion when the country was practically a wil 'erness and be- came one of the leading actors in the affairs of this part of Illinois for many years. He served in the state legislature at Springfield and was equally successful and popular as a man, in politics, or in business. His wife was even more remarkable than himself and reared no less than twelve adopted children, besides two of her own. Thomas came to Ma- rion in 1867 and settled on the old Binkley place. When about four- teen years old, he with his father and family listened to the roar of cannon at the battle of Fort Don- aHson only forty miles away. His education was that of the common school sort with a term or two at the academy in his Tennessee home before moving west. For thirteen years he followed farming, but in 18S2 went into the insurance busi- ness and for twenty years has been the leading man in that line in Southern Illinois. Following the usual custom at first, he canvassed this county and the adjoining terri- tory until he has established a repu- tation that brings his customers to him for miles around. In 1895 he established the Ma- rion Steam Laundry at a cost of $3,000. which he later sold. He has never dabbled in politics nor run for office, except for city council in which he served two terms. His only interest outside of his insur- ance and real estate, being in his bank, the First National Bank, of which he has been a director for about twelve years, being re-elected annually, and the Christian church, of which he has been a member since 1S65. He was married Decem- ber 23, 1S68, to Miss Cynthia Parlee Goddard. the daughter of Wesley Goddard. Nine children blessed this union of which five are living, Ro- wena, who married Eugene Ewbank and lives in Johnson City: George W., now a clerk for No, 3 mine: Roy Goddard, clerk for the Egyptian Powder Mills: Rome, a conductor on the Electric Coal Belt Line, and Net- tie, the youngest now seventeen years old, living at home. SOUN'EXIR OF WILLIAMSON COL'NTY, ILLINOIS 109 WILLIAMSON COUNTY SAVINGS BANK OFFICIALS. GKO. H. GOODALL, Director. J. M. BURKHART, Vice President. .1. B. UAi.\lU;lDGE, Director. JOAB GOODALL, President. JAS. W. GEXT, Director. W. S. BURKHART. Cashier. .IAS. L. ADAMS Director. W. H. WARDER, Director. M. CANTOR, Director. 110 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. INTERNAL VIEW OF THE MARION STATE AND SAVINGS BANK. C. H. Dennison, President, at the left: Earl B. .lackson. cashier, and F. R. Borton, assistant cashier, at the window. IManon State and Savings Banh We give two views of this elegant bank building herein showing both its external and internal appearance. It was erected in 19C.3 by Gill & Pride, contractors and builders. The second story is occupied as the City Hall and Council Chamber and the justice court and law office of Juige R. P. Hill. No. 1 Justice Court in the rear of the bank is occupied by Ed Durham as a first class barber shop. The inside view of the bank shows the now venerable president, C. H. Dennison; the cashier, Earl B. Jack- son; and F. M. Borton, assistant cashier, in attendance. It was taken by Mr. J. W. Wilder, of this city m January 1904. The bank furnishings are of ma- hogany and have no superior in ma- terial or finish in Chicago. St. Louis, or any other city in the United States. The work was done by Kloak Brothers, Cincinnati. Ohio, in July, 1903, at a cost of $1,200. It had been furnished before but the burning of the Benson block next to it in February. 190 3. de- stroyed the interior by the falling of the whole adjacent wall by which a 2-foot brick wall, two stories in heighth was precipitated into the bank through its glass partition on the south side, crushing the whole internal fixtures into kindling woo'. This was followed by fire and that by a deluge of water by which com- bination it was pretty effectually wiped out. It has however. Phoenix like, risen from its ashes and is more beautiful than ever. The fol- lowing is the latest report of the condition of the Marion State and Savings Bank before the commence- ment of business on the 31st day of May, 1905: REbOUKCiiS. Loans, and Discounts $29:1,570 93 Overdrafts 6.640 83 Real Estate owned by the Bank 323 55 Furniture and Fi.xtures 3.307 00 Due from Xational Banks 79,487 09 Due froffi State Banks and Bankers. 39,027 17 Checks and Other Cash Items 705 45 Cash on hand— a. Gold Coin 2,375 00 b. Silver Coin 697 25 Gold and Silver Treas'v Cer- tificates. Xational Bank Cur- rency, Legal Tender and Treas'y Notes 15,725 00 Fractional Currency, nickels, cents. 51 75 Total $442,51161 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in $ GO.OOO 00 Surplus Fund .W, 1300 00 Undivided Profits, less expenses a: d taxes paid 2.962 S5 Time deposits— savings 9.382 17 —Certificates 207,420 55 Demand Deposits— Individual 107,60165 Certificates 25,144 .39 Total $442,511 61 HON. CHARLES H. DENNISON. Hon. Charles H. Dennison, Mayor of Marion and President of the Ma- rion State and Savings Bank, was born in Seneca county. New York August 31st, 1S37, the third of sev- en children. His father. Edward Dennison. was a native of Vermont of Irish descent, born 17S9 ant died in McHenry county, Illinois, in 1872. His mother, whose maiden name was Evelina Hitchcock, was of English ancestors and born in Utica, N. Y.. in l.SOS. They married in Utica and moved to Huron county. Ohio, in 1841. In 1849 they came to Mc- Henry county, Illinois. She died at the residence of her son in Marion in July, 1886. Our subject was reared on a farm and educated in the common school of McHenry and taught school two years after he was 2il in the Mc- Henry county public schools. His marriage took place in 1869. when he settled on a farm at Bainbridge an i alternated farming and dealing in live stock with school teaching until 1873. At the fall election of IN 72 he was elected circuit clerk of Williamson county on the Democrat- ic ticket with the late Joseph W. Hartwell as his antaTonist. His first experience in politics was in 1870 and on the following New Years day moved his family to Ma- rion, where he was beaten for sher- iff by Alonzo Owen with 40 votes. At the expiration of his official term as circuit clerk he entered into part- nership with W. H. Bundy in the drug business, but two years later sold out his interest to W. S. Wash- burn and confined his business to handling real estate and live stock. His election to the mayorality did not occur until the spring of 1903. He went into banking in 1890 with Mr. Searing, opening a private bank under the firm name of Searing an1 Dennison with $30,000 capital. A little later Mr. J. H. Burnett came into the firm and afterwards bought out Jlr. Searing's interest. In July 24. 1902. the present Marion State and Savings Bank was incorporated with a capital of $60,000 in which Mr. Dennison is the largest and Mr. Burnett the second largest stock- holder. The stock is now held at 100 per cent premium and none for sale. It pays 20 per cent annual dividends. Mr. Dennison is a care- ful conservative financier, not given to wildcat schemes of speculation and has been very fortunate and successful all his life. Intimate friends ascribe his gooi fortune to his open ear to the advice of his tal- ented better half, which opinion is. of course, strictly orthodox, and in entire accord with all the wise-acres from Adam down, who it must be admitted, was a notable exception and was ruined by trying to set the proper pace in the race. His de- scendents however, have refused to take warning by his horrible ex- ample and have foun^ their happi- ness and good luck in doing exactly the thing which drove him from hor- ticulture to farming and stock rais- ing among the thistles. Probably their success in doing so may be as- cribed to the homeopathic principles of "Similia. similibus curantor" which liberally translated means "the hair of the same doy cures the bite." At any rate he did the wisest thing his ancestors have ever done when March 21, 1869, he took him a "rib." The maiden name of the fortunate lady was Mary E., daugh- ter of Dr. S. H. and Mary A. Bundy. nee Smith. She was born in DeKalb SOUV'ENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLLVOIS. Ill county, Tennessee, in 184S. and has proven herself indeed a "help-meet" to her husband until the present hour and are able to reckon their property accumulations at over $200,01111. They own four fine farms in this county valued at $50,0u0, other realty of equal amount includ- ing their elegant home on West Main street: the splendid store building of the Allen Phyfer Chemi- cal building of St. Louis; the largest drug house in the city; the fine Den- nison building in Marion; $12,000 stock in the bank of which he is president and $5,000 stock in the Allen Phyfer Co. Their chil Iran in the order of their births are Leon E. Dennison in the Wholesale Dry Goods business at Cairo; Edward Everett Dennison, attorney at law in Marion; Mrs. Lora B., the wife of Charles E. Lane, vice president and general manager of the Allen Phy- fer Chemical Co., and Samuel B. Dennison. farmer at Marion. EARL B. JACKSOX. W. W. WHITTLXGTON. W. \V. Whittington. grain dealer and miller. Vice President Marion State and Savings Bank. The sub- ject of this sketch is another of the solid men of Marion whose life be- gan and has been spent in this and the adjoining counties. He was born in Frankin county near Benton. May Sth, 1S50. and spent his boyhood on a farm. After the usual training in the common schools he took a scien- tific course at Ewing College from which he graduated in 1873.. After several terms of school teaching he entered the profession of surveying and civil engineering, which he fol- lowed for nine years. This brought him into business relations with railroad men and he gradually got into the hard-wood lumber business, dealing in bridge timber, railroad ties. etc. Among other jobs he fur- nished all the timber for bridges and cattle-guards and all the ties on the C. & E. L Ry. from Mt. Vernon to Marion. This has. however, been more as a side line with him. as milling has been the principal oc- cupation of his life. He first oper- ated a flouring mill at Benton, then at .Tohnson City for four years, com- ing to Marion and buying the Marion Elevator and Mills in 1900. He did not move his family, however, until two years ago. He was united in marriage to Miss Rebecca R. Mat- thews September. 187 5, by whom he is the father of four children, two sons and two daughters, all of whom are living. When the old Marion hank was reorganized and became the Marion State and Savings Bank he became one of its directors and at its annual election last December was elected Vice President. He belongs to Fellowship Lodge No. 89, Royal Arch Masons. The popular Cashier of the Ma- rion State and Savings Bank is wholly a child of Marion, where he was born October 9, 1S74. With the exception of two terms in Car- bondale he received his education in the public and High Schools of this city from which the graduated in 1893. For eighteen months he w-as Assistant Postmaster and afterwards for about twenty months Assistant Cashier of the Bank of Xorris City. White county, when he entered the employ of the Old Bank of Marion as Assistant Cashier. After two and one-half years he was promoted to Cashier. L^pon its reorganization in July. 19113, he was at once selected by the management for Cashier, which position he still holds. In July. 189S, he was united in mar- riage to Miss Carra Barnes, of Xor- ris City, by whom he is father of one child. Pauline, now four years old. Besides his bank interest he is a partner with his father. J. C. Jack- son, in the furniture business on West Jlain street, and Treasurer of Special School District of Marion. He is an active member of the M. E. church and belongs to the K. of P. and Modern Woodmen. FRANK R. BORTOX. Frank R. Borton is Assistant Cash- ier of the Marion State and Savings Bank. This promising young ac- countant and financier was born in Marion September 21, 1884. His parents were James M. Borton and Anna Goodali. He accompanied them when an infant to St. Louis and attendel the public schools of that city until about fourteen years old when he returned to Marion and has since made his home with his grandparents, Frank Goodali and wife. Upon his return to Marion he entered the eighth grade and then the High School from w-hich he grad- uated with high honors in the class of 1903. On the IGth of the follow- ing June he got a position as Book- keeper in the Marion State and Sav- ings Bank, and gave such good satis- faction that he not only hell his place, but at the election of officers in October, 190 4. was promoted to his present position. Although not yet 21 he has established a good leputation and stands deservedly high in public esteem and has a bril- liant future before him. WILEY G. COCHRAX. Wiley G. Cochran, lumber dealer and Director of Marion State and Savings Bank, was born February 4. 1863. in Benton, the county seat of Franklin county. Illinois. He re- ceived a common school education in Franklin. On January 28, 1891, he married Miss Hawley Esken, daughter of V . L. Esken, of Ben- ton. In 1897 he purchased the lum- ber yards of J. Vick & Company at Marion, and moving his family here became a prominent resident of the town. They have one child. Mr. Cochran first became connected with the Board of Education in 1901, but his time expires at the present spring election, and he does not aspire to re-election. He carries a moderate but finely assorted stock of lumber and its usual branches at his place of business on S. Market street, near public square. He is a member of the order of Hoo Hoo, a lumber- mans" organization, and is a K. of P.. Monitor, Lodge Xo. 236. THOMAS A. COX. Thomas A. Cox, dealer in imple- ments and director of Marion State and Savings Bank, is a native of Illi- nois, born in Union county. April Sth, 1850. on a farm near Jonesboro. He was reared on a farm and follow- ed the occupation until a year ago when he removed to Marion and en- tered the implement business. He attended the common school of Union county until his removal to this county in 1S71, when 21 years old. That same year. October 5th. he was united in marraige to Miss Nancy C. Rendleman and reared a family of five children now living. Two died in infancy. He never united with any secret order, but is an active member of the Missionary Baptist church. In politics he is a Democrat, pru- dent and successful as a business man and one of the Directors of the Marion State and Savings Bank. April 15. 1903. he and A. M. Townsend went into the implement business under the firm name of Cox & Townsend. They handle all sorts of farm tools, wagons, buggies, etc. WILLIAM THOMAS XEWTOX. William Thomas Newton. Director of the Marion State and Savings Bank, was born near Gallatin. Sum- ner county, Tennessee. September 30th, 1843. His parents move1 to Logan county. Kentucky, when he was an infant of three or four months and to Williamson county in 1S56, reaching here March 30th. when our subject was 12 years and 6 months old. They bought for $5 00 the 80 acres of land on which the Virginia Mine is now worked, the shaft being sunk on the very 4 where the house stood, four miles north of Marion. He was married on the 10th of December, 1863. to Elizabeth Boyd, a native of St. Clair county, who bore him four children, all of whom 112 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. are living. She died on the llili of March, 1SS4, and on January 27, 1SS6, he tooli (or his second wife Rebecca Herrin. whose great grand- father settled on and gave name to the prairie on which the town of Herrin stanis. She died June 9, 1891. In 1877 he was elected Jus- tice of the Peace In Lake Creek Township, where Johnson City now stands, and served for nine years, when he resigned. In 1864 he moved Into the woods one mile south of the present site of Johnson City and lived there for thirty years. No one then dreamed of the vast wealth hidden in the bowels of the earth he peacefully tilled for so many years, but after he sold his farm the great Williamson County Mine was located on it. He moved into Marion in Decem- ber, 1S94, where he has since lived. In politics he is a Democrat and cast his first vote for president for Gen. George B. McClelland. In De- cember, 1903 he was elected one of the directors of the Marion State and Savings Bank. Marion was at one time a great initial tobacco mar- ket and as many as fifty loaded to- bacco wagons have been counted on its streets in a day. Countins? from his Kentucky experience, Mr. New- ton planted and raised thirty-one crops of tobacco in succession, and some of his neighbors did even bet- ter, showing the possibilities of to- bacco culture in Egypt and the ca- pabilities of its soil. M. L. BAKER. M. L. Baker, a director of the Ma- rion State and Savings Bank and a member of the firm of Duncan & Baker. The subject of our sketch is the son of T. D. Baker and Eliza- beth J. (Sanders) Baker. The father is of English origin and was born in Mecklenburg county, N. C, April 17th, 1822, emigrated with his parents to Tennessee, grew to man- hood, married and in 1856 moved to Williamson county, Illinois, locating on a farm in the southwest corner of the county, where he resided until 1883, when he sold his farm and moved to Marion in said county, where he died April 28, 1904, being one of the oldest inhabitants of the county at his death. The mother was born in Benton county, Tennessee, January 19th, 1828, and died in Williamson coun- ty. Illinois, June 13th, 1877. Aunt Lizzie, as she was familiarly called, was the family physician and coun- selor in the pioneer families for miles around where she lived and her name and presence was so indis- soluably connected with their joys and sorrows that she yet lives though dead. Our subject was born in Benton County. Tennessee, July h. 1854. He was two years cf age when his pa- rents moved to Williamson County, Illinois. Ke grew to manhood on the farm, attending school about three months each winter. At the age of si.xteen he began teaching in the country schools, teaching in the win- ter and farming in the summer. At eighteen he attended the S. I. N. U. one term and afterwards Ewing Col- lege two terms, paying his expenses by labor on the farm during the in- tervening vacations. He studied law in the offices of Hon. F. M. Youngblood and Judge D. M. Browning, at Benton, Franklin County, Illinois, and was admitted to the bar in 18S1 at Mount Vernon, 111., being one of the sucessful ap- plicants in a class in which over one- fourth failed to pass. He first opened an office in Carter- ville, this county, but in the Spring of 1883 located in Marion, where he still resides. At the Municipal Elec- tion in 18 85 he was elected City At- torney, and in 1SS6 he was appointed Master in Chancery of his County, which oflice he held for three terms. September 22nd. 1887, he was married to Amanda M. Spiller, (or as he puts it. he invested $1.00 in the matrimonial lottery and drew the capital prize). Two children bless this union, Manda E. and Miles L. In 1897 his health failed and under the advice of his physican, with great reluctance he abandoned his chosen profession. fn the Fall of the same year he formed a partnership with John H. Duncan and engaged in the retail hardware and furniture trade. The business of the firm prospered and in the Fall of 1903 the business was incorporated under the name of Duncan— Baker Hardware Co., capital stock $30,000.00: a branch store established at Johnston City and a jobbing department added. He is the Secretary and Treasurer of said cor- poration. At the organization of the Marion State and Savings Bank he was elect- ed a member of the Board of Di- rectors, was appointed as a member of the committee on auditing and ex- amination of accounts, and still holds said offices. Sltlltamsoti County Saxnngs Banh. The following is a statement of the condition of the Williamson County Savings Bank, a group of whose oflS- cers appears on page 4 9 of this Sou- venir, before the commencement of business on May 31, 1905: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $142 379 50 Uverdrafts 291 70 Furniture and Fixtures 2.37.'! 00 Due from National Banks 26 247 50 Cash on hand— a Gold coin 685 00 Gold Treasury Certificates 2 4'iO 00 b. Silver Coin . .'. . ... 649 00 Silver Treas'y Certificatfs 2,476 00 c. National fank Currency.- 985 00 d. Leg 1 tender and treas.n.ts 487 00 e. Fracfl cur'cy, nickels, cts 6 7S Total jTaobTiS LLABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 50,000 00 f',"'\P'"5 P"j;d. 60C00O L ndivided Profits, less expenses and TiJi'i^^^^''^- U ■; '■«" 77 1 ime Deposits, hayings 2,2k8 63 _ "Certificates 65,576 75 Demand deposits. Individuals 53 389 38 Total $179,062 43 W. S. BURKHART, Cashier. Son of J. M. Burkhart and a mem- ber of the dry goods firm of Burk- hart and Sons, is a native of the city of Marion, where he was born August 2Sth, 1S7S. His schooling has been confined wholly to the ex- cellent public schools of the city, and when not in school he made himself useful clerking in his father's store. When but 17 his energies and ambitious character asserted them- selves in the complete mastery of the mysteries of Electric Lighting by running the plant at Marion as he got a chance at intervals, until the authorites could safely trust him in full charge at any time. In 1S9 8 he graduated from the Ma- rion High School, an"" for three and a half years was assistant cashier of the bank of Marion. In August, 1S91, he organized the private bank of Dennison, Parks & C, at Gore- ville. 111., and became its first cash- ier. He held this position but a year and a half, however, for upon the organization of the Williamson Co. Savings Bank he was invited to be- come its cashier and accepted. This took him back home, which was much to his liking, and he has re- tained the situation ever since. Mr. Burkhart is young, but by his conservatism in the management shows a natural aptitude for finance and has a bright future before him. He belongs to the Christian church and is a member of its choir, but as yet a bachelor. He takes an inter- est in fraternal matters, and belongs to several orders. He is a member of Monitor Lodge No. 236 of the Knights of Pythias, and Master of the Exchequer. He also belongs to Goreville Loige No. 528 I. O. O. F., and the Woodman's Camp No. 3336. J. B. BAINBRIDGE. Mr. Bainbridge was born in Wil- liamson county, near Marion, Feb- ruary 19, 183 7. He engaged in the general merchandise business in Ma- rion in 1856, and after 45 years is still as active in trade and manage- ment as when a youth of 19 he wait- ed on his first customer. He has been uniformly successful and longer in business than any other in Wil- liamson county. In 1860-1 he built the substantial brick structure. 50x85 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 113 feet in dimensions, on the soiitli side of our public square, tlie corner store room of wliich has ever since been occupied by him for purposes of his business. It is three stories in height, with the upper portion de- vote! to residence purposes, and here Mr. Bainbridge and family have made their comfortable home for many years. He has always taken part in move- ments calculated in furtherance of community interests, and is among the most substantial of our citizens. He assisted at organization of the Marion Building and Loan Associa- tion, and has been its vice-president for 1 years. He helped organize the First National Bank in 1S91, and has been vice-president and a di- rector, as well as large shareholder in that institution ever since. He was marriei September 7, 1S.59, to Josephine Goddard, daughter of James T. Goddard, one of our former merchants, and they have four liv- ing children, James A., who is en- gaged in the jewelry and watchmak- ing business here: Charles \V., who is a banker at Xorris City, this state; Luella, who is now the wife of L. A. Browning, of the Ely-Walker Dry Goods Co., St. Louis, and Maude W., wife of J. L. Parham. traveling sales- man for the Desnoyers-Courtney Shoe Co. Success having crowned the labors of a lifetime, Mr. Bainbridge look- ing no oHer than the average man of 50, is quietly reaping the rewards of decades of industry in the chan- nels of commerce, while continuing to devote his attention to the details of a large and long since firmly estab- lished trade. M. CANTOR. The above named gentleman, who scarcely needed his long title to make sure he is a typical merchant of his class, was born July 2 7, iS-tS, in Prussia, Germany. His father, Nathan Cantor, who brought up his son to the mercantile business, came to America, but died in Ger- many in'lSS2. The son came to De- Soto. Jackson County, Hlinois, in 1859. With true mercantile instinct he opened up a general merchandise store on his own account three years later, when only fourteen years of age. One year later, in the spring of 1S63, we find him dealing in general merchandise in Memphis, Tenn., thence to Cobden, 111., later to Anna, 111., in 1S66, where he remained un- til 1S74. He then made a tour of the continent remaining until the spring of 1S76. The autumn follow- ing, the present business was start- ed. At that time Marion was a small affair, boasting of only about 800 population, and Mr. Cantor had a hand in shaping almost everything from the beginning. He was one of the directors of the First National Bank at its organization, and is a di- rector of the Williamson County Sav- ings Bank at the present time. He married Miss Sarah Yesky, of New York City, January 2 7, 1878. His elegant home on South Market St., where they still reside, was erected in 1893. at a cost of $5000.00. In Masonry, Mr. Cantor has attained the degree of Royal and Select Mas- ter. He is also a member of the En- campment of I. O. O. F., and a char- ter member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Mr. and Mrs. Cantor have two children, Bertha and Lillian, the first having married Mr. Charles W. Schwerdt, now in business here. Mr. Cantor carries a large and well selected stock of goods in his line in the Ben- son Building at the northeast corner of the public square, and keeps in his employ two clerks, W. B. Lee and Robert Jeter. The former has been with him for many years and Mr. Cantor's establishment is one of the oldest in this county. JOAB GOODALL. The grandfather and namesake of this sketch came from Wilson county, Tenn., in 1S28, and settled on what is now known as the old Goodall farm, three miles south of .Marion. .\t this time John Goodall. Joab's father, was but six years old. The latter never quite forsook farming, though most of his life was spent in Marion, of which he may be regard- ed as one of the founders, in the suc- cessful conduct of a general mer- chandise business which he con- ducted until 1888, when he retired to accept the postmastership during the Cleveland adminiWration. This position he held up to the time of his death in 1897. He was sheriff of Williamson county in the '50's, and during his long life, an important factor in the politics, business and progress of this pnrt of the state. Joab Goodall, whose portrait and that of his lovely and accomplished wife, accompanies this sketch, was born at Marion March 4, 18 58. He was educated in the public schools, and at Carbondale Normal, and on attaining his majority became as- sociated with his father in business. This relation continued until the latter's retirement from mercantile pursuits in 1S8S. when Joab struck out for himself, and engaging in the purchase and sale of horses and mules, soon became known as the most liberal and successful dealer in his line in Southern Illinois, and through him Marion has the most ex- tensive market in a radius of a hun- dred miles. His operations, and the assurance of a ready market at top prices, have done much to encourage the farmers of this and adjoining counties in the breeding of fine stock, and foreign dealers now look to this section as a source of certain supply. from year to year. 1500 mules, most- ly high grade and valued at upwards of $125,000 passed through his hands during the year just closed. He utilizes two large stock barns, one on North Market Street, with sta- bling for 75 or more head, and one just off the northwest corner of our public square. The latter of brick, completed in the Spring of 1901, is 54x150 feet in dimensions, two stories in height, lighted and ven- tilated like a hotel and has stabling capacity of 150 heal of horses and mules, with ample room for storage of hay, feed and grain. Half tone engraving of this structure will be found in this volume. Though regarding it as his voca- tion, Mr. Goodall has not confined himself to operations in live stock. As early as 1893, when owing to the efforts of A. F. White and other en- terprising and public spirited citi- zens, attention was effectively di- rected to the immense coal fields of Williamson county, resulting in ex- tension of the C. & E. I. Ry., through the county and on to Thebes, and the, at first somewhat tentative, in- vestment of capital looking to devel- opment of our mines, Mr. Goodall set apart 40 acres of his 300-acre farm, lying immeliately north of the line of the I. C. Ry., and converted the same into what is known as Goodall's First Addition to Marion. This was followed in 1895 by Good- all's Second Addition, comprising 15 acres, and in 1898 by a Third of 20 acres: in June, 1901, by a Fourth and Fifth of 15 and 5 acres, and cul- minating that year in a Sixth and Seventh, of 60 and of 8 acres, re- spectively. The whole, approximate- ing 163 acres, is beautifully situated and indicates 300 building lots, aver- aging 80xl67i/, feet each. Three- fourths of these have been sold, built on and are now occupied as homes, the many handsome modern struc- tures among them, making this one of the most attractive residence dist- ricts of Marion. The new Coal Belt Electric Ry., in its course along North Market Street, traverses these additions at nearly center, making Spillertown, two miles to the north, and Marion business streets, as it soon will the towns of Herrin and Carterville. easily accessible. Going a step farther we find Mr. Goodall interested for the last eight years in Williamson county coal lands and their development. In this connection it is not too much to say he has been an aid in important sales, such as those to J. W. Gates, the Illinois Steel Co. and the Leiters, involving great industrial possibili- ties in Marion. Upon the organization of the Wil- liamson County Savings Bank, on the 15th of January, 1903, Mr. Goodall was elected its first president, and at its annual meeting of the present year, all the officials were re-electel. 114 SOU\ENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS Physicians and Surgeons. Without indulging in any fulsonie laudation, it is proper and entirely within the sphere o( sober truth, to say that the medical fraternity of this county have no superiors in their line in the country, unless we except the great cities who have ex- ceptional opportunities for acquirinii skill in practice in difficult and un- usual cases. The general health and long life of the community testify to their skill and faithfulness in the practice of medicine, and several well-known cases of extreme diffi- culty and delicacy carried to success- ful issue speak well for their skill in surgery. The practice of medicine, like all other professions, has had its day of small things in Williamson Co. It has had to struggle with well- r/.eaning ignorance and incompe- tence, imprudent and irresponsible quacks, insufficient or ill-digested laws, as well as the usuil number of chronic dead beats, not to mention the early poverty of the country and the usual quantity of deserving and helpless sufferers. But through all discouragements and difficulties the noble profession has gone steadily forward, eliminating ignorance, in- competence and fraud, acquiring skill and establishing system, co-operation and harmony among its members and continually acquiring a greater repu- tation for skill and establishing a higher standard of medical ethics, until it has no superior, if an equal, in the State or Nation. In July, 1902, the profession in Marion found it necessary to organ- ize a Physicians' Protection Associa- tion for obvious reasons stated in t'^e preamble to their constitution and by-laws. This was; "To establish a uniform Fee Bill to promote professional fraternity, uphold the standard of medical ethics, and secure for ourselves a iust recompense for our services." It was at first organized with twelve members and meets on the recond Monday evening of each month. The following are the names of its present officers and members: D. D. Hartwell, president: W. B. mark, vice president; A. M. Ed- wards secretary; G. J. Baker, assist- ant secretary; L. B. Casey, treasurer. Wm H. Bentley. Curtis Brown, .T. F. Tidwell, P. C. Stadley, E. M. Ro- -amel, I. C. Walker. W. F. Tidwell, V, A. Baker, G. W. Evans. W. Willi- ford. F. P. Gillis. members. In addition to the above Society. the physicians and surgeons of the County organize! the Williamson County Medical Association, about twenty years ago, but having de- clined and fallen into neglect, it was re-organized on October 2G, 19(13. Its preamble announces its purpose in the following language: "the cultivation and advancement of knowledge upon all subjects per- taining to the healing art, and the promotion of the usefulness, honor and interests of the medical profes- sion, by encouraging a generous emu- lation and a friendly intercourse among its members." It has regu- lar semi-annual meetings on the sec- ond Monday in May and October. The following are its officers and members: G. J. Baker, Marion, president : Columbus Brown, Creal Springs, vice president; A. M. Edwards, Marion, secretary; L. B. Casey, Marion, treas- urer. Curtis Brown, Marion: W. H. Bentley, Marion; Columbus Brown, Creal Springs: H. A. Berry, Herrin: D. S. Boles, Herrin; G. .1. Baker, Ma- rion; V. A. Baker, Marion: J. B. Burns, New Denison: J. H. Cole- man, Crainville: W. E. Clark, Ma- rion: B. F. Crain, Carterville; L. B. Casey, Marion; A. M. Edwards. Ma- rion; G. W. Evans, Marion: H N. Ferrill, Carterville; B. R. Felts, Lal^e Creek; W. H. Ford, Herrin: F. P. Gillis, Marion; Theodore Hudson, Hudgens; D. H. Harris. Creal Springs: D. D. Hartwell, Marion. M. Hendrickson, Halfway; E. M. Ro- tramel. Marion: W. F. Tidwell, Ma- ■■ion: J. B. Miller, Marion: J. W. Vick, Carterville: W. C. WiUifoid, Marion; Ira Roberts, .Tohnson City; W. P. Sutherland, Creal Springs; George S. Roberts, Corinth; R. M. C. Throgmorton, Herrin: A. P. Ba- ker, Cottage Home; G. J. Baker, Cot- tage Home; James Hayton, de- ceased, Carbondale; P. C. Stradley. Marion; I. C. Walker, Marion, mem- bers. On the 10th of November, 1904. the Williamson County Medical As- sociation met for the regular annual election of officers with the follow- ing result: Dr. A. M. Edwards, president: D. D. Hartwell, secretary: L. B. Casey, treasurer. 1SS2. After two years spent in the Wyoming Seminary, Dr. Bennett be- gan the study of medicine un er Dr. Ademak Strong, at Honesdale. where he spent one year, and then entered the Ohio Medical College, remaining until the Spring of 1S53. After graduating he came to Union County, Illinois, and entered upon the practice of medicine, which he followed until the breaking out of the war. His sympathies being with the South, he at once went to Mis- souri and enlisted in the Missouri State Guards, from which he was transferred to the regular Confeder- ate army un'ler Brigadier General Jeff Thompson. He was appointed assistant surgeon by him December 13, 1S62, and remained in the ser- vice until the close of the war. He was parolled by General Canby at Macon. Ga., at the close of the strug- gle, and returned to Madison Co., Missouri, in 1S65. He fought at Vicksburg, and when it surrendered he went to Mississippi, where he ma-ried. His wife's name was Nora Hargon. a Mississippi lady. After he returned to Madison County in IS 65 he spent a year farming and then came with his family to Marion, where he has since ren-'ained. Four children are the fruit of their union: Mary, Edward, Harriet and Myron. The Doctor is one of the charter members of the Williamson County Medical Association, and a member also of the Physicians' Protective Medical Association of Marion. He is a democrat and a member of the Catholic Church. DR. ELIJAH M. ROTRAMEL DR. W'. H. BENTLEY, Marion. Was born in Honesdale, Pennsyl- vania, November 9, 1835. His fath- er Alonzo Bennett, was a shipwright bv trade and died at Port Jarvis, N. .7 His mother was Rachel Mande- ville who came west with her son and died in Marion in December, Physician and surgeon, was born in Frankfort, Franklin County, 111., in IS 43. He was the son of Henry and Eliza J. (Maddox) Rotramel. The father was born in North Ca'-o- lina in ISOS, of German descent: came to Wilson County, Tenn., in his vouth; married the daughter of Elijah Maddox, a Baptist minister, in 1S31; moved to Franklin County in 1532- served 100 days in the Black- hawk War, and died in January. tS67. The wife was born in 1S12, bore seven children and died in 18 65. Our subject was educated at Ewin',- College. and worked on the farm with his father until the latter's death. He began teaching when 22. taught for 22 months in Franklin and Williamson counties, taking up the studv of medicine the mean- while, in 1869-70 he studied under Dr T. M. Sams, of Tamaroa. Perry Countv, where he began to practice. In 1S71 he located on Moore's Prai- ■ie Jefferson County, and in 1S76 located in Franklin, where he con- tinued to practice until he removed to Marion in April. 1900. His marriage took place Decem- ber, 1876, to Miss Belle, daughter SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 115 GROUP OF PHYSICIANS OF MARION. Reading from left to right. Top row — W. C. Williford, W. H. Ceucley, J. F. Tidwell (father), W. K. Clark, James B. Miller. Second low — W. F. Tidwell (son), Frank P. Gillis, Levi B. Casey, G. J. Baker. Jv.. V. A. S. Baker. Third Row — B. M. Rotramel. I. C. Walker. D. D. Hartwell, A. M. Edwards, Curtis Brown. of William and Caroline Kimmell. She was born in Union County in 1853, and has given her husband seven children, Decosa E., May, de- ceased: Homer A.. Hattie D.. Nellie A.. Ernest and Andrew. In IS.Sl he served one year as County Supt. of Schools. He is a Republican and a member of the Christian Church. He belongs to the Williamson County Medical Association and to the Ma- rion Medical Protective Association, an1 Southern Illinois Medical Asso- ciation. DR. .JAMES BAILEY MILLER. DR. GEO. W. EVANS. Born in Logan County, Kentucky, October 1, 1S4.S. It was in his na- tive state his boyhood days were largely : pent, and habits formed that led him into the calling he has suc- cessfully filled. Being reared as he was, by a physician, his father, W. S. Evans, who recently died in this city at the age of 96, he began the study of medicine early in life and is a graduate of the St. Louis Medi- cal College. He moved with his pa- rents to Missouri when but a young man, and has practiced medicine in Missouri and Illinois. Came to Ma- rion 1S79, where he paid close at- tention to his profession. Politically the Doctor has been and is acting with the Democratic party, but has lost no time nor neglected his profes- sion to seek position or advance the claim of others to office, having served only as an alderman in this city in an official capacity. He has, from youth to the present, been con- nected with the Southern Methodist Church. Dr. James Bailey Miller was born May 13, 1856, in South America, Sa- line County, Illinois. His father, Bryant Miller, was a farmer and died of acute pneumonia at the early age of 34, February 26, 1.S65. His mother was Martha D. Russell, daughter of Capt. David Bailey Rus- sell, a hero of the Blackhawk War, who was wounded with an arrow in the massacre at Chicago among the Sand Hills along the lake shore about where the Douglas monument now stands. For her second hus- band Mrs. Miller married James D. Wriston, who served during the Civil War. She died at the age of -19. The boy received such education as the common school of those d-, lS4o. His parents diel during his infancy, and he was bound to Geo. W. Bink- le.v, who was a farmer living on the farm where the plat of Whiteash is now located, four miles north of Ma- rion, Mr. Binkley died when the subject of this sketch was but four- teen years old. He was then bound by indenture to the widow, Mrs. JIaria Binkley, but only lived with her about one year, when he left his native heath and went South, stop- ping at Cairo, remaining there a few days: enlisted on a steamboat, plying between St. Louis and New Orleans, as a deck sweeper, afterwards be- came a cabin boy and Texas tender. This position he occupied until the Winter of 1861. when he went ashore at Columbus, Kentucky, and hired to work on a farm at five dollars per month. Before his preceptor, Mr. Binkley. died, he had learned to read and write by attending subscription schools. He was living in Kentucky at the time the War broke out, and as the storm of secession and dls- utiion swept over Kentucky, it be- came necessary for everybody to takes sides. Judge Young cast his lot with the cause of the Union, and became attached to the Union Army in IS 62. but on account of his age, was not mustered into the service until July, 1862, when he was mus- tered as a Private in Co. "L" of the 8th Ky. Cav., Col. James M. Shack- leford commanding the regiment. He served in this regiment until Sep- tember, 18 63, when he was sent to Western Kentucky on a recruiting detail, where he recruited a Com- pany of men in Graves, Ballard and Carlisle Counties, and was mustered as First Lieutenant of Co. "E," 30th Ky. Mounted Inf. Vol., Col. F. N. Alexander commanding. At the bat- tle of Saltville. Virginia, October 6, IS 64. his Captain was severely wounded and rendered unable for duty. This placed Lieutenant Young in command of the Company, and the Second Lieutenant being absent on detached service, left him the 120 SOL'VENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLLNOIS. oiilx' comniissione i offifer of the Company, which he eontiniied to command until the close of the War, June, 1S65, when he was mustered out as Captain commanding the Com- pany, receiving an honorable dis- charge, and settled all of his ac- counts with the Government. He came back to Williamson County in July, 1865, and started to attend a District School at Spillertown, kept by Matthew I. Wroton, which he at- tended two months, and afterwards attended the following Fall and Win- ter six months. In 1S67 and '6S, he attended the City University at St. Louis, Mo. In 1S6S and '69, he at- tended the Law Department of the University of Chicago, after which he attended the Benton Law Institute conducted by the late Judge Andrew D. Duff. He opened up a law office in the city of Marion for the prac- tice of law, in partnership with Judge L. D. Hartwell. in July, 1S70. Ju'ige Young was married to Miss Martha A. Spiller, daughter of Elijah N. Spiller, September 24. A. D. 1S71. They have three children living, two of whom are married, being the wives of Richard Trevor and W. B. Rochester, two of Marion's most suc- cessful and prominent business men, and Miss Eva, who is still single, and assists her father in his law office, being a very talented and expert stenographer. Judge Young became interested in politics a short time after he came home from the army, and at that time the Republicans had no party organization in the County, and the returned soldiers were anxious to get Republicans on the ticket to be voted for to fill the respective County offices at the coming November elec- tion. On the 30th day of Septem- ber, 1865, there was a caucus of thirteen Republicans met in the drug store of Isaac M. Lewis, on the south side of the public square in Marion, being the place where Dr. Casey's building is now located, and selected candidates to run on the Republican ticket for the various offices to be voted for at the coming election. This was the first Republican caucus and the first Republican ticket that was ever selected as a ticket by the Republicans of the County. He was a candidate for State's Attorney in 1872, but was fiefeated. He was elected Justice of the Peace for Ma- rion Precinct in 1S73; was elected County Judge in November, 1877, which offi.ce he held for five years, until 1882. He was next elected State's Attorney in 1884; was elect- ed Circuit .Judge in 1888. In 1879, he was appointed Colonel and Aid- de-Camp on the Staff of Governor Shelby M. Cullora under the military code of the State for the 2 2nd Con- gressional District; and was after- war-^s re-appointed on the Staff of Governor John M. Hamilton with (he rank of Colonel. He or.ganizcd throe Grand Army Posts in Williamson County in 1SC6; has been a continuous member of this organization ever since. He is also Division Commander of the Union Veterans' Union; was candi- date for Congress before the Repub- lican Convention in 1882. He be- came an Odd Fellow in July, 1869, and has been a continuous member of Williamson Lodge No. 392 ever since; has been a member of the Grand Lodge of the State for thirty- two years; has held various im- portant positions in the Grand Lodge. He is now Senior Vice Commander of the Gran 1 Army of the Republic, Department of Illinois, which is the second highest officer in the State. At this time he is engaged in the practice of law, which has been his study and field of operation for thirty-five years. MISS EVA YOUNG. Miss Eva Young, daughter of Col. George W. Young, was born and raised in Marion. Her life has been uneventful, but she has always moved in the very best society, and received her education in the public schools of the city, graduating as Salutatorian in the class of 1896, from the Marion High School. She then turned her attention to the study of stenography and typewrit- ing, attended Barnes" Business Col- lege in St. Louis, and graduated with the highest honors of that institution. She has instructed several pupils in the art of shorthand and type- writing, and has filled the position of shorthand reporter for the Circuit Court for several years past, and is now one of the appointed official steno.graphers for the Circuit and County Courts. She has been in the law office of her father as an assist- ant for the past six years. She is also a Notary Public, and has been selected on numerous occasions by the different members of the Marion Bar, to take depositions of witnesses in important law suits pending be- fore the Courts. She has the reputation of being the most rapid and correct stenographer in this end of the State. Her gen- eral knowledge and liberal educa- tion, together with her genial dis- position and pleasant manners, make her a general favorite with the Courts and attorneys, and have won for her a large circle of friends and acquaintances. WILLIAM OSCAR POTTER. Master in Chancery. of the Cral) Orchard .Academy, where he graduated March :!, 1892. He read law at Galatia, 111., in the office of A. E. Somers, and was admitted to the bar August 29th. 1894. He first opened an office and be- gan the practice of law in Johnson City on March 13th, 1897, where he remained for five years. He was ap- pointed Master in Chance y- in 1S91, and reappointed on the 2nd of Jan- uary of the present year. He is prominent as an Odd Fellow and was Grand Representative in 1900. He is also a member of the Masonic Fraternity and the nights of Pythias, having received his first degree in each He is a Republican in politics, and has been Chairman of the Central Committee through the three suc- cessive presidential campaigns of 1S9S, 1900 and 1902. June 30, 1897, he was united in marriage with Miss Susan Myrtle Spiller, the eiarhth daughter of W. J. and Susan E. Spiller, and is the father of two boys and one girl. HON. GEORGE W. SMITH, M. C. Was born in Putnam County, O., August ISth, 1846. He was raised on a farm in Wayne County, Illinois, to which his father removed in 1850. He learned the trade of blacksmith- ing. He attended the common schools and graduated from the lit- erary department of McKendree Col- lege of Lebanon, 111., in 1868. He first read law in Fairfield, the county seat of Wayne Co., after which he entered the law department of the University at Bloomington, Ind., from which he graduated in 1870. He was admitted to the bar by, the Supreme Court of Illinois the same year, since which time he has resided in Murphysboro in the active prac- tice of his profession. In 1880 he was the Republican elector for his Con.gressional district (then the eighteenth) and cast the vote of the district for Garfield and Arthur. He was elected to the 51st, 52nd, 53rd, 54th, 56th, 57th, 5Sth Congresses, and re-elected to the 59th, receiving 22,527 votes to 14,668 for Charles L. Otrict, democrat; 2,306 for Chas. F. Krish, prohibition, and 1023 for Daniel Boone, socialist. He was married at Murphysboro, 111., on December 29. l.'^Sl. to Miss M. Alice Dailey. HON. O. H. BURNETT, State Senator. One of the most successful and promising young members of the Williamson County bar is a native of this County, where he was born February 17, 1871. He was a mem- ber of the Charter Gradtiating Class Is a native of Williamson County, Illinois, where he first saw the light on the seventeenth day of January. 1S72. After the usual amount of training in our excellent public schools, he graduated from the Northern Indiana State Normal Uni- versity and later from old Yale, in SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 121 the class of 1899. He was immedi- ately admitted to the bar and began the practice of law in his native town the same year. In the Fall of 1S99 the law part- nership of Burnett & Slater was formed with Judge \V. F. Slater as senior counsel, which still continues. From June, 1S92, to July, 1S96, he served as Cashier in the Marion State and Savings Bank. In 1900 he was elected to the State Senate by a ma- jority of 600 votes in a Democratic district with a normal majority of 400. In 1904 he was again a candi- date for the State Senate and was renominated by acclamation. His marriage to Miss Lizzie Har- gon, of Canton, Mississippi, took place April 16, IS 95, of whom he has one child, a boy, John, now seven years old. He is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church; Monitor Lodge, Xo. 236, Knights of Pythias; the Elks, Xo. 800, and the Modern Woodmen. HOX. THOS. H. SHERIDAN. Thos. H. Sheridan was born in Pope County. Illinois, on the 16th day of December, 1861. At the age of five he was left fatherless. His father and mother had come to Illi- nois from Boston in the early fifties, and located in Chicago, where they remained until about 18.59, when they located in Pope County, about six miles north of Golconda. His father's name was Manus Sheridan and his mother's Jane. The 160 acres of land granted to his father in the fifties has never been con- veyed, but the title still remains in the heirs. The mother of this subject lived until 1891, and unto her is due the credit of the proper training of this man, With this subject two sisters and three brothers grew to maturity, two of the brothers having been drowned and one seeking his fortune in the far east. The two sisters still sur- vive, one being the wife of William King, a prosperous and well-to-do merchant of Rosebud, 111., and the other living with her. Thos. H. was educated in the schools of Golconda, and during the early years of his life had a most desperate struggle for existence, for after the drowning of his two broth- ers, 1876, he became the only sup- port of his mother's family. He worked in a printing office and did all kinds of work. In the winter of 1879-80 he taught his first school, and in a very few years commanded the best salary of any teacher in the county. For six years he taught school in the county and in 1884 was elected County Superintendent of Schools, and was again elected in 1886, which position he held until in 1890 he was elected to the State Senate in the old 49th district, which represented Pope, Massac, Hardin, Gallatin and Saline Counties, having defeated in the nominating conven- tion Capt. Wm. G. Sloan, of Harris- burg, and Simon S. Barger, of Eddy- ville, and in the general election, Dr. John Blanchard. While in the State Senate he served on many important commit- tees, and his record in the 3 7th and 3Sth General Assemblies is as good as the best. In 1SS3 Mr. Sheridan, after two years' study, was admitted to the bar, and from that time until now he has been an active practioner before the courts of Southern Illinois. Perhaps no lawyer in this part of the state of his years has had a more extensive practice before the courts than he, and certainly no lawyer of his age has met with great- er success in the higher courts. In Johnson County, where he has lived the past twelve years, he is on one side of all important legal battles, an 1 although but recently he has opened an office in Marion, where he spends half the time, he is rapidly moving to the front, as in the term of court just closed in Williamson County no lawyer at the bar was en- gaged in a greater number of con- tested suits than he. His law practice is not confined to Johnson and Williamson counties, but in Pope, Massac, Union, Pulaski and in numerous other counties his services are in demand. He is a polished and earnest speaker and has few equals as a cross-examiner of witnesses. In politics he is always ready to defend the principles and policies of his party, and next to Blaine he thinks Roosevelt is the greatest American since Lincoln. Senator Sheridan was married November 24, 1891, to Miss Fannie Throgmorton, of Vienna, 111., she being the only child of Josiah and Abigail Throgmorton of that city. They have two children, Gail and Joe, Gail a girl of eleven and Joe a boy of nine. For a number of years our subject has been interested in real estate, and now owns several hundred acres of Johnson County's best farm lands in and about Vienna, and is the larg- est shipper of timothy hay in the County. He is also a breeder of Short Horn cattle, and takes great pride in his herd of red, white and roans. While Marion does not yet quite claim him as a citizen, it is quite probable if his business con- tinues to grow that he will soon be one of us. He is now an active mem- ber in the B. P. O. of Elks, the Knights of Pythias and Modern Woodmen of America. He is not a member of any church, but regularly attends where he thinks he will hear a good sermon. As a speaker and lecturer his ser- vices are in demand. It is said of him in his home county that he has not one bad habit and that he never swore an oath in his life, nor does he chew or smoke tobacco nor drink intoxicants. EDWARD EVERETT DEXISOX Attorney at Law. Was born at Marlon, Illinois, August 28th, 1874. He received his early schooling in the public schools of Marion and then spent five years in Baylor University at Waco, Tex., from which he graduated in 1895 with two degrees, those of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Literature. A year later he took the degree of Bachelor of Arts at Yale University with the class of 1S96, and received at graduation the Phi Beta Kappa appointment by the faculty. He then entered business life and spent a year as cashier of the old bank of Marion. Prefering the law to a business career, he entered Columbian Law School in Washington D. C, from which he graduated in 1899 with two degrees. L. L. B. and L. L, M. The following October he was ad- mitted to the bar, and in June, 1900, formed a partnership with W. W. Duncan, and at once entered upon the practice of his profession in his native town. This relation contin- ued until the election of Judge Dun- can to the bench of the Circuit Court in June of 1903. when it was dissolved and Mr. Denison has since practiced alone. While attending Columbian Law School Mr. Denison became iienti- fied with the Phi Dilta Phi Legal Fraternity, of which he has since become Vice President of the X''a- tional Council. This Fraternity now embraces the entire territory of the T'nited States and Canada. Mr. Denison is a member of the Knights of Pythias, belonging to Monitor Lodge No. 236. also an active mem- ber of the Board of Education and of the Missionary Baptist Church. HOX. LORENZO D. HARTWELL, States Attorney. Born and educated in Williamson County, Mr. Hartwell has been active in its affairs for nearly half a cen- tury. He was a son of L. D. Hart- well, who emigrated from Virginia with his family in 1839. and settled five miles north of Marion, where he died in 1865. He raised eight boys and four girls, of whom six boys served in the Union Army in the War of the Rebellion, and four sons and three daughters still sur- vive. At the very beginning of the war in 1861, Lorenzo was one of the family of six to go to the front and enlisted in Company F, 31st 111. Vol. Inf. He served with distinction for 122 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. four years, and until the close of the war, when he was mustered out and again entered public school. He studied law under Judge Duff, at Benton, was admitted to the bar in 1869, and has been very successful in the practice of his profession ever since. In 1SG6 he entered politics and first served eight years as a Justice of the Peace. This was followed by four years as City Attorney, then Master in Chancery of Williamson County two years. County Judge eight years, and is now serving a term of four years as States Attorney. During this time he has also served two years as Postmaster of Marion. During his present terra of States Attorney he has broken the record for efficiency as a public officer by turning in to the public school fund and county treasury two thousnad two hundred dollars, besides paying the expenses of his office: has sent 42 criminals to the penitentiary'; 10 to the reform school and 2 to the gallows. Mr. Hartwell has been married twice. His first marriage took place April 30, 1871, by which he had one son, Edward E. Hartwell. His second marriage took place August IS, 1S7S, to Miss Cora E. Simmons, of whom he has had six children, three surviving. His eldest son is the present City Attorney, D. L. Hartwell. He is an active member and trustee in Dr. Thompson's church, the Methodist Episcopal, and also active in Fraternal work, being a member of Fellowship Lodge, No. 89. A. F. & A. M. at Marion; char- ter member of Monitor Lodge, No. 2 3 6, Knights of Pythias, and McKin- ley Rgt., No. U. V. V. City Attorney, which office he still holds. He is a member of Monitor Lodge No. 236, K. of P., and of the B. & P. O. of Elks, No. ,SiiO. HON. W. F. SLATER, Ex-County Judge. D. T. HARTWELL, City Attorney. Was born in Marion, 111., July 8, 1879, He graduated from the High School in the class of 1S96, and af- terwards attended the Northern Ind- iana Normal University at Val- paraiso for the years 1896 and '97. After leaving school he studied law under his father. L. D. Hartwell. for two years, meanwhile establishing an insurance agency, which he is still running. In December, 1S99, he took the Federal examination at St. Louis for a first-class clerkship and secured the best record made at that time. Soon after he received an ap- pointment in the Census Bureau at Washington D. C. by the Hon. Geo. W. Smith. While there he attended the Columbian University Law School and graduated in 1902. the fifth in a class of 112. The follow- ing October he took the Illinois State Bar examination, and out of four- teen applicants in Southern Illinois was the only one who passed. In April of the last year he was elected Judge Slater is a native product of Williamson County, Illinois, and if the complete mastery over unusual difficulties and apparently insur- mountable obstacles in his youth en- titles a man to the appellation of "self-made," this belongs par excel- lence to the Judge. Born in Lake Creek Precinct March 24, 1869, he was left an orphan when but three months old. Under the fostering care of his widowed mother he grew to manhood on the farm and fol- lowed the plow till 26 years old. He then, October 2nd, 189.5, chose his life's partner in the person of Miss Zulu Reid, one of the talented daugh- ters of William Reid, of Spillertown. The fruit of this union has been two sons and one daughter, all of whom are living. Five years before his marriage he began the study of law with his hand upon the plow. Poverty and grinding toil had prevented his se- curing more than the bare rudiments of learning in our common schools, and he never had the advantage of a single term at High School or Academy, much less the finish of a collegiate course. Yet such was his thirst for knowledge and strength of will that he mastered all difficulties and was admitted to the bar in 1892. In March. 