-js-^ u( \ COO-1 264-2 CIVIL ENGINEERING STUDIES SANITARY ENGINEERING SERIES NO. 25 A SURVEY OF STABLE AND RADIOACTIVE ZINC AND COBALT IN THE COLUMBIA RIVER LOAN COPY By ROBERT H. WATSON Property of COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS CENTER UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 157 GFUi >BTi£jy 1301 WES .."5ELD AVENUE URBAi^A, ILLINOIS 31801 USA Supported by DIVISION OF BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION RESEARCH CONTRACT AT(1 1-1 )-l 264 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS JANUARY, 1965 A SURVEY OF STABLE AND RADIOACTIVE ZINC AND COBALT IN THE COLUMBIA RIVER by Robert Henry Watson Supported by the United States Atomic Energy Commission Research Grant US-AT -11-1-1264 Department of Civil Engineering The University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois January, 1965 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/surveyofstablera25wats ABSTRACT Data accumulated during a comprehensive review of the literature on the occurrence of stable and radioactive zinc and cobalt in samples from the aquatic and terrestrial environments is presented. Zinc and cobalt radionuclides found in natural waters result from nuclear weapons testing and nuclear reactor activities and commonly become the major radionuclides associated with aquatic plant and animal life inhabiting these waters,, In natural waters, the literature indicates that a dynamic equilibrium exists between zinc ions in solution and zinc ions adsorbed on the surfaces of living aquatic plant life and inorganic bottom sediments. The degree of adsorption is high and the rate, rapid, at pH's above neu- trality, Desorption is complete at pH's below four. Analytical techniques were developed to determine the concentra- tions in environmental samples of both total and radioactive zinc and cobalt, stressing simplicity of procedure and analytical equipment. In each sample, the desorbable zinc and cobalt were isolated by anion exchange chromatography, the total zinc and total cobalt concentrations determined by colorimetric procedures, and the radioactive zinc and radioactive cobalt activities determined by gamma scintillation counting. Four samples of water, four samples of plankton and twenty-four samples of bottom sediments were obtained on August 14- and 15, 1963, from a one-hundred mile reach of the Columbia River between just upstream of the Hanford reactors and just downstream of McNary dam. The bottom sediment samples were collected along the shorelines of the river at a time when the water surface was receding from a flood peak which had occurred six weeks previously. The following table indicates the minimum, maximum and average concentrations of total and radioactive zinc and cobalt found in the Columbia River samples „ CONCENTRATIONS OF TOTAL AND RADIOACTIVE ZINC AND COBALT IN COLUMBIA RIVER SAMPLES* AUGUST 14 AND 15, 1963 Analysis ZINC (ug/g) COBALT ( Mg'/g )" Water SajmoleJIype Plankton"-""" Bottom Sediments 5 ""' Mm .048 Max 120 Ave 072 Min Max 1060 1960 1660 00005 .00014 .00010 1.2 3o5 2 5 ZINC 65 (pc/g) 0013 .0199 .0084 4830 8060 5940 (pc/in2)t COBALT 60 (pc/g) oOOOO 0014 0OOO8 (pc/in2)t 63 30 Min Max Ave 5 187 71 o00 o87 o28 .00 230 52 .0 5510 1060 oOO 13o0 2.1 oO 313 46 *based on analyses of 3 water, 4 plankton and 24 bottom sediment samples ** as dry weights t in2 ground surface area The radioactivity of the zinc fractions of all samples was caused 65 by Zinc and the radioactivity of the cobalt fractions of all samples was caused by Cobalt . Zinc was a major radionuclide associated with plankton and bottom sediment samples and Cobalt was a minor radionuclide associated with these samples. No relation was found between the Zinc ' and Cobalt activities of the bottom sediments of the Columbia River and the total zinc and cobalt concentrations of these sediments Total zinc concentrations of the sediments were highest above the reactor area, along the reactor shore, and decreased with distance downstream. Total cobalt concentrations of the sediments generally decreased with distance downstream throughout the study reach „ The major portion of the Zinc ' and Cobalt activities associated with bottom sediments collected along the shorelines of the Columbia River occurred in a 40 to 50 mile reach extending through the Hanford reactor area and downstream, and concentrated along the reactor shore „ Zinc ' and Cobalt , in their present concentrations and locations in bottom sediments of the Columbia River, do not represent a significant public health hazard „ Continuous monitoring at the water treatment plants of public water supplies taken from the Columbia River is, however, con- sidered to be necessary as a safeguard against the consumption of water containing excessive concentrations of radioactivity „ Ill ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report is submitted as a thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Sanitary Engineering under the direction of Dr John T O'Connor, Associate Professor of Sanitary Engineering, University of Illinois „ The research was supported by Research Grant US-AT-11-1-1264, from the Division of Biology and Medicine, United States Atomic Energy Commission, and carried out at the Sanitary Engineering Laboratory of the University of Illinoiso The samples analyzed in this study were obtained by Dr„ Benjamin B Ewing, Professor of Sanitary Engineering, University of Illinois, with the permission and active support of Dr„ Richard F Foster, Manager, Environ- mental Studies and Evaluation, Radiation Protection Operation, Hanford Atomic Products Operation, General Electric Company, Richland, Washington „ The author wishes to take this opportunity to thank Dr Ewing for obtaining the samples on which the results of this study are based, and for his constructive criticism during the course of the work, and Dr Foster for his help in obtaining a large proportion of the reference data compiled in this thesiso Acknowledgements are gratefully extended to Sambhunath Ghosh, Tsohsiong Fann and Emil Frein, for their help during various phases of the experimental work, and to Josephine Lee and other members of the Sanitary Engineering Laboratory who helped the author in connection with this research. Above all, the author extends his deep gratitude to Dr John T O'Connor for his enthusiastic assistance in performing this work, and for the many hours spent in reviewing and guiding both the experimental work and the preparation of this thesis „ IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES x I, INTRODUCTION 1 THE HANFORD REACTORS AND THE COLUMBIA RIVER 1 ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION EXPOSURE AND MONITORING IN THE HANFORD AREA 4 ZINC 65 AND COBALT 50 7 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 9 II o LITERATURE REVIEW 12 COLUMBIA RIVER AREA 13 Additional Data - Qualitative and Quantitative 14 THAMES RIVER, CONNECTICUT, AREA 15 SOUTH-WEST PACIFIC AREA 16 Additional Data - Qualitative and Quantitative 16 OTHER AREAS 18 Additional Data - Qualitative and Quantitative 18 III. A DISCUSSION OF ZINC 65 EQUILIBRIUM AND TRANSPORT IN NATURAL WATERS 20 CHEMICAL FORCES 21 Solubility Limitations 21 Adsorption Phenomena 22 PHYSICAL FORCES 24 BIOLOGICAL FORCES 24 TRANSPORT OF ZINC 65 25 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page 65 FACTORS CAUSING THE RETURN OF ZINC TO SOLUTION 27 MATERIALS BALANCE 27 SUMMARY 28 IV o ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE 30 PHASE I 30 Water 30 Plankton 32 Bottom Sediments 33 PHASE II 34 PHASE III 35 Procedure for Separation and Isolation of Zinc and Cobalt 35 PHASE IV 35 ANALYSES FOR TOTAL ZINC AND FOR TOTAL COBALT 36 Analysis for Total Zinc 37 Analysis for Total Cobalt 38 V DISCUSSION OF ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE 39 PHASE I 39 Elution of Zinc and Cobalt from Dowex 50 Cation Exchange Resin 39 Elution of Zinc and Cobalt from Plankton and Bottom Sediment Samples 40 Counting for Total Gamma Activity 41 PHASE II 42 PHASE III 43 Separation and Isolation of Zinc and Cobalt by Anion Exchange Chromatography 43 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page PHASE IV 51 Analysis for Total Zinc 51 Analysis for Total Cobalt 55 Determination of Radioactive Zinc and Radioactive Cobalt 56 Prevention of Contamination and Loss of Microgram Quantities of Zinc and Cobalt 60 VI o SAMPLING SURVEY 62 WATER SAMPLES 62 PLANKTON SAMPLES 68 BOTTOM SEDIMENT SAMPLES 68 VII „ RESULTS OF ANALYSES 70 EXPLANATION OF CALCULATIONS FOR A TYPICAL SAMPLE: BOTTOM SEDIMENT SAMPLE #13 77 Phase I 77 Phase II 77 Phase IV - Zinc and Zinc ' 79 Phase IV - Cobalt and Cobalt 81 RADIOACTIVITY RELATED TO SURFACE AREA 81 VIII o DISCUSSION OF RESULTS OF ANALYSES 83 QUALITATIVE PROOF OF ISOLATION OF ZINC 65 AND COBALT 60 83 PRECISION OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS 83 Zinc 83 Cobalt 83 „. 65 Zinc 85 fin Cobalt 86 ACCURACY OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS 86 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) VII Page TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 88 COMPARISON OF TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY WITH ZINC 65 AND COBALT 60 ACTIVITY 89 COMPARISON OF TOTAL ZINC AND TOTAL COBALT WITH ZINC 65 AND COBALT 60 92 EFFECT OF LOCATION OF SAMPLES 93 Location of Bottom Sediment Samples Relative to the Water Surface Level of the Columbia River 94 Location of Bottom Sediment Samples Relative to the Flow Velocity of the Columbia River 94 Total Gamma Activity 95 Zinc and Cobalt 96 Zinc 65 and Cobalt 60 99 COMPARISON OF RESULTS WITH DATA OBTAINED BY OTHERS 104 Water 104 Plankton 105 Bottom Sediments 105 CONCENTRATION RATIOS 108 SIGNIFICANCE OF ZINC 65 AND COBALT 60 CONCENTRATIONS 109 IXo CONCLUSIONS 111 REFERENCES 114 APPENDIX 117 REFERENCES FOR APPENDIX 135 ADDITIONAL REFERENCES FOR APPENDIX 142 Vlll LIST OF TABLES Table Page 5.1 Radionuclides Present in Reactor Effluent as it Enters the Columbia River 46 5.2 Naturally Occurring Radionuclides 47 5.3 Significant Radionuclides 48 5.4 Test Results Used for Establishing the Standard Curve for Total Zinc Determination 54 5.5 Range in Test Results Used for Establishing the Standard Curve for Total Zinc Determination 54 5.6 Test Results Used for Establishing the Standard Curve for Total Cobalt Determination 57 5.7 Range in Test Results Used for Establishing the Standard Curve for Total Cobalt Determination 57 5.8 Establishment of Counting Efficiency for Zinc ' and Cobalt 59 6.1 Water Samples, Columbia River - August 14 & 15, 1963 64 6.2 Plankton Samples, Columbia River - August 14 & 15, 1963 64 6.3 Bottom Sediment Samples, Columbia River - August 14 & 15, 1963 65 7.1 Total Gamma Activity of Columbia River Samples 71 7.2 Total Zinc and Total Cobalt of Columbia River Samples 72 7.3 Radioactive Zinc and Radioactive Cobalt of Columbia River Samples 73 7.4 Radioactivity of Columbia River Bottom Sediment Samples Related to Surface Area 74 7.5 Summary of Results of Analyses of Columbia River Samples 75 8.1 Precision of Analytical Results 85 8.2 Concentration Ratios of Columbia River Plankton and Bottom Sediment Samples to Columbia River Water 109 9.1 Concentrations of Total and Radioactive Zinc and Cobalt in Columbia River Samples, August 14 and 15, 1963 112 IX LIST OF TABLES (continued) Table Page A-l Stable and Radioactive Zinc and Cobalt in Environmental Samples Taken from the Columbia River Area 118 A-2 Columbia River Area - Data from Additional References 121 A-3 Zinc and Zinc ' in Environmental Samples Taken from the Thames River, Connecticut, Area 125 A-4 Stable and Radioactive Zinc and Cobalt in Environmental Samples Taken from the South-West Pacific Area, 1956-57, Following the "Redwing" Shot Series 126 A-5 South-West Pacific Area - Data from Additional References 130 A-6 Stable and Radioactive Zinc and Cobalt in Environmental Samples (Excluding the Columbia River, the South-West Pacific and the Thames River, Connecticut, Areas) 131 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 101 Geographical Relationship of Hanford Works to Pacific Northwest 2 1 2 Features of Hanford Project and Vicinity 3 65 1 3 Zinc in Columbia River Water at Pasco, Washington 5 4 1 Flow Diagram of Analytical Procedure 31 5 1 Adsorption Coefficients of the Elements on Dowex I Anion Resin with Varying Concentrations of Hydrochloric Acid 49 6<,1 Location of Sampling Points 63 8 1 Comparison of Zinc ' and Cobalt Composite Samples with Standards 84 8 2 Variation in Percent of Total Gamma Activity Eluted from Bottom Sediments with Total Gamma Activity of Sample 91 65 8«3 Variation in Percent of Total Gamma Activity Due to Zinc from Bottom Sediments with Total Gamma Activity 91 80*+ Variation of Total Zinc with Location of Bottom Sediments 97 80 5 Variation of Total Cobalt with Location of Bottom Sediments 98 806 Variation of Zinc ' with Location of Bottom Sediments - Weight Basis, August 15, 1963 100 80 7 Variation of Zinc ' with Location of Bottom Sediments - Surface Area Basis, August 15, 1963 101 8„8 Variation of Cobalt with Location of Bottom Sediments - Weight Basis, August 15, 1963 102 80 9 Variation of Cobalt with Location of Bottom Sediments - Surface Area Basis, August 15, 1963 103 I„ INTRODUCTION THE HANFORD REACTORS AND THE COLUMBIA RIVER The Hanford Atomic Products Operation, or the Hanford Works, is located in a United States Atomic Energy Commission reservation in the southeastern section of the State of Washington, as shown in Figs, 1.1 and l 2o The reservation includes an area of about five hundred square miles. Plant operations commenced in 1944 and have expanded to the present complex which includes eight production reactors , fuel fabrication plants , chemical separation facilities and research and development laboratories The installation is operated for the Atomic Energy Commission by the General Electric Company The Columbia River flows through the reservation and forms part of its eastern boundary , The part of Washington in which Hanford Works is located is semiarid, having an average annual rainfall of about eight inches, and thus provides an excellent site for nuclear reactor operation,, The inclusion of the Columbia River within the reservation is also advantageous, as it has a minimum flow of about 50,000 cubic feet per second at Hanfordo This considerable minimum flow provides both a continuous source of reactor cooling water and also a means of disposing, by dilution, of large quanti- ties of low-level radioactive wastes „ Columbia River water has been used as a source of reactor cooling water since the start of operations in 1944 „ Water is pumped from the river and passes through a complete water treatment plant which includes coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and chlorination Chromates are added to the water to keep corrosion to a minimum The effluent from the treatment plant Is maintained at less than o 01 units of turbidity „ The cooling water passes once through a reactor and then into an open retention Fig. 1.1 GEOGRAPHICAL RELATIONSHIP OF HANFORD WORKS TO PACIFIC NORTHWEST Fig. 1.2 FEATURES OF HANFORD PROJECT AND VICINITY 4 tank where short-lived isotopes are allowed to decay before the water is returned tc the Columbia River , The Columbia River, as shown in Fig, 1,3, has a flow at Pasco, Washington, ranging from 60,000 to more than 300,000 cubic feet per second „ The flow at Hanford is slightly less, as the Yakima River joins the Columbia between these two locations , The flow past Hanford is rapid. The river water is of excellent quality, having a pH of between 7,5 and 9 o with an average of 8 1, an alkalinity of between 43 and 170 mg/1 with an average of 65 mg/1, and a very low turbidity. As the river passes Richland, Washington, it enters the reservoir formed by McNary dam, and the current velocity decreases. Sediments have been accumulating slowly in the impound- ment since it was placed in operation in 1953, In late summer and early fall, the water contains approximately 1 mg/1 dry weight of organic matter. The organic matter is composed mainly of phytoplankton, with diatoms making up over 90 percent of the population and the Cyclotella diatoms predominant during this period of the year, ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION EXPOSURE AND MONITORING IN THE HANFORD AREA A fraction of the impurities remaining in the cooling water, after treatment, is transformed into radioactive elements during passage through the reactor and during retention in films which form on the surface of the fuel channels and elements. The majority of the radionuclides are thus formed by neutron activation rather than by fission. As the reactor effluent *u n i u» d- »4- 4- • „ 56 . 64 M 24 . 51 „ 239 water enters the Columbia River, it contains: Mn , Cu , Na , Cr , Np , As , Si , making up 90 percent of the total radioactivity; 13 other radio- 65 nuclides, including Zn , which make up 8 percent of the radioactivity; and over 40 others, including Co 9 which make up the remaining 2 percent of 8 ■P (0 & C •H in ID O c N bO — O Ou a o •h ■p 05 U P c d) o (3 O O O 0) H W U. \ P k 0) c o •H ITS X5 1 3 o ■H O O O O .-I 500 — 400 300 — 200 — 100 in to 200 o ^ c >, •H rfl C Much of the information included in this introduction has been gathered from various reports of the Hanford Environmental Studies and Evaluation staff (7, 8, 14, 15) „ Other data have been gathered from a study of the Columbia River made in 1954 by the United States Public Health Service (22) and from personal discussions with Dr Benjamin B„ Ewing, Professor of Sanitary Engineering, University of Illinois a OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The overall objective of a proposed comprehensive Columbia River study is, as described by Dr Benjamin B G Ewing (5)i "to determine the fate of certain radionuclides in the Columbia River downstream of the Hanford reactors „ This river offers a unique site for such a study in that radionuclides have been discharged to the river in reactor cooling water for many years While no hazard of significance has been produced, the quan- tities of radionuclides which have been put into the river are greater than at any other site in the United States „ 10 "It is proposed that the study be confined to the reaches of the river between Priest Rapids Dam (upstream from the reactors) and Vancouver, Washington., The approach is a material balance; i e„j to compare the rate of input to any reach, corrected for decay, with the rate of output from the reach to ascertain the fraction depleted „ Whenever a significant depletion is encountered, a survey will be made to locate the places of storage „ Such a study will provide information about the mechanisms which remove radionuclides from river water and the factors which influence these mecha- nisms , the quantity of each radionuclide being retained in various river reaches, location, and nature of storage, the likelihood of translocation and the potential hazard arising from a possible translocation of stored radionuclides „ "The results of this study are needed to provide a better understanding of the fate of radionuclides in a river in order to permit prediction of the hazards which might result from a change of conditions in this river at some future time, or which might be encountered in other rivers under similar circum- stances o" The particular objectives of the current study were; (a) to obtain, by an extensive literature search, a knowledge of the occurrence of stable and radioactive zinc and cobalt in the aquatic and terrestrial environments and an understanding of the fate of these two elements when discharged into the aquatic environment; (b) to develop analytical techniques for determining the concen- trations in environmental samples of both the radioactive and the stable fractions of zinc and cobalt, stressing simplicity of procedure and ana- lytical equipment; (c) to obtain and analyze samples of water, plankton and partic- ularly bottom sediments , from a one-hundred-mile reach of the Columbia River between just upstream of the Hanford reactors and just downstream of McNary dam The following Chapters consider each objective of the author's study in the stated order Chapters II and III and the Appendix refer to 11 objective (a), Chapters IV and V refer to objective (b), and Chapters VI, VII and VIII refer to objective (c). 