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SEP 3 1977 APPLICATION OF BURST PROCESSING TO THE SPECTRAL DECOMPOSITION OF SPEECH BY CHRIST JOHN XYDES B.S., University of Illinois 1975 THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1977 Urbana, Illinois Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/applicationofbur870xyde "Ill ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to thank his advisor, Professor W. J. Poppelbaum, for year of friendship and professional guidance. It has been a great pleasure to have been associated with him and his group. He would also like to thank Professor Jane Liu for her friendship and advice. Special thanks are due to the members of the Information Engineering Laboratory for their companionship over the last three years; to Mr. Frank Serio and Mr. Sam McDowell for help in the project's construction; to Mr. Stan Zundo for the drafting; and to Ms. Cinda Robbins for the typing. Finally, the author would like to express his deepest gratitude to his parents and sister for their continuous support and understanding. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 . INTRODUCTION 1 2. PROPERTIES OF SPEECH 2 2.1 PHYSIOLOGY OF SPEECH PRODUCTION 2 2.2 UNVOICED SPEECH 4 2.3 VOICED SPEECH 4 3. ORTHOGONAL REPRESENTATIONS 8 3.1 ORTHOGONAL EXPANSIONS 8 3.2 FOURIER SERIES EXPANSION 10 3 . 3 COMPRESSION PROPERTY 11 4. DIGITAL COMPUTATION 13 4.1 TIME TRUNCATION 13 4.2 SAMPLING 14 4.3 QUANTIZATION 14 5. BURST PROCESSING 17 5.1 BURST CONCEPTS 17 5.2 BURST ENCODING AND DECODING 17 5.3 BURST MULTIPLICATION 19 6. BURST FOURIER TRANSFORMER 21 6 . 1 INTRODUCTION 21 6.2 FUNDAMENTAL PERIOD DETECTION 21 6.3 HARMONIC SELF SAMPLING 23 6.4 SERIAL VS. PARALLEL 28 6.5 ASYNCHRONOUS PULSE MULTIPLIER 30 6.6 COEFFICIENT COMPUTATION 34 6.7 INCREASED COMPUTATION ACCURACY 36 7. CONCLUSION 44 REFERENCES 45 APPENDIX CIRCUIT DRAWINGS 47 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 . Speech Apparatus 3 2. Voiced Speech Production 6 3. Converging Approximations 9 4. Spectral Distortion 15 5. Block Sum Register 18 6. Burst Encoder 20 7. Processor Block Diagram 22 8. Fundamental Period Detection 24 9. Harmonic Self Sampling 25 1 . Transform Unit 27 11. Serial Implementation 29 12. Burst Interpolation 31 13. Asynchronous Pulse Multiplier 32 14. Coefficient Computation 35 15. Squaring Connections 37 16. Square Root Connections 38 17. Burst Addition 39 18. Coefficient Logic 40 19. Increased Accuracy 42 20. MSE vs Length 43 1 1. INTRODUCTION This investigation deals with the spectral decomposition of speech waveforms. The motivation for such an operation is the applicability to areas such as speech compression. A large body of references on applications of various transforms to speech processing can be found. [9, 10, 11, 15] The major shortcoming of transform processing has been the complexity of implementation. A unique solution to the problem is proposed which utilizes advantages present in Burst Processing. f3] The feasibility of using such an unconventional representation is demonstrated and shown to be preferable to conventional binary implementations. The inherent properties of speech have been exploited throughout in an attempt to minimize the hardware. 2 2. PROPERTIES OF SPEECH 2.1 PHYSIOLOGY OF SPEECH PRODUCTION Speech is the result of voluntary, formalized motions of the respiratory and masticatory apparatus. It is a skill which must be learned and developed. Control is aided by the acoustic feedback of the hearing mechanism. Figure 1 illustrates the parts of the human anatomy relevant to speech production. The vocal tract is an acoustical tube which acts as a filter on the excitation functions of speech. It is terminated by the lips on one end and by the vocal cords at the top of the trachea on the other end. The cross sectional area is nonuniform and may be varied by movement of the lips, jaw, tongue, and velum. An ancillary path for speech production is orovided by the nasal tract. It extends from the velum to the nostrils. Acoustic coupling between the nasal and vocal tracts is controlled by the size of the opening at the velum. As is well known, nasal coupling can substantially influence the characteristics of the sound produced. The source of energy for speech lies in the air flow out of the lungs. As air is forced out, it passes through the trachea into the throat cavity. At the top of the trachea one finds the