1898, he was appointed County Judge by Governor Tanner, to fill an unexpired term, and at the following election in November was elected to succeed himself for a full term of four years. In 1899 was formed the successful law partnership of Burnett and Sla- ter, which still remains. He is an enthusiastic Republican in politics, and is chairman of the 50th District Republican Senatorial Committee. Judge Slater is a man of the peo- ple, has ambition and an immense store of reserved power, both mental- ly and physically, and a brilliant fu- ture awaits him. Georgia, July 21, 1,S64. and was dis- charged from the army March 6 1S65. On his return to Williamson Co. he read law and was licensed to practice December 19, 1866, having been a continuous member of the bar thirty-seven years and a resident of Marion except a few years on a farm. He died Tuesday, September 8, 190 3, in this city, and memorial services were held by the members of the Marion bar, in his honor, at the courthouse Tuesday, October 13, 1903. Memorial Committee — Geo. W. Young, Ed. M. Spiller, W. F. Slater, J. C. B. Smith HON. J. H. BURNETT Was born in Williamson County September 29, 1844. He was raised to farm life and his early education was such as farmer boys usually ob- tain. He is Republican and active in politics all his life. In 1SS6 the voters of Williamson County made him Sheriff. In 1895 he was elected Mayor of Marion, serving one term. He has served on the Board of Edu- cation several times, and on the 1st of May, 1891, was appointed by President McKinley Special Agent of Internal Revenue, with headquarters at St. Louis, and is still discharging the duties of that office. He is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church of Marion. His wife was Miss Mary A. Davis, who was also a native of this County. Eight children were born of this union, of whom all are living but one. In the order of their birth they are: Mrs. Delia Capron, Marion; Mrs. Eliza Spiller, Marion; O. H. Burnett. State Senator; one daugh- ter. Minnie, died October 5. 1876; Mrs. Lillian Haeberle. Colorado Springs; Mrs. Amy Mcintosh, Ma- rion; Miss Estella Burnett, Miss Bertha Burnett. HON. W. H. WARDER, Attorney at Law — Office in White Block. South Side Square. HON. JOSEPH W. HARTWELL Was born in Williamson County. Illinois, March 12, 18 39. He was reared on a farm and received the rudiments of a common school edu- cation on the subscription plan, com- mon at that time. He was marriel November 5th, 185S, and settled on a small piece of land in Lake Creek precinct, about six miles northeast of Marion, where he resided until Aug- ust 10, 1862, when he enlisted in the Union Army as private in Co. F, 31st Regiment 111. "Vol. Inf. He lost his left arm at the battle before Atlanta, Hon. W. H. Warder was born in Johnson County, this state, and came to Marion in 1880. He has been for 2 3 years an active and successful practitioner at the bar of this and other Southern Illinois counties. Politically a Democrat, he served in the Forty-First and Forty-Second General Assemblies as Representa- tive from this district, with distinc- tion. He is public spirited and a recognized factor in the development of Marion and Williamson county interests. ED. M. SPILLER. Attorney at Law. Ed. M. Spiller was born September 28, 1865, at Carbondale, Jackson SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLLNOIS. 123 County, Illinois. Aftei- a thorough training in the Marion schools, he took a scientific course at the North- ern Indiana Normal School and graduated at Valparaiso in ISSS, with the Degree of Bachelor of Sci- ence. After teaching one term of school at Carterville, he began the study of law under Judge Duncan and was admitted to the bar in Feb- ruary, 11S92. He enterei at once in- to a law partnership with R. R. Fowler, and began at once the prac- tice of his profession. After three years of lucrative practice, this firm was dissolved and that of Hartwell & Spiller formed in its stead. This in turn lasted three years and was succeeded by that of Spiller and White, which still continues. Either as associate or principal, Mr. Spiller has been called into some of the most important criminal cases of the county, among which are the Riot Cases at Carterville, which were taken to Johnson County on a change of venue and consumed three months in the trial. Some of the most bril- liant attorneys of the state were in this case on one side or the other. The people vs. Joseph McCabe, the Marshal of Herrin: the people vs. Roy McCawan: and the people vs. Ed Clements and Ivery Williams, are some of the cases of importance in which he has had a part. Mr. Spiller was married October 22, 1S90, to Miss Nannie A. Edwards, the daugh- ter of C. M. Edwards, of Marion. He is a member of Monitor Lodge 236 K. of P., and Marion Camp Modern Woodmen. In politics Mr. Spiller is a Democrat, but although defeated in the race for States Attorney in 1S92, he ran 115 votes ahead of his ticket in the county. He has held the office of City Attorney two terms. tion of his marriage, which took place on November 2 3, 1S97, to Miss Ada Barhani, the daughter of Jos. Barham, of Marion. One child, Vir- ginia, marks the fruit of their union. He is a director of the Marion Build- ing and Loan Association; in busi- ness the resident agent for the Ru- dolph Strecher Brewing Association, and in Fraternal matters a member of the Elks and of the K. P's. GEORGE C. CAMPBELL, City Clerk. Was born, reared and educated in Williamson County. He has never had any interests, personal, business or political, outside of his county, and may be considered a typical Wil- liamson County man. He first saw the light in Marion on August 12, 1868, but his father, Geo. C. Camp- bell, dying in 1872, he was left an orphan at the age of six years, but with a good patrimony to back him up. His schooling was of the sort obtainable at our common schools, supplemented with a course at the Southern Illinois Normal at Carbon- dale, 111. Like the most of our ambitious and capable men he has had a hand in politics, and although a Demo- crat in a Republican County, has been elected City Clerk for four suc- cessive terms, viz: in 1897, 1899, 1901 and again in 1903. A glance at his portrait will settle the ques- JOHN W. PEEBLES, Attorney at Law. The subject of this sketch is a na- tive of Williamson County, born and reared on a farm about five miles southeast of Marion, He got his first introduction to this mundane sphere December 9, 1849. His father was Oliver P. Peebles, who served in the 81st 111. Vol. Inf., Co. H. but died of disease at Memphis. Tenn. in February, 1863. He was a native of Kentucky. His wife was a Tennesseean, one of a family of 2 4 children by one father but two mothers, having 12 children each. She died in Marion in September, 1890, having had seven children, of whom Judge Peebles was the 2nd. When about 18 years old he began to teach school, after graduating from the High School at Liberty, 111., in 1868, and taught continuous- ly in Williamson County for nine terms. He then went into the drug busi- ness with his brother, Robert F. Peebles, who is still doping out the "pizens" at the old stand in Crab . Orchard. After eight years' experi- ence in the drug business he con- cluded to enter the ranks of the le- gal profession, and took a course in the Law Department of the State University at Columbia, Missouri, from which he graduated in April, 1877. He returned at once to Ma- rion and entered upon the practice of his profession, which he has fol- lowed with unvarying success till the present time. In 1880 he re- ceived the appointment by President James A. Garfield of Supervisor of the tenth Census for the 8th district of Illinois, comprising 2 8 counties in the southern part of the state. His confirmation was secured in the face of great competition, and he justified the selection by closing his labor far in advance of his associates in other districts of the State. In 1880 he was Republican candi- date for States Attorney, but was de- feated by his Democratic opponent by 100 votes. In 1882 he was de- feated by Judge Washburn for Coun- ty Judge by 17 votes. In 1892 he ran again for States Attorney and was successful, and served his full term of four years. During the war with Spain he made up Co. A, in Jos. P. Roberts* regiment, the 11th, and was elected its captain, but the war closed so suddenly that his regiment was never called out. His marriage took place Septem- ber 17th, 1871, to Miss Olive Jen- kins, a native of Virginia, who came with her parents to Marion in 1862. She gave birth to five children and died December 1, 1904. Four of her children are living. They are; Anna, wife of ZoUa Dodd, the American Ex- press agent in Marion; Fred, who is running a rural route out of Marion in the Free Delivery Service; Frank, who is a eager at No. 2 Coal mine, and Kate, the wife of Moody R. Tid- well, the cashier of the First Na- tional Bank at Miama, Indian Terri- tory. Mr. Peebles has six grandchil- dren. Mr. Peebles has always been ac- tive in the ranks of Odd Fellowship. He first united with the order here, but in 18 73 was transferred by card to Crab Orchard Lolge, No. 4 7.5, of which he was a charter member and with which he still affiliates. He held every elective office in its gift and was chosen to represent the Grand Lodge at its gathering at Peoria in 1875, and again at the meeting at Jacksonville, in 1876. He is a member of the M. E. church. GEORGE W. PILLOW, Attorney at Law. George W. Pillow began life at Metropolis, Massac Co., 111., May 15, 185 0. He was the son of Capt. Parker B. Pillow, of Columbia, Tenn., who died about March, 1883, at Shawneetown, to which place he moved in 1852. The mother was a native of this state and is still living at Shawneetown. As soon as he was old enough Mr. Pillow was appren- ticed to Karcher and Scandland, car- penters and undertakers, where he served for three years. But having ambition, he took up the study of the law and prosecuted it while working at the bench and at night. He was persistent and diligent under the most adverse circumstances, and was admitted to the bar August, 1882. He had chosen his life's partner eleven years before, and with the care of a wife and an in- creasing family on his hanis. con- tinued steadfast in the pursuit of his ideal, until he won. His first wife's name was Miss M. E. Slater, to whom he was united at Metropolis, December 15, 1871. Sev- en children came of this union, six of whom survive. Their names are Eugene R., Gordon, Eva, C. J.. Wi- nona and Earl. He had the misfor- tune to lose his wife in the Spring of 1892, and two years later, Septem- ber 16, 1894, was married to Miss Mary A. Belt. Mr. Pillow was always a Republi- can in politics and active and influen- 124 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLLNOIS. tial in his field. He was Republican candidate for Congress in 1890 in the old district, formerly represent- ed by Richard Townsend. He was defeated by J. R. Williams, the Dem- ocratic candidate by 3,100 majority, in a district with a normal majority of 6,0 00, running away ahead of his ticket on his own personal popular- ity. He continued the practice of law in Gallatin and the adjoining counties until January, 1901, when he moved to Marion. In 1904 he bought a house on West Main street and moved into it. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias and of the M. E. Church. llonitor Lodge, 130. and a member of A. C. .Marsh Lodge, No. -19 0, at Frankfort. Illinois, 1. O. O. F. THOMAS A. SLN'KS, Court Reporter. The record of Mr. Sinks discloses a life almost ideal in its peaceful uniformity and romantic sameness. He has passed through few exciting or eventful days, but choosing a pro- fession in early life he has cheer- full> and persistantly followed It with satisfactory results up to the present hour. The versatility of Americans leads them from early life to try many avocations, now this, now that, and it is often late in life that they find their level and settle down to some one pursuit. And often even then the round peg gets into the square hole and the square peg into the round hole. But Mr. Sinks very early made the proper selection and shows by a successful career that the right man got into the right place. He was born Aug- ust 27, 1S59, in Spring Garden, Jef- ferson County, Illinois. He was reared on his father's farm, edu- cated in the public school and for eight years taught in Franklin and Williamson counties. Constant ex- perience shows that teaching is the very best possible training for a business life in any department, and Mr. Sinks taught just long enough to thoroughly prepare him for the career of court reporter which he has so long and so successfully fol- lowed. After closing his last school, he took a course of training in the Shorthand and Typewriting Depart- ment of the Barnes Business College of St. Louis. After his graduation he was appointed to his present po- sition first by Judge Joseph P. Rob- arts, who died in 1903. His second appointment wa'; by Judge Harrah and then again by Judge W. W. Dun- can, making twelve years of contin- uous service. He was married June 2 0, 1S97, to Sarah M. Sadler, daughter of Wil- liam C. Sadler, of Frankfort, Illi- nois. On July 2 3, 190 2, his wife died, leaving him one son who had been named after Judge Roberts. His second marriage took place June 7, 1904. to Miss Etta Henson, of Frankfort, 111. He is a K. of P., HON. RUFUS NEELEY, County Judge. Rufus Neeley was born April 25, 1864, in this county, and has always made it his home. He went to the public school in the winters and worked on a farm in the summers tor ten years. He is a son of John S. Neeley, who was a Virginian by birth, .but who drifted to the west, and served for three years in the regular army. He was all through the Black Hawk War and drew a pension for his services as long as he lived. He settled on a farm in Wil- liamson county in 1S60, where he died. On account of his poverty, Rufus Neeley was compelled to pur- sue his law studies at home. This he did to so good advantage that in October, 1900, he was admitted to the bar. He served as deputy clerk of the Circuit court under W. B. Pulley for two years, and was then elected to his present office. He was married March 20, 188 9, to Miss Emma A. Harris, daughter of Dr. James A. Harris, a physician of Sa- line county, by whom he has had three boys and one girl. He is a member of Fellowship Lodge No. 89, A. L. and A. M. H. S. HARRIS, Sheriff of Williamson County. Sheriff Harris is a native of Cheat- ham County, Tennessee, where he was born August 3rd, 184 7. He moved to Williamson County in 1854, with his parents and settled near Herrin, where be lived nearly 3 3 years. His education was of the sort obtainable at the public schools, and he pursued his studies mostly at old Spillertown. On October 2 5, 1868, when but 21 years old. he married Miss Sarilia Hays, the daughter of Henry Hays, of old Franklin. Of this union three children were born, two sons and one daughter. The youngest son, Charles, died at the age of 22, and John still lives on the old home- stead. Delia became the wife of James Parks, and they reside in Oklahoma. Mr. Karris was elected County Treasurer in 1898, and after serv- ing four years, was elected Sheriff in 1902-. This is his first term as Sher- iff, but he has clearly proven that a man can be taken from the plow and fill an important public office with efficiency and credit. During his administration to date he has put 150 men under arrest and in jail, with not an escape or jail delivery to record. He has hung two mur- derers, Jerry Graves and Calvin Price, in July, 1902, for the murder of Miss Nellie Reicheldeffer. The earnings of his office for the first year of his term was a little over $6000. Notwithstanding the stern duties he is sometimes called upon to perform, he is a most genial gen- tleman, a pleasant companion and a sincere Christian. For eighteen years he has been a member ot the Christian Church at Lake Creek Township. ARTHUR G. DAVIS, Deputy Clerk of Circuit Court. This most efficient and popular of- ficer, was born near Crab Orchard October 9, 1877. The year after his father, Lewis Davis, died and the boy was reared by his mother and step-father, William R. Henshaw. He received kind and careful train- ing on a farm until about 17 years old. when he taught one term of school near Stone Fort. Mr. Hen- shaw having sold his farms and en- gaged in merchandising at Harris- burg, his son entered his employ as Clerk. After this he attended the Harris- burg High School, from which he graduated in 1898. He then entered Milton College at Milton, Rock Co., Wisconsin, and remained for four years, paying his own expenses by laboring at odd times and acting as watchman of evenings. But his strength and his money gave out before he got through college, and he never gra-^uated. On returning to Williamson County, he at once took the position of Principal of the Carterville High School for one term and then one term as Principal of the Herrin High School, when he re- ceived his present appointment. JAMES ARTHUR CAMPBELL. Street Commissioner. Was born in the country, three miles east of Marion, December 29, 1857. His father was O. G. Camp- bell, and raised his family on his farm, and until 2 3 years old Arthur worked on the farm in the summer and patched up a little education at the public schools in the winder. When 23 he and his brother Theo- dore, now dead, opened up a General Merchandise stock of goods at Ma- rion, and for ten years f olio we 1 mer- chandising, the livery business and dealing in live stock. After closing out his store and liverv, he handled stock exclusively for about ei.ght years, and then went to work for the city. He was at first overseer of the streets, alleys, sidewalks, etc.. and then became Street Commissioner, and is still serving the cicy in that capacity. About 1884 he was a tnember of the old board of school directors, and for two terns its pres- ident. In 1894 he served as Alder- man one term. He has been for SOUVENIR OF WILLIAiMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 125 many years a member of the South Methodist Episcopal Church, ami a trustee and on the building commit- tee that erected the present church building. His marriage to Miss Samautha Scurlock, daughter of A. B. Scurlock, of Marion, took place July 7th, .IS7S. The fruit of this union has been five daughters, all of whom are livins; and two married. Ora married Robt. L. Hudgens, at present Alderman of the First Ward, his second term be- ing about to expire. .1. FRAXK THROGMORTOX. The subject of this sketch is the popular and efficient Deputy Sheriff of Williamson County, and is in di- rect line for the office of Sheriff, for which important office he will most likely be nominated by the Repub- lican party for the next time, which nomination is almost equal to an election, as that party is in the su- premacy by SOO to lOOn votes in the County. Mr. Throgmorton is the son of ') . J. Throgmorton, a leading citizen of Grassy precinct. He was born March 11, 1872, in Williamson County, and on September 2 2, 1895, was mar- ried to Miss Emma Fly, a charming; young lady, to which happy union four children have been born, only two of which are yet living. He was elected constable in ISO'i. which office he held until March. 1899, when he was appointed Deputy Sheriff of Williamson County by Sheriff Joab Gray, with the excep- tion of four months, during whicii time he was in the employ of the Coal Belt Electric Railway Company. He has held the office of Deputy Sheriff continuously, having been in 1902 chosen Deputy by Sheriff H. S. Harris, successor to Sheriff Gray. His services as Deputy have been so satisfactory, so successful and so excellent that his party looks upon him as the natural and logical suc- cessor to Sheriff Harris, and should lie be such, the people will have their executive matters in judicious, safe hands. R. P. HILL, Justice of the Peace. Was born at Ewing, 111.. April 18. 1874. He lost his mother when ten years old, but his father, James C. Hill, is still living in Louisiana. He graduated at Ewing College in the class of 1896. Like the most of American-taught boys, his first oc- cupation after leaving school w^as teaching school, and he put in one term at that in Crab Orchard Acad- emy the year after he graduated. The following year he ran for County Superintendent of Schools on the Democratic ticket, but so popular -was he that in a Republican district with a normal majority of 60 0, he was defeated by only 30 or 40 votes. His friends claim that he was really elected by GO votes, but was counted out. In 1901 he was elected Justice of the Peace and by the resignation of the acting officer in his favor is also Police Magistrate. In 1898 he took up the real estate business, in which he has been successful, hand- ling farm and coal lands mostly. However, in company with Spill- man, of DuQuoin, he bought and platted Hill and Spillman's Addition to Marion, which they sold out with- in a year. His marriage took place December 25, 1901, to Miss Lora Carder, the daughter of Willis Carder, of Crab Orchard. He is a K. P.. Monitor Lodge, No. 23G, and a member of the order of Elks, Xo. 800. popular with his constituents never- theless. ROBERT L. HUDGEXS, Alderman First Ward. Robert L. Hudgens was born in Williamson County February 24, 1806. He received his education at Ewing College. Franklin County, and later took a business course at Lex- ington, Kentucky, where he gradu- ated in 1.8SS. His first employment after leaving college was as a clerk in a General Merchandise store at Pulley's Mills. For three years he was manager of J. M. Jean & Son's wholesale produce. In 1899 he went into General Mer- chandising on his own account at Marion, which he run for five years. In 1900 he was elected Alderman of his ward, and is now serving his second term. For the past year he has been in the employ of C. A. Bell, of this city, in Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes and Gents' Furnishings. WILLIAM J. WALKER, Lumberman and Alderman of First Ward. William J. Walker comes of Ten- nessee parentage, but was born near Arilla. Jasper County, Mo., January 26, 1853. He came to Illinois in 1865 with is parents, and settled in Franklin County. His father was a farmer, and he received only the ad- vantages of a common school educa- tion. When but 20 years old he married Medora C. Crawford, and they have had five children, of whom four are now living. After six years of partnership with Mr. Ferris in a General Merchandise store at Christopher, in Franklin County, they burned out and he re- moved to Marion and has for fifteen years been buying and shipping hard-wood lumber and timber. He is a Democrat in politics and was elected Alderman at the last city election. He is not a church mem- ber nor a society man, but is very B. H. JETER, Grocer and Alderman First Ward. Was born in Frankfort, Franklin County, Illinois, August 20th, 1849. When an infant his parents moved to Marion, and soon after to St. Clair County, near Mascoutah, where his father, John J. Jeter, followed his trade of blacksmithing and farm- ing for a good many years. Ben was reared and educated on the farm, brought up to handle the plow, and inherited the vigorous constitution which generally goes with it. July 2 8, 18 69, just before he be- came 20 years oil, he chose a help- mate in the person of Miss M. A. LaMaster, and the same year moved back to Marion and went onto the farm, where he lived and worked for twenty years. When the coal fields of Williamson County began to be developed, Mr. Jeter mined coal in the winter and "minded" his farm in the summer for some years. He then came to Marion and run a retail coal yard in connection with the teaming business for five years. He now has a grocery store on North Jeter street, near West Main street, which he opened in August, 1903. In politics Mr. Jeter is a life-long Republican, but has never been very active in party politics. At the last municipal elec- tion, April, 1905, he ran for Alder- man of the First Ward, and was elected over his opponent, W. J. Walker, by 8 7 votes. He and his worthy spouse are both members of the M. E. Church at Cedar Grove, but attend Dr. Thomson's church in Marion. He is a member of the in- surance order of the Golden Cross, and his wife is active as a member of the W. C. T. U. of Marion. As a family man Mr. Jeter takes the cake and platter, too. They could easily carry off the Rooseveltian gold medal for the most numerous family of children in the county, or perhaps in the state. X'o less than fifteen children, ten boys and six girls, have arisen to call them bles- sed, of whom twelve are living. Six are married and six unmari-ied, but all are living within sight of the pa- ternal home. Eleven grandchildren have come to help fill the branches of the family tree. It would be hard to find another family in the state its equal, though happily Illinois has not yet decided on race suicide. GEORGE L. BRACK. Alderman Second Ward. Mr. Brack is a native of Grassy Precinct, Williamson County, Illi- nois, where he was born March 21, 1869. He lost his father, after v/hom he was named, when but three 126 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. months ol;i, and was raised on a farm by his step-father, Willis Hoov- er. His education was limited by the possibilities of our common schools, until thirteen years old. At that tender age he began for him- self and earned his first money at plowing with oxen, for which he re- ceived twenty-five cents a day. On the first of September, 1894, he was married to Miss Gertie Rich- ardson, by whom he has had three children, of whom two are now liv- ing. Three years later he moved to Marion and settled in the Second Ward, where he still resides. He at once began to work in mine No. 2, and has never had occasion to change either his occupation or his mine. After two years' work he was given an electric mining machine, which he has run without change for five years. None of his predecessors ran it over two years, which shows the esteem in which he is held by his employers. He is a Democrat in politics and was elected to the City Council in the Spring of 1903. which grew out of it. He went from the ranks to Captain, to which he was elected three times. When the Spanish War broke out he of- fered his services, but as the war closed suddenly, he was not needed and was never accepted. As a recognition, however, of his merit, by special act of the Legislature un- der Governor Tanner, he was made honorary commander of cavalry, with the grade of First Lieutenant. He was married August 26th, 1S79, to Miss Emma Evans, daugh- ter of Dr. W. S. Evans, of Marion, by whom he has had two sons, Wal- ter E. and ,Ioe. Since 1S76 he has been a Royal Arch Mason and Odd Fellow. April of this year on the Democratic ticket. He belongs to the Mission- ary Baptist church. .JOSEPH FOZARD, Alderman Third Ward. Carpenter, Contractor and Builder. This gentleman is a native of Yorkshire, England, born at Battey January 15, 1853. His father, Mar- tin Fozard, was a woolen manufac- turer in England, and went to work at the same business on coming to this country, about 1859. He set- tle 1 in New Jersey about the begin- ning of the war and brought up his son to the same trade. In 1868 the family came to Marion, and not long after the Edwards Woolen Mill was started, and for about 2 5 years the family found employment there. When the business declined, Joe turned his attention to bee-keeping and the manufacture of the Langs- troth patent hive, but that business declined also, and he gradually left it off and worked more and more at the carpenter's trade, which he still follows. With the exception of one term, he has served as Alderman of the city continuously for fourteen years, being twice elected by the vol- untary concurrence of opposing par- ties, and the last time unanimously, a record without a parallel in the politics of this country. His first election to the Council was in 18 87. He was re-elected in 1890, but hav- ing moved a few feet over the line outside of the corporation when he built his shop and wind mill, he was thrown out by the opposition and only served two months. In 1901 and again in 190 3 he be- came Alderman, and still "holds the fort." In the old State Militia Fo- zard always took an active interest and served for sixteen years in that and the Illinois National Guards, JAMES L. ADAMS, Capitalist and Alderman of Fourth Ward. OTIS W. WILLIAMS. Furniture and Undertaker and Alderman Third Ward. Otis W. Williams was born Sep- tember 16, 1870, in Wayne County, Illinois. At the age of thirteen, he moved with his parents to Marion. In 1891 he went to Creal Springs and in 1892 was married to Miss Anna Jones, then a teacher in the Creal Springs schools. He was ap- pointed Postmaster in 1S9 4, and served in that vocation for four years, at the end of which time he moved to Marion. Here he was elected Alderman in Ward 3 in 1902, and is still serving in that of- fice. He is a contractor and builder. In 1904 Mr. Williams purchased the furniture business now owned by him in the new Hyde building, and closed out his business as carpenter, contractor and builder. W. F. WRIGHT, Alderman of Fourth Ward. Was born in Williamson County, Illinois, July 28th, 1852, The home of his youth was about five miles from Stone Fort, on a farm, where he followed the plow until about 1890. He came to Marion in the Fall of 1900, and in 1903 bought a half interest in the marble works of J. J. Simpson. He sold his inter- est after two years to C. A. Gent, and went on the road for him for three years. This arrangement last- ed for three years more, when Gent sold to him and he ran it himself three years more. In January of the present year he sold to Oliver J. Page, and opened a grocery and butcher shop, which he is still run- ning. His wife was Miss Martha Ellen Travelstead. a daughter of Peter Travelstead, of Kentucky, to whom he was united May Uth. 1873. Five children have been born of this union, all of whom are living. They are: A. P. Wright. Esco W.. Celes- tine. Bessie and John. He was elected to the Council in James L. Adams was born in Dick- son County, Tennessee. February S, 1836. and came with his parents to Randolph County, Illinois, when but three years old. His parents were John Adams and Martha Kennedy, who were natives of North Carolina but came to Tennessee while young and married there. They settled in Randolph County in 1839. and fol- lowed farming in that an' the ad- joining county of Washington when Southern Illinois was a comparative wilderness. James received only such book-learning as the schools of those days could furnish, and as there were no free schools the con- stant struggle with the difficulties of a pioneer life left him little chance for an education. When twenty years old he moved to Jackson Co.. and about a year and a half later into Williamson, where he has lived ever since. In September, 1862, he enlisted in the 110th Illinois regi- ment, Co. C, and served continuous- ly during the war. In September, 1864. he was wounded at the battle of Jonesboro. Ga., and returned home on furlough. After 30 days he rejoined his command at Savannah, which General Sherman soon after reached at the termination of his fa- mous "picnic" through Georgia, The combined commands reached Columbia. South Carolina, when the surrender of Lee's forces wound up the great struggle. He received his discharge at Chi- cago in June. 1865. and returned to his home and farm. On January 18. 1855. he was mar- ried in Washington County. Illinois, to Miss Margaret Ann Robinson, be- fore he went to Jackson County, Un- til 1872 he continued farming, but for four years thereafter was en- gaged in carpentering and building. He then moved into Marion and for sixteen years was in the grocery bus- iness. He was successful in this and gradually acquired a competence from which he has made his living since by loaning. He is a Republican in politics and an Odd Fellow, and member of the M. E, church of Marion. He is at present Alderman of the Fourth Ward and a director in the William- son County Savings Bank. SAM H. GOODALL. President Carterville District Coal- mining Company, Marion. Sam H. Goodall is a native of Wil- liamson County, Illinois, and a life- long operator in its coal fields. He SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 127 was born in the city of Marion Feb- ruary 7th, 1S66. His common school training was supplemented by a course at the Southern Illinois Nor- mal University, from which he grad- uated in 1SS7. and then taught school for two years. But having a taste for the law, he dropped the pro- fession of teacher and attended the University of Michigan Law School, graduating in 1S91. He was at once admitted to the bar and began his legal and political life by being elected City Attorney of Marion. The year following he was elected to the Legislature of Illinois from the fifty-first senatorial district. He is a Democrat in poli- tics. Realizing the immense re- sources of the coal-mining industry and its promising outlook for busi- ness, he turned his attention and talents towards its development. Only four years subsequent to his admission to the bar he became in- terested financially in the industry at Carterville, and the same year, 1896, he opened the Crab Orchard mine near Marion. In 1900 he opened up the Chicago and Big Mud- dy mine at Herrin. and in 19 02 formed the Carterville District Coal- mining Company, to which his ef- forts have since been confined. Mr. Goodall was married May 2.5, 1893, to Miss Lizzie Cripps, daugh- ter of P. N. and Mary L. Cripps, of Marion. They have three children: Sam H.. Jr., aged 11: Mary A.. 9, and Ruth. 4. They are both mem- bers of the Christian church. S. M. MAY, Clerk. Was the son of a farmer, and was brought up on a farm, receiving only such education as he could gather at the common district school. He married, at the age of 21, Miss Mary Virginia Lee, October 1st, 1884, by whom he is the father of two boys, aged 10 and IS. He be- gan housekeeping in Marion the day of his marriage, and for eight years followed the livery business. After that he entered a store as clerk, which occupation he has followed continuously until the present time. He is a Republican in politics, and for three years has been the lo- cal Secretary of Lodge No. 6415, of the American Federation of Labor. He is a member of the M. E. Church South, and active in Sunday School work. SAM T. BRUSH, Mine Owner and Operator. Carbon- dale, Illinois. Samuel T. Brush was born on a farm in Jackson County. Illinois, in 1842. His father died in 1849 and liis mother in 1853. For five years the boy attended each winter a three-months' subscription school. and at the age of 12 got a position as newsboy on the Illinois Central. In 1S57 he entered his uncle's store and learned bookkeeping, and in the following year began to study telegraphy at Carbondale. In two months he had charge of the ofBce. In 1860 he entered the preparatory department of Illinois College at .Jacksonville, but in the spring of his first year he enlisted in the Union army under the first call for troops. In May, 18 61, his company was mus- tered into the Eighteenth Illinois In- fantry. In October he was detailed by Gen. Grant as a telegraph oper- :itor, and was soon promoted to be manager of the telegraph lines in the territory commanded by Gen. Halleck. In August, 1862, he was made Adjutant of his regiment and participated in all the movements of the Army of the Tennessee until af- ter the siege and capture of Vicks- burg. He marched with his regi- ment from Helena to Little Rock with Gen. Steele's army, and took iiart in the capture of the latter place in September, 18 63. In February. 1864, he was detailed as aide on the staff of Gen. Kimball, and when the latter was ordered east his successor. Gen. Joseph R. West, made Lieut. Brush his Acting Assistant Adjutant General. When the army at Little Rock was obliged to assume the de- fensive against the Confederates under Gen. Marmaduke, Gen. West, being new to the territory, depended almost entirely on his young Adju- tant General, who practically super- vised every movement of the de- fense; for seven days continuously in his saddle or at his desk issuing orders and sleeping one hour a day. The defpnse was so creditable that Gen. West recommended Lieut. Brush for appointment as his As- sistant Adjutant General, with the rank of Captain, an appointment not tendered, however, until after Lieut. Brush was mustered out of the ser- vice. He declined the appointment because Gen. West was ordered to the Rio Grande, whet-n there was no chance for fighting. In 18 69 Mr. Brush went into the coal business, and in 18 89 helped to organize the St. Louis and Big Muddy Coal Com- pany, and was elected its general manager. Later he was made presi- dent of the company and still serves in both capacities. His record is that of an independent operator. Mr. Brush has been married twice. His first wife was Sophia L. Free- man, daughter of George E. Free- man. She was born August 10th. 184 2, in Cleveland, Ohio. They were married in Anna. Illinois. Five children were born of this union, two only of whom survive: James C. Brush, of St. Louis, and George M. Brush, of Carbondale. She died at Carbondale, His second wife was Miss Jennie Gander, daughter of Rev. Newton Cander, born at Lafayette, Indiana, .November 2 4, 1S46. They were married at Galesburg, 111., Novem- ber 8th, 1882, and have had two children, Elizabeth at school in Co- lumbus, Ohio, and Alice C, with her parents. As might be supposed from his military record, Mr. Brush is a Republican in politics, and also a member of the Presbyterian church. ELI D. ROACH, Manager of the Marion Branch of the Ellis Store Co. This popular and successful mer- chant is a native of Williamson Co , where he was born August 18, 1.n."ic;. He is the son of Jesse Roach, of Tennessee, and Lucinda Smith, his wife, a native of North Carolina. His father died in Carterville in .March, 1902, and his mother at Carbondale February 5, 1877. He was educated at the Carbondale High School, but took up milling for an occupation, and for eleven years made flour. In July, 1888, he began to buy grain for the Ellis Store Co , then took charge of their hardw.ire and implement trade, and July 1. 1902, took charge of their Marion Branch, which he still runs. His wife was Mary L. West, the daughter of Nicodemus and Martha West, to whom he was united on .November 2nd. 1884. Six children have been born to them, all living. They are: Harry, Jessie. Lora. Lulu, Mable and Howard. He is a Repub- lican, a Free Mason, and he and his whole family are members of the Christian Church. JOHN W. MITCHELL, Supt. of the New Virginia Coal Co. This gentleman, not yet 30 years of age, has proven his business ca- pacity and taken the front rank as a manager in the business of mining coal in the great Williamson County coal field. He is the son of the cashier of the First National Bank of this city, and has had the benefit of his father's careful training in business from childhood. He is a native of Marion, where he was born June 7th, 1875, and received his school training in Marion's superb educational institutions. He gradu- ated at the age of 16. and entered his father's employ as deputy county clerk, filling the position efficiently for four years. He then went to work for the Hospital at Anna. 111., as bookkeeper, and remained with them tor two years. He then re- turned to Marion and secured a po- sition as bookkeeper with T. J. Arm- strong, manager of the Ohio Valley Coal Company, since consolidated with the Peaboiy properties, and now running under the name of the 128 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. Southern Illinois Coal Mining and Washing Company of Marion. Af- ter a thorough training under Mr. Armstrong he became head book- keeper for the New Virginia Coal Company January 1, 190 4, and a year later was put in charge of the mine. As superintendent of this large property he has developed unexpect- ed and unrivaled capacity and given complete satisfaction to his employ- ers. His marriage took place March 2^, 18 9 7, to Miss Grace Duncan, daugh- ter of James H. Duncan, by whom he has had two children, Lucile and Lillie. He is a Republican and a member of the M. E. church. He is also a K. P. and Modern Woodman. PHILIP RICK. Philip Rick, the popular pro- prietor of the West Side Hotel at Marion, 111., is a native of Baden, Germany, where he was born Jan- uary 6, 1857. He was reared on a farm and received the thorough and liberal training of the German schools. At 16 years of age he left school, and coming to America en- tered the service of a Reformed Mennonite Minister at Sterling, Whiteside County, Illinois, by the name of John Wickesser, for whom he worked on the farm for five years. He then put in four more years for others when he married and rented a farm for seven years. His wife was Anna Ensey, of Swiss parentage, but American born and reared. They were married December 2 0, 188 2, at Indianapolis. Ind. She died July IS, 1901, at Morrison, leaving him two children: Jessie, the wife of Dave Bailey, and Earl P., who lives at home and is still at school. In connection with his farm, Mr. Rick run a general store and Post Office at Ideal, DeKalb County, 111. On the 2nd day of March, 1902, he married again, and this time took Mrs. Willis Roberts, a widow. In September. 1903, he sold out his farm property in Northern Illinois an-l moving to Marion bought the West Side Hotel. His wife was born in Posey County, Indiana, February 28, 1S53, was taken to Gibson Co. by her parents when a child and to Williamson County when seventeen. She married Mr. Roberts September 3, 1891, and became a widow. She works in the same harness with her husband, and together they run the most popular travelers' resort in Marion. He is a Republican and an Adventist. ranks of his profession in Southern Illinois, is a native of Jackson Co., and a farmer's boy. He was born near Carbondale October 31, 1866, and at the age of 18 entered the Carbondale High School. After three years' faithful application, however, he returned to the old homestead and in April, 1889, two years later, he married and followed the plow for about six years. But, tempted by the good wages offered, he entered the employ of the Fre- donia Coal Mine and dug coal for a couple of years. But he felt him- self superior to his occupation, and entered the private veterinary school of Dr. Killman at Kansas City, Kas. His studies under that famous teach- er was supplemented with a year's practice with Dr. John Armstrong, of Toronto, Canada, at Carbondale. In June, 1902, he passed the rigid ex- amination of the State Board at Springfield, and has since practiced un-ier this certificate. In July, 1899, he came to Marion and has been in steady and successful practice here ever since. His wife was Manthus Cruse, also a native of Williamson County, born on Herrins Prairie, by whom he has had three children: Libbie, aged 15; Ruby and Ray C. He comes of Eng- lish parentage and of an exception- ally large family. His father was Benjamin Crowell, and his mother's name was Catharine. Both were married three times, and the chil- dren of all three unions numbered twenty-six. He was the youngest, except one sister, of a single family of 14. His father died in 1874, but his mother still survives and is living with her chiliren at Carbondale. At the age of 78 she is as active and vigorous as most women of 40. In politics Mr. Crowell is a Repub- lican, and is a member of 'he Free Baptist church and a K. of P. PROF. J. B. CROWELL. Veterinary Surgeon. the usual time spent in our excel- lent common schools he spent four years in the High School at Marion, from which he graduated in 1901. After he graduated he took up the study of pharmacy and spent one year in a drug store in Harrisburg. After the death of his mother, the family plans were changed and he entered the Scranton Law Corre- spondence School and with a room- mate is now pursuing the study of the law. He is a member of the Missionary Baptist church, a Prohi- bitionist and a Republican. SYDNEY C. GRIGGS. Second son of Benjamin B. Griggs, and brother and partner of Benj. E. Griggs, was born in Moultry Co.. 111., May 16, 1877. He never received more than a common school educa- tion, but was reared to run and manage the saw and grist-mill and engine in connection with his fath- er's business. When the family moved to Marion in 189 8 he went into the brick business, and lately bought the father's interest in equal partnership with his brother. He is a deacon in the Missionary Baptist Church of this city, a Prohi- bitionist and a Republican. BENJAMIN EURA GRIGGS. BENJAMIN B. GRIGGS. The subject of this sketch, who with the single exception of Dr. Arm- strong easily takes the lead in the Was the youngest son of Benja- min B, Griggs, and born in Johnson County, 111., May Sth, 1882. After Was the youngest son of a large family in Perry County, Ohio. His parents, Benjamin and Anna Marie (Struble) Griggs, moved west from New Jersey in an early day, and set- tled in the heavy timber of Ohio, among bear, deer, wild turkeys and Indians. They both lived to a very old age, upwards of 80. and were buried where they had lived in Ohio. The subject of this sketch was born in Perry County, August 4th, 1846. His father was a nurseryman and brought up his son to the business, which he followed until the war. Al- though but 17 years old, he enterel the service in 1863 and served until the close of the war. He enlisted in the 31st Ohio, Co. G., 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 14th Army Corps un- der Pap Thomas, with whom he served in all the terrible battles in and around Chattanooga. Missionary Ridge, Lookout Mountain and At- lanta, and followed Sherman "From Atlanta to the Sea." He was under fire every day ani night through all that memorable seige and was never wounded or sick in the hospital an hour during the whole time of his two years' active service, and was mustered out at Columbus, Ohio, at the close of the war in 1865. The 31st took its old flagstaff, with 82 bullet-holes in it and the flag hang- ing in ribbons, with them to Colum- bus, where it now remains in the State Military Museum. Two years after the war, April 4, 1867, he was married to Miss Sarah Margaret Fisher, and in 1869 came to Moultry County, Illinois. Later they moved to Harrisburs, in Saline County, and about 1S9R settled in Marion. ilr. Griggs sold out his farm in Saline County and bought a brick-yard and grounds at Marion, on East College St., near the Fair Grounds, and engaged in brick-mak- ing, which he followed until within a few months, when he sold out to his boys. In connection with his farming and nursery business he ran a saw and grist mill for about 15 years. Although an active and ambitious man and a strong Republican in poli- tics, he never ran for an office. He SOUVENIR OF WILLIA-MSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 129 is the father of eight children, of whom five are living. Their names, in the order of their birth, are: Mrs. Marie Josephine Clark, Saline Co.; Roy Griggs, Saline Co.: Sydney C. Griggs, Marion: Bertha Griggs, Car- terville: Benjamin Eura Griggs, Ma- rion. His first wife died March 19. 1904, at Marion, and he was unitel in marriage with Miss Pauline Camp- bell, of Marion, September 2:), 190 4. JOHN H. WHITE, Deceased. Lieut. Colonel 31st III. Vol. Inf. Was born in Connecticut February 24, 1S21. He came while a child to Indiana and in 1S40 moved to Wil- liamson County. He was a cabinet maker by trade, but snuffing the battle afar off he was very active in .getting up the 1st Illinois regiment, commanded by Col. Newby, for the Mexican war. Capt. John M. Cun- ningham, the father of Mrs. Logan, was chosen captain of his company, and .Tno. A. Logan, First Lieutenant. There were no railroads in those days, and the brave 1st Regiment had nothing for it but to foot it over to Santa Fe, Xew Mexico. They started from Alton and it was a brave and weary mai-ch, up hill and ^own again, and it took them two good years to do it in, and they didn't get a chance to fire a shot, for the little scrimmage with the greas- ers was snuffei out before they reached Santa Fe, but they didn't know it. This fiasco took place in 1S47, and soon after Lieut, (then Jlajor) White took a trip to Cali- fornia, across the plains. In the Spring of 185 7 a vacancy occurred in the office of County Clerk, and White was chosen to fill it. He came home, served out the term and was re-elected twice. In 1861 he resigned his office and en- tered the army. He was very active in raising the 31st. Illinois, and was made Lieut. Colonel in recognition of his services. He fought at the battle of Belmont, where he had his horse shot under him. and was killed at the memorable seige of Fort Don- aldson. In 1863 his regiment raised a marble monument in the Marion cemetery to his memorv, at a cost of $1,000. MARION C. CAMPBELL, Deceased. Marion C. Campbell was the son of Cyrus and Hannah Campbell. He was born in Williamson County Jan- uary 12th, 1S34. He was married to Hannah P. Cunningham in 1S60, by whom he had three children, two sons and one daughter. His wife, Hannah, died in April, 1864, the sons having died before the mother. The daughter. .\nna C, married John D. R. Turner, and they now reside in Springfield, Missouri, March the 19th, 1866, he married his second wife, Cyrene H. Cun- ningham, a sister to his first wife, who still survives him, and lives in Greenville, Mississippi, where he died July 12th, 1902, at the age of GS years and 6 months. His father died when he was about eleven years of age, his moth- er and young sister (now Mrs. Stil- ley) going to live with his brother, Monroe Campbell. He attended school at Bainbridge, taught by Isaac Stockton, until he mastered the three "R's," readin', 'ritin' and 'rithmetic. At the same time he would work in the store and do any- thing his brother had for him to do. In fact, he was put in the store be- fore he was tall enough to reach the goods on the shelves. At this early age he began the struggle for an independent, useful life. By his energy and industry he developed business ability so rapidly that his brother trusted him with the whole management of the busi- ness and store and would call him in consultation over business. When about fifteen years old his brother sent him to Missouri to look after some business affairs in that state. While there he began his career of stock trading by buying a lot of young cattle, which proved to be a profitable investment, but he often said the first money he ever made was by swapping off a bald-faced Bay pony and getting five dollars boot. About the year 18.56 he entered into partnership with John Goodall in the dry goods ani stock business, which for long years was a thriving and successful business to them- selves and the County. Who of the old settlers does not remember Goodall and Campbell? These two men were always true friends, like brothers almost. Curt Campbell, as he was known to every man, woman and child, was a friend to everybody, especially to those in distress and trouble. He has gone on more bonds and security than any man in the County. He fed and clothed many of the poor. He was generous to a fault. He was intcested in and identi- fied with all public improvements, and was a friend to religion and edu- cation. By and throusrh his in- fluence and keen foresight, Marion has many improvements and advan- tages. He was a man of progress and push. Williamson County Agri- cultural Association owes its exist- ence and reputation to his untiring ener,g>- and perseverance. He was president of the Association a long time. After many years of a successful business career. Dame Fortune played him fickle, and the reverses came thick and fast. But nothing daunted that courageous, noble spir- it. He worked even harder than ever in his younger days, and had, after many hard years of strength about accomplisheJ his heart's de- sire — freed himself from debt and accumulated some property. His cherished wish was to get money enough to go back to Marion, go in- to business and live again in Marion among relatives and friends. But alas, "Man proposes but God disposes." He was as popular and as well known in Greenville as in his old home, and the expression from all when he passed away was, "A noble, good an i upright man has been taken from us. He acted his part well on the stage of life, leav- ing behind him a good name for deeds well done." CYREXE H. CAMPBELL. Cyrene H. Campbell was born July 14, 1846, in Marion, Illinois. She was educated at St. Vincents Academy, Ky., where she received medals for good conduct and indus- try. She joined the Baptist church August 22, 1865, and remained a consistent, working member of that church until she left it to unite with the Christian church, of which she is still an active, wide awake mem- ber. I am told she was largely in- strumental in building the Christiaa church at Marion, and since her resi- dence in Greenville ha? aided in building the church and encouraging the cause of Christ, -'he is a f,ieu> ber of the King's Daughters. She, with other good ladies, is doing a wonderful work in charity. She was married to M. C. Camp- bell March 19, 1866. They lived in Mr.rion thirty years, Tnd then (ame South, where she still resides. She has many, many kind, loving friends, which she and her husband have made. All that ever have known them in their adopted Southern home, love them. J. M. BURKHART, Merchant. J. M. Burkhart is a native of Knox County, Tennessee, where he was born June S, 1841. His father was Peter Burkhart, who was born in Hagerstown, Md., Nov. 1, 17S5. His mother was Anna Gilliam, also a na- tive of Knox County. Tenn., where she was born in 1801. The father died in 1869 and the mother in 1889, both in Knox County. Mr. Burkhart's early life and un- til the Autumn of 1862 was spent in Tennessee. From the age of 16 to that of 2 5 he worked at the carpen- ter's trade, and his education was limited to the public schools of that County. In 1S62 he came to Ma- rion and in 1869 entered the ranks of the Dry Goods Fraternity. In 1873 he entered into partnership with H. Goodall and opened a store on the very spot now occupied by him and his sons in the dry goods business. The firm was known as Goodall and Burkhart, and continued lao SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. under that arrangement until 1882, when he bought out Mr. Goodall. For five or six years he run his busi- ness alone, but in 1S90 sold a half interest to A. J. Binkley, which last- ed for thirteen years or until July 21, 190 3, when he bought out Mr. Binkley, whose failing health pre- vented him from longer confinement to business. The firm of J. M. Burk- hart and Sons was then formed and still remains. When the First National Bank was organized in 1S91, he helped or- ganize it and was elected its cashier. He could not, however, fulfill its du- ties and run his store, so he re- signed, and two years later sold all his liank stock and retired from the company. In .Tuly of 1903. when the present Marion State and Savings Bank was incorporated, he was one of the orig- inal stockholders and its Vice Presi- dent. He is still a stockholder, but not an officer, preferring to take the position of Vice President of the "Williamson County Savings Bank, of which his son is cashier, which he did upon its organization. Mr. Burkhart married Ellen Spil- ler May 2, 1S7 2. She was born in Spillertown November 10, 1S50, and has given birth to nine children, whose names in the order of their birth are as follows: Annie and Lena, deceased: Carl. Will. Jean, Kate, Ethel, Ralph and Ruby. He was a member of the Masonic lodge for forty years last May. He is re- publican in politics, but has never aspired to office. He affiliates with the Christian church, of which his wife is a member. REV. B. F. BAKER, Felts and Baker. Booksellers and Stationers. The subject of this sketch was born in Grassy Precinct, Williamson County, Illinois, September 5, 1857. He was reared on a farm, attending school winters until 1S7T, when he spent the Spring term at the South- ern Illinois Normal University at Carbondale. He began teaching in 1875 and taught for ten years under A. N, Lodge. County Superintendent, farming summers the meanwhile. July 12, 1877, at the age of 20, he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah D. Fly, the daughter of Rev. W. L. Fly. They have no living chil- dren. In October. 1S9G, he was or- dained a minister in the Missionary Baptist church, and for some years served four different churches of his denomination as pastor. In August, 1897, he moved into Marion and in 1898 was appointed deputy collector under Sheriff Parks, and the year following was reappointed by Sheriff Gray. While still living on his farm he was elected a Justice of the Peace r.nd served for four years. Also treasurer of his township for eight years. In September, 1903, he entered in- to partnership with James A. Felts and opened a book-store on Block 14. ojjposite the northwest corner of the public square. The partners erected the very handsome brick building they use for that purpose. Mr. Baker is a very efficient and faithful member of the church to which he belongs and one of its elders. ROSS H. CUNNINGHAM, Drug Clerk. \Vas born at Crab Orchard Novem- ber IS, 1877. He graduated from Marion High School in the class of '97. worked in The Leader office about a year and then enlisted for the Spanish war in the 4th III. Vol. Inf.. Co. C, Capt. E. E. Barton in command. He was mustered in in May, 1898, and went into camp at Jacksonville, Florida, and from there to Savanna, Georgia. The boys were, however, too late to see actual service as Savannna was evacuated five days before the regi- ment arrived there on the transport Mobile, on the 5th day of January. 1899. They remained, however, in Cuba three months for camp drill and practice marching in the inter- ior, and returned by way of Tampa and Augusta, where they were mus- tered out May 2, 1899. After a short time spent in The Leader of- fice and Gallaghers' Confectionery, he went into Cline's Drug Store. where he remained for two years and three months. About eight months ago he went to work for Mr. Bundy, where he still remains. He is a Republican in politics, a member of the M. E. church and fraternally is Prelate of Monitor Lodge No. 236, Knights of Pythias, and a member of the Social Club of Silver Skulls. On the 3rd of January. 1891. he was married to Miss Ethel Dunaway, by whom he has one child, a boy. A. E. HARPER. The subject of this sketch is the principal owner of and president of the Marion Light and Water Co. Mr. Harper is a native of Pennsyl- vania, is of Scotch and Irish ances- try that took part in the Revolution- ary struggle of America, and from such stock inherits the sturdy busi- ness character and energy that has marked his relations with the citi- zens of Marion. He became interested in Marion when he came to investigate the coal fields around us. which was done in the interests of the Great Steel Cor- poration. He advised the purchase of thousands of acres now owned by the Steel Corporation and others connected therewith, and therefore had a large part in starting the pros- perity that our County has ever since enjoyed. Mr. Harper is a heavy holder of Marion real estate besides being in- terested in our Light and Water Plants, and is a firm believer in the future of Marion. MRS. CENA A. McCOWN. Mrs. Cena A. McCown is the widow of Major James D. McCown, who was born February 7, 1824, in Robinson County, Tennessee, and died of camp fever March 10. 