I ■ L I B RA FlY OF THE U N I VLR5 ITY or ILLl NOIS 977. 31 B3lh cop. 3 REMO^'E STOR/^i^e. Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library M;,'/ 11 r[ J'oi i;> 1 SS3 1 \^^^ JUh - i 136S JOL 2^ , 199S m^ M995 L161— H41 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/historicalency2bate iS 1 X- , .V3fH 0-auH ^OJ3M3 If aura 'iHia '03 JJA voMati A8 33? lib HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS EDITED BY Newton Bateman, LL.D. Paul Selby, A.M. GOOK COUNTY EDITION VOLUME II. ILLUSTRATED. CHICAGO : MUNSELL PUBLISHING COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. 19 5. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the years 1894, 1899 and 1900, by WILLIAM W . M U N S E L L , in the office of tlie Librarian of Conaress at Washington. COPYRIGHTED 1905 All ri gilts reserved 5i 603 Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois. STATE BAIVK OF ILLINOIS. The first legis- lation, having for its object the establishment of a bank within the territory which now consti- tutes the State of Illinois, was the passage, by the Territorial Legislature of 18 IG, of an act incor- porating the "Bank of Illinois at Shawneetown, with branches at Edwardsville and Kaskaskia." In the Second General Assembly of the State (1820) an act was passed, over the Governor's veto and in defiance of the adverse judgment of the Council of Revision, establishing a State Bank at Vandalia with branches at Shawneetown, Edwardsville, and Brownsville in Jackson County. This was, in effect, a rechartering of the banks at • Shawneetown and Edwardsville. So far as the former is concerned, it seems to have been well managed ; but the official conduct of the officers of the latter, on the basis of charges made by Governor Edwards in 182G, was made the subject of a legislative investigation, which (although it resulted in nothing) seems to have had some basis of fact, in view of the losses finally sus- tained in winding up its affairs — that of the Gen- eral Government amounting to §54,000. Grave charges were made in this connection against men who were then, or afterwards became, prominent in State affairs, including one Justice of the Supreme Court and one (still later) a United States Senator. The experiment was dis- astrous, as, ten years later (1831), it was found necessary for the State to incur a debt of 8100,000 to redeem the outstanding circulation. Influ- enced, however, by the popular demand for an increase in the "circulating medium," the State continued its experiment of becoming a stock- holder in banks managed by its citizens, and accordingly we find it, in 1835, legislating in the same direction for the establishing of a central "Bank of Illinois" at Springfield, with branches at other points as might be required, not to ex- ceed six in number. One of these branches was • established at Vandalia and another at Chicago, furnishing the first banking institution of tiie latter city. Two years later, wlien the State was entering upon its scheme of internal improve- ment, laws were enacted increasing the capita^ stock of these banks to §4,000,000 in the aggre- gate. Following the example of similar insti^'U- tions elsewhere, they suspended specie payments a few months later, but were protected by "stay laws" and other devices until 1843, when, fbo internal improvement scheme having been final 'y abandoned, they tell in general collapse, llie State cea.sed to be a stock-holder in 1843, and t lie banks were put in course of liquidation, thoiii;li it required several years, to complete the worV. STATE CAPITALS. The first State capital of Illinois was Kaskaskia, where the first Territorirl Legislature convened, Nov. 25, 1812. At tliat time there were but five counties in the Stat'i- - St. Clair and Randolph being the most important, and Kaskaskia being the county -seat of th-' latter. Illinois was admitted into the Union as a State in 1818, and the first Constitution provided that the seat of government should remain at Kaskaskia until removed by legislative enact- ment. That instrument, however, made it obli- gatory iipon the Legislature, at its first session, to petition Congress for a grant of not more than four sections of land, on which should be erected a town, which should remain the seat of govern- ment for twenty years. The petition was duly presented and granted ; and, in accordance with the power granted by the Constitution, a Board of five Comnaissioners selected the site of the present city of Vandalia, then a point in the wilderness, twentj' miles north of any settle ment. But so great was the faitli of speculators in the future of the proposed city, that town lots were soon selling at §100 to §780 each. The Com- missioners, in obedience to law, erected a plain two-storj' frame building — scarcely more than a commodious shanty — to which the State offices were removed in December, 1820. This building 504 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. was burned. Dec. 9, 1823, and a brick structure erected in its place. Later, when the question of a second removal of the capital began to be agi- tated, the citizens of Vandalia assumed the risk of erecting a new, brick State House, costing 816,000. Of tliis amount $6,000 was reimbursed by the Governor from the contingent fund, and the balance (§10,000) was appropriated in 1837, when the seat of government was removed to Springfield, bj- vote of the Tenth General Assem- bly on the fourth ballot. The other places receiv- ing the principal vote at the time of the removal to Springfield, were Jacksonville, Vandalia, Peoria. Alton and Illiopolis — Springfield receiv- ing the largest vote at each ballot. The law removing the capital appropriated §50,000 from the State Treasury, provided that a like amount should be raised by private subscription and guaranteed by bond, and that at least two acres of land should be donated as a site. Two State Houses have been erected at Springfield, the first cost of the present one (including fui-nishing) having been a little in excess of §4,000,000. Abraham Lincoln, who was a member of the Legislature from Sangamon County at the time, was an influential factor in securing the removal of the capital to Springfield. STATE DEBT. The State debt, which proved so formidable a burden upon the State of Illinois for a generation, and, for a part of that period, seriously checked its prosperity, was the direct outgrowtli of the internal improvement scheme entered upon in 1837. (See Iiitcnidl Improvement Policy. ) At the time this enterprise was under- taken the aggregate debt of the State was less than -§400,000 — accumulated within the preceding six years. Two years later (1838) it had increased to over §0,500,000, while the total valuation of real and personal property, for the purposes of taxation, was less than §60,000,000, and the aggre- gate rec-eij)ts of the State trejisur}-, for the same year, amounted to less tlian §150,000. At the same time, the disbursements, for the support of the State Government alone, had grown to more than twice the rec;eipts. This disparity continued until the declining crend» iMHueeared as the eilitor of "The Timt 520,000. He was also a subscriber to the first loan made by the Govern- ment, during this period, taking $100,000 in Government bomls. While devoted to his busi- ness, he was a hater of shams and corruption, and contributed freely to Christian and benevolent enterprises. Died, at the home of a daughter, at Zanesville, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1864, leaving a large fortune acquired by legitimate trade. STURTEYANT/juUan Munson, D.D., LL.D., clergyman and educator, was born at Warren, Litchfield County, Conn., July 26, 1805; spent liis youth in Summit County, Ohio, meanwhile pre- paring for college ; in 1822, entered Yale College as the classmate of the celebrated Elizur Wright, graduating in 1826. After two years as Princi- pal of an academy at Canaan, Conn., he entered Yale Divinity School, graduating there in 1829; then came west, and, after spending a year in superintending the erection of buildings, in De- cember, 1830, as sole tutor, began in.struction to » class of nine pupils in what is now Illinois Col- lege, at Jacksonville. Having been joined, the following year, by Dr. Edward Beecher as Presi- dent, Mr. Sturtevant assumed the chair of Mathe- matics, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, which he retained until 1844, when, by the retirement of Dr. Beecher, he succeeded to the offices of President and Professor of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy. Here he labored, inces- santly and unselfishly, as a teacher during term time, and, as financial agent during vacations, in the interest of the institution of which he had been one of the chief founders, serving until 1876, when he resigned the Presidency, giving his attention, for the next ten years, to the duties of Professor of Mental Science and Science of Gov- ernment, which he had discharged from 1870. In 1886 he retired from the institution entirely, having given to its service fifty -six years of his life. In 1863, Dr. Sturtevant visited Europe in the interest of the Union cause, delivering effec- tive addres.ses at a number of points in England. He was a frequent contributor to the weekly religious and periodical press, and was the author of "Economics, or the Science of Wealth" (1876) — a text-book on political economy, and, "Keys of Sect, or the Church of the New Testament" (1879), besides frecjuently occupying the ])ulpits of local and distant (^hurclies — liaving been early ordained a (Jongregational minister. He received the degree of D.D. from the University of Mis- souri and that of LL.D. from Iowa University. Died, in Jacksonville, Feb. 11, 1886.— Julian lil. (Sturtevant), Jr., son of the ])receding, was born at Jack.sonvillo, 111.. Feb. 2, 1834; fitted for col- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 513 lege in the preparatory department of Illinois College and graduated from the college (proper) in 1854. After leaving college he served as teacher in the Jacksonville public schools one year, then spent a year as tutor in Illinois Col- lege, when he began the study of theology at Andover Theological Seminary, graduating there in 1859, meanwhile having discharged the duties of Chaplain of the Connecticut State's prison in 1858. He was ordained a minister of the Con- gregational Church at Hannibal, Mo., in 1860, remaining as pastor in that citj' nine years. He has since been engaged in pastoral work in New York City (1869-70), Ottawa, 111., (1870-73); Den- ver, Colo., (1873-77); Grinnell, Iowa, (1877-84); Cleveland, Ohio, (1884-90); Galesburg, lU., (1890-93), and Aurora, (1893-97). Since leaving the Congregational church at Aurora, Dr. Sturte- vant has been engaged in pastoral work in Chi- cago. He was also editor of "The Congrega- tionalism' of Iowa (1881-84), and, at different periods, has served as Trustee of Colorado, Marietta and Knox Colleges; being still an honored member of the Knox College Board. He received the degree of D.D. from Illinois College, in 1879. SUBLETTE, a station and village on the Illi- nois Central Railroad, in Lee County, 8 miles northwest of Mendota. Population, (1900), 306. SUFFRAGE, in general, the right or privilege of voting. The qualifications of electors (or voters) , in the choice of public officers in Illinois, are fixed by the State Constitution (Art. VII.), except as to school officers, which are prescribed by law. Under the State Constitution the exer- cise of the right to vote is limited to persons who were electors at the time of the adoption of the Constitution of 1848, or who are native or natu- ralized male citizens of the United States, of the age of 21 years or over, who have been residents of the State one year, of the count}- ninety days, and of the district (or precinct) in which they offer to vote, 30 days. Under an act passed in 1891, women, of 21 j^ears of age and upwards, are entitled to vote for school officers, and are also eligible to such offices under the same conditions, as to age and residence, as male citizens. (See JElections; Australian Ballot.) SULLIVAN, a city and county-seat of Moultrie County. 25 miles southeast of Decatur and 14 miles northwest of Mattoon ; is on three lines of railway. It is in an agricultural and stock-rais- ing region; contains two State banks and four weekly newspapers. Population (1880), 1,305; •{1890), 1,468; (1900), 2,399; (1900, est.), 3,100. SULLIVAN, William K., journalist, was born at Waterford, Ireland, Nov. 10, 1843 ; educated at the Waterford Model School and in Dublin; came to the United States in 1863, and, after teaching for a time in Kane Coimty, in 1864 enlisted in the One Hundred and Forty-first Regiment Illinois Volunteers. Then, after a brief season spent in teaching and on a visit to his native land, he began work as a reporter on New York papers, later being employed on "The Chicago Tribune" and "The Evening Journal," on the latter, at different times, holding the position of city edi- tor, managing editor and correspondent. He was also a Representative from Cook County in the Twenty-seventh General Assembly, for three years a member of the Chicago Board of Edu- cation, and appointed United States Consul to the Bermudas by President Harrison, resigning in 1892. Died, in Chicago, January 17, 1899. SULLIVAXT, Michael Lucas, agriculturist, was born at Franklinton (a suburb of Columbus, Ohio), Augiist 6, 1807; was educated at Ohio University and Centre College, Ky., and — after being engaged in the improvement of an immense tract of land inherited from his father near his birth-place, devoting much attention, meanwhile, to the raising of improved stock — in 1854 sold his Ohio lands and bought 80,000 acres, chiefly in Champaign and Piatt Counties, 111 , where he began farming on a larger scale than before. The enterprise proved a financial failure, and he was finally compelled to sell a considerable portion of his estate in Champaign County, known as Broad Lands, to John T. Alexander (see Alexander, John T.), retiring to a farm of 40,000 acres at Burr Oaks, 111. He died, at Henderson, Ky., Jan. 29, 1879. SUMMERFIELD, a village of St. Clair County, on the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railway, 27 miles east of St Louis ; was the home of Gen. Fred. Hecker. Population (1900), 360. SUMNER, a citj' of Lawrence County, on the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad, 19 miles west of Vincennes, Ind. ; has a fine scliool house, four churches, two banks, two flour mills, tele- phones, and one weekly newspaper. Pop. (1890), 1,037; (1900), 1,268. SUPERINTENDENTS OF PUBLIC INSTRUC- TION. The oflfice of State Superintendent of Public In.struction was created bj^ act of the Legislature, at a special session held in 1854, its duties previous to that time, from 1845, having been discharged by the Secretary of State as Superintendent, ex-officio. The following is a list of the incumbents from the date of the formal 514 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. creation of the oflSce down to the present time (1899), with the date and duration of the term of each Ninian "W. Edwards (by appointment of the Governor), 1854-57; William H. Powell (by election), 1857-59; Newton Bateman, 1859-63; John P. Brooks, 1863-G5; Newton Bateman, 1865-75; Samuel W. Etter, 1875-79; James P. Slade, 1879-83; Henry Raab, 1883-87; Richard Edwards, 1887-91; Henry Raab, 1891-95; Samuel M. Inglis, 1895-98; James H. Freeman, June, 1898, to January, 1899 (by appointment of the Governor, to fill the unexpired term of Prof. Inglis, who died in office, June 1, 1898) ; Alfred Baylis, 1899—. Previous to 1870 the tenure of the office was two years, but, by the Constitution adopted that year, it was extended to four years, the elections occurring on the even years between those for Governor and other State officers except State Treasurer. SUPREME COURT, JUDGES OF THE. The following is a list of Justices of the Supreme Court of Illinois who have held office since the organization of the State Government, with the period of their respective incumbencies : Joseph Phillips. 1818-22 (resigned); Thomas C. Browne, 1818 48 (term expired on adoption of new Con- stitution) ; William P. Foster, Oct. 9, 1818, to July 7, 1819 (resigned), John Reynolds, 1818-25; Thomas Reynolds (vice Phillips), 1822-25; Wil- liam Wilson (vice Foster) 1819-48 (term expired on adoption of new Constitution) ; Samuel D Lockwood, 1825-48 (term expired on adoption of new Constitution) ; Theophilus W. Smith, 1825-42 (resigned); Thomas Ford, Feb. 15, 1841, to Au- gust 1, 1842 (resigned) ; Sidney Breese, Feb. 15, 1841, to Dec. 19, 1842 (resigned) — also (by re-elec- tions), 1857-78 (died in office) ; Walter B. Scates, 1841-47 (resigned)— also (vice Trumbull), 1854-57 (resigned); Samuel H. Treat, 1841-55 (resigned); Stei)hen A. Douglas, 1841-42 (resigned); John D. Caton (vice Ford) August, 1842, to March, 1843— also (vice Robinson and by successive re-elec- tion.s). May, 1843 to Januarj', 1864 (resigned) ; James Semple (vice Bree.se), Jan. 14, 1843, to April 16, 1843 (resigned) ; Richard M. Young (vice Smitli), 1843-47 (resigned) ; John M. Robinson (vice Ford), Jan. 14, 1843. to April 27, 1843 (died in office); Jesse B. Thomas, Jr., (vice Douglas), 1843-45 (resigned)— also (vice Young), 1847-48; James Shields (vic;e Semjjle), 1843-45 (n^signed) ; Norman H. Purph; (vice Tliomas), 1HI3-48 (nitired under (/'onstitution of 1848); fJustavus Koerner (\'\<-Ai Sliield.s), 1845-48 (retirc«I by Constitution); "William A. Denning (vice Scates), 1847-48 (re- tired by Constitution) ; Lyman Trumbull, 1848-53 (resigned); Ozias C. Skinner (vice Treat), 1855-58 (resigned); Pinkney II. Walker (vice Skinner), 1858 -85 (deceased); Cory don Beckwith (by ap- pointment, vice Caton), Jan. 7, 1864, to June 6, 1864; Charles B. Lawrence (one term), 1864-73; Anthony Thornton, 1870-73 (resigned); John M. Scott (two terms), 1870-88; Benjamin R. Sheldon (two terms), 1870-88; William K. McAllister, 1870-75 (resigned) ; John Scholfield (vice Thorn- ton), 1873 93 (died); T. Lyle Dickey (vice McAllister), 1875-85 (died); David J. Baker (ap- pointed, vice Breese), July 9, 1878, to June 2, 1879— also, 1888-97; John H. Mulkey, 1879-88; Damon G. Tunnicliffe (appointed, vice Walker), Feb. 15, 1885, to June 1, 1885; Simeon P. Shope, 1885-94; Joseph M. Bailey, 1888-95 (died in office). The Supreme Court, as at present constituted (1899), is as follows: Carroll C. Boggs, elected, 1897; Jesse J. Phillips (vice Scholfield, deceased) elected, 1893, and re-elected, 1897; Jacob W. Wil- kin, elected, 1888, and re-elected, 1897; Joseph N. Carter, elected, 1894; Alfred M. Craig, elec- ted, 1873, and re-elected, 1882 and '91 ; James H. Cartwright (vice Bailey), elected, 1895, and re- elected, 1897 ; Benjamin D. Magruder (vice Dickey), elected, 1885, '88 and "97. The terms of Justices Boggs, Phillips, Wilkin, Cartwright and Magruder expire in 1906; that of Justice Carter on 1903 ; and Justice Craig's, in 1900. Under the Constitution of 1818, the Justices of the Supreme Court were chosen by joint ballot of the Legisla- ture, but, under the Constitutions of 1848 and 1870, by popular vote for terms of nine years each. (See Judicial System; also sketches of individual members of the Supreme Coirrt under their proper names.) SURVEYS, EARLY GOVERNMENT. The first United States law passed on the subject of Gov- ernment surveys was dated. May 20, 1785. After reserving certain lands to be allotted by way of pensions and to be donated for school purposes, it provided for the division of the remaining pub- lic lands among the oi'iginal thirteen States. This, however, was, in effect, repealed by the Ordi- nance of 1788. The latter provided for a I'ectan- gular system of surveys which, with but little modification, has remained in force ever since. Briefly outlined, the system is as follows: Town- sliijjs, six miles square, are laid ort from i)rincipal b.ases, eacsh townsliip containing tliirtj'-si.x sec- tions of one scpiaro mile, numbered consecutively, the numeration to commen(!e at the ujjper riglit hand corner of the townsliip. Tlie first principal meridian (84 51' west of Greenwich), coincided HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 515 with the line dividing Indiana and Ohio. The second (1° 37' farther west) had direct relation to surveys in Eastern Illinois. The third (89° 10' 30" west of Greenwich) and the fourth (90° 29' 56" west) governed the remainder of Illinois sur- veys. The first Public Surveyor was Thomas Hutchins, who was called "the geographer." (See Hutchins, Thomas.) SWEET, (Gen.) Benjamin J., soldier, was born at Kirkland, Oneida County, N. Y., April 24, 1832; came with his father, in 1848, to Sheboy- gan, Wis., studied law, was elected to the State Senate in 1859, and, in 1861, enlisted in the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers, being commissioned Major in 1862. Later, he resigned and, returning home, assisted in the organization of the Twenty-first and Twenty-second regiments, being elected Colonel of the former ; and with it taking part in the campaign in Western Kentucky and Tennes- see. In 1863 he was assigned to command at Camp Douglas, and was there on the exposure, in November, 1864, of the conspiracy to release the rebel prisoners. (See Camp Douglas Conspir- acy.) The service which he rendered in the defeat of this bold and dangerous conspiracy evinced his courage and sagacity, and was of inestimable value to the country. After the war, General Sweet located at Lombard, near Chicago, was appointed Pension Agent at Chi- cago, afterwards served as Supervisor of Internal Revenue, and, in 1872, became Deputy Commis- sioner of Internal Revenue at Washington. Died, in Washington, Jan. 1, 1874. — Miss Ada C. (Sweet), for eight years (1874-82) the efficient Pension Agent at Chicago, is General Sweet's daughter. SWEETSER, A. C, soldier and Department Commander G. A. R. , was born in Oxford County, Maine, in 1839; came to Bloomington, 111., in 1857 ; enlisted at the beginning of the Civil War in the Eighth Illinois Volunteers and, later, in the Thirty-ninth; at the battle of Wierbottom Church, Va., in June, 1864, was shot through both legs, necessitating the amputation of one of them. After the war he held several oflices of trust, including those of City Collector of Bloom- inj^on and Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue for the Springfield District ; in 1887 was elected Department Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic for Illinois. Died, at Bloomington, March 23, 1896. SWETT, Leonard, lawyer, was born near Turner, Maine, August 11, 1825 ; was educated at Waterville College (now Colby University), but left before graduation ; read law in Portland, and, while seeking a location in the West, enlisted in an Indiana regiment for the Mexican War, being attacked by climatic fever, was discharged before completing his term of enlistment. He soon after came to Bloomington, 111., where he became the intimate friend of Abraham Lincoln and David Davis, traveling the circuit with them for a number of years. He early became active in State politics, was a member of the Republican State Convention of 1856, was elected to the lower house of the General Assembly in 1858, and, in 1860, was a zealous supporter of Mr. Lin- coln as a Presidential Elector for the State-at- large. In 1862 he received the Republican nomination for Congress in his District, but was defeated. Removing to Chicago in 1865, he gained increased distinction as a lawyer, espe- cially in the management of criminal cases. In 1872 he was a supporter of Horace Greeley for President, but later returned to the Republican party, and, in the National Republican Conven- tion of 1888, presented the name of Judge Gresham for nomination for the Presidency. Died, June 8, 1889. SWIGERT, Charles Philip, ex- Auditor of Pub- lic Accounts, was born in the Province of Baden, Germany, Nov. 27, 1843, brought by his parents to Chicago, 111., in childhood, and, in his boy- hood, attended the Scammon School in that city. In 1854 his family removed to a farm in Kanka- kee County, where, between the ages of 12 and 18, he assisted his father in "breaking" between 400 and 500 acres of prairie land. On the break- ing out of the war, in 1861, although scarcely 18 years of age, he enlisted as a private in the Forty- second Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and, in April, 1862, was one of twenty heroic volunteers who ran the blockade, on the gunboat Carondelet, at Island No. 10, assisting materially in the reduc- tion of that rebel stronghold, which resulted in the capture of 7,000 prisoners. At the battle of Farmington, Miss., during the siege of Corinth, in May, 1862, he had his right arm torn from its socket by a six-pound cannon-ball, compelling his retirement from the army. Returning home, after many weeks spent in hospital at Jefferson Barracks and Quincy, 111., he i-eceived his final discharge, Dec. 21, 1862, spent a year in school, also took a course in Bryant & Stratton's Com- mercial College in Chicago, and having learned to write with his left hand, taught for a time in Kankakee County ; served as letter-carrier in Chi- cago, and for a year as Deputy County Clerk of Kankakee County, followed by two terms (1867- 69) as a student in the Soldiers' College at Fulton. 516 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 111. The latter year he entered upon the duties of Treasurer of Kankakee County, serving, by successive re-elections, until 1880, when he re- signed to take the position of State Auditor, to which he was elected a second time in 1884. In all these positions Mr. Swigert has j^roved him- seK an upright, capable and high-minded public oflBcial. Of late years his residence has been in Chicago. SWING, (Rey.) David, clergyman and pulpit orator, was born of German ancestry, at Cincin- nati, Ohio, August 23, 1836. After 1837 (his father dying about this time), the family resided for a time at Reedsburgh, and, later, on a farm near "Williamsburgh, in Clermont County, in the same State. In 1852, having gi-aduated from the Miami (Ohio) University, he commenced the study of theologj^ but, in 1854, accepted the position of Professor of Languages in liis Alma Mater, which he continued to fill for thirteen years. His first pastorate was in connection with the Westminster Presbyterian Church of Chi- cago, which he assumed in 18C6. His church edifice was destroyed in the great Chicago fire, but was later rebuilt. As a preacher he was popular ; but, in April, 1874, he was placed on trial, before an ecclesiastical court of his own denomi- nation, on charges of heresy. He was acquitted by the trial court, but, before the appeal taken by the prosecution could be heard, he personally withdrew from affiliation with the denomination. Shortly afterward he became pastor of an inde- pendent religious organization known as the "Central Church," preaching, first at McVicker's Tlieatre and, afterward, at Central Music Hall, Cliicago. He was a fluent and popular speaker on all themes, a frequent and valued contributor to numerous magazines, as well as the author of several volumes. Among liis best knov^•n books are "Motives of Life,"' "Trutlis for To-day," and "Club i:s.say.s." Died, in Cliicago, Oct. 3, 1894. SYCAMORE, tlie county-seat of De Kalb County (founded in 1830), 56 miles west of Chi- cago, at the intersection of the Chicago & North- western and the Chicago Great "Western Rail- roads; lies in a region devoted to agriculture, dairying and stoc^k-raising. The city itself con- tain.s .several factories, tlie j)rincipal products l>eing agricultural implements, flour, insulated wire, brir;k, tile, varnish, furniture, soa]) and carri.'iges and wagons. There are also works for canning vegetables and fruit, besidtis two creanKir- ie«. The town is lighteil by ele(;tricity, and has high-jiresHure water-works. Tliero are eleven churches, three graded public schoola and a young ladies' seminary. Population (1880), 3,028; (1890), 2,987; (1900), 3,653. TAFT, Lorado, sculptor, was born at Elmwood, Peoria County, III, April 29, 1860; at an early age evinced a predilection for sculpture and began modeling; graduated at the University of Illinois in 1880, then went to Paris and studied sculpture in the famous Ecole des Beaux Arts until 1885. The following year he settled in Chi cago, finally becoming associated with the Chi- cago Art Institute. He has been a lecturer on art in the Chicago University. Mr, Taft fur- nished the decorations of the Horticultural Build- ing on tlie World's Fair Grounds, in 1893. TALCOTT, Mancel, business man, was born in Rome, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1817; attended the com- mon schools until 17 years of age, when he set out for the West, traveling on foot from Detroit to Chicago, and thence to Park Ridge, where he worked at farming until 1850. Then, having followed tlie occupation of a miner for some time, in California, with some success, he united with Horace M. Singer in establishing the firm of Singer & Talcott, stone-dealers, which lasted dur- ing most of his life. He served as a member of the Chicago City Council, on the Board of County Commissioners, as a member of the Police Board, and was one of the founders of the First National Bank, and President, for several years, of the Stock Yards National Bank. Liberal and public- spii-ited, he contributed freely to works of charity. Died, June 5, 1878. TALCOTT, (Capt.) William, soldier of the War of 1813 and pioneer, was born in Gilead, Conn., March 6, 1774; emigrated to Rome, Oneida County, N. Y., in 1810, and engaged in farming; served as a Lieutenant in the Oneida County militia during the War of 1812-14, being .stationed at Sackett's Harbor under the command of Gen. Winfield Scott. In 1835, in company with his eldest son, Thomas B. Talcott, lie made an ex- tended tour through the West, finally selecting a location in Illinois at the junction of Rocdc River and the Pecatonica, wliere the town of Rockton now stands — there being only two white families, at that time, within the pre.sent limits of Winne- bago County. Two years later (1837), he brought liis family to this point, with his sons took up a considerable body of Government land and eret^ted two mills, to which customers came from a long distance. In 1838 Captain Talcott took part in the organization of tlu! first Congre- gational ChurtOi in tliat section of the Stat(5. A zealous anti-slavery man, ho sujjported James G- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 517 Birney (the Liberty candidate for President) in 1844, continuing to act with that party until the organization of the Republican party in 1856; was deeply interested in the War for the Union, but died before its conclusion, Sept. 2, 1864. — Maj. Thomas B. (Talcott), oldest son of the pre- ceding, was born at Hebron, Conn , April 17, .806 ; was taken to Rome, N. Y. , by his father in nfancy, and, after reaching maturity, engaged in mercantile business with his brother in Che- mung County ; in 1835 accompanied his father in a tour through the West, finally locating at Rockton, where he engaged in agriculture. On the organization of Winnebago County, in 1836, he was elected one of the first County Commis- sioners, and, in 1850, to the State Senate, serving four years. He also held various local offices. Died, Sept. 30, 1894.— Hon. Wait (Talcott), second son of Capt. William Talcott, was born at He- bron, Conn., Oct. 17, 1807, and taken to Rome, N. Y., where he remained until his 19th year, when he engaged in business at Booneville and, still later, in Utica ; in 1838, removed to Illinois and joined his father at Rockton, finally becoming a citizen of Rockford, where, in his later years, he was extensively engaged in manu- facturing, having become, in 1854, with his brother Sylvester, a partner of the firm of J. H. Manny & Co., in the manufacture of the Manny reaper and mower. He was an original anti- slavery man and, at one time, a Free-Soil candidate for Congress, but became a zealous Republican and ardent friend of Abraham Lincoln, whom he employed as an attorney in the famous suit of McCormick vs. the Manny Reaper Company for infringement of patent. In 1854 he was elected to the State Senate, succeeding his brother, Thomas B., and was th« first Collector of Internal Revenue in the Second District, apjiointed by Mr. Lincoln in 1862, and continuing in oiTice some five years. Though too old for active service in the field, during the Civil War, he voluntarily hired a substitute to take his place. Mr. Talcott was one of the original incorporators and Trus- tees of Beloit College, and a founder of Rockford Female Seminary, remaining a trustee of each for many years. Died, June 7, 1890. — SylTester (Talcott), third son of William Talcott, born at Rome, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1810; when of age, engaged in mercantile business in Chemung County; in 1837 removed, with other members of the family, to Winnebago County, 111., where he joined his father in the entry of Government lands and the erection of mills, as already detailed. He became one of the first Justices of the Peace in Winne- bago County, also served as Supervisor for a number of years and, although a farmer, became interested, in 1854, with his brother Wait, in the Manny Reaper Company at Rockford. He also followed the example of his brother, just named, in furnishing a substitute for the War of the Rebellion, though too old for service himself. Died, June 19, 1885.— Henry Walter (Talcott), fourth son of W'illiam Talcott, was born at Rome, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1814; came with his father to Winnebago County, 111., in 1835, and was connected with his father and brothers in busi- ness. Died, Dec. 9, 1870.— Dwight Lewis (Tal- cott), oldest son of Henry Walter Talcott, born in Winnebago County; at the age of 17 years enlisted at Belvidere, in January, 1864, as a soldier in the Ninth Illinois Volunteer Infantry ; .served as provost guard some two months at Fort Picker- ing, near Memphis, and later took part in many of the important battles of that year in Missis- sippi and Tennessee. Having been captured at Campbellsville, Tenn., he was taken to Anderson- ville, Ga., where he suffered all the horrors of that famous prison-pen, until March, 1865, when he was released, arriving at home a helpless skeleton, the day after Abraham Lincoln's assas- sination. Mr. Talcott subsequently settled in Muscatine County, Iowa. TALLULA, a prosperous village of Menard County, on the Jacksonville branch of the Chi- cago & Alton Railway, 24 miles northeast of Jacksonville; is in the midst of a grain, coal- mining, and stock-growing region; has a local bank and newspaper. Pop. (1890), 445 ; (1900), 639. TAMAROA,a village in Perry County, situated at the junction of the Illinois Central with the Wabash, Chester & Western Railroad, 8 miles north of Duquoin, and 57 miles east-southeast of Belleville. It has a bank, a newspaper office, a large public school, five churches and two flour- ing mills. Coal is mined liere and exported in large quantities. Pop. (1900), 853. TAMAROA & MOUNT VERNON RAILROAD. (See Wabash, Chester & Western Eailroad.) TANNER, Edward Allen, clergyman and edu- cator, was born of New England ancestry, at Waverly, 111., Nov. 29, 1837— being the first child who could claim nativity there; was educated in the local schools and at Illinois College, graduating from the latter in 1857; spent four years teaching in his native place and at Jack- sonville; then accepted the Professorship of Latin in Pacific University at Portland, Oregon, remaining four years, when he returned to his Alma Mater (1865), assuming there the chair of 518 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Latin and Rhetoric. In 1881 he was appointed financial agent of the latter institution, and, in 1882, its President. While in Oregon he had been ordained a minister of the Congregational Church, and, for a considerable period during his connection with Illinois College, ofBciated as Chaplain of the Central Hospital for the Insane at Jacksonville, besides supplying local and other pulpits. He labored earnestly for the benefit of the institution under his charge, and, dm-ing his incimibency, added materiallj^ to its endowment and resources. Died, at Jackson- ville, Feb. 8, 1892. TAXNER, John R., Governor, was born in Warrick Coxmty, Ind., April 4, 1844, and brought to Southern Illinois in boyhood, where he grew up on a farm in the vicinity of Carbondale, enjoying only such educational advantages as were afforded by the common school; in 1863, at the age of 19, enlisted in the Ninety -eighth Illi- nois Volunteers, serving until June, 1865, when he was transferred to the Sixty-first, and finally mustered out in September following. All the male members of Governor Tanner's familj' were soldiers of the late war, his father dying in a rebel prison at Columbus, Miss., one of his bro- thers suffering the same fate from wounds at Nash- ville, Tenn., and another brother dying in hospital at Pine Bluff, Ark. Only one of this patriotic family, besides Governor Tanner, still survives — Mr. J. M. Tanner of Clay Countj% who left the service with the rank of Lieutenant of the Thir- teenth Illinois Cavalry. Returning from the war, Mr. Tanner established himself in business as a farmer in Clay County, later engaging suc- cessfully in the milling and lumber business as the partner of his brother. The public positions held by him, since the war, include those of Sheriff of Clay County (1870-72), Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court (1872-76), and State Senator (1880-83). During the latter year lie received the appoint- ment of United States JIarslial for the Southern Di.strict of Illinoi.s, serving until after the acces- sion of President Cleveland in 1885. In 1886, he was the Republican nominee for State Treasurer and was elected by an unasually large majority ; in 1891 was .appointed, by (jovernor Fifer, a ineml>er of the liiiilroail and Warehouse Commis- sion, but, in 1892, received tlie iij)pointment of Afwi.stant United States Treasurer at C^liicago, fx>ntinuing in the bitter office until D^iccsmbcir, 1893. For ten years (1874 84) he was a member of the Republican State Central Cf)m!nittee, re- turning U) that Ixxly in 1894, when ho was cho.sen Cliairman and conducted the campaign which resulted in the unprecedented Republican suc- cesses of that year. In 1896 he received the nomination of his party for Governor, and was elected over Gov. John P. Altgeld, his Demo- cratic opponent, by a plurality of over 113,000, and a majority, over all, of nearly 90,000 votes. TANNER, Tazewell B., jurist, was born in Henry County, Va., and came to Jefferson County, 111., about 1846 or '47, at first taking a position as teacher and Superintendent of Public Schools. Later, he was connected with "The Jeffersonian, " a Democratic paj^er at Mount Ver- non, and, in 1849, went to the gold regions of California, meeting with reasonable success as a miner. Returning in a year or two, he was elected Clerk of the Circuit Court, and, while in the discharge of his duties, prosecuted the study of law, finally, on admission to the bar, entering into partnership with the late Col. Thomas S. Casey. In 1854 he was elected Representative in the Nineteenth General Assemblj', and was in- strumental in securing the appropriation for the erection of a Supreme Court building at Mount Vernon. In 1862 he served as a Delegate to the State Constitutional Convention of that year ; was elected Circuit Judge in 1873, and, in 1877, was assigned to dutj' on the Appellate bench, but, at the expiration of his term, declined a re-election and resumed the practice of his profession at Mount Vernon. Died, March 25, 1880. TAXATION, in its legal sense, the mode of raising revenue. In its general sense its purposes are the support of the State and local govern- ments, the promotion of the public good by fostering education and works of public improve- ment, the protection of society by the preser- vation of order and the punishment of crime, and the support of the helpless and destitute. In practice, and as j^rescribed by the Constitution, the raising of revenue is required to be done "by levying a tax by valuation, so that every person and corporation shall pay a tax in proportion to the value of his, her or its property — such value to be ascertained by some person or persons, to be elected or appointed in such manner as the Gen- eral Assembly shall direct, and not otherwise." (State Constitution, 1870 — Art. Revenue, Sec. 1.) The person .selected under the law to make this valuation is the Assessor of the county or the township (in counties under township organiza- tion), and lie is rcMjuired to make a return to the County Hoard at its July me(!ting (^ach year — the latter having autliority to hear complaints of tax- payers and adjust ineijualities when found to exist. It is made the duty of the Assessor to HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 519 include in his return, as real-estate, all lands and the buildings or other improvements erected thereon; and, under the head of personal jDrop- erty, all tangible effects, besides moneys, credits, bonds or stocks, sliares of stock of companies or corporations, investments, annuities, franchises, royalties, etc. Property used for school, church or cemetery purposes, as well as public buildings and other property belonging to the State and General Government, municipalities, i^ublic charities, public libraries, agricultural and scien- tific societies, are declared exemj^t. Nominally, all property subject to taxation is required to be assessed at its cash valuation ; but, in reality, the valuation, of late years, has been on a basis of twenty-five to thirty-three per cent of its esti- mated cash value. In the larger cities, however, the valuation is often much lower than this, while very large amounts escape assessment altogether. The Revenue Act, passed at the special session of the Fortieth General Assembly (1898), requires the Assessor to make a return of all property subject to taxation in his district, at its cash valuation, upon which a Board of Review fixes a tax on the basis of twenty per cent of such cash valuation. An abstract of the property assessment of each county goes before the State Board of Equalization, at its annual meeting in August, for the purpose of comparison and equal- izing valuations between counties, but the Board has no power to modify the assessments of indi- vidual tax-payers. (See State Board of Equali- zation.) This Board has exclusive power to fix the valuation for purposes of taxation of the capital stock or franchises of companies (except certain specified manufacturing corporations) , in- corporated under the State laws, together with the "railroad track" and "rolling stock" of railroads, and the capital stock of railroads and telegraph lines, and to iix the distribution of the latter between counties in which they lie. — The Consti- tution of 1848 empowered the Legislature to impose a capitation tax, of not less than fifty cents nor more than one dollar, upon each free white male citizen entitled to the right of suf- frage, between the ages of 21 and 60 years, but the Constitution of 1870 grants no such power, though it authorizes the extension of the "objects and subjects of taxation" in accordance with the principle contained in the first section of the Revenue Article. — Special assessments in cities, for the construction of sewers, pavements, etc., being local and in the form of benefits, cannot he said to come under the head of general tax- ation. The same is to be said of revenue derived from fines and penalties, which are forms of punishment for specific offenses, and go to the benefit of certain specified funds. TAYLOR, Abner, ex-Congressman, is a native of Maine, and a resident of Chicago. He has been in active business all his life as contractor, builder and merchant, and, for some time, a member of the wholesale dry-goods firm of J. V. Farwell & Co. , of Chicago. He was a member of the Thirty- fourth General Assembly, a delegate to the National Republican Convention of 1884, and represented the First IlUnois District in the Fifty- first and Fifty -second Congresses, 1889 to 1893. Mr. Taj'lor was one of the contractors for the erection of the new State Capitol of Texas. TAYLOR, Benjamin Franklin, journalist, poet and lecturer, was born at Lowville, N. Y., July 19, 1819; graduated at Madison University in 1839, the next year becoming literary and dra- matic critic of "The Chicago Evening Journal " Here, in a few years, he acquired a wide reputa- tion as a journalist and poet, and was much in demand as a lecturer on literary topics. His letters from the field during the Rebellion, as war correspondent of "The Evening Journal," won for him even a greater popularity, and were complimented by translation into more than one European language. After the war, he gave his attention more unreservedly to literature, his principal works appearing after that date. His publications in book form, including both prose and poetry, comprise the following: "Attractions of Language" (1845); "January and June" (1853); "Pictures in Camp and Field" (1871); "The World on Wheels" (1873); "Old Time Pic- tures and Slieaves of Rhyme" (1874); "Songs of Yesterday" (1877); "Summer Savory Gleaned from Rural Nooks" (1879); "Between the Gates" — pictures of California life — (1881) ; "Dulce Domum. the Burden of Song" (1884), and "Theo- philus Trent, or Old Times in the Oak Openings," a novel (1887). The last was in the hands of the publishers at his death, Feb. 27. 1887. Among his most popular poems are "The Isle of the Long Ago," "The Old Village Choir," and "Rhymes of the River. ' ' "The London Times" ' complimented Mr. Taylor with the title of "The Oliver Gold- smith of America." TAYLOR, Edmund Dick, early Indian-trader and legislator, was born at Fairfield C. H. , Va. , Oct. 18, 1802 — the son of a commissary in the army of the Revolution, under General Greene, and a cousin of General (later. President) Zachary Taylor ; left his native State in his youth and, at an earl J- day, came to Springfield, 111., where he 520 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. opened an Indian-trading post and general store ; was elected from Sangamon County to the lower branch of the Seventli General Assembly (1830) and re-elected in 1832 — the latter year being a competitor of Abraham Lincoln, whom he defeated. In 1834 he was elected to the State Senate and, at the next session of the Legislature, was one of the celebrated "Long Nine" who secured the removal of the State Capital to Springfield. He resigned before the close of his term to accept, from President Jackson, the ap- pointment of Receiver of Public Moneys at Chi- cago. Here he became one of the promoters of the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad (1837), serving as one of the Commissioners to secure subscriptions of stock, and was also active in advocating the construction of the Illinois & Michigan Canal. The title of "Colonel," by which he was known during most of his life, was acquired bj^ service, with that rank, on the staff of Gov. John Reynolds, during the Black Hawk War of 1832. After coming to Chicago, Colonel Taylor became one of the Trustees of the Chicago branch of the State Bank, and was later identified with various banking enterprises, as also a some- what extensive operator in real estate. An active Democrat in the early part of his career in Illi- nois, Colonel Taylor was one of the members of his party to take ground against the Kansas-Neb raska bill in 1854, and advocated tlie election of General Bissell to the governorship in 1856. In 18G0 he was again in line with his party in sup- port of Senator Douglas for tlie Presidency, and was an opponent of the war policy of the Govern- ment still later, as shown by his participation in the celebrated "Peace Convention" at Spring- field, of June 17, 1863. In the latter years of bis life he became extensively interested in coal lands in La Salle and adjoining counties, and, for a considerable time, served as President of the Nortliern Illinois Coal & Jlining Company, his home, during a part of this period, being at Mendota. Died, in (Jhicago, Dec. 4, 1891. T.VVLOHVIIiLE, a city and county-seat of Christian County, on the South Fork of the Sanga- mon River and on tlie Wabasli Railway at its point of intersection with tlie Springfield Division of the Baltimore & Ohio Soutliwestern. It is about 27 miles southeast of Sjiringfield, and 28 miles Houtliwe.st of Decatur. It has several banks, flour niiils, j)a[)er mill, elec-tric liglit and gas jilants, waterworks, two coal mines, carriage and wagon sliojw, a manufat^tory of farming imitleinents, two daily and weekly papr^rs, nine churcheH and five graded and townsliip high schools. Much coal is mined in this vicinity. Pop. (1890), 2,839; (1900), 4,248. TAZEWELL COUNTY, a central county on the Illinois River; was first settled in 1823 and organized in 1827 ; has an area of 650 square miles — was named for Governor Tazewell of Virginia. It is drained by the Illinois and Mackinaw Rivers and traversed by several lines of railway. The surface is generally level, the soil alluvial and rich, but, requiring drainage, especially on the river bottoms. Gravel, coal and sandstone are found, but, generally speaking, Tazewell is an agricultural county. The cereals are extensively cultivated; wool is also clipped, and there are dairy interests of some importance. Distilling is extensively conducted at Pekin, the county-seat, which is also the seat of other mechanical indus- tries. (See also Pekin.) Population of the county (1880), 29,666; (1890), 29,556; (1900), 33,22L TEMPLE, John Taylor, M.D., early Chicago physician, born in Virginia in 1804, graduated in medicine at Middlebury College, Vt., in 1830, and, in 1833, arrived in Chicago. At this time he had a contract for carrying the United States mail from Chicago to Fort Howard, near Green Bay, and the following year undertook a similar con- tract between Chicago and Ottawa. Having sold these out three years later, he devoted his atten- tion to the pi'actice of his profession, though interested, for a time, in contracts for the con- struction of the Illinois & Michigan Canal. Dr. Temple was instrumental in erecting the first house (after Rev. Jesse Walker's missionary station at Wolf Point), for public religious worsliip in Chicago, and, although himself a Baptist, it was used in common by Protestant denominations. He was a member of the first Board of Trustees of Rush Medical College, though he later became a convert to homeopathy, and finally, removing to St. Louis, assisted in founding the St. Louis School of Homeopathy, dying there, Feb. 24, 1877. TENURE OF OFFICE. (See Elections.) TERIIE HAUTE, ALTON & ST. LOUIS UAILROAl). (See Sf. Loids, Alton & Tcrre Hun ft' lid il road. ) TERRE HAUTE & ALTON RAILROAD (See St. Loids, Alton <& 7V'rre Ilautc lidilroiul.) TERRE HAUTE & INDIANAPOLIS RAIL- ROAD, a corporation operating no lino of its own within tlio States, but tlie Ics.soo and ojiorator of tlie following lines (which see): St. Louis, Vandalia & Terre Ilauto, 158.3 miles; Terro Haute & Peoria, 145.12 miles; East St. Louis & Carondelet, 12.74 miles — total lengtli of leased HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 521 lines in Illinois, 316.16 miles. The Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad vvas incorporated in Indiana in 1847, as the Teri-e Haute & Rich- mond, completed a line between the points named in the title, in 1852, and took its present name in 1866. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany purchased a controlling interest in its stock in 1893. TERRE HAUTE & PEORIA RAILROAD, (Vandalia Line), a line of road extending from Terre Haute, Ind., to Peoria, 111., 145.12 miles, with 28.78 miles of trackage, making in all 173.9 miles in operation, all being in Illinois— operated by the Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Com- pany. The gauge is standard, and the rails are steel. (History. ) It was organized Feb. 7, 1887, successor to the Illinois Midland Railroad. The latter was made up by the consolidation (Nov. 4, 1874) of three lines: (1) The Peoria, Atlanta & Decatur Railroad, chartered in 1869 and opened in 1874; (2) the Paris & Decatur Railroad, chartered in 1861 and opened in December, 1872 ; and (3) the Paris & Terre Haute Railroad, chartered in 1873^ and opened in 1874 — the consolidated lines assuming the name of the Illinois Midland Rail- road. In 1886 the Illinois Midland was sold under foreclosure and, in February, 1887, reorganized as the Terre Haute & Peoria Railroad. In 1892 it was leased for ninety-nine years to the Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company, and is operated as a part of the "Vandalia System." The capital stock (1898) was §3,764,200; funded debt, $2,230,000,— total capital invested, ,§6,227,- 481. TEUTOPOLIS, a village of Effingham County, on the Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad, 4 miles east of Effingham; was originally settled by a colony of Germans from Cincinnati. Popu- lation (1900), 498. THOMAS, Horace H., lawyer and legislator, was born in Vermont, Dec. 18, 1831, graduated at Middlebury College, and, after admission to the bar, removed to Chicago, where lie commenced practice. At the outbreak of the rebellion he enlisted and was coramissioned Assistant Adju- tant-General of the Army of the Ohio. At the close of the war he took up his residence in Ten- nessee, serving as Quartermaster upon the staff of Governor Brownlow. In 1867 he returned to Chicago and resumed practice. He was elected a Representative in the Legislature in 1878 and re-elected in 1880, being chosen Speaker of the House during his latter term. In 1888 he was elected State Senator from the Sixth District, serving during the sessions of the Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh General Assemblies. In 1897, General Thomas was appointed United States Appraiser in connection with the Custom Hou.se in Chicago. THOMAS, Jesse Burgess, jurist and United States Senator, was born at Hagerstown, Md., claiming direct descent from Lord Baltimore. Taken west in childhood, he grew to manhood and settled at Lawrenceburg, Indiana Territory, in 1803; in 1805 was Speaker of the Territorial Legislature and, later, represented the Territory as Delegate in Congress. On the organization of Illinois Territory (which he had favored), he removed to Kaskaskia, was appointed one of the first Judges for the new Territory, and, in 1818, as Delegate from St. Clair County, presided over the first State Constitutional Convention, and, on the admission of the State, became one of the first United States Senators — Governor Edwards being his colleague. Though an avowed advo- cate of slavery, he gained no little prominence as the author of the celebrated "Missouri Com- promise," adopted in 1820. He was re-elected to the Senate in 1823, serving until 1829. He sub- sequentl)' removed to Mount Vernon, Ohio, where he died by suicide. May 4, 1853. — Jesse Burgess (Thomas), Jr., nephew of the United States Sena- tor of the same name, was born at Lebanon, Ohio, July 31, 1806, was educated at Transylvania University, and, being admitted to the bar, located at Edwardsville, 111. He first a])peared in connection witli public affairs as Secretary of the State Senate in 1830, being re-elected in 1832 ; in 1834 vvas elected Representative in the General Assembly from Madison Count}', but, in Febru- ary following, was appointed Attorney-General, serving only one year. He afterwards held the position of Circuit Judge (1837-39), his home being then in Springfield; in 1843 he became Associ- ate Justice of the Supreme Court, by appointment of the Governor, as successor to Stephen A. Doug- las, and was afterwards elected to the same office by the Legislature, remaining until 1848. During a part of his professional career he was the partner of David Prickett and William L. May, at Springfield, and afterwards a member of the Galena bar, finally removing to Chicago, where he died, Feb. 21, 1850.— Jesse B. (Thomas) third, clergyman and son of the last named ; born at Edwardsville, 111., July 29, 1832; educated at Kenyon College, Ohio, and Rochester (N. Y.) Theological Seminary ; practiced law for a time in Chicago, but finally entered the Baptist minis- try, serving churches at "Waukegan, 111., Brook- lyn, N. Y., and San Francisco (1862-69). He 522 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. then became pastor of the Michigan Avenue Bap- tist Church, in Chicago, remaining until 1874, when lie returned to Brooklyn. In 1887 he became Professor of Biblical History in the Theological Seminary at Newton, Mass. , where he has since resided. He is the author of several volumes, and, in 1866, received the degree of D.D. from the old Universitj' of Chicago. THOMAS, John, pioneer and soldier of the Black Hawk War, was born in Wythe County, Va., Jan. 11, 1800. At the age of 18 he accom- panied his parents to St. Clair County, 111., where the family located in what was then called the Alexander settlement, near the present site of Shiloh. When he was 22 he rented a farm (although he had not enough money to buy a horse) and married. Six j'ears later he bought and stocked a farm, and, from that time forward, rapidly accumulated real property, until he became one of the most extensive owners of farm- ing land in St. Clair County. In early life he was fond of military exercise, holding various offices in local organizations and serving as a Colonel in the Black Hawk War. In 1824 he was one of the leaders of the party opposed to the amendment of tlie State Constitution to sanction slavery, was a zealous opponent of the Kansas- Nebra.ska bill in 1854, and a firm supporter of the Republican party from the date of its formation. He was elected to the lower hou.se of the General Assembly in 1838, '62, "64, '72 and '74; and to the State Senate in 1878, serving four years in the liVtter body. Died, at Belleville, Dec. 16, 1894, in the 95th year of his age. THOMAS, John R., ex-Congressman, was born at M<^unt Vernon, 111., Oct. 11, 1846. He served in tlie Union Army during the War of the Rebel- lion, rising from the ranks to a captaincy. After liis return home he studied law, and was admit- ted to the bar in 18C9. From 1872 to 1876 he M-as State's Attorney, and, from 1879 to 1889, repre- sented liis District in Congress. In 1897, Mr. Thomas was appointed by President McKiidey an additional United States District Judge for Indian Teriitory. Ilis home is now at Vanita, in tliat Territory. THOMAS, \Mllium, pioneer lawyer and legis- lat(|uently returned to Sliell)yville, wliere (181)8) lie now resides. THORNTON, WilHam Fitzhugh, Commissioner of tlie Illinois (t Micliigan (!;inal, was born in Hanover County, Va., Oct. 4, 1789; in 1806, went to Alexandria, Va., where he conducted a drug business for a time, also acting as associate HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 523 editor of "The Alexandria Gazette." Sub.se- quently removing to Washington City, he con- ducted a paj^er there in the interest of John Quincy Adams for the Presidency. During the War of 1812-14 he served as a Captain of cavah-y, and, for a time, as staff-officer of General Winder. On occasion of the visit of Marquis La Fayette to America (1824-25) he accompanied the distin- guished Frenchman from Baltimore to Rich- mond. In 1829 he removed to Kentucky, and, in 1833, to Shelbyville, 111., where he soon after engaged in mercantile business, to which he added a banking and brokerage business in 1859, with which he was actively associated until his death. In 1836, he was appointed, by Governor Duncan, one of the Commissioners of the Illinois & Michigan Canal, serving as President of the Board until 1842. In 1840, he made a visit to London, as financial agent of the State, in the interest of the Canal, and succeeded in making a sale of bonds to the amount of $1,000,000 on what were then considered favorable terms. General Thornton was an ardent Whig until the organi- zation of the Republican party, when he became a Democrat. Died, at Shelbyville, Oct. 21, 1873. TILLSON, John, pioneer, was born at Halifax, Mass., March 13, 1796; came to Illinois in 1819, locating at Hillsboro, Montgomery County, where he became a prominent and enterprising operator in real estate, doing a large business for eastern parties; was one of the founders of Hillsboro Academy and an influential and liberal friend of Illinois College, being a Trustee of the latter from its establishment until his death ; was sup- ported in the Legislature of 1827 for State Treas- urer, but defeated by James Hall. Died, at Peoria, May 11, 1853.— Christiana Holmes (Till- son), wife of the preceding, was born at Kingston, Mass., Oct. 10, 1798; married to John Tillson in 1822, and immediately came to Illinois to reside ; was a woman of rare culture and refinement, and deeply interested in benevolent enterprises. Died, in New York City, May 29, 1872.— Charles Holmes (Tillson), son of John and Christiana Holmes Tillson, was born at Hillsboro, 111. , Sept. 15, 1823; educated at Hillsboro Academy and Illinois College, graduating from the latter in 1844; studied law in St. Louis and at Transyl- vania University, was admitted to the bar in St. Louis and practiced there some years — also served several terms in the City Council, and was a member of the National Guard of Missouri in the War of the Rebellion. Died, Nov. 25, 1865.— John (Tillson), Jr., another son, was born at Hillsboro, 111., Oct. 12, 1825; educated at Hills- boro Academy and Illinois College, but did not graduate from the latter; graduated from Tran- sylvania Law School, Ky., in 1847, and was admitted to the bar at Quincy, 111., the same year; practiced two years at Galena, when he returned to Quincy. In 1861 he enlisted in the Tenth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, became its Lieutenant-Colonel, on the promotion of Col. J. D. Morgan to Brigadier-General, was advanced to the colonelcy, and, in July, 1865, was mustered out with the rank of brevet Brigadier-General; for two years later held a commis.sion as Captain in the regular army. During a portion of 1869-70 he was editor of "The Quincy Whig"; in 1873 was elected Representative in the Twenty -eighth General Assembly to succeed Nehemiah Bushnell, who had died in office, and, during the same year, was appointed Collector of Internal Revenue for the Quincy District, serving until 1881. Died, August 6, 1892. TILLSON, Robert, pioneer, was born in Hali- fax County, Mass., August 12, 1800; came to Illi- nois in 1822, and was employed, for sevei-al years, as a clerk in the land agency of his brother, John Tillson, at Hillsboro. In 1826 he engaged in the mercantile business with Charles Holmes, Jr., in St. Louis, but, in 1828, removed to Quincy, 111., where he opened the first general store in that city; also served as Postmaster for some ten years. During this period he built the first two- story frame building erected in Quincy, up to that date. Retiring from the mercantile business in 1840 he engaged in real estate, ultimately becoming the proprietor of considerable property of this character ; was also a contractor for fur- nishing cavalry accouterments to the Government during the war. Soon after the war he erected one of the handsomest business blocks existing in the city at that time. Died, in Quincy, Dec. 27, 1892. TINCHER, John L., banker, was born in Ken- tucky in 1821 ; brought by his jjarents to Vermil- ion County, Ind., in 1829, and left an orphan at 17; attended school in Coles County, 111 , and was employed as clerk in a store at Danville, 1843-53. He then 'became a member of the firm of Tincher & English, merchants, later establish- ing a bank, which became the First National Bank of Danville. In 1864 Mr. Tincher was elected Representative in the Twenty-fourth General Assembly and, two years later, to the Senate, being re-elected in 1870. He was also a member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1869-70. Died, in Springfield, Dec. 17, 1871, 524 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. while in attendance on the adjourned session of that year. TIPTON, Thomas F., lawyer and jurist, was born in Franklin County, Ohio, August 29, 1833; has been a resident of McLean Countj', 111. , from the age of 10 years, his present home being at Bloomington. He was admitted to the bar in 1857, and, from January, 1867, to December, 1868, was State's Attorney for the Eighth Judicial Circuit. In 1870 he was elected Judge of the same circuit, and under the new Constitution, was chosen Judge of the new Fourteenth Circuit. From 1877 to 1879 he represented the (then) Thirteenth Illinois District in Congress, but, in 1878, was defeated by Adlai E. Stevenson, the Democratic nominee. In 1891 he was re-elected to a seat on the Circuit bench for the Bloomington Circuit, but resumed practice at the expiration of his term in 1897. TISKILWA, a village of Bureau County, on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway, 7 miles southwest of Princeton; has creameries and cheese factories, churches, school, library, water- ■works, bank and a newspaper. Pop. (1900), 965. TODD, (Col.) John, soldier, was born in Mont- gomery County, Pa., in 1750; took part in the battle of Point Pleasant, Va., in 1774, as Adju- tant-General of General Lewis; settled as a lawyer at Fincastle, Va., and, in 1775, removed to Fayette County, Ky., the next year locating near Lexington. He was one of the first two Delegates from Kentucky County to the Virginia House of Burgesses, and, in 1778, accompanied Col. George Rogers Clark on his expedition against Kaskaskia and Vincennes. In Decem- ber, 1778, he was appointed by Gov. Patrick Henry, Lieutenant-Commandant of Illinois County, embracing the region northwest of the Oliio River, .serving two years; in 1780, was again a member of the Virginia Legislature, where he procured grants of land for public schools and introduced a bill for negro-emaiicii)ati<)n. He wa.s killed by Indians, at the battle of Blue Li<;ks, Ky., August 19, 1782. TODD, (Dr.) John, physician, born near Lex- ington, Ky., April 27, 1787, was one of the earli- est graduates of Transylvania University, also graduating at tlie Medical University of Phila- delphia; wasa()pointe(l Surgeon-CJeneral of Ken- tucky troops in tin; War of 1812, and captured at tne l>attle of River Raisin. Returning to Lex- ington after liis ndease, he practicied thcire and at Uardstown, relt extending some sixty miles north of Cairo, and, wliile tliej- generally iii('lud(! few coniferous trees, they abiumd in various si)ec;ies of oak, blarrk and wliite walnut, wliite and yellow poj)- lar. fish, elm, sugar rnaple, linden, honey locrust, cotton wfxjd, irn'll)"rry, sycamore, pe(!an, persim- mon, and (in tlie immediate valley of the Ohio) the cypress. From a commercial point of view, Illinois loses nothing through the lack of timber over three-fourths of the State's area. Chicago is an accessible market for the product of the forests of the upper lakes, so that the supply of lumber is ample, while extensive coal-fields sup- ply abundant fuel. The rich soil of the prairies, with its abundance of organic matter (see Geo- logical Formations) , more than compensates for the want of pine forests, whose soil is ill adapted to agriculture. About two-thirds of the entire boundary of the State consists of navigable waters. These, with their tributary streams, ensure sufficient drainage. TORRENS LAiND TITLE SYSTEM. A system for the registration of titles to, and incumbrances upon, land, as well as transfers thereof, intended to remove all unnecessary obstructions to the cheap, simple and safe sale, acquisition and transfer of realty. The system has been in suc- cessful operation in Canada, Australia, New Zea- land and British Columbia for many years, and it is also in force in some States in the American Union. An act providing for its introduction into Illinois was first passed by the Twenty- ninth General Assembly, and approved, June 13, 1895. The final legislation in reference thereto was enacted by the succeeding Legislature, and was approved, May 1, 1897. It is far more elabo- rate in its consideration of details, and is believed to be, in many respects, much better adapted to accomplish the ends in view, than was the origi- nal act of 1895. The law is applicable onlj' to counties of the first and second class, and can be adopted in no county except by a vote of a majority of the qualified voters of the same — the vote "for" or "against" to be taken at either the November or April elections, or at an election for the choice of Judges. Thus far the only county to adopt the sj'stem has been Cook, and there it encountered strong opposition on the jiart of certain i)arties of influence and wealth. After its adoption, a test case was brouglit, rais- ing the (juestion of the constitutionality of the act. The issue was taken to the Supreme Court, which tribunal finally upli,eld tl»e law. —The Torrens system substitutes a certificate of regis- tration and of transfer for the more elaborate deeds and mortgages in use for oenturies. Under it th(>re can be no actual transfer of - qnently a t^Uwed carriage, and it is ndatcid that once, in Oliio, a number of carriages convoying a large party, were made to represent a funeral procession. Occasionally the train ran on foot, for convenience of side-tracking into the woods or a coi-nfield, in ca.se of pursuit by a wild loco- motive. Then, again, there were not wanting lawyers who, in case the operator, conductor or station agent got into trouble, were ready, without fee or reward, to defend either him or his human freight in the courts. These included such names of national repute as Salmon P. Chase, Thaddeus Stevens, Charles Sumner, William II. Seward, Rutherford B. Hayes, Richard H. Dana, and Isaac N. Arnold, while, taking the w^hole country over, their "name was legion." And there were a few men of wealth, like Thomas Garrett of Delaware, willing to contribute money by thousands to their assistance. Although technically acting in violation of law — or, as claimed by themselves, in obedience to a "higher law" — tlie time has alreadj^ come when tliere is a disposition to look upon the actors as, in a certain sense, heroes, and their deeds as fitlj' belonging to the field of romance. The most comprehensive collection of material relating to the history of this movement has been furnished in a recent volume entitled, "The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Free- dom," by Prof. Wilbur H. Siebert, of Ohio State University ; and, while it is not wholly free from errors, both as to individual names and facts, it will probably remain as the best compilation of history bearing on this subject — especially as the principal actors are fast passing away. One of the interesting features of Prof. Siebert's book is a map purporting to give the principal routes and stations in the States northwest of the Ohio, yet the accuracy of this, as well as the correct- ness of personal names given, has been questioned by some best informed on the subject. As miglit be expected from its geograjjhical ])osition between two slave States — Kentu(!ky and Wis- souri — on the one hand, and the lakes offering a liighway to Canada on the other, it is naturally to be assumed that Illinois would be an attra(!t- ive field, both for the fugitive and his sympa- thizer. The ])eriod of greatest activity of the system in this State was between 1H4() and 18()1 — the latter being the year wIkmi the jjro-slavcry i)arty in the South, by thciir attempt f(>r('i4>ly to dis.solvo the Union, took the business out of t>l\ri hands of the secret ag(!nts of the "Underground Railroad," and— in a certain sense — placed it in the hands of the Union armies. It was in 1841 that Abra- HISTOrJCAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 535 ham Lincoln — then a conservative opponent of the extension of slavery — on an appeal from a judgment, rendered by the Circuit Court in Taze- well County, in favor of the holder of a note given for the service of the indentured slave- girl "Nance," obtained a decision from the Supreme Court of Illinois upholding the doctrine that the girl was free under the Ordinance of 1787 and the State Constitution, and that the note, given to the person who claimed to be her owner, was void. And it is a somewhat curious coincidence that the same Abraham Lincoln, as President of the United States, in the second year of the War of the Rebellion, issued the Proclamation of Emancipation which finally resulted in striking the shackles from the limbs of every slave in the Union. In the practical operation of aiding fugitives in Illinois, it was natural that the towns along the border upon the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, should have served as a sort of entrepots, or initial stations, for the reception of this class of freight — especially if adjacent to some anti- slavery community. This was the case at Ches- ter, from which access was easy to Sparta, where a colony of Covenanters, or Seceders, was located, and whence a route extended, by way of Oakdale, Nashville and Centralia, in the direction of Chicago. Alton offered convenient access to Bond County, where there was a community of anti-slavery people at an early day, or the fugi- tives could be forwarded northward by way of JerseyviUe, Waverly and Jacksonville, about each of which there was a strong anti-slavery sentiment. Quincy, in spite of an intense hos- tility among the mass of the community to any- thing savoring of abolitionism, became the theater of great activity on the part of the opponents of the institution, especially after the advent there of Dr. David Nelson and Dr. Rich- ard Eells, both of whom had rendered themselves obnoxious to the people of Mi.ssouri by extending aid to fugitives. The former was a practical abolitionist who, having freed his .slaves in his native State of Virginia, removed to Missouri and attempted to establish Marion College, a few miles from Palmyra, but was soon driven to Illinois. Locating near Quincy, he founded the "Mission Institute" there, at which he continued to dis- seminate his anti-slavery views, while educating young men for missionary work. The "Insti- tute" was finally burned by emissaries from Mis- souri, while three young men who had been ■connected with it, having been caught in Mis- souri, were condemned to twelve years' confine- ment in the penitentiary of that State — partly on the testimony of a negro, although a negro was not then a legal witness in the courts against a white man. Dr. Eells was prosecuted before Stephen A. Douglas (then a Judge of the Circuit Court), and fined for aiding a fugitive to escape, and the judgment against him was finally con- firmed by the Supreme Court after his death, in 1852, ten years after the original indictment. A map in Professor Sieberfs book, showing the routes and principal stations of the "Undergound Railroad," makes mention of the following places in Illinois, in addition to those already referred to: Carlinville, in Macoupin County; Payson and Mendon, in Adams; Washington, in Taze- well; Metamora, in Woodford; Magnolia, in Put- nam; Galesburg, in Knox; Princeton (the home of Owen Lovejoy and the Bryants), in Bureau; and many more. Ottawa appears to have been the meeting point of a number of lines, as well as the home of a strong colony of practical abo- litionists. Cairo also became an important transfer station for fugitives arriving by river, after the completion of the Illinois Central Rail- road, especially as it offered the speediest way of reaching Chicago, towards which nearly all the lines converged. It was here that the fugitives could be most safely disposed of by placing tlieni upon vessels, which, without stopping at inter- mediate ports, could soon land them on Canadian soil. As to methods, these differed according to cir- cumstances, the emergencies of the occasion, or tlie taste, convenience or resources of tlie oper- ator. Deacon Levi Morse, of Woodford County, near Metamora, had a route towards Magnolia, Putnam County; and his favorite "car" was a farm wagon in which there was a double bottom. The passengers were snugly placed below, and grain sacks, filled with bran or otlier light material, were laid over, so that the whole presented the appearance of an ordinary load of grain on its way to market. The same was true as to stations and routes. One, who was an operator, saj's: "Wherever an abolitionist happened on a fugi- tive, or the converse, there was a station, for the time, and the route was to the next anti-slavery man to the east or the north. As a general rule, the agent preferred not to know anything beyond the operation of his own immediate section of the road. If he knew nothing about tlie operations of another, and the other knew nothing of his, they could not be witnesses in court. We have it on the authority of Judge Harvej' B. Hurd, of Chicago, that runaways were usually 536 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. forwarded from that city to Canada by way of the Lakes, there being several steamers available for that purpose. On one occasion thirteen were put aboard a vessel under the eyes of a United States Marshal and his deputies. The fugitives, secreted in a woodshed, one by one took the places of colored stevedores carrying wood aboard the ship. Possibly the term, "There's a nigger in the woodpile," may have originated in this incident. Thirteen was an "unlucky num- ber" in this instance — for the masters. Among the notable trials for assisting runaways in violation of the Fugitive Slave Law, in addi- tion to the case of Dr. Eells, already mentioned, were those of Owen Lovejoy of Princeton, and Deacon Gushing of Will County, both of whom were defended by Judge James Collins of Chi- cago. John Hossack and Dr. Joseph Stout of Ottawa, with some half-dozen of their neighbors and friends, were tried at Ottawa, in 1859, for assisting a fugitive and acquitted on a techni- cality. A strong array of attorneys, afterwards wideh' known through the northern part of the State, appeared for the defense, including Isaac N. Arnold, Joseph Knox, B. C. Cook, J. V. Eus- tace, Edward S. Leland and E. C. Larned. Joseph T. Morse, of Woodford County, was also arrested, taken to Peoria and committed to jail, but acquitted on trial. Another noteworthy case was that of Dr. Samuel Willard (now of Chicago) and his father, Julius A. Willard, charged with assisting in the escape of a fugitive at Jacksonville, in 1843, when the Doctor was a student in Illinois College. "The National Corporation Reporter," a few years ago, gave an account of this affair, together witli a letter from Dr. Willard, in wliich he states that, after protracted litigation, during which the case was carried to tlie Supreme Court, it was ended by his pleading guilty before Judge Samuel D. Lockwood, when he was fined one dollar and costs— the latter amounting to twenty dollars. Tlie Doctor frankly adds: "My father, as well a.s myself, helped many fugitives afterwards." It did not always happen, however, that offenders escaped so easily. Judge Harvey B. Hurd, already referred to, and an active anti-slavery man in the daj's of the Fugitive Slave T.,aw, relates the following: Once, wlieii the trial of a fugitive was going on before Justice Kerclieval, in a room on the .second floor of a two story frame building on Clark Street in the city of Cliicago, the crowd in attcfndance filled thf! room, the Htairway and tlio adjoining sidewalk. In Koinu way the prisoner got mixed in with the audience, and passed down over the heads of those on the stairs, where tlie officers were unable to follow. In another case, tried before United States Commissioner Geo. W. Meeker, the result was made to hinge upon a point in the indictment to the effect that the fugitive was "copper- colored." The Commissioner, as the story goes, being in- clined to favor public sentiment, called for a large copper cent, that he might make comparison. The decision was, that the prisoner was "off color," so to speak, and he was hustled out of the room before the officers could re-arrest him, as they had been instructed to do. Dr. Samuel Willard, in a review of Professor Sieberfs book, published in "The Dial" of Chi cago, makes mention of Henry Irving and Will- iam Chauncey Carter as among his active allies at Jacksonville, with Rev. Bilious Pond and Deacon Lj^man of Farmington (near the present village of Farmingdale in Sangamon Count j'), Luther Ransom of Springfield, Andrew Borders of Randolph County, Joseph Gerrish of Jersey and William T. Allan of Henry, as their coadju- tors in other parts of the State. Other active agents or promoters, in the same field, included such names as Dr. Charles V. Dyer, Philo Carpen- ter, Calvin De Wolf, L. C. P. Freer, Zebina East- man, James H. Collins, Harvey B. Hurd, J. Young Scammon, Col. J. F. Farnsworth and others of Chicago, whose names have already been men- tioned; Rev. Asa Turner, Deacon Ballard, J. K. Van Dorn and Erastus Benton, of Quincy and Adams County ; President Rufus Blanchard of Knox College, Galesburg; John Leeper of Bond; the late Prof. J. B. Turner and Elihu Wolcott of Jacksonville; Capt. Parker Morse and his four sons — Joseph T. , Levi P., Parker, Jr., and Mark — of Woodford County ; Rev. William Sloane of Randolph ; William Strawn of La Salle, besides a host who were willing to aid their fellow men in their aspirations to freedom, without advertising their own exploits. Among the incidents of "Undergi'ound Rail- road" in Illinois is one which had some importance l)olitically, having for its climax a dramatic scene in Congress, but of which, .so far as known, no full account has ever been written. About 1855, E])Iiraim Tjombard, a Mississippi jjlantcr. but a New Knglander by birth, ))ur(rliascd a, large body of ])rairie land in tlu! northeastern ])art of Stark County, iuid, taking up his residontu! temporarily in the village of Bradford, Ixsgan ifs iinjjrove- ment. He had brought with him from Missi.ssi{)pi a negro, gray-haired ;ind bent with age, a slave HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 537 of probably no great value. "Old Mose, " as he •vvas called, soon came to be well known and a favorite in the neighborhood. Lombard boldly- stated that he had brought him there as a slave ; that, by virtue of the Dred Scott decision (then of recent date), he had a constitutional right to take his slaves wherever he pleased, and that "Old Mose" was just as much his property in Illinois as in Mississippi. It soon became evident to some, that his bringing of the negro to Illinois was an experiment to test the law and the feel- ings of the Northern people. This being the case, a shrewd play would have been to let him have his way till other slaves should have been brought to stock the new plantation. But this was too slow a process for the abolitionists, to whom the holding of a slave in the free State of Illinois appeared an unbearable outrage. It was feared that he might take the old negro back to Mississippi and fail to bring any others. It was reported, also, that "Old Mose" was ill-treated; that he was given only the coarsest food in a back shed, as if he were a horse or a dog, instead of being permitted to eat at table with the family. The prairie citizen of that time was very par- ticular upon this point of etiquette. The hired man or woman, debarred from the table of his or her employer, would not have remained a day. A quiet consultation with "Old Mose" revealed the fact that he would hail the gift of freedom joyously. Accordingly, one Peter Risedorf, and another equally daring, met him by the light of the stars and, before morning, he was placed in the care of Owen Lovejoy, at Princeton, twenty miles away. From there he was speedily "franked" by the member of Congress to friends in Canada. There was a great commotion in Bradford over the "stealing" of "Old Mose. " Lombard and his friends denounced the act in terms bitter and profane, and threatened vengeance upon the per- petrators. The conductors were known only to a few, and they kept their secret well. Lovejoy's part in the affair, however, soon leaked out. Lombard returned to Mississippi, where he related his experiences to Mr. Singleton, the Representative in Congress from his district. During the next session of Congress, Singleton took occasion, in a speech, to sneer at Lovejoy as a "nigger-stealer, " citing the case of "Old Mose." Mr. Lovejoy replied in his usual fervid and dramatic style, making a speech which ensured his election to Congress for life — "Is it desired to call attention to this fact of my assisting fugitive slaves?" he said. "Owen Lovejoy lives at Prince- ton, 111., three-quarters of a mile east of the village, and he aids every slave that comes to his door and asks it. Thou invisible Demon of Slavery, dost thou think to cross my humble threshold and forbid me to give bread to the hungry and shelter to the honaeless? I bid you defiance, in the name of my God!" With another incident of an amusing charac- ter this article may be closed: Hon. J. Young Scammon, of Chicago, being accused of conniving at the escape of a slave from oflScers of the law, was asked by the court what he would do if sum- moned as one of a posse to pursue and capture a fugitive. "I would certainly obey the summons," he replied, "but — I should probably stub my toe and fall down before I reached him." Note.— Those who wish to pursue the subject of the " Undergroimd Railroad " in Illinois further, are referred to the work of Dr. Siebert, already mentioned, and to the various County Histories which Iiave been issued and may be found in the public libraries; also for interesting inci- dents, to "Reminiscences of Levi Coftin," Johnson's "From Dixie to Canada," Petit's Sketches, "Still, Under- ground Railroad," and a pamphlet of the same title by James H. Fairchild, ex-President of Oberlin College. UNDERWOOD, WilUam H., lawyer, legislator and jurist, was born at Schoharie Court House, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1818, and, after admission to the bar, removed to Belleville, 111., where he began practice in 1840. The following year he was elected State's Attorney, and re-elected in 1843. In 1846 he was chosen a member of the lower house of the General Assembly, and, in 1848-54, sat as Judge of the Second Circuit. During this period he declined a nomination to Congress, although equivalent to an election. In 1856 be vvas elected State Senator, and re-elected in 1860. He was a member of the Constitutional Conven- tion of 1869-70, and, in 1870, was again elected to the Senate, retiring to private life in 1873. Died, Sept. 23, 1875. UNION COUNTY, one of the fifteen counties into which Illinois was divided at the time of its admission as a State — having been organized, under the Territorial Government, in January, 1818. It is situated in the southern division of the State, bounded on the west by the Mississippi River, and has an area of 400 square miles. The eastern and interior portions are drained by the Cache River and Clear Creek. The western part of the county comprises the broad, rich bottom lands lying along the Mississippi, but is siibject to frequent overflow, while the eastern portion is hilly, and most of its area originally heavily tim- bered. The county is especially rich in minerals. Iron-ore, lead, bituminous coal, chalk, alum and 538 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. potter's clay are found in considerable abun- dance. Several lines of raihvaj- (tlie most impor- tant being the Illinois Central) either cross or tap the county. The chief occupation is agri- culture, although manufacturing is carried on to a limited extent. Fruit is extensively cultivated. Jouesboro is the county-seat, and Cobden and Anna important shipping stations. The latter is the location of the Southern Hospital for the Insane. The population of tlie county, in 1890, was •21,5'29. Being next to St. Clair, Randolph and Gallatin, one of the earliest settled counties in the State, many prominent men found their first home, on coming into the State, at Jones- boro, and this region, for a time, exerted a strong influence in public affairs. Pop. (1900), 22,610. r>'10\ LE.\GUE OF AMERICA, a secret poUt- ical and patriotic order which had its origin early in the late Civil War, for the avowed pur- pose of sustaining the cause of the Union and counteracting the machinations of the secret organizations designed to promote the success of the Rebellion. The first regular Council of the order was organized at Pekin, Tazewell County, June 25, 1862, consisting of eleven members, as follows: John W. Glasgow, Dr. D. A. Cheever, Hart Montgomery, Maj. Richard N. CuUom (father of Senator Cullom), Alexander Small, Hev. J. W. M. Vernon, George 11. Harlow (after- ward Secretary of State), Charles Turner, Col. Jonathan Merriam, Henry Pratt and L. F. Gar- rett. One of the number was a Union refugee from Tennessee, who dictated the first oath from memory, as administered to members of a some- what .similar order which had been organized among the Unionists of his own State. It .sol- emnly pledged the taker, (1) to preserve invio- late the secrets and business of the order; (3) to "support, maintain, protect and defend the civil liberties of the Union of these United States again.st all enemies, either domestic or foreign, at all times and under all circumstances," even "if neces.sarj', to the .sacrifice of life"'; (3) to aid in electing onl}' true Union men to ofTiccs of trust in the town, county. State and General Government; (4) to a.ssist, protect and defend any member of the order who niight be in jieril from his connection with the order, and (•")) to olx!y all laws, rules or regulations of any Countril to whifrh (he taker of th(! oath might he attacli(!d. Tlie oatii wiis tak(!n u])om the Hil)l(), tins Decla- ration of IiidefKindence and Constitution of the United States, the taker j)ledgirig his sacred honor to its fulfillment. A spefiial reason for tim organization existed in the activity, about this time, of the "Knights of the Golden Circle," a disloyal organization whicli liad been introduced from the South, and which afterwards took the name, in the North, of "American Knights" and "Sons of Liberty. ' ' (See Secret Treasonable Soci- eties.) Three months later, the organization had extended to a number of other counties of the State and, on the 25th of September following, the first State Council met at Bloomington — twelve counties being represented — and a State organization was effected. At this meeting the following general officers were chosen: Grand President — ^ Judge Mark Bangs, of Marshall County (now of Chicago) ; Grand Vice-President — Prof. Daniel Wilkin, of McLean ; Grand Secre- tary — George H. Harlow, of Tazewell; Grand Treasurer — H. S. Austin, of Peoria, Grand Mar- shal— J. R. Gorin, of Macon; Grand Herald — A. Gould, of Henry ; Grand Sentinel— John E. Rosette, of Sangamon. An Executive Committee was also appointed, consi-sting of Joseph Medill of "The Chicago Tribune"; Dr. A. J. McFai- land, of Morgan County; J. K. Warren, of Macon; Rev. J. C. Rybolt, of La Salle; the President, Judge Bangs; Enoch Emery, of Peoria; and John E. Rosette. Under the direction of this Committee, with Mr. Medill as its Chairman, the constitution and by-laws were thoroughly revised and a new ritual adopted, which materi- ally changed the phraseology and removed some of the crudities of the original obligation, as well as increased the beauty and impressiveuess of the initiatory ceremonies. New signs, grips and pass-words were also adopted, which were finally accepted by the various organizations of the order throughout the Union, which, by this time, included many soldiers in the army, as well as civilians. The second Grand (or State) Council was lield at Springfield, January 14, 1803, with only seven counties represented. The limited representation was discouraging, but the mem- bers took heart from tlie in.spiring words of Gov- ernor Yates, addres.sed to a committee of the order who waited upon him. At a special ses- sion of the Executive Committee, held at Peoria, six days later, a vigorous campaign Avas mapped out, under whicih agents were sent into nearly every county in the State. In Oc- tober, 1862, the strength of the order in Illi- nois was estimated at three to five thousand ; a few months later, the number of enrolled membtirs had increased to 50,(){)0 — so rapid had been the growth of the order. On March 25, ]86;i, a Granil Counc^il met in Chicago — 401 Councils in Illinois being represented, with HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 539 a number from Oliio, Indiana, Michigan, Wiscon- sin, Iowa and Minnesota. At tliis meeting a Committee was appointed to prepare a plan of organization for a National Grand Council, which was carried out at Cleveland, Ohio, on the 20th of May following — the constitution, ritual and signs of the Illinois organization being adopted with slight modifications. The lo vised obligation — taken uiDon the Bible, the Declaration of Inde- pendence and the Constitution of the United States — bound members of the League to "sup- port, protect and defend the Government of the United States and the flag thereof, against all enemies, foreign and domestic," and to" bear true faith and allegiance to the same"; to "defend the State against invasion or insurrection"; to support only "true and reliable men" for offices of trust and profit; to protect and defend worthy members, and to preserve inviolate the secrets of the order. The address to new mem- bers was a model of impressiveness and a powerful appeal to their patriotisin. The organization extended rapidly, not only throughout the North- west, but in the South also, especially in the army. In 1864 the number of Councils in Illinois was estimated at 1,300, with a membership of 175, 000 ; and it is estimated that the total mem- bership, throughout the Union, was 2,000,000. The influence of the silent, but zealous and effect- ive, operations of the organization, was shown, not only in the stimulus given to enlistments and support of the war i)olicy of the Government, but in the raising of supplies for the sick and wounded soldiers in the field. Within a few weeks before the fall of Vicksburg, over $25,000 in cash, besides large quantities of stores, were sent to Col. John Williams (then in charge of the Sanitary Bureau at Springfield), as the direct result of appeals made through circulars sent out by the officers of the "League." Large contri- butions of money and supplies also reached the sick and wounded in hospital through the medium of the Sanitarj' Commission in Chicago. Zealous efforts were made by the opposition to get at the secrets of the order, and, in one case, a complete copy of the ritual was published by one of their organs; but the effect was so far the reverse of what was anticipated, that this line of attack was not continued. During the stormy session of the Legislature in 1863, the League is said to have rendered effective service in protecting Gov- ernor Yates from threatened assassination. It continued its silent but effective operations until the complete overthrow of the rebellion, when it ceased to exist as a political organization. UiVITED STATES SENATORS. The follow- ing is a list of United States senators from Illinois, from the date of the admission of the State into the Union until 1899, with the date and duration of the term of each: Ninian Edwards, 1818-24; Jesse B. Thomas, Sr., 1818-29; John McLean, 1824-25 and 1829-30; Elias Kent Kane, 1825-35; David Jevvett Baker, Nov. 12 to Dec. 11, 1830; John M. Robinson, 1830-41 ; William L. D. Ewing, 1835-37; Richard M. Young, 1837-43; Samuel Mc- Roberts, 1841-43; Sidney Bree.se, 1843-49; James Semple, 1843-47; Stephen A. Douglas, 1847-61; James Shields, 1849-55; Lyman Trumbull, 1855-73; Orville H. Browning, 1861-63; William A. Rich- ardson, 1863-65; Richard Yates, 1865-71; John A. Logan, 1871-77 and 1879-86; Richard J. Oglesby, 1873-79; David Davis, 1877-83; Shelby M. Cullom, first elected in 1883, and re-elected in '89 and "95, his third term expiring in 1901; Charles B. Far- well, 1887-91; John McAuley Palmer, 1891-97; William E. Mason, elected in 1897, for the term expiring, March 4, 1903. UMV ERSITY OF CHICAGO (The New). One of the leading educational institutions of the country, located at Chicago. It is the outgrowth of an attempt, put forth by the American Educa- tional Society (organized at Washington in 1888), to supply the place which the original institution of the same name had been designed to fill. (See Universitij of Chicago — Tlie Old.) The following year, Mr. John D. Rockefeller of New York ten- dered a contribution of §600,000 toward the endow- ment of the enterprise, conditioned upon securing additional pledges to the amount of $400,000 by June 1, 1890. The offer was accepted, and the sum promptly raised. In addition, a site, covering four blocks of land in the city of Chicago, was secured — two and one-half blocks being acquired by i^urchase for 8282,500, and one and one-half (valued at $125,000) donated by Mr. Marshall Field. A charter was secured and an organiza- tion effected, Sept. 10, 1890. The Presidency of the institution was tendered to, and accepted by. Dr. William R. Harper. Since that time the University has' been the recipient of other gener- ous benefactions by Mr. Rockefeller and others, until the aggregate donations (1898) exceed §10,- 000,000. Of this amount over one-half has been contributed by Mr. Rockefeller, while he has l^ledged himself to make additional contributions of §2,000,000, conditioned upon the raising of a like sum, from other donors, by Jan. 1, 1900. The buildings erected on the campus, prior to 1896, include a chemical laboratory costing §182,000; a lecture hall, $150,000; a physical laboratory 540 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. §150,000; a museum, $100,000; an academy dor- mitory, §30,000; three dormitories for women, §150,000; two dormitories for men, §100,000, to which several important additions were made during 1896 and 97. The faculty embraces over 150 instructors, selected with reference to their fitness for their respective departments from among the most eminent scholars in America and Europe. Women are admitted as students and graduated upon an equality with men. The work of practical instruction began in October, 1892, with 589 registered students, coming from nearly every Northern State, and including 250 gradu- ates from other institutions, to which accessions were made, during the year, raising the aggregate to over 900. The second year the number ex- ceeded 1,100; the third, it rose to 1,750, and the fourth (1895-96), to some 2,000, including repre- sentatives from every State of the Union, besides many from foreign countries. Special features of the institution include the admission of gradu- ates from other institutions to a post-graduate course, and tlie University Extension Division, which is conducted largely by means of lecture courses, in other cities, or through lecture centers in the vicinity of the University, non-resident students having the privilege of written exami- nations. The various libraries embrace over 300,000 volumes, of which nearly 60,000 belong to what are called the "Dei^artmental Libraries,'" besides a large and valuable collection of maps and pamphlets. LMVERSITY OF CHICAGO (Tlie Old), an educational institution at Chicago, under the care of the Baptist denomination, for some years known as the Douglas University. Senator Stephen A. Douglas offered, in 1854, to donate ten acres of land, in what was then near the southern border of the city of Chicago, as a site for an institution of learning, i)rovided buildings cost- ing §100,000, be erected thereon within a stipu- lated time. The corner-stone of the main building was laid, July 4, 1H57, but the financial panic; of that year prevented its completion, and Mr. Doug- las extended the time, and finally deeded the land to the tru.stees without reserve. For eighteen years the institution led a precarious existence, struggling under a heavy deiit. By 1885, mort- gages to the amount of §320,000 having ac(uimu- latod. the trustees abandoncMl furtlun- effort, and ac(iui(;sf-ed in the sale of the property under iore- dosuro proc(!edings. TIk! original plan of the institution contemjjlated preparatory and col- legiate il(;|)artnientH, together with a college of law and u tlieological lichool. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, the leading edu- cational institution under control of the State, located at Urbana and adjoining the city of Champaign. The Legislature at the session of 1863 accepted a grant of 480,000 acres of land under Act of Congress, approved July 2, 1862, making an appropriation of public lands to States — 30,000 acres for each Senator and each Representative in Congress — establishing colleges for teaching agri- culture and the mechanic arts, though not to the exclusion of classical and scientific studies. Land- scrip under this grant was issued and placed in the hands of Governor Yates, and a Board of Trustees appointed under the State law was organ- ized in Mai'ch, 1867, the institution being located the same year. Departments and courses of study were established, and Dr. John M. Gregory, of Michigan, was chosen Regent (President). — The landscrip issued to Illinois was sold at an early day for wliat it would bring in open market, except 25,000 acres, which was located in Ne- braska and Minnesota. This has recently been sold, realizing a larger sum than was received for all the scrip otherwise disposed of. The entire sum thus secured for permanent endowment ag- gregates §613,026. The University revenues were further increased by donations from Congress to each institution organized under the Act of 1862, of §15,000 per annum for the maintenance of an Agricultural Experiment Station, and, in 1890, of a similar amount for instruction — the latter to be increased §1,000 annually until it should reach §25,000.— A mechanical building was erected in 1871, and this is claimed to have been the first of its kind in America intended for strictly educa- tional purposes. What was called "the main building" was formally opened in December, 1873. Other buildings embrace a "Science Hall," opened in 1892; a new "Engineering Hall," 1894; a fine Library Building, 1897. Eleven other prin- cipal structures and a number of smaller ones have been erected as conditions "-equired. The value of property aggregates nearly §2,500,000, and appropriations from the State, for all purposes, previous to 1904, foot up §5,123,517.90.— Since 1871 the institution has been open to women. The courses of study embrace agriculture, chem- istry, polytecimics, military ta(!ti(!s, natiu-al and general scienci^s, languages and literature, eco- nomics, household scieiuie, trade and (lommerce. The CJradimte School dates from 1891. In 1H9G the Chicago (Jollego of Pl)arma(!y was connocted with the University: a College of Law and a Library School were opened in 1897, and the same year the Chicago College of Physicians and Sur- HISTOKICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 541 geons was affiliated as the College of Medicine — a School of Dentistry being added to the latter in 1901. In 1885 the State Laboratory of Natural History was transferred from Normal, 111., and an Agricultural Experiment Station entablished in 1888, from which bulletins are sent to farmers throughout the State who may desire them. — The first name of the Institution was "Illinois Indus- trial University," but, in 1885, this was changed to "University of Illinois." In 1887 the Trustees (of whom there are nine) were made elective by popular vote — three being elected every two years, each holding office six years. Dr. Gregory, having resigned the office of Regent in 1880, was succeeded by Dr. Selim H. Peabody, who had been Professor of Mechanical and Civil Engineer- ing. Dr. Peabody resigned in 1891. Tlie duties of Regent were then discharged by Prof. Thomas J. Burrill until August, 1894, when Dr. Andrew Sloan Draper, former State Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of New York, was installed as President, serving until 1904. — The corps of instruction (1904) includes over 100 Pro- fessors, 60 Associate and Assistant Pi-ofessors and 200 Instructors and Assistants, besides special lecturers, demonstrators and clerks. The num- ber of students has increased rapidly in recent years, as shown by the following totals for suc- cessive years from 1890-91 to 1903-04, inclusive: 519; 583; 714; 743; 810; 852; 1,075; 1,582; 1,824; 2,234; 2,505; 2,932; 8,289; 3,589. Of the last num- ber, 2,271 'were men and 718 women. During 1903-04 there were in all departments at Urbana, 2,547 students (256 being in the Preparatory Aca- demy) ; and in the three Professional Departments in Chicago, 1,042, of whom 694 were in the Col- lege of Medicine, 185 in the School of Pharmacy, and 163 in the School of Dentistry. The Univer- sity Library contains 63,700 volumes and 14,500 pamphlets, not including 5,350 volumes and 15,850 pamphlets in the State Laboratory of Nat- ural History.— The University occupies a con- spicuous and attractive site, embracing 220 acres adjacent to the line between Urbana and Cham- paign, and near the residence portion of the two cities. The athletic field of 11 acres, on which stand the gymnasium and armory, is enclosed with an ornamental iron fence. The campus, otherwise, is an open and beautiful park with fine landscape effects. UNOR(JANIZED COUNTIES. In addition to the 102 counties into which Illinois is divided, acts were passed by the General Assembly, at different times, providing for the organiza- tion of a number of others, a few of which were subsequently organized under different names, but the majority of which were never organized at all— the proposition for such or- ganization being rejected by vote of the people within the proposed boundaries, or allowed to lapse by non-action. These unorganized coun- ties, with the date of the several acts authorizing them, z ad the territory which they were in- tended to include, were as follows: Allen County (1841) — comprising portions of Sanga- mon, Morgan and Macoupin Counties ; Audobon (Audubon) County (1843) — f rom poi'tions of Mont- gomery, Fayette and Shelby; Benton County (1843) — from Morgan, Greene and Macoupin; Coffee County (1837) — with substantially the same territory now comprised within the bound- aries of Stark County, authorized two years later; Dane County (1839) — name changed to Christian in 1840; Harrison County (1855) — from McLean, Champaign and Vermilion, com- prising territory since pai'tially incorporated in Ford County; Holmes County (1857) — from Champaign and Vermilion; Marquette County (1843), changed (1847) to Highland — compris- ing the northern portion of Adams, (this act was accepted, with Columbus as the county- seat, but organization finally vacated) ; Michi- gan County (1837) — from a part of Cook; Milton County (1843) — from the south part of Vermil- ion; Okaw County (1841) — comprising substan- tially the same territory as Moultrie, organized under act of 1843; Oregon County (1851) — from parts of Sangamon, Morgan and Macoupin Coun- ties, and covering substantially the same terri- tory as proposed to be incorporated in Allen County ten years earlier. The last act of this character was passed in 1867, when an attempt was made to organize Lincoln County out pJ parts of Champaign and Vermilion, but whicti failed for want of an affirmative vote. UPPER ALTON, a city of Madison County, situated on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, about 1| miles northeast of Alton— laid out in 1816. It has several churches, and is the seat of Shurtleff College and the Western Military Academy, the former founded about 1831, and controlled by the Baptist denomination. Beds of excellent clay are found in the vicinity and utilized in pottery manufacture. Pop. (1890), 1,803; (1900), 2,373. U PTON, George Putnam, journalist, was born at Roxbury, Mass., Oct. 25, 1834; graduated from Brown University in 1854, removed to Chicago in 1855, and began newspaper work on "The Native Ainerican," the following year taking the place of city editor of "The Evening Jour- 542 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. nal." In 1862, Mr. Upton became musical critic on "The Chicago Tribune, "" serving for a time also as its war correspondent in tlie field, later (about 1881) taking a place on the general edi- torial staff, which he still retains. He is regarded as an authority on musical and dramatic topics. Mr. Upton is also a stockholder in, and, for sev- eral years, has been Vice-President of the "Trib- une" Company. Besides numerous contributions to magazines, his works include: "Letters of Peregrine Pickle'' (18C9) ; "Memories, a Story of German Love." translated from the German of Ma.K Muller (18T9) ; "Woman in Music" (1880); "Lives of German Composers" (3 vols. — 1883-84); besides four volumes of standard operas, oratorios, cantatas, and symphonies (188588). URBANA, a flourishing city, the county-seat of Champaign Countj-, on the "Big Four," the Illinois Central and the Wabash Railways: 130 miles south of Chicago and 31 miles west of Dan- ville; in agricultural and coal-mining region. The mechanical industries include extensive rail- road shops, manufacture of brick, suspenders and lawn-mowers. The Cunningham Deaconesses' Home and Orphanage is located here. The city has water-works, gas and electric light plants, electric car-lines (local and interurban), superior schools, nine churches, three banks and three newspapers. Urbana is the seat of the University of Illinois. Pop. (1890), 3,511; (1900), 5,728. CSREY, William J., editor and .soldier, was born at Washington (near Natchez), Jliss., May 16, 1827; was educated at Natchez, and, before reaching manhood, came to Macon County, 111., where he engaged in teaching until 1846, when he enli.sted as a private in Comjjany C, Fourth Illinois Volunteers, for the Mexican War. In 1855, he joined with a Mr. Wingate in the estab- lisiiment, at Decatur, of "The Illinois State Chron- icle," of which he soon after took solo charge, conducting the paper until I80I, when he enlisted in tiic Thirty-fiftii Illinois Volunteers and was iip|)oint(:d .\iljutant. Although born and edu- <;ated in a slave State, Mr. Usrey was an earnest f)Ii|K)nent of slavery, as proved by the attitude of liis pajHT in ()piK)sition to the Kan.sas-Nebraska liill. He was one of the most zealous endorsers of the proposition for a conference of the Anti- Nebraska editors of the State of Illinois, to agree ujK)!! H line of jKilicy in opposition to th(! further exten.sion of slavery, and, when that body met at Decatur, on Feb. 22, 1850, h,; sf^rvc.I as its S(!( ro- tary, tliiis taking a i)romin(!nt part in tiie initial hU'|ih whifji r<-Hulted in thi; organization of tlio Kfipiililicaii pjirty in IllinoiH. (Hcc. Anti-l\'ihr4kia by ('<>\. Ocorgrr Rogers (-'lark in 1778, he rendered vahial)le aid to the; Americans, turn- ing out Kiii»pliayment, infiirring li.ibilities in exfrews of $20,000. This, followed by the confiscation policy of the British Colonel Hamilton, at Vincennes, where Vigo had considerable property, reduced him to extreme penury. H. W. Beckwith says that, towards the close of his life, he lived on his little homestead near Vincennes, in great poverty but cheerful to the last He was never recom- pensed during his life for his sacrifices in behalf of the American cause, though a tardy restitution was attempted, after his death, by the United States Government, for the benefit of his heirs. He died, at a ripe old age, at Vincennes, Ind., March 23, 1835. VILLA RIDGE, a village of Pulaski County, on the Illinois Central Railway, 10 miles north of Cairo. Population, 500. VINCENNES, Jean Baptiste Bissot, a Canadian explorer, born at Quebec, January, 1688, of aris- tocratic and wealthy ancestry. He was closely connected with Louis Joliet — probably his brother-inlavsr, although some historians say that he was the latter's nephew. He entered the Canadian army as ensign in 1701, and had a long and varied experience as an Indian fighter. About 1735 he took up his residence on what is now the site of the present city of Vincennes, Ind., which is named in his honor. Here he erected an earth fort and established a trading- post. In 1736, under orders, he co-operated with D'Artaguiette (then the French Governor of Illi- nois) in an expedition against the Chickasaws. Tiie expedition resulted disastrously. Vincennes and D'Artaguiette were captured and burned at the stake, together with Father Senat (a Jesuit priest) and others of the command. (See also D'Artaguiette; French Oovernors of Illhiois.) VIRDEN, a city of Macoupin County, on the Chicago & Alton and the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroads, 21 miles south by west from Springfield, and 81 miles east-southeast of Jack- sonville. It has five churciies, two banks, two newspapers, telephone service, electric lights, grain elevators, machine shop, and extensive coal mines. Pop.(1900), 2,280 ; (school census 19()8),3, 051. VIR(»INIA,an incorporated city, the county- seat of Cass County, situated at the intersection of the Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis, with the Spring- field Division of the Baltimore & Oliio Soutii- vvestern Railroad, 15 miles north of Jacksonville, and iS3 miles wost-nortliwest of Si)ringfiel(l. It lies in tiie heart of a rich agricultural region. Tlier(» is a llouring mill here, besides manu- factories of wagons and cigars. The city has two National anrl one State bank, five churciies, a HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 545 high school, and two weekly papers. Pop (1890), 1,602; (1900), 1,600. YOCKE, William, lawyer, was born at Min- den, Westphalia (Germany), iu 1839, the son of a Government Secretary in the Prussian service. Having lost his father at an early age, he emi- grated to America in 1856, and, after a short stay in New York, came to Chicago, where he found employment as a paper-carrier for "The Staats-Zeitung, " meanwhile giving his attention to the study of law. Later, he became associated with a real-estate firm; on the commencement of the Civil War, enlisted as a private in a three-months' regiment, and, finally, in the Twenty-fourth Illinois (the first Hecker regi- ment), in which he rose to the rank of Captain. Returning from the army, he was employed as city editor of "The Staats-Zeitung," but, in 1865, became Clerk of the Chicago Police Court, serving vmtil 1869. Meanwhile he had been admitted to the bar, and, on retirement from oflSce, began practice, but, in 1870, was elected Representative in the Twenty-seventh General Assembly, in which he bore a leading part in framing "the burnt record act" made necessary by the fire of 1871. He has since been engaged in the practice of his profession, having been, for a number of years, attorney for the German Consulate at Chicago, also serving, for several years, on the Chicago Board of Education. Mr. Vocke is a man of high literary tastes, as shown by his publication, in 1869, of a volume of poems translated from the German, which has been highly commended, besides a legal work on "The Administration of Justice in the United States, and a Synopsis of the Mode of Procedure in our Federal and State Com-ts and All Federal . and State Laws relating to Subjects of Interest to Aliens," which has been published in the Ger- man Language, and is highly valued by German lawyers and business men. Mr. Vocke was a member of the Republican National Convention of 1872 at Philadelphia, which nominated General Grant for the Presidency a second time. VOLK, Leonard Wells, a distinguished Illinois sculptor, born at Wellstown (afterwards Wells), N. Y., Nov. 7, 1828. Later, his father, who was a marble cutter , removed to Pittsfield, Mass., and, at the age of 16, Leonard began work in his shop. In 1848 he came west and began model- ing in clay and drawing at St. Louis, being only self-taught. He married a cousin of Stephen A. Douglas, and the latter, in 1855, aided him in the prosecution of his art studies in Italy. Two years afterward he settled in Chicago, where he modeled the first portrait bust ever made in the city, having for his subject his first patron — the "Little Giant." The next j'ear (1858) he made a life-size marble statue of Douglas. In 1860 he made a portrait bust of Abraham Lincoln, which passed into the possession of the Chicago His- torical Society and was destroyed in the great fire of 1871. In 1868-69, and again in 1871-72, he revisited Italy for purposes of study. In 1867 he was elected academician of the Chicago Academy, and was its President for eight years. He was genial, companionable and charitable, and always ready to assist his younger and less.fortunate pro- fessional brethren. His best known works are the Douglas Monument, in Chicago, several soldiers' monuments in different parts of the country, the statuary for the Henry Keep mausoleum at Watertown, N. Y. , life-size statues of Lincoln and Douglas, in the State House at Springfield, and numerous portrait busts of men eminent in political, ecclesiastical and commercial life. Died, at Osceola, Wis., August 18, 1895. TOSS, Arno, journalist, lawyer and soldier, born in Pru.ssia, April 16, 1821 ; emigrated to the United States and was admitted to the bar in Chicago, in 1848, the same year becoming editor of "The Staats-Zeitung"; was elected City Attorney in 1852, and again m 1853; in 1861 became Major of the Sixth Illinois Cavalry, but afterwards assisted in organizing the Twelfth Cavalry, of which he was commissioned Colonel, still later serving with his command in Vir- ginia. He was at Harper's Ferry at the time of the capture of that place in September, 1862, but succeeded in cutting his way, with his command, through the rebel lines, escaping into Pennsyl- vania. Compelled by ill-health to leave the serv- ice in 1863, he retired to a farm in Will County, but, in 1869, returned to Chicago, where he served as Master in Chancery and was elected to the .lower branch of the General Assembly in 1876, but declined a re-election in 1878. Died, in Chi- cago, March 23, 1888. WABASH, CHESTER & WESTERN RAIL- ROAD, a railway running from Chester to Mount Vernon, 111., 63.33 miles, with a branch extend- ing from Chester to Menard. 1.5 miles; total mileage, 64.83. It is of standard gauge, and almost entirely laid with 60-pound steel rails. — (History.) It was organized, Feb. 20, 1878, as successor to the Ii-on Mountain, Chester & East- ern Railroad. During the fiscal year 1893-94 the Company purchased the Tamaroa & Mount Ver- non Railroad, extending from Mount Vernon to 546 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Tamaroa, 22.5 miles. Capital stock (1898), §1,- 250,000; bonded indebtedness, §690,000; total capitalization, $2,028,573. WABASH COUNTY, situated in the southeast corner of the State ; area 220 square miles. The county tvas carved out from Edwards in 1824, and the first court house built at Centerville, in May, 1826. Later, Mount Carmel was made the county-seat. (See Jloiint Carmel.) The Wabash Kiver drains the county on the east; other streams are the Bon Pas, Coffee and Crawfish Creeks. The surface is undulating with a fair growth of timber. The chief industries are the raising of live-stock and the cultivation of cere- als. The wool-crop is likewise valuable. The county is crossed by the Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis and the Cairo and Vincennes Division of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Raih-oads. Population (1880), 4,945; (1890), 11,866; (1900), 12,583. WABASH RAILROAD, an extensive railroad system connecting the cities of Detroit and Toledo, on the east, with Kansas City and Council Bluffs, on the west, with branches to Chicago, St. Louis, Quincy and Altaniont, III., and to Keokuk and Des Jloines, Iowa. The total mileage (1898) is 1,874.96 miles, of which 677.4 miles are in Illi- nois — all of the latter being the property of the company, besides 176.7 miles of yard -tracks, sid- ings and spurs. Tlie company has trackage privileges over the Toledo, Peoria & Western (0.5 miles) between Elvaston and Keokuk bridge, and over the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (21.8 miles) between Camp Point and Quincy. — (HIS- TORY.) A considerable portion of this road in Illinois is constructed on the line upon which the Northern Cross Railroad was projected, in the "internal improvement" scheme adoi)ted in 1837, and embraces the only section of road completed \mder that scheme — that between tlie Illinois River and Springfield. (1) The construction of this section was begun by tlie State, May 11, 18:57, the first rail laid. May 9, 1838, the road coini»let(fd to Jacksonville, Jan. 1, 1840, and to Spring(i«'ld, May 13, 1H42. It was operated for a time by "mule jiower," but the income was in- HufTirient to keep the line in repair and it was finally alwindoned. In 1847 tlio line was sold for $21,100 to N. H. Ridgelyand Thomas Mather of Si>ring(ii'ld, anrl by them transferred to New York ciipitalists, wlio organized the Sangamon & Morgan Rjiilroad (>)mj>any, recoMHtructed the rfrtwl from Springfield to Naples and ojuined it for biininffHH in 1849. (2) In 1853 two corjiorations wereornanizfifl in Ohio and Indiana, respectively, under the name of the Toledo & Illinois RailroEid and the Lake Erie, Wabash & St. Louis Railroad, which were consolidated as the Toledo, Wabash & Western Railroad, June 25, 1856. In 1858 these lines were sold separately under foreclo- sure, and finally reorganized, under a special char- ter granted by the Illinois Legislature, under the name of the Great Western Railroad Company. (3) The Quincy & Toledo Railroad, extending from Camp Point to the Illinois River opposite Meredosia, was constructed in 1858-59, and that, with the Illinois & Southern Iowa (from Clay- ton to Keokuk), was united, July 1, 1865, with the eastern divisions extending to Toledo, the new organization taking the name of the main line, (Toledo, Wabash & Western). (4) The Hannibal & Naples Division (49.6 miles), from Bluffs to Hannibal, Mo., was chartered in 1863, opened for bvisiness in 1870 and leased to the Toledo, Wabash & Western. The latter defaulted on its interest in 1875, was placed in the hands of a receiver and, in 1877, was turned over to a new company under the name of the Wabash Railway Company. (5) In 1868 the company, as it then existed, promoted and secured the con- struction, and afterwards acquired the owner- ship, of a line extending from Decatur to East St. Louis (110.5 miles) under the name of the Deca- tur & East St. Louis Railroad. (6) The Eel River Railroad, from Butler to Logansport, Ind., was acquired in 1877, and afterwards extended to Detroit under the name of the Detroit, Butler & St. Louis Railroad, completing the connection from Logansport to Detroit. — In November, 1879, the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway Com- pany was organized, took the property and con- solidated it with certain lines west of the Mississippi, of which tlie chief was the St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern. A line had been pro- jected from Decatur to Chicago as early as 1870, but, not having been constructed in 1881, the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific purclui.sed what was known as the Chicago & Paducah Railroad, uniting with the main line at Bement, and (by way of the Decatur and St. Louis Division) giv- ing a direct line between Chicago and St. Louis. At this time the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific was ojierating the following additional leased lines: Pekiii, Lincoln & Decatur (67.2 miles); Hannibal & Central Missouri (70.2 miles); Lafayette, Mun- cie m the issuance of Pr(!sident Lin(;oIirs first call for troojis ^.\i)ril M, 1801;, tlu; Govt^rnor itviximl IiIh profilamation summoning the Ii(!gisla- tiire together in Hp(!cial session and, the same day, ijMued a ("ill for "six rogiments of militia," the quota assigned to the State under call of the President. Public excitement was at fever heat, and dormant patriotism in both sexes was aroused as never before. Party lines were broken down and, with comparativelj' few excep- tions, the mass of the people were actuated by a common sentiment of patriotism. On April 19, Governor Yates was instructed, by the Secretarj' of War, to take possession of Cairo as an important strategic point. At that time, tlie State militia organizations were few in number and poorly equipped, consisting chiefly of independent com- panies in the larger cities. The Governor acted with great i>romptitude, and, on April 21, seven companies, numbering 595 men, commanded by Gen. Richard K. Swift of Chicago, were en route to Cairo. The first volunteer company to tender its services, in response to Governor Yates' proc- lamation, on April 16, was the Zouave Graj's of Springfield. Eleven other companies were ten- dered the same day, and, by the evening of the 18th, the number liad been increased to fifty. Simultaneously with these proceedings, Chicago bankers tendered to the Governor a war loan of 8500,000, and those of Springfield, §100,000. The Legislature, at its special session, passed acts in- creasing the efficiency of the militia law, and provided for the creation of a war fund of §2,- 000,000. Besides the six regiments already called for, the raising of ten additional volunteer regi- ments and one battery of light artillery was authorized. The last of the six regiments, apportioned to Illinois under the first presidential call, was disiiatched to Cairo early in May. The six regiments were numbered the Seventh to Twelfth, inclusive — the earlier numbers. First to Sixth, being conceded to tlie six regiments which had served in the war with Mexico. The regi- ments were commanded, respectively, by Colonels John Cook, Richard J. Oglesby, Eleazer A. Paine, James D. Morgan, William H. L. Wallace, and John McArthiir, constitutiing tlie "First Brigade of Illinois Volunteers." Benjamin M. Prentiss, having been chosen Brigadier-General on arrival at (.'airo, assumed coinniand, relieving General Swift. The (juota under the second call, consist- ing of ten regiments, was mustered into service within sixty days, 200 comjiaiiies being tendered immediately. Many more volunteered than could be, ac(;ei)ted, and large numbers cro.ssed to Mis- souri and enlisted in regiments forming in that State. During June and .July the SiH^rctary of War aiitliorizcMl (Jovernor Yates to recruit twenty- two ■■idditional regiments (sin'ciitecii infantry and five cavalry), which were proinjjtly raised. On HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 551 July 23, the day following the defeat of the Union army at Bull Run, President Lincoln called for 500,000 more volunteers. Governor Yates im- mediately responded with an offer to the War Department of sixteen more regiments (thirteen of infantry and three of cavalry), and a battalion of artillery, adding, that the State claimed it as . her right, to do her full share toward the preser- vation of the Union. Under supplemental author- ity, received from the Secretary of War in August, 1861, twelve additional regiments of in- fantry and five of cavalry were raised, and, by De- cember, 1861, the State had 43,000 volunteers in the field and 17,000 in camps of instruction. Other calls were made in July and August, 1803, each for 300,000 men. Illinois' quota, under both calls, was over 53,000 men, no regard being paid to the fact that the State had already furnished 16,000 troops in excess of its quotas under previ- ous calls. Unless this number of volunteers was raised by September 1, a draft would be ordered. The tax was a severe one, inasmuch as it would fall chiefly upon the prosperous citizens, the float- ing population, the idle and the extremely poor having already followed the army's march, either as soldiers or as camp-followers. But recruiting was actively carried on, and, aided by liberal bounties in many of the counties, in less than a fortnight the 53,000 new troops were secured, the volunteers coming largely from the substantial classes — agricultural, mercantile, artisan and professional. By the end of December, fifty-nine regiments and four batteries had been dispatched to the front, besides a considerable number to fill up regiments already in the field, which had suf- fered severely from battle, exposure and disease. At this time, Illinois had an aggregate of over 135,000 enlisted men in the field. The issue of President Lincoln's preliminary proclamation of emancipation, in September, 1863, was met by a storm of hostile criticism from his political opponents, who — aided by the absence of so large a proportion of the loyal population of the State in the field — were able to carry the elec- tions of that year. Consequently, when the Twenty-third General Assembly convened in regular session at Springfield, on Jan. 5, 1863, a large majority of that body was not only opposed to both the National and State administrations, but avowedly opposed to the further prosecution of the war under the existing policy. The Leg- islature reconvened in June, but was prorogued by Governor Yates Between Oct. 1, 1863, and July 1, 1864, 16,000 veterans re-enlisted and .87,000 new volunteers were enrolled; and, by the date last mentioned, Illinois had furnished to the Union army 344,496 men, being 14,596 in ex- cess of the allotted quotas, constituting fifteen per cent of the entire population. These were comprised in 151 regiments of infantry, 17 of cavalry and two complete regiments of artillery, besides twelve independent batteries. The total losses of Illinois organizations, during the war, has been reported at 34,834, of which 5,874 were killed in battle, 4,030 died from wounds, 33,786 from disease and 3,154 from other causes — being a total of thirteen per cent of the entire force of the State in the service. Tlie part which Illinois played in tlie contest was conspicuous for patriot- ism, promptness in response to every call, and the bravery and efficiency of its troops in the field — reflecting honor upon the State and its his- tory. Nor were its loyal citizens — who, while staying at home, furnished moral and material support to the men at the front — less worthy of praise than those who volunteered. By uphold- ing the Government — National and State — and by their zeal and energy in collecting and sending forward immense quantities of supplies — surgical, medical and other — often at no little sacrifice, tliey contributed much to the success of the Union arms. (See also Camp Douglas; Camp Douglas Conspiracy; Secret Treasonable Soci- eties.) WAR OF THE REBELLION (History of Illi- nois Regiments). The following is a list of the various military organizations mustered into the service during the Civil War (1861-65), with the terms of service and a summary of the more important events in the history of each, while in the field : Seventh Infantry. Illinoi.'^ having sent six regiments to the Mexican War, by courtesy the numbering of the regiments which took part in the war for the Union began with number Seven. A number of regiments which responded to the first call of the President, claimed the right to be recognized as the first regiment in the field, but the honor was finally accorded to that organized at Springfield by Col. John Cook, and hence his regiment was numbered Seventh. It was mustered into the service, April 35, 1861, and remained at Mound City during the three months' service, the period of its first enlistment. It was subsequently reorganized and mustered for the three years' service, July 35, 1861, and was engaged in the battles of Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth, Cherokee, Allatoona Pass, Salkahatchie Swamp, Bentonville and Columbia. The regi- ment re-enlisted as veterans at Pulaski, Tenn., 552 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Dec. 23, I860; was mustered out at Louisville, Julj- 9, 180.1, and paid olf and discharged at Springfield. July 11. Eighth I>fastry. Organized at Springfield, and mustered in for three months" service, April 26, 1861, Richard J. Oglesby of Decatur, being appointed Colonel. It remained at Cairo during its term of service, when it was mustered out. July 25, 1861, it was reorganized and mvistered in for three years' service. It participated in the battles of Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Port Gibson, Thompson Hill. Raymond, Champion Hill, Vicks- burg, Brownsville, and Spanish Fort ; re-enlisted as veterans, March 24, 1864 ; was mustered out at Baton Rouge, May 4, 1866, paid off and dis- charged, May 13, having served five years. Ninth Ixfantry. Mustered into the service at Springfield, April 26, 1861, for the term of three months, under Col. Eleazer A. Paine. It was reorganized at Cairo, in August, for three years, being composed of companies frona St. Clair, ]^Iadison, Montgomery, Pulaski, Alexander and Mercer Counties ; was engaged at Fort Donel- son, Shiloh, Jackson (Tenn.), Meed Creek Swamps, Salem, Wyatt, Florence, Montezuma, Athens and Grenada. The regiment was mounted, March 15, 1863, and so continued during the remainder of its service. Mustered out at Louis- ville, July 9, 1865. Tenth Infantry. Organized and mustered into the service for three months, on April 29, 1861, at Cairo, and ou July 29, 1861, was mustered into the .service for three years, with Col. James D. Morgan in command. It was engaged at Sykeston, New Madrid, Corinth, Missionary Rir three yejirH, Auguat 1, 1801; was engaged at Columbus, Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth, Lay's Ferry, Rome Cross Roads, Dallas, Kenesaw, Nickajack Creek, Bald Knob, Decatur, Ezra Church, Atlanta, Allatoona and Goldsboro. On Jan. 16, 1864, tlie regiment re-enlisted as veter- ans. John McArthur was its first Colonel, suc- ceeded by Augustus L. Chetlain, both being promoted to Brigadier-Generalships. Mustered out of service at Louisville, Ky., July 10, 1865, and received final pay and discharge, at Spring- field, July 18. Thirteenth Infantry. One of the regiments organized under the act known as the "Ten Regi- ment Bill" ; wasmustered into service on May 24, 1861, for three years, at Dixon, with John B. Wyman as Colonel; was engaged at Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Mis- sionary Ridge, Rossville and Ringgold Gap. Mustered out at Springfield, June 18, 1864, hav- ing served three years and two months. Fourteenth Infantry. One of the regiments raised under the "Ten Regiment Bill," which anticipated the requirements of the General Government by organizing, equipping and dril- ling a regiment in each Congressional District in the State for thirty days, unless sooner required for service by the United States. It was mustered in at Jacksonville for three years. May 25, 1861, under command of John M. Palmer as its first Colonel ; was engaged at Shiloh, Corinth, Meta- mora, Vicksburg, Jackson, Fort Beauregard and Meridian ; consolidated with the Fifteenth Infan- try, as a veteran battalion (both regiments hav- ing enlisted as veterans), on July 1, 1864. In October, 1864, the major part of the battalion was captured by General Hood and sent to Andersonville. The remainder participated in the "March to the Sea, " and through the cam- paign in the Carolinas. In the spring of 1865 the battalion organization was discontinued, both regiments having been filled up by recruits. Tlie regiment was mvistered out at Fort Leaven- worth, Kan., Sept. 10, 1865; and an-ived at S])ringfield, 111., Sept. 22, 2865, where it received final payment and disciharge. Tlie aggregate number of men who belonged to this organization was 1,980, and the aggregate mustered out at Fort Leavenworth, 480. During its four years and four months of service, the regiment marched 4, ■190 miles, traveled by rail, 2,330 miles, and, by river, 4, '190 miles — making an aggregate of 11,670 miles. Fiftki;ntii Infantry. Raised undc^rtlie "Ten Regiment Act," in the (tluin) l''irst Congressional District; was organized at Froeport, and mus- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 553: tered into service. May 24, 1861. It was engaged at Sedalia, Shiloh, Corinth, Metaniora Hill, Vicksburg, Fort Beauregard, Champion Hill, AUatoona and Bentonville. In March, 1864, the regiment re-enlisted as veterans, and, in July, 1864, was consolidated with the Fourteenth Infan- try as a Veteran Battalion. At Big Shanty and Ackworth a large portion of the battalion was captured by General Hood. At Raleigh the Veteran Battalion was discontinued and the Fifteenth reorganized. From July 1, to Sept. 1, 1865, the regiment was stationed at Forts Leaven- worth and Kearney. Having been mustered out at Fort Leavenworth, it was sent to Springfield for final payment and discharge — having served four years and four months. Miles marched, 4,399; miles by rail, 2,403, miles by steamer, 4,310; men enlisted from date of organization, 1,963; strength at date of muster-out, 640. Sixteenth Infantry. Organized and mus- tered into service at Quincy under the "Ten-Regi- ment Act," May 24, 1861. The regiment was engaged at New Madrid, Tiptonville, Corinth, Buzzards' Roost, Resaca, Rome, Kenesaw Moun- tain, Chattahoochie River, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta, Savannah, Columbia, Fayetteville, Averysboro and Bentonville. In December, 1864, the regiment re-enlisted as veterans; was mustered out at Louisville, Ky., July 8, 1865, after a term of service of four years and three months, and, a week later, arrived at Spring- field, where it received its final pay and discharge papers. ■ Seventeenth Infantry. Mustered into the service at Peoria, 111., on May 24, 1861; was engaged at Fredericktown (Mo.), Greenfield (Ark.), Shiloh, COrinth, Hatchie and Vicksburg. In May, 1864, the term of enlistment having expired, the regiment was ordered to Sjiringfield for pay and discharge. Those men and officers who re-enlisted, and those whose term had not expired, were consolidated with the Eighth Infan- try, which was mustered out in the spring of 1866. Eighteenth Infantry. Organized under the provisions of the "Ten Regiment Bill," at Anna, and mustered into the service on Ma}' 28, 1861, the term of enlistment being for three years. The regiment participated in the capture of Fort McHenry, and was actively engaged at Fort Donelson, Shiloh and Corinth. It was mustered out at Little Rock, Dec. 16, 1865, and Dec. 31, thereafter, arrived at Springfield, 111., for pay- ment and discharge. The aggregate enlistments in the regiment, from its organization to date of discharge (rank and file), numbered 2,043. Nineteenth Infantry. Mustered into the United States service for three years, June 1~, 1861, at Chicago, embracing four companies which had been accepted under the call for three months' men; participated in the battle of Stone River and in the TuUahoma and Chatta- nooga campaigns; was also engaged at Davis' Cross Roads, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and Resaca. It was mustered out of service on July 9, 1804, at Chicago. Originally consisting of nearly 1,000 men, besides a large number of recruits received during the war, its strength at the final inuster-out was less than 350. Twentieth Infantry. Organized, May 14, 1861, at Joliet, and June 13, 1861, and mustered into the service for a term of three years. It participated in the following engagements, bat- tles, sieges, etc. : Fredericktown (Mo. ), Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth, Thompson's Planta- tion, Champion Hills, Big Black River, Vicks- burg, Kenesaw Mountain and Atlanta. After marching through the Carolinas, the regiment was finally ordered to Louisville, where it was- mustered out, July 16, 1865, receiving its final discharge at Chicago, on July 24. Twenty-first Infantry. Organized under the "Ten Regiment Bill," from the (then) Sev- enth Congressional District, at Mattoon, and mustered into service for three years, June 28, 1861. Its first Colonel was U. S. Grant, who was in command until August 7, when he was com- missioned Brigadier-General. It was engaged at Fredericktown (Mo.), Corinth, Perry ville, Mur- freesboro, Liberty Gap, Chickamauga, Jonesboro, Franklin and Nashville. The regiment re-enlisted as veterans, at Chattanooga, in February, 1864. From June, 1864, to December, 1865, it was on. duty in Texas. Mustered out at San Antonio, Dec. 16, 1865, and paid off and discharged at Springfield, Jan. 18, 1866. Twenty-second Infantry. Organized at Belleville, and mustered into service, for three years, at Caseyville, 111., June 25, 1861; was engaged at Belmont, Charleston (Mo.), Sikestown, Tiptonville, Farmington, Corinth, Stone River, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Resaca, New Hope Church, and all the battles of the Atlanta campaign, except Rocky Face Ridge. It was mustered out at Springfield, July 7, 1864, the vet- erans and recruits, whose term of service had not expired, being consolidated with the Forty-second Regiment Illinois Infantry Volunteers. Twenty-third Infantry. The organization of the Twenty-third Infantry Volunteers com- menced, at Chicago, under the popular name of n„ OF ILL LIB. 554 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. the ■"Irish Brigade,"" immediately upon the opening of hostilities at Smnter. The formal muster of the regiment, under the command of Col. James A. ^Mulligan, was made, June 15, 18G1, at Chicago, when it was occupj-ing barracks known as Kane's brewerj- near the river on West Polk Street. It was early ordered to North- ern Missouri, and was doing garrison duty at Lexington, when, in September, 18G1, it surren- dered with the rest of the garrison, to the forces under the rebel General Price, and was paroled. From Oct. 8, 1861, to June 14, 18G2, it was detailed to guard prisoners at Camp Douglas. Thereafter it participated in engagements in the Virginias, as follows: at South Fork, Greenland Gap, Phi- lippi, Hedgeville, Leetown, Maryland Heights, Snicker's Gap, Kernstown, Cedar Creek, Win- chester, Cliarlestown, Berrj-ville, Opequan Creek, Fisher's Hill, Harrisonburg, Hatcher's Run and Petersburg. It also took part in the siege of Richmond and the pursuit of Lee, being present at the surrender at Appomattox. In January and Februarj-, 1864, the regiment re-enlisted as veterans, at Greenland Gap, W. Va. In August, 1864, the ten companies of the Regiment, then numbering 440, were consolidated into five com- panies and designated, "Battalion, Twenty-third Regiment, Illinois "Veteran Volunteer Infantry. " The regiment was thanked by Congress for its part at Lexington, and was authorized to inscribe Lexington upon its colors. (See also Mulligan, James A.) TwEXTY-FOUUTH INFANTRY, (known as the First Hecker Regiment). Organized at Chicago, with two companies — to-wit: the Union Cadets and the Lincoln Rifles — from the three months' service, in June, 1861, and mustered in, July 8, 1861. It participated in the battles of Perryville, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain and other engagements in the Atlanta campaign. It was mustered out of service at Chicago, August 6, 1864. A fraction of the regi- ment, whicli had been recruited in the field, and wliose term of .service had not expired at the date of muster out, was organized into one comjjany and attached to the Third Brigade, First Divi- sion, Fourteenth Army Corps, and mustered out at Camp Butler, Augast 1, IHG."}. TwKNTY 1 IITM I.NK.\NTKY. Organized from the counties of Kankakee, Iroquois, Ford, Vermil- ion, Douglas, Coles, Champaign and Edgar, and luMhU-n-il intoKfrviceal St. Louis, August 4, 1861. It |>artiri|)atnvi\\fiNETY-FiRST INFANTRY. Organized at Camp Butler, near Springfield, in August, 1862, and 502 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. DUistered in on Sept. 8, 1863; participated in the campaigns against Vicksburg and New Orleans, and all along the southwestern frontier in Louisiana and Texas, as well as in the investiture and capture (^f Mobile. It was mustered out at Mobile, July 12, I860, starting for home the same day, and being finally paid off and discharged on July 28, following. NiXETY-SECOXD IxFANTRY (Mounted). Organ- ized and mustered into service, Sept. 4, 1862, being recruited from Ogle, Stephenson and Car- roll Counties. During its term of service, the Ninety-second was in more than sixt}' battles and skirmishes, including Ringgold, Chickamauga, and the numerous engagements on the "March to the Sea," and during the pursuit of Johnston through the Carolinas. It was mustered out at Concord, N. C, and paid and discharged from the service at Chicago, July 10, 1865. NiXETY-THiRD IXFANTRY. Organized at Chi- cago, in September, 1862, and mustered in, Oct. VS, 998 strong. It participated in the movements again.st Jackson and Vicksburg, and was engaged at Champion Hills and at Fort Fisher; also was engaged in the battles of Missionaiy Ridge, Dalla-s, Resaca, and many minor engagements, following Sherman in his campaign though the Carolinas. Mustered out of service, June 23, 186.5, and, on the 25th, arrived at Chicago, receiv- ing final payment and discliarge, July 7, 1865, the regiment having marched 2,554 miles, traveled by water, 2,296 miles, and, by railroad, 1,237 miles — total, 6.087 miles. Ninety-fourth Infantry. Organized at Bloomington in August, 1862, and enlisted wlioUy in McLean County. After sonip wuiiii experi ence in Southwest Missouri, tlie regiment took part in tlie siege and capture of Vicksbui'g, and was. later, actively engaged in the campaigns in Louisiana and Texas. It participated in tlie cap- ture of M()l)ile, leading tlui final a.ssaulfc. After several niontlis of garrison duty, tlie regiment was miLsteriid out at (Jaivcston, Texas, on July 17, 1865. reaching niooiniii^cton on August 9, follow- ing, having served jii.sttlireo years, marched 1,200 miles, traveled by railroad 610 miles, and, by Hteamer, 0,000 miles, and taken part in nine; bat- tles, sieges and skirmislies. NiNETV-Fii'TH Infantry. Organized at Rock- ford and niustc!ret. 4, 1804. One Hundred and TuiRTYEiaHTU Inf.\x- TKV Organized at Quincy, and mustered in, June 21, IHOl, for 100 days; wasa.ssigned to garri- Hon duty at Fort L(!av<«nworth, Kan., and in Wj^hUth Missouri. It w;ts niusUireil out of serv- ice at Sj.ringfi.-ld, 111., Oct. 14, 1864. ONK HlNDKED AM) TinKTV-NINTII InK.W- TKV. Muntured into servico oa u lOO-duy's regi- ment, at Peoria, June 1, 1864; was engaged in garrison duty at Columbus and Cairo, in making i-eprisals for guerrilla raids, and in the pursuit of tlie Confederate General Price in Missouri. The latter service was rendered, at the President's request, after the term of enlistment had expired. It was mustered out at Peoria, Oct. 25, 1864, hav- ing been in the service nearly five months. One Huxdred axd Fourtieth Ixfantry'. Organized as a lOO-days' regiment, at Springfield, June 18, 1864, and mustered into service on that date. The regiment was engaged in guarding railroads between Memphis and Holly Springs, and in garrison duty at Memphis. After the term of enlistment had expired and the regiment had been mustered out, it aided in the pursuit of General Price through Missouri; was finally dis- charged at Chicago, after ser^'ing about five months One Hundred and Forty-first Infan- try'. Mustered into service as a 100-days' regi- ment, at Elgin, June 16, 1864 — strength, 842 men; departed for the field, June 27, 1864; was mus- tered out at Chicago, Oct. 10, 1864. One Hundred and Forty'-second InfaN- TRY'. Organized at Freeport as a battalion of eight companies, and sent to Camp Butler, where two companies were added and the regiment mustered into service for 100 days, June 18, 1864. It was ordered to Memphis, Tenn. , five days later, and assigned to duty at White's Station, eleven miles from that city, where it was emploj-ed in guarding the Memphis & Charleston railroad. It was mustered out at Chicago, on Oct, 27, 1864, the men liaving voluntarily served one month beyond their terna of enlistment. One Hundred and Forty-third Infan- try'. Organized at Mattoon, and mustered in, June 11, 1864, for 100 days. It was assigned to garrison duty, and mustered out at Mattoon, Sept. 26, 1864. One Hundred and Forty-fourth Infan- try. Organized at Alton, in 1864, as a one-year regiment; was mustered into the service, Oct. 21, its strength being 1,159 men. It was mustered out, July 14, 1865. One Hundred and Forty-fifth Infan- try. Mustered into service at Springfield, June 9, 1801; strength, 880 men. It departed for the field, June 12, 1864; was nmstered out, Sept. 23, 1864. One Hundred and Forty-sixth Infan- try. Organized at Springfield, Se^pt. 18, 186 (. for one year. Was assigiw^d to the duty of guarding dj'afted men at IJrigliton, Quincy, Jacksonville HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 567 and Springfield, and muste-ed out at Springfield, July 5, I860. Oke Hundred and Forty-seventh Infan- try. Organized at Chicago, and mustered into service for one year, Feb. 18 and 19, 1865; was engaged chiefly on guard or garrison duty, in scouting and in skirmishing with guerrillas. Mustered out at Nashville, Jan. 23, 1866, and received final discharge at Springfield, Feb. 4. One Hundred and Forty-eighth Infan- try. Organized at Springfield, Feb. 21, 1865, for the term of one year ; was assigned to garrison and guard duty and mustered out, Sept. 5, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn ; arrived at Si^ringfield, Sept. 9, 1865, where it was paid off and discharged. One Hundred and Forty-ninth Infan- try. Organized at Springfield, Feb. 11, 1865, and mustered in for one year; was engaged in garrison and guard duty ; mustered out, Jan. 27, 1866, at Dalton, Ga., and ordered to Springfield, where it received final paj^ment and discharge. One Hundred and Fiftieth Infantry. Organized at Springfield, and mustered in, Feb. 14, 1865, for one year ; was on duty in Tennessee and Georgia, guarding railroads and garrisoning towns. It was mustered out, Jan. 16, 1866, at Atlanta, Ga. , and ordered to Springfield, where it received final payment and discharge. One Hundred and Fifty-first Infantry. This regiment was organized at Quincy, 111., and mustered into the United States service, Feb. 23, 1865, and was composed of companies from various parts of the State, recruited, under the call of Dec. 19, 1864. It was engaged in guard duty, with a few guerrilla skirmishes, and was present at the surrender of General War- ford's army, at Kingston, Ga. ; was mustered out at Columbus, Ga., Jan. 24, 1866, and ordered to Springfield, where it received final payment and discharge, Feb. 8, 1866. One Hundred and Fifty-second Infan- try. Organized at Springfield and mustered in, Feb. 18, 1865, for one year ; was mustered out of service, to date Sept. 11, at Memphis, Tenn., and arrived at Camp Butler, Sept. 9, 1865, where it received final payment and discharge. One Hundred and Fifty-third Infan- try. Organized at Chicago, and mustered in, Feb. 27, 1865, for one year; was not engaged in any battles. It was mustered out, Sept. 15, 1865, and moved to Springfield, 111., and, Sept. 24, received final pay and discharge. One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Infan- try. Organized at Springfield, Feb. 21, 1865, for one year. Sept. 18, 1865, the regiment was mustered out at Nashville, Tenn., and ordered to Springfield for final payment and discharge, where it arrived, Sept. 22 ; was paid oft and dis- cliarged at Camp Butler, Sept. 29. One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Infan- try. Organized at Springfield and mustered in Feb. 28, 1865, for one year, 904 strong. On Sept. 4, 1865, it was mustered out of service, and moved to Camp Butler, where it received final pay and discharge. One Hundred and Fifty-sixth Infan- try. Organized and mustered in during the months of February and March, 1865, from the northern counties of the State, for the term of one year. The officers of the regiment have left no written record of its history, but its service seems to have been rendered chiefly in Tennessee in the neighborhood of Memphis, Nashville and Chattanooga. Judging by the mustei'-rolls of the Adjutant-General, the regiment would appear to have been greatly depleted by desertions and otherwise, the remnant being flnally mustered out, Sept. 20, 1865. First Cavalry. Organized — consisting of seven companies, A, B, C, D, E, F and G — at Alton, in 1861, and mustered into the United States service, July 3. After some service in Missouri, the regiment participated in tlie battle of Lexington, in that State, and was surrendered, with the remainder of the garrison, Sept. 20, 1861. The officers were paroled, and the men sworn not to take up arms again until discharged. No ex- change having been effected in November, the non-commissioned officers and privates were ordered to Springfield and discharged. In June, 1862, the regiment was reorganized at Benton Barracks, Mo., being afterwards employed in guarding supply trains and supply depots at various points. Mustered out, at Benton Bar- racks, July 14, 1862. Second Cavalry. Organized at Springfield and mustered into service, August 12, 1861, with Company M (which joined the regiment some months later), numbering 47 commissioned offi- cers and 1,040 enlisted men. This number was in- creased by i-ecruits and re-enlistments, during its four and a half year's term of service, to 2,236 enlisted men and 145 commissioned officers. It was engaged at Belmont ; a portion of the regi- ment took part in the battles at Fort Henry, Fort Donelson and Shiloh, another portion at Merriweather's Ferry, Bolivar and Holly Springs, and participated in the investment of Vicksburg. In January, 1864, the major part of the regiment re-enlisted as veterans, later, participating in the 565 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Red River expedition and the investment of Fort Blakelj'. It was mustered out at San Antonio, Tex., Xov. 22, 186."), and finally paid and dis- chai-ged at Springfield, Jan. 3, 186G. Third Cavalry. Composed of twelve com- ptanies, from various localities in the State, the grand total of company officers and enlisted men, under the first organization, being 1,433. It was organized at Springfield, in August, 18G1 ; partici- pated in the battles of Pea Ridge, Haines' Bluff, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge, and the siege of Vicksburg. In July, 1864, a large portion of the regiment re- enlisted as veterans. The remainder were mus- tered out, Sept. 5, 1864. The veterans participated in the repulse of Forrest, at Memphis, and in the battles of Lawrenceburg, Spring Hill, Campbells- Tille and Franklin. From May to October, 1865, engaged in service against the Indians in the Northwest The regiment was mustered out at Springfield, Oct. 18, 1865. Fourth Cavalry. Mustered into service, Sept. 26, 1861, and participated in the battles of Fort Henry, Fort DoneLson, and Shiloh; in the siege of Corinth, and in many engagements of less historic note ; was mustered out at Springfield in November, 1864. By order of the War Depart- ment, of June 18, 1865, the members of the regiment whose terms had not expired, were con- solidated with the Twelfth Illinois Cavalry. Fifth Cavalry. Organized at Camp Butler, in November, 1861 ; took part in the Meridian raid and the ('xi)edition against Jackson, Miss., and in numerous minor expeditions, doing effect- ive work at Canton, Grenada, Woodville, and other points. On Jan. 1, 1864, a large portion of the regiment re-enlisted as veterans. Its final muster-out took place, Oct. 27, 1865, and it re- ceived final j)ayment and discharge, October 30. Sixth Cavali{Y. Organized at Springfield, Nov. 19, 1H61; participated in Sherman's advance UfK)n Grenada; in the Grierson mid through Mis- ei.ssippi and Louisiana, the siege of Port Hudson, the battI(!S()f Moscow (Tenn), West Point (Miss.), Franklin and Nasliville; re-enli.steil as veterans, March 30, 1H64; wsts mu.stered out at Selma, Ala., Nov. 5, 1K05, and received discharge, November 20, at Springfield. Skvknth Cavalky. Organized at Springfield, and wa.s niusterefl into servitte, Oct. 13, 1861. It partifijiat'-d in tlie buttles of Faririington, luka, Coriiitti fs. p;trli('i|ial(!(l in Hiirn- side"s campaign in Tennessee, and in the capture of Knoxville. Part of the men were mustered out at Springfield in June, 1865, and the re- manider at Chicago in' July. Battery M was organized at Camp Douglas and mustered into the service, August 12, 1862, for three years. It served through the Chickamauga campaign, being engaged at Chickamauga; also was engaged at Missionary Ridge, was besieged at Chattanooga, and took part in all the impor- tant battles of the Atlanta campaign. It was mustered out at Chicago, July 24, 1864, having traveled 3,102 miles and been under fire 178 days. Second Light Artillery. Consisted of nine batteries. Battery A was organized at Peoria, and mustered into service. May 23, 1861 ; served in Missouri and Arkansas, doing brilliant work at Pea Ridge. It was mustered out of service at Springfield, July 27, 1865. Battery D was organized at Cairo, and mustered into service in December, 1861 ; was engaged at Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Vicksburg, Jackson, Meridian and Decatur, and mustered out at Louisville, Nov. 21, 1864. Battery E was organized at St. Louis, Mo., in August, 1861, and mustered into service, August 20, at that point. It was engaged at Fort Donel- son and Shiloh, and in the siege of Corinth and the Yocona expedition — was consolidated with Battery A. Battery F was organized at Cape Girardeau, Mo., and mustered in, Dec. 11, 1861; was engaged at Shiloh, in the siege and second battle of Corinth, and the Meridian campaign; also at Kenesaw, Atlanta and Jonesboro. It was mustered out, July 27, 1865, at Springfield. Battery H was organized at Springfield, De- cember, 1861, and mustered in, Dec. 31, 1861 ; was engaged at Fort Donelson and in the siege of Fort Pillow; veteranized, Jan. 1, 1864, was mounted as cavalry the following summer, and mustered out at Springfield, July 29, 1865. Battery I was recruited in Will County, and mustered into service at Camp Butler, Dec. 31, 1861. It participated in the siege of Island No. 10, in the advance upon Cornith, and in the battles of Perryville, Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and Cliattanooga. It veteranized, Jan. 1, 1804, marched with Sher- man to Atlanta, and thence to Savannah and Ihrough the Carolinas, and was nuisteiod out at Si)iingfield. Battery K was organized at Sjjringfiold and must(!red in Dec. 31, IHfi:}; was engaged at Fort I 'i I low, th(> (■a))ture of Clarkston, Mo., and tiie HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 571 siege of Vicksburg. It was mustered out, July 14, 1865, at Chicago. Battery L was organized at Chicago and mus- tered in, Feb. 28, 1862; participated in the ad- vance on Corintli, the battle of Hatchie and the advance on the Tallahatchie, and was mustered out at Chicago, August 9, 1865. Battery M was organized at Chicago, and mus- tered in at Springfield, June, 1862; was engaged at Jonesboro, Blue Spring, Blountsville and Rogersville, being finally consolidated with other batteries of the regiment. Chicago Board of Trade Battery. Organ- ized through the efforts of the Chicago Board of Trade, which raised $15,000 for its equipment, within forty-eight hours. It was mustered into service, August 1, 1862, was engaged at Law- renceburg, Murfreesboro, Stone River, Chicka- mauga, Farmington, Decatur (Ga.), Atlanta, Lovejoy Station, Nashville, Selma and Columbus (Ga. ) It was mustered out at Chicago, June 30, 1865, and paid in full, July 3, having marched 5,268 miles and traveled by rail 1,231 miles. The battery was in eleven of the hardest battles fought in the West, and in twenty-six minor battles, being in action forty-two times while on scouts, reconnoissances or outpost duty. Chicago Mercantile Battery. Recruited and organized under the auspices of the Mercan- tile Association, an association of prominent and patriotic merchants of the City of Chicago. It was mustered into service, August 29, 1862, at Camp Douglas, participated in the Tallahatchie and Yazoo expeditions, the first attack upon Vicksburg, the battle of Arkansas Post, the siege of Vicksburg, the battles of Magnolia Hills, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge and Jackson (Miss.); also took part in Banks' Red River ex- pedition; was mustered out at Chicago, and received final payment, July 10, 1865, having traveled, by river, sea and land, over 11,000 miles. Springfield Light Artillery. Recruited principally from the cities of Springfield, Belle- ville and Wenona, and mustered into service at Springfield, for the term of three years, August 21, 1862, numbering 199 men and officers. It participated in the capture of Little Rock and in the Red River expedition, and was mustered out at Springfield, 114 strong, June 30, 1865. Cogswell's Battery, Light Artillery. Organized at Ottawa, 111., and mustered in, Nov. U, 1861, as Company A (Artillery) Fifty-third Illinois Volunteers, Colonel Cushman command- ing the regiment. It participated in the advance on Corinth, the siege of Vicksburg, the battle of Mi-ssionary Ridge, and the capture of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely, near Mobile. The regiment was mustered out at Springfield, August 14, 1865, having served three years and nine months, marched over 7,500 miles, and partici- pated in seven sieges and battles. Sturges Rifles. An independent company, organized at Chicago, armed, equipped and sub- sisted for nearly two months, by the patriotic generosity of Mr. Solomon Sturges ; was mustered into service. May 6, 1861 ; in June following, was ordered to West Virginia, serving as body- guard of General McClellan; was engaged at Rich Mountain, in the siege of Yorktown, and in the seven days' battle of the Chickahominy. A portion of the company was at Antietam, the remainder having been detached as foragers, scouts, etc. It was mustered out at Washington, Nov. 25, 1862. WAR, THE SPANISH - AMERICAN. The oppressions and misrule wliich had character- ized the administration of affaii's by the Spanish Government and its agents for generations, in the Island of Cuba, culminated, in April, 1898, in mutual declarations of war between Spain and the United States. The causes leading up to this result were the injurious effects upon American commerce and the interests of American citizens owning property in Cuba, as well as the constant expense imposed upon the Government of the United States in the maintenance of a large navy along the South Atlantic coast to suppress fili- bustering, superadded to the friction and unrest produced among the people of this country by the long continuance of disorders and abuses so near to our own shores, wliich aroused the sympathy and indignation of the entire civilized world. For three years a large proportion of the Cuban population had been in open rebellion against the Spanish Government, and, while the latter had imported a large army to the island and sub- jected the insurgents and their families and sympathizers to the grossest cruelties, not even excepting torture and starvation itself, their policy had failed to bring the insurgents into subjection or to restore order. In this condition of affairs the United States Government had endeavored, through negotiation, to secure a miti- gation of the evils complained of, by a modifica- tion of the Spanish policy of government in the island ; but all suggestions in this direction had either been resented by Spain as unwaiTan table interference in her affairs, or promises of reform, when made, had been as invariably broken. 572 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. In the meantime an increasing sentiment had been growing up in the United States in favor of conceding belligerent rights to the Cuban insur- gents, or the recognition of their independence, which found expression in measm-es proposed in Congress— all offers of friendly intervention by the United States having been rejected by Spain with evidences of indignation. Compelled, at last, to recognize its inability to subdue the insur- rection, the Spanish Government, in November, 1897, made a pretense of tendering autonomy to the Cuban people, with the privilege of amnesty to the insurgents on laying down their arms. The long duration of the war and the outrages perpetrated upon the helpless "reconcentrados,"' coupled with the increased confidence of the insurgents in the final triumph of their cause, rendered this movement — even if intended to be carried out to the letter — of no avail. The proffer came too late, and was promptly rejected. In this condition of affairs and with a view to greater security for American interests, the American battleship Maine was ordered to Havana, on Jan. 24, 1898. It arrived in Havana Harbor the following day, and was anchored at a point designated by the Spanish commander. On the night of February 15, following, it was blown up and destroyed by some force, as shown by after investigation, applied from without. Of a crew of S'A men belonging to the vessel at the time, 266 were eitlier killed outright by the explosion, or died from their wounds. Not only the Ameri- can peoi)le, but the entire civilized world, was shocked by the catastrophe. An act of horrible tread lery had been perpetrated against an American vessel and its crew on a peaceful mis- sion in the harbor of a professedly friendly na- tion. The successive steps leading to actual hostili- ties were rapid and eventful. One of the earliest and most signific^aiit of these was the passage, by a unanimous votn of botli houses of Congress, on Jlarcli 9, of an ai)])roi)riation placing §50, ()()(), 000 in the hands of the President cas an emergency fund for purpo.ses of national defense. This was followed, two days later, by an order for the mobilization of the army. The more important events following tliis step were: An order, under date of .April !>, witlulrawing American consuls from Spanish stations; the dej)arture, on Ai)ril 9, of f'oriHiil-ffeneral FitzliUKh I..ee frf)m Havana; Afiril 19, the adoption })y Congress of f-oncurrent reHf)lutionH riedaring Cuba independent and dirwTting the ['resident to use the land and naval forces of the United States to put an end to Spanish authority in the island; April 20, the sending to the Spanish Government, by the Presi- dent, of an ultimatum in accordance with this act ; April 21, the delivery to Minister Woodford, at Madrid, of his jjassports without waiting for the presentation of the ultimatum, with the dejmrture of the Spanish Minister from Washing- ton ; April 23, the issue of a call by the President for 125,000 volunters; April 24, the final declara- tion of war by Spain ; April 25, the adoption by Congress of a resolution declaring that war had existed from April 21 ; on the same date an order to Admiral Dewey, in command of the Asiatic Squadron at Hongkong, to sail for Manila with a view to investing that city and blockading Philippine ports. The chief events subsequent to the declaration of war embraced the following; May 1, the destruction by Admiral Dewey's squadron of the Spanish fleet in the harbor of Manila; May 19, the arrival of the Spanish Admiral Cervera's fleet at Santiago de Cuba; May 25, a second call by the President for 75,000 volunteers; July 3, the attempt of Cervera's fleet to escape, and its destruction off Santiago; July 17, the surrender of Santiago to the forces under General Shaf ter ; July 30, the statement by the President, through the French Ambassador at Washington, of the terms on which the United States would consent to make peace ; August 9, acceptance of the peace terms by Spain, followed, three days later, by the signing of the peace protocol ; September 9, the appointment by the President of Peace Commis- sioners on the part of the United States ; Sept. 18, the announcement of the Peace Commissioners selected by Spain; October 1, the beginning of the Peace Conference by the representatives of the two powers, at Paris, and the formal signing, on December 10, of the peace treaty, including the recognition by Spain of the freedom of Cuba, with the transfer to the United States of Porto Rico and her other West India islands, together with the surrender of the Philippines for a con- sideration of $20,000,000. Seldom, if ever, in the histoi-y of nations have siich vast and far-reaching results been accom- plished within so short anies returning to their nisixictivo )iome stations. During a ])art-of its stay at Ju<-kH<>iiville, and again at Savannah, tlie regi- ment w;iH einjdoyed on guard duty. Wliih^ at Jacksonville Colonrd Andel was Kuspcndfil by court-inurtial. ami finally tendered his resigna- tion, his place being supplied by Lieut. -Col. Eben Swift, of the Ninth. Fifth Regiment Illinois Volunteer In- F.\NTRY was the first regiment to report, and was mustered in at Springfield, May 7, 1898, under command of Col. James S. Culver, being finally composed of twelve companies from Pike, Chris- tian, Sangamon, McLean, Montgomery, Adams, Tazewell, Macon, Morgan, Peoria, and Fulton counties; on May 14 left Springfield for Camp Thomas (Chickamauga, Ga.), being assigned to the command of General Brooke ; August 3 left Chickamauga for Newport News, Va., with the expectation of embarking for Porto Rico — a previous order of July 26 to the same purport having been countermanded; at Newport News embarked on the transport Obdam, but again the order was rescinded, and, after remaining on board thirty-six hours, the regiment was disem- barked. The next move was made to Lexington^ Ky., where the regiment — having lost hope of reaching "the front" — remained until Sept. 5, when it returned to Springfield for final muster- out. This regiment was composed of some of the best material in the State, and anxious for active service, but after a succession of disappoint- ments, was compelled to return to its home sta- tion without meeting the enemy. After its arrival at Springfield the regiment was furloughed for thirty days and finally mustered out, October 16, numbering 1,213 men and 47 officers. Sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteer In- fantry, consisting of twelve companies from the counties of Rock Island, Knox, "Wliiteside, Lee, Carroll, Stephenson, Henry, "Warren, Bvu'eau, and Jo Daviess, was mustered in May 11, 1898, under conunand of Col. D. Jack Foster; on May 17 left Si)ringfield for Camp Alger, Va. ; July 5 the regiment moved to Charleston, S. C, where a l>art embarked for Siboney, Cuba, but the whole regiment was soon after united in General Miles' expedition for the invasion of Porto Rico, landing at Guanico on July 25, and advancing into the interior as far as Adjunta and Utuado. After several weeks' service in the interior, the regiment returned to Ponce, and on September 7 took transport for the return home, arrived at Springfield a week later, and was mustered out November 25, the regiment at that time consist- ing of 1,239 men and 19 officHirs. Skvknth Illinois Volunteer Infantry (known as the "Hibernian Rifles"). Two liattalion.'-' of this regiment reported at Spring, field, .\pril 27, witli 33 otTicers and 705 enlisted men. Iicing art(Mvvarils iniToased to the ma.xi- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 575 mum ; was mustered into the United States serv- ice, under command of Col. Marcus Kavanagli, May 18, 1898 ; on May 28 started for Camp Alger, Va. ; was afterwards encamped at Thoroughfare Gap and Camp Meade ; on September 9 returned to Springfield, was furloughed for thirty days, and mustered out, October 20, numbering 1,260 men and 49 officers. Like the Fifth, the Seventh saw no actual service in the field. Eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry (col- ored regiment), mustered into the service at Springfield under the second call of the Presi- dent, July 23, 1898, being composed wholly of Afro- Americans under officers of their own race, with Col. John R. Marshall in command, the muster-roll showing 1,195 men and 76 officers. The six companies, from A to F, were from Chi- cago, the other five being, respectively, from Bloomington, Sj)ringfield, Quincy, Litchfield, Mound City and Metropolis, and Cairo. The regiment having tendered their services to relieve the First Illinois on duty at Santiago de Cuba, it started for Cuba, August 8, by way of New York ; immediately on ari'ival at Santiago, a week later, was assigned to duty, but subse- quently transferred to San Luis, where Colone, Marshall was made military governor. The major part of the regiment remained here until ordered home early in March, 1899, arrived at Chicago, March 15, and was mustered out, April 3, 1,226 strong, rank and file, having been in service nine months and six days. Ninth Illinois Volunteer Infantry was organized from the counties of Southern Illinois, and mustered in at Springfield under the second call of the President, July 4-11, 1898, under com- mand of Col. James R. Campbell; arrived at Camp Cuba Libre (Jacksonville, Fla.), August 9; two months later was transferred to Savannah, Ga. ; was moved to Havana in December, where it remained until May, 1899, when it returned to Augusta, Ga., and was mustered out there, Maj"" 20, 1899, at that time consisting of 1,095 men and 46 officers. From Augusta the several companies returned to their respective home stations. The Ninth was the only * 'Provisional Regiment" from Illinois mustered into the service during the war, the other regiments all belonging to the National Guard. First Illinois Cavalry was organized at Chi- cago immediately after the President's first call, seven companies being recruited from Chicago, two from Bloomington, and one each from Springfield, Elkhart, and Lacon ; was mustered in at Soringfield, Mav 21. 1898, under command of Col. Edward C. Young; left Springfield for Camp Thomas, Ga., May 30, remaining there until August 24, when it returned to Fort Slieridan, near Chicago, where it was stationed until October 11, when it was mustered out, at that time con- sisting of 1,158 men and 50 officers. Although the regiment saw no active service in the field, it established an excellent record for itself in respect to discipline. First Engineering Corps, consisting of 80 men detailed from the First Illinois Volunteers, were among the first Illinois soldiers to see serv- ice in Porto Rico, accompanying General Miles' exiDedition in the latter part of July, and being engaged for a time in the construction of bridges in aid of the intended advance across the island. On September 8 they embarked for the return home, arrived at Chicago, September 17, and were mustered out November 20. Battery A (I. N. G.), from Danville, 111., was mustered in under a special order of the War Department, May 12, 1898, under command of Capt. Oscar P. Yaeger, consisting of 118 men; left Springfield for Camp Thomas, Ga., May 19, and, two months later, joined in General Miles' Porto Rico expedition, landing at Guanico on August 3, and taking part in the afi'air at Gua' yama on the 12th. News of peace having been received, the Battery returned to Ponce, where it remained until September 7, when it started on the return home by way of New York, arrived at Danville, September 17, was furloughed for sixty days, and mustered out November 25. The Battery was equipped with modern breech-load- ing rapid-firing guns, operated by practical artil- lerists and prepared for effective service. Natal Reserves. — One of the earliest steps taken by the Government after it became ap- parent that hostilities could not be avei-ted, was to begin preparation for strengthening the naval arm of the service. The existence of the "Naval Militia," first organized in 1893, placed Illinois in an exceptionally favorable position for making a prompt response to the call of the Government, as well as furnishing a sujjerior class of men for service — a fact evidenced during the operations in the West Indies. Gen. John McNulta, as head of the local committee, was active in calling the attention of the Navy Department to the value of the service to be rendered by this organization, which resulted in its being enlisted practically as a body, taking the name of "Naval Reserves" — all but eighty-eight of the number passing the I^hysical examination, the places of these being promptly filled by new recruits. The first de- 576 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. tachment of over 200 left Chicago May 3, under the commaud of Lieut. -Com. John M. Hawley, followeil soon after by the remainder of the First Battalion, making the whole number from Chi- cago 400, with 267, constituting the Second Bat- talion, from other towns of the State. The latter was made up of 147 men from Moline, 58 from Quincy, and 62 from Alton — making a total from the State of 667. This does not include others, not belonging to this organization, who enlisted for service in the nav^^ during the war, which raised the whole number for the State over 1,000. The Reserves enlisted from Illinois occupied a different relation to the Government from that of the "naval militia" of other States, which retained their State organizations, while those from Illinois were regularly mustered into the United States service. The recruits from Illinois ■were embarked at Key West, Norfolk and New York, and distributed among fifty-two different vessels, including nearlj' every vessel belonging to the North Atlantic Squadron. They saw serv- ice in nearly every department from the position of stokers in the hold to that of gunners in the turrets of the big battleships, the largest number (60) being assigned to the famous battleship Ore- gon, while the cruiser Yale followed with 47; the Harvard with 35; Cincinnati, 27; Yankton, 19; Franklin, 18; Montgomery and Indiana, each, 17; Hector, 14; Marietta, 11; Wilmington and Lan- caster, 10 each, and others down to one each. Illinois sailors thus had the privilege of partici- pating in the brilliant affair of July 3, which resulted in the destruction of Cervera's fleet off Santiago, as also in nearly every other event in tlie West Indies of less importance, without the loss of a man while in the service, although among the most expo.sed. They were mustered out at different times, as they could be spared from the .service, or the vessels to which tliey •wen; attaclied went out of commission, a portion serving out their full term of one year. The Reserves from Chicago retain tlieir organization under the name of "Naval Reserve Veterans," with liead [niblic schools ami at tlio University of Notre Danie, graduating from the latter in lH73. Three yejirn latfif lio graduated from the Union College of I,jiw, Chicago, and was admitteil to tlip Irtvr. Since then ho has continued to |)ractico hJH profcHHi'in in Ids natives city. In if<7ft ho was <'le<;teal is miiKid and lime- Htone isfiuarricd in largo (piantities. The <;ouiit}''s early development was retarded in con.se(iU(!nce of having U'frn- nient who niinained in Paris, during tlie siege of that city by the Germans (1870-71) and the reign of the "Commune." For his conduct he was HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 579 honored by the Governments of France and Ger- many alike. On his return to the United States, he made his home in Chicago, where he devoted his latter years chiefly to literary labor, and where he died, Oct. 22, 1887. He was strongly favored as a candidate for the Presidency in 1880. WASHINGTON, a city in Tazewell County, situated at the intersection of the Chicago & Alton, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and the Toledo, Peoria & Western Railroads. It is 31 miles west of El Paso, and 13 miles east of Peoria. Carriages, plows and farming implements con- stitute the manufactured output. It is also an important shipping-point for farm products. It has electric light and water-works plants, eight churches, a graded sclicol, two banks and two newspapers. Pop. (1890), 1,301 ; (1900), 1,451. WASHINGTON COUNTY, an interior county of Southern Illinois, east of St, Louis; is drained by the Kaskaskia River and the Elkhorn, Beaucoup and Muddy Creeks; was organized in 1818, and has an area of 540 square miles. The surface is diversified, well watered and timbered. The soil is of variable fertility. Corn, wheat and oats are the chief agricultural products. Manu- facturing is carried onto some extent, among the products being agricultural implements, flour, carriages and wagons. The most impor- tant town is Nashville, which is also the county- seat. Population (1890), 19,262; (1900), 19,526. Washington was one of the fifteen counties into which Illinois was divided at the organization of the State Government, being one of the last three created during the Territorial period — the other two being Franklin and Union. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, a village of Cook County, on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and the Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railways, 13 miles southwest of Chicago ; has a graded school, female seminary, military school, a car factory, several churches and a newspaper. Annexed to City of Chicago, 1890. WATAGA, a village of Knox County, on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 8 miles northeast of Galesburg. Population (1900), 545. WA.TERLOO, the county-seat and chief town of Monroe County, on the Illinois Division of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad, 24 miles east of south from St. Louis. The region is chieflj' agricultural, but underlaid with coal. Its industries embrace two flour mills, a plow factory, distillerj^ cream- ery, two ice plants, and some minor concerns. The city has municipal water and electric light plants, four churches, a graded school and two newspapers. Pop. (1890), 1,860; (1900) 3,114. WATERMAN, Arba Nelson, lawyer and jurist, was born at Greensboro, Orleans County, Vt. , Feb. 3, 1836. After receiving an academic edu- cation and teaching for a time, he read law at Montpelier and, later, passed through the Albany Law School. In 1861 he was admitted to the bar, removed to Joliet, 111. , and opened an office. In 1863 he enlisted as a private in the One Hun- dredth Illinois Volunteers, serving with the Army of the Cumberland for two years, and being mustered out in August, 1864, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. On leaving the army. Colonel Waterman commenced practice in Chicago. In 1873-74 he represented the Eleventh Ward in the City Council. In 1887 he was elected to the bench of the Cook County Circuit Court, and was re-elected in 1891 and, again, in 1897. In 1890 he was assigned as one of the Judges of the Appellate Court. WATSEKA, the county-seat of Iroquois County, situated on the Iroquois River, at tlie mouth of Sugar Creek, and at the intersection of the Chi- cago & Eastern Illinois and the Toledo, Peoria & Western Railroads, 77 miles soutli of Chicago, 46 miles north of Danville and 14 miles east of Gilman. It has flour-mills, brick and tile works and foundries, besides several churches, banks, a graded school and three weekly newspapers. Artesian well water is obtained by boring to the depth of 100 to 160 feet, and some forty flowing stream.s from these shafts are in the place. Popu- lation (1890), 2,017; (1900), 3,505. WATTS, Amos, jurist, was born in St. Clair County, 111., Oct. 35, 1821, but removed to W^ash- ington County in boyhood, and was elected County Clerk in 1847, '49 and "53, and State's Attorney for the Second Judicial District in 1856 and '60; then became editor and proprietor of a news- paper, later resuming the practice of law, and, in 1873, was elected Circuit Judge, remaining in office until his death, at Nashville, 111., Dec. 6, 1888. WAUKEGAN, the county-seat and principal city of Lake County, situated en the shore of Lake Blichigan and on the Chicago & North- western Railroad, about 36 miles north by west from Chicago, and 50 miles south of Milwaukee; is also the northern terminus of the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railroad and connected by electric lines with Chicago and Fox Lake. Lake Michigan is about 80 miles wide opposite this point. Waukegan was first known as "Little Fort," from the remains of an old fort that stood on its site. The principal part of the city is built on a bluff', which rises abruptly to the height of about 580 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. fifty feet. Between the bluff and tlie shore is a flat tract about 400 j-ards wide which is occupied by gardens, dwellings, warehouses and manu- factories. The manufactui-es include steel-wire, refined sugar, scales, agricultural implements, brass and iron products, sash, doors and blinds, leather, beer, etc. : the city has paved streets, gas and electric light plants, three banks, eight or ten churches, graded and high schools and two newspapers. A large trade in grain, lumber, coal and dairy products is carried on. Pop. (1890), 4,91.j; (1900), 9,4-26. WAIKEGAX ic SOUTHWESTERN RAIL- WAY. (See Elgin, Jolict & Eastern Railway.) WAVER LY, a city in Morgan County, 18 miles southeast of Jacksonville, on the Jacksonville & St. Louis and the Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis Railroads. It was originally settled by enter- prising emigrants from New England, whose descendants constitute a lai-ge proportion of the population. It is the center of a rich agricultural region, has a fine graded school, six or seven churches, two banks, two newspapers and tile works. Population (1880), 1,124; (1890), 1,337; (1900), 1,573. WAYNE, (Gen.) Anthony, soldier, was born in Chester County, Pa., Jan. 1, 1745, of Anglo-Irish descent, graduated as a Surveyor, and first prac- ticed his profession in Nova Scotia. During the years immediately antecedent to the Revolution he was prominent in the colonial councils of his native State, to which he had returned in 1767, where he became a member of the "Committee of Safety." On June 3, 1770, he was commissioned Colonel of the Fourth Regiment of Pennsylvania troops in the Continental army, and, during the War of the Revolution, was conspicuous for his courage and ability as a leader. One of his most daring and successful acliievements was the cap- ture of Stony Point, in 1779, wlien — the works liaving been carried and Wayne having received, wliat wjis supposed to be. his death-wound— he entered tlie fort, sujiported by his aids. For tliis service he was awarded a gold medal by Con- ^e.s8. He also took a conspicuous part in the investiture and capture of Yorktown. In October, 17W5, lie was bre vetted Major-General. In 1784 he was elected tf) tlie Pennsylvania Legislature. A ft'w years hiter he setthid in (Jcorgia, which State he repn-wiited in Congress for seven rnf)nths, when his sejit wjis (hH^iared v.-icant after rontTV, in the nortliwestcrn imrtiun of till" Stale bordf-ring on the MisHiHsip|ii IUv«r; <'r(!iit4*sidential Elector in 1836, State Treasurer (lH37-41)and a member of tiio State Constitu- tional Convention of 1847. General Whiteside, as ho was known, was the second of .lames Shields ill the famou.s Shields and Lincoln duel (so-called) in IH42, and, as sucli, (iarried the challenge of the foriiKfr to Mr. Lincoln. (See Duels. ) HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 587 WHITIJfG, Lorenzo D., legislator, was born in Wayne County, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1819; came to Illinois in 1838, but did not settle there perma- nently until 1849, when he located in Bureau County. He was a Representative from that county in the Twenty-sixth General Assembly (18G9), and a member of the Senate continuously from 1871 to 1887, serving in the latter through eight General Assemblies. Died at his home near Tiskilw^a, Bureau County, 111., Oct. 10, 1889. WHITING, Richard H., Congressman, was born at West Hartford, Conn., June 17, 182G, and* received a common school education. In 1862 he was commissioned Paymaster in the Volunteer Army of the Union, and resigned in 1866. Hav- ing removed to Illinois, he was appointed Assist- ant Assessor of Internal Revenue for the Fifth Illinois District, in February, 1870, and so contin- ued until the abolition of the office in 1873. On retiring from the Assessorship he was appointed Collector of Internal Revenue, and served until March 4, 1875, when he resigned to take his seat as Republican Representative in Congress from the Peoria District, to which he had been elected in November, 1874. After the expiration of his term he held no public office, but was a member of the Republican National Convention of 1884. Died, at the Continental Hotel, in New York City, May 24, 1888. WHITNEY, James W., pioneer lawyer and early teacher, known by the nickname of "Lord Coke"; came to Illinois in Territorial days (be- lieved to have been about 1800) ; resided for some time at or near Edwardsville, then became a teacher at Atlas, Pike County, and, still later, the first Circuit and County Clerk of that county. Though nominally a lawyer, he had little if any practice. He acquired the title, by which he was popularly known for a quarter of a century, by his custom of visiting the State Capital, during the sessions of the General Assemblj', when he would organize the lobbyists and visit- ors about the capital — of which there were an unusual number in those days — into what was called the "Third House." Having been regu- larly chosen to preside under the name of "Speaker of the Lobby," he would deliver a mes- sage full of practical hits and jokes, aimed at members of the two houses and others, which would be received with cheers and laughtei". The meetings of the "Third House," being held in the evening, were attended by many members and visitors in lieu of other forms of entertain- ment. Mr. Whitney's home, in his latter years, was at Pittsfield. He resided for a time at Quincy. Died, Dec. 13, 1860, aged over 80 years. WHITTEMORE, Floyd K., State Treasurer, is a native of New York, came at an early age, with his parents, to Sycamore, 111. , where he was edu- cated in the high school there. He purposed becoming a lawyer, but, on the election of the late James H. Beveridge State Treasurer, in 1864, accepted the position of clerk in the office. Later, he was employed as a clerk in the banking house of Jacob Bunn in Springfield, and, on the organization of the State National Bank, was chosen cashier of that Institution, retaining the position some twenty yeai's. After the appoint- ment of Hon. John R. Tanner to the position of Assistant Treasurer of the United States, at Chi- cago, in 1892, Mr. Whittemore became cashier in that office, and, in 1865, Assistant State Treas- rure under tlie administration of State Treasurer Henry Wulff. In 1898 he was elected State Treasurer, receiving a plurality of 43,450 over his Democratic opponent. WICKERSHAM, (Col.) Dudley, soldier and merchant, was born in Woodford County, Ky., Nov. 22, 1819; came to Springfield, 111., in 1843, and served as a member of the Fourth Regiment Illinois Volunteers (Col. E. D. Baker's) through the Mexican War. On the return of peace he engaged in the dry-goods trade in Springfield, until 1861, when he enlisted in the Tentli Regi- ment Illinois Cavalry, serving, first as Lieutenant- Colonel and then as Colonel, until May, 1864, when, his regiment having been consolidated with the Fifteenth Cavalry, he resigned. After the war, he held the office of Assessor of Internal Revenue for several years, after which he en- gaged in the grocery trade. Died, in Springfield, August 8, 1898. WIDEN, Raphael, pioneer and early legislator, was a native of Sweden, who, having been taken to France at eight years of age, was educated for a Catholic priest. Coming to the United States in 1815, he was at Cahokia, 111., in 1818, wliere, during the same year, he married into a French family of that place. He served in the House of Representatives from Randolph County, in the Second and Third General Assemblies (1820-24), and as Senator in the Fourth and Fifth (1824-28). During his last term in the House, he was one of those who voted against the pro-slavery Con- vention resolution. He died of cholera, at Kas- kaskia, in 1833. WIKE, Scott, lawyer and ex-Congressman, was born at Meadville, Pa., April 6, 1834; at 4 years of age removed with his parents to Quincy, III, 5SS HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. and, in 1S44, to Pike County. Having graduated froui Lombard Uuiversity, Galesburg, in 1857, he beg-cin reading law with Judge O. C. Skinuer of Quiucy. He was admitted to the bar in 1858, but. before commencing practice, spent a year at Harvard Law School, graduating there in 1859. Immediately thereafter he opened an office at Pittsfield, 111., and has resided there ever since. In politics he lias always been a strong Democrat. He served two terms in the Legislature (1863-67) and, in 1874. was chosen Representative from his District in Congi-ess, being re-elected in 1888 and, again, in 1890. In 1893 he was appointed by President Cleveland Third Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, which position he continued to fill until March. 1897, when he resumed the practice of law at Pittsfield. Died Jan. 15, 1901. WILEY, (Col.) Benjamin Ladd, soldier, was born in Smithfield, Jefferson County, Ohio, March 25, 1821, came to Illinois in 1845 and began life at Vienna, Johnson County, as a teacher. In 1846 he enlisted for the Mexican "War, as a member of tlie Fifth (Colonel Newby's) Regiment Illinois Volunteers, serving chiefly in New Mexico until mustered out in 1848. A year later he removed to Jonesboro, where lie s^jent some time at the carpenter's trade, after which he became clerk in a store, meanwhile assisting to edit "The Jonesboro Gazette" until 1853; then became traveling salesman for a St. Louis firm, but later engaged in the hardware trade at Jonesboro, in which he continued for several years. In 185G he was the Republican candidate for Congress for the Nintli District, receiving 4,000 votes, while Fremont, tlie Rei)ul)lican can- didate for President, received only 825 in the same district. In 1857 he opened a real estate office in Jonesboro in conjunction with David L. Pliillips and Col. J. \V. Ashley, with which lie was connecteil until 1860, when lie removed to Makanda, Jack.son County. In September, 18G1, lif was mustered in as Lieutenant-Colonel of the Fifth Illinois Cavalry, later .serving in Mis.soiiri and Arkansjis under Generals Steel(! and Curtiss, being, a part of the time, in commandof tlie First Urigiideof Cavalry, and, in the advance on Vioks- burg, liaving command of the riglit wing of (Jeneral Grant's cavalry. Being di.sabled by rheiimatlHin at the end of th(! siege, lie tendered hi« reHignalion, and wiw inimeiliately a])i)<)inted Enrolling Officer at Cairo, serving in tliis capac- ity niitil May, IHfl5, when he was mustered out. In IWf) lie was apiK)int<'d liy Gfjvc^rnor I'ahncr on«« of the CominisKionerH to hxiiUi the Sotit lic'rn IllinoJN IIoHjiiUil for the InKiine, and H(!rv('ci ;ia Secretary of the Board until the institution was opened at Anna, in May, 1871. In 1869 he was defeated as a candidate for County Judge of Jackson County, and, in 1872, for the State Sen- ate, by a small majority in a strongly Democratic District; in 1876 was the Republican candidate for Congress, in the Eighteenth District, against William Hartzell, biit was defeated by only twenty votes, while carx-ying six out of the ten counties comprising the District. In the latter years of his life, Colonel Wiley was engaged quite extensively in fruit-growing at Makanda, Jack- son Countj% where he died, March 22, 1890. WILKIE, Franc Bangs, journalist, was born in Saratoga County, N. Y., July 2, 1830; took a partial course at Union College, after which he edited papers at Schenectady, N. Y., Elgin, 111., and Davenport and Dubuque, Iowa ; also serving, during a part of the Civil War, as the western war correspondent of "The New York Times." In 1863 he became an editorial writer on "The Chicago Times," remaining with that paper, with the exception of a brief interval, until 1888 — a part of the time as its European correspond- ent. He was the. author of a series of sketches over the nom de plume of "Poliuto," and of a volume of reminiscences under the title, "Thirty-five Years of Journalism," published shortly before his death, which took place, April 12, 1892. WILKIN, Jacob W., Justice of the Supreme Court, was born in Licking County, Ohio, June 7, 1837; removed with his parents to Illinois, at 12 years of age, and was educated at McKendree College ; served three years in the War for the Union; studied law with Judge Scholfield and was admitted to the bar in 1866. In 1872, he was chosen Presidential Elector on the Republican ticket, and, in 1879, elected Judge of the Circuit Court and reelected in 1885 — the latter year being assigned to the Ajipellate bench for the Fourth District, where he remained until his election to the Supreme bench in 1888, being re-elected to the latter office in 1897. His home is at Danville. WILKINSON, Ira ()., lawyer and Judge, was l)()rn ill Virginia in 1822, and accompanied his father to Jacksonville (1835), where he was edu- cated. During a short service as Deputy Clerk of I\h)rgaii (Jounty, he conceived a fondness for the profession of the law, and, after a course of study vmder Judge William Thomas, was admitted to ])ractice in 1H47. Ricliard Yates (afterwards (iov- crnor and Senator) was liis first jiartner. In 1845 he romovcMJ to Rock Island, and, six years later, HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 589 was elected a Circuit Judge, being again closen to the same position in 1861. At the expiration of his second term he removed to Chicago. Died, at Jacksonville, Augvist 24, 1894. WILKINSON, John P., early merchant, was born, Dec. 14, 1790, in New Kent County, Va., emigrated first to Kentucky, and, in 1828, settled in Jacksonville, 111., where he engaged in mer- cantile business. Mr. Wilkinson was a liberal friend of Illinois College and Jacksonville Female Academy, of each of which he was a Trustee from their origin until his death, which occurred, during a business visit to St. Louis, in December, 1841. WILL, Conrad, pioneer physician and early legislator, was born in Philadelphia, June 4, 1778 ; about 1804 removed to Somerset County Pa., and, in 1813, to Kaskaskia, 111. He was a physician by profession, but having leased the saline lands on the Big Muddy, in the vicinity of what after- wards became the town of Brownsville, he engaged in the manufacture of salt, removing thither in 1815, and becoming one of the founders of Brownsville, afterwards the first county-seat of Jackson County. On the organization of Jackson County, in 1816, he became a member of the first Board of County Commissioners, and, in 1818, served as Delegate from that county in the Convention which framed the first State Consti- tution. Thereafter he served continuously as a member of the Legislature from 1818 to '34 — first as Senator in the First General Assembly, then as Representative in the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth, and again as Senator in the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth — his career being conspicuous for long service. He died in office, June 11, 1834. Dr. Will was short of stature, fleshy, of jovial disposition and fond of playing practical jokes upon his associates, but very popular, as shown by his successive elections to the Legislature. He has been called "The Father of Jackson County. ' ' Will County, organized by act of the Legislature two years after his death, was named in his honor. WILL COUNTY, a northeastern county, em- bracing 850 square miles, named in honor of Dr. Conrad Will, an early politician and legislator. Early explorations of the territory were made in 1829, when white settlers were few. The bluff west of Joliet is said to have been first occupied by David and Benjamin Maggard. Joseph Smith, the Mormon "apostle,"" expounded his peculiar doctrines at "the Point" in- 1831. Sev- eral of the early settlers fied from the country during (or after) a raid by the Sac Indians. There is a legend, seemingly well supported, to the effect that the first lumber, sawed to build the first frame house in Chicago (that of P. F. W. Peck), was sawed at Plainfield. Will County, originally a part of Cook, was separately erected in 1836, Joliet being made the county-seat. Agriculture, quarrying and manufacturing are the chief industries. Joliet, Lockport and Wil- mington are the principal towns. Population (1880), 53,422; (1890), 62,007; (1900), 74,764. WILLARD, Frances Elizabeth, teacher and reformer, was born at Churcliville, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1839, graduated from the Northwestern Female College at Evanston, 111., in 1859, and, in 1862, accepted the Professorship of Natural Sciences in that institution. During 1866-67 she was tlie Principal of the Genessee Wesleyan Seminary. The next two years she devoted to travel and study abroad, meanwhile contribut- ing to various periodicals. From 1871 to 1874 she was Professor of Esthetics in the Northwestern University and dean of the Woman"s College. Slie was always an enthusiastic champion of temperance, and, in 1874, abandoned her profes- sion to identify herself with the Woman"s Chris- tian Temperance Union. For five years she was Correspondmg Secretary of the national body, and, from 1879, its President. While Secretary she organized the Home Protective Association, and prepared a petition to the Illinois Legislature, to which nearly 200,000 names were attached, asking for the granting to women of the right to vote on the license question. In 1878 she suc- ceeded her brother, Oliver A. Willard (who had died), as editor of "The Chicago Evening Post," but, a few months later, withdrew, and, in 1882, was elected as a member of the executive com- mittee of the National Prohibition party. In 1886 she became leader of the White Cross Move- ment for the protection of women, and succeeded in securing favorable legislation, in this direc- tion, in twelve States. In 1883 she founded the World"s Christian Temperance Union, and, in 1888, was chosen its President, as also President of the International Council of Women. The latter years of her life were spent chiefly abroad, much of the time as the guest and co-worker of Lady Henry Somerset, of England, during which she devoted much attention to investigating the condition of women in the Orient. Miss Willard was a prolific and highly valued contributor to the magazines, and (besides numerous pamphlets) published several volumes, including "Nineteen Beautiful Years" (a tribute to her sister); "Woman in Temperance"; "How to Win," and 590 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. "Woman in the Pulpit. "" Died, in New York, Feb. 18. 