vocal cords and glottis. It is the degree of activity of the vocal cords which determines whether "voiced" or "unvoiced" speech is produced. VELUM ESOPHAGUS NASAL CAVITY ORAL CAVITY TONGUE VOCAL CORDS TRACHEA Figure 1. Speech Apparatus 2.2 UNVOICED SPEECH Unvoiced sounds are produced by a turbulent flow of air at some point of stricture in the vocal tract. An acoustic noise is generated which provides an incoherent excitation for the vocal system. The spectrum of the noise near its point of generation is relatively broad and uniform. The vocal cavities forward of the construction are usually the most influential in spectrally shaping the sound. The fact that the vocal cords do not participate in the creation of unvoiced speech is the key observation. 2.3 VOICED SPEECH Voiced sounds are produced by the vibratory action of the vocal cords. The relatively massive tensed vocal cords are initially contiguous. The subglottal pressure is then increased enough to force them apart, producing a lateral acceleration. As the air flow increases, the local pressure is reduced, and the cords are returned toward their original position. As this occurs, the pressure builds up and the cycle is repeated. The period of oscillation of the vocal cords is determined by their mass and compliance. This period is usually shorter than the natural period of the cords; thus, it is a forced oscillation. The orifice produced by the vibration cords breaks up the steady air flow into short, quasi-periodic pulses of air. These pulses are used to excite the acoustic system above the vocal cords. The volume flow of air through the glottis as a function of time is roughly triangular in shape and exhibits duty factors on the order of 0.3 to 0.7. Thus, the qlottal air flow is rich in harmonics and overtones. A simplified block diagram for the production of voiced sounds is shown in Figure 2. The output signals S (t) appearing at the lips is the convolution of the excitation function e(t), corresponding to the air flow at the vocal cords, with the impulse response of the filter representing the vocal tract. S v (t) = /^ e(t) v (t-k) dk (2.1) In the frequency domain, this corresponds to the product S v (f) = E(f) • V(f) (2.2) The amplitude spectrum of the speech signal is obtained by taking the magnitudes of the functions. |S y (f)| = |E(f)| . |V(f)| (2.3) This process may also be considered from a Fourier decomposition point of view. Writing the source signal as H C = l A, cos(hFt + e. ) (2.4) v h=l we consider H audible harmonics, each with its own amplitude A, frequency hF (F = 1/T - fundamental frequency), and phase 0^. Information is transmitted through the following modulation processes of the vocal tract: 1) Starting and stopping of the source - represented by the function s(t) . 2) Variation of the instantaneous fundamental frequency represented by replacing Ft with F/ Q i (t) dt, where i(t) is the inflection factor. 3) Filtering effects of the vocal tract represented by v(t). A 1- u ac < UJ ^^ ac H «^ _l *^ _i — > < li. o o > 0> (0 z z Q o o O mmm ■« K »- O < »- o _l z < O 3 o X u. o UJ > o •r™ +■> O o s- Q. o QJ CD Q- 00 -o cu o CM O) s- 3 CD Cft CD z 3 7 In normal voiced speech, all three factors are present simultaneously, giving a wave form represented by H t S y (t) = s(t) I v(t) A h cos(hF/Q i(t) dt + © h ) (2.5) h=l As. stated previously, the amplitude spectrum of the speech signal, represented by |S (f)|, is obtained by taking the magnitude of the transform of S (t) . 8 3. ORTHOGONAL REPRESENTATIONS 3.1 ORTHOGONAL EXPANSIONS A set p of arbitrary functions is said to be orthogonal over the interval t, max 17 5. BURST PROCESSING 5.1 BURST CONCEPTS It has previously been the accepted practice to represent quantized signals as binary data words. Such a PCM scheme requires log b bits for be levels of quantization. In 1974, an alternative was proposed by W. J. Poppelbaum. [3] Instead of representing b levels in a binary fashion, it was proposed to utilize a unary scheme and represent the b levels with b equally weighted bits (Burst digits). Such a reduction in precision may be counteracted by appropriate averaging. [16] During the past two years, members of the Information Engineering Laboratory of the University of Illinois have been investigating the properties and applicability of such a representation. Designed as a compromise between stochastic processing and weighted