18 63. He was a farmer for many years, but sold out and went into the Dry Goods business in Marion, which he followed until the war broke out. when he sold his interest to his part- ner, M. C. Campbell, and enlisted in the 12Sth Illinois. He was never in actual service, but remainel at Mound City with his regiment, drill- ing until his death. Mrs. McCown was born February 16. 1828, in this County, before its separation from ^ranklin, and was married July IS. 1844. The death of her husband left her with seven small children to provide for and, remaining a widow for forty-one years, she has spent her life in rearing them. She is a member of the Missionary Baptist church. Her faith has through a long life been supplemented by good works, and. surrounded by her chil- dren and grand children, she sees the end draw near without anxiety or regret. The Bible has always been her counselor and its Divine Author her support. Her wisdom has come from above, and she has found abundant strength to bear her burdens by "Leaning upon the Ever- lasting Arms." JOSEPH L. CALVERT. The subject of this sketch was 'he son of J. N. Calvert, who came from Alabama and settled in Mas- sac County. 111., in March, 1836. He afterwards moved to Pope County, and died in 1878, at the age of eighty-one years. His wife's name was Cynthis. She was a Tennessee lady and died in 1832. when Joseph, her son. was but eight years old. He was born about four miles from Golconda. in Pope County. February 19, 1824. and received in his boy- hood such education as his parents could give him in that early day bo- fore the free school system was thought of. He was brought up a •"arpenter by trade and worked at it from 1845 to 1890. For eight y-^ars he sold lumber for Mr. Vick in the vards now owned by W. G. Cochran. His eighty odd years sit lightly on him, notwithstanding his laborious life. He uses a cane a little, reads without glasses, and his hearing and memory are very little out of -e- pair. His mind is a storehouse of SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 131 the events of long ago, aad he can entertain his friends by the hour le- lating incidents of his early life. He is a member of the Cumoerland Presbyterian church, but previously belonged to the New School Presby- terians. While a member of ihat church, he knew Rev. Mr. Ingersol, the father of the famous "3oi).' He served that society here for some years. His son was a lazy and dis- solute fellow and a disgrace to the good old man, spending his time hunting, fishing and lying in 'he shade or drinking and frolicking with very questionable companions. Mr. Ingersol bought a home here north and west of Marion about three-quarters of a mile, on the Wil- lis Aikman place. Mr. Calvert is a Mason and a member of the Coun- cil. W. J. AIKMAN. Contrary to the well-nigh uni- versal custom of this country, the subject of this sketch was born, reared and educated, was married and has always lived on the spot and in the house where he now lives. This is remarkable and noteworthy, but no more so than the well-pre- served condition of both house and its owner. He first saw the light here in Marion November 10, 1854. On January 1, 1S79. he married a daughter of the venerable S. S. Vick and wife. Miss Parle Vick, who gave him seven children, two boys and five girls. One son died in infancy and his eldest daughter is the wife of Dr. Baker. Mr. Aikman is Demo- cratic in politics, a member of the M. E. church South. President of the Board of Agriculture, one of the Board of Education and belongs to Fellowship Lodge, No. S9, A. F. and A. M. WILLIAM J. SPILLER, Retired Farmer. V.'illiam J. Spiller is one of the oldest citizens of this County, who was born here. That interesting event dates as far back as October 4, 1833, when Williamson was a part of Franklin County. He was horn and raised on a farm at Spil- lertown where he and his worthv wife lived and worked and raised their family of fourteen chiHren. Three years ago he moved to Ma- rion. His schoolina; was only at the "Deestrict Skew! House." .\bout six years he spent at Carterville. in the General Merchandise business with his son-in-law and partner. J. V. Walker. For many years and un- til the first of the war. he was ex- tensively engaged in the manufac- ture of tobacco, which his father fol- lowed before him and which he learned in his youth when at work in his father's factory. He has been for about forty years a member of Fellowship Lodge No. 89, of the Royal Arch Masons, and is a Repub- lican in politics, though not a poli- tician. He is a charter member of the Christian Church, and has been an elder in it and one of its stanch- est supporters from its organization. His marriage to Susan E. Goodall took place March 31, 1853, and of his eleven living children, nine of whom are girls, all except the young- est are happily married and have families of their own. He still owns and works part of the old home- stead and one of the old coal mines. JOHN G. SPARKS, Deceased. The subject of this sketch comes of Scotch ancestry, who settled in Virginia and afterwards moved to Posey County, Indiana. When about eight years old his parents brought him to Staunton, McCoupin County, Illinois, where he remained until he was twenty-one. He then came to Sarahsville, Williamson Co.. III., where he was married January 16, 1834. to Miss Rebecca Casey. He had previously learned the hatter's tra'^e, and in 1839 came to Marion and began the manufacture of all kinds of hats. The year following he began the study of law under the late Judge Allen, and in 1S42 closed out his hat business and moved to Belleville, continuing his law studies for two years more, when he received his license to practice by Judge Un- derwood. In 1844, as soon as he re- ceived his parchment, he opened an office in Jonesboro. but three years later removed to Murphysboro, where he continued the practice of his pro- fession for about five years. In the year of 1S52 the California gold fever carried him to Sacramento. He did not go overland but took the wa- ter route via Cairo, New Orleans and Panama, crossing the isthmus. He was four months on a sailing vessel before reaching San Francisco. Without unnecessary delay, he en- tered the gold fields of Sacramento, and was soon half owner of the Table Mountain mine, for which he was offered the snug sum of $10(1, ono, but refusing he was soon afterwards tricked out of it. and lost it all. In disgust, he turned hi= back un- on the whole business, an-" in the dead of winter started on horse-back for Walla Walla. Washington. He suffered much on that trip, often floundering through snow three feet deep in the mountains. On reaching Walla Walla, however, he immedi- ately "stuck out his shingle" and resumed the practice of law. While practicing in the Illinois Courts he had become acquainted with .\bra- ham Lincoln, and a warm friend- ship had sprung tip between them. In 1861 he received the appointment from Lincoln as Assessor of Internal Revenue for the then territory of Washington. His headquarters were at Olympia, Washington. He served in this important office, with eight assistants, until the assassination of the president brought Andy Johnson and a change of administration and officers, when he returned once more to his profession, which he contin- ued to practice till his death. Novem- ber 14. 1891. MRS. MARY L. MANIER, Pioneer. Mrs. Mary L. Manier, widow of the late Judge John H. Manier. was born in Florence, Alabama, Decem- ber 5th, 1830. Her father was Thos. C. Kelley, and her mother Caroline Cunningham. Her mother's broth- er. Capt. Cunningham, was a cousin to Mrs. John A. Logan. Her parents married in Florence, Alabama, but came overland to Paducah, Ky., in 1837. At a later date they came to Marion, and settled on a farm about two and a half miles to the north- east of where the town now stands. Mrs. Manier and her husband were married February 7th, 1849. He was an active man of business affairs and an efficient public officer for many years. He was a judge of the County Court for four years, and served as Justice of the Peace for ten years and Postmaster of Marion eight years. He was born December 17th, 1830, at Florence. Alabama, and died near Fort Scott, Kansas, November 21, 1893. Mrs. Manier was always an active member of the Christian church, and in 1846 taught the first Sunday School in the Coun- ty. For a time she was a school- mate of Bob Ingersol. She has two living children. Emily, who married Fletcher L. Wooster, now chief weighmaster, of U. S. customs, and lives on Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Her son is John E. Manier. who is a railroad man at Fort Worth, Texas. The following pleasing incident is taken from the Marion Post and is given as showing the universal ap- preciation of the citizens of Marion for Grandma Manier: "Grandma Manier, an old and highly respected citizen of our city, celebrated her 73rd birthday Satur- day. There were a large number of her friends and relatives assembled at her home, an-i each one carried her a beautiful present, which was very much appreciated by Grandma. She is a pleasant old lady and very much liked by the people of our city. "Those who were there and en- joyed making the day pleasant for Mrs. Manier were: "Harry Campbell. Mrs. Kate Wy- att. Geo. C. Cunningham. Lilian Stone. Joseph Francis, Ivan Francis, Mrs. John Stone. Mrs. Maude Sim- mons, Pauline Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jenkins. William Campbell. Mrs. J. Post, of Clinton: Mr. and Mrs. Stuard. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cline, 132 SOUXEKIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLLVOIS. Mrs. Ii-l and Mrs. J. H. Blankenship, Mrs. Beard, Salem; Mrs. G. J. Aik- man, Mrs. C. H. Reynolds, Mrs. W. T. Barham and son Charley, .J. N. Thedford and wife, from Herrin; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bantz. Ella Hill, Ella Duncan, Hortense Campbell, Gertrude Judd, Henrietta Judd, Amanda Harris, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Goodall. Mrs. R. Trevor and daugh- ter, Louise, Mrs. G. W. Young, Mr. and Mrs. H. Scurlock, Lois Benson, Mary May, Georgie Canfleld, Maud Caniield, Mrs. Schick, Mrs. W. W. Clemens, Rev. Weedon, Kate Burk- hart, Lima .Tenkins, Celeste Benson, Mrs. J. M. Campbell, Bettie Peter- son, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tippy, Eli Roach. Mrs. J. C. B. Smith, Mrs. Geo. Duke, Jennett Sanders, Mrs. M. Hill and Jessie, Mrs. Wm. Spiller, Sarah Gahm, Alice Reece, Ida Rochester. Barnece Frances, Mrs. T. J. Youngblood. Harriet Davis, Julia Wollard," Mrs. Reynolds, Forrest Duke, J. M. Burkhart, James Camp- bell, Lloyd Campbell, Mrs. W. H. Warmer, Mrs. A, F. White, Mrs. H. Goodall, Wm. J. Spiller, Mrs. Mary C. Kern, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dunaway, Mrs. C. A. McCann, Mrs. J. M. McCann. Mrs J M. Burkhart and Mrs. J. D. Goddard. JASPER BRADLEY, Pioneer Carpenter. ADAM McINTURF, Pioneer. Adam Mclnturf was born in Car- ter County, Tennessee, January 1, 1821. His father was a native Ten- nesseean and his mother a Virginia woman. His maternal grandfather was a soldier in the war of the Revo- lution. Adam came to Hlinois in 1,S5 5 with his father's family and settled two an \ a half miles south of Marion on a farm which he sold in 1900. He has always clung to his farm, and had very little school- ing. In his political affiliations he has always been steadfast, casting his first vote for Henry Clay, and was one of the three Republican voters of the County for many years. He has been eaually as conserva- tive and steadfast in his religious opinions also, and has been a mem- ber of the Christian church for forty years. His cousin, Dannie Mclnturf, was one of the earliest of the ad- herents of Alexander Campbell, and became a very successful preacher in that communion in Carter Co., Ten- nessee. One of his nephews, James Mclnturf, is now a Chrisitan preach- er at Clifton, Kansas. He has been married twice. His first wife was Harriet Goodall, to whom he was united September 11. 1S5S, and by whom he has four liv- ing children. She died in 1866. He married again, February 14, 1867, Miss Mary Ann Jones, of whom he has three living children. He is a member of A. F. and A. M. Blue Lodge. As far as is now known, the sub- ject of this sketch enjoys the distinc- tion of being the oldest continuous native resident of Williamson Coun- ty, for he was born here August 12, 1S33, and has always lived here. His father was Pleasant Brailey, a native of North Carolina, who moved into East Tennessee and from there into Franklin County 7.5 years ago. He was a soldier in the Blackhawk War, but the date of his death can- not be given. He settled on a piece of government land within six miles of Marion, where he raised a numer- ous family. None of them could get much education in those days, but all were strong, able-bodied men and have lived long, active and use- ful lives. When about 40, Jasper took up the carpenter's trade anl has worked at it ever since. He married, February 22, 1S56. Miss Neita Elizabeth Nelson, who bore him six children and died two years ago. In November, 1903, he took for his second wife Pamelia Ann, the widow of Tom Jordan. She was born in 1855. He is a member of the South M. E. church, a Blue Lodje Mason and an Odd Fellow. ISAAC NEWTON ATWOOD, Pioneer. Isaac Newton Atwood was born in Williamson County, Tennessee, April 8th, 1S21, and was therefore S3 years old last April. He was mar- ried September 2 8, 1842, to Miss Hannah Hunt, daughter of Abel Hunt, in Tennessee. His wife was a native of Smith County, Tennes- see, where she was born September 17, 1817. She will, therefore, be 87' years old next September, and is at present the oldest living person in Williamson County. The young couple came with team and wagon with a few cooking utensils and sparse bedding and clothing, im- mediately after their marriage in 1842 and settled in Dade Co., Mo.. 40 miles northwest of Springfield. After about two and a half years they moved into Williamson County and took up government land in August, 1845, They deeded 120 acres, from which they have never parted, but still hold title to the most of it. For sixty years the citizens of Wil- liamson County have counted his ticket for the Democratic party as regularly as they counted the months, and were never at a loss where to look for Isaac more than for the rising sun or the rivers and streams of their native heath. He and his good wife were "planted" and have flourished as a "Green Bay Tree." Six children were born to them, five of whom are still living and settled about them. They are: Edwin Young, Sarah Elizabeth, who died March 5, 1865, Isaac Newton, Martha Jane, who married Henry Mose. Mary Catharine, whose hus- band, John W. Duncan, died not long ago, and Moses Able Atwood. The old couple are quite energetic yet, and can get about pretty well, but are cared for by their children and grand children by turns. That duty at present devolves upon a pretty granddaughter. Miss Martha Rutha, daughter of Edwin Young Atwood. Among the old relics of the past which the Souvenir man unearthed is a castiron kettle shaped much like an acorn, having four le'pt beyond even good oH Jacob, and fill the land with their progeny. WM. SPRATT RY FVANS. M. D. Pioneer. This venerable old gentleman, now verging upon 96 ye^'-s olfl. with a reasonable prospect "f reaching the century mark is the son of Ben- jamin Moseley Evans, a tailor of Murphysboro, North Carolina. He was born on the ISth day of July, 1808, in Southampton County, Viv- ginia, spent his youth in Murphys- boro and was educated by his father long before the days of the free school system rendered that task a light and pleasurable one. His first wife was Miss Mary J. Moore, who was united to him by the Rev. Isaac Collard in Kentucky. From Kentucky the young couple moved first to Henry County, Mo., and after three to five years, to Ash- lev, Washington County, 111. Two SO'JVENIR OF \VILLIA.\IS(JN COUNTY. ILLINOIS. 133 years later they moved to Marion, which has been their home ever since. At a forgotten cate he en- tered the Eclectic Medical College in Cincinnati, and took up the study of medicine under Dr. Beach, of Xew York. He spent about three years in college, from which he graduated, but it is impossible to give the date, as his papers, in the lapse of time, have been lost, but he began to prac- tice in 1S46 and kept it up until his advancing years compelled him to refuse to make further calls or re- spond to the appeals of the sick. He was upwards of Tn when he quit practicing. After the death of his first wife he marrieJ Miss Martha A. Moore, her sister. May 6th. lS4o. the Rev. R. Fisk ofiBciating. Hi? family con- sists at the present time of seven living children. twenty-=ix -grandchil- dren and seven great-grandchildren, For a person of his are he is re- markably well-preservei. His men- tal faculties are strong, his hearing almost perfect and his sight toler- ably good. He enjoys good health and is quite strong and active, going to and fro without other help than a cane, and very little from that. He is now and has been for many years an active member of the M. E. Church South, joining it before the division and remaining with it ever since. P. S. — Since the above was wit- ten "Grandpa" Evans closed his life's labors and has been laid peace- fully to rest until the great day. He died April 26. 1904. Of the children of his first wife two survive him, Mrs. C. H. House, of this city, and Mrs. Fannie Pres- ton, of Sewanee, Tenn. Of his last marriage there are still living one son. Dr. G. N. Evans, of Marion, and four daughters, Mrs. W. M. Davis, with whom he spent the closing davs of his life; Mrs. .Joseph Fozard. Mrs. G. T. Clawson, of Odin. 111., and Mrs, L, W. Carpender. of Blairstown. Mo. He was licensed to preach at an early age, while still in Virginia, and later joined the Louisville Confer- ence of the M. E. church, and for some considerable time was an ac- tive itinerant in that church. He came with his family to Marion in 1SG9, and soon after gave up the practice of medicine, but continued to preach the gospel until age and in- firmity closed his lips in death. Rev. W. T. Mathis, pastor of his church, delivered the funeral discourse, as- sisted by Rev. Dr. F. L. Thomson, pastor of the M. E. church, a large concourse of people attending. JAMES REED, Pioneer. Is one of the few remaining relics of a past generation who linger be- yond four score years. But al- though himself a native of Franklin County, he comes of the hardy North Carolina and Tennessee stock, and his life has been spent close to na- ture and "nature's Go-1." His father was Rhoderick Reed, who was born in North Carolina April 6, 1796, from which place he emigrated to Robinson County, Ten- nessee, when young. He moved to Illinois and settled in Franklin Co. in 1S24 and died there in 1SS9, at the good old age of 9 3. His wife was Rebecca Sanders, who was born in ISIS and died about 1SS.5. The subject of this sketch married Elenor Perry in IS 49, and by her has had eight children, all of whom are living and, except one, who lives in Franklin County, are settled in and around Marion. The wife died in 1S92. Mr. Reed boasts of being a Demo- crat, "dyed in the wool, three ply find hard twisted." His first vote for president was cast for James K. Polk, and he has never since vol- untarily omitted putting in a vote for the Democratic ticket. In May. 1S47. he enlisted in Capt. Cunningham's Company for the Mex- ican war. marched overland to Santa Fe. drilled for 18 months and then, the war lieing over, marched back asrain. This was his first and last military experience, and our kind- heartel Uncle Samuel remembers him on account of it — to the amount of $12 per month. For about 14 years he has been an active member of the Missionary Baptist church and a Deacon for nearly as long, (but he don't draw a Iiension from it, although probably he ought). Maybe the Chief Pay- master takes that into account when Uncle Sam draws his monthly check for $12. But what does it matter how the books are kept, so long as he don't go hungry. MRS. EIJZABETH A. CHADWELL. This venerable old pioneer, now nearing her Snth birthday, was born in Sangamon County. 111.. May 10th, 1S2 5. Her father was the Rev, John Shepherd, of the Southern Illinois Conference of the M. E. Church, a native of Pennsylvania, born in 1789, Her mother was Sarah Clark, born in Maryland in 1788. The Rev. John Shepherd died at the home of his daughter in Williamson County in 1860, and was followed to the silent land by his wife in 1875. Mrs. Cha-'well's first husband was William Rufus Roberts, to whom she was united in 1841. He was a na- tive of Tennessee and met with death by an accident in 184.5. They had two children. John L. Roberts and Sarah M. Roberts. Her second husband was Charles Chadwell. to whom she was married in 1S49. He was born in Virginia and died in 1S86. Three children were born of this union. William B. Chadwell, Eliza P. and Alice. Mrs. Chadwell was born and bred a Methodist. Her father came from the Mt. Vernon circuit to the Frank- fort circuit, then embracing the greater part of five present counties, a work that required four weeks to visit and preach at all the appoint- ments, preaching almost every day, sometimes twice. They located at Zion church, where a two-room new log house was built for a parsonage, at the present site of Corinth. Her brother. Rev. Moses Shepherd, was pastor of Marion church in 1858, when it included Corinth. He was also Presiding Elder in IS 61, and died in the harness in 1862. S. S. VICK, SR., Pioneer. S. S. Vick is probably the oldest living continuous resident of Ma- rion, and has been through a long life one of the most popular, active and useful of its citizens. Although nearly seventy-seven years old. he is rugged and sound, quick in action and stands straight on his legs. He reads without glasses, never lost but three teeth and has not an unsound one in his head. He is hardly ever sick and is always busy. He is cer- tainly a well-preserve -1 specimen of the products of the Blue Grass State, of which he is a native. He was born June 23, 182 7, near Nashville, Tennessee, and moved to Russell- ville, Logan County, Ky., where he married Miss Martha J. Newton, February 6, 184 8. In 1S51 he moved his family, together with his father's, to Williamson County. Two years later he was elected constable and served for four vears. From 1854 to 185 5 he served as Deputy Sheriff, during which time he was appointed marshal of Marion. In 1S6S he was appointed Master-in- Chancery and served in that capacity two terms, then w-as elected Justice of the Peace and served four years. In 1865 he took the third census of the County, which then showed a population of only IS. 000. The County in those days was Democratic by a large majority, only three Re- publican votes being cast for a a;ood many years. Coming from a Demo- cratic state and of a Democratic pa- rentage, he was naturally a Demo- crat, but cast his first vote on a bet for Henry Clay for president. How- over, he put up his monev on James K. Polk, and won. He ioined the Masons in 1858, and the Odd Fel- lows in 1870. He is a tenth decree or Council Mason, and has been Mas- ter of the Blue Lodge, and Noble Grand of the Odd Fellows, For many years he was one of the i^i- rectors of the Williamson County Agricultural Association, and active in its affairs. He is an active mem- ber of the Methodist Church South, and served as Sunday School Super- intendent for about twenty years. from its organization, and in almost 134 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. every other capacity except that of Pastor. He has always been a strong, influential, working friend of education, is useful and popular everywhere, and will die in the har- ness. MRS. SALLY S. BINKLEY, Pioneer. This venerable old lady, whose portrait appears in this book, will be 86 years old on the 22d day of November next. She is a native of Davison County, Tennessee, where she was born in ISIS. Her father was Henry T. Lee, who, coming from Virginia when a boy, settled 2 5 miles from Nashville. Tennessee. She grew to womanhool and married in Tennessee, not reaching Marion till May, 1852. Her husband was Jacob J. Binkley, to whom she was united in April, 1S39. He died October 26, 1876, leaving wife and four children. An important and interesting in- cident of her life, indicative of the industrious character of the genera- tion to which she belongs, now rapid- ly passing away, and giving us a glimpse of the manner of life of our forefathers is related. During the darkest days of the Civil War, near its close, she and her daughter, Mrs. Sherertz, and her companions card- ed, spun and wove, entirely by hand, woolen clothes from the sheep's back and cotton from the fields, and cut and made the garments by hand also. The cotton was cleaned of the seed by the tedious work of their nimble fingers, then carded, spun and woven and made into garments, both for men and women's wear, without the aid of our modern ma- chines from the beginning to the end. Mrs. Binkley herself made sev- eral full suits of men's wear of blue and grey-mixed jeans, for which she received $2.00 a yard. The late J. H. Duncan, then sheriff, bought and wore one of her suits. JOHN A. ENSMINGER, Pioneer. Was born at Equality, Illinois, October 11, 1827. His father, Emanuel Ensminger, died in 1832, when John was but five years old, and the boy got very little book- learning. But in that new and vital country John did not want for teachers and the means of getting a very practical eiucation at that. He had one of the very best and most entertaining books in the world al- ways open before him — the book af nature — and for teachers, millions of wild fowls, ducks, geese and turkeys, plenty of bear, deer and wolves. No one went hungry in those day for want of a fat turkey or a juicy steak of venison or bear. Settlers were two or three miles apart, but deer herded in packs of 25 or 30, bear could be killed any day without the trouble of hunting for them, and will turkeys roosted on every tree and often consorted with the tame ones in the barn yard. Wolves were numerous, but not saucy, for game was plenty, and their nightly serenades were not un- pleasant to hear. Even buffalo had not yet wholly vanished beyond the setting sun, for about 1S64 Watt Heard killed a young bull on the big Saline, about six miles southeast of Equality. John spent about six years in Shawneetown, but did not leave Equality for good until 1849. While at Shawneetown he made six or seven trips to New Orleans on flat boats, freighting corn, tobacco and pork. The goo's were not un- frequently all sold to the planters and their negroes on the way, ped- dled out at the river towns, the blacks, with the consent of their masters, buying as freely as the whites, according to their means. In April, 1849, he first landed in Marion and went to work for an older brother, buying tobacco, and it is an indication of the flourishing state of the industry that soon after coming here his brother, M. S. En- sminger shipped 1,100 hogsheads of cured tobacco to New Orleans in a single season. All this was bought almost exclusively in this and the nearby counties of the state, Wil- liamson, Gallatin. Saline, White, Hamilton and Franklin Counties. With the exception of one year at old Fort Winnebago, about 25 miles from Madison. Wisconsin, Mr. En- sminger has lived in Marion since 1849. He was raised a Democrat and always voted the Democratic ticket until the roar of the cannon in the battle of Ft. Sumpter, when he changed his politics and enlisted in the "Bloody" 128th 111., in Aug- ust, 1862. It is a matter of history that that ill-starred organization "vaporized" and disappeared with- out ever fighting a battle. It is suf- ficient evidence, however, of the pa- triotism of Mr. Ensminger that he holds an honorable discharge and draws a pension to this day for rheu- matism and chronic diarrhoea, con- tracted at Cairo. His discharge is dated at Cairo, April 5th, 1863. His efficiency as an ofl^icer is shown by the fact that he has served as Con- stable of Williamson County 27 years and as Deputy Sheriff five, four years under John H. Burnett and one under T. L. Dowell. Mr. Ensminger keeps as a relic an old iron pot. used by his mother in ISOS, nearly a hundrei years ago. It was the first pot of her own she ever hung over the fire. The reso- lution of those old people is shown by the fact that the Father Emanuel walked 100 miles and back, to Vin- cennes, Ind., for a license to marry, which he secured and the couple were united at Shawneetown. John was married October 7. 1860, to Miss .Martha J. Pulley, who died March 29, 1890, leaving only one living child out of eight she bore. This is Hannah, the wife of Mr. U. T. Simmons. MRS. NANNIE HENDRICKSON, Pioneer. This lady has the distinction of being the first girl born in Marion, where she has ever since resided. She was born October 6, 1S43, and has been twice a widow. She mar- ried J. M. Goddard January 6, 1863, by whom she had three children, Mrs. H. C. Purdy, Mrs. D. F. Riser and Mrs. D. G. Fitzgerald. He died June 27, 1870. Her second mar- riage took place March 6, 1873, to Hartwell Hendrickson, who died December 29, 1899. By him she had four children, Mrs. W. B. La- master, Willis H. Hendrickson, Stella, who died in childhood, and Mrs. George Nance, wife of the grocer on North Market St. R. W. GRIMES, Pioneer. Was born July 28. 1830, in Rob- inson County, Tennesse, and came to this County in January, 1849, settling on a quarter section which he deeded from the government. He has always been a farmer, but was an expert horse doctor as well. He has lived in this County since 1S49, except two short periods of six months each, and has held several minor offices in the County. He was Justice of the Peace for one year by appointment to fill a vacancy. Dep- uty SherifT six months and Constable for seven years. He has been three times a bene- dict. He married his first wife, with whom he lived 4 7 years, June 16, 1862. Her name was Rachael M. Maxey and she died July 24. 1879, after having borne eleven children, six of whom are dead. His second marriage occurred September 15, 1S99. to Mary Williams, the widow of Rolla Williams. She died Decem- ber 13, 1902, and on the 10th of the following June, 1903, he again chose a partner in the person of the widow of M. C. Hall, with whom it is to be hoped he may yet spend many peaceful and happy years. He is a Democrat in politics and a member of the Hillright church, which is a branch of the Christian church. WM. .\IKM.\N. Deceased. Pioneer. Was the fourth son of Samuel and Henrietta Aikman. who were natives of North Carolina and came to Ma- rion in 1837 with a family of six boys and three girls. They settled on the west side before the town was platted or built, while this County was still a part of Franklin. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 135 and entered a strip of land from the government, half a mile wide and a mile and a half long, lying along where the C. & E. I. Ry. now runs. This tract is one of the finest in the County and formed the original foundation for the prosperity of the family. William was born April 2, 1S25. He married Mary Elizabeth Cox March 3d. 1S47. They began life on a little farm of 40 acres, where Villi? m Hendrickson now lives, and where he continued to live until his death, which occurrei June 12. 1S90. He was a man of unusual power, both of mind and body, and of in- exhaustible vitality and unwearied activity. He owned and run a large farm, built two saw-mills and a planin.? mill, manufactured brick, built and run the steam roller mills, now known as the Marion Flouring Mills, owned and run by W. W. Whittington & Co. He was enter- prising and progressive and always foremost in all measures looking towards improvement. He always bought the best of everything. He bought and used up-to-date ma- chinery and improved stock of all kinds. He kept no scrub horses, cows or hogs, but was always on the look- out for something better. He bought the first steam thresher ever used in the County. He was a man of energy and of strong will and steadfastness of pur- pose. Whatever he undertook he completed, whatever the obstacles might he. He kept many men in his employ and was of a generous and kindly nature, giving freely and lib- erally for all good purposes. When he began housekeening he erected a family altar, and he and bis faithful wife had family worship morning and evening for the 4 3 years and six months of their mar- ried life. They were members of the Presbyterian Church, of which ■Rev. X. A. Hunt was the pastor, and with their children were regular at- tendants while it stood When the commotions attendant on the Civil War reduced and finally brought the little church to an end. they joined the Methodist Episconal church that they might have a reliKS STOUK CO.MI'AW. In 1S7S, when Carterville was in its infancy, forests stooi where now elegant brick structures adorn the street, and only one small mine in this vicinity, where now they can be counted by the dozens, Albert K. El- les and Ed A. Elles formed the co- partnership known for years as Elles Bros. Their stock then consisted only of a small quantity of mer- chandise, and their building was a one-story frame structure of 20x40 feet, w'hich can be seen in view one. In this building the business was conducted for years. In 1SS.5 the first large addition was made to their now fast growing business. The ad- dition consisted of two buildings, one of 2 5x.5 feet two story, one of 2-1X.50 feet, one story, increasing their floor space 3700 square feet, nearly five times the amount of the original building. The co-partner- ship continued up to 1S91, when the incorporation of Elles Store Co. was formed by the addition of new mem- bers to the company. In 1S93 this company made another move toward the accommodation of their now large business by the erection of a brick building of 60x140 feet, with an addition of 62x110 feet, with a total area of 22040 square feet, and then embodied almost the first coun- try department store in this section of the State. In 1S9S another venture was made, which consisted of the Herrin Store. This has developed from a small business until now it holds its parent business a strong secoud. In 1900 the Lauder (now Reeves) Brapch was opened, in 1901 the Ma- rion Branch ani in 190 2 the White Ash Branch. It now takes a tloor space of more than 36,000 square feet to accommodate their business. The business was built primarily upon the solid foundation of Reli- able Merchandise and .lust Meth- ods. For more than a quarter of a MR. ARTHUR BAKER The present Secretary of the Elles Store Co., has been connected with this Company since leaving the Car- terville public schools, some five years ago. He commenced in cleri- cal office work, and such was his aptitude for figures, his painstaking care in handling accounts, that he soon won the confidence of both cus- tomers and his co-workers, and to- Xo. 2. Erected in 1885 and used for eight years. This building wit- nessed the transformation of the Biles Brothers business into a strong incorporated company. The large building shown in the rear is now- used as the Companies' Carterville barn. 146 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. No. 3. This half-tone shows the present building in Cartervilie un- der construction, while the business is going on uninterruptedly. The north half was built first and boarded up; business going on while the south half was erected. cUi.v he is regarded infallible by those who know his work. MR. ROBERT HOPPER Present Manager of the Grocery Department at the Herrin Store, has been identified with the business some 18 years, coming as a small boy he has steadily forged his way forward, each year assuming a more and more responsible place until to- day his department stands easily first in the business. His splendid memory, high business integrity and conscientious application to business have won him hosts of friends. MR. G. W. BEVARDE Has been with the EUes Store Co. some thirteen years, first as an out- side salesman, then a house sales- man, and for the last five years, as collector and Judge of credits, which delicate and important position he has faithfully filled to the satisfac- tion of all concerne \ C. E. AXDERSON, Herrin, 111. Director and Manager of the Her- rin Branch of the EUes Store Co., was born January 13, 1877, at Raum, Pope Co.. 111., attended the pul)lic school at Cartervilie and graduated from the scientific course at the Northern Indiana Normal School in 1897. He enlisted for the war with Spain in the 4th 111. Vol., Co. C, and went to Havana, but never saw actual service in the field and was mustered out May 2, 1899. He entered the service of the Elles Store Co. February 21, 19 01, and was rapidly promoted to his present position. He was married September 25, 19(Mi. to Miss Bertha Perry, the daughter of Dr. W. H. Perry, of Car- tervilie, by whom he has one child, Edward. 2 1-2 years old. Mr. Anderson has a natural apti- tude for business, and is particularly skillful in the management of the interests committed to his care. This little history of the Elles Store Co. would not be complete if we failed to speak of the work of two members of the board of di- rectors who have passed away, Mr. Charles P. Elles and Mr. Louis T. Elles, who, though gone, have left an indellible impression for good in the business. W. ROBERTSON. Pioneer. M. W. Robertson is the son of Henry Robertson and Mary Spiller, the daughter of William Spiller. No. 4. Shows the Cartervilie main store as it now stands in 1905. SOr\'EXIR OF \VILLIA:\IS0.\ county, ILLINOIS. 147 Sr.~i3Ba =- ^ No. 5. Is the Ijranch at Herrin in 1899. They finally settled in Marion, where the father died in 1S45 and the mother in 1.S54. Martin W. was born, on Phelps' Prairie July 18th, 1840. His early life was spent on Ihe farm, but later on he went into the dry goods business at Marion, which he ran until 1869. He then sold out and established the first hardware store in Marion. He was a 2nd Lieutenant of the "Bloody 128" 111., is a Royal Arch Mason, a Democrat and a member of the Christian Church. His wife was Malvina. daughter of Samuel and .Julia A. Dunaway, to whom he was united .January 21, 1866. She was born August 11, 1846. Her children are Mrs. Ettie E. Browning, wife of Thos. S. Browning, of Benton, JU.: Samuel Henry Robertson and John D. Robertson, who died in 1899. ROBERT H. PRJDE, Pride & Gill, Carpenters, Contractors and Builders. ■Js a native and almost continu- ously a resident of Marion. A slight attention to the incidents of his life will justify the estimate put upon him and his worthy luother by their intimate friends, when they affirm that, rich or poor, the County does not contain a citizen more worthy of the honor and esteem of his fellow citizens. He was born here October 24. 1SG4. His father was a native of Tennessee, but came to Marion when only 21. He was a carpenter, and Robert worked under him at the trade and on a farm until about 12 years ol1. He was the oldest of six children, and upon the death of his father when he was but 14, the sup- port of the family devolved largely upon himself. Guided and assisted by his mother, the two reared and educated the family without more help from others than is contained in a kind word occasionally. He is entirely a self-made man. anl has no cause to be ashamed of his work either. For about three years he and his present partner worked under the instruction of Isaac Rapp. perhaps the most successful builder in South- ern Illinois. They helped him erect the Southern Illinois Normal Univer- sity at Carbondale. the Logan Home at Murphysboro and many other prominent buildings. In 1897, he and Gill, after working together pleasantly for some years, formed a co-partnership, which continues to the present time. Together tJiey have built nearly all the fine build- ings around the public square, the new school building and others In various parts of the city. His school-days were few. but his schooling is continuous, and he is No. 6. Is the Herrin Branch as completed in 1900. New improvements and additions have been made and others are in contemplation. 148 SOUV'ENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. No. 7. EUes Store Company, Lauder Branch. still a diligent student. In politics he is a Democrat, a member of the M. E. Church South, and tor about eleven years now a member of Fel- lowship Lodge No. S9, Odd Fellows. stayed with them a year and then spent the following year in the stores of Westbrook and Cook, James T. Goddard, and Goodall and Campbell. He then opened a restaurant near where Mr. Burkhardt now has his store, and went into bu.siness for l-.imself. In 1S60 he rented a place of Samuel Dunaway, and in company with the Hon. J. M. Washburn, opened the first grocery store start- ed on the south side of the square. Two years after they took another I)artner, Dr. Lodge, a druggist, and Ijought from Isaac Lewis the corner where Bundy's store now stands. They then united the drug and gro- cery business. About a year later they bought out Dr. Lodge and in INGo or '66 Mr. Sparks sold his share to Washburn. About this time he moved to Carterville, bought an adoining farm, built a store, and went to farming and selling goods on his own individual account. In 1S72 he sold his farm and store in Carterville and returned to Marion, where he went into the grocery bus- iness with Hundley and Holland, where Mr. Cantor's store now stands. Two years later he soil out to his partner, and went to work for Thomas Dunaway in the general merchandise business at the old stand, w-here he remained, however, but a year, when he went to clerk- FRANCIS MARION SPARKS, Mr. Sparks boasts of being the first child born in Marion, where he saw the light of day April 21, lS4ti. and where the major part of his life so far has been spent. He was the son of J. G. Sparks, whose portrait and sketch appear in this book, and now resides with his wife, Mrs. Mary J. Sparks, the talentel poet- ess, whose portrait accompanies an original poem found on these pages. They and their four boys, Benjamin. Bert, Guinn and Harry, occupy a handsome home on West Main St. Mr. Sparks was but a boy of twelve when his father went to California, and as the father never again made his home in Illinois, the boy was reared by his mother and Isaac and Celinda McCoy, the grandparents of Mrs. Sparks, his wife. His first term of school was under the in- struction of Samuel Xowlin in the summer of 1S.53, where he spent three months. Later on, nine months under Mr. and Mrs. McCoy completed his direct schooling. It is proper to state, however, that he lived for three years in the family of his wife's grandparents, and had the benefit of almost continuous course of instruction quite equal to that of an academy during that whole period. So that it may be said that his schooling was of a very uncommon Common-school sort, and gave him a very good prac- tical education. In August, 1S55. when but fifteen years old, he began clerking in the general merchandise store of Hundley and Campbell. He No. 8. Marion Branch of the Elles Store Cuuiijany locatnl uii the east side of the public square, southeast corner of East Main Street, Marion, 111. The Xew Gootlall Hotel occupies the tipper stories of the block. The g;rocery store of Campbell Bros, is shown at the right. The personell of the employes of the Company is as follows, counting from left to right: E. D. Roach, General Manager; Ira Davis. Charles Davis, Dry Goods Dept.; Ruth Jackson, Office Clerk; Florence Woodley, same; Ella Hill, Dry Goods Dept.; Mary Johtison, (Jueensv\'are; Ira Cash, Grocery Dept.; T. F. McCartney, Grocery Dept.; O. C. Simmons, Grocery Dept.; Harry Roach. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 149 about four miles north of Marion. His scliool days closed with two terms at Valparaiso, Ind. He then entered upon the profession of teaching, which he followed in the common schools of the County for ten years, closing 189 4. In the tall of that year he was elected Coutity Clerk on the Republican ticket a^nd re-elected In IS 9 8. In 1903 he en- tered into partnership with B. F. Baker, erected a fine brick building on a part of block 14, at the north- west corner of the public square, and opened a book and stationary store September 1, 19":!. He -^as married N'ovember G. 189.j, to Miss Stella Sanders, by whom he has one boy. He belongs to Modern Wood- man Camp .5337. •JAMES V. GRIDER. No. 9. Whitcash Branch of the Elles Store Company. ing for W. \V. Robinson, .lanuary 1, 1879. hater they went into part- nership, and for six years were rais- ing and dealing in live stock of all kinds. He then bought a farm of two hundred and forty acres, about three miles west of New Burnside, Johnson County, which he sold after about three years, and returned to Marion in 1889. He then sold hard- ware for Harry Purdy until 1S9II. when he spent five months in Wash- ington Territory on a visit to his father. On his return he went to work again for Purdy, where he re- mained until the latter was burned out in 189 4. when he began selling hardware for H. M. Parks & Co. After about a year spent with him. he clerked for Burkhart and Bink- ley until September, 18 97, when he opened a grocery store on his own account at the southwest corner of the square, which he sold Februar> 11, 1904, to Shannon Holland. December 24, 18G2, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary .1. Pease, daughter of Dr. B. F. Pease, and four boys have blessed their union. While Mrs. Sparks has been busy with her household cares and the rearing and education of her boys, she has found time to render sub- stantial assistance to her husband in his business, and has given to the world a delightful volume of choice poems besides. Surely hers has been a busy hand and brain. Her vol- ume bears the words "Wayside Fan- cies" on the title page, and will amply repay a careful perusal. T. .1. ERWIN. Elevator. T. .1. Erwin was born in William- son County in 1840. He learned the milling business and followed it in Saline County for 1.5 years. Later he had charge of the Crab Orchard .Mills for several years, and then be- came manager of the Marion Ele- vator, which he has run for over ten years, and is still in charge. He was married June 2 5, 1SG3, to Miss Angelina Groves, a daughter of Wil- liam Groves of Marion. They have seven children, five of whom are still living. He is a member of the Missionar\ Baptist Church, and one of its deacons. He joined the Ma- sonic Lodge when very young, and is now a member of Fellowship Lodge Xo. 89. Marion. JAMES A. FELTS. Felts & Baker. James A. Felts was born March 18 02. in Lake Creek Township, .lames V. Grider is a native of Franklin County. He was born November 3. 1840, and moved with his fathers family into Williamson County in 1844. and into Marion In 1849. He enlisted early in the War of the Rebellion, and served for three years and until Lee's sur- render. He first went into the 12Sth Illinois, but was afterwards trans- ferred to the 31st. He took part in the .grand march with Sherman "from Atlanta to the Sea," and was with his regiment only fifteen miles away from Rolla, N. C, when Gen. Jos. E. Johnson surrendered to Sher- man. He was mustered out in July of 'G5. He has never had the bene- fit of much schooling, but has always had a hand in politics, holding minor offices almost continually since 1869, when he was first elected constable. He has served as city marshall un- der Mayor Jackson, Holland and Dennison, receiving his present ap- Residence of A. D. Roach, Manager of the Marion Branch of the Elles Store Company. 150 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ED A. ELLES. President of the Elles Store Co. Carterville, 111. ROBERT HOPPER, Assistant Manager of Herron Br?nrh of Elles Store Co. ELI D. ROACH, Manager of the Marion Branch of the Elles Store Company. pointment last May. In 1S72 he was County Assessor, and in 18 75 raised a company of militia, of which he became captain. In 187 7 the com- pany became company F, 11th I. N. G., of which he was elected captain. He is a Past Grand Master of Wil- liamson Lodge 392 I. O. O. F.. and a member of the M. E. Church South. He was married November 24 , 1867, to Amanda Davis, by whom he has eight children, all liv- ing. For his second wife he took Miss Martha Philips. They were married December 19, 190 3. .TAMES \V. WILDER, Photographer. The subject of this sketch was born in White County, Tennessee, May 10, 1858. His parents dying when he was but two years old, he became the care of his grandpa- A. K. ELLIS. Originator and Chief of the Elles Store Co., series of large busi- ness houses in Williamson rents until he was fifteen years old. When about eighteen, he began to work at photography at Madison- ville, Kentucky, and worked there one year. He afterwar's worked in various towns and cities in Ken- tucky, Indiana and Illinois, but fi- nally, after choosing a Kentucky lady for his life partner, he came to Marion, March 25, 1891, and made it his permanent home. His wife's name was Alice Lilly, of Glencoe, Kentucky, and their marriage was consummated September 25, 1884. Five children have come to this union, but two only survive. Mr. Wilder has always prospered at his business, but on the 2 5th of last February, his studio and all its treasures were consumed by fire. He had about $1400 worth of goods and only $300 insurance. The studio stood on North Market street, where the new Hyde building now .1. G. APPLEGATH, Manager of Elles Bros. Branch Store at Whiteash. ARTHUR BAKER, Secretary of the Elles Store Co., Carterville, 111. C. E. ANDERSON, Manager of Herrin Branch of Elles Store Company. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSOX CuUXTY. ILLINOIS. 151 SAMUEL H. GOODALL. President of the Carterville District Mining Company. .1. \V. MITCHELL. Sup't. of New Virginia Coal .Tohnson City, 111. A. E. HARPER, President of the Marion Electric Light and Water Company. stands, and where a new gallery is being fitted up for him. He united with the Baptist church in Ken- tucky when but four years old, and is now a member and treasurer of the First Baptist Church of Marion, and always a vigorous and success- ful Sunday School and Church worker. MARTIX V. FELTS. Farmer. The subject of this sketch is the son of Hardy Felts and Joanna Binkley. Both were natives of North Carolina and came to Tennes- see when children. Martin Felts was born February G, 18 37, in Ten- nessee. His mother •iied when he was a lad of seven years. At the age of sixteen, he came with his father to Marion, where his father died. Mr. Felts was reared on a farm and has followed that occupa- tion all his life. After the death of his father he lived for two years with Washington Binkley until the latter's death, when he took charge of the farm and managed it on shares for four years, until June 1, 1S63, when he married Miss Rebec- ca Lucky, the daughter of J. M. Lucky, of Tennessee. Mrs. Felts is still living and almost as active as when first married, and scarcely a gray hair in her head. They have two sons, whose portraits appear in this volume. Their only daughter. Mrs. Condace Grant, died in 1901. Soon after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Felts moved on the Benton road, five miles north of Marion, on the O'Daniel farm, and bought from Lewis Parks one hundred and ten acres of land which they have con- tinued to cultivate until the present time, a period of forty years. The picture of the old homestead which adorns these pages, justifies his choice of a locality an 1 shows what nature will do for man when di- rected by intelligence and industry. The old home has been now for some time in the hands of renters, and to some extent shows the usual marks of the owner's absence. He has quit farming now and has l)ought and built a fine cottage in Marion, where he expects to spend his remaining days. Mr. Felts has always given a great deal of atten- tion to fruit raising, and is widely known as the best apple man in Southern Illinois. He is called the apple king of Williamson County. Fe planted ani owns twenty acres of the best orchard in the county. They are largely Ben Davis and Wine-sap trees, and a single crop from two and one-half acres, num- bering one hundred thirty trees, brought him on the fi^st of Septem- ber. 1.S99, $5011. no. He sold to Newhall Sons, of Chicago, who took them from the trees. The trees v.-ere fourteen years old, and yield- ed from four to six barrels each. Mr. Felts has been a Master Mason i-i Marion for forty-one years. He i=; also a member of the Christian Church and a Deacon. J. C. JACKSON. Furniture. J. C. Jackson was born June 20, 1.S42, and was raised on a farm in Sumner County, Tennessee. He came to Marion when eighteen years old, where he has resided ever since. Until 1S78 he followel the trade of carpenter and builder, when he took a hand in politics and served as Deputy Sheriff until 1SS2. From IS. 8 2 to 18SG he was Clerk of the County. In 1877 he was first elect- ed mayor, serving one term, but was re-elected in 18 83 and again in 1885, breaking the record by serv- ing three successive terms. He served several terms as Alderman and member of the School Board, and was School Treasurer for twelve years. While himself a member of the M. E. Church South, he is one of the trustees of the M. E. Church North, to which his family belongs. He was married August 2 5, 1863, to Cynthia E, Calvert, three years af- ter coming to Marion, when twenty- one years old. Five chillren are the fruit of this union, three of whom are still living. A Democrat in politics, he first voted for Geo. B. McClelland for president. ROBERT SPARKS, Contractor and Builder. The subject of this sketch was born in March, 1876, near where No. 3 mine now stands, about three miles northwest of Marion. He lived with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Sparks, until he was sixteen years old, but began work for him- self at the age of 14. He secu.ed the rudiments of an education at our common schools, but at 17 years of age he dropped his bno:cs and took up the saw and hammer. Showing a natural aptitule for the business, he has successfully pros- ecuted it till the present time. Among the jobs he has carried throu5;h may be mentioned the Felts & Baker substantial brick buildin::, near the northwest corner of the piiblic square: the new Telephone building; Mr. Schwerdt's fine resi- dence on South Market street: re- modeling the A. F. White, building on the south side of the i.ul)iic square and putting in a new front. 152 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS MARION ELECTRIC LIGHT POWER HOUSE. and the new Opera House block, on north Market street, upon vhich they are still engaged. He is a member of Ben Hur and the Mis- sionary Baptist Churoh. He is still unmarried. JEREMIAH CASH, Pioneer. Was born July 6, 1S2 4, in Har- den County, Kentucky, where he live3 and followed the plow until 20 years old. He then learned the blacksmith and wagon business, which he followed until an attack of measles, which settled in his eyes, so injured them that after working at the business for seven years he was compelled to abandon it, and for six years was comparatively idle. In 1884, while blacksmithing, he married Miss Amanda M. Williams, by whom he had six children. In February, 1865, he came to Williamson County with his family and settled at Bainbriige, where he lived until 1S70, when he took charge of the Poor Farm, and run it for seven years. He then bought a farm near Marion, which he run for four years and again took charge of the Poor Farm for three years more. After this he moved to Carterville and went into the grocery business in company with his son Charles, but in 1SS6 he sold out his interest to his son and until 1897 worked at carpenter work and house-paint- ing. He then opened a grocery store at Crainville, where he re- mained till February, 1904, but af- ter one year sold out and moved to Marion. His first wife died in 1884, and two years later he married Saphron- ia Emily Crain, by whom he has had two children, but both are dead. The names of his children by the first wife are Charles M., insurance. Carterville; Susan E., wife of Daniel Walker, Johnson City; Louisa M., wife of James Tippy, Marion; Mil- dred C, wife of Cornelius Brown. Oklahoma; Noah Claybourn. Marion. Mr. Cash has been an active member of the Missionary Baptist church for forty-four years. He is a Democrat and a member of the A. F. and A. M. ROBERT C. THOMPSON. Mine Boss. Is a native of England, born July 25th, 1849. His wife was Ann Hen- derson, a native of County Durham, England. They were married in England July 23, 1868, and two of their twelve children were born there. They came to Kentucky in July, 1S7S, and two years later they moved to Min-physboro, where Mr. Thompson went to work immeliate- ly in the mines. He was a miner in England, and was at home in this great coal field. In 1898 they moved to Marion, and two years later bought a farm about four and one-half miles north- west of town, where they still make their home. For about sixteen years past Mr. Thompson has had charge of various mines in this re- gion, and is now mine boss of a mine about two miles north of his home. He is a Republican in poli- tics, and while living at Murphys- boro was for two years one of the Supervisors of the County and over- seer of the poor. He was also for two years mine inspector for his County. They are members of the M. E. church. The names and resi- dences of their six living children in the order of their birth are; Mrs. Rebecca Chandler, Seattle; Joseph Thompson, Marion; M'S. An- na Chapman, Marion; Miss Margaret Thompson. Marion; Miss Clara Thompson, Marion, and Harry Thompson, Marion. T. Abstracts, J. YOUNGBLOOD Loans, Real Estate Insurance. Was born in Laclede County, Mis- souri, March 8, 1857. His father was Solomon B. Youngblood, who was born on the Jacob Sanders place, about seven miles northeast of Ma- rion, in 1828. He married Lucinda Tyree, a native of Southwestern Missouri, where she was born in 1827 and died in 1869. The elder Youngblood returning to William- son County lived till 1891, dying at the age of 63. INTERIOR VIEW OF MARION ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT. SOU\ENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. 153 and geiiUe to drive in harness. Pedi- gree on application. John W. Gray, owner, .Marion, Illinois. BLACK RILEY, No. UGGGl. Large English Berkshire Boar, born November 1, 1900, weight 900 pounds, bred by W. H. Ker. Todd and Larned, owners and breeders of English Berkshire swine, Pinckney- ville, Illinois. MARION CORNET BAND. BROCKMAN. Six years old, standard bred driving gelding. Crowell, Marion, Illinois. This popular musical organization. is composed of the following play- ers: Charles Reynolds, leader; Frank Elles, clarinet; Bert Elles, slide trombone; Herbert Raymond, cor- net; Will Davis, alto; John Balder, baritone; Charles Norman, tenor; Roily Crain, tuba; Fred Peebles, snare drum; Louis Scurlock, bass drum. They meet in the City Hall for practice twice a week. Owned by J. B. THE BARBERS OF MARION. The early life of our subject was spent in Missouri, where he received such education and training as the meager advantages of that country then afforded, securing a total of only two terms of subscription school of three months each. In 1875 he came to Stone Fort, at the age of IS, and after one term at the public school, went to select school until he had fitted himself for teaching, which occupation he fol- lowed until 1SS3. when he took up the study of law. He kept up the practice of teaching winters, how- ever, and read law summers at odd times as he got opportunity, and was admitted to the bar in 1889. The following winter he taught his last term of school. Receiving the nomination on the Republican ticket for county superintendent of schools he moved to Marion, was electel in spite of opposition, and served two terms. This experience brought him into politics, and he never took up the practice of law, but took up the Real Estate, Insurance and Ab- stract business, and in April, 1S99, ■was elected Mayor of Marion, serv- ing one term. January 27, 1892, he was united in mariage to Miss Nora Erwin, daughter of T. J. and Angeline Erwin, of Stone Fort, by whom he has had one boy, now eleven years old. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. sired by Archbishop, dam Field- mont, grand dam Chariton and great grand dam Barrington. LEWIS HUNTER. Lewis Hunter is a beautiful ma- hogany bay, 16 hands high, weight 1250 lbs., 9 years old, high style, good knee and hock action, rich in color, heavy mane and tail, heavy flat bone, will suit any breeder that knows a good horse when he sees one. Has never been worked for speed, but is a fine gaited trotter The Marion Tonsorial Artists number no less than 23 active mem- bers. They have six or more shops where the 2?. supple beautifiers, or perhaps more accurately "de-facers" of the genus homo, wield the imple- ments of their weekly harvest of hirsute adornment. As becomes gentlemen of the soap and lathering profession, they stick close together, albeit it forming a sleek and pros- perous union which is numbered 267. Grant Durham is the President; Lee Searles vice president; John Heck, secretary and Walter Wiley, treas- urer. They meet the last Monday BILLY BRYAN, Billy Bryan is a trotting stallion owned by J. P. Chamness, Marion. Is four years old, 16 hands high, weight 1000 pounds and time 2.35. He always won first or second in class where he was put. He was NONE BETTER. Short-horned Durham Bull Jim. Four years old, weighs 1800 pounds. D. B. James, owner, Carterville, Illinois. 154 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. daughter of George w'. and Maria Binkley. and she died May li, 1883. They were the parents of Mrs. Henry Stein, of Murphysboro; Samuel K. Casey, of Marion, and Mrs. C. R. Oliver, of Whiteash. LABOR UNIONS OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. two miles east of Marion. Mr them. in each month. The following is a list of the members of the union in Marlon: J. B. Parker, V. A. Scurlock. Walter Wiley, Arthur Davis, Lee Scarles, Lonnie Byers. John Heck, Ed Dur- ham, Freeman Sisk, Ed Sisk, R. Crisp, Charles Fowler, Kid Calvert, Will Hudspeth, W. H. Absher, Will Durham, Frank Howe, Grant Dur- ham, Jemsan Durham and Ed Threet, colored. .Mules ;iii(l rolls, nil his l;iriii, Sanders and his daughter with She died in her old home in William- son County, Illinois, January 15, 1SS7, aged 77 years, one month and 21 days. Her maiden name was Lewis. She was married to George W. Binkley February 24, 1S29, and came with her husband to Illinois the same year. Her husband pre- ceded her to the land of shadows many years, having died August 20, 1S59, aged 53 years, 2 months and 14 days. GEO. W. BINKLEY, Deceased. The subject of this sketch was born in Tennessee June , 1806. He came to Williamson County while it was yet a wilderness and became very prominent in shaping its de- velopment and in the affairs of Southern Illinois. He was County Surveyor and Justice of the Peace, and a member of the 51st District in the State Legislature in l.'i5 7 ancl '58. He was bodily and mentally a very powerful man: of strong will and force of character, of good judg- ment and sound mind and morals. He was universally esteemed and highly respected during his lifetime. and widely mourned and missed at his death. He was the father of three chil- dren and the foster father of seven. His children were Joseph, who died in infancy: Mrs. Alt L. Godding and Mrs. Jesse M. Casey. He and his wife, Maria Binkley, always had an open door, a well-spread board and a warm heart for every needy per- son, particularly the young, and were regarded as the foster parents of all in the county who needed love and. "Wash" and "Maria" always had a home for the homeless and none went away hungry. His wife was also a native of Robinson County, Tennessee, where she was born November 24, 1809. JESSE M. CASEY, Deceased. Was born February 19, 1832, and died January 5, 1897. aged 63 years, 10 months and 16 days. His wife was Cynthia Binkley. the second While we have neither time nor space to discuss the principles or policy of these societies, we may say in a general way that labor is thor- oughly organized here and the unions meet with very little opposi- tion. Society has come to recognize them as a useful educational force which serves to educate our foreign- born citizens in the doctrines and policy of the republic, faiiiiliarize them with American ideas and meth- ods, obliterate class distinctions founded on race or creed and solid- ify an inharmonious and heteroge- neous population into a united and patriotic community. It serves also to discourage, and will eventually obliterate, all lan- guages here but the English. To what extent they are able to shorten the hours of labor or increase wages is probably not yet fully understood, but it is the least valuable service their unions render the community. Viewed in this light, all good citi- zens look upon their efforts with more or less of favor, and none offer any violent opposition. The following is a list of the prin- cipal labor unions of the County. Those omitted could not be obtained, which is regretted. They are: Local Union 1880 U. M. W. of A., chartered August 30, 1901, with E. MULE "PETE." D. B. James, Carterville, Illinois, owner. One year old. 15 hands high. Blue ribbon at Williamson Co. Fair on September 13. 14, 15 and 16, 1904. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSOX COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 155 W. F. Sanders and his span of matched mules which took the lilne ribbon at the MarionFair, September, 1904. A. Younkins, president, D. A. Tippy, secretary. This local was a branch from 717, working under the South- ern Illinois coal mining and wash- ing company. It now has a mem- bership of 335, one of the lanner locals of the 7th sub-district. The present officers are Bailey Butler, president ; Charles Smothers, secre- tary. Local 2 70 4 N. M. W. of A., char- tered September 28, 1904, lirsi lo- cated at Pallard with James Bough president and Green Hopkins, secre- tary: working under the \vatson Coal Co. The present otficers are Henderson Clarida, president; J. 3. Fry, secretary; membership 40. Local Union 2216 U. M. W. of A., chartered January 3, IJO:!, with Wm. Towers president, Thomas Falls, secretary, working under the Carterville District Corl Co. Has a membership of 150. Present offi- cers are Thos. Gahagan, president, and E. A. Mclntosn, secretary. Local Union 508, United Brother- hood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, chartered Novem'jor 2 6, 1901, with a membei'tihip of 20; present membership 7o. Present officers are Wallace Peebles, presi- dent ; Frank Woodside, secretary. International Hod-Carriei's and Building Laborers Union, Xo. 121, chartered October ^7, 190i!, with Leroy Bradley, president, and Chas. Calvert, secretary. Present mem- bership 16. Present officers are C. C. Calvert, president; John Latham, secretary. Local Union 292 of International Steam Engineers, chartered Febru- ary 11, 1905, with Henry Wea-i er, president, and E. A. Elles, secretary. Membership 18. Local Union 382 of International Brotherhood of Teamsters, chartered October 1. 1903, with a meinber.ship of 7; C. T. Davis, president; J. L. Bond, secretary. Now has a mem- bership of 3(1, with J. B. V. I'oth- ram, president, and A. M. Garrison, secretary. Local 205 Bartenders Interna- tional League, chartered November 4, 1901, has a membership of 20; Drew Reynolds, president, and C. H. Davis, secretary. Local 52 3 Retail Clerks Protec- tive Ass'n., chartered February 6, 1902, with a membership of 49. Xow has a membership of 6 5. Pres- ent officers, R. H. Jeter, president. Miss Fannie Davis, secretary. This is one of the most essential unions in the labor ranks. F"ederal Labor Union 6415, char- tered May 15, 1900, with X. Davis president; John JoUey. secretary, and with a membership of 9. Now has membership of 75; Joseph Hill, president; Wm. Prather, secretary. Local Union 1380 U. M. W. of A., chartered July 3, 1900, with W. A. Sanders, president; John Sanders, secretary, working under the Chi- cago and Big Muddy Coal Co. Has a present membership of 175; Hun- ter McAlphin, president, John Hill, secretary. United Powder and High Explo- sive Workers Local 126, organized February 24, 1904, with Samuel Powell president, Samuel Aikman secretary. Has a present member- ship of 2 6. Present officers Geo. Davis secretary. Local Union 717 U. M. W. of A., chartered October 16, 1899. This is the oldest local union in Marion. Its first officers were W. B. Evertt, president, and Ab Franklen, secre- tary. It has a membership of 225, working under the Southern Illinois Coal Mining and Washing Co. Pres- ent officers are Scott Howard, presi' dent, and Pete Holland, secretary. Marion Trades Council. char- tered September 7, 1901; Henry Brown. presiJent; John Peebles, secretary. Has a representation from seventeen local unions of three delegates each. Present officers are Bailey Butler, president; R. L. Bryan, secretary; P. J. Smith, busi- ness agent. Brotherhood of Painters. Deco- rators and Paperhangers. No. 431, chartered September 10, 1901, has a membership of 19. Officers, Coth- ran. president; Ed Enchliff, secre- BEN Standard-bred Stallion Trotter; 12 SO pounds; color, rosewood Carterville. Illinois. LUD. seven years old; IGyi hands; bay. Ben L. Washburn, owner. 156 SOUVENIR OF W'll.l.lAAU^OX COUNTY, ILLINOIS. A little bunch of fine premium Poland China Hogs, owned by \V. F. Sander, two miles east of Marion, Illinois. Local U. M. W. of A. No. 2556, chartered October 30, 1903; presi- dent C. W. Burke, secretary John Wallace. Present membership 105. Operates in connection with New Ohio Washed Coal Co., No. 3. Journeymen Barbers Internation- al Union, Local 2G7, chartered June 9, 1902. Has a membership of 23; present officers. Grant Durham, pres- ident; John Heck, secretary. Brick, Tile and Terre Cotta Work- ers Alliance No. 167, organized in 1903. Present membership 22; Henry Belford, president: Samuel Quick, secretary. Local 710 U. M. VV. of A., organ- ized by Joah Cook, of Du Quoin, on the same day that the 189S agree- ment was signed between the U. M. W. of A. and the Illinois Coal Op- erators Ass'n. The oldest local union in Williamson County. First president, James Kelly. Has been the banner local of the County. Present membership 135; present officers, James Cochran, president; A. B. Williamson, secretary; work- ing under the New Ohio Washed Coal Co. Marlon Typographical Union, No. 578, chartered July 19, 1902. Its first officers were Ben Newsome, president; Chas. W. Burke, vice Joe M. Bond, financial N. Van Linder, recording Emery Hogan, sergeant- Present officers are T. E. Craig, president; Hiram Rice, vice president; Mento Bradley, financial secretary; N. Van Linder, recording •secretary; Elmer Miller, sergeant-at' arms. The union at present num- Ijers 14. All the news offices in Ma- rion work under its rules, and its organization has been extended to ■embrace Carterville It is In a fine flourishing condition, and has never been in arrears with its per capita tax for the International Union from which it received its charter. MINING. Complete list of coal mines ship- ping coal located in Williamson Co., Illinois, compiled by B. S. Craine. Mining and Civil Engineer, Marion, 111., Chief Engineer of the Peabody Coal Co., Chicago, 111. Southern Illinois Coal Mining and Washing Co., No. 3, located on Sec. 1, Town 9, Range 2 Bast; main office at Marion, 111.; depth 110 feet; daily capacity, 2 500 tons: vein 9 to 10 feet coal; washer capacity 1500 tons; iron tipple; first-class equip- ment throughout; three years. Southern Illinois C. M. and W. Co., No. 2, Sec. 1, Town 9, Range 2 East, depth 85 feet; 9 to 10 feet of coal; wooden tipple; daily capacity 12 00 tons; operating 7 years. Chicago Big Muddy Coal Co., Sec. ;;2, Town 9, Range 2 East; depth 80 feet; mining 8 feet of coal; woo;len tipple; daily capacity 1200 tons; operating 4 years. Watson No. 1, Sec. 3, Town 9, Range 2 East; depth 60 feet; min- ing N foot vein of coal; capacity 800 tons; wooden tipple; operating 6 months. Watson No. 2, Sec. 34, Town 9, Range 2 ; depth 70 feet; wood- en tipple; mining 8 feet of coal; capacity 80 tons; running 6 months. Carterville Mining Co., Sec. 32, Town 8, Range 2 East; depth 60 leet: thickness of vein 9 feet; ca- pacity 1500 tons; wooden tipple. Carterville Coaling Co., Sec. 31, Town 8, Range 2 East; depth 90 feet; wooden • tipple; capacity 1500 Ions. New Ohio No. 1., Sec. 3 Town 9 Range 3 East; depth 65 feet; vein 8 feet; wooden tipple; capacity 1500 tons; washer capacity 600 tons; op- erating 8 years. New Ohio No. 2, Sec. 33, Town 8, Range 3 East; depth 60 feet; vein 8 feet; wooden tipple; capacity 1000 tons; washer capacity 600 tons; op- erating 15 years. New Ohio Coal Co. No. 3, Sec. 3 6, Town 8, Range 3 East; depth, 100 feet; vein 8 feet; wooden tipple; ca- pacity 1500 tons; operating 1 year. St. Louis anl Carterville Coal Co., Sec. 29, Town S, Range 2 East; depth, 100 feet; vein 8~feet ; wooden tipple; capacity 15O0 tons; operat- ing 1 year. C. C. Co., No. 1, Sec. 2, Town 9, Range 3 East; depth, 60 feet; vein 8 feet; wooden tipple; capacity 500 tons; operating 12 years. president; secretary; secretary; at arms. ENGLISH BERKSHIRE BOAR, "BLACK RILEY." Thos. Todd, owner and breeder of pure-bloodel - Berkshires. Pinckneyville. Illinois. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. 3/ "CHAMPION OF ILLINOIS." Single-comb. Black Minorca. Black Diamond PouUl■^ Yard, T. A. Lauder, Proprietor. Carterville, 111. C. C. Co., No. 2, Sec. 34, Town S, Range 3 East; depth. SO feet; vein 8 feet; wooden tipple; capacity 80 tons; operating C years. C. C. Co. No. 3, Sec. 34, Town S, Range 3 East; depth, 80 feet; vein S feet; wooden tipple; capacity 1.'>imi tons; washer capacity 6'oo tons; op- erating 2 years. Sam T. Brush, See. :M, Town 8, Range 1 East. Our shaft. No. 1, which is known as Dawes Shaft, is located on the northwest quarter of Section 35, Town 8 south, Range 1 east; depth of shaft 100 feet; thick- ness of coal 9 feet; wooden tipple; capacity 2500 tons daily; a Luhrig Washer, capacity 60 tons in eight hours; electric haulage and lighting plant connected with the mine, elec- tric pumps usel for pumping water out of the mine. The St. Louis & Big Muddy Coal Co. owns about 3000 acres of the Carterville coal field in a compact body, lying north of and adjoining Carterville, in Wil- liamson County, Illinois. This body of land was selected by Mr. Brush after he had prospected and tested all of the coal land in Williamson County. The largest amount of coal taken from the shaft any one year was 347000 tons, in 1897. Operat- ing 12 years. Anderson Coal Co.. Sec. 23. Town 8, Range 3 East; depth 135 feet; vein 8 feet; wooden tipple; capacity 1500 tons; operating 1 year. The Carterville & Herrin Jeffrey Coal Co., Sec. 22, Town S, Range 2 East; depth 130 feet; vein S feet; wooden tipple; capacity 1500 tons: operating 1 year. Williamson County Coal Co<. Sec. 24. Town 8, Range 3 East; depth 120 feet; vein S feet; wooden tipple; capacity 1000 tons; operating 8 years. Johnson City & Big Muddy Coal Co., Sec. 24, Town 8, Range 2 East; depth 220 feet; vein 8 feet; wooden tipple; capacity 1500 tons; operat- ing 2 years. . Big Muddy Coal Co., Sec. 33, Town 8 Range 3 East; depth SO feet; vein 8 feet; woolen tipple; capacity 1200 tons. R. D. Coal Co., Sec. 28, Town 8. Range 3 East; depth GO feet; vein 8 feet; wooden tipple; capacity SOO tons. Daniel K Coal Co, Sec. 2G, Town S Range 3 East; depth 110 feet; vein 8 feet; wooden tipple; capacity 15 tons; operating 2 years. S. S. Coal Co., Sec. 25, Town 8, Range 3 East; depth 160 feet; vein 9 feet; wooden tipple; capacity 2500 tons; washer 800 tons; operating 4 years. Alexander Coal Mine, called Nub- bing Ridge, at Herrin, Sec. 30, Town 8, Range 2 East; depth 161 feet; vein 9 feet; wooden tipple; capacity 120 tons; operating 3 years; The Chicago-Herrin Coal Co. Chicago-Carterville Coal Co., 4 C's, Sec. 19, Town 8. Range 3 East; depth 180 feet; vein 9 feet; wooden tipple; capacity 2500 tons; washer 10 00 tons; operating 5 years. Big Muddy Coal and Iron Co.. No. 7. Sec. 20, Town S, Range 2 East; depth 135 feet; vein 8 feet; wooden tipple; capacity 2000 tons; washer Sdo tons; operating 7 years. B. M. C. & I. Co., No. 8, Sec. 14, Town S, Range 3 East; depth 190 feet; vein 8 feet; iron tipple; capac- ity 2 500 tons; washer 800 tons; op- erating 1 year. W. C. M. Co., Sec. 8, Town 8, Range 3 East; depth 220 feet; vein 8 feet; wooden tipple; capacity 10 00 tons; operating 2 years. N. V. Coal Co.. Sec. 25, Town 8, Range 2 East; depth 120 feet; vein S feet; wooden tipple; capacity 1000 tons; operating 4 years. C. D. Coal Co., Sec. 36, Town 8, Range 2 Bast; depth 100 feet; vein 8 feet; wooden tipple; capacity 1500 "FAMOrS," Imported coach. Foaled in 1905 in & Son. Lafayette, Indiana. Owne C. McNeill, President: S. H. Bun NO. 22 n;;. Germany. Imported by J. Crouch d by the Carterville Horse Co., W. dv, Secretary; John Murphy, keeper. 158 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. MISS EDNA WEEDEN. Daughter of Rev. W. W. Weeden, Pastor of the Christian Church, Marion, Illinois. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 159 MISS NETTIE BIXKLEY, Daughter of T. J. Binkley. driving her favorite buggy horse. tons; operating 2 years; Carterville District Coal Co. Chicago & Marion Coal Co., depth 110 feet; vein 8 feet; wooden tip- ple; capacity 1500 tons; operating 1 year. Zeigler Coal Co., Franklin Coun- ty, Sec. 13, Town 7, Range 3 East; depth 350 feet; vein 8 feet; iron tip- ple and coke ovens; capacity 2500 tons; operating 2 years. W. C. & C. Co., Sec. 1, Town S, Range 3 East; sunk 100 feet each shaft and stopped because the rail- road would not put in a switch. The thickness of the vein as given in this list represents only the number of feet being mined. The strata aver- ages 9 feet thick and over. feet of this shaft is used for a stair- day; the rest of the space is used for ventilating. The Chicago-Carterville Coal Com- pany's shaft at Herrin has a seam about 9 feet in thickness and of su- perior quality; the depth of the shaft is ISO feet to the coal; the size of the shaft is 9 1-2x17 feet in the clear, and is divided into three compartments; the two for hoisting are 7x9 1-2 feet each. The pipe- way is 2x9 1-2 feet and all are tim- bered with cypress bunions GxlS in- ches; the head frame is of yellow pine and is 7 5 feet high to the sheaves, which are 12x12 inches; all timbers are well braced 42 feet from the ground line to the dump- ing landing. The dumping shed is built of oak, with corrugated iron roof and sides, and is equipped with shaker screns for making lump, egg and other sizes of coal. The struc- ture is so arranged that a breaker can be ercted in the future with dis- turbing mining operations. The hoisting engine house is of brick, 22 X 2G feet; the engine is of the Craw- ford and McCremmon manufacture, and is first motion, with double coni- cal drum cylinders 2 0x36 inches; the drums are 6 feet at the ends and 7 1-2 feet in the center. The sheaves are 7 feet in diameter; the capacity of each mine is 2 1-2 tons. The boiler shed is 34x52 feet. There are five boilers, one is 16 feet by 42 inches, with 30 three-inch flues; two are 20 feet by 60 inches with 20 six-inch flues; the other two are 20 feet by 72 inches with 20 six- inch flues. All are supplied with the necessary connections and fit- tings. The power-house is a frame building, 30x46 feet, with metal sides and roof, and now contains a Morgan-Gardner 100 K. W. genera- tor, also an Erie 150 horse-power automatic engine, with necessary connections and fittings for operat- ing electric coal-mining machines. The carpenter, blacksmith and ma- chine shops are in one building, 25 x90 feet, with all necessary ma- chinery for doing all work and re- pairs. The air shaft is 9x15 feet in the clear, and is separated into two compartments, one 9x9 feet for ven- tilating, the other is 4x9 feet for es- capement. The fan is 2 feet in di- ameter with a 12x24-inch engine to run it. The washing plant has a ca- pacity of 150 tons per hour. With- out doubt this is one of the ACCOUNT OF SOME OF THE PRIN- CIPAL COAL MIXES OF THE COUNTY. The Sunnyside Coal Company's new shaft is 145 feet to the top of the coal. The thickness of the seam is 9 feet. The size of the shaft is 17 feet, 8 inches by 9 feet in the clear, the hoisting and shafts being 6 feet, 8 inches by nine feet each, and the pipe-way 3 feet by 9. The hoisting engines are 18x32 inches, double, of the Litchfield manufac- ture; the drum is 6 feet in diameter, and the capacity of the mine is 2 1-2 tons. The boilers are 48 inches by 26 feet, hung to iron framing. The smoke-stack is four feet in diameter and fifty feet high. The ventilating fan is of the Crawford and McCres- mau manufacture, and is twenty feet in diameter, driven by an engine 12 x24 inches, direct motion. It is lo- cated at the air shaft. The size of the escapement shaft is 8x13 feet in the clear; four feet S inches by 8 Six daughters of C. L. Miller, Jailerof Williamson siding at Marion. 111. County, Illinois, re- Ki't SOUVENIR OF Wir.LIAMSOX COUNTY, ILLINOIS. JOE A. MEAD, Marion. .JOHN M. LINES, Marion. Two Marion Athletes. best equipped mines in the state. The Southern Illinois Coal Min- ing and Washing Company is located on the line of the Chicago and East- ern Illinois Railroad, three miles north of Marion. At a depth of 120 feet a seam of coal was reached which is probably No. 7 of the geo- logical survey. The size of the shaft is 17 feet 9 inches by 10 feet in the clear, and is situated on a 2000- acre tract of land, the coal running from 9 to 11 feet in thickness. The timbers used in the shaft are 8x10 inches, white oak. The tipple is built of steel, and was erected by the Wisconsin bridge and Iron Com- pany. The self-dumping cages and shaker screens were built by I. A. Parker, of Terre ante, Ind. Elec- tric mining machines are used hav- ing a 30 horse-power dynamo and engine. The boilers are of the Mur- phy furnace type, fou." in number, 600 horse-power, and are fed by automatic machinery. The smoke- stack is built of brick and Is 100 feet high. The engine and boiler- room is 45x90 feet, bui'.t of hollow tile with steel trusses. The root is of fire-proof material. There is a Stewart coal-washer in connection with this mine, 30 feet wide by 100 feet long, with a washing and un- loading capacity of 17.5 bushels per hour. The Southern Illinois Coal .Min- ing and Washing Co., No. 2, Marion, Illinois. The hoisting of coal at this mine began in October, 1901. The mine is 120 feet lo the coal, and the size of the shaft is 10x10 feet. The coal runs from 9 to 10 feet in thickness, and is of a very good quality, being much freer from sulphur than the majority of coals in this field. The top works are con- structed entirely of steel with con- crete foundations. The engine and boiler house is built of hollow build- ing tile, with steel truss roof sup' porters. The smoke-stack is bricu, 100 feet high, 17 feet in diameter at the base and 7 feet at the top. The mine is equipped with Crawford & McCremmon, first motion hoisting engines, 20x36 inches, with conical drum steam brake and reverse; also a McEwen dynamo engine and Link- elt dynamo, with sufficient power to run 14 electric chainbrest mining machines. The steam power is fur- nished by 4 tubular boilers of 150 horse-power each, equipped with Murphy furnaces and automatic stokers. The plant is well supplied with fire pumps and sufficient hose to reach any part of the top works in case of fire. The washer was completed in June, 1902, and has a washing capacity of 150 tons; this is also equipped with an unloading device, capable of unloading 100 tons per hour. The coal is screened by a J. A. Parker Shaker screen. The fan is 2 0-foot with direct con- nection, and has a capacity of ISO,- 00 cubic feet of air per minute. The mine is now hoisting 1200 to 1400 tons per day, and when fully opened up will have a capacity to hoist 2 500 tons in 8 hours. The pit cars hold 3 t-2 tons and are dumped and hoisted on automatic dump cages. The New Ohio Washed Coal Com- pany, No. 3, Carterville, Illinois. The sinking of this shaft began in July, 1903, and goes to a depth of 120 feet. The vein is 9 to 11 feet thick and the quality of the coal is full}' up to the high standard of which this field is noted. The bed lies along the ridge just east of Car- terville. The mine is well drained, comparatively dry and absolutely free from gas. The coal at the present time is hana-mined, but ma- chinery will be installed within a comparatively short lime. The ca- pacity, when fully developed, will be 2000 tons daily. The equipment consists of the very best machinery and is up-to-date in every respect. Tipple is 74 feet high, shaker screens which make three sizes of coal, 6-inch lump, 6-inch egg and 3- inch screenings. The screenings are shipped to the New Ohio Washed Coal Co's washery, just west ofCar- terville, where they are unloaded and washed by the Luhrig process. Five diilerent sizes of washed coal are made, a No. 1, or washed egg, which passes over a 1 3-4 and through a 3 degree round hole; the No. 2, which passes over a 1 and through a 1 3-4 degree round hole; the No. 3, which passes over a 3-4 and through a 1 degree round hole; the No. 4, which passes over a 1-4 and through a 3-4 degree round hole; the No. 5 contains everything that passes through a 1-4 degree round hole. The washing process entirely eliminates all slate and other foreign matter which is found in raw coal, and makes an absolute- ly pure coal in every respect. This mine has railroad connections with both the Illinois Central and the Missouri Pacific, which allows of its product being shipped over a wide area. FATAL MINING ACCIDENTS. Fatal mining accidents occurring in Williamson County from 1897 to 190 4 inclusive: Ezzonia Bondi, employed as a miner at the St. L. & B. M. Coal Company's Mine at Carterville, was fatally injured by a premature blast May 11th, 1897, and died the fol- lowing day at 5:30 a. m. He had prepared two shots to fire; he lit one and went into the entry for safety. He evidently heard a shot fro man adjoining room and mis- took it for his own, and returned to the room to see what it had done. When within 2 feet of the room the shot went off which caused the injuries from which he died. He was a married man, 32 years old, and leaves a widow and two chil- dren in Italy. September 16th, 1897, Fred Greinhold, a miner employed at the Williamson County Coal Company's mine at Johnson City, was in- stantly killed by falling coal. He was mining off a standing shot, and being old he was unable to get out of the way of the falling coal. He was single and 54 years old. September 2 4, 1S97, at the mine of the Williamson County Coal Com- pany, at Johnson City, a fire-dump explosion occurred at 7 a. m., which SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. B B . . .(-) B 161 162 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. HON. CEO. AV. SMITH. Marion, HI. killed Pianli Fanaro, aged 45 and single; Charles Schiller, aged 34, single, and Peter Casper, aged 37, single; and seriously injured Robert Britten and Joseph Barlow. On that morning the men gathered at the pit top as usual for work. The fire boss being sick, the mine had not been examined that morning. Caleb Davis, the mine manager, claims to have told Peter Casper and others who were working in the first and second south entries on the east side to remain at the bottom of the shaft till he could come down and examine their working places. Peter Casper on reaching the bottom, went directly into the first south entry and left his naked light on the out- side of the cross-cut and took off his coat and went to the face and start- ed to brush out the fire-dump with his coat. After working at this a few minutes he returned and got his naked light and then went and got an empty pit-car and pushed it towards the face. As soon as he was inside the cross-cuts, a few feet his naked light came in contact with the fire-dump, which caused a terrific explosion and the death of the four miners mentioned. The stoppings, doors and timbers of the first and second south entries were blown in all directions. Robert Britton and Joseph Barlow were blown several feet along the main east entry, by the force of the explosion. Joseph Barlow had his leg broken, his flesh torn and his head badly bruised. Robert Britton ' had his left arm broken. Caleb Davis, mine mana- ger, was at the pit top at the time the explosion occurred, and as soon as possible he secured some practical men and started them to work to restore ventilation by pulling np temporary doors and stoppings. Peter Casper walked alone to the hottom of the shaft, though severe- ly burned, and was there met by his friends and conveyed to his boarding house, where he died on the 2 6th. Frank Fanero was found dead in his room int he first south entry, evi- dently overcome by the afterdamp, and when found was lying face downward. It was then supposed that this was all that were injured by the explosion, and the searchers went to the top, but after a few min- utes it became known that Geneli was missing. The party then de- scended the shaft and searched for him. They found him dead in the third room from where he was work- ing, toward the bottom. It was evi- dent he had tried to find his way out after the explosion, but had be- come bewildered and strayed into the room. Peter Casper said ;heie was some one calling for help and light when he was on his way out. The last body was taken our, at 11 a. m. The company was sinking an escapement at the time of the explo- sion, which has since been com- pleted. I visited the mine on the afternoon of the day of the explo- sion and discovered upon examina- tion of the record-book that the mine had not been examined in the morning before the men were al- lowed to go to work, nor had it been examined since the morning of September 20th, the day on which I made my previous visit. 'Ihis mine at the date of this report is operated by A. W. Crawford, lessee. December 15, 1897, John Coyne, aged 44, single, by occupation a miner, was suffocated by gases from a coal fire in the 3rd south entry on the east side of mine No. 2, of the Scott Wilson Coal Company, at Fredonia. At 7:30 a. m. miners working on the east side reported to the mine manager that there was smoke coming from some of the pil- lars between the second and third south entries. He immediately or- dered all the men out of the mine except a few whom he kept to lo- cate the fire. One of the mules got away from thed river and ran into the third south entry, and was al- lowed to go, as it was thought too dangerous to go after him on ac- count of the smoke. About 9:30 a. m. John Coyne started in the direc- tion the mule had taken and asked some of the men to follow him. None, however, went. The mine manager, on finding out what Coyne had done, sent two men in search of him, but they could not find him so returned. Another party was or- ganized in the afternoon to go in search of Coyne, and they found him dead, about 6 p. m., in the third south entry, 1200 feet from the main east entry, the mule being a little beyond the body of Coyne. When the men reached the switch ELDER DAVIS, Pastor First Christian Church, Car- terville. Illinois. with the body of Coyne the mule was close to their heels, and seemed to be unharmed. The fire originat- ed among some old timbers where some one must have changed lamp- cotton, which set fire to the coal. This part of the mine was then sealed up for three weeks and then reopened, when it was found that the fire had all died out. July 12, 1S9S, August Durbee, a miner, aged 33 years, was killed in- stantly by a fall of slate at the face of his working place in shaft No. 7, operated by the Big Muddy Coal and Iron Company at Herrin, leav-ing a wife and four children. The de- ceased was working off a standing shot, which was the only support to the broken roof. The piece of slate that fell on him would weigh fully three tons. September 27, 1S9S, Jes Maris, a miner, aged 29 years, single, em- ployed at the Scott-Wilson Coal Co. shaft No. 2. Fredonia, was cleaning up a fall of slate that had come down the night before, on top of some loose coal. He sounded the roof before starting to work and made the remark that it was all right, but in a few minutes after- ward a piece of roof weighing about 1000 pounds suddenly fell, striking him on the back. He was taken to his boarding house, and died from his injuries at 5:30 p. m. the same day. November 24, 1S9S, Edgar McAl- phin. laborer, age 2 3. married, was killed in. the mine of the Ohio and Mississippi Valley Coal and Mining Company. Marion, leaving a widow and one child. He was coming out of the shaft on the cage with four other men, and when about 50 feet up, lost his balance and fell into the west chamber and down the shaft. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. U)3 This was only his third day in the mine. December 21, 189S, James Van- sage, miner, aged 'Jo years, mar- ried, was Ivilled while at work in a pillar in the mine of the St. L. and . M. Coal Co., at Carterville, leaving a wife and three children. He was working off some coal that had been shattered by a shot the night before, when a piece of lop coal, weighing about 2 00 pounds, fell, crushing his head against a pit-car close by. August 5th, 1S99, A. McNeal. miner, aged 2 8 years, was instantly killed in room 9, first south entry, by a fall of slate in the Big Muddy Coal and Iron Company's No. 7 mine at Herrin. Deceased had fired his shot, and instead of waiting a reasonable time for the powder smoke to clear aw-ay so that he couli examine the roof, he returned to the room with the intention of lighting another shot, but when he got with- in a few feet of the face of the room a piece of slate fell, killing him instantly. He leaves a widow and five children. January 9, 1901, Noah Morgan, driver, aged 20 years, single, was killed instantly by being caught be- tween a pit-car and the side of the entry, in the Big Muddy Coal and Iron Company's mine No. 7, at Her- rin. The deceased was making his last trip before dinner and was rid- ing on the front end of the empty car, driving at full speed, when the car left the track with the result stated. January 14, 1902, William Butch- er, driver, aged 2 7 years, married, was killed by being caught between a loaded pit-car and the side of the entry in the mine of the Chicago and Carterville Coal Co. at Herrin. He was hauling a loaded pit-car through a cross-cut from the second west entry to the first west entry on the north side. In attempting to get onto the front end of the car he slipped and was caught between the car and the side of the entry. He died within a few minutes, leaving a widow and one child. January 29, 1902, C. B. Carney, miner, aged 5 2 years, married, was instantly killel by being struck on the head and body with coal from a blast in the Carterville Coal Com- pany's mines. He had prepared a blast and when firing time came in the evening, he went to light his shot. The instant he put his lamp to the squib the shot exploded. Whether this was due to a defective squib or that the deceased pushed his lamp under the powder part of the squib is not known. He leaves a wife and seven children. January 29. 1902. Abraham Buck- les, miner, aged 41. single, was se- verely injured by being struck on the head with loose coal from a blast in the St. L. & B. M. Go's, mine (• '5 / ( ^ V 1 ?^ j' *■. 1- 1 ■ 1^1 Ml ■1* » ^-\M kT jp- JERRY GRAVES AND CAL PRICE. Who Murdered Mrs. Nellie Reichelderfer, March 16, 1903. at Dewmaine. He had gone into his room to light a shot and in making his retreat was struck by flying coal. It is not known whether he was struck by coal from his own blast or from the adjoining room, as it was found upon examination that a blast in an adjoining room had blown through the pillar at the time of the accident. He died from his injuries five hours later. February 24, 19o2, Aleck Calca- tarra, a miner, aged 41 years, mar- ried, was severely injured about the body by a fall of slate in the B. M. C. & I. Co's. shaft No. 7, Herrin. He was cautioned by the mine ex- aminer to be careful of some loose slate at the face of his working place. In reply he said that he could take care of himself. He was mining off some coal that had been loosened by a blast the previous day when the slate fell, which caused his death five hours later. June 2 6, 19 2, Charles Wheel, a miner, aged 54 years, was instant- ly killed by flying coal in the Car- terville Coal Co'c. mine. He had prepared a blast in his room, which was about 40 feet in from the en- try. When firing time came he went into the room and lit the squib. It is presumed he became bewildered, and instead of coming out into the entry he went down the face of the room. When the shot exploded he was struck by the flying coal. The deceased had a family somewhere in the West. at Marion January 17, 1887, and is therefore but IS years old. He owns and runs the laundry on Bundy Place, and is probably the youngest man doing business in his own name in the County. He is a most dili- gent student, and will graduate from the High School in 1906. He is an expert sprinter and all-round ath- lete, doing a 50 yard dash in 5 2-5 seconds. He is right half-back in the High School Champion Football Team of 19o4, which he joined when he entered High School. He has also belonged to the base ball and track teams the same period. He has never used alcohol in any form or tobacco, and his muscles are as hard as iron. JOE A. MEAD, Laundryman. This promising young business man, student and athlete, was born THE MURDER OF MRS. NELLIE REICHELDERFER, March 16, 1903. This foul crime was committed by two boys, only about 21 years of age, for the sole purpose of robbery. They lived in the vicinity of Herrin in Franklin County, and were idlers but apparently not vicious nor drunken. Their parents were respectable people but poor and il- literate, and the boys seem not to have had any moral or religious training. They broke into a neigh- bor's house and stole the gun with which the deed was committed. They went to the house of the victim, who was a widow living with her daugh- ter, in broad daylight, and Price fired the fatal shot. They then ran- sacked the house and took a few rings and other trifles and then re- turned to the hog-lot, where the body of their victim lay, and ex- 164 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. aniined it for money, but they were disappointed, as Mrs. Reichelderfer had not sold the farm as reported, and had no money. At their trial they seemed utterly indifferent and stoical, and even joked, sang comic songs and danced, and were jolly while the gallows was being erected within sound of their cells. They paid the penalty for their crime on Friday, June 12th, 1903. Judge O. A. Harker tried the case, L. D. Hartwell, States Attorney; Joseph W. Hartwell, Assistant; H. S. Harris, Sheriff; Frank Throg- morton, Deputy; E. N. Rice, coro- ner; W. S. Miller, jailor; D. T. Hart- well, City Attorney, who assisted in securing evidence and the confes- sions of the murderers. Except to experts in phrenology and physiognomy, the half-tone por- traits herein shown do not indicate unusual depravity in these two boys, and they were probably not such. There are hundreds like them in every community, untrained, undis- ciplined, natural sons of evil, who escape the gallows only by a miracle. JOHN M. LINES Groceryman's Clerk, N. Market St., near Goodall Avenue. This promising young merchant was born near Marion March 13th, 1SS5. He still attends High School, from which he will graduate next term. He is a good student and an industrious and faithful worker, and for the last four years has had charge of his father's store during vacation. He is a member of the Marion Base Ball Track Team and is besides a great sprinter. He is par- ticularly strong on the 100 yards and the 2 20 yards race, running the latter in 2 2 2-5 seconds. It is need- less to add that he is of good moral character, good habits and has a promising future before him. SKETCH OF MRS. JOHN A. LOGAN I was born in Petersburg, Boone County, Missouri, on the 15th day of August, 1S38. The town in which I was born is no more, but in its stead there has arisen the present flourishing town of Sturgeon. I am of Irish-French descent, my mother's maiden name being La Fontaine, my father's that of Cunningham. My father was Captain J. M. Cunning- ham. My mother's maiden name was Elizabeth Hicks La Fontaine. They returned to the State of Il- linois when it was a territory, my father and mother liberating the slaves they had held in the State of Missouri. We resided at Marion, Williamson County, Illinois, during my childhood, but subsequently, my father being made Registrar of the I..and Office at Shawneetown. Illi- nois, under Pierce's administration, we removeJ to that place. I attend- ed school at the Convent of Saint Vincent, near Uniontown, Kentucky, which is a branch of the far-famed Nazareth School, graduating from that school in 1855. I came home and soon after met my husband, (ieneral John A. Logan, who served during the War with Mexico with my father, and to whom I am said to have been given by my father when I was a child. We were mar- ried on the 2 7th day of November, 1S55. I was very young when we were married and little suited for the duties and responsibilities of the wife of a promising young attorney. We removed to Franklin, Benton County, Illinois, as my husband was then Prosecuting Attorney for the third Judicial District of the State of Illinois, which embraced sixteen counties. In those days we were not furnished with the blanks for every- thing as we are today, and I began to assist my husband in writing in- dictments for minor offenses, and in that way gradually drifted into tak- ing part in everything which he did. We had the same struggle that all young people without money had in those early days, but the fact that in 1858 my husband was elected to Congress shows that we were not al- together unsuccessful. At the break- ing out of the Rebellion, General Logan was still a member of Con- gress from the old District. His history is well known. I can only claim to have made the best fight possible at home surrounded by very bitter political opponents, who sympathized very strongly with the Rebellion, and who, from regarding General Logan as little less than an idol, became his bitter enemies and persecuted him and his adherents in the vilest manner they could. I am glad, however, that in the end they repented of their rash acts and became his devoted friends. During these five years 1 went through everything that a human being could endure, but had the satisfaction of aiding him in his own magnificent efforts to succeed and in the conversion of his oil friends to the support of the Government and his political aspirations. After the War he was elected to Congress again from the State at large, and we came hack to Wash- ington and for more than twenty years we worked day and night to- gether. We had very much pleasure in this work and our meed of suc- cess. Through it all I have the con- scientious gratification of knowing that I did the best that I could and have no regrets, except that I am sorry I had not the ability and power to do more to aid in his career. He devoted his whole life to the public service and advancement of the welfare of his country and his friends, and if I had any share in It I have been well repaid by his gen- erous recognition of all I tried to do. Since his death I have devoted myself absolutely to the perpetua- tion of his memory and in trying to prove that I was worthy of the great confidence which he had in me and his partial estimation of my ability. There were three children born to us. The first born died when he was one year old; the second, now Mrs. Mary Logan Tucker, wife of Lt. Col. W. F. Tucker, U. S. Army, has two sons, one twenty-five and one thir- teen years of age. Our beloved son. Major John A. Logan, Jr., servel during the Cuban War as an Adjutant General on the staff of General John C. Bates, re^ turning at the close of the cam- paign more dead than alive from malarial fever. I met him at Mon- tauk Point and brought him home and nursed him back to health. Hos- tilities being renewed in the Phil- ippines, he insisted upon again en- tering the army, and was appointed Major of the 33rd U. S. Infantry, reaching Manilla October 29th, 1899. He succeeded in getting their regiment assigned to the command of General Lloyd Wheaton and went immediately to northern Luzon; making the first reconnoitre of the command he secured the advance of the attack upon the entrenched Fil- ipinos at San Jacinto and was killed by a Filipino who was secreted in the top of a tree which towered above his battalion as he was lead- ing them in a charge, falling as he would have fallen on the very point of his advancing battalion. They subsequently routed the enemy. In his death I lost my all, and can never again have the same interest in life, as he was, in the sense that he bore his father's name and lineage, my idol. He left a widow and three lovely children, two girls and a boy, John A. Logan, III. But for the tenderness and sympathy ac- corded me by the nation I could not have survived this second over- whelming blow. I have written for a number of periodicals, edited The Home Maga- zine for six years, and am sorry to say through the mismanagement of one of its proprietors it was discon- tinued, but not without having scored the phenominal success of reaching three-hundred thousand subscribers. It has been revived and I am again associate editor with P. V. Collins, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, its present proprietor and publisher, and hope to win back my old friends and many new ones to its support. I am now and have been for more than two years on the editorial staff of the Hearst Syndicate, of New York. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 165 H t L I Uu,C/. ti^/i- s L f i. L. 13 S f^ 15 L I II ^■^5t_ Court L I 3. 'i'H- i5 I L I i[ O^Ci^i. fa. ^ L1 ^ CT^ IC s ^ z L 1 li ^? L / iZ of /:> /^ /^H>/£ ^ 1 / ^ // ,3 ^^'Z^tt, /^/^i^ / — (■ ^ 7 ^j 1^ .5 ^ c3 «i<3/Aj£c-t- F 10 L 1 3, // 4^ ,>1 1 ^^ QiLSIrJfai'nSi- L 1 ^ 5 ^ s F 7 L 1 <7^ ORIGINAI. SrRVEY OF MARION. ILL. I have never been identified with any organization, except being a member of the Woman's Relief Corps, auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, and a member of the Spanish War Veteran's Auxili- ary, because I have always felt that I could do better if I helped all or- ganizations the best that I could without bein.g a member, or in any way identified with them in the mat- ter of election of officers, etc. I have always tried to do all the char- ity In my power, and have done my best to help deserving women in their efforts to be self-sustaining. I cannot but feel that we must count it very little that we can do in this world We are always under obliga- tions in having received more than we have been able to give. My greatest ambition after Gen- eral Logan's death was to live to see the completion and unveiling of the great statue.s erected to his memory in Chicago and Washing- ton, and it is a source of infinite gratification to me to have had my prayers answered. These statues are without question the very best in the United tSates and were un- veiled under the most gratifying aus- pices. The orations on the occa- sions of the unveilings by Hon. Geo. R. Peck in Chicago, and President McKinley and Hon. Chauncey De- pew in Washington have been pro- nounced classic tributes to General Logan, and I should be ungrateful and insatiable in my desire were I not satisfied. I have traveled very much in Europe since General Logan's death for study and for occupation away from the channels which had so many sad memories for me. I have met nearly all the Crowned Heads of Europe. In 1896, I had the pleasure of witnessing the Corna- tion of the Czar and Czarina of Rus- sia and also seeing the Queen Re- gent of Spain, and consider myself very fortunate in having visited that country before the Spanish- American War. During the summer of 1904, be- tween June 10th and August 2 9th, I gave thirty lectures before Chautau- quas and assemblies in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, AViseonsin, Michigan. Iowa, Kansas and South Dakota, traveling over twenty-five thousand miles to fill these engage- ments without having experienced any excessive fatigue or ill health from the labor required to perform the arduous work necessary to ac- complish so much in so short a time. My health is perfect, thanks to Him who holds us all in the hollow of His hand. I have very much for which to be 166 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLLNOLS. thankful, having enjoyed the confi- dence and respect of all in authority and position in my own country and abroad, and feel that I owe it all to the honored name I bear, which has been made illustrious by husband and son, John A. Logan 3rd, Major Logan's son, being the sole repre- sentative in the male line left to perpetuate the name. 1 hope in the few brief years left to me to do something with my pen to aid in the advancement of that civilization for which husband and son offered up their precious lives. MARY I. LOGAN. Copied from the British Weekly, August 5, 1S97, from an interview with Rev. Hugh Johnston, Pastor Metropolitan Church, Dr. Milburn joining when they attended the Ecumenical Council: Most Popular Woman in the States. "At this point Dr. Milburn, who was dreamily reposing in his arm- chair, joined in the conversation to tell me about his old friend Mrs. Logan, whom he described as cer- tainly the most popular women in Washington, and perhaps in the United States. 'She is simply wor- shipped by the old soldiers, and she exercises the widest influence both as a writer and as a speaker. She is a diplomatist and a politician, and can give an excellent lecture. At Dr. Johnson's church last year she lectured on the Cza'-'s Coronation at which I was present. Mrs. Logan is a beautiful lady, striking, even queenly, in appearance, with perfect- ly white hair. Her manners are charming and she is equally kind to all sorts and conditions of people, I must tell you a little story, if Dr. Johnston will not mind, about one of her receptions in the quaint, old- fashioned house in the western part of our city, which was presented to Mrs. Logan by the nation. These receptions are among the most in- teresting social functions in Wash- ington, and it is her custom to in- vite to them a number of ladies be- longing to what we in America call the "awkward squad," that is, per- sons of no recognized social footing. Mrs. Logan invites them ostensibly to help her to entertain, but really to give them a little social enjoy- ment. One day when a large party was assembled, and Mrs. Logan was standing at the door receiving her guests, a most valuable vase, a pres- ent from Japan or China, about five feet high, was knocked over by the train of one of these awkward ladies' dresses and smashed into a thous' and fragments. Everyone was in consternation, and the unfortunate culprit, standing near the fireplace, looked ready to sink into the floor. Mrs. Logan turned around and said with charming readiness, "Oh. my dear, I am so pleased you have got- ten rid of that wretched old vase for me. I really was quite tired of the thing." There was a general laugh. A servant came to clear away the fragments, and the incident was speedily forgotten. Mrs. Logan's house is a museum of treasures, many of them gifts presented in the lifetime of her husband.' " Holly Hills Farm, Near Hyattsville, Maryland, October 12, 1904. Mr. J. F. Wilcox, Marion, 111. My dear Mr. Wilcox: — I send you herewith four sketches instead of the two which I promised you, as I supposed that you wished to have something of the family. I am very sorry to have kept you waiting so long, and hope that it is not too late to incorporate them in the book you design publishing. I have not at- tempted to elaborate or make them as full as I might have because I was afraid they would be too long for your purpose. It has given me a great deal of pleasure to prepare these sketches for you, and I hope they will prove satisfactory. Very sincerely yours, MRS. JOHN A. LOGAN. SKETCH OF GEX. JOHN A. LOGAN By Mrs. John A. Logan. General Logan's youth was per- haps spent under more favorable auspices than that of many others of that epoch of our country. His superior abilities, energy, and high character made him a leader from boyhood. His father, of Scotch- Irish descent, was a strict disciplina- rian with his sons, who knew no dis- loyalty to his will or commands. At the age of IS, he entered the volunteer service as a private in Company H, 1st Illinois Infantry Regiment, in the war with Mexico. He rose to the position of 1st Lieu- tenant and Adjutant of the Regi^ ment before his return, and here re- ceived all the military training he ever had. After returning home his father decided that he should adopt the profession of law. After study ing with his uncle, Ex-Governor A. M. Jenkins, he went to Louisville to attend the law school of that city. y strict economy and judicious trad- ing in horses and other stock on the farm which had been assigned him as his share for his services, he had saved enough money to pay his own way. From the day of his graduation to the day of his father's death, he never received a penny from his father, but contributed toward the consummation of many of his fath' er's business projects. His father made a will dividing his property be- tween the widow and his children except "John .Alexander, whose marked abilities are such that he can provide for himself and aid his mother if necessary, — this provision is made not from want of affection, but because of unbounded confidence in his future success." Gen. Logan appreciated iiis fath- er's trust, and was always mindful of that faith in him. Traveling as a circuit lawyer over sixteen counties composing his judi- cial district required untiring en- ergy. Practicing in criminal law and prosecuting criminals was no easy or safe task in the days of the Regulators in Southern Illinois. He was constantly exposed to the ven- geance of the friends of the many evil doers whose conviction and punishment he caused. His partici- pation in politics was not of his own seeking, but a surrender to the pressure of the better element of society. Serving as clerk of the court, prosecuting attorney, Mem- ber of the State Legislature and of Congress by the time he was 32, he threw his whole soul into every- thing he undertook, never hesitating to assume responsibility or wa ting for some else to take the initiative to find out how the public would re- ceive the measure. Douglas was his iioliiiral mentor. He follov/ed him with absolute loyalty through his eventful career, believing in Douglas's devotion to his country and its best interests. He had faith in the ultimate succe;!s of the "Crittenden Compromise." He could not believe that the threaten- ing storm would end in a tornado. He thought his constituency loyal to their country and to him. He had been elected by so overwhelmiag a majority that he could not realize that in a few brief months they would become so excited as to lose all reason or thought of the conse- quences of treason. The most try- ing hour of his whole early life was rapidly approaching; the memory of that hour will abide while life lasts. Idolized by kin 'red and ihe pi^ople, he had left his home for Washing- ton: returning he was received with coldness and unfriendly re.nings. And when he crossed the threshold of his mother's home to embrace her whom he adored with the warmest filial affection and was repulsed and upbrai'led, his strong frame shook with emotion and the tears ran down like rain. With only one faithful tie he could trust, he faced the as- sembled multitude and announced his intention to stand by his coun- try though the heavens should fall — - he was ready to do and die if need be that the ITnion might be pre- served. Standing between the tor- rents that were rapidly swelling, he had to bear all the bitterness of the Democratic party and all the sus- picious scoffings and unfavorable prognostications of the Republicans, SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 167 because of his extreme partisanship as a Democrat before the time ar- rived when a man had to be for or against his country. The agony of the battle's most sanguinary mo- ment paled before the anguish of those days and weeks until he had saved his people and his constituents for the Union. He carried with him until peace was declared a feeling of personal responsibility for the welfare of every man who enlisted in the de- fense of his country at his solicita- tion and because of his appeal for the Union, and was really held so by their friends at home. His sym- pathies were so great that he had to school himself by the severest disci- pline before he could witness the suffering of the wounded or death of the men under him without betray- ing his emotion. The charge at Vicksburg on the 22nd of May, IS63, was to him so ill advised and unwise that it taxed all his discretion to obey the orders. To the day of his death, he felt that the charges of Kenesaw Mountain and the 22nd of July, 1864, were a needless sacrifice of life, and yet in each he led the charge and was the last to leave the field, fortunately turning disaster into victory after McPherson fell with the potential cry of "McPher- son and Revenge." General Logan received from Con- gress a medal for personal heroism on the field at Vicksburg, and should have had another for his conspicuous gallantry on the 22nd of July, 1S64, in avenging the death of McPherson. Thousands of men were inspired to dauntless deeds that day by General Logan's daring, and though almost surrounded by the enemy, he drove them back, recovered McPherson's body and won a glorious victory which had its sequel in the fall of Atlanta soon afterwards. A few days thereafter he suffered the keenest blow of his whole life in being unjustly deprived of the com- mand of the army he had saved from annihilation and which would have followed him into the jaws of death. A less heroic and loyal spirit would have encouraged the resentment he I felt, and might have caused ulti- mate disaster to our nrmy, but his noble nature recoiled at such action and he quietly returned to I'le gal- lant 15th Army Corps and again led it to victory on the 2Sth of July. which broke down the barriers to the very citidel of Atlanta, forcing acknowledgments of his superior military skill and intrepid courage from even his successor in the com- mand of the Army of the Tennessee. Scarcely had the smoke of battle passed over and the surrender of Atlanta been telegraphed when Abraham Lincoln requested General Logan's presence in the sanguinary political contest then being waged in Illinois, the home of the McClel- lan War Democrats as well as his own. Hastening to obey an intima- tion from Mr. Lincoln in that criti- cal hour, he reached home in Sep- tember, entering upon the campaign the next day after his arrival, as ef- fectually turning civilians from their party idols to the support of Mr. Lincoln by his eloquence on the stump as he had the secession of sympathizers at the beginning of the rebellion. As soon as the election waa over he asked to be returned io his com- mand which had completed its holi- c'ay march through Geori?ia and the Carolinas, and was then at Beaufort, S. C. Thomas had been General during that fall in Tennesse, while Grant was busy in the east and was at that time at City Point, from which place he telegraphed through Stanton ordering General Logan to come to Washington as he wished to have a conference with him. General Logan obeyed with all pos- sible speed, thinking he was to be hurried to his command to co-oper- ate with some move tow.ird Rich- mond, but was amazed to find that even at headquarters nuir:i impa- tience existed on account of Ceneral Thomas' supposed dilatoriness, and that he (General Logan) hr.d been chosen to supersede litu. as no one doubted General Logan's iuipai'ent action at all times — action waf. his motto. But with the recent injus- tice done him. his sympathies were too keenly alive for a brother officer for him to desire to relieve General Thomas." besides, he believed Gen- eral Thomas was making all possible haste: and so. with the privilege of exercising his judgment in t!;e mat- ter, should he find that General Thomas was doing all he could and would move as soon as possible. General Logan set out for Louisville with his orders in his pocket to re- lieve General Thomas. The fir?l thing General Logan did on his ar- rival at Louisville was to advise General Thomas of all the facts and urge him to strike immediately un- less he was sure it would be fatal. General Thomas moved at once and won a great victory, and General Logan was the first to advise Stan- ton and to ask to go back to the ITith Army Corps, which he did. teeling happy over Thomas' triumph and retention as commander of the Army of the Cumberland. Joining tne old 1.5th in South Carolina and march- ing thence to the capital, he had the satisfaction of being restored to the command of the Army of the Ten- nessee and riding at the head of that glorious army in the Grand Review, May 22nd. 1SG5. which was perhaps the proudest hour of his whole life. General Logan expected to return to the practice of law and enter into politics no more, but it was not to be. He was simply forced into the political arena by a combination of circumstances that made it impos- sible to keep out without appearing to disregard the best interests of his country. In 1SG6, nothing would do but he must accept the nomination for Con- gressman at large from Illinois, which was, of course, the beginning of a lon.g and brilliant political ca- reer. January 16, 186S, the National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic met at Philadelphia and General John A. Logan was elected Commander-in-Chief. As was his wont to do, he threw his whole soul into the work and, after a conference with the officers then elected and the council of adminis- tration, proceeded to encourage the extending of the order and increas- ing their good works. He estab- lished National Headquarters in Washington, and drew around him an able staff. May 5th, 1868, he is- sued General Order No. 11. estab- lishing Memorial Day. For tender- ness of expression of sentiment for the memory of the loyal dead, it stands without parallel: "General Orders No. 11. Headquarters. Army of the Republic, Washington, D. C. May 5, 1868. "I. The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strew- ing with flowers and otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land. In this observance no form of ceremony is prescribed, but posts and comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting services and tes- timonials of respect as circum- stances may permit. "We are organized, comrades, as our regulations tell us, for the pur- pose among other things of preserv- ing and strengthening those kind and fraternal feelings which have bound together the soiaiers. sailors and marines who united to suppress the late rebellion. What can aid more to assure this result than cherishing tenderly the memory of our heroic dead, who made their breasts a barricade between our country and its foes? Their sol- dier lives were the reveille of free- r'om to a race in chains, and their death the tattoo of rebellious tyran- ny in arms. We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance. All that the consecrated wealth and taste of the nation can add to their adornment and security is but a fit- ting tribute to the memory of her slain defenders. Let no wanton foot tread rudely on such hallowed grounds. Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and fond mourners. Let no 168 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS TvTTTFr S iUh-JL T^cT-r SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 169 vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages ot time, testify to the pres- ent or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided repub- lic. "If other eyes grow dull anri other hands slacli and other hearts cold ir the solemn trust, ours shall keep it well as long as the light and warmth of life remains to us. "Let us, then, at the time a'lpn.r.t- ed gather aroun 1 their sacred re- mains and garland the passionless mounds above them with the choic- est flowers of Springtime; let us raise above them the dear old flag they saved from dishonor; let us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they have left among us a sacred charge upon a nation's grati- tude — the soldier's and sailor's widow and orphan. "II. It is the purpose of the Com- mander-in-Chief to inaugurate this observance with the hope that it will be kept up from year to year, while a survivor of the war remains to honor the memory of his departed comrades. "He earnestly desires the pu'ilic press to call attention to tais order, and lend its friendly aid in biiiie''ng it to the notice of comrades in all parts of the country in time for simultaneous compliance therewith. "III. Department commanders will use every effort to make this order effective." "By command of John A. Logan, Commander-in-Chief, "N. P. Chipman, Adj. Gen." If no after act of General Logan had rendered his name immortal, this order would have made it so. General Logan's administration following so soon after the close of the war, the demands upon him wero very great. He was constantly ap- pealed to for assistance from every direction. The excitement upon the reconstruction of the states placed him, as the head of a groat quasi- military organization, in a position of grave responsibility, fn the con- troversy that arose bo'ween P.-i?si- dent Johnson and Secret/ivy Stamen, when President Joh.ison undertook to eject Secretary Stanton from the War Office as many thought for sin- ister motives, President Johnson be- ing Commander-in-Chief of the Army much apprehension was felt by patriotic men all over the nation who were determined that the Presi- dent should not betray the party and the country. Hundreds of tele- grams came pouring in upon General Logan, urging him as the head of the Grand Army of the Republic to stand by Stanton, assuring him they were ready on the minute to respond to any call that he might make upon them. General Logan, nothing loath to obey their commands, sought Secretary Stanton and assured him of the support of the Grand Army of the Republic. He had called to- gether the Department of the Grand Army in the District of Columbia, General N. P. Chipman at their head and also National Adjutant General. A perfect understanding was had as to what they should be expected to do should the President attempt by military power to forcibly eject Secretary Stanton from the War Office. To a man they were ready for any service to uphold the Government and save the country from treachery. Every night until the excitement had passed, Grand Army men patrolled the streets of Washington and guarded the War Office, while the dauntless Stanton remained in his office night and day, his meals being served to him and couches placed in his office for him- self and General Logan. During the day General Logan attended upon the sessions of the House, of which he was a member. In the evening he met his staff of the Grand Army of the Republic in our rooms in Wil- lard's Hotel, and later went to the War Department to spend the night with Secretary Stanton. President Johnson by some means learned of the situation. He sent for General Logan to discuss the matter. Gen- eral Logan assured him if he should undertake to take forcible posses- sion of the War Department and control of the Army for the further- ance and perpetuation of his power, that the volunteer soldiery were ready to return to the service of their country, and to protect the loyal people of the unreconstructel states. Beyond question, the Grand Army of the Republic under its intrepid leader did much to avert the then threatened anarchy. General Logan was thrice elected Commander-in-Chief and no service of his whole life was more satisfac- tory than that given in behalf of his comrades in arms. In 1871, he was elected to the Ignited States Senate, a position to which he aspired and enjoyed for many years, barring the prodigious labor he performed in the discharge of his duties in Congress during the trying days of reconstruction and the many and arduous campaigns in which he participated. But in the ever changing situations of political affairs there were times when he suf- fered much anxiety and vexation of soul for the welfare of the nation and its continued peace and pros- perity, being so constituted that he felt deeply every cause and measure which he espoused or danger that threatened our institutions. Ag- gressive, intense and honest in his convictions and actions, he provol-ed opposition, and in consequence never had a triumph that he did not win after desperate effort. His abhor- rence of duplicity, deception and lying was his strongest characteris- tic, his word being ever his bond which he kept sacredly, no matter at what cost to himself. Having been a victim of treach- ery through the machinations of bribe-givers and bribe-takers, he was humiliated by defeat for re- election to the Senate in 1877. At first he was incredulous that such means should have been resorted to in politics to accomplish that pur- pose, but receiving positive proof of the use of money to compass his de- feat, he was perfectly infuriated ana took pleasure in denouncing these methods, predicting that such a policy, if not driven out of Ameri- can politics, would destroy the gov- ernment more effectually than an armed force. His loyalty to his friends was only exceeded by that to his coun- try. His courage was only second to his tenderness of heart and warmth of affection. The greatest personal grief of his life was the change of General Grant, whom he loved devotedly, in the Fitz-John Porter case, not on account of preju- dice toward Porter personally, but because he really believed Porter guilty of treason to Pope, and con- sequently responsible for the sacri- fice of human life which followed Porter's disobedience of orders. He feared defeat of the Republi- can nominee for the Presidency in ISSl, and hoped to save the elec- tion, or he would not have acceptei the nomination for the Vice Presi- dency — a position to which he never aspired. And no man ever more honestly immolated himself for his party, or accepted the result more gracefully, than he did, notwith- standing the personal sacrifice he had made and the effort he had put forth to prevent the mistakes of others from bringing disaster to the Republican party. Immediately following that fruit- less personal sacrifice he was forced to enter upon another long and pros- trating contest for his return to the Senate, or give place to some one from the opposition. Personally he was weary of such struggles, and of contact with men whose support he must solicit, but whom he considered unworthy of a place in a legislative body, and for whom he had the greatest aversion. But feeling that the welfare and supremacy of his party were at stake, he remained at his post and shortened his days by the harrassing campaign which last- ed from January 1st to May 2nTh. 1SS5. His success brought him in- finite pleasure, and made him happy in tbe thought that he was immov- ably intrenched in the hearts of his countrymen, which softened all ani- mosities and feelings of distrust and 170 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. rivalry, making the last, eighteen mouths of his life the brightest and freest from vexatious cares of his whole career. The welcome e.xtended to him b.v his colleagues in the Senate, ir- respective of parly, touched him deeply, and made him forget the friction of partisan debate and re- joice in the evidence of friendship for him. His devotion to his family amount- ed to idolatry; he could see no fault in any of them. His generosity was such that he kept himself poor by giving too freely from his meagre resources. No ex-Union soldier was ever turne.. away discouraged or without a little contribution toward the alleviation of his sufferings. He spent much of his life endeavoring to help the unfortunate secure em- ployment. General Logan died December 2 0, 1886, of inflammatory rheumatism, leaving to his loved ones the price- less legacy of an illustrious and un- tarnished name. MARY LOGAN TUCKER. Daughter of General and Mrs. John A. Logan. Sketch by Mrs. John A. Logan. Mary Logan Tucker was born June 20, 185S, in Benton, Franklin County, Illinois. Her father was then a member of the Illinois State Legislature, and was elected to Congress the following year. Mrs. Logan did not accompany him to Washington the first Session of Con- gress in which he served, but subse- quently she came to Washington, bringing her baby with her. Mary Logan Tucker . was always a very precocious child, and the idol of her father from the time of her birth. During the interregnum of the sessions of Congress, they re- sided at Carbondale, Illinois, to which place they had removed, and were living there when the War broke out. General Logan's regiment rendezvousing at Cairo, Illinois. She was accustomed to spend much of her time at his headquarters, fre- quently appearing beside Captain McCook on Dress Parade. She was the idol of the regiment, and al- though very young, being only two and a half years old, she seemed to appreciate the excitement of the times. During her father's absence from home they remained in Carbon- dale, until the close of the Rebellion, removing to Chicago in 1871. She entered a private school in that city for a short time, but as the family tad to go to Washington, General Logan having been elected to the Senate, they found it was better to have her near them, so as soon as they could arrange it, she was placed in a convent on 10th Street, near G, where she remained until she was old enough to go to Georgetown, re- maining there until her graduation in 1S7G. She always had a great devotion for the Convent and the Sisters, expressing her loyalty at all times and on all occasions. No Protestant girl ever entertained a higher regard for the Sisters or was more loyal to her Alma Mater than was Mary Logan Tucker to the Con- vent of Visitation at Georgetown, D. C. After her graduation, she visited Philadelphia during the Centennial Celebration, going from there to Chicago where the family then lived. Her girlhood was very brief, as she was married in Chicago on the 2 7th of November, 1877, to W. F. Tuck- er, of Chicago, having been much a .mired as a young lady. She has always been a devoted wife and mother, going with her husband to a small place in the country, sharing the discomfoi ts and inconveniences of the primitive home her husband made for her, un- til it seemed wiser to him to change his vocation in life. After his appointment as Major in the Pay Corps of the U. S. Army. Mrs. Tucker accompanied him to New Mexico, and no one has left a better reputation behind her than Mrs. Tucker left at Santa Pe, New Mexico, where her husband was sta- tioned for four years. Her hospital- ity, charity and helpfulness to her husband and the people about her endeared her very much to them. Among her most intimate friends were General and Mrs. Lawton, Gen- eral McKenzie and his venerable mother and lovely sister. Miss Mc- Kenzie, General Chambers McKib- ben. all of whom have ever been her devoted friends. From New Mexico they came to Washington where the Major was on duty for eight years, during which time she lost her father. She was overwhelmed by this unspeakable sorrow, but tried at all times to for- get her own grief by her devotion to her mother. She has always been foremost in acts of charity, and many unfortu- nate creatures are ready to rise up and call her Blessed for her generos- ity to them. At the end of eight years her hus- band was obliged to have a change of station according to the require- ments of the army and they were sent to St. Paul. Minnesota, where Mrs. Tucker again made for hersel* many friends, and at the expiration of his term there, received every evi- dence of the regard of the people with whom she had been .issociated. Major Tucker, having been or- dered to duty at Atlanta, Georgia, in connection with the Spanish-Amer- ican War, she remained in Washing- ton until his duties were completed. after which he -va; ordered lo Olii- cago, and she went inimouialeiy to that city and established a home where they Uvea most happily, sur rounded by a multnude of friends. During Mrs. Tucker's sojourn in Chicago, her brother. Major John A. Logan, Jr., was killed in the Philip- pines, another unutterable sorrow that required all of her philosophy and moral courage to bear unniur- niuringly. Major Tucker being or- dered to Alaska soon aftei\\ard, she again removed to Washington, so that she might be with her vvidowed and bereaved mother. Her nobility of character and devotion to those near and dear to her is not surpassed by anyone. Major Tucker was stationed in Washington at the time of General Logan's death, where he remained eight years; during this time Mrs. Tucker conceived the idea of organ- izing the Georgetown Convent Al- umni, and together with Mrs. Arthur Dunn, laid the whole plan, secured the charter and bore all of the ex- pense of its issuance, the question of sectarianism never entering her mind or that of her own personal aggrandizement having no part whatever in her desire to see this organization prosper. She did it in the interest of progress and the wel- fare of her Alma Mater, and is en- titled to the credit of the conception of the idea to preserve the names and fames of all who have graduated from the Georgetown Convent. Mrs. Tucker is well informed on all questions, having a brilliant mind and retentive memory. She has travelled abroad, and over almost every spot of her own country. Her contributions to magazines and newspapers have given her a name as a writer. Since 1901 her hus- band has been stationed at Fort Vancouver, Portland, Oregon, but having been informed he would be ordered to Manila at any time a vacancy at that post might occur, Mrs. Tucker resided with her moth- er at Calumet Place, Washington, spending her summers at Holly Hills Farm, eight miles from the city. The long expected orders of Lt. Col. W. F. Tucker for duty as Chief Pay- master of the U. S. Army in the Philippines came last July, conse- quently he sailed October 1st, 1904, Mrs. Tucker and their youngest son accompanying him, their oldest son, Logan, having established himself in Alaska. Mrs. Tucker was much grieved to leave her mother absolutely alone, but realized her first duty was to her husband. Her mother would not listen to her neglecting her duty on her account. It was impossible be- cause of her literary engagements for Mrs. Logan to go with her daugh- ter, therefore, mother and daughter had to separate, each courageouslv SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 171 submitting to the decrees of fate unmurmuiingly. Mrs. Tucker's two sons are a credit to her love and tenderness, and the unspeakable devotion of a mother who has never neglected the duties of her home for any frivolous society fads. She made many en- gagements for literary work before her departure. Her life is earnest as she is ambitious to have filled her place with credit to the immortal name of Logan. MAJOR JOHN A. LOGAN, JR. Son of General and Mrs. John A. Logan. Sketch by Mrs. Logan. As the clouds of the Civil War were passing away and peace was dawning after four long years of bloody carnage, General Logan was ordered to Louisville, Kentucky, to muster the troops of the Western Army out of the service. While he was engaged in carrying out this order, there came into our home at Carbondale, Jackson County, Hli- nois, on Monday morning, July 2 4, 1865, a blessed baby boy, whom we afterwards christened Manning Alexander Logan. He weighed at birth 13 1-2 pounds; his raven black hair as fine as the ravelings of the finest silk, his brilliant black eyes and rich olive complexion and per- fect form, showed from the hour of his birth that he was a perfect proto- type of his father, General John A. Logan, whose happiness knew no bounds when he received the tele- gram announcing the birth of our son. We had lost our first born when he was a baby of 13 months. The advent of this beautiful boy at the close of years of sorrow and an- xiety filled our hearts with joy. He grew more strikingly like his father every year of his life. He had in- herited all the intensity and en- thusiasm of his father's nature, as well as the spirit of the times in which he was born. Patriotic and courageous in every fibre of his be- ing he could not brook any indiffer- ence to our flag or lack of patriotism in others. He was always the cham- pion of the weak and unfortunate, and as a school boy and later as a cadet at West Point, had plenty of opportunity to display these char- acteristics in fighting his own and his fellows' battles. He was a born leader, and almost from his baby- hood would not play unless he was the Captain and leader in every- thing. His intense hatred of a mean thing was even more than his fath- er's, and no matter how mischievous he was or what happened, he always told the truth and nothing but the truth, regardless of how unenviable a light it placed him in. He dis- pised a sneak or a traitor. He was never cruel or unjust and so gener- ous that he could not look upon poverty and suffering without giving whatever he had to relieve the un- fortunate. As a boy be divided everything he had with his companions, always saving something for the boys that were less fortunate than himself who were his play-fellows. He was impulsive and quick to resent an in- jury or take the part of anyone who was being imposed upon. His devo- tion to father and mother amounted to idolatry Though still in his mi- nority, it was his strong arm that lifted and attended his father in his last illness and dying hour, and sup- ported his mother in all the over- whelming sorrow that followed his father's death. Wishing to mani- fest his desire to do all in his power for his stricken mother, he had a deed made out of his interest in his father's estate in favor of his moth- er, and insisted that she should ac- cept it, and was not aware until af- ter his marriage that she had de- stroyed the deed. There was no sacrifice he would not have made for those he loved. In his father's political campaigns, after he was in his teens, he was of invaluable ser- vice to his father, executing any or- der given him with fidelity and dis- cretion. He was always popular as a boy and man, and felt infinite pride in the assurances he had of the friend- ship of the foremost men and women of the nation. He treasured espe- cially the evidences of the high es- teem in which he was held by Mrs. U. S. Grant and Mrs. James G. Blaine, who always treated him with the greatest consideration from the time he wore knickerbockers to his last call upon them before leaving fur the Philippines. He was innately considerate and polite to elderly people. No complaint of rudeness was ever lodged against him. He was always full of fun — the life of our home and that of his own — ready to frolic with the chil- dren, assist in the preparations of entertainments tor their friends and those of older growth, in the fes- tivities of Christmas, Fourth of July and other holidays; he was always untiring in his efforts to make every- body happy. Like all other such impulsive and enthusiastic natures, he had his faults and escapades, as other boys, but there was never anything dishonorable or disgrace- ful in anything in which he partici- pated. Everything of a military character delighted him immensely. Before he was ten years old, he had his military company and all the paraphernalia of a soldier and an officer, and would insist upon his father drilling him in the manual of arms, so that he could in turn drill his company. He would go to a military school as soon as he was old enough. At the Morgan Park Mili- tary Academy he had his flrs't ex- perience away from home, and took his first lessons in the profession of a soldier, to which he was born. He was a member of the First Regi- ment, Illinois State Guards, almost before he was eligible. Later, on entering West Point through the kindness of President Arthur, he took his father's full name, think- ing then that he would remain in the service for life. He subsequently re- signed, but still clung to the name he loved so well, notwithstanding he realized the responsibility of bearing it worthily. He was married very young be- cause he met his ideal early, and no man ever lived who was more de- voted to wife and children than was Major John A. Logan. Nothing but his ardent love of country and laud- able ambition to add lustre to the name he bore for their sakes, could have induced him to be separated from them. He tried desperately to content himself with the routine of a business career, but was unable to do so with the inborn disposition to distinguish himself in some other line. He was inordinately fond of reading and investigation, especially in military history and science. He was thoroughly well informed on the armies of the world, their organiza- tion, equipment, maneuvres, mobili- zation, support and efficiency. He was fascinated with the Army of Russia and the study of the manners and customs of the subjects of the Czar. His book "Joyful Russia" was universally well received, and reflected great credit upon him, proving that he could have succeed- ed in a literary career. His fondness for horses was an inheritance from his grand father, as well as his father, and I am not sure but that his great great grand father transmitted this fondness for horses. He studied this noble ani- mal carefully and knew all about horses, their use and the care of them, and what constituted abuse of them. His love of home and family was one of his chief characteristics, and though we boarded much of the time during his boyhood, he was al- ways happy in our modest quarters and quite content with the amuse- ments we were able to give him. When the Spanish-American War broke out, he was possessed with an ungovernable desire to take a regi- ment into the field from Illinois, but was prevented from doing so by the unjust discrimination of Gov- ernor Tanner. Failing in his de- sire, he accepted a Majority in the Adjutant General's Corps, and had the good fortune to be assigned to the staff of General John C. Bates, thereby securing service in the field. 172 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOrs. General Bates' reports attest the ef- ficiency and promptness with which he discharged his duties. His res- cue of Creelman, the correspondent, in itself entitled him to special hon- ors. The fact of the unpopularity of the correspondent should not have prevented Major Logan from receiving the promotion for which he was strongly recommended. He was present at the midnight "Coun- cil of War" before El Caney, about which so much has been said and written, and though a subordinate on the staff of gallant General Bates, he was intensely interested and strongly in favor of a vigorous and prompt attack upon the enemy. The endorsement of General Law- ton and other officers on file in the War Department attest to his cool- ness and soldierly conduct, on that the most important battle of the Cuban campaign. He was on duty constantly during the investment of Santiago, and had the pleasure ot being with General Bates when the flag was hoisted over the Palace of the captured city. Immediately af- ter he was stricken with malignant malarial fever, from which he did not recover for months, though he returned to duty in November, join- ing General Bates at Macon, Ga., being made Provost Martial of that Department during its occupancy He found the responsibilities of his position very great on account of the antagonism between the citizens and the colored troops who seemed disposed to riotous acts and insub- ordination. While in camp in the South, Major Logan, accompanied only by a sargent and a small guard, disarmed a whole colored regiment and put them under guard of an- other well-disciplined regiment, and by his coolness quieted the rioters and protected the citizens from their lawlessness. He won the confidence of his superior officers and the citi- zens who were lavish in their ex- pressions of personal regard and ad- miration of Major Logan as a sol- dier and a gentleman. The 26th of December, 1S9S, Gen- eral Bates and his command em- barked for Cienfuegos, General Bates having been put in command ot the provnice of Cienfuegos. Soon after their arrival, General Bates sent Major Logan with sixteen mounted men to make a tour of these provinces, and make a report to him of their condition. Major Logan was very successful in this expedition, taking practically the census of both provinces, but in doing this his tender heart was stirred to its depths, as naught but starvation, beggary, suffering, dis- ease and devastation greeted them everywhere. Major Logan dared not take the rations from his men and distribute among the men, •women and children whom he found actually starving, but he gave away every cent of money and all the ex- tra clothing he had, and arrived in Sagua La Grande without anything himself. His report caused relief to be sent to the most destitute. He could not tell of what he saw with- out shedding tears: familiarity with suffering served only to quicken his sympathies. He could not become indifferent or calloused to human misery. He completely captured the hearts of the Cubans of Santa Clara who desired to have him made their Governor and petitioned the Presi- dent for his appointment. On account of his mother's seri- ous illness he was called home to Washington, where he was again at- tacked by malarial fever. Before he had recovered the tragic death of his wife's uncle and family, by the burning of their home and them- selves, so afflicted Mrs. Logan that he would not leave her, and peace having been considered assured in Cuba and the Philippines, he re- signed and again tried to take up the duties of a business career. Hos- tilities beginning again in the Phil- ippines, and Mrs. Logan's health having improved, he could not re- sist the temptation to return to the service, believing, as he did, that it was for the betterment of a race of human beings that they should be brought under the protecting care of our government. He felt that he would be helping to civilize and Christianize a people who would otherwise continue to be little better than savages. He also believed it was necessary to hold the Philip- pines as a necessity of the United States in the fulfillment of the des- tiny of this great republic. All of his letters from the date of his join- ing his regiment until his landing at San Fabian are full of noble aspira- tions and mature thought quite be- yond his age. Appreciating the haz- zard of the expedition upon which he had set out, he was eager to lead the van. He was happy in his com- manders. Colonel Hare and General Wheaton, his Brigade Commander, General Lloyd Wheaton. having served during the Civil War on his father's staff. He knew he had a devoted friend in him. Proud of his name and of the men of his bat- talion, he led the column on that fatal day, sanguine of success, he little dreamed of the fate which awaited him, or that the enemy was above instead of in front of him. He had made the reconnaissance and knew they were entrenched many hundreds strong, and he was confi- dent that the indomitable Thirty- Third would dislodge him. Alas! he fell at the hands of a sharp shooter, hidden in the boughs of a cocoanut tree ere they had fulfilled his expectations, his young life go- ing out while his regiment were car- rying the intrenchments and pursu- ing the flying insurgents. SKETCH OF CAPTAIN JOHN MA- RION CUNNINGHAM. The name of Cunningham comes from the union ot two Saxon words, "Koenig," meaning King, ani "Hanie," meaning home, or literal- ly. Kings Home, easily assimilated into "Conyngham," "Cuninghame," "Cunnyngham," "Cunyinghame," or "Cunningham," as it is variously written. The following is copied trom Burke's Peerage, bearing upon early history: "The family is of very great an- tiquity in North Britain. According to Camden, the Cunnynghames came originally into Scotland from Eng- land with King Malcolm Cammore, and he is probably correct, tor we find them settled in the Shire of Ayr, very soon after the time of that Monarch (reigned in Scotland from 1057 to 1093) Frederick Van Bur- ren, a learned Norweigen who wrote an account of several Scottish fam- ilies says, that one Malcolm ,son of Freskin assisted Malcolm, Prince ot Scotland, (afterwards King Mal- colm Canmore), to make his escape from the tyranny of Macbeth, who had murdered his father, Duncan, and being hotly pursued, he took shelter in a barn where Freskin concealed the Prince by forking straw over him. The Prince, thus aided, eventually made his escape into England, still attended by his faithful Malcolm Freskin. Prince Malcolm was no sooner in posses- sion of his throne after his victory over Macbeth than he rewarded his preserver with the thane iom of Cunnynghame, trom which his pos- terity assumed their surname, and took a sheaf-fork for their arms with 'Over fork Over' tor their motto. "One of the name was in 1488 created Earl of Glencairn, the last male ot which line died in 179 0, and was the subject ot one ot Bobby Burns' beautiful poems. Another was made Earl ot Carrick by David, King of Scotland and married Ele- nor. niece of Robert Bruce. Some of the name fought with William of Orange at the Battle of Boyne in IG.Sbl. The Marquis ot Conyngham, who has now his seat on the river Boyne in Ireland, is supposed to be one of the same family." From the foregoing it will be seen that the family of Cunningham is one of the oldest and that they have been associated with historic events since 1059. John M. Cun- ningham, the subject of this sketch, was the son of Robert Cunningham, son of Joseph Cunningham and Mary Simerson Cunningham. He was born in IS 12 in Lincoln County, Tennessee. He was christened SOUVENIR OF VVlLLlAiMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 173 "Francis Marion" for his father's friend. General Francis Marion, but was induced by liis uncle, John Cun- ningham, to drop Francis and take that of John. He had one brother and two sisters. Soon after the organization of the territory of Illinois his father decided to emigrate to the new ter- ritory and removed with his family and his slaves to Southern Illinois, near what was subsequently known as Marion, Williamson County. Rob- ert, the eldest son, decided to re- main in Tennessee but later re- moved to Austin, Texas, and though he lived many years he was never again seen by any member of the family, as traveling in those days was a difficult undertaking. After settling on a farm his father liber- ated his slaves but they would not leave their kinJ-hearted master, but continued to remain with the family as long as they lived. His eldest sister, Caroline, said to have been very beautiful, married in Tennessee to a man by the name of Kelly, who also removed to Illi- nois and settled on the Ohio River near the present town of Metropolis. Clementine married a Mr. \Vm. Henry, a very wealthy Virginian, who emigrated to the new terri- tory. They owned large tracts of land near her father's farm, but went to California in 1848. J. M. Cunningham was first en- gaged by General John Davis, as a clerk and general assistant in the extensive dry goo is and other mer- cantile enterprizes. General Davis was a capitalist and most prominent man in that section in early days. He secured goods and other mer- chandise in St. Louis and transport- ed them across the country. While in General Davis' employ he made the acquaintance of General George P. Davis, one of the wealthiest men in the West and who carried on many business enterprizes. In 183 4, by consent of General Davis, who was the devoted frienl of young Cunningham, he entered the service of General Davis, who placed him in charge of a general merchandise store at Petersburg, Missouri. He soon became well known and uni- versally popular. Here he met Miss Elizabeth Hicks Fountain, the daughter of Joseph Fountain, a wealthy descendant of the French Hugenots. whose real name was "De La Fountaine," but who Ameri- canized the name by dropping the "De La" and the final e. Miss Fountain was one of the loveliest women of her time, and proved one of the most remarkable in native ability and nobility of character. No man was ever more fortunate than John M. Cunningham in the choice of his wife. To her he owed everything which brought happiness or success. After their marriage in 18'o7 they remained but a few years in Petersburg, as Mr. Cunningham's father, Robert Cun- ningham (who fought under Jack- son at the battle of Xew Orleans) was in failing health and wanted his son to come to him in Illinois. In 1839 he closed out his business in Missouri, liberated his slaves and taking two horses and a double carriage and his wife and one child, he drove from Boone County, Mis- souri, to Marion, Illinois, expecting their household goods to follow by being haulel to Hannibal, Missouri, and from there shipped by boat to St. Louis and from there hauled to Marion. Part of them came all right, but some of them were stored in an old freight depot in Hannibal for more than twenty years, and were, of course, destroyed by moth, dampness and rust. After his return to Illinois he took a farm and had his mother and father and the two old faithful ser- vants, "Uncle Joe and Aunt Han- nah," who came and lived with them as long as they lived. He was elected Sheriff of the County and Member of the Legisla- ture soon after the admission of the State. His popularity with the people tintil the day of his death was second to no man in the State. Among the earliest recollections of his eldest children was that of see- ing him borne on the shoulders of his admiring friends to the Court House steps in their will enthusi- asm to have him speak to them, af- ter he volunteered to go to the Mexi- can War. He was elected Captain of Company B, First Illinois Infan- try Volunteers, and went across the plains under Colonel Donaldson. Their Regiment was assigned to General Sterling Price's Brigade. When quite young he was a volun- teer in the Black Hawk War. He was every inch a soldier, ever ready for adventure and hazzardous duty. He was made United States Marshall for the Southern District of Illinois an1 put down the Massac County Regulators who had built a Fort on the Ohio River, and prepared to defy the officers of the law. but af- ter Captain Cunningham arrested a number of them and sent them to the penitentiary they decided to stop their depredations. In 1849 he joined the expedition which went across the plains to California at the time of the great excitement over the discovery of gold on the Pacific slope. They were late starting ani suffered se- verely before they reached Sacre- mento. In fact, all of the animals of the overland train and many of • he party died. Captain Cunningham was left about seventy-five miles from Sacra- mento all alone beside the road, as he was too ill to go any farther. He insisted that the few survivors should go on and send back for him, as he knew George P. Doris, of St. Louis, had wagon trains that were going back and forth from St. Louis, to Sacramento, but unfortu- nately they had not met them en route. He was sure Mr. Doris would send a pony express and bring him in if the others would go in and re- port his whereabouts. They were lucky enough to get through safely. Mr. Doris sent immediately for him and he was saved from starvation and death on a desolate road miles from any human habittion. He often used to tell thrilling stories of his experience and narrow escapes from being massacred by Indians, or dying from alkali water and want of fool, and of the lonely graves they passed as they walked from Alton, Illinois, to Sacramento, of poor men who belonged to the many parties that had preceded them in their quest of the gold fields. He was in the California mines from the summer of '49 (having been nearly four months of that year en route) until the sum- mer of 1852. His fortunes went up and down the scale as did those of many other men. He came home when the presidential election was at its height. After the election of Franklin Pierce, through the influ- ence of Hon. William Allen, Captain J. M. Cunningham was appointed Register of the Land Office at Shaw- neetown, Illinois. During his term and through his urgent advocacy of the matter the "Bit Act" was passed; that is, Con- gress passed a law allowing actual settlers to enter the lanis em- braced in Shewneetown District, which covered an extensive area, to be entered at 12 1-2 cents per acre. This gave such an impetus to settlers that all of the available lands were quickly taken up and the Land Of- fice at Shawneetown discontinued. Captain Cunningham again re- turned to Marion, Williamson County, built a home expecting to spend the remainder of his life there. He was elected clerk of the County Court, which position he held for many years. The breaking out of the Rebel- lion brought him great sorrow and anxiety and may be said to have been the beginning of the troubles which attended him as long as he lived. In 1S66 an epidemic of cholera visited Marion and Mrs. Cunning- ham was among the victims. With her usual courage she had respond- ed to the call of the first who were attacked and died in a few hours. Returning home after working over those who died, she disclaimed any fear of the disease, but admitted she was very tired. The people fled the town until it was almost de- 174 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. populated. She talked the malter over with her husband until nine o'clock that night. She insisted she would not leave home or undertake to run away from the disease and perhaps expose others If any of her family should have it, she thought it best to stay at home. At mid- night she awakened with the first throes of real Asiatic cholera and at six a. m. she was dead. With her death went out all the hopes and ambition of Capt. Cun- ningham. She was his stay and help mate through all the vicissi- tudes of life, noble in every sense of the word, highly intelligent and with the finest intuitions she was equal to any emergency. She had the courage of a lioness and devot- ed her whole life to her husband and her children. Her loss to them was never repaired and effected se- riously their careers. In 1869 Captain Cunningham was appointed collector of Internal Revenue at Provo, Utah Territory, where he was obliged to report. Having been married to his second wife. Miss Mary Hopper, of Marion, Illinois, he removed to Provo, where he resided until his death, March, 1873. Captain John M. Cunningham was one of God's noble men. He was the soul of honor; absolutely unselfish, generous to a fault, and so tender-hearted that his sympa- thies went out to every human crea- ture who needed sympathy. He knew no such thing as fear, his mor- al and physical courage prompting him always to deeds of daring and adventure. He could never say no to any request made of him and consequently distributed the for- tunes he made with an unwise and liberal hand. He worshipped his wife and family of thirteen children, seven of whom grew to the estate of man and womanhood. Mary, Hannah, Hybert, Clementine, Gy- rene, Samuel, John and Evaline, all cherishing his memory as a most indulgent father. The community in which he spent the most of his life loved and re- spected him for his many deeds of kindness and generosity. WILLIAM W'ATSON, Colored. This ancient negro and ex-slave, who is at present the oldest living man found in the county, lives in a log cabin, which is the very first house built within the present lim- its of the city of Marion. He does not seem to be quite clear upon the question of his age but thinks he was born on the 16th day of May, 1820, near Salina, in Jack- son County, Tennessee. His neigh- bors, however, say that he was 84 years old as long a.go as they can re- member, and are quite sure he is getting very near the century mark. We think this is quite likely, as he states that his mother died in Guthrie, Ky., about 12 years ago, at the age of 110. She was able to walk half a mile or more, do a day's washing and return home again without apparent fatigue within a month of her death. She had no disease, but the old clock just run down and stopped ticking. The old man is not very much wrinkled nor very gray, and does not show age as a white person would. He has, however, passed beyond work, and finds it extremely difficult to get around at all. His faithful wife earns a living for both by washing, with the help of the eggs from a few chickens and a little garden. His master was a Massachusetts man by the name of Samuel Watson, who was a man of wealth and dis- tinction in his adopted state, and owned some thirty or more slaves before the Civil War freed them. He took with him to Tennessee his New England ideas, and privately and secretly taught his brightest negroes to read and write. He treated his slaves like younger brethern, and was never known to whip one. When he thought pun- ishment was in order he would call the offender into the parlor and set him in an easy chair with a book or paper in his hand, of which the poor darkey could not read a word, and keep him there till dinner time. He would then politely invite him to the dining room, and seating him in the place of honor, would take the place of servant and proceed to wait upon him with the greatest gravity and politeness. After dinner, he generally set him about his work with a few words of kind admoni- tion and advice. This recipe never failed on a refractory servant, though he has sometimes kept a particularly hard case in the corner with his book or paper all day Sun- day, but he never failed to provide them with a good Sunday dinner. One poor old woman quarrelled with a neighbor and quit her job, re- fusing longer to work with her. Mr. Watson set her to taking water in a pail from a little stream near by and carrying it a few rods, pour- it over the fence into the same stream. After a half day's useless toil in this fashion, the old lady be- came reconciled to her job and went back cheerfully to work. Billy took his master's name, af- ter the prevailing fashion, and sems to have been a very skilfull me- chanic and valued by his owner correspondingly high. Another slave ow'ner offered his master $2S0n for him. but was refused. Watson saying he wouldn't accept $3000 for him, as he earned him not less than $800 a year. Watson was in all sorts of busi- ness in Tennessee. He owned farms, cotton-mills, saw-mills, Houring-mills and a powder factory; kept black- smith and repair shops running, made his own wagons and other tools, and in general run an exten- sive business on his various planta- tions. He was a careful, cautious, thrifty man, and, like the typical New Englander he was, looked after the pence, knowing the pounds would look after themselves. He would never allow a slave to work in the powder factory. He said they were worth too much money. His home was about 25 miles from Nashville, on the head-waters of the Cumberland River. Billy was brought up in the cotton fac- tory until about 2(1, and was then put to house-carpentering by his master. Showing an aptitude at me- chanics, he worked successively at blacksmithing, horse-shoeing, wag- on-making and repairing. He was the handy-man of the plantation and could do anything he was set at. His master trusted him fully and he had many opportunities to take leg bail for Canada. At one time he was sent by Mr. Watson 100 miles from home to collect a bill, and on his return found himself in posses- sion of a fine horse saddle and bri- dle his master's gold watch and $5000 in greenbacks. He was sorely tempted this time to turn his horse's head towards the Ohio river, but love for his master, his home and his honor prevailed and he finished his journey as he began it — a slave. Watson was a staunch Union man and did all that lay in him to pre- vent his state from seceeding. Af- ter the fall of Fort Donaldson he rode his horse into Nashville, took the oath of allegiance before Gen. Grant and returned to his mills and factories. He had a trusty servant who posed as a rebel, and when the rebs were about he was the owner of everything, but when the other side came in sight. Watson was the mas- ter. By this device they kept their property from being burned or de- str'oyed by either side. A good deal of the time the powder-mill turned out confederate powder, but later on was run mostly to send bullets after them. While the most of the negroes ran away during the troublous times of the war, Watson stuck by his master till Lincoln's Proclamation freed them all. He then joined the 5th Iowa Cavalry, riding one of his master's best horses, and remained with it until he was discharged, August 9th, 1865, at Eastport. Miss. He never served in the ranks, but was always in the employ of the government, repairing wagons, etc. After the War he lived and worked in Nashville till lS6fi, then to John- sonville in 1867, then to Cincinnati SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 175 and "scouting around" till he came to Marion in 1882. Here he moved with his wife into the log cabin where he still lives and which he has kept continuously until the pres- ent time, and for which they pay $1.00 a week rent. He married his first wife while both were owned by Watson, and she died while he was with the army. His second wife he married at Wittenberg, Mo., May 16th, 1870. Her name was Charlott Walker, an ex-slave in Texas. In the picture of the old house Mrs. Watson sits by the side of her husband. Mrs. Robinson, who is a widow living in the other half of the cabin, was glad of the opportunity an 1 also took a seat near Mr. Wat- son, as shown in the picture. Wat- son, it is said, is fond of his cup, and gets it whenever he can, but, like white people sometimes, he is occasionally very religious, and in the picture holds an open testament on his knee, which lies open at these words-: John X: 3 4-3 6; "Is it not written in your law, I said, ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken: say ye of him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world. Thou blasphemist, because I said, I am the Son of God? If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not, but if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works, that ye may know and believe, that the Father is in me and I in Him." THE TE.Ml'KK.WCK t AISK. A history of political parties of Williamson county would be incom- plete without a reference to the pro- hibition party, the oldest of all the three parties. Although its first national ticket was not put up un- til 1869, the temperance movement in its various phases which preced- ed prohibition began as far back as 1845 when a traveling temperance lecturer waked the county up as it had never been walced before. People stopped business to hear him. This strolling temperance lec- turer made two notable converts in the persons of Uncle Chess McCoy and .Tacob Goodall. who have re- mained steadfast to their pledge to this day. Goodall celebrated his conversion by taking a barrel of whiskey he had, knocking the head in and emptying the contents into the gutter. A. B. C. Campbell of Bloomington, Dan K. Shielis and a reformed drunkard named Knowles of Greenville and .Joseph Benson of Indiana followed as temperance lec- turers. Knowles wound up by get- ting $125 and a suit of clothes and then getting gloriously drunk. Dur- ing all this time temperance was the object of agitation. There were the Sons of Temperance, Sons of Malta, the Blue Ribbon, high license and local option movements, all ending with the present philosophical movement, prohibition. The lead- ers and followers of the party in Williamson county as elsewhere are men of high character who are un- dismayed by defeat. Frank Brown cast the first and only prohiljition vote in the county in 1869. The party now counts its followers by the hundred. The first business building erect- ed in Marion was a log shanty built by .John Davis and run by him as a saloon. Erwin says that "he was in such a hurry to sell whiskey that he bought a set of stable logs from A. T. Benson which he put up- oif the square a few feet north of the well." He also states that he was the first man to get a license to sell whiskey, but during 1839 two members of the county court began to sell whiskey — Campbell and Hill. G. W. CHESLEY McCOY. Reminiscences of a returned Cali- fornian. 1 was born in Jackson, Tennessee, June 24, 1825, but my parents were both natives of North Carolina and came to Tennessee when quite young. My father. James McCoy, was born Christmas day, 1803, and my mother was born May 28, 1807. 1 came with my parents to Franklin County in the Spring of 1837, before Williamson County was organized. We settled near where the Illinois Central Railroad depot now stands. It was all prairie then for two or 'hree miles northwest of town, and lather broke up a piece that Spring where the depot now stands and planted it to corn on the sod with an ax. It was known as Poor's Prairie. The first school 1 attended was taught by Spiller, an uncle of William Spiller, in 1837. He began in August and kept three months. I was then 12 years old, and all the schooling J ever had wouldn't amount to more than 12 months. About that time Isaac D. Stockton taught school in the upper story of the Court House, and all the chil- dren in the county attended it. It was a two-story frame building about twenty feet square, and the first Judge I remeiuber was Judge Scales, who tried Jerry Simpson for killing Andrew J. Benson, in the fall of 1841. Simpson got into a quarrel with Andrew Benson's fath- er, and as the old man, who didn't want to quarrel, was going away, Jerry ran after him with a knife in his hand, swearing he would kill him. He and Andy were chums, and Andy ran up to Jerry and put- ting his hand on his shoulder said. "O Jerry, you wouldn't kill father, would you?" At that Jerry struck backwards with his knife in his hand, probably not thinking or in- tending to hurt Andy, but only to shake him off, and the blade entered the bowels of Andy and killed him. Willis Allen, the father of Josh Al- len, was one of the prosecution and .lames Shields defended him. Jerry was a man about 40. He broke jail and ran away, but was caught a year later and tried but acquitted by a packed jury. We had no mills in those days. Milton and Dr. Jonathan Mulkey and Capt. James Cunningham bought the machinery for a saw and grist- mill, and had it sent by o.\-teams to where the Edwards Mill now stands. But no one could be found who knew enough about m:^chinery to set it up, and it lay piled up on the prairie for a long time. After a while, about '43 or '44, George Felts and John Hooper got track of the situation and came down from Uellville and built the mill and the old double log house still standing and occupied as a negro cabin by Wm. Watson and family. They lived there and ran the mill for a good many years. People used to come for 2ii miles to mill and wait their turn, maybe two or three weks, before they could get their Hour or meal. This was the first steam mill erected in the County. the logs they worked up were most- ly walnut and poplar. My wife was Miss Jane Poague, a native of Saline County. We were married in the old Western Ex- change building, which John Pas- chal built for Allen Bainbridge in 1842. In 18 4.'i I began to work at brick-making, mason work and plas- tering, and followed it unit! about 1850. I first heard of the discovery of gold in California in 1848. A man returned from there in 1849 and brought a nugget to Marion weigh- ing about I14 ounces which he sold to a merchant here for about $18 or $19. People began at once to make their way to California, mostly across the plains. I started April 26, 1850, in company with Dr. Jas. P. Thorn, H. L. Hayes, James and Thomas P. Louden, Henry Purdy and William Lipsey. We took three yoke of cattle with us and bought another when we stopped at Inde- pendence. We were just four months on the road and landed at Coloma, Eldo- rado County, August 27, 1850. Co- loma was then called Hangtown from a hanging which took place there for stealing. James M. Mc- Coy, my brother, and Willis Aikman went in 1854, by way of New Or- leans and the isthmus. Gold was first discovered in what was known afterwards as 176 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Placerville, about five miles from Coloma, the county seat. The whole teirilory where the city now stands and tar beyond was all rich placer diggings, anJ every foot of it has been washed, and tens if not hun- dreds of thousands of dollars of gold have been taken out of it. The first find occurred this way. Old General .John Sutter, who had a big ranch on the South Fork, about 45 or 51) miles up the river from Sacramento, built a saw-mill up where the gold was found anJ had his men dig a race to carry the water to the mill. After the water had run for a time it was seen that the ditch was not deep enough and they shut the water off to dig it deeper. James W. Marshall ,a mill-wright from New Jersey, had charge of the job, but knew nothing of the nature of the nuggets and shining yellow stuff with which the bottom and sides of the ditch were covered, but the Mexicans who were at work for him recognized the precious metal at a glance and by their shouts of "Ora!" "Ora!" soon had the men filling their pockets with the nug- gets which strewed the channel as thick as gravel-stones. Mr. Marshall jumped on the back of a mule and took his coat pockets full down to General Sutter for ex- amination. It is needless to say that the mill was abandoned and the country soon swarmed with gold diggers. Two years later, when I went there, they were as thick as ants in an ant-hill, and everybody was so rich they hardly knew what to do with their gold. At first it was a common thing to take out $2 01)0 or $3000 to the pan, and men would throw up their diggings in disgust and seek better ground until they got about that. One miner, Joe Beaman, of Nevada City, threw up his claim after going down 10 feet or so, and two others took it, and after throwing out a few more shovels of dirt struck it so rich that they cleaned up not less than $25,- 000 in two feet of dirt. William A. Hutchinson,, a friend of mine, with a company of 12 or 14 men, came down from Oregon and went into a canon, afterwards called Oregon Canon from their party, and it is incredible the amount of gold they took out of that canon. There was no lumber and all used pans, but four men. who got them a rocker and went into partnersliii). They went ia the diggings in the Spring, and when it grew cold in the fall they threw up their claim as ricli as they found it, but they loaded a donkey with all the gold he coui'U carry and every one of them had all they could stagger under. Two and three thousand dollars a aay was a very common result of the work of three men with pans. One of Hut- chinson's partners was digging away in his hole one day when he cried out, "Hutch, the derned hole has petered out." "Hutch" went into the hole with him to crack his little joke and gathering up a single pan of the dirt they put it aside in a handkerchief, and when they weighed it they had 62yi ounces or $1125. That canon was about ten or twelve miles long, and starting up in the mountains ran southwest into the middle fork of the American river. Probably ten million dollars of gold has been taken out of that canon. There were a good many disap- pointments and mistakes, and some surprises among the miners, though, and one of the greatest of the mis- takes was the most common. Gold was so plentiful the miners thought it was inexhaustable, and didn't prize it nor take care of what they got. I was one of the biggest of all the big fools. I went into the mines in 1850 and staid there till 1S9S, and I suppose I have dug half a ton of gold, but I haven't a dollar. I had two brothers with me, and we once took up a very promising claim, I thought, but after holding it a while my eldest brother got a chance to sell for $600, and after he had teased us till we gave in, it was turned over and we got the $600. But in two weeks the buyers had taken out a cool $100,000 and more. That claim "petered" for us, and no mistake. A very common way of setting the boundaries of a claim at that time in those diggings was for a miner with his pick to strike a circle at arm's length, and $20,000. $30,000 or $40,000 would be cleaned up down to bed rock. I left that locality after a while and went up into Nevada and Yuba Counties, on the Yuba river, where we constructed a wing dam and cleaned up $4,000 or $5,000 a day. We mined as far down as Marysville and took uul fro m$.")i).UOO to $1(I0.