12 II, LITERATURE REVIEW Part of the first objective in this study was to obtain, by an extensive literature search , a knowledge of the occurrence of stable and radioactive zinc and cobalt in the aquatic and terrestrial environments. The data compiled during this literature review are presented as an Appendix to this thesis. The data are divided into four separate sections , based on the geographical location of the samples » Tables A-l and A-2 consist of data obtained from the analysis of samples taken in the Columbia River area. Table A-3 summarizes analyses of samples taken in the Thames River, Connecticut area. Tables A-4 and A-5 report results obtained in the South- west Pacific area, and Table A-6 contains the data found for all areas not included in the preceding tables Each table is divided, where data are available, into two major sections, "Aquatic Environment" and "Terrestrial Environment o " Within each section, the data are tabulated as to sample type in a general order of increasing physical or biological complexity , Thus a typical table begins with data concerning water and ends with data concerning either fish, if in the aquatic environment section, or man, if in the terrestrial environment section, A complete list of the sources of information for this data is included in the references section following Table A-6, Additional references which do nor contain specific quantitative data, but are of general interest, are included separately. The quantitative data in these tables should be related to allowable concentrations of these radionuclides in particular types of samples, Eisenbud O) states that the United States Atomic Energy Commis- sion's recommended limits (1961) are: 13 Zinc ; 3000 pc/g occupational limit and 100 pc/g non-occupational limit, in water; 400 pc/g in seafood when the population obtains half its protein requirement from seafood fin Cobalt j 1000 pc/g occupational limit and 50 pc/g non-occupational limit, in water; 100 pc/g in seafood when the population receives half its protein requirement from seafood The recommended limits provide a basis for understanding the significance of the concentrations of Zinc ' and Cobalt reported in the tables. It should be recognized that data on radioactivity are most abundant in locations where a possible radiation hazard exists The con= centrations of radioactive zinc and cobalt in environmental samples do not, therefore, represent normal conditions „ The concentrations of stable and radioactive zinc and cobalt have been reported in the literature in several types of units , Where possible, data in the tables have been converted to ppm (parts per million) or pc/g -12 (pico OLO ' ) curies per gram), Weights have been recorded as either wet, dry or ashed, whenever these data were given in the literature „ Thomas etalo (28) has provided the following relationships between dry and wet weights for environmental samples, as dry weight to wet weight ratios ; "Fish* 10 samples; range ,162 to 262; ave ,200 Plants; 9 samples; range ,081 to o*+02; ave ,215 Invertebrates t 8 samples; range 125 to ,515; ave„ 238 n COLUMBIA RIVER AREA Tables A-i and A-2 contain data concerning the Columbia River area, Table A=l is a brief summary of the results of very extensive monitoring of the Hanford area and downstream along the Columbia River, by the Hanford 14 staff o Table A=2 includes a broader range of sample types, but the sampling is less intensive o Additional Data - Qualitative and Quantitative Ttrr r— ^i-r— ~*—r~ B— PM ~T rMrr" i i m i m i — I iM i a— iwiwn ■iiMTiairunn'irnr thii mi i~ i u~w I im wina 65 Pritchard and Joseph (1961) (20) found that Zinc was the most abundant radionuclide found in shellfish near the mouth of the Columbia River, and that it showed a marked decrease with distance seaward from the mouth of the Columbia River for both shellfish and plankton „ Osterberg et al (1964) (18) reported that samples of euphausiids collected in the Pacific at Newport, Oregon, contained an average of 65 11 o0 pc/g dry weight of Zinc , and that background activities along the Pacific coast of Alaska and California showed 1^0 to 1 4 pc/g dry weight of 65 Zinc ' in this organism „ The authors continue: fi s "High Zn values near the mouth of the Columbia River in spring and somewhat increased values in the fall correspond roughly to spring and fall plankton "blooms „" The euphausiid studied,, Euphausia pacifia , grazes on phytoplankton u c ofrom which it appears to obtain Zn65 000 fresh water and marine diatoms reach equilibrium with reactor effluent water rapidly $ in a few hours Euphausiids require a much longer period for maximum concent rat ion „ " Foster (1963) (6) states: 65 "Zn is the only radionuclide of reactor effluent origin which has been found in sufficient abundance beyond the mouth of the Columbia to be of radio- logical interest o The oyster has been found to contain more Zn"^ than other seafood organisms " Watson et^ al„ (1961) (29) found, in addition, that the highest 65 levels of Zinc ' were found in plankton, algae and mollusks and that of the human foods, oysters exhibited the highest levels: 65 "In these marine organisms, Zn was responsible for up to 40% of the total radioactivity „ = oThis radionu= elide is present in Hanford reactor effluents and is one of the dominant radioisotopes in aquatic organisms inhabiting the Columbia River downstream from the 15 reactors c o oConcentrat ion of Zn in crabs, fish and marine birds is approximately one-tenth that found in algae and mollusks (in samples from the Oregon and Washington coasts ) " Palmer (19 58) (19) found that rats exposed to concentrated Hanford reactor effluent for one year contained a concentration of Zinc in the skeleton and soft tissue that was higher than any other radionuclide „ Silker (1964) (25) measured the concentrations of zinc and cobalt in Columbia River water just upstream of the Hanford reactors „ Samples were taken during the period from January 5 to August 17, 1962 „ Zinc con- centrations ranged from 2 h to 37*6 ppb and cobalt concentrations ranged from oOOl to „087 ppb, during this period „ THAMES RIVER, CONNECTICUT, AREA Table A=3 contains data concerning the Thames River, Connecticut, area Of particular interest in this table is the graphic result of a study by Skauen (1964) (26) of the effect of nuclear submarine activities on the 65 Zinc concentration in oysters harvested from the Thames River near the submarine base Whenever a submarine docked for an extended period, it would shut down its power reactor „ The reactor cooling water decreased slightly in volume as the water temperature decreased Before starting up the reactor for another voyage , the reactor cooling water was "topped up" to produce correct operating characteristics within the power reactor system. However, as the reactor began to operate, the temperature of the cooling water Increased, with a corresponding increase in volume, with the result that the excess few gallons of contaminated water was discharged into the river o It appears, from the table, that this practice was corrected by July 10, 1961 o 16 SOUTH-WEST PACIFIC AREA Tables A-4 and A-5 contain data concerning the South-West Pacific area Table A~4 summarizes the extensive monitoring of this area following the "Redwing" shot series of 1956, as reported by Thomas et al „ (19 58) (28) Table A-5 provides additional data concerning this geographical area Addi-tiona .1 Dat:a - Qualitative and Quantitative Watson et al (1961) (29) stated that! "Zn^^si a nonfission product commonly formed by nuclear detonations and nuclear reactors , was found in pelagic fish collected in 19 54 near the Pacific Proving Grounds after the 'Castle* series of weapon tests It was subsequently reported in tuna, marine plankton, mollusks and reef fishes of the western Pacific „ In these marine organisms, Zn^5 was responsible for up to 40% of the total radioactivity and in most instances was more abundant than any of the fission products ." Held (1961) (10) reported that five years after contamination with radioactive fallout which occurred due to a detonation at Bikini Atoll in 19 54, Zinc ' and Cobalt were found to be the most abundant radionuclides in marine organisms, and in man, as a result of the consumption of marine organisms o Birds which fed almost exclusively on marine organisms contained mainly Zinc „ Zinc ' predominated in fish, with Cobalt present as well Marine invertebrates contained Manganese , Cobalt * , Zinc , Strontium 144 65 60 and Cerium , with Zinc and Cobalt most prominent Corals contained Cobalt o Clams contained mostly Zinc ' and Cobalt * „ Plankton con- . . , M 54 _ , .57, 60 „. 65 „. . 95 _ .. , 106 tamed Manganese , Cobalt , Zinc , Zirconium , Ruthenium and 144 . Cerium , all in minute amounts „ Marine algae contained principally Cerium Thomas et al , (1958) (28) noted that following the "Redwing" shot series of 1956, Cobalt and Manganese were the predominant radionuclides 17 65 oo... in clams, Zinc was the major radioisotope in fish specimens, and radio- active cobalt, manganese and zinc were the most universally detected radionuclides with respect to all sample types „ The Cobalt concentration in livers of clams increased for about ten months after the first shot of the series, peaked at about 80 pc/g, then rapidly decreased Cobalt was also found in clam mantle, gonad and muscle, but at lower concentrations 65 Zinc ' followed the same pattern, peaking at about 8 pc/g The authors en cc. concluded that the concentrations of Cobalt and Zinc ' for whole clams would be about 20 to 25 percent of that of clam livers for the same sample „ Donaldson (1961) (3) reported, with reference to the Eniwetok test site, that? "Available substances are rapidly taken up by the biota „ Plankton acquire radioisotopes by absorption, adsorp- tion, or botho The major initial concentration of radioactive Isotopes probably occurs in the phytoplank- ton and includes Zn 6 5 (12 to 47%), Co 57 » 58 » 6 ° (11 to 50%), Fe 55 » 59 (1 to 40%) and Zr S5 -Hb 95 (3 to 44%) "The herbivorous and omnivorous fish tend to concentrate the same isotopes found in plankton Zn^5 accounts for more than 50% of the total radioactivity in the organs of these fish and Fe55»59 comprises a major part of the remaining activity „ The radioactive isotopes of cobalt account for ? to 20% of the radioactivity*, "The carnivorous fish such as tuna and bonito (mackeral), caught In the cpen ocean, contain Zn^5 a t the highest levels of any of the three groups of fish, Zn^5 accounts for 75 to 92% of the total radioactivity; Fe 55 »~ 9 for 6 to 25% and the cobalt radioisotopes for 1 to 3% " Lowman (1961) (13) observed in sea water contaminated with fission 65 products and neutron induced radionuclides that Zinc at 48 hours after a detonation accounted for only ,02 percent of the activity in water samples, and that by the end of six weeks accounted for ,84 percent of the activity „ 65 However, in plankton samples, at 48 hours, the Zinc accounted for per- cent of the total radioactivity while at the end of six weeks, it accounted for 25 o percent of the total activity „ Iron ' and Cobalt * * 18 65 occur in concentrations almost identical with Zinc , in each of these two types of samples, at each sampling time The author comments ; "Plankton exhibit high concentration factors for a few elements of which cobalt is one Since plankton only equal about 1 ppm by weight in sea water, thus they contain only a small fraction of the total activity „ u Concentration factors exhibited by plankton for cobalt are 100,000 at six weeks „" In the food chain of water to plankton to omnivorous fish to 57 58 60 carnivorous fish, Lowman found that discrimination against Cobalt ' ' was progressive throughout the trophic levels A large percentage of the 65 total radioactivity in the carnivorous fish was due to Zinc In the food chain of water to plankton to omnivorous fish to birds, the birds did not retain significant amounts of radioisotopes of cobalt, but did retain a major part of the ingested Zinc , that: Rowe and Gloyna (1964) (23) found from a review of the literature 65 "The mean level of Zn in 200 male, adult Marshallese in 1959 was 9,400 yuc/kg (9„4 pc/g) of body weight, or about 100 times that of an inhabitant of the United States o The exposure was the result of seven series of tests involving the detonation of 59 nuclear devices by the United States in the Marshall Islands between July, 1946, and July, 1958," OTHER AREAS Table A-6 contains data for samples obtained from many areas of the world, but excluding the Columbia River, the South-West Pacific and the Thames River, Connecticut areas. Addi~t iona l Dg'Cg^ ^ Qualitative an d Quant it at iye Lomenick et al u (1963) (12) determined the concentrations of 19 fin Cobalt in the White Oak Creek drainage basin This basin was used from 1943 to 1955 as a final settling basin for low-level radioactive wastes discharged from the Oak Ridge, Tennessee, reactors and laboratories «, The detention provided by the impoundment furnished some dilution and a period of decay for short-lived radionuclides before release to the Clinch River « It also resulted in deposition and accumulation of contaminated sediments. In samples taken in 1962, the authors found that the layer of sediment extending from to 6 inches below the surface contained 119 curies of fin Cobalt , the layer from 6 to 12 inches contained 22 curies, the layer from 12 to 18 inches contained 8 curies, and the layer from 18 to 24 inches fin contained 3 curies, for a total of 152 curies of Cobalt » A preliminary survey of the creek bed and its flood plain revealed that bottom sediments to a depth of 18 inches, 2 3 miles downstream from the source of contami- fin nation 8 contained Cobalt in concentrations of 290 to 2200 pc/g dry fin weight o Cobalt was the major radionuclide present in these sediments „ 20 III, A DISCUSSION OF ZINC 65 EQUILIBRIUM AND TRANSPORT IN NATURAL WATERS 65 What happens to Zinc ' radionuclides discharged into a watercourse? An understanding of the dynamic equilibrium in which zinc, and therefore Zinc , exists in natural waters is a prerequisite to a reasonable evalua- tion of the probability of radiation exposure to man caused by a discharge . _. 65 of Zinc o In natural systems, there is little difference between the behavior of the stable and the radioactive isotopes of zinc The total zinc content of the system must therefore be considered,, The addition of radioactive zinc in the concentrations found in environmental samples amounts to a negligible increase in the total zinc content of natural waters, There are several paths through which this radionuclide may become a source of radiation exposure to man. The most direct path, causing direct c c internal exposure, is the consumption of water containing Zinc „ Another pathway is the consumption of food derived either from the aquatic environ- ment or from areas irrigated with water from a contaminated watercourse Direct external exposure may result from swimming, bathing and boatingo 65 Zinc radionuclides present on bottom or shoreline sediments, as well as those present in the water 9 contribute to direct external exposure „ The dynamic equilibrium existing may be defined as the balance between forces active in removing the radionuclides from solution and the forces active in returning them to solution. These forces may be categor- ized as being of chemical, physical or biological nature „ Factors causing the transport of zinc and Zinc adsorbed on sediments must also be con- sidered o Within a reach of a river 9 or within a lake, or where a river 21 enters an ocean, a materials balance between input to the area and output from the area must be considered , The materials balance would permit an estimation of the storage within the reach „ CHEMICAL FORCES Solubility Limitations The solubility of zinc hydroxide and zinc carbonate place an upper limit on the concentration of zinc to be found in natural waters „ The zinc ion is considered to react with water in the following manners Zn ++ + H 2 t ZnOH + + H + Z Zn(OH ) 2 + H + The equilibrium constant derived from the mass action equation at 25°C is (Zn0Ht)(Ht) = 2,45 x 10- 10 (Z„ ++ ) Thus the Zn ion represents almost the entire quantity of ionic zinc at pH values less than eight At pH"s greater than eight, the ZnOH ion becomes significant and it becomes about 25 percent of the total ionic zinc at a pH of nme The solubility of zinc hydroxide at 25°C is governed by the following solubility product; (Zn ++ )(OH~) 2 = 4,5 x lCf 17 Thus, at a pH of eight or less, 290 ppb of Zn ion can exist in solution, and at a pH of nine, 29 ppb of Zn ion can exist in solution without pre- cipitating zinc hydroxide, 22 The solubility of zinc carbonate at 25°C is governed by the following solubility products (Zn ++ )(C0 3 ~~) = 2 x 1(T 10 Since the carbonate-bicarbonate alkalinity equilibrium is dependent on pH, the solubility of zinc carbonate is a function of both the alkalinity and the pH of the water „ Rowe and Gloyna (1964) (23) state that at an alkalinity of 100 mg/1 as CaCCL , or less, and at a pH of eight or less, 1360 ppb of Zn ion can exist in solution without precipitating zinc carbonate „ If the pH is raised to nine, the Zn ion solubility is decreased to 150 ppb<, At an alkalinity of 250 mg/1 as CaCO , or lesSj, and a pH of eight or less, ++ „ . . 150 ppb of Zn ion can exist in solution „ If the pH is raised to nine, at this alkalinity concentration, the Zn ion solubility is decreased to 60 ppbo From the data included in the Appendix, it can be concluded that the total zinc concentration found in natural waters seldom exceeds 200 ppb It can therefore be concluded that zinc hydroxide and zinc carbonate pre- cipitates will not be found in significant amounts in natural waters <, As a cation 8 zinc can occupy a position within the crystal lattice structure of a clay particle, or may be attached to a negatively charged site on the surface „ In the former case, the zinc is considered to be unexchangeable since it is in dynamic equilibrium with the ions in solution „ Suspended matter and bottom sediments, such as silts and clays, apparently take up and release zinc by the mechanisms of adsorption and ion exchange at the surfaces of the particles „ 23 Tne concept of an ion exchange type of reaction is supported by the results of studies by Bachman (1961) (2K Increasing the concentration of other cations in solution decreased the uptake of zinc Bachman con- cluded that this was due to a competition between these ions and zinc for the available exchange sites The suspended materials and bottom sediments in natural waters may thus behave as ion exchangers which are in a state of dynamic equilibrium with the ions in solution „ However, 0'' Connor and Renn (1964) (16) found that an increase in concentration of calcium ions in solution, from 40 to 80 mg/1, had only a minor effect on the uptake of zinc by sediments „ Rowe and Gloyna (1964) (23) reported that the uptake of 65 Zinc was independent of the concentration of Mg, Ca, Na and K ions. The mechanism of uptake of zinc seems to be due largely to adsorption on the surfaces of the suspended matter and bottom sediments,, Further studies by Rowe and Gloyna with Lake Austin, Texas, sediments , indicated that the clay fraction of the sediment was the main 65 sorbent of Zinc „ The effect of natural organic material in these sedi- 65 ments was small and suggested that an insignificant amount of Zinc was associated with the organic material in the sediment „ The influence of pH on uptake and release was also studied by 65 Rowe and Gloyna „ They concluded that Zinc ' uptake increased as the pH was raised up to ten It was apparent that uptake was reduced as the pH was lowered to a value of seven, and materially reduced at a pH of six Uptake was negligible at a pH of five The lowering of the oxidation-reduction potential of the water, producing reducing conditions, had an effect on the release of adsorbed Zinc similar to that resulting from a reduction of the pH of the water „ O'Connor and Renn showed that in natural water systems the major portion of the zinc in the system is adsorbed when equilibrium exists 24 Removal from solution is effected mainly by the particulate matter in the stream bed, with suspended matter usually of secondary quantitative impor- tance o The pH had a very definite effect on zinc adsorption on particu- late matter » indicating an exchange between zinc and the hydrogen ion All of the zinc adsorbed on these particles could be readily returned