binary, Burst exhibits simplicity and acceptable accuracy for applications where time averaging is allowed. The hardware complexity of Burst is an order of magnitude greater than that of stochastics. Howver, it is an order of magnitude less than that of weighted binary. Applicable areas include AM demodulation, FM demodulation, and video transmission. [4,5,6,7,8] 5.2 BURST ENCODING AND DECODING The digital encoding of an analog signal into the Burst domain is quite simple. Many variations of encoders have been demonstrated. [8] The fundamental building block common to all schemes is the Block Sum Register (BSR), shown in Figure 5. Consisting of a b-bit shift register connected to b current sources, this particular implementation uses negative logic. Each current source is activated by a in the corresponding bit position. The total current is summed on a common bus producing a quantized-analog output. 18 ♦ i D O > • — -wv- CO CD s- 00 •r— o> 0) Q£ E (C 3 < 00 Ul .V _l o o o r— CO * LD o o O) -I 4- o 3 CD 19 A Burst encoder may be implemented as shown in Figure 6. The analog signal is compared to a staircase waveform generated by a BSR. If the analog input is greater than the present value of the staircase, a 1 is produced at the output; otherwise a is produced. Thus, after b clock periods, a new Burst sample is produced. It is compacted in the sense that all ones are adjacent to each other at one end of the sample. If the BSR uses negative logic, the two inputs of the comparator are switched. It is obvious that the number of ones produced is directly proportional to the magnitude of the input signal. The step size q of the staircase is dependent on the maximum amplitude of the analog signal. It is chosen so that the peak-to-peak variation of the input rarely exceeds bq. The effects of not using a sample-and-hold at the signal input have previously been discussed. [5,8] For improved performance, one may elect to use a sample- and-hold at the analog input. 5.3 BURST MULTIPLICATION Burst multiplication may be implemented in the digital or quasi- analog domain. The latter implementation was chosen for reasons which will become obvious later. Referring to Figure 5, the voltage V serves as a weighting factor for the stored Burst. Increasing V will increase the quantized analog value present on the current summing bus. Thus, multiplication can be performed without any increase in digital hardware. This key result is critical to the hardware realization to be presented. It is well known that the complexity of conventional FFT processors using binary representation is largely due to the required multiplications and additions. [12] It will be shown that Burst allows such operations to be performed in a highly parallel manner. o LLl I- o < Q. O o en cn cc 3 CD 20 s- T3 O a to S- CO 6. BURST FOURIER TRANSFORMER 21 6.1 INTRODUCTION Given the previous background information, a detailed description of the prototype machine is possible. Figure 7 shows a general block diagram of the processor. The speech signal enters an analog front end which performs two functions. The signal is initially passed through an amplifier with a gain of 2.5 to obtain a signal capable of being processed. Since the signal is locally accessible, it was decided to use automatic gain control instead of adaptive encoding. The amplified signal enters an AGC circuit and also the pitch detection circuit described in section 6.2. The Asynchronous Pulse Multiplier (APM) generates the appropriate sampling clock given the beginning of each fundamental period. This clock is used to drive the transform unit which performs the multiplica- tions indicated in Eq. (4.1). The resulting coefficients are then used to compute the magnitude of the spectral component. 6.2 FUNDAMENTAL PERIOD DETECTION The problem of detecting the fundamental pitch period of speech is highly complex. In fact, a complete solution is yet to be found. The main difficulty is that voice pitch is not a clearly defined attribute. Precisely what epochs of the speech waveform should be chosen for period measurement is not clear. Most pitch extraction methods attempt to identify the epoch of each glottal puff. Describing the periodicity of the signal, inverse filtering techniques, or measuring the fundamental component are common approaches. The most promising of these is the so-called cepstrum technique. [10] However, the complexity of such an approach is overwhelming for many applications. 