- 000 to a flume. I believe that coun- try is yet rich in gold, but this old man will never go after it. California has had as picturesque and eventful a history as any spot on earth. She produced twice as much gold ($50,000,000) in 1850 as the entire territory comprised in the present United States had yield- ed from Columbus' time down to Marshall's discovery in 1848. She produced more gold in 1853 ($65,- 000,000) than any other spot on the globe of equal area ever has turned out in twelve months, except the Rand district in South Africa, just before the Boer war. Over $1,500,000,000 of the yellow metal has been picked up from the Golden State's placers or dug from its mines since 1848, and the end is not yet in sight. 1 was in California five years be- fore my wife came to me. She was a relative of the noted Dr. Benja- min Franklin, being his niece. We had five children, three of whom are now dead. I have one son in El Paso, California, and one daughter in Alton. My youngest son, George W. McCoy, went hunting in Alaska and never returned. My wife died in 1860. On the 24th day of June, 1904, this genial religne of the past was 7 9 years old. A native of Jackson County, Tennessee, a son of native North Carolinians, raised to 12 years of age among the mountains, for thirteen years a resident of William- son County, from 1837 to 1850, then a miner in California for 48 .-ears, the old man has preserved his vigor, his honesty and his simplicity al- most unimpaired to the present time. The snap-shot we secured of the old man shows him in his fa- vorite corner, at the entrance of Amzi White's residence, with his favorite paper, the San Francisco Call, on his lap. Though he con- sented with his tongue his heart re- fused to go to the photographer's for a good picture. i iiis would have invovled a general combing, trim- ming and brushing up, of which a mountaineer and Californian miner was never guilty. So I gave up the job and contented myself with a snap-shot at him in his everyday outfit, in which alone his many friends would recognize him. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 1 Carterville, Herrin, Creal Springs, Johnson City and Other Points. PUBLIC OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF CARTERVILLE. Reading t'loui left to right. Top row — James G. Winning, Aid.; B. P. Bandy, Police Magistrate; L. E. Robertson, J. P.; William McEwan, Treas. ; Joe Stalcup, Aid. Second Row — W. H. Zin^merman, Aid.; Judge J. L. Gallimore, Atty.; E. B. Watson, Mayor; James Ballow, Clerk; Price Watson, .Murphy, Aid.; Charles Craig, J. P. Aid. Third Row — John THE City of Carterville is located near the Western boundary of ■Williamson County, Illinois, in Car- terville precinct. The original plat of the town on file in the Recorder's office at Marion is accompanied by the following memorandum: "I hereby certify that I have sur- veyed the town of Carterville, sit- uated in the Southeast one-fourth of the Southeast quarter of Section No. 3. Township Xo. 9 South, of Range No. 1 East in the County of William- son and State of Illinois, according to the above plat, this 17th day of February. 1S72. H. L, Beasley. Sur- veyor." Filed F'ebruary 21, 1ST2. On the iDth day of the following May, Cavett & Picketts addition was surveyed, west half of southwest half and filed June 26, 1S72. A petition was drawn up for a Village Charter for the following ter- ritory; Northeast quarter of Section 10; west half of northwest quarter of Section 11; west half of southwest quarter of Section 2; southeast quar- ter of Section 3; south half of north- SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. SIZBMORE'S CONCERT BAND, CARTERVII.LE. Names of members, counting from left to right: First Row — Matt \V. Watson, James Taylor, Lacy Pay- ton, Wm. McEwen, Thos. Parrott. Second Row — James Hutton, John B. Rowett, William Peebles, Richard Hadneld, Alex. McRae, Chester Taylor. Third Row- -Hiram Rice, Charles Dunn, John King, Frank Sizemore, leader: Fred Bevard, Klah Hodges, Wm. Swaar. Rob. Parrott and Joe Hadfleld were not present when the picture was taken. All are rpembersof the Musicians Union. east quarter of Section 3; southwest quarter of northwest quarter of Sec- tion 2: all in towns 7 and 9, range 1 east. To this petition there were thirty- six signatures. A population of 3 00 was sworn to by J. A. Bundy, George M. McNeil, before L. D. Crain, J. P., at Crain City, and the petition ap- proved April 10, 1S72. The election was held January 22, ISSl, at Crain City. Thirty-eight votes were cast, twenty-nine for and nine against. The commissioners of election were F. M. Grimes, T. C. Crain. B. F. Nor- ton, William Curtin and B. P. Spill- er. The certificate is sworn to June 25th, 18S1, before Brice Holland and John H. Reynolds, J. P's.. and the papers filed by W. H. Eubank, Attorney, June 29th, 1881. The following are the first officers chosen for the new Village. Presi- dent, Jonathan Bandy: Clerk, J. D. Herrin: Treasurer, Laban Carter: Trustees, William Tranbarger, V. S. Harris, E. C. Jones, James Blair, George McNeil. In 189 2 the Village was incor- porated as a city with the following public officers: G. C. Philips, Mayor: W. W. Sizemore, Clerk: J. B. Sam- uels, Treasurer: C. A. Bander, At- torney: Aldermen, W. W. Snyder, P. J. Teter, John Bevard, J. C. Riley, Dave McFadden, T. J. Moak. The present official roll is as fol- lows: E. B. Watson, Mayor: James Ballow, Clerk: William McEwan, Treasurer: J. L. Gallimore, City At- torney: S. P. W'atson, Street Com- missioner: B. P. Bandy, Police Mag- istrate: Geo. Walker, City Marshal: Charles Craig and L. E. Robertson, Justices of the Peace. Council, Henry Zimmerman, James W^inning, John Murphy, James McEwan, Jos. Stalcup, Samuel Russell. The City has a good fire brigade under R. H. H. Hampton, Captain, and is well provided with fire-fight- ing apparatus. It is furnished with electric lights by the Hope Electric Light Co., and is one of the best lighted cities in Southern Illinois. It has a fine grove, which was purchased for a park in 1894, where all out-of- doors public gatherings are held. The city has been visited by very destructive fires four times. The first in March, 1885: then in April. 1897: August, 1898, and August. 1900. But it has been practically rebuilt with brick in a more sub- stantial manner, much to the satis- faction of the inhabitants. The followine is pretty nearly a complete list of the industries of the city at the present time: Five Gen- eral stores, one Hardware store, two Clothing stores, six Restaurants. two Confectionaries, one Electric I^ight Plant, three Lumber Yards, five Barber Shops, two Blacksmith Shops, one Photograph Gallery, two Drug Stores, two Shoe Shops, two Livery Stables, two Feed Stables, two Tailor Shops, one Bakery, one Jewelry Store, one Harness Shop, two Millinery Stores, two Butcher Shops, five Grocery Stores, two Ho- tels, one Furniture and Exchange Store, one Laundry, two Furniture and Undertaking Rooms, one Cigar Factory, four Boarding Houses, two Opera Houses, one Weekly Newspa- per, nine Saloons, one Cornet Band, two Dentists, three Lawyers, one Surveying and Engineering Co., four Insurance Agents, two Printing Offi- ces, four Resident Ministers, four Physicians. Fii'St Things. The first store in Carterville was conducted by John Herrin, Sr., on the spot where the Thompson House now stands. The first religious ser- vice was conducted by Elder Henry Boles in 1871. The first Boarding SOUNENIR OF WILLIAMSOX COUNTY. ILLINOIS. elated by the Illinois Railway Com- pany for all freighting. THE HOPE ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT. House was run by James Thompson, where William Lockie now lives. The first Postmaster was Aschal Connor. The first grist-mill and saw-mill was built and operated by James M. Washburn in 1S82. The Carterville Milling Company was es- tablished in 1854. also the Taylor Bros, planing mill the same year. The Illinois Central Railway Com- pany built its present depot in 1888. IsTo and afterwards a new one in 1899. In 1SS5 the Presbyterian church was erected, and in 1888 the Christian church. The Baptist church was built in 1890 and the Catholic in 1895. For statistics of the churches see sketches of their pastors. Public Schools. The late school census gives to Carterville the following figures: School age, 6 to 21 years, male 4C6. female, .t14; total. 9Sn. It has e.xcellent oflScers and teach- ers of the different grades and two fine school buildings. A neat frame building of two stories with four rooms was built in 1895 and a large commodious, well-lighted brick built in 1898. An excellent school library has been provided by the Board of Education, which comprises the fol- lowing gentlemen: Dr. J. W. Vick, President: ,1. L. Gallimore, Secre- tary: A. K. Elles, F. C. Bevard, M. Bulliner. C. E. Owen, ,Iacob West. The following is a list of the teachers at the present time: W. L. Ozment, Supt.: Taylor Black. Prin- cipal; Mamie Coleman, Primary: Nora Ferrill, Assistant Principal: Sadie Campbell, 3rd Room: Anna :\I. Pullum, Emma Chester. 4th grade: Tirzah, Fay Goodwin,. Jlina E. Hub- bell and Byrch Chamness. Trauspoi-tation. With the exception of the services of the Coal Belt Electric Railroad, which conveys passengers and their baggage principally, the City of Car- terville is wholly dependent upon the old Carbondale and Shawnee- town Railroad, now owned ani op- Ooal Mining. While Williamson County is es- sentially an agricultural County, coal mining has become its most ex- tensive and its most important in- dustry, and of that industry Carter- ville is the largest center. Coal was discovered near Carterville about l'^69 by Mr. Laban Carter, in whose honor the city was named. The first mine was opened by Connor and Bry- den, and was operated as a slope. A few years later the Carterville Coal and Coke Company, under the man- agement of A. C. Bryden, opened the Dodd Shaft and Lafiin Slope. In ISSl .John Adam Young opened a mine, which has furnished the larger portion of coal for local use. In 1888 the Carterville Coal Co. oijened the Barr Shaft on the farm of Elijah Peterson, three-quarters of a mile northeast of the City. In 1896 the Prosperity Shaft was opened by the Scott Wilson Coal Co., now known as the New Ohio Washed Coal Company, who also operate the Fredonia mines, located on the G. Kennedy farm, two and a half miles northwest of the City. This Com- pany has lately built one of the fin- est coal washing plants in the State of Illinois. Other mines now in operation near the City are the St. Louis and Big Muddy Coal Company, the Donaly and Koenneck. the Carterville Coal Company is opening another shaft three-quarters of a mile northwest of the City, and several other com- panies have the opening of new Churches. The first religious services held in Carterville were in 1871, a year be- fore the Village charter was grant- ed, by Henry Boles. Elder Henry Boles, a Christian preache^-, held a revival meeting in 1887, which re- sulted in 200 conversions. The M. E. church was built in HOPR ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Cartei'ville Uiot. GROUP OF FOUR GEXERATIOXS. Lemons Boren, Carterville. 111.; Ephriam Boren. his son; his grandson; John Boren. his great grand son. mines in the vicinity in the near fu- ture. Among the first mines of Car- terville may be mentioned David Waldron, Sr.; Alex. Hutton, Sr. ; David Thomas, David True, B. P. Bandy, Perrin Spiller, William Holt. Thomas Carrie, John Hadfield, John Royatt, Walter Royatt, Thomas Lauder, Sr., John Lauder, Alex. Lau- der, William Ceitry, James Thomp- son. Alonzo Bo- Tliis bloody riot and the cause.s which led to it, is so well told by the Chicago Inter Ocean in an interview with Mr. Sam T. Brush, the man- ager of the mine where it occurred that the Souvenir is content with presenting the account entire, belie\- ing that it contains the substantial truth. "In 1890, assisted by the late Mayor E. C. Dawes, of Cincinnati, Ohio, I organized the St. Louis and Big Muddy Coal Company, for the purpose of mining and shipping coal from Jackson and Williamson Coun- ties, Illinois." said Mr. Brush. "Fpon the organization of the Company I was appointed general manager, which position I have held until the present time. "In May, 1S9-5, owing to the death of Major Dawes, who was President of the Company, and to adverse busi- ness conditons, the company was put into the hands of a receiver, and bj' special order of the United States Court, I was continued as general manager of the business. "This company, like all others, has had its experience with strikes. In 1894. 1896 and 1897 troubles of that nature confronted us, but were amicably settled to the satisfaction of both parties. "Early in 1896, my men having been induced to strike through the machinations of the Miners Union, I found it necessary to bring in negro laborers in large bodies, as it was found impossible to let men go to the mines unaided or unprotected. Before employing the negroes I called upon the committee represent- ing my men, and told them that I had arranged to bring from the Southern States enough negroes to Fraternal Order.s. The following Fraternal Orders are well established in Carterville; The A. F. & A. M.. I. O. O. F., Mod- ern Woodmen of America, A. O. \J. W., Knights of Pythias, Red Men. G. A. R., Daughters of Rebekah. Royal Neighbors. The Labor Or- ganizations are well represented, numerous an1 firmly established. The following are the principal Unions; The United Mine Workers of America have four locals here; the Team Drivers Union, the Retail Clerks, Carpenters and Barbers all have locals. THOMPSON HOUSE. Mrs. Mary Barth, Proprietor. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. THE PROFESSORS AND TEA Left to right. Top Row — Miss Lentz, Supt.: Miss Mayme McRaven, CHERS AT CREAL SPRI.XGS. Mamie Hutchinson, Prof. Gilliert Prof. N. H. Fry, Isaac Gifford. worlv the mines; that I did not wish to do so, and understanding that many of my old employes were in distress, I offered to give for distri- bution among the needy 1100 in cash if they would call my miners together and induce them to go to work by a certain day. "The committee. all fair men. regularly took up the proposition, and assured me that they believed the miners would accept it. A meet- ing was called for the purpose of discussing the proposition. The offi- cials of the State Miners Associa- tion heard of the proposed meeting, and immediately sent representatives to Carterville to protest against the acceptance of the proposition. "Mr. Ryan, present State Secre- tary of the miners' organization, came to Carterville and advised the miners not to enter into any agree- ment. Accordingly, the proposition was rejected, and when the time ex- pired, the negroes, who had already been engaged, and were in charge of my son, .Tames C. Brush, at Jel- lico, Tenn.. were brought through on a special train to Carterville and landed at the mines on the morning of May 20, 1S9.S. "They went to work at once, and began to get out a large amount of coal. They worked without molesta- tion a week, when a mob of 1500 men, composed of miners and men claiming to be miners, from Bell- ville, Duquoin and other adjacent towns in Southern Illinois, assem- bled at Carterville, threatening to drive away the negroes and to de- stroy the mining property of the St. Louis and Big Muddy Coal Company if the managers refused to discharge the negroes and reemploy the strik- ing miners. The Sheriff came to Carterville, swore in a number of deputies and went into the town. compelling the mob to leave, and en Ans the trouble for that time. "It then seemed to be accepted that the negroes had come to stay, and that it would be useless to at- tempt to drive them out. It was re- ported, and no doubt was true, that Mr. Mitchell, now the Pre.sident of the United Mine Workers of Ameri- ca, came to Carterville and advised the miners that they had no right to interfere with the operations of the St. Louis and Big Muldy Coal Company's mines, and, had his ad- vice been followed, it is probable that the recent troubles would not have occurred. "After July, 1S9S, nearly all the old employes of the company applied to .lames Donnelly, manager of the mines, for work, and under instruc- tions from me to employ such men as he needed, rejecting only such as had been known to have engaged in acts of violence, he re-einployed something like 100 of the white miners, who worked peacably and apparently without friction with the colored miners, producing from July 1, 1S9S, to May 1-5, 1S99, the larg- est average output of coal that the mine ever made, an output larger than any other mine in the State had produced. "The miners were perfectly satis- fied, and at no time made a demand for an increase of wages or for re- dress of any grievances. Previous BOARD OF EDrCATlO.X, Creal Springs. Top Row — J. F. Miller. W. T. H arris. Second Row- Gaskill. \V. S. Brin, B. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. CONCiREGATIONAL CHURCH AT CREAL SPRINGS, ILL. to April 1st, the Brush men held a meeting anJ re-affirmed their old contract, according to the same rate for which they had been working. "It seemed that there could be no further trouble, but the arrange- ment was not satisfactory to the United Mine Workers, and they at once began to make trouble. About the first of May three of the em- ployes of the coal company came to me to make complaint about their wages. The men told me if I would give them eight hours a day instead of ten, I would not have any more trouble with the union men, and would be allowed to work in peace. To this I agreed, and the eight-hour day was adopted. When the three men came to me I asked if they re- presented the Union, saying that I would not treat with any one repre- senting the Miners' Union, as that organization had utterly failed in the past to keep its promises to me. The men disclaimed any connection with the Miners' Union, and pro- tested that they only came to pre- sent their individual grievances. When I went to the mines I called Mr. Donnelly, the mine manager, to my office and told him what I had said to the three men, advising him to put them on the roll at the rate agreed upon, whereupon I was In- formed by him that those three men had been sent as a committee from a lodge that had been organized by my men without my knowledge. "Immediately the men were dis- charged because they had misrepre- sented the situation and had In- duced me to make concessions that would have resulted in the claim be- ing made that I had recognized the Miners' Union and would be bound to carry out such demands as my men might make. "At once a strike was ordered. Nearly all the colored men refused to strike and with Irew from the se- cret organization that had been formed. In order to replace the men who had left my employment, I sent to Tennessee and got thirty or forty men, and had arranged for more when I learned that I could get as many miners as I wanted at Pana, the operators there having been induced to send their negro miners away. One of them tele- graphed to me requesting me to send up and get some of the best men who were there without means and without any prospect of employ- ment. On June 2.Sth, my son went lo Pana, and with the assistance of one of our employes who knew the colored miners at Pana, secured about forty miners with their fam- ilies, who agreed to go to Carterville to woik. When two miles from our mines the coach in which the men and their families were traveling was fired upon and one negro woman was killed. This was on June 30. Many of the participants in the at- tack upon the train have been ar- rested and are held for murder. The trial is set for the fourth Mon- day in September. "Trouble has continued at the mines. I have to go about with an escort all the time, having been as- saulted in the city of Murphysboro on the night of August 12th. by two men who laid in ambush for me as I was going from my hotel to the train. An attempt was made to as- sault me on Thursday last, and on I'liday two negroes were driven out of town. On Saturday three white men, who are members of the mil- itia company, but who were not on duty at the time, were assaulted in Carterville by the same men, who, with others, assaulted and killed the five negroes. A large number of the men who participated in that crime are known. Their names have been given to the coroner's jury and M. E. CHURCH AT CREAL SPRINGS. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. PUBLIC OFFICERS OF Ci;EAI> SPRINGS. Top Row — Edward Sullin, Clerk; G. W. Dempsey, Alderman; J. L. Gully, Alderman. Second Row — Jo hn Dupont, Alderman; Henry Wals- ton. Mayor; W. L. Harris, Alderman. they will be held for murder. "The Governor has assured the authorities of Williamson County that they will be offered every facil- ity for prosecuting all of the men engaged in these riots. "On the same day that the ne- groes were killed, armed men went through the train frotii Carbondale to Carterville searching for me and threatened to kill me. Several of the men now under arrest for the killing on Sunday will be indicted for the murder of June 30th, and will also be prosecuted for threaten- ing to kill me and for destroying mining property. "While the mine-owners have iDeen assured of protection from the county and State, they have not found that such protection was af- forded them until disaster came, and as a result, have not depended en- tirely upon such precautions, but have provide t arms of their own in sufficient quantity and of the best quality to be used by their trusted employes in case of emergency. This fact being known to the strikers, has prevented them from coming near enough to the mines to destroy the property, although it has been dis- covered that on the night of July 1st they brought dynamite and secreted it in a wheat-shock only a short dis- tance from the houses occupied by the miners. "There is no doubt that if such precaution had not been taken Wil- liamson county wouli today be re- sponsible for the loss of the prop- erty belonging to the St. Louis and Big Muddy Coal Company. "I do not believe in keeping an armed body of men, nor do I think it creditable that I have to go around armed for protection. But I have found on several occasions lately that I would not have escaped had I not been ready to defend myself. "The five negroes killed were above the average miners in intelli- gence, and were among the best men we had. They did not go to the city nor to the railroad for the purpose of making trouble, but on the con- trary some of them went to take the train and others expected friends on the train that arrived at Carterville at noon on Sunday. One of the men went to the train for the purpose of going to Pulaski, Tenn.. to attend the funeral of his mother, another went for the purpose of meeting his wife and two children who were coming from Mt. Vernon. 111. Some of the others intended to go to Ma- rion to attend church service, as the colored people have no church at Carterville. Knowing that there was public feeling against them in the town of Carterville. these men were afraid to go through the town, an i would not have done so had it not been for the one who wanted to go to his luother's funeral, and the other who wanted to meet his wife and children. The colored people got together at their school house on the mine property on Sunday morn- ing, and selected a few of their best men to go to Carterville with their friends. They took men who did not drink and who were old enough to have good judgment. They did not go into the town until just in time to meet the train. They went to the depot quietly, and the agent of the Illinois Central Railroad states that they were not making any disturbance or provoking any- one, whatever. A mob of men came into the depot with guns and or- dered the negroes to leave the place and to get out of town. The ne- groes, some of them with tickets in their pockets, left the depot, driven by the white men with guns in their hands down the road. It is claimed that one of them firel into the crowd at a boy, but, as it is said by one of Carterville's citizens, the boy dodged the bullet. This shot, it is claimed, caused the shooting. "At all events, the armed strikers MISSIONARY HAI'I k A I CREAL SPRINGS, ILL. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. and came to Carterville in Deceni- bfr, IsitT. Mr. Peyton's start in Ijusiness began at the age of seven- teen, in a store at Pinckneyville, later in the restaurant business at Union City, Tenn., with a brother, under the firm name of Peyton Bros., which continued from 1895 to 1897 inclusive, when in .January, 1S9S, lie acteptel the position of manager of the Carterville Store Go's, store. -Mr. Peyton is a member of the A. F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., and Mod- ern Woodmen. His father, Robt. S. Peyton, was born near Hopkinsville, Ky., and his mother, Harriet B., near Marion, Ky. The brilliant ca- reer of Mr. Peyton is due to his strict attention to his duties and un- ceasing efforts to please the patrons of the store. Carterville State and Savings Bank. CITY HALL, Carterville. began firing at the negroes, killing four of them outright and wounding another, who died soon afterwards. None of the white people were killed or hurt. This record tells its own story." — Inter Ocean, copied in Ma- rion Leader, October 5, 18 99. The names of the killed are: Rev. O. T. J. Floy 3, Huse Bradley, John Black, Henry Branuni, Sim Cum- mins. T. L. Roberts. Foreman of the Grand Jury: names of the indicted: Robert Hadfield, Math Walker, El- mer James, Lem Shadowen, Wesley Shadowen, Charles Shadowen. Rich- ard Kelley, Win. Kelley, John W^al- lace, Willis Carney, Jack Naugh, Frank Grider. The attorneys for the State were the following: R. R. Fowler, States Attorney for Williamson County; George B. Gillespie, States Attorney for Johnson County; W. W. Clem- mens, Marion: Ed Spiller, Marion; F. M. Youngblood, Carbondale; Judge W. W. Barr, Carbondale, On the defence: Ex-Governor Johnson, of St. Louis: Lendoff Whit- nell. Vienna: )V. A. Spann, Vienna: J. L. Gallimore. Carterville: R. B. Morton, Carterville; W. W. Duncan, Marion. The case was taken on a change of venue to Johnson County, an1 on the trial of the case, all the defend- ants were discharged. The financial result of the riot to W'illiamson County was a debt of $20,000, of which, after the 1904 taxes are paid, there yet remains about $2,000 to pay. first day of January, 1898, handling principally groceries, dry goods and shoes, and showing one of the neat- est and best kept stocks in William- son County, whose constant aim is to be fair in their treatment of their customers by giving them goo 1 val- ue in all purchases, and truly said, they are not satisfied unless their customers are satisfied. The pros- perity enjoyed by this store has gradually increased, as evidenced by the volume of business year by year. This Company confidently expects to surpass all other years, in point of sales, in 1904. Credit for this phe- nominal business is in a measure largely due to its able manager, Mr. Willard Peyton, who was born March 6, 1ST4, at Pinckneyville, Illinois, Cartei'ville Store Co. Prominent among the mercantile interests of Carterville, Illinois, stands the Carterville Store Co.. which entered a business life on the With the blossoming from Town to City, the necessities of the mer- chants, citizens and manufacturers demand financial institutions, the combination of commercial and fi- nancial interests of any location cen- ters in the strength and character of its banks, and especially is this true in Carterville, Williamson Co., Illinois, which has in the last four years nearly doubled its population, and where many of the leading mer- chants, mine and land owners, are stockholders in the Carterville State and Savings Bank, successor to the Bank of Carterville. About thirty- five of the hustling promoters of Car- terville's best interests, represent- ing the wealthiest and most influen- tial citizens of the City and County, organized the Carterville State and Savings Bank, which opened its doors for business on the thirteenth SCHOOL HOUSE AT CREAL SPRINGS. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. THE OZARK HOTEL, fieal Sinint day of April. 1904, with $50,1)00.00 capital. S. H. Bundy was president: J. B. Samuel, vice president; M. W. Sizemore, cashier, and the following directors: S. H. Bundy, J. B. Sam- uel, Ed. A. Elles, L. J. Moaks, H. F. Arnold, P. H. Carroll, W. C. Mc- Neill, F. H. Koennecke and W. S. Wilson. The remarkable growth of this bank is best evidenced by its 1216,000.00 of deposits and loans of $165,000,011 at this writing, but forty-five days of age. This flour- ishing condition is due to the strict- est and most conservative business methods, obliging and courteous treatment to the public, consistant with good banking by an efficient corps of experienced gentlemen, whose names as officers and stock- holders are a guarantee of the solid- ity of the bank. serves to be held in everlasting re- membrance. She was born August 8th, 1832, at Bainbridge, and she and her husband were school-mates from childhood. Except in child- bearing she was never sick a day in her life, never had a doctor nor a hired girl. She did her own house- work, raised her great family and has spun and woven as high as 100 yards of woolen cloth in a year. At her advanced age she scorns hired help and gets about the old farmhouse as sprightly as a maid of 20. She is slim and trim as a bride, quick and active, and as ambitious as in her girlhood. Except for the few wrinkles and an occasional grey hair, you would hardly know that time had ever laid its hand upon her. She and her husband are co-labor- ers still, but she is the smarter of the two. May such mothers multi- ply in the land, and may her sons do her reverence and her daughters follow in her steps. But alas I The sound of the spin- ning wheel is no longer heard in the land. Its busy hum has given way to the ear-racking tuni-tum-tum of the piano. The sons and daugh- ters have forsaken the farm and families have dwindled to one and two or three. Alas for the Repub- lic if the industrial drift lead not back to the old paths. In 184S Mr. Cagle bought his present homestead among the wolves and rattlers, and in 1S49 brought his newly wedded bride to a home where light has been kept cheerfully burning until this present hour. Neither had much education, but pioneering gave them health and strength if it did not give them book- learning. Near their home, among the rocks along Crab Orchard Creek, was a den of rattlers, so numerous and prolific that Mr. Cagle's predecessor, of whom he bought, killed 300 in one year. He, himself, was bitten but once, and barely escaped with his life. But the rattlers have long ago gone to keep the wolves and bears company. In 1852 he began to preach for the Missionary Baptists, and served them until a year after the War. In 1866 he was licensed by the Free Baptists and preached for them un- til about three years ago, when ad- vancing age and infirmities brought his labors to an end. He enlisted in Co. B.. 1st Col. regiment to serve in the Meixcan War. but with the rest of those boys, he "bravely marched up the hill only to march down again." REV. TIMOTHY CAGLE, Pioneer Farmer. This venerable old gentleman, now close to the SO's, is another liv- ing testimonial to the benefits of the simple and regular habit of firm life. He comes, too, of long-lived ancestry among the mountains of Tennessee. He was born in Robin- son County, December -5, 1S2G, and canie. a babe in his mothe.-'f arms, and settled first near the old town of Bainbridge. His mother, Polly Demumbe, died there at the age of 65, and his father, Charles Cagle, lived to be 8 5 and died near Little Rock, Ark. Her father was a sol- dier in the war of the Revolution and died at Nashville, Tenn., at the advanced age of 110. August 2 5, 1849, Mr. Cagle chose Caroline Roberts for his life's part- ner, and together they have raised fourteen children. She is a very re- markable, woman and richly de- 1 ^^? HL 1 ^.jc^^^lH THE BATH-HOUSE AT THE OZARK HOTEL, Creal Springs 10 SOUX'ENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLLXOIS. CREAL SPRINGS FREE BAPTIST CHURCH, REV. J. \V. McKlXXEY, PASTOR. In politics he was a Republican and alwa.vs voted that ticket, but was never an office-seeker nor a politician. The names of their children are: William Cagle. deceased; Mrs. Nan- cy, widow of Hezekiah McNeal; Jas. Cagle, deceased: Mrs. Mary W., the wife of Hiram Wedkins, Carterville; Pleasant Cagle, Charles Cagle, Tim- othy Cagle, Carterville: Martha Ca- gle. Moody Cagle, Edwin Cagle, Car- terville: Mardicai, deceased: Mrs. Gertie, wife of Grif Sanders: Mrs. Dolly, wife of Tuck Hampton: Mrs. Dora, wife of William Hampton, Carterville: Alfracratls Cagle, on the old farm. S. G. CHAMNESS. Pioneer Farmer. Mr. Chamness is one of those men who never grow old. Erect, vigor- ous and active, at the age of 79 he is a living epistle known and read of all men, and the burden of it is that sobriety, industry and religion are a good investment for this pres- ent life. He is a native of Tennes- see, and was born in Stewart County September 29, 18 25. He came with his parents to Belleville when but three years old, and in 1846, when about ten years old, his parents set- tled near where he still lives. The only towns of any importance in that time were Bainbridge and Frankfort. Game was plentiful in those days, and so were wolves and rattlers. It was not uncommon for his father and older brothers to kill a deer or two before breakfast. The country was timbered and roads were but foot paths. It was a long drive to mill or to meeting, but corn and sweet potatoes grew luxuriantly, and there was always plenty of venison and wild turkey. The climate and soil were all that could be desired, and for drink they had the bubbling spring. They soon had the lowing herd and plenty of butter and milk. Hog and homony, bonny-clabber, corn pone, sweet and Irish pota- toes, possum, wild turkey and fresh venison, with plenty of "punkin but- ter!" What more could the pioneers desire in a home where the doctor was a stranger and peace and plenty abounded. No wonder his SO years sit lightly on him. Had he passed his "three score years and ten" in the grime and the grind of a great city, his 80 years would have been reduced to 50 or 40, notwithstanding the vigor of his Tennessee parent- age. He has passed his years in paradise, and will scarcely note a change when the gates open to re- ceive him bye and bye. What mattered the log house and the buckskin breeches? The old log house is now a smoke house and a substantial frame house has long ago replaced it, and the buckskin and blue jeans have given way to broadcloth, but the old man still sighs for the days of the pioneer. Fifty-nine years next March the old pioneer has been rooted in the soil of his boyhood days, and truly has he flourished like a green bay tree. Five times has he taken a wife, and is now living happily with his fifth wife. Twenty-nine grand chil- dren and twenty-three great grand children rise up and call him blessed. His first wife was Harriet Norris, to whom he was united Jan. 13, 1845. She died the following September 2 4, without children. He married his second wife March 1, 1846. By her he had six children, of whom five still survive; J. C. Chamness, a pros- perous farmer and stock raiser in the neighborhood; Draiton Cham- ness, who died when three years old; Mary, the wife of George Pen- tecost; Samantha, wife of Rev. A. A. Brown, of Rentfrow, Oklahoma, and Sylvester Chamness, of Creal Springs, 111. His second wife died and for a third wife he took Ann .Tones. By her he had seven chil- dren, E. A. Chamness, on the home place: Xora, who died in infancy; SOU\'EXIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 11 II. II |H).\Xi:iJ.Y MIXK, Cartei-ville. Illi Albert B. Chanmess, who runs the store at Cottage Home: Libbie, who married Joe Osborn, and died in 1902; Cora, the wife of Elijah Blankenship. Then followed a pair of twin boys who died in infancy. His fourth wife was Fanny Norris, whom he married November 22, 1S9II. She dieJ September 14, 1900, and then the aged patriarch took a wife, Ruth Jones, with whom he is still living. He is a Democrat in pol- itics and a deacon for 50 years in the Missionary Baptist Church. His schooling was limited but his native sense unbounded. ELDER F. L. DAVIS, Pastor of Christian Church. Was born near Bloomington, Mc- Lean County, Illinois. September 3, ISTl. He is a second cousin to the late David Davis of Bloomington, whom he greatlj' resembles, both physically and mentally, pulling down the scales to 3 2.5 pounds avor- dupois. and demonstrating his claim of being one of the solidest men in the State. He is very proud of hav- ing been reared on a farm by his father, who was also reared to the plow. And it may be added (en passant) that this unusual cause of gratulation to Mr. Davis is fortun- ately becoming less a rarity than in former years. It is gradually be- ing comprehended that moral, physi- cal and intellectual well-being is closely allied to the soil and to de- spise the farm is analagous to going back on one's own mother. When told that his "Great Father" would have a "talk" with him (meaning the Government Agentl, Red Jacket is reported to have tossed his head proudly and retorted "My Father! God is my father and the earth is my mother. I will recline upon her bosom." Happy will it be when the shallow contempt for the farm, still too prevalent, shall give place to the love and honor Brother Davis feels for it, and men forsake the grime and misery and want of the crowded city for the pu.e air and sunlight, the peace and plenty of the farm. Very just and honorable is Broth- er Davis' pride in having been reared on a farm, it was a good start. Nearly all of America's great men, like the giant oaks and the fruitful vines and trees, were first planted in the fruitful soil of the country they love and honor. Pig- mies and criminals are bred in the cities, giants on the farm, witness Brother Davis' 32 5 pounds avoirdu- pois. And as the farm witnesses to health and vigor of mind, so does his education speak words of praise for our incomparable common school system, for he received his first schooling in intervals common to the schoolboy in his farm life. He was educated, so to speak, with his hands upon the plow handles. But he didn't stop at the "little red school house." September 12th, 1892, he entered Eureka College, where he pursued his studies for three years, until June, 1895. The following September he entered Wesley University at Bloomington, where he spent another year. In September, 1901, he entered Drake University, where he spent two terms. He ceased his course of study with a course in the Golden Cross Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat College in Chicago, from which he graduated in 1903, with the degree of Doctor of Optics. In the Spring of 1892 he was converted and first began to preach April Sth, in his na- tive town of Hayworth. Prom that time on till the present his life has been spent in the gospel ministry. Although active and efficient as a pastor, much of his time has been, by preference, devoted to Evangelis- tic work. He has served weak and struggling churches the greater part of the time, and sounded out the word of lite in the regions beyond. After laboring for a while in his na- tive town, he went, in the fall of 1896, to Miriden, Chorokee Co., Iowa, thence to Esterville in Emmitt County: from there to Dows. where in seven months' work he estab- lished a good congregation and erected a church at a cost of $3000. From Dows he moved to Charles City. Floyd County, then to Tama and then spent a straight eighteen months evangelizing with his home at Des Moines. From Des Moines he went to Red- wood Falls, Minnesota, where he re- mained but ten months and moved to Clinton, Iowa. His pastorate at Carterville began at the close of his term as State Evangelist, to which he was appointed by the State Board PROSPERITY MINE, Carterville, 111. 12 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. G. B. RUSSELL, Photographer, Herrin, 111. WILLARD PEYTON, Manager Carterville Store Co., Car- terville. 111. JOE E. KELLEY, Carterville, Illinois. of the Illinois Christian Missionary Societ.v in the fall of 190;J. His vigorous and faithful work is evidenced b.v the fact that since the middle of November, 1896. he has held 26 protracted meetings and has missed but seven Sundays from the pulpit. His marriage took place Septem- ber 15, 1S97. to Miss Evalina Mor- row, of Clinton, 111., by whom he has had three children, two boys and one girl, all living. The membership of the church is now about 1T5# and the house will seat about 300. The following are its officers: P. L. Davis, pastor; J. A. Lauder, clerk: .1. D. Winning, W. J. Wheat- ley, .1. C. Davis, J. M .Brown, el- ders: Grant EHers, .T. A. Lauder, J. V. Walker, .Joseph Stock, deacons: ,1. D. Winning, Jeff Cox, J. A. Lau- der, Trustees. Choir, J. A. Lauder. leader; J. C. Davis, assistant leader and tenor: Miss Lilly D. Holland, or- ganist; Clyde Davis, William Be- vard, tenors: Clyde Hunter, Thos. Philips, T. B. Zimmerman, Robert Bandy, bass: Mrs. L. C. Holland, Miss Pearl Stone, Miss Minnie Pittz, Miss Electa Stone, Miss Mable Car- ney, Miss Murial Hall, Miss Grace Crowell. Harry Jackson, Miss Sada Campbell , sopranos: Miss Rhea Walker, Miss Mattie Lewis and Miss Lilly Holland, altos. Christian Endeavor, membership. 55; Robert Baniy. president: Miss Rhea Walker, secretary. Sunday School, membership 140; J. W. Wheatley, Suptreintendent: Jeff Cox, Assistant Superintendent: Robert Bandy, secretary; Miss Rhea Walker, Assistant Secretary. REV. J. H. ALLEN. Pastor of Missionary Baptist Church at Carterville. Was born near McLeansboro, Hamilton County, 111., April 1, 1S60. His youth was spent on a farm, and his early education acquired at our common schools. He married young, selecting his life's partner when but IS years old. This was Miss Louisa Goodwin, to whom be was united September 4. 1S7S. and of whom has been born seven children, five of whom are living. He began to preach when 3 2 years old. was ordained and enterel the regular ministry of the Missionary Baptist church. Soon after his or- dination, however, feeling the need of a better preparation for his chosen work, he entered Ewing College, where he pursued his studies for four years, preaching the meanwhile as opportunity presented. At the end of that period, how- ever, he took hold of the regular work and served churches at Union, Middle Creek and Benton, in Ham- ilton and Franklin Counties. After serving these churches about four years successfully, he enlarged his sphere of usefulness by evangelistic and pastoral work in Hamilton, Jeff- erson, St. Clair and White Counties until 1S99, when he was chosen as Missionary by the Board of the Nine Mile Missionary Association, which he served for two years, adding be- tween 400 and 500 members to the various churches, among whom he labored. In October, 1901, he ac- cepted his present pastorate in Car- terville, to which be has added about 130 since he assumed its control. The church has prospered in all re- spects from the start. A large Sunday School, under the management of Mr. Raymond Jones, its Superintendent, evidences the growing- interest of the young peo- ple in the cause of religion and gives promise of the permanence and pros- perity of the church to which it be- longs. The Society boasts of the finest choir in Southern Illinois. It has an orchestra of eleven pieces and twenty-two additional singers. Un- der the able and scientific leadership of Dr. J. H. Brooks and his assist- ant. Will Peebles, finer church mu- sic has never been produced in the state than the people of Carterville are favored with every Sun'iay. The following comprises a complete list of the orchestra and choir as at present constituted; Dr. J. H. Brooks, leader and so- prano; Will Peebles, assistant and 1st cornet: Arthur Baker, 1st cor- net: Vern Allen, 2nd cornet: Miss Lucy Jones, 1st violin: David Crow- der. 2nd violin; Sam Hodges, flute; Raymond Jones, flute; Lloyd Walk- er, trombone; Lacy Peyton, trom- bone; George Pressley, bass cello; Mi?; Bessie Jones, organist. Choir — Mrs. Will Peebles, Mrs. Maud Clarida, Mrs. Ruth Bracy, Miss Minnie Carr. Miss Nellie Arnold, Miss Ethel Culp, Miss Lu Jones, Miss Lu Baker, Mrs. Arthur King, Miss Myrtle Smith, Mrs. I>. L. Jones, Miss Stella Culp, sopranos; Mrs. J. H. Brooks, Miss Zetta Jones, Miss Lena Chapman, altos: L. L. Jones, George Crowder, Holly Sizemore, tenors: J. E. Harris, P. R. Baker, U. L. Walker, Grant Peterson, bass. The following is the Official Board of the church: Rev. J. H. Allen, pas- tor; Fred C. Guthrie, clerk; Ray- mond Jones, S. S. Superintendent; Dr. J. H. Brooks, P. R. Baker, J. E. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 13 JUDGE H. F. WHITAKER. Creal Springs. MARY ANN WHITAKER. Creal Springs. B. H. GREER, P. M. Creal Springs. Harris, Warren Walker, Willis C. McNeill, Hardy Walker, deacons: W. L. Walker, Arthur Baker, J. E. Har- ris, trustees. REV. WM. M. MAXTON. Pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Carterville. Rev. Wm. M. Maxton is a native of Perthshire, Scotland, where he was born December 21, 18GS. His pa- rents were James and Catharine Maxton. His mother is still living, but his father died in Scotland at an advanced age. He was educated at Monzie and Glasgow and came to America when 21 years oil. After taking a course in Moody's Bible In- stitution in Chicago, he was licensed as a minister of the gospel by the Alton Presbytery of the Presbyterian church of U. S. A., in September. 1S93. His ordination followed in October of the same year, and he was called to the charge of the churches of Blair and Steelville in Randolph County. After closing his work there he spent two years with the church in Lyons, Kansas, which was followed by a two years' pastorate in the St. Louis Presby- tery. In May, 190 0. he came to Car- terville and took charge of the church at that place, where he still labors. His first wife was Miss Margaret Wilson, of Randolph County, who died in giving birth to her first and only child in January, 1S94. She took her mother's name, and is now a promising daughter of nine years. His second marriage took place Aug- ust 12, 1903, to Miss Helen Burns Watson. The church which Mr. Maxton serves has a membership of Hhi. and the building a seating capacity of 300. It is a fine structure for the size of the city. The following is the official roll ot the church: Wm. M. Maxton, Pastor: Hugh M. Richard, Jas. Barr, A. K. EUes and riufus Peterson, Elders; Fred W. Richard, James Watson and Fred Nichol, Deacons: Ed. Biles, Hugh M. Richard and A. C. Hope. Trustees. The officers of the Sunday School are: A. K, Elles, Supt.; Grace Hal- stead, Asst. Supt.: Bessie Barr, Sec. and Treas. It has a membership of 1.5 0. The church has a flourishing Christian Endeavor Society of 45. Kiah Hodges, president: Anna Ban- dy, vice president: Hattie Nichol, recording secretary: Grace Halstead, corresponding secretary: Belle Lock- ie, treasurer: Alice Kennedy, choris- ter. The Junior C. E. numbers 40. Its officers are: Ella Bandy, Supt.; Mima Banly, Asst. Supt.; Ed Elles, Treas.: Clara Nichol, Sec. Its choir consists of the following per- sons: sopranos — Clara Perry, (also organist): Roberta Watson, Grace Halstead, Alice Kennedy, Anna Ban- dy and Ella Bandy, altos — Mrs. W. M. Maxton, Lillian Bandy, Caudia Watson; tenor — Kiah Hodges; bass — James Watson. Geo. Lockie, Fred Bevard. Everett Anderson and Fred W. Richard. J'^ MR. AND MRS. CHAS. F. STARRICK. Carterville, 111. Retired Farmer and Blind. 14 SOUVENIR ()[■' WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. MRS. E. A. CHADWELL, Corinth, Illinois. REV. JOSEPH DEROSETT, Pastor of the Creal Springs M. E. Church. J. L. ROBERTS, Corinth, Illinois. LUTHER E. ROBERTSON, Attorney at Law. Editor and Propri etor of the Carterville Herald. The subject of this sketch was born at Frankfort, Franklin County, Illinois, March 14th, 1866. He re- ceived a common school education and taught for ten years before tak- ing up the study of law. He was ad- mitted to the bar in 18 96, and the following year, June 30, 1897. I'lar- ried Miss Lucy E. Martin, a native of Jackson County. He is democratic in politics and began the publication of the Carter- ville HeraLl in the interest of his party August 2 4th, 189 9. He was elected Justice of the Peace on that ticket in November, 1901, nnd his commission still obtains. He has two children, Marian f. nd Alarie. J. L. GALLIMORE, Attorney at Law. J. L. Gallimore was born in Poll; County, Illinois, October 11, 1867. After a thorough training at (he High School of Golconda, he taught for five years, and then took up the study of law, in the tall of 1888. He was admitted to the bar February 24, 1892. at Mt. Vernon, and began the practice of his profession at Gol- conda. After one year's ptactice there he came to Carterville, March 1st, 1893, and the April was appointed City Attorney to fill a vacancy of one year. At ihe e.\p;ra- tion of his term of office he was elect- ed on the Democratic ticket for a full term of two years. He was out for two years, but re-elected in 1898, and has held the same office ever since. He was married February 2 4, 189.5, to Miss Osee Canaday, a native of Vermillion County, by whom he has had three children, Hal G., Zula and J. Otis. J. A. SEIDLA. Hoisting Engineer Culp Coal Mine. J. A. Seidla was born at Lafayette, Tippecanoe County, Indiana, April 11, 1853. His father, John Adam Seidla, was a native of Wittunburg, Germany, where he was born in 1822 and emigrated to America in 183 3. He was a successful stock raiser and dealer, and is still living on the old place in Tippecanoe Co. He tried to raise his son to his own occupation, but kept him on the farm only until he was fifteen, when he gave it up as a bad job and let him follow his own inclination to work with tools and machinery. He built and ran several saw mills in Southern Illinois for more than 20 years. With the exception of two years in Southeast Missouri, where he erected and run a saw-mill for John Culp in the heavy timber of the Mississippi bottom, his work has been done in Southern Illinois. Hav- ing had the benefit of only a com- mon school education, he took a course as Hoisting Engineer in the Scranton International Correspond- OZARK PARK, CREAL SPRINGS. (C. E. Jenkins). "I think I'll rest a while, right here." SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNT\', ILLLNOIS. 15 CREAL SPRINGS COLLEGE, Mrs. G. B. Murrat, PrincipaL ence School in 13iU, and received his certificate from the examiners at Springfield. He immediately took charge of the engine at the Gulp mine, which he still runs. FRANK SIZEMORE, Musician. This well-known musician, the or- ganizer and leader of the concert band bearing his name, is a Carter- ville boy from his birth. He was born on a farm contiguous to the corporation January 17, 1S69, three years and a month before the village was surveyed in February, IS 72. His rearing, fortunately for his physique, was on the farm, and his education at the common school. He took up the study of music when but 19 years old, and has studied har- mony and composition under such masters as Dr. Palmer, of Chicago: A. J, Goodrich, of Philadelphia, and Charles T. Howe, of Columbus, Ohio. He is a composer of no mean talent, and is the author of several pieces of high merit. March 29, 1S94, he was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Hayes. They have no children. He is a mu- sician, not a politician, and by trade a barber. CHARLES CRAIG. J. P. Real Estate and Insurance. Charles Craig, .T. P., was born four miles south of Carterville July, 1S66. He was reared on a farm and is indebted to our incomparable com- mon school system for his education. He came to Carterville in November, 1893, and spent two years in the grocery and restaurant business, but in 1S9S took up real estate and in- surance, in which he is still engaged. In 1897 he was elected constable and served a full term of four years. He was then elected to the common council, and is still alderman. He was elected Justice of the Peace In 1901, and is still discharging the du- ties of that office. He is a republi- can in politics. He has been married twice. His first wife was Laura E. Cole, to whom he was united May 16, ISSG, anl by whom he has had one child, Ollie Ethel. June 6, 1900, he mar- ried Miss Leona Kisner, of Vienna, by whom he has one child. Opal. POST OFFICE AT CARTERVILLE. This office was first established in 1871, with George McNeill as the first Postmaster, He was succeeded by John Bandy, and these in turn by the following incumbents, in the or- der named: Curtis Scott. B. F. Tran- barger. John Herrin, R. H. H. Hamp- ton, Albert K. Elles. G. W. Duncan, C. E. Owen, Dr. W. H. Perry, Mrs. E. N. Sprague, Miss Maggie Thompson, D. P. McFadden, H. W. Cann, and last of all by the present incumbent, J. A. Lauder. It was made a Presidential office July 1. 1S9S. with the salary placed at $1,000 a year. Since then there have been five advances of $100 each year, till the office commands $15iiO_ beginning July 1, 19ii5. It was the first office in the County to secure Rural Free Delivery, and now has three routes with the following carriers: Richard Stover, Route 1: John W. Hestand, Route 2: Roscoe North, Route 3. The present office force, besides the Postmaster, is Miss Pearl Robinson, Assistant Post- master: Anna McCutcheon, Clerk. The office is quite a distributing center for the surrounding towns, handling the Blairsville, North Bend and Clifford mails, about half of Dewmain and Fordville and more than a fourth of Herrin in transit. The total receipts of the office the last year, from April to April, was $3,0.56.14. It handled 4,S38 domes- tic and 2fK' foreign money orders. J. A. LAUDER, Postmaster. Was born in Pittston, Pa.. August 9, 1869, and came when a child with his parents to Carterville. The country was at that time mostly a wilderness, and the family had all the hardships and privations of pioneer life. The elder Lauder, Alexander Lauder, had experience in mining in Pittston, in the California gold fields, in Rasclare lead mines, and naturally took to coal mining, when he went to Murphysboro in 1866. He sunk the first coal shaft in this field and followed the busi- ness for some years. When the subject of this sketch became a man he, too, went to min- ing, where he worked till about 20 years old. After a course in the 16 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. BANK OF JOHNSON CITY AT JOHNSON CITY, ILLINOIS. Mr. M. Oznient, Cashier, in the Window. Brown's Business College al Peoria, he clerked for some time and fol- lowed various other occupations un- til he was appointed Postmaster, June 1, 1S9S. He was a strong Re- publican and active and efficient in practical politics, and secured his ap- pointment without much opposition. He is a member of the County Cen- tral Committee and also of the Con- gressional Committee for this Coun- ty. He has been an active member of the Christian Church since ISSS and the leader of the choir. His mu- sical talent has made him of much use to his neighbors and brought him into constant request, both in the city and county, in leading the music at funerals and other gather- ings. As a breeder of Single Comb Black Minorcas, he has won a reputation over the whole country. He is a member of the Black Minorca Poul- try Club of America, and his fowls and eggs are sent to all parts of the United States. His birds invariably win the blue ribbons wherever ex- hibited, rarely scoring less than 93 1-2 to 95 points. His marriage took place Septem- ber 14, 1893 to Lena Zimmerman, of South St. Louis, Mo. Five children were the fruits of this union: Neva, Helen, Ruth, Don C. and Junia. He Is a member of Williamson Lodge, No. S02, A. F. and A. M., and also a Modern Woodman. in 18.57, locating at Pittslon, Pa., re- maining there a short time and then removed to the gold fields of Cali- fornia, Nevada and Washington, be- ing engaged in the various vocations in and around the gold mines for about seven years, returning to Pennsylvania, from whence he went to Rosiclare, 111., working in the lead mines. He went to Murphysboro. 111., in 180(j. and had charge of the sinking and managing of some of the first coal mines in that locality. While there he arranged to meet his future wife, Elizabeth Jones, of Pittston, Pa., in Chicago, 111., she coming from her home in Pennsylvania, when they were married in October, 1867. To this marriage were born six children, James. .Minnie, Dick, Maggie, Frank and Alexander, Jr., all of whom are living except Alex- ander, Jr. Mr. Lauder was the eldest of seven brothers and one sister, Rob- ert, James, Peter, Thomas, John, Samuel and Agnes. All are dead ex- cept Peter, Thomas and John. He located in Carterville, Illinois, in 1872, assuming charge of the mines of the Carbondale Coal and Coke Company. He became a member of the Masonic Order at Herrin's Prai- rie Lodge, No. G93, in 1873; was also a charter member of Williamson Lodge No. 802 A. F. and A. M., at Carterville, 111., and a member of the United Mine Workers of Amer- ica, Local No. 1146. He was elected one of the Village trustees of the Village of Carterville under its first organization in 1873; elected President of the Board of Trustees in 1874; re-elected to the same office in 1875 and 1876; in 1877 was elected Treasurer of the Village; in 187 8 he was asked by a number of his friends to once more serve the people of our little village, but his answer was no, for the rea- son that so much of his time was taken up by his duties at the mines, and also feeling that others should take the responsibility of the man- agement of the village now, the third largest city in Williamson Co. At the time Mr. Lauder took charge of the Carterville Coal and Coke Go's, property it was the only shipping mine in Williamson County. At this time the county has some- thing over forty coal openings. Mr. Lauder has seen the great coal in- dustry of Williamson County grow from the little slope, situated on the ALEXANDER LAUDER, Deceased. Alexander Lauder, son of Thos. and Agnes Lauder, was born in Kirk- cudbrightshire, Scotland, July 3, 1834, died October 9, 1904, at 12 o'clock, noon. His death was cause! by apoplexy, being ill only a very brief time. Mr. Lauder came to this country C'AitTKK\ILI>K SCHOOL BUILDING, Carterville, Illinois. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 17 DR. J. H. BROOKS, Mayor of Carterville. Elected in 1905. Laban Carter estate, about one-half mile east of Division street, to one of the most noted coal fields of America. The funeral services were held Tuesday, October 11, at 2 p. m., from the family residence, conducted by Rev. F. L. Davis, pastor of the Christian Church, assisted by Rev. W. W. Weedon and Rev. J. J. Harris, both of Marion. Interment in the Oakwood cemetery by the Free Ma- sons and Miners Union Local. young man the necessary foundation for the education he so greatly de- sired. But his poverty and the delicacy of his father's health were a serious hanuicap during all of his early life, and consequently his edu- cation was secured only at intervals of severe toil summers and working nights and Saturdays in the winter until he passed the County Superin- tendent's examination and secured the coveted certificate. He then se- cured the Sitter School, near Sara- toga, 111., where he made a record unsurpassed by any. It had the reputation of being a hard school to manage, but he taught it for two years successfully. Three of his pu- pils received certificates at the end of his two years' labor and went to teaching. On closing his school there he went to Mississippi and taught one term in that state and then returnel to Illinois. After an incomplete course at the State Normal at Carbondale, he chose medicine as a profession, and took a course in the University at Louisville, Kentucky, graduating in 1891. He then returned to Union County and began to practice, but the next year went to Blairsville, where he remained nineteen months. He then stuck out his shingle in Car- terville, where he has since re- mained. This was in 1S94, and in 1899 he supplemented his medical education by a post graduate course at Chicago. The Doctor was one of the first to recognize the value of the X-Ray in medicine, and is one of the few experts in that line. His laboratory is fully equipped with all up-to-date machines for full electric and X-Ray treatment, in which he is eminently successful. The Doctor is normally a Demo- crat, but at the last election in Car- terville he enthusiastically support- ed the reform movement, and was elected Mayor of the city on the Prohibition ticket. His wife was Alice Reynolds, who was born in Carterville in 1S72. They were married August 1, 1895, and have one child. Colleen Brooks. They are both members of the 1st Baptist Church. He is a K. of P. and Modern Woodman. J. H. BROOKS, M. D. Mayor of Carterville. Dr. Brooks is a vivid example of what ambition, pluck and hard work will do for a young American boy of good principles and average intelli- gence. His youth was spent on a farm in the states of Mississippi and Illinois, where the main burden of the family's support fell on his shoulders, on account of an invalid father. His father, M. C. Brooks, was a native of Cobden, Union Co., 111., where the Dr. was also born, April 4, 1818. His mother was Elizabeth Neel, a native of Missis- sippi, and very much attached to the South. After their marriage her in- fluence took her back to Mississippi, and her husband and young son with her, where she died in 1874. The family then returned to Cobden. 111., where the father still lives. The common school system, which has done so much for the nation. again showed its value in giving the CARTERVILLE DISTRICT COAL MINE NEAR WHITE ASH, ILL. 18 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. NORTH SIDE SCHOOT>. Heriin, Illinoi: CHARLES M. CASH, Insurance. Mr. Cash, who, after various vicis- situdes, has settled down to the suc- cessful management of the Southern Illinois district of the Molern American, one of the most popular liberal and safe of the Fraternal Or- ders, though born in Hardin County. Kentucky, of Kentucky heritage, prides himself on being a thorough- going Williamson County man, as he came to Marion with his parents in 1865, when but 16 years old, and has been a resident of the County ever since. He was born April 7. 184 9. of Jeremiah Cash and Amanda Melvina Williams. His mother died in 18 84 at the age of 62, and his father is still living in Marion at the age of 81. He was married October 27, 187 2. when 2 4 years old, to Miss Mattie Walker, who died March 8, 1890, af- ter giving birth to eight children, seven of whom are living. He fol- lowed his father's occupation of farming in the vicinity of Marion un- til 1881, when he moved his family to Carterville, where he has since re- sided. Two years afterwards he went into the grocery business and later drifted into general merchan- dise. After five years' experience in that line he sold out and began clerking for Zimmerman Brothers in Carterville. He remained with them eleven years, and then built the Park Hotel, which he sold to J. W. Wheatly, after running it for six years. Wheatly sold to Roy E. Cash. the only remaining son of the sub- ject of this sketch, in the winter of 1904 and 1905. In April of last year, 1904, Mr. Cash became interested in Insurance, and took the general agency for Southern Illinois of the Modern American, with the Supreme Lodge at Effingham. This is under the general management of Hon. George M. LeCrone, and seems to be rapidly forging to the very front in its line. For his second wife Mr. Cash mar- ried Mrs. Sarah Donihoo. in 189 4. Two years later she died, and in August. 189S. he took Mrs. Lizzie Powell, a widow with five grown children, all of whom, but two, are settled in the County. Their names are in the order of their ages. Ran- som Powell, conductor on the Illinois Central Ry., residing at Golconda; Libble, the wife of Noah Payne, a Drygoods merchant at Marion; Kate, the wife of Oscar Peyton, of Carter- ville; Sherman Powell, a newspaper and magazine cartoonist in Califor- nia, and Frank, the youngest, who is 1 lerking for D. B. Bracy, a Drygoods merchant of Marion. Mr. Cash'a children are Cora, the wife of Rev. It. D. McKinnis, a Baptist preacher ill Southeast Missouri; Marian, wife of W. B. Keith, a farmer of Du- Quoin; R. E. Cash, before men- tioned, living at Carterville and en- gaged in railroad contracting; Evan- geline, the wife of George H. North, a lum1)er merchant at Carterville; Ruth, wife of Frank Bracy, a hard- ware dealer in Carterville; Zelda, the wife of Anthony DuPrett, a tailor at Carterville, and Zonna, the young- est, who is single and lives with her parents in Carterville. One son died in infancy. Mr. Cash and his wife are both members of the Missionary Baptist Church, and politically he is a Democrat. WESLEY STAFFORD. Wesley Stafford, of Carterville. is the hustling proprietor of The Staf- ford Job Printery. He was born June 15, 1878, at Stone Fort, Saline County, 111. His father, Rufus R. Stafford, was born in North Carolina, and his mother. Eliza J., was born in Kentucky. After graduating from High School. Mr. Stafford learned the printer's trade of Prof. James W. Turner, and in 1900 opened his pres- ent office, doing general job work. With the growth of the community, it is Mr. Stafford's ambition to start a daily paper. Mr. Stafford belongs to the M. E. Church, the Knights of Pythias, Red Men. Modern American, Knights of Honor and Knights and Ladies of Security. GROUP OF SCHOOL CHILDREN AND G. A. R. VETERANS Herrin, Illinois, at G. A. R. Reunion. In front of the North Side School, SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 19 state about 1859. Her father was a .lustice of the Peace and also a Judge in Jefferson County, and is now living on a farm at Masters, Franklin County. February in, 1SS2, Mrs. Barth was married to August Barth, of Jer- seyville. 111., who was in business at Alton, later bought and moved to a farm four miles south of Carterville. In July, 1901, Mr. Barth died at the age of G8, Mrs. Barth remaining on the farm until her home was de- stroyed by fire in March, 1903. She then came to Carterville, leasing the Thompson House and conducting a first-class hotel. Her untiring efforts to please the patrons is fast being re- warded. JOE E. KELLEY. HEREIN STATE- SAVINGS BANK. Thomas Stotlar, President, Philip N. Lewis, Cashier. JOHN MURPHY, Livery and Sale Stables. Mr. Murphy, as his name indi- cates, has the honest and enthusi- astic blood of old Ireland flowing in his veins. His father was Beverly Murphy, a native of Ireland, and his mother Mary Campbell. He was reared on a farm and accustomed at an early age to the use and care of horses and mules. He was born near Anna, Union County, Illinois, September 25, 1S66, and came to Carterville in 1S82. For some years he followed teaming and farming in about equal proportions until 1S94, when he began feeding mules for the Carterville Coal Co.. which he con- tinued to do until June 15, 1903. In the meantime, in 1900, he had invested his earnings in the livery business, and had taken R. E. Cash as a partner to look after It. After three years they sold out the busi- ness to W. B. Miller, of Murphys- boro, and a year later, January IS. 1904, Murphy bought back a half in- terest, which he still controls. He married Miss Mary McNeill, by whom he has had two children, only one of which is now living, Samuel B. Murphy. He is a democrat and a K. of P. Last April he took a hand in politics and was elected Alderman of the 2nd ward. He was luairied July 14, 1887, to Miss S. A. Newton, by whom he has had seven chillren, but only one is living, Herman, 15 years old. He is a Democrat in politics, has served as constable four years and street com- missioner five years. He is an Odd Fellow. MRS. MARY BARTH. Mrs. Mary Barth, proprietor of the Thompson House at Carterville, was born February 15, 1859, at. Belleville. 111. Her father. John Murray, was a native of Tennessee, also her mother, Jane Harlan Mur- rav. They came to this part of the .Mr. Joe E. Kelley, the leading druggist and dealer in wall paper, paints, oils, glass, etc., was bjin at Earlington, Kentucky, of Irish pa- rents, November 1, 1871. His fath- er. Felix Kelley, and mother. Bridget (Conway) Kelley, being born in Ire- land. In 1876 they settled in South- ern Illinois. Since he has been tall enough to see over the counter Mr. Joe E. Kelley has been a fixture in his present location, while attending school and since graduating from the St. Louis College of Pharmacy, March 25, 1892, and for the past two years as proprietor. Mr. Kelley was married to Miss Grace Hill, of Carterville, February 10, 1897, by which union two chil- dren were born, a son. Cay. and a daughter, Kate. Mr. Kelley belongs to the Mp.sons, Knights of Pythias. Independent Or- der of Odd Fellows and Red Men. He has filled all of the chairs in Lib- S. P. WATSON, Street Commissioner. This gentleman is a native of Carterville and has always lived here. He first saw the light July 19, 1862, was educated at our public schools, found employment here and has always been identified with its interests. MURPHY AND MILLER LIVERY, CARTERVILLE, ILL. 20 SOUVENIR OF WILLI A.MSO.\ COUNTY. ILLLVOIS EPHRAIM HERRIN, Vice President First National Bank, Herrin, Illinois. erty Lodge No. 2 52, K. of P., and has been representative to tlie Grand Lodge, and is also First Sachen of Ozark Tribe No. 15 4 of Red Men and representative to the Grand Lodge. Mr. Kelley has won his way from early boyhood, and is held in high esteem by his fellow townspeople, as a bright, upright and energetic young business man. G. D. HALL, Farmer, Is one of the very few remaining native-born Yankees living in South- ern Illinois. Although six years be- yond his allotted three-score years and ten, he is straight and rugged in form and quick in action, bright of eye and steady and emphatic of voice, showing in every move and word and act a vitality bidding fair to carry him on well into the twen- tieth century. He is proud to claim old Stowe. Vermont, as his native place, where he was born on Inde- pendence Day, 1S2S. He has carried an American silver half dollar in his pocket for many years which was coined on his birthday. His parents were David H. Hall and Sophia Stod- dard, both of whom were Vermont people. His wife, too, was a native of the same state. When he was but five years old his parents moved to Woodstock, Cham- paign County, Ohio, where the fath- er died at the age of S4 and the mother at 64. He was reared to the occupation of boot and shoe-maker by his father, who set him at work at the business at the age of four- teen. Like all children of a new country, he had to pick up his edu- cation in the winter while he worked during the summer. In the Spring of 1S59, March 27th, he was united in marriage to Miss D. N. WILKERSON, Ex-Mayor of Herrin, 111. Mary Sprague, a relative of Senator Sprague of Rhode Island. The November following his marriage, November 1, 1S59, he and his wife came to Carbondale, 111., with a wagon and rented a home for a couple of years, when they bought their present home, where they have since resided. The names of their children in the order of their ages are: Mrs. Elsie Scott, East Cam- bridge, Vt.: Otis Hall, Mrs. Lucy Freeman, Philip Hall and George Hall, Carterville. Otis and Philip are partners in the lumber business, and George is a civil engineer. His father was an old line Whig, and Mr. Hall has always voted the Republican ticket. D. K. HARRISON, President of First National Bank, Herrin, Illinois. CARTERVILLE STATE AND SAV- INGS BANK. Carterville State and Savings Bank, successors to the Bank of Carterville, has a capital stock of $50,000.00. It commenced business April 13, 1904. The officers are: S. H. Bundy, president: J. B. Samuel, vice presi- dent ; M. W. Sizemore, cashier. The directors are: W. S. Wilson, Ed. A. Elles, J. B. Samuel, H. F. Ar- nold, P. H. Carroll, S. H. Bundy, W. C. McNeill, T. .1. Moak, F. H. Koen- necke. A report of the condition of the Bank, before the commencement of THE CULP COAL I^IIXE, C AKTEinM I.I.H. II.I.IXiM.- SOU\EXIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. 21 dren. She is a member of the United Brethern Church. THE WHITE ASH OR CHICAGO AND IIARIOX COAL MIXE. business on the loth day of 1904, is as follows; Resources. Loans and Discounts ...$1.S2. Overdrafts Other bonds and securi- ties, including pre- miums 11, Banking House 3, Furniture and Fixtures.. 1, Due from Nation'l Banks 16, Due from State Bankers 35, Checks, other cash items Cash on hand, currency. 9. Cash on hand, gold coin. 4, Cash on hand, silver coin 1, Cash on hd, nickels, cts. 7G1.9;! 354.36 511.63 500.00 487.00 055.24 762.16 550.09 S 5 . n 930.011 S14.00 19.45 Total $26S,595.S6 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in...$ 50, 000. On Undivided profits, less ex- penses and taxes pd. 1,293.4s Time deposits, certifi- cates 66,400.90 Demand deposits, indi- vidual 147.51 1.9S Demand deposits, certifi- cates 3,389.50 Total $268,595.86 one mile east of his present home. His father, Philip J. Russell, was a native of Tennessee, came to Wil- liamson County in ISIN. served dur- ing the Blackhawk War, and died November 21, 1877. His mother was Rebecca Tyner, who died Janu- ary 2 5, 1883. Mr. Russell was reared on the farm and received a farmer boy"s education. He was on the police force and served as guard during the World's Fair at Chicago in 18 93. He has never been con- nected with a church nor an office- holder, but has always voted the Re- publican ticket. His wife was Miss Eva V. Martin, to whom he was united in marriage Mav 26. 1S95. They have no chil- W. W. SXYDER. Butcher. W. W. Snyder, of Carterville, was born March 1, 185 9, in Franklin Co. His father, Isaac Martin Snyder was also born in Franklin Co., and his mother, Susan Alzada Russell Sny- der. was born in W'illiamson County. Therefore, Mr. Snyder has lived all of his life in this part of the state. On December 8, 1881, Mr. Snyder was married to Miss Emma Stocks, of Carterville, by which union six chil- dren were born: Pearl, now married; Ray, Roxy, Velma, W. W., Jr., and H. F. Mr. Snyder was mayor of Car- terville 1S96-1S9S, held the office of city treasurer two years, alderman six years and run for the office of sheriff of Williamson County, but was defeated by Joab Gray, now Ex- Sheriit. Since leaving school Mr. Snyder has been occupied in farming, livery, stock and meat market busi- ness. He is a member of the Ma- sons, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias. JOHN L. TYXER. Born near old Blairsville, in Wil- liamson County, January 23, 1836. His father, John Tyner, died when he was a child, and his mother, who was Sarah Arnett, married for a second husband Charles C. Glover, by whom he was reared. He was the youngest of eight children, and was reared by his step-father to farm life. The family lived at this time near DuQuoin, in Perry County. In February, 1862, he entered the service and enlisted in the 12th Illi- nois Cavalry from Chicago, under CARTERVILLE BRICK CO. This Brick plant is composed of the following company: S. H. Bundy, F. W. Richard and C. E. Owen. Mr. Herbert Griggs is the superintendent and manager. The company use the Frazee machine and have a capacity of 25.000 brick daily. They employ at present 15 men. THOMAS J. RUSSELL, Farmer. Born February 1st. 1851. on Eight Mile Prairie, near Carterville, only NEW VIRGINIA COAL Ml.N E. JOHXSOX CITY. ILLIXOIS. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. REV. D. A. HUNTER, REV. J. C. BLIZZARD. Pastor of Christian Chiirclr, Herrin. Pastor of M. E, Cliurch, Herrin. Illinois. Illinois. ELDER G. W. SYPERT, Pastor of Baptist Church, Herrin, Illinois. Andrew Voss, an old Russian sol- dier. Colonel Voss was always too sick to appear when there was any prospect of a scrimmage, and Lieut. - Col. Habrook Davis always led the regiment. His regiment first went East, where they served for two years, but having greatly reduced in members, they were ordered to re- port to Chicago, where they were re- organized and sent to New Orleans an 1 up the Re I Cross River, and fol- lowed the misfortunes of Gen. Banks until the close of the war. He was mustered out May 2 8, 1SG6, after four years, four months and twelve days' service, without a scratch. He was married October 12. IS 59, to Barbara Connell, of Kankakee, 111., by whom he has had five living children. Their names in the order of their birth are: Mrs. Mary Wool- sey, Alto Pass, Union Co.; Mrs. Me- lissa Bell Asbury, Alto Pass; Mrs. Nancy Paris, Jonsboro, Union Co.; Christopher C. Tyner, Jackson Co. He was for some years a member of the United Baptist Church, but left them and united with the Missionary Baptist Church, and was licensed by them to preach in 1873. He is a Republican in politics. DEWMAINE SOCIAL BAND Was organized April 12, 1904. It meets every Monday and Wednes- day evening for practice. They fur- nish music for all social meets at $2.50 a day and expenses. The members are as follows: Ira Valentine, B Cornet, Leader: Everett Farar. Granville Ashcraft, John Griffith, cornets; Jessie O. Wy- att, clarinet; H. O. Shadden, J. L. Floyd, trombone: William Carter, tenor; Ward Farar, baritone; Sam'l. Walker, tuba, bass; Perry Mathews, Walter Carter, Richard McReynoHs, altos; Johnnie Hudson, snare drum: Walter Harrison, bass drum; James Wiseman, honorary member, cornet. F. P. CROSSLEY. F. P. Crossley, top foreman for No. S coal mine, is the son of Peter Crossley, a miller at Crab Orchard, who died at the age of 74. He was born at Crab Orchard March 2 7, 1S63. but moved away with his pa- rents when but three years old. He early took to the trade of carpenter, and has been chiefly engaged in that line of business all his life. He has built many of the largest mines of the country, among which may be mentioned Sunnyside, Reed No. 3 and the great No. 8 mine anl wash- er, the largest in the United States. His wife was Camilla Ella Boores, by whom he has had five children. Of these four are living, two boys and two girls. LEMONS BOREN, Farmer. This substantial old pioneer was born October 9. 1825, in Tregg Co.. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Herrin, Illinois. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS 23 DR. W. H. FORD. M. D., irector of Herrin State-Savin Bank. E. i\. DILLARD, sident of Herrin State-Sav- iuas Banlc. U. R. STOTLAR, Boolvlveeper and Assistant Cashier of Herrin State-Savings Bank. Ky. He came with his parents to Jackson Co., HI., when but Ave years old, and settled within one and one- half miles of Carbondale. His pa- rents were James Boren and Sarah Winget. who lived where they first located till a good old age. In March, ISGO, Lemons bought the land where he now lives. In Sep- tember, 1S4G, he married Lucinda Dunn, by whom he had seven chil- dren, none of whom are now living. For his second wife he took Melissa A. Crain, by whom he had ten chil- dren. He raised eight of them, anl all are living and married. They are: Ephriam Boren, Herrin; Wm. Boren, Marion; Sarah, wife of Milo Hindman, a mining engineer at Car- terville; Mary, wife of Smith McNeil, a farmer; Alice, wife of Jas. Crain. Carterville; Annis, wife of Alfred Selcher, farmer; Nellie, wife of Sam- uel Painter. He is a Democrat and a Missionary Baptist V. RICE, Drugs, Melicines and Toilet Articles. The subject of this sketch was born near Nashville, 111., February 14, 1845. His early life was spent on a farm, but in 1877 he entered the employ of George S. Anderson, a druggist of Nashville. Ten years later he passed examination before the State Board of Pharmacy, and in 1879 moved to Benton, 111., and bought out the business of J. A. Dol- lins and opened a drug store on his own account. He ran it at Benton for eight years and sold out to Dr. E. V. Hutson. For the five years fol- lowing he ran the business in the in- terests of Dr. Hutson. In 1892 he came to Carterville and bought an entirely new and fresh stock of goods and has run the business here ever since. His wife was Miss Sarah J. Bran- non, a native of St. Clair County, by whom he has had six children, all living but one. Their names in the order of their birth are as follows: James A., Milo P., Ella, Hiram T.. Armour W. and Paul B. Mr. Rice is an Odd Fellow, K. P., and a trustee of the M. E. church at Carterville. GEO. W. ADAMS, Miner. George W. Adams is of Scotch an- cestry, and was born in the town of Dunstocher, Kilpatrick Parish, Dum- bartrushire, Scotland. His father was a stone mason by trade, and died at the early age of 46, and his mother in giving birth to her son died at the age of 2 9. The boy came to New York when but 16 years old and staid two weeks with his rela- tives there, and then went on to Mc- Keesport, Pa., and went to work in the coal mines there. He remained at McKeesport but three years when he went to Evansville, Ind., where he married Lavina Rothley and moved back to Pennsylvania. He lived in Sharon. Mercer County six or seven years, where his eldest child was born. In those early days miners were INSIDE OF THE HERRIN STATE SAVINGS BANK, 1905. 24 SOl'\'FNIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Herrin. Illinois. more given to roving from one min- ing district to another than they are now, and after spending four years more at McKeesport, Mr. Adams vis- ited and mined in Evansville, Ind., Morgan County, III., Springfield, III., Brazil, Clay Co., Ind., Shawneetown, Gallatin County, 111., and Burnsiie, Johnson County, III. At Burnside he left his wife and ciiildren and struck out for the West. He first struck Laredo, Texas, and then tried silver mining at Monterey, Mexico, a while. But he couldn't stand the "grease" very long, and in about three months we find him in Raton, N. M., on the Santa Fe Ry. He next fetches up at Rock Springs, Wyoming, and from there to Walsingburg, Colorado. He was getting pretty homesick by this time, and turning his back on silver mines, gold mines and sundries, he turned his face homewards. After four or five months at Burnside with his family he came to Carterville. This was in 1874. He went to work for the Burr mine, bought a home and settled down for good. Mr. and Mrs. Adams are the pa- rents of eleven children, seven boys and four girls. Of these six sons and one daughter are living. The sons all follow their father's business, are all married and all live in Carter- ville but one, who lives in Bellevile. Their names in the order of their birth are: George; Susan, deceased wife of Charles McLaughlin, a miner; Jane, the widow of Ernst Boyd; Daniel, killed in a coal mine in Indiana; John, Sandy, Archibald, Edward, Kate, who died in infancy; Walter, and Lavina, who died in November, 1894. Mrs. Adams is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Adams is a lifelong Republican, a member of the I. O. O. F., the Free Gardeners and of the United Mine Workers of America. He was at home at the time of the riot and helped to pick up and remove the slaughtered ne- groes. He claims that one Elmer James heard the negroes say at a saloon before they came down town that they were coming to Carterville to take the town, and the negroes who were killed were all heavily armed. He says he took a pack of cards and a pistol from the pocket of the negro preacher who was killed. None of the men who did the shoot- ing were armed when the colored men came to the depot, but when they saw that trouble was brewing, they hurried home and reappeared wiih guns in their hands, and then ordeied the negroes lo disperse, and I lie shooting began. A full state- ment will be found elsewhere from llie pen of Mr. Sam T. Brush. LUTHER WESTER f Wester Brothers, proprietors of Delmonico Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlors, Carterville Opened July 27th, 19(i4. 111. this ske:;ch was Rock, Tennessee, His early life, till old, was spent 1 the farm in The subject of horn in Hollow .March 20, 1JS77. the age of ten yea with his parents Tennessee, when the family moved to Marion. As usual with American lioys, he did whatever his hands found to do, and as well and thor- oughly as the majority, until July of the present year, when he and his lirother took hold of the restaurant business and started the Delmonico, which has become the leading house in that line in Carterville. The managers are shrewd, honest and capable, and give their patrons gen- eral satisfaction. His wife was Laura Holland, a Kentucky lady, to whom he was united May 23rd, 1899, and to whom two children have been born, Lillian and Paul. He is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. W. T. NEWTON, Miner. \V. T. Newton was born May 4th, 1S35, in Hardin Co., Ky., married February 3rd, 1859, to Sarah Ellen Williams. He followed the plow un- til he came to Carterville, August 1, 1882, run a meat market until the following February, when he went into the mines. Ten children were PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Carterville, Illinois. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. six years in the public schools of the County. He first married Belle Baxter, May 4, ISSl, by whom he had one child. Bertha. She married Kd Bentley, of Marion. His first wife died .luly 2, 1SS2, and he mar- ried, September 14, 1884. His sec- ond wife was Cora Fox, who gave birth to three children and died February 25. 1898. Her children were James Wesley. Dora and Mor- ris. His third wife was Miss .lulia Fox. to whom he was united October 0, 189S. He is a Republican in politics, and a member of the Gras- sy Missionary Baptist Church. NEW .MlXl:: OX I. C. RY., .Near .lohnson Cit> born to this couple, eight of whom are living and all married. Their names in the order of their ages are as follows: Mrs. Maggie D. Crain, Samuel Newton, employe of the Donnelly Mine: Mrs. Zarado Price Watson, Carterville; Lewis Newton, miner, Marion: Charles Newton, miner, Marion: Robert Newton, No. 8 mine, Carterville; Mrs. Leslie S. Hester, Marion: Thos. .J. Newton, Sunnyside mine. Mr. and .Mrs. New- ton have twenty-nine grand children and three great grandchildren. CHAS. FREDERICK STARRICK Was born August Z\, 182 7, in Berks Co., Pa., in the village of Red- ding. Upon coming to Illinois he first settled in Belleville, St. Clair County in 184G. Two years later, December 2u, 1848, he married his first wife, Martha Beavers, who died in July, 18 52, of cholera. In 185(; he moved into Williamson County, near the Franklin County line, and in 185 7 married his second wife. who died in March, 187.j. By her he had seven children. On the 8th of June, 18 7.1. he married a third time. He was one of the first to enlist in the Mexican War and went over- land to Santa Fe with the rest of the boys from this section, and back again without smelling powder. When the Civil War broke out. ha enlisted, in 1802, in the 8lKt Illinois. Co. D., Colonel James Dollance, com- mander; Cornelius Ward, Captain. He became stone blind by a bullet which cut the button from his cap, and was discharged in January, 1SG6, at Montgomery, Alabama. Aside from this he never received a scratch through all the hard-fought battles of the war. He now draws a pension of $72 a month for total disability. He has a little farm of 7 7 acres near Pulley's Mill, but lives in Car- tetrville with his wife, who attends him wherever he goes, and treats him with unwearied kindness and affection. He has been a member of the M. E. Church since before the war. WILLIAM HAYTON. Farmer. Was born .March o. IS.'iii. at the little village of Bainbridge, 111. He was the oldest son of the late Dr. James Hayton, and was raised a farmer. The Doctor gave him all the advantages for education afford- ed by his section in that early day. He supplemented his home instruc- tion and the common school by a course at the Normal School at Bloomington. 111., but he rounded off his o^vn school days by teaching for HUGH M. RICHART, Farmer, Lauder, Illinois. Hugh .M. Kichart is a native of Columbia County, Pa., where he was born February 2:'.. 182G. He is the son of William and Sarah N. Richart (McAllister), and came with his parents to Williamson County in 18411, the mother dying the same year and the father two years later. They settled on a piece of wild land near where the village of Lauder now stands, and made a comfortable living in the wilderness by industry and ingenuity. He was the oldest of four brothers and three sisters, and upon the death of their parents had to be the father of the family. They could raise plenty of corn for their bread, and as game was plenti- ful the boys were soon able to have an abundance of fresh meat. Their corn they got coarsely ground at a horse mill, and with potatoes and other vegetables, never suffered for food. Their first wheat flour was bought at Chester, and Hugh was a man grown before he had wheat flour. He was a playmate and boon companion of John A. Logan for years, there being only a few days- difference in their ages. NEW OHIO WASHED COAL CO. .MINE NO. L Carterville, 111. 26 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. OPERA HOUSE. Henin, lllinoi>^ On August 1st, 1S62, he entered the service in the 81st 111., Co. G., Logan's division, Col. Rogers com- manding. He was first under fire at Thompson's Hill, Miss., and served in all the battles of his division to the siege of Vicksburg, where he was wounded four times within an hour. He was shot all to pieces, and laid unattended on the field until his wounds were filled with mag- gots. But a vigorous constitution with careful attention and the mer- cy of God brought him through. He was taken to Jackson Hospital at Memphis, where he remained three months and was sent home on a furlough. After four months' rest and nursing he returned to his regi- ment and served two years longer. He was mustered out August 1st, 1865, at Chicago. He did not marry until the following December, when 39 years old. His wife was Rebecca Harrison, a relative of President Benjamin Harrison, and a native of Ohio. She gave birth to two chil- dren, Frederick William, now a Civil Engineer at Carterville, and Bertha, who died when six years old. She died November 10th, 1S91. Mr. Richart is a Republican in politics and active and influential, but never an office seeker. He served, however, as constable and was County Commissioner for a term. He has been a prominent and active member of the Presbyterian Church for 2 3 years, and an elder in it ever since its organization. He is a member also of the G. A. R. Since the above was written Mr. Richart has closed his life's work and has been laid away to rest. born December 3 0, IS 3 5, in Eight Mile precinct, within one-fourth of a mile from where his house now stands. His father was Abraham -North, a native of Manchfiter, Eng- land, who came to Phila.le'.phia in 1818 and to Eight Mile precinct in 1S23. He was a farmer and stock- man and became the ow:ie.' of a large piece of land in that location, and died in 1856. His wife was Nancy Tyner, who was born in Rob- ertson County, Tenn., in 1802, and died in ISU. Abram, the subject of this sketch, was reared on a farm, 80 acres of which he inherited at the death of his father. He lived with his pa- rents until about 21 years old, when his father died. In 1858 he started for California across the plains with o\-teams in company with hun- dreds of others. They started in September and went by way of Den- ver, which they helped to lay out. and wintered there. About the 1.5th of the following June they resumed their journey and reached Stockton August 1st. He never went to the mines, but turned his attention to farming and stock and spent about eight years in California, Arizona and New Mexico. In 18 60 he entered the cavalry service and went to look after the ABRAM H. NORTH, Farmer. Abram H. North is a native of Williamson County, 111,, and was AlK. A.Xl) .\1US. .\. \V. STOTLAR. In the Colorado Mountains on a uioasure trip. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLLNOIS. 27 NUBBIN RIDGE MINE. Herrin. Illinois. among modern women of easy con- sciences, who seem to be courting early deaths and the extinction of the native born population. ilrs. North is an earnest and faithful member of the Christian Church in the neighborhood. They donate 1 the ground on which the church. West Chapel, stands. The needy never came to Mrs. North and went away empty. The names of their children in the order of their ages are as follows: Mrs. Dora Culp, wife of John Culp, Carterville; William North, on the farm; Mrs. Florence Day, wife ot Winfield Day, Cottage Home P. O.; John T. North, farmer; Mrs. Luella Tygett, wife of George Tygett, Her- rin; Abraham North, railroader, Car- bondale; James North, mining en- gineer; Grant North, farmer, Carter- ville; Mrs. Dolly Russell, wife of Abram Russell, Carterville, and Harvey North, lumber, Carterville. Indians, who were very troublesome in those days. At the breaking out of the war his regiment, the 1st Cali- fornia Cavalry, Co. G., was contin- ued in the Indian country, and he was not mustered out till February, 1S66, at Santa Fe, N. M. After his discharge he returned to his old home and married Hannah, the daughter of Edwin Fozzard. She had two children and died. Her daughter, Olive M., married Frank Hampton March 17, 1874. Mr. North took a second wife, Ann Man- ning, by whom he had seven chil- dren. She died Ju'.y 21, 1SS7. Her children were Inez, wife of Charles Swarz, of St. Louis, Mo.; William H., Richard H., Samuel H., Joseph H., Jessie, wife of Roy Tygett, and Thomas H. He is a Republican and member of the G. A. R. GEORGE J. NORTH, Deceased. Born March 2 8, 1825, on Eight Mile Prairie, Williamson County, Il- linois, reared on a farm and always followed that occupation. He was one of the soldiers of Gen. Logan who went to New Mexico to fight the Mexicans, but was too late to see service and returned across the plains as they went. He was in Co. B., 1st Regt. 111. Vol. He was honor- ably discharged October 11, 1S4S, at Alton, 111., signed by J. M. Cunning- ham, Captain. He entere 1 the ser- vice May 2Sth, 1847. He returned to his farm and spent the remainder of his days there. He was always in- dustrious, and the farm gave them a good living. His wife's name was Fredonia M. Ryburn, to whom he was united Oct. 3, 1849. They had a family of ten children, all of whom are living, married and settled in life. Mrs. North was born December 2, 1828, on the farm now known as the Hinchlift Farm on Eight Mile Prairie, and is therefore now 7 6 years old the coming December. She had the usual contest with the meas- les, whooping cough, etc., and re- lates that seven of her children were sick with the measles at one time, and she took care of them all with a babe in her arms, and passed four days and nights without sleep. Her health and strength is remarkable, she sleeps sound and is without a pain day or night. Mr. North was a Republican and so is his wife, and every one of her children and grand children. The old laiy says she never gave any Democratic milk. They count :3 2 Republican votes. The family num- bers 1(1 children, 42 grand children and 8 great grand children. This record is certainly a grand one in the face of the declining birth rate DR. JAMES HAYTON, Deceased. Dr. Hayton was born near Hud- dersfield, England, December 16th, 1815. His parents were Robert and Ann Hayton, of Yorkshire, England, who never came to America but lived and died in England, the father July 21, 1859, aged 76, and the mother the May previous, aged 75. On the loth of January, 1841, while still in England, James mar- ried Elizabeth Crowther. She came to America with him and died Sep- tember 27, 1843, at the age of 20. She left one son, Alfred, who now lives at Lauder, a miner by o'cupa- tion. The young couple landed at New Orleans October 30, 1841, and about three weeks later came to Wil- liamson County. His second wife was Ann Crow- ther. She had ten children, six boya .SIWXVSIUE MINE, Herrin, Illinois. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. HOPK PI.A.VT. 101,K("'rRIC LIGHT Carlerville. 111. \'IE\V LOOKIXG E.\ST OX .lACKSOX ST.. Herrin. 111. and four .^iils. of whom six are liv- ing. She died at the age of 49, Jan. 1. ISSl. Her children were; Wil- liam, P. O.. Carhondale; George. Carbondale; Robert, Carhondale: Joseph. Carbondale; Emma, a nurse in St. Louis, Mo., and Mary, wife of Ed Gully, Marion. Dr. Hayton's education was main- ly acquired in England. He studied meiicine under an uncle, by the name of LocUwood, but did not be- gin to practice until he reached America. For many years he was the principal physician over a wide section of this part of the state, and for 5 years practiced his profession with honor and success. Until with- in ten years of his death he was un- remitting in his devotion to it, and became one of the most noted and successful physicians in Southern Il- linois. He was a hard student and a great reader all his life, an 1 ac- quired a fund of general information which made him a very broad mind- ed man. He was a Republican in politics, when it was dangerous to be such, and was appointed by old Governor Dick Yates one of three draft com- missioners for the County, the othpr.s being Dr. Owens and Dr. Lewis. He was a member of the Wesleyans in England, but never united with the M. E. Church here, although his re- ligious faith and sympathies re- mained unchanged. His death oc- curred July 7, 1904, after a three weeks' illness with bowel trouble. when she became a widow she moved her family of seven children to Creal Springs, where she died in IS 97. The subject of this sketch was the sixth child, and in August, 189-5. while his mother was living, he took up the photography business, under the instruction of J. W. Tutlel, of Creal Springs. Three years later, June 27, 1S9S, he opened a stu io in Carterville, where he has remained till the present time. His marriage took place December 10th, 1902, to Mias Cassie Galli- more, sister of Judge Gallimore, City Attorney of Carterville. He is a Democrat in politics and a member of the L O. O. F. The first electric light in Carter- ville was installed by the Hope Elec- 1 lie and Power Company of Carter- ville. It was organized by Mr. A. C. Hojie, in whose honor it was named and who was one of its principal stockholders. He was a thorough mechanic, educated and trained in Scotland, and the only practical man in a stock company composed of men ignorant of the whole business. The usual result followed — those who thought they knew outvoted the one who did know, and after two years lie sold them his interest and retired from the business. Another com- pany was soon after formed of men with money but neither knowledge nor experience in the business to succeed a failing ope. This was known as the J. C. West Electric Co., which after five years' experience learned that "knowledge is power," and rented their plant to Mr. Hope, who had already come into sole own- ership of the old company. In Jan- uary, 190:3, he bought out the West interest and became what he is like- ly long to remain, the sole proprietor of the Electric Light business in Carterville. The plant has now a boiler, capac- ity of 160 horse power; an engine, capacity 200 horse power, and a dynamo, capacity of 2 2 1-2 T. W. or 2 2.50 candle power. It uses 20 miles of main wire in the city and as much more for branches and connec- tions. It uses the arc light for the lighting of streets, of 1250 candle power, alternating and closed arc. Series incandescent for suburban J. W. RVSSELL. Photographer. Was born in Richland Co.. 111., in 1867. His father, W. F. Russell, was a farmer by occupation and died in July, 1888. The maiden name of his mother was Merica Smith, and OLD SCHOOL BUILDIXG. Herrin, School Boy "!)" in P'ront. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 29 GEO. H. llAlUilSUN'S IvESlDEXCH, IKiriii. Ill street lighting of 3 2 candle power each, while business houses and res- idences are lighted by the usual mul- tiple system. Travelers say that Carterville is one of the best lighted cities in Southern Illinois. WILLIAM GREATHOrSE, Pioneer. William Greathouse was born in Kentucky February 28th, 1S2G. He came to Jackson County in 183 9. He was raised on a farm and .had little or no schooling. His first wife was Bethena Tabor, by whom he ha .1 five children, two now living. His sec- ond wife was Sarah Jane Biggs, a widow, by whom he had eight chil- dren, five of whom are still living. He is Republican in politics and be- longs to the M. E. Church. William Greathouse was laid to rest since the above article was written. THIS pretty little village is located on a spur of the Ozark range, running through Southern Illinois. Kentucky, Missouri and Arkansas, 1300 feet above sea level. It is on the Illinois Central Railroad. 4n miles from Paducah, Ky.. and 12ii from St. Louis, connecting with the Illinois Central main line to Cairo at Carbondale. It is picturesquely located on and among the gentle elevations and undulations, a rich, productive, well-timbered and wa- tered country, stretching in all di- rections. It is an incorporated vil- lage with a population of about 1000. The mineral springs sur- rounding the Ozark Hotel constitute its main attraction, and as a health resort probably have no equal in this country. In consequence of lo- cal and factional strife, and possibly mismanagement, the fine hotel is at present writing closed. but the health-giving waters are still used locally and to a limited extent by outside visitors with unfailing suc- cess. The village is grouped aljout the Hotel and Springs, and its business houses do a local business with ad- joining farmers, although some live stock is bought and shipped at this point. It is in the midst of an un- rivaled fruit region, which is con- tinually enlarging its area and out- put. The following list comprises the principal men in business at the present writing: Attorneys, W. L. Fries. Chas. A. Jochum; barbers, J. B. Deason. Jas. Simpson: Citizens' Bank, A. A. Dugger. I. C. Abney, Cashier: bookseller and stationer, D. S. An- derson: blacksmiths, Thos. M. Tan- ner, James Haley: boarding houses, Thomas Taylor, Mrs. John White- side. Mrs. W. W. Woodside, George B. Chaniness: canning factory. Brown & McRaven: carpenters and builders. D. O. Craig, Will Clark, Lewis Dawson, J. L. Gulley, John Hatton. Lewis Simpson, Geo. Parks, H. C. and Ed Waist on; cigar mak- ers. Mark Cocke, Mr. Smith; cloth- ing, Benjamin Westbrook; churches. Free Baptist. Missionary Baptist. Congregational. Christian. .Methodist Episcopal; draymen, Deaton & Sul- lin. Green & Patterson; drugs and meditines. D. S. Anderson; furniture and undertaking, W. S. Cocke; gen- eral merchandise. Allis & Clark. Brown & McRaven, Wm. Brim. Wm. Leonard, John F. Miller & Son, J. M. Rains. Turner & Son, Thomas Veach; hardware, J. W. Burnett, R. Heasley: hotels. Ozark. East Side. Avenue House: livery, Taylor & Rains, Lambert & Sullin: lumber, A. A. Dugger: mill and elevator. Dug- ger & Cocke: meat market, Veach & Lyrerla; physicians and surgeons, Columbus Brown, J. F. Blanchard. D. H. Harris. W. P. Sutherland: photographer, J. M. Clayton; paint- ers. Lewis Dawson, B. Elmore, W. H. Shoemaker; paper hanger, D. O. Craig: real estate and insurance. J. T. Nicks, B. H. Greer, A. J. Hudgens. 1. L. Gifford; railroad agent, Illi- nois Central. Job Dunn: stone quar- ry and dealer, Ed Campbell; saw- mill. Byron Gaskill, Wm. Gaskill: slock dealers, John Riddle. Trigg & Albright. W. R. Castleman. Willis Harris: teachers. Mrs. G. B. Murphy. .\1ISS1(I.\AK\ r.AI'TIS |- IU'RCH. Herrin. 111. 30 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. STOTLAR HERRIN LUMBER CO., Herrin Branch. College; Gilbert Lentz, \V. H. Fry, I. L. Gifford, Miss Mima Hutchinson, Miss Mayme McRaven, Mrs. Hattie C. Jochum; public officers, Robert Murray, postmaster; board of educa- tion, W. T. Harris, president; Lem Ford, Byron Gaskill, W. S. Brim, J. M. Rains, John F. Miller, A. J. Hul- gens; city officers, Henry C. Wal- ston. Mayor: Edward Sullin, Clerk; I. C. Abney, Treas.; B. H. Greer, Po- lice Magistrate; John Gulley, Mar- shal; Geo. B. Chamness, Justice of the Peace; Aldermen, J. T. Roberts, W. T. Harris, J. L. Gulley, J. M. Rains, G. W. Dempsey and John Du- pont. town is free from saloons or other vicious resorts, an I its influence up- on the young, pure and healthful. The College Proper includes clas- sical, scientific and philosophical courses, for the completion of which the usual degrees are conferred. The Academic Department pre- pares for college and affords a good general education for those who cannot remain for a full college course. For the completion of this course certificates of graduation are conferred. The Normal Department has many representatives in the teaching force of Southern Illinois, and not a few in other sections and other states. CREAL SPRINGS COLLEGE. The Musical Department has grad- uate and post graduate courses in piano, organ, voice and harmony. For the completion of these diplo- mas are awarded. Elocution receives special atten- tion. For three years of study in the expression of literature in addition to the Academic Course, diplomas are conferred in the English Elocu- tion Department. The Commercial Department is particularly adapted to those who have not the time or means to re- main in college more than three years. Graduates of this course find positions in banks as bookkeepers, accountants, stenographers, clerks, reporters, etc. This course includes commercial law, economics and very thorough and extended work in liookkeeping and hanking. The International Lyceum Bureau of Cleveland, Ohio, presents a num- ber of attractions in the College Chapel this year. Among the speak- ers are Dr. Heindley, of Minnesota, Dr. Lamar, of Nashville, Tenn., and Prof. Richards, of Chicago. JOHN P. TYGETT, Creal Springs. John P. Tygett is the son of Hugh Tygett and his wife, Nancy Sames, and was horn in Weekly Co., Tenn., December 10, 1S30. His father died at the age of 65 and his mother at SO. . He was raised on a farm, and came with his parents to Williamson County in 183 9. His marriage took place January 17, 1857, to Miss Mary Chenowith, by whom he had five children, all living. They are Alfred, Thomas, William, Elizabeth and Sarah. He is a Democrat in pol- itics, but not a church member. I^ocated at Creal Springs, Illinois, was founded in 1884 as a seminary by Mr. and .Mrs. H. C. Murrah, and continued under their control for ten years. In 189 4 the institution was chartered as a College and passed under the control of the Baptist de- nomination. The location is health- ful and retired, yet beautiful and easy of access, being on the line of the Illinois Central, which connects with the Big Four at Parker City, a short distance to the southeast. Creal Springs is an ideal place for study. It is among the Ozark moun- tains, with a pure and invigorating atmosphere, free from malaria, and with the famous medicinal waters of the Springs within a stone's throw of the College. The college stands on an emi- nence sloping toward the west, and only three-fourths of a mile from the passenger depot. It is embow- ered in fruit trees, and the whole ad- jacent district is a flourishing or- chard of all kinds of fruit. The M. E. CHURCH, Herrin, Illinois. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLINOIS. 31 THE --v Ki.ixria Herrin is in tlie rear. Carterville at C i;i:i.|- LINE RV. the right and Marion at the left. GREEN B. TUCKER Is a native of Murray Co., Tenn., where he was born December 17, 1S27. His parents were James R. Tucker and Polly Butts, with whom he lived until 2 2 years old. when, in 1849, he came to Illinois. He first settled in Grassy Precinct, this coun- ty, but afterwards moved to Hardin County, where he worked for two years on the Illinois Central Rail- road, at bridge-building and other carpenter work. He was brought up to the occupation of cabinet-mak- er by his father, who followed it, and when he came to Illinois he contin- ued for ten years to follow the same line of business. But changing fashions and cheapening methods of manufacture have so transformed the business that there is no longer any profit in hand work and the small shop or factory, and he was compellei to abandon the business. September 1, 1861, he heard the call to arms and enlisted in the 6th Illinois Cavalry, Co. L. For three years, six months and 2 2 days he served this country on many a hard- fought field, and was mustered out at Springfield, 111., December 23, 1854. He was married June 1st, 1854, to Miss Eliza A. Cannon, a Kentucky lady by birth but who was reared in Saline County, 111. She gave birth to seven children, of whom five are now living, and diel July 28th, 1904. 182 3. When but three years old his family moved to West Tennessee and settled near Corinth, Miss., where Raleigh was raised and where he ob- tained what little book-learning he secured. When but 19 years old, in 1842, he was married to Charlotta Sears, by whom he had eight boys and five girls, of whom seven still survive. In 1851 the family moved to Illinois and settled on the line be- tween Franklin and Williamson Counties, but later removed to Northern Precinct, near Corinth. In 1890 they came to Creal Springs, where they still reside. He never enlisted, but sent two of his sons to the front, where one, Hugh G. Rains, was killed in battle. He voted for Henry Clay in 1844, and he and his sons have voted the Republican ticket ever since. He is a member of the M. E. Church. Mr. Rain's first wife died June 28, 1895. and on the following November 13th he took for a second wife Mrs. Ann Eliza Smith, widow of James Smith. She lived but a little more than a year, dying November 16, 1896. For his third partner he took Mrs. Eliza- beth Jane Kent, widow of Joseph Kent, with whom he hopes to spend the remainder of his days. Physi- cally and mentally Mr. Rains is a remarkably well-preserved man. All his faculties and members are nearly perfect, and he enjoys sound health. rarely using a cane. JASPER CREAL Was born in Cumberland County, Ky., June 4, 1S32. and reared on a farm. He came with his parents, Elijah Creal and Temperance Wil- born Creal, to Creal Springs Oct. 10. 184 8, where his father died at the age of 62 and his mother at 70. His brother, Edward, laid out the village of Creal and died at the age of 56. He enlisted in the 6th Iowa Cavalry in 1861 and served two and a half years, but was discharged at Jeffer- son Barracks, Mo., April 10, 1864, by reason of a severe wound in the wrist, received in the fight at Mos- cow, Tenn. He took part in the fa- mous Grierson Raid from La Grange to Baton Rouge, La., on which they spent sixteen days and nights of con- tinuous riding and fighting. His first wife was Nancy Rich, ot Kentucky, to whom he was united RALEIGH RAINS, Creal Springs. Is a descendant of John Rains and Jane Hammer (nee Rains), and was born In Warren Co., Tenn., Nov. 22, ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER CO.'S PLANT, Herrin, 111. 32 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. FRED GARDNER. Vice Pres. and Gen. Manager New Ohio Wasliecl Coal Co.. CliiiMKo. Carterville. 111. October 13, 1802. She gave him three childien, of whom two are now living, and died October la, 1SS7, twenty-five years to a day from her marriage. The following .June he was married to Martha Royal, who still survives. He is a very large, vigorous and active man for a man of over 7 years of age, a Democrat in politics but without church mem- bership. .lOSEPH B. HARRIS Was born in Saline County, Uli- nois. May 17, 1S44, and brought up on a farm. He enlisted August 21, 1S62, in the 120th 111. Vol. Inft., Co. F., at Harrisburg, Saline Co., and served under Gen. Grant in the Vicksburg Campaign, but on a forced march in June, 18 63, he was sun- struck and so badly injured that, al- though he escaped with his life, he never recovered, and was discharged on that account from the hospital at Memphis, Tenn., July S, 1865. He is still partially paralyzed and whol- ly incapacitated from active labor, mentally or physically, and draws a fine pension from the Government. He was married June 22, 1866, to Miss Rachael L. Medlin, who died August 10, 1903, leaving four living children, two sons and two daugh- ters. They are Willis T. Harris, Dr. David H. Harris, Mrs. Mary Jane Johnson and Mrs. Ida L. Shafer. HARMON WHITACRE Is a native of Minerva, Stark Co., Ohio, about twelve miles from Can- ton, the ol I home of President Mc- Kinley. He was born August 31. 1824, and came with his parents in F. P. CROSSLEY, Carterville. Top Foreman Xo. S Mine. 1839. when but 15 years old, to Wayne County, Illinois. He began teaching in Wayne County in 1843, being examined for the old board of directors at Fairfield by G. B. Davis, and receiving his first certificate, which he preserved and still retains. He taught six months for his first term, and followed it by another the winter following. In 1845 he came to Williamson County and settled on Grassy Pre- cinct, about twelve miles from Ma- rion, near Jackson County. He taught the only school then in Jack- son County, and afterwards, about 184S and '49, a year in the Telford neighborhood. He read law in Jonesboro, Union County, with Gov- ernoi' Dougherty, and was admitted to the bar and entered upon the practice of his profession. Yet such was his reputation as a teacher and such his attachment to the business that, in connection witn the practice of law he continued to teach until 1861. In 1862 he enlisted in the Union army, made up a company, of which he was elected Captain, but was taken sick and was sent home to lan- guish on the sick list all summer. He was subsequently discharged for sickness and did not return to the service. In politics he was an Old Line Whig, and became a staunch Republican and Union Man with the boom of the first gun fired at Fort Sumpter. He was earnest and elo- quent, and made the first speeches of the war in Jackson and Union Coun- ties when they were noth over- whelmingly Democrat ii- and Dis- union. In religion Mr. Whit ■vie is and has been from youth an oH-fash- ioned Quaker, and such he undoubt- edly will remain uniu death. January 5th, 1844, he chose for a life companion Mary Ann Deming, who was 5 3 days his senior, having lieen born July 9, 1824, and he on the 3 1st day. of the following Aug- ust. They have had four sons and four daughters, all of whom still survive, although the venerable couple are nearing 8fi. The family is very old, long- lived and nume?ous. They now num- ber in the United States between twelve and fifteen hundre'. It can be traced back more than five gen- erations, over two hundred years, and Mr. v, nitacre has in his pos- session a geneological table with every branch inscribed up to date, showing accurately its lineal descent for five generations. For the inter- est and information of our readers we are permitted to say that the family is reckoned from Jane Park- er, of London, who married a John Scott and removed to America in 1698. Scott died leaving no heirs, and his wife married John Whitacre, by whom she gave birth to two sons, John and Robert, through whom the family in America count their de- scent. They settled in Bucks Co., Pa. There is no doubt that a vast estate numbering up into the hun- dreds of millions lies awaiting in the Bank of England the slow action of the courts, and will ultimately be divided among the heirs of Jane Parker. Mr. Whitacre and his venerable spouse live happily in their little cottage at Creal Springs, caring lit- tle for the prospective thousands awaiting them. They settled in Creal Springs in 1892, and have re- mained there looking after one an- other, vigorous, peaceful and happy. Their sons and daughters keep a sharp lookout after them, but they do not need a companion or helper, being happier alone. They now number eight children, twenty-seven grand children and nine great grand children. The fol- lowing are the names and residences of the children: O. B. Whitacre, Crab Orchard: Dr. H. N. Whitacre, Carbondale: Ed L. Whitacre, Vien- na: C. D. Whitacre, Carterville: Mrs. R. B. Thompson, McKanda: Mrs. J. P. Roberts, Creal Springs: Mrs. W. J. Brown, McKanda, and Mrs. S. S. Chamness, Creal Springs. DR. JESSE GREEN LINDSEV Was born near Bowling Green, Ky., February 21, 1828. While an infant he came with his parents to Jackson Co., 111., where the greater portion of his life has been spent on the farm. In 1856 he began the practice of medicine, which he con- tinued until failing health and strength compelled him to quit. SOL'\"EXIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 33 GEN. JOHN A. LOGAN. 34 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. MRS. JOHN A. LOGAN. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 35 THE LATE JOHN A. LOGAN. JR. 36 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY. ILLLXOKS. MRS. MARY LOGAN TUCKER SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 37 In 1S92 he sold his farm and went into trade at Creal Springs, but was burned out the year after, December 6, 1S93. He rebuilt of brick on the spot where Allis & Clark now run the store which he rented to them, and quit business, his health and sight falling him. He has married three times. His first wife was Miss Caroline JIurphy, of Randolph County, Illinois, to whom he was united February 20, 1S49. She bore him six children, and died January 2, 1SS2. Of her children but two survive, William R. Lindsey, a Hillright Christian min- ister, located near Pulleys Mill, and John M. Lindsey, living in Missouri. His second wife was Mary Jane Mur- phy, to whom he was united March 1st, 1SS2. She had no children and died April 5, 1898. July 27, 1S9S, he married Mrs. Mary A. Grisham, widow of Henry Grisham, with whom he is happily spending his de- clining years. He is a Republican in politics, but not an active politician, and for many years a member of the Resti- tution Church. WILLIAM B. ELMORE Was born at Woodbury, Tenn., October 21, 18 28, where he lived un- til twelve years old. April 1, 1840, he came with his parents to Union County, Illinois, where he married and lived until May 6. 