to solution by adjusting the pH to four or less. Most natural waters such as rivers , impoundments and estuaries contain suspended matter and sediments that are highly undersaturated with respect to zinc Thus zinc is adsorbed rapidly upon entering the water- course PHYSICAL FORCES When an industrial effluent or stream containing zinc enters a watercourse, the most important physical forces influencing the ionic con- centrations include temperature and density differences between the influent stream and the receiving water, the velocity, turbulence and flow volume of the receiving water, and the bottom shape characteristics of the receiving water These forces affect the diffusion and mixing of the influent stream and the distance the zinc ions may travel before reaching equilibrium with the suspended particulate matter and the bottom sediments „ Diffusion and mixing result in dilution, but it must be realized that dilution only reduces the concentration of ions, and does not remove them from the envi- ronment o Density differences and tidal movement must also be considered e c in estuarine and coastal waters. Radioactive decay influences the Zinc concentrations but not the total zinc concentration BIOLOGICAL FORCES Zinc is present as an essential component of the protoplasm of 25 living organisms, associated with enzymes which regulate cellular metabolism , 65 . . Zinc and Zinc may therefore be assimilated by flora and fauna Adsorption of the ions on surfaces of phytoplankton is also a known mechanism „ When metabolized, the ion is not exchangeable, but when adsorbed, it is exchange- able o The removal of zinc from solution by biological means may be con- sidered analogous to removal by clay particles, with one difference When the biological form dies and decays, the assimilated and adsorbed zinc will return to solution or be adsorbed on surrounding sediments „ 65 Biological uptake and return of zinc and Zinc ' to solution are usually not of very great significance, quantitatively, to the zinc equilib- rium in natural waters, due to the low density of these organisms in the 65 water,, However, a portion of the Zinc adsorbed or assimilated by the phytoplankton will be transferred through food chains to fish and thus to man Bottom feeding commercial fin fish and bottom living shellfish take 65 up Zinc present on the bottom sediments and associated with plankton of watercourses and shallow coastal areas When these fish are used for human 65 consumption, part of the Zinc present in the edible portions of the fish will be retained by the consumer „ 65 TRANSPORT OF ZINC Rowe and Gloyna (1964) (23) reported the results of an extensive 65 study to evaluate the transport of Zinc under simulated river conditions <> 65 They concluded that in a flowing system the greatest fraction of Zinc ' was associated with the solution and suspended material and would be continu- ously transported downstream „ In a non-flowing system such as a lake, the 65 Zinc would become associated mainly with the bottom sediment , Uptake of Zinc by rooted and macroscopic plants was found to be independent of the 26 flow velocity o Photosynthesis appeared to be the prime element in the uptake and release of Zinc in these plants <, They concluded in additions 65 "1 The transport of Zinc in a stream is affected significantly by hydrodynamic characteristics, chemical characteristics of bottom sediments, type and amount of aquatic plants and the environmental factors affecting their growth „ 2o The role of bottom sediment in the transport of Zinc65 is limited by opportunities for contact, the composition of the clay fraction, and the pH Under sluggish stream conditions, contact is slight and effectively reduces the role of the clay fraction , The Zinc^S under short contact periods becomes asso- ciated with only the top few millimeters of the sedi- ment and comes into contact mainly with the organic debris which has settled The sediment is sensitive to pH for there is no uptake of Zinc°^ if the pH drops below five Furthermore, there is an increase in uptake if the pH levels are between five and ten. The Zinc^ is released with time if the pH is increased above ten* 3 If Zinc" is released in a stream and plants are available, the Zinc" will become associated, initially and probably preferentially, with the plants. However, this initial association with the plants is of a tem- porary nature and is controlled by the growth cycle , Zinc" as an essential micronutrient is sorbed primarily by the leaves and becomes involved in the metabolic processes o When plants die and settle to the bottom, the Zinc^S is released back to solution where it is available for plant growth or it may be transported hydrodynamically further downstream to Environmental factors such as pH, dissolved oxygen, oxidation-reduction potential, and light intensity affect plant growth and therefore are related to the transport of Zinc^S i n streams. Thus, a decrease in plant growth will be accompanied by an increase in Zinc^S transport* In a stream or river with abundant plant growth, the transport of Zinc^S will be arrested „ 5 In a non- flowing ecological system such as a lake* the Zinc^ will tend to become associated with the bottom sediment due to prolonged contact , as evidenced by the greater penetration into the sediment „ The Zinc" in the sediment of a closed ecosystem tends to be non-exchangeable and only a fraction remains available for plant growth „ The pH of the sediment , provided it does not drop below the neutral point or exceed ten, will not affect the transport of Zinc 65 o" 27 FACTORS CAUSING THE RETURN OF ZINC 6 ° TO SOLUTION There are many factors which influence the return of zinc and 65 . Zinc to solution o Some of these, such as a reduction in pH 9 a reduction in oxidation-reduction potentials a reduction in plant growth and the decay of rooted and suspended plants, have been mentioned previously A change in chemical properties of the waste materials discharged or of the receiving water itself may solubilize some of the previously adsorbed ions A reduction of pH by an increase in the acidity of the waste stream is an example „ The alkalinity of the receiving water will 65 eventually absorb the acidity 8 but in the process Zinc adsorbed on bottom sediments will be solubilized and will flow downstream to a new adsorption site The release of increased quantities of stable zinc may reduce the biological and chemical uptake of Zinc , Where Zinc ' is already adsorbed 8 the addition of such diluting stable materials may be responsible for the 65 return of Zinc to solution „ Upstream saturation of bottom sediment and rooted plant surfaces will tend to cause subsequent contaminants to move further downstream before being adsorbed. It is also possible that when the levels of activity in the water environment drop due to decreased releases or increased flows, the Zinc adsorbed or exchangeable on bottom sediments and biological forms may be released slowly back to the water MATERIALS BALANCE In studying the Zinc equilibrium and transport within a reach of a river, or within a lake, or in an estuary formed when a river flows into an ocean, a materials balance of Input and output is useful „ Data obtained in this type of study may help to indicate what happens to the 28 Zinc ' within the area Continuous monitoring of the Zinc ' concentrations in the water will provide data which can be used to predict the changes in concentration with seasonal changes in flow and water temperature The 65 probability of changes in concentrations of Zinc in municipal water sup= plies taken from the contaminated water can be estimated,, 65 To establish the input into the area, the zinc and Zinc in solution and adsorbed on the suspended matter upstream of the study area must be monitored,, If the upstream reach is prone to scouring action during floods, the bottom sediments must be analyzed „ Within the study area, the 65 input of Zinc ' from industrial effluents and from fallout must be monitored „ Zinc and Zinc ' from tributary streams, if present in significant quantities in solution, on suspended matter or from scoured bottom sediments, must be accounted for Ground water flow and surface runoff from river banks and adjacent drainage areas may also affect the total zinc concentration within the area Monitoring of output in solution, on suspended matter or on scoured sediments either flowing out of the study area or being withdrawn for industrial, agricultural or domestic use, is a necessity Groundwater seepage may affect the total zinc and Zinc ' concentrations „ Radioactive decay also constitutes a continuous decrease in Zinc SUMMARY Zinc is one of the isotopes of the element zinc The Zinc equilibrium and transport in natural waters is therefore based on the total zinc content of the aquatic environment „ The dynamic zinc equilibrium existing in this environment may be thought of as the flux between the different phases superimposed upon the movements of the phases themselves 29 At the zinc concentration levels found in natural waters, insoluble zinc compounds will not be formed „ Under pH conditions prevailing in most ++ natural waters, the soluble zinc will be found as the Zn ion„ The zinc ion will establish an equilibrium with the zinc adsorbed on the surfaces of suspended matter and bottom sediments , The clay fraction of the sus- pended matter and sediments may be the main inorganic sorbent of zinc Rooted aquatic plants and phytoplankton are the primary organic sorbents of zinco However, the death of these living plants is followed by a release of zinc associated with these plants „ The adsorption and desorption of zinc is dependent on the pH of the waters The degree of adsorption is high and the rate, rapid, at pH's above neutrality., Desorption is complete at pH's below four Much of the information included in this discussion has been gathered from reports by Bachman (1961) (2), Donaldson (1960) (3), O'Connor and Renn (1964) (16), Rowe and Gloyna (1964) (23), and Straub (1960) (27), 30 IV. ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE This chapter describes the analytical procedure developed for the quantitative determination of total and radioactive zinc and cobalt in samples of river water, plankton and bottom sediments collected from the Columbia River on August 14 and 15, 1963. The analysis of each sample was divided into four phases as illustrated in Fig 4.1. Phase I began with the sample as received at the laboratory o It included preliminary separations of each sample to change it to a more suitable form for analysis. Phase II included analyses for total zinc and cobalt and total gamma radioactivity . The third phase was the separation and isolation of the elements, zinc and cobalt. In the fourth phase, the zinc and cobalt fractions were quantitatively analyzed for both radioactive and total zinc and cobalt. It should be noted that this system provided a quantitative check on the method used for separation and isolation of each of the two elements, A qualitative check was provided by comparing the waveform of the isolated samples on a single channel gamma ray spectrometer with that of standard waveforms of these two elements. Any appreciable contamination or carry- over would cause a discrepancy in the shape of the isolated samplers waveform. PHASE I Water Each water sample had been passed through a Dowex 50 hydrogen cycle cation exchanger at the collection site. These exchangers were sealed and delivered to the laboratory. The exchangers were made up of approxi- mately 120 ml of exchange resin contained in a 150 ml columnar separatory PHASE I PHASE IV WATER (in Dowex 50 cation resin) Eluted with 2N-HC1 i PLANKTON 31 BOTTOM SEDIMENTS 1 ELUATE Concentrated by Evaporation H Washed with 0.5N-HC1 Counted for Total i I t RESIDUE Dr ed and Weighed | i I ft Counted for Tota Gamma Acti vi ty Gamma Activity J Dried and Weighed Counted for Total _^ Gamma Activity == ^ : =5^ Sample Taken for PHASE II ||L Total Zinc and -____ Correction Made .Total Cobalt =r " =rs=:S *-for Loss in Remaining Sample "^ 5s ^==^=S^ic === Tota 1 Cobalt = ~ = ^ ==: S*-for Los: == ^ == " ;:?S: S^£ r - =::::::::: ^ Rema i n i i PHASE III Zinc and Cobalt isolated by Anion Exchange Chromatography Analysed for Total Zinc It Counted for Gamma Activity 'II Composite Sample of Zinc l| i J l|l Concentrated by Evaporation li f Gamma Spectrum Compared with Standard COBALT Analysed for Total Cobalt ! Counted for Gamma Activity I Composite Sample of Cobalt Conce nt rat ed by Evaporation i Gamma Spectrum Compared with Standard Fi fi» ■»•! FLOW DIAGRAM OF ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE 32 funnel „ The resin was held in place in the funnel with the aid of glass wool plugs at each end of the funnel. When received at the laboratory, each exchanger was unsealed, attached to a retort stand and a 500 ml sep- aratory funnel reservoir was sealed to the ground glass inlet „ The reservoir was filled with 2N-HC1 and the acid allowed to pass through the cation resin at a rate of approximately .5 ml/sq cm /min. Ten resin volumes of 2N-HC1 were passed through the resin „ The eluate was collected in a 1000 ml volumetric flask and transferred, with washings of 5N-HC1, to a 1000 ml beaker „ The glass wool filters used in the collection of water samples were also washed with 2N-HC1 and the washings added to the beaker o The beaker was then placed over a Bunsen flame in a hood. Three "V" shaped pieces of glass tubing were placed on the top edge of the beaker and a six-inch diameter watchglass, with its convex face pointed down, was placed on top of the glass "V"s. This method resulted in rapid evaporation without loss of sample or contamination., The eluate was evaporated to a final volume of approximately 50 ml and stored, with washings, in a gradu- ated glass bottle « The above method was used for all concentration steps in the analyses , Plankton Each plankton sample was received at the laboratory in 250 ml sealed glass bottles „ Each sample was shaken, unsealed and poured, with washings of . 5N-HC1, onto a ,45 y membrane filter placed over a disc of fiberglass window screening in a six-inch diameter Buchner funnel inserted in a vacuum flask „ A vacuum was applied to the flask and the sample washed with five 100 ml aliquots of „5N-HC1„ The residue was dried at 103 de- grees Centigrade and weighed to determine the initial dry weight of the plankton sample „ The residue was then placed in a plastic test tube and 33 counted for total gamma activity. The eluate was concentrated to approxi- mately 50 ml by evaporation and stored, with washings, in a graduated glass bottle. Bottom Sediments Each bottom sediment sample was received in the laboratory in sealed plastic containers which held about 1500 to 2000 grams of moist sedi- ment. Each sample was thoroughly mixed on a large plexiglass plate, A 10 to 15 g dry weight representative sample was placed in a plastic test tube and counted for total gamma activity. The contents of the test tube were then placed on a glass dish, dried at 103 degrees Centigrade, and weighed, A 250 to 350 g dry weight representative sample was taken from the original sample and washed with five 200 ml aliquots of , 5N-HC1 to remove the zinc and cobalt, using the same apparatus and procedure as was used for the plankton samples. The residue was dried at 103 degrees Centi- grade for 24 hours and weighed, A 10 to 15 g sample of the dry residue was taken and counted for total gamma activity to determine what proportion of gamma activity remained after the acid wash. The eluate from the acid wash was concentrated to about 150 ml by evaporation. In this evaporation step a yellow~amber gel formed when the eluate had been concentrated to about 150 ml. Care had to be exercised at this stage, as the gel had poor heat transfer characteristics and tended to "pop," At this point the gel was cooled and refiltered, using five 100 ml aliquots of , 5N-HC1 to remove the zinc and cobalt from the gel, (After this treatment, the remaining gel was white and opaque. Samples of the washed gel were counted and found to contain negligible activity.) The eluate was finally concentrated to approximately 50 ml and stored in a graduated glass bottle. 34 PHASE II At the beginning of Phase II, the zinc and cobalt separated from each sample was in an aqueous phase and concentrated to approximately 50 ml in volume . The samples were about 6N in HC1 (due to evaporation) and had been stored in graduated glass bottles . The original volume of the water samples were known. These volumes could be converted to weight for future calculations „ The dry weights of the plankton and bottom sediment samples were known, All data for plankton and bottom sediments could thus be recorded in terms of dry weight o The remaining portion of each bottom sediment sample was dried and weighed in order to obtain data regarding bottom sediments in terms of the surface area of the river bottom. The initial step in Phase II was to take a 10 ml aliquot of each sample from the graduated bottles and count each aliquot for total gamma activity o This activity was recorded in terms of cpm per g of original sample o Dry weights were used throughout the analyses for plankton and bottom sediment samples. The 10 ml aliquots were then returned, with washings of . 5N=HC1, to the graduated glass bottles. Samples not exceeding 5 ml were taken for total zinc and total cobalt analyses. These analyses were to be used only as checks for gross error in the more accurate analyses performed after each element had been isolated o They were also used to provide approximate solution concentra- tions so that the samples would be within the correct range of allowable concentrations when the final analyses were made. The procedures used for these analyses are recorded at the end of this chapter. Corrections were made for the volume of sample lost in this step. Finally, 12N-HC1 was added to the remaining concentrated eluate until it was at least 7N in HC1„ 35 PHASE III Fresh anion exchange columns were made up for each sample, con- structed in the same manner as the water sampling exchangers „ but containing about 30 ml of resin in a 50 ml columnar separatory funnels Dowex 1, chloride cycle, 50 or 200 mesh anion resin was used for separating and isolating and zinc and cobalt „ The flow rate through the anion exchange column was approximately 2 ml/sq cm /min. The following procedure was used? Procedure for Separati on and Is olat ion of Zinc and Cobalt I, Pass three resin volumes of 7N-HC1 through 30 ml of Dowex 1 anion resin in a column. 2 c, Make sample at least 7N in HC1 and three resin volumes in volume and pass through resin „ 3o Pass ten resin volumes of 7N-HC1 through resin as a rinse „ 4„ Pass ten resin volumes of 4N-HC1 through resin and collect eluate Concentrate eluate to approximately 50 ml by evaporation and store in graduated glass bottles. This fraction contains the cobalt, pure and 4N in HClo 5 Pass ten resin volumes of >5N~HC1 through resin as a rinse 6 Pass ten resin volumes of „01N-HC1 through resin and concen- trate as in step 4 This fraction contains the zinc, pure and 01N in HC1„ 7o Discard the used resin „ PHASE IV At the beginning of Phase IV, the zinc that had been separated from the original sample had been isolated in a pure state and stored as a liquid in a graduated glass bottle in dilute HClo The cobalt fraction was 36 in a similar condition except that the normality of the acid in which it was stored was much higher, at approximately 6N, due to evaporation. Accurate values for radioactive zinc and for radioactive cobalt could now be obtained by counting 10 ml aliquots of each sample Accurate values for total zinc and total cobalt could also be obtained, using the procedures described at the end of this chapter and by diluting or concentrating the sampie to a proper volume, as ascertained by the previous analyses 8 to place the concentration within the required range for analysis A composite sample of zinc and another of cobalt were re-concentrated until their activities were great enough to run a gamma spectrum of eacho This spectrum was compared with that of a standard, at the same activity level, to provide a qualitative check on the isolation procedure „ ANALYSES FOR TOTAL ZINC AND FOR TOTAL COBALT The analysis for total zinc was an adaptation of the method called the "Mixed-Color Method" described on page 265 of the 11th edition of Standard Methods for the Exa mination of Wat er and Wastewater (1) All reagents were unchanged , The analysis for total cobalt was an adaptation of the method called "Procedure B (Citrate-Phosphate-Borate Medium)" de- scribed on page 419 of Colorimetric Determin ation of Trace s of Metals by Eo B Q Sandell (19 59) (24). All reagents were unchanged. The following procedures were used; 37 Analysis f o^Tota l Zinc lo Sample solution should contain between 1 and 15 ug of zinc, have a volume of not greater than 10 ml and be neutral in pH, 2, Place sample in a 125 ml Squibb separatory funnel and bring the volume up to 10 ml by adding zinc-free water. 