22 >- < _J a. V) a i i + _l CJ -c O ^ OC z Q i I i i o _) a _ JZ a UJ z < Ql "6- 2 tr NSFO UNIT , 1 < CO o F. ( , — ■ . Z w OC m . CL • CO 2»-^ < C9 £=[ i 1 NALOi RONT END ^ < *- i I +4 *— *• in QJ Q T3 O •r— s- (T3 +-> C o> E fO -a c ZJ W * * V 00 O) S- 25 Q. E (T3 + CD c o (V cr> en 26 _ . 1 *1 d : ] Q ,nT kAt^ . 2^kAt . 1 J d I 1 c ,nT . kAtx „ rte 2TrkAt h ' ^ n=0 k=0 ^ "h" ~^ (6.1) where At = T/d. The motivation behind such an approach is that the weighting voltages on a row of BSR's can be adjusted to simulate a given waveform. The transform unit, shown in Figure 10, consists of two rows of 32 BSR's, one row weighted with a sine wave, the other weighted with a cosine wave. By adjusting the input sampling rate appropriately, these voltages remain stationary. Each Burst encoded subsection of speech is passed through these two rows. After the complete subsection is present, the current output is observed. Using this implementation, the hardware complexity of standard Fourier transformers is circumvented. Two rows of BSR's with appropriate voltage sources replace the required complex arithmetic units. Storage elements are required independent of the type of processing techniques implemented. Using weighted binary, each of the registers requires log b bits. However, additional storage is required for the complex constants involved. The indexing and control hardware required for the complex arithmetic unit must also be considered. [12] In comparison, the increase in hardware needed to perform the required convolutions in the Burst implementation is almost negligible. Due to these parallel multiplications and additions, the number of computations is also reduced to a minimum. With regard to Eq. (6.1), the inner summation is performed in one step. Thus, there are order of h computations for the h harmonic and total of (H+l)(H+2)/2 computations for a complete spectrum of H+l harmonic lines. 27 ■ j= o - -C -Q •-AAA^-O •-AAAM^ M/W-4 E S- o 10 c ro S- -e- cr H UJ GO Q or o 3 o OD Z UJ w 28 The time delay involved in the calculation approaches zero. As data serially enters the processor, the required partial convolutions are performed on-line and the results are accumulated. After the final convolution, |S (h)| is computed. The time required for this computation is the total delay encountered. 6.4 SERIAL VS. PARALLEL Due to the highly redundant nature of speech, if one is only interested in a small number of coefficients, a single coefficient may be computed each fundamental period. For H coefficients, this would require H periods, as shown in Figure 11. Assuming the use of a d-point transform unit, with each point consisting of b bit Bursts, we obtain the following results. For a given harmonic h (h=0 to 7), the fundamental period T is divided into bd(h+l) samples. Thus, the input sampling rate is (bd(h+l))/T samples per second. The output, consisting of a number of spectral lines (8 in this implementation), is pitch synchronous. Using a range of 50 Hz to 250 Hz for the fundamental period, one obtains a rate of 6.25 spectra per second to 31.25 spectra per second. This corresponds to 800 to 4000 Burst digits per second, or an equivalent 200 to 1000 binary digits per second. If one rejects the serial approach, a parallel analysis may be implemented. The idea of partial convolutions can still be used at the expense of added hardware. If one is interested in the first H+l harmonics, H+l data streams must be maintained in parallel. This implies H+l transform units, coefficient computation hardware, and APM's. A more subtle approach is also possible. Fix the input sampling rate at (bd(h+l))/T. Thus, a H and b H are obtained directly from the sampled input stream. To obtain the a.'s and b.'s for h-0 to H-l, one may 29 o 4-> c E si <1J CD 30 interpolate the waveform from the known samples. This is shown in Figure 12. Defining t, as the time between sample points for harmonic h, one observes the following relations: t fi = (8/7) t ? t 3 = (8/4) t 7 t 5 = (8/5) t ? t 2 = (8/3) t 7 t 4 = (8/5) t ? t ] ■ (8/2) t ? t Q = (8/1) t ? Linear interpolation is well suited to Burst processing. [6] If one slides a window between two Bursts, one observes an interpolation between the two known values. This results from the unary properties of Burst. Figure 12 demonstrates this interpolation. To perform the various convolutions in parallel, one need only use these interpolations as the necessary sample points which are passed through the H+l transform units. In this prototype, the serial approach was chosen for hardware implementation. It was felt that speech does exhibit enough redundancy to allow a serial computation. Hardware costs were also a factor in the design. 