1808. WILL4.RD, Samuel, A.5I., M.D., LL.D., phy- sician and educator, was born in Lunenberg, Vt., Dec. 30, 1821— the lineal descendant of Maj. Simon "Willard, one of the founders of Concord, Mass., and prominent in '"King Philip's War," and of his son, Rev. Dr. Samuel Willard, of the Old South Church, Boston, and seventh President of Harvard College. The subject of this sketch was taken in his infanc}' to Boston, and, in 1831, to CarroUtou, 111., where his father pursued the avocation of a druggist. After a preparatory- course at Shurtletl College, Upper Alton, in 1836 he entered the freshman class in Illinois College at Jacksonville, but withdrew the following year, re-entering college in 1840 and graduating in the class of 1843, as a classmate of Dr. Newton Bate- man, afterwards State Superintendent of Public Instruction and President of Knox College, and Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, now of Elmira, N. Y. The next year he spent as Tutor in Illinois Col- lege, when he began the study of medicine at Quinc}', graduating from the Medical Department of Illinois College in 1848. During a part of the latter year he edited a Free-Soil campaign paper ("The Tribune") at Quincy, and, later, "The Western Temperance Magazine" at the same place. In 1849 he began the practice of his pro- fession at St. Louis, but tlie next year removed toCoUinsville, III, remaining until 1857, when he took charge of the Dei)artment of Languages in the newly organized State Normal University at Normal. Tlie second year of the Civil War (1862) he enlisted as a jjrivate in the Ninety-seventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry, but was soon after commissioned as Surgeon with the rank of Major, participating in the campaigns in Tennessee and in tlie first attack upon V'icksburg. Being dis- abled by an attack of paralysis, in February, 1803, he wascouipcllctl to n^sign, when lie liad suflici- ently recovered acr-c^ptiiig a i)osition in the oflice of Provost Marslial (Jencral Oakos, at Spring- field, where he remained until tlio close of tlio war. He then became Grand Secretary of the IndejKjndent Order of Odd-Fellows for the State of Illinois — a jiosition which lie liad held from 1850 Uj 1H02 —remaining under his second ajipoint- mi-nt from IHOr) to '00. The next year he served an Su|KTintenU:il tliench of the Superior Court of (>x>k County, and, in 1887, was chosen a Judge of tlie Cned (,'iilonel of the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Illinois Volunteers (lOOdays' men) and nmstered out of .service the following Sep- teml)er. Died, at C^uincy, June 11, 1880. He waii lilieral. patriotic and public-sj)irited. His fellow-citiz-enH of Quincy erected a monument U> Mh memory, which was ajipropriatelj' dedicated, July -1. 1>ringfield and began the study of law with Milton Hay and Shelby M. Cullom. His law studies having been interrupted by the Civil War, after sjjending some time in the mustering and disbursing office, he was promoted by Gov- ernor Yates to a place in the executive office, from which he went to the field as Adjutant of the Sixty-fourth Illinois Infantry, known as the "Yates Shar|)-Sli()oters. " After ])ar(jci])ating, with the Army of the Tennes.seo, in the Atlanta (%'inipaign, ho took j)art in the "Mari^h to the Sea," and the campaign in the Carolinas, inchid- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 599 ing the siege of Savannah and the forcing of the Salkahatchie, where he distinguished liimself, as also in the taking of Columbia, Fayetteville, Cheraw, Raleigh and Bentonville. At the latter place he had a liorse shot under him and won the brevet rank of Major for gallantry in the field, having previously been commissioned Captain of Company A of his regiment. He also served on the staffs of Gens. Giles A. Smith, Benjamin F. Potts, and William W. Belknap, and was the last mustering officer in General Sherman's army. In 1867 Major Woods removed to Chicago, where he was in business for a number of years, serving as chief clerk of Custom House construction from 1872 to 1877. In 1879 he purchased "The Daily Republican" at Joliet, which he conducted successfully for fifteen years. While connected with "The Republican," he served as Secretary of the Illinois Republican Press Association and in various other positions. Major Woods was one of the founders of the Grand Army of the Republic, whose birth-place was in Illinois. (See Grand Army of the Rejmb- lic; also Stephenson, Dr. B. F.) When Dr. Stephenson (who had been Surgeon of the Four- teenth Illinois Infantry), conceived the idea of founding such an order, he called to his assist- ance Major Woods, who was then engaged in writing the histories of Illinois regiments for the A^djutant-General's Report. The Major wrote the Constitution and By-laws of the Order, the charter blanks for all the reports, etc. The first official order bears his name as the first Adjutant- General of the Order, as follows : hkanquarters department of illinois Grand Akmy of the Kepublic. Spkinofield, III., April 1, 1866. General Orders / No. 1. ) The following named officers are hereby appointed and assigned to duty at these lieadquarters. They will be obeyed and respected accordingly: Colonel Jules C. Webber, A.D.C. and Chief of Staff. Colonel John M. Snyder, Quartermaster-General. Major Robert BI. Woods, Adjutant-General. Captain John A. Lightfoot, Assistant Adjutant-General. Cap'ain John S. Phelps, Aid-de-Camp. By order of B. F. Stephenson, Department Commander. Robert M. Woods, Adjutant-General. Major Woods afterwards organized the various Departments in the West, and it has been con- ceded that he furnished the money necessary to carry on the work during the first six months of the existence of the Order. He has never accepted a nomination or run for any political office, but is now engaged in financial business in Joliet and Chicago, with his residence in the iormer place. WOODSON, David Meade, lawyer and jurist, was born in Jes.samine County, Ky., May 18, 1806; was educated in private schools and at Transylvania University, and read law with his father. He served a term in the Kentucky Legis- lature in 1832, and, in 1834, removed to Illinois, settling at CarroUton, Greene County. In 1839 he was elected State's Attorney and, in 1840, a member of the lower house of the Legisiature, being elected a second time in 1868. In 1843 he was the Whig candidate for Congress in the Fifth District, but was defeated by Stephen A. Douglas. He was a member of the Constitutional Conventions of 1847 and 1869-70. In 1848 he was elected a Judge of the First Judicial Circuit, remaining in office until 1867. Died, in 1877. WOODSTOCK, the county-seat of McHenry County, situated on the Chicago & Northwestern Railway, about 51 miles northwest of Chicago and 32 miles east of Rockford. It contains a court house, eight churches, four banks, three newspaper offices, foundry and machine shops, planing mills, canning works, pickle, cheese and butter factories. The Oliver Typewriter Factory is located here; the town is also the seat of the Todd Seminary for boys. Population (1890), 1,683; (1900), 2,502. WORCESTER, Linus E., State Senator, was born in Windsor, Vt., Dec. 5, 1811, was educated in the common schools of his native State and at Chester Academy, came to Illinois in 1836, and, after teaching three years, entered a dry-goods store at Whitehall as clerk, later becoming a partner. He was also engaged in various other branches of business at different times, including the drug, hardware, grocery, agricultm'al imple- ment and lumber business. In 1843 he was appointed Postmaster at Whitehall, serving twelve years; was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1847, served as County Judge for six years from 1853, and as Trustee of the Insti- tution for the Deaf and Dumb, at Jacksonville, from 1859, by successive reappointments, for twelve years. In 1856 he was elected, as a Demo- crat, to the State Senate, to succeed John M. Palmer, resigned ; was re-elected in 1860, and, at the session of 1865, was one of the five Demo- cratic members of that body who voted for the ratification of the Emancipation Amendment of the National Constitution. He was elected County Judge a second time, in 1863, and re- elected in 1867, served as delegate to the Demo- cratic National Convention of 1876, and, for more than thirty years, was one of the Directors of the Jacksonville branch of the Chicago & Alton 600 IIISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Railroad, serving from the organization of the corporation until his death, which occurred Oct. 19, 1S91. WORDEN, a village of Madison County, on the Wabash and the Jacksonville, Louisville & St. Louis Railways, 32 miles northeast of St. Louis. Population (1890), 522; (1900), 544 WORLD'S COLUMBIAX EXPOSITION. An exhibition of the scientific, liberal and mechan- ical arts of all nations, held at Chicago, between May 1 and Oct. 31, 1893. The project had its inception in November, 1885, in a resolution adopted by the directorate of the Chicago Inter- State Exposition Company. On July G, 1888, the first well defined action was taken, the Iroquois Club, of Chicago, inviting the co-operation of six other leading clubs of that city in "securing the location of an international celebration at Chi- cago of the 400th anniversarj' of the discovery of America by Colmnbus. '" In July, 1889, a decisive step was taken in the appointment by Mayor Cregier, under resolution of the City Council, of a committee of 100 (afterwards increased to 256) citizens, who were charged with the duty of promoting the selection of Chicago as the site for the Exposition. New York, Washington and St. Louis were competing points, but the choice of Congress fell upon Chicago, and the act establish- ing the World's Fair at that city was signed by President Harrison on April 25, 1890. Under the retjuireinents of the law, the President .appointed eight Comniissioners-at-large, with two Commis- sioners and two alternates from each State and Territorj- and the Di.strict of Columbia. Col. Ge these lK>dies, certain powers were ve«t0. Tlio j)res«'nt six dcjiart- tnents of nuixtrviHion are: (jencral Supervision, in charge of tlie State Sjx-retary and his A.ssist- ant*; railroaeen captured in the latter, he was imprisoned successively at Jacksonville ^Ga.), Montgomery, Savannah, and finally at Andersonville. From the latter he succeeded in effecting liis escai)e, but was recaptured and returned to tliat famous prison-pen. Having escaped a .second time by assvnniiig the name of a dead man and bril)iiig tlie guard, lie was again captureil and imi)risoned at various jioints in Jli.s- sissippi until exclianged about tlie time of the assassination of President Lincoln. He was then BO weakened bj* his long confinement and scanty fare tliat he liad to be carried on board tlie steamer on a strott^lier. At tliis time lie narrowly escajieil lieing on lioard the steamer Sultana, whicli was blown up below Cairo, with 2,100 soldiers on lK)arrii\ Grand Army r;irfles, and, in IHitO, wiiH iinanimoiiHly elected Commander of the I>e|»iirtment of IllinoiH. Previctiis to this he had l»«on an ofliuer of the Illinois National Guard, and served as Aid-de-Camp, with the rank of Colonel, on the staff of Governors Hamilton, , Oglesby and Fifer. In 1897 Colonel Distin was ai)pointed by President McKinley Surveyor-Gen- eral for the Territory of Alaska, a position which (1899) he still holds. DUMMER, Henry E., lawyer, was born at Hallowell, Maine, April 9, 1808, was educated in Bowdoin College, graduating there in the class of 1827, after which he took a course in law at Cam- bridge Law School, and was soon after admitted to the bar. Then, having spent some two years in his native State, in 1832 he removed to Illinois, settling first in Springfield, where he remained six years, being for a part of the time a partner of John T. Stuart, who afterwards became the first partner in law of Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Duni- mer had a brother, Richard William Dummer, who had preceded him to Illinois, living for a time in Jacksonville. In 1838 he removed to Beardstown, Cass County, which continued to be his home for more than a quarter of a century. During his residence there he served as Alder- man, City Attorney and Judge of Probate for Cass County ; also represented Cass County in the Constitutional Convention of 1847, and, in 1860, was elected State Senator in the Twenty-second General Assembly, serving four years. Mr. Dummer was an earnest Republican, and served that party as a delegate for the State-at-large to the Convention of 1864, at Baltimore, which nominated Abraham Lincoln for the Presidency a second time. In 1864 he I'emoved to Jackson- ville, and for the next year was the law partner of David A. Smith, until the death of the latter in 1865. In the summer of 1878 Mr. Dummer went to Mackinac, Mich. , in search of health, but died there August 13 of tliat yean ECKELS, James H., ex-Comptroller of the Currency, was born of Scotch-Irish parentage at Princeton, 111., Nov. 22, 1858, was educated in the common schools and the high school of his native town, graduated from the Law School at Albany, N. Y., in ISSl, and the following year began jiractice at Ottawa, 111. Here he con- tinued in active practice until 1893, when he was ajipointed by President Cleveland Comptroller of the Currency, serving until May 1, 1898, when he resigned to acco|)t the iiresidency of the Com- mercial National Rank of Chicago. Mr. Eckels manifested such distinguishoil ability in the dis- charge of his duties as C()m])troller that he nuMuved the notable compliiiKMit of being retained in ofTitu) by a Republican administration more than a year after the retirement of Presi- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 607 dent Cleveland, while his selection for a place at the iiead of one of the leading banking institu- tions of Chicago was a no less marked recognition of his abilities as a financier. He was a Delegate from the Eleventh District to the National Democratic Convention at Chicago in 1892, and repiesented the same district in the Gold Demo- cratic Convention at Indianapolis in 1896, and assisted in framing the platform there adopted — which indicated his views on the financial ques- tions involved in the campaign of that year. FIELD, Daniel, early merchant, was born in Jefferson County, Kentucky, Nov. 30, 1790, and settled at Golconda, 111., in 1818, djing there in 1855. He was a man of great enterprise, engaged in merchandising, and became a large land- holder, farmer and stock-grower, and an extensive shipper of stock and produce to lower Mississippi markets. He married Elizabeth Dailey of Charleston, Ind., and raised a large family of children, one of whom, Philip D., became Sheriffi while another, John, was County Judge of Pope County. His daughter, Maria, married Gen. Green B. Raum, who became prominent as a soldier during the Civil War and, later, as a mem- ber of Congress and Commissioner of Internal Revenue and Pension Commissioner in Wash- ington. FIELD, Green B., member of a pioneer family, was born within the present limits of the State of Indiana in 1787, served as a Lieutenant in the War of 1812, was married in Bourbon County, Kentucky, to Miss Mary E. Cogswell, the daughter of Dr. Joseph Cogswell, a soldier of the Revolutionary War, and, in 1817, removed to Pope County, Illinois, where he laid off the town of Golconda, which became the county-seat. He served as a Representative from Pope County in the First General Assembly (1818-20), and was the father of Juliet C. Field, who became the wife of John Raum ; of Edna Field, the wife of Dr. Tarlton Dunn, and of Green B. Field, who was a Lieutenant in Third Regiment Illinois Volunteers during the Mexican War. Mr. Field was the grandfather of Gen. Green B. Raum, mentioned in the preceding paragraph. He died of yellow fever in Louisiana in 1823. GALE, Stephen Francis, first Chicago book- seller and a railway promoter, was born at Exeter, N. H. , March 8, 1812 ; at 15 years of age became clerk in a leading book-store in Boston ; came to Chicago in 1835, and soon afterwards opened the first book and stationery establish- ment in that city, which, in after years, gained an extensive trade. In 1842 the firm of S. F. Gale & Co. was organized, but Mr. Gale, having become head of the Chicago Fire Department, retired from business in 1845 As early as 1846 he was associated with W m. B. Ogden and John B. Turner in the steps then being taken to revive the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad (now a part of the Chicago & Northwestern), and, in conjunction with these gentlemen, became responsible for the means to purchase the charter and assets of the road from the Eastern bond- holdei's. Later, he engaged in the construction of the branch road from Turner Junction to Aurora, became President of the line and ex- tended it to Mendota to connect with the Illinois Centi'al at that Point. These roads afterwards became a part of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy line. A number of years ago Mr. Gale returned to his old home in New Hampshire, where he has since resided. HAY, John, early settler, came to the region of Kaskaskia between 1790 and 1800, and became a prominent citizen of St. Clair County. He was selected as a member of the First Legislative Council of Indiana Territory for St. Clair County in 1805. In 1809 he was appointed Clerk of the Common Pleas Court of St. Clair County, and was continued in office after the organization of the State Government, serving until his death at Belleville in 1845. HAYS, John, pioneer settler of Northwest Ter- ritory, was a native of New York, who came to Cahokia, in the "Illinois Country," in 1793, and lived there the remainder of his life. His early life had been spent in the fur-trade about Macki- nac, in the Lake of the Woods region and about tlie sources of the Mississippi. During the War of 1812 he was able to furnish Governor Edwards valuable information in reference to the Indians in the Northwest. He filled the office of Post- master at Cahokia for a number of years, and was Sheriff of St. Clair County from 1798 to 1818. MOULTOjV, (CoL) George M., soldier and building contractor, was born at Readsburg, Vt., March 15, 1851, came early in life to Chicago, and was educated in the schools of that city. By pro- fes.sion he is a contractor and builder, the firm of which he is a member having been connected with the construction of a number of large build- ings, including some extensive grain elevators. Colonel Moulton became a member of the Second Regiment Illinois National Guard in June, 1884, being elected to the office of Major, which he retained until January, 1893, when he was appointed Inspector of Rifle Practice on the staff of General Wheeler. A year later he was com 608 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. missioned Colonel of tlie regiment, a position which he occupied at the time of the call by the Presiileut for troops to serve in the Spanish- American War in April, 1898. He i)romptly answered the call, and was sworn into the United States service at the head of his regiment early in May. The regiment was almost immediately ordered to Jacksonville, Fla., remaining there and at Savannah, Ga., until earlj- in December, when it was transferred to Havana, Cuba. Here he was soon after appointed Chief of Police for the city of Havana, remaining in office until the middle of January, 1899, when lie returned to his regiment, then stationed at Camp Columbia, near the citj' of Havana. In the latter part of March he returned with his regiment to Augusta, Ga., where it was mustered out, April 26, 1899, one jear from the date of its arrival at Springfield. After leaving the service Colonel Moulton resumed his business as a contractor. SHERMA\, Lawrence Y., legislator and Speiiker of the Forty-first General Assemblj', was horn in Miami County, Ohio, Nov. 6, 1858; at 3 j-ears of age came to Illinois, his parents settling at Industrj-, McDonough County. When he had reached the age of 10 years he went to Jasper County, where he grew to manhood, received his education in the common schools and in the law department of McKendree College, graduating from the latter, and, in 1881, located. at Macomb, McDonough County. Here lie began his career by driving a team upon the street in order to accumulate means enabling liini to devote his entire attention to his chosen profession of law. He soon took an active interest in politics, was elected County Judge in 1886, and, at the expira- tion of his term, formed a partnership with George D. Tunnicliff'e and D. G. Tunnicliffe, ex-Justice of the Supreme Court. In 1894 he was a candidate for the Republican nomination for Representative in the General Assembly, but withdrew to prevent a split in the party; was nominated and elected in 1896, and re-elected in 1898, and, at the succeeding session of the Forty-first General Assembly, was nominated by the Republican caucus and elected Speaker, as he was again of the Forty-second in 1901. VINYARD, Philip, early legislator, was born in Pennsylvania in 1800, came to Illinois at an early day, and settled in Pope County, which he represented in the lower branch of the Tliirteenth and Fourteenth General Assemblies. He married Miss Matilda McCoy, the daughter of a prominent Illinois pioneer, and served as Sherifl: of Pope County for a number of years. Died, at Gol- conda, in 1863, SUPPLEMENT NO. II. BLACK HAWK WAR, THE. The episode known in history vmder llie name of "The Black Hawk War," was tlie most formidable conflict Ix'tween the wliites and Indians, as well as tlie most far reaching in its results, that ever oc- curred tijKJM the soil of Illinois. It takes its name from the Indian Chief, of tlie Sac tribe, lilaok Hawk (Indian name, Makatai Meshekia- kiak, meaning "HIack Si)arrow Hawk"), who wa« the leader of the liostilo Indian band and a jjrincijjal factor in tlio struggle. I51a(;k Hawk had l>een an ally of tlie Mritish during tlio War of 1H12 ITj, w-rvcd with Tecuiusch when the lat- t»T fidl at the battle of the Tliaiiios in IHIU, aii.l, after the war, continued to maintain friendly ro- tationa with hia "British father." The outbreak in Illinois had its origin in the construction put u[)on the treaty negotiated by Gen. William Henry Harrison with the Sac and Fo.x Indians on belialf of the United States Government, No- vember 3, 1804, under which the Indians trans- ferred to the Government nearly 15,000,000 acres of land comprising the region lying between the Wisconsin River on tlie north, Fox River of Illi- nois on the east and southeast, and the Mississippi on the west, for which the (Jovernment agreed to pay to the confederated tribes less than $3,500 in goods and the iiisignific^ant sum of $1,000 j)er an- num in i)erj)otuity. While the validity of the treaty was denied on the i)artof the Indians on the ground that it had originally been entered into by their cliiefs under duress, while held as prisoners HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 609 under a charge of murder at Jefferson Barracks, during which they had been kept in a state of con- stant intoxication, it had been repeatedlj' reaf- firmed bj' parts or all of the tribe, especially in 1815, in 1816, in 1822 and in 1823, and finally recog- nized by Black Hawk himself in i831. The part of the treaty of 1801 which was the immediate cause of the disagreement was that which stipulated that, so long as the lands ceded under it remained the property of the United States (that is, should not be transferred to private owners), "the Indians belonging to the said tribes shall enjoy the priv- ilege of living or hunting upon them." Al- though these lands had rftt been put upon the market, or even surveyed, as "squatters" multi- plied in this region little respect was paid to the treaty rights of the Indians, particularly with reference to those localities where, by i-eason of fertihty of the soil or some other natural advan- tage, the Indians had established something like permanent homes and introduced a sort of crude cultivation. This was especially the case with reference to the Sac village of "Saukenuk" on the north bank of Rock River near its mouth, where the Indians, when not absent on the chase, had lived for over a century, had cultivated fields of corn and vegetables and had buried their dead. In the early part of the la.st century, it is estimated that some five hundred families had been accustomed to congregate here, making it the largest Indian village in the West. As early as 1823 the encroachments of squatters on the rights claimed by the Indians under the treaty of 1804 began ; their fields were taken possession of by the intruders, their lodges burned and their women and children whipped and driven away during the absence of the men on their annual hunts. The dangers resulting from these con- flicts led Governor Edwards, as early as 1828, to demand of the General Governinent the expul- sion of the Indians from Illinois, which resulted in an order from President Jackson in 1829 for their removal west of the Mississippi. On appli- cation of Col. George Davenport, a trader of much influence with the Indians, the time was extended to April 1, 1830. During the preceding year Colonel Davenport and the firm of Davenport and Farnham bought from the United States Gov- ernment most of the lands on Rock River occupied by Black Hawk's band, with the intention, as has been claimed, of permitting the Indians to remain. This was not so understood by Black Hawk, who was greatly incensed, although Davenport offered to take other lands from the Government in ex- change or cancel the sale — an arrangement to which President Jackson would not consent. On their return in the spring of 1830, the Indians found whites in possession of their village. Pre- vented from cultivating their fields, and their annual hunt proving unsuccessful, the following winter proved for them one of great hardship. Black Ilawk, having made a visit to his " British father" (the British Agent) at Maiden, Canada, claimed to have received words of sympathy and encouragement, which induced him to determine to regain possession of their fields. In this he was encouraged by Neapope, his second in com- mand, and by assurance of support from White Cloud, a half Sac and half Winnebago — known also as " The Prophet " — whose village (Prophet's Town) was some forty miles from the mouth of Rock River, and through whom Black Hawk claimed to have leceived promises of aid in guns, ammunition and provisions from the British. The reappearance of Black Hawk's band in the vicinity of his old haunts, in the spring of 1831, produced a wild panic among the frontier settlers. Messages were hurried to Governor Reynolds, who had succeeded Governor Edwards in De- cember previous, appealing for protection against the savages. The Governor issued a call for 700 volunteers "to remove the band of Sac Indians " at Rock Island beyond the Mississippi. Al- though Gen. E. P. Gaines of the regular army, commanding the military district, thought tlie regulars sufficiently strong to cope with the situa- tion, the Governor's proclamation was responded to by more than twice the number called for. The volunteers assembled early in June, 1831, at Beardstown, the place of rendezvous named in the call, and having been organized into two regi- ments under command of Col. James D. Henrj and Col. Daniel Lieb, with a spy battalion under Gen. Joseph Duncan, marched across the country and, after effecting a junction with General Gaines' regulars, appeared before Black Hawk's village on the 25th of June. In the meantime General Gaines, having learned that the Pottawatomies, Winnebagos and Kickapoos had promised to join the Sacs in their uprising, asked the assistance of the battalion of mounted men previously offered by Governor Reynolds. The combined armies amounted to 2,500 men, while the fighting force of the Indians was 300. Finding himself over- whelmingly outnumbered. Black Hawk withdrew under cover of night to the west side of the Missis- sippi. After burning the village. General Gaines notified Black Hawk of his intention to pursue and attack his band, which had the effect to bring the fugitive chief to the General's head- GIO HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. quarters, where, on June 30, a new treaty was entered into by which he bound himself and his people to remain west of the Mississippi unless permitted to return by the United States. This ended the campaign, and the volunteers returned to their homes, although the affair had produced an intense excitement along the whole frontier, and involved a heavj- expense. The next winter was spent by Black Hawk and his baud on the site of old Fort Madison, in the present State of Iowa. Dissatisfied and humil- iated by his repulse of the previous year, in disre- gard of his pledge to General Gaines, on April 6, 1832, at the head of 500 warriors and their fam- ilies, he again crossed the Mississippi at Yel- low Banks about the site of the present citj- of Oquawka, fiftj' miles below Rock Island, with the intention, as claimed, if not permitted to stop at his old village, to proceed to the Prophet's Town and raise a crop with the Winnebagoes. Here he was met by The Prophet with renewed assurances of aid from the Winnebagoes, which was still further strengthened by promises from the Brit- ish Agent received through a visit bj' Neapope to Maiden the previous autumn. An incident of this invasion was the effective warning given to the white settlers by Shabona, a friendlj^ Ottawa chief, which probably had the effect to prevent a widespread massacre. Besides the towns of Galena and Chicago, the settlements in Illinois nortli of Fort Clark (Peoria) were limited to some thirty families on Bureau Creek with a few cabins at Hennepin, Peru, I.aSalle, Ottawa, In- dian Creek, Dixon, Kellogg's Grove, Apple Creek, and a few other points. Gen. Henry Atkinson, commanding the regulars at Fort Armstrong (Hock Island), having learned of the arrival of Black Hawk a week after he crossed tlie Missis- sippi, at once took stops to notify (Jovernor Hey- nolds of tlie situation with a recjuisition for an ade<{uate force of militia to (•o()perate witli the regulars. Under date of April 10, is:i2, the Gov- ernor issued his call for "a strong dota(^linioiit of niilitia " to meet by April '22. Beardstown again being named as a place of rendezvous. The call resulted in the afl.sembiing of a force which was organized into four regiments under command of C«>Lh Jolin DeWitt, Jacob Fry, John Thomas and Rainuel M ThuMipson, togidlier witli a spy ijat- talion under Maj James D. Henry, an odd liat- talioii under M:i.j. Thomas .lames and a foot battalion iitidi-r Maj Tliomas Long, To these were RtilMe<|U<'iitly al P>aiiey, which were finally consolidated as the Fifth Regiment under command of Col. James Johnson. Tlie organizjt- tion of the first four regiments at Beardstown was completed by April 27, and the force under command of Brigadier-General Whiteside (but accompanied by Governor Reynolds, who was allowed paj^ as Major General by the General Government) began its march to Fort Armstrong, arriving there May 7 and being mustered into the Uni ted States service. Among others accompany- ing the expedition who were then, or afterwards became, noted citizens of the State, were Vital Jarrot, Adjutant-General; Cyrus Edwards, Ord- nance Officer; Murray McConnel, Staff Officer, and Abraham Lincoln, Captain of a company of volunteers from Sangamon County in the Fourth Regiment. Col. Zachary Taylor, then commander of a regiment of regulars, arrived at Fort Arm- strong about the same time with reinforcements from Fort Leavenworth and Fort Crawford. The total force of militia amounted to 1,935 men, and of regulars about 1,000. An interesting story is told concerning a speech delivered to the volun- teers by Colonel Taylor about this time. After reuiinding them of their duty to obey an order promptly, the future hero of the Mexican War added: " The safety of all depends upon the obe- dience and courage of all. You are citizen sol- diers; some of you may fill high offices, or even be Presidents some day — but not if you refuse to do your duty. Forward, march!" A curious com- mentary upon this speech is furnished in the fact that, while Taylor himself afterwards became President, at least one of his hearers — a volunteer who probably then had no aspiration to that dis- tinction (Abraham Lincoln) — reached the same position during the most dramatic period in the nation's history. Two days after the arrival at Fort Armstrong, the advance up Rock River began, the main force of the voliinteors proceeding by land under Gen- eral Whiteside, while General Atkinson, with 400 regular and 300 volunteer foot soldiers, pro- ceeded by boat, carrying with liim the artillery, provisions and bulk of the baggage. Whiteside, advancing by the oast bank of the river, was the first to arrive at the Prophet's Town, which, finding deserted, he ])uslied on to Dixon's Ferry (now Di.xon), whore he arrived May 12. Here lie found the indopendetit battalions of Stillmaii and Bailey witli ammunition and supplies of wliioli Wliiteside stood in need. The mounted battalions unr«' Of the Illinois truop.-^, Posey's ijrigade "■• 'd to till- duty of diK|iersingtlie Indians I.' ' .:ii<0 (chie.fly wr)nieii and children) were made jirison- ern Tlie loss of the whites was 20 killed and 13 wounded When the "battle" was nearing its close it is said that Black Hawk, having repented the abandonment of his people, returned within sight of the battle-ground, but seeing the slaugh- ter in progress which he was powerless to avert, he turned and, with a howl of rage and horror, fled into the forest. About 300 Indians (mo.stly non- combatants) succeeded in crossing the river in a condition of exhaustion from hunger and fatigue, but these were set upon by the Sioux under Chief Wabasha, through the suggestion and agency of General Atkinson, and nearly one-half their num- ber exterminated. Of the remainder many died from wounds and exhaustion, while still others perished while attemirting to reach Keokuk's band who had refused to join in Black Hawk's desper- ate venture. Of one thousand who crossed to the east side of the river with Black Hawk in April, it is estimated that not more than 150 survived the tragic events of the next four months. General Scott, having arrived at Prairie du Chien early in August, assumed command and, on August 15, mustered out the volunteers at Dixon, 111. After witnessing the bloody climax at the Bad Axe of his ill-starred invasion, Black Hawk fled to the dells of the Wisconsin, where he and the Prophet surrendered themselves to the Win. nebagos, by whom they were delivered to the Indian Agent at Prairie du Chien. Having been taken to Fort Armstrong on September 21, he there signed a treaty of peace. Later he was taken to Jefferson Barracks (near St. Louis) in the custody of Jefferson Davis, then a Lieutenant in the regular army, where he was held a captive during the following winter. The connection of Davis with the Black Hawk War, mentioned by many historians, seems to have been confined to this act. In April, 1833, with the Prophet and Neapope, he was taken to Washington and then to Fortress Monroe, where they were detained as prisoners of war until June 4, when they were released. Black Ilawk, after being taken to many princijKil cities in order to impress him vi'ith the strength of the American nation, was brought to Fort Armstrong, and there committed to the guardianship of his rival, Keokuk, but survived this humiliation only a few years, dying on a small reservation set ap.art for him in Davis County, Iowa,, October 3, 1838. Such is the story of the Black Hawk War, tlie most notable struggle with the aborigines in Illi- nois hi.story. At its beginning both tlie State and national authorities were gro.ssly niishMl by an exagg(!rated estimate* of the strength of Blaidj Hawk's force as to numbers ;ind his plans for recovering the site of his old village, while HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 615 Black Hawk had conceived a low estimate of the numbers and courage of his white enemies, es- pecially after the Stillman defeat. The cost of the war to the State and nation in money has been estimated at $2,000,000, and in sacrifice of life on both sides at not less than 1,200. The loss of life by the troops in irregular skirmishes, and in massacres of settlers by the Indians, aggregated about 250, while an equal number of regulars perished from a visitation of cholera at the various stations within the district affected by the war, especially at Detroit, Chicago, Fort Armstrong and Galena. Yet it is the judgment of later historians that nearly all this sacrifice of life and treasure might have been avoided, but for a series of blunders due to the blind or un- scrupulous policy of officials or interloping squat- ters upon lands which the Indians had occupied under the treaty of 1804. A conspicious blunder — to call it by no harsher name — was the violation by Stillman's command of the rules of civilized war-fare in the attack made upon Black Hawk's messengers, sent under flag of truce to request a conference to settle terms under which he might return to the west side of the Mississippi — an act which resulted in a humiliating and disgraceful defeat for its authors and proved the first step in actual war. Another misfortune was the failure to understand Neapope's appeal for peace and permission for his people to pass beyond the Mississippi the night after the battle of Wisconsin Heights; and the third and most inexcusable blunder of all, was the refusal of the officer in command of the "Warrior " to respect Black Hawk"s flag of truce and request for a conference just before the bloody massacre which has gone into history under the name of the " battle of the Bad Axe." Either of these events, properly availed of, would have prevented much of the butchery of that bloody episode which has left a stain upon the page of history, although this statement implies no disposition to detract from the patriotism and courage of some of the leading actors upon whom the responsibility was placed of i^rotecting the frontier settler from outrage and massacre. One of the features of the war was the bitter jealousy engendered by the unwise policy pursued by General Atkinson towards some of the volun- teers — especially the treatment of General James D. Henry, who, although subjected to repeated slights and insults, is regarded by Governor Ford and others as the real hero of the war. Too brave a soldier to shirk any responsibility and too modest to exploit his own deeds, he felt deeply the studied purpose of his superior to ignore him in the conduct of the campaign — a purpose which, as in the affair at the Bad Axe, was defeated by accident or by General Henry's soldierly sagacity and attention to duty, although he gave out to the public no utterance of com- plaint. Broken in health by the hardships and exposures of the campaign, he went South soon after the war and died of consumption, unknown and almost alone, in the city of New Orleans, less two years later. Aside from contemporaneous newspaper ac- counts, monographs, and manuscripts on file in public libraries relating to this epoch in State history, the most comprehensive records of the Black Hawk War are to be found in the ' ' Life of Black Hawk," dictated by himself (1834) ; Wake- field's "History of the War between the United States and the Sac and Fox Nations" (1834); Drake's" Life of Black Hawk" (1854); Ford's "History of Illinois" (1854); Reynolds' " Pio- neer History of Illinois; and "My Own Times"; Davidson & Stuve's and Moses' Histories of Illi- nois; Blanchard's " The Northwest and Chicago" ; Armstrong's "The Sauks and the Black Hawk War," and. Reuben G. Thwaite's "Story of the Black Hawk War" (1892.) CHICAGO HEIGHTS, a village in the southern part of Cook County, twenty -eight miles south of the central part of Chicago, on the Chicago & Eastern Illinois, the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern and the Michigan Central Railroads; is located in an agricultural region, but has some manufactures as well as good schools — also has one newspaper. Population (1900), 5,100. GRANITE, a city of Madison County, located five miles north of St. Louis on the lines of the Burlington; the Chicago & Alton; Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis; Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis (Illinois), and the Wabash Railway's. It is adjacent to the Merchants' Terminal Bridge across the Mississippi and has considerable manu- facturing and grain-storage business; has two newspapers. Population (1900), 3,122. HARLEM, a village of Proviso Township, Cook County, and suburb of Chicago, on the line of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, nine miles west of the terminal station at Chicago. Harlem originally embraced the village of Oak Park, now a part of the city of Chicago, but, in 1884, was set off and incorporated as a village. Considerable manufacturing is done here. Population (1900), 4,085. HARVEY, a city of Cook County, and an im- portant manufacturing suburb of the city of Chi- 616 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. cago, three miles soutliwest of the southern city limits. It is on the line of the Illinois Central and the Chicago & Grand Trunk Railways, and has extensive manufactures of harvesting, street and steam railway machinerj', gasoline stoves, enameled ware, etc. ; also has one newspaper and ample school facilities. Population (1900), 5,395. IOWA CENTRAL RAILWAY, a railway line having its principal termini at Peoria, 111., and Manly Junction, nine miles north of Mason City, Iowa, with several lateral branches making con- nections with Centerville, Newton, State Center, Story City, Algona and Northwood in the latter State. The total length of line owned, leased and operated by the Company, ofRciallj' reported in 1899, was 508.98 miles, of which 89. 7G miles- including 3.5 miles trackage facilities on the Peoria & Pekin Union between Iowa Junction and Peoria — were in Illinois. The Illinois divi- sion extends from Keithsburg — Avhere it enters the State at the crossing of the Mississippi — to Peoria.— (History.) The Iowa Central Railway Company was originally chartered as the Central Railroad Company of Iowa and the road com- pleted in October, 1871. In 1873 it passed into the hands of a receiver and, on June ^, 1879, was reorganized under the name of the Central Iowa Railway Company. In May, 1883, this company purcha.sed the Peoria & Farmington Railroad, which was incorporated into the main line, but defaulted and pas.sed into the hands of a receiver December 1, 188G; the line was sold under fore- closure in 1887 and ls88, to the Iowa Central Railway Company, which had effected a new organization on tlie basis of §11,000,000 common stock, $6,000,000 preferred stock and $1,379,035 temporary debt certificates convertible into pre- ferred stock, and §7,500,000 first mortgage bonds. The tran.saction was comijleted, tlie receiver dis- charged and the road turned over to the new company. May 15, 18S9.— (Fin.\nciai.). The total capit.alization of tlie road in 1899 was §31,337,558, of which §14,159,180 was in stock, §0,6.50,095 in bonds and §538,383 in other forms of indebtedne.ss. The total earnings and income of the line in Illi- nois for the same year were §533,508, and the ex- penditures §500,333. SPARTA, a city of Randolph County, situated on tlie (^entralia & Chester and the Mobile & Ohio Ii;iilroads, twenty miles northwest of Ches- ter and fifty miles southeast of St. Louis. It has a number of manufacturing establishments, in- cluding plow factories, a woolen mill, a cannery and creameries ; also has natural gas. The first settler was James McClurken, -from South Caro- lina, who .settled here in 1818. He was joined by James Armour a few years later, who bought land of McClurken, and together they laid out a village, which fir.st received the name of Co- lumbus. About the same time Robert G. Shan- non, who had been conducting a mercantile busi- ness in the vicinity, located in the town and became the first Postmaster. In 1839 the name of the town was changed to Sparta. Mr. McClur- ken, its earliest settler, appears to have been a man of considerable enterprise, as he is credited with having built the first cotton gin in this vi- cinity, besides still later, erecting saw and flour inills and a woolen mill. Sparta was incorporated as a village in 1837 and in 1859 as a city. A col- ony of members of the Reformed Presbyterian Church (Covenanters or "Seceders'') established at Eden, a beautiful site about a mile from Sparta, about 1823, cut an important figure in the history of the latter place, as it became the means of attracting here an industrious and thriving population. At a later period it became one of the most important stations of the "Under- ground Railroad" (so called) in Illinois (which see). The population of Sparta (1890) was 1,979; (1900), 2,041. TOLUCA, a city of Marshall County situated on the line of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, 18 miles southwest of Streator. It is in the center of a rich agricultural district ; has the usual church and educational facilities of cities of its rank, and two newspapers. Population (1900), 2,039. WEST HAMMOND, a village situated in the northeast corner of TJiornton Township, Cook County, adjacent to Hammond, Ind., from which it is separated by the Indiana State line. It is on the Mi(;higan Central Railroad, one mile south of the Chicago City limits, and has convenient ac- ce.ss to several other lines, including the Chicago & Erie; New York, Chicago & St. L6uis, and Western Indiana Railroads. Like its Indiana neighbor, it is a manufacturing center of much importance, was incorporated as a village in 1893, and has grown rai)i(lly within the last few years, having a ]M)pulatiou, according to the cen- sus of 1900, of 2,935. COOK COUNTY Cook County PREFACE The Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois, first published in 1900 under the edit- orship of two competent men especially well versed in State history, has since passed through two revisions for the purpose of bringing it up to date. As its name implies, the work presents an epitome of Illinois history, in reference to which it has come to be recognized as a standard authority, the price of this issue, in one volume, being $12.50. The special Cook County edition, now issued, was undertaken only with the promise that, in addition to the Historical Encyclopedia of the State, it was intended to embrace a biographical department open to patrons of the work, the whole to be delivered to subscribers in two volumes, at $15.00 per set, accord- ing to printed and signed agreements. As the sale of this special edition progressed, there arose an urgent demand for a concise, but comprehensive, outline of Chicago and Cook County history, with the various townships of the latter, and especially embracing certain instances, or object lessons, illustrative of the wondrous strides of development witnessed in Chicago business and municipal history. Following the history of Chicago's original discovery by the early French explorers, and its gradual growth fi-om a trading station and a frontier military post to the commercial metropolis of the NorthAvest, these instances (which are indicative of the general development) are presented in special articles descriptive of the past and the present— the "then and the now"— of the "Union Stock Yards," the "Postal Service," the "Fire Department," "Municipal Lighting," "Water Service," "Railway Progress," "Parks and Boulevards," etc., with a condensed history of the city, county and toAvnships— all being additions to what was promised at the outset, and all accom- plished at a large expenditure of time and money on the part of the publishers, but without any additional cost to the patrons of the work. The contracts entered into between the publishers of this Avork and its pat- rons provides that the volumes shall "be delivered within a fair and reasonable time after publication, " at which time payment therefor becomes due. It is appar- ent, therefore, that the interest of the publishers lies in as early a publication and delivery as practicable, while the interest of the patrons has been subserved by postponement of the completion of the work consequent upon the length of time occupied in collection of added material for, and the addition of much valuable history not promised, thereby increasing its scope and value beyond Avhat was contemplated in the original plan, but Avithout added cost to the subscribers. Wliile these volumes are the result of human endeavor with human limita- tions, and while perfection Avill not be claimed for them, they are submitted in the hope that they will be found to possess an intrinsic value which will be accorded due recognition, and that future generations will render to them a just meed of appreciation for the preservation of a large amount of family and in- dividual history, of which thev are the repositorv. THE PUBLISHERS. Cook County INDEX CHAPTER I. EXPLORATION AND DISCOVERY. Jean Nicolet Discovers Lake Michioan— Conjectures as to Extent of His Explorations— The Parrot Expedition— The Locality of Chica^^o Visited by White Men— Arrival of Joliet and Marquette— Discovery of Illinois River— The Kaskaskias— Marquette's Second Visit— Spends the Win- ter on the Chicago River— Returns North by the Eastern Shore of Lake Michigan— His Death 617-621 CHAPTER II. PERIOD OF FRENCH OCCUPATION. French Traders and Missionaries in the "Illinois Country" — Arrival of La- Salle— Discoveries of the Great Explorer— The Henry M. Stanley of His Age— Disaster of "The Griffon"— Henry de Tonty— LaSalle Reaches the Illinois by Way of the Kankakee — The Story of Fort Creve-Coeur- LaSalle Explores the Mississippi to Its Mouth— Louisi- ana is Named— Fort St. Louis Erected on "Starved Rock"— Tragic Fate of the Great Explorer— Uncertainty About Location of the First Chicago River 621-623 CHAPTER III. CHICAGO. « Early French Fortifications— "Fort Chicagou" Mentioned by Tonty in 1685— Remains of an Early Fortification in Palos Township — Indian and Other Relics Found in That Vicinity— Fort Guarie on the North Branch— First Catholic Mission at the Village of the Kaskaskias— Missionaries Who Followed Marquette and AUouez— A Jesuit ]\Iission Established at Chicago as Early as 1699— Visit of St. Cosme — Missions Between Lake Ontario and the Mississippi 623-625 CHAPTER IV. A PERIOD OF PARTIAL ECLIPSE. Removal of the French Mission on the Upper Illinois to Kaskaskia — En- trance to the Mississippi Valley Changed to the Gulf Coast— Country South of the Illinois River Becomes Part of Louisiana— Chicago Re- gion Still Attached to Canada — Visit of Charlevoix— Early Indian Oc- cupants—A French-Indian Battle on Illinois Soil— Chicago in the Eighteenth Century 625-627 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. CHAPTER V. STORY OF A LAND DEAL. First Transaction Affecting Chicago Real Estate— Principal Part of North- ern Illinois Bought for Five Shillings and Certain "Goods and Mer- chandise"— Cession of Lands by the Indians Under Treaty of Green- ville—Tract Six ]\Iiles Square at IMouth of Chicago River Ceded to the United States Government— Site of Early French Fort in Doubt. . . . 627-629 CHAPTER VI. SETTLEMENT OF CHICAGO. Chicago's First Permanent Settler a San Domingo Negro — Colonel de Peyster's Description of Jean Baptiste Pointe de Saible — Chicago Then Known as "Eschikagou"— Le Mai, a French Trader, Succeeds Pointe de Saible— Other Early Settlers— Antoine Ouilmette Comes in 1790— Chicago Previous to the Building of Fort Dearborn 629-630 CHAPTER VII. THE FIRST FORT DEARBORN. Building of the First Fort Begun by Captain Whistler in 1803— Loca- tion and Description of the Original Fortress— Arrival of the Kinzie Family— Other Newcomers— The Kinzies Occupy the Le Mai Cabin — Dr. Alexander Wolcott and Gen. David Hunter— Charles Jouett, Indian Agent and "Chicago's First Lawyer"— ]\Irs. J. II. Kinzie's "Waubun" —A Precursor of Disaster— The llardscrabble Massacre 630-634 CHAPTER VIII. FORT DEARBORN MASSACRE. BegiiHiing of War of 1812— Genei-al Hull Orders Evacuation of Fort Dear- , Ijorn- Statement of Captain Heald — A Story of Indian Treachery— Jjoeatioii of the Great Tragedy — Incidents of the Bloody Afl'aii" as Re- lated in Mrs. Kinzie's "Waubun" — Magnanimous Coiuluct of (-hief I'A-.H-k J'artridge- The Story of Mrs. Helm— Valor of Cai)t. William Wells and His Tragic Fate 634-637 CHAPTER IX. AFTER THE MASSACRE. The Kinzie Family in JVril — Appearance of "Saugaiia.sh" on the Si^ene — K()i-t Dear-born iiiirned — The Kinzies Take Refuge at St. Jos(;ph — IJi'iifeiiant Helm Released Through the Influence of Black Partridge — Some I'roniiiHiiit Actors— Sketches of the; Noted Ha,lf-Ure('ds, Alexaii- der llohinson and Billy Caldwell ("Sauganasli")— Black I'artridge Again IVoves His Humanitv — Ungraleriil Ti-eatment of 'Hiis Noble "Man of the Woods." ". 637-639 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. CHAPTER X. THE SECOND FORT DEARBORN. Pour Years of Arrested Development— Fort Dearborn in Desolation— Its Restoration Begun in 1816 — Burial of Victims of the Massacre — List of Commandants — A New ImmigTation Sets in — The Kinzies Among the First to Arrive — Other Notable Arrivals — The Clybourns, Gal- loways, Heacock, Etc.— A Fire in Fort Dearborn— The "Winnebago Scare." 639.643 CHAPTER XL CHICAGO IN EMBRYO. Varied Orthography of the Name Chicago — Reputed Origin of the Name —Some Early Impressions of the Future Great Metropolis— As Seen by Judge Storrow, Gurdon S. ILibbard, Schoolcraft, Professor Keat- ing and Others— Early ]\Iail Facilities- Some Pioneer Hotels and Their History— Fernando Jones' Account of the Origin of the Name Chicago 643-648 CHAPTER XII. CIVIL GOVERNMENT. Conditions Under French Occupation— Northern Illinois Attached to Can- ada as Part of New France— Effect of the Col. George Rogers Clark Expedition— Territory Northwest of the Ohio River Organized— Ordi- nance of 1787 — Its Far-reaching Influence on Illinois and General His- tory- Territorial and County History— Cook County Organized— First Election and First County Officers 648-650 CHAPTER XIII. A CREATIVE PERIOD. Illinois and Michigan Canal— Feasibility of the Enterprise Recognized by Early Explorers— Effect on the Development of Chicago— Survey of Government Lands About the Mouth of Chicago River in 1821— Chi- cago Village Platted in 1830— First Sale of Village Lots— Chicago Be- comes a County-Seat in 1831— Payment of Indian Annuities— Promi- nent Men Who Became Citizens in That Year 651-653 CHAPTER XIV. SOME INDIAN HISTORY. The Black Hawk War Episode — Receipt of the News in Chicago and Preparations for Defense— Service Rendered by Chief Shabona, Billy Caldwell and Alexander Robinson— Refugees Seek Safety in Fort Dearborn— Organization of Volunteers— Gen. Scott's Troops Attacked by Cholera— The Indian Treaty of 1833— Description of the Event by an English Traveler 653-655 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. CHAPTER XV. CHICAGO IN DEVELOPIMENT. An Era of Progross After the Black Hawk War— Early Business and Pro- fessional Men-Growrth in 1833— "A Village of Pike County" in 1823 — Chicago Incorporated as a Town in 1833— Establishment of the First Newspaper — Chicago in 1833-1837 — The "Land Craze" — Some Con- temporaneous Descriptions of the Place — Incorporated as a City — —Financial Revulsion of 1837— Growth in Area and Population from 1837 to 1900 655-658 CHAPTER XVI. RAILWAY PROGRESS. Chicago as a Railway Center— The Galena & Chicago Union the Pioneer Line — Principal Lines Now Operating — Street Railway History— Sur- face and Elevated Lines— Inter-urban Trolley Roads— The Fox River Valley System— Cliicago & Joliet Line 659-661 CHAPTER XVII. POLITICAL. Chicago as a Political Center— National Political Conventions— Nomina- tion of Lincoln in 1860— Other Notable Conventions— Citizens of Cook County Who Have Held State Offices— Cook County Citizens in the Councils of the Nation— United States Senators and Representatives in Congress— Present Representation (1904) in Congress— Legislative Dis- tricts in Cook County 662-664 CHAPTER XVIII. PARKS AND liOULEVARDS. General History— Beginning of the Park System — First Park Named Tor the Martyred President— Statistics of Cost and Area of Pa.rk Systems in the Three Sevci-al Divisions — Projected Parks on the Des IMaini's iind Caluinel Ivivers 664-669 CHAPTER XIX. NOTABLE EVENTS. |{i'|>id)licjiii .Xalidtial Convenliitn of 1860 — The Camp Douglas (-onspiracy — SdMn- f»r Its i'rincipal Actoi-s— lOxposnre and Defeat— The Conflagra- tion of 1871- Va.st Destrui'lion of Propei'ty and Homes— Area liurned • Over- R<'lief Measures- The Ilaymarket Massacre — Conviction and I'unislinient of the Conspirators- Labor Strikes— Heavy Losses ol" l]\\\- ployi-rs and lOniploycil (i6!)-677 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. CHAPTER XX. LOCAL CHRONOLOGY. One Hundred Years of Local History — Enumeration of Most Important Events in the History of Chicago from the Founding of Fort Dear- born in 1803 to 1904'. 677-679 CHAPTER XXI. OLD SETTLERS' ORGANIZATIONS. Characteristics of Chicago's Early Settlers— Problems They Had to Meet —Chicago Historical Society— Its Object, History and Membership- First Old Settlers' Society— Calumet Club Old Settlers' Reunions- Pioneers of Chicago — Pioneers' Sons and Daughters' Society — List of Members — The Sons of Chicago— Old Time Printers' Association— Old Settlers' Club of Williams Street— German Old Settlers' Picnic 679-700 CHAPTER XXII. STOCK YARDS HISTORY. First Slaughter House in Chicago — Origin and Development of the Pack- ing Industry — The Founders and Promoters of the BiLsiness — Early Stock Yards — Organization of the Union Stock Yards — Phenomenal Growth of the Packing and Live-Stock Trade— Description of Build- ings and Grounds — Banking Institutions— Statistics for Different Years — Past and Present Officers — International Live-Stock Expositions, 1900-1904 700-713 CHAPTER XXIII. CHICAGO GRAIN TRADE. An Example of Marvelous Development— Progress of Fifty Years— The Chicago Board of Trade— State Laws Regtilating Warehoiases and Grain Inspection— List of Inspectors and Registrars— Chicago Stand- ard of Inspection Widely Accepted — History of Elevator System — A Chicago Grain Elevator and Its Operation Described— Grain Trade Sta- tistics— 1900 a Record Breaking Year 713-716 CHAPTER XXIV. EDUCATIONAL-Y. M. C. A. ORGANIZATION. Chicago Manual Training School — Its Origin and Object— Work Accom- plished in Twenty-odd Years of Its History — Number of Graduates — Merged With the University of Chicago— Armour Technological School — Young Men's Christian Association of Illinois — Its History of Fifty Years— Present Strength and Status of the Organization— Y. M. C. A. Building in Chicago 717-720 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS, CHAPTER XXV. LIBRARIES. The Chieag'o Public Library— An Outgrowth of the Great Fire of 1871 — Thomas Ilug'hes, the English Author, a Leader in the I\I<)veinent— His- tory of the Library Building— Statistics for the Year 1904— Chi- cago Historical Library — Its Origin and History — Newberry Library — Joiin Crerar Lil)rary— Evanston Free Public Library 720-726 CHAPTER XXVI. CHICAGO POSTOFFIOE. Pioneer ]\Iail Service- How Letters Were Brought to Fort Dearborn in 1817- The First PostofRee in Chicago Established in 1831— Picture of First Office — Growth of Business in Seventy-two Years — Volume of lousiness in 1903— Personal Sketches of Postmasters— New Postoffice liuilding-- Number of Employes and Heads of Departments— Statis- tics of Business for Year Ending June 30, 1904 726-733 CHAPTER XXVII. CHICAGO FIRE DEPARTMENT. Historj' of Origin and Progress of Fire Department— First Volunteer Fire Company Organized in 1832— Early Methods of Fighting Fires — Fii'st Chicago Fire in 1834— Loss Contrasted with the Fire of 1871 — Early Volunteer Fire Organizations — List of Chief Engineers — Paid Fire Department Organized in 1859 — Chief Marshals,'' 1859-1904— Present Organization of Department— Outfit and Value of Fire Appa- ratus, Buildings and Other Property — The Fire-Boat Service— A Great Fir(> Tragedy— The Iroquois Theater Disaster of December 30, 1903— History of the Fire Alarm Service. . .; 733-740 CHAPTER XXVIII. MUNICIPAL LIGHTING. First Attempt at Illumination at Old Fort Dearborn— Progress of One Hundred Years— Prom tbe Pine-Knot to the Electric Light System— Electric Lighting Introduced in 1887— History and Efjuipment of Cen- tral Stations — Ag-gregate Cost of the Entire Municipal Ijighting Sys- tem—Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph Sc^rviee 741-744 CHAPTER XXIX. CHIC A( JO WATER SERVICE. Early (Conditions as to the Cliicago Watci- Supply — Public Well T^ug in 1834— First Pumping Station and Ri'sei-voir Constructed in 1840— New Wsiti'r Works Set in Operation in 1854— The System Adopted and the First Two-Mile Tunnel (Joiiipleti-d in 1867-Ot.her Tunnels Con- st rncted-Pri'sent (Jondition of tlie Chicago Wat,er System 744-747 HISTORICAL EiNCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. CHAPTER XXX. HEALTH DEPARTMENT— FREE BATHS. History of the Chicago Health Department— The Cholera Epidemic of 18.32— First Health Board Appointed in 1833— Changes in the System —List of Members of Different Health Boards— Public Baths— Chica- go the First City in the World to Establish a System of Free Baths- Carter H. Harrison Bath House Opened in 1894— Other Bathing Sta- tions—Beneficial Effect of the System on the Public Health— McKinley Park Swimming Pool \ 747-750 CHAPTER XXXI. HARBORS, FERRIES AND BRIDGES. First White Visitors to the Chicago River — Importance of a Harbor at Chicago Attracts Attention in 1814 — Illinois and Michigan Canal and Chicago Harbor Twin Enterprises — First Step in Improvement of Calumet Harbor and River Begun in 1870— Rank of Chicago as a Maritime Port— History of Ferries and Bridges— First Ferry Estab- lished in 1829— Advance from the Indian Canoe to the Bascule Bridge 750-754 CHAPTER XXXII. DRAINAGE AND SEWERAGE. First Attempt to Organize a Drainage and Sewerage System for Chicago in 1847— Drainage and Sewerage Commissions Appointed in 1852 and 1855— The Sewerage Commission Gives Place to a Board of Public Works in 1861— Changes of the Last Fifty Years— Extent and Cost of System— Tlie Drainage Canal— Its History and Extent— Cost of the Work over $45,000,000 755-758 CHAPTER XXXIII. CHICAGO CENTENNIAL JUBILEE. Celebration of Hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of Fort Dear- born—Marvelous Progress of a Hundred Years— Representatives of In- dian Tribes Take Part in the Exercises— Historical Tablets— Brilliant Fireworks Display— Industrial Parade — Reunion of Old Settlers 758-765 CHAPTER XXXIV. GENERAL REVIEW. Business Conditions— Notable City Improvements in 1904— Financial and Trade Conditions— Live Stock Business— Grain Trade— Board of Trade Affairs— Insurance Business— Theatrical Matters— The New City Char- ter Question— Practical Unanimity on the Subject in the State Legis- lature—Results Anticipated in Another Year 765-770 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. CHAPTER XXXV. CEMETERIES. Early Chicago Cemeteries — Locations of South and North Side Burial Grounds Prior to 1840 — First Chicago City Cemetery Now Part oi Lin- coln Park— Further Burials There Prohibited in 1859 — Rose Hill Cem- etery Dedicated July 28. 1859 770-771 CHAPTER XXXVI. TOWNSHIP HISTORY. Cook County First Divided Into Precincts — Township Organization in 1850 — Successive Reorganizations and Present List of Townships — Popula- tion by To^^^lships in 1900— Townships Embraced in City of Chi- cago — Individual IILstory of To^vnships Outside the City of Chicago — Barrington, Blooan and Bremen — Calumet and Worth Townships — City of Blue Island— Cicero, Berwyn and Oak Park Townships — Elk Grove Township — Evanston Township and City — Hanover — Lamont — Ley- den— Lyons and Stickney Townships— Maine — New Trier — Niles— Northfield— Norwood Park— Orland — Palatine — Palos — Proviso — Rich — Riverside Township and Village — Schaumburg — Thornton Town- ship—Harvey City— Other Towns and Villages — Wheeling Township and Arlington Heights Village 771-801 CHAPTER XXXVII. BIOGRAPHICAL. The Part of Biogra])hy in General History — Citizens of Cook County— I'ei'sonal Skelelies Arranged in Encyclopedic Order— (These Being Ar- ranged Alpliabetically, no List of Names of Individual Subjects is Here Deemed Necessary.) HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Portraits and Illustrations. Adler, Peter (Biography 803) 804 Along Sheridan Road— On the Boulevards 758 Ashby, James H. (Biography 810) 700 Belfield, Henry H. (Biography 820) 720 Best, John E. (Biography 822) 796 Board of Trade Building, Chicago 277 Bradwell, James B. (Biography 58) 618 Brintnall, Solva (Biography 834) 702 Brosseau, Zenophile P. (Biography 835) 716 Burned District— Chicago Fire 1871. 276 Basse, William (Biography 842) 780 Chase, Charles C. (Biography 849) 624 Chase, Horace G. (Biography 848) 620 Chase, Samuel B. (Biography 850) 622 Chicago Academy of Sciences '. 394 Chicago Historical Society Building 394 Chicago Manual Training Building— University of Chicago ". . 718 Chicago Public Buildings 395 Chicago Thoroughfares 740 Crawford, Andrew (Biography 859) 626 Day after Chicago Fire 92 Dixon, Arthur (Biography 865) 628 Early Historic Scenes, Cliieago 170 Early Historic Scenes, Chicago (No. 2) 171 Eberhart, John F. (Biography 873) 630 Farwell, John V. (Biography 878) 632 First Post Office- where kept 728 Fitzwilliam, Francis J. (Biography 880) 634 Fort Dearborn— View from the West (1808 246 Fort Dearborn— View from Southeast( 1808) 247 Fort Dearborn (1853) 247 Gale, Daniel W. (Biography 885) 884 Gale, Stephen F. (Biography 886) 636 George, John B. (Biography 888) 888 Goodall, Harvey L. (Biography 891) 704 Goodrich. Adams A. (BiographV 893) 640 Grannis, William C. D. (Biography 894) 638 Halsted, Henry S. (Biography 898) 660 Hammer, D. Harry (Biography 899) 646 Harless, Thomas H. (Biography 900) 668 Harris, James H. (Biography 902) 798 Hastings. Lewis R. (Biography 903) 706 Ilayward, Henry J. (Biography 1030) 662 Head, Franklin H. (Biography 904) 652 Healy, James J. (Biography 905) 664 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. Hereudeen, Charles (Biography 907) 658 Hervey, Robert (Biography 910) 666 Hibbard, William G. '(Biography 911) 650 Hoffman. Peter M. (Biography 912) 784 Honore, Henry H. (Biography 914) 654 Hotz, Christoph (BiosTaphv 916) 644 Hovt. W. :\I. (Biography 919) 648 Hurd, Harvey B. (Biography 240j 642 Hutchinson, Jonas (Biography 923) 656 Illinois State Building, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893 601 Johnson, William 0. (Biography 925) 926 Jones, Daniel A. (Biography 926) 670 Jones, Fernando (Biography 928) 678 Jones, George P. (BiogTaphy 929) 672 Jones, William (Biography 309) 676 Lincoln Pai'k Vistas 752 ^Mathews, Thomas (Biography 945) 944 Map of Grounds, World's Columbian Exposition, 1893 600 ^IcCausland, Samuel G. (Biography 946) 708 IMeCormick Seminary, Chicago 362 McKnight, George F. (Biography 949) 680 Monuments in Lincoln Park, Chicago 90 ^lonuments in Lincoln Park, Chicago 206 ^lonuments in Lincoln Park, Chicago 207 :\roore, Charles E. (Biography 953) 954 Newberry Library. Chicago 394 Otis, Joseph E. (Biography 965) 682 Palmer, Potter (Biography 966) 684 Pock, Ferdinand W. (Biography 970) 686 Philbrick. George A. (Biography 975) 688 Porter, Rogers (Biography 978) 978 Powell, M. W. (Biography 979) 691) Rappal, Frederick J. and Sons (Biography 986) 714 Runyan, Eben F. (Biography 986) 692 Scones in South Park 746 Sonne, Henry C. (Biography 993) 786 Sexton, Patrick J. (Biography 993) 694 Staples. :\lason L. (Biography 1000) 788 Stobbins, Honiy S. (Biography 1000) 1000 Swonio, Denis J. (Biography (1005) 734 Tatham, Robert ]j. i Biograpliy 1007) 69(J Turnor, Charles C. (Biography 1013) 1012 r. S. riovorniiient Building— Chicago Postoffiee (Frontispiece Vol. IT.) I'nivorsity of Chicairo 363 \'iiii Xftrman, TJcorgo B. (Biography 1014) 710 Views in [jinoohi Park, Chicago '. .. 91 \V;itl Botithwent shorr; of Lake Superior, besides being zealously devoted to missionary work in which he had been engaged, was especially well fitted to act as an interpre- ter and win the favor of the Indians whom they were likely to encounter. The expedition having passed through Green Bay and Lake Winnebago, entered the Fox River of Wisconsin, which they ascended under the direction of Indian guides to the portage connecting with the Wisconsin. Then, transferring their canoes to the Wisconsin, they descended that stream to its mouth, entering the Mississippi on June 17, 1673. Continuing their journey down the latter stream for one month, they are believed by some to have reached the mouth of the Arkansas River, while others maintain that they did not proceed farther south than a short distance below the mouth of the Ohio, when, their course having been arrested by a tribe of Indians known as the Mausopelas, they turned back. In the absence of definite information as to distances traveled and points passed, the absolute solution of this question at this day seems impossible, though there are strong reasons tending to sustain the latter view. An incident of the journey south- ward was the startling surprise given to Mar- quette and his fellow-voyagers at the sight of what was supposed to be a painting on the face of the cliff, a short distance above where the city of Alton now stands. This picture, whether a work of aboriginal art or produced by natu- ral seams in the rock, was vividly described by Marquette in his journal, and was widely known in the first half of the last century under the name of "The Piasa Bird," but has wholly disappeared within the last generation before the quarryman and the advances of civilization. (See "Piasa Bird, Legend of The." — His. Encyc. of III, Vol. I.) Other noteworthy points passed in this historic voyage included the mouth of the Missouri River, to which Mar - quette gave the name of the Pekitanoui; the site of the present city of St. Louis and that of Old Kaskaskia, which, within the next half century, became the seat of power for the French possessions west and south of the great lakes. Retracing their course from the lower Mis- sisslppi, Joli«t and his companions entered the river Illinois, which they ascended, making a stop of three days, en route, at the village of the Peorlas about where the city of Peoria now stands, and later at the "Illinois Town of the HISTOKICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 619 Kaskasklas," in the vicinity of the present vil- lage of Utica in LaSalle County. This local- ity, as it will be seen later, eventually became the seat of French power in the "Illinois Coun- try" for some twenty years, as well as the cen- ter of a large Indian population. According to the statement of Marquette, having promised to "return and instruct" them, he and his com- panions were escorted by a chief and a number of his tribe to the shore of the "Lac des Illi- nois," as Lake Michigan was then called, whence they continued their journey to Green Bay, arriving there about the close of September. The journey was made from the "Town of the Kaskaskias," by ascending the Illinois and the Des Plaines rivers to the point where the port- age was made to the Chicago River. The iden- tity of the stream referred to under this name has been matter of considerable discussion, and has given rise to some diversity of opinion. While the earlier historians, including Shea, Parkman, and others, have generally accepted the theory that it was the Chicago River of to-day, and that Joliet and his companions were the first white men to stand on the site of the present city of Chicago, this has been quest- tioned by later authors. One reason for this doubt grows out of the fact, already alluded to, that between 1670 and 1700 there were three other rivers which bore the name of "The Chi- cago" — the St. Joseph, the Grand Calumet and the Des Plaines. For reasons which seem to have considerable weight, a number of later students of this period — including the late Prof. Albert D. Hager, former Secretary of the Chi- cago Historical Society — have maintained that the river by which Joliet and his party entered Lake Michigan was the Grand Calumet. The only point upon which there would seem to be no doubt is the fact that these explorers, who were the first to leave a written record of their visit to this region, reached Lake Michigan near its southern limit late in the summer of 1673. Whether that was by the Chicago RiAer of to-day or by some stream which then bore that name, there seems absolutely no doubt that it was in the immediate vicinity of the present city of Chicago, if not upon its site. On October 25, 1674, Father Marquette, accom- panied by two French boatmen, started from Green Bay with the intention of carrying out his plan, determined upon during his visit of the previous year, of establishing a mission among the Illinois Indians. As he kept a jour- nal of his travels during this period, a transla- tion of which was published nearly fifty years ago, there is no difficulty in tracing his journey from Green Bay along the western shore of Lake Michigan to its head, and identifying many of the points at which he and his companions camped for the night or made brief stops. The journey occupied about a month. On the 20th of November he mentions having "cabined" (camped) in great discomfort ou account of the wind and cold at "the Bluffs," which is believed to have been "Lake Bluff," now known as Lake Forest, about thirty miles north of Chicago. In the entry for the next day he speaks of having had "hard enough work to make a river" (which was necessary in order to effect a landing, especially in stormy weather) and find a camping ground. Here they were detained three days. From the description given of the mouth of this river, and the time occupied in reaching it from "the Bluffs," there would appear to be strong reason for believing that it was the Chicago River of to-daj. One reason for this conclusion is the fact that he mentions the "large sand-banks off the shore," which was a peculiarity of the mouth of the Chicago River when it became known to white men at the beginning of the last century. Under date of November 27th, the journal makes mention of the "hard work to get out of the river," after which they "made about three leagues" (approximately seven and a half English miles), where they were detailed by the wind for the remainder of the month. On December 1st, the party made another start, and. after meeting many difficulties on account of the weather, on the 4th they appear to have reached what Marquette calls "Portage River" — for the reason, no doubt, that it was the chan- nel by which a portage was obtained to the Des Plaines. This stream was found frozen over, and, after drawing their boats up this river on the ice two leagues (about five miles), in view of the obstacles in the way of making further progress, and Marquette's continued illness, it was decided to winter there. Here again arises the question as to the identity of the stream where Marquette wintered. That it was on the same stream by which he entered Lake Michigan from the south on his first visit is evi- dent from an entry in his journal a few weeks later, which will be referred to farther on in this history. It has been claimed that the cabin which he occupied belonged to two French 620 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. traders who had preceded Marquette on his second visit here, and the generally accepted theory has been that it was situated on the South Branch of the Chicago River about what was known as "Lee's place," or "Hardscrabble," in the early part of the last century. Professor Hager, who has already been quoted, is of the opinion, however, that the "Portage River" mentioned by Marquette was the Little Calu- met, and that the location of his cabin may have been on or in the vicinity of what is known as "Indian Ridge" and near Calumet Lake. While this question is of interest chiefly in a speculative sense, there is abundant evi- dence, as already shown, not only that both rivers were known by the name of the "Chick- agou," but that both were used for securing a portage to the Des Plaines. During his stay on "Portage River," Mar- quette was visited by a number of Indians who brought him provisions, and by a French sur- geon, who came from a village eighteen leagues (about 45 miles) distaiit, where there was another Frenchman named Pierre Moreau — these two men being reputed owners of the cabin which Marquette occupied. The exact locality of the village mentioned by Marquette is unknown, although it has been conjectured that it may have been about where the city of Joliet now is, as it appears that it was on the way to the village of the Kaskaskias, which Marquette had set out to reach. On March 29, 1675, Marquette and his companions were com- pelled to break camp on account of a sudden flood caused by the breaking up of the ice and a consequent gorge in the stream on which they were located. This appears to have flooded the Rurrounding country, and Marquette and his party, having placed their property in trees above the reach of the Hood, sought a camping place on some hillocks in the vicinity. On the 30th they started to complete the portage to the Des Plaines, which they reached the next day at a point of which he speaks in his journal as the same where "we l)egan our portage more than eighteen months ago" — that is to say, on the journey of himself and .Joliet from the vil- lage of the KaJikasklaH en route to Mackinac during the Hummer of ir>73. In his entry of April iHt, at thiH point, he speaks of the French villaK'* f which they hoped to reach the next (lay), aH hIIII flftcen leagues distant, though they were detained here by contrary winds until the 6th, at which date his journal brcjiks off. Father Dablon, the Superior of Marquette, In his report of the labors of the latter, claims that the devoted missionary reached the village of the Kaskaskias in eleven days after breaking camp at Portage River — which would have made the date of his arrival at the Indian village April 8th — and gives a detailed account of his work in founding there the "Mission of the Immaculate Conception." If this statement is correct, Marquette's stay must have been very brief; for, only a few days later, admonished by his failing health, we find him and his two faithful companions on their return towards the mission of St. Ignace, which he hoped to reach in time to end his life there, although his hope was not to be realized. Dablon says he traveled thirty leagues (about 80 miles) to the lake "upon whose waters he had to journey nearly 100 leagues by an unknown route whereon he had never traveled before." This evidently refers to the route by the lake, and there is nothing in this inconsistent with the assumption that his return to the lake was by the same route over which he had recently traveled to reach the Des Plaines. If this had been upon the Calumet, it would seem to be but natural that, finding himself near the southern end of the lake, the idea may have occurred to him of endeavoring to reach St. Ignace "by an unknown route," as Father Dablon expresses it, along the eastern shore, believing this to be the shortest route to his destination (St. Ignace), whether that was at that time on Mackinac Island or on the north shore of the Straits of that name — which the late John G. Shea confesses to be a matter of doubt. As for Marquette himself, he has left no record over his own name of this part of his journey, the last entry in his journal bearing the date of his arrival at the Des Plaines on his way to the village of the Kaskaskias. On the 18th of May — forty-two days after this last record by his o«v"n hand — this zealous missionary and famous discoverer breathed his last in camp on the eastern shore of the lake at the mouth of what Is now, in honor of his memory, called the Marquette River, about where the town of Ludington, Mich., now stands. While, as has already boon shown, there is doubt as to the exact locality on which he camped during his two visits to this region, there Is no doubt that he left the first written description of the country embraced in what Is now known as Cook (bounty, ami his name will always be Inti- HISTOETCAL EI^TCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 621 mately associated with this most interesting and romantic period in the history of Chicago. (See Joliet, Louis, and Marquette, Jacques, — Hist. Encyc. of III. Yol. I.) CHAPTER II. PERIOD OF FRENCH OCCUPATION. FRENCH TRADERS AND MISSIONAIUES IN THE "ILLI- NOIS country" ARRIVAL OF LASALLE DIS- COVERIES OF THE GREAT EXPLORER — THE HENRY M. STANLEY OF HIS AGE DISASTER OF "THE GRIFFON" HENRY DE TONTY — LASALLE REACHES THE ILLINOIS BY WAY OF THE KANKAKEE — THE STORY OF FORT CREVE-COEUR — LASALLE EXPLORES THE MISSISSIPPI TO ITS MOUTH LOUISIANA IS NAMED — FORT ST. LOTUS ERECTED ON "STARVED ROCK" TRAGIC FATE OF THE GREAT EXPLORER — UNCERTAINTY ABOUT LOCATION OF THE FIRST CHICAGO RIVER. During the five years' interval Immediately following Marquette's second visit to the Illi- nois Country, there would seem to be no doubt that this region was roamed over by many French traders, hunters and missionaries from Canada and the locality about Mackinac and Green Bay. Among the missionary class the most noteworthy visitor was Father Allouez, who had been engaged in missionary work about Green Bay for a number of years, and who, in 1677, came to the village of the Kaskas- kias to complete the work undertaken by Mar- quette, two years earlier, by founding a mis- sion there. He is reputed Lo have been met by a delegation of Illinois Indians at the mouth of the Chicago River, and conducted to his destination, as well as to have spent two years there between 1678 and 1680, and again visited Chicago in 1684, when there was a French fort in this vicinity under command of Col. Duran- taye. The actual location of this fort, however, is matter of uncertainty, but will be touched upon later. The most important arrival following the visit of Marquette and Joliet was that of Robert Cav61ier, Sieur de LaSalle, who became for a time, under the authority of the King of France, the virtual proprietor of the "Illinois Country," and did more to attract attention to that region and open it up to the knowledge of the rest of the world than all of his predecessors. This celebrated explorer is credited by some histori- ans — especially by his biographer, Pierre Mar- gry — with having reached the Illinois and Mis- sissippi Rivers by way of the Chicago portage, as early as 1670, thus preceding Marquette's lirst visit by three years. Although this theory is accepted in part by the historian Parkman, Mr. Shea is of the opinion that the "Chicaugou" River reached by LaSalle, at this time, was the St. Joseph of Michigan. There is, however, a lack of documentary evidence to sustain the assumption of M. Margry, who bases his con- clusion upon reported conversations with LaSalle previous to 1678 and a letter from a niece of LaSalle's written nearly eighty years after his reputed visit to Illinois. However much or little credence may be given to this story of LaSalle's early arrival in this region, there can be no doubt of the importance of the discoveries made by this greatest or French explorers, or of the fact that the most thor- ough explorations, not only of the Illinois Coun- try but of the Mississippi Valley, by any single man up to this period, were those undertaken by him. In a certain sense he may be regarded as the Henry M. Stanley of his age. What the latter accomplished a quarter of a century ago in penetrating into the heart of the "Dark Continent," LaSalle, by his explorations through the heart of the American Continent, from the St. Lawrence far towards the Rio Grande in the southwest, including the discov- ery of the mouth of the Mississippi, accom- plished in the face of greater obstacles than Stanley had to encounter and with inferior resources. Beginning his career as an explorer in 1669, there is ground for believing that LaSalle was the first Frenchman to reach the Ohio River, which he did from Canada, descending that stream, as claimed by some, to the falls below Louisville, and by others to its mouth. During the next ten years he made extensive excursions to "the south and into the lake region of the West, with three voyages to his native France for the purpose of procuring supplies and obtaining grants from the crown. In 1679 he constructed and launched on the Niagara River, above the falls, the first vessel larger than the Indian canoe to navigate the lakes. With this 622 HISTORICAL EN^CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. vessel (uamed "The Griffon") loaded with sup- plies and men for his expedition, he made the voyage from the eastern end of Lake Erie to Green Bay, arri^^ng at the latter in September. "The Griffon," having discharged its cargo on one of the islands at the entrance of Green Bay, was reloaded with furs and sent back to Canada, with instructions to return with another cargo of supplies and join LaSalle at the head of Lake Michigan, but was never heard of again. -Ajnong those accompanying LaSalle on this expedition was Henry de Tonty, who had joined LaSalle in France, and finally became his sec- ond in command. On the day "The Griffon" sailed on its return to Niagara, LaSalle left Green Bay at the head of a party of seventeen men (including three priests) in four canoes, for the mouth of the St. Joseph River at the head of Lake Michigan. Following the west- ern shore of the lake and passing by the site of Chicago, he arrived at his destination on Novem- ber 1st, expecting there to meet Tonty. who had been ordered to proceed from Mackinac with another party by the eastern shore. The arrival of Tonty's party was delayed, however, some twenty days, LaSalle occupying the interval in erecting a fort at the mouth of the river to which he gave the name of the "Fort of the Miamis" — the river having received its name from the Miami Indians, then settled on its banks. Tonty's party having finally arrived, on December 3d, LaSalle set out with eight tanoes and thirty-three men to ascend the St. Joseph to the portage from that stream to the Theakiki (Kankakee), leaving four men at the fort sls a guard, and to await the expected arrival of "The Griffon." The portage was finally effected from the vicinity of the present village of South Bend, Ind., requiring the trans- portation of canoes and baggage overland a dis- tance of four miles. Having again oml)arked, this time on the waters of the Kankakee, the party descended that stream to the Illinois, and, by the latter, to the village of the Kaskaskias, which had been visited by Joliel and Marquette in 1073. Their arrival here was on January 1. 1680, but flnding the village deserted, they pro' as that claimed under the Murray pur- chase, proved of loss questionable legality and more permanently effective. This was the result of what is known as the Greenville Treaty, concluded on August 3, 1795, by Gen. Anthony Wayne, with representatives of twelve Indian tribes then occupying most of the Terri- tory Xorthwest of the Ohio River— being the direct outcome of Gen. Wayne's decisive vic- tory gained over the Indians at the Battle of Maunice Rapids, in August of the previous year. The triljes especially interested in this treaty, as It affected Illinois territory, were the Pot- tawatomles, Miamis, Klckapoos, Plankeshaws and Kaskaskias, the first named being then the prinflpal claimants to land al)out tlie south- weHtf-rn shore of Lake Michigan, including the mouth of the C;hlcaKo River. Among the ces- HlonH granted by thJH treaty were sixteen special rraniH for reHervations), embracing tracts vary- ing In area from two to twelve miles square, each, three of which were within the present llmltH of the State of llllnolB. One of these related to a tract nix mlloB square at the mouth of the Chicago River; another to n tract twelve miles square at or near the mouth of the Illi- nois, and the third to a plat six miles square embracing the fort and village at the lower end of Peoria Lake, then called Illinois Lake. The terms of the grant, as it applied to the tract about the mouth of the Chicago River, were as follows: "One piece of land six miles square, at the mouth of the Chicago River, emptying into the southwest end of Lake Mich- igan, where a fort formerly stood." The fort here referred to is generally assumed to have been that mentioned in the earlier part of this history as being under the command of Colonel Durantaye between 1685 and 1700, and there was probably as much doubt at the date of the Greenville Treaty about its actual location as at the present day. For reasons of policy, perhaps, rather than regard for the actual truth of history, the region about the mouth of what is now known as the Chicago River, appears to have been settled upon as the location of this reservation, and this was accepted by the Indians, and here the erection of old Fort Dear- born by Capt. William Whistler was begun in 1803. In reference to the early French fort, sup- posed to be the one alluded to in the Treaty of Greenville, Andreas' "History of Early Chi- cago" says: "What this fort was, or by whom erected, is now chiefly matter of conjecture. In 1718, James Logan, an agent of Governor Keith, of Pennsylvania, was sent to explore some of the routes to the Mississippi. Among others he reports as to the route by way of the River Chicagou as follows: " 'From Lake Huron they pass by the Strait of Michilimakina four leagues, being two in breadth and of a great depth, to the Lake Illi- noise; thence 150 leagues to Foirt Miamis, sit- uated at the mouth of the River Chicagou. This fort is not regularly garrisoned.' "About this time, or shortly after, the fort was probably entirely abandoned. At all events, at the time of the Treaty of Green- ville, the oldest Indians then living had no recollection of a fort ever having been at that place." The doubtfulness as to tlio exact location of the fort mentioned by James ly>gan. In the above quotation from his report, is all the greater In view of the fact that the "Fort of the .Miamis" was the name given to the first fort HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 629 erected by LaSalle, in the winter of 1679-80, at the mouth of the St. Joseph River which, for a time, bore the name of the "Chicagou." While this could scarcely have been the fort alluded to by Logan in 1718. it is barely possible that the name of LaSalle's fort may have been transferred to that occupied by Durantaye in 1685, and which there is reason to believe was maintained until after 1700. CHAPTER VI. SETTLEMENT OF CHICAGO. CHICAGO'S FIRST PERMANENT SETTLER A SAN DOMINGO NEGRO COLONEL DE PEYSTER'S DESCRIPTION OF JEAN BAPTISTE POINTE DE SAIBLE CHICAGO THEN KNOWN AS "ESCHI- KAGOL"" ^LE MAI, A FRENCH TRADER, SUCCEEDS POINTE DE SAIBLE OTHER EARLY SETTLERS — ANTOINE OUILMETTE COMES IN 1790 CHICAGO PREVIOUS TO THE BUILDING OF FORT DEARBORN. Even at an earlier date than the Treaty of Greenville, what has come to be accepted as the first permanent settlement had been made on the site of the present city of Chicago. The name connected with this important event is that of Jean Baptiste Pointe de Saible (or, as written by some, AuSable), and his history gives to the circumstance an air of romance. The earliest mention made of him in history is found in a volume of "Miscellanies" written by Col. Arent Schuyler DePeyster, a British officer, who had been assigned to the command of the British post at Mackinac in 1774, where he remained several years. In his "Miscellanies," under date of July 4, 1779, appears the follow- ing entry: "Baptiste Pointe de Saible, a hand- some negro, well settled at Eschikagou, but much in the French interest." Elsewhere in the same volume Colonel DePeyster writes: "Eschikagou is a river and fort at the head ot Lake Michigan." There is evidence that the river here referred to was the Chicago River of to-day, and it would seem that there was a fort of some sort here at that time, though its character and exact location are left in doubt. From other sources of information it would appear that Pointe de Saible was a native of San Domingo who had come to this country before or during the early years of the Revolutionary War, and, after spending some time with a friend and fellow-countryman named Glamor- gan, who was a trader among the Peoria Indi- ans about Lake Peoria, had come to the locality of Chicago probably as early as 1778. It has also been assumed in some quarters that he had been a slave. However this may have been, his color has suggested the facetious paradox that "the first white settler of Chicago was a negro." Another interesting circumstance developed by Colonel DePeyster's reminiscence is the fact that, among the score or more of different spellings given to the name of Chi- cago in the hundred years following the visits of Marquette and LaSalle, was that of "Eschi- kagou." The story of Pointe de Saible's presence here at this early day is corroborated by the state- ment of Augustin Grignon, obtained in the form of an interview in 1857, and published in the third volume of the "Wisconsin Historical Society's Collections." Grignon belonged to a pioneer family of Wisconsin, being the grand- son of Sieur Charles de Langlade, who is cred- ited with having been the first permanent white settler in Wisconsin, where he located about 1735 after having served in the French-Indian War. At the time of making this statement, Mr. Grignon was a resident of Butte des Morts, near Oshkosh, Wis. He says: "At a very early period there was a negro lived there (at Chicago) named Baptiste Pointe de Saible. My brother Perish Grig- non visited Chicago about 1794, and told me that Pointe de Saible was a large man; that he had a commission for some office, but for what particular office, or from what govern- ment, I cannot now recollect. He was a trader, pretty wealthy and drank freely. I know not what became of him." All that is known of Pointe de Saible's later history is, that about 1796 he sold or aban- doned his cabin — which was probably also his headquarters for trade with the Pottawatomies — when it fell into the hands of a French trader named LeMai, Pointe de Saible rejoining his old friend and comrade Glamorgan, at Peoria, and dying there soon after. There is a tradition that, while about Chicago, he sought to place himself at the head of the Potta- 630 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. watomies as their chief, but iu this was doomed to disappointment. His house, which seems to have been a better building than the ordi- nary cabins of that day, is said to have been constructed of "squared logs," and located on the north side of the Chicago River about the present junction of Kinzie and Pine streets. This cabin had an important history. After being occupied as a home and trading house some eight years, it was sold by LeMai, in 1804, to John Kinzie, who came to this locality soon after the erection of Fort Dearborn, and became the first permanent settler of the metropolis of the Northwest. (See Pointe de Saible — Hist. Encyc. of III. Vol. I.) Besides LeMai, who succeeded Pointe de Saible, there appear to have been settled about the mouth of the Chicago River, during the closing years of the eighteenth century, several other white men, most, if not all, of whom were Indian traders with Indian wives and half-breed families. One of these was a French trader named Guarie, whose location was on the west side of the North Branch near its junction with the South Branch, and from whom the former received the name of Guarie (or Garay) Creek, by which it was known about that time. The date of Guarie's arrival and the length of his stay here are unknown. Another early resident was Antoine Ouilmette, also a trader, who, according to his own statement, came here in 1790, was here at the date of the Fort Dear- born massacre of 1812 and as late as 1825. In 183& he was living at Racine, Wis. The suburb known as Wilmette, just north of Evans- ton, with an Anglicized spelling, was named in his honor. There was also another Frenchman named Pettell here at this time, but of whom little is known. These substantially included all who were located about the mouth of the Chicago River at the time the erection of the first Fort Dearborn was begun in 1803, although, no doubt, traders, trappers and explor- ers were accustomed to make brief sojourns here during that period. The Hon. John Went- worth. who came to Chicago in 183G when the history of that era was still fresh in the mem- ories of the older settlers, in an address deliv- ered on occasion of the unveiling of a tablet to mark the site of the old Fort Dearlwrn, said of the condition existing at Chicago at the time work on the fort was begun: "There were then bore hut four rude huts, or traders' cabins, occupied by white men, Canadian French with Indian wives." These were doubtless the men whose names have already been quoted. During this early period one William Bur- nett seems to have been conducting an extensive business among the Indians between Detroit and Mackinac. His headquarters appear to have been at St. Joseph, Michigan, from 1786 to 1803, although he is believed to have located in Michigan as early as 1709. Like most of the Indian traders of his time he had an Indian wife — the sister of a prominent Pottawatomie chief — and reared a half-breed family. For a part of the time, probably as early as 1798, he is reputed to have had a storage or trading house at Chicago, though earlier conducting his busi- ness at St. Joseph, which was a more promi- nent trading post than Chicago. After the Fort Dearborn massacre in 1812, Captain Heald (who had been commander of the fort), together with his wife, found a temporary refuge at the home of Mr. Burnett before giving himself up to the British commandant at Mackinac. CHAPTER VII. STORY OF FORT DEARBORN. BUILDING OF THE FIRST FORT BEGUN BY CAPTAIN WHISTLER IN 1803 — LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE ORIGINAL FORTRESS — ARRIVAL OF THE KINZIE FAMILY OTHER NEWCOMERS — THE KIN- ZIES OCCUPY THE LEMAI CABIN DR. ALEXANDER WOLCOTT AND GEN. DAVID HUNTER — CHARLES JOUETT, INDIAN AGENT AND "CHICAGO'S FIRST LAWYER" MRS. J. II. KINZIE'S "WAUBUN" — A PRECURSOR OF DISASTER — THE HARDSCRABBLE MASSACRE. Mention has already been made of the reser- vation of a tract of land six miles square, at the mouth of the Chicago River, in accordance with the terms of the Treaty of Greenville, in 1795. Although this indicated the purpose of the Government to establish some sort of a military post here, and this seems to have been under consideration as early as 1798, it was not until 1803 that actual stops were taken in that direction. In the summer of the latter year Capt. John Whistler, of the regular army, was HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 631 ordered to proceed with his company from Detroit to the mouth of the Chicago River and erect a fortification there. Captain Whistler, accompanied by his family, including his son, Lieut. William Whistler, of the same company, and the young wife of the latter (aged seven- teen years), bringing with him supplies for the new garrison, made the trip from Detroit on board the United States schooner "Tracy" to the mouth of the St. Joseph's River, and thence by row-boat to Chicago. The date of his arrival at the latter place has been given as July 4, 1803. The remainder of the com- pany came overland under command of Lieut. James S. Swearingen. The arrival of the troops, with that of the schooner which soon after followed from St. Joseph, was an event of deep interest to the numerous bands of Indians either gathered about the two or three trading houses then located here, or attracted by the novel scenes they had come to witness. Captain Whistler at once began the construc- tion of the foirt or stockade which was neces- sary for the housing and protection of his troops — the soldiers, in the absence of teams of any sort, dragging the needed timbers from the woods in the immediate vicinity. Accord- ing to the statement of the younger Mrs. Whist- ler, who was a visitor in Chicago in 1875, there were here at that time only "four rude huts, or traders' cabins, occupied by white men, Can- adian French with Indian wives." (The names of the occupants of these huts have already been given under the head of "Early Settlers.") The structure stood on the south side of the Chicago River, about the foot of Michigan Ave- nue opposite the south end of the Rush Street bridge, and a short distance west of where the river then made a bend to the southward before entering the lake where the foot of Madison Street now is. Although its construction was begun in 1803, the fort was not completed until the following year. As originally constructed it consisted of two block-houses located at opposite angles (northwestern and southeastern) of a strong wooden stockade, with the commandant's head- quarters on the east side of the quadrangle, soldiers' barracks on the west, and magazine, contractor's (or sutler's) store and general store-house on the north — the whole built of logs, and all, except the block-houses which commanded the outside of the stockade, being entirely within the enclosure. There were two main entrances — one on the south or land side, and the other on the north or water side, where a sunken road led down to the river, giving access to the water without exposure to a besieging force from without. The armament consisted of three pieces of light artillery, besides the small arms in the hands of the soldiers constituting the garrison. Captain Whistlor remained in command of the garri- son until the early part of 1811, when he was succeeded by Capt. Nathan Heald. There has been some discussion regarding the name which the post first received, yet there seems to be no doubt that it was first named Fort Dearborn, in honor of Gen. Henry Dearborn, who was Secre- tary of War at the time it was constructed ; and this was the name by which it was known at the time of the massacre and its destruction by the Indians in 1812 — an event which will be the subject of comment later on in this narra- tive. (See Whistler, John, and Fort Dearborn —Hist. Encyc. of III., Vol. I.) The most important event in local history about Chicago, following the establishment of the garrison at Fort Dearborn, was the arrival here, in the early spring of 1804, of John Kin- zie, who had previously been engaged in trade with the Indians at Detroit and, later on, about St. Joseph, Mich. Mr. Kinzie had learned the trade of a silver-smith in his youth at Quebec, and had made himself useful to the Indians in repairing their guns and trinkets, besides becoming widely known as a popular trader. He was known among the Indians by the name of "Shaw-nee-aw-kee" (The "Silver-man") which, at a later date, descended to his son. Col. John H. Kinzie, who, in the early '30s, was Sub-Agent for the Winnebago Indians, with headquarters at Fort Winnebago, Wis. (See Kinzie, John, and Kinzie, John Harris. — Hist. Encyc. of III.. Vol. I.) The elder Kinzie brought with him his family consisting of his wife and the son just named, the latter an infant less than one year old. The maiden name of Mrs. Kinzie was Eleanor Lytle, but at the date of her marriage to Kinzie (about 1800) she was the widow of a British officer named McKillip, who had been killed by accident at Fort Defiance, in the present State of Ohio, in 1794. On his removal to Fort Dearborn, Mr. Kinzie purchased from the French trader, Le Mai, the cabin originally occupied by Pointe de Saible, located on the north shore of the Chi- cago River opposite the fort. Here he followed 632 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. his vocation as a silversmith, sutler for Fort Dearborn and trader among the Indians, in after years becoming an agent of the American Fur Company, organized in the early part of the last century by John Jacob Astor. A mem- ber of Mr. Kinzie's own family has been quoted as authority for the statement that he had the position of sutler when he came to Fort Dear- born, which is highly probable, as he appears to have l)een an intimate friend of Captain Whist- ler, and at a later date, had a son of the latter as a partner in business. The Pointe de Saible and LeMai cabin, hav- ing been improved and enlarged, became widely known throughout the Northwest as "The Kinzie Mansion," and many men of national reputation were entertained there during the first quarter of the century. The fact that Mr. Kinzie continued to be a resident of the vicinity for the remainder of his life — except for a few years following the Fort Dearborn massacre — and reared here a family who were prominently identified with Chicago history after the place became a city, won for him the title of the first permanent white settler of Chicago. Besides the elder son, John H. Kin- zie, already named, who was born at Sandwich, Canada, in 1803, his descendants included Ellen Marion Kinzie, born in December, 1805 — after- wards became the wife of Dr. Alexander Wol- cott, for many years Indian Agent at Chicago; Maria Indiana Kinzie, born in 1807 — became the wife of Gen. David Hunter, a distinguished soldier of the Civil War; and Robert Allen Kin- zie, born at Fort Dearborn in 1810. Mrs. Juli- ette A. (Magill) Kinzie, the gifted author of early reminiscences of Chicago and the North- west under the title of "Waubun," was the wife of Col. John H. Kinzie, to whom she was mar- ried at Middletown, Conn., in 1830, going imme- diately to Fort Winnebago, Wis., where, as already stated, he had charge of the Indian Agency. In the eight years following the erection of Fort Dearborn there were few changes of which any record has l>een preserved, although there is reason to suppose that there were the usual excitements incident to life about a fron- tier military station, varied only by communica- tion, at long intervals, with the older settle- ments, and not Infrequent visits from noisy bands of Indians who came to trade, but remained to carry on their drunken revels. Doubtless there were few arrivals of white men during this period, except of those employed in some official capacity, or of traders seeking to extend their traffic with the Indians. Among the former class was Charles Jouett, who had b<3en educated as a lawyer in Virginia, but came to Detroit in 1802 to serve as Indian Agent by appointment of President Jefferson, and, three years later (1805), was transferred in the same capacity, to Fort Dearborn, remain- ing until 1811, when he resigned. The year previous to the rebuilding of Fort Dearborn in 1816, Mr. Jouett resumed his old position as Indian Agent at Chicago, but about 1820 again resigned and, for a time, was Judge of the United States Court for the Territory of Arkansas. In consequence of his training as a la^^-yer he has been accredited the honor of being "Chicago's first lawyer," though it is doubtful if, apart from his oflScial duties as Indian Agent, his legal qualifications were ever called into requisition. Mr. Jouett took a prominent part in negotiating several impor- tant treaties with the Indians during his con- nection with the agency at Detroit and that at Chicago. The first Agency Building — or "United States Factory," as it was also called — occupied by Mr. Jouett, is said to have stood west of the fort and just outside of the palisade. It is believed to have been erected about 1810, and is described by Mrs. Kinzie in "Waubun" as "an old-fashioned log-building, with a hall running through the center, and one large room on each side. Piazzas extended the whole length of the building in front and rear." On Mr. Jouett's return to Chicago in 1815 he occupied quarters on the north side of the river al>out where the freight depot of the Chi- cago & Northwestern Railroad now stands. His house is believed to have been in existence before the massacre. At a later date another building for the Agency was erected in the immediate vicinity of the latter, and this became somewhat famous under the name of "Cobweb Castle," but was never occupied by Mr. Jouett. (See Jouett, Charles. — Hist. Encyc. of III, Vol. I.) During this period (i. e., between 1804 and 1812) two other settlers are known to have been located in the vicinity of Fort Dearborn. One of these was John Burns, who occupied a cabin on the north side west of the Ouilmette home, and was living there with his family a few months )>efore the massacre. The Burns house Is conjectured to have been the one occupied by HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 633 Mr. Jouett as an Agency building on the re-es- tablishment of the Agency here in 1815. The other new settler was one Charles Lee, who is believed to have come soon after the establish- ment of Fort Dearborn, and erected a cabin on the lake shore near the fort, where he resided with his family. Lee had begun to open a farm on the South Branch, some four miles from its mouth, about where Bridgeport stood at a later day, but now within the limits of the city of Chicago. This farm, at an early day, bore the name of "Lee's place," and later was known as "Hardscrabble." It was at this place during the spring of 1812 that occurred an event which proved a pre- curser of the disaster which was to follow, a few months later, at Fort Dearborn. "What has been generally accepted as a substantially accu- rate history of this alfair has been given by Mrs. Kinzie, in her story entitled "Waubun." On the date of this event there happened to be at Ijee's place three men and a boy — one of the former being Liberty White, the manager, and the latter the son of Mr. Lee. Mrs. Kinzie's story runs as follows: "In the afternoon (April 6, 1812), a party of ten or twelve Indians, dressed and painted, arrived at the Lee house, and, according to their custom, entered and seated themselves without ceremony. Something in their appearance and manner excited the suspicions of one of the family, a Frenchman (named Debou), who remarked: 'I don't like the looks of these Indians — they are none of our folks. . . . They are not Pottawato- mies.' Another of the family, a discharged soldier, said to the boy: 'If this is the case, we had better get away if we can. Say noth- ing, but do as you see me do.' "As the afternoon was far advanced, the soldier walked leisurely towards the canoes tied near the bank. The Indians asked where he was going. He pointed to the cattle which were standing among the haystacks on the opposite bank, and made signs that they must go and fodder them, and then they would return and get their supper. He got into one canoe and the boy into the other. . . . When they gained the opposite side they pulled some hay for the cattle . . . and when they had gradually made a circuit so that their movements were concealed by the haystacks, they took to Ihe woods and made for the fort. They had run a quarter of a mile when they heard the disciiarge of two guns successively. . . . They stopped not nor stayed until they arrived opposite Burns' place (about the State Street bridge), where they called across to warn the family of the danger, and then hastened on to the fort. . . . "A party of soldiers, consisting of a cor- poral and six men, had, that afternoon, obtained leave to go up the river to fish. They had not returned when the fugitives from Lee's place arrived at the fort. . . . The commanding officer ordered a cannon to be fired to warn them of their danger. Hearing the signal, they took the hint, put out their torches and dropped down the river toward the garrison as silently as possible. . . . When the fishing party reached Lee's place it was proposed to stop and warn the inmates. . . . All was still as death around the house. They groped their way along and, as the corporal jumped over the small enclos- ure, he placed his hand on the dead body of a man. By the sense of touch he soon ascer- tained that the head was without a scalp and was otherwise mutilated. The faithful dog of the murdered man stood guarding the remains of his master. They retreated to their canoes and reached the fort unmolested about eleven o'clock at night. The next morning a party of citizens and soldiers vol- unteered to go to Lee's place. . . . The body of Mr. White was found pierced by two balls and with eleven stabs in the breast. The Frenchman lay dead with his dog still beside him. Their bodies were brought to the fort and buried in its immediate vicinity. "It was subsequently ascertained from trad- ers out in the Indian country, that the per- petrators of this bloody deed were a party of Winnebagos who had come into this neigh- borhood to 'take some white scalps..' Their plan had been to proceed down the river from Lee's place and kill every white man without the walls of the fort. Hearing, how- ever, the report of the cannon, and not know- ing what it portended, they thought it best to remain satisfied with this one exploit, and forthwith retreated to their homes on Rock River." This affair produced general alarm among the inhabitants outside of the fort, consisting 634 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. chiefly of a few discharged soldiers and a few- traders with their half-breed families, who now entrenched themselves in the Agency House near the fort. No immediate attack was made, and, with the exception of the appearance of skulking parties of Indians in the vicinity, for the purpose of picking off straggling soldiers or stealing horses, no hostile demonstration against the fort occurred for over three months. CHAPTER Vni. FORT DEARBORN MASSACRE. BEGINNIXG OF AVAR OF 1812 GENERAL HULL ORDERS EVACCATIOX OF FORT DEARBORN — STATEMENT OF CAPTAIN HEALD A STORY OF INDIAN TREACH- ERY LOCATION OF THE GREAT TRAGEDY — INCI- DENTS OF THE BLOODY AFFAIR AS RELATED IN MRS. KINZIE'S "WAUBUN" MAGNANIMOUS CONDUCT OF CHIEF BLACK PARTRIDGE — THE STORY OF MRS. HELM — VALOR OF CAPT. WILLIAM WELLS AND HIS inAGIC FATE. Before the close of the summer of 1812 occurred the most bloody tragedy in the history of Illinois, which, only three years preceding, had been organized under a Territorial Gov- ernment, although Chicago, as a city, was not yet in existence even in embryo. War between England and the United States had been declared on June 18th of this year and, on July IGth, Fort Mackinac surrendered to the British. The situation was calculated to arouse the ani- mosity of the Indians, who had already mani- fested their friendship for the British, and were watching their opportunity to give vent to their hatred against the Americans. The account of what followed is drawn from the statement of Capt. Nathan Heald, the com- mandant at Fort Dearborn, and the story of the massacre a.s told by Mrs. Juliette A. Kinzie in "Waubun": On June 9, 1812. a friendly Pottawatomie Chief, named Winnemeg, arrived at Fort Dear- bom bringing dispatches from General Hull, then of Detroit, but In command of the North- west. Infitructlng Captain Hoald. the command- ant at Fort Dearlmrn, in conslderatioii of the fall of Mackinac, to evacuate the fort and pro- ceed with his command by land to Detroit. According to a statement of Captain Heald, pub- lished a few months later, the order for evacu- ation was positive, only leaving it to his dis- cretion to dispose of the public property as he saw proper. Other authorities, including a let- ter from General Hull of an earlier date than his order to Heald, imply that the latter was authorized to exercise his own judgment in ref- erence to the matter of evacuation. Captain Heald's statement continues: "The neighboring Indians got the informa- tion as early as I did, and came in from all quarters in order to receive the goods in the factory store, which they understood were to be given them. On the 13th, Captain "Wells, of Fort Wayne, arrived with about thirty Miamis, for the purpose of escorting us in by the request of General Hull. On the 14th I delivered the Indians all the goods in the factory store, and a considerable quantity of provisions which we could not take away with us; the surplus and ammunition I thought proper to destroy, fearing they would make bad use of it if put in their possession. I also destroyed all the liquor on hand soon after they began to collect. The collection was unusually large for that place, but they conducted with the strictest propriety till after I left the fort. On the 15th, at nine in the morning we commenced our march; a part of the Miamis were detached in front and the remainder in our rear as guards, under the direction of Captain Wells. The situation of the country rendered it necessary for us to take to the beach, with the lake on our left and a high sand-bank on our right hand about 100 yards distant. "We had proceeded about a mile and a half, when it was discovered that the Indians were prepared to attack us from behind the bank. I immediately marched up with the company to the top of the bank, when the action com- menced; after firing one round we charged, and the Indians gave way in front and joined those on our flanks. In about fifteen minutes they got possession of all our horses, pro- visions and baggage of every description; and, finding the Miamis did not assist us, I drew off the few men I had left and took possession of a small elevation In the open prairie, out of shot of the bank or any other HISTOEICAL BN'OYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 635 cover. The Indians did not follow me but assembled in a body, on the top of the bank and, after some consultation among them- selves, made signs for me to approach them. I advanced toward them alone, and was met by one of the Pottawatomie chiefs, called the "Black Bird," with an interpreter. After shaking hands, he requested me to surrender, promising to spare the lives of all the pris- oners. On a few moments' consideration, I concluded it would be most prudent to com- ply, although I did not put entire confidence in his promise. After delivering up our arms, we were taken to their encampment near the fort and distributed among the different tribes. The next morning they set fire to the fort and left the place, taking the prisoners with them. Their number of warriors was between four and five hundred, mostly of the Pottawatomie nation, and their loss, from the best information I could get, was about fif- teen. Our strength was 54 regulars and 12 militia, out of which 26 regulars and all the militia were killed in the action, with two women and twelve children. Ensign George Roman and Dr. Isaac V. Van Voorhis of my company, with Captain Wells, of Fort Wayne, are, to my great sorrow, numbered among the dead. Lieut. Lina T. Helm, with 25 non- commissioned officers and privates and eleven women and children, were prisoners when we were captured. Mrs. Heald and myself were taken to the mouth of the river St. Joseph, and, being both badly wounded, were permit- ted to reside with Mr. Burnett, an Indian trader. In a few days after our arrival there, the Indians all went off to take Fort Wayne, and in their absence I engaged a Frenchman to take us to Mackinac by water, where I gave myself up as a prisoner of war, with one of my sergeants."* *The exact location where the battle and mas- sacre of the 15th of August. 1812, occurred has been matter of interesting speculation, although, from contemporary descriptions of the event and the reminiscences of citizens who arrived at Chicago a few years later, it has been possible to locate the site with reasonable accuracy. While the operations of the troops from the fort and the attacking force of Indians must have covered considerable ground, the best informed authorities seem to have settled upon the space near the lake shore between Eight- eenth and Twenty-first streets as the probable scene of the fight. An elm tree which, until a few year's ago. stood on the premises of the late George M. Pullman, near the foot of Eighteenth street, has been accepted as the historical point ; and here Mr. Pull- man erected, in 1893, a monument in commemoration of the event. Other statements — including that of Mrs. Kin- zie, who undoubtedly obtained her account indirectly from the elder Mr. Kinzie through the widow and other members of the family of the latter — differ materially from that made by Captain Heald. According to the history of the affair as told by Mrs. Kinzie, Winnemeg, the Pottawatomie Chief who had brought the order from General Hull to Captain Heald, when informed of its purport, strongly advised against evacuation; but, in case this step should be decided upon, urged that it be taken without delay. Mr. Kinzie who, from long residence among the Indians, was well acquainted with their temper and character, seems to have been in thorough accord with Winnemeg's opinion. It is also claimed that the subordinate officers strongly protested against Captain Heald's pro- posed line of action, while the Indians them- selves had begun to manifest an unruly and dangerous spirit even before the work of evacu- ation began. An incident indicating the condition of affairs existing among the Indians, as well as illustrating the honorable character of at least one of their number, is related by Mrs. Kinzie in the volume ("Wau-bun") already referred to in this history. Mrs. Kinzie relates this inci- dent as follows: "Among the chiefs were several who, although they shared the general hostile feel- ing of their tribe toward the Americans, yet retained a personal regard for the troops at this post, and for the few white citizens of the place. The.^^e chiefs exerted their utmost influence to allay the revengeful feelings of the young men, and to avert their sanguin- ary designs, but without effect. On the even- ing succeeding the council Black Partridge, a conspicuous chief, entered the quarters of the commanding officer (Captain Heald). 'Father,' said he, 'I come to deliver up to you the medal I wear. It was given to me by the Americans, and I have long worn it in token of our mutual friendship. But our young men are resolved to imbrue their hands in the blood of the whites. I cannot restrain them, and I will not wear a token of peace while I am compelled to act as an enemy.' " While this can only be supposed to indicate the substance of Black Partridge's speech, it furnishes proof that Captain Heald had abun- dant evidence, in advance, of the hostile feel- 636 HISTORICAL EN^CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ing in existence among the savages. Black Partridge had long been a friend of the whites, and the medal which he then proposed to sur- render is said to have been given him by Gen- eral Wayne at the time of the Treaty of Green- ville, in 1795. Before the conclusion of the tragedy at Fort Dearborn this high-minded Indian had an opportunity, in another way, to prove his magnanimity to one of the helpless victims. This incident, as related by the victim herself — Mrs. Helm, the wife of Lieutenant Helm, an oiBcer of the garrison — is quoted by Mrs. Kinzie. While the fight was going on near the lake shore, a young Indian attacked Mrs. Helm, aiming to strike her on the head with his tomahawk. By springing aside she had partially avoided the blow which fell upon her shoulder, inflicting there a painful wound. What followed is thus described by Mrs. Helm: ■'I seized him around the neck and, while exerting my utmost efforts to get possession of his scalping-knife, which hung in a scab- bard over his breast, I was dragged from his grasp by another and older Indian. The lat- ter bore me stru.ggling and resisting towards the lake. I was immediately plunged into the water and held there with a forcible hand, notwithstanding my resistance. I soon perceived that the object of my captor was not to drown me, for he held me firmly in such a position as to place my head above water. This reassured me, and regarding him atten- tively I soon recognized, in spite of the paint with which he was disguised. The Black Part- ridge." While the troops generally gave evidence of the most splendid courage in their efforts to resist the assaults of the infuriated savages and protect the helple.ss women and children, there were numerous Instances, on the part of their assailants, of those inhuman atrocities -custo- mary in savage warfare. One of the most revolting of these was the deliberate murder of all Hie children — twelve in number — of the white families, who had been placed in a bag- gage wagon for c-onvenlence of transportation with the troops, while many of the wounded prisoners shared the same fate. The feeling of horror produced by the recital of these atro- cities is relieved somewhat by individual instances of humane treatment on the part of some of the Indians. Following out the story of Mrs. Helm: After the battle she was taken back to the vicinity of the fort by her pre- server, Black Partridge, and, after having been protected, for a time, by the wife of a friendly chief, was placed in charge of a French trader named Ouilmette, with a half-breed family, and either kept concealed or disguised as a French woman until it was safe to surrender her to her step-father, Mr. John Kinzie. The case of Capt. William Wells, who had arrived from Fort Wayne, two days before the evacuation, with a party of Miamis, to act as an escort for the force from Fort Dearborn, was one of deep interest. Wells, who was the uncle of Mrs. Heald, belonged to a white family of Kentucky, but having been captured by Indians at the age of twelve years, had grown up among them and adopted their mode of life. While a captive he had been adopted by the celebrated Miami Chief, Little Turtle, whose daughter he married. He took part on the side of the Indians in the war of 1790 and was pres- ent at the defeat of Colonel Harmer the same year, and that of Governor St. Clair in 1801, but later joined the whites and fought under General Wayne at Maumee Rapids. Having settled near Fort Wayne, he began to open a farm, was appointed a Justice of the Peace by Gov. William Henry Harrison, and, at the time of the evacuation of Fort Dearborn, was serving as Indian Agent. Anticipating trouble from the start, it is said that he took his place, in Indian garb and with blackened face, in com- mand of the rear guard, and was one of the first to discover the hostile intentions of the treach- erous savages. He made a most gallant resist- ance, but having his horse shot under him, was soon overpowered and fell fighting desper- ately. According to one report his head was cut off and borne upon a pole back to the fort, while his heart was cut out and eaten by the fiendish savages. Mrs. Helm and a son of Cap- tain Heald have been quoted as authority for the statement that, before receiving his death- wound, this heroic man had succeeded in kill- ing eight Indians. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 637 CHAPTER IX. AFTER THE MASSACRE. THE KINZIE FAMILY IN PERIL — APPEARANCE OF "SAUGANASH" on the scene FORT DEARBORN BURNED THE KINZIES TAKE REFUGE AT ST. JOS- EPH LIEUTENANT HELJt RELEASED THROUGH THE INFLUENCE OF BLACK PARTRIDGE — SOME PROMINENT ACTORS — SKETCHES OF THE NOTED HALF-BREEDS, ALEXANDER ROBINSON AND BILLY CALDWELL ("SAUGANASH" ) — BLACK PARTRIDGE AGAIN PROVES HIS HUMANITY UNGRATEFUL TREATMENT OF THIS NOBLE "MAN OF THE WOODS." Mr. Kinzie, although not directly connected with the fort except as sutler and an occasional interpreter, and regarded as a lifelong friend by the Indians, determined to leave with the troops. A part of his family had taken passage on board a bateau, with which it was intended to keep along the lake shore near the moving column. The boat had reached the mouth of the river (then about where Madison Street now approaches the lake), when a friendly Indian brought intelligence of the tragedy that had just been enacted. Having been halted here, the family were guarded by friendly Indians until able to return with safety to their home opposite the fort. While the boat lay at the mouth of the river, Mrs. Kinzie's attention was directed to Mrs. Heald who, although badly wounded, was still on horseback, but a captive in the hands of an Indian who was preparing to scalp her. Through Mrs. Kinzie's appeal to Chandonai, a friendly half-breed and chief of the Pottawatomies, Mrs. Heald, by the offer of a liberal reward, was rescued from her captor and finally taken to the Kinzie home, where a bullet was extracted from one of her most dangerous wounds by Mr. Kinzie with a pen-knife. Although once more in their home, the con- dition of the Kinzie family was one of great peril and anxiety. The house was constantly exposed to invasion by hostile savages who watched the inmates with suspicion, while a few, like Black Partridge, sought to shield them from danger. At a time when even the faithful Black Partridge had lost hope, the unexpected appearance on the scene of another "friendly" had the effect to avert disaster. This part of the story, as graphically told by Mrs. J. H. Kinzie in her "Waubun," is as follows: "At this moment a friendly war-whoop was heard from a party of new-comers on the opposite bank of the river. Black Partridge sprang to meet their leader. 'Who are you?' 'A man. Who are you?' 'A man like your- self; but tell me who you are.' 'I am the Sauganash.' (Englishman.) 'Then make all haste to the house. Your friend is in danger; you alone can save him.' Billy Caldwell — for it was he — entered with a calm step and without a trace of agitation. He deliber- ately took off his accoutrements and placed them with his rifle behind the door, then saluted the hostile savages. " 'How now, my friends! A good day to you. I was told there were enemies here; but I am glad to find only friends. Why have you blackened your faces? Is it that you are mourning for the friends you lost in battle? Or is it that you are fasting? If so, ask our friend here and he will give you to eat. He is the Indians' friend, and never refused them what they had need of.' "Thus taken by surprise, the savages were ashamed to acknowledge their bloody pur- pose. They therefore said modestly that they had come to beg of their friends some white cotton to wrap their dead. This was given them with some presents and they took their departure." "Billy Caldwell" — or "The Sauganash" (Eng- lishman), as he was known among the Indians — was the half-breed son of a Pottawatomie woman and an Irish officer in the British army, was educated in a .Jesuit school and fought on the side of the British in the war of 1812, being an aid of Tecumseh's at the Battle of the Thames in 1813. His interference for the pro- tection of the Kinzie family in 1812, seems to have been prompted purely by his personal friendship for Mr. Kinzie. The day after the massacre. Fort Dearborn and the Agency building having previously been looted, were burned by the Indians. Three days later, the Kinzie family, having been joined in the meantime by Mrs. Helm in com- pany with a few other refugees, were on the way to St. Joseph, where they found a tempo- 638 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. rary refuge with Alexander Robinson, a half- breed Pottawatomie chief, but soon after were removed as prisoners to Detroit, which had been surrendered by General Hull to the Brit- ish the day after the evacuation of Fort Dear- born. Lieutenant Helm, after being wounded on the day of the massacre, had been carried as a prisoner to a village on the Kankakee. Here he was discovered two months later, by Black Partridge, who, having been author- ized by Col. Thomas Forsyth, a half-brother of Mr. Kinzie, and then Indian Agent at Peoria, to negotiate for his ransom, succeeded in doing so, but not until he had added his pony, his rifle and a large gold ring which he wore in his nose, to the ransom money. The Lieuten- ant was then permitted to join his wife at Detroit and finally, after having been sub- jected to considerable hardship as prisoners under the notorious and inhuman British Col- onel Proctor, they were exchanged. A brief reference to some of the actors in this drama, who were afterwards prominent in Chicago history, will be of interest. Alexander Robinson, the half-breed Pottawatomie chief (Indian name Chee-chu-pin-quay) is said by the late Mr. Draper, Secretary of the Wisconsin State Historical Society, to have been the son of a Scotch trader and an Ottawa woman, although the latter is believed to have had French blood in her veins. Another author speaks of him as a "half-breed Chippewa." He appears to have grown up at Mackinac (possibly was born there) and early in the last century was con- nected with a trading house at Bertrand, Mich., and, as early as 1809, visited Chicago. About the date of the evacuation of Fort Dearborn, he appears to have been living at St. Joseph, and, if not present with other members of his tribe at the time of the massacre, evidently made his appearance soon after and accompa- nied the Kinzies to his home — still later taking Captain Heald to Mackinac, where the latter surrendered to the British commandant. The exact date of his locating at Chicago is un- known, but is thought to have been as early as 1814. Later he appears to have been associ- ated at different periods with Mr. Kinzie, Gur- don S. Hubbard and others in trade with the Indians. His home at an early day was on the north side alwut the Intersection of Dearborn Avenue and Kinzie Street, and, later, at Wolf Point, the junction of the North and South Branch. He often officiated as Interpreter for the Government, and, about 1823, was employed in that capacity by the Indian Agent, Dr. Wol- cott. His name appears in a list of voters and tax-payers at Chicago in 1825 and 1826, and he was one of the signers of the treaty at Prairie du Chien in 1829, and of that at Chicago in 1833 — was granted a reservation of two sec- tions of land on the Des Plaines and an annu- ity of $200 in 1832, and an addition to the lat- ter of $300 at the Treaty of Chicago in 1833. He is reputed to have rendered valuable ser- vice, in conjunction with Caldwell and Sha- bona, in holding his tribe in check during the "Winnebago Scare" of 1827, and again during the Black Hawk War of 1832. He assisted in removing the Indians west of the Mississippi after the Treaty of 1833, but returned and set- tled on his reservation on the Des Plaines, where he spent the remainder of his days, dying there, April 22, 1872. The inscription on his tomb-stone fixes his age at 110 years; though the late Henry H. Hurlbut, who knew Robin- son personally, thinks his age could not have exceeded 85 years, and possibly was not over 80. Capt. Billy Caldwell (Indian, "The Saugan- ash"), alluded to elsewhere as the preserver of the Kinzie family, was a native of Canada, and, although a half-breed, v^sls fairly well edu- cated, being able to write with facility in both the English and French languages, besides being master of several Indian dialects. His devotion to the British cause was the natural result of his having grown up under British rule. From 1807 down to the battle of the Thames in 1813, he was intimately asso- ciated with the celebrated Chief Tecumseh, and known as his "secretary." In 1816 he was at Amherstburg. Can., and is believed to have located in Chicago about 1820. His wife was the daughter of a somewhat famous Indian chief named Nee-scot-nee-meg, who is said to have been one of the participants in the massacre of 1812. Caldwell was a tax- payer here in 1825, and in 1826 a voter, serving also as one of the clerks at the same election. During the latter year he was appointed a .lustice of the Peace for Peoria County, to which the region now eml)raced in Cook County was then attached. Altliough an office-holder and a voter under the State Government of Illinois, it appears that Caldwell never renounced his allegiance to Great Britain. In 1828, in con- sideration of his services, the Government erected a house for him on the North Side HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 639 uear the intersection of North State Street and Chicago Avenue. This house was the first frame building erected in Chicago, much of the material for it having been brought from Cleveland, Ohio. At a later period it was removed to Indiana Street, but was destroyed in the fire of 1871. At the treaty of Prairie du Chien in 1829 a reservation of two and a half sections of land on the Chicago River was set apart for Caldwell, and at Tippecanoe, in 1833, he was granted an annuity of $600. He is described by his contemporaries as "a tall, fine- looking man," of high courage and strong com- mon sense. During the troubles with the Win- nebagoes in 1827, and the Sacs and Foxes in 1832, he proved himself a faithful and efficient friend of the whites. On the departure of the Indians from Northern Illinois for their new home west of the Mississippi, in .1836, he felt it his duty to accompany them; and, after liv- ing with them five years, died at (or near) Council Bluffs, Iowa, Septem*ber 28, 1841, in the 60th yeai- of his age. "The Sauganash Hotel," a log-buildiug erected at the corner of Lake and Market Streets, and opened as a hotel, about 1831, by Mark Beaubien, was one of the earliest and most noted hostelries in the future great city, and was named in honor of Captain Caldwell. (See Shabona; also, Beaubien, Mark. —Hist. Encyc. of III, Vol I.) The Indian, Black Partridge, who had sought so faithfully to protect Mrs. Helm and the fam- ily of Mr. Kinzie, continued his kindness to tiie sufferers after the massacre. One of his benevolent acts, of which mention has been made by Mrs. Kinzie, was the carrying of an infant of a Mrs. Lee to Chicago, a distance of fifty miles, in order that it might receive medi- cal treatment. Mrs. Lee was the widow of Charles Lee, the owner of "Lee's Place," where had occurred the tragedy of the spring of 1812 before the Fort Dearborn massacre. Mr. Lee, with a son and daughter, had been killed dur- ing the massacre. Black Partridge, who had taken charge of the surviving members of the family, wished to marry the widow, but, too honorable to force his affections upon her, con- tinued to treat her with respect in spite of her refusal. Later, she became the wife of a French trader named Du Pin, who located here about the time of the massacre. The magna- nimity of this high-minded and honorable savage did not protect him, however, from punishment for the wrongs committed by other members of his tribe. According to Moses' History of Illi- nois, it was only a few months later, when his village, then located near the head of Peoria Lake, was attacked ■without provocation by a party of volunteers under command of Governor Edwards on the way to Peoria, and some thirty of Black Partridge's followers were killed, their village and stores burned and eighty horses captured. (See Moses' "History of Illinois," Vol. I., p. 253.) Black Partridge's experience seems to have been a counterpart of that of the celebrated Chief Logan — examples which have left an indelible stain upon American civiliza- tion. CHAPTER X. THE SECOND FORT DEARBORN. FOI'R YEARS OF ARRESTED DE\'EL0PMENT — FORT DEARBORN IN DESOLATION — ITS RESTORATION BEGUN IN 1816 BURIAL OF VICTIMS OF THE MASSACRE LIST OF COMMANDANTS A NEW IMMIGRATION SETS IN THE KINZIES AMONO THE FIRST TO ARRIVE OTHER NOTABLE ARRIV- ALS — THE CLYIiOURNS, GALLOWAYS, HEACOCK. ETC. A FIP.E IN FORT DEARBORN THE "WINNE- BAGO SCARE." The four years following the evacuation of Fort Dearborn was a period. of practical sus- pension, SO far as Chicago history was con- cerned. The evacuation and subsequent mas- sacre resulted in the elimination from the region about the mouth of the Chicago River of the last remnant of American civilization. All that remained consisted of the mixed French and Indian type, such as had existed, for a century previous, at the various trading posts along the Great Lakes and about the head- waters of the Mississippi. For the time being the northern portion of what then constituted the Territory of Illinois was under practical control of the British, or rather their savage allies who roamed over all this region at their will. Probably the only family permitted to remain here immediately after the massacre, was that of the French trader Ouilmette, which, being composed chiefly of half-breeds, was regarded as friendly to the Indians. It is said. 640 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. however, that another trader named Du Pin came here about the time of the evacuation, or soon after, and occupied the Kinzie home. It has been claimed that Jean Baptiste Beaubien, who had been engaged in the fur trade on the Grand River of Michigan, probably before 1800, and at a later date at Mackinac and Milwaukee, about the time of the massacre bought the Lee cabin on the Lake shore south of the fort. While Beaubien may have been here for a time during this period, there is no conclusive evi- dence that he resided here permanently until some years later. One John Dean, an army eon- tractor, appears to have erected a house near the old fort about the close of the period here referred to, and this was purchased by Beaubien and became his home in 1817. Beaubien became the head of a large and well-known family, and, in later years, was in the employ of the Ameri- can Fur Company and owner of a farm at "Hardscrabble" (the historic Lee Place), where quite a number of families lived. The arrival of Alexander Robinson (half-breed Indian chief) in 1814 has been mentioned elsewhere. Peace between the United States and Great Britain having been declared in 1815, the Indian Agency was re-established at Chicago the same year, under the former Agent, Charles Jouett. During the following year (1816) Fort Dearborn was rebuilt under the direction of Capt. Hezekiah Bradley, who brought with him two companies of infantry. The date of Cap- tain Bradley's arrival is said to have been July 4, 1816, the same day of the month upon which his predecessor. Captain Whistler, arrived thir- teen years before. One of the earliest acts of Captain Bradley's troops after arriving was the burial of the victims of the massacre of 1812, whose bones had lain bleaching on the lake shore during the intervening four years. The new fort was erected on the site of the old one, though constructed on a somewhat larger scale and improved plan. It consisted of a. quadrangular stockade of oak pickets four- teen feet high, inclosing barracks for the sol- diers and officers' quarters, constructed of hewed logs and two stories in height. A mag- azine (of brick) and store-houses were also embraced In the area of about 600 feet square. The soldiers' barracks were located on the east Bide and the officers' quarters on the west. The structure was defended by l)a8tlons at the northwoBt and the 8outhea.st corners, with a blockhouw; at the southwest angle. Captain Bradley remained in command until the fol- lowing year (1817), when he was succeeded by Maj. Daniel Baker, who remained until 1820. Captain Bradley then resumed command for one year. Other commandants were: Maj. Alexander Cummings, 1821; Lieut. Col. John McNeil, 1821-23; Capt. John Greene for a short time in 1823. In May of the latter year, the garrison having been withdrawn, the fort was turned over to Dr. Alexander Wolcott, then Indian Agent at Chicago. In August, 1828, fol- lowing upon the heels of the "Winnebago Scare," the fort was again occupied by a gar- rison under command of Maj. John Fowle, so continuing until May, 1831, when it was again evacuated. Again, in June, 1832 — the Black- Hawk War being then in its early stages — the fort was reoccupied by a force under command of Maj. William Whistler, the son of Capt. John Whistler, the builder of the first Fort Dearborn. Major Whistler was succeeded by Maj. John Fowle for a short time, and the lat- ter, in 1833, by Maj. De Lafayette Wilcox. After a few other changes, on December 29, 1836, it was permanently abandoned, the garrison being ordered to Fort Howard, near Green Bay. The structure gradually disappeared before the advancing tide of development in Chicago, although the old block-house stood until 1857, when it was demolished. Although peace had generally been restored throughout the Northwest before the time of the rebuilding of Fort Dearborn, the accessions to population about the fort, in the next decade and a half, gave no indication of the rapid influx that was to be witnessed a generation or two later — the arrivals for some time being confined almost exclusively to Government employes or persons engaged in trade with the Indians. One of the earliest arrivals during this period was that of Mr. John Kinzie, who, after remaining a prisoner for some time in the hands of the British, had spent most of the interval of his absence from Chicago in the effort to reestablish his business at Detroit. On returning to Chicago he re-occupied the historic house opposite the fort which he had abandoned after the massacre, thus establish- ing his claim as the first permanent settler at Chicago. Here he resumed his occupation as a silversmith and fur-trader, some years later entering into the service of the American Fur Company. He also served for a time as sub- agent under Indian Agent Charles Jouett. In HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA. OF ILLINOIS. 641 1821, and again in 1823, he was recommended for appointment as a Justice of the Peace — at the former date for Pike County and, at the later, for Fulton — but in 1825 was formally appointed for Peoria County, becoming the first Justice at Chicago, which had been transferred to the jurisdiction of Peoria County the same year. Some time in 1827 the Kinzie family took up their residence in the fort, which had been vacated as a military post four years previous. Later they resided in a house belonging to J. B. Beaubien, just outside the fort, and here Mr. Kinzie died on January 26, 1828. (See Kinzie, John. — Hist. Encyc. of III., Vol. I.) Those arriving during the next four years, but not previously mentioned in this record, included: Jacob B. Varnum, United States Factor, who came in 1816 and remained until about 1822, when the factory was abolished; John Crafts, fur-trader, from 1817 until about 1823, when he entered into the service of the American Fur Company, but, dying in 1825, was succeeded by John Kinzie; Dr. Alexander Wolcott came as successor to Mr. Jouett as Indian Agent in 1820, serving until his death ten years later. (See Wolcott (Dr.) Alexander. — Hist. Encyc. of III., Vol. I.) Henry R. Schoolcraft, the noted ethnologist and naturalist, who visited Chicago in 1820, says there were only four or five fam- ilies here at that time, of whom he names those of John Kinzie, Dr. Wolcott, John B. Beaubien and John Crafts. Two years later (1822) Charles C. Trowbridge made a trip on Govern- ment business from Detroit to Chicago, when there does not seem to have been any increase, as he names only Kinzie, Wolcott and Beaubien as residents about the fort — Crafts being then located at "Hardscrabble." In 1822 the accessions included David McKee, who came here as Government black- smith in connection with the Indian Agency, and became a permanent citizen, dying at Aurora in 1881. Joseph Porthier, a Frenchman, with a half-breed family, also came the same year, as McKee's assistant. The most impor- tant addition to the population about this period was due to the arrival, in 1823, of Archibald Clybourn, a distant relative of the Kinzies. who, coming from Virginia, joined his half-brother, John K. Clark, who had been engaged as a clerk in trade with the Indians for several years. The following year Clybourn and Clark brought out the family of Jonas Clybourn, the father of the former, and the new arrivals, settling on the North Branch, started the growth of the village in that direction. Mr. Clybourn became the first Constable at Chicago, being appointed for Peoria County in 1825, and a Justice of the Peace in 1831. Another arrival of 1824 was James Galloway, who brought his family by way of the Lakes from Sandusky, Ohio, and, locating at "Hardscrabble," was engaged in the fur trade for some three years, finally removing to LaSalle County in 1827. Here Archibald Clybourn was married in 1829 to Miss Mary Galloway, oldest daughter of Mr. Galloway, who survived until 1904, in an honored old age^ Mr. Clybourn became a successful and respected business man, was one of the first to engage in the packing business in Chicago, and did much to build up the northwestern part of the city.. Clybourn Avenue was named in his honor. Rev. William See, a local Methodist preacher from Virginia, came the same year the Cly- bourns did, and, for a time, lived in a log-house on the West Side. He became the first County Clerk on the organization of Cook County and, later, a Justice of the Peace; but spent over twenty years, in the latter part of his life, in Wisconsin, dying at Pulaski, in that State, in 1858. Others who located at "Hardscrabble" about the time the Galloways were there were the Laframboise families — father and three sons (1824), half-breeds engaged in trade with the Indians; William H. Wallace (1826), a fur- trader, said to have died there a year later, and David and Bernardus (or Barnabas) Laughton, also traders, who located a year or so later on The Des Plaines about where River- side now is. In fact, about this time — leaving out the garrison at Fort Dearborn — "Hard- scrabble" seems to have been not less populous,, and scarcely less important as a business point, than its rival at the mouth of the river. The assessment roll for Peoria County, to which Chicago was attached in 1825, contained a list of fourteen persons — probably comprising all the heads of families in this region at that time — paying taxes on a valuation ranging from $50 to $5,000, each. The larger sum was assessed against John Crafts, the Agent of the American Fur Company, while the others graded down,, from $1,000 for J. B. Beaubien to the smaller sum mentioned. Judging from the names of the tax-payers about one-half were Frenchmen, or of French descent — several of them being half-breeds. The year of the arrival of the elder Clybourn 642 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. (1824) James Kinzie, an older son of Mr. John Kinzie bj' the first wife of the latter — who had been an employe of the American Fur Company about Mackinac and Milwaukee — came to Chi- cago and, later, became a prominent business man. About 1S26 Kinzie and David Hall, a half- brother of Kinzie's, from Virginia, kept a store in a cabin on the South Side, at the forks of the river. During the same year Mark Beau- bien, a younger brother of J. Beaubien, appeared on the ground and soon after purchased a cabin from Kinzie, probably the one just mentioned. There will be occasion to refer to both Kinzie and Beaubien again in connection with the his- tory of early Chicago hotels. The year 1826 also saw the advent in this vicinity of Jesse Walker, the pioneer Methodist Missionary in Northern Illinois, who, a year or so later, erected a log-cabin at Wolf Point, which, in after years, was used as a meeting house, where one of Chicago's early schools was taught by John Watkins. The Scott family — Stephen H., Willard and Willis — came this year, and the former located a claim at Gross Point, now Wilmette. An arrival of importance in 1827 was that of Russell E. Heacock, who, after spending sev- eral years in the southern part of the State, removed to Chicago, and became the earliest practicing lawyer here. Soon after his arrival Mr. Heacock taught a school in Fort Dearborn, but a year later was living on the South Branch at a place called 'Heacock's? Point." He was prominent in the organization of Cook County in 1831, and was appointed a Justice of the Peace for the new county two years later. He also bore a prominent part, at a subsequent period, in connection with the discussion of the Illinois & Michigan Canal question. (See Heacock, Russell E. — Hist. Encyc. of III., Vol. I.) An incident of the year 1827 was a iire in Fort Dearborn caused by lightning during the night, which resulted in the destruction of the soldiers' barracks and store-house, with a part of the guard house. This occurred just at the close of the payment of annuities to the Pot- tawatomies, which had been celebrated by a dance In the soldiers' quarters the same night. Gurdon S. Hubbard, who relates the incident in the "Reminiscences" of his life, says the alarm was given by Mrs. Helm, who saw the flames from her window In the Kinzie dwelling on the north Bide of the river. Mr. Hubbard, who happened to be there, accompanied by Robert H. Kinzie, finding it impossible to launch a canoe, swam the river, and arousing the inmates of the fort, took a prominent part in subduing the flames. The men and women, about forty in number, formed a line between the fort and the river, and every available utensil was brought into use in passing water to Mr. Kin- zie, who had taken his place on the roof. Although he had taken the precaution to wrap himself in a wet blanket, Mr. Kinzie was severely burned about his face and hands, but kept his place until the flames were brought under subjection. A number of Indians, who had gathered around as spectators, refused to give any assistance in fighting the flames. It was a few days — ^probably one week — after this event that Gen. Lewis Cass, then Gov- ernor of Michigan Territory, arrived at Chi- cago, coming from Green Bay by way of Fox River, the Wisconsin and the Mississippi to St. Louis, and thence returning by the Illinois — fol- lowing the route pursued by Joliet and Mar- quette in 1673 — bringing with him the first intelligence of the actual outbreak of hostilities with the Winnebagos. General Cass is said to have been entertained on this occasion at the Kinzie home, but left in a few hours, by the western shore of the lake, for Green Bay. An important event following closely upon the fire in Fort Dearborn of this year (1827) was the outbreak of the "Winnebago War," which, although the principal disturbances occurred on the upper Mississippi, produced a general panic throughout all the white set- tlements of Northern Illinois, in view of the possibility that other tribes (especially the Pot- tawatomies) might be drawn into hostilities. Many of the settlers throughout the region con- tiguous to Chicago hastened to Fort Dearboru for safety, although the fort was at the time without a garrison. The militia were called out by the Governor, and Mr. Gurdon S. Hub- bard, acting in the interest of the people col- ■ lected at Fort Dearborn, mad'', an unprecedented ■ trip to Danville to procure aid, returning at the end of seven days with a force of one hundred volunteers under the command of an old Indian fighter named Morgan. Through the influence of Billy Caldwell and Shabona, the Pottawato mies were prevented from joining the Winne- bagos, and General Atkinson having arrived at the scene of the disturbances with a force of over 700 regulars from Fort Jefferson, below HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 643 St. Louis, a settlement of the difficulties was reached by the voluntary surrender of the prin- cipal leaders. During the continuance of the excitement at Fort Dearborn, a company of citizens, composed mostly of Canadian half- breeds and a few Americans, formed an organ- ization for defense \inder the command of Col. J. B. Beaubien. (See Winnebago War. — Hist. Enc. of 111., Vol. I.) CHAPTER XI. CHICAGO IN EMBRYO. VARIED ORTHOGRAPHY OF THE NAME CHICAGO REPUTED ORIGIN OF THE NAME SOME EARLY IMPRESSIONS OF THE FUTURE GREAT METROP- OLIS AS SEEN BY JUDGE STORROW, GURDON S. HU15BARD, SCHOOLCRAFT, PROFESSOR KEATING AND OTHERS — EARLY MAIL FACILITIES SOME PIONEER HOTELS AND THEIR HISTORY. Probably no other name in all history has given rise to so many different forms of spell- ing, in the effort to perpetuate it in written symbols, as the word "Chicago." More than sixty different varieties of orthography have been enumerated, most of them due to imper- fect attempts to transfer, from an unwritten to a written language, sounds in themselves vary- ing more or less according to the dialect through which they were transmitted, as well as affected by the difference in hearing or intel- ligence of those receiving them. Only the more important and historical modes of spelling will be cited here. They embrace the following, with the authorities through which they were derived, arranged in a somewhat chronological order: Che-cau-gou (Father Hennepin); She- ca-gou (LaSalle); Chi-ca-gou (Marquette and LaSalle); Chi-ca-ga (Sanson, geographer to Louis XIV.); Che-ka-gou and Chi-ka-goue (old maps of 1679-82) ; Cha-ca-qua (old French maps, 1684-96); Che-ga-kou (LaHontan) ; Chi- ca-gou-a (Father Gravier) ; Chi-ca-gu, Chi-ca- gou, Chi-ca-qw and Chi-ca-go (St. Cosme, 1700) ; Che-ka-kou (Moll, cartographer, 1720); Chi-ca- gou (Charlevoix, 1721); Chi-ca-goe (report of English Commissioners, 1721); Chi-ca-goux (letter of M. De Ligney to M. De Siette, 1726); Eschikagou (Colonel DePeyster, British Com- mandant at Mackinac, 1779); Chi~ka-go (Capt. William Whistler, builder of the first Fort Dear- born) ; Chi-cau-ga (Niles' Register, 1813). Besides these spellings for the name of the river and the locality about its mouth, there are a number of other words of similar sound, and alleged to be of related significance, from the Indian dialects, as She-cau-go ("playful waters"); Choc-ca-go ("destitute"); Sho-gang (skunk). The signification of the term has been much debated, but while its first meaning is conceded to be the "skunk," "leek" or "wild onion," competent etymologists claim that it is also the synonym of "strong, mighty or powerful." Henry R. Schoolcraft, the celebrated ethnol- ogist, who spent many years among the Indians in the Northwest and was familiar with many of their dialects, defined the word Chicago as "Place of the Wild Leek" (or onion). Samuel A. Storrow, who visited Fort Dearborn as a Judge Advocate of the United States Army in 1817, in an oflficial report speaks of "the River Chicago — or, in plain English, Wild Onion River" — and this view of the definition is cor- roborated by Gurdon S. Hubbard, who was here in 1818, and many more who asserted that at an early day the wild onion grew in great lux- uriance in the marshes about the mouth of the river. The theory has also been strongly main- tained (referred to in Mrs. Kinzie's "Waubun" as handed down through Indian tradition) that the river Chicago derived its name from a noted Indian Chief of the Illinois, of the same name, who was drowned in the river at a remote period. Charles Fenno Hoffman, whose letters have been alluded to elsewhere as written here during the winter of 1833-34, when the Indians were still numerous throughout this section, gave the pronunciation of the word, as uttered by the Indians at that time, as "Tschi-cau-go." The Indian pronunciation of the name, as described by Mr. Fernando Jones — who prob- ably retains a more vivid recollection of the Pottawatomie dialect than any other among the few surviving pioneers of Chicago — closely resembles that just quoted from Mr. Hoffman. The last two syllables, "cau-go" — with a strong accent on the last syllable — as defined by Mr. Jones on the basis of information derived directly from the Pottawatomies, simply meant "Nothing ;" while the first syllable, "Tschi" 644 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ("S-shi-"), pronounced with a strong hissing accent, simply made the meaning more emphatic — "absolutely nothing." This rather graphic definition, as explained by Mr. Jones, ■was intended by the Indians to describe the Chicago River, which — after being explored from its mouth up both branches into the marshes which, in the dry season, soon ceased to be navigable even for an Indian's canoe — was declared to be "Absolutely Nothing" — as a river. If this was the Indian conception of the Chicago River at the beginning of the nine- teenth century, its present condition as a water-way, bearing a large percentage of the commerce of the Nation and destined to become the connecting link between the great lakes and the Gulf of Mexico, illustrates the marvel- ous results which have been wrought by the civilization of a single century. (See article on "The Name Chicago," by Mr. Fernando Jones at close of this chapter.) The following additional forms of spelling the name of a prominent Indian of the Illinois tribe, supposed to be the same identified with the naming of the Chicago River, have been fur- nished by different French explorers of this period: Chachagouession (Marquette); Chas- sagoac (Membre) ; Chassagouache (LaSalle). While Chicago was visited by numerous trav- elers, oflicial and otherwise, during the first decade after the restoration of Fort Dearborn, the number of those whose impressions regard- ing the place at this primitive period in its history have come down to us, has been com- paratively small. James W. Biddle, of Phila- delphia, a contractor engaged in furnishing sup- plies to the troops in 1816, said of the condi- tion of the place at that time: "Chicago then had no trading reputation, vessels only visiting it to carry troops or provisions to supply them." A visitor to Fort Dearborn in 1817 was Judge Advocate Samuel A. Storrow, of the United States Army. In a report of his visit, he had this to say of the physical conformation of the country between the Chicago and Des Plaines Rivers: "The course of these two rivers illustrates the geographical phenomenon of a reservoir on the very summit of a dividing ridge. In the autumn they are both without any appar- ent fountain, but are formed within a mile and a half of each other by some impercep- tible undulations of the prairie which drain and lead in different directions. But in the spring the space between the two is a single sheet of water, the common reservoir of both, in the center of which there is no current toward either of the opposite streams." (Then, speaking particularly of the location of Fort Dearborn, he adds:) "It has no advantage of harbor, the river itself being always choked, and frequently barred, from the same cause that I have imputed to the other streams of this country" (viz.: the accu- mulation of sand dunes about their mouths by the combined action of winds and waves.) "In the rear of the fort is a prairie of the most complete flatness, no signs of elevation being within range of the eye. The soil and climate are both excellent." One of the most important arrivals at Chi- cago about that period was that of Gurdon S. Hubbard, who, although then only a youth of about sixteen years, at a later period became one of Chicago's most prominent and highly esteemed business men. In an interesting vol- ume of reminiscences relating to his experi- ences while in the employ of the American Fur Company, Mr. Hubbard gives the following account of his first sight of Fort Dearborn in the fall of 1818 — having come from Mackinac hy the eastern and southern shore of the lake: "On the evening of September 30, 1818, reached the mouth of the Calumet River, then known as the 'Little Calumet,' where we met a party of Indians returning to their villages from a visit to Chicago. They .were very drunk and before midnight commenced a fight in which several of their number were killed. Owing to this disturbance we removed our camp to the opposite side of the river. We started at dawn. The morning was calm and bright, and we, in our holiday attire, with flags flying, completed the last twelve miles of our lake voyage. Arriving at Doug- las Grove, where the prairie could be seen through the oak woods, I landed and, climb- ing a tree, gazed in admiration on the first prairie I had ever seen. The waving grass, intermingling with a rich profusion of wild flowers, was the most beautiful sight I had ever gazed upon. In the distance the grove of Blue Island loomed up, beyond it the tim- ber on the Des Plaines River, while, to give animation to the scene, a herd of wild deer appeared and a pair of red foxes emerged HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 645 from the grass within gunshot of me. Ix)ok- ing north, I saw the whitewashed buildings of Fort Dearborn sparkling in the sunshine, our boats with flags flying and oars keeping time to the cheering boat-song. I was spell- bound and amazed at the beautiful scene before me. I took the trail leading to the fort, and on my arrival, found our party camped on the north side of the river near what is now State Street. A soldier ferried me aci-oss the river in a canoe, and thus I made mv first entry into Chicago, October 1, 1818." Making due allowance for the enthusiasm of youth with which Mr. Hubbard, for the first time,, looked upon the scene about the mouth of the Chicago River, there can be no doubt that the view was a most inspiring one, but would have been infinitely more so if he could have looked forward in history to a period three-quarters of a century later. A description scarcely less enthusiastic than that of Mr. Hub- bard, and belonging to the same era, was that furnished by Henry R. Schoolcraft, the cele- brated ethnologist and naturalist, in his "Nar- rative Journal of Travels from Detroit North- west to the Sources of the Mississippi in 1820." Mr. Schoolcraft, having arrived here in company with Gov. Lewis Cass, thus states his impressions of the surrounding country: "The country around Chicago is the most fertile and beautiful that can be imagined. It consists of an intermixture of woods and prairies, diversified with gentle slopes, some- times attaining the elevation of hills, and irrigated by a number of clear streams and rivers which throw their waters partly into Lake Michigan and partly into the Mississippi River. As a farming country it unites the fertile soil of the finest lowland prairies with an elevation which exempts it from the influ- ence of stagnant waters, and a summer cli- mate of delightful serenity, while the mead- ows present all the advantages of raising stock of the most favored part of the valley of the Mississippi. It is already the seat of several flourishing plantations, and only requires the extinguishment of the Indian titles to the land to become one of the most attractive fields for the immigrant. To the ordinary advantages of an agricultural mar- ket town it must hereafter add that of a depot for the inland commerce between the northern and southern sections of the Union, and a great thoroughfare for strangers, mer- chants and travelers." All of which — and more — was accomplished before the close of the century, giving to Mr. Schoolcraft's description an air of prophecy. An impression of a sort quite different from those just cited was that received by Prof. W. H. Keating, geologist and historiographer of Major Stephen H. Long's expedition to the sources of St. Peter's River in 1823. His report has been widely attributed to Major Long, who, although probably approving it, cannot be said technically to have been its author. Professor Keating— who was Professor of Mineralogy and Chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania — in his narrative of Long's expedition, published in London in 1825, makes the following refer- ence to Chicago: "We were much disappointed at the appear- ance of Chicago and its vicinity. We found in it nothing to justify the great eulogium lav- ished upon this place by a late traveler (Schoolcraft), who obsen'es that it 'is the most fertile and beautiful that can be imag- ined.' " (The writer then goes on to com- ment upon the obstacles to be encountered in obtaining satisfactory supplies for the sub- sistence of troops from the immediate vicin- ity, and the difficulties met with by agricul- turists on account of the shallowness and humidity of the soil, and its exposure to "cold and damp winds, which blow from the lake with great force during most part of the year," the destruction of growing crops by insects, birds, etc., and then proceeds: ) "The appearance of the country near Chicago offers but few features upon which the eye of the traveler can dwell with pleasure. There is too much uniformity in the scenery; the extensive water prospect is a waste uncheck- ered by islands, unenlivened by the spreading canvas, and the fatiguing monotony of which is increased by the equally undiversified pros- pect of the land scenery which affords no relief in sight, as it consists merely of a plain in which but few patches of thin and scrubby woods are observed here and there. The village presents no cheering prospect as, not- withstanding its antiquity, it consists of but few huts inhabited by a miserable race of men scarcely equal to the Indians from whom they are descended. Their log or bark houses 646 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. are low, filthy and disgusting, displaying not the least trace of comfort. . . . The number of trails centering at this point, and their apparent antiquity, indicate that this was probably for a long time the site of a large Indian village. As a place of business it offers no inducements to the settler." While Professor Keating may have looked upon the scene with the eye of a rather fastidi- ous artist, it was e%-idently without imagination, as he foresaw nothing of the development brought about within the next half century, removing many of the blemishes of which he complained and supplying some of the very features whose absence he deplored — the "scrubby woods" giving place to extensive man- ufactories and vast mercantile establishments, while the waste of waters, "unenlivened by the spreading canvas," has been transformed into a highway of commerce connecting Chicago, not only with every lake port, but even with Europe itself. Yet, in view of possibilities growing out of the construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, Major Long's histori- ographer thought it "not impossible that, at some distant day, when the banks of the Illi- nois shall have been covered by a dense popu- lation, and when the low prairies which extend between that river and Fort Wayne shall have acquired a population proportionate to the prod- uce which they can yield, Chicago may ieu ma one of the points in the direct line of com- munication between the northern lakes and the Mississippi" — a conclusion showing that he was not wholly incapable of realizing the changes which might be wrought by the development of less than a century. Previous to 1826 the residents about Fort Dearborn were compelled to depend upon occa- sional visits of traders or travelers, or the arrival of small lake craft bringing supplies for the troops at Fort Dearborn or for the fur- traders located here, for communication with the outside world. At an early day the officers of the fort were accustomed, in cases of emer- gency, to employ special messengers or "run- ners," while ordinarily and at long intervals receiving mail for the garrison from Fort Wayne, now in Eastern Indiana. The first regular mall-route crossing the Allegheny Mountains was established between Philadel- phia and Pittsburg in 1788; in 1794 it was extendet, "prevlonH to the Hale of lots," oi'tlnK "l>y order of the Hoard." he "enlarged the boundaries of the town, extending them to (he month of the c:hlcaKO Hlver"— also, that the sale occurred on September 1. 1830— a Btatement which doen not appear to have got Into local hlHtory. Rivers on the west, and Lake Michigan on the east, covering an area larger than Cook County at the present day. It is probable, therefore, that the list of voters included quite a number outside of the village of Chicago. Among those who were residents of the village about 1829- 30 — not including ihose previously named — were I.«on Bourassea (fur-trader); Jonathan A. Bailey, who become Chicago's first postmaster; John L. Davis, John S. C. Hogan, Stephen Mack (clerk of the American Fur Company), and a number of others whose history is unknown, but who were probably employes about the fur- trading stations, the Factor House or the fort. Stephen R. V. Forties came the former year and, during 1830, became one of Chicago's early teachers, and two year? later the first regularly elected Sheriff of Cook County. The act of the Legislature which authorized the creation of the new county and the organ- ization of a county government, also named Chicago (as it had been laid out during the previous year by the "Land Commissioners" appointed to dispose of the canal lands), as the permanent county-seat, and empowered the County Commissionere to sell certain lands at their discretion, and apply the proceeds to the erection of a court-house and jail. Thus Chi- cago received its recognition as a town, though the formal organization of a village government did not come until two years later. The lands placed at the disposal of the County Board by the Canal Commissioners embraced a tract of ten acres on the south side of the river, includ- ing the present court-house square. The County Board decided to sell a part of this tract and retain the remainder as a site for the county- buildings, which has been maintained to this day. The sale took place in July, 1831, James Kinzie acting as auctioneer — the sum realized from the sale amounting to $1,153.75. An event of local importance this year was the payment of the annuities to the Indiana in September, which was the means of bring-, ing nearly 4,000 savages to this locality. The payment was conducted by Col. T. J. V. Owen, Indian Agent, assisted by John H. Kinzie and Gholson Kercheval. As Fort Dearborn had been evacuated by the United States troops during the preceding year, and the friction which cul- minated in the Black Hawk War in the fol- lowing year had already become manifest on the Mississippi, there was considerable nervoua- ness among the few white residents in view of HISTORICAL EKCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 653 the hostile attitude manifested by some of the Pottawatomie chiefs. An outbreak was averted by the firmness aud good sense of Colonel Owen and the fidelity of some of the half-breeds who had been residents of Chicago for many years, especially including in this number Capt. Billy Caldwell, the famous "Sauganash." Although attention had been directed to the new town by its erection into the seat of jus- tice for Cook County in 1831, its growth during the next two years was slow. Among the more important accessions to the population about this time were Col. R. J. Hamilton, George W. Dole, Mark and John Noble, Dr. Elijah D. Har- mon, and a few others who, in after years, became prominent in Chicago history. Colonel Hamilton, who had been identified with the infantile banking interests for ten years in the southern portion of the State, came here early in 1831, to assume the duties of Probate Judge in the new county by appointment of Governor Reynolds. In after years he held simultane- ously — besides the position of Probate Judge — the oflices of Circuit and County Clerk, Recorder and Commissioner of School Lands, and was also, for a time, a Colonel of the State Militia. Mr. Dole became one of Chicago's most prominent and successful merchants and, as the associate of Archibald Clybourn, the Noble Brothers and Gurdon S. Hubbard, was one of the first to set in motion enterprises which have since grown into such vast proportions as to make Chicago the greatest stock market in the world. ( See Chicago Live Stock and Meat-Pack- ing Industry.) CHAPTER XIV. SOME INDIAN HISTORY. THE BLACK HAWK yfAS, EPISODE RECEIPT OF THE NEWS IN CHICAGO AND PREPARATIONS FOR DEFENSE SERVICE RENDERED BY CHIEF SHA- BONA, BILLY CALDWELL AND ALEXANDER ROB- INSON REFUGEES SEEK SAFETY IN FORT DEAR- BORN ORGANIZATION OF VOLUNTEERS — GEN. SCOTT'S TROOPS ATTACKED BY CHOLERA THE INDIAN TREATY OF 1833 DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENT BY AN ENGLISH TRAVELER. The events leading up to the Black Hawk War of 1832 produced a condition approaching universal panic throughout Northern Illinois, which did not fail to communicate itself to the few residents about Chicago. The alarm was all the greater in view of the fact that Fort Dearborn was then unoccupied as a military post, the troops having been transferred during the previous year to Fort Howard (Green Bay). The first rumor of the threatened outbreak is said to have been brought to Chicago by Hon. Richard M. Young, then a Justice of the Circuit Court for the northern part of the State, who, on making the journey from Galena in com- pany with Benjamin Mills and J. M. Strode, had learned at Dixon of the appearance of Black Hawk's hostile band on Rock River. The hos- tile savages did not approach nearer to Chicago than the vicinity of Naperville in Dupage County, but the alarming reports of outrages, reaching Chicago almost daily, produced the wildest consternation among its few citizens and the refugees gathered there. As he had done during the "Winnebago Scare" of 1827, the friendly Pottawatomie Chief Shabona ren- dered the whites valuable service by warning the settlers along the Fox River, and exerting his influence among the Pottawatomies to pre- serve the peace, as Billy Caldwell and Alexan- der Robinson did about Chicago. The pioneer families settled along the Des Plaines and Fox Rivers, sought refuge at Fort Dearborn until it was estimated that, by the latter part of May, five hundred fugitives had collected at the fort and its vicinity. Aid consisting of small com- panies of volunteers came from the vicinity of Niles, Mich., and Danville, 111., while two or three small companies were organized from set- tlers about Chicago and refugees from the sur- rounding country. One of the earliest of these, organized under command of Capt. Gholson Kercheval, with George W. Dole and John S. C. Hogan, as First and Second Lieutenants, embraced among its rank and file such familiar names as Richard J. Hamilton, Isaac D. Har- mon, Samuel Miller, James Kinzie, Samuel Ellis, David McKee and other well-known early settlers. Another company organized still later with Joseph Naper, one of the founders of Naperville, as its head, included P. F. W. Peck, Alanson Sweet, Lyman Butterfield, Isaac P. Blodgett (father of Judge Henry W. Blodgett), Richard M. Sweet, Calvin M. and Augustine Stowell and some twenty-five others. Another organization made up of refugees and local 654 HISTORICAL EN^CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. settlers -was under command of Capt. J. B. Beaubien, while a company of some fifty Potta- watomies, under command of Robert Kinzie, rendered good service as scouts in the region now embraced in Cook and adjoining counties. Among the settlers from distant localities who took refuge in Fort Dearborn were those from Naperville and Plainfield. At the latter place a considerable number of fugitives had taken refuge in a hastily constructed block-house, from which they were removed under escort to Chicago for safety. On June 17, Fort Dearborn was occupied by two companies of United States infantry under command of Maj. William Whistler, the son of the builder of the first Fort Dearborn. While this compelled the set- tlers who had taken refuge in the fort to find quarters elsewhere, it assisted to restore con- fidence in their general security. Besides anxiety for the safety of friends, refugees were compelled to endure many privations in the abandonment of their property and for lack of shelter and supplies. One of the tragic events of this period in the region adjacent to Chi- cago, was the massacre of the Hall, Davis and Pettegrew families on Indian Creek in La Salle County, in which sixteen lives were sacrificed. On July 10, the steamer "Sheldon Thompson" reached Chicago, bringing four companies of United States troops under command of Gen. Winfield Scott, intended to reinforce the troops then in pursuit of Black Hawk. These, however, brought with them a peril no less dreaded than the Indians. Before their arrival the Asi- atic cholera had obtained a foothold among the troops, and Fort Dearborn was immediately transformed into a hospital. Another detach- ment which arrived a week later by the "Wil- liam Penn," was in a similar condition, and in the course of ten days the number of soldiers who succumbed to the fell disease has been estimated at one hundred. On the 20th of July Gen. Scott removed his command to the Des Plalnes, encamping about where Riverside now Is — a step which was attended with beneficial results aa to their health. Soon after Intelli- gence was received of the final defeat of Black Hawk at the Bad Axe in Wisconsin, and Gen- eral Scott's forces made their way across the State to P'ort Armstrong (Rock Island) with- out havijiK an opportunity to participate in the war. (See lilack Hawk War, Hist. Ency. of III., pp. 608-615.) TUE INDIAN TREATY OF 1833. An event of importance connected with this period was the Council at Chicago with the Pottawatomie, Chippewa and Ottawa Indians, which resulted in the Treaty of September, 1833. Following upon the Black Hawk War of the previous year, it gave a new and pow- erful impetus to the development of the embryo city. It was estimated that 7,000 Indians were present at the council, and for days the streets of the frontier village were thronged with sav- ages, and the shrubs lighted with their camp fires. Charles J. Latrobe, an English traveler who happened to be in Chicago at the time, has left a graphic account of the event, of which the following is a brief extract: "We found the village on our arrival crowded to excess, and we procured with great difficulty a small apartment, comfortless and noisy from its close proximity to others, but quite as good as we could have hoped for. . . . The village and its occupants pre- sented a most motley scene. The fort con- tained within its palisades by far the most enlightened residents in the little knot of officers attached to the slender garrison. The quarters were too confined to afford place for the Government Commissioners, for whom and a crowd of dependents a temporary set of plank huts were erected on the north side of the river "With immigrants and land speculators as numerous as the sand, you will find horse- dealers and horse-stealers — rogues of every description — white, black, brown and red; half-breeds, quarter-breeds and men of no breed at all; dealers in pigs, poultry and pota- toes; . . . sharpers of every degree; ped- dlers, grog-sellers; Indian Agents and Indian traders of every description The little village was in an uproar from morning to night, and from night to morning; for during the hours of darkness, when the housed portion of the population of Chicago strove to obtain repose in the crowded plank edifices of the village, the Indians howled, sang, wept and whooped in their various encampments All was bustle and tumult, especially at the houses set apart for the distril)ution of the rations Frame and clapboard houses were springing up daily under the active axes and hammers of the speculators, and piles of lumber HISTOEICAL EKCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 655 announced the preparation for yet other edi- fices of an equally light character. . . . Within the vile two-storied barrack which, dignified, as usual, by the title of hotel, afforded us quarters, all was in a state of most appalling confusion, filth and racket. . . . Far and wide the grassy prairie teemed with figures; warriors mounted or on foot, squaws and horses." The Commissioners engaged in negotiating the treaty on the part of the United States were George B. Porter, Thomas J. V. Owen and William Weatherford, and the treaty was concluded September 26, 1838. The lands ceded by the Indians embraced a little over 5,000,000 acres in Northern Illinois and Eastern Wiscon- sin, in consideration for a like area west of the Mississippi, besides money and goods amount- ing to over $1,000,000. A large proportion of the latter went into the hands of alleged cred- itors of the Indians. The affair ended in a spec- tacular war dance participated in by eight hun- dred braves. CHAPTER XV. CHICAGO IN DEVELOPMENT. AN ERA OF PROGRESS AFTER THE BLACK HAWK WAR EARLY BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN — GROWTH IN 1833 — "a VILLAGE OF PIKE COUNTY" IN 1823 CHICAGO INCORPORATED AS A TOWN IN 1833 — ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FIRST NEWS- PAPER — CHICAGO IN 1833-1837 — the "land craze" — SOME CONTEMPORANEOUS DESCRIP- TIONS OF THE PLACE — INCORPORATED AS A CITY — ^FINANCIAL REVULSION OF 1837 GROWTH IN AREA AND POPULATION FROM 1837 TO 1900. While the Black Hawk War proved a tem- porary check to the growth of Chicago thus early in its history, it became the means, indi- rectly, of attracting wide attention to the com- mercial advantages of the place through the presence here of persons from distant portions of the country in the character of soldiers or otherwise. As a consequence a strong tide of immigration set in immediately thereafter, which continued with increasing volume for the next four years. Among those who arrived during this period and afterwards became prom- inent as business or professional men, were Philo Carpenter, John S. Wright, D. Philip Maxwell, Dr. E. S. Kimberly, John D. Caton, John K. Botsford, Silas B. Cobb, Charles Cleaver, Walter Kimball, H. W. Knickerbocker. Asahel Pierce, Dr. John T. Temple and Rev. Jeremiah Porter. Up to this time Chicago was almost wholly a village of log cabisis, but during the year 1833 it is estimated that one hundred and sixty-five frame buildings were erected. This was also the year of the erec- tion of the first brick building in Chicago out- side of Fort Dearborn, the builders being Alan- son Sweet and William Worthington. The improvement of the Chicago harbor the same year, based upon an appropriation of $25,000 by Congress, with the result that the channel of the Chicago River was straightened into Lake Michigan, and, on 'July 11, 1834, the schooner "Illinois," the first large vessel to enter the river, crossed the bar and sailed into the harbor amid great public rejoicing. CHICAGO INCORPORATED. Another event of 1833 was the formal incor- poration of the town of Chicago, which, in "Beck's Gazetteer" (1823), had been described as "a. village of Pike County" with "twelve or fifteen houses and about 60 or 70 inhabitants," and which in 1831, had become the county-seat of Cook County. The decision to incorporate was reached at a public meeting held August 5th, at which only one dissenting vote was cast. At an election for the choice of a Board of Trus- tees, held at the house of Mark Beaubien, 28 votes were cast, resulting in the election of Thomas J. V. Owen, George W. Dole, Medore Beaubien, John Miller and E. S. Kimberly. Owen was chosen President of the Board, Isaac Harmon Clerk, and George W. Dole Treasurer. On November 6th the limits of the town were extended to Jackson Street on the south, Jef- ferson Street on the west, Ohio Street on the north and State Street on the east. Other notable events of this year were the establishment of the first newspaper — "The Chicago Democrat" — by John Calhoun, which commenced publication November 26th; * the first log-jail was built, and the first public school was opened under the instruction of Miss Eliza Chappell. During the same year occurred the sale of school lands (the 16th sec- tion) in the township embraced within the city of Chicago. These lands were located in the 656 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. very heart of the present city, the whole sec- tion, with the exception of four blocks, being sold, realizing less than $39,000. From 1833 to 1S37 something like a "land craze" prevailed at Chicago, as at many other places throughout the West, and the increase in values, as well as in population, was phe- nomenal. The bona fide population of the vil- lage at the close of the year first named has been estimated at 200; in 1834 it was claimed to be 1,600; in 1836 a school census showed 3,279, and, in 1837, the first census under the new city government showed a total of 4,179. Some contemporary opinions of the future emporium of the West will be of interest, as indicating its growth about this period. Charles Fenno Hoffman, a popular writer and, for a time, editor of the "Knickerbocker Maga- zine," in a series of letters under the title, "A Winter in the West," early in 1834, wrote as follows: "The writer is informed by a gentleman recently from Illinois that Chicago, which, but eighteen months since, contained but two or three frame buildings and a few miserable huts, has now 500 houses, 400 of which have been erected this year, and 2,200 inhabitants. A year ago there was not a place of worship in the town; there are now five churches and two schoolhouses, and numerous brick stores and warehouses." In another letter written from Chicago a few weeks later, Mr. Hoffman spoke of the town as destined, from the improve- ments already under way for the ensu- ing season, to assume a "metropolitan appearance." "As a place of business," he predicted that, "its situation at the central head of the Mississippi Valley, will make it the New Orleans of the North." One of Mr. Hoff- man's letters was devoted entirely to a descrip- tion of a wolf-hunt on the Des Plaines River, in which he took part with a number of ladies and gentlemen from Chicago. Rev. .John M. Peck, in his "New Guide for Emigrants for the West," published in 1836. spoke of Chicago as "the largest commercial town of IllinolR . . . said to contain .'il BtorcH, 30 groi-erles, 10 taverns, 12 physicians, 21 attorneys and 4,000 Inhabitants." Hon. H. L. EllHWorlh, at the time Superin- tendent of the Patent Office at Washington, In a volume entitled "Illinois in 1837," wrote of Chicago as follows: "Its growth, even for western cities, has been unexampled. In Dr. Beck's Gazetteer, published in 1823, Chicago is described as a village of ten or twelve houses, and 60 or 70 inhabitants. In 1832 it contained five small stores and 250 inhabitants; and now (1837) the population amounts to 8,000 (an exag- gerated estimate, however — Ed.) with 120 stores, besides a number of groceries. . . . It has also twelve public houses, three news- papers, nearly 50 lawyers and upwards of 30 physicians." One of the most noteworthy, as well as enthu- siastic descriptions of the Chicago of 1837, was contributed by a correspondent of the "Penn- sylvania Inquirer and Daily Courier" of Phila- delphia, over the signature, "A Rambler in the West." In one of his letters "A Rambler" writes : "Chicago is, without doubt, the greatest wonder in this wonderful country. Four years ago the savage Indian there built his wigwam — the noble stag there was undis- mayed by his own image reflected in the pol- ished mirror of the glassy lake — the adven- turous settler there cultivated a small por- tion of those fertile prairies, and was living far, far away from the comforts of civiliza- tion. Four years have rolled by and have changed that scene. That Indian is now driven far west of the Mississippi; he has left his native hills, his hunting grounds, the grave of his father, and now is building his home in the Far West, again to be driven away by the tide of emigration. That gallant stag no longer bounds secure over these mighty plains, but startles at the rustling of every leaf or sighing of every wind, fearing the rifles of the numerous Nimrods who now pursue the daring chase. That adventurous settler is now surrounded by luxury and refinement; a city with a population of over 6,000 souls has now arisen; its spires glitter in the morning sun; its wharves are crowded by the vessels of trade; its streets are alive with the busy hum of commerce. "The wand of the magician never effected changes like these; nay, Aladdin's lamp, in all its glory, never performed greater won- ders. I3ut the growth of the town, extraor- HISTORICAL EN'CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 657 dinary as it is, bears no comparison with that of its commerce. In 1833 there were bm four arrivals — or about 60,000 tons. Point me, if you can, to any place in this land, whose trade has increased in like proportion. What has produced this great prosperity? I answer, its great natural advantages and the untiring enterprise of its citizens. Its situa- tion is unsurpassed by any in our land. Lake Michigan opens up to it the trade of the North and the East, and the Illinois and Michigan Canal, when completed, will open up the trade of the South and West. But the great share of its prosperity is to be attributed to the enterprise of its citizens." How far the enthusiastic dream of "A Rambler" has been surpassed by the reality in a little more than three-score years, is a story already familiar to the world. In common with the entire country, Chicago felt most keenly the effects of the financial revulsion of 1837. During a considerable part of the next five years, the financial disasters which had overtaken the State, compelled the suspension of work on the Illinois and Michigan Canal, which had been entered upon in 1836, and upon the completion of which the future growth of the city was so closely dependent. As a consequence there was a rapid deprecia- tion in the value of real estate and a general stagnation in business, which had the effect to check the tide of immigration which had been so marked a feature of the four years following the Black Hawk War and the Indian treaty of 1833. About 1842 there was a revival of busi- ness and immigration, which was made evident by the State census of 1845 showing a popula- tion of over 12,000, and was still more marked by the United States census of 1850, when the population had grown to more than 28,000 — an increase of over 600 per cent as compared with that of ten years previous. In 1844 it has been estimated that over 600 new buildings were erected. On March 4, 1837, the State Legislature passed an act granting a special charter author- izing Chicago to organize a city government. The first election under this act was held on the first Tuesday in May, following, resulting in the election of William B. Ogden the first Mayor, the total vote cast being 703. The first charter fixed the term of the Mayor at one year, but in 1863 it was changed to two years. In the sixty-eight years that have elapsed since the organization of a city government thirty different persons have occupied the chair of Mayor — eighteen under the one-year rule, and twelve under the two-year period. Of the one- year class, ten held office for one term each and eight for two terms each; while of the two-year class, nine held oflSce for one term each, one for two terms, one (Carter H. Harrison, Sr.) five terms, and one (Carter H. Harrison, Jr.) is now (1904) serving his fourth consecutive term. Embracing an area of 2.55 square miles at the date of its incorporation as a town in 1835, Chicago has grown by successive annexations until now (1905) it covers 190.64 square miles, including seven entire townships, viz.: North, South and West Chicago, Hyde Park, Lake, Lake View and Jefferson, with parts of Calu- met, Cicero, Evanston, Maine, Niles and Nor- wood Park Townships. The following table presents the population of Chicago, as officially reported at different periods during its history as a city: 1837 4,179 I 1870 298,977 1840 4,470 I 1880 503,185 1850 28,269 j 1890 1,099,850 1860 112,162 I 1900 1,698,575 Population 1903 (est.) 1,885,000. SUBURBAN VILLAGES ABSORBED BY CHICAGO. One of the most noteworthy evidences of the change that has been going on in Cook County within the past twenty years, has been the absorption of outlying villages and townships within the city of Chicago. As already explained in the opening pages of this chapter, the city now embraces seven full townships, which formerly had an independent existence, while it has absorbed parts of five others. One of the interesting features in the history of these changes relates to the large number of suburban villages which have been swept into the city by the various annexations which have taken place within the past fifteen years. The fever for annexation began in 1869, and since that time there have been ten successive annexations, which have more than quadrupled ■the area of the city and added largely to the population by annexation alone, as well as given room for further development. Previous to the date first named, the northern limit was at Fullerton Avenue, the southern at Thirty- ninth Street, and the western at Fortieth Ave- nue. Since then the city limits have been 658 mSTOKICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. moved six and a half miles farther north, thir- teen miles farther south to One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Street, four miles farther west — making the city over twenty-five miles in length from north to south, with an average width of about seven and a half miles to make up its area of 191 square miles. The record breaking year in the way of annexations was 1889, when nearly four congressional townships (about 140 square miles) were brought within the city limits. These comprised the whole of Jefferson and Lake View Townships on the north, and Lake and Hyde Park Townships on the south. The town of Hyde Park was organized in 1861, being set apart from Lake Township, its area at first extending from Thirty-ninth Street on the north to Eighty-seventh Street on the south, and from Grand Boulevard, or South Park Avenue, on the west to Michigan on the east. In 1867 its limits were extended south to One Hundred Thirty-eighth Street on the south and to Indiana State line on the east. \\Tiile Hyde Park Township, at the date of its annexation to the city in 1889, constituted a municipal corporation with a population of some 80,000, it was made up of a large number of incipient villages, or hamlets,' which had sprung into existence at different periods. One of the most important of these was known as Oakland — also as Cleaver vi 11 e(, from Charles Cleaver who settled in Ellis Avenue south of Thirty-ninth Street in 1853. It is only possible here to make mention of some of the most important incidents in the history of this local- ity, but it was, for a time, the residence of some of the most prominent citizens of Chi- cago Village, Oolehour, Cummings, Hegewisch, township were Forrestville, Egandale, Grand Crossing, Cornell, Brookline, Cheltenham Beach, South Chicago. City of Calumet, South Chi- cago Village, Colehour, Cummings, Hegewisch, Riverdale, Wildwood, Kensington, Roseland, Pullman. North Pullman, etc. Some of these were simply residence districts— taking their names, like Egandale and Cornell, from their most prominent families, while others, like Pullman. Colehour, Cummings, Hegewisch, KfnHlngton, etc., were manufacturing centers, or points of Junction of different lines of rail- road approaching Chicago. The most important of these was Pullman, which, starting a.s a nianufaciurlng suburb, grew to the proportions of a mrxlel city, and now constitutes one of the most busy and prosperous parts of the city of Chicago. Lake Township, one of the early voting pre- cincts of Cook County, later one of the town- ships organized in 1850, and incorporated as a village in 1855, comprised within its area a num- ber of industrial and residence centers, though not formally incorporated as villages. The most important of these was the Union Stock Yards, which would rank as a city in itself today, if the number of persons finding employ- ment there, and the volume of financial trans- actions were alone taken into account. Engle- wood. South Englewood, and Auburn were prom- ising residence districts, while Normalville was the location of the Cook County Normal School. South Lynn and South Brighton were also the beginnings of residence suburbs, the latter in the immediate vicinity of what is now known as McKinley Park. On the North Side, Lake View Township, lying between the City of Chicago and Evanston, and embracing an area five miles in length, with an average of two and a half in breadth along the lake shore, and including a portion of Lin- coln Park, was known previous to the annexa- tion period as one of the choice residence sub- urbs of Chicago. This applies especially to the village of Ravenswood, situated on the Mil- waukee Division of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad. The first settlement was made in the township previous to 1837. The north branch of the Chicago River flows near the west line of what was Lake View Township and across its southwest corner. Rosehill and Graceland cemeteries, two of the most noted cemeteries near Chicago, are both within the limits of the original Lake View Township, now, as already explained, a part of Chicago. Jefferson Township, originally another sub- urban district to the northwest of Chicago but now a part of the city, is believed to have been settled first in 1830, by John K. Clark, a rela- tive of the Kinzies and Clybourns. Other early settlers in the township were Mark Noble, George Bickerdike and Joseph Lovell. A number of prosperous villages were located in this township previous to the date of annexS/- tion, all being now within the city of Chicago. The most important were Humboldt Park, Cragln, Avondaie, Mont Clare, Forest Glen, Bowmanvllle, Galewood, Montrose, Garfield] and Pennock. Several of these, like Humboldt j Park and Garfield, have given names to impor- tant localities within the city. MuimasLL Pu,b Cc Y^Cj^-^ i HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 659 CHAPTER XVI. RAILWAY PROGRESS. CHICAGO AS A RAILWAY CENTEB — THE GALENA & CHICAGO UNION THE PIONEER LINE PRINCIPAI, LINES NOW OPERATING STREET RAILWAY HIS- TORY — SURFACE AND ELEVATED LINES — INTER- URBAN TROLLEY ROADS THE FOX RIVER VALLEY SYSTEMS CHICAGO & JOLIET LINE. Chicago was still in the primitive condition of a pioneer settlement and Indian trading post when railway construction began in the older sections of the Union, and had scarcely entered upon the condition of an embryonic city when the first railroad was built in the State of Illi- nois. Consequently it wasi tardy in entering upon its career of railroad construction, yet in the half-century, which has since elapsed, it has become the center of a larger mileage of tributary railway lines than any other city in the country — or, for that matter, in the world. Of over twenty corporations now operating main or trunk lines into the city of Chicago, several have control, either by lease or pur- chase, of subsidiary lines leading into the city or directly tributary to it. The whole num- ber of original lines centering at Chicago as a terminal point has numbered not less than thirty-five, of which several have been known by different names. The first railroad to be constructed with Chicago as the starting point, was the Galena & Chicago Union — now a part of the Chicago & Northwestern — originally chartered in 1836, although the work of actual construction was not fairly begun until 1847. As its name indicates, this line was intended to connect the cities of Galena and Chicago. The first ten miles of the line west from the city of Chicago were so far completed as to permit the running of a train over it in Decem- ber, 1848, — an event celebrated with great enthusiasm by the people. This was ten years after the first locomotive had been placed on the track of the Northern Cross Railroad (now a part of the Wabash System), and about nine years after the completion of that line from the Illinois River to Jacksonville. The following table presents a list of the trunk line railways centering at Chicago with the mileage operated by each, as stated in the Report of the Illinois Railway Commission for 1903: TRUNK LINES. MILEAGE. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe 4,828.86 Baltimore & Ohio 3,832.89 Chicago & Alton 898.04 Chicago & Eastern Illinois 728.36 Chicago & Western Indiana 27.27 Chicago & Erie 249.57 Chicago & Grand Trunk 330.40 Chicago & Northwestern 7,327.38 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy 8,095.69 Chicago Great Western 846.18 Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville (Monon Route) 536.89 Chicago, Indianapolis & Western 361.45 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul 6,669.20 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific 5,184.05 Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis 1,807.34 Illinois Central 4,288.13 Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 1,411.16 Michigan Central 1,650.18 New York, Chicago & St. Louis (Nickel Plate) 512.52 Pennsylvania Lines (Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago) 1,470.78 Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis 1,356.39 Wabash 2,044.70 Wisconsin Central 815.70 Total 55,265.13 While the main lines radiating from Chicago give close connection with other trunk lines leading to both the Atlantic and the Pacific, as well as to the Gulf Coast and Canada, there are a number of short lines directly tributary to the city which add largely to the general vol- ume of business. The gross earnings of the twenty-two roads constituting the Chicago Rail- road Association for the year 1903, aggregated ?660, 800,972, showing an increase of 87 per cent in the income of the same lines in the past ten years, while the increase in mileage of the same companies, during the same period, amounted to 26 per cent. The total number of passenger trains arriving at and departing from Chicago per day (Sundays excepted) at the present time (1904) amounts to 1,144, of which 333 are through express trains and 811 are accommodation and suburban trains. The aver- 66o HISTORICAL EiNCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. age number of freight trains arriving and departing daily is estimated at 325 outgoing and 324 incoming trains, making a total of 6-19 within twenty-four hours. The total amount of freight handled by Chicago roads aggi-egates 41 per cent of the entire freight ton- nage of the United States, making Chicago the largest railroad center in the world. Besides many substations within the city limits, the general passenger business of roads entering Chicago is handled at six separate ter- minal stations, located in different parts of the city but conveniently accessible from the prin- cipal hotels. Central Station, located at No. 1 Lake Park Place, is used by five main lines; Dearborn Station, on Polk Street facing Dear- born, by nine lines; Grand Central Passenger Station, Harrison Street and Fifth Avenue, by five lines; La Salle Street Station, 136 to 154 Van Buren Street, by three lines; Northwestern Depot, North Wells and Kinzie Streets, by the Chicago & Northwestern; and the Union Depot, Canal and Adams Streets, by five lines. STREET RAILWAYS. The history of street railways in Chicago begins with the construction of a line in State Street authorized by ordinance of the City Council in 1856, and later granted special char- ter by act of the General Assembly, although the work of actual construction did not com- mence until nearly three years later. The line, as originally opened in April, 1859, extended south to Twelfth Street, and was, of course, operated by horse-power, as all street-car lines were in that day. The progress made in this department within the last forty years is indi- cated not only in the increased mileage, but in the style of construction, horse-power having given way almost entirely to cable and electric power. Reduced to single track, the mileage of ten surface and six elevated lines amounts to more than 1,000 miles. The following is a list of the lines as reported for July, 1901, since when there have been few changes. 8UIIFACE LINES. Calumet Elot-trlc Street Railway (trolley) operates 72 miles of owned and 5 miles of leased track— total ChlraKo City Railway (cable, trolley and horse) General Electric (controlled by Chl- Trnckagc— In miles. 77. 209 . 82 Trackage— Id miles. cage City Railway Company — operated by storage battery.. .. 56. Chicago Electric Traction (trolley). 28. Chicago General Railway (electric). 22. Chicago Union Traction (cable and electric) includes: West Side System 202.70 North Side System 94.33 Chicago Consolidated Trac- tion 205 . 71 502 . 74 Northern Electric Railway 5. South Chicago City Railway 37. Total 937.56 ELEVATED LINES. As the city has extended its area and the downtown streets have become more and more congested with traffic and travel, there has been a constantly increasing demand, during the last few years, for relief by the construc- tion of elevated lines, thereby securing both speed and safety. The first line of this class to be constructed was the South Side Elevated (popularly known as the "Alley L") chartered as the "Chicago and South Side Rapid Transit Railroad" in 1888, and completed from Con- gress Street to Thirty-ninth Street in 1892, and to Jackson Park (8.56 miles) in May, 1893, becoming an important factor in connection with the World's Fair. It is a double-track line with switches and sidetracks, making a total trackage of 19.44 miles. A most important part of the elevated rail- road system is the "Union Loop," extending north on Wabash Avenue to Lake Street, west on Lake to Fifth Avenue, south on Fifth Avenue to Van Buren and east on Van Buren to Wabash Avenue. The company was organized in 1894 for the purpose of constructing a road to connect the several elevated lines, and owns approximately two miles of double-track — total trackage, about four miles. The "Loop" is used for turning purposes by the following lines: Lake Street Elevated, Metropolitan West Side Elevated, Northwestern Elevated and South Side Elevated. The Union Consolidated Ele- vated Railroad is a short line extending in Van Buren Street from Fifth Avenue to Market Street, and is operated by the Metropolitan Elevated, furnishing the latter with a connec- tion with the Union Loop. The Lake Street Elevated was chartered in 1888, but not constructed until several years later. Besides the Union T.,oop Division it oper- mSTOEICAL EJ^CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 66 1 ates 6.5 miles of double-track elevated line from Fifth Avenue to West Fifty-second Street, and 4.3 miles of surface track. The Metropolitan West Side Elevated was organized in 1892, and in May, 1901, operated over 17 miles of road (lineal measure) exclu- sive of the Union Loop, made up of the main line and two branches. A part of this is 4- track and the remainder double-track, making a total of 37.9 miles single track. The Northwestern Elevated (May, 1901), is made up of .92 mile double-track from Lake Street to Institute Place; 5.52 4-track line from Institute Place to Wilson Avenue; besides one and a half miles for storage purposes. The total length of line operated for transportation purposes in 1903 was 8.42 miles, or about 25 miles of single-track. At the present time (January, 1905) the Northwestern Elevated is constructing a line to the Ravenswood district in the northwest part of the city. The aggregate of all the elevated lines oper- ated in Chicago, at the present time is esti- mated, approximately, as follows: Length in miles. Lalie Street Elevated *10 . 8 Metropolitan West Side Elevated 17.35 Northwestern Elevated 8.42 South Side Elevated 8.72 Union Loop 1.98 Total 47.27 INTERURBAN LINES. About five years ago the attention of capital- ists began to be attracted to projects for the construction of electric lines of railway, con- necting various suburban towns with the city of Chicago, and during the past three years the work of construction has been going on with great activity. The earliest of these lines, known as the "Suburban Railroad," was char- tered in 1895, for the purpose of constructing a trolley line connecting Chicago with Elgin, Aurora, Joliet and intermediate points. During 1900 this line was completed by way of River Forest, Riverside and Grossdale to La Grange — by way of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad some fourteen miles from the city — and the company has been operating over 3314 miles of owned single track, besides 22^4 miles of leased track belonging to the Chicago *4.3 miles of this line is surface road. Terminal Transfer Company, thereby securing connection with Oak Park, Ridgeland, Harlem and the Metropolitan West Side Elevated Road. One of the most extensive interurban lines projected is the Aurora, Wheaton & Chicago Railroad, designed to connect the places named in the title. Early in 1901 the company absorbed several other similar enterprises, including the Elgin, Carpentersville & Aurora; the Aurora Street Railway; the Aurora & Gen- eva; the Aurora, Yorkville & Morris, and the Geneva, Batavia & Southern. When completed, the parent road, extending from Fifty-second Avenue in Chicago (where it has connection with the Metropolitan Elevated), will connect with Wheaton, Aurora, Elgin, Warrenhurst and Batavia — a total of 55 miles. About July 1, 1901, it had 71 miles, single-track measurement, in operation, and before the close of the year the principal towns of the Fox River Valley between Yorkville, in Kendall County, and Dundee, in Kane County, were in communica- tion with each other and the city of Chicago. Ultimately these rural lines will establish con- nections with similar lines extending to Rock- ford, Belvidere, Freeport, etc., forming a per- fect network of electric lines over Northern Illinois. One of the most important of these inter- urban lines is the Chicago & Joliet, extending from Forty-eighth Street and Archer Avenue in the city of Chicago to Joliet — a distance of 40 miles — which was opened in September, 1901, and will, no doubt, be extended down the valley of the Illinois, and ultimately form a connection with rural lines projected and in process of construction from Springfield and Bloomington northward. The total trackage of the Joliet line (1903) aggregates 48% miles. The Chicago & Milwaukee Electric Railway, designed to connect Chicago with Milwaukee and intermediate points, has been completed (1901) to Waukegan, a distance of 30 miles from the city limits and 28 miles from Evans- ton. The Hammond, Whiting & . East Chicago Electric Railway, extending from Hammond to East Chicago and Whiting in Lake County, Ind., though wholly within the State of Indi- ana, is directly connected with the Chicago system. The company owns 22 miles of trolley line. 662 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. CHAPTER XVII. POLITICAL. CHICAGO AS A POLITICAL CENTER NATIONAL POL- ITICAL CONTENTIONS NOMINATION OF LINCOLN IN 1860 OTHER NOTABLE CONVENTIONS CITI- ZENS OF COOK COUNTY WHO HAVE HELD STATE OFFICES — COOK COUNTY CITIZENS IN THE COUN- CILS OF THE NATION UNITED STATES SENATORS AND REPltESENTATR'ES IN CONGRESS — ^PRESENT REPRESENTATION (1904) IN CONGRESS — LEGIS- LATIVE DISTRICTS IN COOK COUNTY. The importance of Chicago as a political cen- ter is indicated in the fact that, within the last forty-four years (1860-1904), it has been the point for the holding of more National conven- tions of the respective political parties than any other single city in the country since the foundation of the Republic. Commencing with the memorable convention of May 16, 1860, which resulted in the nomination of Abraham Lincoln for President, and Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, for Vice-President, there have been six National conventions of the Republican "party and four Democratic. The dates of Republican conventions, besides that of 1860, have been as follows: May 21, 1868, at which Gen. U. S. Grant was nominated for the Presi- dency and Schuyler Colfax for Vice-President; June 2-8, 1880, resulting in the nomination of James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur; June 3, 1884, when James G. Blaine and Gen. John A. Logan were nominated for President and Vice-President; June 20-25, 1888, which ended In the first nomination of Benjamin Harrison for President and I^vi P. Morton for Vice- President; the sixth being the convention of June 21-23. 1904, at which Theodore Roosevelt was nominated* for the Presidency and Charles W. Fairbanks of Indiana, for the Vice-Presi- dency. Of these conventions, that of 1860, marking the beginning of Republican rule in national affairs and the agitation which termi- nated In the Civil War; that of 1880, when a sturdy struggle was made for the nomination of Gen. Grant for the Presidency for a third term, and that of 1904, at which the nomina- tion of both candidates on the national ticket was accomplished by acclamation, will gener- ally be regarded as most noteworthy. The National conventions of the Democratic party were held, respectively, August 29, 1864 — this date being a postponement from July 4 preceding — which ended in the nomination of George B. McClellan and George H. Pendleton; July 10, 1884, when Grover Cleveland was nom- inated for the first time; June 21, 1892, when Mr. Cleveland received his third nomination for the Presidency, with Adlai E. Stevenson, of Illinois, as his running mate for the Vice- Presidency; while the fourth was that of July 7-10, 1896, at which William J. Bryan received his first nomination for the Presidency. Of these the conventions of 1864 and 1896 were probably the most notable — the first resulting in the choice of a candidate for the Presidency of a man who had been in command of the Union armies in the field on a platform declar- ing the war "a failure;" while the second was notable for the display of oratory during its deliberations and the declaration of the party in favor of free-coinage of silver on the basis of 16 to 1 of gold — a position which the party maintained for the next eight years. On the other hand, the conventions of 1884 and 1892 — at both of which Mr. Cleveland was nominated for the Presidency — resulted in the only suc- cesses which the party has attained in national campaigns since 1856. CITIZENS OF COOK COUNTY WHO HAVE HELD STATE OFFICES. "While Chicago has been an important and constantly growing factor in National and State politics, the number of its citizens who have held executive and other prominent positions in connection with the National and State gov- ernments has not been large. Up to 1904 only two citizens of Cook County had held the office of Governor, viz.: John L. Beveridge, who was elected Lieutenant-Governor on the same ticket with Governor Oglesby, and, on the election of the latter to the United States Senate ten days after his inauguration, succeeded to the gov- ernorship; and John P. Altgeld, who was elected Governor In 1892. November 8, 1904, Charles S. Deneen, who had previously served as a member of the lower branch of the Gen- eral Assembly from Cook County, and two terms in the office of Slate's Attorney, was elected Governor on the Republican ticket by the unprecedented plurality, for the whole HISTORICAL EN'CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 663 State, of over 300,000 votes, of which Cook County furnished over 130,000 — his majority within the county over all other candidates for the office of Governor being 81,560 votes. Those who have held the office of Lieutenant- Governor by election, have been: Hon. Fran- cis A. Hoffman, 1861-65 (elected with the first Gov. Richard Yates); William Bross, 1865-69; John L. Beveridge, Jan. 13 to 23, 1873, when he succeeded to the governorship; Andrew Shuman, 1877-81; Gen. John C. Smith, 1885-89. The only citizen of Cook County who ever occupied the office of Secretary of State was David L. Gregg, who had previously been a citi- ,zen of Will County and editor of the first paper established at Joliet. He held the office from 1850 to 1853, as successor to Horace S. Cooley, who died in office during the year first named. Gregg had previously been a member of the Legislature from the Will County District, and after his retirement from the Secretaryship, served as Commissioner to the Sandwich Islands by appointment of President Pierce. The following citizens of Cook County have served in the office of State Treasurer: Gen. George W. Smith, 1867-69; Edward Rutz, 1881-83 — having previously served two terms as a res- ident of St. Clair County; Jacob Gross, 1885-87; Henry WulfE, 1895-97; Henry L. Hertz, 1897-99. COOK COUNTY CITIZENS IN THE NATIONAL COUN- CILS. In the councils of the Nation Chicago has exerted a marked influence, although, of twen- ty-seven men who have held the position of United States Senator from Illinois, for one or more terms, up to the present time (1904), only five were residents of Chicago for at least a part of their terms of service, though men of wide national reputation. The list includes the names of Stephen A. Douglas, who was Sen- ator from 1847 to 1861; Lyman Trumbull, 1855 to 1873; John A. Logan, 1871 to 1877 and 1879 to 1886; Charles B. Farwell, 1887 to 1891, and William E. Mason, 1897 to 1903. Of these all except Farwell and Mason were elected for three terms each, Douglas and Logan dying before the expiration of their last term, while Trumbull served his full period of eighteen years. At the time of his first election, Doug- las was a resident of Quincy, afterwards becom- ing a citizen of Chicago, while Trumbull entered the Senate as a citizen of Belleville, but before the beginning of his second term removed to Chicago. Logan, Farwell and Mason were residents of Chicago during their entire incumbency in the Senate. Senator Far- well's service of four years was as successor to Senator Logan, filling the unexpired term of the latter who died in 1886 after his third elec- tion in 1885. As Chicago and Cook County have increased in population they have steadily increased in the number of their Representatives in Con- gress, until now, under the apportionment adopted by the General Assembly of 1901, divid- ing the State into twenty-five Congressional Districts in accordance with the census of 1900, nine Districts are assigned wholly to Cook County and the tenth to Cook in conjunction with Lake County. Of Cook County Districts, six — the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Eighth and Ninth — lie wholly within the Chicago city limits, while the Third, Sixth and Seventh each embrace parts of the city and country towns. The Tenth District, as already stated, embraces Lake County, with a portion of the city of Chicago and several northern townships of Cook County. John Wentworth, the second newspaper editor in Chicago, was the first citizen of Chi- cago to hold a seat in the lower house of Con- gress from the district of which Cook County then formed a part, being elected for six terms between 1842 and 1866. Other citizens of Chi- cago and Cook County who have represented the city and county in the Congressional House of Representatives have been: James H. Wood- worth (one term), 1855-57; John F. Farns- worth (two terms), 1857-61 — later a resident of Kane County; Isaac N. Arnold (two terms), 1861-65; Norman B. Judd (two terms), 1867-71; John L. Beveridge for State-at-large, 1871-73; Charles B. Farwell, 1871-75 and 1881-83; John B. Rice, 1873-74 (died in office); Jasper D. Ward, 1873-75; B. G. Caulfield (as successor to Rice), 1875-77; Carter H. Harrison, 1875-79; John V. LeMoyne, 1876-77; William Aldrich, 1877-83; Lorenz Brentano, 1877-79; George R, Davis, 1879-85; Hiram Barber, 1879-81; R. W, HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 664 Dunham. 1883-89; John F. Finerty, 1883-85; George E. Adams, 1883-91; Frank Lawler, 1885-91; James H. Ward, 1885-87; William E. Mason, 1887-91; Abner Taylor, 1889-93; LaM- 'rence E. McGann, 1891-97; Allen C. Durborow. 1891-95; Walter C. Newberry, 1891-93; J. Frank Aldrich 1893-97; Julius Goldzier, 1893-95; Wil- liam Lorimer, 1895-1905; Charles W. Wood- man 1895-97; George E. White. 1895-99 ; Edward D Cooke. 1895-97 (died in office after re-elec- tion) ; George Edmund Foss, 1895-1905; James R Mann, 1897-1905; Hugh R. Belknap, 1897-99, Daniel W. Mills, 1897-99; Henry Sherman Bou- tell vice Cooke, 1897-1905; George P. Foster 1899-1905; Thomas Cusack. 1899-1901; Edward T Noonan. 1899-1901; John J. Feely, 1901-03; James J. McAndrews, 1901-03; William F. Mahony, 1901-05; Martin Emerich, 1903-05. The Representatives in the Fifty-eighth Con- gress (1903-05), representing districts com- prised, in whole or in part, within Cook County, are- First District— Martin Emerich (Dem.); Second District-James R. Mann (Rep.) ; Third District— William Warfield Wilson (Rep.); Fourth District-George P. Foster (Dem.); Fifth District— James McAndrews (Dem.); Sixth District— William Lorimer (Rep.) ; Sev- enth District-Philip Knopf (Rep.); Eighth District-William F. Mahony (Dem.); Ninth District— Henry Sherman Boutell (Rep.); Tenth District— George Edmund Foss (Rep.) KEPRESKXTATION IN GEKKKAL ASSEMBLY. Under the act apportioning members of the General Assemblj-, Cook County is divided into nineteen Legislative Districts, of which four- teen are wholly within the city of Chicago; four composed of city territory and country towns combined, and one consisting wholly of rural territory. The city districts are numbered First to Fifth consecutively, the Ninth, Eleventh, Sev- enleenth. Twenty-first, Twenty-fifth, Twenty- seventh, Twenty-ninth and Thirty-first; the city and country districts being the Sixth, Thir- teenth, Nineteenth and Twenty-third, and the sole country district the Seventh. The county is thus entitled to 19 Senators and 57 Repre- Bentatlves— making a total representation in both branches of the Legislature of 70. a little over one-third of the representation of the whole State. CHAPTER XVIII. PARKS AND BOULEVARDS. .GENERAL HISTORY-BEGINMNG OF THE PARK SYS- TEM-FIRST PARK NAMED FOR THE MARTYRED PRESIDEKT— STATISTICS OF COST AND AREA OF PARK SYSTEMS IN THE THREE SEVERAL DIVIS- IONS—PROJECTED PABKS ON THE DES PLAINES AND CALUMET KIVERS. Geographically considered the most pictur- esque feature of modern Chicago rests upon its extensive system of public parks, a portion of which is located in each of the three divisions into which the city is divided, the whole being united by a system of improved boulevards and driveways making a complete circuit of the city The park system had its origin in an act of the Legislature in 1837 granting to the town of Chicago a lot of canal land near the town plat on the North Side, to be used as a burial ground, and paid for by the town at the valua- tion afterwards to be set upon these lands by the State. During the cholera epidemic of 1852 a considerable tract was purchased m the same vicinity, for the purpose of establish- ing a hospital and quarantine grounds. By 1858 the city had grown around the cemetery, and considerable opposition began to be mani- fested to the maintenance of a cemetery within the city limits. This led to the passage of an ordinance by the City Council in 1859, prohibit- ing the further sale of lots within the cemetery. During the next year the question of dedicating a portion of these lands for use as a public park began to be agitated, and, early in 1860. , an ordinance was adopted limiting burials to K the portion already subdivided for that purpose. |i and reserving the north sixty acres to be used as a public park, or for such purpose as the Common Council might direct. Two years later a beginning had been made in the laying out of roads and walks and the clearing of ground in the portion of the -tract reserved for park purposes, the prosecution of the work I being in charge of the Commissioners of Pub- lic Works. Barly in 1864 an ordinance was passed setting aside the whole of this tract ( including the cemetery grounds) for a public HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 665 park, and giving it the name of "Lalce Park." The further sale of lots for cemetery pur- poses was also prohibited and, in 1866, an ordinance was adopted prohibiting any more burials in the cemetery, and the removal of bodies to other burial grounds, which had already begun, became general. Up to 1864 the appropriations for the improvement of the park had been insignifi- cant, and very little real progress had been made. In June, 1865 — a few weeks after the assassination of President Lincoln — the name of Chicago's pioneer park was changed by ordinance to "Lincoln Park," and, with the increased interest produced by attaching to it the name of the "Martyred President," the work of development appears to have begun in earnest. The appropriation for this year amounted to $10,000, which enabled the Com- missioners to employ a landscape gardener to lay out walks and drives. In 1868 the expen- ditures in construction of drives and walks, transplanting trees and digging sewers, exceeded $20,000. A new and most important step was taken in 1869, when, by three separate acts of the Legislature, the regulation of the Chicago park system came under control of State laws providing for the improvement of parks in each of the three divisions of the city, each being under control of a separate Board of Commissioners. These will be treated of separately under their respective heads. NORTH PARK SYSTEM. A concise history of Lincoln Park — which virtually constitutes the whole of the North Park System — has been given up to the time of its passing under control of a Board of Park Commissioners appointed under act of the State Legislature. This step was taken in the passage of an act, approved February 8, 1869, which named B. B. McCagg, John B. Turner, Andrew Nelson, Joseph Stockton and Jacob Rehm as the first Board of "Commis- sioners of Lincoln Park." In 1871 the appoint- ing power was placed in the hands of the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, the number of the Commissioners remaining unchanged until 1897, when it was increased from five to seven. As would naturally be inferred from its his- tory as the original park enterprise in the City of Chicago, the equipment of Lincoln Park as to improvement of grounds, walks and drives, landscape gardening and greenhouses, lakes and other water-ways, fountains, monu- ments and statuary, zoological collections, etc., is the most complete and extensive in the city, and surpasses any other in the United States, unless it be that of Central Park in New York City. At the same time the area occupied for park purposes is smaller than that of either of the other divisions of the city, being less than half that of the West Side system (includ- ing boulevards), and less than one-third of that of the South Side. Besides Lincoln Park, proper, two other small parks — extending from North Avenue on the south to Diversey Boule- vard on the north — constitute a part of the North Park system, viz.: Chicago Avenue Park and Union Square. The area of these, with the boulevards attached, as shown by the report of the Park Commissioners for 1900, is as follows: AKEA IN ACRES. Lincoln Park 308.072 Chicago Avenue Square 9.160 Union Square 462 All Boulevards 91.433 Total 409.127 ( Since 1900 the Oak Park Triangle embracing an area of 9 acres has been added to the sys- tem, making a total, with boulevards, of 418- .433 acres.) The total length of improved boulevards in miles (1901) approximated 8% miles, while the improved walks and drives within the park aggregated a little over 25 miles. Work is now in progress (1904) on the Shore Boulevard extending from Indiana Street to Lincoln Park. In addition to about 41 acres of water surface (ponds and lagoons) within the park, Lincoln Park has a water frontage of 414 miles along the lake shore, which is traversed through its entire length by the famous Lake Shore Drive. An extension of Lincoln Park on the north by the filling in of the lake front is contemplated, which is expected to add about 213 acres to its area. The buildings in Lincoln Park are the most extensive of those of any park in the city, including "The Zoo" which, with its collec- tion of animals, is an especially attractive feature for visitors; the Matthew Laflin Memo- rial Building, which furnishes offices for the Park Commissioners and houses the treasures 666 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. of the Academy of Sciences; and the great conservatory, wh^ch is approached by terraces at the north end of the park. Besides the colossal statue of Abraham Lincoln facing the southern entrance to the park, there are statues of General Grant, Schiller, Linne, Franklin, Shakespeare, La Salle, Hans Christian Ander- sen, Beethoven, Garibaldi and "Peace," repre- sented by an Indian (in bronze) astride a horse — several of these statues being gifts from citizens of different nationalities. The stupendous character of the work accom- plished by the development of Lincoln Park and its connecting systems of boulevards, in thirty- two years, is indicated by the fact that, between 1869 and January 1, 1901, the total expendi- tures for park purposes (purchase of ground, erection of buildings and other improvements) amounted to $8,808,121.31. The receipts of the Board of Commissioners within the same time aggregated $8,921,002.79, of which $5,104,- 815.06 was obtained by general taxation, and the remainder ($3,816,187.73) derived from special assessments and other sources. The Lincoln Park Commission for 1904 embraces the following names: W. W. Tracy (President), Bryan Lathrop (Vice-President), F. H. Gansbergen, J. H. Hirsch, Burr A. Ken- nedy, Gustave Lundquist and F. T. Simmons; with R. H. Warder, Superintendent and Secre- tary; Edward Dickinson, Treasurer; and Frank Hamlin, Attorney. SOUTH PARK SYSTEM. The creation of the South Park system fol- lowed closely upon the organization of Lincoln Park under authority of State .law, and was undoubtedly the result of the rivalry aroused by that act between the different divisions of the city. The act authorizing the appointment of a Board of South Park Commissioners, and empowering them to purchase lands and Improve the same, passed the Legislature and received the approval of Gov. John M. Palmer, February 24, 1869— only about two weeks after the creation of the Lincoln Park Board. The first Board of Commissioners appointed con- Blsted of John M. Wilson, George W. Gago, Chauncey T. Bowes, L. B. Sidway and Paul Cornell. The number of Commissioners, origi- nally flxfd at five, has remained unchanged, their apiiolntment being placed in the hands of Ihp Judges of the Circuit Court of Cook County ClanH were prepared for the develop- ment of a park system for the towns of South Chicago, Hyde Park and Lake, by Messrs. 01m- stead and Vaux, landscape architects, but active work was soon suspended in consequence of the fire of 1871, but resumed the following year. As it now stands, the South Park system is the most extensive in the city, embracing six park districts varying in area from 20 to approximately 524 acres each, with 17.28 miles of boulevards. The two largest park areas are embraced in Jackson and Washington Parks, with the connecting Midway Plaisance, making a total of about 975 acres. On January 10, 1901, a tract known as Brighton Park, just east, of the South Branch and north of Thirty-ninth Street, was transferred to the South Park Com- missioners at a cost of $85,827.50, and by action of the Board on October 9th following, received the name of McKinley Park. By act of the General Assembly of 1901, what was known as Lake Front Park, extending along the lake shore from Monroe Street on the north to Park Place on the south, and east of Michigan Avenue, was changed to Grant Park. This park is already the site of the Chicago Art Institute and of the equestrian statue of Gen. John A. Logan. The following table exhibits the area of the several South Side parks, with the amount of improved lands belonging to each, as shown by the Report of the South Park Commissioners for December 1, 1900, except as to McKinley Park, which was acquired since January 1, 1901: IMPROVED AREA TOTAL AREA IN ACRES. IN ACRES. Jackson Park 290.86 523.9 Washington Park ..371 371 Grant Park 25.13 186.43 Gage Park 5 20 Midway Plaisance.. 80 80 McKinley Park 34.33 Total 771.99 1,215.66 Area of Boulevards 318.88 Grand Total of System 1,534.54 Since the above tabic was prepared, under the provisions of an act of the Legislature passed in 1903, 14 new parks have been added to the South Park System, of which Marquette Park is the largest, with an area of 322.68 acres, making a total of 20 parks under the management of the Soulli Pari? Board, and HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 667 increasing the total . area to 1,872.96 acres. The areas of the smaller parks range from five to about 60 acres each. Considerable improve- ments have been made in Jaclison and McKinley Parks, an extensive outdoor swim- ming pool having been constructed in the latter, but the most extensive improvements are con- templated in Grant (formerly Lake Front) Park, which is now in process of enlargement to something like 200 acres by filling in the lake east of the Illinois Central Railroad. In addition to this it is proposed to construct a boulevard along the harbor line, which will be 220 feet wide and over a mile in length. The Michigan Avenue side of this park north of Monroe Street, will be the site of the new Crerar Library, which with the Field Colum- bian Museum, also to be erected on the park grounds, and the Art Institute already in exist- ence, will be the most conspicuous buildings and attractive centers of future Chicago. One of the improvements contemplated for McKin- ley Park is a monument to President McKinley, for whom the park is named. Of ten boulevards belonging to the South Park system, with a total length of 17.28 miles, Michigan Boulevard is the longest, with a lineal measurement of 5% miles, while the Drexel, Garfield and Western Avenue Boulevards have each a width of 200 feet and Grand Boulevard 198 feet. The aggregate length of improved drives, including those within the parks as well as the boulevards, is 41.75 miles. Jackson Park and its associated Midway Plaisance acquired a world-wide celebrity as the site of the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, the total area occupied for that purpose being 666 acres. This event gave an impulse to the improvements in Jackson Park, which has since been followed up by the Commission- ers with great vigor and successful results, making it one of the most attractive pleasure grounds in the city. The Field Museum (ulti- mately to be transferred to Grant Park), though not under the management of the South Park Commissioners, is one of the noteworthy attractions of the park, while the Convent Building (another relic of the Exposition of 1893), has been used with most satisfactory results during the summer months as a fresh air sanitarium for children. A large space in both Jackson and Washington Parks, as well as in the Midway Plaisance, is set apart for athletic sports. The total assets of the South Park system on December 1, 1900, were $16,279,640.02, of which $16,180,042.68 represented expenditures in the purchase of lands, cost of improvements, main- tenance, etc., since its organization in 1869. Adding $85,827.50 expended in the purchase of Brighton (now McKinley) Park, since January 1, 1901, makes the cost of the park system, up to that date, in excess of sixteen and a quar- ter million dollars. The South Park Commission at the present time (1904) consists of William Best, Jefferson Hodgkins, Henry G. Foreman, Lyman A. Wal- ton and Daniel F. Crilly, with Mr. Foreman as President of the Board, Mr. Best, Auditor; Edward G. Shumway, Secretary, and John R. Walsh, Treasurer. WEST CHICAGO PARK SYSTEM. The West Chicago Park system dates its origin back to an act of the Legislature, approved February 26, 1869, two days after the incorporation of the South Park system. The first Board of Commissioners for the West Chicago Park system was appointed by the Governor April 26, 1869, consisting of Charles C. P. Holden, Henry Greenebaum, George W. Stanford, Eben F. Runyan, Isaac R. Hitt, Clark Lipe and David Cole. The number of the members — originally fixed at seven, appointed by the Governor — has remained unchanged ever since. The system is made up of three principal parks, with six minor ones, all being connected by a boulevard system embracing a greater mileage and larger acreage than any other system in the city. The follow- ing is a list of the several parks with the area of each in acres, as per the Report of the Com- mission for the year ending December 31, 1900: ACREAGE. Humboldt Park 205.865 Garfield Park 187.534 Douglas Park 181.991 Union Park 17.37 Jefferson Park 7.026 Vernon Park 6.14 Campbell Park 1.38 Wicker Park 4.03 Shedd's Park 1.134 Holstein Park 1.94 Total 614.41 Area of boulevards 374.396 Total area of system 988.806 668 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. The West Park system embraces twelve bou- levard lines, aggregating 21.75 miles in length and connecting the several parks with each other and with the North and South Side sys- tems. The longest of these is Washington Bou- levard, which has a lineal extent approximating five miles, while Humboldt, Franklin, Douglas and Marshall cover the largest area, having a width of 250 feet each through their entire length, which, for a small section of Humboldt Boulevard, is increased to 400 feet, with a lawn in the midway. Jackson Boulevard extends by a direct east and west line from Garfield Park through the South Side to Lake Michigan. The area of water surface (lakes and lagoons) within the parks aggregates 70 acres, and the improved lawns, 243 acres, leaving a balance of nearly 300 acres of unimproved lands belong- ing to the system. Notwithstanding some financial reverses, espe- cially that growing out of the defalcation of the Park Board Treasurer in 1896, there has been much activity in the development of the West Side Park system during the past few years. The total cost of the entire park sys- tem from its organization in 1869 to January 1, 1901 (exclusive of special assessments), amounted to $11,027,243.68, of which $7,145,- 981.43 was on account of lands and improve- ments, and $3,775,339.44 for maintenance. The amount received on special assessments for boulevard improvements and maintenance dur- ing the same time has been $2,107,194.56, mak- ing a grand total of $13,134,438.24 for the entire West Park system. The West Chicago Park Commission of seven meml>ers (1901) is as follows: Fred A. Bangs (President), Andrew J. Graham, Charles W. Kopf, C. Lichtenberger, Jr., Gabriel J. Norden, Edward H. Peters and Frederick Schultz, with Col. Walter Fieldhouse, Secretary; F. W. Blount, Treasurer, and William J. Cooke, Gen- eral Superintendent. SUMMARY. A consolidated statement of the several park syHtems of the city of Chicago, as they exist at the prenent time (1904), presents the follow- ing roB\ill8 as to number of both parks and boulevards, with area of the former in aci'es, and mileage of tlio latu-r: Area No. o( No. in acres. Blvds. Miles. Soutli Park System.. 20 1,872.96 10 17.28 West Park System.. 17 644.41 12 23.14 Lincoln Park System 9 549.69 12 9.22 School Parks (City). 38 102.00 .. .... Totals 84 3,169.06 34 49.64 The area of the boulevards — reported in 1901 at 734.71 acres, and which has not materially changed since then — would make the combined area of parks and boulevards 3,903.77 acres. Of this area nearly 2,200 acres, or more than one-half of the whole, is in the South Park Dis- trict. The largest acreage in boulevards belongs to the West Park system. EXPENDITURES OF PARK BOARDS TO JANUARY 1, 1901: Lincoln Park System $ 8,808,121.31 Soutli Park System 16,180,042.69 West Park System 13,134,438.24 Grand total $38,122,602 . 24 HISTORIC DEARBORN PARK. Dearborn Park, the most historical of all the Chicago Parks, embracing, as it does, a consid- erable portion of the site of the old Fort Dear- born, is occupied by the Chicago Public Library and Memorial Hall building. The ground on the east side of Michigan avenue opposite Dearborn Park, constituting the northern por- tion of what has been known as Lake Front Park, still remains under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Public Works. By act of the Forty-second General Assembly (1901) the portion of this tract lying between Madison and Monroe streets, was set apart, under cer- tain conditions, to be used as the site of the John Crerar Library, which will, in all prob- ability, be erected within the next three years. SCHOOL PARKS. In addition to the larger parks, already enu- merated, to which the Park Boards are mak- ing frequent additions, a plan was set on foot about 1900, for the purpose of establishing playgrounds in connection with various public schools. These remain under control of the City Council, but are managed by a special com- mission consisting of members of the City Council, representatives of the Park Boarda and of the County Board, besides citizens rep- resenting different ))rofessions and classes of liusincss, the object being to secure the aid of l)ractical architects, civil engineers, landscape gardeners and advisers as to sanitary condl- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 669 tions. The extension of the system is being actively agitated and, at a meeting of the City Council held in October, 1904, authority was granted to purchase 25 playgrounds in addi- tion to the eight or nine already in use. It is claimed that these playgrounds are having a decidedly beneficial effect upon the children in the neighborhoods provided with them. OUTER-BELT PARK SYSTEM. On April 21, 1904, an organization was effected of what is known as the "Outer-Belt Park Commission" under authority granted by the Board of Commissioners of Cook County, August 3, 1903. The commission is made up of ten prominent citizens representing the city and county, the Mayor of Chicago and four Aldermen, three members of each Park Com- mission, and four members and the President of the Board of County Commissioners, its object as defined in its constitution being "to devise plans and means, and do all things that may be necessary, to create a system of outer parks and boulevards encircling the city of Chicago," on the ground that such improve- ments are needed for the health and comfort of the people of the city and its suburbs. The scheme contemplated by this commission looks to the establishment of a system of suburban parks on the northern border of the city, along the Des Plaines on the west, in the Calumet region on the south, and eventually possibly along "the Sag" in Palos Township in the south- west. All these localities afford important ad- vantages for improvements of this character, and while the Park Board has but recently effected its organization, it is proposed to take up its labors energetically during the present year. Both the Des Plaines and the Calumet regions are convenient of access from the central portions of the city, and, as the population in these sec- tions becomes more and more congested, the demand for larger breathing places will become more urgent. In support of the argument for an increased park area for the benefit of the citizens of Chicago, it is shown that the city stands nineteenth in a list of principal cities of the United States, in park and reservation areas in proportion to population, the total (in acres) for Chicago, being 3,174 against 12,878 for Boston; 8,074 for New York; 3,503 for Phil- adelphia; 2,911 for Washington, D. C, and 2,183 for St. Louis. The proportions of popu- lation to each acre of park and reservation area for these and other cities are as follows: Los Angeles, Cal., 36.1; Boston, 46.8; Minne- apolis, 153.6; St. Paul, 103.4; New York, 443.9; Philadelphia, 427.8; St. Louis, 320.3; New Orleans, 507.6; Baltimore, 520.4; and Chicago — the largest population in proportion to park area — 702.9 population per acre. In the event that the plans of the Outer-Belt Park Commis- sion are carried into effect, it may be expected that Chicago will ultimately rival Boston in the aggregate of its park area, if not in its proportion as to population. NORTH SHORE PARK DISTRICT. In addition to the park systems already enumerated, what is known as the North Shore Park District has been organized within the past two years, for the development of a park system in the northern section of the city, but the Board of Commissioners has so far devoted its attention chiefly to the subject of boulevards. CHAPTER XIX. NOTABLE EVENTS. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION OF 1860 — THE CAMP DOUGLAS CONSPIRACY SOME OF ITS PRINCIPAL ACTORS EXPOSURE AND DEFEAT — THE CONFLAGRATION OF 1871 VAST DESTRUC- TION OF PROPERTY AND HOMES AREA BURNED OVER RELIEF MEASURES THE HAYMARKET MASSACRE CONVICTION AND PUNISHMENT OF THE CONSPIRATORS LABOR STRIKES HEAVY LOSSES OF EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYED. While Chicago has been the theater of many important and far-reaching events, such as the nomination here, on the 16th day of May, 1860, of the first successful Republican candidate for the Presidency in the person of Abraham Lin- coln, whose election and inauguration proved the forerunner of the attempted secession of eleven Southern States and a four-years' war in the effort to perpetuate negro slavery under the auspices of a "Southern Confederacy," only a few of the more notable of these events can be noticed in a volume of this character. One 670 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. of those deserving special mention in ttiis con- nection, both on account of its importance from a national point of view and its relation to local history, is what is known as the "Camp Douglas Conspiracy." This was a plot entered into early in 1864, by a number of rebel leaders in the South or their agents with confederates connected with certain treasonable organizations in the North, which had for its object the securing by force of the liberation of the rebel prisoners confined in certain North- ern prison-camps, especially those at Chicago, Rock Island, Springfield and Alton in this State. Camp Douglas — from which the plot took its name, in view of the fact that it con- tained a larger number of prisoners than any of the others named and was the center of greatest activity on the part of the conspira- tors — had been established during the first year of the war on an irregular block of ground within the present limits of the city of Chicago between Thirty-first Street and Thirty-third Place, and Cottage Grove and Forest Avenues. This was a part of the ground which had been originally donated to the old University of Chicago, by Senator Stephen A. Douglas, from whom it took its name. Originally established as a camp of instruction for military recruits, soon after the capture of Fort Donelson it was changed into a place of confinement for rebel prisoners of war, and during a part of the year 1864, is reputed to have contained as high as 12,000 prisoners. At the time the conspiracy was at its height during the summer of 1864, it is estimated that the total number of South- ern prisoners in prison-camps within the State of Illinois was about 26,500, of whom 8,000 were in Camp Douglas, 6,000 at Rock Island, 7,.500 at Camp Butler (Springfield), and 5,000 at Alton. The principal agents on the part of the Confederacy in organizing the conspiracy were three so-called "Peace Commissioners" — .Jacob Thompson (who had been a member of President Ruchanan's cabinet), C. C. Clay, and J. P. Holcoml) — who, having established them- selves in Canada, found means of getting into communication with representatives of secret treasonaljle organizations in the Northern States, especially the organization known, suc- cpHBively and at different periods during the pro(?re«B of the war, as "Knights of the Golden Circle." "American Knights" and "Sons of Lib- erty," and whldi had been especially active In the States of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. The general management of the affair for Illinois was entrusted by the rebel agents to one Capt. Thomas H. Hines, who established himself at Chicago, where it is is estimated there were at that time 4,000 "Sons of Liberty," and gave his attention to the collection of arms and the dis- tribution of funds. One Charles Walsh was at the head of the movement in Chicago, with confederates scattered throughout this and other States. The scheme not only contem- plated the release of rebel prisoners, but, so far as Chicago was concerned, looked to the seizure of arms and military stores, the looting of banks and finally, if necessary to carrying out the plot, the burning of the city. A draft having been expected during the month of July, the 20th day of that month had been first selected as the date of the uprising. This hav- ing been abandoned, the next date chosen was August 29th — that of the Democratic National Convention, which had found reason for ad- journing over from July 4, the first date chosen for its assembling. It was evidently antici- pated that the crowd of strangers, then expected in the city, would divert suspicion from any unusual gathering of those expected to take part in the affair. Suspicion had been aroused, however, and the forces in charge of Camp Douglas having been strengthened by the addi- tion of a regiment of infantry and a battery of artillery, another postponement of the plot was deemed advisable by the leaders. The third date selected was November 8th, the date of the National election at which Mr. Lincoln was chosen President for his second term. It was expected that the local conspirators would be strongly reinforced by confederates from dif- ferent parts of the State, and that, having released the prisoners from Camp Douglas, the combined force of conspirators and released prisoners — by that time a large army — would proceed to Rock Island, Springfield and Alton, and perform the same feat there. By this time the authorities, through the aid of detectives and one or two of the prisoners who had been admitted into the plot, had obtained evidence of what was afoot. At an early hour on the morning of the 7th — the day before the j)lot was to be carried into effect — Gen. Benjamin J. Sweet, who was in command at Camp Douglas, secured the simultaneous arrest of the principal conspirators in their various hiding places, and the scheme was defeated. Almost the only important agent HISTOKICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 671 connected with the local plot who succeeded in evading arrest was Captain Hines, its gen- eral manager. Among those arrested were Charles Walsh, a "Brigadier General" of the "Sons of Liberty," who was furnishing shelter to the leading agents of the conspiracy from abroad, and on whose premises a large quantity of arms and military stores were found. The service rendered by General Sweet in ferreting out and defeating this nefarious conspiracy, won for him the gratitude and admiration of the whole country, and was recognized by the Government in his promotion from the rank of Colonel to that of Brigadier-General and later, by his appointment to various offices under the General Government, one of which was that of Pension Agent at Chicago. — (See "Camp Douglas Conspiracy," "Secret Treason- able Organizations" and "Oen. Benjamin J. Sweet," Hist. Encyc. of 111., Vol. I.) THE GREAT CONFLAGRATION OF 1871. Undoubtedly the most tragic chapter in Chi- cago history is that which has to deal with the great fire of October 8-9, 1871. The preceding three months had been marked by an almost unprecedented drouth, which had parched vege- tation and reduced wooden structures, then so numerous even in the business portions of the city, to a highly inflammable condition. On Saturday night, October 7th, occurred a fire on the West Side, commencing in the planing mill of Lille & Holmes, at 209 South Canal Street, which would ordinarily have been regarded as extremely disastrous. This destroyed nearly the whole of four blocks of buildings (covering about 27 acres) surrounded by Adams, Clinton and Van Buren Streets and the South Branch. The loss from this fire has been estimated at $1,000,000. On the next evening (Sunday, October 8) a fire broke out a little before 9 o'clock in a barn attached to a wooden tenement at 137 De Koven Street, southwest, but only two blocks distant from the district burned over the night before. The premises where the fire began were occu- pied by a family named O'Leary, where a dance had been in progress during the evening, and the story widely accepted has been that the fire was started by the breaking of a kero- sene lamp in the barn while some one was milk- ing a cow, although this was vigorously denied by the O'Learys. Owing to the fatiguing serv- ice which the fire department had rendered the night before, according to one report, — although another attributes the cause to over-indulgence of the firemen through the mistaken hospitality of a saloon-keeper after the Saturday evening fire — there was great delay in securing a response from the fire department. In the meantime the fire, aided by a strong wind and the inflammable 'condition of the buildings in the vicinity, was rapidly getting under way and was soon beyond control. In some cases burn- ing brands, carried by the force of the wind, started new fires one or two blocks distant, and in a short time the flames had spread to the heart of the business district on the South Side and the choicest residence portion of the city north of the river. By three o'clock on Mon- day morning the Chamber of Commerce, the Court House, the Postoffice, the principal hotels and many of the largest business houses on the South Side were in ruins, and half an hour later, the water-works station on the North Side was in the same condition, greatly para- lyzing the efforts of the firemen to fight the flames. Although the greatest havoc was wrought during the early hours of the morn- ing, the flre continued its ravages until half past ten o'clock Monday evening — a period of twenty-flve hours — when it practically ceased for want of material to prey upon. The last house destroyed is said to have been that of Dr. John H. Foster, the well known scientist and educator, on Fullerton Avenue where it ends at Lincoln Avenue, then the northern limit of the city and four miles from the place of the starting of the flre. Of the fire apparatus, eight engines, three hose-carts and three hook and ladder trucks had ^to be abandoned and were destroyed. The total area burned over is estimated at 2,124 acres, of which 194 acres were on the West Side, 460 acres on the South Side and 1,470 acres on the North Side. This area extended from Fullerton Avenue on the north to Harrison Street on the south, with an arm extending southwest to De Koven and Jef- ferson Streets in the West Division, and em- bracing the district within these northern and southern limits lying between the lake shore on the east and an irregular western boundary extending at some points nearly to Halsted Street. In the more compactly built portions of both the North and South Divisions, the areas between the North and South Branches of the Chicago River on the west and the lake on the east, were swept clean. The number of 672 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. buildings destroyed has been estimated at 17,450, valued with other property at $187,000- 000, and leaving 98,000 people homeless. No reliable statement of the actual ,loss of life resulting from the fire has been attainable, but it has been estimated that 250 to 275 persons perished. The total insurance on the property de- stroyed amounted to about $88,000,000, of which, in consequence of the insolvency of many of the insurance companies, only about one-half was recovered. In the area burned over, only two buildings escaped destruction. One of these was the residence of Mahlon D. Ogden, a wooden building in the heart of the North Division, located at North Clark Street and Walton Place on the site now occupied by the Newberry Library, while the other was a grain elevator, known as "Elevator B," belonging to Messrs. Sturges & Buckingham, and located at the junction of the Chicago River and Lake Michigan, near the Randolph Street Station of the Illinois Central Railroad. The preservation of the elevator building was due to the discov- ery of a fire engine in the Illinois Central Rail- road yards, which was awaiting transportation to some other city on Lake Michigan. This was used successfully to extinguish a fire which had already started in a building attached to the elevator. While the further spread of the flames was checked by the exhaustion of material, the fires continued to burn for days in the ruins of some of the larger buildings, and thousands of excursionists came from long distances to gaze upon the ruins which had been left in the wake of one of the most appalling conflagrations in the world's history. Systems of relief for sufferers by the fire were set on foot immediately, not only by the citizens of Chicago who had escaped the dis- aster, but in the principal cities of the country, and even in Europe, especially in England, Germany and France. A Relief and Aid Society composed of prominent citizens, was organ- ized for the purpose of distributing contribu- tions among the needy and, in a report made under date of April 30, 1874, they acknowledged the receipt of $4,820,148, of which $973,897 rame from foreign countries, over $500,000 coming from England, Scotland and Ireland, $80,000 from Germany and nearly $03,000 from France. Churches and secret societies also acted with great promptness and liberality In aid. not only of their associated organizations, hut for the benefit of the varlo\is classes of sufferers. Governor Palmer called the Legis- lature together in special session before the close of the week, with a view to furnishing such relief as might appropriately come from that body. One of the steps taken by the Leg- islature was the passage of an act reimbursing the city for $2,995,340 expended in the deepen- ing of the Illinois and Michigan Canal. Relating to the destruction by the fire of public records involving titles to real estate, etc., the late Joseph Kirkland, in connection with a reference, in his "Story of Chicago," to the three abstract firms then doing business in the city, says: "It curiously happened that, although the portion of the records saved by each abstract firm was only a portion, yet the part lost by each was saved by another; so that, when combined, the fragments made a total whole and entire, lacking nothing in continuity or completeness. Chase Brothers lost many of their press copies of abstracts. given out, but saved tract indexes, judgment dockets, tax- sales and some volumes of their 'original entries,' Shortall & Hoard lost their record of 'original entries,' but saved tract indexes, judgment dockets, tax sales and some vol- umes of their original entries. Jones & Sel- lers saved all their original entries and let- ter-press copies of abstracts given out." The fortunate consequences of this accidental combination of circumstances, has been seen in the avoidance of confusion as to titles of real estate in Chicago and Cook County growing out of the fire. The rebuilding of the ruined city began immediately, and its restoration and enlarge- ment within a generation after the most disas- trous calamity that has overtaken any city in modern times, has been one of the marvels of the century. Not only has every vestige of the catastrophe of thirty-three years ago been wiped away, but the ruins of 1871 have given place to a class of structures, in their number, size and magnificence, unsurpassed by those of any other city of its size in this or any other country, and, in population, it has grown, within the same period, from less than 350,000 I)eople to nearly 2,000,000, making it the sec- ond city in size in the United States. On the afternoon of July 14, 1874, a fire broke out In a two-story frame building at 449 South Clark Street — between Polk and Taylor Streets #^^ ^. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 673 and south of the burned district of 1871 — which, before it was subdued, swept as far north as Van Buren Street and east to Michigan Avenue, covering an area of forty-seven acres and destroying property estimated at $2,845,000, of which $2,200,000 was covered by insurance. This fire lasted about eleven hours, and but for the greater disaster of three years before, would have been regarded as a calamity unpar- alleled in the history of the city. THE HAYMARKET MASSACRE. On the evening of May 4, 1886, occurred what has been handed down in history as the "Hay- market Massacre." This grew out of an assem- blage held in Haymarket Square on the West Side, in the nominal interest of a projected strike for an eight-hour labor-day. A number of professional anarchists, desirous of posing as the champions of labor, had taken advantage of a strike which had been ordered in the McCormick Reaper Works, to call the meeting on the evening named. On the day preceding a collision had occurred at the Reaper Works between a party of strikers and the police, in which six of the former were killed and a large number wounded. This was used by the a,nar- chist agitators as a pretext for issuing an inflammatory circular, summoning the "work- ingmen to arms" and appealing to them to seek "revenge" upon the police, upon the ground that they had played the part of "bloodhounds" at the command of capital, and had been guilty of "killing workingmen because they dared to ask for the shortening of the hours of toil." The appeal was written by August Spies, the editor of an anarchist paper called the "Arbeiter-Zeitung." At the hour named an immense crowd assembled, many being attracted through curiosity. The Mayor — Carter H. Har- rison, Sr. — was present during the early part of the meeting, but the proceedings being more peaceful than had been anticipated, he with- drew. Later the speeches having assumed a more violent and incendiary character, a strong force of police appeared under the com- mand of Inspector Bonfleld, who commanded the peace "in the name of the people of the State," and ordered the crowd to disperse. The answer to this was the hurling of a dynamite bomb among the policeman, followed by an explosion which resulted in the wounding of sixty-seven members of the force, of whom seven died. A number of arrests of suspected parties followed, and on June 7th the trial began, twenty-one days being consumed in securing a jury during which 982 veniremen were examined. Judge Joseph E. Gary, still (1904) a Justice of the Superior Court of Cook County, presided, while Julius S. Grinnell, now counsel of the Chicago City Railway Company, officiated as State's Attorney, the trial occupy- ing 62 days, during which 143 witnesses were examined for the prosecution and 79 for the defense. The outcome of the trial was the con- viction of eight persons, of whom seven were sentenced to suffer death and one (Oscar Neebe) to the State's Prison for fifteen years. The names of those sentenced to suffer capi- tally were August Spies, Albert D. Parsons, Adolph Fischer, Louis Engel, Louis Lingg, Samuel Fielden and Justus Schwab. Of these Lingg committed suicide while awaiting execu- tion, by exploding in his mouth a bomb which he had obtained surreptitiously from some sympathizer; the sentences of Fielden and Schwab were commuted by Governor Oglesby to imprisonment for life on their appeal for clemency, supported by the recommendations of the Judge, Prosecuting Attorney and Jury, while Spies, Parsons, Fischer and Engel were executed, Nov. 11, 1887 — eighteen months after the commission of their crime, but not until the proceedings in the lower court had been sustained by the unanimous opinion of the Supreme Court. On June 26, 1893, Fielden, Schwab and Neebe were pardoned by Governor Altgeld in a decree in which he attacked the ruling and acts of the trial court, although the latter has been sustained in a most conspicu- ous manner not only by public sentiment but by the courts of higher jurisdiction. The scene of the "Haymarket Massacre" has been marked by the erection on its site of a statue in commemoration of the policemen whose lives were sacrificed by a murderous plot while in the discharge of their duty. STRIKE HISTORY. The year 1877 was a period of turmoil and excitement unparalleled in the previous history of the nation, except when the country was engaged in actual war. This condition grew out of "strikes" on the part of labor organizations, beginning with a reduction of wages by some of the railroads, but extending to other employes on grounds of sympathy. While the disturb- ances were widespread, involving nearly every 674 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. important city in tlie Northern States, Chicago was one of the centers of most serious disturb- ance, second only to Pittsburg and Baltimore, where there was heavy destruction of property accompanied by much loss of life. The trouble in Chicago began on the night of the 23d of July, following promptly out- breaks by railroad employes at Martinsburg, Va.; Baltimore, Pittsburg, and other Eastern points. The first demonstration in Chicago was made by the switchmen of the Michigan Central Railroad who, on the following morn- ing, visited the employes of other roads and by noon they had brought about a general strike on all the lines except the Chicago & North- western. This was followed a day or two later by a general suspension of business in manufac- tories, rolling mills, lumber yards and work- shops of every variety, and, although the employes of the Northwestern Railroad main- tained that they had no grievance, they were at last compelled to cease work by constant interference and intimidation by the mob. In the meantime the streets, especially in the neighborhood of the railroads and manufactur- ing plants, were thronged by riotous bands of strikers and their friends — the latter, in many cases, being composed of boys and riotous classes who had no other interest in the strike than to bring about a condition of lawlessness that would open the way for the pillaging of stores and other places of business. Although there was much disorder throughout the city, the most serious disturbances occurred in the neighborhood of Halsted Street between Six- teenth and Twenty-second Streets, where fre- quent collisions occurred between the strikers and the police. The turbulent element was held in check somewhat by the fact that Mayor Monroe Heath had taken the precaution to order the saloons throughout the city closed. Besides the police and posses of armed citizens under the command of the peace officers, five regiments of the State militia were called out by authority of the Governor under command of Gen. Torrence, although the First and Sec- ond Regiments were most constantly on duty. Several companies of United States regulars who happened to be passing through the city, were held for several days and rendered effi- cient service in checking the spirit of lawless- ne«8 and protecting life and property. Valuable aid wan rendered the authorities by various volunteer and Independent organizations com- posed of business men and other friends of law and order, one of the most effective of these being the Union Veterans, a force composed wholly of old and tried soldiers of the Civil War, under the command of Gen. Reynolds, Col. Owen Stuart, Gen. O. L. Mann and Gen. Martin Beem. On the night of the 25th of July, when the disturbances had reached a most critical stage, it is estimated that 15,000 men were under arms in the city of Chicago. In a conflict between the police and a mob at Halsted Street viaduct on the morning of the 26th, two persons (one a boy) were killed and, on the afternoon of the same day, five of the rioters were killed at Turner Hall, on West Twelfth Street. In a riot in the evening of the same day, at Sixteenth and Halsted Streets, three soldiers and two policemen were badly wounded and several of the rioters danger- ously hurt. During the progress of the strike women took a prominent part in the parades of the strikers; and, in some of the most vio- lent conflicts, as usual on such occasions, a lawless class who had no immediate connection with the workingmen's organizations were most active in their efforts to stir up strife with the authorities. Friday, July 27th, business began to be resumed, many of the strikers rushed back to secure their old places, and the strike was practically at an end. The organizations reputed to be chiefly represented by the strik- ing element, were then known as the "Working- men's Party," the "Workingmen's International Association" and "Labor League," although the most active spirits came from the ranks of the anarchists and foreign communists who have never failed to avail themselves of a labor strike to promote their lawless ends. During the progress of the strike there were serious disturbances at a number of other points in the State, especially at Peoria, Springfield and Braidwood, the most serious, however, being at East St. Louis, where the passage of railroad trains across the bridge to St. Louis was obstructed for several days; but the prompt and vigorous measures taken by Gov. Cullom finally restored order. A record-breaking jieriod in strike history in the city of Chicago came during the year 1886, culminating in the Haymarket riot of May 4th, in which seven policemen lost their lives and sixty others were more or less severely wounded by the explosion of a bomb in their midst by some one professing to be in the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 675 interest of a party of striking employes con- nected with the McCormiclt Reaper Worlts. (See "Hayviarket Massacre" in this chapter.) While the year was one of great commotion among labor organizations throughout the country, Chicago was the theater of some of the most stubborn conflicts between labor organiza- tions and employers. According to statistics furnished by the United States Labor Com- mission, the total number of strikes in Illinois for that year was 487, of which 313 were in the city of Chicago. The number of employes affected by the strike in the State was over 100,000, while the business establishments involved numbered 1,060. Of these 310 strikes succeeded, 204 were partially successful, and 546 ended in failure. The issues between employers and employes during the strike of 1886 were largely based on demands of the latter for reduction of hours of employment, with a smaller number for increase of wages and quite a number demanding the concession of both points. A still smaller number were based on resistance to the employment of non- union men and demands for recognition of the union. The loss to employes in wages was esti- mated at $2,524,244, and that of the employers at $2,366,555. Besides these, there were 43 lockouts, of which seven succeeded, 30 were partially successful and six were failures. The losses of employers and employes in these cases nearly counterbalanced each other, each aggre- gating about $250,000. The third most notable labor disturbance connected with Chicago history, was that of May to July, 1894, growing out of a strike of the employes in the Pullman Palace Car shops. The previous year had been one of considerable commotion, owing to the increasing financial depression and the decline in industrial enter- prises, but the striking element had been held in check somewhat, so far as Chicago was con- cerned, by concessions due to the fact that the Columbian World's Exposition was then in progress. During the summer of 1893 an organ- ization of railroad employes under the name of the "American Railway Union" was formed, and in the following fall the agitation against a threatened reduction in wages became very active. Owing to the growing depression in the car manufacturing industry during the latter part of 1893, The Pullman Company, in Septem- ber of that year, made a reduction in the wages of their employes, and in March and April fol- lowing, the latter, who had become dissatisfied with the existing condition of affairs, became members of the Railway Union and submitted to the Company a demand for a restoration of the wages which they had received during the previous year. This having been refused, on May 10, 1894, the local union ordered a strike which went into effect the next day, some three hundred members taking part in it. This was promptly followed by the Company with an order to close the shops, thus throwing out of employment six hundred men who had not pre- viously taken part in the strike. Up to July 3 it is claimed that no actual violence or destruc- tion of property by the strikers or their sym- pathizers had taken place, although a sympa- thetic boycott and strike against the handling of Pullman cars by members of the Railway Union was ordered on the 26th of June, which soon extended practically to all the railroad lines entering the city of Chicago. From this time the disorders increased rapidly, and on July 7 the principal officers of the American Railway Union were indicted and placed under arrest for refusing to obey an injunction of the United States Court issued on July 2, prohibit- ing interference with the moving of railroad trains. Meanwhile many scenes of violence were occurring upon the streets and in the vicinity of the railway yards, much property was destroyed and a general paralysis of busi- ness had resulted. So serious had become the situation, the municipal and State authorities proving themselves incapable of holding the lawless element in check, that on July 3 Presi- dent Cleveland issued a proclamation taking notice of the interference with the laws, and instructing the oflScer commanding the United States forces at Fort Sheridan to "move his entire command at once to the city of Chi- cago, there to execute the orders and processes of the United States Court, to prevent the obstruction of the United States mails, and generally to enforce the faithful execution of the laws of the United States." Gen. Nelson A. Miles, then in command of this Department, appeared on the scene about noon on July 4, took command in person, and State troops being also ordered upon the ground to assist the civil authorities, the lawless element was finally brought under control, although several days were necessary to bring about a complete restoration of order. According to the report of a commission con- 676 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. sisting of Carroll D. Wright, United States Commissioner of Labor, John D. Kernan, of New York, and N. E. Worthington, of Illinois, to inquire into the causes and facts connected with the controversy between the railroads and their employes, the number of men employed in the preservation of order during the progress of the strike was over 14,000, of which 1,936 were United States troops, about 4,000 State militia, about 5,000 Deputy United States Mar- shals, 250 Deputy Sheriffs and a local police force of 3,000. During the same time twelve persons were killed or fatally wounded, and 515 arrests were made and a large number indicted by the Grand Jury of the United States Court. One of these was Eugene V. Debs, who had been a leader in organizing the strike, and who was sentenced to imprisonment for a period of six months. Independent of the cost to the city, State and General Governments of restor- ing order, the loss of property and incidental expenses to the railroad corporations, is esti- mated by the same authority at $685,308; loss of earnings sustained by the same corporations, $4,672,916; the loss in wages to 3,100 employes, at Pullman, at $350,000, and that of about 100,- 000 employes on the railroads entering Chicago, $1,389,143 — making a total loss of wages amounting to $1,739,000. In this no account is taken of the loss to other branches of business by the general suspension and paralyzation of traffic. The following statistics of strike history for a period of twenty years (1881-1900) taken from the Sixteenth Annual Report of the Commis- sioner of Labor for 1901, will furnish a fitting conclusion to this chapter. According to this report, Illinois — and especially the city of Chi- cago — has become the leading strike center in the country, second only at some periods to the city of New York, but in later years taking front rank in cost to both employers and employed. Within the period named, the total number of strikes and lockouts in Chicago has been 1,794, affecting 20,645 business concerns employing 720,000 operatives. The loss to employes in wages during this time is estimated at $41,014,883 and that of employers at $30,698,- 194. STRIKES OF 1902-1904. One of the notable strikes In the history of the country wa« that of the anthracite coal- mlnerB In ihf> fall of 1902. While this did not directly involve the labor organizations of Chi- cago, it seriously affected the interests of the people of the city, as it did those of the whole country, in consequence of its effect on the supply of coal needed for local consumption and the consequent advance in prices. During 1903 there were numerous strikes by local labor organizations, that of the building- trades and metal-workers unions being probably the most serious, as it paralyzed building opera- tions to a large extent through the whole year. Other strikes which were most stubbornly con- tested were those of the metal-workers, machin- ists and electrical workers in the employ of the Kellogg Switchboard Supply Company, and the Franklin Union Bookbinders and Pressfeeders — both of these being attended with much riot- ing and numerous attacks upon both life and property. The strike of City Railway employes, occurring during the month of November, 1903, was especially noteworthy because of the inconvenience it imposed upon that large pro- portion of the population accustomed to use the cable and trolley-car lines to reach their places of business or regular employment. This also was attended by many acts of violence and some damage to property in consequence of assaults upon non-union conductors, grip and motor-men by the strikers and their sympathiz- ers. A strike by the employes of the Deering Harvester-Works, begun on April 27, 1903, for recognition of the union, ended in practical failure as the strikers were without a grievance. Less important strikes of the year were those of the elevator men and janitors in the large office and flat-buildings; the laundry-workers; and the restaurant employes — the latter being for higher wages and shorter hours. The first of these was settled without material changes or loss to either party; the laundry-workers were temporarily successful, but a few months later prices fell back to the original standard; while the restaurant- waiters' strike ended in absolute failure, a majority of those employed in down-town resturants permanently losing their places. The most sensational strike of 1904 was that of the packing house employes, which began July 12, in a demand for uniform wages for the same class of employes in all the packing establishments of the country, with a material advance for unskilled workmen. This included the packing establishments at Chicago, Omaha, St. Louis, Kansas City, Sioux City, Fort Worth. HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 677 (Texas), and New York. A week after th« strike began an agreement was reached and, two days later (July 21), a portion of the men returned to work, but were immediately called out by the leaders on the ground that the employers were not fulfiling their part of the contract. A few days later an attempt was made to get up a sympathetic strike, but it was only partially successful, there being a wide- spread impression that the striking employes had violated their agreement. On September 7 the unions involved voted almost unani- mously to continue the strike, but a day later (September 8) the ofBcials of the order called it off and there was an immediate rush, on the part of the employes, to secure their old places without change of wages. The strike, which lasted 51 days, had affected 50,000 workmen engaged in the different packing industries of the country, of whom 20,000 belonged to the city of Chicago, besides 6,000 connected with other trades. A newspaper estimate of the loss in wages by Chicago employes during the con- tinuance of the strike places the sum at $2,680,000, against which they had received in benefits from other organizations $115,000. The loss to packers in the same time is estimated by the same authority at $6,250,000; to stock- men, $2,750,000; to the Union Stock Yards, $150,000, and to the railroads $550,000, — making a total of $12,380,000. This estimate, while in some respects possibly exaggerated, does not include the loss to the general public in the increased cost of food products, to say nothing of the inconvenience caused by inability to procure supplies while the strike lasted, nor the suffering caused to many of the strikers' families. When it is remembered that the strikers gained no advantage either in the mat- ter of wages or hours of labor, this will take rank as one of the most disastrous strikes in history. EARLY NEWSPAPERS OF CHICAGO.— (See Newspapers, Early, Hist. Encyc. of 111., p. 398.) WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, 1893.— (See World's Columbian Exposition, Hist. Encyc. of 111., pp. 600-601.) CHAPTER XX. CHRONOLOGY OF IMPORTANT EVENTS. Among the more important events in local history may be enumerated the following: 1803. — Fort Dearborn established. 1804.^First permanent white settler, John Kinzie, arrives. 1805. — First Masonic Lodge organized. 1812. — (June 15) Fort Dearborn Massacre. 1816. — Fort Dearborn rebuilt. 1823. — (July 20) First marriage. Dr. Alex- ander Wolcott to Ellen M. Kinzie, celebrated in Chicago. 1825. — (Sept. 6) Chicago becomes a precinct of Peoria County; (Oct. 9) Isaac McCoy preaches the first Protestant sermon in Chicago. 1826 — (August 7) First election in Chicago. 1829. — First ferry established at Lake Street. 1830. — City surveyed and platted by Canal Commissioners; first bridge across South Branch erected near Randolph Street. 1831. — (Jan. 15) Cook County created by act of the Legislature; first county roads estab- lished (State Street, Archer Avenue, Madison Street and Ogden Avenue) ; first Methodist class organized; first Postofflce established. 1832. — First street leading to lake laid out; first bridge over North Branch erected; first Sunday School organized; period of Black Hawk War; visitation of cholera. 1833. — First Catholic church (May 5) organ- ized; first Presbyterian church (June 26) organized; (August 10) Village Government organized; (Nov. 26) first issue of "Chicago Democrat." 1834. — First drawbridge across Chicago River constructed at Dearborn Street; first Episcopal service in Chicago. 1835. — Government Land Office opened at Chicago — James Whitlock, Register, and E. D. Taylor, Receiver; first court-house erected; first fire company (the Pioneer) organized. 1836. — Work on the Illinois and Michigan Canal inaugurated (July 4) at Bridgeport, Dr. W. B. Egan, delivering the address; Fort Dear- born permanently evacuated; first Odd Fellows' Lodge organized. 1837. — City incorporated, March 4; first city 678 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. election, March 31; first theatrical entertain- ment. 1839. — (April 9) First daily paper (the "Chi- cago American") commenced publication; first book printed in Chicago by Stephen F. Gale ("Scammon's Compilation of P^iblic and Gen- eral Laws of Illinois"'). 1840. — New market-house (corner of State and Lake Streets) opened; bridge across river at Clark Street built. 1841. — Bridge across river at Wells Street built. 1842. — First propeller built on Lake Michi- gan; first water-works put in operation; negro sold at auction (Nov. 14). 1843 — Rush Medical College established; Board of Trade organized. 1844. — First meat packed for a foreign mar- ket; (April 22) first issue of the "Chicago Daily Journal." 1845 — First public school building completed and opened. 1846. — Chicago made a port of entry — first Collector of the Port appointed. 1846-48. — Mexican War. Chicago furnished two companies (B and K) for the First Regi- ment (Col. John J. Hardin's) Illinois Volun- teers, one company (F) for the Fifth Regi- ment (Col. Newby's), and a number of recruits for the Sixth. 1847. — River and Harbor Convention held in Chicago; first theater (John B. Rice's) opened. 1848. — First telegraphic dispatch received at Chicago; Illinois and Michigan Canal opened to La Salle; first grain elevator erected; first regular cattle market established; first railroad (10-mlle section of Galena & Chicago Union) opened. 1849. — Galena & Chicago Union Railroad opened to Elgin; great flood in the Chicago River. 1850.— City lighted by gas for first time. 1852. — First Eastern Railway (Michigan Southern) opened. 1853.— First Southern Railway (Chicago & Rock Island) opened to Peru; new court house occupied; city water-works put in operation. 18.05. — (December 28) Main line Illinois Cen- tral Railroad between Chicago and Cairo com- pletf'd. 1858. — Paid Fire Department organized. 1859.— Flrnt Street Railroad (State Street lino) opened. 1860. — Republican National Convention In Chicago (May 16) nominated Abraham Lincoln for the Presidency; Steamer Lady Elgin wrecked off Milwaukee (Nov. 7) 297 lives, out of 393 persons on board, lost. 1861. — (June 3) Senator Stephen A. Douglas dies in Chicago. 1861-65. — Period of the Civil War; citizens of Chicago and Cook County contributed, in whole or in part, to the organization of 23 regiments of infantry, seven of cavalry, and 11 companies of artillery — number of troops furnished by Cook County, 22,436. 1864. — Camp Douglas conspiracy exposed. 1867. — Lake tunnel completed and new water- works system inaugurated. 1868.— (May 21) Republican National Con- vention at Chicago nominated Gen. U. S. Grant for President and Schuyler Colfax for Vice- President. 1869. — Park System inaugurated. 1871.— The Great Fire (October 8-9) 2,024 acres burned over; 18,000 buildings destroyed; property loss estimated at $187,000,000. 1875. — City government reorganized under General Incorporation Act. 1877. — Great Railroad Strike at Chicago. 1880. — (June 2) Republican National Con- vention meets in Chicago; James A. Garfield nominated for President June 7. 1884. — (June 3) Republican National Conven- tion meets in Chicago; James G. Blaine nomi- nated for President and John A. Logan for Vice-President; (July 10) Democratic National Convention in Chicago nominated Grover Cleve- land for President. 1886. — Haymarket Riot (May 4) growing out of a labor strike begun at the McCormick Reaper Works in February previous; sixty- seven policemen wounded (of whom seven died) by the explosion of a bomb thrown by the rioters. In ^the trials which followed, seven of the leading rioters were condemned to death and one to fifteen years' imprison- ment. Of those condemned to death, one com- mitted suicide, four were executed (Nov. 11, 1887) and the sentences of two were commuted to life imprisonment. 1887.— (October 2) Lincoln Statue unveiled in Lincoln Park. 1888.— (June 20) Republican National Con- vention in Chicago; Benjamin Harrison nomi- nated for President. 1889.— (June 29) Hyde Park, Lake Township, Jefferson and Lake View annexed to the city HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 679 of Chicago; (Nov. 21) phenomenally dark day in Chicago — lights used at noon. 1890. — University of Chicago endowed by J. D. Rockefeller with gift of $1,600,000. 1891.— (July 22) Unveiling of Grant Eques- trian statue in Lincoln Park. 1892. — (September 3) Work on Drainage Canal inaugurated; World's Fair Site dedicated October 21. 1893. — The World's Columbian Exposition formally opened May 1 — officially closed Oct. 30; Mayor Carter Harrison assassinated Octo- ber 27; Gov. Altgeld pardoned the three an- archists connected with the Haymarket Mas- sacre who were serving life terms in the State Penitentiary. 1900. — Drainage Canal opened for flow of water from Lake Michigan into the Des Plaines and the Illinois Rivers. 1904.— (June 21-23) Republican National Con- vention held in Chicago, nominating Theodore Roosevelt for President and Charles W. Fair- banks for Vice-President. CHAPTER XXL OLD SETTLERS' ORGANIZATIONS. CHARACTERISTICS OF CHICAGO'S EARLY SETTLERS — PROBLEMS THET HAD TO MEET — CHICAGO HIS- TORICAL SOCIETY ITS OBJECT, HISTORY AND MEMBERSHIP — FIRST OLD SETTLERS' SOCIETY — CAIUMET CLUB OLD SETTLERS' REUNIONS — PIONEERS OF CHICAGO — PIONEERS' SONS AND DAUGHTERS' SOCIETY ^LIST OF MEMBERS THE SONS OF CHICAGO OLD TIME PRINTERS' ASSO- CIATION OLD SETTLERS' CLUB OF WILLIAMS STREET — GERMAN OLD SETTLERS' PICNIC. Chicago was peculiarly fortunate in having for its early settlers men of sterling worth and of mental as well as physical ability, who held an abiding faith in their chosen place of abode and labored for its ultimate success. Undaunted by the hardships that naturally beset every initiative effort in establishing a home in the wilderness, nerved to repulse the encroachments of Indians, wild animals, and unusually severe winters, they struggled on, each performing the task laid out for him, sustained by an indomitable will that remained steadfast under every discouraging circum- stance. That was the material of which the pioneers of Chicago were made, and by which was rendered possible the Empire City of the West. And these men who, as it were, blazed the way to civilization and all that the word stands for, are most worthy of earnest con- sideration and all the honor that can be accorded them. The present generation is only too apt to look upon the city's existing prosperous state with a prejudiced eye, losing sight of the early efforts which made that condition possible. It is prone to overlook the battles waged by its ancestors in laying the foundation of present day prosperity, and to place the credit more to the present than to the past. Through the mist of years it loses sight of the importance of those early struggles that were so productive of good. Once the corner-stone was laid, the underbrush of savagery cleared away, it was a comparatively easy matter to proceed with the task, stupendous as it was at the beginning. And now, after the years have winged their way to the past — after the struggles, the con- tentions, the privations, have been relegated to the storage room of their memories — the old settlers have transferred the burden of civili- zation to the shoulders of the younger genera- tion, content in the knowledge that they, themselves, have builded well. But a certain spirit of restlessness, inculcated in youthful days, still makes itself evident, and a longing occasionally comes to live over the past, even though it be only in imagination, to dig up those memories laid away in the mental store- room, and to exchange reminiscences with old-time comrades. That is the incentive that has caused the organization of various old settlers' societies throughout the city. "Youth lives in the future, middle age in the present, old age in the past." And it is only appro- priate that some recognition of these societies, organized to perpetuate a feeling of comrade- ship, the promotion of social life, and more thoroughly to cement the ties that bind the present with the past, should be given some definite as well as permanent form in the city's history. 68o HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. THE CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. When a city has passed its one-hundredth milestone, there is a peculiar interest attached to its early history and the circumstances which have made its present position among the world's leading cities possible. The preserva- tion of early records becomes of paramount importance and the contributions to its pioneer history have a value that will be at once recognized by the historiographer. As far back as 1856 the idea of collecting the records of Chicago's local history, as well as the preservation of material relating to the early days and growth of the State, was con- ceived by Rev. William Barry, and it was prin- cipally through his well-directed efforts that the Chicago Historical Society was organized on the 24th of April, 1856. The following oflBcers were at that time elected: William H. Brown, President; William B. Ogden and J. Young Scammon, Vice-Presidents; S. D. Ward, Treasurer; William Barry, Recording Secre- tary; Charles H. Ray, Corresponding Secretary. In addition to the foregoing, the following were the charter members of the Society: Mark Skinner, M. Brayman, George Manierre, John H. Kinzie, J. V. Z. Blaney, Isaac N. Arnold, E. I. Tinkham, J. D. Webster, W. A. Smallwood, 'Van H. Higgins, N. S. Davis, M. D. Ogden, F. Scammon, Ezra B. McCagg, and Luther Haven — a list of most distinguished and influential Chicago ciitzens. . The objects of the Society are first, the establishment of a library; second, the collec- tion, into a safe and permanent depository, of manuscripts and documents of historical value; third, to encourage the investigation of aborigi- nal remains; and fourth, to collect and preserve such historical materials as should serve to Illustrate the settlement and growth of Chi- cago. At the time of the destructive fire of 1871 the Society occupied a commodious brick building on its present site, at the corner of Dearborn Avenue and Ontario Street, where, under the intelligent management of its Secre- tary, Dr. Barry, had been collected a library of 14,000 volumes and priceless treasures in manuscripts and records, including the Emanci- pation I'roclamatlon, in the handwriting of PffHldent Lincoln and hi.s signature. The dev- astating flames swept everything away. Sub- aequently another building was erected, but it met a similar fate In the conflagration of 1874. Undaunted, however, by these repeated dis- asters, the Society's friends once more began the collection of books and material and, in 1877, a third building was erected, and the col- lection of valuable documents, books and accu- mulations was resumed, continuing until the quarters had become too small for their proper storage, when it was decided to build a struc- ture more suitable to the demands of the Society. In 1896 a magnificent edifice was built — the most perfect fire proof building in the world- — at a cost of $150,000, and it stands today as a monument to the industry, perseverance, and energy of Chicago's citizens. Among the So- ciety's three hundred members are to be found the city's prominent pioneers, who have been identified with Chicago's best interests ever since the days of its struggling infancy. The full list of members follows: Levi Z. Leiter, Sarah McClintock, Nettie F. McCormick, Samuel M. Nickerson, Daniel K. Pearsons, Byron L. Smith, John M. Adams, Edwards E. Ayer, Eliphalet W. Blatchford, George M. Bogue, Henry I. Cobb, Richard T. Crane, George L. Dunlap, William W. Farnum, John V. Farwell, Marshall Field, Henry Greene- baum, Henry H. Honore, Charles L. Hutchin- son, Samuel H. Kerfoot, Jr., Joseph Leiter, Jessie B. Lloyd, Frank O. Lowden, Henry C. Lytton, Ezra B. McCagg, Cyrus H. McCormick, Jr., William B. Ogden, Benjamin V. Page, Honore Palmer, William J. Quan, Martin A. Ryerson, Otto L. Schmidt, Catharina O. Seipp, Jesse Spalding, George C. Walker, Elias T. Watkins, Frederick H. Winston, George E. Adams, Charles C. Adsit, Albert Antisdel, Edward D. Appleton, George A. Armour, Ed- ward P. Bailey, Alfred L. Baker, Henry C. Bannard, Frederick Barnard, Charles J. Barnes, Henry Bartholomay, Jr., Adolphus C. Bartlett, Enos M. Barton, William G. Beale, Anita M. Blaine, Edward T. Blair Fred M. Blount, Joseph T. Bowen, J. Harley Bradley, George P. Braun, James C. Brooks, Edward O. Brown, William J. Bryson, Ebenezer Buckingham, John W. Bunn, Augustus H. Burley, Le Grand S. Burton, Augustus A. Carpenter, George B. Car- penter, Kate S. Caruthers, William J. Chalmers, Hobart Chatfield-Taylor, Lewis L. Coburn, Mile L. Coffeen, Charles Colahan, Charles H. Con- over, Charles R. Crane, Charles C. Curtiss, Edward T. Gushing, Nathan S. Davis, Luther M. Dearborn, Charles Dcoring, William Deerlng, HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. 68 1 Annie L. DeKoven, Frederick A. Delano, Thomas Dent, Albert B. Dick, Albert Dickin- son, Arthur Dixon, William F. Dummer, Elliott Durand, Sidney C. Eastman, Max Eberhardt, Augustus N. Eddy, John M. Ewen, Granger Far- well, John V. Farwell, Jr., George H. Fergus, George H. Ferry, Eugene H. Fishburn, Lucius G. Fisher, Walter L. Fisher, Archibald E. Freer, Oliver F. Fuller, William A. Fuller, John J. Glessner, Ralph S. Greenlee, Otto Gresham, Charles F. Gunther, William W. Gurley, David G. Hamilton, George B. Harris, Norman W. Harris, Carter H. Harrison, William P. Harri- son, Frank W. Harvey, Frederick T. Haskell, Franklin H. Head, Wallace Heckman, Harlow N. Higinbotham, Annie M. Hitchcock, John P. Hopkins, Christoph Hotz, Charles H. Hulburd, Robert W. Hunt, William J. Hynes, Samuel Insull, Ralph N. Isham, John F. Jameson, John N. Jewett, David B. Jones, Joseph R. Jones, Thomas D. Jones, Albert Keep, Chaun- cey Keep, William E. Kelley, William D. Ker- foot, Eugene S. Kimball, William W. Kimball, Francis King, John B. Kirk, Herman H. Kohl- saat, George H. Laflin, Bryan Lathrop, Dwight Lawrence, Victor F. Lawson, Albert T. Lay, Thies J. Lefens, Robert T. Lincoln, John B Lord, Harold F. McCormick, Robert H. McCor mick, Robert S. McCormick, Stanley McCor- mick, George A. McKinlock, Franklin Mc Veagh, Lafayette McWilliams, Levy Mayer, George Merryweather, Luther L. Mills, James H. Moore, Fred W. Morgan, Joy Morton, Adolph Moses, Alfred H. Mulliken, Charles H. Mulli- ken, Walter C. Newberry, Jacob Newman, La Verne W. Noyes, John A. Orb, Ferdinand W. Peck, Erskine M. Phelps, Eugene S. Pike, Char- lotte W. Pitkin, Henry H. Porter, Sartell Pren- tice, Norman B. Ream, William H. Rehm, Dan- iel G. Reid, Edward P. Ripley, Robert W. Rolo- son, Maurice Rosenfeld, Harry Rubens, John S. Runnells, Edward L. Ryerson, Harry L. Say- ler, Frederick M. Schmidt, Richard E. Schmidt, Frank H. Scott, Caroline R. G. Scott, John A. Scudder, William C. Seipp, Elizabeth Skinner, Frederika Skinner, Delavan Smith, Frederick B. Smith, Orson Smith, John A. Spoor, Albert A. Sprague, Otho S. A. Sprague, Lucretia J. Tilton, Lambert Tree, Charles H. Wacker, Henry H. Walker, William B. Walker, Thomas S. Wallin, Ezra J. Warner, David S. Wegg, John C. Welling, Frances S. Willing, John P. Wilson, Frederick S. Winston, John H. Wrenn, Mar- garet M. O'Donoghue, Charles F. Adams, Henry W. Blodgett, Isaac Craig, Shelby M. Cullom, Andrew S. Draper, Desire Girouard, William E. McLaren, Charles Rogers, Adlai E. Stevenson, William L. Stone, Jr., Samuel D. Ward, F. Cope Whitehouse, Henry C. L. Anderson, Perry A. Armstrong, George H. Baker, Edmund M. Bar- ton, Oliver, L. Baskin, Hiram W. Beckwith, John H. Beers, Rufus Blanchard, Daniel Bon- bright, Benjamin N. Bond, Henry R. Boss, Ben- jamin L. T. Bourland, Wesley R. Brink, Ed- mund Bruwaert, John H. Burnham, Francis Cantelo, Charles C. Chapman, Francis M. Chap- man, Oscar W. Collet, John W. DePeyster, Charl'es H. G. Douglas, Daniel 0. Drennan, Jacob P. Dunn, Jr., Reuben T. Durrett, Francis A. Eastman, Bernhard Felsenthal, Jacob Fouke, Marian S. Franklin, Asa B. Gardner, Charles Gilpin, Richard A. Gilpin, Edward Goodman Nelly K. Gordon, Samuel A. Green, Ossian Guthrie, William Harden, Robert J. Harmer, Charles Harpel, Henry H. Hill, Adolphus S. Hubbard, William B. Isham, Dwight H. Kelton, William H. Kimball, Henry C. Kinney, George S. Knapp, Edward F. Leonard, Benjamin F. Lewis, John T. Long, Anthony J. Ludlam, David R. McCord, James J. McGovern, Eliza, Meachem, Peter A. Menard, William A. R. Mitchell, Will- iam J. Onahan, Nathan H. Parker, Stephen D, Peet, William H. Perrin, Lily M. Redmond, James A. Rose, Julius Rosenthal, John C. Smith, Perry H. Smith, Jr., John F. Steward, James S. Swearingen, Edward S. Thacher, Reuben G. Thwaites, Caleb B. Tillinghast, George P. Up- ton, Addison Van Name, Thomas A. M. Ward, Townsend Ward, Winslow C. Watson, Albert E. Wells, Garland N. Whistler, Samuel Willard, James G. Wilson, James W. Wood. THE FIRST OLD SETTLERS' SOCIETY. The organization of the first "Old Settlers' Society" took place before the fire of 1871. It had headquarters in what was then known as Rice's building, and the following constituted its officers: William Jones, President; J. H. Kinzie, Vice-President; G. W. Dole, Treasurer; G. T. Pearson, Secretary. Later John Calhoun was Treasurer. William Jones, the President, was the father of Fernando Jones. Mr. Kinzie and Mr. Dole were ex-Mayors of Chicago, and John Calhoun was the original editor of the 682 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. old "Chicago Democrat." The following account of a meeting held to organize an Old Settlers' Society is from the "Chicago Tribune" of JaJiuary 20, 1871: "There have been several spasmodic at- tempts in this city to permanently organize an old settlers' society, but hitherto without success. About three years ago a number of 'Old Folks' put their venerable heads together, but beyond having a good old-fash- ioned festival, and a social reunion, accom- plished nothing. There are several cities where the pioneer residents have permanent organizations, and at the recurrence of each dull winter season they enjoy themselves in real old-time style. Among the prominent societies of this kind is that at Buffalo, where a round of fun, lasting from three to four days, is indulged in in the winter, by old and young, and where all the old fashions worn by the parents and grandparents of the members of the Society, are exhibited to the wondering eyes of the young people. "The new movement, begun so auspiciously last evening, looks toward a permanent organ- ization, and as a natural result, plenty of fun, such as the Old Settlers can engage in. Soon we shall have Old Folks' concerts, balls, suppers, etc., and there are plenty of old time people to participate in them. "Agreeably to a call in the newspapers a goodly number of Chicago's oldest residents gathered in Parlor No. 1, Tremont House, last evening. Such an assemblage of white and gray-haired men, some with bald crowns glis- tening in the gas-light, has rarely been wit- nessed in these parts. "On motion of Hon. John Wentworth, G. S. Hubbard was called to the chair; Mr. Went- worth was made Secretary, and L. P. Hilliard Assistant Secretary. "It was suggested that a list of those pres- ent, and who came to Chicago previous to 1843, be taken in, and it was found that the following were present, the years preceding their names indicating when they came to Chicago: 1818, G. S. Hubbard; 1825, Joseph Robertson; 1826. W. Marshall, Julius M. War- ren; 1833, Joseph Meeker, Ezekiel Morrison, L. HuRunin, S. B. Cobb, Captain John M. Turner, Dr. J. H. Foster; 1834, Robinson Tripp; 1835. K. K. Jones, J. H. Reea, Tuttle King, Fernando Jones, John C. Haines, S. L. Brown, William H. Clark, H. H. Magee, H. P. Murphy, Dr. C. V. Dyer, H. O. Stone, B. K. Rogers, Seth Wadhams, J. K. Murphy; 1836, John Wentworth, L. P. Hillard, A. B. Wheeler, M. L. Satterlee, David FoUansbee, B. W. Ray- mond, L. C. P. Freer, H. L. Stewart, Redmond Prindiville, S. P. Warner, M. C. Stearns, Orrin Sherman; 1837, Matthew Laflin, J. C. Walter, William Wayman, Thomas Hoyne, C. N. Holden, John M. Van Osdel, Peter Page, John Gray; 1838, A. J. Willard, C. R. Vander- cook, H. W. Clark; 1839, Isaac Speer, C. G. Wicker, Henry Fuller, 0. W. Stoughten, John A. Oliver A. W. Gray, N. Scranton, Nat Saw- yer; 1840, R. W. Patterson, M. B. Clancy; 1841, George Anderson; 1842, William Blair, O. Lunt, Henry Warrington, William M. Ingalls, J. F. Irwin. "On motion of K. K. Jones, the Chairman and Secretaries were appointed a Committee to draft a Constitution, to be presented at a future meeting. On motion of John C. Haines, the meeting adjourned, subject to the call of the Committee on Constitution. It is expected that the next meeting will be held in about two weeks, when the organization will be perfected." On February 7, 1871, the following notice was inserted in the newspapers: "All residents of the original county of Cook, prior to the adoption of the city char- ter, and all voters of the city of Chicago prior to the first day of January, 1843, are invited to meet at Parlor No. 1, Tremont House, on Thursday evening, Feb. 9, at 7 o'clock, to hear the report of the Committee appointed to prepare a Constitution. "g. s. hxjbbard, "John Wentworth, "L. P. Hilliard, "Committee." The Tribune made the following report of the meeting in its issue of February 10: "An adjourned and largely attended meet- ing of the Old Settlers of Chicago was held in the ladies' ordinary of the Tremont House last evening. "A more venerable assembly has rarely taken place here, and the collection of white, gray, and bald heads was one such as is seldom seen anywhere. G. S. Hubbard, Esq., the oldest settler present, called the meet- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 683 ing to order, and reported that the Commit- tee on Constitution had examined the Con- stitutions of old settlers' societies in other places, and had prepared one for considera- tion. "Hon. John Wentworth read the Constitu- tion, which is, in brief as follows: "The name to be the Old Settlers' Society of Chicago. "Object. — To cultivate social intercourse, friendship, union, and the collection of and preservation of information. "Members to be only residents of Cook County prior to the adoption of the charter of Chicago, and those voters resident in Cook County prior to January 1, 1843. The time may be extended every third year by a vote of three-fourths of the members present at an auuual meeting. "Ladies who have been here since 1843 are made honorary members. "Any members of the Society may register the number of their family as junior mem- bers of the Society. "The officers shall be a President, Vice- President, Corresponding Secretary, Treas- urer, and eight Directors (who, with the President, shall constitute a board of nine members), a Recording Secretary, and a His- toriographer, and such others as may be provided for in the by-laws. All the officers shall be elected annually. "The duties of the officers are defined at length. The Directors shall meet upon the call of the President, and a majority may call a meeting of the board or society. No debts shall be contracted or bills paid with- out the sanction of the Directors. "Four times the amount of the initiation fee paid by an old settler constitutes him a life member. "After some discussion a motion of Mr. B. T. Lee to fix the initiation fee at $10 was carried, and then a reconsideration was had. Another colloquy, facetious and sincere in its nature, followed, and the amount necessary for the entrance fee into the Society was fixed at $10. "A letter from Hon. Carlile Mason, express- ing a desire to join the Society, was read. He had been a resident of Chicago since 1842. "The Constitution was then signed by the following gentlemen: Gurdon S. Hubbard, J. W. Poole, L. Nichols, James A. Marshall, Philo Carpenter, Joseph Meeker, Alexander Beaubien, A. D. Taylor, Hibbard Porter, Asahel Pierce, Samuel Wayman, Rev. J. E. Ambrose, Grant Goodrich, Bennet Bailey, J. C. Rue, Alexander Wolcott, Seth Paine, James A. Smith, Tuttle King, Jacob Doney, Cyrenius Beers, M. D. Butterfield, John M. Turner, D. N. Chappell, George Bassett, James Lane, K. K. Jones, Charles V. Dyer, S. L. Brown, James Couch, A. B. Wheeler, William L. Church, Daniel Worthington, A. Follansbee, J. T. Durant, Jacob Morgan, Charles Harding, James M. Hannahs, Elisha B. Lane, A. S. Sherman, Peter Graff, Oren Sherman, W. W. Smith, C. McDonald, John W. Weir, M. B. Smith, L. P. Hilliard, John Wentworth, John Turner, William M. But- ler, L. A. Doolittle, C. B. Sammons, J. B. Hunt, Matthew Laflin, Michael White, N. S. Gush- ing, Eljiah Smith, Darius Knights, William Wayman, J. B. Bridges, Eugene O'Sullivan, John M. Van Osdel, John Gray, Joel C. Wal- ters, N. Goold, James B. Hugunin, Alonzo J. Willard, William B. H. Gray, W. Butterfield, O. L. Lange, Henry Fuller, Isaac Speer, John Oliver, Sydney Sawyer, Edwin Judson, Thomas L. Forrest, Frederick Burcky, Thomas Speer, James Ward, B. W. Thomas, Thomas Hastie. "The main object of the Society, as set forth by John Wentworth, who was the prime mover in its organization, was not only the social reunion of old settlers, but the col- lection and formulation of historical facts, which otherwise would pass from remem- brance and be lost. "The Society then adjourned, subject to the call of the Committee on Constitution. At the next meeting the officers will be elected and the organization perfected." During the following spring and summer months the Society did not accomplish a great deal, either in holding meetings, or in the accumulating of historical information. Then came the all-absorbing fire of October 9, and the Old Settlers' Society, as it was then organized, ceased to exist, giving way to the weightier problem of rebuilding a cremated and wholly dismembered city. 684 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. CALUMET CLUB OLD SETTLERS' REUNION. In 1879, interest began again to manifest itself in the welfare of Chicago's old settlers. In that year several of the oldest members of the Calumet Club, which had been organ- ized in 1878, decided to constitute themselves a committee to invite all those citizens who had lived in Chicago prior to 1840, and who were over twenty-one years of age at the time, to attend a reception at the club house. This restriction was found to be necessary at the time on account of the number of people who would be otherwise eligible. At the first recep- tion about eight hundred pioneers attended. Arrangements for the first reception were made at the first annual meeting of the Calu- met Club, held May 5, 1879, the motion to that effect being presented by Mr. Joel Walter, seconded by Mr. Charles S. Hutchings. At a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Club, held on May 10, it was, on motion of Mr. Augustus M. Eddy and seconded by Mr. ■\Villiam Chisholm, resolved that a committee of three, to consist of the Vice-President, Mr. Charles J. Barnes, the Secretary, Mr. Frederick B. Tuttle, and Mr. A. G. Van Schick, be appointed with power to act, to confer with Messrs. Silas B. Cobb, Franklin D. Gray, Mark Kimball, James H. Rees, Marcus Stearns, Fred- erick Tuttle, and Joel C. Walter, and to make all necessary arrangements for the reception to be given the old settlers of Chicago. Invi- tations were at once issued, and on the even- ing of Tuesday, May 27, the settlers of Chicago began to assemble in large numbers at the Club house, which at that time was located at the corner of Michigan Avenue and Eighteenth Street. The members of the Club were there to give them a cordial greeting, and by eight o'clock there was an assemblage of Chicago's pioneers that exceeded In number the expecta^ tions of the most sanguine. Mr. Cobb called upon the Rev. Stephen R. Beggs, the oldest living Chicago clergyman, horn In 1801, and who was here in 1831, to make a prayer, after which he was asked to give his experiences in early Chicago. Addi- tional addresses were made by the following pioneers: General Henry Strong, Ex-Chief Justice John Dean Caton, Judge Henry W. nioflgotf, Judge JamoR Grant, Hon. .John Went- worth, Judge Grant Goodrich, J. Young Scam- mon, and Lieutenant-Governor William Bross. At the close of the last speech the guests were invited into the supper room. After refreshments they returned to the original reception rooms, which had been cleared for dancing. Mr. Mark Beaubien took a position at the head of the rooms with fiddle in hand, and the guests all went forward and shook his hand, as a valued friend of olden times, and congratulated him upon his well-preserved appearance and good spirits. He sang a song, accompanied by his fiddle, in ridicule of Gen- eral Hull's surrender, which he learned at Detroit in 1812. Then he and Gurdon S. Hub- bard indulged in a conversation in the orig- inal Indian tongue, which terminated in their giving a specimen of Indian dancing, to the great merriment of the company. Hon. John Wentworth assumed the role of floor manager and, with a voice loud enough for the deafest to hear, called upon Colonel Julius M. Warren to lead Silas B. Cobb to the head of the hall for "Monnie Musk." He called upon all those over seventy-five, all over sixty, all over fifty-five, and all over fifty, and then requested the younger members of the Club to stand back and see how their fathers and grandfathers danced when Mark Beaubein handled the bow. The "Virginia Reel" and several old time favorite dances were after- ward gone through with, and early incidents were recalled and stories told. The settlers then took their leave with many expressions of gratitude, hoping, without reasonably expect- ing, that some day they might all meet again. Their hopes were destined to be realized, for that was the first of a series of annual recep- tions given to the old settlers by the Calumet Club, which continued uninterruptedly until 1892. Of the old settlers of Chicago prior to 1840 who attended the first Calumet Club reception, one hundred and forty-nine registered their names as follows: William H. Adams, James M. Adsit, Isaac N. Arnold, Ezra Batchelor, Ben- net Bailey, Franklin Baker, William A. Bald- win, John Balsley, John Bates, Mark Beaubien, Jerome Beecher, Stephen R. Beggs, S. Sand- ford Blake, Henry W. Blodgett, Levi D. Boone, Jabez K. Botsford, Erastus E. Bowen, James B. Bradwell, Frederick A. Bryan, Arthur G. Bur- ley, Augustus H. Burlcy, James Campbell, Thomas B. Carter, Abel E. Carpenter, I'hllo Carpenter, John Dean Caton, William L. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 685 Church, Henry W. Clarke, L. J. Clarke, James Couch, Norman Clarke, Silas B. Cobb, Charles Cleaver, Isaac Cook, Bleazer W. Densmore, Calvin De Wolf, Christian B. Dodson, Theodorus Doty, Thomas Drummond, Wiley M. Egan, James F. D. Elliott, Albert C. Ellithorpe, Robert Fergus, Charles Fol- lansbee, Robert Freeman, L. C. Paine Freer, Abram Gale, Stephen F. Gale, Philetus W. Gates, George H. Germain, Samuel H. Gilbert, Grant Goodrich, T. W. Goodrich, Peter Graff, Elihu Granger, Amos Grannis, James Grant, Franklin D. Gray, George M. Gray, John Gray, Joseph H. Gray, William B. H. Gray, Edward H. Hadduck, Philip A. Hall, Polemus D. Ham- ilton, John L. Hauchett, Isaac N. Harmon, John S. Hawley, William Hickling, Van H. Higgins, Lorin P. Hilliard, Samuel Hoard, Charles N. Holden, Dennison Horton, Frederick A. Howe, Alonzo Huntington, Thomas Hoyne, Gurdon S. Hubbard, Nathaniel A. Jones, Michael Kehoe, Jonathan A. Kennicott, Mark Kimball, Martin N. Kimball, Walter Kimball, Tuttle King, H. W. Knickerbocker, Elisha B. Lane, James Lane, William Lock, Horatio G. Loomis, Edward Manierre, James A. Marshall, Alexander Mc- Daniels, John R. Mills, Isaac L. Milliken, Ira Miltimore, Daniel Morrison, Ephraim Morrison, Ezekiel Morrison, James K. Murphy, R. N. Murray, Willard F. Myrick, John Noble, Mahlon D. Ogden, John A. Oliver, A. L. Osborn, Will- iam Osborn, Peter Page, Joseph Peacock, Asahel Pierce, J. W. Poole, Hibbard Porter, William G. Powers, Cornelius Price, John Prindiville, Redmond Prindiville, Benjamin W. Raymond, James H. Rees, Stephen Rexford, James J. Richards, Edward K. Rodgers, George F. Rum- sey, Julien S. Rumsey, M. L. Satterlee, Sidney Sawyer, J. Young Scammon, Willard Scott, Wil- liam H. Scoville, Alanson S. Sherman, Ezra L. Sherman, L. Sherman, Oren Sherman, Mark Skinner, S. Smith, William B. Snowhook, John Sollitt, Marcus C. Stearns, James W. Steele, L. Stewart, S. A. Stubb. Many left without knowing a registry was being kept, and some called subsequently and registered. This custom of inviting the old settlers to an annual reunion, which had been so auspi- ciously begun, was continued from year to year until 1892, when, for reasons of their own, the Directors of the Club decided not to hold the annual event. In the meantime, however, cir- cumstances had been so shaping themselves that, as a direct outcome of the yearly gather- ings at the Calumet Club, the old settlers were to have an organization of their own, and the decision of the Club served to stimulate the plans that had been working in the minds of some of the more active old settlers previously. THE PIONEERS OF CHICAGO. The old settlers who were accustomed to gather once a year at the Calumet Club were not an organized society. There were merely invited guests of the Club, the only qualifica- tions being that they must have been residents of Chicago qualified to vote in 1840. This formed rather an exclusive coterie, and kept from the gatherings a large number of old residents who laid claim to having grown up with the city from its infancy. The Calumet Club had been asked once or twice to alter the qualifications so that more old settlers might attend the receptions, and it had been suggested that the year 1850 should be substituted for 1840. Those members of the Club who had the matter in charge thought differently, and were afraid that the 'recep- tions would become too large. This being the case, something had to be done by which those who were of the opinion that they were entitled to be ranked as old settlers should be able to come together. In this emergency Mr. Fernando Jones came to the rescue with a happy thought in the spring of 1890. On May 26th of that year he would complete his seventieth year, and he determined to invite fifty old residents of Chi- cago to dine with him at the Auditorium in celebration of his birthday, and at the same time they would organize a society and retain the fellowship which had existed among them for so many years. A charter was applied for and, on May 22d, four days before the banquet, the charter was granted. It was a merry gath- ering of well-preserved and notable men that assembled in the Auditorium, and after Mr. Jones had been duly congratulated, the business of the evening was laid before the assembled guests. The idea met with hearty co-operation and it was unanimously resolved that a society should be formed, to be known as "The Pio- neers of Chicago." The fifty guests present 686 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. formed the nucleus of this now well known society. Two years later, on May 26, 1892, the Chicago Pioneer Society was formally organized at another banquet given by Mr. Jones at the Auditorium, and the following officers were elected: Henry W. Blodgett, President; Fer- nando Jones and James B. Bradwell, Vice-Presi- dents; Amos Grannis, Treasurer; William A. Calhoun, Corresponding Secretary; George H. Fergus, Recording Secretary. The by-laws of the Society provide that no citizen of Chicago is eligible for membership until he has been fifty years in Chicago. Con- sequently the Society's membership is limited, but numbers over one hundred and eighty, including twenty-five ladies. Arrangements were made whereby the Society should not die out, even after its founders and original members were no more. To this end associate members were allowed to join, men who had lived nearly the fifty years, and who, having been born in Chicago, were still in the prime of life. The object of the Pioneers of Chicago Society is to enable the real old folk to make the acquaintance of the younger class of pioneers. The Society is neither exclusive nor expensive. There are no initiation fees, the expenses being met by voluntary contributions. The candidate for admission to the Society is asked to fill out a blank addressed to the Board of Direc- tors of the Pioneers of Chicago, certifying that he or she had resided in Cook County fifty years, with the additional facts of the date of birth and time of arrival in Chicago. At the time of the formation of the Pioneers' Society, notices were sent to all who were con- sidered eligible to membership, and with them information blanks. It was not then deemed advisable to include those old settlers who had been attending the receptions of the Calumet Club, as it was thought the members of that Club might think the Pioneers were encroach- ing on their prerogative and be offended. The Ploiipors of Chicago held their first annual reunion and dinner at the Grand Pacific Hotel, May 20, 1892, about two hundred ladies and gentlemen being present. At the same date In each succeeding year the society has held a reunion and banquet, which promises to be repeated for many years to come. PIONEERS' SONS AND DAUGHTERS' SOCIETY. Inspired by the laudable example of their forefathers to still further perpetuate and keep young in the hearts and minds of generations yet to come, the old time friendships, the early associations, the cherished recollections of pio- neer days, there was organized, in the summer of 1901, still another association, the interest of whose members is directed toward the past rather than the future. When the Pioneers of Chicago decided to place the year 1900 as a time limit in which those who desired to join their ranks should be able to qualify, a number of the descend- ants of the old settlers got together for the purpose of devising ways and means whereby they and others might also enter the charmed circle that formed the connecting link between the present and the past. In this movement Mr. Frank W. Smith was the leading spirit. For many years Mr. Smith has taken a deep interest in Chicago, and possesses the most complete collection of pic- tures of old Chicago landmarks and historic places in the city. As a result of his earnest efforts to inculcate a feeling of interest among the younger generation, a meeting was held in July, 1901, in Parlor M of the Sherman House, which was attended by the following: Mrs. J. D. C. Whitney, William H. Gale, Fer- nando Jones, George Sinclair, James Sinclair, David Vernon, C. D. Peacock, De Witt H. Curtis. George H. Fergus, John A. Phillips and David E. Bradley. In consequence of this gathering the organ- ization now known as the "Chicago Pioneers' Sons and Daughters" was formed, and the fol- lowing oflicers were elected: Frank W. Smith, President; Charles D. Peacock, First Vice-President; David Vernon, Second Vice- President; Samuel H. Kerfoot, Jr., Third Vice- President; Orson Smith, Treasurer; John S. Zimmerman, Corresponding Secretary; George H. Fergus, Recording Secretary; William H. Gale, Historiographer. Directors: David E. Bradley, De Witt H. Curtis, Edward T. Gush- ing, John J. Flanders, Sarah C. Forrest, Reuble M. Outhet, Al))ert G. Lane, Joseph Schlossman, Charles E. Sinclair, Alice J. Whitney. The object of the Society Is to renew and W4caU(M(C/// ic£( The Cemurv'Puihsluns K slung AEiLjrantig Co Chicago HISTORICAL EN'CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 687 maintain early social relations among the mem- bers, and those who were resident of Chicago as early as 1850, their descendants who have attained the age of thirty-five years, and those who were pupils and teachers of Chicago schools as early as 1860, are eligible to active membership. The husbands and wives of active members may become associate members, en- titled to all the privileges except voting and holding office. The annual meeting is held on the second Tuesday in October. The Pioneers' Sons and Daughters rapidly attained popular interest, and as all those who had joined the ranks of the Pioneers of Chi- cago were eligible to membership, the two societies are to a certain extent intermingled and affiliated with one another. The follow- ing is the complete membership of both organ- izations: A Miss Katherine Arnold, 108 Pine St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. G. E. Adams, N. Clark & Belden Av., Chi. Mrs. Sarah M. Adams, 467 Warren Ave., Chicago. Mr. Charles B. Affleld, 1824 Diversey Blvd., Chicago. Mr. Frank O. Affleld, 22 Pine St., New York. Mr. John Anderson, 646 Cleveland Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Armstrong, 85 Lincoln Av., Chicago. Mrs. J. K. Armsby & Sister, Evanston, 111. Mr. J. P. Ahles, 287 S. Irving Ave., Chicago. Mr. Jas. M. Adsit, 400 Dearborn Ave., Chicago. Mr. Chas. C. Adsit, 222 La Salle St., Chicago. Mr. Wm. M. Adams, 566 Washington Blvd., Chicago. Mr. Harvey Akhurst, 4812 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Mr. Abram Adler, Joliet, 111. Mrs. Cyrus P. Albee (widow), Blue Island, 111. Mr. James B. Allen, 3410 W. 60th St., Chicago. Mrs. Mary Allen, Mont Clair P. O. Mr. Ed. L. Austin, 5723 Cedar St., Austin. B Mr. Edward Bralnard, Chestnut St., Chicago. Mr. John R. Barker, 2421 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Mrs. John N. Barker, 5000 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. Mr. Geo. P. Bay, 6400 Wentworth Ave., Chicago. Mr. A. H. Blackall, Randolph St., Chicago. Dr. J. N. Banks, E. Church Block, Chicago. Mr. George Barry, Wilmette, 111. Mr. Hugh Eradshaw, 695 FuUerton St., Chicago. Mr. Frederick Barnard, 46 La Salle St., Chicago. Mr. David' F. Bremmer, Home Ins. Bldg., Chicago. Mr. Robert Bremmer, 205 La Salle St., Chicago. Hon. Charles Bent, Morrison, 111. Mr. A. H. Beardsley, Rosalie Court, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. John Burton, Hinsdale, 111. Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Burton, Aurora, 111. Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus Bentley, Ind. Ave. & 20th St., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. B. A. Bailey, 649 Cleveland Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Babcock, 2701 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. John Bailey, Chicago. Dr. David Basset, Waukegan, 111. Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Barnum, 6400 Wright St., Chicago. Hon. John L. Beveridge, Evanston, 111. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Blaikie, 417 Center St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. E. S. Blake, 1275 Palmer St., Ravenswood. Mr. & Mrs. J. Bickerdike, Elston Ave. & Roscoe St. Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Bickerdike, 2058 Elston Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. R. F. Bickerdike, W. Ros. St. & Els. Av. Mr. & Mrs. C. G. Bickerdike, 2077 Elston Av., Chicago. Mrs. E. Brooks, 804 Pine Grove Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Buckley, 957 Spaulding Av., Chi. Maj. & Mrs. E. A. Blodgett, 6415 Wright St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Brown, Evanston, 111. Mr. Henry Bowman, Oakland, Cal. Hon. A. H. Burley, 254 Dearborn Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. L. A. Budlong, Foster & West'rn Av., Chi. Hon. Thomas B. Bryan, Elmhurst, 111. Mr. Louis Braunhold, 1729 Diversey, Blvd., Chicago. Mr. Robert Boyd, 111. Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago. Mr. C. F. Bass, 149 Lincoln Park Blvd., Chicago. Mr. Chas. H. Brenan, 10O7 West Adams St., Chicago. Mr. Howard C. Bristol, East Tawas, Mich. Mr. Edward F. Bishop, Denver, Colo. Mr. Lewis Bushnell, 439 W. Randolph St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. W. Beaubien, Dubuque, Iowa. Mr. Thomas Bradwell, 3209 S. Park Ave., Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bassett, LaSalle St., Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Boardman, 2513 Mich. Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Bradley, cf. 444 N. Clark St., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. C. H. Bradley, Cty. Clks. Off., C. H., Chi. Mr. Frank W. Baker, Benton Harbor, Mich. Mr. N. S. Bouton, 191 47th St., Chicago. Mr. Walter S. Bogle, 1449 Sheridan Park, 111. Mr. Hume R. Buchanan, 5315 Lake Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. F. E. Brown, 6830 Woodlawn Ave., Chi. Mary A. Bourke, 3650 Ashland Ave., Chicago. Mr. L. N. Barnes, 4012 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Mr. Martin Barbe, 3153 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Mr. Addison Ballard, 241 53rd St., Chicago. Mr. N. H. Blatchford, 375 LaSalle Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Jerome Beecher, 241 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Mr. C. T. Boggs (deceased), 5547 Wash. Ave., Chi. Mr. Ira P. Bowen, 218 LaSalle St., Chicago. Mr. Wm. A. Bond, 4029 Drexel Blvd., Chicago. Alice L. Barnard, 2018 N. 103rd St., Longwood. Alex Beaubien, 98 S. Whipple St., Chicago. Mr. Wm. S. Beaubien, 91 S. Whipple St., Chicago. Mr. Geo. D. Bromell, 496 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Mr. Fred M. Blount, Chicago Nat'l Bank, Chicago. Mrs. Wm. Blair, 230 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Mr. Otto C. Butts, Reaper Block, Chicago. Mr. Jas. B. Bradwell, 112 Clark St., Chicago. Mr. H. W. Blodgett, Waukegan, III. Mr. & Mrs. A. E. Bournique, 51 23d St., Cbicago. Mr. Frank M. Barrett, 1304 Wash. Blvd., Chicago. Mr. Fred W. Bryan, 164 LaSalle St., Chicago. Mr. Chas. L. Boyd, 486 42d St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. N. Buschwah, 142 Eugenie St., Chicago. Mr. A. C. Blayney, 398 40th St., Chicago. Hattie J. Blake, 55 20th St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. E. B. Bacon, 596 Cleveland Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Oscar W. Barrett, 785 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Mr. John D. Bangs, 3861 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Mr. Olaf Benson, 594 Cleveland Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Josephine J. Brabrook, 520 W. Congress St., Chi. Mrs. Margaret P. Barker, 824 Wash. Blvd., Chicago. Mrs. S. C. Blake & Sons, 55 20th St., Chicago. Miss Josephine Balkman, County Record's Offl., C. H. Mr. David E. Bradley (deceased) Evanston, 111. 688 HISTORICAL EJ^CYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. Dr. Wallace Blanehard, Avenue House, Evanston, 111. Mrs. Rose Baumstark, 1S9 E. FuUerton Ave. Mr. James Bell, Grove, 111. Mr. Arthur G. Bennett, Wm. H. Hoyt & Co. Mr. Jonathan Brooks, 4912 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Stiles Burton, 229 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Bowron, Green Bay, Wis. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Burnham, Reid, Murdock & Co. Prof. C. P. Bradley, 1745 Hinman Ave., Evanston, 111. Mr. & Mrs. F. C. S. Calhoun, Oak Park, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Catlin, 481 Belden Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Mary L. C. Clancy, 3244 Vernon Ave., Chicago. Mrs. B. F. Chase, 3353 Forest Ave., Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Chalmers, 179 Ash'd Bd., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Chalmers, Virginia Hotel, Chicago. Mr. Arthur J. Caton, 1910 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Mr. G. H. Campbell, 3334 Rhodes Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. D. W. Clark, 956 Warren Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. R. R. Clark, 1547 N. Halsted St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Clark, 1857 W. 22d St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Clark, 2000 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Cherry, 6530 Monroe Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Flora B. Clark, 5830 Wash. Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Carpenter, 306 Chestnut St., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. G. B. Carpenter, Lake Shore Drive, Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Jno. H. Carpenter, 16 Irving PI., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. 0. J. Carpenter, 517 Fulton St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. H. E. Caster, 419 41st St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Catlin, 5111 Hibbard Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clark, 3505 Kenmore Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Cherry, 436 W. Wash., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Chamberlain, 6532 Vincennes, Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Cobb, 138 Rush St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. W. Cllngmau, 017 Oglesby Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Clifford, 1729 Mich. Ave., Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Sidney Cooper, 376 Oak St., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Isaac S. Collins, 76 Bellevue Place, Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Cook, Jr., St. Louis, Mo. Mr. & Mrs. J. Harrison Cowper, 215 Warren Av., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. C. H. Cowper, 2 W. Madison St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Church, 165 Gladys Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Collier, 361 FuUerton St., Chicago. Mr. Jas. Alex. Clybourn, Eau Claire, Wis. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cure, Blue Island, 111. Mrs. Emma Carter, Salt Lake City, Utah. Mrs. Henry C. Crittenden, 1658 Brier Place, Chicago. Mr. EMtnondson Cooban, 6142 Wallace St., Chicago. Mr. T. S. Chamberlain, 1668 W. Chicago Ave., Chi. Capt. W. A. Calhoun, 1043 Wilcox Ave., Chicago. Mr. Ira J. Couch, No. 6 Rookery, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Jno. T. Casey, 4720 Shields Ave., Chicago. Mr. John Culver, 64 Wendell St., Chicago. Mr. Leslie Carter, 108 Cass St., Chicago. Mr. Francis T. Colby, 282 Campbell Ave., S. Chicago. Mrr M. S. Cbatterton, 2897 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Charlotte Miller Crib, Lake Villa, 111. Mr. E. T. Gushing, Dearborn & 15th St., Chicago. Mr. C. W. Cllngman, Carson, PIrle, Scott & Co., Chi. Mary P. Cllfl, 425 La Sallo Ave., Chicago. Mr. I). B, Cocy, .'',238 MIrhlKan Ave., Chicago. Mr. Stewart Clark. EvanHlon, 111. Mr. Daniel W. Clark, People's Gas Co., Chicago. Mr. J. V. Clarke, Illbt-rnlan Iliink, Chicago. Mr. It Mrs. W. II. fronkey, 03IK East End Ave, Chi. Mr. Andrew Cuminlngs, 147 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mrs. H. R. Clissold, Morgan Park, 111. Mr. A. J. W. Copelin, 308 Dearborn St, Chicago. Mr. R. W. Clifford, 1729 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Robert Clarke, 2022 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Mrs. M. Crowe, 433 Grand Ave., Chicago. Mr. James Cook, 2964 State St., Chicago. Mr. R. H. Countiss, 3612 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Mr. R. W. Cox, 131 Astor St., Chicago. Mr. Chas. R. Corwith, 1945 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Mr. Chas. C. Curtiss, Studebaker Bldg., Chicago. Gertrude Cole, 3139 Forest Ave., Chicago. Mrs. W. N. Campbell, 398 Superior St., Chicago. Mr. Lucien P. Cheney, 444 Dearborn Ave., Chicago. Mrs. James Chisholm, 536 Orchard St., Chicago. Mrs. Emily A. Chapman, 1239 Wilcox Ave., Chicago. Mrs. H. J. Cater, Libertyville, 111. Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Carter, 499 W. Congress St., Chicago. Mr. J. C. Carroll, Majestic Hotel, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. E. D. Clarke, 5432 Lexington Ave., Chi. Mr. G. T. Chacksfield, 941 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. Mr. Fred L. Chase, 128 5th Ave., Chicago. Gen. A. L. Chetlain, 1137 Birchwood Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Archibald Clybourn, 135 Seminary Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Rebecca Fetsworth Curth, 6458 Wright Ave., Chi. Mr. De Witt H. Curtis, 409 Wash. Blvd., Chicago. Mr. John R. Daley, 318 High St., Elkhart, Ind. Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Doyle, 5915 Washington Blvd., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. John F. Dony, 96 Hill St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. H. L. Daniels, 81 Lefterts PI., B'klyn,N.Y. Mrs. Mary R. Dewey, 5700 Jackson Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. John Dennis, 34 St. John's PI., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. John S. Dixon, 387 Bissell St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Jas. M. Doyle, 203 Wood St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Hogan Dodson, Geneva, 111. Mr. Joseph Duncan, 4047 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Mrs. M. 0. Downes, 880 Warren Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. E. A. Downs, 7 Lake St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey C. Doty, 88 Austin Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Margaretta K. Donelly, 398 Oak St., Chicago. Mr. Wallace De Wolf, Midlothian Club, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. David G. Doty, 486 E. 42d Place, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Erastus D. Doty, 486 E. 42d PI., Chicago. Mr. Chas. A. Dean, 1 River St., Chicago. Mr. James B. Dutch, 0637 Parnell Ave., Chicago. Mr. Thomas Dugall, 47 Cedar St., Chicago. Dr. N. S. Davis, Jr., 291 Huron St., Chicago. Mr. John Dillon, 5000 Washington Ave., Chicago. Julia Knights Duncan, 4728 Evans Ave., Chicago. Mr. T. C. Denier, 489 Ashland Ave., Chicago. Virginia E. Doty, 5547 Washington Ave., Chicago. Mr. Fred Dickinson, 97 Board of Trade, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. H. L. Dahl, 634 La Salle Ave., Chicago. Mrs. H. L. Dupee, 4824 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. Mr. Albert J. Denlston, 3226 Rhodes Ave., Chicago. Mr. John Dolese, 184 La Salle St., Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Dupee, 12 Rookery, Chicago. Mr. Gayton A. Douglas, 4210Vi. Berkcly Ave., Chicago. Mr. Wm. Dickinson, 1G91 Sheridan Itoad, Chicago. Mrs. S. S. Ranalve, 1775 Perry St.. Chicago. Mr. Robert Dunk, 324 Hermllnge Ave., Chicago. Mr. E. C. Dclane, 172 Ashland Blvd., Clilcago. Mr. Richard W. Dodd, 7042 Princeton Ave., Chicago. Mr. Chas. J. Dorrence, Marquette Club, Chicago. Mr. Thomas 11. Dunk, Mont Clare P. O. Mrs. Edwin Dymond, 3969 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. ^ ^ <^ '?Wair^"ci< HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 689 E Mrs. Zebina Eastman, 1807 Arlington PI., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. S. C. Eastman, 1807 Arlington PI., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Eberhardt, 64th St., Cor. 4, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. W. S. Edbrooke, 881 W. Oakley Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Everett, Highland Park, 111. Mr. Geo. Ebbert, La Salle & Madison Sts., Chicago. Mr. W. H. Ebbert, La Salle & Madison Sts., Chicago. Mrs. Ann Davidson Elsey, 123 York St., Chicago. Mr. Albert E. Ebert, SUte & Polk Sts., Chicago. Mr. Albert D. Elmers, 5330 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Mr. Wm. M. Egan, 444 Dearborn Ave., Chicago. Mr. J. W. Errant, 346 54th St., Chicago. Mr. Frank L. Eastman, Wm. Merigold & Co., Chicago. Col. A. C. Ellithorpe, 939 N. 63d Ave., Mont Clare. Samuel Eugene Egan. Mr. & Mrs. Chas. B. Farwell, 99 Pearson St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Jno. V. Farwell, 109 Pearson St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Jos. W. Franks, Peoria, 111. Mr. & Mrs. E. Frankenthal, 3236 Mich. Ave., Chicago. Mrs. L. C. P. Freer & Sisters, 4527 G'nwood Av., Chi. Mr. Scott Fergus, San Antonio, Tex. Mr. & Mrs. John B. Fergus, Sheridan Road, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Edw. A. Filkins, 507 Webster Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. B. F. Felix, 555 N. State St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Thos. L. Forrest, 419 Center St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. L. Forrest, La Grange, 111. Mr. & Mrs. Horace S. Foot, Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. & Mrs. O. C. Foster, 527 La Salle Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Elisha M. Ford, 1000 Warren Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Archibald Freer, N. Shore Drive, Chicago. Aid. & Mrs. Frank D. Fowler, 149 Fulton St., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Lucius G. Fisher, Erie & Cass Sts., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. N. D. Eraser, 1245 Wash. Blvd., Chicago. John Q. Fergus, Mrs. R. M. Fair, 2222 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Miss Fergus, 25 Walton Place, Chicago. Mr. Conrad Furst, 84 Astor St., Chicago. Mrs. Carrie Clark Foreman, 2022 Ind. Ave., Chicago. Mr. Wm. A. Fuller, 2913 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Mr. Hy. E. Flsk, 2100 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Mr. Geo. H. Fergus, 11 S. Water St., Chicago. Mr. Hy. F. Frink, 97 Clark St., Chicago. Mr. A. C. Fuller, 3226 Rhodes Ave., Chicago. Mr. Chas. B. Foot, Corn Ex. Nat'l Bank, Chicago. Mr. John J. Flanders, 1519 Masonic Temple. Mr. L. H. Freer, 138 Washington St., Chicago. Mr. Geo. A. Follansbee, 2342 Ind. Ave., Chicago. Mr. Chas. E. Follansbee, 4539 Green w'd Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Farwell, 2506 Mich. Av., Chicago. Mr. Max Frank, 4516 Drexel Blvd., Chicago. Sarah P. Forrest, 1043 Wilcox Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Myra Pelker, Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Mr. Jno. P. Foss, 447 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. James Forsyth, 5031 Mad. Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. T. M. Garrett, Ontario & Cass, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. F. X. Clock, 5046 5th Ave.,, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. George Gregory, 440 Elm St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. David Goodwillie, Roslin PI., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Dennison F. Graves, 4011 Lake Av., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Ossian Guthrie, Hyde Pk. Hotel, Chi. Hon. Walter S. Gurnee, 7 Nassau St., New York. Mr. & Mrs. Warden Guthrie, 2822 Ind. Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. George Kirk, Waukegan, Illinois. Mr. Henry Graves, 3254 Graves PI., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Gage, Borden Blk., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. B. W. Gates, Jr., 650 Els. Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Gates, 650 Elston Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Horace A. Goodrich, Deming PI., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. L. W. Goodrich, Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Gross, 1730 Deming PI., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. W. Gordon, Savannah, Ga. Dr. A. W. Gray, 1410 Washington Blvd., Chicago. Mrs. Elizabeth Gilmore Reid, 1032 N. Hal. St., Chi. Mr. James S. Gibbs, III. Trust & Sav. Bk., Chicago. Mr. Dennison F. Grover, 4011 Lake Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin O. Gale, 34 Wash. St., Chicago. Mr. George L. Gray, 2644 Ind. Ave., Chicago. Lily Gray, 77 53d St., Chicago. Mr. W. J. Gray, 5238 Cornell Ave., Chicago. Mr. Geo. P. Geist, 21 Drexel Square, Chicago. Mr. Wm. H. Gale, Mont Clare. Mr. Frank N. Gage, 125 Clark St., Chicago. Mr. John E. Gould, 2219 Cot. Grove Ave., Chicago. Mr. Geo. E. Gerts, 208 Randolph St., Chicago. Mr. W. H. Gilmore, 217 N. Cen. Park Ave, Chicago. Mr. James B. Gallaway, 185 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mrs. S. E. Gross, 1182 N. Lawndale Ave., Chicago. Mr. Jno. B. George, 3119 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Mr. Albert W. Giles, Oak Park, 111. Mrs. Carolina Giles, Oak Park, 111. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Goodrich, 79 Clark St. H Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Haines, Rush Med. Col., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Haines, Waukegan, 111. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Harman, Oak Park, 111. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Henrotin, Chicago. Dr. & Mrs. Fernand Henrotin, 353 LaSalle Av., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Hess, 4431 Ellis Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Healey, 2700 Lime St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. John Healey, 222 42d Place, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. James J. Healey, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Heartt, 3219 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Hamilton, 115 Dearb'n St., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Handy, 4423 Ellis Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Parry Hanna, Traverse City, Mich. Mr. & Mrs. John Hayward; 4739 Kimbark Av., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. William Hansborough, Blue Island, III. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Harpel, 394 Oak St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hatch, 610 W. Wash. St., Chi. Mrs. Carolina C. Hatch, River Forest, 111. Mr. S. A. Hillard, 6 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Hitz, 211 Monroe St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Hoag, Evanston, III. Mr. & Mrs. F. A. Howe, 3931 Grand Blvd., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah P. Holt, 3916 Lake Ave., Chi. Hon. Francis A. Hoffman, Blmhurst, 111. Mr. & Mrs. Gurdon S. Hubbard, Jr., 115 Mon., Chi. Hon. Harvey B. Hurd, Evanston, 111. Mr. & Mrs. James L Houghteling, 27 Banks, Chicago. Mrs. Virginia Burton Holmes, Chicago. Mrs. Harriet B. Rossiter Home. 1892 Paulina, Chi. Maj. James R. Hayden, Seattle, Wash. Mrs. J. Sherman Hall, 3701 Sheridan Road, Chicago. Mrs. Gurdon S. Hubbard, 85 Rush St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. H. Heafford, 4560 Oaken'd Av., Chi. 690 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. F. Hunt, 180 Lake St., Chicago. Mr. A. Lucas Hunt, ISO Lake St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. E. Hamilton Hunt, ISO Lake St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. D. G. Hamilton, 2929 Mich. Ave., Chicago. Mr. J. R. Hoxie, 2929 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Mr. B. W. Hutchinson, 400 Walnut Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Helmer, 142S Michigan Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Healy. Mr. Perry G. Hale, 53S W. Jackson St., Chicago. Mr. El. K. Hubbard, Middletowu, Conn. Mr. C. C. P. Holden, 1837 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. E. M. Higgins, 2S97 Kenmore Ave., Chi. Mrs. Christopher J. Hess, 4431 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Mr. Holmes Hoge, First National Bank. Mr. Arthur J. Howe, 217 LaSalle St., Chicago. Mrs. E. Hunter, 153 Laflin St., Chicago. Mr. Frank G. Hoyne, 90 21st St., Chicago. Mr. H. W. Hinsdale, Cham. Com. Safety V'lts, Chi. Mr. Chas. M. Home, 70S, 169 Jackson St., Chicago. Mr. Joseph Harris, 375 Rookery, Chicago. Mrs. Harriet H. Hayes, 5832 Rosalie Ct., Chicago. Mr. Wm. P. HlUiard, 59 Clark St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Chas. E. Hyde, 601 Jackson Blvd., Chi. Mr. Jno. M. Hubbard, Post Office, Chicago. Mr. W. H. Hansborough, 3142 Lake Park Ave., Chi. Mr. Albert J. Hough, 4828 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Mr. Chas. Hough, 482S Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Mr. Walter Hough, 6617 Washington Ave., Chicago. Mr. A. T. Heminway, 189 LaSalle St., Chicago. Mr. T. W. Hamill, 517 The Plaza, Chicago. Mr. Wm. H. Holden, 91 Hartford Block, Chicago. Mr. Hy. E. Hamilton, 115 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mr. Erasmus W. Hills, 115 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mr. Frank Hills, 115 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mr. E. Burton Holmes, 229 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Mr. Jas. H. Heald, 301-172 Washington Ave., Chicago. Eliza Gray Howland, 5407 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. Mr. A. C. Helm, 11 Board of Trade, Chicago. Mr. Julius Husted, 429 55th St., Chicago. Mr. Frank Husted, 259 S. Clinton St., Chicago. Mr. Thos. M. Hoyne, 3369 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Holden, 500 W. Mon. St., Chicago. Mr. Charles Holden, 1841 Wellington Ave., Chicago. Dr. P. Hayes, Western Springs, 111. Mrs. Louise Boyce Harvey, 116 Oakley Blvd., Chicago. Mrs. Eliza O. Harvey, 481 W. Mon. St., Chicago. Mr. Christian Halm, 1148 Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Mr. Ernest T. Halm, 1148 Hermitage Ave., Chicago. MrB. Caroline Hatch, River Forest, 111., Chicago. Mr. Jas. Harrltk, 103 State St., Chicago. Mr. E. W. Hoard, Oak Park, 111. Miss Eleanor Hunter, 153 Laflin St., Chicago. Ez-Ofllcer Geo. W. Hunter, Hyde Park, Chicago. Dr. & Mrs. Ralph N. leham, 321 Dparborn Av., Chi. Mrs. Mary Church Ingals, Oak Park, 111. Mrs. N. B. Judd, 3522 Calumpt Ave., Chicago. Mr. Edward J. Judd, 433 Rookory, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Kugone .M. Jerome, 55 WllllaniB St., Chi. Dr. & MrH. Wm. J. Jolinftlone, 6151 Hal. PI, Chicago. Mr. & MrB. JamoH B. JohnHlone, (11., S. & B.,) Chi. Mr. & Mm. Oliver K. JohnHton, 4.".27 Orecn'd Av., Chi. Mri. Parker A. Jcnka, 3179 .Viclden, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence M. Jacobson, 715 W. Mad., Chi. Mr. Fernando Jones, 1834 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Mr. Oliver Jackson, 130 50th St., Chicago. Mr. Wm. Jones, 14 Trades Bldg., Chicago. Mr. Walter S. Joslyn, 803-115 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mrs. M. E. Jennings, 234 Park Ave., Chicago. Mrs. H. L. Jennings, 752 W. Adams St., Chicago. Mrs. A. M. Johnson, 2475 Paulina St., Ravenswood. K Maj. & Mrs. Ranson Kennicott, 4050 Ellis Ave., Chi. Mrs. Ellen Hamilton Keenon, 117 Dearborn St., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Kelley, cor Wash. & Frank., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. George Kettlestrings, Oak Park, 111. Mr. John H. Kedzie, Evanston, III. Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Kohlsaat, 239 Ashland Blvd., Chi. Mr. Joel A. Kinney, Wilmette, 111. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Kimball, 4702 Woodlawn, Chi. Mrs. James B. Kimball, 10 Scott St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Kimball, 1801 Prairie Ave., Chi. Mr. Wm. Brown King, Portland, Ore. Mrs. Sarah Ann King, 334 Division St., Chicago. Mr. Frederick J. Knott, 340 S. Blvd., Oak Park, 111. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Knight, S336 Rhodes Av., Chi. Mrs. Arthur M. Kenzie, Riverside, 111. Mr. George S. Kimberly, Barrington, 111. Mr. & Mrs. Kimball, 184 Lincoln Park Blvd., Chi. Mr. Eugene C. Kimball, 4706 Woodlawn Ave., Chi. Mrs. E. D. Kimball, 4828 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. Mr. Spencer S. Kimbell, 138 Washington St., Chicago. Mr. Chas. B. Kimbell, 140 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mr. Martin N. Kimbell, 1459 Kimball Ave., Chicago. Mr. S. H. Kerfoot, Jr., 1012 Chamber Com., Chicago. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennediy, 619 W. Har. St., Chicago. Mrs. Emma N. Kitt, 117 S. Wood St., Chicago. Mrs. Ada Dorsett Kimball, 4015 Lake Ave., Chicago. Mr. Hy. Kleinman, Torrence Ave., & 112th St., Chi. Mr. Chas. E. Katz, 1089 Carmen Ave., Chicago. Mr. George Hinman Laflin, 1614 Mich. Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Edward F. Lawrence, 57 Lake Shore Drive, Chi. Mr. & Mrs. David J. Lake, 6133 Mon. Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. A. Tracy Lay, 321 Mich. Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Link, 76 Walton Place, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. W. Lock, 159 Wood St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Lock, 2556 Wabash Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Long, 82 Ward Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Wra. Lowe, 3611 Grand Blvd., Chicago. Mrs. Stella Dyer Loring, 2535 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Jno. A. Lloyd, 266 Winchester Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Alexander T. Loyd, 377 Dearborn Av., Chi. Mrs. A. G. Low & Daughter, Norwood Park. 111. Mrs. Mary S. Low, Norwood Park, Chicago. Miss Nina Grey Lunt, Evanston, III. Mr. & Mrs. John Lynch, 44 Burton Place, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Lynch, 584 Dearborn Ave., Chi. Mrs. H. D. Lloyd, Wlnnetka, 111. Mrs. Amanda M. Lane, 4.10 W. Adtims St., Chicago. Mr. Albert J. Lane, 430 W. Adams St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Lawrence, Evanston, III. Mr. & Mrs. Thos. Lynch, 256 Dearborn Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Edward K. Light, Van liuren & Cal. Ave., Chi. Mrs. Sarah Skinner Lake, 1698 Kenmore Ave., Chi. Mr. John H. Leslie, 3344 Rhodes Ave., Chicago. Mr. Victor F. Lawson, 317 LaSalle Ave., Chicago. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 691 Mr. John C. Long, 5338 Washington Ave., Chicago. Mr. Eugene C. Long, 4907 Lake Ave., Chicago. Miss Ella Lee, 1403 Dunning St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. A. G. Lester, 5737 Madison Ave., Chi. Mrs. L. J. Lewis, 1204 Madison St., Chicago. Mr. George H. Laflin, 1604 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Mr. Sam S. Lock, Wabash Ave. & 26th St., Chicago. Mr. Wm. M. Lock, 159 S. Wood St., Chicago. Mrs. Leslie Lewis, 5606 Madison Ave., Chicago. Mr. John R. Lindgren, Evanston, 111. Mrs. C. E. Lake, 1698 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Peter Lang, 830 Larrabee St., Chicago. Dr. Russell Lewis, Oak Park, 111. Mrs. Mary Link, 76 Walton Place, Chicago. Mrs. Margaret Ellis Liscom, Heyworth, 111. Alida C. Leavenworth, 594 E. Division St., Chicago. Mr. Andrew J. Meserve, 7130 Wentworth Ave., Chi. Mr. Hy. Martin, Dolese & Shepard Co., Chicago. Mr. J. H. Mather, Norwood Park. Mr. Albert McCalla, 51 22d St., Chicago. Lily I. Martin, 115 Adams St., Chicago. Mrs. Clara Perkins Mahoney, 752 W. Adams St., Chi. Mrs. James R, MacKay, 290 Ohio St., Chicago. Mrs. James A. Marshall, 2906 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Mrs. C. R. Matson, 611 Cleveland Ave., Chicago. Mr. Jno. T. McHall, 865 Blucher St., Chicago. Mr. Geo. H. Merrill, 214 So. Halsted St., Chicago. Mary Hatton Miller, 46 Roslyn Place, Chicago. Mr. John A. Mason, 907 W. Madison St., Chicago. Mr. Geo. Mason, 511 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Mrs. Minnie Mason, 448 W. Adams St., Chicago. Mrs. O. P. Mixon. Waukegan, 111. M Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus H. McCormick, Rush St., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. George Manierre, 61 Bellevue PI., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. William Reid Manierre, 365 Sup. St., Chi. Mra. Horatio N. May, 147 Asrtor St., Chicago. Mrs. Edward G. Mason, 115 Dearborn St., Chicago. Rev. James McGovern, Joliet, 111. Mrs. John McCauley, 750 N. Park Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Will Magee, 7722 Union Ave., Chi. Mr. Frederick Mattern, Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Helen Bowman Mather, Wellington, Nev. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Matteson, 3166 Groveland Av., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Edwards Arthur Metz, 107 22d St., Chi. Mrs. Margaret A. Mitchell. Mr. & Mrs. Washington L. Midler, 303 Pull. Blv., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. John M. Morrison, 5757 Wabash Ave., Chi. Mr. Lorenzo Morrison, 3534 Lake Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. E. Mortimer, 1261 Wash. Blv., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. H. Musham, Fire D., City H., Chi. Mrs. James A. Mulligan. Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin F. Monroe, 4122 Vin. Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Ezra B. McCragg, 67 Cass St., Chicago. Mrs. Emily McCarthy, Geneva, 111. Mr. & Mrs. Michael McHale, 375 Bissell St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. W. McKee, 6040 Langley Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. D. L. Morrison, 176 Warren Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Mackenzie, 4919 Vincennes Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Murdock Morrison, 6111 Wabash Av., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Henry W Magee, 806 Fisher Bldg., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. F. Main, 1245 Wash. Blvd., Chicago. Mrs. E. F. Minor, 1245 Washington Blvd., Chicago. Mrs. Henry S. Mann, 4534 Forrestville Ave., Chi. Mr. George Cadogan Morgan, 389 W. Adams St. or 808 Royal Ins. Bldg., Chicago. Mr. Wm. McEvoy, 52 Racine Ave., Chicago. Mr. Geo. W. Moser, 400 Maple Ave., Oak Park. 111. The Misses McDonnell, 4211 Lake Ave., Chicago. Mr. W. E. McLaughlin, 96 S. Water St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Andre Matterson, Waukegan, 111. Mr. G. T. Manahan, Delavan, Wis. Mrs. Clara S. Mason, Waveland Ave., cor. Pine Grove. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Mills, 135 S. 53d Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Brice A. Miller, 46 Roslyn Place, Chi. Mr. Luther Laflin Mills, 171 LaSalle St., Chicago. Mr. Geo. E. Moulton, 2119 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Feeta May MacDonald, 103 State, M. F. Bongus. Mrs. Catherine Manahan, Morris, 111. Dr. Delaskie Miller, 110 Astor St., Chicago. Mr. E. W. Morrison, 113 Madison St., Chicago. Mr. Hy. B. Mason, 115 Dearborn St., Chicago. N Mr. & Mrs. Erastus Nichols, Butte, Mont. Mr. Frank Newhall, 131 S. Water St., Chicago. Mr. Jno. L. Norton, Lockport, III. Mr. L. D. Norton, Evanston, 111. Mr. Chas. L. Norton, Hyde Park Bank. Mr. Lavrrence Nelson, Western State Bank, Chicago. Mrs. Chas. Naramore, 171 S. Sacramento Ave., Chi. Mr. Theron Norton. O Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Otis, 4505 Lake Ave., Chi. Mrs. Margaret O'Donoghue, 3623 Prairie Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Oliver, 1541 W. Monroe St., Chi. Miss Elizabeth Outhet, Oak Park, 111. Mr. John J. O'Neal, 113 Ohio St., Chicago. Mr. R. M. Outhet, R. 503 188 Madison St., Chicago. Mr. F. E. Owens, 6241 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Sara E. Oberlander, 332 Wash. Blvd., Chicago. Mr. Jerome B. Osier, 101 Evergreen Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Parker, 966 W. Monroe St., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. G. C. Pearson, Danville, 111. Mr. Milton E. Page, 187 Huron St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Page. 217 LaSalle St., Chi. Mr. John C. Patterson, Ashland Block, Chicago. Mr. Raymond Patterson, Chicago Tribune, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Patterson, Tribune, Chicago. Mrs. R. W. Patterson, 1637 Judson Av., E-vanston, 111. Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Peck, 1824 Mich. Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence I. Peck, 2254 Mich. Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Peck, 2254 Michigan Ave., Clii. Mrs. Marion Heald Perkins. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Petrie, 172 Wash. St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Silas Q. Perry, 343 53d St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Penney, Park Ridge, 111. Mr. Thomas B. Penton, 120 Broadway, New York. Mrs. Lucretia Pinney, 4919 Vincennes Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Myron L. Pearce, 2548 Prairie Ave., Chi. Mr. Redmond Prindiville, 457 Elm St., Chicago. Capt. John Prindiville, 388 N. State St., Chicago. Esq. & Mrs. John K. Prindiville. Mr. & Mrs. Abner Price, 2219 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Price. Mr. & Mrs. C. D. Peacock, 1713 Indiana Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Pitkin, 224 Schiller St., Chi. Miss Kate Putnam, Benton Harbor, Mich. 692 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Mrs. Mary McWilliams Putnam, Bent. Harbor, Mich. Mrs. George M. Pullman, 18th St. & Pra'e Av., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. B. Phillips, Evanston, III. Mr. George N. Powell, 958 Sheridan Road, Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Powell, Waukegan, 111. Mr. Charles E. Peck, 2700 N. Hermitage Ave., Chi. Mr. Robert A. Pinkerton, 71 Sth Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. James W. Porter, Fullerton Ave., N. Clark St. Mr. Saml. Polkey, 88 LaSalle St., Chicago. Mr. William A. Pinkerton, 196 Ashland Ave., Chi. Mr. Chas. Eugene Peltzer, R. 608, 87 Wash. St., Chi. Mrs. Mary E. Prescott, 214 Park Ave., Chicago. Mr. P>firshing, 3001 Groveland Ave., Chicago. Mr. John A. Phillips, 614-59 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mrs. Richard E. Parker, 5000 Wash. Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Chas. A. Palzer, 20 Drexel Square, Chicago. Mr. Alex Price, 3641 Vernon Ave., Chicago. Mr. George Pearce, Marshall Field Wholesale, Chi. Mr. M. Pearce, 85 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mr. James S. Price, 1826 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Mr. Otto Peltzer, 87 Washington St., Chicago. Mr. Henry E. Parker, 410 Boylston Bldg., Chicago. Mrs. Nelson Parker, Waukegan, III. Mr. C. F. Periolat, 1327 Masonic Temple, Chicago. Mr. Peter Periolat, 1327 Masonic Temple, Chicago. Mr. John Raber, 2263 State St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Rehm, 589 Dearborn Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. H. Rehm, 537 N. State St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Alex H. Revell, 577 LaSalle Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Ritchie, 333 Chestnut St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Rhines, 176 Adams St., Chicago. Hon. & Mrs. James P. Root, 5334 Wash. Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Rogers, Jr. Mrs. Joseph P. Ross. Mr. & Mrs. Clark Roberts, Jefferson, 111. Mrs. Lucy Davis Rowe, 239 Green'd Av., Evanston. Miss Mary H. Russell, Comp, Office, City Hall, Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Russell, 888 Carroll Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Rock, 1214 Lill Ave., Chicago. Ellen Kelly Ryan, 92 Park Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. George D. Rumsey, Mon. & Clin., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Rendell, 435 Dearborn, Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. C. Raymond, Princeton, N. J. Mrs. Mary Stell Rooks, 355 S. Western Ave., Chi. Mrs. C. A. Reno, 95 Walnut St., Chicago. Mrs. A. W. Rathbone, 212 Monroe St., Chicago. Mr. John Rankin, Oak Park, 111. Mrs. T. N. Rafflngton, 719 Lunt Ave., Rogers Park. Mr. L. C. Roberts, 4098 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Jno. Robertson, 390 Chicago Ave., Chicago. Mr. Robert W. Robinson, 1851 N. Sacramento, Chi. Mr. E. W. Raworth, 1427 N. Clark St., Chicago. Mr. Geo. D. Rumsey, 607 Division St., Chicago. Mr. John S. Roach, 75 Monroe St., Chicago. Nannio Rosenfleld, 1620 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Mr. Julius L. Rosenborg, 3734 Mich. Ave., Chicago. Mr. T. A. Randall, 2624 Calumet Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. C. L. Root, 4923 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Mm. Henrietta B. Ronoy, 252 S. Desplalnes St., Chi. Mrs. Charles Reed, 37 High. Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. F. J. Robinson, Rldgland, 111. 8 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan RIadc, Ohio & Cass Sts., Chi. Mr. A Mth. M. L. & Geo. Satterh'C, 2704 Mich. Ave., Chi. Mri. M. Cathprlne Sanger, 1729 Prairie Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. DenJ. C. SammonB, Corn Ex. Bk., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Jacob Sauter, 210 Ran. St., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. George A. Severns, 2819 Mich. Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Scales, 114 S. Water St., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. James W. Scott, Mail. Dept., P. 0., CM. Mr. & Mrs. C. H. Saddle, Prairie View, Lake Co., 111. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Swenie. Gen. & Mrs. Frank T. Sherman, Waukegan, 111. Mrs. Martha E. Sherman, Evanston, 111. Mr. & Mrs. Austin O. Sexton, 3827 Ind. Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. George Schneider, 2000 Mich., Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Snell, 406 Cleveland Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sears, Kenllworth, 111. Mrs. Charles R. Steel, Waukegan, III. Mr. & Mrs. Orson Smith, 41 Bellevue PI., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. John Stoneham, 134 Walnut St., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. M. Scott, Johnson & 22d St., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Shufeldt, 261 Kinzie St. ,Chi. Mr. & Mrs. John M. Smyth, 300 W. Adams St., Chi. Mr. Peter Schuttler, W. Mon. & Clin. Sts., Chi. Dr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Starkweather, 115 Dearborn, Chi. Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Strong, 453 Wash. Blvd., Chi. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Thomas, 1842 Ind. Ave., Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Seipp. Mr. & Mrs. Benj. F. Schnell, 1088 N. West. Av., Chi. Hon. Alson Smith Sherman, Waukegan, III. Miss Sherman Waukegan, 111. Mrs. Harriet Sayre, Mont Clare Sta., Chicago. Mr. E. H. Smalley, 1477 Kimball Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. W. Spoftord, 1520 Wash. Blvd., Chi Miss Fanny A. Speer, 3642 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Miss Jos. C. Snow, 987 N. Leavitt St., Chicago. Mrs. Wm. H. Stone, 3438 Rhodes Ave., Chicago. Mr. H. O. Stone, 4924 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. Mr. Wm. Chas. Scupham, Homewood, Cook Co., 111. Mrs. Emma Sinclair, 7449 Eggleston Ave., Chicago. Mr. Jas. E. Slocum, 5139 Madison Ave., Chicago. Miss Valentine Smith, 288 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Mr. F^ank W. Staples, 11 Fifth Ave., Chicago. Mr. D. C. Schnell, 407 W. Randolph St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Schapper, Blue Island, 111. Mrs. John Stell, 3226 L,ake Park Ave., Chicago. Hattle Gray Sherman, 3324 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago Mr. E. A. Shedd, 3812 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Mr. C. B. Shedd, 3812 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Mr. G. V. Smith, 352 S. Marshfield, Chicago. Mr. Fred A. Smith, Clark & Madison Sts., Chicago. Mr. Wm. H. Spear, 97 51st St., Chicago. Miss Belle Smith, 239 Ashland Ave., Chicago. Mr. Chas. H. Smith, 171 Jackson St., Chicago. Mr. Jos. Schlossman, M. O. Dept., P. O. Mr. W. W. Sammons, Com. Exch. Nat. Bank, Chi. Mr. E. H. Sammons, 3112 S. Park Ave., Chicago. Mr. La Grand Smith, 410 Chicago Ave., Chicago. Mr. Geo. Sinclair, 3755 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Mr. Jas. C. Sinclair, 3252 S. Park Ave., Chicago. Mr. Chas. Sinclair, 1491 Perry St., Chicago. Mr. D. J. Swenie, 524 W. Jackson St., Chicago. Mr. C. J. Stambaugh, 52 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mr. Ed. G. Shumway, 4549 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. C. B. Shourds, 108 K. 45th St., Chicago. Mr. Solomon J. Stebblngs, 7351 Princeton Ave., Chi. Mrs. Rmlly W. Stevens, 124 Ashland Blk., Chicago. Mr. John C. Sampson, 710 Taroinn lildg., Chicago. Mr. Chas. E. Scharlau, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mr. Wm. F. Scharlau, 384 N. Paulina St., Chicago. John & Wm. Swency, Mil. Ave. & Delmont St., Chi. Mr. Chas. R. StaufTer, 4168 Drexel Blvd., Chicago. Mr. F. W. Smith, Corn Exch. Nat. Bank, Chicago. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 693 Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Thomas, 1842 Ind. Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. F. F. Thwing, 4838 Evans Ave., Chicago. Mr. Samuel H. Talmage, Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. H. P. Talbott, 241 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Judge & Mrs. Lamb't Tree, Ontario & Cass Sts., Chi. Mrs. L. G. Titus, 1238 N. Clark St., Chicago. Mr. Fred'k B. Tuttle, 2022 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Laurin H. Turner, 4915 Wash. Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. J. Turner, Addison & Lincoln Ave., Chi. Mr. John S. Turner, 109 Duane St., New York. Mrs. Carrie Ferguson Turner, 3601 Ellis Park, Chi. Mr. A. S. Tyler, 88 Randolph St., Chicago. Mr. A. D. Taylor, Glencoe, 111. Annie E. Trimmingham, 5239 Cornell Ave., Chicago. Mrs. F. K. Tracy, 545 W. Jackson, Chicago. Mr. John Tyrrell, Kenilworth, 111. Mrs. C. O. Tower, 743 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Henry Turner, Esq., 420 Belden Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Miller Thayer, 184 Norwood Place, Chicago. Mr. W. E. S. TrowbridJge, Downer's Grove, 111. U Mrs. B. W. Underwood, 3004 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Mr. Chas. Updike (deceased), 137 Rlalto Bldg., Chi. Mr. Henry E. Updike, 137 Rialto Bldg., Chicago. Mr. S. L. Underwood, 5327 Cornell Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. F. A. Winkelman, 387 Warren Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Chas. F. Whitmarsh, Austin, 111. Mr. & Mrs. John H. Wltbeck, 2841 Mich. Ave., Chi. Mrs. Lizzie Hoyne Williams, 3253 Forest Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Aug. W. Wright, Monadnock Elk., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Whitehead, Austin, 111. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. H. Whitehead, Evanston, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Hempstead Washburne. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wygaut, 131 Park Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo Wygant, 537 W. Jackson, Chicago. Mrs. Esther Wardlow, 5330 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. Julie Beaubien Waite, 173 Walnut St., Chicago. Rev. Edw. F. Williams, 70 N. Clinton St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Willing, 100 Rush St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. A. Wemple, 3409 63d Place, Chicago. Mr. Lorenz Walter, Roscoe St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Ward, 1725 Hinman Ave., Evanston. Mr. Chas. J. Waller, Evanston, 111. Mrs. Alice J. Whitney, 453 Belden Ave., Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wait, 124 Ashland Blvd., Chi. Miss A. E. Winchill, 133 E. Circle, Norwood Pk., Chi. Mrs. Sylvia E. Walker, Hinsdale, 111. Mr. & Mrs. F. E. Walker, 4454 Woodlawn Ave., Chi. Mrs. David Wylie, 524 Orchard St., Chicago. Mr. John D. Walsh, Mont Clare, 111. Mr. Silas B. Watson, 311 S. Robey St., Chicago. Carrie Adslt Wheeler (C. C. Adsit), 224 La Salle, Chi. Mr. Geo. W. Waite, La Grange, 111. Mr. Jno. M. Van Nortwick, Appleton, Wis. Mr. Wm. M. Van Nortwick, Batavia, 111. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Van Sant, 833 W. Monroe St., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Vaughan, 6048 Jefferson Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Vreeland (Englewood), Chicago, 111. Mr. Samuel Vial, 444 Fifth Ave., La Grange, 111. Mrs. Amy G. Van Horn, 1491 Perry St., Chicago. Mr. David! Vernon, Com. Nat. Bank, Chicago. Mr. Henry R. Vandercook, 4153 Berkeley Ave., Chi. Mr. C. R. Vandercook, 213 S. Park Ave., Austin, 111. Mr. John Vernon. Mr. W. Vernon. W Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Waite, 168 53d St., Chicago. Mr. Campbell W. Waite, 168 53d St., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. N W. Watson, 174 Millard Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Washke, 2339 Calumet Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. B. Walker, 2027 Prairie Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. C. Walker, 228 Mich. Ave., Chicago. Mrs. Mary Judson Wells, 3366 South Park Ave., Chi. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wayman. Mrs. John W. Wauhop, 2457 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Mrs. James Wallace, 3551 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Warrington, 127 Park Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. F. H. Waite, 5141 Madison Ave., Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Wait. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Warner, Mrs. Roxana Lowe Warner, 3611 Grandi Blvd., Chi. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Wheeler, Waukegan, III. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wheeler. Mr. & Mrs. L. D. Webster, 386 Dearborn Ave., Chi. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wheeler. Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Weckler, 435 Evanston Ave., Chi. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Wheeler, 6804 Yale, Chicago. Mr. H. H. Yates, 2897 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. Z Mr. John S. Zimmerman, 132 Park Ave., Chicago. PIONEERS' SONS & DAUGHTERS' SOCIETY. The Sons of Chica(;o is the title of an asso- ciation composed of the sons of old settlers of Chicago, or those who had attended the public schools of the city, organized in 1894, the first president being Thomas H. Cannon, followed by Charles E. Kotz and William Bollard. Their meetings were attended by many of the old pioneers — both ladies and gentlemen — who thus sought to encourage the boys and add interest to the occasion. The exercises included addresses by the old Pioneers and Sons of Chi- cago; the presentation of gold medals to the oldest son and oldest daughter whose parents were born in Chicago; a fat men's race, open to all over 200 pounds, the distance being 300 feet and the prize a fine silk umbrella; an old-fashioned game of baseball — prize, bat and ball; ladies' race, open to all between 15 and 25 years — prize, a gold ring; old-fashioned game of football — prize, a ball; egg race, open to ladies of 15 to 18 years — distance 300 feet — prize, a beautiful fan; the exercises being interspersed with dancing, games, speech-mak- 694 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ing and a general good time. The following •were members of the principal committees at the first meeting: Executive Committee — William Dollard, Wil- liam S. Beaubien, Philip Jackson, John G. Neumeister, John S. Cooper, M. S. Musham, C. S. Periolet, John F. Doney, Val. Schmitt, Henry Best, John S. Burke, Paul Dassa, A. J. Thaler, Charles E. Kotz and Frank Kettinger, Jr. Reception Committee — William Dollard, Nic. Reis, Alex. Beaubien, J. L. Veit, Louis Haase, James J. Tobin, John Davis, Robert Beygeh, Thomas J. Finucane, Edward Houseman, John B. Casey, Ed. Tague, Henry Clybourn, Phillip Kastler, Clarke E. Rolfe, Jacob Schnur, George Ludwig, William Burke, James Connolley, Thomas Cannon, John P. Rafferty and John Best. THE OLD-TIME PRINTERS' ASSOCIATION. When a little band of printers who had grown gray in the service — who had learned their cases when Chicago was still in the struggling years of its infancy — met one blustering day in March, 1885, to promote a feeling of sociabil- ity and good fellowship, they little anticipated they would be parties to so successful a christ- ening. The organization, however, was not completed until March 21, 1886, when a num- ber of old-time printers assembled in the club room of the Sherman House and formed a per- manent association. It was chartered as a corporation under the laws of the State of Illi- nois May 23, 1896. The object of the association is to promote a feeling of sociability and good fellowship among the pioneer printers of Chicago, but at the same time its members will encourage and assist one another in efforts to better their condition. It also provides for an annual reunion on January 17 (Franklin's birthday), or on other occasions of such a nature as may be determined upon by the members. The aasofiatlon Is composed of printers who have been engaged in the printing or publishing business, as employer or employe, twenty-five years or more in Chicago previous to their application. Contlnuo\is residence in the city or employment at the business is not required. The regular meetings of the association are held quarterly on the second Sundays in Jan- uary, April, July and October. The following comprised the charter mem- bers: J. S. Thompson, J. R. Daly, John Buckie, C. B. Langley, A. J. (Jetzler, J. L. Ban croft, John Gordon, S. Davis, S. E. Pinta, Sam uel Rastali, A. C. Cameron, C. F. Sheldon John Anderson, J. C. Burroughs, James Hyde, M. J. Kearns, J. A. Van Duzer, William McEvoy M. J. Carroll, A. McCutcheon. At the first reg ular quarterly meeting, held in the reading room of the Sherman House on April 24, 1886, these oflJcers were elected: J. A. Thompson, President; D. Oliphant, Vice-President; A. C. Cameron, Secretary and Treasurer. Directors: John Anderson, W. A. Hornish, J. Camberg, A. McNally, J. S. Thompson, A. C. Cameron, John Buckie, J. S. Rastali, D. Oliphant and A. McCutcheon. At this meeting Hon. John Wentworth was present and addressed the members, narrating in an interesting manner some of his experiences with the craft in the days gone by, and concluded by congratulating the association on the steps it had taken and wishing it abundant success. He was then elected an honorary member of the association. The first banquet of the association was held at the Matteson House on January 17, 1887. This hotel had an interesting history. It was at that time a five-story brick building, located at the corner of Lake and Dearborn streets, and for a long time a city landmark. In 1836 the lot on which it stood was sold by Dr. W. B. Egan to John H. Hodgson for $1,000 and a suit of clothes. The latter, with others, built the Baltic House, which was burned in 1849. In 1850 Joel A. Matteson, who subsequently became governor, bought the land, paying for it $9,000, and erected the hotel bearing his name. After passing into various other hands it was finally, on March 5, 1866, sold at auction for $130,000. At this first banquet addresses were made by J. H. McVicker, Governor William Bross, Mark L. Crawford and A. H. McLaughlin. Governor Bross pictured the busy life of the old-time editor when he was his own canvasser for subscribers, his own collector of doubtful bills, and general collector of such items of local importance as could be turned in for the day's news. Messrs. Crawford and McLaughlin gave the printers' end in a manner to gratify their brethren of the craft, and the entire affair was voted a success. HISTORICAL EN'CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 695 The second celebration was held at Kinsley's, with Major Calkins, editor of the Evening Journal, as orator of the occasion. At subse- quent banquets addresses were made by the following printers, editors and men of public lenown: Mayor Carter H. Harrison, Sr., Wil- liam Penn Nixon, John McGovern, R. W. Pat- terson, James W. Scott, Washington Hesing, Martin J. Russell, Moses P. Handy, H. H. Kohlsaat, M. H. Madden, Hon. William J. Haines, Dr. Thomas, Paul Hull, Joseph Medill, F. K. Tracy, Judge John Barton Paine, Francis W. Walker, Colonel N. A. Reed, Rev. J. A. Brushingham, Hon. W. J. Calhoun, Luther Laflin Mills, A. H. Brown and Judge Holdom. On June 6, 1896, a statue of Benjamin Frank- lin was unveiled in Lincoln Park under the auspices of the Old-Time Printers' Association. The statue was a gift from Mr. Joseph Medill, of the Chicago Tribune, and the occasion was made notable by appropriate exercises and elo- quent addresses by Mr. Medill, M. J. Carroll, Conrad Kahler, William Penn Nixon, H. D. Estabrook and P. F. Pettibone. One of the pleasant features of the associa- tion is the annual picnic which is held in Sep- tember of each year at Humboldt Park. On this occasion all the old-time printers, accom- panied by their wives and children, take a day off and enjoy themselves under the trees. Games, refreshments and contests by young and old enliven the occasion. The following is a list of members: John Anderson, Ephraim Abbott, Standish Acres, A. B. Adair, George S. Affolter, Richard Barlow, Frank Beck, Charles F. Blakeley, Thomas E. Billings, Joseph Bichl, James A. Bond, Charles N. Bond, Henry R. Boss, T. D. Brock, A. H. Brown, Garrett Burns, John S. Burke, P. J. Cahill, John Canty, M. J. Carroll, Thomas Car- roll, Joseph Carolan, D. W. Clark, Charles E. Cobb, D. F. Considine, J. R. Courson, M. L. Crawford, John R. Daly, Thomas Day, Paul De Brule, William E. Dennis, S. M. Dickson, .L M. Edson, Thomas N. Ellis, J. M. Farquhar, T. H. Falkner, W. H. Faul, R. M. Figg, A. L. Fyfe, James Garner, Isaac D. George, E. T. Gil- bert, John Gordon, James Gunthorp, William Hack, John Halloran, W. H. Hawes, James Hayde, John F. Higgins, Frank B. Howard, Fred Hull, W. A. Hutchinson, J. B. Hutchinson, D. J. Hynes, C. M. Jacobus, J. R. Jessup, Nels Johnson, Fred Johnson, Michael Kearns, John P. Keefe, D. C. Kelley, William Kennedy, Edward Kerrott, Martin Knowles, F. Kohl- becker, C. B. Langley, J. W. Langston, J. Lauth, James L. Lee, W. N. Lewis, F. M. Leyda, Van J. Lyman, M. H. Madden, John Mangan, William Mill, Charles M. Moore, W. F. Mor- rison, John C. McBean, John McCaffrey, Wil- liam S. McClevey, J. H. McConnell, William McEvoy, John McGovern, A. H. McLaughlin, J. A. McNamara, Sam D. McNeal, William Nichol- son, Sam K. Parker, W. J. Parsons, O. H. Perry, C. H. Philbrick, William Pigott, Samuel E. Pinta, Frank M. Powel, M. C. Pringle, Samuel Rastall, N. A. Reed, James L. Regan, Frank Ross, James Schock, C. F. Sheldon, L. C. Shep- ard, H. D. Smith, John M. Smyth, Joseph C. Snow, Peter Splithoff, J. B. Stranger, John B. Stevens, C. G. Stivers, H. S. Streat, John Stuart, Thomas E. Sullivan, E. G. C. Thomas, F. K. Tracy, George A. Treyser, John W. Troy, C. D. Tuttle, J. G. Van Horn, John R. Walsh, John C. Ward, Nick Welsh, H. J. Wendorff, O. F. Wermich, Richard Westlake, Lee H. Wilson, John H. Wood, General John C. Black, W. J. Calhoun, Henry D. Estabrook, Judson Graves, Joseph Hatton, Frank Hudson, Paul Hull, Wil- liam J. Hynes, H. H. Kohlsaat, Andrew McNally, William Penn Nixon, Robert W. Pat- terson, John Barton Payne, E. Powell, M. J. Russell, M. E. Stone, Rev. Dr. H. W. Thomas, George P. Upton, Francis W. Walker. OLD SETTLERS' CLUB OF WILLIAM STREET. Away back in the early forties there was a street on the West Side called William. It was not a very great thoroughfare, being only about three blocks long, but it contained an aggregation of patriotic citizens who were interested in the city's growth and welfare, and who later became identified with Chicago in various important capacities. The first permanent settler on William street was Michael Nugent, who took up his residence there in a frame house about the year 1845. Among the other residents of the street were John C. Haines, Mayor of Chicago during the years 1858-59, who occupied a house on the northwest corner of Van Buren and San- gamon streets. The house still stands and is at present used as a boarding house. Mr. Haines was born in New York in 1818, and 696 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. coming to Chicago, served six years ia the City Council, and a similar period as Water Com- missioner. He was elected a member of the State Constitutional Convention in 1869, and a member of the State Senate in 1874. On the opposite corner from Mr. Haines' place stood the residence of Dr. W. B. Egan. The house of Samuel B. Hoard, who was Post- master of Chicago in 1865, stood at the end of the street. The Jesuit church was also one of the early landmarks of the street. The only water supply on the West Side south of Mad- ison and west of Halsted street was supplied by an old-fashioned hand pump, located in William street. During the Civil War this abbreviated thor- oughfare, whose total number of inhabitants did not exceed one hundred voters, sent about twenty men to the front, who joined Colonel James A. Mulligan's Irish Brigade. In the campaign of 1876, when Samuel J. Tilden was running on the Democratic ticket for President of the United States, every voter en William street cast a ballot for him, in con- sequence of which Alderman Frank Lawler subsequently had the name of the street changed from William to Tilden, by which it is at the present time known. During the year 1903 it occurred to several of the former residents of .William street to look up their early day neighbors, with the idea of reviving old-time memories, perpetuat- ing the friendships formed during the younger years, and preserving the identity of the old William street residents. After some time spent in locating them — for in the intervening years they had scattered to various parts of the city — a goodly number were notified, and as a result. the Old Settlers of William Street Society was organized in September, 1903, with the following officers: Patrick Murphy, Pres- ident; William A. Hanley, Recording Secre- tary; John Riley, Financial Secretary; Michael Day. Treasurer. The following comprise the members: John McDermott, Edward Noonan, Charles McKenna, Captain Charles O'Neil, Lieutenant John F. Pyne, Sergeant John Riley. Edward Riley, Charles Riley, John Griffln. Michael Gorman, Michael O'Grady. Sergeant Michael Hopan, John Dougherty, William Man- gan, Timothy Hanloy, Wlliam Dillon, William O'Roiirke, John Welch, John Hanley, Fred Fltz, John Khiber, James Scanlan. John T. Rowley, Dennis Sullivan, Sergeant Edward Marpole, James Murphy, Jacob Keller, Philip Grady, John Grady, Thomas G. O'Connor, Frank Mitchell. Those who lived or were born on William street, and their descendants are eligible to membership. The first annual reception of the organization was held at Pick's Hall, Kedzie and Colorado avenues, on March 17, 1904. THE GERMAN OLD SETTLERS' PICNIC. One of the annual events that is looked for- ward to with a great deal of interest and pleasurable anticipation by every German old settler in Chicago, is the picnic that is given yearly under the auspices of the Turn-Gem- einde. Since 1875 this Society has held these reunions at some appropriate place on the North Side, and the enthusiasm in celebrating these events has grown with each succeeding year. While not regularly organized, the German old settlers attend these affairs faithfully and participate in the exercises with the hearty good will that always distinguishes the Teu- tonic people. Although the picnics are under the supervision of a German society, they are not confined exclusively to Germans, as every old German settler in the city who is aged forty-two years or over, and who had resided in Chicago or its suburbs previous to 1881, is invited to attend, and upon registering in a book of memorials, receives a silk badge inscribed tvith the year of his or her settle- ment. Primarily, these annual gatherings were inau- gurated for the purpose of retaining in the hearts of the Germans who had adopted the United States as their future home a warm place for the Fatherland; the instilling in every breast of a high degree of the duties each one owes to himself and his forefathers; the fostering of old-time national customs; and as a means whereby the older people would be able to come in closer contact with the younger generation. It is the object of the Turn-Gemeinde to make these outings as pleasant as possible, socially, and patriotic addresses are given, prizes are offered for contests of various kinds, and medals are awarded old settlers under the following conditions: ^ (T^i^ riCy^avt^ HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. 697 1. To the old settler present, who has con- tinuously resided in Chicago for the greatest number of years. 2. To the old lady settler present who con- tinuously resided in Chicago for the greatest number of years. 3. To the old settler present, born in Ger- many, who has continuously resided in Chi- cago for the greatest number of years. 4. To the old lady settler present, born in Germany, who has continuously resided in Chicago for the greatest number of years. 5. To the old settler who has been longest in the employ of the same business concern at Chicago, and who is still there employed at the present time. 6. To the lady who has been longest work- ing in the same family, and still holds that position. 7. To the couple of old settlers whose combined age will give the greatest number of years. 8. To the couple of old settlers, born in Germany, whose combined age will give the greatest number of years. 9. At 5 p. m. grand prize waltz; silver medals and bouquets given to the old couple whose combined age will give the greatest number of years. A complete list of the members of this asso- ciation embraces about 2,800 names, of which nearly 1,300 are male members and over 1,500 ladies. Only the names of those dating as far back as 1854 — or having had a residence in Chicago of fifty years — are given in the follow- ing list: MAIE MEMBERS. 1822— Alex. Beaubien. 1832— Jas. Maxwell. 1833— Jas. B. Allen. 1834— Judge J. B. Bradwell, T. A. Howe, L. D. Taylor. 1835 — Wm. Gale, James Hogan, Fernando Jones, G. W. Soule, Geo. Sinclair, Wm. J. Sloan. 1836— Henry AckofC, Henry Gilbert, C. C. P. Holden, Dan Long, Jas. C. Sinclair. 1837— Erastus D. Doty, Clark Geib, H. B. Krueger, Wm. Sweeney. 1838— Claudius Blair, Peter Mathers, C. O. Pratt, Henry Russer, J. W. Rich. 1839— B. F. Allison, Thomas Allison, Law- rence Schiestel. 1840— Lorenz Baer, Geo. H. Fergus, C. H. Falch, John B. Foot, Nick J. Gauer, Chas. Har- pel, M. Mattes, N. G. Skufsted. 1841— Albert E. Ebert, S. A. Lock, John C. Murphy. 1842 — H. Best, Wm. Gasfield, Nicholas Jax, Wm. Kyle, Peter Schnur, Edwin Tinter, T. W". Weller. 1843 — P. Allmendinger, Adam Grimmer, Mathias Knost. 1844— Geo. Atzell, Michael Bischoff, Bernard' Hoell, M. Klein, W. C. Ozier, Wm. Rehm, Henry Runge, Chas. E. Sinclair, John Schaefer, Nick- olas Schoeneck, J. W. Silver, J. C. Weihe. 1845 — Henry Budde, John P. Barrett, John P. Brossel, John B. George, Geo. Haeuslein, John Marshal, Peter Peters, G. H. Smith, John Sick- inger, Jacob Schnable, Christ Schimmels, B. F. White. 1846 — A. Brachtendorf, Louis A. Berger, Geo. M. Gross, Christ Huber, F. Kaiser, Jacob Klae- sen, J. M. Mahler, F. Mehring, Dan J. Rock, John Schmidt, Henry Schade, Nick Sippel, Jacob Schauk, Math. Q. Schmidt, Geo. L. Taylor, Chas. West. 1847 — Martin Bender, Geo. A. Bender, Adam Bender, John Bartz, J. H. Bischop, Michael Bies, .Jacob Eberlen, Ludwig Fiene, N. Frank, Martin Horn, John A. Hespen, Robert Hender- son, John D. Haake, John E. Hart, Michael Kaerns, H. Koehsel, J. Krummenacher, H. W. Lunn, James C. Murphy, Aug. Muenchhausen, Franz Maerz, N. H. Ruger, S. Simon, Ludwig Uff, Jos. Wolfenstetter. 1848 — Chas. Albee, Fred Allen, Henry Biepho, Jacob Best, John Christmann, Geo. Eberlein, Peter Finkler, Louis E. Grimme, Wm. Goely, Francis Harvey, Jacob Hector, Friedrich Huck- sald, G. M. Illingworth, J. E. Koehsel, M. F. Kavanagh, Joachim Kurth, Valentin Kistner, F. Linsenbarth, P. C. Mueller, C. Oakley, John Shaunessy, Jos. B. Schlossman, Gilbert Thies, Edw. E. Varges, Jas. Wright, Geo. Zeigler. 1849 — J. Adams, Jas. E. Boland, Fred Backer, M. J. Corcoran, M. J. Coughlin, Robert Clark, John C. Enders, John Franz, Christ Fink, Alex. Franzen, Fred W. Forst, C. H. Graves, Geo. Loesbrook, Chas. Lichtenberger, Fred G. Leiger, H. F. Mahler, John Moeller, John H. Ohlerking, Wm. Ohlendorf, John L. Peake, Hugh Ritchie, Frank W. Smith, Geo. Schmidt, John Schuet- tler, Henry Schucht, H. P. Talbot, Joseph Waldhauser, Wm. Wharton, Henry Wachter. 1850 — Chas. Baumstark, Fred Becker, Gilbert Gerbreth, H. Grusendorf, R. Hochbaum, John 698 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. Hamill, Louis Hutt, Wm. Handley, John Haley, Joseph Jiroch, Peter Klauss, Justus Loehr, Ferd Link, W. J. Moore, P. McDonnell, Ferd C. Propper, P. J. Quinn, Chas. Sokup, Henry Schnath, Christ Thiele, Aug. Walter, David W. Walsh. 1851— M. Benner, Phil Beck, Joseph Collasky, Heinr Dusold, Andrew Deach, Chas. Gloeckler, H. W. Goodridge, A. G. Goodridge, Louis Goelz- lin, Wm. Hahn, J. N. Klapperich, Lorenz R. Kenn, Christ Krueger, Ernst Leistekow, J. S. Le Beau, Peter Merz, A. McCutcheon, Albert J. Needham, Wm. NichoMt, J. D. Perkins, Jacob Rinn, Felix Schweistal, John C. Tatge, P. R. Wilhelm. 1852 — John Agnew, Adam Blane, John P. Bock, G. N. Burkhardt, F. W. Buhler, Geo. Beutenmiller, Albert Boese, Henry Bending, Adam Breuer, John Carlson, Fritz Deutsche, Albert Embde, Gust Elser, Frank Faust, A. Goodjohn, John G. Goetz, Wendel Grimm, Geo. L. Gegenwart, Martin Gareis, Balth. Hessemer, Jonas Huehn, Louis Hebel, Fritz Kurz, Jacob Kurtz, Henry Kurtz, Fred Kanehl, Geo. F. Kolbe, F. W. Locke, Anton May, W. J. McGar- igle, Jacob Pfeiffer, B. Reed, John C. Ries, Max Schweitzer, Wm. Stennagel, John Schleich, Henry Snowell, Wm. Schroeder, H. A. Schwu- chow, Adam Stoffel, J. C. Schiesswohl, Andrew Specht, D. W. Sullivan, Aug. Schrader, W. H. Smith, Fred Trost, Geo. Ungrich, Jacob Veit, Jacob Volkmann. 1853— C. F. Arnhold, Hy. Boedernitz, Celes- tine Birchmeier, John Bicker, Fritz Bloch, Henry Cordtz, J. W. Duggan, Herman Eschen- burg, Adam Freeh, Louis A. Frey, Fred Heide, Joseph Huebner, G. W. Heurich, Fred Hall, Chas. Haas, Fred Harris, Geo. Joeslin, Simon Jobst, C. Juergensen, Theo. G. Kimmann, Matheus Kapler, Fred Koretke, Theo Klingner, Wm. Lange, George Laitsch, Geo. B. Miller, John S. Mitchell, Fred Marwedel, Louis Mun- cho, A. J. Neuberger, Aug. Neubert, Fried Otto, Christ Olgren, Al Peters, Reinhard Riedle, Henry Ruethling, Jos. Stang, Henry Scheider- man, John Strickland, Ferd. Schroeder, Paul Stofferan, Andrew Schmitz, H. F. Stellmann, Robt. R. Sampson, Peter Stetzler, Wm. Schmidt, Frank Simon, Henry Seipp, Louis Stuerzel. Chas. Strautz, Chas. O. Thoma, P. J. Thielen, J. B. Thielen, Wm. Voelkner, J. W. White. Jas. Wkkboldt, Joseph Willi, E. D. White, Aug. Zlehn. 1854 — W. N. Arcntz. L('l)recht Ammann, Ad. Arndt, Philip Breitzmann, Martin Bartmann, Fred Benzow, Hartwig Behrens, John Bersbach, P. F. Blesen, Jas. Beiersdorf, William Barthels, Henry Berger, W. E. Cavenaugh, Andrew Charleston, Louis Daube, John Doerr, George Adam Erbe, John Eisner, Thos. Fitzgerald, L. Freiberger, Henry Gundermann, C. F. Geist, C. F. Giesenschlag, Lazarus Goldberger, Wm. Hanneforth, Jacob Hemsler, F. Hartwig, John Hanson, Wm. Hahn, John Hummer, H. C. Hev- robt, Chas. Hager, H. Juengling, C. H. Julius, Peter Johnson, Carl Klatt, Edward M. Keefe, Wm. F. Kellmann, Perry Krus, Albert Laem- merzahl, Peter Lersch, Wm. Lehmann, Chas. Lindeman, John Manz, H. B. Meinhardt, Oscar F. Mueller, Leon Monnhunne, Ferd. Miller, John Meier, John M. Morrison, Philip Merz, J. M. Nacken, Thos. Nolan, Louis Oswald, Wm. Ohr, F. A. Oswald, Adam J. Press, J. J. Penner, Frank Parmelee, Sam Rindskopf, H. Romstedt, Edward Rossner, Frank Rich, Gust Schlott- hauer, Carl Schlechting, John Schlirra, Henry Schneider, D. A. Stryker, Heinrich Straske, Henry Schaefer, John Sampson, John Schlundt, H. Stadelmann, Fred Schroeder, Henry Tewes, Wm. Wiesenbach, Otto E. Wolff, Chas. J. C. Will, Chas. Wiederhold. LADY MEMBERS. 1834 — Marie Brady-Haley, Sarah P. Forest. 1835 — Mary A. Coogan. 1836 — Marie Eiterman, Mrs. M. C. Garrity, Susanna Goeden, Susanna Gorden, Sophionia Hampton, Ann Mary Huehn, Mrs. C. C. P. Holden, Marie McNulty. 1837- — Mary Jefferson, Margaretha Roberts. 1838 — Sophia Hentschel, Phoebe Le Beau, Marie L. E. Sauter, S. G. Steven. 1839— Dena Gunther-Clark, Elisa Harpel, Mary Sampson. 1840 — Susan Beaubien, Rhoda Hough, Helene Kastler, Mary Link, Catharine Ollinger, Amelia Seamens, Kunigunde Wiensdorfer. 1841 — Sarah Harvey, Clara M. Merchant, Magdaline Martine, Angeline Seese. 1842 — Walberger Baer, Betsy Iredale, Au- gusta Kaufman, Maria Kinder, Alice McClevy, Emma Mueller, Marie Meyer, Annie M. Meson, Mary Metz, Sophie Pohlmann, Ellen L Russel, Marie Schiesswohl, Sarah Tatge. 1843 — Susanna Hand, Kathrina Ludwig, Mary Miller, Anna Maria Srom. 1844 — Thurl)ar Bergman, Magdalena Crocker, Christina Eiszner, Bessie Green, Mrs. Chas. Moisle, Anna M. Nanzie, Lina Clara Osborn, HISTORICAL EJfCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 699 Caroline Russei', Catherina Schweinfurth, Julia A. Stanley. 1845 — Kathrina Barbian, Dorethea Dressier, Marie Heyde, Augusta Hauslein, Barbara Hold- ship, Barbara Keil, Marie Peters. 1846 — Ellen M. Broadway, Anna Burkhardt, Marg. Clinton, Katrina Fischer, Margaret Franz, Catherina Gage, Anna Maria Ganshaw, Margarete Hoffman, Margaretha Huber, Emilie Jacobs, Lena Kemmler, Julia Lang, Anna Les- terheim, Sophie Mueller, Sophie Niemeyer, Katherine Schmitz, Maria Vollmuth. 1847 — Minnie Aron, Theresa Bear, Johanna F. Bretthauer, Emma Butzow, Catherine Clark, Mary L. Charlette, Lizzie Clausen, Marie Dieterich, Dora Dierks, Anna Friederich, Annie Hartel, Barbara Hettinger, Catharine Juergenson, 'Magdalena Koch, Marie Lauer, Catharine Marno, Elizabeth McLaughlin, Louisa Noll, Maria Runge, Dorothea S. Schmidt, Anna Sewell, Margaretha Schubert, Elizabeth Thilo, Elizabeth Vickers, Carolina "Weihe, Annie Waarich, Franzeska K. Wachter, Franciska Zernitz. 1848 — Anna Apfel, Saera Cornell, Mathilda Clotter, Catharine Dietch, Sarah Frank, Marie Finster, Katie Gushhorst, Anna HochsoU, Catharine Henricks, Anna Hirsch, Selma Hausman, Eva Kronenberger, Theresa Lubeck, Henrietta Linsenbarth, Mary McClevy, Marie A. Miller, Anna B. Miller, Georgiana Oyen, Helen Renick, Carrie Stattfeld, Bridget Stew- art, Annie Sedgwick, Isabel Seaton, Catharine Schlecht, Mary Stryker, Franziska Zernitz. 1849 — Elizabeth Byrne, Kate Condon, Annie Dwyer, Kate Franz, Mary Ann Glasebrook, Ella J. Griffith, Margaret Geier, Margaret Greg ory, Louise Hess, Libby Howe, Louise Hespen, Marie Leopold, Alice Lavery, Allen Lavery, Clara Mehrle, Mary Mansfield, Helena Manz, Carolina Ohlerking, Christina Rosenberger, Magdalene Schmidt, Bridget Swenie, Augusta Schneider, Julia Sweenie, Barbara Weber, Mary Weber. 1850 — Mrs. C. Arnold, Marie Bartolmey, Aug- usta Braasch, Emma Colby, Rose S. Curney, Julia Emersen, Alma Marie Fink, Adelheid Gunger, Elizabeth Gloor, Maria Gohuth, Mar- garet Hammill, Anna Hoist, Katherine Keiser, Maria Keller, Mathilda Kiich, Annie Lahl, Mar- garet Leander, Katharine Maylor, Emma Mahler, Phillipina Marquarhdt, Marie Martin, Amelia Nurnberger, Elizabeth Nehls, Anna Pomy, Elizabeth Press, Clara Redell, Elisa Simon, Mary A. Smith, Resina Sanger, Mary Troble, Mary Walter, Louisa Winsauer, Eliza- beth Weser, Elizabeth Wasserstrass, Anna M. Yunker, Margaret Zender. 1851 — Margaret Andre, Josephine Boche, Ernestine Beck, Fredericka Ditt, Emila Eschen- burg, Sophie Goezlin, Ellen Heide, Mary Huber, Wilhelmina Juritz, Bertha John, Elizabeth Joslin, H. E. Katz, Catharina Kruger, Mary Long, Mary Mark, Mathilda Noe, Agnes Roth, Carrie; Smith, Franziska Strassheim, Dora Smith, Marie Schroeder, Sahra Schoeneck, Elizabeth Smith, Mary Specht, Minnie Schroeder. 1852— Mary Aubert, Mrs. James Barry, Cath- arine Berger, Agathe Baier, Mary Charleston, Elizabeth Dietz, Cathrina Dornheeker, A. Mary Eul, Anna M. Enders, Charlotte Ehlers, Marie Eckstein, Christine Fischer, Rachel Force, Magdalena Fritsch, Pauline Gensche, Eliza Grimes, Elizabeth Goodjohn, Mary Goodjohn, Kate Hoff, Eva Heiss, Ida Hetzed, LouiBe Horethe, Katharine Hummel, Carolina Hoch- feld, Wilhelmina Hallen, Emma Heckman, Ber- tha Kaseberg, A. M. Kleusch, Maria Krauss, Caroline Lende, Emma Liermann, Emma Mat- thei, A. McGinnis, Mary Nicolai, Sophia Naef, Barbara Niedergang, Maria Netz, Mary Neu- man, Sophia Pohlmann, Katharine Phillipp, Bertha Pappolt, Elizabeth Rich, Hannah Riihl- man, Dorothea Soelke, Anna Schergen, Mary Schmidt, Katherine Simson, Ernestine Sickel, Caroline Specht, Christine Sauter, Magdalen Ulrich, Johanna Wickboldt, Marie Wolfram, Louise Weller, Marie Welter, Margaretha Wal- ler, G. L. Zirngibl. 