3, Add 5,0 ml of acetate buffer and 1,0 ml of sodium thiosulfate solution and mix, Ho Add 10 ml of dithizone II solution, stopper and shake vigorously for 1-2 minutes. Allow the layers to separate and allow the lower layer to run into a 25 ml volumetric flask, 5o Repeat step 4 with an additional 10 ml of dithizone . 6, Repeat step 4 with an additional 5 ml of dithizone. During this third extraction, the lower layer should be almost the same color as the reference blank being used, 7 Bring the volume of the sample collected in the 25 ml volu- metric flask up to exactly 25 ml with dithizone II solution and mix, 8, Set the spectrophotometer at: Wavelength = 510 my, 9, Measure absorbance of sample against a blank which has gone through steps 2 to 7, 10, Compare results with standard curve for zinc, 38 Analysis for Total Cobalt 1, Sample solution should contain between 1 and 35 ug of cobalt. Place in a 50 ml erlenmeyer flask and slowly evaporate to dryness to neutralize the sample,, 2 Add 2o5 ml of citric acid solution , 3, Add 3,0 ml of phosphate-boric acid buffer and mix g 4, Check pH by testing a small drop with cresol red. It should be close to 8,0, If necessary, add dilute HC1 or dilute NH OH to adjust the pH, The volume at the completion of step 4 should not exceed 10 ml, 5, Add exactly 1,0 ml of nitroso-R salt solution while stirring, 6, Boil for 1 minute, 7, Add 3,0 ml of reagent grade nitric acid, 8, Boil for 1 minute, 9, Cool in the dark, 10 o Transfer samples to a 25 ml volumetric flask and add repeated washings to bring volume up to 25 ml, 11, Set the spectrophotometer at; Wavelength = 500 my, 12, Measure absorbance of sample against a blank that has gone through steps 2 to 10, 13, Compare results with standard curve for cobalt. 39 V„ DISCUSSION OF ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE This discussion is presented to clarify the rationale for each step of the analytical procedure „ PHASE I Elution of Zinc and Cobalt from Dowex 50 Cation Exchange Resin Dowex 50 is a strongly acidic cation exchange resin which operates on a hydrogen cycle „ When water is passed through the resin 9 at near neutral pH 9 divalent metallic cations such as zinc and cobalt displace hydrogen ions and are strongly held by the resin „ The passage of dilute HC1 through the resin tends to displace the divalent ions due to the increased concentration of hydrogen ions Q A series of tests were run to ascertain that both zinc and cobalt would be completely retained when passed through the Dowex 50 cation resin in a neutral solution,, After the zinc or cobalt cations had been adsorbed on the resin s each test was continued 9 using a different normality of HC1 8 to find the optimum normality to be used to elute these two cations from the resin 65 In the first test series B a known amount of Zinc tracer - 9 in a neutral solution 9 was passed through the resin at approximately 2 ml/sq cm/mino The eluate was counted in each test and contained no 65 measureable activity,, It was therefore certain that all of the Zinc ' had been retained by the resin „ Elution was accomplished by the passage of 12N 9 8N 9 6N 9 4N 9 and 2N=HC1 through the resin 9 at approximately o5 ml/sq cm/min 9 one normality of HC1 being used for each test 9 and new resin also used for each test., The eluate was collected in .10 ml increments. in plastic test tubes 9 and counted for gamma activity., It was found that 40 the rate of elution became slightly more rapid as the normality of the acid decreased, and that the length of the run was shortened,, Elution was complete after the passage of seven resin volumes of 6N-NC1, or with the passage of only five resin volumes of 2N-HClo There was considerably less tailing off of the elution curve when 2N-HC1 was used These tests indi- CiC. cated that rapid and complete elution of Zinc ' is attained using 2N-HC1„ A similar test was conducted using Cobalt tracer and 2N-HC1, with similar results „ It was concluded that complete elution of zinc and cobalt could be obtained by the passage of ten resin volumes of 2N-HC1 through the cation resin e A rate of ,5 ml/sq cm/min provided rapid elution without short-circuiting through the resin bed„ A head of at least one-half an inch of liquid was allowed to accumulate initially before the inlet reservoir was sealed to the exchange column, in all ion exchange opera- tions , to help prevent short-circuiting and to keep the entire ion exchange bed submerged in liquid An air space between the top of the liquid in the exchange column and the reservoir was also maintained, so that fresh j, uncontaminated eluting liquid would be continually entering the resin All new cation resin was washed with 2N-HC1 and then with deionized water before use All new anion resin was washed with deionized water and then with 7N-HC1 before use„ These steps decontaminated the resins and then acclimated them for their respective uses As an addi- tional precaution, new resin was used for each sample analyzed « Elution of Zinc and Cobalt_from plankton and Bottom Se diment Samples The plankton and bottom sediment samples collected from the 41 Columbia River were initially at a pH of about 8„lo As the pH decreases, zinc and cobalt are desorbed from these materials „ Desorption is report- edly complete (16, 23) at pH 4 or less A „5N-HC1 solution, which has a pH of about lo5 9 was therefore used to wash the plankton and bottom sedi- ment samples o Five separate washings were considered to be quite adequate to remove all of the zinc and cobalt which could be removed at this pH The total contact time between the wash solution and the samples varied from one to several hours „ A 45 u membrane filter placed over a disc of fiberglass window screening in a six-inch diameter Buchner funnel inserted in a vacuum flask was used to separate the eluate and residue from acid washing of samples of plankton and bottom sediments „ The filtering time varied with the amount of clay sized particles in the bottom sediment samples „ The vacuum in the flask was adjusted to provide a minimum contact time between the wash solution and the sample of one hour Countin g for To tal Gamma Activity A NMC model GSS-1 Gamma-Scintillation Spectrometer with a two inch by two inch cylindrical crystal of thallium activated sodium iodide was used for all gamma count ing It was adjusted to 1000 volts spectral energy and allowed to warm up for at least one hour before being usedo At this spectral energy, a fairly flat plateau existed 9 so that the voltage could vary slightly without markedly influencing the efficiency of count ingo Five-minute counts of background radiation using a plastic test tube containing 10 ml of deionized water as a blank were continued until it was certain that the counter had stabilized „ Each sample was counted several times, with the length of time for each count varying from two to ten minutes, depending upon the activity of the sample,, Lower 42 activities required longer counting times. Background was checked at half -hour intervals or as often as necessary. Since the background for this instrument was in the range of 250 to 350 cpm, it was more difficult and time consuming to obtain reasonably precise results when the activity of the sample was less than 100 cpm. All liquid samples were made up to exactly 10 ml in volume and all solid samples to approximately this volume o Tests using different volumes of tracer of known activity indi- cated slight changes in counter efficiency as the volume was varied above and below 10 ml, A volume of 10 ml was therefore used as a standard for all counting work. Thin walled plastic test tubes were used throughout the research as sample containers for gamma counting. It was considered that the spectrometer might exhibit a different efficiency when counting gamma scintillations emanating from a bottom sedi- ment or solid sample instead of a liquid sample due to the greater density of the solid, A known amount of tracer Zinc was placed on a 10 to 15 g (10 ml volume) sample of sand which contained no other source of activity, 65 in a plastic test, tube. The same amount of tracer Zinc was placed in a second test tube and the volume made up to 10 ml. The liquid in the test tube containing the sand was allowed to evaporate and the two samples were counted. The resulting counts indicated that the efficiency of the counter was not measurably affected by replacing the liquid sample by a sand sample , PHASE II At the beginning of Phase II, the eluates from each sample of water, plankton or bottom sediments were in the same state and could hence- forth be treated in a similar manner. Due to the vapor pressure system for a mixture of HC1 and water, evaporation produces a final mixture that 43 is 6N in HC1 Since all of the sample eluates were at least „5N in HC1 before evaporation was started, and were concentrated to about one-tenth of the initial volume, it could be assumed that the normality approached 6N in HC1. Since the concentrated eluates contained many elements, some of which could possibly interfere with the analysis for total zinc or cobalt, it was not expected that the results of these initial analyses would be as precise as those made after the isolation of zinc and cobalt had been completed. However, these initial values would indicate later whether separation had been complete or only partial,, In the total cobalt analyses, the concentration of cobalt was so low that many of these initial results were in doubt It was quite apparent that interference had occurred in some cases o PHASE III Separation and Isolation of Zinc and Cobalt by Anion Exchange Chromatography One of the objectives in this research was to make use only of equipment that would be available to any laboratory having responsibility for radiological health monitoring or control „ This equipment might include a single-channel gamma-scintillation spectrometer but not an expensive multi-channel instrument „ Therefore, in order to analyze specific radionuclides, each radionuclide would have to be isolated „ Both zinc and cobalt were isolated as a mixture of stable and radioactive iso- topes of the particular element, and possibly including stable and radio- active isotopes of certain other elements in minor quantities „ c c. no The element zinc has isotopes from Zn to Zn „ All of these c c. isotopes, with the exception of Zn with a half-life of 245 days, are 44 either stable or have half -lives of two days or less The activity due to radioactive zinc in the bottom sediments of the Columbia River could only 65 be due to the presence of the isotope Zn „ 51+ 64 Cobalt 8 which has isotopes from Co to Co , has the following radioisotopes of interests Co with a half-life of 72 days; Co with a half-life of 270 days; Co with a half-life of 72 days; and Co ' with a half -life of 5„27 years „ Of these, only Cobalt has been found by the Hanford staff in analyses of reactor effluent „ Both zinc and cobalt 8 in ionic form, occur in the divalent state „ This considerably simplifies isolation, as ion exchange chromatography is very dependent on the valence of the ion In order to determine the concentrations of radioactive zinc and cobalt s it was necessary to consider what other radioactive elements might be present o Radioactive elements in the Columbia River are from three possible sources? from the reactor effluent 9 by irradiation; from fallout 9 by fission; and from natural background 9 through the three decay chains of naturally occurring radioactive elements „ Of these three sources 9 the reactor effluent source would predominate „ A test was run in the laboratory using a sample of mixed fission products to determine if these radionuclides would interfere with the effectiveness of anion exchange chromatography for zinc and cobalt isola- tion o The sample was made 12N in HC1 and passed through a Dowex 1 chloride cycle anion exchange column „ The resin was rinsed by passing three addi- tional resin volumes of 12N-HC1 through the column. At this point 9 96 o0 percent of the activity had been eluted The passage of three resin volumes of 4N-HC1 and then chree resin volumes of 005N-HC1 failed to elute any further activity,. From this test it was concluded that fission product radionuclides present in the Columbia River due to fallout would 45 not interfere with the separation scheme adopted „ Table 5 1 lists the radionuclides presenx in the reactor effluent as it enters the Columbia River 9 as stated by Hanford's Environmental Studies and Evaluation staff (7)„ Table 5,2 lists the radionuclides occurring in the three decay chains of naturally occurring radioactive elements (9K Half-lives of each radionuclide have been included in these tables „ In additions, the major gamma transitions of the radionuclides having relatively long half-lives are given Half-lives and gamma transi- tions are as listed in the Radiolog ical Health Handbook , 1957 (21)» 65 The major gamma transitions of Zn ' occur at .1.12 Mev and those of Co occur at 1.17 and 1»33 Mev The efficiency of the gamma- scintillation spectrometer decreases as the energy level of the gamma transitions decreases „ It can therefore be assumed that trace elements and background radiation due to naturally occurring radionuclides will not cause significant interference if the energy level of the gamma transitions is less than o 10 Mev„ All radionuclides having no gamma transitions can 9 of course 8 be neglected , The analyses for radioactive zinc and radioactive cobalt were made several months after the samples were collected, thus any activity exhibited by short-lived radionuclides would have disappeared., Therefore s, all radionuclides having half=lives of less than a few days may be neglected o The radionuclides of greatest significance are therefore those having half-lives of more than a few days and also having gamma transitions at an energy level greater than dO Mev as listed in Table 5 3„ Figo 5 1 depicts the variation in adsorption coefficients for various elements on Dowex 1 chloride cycle anion resin with concentration of HClj as obtained by Kraus and Nelson (11)« If the sample is made 7N in HC1 8 passed through the anion exchange column and thoroughly washed with ten additional resin volumes of 7N-HC1 9 of the radionuclides listed in 46 Table 5.1 RADIONUCLIDES PRESENT IN REACTOR EFFLUENT AS IT ENTERS THE COLUMBIA RIVER MAXTOR, 90^ TRACE , 2* Half- Radio- Half- Gamma Radio - Half- Gamma Radio- Gamma nuclide Life Transi- tions nuclide Life Transi- tions nuclide Life Transi- tions 15. lh (Mev) 7 (Mev) none T 141 La 3,7h (Mev) T? 5 "" 12, 4y _ Si 31 2.62h _ c 1 " 5568y none Pr 1 * 2 19, 2h _ Cr 51 27.8d .32 s 35 87. Id none Ce 1 " 3 34h _ u 56 Mn 2.58h - Oa" 152d none Pr 1 " 3 13, 7d none Cu 12.8h - So* 6 85d ,89, 1.12 to"* 282d .03-2,18 a 76 As 26.8h _ So" 3.43d _ Pr 17.5m ^ Np 239 2.3d .01-. 33 Mn 5 " 310d .84 Pr 145 4.5h - Fe 59 Co 60 Sr 85 45. Id 1.29, 1.10 Nd 147 D 147 Pm 149 Nd 11,3d ,09~„53 MINOR, 8% 5.27y 65d JLoOOo Xo X / .51 2,6y 2, Oh none p 32 14.3d none • Zn 65 245d 1.12 Sr 90 19. 9y none D 149 Pm 54h aa Zn 69 57m _ T 91 61d 1.2, .2 D 151 Pm 27, 5h == Ga 72 14. 3h _ Zr 95 65d .73, .92 Eu 152 13y ,12-1,09 Y 90 61h m. Mo 67h = Sm 153 47h CO Sr 91 9.7h en, . 103 Ru 40d .50 _ 156 Eu 15,4d 2.0 Sr 92 2.7h - Ag 111 7„6d .24, .34 e 156 Sm lOh « 92 Y^ 3.6h =, Cd 115 53h _ Eu 157 15, 4h Mi 93 Y 10 .Oh • I 131 8„I4d .08=. 36 Tb 16 ° 74d .96-. 09 97 Nb 72m _ 132 2.4h _ w 187 24,lh — 133 2 Oh „ Cs 137 33y .66 Po 210 138d ,80 j.135 6.7h _ Pa 1 " 12. 8d ,03-. 54 a 227 Ac 22y ,04 u 239 23.5m - . 140 La 40h m. 238 U 4x10 y ,05 « 141 Ce 33d ,14 D 239 Pu 2x10% .04-. 38 47 Table 5,2 NATURALLY OCCURRING RADIONUCLIDES UR£ >NIUM SERIES Half- Gamma THORIUM SERIES Radio- Half- Gamma ACTINIUM SERIES Radio- Radio- Half- Gamma nuclide Life Transi- tions nuclide Life Transi- tions nuclide Life Transi- tions 4,19m (Mev) ^208- (Mev) (Mev) T1 206 3.1m T1 207 4.79m a. T1 210 l 32m _ Pb 2 " 10. 6h _ Pb 211 36.1m _ Pb 210 22y .05 Bi 212 60.5m _ Bi 211 2.2m B Bi 21C 5.0d none Po 212 10~ 7 s _ Po 211 .5s _ Po 210 138d .80 Po 216 .16s _ Bi 215 8m _ Pb 21 " 26o8m _ At 216 _4 10 s _ Po 215 10" 3 s _ Bi 2W 19o7m a. En, 220 54s _ At 215 10" 4 s ^ _ 21t Po 10" 4 s _ Ra 22 * 3„64d _ At 219 .9m _ Po 218 3o05m _ Ra 228 6.7y .03 Em 219 3.9s ,„ At 218 2s _ Ac 228 6.13h <_ Fr 223 21m = Em 222 3.82d • Th 228 1.90y .08 Ra 223 11, 2d .14-. 34 Ra 226 1622y .19 Th 232 lxl0 10 y .05, .07 A 227 Ac 22. Oy .04 Th 23 ° 8x10% .07 227 Th 18„6d .05-. 28 Th 234 24. Id .09 Th 231 25. 6h ^ Pa 234 1.2m — Pa 231 3xl0 4 y .03-, 38 u 234 2xl0 5 y .05-.12 u 235 7x1 8 y .09-. 39 u 238 4xl0 9 y .05 48 Table 5.3 SIGNIFICANT RADIONUCLIDES Description MAJOR Radionuclide Cr Np 51 239 Half-Life 27o8d 2.3d Gamma Transitions (Mev) .32 .01-. 33 MINOR Zn 65 245d 1.12 TRACE NATURALLY OCCURRING Sc Mn Fe Co 46 54 59 60 Sr „91 85 Zr Ru 95 103 111 Ag ,131 Cs Ba Ce Ce Nd Eu Eu Tb Po Pu 137 140 141 144 147 152 156 160 210 239 Ra Ra Th 223 226 227 231 Pa u 234 u 235 85d 310d 45. Id 5.27y 65d 61d 65d 40d 7.6d 8.14d 33y 12. 8d 33d 282d 11. 3d 13y 15. nd 74d 138.3d 24,300y 11. 2d 1622y 18. 6d 3.43x10% 2.48xl0 5 y 7.13xl0 8 y «B9 j 1,12 .84 1.29 , 1.10 1.33 , 1.17 .51 1.2, .2 .73, .92 .50 .24, .34 .08- .36 .66 .03- .54 .14 .03- 2.18 .09- .53 .12-. L.09 2.0 .96- .09 .80 .04- .38 .14- a 34 .19 .05- ,28 .03- .38 .05- ,12 ,09- ,39 — 1 — i — I- — i — 1 — i — 1 i 1 — 1 — — i — — 1 — / — 1 — — 1 — 1 H - - O l. - - l& } - 1-1/ - / - - LL. , - , - CD 1 i J- 1— 1 1 i -» < ! " — 1 — 1 - — 1 — ' - — 1 — — i — 1 — — 1 — — 1—7 CO ' - 1 1 J 1 CO - - - - - N N > A in - ^° - J3_ - -co i - co i W ' V 1 - 1 (/ 1 1 ' - , .,_ - — i — i l w -p " I /' - ..,_, ' /'" - - - - B\ - ^ r ^_ - 0_ - < i j 1 CO, N^ 5 , • ^_ ' ■ '1 ■ 1 - — i — - i 1 ■H b /'- ■ ! 1 — - - co i - - M V . fH r i3_ , - , - i ■ CO V a. 1 , < 2 . ' 1 - T CO ' - i j — i — T — — 1 — 1 7- M / — l — to " h-t CO u 2 H O »— ' - - - H O- c - ° 1= i - - N /' f=l ' HH - H_ ' 1 < i i i c t-H 1 k ^ , > — - s / - - w - CO Q v z Z- c / 1 0. 7^ - 2 X U s: tu w J ° 2 z o 2 — I — — 1 — r 1 I a c - — 1 — J ■ 1 - 1=1 \ ^ 7 y u co 2 r- ~ O o CO "i / u X M 0- en- £ E- E- < u. a: O E-" 2 CO u E- O ._ J, . 1 «\- i 1 a / /'- 1 d'l 1 ADSO LIGHT A 0.3 < D < TRONG A t i*Ss 3 - ' - - 7 - 3 ^ 1 CO /, 1 1 W 1 I 1 - 1 1 ;- 2 2 M O ^- co_ to ■ i i c — - P," £ / - °1 -> / - CJ 1 ■ J / , - 1 U-, 2 Lm 1— 1 U >-" O CC ■o -o -o O O o 1 1 .' CO - 1 ■ co - ■D — O . to - i — I - 1 r- — r - ■ -r— - IS — 1 — o _• iz C to CO - 1=1 CO 1 o — Hi . - ^ \ - - 1 % CJ < & 1 Vi 5, ' =>, 2 O X — 1 — co^ -a — o — r™ — 1 — !-■ 1 - — 1 — — r— v — 1 — 1 V M E- E-. t-i » O CO Q N . J3 — \ - ) — a. 1 X; > CO 1 i /, - h / 1 1 l gig!