6.5 ASYNCHRONOUS PULSE MULTIPLIER Harmonic self sampling requires a pitch synchronous, variable rate clock. The speech input must be sampled at a rate dependent on two parameters: T, the fundamental period of the speech; and h, the harmonic being computed. If the transform unit consists of 32 points, each 16 bits in length; 512 pulses must be inserted in the fundamental period. This is accomplished using the design shown in Figure 13. Given pulses indicating the beginning of each fundamental period, the APM measures the present fundamental period and uses this value as 31 h 7 L i i i i i • .-'— i 1, i i i t i i 1 i 1 i i i i i • i 1 i i i 1 1 i(l 9 8 7 6 5 7 IIIIIIIIIOIIMIIIIOOIIMIIIOOOIIIIIIOOOOIIIIIOOOOO 8 . , 7 , , 6 , , 6 » 5 '9 | 4 9 , 3 9 . 2 9 . 1 9 9 . 1 i i 7 i i L Figure 12. Burst Interpolation 32 o. 0) Q. •r- +-> 13 O) 00 3 t/> O E O S- .c o E to <1J s- cn 33 an estimate of the next period. Although not essential to the basic concept, this technique eliminates the necessity of delaying the input waveform by one period. A standard method of frequency multiplication is to use a phase- locked loop on the harmonics of a clock. Due to the inertia present in such a method, it was rejected for a more direct approach. Using a high speed time reference, , it is divided by 512 and by h, the harmonic to be computed next. This is used to drive the a-counter which measures the time T. During the next fundamental period, the a-counter is compared to a counter driven directly from . Each time this clock counter equals the statisized a-counter, a pulse is generated and the clock counter is cleared. A pair of counters (a,b) are utilized so that one value is staticized while the next period is being computed. The clock being implemented in 10000 series ECL circuitry, is 72 MHZ. Assuming a maximum fundamental period of 250 Hz, the fundamental period will be estimated to within 0.17% for h equal to 0, and to within 1.4% for h equal to 7. A simulation study was undertaken to determine the accuracy of the period estimation for various fundamental periods. Choosing the period values at random, an estimate was computed for the eight harmonics. The relative error averaged over the eight results for each fundamental period tested is shown in Table 1. The error is obviously not a strictly increasing function of frequency. Since we are essentially performing an integer division of the period, there are values relative to which have varying truncation errors. This will account for the local discontinuities It is noteworthy that for a fundamental as high at 1152 Hz, an average error of only 1.44% is observed. 34 Fundamental Peri od (Hz) Average Error (%) 39.6 .06 79.9 .06 115.2 .13 144.0 .11 195.8 .24 246.2 .23 281.2 .30 303.8 .21 360.0 .37 426.2 .23 524.8 .59 600.5 .46 655.2 .75 720.0 .63 818.6 1.01 1023.1 1.4 1152.0 Table 1. 1.44 6.6 COEFFICIENT COMPUTATION Given the results of the partial convolutions, the operations indicated in Eq. (3.7) must be performed. A block diagram describing the required operations is shown in Figure 14. The partial convolutions for a given fundamental period are summed together in a counter. The result is normalized with respect to h+1 , the number of convolutions performed. The result must then be squared, summed with the corresponding sin/cos coefficient, and then the magnitude of the spectral line is produced by taking the square root. 35 < or LlI Z O u M _l O z co o -M n3 +J 3 Q. E O <_> a •r— 4- <4- 3 CM *)• f— I f— 1 (0 X O i-i rvj ro *r m 10 f- CD O - CM (O *- m (0 to c o •r- ■M O ai C C o c •r— s- cr lo 38 o o ^ N O r«- CD 0") o -> ^ (\J fO ro O — i-i >-« c\i ro <0 ■-4 -M U OJ c c o o o o CD O) X 39 (\j ■o ■o +-> CO $- 13 CO cr> 40 O a) z O £ o Ul o cr Ui < z 3 z o O o z or a) o . or PACTI GISTE -> 3" s 2 LJ o JjJ O or u or o x. o o _l a r UJ _l < Z UJ > o UJ ^ o Q < CO u7£ < z 3 Z O O CO o ^7 . . . 