1853 — Lizzie Alber, Louisa Beck, Helena Boser, Maria Burbach, Carolina Biederstedt, Frida Doll, Mathilda Doss, Johanna Bbert, Wilhelmine Fibich, Louise Fink, Sarah L. Gavitt, Mary Grube, Elizabeth Haas, Marie Hoisingtou, Marie Haas, Marie Haenske, Marie Heinrich, Catharine Hutt, Mrs. A. Hunt, Cath- arine Hildebrand, Minnie Katterbach, Doretta Klinger, Wilhelmina Kummer, Lina Kaiser, Louise Larand, Fredericka Lemmerthal, M. Lang, Crescentia Locher, Maggie C. Lester, yoo HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Elmilie Lynch, Anna Minwegen, Rosnie Mar weden, Mary McGonagle, Henrietta Moeck, Mrs I. A. MacDonald, Annie Nelson, Carolina Nus ser, Margareth Noll, Mary Neumeister, Mary Peters, Dora Peters, Nellie J. Peake, Margar ethe Rutzer, Ann Riley, Celina Restatter, Hen rietta Stahl, Marie Scheib, Dora Schweer Sophie Simon, Catharine Stoffregen, Frances Spahr, Katie Steele, Wilhelmina Schwuchow Marie Annie Sedlu, Catharine Sampson, Min nie True, Sarah Voight, Wilhelmina Wippe Margaret Weisrock, Anna Martha Weisgerber 1854 — Emilie Berg, Dora Brandenburg, Sophie Buhmann, Mary Brown, F. Buen zow, Anna Busch, Jakobine Bresen, Mary Bishop, Marie H. Clemerin, Emma Colli gan, Friedericke Dahlbohm, Eva Dietz Dora Duerk, Blanca Dreyer, Marie Diehl Paulina Dahme, Elizabeth Dawson, Frederika Debus, Mary Doll, Teresia Edgland, Gertrude Edelman, Regina Eckhart, Marie Friedel, Babetta Fuerstenberg, Alwine Friedler, Maria Faust, Elisabeth Fischer, Rosalie Gunderman, Sophia Grefer, Bertha Gruschow, Anna Gim- ble, Anna Grau, Fredericke Grotz, Emilia Geortz, Mina Geist, Barbara Roman, Sophia Halleman, Maria Hauselman, Margareta Hoer- tig, Margaretha Hornberg, Katie Hunsche, Sophie Justice, Lizzie Kemme, Wilhelmine Krzikowsky, Lizzie Kniering, Barbara Kaep- pel, Mina Koch, Barbara Klein, Mathilda Knaub, Mary Kehr, Gertrude Klatt, Elizabeth Kiesling, Margaret Kirchner, Katherine Kar penstein Franziska Kauff, Maria Karstner, Maria Karthansen, Minnie Lutz, Barbara Link, Anna H. Lodge, Jennie Long, Dora Leonhardt, Elizabeth R. Lauer, Catharine Lichtenthal Katharine Maurer, Alvine Miller, Cathrina Muller, Lena Mahler, Matilda Mather, Eliza beth Mueller, Rosa Mogerlein, Barbara Mayer Eliza Marriott, Carolina Oberndorff, Mary Off, Anna Paus, Matilde Penner, Franciska Rie man, Sophie Rehm, Louise Raseldouf, Wilhel mina Schlichting, Sophie Schramm, Frieda Stacke, Margaret Schade, Anna Straper, Anna Sleyer, Ernestine Steuernagel, Amalie Scholl, Elizabeth Stetzler, Elizabeth Swlssler, Mrs. Theo. TresHcIt, Mary Welterer, Clara Webber, IjOuIhg Water, Marie Weinberger, Catharine 7A;nder. CHAPTER XXII. STOCK YARDS HISTORY. FIRST SLAUGHTER HOUSE IN CHICAGO ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE PACKING INDUSTRY THE FOUNDERS AND PROMOTERS OF THE BUSINESS — EARLY STOCK YARDS ORGANIZATION OF THE UNION STOCK YARDS PHENOMENAL GROWTH OF THE PACKING AND LIVE-STOCK TRADE DESCRIP- TION OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS — BANKING INSTITUTIONS STATISTICS FOR DIFFERENT YEARS — PAST AND PRESENT OFFICERS — INTERr NATIONAL Lme STOCK EXPOSITIONS, 1900-1904. The first slaughter house erected in Chicago was built by Archibald Clybourn in 1827, situ- ated on the North Branch of the Chicago River, near what was known as the Bloomingdale road, and opposite the present site of the North Chicago Rolling Mills. It was built of logs, and was followed by a frame structure which remained standing for more than fifty years. The original use was for the killing of animals for the supply of the garrison at Fort Dear- born. Following Mr. Clybourn in the slaughter- ing and packing business came George W. Dole. In October, 1832, he slaughtered and packed 152 head of cattle for Oliver Newberry, of Detroit, the product ultimately finding its way to New York. Mr. Dole purchased his live stock from Charles Reed, of Hickory Creek, paying therefor $2.75 per hundred pounds. The cattle were slaughtered upon what was then an open prairie, but is now at the corner of Michigan Avenue and Madison Street. Mr. Dole employed but two men, John and Mark Noble, Jr., who received as their perquisites, the hides and tallow of the animals killed. By December of the same year Mr. Dole's busi- ness had increased materially, and the killing and packing of hogs was made the prominent feature, 338 porkers being slaughtered during that month. The animals were bought from John Blackstone for $3.00 per hundred pounds, net. At that time barrels were brought from Detroit, and the hogs, which were slaughtered at the rear of the warehouse, were stored away In bulk until the necessary supply of barrels could be secured. Meanwhile Archibald Cly- HISTOEICAL EFCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 701 bourn had become Government butcher for the Pottawatomies, and during 1833 packed some 250 head of cattle and about 2,000 hogs. Mr. Dole used Mr. Clybourn's packing house this year, packing about the same number of cattle and about 1,000 hogs. In 1834 another packing and slaughtering house was erected on the South Branch by George W. Dole and Oliver Newberry, of Detroit. The output of this establishment, dur- ing the first year of its existence, was about 300 head of cattle and 1,400 hogs. The same year Gurdon S. Hubbard transformed into a pack- ing house an old building on the corner of South Water and La Salle Streets, formerly used as a bank. He slaughtered 5,000 hogs during the year, but encountered no little diflS- culty in procuring barrels, which were finally brought from Cleveland at a cost to the pur- chaser of one dollar each. Mr. Hubbard moved his place of business to the corner of Kinzie and Rush Streets, where he erected a new and improved packing-house, and where he remained until 1840, when he removed to a new building which he had erected on South "Water Street, between Clark and La Salle Streets. Here he remained until 1848, when he removed to the North Branch. In the winter of 1835 and spring of 1836, William Jones (father of Fernando Jones), of the firm of Jones, King & Co., hardware mer- chants, joined Archibald Clybourn in packing a large quantity of meats for that time, in the packing house located on the river bank at the corner of South Water and Clark Streets, and, having more than they could dispose of in this market, they shipped the balance to Buffalo, N. Y. Sylvester Marsh, one of the pioneers in the packing industry in the West, came to Chicago from New England in the winter of 1833. At first he opened a market, killing beef cattle as needed for each day's consumption, underneath an old elm tree on the prairie on what is now Monroe Street, about 100 feet west of Fifth Avenue, on the south side of the street. Later he engaged in the packing business with Mr. Hubbard, continuing in this business with brief interruption, until 1855 when he returned to the East. He was a witness before the United States Senate Committee on Education in 1883, and gave some interesting testimony regarding the state of this business during the early days of Chicago's history. He stated that, "There was hardly anything to kill but beef, hardly any sheep, very few hogs — and they came from the Wabash in Indiana. I drove them from there to Chicago (150 miles), and they were all killed for local consumption. In 1838 I paid $6.00 per hundred pounds for pork in Chicago; but in 1841, with a view of finishing the canal the next summer, I bought pork for $2.00 per hundred pounds for all hogs that weighed 200 pounds or over; and for less than that weight, $1.50 per hundred pounds. I bought beef for barreling in 1843 for $2.00 a hundred for the fore-quarters, if the ox weighed 600 pounds, and $1.50 if he fell under it— which was the lowest price I ever heard of its being sold for. I staid in the business until I killed 185 head of large cattle and 500 hogs per day, which was not more than a teaspoonful to what they have come to since I left the busi- ness. In the fall of 1850 I shipped a propeller load of about 3,000 barrels of provisions to Ogdensburg, which were stored there until the Ogdensburg & Lake Champlain and the Rut- land & Burlington Railways were completed in January, 1851, when I was appointed Freight and Passenger Agent for these roads. My busi- ness was to procure freight and passengers from the West over these roads, the freight bound for the Boston market. "In the winter of 1836-37 Fernando Jones, John C. Haines and others hit upon a novel plan for securing the bounty offered by the county of $1.25 each for the scalps' of prairie wolves. By placing the heads of the slaugh- tered cattle on the partially thawed ice on the Chicago River (between MaBison and Monroe Streets), which froze solid at night, they attracted the attention of the wolves, which were easily shot by the watchers, while trying to carry off the heads of the dead animals." Other packers of that period were as follows: O. S. & R. M. Hough, associated with Sylvester Marsh, 1839; D. H. Underbill, who opened a meat market at the comer of State and North Water Streets in 1837; Eri Reynolds, who com- menced business in 1841 in one of the houses previously occupied by George W. Dole, while Oren Sherman and N. Pitkin packed several hundred hogs in the winter of 1841-42. The firm of William Felt & Co. (brothers) made the first direct shipment of beef from Chi- cago to the seaboard in the winter of 1842-43, when Archibald Clybourn slaughtered and packed for this firm some 3,000 head of cattle. 702 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. In 1843-44 Thomas Dyer and John P. Chapin formed a partnership as packers, carrying on business in the house recently occupied by Eri Reynolds. Julius Wadsworth entered the firm in 1S44, and one year later, on the retirement of Mr. Chapin, the firm name became Wadsworth & Dyer. Hugh Maher was the cooper who furnished the barrels for the house which, in 1844, exported the first piece of beef from Chi- cago to Great Britain. George Steele was known as a pork-packer in 1843, his place being on South Water Street, a little west of Frank- lin. During the next few years, the following named parties appear among others who have been engaged in the meat-packing business in Chicago: Cost of packing Firm. Cattle. Hogs. house." G. S. Hubbard & Co 200 1,000 ,$10,000 Hough & Co 225 1,000 25,000 Cragin & Co 400 1,000 45,000 Thomas Nash (afterwards Van Brunt & Watrous) 400 1,400 19,100 A. Brown & Co 200 600 10,000 Tobey, Booth & Co 600 10,000 John Hayward 140 400 5,000 Jones & Culbertson 1,200 9,000 J. & J. Stewart 300 3,000 George Steele & Co 300 3,000 Moore, Stevens & Co 200 600 15,000 W. Leland 100 Small Packing Houses 1,400 500 Totals 3,165 9,000 $154,100 The following extract from the Chicago "Daily Democrat" of Sept. 26, 1848, gives a pic- ture of the packing business of Chicago at that period, which, being written from a contempo- raneous standpoint, is of interest: "The beef-packing season has opened unprec- edentedly early this year, and already a brisk little business is being done by one firm in this city — Messrs. Marsh & Sherry. This firm kills from fifty to sixty head per day, and has already shipped seven hundred bar- rels of beef to the East. Chicago will rely for Its supplies of cattle this season princi- pally, if not altogether, on the northern por- tion of the State, being grass-fed cattle, which gives the beef a peculiar richness. One firm, Wadsworth. Dyor & Co., have already contracted for one thousand head of cattle. We have seen letters from their commission house In Boston stating that their beef takes the load, altogether, of that shii)ped from Maine; also one from England to Wads- worth, Dyer & Co., stating that, as long as their beef is kept up to its present standard, there is no fear but what it will compete successfully with the best Irish brands. This firm kills none but the best cattle, and uses foreign salt altogether in packing. In conse- quence of this superiority, most of the beef packed in this city goes to England or Bos- ton. It is expected that eighteen thousand barrels of beef will be packed this season, or perhaps more. Of this Marsh & Sherry expect to pack four thousand barrels; Wadsworth, Dyer & Co., ten thousand; and the remainder by Slocum & Clapp, and one other firm. Bar- rels are selling at $1.00, at which price con- tracts for large numbers have been made." On November 16, 1850, the "Gem of the Prairie," published by Kiler K. Jones, brother of Fernando Jones, gave an exhaustive review of the business, mentioning the names and describing the business done by them as fol- lows: "The slaughtering and rendering establish- ment of Sylvester Marsh is situated upon the beach immediately north of the north pier. The packing house is situated on the bank of the river, at the corner of North Water and Wolcott Streets. It was built during the present year, is three stories high, and sixty by eighty-four feet in size. He employs seventy-five hands, and slaughters 185 cattle per day. He pays out for the season, cash, for cattle, $90,000; for salt and barrels, $15,000; for labor, $5,000— total $110,000. "The slaughtering and packing house of Gurdon S. Hubbard is situated upon the North Branch on East Water Street, between Michigan and Illinois Streets. Number slaughtered per day, 105; hands usually employed, seventy-five. He packs this year for Norman Felt, of New York, Joseph Draper, of Boston, and W. Smith, of New Haven. Pays for cattle, $100,000; for salt, barrels and labor, $21,000— total, $121,000. "The establishment of Wadsworth, Dyer & Co. is situated upon the North Branch, in the suburbs of the city. The various buildings cover half an acre. The number of cattle slaughtered this season by the firm will probably exceed 6,000. The firm employs 110 men and slaughters 210 head of cattle per day. They commenced operations here seven HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 703 years ago. Their brand in the London and Liverpool markets takes precedence over beef from every other quarter of the world. Their hides are purchased by Gurnee, Hayden & Co., and their refuse carted by C. Beers for his farm beyond Bridgeport. Paid for cattle, $132,000; for salt, barrels and labor, $28,000 — total, $160,000. "R. M. & O. S. Hough are located a short distance below Bridgeport, immediately on the bank of the river. Their building is thirty by sixty feet in size, with wings. They are working fifty hands, and slaughtering 130 head of cattle per day. Cash paid for cattle, $70,000; for salt, barrels and labor, $15,000 — total, $85,000. "Passing down the river until within a short distance of the tannery of Gurnee, Hayden & Co., we come to the slaughtering and packing house of William B. Clapp. He is killing one hundred head of cattle per day, and working forty hands. He has a contract for supply- ing one thousand eight hundred barrels to the United States Navy. Cash paid for cat- tle, $56,000; for salt, barrels and labor, $16,000— total, $72,000. "A little farther down is the establishment of Eri Reynolds, a brick building fifty by one hundred and twenty feet in size. He packs for himself and W. & H. Felt of Earlville, N. Y., employs thirty hands and slaughters about ninety head of cattle per day. His estimates for the season are: Cash for cattle, $48,000; for salt, barrels and labor, $10,000— total, $58,000. "The seventh and last establishment — that of Messrs. Clybourn & Ellis — we did not find time to visit. It is situated upon the North Branch, about one mile above Ogden's bridge. They will slaughter this season about two thousand head of cattle, and the cost of the same, including salt, barrels, labor, etc., will amount to about $45,000. "Hence, we have about twenty-seven thous- and, five hundred cattle packed, and $651,000 paid out. The majority of cattle are fattened in Illinois, McLean County bearing the palm; but a portion are brought from Indiana and Iowa." Oramel T. and Roselle M. Hough, who had previously been associated with Sylvester Marsh, erected a packing house on the South Branch in 1850, at a cost of $3,000. Their business increased so rapidly that, in 1854, they put up a new stone structure costing $20,000. This having been destroyed by fire two years afterward, the firm rebuilt in 1857, at an outlay of $25,000. The firm of (Orville H.) Tobey & (Herman D.) Booth began packing pork in 1853. John L. Hancock, representing Cragin & Co. of New York, did an extensive business for those days in a house erected by himself at a cost of $45,000, on the South Branch. In 1853-54, Andrew Brown & Co. commenced packing, and one year later, the firm of Moore, Stevens & Co., in the fall of 1854. The following table, taken from the Annual Review of "The Chicago Press and Tribune" for 1859, affords an approximately accurate report of the quantity of beef packed in Chi- cago during that year, and contains a fair catalogue of the houses engaged in that line of trade at the time: Noi. of Av. No. of No. of Tallow Net Cattle. Wt. Tcs. Bbls. Lbs. Cragin & Co. .18,980 560 8,900 28,600 940,000 R. M. & O. S. Hough .... 6,483 575 1,006 12,642 301,683 G. S. Hubbard & Cot 5,453 563 1,100 11,426 254,151 Andr'w Brown & Co 5,225 550 13,800 261,250 J. G. Law & Co 5,100 550 1,000 8,475 234,600 Van Brunt & Wabrous .. 4,568 565 6,090 228,400 Jno. Hayward 5,000 550 f 11,000 225,000 O. M. Morton 1,000 555 2,200 47,500 Total 51,809 18,096 88,143 2,492,584 The markets at that period open to Chicago, outside of that at home, "where chiefly the Lake ports, where the lumber camps bought their supplies, although a not insignificant percent- age of the output found its way to the seaboard. The business of pork-packing was not par- ticularly profitable in 1859, although Chicago packers fared better than operators in other parts of the country. The product was not suflJciently large to admit of much shipment to the East, but the requirements of Canada and the lumber regions kept the Chicago market considerably higher than those of St. Louis, Cincinnati or New York. The following is a list of the leading houses engaged in this branch of the trade at that 704 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. time: R. M. & O. S. Hough, Cragln & Co., Jones & Culbertson, G. S. Hubbard & Co., Flint & Stearns, Tobey & Booth, Percival Marriott, Thomas Nash, Bodel, J. G. Law & Co., Leland & Mixer, Morton Standish, George Steele & Co., G. J. W. Steward, Burt & Higgins, Reynolds & Law, and P. Curtiss. The year 1860 opened with a heavy stock of beef on hand, and low prices ruled during the year. Operators were extremely cautious, and Chicago packers slaughtered only 25,209 head of cattle as against 51,809 in 1859. There was an extensive demand for cattle for shipment to the East, and the value of stock was higher than buyers had anticipated. The curtailment of purchases resulted in light stocks at the end of the year, not more than enough to meet the demands of the lumber and Lake Superior trade being in store by the end of the season. Pork-packing also exhibited some falling off, the packers using 167,918 hogs, as against 185,000 the previous year. The business of summer packing was inaugu- rated during 1860, two houses packing 12,000 during the summer months, and other packers laying in a supply of ice during the winter with a view to operating their houses during the summer following. During the four succeeding years Chicago continued to advance in prominence as a cattle market. The Government, as well as contract- ors, bought largely for military supplies, and the impetus given to trade by speculation was not without influence. In 1864 the newspapers of the day made the boast that this city was the largest market of this description in the West, and that Chicago packers had the pick of the beeves offered for sale. During the sea- son of 1864-65 there were packed in the city houses some 95,000 head of cattle. The list of beef-packers had undergone some changes since 1859, being in 1865 as follows: Cragln & Co.; Wooster, Hough & Co.; G. S. Hubbard & Co.; D. Kreigh & Co.; A. E. Kent & Co.; Steward, Sanger & Holihan; J. E. Nor- wood; Culbertson, Blair & Co.; Favorite & Son; Leland & Mixer; Turner & Nicolls; John Hayward; Griffin Bros.; Jones, Gifford & Co. The business of pork-packing Increased very rapidly tetween 1859 and 1864. In the season of 1852-53, there were packed in this city only 48,156 hogs; In 1857-58 the number had Increased to 99.262; In 1861-62, to 514,118; and, in 1862-63, 970,264 hogs were pacl^yi/(^C HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 709 center of the house, while the entire hotel was water-soaked. Since then, in keeping with the progressive management of the Yards, the in- terior of the hotel has been practically remodeled throughout, while the exterior archi- tecture remains unchanged. The lobby and corridors have been enlarged and beautifully finished in dark mahogany, with heavy beams paneling off the ceilings in an artistic and taking way. The same general design is followed in the dining-room, except that the walls are tinted in deep red with white and gold ceiling, while the general tint of the lobby and office is green. The reading-room has been finished in a fine shading of red, with painted canvas ceiling. New marble fioors have been put in and the building made modern in every way. Every room in the house has been refurnished and a large number of bath-rooms installed; new carpets have been put down and every room is light and airy and scrupulously clean. The best beds obtainable have been placed in the rooms, and everything has been done that would make the house more home- like than ever. The hotel is lighted through- out by electricity, heated by steam and has run- ning water on each floor. The dining-room has been made brighter and more cheerful with its new decorations and is handsomely lighted by electricity. The meals are a special feature and a better dinner, breakfast or supper cannot be had in the city for twice the money. The win- dows have been enlarged, the rooms are bright and cheerful throughout, and furnished with electric fans for the comfort of guests during the summer months. There has' been a hand- some cafe added, which is the most beautiful feature of the hotel in style and design. There is also a recently installed watch service, which insures constant night patrol. Electric cars pass the doors constantly, and with the local service of the Lake Shore & Michigan South- ern Railroad, easy and rapid transportation is afforded, at all times of the day or night, to and from the business portion of the city and thea- ter district. Enormous Business Done. — There is no place in Chicago which compares in amount of business done with that transacted at the yards from five o'clock in the morning until three o'clock in the afternoon, the great bulk of the stock arriving during the night. Everything is so well systematized that this enormous vol- ume of business is conducted with a celerity that is wonderful. The promptness and cer- tainty with which sales are conducted and remittances returned to shippers on the day of sale are unequaled in any other business. Shipments are now being made to nearly every country on the globe. Direct wires for tele- graph and telephone service connect the Chi- cago Yards with all the prominent cities, besides leading directly to the main offices in Chicago, many of the firms having their pri- vate wires, giving the entire system a capacity of several thousand messages an hour. During the past year about $500,000 has been expended by this company in new improve- ments already completed, about $100,000 worth are now under headway, and other extensive and very important improvements are projected and soon to be undertaken. An immense addition to the sheep market has just been completed, with the latest improved facilities to accommodate the rapidly increasing sheep business of this market. It has a capacity of 20,000 sheep per day. The largest and latest improved sheep dip and pool in the world is in operation here, under control of inspectors appointed by the Government, and has a capacity for dipping 10,000 per day. Improvements. — Near the sheep house, where the old water-works stood, a new power plant was installed in 1904 which pumps water from the new 8,000,000-gallon reservoir, and supplies the entire Yards with arc and incan- descent lights. In addition to this, three brick scale houses were erected. In the shipping division all the old fixtures were torn away and new ones substituted, thus affording much bet- ter facilities for tagging and loading export cattle. During the same year the new Ham- mond plant, transferred from Hammond, Ind., was opened for business. It is one of the most up-to-date slaughtering establishments in the world, and has a much greater capacity than the old plant. Among the improvements contemplated (March, 1904) for the coming year, are exten- sive track elevation and a permanent tube ser- vice from the local postoffice to the city. In the presentation of this industry we prove that Chicago stands without a rival. While reports show that she has the largest grain, lumber and wholesale dry-goods market In the world, yet there is more business done and more actual value handled in Chicago's live 7IO HISTORICAL EiNOYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. stock trade alone, than in her grain, lumber and dry goods combined. Add to this the value created by the packers in the processes of slaughtering, manufacturing and distributing the various parts and products of the slaugh- tered animals, and we have an enormous grand total. From various sources there were received at the Union Stock Yards during the year 1903, 302,915 cars of live stock, embracing. Cattle 3.432,486 Calves 271,743 Sheep 4,582,760 Hogs (average weight, 226 lbs) .., 7,325,92.3 Horses 100,603 Total, animals 15,713,515 Valued at $228,152,707, as against $42,765,328 in 1866. In thirty-eight years since the Yards were established there have been received: Cattle 71,499,896 Calves 3,041,768 Sheep 61,241,143 Hogs 217,418,600 Horses 1,847,323 Total, animals 355,048,730 Valuation $6,393,742,642 The shipments of all kinds of stock from the Yards during the thirty-eight years have been 107,232,392 animals, making the grand total handled by the Union Stock Yard & Transit Company of Chicago, since its establishment, 462,281,122 head. LARGEST RECEIPTS. The largest receipts of stock in one day have been as follows: Cattle. Sept. 28, 1903 44,445 Calves. April 15. 1902 5.076 Hogs. Feb. 11. 1895 74.551 Sheep, Sept. 29, 1902 59,362 Horses. March 25. 1901 1.697 Cars, Dec. 1, 1902 2,811 The largest receipts of stock in one week have been: Cattle, week endlriK Sept. 17, 1891 95,524 Calveii. week ending May 0. 1903 9.230 HogK, week ending Nov. 20, 1880 300,488 Sboep, week ending Oct. 18. 1902 162.459 Horsed, week ending Mar. 30. 1895 4.369 Can, WMlc ending Dec. l.*;. 1902 8.474 The largest receipts of stock in one month have been: Cattle. September, 1892 385,466 Calves, April, 1903 37,546 Hogs, November, 1880 1,111,997 Sheep, October, 1902 613,547 Horses, March, 1897 17,782 Cars, December, 1891 31,910 The largest receipts of stock in one year have been: Cattle, 1892 3,571,796 Calves, 1903 271,743 Hogs, 1898 8,817,114 Sheep, 1903 4,582,760 Horses, 1898 118,754 Cars, 1890 311,557 In reviewing the number and value of ani- mals received at this market, Hon. George F. Stone, the veteran Secretary of the Chicago Board of Trade, says: "A studious contemplation of the above figures must bring before the mind a vast, complex and yet systematic volume of busi- ness, the ramifications of which extend into every department of mercantile life, affect- ing lard, lumber and iron, dry goods and grain, transportation and banking; indeed, nearly every activity in the range of com- merce is set and kept in motion by this great industry, from its inception to its distribu- tion and final assimilation." Present Officers. — President, J. A. Spoor, Chicago; First Vice-President, Alvin H. San- ders, Chicago; Second Vice-President, DeWitt C. Smith, Springfield, 111.; General Manager, W. E. Skinner, Chicago; Treasurer, R. Z. Her- rick, Chicago; Secretary, Mortimer Levering, Lafayette, Ind. The Board of Directors is made up of the Presidents of all recognized Breeding Record Associations in the United States and Canada. INTERNATIONAL LIVE-STOCK EXPOSI- TIONS. We have shown in this statement of the Rise and Progress of the Live Stock and Meat Packing Industry of Chicago from 1827 to 1904, that Chicago is supreme in her genius for organizing and carrying forward to complete success any enterprise, no matter how large or how difTicult, and, as an (epitome or condensed HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 711 result of the whole movement herein described, is presented the following summary of Interna- tional Live-Stock Expositions held in the last four years, beginning with 1900: During the fall of 1899 the friends of live stock and agriculture made a careful survey of the conditions of these two great industries throughout the United States, and came to the conclusion that an era of increased and improved live-stock production was an absolute necessity in order to prevent a period of scarcity of animals and meats, a consequent decline in our exports, and a further decrease in the fertility of the soil on the farms of the Middle West, upon the preservation of which must necessarily depend the continued suc- cess of both stock-raising and crop-growing. It was noticed that live-stock production was not keeping pace with the increase of popula- tion in the United States, that the producing area could not expand, and that henceforth intensive use of productive capacity must be relied upon to supply the increased needs of an increasing population. Efforts had been made by the live-stock and agricultural press to arouse the stockmen and farmers of the country to a realization of these facts and the neces- sity of increasing and improving their live stock; but they had been without leadership, without incentive, and without the practical object lessons which the magnitude and impor- tance of the subject demanded. It was seen that, in order to awaken the necessary interest in the subject, a campaign of practical educa- tion would be necessary. The outcome of these considerations was the establishment of an International Live-Stock Exposition as a broad educational factor for all the people. The mission of the International Live-Stock Exposition was to gather into one place the best specimens of cattle, sheep, swine, and horses that could be found, and thereby present to the agricultural population of the United States a great and valuable educational opportunity, wherein the eye and the mind should be instructed and encouraged to the pro- duction of better animals for breeding, market- ing and exporting, thus encouraging greater consumption of American animals and meats at home and abroad. In 1902 a new live-stock building, called Pedigree Cattle Pavilion, 600x137 feet, was con- structed, of brick and steel, for the exhibition of cattle at the Exposition, to be used at other times for special sales and handling pure-bred stock. This pavilion, in addition to the Dexter Park Amphitheater and the other large show buildings, afforded ample accommodations for all the exhibits at the stock show. First International Stock Exposition. — On December 1, 1900, the management threw open to the public the gates of the first Inter- national Live-Stock Exposition, and the exhibit which continued during the week, December 1-8, proved the most wonderful and complete of its kind ever made, surpassing even the famous Smithfield show of England and second only to the World's Columbian Exposition in interest for those engaged in agricultural pur- suits — even surpassing the latter in this par- ticular line, as the whole world was asked to contribute to its success. The interest awakened was intense and instantaneous. The little farmer with his dozen animals, the large feeder with his several hundred head, and the range man with his thousands, came and saw and were convinced that there were living machines which would produce more and better meats on the same amount of feed, than would the heterogeneous animals they had been raising. The wonderful success of the first Exposition removed all uncertainty as to whether the interest in pure- bred stock was confined only to a few wealthy fanciers who held their herds for show pur- poses, or whether it was a lively, vital, every- day question among all breeders and raisers. The expectations of every one interested in stock were realized, and it was unanimously decided that the International Live-Stock Expo- sition should become an annual affair. The Second International Live-Stock Expo- sition was held from November 30 to December 7, 1901. There were over 4,000 entries, com- peting in 600 classes of cattle, sheep, swine and draft-horses, for premiums aggregating $110,- 000. Practically 12,000 animals, coming from all parts of this country and from England, Scotland, Argentine, Canada and France, were on exhibition, and they were viewed by over 400,000 people from all quarters of the globe. Special auction sales of pure-bred stock were held during the show, and realized enormous prices. A total of 322 cows and bulls of stand- ard breeds were sold at public auction, and fully as many at private sales. The Third International Live-Stock Expo- sition was held in Dexter Park Amphitheater 712 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. and surrounding buildings, from November 29 to December 6, 1902, with the car-load exhibits in the Union Stock Yards proper, as in the two previous Expositions. It was a demonstra- tion in many ways. No better evidence of the immense value of these annual expositions to the live stock industry of the whole North American continent could be desired than to witness the marked improvement since the first show in 1900, in the breeding, quality, and con- dition, in both pure-bred and fat classes, of the thousands of animals gathered from every State, and exhibited side by side with the best imported ones. The car-load exhibits and show of draft horses were far beyond anything of the kind ever before seen in this or any other country. One of the important events of this show was the dedication, on December 1, of the Pure Bred Live-Stock Record Building, at the corner of Dexter Park and Exchange Avenues, near the main entrance to the Stock Yards. It was erected by the Union Stock Yard and Tran- sit Company as a permanent home for the various National Pure-Bred Live Stock Record Associations, the Exposition Association, and as the chief meeting place of the live stock representatives of the world. Fourth Exposition. — When the fourth Inter- national Live-Stock Exposition was held at the usual time in December, it was noticed that, in every department, the improvement in the quality of the exhibits was most pronounced. This was due to the fact that the Exposition Is unquestionably fulfilling its mission, in that it is creating, for the breeders and the feeders, ideals that call forth their greatest genius to produce. Live stock experts made the state- ment that it was hardly possible to realize that only four short years had passed since the first Exposition, instead of a century, as the change In ideals or standards would imply. The Fifth International Live-Stock Expo- sition was held at the Union Stock Yards, from November 20, to December 3, 1904. In point of attendance and enthusiasm, number of exhibit- ors and value of awards, it was the greatest show ever held by the International Live-Stock Exposition Association. The first day of the show was devoted to a Judging contest by the agricultural students. In which five from each of the following insti- tutions participated: Ontario Agricultural College, Ouelph, Ont.; Iowa Agricultural Col- lege; Michigan Agricultural College; Ohio Agricultural College; Texas Agricultural Col- lege, and the Kansas State Agricultural Col- lege. The contest was open to farmers' sons as well as students, but, of the hundreds pres- ent at the opening session, only one young man admitted that he had been born on the farm. Six thousand of the finest cattle, horses, sheep and hogs that North America is capable of producing, as well as a number of foreign- bred horses, were on exhibition, among the latter being fifteen horses from the stables of King Leopold II. of Belgium, in charge of Baron von Schelle. There were also exhibits from France and Germany. A great deal of interest was manifested in the Horse Fair in Dexter Park Pavilion, where Belgian and hack- ney horses were shown in hand, also ponies as well as four-in-hand and six-in-hand draft- teams of a half-dozen packing firms. The entries in the horse classes were of so high a standard that much diflBculty was found by the judges in separating them. The Pabst Brewing Company, of Milwaukee, won first prize over all the Stock Yards entries in the class for single mares or geldings weighing over 1,760 pounds. Canada made almost a clean sweep in the sheep classes, winning in six out of eight. The record-holding Here- ford calf,, "General Manager," owned by the Iowa Agricultural College, won the grand championship in competition with the best cat- tle at the show, and also received two first prizes. Another first prize winner was the Minnesota Agricultural College steer, "Clear Lake Jute." A new feature introduced during the exijo- sition was a corn judging contest, in which agricultural students participated. While the Horse Fair was in progress, a mass-meeting of the International Live Stock Association was held in the Pedigree Record Building, at which it was definitely settled that there is to be an elaborate exhibition structure erected at the Stock Yards for future stock expositions. Nearly $11,000 of the $14,000 necessary to complete a guarantee fund of $50,000 was subscribed, and Vice-President Alvln H. Sanders said that the undertaking was assured. The raising of this guaranty fund means that the Union Stock Yards and Transit Company will enlarge the present Dexter Park Pavilion to make it one of the largest coliseum buildings in America. It will / / HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. 713 be expanded to seat six thousand persons, while the arena space will be 340x202 feet. The live stock at this exposition occupied thirty buildings, with twenty acres -of floor space, it having been found necessary to erect temporary structures in order to accommodate all of the animals. The total attendance during the week was 461,390, or nearly 150,000 more than that of last year. "Scientific agriculture and stock raising is fast coming to be recognized," said President Edmund J. James, of the University of Illinois. "The fact that the University of Minnesota students carried off the grand champion prize at this show proves its value. It is our inten- tion that the University of Illinois shall have one of the best agricultural schools in the world." CHAPTER XXIII. CHICAGO GRAIN TRADE. AN EXAMPLE OF MARVELOUS DEVELOPMENT PROG- RESS OF FIFTY YEARS THE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE — STATE LAWS REGULATING WAREHOUSES AND GRAIN INSPECTION — LIST OF INSPECTORS AND REGISTRARS CHICAGO STANDARD OF IN- SPECTION WIDELY ACCEPTED ^HISTORY OF ELE- VATOR SYSTEM A CHICAGO GRAIN ELEVATOR AND ITS OPERATION DESCRIBED GRAIN TRADE STATISTICS — 1900 A RECORD BREAKING YEAR. In no single item has the marvelous develop- ment of Chicago trade and commerce been more strikingly exemplified than in the statistics of the grain trade. An illustration of its growth in this respect is furnished in the increase in number and capacity of its grain warehouses and elevators during a period of half a century, which virtually covers the history of this line of business. Situated in the heart of an agri- cultural region of unsurpassed fertility and at the connecting point between the vast Missis- sippi Valley with the great Lakes, affording an easy and cheap route of almost uninterrupted water transit to the Atlantic coast, with the demonstrated possibility of a direct and regular communication with European ports, the de- velopment in this respect has been one of the marvels of the century, though, when consid- ered in the light of the growth of railways and other enterprises on the American con- tinent, a natural evolution. A few figures from the statistics of Chicago trade will serve to illustrate this point. In 1838, the first year of which any record has been furnished, the grain shipments for the port of Chicago amounted to a total of 78 bush- els of wheat. The growth of the next few years was steady but gradual, though confined exclusively to the wheat trade. In 1844 Chi- cago began to send out its first shipments of fiour, amounting to 6,320 barrels, with nearly 900,000 bushels of wheat, making a total of less than 925,000 bushels of this commodity. The completion of the Illinois and Michigan Canal between Chicago and LaSalle, in 1848, and the organization of the Chicago Board of Trade the same year, were events marking an epoch in the commercial history of the city, and from that time there was a rapid increase in both the volume and variety of commodities which found a market here. The total shipments of grain from this city for that year aggregated a little over 3,000,000 bushels, of which more than two-thirds was in wheat and flour. The influence of the Board of Trade in developing this, as well as all other branches of the Chicago produce trade, has been most marked. It has been largely through the influ- ence of that organization that uniform systems of conducting trade and improved methods of storage and transportation have been adopted. It is also due to its efforts that the annual statistics of trade have been preserved, making it possible to trace the growth of business from year to year. The flrst State law regulating warehouses and the business of warehousemen was enacted in 1851, the number of grain ware- houses or elevators in the city of Chicago at that time being three, with an estimated capac- ity of 750,000 bushels. In 1858 the system of inspecting and grading grain was adopted — a device of the Board of Trade which went far to establish the reputation of Chicago grain in the markets of the world, and at the follow- ing session of the General Assembly (1859) it was recognized in the enactment of a State law on the subject, though its operation was prac- tically left in the hands of the Board of Trade. Messrs. Julian S. Rumsey, S. H. Butler and Charles S. Dole were appointed a committee to draft a new system of wheat inspection, and George Sitts served as the first Chief Inspector. At first the system applied only to grain re- 714 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. c€ived by railroads, but was soon after ex- tended to receipts by lake and the canal. A second and more comprehensive State law was enacted in 1867. By this time the three elevators of 1851 had been increased to seven- teen, with a storage capacity of 10,880,000 bush- els. The act of 1867 took the matter of grain inspection out of the hands of the Board of Trade and introduced a number of stringent regulations which were found impracticable of enforcement, and some of its main provisions were repealed at the session of 1869. The sub- ject was taken cognizance of in the Constitution of 1870, making it the duty of the General Assembly to "pass laws for the inspection of grain, for the protection of producers, ship- pers and receivers of grain and produce," with the result that elaborate laws have been enacted regulating the receipt, inspection, storage and shipment of grain, the enforcement of which is placed in the hands of the Railroad and Warehouse Commission appointed by the Gov- ernor. The principal executive officer connected with the Grain Department is the "Chief Inspector," appointed by the Governor on the recommenda- tion of the Railroad and Warehouse Commis- sion, who have authority to establish rules and regulations for the discharge of the duties of his office. The second officer connected with the warehouse department is the "Warehouse Registrar," who receives his appointment at the hands of the Commission. It is the duty of the Chief Inspector to exercise general super- vision over the inspection of all grain received in or shipped from the elevators in Chicago, under rules and regulations prescribed by the Railway and Warehouse Commission, and to this end he has the authority to recommend to the Board, for appointment, as many assistant inspectors as may be needed for the proper performance of the work. The registrar is the accountant of the Board, whose duty it is to keep an account of and report upon receipts of the different kinds of grain into and ship- ments out of the several elevators, and the amount remaining on hand in each at the end of the fiscal year — which terminates with the 3l8t of October. The following is a list of the Incumbents In these two offices since the organ- ization of the Railroad and Warehouse Com- mission under the act of 1871: CHIEF GRAIN INSPECTOES. Wm. F. Tompkins 1871-73 Wm. H. Harper 1873-75 Gen. John C. Smith 1875-77 Wm. H. Sweet 1877-78 John P. Reynolds 1878-82 P. Bird Price 1882-83 Frank Drake 1883-85 P. Bird Price 1885-93 Geo. P. Bunker 1893-95 D. W. Andrews 1895-97 Edwin J. Noble 1897-01 Jos. E. Bidwell 1901-04 W. S. Cowen 1904- WAREHOUSE REGISTRARS. Steven Clary 1871-73 Troilus H. Tyndale 1873-79 Henry S. Dean 1879-81 P. Bird Price 1881-82 Wm. C. Mitchell 1882-86 John W. Burst 1886-93 Louis Wagner 1893-97 Daniel Hogan 1897-04 A. J. Lovejoy 1904- The highest compliment to the system of inspection in use in the City of Chicago, has been the high standard fixed for the grain from this market at the leading export points and in foreign markets, and the adoption of the same, or a similar system, in many of the principal cities both in this country and in Canada. The number of elevators in the City of Chi- cago at the time of the great fire of 1871 was seventeen, with an estimated capacity of 11,750,000 bushels. Of these six were destroyed with over one and a half million bushels of grain, the eleven remaining having a capacity of nearly 9,000,000 bushels. The intimate relation between the elevator system of Chicago and the railroads is shown by the fact that, while these structures were either originally built beside railroad tracks, or have been connected therewith by switches or side-tracks for purposes of convenience in receiving and shipping grain, many have been erected by railroad companies, or upon their lands, through the inducements offered to cap- italists. Thus, the first elevator of considerable size erected in Chicago was built by Chicago's early capitalist and grain dealer, Solomon Sturges, in partnership with Clarence P. and HISTORICAL E:N"CYCL0PEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 715 Alvah Buckingham, in 1854, upon ground leased from the Illinois Central Railroad Com- pany. In 1855 the Chicago & Rock Island Company erected its first elevator here, with a capacity of 700,000 bushels, at a cost of $125,000, and in 1861 or 1862, Messrs. Munn & Scott entered into contract with the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad to erect a large elevator on the depot grounds of the latter. While the number of Chicago elevators was diminished by a destructive fire a few years ago, the sev- enteen separate and distinct structures, with some half dozen "annexes," still have an esti- mated storage capacity of 28,000,000 bushels. The following description of the construction and operation of a Chicago elevator, taken from the "History of Chicago" (Vol. I., article "Trade and Commerce"), issued by the Munsell Publishing Company in 1895, may have an interest for the general reader — one of the Armour elevators being chosen for the pur- pose of description: "The enormous ground floor at first reminds one of the transept of a great cathedral. Here grain is received from wagons or cars, inspected and graded, but on this floor there are no facilities for storage. Above, the heavy tim- bers which form its top, however, rise to the alti- tude of nearly 150 feet, tier after tier of lofts whose areas are broken by long rows of mighty bins and ponderous weighing machines. There are 379 of these bins, each 12x12x65 feet, and capable of containing 7,000 bushels, their total capacity exceeding 2,500,000 bushels — an amount beyond ordinary comprehension. They can receive and weigh 500 cars, or 300,000 bushels, per day, while their capacity for deliv- ery is 100,000 bushels per hour. As an example of what may be accomplished by the substitu- tion of machinery for manual labor, this rec- ord is said to stand unrivaled, and is repeated over and over again each year. Seventy-five men are found sufficient to operate this machin- ery, which is driven by a Corliss engine of 1,200 horse-power of the description known as 'fore- and-aft compound valve-motion.' The main driving belt, which is made of eight-ply rubber and duck, is said to be the largest in the world, being 250 feet long and five feet wide. It runs very nearly vertically from the engine to the pulley on the counter-shaft, which is sit- uated at the top of the building. All along other counter-shafts are pulleys over which run no less than twenty 8-inch rubber elevator belts, each of which carries steel buckets riv- eted to its face at regular intervals. Aa these belts move upward they carry full buckets on one side, which, as they pass over the driving pulley at the top, are emptied and descend empty on the other side. "The grain, once discharged, falls through chutes, by force of gravitation, to the main body of the elevator, whence it is directed by other chutes to any desired point. The dis- tribution is accomplished by means of a chute rotating en a vertical axis, the prolongation of which would pass through its lower mouth. Thus, when swinging round on its pivot, its upper (or receiving) mouth remains constantly in the same position. Around its lower end are arranged, in a circle, the yawning and insatiate mouths of a number of chutes, each numbei'ed to correspond with a particular bin, and each capable of being connected with the central shaft. In this way one elevator is made to feed a number of bins. "On the next fioor below the chutes are what is known as 'gamers,' which are simply square bins holding 1,000 bushels each. Imme- diately under each is a platform scale, whose bin contains precisely the capacity of the bin above it, and receives grain therefrom as desired. There are 28 of these scales in all — 12 for receiving and 16 for shipping — ^and on them the grain is weighed, the capacity of «ach being 60,000 pounds. Much (probably most) of the grain received is simply graded and delivered in bulk,— i. e., a like weight is given the owner. Other grain is received with 'iden- tity to be preserved.' "All garners, weighing bins and storage bins have sloping bottoms, to prevent the lodgment of kernels on their passage, and all grain is weighed twice (on receipt and withdrawal), each necessitating its elevation to the top of the building under the system, which has been explained." Owing to irregularities in the shipment of grain without the cancellation of receipts (or "certificates") in recent years, the General Assembly, at its last session (1901), passed an act making it the duty of the warehouse- man, on the receipt of grain for the purpose of storage, to issue a receipt for the same, which he is required, within twenty-four hours, to report to the Warehouse Registrar, indicat- ing the amount, grade of grain, the name of the owner and the number of the receipt. The 7i6 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. warehouseman is prohibited, under heavy pen- alties from delivering grain upon said receipt, except upon its return "stamped or otherwise plainly marked hy the Warehouse Registrar with the words, 'registered for cancellation,' " with the date of such entry. Within twenty- four hours thereafter, the warehouseman is required to "report said receipts to the Regis- trar cancelled." The warehouseman, his clerk or agent, failing to do this, is subject to a fine of $100 for each offense. The law further declares, that any warehouseman or his agent, delivering grain upon which such receipts have been issued, or any inspector or person con- nected with the Grain Department, "knowingly permitting said grain to be delivered, without notice from the Registrar that said receipts have been registered for cancellation, shall be deemed guilty of a crime," and liable to be fined an amount equal to the value of the prop- erty wrongfully delivered, or imprisoned for a period not less than one nor more than ten years. This paper cannot conclude more fittingly than by the incorporation of a few statistics from the Forty-Third Annual Report of the Chicago Board of Trade (for 1900). From these it appears that the receipts of grain of all kinds for the year (including flour in its grain equivalent) was the largest in the history of the Chicago grain market — being 349,637,295 bushels, against 320,670,441 (the next highest) in 1899. The shipments for the same period amounted to 265,552,246 bushels, being exceeded only by those of 1898. The receipts of wheat during the year aggregated 48,048,298 bushels — a little more than two millions below those of 1892, the highest. The receipts of corn sur- passed all previous records, amounting to 134,- 663,456 bushels, while the shipments (aggre- gating 111,099,653 bushels) fell short of those of 1898 and 1899 — 1898 being the record year. The receipts of oats fell short of the four pre- ceding years from four to seven millions, the aggregate being 105,226,761 bushels. In the seventeen principal elevators with their six annexes, with a capacity ot 28,000,000 bushels, the amount in store at the end of the year was 17.514.305 bushels, against 22,395,014 at the beginning. Much the larger proportion of the receipts of grain of all kinds came by rail, that by lake and canal being less than five and a half million bushels. In the amount of the receipts of both corn and oats, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad holds precedence (of the former, 30,910,300 bushels), the Illi- nois Central, Chicago & Northwestern and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific following sub- stantially in the order named. These stupen- dous figures indicate that Chicago still holds its place as the greatest grain market of the world, yet it would be unsafe to say that it has reached its limit. STATISTICS FOU 1903.— While 1900 was a record-breaking year in respect to the total receipts of grain in the Chicago market, the receipts of wheat during that year were sur- passed by those of 1901 — the latter amounting to 51,197,870 bushels, against 50,234,556 bush- els in 1892, the next highest in the history of the city. The statistics of grain receipts and shipments for the year 1903, compiled by Mr. George F. Stone, Secretary of the Chicago Board of Trade and published In "The Forty- Sixth Annual Report of the Trade and Com- merce of Chicago," present the following results: Bushels. Aggregate Receipts of Grain 275,468,195 Aggregate Shipments of Grain 210,255,151 Total Receipts of Wheat 27,124,585 Shipments of Same 21,369,548 Receipts of Corn 98,545,534 Shipments of Same 68,093,622 Receipts of Oats 88,588,386 Shipments of Same 63,539,179 Receipts of Barley 23,273,519 Shipments of Same 2,986,816 According to the same report there were in the City of Chicago, during the year 1903, six- teen regular warehouses (or elevators) with six annexes, having a total capacity of 26,750,000 bushels, besides fifty-two private ele- vators, with a total capacity of 30,400,000 bush- els — grand total storage capacity, 57,150,000 bushels. The aggregate of cereals in store in Chicago at the close of the year was 6,753,676 bushels, of which there were (in bushels): Wheat, 2,768,291; Corn, 2,244,068; Oats, 1,277,- 728; Rye, 242,279; Barley, 271,310. The aggre- gate amount of grain in store at the beginning of the year was 10,977,301 bushels, showing a reduction during the year of 4,223,625. The range of prices on different cereals for the ywir (1903) was as follows: Wheat, 701/4 to 93 cents; Corn, 41 to 53 cents; Oats, 31 Vi to 45 cents; Rye, 48 to 60 cents. HISTOE.ICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 717 CHAPTER XXIV. EDUCATIONAI^-Y. M. C. A. ORGANIZATION CHICAGO MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL ITS ORIGIN AND OBJECT WORK ACCOMPLISHED IN TWENTY- ODD TEARS OF ITS HISTORY NUMBER OF GRAD- UATES MERGED WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ARMOUR TECHNOLOGICAL SCHOOL — YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS ITS HISTORY OF FIFTY YEARS PRESENT STRENGTH AND STATUS OF THE ORGAN- IZATION Y. M. C. A. BUILDING IN CHICAGO. The Chicago Manual Training School owes its existence to "The Chicago Commerciai Club," an association composed of prominent business men, whose monthly meetings are devoted to the discussion of social, civil and political questions. To this body of thoughtful and observant men the subject of education early commended itself as of vital importance to the welfare of the commonwealth. The need of something more than, and different from, the usual grammar and high school education was fully felt. At a meeting of the Club held March 25, 1882, it was resolved to raise a sum of $100,000 to establish a manual training school. The money was raised, and the same evening a com- mittee was appointed to draft a plan for the organization of the school. This committee reported Dec. 30, 1882. "The Chicago Manual Training School Association" was formed, con- sisting exclusively of members of The Com- mercial Club. The following gentlemen were elected Trustees: E. W. Blatchford, R. T. Crane, Marshall Field, William A. Fuller, John Crerar, John W. Doane, N. K. Fairbank, Edson Keith, George M. Pullman. E. W. Blatchford was chosen President of the Board; R. T. Crane, Vice-President; Marshall Field, Treasurer, and William A. Fuller, Secretary. On June 9, 1883, Dr. H. H. Belfleld, at that time Principal of the North Division High School, was elected Director. The object of the school is thus stated in its charter : "Instruction and practice in the use of tools, with such instruction as may be deemed nec- essary in mathematics, drawing, and the Eng- lish branches of a high-school course. The tool instruction, as at present contemplated, shall include carpentry, wood-turning, pattern-mak- ing, iron-chippihg and filing, forge-work, braz- ing, and soldering, the use of machine-shop tools, and such other instruction of a similar character as may be deemed advisable to add to the foregoing from time to time, it being the intention to divide the working hours of the students, as nearly as possible, equally between manual and mental labor." The site of the school, at the northwest cor- ner of Michigan Avenue and Twelfth Street, was purchased March 28, 1883. The corner- stone was laid, with appropriate ceremonies, Sept. 24, 1883, and the school opened its doors to pupils Feb. 4, 1884. It was intended that the course of the school should be three years, since it was believed that the essentials of a high school curriculum, with five hours per week of drawing and ten hours a week of shop work, could be thoroughly accomplished in that time. This belief was well founded. About fifty per cent, of the graduates of this school have entered technological schools abundantly well equipped for their work. Twelve 6f the class of 1893 were fitted for the Sophomore class of Sibley College, Cornell Uni- versity. The acceptance by the technological schools of the shopwork and drawing of man- ual-training school graduates, as an equivalent, wholly or in part, of similar work demanded by the school of technology for the degree of E. E. or M. E., saves much time to the students possessing it. During the twenty-two years of the school's existence, its general purpose has been maintained without essential change. As the pedagogical value of manual training became recognized, the optional study of Greek was added, in order that boys desiring to pre- pare for classical colleges might have the ben- efit of drawing and shopwork. The technical skill of boys, when directed by competent and enthusiastic teachers, is well illustrated by some of the products of the school. Besides two dozen or more steam- engines from six to ten horse-power, the pupils have made three sensitive drills, a large drill- press, a dozen half-speed lathes, a pattern- maker's gap lathe, weighing 1,500 pounds, and many other articles in wood, iron and steel. The tower-clock, with a 60-inch dial, a West- minster chime, etc., in use for years, was designed and built by pupils. The drawing includes free-hand, machine and 7i8 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. architectural work. About fifty per cent, of the graduates of the school go directly into business. The others, as has been said, enter college, chiefly to engineering departments. Over two hundred college degrees are known to have been conferred upon graduates, and one hundred and forty others are now in col- lege. The number of graduates is now (June, 1901) 776. On the ninth day of July, 1897, the school was presented by its Trustees — with the unan- imous approval of the Chicago Manual Train- ing School Association — to the University of Chicago. Its legal owTiership is now vested in a Board of nine Trustees, elected by and from the Board of Trustees of the University of Chi- cago. This transfer of ownership is commem- orated by a handsome bronze tablet, placed in the vestibule of the school, which reads as follows : "THE CHICAGO MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, the first independent school of this character in the United States, was founded by The Commercial Club of Chicago; was incorporated, April 10, 1883; the corner-stone of its building, corner of Michigan Avenue and Twelfth Street, was laid September 24, 1883, and regular school exercises began Feb- ruary 4, 1884. "The school was designed to give instruc- tion and practice in the use of tools, in math- ematics, drawing, modern languages, and the English branches of a high school course. "That, during the fourteen years of the existence of the school, it has instructed over sixteen hundred pupils, of whom six hundred and three have been graduated; that it has caused the establishment of many sim- ilar institutions — and, especially, that it has secured the incorporation of this system of education into the public schools of this city and of many other cities — is evidence to the founders of the school that it has success- fully accomplished the purpose for which it was organized. In the belief that the use- fulness of the school will thereby be enlarged and Its perpetuity secured, the membership of the Association has been, by unanimous ai^tion, 80 changed that the administration of the school, with Its building, grounds, equip- ment, and the endowment (a bequest of the late Mr. John Crerar), has been this day entrusted U> a membership composed of TruBtees of "THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICACK). "BoAKD OF Tbustees 1896-97. "E. W. Blatchford, President. "John M. Clark, Vice-President. "Marshall Field, Treasurer. "William A. Fuller, Secretary. "John W. Doane — Christoph Hotz — EJdson Keith— H. H. Porter — George M. Pullman. "Henry H. Belfield, Director." "July 9, 1897." Mr. Crerar's bequest was $50,000. It will be noticed that Messrs. Blatchford, Field, Fuller, Doane, Keith and Pullman were members of the original Board of Trustees, while Messrs. Cre- rar, Keith and Pullman were members at the time of their death. ARMOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Armour Institute of Technology was founded in 1892 by Mr. Philip D. Armour of Chicago. The work of instruction was begun in Sep- tember, 1893. The aim of the Institute was expressed in its first public announcement as follows: "This institution is founded for the purpose of giving to young men and women an oppor- tunity to secure a liberal education. It is hoped that its benefits may reach all classes. It is not intended for the poor or the rich, as sections of society, but for any and all who are earnestly seeking practical education. Its aim is broadly philanthropic. Profoundly real- izing the importance of self-reliance as a factor in the development of character, the Founder has conditioned his benefactions in such a way as to emphasize both their value and the stu- dent's self-respect. The Institute is not a free school, but its charges for instruction are in harmony with the spirit which animates alike the Founder, the Trustees and the Faculty, namely: the desire to help those who wish to help themselves." The central feature of the Institute is the Technical College, which offers four year courses in Mechanical Engineering. Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture and Science, all of which lead to the degree of Bachelor of Science. The equipment for these courses has been made so complete that the educational work done here compares favorably with that done at any of the other prominent Institutes of Technology In the United States. In order that the young man contemplating a full course in Engineering may rettcive ade- quate preparation, Armour Scientific Academy HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 719 has been made an integral part of the Insti- tute. The different courses here offered lay special emphasis upon Physics, Chemistry, Drawing and Mathematics as being the founda- tions for future success in applied science. The Associated Department of Domestic Arts and Science offers instruction in sewing, dressmaking, millinery, cookery, home-nursing, hygiene, sanitation and ventilation. Normal courses are offered in order to train young women who desire to teach these subjects. The Kindergarten Normal Department offers a two- year course for the training of kindergarteners. The Department of Music offers instruction in organ and pianoforte playing and voice culture. The building erected by the munificence of Mr. Armour is built in the Romanesque style with Norman windows, and is absolutely fire- proof. No expense was spared in its erection. In the basement are placed the shops for wood- work and forging, the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory and the engine-room. On the first floor are the library, offices of the President and Dean and Machinery Hall. On the second floor are the Electrical Engineering Labora- tories, the physics lecture and apparatus rooms and the Biology Laboratory. On the third floor are the Chemical Laboratory, the Civil Engi- neering room and recitation rooms. The fourth floor is devoted chiefly to the Department of Domestic Arts and Science. On the fifth floor are a large drafting room and a gymnasium. The aim of the Institute is to develop thor- oughly and scientiflcally the best element in any individual. With this end in view, the instruction in the preparatory department and in the associated departments, as well as in the Technical College, is maintained at a high standard. Young women deserve as careful and as scientifle training in the technical pur- suits suited to them as the young men who are seeking to prepare for the life of a professional engineer. The conception is worthy of a prince and Mr. Armour has carried it out in the most princely manner. THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIA- TION IN ILLINOIS. There were Young Men's Christian Associa- tions in existence in Illinois as early as 1854. In the first International Convention of Young Men's Christian Associations, which was held at Buffalo, N. Y., in June of that year, two del- egates were present from Chicago — W. P. Mont- gomery and Cyrus Bentley; and one from Peo- ria — T. C. Moore; while a delegate was also enrolled from the "Young Men's Moral and Christian Union" of Quincy. The report of Mr. W. P. Montgomery, one of the delegates from Chicago, states that the organization in that city had been formed about eighteen months previous to the date of the convention. At the time of the second convention, which was held in Cincinnati, Ohio, in September, 1855, the name of Chicago had disappeared from the list of Associations, while Springfield had been added. Of these Associations only Quincy seems to have survived until the third convention held in Montreal, Canada, in June^ 1856, and even this disappears from the list before 1858. The oldest existing Association in Illinois is the present organization in Chicago, which was organized in June, 1858. For some fourteen years after that date, while a number of Asso- ciations were organized in different parts of the State, no effort seems to have been made to bring them into relationships of mutual helpfulness. In 1873, however, at the call of Mr. Robert Weidensall, acting as Agent of the International Committee, a convention was held at Bloomington, November 6-9 of that year. This was the beginning of an effort on the part of the Associations to unite for mutual help- fulness and for the extension of the associa- tion work. A State Executive Committee was appointed at this time which, however, accom- plished but very little during its year of office. Nevertheless, conventions have been held con- tinuously since 1873. In the convention of 1875, which was held at Jacksonville, 111., definite steps were taken toward securing the services of a State Secre- tary whose whole time should be given to asso- ciation work. Such an officer was not selected until the following year, when on Nov. 1, 1876, Mr. Charles M. Morton assumed the duties of the office. This position he held for one year only, during which time a large amount of evangelistic work was done in different parts of the State and a number of Associations were organized, so that the State list submitted at the Champaign convention, in September, 1877, contained the names of sixty-two organi- zations. At the close of one year of service, Mr. Morton retired from the State Secretary- ship to accept the pastorate of a mission In the city of Chicago, and the Associations for 720 HISTORICAL EJTCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. nearly three years were left without close supervision. The Decatur convention in 1879 urged the securing of a State Secretary, and in April, 1880, I. E. Brown was elected to that position ■which he has continued to occupy until the present time (1904). The names of sixteen Associations were put into his hands as com- prising the association constituency in the State. At that time 2,433 was the reported membership. Two Associations (those of Chi- cago and Aurora) owned buildings. The total value of association property, including three building funds, was reported as $126,500. Thir- teen Secretaries and other oflBcers were employed by the Associations, all but four of these being in Chicago. There was one small gj'mnasium in existence. Five Associations conducted religious meetings for men only. Since 1880, the growth of association work has been constant, and this growth has demanded the addition of one Secretary after another until seven are now employed in the State work. Beginning with the year 1886, the develop- ment of distinct departments of State work was entered upon. This, however, was not fully carried out until the year 1890. The work of supervision is now divided into the follow- ing departments: 1. General Supervision, with State Secre- tary and Assistant Secretary in charge. 2. Railroad and City Department. 3. County and Town Department. 4. Student Department. 5. Corresponding Membership Department. 6. Office. With the exception of the last two, which are combined under one head, each Department is in charge of an employed Secretary, who is responsible for its development, while In the Railroad and City Department and in the office an assistant is also employed. The whole work is under the supervision of a State Executive Committee of twenty-seven members, one-third of the number being elected annually. Of this Committee, for several years Mr. John E. Wilder of Chicago has been Chair- man. The State Convention, which is made up of delegates from the different local assocla- tions, la the creative power of this Committee and the source of its instructions. The last available report (October, 1904) sbowH 126 AssodatlonH In the Slate, reporting a total membership of 23,375. Twenty-three Associations own their own buildings, while eight others hold their buildings on long time leases from railroad companies. The total value of property reported is $2,727,435. Of the build- ings, eight are for railroad men, two for stu- dents, while the remainder are owned by city Associations. Instead of five religious gath- erings a week for young men, as in 1880, 248 such weekly gatherings were reported in 1898, and the number has been largely increased since. In addition to all of this organized work, the system of representatives or corre- spondents in unorganized towns has been extended to 1103 communities. The development has not been solely in the number of organizations. The physical work has been put upon a scientific basis, and has been extended to 40 associations. The various phases of educational work have been largely developed, and the evening class- work, during the year 1903-04 enrolled 2,041 pupils. Great advances have been made in equipment, not only in the fifteen-fold increase in the number of buildings, but also in their character. The finest building ever erected in the world for Young Men's Christian Work, was entered by the Chicago Association in 1893. Some association work has been done among the coal-miners, and an association has for years done good service among the first grade boys of the Illinois State Reformatory, while a large work has been carried on at the Militia Camp of the Illinois National Guard, and pre- liminary steps have recently (1904) been taken for an Army Association at Ft. Sheridan. CHAPTER XXV. LIBRARIES. THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY — AN OUTGROWTH OP THE GREAT FIRE OP 1871 — THOMAS HUGHES, THE ENGLISH AUTHOR, A LEADER IN THE MOVEMENT HISTORY OF THE LIBRARY BUILD- ING — STATISTICS FOR THE YEAR 1904 CHICAGO HISTORICAL LIBRARY — ITS ORIGIN AND HIS- TORY — NEWBERRY LIBRARY — JOIIN CRERAB LIBRARY — EVANSTON FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. On January 3, 1872, a petition, signed by twenty-eight leading citizens, was presented to HISTORICAL EITCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 721 Hon. Joseph Medill, Mayor of Chicago, request- ing him to call a public meeting of citizens to consider the establishment of a free public library. The names signed to that petition constitute a roll of honor. It would have been difficult to find twenty-eight names more truly representative of Chicago, or which stand for more in its development and history. This step had its origin in a movement started by Thomas Hughes, the celebrated Eng- lish author and Member of Parliament, which received the endorsement of Queen Victoria and a large number of England's most distinguished statesmen and authors, immediately after the great Chicago Are of 1871, looking to the contri- bution of books and means for the founding of a free public library in the fire-stricken city. Mayor Medill issued the call as requested, and a large and enthusiastic public meeting was held Jan. 8, 1872, at Plymouth Church. Res- olutions were adopted thanking Mr. Hughes and his associates for the steps inaugurated to this end, pledging the efforts of the citizens of Chicago to carry on and complete the great work so successfully begun. The Mayor appointed a committee of twenty- two to prepare the legislation necessary to establish a free public library and to receive and preserve such books and literary property as should be presented. This committee pre- pared and reported a free library bill to a meeting held in the City Hall January 20, 1872. This bill was framed from copies of bills at that time before the Legislature, the earliest of which had been prepared by Hon. Daniel L. Shorey and introduced in the House of Rep- resentatives February 6, 1871, by Hon. William H. King of this city. The bill presented by the committee was unanimously approved by the meeting and was in substance the bill which became a law and was approved March 7, 1872. This was a gen- eral law and is the statutory foundation of all the free public libraries in Illinois. This Act was accepted by the Common Council and the Chicago Public Library was thereoy. established by an ordinance, also prepared by Mr. Shorey, approved April 13, 1872. As the books were received they were depos- ited in the old iron water tank, which was sit- uated upon the lot at the southeast corner of Adams and La Salle Streets, now occupied by the Rookery Building. This tank had been used as a distributing reservoir for the South Division and stood on a masonry foundation thirty-five feet high. It had the merit of being fire-proof and was selected for that reason. A reading room was fitted up by the city in the third story of the temporary City Hall, adjacent to and connecting with the tank. This was opened to the public Jan. 1, 1873. These quarters having soon proved inadequate for the rapidly growing accumulation of books, on March 16, 1874, the Library was moved to the southeast corner of Madison Street and Wabash Avenue, where it was opened for the circulation of books May 1, 1874, with 17,355 volumes. On May 27, 1875, the Library was again moved, this time to the southwest corner of Lake and Dearborn Streets, where it remained until May 24, 1886. By that time it had again outgrown its habitation, and its 120,000 vol- umes were removed to the fourth story of the City Hall. From the earliest consideration of the sub- ject of a future library building. Dearborn Park has, by common consent, been deemed the most natural and appropriate location. It was public property, by the utilization of which the expenditure of a large sum in the purchase of land was rendered unnecessary. It was of ade- quate size and of symmetrical shape. It was centrally located and convenient to the lines of intramural communication and travel. It filled more completely the requirements of the Library and the convenience of the public than any other site obtainable, but the difficulties in securing its use for library purposes were for many years insurmountable. On the plat of Fort Dearborn Addition, Dear- born Park was marked "Public ground, forever to remain vacant of buildings." The consent of owners of abutting property therefore had to be obtained before a building could be erected. June 4, 1889, an Act of the Legisla- ture of Illinois was passed, giving to the Sol- diers' Home in Chicago the license to erect a Memorial Hall on the north one-fourth of Dearborn Park. The Soldiers' Home, however, was unable to obtain the necessary consent of the owners of abutting property and never obtained possession from the city. It now became apparent that the whole park would ultimately be needed for library purposes and negotiations were entered upon for the acquisi- tion of the interest of the Soldiers' Home. This finally resulted in an agreement between the parties. 722 HISTOEICAL EiNOYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. An ordinance of the city of Chicago was passed May 19, 1890, and an act of the Legis- lature passed and approved June 2, 1891, which authorized the Library to purchase the interest of the Soldiers' Home and to erect and main- tain a public library on the entire park. The consent of the owners of abutting property was then obtained. The preliminary agreement, on October 24, 1891, ripened into a final con- tract by the delivery of a deed from the Sol- diers' Home to the Chicago Public Library, and by the execution of an agreement by the Library to construct a Memorial Hall and ante- rooms and to lease them for fifty years at a nominal rental to the Grand Army Hall ana Memorial Association. The plans were adopted and the architects employed February 13, 1892, from which time the work of construction steadily progressed. Ground was broken July 27, 1892, the cor- ner-stone laid Thanksgiving Day, 1893, and on October 9, 1897, the building was dedicated to the people of Chicago with appropriate exer- cises. On December 1, 1904, there were 295,075 volumes in the library, which had a home cir- culation during the year of 1,859,750, of which 535,457 were issued from the main library, and 754,225 through the 70 delivery stations. Besides this 346,807 volumes were consulted by 124,57] persons in the reference room, while in the branch reading rooms 194,887 visitors consulted 88,558 books and 151,930 periodicals. The number of persons entitled to draw books on cards was 62,384. THE CHICAGO HISTORICAL LIBRARY. The Chicago Historical Society was organ- ized in 1856, and incorporated in 1857. As William H. Brown, who was a member of a Historical Society formed at Vandalia, about 1835, was the first President, it may not be inaptly called a reorganization or continuation of that society. Its charter members were William B. Ogden, J. Young Scammon, Mason Hrayman, Mark Skinner, George Manierre, John H. Kinzie, James V. Z. Blaney, Edward I. Tinkham, Joseph D. Webster, William A. Smallwood, Charles H. Ra3', Mahlon D. Ogden, Franklin Scammon, William Barry, Van H. HlgginH. Dr. Nathan S. Davis, Samuel D. Ward, and Ezra H. McCagg. The objftctH of the Society were doclarod to be: FirHl, the establishment of a library; sec- ond, the colloftlon Into a safe and permanent depository of manuscripts and documents of historical value; third, to encourage the inves- tigation of aboriginal remains; and fourth, to collect and preserve such historical materials as shall serve to illustrate the settlement and growth of Chicago. When the destructive fire of 1871 occurred, the Society had erected a commodious brick building for its use on a portion of its lot at the northwest comer of Dearborn Avenue and Ontario Street, in which, under the supervision of Rev. William Barry, had been accumulated a library of 14,000 volumes, besides priceless treasures in manuscripts and records, includ- ing that great document, the Emancipation Proclamation, with President Lincoln's signa- ture affixed thereto. The devouring flames left not a vestige unoonsumed. The society was not forgotten in the work of restoration, but the liberal contributions received as a nucleus for a new library were again swept away by the great fire of 1874. The friends of the Society were naturally dis- couraged, but donations of books were made and cared for by Edwin H. Sheldon at his office on Clark Street, until, at a meeting of tne Society on January 23, 1877, it was determined to erect a new building. An appeal to the mem- bers for subscriptions meeting with a favorable response, the movement resulted in the erec- tion of another building, which was ready for occupancy by October 16, 1877. There for fif- teen years it grew and prospered. In 1892 the Henry D. Gilpin fund having, by careful investment, more than doubled, and the legacy under the will of John Crerar having become available, it was determined to solicit from its members subscriptions for the erec- tion of a permanent fire-proof home for the Society, on the site at the corner of Dearborn Avenue and Ontario Street, so long identified with the Society's history. To this appeal the members responded with alacrity and their accustomed liberality, and the temporary struc- ture having been removed, on November 12, 1892, the corner-stone of the new building was laid with appropriate ceremonies. The new edifice, erected at a cost of $190,000, is of fire- proof construction and. In point of complete- ness, has no superior for similar purposes in the world. On December 15, 1896, the dedica- tion of the building took place in the presence of a brilliant and roprosentative assemblage of members and frionds of the Society. The mSTOEICAL EirCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 723 absolute safety of the building from damage by fire has made it a favorite repository for donations of valuable manuscripts, relics, por- traits, etc., from a variety of sources. At the request of the History Section of the Department of Anthropology of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, at St. Louis, the Society made an exhibit of fac-similes of some of its valuable manuscripts and portraits, illustrating the exploration and development of the Missis- sippi Valley, 1673-1817. This exhibit was awarded the gold medal by the Superior Jury of Awards. During the annual meeting of the American Historical Association, held in Chicago by invi- tation of this and other institutions, December 28-30, 1904, the Society was able to assemble for the study and pleasure of its guests a spe- cial loan exhibit of several important collec- tions of historical material displayed at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. This collec- tion of unique and priceless documents (of which a complete catalogue has been pub- lished) was doubtless the most valuable that has ever been assembled for a loan exhibition under the roof of any private institution in the Mississippi Valley, and could hardly have been secured but for the absolutely fire-proof char- acter of the massive building of the Chicago Historical Society. Since 1901 the library and collections of the Society have been entirely free to the public, being open each week day — except on national holidays — from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. A course of historical lectures is maintained during the winter months, to which members and their friends are eligible. The present otficers of the Society are as fol- lows: President, Franklin H. Head; First Vice-President, Thomas Dent; Second Vice- President, Lambert Tree; Treasurer, Orson Smith; Secretary, James W. Fertig; Librarian, Caroline M. Mcllvaine; Executive Committee: Franklin H. Head, Edward E. Ayer, Joseph T. Bowen, William A. Fuller, Charles F. Gunther, Samuel H. Kerfoot, Jr., G-eorge Merryweather, Walter C. Newberry, Otto L. Schmidt. As provided in its constitution, and con- trary to popular impression, the field of this Society is not confined to Chicago, but its foun- dations are laid broad and deep to include all the States carved from the "Old Northwest Territory," and this has been extended by com- mon consent to- include the entire Mississippi Valley. The number of books, pamphlets, and manuscripts now in the library approximates 140,000, and is being added to at the rate of 2,500 volumes annually. Besides a highly spe- cialized collection of books, maps, and news- papers treating of chosen subjects, the Society has an extensive collection of manuscripts — only a small portion of which have been drawn upon for material for its published collections, and a Museum of Relics illustrating the various historical periods in the development of the Northwest. THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY. Chicago has been fortunate in being made the recipient, within the past few years, of private benefactions destined to give it a lit- erary prominence unsurpassed by that of any other city in the country. The first of these gifts came from the late Walter Loomis New- berry, who died November 6, 1868, leaving, by a conditional bequest, one-half of his estate for the purpose of founding a Free Public Library, to be located in that part of Chicago known as the North Division. By the conditions of his will this bequest became available on the death of his widow, Dec. 9, 1885. The value of the one-half of the estate, the sum set off to the Library was estimated, at that time, at $2,512,- 354. The larger part of that sum being in real estate, it has since materially increased in value. On the first of July, 1887, the Trustees, upon whom devolved the duty of "founding the Library" in accordance with the provisions of the will, as a tribute due to the memory of the founder, gave to it the name of The Newberry Library, and decided that it should be a library of reference open to the use of the public on the premises. Dr. William Frederick Poole, for fourteen years the successful head of the Chicago Public Library, was appointed Librarian, entering upon his duties August 1, 1887. The first tem- ' porary home of the Library was at 90 La Salle Street; in April, 1888, it was removed to 338 Ontario Street, whence after two years, it was transferred to convenient quarters for its tem- porary use at the northeast corner of North State and Oak Streets. Steps were taken as early as 1888, looking to the erection of a per- manent building upon the square bounded by Ontario, Pine, Erie and Rush Streets, which had been the Newberry homestead, and which had been reserved by the Trustees for this pur- 724 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. pose. The site was changed, however, in 1889, for a more desirable location, to what is known as the Ogden Block, surrounded by Dearborn Avenue, Walton Place, North Clark, and Oak Streets, where the erection of a permanent library building was begun in the fall of 1890, in accordance with plans prepared by the Archi- tect, Henry Ives Cobb, in conjunction with the Librarian, and so far finished as to be ready for partial occupancy in the fall of 1893. This building, which fronts on Walton Place directly opposite Washington Park, is constructed of New England rose granite in the Romanesque style of architecture. The dimensions of the present building are 318 feet in length by 72 feet in depth and five stories in height, with a capacity for the stor- age of 1,000,000 volumes. The plan of the build- ing contemplates the erection, as the needs of the Library may demand, of three additions to the main structure with fronts facing east. north and west, and surrounding an inner court. The interior of the building is simply and substantially finished, and is strictly fire- proof. Heat is furnished by steam and light by electricity. There are at present (October, 1904) 196,484 volumes and 70,123 pamphlets in the Library, the preference in the selection of which has been given to works of a solid char- acter suited for general reference, including many rare and choice volumes of history, bibli- ography, archaeology and fine arts. To the department of medicine special attention has been given, as also to that of music. In April, 1892, The Newberry Library was incorporated under an Act adopted by the Gen- eral Assembly of 1891, when the following Board of Trustees was elected: Eliphalet W. Blatchford, President; Edward S. Isham, First Vice-President; Lambert Tree, Second Vice- President, and the following additional mem- bers: Hon. George E. Adams, Edward E. Ayer, William H. Bradley, Daniel Goodwin, Franklin Ma<:Veagh, Gen. Alexander C. McClurg, Gen. Walter C. Newberry, Henry J. Willing, and John P. Wilson. The members of the Board for the year 1904 are the same, with the excep- tion of Messrs. Goodwin, MacVeagh, Bradley, Isham, McClurg and Willing, whose places have been filled by Bryan l.Athrop, George Manlerre, David B. Jones, Horace H. Martin, MofK^fl J. Wentworth, and John A. Spoor. After the death of Dr. W. F. Poole, which occurred on the first day of March, 1894, John Vance Cheney was selected as Librarian, and still holds the position. THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY. By the will of the late John Crerar of Chi- cago, who died October 19, 1889, the residue of his estate, after the payment of numerous pri- vate and public bequests, was given to the cre- ation and endowment of a free public library, to be called "The John Crerar Library," and to be located in the City of Chicago. In 1891 the validity of the will was attacked, but it was sustained by a decision of the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois, rendered June 19, 1893. The Library was incorporated under the laws of Illinois, October 12, 1894, and was duly organized January 12, 1895. By special request contained in Mr. Crerar's will, Norman Williams was made the first Pres- ident of the Board of Directors, the remaining members of the Board — also named by Mr. Crerar — being: Huntington W. Jackson, Mar- shall Field, E. W. Blatchford, T. B. Blackstone, Robert T. Lincoln, Henry W. Bishop, Edward G. Mason, Albert Keep, Edson Keith, Simon J. McPherson, John M. Clark, and George A. Armour. Huntington W. Jackson was elected First Vice-President, Marshall Field Second Vice-President and George A. Armour Secre- tary. The administrative force was completed during the following year (1895) by the appointment of William J. Louderback, Treas- urer, and Clement W. Andrews, Librarian. The library was opened without formality April 1, 1897, on the sixth floor of the Marshall Field Building, at 87 Wabash Avenue, which it has continued to occupy to the present time. Having sympathetically reviewed the library section of Mr. Crerar's will, and carefully con- sidered the library facilities and needs of the city, the Directors unanimously decided to establish a free reference library of scientific literature. This decision seemed to them to accord with the particular business activities by which the greater part of the founder's for- tune had been accumulated here, to exclude, naturally, certain questionable classes of books which his will distinctly prohibits, and to favor the supreme aim and object which it expressly points out. As personal friends, who had been acquainted with his wise and generous purposes and with his civic patriotism and gratitude, they heliovod that he would have I)romptly and cordially approved of their deci- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. 725 sion as highly advantageous to the whole city. They are firm in the conviction that he would have wished his large legacy to supplement, in the most effective way, the existing and pros- pective library collections of Chicago. Accord- ingly, the Directors instituted a series of con- ferences with the Chicago Public Library and the Newberry Library. An elastic scheme was jointly adopted for dividing among them the available world of books. This co-operation will prevent unnecessary duplication and waste- ful rivalry. The special field of the John Cre- rar Library is, therefore, that of the natural, the physical and the social sciences, with their applications. President Williams died in 1899, and First Vice-President Huntington W. Jackson was elected his successor, but survived only one year, dying in January, 1901. Judge Peter S. Grosscup was then elected President, and has held the position to the present time. The full Board at the present time (1904) is composed of the following named persons: Marshall Field, E. W. Blatchford, Robert T. Lincoln, Henry W. Bishop, Albert Keep, John M. Clark, Frank S. Johnson, Peter Stenger Grosscup, Arthur J. Caton, Marvin Hughitt, Thomas D. Jones, John J. Mitchell, and Leonard A. Busby, with Carter H. Harrison, Mayor, and Lawrence E. McGann, Comptroller of Chicago, ex-officio members under an amendment of the By-Laws adopted in 1901. The present officers of the Board (1904) are: President, Peter Stenger Grosscup; First Vice-President, Henry W. Bishop; Second Vice-President, Thomas D. Jones; Secretary, Arthur J. Caton; Treasurer, William J. Louderback; Librarian, Clement W. Andrews. The latter, formerly Librarian of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has had charge of the Crerar Library from the date of its opening. Besides Presidents Williams and Jackson, the following named former members of the Board are now deceased: T. B. Blackstone, Edward G. Mason and Edson Keith, while Rev. Simon McPherson and George A. Armour, hav- ing removed from the City of Chicago, have re- signed. Messrs. Blackstone and Mason ten- dered their resignations previous to their decease. (Arthur J. Caton, Treasurer, died since the preparation of this sketch of the Library. ) According to the report of the Librarian for 1903, the Library contained at the close of the year 103,291 volumes and was in the receipt of 1,870 periodicals and 3,464 other continuations. During the year the Library had 76,500 visitors, while the number of volumes and periodicals consulted amounted to over 190,000. The acces- sions for the year amounted to 14,280 volumes, of which 2,899 were in the form of gifts, while 11,381 were obtained by purchase. The amount of the bequest for the establish- ment and maintenance of the Library, imme- diately following Mr. Crerar's death, was esti- mated at two and a half million dollars. The total assets at the close of the year 1903 amounted to $4,159,157.69, of which $3,400,000 had been set apart as an "endowment fund," and $523,117.23 as a "building fund" derived from the income from the original bequest — showing an increase in the building fund, dur- ing the year, of over $66,000, besides $17,500 set apart for the purchase of books. Under an act of the Legislature, approved March 29, 1901, and an ordinance of the City Council passed during the same month, a vote was taken of the legal voters of the South Park District, empowering the Park Commis- sioners to grant authority to the Crerar Library Board to locate a library building on Grant (or Lake Front) Park, and the proposition was adopted by a vote — in round numbers — of 51,000 to 9,000. The site granted is in the space between Monroe and Madison Streets, facing Michigan Avenue and one block north of the Art Institute. The space proposed to be occu- pied will embrace approximately 400 feet front by 300 feet in depth, and upon this it is pro- posed to erect a rectangular building in classic style of architecture, with a frontage of 300 feet and capacity for the storage of 1,000,000 volumes and the accommodation of 500 readers. THE EVANSTON FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, Which was organized June 21, 1873, under the State Library Law, is the outcome of the Evanston Library Association, which was formed in 1870; Luther L. Greenleaf was elected President October 18, 1870. It was largely through Mr. Greenleaf's liberality that the orig- inal Library Association was enabled to make so successful a start, and a substantial collec- tion of books passed into the possession of the Public Library, as a gift from the older insti- tution, and which formed the foundation of what the library is today, and what it will become in the future. The rooms first occu- 726 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. pied by the Association were located in Dr. W. S. Scott's building, now numbered 613 Davis Street, where, on July 3, 1873, the books and other property belonging to the Association were transferred to the Directors of the Free Public Library of Evanston, whose organiza- tion had been effected June 21, 1873. In 1889 the Library was moved to 1574 Sher- man Avenue, and in 1893 it was again moved to the rooms now occupied in the City Hall. Efforts toward securing a library building have been in progress for several years. In June, 1904. the city purchased the property on the northeast corner of Orrington Avenue and Church Street, to be used as a site for a new library building. The site thus being assured, it now seems probable that the nec- essary fund for erecting a building may soon be secured. Total number of books in the library May 31, 1904, 34,617. Total number of periodicals currently received, 115. The circulating department reports 102,595 volumes issued for home use, 28,304 volumes for consultation in the library and 27,066 were circulated or used in the several schools, mak- ing a total of 157,965 volumes used during the year ending May 31, 1904, showing a gain of 4,667 volumes in home circulation. The daily average circulation for the year was 335. The largest issue of any one day was 962 volumes on February 13, 1904; the smallest issue was on July 17,1903,219 volumes; the largest month's circulation was in February, 1904, amounting to 13,388 volumes; the smallest was in July, 1903, amounting to 8,501 volumes. Tbere are 4,962 readers' cards in force at the present time. Every permanent resident of EVanston, without limitation as to age, is entitled to a reader's card. Officers. — The Officers of the Library for the year 1904 are: J. W. Thompson, President; J. S. Currey, Vice-President; Mary B. Lindsay, Librarian and Secretary. Library Staff. — Mary B. JJndsay, Librarian; Gertrude I./eroy Brown, Head Cataloguer; Bertha Strong Bliss, Superintendent of Loan Department; Flora N. Hay, Superintendent of Reference and School Work; with Gertrude E. Aiken. Ida F. Wright and Maud Chidester, A«Bl8tant«; Charles S. Blair and Lloyd L. Dines, Paget), and Wm. K. I^ee, Janitor. CHAPTER XXVI. CHICAGO POSTOFFICE. PIONEER MAIL SERVICE ^HOW LETTERS WERE BROUGHT TO FORT DEARBORN IN 1817 THE FIRST POSTOFFICE IN CHICAGO ESTABLISHED IN 1831 PICTURE OF FIRST OFFICE GROWTH OF BUSINESS IN SEVENTY-TWO YEARS — VOLUME OF BUSINESS IN 1903 PERSONAL SKETCHES OF POSTMASTERS NEW POSTOFFICE BUILDING — NUMBER OF EMPLOYES AND HEADS OF DEPART- MENTS STATISTICS OF BUSINESS FOR YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1904. A correct barometer of the growth and in- crease in wealth and business of any city or locality is well shown by the development of its mail service, and to no locality in the world will this apply more appropriately than to the city of Chicago, as shown by the following con- densed statement of the business of the Chi- cago Postoffice from its beginning up to the present time. Letters were first brought to Chicago by the annual arrival of a vessel at the fort, or by some chance traveler who came to the place through the wilderness, and later by Govern- ment mail-carriers, who brought the mail to the fort from Detroit, Ft. Wayne or St. Joseph, about once a month. These were the only ave- nues through which the outside world could be heard from till 1831, up to which time no postoffice had been established, and private per- sons were dependent on the courtesy of the commander of the fort for the receipt of let- ters. The first mention of mail communication between Chicago and the East, after the de- struction of Fort Dearborn, was in 1817. In Keating's narrative of an expedition to the source of St. Peter's River, published in Lon- don, England, in 1825, it is stated that in May, 1823, an exploring party met with an express- man named Bemis, sen) from Chicago for let- ters at Fort Wayne, Ind., and detained him as a guide. A carrier was at that time despatched once a month for letters from Fort Dearborn to Fort Wayne and in 1831 half a dozen letters weekly was considered a heavy mail, and the carrier's hat was used as a mail-bag and post- HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 727 office. The first list of advertised letters appeared in the "Chicago Democrat" of Jan. 7, 1834, consisting of one letter to Erastus Bowen. Now the weekly list averages 4,000. Now, instead of one letter-carrier doing all the work, for the month of July, 1903, the num- ber of letter-carriers employed by the Chicago Postoffice was 1,926, besides 2,076 clerks re- quired in the several departments, and there were 2,315 collections of mail each day, requir- ing 405 horses, 320 wagons and 90 drivers in the performance of this service. In 1896, 19,814,029 pieces of mail matter were handled in six days. The yearly receipts for 1903 aggregated 744,083,710 pieces, and of this amount 200,000 pieces were received daily from street railway postal stations on Madison Street, Clark Street, Milwaukee Avenue and Cottage Grove Avenue. The total receipts of the Postoffice for 1833 were from $60 to $80. The total receipts for 1903 were $10,066,237.58 for Chicago, being about 7 per cent of the whole amount for the United States. In 1833 letter postage ranged from 6% to 25 cents for each letter, according to distance, reckoning from 30 to 400 miles or over, and people came from 30 to 40 miles to Chicago for their mail, and often were trusted for their postage. Now, for one year, according to the Post- master's Report for 1903, the demand for stamps and postal cards was as follows: One cent stamps 172,759,300 Two cent stamps 216,084,700 Three cent stamps 7,058,900 Four cent stamps 7,081,300 Five cent stamps 7,426,800 Six cent stamps 2,801,200 Eight cent stamps 2,845,300 Ten cent stamps 4,396,500 Fifteen cent stamps 1,612,300 Fifty cent stamps 48,100 One dollar stamps 2,090 Two dollar stamps 307 Five dollar stamps 350 Special Delivery (10 cents) 535,150 Postal Cards 63,442,250 Auditor reports for years ending June 30, 1903: Number. Value. Money Orders Issued . . 827,115 $ 9,672,203.82 Money Orders paid 7,639,567 44,704,172.54 The expenses for the year 1836, including the salaries of the Postmaster and two assistants, were $4,350.00. The expenditures for 1903 were as follows: Clerks' pay-roll $1,763,460.35 Carriers' pay-roll 1,616,281.14 Special Delivery Messengers 50,465.81 Miscellaneous bills 161,565.18 Postmaster's salary 7,000.00 Total $3,588,772.88 Seventy-two years ago Postmaster Jonathan N. Bailey opened the first regular mail, in the first Chicago Postoffice in the old Kinzie resi- dence. This postoffice was soon removed to a small log building on the northeast corner of Lake and South Water Streets, and in July, 1834, the postoffice was again removed from this building to another log building 45 feet in length and 18 feet in width, situated on the corner of Franklin and South Water Streets. One-half of this building was used by Post- master Hogan as a postoffice, which gave him plenty of room to accommodate all of Uncle Sam's mail for Chicago, and the other half of the building was occupied by Brewster, Hogan & Co., fur-traders. The first Postmaster of Chicago, Jonathan Nash Bailey, was born on the 3d day of Feb- ruary, A. D. 1789, in Hartford, N. J. He was appointed Postmaster by Postmaster-General William T. Barry, March 31, 1831, during the first term of President Andrew Jackson's ad- ministration and served until Nov. 2, 1832. He was well fitted for his arduous duties, having served from April 25, 1825, to August 21, 1829, as Postmaster at Mackinac, Mich. There were no established mail routes or post-roads north of Chicago in those days. Half a dozen letters weekly were considered a heavy mail. The mail was received twice a week, coming through Niles, Mich., the nearest distributing office, there being no other mail-route in North- ern Illinois nearer than that leading from Peo- ria or Galena. The mail was carried to Niles by stage from Detroit, Mich., to which point it came from Cleveland, Ohio. It required, even down to 1837, fourteen days for a letter to come from New York or Washington, D. C, to De- troit, Mich., and the stage time from the latter 728 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. point to Chicago was five days, more or less, being largely a matter of adventitious circum- stances. Now the time for delivery between New York and Chicago is the same number of hours. The population of Chicago, during Post- master Bailey's term, was about 2,000. John Stephen Coats Hogan, the second Post- master of Chicago, was born on the 6th day of February, A. D. 1805. He came to Chicago in 1830, was appointed Postmaster by President Andrew Jackson, Nov. 2, 1832, and served until March 3, 1837. In 1833 there was but one newspaper slips and Government despatches. Triple rates were charged for letters and news- papers. The experiment was not a success financially and was abandoned. The third Postmaster of Chicago, Sidney Abell, was born in Bennington, Vt., March 10, 1809, and was appointed Postmaster March 3, 1837, by Postmaster-General Amos Kendall under President Martin Van Buren's adminis- tration. In June, 1837, the postofiice was re- moved to the Bigelow building on Clark Street, between Lake and South Water Streets, and .). S. C. HOGAN'S STORE, WHERE THE FIRST CHICAGO POST OFFICE WAS KEPT. From an Original Painting Taken by Feknando Jones. eastern mall per week, to and from Niles, Mich- igan, and it was carried on horse-back. Dr. John T. Temple was awarded the contract for carrying mail from Chicago to Ottawa in 1833, but on his first trip there was no mail to carry. The first recorded Assistant Post- master was Thomas Watkins, who served under Postmaster Hogan, and who created a local sensation by marrying Theresa Lafraniboise, the half-breed daughter of Joseph Laframboise, a French fur-trader and chief of the Pottawat- tomles. In 1836 Postmaster-General Amos Kendall established horse-l^ack express mails to convoy letters requhing great expedition, again removed in 1838 to the Saloon Build- ing, 37 Clark Street, on the southeast corner of Lake Street. There was one daily Eastern mail. Postmaster's assistants were Ralph M. P. Abell and Charles Robert Starkweather, the latter remaining in the postoffice until 1860. The salary of the postmaster was fixed at $4,000 per annum. In 1836 the receipts of the Chi- cago postofiice were $2,148.29 and the expenses $350. During the term of Postmaster Abell the pos- tal business increased so that Chicago became a distributing PostoflUce and its dependence on Niles, *MIch., was discontinued. A daily mail HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. 729 to the Bast was established, and railway postal routes were established in 1838; but as Chicago was only beginning to be approached by rail- roads, it obtained no direct benefit from the system except as the mails were more speedily transported on the lines running toward the west. William Stewart, publisher of the "Chicago Daily American," the fourth Postmaster of Chi- cago, was born in Binghamton, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1810, and came to Chicago in 1835. On July 10, 1841, he was appointed Postmaster, by Post- master-General Francis Granger, under Presi- dent John Tyler's administration. He moved the postoffice into a brick building at No. 50 Clark Street. In 1844 forty-four mails were received and made up weekly at the Chicago Office. No letter carriers were then employed. There were no postal orders, postage stamps, envelopes or registered letters. The population of Chicago was 5,752. Postmaster Stewart was the first newspaper man to hold this office. An act was passed by Congress in 1845 repealing the act of 1816, and reducing letter-postage to 5 and 10 cents a letter, based on the distance letters were carried. The fifth Postmaster of Chicago, Hart L. Stewart, was born in Brldgewater, Oneida County, N. Y., August 29, 1803. He received his appointment from President James K. Polk, April 25, 1845. The population of Chicago at that time was about 12,000. In 1844 he pur- chased the lot on the northwest corner of State and Washington Streets, now occupied by the Stewart Building, 90 by 91 feet, for $360, paying for it in Canal scrip, and thought he had made a bad trade. Richard Lush Wilson, sixth Postmaster of Chicago, was born in Albany, N. Y., in 1814, came to Chicago in 1834 and was appointed Postmaster by President Zachary Taylor on April 23, 1849, but was removed by President Fillmore on September 25, 1850. The seventh Postmaster of Chicago, George Washington Dole, was born in 1815 in Troy, N. Y., was appointed Postmaster by President Millard Fillmore, Sept. 25, 1850, and moved the postoffice to Nos. 51 and 53 Clark Street, the present site of the Ashland Block. The receipts of the office in 1850 amounted to $14,630, and the expenses to $11,863. The population of Chicago then was 28,269. The Assistant Post- master was Charles S. Dole. Isaac Cook, who served the eighth and tenth terms as Postmaster of Chicago, was born near Long Branch, N. J., on July 4, 1813, and came to Chicago in 1834. He was appointed Post- master by President Franklin Pierce, March 22, 1853, and again by President James Buchanan on March 10, 1858. In December, 1854, complaint was made of insufficient space and that the clerks were overworked. During Cook's first term the postoffice was moved to the ground floor of 84 and 86 Dearborn Street, where it re- mained until the completion of the first Govern- ment Building in 1860, on the present site of the First National Bank, at the northwest corner of Dearborn and Monroe Streets, when it was again moved to that structure. This building was occupied by the postoffice and other Gov- ernment offices apd was burned in the fire of Oct. 9, 1871. The ninth Postmaster of Chicago, William Price, was born in New York City, Nov. 15, 1821. He was appointed Postmaster by Presi- dent James Buchanan, March 18, 1857, and served until March, 1858. The eleventh Postmaster, John Locke Scripps, was born near Cape Girardeau, Mo., Feb. 27, 1818, and was appointed Postmaster by Presi- dent Abraham Lincoln, March 28, 1861. The Postmaster-General, in a letter to the Postmas- ter of Cincinnati during Mr. Scrlpp's adminis- tration, spoke of the Chicago office as a model, with perfect discipline pertaining to all its affairs. Notice calling for payment of one cent postage on drop-letters was issued in ac- cordance with an act of Congress, approved Feb. 27, 1861. Samuel Hoard, Chicago's twelfth Postmaster, was born in Westminster, Mass., May 20, 1800, and was appointed Postmaster of Chicago by Abraham Lincoln, March 9, 1865. A. S. Rey- nolds was his Assistant Postmaster. The thirteenth Postmaster of Chicago, Thomas Ogden Osborne, was born in Licking County, Ohio, was nominated by President Andrew Johnson and confirmed by the Senate as Post- master, July 23, 1866; but, owing to his unwill- ingness to endorse the policy of the President, the appointment was withdrawn, and, later, he was elected Treasurer of Cook County. Postmaster number fourteen, Robert Addison Gilmore, was born in New Hartford, Oneida County, N. Y., April 18, 1833. In the fall of 1866, President Andrew Johnson offered him the position of Postmaster, which was accepted on condition that he be permitted to retain his position as General Ticket Agent of the Chi- 730 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. cago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway. There were three divisions in the Postoffice at that time, viz.: City Delivery, Mailing and Registry departments, and but eighty-five carriers as the carrier system had but recently been inaug- urated. Postage was three cents for mail let- ters and two cents for local. Mr. Gilmore was drowned in Lake Michigan, August 9, 1867, while engaged in his favorite pastime of row- ing. A. S. Reynolds was his assistant. The fifteenth Postmaster of Chicago, Francis Trowbridge Sherman, was born in Newton, Conn., Dec. 31, 1825. He came to Chicago in April, 1834, and in 1844, was appointed to a clerkship in the postoffice by General Hart L. Stewart. He was appointed Postmaster by President Andrew Johnson, August 27, 1867, to fill the vacancy caused by the drowning of Postmaster Gilmore. During his administra- tion many improvements were introduced by the department, notably the free delivery sys- tem, the money order system and the railroad mail service. Collins S. Squiers entered the service under Postmaster Hoard as Assistant Postmaster and occupied this position during five administra- tions, beginning with that of Sherman, and ending during the early part of Judd's admin- istration in 1885. Postmaster number sixteen of Chicago was Francis Ambrose Eastman, who was born at Littleton, N. H. In 1858 he came to Chicago, and on April 5, 1869, was appointed Postmaster by President U. S. Grant. After the second year of his incumbency, Chicago became the second postoffice in the United States. The business of the office was admirably conducted through the great fire of 1871. Premises were secured in Burlington Hall, northwest corner State and Sixteenth Streets, and afterwards in the Methodist Church Building, northwest cor- ner of Wabash Avenue and Harrison Street. Before his appointment as Postmaster, Mr. Eastman served one term (1863-65) as repre- sentative in the General Assembly, and one term (1865-69) as State Senator. John McArthur, the seventeenth Postmaster of Chicago, was born in the County of Ren- frew, Scotland, Nov. 17, 1826, and came to Chi- cago In 1849. He was appointed Postmaster by President Grant, Dec. 18, 1872, and served tintll March, 1877. During his administration the poMlofflce was located in the Methodist Church Building, corner of Wabash Avenue and Harrison Streets. The postoffice was burned during the second great fire of 1874, but its business went on uninterruptedly and the serv- ice was highly complimented by the citizens. New quarters were subsequently secured in the Honore Building, at the northwest corner of Adams and Dearborn Streets. Francis Wayland Palmer, the eighteenth Postmaster of Chicago, was born at Manches- ter, Dearborn County, Ind., Oct. 11, 1827. He came to Chicago in 1872, was appointed Post- master by President U. S. Grant in February, 1877, and served until July 1, 1885. In January 1879, the Honore Building on Dearborn Street, in which the postoffice was located, having been destroyed by fire, the basement of the Singer Building (now the Marshall Field & Company's retail store) was secured as a temporary shel- ter for the postoffice, and, without the loss of a single piece of mail, the removal of the office was effected and the ordinary business resumed. The Postmaster-General sent a letter of thanks to the Postmaster for the manner in which the work of removal and re-establish- ment of the office had been performed. Before the close of Mr. Palmer's administration the Government Building on the site of the one now in process of erection was completed and occupied. The nineteenth Postmaster of Chicago was Solomon Corning Judd, who was born in Otis County, N. Y., July 21, 1827, and removed to Chicago in 1873. He was appointed Postmaster in May, 1885, by President Grover Cleveland and held the office until November, 1888. Postmaster number twenty of Chicago was Walter Cass Newberry. He was born at Water- ville, Oneida County, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1835, re- moved to Chicago in 1876, and was appointed Postmaster by President Grover Cleveland, Nov. 19, 1888. The twenty-first Postmaster, James Andrew Sexton, was born in Chicago, Jan. 5, 1844. He was appointed Postmaster April 16, 1889, by President Benjamin Harrison. During the World's Fair of 1893 the pressure of business upon the office was extremely heavy, but its admirable administration proved fully equal to the emergency. Washington Hesing, Postmaster number twenty-two, was born in in Cincinnati, Ohio, May 14, 1849; came to Chicago in 1854, and was appointed Postmaster by President Grover Cleveland, Nov. 25, 1893. He resigned his posi- HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. 731 tion, March 15, 1897, in order to become a can- didate for Mayor of Chicago. He died in Chicago, Dec. 18, 1897. At the time Mr. Hesing became Postmaster there were fifty-seven inde- pendent postoffices within what are now the corporate limits of the city of Chicago. All of these were discontinued and merged into the Chicago Postoffice. During his term of office, on account of the extension of the city limits, the number of postal stations was increased from twelve to thirty-seven, sub-stations from twenty-four to fifty-eight, and stamp agencies from seventy to one hundred and ninety, and the number of square miles receiving free de- livery service from seventy to one hundred and twenty-eight. The letter-carrier force was increased during the same period from 935 to 1,096 men; the clerical force from 998 to 1,319; number of daily deliveries from 2,878 to 3,714; daily collections from 570 to 1,007; letter-boxes from 1,987 to 2,827; package boxes from 50 to 244; and the receipts of the office from $4,694,- 905.47 in 1893 to $5,224,659.76 in 1896. While Postmaster, Mr. Hesing was largely instru- mental in bringing about the passage of the act of Congress authorizing the erection of the new Federal Building on the block bounded by Adams, Dearborn and Clark Streets and Jack- son Boulevard at an originally estimated cost of $4,000,000. CHARLES ULYSSES GORDON, Chicago's twenty-third Postmaster, was born April 2, 1865, in the village of Dunlap, Peoria County, 111., the son of Andrew J. Gordon, a native of Surrey County, N. C. At sixteen years of age Mr. Gordon came to Chicago and entered Bry- ant & Stratton's Business College, a year later engaged as a teacher near Jamestown, Ind., after which, having completed his course at Bryant & Stratton's, on Jan. 1, 1883, he became cashier and bookkeeper for Stevens, Wilce & Co., lumber manufacturers, still later engaging in the real-estate business as head of the firm of Charles U. Gordon & Co., continuing until Jan. 1, 1896. March 19, 1897, he was appointed Postmaster of the city of Chicago by President McKinley, was confirmed by the Senate the same day, and assumed the duties of the office April 1, 1897, as successor of the late "Washing- ton Hesing, serving until April 1, 1901. Mr. Gordon was one of the organizers of the Mar- quette Club which he served as Secretary, and later as President. He was chosen Secretary of the Real Estate Board in 1890, is a member of the Union League Club, and an enthusiastic supporter of the principles of the Republican party. FREDERICK E. COYNE, present Postmaster of Chicago, and twenty-fifth in order of suc- cession, was born in East Orange, N. J., Sept. 25, 1860, attended public school until his twelfth year, when the necessity of "making a living" having forced him into the field of labor, he was employed at odd jobs until his nineteenth year. Then starting west, he got as far as Kansas City on his way to Colorado, when his mother's sickness called him back to New Jersey. Stopping one day in Chicago on his return, he then determined if he should leave home again, he would locate in that city, which he did in 1883. For a time he earned his living driving a milk-wagon, but later engaged in the lunch-counter business on a small scale, which by shrewd business management has grown into the present large bakery business conducted by him, besides two restaurants on Madison and Lake Streets. Mr. Coyne entered politics by way of recreation, and his rise in this field has been due to the application of the same principles that won success for him in business. His knowledge of men, clear judg- ment and sound methods made him a success- ful organizer and leader in local and State politics. While he has never held an elective office, his influence was potent in the first Mc- Kinley campaign, and the President, seeking a man of ability and business capacity, in 1897 appointed Mr. Coyne Collector of Internal Rev- enue for the Chicago District. The collection of the increased taxes consequent upon the Spanish-American War made the position one of more than ordinary difficulty. The business of the office increased from over $5,000,000 in 1898, to more than $14,000,000 in 1899, and the accounts of the Chicago office balanced to a cent — a record probably not equaled by any other large district in the country. So thor- ough was Mr. Coyne's administration of the Government business, that it was the occasion of special recognition by President McKinley. In April, 1901, President McKinley appointed Mr. Coyne Postmaster of Chicago as successor to Mr. Gordon, and he was reappointed by Pi-es- ident Roosevelt on the assembling of Congress in December following. His application of those business methods and attention to detail that brought success in the bakery business and the collection of Gov- 732 HISTORICAL EITCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ernment revenue, is operating to the advantage of the Chicago PostoflBce. Through conditions for which no one can be criticised, the Chicago office was in social and material disorder when Mr. Coyne took charge of it; but through his skillful management the postoffice family of 4,000 employes are in business harmony and, for the past fourteen months, there has been a daily "clean up" of postoffice work. In 1886 Mr. Coyne married Miss Pauline Niehaus, of Chicago, and five small Coynes have been added to the family purse. TJie following is a list of employes at the head of different departments of branches of the service under the present incumbent: Secretary of Postmaster Eugene B. Fletcher Assistant Postmaster John M. Hubbard Auditor John Matter Superintendent of Mails F. H. Galbraith Superintendent of Delivery .. Leroy T. Steward Superintendent Registry Division Perry H. Smith, Jr. Superintendent Money Order Division Joseph B. Schlossman Superintendent Inquiry Division John T. McGrath Superintendent Second-class Matter Paul Hull Superintendent Bureau of Printing and Supplies James N. Brady Cashier Theron W. Bean Topographer Lester J. Barr Secretary Civil Service Board Peter Newton Postoffice Inspector (in charge) James E. Stewart Superintendent Sixth Division Railway Mail Service E. L. West The pneumatic tube service connection with the Chicago Postoffice was formally opened in August, 1904. The first matter to be received through the tubes was a silk American fiag. The first letter to pass through the tubes was addressed to President Roosevelt. After the first batch of mail had been sent through the bore, the system was formally turned over to the Government and was accepted on behalf of the Federal authorities by Postmaster-Gen- eral Payne. The system consists of nine miles of brass tubes through which bags of mail are transported by compressed air to various sta- tions, Including those located at all railway depotij. The Hysteni here is said to be the largest thus far installed in the United States, but will undoubtedly be largely extended as required by the growing business of the office and as its value is demonstrated by its practical use. From the days in which Postmaster Bailey carried his weekly supply of letters in his hat to the laying of the corner-stone of the mag- nificent steel and stone structure in which the Postoffice is to be housed, seventy-two years have elapsed and there are now employed in its service more than twice as many people as there were residents of Chicago at the time the first postoffice was opened. The expenses of the office in 1836 were $350, and its commissions for the same year were $2,- 148.29 exclusive of the salary of the Postmas- ter. In comparison, the following statistics from the report of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1904, will indicate the growth of business in the office: Receipts for fiscal year, ended June 30, 1904 ?10,056,237.58 Expenditures for fiscal year, ended June 30, 1904 3,598,772.48 Surplus for fiscal year, ended June 30, 1904 6,457,465.10 Total area of Chicago Postal dis- trict (square miles) 190.26 Area of free delivery district (square miles) 187.00 Size of present office building (feet) 240x523 Number of Clerks employed in general office 2,076 Number of Clerks employed at stations 354 Number of Clerks detailed at street railway offices 40 Number of Carriers 1,526 Carriers detailed to collection service 303 Total number of deliveries per day. 4,044 Total number of collections per day 2,315 Number of free-delivery stations.. 45 Stations without carriers 5 Number of substations 205 Annual rent paid for stations $ 78,207.40 Annual cost of substations 14,238.78 Despatches from General Postoffice to stations (dally) 418 Despatches from stations to Gen- eral Postoffice (dally) 463 HISTOKICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 733 Total number of exchanges be- tween stations (daily) 539 Number of street railway postal cars 13 Number of canceling machines 45 Number of letter boxes 3,944 Number of package boxes 672 Number of horses employed in col- lection service 275 Number of wagons employed in collection service 239 Number of horses employed in messenger service 130 Number of wagons employed in messenger service 81 Number of drivers employed in messenger service 90 Car fare allowance, per annum. . . .$ 26,000.00 Yearly cost of messenger service.. 108,350.00 The PostoflSce now (1904) occupies temporary quarters in a two-story brick building in Grant Park, facing Michigan Avenue between Ran- dolph and Washington Streets, and having a frontage of 457 feet, by 220 feet in depth, orig- inally with a floor space of 144,132 square feet, which has been increased by subsequent addi- tions by about 3,000 square feet. Here the oflSce will remain until the building, now in process of construction on the site of the old building on the square bounded by Adams, Clark and Dearborn Streets and Jackson Boule- vard, shall be completed. Besides the space mentioned as occupied in the central office building, there are, in different parts of the city, 46 free-delivery carrier stations, besides five other stations and 205 sub-stations, in- creasing the total area occupied for postal serv- ice in all parts of the city by perhaps one hun- dred per cent. T,he corner-stone of the new Postofflce Build- ing, now in course of construction, was laid with imposing ceremonies October 9, 1899. The main building rises to a height of eight stories above the basement, with an additional height of eight stories in the great dome, making a total of sixteen stories in the central portion. The original estimated cost was $4,000,000 (not including furnishings), which will be increased by changes somewhat. The building occupies the entire block, and will have an aggregate floor-space of over 300,000 square feet, to which material additions will probably be made in basement and subways. It is now promised that the upper stories of the building, which has been in process of construction for over five years, will be ready for occupancy by July 1, 1905, the completion of the portion of the building to be used for the postofflce being de- layed in consequence of changes in construction some months later. CHAPTER XXVII. CHICAGO FIRE DEPARTMENT. HISTORY OF ORIGIN AND PROGRESS OF FIRE DEPART- MENl' FIRST VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY ORGANIZED IN 1832 EARLY METHODS OF FIGHT- ING FIRES FIRST CHICAGO FIRE IN 1834 LOSS CONTRASTED WITH THE FIRE OF 1871 — EARLY VOLUNTEER FIRE ORGANIZATIONS LIST OF CHIEF ENGINEERS PAID FIRE DEPARTMENT ORGANIZED IN 1859 CHIEF MARSHALS, 1859-1904 — PRES- ENT ORGANIZATION OF DEPARTMENT OUTFIT AND VALUE OF FIRE APPARATUS, BUILDINGS AND OTHER PROPERTY THE FIRE-BOAT SERVICE — A GREAT FIRE TRAGEDY THE IROQUOIS THE- ATER DISASTER OF DECEMBER 30, 1903 — HIS- TORY OF THE FIRE ALARM SERVICE. The flrst fire company in Chicago, called the Washington Volunteer Company, was organized in 1832, "under an act passed by the State Leg- islature in 1831, conferring power on Town and Village Trustees to organize Fire Companies, the membership to be limited to thirty and exempt from military duty except in time of war," but as Chicago did not have a dozen buildings, and was not even a town, the Wash- ington Volunteers were not incorporated and never owned any apparatus. They are only a memory of the past, as only three names have been handed down to posterity, viz: J. J. Gil- luffy. Secretary, and "high privates" A. V. Knickerbocker and H. Williams. They did nothing but hold meetings until the spring of 1833. The town of Chicago was incorporated in August, 1833, and contained 250 inhabitants. Estimates for the year 1904 — 71 years later — give it about 2,000,000. The flrst fire ordinance was passed November 6, 1833, prohibiting pass- ing stove pipes through roofs, partitions or 734 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. sides of the building, unless protected from contact with, the wood by at least six inches of two sheets of iron. To enforce this prohibition a "Fire Warden" was necessary, and Benjamin Jones was the first to hold that office. When in September, 1834, the town was divided into four wards, a warden was appointed for each division, viz: W. Worthington, First Ward; E. E. Hunter, Second; Samuel Resague, Third, and James Kinzie, Fourth. These officials were charged not only with the enforcement of the ordinance, but also with the supervision and direction of the action of such citizens as might respond to an alarm of fire, which was then given only by the human voice. The pecuniary emoluments of the position were confined to a per diem stipend for the examination of tene- ments, on the first Monday of each month, with a view to ascertaining whether the stove-pipes were properly protected. The first fire in Chicago, of which any re- port had been preserved, occurred at the comer of Lake and La Salle Streets, October 7, 1834, at 10 o'clock A. M., which was just 37 years to a day before the first part of the great fire of 1871 took place. The citizens hurried to the Bcene of the first confiagration with a prompt- ness worthy of commendation, and, by their exertion, succeeded in arresting its progress after four buildings had been destroyed, al- though the wind was very high at the time and threatened the destruction of several of the sur- rounding buildings. The combined loss amounted to $2,230, including $230 in money— $125 being "Jackson money" found in the ruins, and the balance "rag currency," which was destroyed. This seems an insignificant blaze compared with the great conflagration of 1871, when the total number of buildings destroyed was about 20,000 the property loss $350,000,000, and nearly 300 lives sacrificed. The fire of 1834 was started by a coal dropping from a shovel while being carried from one building to another. For the want of suitable officers to take charge of and oversee in case of fire, it was found that protection at that time was inade- quate in case of emergencies. Two days later the Board of Trustees ordered the fire wardens to wear badges of office, authorized them to summon byfltanders to their assistance— some- what aftpr thf manner of a Sheriff's posse com- ItatUH— and making each warden a temporary "rhiof" In his own ward. This excltomoni and zeal caused the Imposition of a fine (for the first time) for a violation of the "stove-pipe ordinance." The amount of the penalty is not known, but the name of the unlucky culprit was "Mrs. Hopkins," and she owed her misfor- tune to the zeal of fire warden No. 2. The next action of the Trustees was the passage, on Nov. 3, 1834, of another "fire ordinance" pro- hibiting the conveying of "fire brands or coals of fire from one building to another, within the limits of the town, unless in a covered earthen or fire-proof vessel." The penalty attached to each violation was a fine of five dollars, which might be imposed by any Justice of the Peace, which ordinance, as passed, was attested by the signatures of John H. Kinzie, President of the Board, and E. W. Casey, "Clerk, pro tem." Meanwhile the town's provisions against fire remained ridiculously inadequate to the wants of a rapidly growing community, and for the want of proper appliances, the work of the citizens, and later of the volunteer department, was very often unsuccessful, and dangerous. The "Chicago Democrat" is authority for the assertion that, in May, 1835, there was "not even a fire bucket" in the town, but, on Sep- tember 19, 1835, the Board of Trustees pledged the credit of the corporation for the purchase of two engines of the pattern to be selected by the President, W. B. Ogden, as Agent. On October 7, 1835, the Trustees ordered two "fire hooks" with chains and ropes, two "ladders" 16 feet long, four "axes" and four "hand saws," at an expenditure of $29.63. On the same date the "Pioneer" Hook and Ladder Co. was formed, the first citizens to sign the roll being Philip F. W. Peck, Joseph L. Hanson, Joseph Meeker and Jason McCord; other names were enrolled as follows: John L. Wilson, E. C. Brackett, John Holbrook, T. Jen- kins, T. F. Spaulding, Isaac Cook, J. J. Gar- land, George Smith, J. K. Palmer, Thomas S. Ellis, John R. Livingston, Henry G. Hubbard, George W. Snow, Thomas J. King, N. F. J. Munroe, George W. Merrill, Samuel S. Lathrop, and Thomas S. Hyde. This action, however, was only tentative, and not until November 4, 1835, was the first Chicago Fire Department really organized. On that day an ordinance was passed making the Board of Trustees ex- offlcio Fire Wardens, and authorizing them to appoint a chief engineer with two assistants l)esidcs four additional fire wardens. The house to house inspection by the fire wardens was continued and every householder was required HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 735 to keep "one good painted leather fire bucket" with the owner's initial painted thereon, for either fire-place or stove, provided he used only one. If he had more he must have two buckets under a fine of two dollars for each deficiency, besides the further sum of one dollar for each month that he shall neglect to provide himself with such bucket or buckets, after he shall have been notified by a fire warden so to do. There were many buckets, and in case of fire every man who owned one might be required to turn out, and work like a Trojan, under the supervision and instruction of the fire warden. Should he fail to respond he was liable to a fine of two dollars. This led to the formation of the first Bucket Company, which existed for five years. The only one of these original leather buckets known to be in existence hangs in the rooms of the Chicago Historical Society and bears the name of "C. Stose." A new fire engine was received in December, 1835, the purchase being authorized in Septem- ber of that year. The sellers, Hubbard & Co., kindly favored the corporation, by accept- ing its price, $894.38, to be paid in two annual installments. On December 12, 1835, the first Fire Company under the new ordinance was formed. It adopted the name of "Fire Kings, No. 1." The first signatures to the roll were those of H. G. Loomis, H. H. Magie, J. M. Morrison, W. M. Clarke, John Calhoun, Alvin Calhoun, W. H. Stow, C. Beers, Peter L. Updike, A. Gilbert and J. C. Walters. Its motto was "Pro Bono Pub- lico," and its first officers were: S. G. Trow- bridge, Foreman; H. G. Loomis, Treasurer; A. C. Hamilton, Clerk, and Ira Kimberly, Steward. On December 17, 1835, Hiram Hugunin, Presi- dent of the Board of Trustees, was made Chief Engineer, his first and second assistants being William Jones and Peter L. Updike. Owing to a feeling among the firemen that they should be allowed to select their own chief, Mr. Hugunin resigned his position February 17, 1836, being succeeded by George W. Snow of the "Pioneer" Hook and Ladder Company. Tie County Com- missioners granted permission to erect an engine house on the public square, on La Salle Street, and to occupy the same without paying rent therefor for five years. The size of the building was 24 by 12 feet, and the members of the Company induced the Board of Trustees to promise that there should be a cistern, made of good pine lumber to hold two hogsheads of water. The contract for the construction of the building was made with Levi Blake in December, 1835, and was completed in 1836. Chief Engineers Chicago Volunteer Fiee Department. — 1835, Hiram Hugunin; 1836, George W. Snow; 1837, John M. Turner; 1838, Alexander Lloyd; 1839, Alvin Calhoun; 1840, Luther Nichols; 1841-2, A. S. Sherman; 1843-6, Stephen F. Cale; 1847-8, C. P. Peck; 1849, Ash- ley Gilbert; 1850-1, C. P. Bradley; 1852-3, U. P. Harris; 1854, J. M. Donnelly; 1855-7, Cyrus Mc- Bride; 1858-9, Denis J. Swenie. Chief Engineers Paid Fire Department. — 1859, Denis J. Swenie; 1860-8, U. P. Harris; 1868- 73, R. A. Williams; 1873-79, M. Benner; 1880- 1901, Denis J. Swenie; 1901-04, William H. Musham; 1904, John Campion. In September, 1841, the "Chicago Bag and Fire Guard Company" was organized. Its mem- bers were provided with wrenches, canvas bags and ropes, and the character of its parapher- nalia probably suggested the sobriquet of the "Forty Thieves," under which cognomen it gave "swell socials" for five years, when it was dis- banded and its members assigned to other com- panies. The names of the famous "Forty" were as follows: L. M. Boyce, D. S. Lee, W. H. Adams, J. C. Haines, L. P. Hilliard, J. Gross, J. W. Mitchell, W. Dunlop, W. M. Larrabee, Ira Couch, J. B. Wier, F. A. Howe, J. W. Streh, J. H. Ries, George Raymond, A. Follansbee, C. N. Holden, E. I. Tinkham, A. H. Burley, Sol Tay- lor, A. McClure, T. P. Robb, H. W. Stow, S. J. Surdam, H. W. Bigelow, Thomas George, R. F. Hamilton, A. E. Fuller, P. C. Sheldon, I. S. Harbley, E. R. Rogers, C. R. Vandercock, E. C. Hall, J. C. Hodge, W. S. Newberry, J. H. Burch, J. E. Davis, J. H. Dunham, E. Emerson and Luther Nichols. The first Foreman was T. P. Robb, and its last, L. M. Boyce. In September, 1841, "Bucket Company No. 1" (the Neptune), was formed, and at first boasted of twenty-five members with headquarters at the foot of La Salle Street. In November, 1846, the Company was disbanded and its members formed an association known as the "Red Jackets," which Company became famous in the annals of the Volunteer Fire Department. Engine Company, No. 3, "Osceola," later the "Niagara," was organized November 24, 1844, with W. F. Foster, Foreman, and W. M. Larra- bee, Assistant. The members were from the best society on the North Side, and "No. 3" was known as the "Kid Glove" Company. 736 HISTOEICAL EN"CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. In January, 1845, the Philadelphia Hose Com- pany, No. 1, was organized, Jacob R. Johnson, Foreman. "Red Jackets, No. 4," were organized and in May, 1852, were made happy by the reception of a ten-inch cylinder and twelve-inch stroke engine built by L. Button & Com- pany. "Excelsior No. 5" was organized November, 1846, with A. S. Sherman, Foreman; "Rough and Ready Bucket Company No. 1" in January, 1847, with Charles Harpel, Foreman. The "Firemen's Benevolent Association" was formed October, 1847, with S. F. Gale, President, and incorporated by the Legislature June 21, 1852. "Hope Hose Company No. 2" was organized in March, 1848. The career of this Company was a brilliant one, and it was known as the "brag" Company, not only of Chicago but of the West. The crack companies of Alton, Springfield and other cities could never suc- cessfully cope with the "Hope" boys. The "Garden City Engine Company, No. 6" was organized in August, 1849. In October, 1850, there was a "Fireman's Festival," an occasion much prized by the boys who "ran with the machine." Twenty-three Companies were in line, representatives being present from Buffalo, Detroit, Milwaukee, Racine and Ke- nosha. A dinner was given at the "Tremont House," and an attempt was made to engineer a torch-light procession, but the wind pre- vented its successful accomplishment. "Lawrence Engine Company, No. 7," was organized in September, 1850, and re-organized in 1852 as the "Eagle." In December, 1851, "Hose Company, No. 3," was formed (called at first the "Lone Star," but afterwards the "Illi- nois"). December 22, 1851, "Phoenix Engine Company, No. 8," came into existence and was re-christened the "Cataract." Its members were mostly sailors, and during the season of navigation It was of comparatively little value. February, 1854, the "New Northern," subse- quently known as "America, No. 9," was organ- ized and In 1853, "Washington, No. 10." An ordinance was passed July 23, 1855, divid- ing the city Into six fire districts, two in each Division. The alarm was to be given by eight HtrokoR of the bell, and the number of the dis- trict indicated by the additional strokes follow- ing. The bell flrst used for that purpose was that of the First Baptist church, which was the mo«t resonant In the city; but In February, 1856, a large bell was hung in the new tower of the Court House. A watchman was also constantly on duty there to fling out his flags by day, or lanterns by night, in order to direct the firemen to the locality in which the flames had been discovered. The rivalry between all the Companies con- stituting the Volunteer Department was intense if not bitter. In July, 1852, the "Red Jackets" went East. There was to be a grand tourna- ment in Providence, and they were desirous of winning the first prize. On reaching New York, they learned that this tournament had been postponed. For a week they remained in that city the guests of the "Live Oaks." U. P. Har- ris, who was Chief of the Chicago Department at that time, was a member of the party, and largely through his exertions a contest was arranged between the visiting company and some of the New York companies. The New Yorkers regarded it as a piece of absurd pre- sumption for an unknown Western organization to attempt to compete with the "crack" com- panies of the metropolis. The result, however, showed how well founded was their confidence. The contest ended in a complete triumph of the "Red Jackets," who received the hearty con- gratulations of their rivals. Horace Greeley, editor of the "New York Tribune," under date of July 5, 1852, said: "The grand parade took place this morn- ing and the spectacle was one truly magnif- icent. The citizens of Chicago, of course, furnished the most imposing part of it. I never witnessed anything so superb as the appearance of the fire companies with their ornamented engines drawn by led horses, tastefully caparisoned. Our New York fire- men must try again; they have certainly been outdone." ' The first steam fire-engine ever seen in Chi- cago was brought here from Cincinnati in 1855. The engine was known as the "Joe Ross," and on its first trial the engineer, through his own carelessness, succeeded in bursting the boiler, the result being his immediate death. The second contest, however, proved entirely suc- cessful. Subsequently a trial was arranged between the steamer and the hand engines of the Volunteer Department. Nos. 2, 8 and 10, succeeded in beating the new arrival. The steam-engine did not give satisfaction, and was later sold to the city of St. Louis. HISTOEICAL EJ^CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 737 It was the custom in those days for the mem- bers of the department to meet in convention to nominate candidates for the election to offi- cial i>ositions in the Fire Department. Chief Cyrus McBride called such a convention for January 28, 1858, to be held in the South Side Market Hall. Three candidates were in the field: D. J. Swenie, Peter Casey and John Egan. The session was a tumultuous one, and many of the companies left the hall to meet in another con- vention at the same place on the following day. Mr. Egan received the nomination of the regu- lar convention, but offered to effect a compro- mise with the Swenie faction by resigning in favor of U. P. Harris. This overture was not accepted, and the next day Mr. Swenie was nominated by the bolters with M. W. Powell for First, and L. Walters, Second Assistant. The other names upon the Egan ticket were John Shark, for First and Jacob Held, for Sec- ond Assistant. The Swenie ticket was elected. On February 5, 1858, there was another test of a steam fire-engine, known as the "Long John," which occurred at the foot of La Salle Street, and the machine met with the approval of the experts and citizens generally. The members of the Volunteer Department were quick to recognize that this was a death-blow to their system. Mr. Swenie had been recognized as the ex- ponent of the idea of a paid Fire Department, and his election, at the time, engendered much bad feeling. On July 6, 1858, Engine Com- panies Nos. 4, 10 and 14, Hose Companies, Nos. 3 and 5, and Hook & Ladder, No. 3, met on Clark Street and, by way of defiant protest, marched down that thoroughfare headed by the "Great Western Band," and, after traversing the principal streets, assembled in the Court House Square, where a large crowd had col- lected. The Mayor was apprehensive of a riot and sent two hundred policemen to the scene. The arrest of the firemen for disorderly con- duct was ordered and a precipitate fight fol- lowed, the machine being abandoned. About a dozen of the firemen were taken into custody, but were subsequently ordered released by the Mayor. The engines were taken to the Armory and locked up, while arrangements were made with special policemen to man them in case of fire. The engine and hose house were guarded by squads of police, as it was feared that a demonstration might be made against the new steamer. No further trouble occurred, however, and the Council, on March 22, 1858, ordered the dis- bandment of the organization which had par- ticipated in the procession. On August 2, 1858, an ordinance was passed organizing a paid fire department, which gave the Chief and Assistant Engineers full charge, with power to make all rules. The Board of Control consisted of the Mayor, the Chairman of the Council Committee on Fire and Water, and the Chief Engineer and Water Commis- sioner, who was to be chosen by themselves. The rules, when adopted, were to have the form of ordinances. Salaries were fixed as follows: Captain, $200 per annum; Lieuten- ants, $100 per annum; Engineers, $600 per an- num; pipemen, drivers and stokers, $1.00 per day, and all others $25 per month. Badges were to be worn and no engines to be used except such as belonged to the city. The number of men who were to compose the sev- eral companies was also regulated by the ordinance. A full company was convened in July, 1858, to operate the "Long John," which was installed in quarters on La Salle near the corner of Washington Street. The first mem- bers of this Company were as follows: Joel A. Kenney, Foreman; Alexander McMonagle, John McLean, Thomas Barry, Thomas O'Brien. William Mullen and James Quirk, Pipemen; Joel A. Prescott, Engineer; Robert Elleridge, Assistant-Engineer; Alvin C King and Dennis O'Connell, Drivers, and John Farrel, Watch- man. Three more steamers were tried in September, 1858, on the lake shore at the foot of Washing- ton Street. These were known as the "Atlan- tic," "Enterprise" and "Island Queen." The city already owned the first named, and the two latter, proving satisfactory, were pur- chased. In February, 1860, the "U. P. Harris" and "Little Giant" were added to the list. The Department also owned three hand-engines, two hose-carts and hook and ladder trucks. In 1859, U. P. Harris was again elected "Chief Engineer," his assistants being Darius Knight and James J. Langdon. Under the amended charter of February 16, 1865, the Fire Depart- ment was placed in the hands of a Board of Police and Fire Commissioners. Under this act, in October, 1865, the Council passed an amended ordinance defining new fire limits and adopting regulations for service. "The Fire Commissioners" were A. C. Coventry, John S. 738 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Newhouse, and John Wentworth. The under- writers secured an amendment to the ordin- ance, and, in 1867, William James was ap- pointed a member of the Board, as a special representative of the Insurance interest. In 1866 the department owned eleven steamers, two hand engines, thirteen hose-carts and hook and ladder trucks, and had 120 paid members, 126 volunteers and owned 53 horses. Within the next five years the hand engines had disap- peared. The number of steamers had increased to seventeen. There were twenty-three hose- carts, 194 paid members, and 91 horses. The report of Fire-Marshal Musham to the City Council of Chicago, December 31, 1903 — seventy-one years after the first volunteer com- pany was formed — shows wonderful growth. The apparatus of the Department includes 5 fire-boats, 2 water-towers, 102 steam fire-en- gines, 3 hand-engines, 23 chemical engines, 59 hose wagons, 30 hose carriages, 33 hook and ladder trucks (all kinds), 8 chemical extin- guishers, 112 portable pumps, 207,491 feet of hose, 128 Siamese connections, 2, 3 and 4 ways; 30 one-horse wagons, 20 two-horse wagons, 127 fire cisterns, 19,922 fire hydrants, 1,847 miles of water mains, and 478 horses in service. Value of fire apparatus $1,022,872.00 Value of buildings 753,800.00 Value of land 381,410.00 Total value $2,158,082.00 There are 1,152 uniformed men in the present force, including the Fire-Marshal and Chief of Brigade, First Assistant Fire-Marshal and De- partment Inspector, Second and Third Mar- shal, Assistant Fire-Marshal and Department Secretary, Fire Inspector, Chiefs of Battalions Captains, Lieutenants, Engineers and Assistant Engineers, Pipemen, Pilots, Stokers and Watchmen, and seven not uniformed men in- cluding Chief Clerk and clerks, stenographers, superintendent of houses and hostlers. In addition there are three volunteer com- panies located at Riverdale, Hansen Park, Nor- wood Park and Mt. Clair, numbering 63 men who are furnished supplies and apparatus, and make reports to the department. The expenses of the department for 1903 were 11.099,162.37. as against $336,700.66 in 1870. I'lniU'iM Si i!vi( I..— Owing to a large fire occurring in thf lumber district on the South branch of the Chicago River on May 8, 1885, resulting in an estimated loss of $421,000, the lumber merchants earnestly demanded better protection, and it was largely due to this fact that, about Sept. 1, 1885, the first river fire- boat was placed in service. This was chartered by the members of this line of trade, and was known as the iron tug, "Alpha" — they furnish- ing the fuel, while the city paid the salaries of the men employed upon her. Although poorly adapted to the purpose for which she was de- signed, the valuable service rendered by this boat at another large fire in the same district on Sept. 25, 1885, demonstrated the great value of such an addition to the Department's equip- ment. In January, 1886, the Council passed an order authorizing the construction of a fire- boat, and officials of the department visited New York, Brooklyn and Boston, with a view to examining this description of fire service in those cities. Upon their return steps were taken for the construction of the proposed craft, which was launched on July 26, 1886, christened by the appropriate name of the "Geyser," and placed in commission Nov. 29, 1886. The total cost of the boat was $39,000, which has proved to be a judicious investment. The "Alpha" having been found unsatisfac- tory for fire-service, on Dec. 6, 1886, the Coun- cil authorized the purchase of the powerful tug "W. H. Alley" to take its place. The pumps were transferred from the "Alpha" and on Dec. 31, 1886, the "Alley" was put in commis- sion. In the latter part of 1887 she was over- hauled and the old pumps replaced by two new, and more powerful ones, and her name changed to the "Chicago." There is now lying at the dock at the foot of La Salle Street another evidence of the re- markable strides that have been made by Chi- cago in public improvements. Instead of the little tug "Alpha," we find the magnificent fire- boat "Illinois," which is the most powerful and complete of its kind in the world, and was placed in commission Jan. 14, 1899, at a cost of $125,000. The "Illinois" has a capacity of 287 gross tons, which is 44 tons greater than that of the fire-boat "New Yorker," which was the largest in the world. The length of the boat is 118 feet with a 26-foot beam. The hull is built of steel plates five-eighths of an inch thick, with three plates forward and three plates aft, mak- HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 739 ing a thickness of nearly two inches, and hav- ing 12 water tight compartments with a draft of eleven feet. There are two 800-horsepower boilers, with two injectors for putting the water in the boilers, and two pumps (10x12x5%) for the boilers. One hundred and forty pounds of steam is carried. There is one 1,000-horse- power steam propelling engine, and a trimming tank for fresh water for the boilers, with a capacity of 16,128 gallons or 60 tons. The steering gear furnished by the Globe Iron Works, was shown at the World's Fair, and is the only one of the kind in the world being propelled by steam and interchangeable to hand- gear, also having a steam fire-whistle. The water is delivered naturally to the base of the pump, and discharged through an 18-inch pipe, which envelopes the entire boat. The smoke- stack is also lowered by steam power. It has three sets of fire pumps (size 17x11x10), the same as steam fire engines, which deliver the water through fourteen foot three and one- half inch ports, which can be divided so as to give twenty-eight streams of the size used by steam fire-engines, and a capacity of 14,000 gallons per minute, with 5,000 feet of 3%-inch hose, besides a supply of regu- lar size fire-engine hose, and nozzles from 4% to 5% inches. The two stand-pipes can be made to revolve and change to any direction required, and will deliver 10,200 gallons of water per minute. A 10-horsepower dynamo furnishes 100 incandescent electric lights, and the bath-room is fitted up in the most modern style. The "Illinois" is also the fastest running fire-boat ever made, capable of making eight- een miles per hour without straining her, and giving another proof of the old adage, that "whatever belongs to Chicago and her institu- tions can't be beat." The Iroquois Theater Fire. — Not since the conflagration of 1871 has Chicago witnessed such an appalling loss of life as occurred at the destruction of the Iroquois Theater, on the afternoon of December 30, 1903. The theater was filled with a holiday crowd, consisting prin- cipally of women and children, the play being a spectacular performance called "Mr. Blue- beard." The fire is supposed to have originated from an arc-lamp (called a "flood light") on the stage, which ignited the flimsy scenery during the second act. The ventilators in the roof above the stage were closed, and, when the doors upon the stage were opened by mem- bers of the company in their efforts to escape, the flames, heat, smoke and generated gases were forced out into the audience room. Num- bers perished instantly by suffocation, many being found still in their seats. Others, hin- dered in their egress by the confusion resulting from the panic, were burned, suffocated, or trampled to death. The Fire Department was upon the scene within two minutes after the receipt of the alarm, but in that short time most of the lives had been sacrificed. The total fatality record was 582. Within thirty minutes from its incep- tion the fire was extinguished. The damage to the building was comparatively slight, amounting to about $50,000 on furnishings and refinishing. One hundred and four persons were rescued by members of the Department. FIRE-ALARM SERVICE. In the early days of Chicago, as the majority of the inhabitants had good lungs, the alarm for a fire was given by a shout from the one who discovered it. Later the bell on the church, situated between Dearborn and Clark Streets on Washington Streets, was rung in case of fire. In 1850 a bell was placed in the dome of the Court House, another in the tower at Twelfth and State Streets, with others at Blue Island Avenue and Harrison Street, Milwaukee Avenue near Chicago Avenue, Dearborn Street near Chicago Avenue, and on the North Market Building. When a fire occurred the nearest bell was struck eight times continuously, and then the number of times for the district. There were six districts; two each on the South, North and West Sides, jine first district was located east of Clark Street. In the daytime the watchman in the Court House Tower would wave the flag in the di- rection of the fire and, at night, hoist red lamps for the number of the district; but not until 1858 did the authorities wake up to the idea that Boston was ahead of us in regard to a fire-alarm telegraph, by adopting the invention of Dr. Channing of that city, who was repre- sented here by J. N. Gamewell (assignee of the Channing patent), and who first exhibited that system for the use of the Fire Department in the Council Chamber, which was thrown open to the public during certain hours of the day. D. J. Swenie was at the time Chief of the Fire Department, and he urged the immediate adop- 74° HISTORICAL EN"CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. tion of the system. Owing to timidity on the part of the tax-payers, however, no definite action was taken until May 18, 1863. Mean- time the Civil War had broken out, and Mr. Gamewell (who was a native of South Caro- lina, and in Charleston constructing a fire- alarm system for that city when Fort Sumter was fired upon) elected to cast his fortunes with his native State. Former employes of his — notably John F. Kennard and William H. Men- dell, of Boston — in order to preserve the Chan- ning patents in their entirety, bought them at a confiscation sale in Washington before the close of the first year of the war, and organized the firm of J. F. Kennard & Co., and proceeded to exploit the fire-alarm service wherever they could induce cities to adopt it. In 1863, as above mentioned, the Common Council of Chicago passed a resolution looking toward ascertaining the cost of constructing such a telegraph. In 1864 a contract for its con- struction was awarded to W. H. Mendell, of the firm of John F. Kennard & Co., Mr. Men- dell having been interested in the construction of the system in other cities. The contract price was $70,000, and the system embraced the following apparatus: 125 miles of wire, 106 boxes; 14 engine-house gongs; 6 electric tower bell strikers; 6 instruments for police pur- poses, and the necessary otB.ee fixtures. On June 2. 1865, the system was formally turned over to the city and pronounced to be in per- fect working order. The first test proved to be entirely satisfactory, and the bells were superseded by this invention, excepting the Court House bell, which remained until the fire of October 8, 1871. Since the Introduction of the system, many improvements have been made in the appara- tus. The central office was originally located In the dome of the old Court House, from which radiated a network of wires to the tops of the buildings which surrounded the Public Square. The opprating officers consisted of E. B. Chan- dler, Superintendent; John P. Barrett and Will- lam J. KIrkman, operators; and Alfred Ranous, repairer. Mr. Chandler continued to be Super- intendent for eleven years, when he resigned the office to accept the General Western Agency of the Gamewell Fire-Alarm Telegraph Com- pany, in the spring of 1876, and was succeeded as Superintendent by John P. Barrett, on the 1st day of May, 1876. The system sufllered severely in the great fire of October, 1871, but the telegraph corps, under the direction of Superintendent Chandler, worker with such energy that, on the evening of October 11, 1871, with instruments secured wherever possible and altered to suit their needs, the Western Division lines, embracing nearly one-half of the entire system, were ready for service and, by the end of the week, connection was completed with as much of the system in the South Division as had escaped the flames. In 1872 a four-wire- Ke-rite cable was laid, fifty feet under the South Branch of the Chicago River, at Archer Avenue, through the brick tunnel which con- tains the water-main, and a six-wire Ke-rite cable was laid in the water-pipe tunnel under the Ogden slip at Division Street. In connec- tion with the Telegraph Company a cable was laid under the North Branch, at Clybourn Place, two wires of which belonged to the fire- alarm system. In 1873 a four-wire Ke-rite cable was laid from the water-works crib in the lake, through the new tunnel before the water was admitted (a distance of three miles), while other additions and improvements were made in the fire-alarm system. In October, 1877, John P. Barrett laid the first Ke-rite cable along Cass Street between Superior and Erie Streets. This was the first undergroimd cable that was not laid in the water-pipe tunnels or through water-mains. In 1885 and 1886 the telegraph system was materially improved by the erection of new aerial lines, the laying of underground wires and the placing of new fire-alarm boxes. The Superintendents of the Fire-Alarm Tel- egraph have been: Edward B. Chandler, 1865- 76; John P. Barrett, 1876-97; and then Edward B. Ellicott, who still remains in charge of the Department. The signal, or alarm system (by telegraph or telephone), has been improved year by year, until it has reached a degree of efficiency unsurpassed by that of any other American city. CHICACO THOROUGHFARES. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 741 the great city itself, from the humblest be- CHAPTBiR XXVIII. ginnings. The father of the plan of gradually placing the lighting of Chicago in the hands of the city MUNICIPAL LIGHTING. itself, was the late ex-Mayor John A. Roche. The practicability of Mayor Roche's scheme so soon became manifest that it was shown that FIRST ATTEMPT AT iLLUMiNATiOxx AT OLD FORT ^' ^"'^^'^ ^^ ^^^ ^ questiou of a few years when DEARBORN— PROGRESS OF ONE HUNDRED YEARS ^^^ """^ ^""''^ become the producer and con- — FROM THE PINE-KNOT TO THE ELECTRIC LIGHT *''°"^'" °^ ^^^ '^^ lighting facilities. From the SYSTEM— ELECTRIC LIGHTING INTRODUCED IN ^^^^ ^^^^' ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ fire-alarm telegraph 1887— HISTORY AND EQUIPMENT OF CENTR4.L ^P^^^^^us was installed in Chicago, until the STATIONS— AGGREGATE COST OF THE ENTIRE ™°°*^ ^^ January, 1898, everything electrical MUNICIPAL LIGHTING SYSTEM— POLICE AND FIRE ^^ Chicago Under municipal control was in ALARM TELEGRAPH SERVICE. Charge of the Superintendent of the Fire-Alarm Telegraph, owing to the growth of the electric In the year 1805, Captain Whistler command- ^^""^^^ lighting plants, and the fire and police ing the troops at the first Fort Dearborn or- telegraph lines were so wide-spread it became dered a beacon made from a pine-knot to be ^^^^^^^ary to form a new branch of the City's lighted nightly near the main entrance of the ^®^^^^' ^^^"^^ ^^^ ^^^o^ ^ the "Department fort to guide aright the steps of returning hunt- °^ Electricity." ers. This was the first attempt at illumina- Edward B. Ellicott was appointed City Elec- tion for public benefit within the present limits *"'''^'' '^'''^ ^' ^^^^- '^^® Department consists of the city of Chicago. In less than one of the Bureau of Municipal Lighting, Fire-Alarm hundred years, Chicago, with its multitude of Telegraph, Police Telephone and Signal, Elec- brilliant electric lamps, and its far-reaching ^''^^^^ Inspection, Gas-Lighting and Repairs, lines of gas-jets, now possesses the most elab- ^^^ ^"^ possesses, today, three electrical pow- orate system of street illumination -under ^^'^loiises located respectively, at Wentworth municipal control in the whole world When ^"^^^^^ ^nd Sixty-third Street, at Lincoln and Captain Whistler wished to communicate with ^'""^ ^^^^^*^' ^""^ ^^ Halsted Street and Blue the settlers who had built their cabins at ^^^^°*^ Avenue, which are equipped in every "Hardscrabble," situated near the present Particular with the most modem appliances, thoroughfare of Archer Avenue, he dispatched ^^""^"^ ^ ^^^^^ capacity of 5,850 street arc- a soldier courier who made his difiicult trip ^^™P^ °^ 2.000 candle power each, and 5,400 over slough, bog and prairie, and thought him- horsepower engines installed. There were in self lucky if he could return an answer to his "^® December 31, 1899, 3,502 arc-lamps and, on chief within the space of twelve hours. To- December 31, 1900, 5,675 arc-lamps, 850 incan- day, the policeman who stands guard at Rush descent, 25,044 gas-burners and 4,478 gasoline Street bridge (adjoining the site of old Fort lamps. Dearborn) steps into the barge office, makes a ^te following table shows the cost per mile wire connection and, within the space of thirty '°^ lighting the streets during 1899, and a com- seconds, has delivered a message to, and re- Pa"son of the different illuminants used is also ceived an answer from the Harbormaster on Si^^n. When electric lights are used the duty far up the south branch of the river, near streets are much better lighted than those on the place where the Hardscrabble settlers ^^^ich other illuminants are used; but, without lighted their first camp-fire. Chicago not only t^^ing the question of light into consideration, possesses the most elaborate street illumination the comparison is favorable to electric lighting. , ... . , . .V, ^A ^ t. ^ In 1899. In 1900 under municipal control m the world, but also has a more complete telephone and telegraph Miles of streets lighted by gas 713 725 system, under its own management, than is Miles of streets lighted by gasoline. .327 340 possessed by any city at home or abroad. The Miles of streets lighted by electric lighting, fire-alarm, police telegraph and tele- light phone facilities of Chicago have grown like Total miles lighted 1,310 742 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Cost of gas lighting per mile ($20 per lamp) $784.60 Cost of electric lighting per mile 567.45 Cost of gasoline lighting pdr mile (27.60 with mantel) 442.48 Average cost per mile of street lighting. . 654.48 HISTORY OF MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHT- ING BY ELECTRICITY. (1887-1901). The first power house was located in the basement of Chemical Engine House No. 1, cor- ner of Washington and Clinton Streets. The first machinery consisted of four low-tension 30-light Western electric dynamos, and one each 150 horsepower Buckeye engine, and 150 horsepower Porter boiler. (The engine and boiler are now in service at the Fourteenth Street Lighting Station). The first one hun- dred lights were placed on both sides of the Chicago River from Rush to Twelfth Streets, and were started December 25, 1887, and the plant remained in that location for one year until removed December 31, 1888, to Truck House No. 2 on Jefferson near West Van Buren Street, which was made a powerhouse and the capacity increased to 300 lights. After one year the plant was removed to Throop Street, be- tween Congress and West Van Buren, and the capacity ha\ing been increased to 1,000 lights, it was started March 17, 1889. This plant was run for about six years, until the Metropolitan Elevated Railroad Company bought the real estate for use of that company. The Rice and Lincoln Streets plant was started April, 1889, and the Chicago Avenue and Sedgwick Street plant February 22, 1889. The Fourteenth Street Station was started December 25, 1890, and the machinery from Jefferson Street having been moved to the Fourteenth Street Station, is still In service there. Rice and LiiNCOlx Streets Station. — The plant at this station began running April, 1889. The building is 100 feet long, 95 feet wide, 28 feet clear of the tr\isses in the engine room and 18 feet dear of the trusses in the boiler room. It 1b built of brick with iron trusses, a slate roof on the engine-room and an iron roof on the boiler-room, with cement floors in both rooms, making It practically fire-proof. The engine room iR 80 feet long, by 50 feet wide, and the boiler room 93 feet long by 40 feet wide. In addition to these there are coal storage and Bupply rooms located In the rear of the building. In the engine room there are Installeu two 700- horsepower Elmes marine type of engines, di- rectly connected to each end of the line shaft. These engines are vertical, cross-compound, condensing, and economical results have been obtained from their use. The shaft between the engines is mounted in ball socket, self- aligning bearings, and equipped with the nec- essary friction clutches to cut out each engine, if so desired. There are 72xl8-inch solid hub wood rim pulleys, mounted on the shaft for driving the dynamos. The electric equipment consists of: 9 150-light Western Electric dynamos. 5 100-light Brush dynamos. 1 marble switchboard. The dynamos are all of modern type, in excel- lent condition, and operate 1,850 arc-lights. Tbe boiler room is provided with two Ault- man-Taylor water-tube boilers, each having a capacity of 500-horse power and four return- tubular boilers equipped with Roney stokers, each boiler having a capacity of 100-horse power. To these boilers are attached two feed- water pumps, each having a sufficient capacity to supply all the boilers. The boilers are con- nected to a brick stack 175 feet high and 96 inches in diameter. Each engine is equipped with a 1,000-horse-power syphon condenser, and to these condensers is connected a pump of sufficient capacity for the purpose of supply- ing them with water in the event of the city pressure being too low. The steam piping is all new, of double strength and properly covered with a first-class quality of steam-pipe covering. The station is thoroughly equipped with a gravity oiling sys- tem and provided with oil filterers, by which means the oil is used several times. Halstei) Street Station. — This station com- menced operating October 9, 1894. The build- ing is 208 feet long, by 50 feet wide, 25 feet clear of trusses in both engine and boiler rooms. It is built of brick, with iron trusses, a tile-roof and cement floor, making it as nearly flre-proof as a building can be. It is divided into two rooms; the engine room, 142 feet long, by 46 feet 6 inches wide, and the boiler room 39 feet long, by 46 feet 6 inches wide. In addition to the above there is a supply room located in the rear of the building. In the engine-room there are installed two OOO-horse-power Corliss type of engines, belted HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 743 to a line shaft, and one Elmes marine type of engine of 800-horse-power, directly connected to the line shaft. These engines are all ver- tical, cross-compound, condensing, and econom- ical in operation. A counter-shaft extends the full length of the engine room and is mounted in ball and socket with self-aligning bearings, equipped with friction clutches to cut out each engine, and to divide the shaft into two equal parts if so desired. There are 18 pulleys mounted on the shaft for driving the dynamos. The electrical equipment consists of: 4 100-light Western Electric dynamos. 2 100-light Brush Electric dynamos. 10 150-light Western Electric dynamos. 1 Marble switchboard. 1 50-light 110-volt T. H. dynamo (incandes- cent) . 1 alternating Westinghonse 800-light incan- descent (for use at City Hall, saving to the City between $200 and $300 per month). The arc-dynamos are of the latest and best type made and in excellent condition, with a capacity of 2,100 arc-lights. The boiler room is provided with two Heine water-tube boilers, one Aultman-Taylor water- tube boiler, and one Garry boiler, each 500- horse power capacity. To these boilers are connected two feed-water pumps, each of suffi- cient capacity to supply all the boilers. Each engine is equipped with a syphon condenser of 1,000-horse-power capacity. To these conden- sers there' is connected a pump for the purpose of supplying water in case there is a lack of pressure from the city mains. The feed-water heater receives the exhaust steam from all the pumps, and the feed-water for the boilers is passed through the heater for the purpose of increasing the temperature of the water before it reaches the boilers. The steam piping throughout the plant is in excellent condition, having been refitted during the past year, and, wherever necessary, new double strength pipe has been put in. It is covered throughout with a first-class quality of steam pipe covering. The station is thoroughly equipped with a gravity oil-system and provided with oil filterers by which means the oil is used several times. Robert A. Waixace Station, Sixty- fourth Street and Wentworth Avenue, com- menced running April 6, 1900, The building is 178 feet long, by 44 feet wide, 20 feet clear of trusses in the engine room and 23 feet clear of trusses in the boiler room. It is built of brick with iron trusses, tile-roof, cement floor, and is thoroughly fire-proof in every way. The engine room is 100 feet long, by 42 feet wide. In the engine room there is installed one 800-horse power Elmes marine type of engine, directly connected with the line shaft, and provision has been made for two additional engines of the same capacity. The engine in- stalled is vertical, cross-compound, condens- ing, of the same general type as installed at Rice and Lincoln Streets. The counter-shaft is mounted in ball sockets, with self-aligning bearings, and equipped with friction clutch where it is connected to the engine. There are four pulleys mounted on this shaft for driv- ing the dynamos. There is also one Westing- house 800-horse power engine, which went into service March 1, 1901. The electrical equipment consists of nine 160- light Brush General Electric Dynamos. Five of the above dynamos are run on a continuous shaft, so that each dynamo can be disconnected one from the other if desired. The dynamos are of the latest and best type made, and are in excellent condition. There is also one marble switch-board. At the present time the boiler room is pro- vided with one Heine water-tube boiler of 500- horse power capacity, which is connected to a brick stack 175 feet high and 96 inches in diam- eter. The boiler is equipped with a McKen- zie mechanical stoker and smoke consuming de- vice. In addition to the above there are in use two 500-horse power Garry boilers, and feed-water pumps of sufficient capacity for sup- plying four boilers of 500-horse power each are installed. Each engine is equipped with a 1,000- horse power syphon condenser (Baragwanath). The steam piping is all new, of double strength and covered with a first-class quality of steam- pipe covering. It is intended to operate at least 2,000 lights from this station; 1,200 lights are now in use. COST OF OPERATING ARC LIGHTS (1899). The following statement gives the different items of expense involved in the operation of the municipal lighting plants, three of which were operated during the year. A stipulated sum is appropriated each year for operating the plants, and as no amount is set aside for replacing worn-out machinery (commonly known as "depreciation"), it has been neces- sary during the year to charge to operating 744 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. expenses sucli amounts as were necessarily sition to Carter H. Harrison, Senior, and to paid out for renewing any part of tlie plants. Austin J. Doyle, Secretary of the Police Depart- These amounts aggregate $10,800.41, and the ment, to place, at his own expense, the Police actual cash cost of furnishing the lights is rep- Telegraph and Telephone Service in the worst resented by deducting that amount from the district in the city, viz.: Twelfth Street — and total amount expended. This deduction is if, after three months' service, the system was made for the purpose of showing that the ordi- not entirely satisfactory, he agreed to remove it nary depreciation of the plants is taken care at his personal expense. After ten days' serv- of in the annual expenses of maintaining the ice it was accepted by Mayor Harrison and paid lights, and an examination of the plants will for by the city, adopted and generally extended show that the application of a further and throughout the city. theoretical per cent, for depreciation is not The inauguration of Police Telegraph and necessary or warranted in order to obtain the Telephone Service occurred under the first true cost to the city. mayoralty of Carter H. Harrison, Senior. The A substantial reduction in the cost per light electrical apparatus is placed in a box attached from that shown in 1898 has been obtained, not- to a solid iron booth which also serves as a withstanding the increase in wages, coal, car- lamp-post. On opening one side of these boxes, bons — and, in fact, almost every kind of mate- one is confronted with approved appliances for rial used in maintaining an electrical lighting signaling alarms of every description; by sim- system. The decrease in cost is due entirely to ply operating a lever and pressing upon a but- the more economical operating conditions that ton, the citizen or oflBcer may notify the near- are produced by the extensions of the system. est station of the breaking out of the fire. Each The most economical conditions will exist when box also contains a telephone by means of each of the plants has been increased to about which any patrolman may at once communicate 2,000 lights — the cost per light for each year verbally with his immediate superior. In 1887 should then be about $45. there were but 473 of these boxes placed at If the present plants are increased to this the most prominent street corners throughout capacity, the yearly cost per light will decrease the city. By 1891 the number had increased to until the 2,000 lights are operated from each 675, connected with which was 601 miles of plant. From that time on the cost will vary aerial, and 40 miles of underground wire, and with the cost of labor and materials used — the total value of the plant was $81,883.50. assuming, of course, that the plants are oper- For the year 1903 there were 1,335 miles of ated practically, with reasonable economy and aerial and 2,607 miles of underground wire, with business judgment. operating 1,022 police patrol boxes, and 1,437 COST OF LIGHTING FOR 1903. ^^^ alarm boxes. The total cost of municipal lighting for the year 1903 — according to the latest report now CHAPTER XXIX. accessible — was as follows: Municipal Electric Lights $262,088.38 Gas Lamps 420,728.52 CHICAGO WATER SERVICE. Gasoline Lamps 159,844.30 Rented Electric Lights 63,871.85 early conditions as to the Chicago wateb Gas oflBce Expenses 9,679.82 supply — public well dug in 1834 — fikst ™, . I $916 212 87 PUMPING station and keservoir constructed The average 'number' 'of " electri'c lamps oper- ^^^ 1840-new water works set in operation ated during the year was 4,827, and the total ^^ 1854-TnE system adopted and the first number in operation at the close of the year two-mile tunnel completed in 1867-other 5.007. The total amount expended for the con- tunnels constructed-present condition Btrucllon and operation of electric lights during "^ "'"= ""^^"« ^'^^^ «^«™^- the year was $319.4;ifi.35. Previous to 1834 the inhabitants of the Town POLICE AND FIRK-ALARM TELEGRAPH of Chicago were dependent for that essential SERVICE. element of human existence, "water," upon the In 1882 Supt^rlntcndcnt Barrett made a propo- water peddler, who sold it by the gallon, bucket HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. 745 or barrel, from house to house, having brought it from Lake Michigan in a water cart. In 1834 a public well was dug by order of the Board of Trustees at a point in Kinzie's addi- tion, which is now at the intersection of Cass and Michigan Streets. The movement for a better water service was made in 1836, when the State Legislature granted a charter to the Chicago Hydraulic Company, for the purpose of establishing the first pumping works com- mensurate with the needs of the people; but the company was unable to organize until 1840, when it began the construction of a reser- voir, at the corner of Lake Street and Michigan Avenue. The reservoir was twenty-five feet square, was elevated about eighty feet above the ground, and was supplied by an 18-inch iron intake pipe laid on a crib-work pier extending from a crib in Lake Michigan 700 feet to a pump-well 15 feet deep, from which the water was forced by a 25-horse power engine and pumped through "bored logs." By this means a few of the citizens of the South Side were sup- plied with water. The capacity of this "ex- tensive and wonderful" plant was twenty-five barrels per minute, which was forced through about two miles of 2, 3, and 6-inch pipe to the reservoir. The total outlay of the company up to 1842, when the works were so far complete as to be used, was $24,000. Water rates ranged from $10.00 per annum for a family of five per- sons, to $500 for large manufacturing establish- ments. In 1842 James Long contracted with the Hydraulic Company to do all of the pumping for the city of Chicago for ten years, without any cost to the company, in consideration of his having the free use of the surplus power of the 25-horse power engine; but long before the con- tract expired the engine proved too small to do the work. The works first established had never given the people satisfactory results, the water as a rule being neither pure nor suf- ficiently abundant in supply. The population of Chicago at that time was about 4,500. In 1851 when the population had increased to 35,000, the city obtained a charter, and the Leg- islature passed an act incorporating the "Chi- cago City Hydraulic Company," composed of John B. Turner, Horatio G. Loomis and Alson S. Sherman; a Board of Water Commissioners were appointed and this company purchased the rights of the old private company. W. J. McAlpine, a civil engineer, was the designer of the new works, which were built in 1852-54, and were put in operation during the latter year, the population then being 70,000. The build- ings and tower were completed in 1853, a tim- ber crib was built 600 feet from the shore, the water was led from the lake to a pump- well 20x30 feet and 25 feet deep, and thence pumped to the top of the tower, 136 feet high, by a vertical beam engine having a steam- cylinder 44x108 inches, and two single acting pump cylinders 36x66 inches. There were also about eight and three-quarter miles of iron pipe and a reservoir of 500,000 gallons capacity. Water was first furnished from the new works February 12, 1854, up to which date they had cost $393,045. In 1856 the first pipe across the river was laid. In 1854 and 1856 three iron storage tanks, on masonry towers, were built, being 60 feet in diameter by 28 feet high, with the bottom eight feet above the level of the lake. The intake was at first from the open water of the lake shore but, in 1855, a curved breakwater was built and an inlet basin dredged v.'ithin it. By May 1, 1857, the cost of the works had increased to $738,436, at which time 7,053 buildings were being supplied with water. Before 1860 the water began to give trouble from its foul condition, owing to the discharge into it of filth and refuse from the distilleries, packing-houses, and from the fish nuisance, Vi'hich had increased to an intolerable degree. The question how to secure an adequate supply of pure water became a pressing one. The plan proposed by E. S. Chesbrough, City Engineer, was adopted in 1863. It involved the tapping of the lake at a distance of two miles from the shore by means of an intake tunnel extending out to clear water, and constructed underneath the lake bottom. The work of excavation from the shore shaft, at the east end of Chicago Avenue, was begun March 17, 1864. The tun- nel is five feet in width and five feet two inches in height, and is lined with brick raasonry eight inches thick. The great crib fo hold the water was launched and sunk at the east end of the tunnel July 25, 1865. It is forty feet high and built of timbers strongly framed in pentagonal form, 98% feet in diameter with openings at the bottom for the admission of water. Inside the wall is constructed an iron cylinder, nine feet in diameter, running from the water-line to the tunnel, 64 feet below the surface, and 31 feet below the bed of the lake at that point. A house was erected over the crib for the use of the employes. The lay- 746 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ing of brick began at the crib end Dec. 22, 1865, and the entire worli was complete, and water let into the tunnel, to flow through the water- pipes and hydrants of the city, March 25, 1867. The entire cost of the tunnel was $457,845, and the total water debt in 1868 was $2,483,000. Up to 1870 the tunnel supplied the city with 20,000,- 000 gallons of water daily. The total amount of water-pipe laid in 1860 was 91 miles. At the close of 1869 it was 239 miles. The cost of maintaining the water system in 1862 was $42,635, and from that year the amount in- creased yearly until, in 1870, it rose to the enor- mous sum of $2,836,852, and the cost of the system, including that year, reached an aggre- gate of $8,288,624; the total amount received during that period was $3,175,479. This mode of supplying the city proved a great success; but enormous as was the capacity of the works, such was the extension of Chicago in every direction, that it was found necessary to make still more extensive improvements of the same kind. The second tunnel was completed in July, 1874, and put in active service in February, 1875. The intake shaft was sunk in the lake near the existing intake crib, and a cross tun- nel was driven from this shaft to the line of the new tunnel. In sinking this shaft great difficulty was experienced in consequence of water passing from the old tunnel to the new work, and it was found necessary to introduce the pneumatic system. This, however, created a new difficulty in consequence of the air escap- ing up along the outside of the cylinder to the lake; but, like everything that Chicago under- takes, the troubles were overcome and the water turned in again after seventeen days, during which time the city supply had been taken from the old inlet basin. The capacity of the two tunnels was 150,000,000 gallons, while the pumping engines had a capacity of 130,000,000; but in 1885, another pair of engines was added, bringing the capacity up to that of the tunnels. TwKLFTH StiU':kt or Fouu-milk Tunnel. — In 1887 the construction of a new tunnel, extending four miles Into the lake, opposite Twelfth Street, with a capacity of 140,000,000 gallons, and englne.s that would pump 75,000,000 gallons dally, was contracted for. The crib through which this tunnel receives Its supply is cir- cular In form, 118 feet in diameter on top and 123 feet on the water line, with a well 70 feet In diameter. It Is 50 feet high, the top being ten feet above the water. There are two con- centric %-inch steel shells, with 24 radial bulk- heads, forming compartments which are filled with concrete. This portion of the crib rests on a polygonal timber grillage 13 feet high, through which pass six intake ports five feet square, fitted with gates and fish screens, which are operated from the slides in the middle of the circular wall of the crib. The intake shaft is 10 feet in diameter, and has two gates 5x6 feet, near the top. In 1898 a steam-heating plant was installed and double windows were placed on the openings round the well; a tem- perature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit is main- tained during the winter, so that it is no longer necessary to keep a force of men to remove the ice forming in the well. Hyde Park or Sixty-Eighth Street Crib. — This crib is constructed on the same general lines as the two-mile crib, except that the ports in the protection break-water are at a low level. The newer cribs are built with a timber bottom on which are constructed the crib walls. Two concentric rings of steel, with radial bulk-heads, are filled with concrete to the level of the top of the water. The ports are at a low level and but very little trouble is experienced as a result of even a very severe winter. Even with these improvements, it was still necessary to keep a large force of men on the cribs hoisting ice day and night from the wells. It was thought necessary to leave the well area entirely open. Ice would form, and the ice-laden water passing through would leave its deposit of slush, anchor and drift ice on the crib walls and around the gates of the intake shaft, necessitating the constant working of the men by night and by day to clear the openings to this shaft. Carter H. Harrison Crib. — This struc- ture, 2 2-3 miles from shore, represents the highest type of construction of an intake crib. Circular in form, the large fields of running ice are readily parted and continue on their jour- ney without detriment to the crib or danger to the water supply; whereas, a straight surface presenting a perpendicular line to the path of the field, caused the ice to pile from the bottom of the lake to a height of 25 or 30 feet above the water, entirely shutting off the intake ports on that side. The intake ports to the well room are at a low level, and that, combined with the circular form of the Interior and a thoroughly modern heating plant in the well- SCENES IN SOUTH PARK. HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. 747 room, allows the crib to present such a defense that the most severe conditions will not be a menace to the water supply. Light, comfortable quarters, with bath-rooms supplied with hot and cold water, are provided, and good sanitary conditions prevail, so that few of us have in our homes more physical comfort than the crib- keeper. Contracts were let for this work in July, 1898, which included general work, steel and iron work, electric light plant, heating apparatus, tanks, pumps, plumbing, etc., and work was commenced May 1, 1899, and completed by the close of that year, at a cost, including sub- structure, superstructure and landing, of $192,- 441.40— being $275,000 less than the cost of the four-mile crib, hitherto the most complete crib in use. H. H. Jackman was assistant engineer in charge. Considerable improvement has been made in the construction of intake cribs since the old two-mile crib was placed in the early sixties. This crib is made of wood and filled with riprap and concrete, the superstructure being granite limestone and brick. It was constantly in dan- ger, both from anchor ice and the large fields of drifting ice that invade these shores in the win- ter months, proving a constant menace to the ports and also to the safety of the crib. Later a protection breakwater was placed around the crib with an opening 40 feet wide to admit tugs and for the admission of the water supply. But this device, while affording protection to the crib from the fields of ice, only added to the danger of shutting off the water supply by the ice, which made it necessary to employ thirty men and two tug-boats during the winter period. This protection, furnished by this large force, could have been maintained with four men had the ports been placed near the bed of the lake, or had ports been placed at a lower level in the protection breakwater. In the report of City Engineer Lewis B. Jack- son for 1895, it is stated that there were then over twenty miles of water-supply tunnels, through which the city drew its supply from Lake Michigan — sizes five, six, seven and eight feet in diameter; and a total length of 105,800 feet. At the present time there are thirty-eight miles of tunnels leading to the pumping sta- tions, costing $4,338,939, and having a capacity of 615,000,000 gallons. The Lake Tunnel, east under the lake, ten feet wide and ten feet two inches high, with a twelve-foot intake shaft in a crib two and two-thirds miles from shore, and a land tunnel ten and eight feet in diam- eter, convey the supply to the Central Park Avenue and Springfield Avenue Pumping Sta- tions, having a daily capacity of 120,000,000 gallons. In 1904 the water system of Chicago con- sisted of eight large pumping stations and two small ones, five intake cribs, and thirty-eight miles of tunnels. The number of available pumping engines was thirty-six, having a total capacity of about 530,000,000 gallons per day of twenty-four hours. The total amount pumped for the year 1903 was 137,515,701,956, approxi- mating 188 gallons per capita. Th« total expense of operation and maintenance of the pumping stations during the same time was $740,176.81, and the revenue derived from water collections $3,728,493.83. There were 19,922 hydrants in use at the close of 1903, the total mileage of pipe in use at the same date being 1,939.75. CHAPTER XXX. HEALTH DEPARTMENT— FREE BATHS. HISTORY OF THE CHICAGO HEALTH DEPARTMENT — THE CHOLERA EPIDEMIC OF 1832 — FIRST HEALTH BOARD APPOINTED IN 1833 CHANGES IN THE SYSTEM — LIST OF MEMBERS OF DIFFERENT HEALTH BOARDS — PUBLIC BATHS — CHICAGO THE FIRST CITY IN THE WORLD TO ESTABLISH A SYSTEM OF FREE BATHS CARTER H. HARRISON BATH HOUSE OPENED IN 1894 OTHER BATHING STATIONS ^BENEFICIAL EFFECT OF THE SYSTEM ON THE PUBLIC HEALTH M'KINLEY PARK SWIMMING POOL. In the growth of all cities and densely popu- lated districts the first institutions or organ- izations of a medical character are the off- spring of necessity. In 1833 the inhabitants of Chicago, on account of the prevalence of the cholera epidemic of the previous year, by which Port Dearborn became temporarily a cholera hospital, effected a township organization. Among the earliest ordinances adopted by the Board of Trustees was one for the protection of the public health. A fine of three dollars was 748 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. imposed upon any one who should throw refuse into the river, and the Town Supervisor or Street Commissioner was authorized to re- move all nuisances recognized as detrimental to the health of the community. In 1835, fear- ing another outbreak of cholera, the village Trustees appointed a permanent Board of Health, consisting of seven prominent citizens, but including only one physician. Dr. John T. Temple. No cholera appeared that year, how- ever; and after one or two meetings the orig- inal town organization was superseded by a formal city incorporation, one section of the act requiring the Common Council to appoint annually three Commissioners to constitute a Board of Health, and also a health officer, who should visit and care for persons suffer- ing from contagious and infectious diseases. The first Board appointed under these pro- visions was organized in May, 1837, and con- sisted of Dr. J. W. Eldridge, A. N. Fullerton and D. Cox, while Dr. Daniel Brainard was made Health Officer. The Mayor was also ex-offlcio member of the Board of Health. In 1838 Dr. Brainard was superseded as Health Officer by Dr. E. S. Kimberley, who served until May, 1841, when Dr. J. W. Eld- ridge was appointed to the position, and an ordinance passed requiring the attending physi- cian, in any case resulting in the death of the patient, to give a certificate of such death and the causes of the same, which was the first step towards a record of vital statistics. In 1842 the duties of the Health Officer were divided between the City Physician and the City Mar- shal, and Dr. W. B. Egan was elected to the former office and Mr. Austin Smith to the latter. This arrangement was continued until 1857, the office of City Physician being filled successively by Dr. Philip Maxwell from 1845 to 1847; Dr. Henry S. Huber from 1847 to 1849; Dr. Levi D. Boone from 1849 to 1852; Dr. A. B. Palmer during 1852; Dr. Brock McVickar dur- ing 1853-1854 and 1856; Dr. I. Lynn in 1855; Dr. Gerhard Paoli from 1857 to 1859; Dr. William Wagner from 1859 to March 27, 1860, when the Health Deparment wa.s vacated by an ordinance of the Common Council. The city then remained without sanitary or health offi- cers until Def:ember 1, 1861, when Dr. Lucien P. Cheney was appointed City Physician with a Halary of $600 per annum, out of which he was to furnlBh the medicinoH required for such indi- gent patients as were entitled to assistance. When it is remembered that the city population at that time numbered 138,186, including a large proportion of poor people, the salary men- tioned will be regarded as one of the most remarkable specimens of municipal economy affecting the poor; yet Dr. Cheney held the office for thirteen years, and until his death in 1874, performing its duties with as much fidelity as if the salary had been $6,000. Soon after the appointment of Dr. Cheney as City Physician, Charles S. Perry, a policeman, was detailed to act as Health Officer, continuing in that capacity until May, 1865, when T. B. Bridges was elected to the office. Mr. Bridges continued in the position until March 31, 1867, when the Health Department was separated from that of the police and placed entirely under the control of the Board of Health, with the Sanitary Superintendent as its executive officer. The new board was composed of Drs. William Wagner, H. A. Johnson and J. H. Ranch, with citizens William Giles, A. B. Reyn- olds and Samuel Hoard, and the Mayor, J. B. Rice, as ex-officio member of the board. Dr. Ranch was made Sanitary Superintendent and Dr. H. S. Hahn City Physician. In 1869 Dr. George Schloetzer superseded Dr. Wagner as member of the Board, which otherwise remained unchanged until after the great fire of 1871. After the disappearance of the cholera epi- demic, which prevailed to some extent from 1854 to 1860, the city continued quite free from epidemics, and, as usual under such conditions, the municipal authorities gave less and less attention to sanitary conditions, until, as already stated, in 1860 they formally abolished the Health Department and transferred its duties to the Mayor and police. This was done in opposition to the vigorous protest and earn- est warnings of the leading medical men of the city, acting both as individuals and as members of the Chicago Medical Society. From 1858 to 1863 Dr. N. S. Davis made fre- quent efforts to have a competent medical Health Officer placed in charge of the sanitary interests of the city. His efforts were actively supported by Drs. Ranch, H. A. Johnson and others, and in 1865 a public meeting of the profession appointed a committee consisting of Drs. Davis, J. W. Freer, J. P. Ross, H. Hitch- cock, R. N. Isham and B. McVickar, to formu- late and present specific recommendations to the municipal authorities for improving the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 749 sanitary conditions of the city, and for the preservation of reliable records of vital sta- tistics. The committee faithfully discharged the duties imposed upon it, and was largely instru- mental in having a regular Board of Health re-established in 1867, with a competent physi- cian as Sanitary Superintendent. In the meantime, however, while sanitary affairs were being neglected, and the city was substantially without a Health Department, the population was rapidly increasing, and the busi- ness of slaughtering and meat-packing indus- try, near the South Branch, had been begun and was being actively prosecuted, and enough of the blood and offal allowed to enter the river to contaminate both air and water. To such an extent had this nuisance grown that, during the years 1863 and 1864, the whole river was tinged with blood. Fish ceased to live in it, and the odor was perceptible over a large part of the city. In the autumn of 1862 a number of cases of smallpox appeared in the city, and the disease spread with such persistence that 2,000 cases were reported during the years 1862, '63 and '64. During the two latter years a severe epidemic of erysipelas also prevailed, much the larger number of cases being located in proximity to the river. Immediately following these local scourges came the cholera epidemic in Europe of 1865, and In this country in 1866, which finally com- pelled the people of Chicago to heed the per- sistent warnings of medical men, sufficiently at least to take measures to create the efficient and intelligent Board of Health of 1867. The Board as then organized remained under the leader- ship of Drs. J. H. Rauch and H. A. Johnson, the former serving as Sanitary Superintendent and the latter as President of the Board until 1873-1874. In August, 1873, Dr. Rauch resigned and Dr. Benjamin C. Miller was appointed his successor. In January, 1874, . Dr. Johnson resigned and was succeeded by Dr. J. H. Hahn. In October, 1875, Dr. Hahn died, and the vacancy was filled by the appointment of Dr. Brock McVickar. In July, 1876, another change came in the adoption by the City Council of an ordinance abolishing the Board of Health, and devolving Its powers and duties upon a chief oflScer called the Commissioner of Health, with provision for a corps of Sanitary Inspectors and a Regis- trar of Vital Statistics. The following January (1877) Dr. McVickar resigned his office, and Oscar DeWolf was appointed Commissioner of Health, with Dr. J. S. Knox as assistant. Dr. H. P. Wright as Registrar of Vital Statistics, and a corps of three medical inspectors. Dur- ing the same year an ordinance was passed giving the Commissioner of Health more con- trol over the slaughtering, packing, rendering, fertilizing and other establishments liable to affect the public health. By an act of the Legislature passed in May, 1881, manufactories, work-shops, tenement and lodging houses, etc., were brought under the supervision of the Health Commissioner. While Chicago spends the least amount per capita for health purposes, it has the lowest death rate of any of the principal cities of the country. In accomplishing this result the fol- lowing features of the Health Department's work are regarded as important factors: 1. The supervision and inspection of the milk supply, which has resulted in giving to the city the purest supply of milk and cream of any large city in the country. 