-- LlJ < Q K _i c w 1 o 1 1 1 ... r ,. ,. . CO L TJ - i ° -&: ' - — j— M — 1 — 1 1 1 1 to HI- c < M ^ - M - h _M - - X 1 i CO - -0 c 1 - CO 1 to 10 — a "ddaoo 'disia oo >- - UJ DC c I — i — — 1— CO — r— 1 — 1 — CO ' - ■■-i ■ CO — 1 — - ' O O c 1 - 1 CO "O — 1 1 — 1 — CO CD o o ■ c 1 ■ "O o - 2._ O - - - O CD, - — a i o c 1 O c 1 I CO - c 1 c 1 m m •H U, — i — — 1 — CO 1 —\ — — i — CO ■ 'I — i — — T The wavelength used, 510 my, was established by plotting percent transmittance against wavelength for various concentrations of zinc in dithizone, using a pure CCl^ reference blank. Two peaks were produced, one at 510 my, due to the green color of pure dithizonej and another peak at about 580 my, due to the red color of the dithizone-zinc complex o As the concentration of zinc was increased, the 510 my peak diminished and the 580 my peak increased „ As the concentration of zinc increased, the precision of detection decreased „ A spectrophotometer slit opening of „ 5 mm allowed adequate sensitivity over the range from to 15 yg of zinc in a 25 ml volume of dithizone „ A series of ten sets of tests, using concentrations of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 10 yg of zinc per 25 ml volume of dithizone, were made The results at each concentration level were averaged and a straight line equation of absorbance (negative logarithm of percent transmittance) against zinc concentration was produced, using the Method of Least Squares The resulting equation of best fit was; „, _ , » Absorbance = 001 Zinc Concentration (yg) = ohb ' i ' ' Table 5 4 contains the 53 test results used for establishing the standard curve or equation of best fit for total zinc determinations „ In Table 5-5, the absorbance at each zinc concentration level has been calcu- lated, using the equation of best fito The range in test results, presented in Table 5,5, indicates the precision of the analytical technique „ In the equation of best fit, an error of * o 004 units of absorbance results in an error of *„1 yg of zinc Of the 53 test results shown in Table 5oU, only one is not within ±,,020 units of absorbance, or * 5 yg of zinc, indicating 54 Table 5.4 TE ST RESULT S USE ;d for e STABLISH ING T? IE STANI )ARD CURVE FOR TOTAL ZINC DETERMINATION ZINCo ABSORBANCE CONCo Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set AVE. (wg) #1 J2_ #3 J4 J.5 Jj_ #7 J8 #9 flO 1 c035 .036 .040 .034 .035 - - - .039 .041 .037 2 - - .082 .080 .083 .082 _ - - - .082 3 „125 .118 .125 .121 .130 =. - - .132 . .125 4 ol78 .177 .174 .153 .155 .163 .161 " — ~ =, .166 5 o212 .220 .203 - .215 .225 - - .202 .209 .212 7 *■ ™ — " _ •■ .292 .280 .288 .278 .277 ,297 .285 10 .412 .398 .423 .398 .387 .419 .406 Table .5. 5 RANGE IN TEST RESULTS USED FOR ESTABLISHING THE STANDARD CURVE FOR TOTAL ZINC DETERMINATION ZINC CONC, (Mg) 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 "ABSORBANCE^ .042 .083 .124 165 .206 .287 .410 RANGE IN TEST RESULTS (yg) s.008 *.003 *.008 ±.013 *„019 *.010 *.023 ^Computed from least squares equation 55 that there is a 98 percent probability that any s~.»gle analysis for total zinc will be within ^5 yg of the true value The standard deviation for any single analysis is ± o 0072 units of absorbance, or ^0 189 yg of zinc, using the equation of best fito Further tests for total zinc at concentrations up to 15 yg indicated that the equation of best fit was still satisfactory at this concentration of zinc in 25 ml of dithizone The procedure for the determination of total zinc has an out- standing advantage in that contamination of glassware and reagents can readily be detected from the dithizone color change when washed with a few ml of dithizone II solution,, An excellent evaluation of procedures for the determination of zinc in natural waters is presented by O'Connor and Renn (1963) (17) Analysis for Total Cobalt The procedure used for the analysis of total cobalt was adapted from the method called "Procedure B (Citrate=Phosphate=Borate Medium)" on pages 415 to 420 of Colorim etrie Determination o f Traces of Me tals B by Eo Bo Sandell (1959) (24). The procedure developed for the analysis of total cobalt was in many ways similar to that used for total zinc Beth procedures are colori- metrie o The same spectrophotometer and cells were usedo The wavelength of 500 my was adopted from Sandell 6 but other spectrophotometer settings were established using a procedure similar to that used for zinc A series of three sets of tests 8 using concentrations of 5, 10 9 15, 20, 25 j 30 9 35, 40 B 45 and 50 yg of cobalt per 25 ml volume of solution were made The scatter of values for concentrations greater than 35 yg indicated that the test was reasonably precise within the range from to 56 35 ug of cobalt per 25 ml of solution,, The resulxs, at each concentration level within this range were averaged and a straight line equation of absorbance against total cobalt concentration was computed, using the Method of Least Squares , The resulting equation of best fit wass „ , , ^. / x Absorbance - ,004 Cobalt Concentration (ug) = 00 92 9 6 "" " Table 5,6 contains the 24 test results used for establishing the standard curve or equation of best fit for total cobalt determinations , In Table 5,7, the absorbance at each cobalt concentration level has been calculated 8 using the equation of best fit. The range in test results, presented in Table 5,7, indicates the precision of the analytical technique In the equation of best fit, an error of *,009 units of absorbance results in an error of *l o ug of cobalt , Of the 24 test results shown in Table 5,6, only one is not within ± o 014 units of absorbance, or *1,6 ug of cobalt, indicating that there is a 96 percent probability that any single analysis for total cobalt will be within *1,6 ug of the true value. The standard deviation for any single analysis is *„ 00602 units of absorbance, or *,648 ug of cobalt, using the equation of best fit. Determinat ion of Rad ioac tive Zinc and Radi oactive Co balt The same procedure used for counting total gamma activities was used for counting zinc and cobalt activities. In order to convert the results for zinc and cobalt activities from cpm to pc/g, the counting effi- ciency of the gamma scintillation counter had to be established, 65 A liquid Zinc ' standard was obtained from the United States Department of Commerces, National Bureau of Standards, The National Bureau of Standards had assayed the Zinc standard and found that it contained an 57 Table 5,6 TEST RESULTS USED FOR ESTABLISHING THE STANDARD CURVE FOR TOTAL COBALT DETERMINATION COBALT ABSORBANCE Set AVE CONCo Set Set (yg) #1 #2_ #2 ^ ^ ^ ^ 5 ,046 ,048 O 053 ,049 10 O 098 olOO ,104 ,101 15 ,147 ol57 ,155 ,153 20 .188 ,194 186 ,189 25 223 ,236 ,240 o233 30 288 ,284 c277 o283 35 c338 321 329 329 Table 5,7 RANGE IN TEST RESULTS USED FOR ESTABLISHING THE STANDARD CURVE FOR TOTAL COBALT DETERMINATION COBALT CONCo (yg) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 ABSORB ANCE- „050 ,097 ,143 ,190 ,236 ,283 ,330 RANGE IN TEST RESULTS (yg) *,004 * o 007 * o 014 *,004 * , 013 ±,006 ±,009 ^Computed from Least Squares equation 58 5 a . . activity of 7„20 x 10 dps e with a precision of *l o percent, on January 7 B 1963 „ The sample was carefully diluted to a volume of 100 ml„ Three 5=ml aliquots of the diluted standard were taken and each aliquot was carefully diluted to 25 ml„ Three 1-mi aliquots of the second dilution were taken and placed in separate counting tubes „ The volume in each tube was increased to 10 ml with water and the tubes were counted „ The true activity contained in each counting tube was calculated by multi- plying the activity of the standard by a decay factor of ,546 for tubes counted on August 9, 1963 8 a decay factor of 541 for tubes counted on August 12, 1963, and by dividing the activity by a dilution factor of 65 500 o Table 5„8 contains the results from counting the nine Zinc samples, The counting efficiency averaged 23 o percent The precision of the assay resulted in a standard deviation of * 23 x l o - ^23 percent in the estimation of counting efficiency,, The range of results for counting efficiency produced a standard deviation of *o27 percent in counting effi- ciency, for a total standard deviation of * 35 percent. The counting 65 efficiency for Zinc was therefore established at 23 o * 4 percent A liquid Cobalt standard was obtained from the Nuclear=Chicago Corporation, Standards Section The assay of the standard had shown an 5 activity of 9 65 x 10 dps, with a precision of ± 3 ^ percent, on January 3, 1961 „ The gamma scintillation counter efficiency for counting fin Cobalt activity was established by following a procedure similar to fi r that used for establishing the efficiency for counting Zinc ' activity , fin Table 5„8 also contains the results from counting the Cobalt samples The counting efficiency averaged 36 „ 7 percento The precision of the assay plus the precision of the established counting efficiency resulted in a fin standard deviation of *1 2 percento The counting efficiency for Cobalt was therefore 36 . 7 *1 2 percento 59 Table 5o8 ESTABLISHMENT OF COUNTING EFFICIENCY FOR ZINC 65 AND COBALT 60 SAMPLE COUNTING DATE TRUE ACTIVITY (dpm) COUNTED* ACTIVITY (cpjn) EFFICIENCY (percent) _. 65 Zinc 1 2 3 8/9/63 47,200 10,990 10,921 11,075 23,2 23.1 23o4 rr- 65 Zinc 4 5 6 8/12/63 46,800 10,711 10,804 10,533 22 9 23.1 22o5 7 * 65 Zinc 7 8 9 8/12/63 46,800 10,584 10,753 10,809 Average 22.6 23.0 23.1 23.0 Cobalt 60 1 2 12/17/63 39,200 14,439 14,298 36.8 36.5 60 Cobalt 3 4 12/17/63 39,200 14,427 14,376 Average 36.8 36.6 36.7 '♦Average of three 2-minute counts minus background activity 60 As the decay factors for these isolated radionuclides were known, all activities were converted to pc/g on the date of collection of the samples „ Total gamma activities had to be recorded on the date that the activity of each sample was measured t since decay factors could not be calculated for these mixtures of radionuclides,, Prevention o f Contami nati on and Loss of Microg ram Quantities of Zinc and Cobalt When working with microgram quantities of zinc or cobalt, adsorption on surfaces such as glass and plastic 8 must be considered,, Leaching of metal contaminants from glassware can interfere with analyti- cal accuracy,, Contamination of reagents is a distinct possibility,, To avoid these possible sources of error in the analytical procedure s a variety of precautions were taken „ All glassware and any other materials that would come in contact with the sample during the analysis were washed twice with dilute (approximately „1N) HC1 and then twice with water which had been deionized by several passages through a mixed resin ion exchange column „ Whenever there was doubt as to the cleanliness of a piece of glassware B it was tested by swirling a few ml of dithizone II solution in it„ Whenever a sample was transferred from one glass container to another 9 the inside of the initial container was washed with either „ 5N or dilute ( „iN) HC1 several timesj, and the washings added to the sample „ As each sample was poured into the anion exchange column 8 it was washed with 7N-HC1 and the washings added to the exchange column „ This procedure eliminated adsorption on the glass and plastic surfaces with which a sample came into contact „ Samples were not allowed to come into contact with any material other than glass or various forms of plastics „ 61 Hydrochloric acid was used extensively throughout the analyses All of the HC1 used had been decontaminated at a concentration of 12N by passage through a Dowex 1 anion exchange column at a rate of approximately <>2 ml/sq cm/min Under these conditions 9 any zinc or cobalt contained in the acid would have been strongly adsorbed by the anion exchange resin „ Other reagents used in the determination of total zinc were decontaminated by extraction with dithizone II solution 9 as described in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater No such simple purification procedure was available for decontaminating reagents used in the determi- nation of total cobalt o However 9 in both of these analyses 8 the use of reference blanks compensated for errors due to minor contamination of reagents o The color forming reagents used in colorimetric analyses are usually light and heat sensitive,. To prevent decompositions, the dithizone solution was stored in a dark glass bottle and kept in a refrigerator „ The nitroso=>R-salt solution used in the. cobalt test was light sensitive but would not decompose at room temperature „ It was therefore stored in a dark glass bottle and kept in a dark cabinet „ 62 VI o SAMPLING SURVEY On August 14 and 15 8 1963 8 four water, four plankton and twenty^ four bottom sediment samples were collected from the Columbia River 9 from a reach of the river extending from just upstream of ail of the Hanford reactors downstream to the junction of the Umatilla River with the Columbia 9 a distance of 97 „ 8 river miles The location of each of the sampling points is noted in Fig„ 6„1 and detailed in Tables 6 l s 6 2 and 6„3 Water samples were taken to determine whether Zinc and Cobalt were being removed from the river water as it moved downstream 9 and if so 8 to determine how rapidly these two radionuclides were being removed 9 and where the removal was occurring It should be noted that only four water samples were taken and that the resulting data are therefore very limited The Hanford staff have accumulated a wealth of data concerning the analysis of water samples and have applied this data to fulfill the objectives stated above o Plankton samples were taken to ascertain the degree of concentra- tion of Zinc and Cobalt exhibited by these aquatic organisms 8 and also to show the effect of location aj,ong the river on the concentration of these radionuclides in plankton „ A series of bottom sediment samples were taken in order to determine the concentration of Zinc and Cobalt along approximately 100 miles of the river from the reactors to below McNary dam„ WATER SAMPLES Water samples were taken at 15 to 33 „ 5 mile intervals along this reach of the Columbia River, The first two samples were taken in the late -§3 PRIES"P RAPIDS 1 $&< ► 7 .8 N I HANFORD 9* 10 H2 J5 WASHINGTON i* : it*A lRICHLANO PASCO S 18. „#(£ Rl y/£" KENNEWICK ,20 WASHINGTON OREGON C° LU MBit Rl v e* PATERSON OREGON Approximate Scale In Miles 5 5 10 15 20 McNARY DAM 4 4» 23 2I 24<£VillMATILLA 7^ 21 LEGEND : • Bottom Sediment Samples — Water 8 Plankton Samples Fig. 6,1 LOCATION OF SAMPLING POINTS 64 Table 6.1 WATER SAMPLES COLUMBIA RIVER - AUGUST 14 & 15 9 1963* Sample § Volume (liters) 44.64 44,87 44.02 43,95 Location River Mile 1 2 3 4 Hanford Ferry 300 Area off PRTR Intake Pasco below RR Bridge 1000 yards above McNary Dam 361.5 344.5 326.5 293 *A11 samples collected by Dr. Benjamin B, Ewing 2 Professor of Sanitary Engineering, University of Illinois Table 6.2 PLANKTON SAMPLES COLUMBIA RIVER - AUGUST 14 & 15, 1963* Sample 1 Sampl ing Time (minutes) 30 Location River Mile 1 Hanford Ferry 361.5 2 20 300 Area off PRTR Intake 344.5 3 15 Pasco below RR Bridge 326,5 4 30 1000 yards above McNary Dam 293 *A11 samples collected by Dr. Benjamin B. Ewing, Professor of Sanitary Engineering^, University of Illinois 65 Table 6.3 BOTTOM SEDIMENT SAMPLES COLUMBIA RIVER - AUGUST 14 £ 15 9 1963* Sample W° Area Depth Description^ of Loca t ion P * RTyer_M'ile 1 8" 4> 1" 100 yards above 100-B water 384,8 intake on south shore -=1/2 mile above first waste outfall 2 8"' $ 3/4" 75 yards above 100<=K water 382,3 intake on plant shore Plant shore between KE and N 381 Hard packed clay bank under 375 . 5 bluff on far shore Sand beach 50 yards above 100-H 373d water intake on plant shore Sandy beach 1.00 feet below White 369,7 Bluff Ferry landing on plant shore between H Area and F Area 8" 4> 3/4" Sand and clay on far shore below 366 100-F Area 8" 3/4" Sandy beach on far shore 365,5 9 8" 3/4" Sandy beach on plant shore 100 361,5 feet above Hanford Ferry 8" 3/4" Sand bank on far shore below 359,3 Hanford Ferry 3 8" * 3/4" 4 6"x4" rectangle 1/2" 5 8" 3/4" Sandy beach below Ringold on 353„5 Ringoid shore 13 8"

3/4" Sand beach on plant shore 3/4 349,3 mile below Power Line crossing 15 8" 3/4" Beach on far shore just above 345,3 300 Area 66 Table 6 „ 3 ( cont inued ) Sample "W" Area Depth Descr iption_ of Location .^YJIE-?!!^ 16 8" 3/4" Sand spot on rocky shore on 344 . 3 plant side just below PRTR intake 17 8" 3/4" Beach on Richland shore about 339 1 mile above Fire Station 18 8" $ 3/4" Sand beach on island below 326 Pasco RR bridge and 1/10 mile above Power Line crossing 19 8" 3/4" Sand behind barges on plant 321 shore 1/4 mile below Union Pacific RR bridge 20 8" <|> 3/4" East shore of island 3/4 mile 320„5 below Union Pacific RR bridge nearer Snake River shore 21 8" 3/4" Sand beach at mouth of creek at 298 Hat Rock State Park on Oregon shore 22 8" $ 3/4" Sand beach on Oregon shore 3 295 miles above McNary Dam 8" 3/4" 8" 3/4" 8" $ 3/4" 23 8" 3/4" Sand beach 1000 yards above 293 McNary Dam on Oregon shore 24 8" 4> 3/4 Upstream side of mcuth of 287 Umatilla River at Umatilla on Oregon shore s1f All samples collected by Dr» Benjamin B Ewmg 9 Professor of Sanitary Engineerings, University of Illinois 67 morning and early afternoon of August 14 and the second two during the same periods of August 15 8 1963 „ In order to reduce the volume and weight of the water samples so that they could be economically transferred to the laboratory 9 each was passed through a column of Dowex 50 cation exchange resin o The column 8 containing the zinc and cobalt, and other cations t was then shipped to the Sanitary Engineering Laboratory at the University of Illinois o The sampling apparatus which came into contact with the sample was made entirely of polyethylene with the exception of the ion exchange column and reducer which were glass „ Each water sample was collected in midstream in polyethylene bottles and transferred to shore Each was then filtered through a glass= wool wad in a funnel which drained into a 7170 ml polyethylene carboy. A 150 ml cylindrical glass separatory funnel containing 120 ml of Dowex 50 resin was attached and sealed 8 via a glass reducer 8 stopcock grease and rubber bands 8 to the outlet tap at the bottom of the carboy „ The sample was passed through the resin at a maximum rate of approximately six mi/sq cm/min„ A small sample of eluate was tested occasionally with total hardness indicator 5 ** to be certain that nc leakage of cations from the resin had occurred „ Laboratory tests had shown that the 120 ml of resin would completely remove the hardness from 74 liters of water contain- ing 100 ppm total hardness as CaC0 3 at the above flow rate The hardness of the Columbia River was not measured 8 but was assumed 8 from published data (22) B to be less than 100 ppm„ No leakage of cations occurred when approximately 45 liter samples were passed through the cation resin columns , After each sample had been passed through the cation exchange column 8 the column was sealed and shipped to the laboratory „ The fiberglass "Univer II, Hach Chemical Co 09 Ames 9 Iowa 68 filters used to strain each sample were placed in glass bottles , sealed and also shipped to the laboratory „ PLANKTON SAMPLES Plankton samples were collected at the same location and time as the water samples,, Each sample was collected in midstream with a #25 plankton net The net was suspended in the flowing water for a period of from 15 to 30 minutes „ The plankton caught in the net were then transferred to a glass jar j sealed, and shipped to the laboratory Data resulting from the analyses of these plankton samples could only be recorded in terms of dry weight of plankton, as neither the numbers of plankton nor the volume of water from which the samples had been collected was known „ BOTTOM SEDIMENT SAMPLES The Columbia River from the reactor area to Richland is a swift, rocky-bottomed stream,, Bottom sediments in this reach are nearly always limited to the near shore area and even there the sediments consist mainly of sand or gravelo Silt and mud could only be found in a few backwater areas „ Samples of bottom sediments were taken along the shore-line of the river o Bottom sediment samples were collected by inserting an eight-inch inside diameter cylinder into the sediments, to a depth of three-quarters of an inch,, The sediment within the cylinder was scooped into a plastic bag until a three-quarter-inch disc of sediment had been removed „ Samples #1 and #4 are exceptions „ Sample #1 was composed of a layer one inch thick „ Sample #4 was obtained by cutting a six-inch by four-inch rectangle, three- quarters of an inch thick, out of the sediment „ Each sample was placed in 69 a plastic bag, sealed, placed in a cardboard container which was also sealed, and shipped to the laboratory , The samples were usually of clean, fine sand or silty sando A few samples contained some clay sized material „ The analytical procedure presented in Chapter IV and discussed in Chapter V was used for the quantitative determination of the total and radioactive zinc and cobalt in these samples „ 70 VII RESULTS OF ANALYSES The results of the analyses of the four water 8 four plankton and twenty-four bottom sediment samples collected from the Columbia River on August 14 and 15, 1963, are presented in Tables 7.1 to 7 5 o The results of the analyses for total gamma activity are presented in Table 7.1. The total gamma activity of plankton and bottom sediment samples and the activities of the residue and eluate from the acid washing of each of these samples is given The total gamma activities of the water samples 8 as presented, are the activities of the cationic fractions of these samples, since they were collected on cation exchange resin at the site and eluted from the resin at the laboratory. The date of measurement of the gamma activities of each sample is given. Table 7.2 gives the results of the analyses for total zinc and total cobalts, both before and after separation. The values obtained before separation are approximate only. The results of the determinations of radioactive zinc and radioactive cobalt 8 as Zinc ' and Cobalt , are pre- sented in Table 7.3. Activities of these two radionuclides are given as of the date of collection of the samples, August 15 8 1963. The percentages of the total gamma activity due to Zinc and Cobalt in each sample and in the eluate from the acid washing of each sample 8 as of the date of measure- ment of the total gamma activities 8 are also presented in Table 7.3. Table 7.4 summarizes the bottom sediment data included in Tables 7.1 and 7.3 8 relating activities to the ground surface area of each sample. Table 7.5 is a summary of the results of analyses of the water, plankton and bottom sediment samples. 