00 x ^ Z) g* UJ io Q a: ui CD Z z o or < i 41 Given any input distribution, one may reduce this computational error arbitrarily close to zero. Assuming a fixed number of bits for the input and output value, one may increase the number of bits used in the intermediate calculations. The principles described in the previous section remain valid. Figure 19 demonstrates this for the case of 10 bit input/output values and 20 bit function evaluations. A simulation study has shown that the MSE decreases in an approximate exponential manner with increasing bit length. The results are shown graphically in Figure 20. Obviously we do not have a smooth function. One observes large discontinuities for lengths of 19, 24, and 43 bits. These values should be considered when making improvements. 42 o «— 1 ^ 0) \ \ GO \ ■N. f^- \ 1 \ tf> \ I \ l\ in o .— 1 <» o. 2 i z a o o IO ■v j VW-> <-vw— > «-WH>— - 4. eg UJ QC T UJ X O — CD E O +-> o <1J 4-> CD Q •o o •p— s- a> a. o +-> s- Z3 CD 3 0- T 49 2 S w m a. a. a x a. z z a. 0. Z ^WV — I o S- E o o u •r- +■> fO E O 4J C\J a; s- 3 CD UJ 0- o K O 50 o o 51 c o Q o o o o «3- Coxo'*KO>* D* >? O X s'tfd'kU^BK OX in o I 2 J- 0) Q. •r- -t-> 3 00 a. ID < s- 3 o z 53 J^ "3T «• o o E u •I" 4- O — ->~x -^>o-» UJ -"^>o-» o -^>o-» o -D>~< c o +-> 4-> o o +-> c 0> o < 0) s- CD i a io a t ?T 55 ro Q. to 4-> o CO < CD 56 a; Q. +J O ■P o s- s_ N (0 c CTi < s- CD SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (TWian Dete Entered) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM I REPORT NUMBER UIUCDCS-R-77-870 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 4 TITLE (end Subtitle) APPLICATION OF BURST PROCESSING TO THE SPECTRAL DECOMPOSITION OF SPEECH 5. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED M.S. Thesis/June 1977 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER UIUCDCS-R-77-870 7. AUTHORf*; Christ John Xydes I. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBERfa) N00014-75-C-0982 9 PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 61801 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS II. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS Office of Naval Research Code 437 Arlington. Virginia 22217 12. REPORT DATE 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 14 MONITORING AGENCY NAME ft ADDPESSf 11 dlltereni /ram Controlling Ofllca) IS. SECURITY CLASS, (of thla report) Release Unlimited 15a. DECLASSIFICATION/ DOWN GRADING SCHEDULE 16 DISTRIBUTION ST ATEMEN T (ol thla Report) Distribution Unlimited 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ol th, abstract entered In Block 30, It different from Report) '8 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES '*■ KEY WORDS (Continue on revmrae tide It neceaaery end Identity by block number) Burst Processing Harmonic Self Sampling Vocoder Fourier Transform Block Sum Register Transversal Filter 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reveraa elde It neceaaery and Identity by block number) The application of Burst Processing to the Droblem of spectral decomposition of speech is discussed. It is shown that such a representation provides a viable alternative to conventional speech analyzers. A specific Burst implementation is presented. ^D I jan 73 1473 EDITION OF 1 NOV 6B IS OBSOLETE S/N 0102-014- 6601 | SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Dete Entered) .IOGRAPHIC DATA ET I. Report No. UTIimr.S-R-77-B7n 3. Recipient's Accession No. |f .uM Siiln |(| 'PLICATION OF BURST PROCESSING TO THE SPECTRAL [COMPOSITION OF SPEECH 5- Report Date June 1977 it lions "l CHRIST JOHN XYDES 8. Performing Organization Kept. ° UIUCDCS-R-77-870 -rforming Organization Name and Address )artment of Computer Science iversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign jana, IL 61801 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract /Grant No. N00014-75-C-0982 ^nng Organization Name and Address fice of Naval Research ie 437 lington, VA 22217 13. Type of Report & Period Covered M.S. Thesis 14. rm in try Note; The application of Burst Processing to the problem of spectral decomposition of speech is discussed. It is shown that such a representation provides a viable alternative to conventional speech analyzers. A specific Burst implementation is presented. '. Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors Burst Processing Harmonic Self Sampling Vocoders Fourier Register Transversel Filter iiiitif iors Open-Ended Terms I He Id /Group "■ir> Matement Release Unlimited 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Page 22. Price ''tis-bs 1 10-70) USCOMM-DC 4Q325-P7I OCT 6 aug inn