2. The efforts of the Department in connec- tion with the use of preventive methods and remedies, especially with reference to consump- tion, diphtheria, infiuenza, pneumonia, scarlet fever, smallpox and typhoid fever. 3. The city's system of free public baths, open throughout the year. Among other features of the Department's work may be mentioned the development of a first-class practical working laboratory of chem- istry, bacteriology, pathology, and diagnosis, by means of which more than 100,000 separate determinations and manipulations are made annually in the regular branches, exclusive of special examinations and analyses. The original devising and subsequent per- fecting of a system of disinfection, which is widely copied elsewhere. The inauguration of medical school inspec- tion, this being the second city in the country to make the attempt. The vast improvement in the registration of vital statistics and the certification of causes of death. The supervision of contagious disease during life, and conduct of funerals and care of prem- ises after death. And, above all, the persistent education of the public by circulars, leafiets, bulletins, lectures and addresses, and the public press. The Chicago public is thus made more Intel- 75° HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ligent on sanitary matters than is any other community, and largely to this fact is ascribed the constantly increasing healthfulness, the reducing of the death rate, and the lengthening of human life in Chicago. Dr. DeWolf continued in the office ten years, during which time the practical working of the city Health Department was systematized, much extended, and administered with more than ordinary efficiency. He resigned in 1887, and was succeeded by Dr. Swayne Wicker- sham who, after a service of three years, in 1890 gave place to Dr. John D. Ware; the latter serving until April, 1893. Dr. Ware was suc- ceeded by Dr. Arthur R. Reynolds, who remained until 1895, when W. R. Kerr was appointed, and served until April, 1897, when Dr. Arthur R. Reynolds was again appointed, and still retains the position. The Department is growing rapidly in importance and in influ- ence, and is frequently quoted and commended by sanitary and other publications. The main offices of the Department of Health are located in Rooms 2, 4, 9, 409, 411, 413 and 415 City Hall . Free Bath System. — The Free Public Bath system, already mentioned as an important fac- tor in maintaining the high sanitary standard of the city of Chicago, is claimed in its incep- tion to have been the first absolutely free bath system put in operation in the world — other public baths previous to its establishment charging a small fee, ranging from two cents at the Volksbad in Vienna, to five cents in the public rain baths in New York City. The first of its kind to be established in Chicago was the Carter H. Harrison Bath House, which was opened to the public at 192 Mather Street, in the Nineteenth Ward, in January, 1894. The original cost of the building was $7,825, while the plumbing and the heating apparatus cost the additional sum of $2,511, making a total of a little over $10,000. The Martin B. Madden Bath, located at Thirty-ninth Street and Went- worth Avenue, was opened to the public April 17, 1897. "Public Bath Numl)er 3" and the "R. A. Waller Bath" were established respectively In 1900 and 1901, the former located in the Twenty-ninth Ward and the latter in the Eighteenth Ward. BfiHldeH Ihese, bathing Blalions have l)een opened at a numln^r of the pumping stations, which, by the utilization of the warm waste water, furnish accommodations to a large ntm- ber of people. The outdoor Swimming and Wading Pool, located in McKinley Park, in the southwest part of the city, was opened during the year 1903, and promises to be of great convenience to a large class of population situated remotely from the lake shore. The dimensions of the pool are 350 by 150 feet, the depth ranging from nothing to nine feet, the whole surrounded by a graded walk, with a shelter 73l^ feet in length by 44% feet in width. Dressing rooms and suits are provided free. The number of persons — men, women and children — availing themselves of the advan- tages of the public bathing houses and bathing stations during the year 1903 was estimated at over half a million. CHAPTER XXXI. HARBORS, FERRIES AND BRIDGES. FIRST WHITE VISITORS TO THE CHICAGO KIVER — IMPORTANCE OF A HARBOR AT CHICAGO ATTRACTS ATTENTION IN 1814 — ILLINOIS AND MICHIGAN CANAL AND CHICAGO HARBOR TWIN ENTERPRISES — FIRST STEP IN IM- PROVEMENT OF CALUMETT HARBOR AND RIVER BEGUN IN 1870 — RANK OF CHI- CAGO AS A MARITIME PORT — HISTORY OF FERRIES AND BRIDGES — FIRST FERRY ESTAB- LISHED IN 1829 — ADVANCE FROM THE INDIAN CANOE TO THE BASCULE BRIDGE. The division of harbors connected with the Department of Public Works of the city of Chicago has general supervision over the City Harbor, including the Lake Front, the waters of Lake Michigan extending three miles into the lake between the north and south limits of the city; the Chicago River and Its branches, and all slips adjacent thereto; as well as the Calu- met River and all slips adjacent thereto. The officers having general supervision of harbor affairs are: Robert B. Wilcox, Assistant Engi- neer in Charge; John A. McCarthy, Harbor Master; Thomas J. Elderkin, Vessel Despatcher. HisToitu'Af, (1G73-1901).— The first white men HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. 751 to come to the Chicago River with their boats were the French Jesuit Missionaries and the fur-trade adventurers. Vague rumors, through intercourse with the Indians, had given them an idea of a great river in the West, and through the lalces and this great unltnown river they expected to find a navigable water course across the continent. It was this idea of a water way that made Chicago and the Chicago Harbor. Marquette and Joliet came here in 1673 and Marquette's map, published in 1681, shows a river connecting the Mississippi and Lake Michigan. The importance of a harbor at Chicago was first talked of August 6, 1814, in connection with the idea of having a canal which would connect the waters of Lake Michagan with the Mississippi River. "Chicago Creek" at that time did not amount to much, and its mouth was blocked by sand which would admit the -passage of small boats only over the bar, although the water was deep enough above the mouth to float larger vessels. The importance of the harbor arose from the fact that a short portage only separated its waters from those flowing into the Mississippi. The projection of the Illinois and Michigan Canal was the making of Chicago. The canal and harbor were twin enterprises. Without a good harbor Chicago could never have become a port of entry; and if there were no clear way of exit into Lake Michigan the canal would be almost worthless. As a result of cor- respondence in 1830 between residents of Chi- cago, then a settlement of less than one hun- dred inhabitants, and members of Congress, the first appropriation of $25,000 was made in 1833 for the improvement of Chicago Harbor, and work was commenced the same year under the direction of Major George Bender. The project contemplated the formation of a channel four^ teen feet wide, through the mouth of the river and between two piers extending into the lake. The work was carried on at irregular intervals and, with various modifications, until 1870, when the present plan for an outer harbor was adopt- ed, which contemplated the construction of an easterly breakwater 4,000 feet long, about 3,300 feet from the shore, and a southwesterly break- water 3,000 feet long, the protected area being about 455 acres, of which 270 acres were reserved for piers and slips, and 270 acres with a depth dredged to sixteen feet for harborage. Up to and including 1869 the Government expended $416,167.22 during the years 1863 to 1865. In 1878 the plan was still further modi- fied by proposing an additional breakwater about 5,400 feet long to be located north and east of the harbor entrance. Up to and includ- ing 1900 the United States Government has expended for the improvement of the harbor proper $2,201,005, which is a very small amount in comparison with the money spent on other harbors, when the importance of Chicago as a port is taken into account. Calumet Harbor and River. — The improve- ment of the Calumet Harbor and River has been carried on by the United States Government. The improvement of the harbor proper was started in July, 1870. The object was to provide a deep entrance to the Calumet River, which was accomplished by building parallel piers (300 feet apart), projecting into the lake from the shore at the mouth of the river and dredg- ing between them to a depth of 20 feet. To June 30, 1900, 4,140 lineal feet of the north pier, 4,020 lineal feet of the south pier, and 1,000 feet of foundation of the proposed 4,400 feet of the outer breakwater had been completed. Vessels of the largest size and deepest draft known to the Great Lakes now frequent this, the most capacious artificial harbor on Lake Michigan. The importance of Chicago as a port is shown by the following statement taken from the report of W. S. Chance, Supervising Special Agent of the United States Treasury Depart- ment, dated June 30, 1900. From this state- ment it will be seen that Chicago stands in the fourth place in point of collections, and in the first place in point of vessels entered and cleared. Chicago leads New York by 2,998 total entrances and clearances, and falls but 4,331 below the total of the group including Baltimore, Boston, New Orleans, Philadelphia and San Francisco. Thus we see Chicago stand- ing at the very head of the list of ports con- nected with the marine trade on the American continent. Calumet and Chicaoo Canal. — A corpora- tion chartered by act of the Legislature March 10, 1869, under the name of the Calumet & Chi- cago Canal & Dock Company, has been the means of developing that part of Chicago and Cook County known as the Calumet region. It had its inception in the plans of the Bowen brothers (Chauncey and James H.), who, in the early sixties, made extensive purchases of land 752 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. along the Calumet River. As just noted, a charter was granted to a company consisting of Elam G. Clark, Daniel J. Schuyler, George W. White, James H. Woodworth, Charles V. Dyer, John McCaffrey, George Schneider, John V. Le Moyne and George W. Sanford, represent- ing a capital of $500,000, with power to pur- chase land, condemn right of way and con- struct a canal connecting the Calumet River with the Illinois & Michigan Canal. Several thousand acres of land were acquired in con- nection with the enterprise, and the contem- plated improvement of the Calumet River began. The canal, however, was not built, and in time the company became financially in- volved. A reorganization was effected in 1881, and a total of common stock was issued of $3,800,000 and bonds amounting to $1,800,000. With the proceeds secured by the sale of bonds, docks were built and the river dredged, making, with subsequent improvements inaugurated by the General Government, one of the best har- bors on Lake Michigan. By making certain concessions the company induced large indus- tries to locate along the harbor, and the Calu- met region is today one of the most busy and prosperous manufacturing, and shipping points in the State, in some respects rivaling even the district immediately adjacent to the Chicago River. Preferred stock was issued to take up mortgages upon property of the company, and the last of these were taken up in 1891, leaving the company free from indebtedness. The cor- poration is still actively engaged in advancing the business interests and promoting the devel- opment of the Calumet valley. The present officers are: President, Leslie Carter; Vice- President, William J. Watson; Secretary, Stew- art Spalding. Ferrieb, Bridges axd Viaducts (1829 to 1901). — In view of the unparalleled growth of Chicago from a "frontier settlement" to the world-famous city of the Twentieth Century, with Its 2,000,000 inhabitants, each and every detail of this phenomenal development will be of Interest to future generations who are des- tined to reap the fruit, the seeds of which were planted by the pioneers of that early period. If Is the purpose here to present a brief sketch of ihf Improvements of the river and harbor, those great arterle« of commerce, especially In rfspfft to those features most closely con- nected with the development of bridge and via- duct construction. The first means established for crossing the Chicago River, as an improvement upon the "Indian's canoe," was by means of a ferry, for which a license was granted by the County Commissioners June 2, 1829, to Archibald Cly- bourn, Samuel Miller and John B. Beaubien, authorizing them "to keep a ferry across the Chicago River at the lower forks, near Wolf Point (located where the Lake Street bridge now crosses the river), crossing the river below the northeast branch, and to land on either side of both branches, to meet the convenience of persons wishing to cross." The license fee was two dollars, and the rates established for crossing were as follows: For each foot passenger, GVi cents; man and horse, 12i^ cents; horse and pleasure vehicle, 50 cents; one-horse wagon, 25 cents; two-horse wagon, 31Vo cents; cattle or mules, 10 cents; hogs, 3 cents; merchandise, per hundredweight, and grain, per bushel, 6V4, cents. A public ferry was established in 1831 across the Chicago River at the forks, over which it was provided the people of the County should be passed free, all others to be charged schedule rates. Mark Beaubien was the first duly ap- pointed ferryman. The ferries established not affording sufficient facilities for transportation across the river, the construction of bridges was regarded as a necessity. The first of these to be built was in the summer of 1832, near Kinzie Street, across the North Branch, for the use of foot passen- gers only, and was erected by Samuel Miller. During the year 1833 a floating bridge, con- sisting of rough logs, was constructed over the South Branch just north of Randolph Street, at a cost of $486.20, of which $200 was con- tributed by the Indians of the vicinity. It was built by Alanson H. and Charles Taylor. The first drawbridge over the main branch of the river was placed at Dearborn Street in 1834. The timber used in the construction of the bridge was cut from land adjoining Mich- igan Avenue. The structure was 300 feet long, with a sixty-foot passage for vessels. The old Dearborn Street drawbridge was demolished in 1839, and a "scow-ferry" sub- stituted. The proprietors of the warehouses located on the North Side were clamorous for a new structure, by which the wagon-loads of grain and produce coming into the city from the south might more easily reach them, thus insuring more healthful competition. This rea- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 753 sonable demand was opposed in the Council for a long time, and the ordinance for the con- struction of the Clark Street bridge, in 1840, was carried only by the deciding vote of Mayor B. W. Raymond. This was a floating swing- bridge constructed after plans made by W. B. Ogden, and similar structures were built at Wells, Randolph and Kinzie Streets between 1846 and 1849. These bridges were operated by a chain and capstan. The bridges at Clark, Wells, Kinzie and Randolph Streets were swept away by the flood and ice in 1849. In 1849 bridges were built at Madison and at Randolph Streets, being constructed largely by means furnished by subscriptions of property owners whose property would be benefitted by such improvements. In April, 1847, an ordi- nance was passed prohibiting teams from stop- ping on a bridge or within forty feet of one. Previous to the flood of 1849 the city did little to regulate bridges or bridge-tenders. There were continuous complaints about the slowness and indifference of bridge-tenders, and it was not until 1852 that they were required to give bonds "for the faithful performance of their duties," the amount of a bond being placed at $500 for each incumbent; but by the ordinance of January 13, 1854, bridge-tenders were made special policemen, and their bonds were in- creased from $500 to $2,000, and they were required merely to open and close their bridges as quickly as possible. A pivot-bridge was built at Clark Street in 1854 at a cost of $12,000. It contained a double carriage-way and sidewalks. In 1856 the plans for a bridge at Madison Street were agreed upon. As it was proposed to construct the bridge at municipal expense, a vigorous pro- test was entered against such a proceeding. The bridge was flnally built in 1857 for $30,000, and was the first bridge constructed entirely at the city's expense. The first iron bridge in the West was built in 1856 at Rush Street, and this marked a new era of bridge construction in Chicago. The primitive wooden bridges of the pioneers were supplanted by those made of iron — or a com- bination of wood and iron — which, owing to the increasing traffic, had in turn to give way to the steel swing bridges of today. Previous to the fire of 1871 the city owned and operated twenty-seven bridges, which were constructed between 1856 and 1870, inclusive, to replace the slow-moving float-bridges which at one time were the only ones in use. Six bridges were destroyed in the fire of October 8 and 9, 1871, involving a loss of $71,000. By March, 1873, the work of rebuilding the bridges and viaducts destroyed by the fire was about completed, at a cost of $526,921 for the former, and $189,573 for the latter. From 1879 to 1886 eight bridges were constructed, costing the city $320,452, and the railroad corporations $106,461. During the same period nine via- ducts were built and three old ones renewed, at a cost to the city of $582,599 and to the railroads of $723,134. The contrast between these figures and those of 1887 and 1888 is strik- ing. During these years six bridges were con- structed, which cost the city only $243,297, the railroads paying $197,195. Ten viaducts were erected and two renewed at a cost to the city of only $214,155, while that to the railroads was $968,256. The first attempt in Chicago to overcome the objectionable features of the swing-bridge was made in 1891 by the construction of the Weed Street bridge — a movable bridge without cen- ter pier, known as a "folding bridge," patented by Captain Harmon, which has not proved a success on account of the expense of its main- tenance and its easily getting out of order. In 1893 a somewhat improved form of this bridge was constructed at Canal Street, but it had the same objectionable features found in the Weed Street bridge. In 1894 the "Waddell" lift-bridge was built over the South Branch, at South Halsted Street. While this bridge re- moves the objectionable feature of the center- pier and protection, its cost is something enor- mous ($237,000), and its operation, repairs and maintenance have been a constant source of expense to the city. In 1895 a rolling lift- bridge, patented by William Scherzer, was built over the South Branch, at Van Buren Street. In 1897 a similar bridge was built over the North Branch, at Halsted Street. These bridges, although a marked improvement upon the fold- ing and lift-bridges, have some objectionable features. The main objection lies in the fact that this type of bridge requires a most solid foundation. In 1899 the Bridge Division of the City made a critical analysis of the literature on movable bridges built in the United States and Europe, with a view to selecting a type of bridge suit- able to the requirements of the Chicago River and its branches. The result of this analysis 754 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. was very ably put in the form of a report by Alexander Von Babo, showing the advantages and disadvantages of the various movable bridges in use. The type known as the "Trun- nion Bascule Bridge" was considered to be the one that could most fully and satisfactorily meet Chicago requirements from a scientific as well as a practical and ecomonical point of view. Three complete designs were made, dif- fering in appearance, but all involving the main feature (that of a revolving trunnion), which were submitted to a Board of Consulting Engi- neers appointed by the Commissioner of Public Works, consisting of the following well-known engineers: E. L. Cooley, Ralph Modjeski and Byron B. Carter. The Board recommended design No. 3, with some modifications, which were subsequently carried into effect. The design was prepared and worked out with great care by Mr. Edward Wilmann, City Bridge Engineer, and John Ericson, City Engineer, with a view to its adoption for all the bridges of this type, and approved by L. E. McGann, Commissioner of Public Works, and the above named consulting engineers. Credit is also due to Thomas G. Pihlfeldt, Assistant City Bridge Engineer, and Alexander Von Babo and Karl L. Lehman, structural iron designers, and Mr. John C. Bley, machine designer, for their serv- ice in connection with this work. Competitive designs and bids were opened May 15, 1900, for the Ninety-fifth Street bridge, and a contract awarded to Roemheld & Gallery June 21, 1900. The approximate cost was $152,000, and work commenced July 18, 1900. Bids for the Division Street bridge were opened June 1, 1900, and the contract was signed July 11, 1900 (contractors, Messrs. Roemheld & Gallery) ; approximate cost, 1133,000; work commenced July 16, 1900. Bids were opened for the Clybourn Place bridge January 25, 1901; contracts signed during 1901; contractors, American Bridge Com- pany; approximate cost |148,000, including bid for substructure by Fitzsimmons & Connell amounting to $64,000. Plans and specifica- tions submitted by the Sanitary District of Chicago for Canal Street bridge have been approved and signed; also for a viaduct at Canal and Sixteenth Street, submitted by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Companies, and work commenced July 30, 1900. Supervision of the erection of the Northwest- ern Elevated Railroad, together with the usual miscellaneous work of preparing plans, plats and data for various projects, constitute a por- tion of the work of this division. The navigable portions of the river are now crossed by fifty-eight draw-bridges, of which eight are for railroads exclusively, forty-eight for streets and street railways exclusively, and two for both street and traflSc. These two latter carry Lake Street and the Lake Street Elevated Railway, Wells Street and the Northwestern Elevated Railway respectively. Of all these existing draw-bridges, fifty are swing-bridges — all but one (the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway) having center piers. One of these is a vertical bridge, at Halsted Street; two are folding bridges, at Weed Street and Canal Street; and five are Bascule bridges. The present scheme of improvement provides for the replacement of twelve swing-bridges with as many Bascule bridges. The "Granger" bridge, built between 1846 and 1849, swung on a pivot from the shore end, with the swinging end on a float made out of sheetiron (a square box concern) and turned by a capstan. There was one each at Lake Clark and Wells Streets. At Kinzie Street the old-fashioned weight draw-bridge was built, which was the first edition of the later "Bas- cule." In 1856 the Rush Street bridge was built of steel, which was a great improvement over the float-bridge; but on account of a large drove of cattle being driven on while the bridge was turning, the cattle were forced to run to the north end of the bridge, which caused the structure to break in two on the center pivot, and the cattle were dumped into the river, only a few being saved alive by being hoisted upon a vessel standing near by. The progress from the "Indian canoe" for crossing the Chicago River to the modern Bas- cule bridge has taken comparatively a few years, and is the partial fulfillment of the say- ing that "Chicago beats the world" for growth and Improvements. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 755 CHAPTER XXXII. DRAINAGE AND SEWERAGE. FIRST ATTEMPT TO ORGANIZE A DRAINAGE AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM FOR CHICAGO IN 1847 — DRAINAGE AND SEWERAGE COMMISSIONS APPOINTED IN 1852 AND 1855 THE SEWERAGE COMMISSION GIVES PLACE TO A BOARD OF PUB- LIC WORKS IN 1861 CHANGES OF THE LAST FIFTY YEARS — EXTENT AND COST OF SYSTEM — THE DRAINAGE CANAL ITS HI.STORY AND EXTENT COST OF THE WORK 0\T;R $45,000,000. On February 18, 1847, a legislative act, sup- plementary to the City Charter, granted to the Common Council power to build and repair sewers by special assessment upon the prop- erty benefited thereby. In the year 1849, Madison Street, east and west, and State Street, north and south, were decided upon as the summit in the South Division of the city; the grades of that por- tion lying north of Madison Street and west of State Street to slope to the north and drain into the main river; the portion east of State to slope east and drain into the lake; and the portion south of Madison and west of State Street to slope west and discharge into the South Branch. Nothing was done by way of drainage, however, except to open ditches, until the year 1850, when triangular shaped wooden box sewers were built in Clark, La- Salle and Wells Streets from the main river to the alleys south of Randolph Street. The cost of these alley sewers was $2,871.90, which amount was wholly paid for by the property benefited. By act of the Legislature, dated June 23, 1852, a commission consisting of Henry Smith, George W. Snow, James H. Reed, George Steele, H. L. Stewart, Isaac Cook and Charles V. Duer was appointed and empowered to locate, con- struct and maintain ditches, culverts, embank- ments, bridges and roads in lands lying in Townships 37, 38, 39 and 40 North, Ranges 12, 13 and 14 East of the Third Principal Meridian (Cook County), and to the land and material necessary for these improvements, and assess the cost of such work upon the land they deemed to be benefited thereby. The land drained extended about four miles north, eight miles west, and ten miles south from the then city limits, nearly all of which has since been annexed to the city. By an act of the Legislature, approved Febru- ary 14, 1855, a Board of Sewerage Commission- ers was appointed by the City Council, consist- ing of one member from each of the three divisions of the city. It was their duty to con- sider all questions relating to the thorough and systematic drainage of the city; to submit a plan and an estimate of the cost to the Common Council, and to issue bonds, from time to time, as they should deem expedient, not exceeding the sum of $500,000, pledging the faith and credit of the city for the payment of the prin- cipal and interest thereof. The first Commission consisted of William B. Ogden, J. D. Webster and Sylvester Lind. E. S. Chesbrough was appointed Chief Engi- neer and William H. Clark principal assistant engineer. During the season of 1855 surveys were made and plans drawn and adopted by the Commissioners, and submitted to the Common Council and their fellow-citizens for general approval, December 31, 1855. The plans sub- mitted included the district bounded on the north by Division Street, on the West by Reuben Street (now Ashland Avenue), on the south by North Street (now Sixteenth Street), and on the east by Lake Michigan. The plan, as adopted and since carried out, provided for main sewers in the North Division in Rush, Clark and Franklin Streets, discharging into the main river, and in Chicago Avenue empty- ing into the North Branch. The West Division mains were located on Fulton, Randolph. Madi- son, Adams and Van Buren Streets, emptying into the South Branch. The South Division, sewer in Michigan Avenue, from the river to east of State Street, was drained by a main Sixteenth Street, the summit being at Van Buren Street — that part south of Van Buren Street discharging into the lake at Twelfth Street, and the part north emptying into the main river. The portion lying south of Wash- ington Street and west of State Street dis- charged into the South Branch by various streets, while that part west of State Street and north of Washington was drained by two-foot sewers in each north and south street emptying into the main river. From the outset Mr. Chesbrough insisted upon constructing sewers to discharge by grav- ity. This necessitated raising all streets from 756 HISTORICAL E.NCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. one to three feet above the natural surface of the ground, in order to secure sufficient depth of soil over the top of the sewers to protect them from frosts and heavy traffic. The first sewerage bonds to the amount of $100,000 were issued March 19, 1856. The first contract for constructing public sewers was awarded and work commenced in 1856. The State Street sewer from Randolph Street to the River was built by Ives & Lonergan, contractors; that on North Clarlv Street to Erie Street was built by S. S. Wiltsee & Co.; West Randolph Street sewer from the river to Desplaines Street was built by S. S. Wiltsee & Co. These were the first sewers built, being constructed during the years 1856 to 1860, inclusive, amounting to 53.71 miles. By an act of the Legislature, approved March 20, 1861, the Board of Sewerage Commissioners was abolished and a Board of Public Works was created. At an election held the third Tuesday in April, 1861, Benjamin Carpenter, Frederick Letz and John G. Gindili were elected Commissioners. The Board was organized, having full control of all public works, includ- ing sewerage, on May 6, 1861. The Board of Public Works continued in power, with several changes in its members, until September 19, 1876. The total length of sewer in place Decem- ber 31, 1876, was 265.80 miles. On September 18, 1876, an ordinance was passed abolishing the Board of Public Works, and on the same date the Department of Public Works was organized, with the Hon. Monroe Heath Mayor and Acting Commissioner. No Commissioner of Public Works was appointed until after the Hon. Carter H. Harrison was inaugurated Mayor on May 19, 1879, when Charles S. Wal- ler was appointed and qualified. The amount of money expended in the con- struction of sewers and catch-basins in the city of Chicago and the maintenance of the same, from the establishment of the sewerage system In 1855 up to .January 1, 1904, was $22,991,- 495.15, of which $2,405,715.23 was on account of cleaning sewers and $1,916,948.69 on account of street intersections and repairs. The total amount of sewer.H In place at the latter date was 1,563 miles, of which 567.45 miles were of brick construrtlon and 995.55 miles of vitrified tile pipe. The number of catch-basins at the begin- ning of the year 1904 was 57,510. THE DRAINAGE CHANNEL. The Sanitary District of Chicago is organ- ized under the general law for the creation of Sanitary Districts enacted by the Legislature of the State of Illinois in 1889 and in force July 1st of that year. The first Board of Trus- tees was elected Dec. 12, 1889, and served, bar- ring resignations, until December 2, 1895. Since that period the regular term of service has beeu five years. The primary object of the work undertaken by the Sanitary District is the protection of Lake Michigan — the great reservoir from which the City of Chicago and its urban and suburban neighbors draw their drinking water — from sewage pollution due to the discharge directly into it, or into the rivers which empty into it, of the sewage of the City of Chicago and its aforesaid neighbors. The first work under- taken was the construction of a great canal from Robey Street to Lockport. That done, the logical sequence was the improvement of the Chicago River by deepening and widening the channel and removing the bridge obstructions, so as to make it possible to secure an adequate flow of water through it without injury to navi- gation. The work of the Sanitary District has created valuable possibilities in the way of water power development, and the same Legislature which passed the annexation laws enacted a law which enables the Board to realize in part these possi- bilities by giving ft the authority to develop the water power at Lockport. This work is now under contract and construction is in progress. The plans for it provide for an extension of the channel now in use, between concrete walls and earth and rock embankment, southward for a distance of about 10,700 feet, to the site selected for the erection of the power plant. From this point on a tail-race Is to be exca- vated for a distance of about 6,800 feet, to a junction with original Section 17; this tail- race is to be 160 feet wide and be deep enough to afford a minimum depth of water of 22 feet. Section 17 is a wide channel and the minimum depth of water therein, until it enters the Upper Basin at Joliet, will be ten feet. The mean head for power development resulting from this improvement will be 32 feet and the net horsepower figured on an efficiency of 75 per cent and a flow of 600,000 cubic feet per minute will be 27,000 H. P. The power is to be housed in a structure of concrete and brlcK mSTOEICAL EJTCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 757 construction and will have ten turbine cham- bers, three for exciter units and seven for power units. The power units are designed to pass 100.000 cubic feet at 8-10 discharge. They consist of turbines on horizontal axes, capable of generating 6,500 H. P. at full gate under 34 feet of head at 150 revolutions per minute. Each power unit is to drive one 3,750-K. W., 3-phase, 2,200-volt generator. The ultimate dis- charge of the channel will, under present plans, reach 800,000 cubic feet per minute. The Main Drainage Channel of the Sanitary District of Chicago is now completed from its confluence with the South Branch of the Chi- cago River, at Robey Street in the city of Chi- cago, to Lockport, in Will County, 111., a dis- tance of 28.05 miles. Water from Lake Michi- gan was let into the main channel, via the Chicago River, and through the auxiliary chan- nel which connects the main channel with the West Fork of the South Branch, on January 2, 1900. It took thirteen days to fill the channel from Western Avenue to the controlling works. On the morning of the 17th of January, 1900, by permission of the Governor of the State of Illinois, the Bear Trap Dam was lowered and the westward flow of water from the lake was commenced. At the end of Section 15 of the channel the controlling works are located. Be- yond these works the construction completed by the District covered the work necessary for conducting the flow from the channel, in con- junction with the waters of the Desplaincs River, down the declivity to and through the city of Joliet, and making of such changes m the Illinois and Michigan Canal as the new con- ditions developed rendered necessary. The controlling works comprise seven sluice gates of metal, with the necessary masonry bulk-heads and one bear-trap dam. The sluice gates may be considered as a modification or what is known as the Stoney gate type, gates having a vertical play of twenty feet and open- ings of thirty feet each. The bear-trap dam has an opening of 160 feet, and an oscillation of seventeen feet vertically. All the bridges on the main channel are movable structures. There are six bridges for public highways. One was built for the use of the Southwest Boulevard and Western Ave- nue. It has double roadways — one being for heavy and the other for light traflac. There are seven railway bridges, one being an eight- track rolling-lift structure, with a channel span of one hundred and twenty feet. One is a four- track swing bridge, and the others are double- track structures. The entire weight of the iron and steel used in their construction was 22,- 862,454 pounds. The total amount of excavation involved in the construction of the main channel is 26,693,000 cubic yards of glacial drift, and 12,265,000 cubic yards of solid rock, or an aggre- gate of 38,958,000 cubic yards, to which must be added the material excavated from the River Diversion, the latter amounting to 1,810,652 cubic yards of glacial drift, and of solid rock 258,659 cubic yards, making a total of 2,069,311. The work between Lockport and Joliet, includ- ing the controlling works. Involves 1,201,724 cubic yards of excavation, making the grand total of Main Channel, River Diversion and Joliet Project 42,229,035 cubic yards. All of this work is now completed and, in addition thereto, 457,777 cubic yards of retaining wall and bridge masonry. The retaining wall is all laid in cement mortar. The rock, when broken up, expands about 80 per cent, and therefore the volume of the rock spoil banks will be nearly 22,542,586 cubic yards. The whole vol- ume of spoil (earth and rock), if deposited in Lake Michigan in forty feet of water, would make an island one mile square, with its sur- face twelve feet above the water line. In addi- tion to these quantities the work of the main channel extensions and water-power develop- ment involves 105,000 cubic yards of earth, 1,247,000 cubic yards of rock and 145,000 cubic yards of masonry and concrete. The distance from the mouth of the Chicago River to the junction of the Main Channel with the West Fork of the South Branch at Robey Street is about six miles. The length of the Main Channel proper, from Robey Street to the controlling works at Lock- port, is 28.05 miles — making a total of 34.05 miles. The dimensions of the Channel are: Robey Street to Summit, 7.8 miles; 110 feet wide at bottom; 198 feet at water line, with minimum depth of water 22 feet. Summit to Willow Springs, 5.3 miles; 202 feet wide at bottom; 290 feet wide at water line, with 22 feet depth of water; grade of earth channel, one foot m Forty thousand feet, or 1% inches per mile. The side slopes in earth are one foot vertical to two feet horizontal. At Willow Springs the channel narrows to the walled and rock cross section. 758 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. extending 14.95 miles to Lockport, 160 feet wide at bottom; 162 feet at top; grade in rock one foot in twenty thousand, or 3% inches per mile. The total cost of the construction of the chan- nel has amounted to $45,220,588.19. The construction of the Thirty-ninth Street Sewer, for the drainage of the southern dis- trict of the city into the Drainage Canal, was begun in 1898 and completed in 1902. The sewer is twenty feet in diameter, and 12,123 feet long, extending from the lake west on Thirty-ninth Street. Work was at once begun on the pumping station at Thirty-ninth Street and the lake, which is now (1904) in the course of construction. The intercepting sewer which discharges to this pumping station from the south was completed in 1904 between Thirty- ninth Street to Seventy-third Street. CHAPTER XXXIII. CHICAGO CENTENNIAL JUBILEE. CELEBRATION OF HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF FORT DEARBORN — MARVELOUS PROGRESS OF A HUNDRED YEARS REPRESENTA- THES OF INDIAN TRIBES TAKE PART IN THE EXERCISES HISTORICAL TABLETS BRILLIANT FIREWORKS DISPLAY INDUSTRIAL PARADE — REUNION OF OLD SETTLERS. When a city has attained the venerable age of one hundred years it is quite appropriate that its natal day should be given some kind of recognition by its children and grandchil- dren commemorative of the event. When that city has acquired such wonderful growth and made so great progress as to astonish the entire American nation, that recognition should be something more than the ordinary expression of good will and wishes for continued prosper- ity. And such, indeed, was the nature of the celebration held in Chicago from September 26 to October 1, 1903, when due honor was accorde accomplished in a short one hundred years, to gaze on the handiwork of man In building up from a sandy waste this wonder-fity, whosf mammoth sky-reaching, Htoel-glrdered buildings had supplanted the tents and log huts and frame houses of earlier days; whose well pavrd streets had taken the place of Indian trails and mud-immersed wagon roads, and whose electric cars and elevated roads had supplanted the prairie schooner and the antiquated horse-cars. These things the people saw, and they departed marveling at the Aladdin-like transformation. Pre-eminent among the attractions of histor- ical interest and an echo, as it were, of the primitive days when the red men roamed the ground upon which now stand the architectural triumphs of modern civilization, was the Indian village at Lincoln Park. There were gathered the representatives of six tribes of Aborigines whose ancestors once lived either upon that very spot or in its immediate neighborhood — the Pottawatomies, in command of Charles Pokagon, grandson of the chief who saw the first white man set foot on this shore; the Winnebagos, from Wisconsin and Nebraska, under Chief Noginka; the Ottawas from North- ern Michigan, with Chief Blackbird at their head; the Sacs and Foxes, from their reserva- tions in Iowa and Indian Territory, led by Chief Pushnateka and accompanied by Sawahghasah, the civil chief and leader who attends to all of his people's affairs with the Government of the United States; the Menominees, from Northern Wisconsin, under the guidance of Chief Lone Star; the Chippewas, under the leadership of Chief Wawahbasha and Chicag. These Indians were all under the personal care of Mr. R. T. Roddy, of Chicago, whose father was a trader among the Winnebagos of Wis- consin and who was brought up with that tribe. Upon the death of Black Hawk he was elected their chief and given the name of White Buf- falo. The Indian village was a replica of vil- lages that existed along the shore of Lake Michigan one hundred years ago, the Chippewa huts being of bark and rushes, the Winnebago wigwams of skin, the Ottawa tepees, while the Sacs and Foxes occupied rush houses. During the week the Indians participated in various sports and games, consisting of canoe and dug- out races, foot races, swimming races, canoe tilting, scalp and bulTalo dances, mock-mar- riage ceremonies, contests in bow and arrow shooting, lacrosse, etc. A model of the orig- inal Fort Dearborn block-house was erected near the Indian village, and was an object of great interest to the thousands of visitors. Although but a hundred years old, Chicago has a marvelously Interesting history, and its busy thoroughfares conceal many spots of his- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 761 toric importance. New York, Boston, Philadel- phia and Washington also have many historic spots which have been suitably marked with tablets, but this method of designating mem- orable places had hitherto been neglected in Chicago. Its centennial, however, brought the matter before the committee and arrangements were perfected to remedy the long-neglected duty of placing mmorial tablets in appropriate places. On Saturday, the first day of the Jubi- lee, was performed the ceremony of dedicating the historic spots of Chicago with suitable tab- lets. The exercises were held at the Public Library Building, and inaugurated the formal opening of the Centennial. Prof. Edwin E. Sparks presided and Mayor Harrison delivered the address of welcome. Mr. Charles A. Plamon- don, Chairman of the Executive Committee, said: "Today we draw the veil from the past and reveal our early struggles to show by what marvelous labor and patience we have realized the wonders of this hour. A hun- dred years — only a moment in the life of a nation. And from the wilds of an Indian trail, first marked by the white man's gov- ernment with a fort, the spot has become the second city of the country. To all who are here, to all who learn the teaching of Chi- cago's century, there must be a profound lesson; a lesson of indomitable courage, of heroic labor, of noble patriotism, of civic enthusiasm, of the spirit that conquers every obstacle to attain a glorious end. Not the massacre of the pioneers of 1812, nor the anni- hilation of the best part of the city by fire in 1871, daunted the high aspirations of our fathers. May the next century witness strides as rapid as those which carried us from the antiquity of Fort Dearborn to the magnificent city of today, a city toward which the nation is looking as the center of its ideals." The location and description of the tablets are as follows: Public Libraet Building. — Reproduction of the original Fort Dearborn in the upper panel. Inscription: "The first Fort Dear- born, built by United States troops, 1803. De- stroyed by Indians, 1812." In the lower panel is a reproduction of the second Fort Dear- bom. Inscription: "The second Fort Dear- born, erected 1816, abandoned 1832. The cen- tennial of Chicago, 1903." Palmer House. — An illuminated design done in majolica, showing two figures, one representing fire and the other smoke encir- cling a map of the district burned in the Chi- cago fire. It is surmounted by the letter Y, shield of the city of Chicago, and at the bot- tom is a phoenix, symbolizing the rebuilding of the city. Inscription: "The Chicago fire, 1871. Burned four miles along the lake and one mile inland, 2,214 acres of ground, 13,500 buildings destroyed, 92,000 people made home- less, and $186,000,000 property lost." Masonic Temple.— -Tablet commemorating the establishment of Fort Dearborn Military Reservation. Inscription: "Fort Dearborn military reservation, seventy-five acres, estab- lished in 1824. Sold for town lots, 1839. This square reserved for Dearborn Park, City Library erected 1898." Anderson Art Store, Wabash Avenue and Madison Street. — Tablet containing a bas re- lief head of Marquette in the upper panel. Inscription: "Father Marquette, a Jesuit missionary. The first white man to visit the Chicago River, 1674." Board of Trade Building. — Tablet of La Salle, head in bas relief. Inscription: "The first house erected within the limits of Chi- cago was built by De La Salle, a French ex- plorer, 1683." City Hall. — Tablet of first and second court houses. Inscription: Upper panel, "The first COok County court house, erected 1835." Lower panel, "Second court house. Erected 1853, rebuilt 1870, burned 1871. This square reserved from original town site for public buildings 1830." Montgomery Ward Building, Michigan Avenue and Madison Street. — Tablet showing the mouth of the Chicago River one hundred years ago. In the upper panel are two Indi- ans standing on the shore of the river, while a companion is paddling a canoe in the mid- dle of the stream. Fort Dearborn is seen in the distance. Inscription: "Near this point the Chicago River emptied into Lake Michi- gan at the time Fort Dearborn was built, 1803." Chicago & Northwestern Railway Sta- tion. — Tablet of first railway station and loco- motive. Inscription: "Near this spot stood the station of the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad. Chartered 1836, ten miles opened 1848." In the lower panel is a reproduction 762 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. of a railway locomotive. Inscription: "The Pioneer, first locomotive in Chicago, 1848." Reiu-Mirdoch Store, Lake and Market Streets. — Tablet of wigwam. Inscription: "Here stood the temporary Republican wig- wam in which Abraham Lincoln was nomi- nated for the Presidency, May 18, 1860. 'May the Almighty grant that the cause of truth, justice and humanity shall in no wise suffer at my hands.' " Visitors arriving in the city Saturday night were startled to see a red glow spread over the principal down-town streets, and thoughts of a second Chicago fire flashed across the minds of many as they saw the flare of the flame flash up against the overhanging clouds. It was, in fact, a mimic reproduction of the great catastrophe of 1871, a vivid portrayal of the blaze that par- tially destroyed, but which did not dismay, Chicago. A steady but slight rain fell during the evening, but notwithstanding this thou- sands of people stood in the streets for two hours awaiting the spectacle. At half-past eight o'clock a bomb gave the signal to waiting firemen at twenty-eight, street corners in the business district, and an instant later 8,000 pounds of Roman fire burst forth in flames, sending their glare and smoke to the tops of the tallest buildings. The rain which made the streets disagreeable brought the clouds close to earth and they served as a natural back- ground, turning rosy under the play of the fire beneath, and soon the flames themselves, the streets, the crowds and the building were all reflected in the sky. It was as if the heart of the city was wrapped in fire and mantled luridly with smoke. The rise and fall of the flames, as the powder was fed into the blaze, took, in the clouds, the form of waves of vivid color. The sight was impressive and realistic in the extreme. Chicago's greatness is not entirely due to her commercial enterprice. The church has been a potent element in the general result, even in the earlier days, before there were many houses, and the city may well be proud of the fact that the religious training of its younger generation has never been neglected. It was therefore decided to set aside Sunday, the 27th, for Hpecla) rfliglous exercises in all the churches and Sunrlay Schools, and some three hundred mlnlHterH devot-fd their morning sermon to the pant, prewent and future of Chicago. There was a markwl Hlmllarlly In these sermons, although different ministers treated the subject differ- ently, according to their own personal views. There was an unanimous tribute to the well- known characteristics of Chicago men, their boundless ambition, daring and energy. There was also undisguised criticism of the city gov- ernment, the condition of its streets and its sinfulness. But every minister's faith in Chi- cago and in the certainty that, in the fullness of time, it would work out its own solution was unlimited. The criticisms were not carp- ing, but diagnostic, and each one was supple- mented by a remedy. "Civilization laid on the people of Chicago a herculean task," said Rev. Dr. James S. Stone, of St. James Episcopal Church. "The past gave them no favors. They had nothing but the wil- derness, the winds, the sun in the heavens, God's blessing and their own strong hands and hearts. But they saw their chance and did their work, and their monument is the city in which we live." Dr. Joseph Stolz, Isaiah Tem- ple, said in part: "This week's celebration will not have fulfilled its whole purpose unless we carry in our hearts and heads the plan of a future city in which our moral and spiritual growth will keep pace with our material tri- umphs; a city which will be clean and pure, morally as well as physically; in which the civic spirit will also show itself in the anxiety of our best citizens to hold public oflBce; in which the problems of capital and labor receive the most equitable solution." Bishop Cheney drew a bright picture of Chicago's future. Among other things he said: "I see a city phys- ically clean. It is humiliating, but must be confessed, that the distinguishing feature of Chicago is its filth. There it is unrivaled. I am not looking for the impossible, but a Chi- cago is possible where a higher moral tone and a more sensitive public conscience shall be dominant factors in the municipal life. I see a Chicago, dimly, perhaps, where the sacredness of the family relation shall make abhorrent our present loathsome facility of divorce. I see a city along whose streets children may flock to their schools with innocence undefiled by the foul and shameless advertisements of low places of amusement. I see a city in which the public journal that caters to the lowest ele- ment in the city's life shall wither in the flres of popular disapproval." During the evening of Monday the Chicago Historical Society gave a public reception, 2,000 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 763 invitations issued, and its many visitors iiad an opportunity of seeing its invaluable collection of pictures, documents, mementoes of the city's early days, and other historical objects. The guests were asked to register in an immense book specially furnished for that purpose, and the native Chicagoans affixed the date of their birth, and the old settlers the date of their arrival. The rooms were open every day and evening during Jubilee week. One of the most interesting features of the Centennial was the industrial parade, given for the purpose of demonstrating the marvelous growth and development of Chicago's industries. This pageant was participated in by military companies, the National Guard, Naval Reserves, detachments from the Police and Fire Depart- ments and surviving members of the old Vol- unteer Fire Department, the Mayor and City Council, Postofflce employes, independent mil- itary organizations, secret societies and repre- sentatives of different nationalities in costumes, Foreign Consuls, Indians, Volunteers of Amer- ica, and floats and decorated wagons, illustrat- ing Chicago's progress in business, commerce, and manufactures. The merchants of the city vied with each other in constructing floats that would most adequately demonstrate the ad- vancement in their particular line, many of them having two or three wagons, each elab- orately decorated and appropriately illuminated with incandescent lights. The crowds in the streets were the largest seen in Chicago since the World's Fair. Filling the avenues and streets from the building walls until there was hardly room for the procession to pass through, the people occupied all the available space along the thirty-one blocks of the line of march. Thousands thronged win- dows, hung on fire escapes and other available points of vantage in their desire to see the floats and marching bodies, resplendent with color, which composed the pageant. The one feature of the parade that aroused the greatest enthusiasm was the band of Indians who marched in single file, the braves arrayed in picturesque costumes and feathers. Mayor Harrison, Chairman Plamondon, the members of the City Council, civic officials, military rep- resentatives and invited guests occupied the reviewing stand at the south side of the post- office. Prizes, consisting of four heavy silver loving cups, were offered for the four best dis- plays reviewed in the parade, and were awarded to the Swedish societies representing the Swedish nation, Mandel Brothers, the Schoen- hofen Brewing Company and Garibaldi & Cuneo. Eiighty-one members of the veteran Chicago Volunteer Firemen's Association gave an exhi- bition run in Michigan Avenue during the after- noon of Tuesday. Drawing one of the old en- gines which had done service in 1840, the vet- erans started from the engine house at Wash- ington Street and Michigan Avenue and contin- ued to the Auditorium Hotel, where a large crowd witnessed an exhibition drill and the throwing of water by hand engine, working in shifts. The volunteers wore the red shirts to which they were accustomed in the early days. During the afternoon descendants of John Kinzie, Major James Whistler, and Lieutenant James Strode Swearingen held a reception at the Auditorium Hotel parlors and renewed old acquaintances, discussed family trees, and dwelt with pardonable pride on the part their ances- tors had played in the initial epoch of Chi- cago's history. At the suggestion of Major Gar- land M. Whistler, great grandson of Major James Whistler, Mrs. W. W. Gordon, grand- daughter of John Kinzie, the earliest white settler, was made presiding officer of the meet- ing; James Strode Swearingen, of Circleville, Ohio, grandson of Lieutenant Swearingen, was made vice-chairman, and Major Whistler secre- tary. It was decided to keep a record of the proceedings for the benefit of the descendants of the different families. Each representative of each family registered in a book, now preserved at The Chicago Historical Library. Wednesday was set aside as "Stock Yards Day," and at least 100,000 visitors took advan- tage of the opportunity to personally investi- gate the manner in which hogs, cows, and sheep are slaughtered and prepared for the market. Uniformed guides took charge of the people and conducted them through the various departments, and the entire process, from the killing to the shipping room, where the meat is packed ready for transportation, was viewed with intense interest. Aquatic sports were held in the afternoon at Lincoln Park lagoon under the auspices of the Amateur Athletic Union and the Chicago Athletic Association. The events consisted of scull races, swimming races, and Indian canoe races, canoe tipping by the Indians, high diving exhibition, and cutter races, and exhibition boat-drills by the Illinois Naval Militia. 764 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. A reception by the Daughters of the Amer- ican Revolution was held in the evening at Memorial Hall, Public Library building. This was one of the most elaborate social functions of the week, and was attended by about 1,500 guests. The invitations were a reproduction of an invitation issued by General Dearborn, Secretary of War, to a reception given by him to the ofiBcers of Greneral Washington's staff. The refreshments were of the same character as Martha Washington served to her guests at her levees in New York. The reception hall, assem- bly hall, and memorial hall were decorated with American and historic flags, masses of palms, and shields of the various army corps. Behind the receiving committee shone the emblem of the Daughters of the American Revolution in electric lights, while opposite were lights of red, white and blue, forming an electric reproduction of the American flag. A company of Continental guards and the Sons of American Revolution, in their uniforms of blue and buff, gave a finishing touch to the occa- sion. A celebration of Chicago's centennial anni- versary would scarcely be considered complete without a reunion of the men and women who today comprise the city's pioneers. In view of this fact it was planned to hold a reunion of all the early settlers and those who have assisted in the initial development of the city, and on Thursday afternoon a reception was held in Memorial Hall, an informal program being given. Judge .James B. Bradwell was chairman of the exercises, and Mr. Albert G. Lane the orator, while short addresses, comprising reminiscences of early days, were made by a number of old settlers. At the conclusion of the program, all those who had been in Chicago fifty years or more were presented with an appropriate souvenir, and their names were recorded In a book which was subsequently presented to the Chicago Historical Society. The afternoon was spent in greetings between old friends and recalling experiences of the past, when they, and Chicago and the world were all younger. And there was no regret that they had lived those earlier days, nor, in the silent handshake at parting, was there any Indication that many of them would never meet again on earth. Thursday evening a banquet to the visiting mayors of leading cities was given In the Auditorium banquet hall, where three hundred and fifty invited guests listened to songs, toasts and short speeches between the courses. The hall was beautifully decorated with American beauty roses and the national colors. Along the eastern wall on a raised dais was the speak- er's table. Joseph Jefferson, the veteran actor, opened the speechmaking and told briefly of his love for Chicago "for old sake's sake," and recited his original memorial poem. Mayor Harrison, in his address, expressed Chicago's deep appreciation of the kindness of the mayors "who had laid aside the cares of office for a few days to come to help us celebrate." Con- tinuing, Mr. Harrison told of the municipal reforms that have been accomplished here. After Mayor Harrison had finished, the toast- master asked the guests to make their way to the civic mass meeting which was to follow immediately in the Auditorium theatre. At this meeting Mayor Seth Low, of New York, was the orator, his theme being "Civic Fed- eration." On the stage was the famous United States Marine Band, which supplied the music, while back of the musicians was a beautiful stage setting of the river and Fort Dearborn, tepees, trees, canoes, camp-fire and the band of Indians which had furnished the principal amusement for the great crowds that thronged Lincoln Park during the week. It was quite appropriate that Chicago's cen- tennial celebration should close in a blaze of light and glory, and on Friday night one hun- dred and fifty thousand people witnessed the greatest display of fireworks seen here since the World's Fair. Out in the lake scores of craft cruised about, varying in size from a small rowboat and diminutive yacht to the big excur- sion steamers, which were packed to the guards. When the three mammoth fountains, reaching a height of 200 feet, were set off, they lighted the waters of the lake and gave the great crowd a beautiful marine scene not often witnessed. For nearly two hours the vast crowd watched the naval battle, the flying rock- ets, the floral bombshells, the showers of pearls and the aerial sleighbells, all of which were easily seen from every part of the lake front and for some miles inland. From the discharge of the first bomb, which was a signal for the illumination of the lake front by a chain of lights extending as far south as Park Row, until the bouquet of 3,000 rockets, which indi- cated the conclusion of the program, there waa a constant exhibition of pyrotechnics. The set The Peristyle. WORLD'S FAIR BUILDINGS. German Building. Administration Building. The Fisheries. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 765 pieces comprised a gigantic allegorical figure representing Chicago, with a motto bearing the city's greeting; Chicago rising from the ruins of 1871; Fort Dearborn; the silver falls; and the naval battle. A great balloon arose in the air, and upon reaching an altitude of 500 feet a large United States flag was fired to burn until it disappeared over the site of Fort Dear- born. CHAPTER XXXIV. GENERAL REVIEW BUSINESS CONDITIONS NOTABLE CITY IMPROVE- MENTS IN 1904 — ^FINANCIAL AND TRADE CONDI- TIONS — LIVE STOCK BUSINESS GRAIN TRADE BOARD OF TRADE AFFAIRS — INSURANCE BUSI- NESS THEATRICAL MATTERS THE NEW CITY CHARTER QUESTION PRACTICAL UNANIMITY ON THE SUBJECT IN THE STATE LEGISLATURE RESULTS ANTICIPATED IN ANOTHER YEAR. Chicago is naturally progressive, and each year sees advancement in all branches of indus- try, commerce, municipal government, manu- factures and the various lines of business, as well as in art, literature and the drama. The city's growth has been more marked within the past twO' or three years than during any similar period, unless it be that immediately follow- ing the great fire of 1871. City Improvements. — The most notable fea- ture, perhaps, during the past three years is the advance in building operations in and about Chicago. These show an increase for 1904 of $10,957,315, or 32.56 per cent over that of 1903, and, with the exception of 1902, exceed- ing by a wide margin the figures for any year since the boom of 1892. In the marvelous upbuilding of Chicago since 1871 there has never been anything approaching in number, massiveness and beauty the structures in process of erection and completed in the busi- ness district during 1904. In this category the following are the more important buildings: First National Bank Building, at a cost of $3,500,000; Railway Exchange, $2,000,000; Hey- worth Building, $1,200,000; Northwestern Rail- way Office Building, $1,200,000; Majestic The- ater Building, $1,100,000; Strong Building, $1,000,000; Otis Building, $750,000; Rector Building, Orchestra Hall, $400,000; Fort Dear- born Annex, $350,000. The number and charac- ter of the flat buildings erected during the year exceeded by far anything in the previous his- tory of the city, the increase for the year 1904 being $7,309,300, or a little over one hundred per cent. Permits issued by the Building De- partment showed the total cost of construction as being $45,202,340, as compared with $33,645,- 025 in 1903— an increase of $11,557,315, or 34.35 per cent. The number of buildings authorized during 1904 was 7,132, covering 202,524 feet of frontage. The total transfers of real estate in Cook County for 1904 show a valuation of $112,575,637, as against $119,739,645 for 1903. There were two main causes for the exten- sive building operations of the year, one being conditions from a material and labor point of view, which were more than ordinarily favor- able; the other based upon the fact that even fairly well improved property in desirable local- ities has been, and is, earning handsome returns on the capital invested. There was a decrease in the arhount of residence construction, the total cost of the permits granted in this depart- ment aggregating $2,415,000, indicating a fall- ing off of $1,293,300 from 1903, when the total was $3,709,000. Neither was the factory and warehouse construction quite up to the mark of the previous year, the total cost being $4,646,500, as against $5,229,300 for 1903. Financial Conditions.— The financial condi- tions in Chicago were wholesome throughout the year, and in no quarter of activity was there over-speculation. The banks adhered to the policy of prudence, and the money market ruled higher than that of New York, rates of interest being seldom below 4 per cent. Among the banks the growth in deposits was relatively and actually larger with the State than with the National institutions. The former had an increase of over $60,000,000, or 25.7 per cent, in deposits, while the National Banks increased $37,755,182, or 14.4 per cent. The total deposits with State and National institutions were $593,- 397,155— a gain of $97,787,318, or 19.7 per cent. Against this increase in deposits there was an expansion in loans of only $22,357,172, or 6.7 per cent. Savings deposits increased over $14,000,000, or 12.9 per cent. On the Stock Exchange the business in bonds showed an increase of over 67 per cent compared with that of the previous year. The total, however, was 766 HISTORICAL EI^CYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. the smallest since 1896, withi the exception of 1903. In stocks the volume was 14.4 per cent larger than that of 1903, but was still behind any other year subsequent to 1897. The street railway situation was but little changed, there being no marked activity in the shares of the surface roads. Less than 20,000 shares of West Chicago Street Railroad stock were traded in, and North Chicago fell below 10,000 shares Chicago City Railway was bought to the extent of approximately 11,000 shares. The bonds of the North and West side companies were rela- tively as little traded in as the stock issued, due, no doubt, to the unsettled problems con- nected with the renewal of the expiring charters. TR.iDE CoxDiTioxs. — lu the most important lines of wholesale trade the year 1904 showed a record of steady and helpful expansion, in spite of some adverse circumstances. The value remained above the billion dollar mark, there being a substantial gain over the rec- ord-breaking figures in 1903 of $1,050,000,000. In the wholesale dry-goods trade the early months of the year compare farorably with those of 1903, a fair gain generally being reported. During the summer there was considerable lethargy, August and Septem- ber, the months for market buying, being only fairly satisfactory. A decided change was noticeable, however, as soon as fall business at retail began, indicating confidence and financial strength throughout the country at large. Wholesale trade improved correspondingly, and for the last quarter of the year good business was recorded. In regard to the wool situation some of the fine foreign wools advanced 20 cents per pound. Taking 1904 in the strictly dry-goods business, the volume of trade possi- bly exceeded that of 1903 by only a small mar- gin. Taking into account the Increase of fancy goods allied to dry-goods, it is calculated there was an increase of 5 per cent. In wholesale groceries the volume of business for 1904 was satisfactory, showing an increase over 1903 of possibly 5 per cent. In dairy, farm and garden I)rofluce 1904 was, on the whole, a good year, and in many of the staple lines it was one of th*- most satisfactory In a long period. It was marked by a healthy volume of trade, demands moHt of the time being sufflclent to maintain gooer 100 pounds than in 1903. In July the strike cut the supply nearly in two, and prices grad- ually crept up until values were 60 to 80 cents higher than the lowest point in May. Receipts continued small during the next three months, and though packers resisted the advance, values increased steadily and reached the high point in September, when heavy hogs sold at $4-50 to $6.30 per hundred, light at $5.15 to $6.30, and medium at $4.85 to $6.3714. It was at this time that the packers commenced their bear cam- paign in a strenuous endeavor to reduce prices before the opening of the winter packing sea- son. Their hammering tactics proved effective and the market steadily weakened. Receipts were so light in October that they were not able to make much headway, but in November, when supplies increased rather surprisingly, the de- cline was rapid, and by the first of December there had been a decrease of 50 cents on the low end and $1.70 on the top end of the market from the high notch in September. Over 4,500,000 sheep and lambs were received and disposed of at prices which were entirely satis- factory to flock masters. The year's contribu- tion was within a few thousand of the record- breaking run of 1903. Receipts were well dis- tributed throughout the year. At the opening of the year native sheep were selling at $1.75 to $4.75, mostly at $4.00 to $4.50. A strong export demand added interest to the trade, and was responsible to a large extent for the high standard of prices which prevailed during the spring months. Lamb trade was good and fol- lowed closely the trend of sheep values. There was a healthy increase over 1903 in Chicago's horse trade. While total receipts for the year fell about 13,000 below the record of 118,754 established in 1898, they showed an in- crease of 500,500 over 1903. It was found that prices were about the highest in the history of the trade since a market was established here. The average price per head in 1903 was $132.50. In 1904 $135 was the average price, which placed the valuation of the yecr's receipts at $14,295,690, against $13,455,651 in 1903. With the exception of export trade, demand was good throughout the year. The record price was $660 for a pair of choice drafters. Grain Trade. — With regard to grain the Chi- cago Board of Trade, the greatest grain and provision exchange of the world, is the market to which the surplus produce of the rich farm- ing lands of Illinois, Iowa and other Western States are brought for distribution to all parts of this country and to Europe. Not only are hundreds of millions of bushels of grain brought here annually, but because of the pre- eminence of Chicago as a speculative market, none other in the world approaching it in the aggregate volume of trade in all commodities. Millions of bushels of grain, bought in all parts of the country at harvest time and throughout the year, are hedged against by sales for future delivery in the various pits of the local ex- change. For years Chicago was the nal!!onal gateway for the distribution of the surplus food products of the West to Eastern and foreign consumers, its grain reached a capacity of 60,000,000 bushels, and its unapproached pre- eminence in the grain trade was unquestioned and easily maintained. It is still preeminent, but altered conditions make it necessary at times for Chicago grain-dealers to fight for what used to come to them naturally. The decadence of the Chicago harbor, because of the tunnels under the Chicago River, which make it impossible for modern lake vessels of deep draft to reach the immense elevators which dot its banks, has developed other grain markets and diverted a large part of the grain traffic of the lakes to northern ports. Only small vessels carrying small cargoes can go up the river; it costs more to handle grain in small lots, and in these days of keen competition fractions of a cent count heavily. More than that, the older and smaller boats are constantly wearing out and their number lessening, being 768 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. always replaced by larger vessels. The growth of the cattle and hog-feeding industry in the West has kept a large share of the corn crop in the section where it is raised, increased domestic consumption largely and brought about a higher range of prices, thereby limiting the export demand. The development of the gulf ports and favoring railroad rates have diverted in that direction western grain which, in former years, would have gone through Chi- cago to the eastern seaboard for transhipment to European buyers. Railroad discrimination against Chicago in favor of other Western mar- kets, which made forward strides with the growth of the country, is an evil the Board of Trade has set itself seriously to combat within the last year. It has established a freight bureau, which has already achieved good results in preventing discriminations against this mar- ket. For several years the purely speculative department of trade on the exchange has suf- fered to the benefit of other markets, because the Board, with a high sense of business ethics, put a stop to trading in "puts" and "calls,' which was in violation of a statute of the State, although no State officials seemed disposed to enforce it. Either because of a change in Gov- ernment methods of estimating crops, or from an increase in the consumption of cereal foods out of proportion to the natural increase in population, or to both, the last two wheat crops have been more nearly exhausted than in previ- ous years. Whereas, from a crop of 522,000,000 bushels in 1900, 216,000,000 bushels were ex- ported, from a crop of 637,000,000 bushels in 1903 only 120,000,000 bushels were exported, and the close of the crop year, July 30, 1904, found stocks reduced to an abnormally low level, there being only 14,000,000 bushels in the visible supply, against 30,000,000 bushels on June 30, 1901. Stocks were so low, particularly of choice milling wheat, that high prices pre- vailed for cash wheat, the range on June 30 being 88 cents to |1.00. During 1904 receipts of corn were 102,000,000 bushels, distributed from here by lake and rail to Eastern and for- eign consumers. The local receipts were more than twice the total exports of the country for the year. The increasing demand for corn for Htock-feeding and for various industries kept pace with the marketings throughout the year, and high pricoR prevailed. The lowest price of No. 2 corn wag 42% cents, which was touched In January, and from that the price went to 581/4 cents in November. The 1904 crop had a late start, and at first had an apparently poor prospect, as it suffered from unseasonable weather at various periods, and seemed in danger of widespread damage by early frost. But an exceptionally late and favorable fall permitted the maturing of the entire crop, and, accord- ing to the final Government report, the yield reached 2,467,000,000 bushels, the finest in qual- ity ever raised, and the second largest in the number of bushels. With high prices prevail- ing, the new crop began to move early, and dur- ing November and December there was a rush to market to catch the high cash premium pre- vailing. High prices prevailed for oats during eight months of the year, as supplies, espe- cially those of good quality, were short, the 1903 crop having been small and of medium quality. There was little attempt at manipu- lation, but May oats sold as high as 46% cents per bushel and no lower than Seyg cents. July oats sold as high as 42% cents. Even after it became reasonably certain a bumper crop had been raised of exceptionally good quality, the final Government figures, fixing the 1904 yield at 895,000,000 bushels, prices yielded slowly, owing to speculative belief in the theory that farmers, having been used to high prices, would market slowly. But the early movement of the new crop was heavy, continuing until stocks of nearly 25,000,000 bushels had been piled up in the visible supply, a record-breaking total. The total receipts for the calendar year in this market were 73,000,000 bushels. The year's provision trade was uneventful speculatively. The best bulge came in Feb- ruary, following the outbreak of the war be- tween Japan and Russia. At that time May pork sold to $16.67%, but prices yielded because of declines in grains, good corn prospects, and, finally, a liberal movement of hogs, which sold under $4.50 per hundred and could be cut at a good profit. Prices generally were lower than the year before and speculation was spasmodic and never heavy. Stocks, as usual, increased liberally in the fall, and prices at the end of the year were not buoyant. There was a fair increase in the number of smaller independent packing concerns in the West, and Western packers showed a general disposition to market their product in Chicago. Board of Tuade. — The financial condition of the Board of Trade at the end of the year was gratifying, there being a good surplus on hand, HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 769 putting the association on a sound basis. The membership was 1,786 and annual dues remained at $50.00, with an additional special assessment of $25.00 to retire memberships should they fall to $3,000 or under. The year was a record one in the number of expulsions, six members having lost their standing on the Exchange for uncommercial conduct, while only one was expelled in 1903, and three in 1902. The bonded indebtedness of the Board is $1,240,- 000 in 4 per cent bonds. Memberships held well over $3,000 the greater part of the year, open- ing at $3,050 and reaching the high point in March, when a sale was recorded at $3,925. The low point came in May, when there was a sale at $2,950. At no time did the price come within $300 of the low point in 1903, and the high price was $200 over the high price of the pre- vious year, but $425 under the best price of 1902. At the close of the year the price was $3,150. Insurance Business. — In the line of insur- ance the year opened for the Chicago Under- writers' Association by all members renewing their pledges of allegiance to the rules. This had the effect of reducing violations. The numerous Lloyds institutions that operated from Chicago nearly all failed or stopped busi- ness. The loss in ratio in Chicago for 1904 was about 55 per cent. The attempt to reduce rates in the city was thwarted by the Baltimore fire. Life insurance companies closed the year with gains in every direction. The large com- panies showed unprecedented records, while the small and medium companies made conserva- tive advances. Casualty and miscellaneous com- panies started a movement to organize a national board of casualty underwriters, which is intended to include all classes of companies other than fire and life. Theatrical Affairs. — The theatrical year of 1904, so far as Chicago was concerned, was only about ten months long. It can scarcely be said to have begun until the end of February, and the weeks that preceded the time of commencement were weeks of gloom and worriment for all concerned. The new year found every playhouse in the city closed, and it looked for a time as though the terrible disaster at the Iroquois Theater in the closing days of 1903 was destined to put an end to the theatrical activities of Chicago. But these weeks of silence and darkness saw undertaken a series of costly but desirable changes in the playhouses of the city, and 1904 ended bril- liantly, leaving a supply of some twenty-five theaters, which are now about as safe as the most critical and detailed devising fire-fighting authority can make them, and about as com- fortable for play-goer and player as can be found in the entire United States. The year, which began in gloom and darkness, ended in bright conditions and smiling prosperity. The New Charter Question. — One of the most important events in the history of Chi- cago took place November 8, 1904, when an amendment to the Constitution of 1870 was adopted by vote of the people of Illinois. This gave the General Assembly of the State the power to provide "A complete system of local government in and for the city of Chicago." In a comprehensive article published in "The World Today," Francis W. Parker says, in part: "The people were led to believe that a new 'scheme or charter of local municipal govern- ment for Chicago,' and not merely one or two little remedial laws, would follow their adop- tion of the amendment. Doubtless they will demand fundamental and extensive changes. The situation is singularly pro- pitious for a great forward movement in municipal government. The city's resources are unimpaired. The total bonded indebtedness of all local municipal corporations is approxi- mately $50,000,000, and this amount is abun- dantly covered by the profitable water-works; the vast property, including water-power, of the Drainage Canal; the school, park and library property, and the public buildings. Taxes are low. Population and wealth are steadily in- creasing. Many sources of revenue elsewhere worked are here untried. The State is without debt and has an overfiowing treasury. National taxation is practically imperceptible. The level surface of the city is broken only by the river, and hence the parks, boulevards, elevated and surface railways, and exterior steam railways can be easily developed as spokes and rims of a series of great wheels of which the heart of Chicago will be the hub. The water and sewer problems seem definitely settled on broad lines, good for decades to come, needing only such developments as are now under way or may be required. The schools, universities and libra- ries, public and private, are founded and en- dowed on a scale probably unsurpassed, if equaled, by any other large city in the United States. The essential conditions of a truly great 770 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. city are, therefore, present, and no natural obstacle seems to interfere with the city's growth. Mr. Parker discusses various other questions in connection with the new charter issue in a conservative manner, including the number of members of the City Council and the salaries of the same. As to tJie former, he favors a liberal representation in numbers, supporting his view by comparison with the larger and best governed cities of England. With refer- ence to the latter question, he argues that the present salary of $1,500 per annum paid to the meml)ers of the City Council should not be changed. He favors, however, the creation of a new and more stately building for the use of the City Government — one which will furnish a substantial and permanent home for the municipal authorities and which, In architec- tural style and beauty, will be in accord with the wealth and population of the city. The urgency of the latter proposition has been strikingly illustrated by the evidences of decay which have been manifest about the present City Hall within the last few months. The subject of a new charter is pending before the Legislature at the present time, the manner in which it has been taken up in that body indicating practical unanimity among both the city and country members as to the neces- sity for such a measure. While there will undoubtedly be differences of opinion among the members in reference to some of the minor details, there is reason to believe that these will be harmoniously adjusted, and that, by the beginning of another year, the city of Chicago will have been brought under the operation of an organic law suitable to its growing wealth and population and to the constantly increasing importance of the measures with which, as a municipality, it has to deal. CHAPTER XXXV. CEMETERIES. EAItl-Y CHICAGO malnH of the dead has l)efn a cliaractoristic of all civilized nations from the earliest times, and many of the honored burial places in this country will compare favorably, in respect to location and adornment, with the finest and most noted of those in the old world. In the early days of Chicago, there was no particular spot set apart for burial purposes, each interment being made at or near the resi- dence of the deceased or that of some relative. Those dying within the stockade of Fort Dear- born, where a majority of the inhabitants of the settlement lived, were laid to rest just across the line running east of the Kinzie residence. Those who died with cholera in 1832, found a common burial place on a lot near the north- east corner of Lake Street and Wabash Avenue. It was not until 1835, when the "Town of Chicago" numbered 3,300 inhabitants, that the people began to feel the need of a public bury- ing ground. Two lots were selected, one on the South Side near what is now Twenty-third Street and the lake shore, containing sixteen acres, and the other on the North Side, near Chicago Avenue and east of Clark Street, con- taining ten acres. As soon as these grounds were platted and dedicated, interments were prohibited elsewhere within the limits of the "Town." In 1840 the city became the owner of 120 acres of ground in Section 33, Township 40, Range 14, on the lake, the southern sixty acres of which were laid out and used as the "Chicago City Cemetery." The South Side grounds, at Twenty-third Street, having ceased to be used as a cemetery after 1842, the bodies interred there were subsequently transferred to the "City Cemetery," as were also those buried in the North Side Cemetery, near Chicago Avenue. The City Cemetery was then one and a half miles from town, and supposed to be sufficiently remote for the purpose desired. But in 1858 the growing city had nearly reached it, and Dr. John H. Ranch, a member of the Board of Health, in a paper read before the Chicago His- torical Society that year (1858), on the subject of intramural interments, used this language: "Let immediate steps be taken to prevent all further interments within the corporate limits, and, as soon as practicable, let arrange- ments be made for the gradual removal of the remains of those already interred (in the Chicago Cemetery), with the ultimate view of (•onvortiiiK llies(r grounds into a public HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 771 park, which shall contribute to the health, pleasure and credit of our city." A petition signed by a number of the influen- tial citizens of Chicago was presented to the Common Council, and the Council in May, 1859, ordered that the sale of burial lots in said grounds should cease; and, on February 15, 1860, arrangement was made providing for the interment of such bodies as the city might direct in Rose Hill Cemetery. This arrange- ment, however, was not carried out, and it was not until 1864 that an ordinance was passed prohibiting any further burials in the Chicago Cemetery. Provision was made for the removal of the bodies to Rose Hill, Graceland, Calvary and other cemeteries, and the land was set apart for a public park, to which the name "Lincoln" was given in honor of the great War President, who had but recently won his crown of martyrdom. In view of the possibility of this action being taken, and the rapidly growing necessities of the city, which by this time numbered 100,000 people, several leading citizens, in connection with a committee of the Common Council, were appointed for the purpose of selecting a suit- able site for a new cemetery. After a careful survey and topographical reconnoisance of the vicinity of Chicago, they selected the grounds which afterwards became, and still are, known as "Rose Hill Cemetery." The land is a gravelly, undulating ridge from thirty to forty feet above Lake Michigan, partly covered with a native growth of trees of several varieties, and being sufficiently above the surrounding prairie to protect the lots from encroachment by water at all times. It is located seven miles north of the City Hall and includes five hundred acres of land, of which three hundred acres are platted and improved. The company was chartered February 11, 1859, and the grounds dedicated with formal ceremonies, in the presence of eight thousand spectators, on July 28, 1859. The corner-stone of the chapel was laid with Masonic rites, and an address delivered by Dr. H. A. Johnson, representing the Grand Master of the State. The dedicating oration was delivered by Dr. J. V. Z. Blaney, the first President of the Board of Managers. Rose Hill, thus auspiciously inaugurated, is not only the oldest and largest "City of the Dead" in the vicinity of Chicago, but one of the most beautiful and highly improved. The en- trance is built of solid stone masonry artistic in design, and makes an imposing appearance. The last resting places of not a few of Chi- cago's eminent citizens, during the past, may be found here. The cemetery has its own water- system, derived from an artesian well 2,278 feet in depth, which yields a steady and constant flow of clear, pure water, affording a suflScient supply for ordinary purposes. Besides this, there is a connection with the city water sys- tem by means of a large supply pipe. There are three large lakes in the cemetery, many beautiful and costly monuments and vaults, well-kept lots and shrubbery, and exten- sive greenhouses for the supply of flowers. A new chapel and crypt, in connection with a receiving vault, was erected in 1900. It is the intention of the company to continue the im- provements and beautifying of the cemetery until Rose Hill shall become the most beautiful cemetery in the world. Ten per cent of the proceeds of the sale of lots is reserved as a fund for the perpetual care of the cemetery grounds. This fund now amounts to over $100,000, and is rapidly increas- ing. The interments in Rose Hill up to Jan- uary, 1905, have numbered nearly 100,000. The officers of the Cemetery Association are: Henry L. Pitcher, President; A. W. Vercoe, Secretary; W. S. Freeman, Treasurer. Board of Managers: H. L. Pitcher, Joseph Hutchinson, Clancy J. Dempster, W. S. Free- man, K. V. R. Lansing, Edwin Burritt Smith, Robert F. Pettibone. Superintendent in charge of Greenhouses and Cemetery Grounds, Thomas Wallis; Lot Salesman, Walter Chadband. CHAPTER XXXVI. TOWNSHIP HISTORY. COOK COUNTY FIRST DIVIDED INTO PRECINCTS TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION IN 1850 SUCCESSIVE REORGANIZATIONS AND PRESENT LIST OF TOWN- SHIPS POPULATION BY TOWNSHIPS IN 1900 INDIVIDUAL HISTORY OF TOWNSHIPS OUTSIDE THE CITY OF CHICAGO. The first step in the creation of iwlitical divisions within the territory embraced in 772 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Cook County after its organization in 1831, was the division of the county (for voting purposes) into precincts, of which there were three at the time of the first election in March, 1831 — the county then embracing, in addition to its present area, the counties of Lake, McHenry, DuPage and Will. For the next nine- teen years county affairs were managed by a Board of three County Commissioners chosen by a general vote. In 1840, Cook County, hav- ing been reduced to its present limits, con- tained fourteen precincts, but in 1845 the num- ber was increased to sixteen. In April, 1850, the county was organized into townships (twenty-seven in number) under an act of the Legislature adopted during the previous year in accordance with the Constitution of 1848, and the first Board of Township Supervisors and other town ofl5cers were elected. Under this division the city of Chicago (then consist- ing of nine wards) constituted one township, the other twenty-six townships being outside the city limits. Of the twenty-six rural town- ships, two were known, respectively, as South Chicago and East and West Chicago. The number of townships in the county in 1860 was twenty-nine, of which Chicago (then con- taining ten wards) constituted one township by the same name, while South and West Chi- cago, having been divided, constituted two sepa- rate townships under their respective names, but still outside the city limits. In 1870, by extended reorganizations, the county embraced thirty-three townships, of which thirty were outside the city of Chicago, — which was then divided for township purposes, into three town- ships, viz.: South Chicago, North Chicago and West Chicago. The same division as to town- ship organization continued until March 25, 1901, when the township of Stickney was orga- nized by act of the Board of County Commis- sioners, out of the eastern part of Lyons Town- ship. On November 13, 1901, another change came in the organization by the County Board of three townships out of the portions of Cicero Township still outside the city of Chicago. These were named, respectively, Cicero, Berwyn and Oak Park, each having boundaries identi- cal with the villages of the same names. The whole number of townships in the county at the prespnt time (1904), therefore, is thlrty- hIx, of which sevon (North Chicago, South Chi- cago and WfHl f'hifago. Hyde Park, l>ake, Lake Vlfw and .I^'fTfrson ) are wholly, and five more (Calumet, Evanston, Maine, Niles and Nor- wood Park) are partly, within the limits of the city of Chicago. Below will be found the population of the county by minor divisions, as shown by the census of 1900 — Stickney Township then constituting a part of Lyons, and Berwyn and Oak Park part of Cicero Town- ship. City of Chicago (including the towns of North Chicago, South Chicago, West Chicago, Hyde Park, Lake, Lake View, and Jefferson, and parts of Calumet, Cicero, EVanston, Maine, Niles and Norwood Park) 1,698,575 Barrington Township 1,814 Berwyn Township, included in Cicero Township Bloom Township 7,120 Bremen Township 1,881 Calumet Township, portion outside of City of Chicago 6,162 Cicero Township (including Oak Park and Berwyn) 16,310 Elk Grove Township 1,208 Evanston Township 18,721 Hanover Township 1,657 Lemont Township 4,441 Leyden Township 2,270 Lyons Township (including Stickney Township) 8,350 Maine Township, portion outside city of Chicago 5,161 New Trier Township 7,299 Niles Township, portion outside of Chicago 4,030 Northfield Township 2,323 Norwood Park Township 3,447 Oak Park Township, included in Cicero Township Orland Township 1,296 Palatine Township 2,074 Palos Township 1,074 Proviso Township 15,498 Rich Township 1,421 Riverside Township 1,652 Schaumburg Township 1,003 Stickney Township, included in Lyons Township Thornton Township 14,933 Wheeling Township 2,984 Worl li Township 6,031 Total for Cook County 1,838,735 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 773 While the affairs of the county are controlled by a Board of fifteen Commissioners (ten for the city of Chicago and five for the outlying townships) , elected by general vote for a period of two years, the internal affairs of each town- ship are under the direction of the same class of officers — viz.: a Supervisor, Town Clerk, Assessor, and Collector — as in other counties under township organization, except as to the city of Chicago, where, under the provisions of an act, approved May 11, 1901, the powers vested in Town Officers are exercised by the City Council. (The history of the townships embraced within the city of Chicago has already been treated with sufficient detail in connection with the history of Chicago. The history of the outlying townships is given separately in the following pages.) HARRINGTON TOWNSHIP. Harrington Township occupies an entire con- gressional township (42 North, Range 9 East) is the extreme northwestern township of Cook County, bounded on the north by Lake County, east by the town of Palatine, south by Schaum- burg and Hanover and west by Kane County. The surface of the country is generally rolling and somewhat elevated, the soil being a rich prairie loam. About one-fourth of the area was originally covered with timber, the rest being prairie. Settlers began to locate here about 1834, the first to arrive being Jesse F. Miller, and William Van Ersdal, who came during that year. The first frame house in the township was erected by L. W. Kingsley in 1841. The town- ship of Barrington was formally organized in April, 1850, under the general law passed by the Legislature during the previous year. A number of the early settlers having emigrated from the vicinity of Great Barrington, gave the name Barrington to their new home. The town had its present dimensions from the start. and in these there have been no changes to the present time. Barrington, the only incorporated village in Barrington Township, on the Wisconsin Divis- ion of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, is located in the extreme northeastern corner of the township, part of the village being in Lake County. A postoffice was established near here on the Lake County side in 1853, but in 1855 was removed to Barrington, with John Porter as Postmaster. The village was laid out by Robert Campbell in 1854, and the rail- road having been built through it, the depot was located here a few months afterwards. The first house in the town was built by Eben Conant about 1850, and for a number of years this was the only house in the place. The first step towards incorporation was taken in 1863, and two years later the village was incorpo- rated by special act of the Legislature, having a population at that time of about 300. In 1872 the village government was reincorporated under the general act for the incorporation of towns, cities and villages. Barrington has a good school system with modern buildings, and the principal religious denominations are repre- sented in good church edifices. There is also a post of the Grand Army of the Republic and a lodge of A. F. & A. M. here. The population of Barrington Township in 1900 was 1,814, of which 770 was in Barrington village. A portion of the village lying in Cuba Township, Lake County, increases the totaj population to 1,162. BLOOM TOWNSHIP. Bloom Township, in the southeast corner of Cook County, comprises the whole of Town 35 N., R. 14 E., with a strip two miles wide by six long (twelve sections) in Town 35 N., 15 E. Its entire area, therefore, is equal to one and one-third congressional townships. The town- ship is bounded on the north by Thornton Township, east by Lake County, Ind., south by Will County and west by Rich Township. Pre- vious to its organization with its present boun- daries in April, 1850, it composed a part of Thornton Precinct. It is crossed by several small tributaries of the Calumet which, while affording ample natural drainage, in its origi- nal state presented a pleasing prospect of vary- ing surface diversified by alternating woods and prairie land. During the past generation this has been changed into cultivated farms, while a number of villages have sprung up in different parts of the township. The township is touched on its northeastern corner by the Chicago & Grand Trunk and the Pittsburg & Fort Wayne Railroads, and at the northwest corner by the Illinois Central, while the Chi- cago & Eastern Illinois passes through the cen- ter section from north to south and the Joliet 774 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. Division of the Michigan Central from east to west, two miles from the southern boundary. Chicago Heights, originally named Thorn- ton Grove and still later known as Bloom vil- lage, is one of the largest villages in the south- ern part of Cook County, being credited in 1900 with a population of 5,100. It is situated at the junction of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois and the Joliet Division of the Michigan Central Railroad, twenty-six and a half miles south of the central part of the city of Chicago. The first white settlers in this locality were mem- bers of the Wells family who came in the spring of 1833, but removed west with the Indians about 1836. Other early settlers were Samuel Sloam and Morris Murphy, who came in 1835, the latter establishing the first store at Bloom. Benjamin Butterfield, who came from New York State to Lockport, Will County, in 1831, removed to Bloom in 1834, and was one of the first Justices of the Peace in Thornton Precinct. Adam Brown came soon after the Wells family, already mentioned, and built a cabin at the intersection of the Vincennes and the Sac Trail Roads. In 1840 Mr. Brown is said to have planted an orchard and built the first frame barn in that section. According to Andreas' History of Cook County, a number of new arrivals took place in 1836, including Timothy Smith from Indiana, James Bell from Ken- tucky, John Hume from Michigan, besides John and Robert Wallace, John McEldowney, Sr., and family, John Call, Caleb Sweet, John McCoy and others. The name of the village was changed in 1849 from Thorn to Bloom — the English spelling for Bluhm — in deference to the wishes of the German settlers in honor of Robert Bluhm, the patriot who was exe- cuted at Vienna in 1848. The first plat of the village of Bloom was made in 1863. The growth of Chicago Heights, the name by which the locality is now known, has taken place almost entirely within the last ten years. Glenwood, a station three miles north of Chicago Heights, on the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad, was originally known as Hickory Bend. This locality was settled about 1846, and the vjliage was laid out by Job Camp- l)ell and Florls Young In 1871. A postofllce was e«tabll8hed here the same year. A village and railway station named Steger, on the Chicago & EJastern Illinois Railroad, two miles south of Chicago Helght.a, is situated on the southern border of the township, one- half being in Will County and the other half being in Bloom Township. The population of the portion of the village in Bloom Township, in 1900 was 357. The population of Bloom Township in 1890 was 1,514, against 7,120 in 1900, — the growth in the intervening ten years being due almost entirely to the development of Chicago Heights village. BREMEN TOWNSHIP. Bremen Township embracing the area origi- nally included in Town 36 North, Range 13 East, was organized with its present dimensions in April, 1850, having at that time a population of 250. Previous to this date it was included with Worth, Orland, Palos and Lemont Town- ships in York Precinct. As now constituted it is bounded on the north by Worth Township, east by Thornton, south by Rich and west by Orland. The surface is diversified, consisting of undulating prairie alternated with groves of timber, the soil being a rich loam, character- istic of the Calumet River region. Among the early settlers were the Barton, Noble, Newman and Crandall families, although the exact date of their arrival is not known. John F. Coyne came in 1842, and located on a farm in the vicinity of Bremen village in the southwest quarter of the township. His son, John Coyne, Jr., was the first Postmaster in that section, and afterwards served many years as Town Clerk. Dr. Ballard, also an early set- tler, was the first physician in this part of the country, opened the first store in Bremen vil- lage, and later was Postmaster there. A Mr. Cooper, who came here in the thirties, is believed to have erected the first cabin in the township in the edge of what was known as Cooper's Grove, a mile or so northeast of Bre- men village. (This was on the line of the road from Chicago to Joliet, and was known before the days of the railroads as the "Old Stage House.") The first house in Bremen village was built by a Mr. Swan abont 1842. Another early settler in this locality was Thomas Hitt, who came from Rochester, N. Y., and is said to have planted the first fruit orchard in that section. The first religious meetings in the settlement were held by the Methoeen the first settler in the township, although there is some doubt as to the exact time of his arrival, this having been placed by different writers at 1834 and 1836. Thomas Allison, who had come to Chicago in 1832, removed to Northfield in 1837. John Stryker came in 1835, and there were a number of arrivals during the next HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 789 year. Dr. John and Levi Kennicott came at an early day, the former being the first physician in this section. The Kennicotts also estab- lished the earliest nursery in this part of Illi- nois. Silas W. Sherman and his son, Joel S., who had come to Chicago in 1833, located in Northfield Township, near Shermer Station, in 1838. Hiram, William and Orestin Shephard were settlers in the same locality in 1839. Northfield is one of the original townships of Cook County, having been organized with its present boundaries in 1850, with a population of 1,013, at that time the third township in point of population in the county, being exceeded only by townships now within the limits of the city of Chicago. There are no considerable villages in the township, the dis- trict being purely agricultural. Oak Glen and Shermer are suburban stations on the line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, while West Northfield is a postoflSce in the southwestern part of the township and North Northfield in the northwest comer. The pres- ent population of the township (census 1900) is 2,323. NORWOOD PARK TOWNSHIP. Norwood Park, originally containing about nine square miles of territory, of which about one-half belonged to Town 40 North, Range 13 East, and the other half to Town 40 North, Range 12 East, was organized in 1872 from ter- ritory taken from Leyden and Jefferson Town- ships, with a small section from the southwest corner of Niles Township and a smaller divi- sion from the southeast corner of Maine. In 1893 a strip covering about two square miles at the northern end of the township in the northeast corner of this area, was annexed to the city of Chicago, leaving the present dimen- sions of the township a little over seven square miles, bounded partly on three sides by the city, and west by Leyden Township. The first house built in the original portion of the park was that of Mark Noble, Sr. In 1834 Phineas Sherman moved to this section from a claim he had occupied on the Des Plaines River. Other early settlers in the locality were Henry Smith and his sons, Marcellus, Gustavus V. and Israel G. ; Ephraim Payne, Ezra Alger, John Pennoyer and two sons. George Dunlap, who was an orig- inal settler in Norwood Park village, now a part of the city of Chicago, was a leading fac- tor in securing the organization of the original Norwood Park Township, first called Norwood from Henry Ward Beecher's novel of that name. The village was situated on the Wisconsin Division of the Chicago & Northwestern Rail- road, eleven miles in a northwesterly direction from the terminal station in the city of Chi- cago. The Cook County Poor Farm and Insane Asylum are located on Section 18 in the south- ern part of Norwood Park, now known as Dun- ning, and reached by a branch of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad. The popula- tion of the township in 1900 was 3,447. There are no incorporated villages in the township. ORLAND TOWNSHIP. Orland Township, situated in the southwest part of Cook County, consisting of an entire congressional township (36 N., R. 12 E.), is bounded on the north by Palos Township, east by Bremen, and south and west by Frankfort and Homer Townships in Will County. The early settlers were Henry Taylor, who came about 1834-35, and Thomas Hardy who arrived in 1836. William and Ichabod Myrick and Syd- ney S. Campbell came in 1844, and George H. Newman in 1845. The township was organized April 2, 1850, with its present limits, previous to that date constituting a part of York Pre- cinct, which was made up of the towns of Bremen, Worth, Palos, Lemont and Orland. The township is traversed from the northern border to the southwest corner by the Wabash Railroad, while the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Road passes through the southeast corner. The only incorporated village in the township is Orland Park, although there are several postoffices including Alpine and East Orland. The region is chiefly agricultural. The total population of the township in 1900 was 1,296 of which 366 was in Orland Park village. PALATINE TOWNSHIP. Palatine Township, one of the northern tier of townships in Cook County, is an agricultural district embracing a government township (42 N., R. 10 E.), bounded on the north by Lake County, east by Wheeling Township, south by Schaumburg and west by Barrington. The surface is somewhat elevated and gently undu- lating prairie, with a rich soil. It is drained 79° HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. by Salt Creek, a branch of the Des Plaines River, which enters that stream from the west. At an early date there were several notable groves in the township, including Deer Grove, Frye's Grove, Englishman's Grove, Highland Grove and Plum Grove — the latter being the location of a historic Indian burying ground to which the Indians made annual visits for many years. Settlement in this township began about 1836, among those who arrived that year being George Ela, Orrin Ford, A. H. McClure, Asa Dunton, Asahel Harris and Russel Andrus. Palatine Township was organized April 2, 1850, with its present dimensions. One of the early Supervisors was Thomas Bradwell, the father of Judge James B. Bradwell of Chicago. The only incorporated village in Palatine Township is Palatine, on the line of the Wis- consin Division of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, twenty-six miles from the Chicago terminal station. There were four houses on the site of the village when the railroad reached there in 1853, and a depot was built there in 1855. The first postoffice in the vicin- ity was first located at Elk Grove, but on the location of a station at Palatine, it was removed to that place. The first step for the organiza- tion of a village government was in 1866, but in 1869 the town was incorporated by special act of the Legislature. The population of the township, according to the census of 1900, was 2,074, of which 1,000, or nearly one-half, was in the village of Pala- tine. PALOS TOWNSHIP. Pales Township, embracing the whole of Town 37 North, Range 12 East, except Sections 5 and 6 in the northwest corner of the town, is bounded on the north by Lyons, on the east by Worth, on the south by Orland and west by Lemont Township and Downer's Grove in DuPage County. The northwestern corner is touched by the Illinois & Michigan Canal and the Chicago & Alton Railroad, while the Wabash Railroad passes through the south- western portion. There being no considerable village In the township, the district is almost wholly agricultural. The population of the townKhIp In 1900 was 1,074. The flrfit white people to settle within the present llmltH of Palos Township were the Pad- flork family, who localfil in the southern part of the township in 1834. Others who came about the same time were Schuyler Brown, Samuel Mahaffey, Robert Lucas, Richard McClaughrey, Uriah and Benjamin Wentworlh. M. A. Powell was the first Postmaster in the township, the office being known as Orange and later as Palos. He held the office over thirty- five years. The township was organized in 1850 under the name of Trenton, which was changed soon after the first election to Palos. The village of Willow Springs, originally in the northwest part of the township is now within Proviso Township. The township of Palos is interesting on account of the discovery, within its limits, of what bear evidence of being the remains of French or Indian fortifications. Andreas' "His- tory of Cook County," referring to this subject, says. "These ruins, which are situated on the farm of Theodore Lucas, some three miles southwest of Willow Springs, are yet so well preserved as to enable one to clearly trace their former extent and size. From their loca- tion on a rising piece of ground, and the area which they once evidently inclosed, the con- clusion is arrived at that they were of consid- erable importance and well designed in their construction for affording refuge and protection to a large number of persons. As to who built them, no one knows; but here is certainly a rich field for the antiquarian who delights to dig among such ancient ruins, in his efforts to bring to light the long hidden mysteries of an almost forgotten past. Thomas Kelly, a farmer living on Section 18, says that, in some researches he has made among these ruins not long since, he found a number of relics, among which was a curiously wrought powder-horn, evidently of an antique pattern, and having on its surface inscriptions in a language which he was unable to read." (For further informa- tion regarding these remains, see "Fortifica- tions, Prehistoric," Hist. Encyc. of III., Vol. I., p. 173.) PROVISO TOWNSHIP. Proviso Township, bounded on the north by Leyden Township, on the east by Oak Park, Berwyn and Riverside, south by Riverside and Lyons and west by DuPage County, is one of the middle tier of townships of Cook County lying west of the central i)a.rt of the city of HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 791 Chicago, and embraces an entire congressional township (39 N., R. 12 E.) except four sections in the sonthwestern corner, which constitute the town of Riverside. The surface is, for the most part, level prairie, with timber along the banks of the Des Plaines River, which traverses the central part of the township through its entire length from north to south, with Salt Creek as its principal tributary from the west. The first settler was Aaron Parsell, who located in the southwest part of the township near Salt Creek in 1832, and in 1833 George Bicker- dike and Mark Noble erected a saw-mill on the Des Plaines, a short distance north of the Chi- cago & Northwestern Railroad bridge. Theophi- lus W. Smith was, for a time, the owner of this mill and resided near it. A number of other set- tlers came between 1836 and 1840, some of the more prominent being Ashabel Steel (1836), Thomas Covell, John Bohlander, and J. S. Sack- ett, James Ostrander, Reuben Whaples and A. B. Kellogg (1837), John Walters (1838), Samuel Giles, Nathan Dodson, a Mr. Noyes, Henry Nes- enbrink, Peter Miner, S. Y. Bruce and E. W. Thomas (1840). The township was organized April 2, 1850, there being at that time a popu- lation of about 200. Stephen Pennoyer was the first Supervisor. In 1870 the town of Riverside was set off from the southwestern corner of Proviso Township, reducing the latter to its present limits. According to the census of 1900, Proviso Township was the third township in Cook County (excluding the city of Chicago) in point of population, a result due to the fact that several of the most prosperous suburban villages are located wholly, or in part, within its limits — the total population at that time being 15,498. Maywood village, situated on the west bank of the Des Plaines River and on the Chicago, Great Western and the Galena Division of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, was laid out by a company organized by W. T. Nichols of Rutland, Vt., in 1868, and incorporated in 1881. It contains many handsome residences and is well supplied with schools and churches. May- wood Military Institute is located here. The population in 1900 was 4,532. Harlem, the second village in population in the township, was settled in 1856, by J. H. Quick, who named it after his birthplace in New York. It is situated in the northwestern part of the township, and originally embraced the village of Oak Park, and part of River Forest. It was incorporated in 1884 and, according to the census of 1900, had a popula- tion of 4,085. Melrose Park Village, northwest of and adjoining the village of Maywood, was laid out by the Melrose Land Company in 1873, and incorporated in 1882. Population in 1900, 2,592. River Forest village, originally called Thatcher, from David C. Thatcher who settled there in 1856, is located on the east bank of the Des Plaines, and on the Galena Division of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad. Lake Street, Chicago, continued westward, passes through the southern part of the village and across the Des Plaines River bridge. The vil- lage was incorporated under its present name in 1886. Population (1900) 1,559. La Grange Park, in the southwestern part of Proviso Township, near La Grange Village, has a population (1900) of 730. Parts of the vil- lage of Grossdale and Western Springs also lie within the boundaries of Proviso Township. RICH TOWNSHIP. Rich Township, which consists of Town 35 North, Range 13 East, located in the southwest corner of Cook County, and bounded on the north by Bremen Township, east by Bloom, and south and west by Will County, was organized April 3, 1850, with its present dimensions, hav- ing a population at that time of 168. Previous to that date, with the towns of Bloom and Thornton, it constituted Thornton Precinct. The township is crossed by the Illinois Central and the Michigan Central Railroads. The vil- lage of Matteson, situated on the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad 28 miles south-southwest from the city of Chicago, is the principal village in the township. It was platted in 1855, soon after the completion of the Illinois Central Road, and the first house was erected during the same year by Charles Ohlendorf. The village is at the intersection of the Illinois Central and Michigan Central Railroads and contains two grain elevators, several country stores and a number of mechanical shops. The population in 1900 was 449. Richton, another station on the line of the Illinois Central, one mile south of Matteson and near the southern boundary of the township, is a small hamlet with a railway depot and a few 792 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. houses. It has not yet reached the proportions of an incorporated village. The total popula- tion of Rich Township, according to the census of 1900, was 1,421. RIVERSIDE TOWNSHIP. Four sections (Nos. 25, 26, 35, 36), in the southeast corner of Town 39 North, Range 12 East, constitute the Township of Riverside, the remainder of the congressional township being embraced within the Township of Proviso. The first white settlers in this section were David and "Barney" (Bernardus) Laugh ton, who came as early as 1828 and established an Indian trading post near Bourbon Springs, between the present villages of Lyons and Riverside (See Lyons Township in this volume). Stephen V. R. Forbes, the first Sheriff of Cook County, ■who came to Chicago in 1829, in the fall of 1831 located where the village of Riverside now is. and later purchased considerable land in the vicinity. The towns of Lyons and Riverside were so closely connected at an early date, that the history of one is the history of the other. As now constituted, the town of Riverside ■was organized in 1870, on the petition of a majority of the legal voters being set off from Proviso Township. This was the result of a movement which had been set on foot during the previous year to build up a model village and residence suburb where the village of Riverside now stands. The natural beauty of the location on the Des Plaines River in the southeast corner of Proviso Township early attracted attention, and in April, 1869, the Riverside Improvement Company was organ- ized under a special charter granted by the State Legislature for the i)urpose of laying out and promoting the building of a town of the character already de^scribed. The first step was the securing of a tract of 1,600 acres of land, of which 1,200 acres had previously constituted what was known as the "Riverside Farm." formerly owned by David A. Gage, for many years one of the i)ropriPtors of the Tromout House, Chicago. This land was platted and laid out under the dlrerijon of Frederick Law Olmsted, the cele- brated landscape architect, gas and water pipes laid, roadB. walks and sewers constructed, parkH laid out and planted, etc. The lots for private residences were laid oul on an ample scale and many delightful homes have been there erected and, although the growth in later years has not been what was expected, the place is yet one of the attractive suburbs of the city of Chicago. The people are supplied with pure and healthful water from an artesian well 735 feet deep. The population of Riverside Town- ship, according to the census of 1900, was 1,652, of which 1,514 belonged to the village of River- side and 93 to a portion of the village of Gross- dale. A small portion of Riverside village also falls within the boundaries of Lyons Township. SCHAUMBURG TOWNSHIP. Schaumburg Township, situated in the north- western quarter of Cook County, consists of an entire congressional township (41 N., R. 10 E.) bounded on the north by Barrington and Pala- tine, east by Elk Grove, south by DuPage County, and west by Hanover Township. Many of the early settlers were Germans, hence its name from Schaumburg-Lippe, Germany. The first settler in the vicinity was Trumbull Kent, who came from Oswego County, N. Y., and set- tled in the southwest corner of what is now Palatine Township, but when the land came into market, entered a tract for his daughter, Alameda Kent, in Schaumburg. During the same year the Bailey family came from New Hampshire and settled in the southeastern part of the township, where the father, Amos Bailey, died in 1863. William H. Denton came in 1836 and, a few years later, Horace P. Williams, wjio became a wealthy farmer and was one of the founders of the Northwestern University at Evanston. Previous to 1850, the township con- stituted part of Salt Creek Precinct, but on April 2 of that year it was organized with its present dimensions, having then a population of 489. Being strictly an agricultural and dairying district, the growth in population has been slow, that reported in 1900 being 1,003. Schaumburg Center is the post hamlet of the township, with a few houses, a store or two and one or two mechanical shops. There are several cheese factories in the township, the first having been established in 1873. The Elgin branch of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad touches the southeast corner of Scliauniliurg Township. HISTORICAL EN:CYCL0PEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 793 THORNTON TOWNSHIP. Thornton Township, comprising the whole of Town 36 North, Range 14 East, and one-third (the western part) of Town 36 North, Range 15 East, bounded on the north by the city of Chicago, east by Lake County, Ind., south by Bloom Township and west by Bremen, was organized as a township in April, 1850. Previ- ous to that date it constituted, with the pres- ent Townships of Rich and Bloom, Thornton Precinct. It is drained by the Grand Calumet and the Little Calumet Rivers, and several small tributaries, of which Thorn and Stony Creeks are the principal. It is also crossed or touched by some half dozen railroad lines enter- ing Chicago from the south and east, the prin- cipal ones being the Illinois Central, the Chi- cago & Grand Trunk, the Chicago & Eastern Illinois and the "Big Four." Owing to the fact that several prosperous manufacturing plants and villages are located in this township, it is one of the most populous in the county outside of the city of Chicago, being exceeded only by Evanston Township. The population of the township in 1900 amount- ing to 14,933, was surpassed by Cicero and Pro- viso Townships, but the division of the two last named townships within the past three years has materially reduced the population of each as they now stand. The village of Thorn- ton, near the southern border, is the oldest in the township, and for a number of years it appears to have been the center of population. The first white settler in this vicinity — and believed to be the first within the present lim- its of the township — was William Woodbridge, who settled on the east bank of Thorn Creek in 1834. A year later he located on land just west of the present site of the village and still later opened the first store in the village. In 1835 came Stephen Crary, Joseph and Sanford Case, and James Farwell, and in 1836 Stephen Spoor, Christian Randall, James Barton, David Crandall, John Blackstone and Don Carlos Berry — the latter opening up the first tavern here during the same year. A postoflSce was also established about the same time, and Berry was made the first Postmaster. Joseph Milsted, James Childers and William and Elisha Young (brothers) also came to the township in 1836, and the Young brothers opened a trading sta- tion in Thornton. Gurdon S. Hubbard, J. H. Kinzie (of the Chicago Kinzie family) and John Blackstone built a saw-mill here about 1835 or 1836. The village was platted in 1835 by John H. Kinzie who had purchased the land from the Indians, and Hubbard and Blackstone soon after became his partners. The place was named in honor of Col. W. F. Thornton, then of Shelbyville, 111., who was one of the first Com- missioners of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, and served as President of the Board for a number of years. This appears also to have been the origin of the name of the township. Stone quarries were opened here about 1850. Harvey City, originally South Lawn village, two miles south of the southern boundary of the city of Chicago, is an important manufac- turing center and one of the most flourishing residence suburbs within the limits of Cook County. The first settler in this locality was George Gay, who purchased land and located here in 1870. Three years later, Samuel Dela- mater, John K. Rowley, Joshua P. and John K. Young and Joseph Collett bought land of Joseph Robinson and the Illinois Central Railroad Company, upon which the village of South Lawn was afterwards located. This appears to have had its origin in the establishment here of the plant of the Hopkins Mower Company in 1880. In November, 1889, Turlington W. Harvey, a former lumber merchant and manufacturer of the city of Chicago, became interested in the site of the village, purchasing of the Young estate and the Hopkins Manufacturing Com- pany, 640 acres of land at the intersection of the Illinois Central and the Chicago & Grand Trunk Railways and, in May, 1891, the village of Harvey was incorporated. In general out- line this embraced the area between One Hun- dred and Forty-seventh and One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Streets, and between Halsted Street and Ashland Avenue, in the territory extended south of the city of Chicago. Previous to this date there was a postoffice at this point under the name of South Lawn, one hotel and pos- sibly half a dozen dwelling houses. The name given to the village, while in recognition of the part borne by Mr. Harvey in its organiza- tion, was at the suggestion of others without his knowledge. In the spring of 1890 the Harvey land Associ- ation was organized with a capital stock of $1,000,000, and the development of the village into a manufacturing town began. During the first eighteen months after the incorporation of 794 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. the village the Association soid lots to the amount of $1,800,000, or at the rate of $100, OvJ per month. In the meantime factories, stores and dwellings were rapidly multiplying and, in April. 1895, the village having then an esti- mated population of four to five thousand, was incorporated as a city. At the present time the city has fifteen miles of paved streets, many miles of sewer, seventeen and a half miles of water pipe, several miles of gas-mains, with an electrical plant furnishing both power and light. For protection against fires there is a large water tower giving a pressure of 100 pounds, with fire engine and four or five organized fire companies. The principal streets are paved and bordered with cement side-walks, while the parks and boulevards are lined with shade trees. There are eleven churches, two news- papers — "The Harvey Herald" and "The Trib- une Citizen"— numerous fraternal organizations and six graded schools, some of them occupy- ing the best school buildings to be found in the rural districts of Cook County, besides the Thornton Township High School erected at a cost of $60,000. One of the notable features in the growth of Harvey City, which has taken place almost entirely within the past twelve years, has been the development of manufacturing industries. Of these there are at the present time (1903) fifteen enterprises in operation, most of them working in iron. Some of the most important of these are: the Buda Foundry and Manu- facturing Company, engaged in the manufac- ture of railway supplies and small cars; the Chicago Motor- Vehicle Company, manufactur- ers of automobiles for commercial use; the Whitney Foundry Equipment Company; the Acme Gas Company, manufacturers of individ- ual gas-plants for factories and Government works; the Chicago Railway Supply Foundry Company; the Great Northern Structural Com- pany, etc. The town has one bank, which wa.s started in the village days and is now in a prosperous condition. An element which contributed to the popu- larity of Harvey as a residence suburb in its early history, as well as to Its prosperity as a manufacturing town, was the exclusion of the Kaloon from the city limits, but this feature haH Hlncp bf-en eliminated by the aggresulons of th»» saloon element. The population of 5,395 according to the census of 1900, is now esti- mated at 6,000. Besides three railway trunk lines — the Illi- nois Central, the "Big Four" (Cleveland, Cin- cinnati, Chicago & St. Louis), and the Grand Trunk Railway — Harvey City is accessible over the lines of the Chicago Terminal Transfer Company by every railroad entering Chicago from the east. It is also reached by an inter- urban trolley-line from the city of Chicago. Dolton village in the northern part of Thornton Township, just south of the city of Chicago and at the intersection of the Pitts- burg, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis ("Pan Handle") and the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railways, next to Thornton is probably the oldest settlement in the township. Its first settler was Andrew H. Dolton, who came here in 1846, and was joined by his brothers, Henry B. and Charles H. Dolton, a few years later. In 1868 the village was platted and the first school house built, and a year later a postoffice was established with Andrew H. Dolton as Postmaster. A large proportion of the popula- tion are Germans. The Dolton brothers, the founders of the place, were enterprising, pub- lic-spirited men who left their impress for good upon the community. The population of the village in 1900 was 1,229. The main line of the Illinois Central Railroad runs a short distance west of Dolton, but is easily accessible from the village. Lansing, a village and railway station on the line of the Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railway, in the southeast corner of the town- ship, six and a half miles from Dolton. is located on a sandy ridge surrounded by natural meadows on the low lands. The first settlers were John, George and Henry Lansing, from whom the town took its name when platted by John Lansing in 1865. The principal busi- ness a score of years ago was the baling and shipping of hay grown in the vicinity. The population is largely German. The village had a population, according to the census of 1900, of 830. Homewood, a station on the Illinois Central Railroad in the extreme southwest corner of Thornton Township, was platted by James Hart in 1852, under the name of Hartford, and a postoffice was established there the same year. Settlement began In the early '40s, but about 1848-50 many German colonists began to arrive and, in later years the settlement became almo.st entirely German. The population of HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 795 the village in 1900 was 352. The district is almost entirely agricultural. South Holland, a station and village in the central part of the township three miles south of Dolton, dates it origin back to 1847, when immigrants from Germany began to come in and laid the foundation of what was long known as the "Dutch Settlement." The com- munity, while almost solely agricultural, is one of the most prosperous in the rural por- tions of Cook County. The village numbered a population in 1900 of 766. West Hammond, situated in the northeast corner of Thornton Township, one mile south of Chicago city limits, is the result of the overflow of the city of Hammond, Ind., from which it is separated by the state line. The first settler in this vicinity was E. W. Hohman who located there in 1849. Besides the Michi- gan Central Railroad, the village has con- venient access to the Chicago & Erie, the New York, Chicago & St. Louis, and the Western Indiana Railroads. Like its Indiana neighbor, West Hammond is a manufacturing center and has a rapidly growing population. It was incor- porated as a separate village in 1892, and in 1900, had a population of 2,935. Other villages and stations in Thornton Township are Riverdale, just south of the Chi- cago city limits on the Illinois Central, and the Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railways; Dolton Junction and Thornton Junc- tion. PREHISTORIC REMAINS. Thornton Township, like Palos in the west- ern part of Cook County, seems to have been once the home of a people who left evidence of their occupation of this region at a very early day, but without furnishing conclusive evi- dence as to who they were or the date of their presence. The following paragraph relating to these prehistoric remains is taken from the valuable "History of Cook County," published by A. T. Andreas in 1884: "When the first settlers arrived at Thornton, they found the ruins of what Iiad evidently been Indian fortifications occupying the site of the present town. The ruins consisted of outer ditches or trenches and, inside of these, were the works or fortifications proper. On the banks of these, trees apparently not less than one hundred years old, were growing, which only furnished abundant proofs of the indisputable antiquity of the ruins. When Joseph Case arrived here he used frequently to talk with the Indians about the origin of the remains, but could only learn that, with them, it was supposed they were built by the French explorers, many years before. In 1871 Ira Gardner dug up a number of skeletons in the neighborhood of the fort, which he states were, in his opinion, those of white men rather than of Indians. He also, in the same year, dug up in the garden specimens of pot- tery, flint arrow-heads, a stone-chisel and a pair of stone bullet-molds. It is claimed by some that these relics belonged to the Southern Indians who, at one time before they were driven still farther south by the more war- like tribes of the North, had possession of this portion of the country." WHEELING TOWNSHIP. BY DR. .lAAIES ELLISON BE.ST. The Township of Wheeling lies in the north- ern part of Cook County, bounded by Lake County on the north. Township of Northfield on the east, Maine and Elk Grove on the south, and Palatine on the west, containing thirty-six Sections. The soil is a rich prairie loam. In the main the surface is quite level, but sloping gradually to the east, and is drained by four unnamed creeks which empty into the Des Plaines River; the latter flows in a southerly direction along the eastern border of the town- ship, its bed lying partly in Wheeling and partly in Northfield Township. A strip of tim- ber about three-fourths of a mile wide lines its eastern bank, and is divided about equally between the two townships. The absence of timber upon its western bank was probably due to the annual prairie fires started by the torch of the aborigines, which destroyed all perennial plants. The river, serving as a bar- rier against the fires from the west, afforded protection to the timber on the eastern bank. The western border of the township reaches nearly, or quite, to the divide between the Des Plaines River on the east and Salt Creek on the west, its altitude being about seven hun- dred feet above sea level. All the water from Wheeling flows to the Des Plaines River, while the water from Palatine flows through Salt 796 HISTORICAL EK'CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Creek, south, except that from the two north- east sections, which flows east through Wheel- ing to the Des Plaines. Prior to settlement by white men this region was occupied for sixty-four years — viz.: from 1769 to 1833 — by Pottawatomie Indians; previ- ous to that by the Miami Confederacy, who occupied this region at the time of La Salle's first visit in 1681. which is the remotest period known to the historian regarding this section. The first settler in what is now Wheeling Township, was a Mr. Sweet, who arrived in March, 1833, selected a claim on Section 13, and built a cabin in which he lived until the follow- ing September, when he sold his right of squat- ' ter's claim and his cabin to George Strong, who became the first permanent white settler in the township. At that time, his nearest neighbor on the north was a Captain Wright, who was said to be the only settler between the Strong place and Waukegan. On September 26, 1833, the treaty with the Pottawatomies was ratified, after which set- tlers came in considerable numbers. Almost immediately afterward Timothy Titcomb set- tled on Section 13. just north of Mr. Strong. In December General Peet located where his son, A. W. Peet, afterward lived. In 1834 William B. Clay and his two sons, John B. and E. H., settled on Section 2. S. M. Salisbury also settled on Section 2, James Mackey on Section 24, Christopher and Daniel Stanger on Section 13, and Christian Stryker on Section 12. In 1835 came Peter Gebhart, who afterward sold out to Henry Miller. Joseph Filkins had located a claim in 1834, built his cabin and moved his family into it in 1835. The same year Isaac Martin, Matthew Chivel, Thomas Bradwell and other settlers arrived. About eighteen log cabins were built during the year. In 1836 the well-to-do William Hopps located on Section 3. Into his house Satan afterward entered, and the first and only murder in the township occurred, Hopps being acquitted of the killing of his wife on the plea of insanity, through the exceptional ruling of Judge McAl- lister, at which the public was greatly incensed. Hopps finally died In the Poor Iloune at Dunninf!;. In March, 1830, Asa Dunlon and his two sons, William H. and James, camo from Oswego, N. Y. They pa.sHcd through what is now the site of Arlington H<'lghts, Helecled thoir claims an'l went on to Deer Grove In Palatine Town- ship, where they were among the first actual settlers. The next year they returned and located on Section 29. Ephraim and Charles Morrison settled on Section 11, in 1837, Conrad Miller came the same year. George Metz located on Section 12. His brothers-in-law, Ludwig Fischer and George Graff, came soon after, together with many others whose names cannot now be ascer- tained. During this year the government sur- vey was made, after which settlers came in more rapidly than before. The population in 1900 was 3,010. Only three are now (1900) living in the township who came before 1837, viz.: Luther W. and John B. Whiting and D. K. Draper, who settled in Elk Grove, but for many years have been identified with Wheeling. In 1833 a territorial council was held in Detroit, of which Governor Doty was a member from Wisconsin. He made a motion that a mail route be opened from Chicago to Green Bay by way of Milwaukee. The motion pre- vailed and Juneau, the founder of Milwaukee, took the contract. The mail was carried by stage coach, following an Indian trail which led northwest from Chicago, and probably extended to Green Bay, the former home of the Potta- watomie tribe. This road passes through the northeast corner of Wheeling Township, and is now known as the Milwaukee Road. The road was surveyed in 1835 as a post-route under direction of the War Department, and is on record at Washington, D. C. The first set- tlers in the township located along this road. In 1836 a road was laid out from Sand Ridge crossing the Des Plaines River at Rand's place. This road passes diagonally, from southeast to northwest, through Wheeling Township, and is known as the Rand Road. It is said to have been an old military trail leading from Chicago to Fort Atkinson. Later, it was used for a time as a stage-line and post-route. This road was surveyed under direction of the War Department as a post-route and is on record at Washington. By an act of the Legislature in 1839, a road was laid out from Naperville, via Babcock's Grove, Meacham's Grove, Elk Grove, and Buf- falo Grove, to Indian Creek (now Half-Day), which is said to have been the extension of an old mail-route from St. Louis to Naperville. It passes nearly through the township from south to north. Ilicn east a mile and a half. Hurv'seil Puhlishit C. /2^.^.9^.^ HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 797 then north, and is known as the State Road. In 1840 Thomas Bradwell and others peti- tioned for a road leading from Wheeling to McHenry via Buffalo Grove and Long Grove. It was laid out by the Court Commissioners of Lake County in 1842. This road continues west from Wheeling. After it passes the branch to Buffalo Grove, to the point where it meets the State Road, it is not on record. The remainder of the roads in the township were laid out by township authorities, after organization, which occurred in 1850. Improvement of the roads was made princi- pally by the people working out the amount of road taxes under the pathmaster system. The work consisted largely of grading and building bridges. Owing to the level surface and sticky quality of the soil, in wet weather, the roads were nearly impassable. In 1874 some gratuitous work of graveling was done on the road leading west from Wheel- ing. The following year an organized effort was made by the County Commissioners and Township Highway Commissioners, viz.: Peter Beyer, Philip Hart and Henry Engelking; afterwards C. Schoenbeck and others were instrumental in continuing the good work, until there are now but three or four miles of ungraveled roads in the township. Public Schools. — There are no records con- nected with the schools of this township of an earlier date than April 6, 1857. At that time there were ten districts, some of which have been united and, at the present time, there are but seven, besides one union district embracing portions of Wlieeling, Maine, and Elk Grove Townships, the school house being located at Mount Prospect in the last named township. St. Mary's Training School. — In the early 60's the first orphan asylum and reformatory for boys for the Catholic diocese of Chicago was incorporated and located in the southwest- ern part of the city, which was then a rich prairie. The institution pursued the even tenor of its way until the winter of 1871, when it was obliged to do heroic work in caring for hundreds of children left destitute by the great fire. ^ The Christian Brothers were then in charge of the asylum, and many were the sacri- fices they patiently underwent for the benefit of the boys. In 1882 the asylum proving inadequate for its purpose, the late Archbishop Feehan, with the assistance of the diocesan clergy, secured the present site of Feehanville as a home for the St. Mary's Training School. It is situated on the Wisconsin Central Railway, in the south- eastern part of Wheeling Township, on the Des Plaines River. In 1899 all of the buildings were burned. Immediately after the fire, steps were taken to rebuild on a much larger scale, anticipating an expenditure of $800,000 and the accommodation of 1,000 inmates. Arlington Heights is situated in the south- west part of the Township on the Wisconsin Division of the Chicago & Northwestern Rail- way, twenty-two and four-tenths miles from Chicago. In 1854 the railroad station was built. For a short time it was called Elk Grove Sta- tion, but later was named Dunton, after the owner of the farm, W. H. Dunton, on whose land the original town was platted Nov. 3, 1854. The same year Dr. F. T. Miner built a store at the corner of State Road and Park Street. Dur- ing the year Henry Huksell opened a store on the State Road, Stephen Briggs a hotel at the corner of Campbell and Evergreen Streets, and Meyer Blum a meat market. The first resi- dence in the place was the farm house of Wm. H. Dunton, built in 1845. In 1855 the Post Office was established with Asa Dunton as Postmaster, the office being kept in W. H. Dunton's house; W. G. Wing erected a store on the State Road; two blacksmith shops were started, one by a Mr. Page, the other by John Fleming; Wm. Wallace opened a wagon shop and James McGrath built the second resi- dence. A store was started in 1856 by J. V. Downs & Co., on Dunton Street; a shoe store by John King; a hotel by Fred Tesch on Dunton Street; John H. Gale established a hardware store on the northwest corner of Dunton and Campbell Streets, John Klehm started a nursery, which has steadily grown until it now covers one hun- dred acres, and is one of the finest in the Northwest. His greenhouses number fifteen. In 1857 James Dunton and Young W. Miller started a store on Dunton Street, and in 1860 William De Long a tin-shop; .Jacob Sigwalt a hotel. Ira Woodruff built a hotel north of the railroad on Evergreen Street. Enoch Williams erected a cheese factory in 1861, which he afterward sold to Heinrich Brothers. In 1862 C. Rehling started a meat market. In 1863 Johnson and Peter established a grain elevator and lumber yard, which they sold in 1871 to C. Geils, who added a sash and door 798 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. factory. C. Taege started a hardware store in 1863, and the following year Henry Weinrich became partner in the business. In 1865 James Shiner built a grist-mill, which he sold in 1870 to Konrad KoUing & Sons. Charles Reisner started a shoe store in 1866. The next year C. Yolz opened his furniture store and undertak- ing establishment. In 1868 Joseph Bray engaged in the hardware business and, five years later built the first brick store in the town, located on Dunton Street. The same year Meyer Blum purchased the Madison House, and G. A. Schmidt opened a meat market. In 1869 Henry Luttge bought the store of Charles Degen and went into business. In 1874, with Taege & Weinrich, he replaced their wooden buildings with substantial brick ones. The Bottling Works of F. W. Muller were established in 1872. David Peter and Tewks- bury built an elevator. Later, John Kolberg opened a store, which he sofd to William Bat- terman, who built his brick store in 1891. In 1872, a weekly paper, the "Cook County Her- ald," was started by Frank Holton. It was afterward conducted by W. C. Williams, who sold to George Bugbee, who, in turn, sold to H. C. Paddock, the present editor and publisher. During this same year (1872) Henry Flentie opened a blacksmith shop, Charles H. Lorenzen a wagon shop, and Henry Bolte a shoe store. The latter replaced his old building with a brick one in 1897. In 1874 the name of the village was changed to Arlington Heights. Railroad Park, north of the track, was improved and elm trees planted. Henry Behlendorf erected a store on Dunton Street, and went into business, and E. M. Thomas opened the first drugstore at the same time and i)lace. J. W. Burkitt went into the jewelry and hardware business, but sold out the latter in 1884 to R. Bray and A. T. Kates, who still continue the business. In addition they manufacture creamery and dairy supplies in a large two-story brick factory, built by them in 1897. Since then Bray & Kates have made extensive imi)rovements in the size and numljer of their buildings, including the erec- tion of a tin-house 40x60 feel for the manu- facture of their own tin and tinware, in which they employ about one hundred people, includ- ing both sexoH. They employ alK)ut forty men. In 187G Dr. J. E. Farwell opened a drug-store, and John Sigwalt, Jr.. & Co., established a Sevlng Machine Factory and fotindry. After two years they formed a joint-stock company under the name of the Sigwalt Sewing Machine Co., with a capital of $75,000, and carried on business from 1878 to 1883, during which time they manufactured 40,000 machines. In 1883 the corporate name was changed to the Diamond Sewing Machine* Company. The plant was burned in 1895. It was rebuilt as a Machine Works and Foundry by James H. Har- ris, who employs 75 men and is doing a pros- perous business. In 1880 Peter Morse opened a bakery. In 1882 F. E. Davis engaged in the mercantile business. W. M. Dyas established a drugstore; the next year J. A. Kennicott, C. Geils and Henry Meyer constructed an ice house and excavated a pond. Mr. Meyer soon after pur- chased the entire property. The following year E. P. Muller succeeded F. Pfeiffer in the man- agement of the grain elevator; two years later F. Stuenkel became his partner. They were succeeded by S. E. Pate in 1894. Peter Hart- man opened a shoe-store in 1887. The year fol- lowing, U. Reese started a livery stable, and in '98 a furniture store and undertaking establish- ment. January 18, 1887, the village of Arlington Heights was Incorporated. For the first few years the public improvements consisted mainly in lighting and grading the streets and building sidewalks. In 1897, F. W. Muller, President of the Village Board, with others, began more permanent improvements, by draining, curbing and grading North Dunton Street. In 1899 Charles Sigwalt, as President of the Board, with others, began a general drainage system for the entire village. The Chicago & Northwestern Railway con- structed a double track and built a new depot in 1892. The next year the parks on the south side of the tracks were improved and maples planted. The same year F. Redeker engaged in the mercantile business and six years later built his brick store on the corner of Campbell and Vail Streets. Julius Berbecker & Sons established a cabinet hardware and upholstery wholesale business in 1894. August Kelling rebuilt his hotel with brick. N. Volz & Weid- ner succeeded C. Geils in the grain elevator. George H. Allison purchased a warehouse of J. W. Burkitt. Three years later he sold to L. G. Helm, who added a lumber yard. In 1895 the Magnolia Metal Works, whose main offlco is in Now York City, built a branch HISTORICAL EN'CZCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 799 factory here for the manufacture of Babbitt metal, with Wallace Beardsley as superinten- dent. In 1898 John Busch built a hotel corner of Vail and Campbell Streets. Those engaged in business at present — not previously named — are: F. Seiberg, hardware merchant; E. Seiberg, meat market; H. J. Lor- enzen, store; R. Lauterberg, hotel; William Schrader, hotel; A. Blum, hotel; Henry Boeger & Sons, lumber yard and planing mill; R. C. Nehls, drug-store; P. Haker, furniture store; C. Schiffman, restaurant. In 1901 The Arlington Heights State Bank was organized with a capital of $25,000. The oflBcers are: E. N. Berbecker, President; Wil- liam Thiemann, Vice-President; B. B. Castle, Cashier. Directors: P. V. Castle, J. W. Burkitt, E. P. Muller, William F. Meyer, Wil- liam Bresse, J. V. Whiting. During the same year Peter and Volz pur- chased the foundry and machine shop of the James H. Harris estate, and are doing a thriv- ing business, employing about sixty men. In 1904, Otto Landmeyer having formerly pur- chased the hardware store of Bray & Kates, made substantial additions. In 1902 system of city water works was begun by general taxation under the adminis- tration of Charles Sigwalt. That year about 4,000 feet of six and eight inch water mains were laid. In 1903 a sixty thousand gallon steel tank and tower were erected at the corner of Chest- nut and Hawthorne Streets (altitude of tower 95 ft.) A reservoir and pumping station of ample capacity to anticipate the growth of vil- lage was located at the Town Hall at a cost of about $10,000. A petition is now pending in the county court to complete the laying, by special assessment, of mains throughout the village, the estimated cost being $28,000. In 1903 E. Winklemann replaced the old Mad- ison House with a handsome brick structure and U. A. Reese built a fine two-story brick furniture store at the corner of State Road and Park Street. During this year nearly forty new dwellings were erected, most of them being of substantial character, making the largest growth in the history of the village. The population of the village in 1900 was 1,380. CHURCHES. Thk First Presbyterian Society of Arling- ton Heights, was organized Sept. 28, 1855, with W. H. Dunton, Wm. Scoville and E. A. Allen as trustees. The church was organized in 1856, the Rev. D. H. Kingsley being the first pastor and remaining from Sept. 24, 1856, to May, 1860. The church had fifteen members at the time of its organization, and Asa Dunton was chosen Elder for life. Two lots for the church, and one for the parsonage were donated by W. H. Dunton at the corner of Dunton and East- man Streets, and a church building, 32x48 feet, was erected at a cost of about $3,000. The year following a parsonage was built. Subsequently this parsonage was sold, and in 1899 a new par- sonage was built on the vacant church lot at a cost of about $1,800. The pastors following Mr. Kingsley have been: Revs. C. F. Beach, Newton Barrett, Wm. Bartholomew, Wm. Cort, Alex. Gilchrist, and Wm. Reynolds. The stated supplies have been the Revs. Calvin Clark, T. S. Hubbard, John R. Sutherland, George D. Marsh, Wm. E. Clark, George Irwin, Bas- sett, Chas. Campbell, and Neil McKechnie, all of whom did acceptable work. The present membership is 114, and the Sun- day School has a membership of 165. Henry G. Lorenzen has been Superintendent of the latter for the past seven years. The other auxiliary organizations include the Ladies Aid, The Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Societies, The Christian Endeavor, and The Children's Mission Band — all ably con- ducted and in a flourishing condition. The Methodist Episcop.\l Church. — Prior to the year 1840, the Methodists had a class at Elk Grove, which belonged to the Wheeling Circuit. October 31, 1840, the Rev. John T. Mitchell, the Presiding Elder, held the first quarterly meet- ing. After the railroad reached Dunton, the services were transferred to that place, and for some months were held in the attic of W. G. Wing's store. In 1858 Rev. Thomas Cochran preached here. The next year he was succeeded by Rev. T. L. Olmsted, who held a series of revival meetings which resulted in many accessions to the mem- bership of the church, and in the erection of a church edifice in 1860, at a cost of about $2,000. Only the lecture room was finished at this time, and services were held there until the year 1870, when the audience room was completed 8oo HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. at a cost of $1,000. Soon after the erection of the church, a parsonage was purchased for the sum of $1,800. It is still owned by the society. .Among the early members and organizers of the church were: Joseph E. Kennicott, F. W. Page, Thomas Allison, E. B. Wheeler, Joseph Bray, Alexander Allen, Hiram Perry, J. S. Clough, Eli Skinner, John Bromley, Jonathan Fellows, A. G. Skinner, and their families; Joel Burlingame and his wife, Phoebe B., who left her entire estate, valued at $3,000, for the sole use and benefit of the church. The pres- ent membership is seventy-two. The auxiliaries of the church are the Sabbath School, numbering 115; the Epworth League, whose membership is 42; and the Ladies' Aid Society. All are in a flourishing condition. The R\-axoelical Lutheran Church, St. Peter congregation of Arlington Heights, 111., was organized in the year 1860, then compris- ing seven voting members. The first pastors were the Revs. W. Bartling and H. Schmidt, located at Elk Grove. In 1867 the congregation concluded to have its own pastor, and therefore extended a call to Rev. J. E. Roeder, then in Canada, who acknowledged the vocation sent him as a divine call, arriving here with his family April 22, 1868. In 1893 the congrega- tion celebrated his twenty-fifth anniversary with a public service, also making him rich presents as evidence of their gratitude. Owing to ill health and old age, however, Mr. Roeder was compelled to resign a few years since, hav- ing served at this place for thirty-one years. Rev. C. M. Noack, from Sioux City, la., then took charge of the congregation. Soon after its organization the congregation, in recogni- tion of its duty, opened a parochial school, not In opposition to the public school, but accord- ing to the principle that Christian children from their early youth, should have a Christian education. After having had several teachers, Mr. F. Militzer accepted a call to take charge of the school and began his work in 1873. In 1898 the congregation could also celebrate his twenty-fifth anniversary. Owing to the con- Kiant growth of its school, the congregation found It necessary to open a second class in 1882. Miss H. Welnrlch, of Arlington Heights, takInK charge of the younger pupils. After having served for nine years she was succeeded by her sister, Miss Hfdwig Welnrlch, who servfd eight years. Last ye^r Mr. R. Kranz, then a tfacher In Nlles, III., accepted a call and Is now Instructing the Junior class. The school numbering about 16 scholars at its organiza- tion, to-day numbers 180. The constant growth of the congregation made the erection of larger church and school buildings necessary. In 1892, therefore, a fine brick edifice, with steeple, was erected at a cost of $16,000 (including pipe organ and bell), to replace the old church, some time before purchased from the Universalist congregation, this being neatly fitted for school purposes. In 1899 this, too, was found inadequate for the number of scholars; it was therefore decided to erect a two-story brick school house with four spacious rooms and all modern improvements; also a new parsonage, at a cost of $10,000. At present the congregation numbers 1,000 souls. Since its organization, up to 1901, 1,285 chil- dren have been christened there, 246 couples married and 547 persons buried. The congre- gation is connected with the Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio and other States. In 1892 the Lutheran congregations of Chi- cago and vicinity erected a Home for the Aged in Arlington Heights, and bought sixteen acres of land at an aggregate value of $30,000. The present number of inmates is seventy. The Universalist Church was organized in 1862 with a membership of about 100. The members were widely scattered. The church never had a settled pastor, but among the most prominent ministers were the Rev. P. Liver- more, Rev. J. A. Fishback, Rev. W. H. Ryder and Rev. Buckley. At the end of seven years, finding themselves unable to maintain their church longer, they sold the building to the Evangelical Lutherans and disbanded. The WojtAN's Club of Arlington Heights. — The need of a Woman's Club in Arlington Heights, was the thought of Mrs. Amos W. Walker. On January 16, 1888, she invited six ladies to meet with her, and a club was organ- ized. Until her removal from the place, two years later, she was the leader and arranged all the work. From 1890 to this time (1901) there has been a steady growth in numbers, the present membership being sixty. The offi- cers (up to 1900) have been: President, Mrs. Emily T. B. Draper; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. Het- tie L. Noyes, Mrs. Celestia T. Best, whose removal by death was a great loss to the society, and Mrs. Elizabeth J. Bray; Secretary, Mrs. Hattie E. B. Farwell; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Grace N. Loronzen; Treasurer, Mrs. Nellie N. Best; Librarians, Miss Lucy and Miss Effle Shepard. The society was federated September HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 1899. Among the studies pursued have been: English History, English and American Litera- ture, History of the United States, Civil Gov- ernment, Moulton's Course of Novel Reading, History of Germany, History of Illinois, and the Early Italian Painters. From the first this society has been interested in charity work. In 1897 a Club Library was started, which has been added to year by year. A distinctive fea- ture of this society has been the free expression of individual opinions and beliefs, which is always encouraged and tolerated. Public School. — The first school house, built in 1849, was sixteen feet square and was used until 1856, when a building containing two rooms was erected. Subsequently two teachers were employed until 1870. A two-storied brick school house, containing four rooms, was now built, costing $10,000 — the grounds costing $800 additional. Harrison Merry, the principal, established a graded system. The school has, at present, five teachers and an enrollment of 220 pupils. Medical History of Aklington Heights. — Dr. Frederick T. Miner, pioneer physician of this locality, located at Elk Grove in 1834. After the railroad was built he moved to Arl- ington Heights village and continued practice until his death, which occurred in 1861. Dr. James B. Hawkes came in 1857, practiced medicine until 1883, and remained until his death in 1898. Dr. John E. Best came in 1870, and is still engaged in the practice of medicine. Dr. William Loughlin came in 1888 and removed in 1898. Dr. W. M. Dyas graduated in 1896 and is still practicing. Dr. B. W. Griffin, whose wife is a grand- daughter of Dr. Miner, came in 1897 and removed from Arlington Heights in 1900. Dr. E. A. Elfeld began the practice of medi- cine here in 1902, and is still practicing. Dr. Bruce T. Best began practicing in 1904. In the meantime many other physicians have come, remaining only a short time. Dr. Ray Gibbs opened the first dental office in 1897, and Dr. Cyrus P. Draper began practice as a veterinary surgeon in 1902. The Village of Wheeling is situated in the northeast part of the township on the Des Plaines River. Joseph Filkins built the first residence in 1834. The Post-office was estab- lished in 1836 with Joseph Filkins as Post- master. He opened a hotel the next year and Wheeler & Daniels started a store. In 1838 two blacksmith shops were started, one by a Mr. Shepard, the other by Ascher G. Skinner. The second hotel was opened by James Parker in 1840. Prior to 1842 John Rothschild started a store. About the same time stores were opened by John M. Schaffer and Wm. Vogt. E. K. Beach opened a blacksmith shop. The first public school building was very small; it was erected in 1845. The second, built in 1861, burned in 1870. The present one was erected in 1871. In 1845 Albert Passbinder started a hardware store; two years later Jacob Filbert established a shoe store and Jacob Hausam another soon after. A brewery was started in 1850 by Henry Periolat. In 1851 Vitruvius Lodge, No. 81, A. F. & A. M., which had been organized at Niles in 1849, was moved to Wheeling, at which time a charter was granted. A hotel was opened by Jacob Hunsinger in 1856. The Congregational Church was organ- ized in 1864, and the present building erected in 1866. Wm. Metz opened a blacksmith shop in 1865, and Samuel Reese a wagonshop, which he sold three years later to Louis Fischer. Fred Stryker opened a store in 1873; Martin Armbruster a hotel, and C. Wilflin a harness- shop in 1874. The latter sold out to R. Schneider in 1885. John Behm's hotel was opened in 1877, and John Schminkie's store in 1878. In 1880 Henry Boehmer started a cream- ery which, later, Jacob P. Hausam superin- tended for eleven years. Sigwalt & Bollenbach opened a store in 1888. The village was incorporated June 19, 1894, including Wheeling Station on the Wisconsin Central Railway, one mile west of the old vil- lage. The depot was built in 1886. The popu- lation in 1900 was 331. Medical History. — The pioneer physician of Wheeling was Dr. Julius Purmann, wJio came in 1849, and practiced medicine till his death, which occurred in 1856. Dr. Francis R. Mergler located here in 1854, and engaged in the practice of medicine until 1875, when he removed to Palatine, where he died in 1880. Dr. M. Moffatt practiced here from 1&76 to 1890. Dr. Henry Benz came to Wheeling in 1890 and is still practicing. In the meantime several others have come, but remained only a short time. In Veterinary Work. — Dr. John G. Schneider located here in 1852, and still holds the field. 802 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. CHAPTER XXXVII. BIOGRAPHICAL. THE PART OF BIOGRAPHY IN GENERAL HISTORY — CITIZENS OF COOK COUNTY — PERSONAL SKETCHES ARRANGED IN ENCYCLOPEDIC ORDER. The verdict of mankind has awarded to the Muse of History the highest place among the Classic Nine. The extent of her office, how- ever, appears to be, by many minds, but Im- perfectly understood. The task of the historian is comprehensive and exacting. True history reaches beyond the doings of court or camp, beyond the issue of battles, or the effects of treaties, and records the trials and the tri- umphs, the failures and the successes of the men who make history. It is but an imperfect conception of the philosophy of events that fails to accord to portraiture and biography its right- ful position as a part — and no unimportant part — of historical narrative. Behind and beneath the activities of outward life the motive power lies out of sight, just as the furnace fires that work the piston and keep the ponderous screw revolving are down in the darkness of the hold. So, the impulsive power which shapes the course of communities may be found in the moulding influences which form its citizens. It is no mere idle curiosity that prompts men to wish to learn the private as well as the public lives of their fellows. Rather is it true that such desire tends to prove universal broth- erhood; and the interest in personality and biography is not confined to men of any partic- ular caste or vocation. The list of those to whose lot it falls to play a conspicuous part in the great drama of life is comparatively short; yet communities are made up of Individuals, and the aggregate of achievements — no less than the sum total of human happiness — is made up of the deeds of those men and women whose primary aim, through life. Is faithfully to perform the duty that comes nearest to hand. Individual influ- ence upon human affairs will be considered potent or insignificant according to the stand- point from which it is viewed. To him who, standing upon the seashore, notes the ebb and flow of the tides and listens to the sullen roar of the waves, as they break upon the beach in seething foam, seemingly chafing at their limitations, the ocean appears so vast as to need no tributaries. Yet, without the smallest rill that helps to swell the "Father of Waters," the mighty torrent of the Mississippi would be lessened, and the beneficent influence of the Gulf Stream diminished. Countless streams, currents and counter currents — sometimes mingling, sometimes counteracting each other — collectively combine to give motion to the accumulated mass of waters. So is it — and so must it ever be — in the ocean of human action, which is formed by the blending and repulsion of currents of thought, of influence and of life, yet more numerous and more tortuous than those which form the "fountains of the deep." The acts and characters of men, like the sev- eral faces that compose a composite picture, are wrought together into a compact or hetero- geneous whole. History is condensed biogra- phy; "Biography is History teaching by exam- ple." It is both interesting and instructive to rise above the generalization of history and trace, in the personality and careers of the men from whom it sprang, the principles and influences, the impulses and ambitions, the labors, strug- gles and triumphs that engrossed their lives. Here are recorded the careers and achieve- ments of pioneers who, "when the fullness of time had come," came from widely separated sources, some from beyond the sea, impelled by divers motives, little conscious of the import of their acts, and but dimly anticipating the harvest which would spring from their sowing. They built their primitive homes, toiling for a present subsistence while laying the foundations of private fortunes and future advancement. Most of these have passed away, but not before they beheld a development of business and population surpassing the wildest dreams of fancy or expectation. A few yet remain whose years have passed the allotted three score and ten, and who love to recount, among the cherished memories of their lives, their remin- iscences of early days. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 803 Among these early, hardy settlers, and those who followed them, may be found the names of many who imparted the first impulse to the county's and the city's growth and homelike- ness; the many who, through their identifica- tion with commercial and agricultural pursuits and varied interests, aided in their material progress; of skilled mechanics who first laid the foundations of beautiful homes and pro- ductive industries, and of the members of the learned professions — clergymen, physicians, edu- cators and lawyers — whose influence upon the intellectual life and development of a commu- nity it is impossible to overestimate. Municipal institutions arise; Commerce spreads her sails and prepares the way for the magic of Science that drives the locomo- tive engine over the iron-rails. Trade is organ- ized, reaching forth to the shores of the Great Lakes and stretching its arms across the prai- ries to gather in and distribute the products of the soil. Church spires rise to express, in architectural form, the faith and aspirations of the people, while schools, public and private, elevate the standards of education and of artis- tic taste. Here are some of the men through whose labors, faith and thought, these magnificent results have been achieved. To them and to their co-laborers, the Chicago and Cook County of today stands an enduring monument, attest- ing their faith, their energy, their courage, and their self-sacrifice. [The following items of personal and family history, having been arranged in encyclopedic (or alphabetical) order as to names of the individual subjects, no spe- cial index to this part of the work will be found nec- essary.] GEORGE E. ADAMS. George E. Adams, Division Yard Master and Superintendent, Union Stock Yards, was born in Verbank, Dutchess County, N. Y., March 31, 1864, educated in the public schools, and after leaving school worked on a farm for five years. Later he learned the blacksmith trade, and coming to Chicago, May 9, 1883, worked in the supply division of the Union Stock Yards for one year; then went to Albion, Boone County, Neb., where he worked on a ranch for one year. Returning to the Union Stock Yards, he engaged in unloading cattle for one year, when he was appointed Assistant Yard Master of the Illinois Central Railroad. Three years later Mr. Adams was appointed Yard Master for the Wabash Division at the Union Stock Yards, and five years later, was made Superintendent of Division A, which posi- tion he held until October 2, 1899, when he went into the wholesale and retail grocery trade, at 72 Randolph Street, Chicago. Mr. Adams was married to Miss Hattie E. Whit- son, in Chicago, May 6, 1884, and three children have been born of this union. Mr. Adams has many friends and associates who esteem him highly. PETER ADLER. Peter Adler (deceased), late veteran of the Civil War and former business man of Chi- cago, was a native of Germany, born near Bonn, Prussia, June 19, 1844, the son of Nich- olas and Catherine Adler. His father was a weaver by occupation in his native country, and came to America with his family in 1852, settling in Chicago where both parents con- tinued to reside the remainder of their lives. Peter Adler, who was about eight years old when his parents came to this country, was educated chiefly in the Ogden School, Chicago, and after serving a term of enlistment in the army during the Civil War, took a course in a business college from which he graduated. In his youth he learned the trade of a shoemaker, which he followed for a number of years, and in which he was a practical workman. At the age of eighteen years Mr. Adler en- listed as a soldier in the Eighty-second Illinois Volunteer Infantry, which was composed large- ly of Germans of the city of Chicago, and which was organized at Springfield, September 22, 1862, and mustered into service one month later under the command of the distinguished German patriot. Col. Frederick Hecker. Dur- ing its period of three years' enlistment, the regiment took part in some of the most des- perate battles of the war, including those of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg in the East, and Missionary Ridge, Resaca, Peach Tree Creek and Atlanta in the South and West. Mr. Adler was wounded in the battle of Peach Tree Creek, but not seriously, being able to rejoin his regiment in time to take part in the mem- orable "March to the Sea" under General Sher- man. So4 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. After receiving his discharge at the close of the war, Mr. Adler took a thorough course in a business college and, at the age of twenty- three years, engaged in the boot and shoe busi- ness at 210 North Clark Street, Chicago, which he continued until the fire of 1871. Then, after a brief period, he resumed business in the same line at 202 North Clark Street, in which he was engaged continuously for eighteen years, when he retired. In common with the majority of those who had risked their lives in defense of the country during the Civil War, Mr. Adler was an ardent Republican, and, after his retirement from business, de- voted much of his time to polities in which he exerted much local influence. For five years he served as a clerk in the Election Commis- sioner's office, and for fourteen years was Treasurer of the Republican Club in his Ward. In 1890 he was the Republican nominee for Alderman in the Twenty-fourth Ward, but was defeated by a small majority in consequence of a division in the party ranks. In politics, as in all affairs of his life, he was thoroughly upright, conscientious and honest. During the latter years of his life Mr. Adler traveled quite extensively, making two trips through Europe, visiting continental countries as well as the British Dominion, and also trav- eled widely throughout the United States and other portions of America. He was enterpris- ing and public-spirited and, while taking a deep interest in measures for the benefit of his fel- low men and society generally, drew to himself many ardent friends. Quiet and unostentatious in manner, he was extremely liberal to the deserving poor, and was especially active in securing the establishment of the Old People's Home, as well as in promoting the success of various other private charities. Mr. Adler was united in marriage, .lanuary 2, 1868. to Elise S. Steinhaus, daughter of William and Henrietta Steinhaus, and during his entire married life was a model, devoted and loving husband. Mr. and Mrs. Steinhaus came to America in 1852, and resided here up to the time of their death. Of their children, five are ptill living. Mr. Steinhaus, Sr., was a cabinet- maker by trade and a trained musician, having been a muKician In the army in his native fJermany. After coming to America he was eHpfogan County, Ohio. May 28. 1842; was educated in the district schools, and had a membcrHhip In Delaware College. After leaving college he continued to work on a farm until he enllpted as a "high private" In the Fourteenth Ohio Battery, Independent Light Artillery, and was promoted to First Corporal (gunner). His first war experience was at the battle of Shiloh, when the Battery lost all of its ordnance except two guns. The loss was caused by the killing or disabling of the horses, but the Battery recovered its guns next day. At the siege of Corinth Mr. Ballinger was taken very sick with dysentery and came near dying, being compelled to remain away until June 1, 1862, when he rejoined his battery and did not lose a day until his final discharge on August 19, 1865. He had many narrow escapes, and also many opportunities to show his brav- ery. At the battle of Peach Tree Creek, near Atlanta, Ga., on July 22, 1864, the day Gen. MacPherson was killed, when there were only two comrades left out of eight cannoneers, the rest having been either killed, wounded or pros- trated, he did not get a scratch, although he sighted and fired a double discharge of canister when the rebel flag was planted within eighty feet of his battery, killing the bearer and cap- turing the flag. By this act he won the com- mendation of Gen. Sweeney, the officer in com- mand, who told him he had saved the Second Division of the Sixteenth Army Corps. After the war Mr. Ballinger returned to Logan County, Ohio, but in 1868 removed to Gridley, McLean County, 111., where he remained on a farm six years, raising and shipping live-stock to Chicago, and furnishing the meat for a butcher shop in Gridley, 111. Coming to Chicago in February, 1874, he worked successively for Swallow & Reed, the Union Stock Yards, for Shearer & Webb for two years, for Horine Brothers for about five years, and later was with Winser, Warner & Co. for one year, when he formed a co-partnership with A. E. Horn and M. T. Zimmerman, under the firm name of A. E. Horn & Co., which continued for five years. The firm of S. W. Sinclair & Co. was then formed, consisting of S. W. Sinclair, Mark Cope- land, l<'rank Wilkinson and Mr. Ballinger, which continued in existence four years. He was next associated with the firm of Coffman & Brown until the firm of Brown Brothers & Ballinger was formed, November 1, 1896, which still con- tinues In operation. Corporal Ballinger has won a host of friends by his kind, genial manner and close attention to business, and has done his part well to make the Union Slock Yards a great success. He was married to Miss Mary nrSTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 815 S. Simpson, in Mount Victory, Ohio, February 15, 1866, and five ciiildren have been born to them. EDWARD WHITE BANKER. Edward White Banljer, broker, Chicago, was born on a farm near Peru, Clinton County, N. Y., September 10, 1820, and was educated in the district schools at Plattsburg, N. Y. His pater- nal grandparents were William and Martha (Soles) Banker, the former having been born in Dutchess County, N. Y., and the latter in Vermont. On the maternal side his grandfather was John Kent, a native of Nova Scotia. His parents, John and Christiana (Kent) Banker, were born respectively in Peru, N. Y., and Keene, N. Y. On December 29, 1841, Mr. Banker was mar- ried to Charlotte E. Minkler, at Chazy, N. Y., and five children were born to them as follows: Benson B., George L., Emma, Etta and Mary. With his wife and family he moved to Boston, Mass., in 1852, and resided in that city for ten years, and then, in 1862, came to Chicago and for several years lived at 292 Washington Boule- vard. For the past ten years his home has been in Hinsdale, 111. His children are all married and have families, the five great-grandchildren being George Thomas Morgan and Virginia Clute Morgan, of Coxsackie, N. Y., Dorothy Marie, Marion Adele and Edward Hamilton Banker, Jr., of Chicago. The maiden name of Mrs. Banker's mother was Rachael Van Vleet. She was a native of Odletown, Canada. Mr. Banker's residence is at Hinsdale, 111. WILLIAM BARKER. William Barker, Captain of Hook and Ladder Company No. 9, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago October 13, 1863, and joined the Fire Department April 14, 1887. At the disas- trous Are in the Gunther confectionery estab- lishment, due to the emptiness of the reservoir, so much depended on by Mr. Gunther that he did not insure his stock, great deeds of heroism were performed. Panic-stricken girls to the number of 250, who had been at work upon bon- bons for the autumn festival, were rescued un- injured. Barker and his men were badly burned about the face and hands. They will forget the experience long before the spectators who begged them, for God's sake, to come down the ladder. Captain Barker, of Truck No. 9, who, with Lieutenant Miller of Truck 16, effected the thrilling rescue of Captain James Fitzpatrick from the roof of the Cold Storage Building in 1893, led four of his men up an extension ladder leading to the sixth story. When they reached the top, flames burst from below, burn- ing the rungs of the ladder and melting the rubber coats of the flre-flghters. The helmet of Barker, who seemed to be afire from head to foot, was lifted from his head and dashed to the earth. Shouting for water, and getting it, the intrepid skipper and his men turned the hose on the ladder first, and then entering the furnace, soon had the fire under control. GILBERT W. BARNARD. Gilbert Wordsworth Barnard is well known in Masonic circles throughout America and Europe, and has a world-wide reputation for sterling character, accommodating manners and devotion to the interests of the order. He was born at Palmyra, Wayne County, N. Y., June 1, 1834, the son of George Washington Barnard, whose death occurred previous to the birth of his son. The father of George W. Barnard, whose name was spelled Barnarde, was a Frenchman. Following the noble example of the immortal La Fayette, the elder Barnarde came to America to enlist in the cause of free- dom, and, upon the termination of the conflici, settled in Western New York, where he married and became the father of two sons. The elder of these died without issue, and the second lived and died in Wayne County, that State. The latter became the captain of a passenger packet on the Erie Canal, a position of con- siderable importance in his time. His wife, Sabrina Deming, was a native of New York, and has recently died at the extreme old age of eighty-four years. Gilbert W. Barnard was reared in the family of his maternal grandfather, David Demming, a native of Connecticut, who removed to Jack- son County, Mich., soon after his grandson be- came a member of his family. The Demming family was founded in America by four broth- ers, who settled in Connecticut early in the seventeenth century. The name was originally spelled Dummund, but by a process of evolution peculiar to foreign names in America, it became Demming, and was contracted by the present generation by the omission of one "m." The subject of this biography spent the first 8i6 HISTORICAL EIsTYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. fifteen years of his life in Jackson County, Mich., whence he came to Chicago and began his business career as clerk in a general store. He afterward engaged in the book and station- ery business, which line of trade he carried on for several years, achieving a reputation for upright and honorable dealing, and winning the esteem and confidence of his fellow-citizens. During the first year of his residence in Chi- cago he joined the volunteer fire department, and during the next nine or ten years rendered much valuable service to the city. In October, 1864, Mr. Barnard joined the Masonic order, and has ever since been actively identified with its interests, having filled most of the principal offices in the subordinate and grand bodies. He is at present Past Master of Garden City Lodge; Past High Priest of Corin- thian Chapter, No. 69, R. A. M. ; Past Eminent Commander of St. Barnard Commandery. No. 35. Knights Templar; Past Commander-in-Chief of the Oriental Consistory: Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter; Grand Recorder of the Grand Council and of the Grand Commandery; and Grand Secretary of the Council of Delib- eration, S. P. R. S., and other bodies. In 1877 he was elected Secretary of the Capitular, Cryptic and Chivalric Grand Bodies of the State of Illinois, a position he has ever since filled, and has devoted the best years of his life to the fraternity, administering to the wants of his brethren, and relieving the needs of their widows and orphans in distress. His signal ability and steadfast efforts in the per- formance of his duties have won for him a host of friends and admirers. He has labored un- tiringly in behalf of the Illinois Masonic Orphan's Home, of which he was the first Sec- retary, and through his active efforts has con- tributed much to the upbuilding of that worthy institution. His long connection with the Ancient Ac- cepted Scottish Rite has placed him in corre- Bpondence with all l)ranches of the order in all parts of the world. His commodious quarters In the Masonic Temple are general headquarters for Masonic affairs, and the resort of brethren from every civilized country on the globe. They contain an ample library, and are filled with numerouH other articles of use or interest to mf-mbers of the fraternity. Mr. Barnard was married in lSf.3, and one child, a (laughter, Is hIIII living, he having lost three children. His wife died several years since. GEORGE I. BARNES. George I. Barnes, Superintendent of the H. Mueller & Company Elevator, Chicago, was born in Berkeley County, W. Va., December 1.5, 1866, the son of George T. and Margaret C. (Pitcher) Barnes. His father was a farmer and also engaged in the stock business, shipping to Baltimore. The father is still living on the home farm in Berkeley County, W. Va., but the mother died in 1875 at the age of forty-two years. George I. Barnes remained on his father's farm until twenty-four years old, when, in 1892, he came to Chicago, where he finally turned his attention to the grain-elevator busi- ness, with which he has been connected con- tinuously since. On July 15, 1899, he assumed charge as Su- perintendent of the Mueller Elevator on the Pan-Handle Railroad track at Fifty-sixth Street, as successor to E. B. Marsh. This elevator has a storage capacity of 350,000 bushels, and is capable of receiving and shipping about sixty car-loads of grain per day. It employs some twenty men. A wholesale feed department, opened some years since, is operated in connec- tion with the elevator. Mr. Barnes was mar- ried August 8, 1897, to Miss Carrie Lehner. of Chicago, who has borne him two children: Grade, born June 12, 1898, and Roy. born March 24, 1900. In politics Mr. Barnes is a Republican. JOHN P. BARRETT. John P. Barrett was born at Auburn, N. Y., June 24, 1837, and, coming with his parents to Chicago in 1844, there received a common- school education. Even as a youth he displayed his predilection for a connection with the fire department by "running with" Niagara No. 3, in the old volunteer days. Naturally of an ad- venturous disposition, he became a sailor. In 1851 he went to sea before the mast, and during a voyage along the Pacific coast of South Amer- ica, in 1858, fell from the masthead, sustaining a fracture of both a leg and an arm. Return- ing to Chicago in 1862, he entered the paid Fire Department, and was made a watchman for engine houses Nos. 3 and 8. In 1863 he was given charge of the alarm bell in the city hall, and when, in 1865, the city inaugurated the fire-alarm telegraph system, he was assigned HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 817 as a batteryman under the superintendency of E. B. Chandler as Superintendent, served as battery man, operator and chief operator, and on the retirement of the latter in 1876, was appointed superintendent, and continued to dis- charge the responsible and exacting duties of the post until 1897, when he resigned. During his administration Mr. Barrett in- augurated many reforms. Through one of his inventions, familiarly known in the department as "the joker," each engine house received the alarm simultaneously with its being struck in the alarm-box, rendering it unnecessary to wait for the sounding of the gong in the general office. He also first suggested and introduced the system of subterranean conduits for wires, suggested and carried out the utilizing of the city plants for electric street-lighting, and put into successful operation the bridge telephone service for the regulation of navigation on the river and in the harbor. To Mr. Barrett belongs the honor of originating the use of patrol wagons, now so general in all large cities. He was also at the- head of the electrical depart- ment of the Columbian Exposition. His service in the department covered a period of over thirty-five years, and Chicago has had few, if any, more efficient public officers. Mr. Barrett was married April 30, 1869, to Margaret D'Arcy of Chicago, and eleven chil- dren have been born to them, four of whom are deceased. THOMAS P. BARRY. Thomas P. Barry, Captain Engine No. 74, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago October 2, 1864, and was educated at the Went- worth Avenue public school and Brothers' Parochial School. After leaving school he learned the horse-shoeing trade, at which he worked for two years. After tz'aveling through the South for two years, he returned to Chicago and worked on the Fire Alarm Service for one year, then joined the Fire Department August 3, 1885, as watchman on Engine No. 8, serving one month, when he took George W. Weller's place as truckman on Truck 4, remaining there four years. He was promoted to Lieutenant September 1, 1889, and transferred to Truck 11, serving three years and four months; was next promoted to Captain December 31, 1892, and assisted to organize Engine 71 (Chicago Fire Queen) ; was assigned to Marshal Murphy's headquarters at the World's Fair on Engine 2, and was transferred to Truck 8 May 6, 1893. remaining until July 10, 1893, when he met with an accident at the Cold Storage fire, receiv- ing a compound fracture of the right wrist, leaving it stiff and partially boneless. During that fire he was on the tower with the five of his company who were killed at that time. Their names were John Cahill, William Den- ning, Philip Breen, Paul Schroeder and John McBride. The ropes were burned away from below, and, seeing no other way of escape, Capt. Barry jumped 87 feet and landed on his feet, having gone through the roof, between the joists, which caused his broken wrist. After crawling back on to the roof, he came down the ladder and was taken to the hospital. After his recovery he was assigned to Engine 63, World's Fair Grounds, December 24, 1893. Meeting with another accident at the Colonnade Hotel fire, he was placed temporarily on the pension list April 1, 1894; was reassigned for duty October 15, 1896, as Captain of Engine 81, remaining until August, 1899, when he was transferred to Engine 74 and still remains ready for any peril which he may be called upon to face. He has shown by his brave service in the department that he is a "chip off the old block." Capt. Barry was married in Chicago, August 26, 1895, to Miss Annie Calligan, and three chil- dren have been born of this union. CHARLES T. BARTLETT. Charles T. Bartlett, contractor, Chicago, was born in Lake County, 111., November 25, 1848, and educated in the district schools. His par- ents were natives of New Hampshire and came to Chicago in 1834. In 1836 they went to Lake County, where his father, who was one of the first County Commissioners of that county, in 1901 was still living on his original homestead. Charles T. Bartlett came to Chicago in 1866 and learned his trade with C. A. Price, and was Superintendent of Public Works in Indiana. In 1871 Mr. Bartlett came to Evanston, 111., and engaged in contracting and building, and has constructed a majority of the large buildings in that city, also most of the sewers. He was col- lector of the city of Evanston for one term. On January 4, 1870, he was married to Miss Martha A. Cronkhite, in Lake County, 111., and they are the parents of six children: Fannie D., Charles H., Mary S., Walter W., George V. 8i8 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. and Laura M. Mrs. Bartlett's parents settled in Lake County in 1840. Mr. Bartlett is a mem- ber of Evans Lodge, A. F. & A. M., and of Evanston Lodge, I. O. O. F. JOHN A. BARTLETT. John A. Bartlett (deceased) was born at Ox- ford, Worcester County, Mass., April 8, 1829, the son of Eleazer Bartlett, who was a native of East Killingly, Windham County, Conn., born in 1800, and died at Webster, Mass., April 12, 1861. Mr. John A. Bartlett's grandfather, also named Eleazer. was born in the Quinebaug Val- ley, Conn., where the family ancestors had lived for generations, and took part in the War of the Revolution. Eleazer Bartlett, Jr., was reared on his father's farm, and in his father's mill learned something of machinery, which he ex- tended in machine-shops, later being employed in the making of machines for the manufacture of woolen and cotton goods. About 1828 he married Mrs. Harriet (Ashcraft) Bartlett, who was born in Brooklyn, Conn., and became the mother of the subject of this sketch, but died in the twenty-seventh year of her age. After attending the schools at Oxford and Webster. Mass., until about 1-847, John A. Bart- lett became an apprentice in a machine-shop, where he spent six years in learning a trade. October 13, 1854, he arrived in Chicago, and during the following year became a member of the wholesale boot and shoe firm of Rawson, Bartlett & Company at 221-223 South Water Street, which later became Rawson & Bartlett, with more extensive quarters at 24 Lake Street. They lost the greater part of their stock by fire in May, 1860, but promptly resumed business at 30 Lake Street. Mr. Rawson having died in 1862, the firm was reorganized with a brother of the deceased member of the firm as senior partner. In 1866 Messrs. Hoswell & Bush were admitted to the partnership, but a year later, Mr. Rawson having retired, the firm became Bartlett, Hoswell & Hush. In 1869 Mr. Bartlett sold out his interest to his former part- ner. S. W. Rawson, and withdrew from the wholesale boot and shoe trade. A portion of the following year was spent In traveling in California for the benefit of his health, but re- turning to Chicago in the summer of 1870, he pntrTcd into partnership with A. P. Downs, in the realeslatp buslnpss. which was terminated by the death of Mr. Downs seven years later, after which Mr. Bartlett was in business alone, much of his attention being devoted to business in Englewood and Auburn Park. In 1883 he located on Perry Avenue, in what was then known as Normal Park, which continued to be his home for the rest of his life. In 1884 he was elected Assessor for Lake Township, and in 1885 was chosen Superintendent of Public Works by an almost unanimous vote, both as a business man and a public official, proving him- self an important factor in the development of what is now a flourishing portion of the city of Chicago. Mr. Bartlett was married in Boston, Mass., January 23, 1851, to Miss Sarah A. Wentworth, daughter of Daniel S. and Rebecca J. Went- worth, who T/ere natives of Maine, the father dying in Effingham, N. H., when his daughter was eleven years old. One son Charles A., now of the firm of Bartlett, Olson & Hankinson, was born of this marriage. Charles A. was married in May, 1877, to Miss Carrie Kent of Engle- wood, and they had three children: Mary F., Kent W. and Helen S. John A. Bartlett was a member of the Chicago Real Estate Board from 1883, an Odd Fellow from 1855, and a Republi- can in politics from the organization of the party in 1856. Mr. Bartlett died at his home in Englewood March 3, 1902. WILLIAM H. BARTLETT. William H. Bartlett, Lieutenant of Engine No. 24, Chicago Fire Department, was born at Belvi- dere, Boone County, 111., November 5, 1850, and was educated in the public schools. After leav- ing school, he drove a carriage for Mr. Kringle at Belvidere, and came to Chicago in 1869 and drove a carriage for U. R. Hawley, and later at Center Avenue Stables. He joined the Fire Patrol June 8, 1874, and was assigned to No. 1, but, having resigned, joined the Chicago Fire Department in October, 1881, and was assigned to Engine No. 14; next was transferred to Truck No. 1, thence to Engine No. 1 December 31, 1881. Subsequent changes have included his promotion to Lieutenant and transfer to Engine No. 13 January 1. 1883, then to Engine No. 24 November 21, 1887, but is now (1904) on duty on Engine No. 51, ready for any call where a brave fireman is wanted. He has had many narrow escapes, having had his head and hands badly burned, but has sustained no permanent injuries. He was married to Jenny Prinde- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 819 ville in Chicago, June 5, 1885, and one son has been born to them. FREDERICK BAUMANN. Frederick Baumann, oldest living Chicago architect, was born near Berlin, Germany, Jan- uary 6, 1826, and was educated in the public schools of his native place and at Berlin Poly- technic Institute and the Academy of Arts. After leaving the academy he embarked for America June 7, 1850, and coming to Chicago, worked on a farm at Washington Heights for one year, then worked for one year as drafts- man for John M. Van .Osdel, architect, after which, on February 2, 1852, he joined with Edward Burling under the firm name of Bur- ling & Baumann, architects, the partnership continuing for three years. The firm was then dissolved, when he joined John Van Osdel, under the style of Van Osdel & Baumann, remaining four years. He then became a contractor for seven years, after which he became associated with his nephew, Edward Baumann, under the firm name of F. & E. Baumann, continuing for eight years, when he went into business for himself as an architect, which he has continued to the present time. He has built and super- intended some of the largest and most extensive buildings in Chicago, and is the oldest living architect remaining in Chicago, since the death of Edward Burling. Mr. Baumann was married in Germany December 15, 1854, to Miss Wilhelmina Steen- hauer, and eleven children have blessed this union, five of whom are now living, viz: George M., Elsie M., Nellie M., Frederick and Edward S. Baumann. Chicago's pioneers have assisted in building up here the most wonderful city in the world, and Mr. Baumann has done his full share in the accomplishment of this great work, for which he has received the praise of his many friends and associates. ELMER E. BEACH. Elmer E. Beach, lawyer, was born December 19, 1861, in Fremont County, Iowa. His father moved his family to Northern Michigan when the son was a lad of six years of age, and he was there reared on a farm, thus fitting him physically for a sturdy manhood. He left the farm and his father's home when fifteen years of age, to attend the schools of Grand Rapids, Mich., and while in his 'teens entered the Uni- versity of Michigan, graduating at the age of twenty-two years. He then began reading law with Judge Shorey of Chicago, and was admit- ted to the Chicago bar in 1888. Both his father, Henry W., and his grandfather, Artemus H. Beach, were born in New York State. His mother, who was Miss Eva E., the daughter of Mr. Jonathan Canfield, was born in Vermont, as was her father also. Mr. Beach was married July 29, 1889, to Miss Jessie E. Taylor, of Ann Arbor, Mich., and has one child, Elizabeth Clara. Politically Mr. Beach is a Republican. He is now the head of the firm of Beach & Beach, with offices in the Ashland Block, having a general law practice. Mr. Beach's success shows what can be accom- plished by energy and perseverance, rising, as he has done, from a farmer's boy to the posi- tion of one of the leading attorneys at the Chi- cago bar. WILLIAM BEETLES. William Beetles, United States Army and valet to John B. Sherman, President of the Union Stock Yards and Transit Company, was born in North Cambridge, England, August 5, 1845; was educated in the district schools, and came to America and to Chicago in November, 1865. In 1866 he returned to his native couq- try, but in 1871 came back to America, and on August 28, 1871, enlisted in the United States Army, being honorably discharged August 28, 1878. After his return he was appointed Assist- ant to Superintendent John Stevens, Exchange Restaurant, Union Stock Yards, in 1877, re- maining in that position two years. In 1879 he again enlisted in the United States Army, but was discharged in 1880 for disability on account of a severe sunstroke. He then returned to the Exchange Restaurant, remaining there until employed by John B. Sherman until July 31, 1898, when he retired from active business. Mr. Beetles has always been found ready for any duty that he may have been called upon to per- form. AMES BEILFUS. Ames Beilfus, Lieutenant Fire Department, Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, was born in Chicago November 22, 1862, educated in the Douglas school, and after leaving school, car- ried water for the South Park Commissioners 820 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. for three months. In 1878 he entered the em- ployment of Swift & Company as handy boy at the packing house; then killed and butchered cattle for a time; was appointed Marshal in the Fire Department in 1893, and when the Fire Company was organized was chosen Lieutenant. He has had numerous narrow escapes, but has suffered no serious injuries. Lieutenant Beil- fus was married in Chicago, January 16, 1886, to Miss Hannah Crons, and four children have blessed their union. HENRY HOLMES BELFIELD. Henry H. Belfield, A. M., Ph. D., educator, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., of English par- entage, November 17, 1837, and was educated at Iowa College. During the War of the Rebellion he served in the Army of the Cumberland, first as a Lieutenant and afterwards as Adju- tant of the Eighth Iowa Cavalry, as well as upon the staff of Gen. E. M. McCook. While a prisoner in the hands of the rebels, he was placed under fire of the Union batteries at Charleston. Coming to Chicago in 1866, he served as Principal in various public schools, including the North Division High School. He was one of the earliest advocates of manual training, and, on the establishment of the Chi- cago Manual Training School, was appointed its Director — a position he has continued to occupy to the present time (1904). In 1901-2 he was in Europe, with a commission from the United .States Govemment, studying technical education. Mr. Belfield is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, of the Military Order of -the Loyal Legion, and is an elder in the Presby- terian Church. FRANK J. BELSKY. Frank J. Belsky, Assistant Engineer, Engine No. 23, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago May 14, 1872, and educated at the Throop public school; later worked for the Mc- Cormick Manufacturing Company about three years, with William McGregor five years, one year at Sanold's Bicycle Company Works, and on the Twenty-second Street General Elec- tric Car Line. On August 28, 1894, Mr. Bel- sky joined the Chicago Fire Department, being aHBlgned to Engine 29; was transferred to Engine 7.'