71 Table TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY OF COLUMBIA RIVER SAMPLES SAMPLE TEST DATE TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY PERCENT DESCRIP- Sample Residue Eluate Sample TOTAL GAMMA TION (*7 days) (cpm/g) (cpm/g) (cpm/g) Adjusted* ACTIVITY (cpm/g) E LUTED** WATER 1 10/10/63 o0690 - - - - 2 10/17/63 0050 - - - = 3 12/9/63 o0072 - _ » - 4 12/9/63 o0192 - - - - PLANKTON 1 2/17/64 - 667 4300 4970 87 2 2/17/64 - 372 2870 324 89 3 2/17/64 - 542 2250 2790 81 4 2/17/64 - 193 2010 2200 91 BOTTOM SEDIMENTS 1 11/11/63 13o9 llo4 3o90 14 o 6 27 2 11/11/63 llo9 10 7 5oi8 13 o 9 37 3 11/11/63 24 o 6 13 c 8 12 4 25„4 49 4 11/19/63 7,7 7o2 2o60 8o74 30 5 12/4/63 126 46o3 67o7 120 56 6 11/20/63 29o2 llo3 19o8 30,2 66 7 12/4/63 57 o 9 29cl 42 o 3 64 o 6 65 8 12/4/63 37„6 16o7 31o0 42o6 73 9 12/20/63 196 70 .1 162 214 76 10 12/20/63 15o0 10„9 llo3 18„6 61 11 12/20/63 124 40,1 102 133 • • 12 12/20/63 42 o 6 19 o 4 31 2 41 o 6 75 13 1/22/64 177 30o8 13 T 172 80 14 1/22/64 >_»...!_- 24 4 40 o 5 60o0 68 15 1/22/64 54 8 35,3 49 69 o 6 70 16 1/22/64 111 i?«7o « 70o9 110 54 17 1/25/64 75o2 22o8 65o2 81o6 80 18 1/25/64 17 o 2 6c8 10 o 4 17,2 60 19 1/25/64 10„1 6o9 4o22 10o6 40 20 1/25/64 16 5 Iw o - 3,75 16o8 22 21 1/25/64 4 o 5o5 o43 4o96 9 22 1/25/64 608 7 4 3o03 8o60 35 23 1/25/64 11 oO 7 7 6c95 12.8 54 24 1/28/64 15 5 lOcO ^ 58 16o6 46 * Average of data for Initial Sample and data for Residue plus Eluate ** Using Adjusted Sample and Eluate data 72 Table 7.2 TOTAL ZINC AND TOTAL COBALT OF COLUMBIA RIVER SAMPLES SAMPLE TOTAL ZINC TOTAL COBALT DESCRIPTION Before After Before After Separation Separation Separation Separation (Approximate) (yg/g) (Approximate) (yg/g) (yg/g) ^S/JLL. WATER 1 _ = - - 2 O 00593 oI20 - .00011 3 »00506 o056 - .00014 4 „00439 o048 - .00005 PLANKTON 1 1620 1960 45 3o5 2 1300 1750 27 3.4 3 1700 1060 31 1.2 4 1900 1870 160 1.9 BOTTOM SEDIMENTS 1 183 174 .31 .52 2 189 187 .24 .53 3 130 132 .06 .40 4 3o70 5o07 4.15 .87 5 166 177 o 06 .09 6 154 110 oil .12 7 44 o 5 35o6 03 o07 8 69o5 43.5 .02 .04 9 151 98 o 4 .13 .00 10 133 90o5 .03 o01 11 108 WW o .04 .00 12 13o8 21o 3 .00 .66 13 91 o 4 43 o06 .33 14 141 94 o .14 82 15 224 137 .10 „72 16 33„6 24 2 .02 .22 17 93 6 110 .20 .18 18 16.0 56d ,15 .01 19 2c20 8.22 .34 .14 20 5 o 76 18o4 .04 .32 21 o51 7o93 .33 ,18 22 3o85 9.77 .37 o ib 23 7 48 5o26 „28 <= 24 50ol 86o7 .20 .03 73 Table 7.3 RADIOACTIVE ZINC AND RADIOACTIVE COBALT OF COLUMBIA RIVER SAMPLES SAMPLE RADIOACTIVE ZINC AS ZINC 65 RADIOACTIVE COBALT AS 60 COBALT DESCRIPTION AUGU: ST 15j 1963 AUGUST 15, 1963 Activity Percent" of Total Activity Percent" of Total (pc/g) Gamma Act Sample 5 ' 4 " :ivity of Eluate (pc/g) Gamma Act: Sample** Lvity of Eluate WATER 1 2 .0199 160 = „0011 16 _ 3 .0029 14 = .0000 ,0 _ 4 ,0013 3 - o0014 5.8 - PLANKTON 1 8060 47 55 60 .9 1.0 2 5800 53 59 oO .0 3 4830 50 63 63 1,7 2.1 4 5030 66 72 ,0 cO BOTTOM SEDIMENTS 1 „69 2 7 o34 1 o 8 6„8 2 5.13 14 38 o35 1.9 5.3 3 19 o 4 29 60 o55 X o / 3.4 4 3o07 12 40 33 3.0 10 5 111 33 60 Lo99 1.2 2.2 6 23.8 30 45 o94 2.3 3.5 7 62.0 35 54 loOO 1.2 1,8 8 30.9 27 36 1.10 2.0 2.7 9 201 32 42 S.50 3.3 4.4 10 13.0 25 40 .39 1.6 2.7 11 86o9 23 30 4o80 2 7 3.5 12 52.0 42 57 1.22 2.2 2.9 13 230 42 53 13o0 5 6 7„0 14 60o0 32 46 j. o 88 2.4 3.5 15 62o5 28 40 2o73 2.9 4„1 16 92„5 27 41 2.63 1.8 2.8 17 136 52 65 1.73 1 o 6 2.0 18 13„8 25 41 lo44 6.1 10 19 3.03 9 23 . 54 4.4 11 20 3 34 6 28 1.28 .6 26 21 oOO .21 .3 37 22 4.67 16 48 o03 .2 .7 23 2o74 6 12 • - . 24 10„9 21 44 oOO .0 oO * On date of measurement of total gamma activity. ** Using adjusted sample data. 74 rd co pa co o o-. 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(1) P 03 »P O TJ • » ■■ x _ n J ,230 count 60 sec = 5„14 dps/g = 5 14 dps/g x E £ = 2 3 7 x 10 dps 65 = 139 pc/g as Zinc on February 7, 1964 Decay Factor = ,-(.693/T 1/2 )(t) 65 where the half-life, T , , for Zinc = 245 days and t = 176 days =(„693/245)(176) = e = „606 .65 Activity as Zinc on August 15, 1963 139 pc/g x -§- 230 pc/g dry weight of sediment Phase IV - Cobalt and Cobalt 81 60 The eluate from Phase III, containing the cobalt fraction, was concentrated to 52 ml Using the correction factor of 1 27, this volume was equivalent to 66 o ml„ A twenty ml aliquot of this concentrated eluate was used for the total cobalt test, resulting in an absorbance of 332 and a total cobalt concentration of 33 pg/g dry weight of sediment The concentration was computed in a manner similar to that used in Phase II, as described in a preceding paragraph „ A ten ml aliquot of the concentrated eluate containing the cobalt fraction was counted for gamma activity on February 4, 1964 It contained an activity of 504 cpm, or 9 48 cpm/g, or 12 2 pc/g as Cobalt „ Applying a decay factor of „939, this activity became 13 o pc/g as Cobalt on the date of collection of the sample, August 15, 1963 „ The calculations were 65 similar to those used to compute the Zinc ' activity The counter effi- ciency factor was ,367 instead of „230, and the half -life was 5,27 years instead of 245 days,, RADIOACTIVITY RELATED TO SURFACE AREA 65 The total gamma activity^ the zinc activity as Zinc , and the fif) cobalt activity as Cobalt for bottom sediment samples related to ground surface area, are presented in Table 7 4 A typical sample, bottom sediment sample #13, was composed of a disc of sediment 75 in thick with a ground surface area of 50 3 in „ The sample had a dry weight of 1207 g and a total gamma activity of 172 cpm/g, as adjusted in Table 7 1, on January 22, 1964 It had a zinc activity of 65 230 pc/g as Zinc on August 15, 1963 8 and a cobalt activity of 13 „0 pc/g 82 as Cobalt on August 15 , 1963 „ Each of these values has been multiplied by the sample weight and divided by the area of the ground surface face of the disc of sediment to obtain the values presented in Table 7<,4 83 VIII o DISCUSSION OF RESULTS OF ANALYSES QUALITATIVE PROOF OF ISOLATION OF ZINC 65 AND COBALT 60 Figo 8 1 is composed of six waveforms produced with the gamma scintillation spectrometer „ A concentrated composite sample of the isolated zinc fractions was scanned twice and compared with two scans of a standard Zinc " sample o A concentrated composite sample of the cobalt fractions was scanned and compared with a standard Cobalt sample „ The instrument settings for each sample type were identical „ The activities of the com- posite sample and the standard were similar, in both cases „ The resulting waveforms are very similar From this qualitative check it can be con- cluded that all of the measurable activity in the composite zinc sample was caused by Zinc , and that all of the measurable activity in the composite cobalt sample was caused by Cobalt PRECISION OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Precision is a measure of the scatter around the mean The precision of the analytical results is summarized in Table 8<,1» Zinc The standard deviation of the total zinc determination was ± 189 yg/test aliquot „ The zinc concentrations of the test aliquots ranged from five to fifteen yg The standard deviations of the total zinc deter- minations would therefore range between *o9 and *2 6 percent, with an average of approximately ±lo5 percent „ Cobalt The cobalt concentrations were generally quite low The precision of the analytical results is therefore a function of the limit of detection 84 1 miinruimufi i imnmnuiH— 1 ' ' """'..llllliljili im . M - it— m - wan lllll'lll Hill 1 kii ; J* •1.. lm • 15 1 XV Il» -If »■ ■iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: i iiiim iiih Hiiiimiiiiiii ■lllllllllllllllllllll! lilllllllllll: I1IIIIIIIIIIIIHIII ill I ill! li II 111 I I 1 ill M illinium;' ; L '"llllV'n,, 1 J-k'Sfil illllllillllHi llllllllillll;:;: it l%Wm .1 H 111 1. J ,( tor r 1 II lllllllllll lulllll « m m m m m m .1 m si m m m m m m .1 ■« J J 4 1 .t • • t 14 UM M 1 1 4 4 4 J J J II UU ML. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 1 nil 1 UK - •» - ITMMM - MM #1 ■P" : ISii" * 1 »im» • 1 TIM IMIM< • If 1 am. fc-ir • )t» »•■ «*rw • t» 1 Urn TIM ■ If ll> ttt; ■ II lllllllllilliil llllltllii III' iiiii Limn IIIMIIIIIIIIWIH ill II! Ill lllllllllll fnnmra 'TT i! I 19 I 1 IN. Willi!!! iniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinM comit - to - inuuuu 1 II ii ii in IIJIll III | liiiii Activity - U» cf- t**fa • IM tfU4o. - S TltTS (OIIIMI - » HI*. IfWfT * » *- fc-rjy - US Sew T1» - IS !•■» 1 III lln i L f 1 fl i 1 [lliNillliTli IHitl ; 1 1 1 nln llaMi-lBtg lm If 'III llifflNi ' H i mi ii iiim i ; mn 1 iiiiiii HlflllHi; hi iI.iiii 'iiiiiifi IJIJJIIJ It 11 ■ ill 1 II 1 ' 1 31 111 Dill i 111 Ills II li I II II 111 lllllllllilliil lllllllllll i ii iiiiiniiirm niiiiniiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH Mill Jllil^WL n m lllllllllll IIIIIII |l;l|i! CMM.T - tO - OftWOtm IMU Hi IIP i lllllllllilliil ' ii Aul.lty - 1» •-— «-f - »• L 1 Tl» Cmium - 10 Pi S««n Tl«« - IS Hi i II in inU lii P'l TUT i ' ll|j!i| Uiii.ii II jjiyjll I tiffi II M If jlfflllli ill IP iiiiiiiiiiiiii™ Fig. 8.1 COMPARISON OF ZINC 65 AND COBALT 60 COMPOSITE SAMPLES WITH STANDARDS 85 inherent in the determination and should be consid<.~ed in terms of yg/g rather than in terms of percent . The standard deviation of the total cobalt determination was ^0648 yg/test aliquot „ Approximately one=third of each cobalt fraction (Phase IV) was used for the determination If the total weight of each sample is considered 9 the resulting standard deviations for total cobalt are approximately ± o 000 i + yg/g for water samples, 4 1.0 yg/g for plankton samples and *. 006 yg/g for bottom sediment samples „ Table 8 i PRECISION OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Analysis Total Zinc Total Cobalt Zinc 65 Cobalt 60 Sample Type Water Plankton Bottom Sediments Water Planxton Bottom Sediments Water Plankton Bottom Sediments Activity < 13 pc/g Activity > 13 pc/g Water Plankton Bottom Sediments Precision [ Standard Deviation) ± 1 i L 5% 1.5% 1 5% ± ± oOOOU yg/g 1.0 yg/g o 006 yg/g i i o0C05 pc/g 1.5 pc/g i o2 pc/g 1.5% i A 1 .0005 pc/g 10 pc/g .1 pc/g 65 65 The Zinc ' activities of the water samples were low and close to the detection limit of the gamma scintillation counter. The standard deviation of the counting precision 8 based on several five=minute counts and based on samples containing activities close to backgrounds, is approxi- mately *5 cpm. This precision is equivalent to a standard deviation of 86 65 approximately ^0005 pc/g for Zinc activities in water samples, Plankton samples contained high Zinc ' activities , The precision of the results for plankton can therefore be based on the precision of the estimation of efficiency of Zinc counting. The standard deviation for plankton samples is therefore approximately ± 35 x 100/23,0 = *1,5 percent. The Zinc activities of the bottom sediment samples ranged from low to relatively high valueSo Samples with low activities would have a standard deviation of *5 cpm 8 or a precision equivalent to a standard devia- tion of approximately i 2 pc/g Samples containing activities greater than 13 pc/g have a standard deviation based on the precision of the estimation of counter efficiency and would therefore have a standard deviation of approximately *1„5 percent , Cobalt 60 60 All of the samples contained low Cobalt activities. Based on a standard deviation of *5 cpm for counting precisions, the standard deviations fin for Cobalt determinations are approximately i o 0005 pc/g for water samples, i 10 pc/g for plankton samples 9 and *„! pc/g for bottom sediment samples. ACCURACY OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS The accuracy of experimental determinations is a measure of the difference between the true values and the experimental values. Losses in the elution of zinc and cobalt cations from the cation and anion exchange resins would produce results lower than the true values, 65 60 Based on the results of tests made with Zinc and Cobalt tracers B losses from these sources are considered to be negligible. Errors caused by con= tamination of reagents and glassware and losses due to adsorption on glass surfaces with which the samples came into contact are also considered to be 87 small and to have a negligible effect on the accuracy of the results. All determinations of zinc and cobalt were made using the same equipment, pro- 65 cedure and reagents used to produce the standard equations „ Zinc ' and fin Cobalt activities were measured using the same instrument settings, sample sizes and sample containers used in establishing the gamma scintillation counter efficiency for each radionuclide , Table 7,2 contains the results of determinations of total zinc and cobalt both before and after separation of each of these elements from the samples o Both determinations, as made in Phase II, may have been sub- ject to considerable error. Interference in color development caused by the presence of relatively high concentrations of other ions is quite prob- able o The presence of these ions could have reduced or increased the absorbance of light at the particular wavelengths used in the determinations, The presence of turbidity, as noticed in some of the Phase II cobalt deter- minations, would produce erroneously high results. Because the water samples were collected in cation exchange resin, the samples analyzed in Phase II contained only cations and chloride anions. The plankton and bottom sediment samples analyzed in Phase II contained everything that would be eluted from the samples in the acid wash procedure The results obtained after separation would not have been subject to interference from other ions. Therefore, the results obtained in Phase II are considered to be approximate only. The results obtained in Phase IV, for total zinc and cobalt, are considered to be accurate. The analyses for total gamma activity commenced approximately three months after collection of samples and continued over a four=month period, as shown in Table 7,1, In samples containing an unknown mixture of radionuclides, the rate of decay cannot be calculated. The total gamma 88 activities of these samples could not be converted to a constant date, as was done with the Zinc ' and Cobalt fractions. Comparison of total gamma activities with Zinc ' and Cobalt activities is therefore subject to this lack of uniformity in time The efficiency of the gamma scintil- lation counter for counting total gamma activity is also unknown „ The efficiency has been approximated by using that of the major isotope, „. 65 Zinc TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY The total gamma activities of the samples were measured primarily to ascertain the proportion of the total activity of each sample caused by Zinc ' and Cobalt , It was expected that samples having high total gamma activities would have correspondingly high Zinc ' and Cobalt activities „ The results of these analyses have been presented in Table 7„lo Total gamma activities of the eluate plus the residue after acid washing of each bottom sediment sample should have been equal to the total gamma activity of each sample before acid washing „ Due to the natural variation in a heterogeneous material such as bottom sediment 9 it was diffi- cult to obtain representative portions , and the results fluctuate consid= erably The sample and the residue data are based on 10 to 15 g portions, whereas the eluate data is based on 250 to 350 g portions, both as dry weights o The eluate data is therefore much more precise than the sample and residue data,, The percent elution of gamma activity by acid washing of plankton samples varied from 81 to 91 percent „ The percent elution from bottom sediment samples by this treatments as shown in Fig 8 2 8 varied from between 9 and 61 percent for samples having activities less than 30 cpm/g, to between 56 and 80 percent for samples having higher activities „ There 89 is an apparent increase in degree of desorption with increasing concentra- tion of total gamma activity, indicating that desorption in an acid medium is a function of the concentration of ions causing gamma activity asso- ciated with the sample o It is assumed that assimilated ions producing gamma activity in plankton are not eluted by acid washing, and that these ions when adsorbed on the plankton surfaces are eluted by this treatment „ The results indicate that adsorption of ions causing gamma activity is the major mechanism of uptake by plankton „ However, these samples had been stored for several months in sealed glass containers, and the results might have been quite different if freshly collected samples had been analyzed „ It is assumed that ions producing gamma activity occupying positions within the crystal lattice structures of clay particles in the bottom sediments, or incorporated into the sediments by other mechanisms, are not eluted by the acid wash treatment „ It is also assumed that these ions when adsorbed on the surfaces of the sediments, or attached to charged sites on the surfaces of these particles, are eluted by acid washing of the sediment o The results indicate that adsorption and attachment to charged sites on the surfaces of the sediments, of ions causing gamma activity, are the major mechanisms of uptake by the bottom sediments if these samples contain high total gamma activities „ COMPARISON OF TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY WITH ZINC 65 AND COBALT 60 ACTIVITY Table 7„3 contains data concerning the percent of the total gamma activity of each sample and of the eluate from acid washing of each sample, on the date of measurement of the total gamma activity, caused by Zinc and by Cobalt „ The total gamma activities of each sample and eluate have been converted from cpm to pc/g by assuming a counting efficiency factor of 90 65 ,230, based on that of the major radionuclide in tnese samples , Zinc , in order to compute the percentages given in the table. Three water samples were analyzed for Zinc ' and Cobalt „ The activities of these samples were close to the detection limits of the 65 analytical equipment Results, although doubtful, indicate that Zinc fin and Cobalt each comprised less than ten percent of the cationic activity of the water, several months after the samples were collected , The activity caused by each radionuclide appeared to decrease as the total cationic activity decreased „ These results indicate that Zinc ' and Cobalt would not become major radionuclides in the water phase of the aquatic environment, even after a decay period of several months „ 65 In the four plankton samples analyzed, the Zinc ' activities ranged from 47 to 66 percent of the total gamma activities of the samples, and from 55 to 72 percent of the total gamma activities eluted by the acid fi s wash treatment, at six months after sampling „ The Zinc ' activity appeared to increase with decreasing total gamma activity. Cobalt activities were very low and accounted for less than two percent of the total gamma activi- 65 ties at six months after sampling The results indicate that Zinc is the major radionuclide associated with plankton at a period six months after sampling, 6 S Figo 8 3 indicates the relationships between the Zinc activities and the total gamma activities of the samples and of the eluates from acid washing, for bottom sediments. In the twenty-four bottom sediment samples analyzed, the Zinc ' activities ranged from to 52 percent of the total gamma activities of the samples, and from to 65 percent of the total gamma activities eluted by the acid wash treatment. For all samples having total gamma activities greater than 20 cpm/g, at least 23 percent of the activity of each sample, and at least 30 percent of the activity of each eluate, was 40 80 120 160 Total Gamma Activity - (cpm/g) 200 240 Fig. 8.2 VARIATION IN PERCENT OF TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY ELUTED FROM BOTTOM SEDIMENTS WITH TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY OF SAMPLE o c: n 60 40 20 - D D K) ft D d CD L o D °° o n oo D oo PO- o D O O O 40 1 D O O Legend: O Sample DEluate 80 120 160 Total Gamma Activity - (cpm/g) 200 240 Fig. 8.3 VARIATION IN PERCENT OF TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY DUE TO ZINC FROM BOTTOM SEDIMENTS WITH TOTAL GAMMA ACTIVITY 65 92 caused by Zinc „ The total gamma activities of tL„ bottom sediment samples were measured during a period of from three to five and a half months after sampling „ The results indicate that for all sediments con- taining an appreciable total gamma activity, Zinc ' is a major radionuclides, during a period commencing several months after sampling „ C A The Cobalt activities of the bottom sediment samples were low, but the determinations were reasonably precise „ The percentage of the total activity caused by this radionuclide remained relatively constant, in a range of from 1„2 to 5„6 percent of the total gamma activity of each sample and from 1„8 to 10 percent of the total gamma activity of the eluate from acid washing of each sample, within the reach of the Columbia River upstream from McNary reservoir,, Within the reservoir, the activity increased to 6 1 percent and then dropped off to less than o percent of the total gamma activity,, In this reach, the activity increased to 37 percent and then dropped off to less than „0 percent of the total gamma activity of the 60 eluate from acid washing „ These data indicate that Cobalt is a minor radionuclide in the sediments, but that within McNary reservoir , it may be one of the major radionuclides that would be desorbed from the sediment under acid conditions,. COMPARISON OF TOTAL ZINC AND TOTAL COBALT WITH ZINC 55 AND COBALT 60 Table 7 5 contains the results of analyses of the Columbia River c tr c a samples for total zinc, total cobalt, Zinc and Cobalt In the water and plankton samples, changes in total zinc concen- . . 