189G, when he moved to Creal Springs, where he has since resided. He enlisted Sep- tember 1, 1861, In the 31st 111., and was wounded at Fort Donelson. He remained with Logan's regiment for three years, through all the battles of the war and until discharged at Atlanta, September 17, 1864. January 16, 1850, he was united In marriage to Miss Sarah Bar- rlnger, of Anna, 111., by whom he has had six children, all living, and now proudly reckons twenty-five grand children and fourteen great grand children. He is a Republican In politics and a member of the christian Church. AVENUE HOUSE. The Avenue House at Creal Springs is conducted by G. B. Boyd, proprietor, has fourteen rooms and its rates are $1.50 a day._ It is con- venient to the famous mineral springs, a well-known health resort, and accommodations are easily se- cured to and from all trains. ELIJAH I. CAMPBELL, Pioneer, Is one of the oldest pioneers of the County, coming here with his widowed mother in November, 18 36. He was born In Smith County, Mid- dle Tennessee, May 22, 1816, and ■spent his early years on the banks of the Cumberland River, where he was born. He was but 18 years old when he first came to this County In 1834, but he cleared the land, opened a farm and soon began to raise and ship tobacco. He made considerable money at that, but eventually lost it all, and the clos- ing years of his life are spent In pov- erty, being fed and cared for by a widowei daughter, Mrs, Louisa M. Gunter, his only remaining child. After gathering his first crop he returned to Tennessee in 1836 and married Eda Jane Wilmore, with whom he lived forty-nine years, with not a cross word between them, a rare occurrence. She gave birth to four children, Susan, Margaret, Burchett and Louisa, and died In Stone Fort in 18 88, Of her children Mrs, Gunter alone survives. L. A, BICKERT, Pioneer, Was born in Wilson County, Mid- dle Tennessee, May ord, 1827, He secured what little education he re- ceived in that County, and came with his parents In 1852 and settled near Stone Fort, Williamson Co,, where the father, Samuel Bickert. died at the age of 75, The mother's name was Betsy Morris, In the w-in- ter of 1852 the subject of this sketch came to Marion, and the year fol- lowing. October 2 6, 1853, he was married to Nancy Scurlock, the widow of Mr, Bradley, She gave birth to four children and died In August, 1883, Mr. Bickert has always been a farmer, has never troubled himself in politics, but has been a member of the Christian Church about forty years. He and a widowei daugh- ter, Mrs, Lucy Blackraan, reside at Creal Springs with a married daugh- ter. Mrs, Ellen Murray, OLIVER COX, Justice of the Peace. The subject of this sketch began life as a farmer's boy In Martin Co., Indiana. July 7th, 1S39. The Wabash runs through Martin Coun- ty, and the struggles of those early days in the heavy timber of the Wabash Valley with mosquitos and malaria served rather to emphasize his natural vigor of mind and body than to reduce it. His father, Isaac Cox. was also a woodsman, who fought during the whole Civil War. only to die in the hospital at Louis- ville, Ky., in 1865, His mother, Elizabeth Cox (nee Johnson), had preceded the father to the "shadow land" by five years. The family had moved to this County before the war. and Oliver enlisted in 1862 in Logan's Division. Co. H., Slst 111. Baring a slight wound received at Champion Hill. Mississippi, May 16, 1863, he served through the entire struggle without a scratch. After the fall of Atlanta he returned with Logan's division to Nashville and was mustered out at Chicago August 5, 1865. In 1872 he entered into the ministry of the M. E. Church and traveled six years. His first pastorate was at Harris- burg, Saline Co., and all his subse- quent ministerial labors were spent in Saline and the adjoining coun- ties. September 1, 1855, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary H. Morris, the daughter of Benjamin Morris, who bore him twelve children. In 1881 he moved with his family to Howell County, Mo., where he lived for se^en years. In 1884 he ran on the Republican ticket for the Legis- lature, and although defeated in a district with a normal Democratic majority of 300, he ran ahead of his ticket 154 votes. In 1892 he lost his voice and mov- ing back to Saline County he gave up the ministry, locate 1 and resumed his farm life. .\Ithough he served in the ranks through the whole con- test, he was promoted to Second Lieutenant of Co. H just before the close of 18 65, Of his twelve children all are living but Susan, who died in 1874. Their names are as follows: John Wesley, Isaac Dow, William, Frank- lin. James, Oliver E., Charles A., Anda M.. Elizabeth A., Jane, Alice and Anna. He is a staunch Republican in politics and has served continuously in Crab Orchard Precinct as a Jus- tice of the Peace since his first elec- tion In 1898. MRS. MARY E. CHAMNESS. Mrs. Mary E. Chamness. whose extraordinary skill in making wax flowers has attracted universal at- tention, is a living example of what native talent and undaunted perse- verence can accomplish in the face of the greatest discouragements and difficulties. The beautiful half-tone Illustration of her marvelous handi- work shown here faintly exhibits her amazing skill in her chosen pro- fession. It is a representation of the Savior's tomb, and was placed on ex- hibition in the St. Louis exposition of 1904. The motto worked in wax flowers over the entrance to the tomb reads: "I know that my Redeemer liveth." Job 19:25. Upon the floor of the tomb are the words of Prov. 18:10: "The name of the Lord Is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it and are safe." In the pursuit of this exquisite art Mrs. Chamness has been her own instructor. With the exception of four days' instruction by an Invalid friend, Chloe Mitchell. Mrs. Cham- ness is self taught. And like all 38 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOLS. |9» «dS ^ ^'j^Si jkf^^ p^* Ut "^"'fT'M ^H 1 m t^^^^Jt ^i ■J^ wK^/^M ^H >«« %/fr- ^ ^^^^^^^1 ^^B ^ ^ ^^^^H ^^^^H i^cg Dm ^H Mj [^ eH ^^E ^^ iiious 12Sth 111., and Co. G was af- leiwaicls transfened to the 9th, Col. Philips coninianding, and served dur- ini; the war. He was disc-hargtd at S|irin,gfleld in June, 1865. His first wife was Paulina Sle- MiiK, the daughter of .John Stevens, a Tennesseean. She bore him six children and died .January 8, 1 S92. His second wife was Mary Ellen La- .\Iaster, to whom he was united March 10, 1895. Her parents were (k'orge W. LaMaster and Matilda Perry. In politics Mr. Chamness is an ardent Prohibitionist, and is a niembei' of the Missionary Baptist Church. J. M. MOUSER. General Dealer, Chamness. MR. M. E. CHAMNESS AND HIS WIFE, MRS. MARY B. CHAMNESS. Chamness, Illinois. Born September 21, 1SC7, near Carterville, III. He was the son of Pinckney Mouser and Amanda J. Varner, his wife. The father died .January 19, 1892, but the mother si ill survives. His education and 1 raining were such as farmers' boys usually get at our coiumon schools, and at the age of 21 he took a farm on his own account and continued in that occupation for eight years, until his marriage in 189G. He then opened a General Store at Chamness, which he still occupies. He was married May 12, 1896, to Mary Etta Tucker, the daughter of M. M. Tucker, at Murphysboro, 111. Five children are the fruit of this union, of whom four are living. Their names in the order of their ages are Edith. Lillle, Lolla and .Jewel. He is a Democrat in politics and a Modern Woodman. geniuses Mrs. Chamness has been able to accomplish what no other artist was previously capable of, she discovered how to make wax flowers permanent. These frail objects of exquisite beauty, as coming from her artistic hand, are practically im- perishable. The changes of climate and temperature experienced in our latitude have no effect on them. "That lovely bank of flowers," said she, "will endure without change a hundred years or more. They will last forever." To the loving appro- bation of her father and invalid sis- tetr, coupled with honest words of appreciation from a wide circle of admiring friends, Mrs. Chamness ascribes whatever of success she has been able to achieve in her delightful avocation. The measure of that success and the labor and skill required in bring- ing the work to perfection can be faintly realized when the fact is stated that she has always worked with the crudest material, and her hands have fashioned everything, be- ginning with the wax in the hive and the simplest and crudest of im- plements. Her accounts of the difB- culties encountered and the means she used to surmount them is a poetic romance, and the whole is a lesson all need to learn. MARSHALL E. CHAMNESS, Farmer. He comes of North Carolina Quaker stock, and is the son of Elder W. B. Chamness, who was ex- pelled by his Quaker brethern for having married out of the faith, and became a prominent Baptist preach- er and did good service to the cause he loved for thirty years. He died June 9, 1882. His wife was Sarah Krautz, who died April 19. 1900. They were a prolific pair and raised nine children, eight boys and one girl. At the time of her death they had nine children, ninety-five grand children, one hundred and forty great grand children and three great great grand children. The subject of this sketch was the seventh son. He went into business for himself in the Spring of 1862. married the 9th of the following February, and in October enlisted in the Union army. He joined the fa- THE ground on which the City of Herrin stands was first owned liy David Herrin, who entered a tract of 60n acres from the government. After the death of his wife he di- vided his estate among his heirs, with the exception of his homestead of 120 acres, which he afterwards sold to Samuel Stotlar, who lived on it until his death. Later D. R. Har- rison bought 20 acres of the heirs and joined Ephriam Herrin in laying out the town. Harrison's tract was the north half of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 30: and Herrin's land was the south half of the southwest quar- ter of the southeast quarter of Sec. 19 Town 8. Range 2 east, having jointly a 4 0-acre tract. It was first incorporated as a village with Eph- riam Herrin as President in 1S98. As the locality was known as "Her- rin's Prairie" from the first settle- ment by David Herrin, the name of Herrin naturally fell to it when it became a village. In 1900 the vil- lage became a city with the follow- ing officers: Mayor, C. E. Ingraham; Clerk, P. M. Russell. SOUVFNIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 39 WAX FLOWERS BY MRS. MARY E. CHAMXESS, Prior to incorporating as a village Mr. Harrison, Mr. Herrin and Mrs. Williams bored for coal and struck a nine-foot vein within about 1-50 feet of the surface. Of course, this at once settled the question of the fu- ture prosperity of the town, and it at once began to go ahead in leaps and bounds. Within three years the Chicago and Carbondale railroad was built from Johnson City to Car- bondale, making Herrin on the way. The St. Louis and Big Muddy Coal and Iron Company sunk the first shaft for coal in 1.S9T. This was followed in 1S99 by the Sunnyside, the Chicago and Carterville shafts, and about that time by the Alexan- der Brothers mine. Since then sev- en more mines have been opened within a radius of five miles of the city. The Electric Belt Line and the Illinois Central both run into it, and several more roads are in prospect. For an account of the schools of Herrin, we refer to the article on that subject. The following is a list of the offi- •cers of the city at the present time: Mayor, .John Herrin: Clerk, Groce Lawrence: Treasurer. Harry Fow- ler: City Attorney, Geo. B. White: Aldermen, 1st Ward. J. R. Walker, A. E. Spence: 2nd Ward. Louis Bo- jonia, Jerome Childers: 3rd Ward, Lon Boren. J. N. Thedford; 4th Ward, G. W. Bradshaw. C. E. Sny- der. HERRIX POST OFFICE. This office was first opened as a fourth class Star Route office, with one mail a day. D. R. Harrison was appointed the first postmaster and he run the office thirty-three years and ten months, consecutively and was succeeied by W. A. Stotlar Feb- ruary 1, 1898. Mr. Harrison located it in his store on "Herrin's Prairie" on the spot where the Chicago and Carterville mine now stands. On the 1st of April, 1902, it became a presidential office with salary of .$1100 per year. In 1903 it advanced to $1200: in 1904 to $1400 and on the 1st of July, 1905, to $1600 per year. The gross receipts the past year, from April 1st to April 1st, were $4 4 S 4.39: domestic money or- ders for the year $60,103.55; for- eign money orders for the year $33,- 2 95.2 3. Present office force, Ameri- cus Gassoway, Postmaster; Gus, Sizemore, Assistant Postmaster. CHRISTIAN CHURCH AT HERRIN. The religious society bearing the above name (sometimes called also the Disciple Church and occasionally nicknamed the Campbellite Church) was organized in a District School House at Herrin about 1864 or '65 l)y Elder Samuel Wilson. An old Tennessee preacher by the name of .Matthew Wilson followed him and served the society acceptably for several years. He was succeeded by Wm. L. Crim, of West Frankfort. These were all able and faithful men, and the society grew and prds- pired under their labors. Sometime aliout 1867 they erected a modest rliuich house which they occupied until 1898, when it and the ground it occupied were sold for a school and a favorable site purchased and the present neat church building was erected which is shown in our il- lustration. It stands down town on the east side of Park Avenue, corner of Maple, and has a seating capacity of about 400. It cost about $1500. The following persons were the original members of the old church: .\ewton Bradley, Samuel Stotlar, William Williams. George Cox, Na- than Cox, Louisa Williams, Eliza Spillar, Sarah J. Cox, Eliza Stotlar and "Granny" I^awrence, ELDER DEMPSEY A. HUNTER, Pastor of the Christian Church Herrin, Illinois. at The subject of this brief sketch, whose labors in the ministry have made his name a familiar household word over half a dozen or more states and territories in the West, is a native-born Williamson County product, where he first saw the light on a farm near Herrin. His father was Allen Hunter, who bought the farm when his son was one year old, and where he lived to the ripe old age of 83. He was a United Baptist preacher, preaching the Gospel Sun- days and working his farm week days for upwards of fifty years. The son followel in the footsteps of the father, remaining on the farm and in the local schools until 18 years old. when he spent a year in the Col- lege at Enfield. Two years at Mc- Leansboro, followed by two more at Enfield, closed his school days, when he turned his attention to teaching as a profession. He had sand- wiched teaching between terms at College up to this time, but from this period for thirteen years he did little else. He married at the age of 22, while 40 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Chaniness, Illinois. at Enfleld the second time. His wife's name was Floi-ence Garrison. He first joined the Cumberland Presbyterian church, with which body he remained until 26 years old. At the age of 26 he joined the Christian Church and occasionally preached for them, but it was not until he was 33 that he laid aside all other business and gave himselt up to the work of the ministry. He first evangelized in Whfle County for three years and then spent two years in Southern Illinois and Ind- iana, when he took a pastorate at Gurnee, in Lake Couuty, XortUern Illinois. From the first he has been active and successful as a minister, laboring and traveling extensively in niinois, Indiana, Mis.^ouri, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and Okla- homa, but whether as Evangelist oi Missionary or setlle'l as p;istor he was iiiways successful and welcome to his flock. The following are the principal places where he has labored: On leaving Gurnee, where he spent one year, he went to Lynnville, Morgan County, then to Princeton, the Coun- ty Seat of Bureau Co., then to Kes- Kerlf County, la., where he served the church at Delta and Sigourney for four years. This was followed by two years at Laurens, .-. iien he resigned and took charge of the church at Jefferson, Green County, la., where he staid for seven years, the first two as pastor .md the bal- ance of the time as Evar.gelis', pat of the time under the direction of the Missionary Board. He served the church at Augusta, Butler Coun- ty, Kansas, two years, then to Ga- lena, near the Southeast corner of the state. He then received a call to serve the church at Herrin, his na- tive town, where he is now settled since March, 1904. Mr. Hunter has a vigorous and active brain, which brooks no limit in knowledge, but seeks to compass as wi:!e a field as possible. He has studied medicine, psychology, oste- opathy as well as matters of general interest and utility connected with the ministry. He has never prac- ticed medicine as a profession, and osteopathy but six months, filling the pulpit Sundays meanwhile. He took his degree in Psychology from Dr. Parkyn, of Chicago, confining his work generally to the ministry. He at one time took some interest in Fraternal Insurance and organized the Order of Giant Oaks, now con- solidated with the American Guild at Richmond, Va. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen and A. O. U. W., besides the greater orders of Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and Knights Templar. He has three sons and one daugh- ter living and grown to maturity. His eldest son, E. E. Hunter, is an electric light and steam engineer at Oklahoma City. Oklahoma. His second son, C. R. Hunter, is a train dispatcher at Boone, la., and his third son, Marshall, is the editor and publisher of the Herrin Daily Pro- moter. His daughter, Mildred Hunter, lives in Joplin, Mo. youngest child, Denipsey Dale, of diphtheria last December. Mr. Hunter comes of a vigorous and long-lived stock on both sides. His mother, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Lee, of the Virginia family of Lee's, is still living on the old homestead near Herrin, at the advanced age of 84. Lee, His died ELDER G. W. SYFBRT. Elder G. "W. Syfert. son of Nathan and Mary A. Syfert, was born in Shelby County, 111., June 6. l:s61. His early occupation was that of a miller, at which he worked until he entered into the ministry in 1S96. He entered Ewing College Novem- ber 1st, IS96. remaining there four years. In 1901 he came to Herrin, Illinois. In 1901 he had the honor of baptizing 104 into the fellowship of the church, that being the great- est number baptized by any Baptist clergy in the state of Illinois. The work has continued to grow until we have the largest membership of any church in this part of Southern CHAMNESS FLOURING MILL. SOLiVIiNTR Ol' WIl.lJAAISON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 41 RESIDENCE OF J. M. MOIISBR, Chamness. Mis. Mouser and Children on the Porch. Illinois. In clo.sing up his fourth years work here as pastor he has baptized 299 into the fellowship of the church, received 149 by letter and at present the membership is 543. His wife was Laura Jones, of Fay- ette County, Illinois, and they have one child, a sou. Walter. He is an Odd Fellow and a member of the U. M. W. of A. REV. JAMES C. BLIZZARD, Pastor of M. E. Church at Herrin. The subject of this sketch, who has a far wider reputation as a teacher than as a preacher, al- though he ranks high in both, is one of the native products of Southern Illinois, of which a clientele scat- tered far and wide over the whole tFnited States justly feel proud. Hundreds of his pupils who have re- ceived their training in his efficient hands and have taken their places in almost every walk of life, as minis- ters, lawyers, doctors, teachers or business men, rec^ftrd him with un- diminished pride and affection through the lengthening years and the slowly silvering of theii- heads. In birth, education, training and occupation he began and continues to this day a typical "Egyptian" of the modern geographical school. He was born near Dudleyvil!°, 'id Co., March 12, 1S52, and is therefore comparatively a young m:i:i ^lill. He was the son of Rev. J. J. and Catharine (McAdams) Blizzard, themselves native lUinoisians. Un- til 17 years oia he followed the plow summers and went to the "dees- trict" school winters. He was sound- ly converted at that time and want- ed to enter the ministi-y, but cir- cumstances ordered otherwise, and he devoted about thirty years to training the young, and his life has been principally spent as a teacher. He began to teach in 1S71, when but 19 years old, and taught con- tinuously until 1890, a period of nineteen years. He was then elect- ed Superintendent of Schools for Bond County for four years. He then took charge of the Mt. Vernon Business College for four years, then as Principal of Crab Orchard Acad- emy for two years. Later he started a business college at Vienna, but the promisei support failing him it proved unsuccessful and was aban- doned after a two years' struggle. Although he joined the church when but 17 years old, he did not apply to the conference for a license to preach nor enter the regular min- istry until 1902, when he was li- censed by the Mt. Vernon District Conference of the M. E. Church, and took his first pastorate in 190/2 at Carterville. As a Sunday School worker he has had few equals from his youth up. He has been remark- ably active and successful in all de- partments of the work, and for 16 consecutive years was Superintend- ent of the Sunday School in Bond County. He has never been very active in politics, and without ambition in that field, although holding at vari- ous times minor offices, principally connected with the school. On October i, 1875, he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret J. White, daughter of Leander and Re- becca White, both old settlers ot Bond County. Three children have been born to them, all of whom have reached maturity and two have mar- ried. Their names are Alvin B. Blizzard, of Yellow Pine, La.; Mrs. Effie Stephenson, wife of the drug- gist at Mt. Vernon, and Miss Nellie M. Blizzard, bookkeeper and ste- nographer for Reed and North Lum- ber Co., at Carterville. He is at the present pastor of the M. E. Church at Herrin. B. BOLINGER, Superintendent of Herrin Electric Light and Power Co. The subject of this sketch was the son of Samuel Bolinger, a native of Pennsylvania, and Carolina Nico- demus, a Maryland lady. The elder Bolinger came to Sulphur Springs, Ohio, in an early day and married there. His son was boin there Nov. Vr: 1 jsi iil was laUi'ii oy His pa- lenls to Van Worl, Ohio, when bin three years old and from thence to El Paso, 111., when nine. After the death of his father at El Paso in ISSl, at the age of (J7, the family moved to Berrin Springs, Mich., where they remained for 13 years. The mother lived to be 71 and died while on a visit in Mobile, Alabama. After the death of his father, Bolinger quit the farm and went in- to the grocery business. He fol- lowed this for five years and then took up carpenter contracting and building, which he followed for four- teen years. At this time he 'lecame iuter^^^'ited in the Electric- L:g!u busi- ness and became a part owner with Fred \V. Richart and Chas. B. In- grahani. Richart having a half in- terest and the others each a quarter. He is the Superintendent and de- votes his entire time to the business. In politics he is a Republican and was City Treasurer of Herrin in 1900, serving one year. He is a member of the Mt. Vernon, ta.. Lodge, No. 112, A. F. & A. -M.. and Herrin Lodge 430 I. O. O. F. He has never married. HERRIN BOAlil) OK EUUCATIO.X. HERRIX ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CO. This promising industry was in- corporated in 1900 with a capital of $20,000. Fred W. Richart is the President and General Manager, Chas. E. Ingraham Secretary and Treasurer and B. Bolinger, Vice President and Superintendent. These three gentlemen originated the busi- ness at Herrin. secured a broad fran- chise, incorporated the company, fur- nished the necessary capital to put the business on its feet, own all the stock and do all the work. They are, in fact, "the whole thing," and Herrin would find it troublesome to get along without them. They furnish arc and incandescent lamps by night and fans and motors by day. The officers are a wide- awake set of men, and fully alive to the importance of being up-to-date in everything. "Improvement all along the line" is their motto. The building of the plant is 18x2S feet, of brick with metal roof, with a wooden extension for boilers and other machinery and coal bins, 2Sx .")0 feet. They use two boilers of .50 horse-power each: two engines: two dynamos of 30 kilowats each: 20 arc lights of the enclosed type, 1200 candle-power each: .500 incandes- cent lamps. The whole system is operated on 2 20 volts direct current on six miles of wire. They employ only two men besides Mr. Bolinger. The industry is being extended as rapidly, as the growing city requires it. and improvements are projected which will double the power in the near future. F. Applegath, President: .lolui Herrin, Clerk: Geo. ,1. White, Attor- ney: Dr. H. A. Berry, Board ot Health: Herman Pardons, Edward Summers, R. T. Copeland. Herrin is fortunate in its choice of a school board, securing the active oversight and control In the important matter of its public schools of a board who are quick to perceive its needs and prompt and liberal to the legal limit of taxation in supplying them. The late, rapid and almost unparalelled growth ot the city iio sooner demanded addi- tional school privileges than the Board set about the erection of a new school building. They bought block No. 1 of Herrin's fifth addition in the second ward in the northwest part of the city, for which they paid $10(111. On this ideal site they erect- ed the past season a substantial iMick structure of two stories with four rooms in each floor, capable of accommodating 600 pupils. The construction was begun in May, 1904, but by reason of delay in securing brick they were unable to finish it until November 1st. 1905. The contractor was Edward Mullins. It is heated with steam, with the boilers in a sub-basement under the north half of the building. It has slate roof and is finished in Georgia Pine, hard oil finish. The plastering is the Acme, with a white coat finish. The last school census shows 1100 children of school age and IS 3 4 un- der it, showing that the board must immediately provide another school Iniilding. The old school buildins is filled to overflowing, having two teachers in its primary and the new school has 210 pupils in one room. The following is the present rostei of its professors anl teachers in both schools: South Side School — Prof. F. G. Ferrill, Supt.: Principal of High School, A. T. McKinney: Sth grade, Roscoe Mifflin: 6th grade, Dora Cly- niore: 4th grade, Maggie Winning: :;rd grade, Lettie Ozment: 2nd grade. Mable Dunaway: primary. Gertrude Simmons. North Side School — Principal, W. G. Ferges: 5th grade, Mr. Whit- taker: 4th grade. Mrs. .Tennie Law- son: 3rd grade. Mr. Fleming: 2nd grade, Phoebe Smith: 2nd primary, Nannie Kendall: 1st primary. Mattie Stocks and Ethel Wilson. As indicating the devotedness and efficiency of the present board of education, it may be noted that its members, led by its president, whose enthusiasm in school affairs is un- bounded, already have well in hand location and plans for another school house, which will be pushed to com- pletion as soon as a tax levy for that purpose can be legally laid. And in addition to that the president (it llie Board is not only committed, but enthusiastically devoted to erect- ing a High School, an up-to-date building, in the near future, which will give ample accommodations to that class of pupils for some years to come. He will doubtless find In the other members hearty support, and the city can confidently count on it as soon as it can legally be reached. THE FIRST NATIONAL BA.NK OF HERRIN. This bank was the pioneer bank of the city. It was run as a private bank by D. R. Harrison from 1895 to 1S99, and on April 1, 1900, in- corporated under its present char- ter with $25,000 capital stock, which has since been increased to $50,- 00(1. Its officers are D. R. Harrison, president: Ephraim Herrin, vice president: .lohn Herrin, cashier: Henry LaMaster, assistant cashier: Cot a Herrin, bookkeeper: D. R. Har- rison, Eph. Herrin. Geo. H. Harri- son, Ed Elles and ,1. D. Peters, di- rectors. The following is its last state- ment : Report of the condition of The First National Bank of Herrin. at Herrin, in the State of Illinois, at the close of business March 14, 1 9 5 : Resources. Loans and discounts ...$24910(5 S7 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 525 68 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 50000 00 Premiums on U S Bonds 2 4 75 00 Stocks, securities, etc... 13725-00 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 9(M10 00 Due from Nat'l. Banks (not Reserve Agents) 14 12 Due from approved re- served agents . . . . 937oS 92 Checks and other cash items 144 73 Notes on other National banks 145 ou Fiac'tional paper cur- rency, nickels and cents 120 27 Lawful .Money Reserve in Bank, viz Specie .. . . $11003 15 Lgl. T. Notes 8S90 00 19893 15 Redemption fund with U S Treas. (5 per cent of circulation) .. .. 2500 00 Total $441415 28 liiabiliti«>s. Capital stock paid in ..$ .'OdOO 00 Surplus fund Kiooo 0(i Un'iivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 276S 79 National BanI; notes out- standing 50000 00 Dividends unpaid . . . . 300 00 SOUVENIR OF WlLLiAMSOX COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 4a Individual deposits sub- ject to check 20!i21O 31 Time ceitificales of de- posit i2iii:;(; IS Total ?44l4i:. -IS STATE OF Ii>LIXOIS, County of Williamson. I. John Heri-in, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. .lOHX HERRIX, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2Mth day of March, 1905. W. A. STOTLAR. .Notary Public. Correct — Attest: EPHRAIM HERRIX. ED A. ELLES, GEO. H. HARRISOX, Directors. Ira. Benjamin Wardt Fern. GEORGE H. HARRISOX. DAXIEL PERUIXE Was born August 2, I.Sol, in Jler- cer County. Pa., where he remained on a farm with his parents until 2 4 years old. He comes of a vigorous and long-lived family, his father, Enoch Perrine, dying at the age of 86, and his mother at 85. He came to this County April 1, 1856. and the year following, on December lU, married Susan Reeves, daughter of James Reeves, by whom he had three children, of whom two are now living. He enlisted August. 1862. in the 81st Illinois, served at the Siege of Vicksburg, was taken prisoner at the battle of Gemtown, Miss., and was taken to the infamous prison-pen of Andersonville. where he languished for six months, until the victorious Sherman released them. He was mustered out after three years of service at Vicksburg, Miss., in Aug- ust, 1865. In politics he has always been a Republican, and voted that ticket when there were but 7 5 votes of that party cast in the County. He was a member of the first Re- publican convention ever held in the County. It was called in 1860 and convened in the basement of the old Presbyterian church erected by the pastor, N. C. Hunt. G. B. RUSSELL. Photographer. G. B. Russell was born .May 9. ISTO, in Johnson County. Mo. He was brought up a farmer's boy and received only a common school edu- cation. About ten years ago he took up the photographic business, first at Creal Springs, but in October. 1899, he came to Herrin and opened a studio, where he still remains, the leading photographer of the district. His wife was Maggie Eaton, of the Tygett settlement, to whom he was married September 4, 1892. Three children are the fruits of this union. George H. Harrison, pioprietor of .Mulberry Hill Stock Farm, dealer in jacks and mules, shorthorned cat- tle and Poland China hogs, is the son of D. R. Harrison, president of the First Xational Bank and a na- tive product of the town. He was born on Herrin's Prairie December 14. 1S61. .\t the age of 18 he left school and spent two and one-half years at Shurtleff College, when he returned home and has since turned his attention to the rearing and sale of choice stock. When 21 his father gave him 120 acres of land just out of town, known as the Bradley es- tate. He has since added 160 acres more, making 280 of the best land in the County. On Xovember 27, ls92. he was united in marriage with iliss Laura Blankenship, of Marion. They have four children, three boys and one girl. Both himself and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church of Herrin. He is a Democrat politically, and a member of the .\. F. & A. M. D. R. HARRISOX. D. R. Harrison, president of the First Xational Bank of Herrin, was born October loth, 1834, on the old David Herrin homestead, and has lived there almost continuously ever since. His father was George H. Harrison and his mother Delilah P. Herrin. His father died January 12, 1848, but his mother survived until March 28, 1899, dying at the age of 84. His only sister, Mrs. Louisa Williams, died lately at the age of 6 9 years. He was a farmer b.v occupation, training, and preference, and fol- lowed it until about 1860. when he opened a general merchandise store at Herrin, in company with his un- cle. Oliver Herrin. In 1895 he add- ed the business of private banking to his farms and merchandise, and kept up the combination until 1899. The private bank was continued until it was merged into the First Xational Bank of Herrin in April, 1900, when he became its president. He was a merchant for 41 years, and when the Postoffice was estab- lished at Herrin, he furnished it room free gratis, and was appointed the first postmaster, holding the of- fice continuously for 3 3 years and ten months, until Mr. Stotlar took it. He was Township and School Treasurer for 14 years and Xotary Public for 36. When fifteen years old he united with the Missionary Baptist Church and has been active and useful in its ranks ever since. He was ap- pointed first clerk at its organiza- tion, and has served in that capacity up to the present time, for about 40 years. His church records do not show a single entry except in his own hand-writing. His first wife was .Miss Julia A. Walker, the daughter of .Matthew Walker and Hester More, his wife. They were married January 10, 1861, and have had five children, of whom one died in infancy. Their names are George H., the eldest; Annabel, wife of E. E. Mitchell, cashier of the First Xational Bank of Carbondale; Albert M., a dentist in Rockford, Illinois, and Luella, wife of J. C. Hundley, of Carbondale. His wife died July 9, 1874, at the age of 38, and on the 18th day of Xovember, five years later, he mar- ried Elizabeth H. Backus, the widow of .\ndrew Backus. Her maiden name was Fellows. She was born .March 28. 1839. and died .March m, 1899. Mr. Harrison hasn't a grey hair in his head, is straight as an arrow, prompt and sprightly in action, blood pure and head clear. Al- though he has already passed the al- lotted three score and ten, he bids fair to abide many years longer. He is a Democrat in politics, and a 32- degree Mason. EPHRAI.M HERRIX. The father of the subject of this sketch was Jackson Herrin, son of David Herrin, one of the first set- tlers on the prairie to which he af- terwards gave his name. He en- tered a tract of 600 acres from the government and laid the foundation for the prosperity of his family and later for the town which bears his name. Jackson died in July. 1901, at the age of So. His wife, who was Olive Spiller, died in 1845, after giving birth to four children. After her death he married Xarcissa Reed, by whom he also had four children. She lived to the age of 75. The subject of this sketch was the son of the first wife, and was born on Herrin's Prairie Oct. IS. 1S43. He was always a farmer and stock raiser, and is so yet. interspersed with real estate and banking. He has been prominent and active in the establishment and development of his town of which we speak more particularly in .giving a history of the town itself. When the Civil War broke out he responded by enlisting in the 12Sth 111., Co. D, August 10, 1862. Upon the dissolution of that unfortunate regiment he was with many others transferred to the 9th, of which Sam Hughes was Colonel when it was organized. His first smell of powder was at Snake Creek, below Chattanooga. He afterwards accompanied Sherman in his famous march "from Atlanta to the Sea," 44 SOU\'ENlR OF WILLI. \.\IS().\ COUNTY, ILLLXOIS. PHILIP N. LEWIS, Cashier Herrin State Savings Banl; Herrin. Illinois. and was mustered out at Springfieli July 9th, 1865. He returned to his home and four years later, May G, 1S69, married Fatima Brown, the daughter of John Brown, hy whom he has had six children, three boys and three girls. The three sons and one daughter are living. Their names are John, the eldest', cashier of the First National Bank of Her- rin: Mark H., engaged in stock rais- ing and dealing at Herrin; Jefferson, a butcher at Herrin, and Cora, the bookkeeper for the bank. THOMAS STOTLAR, President of Herrin's State and Sav- Bank. The Stotlar family, one of the old- est and most substantial families of the County, are of German origin and date back in this country to Jacob Stotlar, who in an early day came from Germany to Pennsylvania and was killed by the Indians. His son, Joseph Stotlar, who was a scout in the war of 1S12 rnd was present at the surrender of t>en. Hull, settled near Winchester, Adams County, Ohio, is son, Sam- uel, was born in Adams Co. in 1S13 and died in tS76 at the age of 62. His wife, and the mother of Thomas, was born in ISIS and died in 189 3 at tlje age of 77, on the old Samuel Stotlar homestead in Herrin. The subject of 'this sketch was born near Branfort. Highland Co., Ohio, March 9. 1840. He moved with his father's family to Herrin, where he drove his stakes and spread his tent November 27, 18-50. His schooling was limited to the common schools of the town, supple- mented with three terras at the old college ar Carbondale. under the tuition of Clark Braden. He began teaching in ISGO, but after teach- ing one term the Civil War broke out and he enlisted in the 9th 111., Co. G, being sworn in at Cairo Aug- ust 11, 1S61. His first commander was Col. Payne, with Mercer as Lieut. -Col., who became Colonel on the promotion of Payne to Brigadier General, and when Mercer became in turn Brigadier, Jesse J. Philips be- came Colonel and afterwards Brig- adier, to be followed by Col. Hughes, the last of the list of fighting col onels, and before the war closed, all but Hughes became generals, and hi would have been but for the close of the war. The brave 9th served at Forts Henry and Donaldson, going with Grant to Shiloh, where Thomas had his left arm shot in two and went to the hospital at Mound City for a while. His father came for him at the hospital and took him home, where he staid till the last of Aug- ust. 1862. He then returned to Mound City and remained up to September 16, when he started back to his regiment. He only got as far as Cairo when he was discharged on account of his wound, which was still troubling him. He then re- turned to his home at Herrin and the cornfield. On the 14th day of July, 1SG9. he was married to Miss Louisa Cox, daughter of George and Sarah Jane Cox, of German parentage, and na- tives of North Carolina and Mis- sissippi. She died February la, 19(tl, having given birth to three children, Edwin N., manager of the lumber business in Marion, Norah, the wife -'f Dr. Ford at Herrin and Leroy A., who died at home in April, 1905. After a little more than two years from his wife's death, Decem- ber 15, 1903, Mr. Stotlar married his present wife, who was Florence Brown, the daughter of John Brown, of near Herrin. In 1903 Mr. Stotlar heli)ed to or- ganize the present Stotlar— Herrin Lumber Company, and became its first vice ))resident. A year later he assisted in the organization of the State-Savings Bank and was elected its president. He also owns stoclv in the First National Bank of Ma- rion and is a director and a stock- holder in the Williamson County Bank of Marion. He has been a member of the Christian Church of Herrin for 36 years, and an elder for about 10. He is a Republican in politics. P. N. LEWIS. Cashier of the Herrin State-Savings Bank. Philip N. Lewis, the subject of this sketch, was born on a farm sev- en miles south of Marion, William- son, County. lUinQis. January 29, 1S7(). On this farm was what was known to most of the early settlers as the Ward Flat or Race Track, a level tract of land a half mile long, lying one mile south of Wards Mill, the old water mill on the Saline . A. LAl'DER. P. M. Carterville, Illinois. SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. 45 Creek owned by old Dick Ward, and at which all the settlers for a radius of forty miles got their corn ground into meal. Philip is the second son of D. M. and Harriet Lewis, and one of thir- teen children, twelve of whom lived to be grown, and ten of whom are still living. His father, commonly known as "Dan" Lewis, was one of the oldest citizens, he himself being born and raised in this same neigh- borhood, and living there until his death, which occurred a few years ago at the age of 73. He kept the Wards Mill Post Office for iifteen or twenty years for the accommodation of his neighbors, and was always known as a man of strictest integrity and honest dealings with his fellow- men. He was never a party to any litigation, and was never accused of violating the laws of the countiy. Harriet Lewis was the eldest child of William C. Cash and Finney Cash, who came to Hlinois in an early day from Kentucky. She was a woman of extraordinary intelligence, strong religious convictions, gentle and pa- tient disposition, and that beautiful womanly character that won the hearts of all she met and attached them to herself as lifelong friends. From parents such as these i nuip inherited those traits of character that have enabled him to achieve success in all he has undertaken, and command the esteern and confi- dence of all good men. He helped his father on the farm until the age of seventeen, when he started out into the world to fight life's battles for himself.' His pa- rents were always great readers, and from this Philip early acquired a love for newspapers an I good books, so that while the other men where he worked spent their noon hours and other spare time at cards, mar- bles and other sports, he invariably occu|)ied himself with a good paper or a good book. Having acquired a very fair common school education, at nineteen he found himself em- ployed to teach a country school. By teaching and going to school al- ternately he was soon able to hold the prinripalship of the Carterville schools. l,S94-9."i. Leaving the Car- terville schools he again entered col- lege, graduating in the fall of '9G. After graduation he went to West- ern Iowa, where in company with Barney Ferrell he was employed as principal of the Castana (Iowa) Normal School, which was just be- in.g organized at that place. He con- ducted this school for five years, when failing health necessitated his taking up some out-door occupation. Resigning his position in ine Nor- mal, he took up real estate worl;, handling farm lands in Iowa, Ne- iH-aska and the Dakotas He had long been desirous of engaging in tl-H I'iinldng brisini'ss. iMit was com- pelled to wait uutil he could earn the necessary laoney dirough his own efforts. Two years of success- ful real estate work, however, not only restored his health, but gave him sutficient funds to take up his cherished work. After looking over several cities in Colorado, California, Oregon and Washington, he decided to come back to v\ illiamson County. Illinois, and start a bank at Herrin. He was one of the organizers of the Hei-rin State-Savings Bank, of which he is now Cashier. He first superintended the erection of the new bank building, which is admit- ted to be the finest brick structure in the County. Mr. Lewis was married on Octo- ber 2G, 1903, to Miss Ethel G. Put- nam, the daughter of a wealthy farmer and stockraiser of Western Iowa. She is a very successful ; eacher. a talented musician, and possesses many rare traits of noble woiuanhood. Mr. Lewis is a Democrat political- ly, but is not a member of any church. He is an earnest advocate of justice and right living, and the highest standard of morals among men and women. With "conserva- tism and courteousness" as his watchword, the Herrin State-Savings Bank promises to be one of the fore- most financial institutions of the County. W. N. STOTLAR. President of the Stotlar-Herrin Lumber Company and Vice Presi- dent of the Herrin State-Savings Bank, was born June 12, 1S57, in Dayton, Ohio. He is the fifth child of Sanuiel Stotlar, and was reared on the Stotlar Homestead at Herrin. Like the most of farm boys his edu- cation was only such as can be ac- quired at our common schools, and he very early began to devote his at- tention to the rearing and buying an-l selling of live stock, mostly horned cattle. He was a success at this, and followed it until he went into the lumber business about the time the town was laid out. For the first four years he ran the business alone, when the present Stotlar- Herrin Company was incorporated, and he hecame its president. He was made Vice President of the Her- rin State-Savings Bank at its organ- ization. His wife was Miss Sarah Cox. the daughter of George Cox, of Williamson County, and .Tane Cox. his wife. They were married Oct. 14, 1S7fi, and have one child. Ruby, the wife of Paul Herrin. E. N. DILLARD, Vice President Herrin State-Savings Bank, Herrin. 111. 17, 1S46. His life has been spent in farming and stock raising and dealing until in February, 1904, when he moved into Herrin. Since then he took an interest in the new State-Savings Bank and has been busy building and renting houses and general management of his property interests. His father, J. J. Dillard, lived to the advanced age of 8 3, but his mother, whose maiden name was Lydia Roberts, died in 1SG2, at the age of 42. He was married October 1, 1SG7, to Elizabeth Mannering, by whom he has had seven children. The names of the living are James J., Marshall, (ieorge, Monte, Clarence N., and Raleigh. He is not a politician, but has been a member of the Christian Church since 1.SG2. ROBERT R. STOTLAR. Assistant Cashier of the Herrin Slate-Savings Bank, is the son of H. M. Stotlar and Miss E. C. Spiller, his wife. He was born and reared in Herrin. He was a member of the first class in Herrin High School, at- tended the Southern Illinois Normal at Carbondale in 1S92, where he took a special course in mathematics and the sciences. He was with the Standard Oil Co. from March to SeiJl ember, 190 4, and took his pres- ent position in the Herrin State- Savings Bank Ajiril 17. 190.5. E. N. Dillard was liorn on Pope's Prairie, Franklin Co., Til.. October DR. W. H. FORD Was born March 10, 1S7S, about five miles southeast of Carbondale, Jackson County, Illinois. He is the oldest son of W. N. and Amanda Jane Ford, both of whom are still living and reside in Herrin, his father being one of the most promi- nent real estate men of the County. He moved to Herrin in the Fall of 189S, when the now beautiful city of Herrin was but a small of three or four hundred people, and has since been identified as one of the most earnest workers for the up-building of Herrin and the Coun- ly in general. The boyhood of Dr. W. H. Ford was spent on a faim in Jackson Co.. near Makanda, where he helped his father farm until the Fall of 1895, when he entered a medical college It St. Louis, Mo. He pursued the stu 'y of medicine until the 10th of March, 1S9S, at which time he grad- uated, receiving the degree of Doc- tor of Medicine. He immediately came to Herrin, established a Drug Store and be,gan the practice of his profession. On the 10th of January. 1900. he was married to Nora Stotlar, daugh- ter of Thomas and Louisa Stotlar, and immediately after his he established him a comfortable home in Herrin. where he still re- 46 SOUVENIR OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY, ILLLNOIS. sides. He is one of the ilirettois of the Herrin State and Savings Bank, and has idenlified himself as one of the substaiuial ciiizeiis of ihe County. BAXK OF .lOHXSOX CITY. Banlv of .Johnson City, Williamson County, Illinois, was organized by .1. S. Lewis and M. Oznient in 1901, with a cash capital of $10,000 and individual responsibility between $7r,,000 and $100,000, opening their doors for business in a small frame building .July 26, 1901. Business started with great promise, the first day's deposits being $1224.12, which has now reached the neat siiiii of $57,000.00, and is gradually in- creasing. On the 7th day of Xoveniber. 190:J, the bank moved into its own home, a substantial brick and stone builiing of two stories, erected at a cost of nearly $10,000, and fur- nished with the latest banking con- veniences in the way of vault and furniture. Mr. Ozment is shown in the picture, at the ' Cashier's win- dow. Messrs. Lewis and Ozment own also the Bank at Stone Fort in Saline County, with Mr, C. B. Oz- ment as cashier. Mr. J. S. Lewis was born in Ken- tucky August G, ISol. After his school days he attended medical col- lege, graduating in 1S78. On Oct. 28, 1S7S, Mr. Lewis was married at Metropolis, Ills., and has five chil- dren. Myrtle, Roscoe, Mabel, Fern and Orman. In 18 85 Mr, Lewis abandoned the practice of medicine for business, coming to this part in 1901. He is a Universalist, a Re- publican and a Mason. Mr. Lewis has been very successful. Mr. M. Ozment was born in Saline Co., III., October 8, 1S6S. Follow- ing his school days he graduated in' the business course of the Gem City Business College August, 1893, and March 3, 1897, was married at Stone Fort, 111. Their two children are named Arel and George. Mr. Oz- nient taught school in Saline and Williamson Counties for six years, coming to ,Johnson City July 17, 1901. In politics he is a Democrat, is a member of A. F. & A. M.; R. A. M.; I. O. O. F. and M. W. of A., and also a member of the Baptist church since 1887. Mr. Ozment has been successful and has a bright future. SAMUEL B. BAKER, Farmer, ■ft'est Frankfort, Franklin Co., 111. Samuel B. Baker was born near .Missionary Ridge, Hamilton County, 111,, December 2.S, 1S37, His fath- er dying when he was but eight years old, the stipport of his mother and two younger brothers devolved lar.gely on him. He worked for 25 cents a day in the corn, colton and tobacco fields of the South, When 2(1 years old he had saved up a little money, and going lo Memphis went lo buying furs in company with .lim Walker. They bought principally in Arkansas and sent their goods lo a -Memphis house. Being of Union sentiments, how- ever, he found the atmosphere too sultry for him about 18(!1. After the breaking out of the war he went to St. Louis and joined a company of scouts and guides under Capt. J. H. .Johnson, They served under Gen, N. P, Banks until his death and then followed the fortunes of Gen. Franz Sigel. They foughti at Pea Ridge and in company with Capt. Johnson, L. Jenkins and others, and saw Gen. .VlcCullock, of the Confederate army shot from his horse. Capt. Johnson was mortally wounded at Lang De- Bayou, north of Helena, Ark., under Gen. Curtis on his raid when Helena was captured in 18G2. Baker took him to Cape Girardeau and staid with him until he died. After the death of Johnson he served for a time under Gen. Powell Clayton, and then joined Co. D.. 13th 111. Cavalry at Carbondale, where he remained until the close of the war. Two of the Tanner boys were in the same company with Baker, James Mc Tan- ner and Frederick. Frederick died July 7, 1864, and Baker helped lo bury him at Pine Bluff, Ark. On or about August 30, 1865, Baker was mustered out at Pine Bluff, and re- turned to Williamson Count.;' and his family. While the war was in pro.-jress he had married Miss Sarah Robinson, at Carbondale, X'ovembsr, 1S(J3. She gave him nine jhildren and died February 1, 1898. On his return from the war they spent four years farming at old Bainbridge, and from there moved to Grassy Precinct, where they lived until July, 190!, when they moved to their present home. For a second wife Mr. Baker took Nancy C. Jourdan. His living children are George L. Baker, at Chamness: Mrs. Josephine Kelby, Marion; Mrs. Lida Ogden, at Herrin. Jonathan A. Baker, Carterville; Mrs. Lulu Maann, Cottage Home; Mrs. Rhoda McGill, Marion, and William Baker, Marion. He Is a Republican in polities and a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. THE BLACK DIAMOND POULTRY YARD, J. A. LAUDER. Prop., Carterville, III. Mr. Lauder is a ver.v successful chicken fancier and makes a spe- cialty of the single-comb Wack Mi- norcas. He belongs to the Black Minorca Club of Amreica, and his birds have won prizes whenever and wherever exhibited. The fine bird shown in the balf-louH herein is called "Champion of Illinois," and has never failed of the blue ribbon whenever exhibited. He won five first prizes in 1899 to 1900, and scored 9:! 1-2 points al the Illinois State show at Quincy in January, I9IHI, before ,lud,ge Ttieo. Hewes. He scored 9 5 1-2 points at Peoria in 1 s;)9 by Judge B. N. Pierce, and the same year won first prize at Nashville and O'Fallon, 111. Mr. Lauder ships birds and eggs to all parts of the United States, and has been the judge of poultry at Marian, the county seat, for several years. THE HERRIX STATE-SAVIXGS BANK. This new candidate for public fa- vor came to the front last year and under the careful management of its official board will soon be recognized as one of the most solid financial in- stitutions of the county. It has a paid up cash capital of $25,000, a surplus fund of $4,000, and deposits of over $53,000. The new banking house erected for the use of the bank last year does credit to the town and county and is fully written up elsewhere in this volume. THE WILBORN STORE CO. Is a firm composed of W. R. Wil- born, of New Denison, and C. L. and C. W. Wilborn, of Attila. From a very small beginning it has grown to respectable proportions in a brief period and now controls the trade of the district where the two houses are located. Careful management and skillful buying based on the solid foundation of honest dealing are the elements of the substantial progress made. The plate shows the New Denison Branch with Mr. W. R. Wilborn standin,a in front of the store. FRED GARDNER, Vice-President and General Manager of the New Ohio Washed Coal Company. Was born in Chicago. .March 31, 1867. He is of English parentage on both sides, his father, Robert H. Gardner, being boin in London, Eng., January 2ii, 1829, and his mother, whose maiden name was -Mary A. Leavey was also born in London, July 20, 1835. Both are still living and show by their vigor the pure blood and steady habits of a long-lived ancestry. Their son had the early training of the Chicago public schools and entered Racine College, Wisconsin, in 1879. After graduating in 1883, he took up the lumber and coal busi- SOUVENIR OF W ILLIAMSUiX COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ness with which he hai^ been con- nected ever since. His wife's name was Lillian \V. Upton, a native of Salem, Mass., to whom he was unit- ed in maii-iage December 2 5th, 1S90. They have one son, Robert F. Gardner, who was born in Chi- cago, March lU, 1S99. The family are Episcopalians in their church relations and he is Republican in politics. He was a member of the Illinois Nal'l Guard from iss.j to '6;9 and is now a member of the A. F. & ' A. M., the Xational I'nion and the Royal Arcanum. .1. G. AFFI.KGATH, Herriu, HI. .Manager of the White-Ash Branch of the Flies Store Co. Was born at Albion, 111.. October 10, 18G7. He remained in his na- tive town until he had completed his school education and then turn- ed his attention to railroading. At the age of 17 he was at work for the old L. E. & St. l.ouis Ry Co.. now the Southern Ry. Co., and for seven years served them as Agent and Telegrapher in various places. He then secured a position with the S. W. Little Coal Co. at Little, lud., where he remained for thirteen years. He began as bookkeeper and for the last five years of the period had charge of the mine. He then moved lo the new town of Herrin and in December. li)iM. went to work for the Files Store Co. He was very soon placed in charge of the White Ash Branch, which he now runs. His wife was Miss Fannie Nelson, the daughter of .John and Sarah Nel- son, of Winslow, Ind. They were married March 15, 18S7 and have had one son, Carl G.. now 17 years old. He is a Presbyterian, a Repub- lican and a Royal Arch .Mason. THE NEW VIRGINIA COAL CO. Near Johnson City, 111. This mine is a hustler, a money maker, a fortunate and well regu- lated and managed institution. It was incorporate! under the laws of the state of Illinois in 1900, and be- gan to hoist coal in December, 1901. Its shaft is 120 feet deep and it has a nine foot vein of coal. The roof is exceptionally good and there is absolutely no gas in the mine. That it is carefully managed is shown by the fact that for the five years it has run there has never been a fatal accident. The company own or lease GOO acres of coal land and when running it full capacity em- ploy 300 men with a daily output of 1500 tons. They work at the present time Kio men and 15 mules and ship from soo to 90(i tons daily. They have four switch tracks con- nected with the C. & hi. 1. Ry. line, covering two miles, and can load four Qifferent kinds of coal at the same time from the tour tracks. They are fully equipped with first motion hoisting engines. Shaker Sorens and Christy Box Car Loader, woo en tipple, seventy feet high. The output for the past year has been used by the C. & E. 1. Ry., giv- ing perfect satisfaction. The company has a cash capital of .$ and the following gen- tlemen constitute their official board; Silas D. Moore, President; HJdwin G. Rarbach, Secretary and 'i'reasurer; .lohn \V. Mitchell, Super- intedent of .Mine. I'heir Chicago oiiiie is at No. G'.o Old Colony building. .Mr. Rarbach informs the writer that he and his associates sank the second mine in Franklin County, which they afterwards sold to the Dearing Coal Company. It is located at West Frankfort and is proving one of the largest and best in the district. A well filled gen- eral store serves to furnish the need- ed supplies and happiness and con- tentment reigns. Good wages and steady work is the rule and no note of dissatisfaction has ever been heard in their midst. The proprie- tors are thoroughly just and Christ- ian gentlemen who recognize in each worker a man and a brother with rights as sacred as their own, and prove both when lalior troubles arise and how they can be avoided. The company, with an eye to beaut\- and the comfort of their family of employes, have erected forty beau- tiful cottages in a group for their use, forming a well-laid out and picturesque little town as unlike the unsightly herd of shells which dis- figure the surroundings of most mining towns as black differs from white. The cottages and the well kept gardens about them are an in- dication of the character both of the ])roprietors and their hel|i, which explains the absence nf labor troubles in their midst. CAUTERVILLE DISTRICT COMPANY. This Company was formed in the year 1902, and is one of the most modern mines in the Carterville Coal fields, having acquired S20 acres of thick vein coal lands lo- cated within a few miles of the city of Marion in Williamson County, Illinois. The work of opening an 1 devel- oping was pushed rapidly from the start and by the latter pan of 1903, entries had been driven and coal was being taken out. Practically all mining is done with the Sullivan Punchers, lun on conijiressed air. This coal is mined after the ma- chines, produce large block and is very handsome in appearance. The Tipple is seventy feet high and is equipped with Bond cages — Shaker screens, four loading — also one passing track. Litchfield en- gines are used in hoisting, a Sul- livan high speed fan is used in \en- tilation. There is also a Chiisty Box Car-loader. Every foot of mine track is laid with steel rails and the pit cars large and serviceable. With their complete and serviceable equipment, the Carterville District .Mine is enabled to prejiare a num- ber of grades of the finest domestic and steam coals. The officials of the mine are: Sam H. Goodall. President and Gen- eral Manager; L. C. Goodall, Secre- tary; A. Q. Mitchell, Treasurer and .Vssistant General Manager; Mr. .lohnson, Superintendent; George Calhoun, Bookkeeper; .1. E. Corel, Sales Agent, :'.u:! Fisher Building, Chicago, in. JOHN ADA.M SEIDL.\. First Engineer Ciilp Coal Co., Car terville. Illinois. The sulijecl of ibis slceich is a na- tive of Lafayelte, Tippecanoe Co., Indiana, where he was born April 11. IS53, and where he worked with his father on the farm until he was fifteen years old. His father, John .\dam Seidla. Sr., was born in Wit- tembury, Germany. Martin Luther's old town, in 1S22, and emigrated to .\nierica in 1S33. He went into farming and stock raising and still lives and farms on the old home- stead in Indiana. He tried to raise his son to the same business, but he was a natural mechanic and took to building and running mills, partic- ularly saw mills, which he followed mostly in Southern Illinois, for twenty years. He ran a saw mill in ihe heavy timber of Southeastern -Missouri, for two years for his pres- ent employer. John Gulp. Feeling the need of a better prep- aration for his work than the limits of a common district school provided he took a course as hoisting engin- eer in the Scranton Correspon lence school ill September, 1904. The following March he went to Spring- field, 111., before the State Board of Examiners and took his certificate. His wife was Melissa Rogers, the daughter of Elijah Ro.gers to whom lie was united in marriage Septem- ber 23, 1.S7S. They have had four children of whom two are living. They have two grandchildren. He is an Odd Fellow and a Woodman of the World, and a Repulilican in politics.