>, as Assistant Engineer, October 25, 1894. and on February 29, 1896, to Engine 23. Mr. Belsky was married in Chicago October 29, 1892, to June Maresh, and two children have been born to them. He is one of Chicago's fire- men who is always ready for any emergency where nerve and fidelity to duty are needed. DR. H. A. BENZ. Dr. H. A. Benz, physician and surgeon, Wheel- ing, 111., was born in New York City, March 12, 1863, the son of Henry and Emma (Rein- hard) Benz; came with his parents to Chicago in boyhood and was educated in the public schools and Rush Medical College, graduating from the latter in February, 1888. February 10, 1890, he located in the village of Wheeling, where he has since resided and been engaged in the practice of his profession. Dr. Benz was married to Amelia Baistachy Martin in the city of Chicago, and has had three chil- dren: Oscar, Elizabeth (died November 10, 1898) and George. COL. FRANKLIN J. BERRY. To the man who establishes a new and hon- orable business within her limits a city owes a great debt. Especially is this true when the trade is one calculated largely to advance its material prosperity, and is inaugurated by a man whose capability, experience and resolute will combine to make it both important and successful. Such a debt of gratitude and esteem is due from Chicago to Mr. Franklin J. Berry, its pioneer horse merchant. He was born at Limington, Maine, on September 26, 1837, and his education was obtained within the walls of the district school-house. His business capabil- ity began to manifest itself at a very early age. When eighteen years old he left his father's farm to embark in the live-stock business for himself. So successful was he in this venture that, at the age of twenty, he owned his own farm, which he had purchased without assist- ance from his father. He soon became recog- nized as the largest stock and horse-dealer in the State. Before reaching the age of twenty- five he began the breeding of stock from im- ported cattle, hogs, sheep and horses, among the latter being some thoroughbred trotters. He still runs a breeding farm, although his time and attention are chiefly devoted to commercial affairs. It was in 1872 that Colonel Berry came from Maine to Chicago, where he opened a small HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLIXOIS. 821 horse mart at the corner of Michigan Avenue and Monroe Street. This was the pioneer horse market in the West, and it flourished greatly through the free but judicious use of money by its proprietor in advertising and otherwise. In 1886 the annual sales aggregated 4,000 horses, all eastern shippers being among his patrons. By this time his trade had far out- grown the capacity of his premises, and upon the invitation of John B. Sherman, then Presi- dent of the Union Stock Yards, he removed thither on October 8, 1898, having previously obtained the promise that the necessary stables should be built as circumstances required. He first occupied Barn No. 2, and Nos. 3 and 4 as soon as they were built, the following year. He still continued his advertising, finding that it increased his business very rapidly. On Jan- uary 3, 1888, he established an auction sale of horses, the first ever held in the West. It is also said that it was the first successful sale of the kind ever held in the United States. Leroy Marsh, of Galesburg, 111., greatly aided the enterprise by furnishing two car-loads of horses for the first sale, and one for each suc- ceeding' auction. In order to establish the busi- ness. Col. Berry put up his own horses on sale at the first auction. They were sold at a loss of This sale cost Mr. Berry $1,000, but it proved money well invested. The astonishment among horsemen, both East and West, was unprece- dented. They could not understand how horses could be put up and actually sold at such prices. The sale was conducted on strictly honorable, business principles, and this straightforward uprightness has been the keynote of Mr. Berry's success in business. Every horse was sold only on its merits, a guaranteed statement of all its good and bad qualities being given to the pur- chaser. The result proved very valuable, buy- ers coming to subsequent auctions from all parts of the country. It is said that Mr. Berry spent not less than $85,000 in nine years in advertising his auctions alone. He was the first to introduce high-class trotting sales out- side of Kentucky and New York, and some idea of the volume of business done by him may be gathered from the fact that his sales in 1895 exceeded 27,000 horses. His business associates, recognizing his ability and worth, elected him the first President of the National Horse Ex- change, and of the National Horse Breeders' Association. The latter office he still holds. The rules governing the auction sales estab- lished by Mr. Berry have been adopted by all auction sales of horses in the United States. On October 24, 1858, he married Sarah W. Weeman, at Standish, Maine. She has borne him two daughters — Ella May (now deceased) and Ella May (second) — the younger of whom was born February 26, 1869, and is the wife of Benjamin P. Rideing, a dry-goods merchant of New York City. In politics he is an earnest Republican, and for many years was one of the enthusiastic and untiring workers for the principles and policies of that party. He was a delegate to the Repub- lican National Convention at St. Louis in 1896, which nominated the lamented McKinley, and for two months of the campaign of that year spoke almost daily in this city and State advo- cating the election of Mr. McKinley and the maintenance of a stable currency. In the cam- paign of 1900 he delivered forty-two addresses from the platform in this city and State, the result of which work was most satisfactory. Colonel Berry holds the world's record as the largest horse-dealer, selling more horses in one year than any other one man. JOHN J. BERRY. John J. Berry, Engineer Engine No. 42, Chi- cago Fire Department, was born in Amesburg, Canada, July 25, 1846, came to Detroit, Mich., with his parents in 1847, and to Chicago in 1857, and here attended the Kinzie and Dear- born schools. After leaving school he worked for F. E. Rigby & Son (wall-paper dealers), and later for J. M. Loomis (hatter); then for the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad as fireman in 1861, until he joined the Fire Department July 25, 1866, as stoker for "Liberty" Engine No. 7 (name changed to "Fred Gund" No. 14 Febru- ary 5, 1867), being promoted to Engineer Jan- uary 1, 1871. He was at a fire on Fifth Avenue near Monroe Street on Saturday night, October 7, 1871, after which he went to the West Side fire (Hills' box factory), corner of Canal and Jackson Streets, and worked there until Sunday morning; went to the Sunday night fire, Octo- ber 8, at 10 o'clock (at Bateham's mill), and from there to Van Buren and Canal Streets, and worked two lines between Clinton and Canal Streets, and then across the street to the coal- yards, where the company lost their engine 822 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. about midnight, as it became so hot that they could not reach the pole, although the horses were saved. After losing their engine, Mr. Berry went to the Chicago Avenue engine house and then to Miller's dry-dock and helped on En- gine 11 until Tuesday morning, when he went to Aurora Turner Hall (Milwaukee Avenue) for breakfast. Later he went to Kirk's Soap Factory (.North Pier), and used Engine No. 2, of Racine, Wis., for three days, drawing water from the river, in the meantime taking Engine No. 30 of New York City to the water-works, working there ten days pumping water into the mains. Later he took charge of Engine 20 at the engine house. This was the first self-pro- pelling engine used in Chicago, being loaned to the city by the Amoskeag Company until the "Fred Gund" and "William Jones" were rebuilt. After the "Fred Gund" was rebuilt Engineer Berry ran it until 1881, and then the "Ahrens" No. 14 was installed in the same house, where he remained until March 31, 1888, when he was transferred to Engine 42, and still remains ready for any call. Very fortunately he has sustained no serious injury but, of course, has had many narrow escapes. Mr. Berry was married to Miss Rebecca A. Shaffer in Chicago, June 15, 1867, and three children have been born to them, only one of whom is now living. JOHN ELLISON BEST. John E. Best, M. D., practicing physician and surgeon, Arlington Heights, was born in Dorr Township, McHenry County, 111., October 31, 1843. His father, Michael Best, was a native of Fingal, Ontario, Dominion of Canada, born in 1812, and his mother, Hannah (Ellison) Best, born the same year near Montreal, though after- wards residing at St. Thomas. Within three weeks after their marriage the young couple started by wagon for Illinois, bringing with them all their belongings. Having arrived in Dorr Township, McHenry County, in November, 1840, where Mr. Best had located a claim in May previous, they here established their home near the present site of the city of Woodstock. Mr. Best's life occupation was that of a farmer, and, In common with the pioneer settlers of that period, the first few years of their resi- dence In their western home were attended with much hardship and privation. They continued to occupy ilH'lr home near Woodstock until 1878, when they removed to Crystal Lake, where they resided until the death of Mr. Best, which occurred in 1890. Both Mr. and Mrs. Best were consistent members of the Methodist Church. The remaining years of Mrs. Best's life were spent with her son, the subject of this sketch. Shfe died in 1901, aged ninety years. Dr. Best received his early education in the public schools, followed by a course in Todd Seminary at Woodstock. At the age of nine- teen years he enlisted as a private in the Nine- ty-fifth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Soon afteV entering the service he stood on the picket line for a period of five hours through a drenching rain, in consequence of the neglect of the Corporal who, having overslept him- self, failed to relieve the guard at the proper hour. As a consequence he contracted a serious illness, which kept him in the hospital most of the time for a year, finally resulting in his dis- charge for disability. After his army experi- ence he entered Rush Medical College as a student, graduating in 1870. Since then, when not engaged in special study, he has devoted his undivided attention to the practice of his profession. In the winter of 1882 he took a course of lectures at Bellevue Medical College, New York, also devoting special attention to pathology, laryngoscopy and surgery. Again in 1890 he took a general course at the Polyclinic Medical School in New York, with special work in surgery and microscopy. For one year (1896) he held by appointment a position on the sur- gical staff connected with the Cook County Hospital. During the year 1899 he took a spe- cial course in surgery at the Chicago Polyclinic. The time spent by him in special courses of study has proven his devotion to his chosen profession. In fact he has been a life student, in addition to his professional studies having given much attention to the sciences and gen- eral literature. His literary tastes have been evinced in the collection of an excellent library for the use of himself and family, and in the time spent in the study of books when not otherwise employed. The love of the beautiful, both in art and nature has left its impress on his home life. On December 23, 1867, Dr. Best was married to Miss Celestia Taylor, a woman of cultured intellect, a faithful co-worker and of elevated Christian character. After many years of mar- ital happiness her death occurred on the twenty- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. i23 fifth anniversary of their location in Arlington Heights. Two children were the fruit of this union. Emma, born December 3, 1873, was a promising girl of bright intellect and most happy temperament, but died, deeply mourned by her family and friends, January 21, 1890, at the age of a little over sixteen years. Bruce Taylor was born December 9, 1876, and is a young man of vigorous and sterling character and studious habits; he graduated at Rush Medical College in March, 1894, and is now associated with his father in the practice of medicine at Arlington Heights. On August 5, 1896, Dr. Best was married to Miss Nellie Noyes, a woman of refined and cul- tivated tastes, who has contributed her full share to the making of a happy home. Dr. Best is a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, and has been active in Sunday School work, being, for a number of years, Su- perintendent of the Sabbath School connected with his church. Politically he has been an ardent and life-long Republican, but tolerant of the views of others. He has always taken an active interest in enterprises looking to the improvement of the village, and has been a liberal contributor to charitable purposes. Of sterling integrity, practical and skillful in his profession, genial and hospitable in his home and social life, he has established for himself a high reputation as a public-spirited and influ- ential private citizen and a most capable and useful member of the medical profession. He is a member of the Chicago Medical Society; the niinois State Medical Society; the Amer- ican Medical Association; Gen. John A. Logan Post, G. A. R. ; is a Knight Templar, and Noble of the Mystic Shrine. FRANK BIELENBERG. Frank Bielenberg, Pipeman, Engine No. 74, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago January 10, 1871; educated in the Foster school, and after leaving school worked as a bell-boy at the Briggs House for one year. He then went to Irondale in 1884, and worked in a nail fac- tory for five years, and later for the Standard Oil Company for one and a half years; then spent a year in California, when he returned to Chicago and joined the World's Fair Fire Department August 5, 1892, on Engine No. 1. He was in the Cold Storage fire July 10, 1893, and on the tower with William Mahoney when they found it all afire. They went to the north side of the tower and found a rope tied to the railing which proved to be partially burned. They slid down the rope together about forty feet, and then dropped forty-seven feet to the roof of the main building. Bielenberg landed on his feet with a force heavy enough to burst the uppers from both the soles of his shoes, and was rescued unconscious, while Mahoney had both legs and collar-bone broken. Bielenberg was taken to the hospital and re- covered so that he was at work again in a month, and remained on Engine No. 1 until the company was disbanded. He then worked in the ship-yard at South Chicago until he joined the Chicago Fire Department December 1, 1894, on Truck 17; and was transferred September 1, 1896, to Engine No. 74, where he still re- mains ready for any call that may be made for his services either of duty or danger. Mr. Bielenberg was married in Chicago,. November 5, 1895, to Miss Clara Kumpf, and two children have been born to them. JUDD E. BISBEY. Judd E. Bisbey, live-stock commission mer- chant, was born in Perry, Wyoming County, N. Y., December 3, 1831, and educated in the dis- trict schools. After leaving school he went to Winneshiek County, Iowa, in 1852, and en- tered a large number of acres of land, which he held until it became of value in the market,, when he deeded it back to the Government ai a profit to himself, later deeding 500 acres more near Waterloo, in the same State. Having sold all of his land, he came to Belvidere, 111., and bought grain for ten years; then went to Cedar Falls, Iowa, and sold goods there for ten years, coming to Chicago in 1871. After his arrival in Chicago he was employed by Wallwork & Mai- lory for one year, and then by Hall, Patter- son & Co. for five years. The firm of McDon- ald, Wolcott & Co. was organized, in which he became a partner, remaining one year. He then found employment with Wagner Broth- ers & Co., remaining with them ten years; later was connected with the Iowa Live Stock Com- mission Company for two years, and then with Rosenbaum Brothers & Co. up to the present time. Mr. Bisbey was married in Belvidere, 111., January 1, 1855, to Miss Lucia Morse, and one- daughter has been the fruit of this union. Mr„ 824 HISTORICAL EXCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Bisbey has shown by his devotion to his busi- ness associates that he is a man of sterling worth, pleasant, courteous and affable in all of his dealings. Has done his part well in as- sisting to build up this western country, and especially in Cook County, and at the Union Stock Yards. JOHN CHARLES BLACK. John Charles Black, lawyer and soldier, born at Lexington, Miss., January 27, 1839, at eight years of age came with his widowed mother to Illinois; while a student at Wabash College, Ind.. in April, 1861, enlisted in the Union Army, serving gallantly and with distinction until August 15. 1S65, when, as Colonel of the Thirty- seventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry, he retired with the rank of Brevet-Brigadier-General; was admitted to the bar in 1867, and after practi- cing at Danville, Champaign and Urbana, in 1885 was appointed Commissioner of Pensions, serv- ing until 1889, when he removed to Chicago; served as Congressman-at-large (1893-95), and United States District Attorney (1895-99); Com- mander of the Loyal Legion and of the G. A. R. (Department of Illinois); was elected Com- mander-in-Chief of the Grand Army at the Grand Encampment, 1903. Gen. Black received the honorary degree of A. M. from his Alma Mater and that of LL. D. from Knox College; in January, 1904, was appointed by President Roosevelt member of the United States Civil Service Commission, and chosen its President. JOSEPH L. BLACK. Joseph L. Black, M. D., practicing physician, Palatine. Cook County, 111., is a native of Port- land, Ind., born May 22, 1868. He was grad- uated from the Chicago Homeopathic College in 1893. and from the Cook County Hospital on October first of the following year. Having taken a post-graduate course, he located at Palatine, which has l)een his home ever since. Dr. Black has one of the best equipped offices In Cook County outside of the city of Chicago, and devotes much time to special treatment with his static electric machine. On June 29, 1898, he was married to Rose Robertson, of Bar- rinRton, III. JAMES BLAIR. ThJH Hiiccessful man of l)UHiness, widely and favorably known as Secretary and Treasurer of the National Horse Exchange at the Union Stock Yards, was born at Joliet, 111., July 1, 1862; received his education in the city public schools, and at the age of eighteen accompanied his father to Lenox, 111., where he worked on the paternal dairy farm until he was of age. His business career has been a somewhat varied one. On leaving home he went to Aurora, 111., where he established the firm of Blair Brothers, which, for ten years, imported and sold English horses, he himself conducting a furniture and undertaking establishment for two years. On July 10, 1892, he first took up his residence in Chicago and, in September following, accepted the position of manager of the Moorish Palace at the World's Fair. Before the close of the Exposition, on Sep- tember 15, 1893, Mr. Blair organized the firm of Evans, Ellsworth & Blair (incorporated), of which he became President. A year later this corporation was dissolved, to be succeeded by the Blair & Evans Company, Mr. Blair again occupying the President's chair. After two years Mr. Blair bought the interest of Mr. Evans, and proceeded to organize the Blair Commission Company, of which concern he is both President and Treasurer. The company does a large and successful business, its annual sales averaging about five thousand horses. In the eight years during which he has carried on business at the Union Stock Yards Mr. Blair has earned a high reputation for sagacity, sound judgment and integrity, and in testimony of their high confidence in his ability and worth, his business associates have elected him to the responsible position which he so ably fills. On October 16, 1880, he married Miss Frances Curry, of Aurora, 111., and two children have been born to them. RUFUS BLANCHARD. Rufus Blanchard was born in Lyndeboro, N. H., March 7, 1821. In early boyhood he attended the district school. At twelve years of age he entered Ipswich Academy, near his home, and later studied under private tutors in higher mathematics and Latin. To state correctly, Mr. Blanchard was a student to the last day of his life. His jiarents were well to do for those days, and both father and mother were descend- ed from ancestry who had been active in the making of Colonial and Revolutionary history. He went to New York City in (he fall of 1836 HISTORICAL EN^CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 825 I i accompanied by his fatlier, and engaged in the service of Harper Brothers, publishers. The next spring (1837) he witnessed the closing of the doors of all the banks in Wall Street; and every bank in the United States suspended specie payments as soon as the action of the "Wall Street banks became known. If they had not done this, they would have been drawn upon to redeem the entire amount of their circulation in specie. The Wall Street banks did not keep their doors closed more than two days, and after opening again they did business as usual, except that they paid out no specie. This suspension lasted about two years, during which time gold and silver commanded a pre- mium of about twenty per cent, silver being held in special demand, as it was wanted for making change. This was the beginning of the panic of 1837 for which President Andrew Jackson was held responsible. In 1838 Mr. Blanchard, with his older brother, Edwin, went to Ohio, bought land and engaged in farming for three years, teaching school during each winter in log school-houses. No fads were taught, but a number of his scholars were well advanced in their respective studies, embracing the higher branches of mathematics. In 1847 Mr. Blanchard opened a book and map store in Cincinnati, operating a branch during the winter season in New Orleans. Leaving Cincinnati in 1850 he went to New York City and formed a partnership at 195 Broadway with Charles Morse, son of the inventor of the tele- graph, and they were the first in the United States to publish maps engraved in cerography, now called wax-engraving. Sidney E. Morse, editor of the "New York Observer," and brother of the telegraph inventor, improved upon this system of engraving, as it had been practiced in Germany, and gave his nephew Charles and Mr. Blanchard the benefit of his new methods. In 1853 this partnership was dissolved by mut- ual consent, and Mr. Blanchard transferred his business to Chicago, and opened a general book and map store, where, for the remainder of his life, he was engaged in publishing maps and writing history. His last work, "Docu- mentary History of Cession of Louisiana to the United States," was published a few months be- fore his death, soon after the publication of his history of "The North-West and Chicago." His pursuit of science was confined to such studies in Mathematics and the languages as were necessary in his business and literary vocation. Mr. Blanchard died at his home atWheaton, 111., January 3, 1904, having nearly rounded out a full eighty-three years of active life. He was slightly ill tor two hours, but his mind was clear to the last moment of life when, without warning or struggle, he closed his eyes and gently passed away. Mr. Blanchard was an easy writer and deep thinker, a man who made friends and retained them always through his natural force of character and kindly disposi- tion. He had no children. His wife survives him. JAMES C. BLANEY. James C. Blaney, former Assistant Engineer, Fullerton Avenue Pumping Station, now Chief Boiler Inspector, city of Chicago, was born in New York City, January 10, 1862; came to Chi- cago in 1867, and here attended the Coleman public school. After leaving school he served his time at the Rock Island Railroad boiler shops, remaining there six years; then worked for C. P. Willard & Co. (now Chicago Marine Works) for one and a half years, when he be- came Assistant Superintendent for the Marine Boiler Works, Milwaukee, Wis. (afterwards sold to E. P. Allis & Co.), remaining in that position three years. Returning to Chicago, he worked for Jonathan Clark & Co. as mechanical en- gineer, assisting in the construction of the Art Institute building; later went to the Stock Yards for the American Glue Company, and when they started was appointed Chief Engineer of their works, remaining two and a half years. He next occupied a position for two years as fire- man at the boiler-shop of the Santa Fe Railroad Company, Chicago. Mr. Blaney stood at the head of a list of one hundred and fifty applicants as boiler-worker, and in February, 1898, received an appointment to the Chicago Avenue Pumping Station. In 1885 he was "tapper" for the Town of Lake water-works; later took charge, as general fore- man, of the erection and repairs of all the boilers and tanks of Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, remaining two years, and then in 1892 started in business for himself at the Gar- den City Boiler-Works, LaSalle and Root Streets. He continued his connection with this concern until 1896, when, after working at several places, he took the civil service exam- ination and was one of fourteen out of ninety-seven applicants who passed for the posi- 826 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. tion of mechanical engineer. He was appointed to the Bridgeport Pumping Station as Assist- ant Engineer, remaining until July 24, 1900, when the city turned the station over to the Sanitary District. He was then transferred to the FuUerton Avenue Pumping Station, but later, in January, 1901, Mr. Blaney took Coolv County civil service examination in mechanical engineering, and was one of the five who passed; was appointed Assistant Engineer for the Cook County Hospital, but declined the appointment. Later he was appointed Chief Boiler Inspector, a position which he still holds. Mr. Blaney was married to Miss Agnes F. Leach in Chicago, August 28, 1884, and they have had ten children, seven of whom are now living. ELIPHALET WICKES BLATCHFORD. Eliphalet Wickes Blatchford, LL.D., son of John Blatchford, D. D., was born at Stillwater, N. Y., May 31, 1826, being a grandson of Samuel Blatchford, D. D., who came to New York from England in 1795. He prepared for college at Lansingburgh Academy, New York, and at Marion College, Mo., finally graduating at Illi- nois College, Jacksonville, in the class of 1845. After graduating he was employed for several years in the law offices of his uncles, R. M. and E. H. Blatchford, New York. For considera- tions of health he returned to the West, and, in 1850. engaged in business for himself as a lead manufacturer in St. Louis, Mo., afterwards asso- ciating with him the late Morris Collins, under the firm name of Blatchford & Collins. In 1854 a branch was established in Chicago, known as Collins & Blatchford. After a few years the firm was dissolved, Mr. Blatchford taking the Chicago business, which has been continued as E. W. Blatchford & Co., to the present time (1905). While Mr. Blatchford has invariably declined political offices, he has been recognized as a stanch Republican, and the services of few men have been in more frequent request for posi- tions of trust in connection with educational and benevolent enterprises. Among the numer- ous positions of this character which he has been called to fill are those of Treasurer of the Northwestern Branch of the I'nlted States San- itary Commission d\iring the Civil War, to which he devoted a large part of his lime; TniHtee of Illinois College (1866-75); President of the Chicago Academy of Sciences; a member, and for seventeen years President, of the Board of Trustees of the Chicago Eye and Ear In- firmary; Trustee of the Chicago Art Institute; Executor and Trustee of the estate of the late Walter L. Newberry, and, since its incorpora- tion, President of the Board of Trustees of The Newberry Library; Trustee of the John Crerar Library; one of the founders and Presi- dent of the Board of Trustees of the Chicago Manual Training School; life member of the Chicago Historical Society; for nearly forty years President of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Theological Seminary; during his resi- dence in Chicago an officer of the New England Congregational Church; a corporate member of the American Board of Commissioners for For- eign Missions, and for fourteen years its Vice- President; a charter member of the City Mis- sionary Society, and of the Congregational Club of Chicago; a member of the Chicago Union League, the University, the Literary, and the Commercial Clubs, of which latter he has been President. October 7, 1858, Mr. Blatchford was married to Miss Mary Emily Williams, daughter of John C. Williams, of Chicago. Seven children — four sons and three daughters — have blessed this union, the eldest son, Paul, being today one of Chicago's valued business men. Mr. Blatch- ford's life has been one of ceaseless and suc- cessful activity in business and philanthropy, and to such men Chicago owes much. In the giving of time and money for Christian, edu- cational, and benevolent enterprises, he has been conspicuous for his generosity, and noted for his valuable counsel and executive ability in carrying these enterprises to success. JAMES BLIGH. James Bligh (deceased), pioneer live stock dealer and commission merchant, was born in Roscommon, Ireland, April 4, 1832; was edu- cated in the common schools, and after leaving school was appointed agent for the Inman Steamship line in his native city, remaining in that position until he came to Providence, R. I., in 1854, and to Chicago in 1855. After com- ing to Providence he was for a time interested in the construction of the railroad from Prov- idence to Newport. After arriving in Chicago he bought cattle in the country on his own ac- count and shipped them from different local- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 827 ities to the Ft. Wayne Stock Yards, Chicago, for eight years; then bought in the Chicago market through Nichols & Adams, and later formed a partnership with the late W. T. Keenan, continuing in this line seven years, buying and shipping cattle to the Lake Superior region, and trading them for furs and other commodities with the Indians and others. He had a shipment of cattle aboard the steamer "Lady Elgin" when she was lost off Gross Point, on November 7, 1860, and dead cattle were strewn along the shore between Evanston and Gross Point. The man in charge was lost, but Mr. Bligh was fortunate enough to miss the boat, and consequently his life was saved. He then organized the firm of James Bligh & Co., his son, William J. Bligh, being the other member, which continued for two years until his health failed him, when he returned to his birthplace in Ireland, where on May 10, 1880 (eighteen months later), he passed away, and where his remains repose. He was an esteemed member of Home Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Engle- wood, and one of the pioneers who helped in the upbuilding of Chicago and the Union Stock Yards. Mr. Bligh was married in Providence, R. I., in June, 1856, to Miss Elizabeth Notley, and four children blessed their union, three of whom are now living, viz.: G. H. Bligh, W. J. Bligh and Mrs. E. Thorne, formerly Anna Bligh. His widow, Mrs. E. Bligh, now resides at 6407 Ellis avenue, Chicago. EDWARD M. BLOCKS. Edward Blocks, furniture dealer and under- taker, Harrington, Cook County, 111., was born in Chicago, 111., in 1864, and educated in his native place. He learned the trade of harness- making and wood-turning and in 1893 settled in Barrington, establishing himself there in the undertaking and furniture business. He and his wife Olive have two children — both girls — named Sadie and Magdeline. ABRAHAM BLUM. Abraham Blum, hotel-keeper, Arlington Heights, 111., was born at Dunton, 111., in 1861, the son of Meyer Blum, a native of Alsace, France (now Germany), who came to Cook County in 1854, and, in 1856, married Henrietta Minchrod. On November 25, 1888, Mr. Blum was married at Lima, Ohio, to Fannie Kohn, and they have three children — two sons and a daughter. PAUL J. BLUM. Paul J. Blum, Superintendent McReynolds Elevator A, South Chicago, was born in Ger- many, October 3, 1872, the son of John and Catharine Blum, who had a family of six sons and six daughters. When only seven years of age, Paul J. came to America with his brother Joseph J., here attended the public schools, and when he had reached eleven years of age, en- tered into the employment of the Brunswick Pool-Table Manufacturing Company. In the meantime he continued his attendance on the night schools, graduating in the common branches. Mr. Blum has been engaged in the elevator business some fifteen years, beginning as a shoveler in the Keith & Company Elevator, on Halsted and Archer avenue, later became foreman at the National Elevator on Archer Avenue, where he remained seven years. In 1897 he entered into the employment of Charles Counselman as foreman at the Englewood Ele- vator, in 1900 becoming connected with the Mc- Reynolds Company, where he has since re- mained, in 1901 being promoted to the position of Superintendent and now having full charge. The McReynolds Elevator was erected in 1900, is thoroughly equipped with modern machinery and has a capacity of one and a half million bushels. Mr. Blum is married, and shows his foresight by carrying a life insurance of $5,000. In politics he is a Republican, and in religious association a communicant of the Catholic Church. AUGUST C. BOEBER. August C. Boeber, prominent business man and City Treasurer of Blue Island, was born in Blue Island, December 17, 1857, the son of Fred and Elizabeth (Hanzen) Boeber, both natives of Germany, the father of Saxony and the mother of Baden. The former came to America and to Blue Island in 1842, and the latter to Chi- cago in 1838, and later to Blue Island, where they were married, and where the father car- ried on farming, dying there in 1894. They had a family of eight children, viz.: Minnie (de- ceased), Hannah (now Mrs. Schultz. of Elgin, 111.). Charles (of Blue Island), William (in hardware business), Julia (Mrs. Blatt, of En- glewood), A. C, Lizzie (Mrs. Heineck, of Blue Island), and Anna (Mrs. Neim, of Blue Island). The mother still resides in Blue Island. Au- 828 HISTORICAL E:N'CYCL0PEDIA OF ILLINOIS. gust C. Boeber was reared and educated in Blue Island and at twenty-one years of age embarked in the coal and ice trade, which he continued until selling out his interest in the coal business; he has since given his attention exclusively to the ice trade. Mr. Boeber marriel in Blue Island Barbara Fiedler, who was born in Germany, the daugh- ter of John and Catharine Fiedler, coming to Illinois with her parents from their native coun- try. Mr. and Mrs. Boeber have had four chil- dren born to them: Clara, Ellen, Irene and Gilbert. Mr. Boeber was elected a member of the Blue Island Board of Trustees in 1887, and again in 1890; in 1901 was elected City Treas- urer of the newly organized city of Blue Island. In 1902 he was a candidate on the Republican ticket for County Commissioner for the coun- try districts, and was elected, receiving the largest vote of any candidate on the ticket for that office, and being re-elected in 1904. Socially he is a member of the Royal Arcanum and of the Liederkranz Society; is also a member of the German Lutheran Church. ANDREW H. BOEHNER. August H. Boehner, cheese and butter man- ufacturer, Barrington Township, Cook County, 111., was born in Germany in 1854 and educated in his native country. He came to Barrington, his present place of residence, in 1875, and in 1879 was married at Elgin, 111., to Sophia Wal- baum, by whom he has seven children — Laura, Malinda, Franklin (deceased), Louise, Arthur, Edna (deceased), and Marguerite. Mr. Boehner is engaged in the cheese and butter manufac- ture, and produces about 900 pounds of cheese and 400 pounds of butter daily. He is one of the Supervisors of Cook County, having been first elected in 1899, and has also been a member of the Barrington School Board for four years. He is a Reput)lican in politics and in religious faith a menl)Pr of the United Evangelical Church. HENRY BOLTE. Henry Bolte, Postmaster, Arlington Heights, 111., was born In Germany. June 4, 1843, the son of Otto and Engel Marie (Russel) Bolte, both natives of Germany, who emigrated to America In 18r>7, first settling at Syracuse, N. Y. The following spring the family removed to Cook Connty, III., where young Bolte found employ- ment on the farm of his uncle, Henry Russel, but two years later was apprenticed to learn the shoemaker's trade with John King, of Ar- lington Heights. In 1862 he enlisted as a pri- vate in Company I, Seventy-second Illinois Vol- unteer Infantry, under command of Capt. (after- wards Lieutenant-Colonel) James A. Sexton, and took part in the battles of Champion Hill, Big Black, the siege of Vicksburg, and battles of Franklin, Nashville, Fort Blakely and Span- ish Fort, being mustered out at Vicksburg, Au- gust 6, 1865. Returning to Arlington Heights, he worked at his trade for a time, but later spent eight years in Minnesota. Again return- ing to Arlington Heights in 1875, he opened a shoe store, where he has since continued in business. In 1889 he was appointed Postmaster at Arlington Heights, serving one term, and in 1897, was reappointed by President McKinley, retaining the office until May 15, 1904. HENRY LEONIDAS BOLTWOOD. Henry Leonidas Boltwood, teacher, Evanston, 111., is descended from a Massachusetts family, his paternal great-grandfather, William Bolt- wood, having been born at Hadley in that State, while his grandfather, also named William, was a native of Amherst. On the material side he is descended from Jacob Stetson, of Abington, Mass., where his mother, Electa (Stetson) Bolt- wood, was born. Professor Boltwood was born at Amherst, Mass., January 17, 1831, fitted for college at Amherst Academy, and graduated from Amherst College in 1853. While in college he began his career as a teacher in the public schools, and, after graduation, taught in acad- emies at Limerick, Me., Pembroke and Derry, N. H., and in the high schools at Palmer and Lawrence. Mass. On July 31, 1855, he was mar- ried to Miss Helen Eugenia F^eld, of Charle- mont, Mass., and of this union only one child (Charles Edward) was born, who graduated at Amherst College in 1881 and died December 23, 1884. Professor Boltwood also served for a time as School Commissioner for Rockingham County, N. H. In 1864 Professor Boltwood entered the serv- ice of the United States Sanitary Commission in the Department of the Gulf, and, during the following year, was ordained Army Chaplain for the Sixty-seventh United States Colored Regiment, but was never formally mustered into the service. In August, 1865, he removed to Illinois and became Superintendent of Schools HISTOKICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 829 at Griggsville, Pike County, where he remained two years. In 1867, on the recommendation of the late Dr. Newton Bateman, then State Super- intendent of Public Instruction, he was ap- pointed Principal of the first township high school established in Illinois, which was organ- ized at Princeton, Bureau County, where he remained eleven years, making the school a decided success. In 1878 he organized the town- ship high school at Ottawa, remaining there five years, and then in 1883 removed to Evans- ton, III., to organize and take charge of the township high school there, with which he has been connected continuously ever since, cover- ing a period of over twenty years. During the thirty-nine years of his connection with the public school system of Illinois, Prof. Boltwood has occupied a prominent place among the teachers of the State. He served for a time as President of the Illinois State Teachers' Association, has been a member of the State Board of Education, and especially active in securing important legislation affecting the State school system. He has devoted much attention to the English language and litera- ture, and is the author of an English Grammar, two Readers, a High School Speller, and a "Topical Outline of General History." In reli- gion he is a Congregationalist, and in politics an Independent with a strong bent in favor of tariff reform. June 17, 1903, Prof. Boltwood completed fifty full years service as teacher, and the Evanston Township Board of Educa- tion honored him with a public reception which was attended by nearly a thousand of his former pupils and friends. The President of the Board, in behalf of the citizens, pre- sented him with a purse of $500. until 1876, when he began working at the stock yards. His first employers there were Horine Brothers & Co., with whom he remained for a year, when he entered the service of Martin Brothers, continuing there over five years, when he engaged with S. R. Noe & Co., for whom he worked another year. In 1884 he obtained a position with Simon O'Donnell & Co., and in 1899, after fifteen years of faithful service, was admitted to partnership with the firm. In the spring of 1903 he withdrew and went ihto gen- eral insurance business at the Union Stock Yards, where he has made a great success in his new endeavor. Mr. Bond is of a genial and social temperament, fond of company and has many friends. He is an influential member of several fraternal organizations, including the Knights Templar, being a member of Engle- wood Commandery, No. 59. LESTER LE GRAND BOND. Lester L.Bond, lawyer, (deceased), was born at Ravenna, Ohio, October 27, 1829, and was edu- cated in the common schools and an academy, meanwhile laboring in local factories. Later he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1853, the following year coming to Chicago, where he remained during the rest of his life, giving his attention chiefly to practice in con- nection with patent laws. Mr. Bond served several terms in the Chicago City Council, was Republican Presidential Elector in 1872, and served two terms as Representative in the Gen- eral Assembly (1866-70). He was a prominent Mason and member of the Union League and Illinois clubs. Mr. Bond's death occurred April 15, 1903, after a residence in the city of Chi- cago of fifty years. CHARLES A. BOND. The life of Mr. Charles A. Bond is an inter- esting one, if for nothing else because it illus- trates the possibility of beginning at the bot- tom of the ladder and resolutely climbing up- ward, rung by rung. He is a Rhode Islander by birth, having been born at Providence on November 12, 1863. Since March, 1872, his home has been in Chicago, where at present he is prominently identified with the live-stock interests which center in and around the Union Stock Yards. After completing his course at the Cottage Grove Avenue (public) School, he worked at various places, as opportunity offered. JOHN C. BONE. The life story of John C. Bone, for many years in business at the Union Stock Yards, shows the high degree of success that may be attained by industrious business habits backed by resolute purpose. He first saw the light on a farm near Nashville, Tenn., Septem- ber 7, 1817, whence his parents removed to Illi- nois in October, 1824, settling at Springfield. His minority was spent on his father's farm, until, at the age of twenty-one, he secured a farm for himself adjacent to his father's on Rock Creek, in Menard County. Here he raised live slock, at the same time buying and S30 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. selling more or less extensively. In 1845 he commenced shipping to Chicago, and in 1856- 57 he sought the markets of Albany, N. Y., Boston and Brighton, not being able to dispose of his cattle in Chicago. This business he car- ried on until 1871, in that year taking up his residence in this city. For two years he sold cattle and hogs for Jesse Adams, and then entered into the commission business on his own account. In this he was very successful until 1896, when failing health compelled his retirement from active business. His death occurred November 17, 1901. Mr. Bone was married four times, his first wife being Catherine S. Foster, the daughter of a farmer near Springfield, 111. Their only daughter died in infancy, and Mrs. Bone passed away in 1841. Four years later, on April 1, 1845, he was united to Elizabeth J. Purvines, near Pleasant Plains, Sangamon County. Their only child, Almeda, is the widow of Robert Harrison. The second Mrs. Bone died in 1852, and in 1854 he married Lydia Ann Purvines, also of Pleasant Plains, who bore him one daughter, who is now Mrs. Mary Long, a widow. Two years after her death, which occurred in 1862, he became the husband of Nancy F. Pur- vines. The issue of this marriage has been three sons and one daughter, one son — John — being deceased. The children of the last mar- riage still living are: Charles R. M., Carrie Barrett and Orland Smith. FRANCIS B. H. BONTER. Francis B. H. Bonter, contractor, attorney and searcher of taxes, was born in Belleville, On tario, Canada, September 25, 1837, and edu- cated in a district school and at Queen's Col- lege, Kingston, Canada. After graduating from Queen's College, in 1853, he became purser on his father's steamboats between Trenton and Kingston and Trenton and Montreal, for eleven years. He then entered the law office of Hon. John Ross and John Bell at Belleville, Canada, and after remaining one year, was obliged to leave on account of ill health. He next en- tered the employ of the Grand Trunk Railroad Company, first on the west end, in training for a position as conductor, whence he was trans- ferred to the east end, where, having been in- jured, he resigned In 1857. He then studied denflBtry for one year with his brother in Goderlch, when he engaged In the soda-water business for five years, coming to Chicago July 12, 1865. Here he worked for Fred H. Avers as a carpenter, and later for A. J. Stapley, until he entered into the employment of the Illinois Central Railroad Company in 1886, where lie remained one year. Then after spending some time in the employment of A. J. Stapley he was engaged in business as a contractor and sidewalk builder for twenty years, when he entered the business of examination and search- ing of tax titles. Mr. Bonter was married in Watertown, N. Y. March 13, 1864, to Mrs. Lodica M. Hunter, who passed away in 1881. On February 23, 1882, he married Mrs. Esther C. Hedstrom of Chicago, and three children have blessed their union. NATHANIEL SHERMAN BOUTON. It is an ecclesiastical aphorism that "the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church." Be this as it may, it is certain that the blood of the Huguenots, who fled from France after the massacre of St. Bartholomew, has shown its vital power in the earnest faith and vir- tuous lives of their descendants, men and women, in every land where the emigrants found shelter, built homes and reared families. It is from this illustrious stock that Mr. Nathaniel S. Bouton claims descent on the paternal side. He belongs to the seventh gen- eration in direct line of descent from John Bouton, a Huguenot, who emigrated from Eng- land, and was the founder of the family in this country. Mr. Bouton's father was a clergy- man and Doctor of Divinity, receiving his de- gree from Dartmouth College. He was a na- tive of Norwalk, Conn., and a Yale graduate. In his day he was one of the best known Con- gregational divines in New England, and served for many years as State Historian of New Hampshire, being the author of many essays showing profound research. For fifty- two years he lived at Concord, N. H., and dur- ing forty-three years filled one pastorate. His wife, Harriet Sherman, was a granddaughter of the renowned Roger Sherman. Dr. Bouton died in 1878, and a posthumous autobiography, edited by his son, John Bell Bouton, appeared soon afterward. Nathaniel S. Bouton was born in the parson- age at Concord, N. H., May 14, 1828. At four- teen years of age he left home and started in HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 831 life for himself. Going to Connecticut he worked there on a farm for wages, attending school in the winter; when sixteen years old he taught school in Granby, Mass., and later in New Hampshire. In the fall of 1846 he took a journey into the West, traveling through Wisconsin and Northern Illinois on foot, prospecting. Returning to New Hamp- shire during the winter, he entered into the employment of E. S. Fairbanks & Co., scale manufacturers, of St. Johnsburg, Vt., as trav- eling salesman, continuing in their employ more than five years. This was in 1846-52, and it was on horseback and by stage coaches that the young traveler covered the territory as- signed him, which included Pennsylvania, Vir- ginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan. Having thus acquired a knowledge of the future possibilities of Chicago and the enor- mous resources of the territory naturally trib- utary to it, in the fall of 1852 he came to this city in the employ of George W. Sizer & Co., iron-founders of Cleveland and Cincinnati, Ohio, and here built up and managed a plant for them, the following year being taken into partner- ship of the concern. In 1855 he bought out the interests of Sizer & Co., continuing the business under the name of N. S. Bouton. At the same time he entered into partnership with Stone & Boomer, of the Union Car and Bridge Works, the firm then becoming Stone, Boomer & Bouton. In 1857 Stone, Boomer & Bouton sold out their plant to the Illinois Central Railroad, when Mr. Bouton proceeded to enlarge his foun- dry business at the corner of Clark and Fif- teenth streets, having added to it by purchase the architectural department of the Fred Letz Iron Foundry. Mr. Bouton's business career has been one of conspicuous and almost uninterrupted success. His business associations have undergone many changes, yet among them all the reputation of his house for excellence of work and rigid fidelity to contract has remained unexcelled. The firms with which he has been connected have erected most of the railroad bridges on western railways, among them being the double span at Rock Island, the first to cross the Mis- sissippi. All descriptions of railway material, and notably cars, have been among their out- put. The concern of which he was the head secured contracts for the architectural iron work in the principal hostelries and business blocks of the city, the custom houses at Chi- cago and St. Louis, the State houses of Illinois and Iowa, and a majority of the grain elevators in this city. In 1881, under the inducement of overtures from the Pullman Palace Car Com- pany, the plant was removed to Pullman and greatly enlarged, a new corporation, the Union Foundry Company and Pullman Car Wheel Works, being formed. The new works cov- ered eleven acres and employed 600 men, the monthly pay-roll being about $30,000 and the annual output valued at $1,500,000. In 1886 Mr. Bouton disposed of his interests in this concern, to establish the Bouton Foundry Com- pany, in Chicago, his chief object in so doing being to aid young men in his employ, while contemplating his early retirement. During his entire career, to extend a helping hand to this class of his employes has been one of his most cherished and constant aims. No matter how great the magnitude or the pres- sure of his most important business interests, no one having a claim upon his attention failed to find him easy of access, while his kindly, sympathetic nature prompted him to aid with friendly counsel and material help as well. Today there exist not less than seven concerns in the iron trade and allied lines in this great manufacturing center, founded by young men whom he trained and helped, while scores of others owe their first start toward success to his unostentatious and well directed kindness. In his political creed Mr. Bouton is a Repub- lican, although, in municipal elections, he acts independently of party ties. Besides giving his attention to the foundry business in 1857, he accepted from Mayor John Wentworth the position of Superintendent of Public Works, which he held during Mr. Wentworth's admin- istration and that of his successor, John C. Haines; and it was during his occupancy of this office that the grades of the city streets were established and the work of raising them to grade and paving them was inaugurated. About the same time, also, the "pivot bridge" came into use in place of the old "jack-knife bridge." In 1862 he was commissioned Quar- termaster of the Eighty-eighth Illinois Infantry, and served as a staff officer until after the battle at Chickamauga, when he tendered his resignation. In religious and charitable work he is zealous 832 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. and indefatigable. He was one of the twelve charter members of the Chicago Relief and Aid Society, and rendered indefatigable and invaluable personal aid in the distribution of the large sums sent to the aid of the sufferers from the Chicago fire. For several years he was President of the Young Men's Christian Association, and also held the same office in the Chicago Bible Society. Reared a Presby- terian, he was for a time an elder in the Olivet, and afterwards connected with the Sec- ond Presbyterian Church. Some years ago he took a prominent part in the organization of the Kenwood Evangelical Church, a society formed along wholly non-sectarian lines. In private life, his tastes are domestic, and although a member of both the Union League and Kenwood Clubs, his favorite resort is his fireside. It may also be said of him that, apart from the pleasure which he finds in the society of his family and immediate friends, his chief happiness lies in the performance of works of unostentatious charity and benevo- lence. Mr. Bouton has been married twice. His first wife was Emily, a daughter of Dr. Bissell, of Suffield, Conn., who died in 1857, a year after their marriage. He subsequently mar- ried Mrs. Ellen Shumway, daughter of Judge Gould, of Essex, N. Y. JOHN P. BOWLES. John P. Bowles, President and General Man- ager of the Bowles Live Stock Commission Company, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Joseph, South Omaha, Sioux City and St. Paul, was born in Quincy, 111., May 26, 1859, the son of John and Mary (Cass) Bowles. His father came to this country from Ireland in 1826, and located near Joliet, III., and as a young man engaged in buying and shipping cattle to New Orleans by boat, making his headquarters at St. Louis before Chicago was a cattle market. He became one of the gold-hunters of 1849. being one of the first to go overland to California after the Mormon migration to I'lah. Aftor spending three years in California, trading principally with the Indians In cattle and mules, he returned to Quincy in the spring of 18.52. bringing with him $45,000 in gold, when he turned his attention to farming, grow- ing, feeding and Hhlpping stock to the Chicago market. John P. Bowles, the son, removed with his parents to Edina, Mo., where he worked on a farm, feeding and shipping cattle until he was twenty years old, when he spent a year in the Gem City Business College at Quincy. After completing his course there, he came to Chi- cago and, on July 7, 1881, engaged with Keenan & Hancock at the Union Stock Yards at $40 per month, and from that beginning made steady advancement until he received a salary of $7,000 per year for selling cattle at the yards. After remaining over eight years with Keenan & Sons, he formed a partnership in 1889 under the firm name of Tomlinson, Bowles & Co., which was continued until December 1, 1895. From that time until December, 1898, he was a member, director and chief salesman of the Strahorn-Hutton-Evans Commission Company. Then retiring from this company he organized the firm of J. P. Bowles & Co., followed on August 1, 1899, by the Bowles Live Stock Commission Company, having its principal offices at Chicago, with branches at Kansas City, the National Stock Yards at St. Louis, St. Joseph, South Omaha, Sioux City, and St. Paul. Of the latter company he is President and General Manager. He has been one of the most successful salesmen at the Union Stock Yards, and has had but few brief absences from his business since he came to Chicago. The company occupies elegant offices on the first fioor of the Exchange Building at the Union Stock Yards. Mr. Bowles was married in Quincy, 111., Oct. 18, 1893, to Miss Ella Bertha Hense, and three children have blessed their union: Dolores Joan, John Hense and Helen Edith. CHARLES H. BRADLEY. Charles H. Bradley, executive officer, was born in Chicago, 111., April 28, 1850. For nine years he was employed in the Sheriffs office, (from 1866 to 1875), in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court under Capt. John J. Healy for nine years as Assistant Chief Clerk, and in 1884 was appointed Chief Deputy in the office of Henry Best, Clerk of the Circuit Court, making a continuous official service of thirty- eight years. He thoroughly understands the duties of the office in all their details and Is a most efficient officer. The Bradley family were pioneers in Chi- cago and have been well known to our citizens HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 833 for more than fifty years. His father, Cyrus P. Bradley, was in 1849 collector of taxes for the town of South Chicago, in 1850 Chief of the Fire Department, Sheriff 1854-56, and Chief of Police for seven years. He conducted a United States detective agency, and in this line had no superior, assisting the Government in various capacities during the Civil War. His uncle, Timothy M. Bradley, was Chief Clerk of the Sheriff's office for 25 years, and served one term as Sheriff (1870-72). His uncle, David M. Bradley, was for years business man- ager, and right-hand man of "Long John Went- worth," of the "Chicago Democrat," and another uncle, Asa F. Bradley, was among the first Chicago surveyors, having surveyed during the 'thirties what is now Lincoln Park for a cem- etery. The Bradley family had much to do with managing the affairs of the city of Chi- cago fifty years ago. JAMES B. BRADWELL. James Bolesworth Bradwell, lawyer, ex-Judge and editor, was born in Loughborough, Eng- land, Api-il 16, 1828, and brought to America in infancy by his parents, who first settled at Utica, N. Y., and removed to Illinois in 1834. He was educated at Knox College and taught and studied law at Memphis, Tenn., where he was admitted to the bar in 1852. The fol- lowing year he began practice in Chicago, and was County Judge from 1861 to 1869, making a distinguished record as a probate jurist. In 1872 he was elected to the State Legislature and re-elected in 1874, serving in the House of Representatives two terms. In 1882 he was again a candidate and, as many believed, hon- estly elected, though his opponent received the certificate. He made a contest for the seat and the majority of the Committee on Elec- tions reported in his favor, but he was defeated through the treachery and suspected corrup- tion of a professed political friend. He is the author of the law making women eligible to school offices in Illinois and allowing them to become Notaries Public. His wife, Myra (Colby) Bradwell, was the first woman to apply for admission to the bar in the United States, and the founder and editor of the "Chicago Legal News," in which enterprise Judge Brad- well was associated and which, since her death, he has conducted in partnership with his daughter, Mrs. Bessie Bradwell Helmer. EZRA L. BRAINERD. Ezra L. Brainerd, real estate operator, born in Haddam, Conn., July 14, 1836, was educated in the Brainerd Academy of his native place, and later was graduated from the Law Depart- ment of Yale College. He came to Chicago in October, 1859, and was connected with Waite & Towne in their law office until September, 1861, when he enlisted in the United States Army, and after following recruiting for a time was chosen Second Lieutenant of Com- pany K, Fifty-first Illinois Infantry, afterwards being advanced to Captain of Company D in the same regiment. After completing the organization of the company, he went to the front, but was honorably discharged on account of failing health on July 8, 1862. He then returned to Chicago, and by doing outdoor work regained his health. In 1866 he bought the Kenwood property of P. L. Sherman and other parties, which he afterwards sold, and became interested in forty-five acres, and later in seventy acres of property at Eighty-ninth and Loomis Streets. The station on the Rock Island Railroad at that place was named "Brainerd" in his honor. He has built up a town there that will honor the name, has given to it a school site, furnished the pressed brick for a school building, and has always been ready to do anything that would advance the interests of the place. Mr. Brainerd was mar- ried, in Chicago, to Miss Hattie B. Morehouse, in May, 1861, and they have four children: Harry H., William L., Frederick H. and Wal- lace H. RICHARD BRAY. Richard Bray (deceased), former hardware merchant and manufacturer, Arlington Heights, Cook County, 111., was born in St. Johns, Can- ada, in 1861. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a Republican in politics. In February, 1894, he was married to Elizabeth J. Allen, daughter of John Allen of Elk Grove, and had two children: Allen Richard and John Campbell. Mr. Allen, the father of Mrs. Bray, was a native of Vermont, born in 1823, and came with his parents to Cook County, 111., in 1835, going to California in 1850. He there spent three years, after which he returned to his old home and resumed farming at Elk Grove, where he had a farm of 270 acres. He died August 10, 1889. At different times Mr. 834 HISTORICAL EXCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Allen held the offices of Supervisor, Assessor and Road Commissioner. SOLVA BRINTNALL. Among the many successful business men who have been identified with the building up of the industrial and financial prosperity of the city of Chicago, none have had a more noteworthy or more honorable career than he whose name stands at the head of this article. It is seldom that any one has been dependent, to so large an extent, upon his own unaided resources, and the success which he achieved was all the more conspicuous and worthy of emulation on that account. Solva Brintnall was born in Schoharie County, N. Y., October 24, 1817, the son of Solva and Betsy (Stannard) Brinthall, who were early settlers in that region. On the paternal side he was descended from English ancestors who came to America in the seven- teenth century. His grandfather, Isaac Brint- nall, born August 31, 1752, died at Watertown, N. Y., January 27, 1822; his maternal grand- father, Abiah Stannard, born March 5, 1758, died in Greene County, N. Y., July 13, 1836. His parents were born in consecutive years — his father December 1, 1773, and his mother, December 5, 1774 — and, after a wedded union of sixty-two years, both died within three months of each other, the mother March 8, 1867, and the father June 1st of the same year. On both sides his family gave abundant evi- dence of their patriotism, his grandfathers being prominently identified with the war for American independence, while his father was a soldier in the War of 1812. Mr. Brintnall's early educational advantages were only of that meager character common to the time and locality in which he lived. Naturally a close observer, he was enabled to supplement' the single winter's schooling which he received in boyhood by an amount of self- training which, in the years of his later man- hood, made him a well-informed citizen and an educated business man. Up to his nine- teenth year his life was spent chiefly in assist- ing his father in opening up and cultivating a farm In I.*wl8 County. N. Y., where the family located when the youthful Solva was about flvf> yoars of age. Thl.s being In the heavily timberfd region of Northwestern New York, gave abundant employment for his youthful energies during the period of their most active development, the effect of which was manifest in later years in the physical and mental activ- ity which he displayed in business life. In this frontier region for a number of years church and school privileges were almost entirely wanting, though their absence did not necessarily lower the moral standard of the men and women who constituted the pioneers of the Middle West. At the age of nineteen years (1836) Mr. Brintnall entered upon his first business ven- ture as a railroad builder on the line of the New York Central Railway, being employed in the construction of the first five miles of that road west of Schenectady. Two years later he was engaged in a similar capacity on the Erie Railroad, and still later on the Black River and Erie Canals, being employed upon the improvement of the latter in 1839-40. The following year he resumed his work in con- nection with railroad construction, and assisted in building a road from Auburn to Canandaigua. Then coming west, he became connected with the construction of the Miami Canal and that between Cincinnati and Fort Wayne, Indiana, upon which he was engaged from 1843 to 1846. During the latter year he entered upon a mer- cantile career, engaging in the hardware busi- ness at Batavia, N. Y., whence he subsequently removed to Attica, and in 1854 to Suspension Bridge, his residence in these places covering a period of eighteen years. It was during his residence at the latter place that the great suspension bridge across the Niagara River, from which the city takes its name, was in course of construction. As a business man and personal friend of the projector and superin- tendent, Mr. Roebling, he was a keen observer of the progress of this great work, and watched its completion with deep interest. Attracted by the business and other advan- tages offered by the city of Chicago, Mr. Brint- nall removed thither in 1863, establishing him- self there in the hardware trade, to which he had added the stove business. Three years later (1866), having formed a partnership with Messrs. Terry and Belden, they entered upon a wholesale hardware trade under the firm name of Brintnall, Terry & Belden. This partnership was continued until 1876, when. Mr. Lamb having purchased the interest of Mr. Terry, tlio firm became Brintnall. Lamb & HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 835 Co. In 1883 the business was sold out to Messrs. Keith, Benham & Dezendorf, and Mr. Brintnall retired permanently from a business with which he had been connected, in Chicago and elsewhere, for a period of thirty-seven years. Mr. Brintnall's next business enterprise was in connection with the Drovers' National Bank at the Chicago Union Stock Yards, which he founded immediately after his retirement from the hardware trade in 1883, and of which he became President, serving until January, 1900, when he retired, being succeeded by his son, William H. Brintnall. His management of this enterprise was conspicuously successful from the start, and has proved a most valuable aid to the live-stock trade, not only as it is con- nected with the city of Chicago, but to those engaged in the trade throughout the North- west. In 1846 Mr. Brintnall was married to Miss Hurd, the daughter of Thomas Hard, of Alex- ander, N. y., and they had three children: William H., who succeeded his father as Presi- dent of the Drovers' National Bank in 1900, and is still at the head of that institution; George S., who resided at McPherson, Kan., but died in 1883, and Mrs. M. F. Perry, now of Seattle, Washington. Mrs. Brintnall died in October, 1875, and in 1878 he married Leonice, the daughter of the late O. F. Woodford, who died in 1896. Mr. Brintnall's death occurred June 8, 1902, In the eighty-fifth year of his age, and was greatly deplored by all who knew him personall}' and had learned to respect his manly integrity and admire his well-rounded life. . Politically Mr. Brintnall was an earnest Republican, zealously devoted to the principles represented through forty years of national history by Lincoln, Grant, McKinley and the other great leaders of the party, of several of whom he was the ardent personal friend. A conscientious believer in the doctrines of the Christian faith, he was for fifty years identi- fied with the Presbyterian Church, during the period of his residence in Chicago being a member of the First Church of that denomi- nation. He was also actively identified with many works of a benevolent character, includ- ing especially the Presbyterian Hospital and the chapel for railway employes. The "Chicago Daily Sun," published in a locality which was the scene of his principal business activities during the later years of his life, contained the following announcement of his death: "Mr. Brintnall's demise removes an old and valued citizen from our midst, and a man who had earned for himself, through his upright character and sterling integrity, the respect and friendship of the community." This sketch cannot be concluded more appro- priately than by the quotation of the following contemporaneous tribute to his character and memory from the columns of the "Chicago Rec- ord-Herald" of June 9, 1902: "Successful in his business and financial undertakings, Mr. Brint- nall very early became a strong factor in social and church work, and all his life was a most charitable man, highly honored by all who knew him and recognized his sterling honesty and uprightness. He was a patriot, like his long line of ancestors, and of tried loyalty to the country when that virtue was most highly prized." ALBERT BROOKER. Albert Brooker, Chief Engineer Sixty-ninth and Peoria Street Sewage Pumping Station, was born January 14, 1859, in Clayton, N. Y. ; graduated from the public schools, and after leaving school, went sailing on the lakes for three years; was assistant engineer on a lake steamer for three years, and for nine years was chief engineer on different vessels. He came to Chicago in June, 1886, and, in 1894, worked for the Chicago Ship Building Company, being engaged for one year installing engines on steamers. In 1895 he began work as Assistant City Engineer at the Seventy-third Street Sew- age Pumping Station, remaining two years; then entered into the employment of the Illi- nois Steel Company at South Chicago, contin- uing until January, 1901, when he was certified by the Civil Service Commission and appointed Chief Engineer at the Sixty-ninth Street Sew- age Pumping Station. He was transferred to the new Sewage Pumping Station at Pullman (as Chief Engineer), June 1, 1901. Mr. Brooker was married to Miss Emma Calder in Clayton, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1885. ZENOPHILE PIERRE BROSSEAU. Zenophile P. Brosseau, commission merchant and member of the Board of Trade, Chicago, was born at La Prairie, in the Province of Quebec, Canada, October 3, 1840, the son of 836 HISTOEICAL EI^TCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. Louis and Marguerite (Ste. Marie) Brosseau, being descended from French ancestors who came to Quebec from Nantes, France, in 1672. He was the fourth son of his father's family and grew up on a farm which has been the property of the Brosseau family since 1744. La Prairie is one of the oldest towns in Canada, and here Mr. Brosseau received his education in the common and higher schools until he had I'eached his seventeenth year, when he removed to Malone, New York, where he found employment as clerk in a general store. In 1860 he came to Woodstock, McHenry County, 111., whence he removed the following year to Chicago. Here he became associated with Joseph McDonald in the commission business, in 1862, becoming a member of the Chicago Board of Trade, a relation which he has retained ever since, having served as a Director of the Board, at the present time being one of its oldest and most honored members. In com- mon with the majority of the leading business men of Chicago, Mr. Brosseau was a heavy sufferer by the fire of 1871, losing both his residence and his business office, but promptly resumed business under the firm name of Bros- seau & Company, by which the concern is still known. The firm now occupies quarters at No. 67 Board of Trade Building. Mr. Brosseau's prominence in connection with public affairs is indicated by the fact that he is now serving his third term as a Director of the Chicago Public Library, is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Chicago Art Institute, and a member and President of the Alliance Francaise, and his office is the head- quarters for French Canadians when visiting Chicago. Among social organizations he main- tains membership in the Chicago, the Iroquois, Washington Park, Chicago Golf, and Glenview Clubs. In politics he is a Democrat and was the founder of the French Democratic Club of Cook County. Although deeply interested in public affairs, he is not a seeker for office. The head of a large and interesting family, .Mr. Brossfjau still finds time, aside from the fares of business and public affairs, to devote much attention to charitable and philanthropic enterprises and matters of general interest to the city. He occupies one of the most pleasant and attractive homes on the North Side, located at the corner of Lake Shore Drive and liarry Avenue. ALEXANDER D. BROWN. Alexander D. Brown, Engineer, Engine 37 (Fire-Boat "Illinois"), Chicago Fire Depart- ment, was born in Oswego, N. Y., December 22, 1861, was educated in the public schools, and, after leaving school, was employed on one of the boats in the harbor of Oswego as fire- man. Coming to Chicago in 1879, he followed the lakes until he joined the Chicago Fire Department, April 1, 1887. He first worked in the repair-shop until assigned to Engine 20, later to Engine 10, then to Engine 32, and, as candidate on Engine 15, in September, 1887, was transferred to Engine 13; was promoted as Engineer, December 6, 1892, and transferred to Engine 65 and to Fire-Boat "Yosemite," June 20, 1893, to Fire-Boat "Illinois" (Engine 37), January 14, 1899, where he still remains ready for any duty. Mr. Brown has had many hair-breadth escapes; was on the "Yosemite," September 12, 1894, when the boat sank in the lake, but was saved by clinging to the vessel before she went down; was also at the North- western Elevator fire, August 7, 1897, on the "Yosemite," and escaped death by obeying the order of Chief Musham to move out of the way of the walls that fell soon after the order was given. ISAAC EDDY BROWN. The future of every commonwealth, and especially of every democracy, lies in the hands of its young men, and a republic has no truer patriots than the self-denying men who conse- crate their talents, their energies and their lives to the task of properly training and influ- encing those who are destined to shape, if not to control its destinies. No more effective agency for the accomplishment of such an end exists than the Young Men's Christian Association, with its countless ramifications extending over all Christendom, and even into the lands of the Mussulman and the pagan. Isaac Eddy Brown has been long an active leader in this move- ment, and through his self-denying activity and unflagging zeal, his name has become familiar to workers in the cause from coast to coast. He was born at Kiantone, N. Y., May 17, 1849. On the paternal side, he is the great-grandson of Daniel Brown, of Rensselaerville, N. Y., who was the husband of Molly Stedman. His I)atprnal grandfather, named Alva, was also born in Rensselaerville, and married Eunice HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 837 Eddy, who was descended from Miles Standish, and in two lines from John Alden and Priscilla. His father, Russell McCary Brown, was born at Milan, Cayuga County, N. Y., and his mother, whose maiden name was Electa Louisa Sher- man, was, like himself, a native of Kiantone. She was a granddaughter of Noah Sherman, who, with his father, John, served in the Revo- lutionary War; her father also bearing the name of Noah, and her mother, before marriage, being Nancy Ward. His mother was descended from the Hoars of Brimfield, Mass. The gentleman whose useful life forms the subject of this sketch, began teaching at the age of eighteen and in 1874 graduated from the Illinois State Normal University, with the high- est honors of his class. During the next six years he ably filled the chair of Principal of the Decatur High School. On April 16, 1880, he began what has really been his life work, by accepting the Secretaryship of the Young Men's Christian Association for the State of Illinois, a post of honor and duty which he yet fills (1904). Feeling the need of a better scholastic equip- ment, Mr. Brown entered Knox College, graduat- ing therefrom in 1892, receiving the degree of A. M., in course, in 1896. In 1890 he took a prominent part in founding the Y. M. C. A. Training School in Chicago, and during that year was chosen President of the Secretarial Institute, which he assisted in founding in 1884. These two departments of association work have since been consolidated under the name of "The Institute and Training School of the Young Men's Christian Association," with Mr. Brown as President until 1903. Mr. Brown has been twice married. His first wife, Miss Emma V. Stewart, to whom he was united at Plum Grove, Kansas, on August 9, 1878, died August 1, 1880; and on December 28, 1881, he was married to Miss Mary Johnson of Greenfield, Wis. They have two daughters liv- ing — Alfce and Florence. Mr. Brown is a dea- con in the Congregational Church and in pol- itics is an Independent. NATHANIEL J. BROWN. Nathaniel J. Brown (deceased), formerly of Lemont, 111., was born at Windsor, Vt., January 27, 1812, and from three to fourteen years of age grew up at Rochester and in the vicinity of Lockport, N. Y. In 1826 his parents removed to Ann Arbor, Mich., where an older brother (Anson) became the founder of the lower town of that name. This brother served as post- master of Ann Arbor by appointment of Presi- dent Jackson, and also ran a stage-line west- ward, with which the subject of this sketch was connected as agent. Information regarding the country thus acquired resulted in his becoming interested in a number of town sites which brought him a handsome profit. Having ac- quired the title to a large body of land in Kent County, he built a mill on Grand River, and in 1835 began shipping lumber to Chicago, using the schooner "White Pigeon," which he had chartered at Detroit for that purpose. The en- terprise proved so successful that it enabled him to pay for the land and expenses incident to the erection and operation of the mill from the proceeds of the first year's business. While in Chicago he formed a partnership with Augustus Garrett, whose name is associa- ted with the Garrett Biblical Institute at Evans- ton. The firm laid out the original town of Ionia, Mich., on a tract of land owned by Mr. Brown, at the head of steamboat navigation on Grand River, netting large profits which were invested in Chicago town lots and lands in the vicinity. Later they engaged in an extensive auction business in a builaing on Dearborn Street opposite the present site of the old Tre- mont House, dealing not only in general mer- chandise but in town-lots, both in Chicago and in newly located towns of Wisconsin and North- ern Illinois. By a characteristic stroke of enter- prise, Mr. Brown, having acquired advance in- formation of the location of the capital of Wis- consin in 1836, secured the entry of fifty-six 80- acre tracts of land at Madison and vicinity in the name of himself and friends, out of which they realized large profits For a time Garrett & Brown exerted a strong influence in the finan cial affairs of Chicago. Mr. Brown was also as sociated in banking operations with Lyman A Spaulding, a prominent capitalist of Lockport N. Y., establishing a bank at Ann Arbor, Mich, with Brown Brothers, of New York, as their financial agents. The firm of Garrett & Brown having been dis- solved with the collapse of land speculation about Chicago in 1837, Mr. Brown was induced, at the solicitation of Gen. William F. Thorn- ton, then President of the Board of Canal Com- missioners, to undertake the completion of two 838 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. sections of the Illinois & Michigan Canal of one- half mile each in the deep rock-cut at the pres- ent village of Lemont — taking the place of a contractor who had got into difficulty with his employers. Although a heavy loser by this transaction in consequence of the failure of the State credit — some of his claims against the State remaining unpaid to the present day — he profited indirectly by the knowledge thus ac- quired of the immense resources of the Lemont limestone deposits for furnishing valuable build- ing stone. Having acquired a large body of what was known as "stone land," after recover- ing from his financial reverses he set about its development, and the present status of the Le- mont quarries is largely due to his sagacity and enterprise. Known locally as "Gov." Brown, he spent the evening of his days in the midst of scenes made familiar by his early business enterprises, in the enjoyment of a handsome royalty from his properties, and the deserved respect of his neighbors. His care for the wel- fare of his employes was shown in his promo- tion of temperance by encouraging the organ- ization among them of "Father Matthew Tem- perance Societies" and otherwise. The beneficent results of this policy are shown in the state- ment that, "during the five years of his canal work, not a saloon was to be found on the sec- tion of which he had control," drunken carous- als and riotous assemblies were unknown, and his employes "were recognized as the most orderly and well behaved set of men on the line of the canal." Besides this, it is claimed "that not a man in his employ was injured at his work, nor were there any accidents of consequence." Originally a Democrat, with the firing of Fort Sumter, he became a supporter of Mr. Lincoln, and during the rest of his life co- operated with the Republican party. Mr. Brown died August 2, 1900, aped 88 years and six months. WILLIAM C. BROWN. William C. Brown, live-stock commission mer- chant and farmer, was born near White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.. .January 31, 1834. After leav- ing school he removed to Perry, Mo., in 1853, and worked on a farm. He came to Chicago in 18.56, but returned to Missouri in 1858, and, locating on a farm, engaged In raising live- Biork. eHperlaily mules, horses and cattle, for market. In 1874 he returned to Chicago and organized the firm of Brown, Price & Company at the Union Stock Yards, which firm did a suc- cessful business for ten years, when, Mr. Price having retired, Mr. Brown entered into part- nership with his brother, Edwin E. Brown, under the firm name of Brown Brothers, which continued until Edwin E. was murdered March 2, 1893, in St. Louis. The firm is now known as Brown Brothers & Company, consisting of William C. and his son Edward Lee Brown. William Brown is a charter member of Normal Park Lodge, organized about 1892, and is one of the oldest Masons in Chicago, having been a member of the Masonic fraternity for more than forty years. He was married to Miss Martha D. Muldrow, at Perry, Mo., November 15, 1859, and six children have been born to them, four of whom are now living. Mr. Brown has been a successful business man and has done his part well in building up the Union Stock Yards and Chicago. EDWIN ERWIN BROWN, brother of William C. Brown, was born at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., February 6, 1846, formed a partnership with his brother in 1884, and in June, 1892, started the live-stock business in St. Louis, under the name of Brown Brothers & Company. He was killed on the streets of St. Louis March 2, 1893, by three footpads. The murderers were sent to the penitentiary after being sentenced to be hanged, but were pardoned later by Gov- ernor Stevenson. JOHN R. BRUNNICK. John R. Brunnick, Chief Engineer Seventy- third Street Pumping Station, was born in Janesville, Wis., April 19, 1854, was educated in the public schools, and, after leaving school, went on the lakes in 1869, and in the fall of the same year went to New Orleans, where he shipped as a boy before-the-mast on board a bark from Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, bound for Amsterdam, Holland, loaded with cotton. He followed the sea for twelve years, including a period of three years, during which he was chief boatkeeper of pilot boats at the mouth of the Mississippi; then spent two seasons on the lakes, when in 1883 he commenced work for the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Company as fireman, remaining one year. He then served as conductor on the Wabash Railroad until 1886, when, on April 15, 1886, he was appointed by Supervisor Thomas Hahan engineer for the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 839 Town of Lake water-works, serving one year. His next employment was as engineer on thie Santa Fe Railroad, remaining from December 26, 1887, to 1894, when he resigned and on July 25, 1895, was appointed Chief Engineer of the Canal Pumping Station, under Mayor Hopkins, serving until his term expired in 1895. He then spent one year in Nashville, Tenn., as Superin- tendent of the Chicago Fiber Company, but, returning home on account of the closing down of the factory, in 1897 was appointed by Mayor Harrison Assistant Engineer of the Sixty- eighth Street Pumping Station, remaining four months, after which he entered the employ of J. B. Clow & Sons as Chief Engineer, remain- ing in that position until January 7, 1901, when he resigned to take charge, as Chief Engineer, of the Seventy-third Street Sewage Pumping Station, having passed examination under the Civil Service rules December 8, 1897, taking rank in fourth grade. Mr. Brunnick is married. EDWARD J. BUCKLEY. Edward J. Buckley, Captain Engine No. 32, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago December 2, 1867, and educated at the Franklin and other Chicago schools. After leaving school he worked at different trades and later served as turnkey in the County Jail for about three years, from 1884 to 1887. On April 22, 1888, he joined the Fire Department as pipeman on Engine 14, was promoted to Lieutenant in November, 1891, and transferred to Engine No. 67, later being transferred to Engine No. 12, and then to Engine No. 17. July 2, 1896, he was promoted to Captain and assigned to En- gine No. 28. His next transfer was to Fireboat "Yosemite," then No. 37, later being successively transferred to Engine 21, and to Engine 32, where he was always to be found on hand, like all the Chicago born firemen, ever ready for any emergency either for prompt service or danger where duty calls. BENJAMIN B. BULLWINKLE. Benjamin B. Bull winkle (deceased), long known as the organizer and efficient head of the Chicago Insurance Patrol, was born in New York City March 18, 1847, the eldest of a family of two sons and one daughter of Charles T. and Eliza (Laughlin) Bullwinkle. His mother having died when he was about seven years of age, the family soon after removed to Chicago, where the father opened a butcher shop at the corner of Madison and Sangamon Streets, and where he died in 1864, leaving his three children to face the problems of life alone. Benjamin, then a youth of seventeen years, who had spent his early years in aiding his father while acquiring a common-school education, still later working in a grocery, was thus called upon to assume the responsibility of caring for his younger brother and sister, and early displayed those qualities of industry and self-reliance which were conspicuous in his latter life. Obtaining a position as errand boy, he managed to support the younger mem- bers of the family until they were able to assist in swelling the common income. Among his early employers were the late Rufus Blanchard, the well-known map publisher, and the American and the Merchants' Union Express Companies, where he learned the value of system and ac- curacy. His connection with the Chicago Fire Department began in 1868, when he became driver for R. A. Williams, at that time at the head of the Department. Here he remained until 1871, when at twenty-four years of age he was chosen by the fire underwriters to organ- ize the Insurance Patrol. This branch of the service had had its origin in New York as early as 1837, undergoing many changes in after years with a view to securing increased effi- ciency, and finally being adopted in other cities as necessity required. A committee of the Chi- cago Board of Underwriters, consisting of A. C. Ducat, Charles W. Drew and Thomas Buckley, who had been appointed to organize a patrol on the New York plan, selected Mr. Bullwinkle to visit the East and investigate its operation. On his recommendation a force of eight men, with a two-horse wagon, was employed, of which he v^as appointed to take charge as Cap- tain on October 2, 1871, just one week before the great fire of that year. The service rendered by the newly organized force in the efforts to assist in checking the fire was conspicuous if not successful. The company occupied headquarters at various points until February 16. 1878, when the pres- ent headquarters were established at 178 Mon- roe Street. In 1875 a second company was organized, and Mr. Bullwinkle was appointed Superintendent, a position which he continued to fill until October 12, 1885, when he tendered his resignation. Among the tributes to his 840 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. efficiency was the presentation by the members of the force on December 23, 1875, of a gold badge valued at $150, and, in February follow- ing, by the Board of Underwriters, of a gold watch, chain and badge of the value of $525. After his resignation, which was on account of failing health, he accepted the position of gen- eral manager of the Arizona Cattle Company, with headquarters at Flagstaff, Ariz., the com- pany having control of 100,000 acres of land, upon which 10,000 head of cattle were herded. Mr. Bullwinkle's death occurred May 9. 1887, in consequence of injuries received by a fall of his horse. The event was taken note of in a series of resolutions adopted by the Chicago Underwriters' Association May 14th, following. Mr. BuUwinkle was a member of the Third Presbyterian Church of the city of Chicago, and belonged to several fraternal organizations, in- cluding the Landmark Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Fairview Chapter, R. A. M. ; Apollo Command- ery, K. T. ; and the Royal Arcanum. November 7, 1873, he was married in the city of Chicago to Miss Angelina J. Moody, who, with one son, Benjamin C, still survives him. HIRAM S. BUNKER. The life of this prosperous Chicago live-stock merchant affords an admirable illustration of what may be accomplished by the man who joins sound judgment to industry and unflagging energy to high moral sense. His career has been a somewhat varied one, but involves a continued story of hard work crowned by suc- cess. He was born on a farm in De Ruyter, Madison County, N. Y., on April 19. 1834. He attended the district schools of that early period until he reached the age of ten years, when the family removed to East Troy, Walworth County, Wis. The journey was made in two wasons. which were carried by boat from Buf- falo to Detroit. Upon reaching his destination his father preempted a tract of land, but when young Hiram was seventeen years old the fam- ily removed to East Troy village, where the elder Bunker engaged in the grocery business for two years. Aljout this time the young man returned to the place of his birth where, for a year, he pursued his studies at (he De Ruyter Institute. His first enlry Into business was made as a clerk In a dry-goods store, where he rfmalnod for another year. Returning to Wis- consin, hf settled at Elkhorn, In that Slate, where he conducted a dry-goods store for four years, after which he was extensively engaged in the purchase and shipping of live-stock to Milwaukee. At times he personally drove his herds the entire distance, forty-five miles, this being at a period ante-dating railroads. To these two branches of business he later added dealing in lumber and grain. Mr. Bunker made his advent at the Union Stock Yards in 1871, although he had previously shipped sheep and hogs to the Fort Wayne Yards. It should also be stated that, during the Civil War he was an extensive purchaser of horses for the Government, buying more than one thousand, which he shipped from Elkhorn and the West to Chicago, for branding and transmission to the troops. On coming to Chicago, however, he did not dissolve his connection with the firm of Graham & Bunker, which was founded in 1869 for the shipping of stock and was continued in ex- istence until 1871. Mr. Bunker then started in business at Chicago under the name of H. S. Bunker, and continued until 1876, when the firm of Bunker & Cochran was formed to carry on business at the Union Stock Yards. This copartnership, without change of name, was continued until December 1, 1901. Then the firm was changed to H. S. Bunker & Company. Mr. Bunker joined the Masonic fraternity early in life and was for many years affiliated with the lodge of A. F. & A. M. at Elkhorn, whence he was demitted to a Chicago lodge. On March 2, 1859, at Elkhorn, Wis., he was married to Miss Anna Mary Findley. Of their two children only one survives. HERBERT E. BURGESS. Herbert E. Bergess, Assistant Engineer Cen- tral Park Avenue Pumping Station, Chicago, was born in Cambridgeshire, England, August 31, 1870, and in 1877 came with his parents to America, finally locating at Altamont, Kan. Here he attended the country schools in the winter, working on the farm during the sum- mer months until 1883, when he came to Chi- cago and commenced work In an office building on Fifth Avenue as fireman at $6 per week, remaining there two years. He next worked as assistant chief engineer at Armour & Company's packing-house, remaining in this position two years, when he made a tour of the South, erecting sugar machinery on plantations there. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 841 Then, returning to Chicago, in 1896 he passed the civil service examination and entered the employ of the city of Chicago as Assistant Engineer at the Seventieth Street Sewage Pump- ing Station, staying there one year, after which, having passed the fifth grade civil service ex- amination, he was appointed Assistant Engineer at the Sixty-Eighth Street Pumping Station, re- maining until January 10, 1901, when he was transferred to the Central Park Avenue Pump- ing Station as Assistant Engineer, which position, at date of writing this sketch he still retains ready for any duty he may be called upon to perform. JOHN W. BURKITT. John W. Burkitt, jeweler, fruit-grower and gardener, Arlington Heights, 111., was born at Arlington Heights August 8, 1854, the son of Richard and Mary, A. (Pigott) Burkitt, who were natives of England and settled in Wheel- ing Township, Cook County, in 1846. The elder Burkitt died in 1864. The son was educated in his native village, and early acquired a fond- ness for horticulture, in which his father had been interested in England. Of late years he has proved himself a successful grower of cher- ries of a superior quality, which are shipped to dealers in distant cities and find a ready sale at high prices. His experiments in this branch of horticulture have been watched with deep interest, and have already won for him the title of the "Cherry King of Illinois." On Jan- uary 7, 1882, Mr. Burkitt was married to Lydia Alma Pratt, of Palatine, 111., who died March 1, 1898, at the age of thirty-four years. He has four children living: Ralph Edward, Granado Ross, Hazel Alma and John W., Jr. The son, Granado, within the last year, has taken charge of the fruit-garden part of his father's business. In addition to his other branches of business, Mr. Burkitt is a Director of the local bank at Arlington Heights, 111., and also a stockholder, Director and "Vice-President of the Sierra Gold Mining Company of Tuolumne County, Cal. DANIEL HUDSON BURNHAM. Daniel H. Burnham, Chief of Architecture and Construction of the World's Columbian Exposi- tion of 1893, is a native of Henderson, Jefferson County, N. Y., where he was born September 4, 1846, the son of Edwin and Elizabeth Burn- ham. His parents were natives of Vermont, and were married in New York about 1841. His great-grandfather was an officer in the Revolu- tionary Army, while his mother's ancestors, on both sides, were, for many generations, clergymen. She was a granddaughter of the celebrated Samuel Hopkins, of Revolutionary times, and a cousin of the late Mark Hopkins of California. Edwin Burnham, the father, re- moved to Chicago with his family in 1855, where he was a wholesale merchant until his decease in 1874, a part of the time being President of the old Merchants' Exchange. Young Burnham was a pupil in Professor Snow's private school, located on the present site of the Fair Department Store, on Adams Street, and afterwards attended the old Jones school and the Chicago High School. Later he spent two years under private instruction at Waltham, Mass., and one year with Professor T. B. Hay ward (previously of Harvard Uni- versity), at Bridgewater, Mass., as his sole pupil. Returning to Chicago in the fall of 1867, he spent the following year and a half in the office of Messrs. Loring and Jenney, archi- tects; then went to Nevada and, for one year, was engaged in mining, after which he re- turned to Chicago and entered the office of Mr. L. G. Laurean, architect, where he remained one and one-half years. Immediately after the great fire of October 8th and 9th, 1871, he entered the office of Messrs. Carter, Drake & White, where he made the acquaintance of Mr. John W. Root, with whom, in the spring of 1873, he formed a co-partnership which lasted until Mr. Root's demise in January, 1891. Among the buildings planned and constructed by Mr. Burnham may be mentioned the National Bank of Illinois building, the Chemical Bank building, Montauk block — ten stories high and the first tall fire-proof building erected in Chi- cago; the Rialto, the Rookery, the Insurance Exchange, Phoenix, the Counselman building, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy general offices, the Rand and McNally building, Calumet and Calumet Club buildings. He also designed the Woman's Temple, twelve stories, high; the Ma- sonic Temple, twenty stories; the Great North- ern Hotel and Monadnock buildings, sixteen stories; the Herald building on Washington street; St. Gabriel's Catholic Church; Church of the Covenant (Presbyterian) ; the Merchants' National and the Marshall Field retail build- ings; the new Methodist and Presbyterian Churches at Evanston, etc. He finished in Cleve- 842 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. land, Ohio, the Society for Savings building; the Western Reserve and the Evangelical buildings. At Kansas City he built the Midland Hotel, Board of Trade and American Bank buildings; at Topeka, Kan., the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe general office building; the Phoenix Hotel at Las Vegas Hot Springs, N. M.; the Chronicle building and Mills building in San Francisco, the latter one of the finest office buildings in America: also a large office building at Atlanta Ga. ; one in Philadelphia twenty-six stories, and another twenty-two stories; one in New York twenty-one stories; one in Baltimore fourteen stories; three in Cincinnati; the Union Depots at Washington and Pittsburgh; an entire block, the Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y., and many other buildings. Mr. Burnham originated the Western Association of Architects and was its first President. He is also a member of many clubs in this and other cities. In October of 1890 he was appointed by the Directory of the World's Columbian Exposition Chief of Con- struction and Supervising Architect. He made all drawings and contracts, and supervised the artistic and working construction and disburse- ments for the buildings. Mr. Burnham has been President of the West- ern and American Institute of Architects, was chairman of the National Commission estab- lished by the United States Senate for beauti- fying the National Capitol, and has recently been entrusted with the designing of some im- portant plans in this connection. He has been honored by Harvard and Yale Universities with the degree of Doctor of Science. He was mar- ried in 1876 to Margaret Siebring Sherman, daughter of John B. Sherman, and five children have been born to them: Ethel, the wife of Albert B. Wells of Southbridge, Mass.; John; Hubert, a cadet in the United States Navy; Margaret and Daniel. WILLIAM J. BURNS. William J. Burns, Chief Engineer, North Side Pumping Station, Chicago, was born in Buffalo, N. Y., November 2, 1857, and attended the Christian Brothers' School. After leaving Hfhool he served his time as machinist at Sut- ton Brothers' Machine Works in Buffalo, re- maining there four years. He was later on the lakcB ae chief engineer of lake steamers. The last steamer on which he was employed was the "H. L. Worthlngton," on which he remained until 1892. June 10, 1893, he was appointed Assistant Engineer at the North Side Pumping Station. He took the civil service examination and, on January 10, 1901, was appointed Chief Engineer of the Springfield Avenue Pumping Station. Mr. Burns has earned his promotion by the faithful discharge of his many important duties. He was married to Miss Annie Gib- bons, in Chicago, January 5, 1887, and they have four children. WILLIAM BUSSE. William Busse, County Commissioner of Cook County, was born of German parents in Elk Grove Township, Cook County, 111., January 27, 1864. His parents were Louis and Chris- tiana (Kirchoff) Busse, and his father and both his grandparents (Frederick and Frederika Busse) were natives of Hanover, Germany. Mr. Busse was educated in local public and private schools, attending school in the winter and helping his father on the farm in summer. From 1880 to 1885 he assisted his father in the butter and cheese manufacture and conducting a general mercantile business. Arriving at the age of twenty-one he began farming on his own account, in which he has been quite successful. For ten years he has served as Deputy Sheriff of Cook County, having been appointed in 1890 by Sheriff Gilbert, and has established a high reputation for personal and official integrity. He has always been a stanch Republican, and in 1900 was nominated as a Republican candi- date for County Commissioner and elected in November following by a decided plurality, and re-elected in 1902. Mr. Busse's first wife hav- ing died February 20, 1894, he was married a second time in August, 1894, to Dina Busse, in Elk Grove Township, by whom he has had two children: Helen, born March 6, 1896. and Oscar, born February 6, 1898, and died in August, 1898. In addition to his other official positions, Mr. Busse has been of late years one of the Directors of the new school at Mount Prospect, his present place of residence. EDWARD B. BUTLER. Edward B. Butler, merchant, Chicago, was born in Lewiston, Maine, December 16, 1853. When he was six years old his family removed to Boston, Mass., where he received his educa- tion in the grammar and high schools of that city, between school hours assisting his father in HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 843 a retail grocery store. At the age of sixteen he left the usual positions of bundle-boy, packer, entry clerk and shipper, and at eighteen years of age became a commercial traveler. For five years he sold merchandise in New England, Canada, and throughout the Western States. In 1877 he returned to Boston and with his brother, George H., engaged in business under the firm name of Butler Brothers, their brother, Charles H., joining them a year later. The com- ing together of these three brothers meant suc- cess; for, by their joint efforts, their business as wholesalers of notions and small wares in- creased rapidly. In 1878 they made a decided and radical change in merchandising methods by inaugurating a five-cent counter plan. This at first seemed only a bright idea, but proved to be the foundation of the wonderfully suc- cessful department stores now in every city throughout the country. The entire soliciting has been done by a comprehensive catalogue, widely known as "Our Drummer." Mr. Butler is President of the corporation still retaining the name of Butler Brothers, which he, with his brothers (now deceased), founded. Their three houses — one in Chicago, one in St. Louis, and the other in New York — employ more than three thousand men and do a yearly business of more than eighteen million dollars. Mr. Butler takes a special interest in all matters pertaining to moral progress, and contributes liberally of his means to the support of every worthy cause. He was chairman of the Ways and Means Committee of the World's Col- umbian Exposition of 1893, while at the same time Chairman of the Bureau of Admissions and Collections. Later, he was, for two years, the active head of the Civic Federation of Chi- cago. He is now President of the Illinois Man- ual Training School Farm for Boys, at Glen- wood, besides being a Director of the Chicago Orphan Asylum, the Chicago Bureau of Char- ities, the Erring Woman's Refuge, and a num- ber of other charitable organizations. He is also a Trustee of the Rockford College, the Chicago Athenaeum, and the Hull House Social Settle- ment, and a Director in the Corn Exchange National Bank, Chicago. Besides being affili- ated with the leading social clubs of the city, Mr. Butler is a member of the Commercial and Merchants' Clubs. He was married to Miss Jane Holley of Norwalk, Conn. FRANK H. BUTTERFIELD. Frank H. Butterfield, "Pioneer Fireman" and Captain Engine No. 88, Chicago Fire Depart- ment, was born in Chicago, January 26, 1849, and was educated in the Scammon and New- berry public schools. After leaving school at fourteen years of age he enlisted, and wanted to go as bugler for the United States Army, but was refused on account of his being "too short" for the service. Later he went to Boston, Mass., and there learned his trade at the William Mason Locomotive Works, remaining there three years, when be returned to Chicago, and worked for his uncle, D. N. Chappel — known as "Pop Chappel" (who was also Captain of Enterprise Engine No. 2) — in a meat market until he joined the Chicago Fire Department in Novem- ber, 1869, being assigned to duty on Winnebago Engine No. 16, when it was organized. He was transferred to Long John Engine No. 1 September 1, 1871, and worked on that engine during the great fire in October, 1871. The com- pany lost their horses at the corner of Wells and Adams Streets, and had to pull their engine by hand to Clark and Jackson Streets, where it remained until a large boulder fell from the top of the Grand Pacific Hotel and cut off the tray of the engine. Leaving there they went to Third Avenue and Jackson Street and, having lost their hose, obtained a canvas hose from the "Little Palmer House" at Quincy and State Streets, when they tried to save the African Church, but finding they could not do so, they went to the Honore building, corner of Dear- born and Adams Streets, and later to the Little Palmer House on State Street. After working there for awhile, they found that there was no water in the hydrants, and they had to go into line and get the water from the Lake basin at Congress Street. Then after working at the J. B. Rice Engine House, they went to Michi- gan Avenue and Congress Street, and then south to Harrison Street, where they saved their en- gine from tipping into the basin by first putting a rope around it and then taking the two lead- ing horses from Engine 11 and pulling it out of its perilous position. From there going to Washington Street and the Chicago River on the West Side, they pumped water into the mains for twenty-four hours; then went to Michigan Avenue and Hubbard Court, and pumped water into the mains there for forty hours for fire protection. Engines 1, 12, 15 and 844 HISTORICAL EN^CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 16 being the only ones then fit for service after the fire. Mr. Butterfield was promoted to Assistant Foreman on Engine 1 March 1, 1872; was transferred to Chemical No. 1 in September, 1874; transferred to Engine 24 September 11, 1875; promoted to Captain August 1, 1878; transferred to Engine 64 May 12, 1894, and to Engine 88 December 31, 1900. Chicago owes a large debt of gratitude to her pioneer firemen, and among them the name of Frank H. Butterfield is entitled to honorable mention. He has had many accidents and nar- row escapes; was run over by the "Long John" hose-cart in August, 1873, but his limbs were not broken; was rescued from the debris of the Globe Theater after having been there for nearly an hour, and was found to be not seri- ously injured. On June 30, 1881, he had his right leg broken, sustaining a compound fracture of both bones, but has recovered its use. He also had his right hand nearly severed by the fall of a chemical from the roof, and suf- fered many other mishaps too numerous to mention. Mr. Butterfield was married to Miss Mary Ellen Holmes in Peru, 111., March 4, 1871, and two children have blessed this union. One daughter is still living. . EDWARD T. CAHILL. Edward T. Cahill, attorney-at-law, was born in Chicago the son of James and Mary (Mc- Cormick) Cahill, who came from Ireland. Prior to leaving the old country, the mother was a school teacher in the national schools, the father being the son of a farmer. The father and mother were married in the State of New Jersey, later removing to Chicago, where the father was soon after killed in a railroad acci- dent, leaving the family with little or no finan- cial support. Edward was educated in the pub- lic schools, afterwards pursuing a course of self- study and attending lectures of an educational character, usually pursued in colleges and uni- versities, also studying I>atin and French. He began life as a cash-boy. rising to the position of clerk, studied law and was admitted to the bar. entering the law office of Wilson, Mont- gomery & Waterman, and becoming associated later will) Hawes & Lawrence. Mr. Cahill lias never held public office, but has occupied many responsiliie positions in pri- vate life, such as executor, trustee, receiver, EHHlgnee, etc. In politics he is a Rei)ul)lican and. being a fluent sijcaker. has made many al'le Hpeeches In support of the i)rincii)les of the Republican parly. He Is a member of the Chi- cago Philosophical Society, before which he has delivered lectures on various topics; is a mem- ber of the Western Psychical Society, of iha Art Institute, and other literary and scientific bodies, and one of the Vice-Presidents of the Sons of Illinois. He has been a contributor to the daily newspapers and magazines on relig- ious, political, social, scientific and legal ques- tions, and has been prominently identified with different public movements, having for their object the advancement of the city and the pub- lic good. As a lawyer Mr. CahiU's practice has been more especially connected with real-estate affairs. He declines to accept criminal cases. He has gained prominence by having raised the question of the constitutionality of the act of the State Legislature, known as the "Short Cause Calendar." He has been employed in the trial of a number of large and important chan- cery cases involving the title to realty. He has many devoted friends and a large and increas- ing list of clients, by whom he is regarded with much favor because of his ability and faithful- ness to their interests; and is also regarded by his colleagues as a conscientious and pains- taking member of the profession in Chicago. JOHN CALAHAN. John Calahan, Engineer Engine No. 83, Chi- cago Fire Department, was born in Albany, N. Y., May 9, 1842; was educated in the public schools of New York, and coming to Chicago in 1853, attended the Dearborn school. After leav- ing school he worked as shop-boy in several shops, and later on the lakes. On September 11. 1861, he enlisted in the United States Navy on the United States Frigate "Cumberland," remaining on that vessel until she was sunk by the Merrimac, March 8, 1862. Then he served on the Frigate "St. Lawrence" until honorably discharged, October 14, 1863, after which he sailed on the lakes and later worked at steam- fitting until October, 1875, when he joined the Fire Department, taking a position on Engine No. 17. He was transferred to Engine 27, on December 31, 1875; to Engine 22, in 1877; back again, as Engineer, to Engine 27, in April, 1887; and to Engine 83, September 14, 1898, where (1901) he still remained. Mr. Calahan has met several minor accidents and has had many narrow escapes, but is ever ready to face any duty or danger he may be called upon to meet. He is an "old timer" and has chased and shot quails and other kinds of game from Fort Dearborn on Michigan Avenue to Twelfth Street in 1854 and 1855. He was married to Miss Mary Kent, in Chicago, May 3, 1872, and they have had seven children, five of whom are now living, viz.: John, James, Catharine, Mary and Grace. .lOIlN M. CAMERON. John M. Cameron, lawyer, Chicago, was l)orn in Ottawa, Ontario. September 18, 1867, the son HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 845 of Neil and Mai-y (McRae) Cameron, and at two years of age was brought to Chicago, where he has lived ever since. He acquired his education in the Chicago grammar and high schools, then studied law, was admitted to the bar in June, 1889, and has since been engaged in practice, being first connected with the firm of Campbell & Custer, then with its successor, Custer, God- dard & Griffin, and at the present time as junior member of the firm of Custer, Griffin & Cam- eron. On January 1, 1895, Mr. Cameron was married to Miss Anna Iverson, and they have (1904) two surviving children, viz.: Alan C. Cameron and Anita C. Cameron. In politics Mr. Cameron is a Republican, is affiliated with the Masonic fraternity, is a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church at Riverside, and mem- ber of the Board of Trustees of that place, where he has resided for a number of years. The law firm of which Mr. Cameron is an active work- ing member has its office at 809 to 815 Rookery Building, Chicago, where they have been located for fifteen years. JOHN G. CARLSON. John G. Carlson, pioneer fireman, Captain Engine No. 83, Chicago Fire Department, was born in the western part of Sweden, November 29, 1835, was educated in the common schools, and, after leaving school, learned the tailor's trade with his father. Coming to Chicago in September, 1852, he remained in the tailoring business until the death of his father, which occurred in 1855. In March, 1857, he joined the Volunteer Fire Department as hoseman on the Philadelphia Hose Company. The company disbanded in the spring of 1859, and on July 12, 1862, he joined the paid Fire Department as pipeman on "Long John," No. 1, under the command of foreman "Matt Benner," where he remained until June, 1869, when he was transferred to Jake Rehm Engine, No. 4, and was promoted to foreman July, 1871. He was in Saturday night's fire (October 7, 1871), and went to Canal and Adams Streets; was called out Sunday night about nine o'clock, to the "big blaze" of October 8-9th, and took a position at the church at the corner of Mather and Clin- ton Streets, working there until he was obliged to move to Mather and Jefferson Streets, where, with the assistance of Engine No. 17, he pre- vented the fire from going west; then went to the corner of Canal and Beach Streets, and fought the fire in the lumber yards until the water gave out. He then went in line with Engine No. 6, and worked on the Government Bonded "Warehouse at the foot of Beach Street, until ordered to form a line with other com- panies from the lake. From there he went to the North Side, going to work at Division and Halsted streets in connection with compan- ies from other cities, remaining there until 3 o'clock Tuesday morning. The next two weeks were spent working, off and on, in put- ting out fires in the coal yard and pumping into the water-mains for the West Side. He was successively transferred to Engines 20, 22 and 27, and, in 1879 to Engine 4; June 15, 1893, organized Engine 69 ; was transferred to Engine 79 in January, 1896, and to Engine 83, June 15, 1897. During his long and constant service, he has had many narrow escapes and rescues, but (1901) is still on hand ready for any call of duty or danger. Captain Carlson was married in Chicago, March 8, 1873, to Miss Matilda John- son, and they have had four children, three of whom are now living. JAMES A. CARNES. James A. Carnes, Captain Engine No. 62, Chi- cago Fire Department, was born in Hartford, Conn., January 23, 1862; came to Chicago with his parents in 1867, and was educated in the Mitchell and Foster public schools. He worked for Norton Brothers, can manufacturers, for five years, when he went to Leadville, Colo., remaining there five years more. Returning to Chicago in 1885 he joined the Hyde Park Fire Department, May 1, 1886, on Engine No. 1; was promoted to Lieutenant in June, 1887, the number of the engine being changed to 45 when Hyde Park was annexed to Chicago, August 1, 1889. He was next transferred to Truck 16 on December 31, 1890, and to Engine 51 in June, 1891; was promoted to Acting Captain, May 1, 1893, on Engine No. 63, World's Fair Grounds, and to Captain, May 31, 1894. His subsequent changes include his transfer to Engine 73, to Engine 82, April 15, 1897, and to Engine 62, October 6, 1900. He is now (1904) in charge of Engine No. 63. Captain Carnes was at the Cold Storage fire, World's Fair Grounds, July 10, 1893. His com- pany remained on the tower until forced to leave, when they worked on the ground while Chief Murphy and Lieutenants Barker, Wilbur and Reffeld went up the ladder and rescued Cap- tain Fitzpatrick, who was lying on the roof. The rest of the company worked on the fire and carried out five bodies of those killed. There was no fire anywhere when they arrived at the building, except in the dome. Captain Carnes thinks the hot air exploded and set fire to the stack. He has had many narrow escapes and rescues; during a fire at Oak wood Boulevard and Cottage Grove Avenue, while looking for a party in peril, he went through to the base- ment and had his jaw and leg broken; was also nearly suffocated at the World's Fair Hotel fire in 1893, and later rescued pipeman Powers. Captain Carnes was married in Chicago, July 31, 1889, to Miss Mary O'Donnell, and they have had four children, three of whom are now liv- ing. WILLIAM E. CARNEY. William E. Carney, Captain of Fire-insurance Patrol No. 5, was born at Union Springs, N. Y., November 25, 1854, came to Kenosha, Wis., in 1860, and was educated in the public schools. He worked in a grocery and feed-store until 1872, when he came to Chicago and there worked at different trades and in the coal busi- 846 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ness. also being employed by the American Express Company. He joined the Fire-Insur- ance Patrol. December 15, 1889. was assigned to Patrol No. 1. and served as patrolman for five years and as driver for four years. He was transferred January 1, 1898, to Patrol No. 3, and promoted to Lieutenant; then transferred to Patrol No. 5 May 1, 1900. and promoted to Captain. One of his closest calls was at the McVicker's Theater fire, when, by hard running before the roof fell, he escaped personal injury. Later he had a similar escape when a building on Cottage Grove Avenue and Thirty-second Street was split in twain. He was married to Miss Catharine Lavin in Chicago, on Easter Sunday, 1879, and they had two children, one of whom is now living. Mrs. Carney having died some years previous, on Easter Monday of 1S93. Mr. Carney was married to his second wife, who was Margaret A. Furness of Chicago. A brave patrolman. Captain Carney has always shown himself ready for service where duty calls. • SAMUEL T. CARR. Samuel T. Carr, contractor, son of Silas T. and Susan L. Carr, natives of New York, was born March 13, 1841, in the same place, and educated in private schools. On June 22, 1862, he came to Chicago and went into the dry- goods business with A. G. Downs & Co., remain- ing nine years. On May 12, 1864, he enlisted in Company A, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry (Captain John Dyer), and served nearly six months, taking part in the campaign against guerrillas in Ken- tucky and Missouri, and being discharged Octo- ber 2.5, 1864. Mr. Carr was married to Mary E. Halleck, in Chicago, September 20, 1866, and they became the parents of four children: Susie E., Anna Belle, Ethel May and Daniel W. Mrs. Carr died in 1875 and on May 13, 1900. Mr. Carr married Elizabeth Ross. . He is a Protest- ant in religious belief, a Republican in politics and by occupation a contractor. ROBERT S. CARROLL. Robert S. Carroll, attorney, was born on November 20, 1845, in the city of New Bed- ford, Mass., and received his education in the pulilic schools. On September 20, 1862, he enlisted in the Forty-seventh Massachusetts Infantry — the Merchants' Guard of Boston — serving in New Orleans under Gen. Banks, when the latter relieved Gen. Butler, being mustered out September 1, 1863. He re-enlisted In the Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Veteran Regiment. January 20, 1864, and served under General Grant when he took command of the Army of the Potomac, participating in the bat- tles of the Wilderness, Cold Harbor and Peters- burg, up to the battle of The Ciater, July, 1864, when he was taken prisoner and conflne(i in the ret)el prison at Danville, Va., and Libby Prison at Richmond, until February 22, 1865. when ho was parfded. Later he rettirned to his regi- ment and participated In the grand review at Washington, just before the mustering out of the Army of the Potomac, which occurred July 14, 1865. After returning home, Mr. Carroll studied law in Boston, was admitted to the bar and, in 1877, removed to Chicago, where he has prac- ticed his profession ever since. He was mar- ried in Chicago, November 30, 1881, and has one son. Mr. Carroll is a member of the Masonic Order (32nd degree). Independent Order of Odd-Fellows, Knights of Pythias, and Grand Army of the Republic. CHARLES E. CASE. Charles E. Case, Captain of Engine No. 20, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago, Jan. 15, 1859, and educated in the Kinzie and Hayes schools; then worked for Crane & Company as a molder, and later ran the ele vator at the Hale Building, 103 State street. He joined the Fire Department December 31, 1881, on Chemical No. 1, and was transferred to Engine 17, and then to Engine 26 In Decem- ber, 1884. March 1, 1886, he was promoted to Lieutenant and assigned to Engine 34, then on May 1, 1888, to Engine 17; was promoted to Captain August 31, 1889, and assigned to Engine 5; was transferred to World's Fair Engine in service building in 1893, and later had successive transfers to Engine 59, then to Engine 24, and on January 31, 1900, to Engine 20. On September 1, 1884, at a fire in McComb's Veneering Works at Kinzie Street and Ashland Avenue, he was buried beneath the fallen tim- bers and badly crushed, compelling him to remain off duty for seven months. On Septem- ber 1, 1885, while driving the cart for Engine 26, he came into collision with Engine No. 12, was thrown from and run over by the cart, sustaining internal injuries, besides a broken arm, which laid him up about four months. He received the Lambert Tree medal and hon- orable mention for promptness, skill, and bravery in assisting in the rescue of seventeen persons from a burning building at 92 West Lake Street, on the morning of October 12, 1888. Captain Case has had many other narrow escapes, but like many other Chicago boys is ready for any emergency where duty and danger calls. CHARLES C. CHACE. Few positions in business life call for a com- bination of qualities at once so essential and so rare as that of auditor of the accounts of a great corporation. To a familiarity with fig- ures and a ready comi)rehension of their rela- tions must be added painstaking accuracy, to quick i)erception must be joined thorough fam- iliarity with detail, tireless energy and executive capacity must go hand in hand, while the entire superstructure must rest upon a founda- tion of incorrupt il)le integrity. Probably no man in Chicago's commercial world better understands these requirements than Mr. Charles C. Chace, the auditor of the Union Stock Yards and Traction and the Chicago HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 847 Junction Railway companies. To the discharge of the high trust and grave responsibilities attaching to this dual position he has brought a ripe experience and thorough equipment. Born at Port Jervis, N. Y., August 30, 1855, he received a thorough elementary and business education, and in 1881 was given the position of cashier in the Lafayette, Ind., office of the Lake Erie & Western Railway Company. After five year^ of faithful service there, he was appointed the company's agent at Findlay, Ohio, where he remained for six years. In 1892 he accepted an offer from C. H. Hammond & Co., to become their traffic manager at Omaha. Four years later the Hammond Company organized the Chicago, Hammond & Great Western Rail- way Company, Mr. Chace being made auditor. On the merging of this corporation with the Chicago Junction Railway Company, on April 1, 1897, he continued to fill the same post. In February, 1898, he was appointed auditor of the Union Stoclc Yards and Transit Company. Mr. Chace was married to Miss Jessie M. Finney, a young lady of Indianapolis, on May 23, 1890, and their union has been blessed with one daughter. CALVIN CHAMBERLAIN. Calvin Chamberlain, storekeeper, Union Stock Yards & Transit Company, was born in South Danvers (now Peabody), Mass., August 29, 1844; received a common school education until the age of thirteen years, then assisted his father on a small farm in Lynn, Mass., until the fall of 1861, when, at the age of seven- teen years, he enlisted in Company B, Seven- teenth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, in which he served three years. This regiment joined General Burnside's expedition into North Carolina, and participated in all the principal engagements in that department, including Roanoke Island, Newbern, Goldsboro, Kingston and others. After the war Mr. Chamberlain returned to his native city for one month, and then coming to Chicago in December, 1864, was employed by the United States Express Company, to which he rendered efficient services in the great fire of 1871, assisting in saving much valuable prop- erty, for which he was rewarded by the com- pany. In 1875, he severed his connection with the Express Company and entered into the employment of Atkinson & Lunt, marble deal- ers, remaining with that firm until the sum- mer of 1878, when he entered the service of the Union Stockyard & Transit Company, as bookkeeper and storekeeper of the commissary department of the Transit House, making a continuous service of twenty-two years for that company. After the fire of 1871, he, with his brother Charles, purchased a home in Engle- wood, and has since resided there. On April 17, 1879, Mr. Chamberlain married Miss Ida A. Gregory, of Englewood, 111., and two children have been born to them. Mr. Chamberlain is a member of George G. Meade Post, G. A. R., of Englewood, Ringgold Coun- cil Royal Arcanum, and other societies. WILLIAM ROSWELL CHAMBERLAIN. When William the Conqueror invaded Eng- land in 1066, one of the chief officers was named Chamberlayne. The Chamberlains in England belonged to the Puritan party in the war with Charles I. The ancestors of William R. Chamberlain came to America in 1638 and settled near Boston, Mass., since which time there has not been a war fought by the Colo- nies or the United States that has not been par- ticipated in by some members of the family. Mrs. Chamberlain also traces her ancestry back to the early settlers of Massachusetts. The subject of this sketch was born near St. Elmo, Fayette County, 111., August 31, 1851, the son of Philo Culver and Euphemia (Cooper) Chamberlain, the former born in Campbells- burg, Ind., and the latter in Ohio. The paternal grandparents were Jonathan and Hannah (Cul- ver) Chamberlain, both of whom were natives of New York. On the maternal side of the family the grandfather was Thomas Cooper, born in Ireland, who married Ann Locke, a native of Ohio. When four years of age William R. lost his father by death, and five years later his mother died. At the age of eleven years he began working on a farm for four dollars a month and continued to be thus employed until he attained his majority, receiving his educa- tion in the district schools, which he attended during the winter months until he was able himself to become a teacher. Later he attended the Northwestern University, at Evanston, 111., from which he was graduated in 1881. He then taught school and studied law, being admitted to the bar at Springfield in 1884, since when he has been engaged in active practice. He has organized a large number of corporations, being especially proficient in that line of legal work, and has also contributed to various law jour- nals. Mr. Chamberlain has acquired an inti- mate knowledge of the German language and, being a zealous Republican, made speeches in that language during the McKinley campaign. He also canvassed Missouri for a month during 1896 by request of the National Committee. Religiously Mr. Chamberlain is affiliated with the Methodist Church. On February 21, 1887, Mr. Chamberlain was married in Chicago to Harriet I. Haines, and three children have been born to them: Faith Carrie, Grace Ann, and Philo Haines. EDWARD BRUCE CHANDLER. To the chronicler of human events it is always a grateful task to recount the life story of the man of earnest purpose and resolute will, who has hewn out his road to success and inscribed his name upon the roll of the coun- try's successful men. Born in the State of New York, Mr. Chandler's father's family was of New Jersey origin, while that of his mother belonged to one of the old and respected houses 848 HISTORICAL E:^[CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. of Connecticut. His paternal great-grandfather, Joseph Chandler, settled in Granville. "Washing- ton County, N. Y.. where his grandfather, Wil- liam, and his father, George Chandler, were born. His maternal great-grandmother, Martha Utler. was a native of New Jersey; his mother's maiden name was Louisa Harris. The latter was born at Hartford, Washington County, N. Y.. the granddaughter of Israel and Sarah (Morse) Harris, of Cornwall, Conn. Her father, Joseph Harris, was a native of Williamstown, Mass.. and her mother, born Lucretia Lord, first saw the light at Norwich, Conn. Edward Bruce Chandler was born at Hart- ford, N. Y., January 30, 1838, and in his boy- hood coming west, attended school at Romeo, Mich., and in 1858 graduated from the Univer- sity at Ann Arbor. The natural "bent" of his mind being towards electricity, on leaving col- lege he commenced the study of telegraphy in the office of the Superintendent of the Illinois & Mississippi Telegraph Company — the old "Caton Lines." His first salaried position was at Bureau Junction, where the Rock Island Railroad Company paid him a monthly stipend of thirty dollars; next was stationed succes- sively at Rock Island and Peru, and later spent a year in the office of the Superintendent of the Illinois Central at Amboy, and two years as operator and cashier in offices of the Rock Island Company. Skill, experience and fidelity next secured for him the position of manager of the Caton lines with headquarters at Spring- field, 111., which position he filled during a con- siderable portion of the Civil War, when the receipt and transmission of secret governmental dispatches, the handling of which called for inviolable secrecy, rendered his duties doubly responsible. Wearying of telegraphy and anxious to enter the broader field for which he felt himself fitted, Mr. Chandler, leaving Springfield in 1865 came to Chicago to become the first General Superin- tendent of the Chicago Fire Alarm Telegraph Service, and in this capacity was in charge of the city's electrical service at the time of the great fire in 1871. He resigned this position May 1, 1876, to become the General Western Agent of the Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Company. He was also President or Secretary of the Police Telephone and Signal Company almost continuously from its organization in 1882, and was Treasurer of the old American Electrical Society until it passed out of exist ence. His reputation as an electrical expert was widely recognized, while his business career was marked by well earned .success. Of genial temperament and fond of social pleaKures, Mr. Chandler had many friends. In hiH college days he was a member of the Beta Theta PI fraternity, and was a member of the Masonic fraternity over a quarter of a century, having been Initiated Into Home Lodge No. r>()S A. F''. & A. .M.. In 1877, becoming a Royal Arch- Mason the same year as a member of Chicago Chapter, No. 127, and Ktill later a Sir Knight in Apollo Commandery No. 1. In his later years he was one of those who organized the Cheva- lier Bayard Commandery No. 52, in which he filled the various offices, terminating with that of Eminent Commander. He was also member of the Medinah Temple Lodge of the Mystic Shrine. He was an active and enthusiastic craftsman, always on the alert for the good of his Order. He was also a member of the Calu- met Club and of the Loyal Legion. At Princeton, 111., January 8, 1872, Mr. Chand- ler was married to Miss Emily Mosley, and the issue of this union has been two children — Alice, married to Capt. O. L. Spaulding, Jr., U. S. A., and George M., a civil engineer of Chi- cago. Mr. Chandler died of pneumonia at his home in Chicago, June 6, 1904. HORACE G. CHASE. Horace G. Chase, retired, Chicago, was born in Hopkinton, N. H., July 9, 1827, the son of Hon. Horace and Betsey (Blanchard) Chase, the former a native of Unity, N. H., and the latter of Medford, Mass. His father was a graduate of Dartmouth College, N. H., the Alma Mater of many of the most distinguished statesmen and jurists in American history, including such names as Daniel Webster, Rufus Choate and others. In early life he was admitted to the bar, and for many years served as Judge of Probate of Merrimack County, in his native State. During the administration of President Jackson he was appointed Postmaster at Hop- kinton, btit owing to the demands of profes- sional and judicial duties, being unable to give his personal attention to the office, placed it in charge of his son, Horace G., who, although a youth of only twelve years, took the usual oath as Deputy Postmaster, discharging the duties of the office in a practical and efficient manner. Judge Chase, in his day, was a prominent mem- ber of the Masonic fraternity, and was highly honored and widely known in Masonic circles throughout New England as "Father Chase," and up to the time of his decease in 1875, was Vecognized as an authority on fraternity laws and customs. Horace G., the immediate subject of this sketch, was educated in the public schools and Hopkinton Academy, while a member of the latter his hours of recitation being so arranged as not to interfere with his postoffice duties. It was the purpose of his father to give him the advantages of a course in Dartmouth College, but this plan was frustrated b.v the desire of the son to engage in business away from homo and on his own account. Therefore, at the age of sixteen the latter became an apprentice in the mathematical and nautical instrument store of Samuel Thaxter & Son, in the city of Bos- ton, where he remained until his health becom- ing Impaired, he returned to his home at Hop- kinton, but in 1852 followed his two brothers who had preceded him to Chicago. On his arrival here he promptly found employment with .lames H. Rees, who, with Edward A. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. 849 Rucker, originated the present system of exam- ining real-estate titles, for which purpose the compiling of the abstract books had already been commenced. Mr. Chase's brother, Samuel B., was already associated with Mr. Rees, being in charge of the abstract department of the business, and engaged in the investigation of titles while the indexes were in course of prepa- ration. In 1855 Mr. Chase became a partner in the firm of Rees, Chase & Company, consisting at that time of James H. Rees and Samuel B. and Horace G. Chase. A few years later tbo Chase Brothers bought out the interest of Mr. Rees, and the business was continued until the fire of 1871, the firm name at that time being Chase Brothers & Company, consisting of three Chase brothers — Samuel B., Charles C, and Horace G. — with George H. Bailey. This great catastrophe wiped out every vestige of county and court records, but fortunately for real-estate owners in Cook County, each of the three firms then engaged in the abstract business — Chase Brothers & Company, Shortall & Hoard and Jones & Sellers — saved a portion of their records which, united, made a complete whole. Mr. Hor- ace G. Chase became an active factor in secur- ing the consolidation of these firms; and although this step was at first widely misun- derstood, and through the medium of the press and otherwise severely criticised and misrepre- sented as an attempt to establish a monopoly in the abstract business, it was practically recog- nized by act of the State Legislature and has been vindicated by the courts and popular judg- ment of real-estate owners. Following this com- bination, the united firms leased their abstract books to several of their old clerks under the firm name of Handy, Simmons & Co., who con- tinued the business of making abstracts of title to real estate in Cook County until 1888, when the Title Guarantee and Trust Company became the outcome of the combination above named. In the meantime the Security Title & Trust Company and the Chicago Title & Trust Com- pany had been formed, and were doing busi- ness on the same lines, as the Title Guarautee & Trust Company, when largely through the efforts of Mr. Chase, who was a director in the Title Guarantee & Trust Company, the stock- holders of the several companies sold their holdings to a syndicate which formed the pres- ent Chicago Title & Trust Company, represent- ing a capital of five millions of dollars. The growth of real estate interests in Chicago, dur- ing the past fifty years, is indicated by the fact that Mr. Chase and his brother Samuel B. Chase, were able to make all the abstracts required by the public and assist in compiling the abstract books when they entered into the business in 1852, the same work now requiring a force of over 300 clerks. From the date of his arrival in Chicago, Mr. Chase has taken an active interest in Masonic affairs, there being at that time only two lodges of the Order in the city — the LaFayette and Oriental. Mr. Chase was secretary of the latter for ten years and held a similar relation with LaFayette Chapter for two years. In religious faith he is an Episcopalian, an earnest sup- porter of the Reformed Episcopal movement, and a member of Christ Church congregation under the leadership of Bishop Charles Edward Cheney. Allying himself with the Republican party on its organization in 1856, he supported John C. Fremont for President that year, and has since been an earnest champion of the prin- ciples of that party. Mr. Chase was married June 14, 1860, to Miss Ellen Marian Sherwin, of Chicago, and they have four children: Samuel M., Bessie L. B., Lucy B., and Horace Stanley. Mrs. Chase is a niece of the late William Rickcords, well known in the early history of Chicago as land- lord of the old Lake House, and later proprietor of the old Sherman House. Although spending his summers at his birth- place, Hopkinton, N. H., Mr. Chase is still deeply interested in Chicago affairs with which he has been connected for the past fifty years, and has unlimited faith in the future of the city in which he has been so prominent and influential a factor during that eventful period. CHARLES CARROLL CHASE. Charles C. Chase (deceased), early citizen and prominent business man of Chicago, was born at Hopkinton, Merrimack County, N. H., September 19, 1829, the son of Horace and Betsey (Blanchard) Chase, and died in Chi- cago December 4, 1895, after a residence here of nearly forty-five years. His father, Horace Chase, was a farmer by occupation, but served for many years as Judge of the Probate Court in Merrimack County. He was also prominent- ly identified with the Masonic fraternity, and, for a considerable period, held the office of Grand Secretary of the order for the State of New Hampshire. In the days of the early stage-coach he served as postmaster of his native town on the route from Boston leading northward. Jonathan Chase, the father of Hoi'- ace and grandfather of Charles Carroll, was a soldier in the War of the Revolution, holding the rank of Captain and, for a time, serving as Aide-de-Camp on the staff of the celebrated Gen- eral Stark. Charles C. Chase received his education in a grammar school and academy in his native town. The Hopkinton Academy was considered one of the best of the State, at one time having an enrollment of over one hundred pupils, many of whom came from a distance and were board- ers in the institution. A course in an institu- tion of its character was considered a sufficient preparation for admission to college, while it was regarded as an ample qualification for the ordinary pursuits of a business life unless the pupil contemplated entering upon one of the learned professions. Mr. Chase came to Chicago in May, 1851, and was ever afterwards prominently identified with the social and business life of the city. 850 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. The day after his arrival in Chicago he obtained employment as assistant in the ofBce of the City Clerk, remaining until September, 1852, when he resigned to accept the position of principal bookkeeper in the banking-house of H. A. Tucker & Co. Compelled a year later to relinquish this position on account of ill-health, in the spring of 1854 he became Secretary and Treasurer of the Chicago Hide & Leather Com- pany, which place he continued to fill until July, 1S62, when he tendered his resignation to become Chief Clerk in the City Comptroller's office, where he remained until February, 1870. For a considerable portion of the period of his connection with the Comptroller's office, Mr. Chase had served as school agent, to which he had been appointed by the Board of Education in May, 1865, being re-elected biennially for the remainder of his life — a period of thirty years. His first monthly payment to teachers amounted to about $12,000, which has since grown to hun- dreds of thousands monthly. In 1870, he engaged in the abstract business in partnership with his brothers, Samuel Blanchard and Hor- ace G. Chase, under the firm name of Chase Brothers. This business was continued until after the fire when, in 1872, the firm was dis- solved and. in 1875, he became the senior mem- ber of the firm of Chase & Adams, real estate and loan agents, continuing until 1881, from which date he carried on the same business alone up to the date of his death. This came December 4, 1895, at his home after a brief illness resulting from an attack of neuralgia of the heart. Mr. Chase was married three times. His first marriage was on May 22, 1858, to Julia Marsh Sawyer, who was a cousin of William B. Ogden, the first Mayor of the city of Chicago, and for many years prominent in connection with rail- way enterprises and Chicago real-estate busi- ness. Mrs. Chase died July 19, 1866, leaving three children, besides two who had died in childhood. Their children were: Charles Glid- den, Iwrn October 19, 1859, died January 25, 1861; Carroll Sawyer, born January 25, 1861, died April 8, 1871; Harry Goodnow, born Janu- ary 31, 1863, and Edward Olcott, born July 8, 1865. In 1874, Mr. Chase was married to Belinda Newman Jones, who died early in 1883, leaving no children. June 15, 1886, he was married to Grace A. Lamb, who bore him two (laughters named Alice Louise, born March 12, 1889. and Dorothy, born January 30, 1891. p-raternally Mr. Chase was a life-member of the Oriental Lodge, A. F. & A. M.. and an hon- orary member of the Chicago Light Guards. He had been for years an attendant \ipon the Peo- ple's Church under the ministi-ation of the late Dr. Swing. His connection of over thirty years, without Interruption, with the office of School Agent under the Chicago Hoard of FJdiication, during which It became his dtity to pay out hnndrerlH of thousands of dollars of public funfis annually, attested the confidence placed during that period In his l)UHlne.sK capacity and personal integrity. His death was deeply deplored by those who had been brought in contact with him officially, socially or in busi- ness relations. On that occasion the Board of Education appointed a committee of their num- ber to attend his funeral, and, by unanimous vote, adopted the following tribute to his mem- ory: "In the death of Charles C. Chase, who for over thirty years filled the responsible position of school agent, the Board of Education has lost the services of a faithful employe. The best interests of our educational system he always subserved. Loyal to every trust reposed in him, an honored resident of the city, to the material success of which he contributed largely, his demise will bring sorrow to the hearts of his many friends, all of whom appreciated his sterling qualities. We, the members of the Board of Education in special meeting assem- bled, bear testimony to his memory, and extend to the bereaved family our sincerest sympathy." Among the many personal tributes to his character, the following from his long-time and intimate personal friend, John G. Shortall, is especially deserving of reproduction in this con- nection: "He was a splendid citizen, whose voice and vote were always for the best interests of Chi- cago. Clear-headed, amiable and just, he was honest and honorable in all business and other relations of life. All who ever knew him will be sorry to part with him; and, after all, the great test of a man's character and merits is, that he could live in intimate relations wi:h men for thirty or forty years and die sincerely regretted by them all." SAMUEL BLANCHARD CHASE. Among the professional and business men of Chicago who have left to their intimate friends and descendants the cherished memory of a life of straightforward integrity and purity of character, the name of none stands out more prominently in the estimation of those who knew him best, than does that of Samuel Blanchard Chase which heads this article. Mr. Chase belonged to a family whose ancestors came from England at an early period in Ameri- can history, and from them he inherited those characteristics of unswerving honesty and sturdy independence which had been handed down from generation to generation, and which distinguished him in business and private life. His great-grandfather. Captain Jonathan Chase, gave evidence of his bravery and patriotism as a soldier in the Colonial and Revolutionary Wars, while his grandfather, Samuel Chase, fought by the side of General Stark at the bat- tle of Bennington. His father. Judge Horace Chase, was equally prominent in. a more peace- ful period in the history of his native State of New Haini)shire, during a long and useful career in various public positions. Having taken a course in Dartmouth College, he stutl- led law and i)racticed for a time at Hopkin- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 851 ton, N. H., and also held the positions of Mod- erator of Town Meetings, Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, Representative in the General Court of the State, as well as that of Postmaster at a time when Hopkinton was prominently talked of as the future capital of the "Granite State." Judge Chase also served as Probate Judge of Merrimack County for many years, and pub- lished a "Probate Directory," a volume which has since been in universal use in the probate courts of New Hampshire. He possessed a wide social popularity among the members of the Masonic fraternity of New Hampshire, to whom he was known as "Father Chase," having attained the thirty-third degree and held the office of Grand Master and Grand Commander of the Knights Templar. Carefully educated himself. Judge Chase was well fitted to train the mind of his eldest son, Samuel Blanchard Chase, the subject of this sketch, who was born at Hopkinton, N. H., October 1, 1825. Having taken a preparatory course in the Hopkinton Academy, Samuel Blanchard Chase entered Dartmouth College at the age of fourteen years, and, after leaving college one of the first of his class, engaged in the study of law and, in 1843, was admitted to the bar in his native State. Here he contin- ued to practice until 1850, when he removed to Chicago, where he became associated with James H. Rees in the making of abstracts of title. Being a lawyer by profession, he imme- diately took charge of the abstract business, which he mastered so thoroughly that his opin- ions on the most complicated questions of law affecting titles to real estate were often sought and always regarded as final. Under the super- vision of himself and Mr. Rees, the first set of abstract books or real estate indices for Cook County were prepared. In 1854, his brother, Horace G. Chase, became a member of the firm, which took the name of Rees, Chase & Co., and a short time previous to the great fire in 1871, their brother Charles C. Chase and Geo. H. Bailey were admitted to the partnership under the firm name of Chase Bros. & Co. Although each of the three firms then engaged in the abstract business in the city of Chicago — Messrs. Chase Brothers, Shortall & Hoard, and Jones & Sellers — saved a large proportion of their books from the fire, neither of them recovered a complete set. It was therefore deemed advisable to consolidate their several sets of indices under the management of one firm, and out of this grew what is known today as "Ante-Fire Records," thus making a com- plete set, which has proved of the greatest value to the city of Chicago, in view of the fact that the original records in the County Record- er's office had been destroyed. On the consoli- dation of the several real estate abstract firms, Mr. Chase retired from business and subse- quently united with Mr. A. H. Sellers in the organization of the Title Guarantee and Trust Company, in which he was General Manager of the Guarantee Department for a period of four years, and a Director in the Company until his death in 1896. Although entertaining no taste for political life, Mr. Chase never refused to accept a posi- tion in which he thought he could render a benefit to his fellow-men. For several suc- cessive terms he served as Supervisor of the town of Lake View, and was chosen a mem- ber of the State Board of Equalization for a term of four years. His characteristic fairness and foresight have been as noteworthy in his political life as in his business career. He was quick to realize the future of Chicago prop- erty, making a specialty in his investments of North Shore lands. The principal street in Mr. Chase's old home town in Hopkinton, N. H., is shaded by old elm trees, none of which are less than a hun- dred years old. Possibly it was the impression produced upon his mind by these beautiful elms in his early life, that developed his pas- sion for trees and led him, in later life, to plant every tree on the north side of Belmont Avenue between the Lake and Halsted Street— the results of which are seen today in one of the finest lines of trees in the city of Chicago, some of them being nearly three feet in diame- ter. He was one of the first to experiment in the transplanting of large-sized elms about his old home on the Lake Shore Drive. Some of these, from twenty-five to forty years old, which were successfully transplanted by him, are now among the largest and finest to be seen in the city. This locality he transformed from a bar- ren waste of sand into a spot which looks today like an old New England home, instead of a place in new Chicago. Mr. Chase was united in marriage in 1855, to Miss Emma Elizabeth Thompson, the daughter of Captain Amherst Thompson, of Amherst, Mass. Six children were born of this union, viz.: Mary Elizabeth, Emma Susan Lord, Horace Blanchard, Ruth Glidden, Charles Amherst, and Samuel Thompson — all of whom are living except the oldest daughter, Mary Elizabeth. In the business world Mr. Chase's name was always a synonym for the most scrupulous integrity, the most rigid justice. Of exception- al mental attainments, he was yet one of the most genial and approachable of men, at all times courteous, kindly and sympathetic. His profound legal learning, his breadth of mind and his efficiency as a business man were widely recognized, and he was credited with a knowledge of the real estate law second to no man of his time. Possessing a mind keen and logical, broadened by a life of untiring indus- try and careful reading, he was a close observer of passing events and often foretold, with start- ling accuracy, the results of the social and economic tendencies of the times. In his moments of freedom from business cares he found his greatest pleasure in reading, retain- ing to the end of his life a love for the classics 852 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. which, in his Dartmouth days, formed so important a part of his college curriculum. In his social and domestic relations Mr. Chase was beloved and venerated by all who knew him. Simple, unassuming, wholly unself- ish, he was ever ready to sacrifice his own interests to any call upon his aid, advice or sympathy. His death occurred March 27, 1896, his passing away being deeply deplored by a large circle of friends. It would be difRctilt to conceive of a more fitting tribute to his mem- ory than is contained in the following extract from a sketch of the deceased furnished to the local press by his intimate acquaintance and business associate, Mr. John G. Shortall, of Chicago: "Conspicuous as he was," says Mr. Shortall, "for his profound legal knowledge, for his per- ception of right and wrong, for his unswerving fidelity to all trusts reposed in him — and they were many; for his devotion to the best inter- ests of the community in which he lived; for his fearlessness in following the path of recti- tude wherever it might lead, and for many other qualities of mind which brought him confi- dences and the honor of the community, yet to those who had the privilege of his intimate friendship, all these qualities were felt to be merely a necessary part of the man himself, so full of kindness, so full of the delightful con- fidences of friendship, so beloved by his family as friend and father, and so bright and clear in the esteem and regard of every one who knew him. We may all feel that a great light has gone out from among us, a strong defense of the community's honor has departed." FRANK L. CHURCH. Frank Linaeus Church was born in Chicago, 111.. June 9, 1842, a son of William L. and Roxanna Jones (Pike) Church, the former of whom was born in Lima, N. Y., and the latter in Charleston, Mass. On the maternal side his great-grandparents were Nathaniel and Grace (Esterbrook) Trask, both of whom were natives of New Hampshire. The maternal grandparents, Thomas and Mary Marble (Trask) Pike, were also born in New Hamp- shire. The paternal grandparents were Laza- rus and Catharine (Brockway) Church, whose birth took place in New York State. William L. Church, the father of Frank L., came to Chicago in 1836 and opened a general store on Lake Street, under the firm name of Sheldon & Church, which afterwards became Neff & Church. Mr. Church was a Republican in politics and WEH Belected by President Lincoln as one of the two commissioners to represent the State of IllinolH at the dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg. He held many elective offices during his life, having been County Clerk, Alderman. City Clerk, Sheriff, Clerk of the Circuit Court and exofflcio Recorder, and, at the time of his death, which occurred in 1882, he was United States Deputy Collector at Chicago. Frank L. Church was educated in private schools and was graduated from the first high school in Chicago. He served as First Lieuten- ant of the United States Marines from 1861 until August 12, 1869, when he resigned. He was on the flag-ship Black Hawk, commanding the Marine Guard, and served with Admiral Porter on the Red River in the operations with General Banks. He afterwards served with Admiral Lee, on the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. He was a member of the National Guard Cadets, which afterwards became the Ellsworth Zouaves, remaining with that organi- zation until its famous trip, when he resigned. In politics Mr. Church is an independent Republican and in religion is an Episcopalian. Socially he is a member of the G. A. R., the Knights Templar, and an ex-officer of the Illi- nois Naval Veterans. His mother is now living (1905) at the advanced age of eighty-one years. On September 15, 1864, Mr. Church was married at Lancaster, Ohio, to Alice G. Duncan, and four children were born to them, as follows: Frank L., William L., D. Duncan and Al C. After the death of his wife he was married at Milwaukee, Wis., August 4, 1885, to Quintia L. Smith. Mr. Church is engaged in the real estate abstract business. MAXIMILIAN F. CLAUSIUS. Maximilian F. Clausius, M. D., Palatine, III., is of German birth, born in East Prussia, March 11, 1852. He was educated in his native country, attending lectures there, and came to New York in 1870. In 1874 he graduated from the New York College of Pharmacy, and in 1878 engaged in the drug business in the city of Buffalo, N. Y., continuing until 1880, when he entered the College of Medicine in St. Louis, Mo., where he took a two years' course. In 1884 he entered the Medical Department of the University at Buffalo, N. Y., remaining one year, after which he spent one year at the Ben- nett Medical College, Chicago, graduating from that institution in 1886. In the latter year he began practicing his profession at Beecher, Will County, 111., where he remained until 1890, when, returning to Buffalo, N. Y., he took his degree in medicine from the University of that city. In December of the same year he removed to Kenosha, Wis., and in 1892 was appointed Assistant Superintendent of the Northern Hospital for the Insane, at Winne- bago (near Oshkosh), Wis., continuing in this position until 1894. In January, 1895, he locat- ed at Barrington, 111., and was local Surgeon for the Chicago & Northwestern and Belt Line Railroads; has also given lectures on minor surgery at the Jenner Medical College, Chicago. In 1900, after a successful examination, Dr. Clausius received an ap])ointment as Assistant Surgeon in (he United States Army, after which he served about a year in the Philippine Islands. Returning from the Philippines in 1901, he was HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 853 assigned to duty at Fort Grant, Ariz., still later being transferred to Fort Huachuca,, Ariz., where he served as Post Surgeon. In Decem- ber, 1902, having resigned his position in the army, he returned to the States and located at Palatine, 111., where he now resides. Dr. Clau- sius is a member of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States and various other medical organizations, including Chicago and Illinois State Medical Societies. Dr. Clausius has been twice married. His first wife died in 1884, and in 1885 he was mar- ried to Pauline Fetsch, and they have a family of six children — five boys and one girl — viz.: Theodore, Ccesar, Ovid, by his first wife, and Pauline, Ewald and Willie by his second wife. NORRIS COCHRAN. Among the older and more successful live- stock commission merchants of Chicago, and one whose name is a synonym for honest deal- ing and upright behavior, is the gentleman whose name appears above. He was born at Pembroke, N. H., November 27, 1838, and was a great-grandson of Major James Cochran, Deacon Joseph Emory, and Matthew Gault — all valiant and distinguished soldiers of the Revolution, the last two serving under General Stark. Norris Cochran received his academical edu- cation at Pembroke, Northfield and Pittsfield, N. H., and, after leaving school in 1858, worked on the farm with his father, also being engaged in the lumber and live-stock business until 1859. Thinking he might do better in the Far West, he went to California and remained in San Francisco until 1862, when he returned to New Hampshire, and resumed his former labors. In August, 1868, Mr. Cochran again came west, locating at Clarence, Iowa, where he engaged in the lumber and live-stock trade with successful results. Becoming closely identified with the Stock Yards interests of Chicago, he removed to that city in 1871. On arriving here he formed a partnership with H. S. Bunker, under the firm name of Bunker & Cochran, which existed for nearly thirty years, making a record of honorable business that is com- mendable in the highest degree. November 11, 1901, Mr. Cochran passed away after an illness of one year. Mr. Cochran was married, to Miss Sarah J. Whitehouse, in Pembroke, N. H., June 12, 1866, Three children have blessed this union: Eliza- beth Sophia, Anna Dudley and Norris White- house. SAMUEL COCHRAN. Samuel Cochran, real estate dealer. Park Ridge, Cook County, was born at Springfield, Ohio, February 21, 1831, and educated at the Wesleyan University at Delaware, in the same State. His father, George W. Cochran, was a native of Virginia and his mother (Cath- erine) of Pennsylvania. In his early manhood Mr. Cochran taught school for a time in his native town, but was admitted to the bar on September 24, 1860, and practiced law for about ten years, when he was ordained a preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church; also served as an Agent of the American Bible Society some ten years. In 1880 he came to Park Ridge, Cook County, 111., and entered upon the real estate business, in which he has been engaged ever since. He bought a considerable body of land upon which he erected a large number of houses for working people; also built a fine residence opposite the railroad depot, which has been a marked ornament of the town. Alto- gether he has done more to build up Park Ridge than any other single individual. Mr. Cochran was married December 25, 1853, to Miss Elizabeth Neer, of Springfield, Ohio, and has one son, Aaron W., who, at the date of the preparation of this sketch (1900), was traveling in Europe. In religious belief Mr. Cochran is a Methodist, and in politics a Re- publican. As indicated by the foregoing sketch of his business career, he ranks among the most prominent and influential citizens of Park ridge. M. LESTER COFFEEN. To the towering snow-capped mountain peaks of New England, with its fallow, comparatively sterile valleys stretching out between long ranges of lofty hills, the country has long been accustomed to look for brains, for a high stand- ard of morals, for rugged determination and inflexible will — in a word, for all those ele- ments that enter into the make-up of the true man, be they physical, intellectual or moral. In an overflowing stream the sons and daugh- ters of New England have spread over the en- tire land, to irrigate and fructify its "dry and waste places." It is of such stock that Mr. M. Lester Coffeen comes, and it was to the Green Mountains that his great-grandfather. Captain John Coffeen, removed from Topsfleld, Mass., before the shot was flred "that echoed round the world." He was the first settler in Caven- dish, Vt., and an influential citizen, sitting in the first Constitutional Convention of that State and being repeatedly elected to the legis- lature. He was an ardent patriot and did much to aid the army of the Revolution. Captain Coffeen was the husband of Susannah Gold- smith, like himself born in Massachusetts. Their son William was born in Cavendish, and married Abigail Green Lyndes. They, in turn, were the parents of William L. G. Coffeen, the father of M. Lester. He became the husband of Helen E. Lester, daughter of Milo Lester, for whom Mr. Coffeen of Chicago was named. M. Lester Coffeen came to Illinois in early youth, and, after receiving a preliminary edu- cational training at Normal, 111., removed to Chicago, where he entered the law department of the old Chicago University, being admitted to the bar upon his graduation in 1874. His success seemed assured from the first, and his §54 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. professional standing is high. He has been for many years a member of the prominent firm of Tenney, McConnell, Coffeen & Harding. He is a Republican in politics, but has never held office. Mr. Coffeen was married on December 13, 1S77, to Miss Martha Martin, of Chicago. The handsome city residence of the family is at 3133 Calumet Avenue., and their country home stands on the northern shore of Lake Michi- gan. Mr. and Mrs. Coffeen have two daugh- ters, Mae and Lester, and one son, Henry Martin, who was a member of the class of 1902 at Yale University. JAMES COLFORD. James Colford, Engineer, Engine No. 79, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chi- cago. March 8, 1854. and was educated in the Kinzie and Franklin public schools, the "Holy Name" and private schools. After leaving school he learned the trade of boiler-maker, and worked for the P. \V. Gates Manufactur- ing Company for nine years, after which he was employed by Frazer & Chalmers three years, when he joined the Fire Department, August 15, 1876, being assigned to duty on Engine No. 16; then on Truck 4, and later on Engines 1 and 27 as candidate; was trans- ferred to Truck 5, January 19, 1877, remain- ing two years, when he was detailed to the repair shop, serving there eight years and three months. He was appointed Assistant Engineer May, 1885, and transferred to Engine 14; was promoted to Engineer and trans ferred to Engine 11, November 9, 1886; to En- gine 4, in October, 1892, and to Engine 79, December 28, 1896, where (1901) he still re- mains. He has had numerous narrow escapes, and is on hand for any call that may come. He was married to Miss Nora Daly in Chicago, September 17, 1878, and eight children have been born to them, five of whom are still living. PATRICK E. COLLINS. Patrick E. Collins, Captain Engine Com- pany No. 59, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago, November 28, 1861, and was educated in the Graham school. After leaving school he worked for the Chicago Packing & Provision Company at the Union Stock Yards, but on June 4, 1883, he joined the Town of Lake Fire Department, being assigned to Engine No. 3; was promoted to Lieutenant in 1887, and transferred to Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 ; was promoted to the Cajitaincy in Oc- tober, 1888, and assigned to Engine No. 53; was next transferred to Engine No. 50, July 1. 1899; to Engine 48, January 1, 1890, and to Engine 59, September 7th 1898, at Dexter Park Avenue, corner of Broadway, Stock Yards dis- trict, where (1904) he is still on duty. He ha8 attended all the fires that have occurred In the Stock Yards district since he has l)een a member of the Department, and has had some narrow escapes, but received no perma- nent injuries. Like the true Chicago fireman, he is always ready to face any danger where duty may call him. JOSEPH CONNOR. Joseph Connor, live-stock dealer, was born in Earlville, LaSalle County, 111., Oct. 20, 1854; was educated in the district schools, and after leaving school worked on a farm at Earlville until 1879, when he came to Chicago and found employment with the Union Stock Yards and Transit Company, being employed in the Yards and in the Fire Department until 1899. He then commenced business for him- self, buying and selling hogs, with headquar- ters with Clark, Bowles & Co. He was married to Miss Ann Crotty, in Chi- cago, December 2, 1885, and six children have blessed their union. Mr. Connor has worked faithfully for the interests of his employers, and is esteemed by his associates. THOMAS L. CONWAY. Thomas L. Conway, Captain of Engine 55, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chi- cago January 10, 1861, and educated in the Newberry and Vedder public schools. After leaving school he engaged in the printing bus- iness with the Western Bank Note Company, remaining there five years, after which he was employed on the Chicago River tug- boats (V. 0. T. line), until he joined the Fire Depart- ment, November 16, 1883, on Truck No. 1. He was transferred to Truck 3, December 31, 1885; was promoted to Lieutenant, January 1, 1890, and transferred to Truck 10; trans- ferred to Truck 3, April 3, 1890; promoted to Captain July 1, 1893, and assigned to En- gine 32; transferred to Truck No. 1, July 16, 1897, and to Engine 56, December 1, 1900, and (1904) is on duty on Engine No. 55, ready for any call. He has had many narrow escapes, plenty of cuts and bruises, and camfe near los- ing an arm by lacerating an artery. Captain Conway was married in Chicago, February 4, 1891, to Miss Mary E. Walsh, and four children have blessed their union. CAPT. JOHN COOK. John Cook, Chief of Sixth Battalion, Chi- cago Fire Department, was born in Germany, in 1843, and on leaving school early in life became a painter. In 1868 he joined the Chi- cago Fire Department on Engine 17, of which Charley Brown was Foreman and Fire Mar- shal Musham Assistant Foreman. He re- signed, but later returned to Engine 17 and subsequently served on Engines 26, 28 and 18. He was made Lieutenant in 1875, and Captain in 1876, and promoted to Chief of Sixth Bat- talion, April 30, 1895, which position (1904) he still holds. He has had many narrow es- capes while on duty at fires, and has dis- charged his duty without flinching. Captain Cook enlisted in the Thirteenth Illi- nois Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War, HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 855 and fought at Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, the two battles at Jackson, Miss., at Vicksburg, Tuscumbia, Lookout Mountain, Mis- sionary Ridge and Ringgold Gap. JOHN S. COOPER. Great are the rewards that wait upon energy that knows not fatigue, and courage that fails to recognize defeat. "Be not weary in well- doing," is a Scriptural injunction, which the indefatigable man of business not infrequent- ly perverts into "be not weary in striving after success." Singleness of purpose, joined to resolute will, lies at the foundation of many a fortune built up, stone by stone, from a hum- ble beginning to the apex which crowns the ed- ifice. From the position of a railway brake- man to that of a successful and prosperous business man, this has been bridged by the union of pluck, hard work and sound business sense. It is this combination of quality, joined to a recognized integrity that is never ques- tioned, that has given to Colonel John S. Cooper his eminent position as a business man and a citizen. He is a native Chicagoan, having been born here March 18, 1842. His father did a small business in the way of contracting for railroad work, and after quitting school the boy worked for him until 1859. Then, at the age of seven- teen, he began his own battle with the world as brakeman for the Illinois Central Railroad Company, two years later being promoted to freight conductor. He subsequently held a similar position with the Chicago & Alton, and, in July, 1862, was given charge of a train running from Nashville, Tenn., to "the front," where two hostile armies lay facing each other. For twenty months he remained in the South, running trains (among them pay trains), sometimes among suroundings of grave peril, one of his thrilling experiences being the run- ning of the first train across the Chattahoo- chee Bridge into the burning city of Atlanta. His loyalty, rigid fidelity to duty and spirit of kindly helpfulness to those in need gained for him the honorary title of "Colonel," which he has carried ever since. Between 1864 and 1872 he was a passenger conductor on the Chi- cago & Alton road, while, at the same time, carrying on a teaming business of his own. On May 1, 1872, he established boarding sta- bles, which were burned in July, 1874, and on which he carried no insurance. At this crisis in his affairs, when financial ruin stared him in the face, Mr. J. C. McMullen, then General Manager of the Alton line, personally tendered him his former position. This proffer Colonel Cooper gratefully acknowledged, but declined. On the same day he borrowed $5,000, with which he purchased the Eaton Livery Stables, on Adams Street between Michigan and Wabash Avenues. Since then his business success may be said to have been extraordinary. He has owned various boarding, livery and sale-stables, where he has held weekly auc- tions; has conducted a mile track for the test- ing of speed, and, since 1886, has carried on a general commission, sale and auction busi- ness at the Union Stock Yards. For several years his annual sales of horses and mules have averaged between fifteen and twenty thou- sand annually. His rare skill as a judge of horse-flesh and his known probity have caused him to be chosen President of the National Horse Exchange and a member of the execu- tive Committee of the International Live Stock Exposition of Chicago. Through the enter- prise, very largely of Colonel Cooper, this has become the largest horse market in the world. Colonel Cooper has other important business interests, including street-sweeping contracts with the city, coal-carrying for Peabody & Company, and the conduct of a winter hotel at Phoenix, Ariz. Some idea of the magnitude of his local business may be formed from the fact that, in its management, he uses some three hundred horses daily. From 1893 to 1897 he swept the streets of Buffalo under a contract with that municipality. In connection with his other business inter- ests. Colonel Cooper has recently opened a sale and commission house in South Omaha, Neb., for the sale of horses and mules. The sta- ble now occupied by him was the first ever opened in the Stock Yards, being purchased by him from Thos. Evers, the original horse dealer. Mrs. Cooper's maiden name was Mary Walsh, and their union was solemnized at Chicago on September 19, 1869. Mrs. Cooper died Febru- ary 3, 1879, leaving two children, a son and daughter: Robert Walsh and Mary Grace Cooper. Politically Colonel Cooper is a Demo- crat. THOMAS R. CORNWELL. Thomas R. Corn well (deceased), former Yard- master Union Stock Yards & Transit Company, was born in Beekman, N. Y., September 18, 1838, and was educated in the district schools. After leaving school he remained on his father's farm until coming to Chicago in 1858, when he went to work for John B. Sherman at the Myrick Stock Yards as weighmaster. He returned to. New York in September, 1865, and, in 1866, again came to Chicago, where he was employed by the Union Stock Yards & Transit Company as weighmaster until the resignation of Orrin Dean, Superintendent of Division A, known as "Rock Island," when he was appointed to that position, which he retained until he passed away, July 30, 1888. Mr. Cornwell was married September 14, 1864, to Miss Marie S. Chapman, of Dover Plains, N. Y. They had one adopted daughter, Anna M. Cornwell, who married William L. Elder, December 22, 1898. Mr. Cornwell was noted for his kind and friendly treatment of those with whom he was associated. Chicago and the Un- ion Stock Yards & Transit Company owe a large debt of gratitude to her sturdy pioneers, and to none more so than to Thomas R. Cornwell. 856 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ALPHONSO LORAIN CORY. \lphonso Lorain Cory, M. D.. was born at \drian. Mich.. September 26, 1851, the son of Vincent P and Alzina (Weightman) Cory, who were natives of the State of New York, but early in their married life moved to Michigan. After attending the local schools, the son began the studv of medicine in 1867, and two years later entered Bennett Medical College. Chicago, from which he graduated in 1871. Prior to the great fire of that year his office was located on Canal Street, between Polk and Ewing, and it was the first phvsician's office in the city to be consumed. He immediately thereafter removed to the Town of Lake, where he soon built up a large practice. In that year he was appointed local surgeon for the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad Company, but resigned in 1874. to devote himself wholly to private prac- tice. During this period he originated the '•health organization" of the road, and, in 1886, at the company's urgent solicitation, re-entered its service, remaining several years. In Septem- ber, 1880, he organized the Health Department of the Town of Lake, and was in full control of its operations, as Deputy Health Commis- sioner, until May, 1883. When he died he was President of the staff of the Englewood Hospital, having charge of the department of Gynecology. Dr. Cory was a close and earnest student, keeping himself in touch with the progress of medical science throughout the civilized world. In 1892 he took a special post-graduate course at Rush Medical College. The Doctor was also a Mason of high degree, having entered the fra- ternity in October, 1875, as a member of Engle- wood "Lodge, No. 690, A. F. & A. M. Two years later he became a charter member of Mystic Star Lodge, No. 758, and in 1883 was chosen Worshipful Master; was made a Royal Arch Mason in March, 1882, in Englewood Chapter; in 1884. aided in the formation of Delta Chapter, becoming a charter member, and in 1887 was honored by being installed its High Priest; re- ceived the degree of Royal and Select Master in I^fayette Council, in October, 1882. and in 1885 served as Thrice Illustrious Master of Temple Council, No. 65. He became a Knight Templar in .lune, 1893. in Calumet Commandery, at the date of his death being affiliated with Engle- wood Commandery. On April 26, 1895, he was made a Nolile of the Mystic Shrine. In 1872 Dr. Cory was married to Miss Pauline R. Carpenter, of Oconomowoc, Wis., and a son. Edwin v., and a daughter, Ella A., were born to them. The son is also a physician, being a graduate of the Medical Department of the Northwestern I'niversity. Dr. Cory died Septeml)er 25, 1902, of pneu- monia after an illness of six days, and is buried at Oak wood. VINCENT P. CORY. Vincent P. Cory, real-estate agent and ex-Jus- tice of the Peace, was born In Seneca County, N. v., November 16, 1829, and when young moved to Washtenaw County, Mich., where he was employed in saw-mills and also learned the trade of carriage-maker, at Saline, Mich. In 1847 he enlisted in the First Michigan Volun- teer Infantry, and served eight months during the Mexican War, after which he was employed at his trade in Michigan. About 1863 he en- tered the service of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad Company, being employed in their shops at Adrian, Mich., and six years later came to Chicago as foreman of the company's freight-car repair shops, which position he filled up to September 1, 1876. Mr. Cory has resided in the Town of Lake since 1872, which was annexed to Chicago in 1889. In 1875 he was elected a member of the Board of Trustees, and in the spring of 1877 was chosen Justice of the Peace for a term of four years, and re-elected in, 1881. He is a member of Mystic Star Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of Englewood; Past High Priest of Delta Chapter 191, R. A. M. ; and member of Englewood Com- mandery K. T. Mr. Cory was married to Mrs. Alzina Barnum, at Saline, Mich., March 8, 1849, and one son, Dr. A. L. Cory, has blessed their union. Mrs. Cory died August 5, 1891, and the son. Dr. A. L. Cory, September 25, 1902. FRANKLIN DWIGHT COSSITT. Franklin Dwight Cossitt, President Board of Village Trustees, LaGrange, 111., was born in LaGrange, Fayette County, Tenn., December 4, 1861, being the only son of Franklin D. and Martha L. (Moore) Cossitt. After acquiring his education in the public schools of Chicago, where his father had settled in 1863, at the age of eighteen, he engaged in the general mer- cantile business at LaGrange, 111., which he dis- posed of some three years later and, after a course of study at the Metropolitan Business College, Chicago, in 1885, entered into partner- ship with his father, under the firm name of F. D. Cossitt & Son, dealers in real estate. The present beauty and prosperity of the village of LaGrange is in great part due to the enterprise and business forethought of this firm. The partnership continued until the death of his father in July, 1900, since which time Mr. Cossitt has continued the business alone. A few years since he accepted the agency of sev- eral well-known fire insurance companies, with which he is still connected, doing the largest business in this line in LaGrange. Prominent among the business men of La- Grange, Mr. Cossitt has naturally ranked among its political leaders, and has served his fellow- townsmen in the following official capacities: Trustee of the village since 1889; Highway Commissioner of Lyons Township since 1892, and Treasurer of the same since 1892. In the spring of 1901 he was elected President of the Village Board of Trustees, and again in 1902 and 1903. He has also served as a member of the Cook County Democratic Central Committee. On National issues Mr. Cossitt voted with his HISTORICAL E^N"CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 857 party until the advent of "Bryanism," when he joined the "Gold Democrats." On February 10. 