65 tration are accompanied by similar changes in Zinc activity „ This trend 65 is not followed by the bottom sediment samples „ The Zinc activity of the sediments appears to be almost completely unrelated to the total zinc con- RD centration of the sediments , The Cobalt activities of all samples appear 93 to be unrelated to the total cobalt concentrations of the samples „ 65 These data indicate that changes in Zinc ' concentration in the soluble phase are a function of the total zinc concentration in the soluble phase o It is possible that the plankton contain such a high concentration of zinc adsorbed on their surfaces that the ions are loosely held, resulting in a continuous flux of ions between the surfaces of the plankton and the soluble phase o The total zinc concentration associated with the bottom sediments may be far below saturation,, This condition would result in rapid 65 uptake of both zinc and Zinc „ The adsorbed ions may be tightly held by the sediment o 60 The Cobalt activities of water and plankton samples were close 60 to the limit of detection and the results are doubt ful The Cobalt activity of the bottom sediments may be unrelated to the total cobalt con- centration of the sediments, for the same reasons as discussed for zinc = 6 Of the total zinc, less than 6 x 10 percent was radioactive „ -4 Of the total cobalt, less than 5 x 10 percent was radioactive „ Percent radioactivity did not appear to be related to sample type as it was similar in each of the water, plankton and bottom sediment types of samples „ EFFECT OF LOCATION OF SAMPLES The location of the water , plankton and bottom sediment samples collected from the Columbia River has been shown in Fig 6 o l Location details have been included in Tables 6„1 9 6„2 and 6 3 Water and plankton samples were taken in midstream from the flowing water. Bottom sediment samples were collected along the shorelines of the river in a reach extending from just upstream of the Hanford reactors to just below McNary dam, a distance of almost one hundred river miles , 94 Location of Bottom Sedi ment , ., Samples _ Relav ive ^ to the Water Surface Level of t he Columbia River As shown in Fig lo3 8 on the date of collection of the bottom sediment samples, the flow of the Columbia River was receding from the peak flow which occurred six weeks prior to sampling „ The flow at Pasco had receded steadily from a peak of 290 , 000 cfs on July 1 to about 140,000 cfs by August 15 o During the major part of preceding years, the flow had been well below 140,000 cfs„ Bottom sediments located along the shorelines of the river on August 15, 1963, had therefore likely been exposed to reactor effluent contamination only during a few months of each year. They could not have been continuously exposed to reactor effluent contamination unless they had been translocated from sediments in the river bottom during the high water period of June and July, 1963 „ Based on the preceding discussion, it would be expected that the sediments collected in this study would con- tain considerably less radioactivity than sediments collected along the shorelines of the river during the low flow period of the year Location o f Bottom Sediment Samples Re lat ive to the Flow Velocity of the Col umbia Riv er The Columbia is a swift flowing river throughout the reach from the Hanford reactors to Richland In this reach a considerable amount of translocation of bottom and shoreline sediments can be expected to have occurred during the flood period just prior to sampling „ Sediments in one location along the shoreline may have been there only a few weeks previous to sampling and may have originated from a variety of upstream locations Some of the sediments may not have been exposed to reactor effluent contam- inated water during previous years Other patches of sediment along the shoreline in the same reach of the river may have been deposited several years or more in the past and been exposed to reactor effluent contaminated 95 water for several months each year,, Still other seaxments may have been translocated from areas which received continuous contact with reactor effluent contaminated water „ The sediments from this reach can therefore 65 be expected to contain widely fluctuating concentrations of Zinc ' and fin Cobalt Within McNary reservoir, downstream from Richland, scouring and translocation of bottom sediments is not as likely, due to the reduced flow velocity of the water „ Some of the sediments scoured from the upstream reach during flood periods are transported in the water and deposited in the reservoir Erratic values of Zinc and Cobalt activities within the reservoir are not as likely to occur as would be expected within the up- stream reach of the river „ Total Gamma Activity The total gamma activities of the cationic fractions of the water samples collected near Richland, near Pasco and near McNary dam, were less than 28 percent of the total gamma activity of the cationic fraction of the sample collected near Hanford, indicating that the major portion of the cations had rapidly been removed from the soluble phase „ However 9 the total gamma activities of these samples did not decrease consistently with distance downstream from the Hanford reactors „ The total gamma activities of the plankton samples decreased consistently with distance downstream from the Hanford reactor area Bottom sediment samples increased in total gamma activity through the reactor area and then decreased with further movement downstream The variation of the total gamma activity of the sedi- ments with location closely followed the variation pattern of Zinc activity with location „ 96 Zinc and Cobalt The total zinc and cobalt concentrations of water and plankton samples decreased with distance downstream from the reactor area, except for the plankton sample collected near McNary dam, which contained a higher concentration of both zinc and cobalt than samples farther upstream „ The variation in total zinc concentration with location of bottom sediment samples is shown in Fig„ 8 Ho On the reactor shore , the concentration is highest above the reactor area and decreases with distance downstreanu On the opposite shore, the concentration of zinc is low in the reactor area and increases to values similar to those found on the reactor shore, within a few miles distance downstream from the reactor area The concentrations along both shores then remain similar and decrease with distance, all the way to McNary dam A sample taken below McNary dam was influenced by flow from the Umatilla River „ The results indicate that the total zinc concentration of the sediments results from a source of zinc located upstream of the reactor area, and is not affected by the reactor effluents „ The source of zinc may be quite close to the reactor area, upstream, and on the reactor side of the Columbia River , The variation in total cobalt concentration with location of bottom sediment samples is shown in Fig 8 5 The data indicate slowly decreasing cobalt concentration with distance downstream, throughout the study area, with the exception of a short reach between the reactor area and the upstream end of McNary reservoir, in which a peak concentration occurred o 97 I E z o CO o £ a> en l_ o .c o in u o w. (U o a: u. ■2 > ■o c o o cu Id to o en CO SB M »«■% a w w H CO i o i > o a IT) u. CM o n 1 5= c o o M •l-l H •M < f8 O 8 j •J X 0) F- H M C, co 55 U"> M J" •p N 00 c 8 < •H f- T3 O co o o CN (^8faM itap 2/Srt ) - oujz t«1<>1 ao 2* Cm 98 | > I e Z o o > L. 0) o: a> u. O JZ a> CO t_ o .c o in u o w 0) O a: u_ C a) .-si: > c 0) UJ CO CM o n > C o .-I *J O o a. L0 4-< C 4) F » kp ,_ -c k. o o > 5 to z i_ o u 0) ° *- ™ 2 (A L. 1 ^7 _ C 1 1 ^ /' ~ cu a> ^ / is _) ^ / • - Yoki Riv y^ / 1 / \ / ^\< — V \ ■ \ -^ > / ■ ~^^^ - . •*—- — " — " " \ h_ CO •^zr \ o o c ^^^^^ n o r> O o 3 ro < * ►-< ^■^ < > S •H l* 1 lT> ^ CNt to n 1 c UJ o s: •w H *-> Q TJ U o CO o J o a) f- —i H a* O B 0Q tJ i/) U, in O j- 4-> CO c 2 0) O f= i— < •H H X) < 0) CJ to o e o a: 4-> H ♦-» t-t o rs CO in CJ in 2 lO K-) n S3 u. o 25 o »-« < < > in U3 00 ■♦ ro CO 101 1 > 3 * z O O Q 2 CO lO m o o o o o o o o c o o o 00 o 00 J- J n CN •H H CO o a n < ^n O • n CO t— 1 CO < 03 «•— ■* < H Oi •H < e u b U 0) < > u. •H C* C r> iT) ^ CO Tj n l 1 C CO O f- •H 2: +-> u TJ s O »— 1 o c ► J CO 0) ^ s: a o e H n3 E- CO C ai DQ S *-> CO c U. CO n 2: O y. o <— < f-- < ft. < in CD m f- j ( UT/Od) - OUT' I '' ' S9 " 102 £ " "^^^1 ^ 1 Ij 5 o: | 1 McNory Dom r - 1 1 _ 0) o 1 >i k. CO «- o 1 O z o > 5 t/> 1 <_> 5 0) t- 1 1 it _ Snak Rive X) c 1 1 i - i C~ *- _i i • - Yakin Rive i ■ il i/ \^ y > / ■ ^^ ^^ . 3^\ u. in < \ O o c ai X v o 3 <1> »*- rr **- Ul ■ r 1 1 1 i i 1 1 en 09 H 00 :j u n in < O o on < CO a; H H X "4 c G (—1 U •^ 1 • -t u to l/-> V—* H CM 2 oo 1 c ►-H o n •H ux •M 00 m u jr o o . 3 a> O . < CD (X e u. m C 00 iT) 2 3- 4-> O m c i—i 0) H F= TJ o ID wj C/J I e H o t— < •M s M o o m to H .J < lO m OJ o n CJ u o f 1 < < > in n ao J oo •H 1 Loa o *"~ w t o « e 2 1 3 * 1 1 >. 1 ■ 1 E 2 O | O Q 2 1 1 1 _ / • 1 1 ( D 5 -c a> / 00 >- o > o 5 > 1 < 5 oo / 2 w 1 3 / o 0) < 3 ^- 5 0) a a: u. / 1 / . V k. 1 / / -X « ■ •D C 0) o> _J 1 1 i 'I Yakirrx River 1 1 1 I ■ \\ \ > \ 1 ■ ^^-^< w o o c \ l o 3 • »•- o: LlI i 1 1 II - 1 *- 1 1 c o o o o U-! X n 3 • — w S~ .- 1 — . i r. m 1 IZ z: o u • • s *-• 1 — 1 - a o -: - tfl ■ s: . * — H H E O - 23 to IT U. 3 . ci c 1 12 E - - >~t r - * a) - " J F . .- — ; +-> - - . — va O - .- o z. ( «! ^a) 39 "J -i 104 65 that found for Zinc except that the activity is much lower with the result that the major portion of the Cobalt activity is adsorbed on the sediments in a much shorter distance downstream from the reactor area. COMPARISON OF RESULTS WITH DATA OBTAINED BY OTHERS Water O'Connor et al, (1964) (16) reported that of 34 samples of Columbia River water analyzed by the United States Public Health Service in 1952, 30 contained between 10 and 50 ppb of zinc, and the remaining four contained between 50 and 130 ppb of zinc Silker (1964) (25) stated that samples of water taken upstream of the Hanford reactors during the period from January 5 to August 17, 1962, ranged from 2„4 to 37 „ 6 ppb of zinc and 001 to 087 ppb of cobalt o The total zinc concentrations found in the three water samples analyzed in this study ranged from „048 to „120 ug/g or from 48 to 120 ppb„ The total cobalt concentrations of these samples ranged from , 00005 to o 00011 yg/g or from 05 to »11 ppb„ The data is consistent with the con- centrations reported by previous investigators 65 Figo 1 3 depicts the results of monitoring the Zinc activity in Columbia River water at Pasco, from 1958 to 1963, by the Hanford staff, as 65 reported by Foster et al , (1964) (7) The Zinc activity at Pasco during August, 1963, ranged from o 08 to l c 3 pc/g Foster et_ al „ also stated that the average activity during 1963 was „47 pc/g at Hanford, 38 pc/g at Richland and „22 pc/g at Pasco „ Data on Cobalt activity in Columbia River water is not available 65 The Zinc ' activity of Columbia River water found in this study varied from O 0199 pc/g near Richland, to „0013 pc/g near McNary dam The sample collected near Pasco contained O 0029 pc of Zinc ' per gram of water 105 65 Only three water samples were analyzed in this stu^-j , and the Zinc activities of the samples were close to the detection limit of the gamma scintillation counter,, The results are considerably lower than data reported by Foster et al fin The Cobalt activity of Columbia River water was also close to the detection limit of the gamma scintillation counter, but appeared to be about oOOl pc/g of water o Plankton Davis (1963) (Appendix, 9) analyzed plankton samples collected from the Columbia River near Hanford in 1957, and found an average of 65 7300 pc of Zinc per gram wet weight of plankton „ (Hanford, as shown on Figo 6 1, is about ten miles downstream from the reactor area) Assuming 65 a dry to wet weight ratio of „2, the concentration of Zinc reported by Davis is equivalent to 1460 pc/g dry weight of plankton „ Green algae 65 samples at this location contained approximately 2 8 500 pc of Zinc ' and fin 30 pc of Cobalt per gram dry weight of plankton The green algae con- tained less than 50 ug of zinc and less than 5 yg of cobalt per gram ashed weight, as reported by Davis The reported concentrations of zinc and cobalt would have been considerably less, if reported on a dry weight basis instead of an ashed weight basis „ In the present study, plankton samples contained from 1060 to 65 1960 yg of zinc, 1 2 to 3 5 yg of cobalt, 4830 to 8060 pc of Zinc ' and to 63 pc of Cobalt , per gram dry weight of plankton With the exception of the Cobalt data, the concentrations and activities of the plankton samples were high enough to assure good analytical precision and accuracy „ fi ^ The data are consistent with that reported by Davis for Zinc ' activity fin and Cobalt activity The data reported by Davis for zinc and cobalt may 106 not be accurate and are not very consistent with the concentrations of zinc and cobalt found in this study Bottom Sediments Samples of bottom sediments were analyzed in March, 1962, by the Hanford staff , These samples were collected from the shorelines of the Columbia River between Hanford and Richland „ They were taken, as noted in Chapter I, primarily from the shorelines of islands within this reach of the Columbia River Zinc ' activities ranged from 170 to 880 pc/g and fin Cobalt activities ranged from 5 6 to 69 pc/g dry weight of sediment „ Zinc ' caused one=third of the total radioactivity of these samples „ The Hanford staff also took core samples from the bottom of McNary reservoir 65 in 1962, as noted in Chapter I These samples averaged 13 50 pc of Zinc and 47 pc of Cobalt per gram dry weight of sediment, at the sediment-water interface o The variation in flow of the Columbia River has been shown in Figo lo3 The flow had seldom been less than that which occurred in March, 1962 During low flow periods, the river surface level in the study reach upstream from McNary reservoir fluctuates several feet daily, due to con- trolled releases from the Priest Rapids dam, upstream from the Hanford reactors o Sediments collected along the shorelines in March, 1962, could have received daily exposure to reactor effluent contaminated water for many months prior to sampling, and continuous exposure for the major portion of many years prior to sampling,, Sediments collected in the present study might contain lower concentrations of radionuclides, due to the lower probability of exposure of the sediments to reactor effluent contaminated water, as discussed pre- viously Sediments collected from the shorelines of the river just after 107 the flood period of the year would likely contain lower activity than those collected along the shoreline prior to the flood period, as a result of scouring and desorption by dilution The core samples collected by the Hanford staff were taken from the bottom of McNary reservoir, and the samples from this reach collected for the present study were taken from the shoreline of the reservoir „ In a reservoir, sedimentation tends to concentrate on the bottom rather than on the shorelines o In McNary reservoir, the majority of the radioactivity associated with the sediments may result from deposition of radioactive sediments and not from adsorption of radioactive ions from the water, as may be the case in the reach of the Columbia River between the reactor area and Richland o Thus, sediments collected from the shorelines of McNary reservoir for the present study might be expected to contain much lower concentrations of Zinc ' and Cobalt than the concentrations found in the core samples taken from the reservoir in 1962„ Data on concentrations of zinc and cobalt in Columbia River sediments are not available The results of this study indicate a range of from 5 to 187 yg of zinc and from „00 to „87 yg of cobalt per gram dry weight of sediment, in the study reach of the Columbia River, as shown in Fig*s„ 8 C ^ and 8 5o There appears to be an average concentration of 71 yg of zinc and „28 yg of cobalt per gram dry weight of sediment, adsorbed or exchangeable on the sediments of the study reach , Fig' So 806 to 80 9 show the variation of Zinc ' and Cobalt activities on bottom sediment samples along the study reach of the Columbia 65 River Zinc ' activities increased from 69 pc/g upstream of the reactor area to 230 pc/g between Hanford and Richland, and then decreased to less than 5 pc/g within McNary reservoir „ A sample taken below McNary dam 108 contained 10 9 pc of Zinc ' per gram dry weight of sediment „ The highest value obtained in McNary reservoir was 13 o 8 pc/g, and the sediments averaged about 4 pc/g in the reservoir In the reach between the reactor area and Richlandj, Zinc ' averaged approximately 90 pc/g Cobalt activities varied from 34 pc/g upstream of the reactor area to 13 o pc/g between Hanford and Richland and then decreased to less than 2 pc/g near McNary dam<, The C A highest value for Cobalt obtained in McNary reservoir was 1„44 pc/g, and the sediments taken from the reservoir averaged less than 1„0 pc/g„ Cobalt averaged approximately 3 pc/g in the reach between the reactor area and Richland o 65 The Zinc activities obtained in this study for sediments in the reach between Hanford and Richland average 24 percent of the activities found by the Hanford staff in 1962 The concentrations of Zinc found in McNary reservoir average 3 percent of the concentrations found in the 1962 study of the reservoir sediments „ The results indicate that sediments along 65 the shoreline of the reservoir contain much smaller concentrations of Zinc than do the sediments in the bottom of the reservoir „ C A The Cobalt activities of sediments obtained in this study in the reach between Hanford and Richland average 16 percent of the activities found by the Hanford staff in 1962 <, The Cobalt activities obtained in this study in McNary reservoir average approximately two percent of the activities found in the 1962 study,, Both of these percentages are in the 65 same ranges as the percentages found for Zinc CONCENTRATION RATIOS The Columbia River water contained an average of O 072 yg of zinc 65 and „ 00010 pg of cobalt per gram of water The Zinc ' activity, as measured by the Hanford staff on the date of sampling , was „11 pc/g at Pasco „ The 109 Cobalt activity 8 as found in this study, averagea o 0008 pc/g of water, Plankton samples collected from the study reach contained an average of 1660 yg of zinc, 2 50 yg of cobalt, 5940 pc of Zinc and 30 pc of Cobalt per gram dry weight of plankton „ Bottom sediment samples collected from the study reach contained an average of 71 yg of zinc, 28 yg of cobalt, 52 pc of Zinc ' and 2 1 pc of Cobalt per gram dry weight of sediment o The ratios of the concentrations found in plankton and bottom sediments of zinc, cobalt, Zinc ' and Cobalt , to the concen- trations of these elements and radionuclides in the surrounding water, based on average values within the study reach of the Columbia River, are presented in Table 8 2 Table 8 2 CONCENTRATION RATIOS OF COLUMBIA RIVER PLANKTON AND BOTTOM SEDIMENT SAMPLES TO COLUMBIA RIVER WATER Analysis Sample Type Concentration Ratio Total Zinc Plankton 20,000 Bottom Sediments 1,000 Total Cobalt Plankton 20,000 Bottom Sediments 3,000 „. 