1886, he married Margaret A., daughter of Dr. George M. Fox, one of the old- est and most respected citizens of LaGrange. Mrs. Cossitt is one of the most popular ladies of LaGrange, a leader in social and church cir- cles, and a woman of most pleasing personality. Their family of eight children — viz.: Franklin D., Jr., Jean F., George M., Margaret, Marion, Harry Rene, Frederick H. and James L. — give promise of the perpetuation of a family whose marked characteristics are such as make the true American citizen. Mr. Cossitt is a member of LaGrange Chapter, 207 Royal Arch Masons; LaGrange Lodge, No. 770, A. F. & A. M.; Sub- urban Lodge, No. 110, L O. O. F.; Royal Ar- canum; Royal League; National Union; North American Union; Suburban and Country Clubs. DAVID A. COURTER. Talent and energy, the roots from which springs success, are indigenous to no one clime. They find equally nutritive soil in the sun-kissed prairies of the West and among the snow-laden pines of Canada. Indeed, to the stalwart sons of the Dominion, rugged alike in physique and integrity, the "States" owe a heavy debt for their enterprise in designing, no less than their energy in achieving. It was from the County of Lennox and Addington, in Upper Canada, that Mr. Courter emigrated to Chicago. Born in the town of Mill Creek, February 18, 1830, he attended the district and "special" schools, devoting not a little time and study to architecture. After leaving his Canadian home, he spent a few years in the State of New York, learning the trade of carpenter and joiner in Wayne County, where for a time he carried on business as a contractor and builder. Going thence to Canandaigua. N. Y., he completed his archi- tectural studies in the office of James A. Mc- Kay, and in 1853 visited Chicago for the first time. Not being pleased with the prospect here, he went on to Beloit, Wis., where he aided in the construction of the Beloit & Madison Rail- road. He then made a close study of engineer- ing, and was given charge of bridges and build- ings during the building of the Racine & Mis- sissippi Railroad, a line running from Racine to Freeport. For thirty years he was identified with railroad construction in the West, among his associates being such prominent officials as Robert Harris, C. H. Chappell, Max Hjortsberg, C. H. Hudson and Geo. H. Nettleton. To the unflagging industry and tireless energy of these practical railroad men Chicago owes not a little of her proud pre-eminence as a railroad center today. Mr. Courter is passing his declining years quietly at Hinsdale, 111., where he holds the office of Postmaster and Justice of the Peace. He was united in marriage to Sarah L. War- ren, on February 18, 1852, at Ontario, N. Y., and of their five children only one survives. FRANK M. COX. Frank M. Cox, lawyer, was born in New Vi- enna, Ohio, October 1, 1856, the son of Ulysses S. and Lydia A. (Myers) Cox, both of whom were natives of the Buckeye State. On the paternal side his grandparents were Aaron and Mary (Bailey) Cox. The subject of this sketch re- ceived his education in the public schools of his native State, studied law with E. M. Ash- craft, at Vandalia, 111., and was admitted to the bar at Mr. Vernon, 111., in February, 1882. On May 1, 1884, he was married at Vandalia, 111., to Miss Martha N. Arnold, and they have one child, Leah F. While in Vandalia, Mr. Cox was a partner of the law firms of Webb & Cox and Cox & Wills, and since coming to Chicago, of the firms of Ashcraft, Gordon & Cox; Cox, Winslow & Ward, and the present firm of Cox, Heldman & Shortle. He and his firm have a large and growing general practice in all the courts, and he has been engaged in a number of important cases in the State. Accustomed to devote his entire time to the study and practice of his profession, he does not allow other branches of business to be mixed up with it. Mr. Cox is a Republican in politics, and a Methodist in religious belief; is also a mem- ber of the Order of Odd Fellows, National Un- ion and Hamilton Club. Still a young man, Mr. Cox has a brilliant future before him. IRUS COY. Irus Coy (deceased), former attorney Union Stock Yards & Transit Company, Chicago, was born in Pitcher, Chenango County, N. Y., July 25, 1832, the son of John and Almira (Pierce) Coy. His father was a soldier in the War of 1812, and a man much respected in his day. Receiving his early education in the common schools of the neighborhood, young Coy after- ward entered Central College, Cortland County, N. Y., and graduated therefrom in 1853. In order to secure means to fit himself for the legal profession, he engaged as a day laborer in the hay and harvest fields, and in the fall of that year, with but fifty dollars in his pocket, came to Newark, 111., and engaged as clerk in a dry-goods store. From his earnings while thus employed he saved enough to defray his expenses through the New York State and National Law School, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and, after completing his studies, was admitted to the bar at Albany, in 1857. Returning to Illinois, he located in Newark, Kendall County, and later at Bristol, then the county-seat of Kendall County, and with but thirty-five dollars in cash, a suit of clothes and a few law books, started in to compete with the skill and experience of the profession. Success was with him from the outset, for he soon ac- quired a lucrative practice, and became the leading lawyer in his section of the State. Such was his ability and reputation that his counsel was sought by those needing it far and near. 858 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. and during his residence in Kendall County, he was engaged in every trial of note before the courts of his circuit. The esteem in which he was held may be gathered from the fact that he represented the county in the State Legislature of 1869-70, where he became an influential leader, and it was said that, during these sessions, no im- portant measure could be passed unless aided by his influence and counsel, while many of his speeches were among the most eloquent ever delivered in the Illinois Legislature. It may be truly said that no constituency ever had a more faithful servant than Kendall County had in Mr. Coy, or any State a more sagacious legislator, in the proper sense of the term, than had the State of Illinois. ■ In 1871, Mr. Coy removed to Chicago, and served as attorney for the Union Stock Yards & Transit Company until his death, which oc- curred on the 20th day of September, 1897. In 1872 he was chosen Presidential Elector on the Republican ticket, and assisted in casting the vote of the State for General Grant. Mr. Coy was married on January 19, 1859, to Miss Julia A. Manchester, at Newark, 111., and two sons and two daughters were born to them. He was a man of commanding presence and pleasing address, of broad culture and elevated tastes. He was of a genial and social nature, and a most companionable friend, and, by his manly qtialities and upright life, won the re- spect and love of a wide circle of acquaintances and friends. His life was, in the best sense, a success, and furnished an example of energy, perseverance and loyalty to principle, and a noble purpose worthy of emulation. JAMES GOULD COZZENS. James Gould Cozzens, real-estate dealer, the son of William Cole and Martha Stanton (Gould) Cozzens, was born in Newport, R. I., June 1, 1836, and educated in the Brown Uni- versity. William Cole Cozzens, the father, was born in 1811 and died in 1876, and his wife, Martha Stanton (Gould) Cozzens, was born in 1811 and died in 1896. On the paternal side of the family, James Gould Cozzens' great-grand- parents were Joseph, born in 1752 and died in 1835, and Mary (Johnson) Cozzens, born in 1735 and died in 1831, and his grandparents were Matthew, born in 1784 and died in 1870, and Anne (Cole) Cozzens, born in 1782 and died in 1815. On the maternal side, his great-grand- parents were James, born in 1739 and died 1812, and Hannah (Wanton) Gould, born in 1749 and died in 1831, and his grandparents Isaac, born In 1783 and died in 1853, and Sarah Waldron (Hammett) Gould, born In 1782 and died in 1850. These ancestors were all born In New- port. R. I. James G. Cozzens, the subject of this sketch, is an Episcoijailan in religious faith, a Demo- crat in politics, and a real-estate dealer by occ\i- palion. HIh father, William Cole Cozzens, was the thirty-fourth (acting) Governor of Rhode Island (1863-1864), being President of the State Senate when Governor William Sprague and Lieutenant-Governor S. G. Arnold were elected to the United States Senate, thus promoting him to the Governorship. In 1854 he was elected Mayor of the City of Newport, R. I., being the second Mayor under the revised charter. Mr. Cozzens was married in Buffalo, N. Y., August 21, 1886, to Mary E. Pomeroy. He has lived in Chicago since 1868, for ten years having been a citizen of St. Louis, Mo. CLAYTON EDWARD CRAFTS. The reputation of Mr. Crafts as a lawyer, political leader and statesman is not confined to Cook County, but extends over the whole State. Chicago knows him as a citizen of gen- erous public spirit, and Illinois as a watchful, intelligent, careful legislator. Ohio claims the honor of his birth, he having been born at Auburn, Geauga County, in that State, on July 8, 1848. He came from revolutionary stock, both his great-grandfather, Edward, and his great-uncle, Thomas, having been oflacers in the patriot army during the War of the Revolution — the latter carrying a Colonel's and the former a Major's commission, and both having virtu- ally dedicated their entire fortunes to the cause of American Independence. His grandfather, William Crafts, was the first white settler in the Township of Auburn, Ohio, clearing the farm on which he reared his family. Clayton E. Crafts' father was named Edward, and his mother's maiden name was Helen Johnson. Mr. Crafts' early educational advantages were fairly good, his training being received at dis- trict and private schools and at Hiram College. His early predilection was for the study of law, and, in 1868, at the age of twenty, he graduated from the Ohio State and Union Law College at Cleveland, and was admitted to the bar in June of the same year. The following September he entered the office of Hon. John J. Van Allen, at Watkins, N. Y., under whose tutelage he continued his studies for eight months. In June, 1869, he visited Chicago, somewhat in the character of an investigator, and being pleased with the prospect, settled there immediately after his marriage, which oc- curred September 15th of the same year. For four years he was in partnership with Henry Lincoln, and from 1873 to 1885 practiced alone. In the year last named he was associated with Hon. George M. Stevens, under the firm name of Crafts & Stevens, and from that time the firm has enjoyed a large and lucrative practice. From the period of his early manhood Mr. Crafts was irresistibly attracted to the field of politics, his natural characteristics being such as fitted him for leadership. From 1882 until 1894 he represented his district in the lower house of the Illinois Legislature, and in 1887 and 1889 he received the caucus nomination of his party for the Speakership. This made him the recognized leader of the minority on the floor of the House, in which position, deli- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 859 cate, difficult and trying, he exhibited rare skill as a tactician and astute knowledge as a parlia- mentarian. In 1891, and again in 1893, the Democrats being in the ascendancy, he was elected Speaker, in which position he mani- fested a readiness of resource, a quick intuition and a strong, nervous power which surprised even his friends. During the last session in which he held the gavel, many important meas- ures were passed, among them the Australian- ballot law and one providing for the redistrict- ing of the State. Among the acts which he either personally introduced and supported, or whose passage was largely due to his personal efforts and influence, may be mentioned those for the establishing of a "short cause calendar," the extension of the Sheridan Drive and of Washington Boulevard, and the annexation of several important suburbs to the city. He was one of the special committee of fifteen which drafted the law creating the Sanitary District of Chicago, rendering possible the construction of the great Drainage Canal. In fact, it is not too much to say that he has ardently sup- ported all legislation looking to the benefit of Chicago, while he has never been unmindful of the interests of the State at large. In the State and National councils of his party, Mr. Crafts has been repeatedly honored; perhaps because of his natural qualifications for such positions of confidential trust, inasmuch as to earnestness, energy, patience and persever- ance he joins a rare capacity for "judicious silence." He has been repeatedly an active mem- ber of both State and County (Democratic) Central Committees, and in 1892 was a dele- gate to the Democratic National Convention, in which body he served as a member of the Committee on Resolutions. In the same year (1892) he presided over the deliberations of the State Convention. As a campaign speaker he is clear, forcible and ready at repartee, quick to give sharp forensic thrusts and readily re- pelling those returned by his opponent in debate, Mrs. Crafts' maiden name was Cordelia E. Kent. The issue of their marriage has been four children: William C, Helen, Harry K., and Frederick A. (deceased). William grad- uated from Yale College in 1894; Helen married Frederick W. Job, and Harry K. has scarcely passed his majority. The family are all mem- bers of the First Presbyterian Church of Aus- tin, where Mr. Crafts has been a member of the Board of Trustees for more than twenty- five years, repeatedly serving as President of that body. ANDREW CRAWFORD. Andrew Crawford (deceased) was born near Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland, December 1, 1831, being the third son of Andrew and Janet Crawford. His father was a highly respected man of the Middle Class, for a number of years being manager of the Duke of Portland's ex- tensive coal mines. He died in 1855 at the age of fifty-six years. His mother was a descendant of the Hay family, of whom it has been said that, "to write their history would be little less than writing the history of Scot- land." The Hays were among the greatest of the families who emigrated to Scotland in the beginning of the twelfth century. Andrew Crawford lived with his parents and attended the parochial school until he was twelve years of age, when, to please his father, he entered the mines. The lad was, however, anxious to secure an education, and for this reason he began attending sessions at a night school, and, although the strain upon his strength was great, his Scotch pluck enabled him to endure a discipline which ordinarily would ruin the constitution of a twelve-year-old boy. He was brought up in an atmosphere of strict Scotch Presbyterianism, and as he could find no time for recreation during the week, and Sunday was too sacred for aught but religious services at the kirk, it is not strange that the lad grew restive. At the age of fifteen he was indentured as an apprentice for five years, to an iron company, for which he was to receive for his first year's labor fifteen pounds, for his second twenty pounds, for his third twenty-five pounds, his fourth thirty pounds, and for his fifth forty pounds. He possessed at this time some slight knowledge of Latin and French, and now began the study of civil engineering and general surveying. He must have been something of an adept at this work, for, at the end of his first year, the company promoted him. His Scotch blood could hardly bear to recall the long period of service ahead, and yet he could not prove false to a contract, and, until a change in the management of the iron company left him free to seek other em- ployment, he continued as an apprentice. Not yet of age, but fired with a great ambition which would not permit the idea of a return to the colliery work at home, Andrew went to London in search of employment, and oppor- tunity offering, in November, 1852, he sailed from Liverpool for the shores of the new world. The sailing vessel was slow, and severe storms compelled the skipper to put into the Azores for repairs. Another vessel was boarded and his second venture, more fortunate than the first, saw him landed in New York harbor Feb- ruary 23, 1853. On arriving in New York he had just one cent in his pocket — an unpromising outlook for a stranger in a strange land — but from the first young Crawford never seemed to doubt that the great opportunity of his life had come. Though it was winter, he at once sold his good Scotch overcoat and thus began his career as a tradesman. This transaction seems strangely grotesque when viewed from the millionaire's standpoint of today, but it was the lowest round of the ladder up which Mr. Crawford has since climbed. Ceaseless toil, unusual determination, character and brains always tell, and, unin- viting as the prospects then appeared, the lad 86o HISTORICAL EJfCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. knew that the field before him was infinitely superior to that which he had left behind in old Scotland. Everything partook of a strangeness which would have dazed many a new-comer, but none of these things dampened his ardor. From New York he went to Philadelphia, thence to Xew Jersey, in which latter State he received $1.25 per day as helper to the cook for a con- struction gang on the railroad. Fever and ague finally drove him south as far as New Orleans, and after various occupations had given him the means whereby he laid up a small amount of money, he entered into a partnership with a young Southern gentleman which ended dis- astrously, and caused him to journey north- ward, where he at length landed in Illinois. Little did this wanderer dream of future great- ness when he arrived in Chicago, nor did he imagine how the city of less than 66,000 pop- ulation was to change. Settling in Geneseo, 111., in 1857, Mr. Craw- ford married Miss Sarah Louise Baxter, of that place. The young couple began their married life unpretentiously, but prospered from the first, the young husband beginning a course of law study which he diligently pursued at night when his daily toil was over. In 1860 he was admitted to the bar. It is a matter of interest that his first client was arrested for stealing a mule. Mr. Crawford's time was divided between banking and the practice of law. In 1860 he secured naturalization papers^ and became an American citizen. Never a partisan, he was still a stanch Republican. In 1868 he was elected from Henry County to the State Sen- ate, where he served a term of four years, the second session being under the Constitution of 1870. He was appointed by the Governor Trustee of one of the State institutions, and in 1872 was a delegate to the Republican National Convention at Philadelphia, which nominated General Grant for President for his second term. By this time having accumulated con- siderable means from his law practice and Chicago, and in September, 1873, he removed banking interests, he purchased real estate in with his family to that city. In 1877 he be- came one of the incorporators, and, later, a director and Vice-President of the Chicago & Western Illinois Railway. In 1886 we find him the attorney of Mr. Yerkes and his associates in street-railway circles, his wide and varied experience making him an authority in this line, and for more than twenty years vast com- mercial interests passed through his hands. Andrew Crawford was a member of the Uni- tarian Church, and a sincerely religious man. •Modest and affable, he never worried and was seldom in haste. He believed in a "good foun- dation." as he termed it, and always worked from the bottom upward, l^ved. honored and truKlcd by those who knew him, he had a con- Hplciioiisly successful business career, and at Ills (biiih Ifft an estate valued at over one nilllloii (lollars. On November 22, 1900, while in his office, he was stricken with heart failure and without a word departed into the invisible land. His wife, two sons and three daughters were left to mourn his loss. The body was interred in the family lot at Geneseo, the locality of his first American home, and the scene of his first real successes. What a magnificent legacy such a man leaves to the generation who shall come after him. He has won the victory, and erected for himself a monument more enduring than the granite hills. F. M. GROSSMAN. F. M. Grossman, liveryman in Chicago for twenty-seven years, and stock farmer. Wheeling, Cook County, 111., is descended from a Massa- chusetts family, both his grandfather and his father having been born in Sutton in that State, the former in 1779, and the latter in 1816. His grandmother, Olive Whipple, was also a native of the same place. On December 13, 1870, Mr. Grossman was married to Ella Kelley, of Brookfield, Mass., and has two chil- dren, Ella Annie and Frederick Kelley. In 1886 he became the proprietor of what is now known as the Spring Brook Stock Farm, located in the town of Wheeling, and embracing 440 acres of the farm formerly belonging to Hiram Kennicott. Here of late years he has made a specialty of breeding Wilkes horses, Poland China hogs, Dorset Horned sheep and Holstein cattle, and boarding city horses, in this line of business being especially successful. MICHAEL GROTTY. Michael Grotty, Pipeman, Engine No. 58 (Fire-boat "Chicago"), Chicago Fire Depart- ment, was born in County Cork, Ireland, Feb- ruary 2, 1855, was educated in the National School, coming to Chicago in 1887, worked for the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad Company in the freight house until he joined the Fire Department, May 18, 1890, on Truck 11; was a substitute on Engine 5, and candi- date on Engine 10, December, 1890; was trans- ferred to Truck 6, April, 1891, and to Engine 58, December, 1892; tht,-n to Truck 17, May, 1893, and Engine 58, June, 1898. He was badly burned on the hand at a fire at Ninety-second Street and Commercial Avenue, October 22, 1899, when Lieutenant Ambrose, of Engine 72, and himself escaped by jumping from the third story window thirty feet to the alley, receiving severe injuries. In 1891 he was rescued at a fire on Charles Place near Fifth Avenue (bot- tling works), by order of Chief Musham and Captain Horan (now Chief of the First Bat- talion), and would have lost his life but for thai order. On June 22, 1880, Mr. Grotty was married to Miss Mary E. Dalton, in Wyandotte County, Ohio, and eight children have been bom to them, viz.: Mary Agnes. Helen, Johanna, Mar- garet, Agnes, .lohn, Michael and Anna. Mr. Grotty is still (1904) connected with the Chi- HISTORICAL EN"CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 86i cage Fire Department as truckman in Hook and Ladder Company No. 17. GEORGE P. CROWE. George P. Crowe, Assistant Engineer Engine No. 10, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Elburn, 111., June 22, 1873, came to Chicago in 1873, and was educated in the Oak Street and Franklin public schools and the Christian Brothers' school. After leaving school he learned the machinists' trade, at which he worked for seven years. Later he was engineer for Zero Marx's sign works until he joined the Fire Department, July 1, 1898, on Engine No. 21, was transferred to Engine 65, December 31, 1898, and to Engine 10, June 9, 1900. Mr. Crowe was married to Miss Agnes Ber- ger, in Chicago, June 22, 1898. He has always been found in his place ready for any emer- gency where duty calls. J. HENNING CROWLEY. J. Kenning Crowley, Chief Clerk West Side Pumping Station, was born in Menasha, Wis., September 7, 1856, was educated in the public schools of his native city and at Engelman's Academy in Milwaukee, and coming to Chicago in 1871 worked for S. P. Rounds, type-founder, for two years, and then with W. E. Strong, the Michigan Central Railroad Company, and later for Montgomery Ward & Co., in charge of their main office, until 1882. He was then employed as traveling salesman by Simpson, Hall, Miller & Co., of Wallingford, Conn., for one year, and for Frier & Jack, glassware merchants, for a year, traveling through Michigan, Minnesota and Northern Iowa. Having quit traveling, he was appointed head clerk for the shipping de- partment of Armour & Co., later had charge of the clerks in the jobbing department in a down-town office until 1889, when he went to Washington Territory and helped to make the State and found four towns on Puget Sound. While on the Pacific coast Mr. Crowley worked on a Seattle newspaper for six months, and printed a newspaper at Anacortes, Fidalgo Island, Puget Sound; also worked for the City of Seattle when there were only 12,000 inhab- itants, and until there were 40,000, in 1890. During the taking of the census of 1890 he was employed by United States Commissioner R. B. Porter, as Special Agent for six months; then returning to Chicago in 1891, worked for the World's Fair Committee at headquarters, re- maining until the spring of 1894. He then became manager of the Ely Manufacturing Company (in general merchandise), until they sold out; later had charge of the corres- pondence department of Sears, Roebuck & Co., until the election of Mayor Harrison, in 1897, when he was appointed to take charge of the sidewalk department in the Special Assessment Office, continuing in the service of the city as assistant in different departments under Civil Service rules until his appointment as Chief Clerk of the West Side Pumping Station. He has also been proof-reader and reporter for many of the newspapers. Mr. Crowley has shown, by his devotion to the interests of his employers and the positions of trust which he has been called upon to fill, that he can be relied upon in whatever place he may be called upon to occupy. JACOB RAMBO CUSTER. Jacob Rambo Custer, lawyer, Chicago, was born in Chester County, Pa., the son of David Y. and Esther (Rambo) Custer, who were both natives of Montgomery County, Pa. For gen- erations his ancestors had been residents of the same section of Pennsylvania, his paternal grandparents being Jacob and Catherine (Yer- ger) Custer, and his great-grandfather, Peter Custer, and his great-grandmother (whose maiden name was Vanderslice), all being born in Montgomery County. On the maternal side his grandparents were George and Ann (Fox) Rambo, and his great-grandparents Abraham and Catharine (Tyson) Rambo — also natives of the same county. Mr. Custer was educated at Washington Hall, Trappe, Pa., in the school of Dr. Abel Rambo, his uncle at Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa., graduating from the latter in 1867. He then studied law one year (1868) in Phila- delphia, and the next year (1869) at the Albany Law School, New York. Then coming to Chi- cago in October of the latter year, he was ad- mitted to the bar and practiced alone until May, 1879, when he entered into partnership with the late William J. Campbell, under the firm name of Campbell & Custer, which was con- tinued until Mr. Campbell's death, March 4, 1896. Mr. Custer's present business partnership is with .Joseph A. Griffin and John M. Cameron un- der the firm name of Custer, Griffin & Cameron, with office at 811 Rookery Building, Chicago. On December 1, 1879, he was married in the City of Chicago, to Miss Ella A. White, who was born in Grand Rapids, Mich., and educated in Chicago, and they have had two children, Charles W. and Esther Rambo Custer, both now deceased. Mr. Custer is a Republican in politics, but has never held or sought office, accepting the principle that the proper sphere of the true lawyer is in the domain of work. CHARLES SIDNEY CUTTING. Charles Sidney Cutting, lawyer and Judge Probate Court, Cook County, is one of the many sons of Vermont who, by character and achieve- ment, have reflected credit upon the city of their adoption. To the little, long, narrow State, the western foot-hills of whose towering mountain range reach down to Lake Cham- plain, while its eastern spurs join those of the White Mountains, the entire country, and espe- cially the great Central West, owe a debt. Her stalwart sons have helped break Western prairies and build Western cities, and Chicago alone can furnish many a proof, material, in- 862 HISTORICAL EXCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. tellectual and aesthetic, of their prowess and success. Judge Charles S. Cutting was born at High- gate Springs, in the Green Mountain State, March 1, 1854. Through his father, Charles A. Cutting, and his mother, whose name before marriage was Laura E. Averill, he claims descent from those early English immigrants who sought freedom of conscience in a new world, the Averills having originally belonged to the Society of Friends. Mr. Cutting, Sr., with his family removed to Salem, Oregon, while his son. Charles S., was a boy, and the latter received a classical education at Willa- mette University. At the early age of seven- teen he was tendered the editorship of the Cedar Rapids (Iowa) Times. He remained in the sanctum of this journal for three years, and while a young man of twenty, was appointed Principal of the High School at Palatine, Cook County, 111. To the discharge of his new duties he brought a sound scholarship and an earnest, conscientious desire to succeed. If he lacked experience, he had an abundance of enthusiastic devotion for his work. He retained the prin- cipalship for six years, meanwhile reading law in the office of the late Judge Knickerbocker, in Chicago. In 1880 he was admitted to the bar. and in 1881 began practice, his first part- nership being with Judge Williamson. For twenty years his success has steadily become more and more pronounced. Endowed with a keen, penetrating mind, of a judicial quality, he is also a constant and deep student and a pro- found thinker. For several years he was at the head of the firm of Cutting, Castle and Williams, whose reputation at the bar is second to that of none other. Judge Cutting has been the recipient of many high honors, professional, public and political. During 1887-90 he was Master in Chancery, for nine years a member of the Cook County Board of Education, for three years being its Presi- dent, and for three years President of the Pala- tine Board of Education. In 1895 he removed from Palatine to Austin, and was at once elected Town Attorney of Cicero. He has been a life-long Republican, casting his first presi- dential vote for Hayes in 1876. He is a mem- ber of the Hamilton and Union League Clubs, and by his forceful arguments and earnest elo- quence upon the stump and the rostrum, has done much to promote Republican success. In 1900, without the solicitation or desire on his part, and during his absence from the country, the convention of his party nominated him for the office of Probate Judge of Cook County, and his triumphant election and his re-election to the same position in 1904, demonstrated the firm hold which he has upon the esteem and confidence of the electors of Cook County with- out regard to party affiliation. In private life Judge Cutting is genial and whole-souled, a delightful host and always a welcome guest. He Is an Odd Fellow, a Kiiight Templar and a Mason of the thirty-second de- gree. He readily wins friends whose regard he easily retains, because founded upon respect. He was married June 27, 1876, to Anna E. Lytle, his only son, Robert M., a graduate of the University of Michigan, is now a law stu- dent in Northwestern University. Judge and Mrs. Cutting are members of the Oaks Social Club of Austin. LAWRENCE F. DARLINGTON. Lawrence F. Darlington, late Assistant En- gineer, Fourteenth Street Pumping Station, Chi- cago, now Chief Engineer for the Swift & Com- pany Packing Plant, Union Stock Yards, was born in Charleston, W. Va., February 28, 1858, and educated in a subscription school. After leaving school he found employment at Thayer's machine shop, in Charleston, where he worked for three years, learning the trade of engineer, after which he was employed by the S. H. Brown Lumber Company for two years, when he came to Ogle Station, 111., and worked as engineer for a Coal Mining Company for one year. He was then employed by the Kelsau Lumber Company at Vincennes, Ind., for one year, by the Danville (111.) Sugar Refining Company as machinist for three years, and as master mechanic for two years, after which he worked in the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Rail- road shops at Danville one year, and for the Furminigh Sugar Manufacturing Company as master mechanic for two years. Coming to Chicago in 1887, he was chief engineer of the Northwestern Fertilizing Company for six years; then for the John Cudahy Packing Com- pany for two years, the International & Wells Packing & Provision Company for one year, and for Swift & Company for one year, when he was appointed chief engineer for the Sewage Pumping Works at Seventieth Street and Yates Avenue, and later at Sixty-ninth and Peoria Streets. On January 3, 1901, he was appointed assistant engineer at the Fourteenth Street Pumping Works, having received his promo- tional examination under the Civil Service rules and his promotion from the Fourth to the Fifth grade. Mr. Darlington was married September 6, 1881, to Miss Mary A. Duffy, of Danville, 111., and four children have blessed their union. In 1904 he is chief engineer for the Swift & Com- pany Packing plant. Union Stock Yards. GEORGE M. DEARLOVE. One by one, the "old settlers" of Chicago, like the veterans of the Grand Army of the Repuli- lic, are passing away. Few are left of the early I)ioneers whose self-privation, toil and courage laid the foundations of the great city, which stands today as a lasting monument to their energy and self-sacrifice. Among those who yet survive to recall the "stories of the olden days" is Mr. George Dearlovp. the father of the gentleman whose name forms the caption of this imperfect biographical sketch. The elder Mr. Dearlove is a native of Harrigate, York- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 863 shire, England, where he was born in 1817, emigrating to America as a youth at nineteen years of age and settling at Chicago in 1833. In those early days he cultivated a small farm, while at the same time dealing in real estate. Today, at the age of eighty-four, weu preserved in body and with mind unimpaired, he looks back upon the past with pleasant memories and forward to the future without fear. George M. Dearlove was born in Northfleld Township, Cook County, March 10, 1873; from the King public school, Chicago, he entered the Northwestern Military Academy at Highland Park, and after graduating from the latter, matriculated at Lake Forest University, receiv- ing his degree in due course and supplementing his studies there by a special course at Mon- mouth College, Monmouth, 111. Two years he devoted to travel in both hemispheres, and at the expiration of that time returned to Chicago to engage in the real-estate business, in which he is yet successfully employed. On November 15, 1899, Mr. Dearlove was united in marriage to Miss Nellie Hortense, of Aurora, 111. JEPHTHA C. DENISON. Jephtha C. Denison, ex-Secretary and Treas- urer, Union Stock Yard and Transit Company and Treasurer Roanoke Investment Company, Chicago, was born in Vermont, and educated in the public schools. In early life he removed to New York State, and in the 'fifties came to Mendota, 111., and from there removed to Elgin, 111. Here he enlisted in the Thirty-sixth Illi- nois "Volunteer Infantry and served to the close of the war, a part of the time as hospital steward of the field hospital at Chattanooga, later being detailed for duty in the office of Medical Director at Nashville, Tenn., until, by order of President Lincoln, he was honorably discharged from the service. After the war Mr. Denison engaged in the grocery business at Elgin, but, in 1874, came to Chicago and entered the service of the Union Stock Yard & Transit Company, where he worked his way up through every position but one in the general office of the company. He was Assistant Secretary and Treasurer for thir- teen years, on the resignation of George T. Williams becoming Secretary and Treasurer, and retaining this position until his resigna- tion, January 17, 1900, to accept the position of Secretary of the Federal Life Insurance Com- pany of Chicago. At the present time (1904) he is Treasurer of the Roanoke Investment Company. Mr. Denison has the reputation of being one of the best posted men in matters relating to the live-stock trade, and has been identified with various other interests, having been one of the first Directors of the National Live-Stock Bank. He has for many years been President of the Englewood Building & Loan Association. Personally Mr. Denison is genial and courteous, of unswerving loyalty to friends and associates, a man whose word may be absolutely relied upon, and who has done his part well towards the upbuilding of Cook County and the various business enterprises with which he has been associated. WILLIAM DEERING. William Deering, merchant and manufacturer, was born at Paris, Oxford County, Maine, April 24, 1826. His parents were James and Eliza (Moore) Deering. His ancestors immi- grated from England in 1634, and, in all of the histories of New England from that time, the name of Deering finds most honorable men- tion. William Deering's boyhood was much the same as that of other boys reared by earnest Christian parents. His scholastic education consisted of the full and regular course of studies in vogue at that time in the common and graded schools, and was finished in the high school at Readfleld, Maine, in 1843. While yet in his early manhood he occupied the position of manager of a woolen mill in Maine, dis- charging every trust reposed in him to the eminent satisfaction of his employers. After the termination of his labors there he engaged In various business enterprises, to which is largely due his marked genius for handling large manufacturing details. His greatest achievement has been the building up of the works of William Deering & Company, for the manufacture of harvesters and agricultural machinery. The firm was founded in 1870, the name being changed in 1894 to the Deering Harvester Company, but is now the "National Harvester Company," in which Mr. Deering holds the controlling interest. The works are now located in Fullerton Avenue, along the line of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, with docks on the North Branch of the Chicago River. At the present time eighty-five acres are occupied by the plant, which is compactly arranged. The works comprise large wood- working shops, knife and section shops, ma- chine and blacksmith shops, bolt and rivet works, a foundry, a large malleable iron plant, and an extensive twine plant. The works con- sume annually 45,000 tons of steel and a like quantity of pig iron, comprising both Northern and Southern coke-iron. Some 72,000 tons of coal and coke are annually consumed, 4,817,750 gallons of oil and 31,000,000 feet of lumber. The force employed in the shops is usually 7,000 hands, and many of the departments work with regular night shifts, the establishment operating its own electric light plant, which gives it facilities for producing a larger num- ber of machines of all kinds than any other harvester company in the world. It receives a part of its raw material from many foreign countries, including the Philippines, and dis- tributes its products all over the globe. The sales department embraces fifty-eight branch houses and general agencies, and the sales ex- tend over Europe, Australia, New Zealand and South America. Mr. Deering, the founder of this immense plant, continues actively identi- 864 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. fied with its operations, ably assisted by his two sons. Charles and James. Mr. Deering has been twice married. His first wife was Miss Abby Barbour, of Maine, daughter of Charles and Joanna (Cobb) Barbour, to whom he was married October 31, 1849. Of this union there was one child, Charles, born in 1S52, now Secretary of the Deering Harvester Company. The second marriage, on December 15. 1857," was to Miss Clara Hamilton, of Maine, daughter of Charles and Mary (Barbour) Ham ilton. The issue was two children, James and Abby Marion, born in Maine— the former in 1859, and the latter 1867. James Deering is the present Treasurer of the Deering Harvester Company. William Deering removed with his family to Evanston, 111., in 1873, where he now resides in his beautiful home. He is liberal, public-spirited and benevolent, and his business career has been noteworthy from the absence of controversies with his employes. He has been, for a number of years, one of the Trustees of the Northwestern University at Evanston, and at the present time is President of the Board. He is also a Director and stock- holder in several financial institutions. One of his latest acts of beneficence was the giving of Fisk Hall to the Northwestern University. MILES J. DEVINE. Miles J. Devine, lawyer, Chicago, was born in the city where he now resides, November 11, 1866. He Is the son of Patrick and Elizabeth (Conway) Devine, both natives of Ireland. His mother was a sister of Rt. Rev. P. J. Conway (deceased), late Vicar-General of the diocese of Chicago. Mr. Devine attended school at the Seminary of St. Francis, at Bay View, Wis,, also the Lake Forest University, 111., and grad- uated at the Niagara University, at Niagara Falls, N. Y., in 1882. He then spent five years on his father's farm, acquiring brawn for his future brain work. He studied law at the Chi- cago College of Law and graduating therefrom in 1890, was admitted to the bar, and formed a law partnership with Jeremiah B. O'Connell. Mr. Devine was appointed Assistant Attorney in 1892 by Carter H. Harrison, Sr., and con- tinued during Hopkins" administration as Mayor and resigned this office the first year of Mayor Swift's term. In 1893 he was nominated for State Senator on the Democratic ticket, in a strong Demo- cratic district, but declined. In 1896 Mr. De- vine was nominated for Congress in a district that was so strongly Democratic that a nom- ination was equivalent to election, but, pre- ferring to continue his law practice, he declined this nomination also. In 1S97 he was elected City Attorney by the largest majority ever given to a Democrat, served his term of two years and was the only City Attorney to try all his own cases, giving good and general satisfaction. Mr. Devine was Vice-President and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Cook County Democratic Club. Besides being a leading member of the Cook County Democratic Club, he is a member of the Iroquois Club, Knights of Pythias, For- esters and several Irish societies. Mr. Devine was born an orator, as, at the early age of fifteen, he stumped the Counties of Lake, McHenry and Boone in Illinois, for Rep- resentative Haines (afterwards Speaker of the House of Representatives), and at this time was known as the "boy orator." He and his law firm give special attention to criminal law practice. Besides having the largest personal injury docket of any law firm in Chicago, he has tried no less than twenty- nine cases of murder and did not lose one of them. Mr. Devine was married October 25, 1885, to Miss Emma Gamash, in Chicago, and six children have been born to them, viz.: Miles J., Jr., Paul, Leo, Mabel, Carter Harri- son, who died February 10, 1899, and Raymond, born May, 1901. WILLIAM H. DICKSON. It is a saying no less true than euphonious, that "the law is a jealous mistress." Yet to those who love and serve her well, no pro- fession holds out hope of richer reward. Suc- cess, however, is usually slow of attainment, and never reached without hard, conscientious work; and to occupy a position of prominence and honor at the Metropolitan Bar at the early age of thirty, is a distinction of which the holder may well feel proud. Mr. William H. Dickson was born in Pittsfield, 111., October 5, 1871, but pursued his professional studies at the law department of the Northwestern University, graduating therefrom. Until February, 1899, he carried on his practice alone, but at that time formed a co-partnership with Mr. John Stirlen, under the firm name of Stirlen & Dickson. As a "trial lawyer" he has already gained an envi- able reputation, and is frequently retained in that capacity by other members of the profes- sion. A cause in which he was engaged, and which attracted wide public attention, was familiarly known as the "X-ray case," being the first action brought for damages sustained by a subject of X-ray photography. In this cause Mr. Dickson recovered a verdict of $10,000. He has a wife and one daughter, hav- ing been married to Miss Winona A. Hoffman, of Chicago, on January 16, 1895. WILLIAM T. DICKSON. Comparatively few of the present residents of Chicago can recall the appearance of the in- fant metropolis half a century ago. It was in 1851 that Mr. William T. Dickson first visited the city, his trip, with all its attendant circum- stances remaining deeply impressed upon his memory. Born on a farm near Indianola, Ver- milion County, III., he was a mere boy when, in company with H. II. Conover, a youth al)out his own age, he came to Chicago with a (lrov(> of cattle. In those days Illinois had few rail- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 865 roads, and the "Garden City" could boast a population of but 30,000. The journey and the transaction of their business occupied seven ■weeks. In 1870 Mr. Dickson decided to make Chicago his permanent home. Immediately on coming here he embarked in the live-stock com- mission business at the Union Stock Yards, in partnership with A. B. Condict and Erastus Doty, the firm name being Condict, Doty & Dickson. Since then the style of the firm has undergone several mutations. Condict and Doty were succeeded by J. W: Byers. The firm of Dickson & Byers was dissolved by the re- tirement of Mr. Byers, and was succeeded by Dickson, Harpole & Lott, Mr. Dickson's part- ners being Messrs. William Harpole and James P. Lott. Mr. Harpole withdrew in 1884, and for seven years the business was conducted under the name of Dickson & Lott. Mr. Lott retired in 1901, and the past four years Mr. Dickson has been associated with the Drovers' Commission Company under the firm name of W. T. Dickson & Company. Despite his more than three score years, Mr. Dickson remains hale and vigorous in body and mind alike, a fine specimen of manhood, while his successful career affords a noteworthy illustration of the possibilities that wait upon energy and integrity. EDWARD J. DIEHL. Edward J. Diehl, cattle buyer. Union Stock Yards, Chicago, was born in Canal Dover, Ohio, December 15, 1848, was educated in the district school, and when fourteen years of age went with his father with cattle across the moun- tains to Pennsylvania, passing through Car- lisle, Chambersburg and Harrisburg, walking all the way (over 500 miles), and leading the ox at the head of the drove, returning home by rail. He was raised on a farm until he was nineteen years old, when he went to the Cher- okee Nation, Indian Territory, in 1869, remain- ing there two years. In 1871 he came back to Chicago, and worked in a soap factory until 1873, when he went to the Union Stock Yards in the employment of Wood Brothers for one year; then shipped cattle for Louis Keefer for one and a half years; for Morris & Waixel for about two years; remained with Nelson Morris three years, and then worked for the Union Stock Yard & Transit Company on a hay wagon for three and a half years, and was with Evans, Snider & Buel three and a half years. Later he shipped cattle for Nelson Morris & Company, and then for the Government Meat Inspector for two and a half years, but a change in the administration knocked him out. He worked for Frazer & Chalmers for four years, and then returned to the Union Stock Yards, where in 1901 he was shipping cattle for Nelson Mor- ris & Company. Mr. Diehl was married in Chi- cago, May 12, 1886, to Miss Christine Morine, and four children have blessed their union. Has done his full share in building up the Union Stock Yards, and is well esteemed by his friends and associates. GEORGE H. DIEHL. George H. Diehl, live-stock dealer and in- ventor, was born in Canal Dover, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, March 29, 1837, was educated in the district schools, and when thirteen years old, followed a drove of cattle from Canal Dover, Ohio, to Harrisburg, Pa., riding a black pony which was taught to bite the cattle to hurry them along. The pony lived to be thirty- four years old. When fourteen years old, his father gave him $400 and employed him as a manager of a herd of cattle, which he drove over the mountains from Ohio to Harrisburg,- Pa., and at the age of fifteen, he bought the largest part of a herd of cattle, and superin- tended the driving of them from Ohio to Penn- sylvania, selling them at a good profit. He came to Chicago in 1870, and invented a smoke- burner, which proved a success, selling his patent to a Mr. Hutchinson, who named it the "Hutchinson Smoke-Burner," which was adopted by many of the large manufactories and other buildings. In 1873 he commenced work for Wood Brothers at the Union Stock Yards, and, after one month formed a partner- ship with Richard Nash in handling stock cat- tle, which lasted for seven years. Later he bought and sold live stock, in which he is still engaged. Mr. Diehl was married at Kankakee, 111., July 2, 1879, to Miss Jenny Sibley, and five children have been born of this union, of whom two (1901) are living — Harold S., aged sixteen years, and Ethel, aged fourteen. Mrs. Diehl is a niece of the late H. H. Cooley. Here we have another plucky pioneer, who has helped to make the Union Stock Yards a won- derful success. ARTHUR DIXON. Arthur Dixon is one of Chicago's most re- spected citizens, his private character is one ta be admired and loved and his public record is without a blemish. Throughout his life he has been actuated by pure motives and manly prin- ciples, and, by following a fixed purpose to make the most and best of himself, he has overcome many difficulties and risen, step by step, to a position of influence and honor among public-spirited, high-minded men. Mr. Dixon is of Scotch-Irish descent, having been born March 27, 1837, in Fermanagh County, North of Ireland, in the charming rural district of Lough Killygreen, the son of Arthur and Jane (Allen) Dixon. The former was a Scotchman whose father and brother held com- missions in the British army. His father was a man of more than ordinary intelligence, and by occupation was a farmer and a country school teacher. He also practiced with consid- erable success as a country attorney. He had four sons and one daughter, the latter, Eliz- abeth Carson, wife of Thomas Carson of Chi- cago. Mr. Dixon and his sister are the only survivors of the family, and from their father, Arthur Dixon received his early training and inherited many sterling traits of character that 866 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. have signally characterized his life. The mem- ory of Mr. Dixon's parents is held in sacred remembrance by the son, and he never speaks of them except with feelings of the most tender and affectionate regard. Arthur Dixon attended the district and na- tional schools during his boyhood, and early developed a fondness for mathematics, logic, history and questions of moral and social eth- ics. He was an apt scholar and read much, took a lively interest in all stirring questions of the day and watched with boyish enthusiasm ■ and delight the progress of events. He loved home and its environments and attended reg- ularly the Episcopal and Methodist Sunday schools and services. The discipline of those early years, and the influence of his surround- ings during the formative period of his char- acter, left an impression that has marked all his subsequent life. Mr. Dixon had read glowing reports of the republic across the Atlantic, and early resolved to go thither and seek his fortune, and, when eighteen years old, put his resolution into effect. Going to Philadelphia, Pa., where he had some friends, he remained with them for a time, and on July 4, 1858, went to Pittsburgh and spent three years in the nursery business, learning tree-planting and grafting. In 1861 Mr. Dixon began clerking in the gro- cery house of Mr. G. C. Cook, at Chicago, but soon afterwards opened a retail grocery store on his own account, which he conducted with good success some two years. In the spring of 1863 he established a general teaming busi- ness at No. 299 Wells Street, now Fifth Avenue, being led into that line of business by seem- ingly a mere accident. He had been obliged to take a team of horses and wagon in payment of a grocery debt, and with them he began the business, which under his careful and skilful management, has prospered and grown until it is now the largest of its kind west of New York City. Mr. Dixon has been untiring in his vigilance in watching the interests of his patrons, among whom are many for whom he has done business for nearly thirty years. Financially the business has yielded most satis- factory results, and for many years its pro- prietor has been known as one of Chicago's prosperous and thrifty business men. Mr. Dixon has been prominently identified with many public interests, and has been a well- known character in Chicago for thirty years. During the War of the Rebellion he was active in response to the calls of President Lincoln in enlisting and equipping men for service. He liecame especially prominent in I860 by the active part he took in the estab- lishment of the flre limits, and in the spring of the following year was elected Alde'man from the Second Ward of the City of Chicago on the 8ame ticket with ex-Mayor Rice. From that time until April, 1891, when he voluntarily de- clined to longer remain a member of the City Council, he was re-elected with increased ma- jorities, and sometimes without opposition, and has the honor of having served longer than any other Alderman of Chicago. He was often called "The Nestor of the Aldermen." At the close of his incumbency a delegation from the City Council presented him with the following resolutions, richly bound and superbly illumined and engrossed, the volume being prized as one of his richest treasures: "At a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chicago, held April 27, 1891, the following preamble and resolutions, endorsing the official actions of Alderman Arthur Dixon, were unanimously adopted: "WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Chicago is about to lose the services of its oldest and best-known member through his vol- untary and we hope temporary retirement from the political field of action, "Resolved, That we, the colleagues, some of many years, others of short acquaintance, ten- der to Alderman Dixon on this occasion the expression of our heartiest good wishes for his future, and also the expression of our appreci- ation of the loss which the Council and the City sustain through his withdrawal from our muni- cipal legislature; "Resolved, That we place on record our con- viction of his great public worth, his zeal for honest and economical government, his sin- cere interest in the cause of the taxpayers, and his undoubted and unquestioned ability in every position assigned to him; and, further, we record the expression of our hope that his zeal, his earnestness and ability may soon be utilized for the public in some new capacity; and, be it further "Resolved, That the City Clerk be, and is hereby directed to spread this preamble and the resolutions upon the records of the Council, and to present to Alderman Arthur Dixon a suitably engrossed copy of the same. "Hemp. Washuuun, Mayor. "James R. B. Van Cleave, City Clerk." Mr. Dixon has been editorially described in the Chicago papers as "The careful guardian of the City's interests against the assaults of boodlers, corruptionists and monopolists," and was called the watch-dog of the City treasury. In 1874, after a bitter contest, he was chosen President of the City Council, and was re- elected to the same position for six years. He served as chairman of all important committees at various times, and on many occasions was elected unanimously. As a member of the Aldermanic Council Mr. Dixon was a recog- nized leader in debate and a prac'ticed parlia- mentarian under the city charter. He advo- cated, among other important measures, that of the city's owning its own gas plant; high water pressure; the building of sewers by spe- cial assessments; the creation of a public library; the annexation of the suburbs; the building of viaducts over railway crossings; the drainage law; the city's receiving the inter- est on her public funds; extension of the fire HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 867 limits, etc. He opposed the erection of elevated railroads upon public thoroughfares, and is one of a committee of three favoring a subway connecting Michigan Boulevard with the Lake Shore Drive. He was appointed by the Mayor one of the Executive Committee of arrange- ments for the World's Columbian Exposition, and was also one of the committee that assisted In arranging and passing the ordinance pro- viding for the loan of five million dollars for the Exposition. In April, 1892, he was elected a director of the Exposition, and his services and counsels in that capacity proved invaluable in the prosecution of this enormous enterprise. Mr. Dixon represented the First Senatorial District of Illinois in the Twenty-seventh Gen- eral Assembly, and as a member of that body had charge of measures and rendered services of great value to the City of Chicago. Among the bills introduced by him and passed was that providing for the location of the Chicago Pub- lic Library, providing for the construction of the Drainage Canal, and that authorizing the one mill tax and special assessments. For over twenty years he has been a member of the City and County Republican Central committees, and many times Chairman of the same. In 1868 he was the first President of the Irish- Republican convention held in Chicago, and was elected Treasurer of that organization. In 1872 he was a prominent candidate for Con- gress, and lacked but a few votes of receiving the nomination. He was a delegate in the National Convention of 1880, which nominated James A. Garfield for the Presidency. In all his public career Mr. Dixon has maintained a character above reproach, and all his actions have been straightforward, business-like and in the interest of good government. Mr. Dixon became a member of the Masonic fraternity in 1865, and is now a life member of the Chapter, the Commandery Knights Tem- plar, and holds the 32d degree of the Scottish Rite. He is also a member of the Union League, the La Salle, Hamilton, Irish-American and Sheridan Clubs, and has held official posi- tions in most of them at different times. He has also been President of the Irish Literary Society, and is a man of a literary turn of mind. His library contains the choicest books of the best editions, finely bound and carefully selected, containing a due proportion of re- ligious, scientific, poetic, philosophic and humor- ous volumes. Here, among his silent but elo- quent companions, Arthur Dixon finds the chief charm and pleasure of his life. Mr. Dixon was raised in the Episcopal faith, but for many years has been prominently iden- tified with the First Methodist Church of Chi- cago, and is one of the Trustees of that organi- zation. He has always taken an active part in religious work, and, for twenty-five years, has taught a Bible Class of young men in the Sunday school. In 1862 Mr. Dixon married Miss Anna Car- son, of Pittsburgh, Pa., and they have had four- teen children, thirteen of whom are living. Domestic in his tastes, and home-loving, he finds no place so attractive as his own fireside, and there, in the company of his estimable wife and merry, light-hearted, happy children, passes his happiest hours. His personal qualities are of a high order; while firm in his own convictions, he is tolerant of the views of others who differ from him in opinion. He is liberal, broad-minded and chari- table, and in his dealings with his fellow-men, is unselfish, generous and the soul of honor. He is a man of strictly temperate habits, vir- tuous and upright in every relation of life. In a word, Mr. Dixon is a Christian gentleman. He is six feet tall with a well-proportioned physique, of fair complexion and robust health and weighs over two hundred pounds. Rev. William Fawcett, D. D., pastor of the First Methodist Church of Chicago, says: "Mr. Arthur Dixon has been a member of the First Methodist Church, in this city, for over thirty years, and the greater part of that time he has held official positions in the church. He is also a Trustee of the great First Church prop- erty, and in the distribution of the funds for the aid of Mission churches many a poor, struggling church has found in Arthur Dixon a friend in need. For many (over twenty- eight) years he has been a teacher of a Bible class in the Sabbath school of the First Church, and from that class and from his instructions men have gone into leading positions in the Methodist Church in Chicago, and through the country. It is not an uncommon thing to find men in all parts of the country who attribute the highest impulse of their lives to the in- struction they received in his Bible class. Perhaps the best evidence of Mr. Dixon's Chris- tian character and influence is found in his own home, where a large family of sons and daughters love him dearly and have the faith of their father by their association and work in the Methodist Church. If, as some one has said, 'the best evidence of a man's Christian character is what his children think of his Christianity,' then is Arthur Dixon an honored Christian." H. K. G. DOERMANN. Rev. H. K. G. Doermann, pastor of the First German Lutheran Church, Blue Island, 111., was born at Eden, N. Y., in 1860, the son of Rev. J. H. and Mary (Allwardt) Doermann, both of whom were natives of Germany. The father was educated for the ministry at Ft. Wayne, 'ind., and St. Louis, Mo., and in 1857, entered the ministry at Eden, N. Y., where he served four years, when he removed to Chester, 111., and thence to Yorkville, 111., in 1882, becom- ing pastor of the Lutheran Church at Blue Island. At the termination of his pastorship of the church at Blue Island in 1898, he went to Manassas Junction, Va., where he is now preaching in the church which stands on the old battle ground on which the battles of the 868 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. first and second Bull Run were fought in 1861 and 1862. The Rev. J. H. Doermann has been in ministeral work for over forty years. He and his wife have had eight children, those besides the subject of the sketch being, J., edu- cated at Fort Wayne, Ind., and now a minister at Washington, D. C; Theodore, of Columbus, Ohio: Martin, a minister in South Chicago; August, teacher in the parochial school at Blue Island, 111.: Minnie, married Rev. Mr. Strason, pastor of a church in Wisconsin; Mary, the wife of Rev. A. Dupper, of Lee's Cross Roads, Ohio, and Clara. Rev. H. K. G. Doermann was reared in Illi- nois, but educated at Ft. Wayne, Ind., where he graduated in 1879. when he entered the Lu- theran Theological School at St. Louis, gradu- ating there in the class of 1882. He was or- dained to the ministry on March 5th of the same year, when he became pastor of the church at Ninety-first and Superior Streets, South Chicago, but subsequently removed to Hickory, X. C. where he had charge of a seminary near Asheville for some years, whence, in 1898, he came to Blue Island to assume the pastorship of the Lutheran Church at that place, which he still retains. In 1890 Mr. Doermann was married at Mary- ville. Ohio, to Ruth Mead, and of this union have been born three children: Henry, Mary and Paula. THE FIRST GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH. Blue Island, was organized in 1863 with a membership of twenty person. At first, services were held in the home of Peter Engel- land. Rev. A. Renske being the pastor, but dur- ing the same year a church edifice was erected. This was a good stone building with walls three feet in thickness. A parochial school and a parsonage were built in 1873, and the former now has a membership of 13.5 pupils, while the voting church membership numbers about 110. The number of communicants aggregate about one thousand, representing about three hundred families. Rev. Mr. Renske remained in charge of the church from 1863 to 1871. ' Others who have followed successively have been: Rev. H. Ernst, 1871-77; Rev. Durhing, 1877-82; Rev. J. H. Doermann. 1882-98, and from 1898, Rev. H. K. G. Doermann, the present pastor. During the past few years the church has erected a parsonage at a cost, including the lot, of $6,000. PATRICK J. DONAHUE. Patrick J. Donahue, Chief of the Eleventh Battalion, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago, August 4, 1856, the son of Patrick and Ellen (Kelcher) Donahue, who were na- tives of Limerick, Ireland. In 1870 the future FiTe Marshal left school to earn a living for himself; was employed for six years at the Cnlon Slock Yards, and for the following two yearH was salesman for the commission firm of Adams & Htish at the Stock Yards. In August, 18S1, he Joined the Chicago Fire Department, hecoming a member of Hook and Ladder Com- pany No. 9; in 1885 was transferred to Hook and Ladder No. 1; on March 1, 1886, returned to Hook and Ladder No. 9; and on December 1, 1888, was promoted to the captaincy on Engine 9. He then resumed his connection with Hook and Ladder No. 9 on the Lake Front, where he won a host of friends, who gave a memorable demonstration in his honor when he left them, with a white helmet and the whitest kind of character. He was appointed Chief of the Fifteenth Battalion, Dec. 31, 1895, serving until he was transferred to his present position as Chief of Battalion 11. As his rank indicates, Marshal Donahue is a splendid fireman and a sterling citizen. He has had many close calls in his twenty-odd years' experience as a fire-fighter. The closest, perhaps, was at the burning of the clothing establishment at the corner of Franklin and Van Buren Streets, where four firemen — Lieu- tenant Patrick O'Donnell, John Downs, Thomas J. Prendergast and Martin Sherrek, of Engine No. 2 — were instantly killed. Donahue's com- pany was working on the second floor with two others, when the upper floors crushed down and caught the boys of Engine 2. Donahue's quick ear detected the noise of the yielding joists just soon enough to escape. Shouting to his comrades, all of them reached the win- dow, and saved their lives. He and his truck- man rescued McNally, the driver of Engine No. 2, from the wreck. At the Langham Hotel fire, corner of Wabash Avenue, in 1885, the south wall of the structure fell upon a two- story brick building, upon which the members of the Fire Patrol were at work. The boys on the second fioor, warned by the cracking of the walls, escaped to the windows. John C. Walsh and Edward Jones were caught on the first floor, however, and killed. Donahue rescued Captain Shepherd and others under the most perilous circumstances, a huge piece of over- hanging wall threatening to bury him at any moment. Marshall Donahue was married October 26, 1882, to Miss Catharine Cahill of Springfield, 111. He is a member of the Knights of Mac- cabees, Independent Order of Foresters, and the Firemen's Benevolent Association; is also a devout member of the St. Charles Parish. No man, in this or any other fire department, has won his honors more worthily or wears them more becomingly than Marshal Donahue. FRANK J. DONEGAN. Frank J. Donegan, Lieutenant Hook & Ladder Company No. 12, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago, June 9, 1863, and educated in the Dore, Foster and Clark public schools. After leaving school he worked for his father in the teaming business for six years, when he joined the Fire Department, August 3, 1884, as i)ii)eman on Engine No. 1 ; was transferred to Engine No. 8, and to Truck 4, March, 1886; to Engine 31, June, 1886, and to Engine 7, Feb- ruary 11, 1888; was promoted to Lieutenant, HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 869 February 7, 1891, and assigned to Engine 25; was transferred to Engine 41 (Fire-Boat "Gey- ser"), June 1891; to Engine 66, December 1, 1891; to Engine 7, January, 1894, and to Truck 12, October 31, 1898, where (1901) he still re- mains on duty. Lieutenant Donegan has had many close calls, on one occasion being badly injured by having his collar-bone broken, his head split open and his back severely injured by a fall from the top of a 30-foot ladder at the Weber Wagon-Works fire. He was severely burned at the Northwestern Elevator fire, August 5, 1897; was struck by an electric bar when on Truck 12, and laid in the hospital for thi-ee weeks from wounds on his head and back. Lieutenant Donegan is still on duty (1904). He was mar- ried in Chicago, October 19, 1897, to Miss Mary O'Connell and they have had four children. WILLIAM DONLAN. William Donlan, Supervising Engineer, Sewer Pumping Station, Chicago, was born in Chicago, October 29, 1868, attended the public grammar and the Englewood High School, and after leav- ing school at fifteen years of age, went as ap- prentice and, later, as assistant engineer at Gil- son's Steam Laundry, remaining there two years. Then he spent one and a half years as engineer at Simpson's Planing Mill, and later (1887) accepted a position as chief engineer of Kelly Brothers' Planing Mill, remaining for ten years until 1897, when he was employed by the City of Chicago as Chief Engineer of the Sixty-ninth Street Sewage Pumping Station until January, 1898. He was then promoted to General Supervising Knpmeer of the Sewerage Department, for which he was certified by the Civil Service Commission, and where he still re- mains (1904). JOSEPH H. DONLIN. Joseph H. Donlin, Lieutenant Hook & Ladder Company No. 1, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago, March 11, 1869, was educated in the Ogden public school and St. Ignatius College, and after leaving school, was a mer- chandise broker in the grocery trade for four years. Later he served as cashier of the Chi- cago Club four and a half years, until he joined the Fire Department, July 20, 1891, entering upon duty on Truck No. 3, was transferred to Truck No. 10 in July, 1892, to Engine No. 1, in July, 1893, to Truck 6, in 1894; was prom.oted to Lieutenant, July 7, 1895, transferred to Truck 4, and to Truck No. 1, July, 1896, where he re- mained several years. In 1904 Lieutenant Donliii is still on duty in connection with Engine Com- pany No. 6. He has had numerous narrow es- capes, but has never received a scratch, al- though he has shown any amount of pluck and bravery. Lieutenant Donlin was married in Chicago, Nov. 5, 1890, to Dora Leonard, and they have two children. HENRY W. DORNBUSCH, M.D. Henry W. Dornbusch, physician, DesPlaines, 111., was born in 1860, the son of Henry and Sophia Dornbusch. natives of Germany, who emigrated to the United States the same year, but after his birth, at first settling in Han- over Township, Cook County, 111. Dr. Dorn- busch received his primary education in the common schools at Palatine, after which he took a course in Bryant & Stratton's Col- lege in the City of Chicago. In 1880 he entered Rush Medical College, where he graduated, February 20, 1883, and the same year began practice at Barrington, 111., remain- ing until 1888, when he removed to Arlington Heights. Here he practiced until 1890, when he removed to DesPlaines; in 1900 he located at 1038 North Forty-second Avenue (Hermosa). Dr. Dornbusch was married at Barrington, 111., in February, 1886, to Elizabeth Zimmerman, born in 1863, and they have two children — Franklin H. and Elizabeth L. He is a Republi- can in politics, and a Catholic in religious faith. DANIEL B. DOTSON. Daniel B. Dotson, Engineer, R. A. Waller Electric Lighting Station, Chicago, was born near Oil City, Pa., December 3, 1853, was edu- cated in the public schools, and, after leaving school, worked in a paper-mill at Elkhart, Ind., for three years. He came to Chicago in 1882, and ran an engine for the Empire Warehouse Company two years, after which he worked two years in the electric department of the Western Electric Company. In 1887 he installed the first city electric-lighting station at Clinton and Washington Streets, putting the machinery in place. February 1, 1888, he entered upon his duties as engineer with Frank B. Flynn, now Chief Engineer in charge of all the city light- ing stations, being assigned to the lighting sta- tion at Jefferson and Van Buren Streets, where he remained one year. In 1890 he was appoint- ed Chief Engineer at Chicago Avenue Lighting Station, remaining until 1898, when he met with a severe accident which laid him up for seven months, after which he went to the Rice & Lincoln Streets Lighting Station, as engineer in charge. He was transferred to the R. A. Waller Lighting Station, August 1, 1900, where he still remains in charge of that extensive plant. He has shown by his long service for the city and his steady promotion that he is appreciated by his employers, and is the "right man in the right place." Mr. Dotson was mar- ried to Miss Josie Beck in Chicago, Nov. 5, 1884. Mrs. Dotson passed away April 6, 1899. LEVI BARNES DOUD. Levi Barnes Doud, ex-President National Live Stock Bank, Chicago, was born on a farm in Mahoning County, Ohio, April 7, 1840. His parents, James and Mary (Barnes) Doud, spent their early years in Canfield, Ohio, but their parents were descended from old colonial set- tlers from Connecticut and Virginia. After 870 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. the completion of Mr. Doud's education at the Salem (Ohio) Academy, he returned to his father's farm, and remained there until 1860, when he began life for himself as a cattle-dealer at Allegheny City. Pa. He was successful in his business venture, but being of an ambitious nature and foreseeing a great future for the live-stock trade in Chicago, he began operations there in 1864. and in the following year there took up his abode. He has been largely con- nected with the cattle interests of Chicago for nearly forty years, and at the present time is the senior member of the firm of Doud & Kee- fer. live-stock commission buyers. He has also been identified with the packing business, but has disposed of that interest. For many years Mr. Doud has been interested in various banking institutions, was a stock- holder in the Union Stock Yards Bank, and in January, 1889, was chosen President, retain- ing this position some ten years. He came from a State that has been aptly termed by an eminent historian, "the lap of patriotism and the mother of Republicanism." He has followed in the footsteps of his father, one of the leaders of the anti-slavery movement in Ohio, and is a stanch Republican. Mr. Doud was married at Ottumwa, Iowa, December 24, 1874, to Elizabeth R. Dunham, and one daughter, Marian, has blessed this union. Mrs. Doud is a native of Newark, Ohio, and was educated in Chicago. Mr. Doud is a man of domestic tastes, and, when not absorbed in his business, in which he takes a natural and just pride, he finds nowhere else such solid enjoyment as in his own home at .No. 3257 Michigan Avenue. During the heated season of each year he seeks recuperation and rest at the sea-shore with his family. Pre-eminently a self-made man, he has attained to a position among Chicago's representative men of which he may be justly proud. He started in life with no capital save health, a persistent purpose and an honorable ambition, and, by persevering effort, uprightness and fidelity, has risen, step by step, to his present position as one of Chi- cago's most prominent and succesful business men. WH^LIAM GARY DOW. William C. Dow (deceased), former real- estate operator, Chicago, was born in Boston, Mass., October 24, 1822, the son of Jones and Catherine (Page) Dow. His father was a mer- chant-tailor during his residence in Boston, but later became a farmer near Waterville, Maine, finally removing to Foxboro, Mass., where he lived In retirement until his decease. He was a soldier In the War of 1812, and previous to hlH death, at eighty-nine years of age, was the laKt surviving member of his regiment. He was prominent In the Masonic Fraternity, being a member of the St. Paul I^odge A. F. & A. M., In BoBton. The Dow family was promi nent In various ways In early colonial and New England history, Lorenzo Dow, the famous evangelist, and the late Gen. Neal Dow, the champion of Prohibition and a soldier of the Civil War, being descended from branches of the same family. The father of Jones Dow was a Major, and his grandfather a Colonel, in the War of the Revolution. William C. Dow, acquired his education in the public schools and, at the age of twelve years, engaged in mercantile life, still later be- coming partner in a store at Waterville, Maine. About 1850 he had charge as supercargo of a vessel loaded with goods for the Bahama Islands, with a view to establishing a line of trade between Boston and the Islands; but hav- ing changed his plans, in 1853 came to the city of Chicago and there engaged in the roof- ing business, which he carried on successfully for a number of years. About 1858-60 he en- tered upon the real-estate business, in which he continued for a period of over forty years. As an evidence of his marked probity of char- acter as a business man, it may be mentioned incidentally that, in the capacity of manager, he had charge of an estate, during the long period of his administration affecting the inter- ests of four generations. After the great fire of 1871, his home, having fortunately escaped the ravages of the con- flagration, became a temporary "house of ref- uge" for many homeless citizens and their fam- ilies. Of reserved temperament and innate modesty, he lived a retired and home-loving life, manifesting those traits of character which were most highly appreciated by those who knew him best. He was by nature a genuine optimist; and, while patient under physical suffering, in his domestic life exhibited that sunny, affectionate disposition which has en- deared him in the memories of his family and those brought in most intimate contact with him. Besides looking after his large real-estate interests on the North Side, in his later years Mr. Dow devoted his attention largely to the leasing of down-town offices until 1900, after which, on account of failing health, he lived practically retired. Mr. Dow was a Unitarian in religious belief, connected with the Unity Church — under the ministration of Rev. Robert Collyer, now of New York — and after the fire of 1871, was a member of the committee chosen to superintend the restoration of the church edifice. The other members of the committee were Nathan Mears, Henry T. Thompson, Thomas L. Wallin and Edward I. Tinkham — all well known and prom- inent citizens of that time. Generous in many ways, but with a strong dislike for mere ostentation, Mr. Dow's acts of benevolence were always performed in private. While an ardent Republican in his political convictions, Mr. Dow was not, in the popular sense of the term, a politician, and never held a public office. His political views were of that independent and conscientious character entertained by the man who, unselfishly, de- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 871 sires to secure the highest degree of welfare for the whole country. On May 10, 1865, Mr. Dow was united in mariage to Marietta Adriance, daughter of John and Jane E. (Van Wyck) Adriance, of Fish- kill, N. Y., her family being of old Knicker- bocker stock. One daughter, Jenny — now Mrs. William P. Harvey, of Aurora, 111. — was born of this union. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey have four children: William Dow, Julia Plato, Grace Furness and Joel Demetrius. Mr. Dow died at his home, 473 Orchard Street, Chicago, Octo- ber 13, 1903. Mrs. Dow still survives. THOMAS DOWNS. Thomas Downs, Supervising Mechanical En- gineer, Chicago Water Service, was born in Belleville, Ontario, Canada, December 25, 1858, attended the public schools, and later Ontario Business College (night department), while serving his time as a machinist in steam-fitting, boiler-work, molding, and different branches of the trades just mentioned. In 1880 he was em- ployed by the Holly Manufacturing Company of Lockport, N. Y., remaining there as gang boss until 1892, being employed in building engines for pumping stations, and traveling and installing engines for the company. Later he was employed by the G. F. Blake & Knowles Company, of Cambridge, Mass., manufacturers of steam-pumping machines, as traveling sales- man and consulting engineer, remaining with them two and a half years. In 1895 Mr. Downs entered into the service of the B. R. Worthington Hydraulic Company, remaining until he came to Chicago in Sep- tember, 1897, when, at the solicitation of City Engineer Ericson and L. E. McGann, Commis- sioner of Public Works, he accepted the position of pumping engine expert, and later, under civil service rules, was made Supervising Mechanical Engineer, having charge of the reconstruction of the entire pumping machinery, and the oper- ation and maintenance of the various pumping stations. The position is a very important one, the entire organization having been systema- tized and placed upon a high-grade business basis. During the three years previous to 1901 fifty boilers were repaired and reset, and over 20,000 pump-valves replaced in the various pumping engines, the machinery generally was overhauled and placed in good working order. Up to that time over $200,000 had been ex- pended in repairing buildings, securing and im- proving grounds and placing machinery in proper condition. In 1899 water was pumped, per foot high, at less cost than ever before since the organization of the Water Depart- ment. By his close attention to this business, Mr. Downs had developed a saving and care in his department that has given the city a better and equalized pressure at a saving of many thousands of dollars to the tax-payers. He was married June 9, 1885, to Miss Ella K. Martin, in Lockport, N. Y., and three children have been born to them, two of whom are now living. MICHAEL J. DRISCOLL. Michael J. Driscoll, driver. Engine No. 82, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago, May 1, 1876, was educated in the Scammon School, and then for four years was with Reid, Thompson & Co. (ice cream manufacturers), until March 12, 1900, when he joined the Fire Department and was assigned to Engine 82, as driver. Mr. Driscoll's father, Michael J. Driscoll, was the first pilot of the tug "Alpha," from the time she was launched remaining with her about ten years, and until after she went into the service of the Fire Department on September 5, 1885; later was Captain of the steamboat "Soo City," owned by the Holland & Chicago line, remaining in this position until his death, July 22, 1897. At the present time (1904) Mr. Driscoll still retains his connec- tion with the Fire Department ready for the performance of any duty that may devolve upon him. NICHOLAS DUBACH. Nicholas Dubach (deceased), late Chief of Tenth Battalion, Chicago Fire Department, was born of French ancestry, in Lorraine (then in France but now a part of Germany), October 11, 1842; came to Chicago when a boy of eight years and obtained his education in the city schools. After starting in life' struggle he worked for a time in Betcham's and in Abbott & Kingman's planing mills, in the Illinois Cen- tral Car Works, then carried on a cooperage business with James Stevens for five years, and then worked as foreman in the "ham houses" of Gassard & Company and Leland & Mixer. On May 6, 1865, he began his career as a fireman on the engine known as "Long John," receiving subsequent transfers, promo- tions and assignments as follows: to Engine No. 2 (the "Enterprise") in February, 1866; to "Economy," No. 8, June 1, 1867; promoted as foreman of Hook and Ladder Company, No. 4, upon its organization; assigned to Engine No. 2, in 1868; and to Engine No. 8, the following year. In 1872 he was promoted to a captaincy, and in 1880 given charge of Engine Company No. 16. He was made Chief of the Tenth Bat- talion on July 1, 1890, holding that post for three years, when failing health compelling him to tender his resignation, he was retired as captain on a pension July 14, 1895. The day following his resignation the men of his bat- talion presented him with a magnificent dia- mond studded watch as a token of their esteem and appreciation of his courage and fidelity. Chief Swenie also presented him with a gold medal; the event was celebrated with much enthusiasm, as shown by the comments of the press at the time. During his twenty-eight years of service Cap- tain Dubach met with not a few serious casual- ties, being forced through a sidewalk by a fall- ing chimney on Milwaukee Avenue; carried down with a falling roof on Lake Street, and buried under debris at a fire in the Armour Packing House. He also had many gallant 872 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. rescues to his credit, accomplished at the risk of life and limb. The "great fire" of October, 1S71, found him physically exhausted from over- exertion and loss of sleep, through attending two large fires between the Saturday night and Sunday noon preceding. He was about to seek sleep on the night of the memorable Sunday, when the first alarm sounded. His company- Economy Xo. 8 — promptly responded, and was first stationed at the intersection of DeKoven and Jefferson Streets. Thence the engine was ordered to Bohemian Hall on DeKoven Street,, and before the men left that station, the flames had spread over two blocks. They were next sent across the river, with instructions to try to save the gas works on Adams Street, but the intensity of the heat at that point drove them north, first to LaSalle and Madison Streets thence to Washington, and then to Randolph. While standing at this corner the first of a series of explosions occurred in Heath & Mil- ligan's paint works, blowing out the entire front of the building. Had it not been for the gal- lant conduct of Foreman Dubach and his crew at this juncture, in crawling on hands and knees to uncouple the hose from the hydrant, their engine would have been lost. The Wells Street bridge being on fire, the men crossed to the West Division by Lake Street through most intense heat, proceeded south through Halsted to Twelfth Street, whence they made their way to Clark and Polk, only to be driven back by the flames to Taylor Street. There they made a stand, and saved over 2,000,000 feet of lumber with one stream. Ter- race Row on Michigan Avenue was next visited, and at this crisis the water works gave out, and Economy No. 8, was one in a line of four steamers to force water from the lake in a futile effort to save engine house No. 10, on State Street. On Tuesday afternoon the com- pany was permitted to take a brief rest at its quarters, but was soon ordered to take its engine to the rear of the Illinois Central round house on Fourteenth Street, and there water was pumped into the mains until the water works had been repaired. Chief Dubach was married in Chicago, in 1866, to Miss Susan Schroeder, and of ten children born to this union four sons, and three daughters are yet living. Ex-Chief Dubach's death occurred Tues- day. March 19, 1901. .JOHN F. DUBACH. .John F. Dubach, son of Ex-Chief Nicholas Dubach. and pipeman on Engine No. 16, Chi- cago F'ire Department, was l)orn in Chicago, September 16, 1870, and educated in the Web- ster public and the parochial .schools. After If-avlng school he learned the plumbing trade, at which he worked from 1S87 until he joined thf- Fire Df'partment, December 3, 1894, as pipe- man on Engine 16. During part of that time hf hfld thf position of Acting Lieutenant. He had a narrow escape at the flrc In a bakery at Eighteenth and State Streets. While stand- ing on a window-sill the floors above dropped down and he had to slide down the ladder, but escaped without injury. Mr. Dubach was mar- ried to Miss Elsie Marie Nelson, in Chicago, May 8, 1893, and three children have blessed this union. Mr. Dubach was promoted to Lieu- tenant October 31, 1904, on Engine No. 50. OSCAR L. DUDLEY. To relieve the distressed, to aid the unfortu- nate, to raise the fallen, to reclaim and rehab- ilitate the vicious — this is a mission in the discharge of which man, even though weak and erring, exhibits a true spark of the Divine nature. To the worker who has consecrated himself to this sublime task, occasional failure is but renewed incentive; ingratitude proves no discouragement; while his richest reward is found in the thoughts of lives redeemed to virtue and society which, without his patient, self-denying effort, might have been passed in idleness or crime, ending in physical and moral ruin. This is the high aim of the Illinois Manual Training School at Glenwood, of which, for seventeen years, Mr. Oscar L. Dudley, has served as the active and eflficient manager. Mr. Dudley can boast a long and honored New England lineage; being a direct descendant of Thomas Dudley, who, between 1634 and 1651, was four times Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony. His grandfather was named Stephen and his father John G. The latter, born in New Hampshire, was married in Vermont to Mary C. Townsend. The son of John G. and Mary C. (Townsend) Dudley was born at Troy, Vt., August 2, 1844, but removed to the North- west at an early age. During the Civil War he served, first in the Sixteenth Wisconsin and after devoting some time to preparing him- self for the work, in 1866 opened the Minne- apolis Business College, which he successfully conducted for several years. In 1873 he came to Chicago to accept the superintendency of the Illinois Humane Society, and in the discharge of the delicate and trying duties connected with this position for fourteen years has exhibited rare fact and devotion. In 1887, chiefly through his efforts and instrumentality, the Glenwood School was founded, and Mr. Dudley was ap- pointed its General Manager. It is not neces- sary to repeat here the familiar tale of the great public good which it has accomplished in giving to homeless and dependent boys a moral and manual training, preparing them to lead the lives of upright men and worthy citi- zens. In 1894 Mr. Dudley was elected as a Repub- lican to the Thirty-ninth General Assembly from the Second (Chicago) district, serving one term. He was married, December 20, 1866, to Miss Iy)ulse C. Edmonds, at Evansvllle, Wis. Their only child, William E., died at the age of twenty-four years, shortly after graduation from Rush Medical College. ILLINOIS MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL FARM. — An institution for the training of de- HISTORICAL El^CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 873 pendent boys, organized under an act of March 28, 1895, which was in effect a re-enactment of a statute passed in 1883 and amended in 1885. Its legally defined object is to provide a home and proper training for such boys as may be placed in its charge. Commitments are made by the County Court of Cook and contiguous counties. The school is located at Glenwood, in the county of Cook, 24 miles from Chicago on a rich farm of 300 acres, which was generously donated and deeded to this school in 1889 by Mr. and Mrs. Milton George, of Chicago. The institution was first opened for the reception of inmates at Norwood Park in 1887. Its revenues are derived in part from voluntary contribu- tions, and in part from payment by the counties sending boys to the institution, which payments are fixed by law at $10 per month for each boy during the time he is actually an inmate. In 1898 nearly one-half of the entire income came from the former source, but the surplus remaining in the treasury at the end of any fiscal year is never large. The school is under the inspectional control of the State Commissioners of Public Charities, as though it were an institution founded and maintained by the State. The educational cur- riculum closely follows that of the ordinary grammar school, pupils being trained in eight grades, substantially along the line established in the public schools. In addition a military drill is taught with a view to develop- ing physical strength, prompt obedience, and graceful manly carriage. Since the home was organized there have been received (down to 1903) 4,112 boys. The industrial training given the inmates is both agricultural and mechani- cal. The institution owning such a good farm and operating well equipped industrial shops for the education of pupils, a fair portion of the boys devote themselves to the learning of trades, and not a few develop into excellent workmen. One of the purposes of this school is to secure homes for those thought most likely to prove creditable members of respectable households. As a result of this work there are, today, in every State, graduates from this school who are respected and self-respecting citizens. There are farmers, merchants, contractors and doctors who owe their start in life to the Glenwood School. During the seventeen years of its ex- istence, nearly 2,500 boys have been placed in homes, and usually with the most satis- factory results. The legal safe-guards thrown around the ward are of the comprehensive and binding sort, so far as regards the parties who take children from the institution for either adoption or apprenticeship. The wel- fare of the ward always being the object pri- marily aimed at, adoption is preferred by the administration to institutional life, and the result usually justifies their judgment. Many of the pupils are returned to their families or friends after a mild course of correctional treatment. The system of government adopted is analog- ous to that of the cottage plan employed in many reformatory institutions throughout the country. An administration building stands in the center of the group of structures, each of which has its own individual name, viz.: Clancy Hall, Wallace, Plymouth, Beecher, Pope, Windsor, Lincoln, Sunnyside and Sheridan. While never a suppliant for benefactions, the home has always attracted the attention of philanthropists who are interested in the care of society's waifs. The average annual number of inmates has been about 365. JOHN FREDERICK EBERHART. LL.D. John Frederick Eberhart, A.M., LL.D., has been for nearly fifty years a prominent figure in Illinois and Cook County local history, first as a practical educator and later as a successful real-estate operator. Born in Mercer County, Pa., January 21, 1829, his early boyhood was spent on his father's farm until the age of eight years, when his parents removed to Big Bend, Venango County. Here his time was divided between working on the farm and at- tending school during the winter, until he was sixteen, when he taught his first school, receiv- ing a salary of $8.50 per month while "board- ing round" among the patroijs. During the following summer he took special lessons in writing and drawing, thereby qualifying him- self for teaching penmanship, which proved a valuable aid in later years in working his way through college. After spending several terms at Cottage Hill Academy, at Ellsworth, Ohio, he entered Allegheny College at Meadville, Pa., graduating July 2, 1853. While in college Mr. Eberhart supported him- self by giving instruction in penmanship and other branches during the spring and fall vaca- tions, and working in the harvest field during the summer, though compelled to eke out his earnings, during a part of the time, by loans from an older brother, which he subsequently re- paid with interest. Energetic, studious and ambitious, he took a high rank among more than three hundred fellow-pupils, both as a stu- dent and a gymnast, being one of two members of the institution who proved their ability to lift a brass cannon in the arsenal at Meadville weighing 900 pounds. Two days after gradu- ating in 1853, he delivered the Fourth of July oration at Rockland, Pa., winning earnest ap- plause by his oratory from an audience of 7,000 persons, mostly old neighbors and friends. On September 1st, following his graduation, he entered upon duty as Principal of the Seminary at Berlin, Somerset County, Pa. Among his pupils were several who afterwards attained wide distinction, including Rev. H. W. Thomas, for many years pastor of the People's Church, Chicago. At this time Prof. Eberhart looked upon teaching as his future life-work; but before the close of his second year in the Seminary, acting under the advice of physicians he felt com- 874 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. pelled to resign on account of ill-health. Com- ing west he arrived in Chicago, April 15, 1855, and. after a brief stay, proceeded to Dixon, 111., where he spent the summer, devoting his time to hunting and fishing, with the result that his health was greatly improved, leading him to adopt a custom of spending a certain portion of each season in out-door life. While at Dixon he devoted a portion of his time to editing "The Dixon Transcript," a local political paper; but not finding this occupation to his taste, soon sold out and spent the following winter in delivering courses of lectures, of ten each, chiefly before institutions of learning, on vari- ous scientific subjects, including chemistry, natural philosophy, meteorology and astronomy. Then, after traveling a year in the interest of New York school-book publishers, desiring to re-enter an educational life, he purchased and assumed the publication and editorship of "The Northwestern Home and School Journal" in Chicago, of which he retained the management for three years. During this period he spent much time in lecturing before Teachers' Insti- tutes, many of which he conducted in Illinois and Iowa, besides being employed by Dr. Henry Barnard, then Chancellor of the Wisconsin State University, to conduct Institutes in that State — a work which brought him in intimate contact with many distinguished educators of that time. In the fall of 1859 Mr. Eberhart entered upon a new and more important field in educational work, having been elected School Commissioner for Cook County, the title of the office being changed soon after to Superintendent of Schools. This position he continued to fill consecutively for a period of ten years. The duties of the office were onerous and at first inadequately paid, the salary amounting to only two dollars per day; yet he made it a point to visit each school in the county at least once a year. Per- ceiving the want of thoroughly trained teach- ers, he early began the agitation for the estab- lishment of a County Normal School. In this he was finally successful; and the Board of Supervisors having appropriated the necessary funds, the school was opened at Blue Island, in September. 1867, under the principalship of the late Prof. D. S. Wentworth. Two years later the institution was transferred to Engle- wood (now within the city limits of Chicago) and, in September, 1870, it took possession of the Normal School Building especially erected for Its use, and which it still occupies. For nearly seventeen years (from 1883 to 1899) the Institution was under the management of the late Col. Francis W. Parker, who. on his retire- ment In the latter year to take charge of the Chicago Institute, gave place to Prof Arnold Tompkins, who still (1904) retains the posi- tion of Principal. In the fall of 1899 Mr. Eberhart prepared an extended and exhaustive paper on the history of the Cook County Nor- mal Hrhool.. which Is a most valuable contribu- tion to the history of education In Illinois. So long as this institution exists it will stand as a monument to his sagacity and foresight as a practical educator and his devotion to the inter- ests which it represents. Some of Mr. Eberhart's most important work while identified with the cause of education in Cook County, included his participation in the organization of the Illinois State Teachers' Association, whose annual sessions he attended for seventeen consecutive years; the drafting of the State law authorizing the establishment of County Normal Schools; organization of the State Association of School Superintendents, of which he was the first President; the part which he played in securing the location of the State Normal University at Normal, as a member of the American Institute of In- struction and of the National Teachers' Asso- ciation, of the last of which he was one of the first life-members. He was also actively identified with various other educational and charitable associations, and, while President of the Cook County Board of Education, was an influential factor in securing the intro- duction of kindergarten work in the Cook Coun- ty Normal School and in promoting the estab- lishment of "free kindergartens" in the city. The appreciation of his work as Superintendent is indicated in the fact that, while the salary of the office at the beginning of his term in 1859, was only two dollars per day, it had in- creased, ten years later, to $5,000 per year. Among those who received their first certifi- cates as teachers from Professor Eberhart dur- ing this period appear such names as Bishop Charles Fowler, Bishop Vincent, the late Miss Frances E. Willard and President Blanchard, of Wheaton College. He was intimately identi- fied in educational work, during this time, with such distinguished educators as Horace Mann, Dr. Newton Bateman, Charles E. Hovey, Dr. Richard Edwards and many more. In his Bi- ennial Report as State Superintendent of Public Instruction for 1867-68, the late Dr. Bateman gave especial credit to Prof. Eberhart and the Board of Supervisors of Cook County, for what had been accomplished in solving the problem of providing competent teachers by the establishment of the Cook County Normal School, of which, after speaking of the school at Blue Island as "the pioneer," Dr. Bateman says: "In thus practically demonstrating the feasibility of this new and most successful mode of increasing the supply of superior teach- ers. Cook County has rendered the State a very eminent service." The Report also contains, in extenso. a report on County Normal Schools read by Prof. Eberhart before the State Associa- tion of County School Superintendents held at Aurora, October 13, 1868. At different times during this period. Dr. Eberhart received tenders of important posi- tions, stich as a i)rofessorshlp or the presidency of some of the most i)romlnent educational In- stitutions in the country, but felt compelled to decline in view of the warning he had received HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 875 through his early experience as a teacher, as to the effects of such confinement upon his health. After twenty-five years spent in pur- suits connected with the cause of education, he turned his attention to operations in real estate in which he has also been quite successful. He was the chief promoter of Norwood Park and Chicago Lawn — until within a few years suburbs, but now part of the City of Chicago — and has handled thousands of lots and acres in Chicago and Cook County, and is today a large land-holder and is out of debt. On December 25, 1864, Prof. Eberhart was married to Miss Matilda Charity Miller, daugh- ter of Joseph C. and Mercie H. Miller, who were among Chicago's earliest settlers. She was educated in the schools of Aurora and Chicago, and is a lady of marked talent and literary ability. Reared in a religious family, Mr. Eberhart was for years an attendant upon the preaching of Rev. H. W. Thomas, of the People's Church, who was his pupil in the days of his early experience as a teacher in Pennsylvania. He is also President of the Board of Trustees of the People's Church, and Vice-President of the "School of Life," an institutional organization which is an offspring of the church. His creed, as defined by himself, is brief but com- prehensive: "I trust in an All-Wise Creator and Disposer of Events, and 1 believe in the religion of Jesus Christ, as epitomized in His Sermon on the Mount: 'Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them; for this is the law and the prophets.' " MICHAEL EHRET. Michael Ehret, Captain of Engine No. 4, was born in Chicago, June 9, 1859, and educated in the Kinzie, Ogden, Scammon and Franklin Schools. Later he worked for his father who was a manufacturer of cigar boxes, but in April, 1880, at the age of twenty-one years, joined the Fire Department as substitute on Chemical Engine No. 4 and Engine 10; was a candidate on Engine 1; transferred to Chemical 4 and later to Engine 11, being finally promoted to Lieutenant, and on January 1, 1887, to Captain and assigned to Engine No. 32. March 31, 1888, he organized Engine Company No. 42, and was assigned to the captaincy of that company; re- signed November 31, 1888, and went into the grocery business, but finally sold out and was placed in command of Hose Company No. 1, at Garfield Race Track, in 1890. He took charge of the World's Fair Exposition Depot Hotel fire appliances, in January, 1893, and, on July 18, 1893, was appointed Captain on Engine No. 1 at the World's Fair. On December 11, 1893, lie rejoined the Chicago Fire Department as candidate on Truck 26, was promoted to Lieu- tenant, June 15, 1894; was next transferred to Engine 67; on March 27, 1895, to Engine 26, and on April 5, 1895, to Engine 34; promoted to Captain April 15, 1897. and assigned to Engine 21, and, on May 24, 1898, transferred to Engine 34. In 1904 he is again on duty as Captain on Engine No. 4 Captain Ehret has had many narrow escapes and close calls; among them being caught among the falling walls at Meyer's Mill and badly bruised; was thrown from the cart in a collison with a grip-car and badly hurt, not to mention numerous other accidents, but like many other brave Chicago firemen, he is hard to kill, and stands ready to answer any call where danger and duty may demand his serv- ice. Captain Ehret was married in Chicago to Annie Keyes, June 11, 1884, and six children have been born to them EDWARD C. ENTHOF. Edward C. Enthof, Assistant Engineer on Engine No. 82, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago August 26, 1873, and was edu- cated in the Pickard Public School. After leaving school he learned the steam fitting business in 1889, in which he worked until he joined the Fire Department April 1, 1898. Commenced at the repair shop and was assigned to Engine 82, May 7, 1898, where he still re- mains ready for any call that may come. He has had many narrow escapes, but has not been severely injured. JOHN E. ERICSON. Earnestness of purpose, determined resolu- tion, pluck and perseverance — these are among the recognized characteristics of the Swedish people; and when to these qualities are joined intellect of a high order and a thorough scien- tific education, no obstacle can successfully stand in the way of the aspirant for success. The career of John E. Ericson, who for nearly eight years has been Chicago's able and efficient City Engineer, may well serve as an apt illus- tration. Mr. Ericson was born in Upland, Sweden, October 21, 1858, the son of Andrew and Sophia Ericson. A collegiate course was followed by one at the Royal Polytechnic Institute at Stock- holm, from which the young student graduated on April 1, 1880, with distinguished honor. He was at once given an appointment as assis- tant engineer on the Vasa bridge at Stockholm, but a year later, believing that a wider field and better opportunities awaited him in the United States, he crossed the Atlantic. Nor has he been disappointed. In August of the year of his ar- rival he was appointed resident engineer of the Toledo, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railroad, and the following year (1882) Hopkins & Com- pany, of St. Louis, made him a flattering offer to enter their service as a bridge designer. From June until March, 1883, he was an assist- ant engineer on the Illinois and Michigan Canal. After a trip to Europe he entered the Chicago Municipal Engineering Department, in April, 1884, and since that time his ability and fidelity have resulted in his steady and rapid promotion. From the position of drafts- man he rose to that of assistant engineer, being 876 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. made first engineer on June 1, 1893. In well merited recognition of his skill and integrity, Mayor Harrison, on July 6, 1897, named him City Engineer. In this position he has at- tained an enviable reputation for capability and fidelity, and many of the important works which he has successfully carried to completion will remain as enduring monuments of his engineering skill. Among these may be named the Fifth Avenue approach to the viaduct, as well as the Lake View, North Shore, and Sixty- eighth Street tunnels. The new addition to the water supply system, embracing the Carter H. Harrison, and the Springfield Avenue and Cen- tral Park Pumping Stations were designed and constructed by him. In fact, over fifty per cent, of the present enormous system of water-works of the City of Chicago were constructed under his supervision: also a number of bascule bridges, bearing his name, were designed and constructed under his direction. Meanwhile, Mr. Ericson has also been employed by the city of Seattle, Washington, as Assistant Chief Engin- eer for the location and designing of a new water works there. He is an honored member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, of the Western Society of Engineers, the Scan- dinavian Technical Society of Chicago, of which he was the first President, and the Chicago Academy of Sciences, as well as of the Chicago Athletic Association. He is fond of travel, and besides visiting all sections of the United States, as well as British Columbia and the Hawaiian Islands, he has journeyed extensively through Sweden, Germany, Holland, England and Scotland. On July 11, 1858, Mr. Ericson married Miss Inez Malmgren, in Chicago, who died Febru- ary 1, 1893, leaving one daughter, Mildred. On June 30, 1896, he was united to Miss Esther Malmgren, of Chicago, sister of his first wife. JOHN J. EVANS. John J. Evans, Captain Engine No. 18, Chi- cago Fire Department, was born in Chicago, March 6. 1856, was educated at the St. John parochial and Haven public schools, and later worked in a planing mill and for a railroad company. December 30, 1880, he joined the Chicago Fire Department as pipeman, and was assigned to Engine No. 6; was next transferred to Engine 1, then to Engine 5; September 1, 18S9, was promoted to Lieutenant and assigned to Engine 6; was transferred to Engine No. 18, February 7, 1891; promoted to Captain, July 1, 1891, and transferred to Engine 6; then to Engine 5. January 9, 1896, and to Engine 13, January 2, 1899. In 1904 he is on duty on P'ngine No. 18. He has had many narrow es- capf'H from death, one of them resulting from an •'XploHlon at the fire of the Northwestern Ele- vator on August 5. 1897. He was in command of P^nglne 5. and, while blown away from the ••U'vator as the walls fell, was badly injured by the wh<'at being shot Into his lace, eyes and body, compelling his removal to the County Hospital. His hands being protected were not burned as were those of a fireman named Hanley. The latter was thought to be less se- verely injured than Captain Evans, but blood- poisoning having set in caused his death from lockjaw a few days after the fire. After re- maining at the hospital two weeks Captain Evans was removed to his home and finally recovered. Captain Evans had another close call at a fire on South Water Street in July, 1899, when he received an electric shock from the wires suspended over the stairs. The elec- tric current was attracted by his fire-hat, but the rubber sweat-band acted as a non-conductor, thereby saving his life, although he was thrown down two flights of stairs by the shock. In 1889 he fell off the roof of a two-story building and was badly injured, but, after being laid up for two weeks, was on duty again. He was married in Chicago, January 27, 1881, and three children have been born to them, two of whom are now living, viz.: Mabel and John. Like his brother Chicago firemen. Captain Evans is ever present at his post of duty ready for any call. WILLIAM FALLON. William Fallon (deceased). Veteran Yard- master, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, and Presi- dent of Board of Education, Town of Lake, was born on a farm in Mooers, Clinton County, N. Y., November 17, 1837; was educated in the district schools and worked on his father's farm until he attained his seventeenth year, when he went to Sudbury, Rutland County, Vt., and entered the service of James K. Hyde, the owner of a large summer hotel, which he superintended until 1860. Then, tak- ing Horace Greeley's advice, he came west "to grow up with the country," locating near Fort Dodge, Iowa, with William Hodges, whose inter- ests in conjunction with those of his brother Samuel, he later bought out. In 1862 he came to Chicago and entered the service of John B. Sherman, ex-President of the Union Stock Yards & Transit Company, who was then run- ning the old Myrick Yards at Thirtieth Street and Cottage Grove Avenue. For several years Mr. Fallon had charge of the feeding depart- ment of the yards, and when the Union Stock Yards were opened, he was made Yardmaster of the Northwestern Division, subsequently be- ing promoted to the position of Division Super- intendent, serving until 1886, when he began brick manufactui-ing and contracting. In 1876 Mr. Fallon was elected to the old School Board of District No. 2, then comprising the greater part of Lake Township, and served until the annexation of the Town of Lake to Chicago in 1889. As President of the Board for many years, he did miu'h toward developing the school system of the town, and the Fallon School, at Wallace and Forty-second Streets, was named after him in appreciation of his valuable services. He was also one of the organizers and, for many years. President of HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 877 the Free Home Building Loan and Homestead Association, one of the most substantial finan- cial concerns in the Stock Yards District. Few men have been more prominently identi- fied with Town of Lake affairs than William Fallon. For many years he took an active part in local politics and in 1884, when Thomas Gahan was elected Supervisor, he refused the nomination which was tantamount to an elec- tion. Mr. Fallon was married in Chicago, in 1875, to Miss Mary Jane Haslett, and six chil- dren have been the result of this union. Mr. Fallon passed away at his home. Union Avenue and Forty-fourth Street, July 3, 1897. As one of the pioneers who did his full part towards the development of his section of the country, he was held in high esteem by a large circle of relatives and friends. JAMES W. FARRELL. James W. Farrell, live-stock dealer and farmer, was born in County Meath, Ireland, December 7, 1847, the son of Patrick and Cath- arine (Riley) Farrell. He came to America with his parents in 1850, arriving May 1st of that year and settling at Waukegan, 111. After arriving at years of maturity he engaged in farming, and has shipped live-stock to the Union Stock Yards for the past twenty-five years. His father died in 1879, and his mother in 1893. Mr. Farrell has lived in Lake County for fifty years, and has witnessed the growth of Lake and Cook Counties from the condition of a pioneer settlement up to the present time, when the population numbers between two and three million. In his business experience he has withstood all the panics, never having made a failure, and has always paid one hun- dred cents on the dollar. He came to this region before there were any railroads, driv- ing an ox-team to Chicago to secure supplies, later driving his live-stock to the same place to find a market. Mr. Farrell was married June 12, 1877, at Waukegan, 111., to Miss Cath- arine Conley, and they have had seven children, of whom five are now living. CHARLES B. FARWELL. Charles Benjamin Farwell, merchant and United States Senator, was born at Painted Post, N. Y., July 1, 1823, the son of Henry and Nancy Farwell, and until twenty years of age, lived with his parents. After passing through the primary schools, he entered the academy at Elmira, N. Y., where he took a course in surveying. In 1838 he came to Illinois with his father, who located upon a farm in Ogle Coun- ty, and there gave his attention for several years alternately to farming and surveying, which out-door exercise gave him, during his growing manhood, the robust constitution which fitted him for the arduous duties of his later life. On January 10, 1844, Mr. Farwell came to Chicago, where he obtained a position as deputy in the office of George R. Davis, County Clerk of Cook County, during a part of the time performing the duties of his chief, who was incapacitated for active service by illness. Mr. Farwell remained in the County Clerk's office until the spring of 1846, when Capt. J. B. F. Russell offered him a clerkship in his real- estate office, which he accepted. In 1849 he was engaged as corresponding clerk in the bank- ing house of George Smith, and was afterwards promoted to the position of chief teller, re- maining there four years. In 1853 he was elected County Clerk by a large majority over his opponent, Dr. E. S. Kimberly, at the end of his term in 1857, being re-elected, but retiring at the close of his second term in 1861. His administration of the office was marked by abil- ity and efficiency, and while he held it, he reor- ganized the entire system of keeping the county records. For the next six years he devoted himself exclusively to his private business, en- gaging in the real-estate business until 1865, when he purchased an interest in what is now the J. V. Farwell Company, to which he after- ward gave his attention more or less up to the date of his death. In 1867 Governor Oglesby appointed him a member of the first State Board for the Equalization of Taxes, and he bore his part in the preliminary work upon which, as a basis, the operations of all subse- quent Equalization Boards have been conduct- ed. In 1867 he was elected a member of the Board of Supervisors of Cook County, and was made Chairman of the Board. During his term of office the new wings were added to the old court house, which was destroyed by fire in 1871. In 1870 Mr. Farwell was nominated as the Republican candidate for Congress from the First District and was elected by a majority of 5,300 over his Democratic opponent, was re- elected under a reapportionment for the Third District in 1872, and again a candidate in 1874, received the certificate of election, but a Dem- ocratic majority in the Congress of 1875-76 resulted in the seating of his Democratic op- ponent, Mr. Le Moyne, near the close of the ses- sion. In 1880 Mr. Farwell was again a candi- date for Congress and was elected, thus serving in that body three full terms and part of a fourth. In 1887, after the death of United States Senator John A. Logan in December previous, Mr. Farwell was elected to the va- cancy, serving out General Logan's unexpired term of four years. Other prominent political positions held by him include those of Chair- man of the Republican State Central Committee for several years, and delegate to the Repub- lican National Conventions of 1876 and 1888. When not engaged in the discharge of offi- cial duties, Mr. Farwell gave his attention to the immense mercantile business of the J. V. Farwell Company, during his latter years being President of the Company. Another enterprise with which he was prominently identified as a member of the J. V. Farwell Company, was the erection of the magnificent State capitol at Austin, Texas, through which the company 878 HISTORICAL EN'CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. came into possession of a vast body of Texas lands, which will go on increasing in value indefinitely. Quiet and unostentatious in man- ner. Mr. Farwell was a liberal promoter of many local charities, and a generous contributor to the support of Lake Forest University, for a number of years serving as President of the Board of Trustees, He was one of the found- ers of the Chicago Club, and a member of the Union League and Commercial Clubs. Mr. Farwell was married October 11, 1852, to Miss Mary E. Smith, of South Williamstown, Mass.. and three daughters and one son were born to them. Mr. Farwell's oldest daughter became the wife of Reginald DeKoven; Grace, the second, married Mr. Dudley Winston; and Rose, the youngest, on the day of her gradua- tion from Lake Forest University, became the bride of Hobart Chatfleld Chatfield-Taylor. Walter Farwell, the son, is associated with the ' J. V. Farwell Company, at the present time being Vice-President of the company. Mr. Farwell died at his home at Lake Forest, Sep- tember 23, 1903. JOHN VILLIERS FARWELL. John V. Farwell, known throughout two con- tinents as a merchant prince and Christian philanthropist, was born in Campbelltown, Steu- ben County, N. Y., July 25, 1825. On the pa- ternal side he traces his ancestry back to Richard Farwell of England, who flourished about 1620, and he is in the eighth generation in lineal descent from Henry Farwell, one of the incorporators of the town of Concord, Mass. In 1838 his father removed from New York to Ogle County, III., bringing his family with him. There the lad passed his boyhood, working hard upon the home farm and in the winter months attending the district school. A brief course at Mount Morris Seminary com- pleted his scholastic training and laid the foun- dation of a good business education. Young Farwell's means were slender, and during his attendance at the seminary he boarded himself. It may be readily believed, therefore, that he fully prized such advantages as he enjoyed, and improved them to the utmost. In 1845, being then a mere stripling of twenty years, Mr. Farwell left home to make his own way in the world, his first objective point being the then straggling, struggling, but al- ways ambitious city of Chicago. He arrived there with a cash capital of three dollars and twenty-five cents, but at the same time pos- BesKJng resources more valuable than gold, — good health, keen intelligence, high princii)le an'l resolute purpose. Little did he then dream of the future In store for him in the commer- cial and financial world, or the important part that he was destined to play in Chicago's ••(ononilf and sociological history. He first found employment In the office of the City Clerk at a salary of twelve dollars per month, to which compcnsallon was adfled the i)rlvilege of reporting the mci-ilngH of the Council, for which service he was to receive the stipend of two dollars for each report furnished. For- tunately for himself and for the cause of com- merce, his fidelity to truth gave offense to some of the city fathers, and led to his sur- render of his position. For a year thereafter he worked for the dry-goods house of Hamilton & White, his monthly compensation being eight dollars. He next accepted an offer of $250 per annum from Hamlin & Day, and later became a book-keeper for Wadsworth & Phelps, at a salary of fifty dollars per month. In 1851 he was admitted into partnership with his employers, the firm at that time doing a busi- ness of $100,000 per annum. Largely through his efforts a large wholesale trade was rapidly built up. The firm passed through various changes until 1865, when the style of the firm became J. V. Farwell & Company, the sales of the house at that time exceeding $10,000,000 annually. In 1891 an incorporation was formed under the name of the J. V. Farwell Co. The outbreak of the rebellion in 1861 stirred Mr. Farwell's patriotic spirit to its depths. He had already been president of the Young Men's Christian Association for two years, and was then chosen chief executive officer of the Chi- cago branch of the Christian Commission, to whose funds, as well as to those of the San- itary Commission, he was a constant and lib- eral contributor. Being second Vice-President of the Board of Trade at the commencement of the war, he took an especially prominent and active part in the organization of the "First Board of Trade Regiment," which was equipped through private subscriptions at an outlay of $40,000. He was ever a warm and generous friend to the soldiers' families, subscribing lib- erally to every public movement having for its object their maintenance and relief, accom- plishing not a little in the way of unostenta- tious private beneficence. Apart from his enormous mercantile busi- ness Mr. Farwell has been identified with other enterprises of great magnitude. Among these may be mentioned the erection of the Texas State House, at Austin. The Farwell Brothers, John V. and Charles B., undertook this great work, in consideration of a grant of 3,000,000 acres of land in the famous "Pan-Handle" of that State, and completed the work two years in advance of the time specified in their con- tract. Such an achievement may be rightly called stupendous, when the size and character of the building are considered. It stands in the form of a Greek cross, having an extreme frontage of 600x288 feet, and is constructed of granite and iron. Competent judges have pro- nounced it one of the finest structures of its class on the continent. Although singularly well equipped for pub- lic life, and an ardent Repul)lican in politics, Mr. H'arwell has preferred the tran(iuillity of private life to the excitement and turmoil in- sei)arable from ofl^ce. In 1864, however, he enjoyed the distinction of being one of the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 879 Presidential Electors who voted for Abraham Lincoln, and in 1869 accepted from President Grant an appointment on the Board of Indian Commissioners. Mr. Farwell is a man of deep religious con- victions and earnest Christian life, contribut- ing generously to the cause of evangelical re- ligion, alike of his time, his energy and his means. Denominationally he is a Presbyterian, being a ruling elder in his home church, yet his charity is broad and comprehensive. His interest in the work of the late Dwight L. Moody dates from the commencement of the career of that great evangelist, and between the two men existed a warm personal friend- ship. In fact, it was Mr. Moody who, when a new building was erected for the use and oc- cupancy of the Young Men's Christian Associa- tion, suggested naming it Farwell Hall, by which cognomen it was known until converted to purposes of trade. In private life Mr. Farwell is genial, social and hospitable. He is a member of the Union League Club, of the Chicago Historical Society and of the Art Institute. His home is a beau- tiful one, yet exemplifies his own aversion to ostentatious display. He has been twice mar- ried; first, in 1849, to Miss Abigail G. Taylor, of Ogle County, 111., and three years after her death to Miss Emerette C. Cooley, of Hartford, Conn. The fruit of the first union was one daughter, and of the second a daughter and three sons: John V., Jr., Frank Cooley and Arthur Lincoln. All the sons are connected with the J. V. Farwell Company, John V. being Treasurer and General Manager, Frank C. at the head of the credit department, and Arthur L. connected with the buying branch of the busi- ness. MARSHALL FIELD. The career of this eminent merchant and capitalist furnishes no exception to the rule that comparatively few of the pre-eminently successful men have achieved their triumph without the spur of early necessity to stim- ulate their efforts. Born in Conway, Mass.. in 1835, he passed his boyhood on a farm, and at- tended the country schools and the town academy of half a century ago. He early de- veloped, however, a disposition toward more active pursuits and a closer, broader inter- course with the world than was offered by a life devoted to agriculture. While yet a boy he mahifested a predilection for commerce, and, at the age of seventeen, began his mercantile career as clerk in a dry-goods store at Pitts- field in his native State. It may be safely as- sumed that his first employer was far from perceiving in the raw country lad, whom he received as a junior assistant, the future mil- lionaire and merchant prince of the great West- ern metropolis. After four years spent in Pittsfield, Mr. Field determined to try his fortune in what was then regarded as the "Far West." In 1856 he made the journey to Chicago, and here first obtained employment with Cooley, Wadsworth & Company, where he exhibited such rare, innate business capability that, in 1860, he was taken into partnership, the style of the firm becoming Cooley, Farwell & Company, which was later changed to Farwell, Field & Company. On the dissolution of the last named firm in 1865, the business was carried on by its suc- cessor. Field, Palmer & Leiter. Two years later Mr. Palmer withdrew, and the famous firm of Field, Leiter & Company came into ex- istence in 1867. In 1881 Mr. Leiter severed his connection with this concern, and, for nearly twenty years, Marshall Field & Company has been the style of the firm, a cognomen known and respected in every quarter of the civilized world. Under its present judicious, far-seeing management the business of the house has steadily grown. Before the fire of 1871 the volume of sales did not exceed $12,- 000,000 annually; it has now reached over $40,- 000,000. Such a record is phenomenal, even in a city famed for the rapid growth of its solid, far-reaching commercial enterprises. Despite the weighty business cares which have necessarily engrossed much of his time and thought, Mr. Field has found leisure and inclina- tion for the patronage and advancement of many projects looking to the public welfare, at the same time showing rare discrimination in the bestowal of his benefactions. To the Chicago University he has donated a part of its orig- inal site, $100,000 in cash and a tract of land for athletic sports. He is also the founder of the Field Columbian Museum, located in Jack- son Park, Chicago, the removal of which to ex- tensive buildings to be erected on Lake Front Park is contemplated at an early day. It has been through Mr. Field's continued munificence that the Museum has already attained high rank among the scientific institutions of the world. In addition to his mercantile enterprise, Mr. Field has other extensive financial interests. He is a director in the Pullman Palace Car Com- pany; the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rail- way Company; Chicago & Northwestern Rail- road Company, and other important enterprises. RICHARD FITZGERALD. Richard Fitzgerald, Vice-President and Gen- eral Manager Chicago Junction Railway, Chi- cago, was born in Xenia, Ohio, in September, 1857; was educated in the district and public schools, and after leaving school learned tel- egraphy and came to Chicago, where he en- gaged in business for a time at the Union Stock Yards, later being appointed freight agent for the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, remaining there several years. He then took charge of the railroad transit department of the Union Stock Yards & Transit Company, when it was organized in 1893, remaining in that position until January 1, 1898, when he was appointed General Super- 88o HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. intendent of the Chicago Junction Railway Com- pany, continuing to serve in that capacity until January 1, 1900, when he was elected Vice-Presi- dent of the company, thus holding the position of Vice-President and General Superintendent at the same time. Although still a young man, Mr. Fitzgerald has obtained his present respon- sible position by close attention to his many duties, and by his friendly and genial tempera- ment has won the esteem and friendship of those with whom he is associated. He was married to Miss Gertrude Newcomer in Shan- non, 111., and two children have blessed this union. JOHN FITZPATRICK. John Fitzpatrick, operator Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph, Englewood Station, was born in County Heath, Ireland, March 25, 1849; at- tended the public schools until he was eleven years old, when, in 1860, he commenced work as a messenger boy for the Magnetic Telegraph Company. 43 Wall Street, New York. This company was later united with the New York, Boston & Albany Telegraph Company, and still later with the American Telegraph Company, 21 Wall Street. He was the first messenger boy at the old Stock Exchange Building in 1861 at Beaver & Williams Streets, until the com- pany was consolidated with the Western Union Telegraph Company, in 1862. During the draft riots of 1863 he worked all night carrying mes- sages; was promoted to operator in 1865, when sixteen years of age, remaining with the com- pany until April 1. 1866, when he came to Chi- cago and worked as telegraph operator, car- accountant, train-dispatcher and assistant train-master for the Chicago & Alton Railroad Company, until December, 1876. He commenced work for the City of Chicago, January 1, 1877, and upon examination was appointed operator at Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph headquar- ters, where he has since remained until trans- ferred to Englewood Station. By close atten- tion to his business and kind, pleasant ways, he has won a host of friends. Mr. Fitzpatrick was married in Chicago. June 21, 1878, to Miss Anastasia Healy. and nine children have blessed their union, seven of whom are now living. JAMES W. FITZSIMONS. James W. Fitzsimons, Superintendent of Re- pairs, Police Dei)artment, was born in I^ansing- burg. N. Y., October 7, 1853, came to Chi- cago in June, 1859, and attended the Washing- Ion pulilic school and St. Patrick's Academy. After leaving school he learned the trade of carriage blacksmith with Coen & Ten Broeke, r<-maining with them sixteen years, later or- Kanizing the firm of Wallin & Fitzsimons for the manufacture of carriages and wagons, re- maining in the business twelve years. He was apijoinled Superintendent of Repairs of the Po- lice Deparimcnl, December, 1898. He was a memlx-r of the Thirty-ninth General Assembly In 1894-9.-,. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge, Golden Rule, No. 325, Chief Ranger Marquette Court No. 13, Catholic Foresters, Division No. 11, Ancient Order of Hibernians and Arcon Conclave No. 683, Improved Order of Heptisaphs. Mr. Fitzsimons has been a resi- dent of Chicago for nearly fifty years, and dur- ing all of his business life has been actively engaged in helping to build up the business interests of Chicago. Mr. Fitzsimons was married to Miss Mary Sweeney, in Chicago, August 28, 1898. At the present time (1904) Mr. Fitzsimons is a mem- laer of the firm of Wallin & Fitzsimons. The first repair shops for the Police Depart- ment (with which Mr. Fitzsimons has been connected) were located on the corner of Un- ion and Eagle Streets, in 1883, and remained there until 1896, when they were removed to the new works located on Ashland, south of Blue Island Avenue, the building having a frontage of 60 feet by 180 feet in depth; steam heat is obtained from the Water-Works repair shop, and the blast from the West Side Pumping Station. All of the buggies, patrol wagons, ambulances. Bridewell omnibus, dog pound wagons and patrol boxes are built, repaired and painted at these works, and all harnesses are made and repaired there, also tin and stone work. Fifty buggies are in constant use by the officials of the Police Department, fifty-two wagons, nine ambulances, three dog pound wagons, one Bridewell omnibus and five supply wagons are in use by the department. The total force required at these works consists of twenty-one men. FRANCIS JULIUS FITZWILLIAM. Francis J. Fitzwilliam (deceased), soldier and merchant, was born at Bainbridge, Ohio, July 11, 1840. the oldest child of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Fitzwilliam, and a lineal descend- ant of Earl William Wentworth Fitzwilliam of England. His great-grandfather came to America and settled near Washington, Pa., where some of his descendants still reside, while representatives of a later generation set- tled in Ross County, Ohio. The subject of this sketch was early inspired to secure an educa- tion and learn the details of a merchant's busy life like that of his father before him. He at- tended the district school of his native village until about fourteen years of age, when he was sent by his father to assist in establishing a branch store. The skill and cotirage exhibited while still a youth in making long journeys on horseback for the purpose of making collections for his father, gave evidence of traits of char- acter which were manifest in his future life. After leaving the district school, Mr. Fitzwil- liam entered Union Academy in his native vil- lage, where he prepared himself for a college course, upon which he entered in 1859 at the Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio. In com- mon with multitudes of the young men of the time he left college in 1861 to enter upon the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. more arduous duties of a soldier, enlisting and being mustered in Company G, Thirty-third Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in which he became First Lieutenant, under command of Colonel Sill. During the previous winter and spring he had been undergoing the process of drilling as a member of the "Olentangy Grays," made up of college students organized with a view to training for the soldier life, which eventually came to nearly all the members of the organization. Mr. Fitzwilliam continued to discharge the duties of First Lieutenant of his company until honorably discharged, Octo- ber 15, 1864, after serving the full period of his enlistment of three years. On March 15, 1864, he was tendered promotion to a captaincy, but declined to be mustered in under commission as such, for the reason that it would have bound him to the service for another "three years or during the war." Early in 1862 the Thirty-third Ohio crossed the Ohio River at Maysville, Ky., and uniting with the Forty-second Ohio, then under com- mand of Col. James A. Garfield, joined in the memorable campaign under General Nelson against Humphrey Marshall, who, at the head of a rebel force, had entered Eastern Ken- tucky through the Cumberland Mountains and was devastating that portion of the State. Marching by way of Flemingsburg, the Thirty- third met the main command at Prestonburg. Marshall was defeated and driven out of Ken- tucky, soon after which the Thirty-third Ohio descended the Big Sandy and, at its mouth, took transports down the Ohio to Louisville, where it became a part of the division under command of Gen. O. M. Mitchell of the Army of the Ohio. On the reorganization of the army, the Thirty-third Ohio was attached to the First Brigade, First Division of the Fourteenth Army Corps, so remaining, it is believed, during the entire period of Lieutenant Fitzwilliam's serv- ice. Among the various battles, sieges and cam- paigns in which he and his command partici- pated may be mentioned the following: Bridge- port and Fort McCook, Ala.; Perryville, Stone River and Hoover's Gap, Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Buzzard's Roost, Dug Gap, Resaca, Cassville, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, Siege of Atlanta and Jonesboro. In all of these he not only took part in obedience to orders, but won the commendation of his superiors and the love and esteem of his com- panions in arms. Captain Fitzwilliam was a charming narrator of interesting events and scenes connected with his army life, drawing pictures so vivid and inspiring, that even those without actual ex- perience in war were wont to feel as if they were in the field with him. It was one of his greatest pleasures to turn aside from the duties and responsibilities of business and join his former comrades in recalling reminiscences of the war period and commemorating, in the State and National Encampments, the deeds and patriotism of their associates in arms. In a memorandum, filed with the George H. Thomas Post, G. A. R., after coming to Chi- cago, Captain Fitzwilliam makes mention of a number of events connected with his army life, including the pursuit under General Nel- son of Humphrey Marshall through the Moun- tains of Eastern Kentucky; of the union, as a part of Gen O. M. Mitchell's Division, with the Army of the Ohio under command of General Buell; of the capture of Huntsville, Ala., in April, 1862, which resulted in securing control of the Memphis & Charleston Railroad, thereby cutting off recruits from reaching Beauregard's army at Shiloh; of the lively experience of his command in defense of Fort McCook, overlook- ing the Sequatchie Valley, and the race with General Bragg into Kentucky. After the reor- ganization of the Army of the Ohio at Louis- ville. Captain Fitzwilliam served for a time as Aid-de-Camp and Assistant Adjutant-General on the staff of Col. L. A. Harris, of the Second Ohio, as Acting Brigadier-General, and held this position during the battles of Perryville and Stone River; and also had the unique experi- ence of taking part in the battle of Lookout Mountain and the assault on Missionary Ridge. After retiring from military service. Captain Fitzwilliam decided to re-enter mercantile life, locating at Bloomington, 111., in 1866, where he established what was then the largest dry-goods house in Central Illinois, under the firm name of Fitzwilliam & Sons. In 1892, having sold out this establishment, he organized the National Home Building & Loan Association of Bloom- ington, of which he became President and which, under his administration, became the largest financial association of its kind in the State. In January, 1896, he resigned the Presi- dency of this association with a view to enter- ing upon the quiet of a retired life, which he had so richly earned. In 1866 Captain Fitzwilliam married Miss Lucretia Mott Read, of New London, Ohio, a most estimable woman, who died April 23, 1893. Of this union were born two sons and two daughters. On June 23, 1896, he married Miss Sarah E. Raymond, of Boston, Mass., who had previously been Superintendent of Schools for the City of Bloomington, — a position which she held for eighteen consecutive years, and, being the first City Superintendent of Schools in the United States. During his residence in Bloomington, Cap- tain Fitzwilliam was a member of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church /or nearly twenty years, was Superintendent of its Sabbath school for fourteen years, and contributed liberally, but never ostentatiously, to the support of the church and charitable objects. He founded a mission church in honor of his deceased wife, which was named the "Lucretia Chapel," which still stands as a worthy monument, not only to the revered woman in whose memory it was erected, but of the practical Christian life of its founder. A brave soldier, a successful 882 HISTOEICAL EXCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. business man, a loving father and a good citi- zen, in the truest sense of the word, he lived the life which he professed. Always courte- ous and genial, he made all who came within his magnetic influence feel that he was a man to be implicitly trusted and respected. In April. 1897. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam re- moved to the City of Chicago, taking up their residence on Yincennes Avenue, where they identified themselves with the social, religious and intellectual interests surrounding them, and established a home which became an at- tractive center for lovers of art and the culti- vated and refined of the community. In Chi- cago Captain Fitzwilliam became a member of the George H. Thomas Post, G. A. R. ; the Loyal Legion, composed of commissioned of- ficers of the Civil War; Kenwood Social Club, the Ellessly Golf Club and the Hyde Park Bap- aist Church. Here they had looked forward to a period of quiet leisure and happy content- ment in each other's society before age should bring on its added burdens. These bright an- ticipations were doomed to disappointment, however, for on December 23, 1899, Captain' Fitzwilliam passed away, leaving behind him the memory of a devoted father, a faithful hus- band and a true patriot. Peacefully, honorably, he met and discharged all life's duties; hon- ored and beloved he passed away sincerely mourned by all who knew him. HENRY FLENTGE. Henry Flentge. section railway foreman, Des Plaines, 111., was born in Germany in 1842, but came to America in boyhood and was educated in DesPlaines, Cook County, 111. At the age of seventeen years he entered into the employ- ment of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Company, and has been foreman of the Des- Plaines section for a period of thirty-seven years, being one of the oldest employes in the service of that company. His long service is an evidence of the estimation in which he is held as an employe and a man, by one of the oldest and most important railway companies in the West. By dint of industry and economy he has built and paid for a handsome home on the corner of DesPlaines Avenue and Miner Street, DesPlaines. In 1869 Mr. Flentge was married to Augusta Hilderbrandt of Elk Grove, III., and has seven children: Hattie, Gertie, Clara. Mamie, Elsie, Katie and Artie. He is a Lutheran in religious belief and a Republican in politics. FRANK B; FLYNN. Frank B. Flynn, Chief Engineer, Department of Electricity, Chicago, was born in Maiden, Mass., December 2."), 18.">3, and came to Chicago, April 1.^, 18').">, which was the day after Abra- ham IJncoln'H death by assassination. Here he attended the KInzie public school for two years, then learned his trade with Crane Broth- ers, after which he was employed by them, remaining In all aeven years. From January, 1872, he worked for Owens Brothers for one and a half years, until he joined the Chicago Fire Department, in March, 1874, on Engine No. 13; in August, 1874, was promoted to Assistant En- gineer, remaining five years, when he was pro- moted to Engineer and assigned to Engine 30; in 1880 was transferred to Engine 4, remaining four years; was then transferred to Engine 27, remaining two years, when he resigned and went into the employ of Prof. John B. Barrett, starting the first electric street lighting sys- tem ever owned by the City of Chicago. Until July, 1897, each system had a Chief Engineer and, at that time, Mr. Flynn was appointed Chief Engineer of the Department of Electricity — those in charge of the stations being called Engineers. Mr. Flynn still retains this im- portant position, and has the confidence of his employers and associates. He was a charter member of the Robert Fulton Association, No. 28, National Association of Engineers, of which he was President for two years. He was mar- ried in Chicago, June 19, 1878, to Miss Margaret A. Gorman. JOHN FORTUNE. To the patient toil, dauntless courage and un- wavering faith of her early pioneers, Chicago owes a debt which only the historian of the future can rightly gauge. For decade after de- cade these brave men worked on and on, stand- ing shoulder to shoulder, to face and over- come unforeseen obstacles, sublimely confident that the city which they were building with so much love and care would some day become the metropolis of which they but imperfectly dreamed. To quote from Dr. Hale: "They looked forward, and not back; up, and not down; and lent a hand." To this class, now rapidly passing away, belonged Mr. John For- tune (now deceased), the wealthy brewer who came to the young straggling, struggling municipality in 1849. His confidence in the future never faltered, and, after half a cen- tury, he had the joy of realizing that his faith in Chicago's future was not misplaced. Always generous and public-spirited in his younger days, he bore his full share of the public bur- den and contributed his full quota toward the civic needs. Mr. Fortune was born in County Wexford, Ireland, in 1828, a year made memorable by the election of Daniel O'Connell to the British Par- liament, being the first Roman Catholic to sit in that body since the days of James II., and his election paving the way for Catholic eman- cipation. This was an issue in which Mr. For- tune took a deep interest; and it was not with- out some lingering regret that, in 1845, as an American emigrant, he saw the shores of his native land fade away in the distance. After four years spent in Alexandria, Va., he came to Chicago, where he succeeded well at his trade as a house carpenter. In ISGG he joined his younger brother, Peter, in opening a brewery, and the story of their business success is told HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 883 in the biography of his brother, on another page. For years he held the position of Vice- President of the company. Mr. Fortune's wife's maiden name was Anas- tasia Dwyer, to whom he was married in 1871, and they became the parents of two sons: Wil- liam J. and Thomas F. Both are connected with the Fortune Brothers' Brewing Company, the latter as Vice-President and the former holding the position of Secretary of the company. Mr. John Fortune entered into rest June 15, 1900, and sleeps in Calvary Cemetery. Some idea of the genuine and general appreciation felt by his fellow citizens for his worth as a friend, a citizen and a man, may be gathered from the fact that his funeral cortege was the largest ever seen in the West Division of the city, with the exception of that of the Hon. Carter H. Harrison, Sr. PETER FORTUNE. Among the great commercial and industrial enterprises of Chicago which have materially aided in her up-building, the vast brewing inter- ests of the city should not be overlooked. The great Central West and Northwest count among their citizens hundreds of thousands of the sons and daughters of the Rhineland and of far-off Scandinavia, who esteem the foaming mug of King Gambrinus as one of the neces- sities, rather than one of the luxuries, of life. The enormous output of the Chicago breweries finds a ready outlet, while its quality is second to none. Among the best known of these is that of the Fortune Brothers' Brewing Com- pany, at the head of which stands its President, Mr. Peter Fortune. Born in Ferns, County Wexford, Ireland, in 1834, the son of John Fortune and Dora Gea- han, his wife, he came to America in 1854. Going south from New York, he visited Phila- delphia, Baltimore and Washington, and after spending a short time in Virginia, finally set- tled in Chicago in 1855. For a year he worked in the freight department of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Company, and then opened a grocery and liquor store at the corner of Polk and Desplaines Streets, subsequently moving to Desplaines and Harrison. In 1866, in connection with his brother John, he estab- lished a small brewery, where at first ale and porter were brewed. Later lager beer was sub- stituted for ale, to the great benefit of the busi- ness. In 1876 incorporation was secured, Mr. Fortune becoming President and his brother John, Vice-President. The business has steadily grown until the present annual sales exceed 90,000 barrels. To the management of this great business he devotes all his time and en- ergies, no detail escaping his watchful eye. With one exception, Mr. Fortune has per- sistently refused all overtures looking to his acceptance of public office, the management of his large personal interests forbidding. In 1886-88, however, he served one term as a Com- missioner of Cook County. His three-score years and ten sit but lightly upon his shoulders. Alert and vigorous in both physical and mental constitution, he seems to be promised yet many years in which to enjoy the fruits of a long life of industry and integ- rity. He was married at Rockford, 111., in Au- gust, 1874, to Mary Agatha Lacey, the issue of the marriage having been Joanna Fortune and John Leo Fortune. GEORGE MARSHALL FOX, M. D. Dr. George Marshall Fox, La Grange, 111., was born in Wallingford, Rutland County, Vt., of early English and Revolutionary ancestry, the founder of the American branch of nis fam- ily being Thomas Fox, who came to America from England about 1835, and settled at Cam- bridgeport, Mass. Until his sixteenth year the subject of this sketch worked on his father's farm, attending school during the winter months, when he spent some two years in Burr Seminary. In his eighteenth year he began the study of medicine with his uncle. Dr. John Fox, of Wallingford, completing a regular course at the Medical College at Castleton, Vt., in 1851. This institution was later merged with the Vermont University at Burlington, Vt., of which it now constitutes a part. Having received his degree in medicine in 1851, in September of that year Dr. Fox came to Illinois and located at what was then known as Brush Hill, now Fullersburg, Dupage County, whither he was followed by his father's family the next spring, and where he at once engaged in active practice. The only other resident physician of this locality dying soon after Dr. Fox's arrival, left the latter a large field for professional work. The country being but sparsely settled, compelled the physician of that day to take long rides, and the territory cov- ered was a large one. This imposed upon Dr. Fox a severe burden at times, but was a part of the training to which the physicians of that period were accustomed, and which assisted in the development of that sturdy character for which many of them were noted. In 1864 Dr. Fox was appointed Physician in charge of tlie Cook County Aims-House and Insane Asylum, which then contained about 700 patients, and where, for the next two years, he had sole charge, besides attending to a large private practice. Soon after the Civil War, in connection with his brother Jarvis, he erected the Riverside flour mills at Lyons, Cook County, which they operated for about five years, when his brother having removed to Colorado, Dr. Fox gave his attention exclusively to his pro- fession. In 1875 he removed to La Grange, his present place of residence, where he continued in active practice until 1894, since when he has been partially retired, though devoting a part of his time to professional work. Since the death of the late Dr. N. S. Davis, Dr. Fox ranks as the physician having had the longest prac- tice in Cook County. 884 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Dr. Fox was married In 1857 to Miss Harriet Frances White, and two years later removed to Lyons, where his wife died, leaving two chil- dren: Harriet Elizabeth and Mary Frances. In 1863 he married as his second wife Jane Michie, whose parents were among the first settlers in Lyons Township. The second Mrs. Fox died in La Grange in 1894, leaving a family of six children: George Marshall, Mar- garet Amy, Jane, Laura. Jessie and Charles Marvin, Dr. Fox has a delightful home in La Grange, where he is spending the evening of his days in deserved quiet and in the enjoyment of the society of a large circle of friends. WILLIAM H. FRIES. Wiliam H. Fries, "Pioneer" Fireman and Pipeman. Engine 56, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Bavaria, Germany, April 1, 1843, and came to America with his parents February 24, 1844. It took ninety-five days to make the voyage to New York. After landing there they came direct to Chicago. Here the subject of this sketch attended the Jones and Dearborn public schools, and after leaving school engaged in the painting business and later became a train boy on the Illinois Central Railroad be- tween Chicago and Cairo. He enlisted in the Fifty-eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Feb- ruary 11, 1862, and was discharged at the ex- piration of service, February 12, 1865. During the period of his service he took part in various battles from that at Fort Donelson all along the line to Nashville, Tenn. Returning to Chi- cago he turned the Erie Street float from April, 1865. until he joined the Fire Department, April 1, 1866, on the "Island Queen" (Engine No. 4) ; as pipeman, was transferred to Engine No. 11, December 31, 1866; to Engine 4, July 1867; to Truck 1, January 1, 1868; and promoted to Assistant Foreman July 1, 1869, after which he was assigned to Truck 3. At the fire of October 7, 1871, Mr. Fries went to Kaempfer's bird store, and from there to Bateham's mill, working all night and until the afternoon of October 8. He was called out about 8 o'clock in the evening to the corner of DeKoven and Desplaines Streets, and was driven back little by little, until Lincoln Park was reached on Wednesday. He went from there to engine house No. 3, later went to Mich- igan Avenue near Harrison Street to stop the fire from spreading. He was transferred to Engine 22 as assistant fireman in 1884; to En- gine 20 in 1886; to Truck 3, remaining until 1SS7: was next transferred to Engine 30, re- maining until 1891, and later to Truck 21, until his transfer to Engine 56 in 1893, where he still remains ready for any call. Mr. Fries was married in Chicago, August 28, 1871, to Rosy Schermer, and nine children have been born to Ihem, six of whom are now living. IRA W. FRYE. Ira W. Frye, Town Clerk, Palatine, Cook County, 111., was born in the Town of Bombay, Franklin County, N. Y., in 1840, the son of Abiel and Sarah Frye, and came to Palatine in 1869, where he is now conducting a livery busi- ness. On July 3, 1866, he was married in the city of Chicago, to Mary Lewis, and has a family of three children, named Fred H., Alma R. and Charles L. Mr. Frye is a Republican in politics, and was elected Town Clerk of Pal- atine Township in 1883, a position which he continued to hold until 1892, when he was elected Collector of Palatine Township, which position he still retains. JOHN J. FUREY. John J. Furey, Engineer of Engine 10, Chi- cago Fire Department, was born in Janesville, Wis., May 1, 1861, and was educated in the pub- lic and Catholic schools. After leaving school he came to Chicago and commenced work for the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Company as fireman and, after five years, was promoted to engineer, serving in that capacity for eight years. He joined the Chicago Fire Department December 31, 1895, on Engine No. 1, was trans- ferred to Engine 32, and went as candidate on Engine 19, in March 1896; was promoted to Engineer and assigned to Engine 74, October 9, 1897; transferred to Engine 62, March, 1899; and to Engine 10, July, 1899. He has never been seriously injured, but is always prompt to respond to any call to duty. GEORGE H. FURNALD. George H. Furnald, Captain of Fire Insurance Patrol No. 6, was born October 27, 1850, at Lowell, Mass; came to Chicago in May, 1855, and was educated in the Scammon and Skinner schools. After leaving school he learned the mason's trade. May 1, 1878, he joined the Fire Patrol, and was assigned to Patrol No. 1. He resigned in June, 1880, and went to Colorado, but returning in November, 1880, again joined Fire Patrol No. 1. This post he resigned in June, 1881, and went into business for himself. November, 1885, he joined Fire Patrol No. 2, where he remained until January 1, 1887, when he was transferred to Patrol No. 1 ; was pro- moted to Lieutenant and then to Captain, serv- ing until December 1, 1896, when he was trans- ferred to Patrol No. 6. He never has suffered any very serious accidents, but has had many narrow escapes, among them one at a fire in the basement at Knight & Leonard's on Madison Street, when the debris fell through from the upper stories, and several firemen were se- verely injured, among them J. A. Hume and Augustus Borgmenki. Furnald, however, escaped without injury. Other perils encoun- tered l)y him were at the time that A. Papineau, of Patrol No. 1, was killed, and when P. Mul- lens, Cai)tain of Patrol No. 1, died from inhal- ing gas at the printing office in rear of Patrol Building No. 1. At the latter all of the com- pany were partially overcome, but recovered. Mr. Furnald was married in Chicago in 1888, HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 885 to Miss Kate Daley. It takes a good Eastern man to make a good Western one, both for pluck, bravery and nerve, and when, in addition to the above good qualities, we add those of a pleasant good-hearted fellow, we find such a one in Captain George H. Furnald. FREDERICK J. GABRIEL. Frederick J. Gabriel, Chief Thirteenth Bat- talion, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Hamburg, Germany, June 30, 1846, emigrated to this country with his parents and came to Chicago in 1851. Here he was educated in the public and in private schools, remaining there until fourteen years old, when he was em- ployed by Rigby & Company (wall paper deal- ers), 69 Randolph Street. Later he became clerk in a grocery store, and, when eighteen years old, was apprenticed to the cooper trade with Nicholas Michel, on Vedder Street, remaining there until 1865, when he went to Racine, Wis., where he was employed by George Bliss & Company, wholesale and retail bakers and con- fectioners. Returning to Chicago, on April 17, 1869, he joined the Fire Department, being assigned to Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, located on LaSalle near Washington Streets. The Fire De- partment then consisted of fourteen engines and two hook and ladder trucks. He resigned this position September 30, 1871, to become one of the original members (as driver) of the Chicago Fire Insurance Patrol, which was or- ganized October 2, 1871, B. B. Bullwinkle being Captain. Resigning his position in the Fire Department in April, 1872, he worked for a time for his brother, who was a member of the firm of Letz, Gabriel & Company, Desplaines and Carroll Streets, and assisted in putting up the iron fronts of all the prominent buildings erected about that time, viz.: McVicker's Thea- ter; Pike's building, corner of State and Mon- roe Streets; the buildings of Hale, Ayer & Com- pany, Hall & Kimbark, Philip Conley, the old Board of Trade, and many others. November 3, 1873, he rejoined the Fire De- partment as driver on Engine 11, with four horses attached; was transferred May, 1874, to Truck 6 (known as the "Skinner") and pro- moted to assistant foreman, and, in 1876, was promoted to Captain of the same company. Other transfers included to Engine No. 1, in 1877; to Truck 6, in 1878; to Engine 27, Jan- uary 10, 1879; to Engine 22, 1880, and to En- gine 27, September 5, 1885; he was promoted to Assistant Fire Marshal, with headquarters with Engine No. 4, remaining there until the annexation of Lake View to Chicago (Septem- ber 7, 1889), when he was assigned to the com- mand of that district, known as the Thirteenth Battalion, comprising an area of six miles long and from the river to the lake, having seven engines, three trucks and three chemicals in his control. While the district is not as closely built up as some others, this condition is coun- terbalanced by its extent territorially; and, this requires a degree of watchfulness which is evidenced by the freedom from disastrous fires. As a consequence the losses are smaller than in almost any other district in Chicago, which is in keeping with the Marshal's excel- lent record. At the fire of October 8, 1871, Chief Gabriel was driver for the patrol wagon that carried a load of powder to Madison Street bridge. He told Captain Bullwinkle that it was getting too hot, and therefore had to retreat to the Court House, where the powder was stored in the vault, and found "O. K." when the vault was opened after the fire. The most important fire in his district was when the power bouse on Evanston Avenue was burned. He handled it skilfully. He has had one of his legs broken twice, first at Vedder and Halsted Street; when, in consequence of a collision with Hook and Ladder wagon No. 10, he was thrown from his seat, his truck passing over him, and the sec- ond time in a runaway accident. His promo- tions have been made on the merits of his work, and his record stands as that of a plucky, skilful and courageous fire fighter. Chief Gabriel was married in St. Paul's Church, Chicago, October 19, 1874, to Catharine Pauly, and three children have blessed their union, viz.: Frederick, Amanda and Harold^^ one of whom died at the age of one year and nine months. DANIEL WARREN GALE. Daniel W. Gale (deceased), born in Ply- mouth, Mass., in 1826, was a direct descendant of William Bradford, who was a passenger on the Mayflower to Plymouth Rock in 1620 and became the second Colonial Governor of the Pilgrim Colony. Mr. Gale's father was a ship- owner and house-builder, and his mother was a relative of Governor Winslow. He attended the public schools at Plymouth until fourteen years of age, when he decided to start on an independent career and, much against the wishes of his parents, went to Boston, where he secured employment as a clerk. Subsequently he decided to seek new fields in the West. In 1840, accompanied by his parents, he came to Illinois, where they purchased a farm near Warrenville, Du Page County, remaining there until the land was brought under cultivation. In 1844 Mr. Gale took up his permanent resi- dence in Chicago, finding his first employment as a clerk with the firm of Siles & Duvand. a year later becoming a traveling salesman for the firm of McGee & High. As facilities tor travel were exceedingly primitive in those days, Mr. Gale was obliged to make periodical trips through the Desplaines Valley in a big covered wagon pulled by six horses. Finally becoming tired of this kind of employment, he engaged in the warehouse business with A^an O'Linda, which proved very lucrative. Un- fortunately, however, a great portion of his profits were consumed in the fire of 1855. Later Mr. Gale became associated with the dry goods SS6 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. firm of Peck, Keep & Company, which eventu- ally became Harmon, Ayer & Gale. When Mr. Ayer withdrew from the firm the name was changed to Harmon. Gale & Company, and, a short time after, Mr. Gale became the head of the concern, with Mr. Van "Wyke as a partner. This association proving unsuccessful, in 1870 the partnership was dissolved and the great fire of the following year entirely destroyed the dry goods establishment. Becoming interested in California lands Mr. Gale made several trips to that State, but did not take an active part in business, as, not- withstanding the fact that he had twice suf- fered financial loss by fire, he had been able to save enough money to make him independent. During the latter part of his life he spent con- siderable time in Plymouth investigating his family history and gathering relics for preser- vation, and the Chicago Historical Society has received many valuable articles from the Ply- mouth Colony through his efforts. Mr. Gale at one time was a member of the Unity Church, but upon removing to the South Side" he joined the All Souls' Church, which he attended up to the time of his death. He was a charter member of the Massachusetts Society and was prominent in all patriotic events. Politically he was a Republican and voted that party's ticket at every election. He supported only candidates who were in his opinion worthy of election. In 1857 Mr. Gale was married to Eliza Bowers, daughter of Charles Bowers of California, and she, together with three sons and two daughters survive him. Mr. Gale died April 13, 1896. STEPHEN F. GALE. Of the public-spirited citizens and early set- tlers who have contributed to the present great- ness of Chicago, none has been more closely identified with the Western Metropolis than Stephen F. Gale. Born in Exeter, Rockingham County, N. H.. March 8, 1812, he comes of an old New England family, an unusual number of whom were men of liberal education and con- spicuous in public life in many ways. On the maternal side he was connected with the East- hams, of New Hampshire, who took a prominent part in the Revolutionary War. When about fourteen years of age he went to live with an uncle who was associated with the well known firm of Hillard, Grey & Co., of Boston, where he was employed for the next half dozen years or more, and during that period, by practical devotion to his numerous duties, he learned the book and stationer's business. While lack- ing the advantage of a thorough school educa- tion, he possessed a quick intellect, an inquir- ing mind, a retentive memory, and patient and studious habits. After attaining his majority Mr. Gale de- cided to Heek other fields of Indeavor, and started West. In September, 183.'), he located at Chicago, which at that time, had a name, a military post and a geographical position. Here he occupied a small tenement on the south side of South Water street, between Clark and La Salle streets, installing therein a stock of law, medical, school and miscellaneous books, together with a stock of blank-books and sta- tionery. To this he added cutlery, wall paper, musical instruments and an assortment of notions. The starting of country schools throughout the State brought a large and in- creasing demand for educational books, while the trinkets and notions were in no diminished request. In 1839 Mr. Gale published a com- pilation of the statutes of Illinois, which was the first law book ever published in the State, and was known as "Gale's Statutes." In 1842 Mr. A. H. Burley became associated with Mr. Gale, the firm name being S. F. Gale & Co. In 1845 Mr. Charles Burley purchased the in- terest of Mr. Gale, when the latter retired from active business life. For five years he was a member of the Volunteer Fire Department, of which he was made chief engineer. When the work of construction on the Illinois and Michi- gan Canal was suspended on account of lack of funds, he assisted in promoting its resumption. He was one of those who took part in the prac- tical measures which gave the first railroad connection with the Mississippi River. On February 12, 1849, the Aurora Branch Railroad Company (now a part of the Chicago, Burling- ton & Quincy) was incorporated, Mr. Gale being one of the original incorporators and for a time its President. In November, 1850, the line was completed, and Mr. Gale turned his attention to the extension of the road, which was built from Aurora to Mendota. Mr. Gale was married to a daughter of Mr. Theophilus W. Smith, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Illinois. They had two chil- dren, Medora, who became the wife of Colonel William Hale Thompson, formerly of the United States Navy, and Edward F., who is a resident of Massachusetts. In his religious affiliation he is a member of the Unitarian Church. Polit- ically he was a Whig until the Republican party was organized, when he joined its ranks, seeking to promote good government without personal gain. In the early '50s he received the nomination for the Chicago mayoralty, but was obliged to decline the honor in consequence of other and pressing duties. He was an ardent patriot during the war and did good service at the outset in bringing a supply of arms to the State Capital. HOMER B. GALPIN. Homer B. Galpin (deceased) was born at Williamstown, Mass., February 2, 1831, the son of Abel and Susan (Mattison) Galpin. .\bel Galpin was a fine specimen of the hardy New Englander and a well-known old-time stage- driver, his route extending over the Green Mountains from Wardsboro, to Arlington, Vt., and it is said that during the twenty-two years spent in this occupation, he missed but two trips. The last sixteen years of his life were HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 887 spent in Chicago, where he died at the home of his son, Homer B., when eighty-two years of age. Homer B. Galpin received a common-school education, and his first work was in a woolen factory at North Hoosicic, N. Y. At sixteen years of age he entered the afterwards famous reaper factory of Walter A. Woods, at Hoosick Falls, N. Y., where he learned the blacksmith's trade. In 1848 he came West, first seeing Chi- cago when it was a village of 7,000 people, but shortly after reaching Illinois, located in Lake County, where he was engaged in farming until 1852. During the latter year he came to Chi- cago, residing in the city for a time and then entering the employment of Squire Thomas Bradwell, the father of Judge James B. Brad- well, who lived at Palatine, 111. While living in Palatine Mr. Galpin filled a minor official position, but through the influence of Judge Bradwell, then County Judge of Cook County, he was induced to come to Chicago and was immediately appointed Deputy Sheriff un- der Antony C. Hesing, at the same time being made bailiff of the County Court. He continued to fill the office of Deputy Sheriff for eighteen years and in 1878, in partnership with Henry McGurren, established a collection and detec- tive agency in Chicago which he conducted until 1880, when he entered the United States Revenue service as Government store-keeper, a position which he filled for two years. In 1882, by appointment of Sheriff Hanchett, he re- turned to the county service as Deputy Sheriff in connection with the Probate Court, filling this position until 1891, when he received an appointment from Mayor Washburne as City Gas Inspector. Retiring from the last named position when John P. Hopkins became Mayor, he again became Deputy under Sheriff Gilbert, filling this position until the time of his death which occurred July 4, 1900, being known to the courts, the bar, and the public generally as the Deputy Sheriff having had the longest experience in Cook County. Altogether his service as Deputy Sheriff covered a period of more than thirty years, and his acquaintance throughout the county, and his knowledge of county affairs, were probably more extensive than that of any other county official. In August, 1858, Mr. Galpin was married to Mary J. Cady, of Palatine, 111., who died in 1863, leaving one daughter, Nellie, wife of Will- iam Gager. At Wardsboro, Vt., July 24, 1865, he married Miss Wealthea J. Plimpton, whose father was a prominent citizen of Vermont and a well-known Democratic politician. Two sons were born of this union, viz.: E. Frank and Homer K., who is prominent in Chicago Re- publican circles. Mr. Galpin was for many years a leading Republican in Chicago, being especially influential in the Twelfth Ward in which he lived. The Twelfth Ward Republican Club adopted the following resolutions at its annual meeting November 27. 1900: "Whereas, Homer B. Galpin, long a member of this club, died at his home on the 4th day of July, 1900; and remembering his active and loyal citizenship through the many years of his residence in this ward and city, his neighborly kindness, his frank and upright nature, and those attributes of heart and mind which made him dear to those who knew bim. "Therefore, be it resolved, by the Twelfth Ward Republican Club in its annual meeting as- sembled, that we record this testimonial in ap- preciation of our deceased friend and neighbor and sympathy for his sons and family." Judge Kohlsaat said of him that he had known him for many years and held him in great esteem. His neighbors spoke of him as "one of God's noblemen," a true friend and a good neighbor. He was conservator of many estates, and held other positions of trust and responsibility. JAMES GARVEY. James Garvey, Superintendent of the Water- works Repair Shop, Chicago, was born in Neenah, Wis., July 28, 1864, attended the dis- trict schools in that place and the High School in Menasha, Wis., and, after leaving school, went to Oshkosh, Wis., where he served four years learning the trade of machinist, during the last year erecting one of the largest en- gines in the State at the State Hospital near Oshkosh. Coming to Chicago in January, 1886, he went to work in the. Rolling Mills at Bridge- port, remaining one year, then built ice-ma- chines for six months, later worked for George M. Clark & Co. for two years, making tools and dies, and then for the Adams & Westlake Manufacturing Company for four years. In May, 1892, he commenced work for the city of Chicago at the North Side Repair Shop on Ash- land Avenue, where he still remains, and has shown to his employers by his strict attention to business, that he is the "right man in the right place." These works, erected in 1896, have an engine capacity of 125-horse power, getting steam from the West Pumping Station. All the repairs for the Water Works, bridges, hydrants and valves, and also new work, are done here, besides the testing of all the meters used by the city, as they have here the best facilities for this class of work west of New York. MATTHEW GEIS. Matthew Geis, Lieutenant Engine No. 27, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago, June 14th, 1861. His father Ignatius Geis, was born in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, and his mother, Anna (Schulz) Geis, in Chicago. The son was educated in St. Michael's and Newberry schools, and later was fireman on tugboats "Annie L. Smith," "Frank S. Butler," "William L. Ewing" and "Protection." Mr. Geis joined the Chicago Fire Depart- ment May 13, 1882, as assistant engineer on Engine No. 27; was transferred August 7, 1886, 888 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. to Engine 4; transferred as pipeman on Engine 11, December 31, 1886; promoted to Lieutenant, December 31. 1889, and assigned to Engine 27: transferred, June 1, 1890. to Engine 55, and on July 5. 1899. to Engine No. 27, where (1904) he is still on duty. Lieutenant Geis' father was pipeman on En- gine "Frank Sherman." located on Dearborn near Washington Street, and was killed June 7, 1S65. with J. Strening. while on duty at a fire on South Water Street between Clark and La Salle Streets. First Assistant Marshal Musham was hurt and John Agnew, Fire War- den, was badly crippled at the same fire. His father's brother. John Geis, was killed while on duty with Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, on South Water Street, on May 2, 1867, at a fire in a building occupied as a cheese store by Bogardus Bros. At a fire on April 1. 1888, at Gibson, Parish & Co.'s on Randolph Street near State, Lieuten- , ant Geis and John Gillespie (now Captain on Engine Company No. 3) were comrades on En- gine No. 11, and while on duty on the fourth floor of the building the fire broke out from below. Lieutenant Geis and O'Connell slid down the ladder, but Captain Gillespie, being partly overcome by heat and smoke threw him- self from the window and was caught by Lieu- tenant Geis and his life saved, although he was badly burned. Lieutenant Geis was severely burned on July 3, 1893, at a fire on Sheffield Avenue, and was partially blind for several days, but after recovered. Like other brave firemen of Chicago, he is always ready for any emergency where duty calls him. JOHN B. GEORGE. John B. George, for nearly fifty years foreman of one of the most important mechanical depart- ments of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, was born in Syracuse, N. Y., July 12, 1836, the son of George and Martha (Bronger) George. His father was a foundryman by occupation, but later in life, after moving west, became a farmer. The ancestors of the family came from Kent. England, some time during the first quarter of the nineteenth century, settling in New York State. When the subject of this .sketch was about four years of age, he came with his father to Chicago, where he attended the public schools and later Ijecame an apprentice of an elder brother in the tin and copijor manufacturing business. He remained continuously with this firm for a number of years, finally, before reach- ing his majority, being entrusted with the fore- manship of the shop. Early In IS.'JG this firm dissolved. Prior to this date it had done much work for the Illinois Central Railroad, which had been in course of construction for some years, being completed from Chicago to Cairo during the year previous. In this way Mr. George had become personally acquainted with the Master Mechanic of the road and, on April 1, 1856, he obtained employment in the Illinois Central shops. Two years later he became Foreman of the tin, copper, sheet-iron and steam-fitting department of the Illinois Central Company, a position which he has held con- tinuously to the present time. From 1857 until the breaking out of the Civil War, Mr. George had as superior officers Gen. George B. McClellan as Chief Engineer and Vice-President of the Illinois Central Railroad; Gen. N. P. Banks, as a Director, and Gen. Am- brose E. Burnside as Treasurer. General Burn- side was Treasurer of the road at the time the farmers bought land from the Illinois Central Company and received corn from them in pay- ment for the land which they bought. He es- tablished a shelling station at Burnside Cross- ing, in Cook County, thus giving name to that place. It is doubtful if any other employe of this great corporation has remained in its service for a longer period — a fact which at- tests his efficiency and the trust reposed in his management of a department which, in the half- century of the life of the company, has grown to such vast proportions. During this long period Mr. George has been the originator or inventor of numerous devices and appliances of a labor and money-saving character, which are now in common use and have saved the company many thousands of dol- lars, besides contributing to the efficiency of the service and the comfort and convenience of the traveling public. Among these may be men- tioned a galvanized iron water-bucket, which has taken the place of a very expensive leather bucket formerly in use. The manufacture and use of this new device alone has resulted in a vast saving to the company. Mr. George has also devised a process for the manufacture of an amalgamated babbitt-metal, which can be pro- duced at a cost of about ten cents per pound, taking the place of an article for which the company had been paying as high as sixty cents per pound, and now thousands of tons of the new material is in use on the Illinois Central system. These are examples which illustrate the practical and pecuniary value of Mr. George's service more than any words of mere personal eulogy could do. Fraternally Mr. George is affiliated with the Order of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, being a life member of Cleveland Lodge, of Apollo Commandery Knights Templar and the La Fayette Chapter. Politically he has been a life-long member of the Republican party, and in his religious associations an attendant upon the Trinity Episcopal Church. On November 25, 1857, Mr.. George was united In marriage in the city of Chicago to Catherine Griffith, daughter of Owen and Elizabeth Grif- fith, and they have had three children: Louis Francis, born December 10, 1859, died Decem- ber 8, 1903; Mattie B., born October 21, 1866, and John G., born July 12, 1872. .John G. mar- ried Jennie G. Graham, August 18, 1900, and he and his wife reside in Chicago. Mrs. George's Mr_-,c-,3=.[r PrJjCa Chr.; HISTORICAL EN"CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 889 parents were of Welsh origin and came to Chicago during her early childhood. Mr. George's long and faithful service with the most extensive corporation associated with the history of Chicago and the State of Illinois has rendered him a conspicuous figure among the veterans in the railway service, and no higher tribute could be paid to his trustworthi- ness, efficiency and sterling integrity of char- acter, than the confidence which he so deserv- edly enjoys among Chicago's most prominent business men and the members of the corpora- tion with which he has been so long identified. MAX GESE. Max Gese, Alderman Fifth Ward, Blue Island, was born in Prussia, Germany, in 1873, the son of Christian and Minnie (Ames) Gese, both natives of Germany, who came to Blue Island, 111., with their family in 1884, and have con- tinued to reside there. Since coming to Blue Island, Mr. Gese has been engaged in the manu- facture of cigars, and has also devoted his at- tention to the life insurance business, repre- senting the New York Life Company. June 4, 1901, on the organization of the city govern- ment, he was elected a member of the first City Council of Blue Island and was appointed a member of the Judiciary Committee and Chair- man of the Committee on Railroads. He is a member of the Congregational Church; of the Liederkranz Society, which consists of about 100 members and of which he is Vice-President; member and Commander of the local lodge Knights of Pythias; member of the North Amer- ican Union, and for five or six years has been Secretary of the Cigar Makers' Union. Mr. Gese is one of the active and influential citi- zens of Blue Island. HARRY W. GETZ. Harry W. Getz, formerly live-stock agent Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, was born in Me- chanicsburg. Pa., October 12, 1850, and was educated in his native State. At the age of seventeen years he came to Illinois, and for eighteen months was emploj'ed in agricultural pursuits in Bureau County, after which he was for two years Deputy Sheriff of that County. He located in Chicago, November, 1870, entering into the employment of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, for a year being clerk in the local freight department, then assistant agent and train-master of the St. Charles Air-Line for fifteen months, after which he was lumber agent for the Road up to November, 1874, when he became associated with the Baltimore & Ohio Railway Company. With the latter road he was at first employed in the City Transfer Department and, in February, 1875, was ap- pointed general Live-Stock Agent for the com- pany at the Union Stock Yards, where he remained until July 1, 1890; was next trans- ferred to the city office as local Freight Agent, and on November 2. 1892, promoted to Superintendent of Terminals, remaining until December 31, 1897, when he engaged in the coal business with his brother, George F. Getz. Mr. Getz has a large acquaintance and many friends who appreciate his manly and kind ways. He has done his part well to assist in making Chicago the sec- ond city in the United States. He was mar- ried on January 7, 1883, in the City of Chicago, to Miss Nellie Ives, and one son has been born to them. CHARLES BROCKWAY GIBSON, B. Sc, M.D. The ever-growing tendency of the age toward scientific study and research has brought to the front a host of self-styled "scientists," men with no pretension to real learning, whose reverb- erating sciolism is as empty as their heads. But to the true man of science, the patient stu- dent, the tireless, conscientious investigator, whose ripe learning has not been "hid under a bushel" but freely given to the world for its enlightment and betterment, the twentieth cen- tury owes a debt which it is not easy to esti- mate. It is in this class of teachers, men who follow science into her hidden, unexplored chambers from no self-seeking but in an earnest quest for light and truth, that the future his- torian will place the eminent chemist and min- ing engineer above named. Dr. Gibson was born at Massena, N. Y., on August 6, 1854. He comes of Green Mountain lineage, his grandfather, John Gibson, having been born at Grafton, Vt., and his father, Otis, at Chester, in that State. His mother's maiden name was Chloe Brockway, and his parents were married at Bangor, N. Y. He and a sis- ter, Ida May, were their only children. Charles B. Gibson received his scientific train- ing at the University of Illinois, the Berlin Uni- versity and the Royal Mining Academy of Ger- many. For sixteen years he filled the chair of chemistry in the Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons and the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, and in 1893, was. by special appoint- ment, Special Commissioner to Germany for the Department of Mines and Mining of the World's Columbian Exposition. The past twenty-five years of his life have been devoted almost wholly to chemistry, mining and metallurgy, and his researches along these lines have won for him an international reputation. In 1891 he was married to Eva K. Clapp, of Athol, Mass. Her father, Henry Clapp, was born among the Berkshire hills of Massachu- setts about 1830, and her mother (maiden name Ann Ely) in Litchfield, Conn. Both par- ents died in Illinois. Mrs. Gibson's excellent literary work has brought her into prominence among Chicago's cultured people, her efforts entering the fields of fiction, poetry and his- torical romance. DECATUR W. GILLEN. Decatur W. Gillen, Official Reporter Chicago Fire Insurance Patrol, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., November 9, 1850; had been connected Sgo HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. for three years with the Brooklyn volunteer fire department when it was disbanded in 1869; then joined the Navy in the latter part of the same year, entering upon duty on board the Sabine, from which he was transferred to the Guerriere, a first-class, full-rigged man-of-war ship of the type of that day. In the early part of 1S70. upon the outbreak of the Franco-Prus- sian war, the fleet was ordered to cruise in the Mediterranean for the purpose of protecting the American merchant marine. One of the ves- sels of that fleet was the DiBlawaie, on which was Lieutenant George Dewey, who at that time was famous for his bravery, liis skill as a sailor, his sound judgment and his modest behavior, Mr. Gillen is proud to be able to say that he was once a fellow jack-tar with the immortal Dewey. Thus, for several years the ex-Brooklyn fire- man roamed the world over, filling out his life with scenes of wonder and experiences varied, interesting and exciting. While serving on the Mediterranean fleet it was Mr. Gillen's privilege to travel through Palestine over ground famil- iar to our Savior, from Bethlehem south to Damascus, by way of the River Jordan and Sea of Galilee, and from Jaffa on the west to the Mountains of Moab on the east, which no other returned to Brooklyn, and in 1875 came west, living for some time at Coldwater, Mich., Elk- hart and South Bend, Ind., from the latter city coming to Chicago in 1886, where he has resided ever since. Here he became a member of the Fire Insurance Patrol, where he has occupied the most important position in the department next to that of Superintendent. When its du- ties are performed faithfully — as in the case of Reporter Gillen — it becomes a necessary and important oflfice, as it includes the compilation, for use of the Board of Fire Underwriters, of all information relating to the amount of prop- erty loss by each fire, amount of insurance loss to insurance companies, amount and value of property saved, whether any suspicious circum- stances were connected with the fire or with the owners of the property, and a hundred or more items of importance. Dick Gillen, as he is popularly known, furnishes absolutely correct and valuable daily reports, which are sent out by the Board of I'nderwriters to the insurance companies, and he has a most elaborate system of reports, running through dozens of huge vol- umes, giving the complete history of every fire from Its inception to the amount of loss; and. what Is more important, the moral hazard in the history of the owners and tenants of the btiildlngs, thereby furnishing a reliable guide for information in issuing fire insurance. Very few men have had as much, or as varied a rarefr. or soen as much of life as Dick Gillen. or had ar after the close of the war he became a telegraph operator and Deputy Collector on the Illinois & Michigan HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 893 Canal at Chicago. The next two years (1867- 68) were spent as operator in connection with the construction department of the Union Pa- cific Railroad, his duty keeping him at the western terminus of the line as the track was advanced westward. When the two roads (the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific) were completed in March, 1869, he became telegraph operator on the Central Pacific at Winnemucca, Nev., and the following year at Summit, Cal. The latter year he returned to Chicago and commenced the study of law, continuing until 1873. While a student came the great fire of 1871, in which he lost his all. In 1873 Mr. Gooding was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of Illinois; two years later removed to Wyoming, and, in 1876, to the Black Hills, the year following becoming the first magistrate in this new mining district. Between 1881 and 1883 he was connected with the construction department of the Mexican Central Railroad, but the latter year returned to Chicago and resumed the practice of his profession. For five years (1889-94) he was Police Magistrate for the Jefferson District, Chicago. He is a Republican in politics and a charter member of the Gen. Benjamin F. But- ler Post, No. 754 (Department of Illinois) G. A. R., organized in 1893, and was its Commander in 1896. On March 19, 1884, Mr. Gooding was married, in the city of Chicago, to Miss Lizzie May Dem- ing, and they have two children: Clarence Arthur, born February 17, 1885, and Winifred, born November 11, 1886. Mrs. Gooding is a daughter of Ebenezer and Ann Augusta (Bedel) Deming, of Bath, N. H., and granddaughter of Gen. Moody Bedel, a soldier of the Revolu- tionary War and the War of 1812. Mr. Gooding ranks as one of the progressive and popular lawyers of Chicago. ADAMS A. GOODRICH. Among the members of the Chicago Bar the gentleman whose name heads this sketch has, for years, occupied a conspicuous position. By his abilities, his natural tact and professional training, he has won a position which is widely recognized and has placed him in the front rank of his chosen profession. In achieving this re- sult he has undoubtedly been aided by his life- long identification with Illinois history and an Intimate acquaintance and relationship with some of its most noted characters. Mr. Goodrich was born in Jerseyville, Jersey County, 111., January 8, 1849, the son of Henry O. and Jane A. (Knapp) Goodrich. His father came to Jersey County in 1839, where he after- wards married Miss Jane A. Knapp, who was a sister of Anthony L. and Robert M. Knapp, each of whom served at different times as mem- bers of Congress and in the State Legislature. The subject of this sketch spent his boyhood in the public schools of his native place until six- teen years of age when, through the influence of his uncle. Congressman Anthony L. Knapp, he received an appointment as a cadet in the United States Military Academy at West Point, where he remained three and a half years. Then, being compelled to leave the Academy on account of ill health, he spent two years in travel, after which, returning to his home, he engaged in the study of law in the office of his uncle, Robert M. Knapp. Later, removing to Springfield, he continued his studies with his uncle, Hon. A. L. Knapp, who had at this time become a resident of the Capital City. Here he continued his studies until 1873, when, after taking his examination, he was admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court, and immediately entered upon the practice of his profession in his native city of Jerseyville. After continuing the practice some five years, in 1878 Mr. Goodrich was elected State's Attor- ney for Jersey County, being reelected to the same position in 1880, and again in 1884. In 1887 he resigned the prosecuting attorneyship to accept the nomination for the oflSce of County Judge, to which he was elected. While occupying the latter position he opened a law office in the city of Chicago to which place he removed in 1889, and where he has been con- tinuously engaged in the practice of his pro- fession ever since. For several years he has been the senior member of the firm of Good- rich, Vincent «6; Bradley, with offices in the Rookery Building, one of the best known law firms in the city of Chicago. While devoting his attention closely to the practice of his profession after coming to Chi- cago, Judge Goodrich for a time discharged the duties of County Judge during the incumbency of the late Judge Richard Prendergast, and also served for one year as Attorney for the Chicago Drainage Board. Other positions held by him have included those of Trustee of the Northern Illinois State Normal School at De Kalb, having been President of the Board from 1897 to the present time (1905) and as one of the Inspectors of the Chicago Bridewell. In the latter position he has manifested a deep interest in the amelioration of the condition of a class who, although paying the penalty for the vio- lation of the law, are not always abandoned criminals. Fraternally Judge Goodrich is associated with the Masonic Order, Knights of Pythias and Odd-Fellows — with the first named order having attained the degree of Knight Templar, and in the last named the Encampment degree. ALBERT T. GOODWILLIE. Engineer for Engine 74, Chicago Fire Depart- ment, was born in Chicago, July 20, 1865, and was educated at Lake View public school, Eng- lewood High and Cook County Normal Schools. After leaving school he worked in his father's planing-mill, Ashland Avenue and Forty-sev- enth Street for three years, and then at his father's supply office, 153 Monroe Street, for two years, and sundry other places until he joined Hyde Park Fire Department July 1, 1885, on Truck No. 2. Later he was trans- ferred as pipeman to Engine No. 2, and then 89+ HISTORICAL EXCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. as assistant engineer of the same Company, re- maining there until Hyde Park was annexed to Chicago in 18S9. He was promoted to Engineer in June. 1891, and transferred to Engine 62, but resigned soon after and assumed the position of foreman in D. M. Gk)odwillie's Planing Mill. Here he was employed two years, when he joined the World's Fair Fire Department as assistant engineer on Engine No. 6, July 20, 1893, where he remained until that company was disbanded, when he was transferred as sub- stitute pipeman on Hose Company No. 1, Iron- dale, and on July 5, 1894. to Engine 74 as as- sistant engineer. His subsequent changes in- cluded transfer to Engine 46, December 31, 1894: promotion to Engineer and transfer to Engine 73, April, 1897; and transfer to Engine 74. December 19, 1898. Engineer Goodwillie still remains on duty ready for any service required of the brave Chicago firemen. He has had numerous narrow escapes, the closest one being when the back porch of a two-story building was blown off and landed within two feet of where he was standing. Mr. Goodwillie was married at Walkerton, Ind., November 10, 1888, to Miss Maud Curtis, and two children have been born to them, one of whom is still living. MATTHEW GOTTFRIED. For tenacity of purpose, inflexibility of will and heroic capacity for endurance the sons of the Rhineland are proverbial throughout the world. Of this class was Matthew Gottfried (de- ceased), for many years the executive head of the Gottfried Brewing Company. A native of Hofhein, Prussia, where he was born Decem- ber 11, 1822, he attended school in his native place and at Frankfort-on-the-Main. At Frank- fort, in 1842, he was appointed a brewer and, after learning his trade, worked at various points in Southern Germany and Switzerland, finally settling in Ansfeld, Germany, where he married Maria Gundrum, on April 7, 1857. Of their seven children, six are yet living. Dur- ing the same year he crossed the water and became a resident of Chicago, where for sev- eral months he worked as brew-master for Con- rad Selpp, and in 1858, in partnership with Peter Schoenhofen, erected a small plant at the corner of Twelfth and Jefferson Streets, the style of the firm being Gottfried & Schoen- hofen. This business prospered, and the fol- lowing year a larger brewery was built on Seward Street near Sixteenth. In 1868 Mr. Gottfried withdrew from the concern, to spend a year in foreign travel. In 1870 he erected the present extensive and thoroughly equipped plant of the Gottfried Brewing Company in Archer Avenue. This he conducted under his own name until the formation of the Gottfried Brewing Company, with himself as president. The capacity of the establishment is 500.000 barrels annually. Mr. Gottfried's successful career Is a striking llluHlratlon of the possibili- ties opf-n to pluck and perseverance, integrity and industry. Mr. Gottfried died at Elkhart Lake, Wis., November 3, 1902. RICHARD S. GOUGH. Richard S. Gough, Manager of Postal Tele- graph Company Station, at the Union Stock- yards, Chicago, was born in Buckingham, England, February 6, 1844, the son of James and Ann (Scott) Gough. Richard S. Gough came to America in 1859, and located in Brook- lyn, N. Y., where he spent one winter. He came to Chicago in 1861, and enlisted in the Union army, in the telegraph service, and served two and a half years, when he was dis- charged on account of sickness. Later he went to Dixon, 111., where he spent one year as a telegraph operator, after which he went to Bureau Junction, where he served in the capa- city of telegraph operator for two years. His next location was in Muscatine, Iowa, and later we find him at Wilton Junction, Iowa, where he was employed as agent for the Chi- cago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad Company, remaining in that place until 1867. Coming to Chicago during this year, he was appointed chief operator in the office of the Western Union Telegraph Company at the Union Stock- yards. In May, 1872, he was appointed man- ager of the oflUce, which position he acceptably filled until 1881, when he resigned to accept the position of manager for the Mutual Union Tele- graph Company at the Stockyards. In 1883, when the two companies confsolidated, Mr. Gough accepted the position of manager of the Postal Telegraph Company, which he still holds. The business has increased from $3,600 to over $200,000 per year. Mr. Gough was married in June, 1864, to Miss Sarah E., daughter of E. H. and James (Sher- man) Ketcham. Seven children have blessed this union, two sons and five daughters. Of these one son and four daughters are now liv- ing. Raymond S. Gough, his son, is connected with the American Tin Plate Company, has received honorable mention from his employers and has been transferred to their new office at Pittsburg. He is a man of good business ability, and now occupies a very responsible position, and that he discharges his duties faithfully and well, is manifest by his long continuance in the ser- vice. WILLIAM CHARLES DUSTIN GRANNIS. William Charles Dustin Grannis (deceased) was born in the village of Stanstead, Province of Quebec, Canada, March 30, 1826, the son of William and Nancy Melinda (Dustin) Grannis, both born in Claremont, N. H., the former in 1781, and the latter in 1789. The father, Wil- liam Grannis, who was a merchant l)y voca- tion, after his marriage in 1806 at their native place, to Nancy Melinda Dustin, removed to Hatley, Canada, and later to Stanstead. where he died May 16, 1833. his wife dying at the same place in 1879. They were devoted mem- bers of the Episcopal Church. Mr. William HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 895 Grannis was one of the founders of the Stan- stead Academy, at Stanstead, Canada, donat- ing half of the land on which the institution was located. On the paternal side Mr. William C. D. Gran- nis was a direct descendant of Edward Grannis, one of the earliest settlers of Hartford, Conn., where he located in 1655, later settling at Had- ley, Mass., moving thence to New Haven, Conn., where he died. On the maternal side Mr. Gran- nis was descended from Hannah Dustin, of Haverhill, Mass., the heroine of the Indian up- rising of 1697, to whose memory and in honor of whose bravery monuments have been erected at Concord, N. H., on Dustin Island at the junc- tion of the Contocook River with the Merri- mack, and at Haverhill, Mass. Moody Dustin Grannis, the grandfather, was a captain in the First New Hampshire Regiment during the Revolutionary War, and is said to have been the first man to enlist in New Hampshire in the war for American Independence, serving during the entire struggle from 1776 to 1781. His com- mission bore the signature of John Hancock, President of the Colonial Congress, and is pre- served as a valued heirloom by his descendants. In his youth Mr. Grannis enjoyed the educa- tional advantages afforded by the country school and the academy of his native place, early acquiring a fondness for literature, study and travel. His first business experience was obtained as a clerk in a drug store at Mont- pelier, Vt., whence he moved later to Wood- stock, Vt., where he was engaged in the same business. In 1852 he came to Chicago and there found employment as clerk in the wholesale grocery establishment of M. D. Gilman & Co., in which four years later he became a partner under the firm name of Gilman, Grannis & Far- well, which, by the retirement of Mr. Gilman, later became Grannis & Farwell, in its time one of the most extensive concerns of its kind in the West. From this concern Mr. Grannis retired in 1879, becoming the First Vice-Presi- dent of the Union National Bank of Chicago during the same year, and its President in 1882. In 1885 he organized the Atlas National Bank, of which he became the President, retaining this position until his permanent retirement from business in 1896. During his business career Mr. Grannis occupied official positions in connection with a number of prominent busi- ness corporations, including Libby, McNeil & Co., in which he was a Director; as President and Director of the Union Rendering Company; President of the Dime Savings Bank; Director of the Chicago Building Company, and Director and Treasurer of Oakwood Cemetery Associa- tion. Mr. Grannis' military experience consisted in playing the part of a messenger during the Canadian Rebellion of 1839-40, at the age of fourteen years. He was identified with the following named clubs during his residence in Chicago: The Commercial Club; the Chicago, the Calumet, the Union League, Washington Park and Iroquois Clubs; also held a member- ship In the CMcago Stock Exchange. He traveled quite extensively, visiting different portions 01 ihe United States and twice mak- ing a tour to Europe. in religious attiuation Mr. Grannis was an Episcopalian, for nearly thirty years serving as Senior Warden of Trinity Protestant Epis- copal Church, Chicago. Politically he was a Democrat during most of his life, but on the adoption of the 16-to-l silver standard in 1896, being a zealous supporter of the gold standard, espoused the principles of the Republican party. Mr. Grannis was first married at Montpelier, Vt., to Lucia Louisa Baldwin, a native of that city. On February 19, 1868, he was married in Chicago to Clara Jane Brown, who was born in Cohocton, Steuben County, N. Y., and of this union were born the following named children: Jane Dustin, born January 13, 1869, and marrieu, November 8, 1892, Henry H. Hol- lis of Chicago; Maud Mary, born May 30, 1870, married June 1, 1892, Daniel W. Howland of Boston; Clara Balcom, born April, 1873, died July, 1874; and Uri Balcom, born May 11, 1880. Mr. Grannis died at his residence, No. 2029 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, August 3, 1898, and Mrs. Grannis June 10, 1902. Mr. Grannis was a man of strong character, of sound judgment and marked ability, representing a high type of citizenship. Public-spirited, benevolent and courteous, he enjoyed the respect of a large circle of friends. In his domestic and social life he was devoted to his family and his home, and was a stanch churchman. For near- ly half a century he was prominently identi- fied with the leading commercial and financial interests of Chicago and could well claim the credit for a large share of its growth and prosperity. THE GREENLEE BROTHERS. RALPH STEBBINS and ROBERT LEMUEL GREENLEE, twin brothers, well known throughout the West as foundrymen and manu- facturers of machinery and stove-repairs, have been identified with the industrial and mer- cantile history of Chicago for nearly forty years. The family to which they belong is of Scotch-Irish lineage ,and their paternal an- cestors were driven from Scotland by reli- gious persecution. Their American progenitors, on emigrating to this country, first settled in Delaware. Later the family removed to Craw- ford County, Pa., where, in Summerhill Town- ship, the twins were born, April 13, 1848. Their father, Edmund Greenlee, was born on the old family homestead, in Meadville, Pa., March 31, 1811. He was a man of keen intel- lect, remarkable inventive genius, robust con- stitution and great physical strength. He lived to attain the extraordinary age of four- score and seven years, dying September 4, 1898. His wife, Mary Wright Stebbins, was a descendant of English ancestors, who emi- grated to America in 1633, and settled at Springfield, Mass., where she was born Sep- tember 13, 1808. Her father, Thomas Stebbins, removed to Crawford County, Pa., and it was 896 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. there that she met and married Mr. Greenlee in 1S33; there, too, she passed away, July 19, 1S77. The issue of this marriage was three daughters and three sons: Emeline, Ralph S. and Robert L., ilichael, Rachel and Mary. The twin brothers, Ralph and Robert, from earliest infancy so closely resembled each other in appearance, that it was with difficulty they could be distinguished; and, even at the present time, they are of the same weight and height. Their educational advantages were the Dest afforded by their native place, and after having passed through the district and graded schools of Summerhill, they began work for their father, who was then conducting an ex- tensive dairy business. His mechanical ingenu- ity devised and perfected machinery which he employed in the manufacture of butter kegs and cheese boxes. The young men were then nineteen years of age, and for six years after leaving school they remained upon the pater- nal farm. The year 1863 marked the beginning of a new era in their life history, as it was then that they came to Chicago where their first business venture was the opening of a cooper's shop. Bringing into use the mechani- cal knowledge obtained from their father, they installed machinery. This step aroused violent opposition on the part of competitors, but the opposition was firmly met and the young firm steadily prospered. Endowed with inventive genius and constructive ability of a high order, it was not many years before they embarked in the manufacture of wood-working machin- ery. New methods were adopted, and new in- ventions patented from time to time, until the Greenlee machines have achieved a world- wide notoriety. Immediately after the fire of 1871, the brothers removed to their present works on West Twelfth Street. In 1898 a con- flagration swept away the greater portion of their plant, entailing a loss of a quarter mil- lion dollars; but they lost no time in rebuild- ing and, within a year, were able to fill orders even on a larger scale than before. The cor- porate name of the concern is Greenlee Broth- ers & Company, Ralph S. being President, Robert L., Vice-President, and William B. (son of the latter). Secretary. Other manufacturing enterprises in which the firm has been engaged include the Northwestern Stove-Repair Com- pany (the largest concern of the kind in the world), and the Greenlee Foundry Company, both established in 1883. On February 15, 1865, Mr. Ralph S. Greenlee was married to Elizabeth, daughter of William Brooks, Esq., of East Canada, long prominent in the ministerial councils of the conservative party In the Dominion. A little more than two years afterward (April 11, ]8fi7), Robert L. married Emily, another daughter of Mr. Brooks. To Mr and Mrs. Ralph S. Greenlee has been born a daughter, Gertrude, now wife of .lames A. I»iinKl)urg, while Rf)bprt L. and his wife are the parents of one son and two daughters. The Hon, William Brooks CJreenlee, named for his maternal grandfather, Is a graduate of Cornell fnlverslty, and is associated with his father and uncle in business. The two daugh- ters, Grace and Isabel, are both graduates from Ogontz Seminary, Philadelphia, the former of the class of 1891 and the latter the class of 1895. In physique the brothers Greenlee are essen- tially "manly men" — five feet, ten inches in height, and each weighing one hundred and eighty-five pounds. Their kindly expression of countenance does not belie their inbred court- esy or their gentle consideration for others.- Famed equally for scrupulous integrity and broad charity, they have won success through indomitable will power and untiring energy. Worthy charities and the cause of education for the masses have always successfully ap- pealed to their support. They have been ex- tensive travelers, both in their own country and abroad, thus adding to their fund of gen- eral knowledge and broadening their views of men and things. Their justly acquired fortunes are monuments to their honesty and good judg- ment, yet their more lasting memorial will exist in the good which they have silently and unostentatiously accomplished. GREENVILLE M. GROSS. Greenville M. Gross, dry-goods commission, was born in New Gloucester, Maine, May 24, 1846, a son of Sewall and (Caroline E. (Par- sons) Gross, the former a native of New Gloucester, and the latter of North Yarmouth, Maine. The paternal great-grandparents were Thomas and J (Woodman) Gross, both of whom were born in Massachusetts. The grand- parents, Isaac and Sally (Woodman) Gross, were natives respectively of Massachusetts and Maine. On the maternal side of the family the great-grandparents were Samuel and Lucy (Lufkin) Bacon, the grandparents being David and Mary (Bacon) Parsons, the latter of whom was bOrn in Maine. The ancestors of Mr. Gross, on both the father's and mother's side, emigrated from Massachusetts, where, as the records show, they lived in 1641. In his politi- cal views Mr. Gross is a Republican, and in religion adheres to the Protestant faith. In June, 1869, he was married at Portland, Maine, to Ella G. Ross, and of this union one child, Philip, was born. After the death of his wife, Mr. (iross married, in April, 1882, at St. Louis, Mo., Eugenia Schofield, and they are the par- ents of one child, Schofield. JACOB GROSS. This gentleman, whose name is familiar to the people of Illinois as a former State Treas- urer, and to his friends as a kind-hearted, generous man with an open, candid disposition and strong hand for those whom he esteems his friends, was born in Jacobsweiler, Rhen- ish Bavaria, Germany, February 11, 1840, and received his education in the parish schools of his native place and in the Brown School of Chicago. His father, Henry Gross, died when the son was but thirteen years of age, and In 1855, his mother, Barbara (Lotz) Gross, with her four children, sailed from Havre In the HISTOKICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 897 ship "Elizabeth," and landed in New York after twenty-eight aays on the ocean, reaching Chicago, July 1st of the same year. «he brought some means with her, and was able to give her children a very fair start m the world. Jacob Gross, after completing a course at the Brown School with creuit, took up the tinsmith trade, at which he served a regular apprenticeship that he might become a master workman. For some six months he worked as a journeyman, and then going to Richton became a clerk in the store of his brother-in- law. He was thus employed when the Civil War broke out, and he soon enlisted in Com- pany B, Eighty-second Illinois Volunteer In- fantry, and made a most creditable record as a soldier. During his service he participated in many of the hardest fought battles of the war, until May 25, 1864, when in the battle of New Hope, Ga., he was wounded by a rifle ball, which so shattered the bones of his right leg that amputation became necessary. For many months he was under treatment in a hospital at Chattanooga, finally being honorably dis- charged on February 14, 1865. In 1866 Mr. Gross received an appointment as a Deputy Police Clerk in the city of Chi- cago, serving two years, after which he was elected West Town Collector, a position which he filled for three terms. In 1872 he was elect- ed Clerk of the Cook County Circuit Court, and was twice re-elected, serving until 1884, when he was nominated for the office of State Treasurer on the Republican ticket, and was triumphantly elected. He served two years with distinction, and then retired to private life, to devote himself to his banking interest, having become a member of the banking firm of Felsenthal, Gross & Miller. This organiza- tion was made a State Bank in 1891, and Mr. Gross became its Vice-President, but resigned in • 1896 on account of failing health. Since that time he has lived in retirement. Mr. Gross has always been a Republican, and for many years took an active part in political affairs. Of late years, however, his interest has been limited to voting and friendly discus- sion. He belongs to Lodge No. 557, A. F. & A. M., and U. S. Grant Post No. 28, G. A. R. Mr. Gross was married to Emma Schade in Chicago, October 20, 1870, and they now have three children: Mamie, who is the wife of William Falk; William H., and Flora, married to J. L. Seyl. Mr. Gross has m\ade an envi- able record as a brave soldier, a capable and efficient public official and an honorable and upright business man. He is widely known and thoroughly esteemed. GEORGE H. GUENTHER. Attorney and counsellor at law. Blue Island and Chicago, was born at Blue Island, Cook County, 111., March 31, 1877, the son of Theo- dore and Catharine (Rech) Guenther, both of whom were natives of Germany. The father and mother were early settlers of Blue Island, and the father was prominent in local and County politics, and held a number of local offices, including that of County Commissioner of Cook County for three years. He died Feb. 26, 1894. The son, George H., was educated in the public schools of Blue Island, the Chicago Manual Training School and Cornell Univer- sity, graduating from the latter in 1898. He was admitted to the bar in 1899, and has since been a practicing attorney with offices at No. 84 Washington Street, Chicago. He is a Republican in politics and takes a deep in- terest in local municipal and public aft'airs, having been elected to the office of City At- torney for the flourishing suburban city of Blue Island, to which he was chosen at the election of 1901, and in 1903 without opposi- tion; and in 1904 he became Assistant State's Attorney, which office he held under the Hon. Charles S. Deneen, until the election of the latter as Governor. A young man of vigorous character and commendable ambition, Mr. Guenther has a promising future before him, and it is safe to say will luake his mark in the affairs of his city and county and state. HERMON C. HAAS. Lieutenant Engine No. 24, Chicago Fire De- partment, was born in Chicago, November 25, 1859, and educated at the Dearborn and Skin- ner schools, later worked for the Grain In- spector until December 17, 1884, when he joined the Fire Department, being then as- signed to Engine No. 1. He was subsequently transferred to Engine 17, still later to Truck 12, and then to Engine 31, 23, 10 and 18; was promoted to Lieutenant, August 3, 1898, and assigned to Engine 44; transferred to Engine 23, August 3, 1899, and later to Engine 24, where (1904) he is still on duty. He has al- ways been fortunate as regards serious acci- dent, but has had many narrow escapes. His father, Louis Haas, came to Chicago in 1837, and was a volunteer fireman on Waubansia Engine No. 2, located at the corner of Franklin and Washington Streets. Lieutenant Haas was married, in Chicago, October 3, 1885, to Polly O'Conner, and two children have been born to them. He has always shown himself ready to respond to every call of duty whether of rescue for others or facing danger. WILLIAM HAAS. William Haas, Blue Island, Cook County, 111., was born in the city of St. Louis, Mo., March 27, 1845, the son of Jacob J. and Catharine (Naas) Haas, both his parents being natives of France, the father born in Paris and the mother in Lorraine. Mr. Haas' paternal grand- parents, Jacob and Mary (Atzel) Haas, were natives of Germany, the former of Alsace and the latter of Strasburg. His grandfather on the maternal side, Jacob Naas, was born in Lorraine, then a Department of France, but now a part of Germany. Mr. Haas was edu- cated in his native city of St. Louis, was a soldier of the Civil war, and by occupation is a clerk. On July 22, 1869, he was married to Lena Peglow, who was born in Germany and educated at La Porte, Ind., and who died 898 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. January 4, 1901. On November 2, 1904, Mr. Haas was married to Miss Anna D. Volp, of Blue Island, 111. Mr. uaas' political aitilia- tions are with the Republican party, and in religious belief he is a Methoaist. Fraternally he is associated with the Masonic Order, being a Royal Arch Mason and a member of the Royal Arcanum; is also a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, in which he has held the oflBce of Post Commander in Blue Island Post, No. 473, for two full terms. SIMEON FRANK HALL. Simeon Frank Hall, live-stock commission merchant, was born in Senecaville, Guernsey County, Ohio, January 28, 1840, and educated in the public schools. After leaving school he bought and shipped live stock from Ohio to New York and Baltimore. In 1864 he went to Richland Centre, Wis., where he bought and shipped live stock to Chicago until 1872. Then coming to Chicago on Etecember 3, 1872, he went into partnership with Frank D. Pat- terson, under the firm name of Hall, Patterson & Co., which style continued until 1880, when Mr. Hall withdrew and, with J. E. Greer and William Hall organized the firm of Hall, Greer & Co. In 1885 Mr. Greer retired from this firm, and Simeon F. and William Hall formed the firm of Hall Brothers, which style was changed in 1890 to Frank Hall & Co., and so remained until the subject of this sketch was injured in 1898. In August, 1899, he con- nected himself with the firm of G. B. Van Orman, Shattuck, Paxson & Co., where he can now be found ready to attend to the wants of his many customers and friends, with his usual promptness and dispatch. Mr. Hall married Miss Alice Archer, in Sen- ecaville, Ohio, September 10, 1859, and seven children have blessed this union, five of whom are now living. Mrs. Hall passed away March 28. 