65 * Zinc Plankton 50,000 Bottom Sediments 400 Cobalt 60 Plankton 4 9 000 Bottom Sediments 300 based on Hanford staff evaluation of Zinc activity in water SIGNIFICANCE OF ZINC 65 AND COBALT 60 CONCENTRATIONS Eisenbud (1963) (4) has stated that the United States Atomic Energy Commission's recommended maximum permissible concentrations in water for non-occupational exposure are 100 pc of Zinc '' and 50 pc of Cobalt per gram 110 of water o If all of the Zinc ' and Cobalt activity contained in the plankton and bottom sediments of the Columbia River were somehow suddenly released back into solution, the resulting concentration of these radio- nuclides in the water would remain below these limits, because of dilution by the large volume of water „ However, an industrial effluent containing a high acidity and a greater density than the receiving water, discharged into the Columbia River a few miles upstream from Richland or Pasco, could accumulate high concentrations of Zinc and Cobalt , by desorption of these radionuclides from bottom sediments „ It would be possible for this density current to enter Richland or Pasco's municipal water supply intake, It is therefore necessary for both of these cities to maintain continuous monitoring of the radioactivity in the water at their water treatment plants o An automatic alarm and by-pass system for water containing exces- sive radioactivity is also necessary If continuous water monitoring and automatic by-pass systems are maintained, the occurrence of Zinc " and en Cobalt in their present concentrations in the Columbia River water, plankton and bottom sediments is very unlikely to produce a significant radiation exposure hazard to the people using the Columbia River as a source of drinking water <, Ill IXo CONCLUSIONS lo Zinc and cobalt radionuclides resulting from nuclear weapons testing or nuclear reactor activities are commonly the major radionuclides associated with aquatic plant and animal life 2 In natural waters, a dynamic equilibrium exists between zinc ions in solution and zinc ions adsorbed on the surfaces of living aquatic plant life and inorganic bottom sediments „ The degree of adsorption is high and the rate, rapid, at pH v s above neutrality „ Desorpicion is complete at pH°s below four,, 3 The desorbable zinc and cobalt fractions of environmental samples, such as water 9 plankton and bottom sediments, can be isolated by anion exchange chromatography u After isolation of each fraction, the total zinc or cobalt concentration can be determined by colorimetric procedures, and the radioactive zinc or cobalt activity can be determined by gamma scintillation countingo 4 Table 9 1 indicates the minimum B maximum and average concen- trations of total and radioactive zinc and cobalt in samples collected from a one-hundred mile reach of the Columbia River between just upstream of the Hanford reactors and just downstream of McNary dam 5 The radioactivity of the zinc fractions of all samples was 65 . . caused by Zinc and the radioactivity of the cobalt fractions of all samples was caused by Cobalt 65 6 Zinc ' was a major radionuclide associated with plankton and bottom sediment samples and Cobalt was a minor radionuclide associated with these samples 7 No relation was found between the Zinc ' and Cobalt activities 112 of the bottom sediments of the Columbia River and the total zinc and cobalt concentrations of these sediments . 8 Total zinc concentrations of the sediments were highest above the reactor area, along the reactor shore, and decreased with distance downstream Total cobalt concentrations of the sediments generally de- creased with distance downstream throughout the study reach Table 9.1 CONCENTRATIONS OF TOTAL AND RADIOACTIVE ZINC AND COBALT IN COLUMBIA RIVER SAMPLES* AUGUST 14 AND 15, 1963 Analysis ZINC (yg/g) COBALT H'lTl !"■■ 1 "ill" (yg/g) 65 COBALT 60 Water Plankton SampleType Mm Max Ave Mm Max 048 .120 072 1060 1960 1660 00005 .00014 .00010 1.2 3.5 ZINC (pc/g) .0013 .0199 .0084 4830 8060 5940 (pc/in2)t (pc/g) .0000 .0014 .0008 (pc/in 2 )t « 63 3G Bottom Sediments*"*""' i.'.t: Ave Min 5 Max 187 2.5 .00 ,87 .00 230 .0 5510 .00 13.0 .0 313 Ave 71 28 52 1060 2,1 46 ""based on analyses of 3 water B 4 plankton and 24 bottom sediment samples **as dry weights tin 2 ground surface area 9. The major portion of the Zinc ' and Cobalt activities asso- ciated with bottom sediments collected along the shorelines of the Columbia River occurred in a 40 to 50 mile reach extending through the Hanford reactor area and downstream, and concentrated along the reactor shore. 10. Zinc and Cobalt , in their present concentrations and locations in bottom sediments of the Columbia River, do not represent a 113 significant public health hazard Continuous monitoring at the water treatment plants of public water supplies taken from the Columbia River is g however, considered to be necessary as a safeguard against the consump- tion of water containing excessive concentrations of radioactivity „ 114 REFERENCES Notes Abbreviations Used for Technical Reports HWs U So Atomic Energy Commission Technical Reports; Hanford Atomic Products Operation, General Electric Company, Richland, Washington ORNL ; Uo So Atomic Energy Commission Technical Reports; Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee RADIOECOLOGY: Proceedings of the First National Symposium on Radioecology held at Colorado State University, Port Collins, Colorado, Septo 10-15, 1961 s Uo Shultz and A W„ Klement eds Reinhold, New York and The American Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington, D C 746 pp (1961) TIP ; Uo So Atomic Energy Commission Technical Reports Ws Uo So Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service; The Robert A Taft Sanitary Engi- neering Center Technical Reports, Cincinnati, Ohio 1 American Public Health Association et al„, Standard Methods for the Examination ofWater and Wa s t e wa t er , 11th Edition, New York, 626 pp» (i960) ' 65 2o Bachmann, R W , "Zinc ' in Studies of the Freshwater Zinc Cycle," Radioecology , pp 485-499 (1961) 3» Donaldson, L R» , "Radiobiological Studies at the Eniwetok Test Site and Adjacent Areas of the Western Pacific," W-60=3, pp 1-7 (1960) 4o Eisenbud, M , Eny iron mental Radioact ivi ty , McGraw-Hill, 430 pp (1963) 5 Ewing, Bo B , "Report on Proposed Research on Fate of Radionuclides in the Columbia River 9 Hanford Atomic Products Operation," unpublished draft, August 19, 1963 6 Foster, R„ F„ , "Relationships between the Concentration of Radionuclides in the Columbia River Water and Fish," TID-7664, pp 269-288 (1963) 7o Foster, R F , et al , "Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1963," R H Wilson ed , HW-80991, 198 pp (1964) 8o Foster, R F„, et aloj "Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1962," R„ H Wilson ed 0$ HW-76526, 183 pp (1963) 9 Friedlander, G , and Kennedy, J W , Nuclear and Radiochemistry , John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York (1955) 115 10o Held, Ec E,, "Qualitative Distribution of Radionuclides at Rongelap Atoll," Radioecology, pp 167-171 (1961) 11, Kraus, K„ A , and Nelson, F , "Anion Exchange Studies of the Fission Products," Proceedings of the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Vol 7, p 113 „ Session 9B1, P/837, United Nations (1956) 12 Lomenick, T F , et al , "Study of White Oak Creek Drainage Basin," ORNL-3492, pp„ 51«62"Tl963) 13 o Lowman, F G„, "Radionuclides in Plankton and Tuna from the Central Pacific," Radioecol ogy^, pp 145-150 (1961) 14 C McConnon, D , "Dose Rate Measurements of Beaches and Islands on the Columbia River between Ringold and Richland," HW-72229 Rev , 21 pp„ (1962) 15 Nielsen, J M , "Behavior of Radionuclides in the Columbia River," TID-7664, pp 91-105 (1963) 16 o O'Connor, J T , and Renn, C E , "Soluble-Adsorbed Zinc Equilibrium in Natural Waters," Journal Ameri can^Water Works Association , 56, pp 1055- 1061 (1964) 17 o O'Connor, J T , and Renn, C E„, "Evaluation of Procedures for the Determination of Zinc," Journal American Wat er Works Association , 55, pp 631-638 (1963) 18« Osterberg, C , Pattulo, J , and Pearcy, W , "Zinc-65 in Euphausiids as Related to Columbia River Water off the Oregon Coast," Limnolo gy and Oceanography, _9, PP° 249-257 (1964) 19o Palmer, R F 0£) "Accumulation of Radioisotopes by Rats Chronically Exposed to Reactor Effluent Water," HW-53362, 16 pp„ (1958) 20 o Pritchard, D W , and Joseph, A B,, "Disposal of Radioactive Wastes; Its History 5, Status and Possible Impact on the Environment," Radioecology^ pp„ 27=34 (1961) 21 Rad iologi cal Heal th Handbook , 9 S Kinsman ed , U S Dept of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Bureau of State Services, Division of Sanitary Engineering Services, Robert A Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, 355 pp (1957) 22 o Robeck, G C„, Henderson, C , and Palange, R C , "Water Quality Studies on the Columbia River 8 " U S Department of Health, Education and Wel- fare, Public Health Service, Bureau of State Services, Division of Sanitary Engineering Services, Robert A Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, 99 pp plus 4 Appendices (1954) 23o Rowe, Do R , and Gloyna, E F„ , "Radioactivity Transport in Water - The Transport of Zinc^S i n an Aqueous Environment," The University of Texas, Department of Civil Engineering, Environmental Health Engineering Laboratory Technical Report - 5 116 24 6 Sandell, E„ B„, Colorimetric Determinations of Traces of Metals, 3rd edition, New York and Interscience Publishers, 1032 pp„ (1959) 25„ Silker, W B„, "Variations in Elemental Concentrations in the Columbia River," Limnology and Oceanography , 9_, pp» 540-545 (1964) 26 Skauen, D, M , "Radioactive Zinc-65 in Marine Organisms in Fisher's Island Sound and its Estuaries <, Final Report, December 1, 1959 through November 30, 1963," TID-19922, 50 pp, (1964) 27 <, Straub, C P<>, "Pollution Problems Caused by Power Reactors and Other Uses of Atomic Energy," W-60-3, pp. 33-39 (1960) 28 6 Thomas, C E , Reid, D. L«, and Lust, L, F , "Radiochemical Analysis of Marine Biological Samples Following the 'Redwing' Shot Series - 1956," HW-58674, 81 pp„ (1958) 29, Watson, D„ G„, Davis, J t J«, and Hanson, W, C , "Zinc-65 in Marine Organisms along the Oregon and Washington Coasts," Science , 133 , pp, 1826-1828 (1961) 117 APPENDIX SUMMARY OF DATA ON THE OCCURRENCE OF STABLE AND RADIOACTIVE ZINC AND COBALT IN THE AQUATIC AND TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENTS 118 o CC u. *3 i ■': VV V V V v\ VVVVVV VV -"28 X ■ - 8 ■-8-a- < UJ -J a. SI < to -o 5 £" X **- o :i vv vv* -*S 4" < ►- Z o < a: ui — cc > < c o > a> ■5 i UJ 0£ — UJ Z > (/> c QC O -J < CO CO o x: <-> 3 _j o o z o < O < o a z < CO < I < jO o o 01 — z 1- en — o isl — cc an O 5 (0 en ■— O 0} Q. > UJ Q> ; u (0 .. to (U — U Z C 3 0) u •• 1) UJ >+- H- a) o a: z * s :i S3 ; tl 3 S3 *& i S3 i i »S8 SS *£2 S: s*R 5a sac i» 8SS Stf ??I si ill II SS3S2 33 35ESS3 SS 232 *|fg|| as as ~s; « *«? st as s*a a» isSS 2 2 s.|3 ss "S3 — 8 "S£ 8 88 """" 2 sssss a agg s a? *ss a :*I«2 "3A3? SI I I §£!?? I ! - l-| * ! i'ErSfS if i^t if i^rsii it itl 1 Hit??! !\titl it ITiiiii i ftt \?i I I _ t I t i i i I ! 1 I 3 i * I 1 2 1 I i f ! f 119 * i en < fsS-SV A3i a: < CD ST _l O <_) -a CD C * * - i i i % i- 1 ! i 3 t ii. 5 "5-2- I < 03 \D 'ON CD < <7\ •£) O (Ti o o o o 120 ^ o tr»oo '2 v v « J CO 00 < CO \D cc < QQ Z3 . (SI J ^ - O .5 2 o -J ■ I -5 1 3 C «. < * < S ■; 8 IS £ C 8 £ 8 S — — -O _i — J — TJ — _l — — J — >>— > > — c — a > to 1- l. O i L l. t-OO'Ql-L. 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CO < h- LU CO CC LU < 3 I X o CO K * I s U till-Ili ii] I J i= S||S|i«i| ii s ; s lit is i CC LU > < CO 2: o .— ^ o d) LU 3 X C h- it i\ J 1 SiSSSS ?*¥ St S>9 a |i{*;'~ 1 n 5 s J: fV.i.fJ O < CL to < I- UJ to cc lu < 3 i ,' I „«. »ts ».»=• ^a s.J.siic; O to 0C LU > < CD O -a a> LU 3 x c.l- Si i§ -M 2 H#* £ti ££S*3 S3 I ti t * * S3: £ £ ] I 1 !1* J* J 1 - > il- ? s ; ^ :3 : s i3 j i IjS 6 5 3 6 £ ^ ,14? *»*•*•!* _i* s -• s s -3 a 3 ?>* , ? 2s:... « 5 1 ? S i 4 * 4 ! ? II i ; i s.r - • : - 3 I? t I £ **£ 5 ■;*! |3 s i i3 2 6 llilltiili Mn u i ;8 I < 135 REFERENCES FOR APPENDIX Note: Abbreviations Used for Technical Reports A/Conf » 15 ; Proceedings of the Second International Conference, United Nations Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1958 DPSPU ; U, So Atomic Energy Commission Technical Reports HW and HW-SA ; U„ S Atomic Energy Commission Technical Reports; Hanford Atomic Products Operation, General Electric Company, Richland, Washington LAMS ; Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California Technical Reports NPs U„ S. Atomic Energy Commission Technical Reports ORNL ; U» So Atomic Energy Commission Technical Reports; Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee RADIOECOLOGY: Proceedings of the First National Symposium on Radioecology held at Colorado State University, Port Collins, Colorado, September 10-15, 1961, U Shultz and A, Wo Klement eds a , Reinhold, New York and The American Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington, D, C, 746 pp (1961) TIP ; U So Atomic Energy Commission Technical Reports USNRDL ; Uo So Atomic Energy Commission Technical Reports UWFL ; Uo So Atomic Energy Commission Technical Reports; Applied Fisheries Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington W; Uo So Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service; The Robert A 8 Taft Sanitary Engi- neering Center Technical Reports, Cincinnati, Ohio 65 1» Bachmann, R, W, , "Zinc in Studies of the Freshwater Zinc Cycle," Radioecology , pp e 485-499 (1961) 2» Barranik, P„ I„, e t al . , "Zinc, Manganese, Cobalt and Iodine in the Drinking Water from the Artesian Wells of Kiev," Gigiena i Sanit , 26, ppo 95-96 (1961) 3o Bondarenko, G 6 P., "Seasonal Dynamics of Mobile Forms of Trace Elements and Iron in Bottomland Soil of the Ramenskoe Widening of the Moscow River," Nauchn._ Dpkl._ Vysshei Shkoly , Biolo Nauki , 1962, 4, pp 6 202-207 (1962) 136 4 Brown, W H„ . and Fulton, R B., "Metal Content of Mine Waters," Symposium of Geochemical Prospecting, I., Congr Geol„ Intern,, 20th, Mexico City, 1956, pp 189-197 (1958) 5o Carritt, D E , et^ al „ , "Studies of DuPont Spruance Plant Wastes and the James River, 1951-52," 44 pp plus tables (1952, unpublished) 6„ Chipman, W A , Rice, T R. , and Price, J J,, "Uptake and Accumulation of Radioactive Zinc by Marine Plankton, Fish and Shellfish," U„ So Fish and Wildlife Service, Fishery Bulletin, 58, pp„ 279-292 (1958) 7„ Cohn, So Ho, Love, R A , and Gusmano, E A , "Zinc ' in Reactor Workers," Science, 133, pp 1362-1363 (1961) ■i r ii ii t ■*——■' —i- y - - -' * * 8 Cowser, K 6 E., Snyder, W S , and Cook, M Jo, "Preliminary Safety Analysis of Radionuclide Release to the Clinch River," TID- 7664, pp 17-38 (1963) 9 Davis, Jo Jo, "Accumulation of Radionuclides by Aquatic Insects," HW-SA- 3050, 13 pp (1963) 10 o Davis, Jo Jo, Hanson, W G , and Watson, D, G , "Some Effects of Environ- mental Factors upon Accumulation of World Wide Fallout in Natural Populations," Radioecology , pp 35-38 (1961) 11a Davis, Jo Jo, et al , "Radioactive Materials in Aquatic and Terrestrial Organisms Exposed to Reactor Effluent Water," United Nations Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy-Proceedings of the Second International Conference, Geneva, September, 1958, pp 423-428 (1958) 12« Eisenbud, M , Enviro nmental Radioac t ivity , McGraw-Hill, 430 pp (1963) 13o Fabricand, B c P., et al , "Trace Metal Concentrations in the Ocean by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy," Geochern „ Co smochin , Acta , 26, pp» 1023- 1027 (1962) 65 14 o Fitzgerald, B W , Rankin, J S , and Skauen, D M , "Zinc Levels in Oysters in the Thames River (Connecticut)," Science , 135, p 926 (1962-- notes not 1961 as listed in tables) 15o Folsom, To Ro , and Mohanrao, G Jo, "Behavior and Significance of Certain Radioactive Isotopes Found in Sewage-Treatment Plants of Various Cities, II o Short-Term Variation and Behavior of Certain Gamma Activities in the Hyperion Treatment Plant," TID-16466, Pto B , 54 pp (1962) 16 Folsom, To Ro , et al , "A Study of Certain Radioactive Isotopes in Selected Waste Treatment Plants," Journal Water Pollution Control Feder- ation, _35, pp 304-333 (1963) 17 Foster, R F , "Concentration of Radionuclides in Columbia River Water at Hanford and Pasco, 1963," Private Correspondence, 2 pp (1964) 18o Foster, R F , et al , "Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford; Apr -June, 1963," R H Wilson, ed , HW-78395, 28 pp (1963) 137 19 «, Foster, R F , et al , "Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1962," R H Wilson, ed , HW-76526, 183 pp. (1963) 20o Foster, R F , et al„, "Evaluation of Radiological Conditions in the Vicinity of Hanford for 1961," I. 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R« , "Panel Summary — Effects of the Discharge of Radioactive Materials on Aquatic Life," W-60-3, pp 40-41 (1960) 7 Foster, R F , "Relationships between the Concentration of Radionuclides in the Columbia River Water and Fish," TID-7664, pp 269-288 (1963) 8 Friend, A G , "The Aqueous Behavior of Strontium-85, Cesium-137, Zinc-65 and Cobalt-60 as Determined by Laboratory Type Studies," TID- 7664, pp 43-56 (1963) 9 Frolova, L K , "Behavior of Radioactive Cobalt in Fish," Zhur Obshchei Biola, 21, pp 301-305 (1960) 10o Gutknecht, J , "Mechanism of Radioactive Zinc Uptake by Ulya l actuca ," Limnology and Oceano graphy , 6_, pp 426-431 (1961) 11a Hanson, W C , and Case, A C , "A Method of Measuring Waterfowl Disper- sion Utilizing Phosphorous-32 and Zinc-65," Radioecology , pp 451-454, (1961) 12» Held, Eo Eo, "Qualitative Distribution of Radionuclides at Rongelap Atoll," Radioecology, pp 167-171 (1961) 13 o Lackey, J B , and Bennett, C F , "Micro-Organisms in Environments Contaminated with Radioactivity," Radioecology , pp 175-177 (1961) 14 Ladd, E C , "Zinc Solubility in Shenandoah River," American Viscose Corporation Memorandum, February 29, 1960 to J E Corr at Front Royal, Va , 4 pp (1960) (unpublished) 15a Mauchline, J , Taylor, A M , and Ritsen, E B , "The Radioecology of a Beach," Limnolog y and Oceanography, 9_, pp 187-194 (1964) 143 16 o McKenney, J R , McClellan, R , and Bustard, L K„, "Early Uptake and Dosimetry of Zn-65 in Sheep," Health P hysics , _8, pp„ 411-421 (1962), HW-SA-2338, 10 pp„ (1962) 17 McKenney, J. Ro , et^ al c , "Metabolism of Zn-65 in Pregnant Ewes," HW-69500, 195 pp (1961) 18 Nakatani, R E , and Miller, W„ P., "Distribution of Zn-65 after Inges- tion by Trout," HW-76000, pp<> 111-114 (1963) 19, Parker, F., "Clinch River Studies," TID°7664, pp 161-180 (1963) 20o Pritchard, D W , "Problems Related to Disposal of Radioactive Wastes in Estuarine and Coastal Waters," W-60-3, pp„ 22-32 (1960) 21 o Richmond, C R , Furchner, J E , and Trafton, G„ A„, "Metabolism of Zinc-65 in Mammals," LAMS- 2445, pp 80-89 (1959) 22 Rubini, M„ E , et al , "Metabolism of Zinc-65," American Journal of Physiology , 200, pp 1345-1348 (1961) 23o Siegel, E , Craig, F A , Crystal, M M , and Siegel, E P., "Distribution of Zn-65 in the Prostrate and Other Organs of Man," British Journal of Cancer, 15, pp„ 647-664 (1961)