1873. On July 12. 1890, Mr. Hall married Miss Mary Howard in Charleston, S. C, and two children have been born to them. JOHN HALLBERG, Driver, Hook & Ladder Co. No. 20, was born in Sweden, June 6, 1844, and educated in the public schools and an agricultural institute of his native country. He came to America June 6, 1865, and commenced work on a farm near Paxion, Ford County, 111., and was foreman on the farm (containing 44,000 acres), remain- ing there eight years; moved to Chicago in ls73. and on April 1. 1876, joined the Town of Lake Fire Department, as driver on Truck JSo. 3, remained there for eight years when he re- signed. May 1, 1886, he was appointed driver on Truck 4, Town of I..ake, and remained there until the annexaiion to the city of Chicago when he wa« appointed on Truck 20, and has remained in the same position ever since. He haH had many narrow escapes, but is still on duty, ready for any emergency. Mr. Hallberg waH married to Mary G. Delomot In Chicago on April 8. 1872, and six children, two daugh- terH and four uunB. have blessed their union, five of whom are living: Lida, Jennie (de- ceased), Varna, Ernest, Tagge and John. The oldest son, varna, volunteered in the United States Navy and served during the Spanish- American War. ASHLEIGH C. HALLIWELL. Ashleigh C. Halliwell, President Halliwell & Baum Company, proprietors of "Chicago Live Stock World" (daily paper), was born in at. Louis, Mo., .November 11, ls6,, and after receiving a brief schooling, at an early age began to "paddle his own canoe." From St. Louis he went with his parents to Mississippi, Kentucky and Ohio, for some years being em- ployed in the "Cincinnati Times" job printing rooms. On October 2, 1877, ne entered into the employ of Mr. H. L. Goodall, founding the "Drovers' Journal," at the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, remaining there until November 19, 1900. He started with Mr. Goodall as a com- bination market reporter and "printer's devil," and advanced to the position of "editor," re- maining in that capacity until he resigned and organized the Halliwell & Baum Company, as proprietors of the new market paper, "Live Stock World," which does a large printing busi- ness. The subscription list of the paper is rapidly increasing under the new organiza- tion. The "Breeder's Gazette" gave the fol- lowing flattering and deserved tribute: "A New Makkkt Papkr. — A. C. Halliwell, who was for twenty-three years in cuarge of the market department of the 'Drovers' Jour- nal,' Union Stock Yards, Chicago, and who stands at the head of the list of writers on the trade in market stock, has recently severed his connection with the 'Journal,' and has as- sociated himself with Will F. Baum, in the publication of the 'Chicago Live Stock World,' a market paper published daily at the Chicago Yards. Its market reports are made by Mr. Halliwell, and therefore carry with them the authority of one of the most experienced and best informed men in that department that the trade has yet developed. The 'Live Stock World' is covering its field thoroughly and reliably and presents a bright and newsy ap- pearance. Tne field afforded by the daily trans- actions at the Union Stock Yards is a very large one, and requires in its journalistic treatment a broad and thorough acquaintance with market conditions and the men who make the market; and these qualifications Mr. Halliwell possesses in an unexcelled degree. His years of work in that line have earned for him an enviable reputation as- an author- ity, and his uniformly courteous bearing has won for him hosts of friends, all of whom will wish him the fuiiest measure of success in his new enterprise. In this the Gazette joins." Mr. Halliwell was married to Miss Alice M. Drake, in Chiciifro, .Inly 3, 1888. Four children have blessed this union. HENRY S. HALSTED. Henry S. Halsted was born at Colne, Lan- cashire, England, September 18, 1826, the son HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 899 of Joseph and Harriet (Smith) Halsted. The father was a well-known cotton manuiacturer, and gave his son a liberal eaucation in the scnoois of his native town, m his youth, young Halsted began the study of meaicine, and, as a preliminary, served an apprentice- ship with an apothecary, the customary course at that time, but failing health caused him to change his plans and give up his chosen pro- fession. In 1855 Mr. Halsted decided to come to America, and located temporarily in Canada, removing a little later to Chicago, lii. In 1866 he purchased tne schooner "Minnesota,' and this departure was the foundation of a thriv- ing business which he soon established, first becoming agent, then owner of a large fleet of vessels trading principally between Chicago and Buffalo. January lU, 1860, he married Miss Ann Pineger of Boone County, 111., daughter of William Pineger, a prosperous land owner and farmer. In the early '60s Mr. Halsted be- came a member of the Chicago Board of Trade, carrying on a large business in the shipping of grain and in marine insurance. The prin- ciples of honesty, fair dealing and tenacity of purpose, which had always been conspicuous traits, characterized his labors in this new field and won for him many additional friends and patrons who were glad to acknowledge his sterling worth and business ability. Politically Mr. Halsted was a Republican, and though he was never eager for oflice or self-aggrandizement, he ever held the interest of his party at heart. Without professions or ostentation, or affiliating with any sect, Mr. Halsted was a conscientious Christian gentle- man. He was a man of kindly, genial disposi- tion and temperament, who was charitably in- clined, and ever ready to lend a helping hand whenever deserving opportunity offered. As a husband and father he was ideal, being de- voted to the home circle and caring most for the quiet of a domestic life. He passed away April 23, 1882. Mr. and Mrs. Halsted were the parents of seven children, four of whom survive the father. Of these four, Joseph is in the Archi- tectural Iron Business, Henry P. is interested In Insurance, Lucy Dale is the wife of George M. Harvey, and Annie W. remains with the mother at the homestead. D. HARRY HAMMER. The name of D. Harry Hammer was writ large in the professional and political progress of Chicago for more than three decades. He was a native of the State in which he main- tained a lifelong citizenship, having been born at Springfield, 111., on the twenty-third day of December, eighteen hundred and forty. His parents, John and Eliza (Witmer) Ham- mer, were descendants of good old revolution- ary stock, and his maternal grandfather (Wit- mer) was a soldier in the war of 1812. They removed to the then far west in eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, young home-seekers from Hagerstown, Maryland. They located first at Springfield, Illinois, where several chil- dren were born to them. A stanch friend of the family at that time was the Honorable David Harry, M. C, and in recognition of that friendship this son was christened David Harry. While he was still a lad, the family removed to Ogle County, Illinois, to the vicin- ity of the old town of Oregon, and here he grew to manhood. His education was begun in the public schools, and continued at Rock River Seminary at Mount Morris, one of the oldest institutions of learning in the State. Thence he went, with other youths, to Free- port, to hear the now historic debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas. This event marked a turning point in his ca- reer, and he determined to adopt the profes- sion of the law. He soon after entered the law department of the University of Michigan, from which he graduated with the class of eighteen hundred and sixty-five. From the date of his admission to the bar his progress was stead- ily onward and upward, and he soon counted among his clients numerous corporations and individuals from distant cities in addition to a flourishing local practice. In 1879 he was ap- pointed Justice of the Peace by Governor Cul- lom for a period of four years, and at the ex- piration of that time Governor Hamilton re- appointed him for another term. In testimony of his popularity while in this office, the fact may be cited that he disposed of an average of more than four thousand cases each year during his long term of service. Later he be- came Master in Chancery for the Superior Court of Cook County, and also served several years as Alderman in the Common Council, from the Fourth Ward, with credit to him- self and his constituents. In politics he was throughout his life an unswerving and con- sistent Republican, and for many years was practically a dictator in the ward in which he lived. He was, at different periods of his career, bank director, president of various clubs and societies both civic and political, and always a gentleman and a scholar. His private library comprised Several thousand volumes and was said to be one of the choicest in Chicago, rich in flrst editions, rare "out-of-print" folios and autograph copies. Mr. Hammer was a member of Chevalier Bayard Commandery, Knights Templar, Ori- ental Consistory, Royal Arcanum, the city and State Bar Associations, and many smaller soci- eties, and claimed membership in the Union League, Calumet, Hamilton, Washington Park and Twentieth Century Clubs. He had traveled extensively, not only abroad, but in his own country, and kept always abreast of the times. Mr. Hammer married, in 1874, Mrs. Mary E. Carpenter (born Bower) who survives him. They have two living children. Hazel H., wife of Carl H. Paddock of Denver, and D. Harry Hammer, junior. Mr. Hammer adopted Maud Carpenter when he married her mother, and she now resides in Boston, the wife of Ernest R. Sharpe, of that city. goo HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. The most beautiful side of the blameless life of D. Harry Hammer was turned ever toward his home, and one who knew him best has said: "as husband and father he was ideal." A high sense of honor characterized him throughout his career, the keystone of his lite being that divine command, "Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them." This was to him not only a law but a religion; the handwriting on the wall that guided his life, the key to success, the open sesame to justice, the essential ele- ment that made for right living in this world and in the life to come, which began for him on the twenty-ninth day of March, nineteen hundred and four. M. W. HANLEY. M. W. Hanley, Superintendent Armour's Grain Elevators, who was born in Menasha, Wis., November 10, 1S50, and was educated in the Menasha High School and Lawrence Uni- versity (.Appleton), Wis., is the youngest of six sons, who, with two younger sisters, con- stituted the family. He worked at various in- dustries during his boyhood, and coming to Chicago at an early age finally entered the employ of Munger, Wheeler & Co., proprietors of grain elevators. Later he was superintend- ent of the Indiana Elevator, then of the Wa- bash, and in 1888 entered the employ of Ar- mour & Company, as superintendent of their A & B Elevators, and was largely instrumental in increasing the elevator and grain business of the company until it has assumed its present mammoth proportions. He is well known to the railroad and vessel interests of Chicago. By strict attention to the business of Armour & Company, he has proved himself a valuable employe, and especially in the line of building and rebuilding their elevators, the last one being in place of the one destroyed by fire, and called Armour Elevator D, which is the largest modern elevator in use, being equipped with the most modern machinery. This ele- vator is capable of unloading 300 cars of grain per day, and cleaning the same with improved machinery, as well as shipping the same amount per day by cars and boats. It was built in 1898, commenced operating May, 1899, can handle 110,000 bushels per hour, and has a capacity of 1,800,000 bushels of grain, with the largest cleaning house in the world. It has nine oat clippers, with a capacity of 1,500 bushels per hour for each clipper, and ten cleaners of wheat, corn and barley. It has a cross-compound Corliss Engine, of 1,800-horse power and eight 250-horsc power vertical water tube iKjJIers; one 30-kilowat generator, produc- ing .500 to fiOO incandescent electric lights per hour; two 1,000 gallon flre-pots for fire pur- poseHi one pair djiplex feed pumps; and one 2.000-horHe power open heater, with rope drive 2.WK)-horBf' power; ha.s also a 20-feet bard wheel, which, with the shaft, weighs ninety- two tons. ThJH ^'levator Is quite in contrast with tho old orlRlnal elevator on South Water and I>earborn Streets, which was operated In 1850 by the Walker interest One mule fur- nished the power used to elevate the grain re- ceived largely in bags. CHARLES A. HANSEN. Charles A. Hansen, Pilot, Engine No. 58 (Fire-Boat "Chicago"), Chicago Fire Depart- ment, was born in Dramen, Norway, May 16, 1859, educated in the public schools of his native country, and came to Quebec in May, 1879, then went to Buffalo, and to Chicago in September following. He was employed on the lakes until September 20, 1891, when he joined the Fire Department, being assigned on Truck 4; was transferred to "Fire Queen" (No. 71) and assigned as Pilot, December 29, 1892; was transferred, February 8, 1894, to Fire-Boat "Chicago," remaining there three and a half years. He was then transferred again to the "Fire Queen," July 15, 1897, and to Fire-Boat "Yosemite," August 17, 1899; and again to Fire- Boat "Chicago," Nov. 2, 1900, where he still remains ready for any call. Has had many narrow escapes. He was married in Chicago, Sept. 1, 1887, to Miss Martha Anderson. THOMAS H. HARLESS. Thomas H. Harless (deceased) was born in the State of Ohio, July 15, 1811, the son of Henry Harless, who was a soldier of the War of 1812 and a farmer by occupation. His parents were natives of Germany and both died in Ohio in 1819. Ihus left an orphan at eight years of age, the son was thrown upon his own resources in early life, becoming in the fullest sense of the word, a "self-made man." In 1850 he engaged in the mercantile business at Henry, 111., but in 1853 came to Chicago, where he became an important factor in business affairs. He first built a house on Monroe Street near Clark (LaSalle), where he lived until 1858. After his death this ground was sold by his widow, and is now the site of the New York Life Insurance Building. In 1858 he built four houses on Wabash Avenue be- tween Sixteenth and Eighteenth Streets, and during his stay in Chicago, resided in one of these at 1705 Wabash Avenue, the site now oc- cupied by the Kohlsaat Bakery. On coming to Chicago he first engaged in the lumber trade as a member of the firm of Harless & Lancaster, but in 1854 their property was de- stroyed by fire. From 1854 to 1864 he was interested in the commission business with Thomas Parker, on the Chicago Board of Trade, under the firm name of Harless & Parker. In 1864 he again engaged in the lum- ber business, the firm being Harless, I.iancaster & Bishop. While connected with the Board of Trade he assisted in the erection of the Board of Trade Building on I.^ke Street, and was Vice President of the Board for a time. In 1863 he took a prominent part in securing the passage by the Legislature of an act incorporating a street railroad system under iho name of the "Wabash Railroad Company," of which he was named in the act as one of the incorporators and of the first Board of Directors, the other HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 901 two being Horace A. Hurlbut and Charles Hitchcock. This enterprise was one of the most comprehensive of its Ivind ever projected in Chicago, as it provided for a line on Wabasn Avenue from Lake Street to Twelfth, with branch lines on Twelfth Street to Michigan Avenue and south to me city limits; on the Archer Road; on Monroe, Wells and Lake Streets; on Dea riaines and Milwaukee Ave- nue northwest to the city limits; on Van Buren Street and Blue Island Avenue; on Rush Street and North Clark — in fact, covering the most important portions of the Street railroad sys- tem as it exists in the central part of the city of Chicago today. In 1868 Mr. Harless re- moved with his family to Merom, Ind., where he continued to reside during the remainder of his life. October 5, 1849, Mr. Harless was married to Miss Barbara Ann King, who was born in In- diana, July 12, 1831, her father being a native of Kentucky and her mother of Pennsylvania. Two brothers of Mrs. Harless served in the Civil War, one of them being Killed in the service. Mr. and Mrs. Harless had eight chil- dren — seven sons, and one daughter. Of these four are still living: T. H., Charles D., W. W. and E. Nora — the latter now Mrs. Brown. W. W. Harless served as a Captain and Regi- mental Quarter-master in the Seventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry during the Spanish-Ameri- can War. Mr. Harless was a member of the Christian Church and a Democrat in politics. During his residence in Chicago he traveled extensive- ly, making frequent business trips to New York. He founded a life scholarship in the Union Christian College at Merom, Ind., and besides made many liberal donations to charitable and other institutions. His death occurred at his home at Merom, February 4, 1870. He was of a genial and social temperament and correct habits, being a total abstainer from the use of both liquors and tobacco. WILLIAM HARPOLE. William Harpole is a man who has risen from humble conditions in early life to afflu- ence in his last years, and who throughout a long and active career has never forfeited the respect and confidence of those with whom he has been associated by dishonest or under- handed means. He belongs to that old-fashioned school of business men, whose word needs no bond to make it good as gold, and his simple and straightforward character is clear as the daylight. Such men abounded in a former generation; men were just as eager to get on, just as enterprising, just as ambitious; but the individual character was not then swal- lowed up in the great impersonal "Company." The historian lingers lovingly over such a character, and would trace it gladly beyond the limits of a sketch like this. Mr. Harpole was born near South Charles- ton, Ohio, January 28, 1828, where he was reared and received his education in the dis- trict schools. When he became a young man he early went into the cattle business, and drove several herds from Ohio to Lancaster, Pa., meeting w..„ good success, and gaining much experience in the art of buying and sell- ing cattle successfully. In 1845 he came to Illinois, though still very young for engaging in business, bought cattle in the central part of the State, feeding them in Sangamon, Mor- gan and Macon Counties, and then driving them east, sold his stock in Pennsylvania or New York. His eyes had long been turned to Chicago as a suitable field for the exercise of his busi- ness talents, and in 1874 he established the live-stock firm of Harpole & Lott, James P. Lott being his associate. They located at the Union Stock Yards, and very soon built up a trade of large proportions, which carried their name into every part of the West as thorough- ly honorable and reliable cattle men. Eight years later William T. Dickson became a mem- ber of the firm, which then became Dickson, Harpole & Lott. For four years the firm re- mained under this name, then was dissolved to give way to the firm of Harpole, Andrews & Perry, George Andrews and Alva Perry being the associated partners. In 1886 this firm was dissolved, being replaced by that of William Harpole & Company, the associate partner be- ing Mr. J. Shinn. Mr. Andrews and Mr. Perry are both deceased. In 1904 W. Harpole is still in business at the head of the firm of Harpole, Shinn & Fry, No. 19, Exchange Building, Union Stock Yards, and, after a most honorable his- tory, is prepared to serve customers with the same promptness and satisfaction that ruled in opening his business years in the great city. Mr. Harpole was married in Charleston, Ohio, May 27, 1849, to Miss Ann Amelia Jones, and they have had five children, three of whom are now living, viz.: Enoch, Winfield Scott and Mrs. Augusta (Harpole) Taylor. His domestic relations have been especially fortunate and happy, and Mr. Harpole takes much pride in his family. He is one of the genial, plucky pioneers of an early day, and well deserves whatever measure of good fortune has come to him. JOSEPH HARRIS, Chief Clerk, North Pumping Station, Chicago, was born in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, N. Y., February 5, 1834; attended the Dutchess County Academy and Fishkill Academy, grad- uating at the latter. After leaving this insti- tution, he went to learn the watchmaker's trade in New York City. In 1854 he entered the em- ployment of Brown and Kirby, jewelers; in 1855 went to Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and, in 1856, to Green Bay, Wis., where he purchased a jewelry store and remained until his establish- ment was burned out. after which he enlisted in Company H, Twelfth Wisconsin Infantry, in Green Bay, and later was appointed Paymaster for the General Staff in the Army of the Cum- berland, remaining until near the close of the war, when he was discharged, in February, 1865. Returning to Green Bay he there estab- go 2 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. lished a "Department Store," remaining until his concern was again burned out in 1869. He then came to Chicago, where he was associated with Col. E. R. P. Shurley in the jewelry busi- ness until 1S71, when the large fire of that year destroyed their establishment. Returning to Green Bay he there engaged as bookkeeper for J. D. Gardiner & Company, remaining with the firm seven years. In 1878, he again came to Chicago and engaged with Giles, Bros. & Co., continuing with them tmtil January, 1894, when he went to the Pacific Coast. Again returning to Chicago (.May, 1894), he became connected with the National Lithographing Company; in 1895 entered the employ of Geo. H. Taylor & Co., paper dealers, and later worked for A. M. Church, jeweler, for one year. In Septem- ber. 1897. having passed the civil service exami- nation, he became chief clerk of the North Side Pumping Works, where he has always been a lively worker. He has been a member of Washington Lodge. No. 91, A. F. & A. M., since 1857, also of Green Bay Lodge No. 19, I. 0. O. F. He was married in Naugatuck, Conn., in 1854, to Miss Mary F. Bradley, and one child was born to them, which died in infancy. Mrs. Harris passed away December 29, 1857. Mr. Harris' second marriage was with Miss Mary E. Moore in July, 1859. Six children have blessed this union, three of whom are now living. JAMES H. HARRIS. James H. Harris (deceased), for twenty-six years a prominent manufacturer of Arlington Heights, was born in Baltimore, Md., July 23, 1853. In 1856 the family removed to Milwau- kee, Wis., to Bloomington, 111., in 1857, and to Chicago in 1859. In 1875 Mr. Harris took up his residence at Arlington Heights, where he worked for his father and became a practical molder. The business, which was established during that same year was known as the Dia- mond Sewing Machine Company, and was de- stroyed by fire July 14, 1895. September 5th, following. Mr. Harris, having purchased the in- terests of the other partners, erected new build- ings which have, from time to time, been en- larged under the management of Mr. Harris as sole proprietor of the foundry and machine works which bear his name. The establish- ment is equipped with the latest improved machinery in all its branches, inchuling auto- matic screw-cutting machines with fourteen lathes, fourteen drill presses, etc. The foundry turns out sewing-machine stands and other castings, having sale from New York to San Francisco. July 14. 1883, Mr. Harris was married to MIks Margaret L. Peter, and they became the parents of five children, three of whom are living: Royal P., Sarah L. and George C. Mr. Harris died at his home July 3, 1901. HIh life-work was wrought at Arlington Hf-lghlH. and the memory of his kindly deeds will be fondly cherished by his associates. CHARLES HART, Lieutenant, Engine No. 2, Chicago Fire De- partment, was born in Chicago, January 21, 1866, was educated in the McClellan public school, and aiter leaving school, was engaged in different kinds of business until he joined the Fire Department, July 15, 1889, being as- signed to Engine No. 63, and during the World's Fair serving as acting Lieutenant. Later he was transferred to Engine 1, was pro- moted to Lieutenant in 1894; transferred to Engine 17, in 1895; to Engine 73 in 1897; to Truck 4, in 1897, and to Engine 82, April 15, 1897. Lieutenant Hart was present at the Cold Storage fire, July 10, 1893, and assisted in the rescue of others, but escaped injury. He has had many narrow escapes but has suffered no serious injury. PHILIP HARTH. Philip Harth, Wheeling Township, Cook County, 111., is a native of Germany. April 1, 1854, at Wheeling, Cook County, he was mar- ried to Mary W. Neinstackler, who died De- cember 7, 1873, leaving six children: Jacob, Philip, William, Lydia, Emma and Mary. Mr. Harth was married to Catherine Weber, his second wife, in 1877. In 1871, he was elected Commissioner of Highways, re-elected in 1874, in 1877 and 1880; also held the oflfice of School Director nine years. GEORGE R. HASTINGS. This name will recall to the minds of those familiar with the live-stock trade of Chicago at an early day, memories of a man of much force of character and native nobility of soul, btit who has now joined the procession to the "Great Beyond." Mr. Hastings was born in Circleville, Pickaway County, Ohio, September 22, 1829, and received his education where so many of the most successful men of the coun- try have been educated, at the district school. He remained at home until 1859, when he joined the tide of western emigrants, bringing up at Chicago, where he soon after united with his brother, L. R. Hastings, and Allan Gre- gory, in the formation of the Gregory & Hast- ings cattle and live-stock firm at the Myrick Stock Yards. After a career of marked success, H. H. Cooley and Jacob Strader became mem- bers of the firm, which was then known as Gregory, Strader & Company. When Mr. Stra- der retired, the firm became Gregory, Cooley & Company, remaining under this title until the death of Mr. Hastings on May 27, 1894. Mr. Hastings was a member of the Masonic fraternity, in whose welfare he took much in- terest, and where he was highly honored. He was a man much respected for his kind and genial ways, his friendly spirit and his close attention to business. He was married to Miss Martha Rice, in Goodnow, 111., May 16, 1870. No children survive this union, but they adopted one daughter, Clara, now the wife of Paullin Schinn, who Is still living. In Mr. Hastings career we have a striking illustration of the manly qualities which the men of a by- HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 903 gone generation possessed in such profusion, and which they so freely used in the making of Chicago the wonderful success it has become. LEWIS R. HASTINGS. Among the cattlemen and live-stock dealers of the West, few names are more widely known or more generally respected than that of Mr. L. R. Hastings, the veteran Chicago operator, who has passed his life in the breeding, pur- chase and sale of live-stock. Mr. Hastings has spent forty-three of his seventy years in Chi- cago, and by his pluck, perseverance, hard work and probity, has not only accumulated a hand- some fortune but has also materially contrib- uted to the city's commercial growth and pros- perity. He was born in Mount Sterling, Madi- son County, Ohio, January 8, 1831, the son of James Hastings, who was a local preacher in the Campbellite Church. Mr. Hastings was one of fourteen children, and left home at an early age to begin his busi- ness career. His first experience was in taking a drove of cattle from Ohio to New York, walk- ing in advance of his charge leading an ox, and traveling at the rate of ten miles a day. Fifty days were consumed, in the journey, and the young cattleman walked home, covering 33 1-3 miles a day, being allowed 621/2' cents each day for expenses. In 1852 he removed from Ohio to Illinois, and not long afterwards made another tedious trip, this time to Penn- sylvania, the journey requiring seventy days' time. He returned on foot as far as the Illi- nois State Line, and completed his journey on horseback, the luxury of riding increasing his daily expenses from sixty cents to one dollar. In 1858 he engaged in business in Chicago with Allan Gregory, the firm name being Gre- gory & Hastings. Their location was at the old Myrick Stock Yards, on Cottage Grove Ave- nue, between Twenty-ninth and Thirty-fifth Streets, until the Union Stock Yards and Tran- sit Company erected the Exchange Building in 1866, when they took up quarters there. Some three years later Messrs. H. H. Cooley and Jacob Strader became members of the firm, the name being changed to Gregory. Strader & Company, and, upon the retirement of Mr. Stra- der, the firm name was changed to Gregory, Cooley & Company. The business of the concern steadily and rapidly grew, until its invested capital reached $500,000 and the annual sales (in 1882) amounted to 200,000 head of cattle. Much of the conduct of the business devolved upon Mr. Hastings, who has personally sold 4,960 ani- mals in a day and 155,000 in the course of twelve months. Upon the death of Mr. Cooley in 1893, the style of the firm once more became Gregory & Hastings. Four years later Mr. Gre- gory's death terminated a business partnership of forty years, and Mr. Hastings wound up the affairs of the concern. He also owns large and valuable interests in ranches and other prop- erty in Texas. Mr. Hastings was married, in 1857, to Miss Cynthia Ann McMillin, who was born at In- dianola, Vermilion County, 111., January 2, 1836, and who died in 1899. Of their five children, three are yet living: D. Frank, Eleanor and Carrie. Frank married Luella Sidell, and Elea- nor became the wife of John J. McRoberts. Mr. Hastings died near his ranch in Texas, Sep- tember 22, 1900. The careers of such men are full of interest to the general reader, while to those just cross- ing the threshold of business life, their story is at once an incentive and an encouragement. They go to show that, without the adventitious aids of birth, fortune or influence, energetic effort and an unsullied name are the best step- ping-stones to fortune. JOSEPH F. HATCH. Joseph F. Hatch, attorney-at-law, Chicago, and ex-Deputy Secretary of State, was born in Pike, Wyoming County, N. Y., February 25, 1837, educated in the public schools and Albany Law School, and, after leaving the law school, came to Chicago in December, 1855, where he entered the law office of Willard & Hooper, remaining two years. He then went to Mound City, Kan., practicing law there until 1860, when he returned to Chicago, and in 1861 went to Sacramento, Cal., and from there to Carson City, Nevada, in 1862, where he held the office of Deputy Secretary of State for six years. Again returning to Chicago in 1868, he has practiced his profession here ever since. Mr. Hatch married Gertrude A. Hildreth, in Car- son City, Nevada, in 1863, and four children have been born to them, two of whom are now living, viz.: Mrs. Ida Boyer and Fred J. Hatch. WILLIAM E. HATTERMAN. William E. Hatterman, mortgage banker and real-estate dealer, Chicago, is a native of Ger- many, where he was born in 1857, but received his education in the Chicago public schools. His father, C. F. Hatterman. having emigrated from Germany, established himself in the real- estate business in a 6x8 room on the corner of Milwaukee Avenue and Augusta Street in 1868. The business has increased in the past thirty years to such an extent that Mr. William E. Hatterman, into whose hands it passed some years since, is now occupying fine offices at ■768 Milwaukee Avenue, where he is doing a prosperous mortgage banking business, or real estate only, as circumstances may require. He is also President of the Hatterman Safety De- posit Vault Company, whose vaults were con- structed in 1894 at a cost of $35,000, and are pronounced the safest and best arranged safety deposit vaults in the northwest part of the city. There are some 3,000 abstracts deposited in private vaults here, representing loans aggre- gating over $5,000,000. JACOB P. HAUSAM. Jacob P. Hausam, Arlington Heights, 111., was born at the village of Wheeling, Cook County, 111., July 17, 1854. He is of German descent, his father, Jacob Hausam, being a native of Bavaria, while his mother, Margaret 904 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. (Babst) Hausam. was a native of Saxony. He ■was educated in his native place, and on August 10. 1S74, was married to Jane Wendiing of Wheeling, by whom he has had six children: Jesse, Frank. Edna. Celia, Willie and Lydia. Mr. Hausam began his business life as a farmer, and in ISSS established a creamery near Wheel- ing, which he operated for ten years. He also served as Constable for eight years and two years as President of the Board of Village Trus- tees. He became a member of Vitruvius Lodge A. F. & A. M.. No. 81, in 1893, and for three years has been Master. Mr. Hausam is a Meth- odist in religion and a Republican in politics. In 1S9S he removed from Wheeling to Arling- ton Heights, about the same time assuming position of Guard in the Cook County Jail; is now serving as Bailiff in the Sheriff's office. FRANKLIN HARVEY HEAD. Franklin H. Head, Vice-President Continen- tal Casualty Insurance Company, Chicago, was born in Paris, Oneida County, N. Y., January 24, 1835. the son of Harvey and Calista (Sim- mons) Head, who were natives of the same place. His grandfather and great-grandfather on the paternal side — both named Jonathan Head ^were natives of Little Compton, R. I., while his grandmother, Hepsy (Livermore) Head was born at German Flats, N. Y. His grandparents on the maternal side were Aaron and Abigail (Church) Simmons, and his great-grandparents, William and Abigail (Church) Simmons, were all natives of Little Compton, R. I., where the family lived for generations. Mr. Head re- ceived his preparatory education at Cazenovia, N. Y.. and later became a student at Hamilton College, from which he graduated with the de- gree of A. B. in 1856. He next took a course in the law department of the same institution, graduating in 1858, and has since been hon- ored by his Alma Mater with the degrees of A. M. and LL. D. Coming west after graduating in law in 1858, Mr. Head became associated with an uncle, 0. S. Head, in the practice of law at Kenosha, Wis., where he remained nine years. Then be- ing compelled to retire from practice on ac- count of ill-health, he spent some time in Europe, later going to Utah and California, where he became interested in a cattle-ranch and mining property to which he devoted his attention for three or four years. His health having been restored, he then returned east, and .soon after became associated in certain lines of manufacture with Messrs. Wirt Dexter and N. K. Fairbanks, becoming a resident of Evanston. In the meantime, becoming inter- e.sted in banking and manufacturing interprise.s in the city of Chicago, he became a permanent resident of that city, where he has served as President of the Chicago Malleable Iron Com- pany and as director of the American Trust and Ravings Rank and the Northwestern National Bank. At present he Is Vice-President of the Contlnentnl Casualty Insurance Company. Possessing a cultivated literary taste, Mr. Head has been a frequent contributor to high- classic literary periodicals. He was a promi- nent member of the Union League Club, in which he twice held the office of President, and is also associated with the various other clubs, including the Chicago, University, Commercial, Literary and Fellowship Clubs, is President of the Chicago Historical Association and of the Twentieth Century Club. In politics he is an earnest Republican. Mr. Head was married, June 14, 1860, to Miss Catherine P. Durkee, who was born at Kenosha, Wis., and educated in her native place and Saratoga, N. Y., and they have three daughters: Elizabeth, Katharine and Margaret. DANIEL D. HEALY. To the citizens and taxpayers of Chicago and Cook County, the name of Daniel D. Healy sug- gests the recollection of years of faithful public service and of earnest devotion to the interests of the people. Mr. Healy was born in Ireland, February 11, 1847, and in 1849 his parents, John and Ellen (O'Brien) Healy, emigrated with their family to America. Daniel D. was reared in Chicago and, from a period long antedating his majority, has been prominently identified with the growth and development of the city of his adoption. At the outbreak of the Civil War he was but little more than fourteen years of age, yet his patriotic impulses were stirred within him, and he enlisted in the United States Navy, serving with distinguished gal- lantry and fidelity. With equal courage and devotion for many years he served the City of Chicago as Engineer in the Fire Department, and the men connected with that arm of the public service regarded him with a feeling akin to veneration. He did yeoman's service during the great conflagration of October, 1871, and may be justly reckoned one of the heroes who passed through that fiery ordeal without thought of themselves, heeding only the call of duty and humanity. The members of the department have shown their recognition of his long and courageous service by electing him for nine years the financial secretary of the Fireman's Benevolent Association, also making him their unanimous choice for treasurer of that organization for a like period, finally ele- vating him to its presidency which position he now holds. With such fidelity and ability has he met and discharged the duties attached to these positions, that, with the exception of their honored Chief, there are few, if any. men more highly esteemed by the brave Chicago firemen than he. It was he who inaugurated the movement which has resulted in the paint- ing, by the celebrated artist Van Ness, at a cost of two thousand dollars, of the great pic- ture of Chief Swenie in action, to be hung in the galleries of the Art Institute. Mr. Healy has been engaged for many years in public life, first as County Comptroller, later as President of the Hoard of County Commis- sioners. Warden of the Cook County Hospital, and as Superintendent of Pul)lic Service. The discharge of his duties as a public servant has been cliaracterized by acumen and integrity. HISTORICAL EN^CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS, 905 and no breath of suspicion, either as to his motives or his acts, has ever reached him. He is a reformer of high aim and earnest purpose, who, throughout his official life, has done much to improve the efficiency of the public service of Cook County. Mr. Healy was the nominee of the Republican party in 1902, for the office of Sheriff and received the ardent support of the best citizens of Cook County, but as Ray- mond Robins, the well known lecturer stated, was defeated by a combination of confidence men. On July 6, 1876, Mr. Healy was married to Miss Kittie Clemens, of Chicago, and they are the parents of four children: Daniel M., Kath- erine M., Ella Josephine and Walter C. JAMES H. HEALY, Lieutenant Hook & Ladder Company No. 25, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Brook- lyn, N. Y., July 29, 1857, and educated in the public schools. After leaving school he worked on a farm and later drove on the Erie Canal until he came to Chicago, September 25, 1872, after which he worked for George B. Johnston, on the Board of Trade, for one year, and later for B. P. Hutchinson, until he joined the Fire Department, September 3, 1878, being assigned to Truck 2; was transferred to Engine 5 in October, 1878; to Engine 7, December 31, 1878; to Engine 10, March, 1879; to Engine 26, May, 1879; to Engine 23, September, 1879; to Engine 4, December 31, 1879; to Engine 9, April, 1880; to Engine 16, May, 1880; to Engine 10, June, 1880; later to Truck 2; to Chemical 4, and suc- cessively to Engines 23, 7, 11, 5, 6, 17, 20, 17, 22, and 33. He was promoted to Lieutenant, July 31, 1893, and transferred to Truck 25, when the company was organized. Lieutenant Healy was married in Chicago, May 4, 1881, to Miss Lydia J. Anderson, and two children — a son and a daughter — were born to them. The daughter is still living. Lieutenant Healy's continuous service for so many years is proof positive of his worth as a plucky, brave fire- man, always ready for any duty that he may be called upon to perform. JAMES J. HEALY. Colonel James J. Healy, distinguished vete- ran of the war of the Rebellion and officer in the Illinois National Guard, was born in Cin- cinnati, Ohio, March 6, 1848. His life since early boyhood— at least that portion of it not spent in the active service of his country — has been passed in Chicago. His early educa- tional training was received in the public schools of that city, after completing a course in which he studied at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, and at St. Mary's of the Lake, Chicago. Even before he reached the minimum age sanctioned by law for the beginning of military service, he enlisted in Company G, One Hundred and Thirty-second Illinois Volun- teer Infantry, for a term of eight months. At the expiration of that period he re-enlisted, November 7, 1864, in Company C, of the Thirty- second. This company was afterward consoli- dated with "C" of the Fourteenth, and still later with "C" of the Twenty-first United States Infantry, and Mr. Healy continued in the regu- lar army until May 12, 1869, when he was hon- orably discharged at Camp Verde, Arizona Ter- ritory, with the rank of First Sergeant. His service during the Civil War was chiefly con- fined to the States of Missouri and Kentucky, following Kosecrans in the former and Colonel Price and Colonel Hicks in the latter, at Colum- bus, Paducah, Smithfield and Mayfleld. Sub- sequent to the close of the rebellion the Twen- ty-first was ordered to the Far West, and here Mr. Healy gained experience as an Indian fighter. He took part in many sharp skir- mishes with the redskins and received a severe wound in the left leg at Grief Hill, while com- manding an escort to a train proceeding from Camp Lowell to Camp Verde. Mr. Healy's love for his old comrades in arms did not abate with his discharge from active service. In the councils of the Grand Army of the Republic he has taken a conspicuous and active part. For two years he was Senior Vice- Commander of Ransom Post, No. 1, Department of Illinois; for a time a member of Grant Post, No. 28, and in 1891, commander of America Post, No. 708, of which he is at present Adju- tant. He has been a delegate to National En- campments at Denver, Minneapolis, Portland (Me.), San Francisco, St. Louis, Columbus (O.), Boston, Milwaukee and Detroit. He has also served on the Staffs of Commanders-in-Chief Kountz, Fairchild, Rea, Warner and Palmer, and in 1890 and '91 served as Chief of Staff to W. L. Diston and H. S. Clark, Department Com- manders for the State of Illinois. He has also been a prominent member of the Veteran Union League of Chicago, of which organization he was for four years the President, and was the original promoter and manager of the Great War Concert given under the auspices of the Veteran Union League in Convention Hall, Au- ditorium, Monday Evening, June 18, 1888, the night preceding the Republican National Con- vention and opening of the Auditorium. He has also been chairman of the Committee on Political Action of the same body, under whose auspices the famous "sextette" of Union Gen- erals issued their famed protest against popu- lism. Mr. Healy's eminent fitness for military command has been recognized by both the city of Chicago and the State of Illinois. In 1869 he was drill-master of the city's police force; was inspector of the First Brigade, I. N. G., serving on the staff of General Joseph T. Tor- rence, with the rank of Major; and has been for five years Adjutant of the artillery bat- talions of the Illinois National Guard. In civil life Colonel Healy has attained marked distinction. From 1870 to 1874 he was connected with the Registry Division of the Chicago Postoffice, resigning his position to accept an appointment as deputy-clerk of the Superior Court, where for sixteen years he has been chief deputy, and on the election of John A. Linn as Clerk was re-appointed. He still occupies the post of Chief Clerk, whose arduous 9o6 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. and responsible duties he has for twenty-four years discharged with a courtesy, fidelity and ability, which have commanded universal con- fidence and admiration of the Judiciary and members of the bar. ' In politics Colonel Healy is an ardent Re- publican and has been for many years an ener- getic and successful worker for the success of his party. During the campaign of 1896, he had personal charge of the military on a railway train in the interest of the election of President McKinley and Governor Tanner, which was, to say the least, a novelty in the way of election- eering methods. Many noted citizens of Illi- nois were passengers on the train and the ap- proach of the distinguished party at different stations was heralded by the discharge of can- non, one car having been fitted up as a sort of armory with a twelve-pound brass Napoleon gun and several mortars. When halts were made, the orators spoke to the gathered crowds from the car platform, but no stop was made for a period exceeding sixty minutes. The unique scheme originated in the fertile brain of the State Central Committee, and was exe- cuted by Colonel Healy, who also conducted through the State, in the same way, a "Patriot Heroes' Battalion," his first charge having been popularly known as "The 'Governor's Fly- ing Squadron." He had the immediate com- mand of the artillery of this train, being one of the leading spirits and organizers in the new method of campaign work. Mr. Healy was commissioned March 10, 1896, Captain and Adjutant of the Artillery Battalion, Illinois National Guard; was commissioned July 29, 1899, Major in Colonel Quinton's pro- visional regiment, Illinois Volunteers, author- ized in compliance with joint resolutions of the Forty-first General Assembly, providing troops for war with Spain. Colonel Healy was one of the chief factors in securing the holding of the Thirty-fourth National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic in Chicago in 1900, serving on the Committee of Invitation and, on the reorganization of the committees after acceptance, was placed on the General and Executive Committees, including that on Finance, and was also made Chairman of the Badge Committee. During the parade on this occasion he was placed in command of the Wisconsin Division of the Grand Army. On June 6, 1901, Colonel Healy was elected and commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel of the Sec- ond Regiment, Illinois National Guard, a position which he still holds. FRED HECKER. Fred Hecker, furniture dealer and under- taker, Arlington Heights, Cook County, 111.,. wafl born in Germany. November 10, 1847, and came with his parents (John and Sophia Hecker) and a younger brother, to America in ]Hr,:,, settling in I)u Page County, III. He was married at Addison, HI.. October 25, 1872, to Dora .Slemn, and has two children: Annie and Hgan work for Nelson Morris in his packing house. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 911 Through all changes of name and growing for- tunes of this great house he has remained with the firm, and at the present time is numbered among its most reliable and appreciated em- ployes, holding the responsible position of cat- tle-buyer for the house on the open market. Mr. Hess was married in Chicago, July 28, 1872, to Miss Mary Rieser, and three chiiaren have come to bless this union. Mr. Hess finds much delight in his home relations, and his business character and standing are attested by his con- nection with the same corporation for thirty- five years and his promotion to his present position. WILLIAM G. HIBBARD. A gentleman, who, coming to Chicago after he had reached his majority, has mingled in her busy life from 1849, for a period of over fifty years, giving daily attention to the man- agement of a great corporation of which he was the executive head, is an anomaly. Most men who nave reached over three score and ten years especially if fortune has crowned their life's labor, feel like retiring from the strife and enjoying the ease and dignity which they have earned. Not so with Mr. Hibbard. With intellect unclouded, and manly strength but slightly abated, with an erect form, firm step and clear vision in his later years, he went about his daily round of affairs as in the days when struggle seemed to be a necessity. His was an inheritance from a vigorous an- cestry, strengthened by a life of activity and unimpaired by any of the irregularities or vices which wreck so many lives. In the mind of every Chicagoan the name Hibbard suggests the proud position which the city has attained among the centers of the iron and steel indus- tries of the United States, for he stood at the head of one of the largest hardware houses in the world. He entered upon the hardware trade in Chicago on August 8, 1849, and there were few days in the next half century in which he was not actively engaged in this chosen occupation. Hard work and business genius gave him the mercantile eminence ne occupied so conspicuously during the closing years of his business career. Very few of the pre-eminently successful Chicago men have achieved ' their triumph without the spur of original poverty to stimulate their efforts. Among the men indebted to personal labor for the success of later life is the subject of this sketch. William G. Hibbard was born in Dryden, N. Y., August 7, 1825. Two years later he was taken to Homer, N. Y., and, in that town and in Cortland, his boyhood was passed, until he made a decision to commence the active busi- ness of life in what was then the "Far West." The facts of his outward life were few and simple. The qualities of intellect and char- acter, which constitute the real life, are more subtle and difficult of analysis. Mr. Hibbard was reticent as to his inward thoughts, and was possessed of a genuine modesty in respect to his own personality, which prompted him to discuss general questions rather than his business or himself. Mr. Hibbard began his career in Chicago with the house of Blair & Stimson, his knowl- edge of hardware being limited to an assort- ment kept in a country store, and his first year's salary was three hundred dollars and board. In 1855 he formed the partnership of Tuttle, Hibbard & Company, which continued for ten years. The force of employes at that time consisted of a bookkeeper, a porter and a sixteen-year-old boy, and the work was not done under the modern eight-hour sciiedule, as may well be imagined. The panic of 1857 affected the firm with less force than some of its neighbors, for the idea of this house seemed to be "not what you can make, but what you can save," and it held fast to this theory through the subsequent dark days of each suc- ceeding season of panic and uncertainty. In 1865 the firm name was changed once more, this time becoming Hibbard & Spencer. They had just moved into more commoaious quarters and were ready for enlarged business on Satur- day night, October 7, 1871, when came the great fire. The magnitude of labor and weight of responsibility which the bare suggestion of this calamity brings to mind were exemplified in this case, as in thousands of others. He- roic work saved to the firm most of its books, and about $15,000 worth of stock, although finally the latter was mostly destroyed on the Lake Park, whither it had been removed for safety. Such goods as were ultimately saved were stowed away in the stable and basement of Mr. Hibbard's premises, which, fortunately, had escaped destruction, and very soon busi- ness was resumed in a one-story wareUouse built a week after the fire and made safe by a dozen barrels of salt-brine on the roof and a steam fire engine always ready. The shanty, fifteen feet high, if not imposing, was comfortable and convenient, the inside office having planed boards for desks, with empty nail kegs in place of chairs. In spite of dis- aster, which was dire enough to dismay the stoutest heart, a very successful business was done in this old shanty, with its wooden shed for a warehouse, and it was not until June, 1872, that the firm moved to the site of its present quarters, occupying then No. 32 Lake St. The little boom of 1878 and '79 became the starting point of the colossal growth of this well-known house, which with- in the last two years has erected a ten-story steel structure, together with a fire-proof five- story warehouse, with electric flat-boats trans- ferring goods from this building across the river to the store. In 1882 the firm was incorporated under the name of Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Company, under which title it is known the world over. Mr. Hibbard, its senior partner, was a man of liberal views and public spirit, and so highly was he regarded by associated dealers, that his opinion was often sought as a guide to their operations on occasions of doubt and un- certainty. In a word, he may be described 912 HISTOEICAL EIsTYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. as being unostentatious witliout hypocrisy or cant, possessing a kindly and generous heart, and an influence altogether beneficent — a man who had made the world better by his life and influence. His accumulations were not the fruit of speculation or wild adventure, but were gathered in the pursuit of legitimate business and placed in safe investment. At an advanced age. he was vigorous alike in mind and body, up to the last directing his vast interests with unfailing energy and sound judg- ment and enjoying the ripening fruits of an industrious and exemplary life. The genius of the world can neither devise nor erect a more pleasant monument of eternal greatness than is raised by the life and example of a noble man w-ho transmits to his posterity the heritage of an unsullied name. Mr. Hib- bard's death occurred October 11, 1903, ter- minating an honorable and successful busi- ness career. WILLIAM HICKS. William Hicks, soldier and farmer. Palatine Township, Cook County, 111., was born in Mon- roe, Mass., October 3, 1840, the son of Joseph and Lucinda Hicks. In iStJi he enlisted as a soldier in the Fifteenth Kegiment Illinois In- fantry, was discharged and re-enlisted at Camp Cowan, in 1863. After this he served until the fall of 1865, when he was finally mustered out of the service. One of his last war experi- ences was the march from Atlanta to the sea with General Sherman. NICHOLAS HINSBERGER. Nicholas Hinsberger, farmer, postofiice ad- dress Arlington Heights, 111., is a native of Prussia, born September 20, 1840. His parents (John and Mary Magdalena Hinsberger) are also, like himself, of German birth. On Janu- ary 25, 1870, he was married to Annie Walter, and has seven children, named respectively, Mary, Andrew, Rosa E., Anna, Clara, Nicholas and Joseph. Andrew Walter, the father of Mrs. Hinsberger, was one of the oldest settlers of Wheeling, Ctook County, having located there in 1848, where he resided on one of his farms in the northern part of the town until his death on July 4, 1901, at the age of eighty- five years. JACOB HISELMAN. Jacob Hiselman, pipeman and treasurer of Engine No. 6, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago, May 3, 1861, and educated In the Chicago public schools; later worked at fiteam and gas-fitting, until he joined the Fire Department, March 23, 1893, as pipeman on Engine No. fi. He has also l3een treasurer of the company. He has had many narrow es- capes from fatal accidents. One of these oc- curretl on .January 1, 1897, resulting from an explosion of gas at 81 Wilson Street, which knocked off the side partition of the third floor of the building and threw Mr. Hiselman down two flights of stairs, badly burning his face and hands. About two years ago, at a fire at the corner of Madison and Canal Streets, while going up the main ladder with the hose, the strap broke, leaving him at the top of the ladder on the fourth story of the building. His hands and face were severely burned be- fore he could be rescued. Mr. Hiselman's father, Frank Hiselman, lost his life at the corner of Division and Wells Streets, during the Chicago fire of 1871, while trying to save a lady who was also burned to death. Noth- ing was found of his father's remains except- ing his heart. His watch was found in the rums. Fireman Hiselman was married in Chi- cago, May 1, 1884, to Maggie Bremer, and two boys have been born to them, Peter J. and Harry F. ME.LCHIOR HOERNER. Melchior Hoerner, Superintendent Police De- partment, Union Stock Yards & Transit Company, Chicago, was born near Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pa., May 3, 1844, nine years later coming to Warren County, 111., where he was reared on a farm. On July 29, 1862, he enlisted in Company C, Eighty-third Illinois Volunteer Infantry, but in December following was discharged on account of dis- ability. Re-enlisting a few months later (1863) in the Twelfth Illinois Cavalry, he was ap- pointed Sergeant of Company L, serving until mustered out at Memphis, Tenn., May 31, 1865, under General Order No. 77. Mr. Hoerner came to the Union Stock Yards in August, 1865, and was placed in charge of the main gate of the Union Stock Yards & Transit Company, which position he retained until 1882, when he was appointed Chief of Police of the Union Stock Yards & Transit Company, the force consisting of 117 men. He has had charge of the extra force and all the night work for twenty-four years. Mr. Hoerner is the oldest employe of this company now in their service, and is one of the best known men in that neighborhood for the faithful dis- charge of his duties and his kind and affable way of treating all with whom he associates. He was a member of the Board of Education of the Town of Lake for the years 1892-93, and is also a member of Mizpah Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Delta Chapter, and Temple Council. Mr. Hoerner was married in Chicago, July 25. 1869, to Miss Norah J. Lynch, and five daugh- ters have been born to them, three of whom are now living, viz.: Efl[ie, Alice and May. Mr. Hoerner has lived in the same house at 4422 Emerald Avenue for thirty years. PETER MICHAEL HOFFMAN. Peter M. Hoffman, Coroner, Cook County, was born in the Town of Maine, Cook County, 111., March 23, 1863, the son of Michael and Annette (Nimsgarn) Hoffman, both of whom were natives of Elsass. Germany. Michael Hoffman, the father of the subject of this sketch, when twelve years of age. emigrated with his parents to the United States In 1842, the family locating on a farm in the Town of Northfield, Cook County, which, at that time, HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 913 was but sparsely settled. In the latter part of the year 1848, he started across the Plains for California, reaching there in the latter part of 1849, and after remaining eight years re turned to Cook County in 1857, when he located in the Town of Maine. In 1861 he married Annette Nimsgarn of McHenry County, 111., and they had three sons born to them, viz.: Peter, Urban and George. Typhoid fever en- tered the family in 1890, and, on April 10th of that year, the son George died at the age of nineteen years, and on November 24th, follow- ing, Urban, aged twenty-three, leaving Peter, the subject of this sketch, the only surviving child of the family. Michael Hoffman with his family lived on his farm in Maine Town- ship until 1880, when he located in the village of Des Plaines, where he spent the remainder of his life, dying August 26, 1896. During his residence in the Town of Maine he served for twenty-eight consecutive years as Township Assessor. His widow, Mrs. Annette Hoffman, still survives. While living on the farm, Peter M. Hoffman spent his winter months in attendance on the public schools, after the family removed to Des Plaines, attending the grammar school at that place and later taking a two-years' course in Bryant & Stratton's Business College, in Chicago. Subsequently he began his business career as clerk in a grocery store, still later being employed as Money Order Clerk in the Chicago Postoflice. In 1884 he entered into the employment of the Chicago & Northwest- ern Railway Company as Shipping Clerk in Chicago, subsequently holding successively the positions of Receiving Clerk and Cashier, final- ly being promoted to Chief Clerk for the Freight Department at Grand Avenue and Jef- ferson Street, Chicago. Other positions held by him include tnose of Chairman of the Des Plaines Village Board of Trustees and Chair- man of the Board of Education for District No. 64, in which he has served for six years and up to the present time. Mr. Hoffman has always been an earnest Republican and an active worker in the inter- ests of the party which he believes representa- tive of a sound governmental policy. In 1898 he was elected to the office of County Com- missioner for Cook County, was re-elected in 1900 and again in 1902, serving three terms of two years each. While a member of the Board he was Chairman of the Cook County Hospital Committee and of the Committee on the Dunning Institution, and for six years a member of the Financial Committee. In 1904 he received the nomination for Coroner of Cook County on the Republican ticket, and was elected by a plurality over his Democratic op- ponent of over 60,000 votes. Mr. Hoffman was married August 17, 1888, to Miss Emma May Peet, of Wheeling, Cook County, and they have a family of five daugh- ters and one son, all living, viz.: Edith May, Nettie J., Lela Rae, Marguerite, Evelyn and Gordon Culver. Mr. Hoffman still resides with his family in the delightful suburban village of Des Plaines, Cook County. MICHAEL L. HOGAN. Lieutenant, Armour & Company Fire Depart- ment, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, born in Bodeke, County Clare, Ireland, August Itt, 1861, was educated in the local schools, and after leaving school, worked on his father's farm until 1880, when he came to Pittsburg, Pa., and there worked for the Carnegie Steel Company for three years. Coming to Chicago in 1883, he worked for the Illinois Steel Com- pany for two years, and then for the West Side Street Car Company until November 25, 1887, when he was appointed Lieutenant of the Armour & Co. Fire Department, and still holds that position. He has had many narrow es- capes but has never been seriously injured. He was married to Miss Ellen Nugent, in Chi- cago, August 26, 1897, and two sons have been born to them. Lieutenant Hogan has shown by his close attention to his many responsible duties that he is always ready when duty calls. F. A. HOHMAN. F. A. Hohman, City Clerk, Blue Island, 111., was born in Albany, N.- Y., the son of Valen- tine and Barbara (Metzger) Hohman, who were natives of Saxony, Germany, and came to New York in 1845, and to Des Plaines, 111., in 1858. The father died in 1897, and the moth- er still resides with her son, the subject of this sketch. Mr. Hohman has spent his life in Cook County since coming to the county with his parents in 1858; in 1859 went to Chicago, and 1871 to Blue Island, where he has been a resident ever since. He first engaged there in the contracting and building business, but in 1887 was elected City Clerk, was re- elected in 1889 and has served continuously ever since, filling that position for a longer period than any of his predecessors. Mr. Hoh- man was married in Blue Island in 1869. to Miss Rosa Echart, the daughter of Christopher and Sophia C. Echart, who were born in Germany and came to Blue Island about 1860, both dying there. Mr. and Mrs. Hohman have had seven children, viz.: Anna (deceased), Florence (now Mrs. Roundstead of Blue Isl- and), Samuel, Daisy, Fred, Alice and Howard. In politics Mr. Hohman is a Republican and takes a deep interest in public affairs; is also a member of Calumet Lodge, No. 716, A. F. & A. M., and Calumet Chapter; of Walhalla Lodge, No. 574, I. O. O. F., and of No 463, Knights of Pythias. Blue Island was platted in 1837, incorpor- ated as a village in 1872, and as a city in 1902. The City hall, a two-story pressed-brick build- ing, 74 X 76 feet, is occupied by the city library, and the oflUces of the City Clerk, the Chief of Police, the Superintendent of Police, the Super- intendent of Streets and the City Council Room. GILBERT M. HOLMES. Gilbert M. Holmes, manager Union Render- ing Company and coal operator, was born in 914 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Aurora, Erie County, N. Y., May 17, 1849; was educated in the public schools and graduated at Aurora Academy. After leaving the acad- emy he came to Chicago in 1866, and became connected with the Union Rendering Company, remaining with them for fifteen years. He then scalped hogs for three years, but in 1884 engaged in farming and the live-stock business at Beatrice. Neb. In iSDl he went to Oska- loosa, Iowa, where he was engaged in the coal trade until January, 1898, when he removed to Des Moines. Iowa, and became a coal operator, still continuing in that line of business. Mr. Holmes was married in Chicago, Oct. 10, 1876, to Miss Mary R. Humphrey, and one daughter has blessed their union. Mr. Holmes has a large circle of friends and associates, who es- teem him highly for his courteous and gentle- manly bearing as a business man and a citizen. BENJAMIN F. HOMER Benjamin F. Homer, who is one of the noted and successful hardware merchants of Chicago, and occupies an enviable position in the trade circles of the great metropolis, was born in "Washington County, N. Y., February 19, 1834. When a boy he accompanied his parents to the western part of the Empire State, where he received a common school education. For two years he studied in the Middleburg Academy, and when he was eighteen years old became a teacher. After teaching a year he returned to farming, in which he had previously been en- gaged, and at twenty-three years of age was married to Emeline C. Firman, of Richfield Springs, in his native State. For a time he was engaged in farming in Livingston County, but after marriage, in company with a cousin, entered into the drug trade. Shortly after, hav- ing purchased his partner's interest, he con- tinued the business alone until 1868. In this line he was quite successful, and after following it eight years, sold out, bringing the proceeds of his business with him to Chicago. In July of 1868 he bought an interest in the hardware house of Morris. Hodge & Company, and about two years later Mr. Homer and Mr. Hodge bought Mr. Morris' interest, the firm becoming Hodge & Homer. In 1890 a stock company was formed under the style of the Hodge & Homer Comi)any. This business has steadily increased from the beginning, and at the present time gives emi)loyment to a large force of clerks. The firm carries an extensive stock of builder's hardware, mechanic's supplies, machinery, agricultural implements, cutlery, and similar goods. Mr. Homer is the father of two children, Fred M.. who is in the business with his father, and Florence E. Homer, a daughter, who is living at home. Mr. Homer Is now residing in Evanston, 111. HK.VRY HAMILTON HONORE. Henry Hamilton Honore, capitalist, was born PVIjruary I'J, 18:'4. in Louisville, Ky. His grand- father WEH Jean Antoine Honore, born In 1755 in Paris, France, the descendant of an old and aristocratic family. Jean Antoine having no taste for the priesthood, for which he had been educated, and intensely imbued with the ideas of that day held by the followers of Lafayette, of whom he was a personal friend, and sharing the latter's enthusiastic sympathies with the great struggle for liberty going on in the new land, as soon as he attained his majority embarked for the United States, bringing a con- siderable patrimony with him to Baltimore, Md., where he settled in 1781. Here he resided, a conspicuous and respected citizen, until 1806, when he determined to remove to Louisville, Ky., influenced thereto by its promise of future importance as one of the chief cities of the West. He took an active part in the develop- ment of the rich country tributary to the Ohio and Mississippi River basins, owned the first steamboat to ply between Louisville and New Orleans, and was for many years recognized as a leading citizen, noted alike for business sagacity and the courtliness of his manners. He died in Louisville in 1843 leaving, besides other children, a son Francis, who had been born in Baltimore in 1792. Francis had not the same inclination for affairs possessed by his father, and lived the life of a country gentle- man upon his plantation near Louisville. He married Matilda Lockwood, the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Capt. Benjamin Lock- wood, U. S. A. The widow of Capt. Lockwood married John Cleves Symmes, Captain U. S. A. (quid vide, also "John Cleves Symmes." his uncle. Revolutionary patriot and founder of Cin- cinnati, Ohio). Francis was the father of Henry Hamilton. Henry Hamilton received his early education in private schools and divided his boyhood days between extended visits to his grandfather in Louisville and the home-life upon his father's plantation. Soon after reaching his majority he married Miss Eliza Carr, daughter of Capt. .lohn Carr (quid vide) of Oldham County, Ky. Miss Carr was noted for her intellect and beauty, even in that country distinguished for its beautiful women. After his marriage Mr. Honore engaged in the wholesale hardware busi- ness in Louisville. Tales told by Captain Lock- wood, who had visited Chicago in the days of Fort Dearborn, and those of his father who had passed through the town on his way to Galena in 1840, incited Mr. Honore, in 1853, to visit the scene of his later successes. He returned to Louisville so enthusiastic as to the future of Chicago, that his friends were greatly impressed and ultimately many of them either sent funds to Chicago for investment or themselves fol- lowed him after his removal in 1855. Mr. Honore's first Chicago investment was for his home, which he placed upon what is known as the North Side, in the center of a square com- prisin.g an entire city block. Later, becoming largely interested in property on the West Side, he removed his residence to that section of Chi- cago many sub-divisions of which were devel- oped by him, notal)ly the Ashland I. and Ash- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 915 land II. Additions to Chicago, containing the beautiful Ashland Boulevard. The business section of the city also engaged Mr. Honore's attention, he being one of the first to foresee the future of Dearborn Street upon which he had built a number of fine office structures before the great fire of October, 1871. These he imme- diately re-erected after that catastrophe, confi- dently predicting what the future has demon- strated — that Dearborn Street would ultimately become the most valuable office-section of the city. The magnificent system of parks and boule- vards encircling Chicago, known collectively as the North, South and West Park Systems, are very largely the result of Mr. Honore's good taste, foresight and public spirit. At a banquet held about the time of the opening of the Colum- bian Exposition in the South Park, Mr. D. H. Burnham said of Mr. Honore: "Too much can- not be said of what he has contributed to Chi- cago's growth. Wherever his hand appeared there has been big, broad development; he ever looked into the future, planned for the future, acted for the future. He is a grand, good man. Chicago owes him a monument." Of Henry Hamilton Honore the man, as he was known to his cotemporaries, it is difficult to draw a word picture. To say that, in adver- sity and in prosperity alike, he was ever approachable, genial, courteous, tells not of the extreme kindliness of his eye, the heartiness of his grasp nor of the almost boyish enthusiasm and frankness of his address. Such natures are to their fellowmen a source of perennial refresh- ment; for in the dark places of individual experience they bestow encouragement and hope for the morrow by a look or a word, and in days bounded by a brighter horizon, they seem to accent the beauties and enjoyments of the moment for every one with whom they come in contact. Mr. Honore has lived to see his six children establish themselves firmly in the respect of their fellow-citizens. Three sons, Adrian C, Henry Hamilton, Jr., and Nathaniel K., under the name of "Honore Brothers," conduct a very large business in real estate in Chicago; his youngest son Lockwood, after distinguishing himself at the bar, was on June 1, 1903, elected to the bench of the Circuit Court of Cook County; his elder daughter, Bertha, is the widow of one of Chicago's greatest and wealth- iest citizens. Potter Palmer; his youngest daugh- ter, Ida, is the wife of Brig-Gen. Frederick Dent Grant, the son of Gen. U. S. Grant, and recently United States Minister to the Court of Austria- Hungary. SOLOMON P. HOPKINS. It is always pleasant either to tell or to read the life-story of a self-made man of a lofty type. The patience under trial, the courage in the face of defeat, the energy, resolution pluck and power of endurance displayed by such men make us proud of our common humanity. To win one's way from the deck of a steamboat to a seat in legislative halls; to rise through one's own efforts from a humble post of duty to a position of grave responsibility and high emolument — this is a record of which one's posterity may well be proud. Synoptically this is the narrative of the life of the late Samuel P. Hopkins. He came into the world on March 2, 1828, in the village of Fishkill, Dutchess County, N. Y. His early intention was to become a lawyer, but fate decreed otherwise, and after a year's study he put away his text-books to become a "steam- boatman." Going to California in 1852 he spent some time in the handling of grain, meanwhile filling the office of Justice of the Peace. Tiring of life on the coast, he turned his face toward the East, but got no farther than Ozaukee County, Wis., where for two years he carried on business as a flour merchant. It was while living in Wisconsin in 1855 that he met and married Miss Euretta A. Taylor, who with her only son, Fred B., yet survives him, having her home in Chicago. Mr. Hopkins came to Chicago in 1856 and at once engaged in dealing in live stock. In 1874 he took up his residence in the town of Lake, and there lived during the remainder of his life. For some years he held the position of inspector of the Stock Yards and Transit Company, and later became the representative of the combined railroad interests doing business at the Yards. In July, 1882, ill health compelled his resigna- tion and on January 6th, following, his useful life came to a close. He was a man of strong personality and of deep, earnest conviction. His standard of morality was high, and from it neither circum- stance nor the allurement of prospective gain could induce him to deviate. His death was deeply deplored, alike by his business associates and the community at large. In politics he was a stanch Republican, and represented his legis- lative district in the Twenty-eighth, Twenty- ninth, Thirtieth and Thirty-first General Assem- blies. JAMES HORAN. James Horan, Second Assistant Fire Marshal, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago in 1859, was educated in the public schools of his native city and joined the Fire Department in January, 1881, being assigned to duty as pipe- man on Engine No. 1; was transferred as truck- man to Hook and Ladder Company No. 4 in 1884, and promoted while there by the "Grand Old Chief," to the rank of Lieutenant. In 1886 he was transferred to Engine No." 15, and during the same year to Engine No. 11. Here he was made Captain and assigned to the command of Engine 13, in the heart of what was then the perilous wholesale district. He was transferred in 1888 to Truck No. 6, where he made a fine record, which hastened his promotion to the Chief of the First Battalion, to which he was appointed on the 26th day of July, 1893. He succeeded Chief Patrick O'Malley, who went to gi6 HISTORICAL E^TCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Jackson Park and. not long after, responded to the death call. Viewing the remains of his warm-hearted predecessor, Horan observed, "God never made a braver man than Pat O'Mal- ley." The remark published in the daily papers was echoed throughout the department. From 1893 for years Chief Horan was the first commander at all fires in the "down-town" business district. He was first at the Ayers Building fire, where eleven citizens lost their lives and where Fire Patrol No. 1 had so close a call in the collapse of the structure; at the conflagration in the Chicago Toy Company's works, where the men of Truck 6 had so narrow an escape; at the clothing house fire at Frank- lin and Van Buren Streets, where three men of Engine No. 2 were killed by falling fioors; at the fire of Gillett's flavoring extracts factory, and many others too numerous to mention. In August. 1903. he was appointed Third Assistant Fire Marshal and after the appointment of Chief Campion at the head of the Fire Depart- ment in 1904, was advanced to the position of Second Assistant. Chief Koran's ability is not only known in the department, but is recognized by the press and the public. He is regarded as a stalwart by his friends in the business com- munity and among his associates where, by his faithful discharge of duty and his kind and gen- erous attention to the wants of others, he has drawn around himself a large circle of personal friends. COURTNEY H. HORINE. This sketch will readily recall to one famil- iar with the history of the Union Stock Yards in their early days, one of its en- terprising and reliable operators. In the days when individual character was a pronounced factor of success Mr. Horine stood prominent and was known throughout the Northwest as a man of integrity and business ability. For many years he was active in every enterprise and movement to which his attention was in- vited and which looked to the building up of Chicago and the Stock Yards. His knowledge of business was recognized, his character was above reproach and he held an honorable place in that coterie of old-fashioned and courtly gen- tlemen, full of enterprise, but who would scorn a mean act and whose simple word was a bond. His career has been varied and interesting, and his last years are invested with the respect that comes from industry and integrity. Mr. Horine, who is still a live-stock commission merchant in Chicago, was born in .Jessamine County, Ky., .June (>, 1829, and acquired his education in the "poor man's university," the district school, which he left at an early age to become an apprentice at the carpenter's trade. In October, 1847, he came to Bloomington, 111., and cast his lot with the people of that thriving Inland town. After the fires of Civil War were llKhtcd he enlisted in 18G2, In Comi)any A, Ninety-fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and Herved hlH country as a private soldier, making an honorable recorfl and iiarildpating in many important engagements. In 1867 Mr. Horine came to Chicago where he soon found employ- ment for his business abilities in the live-stock commission trade. In 1870 he organized the firm of Horine Brothers & Company, in this enterprise being associated with his brother, F. M. Horine, H. B. Steck and others. This firm was continued with occasional changes until 1895. when all interested parties retired but Mr. Horine. Then he became associated with Thomas, Starrett & Company with whom he is still connected. Mr. Horine was married near Bloomington, 111., November 6, 1850, to Miss Sarah Mason, who became the mother of eight children and passed away September 24, 1893. Five of their children are still living. On May 14, 1896, he married, as his second wife, in Chicago, Miss H. M. Bowser. Mr. Horine has led an active and strenuous life, and has contributed to the up-building of Chicago and the Union Stock Yards to their present mammoth proportions. CHRISTOPH HOTZ. In all those elements which enter into the make-up of the successful manufacturer and enterprising business man, as well as the genial citizen and leader in educational and other pub- lic enterprises, Chicago has had no more notable example than he whose name stands at the head of this article. He was born in Wertheim, Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany, January 25, 1842, the son of Gottfried Hotz, a chandler and grain-merchant by occupation. He spent the early years of his life in attendance on the pub- lic schools of his native place, which he entered at the age of five years. Later he became a pupil in the Latin School, in the meantime studying mechanics under the tutorship of Prof. Andreas Fries, preparatory to entering the Polytechnic School at Carlsruhe, where he graduated with high honors in 1860, at the age of eighteen years. While a student he spent much of the time during his vacation on boats owned and employed by his father in the prose- cution of his business on the rivers Main and Rhine, thus early becoming acquainted with practical business methods and with the country bordering upon these historic streams. After graduating from the Polytechnic School at Carlsruhe. following the custom of the time, he started in business life as a journeyman, in this capacity working in the various branches of his future vocation in the most noted fac- tories and establishments of Switzerland where his technical ediication was efficiently utilized, thus supplementing in a practical way the train- ing he had received in the schools. After six years spent in this manner, he was recognized as a "master" in his profession, and his thoughts were naturally directed to securing a permanent position for the emi)loyment of his talents. It was while still a student at Carlsruhe that, as he said: "1 had the good fortune to meet a fellow-student named Peter Schuttler of Chi- cago. We were close friends, and, after parting, we kept up a desultory correspondence, his HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 917 letters invariably holding out the superior op- portunities of success in the United States, which so impressed me that I sailed on the evening of April 13 (1866), on the steamship "Eugenie," for the New World, arriving in New York May 2, 1866." Mr. Hotz, having reached Chicago, first found employment in the establishment of Messrs. P. W. Gates & Co., manufacturer of mining and other machinery, located on Canal and Wash- ington streets, and, after a year spent with this firm, opened up an establishment on his own account. About this time he was married to Miss Catherine Schuttler, the only sister of his friend Peter Schuttler, and out of this relation- ship came the partnership of the brothers-in- law, which was organized August 22, 1868, under the firm name of Schuttler & Hotz, their business being carried on at the southwest cor- ner of Randolph and Franklin streets, where it was originally etsablished by Peter Schuttler, Sr., for the manufacture of wagons, in 1843. This extensive establishment, with all its stock and machinery, shared the fate which befell all down-town property as the result of the disas- trous conflagration of October, 1871. The fac- tory was promptly rebuilt on the corner of Clin- ton and Monroe streets, and, less than seven months after the date of the fire, was reopened and in full operation on an enlarged scale. For this task, requiring the exercise of both business judgment and mechanical skill, Mr. Hotz had been especially well qualified by the practical experience gained in previous years as a practical and successful engineer and man- ufacturer. Despite the demands made upon his time by a strenuous business life, Mr. Hotz still found time to be devoted to public interests, his first office being as a member of the Board of Trus- tees of the old Chicago University, to which he was chosen while on a visit to the Pacific Coast in 1874. In June, 1876, he was appointed by Mayor Heath a member of the Chicago Board of Education, in which he served as chairman of the building committee, with sound judgment and marked ability and with decided advantage to the school interests of the city. Further evidence of the interest which he had ever manifested in the cause of popular and technical education, is furnished in the fact that he also served as a Trustee of the Chi- cago Manual Training School, and, for many years occupied a like relation with the Lewis Institute of this city. His long oflficial connec- tion with institutions of this character, which, in their respective lines, have stood in the front rank of educational enterprises of their day, attests the value that was placed upon his ser- vices in this field. In fact, it is doubtful if any other business man of Chicago was ever called upon to fill so many and such varied, as well as prominent, positions in connection with educational interests as was Mr. Hotz during the nearly forty years of his residence in Chi- cago. The greater part of the year 1889 was spent by Mr. Hotz traveling in Europe with his wife and daughter. The following extract, taken from his diary, relates to an incident of this period: "After an absence from the United States of over nine months, I picked up a copy of the 'Chicago Times' in the reading-room of the Kursall in Wiesbaden, and the first thing my eye caught was, to my utter astonishment, a notice of my election as a Trustee of the San- itary District of Chicago on a citizens' ticket." Upon his return to Chicago, a little later, he was installed in office, filling the position with fidelity to the public interest and with credit to himself until January 16, 1892, when he ten- dered his resignation. At the meeting of the National Wagon Manufacturers' Association, held in the following November, he was unan- imously elected President of that organization, discharging the duties of that office to the satis- faction of all concerned for the next two years. In 1894 he was chosen Treasurer of the Na- tional Association of Agricultural Implement and Vehicle Manufacturers, and in June, 1895, was appointed by Mayor George B. Swift a member of the first Civil Service Commission for the city of Chicago, in which he served dili- gently and with sound judgment for one year, when he was reappointed by Mayor Swift for a term of three years, but owing to a change of administration in 1897, he and his Republican colleague upon the Board retired. On January 7, 1896. he was chosen one of the directors of the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, a position which he continued to fill up to the date of his death, January 14, 1904. Mr. Hotz brought with him from the Fatherland those traits of native energy, strict integrity and trained skill which he displayed in so conspicuous a manner during his entire business career in this country, and which contributed in such an eminent degree to his success in life, as well as to the success of the enterprises with which he was associated. His connection with social organizations em- braced the Chicago Commercial Club, of which he became a member December 30, 1882, and the Chicago Club, with which he was identified for many years. The highly responsible positions of both a pub- lic and business character which Mr. Hotz was called upon to fill during the latter years of his life, indicate the estimation in which he •was held as an upright and public-spirited cit- izen, as well as a business man. He is sur- vived by one son, Robert Schuttler Hotz, and an only daughter, Mrs. Clara J. Ream, Mrs. Hotz having preceded him to the "great unknown" by some four years. JOHN HOUGH. Few are left of the men who, three and four decades ago, by their hard work in building up, enlarging and promoting the success of the Chicago Stock Yards, did so much toward in- suring the city's pre-eminence as a live stock market. They belonged to an earlier genera- tion, and, their work done, one by one they giS HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. have passed or are passing away. To this class of energetic workers belonged the late Mr. John Hough, who was born at North Augusta, On- tario. Canada, on September 17, 1846, and died June 7, 1899. It was in 1865 that he came to Chicago from his Canadian home, to begin life at nearly the bottom round of the ladder, as a journeyman carpenter in the yards where he was afterward to hold a post of high honor and responsibility. He climbed higher, however, round by round. Tireless efforts and unswerving integrity make themselves felt in the end, and Mr. Hough be- came Assistant Superintendent. In 1888 he resigned this position, to retire to private life, in enjoyment of the competency which had been well earned. Twenty-five years ago he invested largely, yet with sound judgment, in real estate in the neighborhood of the Yards. As time went by these investments proved more and more profitable. Mr. Hough was a Republican in his political creed, and an active party worker in both na- tional and State politics. He was social in his nature, having many friends, who always found his fidelity unfailing. He was a Royal Arch Mason and a Knight Templar. He was a man of broad public spirit, and was for many years prominently identified with the development of the town of Lake, prior to its absorption by Chi- cago. Mr. Hough married on December 17, 1879, Hattie H. Muirhead, the daughter of George Muirhead, also a prominent citizen of Lake and at one time Town Supervisor. The issue of the marriage was two sons, George M. and Har- old R. JOSEPH W. HOUGH. Chicago offers many opportunities to the young man who has the brains to see and the will and pluck to improve them. It is not al- ways, however, that the seeker after success is willing to begin in the comparatively small way which first offers, forgetting that, to win his way, he must be free from undue self- esteem, and brave to bear as well as to do. Mr. Joseph W. Hough unites these qualities in that high degree which has enabled him to rise from the position of a mere subordinate to that of an independent, prosperous business man. By birth he is a Canadian, having first seen the sun in Augusta, Ontario, on January 6, 1852. It was on New Year's Day, 1879, that he first came to Chicago and at once found employment at the Union Stock Yards. John Hough was, at that time, superintendent of construction, and Joseph W. Hough, under his supervision, was a journeyman carpenter. He soon rose, by virtue of fidelity and skill, to be assistant fore- man, and on January 1, 1888, was promoted to the superlntendency, a position for which he poBHesHed admirable qualifications, and whose flutleB he continued to discharge until Novem- ber. 1899, when he tendered his resignation In order that he might embark In the real-estate and InHurance liuslness. Mr. Hough has been twice marrlfd. He first led to the altar Miss Josie Buell to whom he was united on July 4, 1882, at Morristown, N. Y. Mrs. Hough died March 26, 1889, leaving two children. His sec- ond wife was Miss Laura I. Sproul, and this marriage has been blessed with one child. FREDERICK HOWARD. Frederick Howard has Iftng exerted a decided infiuence in the commercial and public affairs of Chicago, and in the old days before Hyde Park became a part of the city, was one of its most useful citizens and capable officials. His name is indissolubly associated with the civic history of that municipality, especially with its old water department, when it received the first pure water it long had under his administra- tion of that branch of public service. Mr. How- ard was born in Randolph, Mass., October 1, 1848, and on his arrival in Chicago while still a very young boy, began his attendance upon the Dearborn public school in 1854. He left school in 1861, and at that early age applied himself to work, entering first the office of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Company, where he remained six months, and then be- came an employe of Quimby & Company, pack- ers. After remaining with them two years, he returned to Marion, Mass., where he was em- ployed in his father's hotel for four years. In 1868 he came back to Chicago to take a posi- tion in the office of the Commercial Fire In- surance Company, which he held for a year, when he again went East to find employment in Colchester, Conn. Coming to Chicago for a third time he found employment in the office of Horine Brothers, at the Exchange Building in the Union Stock Yards, where he was engaged for some time as a bookkeeper, later becoming a member of the firm. In 1888 he retired from the firm to engage in the real-estate business, which seemed to offer opportunity for profitable investments. His judgment has been so far justified by results, that Mr. Howard is still engaged in the business, having his office at 614 Chamber of Commerce Building. In 1885 Mr. Howard was elected a member of the Board of Trustees of Hyde Park, and Water Commissioner,' in which position he re- mained two years, and where he had oppor- tunity to render valuable service to the people of that district. During a heavy storm some two years before his entrance upon the office of Water Commissioner, the tunnel was closed, and it was during his administration that it was reopened, thus securing the first pure water the district had known for a long period. He served as School Treasurer for Hyde Park and the town of T>ake in 1886, and proved himself, as he has everywhere else, a capable and vig- ilant official. Mr. Howard was married April 2.3, 187.S, to Miss Carrie I. Stone, of Chicago, and to their union have come nine children, five of whom are now living. Mr. Howard has a host of friends who respect and esteem him for his kind and genial ways, and for his marked readiness to "lend a hand whenever needed" to any good cause. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. 919 W. M. HOYT. In this country, where the valuable prizes of life depend upon merit, rather than upon the accidents of birth and fortune, the men of character, courage, pluck and ambition are the successful. The highest places in the learned professions are filled with, and the greatest commercial enterprises are conducted by, such men. The wonderful growth and prosperity of Chicago are the result of the activity and public spirit of that class of men. Among the most prominent of the self-made and self-reliant, successful and independent business men of Chicago is William Melancthon Hoyt, who, for nearly fifty years, has been identified with the growth of Chicago and, in common with many of its strong and public-spirited citizens, to his well-directed energy is due much of the ma- terial prosperity of the city. Mr. Hoyt came from Vermont at the early age of eighteen, and here laid the foundations of his fortune in his own way. He is the son of Carlos M. and Lydia Anne (Buttolph) Hoyt, and was born in New Haven, Addison County, Vt., July 26, 1837, being of the tenth generation of the Hoyt family in this country, and a direct descendant of John Hoyt, who was one of the original settlers of Salisbury, Mass. "Whether he came directly from England, or had pre- viously lived in other towns in America, is un- certain. Our subject's great-grandfather, Seth Hoyt, was a soldier of the Revolution, a Justice of the Peace in New Haven, Conn., and one of the council of censors to examine the acts of the Legislature, revise the laws, etc. William's early life was spent on his father's farm at the sort of work which hardens the muscles and toughens the sinews — work in a pure atmos- phere, pure as the sunlight, that promotes healthfulness and perfect physical development. While employed in the ordinary work of the farm he manifested, very early, a taste for barter and exchange, always characteristic of the commercial instinct which is born with the boy. His preliminary education was acquired in the public schools and the academy of Mr. Ten Broeke, at Panton, Vt. In 1855, at the age of eighteen, following the star of empire westward he stopped in Chicago, then a flourishing city of less than three-score thousand inhabitants. He had little money and no influential friends. All he asked was an opportunity to engage in some line of commer- cial business. The amount of salary at the beginning was not important. He had faith in himself. He felt that, with a trial, he could make his services so valuable to an employer that a fair salary would follow. The times seemed not to be auspicious. He called at many houses to inquire for work, but only to be re- fused. He made application in person to pro- prietors of many stores, only to be turned aside by their answer, "no vacancies." The disap- pointments and discouragements attending his first experience in Chicago would have caused a less resolute boy to return home, or turn aside and enter into some degrading service, but they seemed to nerve him to greater effort. He consulted the oracle in an intelligence office and was sent to a billiard hall, where a young man was wanted to manage some tables. It was the first time he had ever entered such a place. His convictions, firm and unyielding as to the value of good associations and the corrupting influence of evil communications, fortified him with strength to decline the sit- uation, when really anxious for work. He had not forgotten a mother's good counsel. After some urging, he induced the proprietor of the intelligence office to permit him to call upon Mr. Bevans, a grocer who had advertised for an experienced young man to work in his store. The impression which he made on the grocer was so satisfactory that a bargain was soon entered into, under which he went to work on a trial for ten dollars a month and board. The "trial" was satisfactory, and after a short ser- vice a contract was made for a year, at twenty dollars a month and board. The whole period spent in the place covered eighteen months, when he resigned and took a course of study in Bell's Commercial College, from which he grad- uated. After a service of one year on a salary, with a fruit dealer, he opened business for him- self, with a capital of eighty-nine dollars, in a room for which he agreed to pay the annual rental of eleven hundred dollars. This was the beginning of a business career that developed into great prominence and usefulness. Like all prominent successes in business, it was a growth, gradual but without interrup- tion. Opening as a small dealer in fruits at wholesale and retail, he developed by progres- sive evolutions into a wholesale grocer and head of a great house, whose trade reaches all parts of the Northwest, and whose reputation is high in commercial circles. A brief history of the changes and progress is as follows: In 1865 he bought the business of James A. Whitaker, No. 101 South Water Street, foot of Wabash Ave- nue. Notwithstanding the loss of his place of business and the two stores he owned on North Dearborn Street, at the time of the great fire of 1871, he fully realized that once more it would be necessary to put forth great energy in reconstructing the business and making good its great loss. As soon as he learned that his place was in ashes, he cast about to find a suit- able location outside of the burned district. It was early in the forenoon of October 9th that he leased the store at 63 South Canal Street, and upon signing the lease Mr. Welsh, the land- lord, remarked as he looked out of the window, where he saw the fire was raging across the river, "would it not be well to withhold our signatures until we know that this property may not be destroyed." To which Mr. Hoyt re- plied: "No harm in executing the lease now, as in case the store goes the lease will go with it." It was signed, and after a time he was offered a large bonus for it, which was neces- sarily declined. On the evening of the same day Mr. Hoyt took a train for New York, where he met his creditors who were in great doubt as 920 HISTORICAL EN"CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. to what would become of their Chicago busi- ness. After a short conference. In which Mr. Hoyt stated he could not say how he stood, as payment of insurance was in doubt and his books not balanced, but one thing was certain, he had a store rented and wanted stock to start with. The creditors were unanimous in the opinion that it would be best to furnish the new supply and await further developments. The result was that remittances came in so freely that the creditors got all their dues promptly and one hundred cents on the dollar. The "New York Times/' in an editorial an- nounced Mr. Hoyt as the first arrival from Chi- cago since the fire, and mentioned the good re- sults of the conference in which Chicago pluck would be met by New York generosity. The following year Mr. Hoyt purchased the site of Old Fort Dearborn, Michigan Avenue and River Street, opposite the Rush street bridge, where he erected the present salesroom and warehouse so admirably adapted to the require- ments of the business. In addition to this the company now owns Nos. 6 and 8 River Street, opposite, in which they have their coffee and spice mills. The William M. Hoyt Company was incor- porated under the laws of Illinois in 1883, with members of the old firm as stockholders, and the business has been conducted in the cor- porate name since that time. The officers of the company are W. M. Hoyt, President; R. J. Bennett, Vice-President; Arthur G. Bennett, Sec- retary and Treasurer; Albert C. Buttolph and Graeme Stewart, business managers. As this great business house occupies one of the most interesting historic spots in the Northwest, Mr. Hoyt caused to be prepared and set in the wall of his building a memorial tablet on which he had engraved a sketch of the forts erected on the site, the first in 1803-04, the second in 1816, after the dreadful massacre of 1812. Mr. Hoyt was married April 9, 1860, to Miss Emilie J. Landon, daughter of Nelson Landon, of Benton, Lake County, 111., and four children were born of this marriage. The eldest, Wil- liam Landon. died when five years of age; the other three are Emilie Lydia, now Mrs. F. Mor- ton Fox, of Philadelphia; Nelson Landon, who is connected with the l)usiness house of his father. When Phelps Buttoli)h, the second son, manifested a desire for a collegiate education, he was carefully prepared for the Scientific School of Yale I'niversity, from which he re- ceived the degree of Ph.B in 1893. He then entereri Into the management of his father's real estate business. Mr. Hoyt's children have been carefully taught and reared. He finds little attraction in the allurements of club life. His ('lub is his home, and Its membership comprises the mem- berH of his family. He has thus been able to enjoy the companionship of his children and cxiTt a salutary inHiicnce during (he formative period, when restraint and direction are so im- portant In fixing hal)itH and establishing char- acter, and when timely suggest Ion Impart whole- some and correct views of life's duties and ob- ligations, to a degree that determines the posi- tion and destiny of boys and girls. While al- lowing them all the advantages that wealth affords, he discourages any ostentatious display, and teaches them that money is not to be relied upon for attaining honorable position; that must depend upon individual character and ex- ertion. He wisely endeavors to obtain the highest development of a boy by encouraging his natural tendency or inclination. When his son Landon evinced a desire for business, he took him into the store, but required him to put on an apron and begin at the bottom, learning all the details of the business by actual ex- perience. Mr. Hoyt has been helpful to scores of young men who have gone to him for assistance. Many have been aided and encouraged by his counsel; others have, through his interposition, secured positions of responsibility; and still others have obtained from him the necessary means to em- bark in business. His present partners were former clerks in his employ and were promoted to their present positions on account of business ability and valuable service. Partners with cap- ital cut no figure with him. Honesty, good morals and good business ability he regards as far more valuable than cash capital. His lib- erality in matters of charity is directed toward helping others to help themselves, and many deserving charities find in him a liberal con- tributor. Though not a member of any church, he sympathizes in a practical way with the char- itable and Christian work of his wife. In 1872 he organized and established the "Grocer's Criterion," which has developed into the most influential and widely circulated trade journal, for that branch of business, in the United States. Through the medium of this publication he has brought the advantages of his house directly to the attention of retailers, and has thus been able to dispense with the ser- vices of traveling salesman. He was the pioneer in the inauguration of this new system. Al- though the "Criterion" has passed into other hands, its publication is continued weekly, and his company pays it annually for advertising a sum larger than the total income of the best country newspaper. The business of the firm is conducted on a strictly cash basis. They buy as closely as pos- sible and discount all bills; sell on short time and require i)rompt payment. They are thus enabled to make better prices than dealers who buy on credit and are indifferent about collec- tions. The stability of this house is not seri- ously affected by a monetary stringency or a panic. Personally Mr. Hoyt never speculates, l)ut invests his surplus in Chicago real estate for i)ermanent hohlings. By exercising good judgment in real-estate investments, they have become so varied and valuable as to require most of his time. He lives in quiet hixury in his large and elegant home in Winnetka, on the Lake Shore, seventeen miles north of Chi- cago. He has his winter home at Green Cove HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 921 Springs, Fla., near Jacksonville, on the St. John's River. The career of such a man is a guide and ex- ample for the young. It exhibits qualities worthy of imitation. He who starts in life with no capital but integrity, ability and a fixed purpose, and thus achieves remarkable success, is the one who combines the most desirable qualities. Greater executive ability is required to organize and manage a large commercial business than to conduct the chief executive office in the State government. In the latter, the methods are all established, and the law directs the administration; whereas, the busi- ness man must formulate his plans and adapt them to conditions liable to frequent changes. He must study the markets, both as a buyer and a seller. He must be able to select and em- ploy men with reference to their capacity to buy and sell and keep the infinite details of his business well in hand. Mr. Hoyt is sagacious, prudent, careful. His perception is acute; his decision instantaneous; his judgment accurate. He acquires and holds the confidence and es- teem of his associates and employes. He accom- plishes his purpose with such tact and diplo- macy as not to antagonize or offend others. He rather shrinks from prominence or notoriety, but never shirks a duty. He is enterprising and progressive. By the application of sound prin- ciples his business has been extended to enormous proportions. Always public spirited and ready to aid in the advancement of Chi- cago's interests, he was one of the early ad- vocates for the location of the World's Fair in Chicago and contributed liberally to that gigan- tic enterprise. In personal intercourse he is genial and affable, always exhibiting the gen- uine characteristics of a gentleman. In politics Mr. Hoyt was a Republican up to the time he first voted for Grover Cleveland for the presidency. He desires to be strictly independent and casts his vote and uses his infiuence according to his best judgment. In this view he looks to betterment in government by restoring a Democratic administration. In this we might expect greater economy; do away with imperialism; lessen taxation; work on lines of peace rather than invite and prepare for war; enjoy a freer trade and have fewer trusts; recognize the law of supply and de- mand; get back on to the lines that insure permanent prosperity, rather than have booms and inflation that result in panics and demoral- ization. JOHN M. HUBBARD. John M. Hubbard, Assistant Postmaster, was born at Drewsville, N. H., in 1847. His early years were passed at Saxtons River, Vt. where he attended the district school and academy. The movement toward the West, then at its height, caught the spirit of adventure in the youth, and he made the long journey to Chi- cago in 1864. He entered the Postal Service as a clerk in the mailing division in 1871, and, with but one intermission, has been contin- uously connected with the service ever since. Before entering the postofiice, Mr. Hubbard was engaged in the great wholesale dry-goods house of John V. Farwell & Co., and there ac- quired that intimate knowledge of business de- tails which later proved extremely valuable to the postal service. Very little in the way of information comes amiss to those employed in the postofiice, and Mr. Hubbard's busy life ex- emplifies the saying, for he has occasion quite often to draw upon the stores of legal experience gained as Chief Clerk in the Sheriff's office during his absence from the Postal Service be- tween the years 1881 and 1889. After serving in the Registry Division, he was promoted to be Postmaster's Secretary in 1872, and after- ward, under Postmaster John McArthur, became Superintendent of the City Division. Any one who remembers Chicago as it was just after the great fire of 1871, will realize the magnitude of the task which presented itself to the new City Superintendent. The city had grown with giant strides, but the Postal Service had not kept pace with its growth. Mr. Hubbard's re- ports and recommendations from time to time opened the crusade for a full recognition by the Department of Chicago's postal needs, which successive Postmasters have since earnestly urged. It is interesting to note that, in 1889, Mr. Hubbard spoke before the Postofiice Com- mittee at Washington, and recommended that, on account of his financial responsibilities and the importance of the office, the salary of Chi- cago's Postmaster be increased to $8,000 per annum, but it was not until 1903 that the neces- sary legislation was secured to procure the in- crease which was admitted as proper and neces- sary almost a generation before. Mr. Hubbard's interest in the service, however, has not been the sort of interest which com- mendably enough, we feel in our means of livelihood. It has had a far higher and wider range, and covers the entire field of postal prog- ress. His contributions to this field have won for him recognition as an authority on the Postal Service of the United States. Serving as Assistant-Postmaster under administrations of divergent politics, his duties at times have been difficult and delicate. No one has ever ques- tioned his allegiance to the political party which formed about Lincoln in Illinois, yet none has ever intimated that his service to the Govern- ment has ever been colored by the least display of partisanship in office. It is this prevailing characteristic of impartiality and scrupulous ad- herence to conscientious convictions and well- reasoned beliefs which has enabled him to serve with credit alike under both Democratic and Re- publican Postmasters. When Mr. Hubbard became Superintendent of Delivery, the entire postal business of Chicago was done under one roof. He recommended and afterward introduced into Chicago the Station System, which now embraces 250 separate loca- tions at which postal business is transacted. He suggested the original plan for establishing the collecting and delivery services on separate bases, which was adopted during the administra- 922 HISTORICAL EXCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. tion of Colonel Sexton. He also specialized the methods of city distribution and laid the founda- tion of the system as it stands today. He an- ticipated the civil service law, by recommending to the Postmaster (who secured the depart- mental approval) the appointment of substitute carriers as regulars according to seniority, and so displaced the haphazard method then pre- vailing. When a man with intelligence and honesty connects himself with any service, and when, furthermore, he has occupied a position of in- fluence and responsibility for years longer than the average duration of a human life, he is cer- tain to impress himself on its life and progress in many and various ways. So it has been with Mr. Hubbard. The evidences of his interest and Intelligence are apparent in every division of the local postofflce, and there is scarcely an im- provement he has not been instrumental in fur- thering. Withal, he has the unusual capacity of justly appreciating his subordinates, and their suggestions are cordially received and never fail to gain the proper meed of approval. One of the more important pieces of postal work on which Mr. Hubbard was engaged, and which showed his skill and his knowledge of the ser- vice, was the amalgamation of fifty-four inde- pendent postofRces with the Chicago office in the summer of 1894. Postmasters generally will rec- ognize that the transfer, even of one small office, with the financial and other responsibili- ties it involves, is a difficult task, but when we consider the transfer of fifty-four — some of them first-class offices — then the magnitude of the task, accomplished without a serious hitch, will be realized as a great piece of postal work. Again, the removal of the entire postoffice force and furniture from the old postofflce to the tem- porary building on the Lake front in April, 1896, which Mr. Hubbard planned without disturbing the regular service beyond the dropping of one trip, was a feat seldom equaled anywhere in the Postal Service. Mr. Hubbard is a big, broad-shouldered Yan- kee, with a hearty, vibrating voice, and one in- stantly feels that he is deeply in earnest in what- ever cause he advocates. Speaking of voice, it should be said in passing that Mr. Hubbard is a musician of more than local reputation, and for years sang in the choir of the Second Pres- byterian church. During tlie war, while quite a boy, he was a member of the famous Chicago Quartette, and his singing inspired much patri- otic enthusiasm, and was one of the features of the enthusiastic war meetings of the time. Be- fore the new civil service was introduced he often accompanied the late Robert G. Ingersoll on hi.s great oratorical campaigns, and it was said of his singing that it was a fitting accom- paniment to the oratory — by no means an un- flattering commendation, when one considers the caliber of the orator. Mr. Hubl)ard was married to Miss Helen M. ChllflH, of Boston. Mass., on the 23d of Decem- fier. 186S, and haH two children, .John M. Hub- bard, .Jr.. and Mary M. Paddleford. HENRY HUDSON. Henry Hudson, attorney-at-law, was born in Tompkins County, N. Y., July 24, 1835, and was educated in the public schools of Ypsilanti, Mich. He is a son of Richard and Sarah (Emmet) Hudson, the former born in Connecticut, and the latter in New York. On the paternal side of the family the grandfather was John B. Hud- son, who was born in Connecticut, where he married Sarah Smith, a native of the same State. On the maternal side the grandfather was Samuel Emmet, whose birth occurred while crossing the ocean, the grandmother's maiden name being Anna Salomon, a native of England. On the paternal side the family is descended from Daniel Hudson, who was born in Boston, Mass., in 1690. The ancestors on the maternal side came originally from Ireland. In politics Mr. Hudson is a Republican. In 1866 he was elected Mayor of Boone, Iowa, and served as Circuit Judge from 1869 to 1873. He was mar- ried in Chicago, October 21, 1866, to Mary E. Roche, and of this union six children were born, of whom two, Harry N., and Josephine H., survive. WILLIS A. HULL. Willis A. Hull, Fire Marshal, Swift & Com- pany, was born in Collinsville, Conn. December 22, 1860, and educated in the public schools. After leaving school he went into the grocery business, remaining until he came to Chicago in 1885, when he joined the Fire Insurance Patrol, No. 1; later was transferred to Patrol No. 4, and promoted to Lieutenant. Mr. Hull was Fire Inspector of the Stock Yards for the Board of Underwriters for ten years, until he came to Swift & Company, November 1, 1896, and was appointed Fire Marshal, which position he still retains, and, by his long and constant fire service, has shown himself to be the "right man in the right place," and ready for any duty which he may be called upon to perform. He was married in Chicago, April 23, 1893, to Miss Hattie Bronson, and they have had three chil- dren, only one of whom is now living. CHARLES D. HULVERSON. Charles D. Hulverson, Superintendent of the McReynolds Elevator B, located at South Wood Street and Fifteenth Place, Chicago, was born at Plymouth, Ind., July 7, 1861, the son of Huger and Phoebe (Tibbets) Hulverson. The father died in 1880, at the age of fifty-eight years, but the mother is still living. After being employed as telegrapher and train-despatcher by the Wa- bash Railroad Company at the Forty-seventh Street Station for five years, and in a like capac- ity by the Wisconsin Central for fifteen years, he spent nine years, first as wcighman and then as foreman in the grain elevator business with J. F. Kendall. In May, 1900, he succeeded Mr. Kendall as Superintendent of the McReynolds & Company's Elevator, a position which he still re- tains. This elevator was erected in 1887 by Linus & Dwight, being then known as the Wis- consin Elevator. It has a storage capacity of HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 923 a million bushels of grain, with ample and mod- ern machinery and other conveniences including an electric light plant. Mr. Hulverson was married March 17, 1900, to Miss Minnie New- man, of Chicago, and he and his wife are attend- ants on services at the Fourth Christian Scien- tist Church, Chicago. In politics he is a Repub- lican and deeply interested in good government. JUDGE JONAS HUTCHINSON. Jonas Hutchinson, lawyer and jurist, at the time of his death Justice of the Superior Court of Cook County, was born in Milford, N. H., January 10, 1840, the youngest of a family of nine children, and was there reared on a farm. His father having died when his son was six years old, the latter worked in a grocery store for a time, took a preparatory course in the academy at Mount Vernon, N. H., and, at the age of nineteen years, entered Dartmouth Col- lege, where he graduated with honors in 1863. During his collegiate course he became a mem- ber of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity, in which he always retained an active interest. His bright mind and attractive ways com- mended him to the friendship of the President of the college, Nathan Lord, who recommended him as a teacher for the high school at Colum- bus, 0. This confidence was soon demonstrated to be well founded, for we find this young teacher, at the end of his first year the Principal of this high school. He served two years in this position and then came to Chicago, on a business venture, as the Western Agent for the publishing house of D. Appleton & Co. After two years of successful business management, he turned his attention to the study of law in an effort to gratify his youthful ambition to become a lawyer. He prosecuted his legal stu- dies in Boston and in Milford, N. H. In the latter place, under the direction of Mr. Bain- bridge Wadleigh, a distinguished lawyer, wno subsequently became a United States Senator from New Hampshire, Mr. Hutchinson was ad- mitted to the bar of his native State in March, 1869. He returned to Chicago to strive for the rewards and honors in his profession, which he afterwards so amply attained, both at the Bar and on the Bench. In 1876 he entered into part- nership with James H. Roberts, the firm after- wards becoming Roberts, Hutchinson & Thomas. Jonas Hutchinson was always interested in the political events of his time and was, all his life, a stanch Democrat. His ability and popu- larity with his party was shown by his election by acclamation to the chairmanship of the Democratic County Central Committee for three successive years, beginning in 1888. The suc- cess of the party, in the election of Mayor Cregier, was conceded to be largely due to his management. His ability was recognized by the Mayor, who appointed him Counsel to the Corporation. During his term as Corporation ^ Counsel, from 1889 to 1891, his health became' so much impaired that he was ordered South, and, although he offered his resignation, it was declined. His absence was for about four months, and so scrupulous was he about taking unearned money, that he refused to receive any part of his salary for the time he was absent. His popularity with the public was evidenced by the results of the several elections in which he sought their suffrages. He was first elected to the Superior Bench of Cook County, to fill th'e unexpired term of John P. Altgeld, then Governor-elect. He was re-elected in the pres- idential year of 1892, at which time he received the largest vote ever cast in Cook County, which exceeded that of President Cleveland and Governor Altgeld, as well as that of his asso- ciates, by several hundred votes. So, too, in the election of 1898, in which he was again a candidate for re-election, he was one of the two Democrats elected at that time. In this election the rest of the Democratic ticket was defeated by from 18,000 to 31,000 in the county. At the time of his death he had just com- pleted a service of twelve years as Judge of the Superior Court, years of arduous and wearing toil, to which he devoted all of his bright talents and his energy to within a comparatively few days of his death. He died in Chicago, Decem- ber 17, 1903, at his home, 3139 Calumet Avenue. In 1876, Judge Hutchinson married Miss Leti- tia Brown of Springfield, 111., formerly of Lex- ington, Ky. To them were born two children, Helen and Jonas, Jr. Jonas Hutchinson was an upright Judge of fine legal attainments, a loyal citizen, a faith- ful friend, a fond husband and father, true to every duty devolving upon him as student, citizen, business man, lawyer, Judge. THOMAS JESSIE HYMAN. Secretary of the Illinois Steel Co., is descended from good old Pennsylvania stock, both his parents having been natives of that State. In 1851 his father, Sylvester Hyman, emi- grated to Iowa, but a year later returned to his native State, where he was wedded to Miss Mary E. Elce, who accompanied him to the home of his adoption. The subject of this sketch was born at Camanche, Clinton County, Iowa, April 8, 1855, and grew up among the progressive and enterprising people of that prosperous State, receiving his educa- tion in the public schools, at the Iowa State Agricultural College and Cornell College. He early developed a capacity for business, and has successively held official positions with various railroad companies, with the American Steel and Wire Company and with the Illinois Steel Company, with the last of which he is still associated in the responsible position of Secretary. On December 25, 1877, Mr. Hyman was mar- ried to Miss Mae Hyman, and seven children were the fruit of this union. These are named, respectively, Frank S., Jessie, Jean, Helen, Mary, Dorothy and Richard. For the past ten years his home has been in the City of Chi- cago, except for an interim of about three years spent in St. Paul, Minn., where his life has been one of great business activity. His 924 HISTORICAL E:N"CYCL0PEDIA OF ILLINOIS. standing as a business man is indicated by the responsible position which he now holds as Secretary of one of the most important manu- facturing corporations in the country — a posi- tion to which he was elected in January, 1899. In the prime of life, courteous in manner and faithful to the interests intrusted to his care, he is now in the midst of a successful business career. HOWARD H. JACKMAN. Howard H. Jackman, Assistant Engineer in charge of Cribs Water Service, Chicago, was born in East Liverpool, Onio, i^eoruary 9, li>52; attended the puolic school at East Liver- pool, and theu Ailiauce College, Alliance, Ohio; also took a course in civil engineering at Beth- any College, Bethany, W. Va. After leaving college he went into private engineering prac- tice in East Liverpool, and, in 1875, removed to Cleveland, where he was employed in the City Engineering Department until 1878, when he went to Harper County, Kans., as Locating Engineer for Government lands. He was con- nected with the construction of the Missouri Pacific Railroad from the eastern line of the State westerly through Harper County, two hundred miles to the Indian border, being thus employed six years, when he was appointed City Engineer for Wichita, Kans., during the time when all the streets were being paved, and having charge of the construction of fifty- five miles of the sewer system. After remain- ing at Wichita until 1891, he was appointed engineer in charge of a difiicult system of sewerage at Topeka, serving in that capacity for two years and until the completion of the work. Then, having been appointed juror on awards at the World's Fair, he moved to Chi- cago in December, 1892, and was in private engineering business until 1895. when he be- came connected with the Engineering Bureau of the City of Chicago, as first assistant to the engineer in charge of the construction of Sec- tion 3, Northwest Land Tunnel, for one year; in September. 1897, was transferred to North- east I^ke Tunnel, serving as engineer in charge of its construction during 1898 and 1899 and of the C. H. Harrison intake crib. From that time until July, 1900, he was in charge of re- modeling the North Pumping Station, and later was made Division Engineer and placed in charge of the construction and maintenance of Lake Cribs, and also the Pumping Station re- pairs. By his continuous service as engineer in charge of important work, he has shown that he is qualified for any position he is likely to be called upon to fill. He was married at Anthony. Kansas, December 18. 1879, to Miss Lydia M. Goss, and three children have been born to them. P. MEINRAD JEGGLE. Rev. P. Meinrad Jeggle, O. S. B., late pastor of th«' St Benedict Catholic Church at Blue iHland. III., which he organized as a mission in fonnecilon with the St. Joseph Cailiolic Chiu-ch, Chicago, began hlR career In connection with this church while assistant priest in 1861. in Juiy oi the same year ne was ordainea by Jbisnop Dunn auu in 1S62 became pastor of tne fc>t. Vincent Cnuich in Westmoreland County, Pa., also serving tor a time as pastor of the church at Erie, Pa. in 1865 he returned to Illinois and tor a time had charge of a cnurch at Minonk, but soon alter resumed his connec- tion with the St. Joseph Church, where he re- mained until June, 185 <, aiso for one year hav- ing charge of the mission at Blue Island. He then went East, wnere he remained until Janu- ary, 1873, when he returned to St. Joseph's Church, Chicago, remaining there until March, 1874. Then returning East again he spent twenty-two years at Baltimore, Md., and later two years at Pittsburg, Pa., when he went to Colorado for a time, but soon returned to Blue Island, where he has since resided. Father Jeggle has been a parish priest for over forty years, and is widely known throughout North- ern Illinois. ST. BENEDICT CATHOLIC CHURCH, Blue Island, Cook County, 111., was founded as a mission in October, 1861, by Father P. Meinrad Jeggle, 0. S. B., who was then connected with St. Josephs Catholic Church, Chicago, where he was for a time assistant priest. The first services were held in the house of William Heckler, but Father Jeggle urged the people to raise funds to erect a church building, in which he was finally successful, this being at that time the only Catholic Church organization between Chicago and Joliet. The first church was built and dedicated in the summer of 1862, but remained a mission for many years under the care of various Benedictine Fathers. For a time services were held once a month, later being increased in frequency to twice a month. It continued to be connected with the St. Joseph's Church until 1874, when it was trans- ferred to the Washington Heights Church. This connection was continued until December, 1884, when Father Brum Riess, O. S. B., was appoint- ed the first priest in charge. From an early day in its history a parish school was connected with the church, at first taught by Sister St. Clair until 1879, when it was taken in charge by the Sisters of Notre Dame from Milwaukee. Father Riess remained in charge of the church until 1892, when he was succeeded by Rev. Father Lochschmidt. Others who have since been in charge have been Rev. William Hein, who succeeded Rev. Lochschmidt in Septem- ber, 1894, and Father Jeggle, who assumed charge in October, 1898. A Sisters' Home was liuilt in 1879 or '80, a parsonage in 1894, and the present church edifice in 1895 — the cost of the latter being $25,000. The communicants in- clude about one hundred and fifty families, an\ the school is attended iiy about 2z5 pupils. PATRICK J. JENNINGS, Captain Engine No. 13, Chicago Fire Depart- ment, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 20, 1850, came to Chicago in 1863. and was edu- cated at the Jones i)ublic school ,the Jesuit College and University of Notre Dame, South HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 925 Bend, Ind. After leaving school he learned the trade of marble-cutting in 1876, then worked in Armours Tin Factory making solder for two years, when he joined tne Fire Depart- ment, March 3, 1880, being assigned to Engine No. 1, and Trucks 1 and 2 (as substitute), and for sixty days on Chemical No. 1; was trans- ferred to Engine 17 in September, 1882; pro- moted to Lieutenant, August 3, 1883, and trans- ferred to Engine 23; next transferred to En- gine 34, December 31, 1885, and to Engine 5, March 1, 1886; was promoted to oaptain, Sep- tember 15, 1890, anu organized Engine No. 59; was transferred to Engme 17, May 1, 1891; to Engine 38, December 31, 1892; to Engine 6, July 16, 1897; and to Engine 10, January 2, 1899. In 1904 Captain Jennings is still on duty on Engine No. 23. He has had many narrow escapes, being thrown from a cart when on Engine 59, receiving a fracture of his right leg. He rescued two pipemen from suffocation at 1425 Michigan Avenue, May 6, 1899; and on May 24, 1900, rescued Lieutenant Seyferlich, of Engine 10, in a fire at Irwin & Company's 336 Clark Street. Captain Jennings was mar- ried in Chicago, May 12, 1874, to Miss Eliza- beth Robinson, and eight children have been the fruit of this union, five of whom are now living. Captain Jennings is one of the brave, plucky firemen always on hand for any emerg- ency. J. JOHN JOENS. J. John Joens, foreman for a Chicago lumber company and Alderman for the becond Ward, Blue Island, was born in Holstein, Germany, in 1853, the son of H. J. and Anna (Eden) Joens. His parents were both natives of Ger- many, who came to Chicago in 1868, and there spent the remainder of their lives, dying in that city. Coming to Chicago with his parents at fifteen years of age, the subject of this sketch was employed for some time in a sash, door and blind factory, at 15 Lincoln Street, Chicago, whence he removed to Blue Island in 1893, where he engaged in the lumber busi- ness as foreman of a firm having their head- quarters in Chicago. In the spring of 1901, he was elected Alderman for the Second Ward, and served on the License and Judiciary Com- mittees, and as Chairman of the Committee on Plats, Public Buildings and Grounds, also Chairman of the Finance Committee. Mr. Joens was married in Chicago, in 1884, to Miss Mary Mundt, born in Germany, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Mundt, who came to Chi- cago in 1867, and who died there. Mr. and Mrs. Joens have had children named: John, George, Fred and Otto Mr. Joens is a member of the order of Mutual Protection and the German Evangelical Church of Blue Island, being a member and Secretary of the Church Board of Trustees, and is one of the prominent men of Blue Island. FRANK A. JOHNSON, Engineer, Kosciusko School, was born in North Koping, Sweden, April 29, 1872; came to Ameri- ca in 1883, worked in George Hewitt's green- house four years, and then for a feed store one year. He learneu his trade at McFarland & Schlack's boiler-works, where he remained five years. At twenty-one years of age, he ob- tained a license as an engineer, then went with the E. K. Pond Packing Company in 1894, and continued there until he obtained a position from the city of Chicago under civil service rules, November 1, 1895. On November 30, 1895, he was appointed Assistant Engineer at the two-mile crib (Chicago Avenue), remain- ing there six months; then was transferred to the Seventy-ninth Street and Greenwood Ave- nue Surface Draining and Pumping Station, re- maining there two years. He then went to the Cottage Grove Avenue Police Station as engineer for two years; next to the Seventieth Street Sewage Pumping Station; then was ap- pointed assistant engineer at Sixty-ninth Street Sewage Pumping Station; and later sent to the Seventieth Street Pumping Station perma- nently where he remained until March 21, 1904, when he left the Department of Public Works to accept the position of Engineer for the Board of Education (Fifth Grade) at Kosci- usko School, Cleaver and Division Streets. His continuous service is a positive proof of his ability as an engineer. WILLIAM OWEN JOHNSON. Capt. William Owen Johnson (deceased), for many years one of the most extensive vessel- owners in Chicago and largely interested in the lake trade, was born in Mygland Parish, near the city of Arendel, Norway, June 8, 1833, and early became identified with a sea-faring life, becoming a cabin-boy at fourteen years of age. For the next five years he sailed on the Baltic, the North Sea and the Mediterranean, during which he had many exciting experiences. At sixteen years of age, he had a narrow escape from death by drowning while entering the harbor of Setubal, Portugal, on the Norwegian ship Frey. The crew were lowering a boat in which they had placed the young sailor- boy with instructions to unhook the tackle when the boat should reach the water. By some means the end of the tackle had not been properly fastened in the block, and, as a consequence, one end of the boat dropped, throwing Johnson head foremost into the sea. The tide, which was running at the rate of five or six miles an hour, carried him rapidly away from the vessel, but being a good swim- mer, he managed to keep afloat. He was finally picked up by an old Portugese peddler, who was selling fruit and wine among the vessels in the harbor. In 1853, at the age of nearly twenty years, young Johnson came to Chicago, and soon after entered into the employment of Mr. George Steele, the owner of several lake vessels. One of these was the "St. Lawrence," upon which Mr. Johnson sailed for the next two years. A close friendship grew up between him and his employer, and during the next seven years he made his home with the Steele fam- ily during the winter, while following his 926 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. occupation as a sailor upon the lake during the summer months. An incident occurred durmg the year 1S5T which proved the bravery of the young sailor and won gratitude and lifelong irienaship of his employer. This was during the great flood in the Chicago River in Febru- ary, 185 ('. While the flood was at its height, Mr. Steele and Mr. Johnson attempted to cross the river at Healey's Slough (now the branch leading to the Stock Yards) and thinking the bridge still in place but covered with ice, they drove into the stream, when it was discovered that the bridge had been carried away. The horse, buggy and men were plunged into the water, but Mr. Johnson succeeded in reaching the opposite shore and soon after led the horse to safe footing on the same side. Then swim- ming to the aid of Mr. Steele, who was a large man. he succeeded in getting him to shore in an exhausted condition. Mr. Steele gave to his rescuer credit for saving his life, and this adventure most strongly cemented the friend- ship which already existed between them. In 1857 Mr. Johnson engaged in the lake shipping trade for himself, flrst becoming the owner of a vessel called the "Fish Hawk." By purchases and the construction of new ves- sels, he finally became the owner of seventeen vessels of various grades, which were employed in the grain and lumber-carrying trade, and by shrewd and careful management, especially during the period of the Civil War, made large profits. By judicious investments in real es- tate, he accumulated a large fortune, always employing legitimate and straight-forward methods. During his career in connection with lake navigation Captain Johnson saw many start- ling disasters. Among these was the burning of the "Niagara" at Port Washington in 1857, when he assisted in saving the crew. Again, by shooting a line across the schooner "Grey- hound," a grain-laden vessel, which had gone ashore at Sheboygan, he succeeded in rescuing the crew, all of whom were saved except two who had unsucessfully attempted to swim ashore. A month after the deplorable disaster of the "Lady Elgin," which resulted in the loss of 300 lives in 1860, he picked up in mid-lake the bodies of two of the victims, both ladies, one of whom was identified by the rings found on her fingers. The bodies were buried at Racine. In 1872 Captain Johnson was united in mar- riage to Miss Eline Theodora Schumacher and five children were born of this union, of whom three are still living: Clara Amelia, Olga Theresa and Alice Eline Theodora. In 1889, accompanied l)y his wife and oldest daughter. Captain .Johnson visited the International Ex- position at Paris of lliat year, and spent some flvf months traveling in Europe. His residence during his later years was at Wicker Park, where he died Novemlier 19, 1902. His fimeral Hervlcea were contiucted by Rev. Atistln D. Crlle, pastor of the Wicker Park Lutheran church, the burial taking place in Graceland Cemetery. Captain Johnson was emphatically a self- made man. Landing in America a poor sailor- boy, by his indomitaoie energy and faithful attention to duty, anu througn the legitimate channels of business, he achieved a success in life attained by few. Daniel amasa jones. Daniel A. Jones was born in Hartford, Conn., June ay, 1807. It is probable his ancestors were Vv elsh, though the line ol descent beyond the ocean has not been traced. The tamiiy became identified with America at a very early period in its history, Josiah Jones, the American ancestor, having settled in Massachusetts in 1665. Amasa Jones, the father of Daniel A., was a sea-captain, com- manding a vessel which plied between Hart- ford and the West Indies. He died the year followmg Daniel's birth. The widow removed with her family, consisting of three sons and one daughter, to the home of her father, Israel Jones, who resided on a farm in North Adams, Berkshire County, Mass. Israel Jones was a typical New England man, of industrious habit, of high Christian character and of prominence and influence in the community. He was one of the Trustees of Williams Col- lege, at Williamstown, Mass., the most impor- tant educational institution in Northern Massa- chusetts. Here the lad passed his child- hood and boyhood, working on his grand- father's farm in summer and going to school in winter. In addition he was sent for one year to an academy at Stockbridge. At the age of seventeen years he left the Berkshire Hills and obtained a clerkship in a store at Albany, N. Y., where he remained three years at a salary of one hundred and fifty, and later two hundred dollars a year, out of which he had to pay his board and clothe himself. Here he learned the details of the mercantile busi- ness, which contributed much to his success in after life. When twenty years old he deter- mined to seek his fortune in the West, where an elder brother had alreauy gone and was established in business in Louisvule, Ky. Ob- taining employment with nis brother in a soap factory, he soon gained experience, and devel- oped such qualities of fidelity ana capacity that he was sent to New Orleans to make some doubtful collections, in which he was so suc- cessful that, on his return, he was placed in charge of a store. Here he passed three years, when, in the fall of 1829, he determined to go into business for himself. He selected New- port, Ind., a village on the Wabash River, and buying a stock of goods at Ijouisville on credit and borrowing money to pay the freight, he opened a little store. His business was mod- erately successful, ■60 that in 1832 he was able to purchase a cargo of pork and corn, which he loaded on a flatboat and took to New Or- leans, realizing a good profit on the venture. He continued flatboating in connection with his other business for twenty years, and by good management and good fortune never lost a l)()at. During the Black Hawk War he was i^^Tt HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 927 commissioned Colonel or the Fifty-ninth Regi- ment, Indiana Militia, which was organized to take part in the War, but was never called into active service. He was present at the treaty made with the Indians at Chicago in 1833, at which time he crossed the Chicago River in a scow towed by a rope. In 1837 Mr. Jones married Miss Mary G. Harris, of Rockville, Ind., who became the mother of his seven children, and who died in December, 1855. In 1841 he took into partner- ship Mr. Charles M. Culbertson, who had been with him some years as a clerk. In 1846 he established a store in Danville, 111., with James M. Culbertson as manager, the business being continued for eleven years. After a few years he entered 8,0Q0 acres of land lying along the route of the Illinois Central railroad. In 1856 he removed to Granville, Ohio, to give his seven children better educational advantages and to take a rest after twenty-nine years of active business life. But he did not remain long idle, as the next year, in connection with his old partner, Charles M. Culbertson, he es- tablished a packing house in Muscatine, Iowa. In 1858 Mr. Jones contracted his second mar- riage, this time with Miss Harriet A. Knapp of Fairfield, Conn., who survives him, being now a resident of Chicago. In 1859, having become tired of the quiet life of Granville, he removed to Chicago. Having renewed his partnership with Charles M. Cul- bertson, they built a packing house at State and Twenty-second Streets, in 1858, where they packed pork until 1862, when they sold the building and erected another, in 1863, at Stew- art Avenue and West Eighteenth Street, which was sold to Culbertson, Blair & Co., in 1864. In 1865 he was elected President of the Pack- ers' and Provision Dealers' Insurance Com- pany, which position he held until the company was consolidated with the Merchants' Insur- ance Company in 1866. He was a director in the last named corporation until its failure at the time of the great fire in 18(1. In 1866 he entered into partnership with R. M. and 0. S. Hough and Chas. L. Raymond, in the pack- ing and commission business. This partnership lasted five years, when we find him at the head of the firm of Jones & Raymond in the same line of trade. Mr. Jones finally retired from the packing business in 1884, having been among the most enterprising and extensive dealers in provisions, which branch, in the hands of the Armours, Swifts, Fowlers and Cudahys, has become so important a part of the commerce of Chicago. Mr. Jones was elected President of the Chamber of Commerce in 1869, and held that office at the time the great fire of 1871 swept away the building. He then tendered his res- ignation, but the board of directors declined to accept it. The Board of Trade demanding a new building, Mr. Jones was placed on the building committee and superintended the con- struction of the building erected for that or- ganization by the Chamber of Commerce. It was pushed with such energy, in the face of many obstacles presented at that time, that he was enabled to present to the Board of Trade, at the end ot a year from the destruction ot the old building, a new and a better one, well equipped for the transactions of the board's busmefes. The fire occurred on the 9ch of October, 1871. On the 9th of October, 1872, Mr. Jones conducted the members of the Board of Trade, with their invited guests, to the new hall and delivered to its oflicers the keys to the edifice. The services of Mr. Jones were sought in the conduct of various financial institutions in which he held large interests. He was a direct- or in the Merchants' National Bank, Fifth National Bank and National Bank of America, from the time they were organized until his death. He was largely interested in the Chi- cago City Railway, and during the year 1881- 82, while the cable line was under construction, was the acting President of the company. With all his business energy and devotion to practical affairs Mr. Jones was a benevolent man, not only in liberal contributions but in helpful aid and sympathetic interest in worthy charities. He was particularly identified with the founding of the Old Ladies' Home, after- ward changed to the Old People's Home, of which he was one of the incorporators, a Trus- tee and the President until his death. In the work of this institution he took the interest which a parent takes in the welfare of a be- loved child, visiting its inmates, learning their needs and supplying their wants. He left a bequest of twenty-five thousand dollars for its endowment, to which has been added twenty thousand dollars by the representatives of his estate in accordance with his wishes. Mr. Jones was a religious man of the Presbyterian faith. He was a member of the Calvary Pres- byterian Church, which was merged into the First Presbyterian after the great fire. His religious faith was expressed not merely in the dogmatic formulas of the church, but in an exemplary life, which, amid the engross- ing cares of business, found expression in numerous acts of kindness and sympathy and in works of practical beneficence. The year he settled in Chicago he built a home far out of the then settled part of the town, on Calumet Avenue, at the corner of Twenty-second Street, fronting on Lake Michi- gan. It was a brick structure of stately ap- pearance and convenient arrangement, at that time one of the finest in the city, and which, after thirty-five years, remains among the handsome places that adorn that beautiful resi- dence street. Mr. Jones' life closed on the 11th of January, 1886, in his seventy-ninth year. Four children of his first marriage survive him: William Jarvis and G. Edwin, of Chicago; Mrs. 0. S. Newell, of Kenosha, Wis.; and Mrs. N. H. Sabin, of Williamstown. Mass. Besides the bequest which he left to the Old People's Home, his will gave $10,000 each to the Presby- terian Hospital of the city of Chicago, Pres- byterian Board of Home Missions and Presby- terian Board of Foreign Missions. The residue of his large estate was devised to his widow and family, and to trustees, for benevolent 928 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. purposes. This last has been carried out in building the Daniel A. Jones memorial addition to the Presbyterian Hospital at a cost of one hundred and fiftj--five thousand dollars, in ad- dition to that already given to that institution, and in various smaller amounts to other phil- anthropic enterprises. FERNANDO JONES. This active and public-spirited man, hale and well presei'ved in his eighty-fifth year, and enjoying a rest richly earned by his long and busy life, has the distinction of being one of the oldest of Chicago's living pioneers. None has done more for the city's interests, and few men in any community have been eye-witnesses of such rapid and marvelous change as he. Mr. Jones, the second child and eldest son of William and Anna (Gregory) Jones, was born at Forestville, Chautauqua County, N. Y., May 26, 1820. While a child of four years the fam- ily removed to Buffalo. There he received his rudimentary education, among his preceptors being a young man who was destined to play an important part in national history — Millard Fillmore, afterwards President of the United States. While living there, he also attended the Fredonia Academy in Chautauqua County, where he was a fellow-student of Reuben E. Fenton, who became Governor of New York. In 1835 the elder Jones determined to remove, with his family, to Chicago, then a pioneer town on the western frontier. Here he opened a store on South Water Street for the sale of stoves and hardware, young Fernando being his assistant. Chicago was then an important trading post, and the point where the Indians were paid their annuities. The boy mingled with the aborigines, and soon became suffi- ciently familiar with their language to con- verse with them and act as interpreter for the traders. This led to his being given a clerk- ship by the United States disbursing officer. At the early age of sixteen he also held clerk- ships in the United States Land office, and in the offices of the Trustees of the Illinois and Michigan Canal. In 1837 Mr. Jones entered the academy at Canandaigua, N. Y., where he remained a stu- dent for two years, and while there formed a warm personal friendship with Stephen A. Douglas, then a student of law, which lasted throughout the lifetime of that illustrious man. Meanwhile Mr. Jones's father had engaged in the real-estate business in Chicago, and on his return to Chicago in 1839. Fernando be- came interested in the business, devoting his attention to the examination of titles and furnishing abstracts. He thus obtained an in- night into the system of "tract indexes," origi- nated t)y Edward A. Rucker, these books being the first of the kind ever prepared. This intri- cate and essential liranch of the real-estate liusineKH afterwards confitltuted the most im- portant occupation of his life. He devised an imprf)ved system of abstracts of titles and pre- par»-d, with Infinite patience and detail, l)ook8 In compact form, embodying all Important In- formation respecting land titles contained in the public records of Cook County. All of these records, as well as most of the private abstract books, were consumed by the flames of October, 1871, and then occurred the consoli- dation of the three abstract firms of Chase Brothers, Shortall & Hoard, and Jones & Sell- ers. Business was continued by the new con- cern, which succeeded to the ownership of all the books and material which had been the property of its individual component firms, and these records are now owned by the Chi- cago Title and Trust Company. Mr. Jones, finding himself now relieved of the necessity for personal supervision of the business, re- tired from active participation therein. Yet his intimate knowledge of titles and familiar- ity with the personal and business lives of early land-owners have rendered his services of the highest value in the settling of disputes and quieting of titles. While disinclined to hold office, Mr. Jones has not refused to accept and discharge the public duties devolving upon the citizens of enlightened public spirit. During the admin- istrations of Mayors Haines and Wentworth, he sat in the City Council, having been first elected Alderman for the Third Ward in 1859. During the Civil War he held the position of Supervisor of the Town of South Chicago, the area included within Camp Douglas falling within what may be called his civil jurisdiction. He has also been conspicuously identified with the management of various public and private charities, having served as Trustee of the Central Hospital for the Insane at Jackson- ville, as well as of the Chicago Orphan Asylum. He was also a Trustee of the old Chicago Uni- versity, and has been identified with many business enterprises of magnitude, in both his public and private relations maintaining an enviable reputation for capability, public spirit and integrity. At the present time he is Vice- President of the Chicago Pioneer Society and a member of the Calumet and Press Clubs and other organizations. Mr. Jones was married, July 7, 1853, to Miss Jane Grahame, of Henry County, a lady of rare mind and culture and endowed with remark- able force of character. Mrs. Jones takes a deep interest in the higher education of her sex and in tue widening of its sphere of influ- ence and usefulness, and has been prominently connected with the management of the Chicago Medical College for Women. Their only daugh- ter, Genevieve, married the late George R. Grant, a distinguished member of the Chicago Bar. She was left a widow with one daughter, Leslie, and is now deceased. Their son, Gra- hame, is a graduate of the Chicago Law School. Mr. Jones, with his wife, son and daughter, after laying down the active cares of a busi- ness life, devoted eight years to foreign travel, spending three years at Florence, two at Paris, and one each at Venice, Rome and Mentone. During his long sojourn abroad he accumulated a vast and almost priceless collection of an- tiques, curios and rare works of ai-t, which HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 929 adorn the handsome and hospitable home at 1834 Prairie Avenue. GEORGE PHIFER JONES. George Phifer Jones was born in South So- lon, Madison County, Ohio, April 3, 1839. His father, William Jones, was born in Sullivan County, Tenn., and his mother, Sarah Phifer, in Rockingham County, Va. Mr. Jones has never looked up the family history to learn whether his parents were F. F. Vs. or not. He knew his father was an honest man and his mother a noble Christian woman; and he felt, if he acted well his part, he would rank high enough to be called a good citizen. With an ordinary common-school education, he found himself a young man of twenty-one in Cali- fornia, pining for his home and sweet-heart in Ohio, and having no money, the only resource left him was to walk, which he did through what is now Arizona and New Mexico in the month of August, and his" experiences on that hot tramp, beset with California lions, rattle- snakes, tarantulas, centipedes, wild Indians and wilder white men, cured him of many of his youthful follies. He arrived at London, Ohio, the home of his parents, in October, 1860, in time to cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln, and has been voting the Republican ticket ever since. On the first day of May, 1861, he mar- ried Samantha Graham, and kept a country dry-goods store until 1864, when he moved to Joliet, 111., where he spent the next fourteen years of his life, save two years during which he lived in Des Moines, Iowa, first in the dry- goods trade, and then as Cashier of the Will County National Bank, which his friend, Har- low N. Higinbotham, and he organized. He moved to Chicago in 1878 and was connected for a number of years with the Credit Depart- ment of the wholesale Hat & Cap House of Keith Brothers. In 1889 he was Superintendent of Public Service for Cook County; afterwards was connected with the Metropolitan National Bank; was Receiver of Columbian Casino Res- taurant at the World's Fair grounds; and As- signee and Receiver for a number of other concerns. Later he was Receiver for the Columbia Straw Paper Company with thirty- four properties scattered over nine States; for many years was Vice-President and Trustee of the Harvey Land Association; and is now Vice- President of the Stowell Manufacturing & Foundry Company, of South Milwaukee, Wis., and President of the Jones and the Smith Car Door Companies of Chicago. Mr. Jones has had a varied but modest business career, and while he has never defaulted, and has always paid his debts, does not claim any particular credit for simply doing his duty. He has been a mem- ber of the Union League Club from its organ- ization, and has borne a prominent part in making that great institution the home and delight of men of worth and merit, and an unpleasant resort for snobs and presumptuous "squaw men." He is a Methodist in religious belief and a Republican in political principle, and entertains feelings of abhorrence for rings and cliques in church or party. State or club. Unostentatious in manner, he has not been a seeker for notoriety, and this sketch is here because of the kindly wishes and cordial ap- preciation of valued friends. FREDERICK H. KASBOHM, Captain Fire Insurance Patrol, No. 2, was born in Chicago, January 2, 18.56, and educated at the Wells and German Schools. After leaving school he engaged in the grocery business, and later learned the harness-maker's trade. He joined the Chicago Fire Department, March 1, 1885, and was assigned to Truck No. 11, but resigned January 25, 1889, and joined the Fire Insurance Patrol No. 1; was transferred to Fire Patrol No. 3, when it was organized March 11, 1889; to Patrol No. 4, Stock Yards November 10, 1889 ;and to Patrol No. 2, Sep- tember 6, 1892; was promoted to Lieutenant November 11, 1892, and assigned to Patrol No. 3, from which he was transferred, December 1, 1893, to Patrol No. 2. While he has had many narrow escapes, he has been only slightly injured, and like the majority of Chicago fire- boys, is always ready for any emergency where duty calls. He was married to Chris- tine Falkenburg, in Chicago, March 16, 1877, and nine children have been born to them, eight of whom are living. THOMAS KAVANAUGH, Chief Engineer, Harrison Street Pumping Sta- tion, was born in Chicago, April 19, 1869, edu- cated at the Christian Brothers School, and after leaving school learned the steam-fitter's and machinist's trades, and worked three years as machinist for the Bullock Manufacturing Company. He was fireman at the West Side Pumping Station from 1888 to 1893, later serv- ing at various public school buildings as engi- neer. In 1893 he became connected with the Canal Pumping works as a steam-fitter, remain- ing there two years, when (in 1895) he was appointed assistant engineer at the Harrison Street Pumping Station, where he remained un- til he was appointed Chief Engineer at the West Side Pumping Works, August 15, 1897, and thence transferred to the Harrison Street Pumping Station May 22, 1901, where he still remains. He is very popular among his many friends and associates in the Nineteenth Ward, where he was born and raised. THOMAS KEATES. Thomas Keates,.DesPlaines, Cook County, 111., is a native of England, born September 19| 1854, the son of William and Mary (Smith) Keates. He was educated in his native coun- try and, having emigrated to America, in 1881 was married to Alida E. Brown, of DesPlaines. Mr. Keates is a Methodist in religious belief and a Republican in politics, and holds the position of Minute Clerk in Judge Marcus Kavanagh's Court, in the city of Chicago. LOUIS F. KEEGAN, Champion Hand-ball Player and Pipeman on 930 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Engine No. 15, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago September 25, 1870, was edu- cated in the Throop Public, German and Sacred Heart Schools, and after leaving school, worked in Maxwell Brothers' box factory for three years and for Goss & Phillips Manufac- turing Company three years. Then, after hav- ing been employed by the City Electric Light Department for eight years, he joined the Fire Department, October 9, 1895, being assigned to duty on Engine No. 52. April 7, 1896, he was transferred to Engine 29, and to Engine 15 April 7, 1897, where he still remains. He has had many narrow escapes, but has not been injured. In February. 1896, William Carney and Keegan played a game of hand-ball with Phil. Casey and James Dunne, and won the match for the championship team of the world. They played again June. 1896, and were de- feated. Keegan and Carney left a challenge with the editors of the "Police Gazette" for $1,000, which was never answered. Therefore they claim the championship of the world. Mr. Keegan is the nephew of Lawrence Barrett, the tragedian. Mr. Keegan says he is ready to play any member of the fire or police depart- ments at any time. He was married October 11. 1892, to Miss Mary A. Greene, and four children have been born to them. WILSON T. KEENAN. Wilson T. Keenan (deceased), whose history is no slight part of the story of the live-stock industry of the West and of the upbuilding of the Union Stock Yards at Chicago, was born on a farm near Lebanon, Ohio, October 17, 1836, and there received his education in the district school. At the early age of thirteen he passed out into the world to wrestle with fortune for a name and a competence — a sharp struggle with all, a failure with many, but crowned with success for him. Mr. Keenan apprenticed himself to the butcher trade, and mastered all its details in a manner characteristically thorough. When he was nineteen, young Kee- nan came to Quincy, III., where he found em- ployment in the construction of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, and for a time was Station Agent at Colchester, 111. In 1857 he began buying grain for St. Louis and hogs for Quincy. In the winter of 1858-59 he was the superintendent for Hurll)urt & Prevost in the hog-buying and packing business at Keiths- burg, 111., and during the next winter was em- ployed by other parties at Burlington, Iowa, in the same line. In the winter of 1860-61 he was engaged in slaughtering and packing hogs at Camp Point. III., and during the year follow- ing, built slaughtering hou.ses at Quincy and at WPKt (inlncy (Mo.), and packed pork during tli(> War of the Rebellion. Mr. Keenan became a citizen of Chicago in ISn.'i, opening a iive-Htock commission house at the Stock Yards during that year, and was among the first to take up that line of busi- ness in the city. From that time until his death, June 18, 1900, he was a prominent factor in the history of the live-stock trade at the Western Metropolis. No man there commanded greater respect, or was more enterprising or alert. As the senior member of the firm of W. T. Keenan & Sons, he developed a large trade with the far Southwest, and handled many con- signments of Texas and Western range cattle. This was probably due to the fact that Mr. Keenan had made his name familiar to the peo- ple of those remote sections by his assistance and enterprise in laying out the trail by which stock was driven from the Lone Star State to Abilene, Kans. The firm of Keenan & Sons was incorporated December 1, 1898, with W. T. Keenan, President; H. M. Keenan, Vice-Presi- dent; and John D. Stevens, Secretary and Treasurer. Mr. Keenan was united in marriage, at Quincy, 111., February 26, 1857, to Miss Martha Ann Tatman, and of this union were born six children: William E., Horace M., Laura D., Joseph L., Matie A., and Robert R. In the midst of the competitions and activities of the intense life by which he was surrounded, Mr. Keenan held his honor untarnished, and pos- sessed, as few men do, the esteem and confi- dence of those who knew him. MRS. MARY KENNICOTT. Mrs. Mary Kennicott (widow) was born in New Hampshire in 1821, the daughter of Rev. John Mason, a native of Maine, who settled in Elk Grove Township, Cook County, in 1837. She received her education in her native State of New Hampshire before the removal of the family west. Joseph E. Kennicott, who was born at Broadalbin, N. Y., November 20, 1814, settled near the village of "Half Day," in Lake County, in 1835; on August 2. 1841, was married to Miss Mary Mason, and in 1853, pur- chased the farm of his father-in-law. Rev. Mr. Mason, which continued the family homestead until 1865, when he removed to Arlington Heights, dying there, January 14, 1884. Mr. and Mrs. Kennicott had four children: Walter, Al- bert, Eva and Carrie. Both the sons were educated at the Northwestern University. Wal- ter, the eldest, became a volunteer in the war for the preservation of the Union, was mortally wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, and his body lies in Antietam Cemetery. Albert, the younger, died at Arlington Heights, December 30. 1876. The daughters still survive — Eva (now Mrs. J. H. Williams) residing at Monmouth, Warren County, III., and Carrie, the wife of Rev. Horatio S. Hilton, a resident of Indiana. Mrs. Kennicott is a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as was her hus- band, Mr. Kennicott, during his life. JOSEPH L. KENYON, Chief of Twelfth Battalion Chicago Fire De- partment, was born at Bronx, N. Y., Febru- ary 9, 1856, and brought to Chicago by his HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 931 parents when but two months old. In May, 1879, he was assigned to Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1, and became a member August 27th, following. January 1, 1880, he was trans- ferred to Engine No. 13 as pipeman; was pro- moted to Lieutenant October 1, 1881, and as- signed to Truck No. 4; transferred to Engine 13, January 1, 1883; then to Hook and Ladder Company, No. 6, August 4, 1883; was promoted to Captain, May 1, 1884, and assigned to En- gine, No. 21; to Engine 45, January 1, 1886; to Hook ana Ladder Company 15, was assigned to duty as Acting Chief of the Twelfth Battal- ion, December 1, 1892, and promoted to Chief of the Battalion, July 1, 1893, which position he still retains. This is the largest battalion in the Fire Department, comprising 44 square miles of territory, and including thirteen active com- panies and three volunteer companies. Its headquarters are at 6345 Wentworth Avenue, occupied by Engine No. 51, and Fire Alarm Office No. 2. Captain Kenyon has seen all kinds of service in the department. He was one of the heroes at the Cold Storage Fire on the World's Fair grounds, in July, 1893, and was in command of the rescuing party that recovered eleven bodies from the ruins. Several of the victims were Chicago's brave defenders who sacrificed their lives in the discharge of their duty. Chief Kenyon especially distinguished himself, repeatedly risking his life and sustaining inju- ries from which, however, he finally recovered. He also earned high praise from his superior of- ficers and the general public by his service in connection with the fire in the Manufacturers' Building during the Fair, which endangered the lives of many hundreds of people and the destruction of millions of dollars' worth of prop- erty. At that fire Marshal Musham and Chief Kenyon were in command, and by their tact and good judgment, the building and contents were saved, and another laurel added to those al- ready won by efficient service. Another nar- row escape while in the performance of his duty occurred at the big fire of the Belford-Clark Publishing House, on Wabash Avenue, when he led his men into the very heart of the fire, receiving severe injuries from the collapse of the wall which caught him as it fell. He also suffered partial suffocation in February, 1883, in the sub-basement of the building on Arcade Court, where he was rendered unconscious for six hours, while risking his life for the rescue of two of his companions. He had a limb broken in several places at the Donahue & Henneberry fire, at Congress Street and Wab- ash Avenue, May 26, 1886. He is held in high esteem by all the members of the department and all who know him personally, for his brav- ery and genial, manly qualities. Chief Kenyon was married in Chicago, No- vember 11, 1881, to Miss Ella Powell, and four children have been born to them. Mrs. Ken- yon passied away February 25, 1895. and Mr. Kenyon married Miss Lawrence Jentoft, April 28, 1897, Chicago owes a large debt of grati- tude to her brave and plucky firemen, but to none moro than to Chief Kenyon, whose many acts of heroism have won high distinction. WILLIAM P. KETCH AM. William P. Ketcham, lumber and building supply dealer, Chicago, was born in Philadel- phia, Pa., April 16, 1844; went to Marshalltown, Iowa, in 1853, and later attended public and private schools at Muscatine, Iowa. After leav- ing school he joined the Union Army, July 22, 1861, as a private in the Eeventh Iowa Vol- unteer Infantry. He was on detached service at General Grant's headquarters most of the time until he was discharged August 17, 1864. After leaving the army Mr. Ketcham engaged in the lumber, grain and agricultural implement business at Marengo, Iowa, retaining his inter- est there for thirty years. Coming to Chicago in 1885, he organized the firm of J. D. Ket- cham & Brother, wholesale lumber dealers, con- tinuing in that business until 1896-98. This was about time of the beginning of the Spanish- American War, when he took charge of the army beef contract for Swift & Company, Chi- cago, until February 9, 1901. After the war he became interested in a large Building & Supply Company in the city of Havana, Cuba. This was the first enterprise of its kind under- taken after the Spanish-American War, and represented a large amount of Chicago capital. Mr. Ketcham's long experience in business life is a guarantee that any enterprise with which he may be connected will prove a success. Mr. Ketcham was married in Watseka, 111., Decem- ber 25, 1866, to Miss Mary J. Parry, and one child has been born to them. CHARLES L. KILL. Charles L. Kill, live-stock dealer. Union Stock Yards, Chicago, was born in Van Buren, Onon- daga County, N. Y., April 16, 1836, and re- moved with his parents in 1846 to Belgium, Clay County, N. Y. He was educated in the public schools, having among his teachers B. W. Roney and Chauncey Goodrich. Leaving school at eighteen years of age, he worked on a farm uniil 1861, when he went to work on the Erie Canal, remaining ten years. May 17, 1872, he came to Chicago, and on August 3, 1872, was employed as salesman by Frye, War- ner & Kelly at the Union Stock Yards for one year; then sold hogs for Horine, Steck & Co. for four years; for Hathaway & Swift for two years; and cattle for Bunker & Cochran for eleven years. Later he was in businesy with J. W. Martin for three years, and for the past eight years has been with Rice Brothers, sell- ing sheep and other live stock. He was married in Belgium, N. Y., September 5, 1858, to Susan Mandell, and seven children have been the fruit of this union, four of whom are now living. Mrs. Kill passed away August 12, 1870, and September 3, 1877, he was 932 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. married in Chicago to Margaret Littleton, and two children have been born to them. WILUAM WALLACE KLMBALL. Two hundred and seventy years have passed away since the arrival of the first American pro- genitor of the Kimball family. Richard Kim- ball emigrated from Ipswich, England, to find a new home in the little Massachusetts town which bore the same name as the city of his birth. Since that date 11634) twelve genera- tions of his descendants have played their part in the country's history, left their impress upon the localities of their residence, and entered in- to rest. The distinguished Chicago merchant whose name is known to the trade and musical world of two continents, is one of the most successful representatives of this long and hon- orable line. The branch of the family to which Mr. Kimball belongs settled in Oxford County, Maine, soon after the close of the Revolutionary War, and there he — as had been his father, David Kimball — was born, the date of his birth being March 12, 1828. After passing through the district and high schools, at the age of eighteen Mr. Kimball began life as clerk in a country store, after- wards teaching school. On reaching his ma- jority he sought and found employment in Bos- ton, first as a clerk and later as a traveling salesman. His route was gradually extended until his territory embraced the Central, South- ern and Western States. Deciding to enter into business for himself he chose to settle in Chi- cago, and in the autumn of 1857 took up his permanent residence here. In 1864 he removed his business to the Crosby Opera House, which locality then became the center of the city's music trade, and so remained until the great fire of 1871 left that famous building a heap of smouldering ruins. Within forty-eight hours after that catastrophe Mr. Kimball had recom- menced business in his Michigan Avenue resi- dence, utilizing his billiard-room as an office and his barn as a shipping room. His next temporary quarters were at Wabash Avenue and Thirteenth Street, where he remained until 1873. Since then the firm has made four re- movals, each time to more spacious quarters, as the needs of its con.stantly growing business demanded. In 1891 the final removal was made to the building now occupied, at the southwest corner of Wabash Avenue and .lackson Boule- vard. This building was especially erected for the use of the concern, being most carefully planned with a view to the perfect accommo- dation of every branch of their mammoth busi- ness. In 1882 the firm was re-organized and in- corporated under the name of the W. W. Kim- ball Company, and the manufacturing branch of ItH buHlness has steadily and raiiidly grown, th** combined floorage capacity of the piano and organ factories amounting to ten acres. On .lune 22, 1805, Mr. Kimball was married to MImh Evalyne M., a daughter of Hubbell B. Cone, of Chicago. In private life he is genial and hospitable, a member of several clubs and social organizations, fond of the higher class of amusements, notably of the drama, and is especially popular among a large circle of per- sonal acquaintances. GEORGE KIRCHHOFF. George Kirchhoff (deceased), farmer, Arling- ton Heights, 111., was born in the town of Wheeling, Cook County, 111., in 1855, the son of William and Sophia (Freiberg) Kirchhoff, who were natives of Germany and came to this country about the middle of the century. The father died September 17, 1881, and the mother died April 28, 1904, at the age of 76 years. Mr. George Kirchhoff was educated at Arlington Heights and, in 1876, was married to Johanna Henjes, of Elk Grove Township, eight children — William, Sophia, Henry, Edward, George, Ella, Ernst and Rudolf — being the fruit of this union. Of these Sophia, George and Rudolph died in their infancy. Mr. Kirchhoff was a member of the Lutheran Church, and in polit- ical views was a Republican. Mr. Kirchhoff died September 27, 1904. His widow, Mrs. Johanna (Henjes) Kirchhoff still survives. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON KLINE, Pioneer EJngineer, on Engine 78, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Lawrence Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, November 12, 1839, and was educated in the common schools. His grandfather, John Kline, was a pioneer in Law- rence Township, where he bought 4,000 acres of land, which still remains in the family. After leaving school Mr. Kline served four and a half years in Company A, Nineteenth Ohio Volunteer Regiment — his company being known as the "Canton Company" under command of Captain C. F. Manderson — holding the rank of "high private" all through the war. After be- ing mustered out he entered into the employ- ment of the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, then came to Chicago in November, 1866, and engaged with the Chicago & North- western Railroad Company as switchman. In 1868 he became connected with the Michigan Central Company, remaining until May 6, 1872, when he joined the Chicago Fire Department as Assistant Engineer on Engine 12. He was transferred, November, 1872, to Engine No. 17; December 21, 1872, to Engine 15; December 31, 1875, to Engine 17; was appointed Engineer in April, 1879, on Ehgine 20. Other transfers in- cluded to Engine 21, May 6, 1879; to Engine 17, June, 1883, and to Engine 35, at its organ- ization, December 31, 1884. Having resigned, June 27, 1886, he was appointed Engineer of the North Side Water Works, serving two years, including several months as Engineer of the Inter-State Exposition in 1888, when he re- turned to the North Sule Water Works for two years; then worked for C. S. Hutchinson until May, 1893, when he joined the World's Fair Fire Department, as Engineer on Engine No. 6 (Midway); was re-appointed to the Chi- HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 933 cago Fire Department on Engine 14, as assist- ant engineer, August 4, 1894; transferred to Engine No. 1, September 1, 1894; to Engine 22, September 15, 1894; to Engine 35, December 31, 1894; to Engine 21, July 15, 1895; to Engine 13, July 2, 1896; to Engine 9 (as Engineer), November 9, 1898; and to Engine 78, April 15, 1899. Our subject has had many narrow es- capes but no bones were broken; did noble service with Engine 11 at the great fire of 1871, and was badly burned while trying to rescue several people and save property. During his whole term of service he has not lost over fourteen days' time, either by sickness or other- wise. His close attention to duty and his noble bearing have won for him the esteem of his employers and associates. Mr. Kline was married in Chicago, January 10, 1872, to Miss Vesta V. Crozier. JOSEPH E. LACEY. Joseph E. Lacey, formerly Lieutenant Engine No. 5, Chicago Fire Department, was born in the city of Chicago, May 6, 1869, was educated in the Pearson public school, and later learned and worked at the machinist trade. August 13, 1891, he joined the Chicago Fire Department, being first assigned as pipeman to Engine No. 60; was transferred to Truck No. 6 on January 1, 1892, and to Engine No. 40, in March, 1896. July 17, 1897, he was promoted to Lieutenant, and assigned to Engine No. 5. Among the numerous hair-breadth escapes which he met with during his career as a fireman, was that in connection with the explosion of the North- western Elevator on August 5, 1897, when he was dangerously injured, but was saved by his prompt removal to the hospital in a carriage furnished by Capt. H. M. Murray, of Engine No. 46. For ten days he was practically blind in consequence of the grain being blown into his face by the explosion. His comrade, Pipeman William Hanley, who was at his side at the time of the accident, died a few days later as the result of injuries then received. As has been the rule with the ideal Chicago fireman. Lieutenant Lacey has ever been ready to re- spond to the call for duty in the face of dan- ger. At this date (1905) he is Lieutenant of Engine Company No. 14, located at 38 Chicago Avenue. JAMES K. LAKE. James K. Lake, General Superintendent and manufacturer, is a native of Litchfield County, Conn., where he was born, November 22, 1835. His ancestors on the paternal side were of Nevv England birth, both his grandparents, Andrew and Caroline (Bicknall) Lake, having been born in Litchfield County, as was also his father, Nathaniel B. Lake. His father and his grand- father were both farmers. His grandfather on the maternal side was named Andrew Jackson, a native of Virginia, who married Amanda Humason, born in Litchfield County, Conn., their daughter Elvira Jackson, whose birth- place was in Trumbull County, Ohio, becoming the wife of Nathaniel Lake and the mother of the subject of this sketch. At five years of age (1840) Mr. Lake's par- ents removed from Connecticut to Albion, Or- leans County, N. Y., traveling by way of the Hudson River and Erie Canal, there being no railroads across the State at that time. He was educated in an academy at Albany, and, in 1855, began his business career, being en- gaged during 1855-66 in the construction and operation of the Rochester, Lockport & Niagara Falls Railroad, now a part of the New York Central. In 1857 he was employed as an engi- neer on the Mississippi River, but the following year came to Chicago and entered into the service of the Chicago City Railway Company. In 1863 he was placed in charge of the West Division City Railway, remaining until 1866, when he engaged as a contractor in street con- struction and the paving business. A year later (June, 1867) he received the contract for the construction of the Washington Street Tunnel under the Chicago River, finished his contract in two and a half years, and, on January 1, 1870, transferred the tunnel to the city in completed condition. The same year he was awarded the contract for the construction of the lock and dam on the Illinois River at Henry, and two years later received the contract for dredging a channel in Galveston Bay and Buf- falo Bayou between Galveston and Houston, Texas. His next important work was under- taken in 1873 in the construction, for the Com- pany, of the Chicago & Pacific Railroad — now a part of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway — from Chicago to Rock River. In 1874 he again entered into the service of the Chicago West Division City Railway, as Gen- eral Superintendent and Manager, remaining until 1886, when he resigned. During the twelve years of his administration the volume of business on this line grew rapidly until, on his retirement in 1886, it was second to that of no other road of like character in the country. In 1903 Mr. Lake was extensively engaged in the manufacturing business, including the con- struction of engines, automobiles or horseless carriages, and other classes of machinery, and also serving as Vice-President and Treasurer of the McMuUin Motive Power and Construc- tion Company. On November 9, 1864, Mr. Lake was married in Chicago to Charlotte Maria Clark, and had a family of four children named William Oving- ton, Jessie Genevieve, James Clark and Char- lotte Myrtle. In religious faith he is a Pres- byterian and in politics a Republican, but in no sense of the word an office-seeking politician. His life has been one of unusual business activ- ity, the results of which are seen in some of the conspicuous public works of Chicago and the State of Illinois, which stand as monu- ments of his enterprise and engineering skill. AUGUSTUS D. LAMB. Augustus D. Lamb comes from good old Rev- 934 HISTOKICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. olutionary stock, having been born in Tioga County. Pa., April 14th, 1831. Loren Lamb, his father, was the fourth direct descendant of John Lamb, who came from Scotland and settled in America in 1680; Susan Adams, his mother, being a daughter of Lyman Adams, a brother of John Adams, the second President of the United States. When eight years of age the subject of this sketch went to Warsaw, N. Y., to make his home with an uncle, where he received such educational advantages as were afforded by the country schools of that time. In 1853 he came to Chicago to seek a fortune. His first employment was with Eddy & Butler, dealers in hardware and stoves, with whom he re- mained for two years. In 1855 he formed a partnership with Isaac Anderson, in the same line of business, under the firm name of Lamb & Company, but later Mr. Anderson was suc- ceeded by Mr. Jewett, who had come to Chi- cago on Mr. Lamb's urgent personal solicita- tion. Subsequently Mr. Lamb disposed of his interest in the business of Lamb & Jewett to O. R. Butler. Within a few years, however, Mr. Lamb entered the firm of Tuttle, Bartlett & Co.. and after some years of faithful service was admitted into partnership, the firm being soon after reorganized and incorporated under the firm name of Hibbard. Spencer, Bartlett & Company. He subsequently disposed of his in- terest in this concern to enter the wholesale hardware firm of Brintnall, Lamb & Co., which he assisted in organizing. Mr. Lamb has passed the age of three score and ten and has retired from active business life, to pass his declining years in the peaceful serenity of a rest which a well-spent life of toil and integrity has richly earned. He was married in Chicago, in 1859, to Miss Anna E. Bissell, and was the father of two sons, Louis A., and Benjamin B., with whom he now resides at 2011 Prairie Avenue. EDMUND M. LANDIS. Edmund M. Landis, physician and surgeon, was born in Baltimore. Md., October 4, 1846, and died in Chicago, December 14, 1902. He was a great-great-grandson of William Robin- son, the first Governor of Rhode Island, whose father. Rowland Robinson, came from Cumber- land, England, to Rhode Island in 1675. The father of Edmund M. was Dr. Edmund Landis. who practiced medicine in Baltimore, Md.. in early life, and later in Chicago, where he died. His mother's maiden name was Hannah Potter Robinson, who was closely allied with some of the leading families of Rhode Island, and wa.s a cousin of Commodore Oliver Hazzard Perry. The younger Dr. I^andis received his early education in Baltimore, and removed from that city to Chicago in his youth. When in his BJxteenth year, he enlisted in the One Hundred and Thirteenth IlllnolH Volunteer Infantry for service In the War of the Rebellion, and was three years In the Union Army. He was one of the youngest of those who left Illinois to fight for the Union, and none discharged more faithfully all the duties of a soldier. After the war Dr. Landis completed his edu- cation, and for several years was engaged in the drug business in Chicago, beginning the study of medicine in the meantime, and, in 1875, was graduated from Rush Medical Col- lege. He established himself in medical prac- tice on the North Side in Chicago, and within a few years became one of the leading practi- tioners in that part of the city. For many years he was an intimate personal and profes- sional friend of the famous surgeon. Dr. Moses Gunn, and, for a time, was House Physician at St. Joseph's Hospital. His practice was general in character, and few physicians of Chicago have had a clientele more devoted or more appreciative of chivalrous devotion to profes- sional duties. He loved his profession, had a true moral sense of all the obligations that rested upon him, and was counselor and friend, as well as physician, to many of his patrons. His illness was short, and his death, while still at the height of his usefulness, was a shock to those who trusted him as a physician and friend. He was a member and Surgeon of Han- cock Post, G. A. R., and his obsequies were conducted by that organization. In 1877 Dr. Landis was married to Miss Alma Moore, of Chillicothe, Ohio, a daughter of Dr. James J. Moore, one of the leading physicians of Southern Ohio. Dr. Landis is survived by his widow, one daughter, Ida Mary Landis, and a son, Edmund Robinson Landis; also two brothers, Rowland R. and John W. Landis. ALBERT G. LANE. Albert G. Lane, District Superintendent of Schools, Chicago, was born in Chicago, March 15, 1841, of New England, and Puritan parent- age. His father, Elisha B. Lane, settled in Chi- cago as early as 1836. Mr. Lane received his elementary education in the old Scammon School, and later in the High School, gradu- ating with the first class from the latter in 1858. Immediately after graduating he was elected Principal of the Franklin School in the North Division, entering upon the duties of the position before he was eighteen years of age, being the youngest School Principal Chicago has ever had. His success, however, is demon- strated by the fact that he retained the posi- tion until 1869, when, having been elected County Superintendent of Schools as successor to J. F. Eberhart, he retired from his connec- tion with the city schools. In 1873. having failed of re-election, he entered into the bank- ing business in a west side bank, but four years later was re-nominated and re-elected County Superintendent of Schools on the Republican ticket. After that time he was re-elected three times, each lime by increased majorities, mak- ing five terms in the same office. In 1871 Mr. Lane prepared a graded cotirse of study for the country schools of Cook County, which HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 935 was subsequently adopted for the State of Illi- nois, and in modified form in many of the Western States. At the time of the great panic of 1873, Mr. Lane had $33,000 of County School funds de- posited in the old Franklin Bank, which proved a loss on account of the failure of the bank. Although he might have made an adequate defense, he made the amount good by volun- tarily selling his property, borrowing from his bondsmen, insuring his life to protect them, and working fifteen years to pay the debt. September 15, 1891, while serving his fifth term as County Superintendent, Mr. Lane was elected Superintendent of Piiblic Schools for the City of Chicago, as successor to the late George Rowland, who had resigned in August previous. That his election was independent of political consideration is shown by the fact that he received fifteen votes out of a total of twenty-one in the School Board, a majority of whose members were Democrats. Mr. Lane has been recognized as a leader in the ranks of education of the State for years, and has been prominent in the deliberations and dis- cussions at the annual meetings of the National and State Teachers' Associations. He was President of the National Educational Associa- tion for 1893 and 1894 and of the Illinois State Teachers' Association for 1899, and at the pres- ent time is a member of the National Council of Education. In 1898 he was appointed Assist- ant Superintendent of Schools for the city of Chicago, but under a reorganization of Chi- cago's school system, is now serving in the capacity of District Superintendent. Mr. Lane is identified with the Methodist Church, and has always been prominent in religious and Sun- day-school work. He is a member of the Illi- nois Society of the Sons of the American Revo- lution. ALBERT LARRABEE, City Missionary for the Church of Christ, and the son of Stephen and Elizabeth N. (Fair- banks) Larrabee, both natives of Maine, was born in Danville, Maine, May 20, 1831, and edu- cated at Lewiston Falls Academy. His pater- nal grandfather was Jacob Larrabee, born in Scotland, and his maternal grandparents were Jonathan and Mahitabel (Wilson) Fairbanks, both natives of Maine. Mr. Larrabee's boy- hood was spent on a farm in what is now known as Auburn, Maine, and his business life has been devoted to the organization and pro- motion of various pioneer enterprises, some of which are as follows: In 1856 he moved to, and settled in the new town of Macon, Mo., where, in 1857, he obtained the establishment of a post- oflBce and was appointed Postmaster; in 1860 the town was incorporated and he was elected its first Mayor, being re-elected in 1861. In 1863 he was admitted to the practice of law in the courts of that State. In 1866 he became united with, and at once set about the estab- lishment of the Christian Church at Macon, Mo.; in 1867, organized the North Missouri In- surance Company, and was its manager until 1873. This company did business in twenty- seven States, had 1,400 agents and received in premiums, $1,000,000 annually. In 1874 Mr. Larrabee removed to Chicago, and, for several years, continued in the fire insurance business. On his arrival in Chicago, he identified himself with the church and Sun- day-school mission work on the West Side. At that date (1874) there was only one Chris- tian Church (so called), which is now known as "Central Church of Christ," at Indiana Ave- nue and Thirty-seventh Street. This West Side Mission grew into organization, and, from 1876 to 1895, was located at Oakley Avenue near Jackson Street (now Jackson Boulevard). It has since been moved to Monroe and FYancisco Streets, and is known as "Monroe Street Church of Christ." For several years Mr. Larrabee has devoted his time wholly, to opening up new missions and developing these missions into organized churches. From the above named mission of 1874 have grown all of the churches, of that denomination (seven or eight in num- ber), on the West Side, at the present time. The success of several of these churches and missions is largely the result of his labor. He is one of God's noblemen and his work is being richly blessed. Mr. Larrabee is at present Corresponding Secretary of the Chicago Chris- tian Missionary Society. Mr. Larrabee was married in Auburn, Maine, October 2, 1853, to Hannah N. Bourk, and six children have blessed this union: Julius Burke, Stephen Evrett Girard, Massena Goodrich, Ag- nes Estelle, Albert Milsted, and Raggio. In politics, Mr. Larrabee is affiliated with the Democratic party. GEORGE LEADY, Engineer on Engine No. 73, Chicago Fire De- partment, son of Nicholas and Frances Leady, was born in New York City, July 22, 1846, and was brought by his parents to Chicago when he was one year old, and was educated in the public schools of Chicago. After leaving school, he learned the trade of machinist with the Illinois Central Railroad Company, remaining there four years. In September, 1867, he joined the Chicago Fire Department as substitute assistant engineer on Engine No. 5; was trans- ferred as substitute on Engine 14 (Fred Gund, D. J. Swenie Captain), and to Engine 11 (Cov- entry). On November 1, 1868 he was made a regular member as assistant engineer on En- gine 9 (Frank Sherman), and promoted to Engineer in 1873. At the great Chicago fire of October 8, 1871, he responded to the call, began fighting fire first on the corner of canal and Forquer Streets, and then was or- dered to the Bonded Warehouse, at Beach and Taylor Streets. When the fire crossed the river, he was ordered to take a stand at Har- rison and Clark Streets, and from there to the Goodrich dock, and took suction 125 feet east 936 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. of Rush Street Bridge, with Engine 13 (A. D. Tltsworth). While working there the engineer of No. 13 was overcome with smoke and asked Leady to run his engine at the same time he was running his own. Later his engine was re- moved to the Lake Front and Washington Street, as the water-works were destroyed. Engines 9 and 16 worked at the head of 25th Street and the lake, pumping into the mains, and again Assistant Engineer Leady was cal- led upon to run both engines all night, as the engineer and assistant had left their engines without pulling their fire. Engineer C. S. Petrie relieved Engineer Leady in the morn- ing, by taking charge of Engine 16. Engineer Leady remained on Engine 9 for thirty-one years until he was retired August 1, 189S, and was re-assigned to duty as Engineer June 30, 1899, on Engine 73, where he is ready if it becomes necessary to repeat all the brave acts performed by him, and attend any fire which may occur, whether large or small. During these thirty-one years he was at all the large fires that occurred. iNOvember 16, 1897, he met with an accident, having his foot cut off at the instep, which was the cause of his being retired August 1, 1898. Engineer Leady's father, Nicholas Leady, became a member of the Chicago Fire Department in 1848, and was on Eagle No. 7, State and Harrison Streets. He was also a member of the Volunteer Associa- tion, and later a member of the paid Fire De- partment on Engine 5 (U. P. Harris). He rang the bell at the court house, also at Twelfth Street and the Harrison Street bell, and re- mained with the department until 1864. George Leady was married in Chicago, May 18. 1870, to Miss Bertha Stageman. DESIRA M. LE BEAU. Desira M. Le Beau, yarder, Union Stock Yards, the son of Desira and Phoebe (Mitchell) Le Beau, natives of Montreal, Canada, was born in Chicago, May 3, 1852 and received his edu- cation in the Washington, Dearborn and Foster schools. After leaving school he worked for Field I>€iter & Co., on Lake Street, for about one year, and then for A. G. Downs & Co. for three years. He learned and worked at the car- penter's trade, then took charge of the Ameri- can Express Company's work, in the capacity of Superintendent of Construction, continuing in that position until 1894, since which time he has been employed as yarder at the Union Stock Yards. He was married to Margaret Russell, in Chicago, on February 5, 1879. Eight children have l)een born to them, five of whom arc now living. DESIRA LE BEAU, Sr., (decea.sed) was born In Montreal, Canada. In 1827, and ciime to Chicago In 1837. He here learned the car- penter's trade with his brother, Cyril LcBeau, with whom he entered Into a partnership, which continued until his death. .June 24, 189(5. Mr. Le Bean was married In Chicago, In 1848 to Phoebe Mitchell, and they were the parents of twelve children, eight of whom were living in 1901. LEVI Z. LETTER. Levi Z. Leiter (deceased) was born Novem- ber 22, 1834, in the little town of Maryland which bears the ancestral name of Leitersburg, from the first progenitor of the American branch of the family, who came from Rotter- dam in 1762. He grew to early manhood in his native place, there received his rudimentary education and commenced his commercial life as a clerk in a general store. Becoming con- vinced that "the West" offered a more promis- ing field for youthful energy, he journeyed as ^fao- as Springfi,eld, Ohio, where for twelve months he filled a clerical position for Peter Murray, a prominent merchant of that place. Leaving Springfield in 1854, he came to Chicago, where he entered the employ of Downs & Von Wyck, with whom he remained until January, 1856, when he be- came a clerk in the wholesale house of Cooley, Wadsworth & Company. Marshall Field was a fellow-employe of the same firm, and both young men were subsequently taken into part- nership, in recognition of their business capa- city and service. On January 1. 1863, they sold their interest in the firm of Cooley, Wadsworth & Company to John V. Farwell, and purchased an interest in the business which had been built up by Potter Palmer. For several years the dry-goods firm of Field, Palmer & Leiter did a flourishing business. Mr. Leiter and Mr. Field finally bought out Mr. Palmer, and, from 1867 to 1881, managed the entire business under the firm name of Field, Leiter & Company. On January 1, 1881, Mr. Leiter, whose real- estate holdings, because of their magnitude and importance, had already begun to demand much of his time, disposed of his interest in the firm of Field, Leiter & Company to his busi- ness partners, and from that time gave his at- tention chiefly to his large and growing real- estate interests, in the meanwhile devoting much time to travel, to the education of his family, to the cultivation and gratification of his own artistic and scientific tastes, including the acicunuilation of a magnificent library, which is one of the finest private collections in the country. From 1883 he maintained his home in Washington, D. C, and this was widely famed for its generous and refined hospitality. During his life his public and private bene- factions were liberal and well directed. A biograi)her has said of him: "For many years Mr. Leiter was a Director of the Chicago Relief and Aid Society, and gave much time and patient study to the wise distribution of char- ity; and not only in this enterprise, but in all intelligently directed charities, he has been an honest worker and a lil)eral contributor, whenever he became convinced that the be- stowal of money and time would produce more good than harm. In all that goes to ad- HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS, 937 vance the social and educational, as well as the business, interests of Chicago, Mr. Leiter has been a moving spirit. His great means, as well as his keen business capacity, have been enlisted in many worthy enterprises." To the Chicago Historical Society he was a liberal contributor, as well as a generous patron of the Art Institute. After the former had suffered so severely in the fires of 1871 and 1874, he was one of a few devoted friends who came to its relief with substantial dona- tions, which saved it from threatened collapse and again placed it on a solid basis. He also contributed generously toward the Society's Building fund, and aided it in many other ways. He was the second President of the Art Institute, succeeding Mr. George Armour. Al- though a resident of Washington, he never lost his interest in Chicago, where he was an extensive real estate owner and a heavy tax- payer. After the conflagration of 1871, he ma- terially aided in the city's rebuilding by the erection of numerous stores and handsome office and business blocks; was also one of the principal stock-holders in the Illinois Trust and Saving Bank from the time of its organization. In social life he was connected with a number of local clubs, including the Chicago, the Calumet, the Washington Park Clubs and the Union League. In October, 1866, Mr. Leiter was married to Mary Theresa, a daughter of Benjamin Carver, a lineal descendant of a brother of John Car- ver, the first Governor of Plymouth Colony. Mr. and Mrs. Leiter had four children; Joseph, Mary Victoria, Nancy Lathrop Carver and Marguerite Hyde — the latter familiarly known in society as Miss Daisy Leiter. Joseph Leiter came into prominence in 1898, through his daring ventures in the wheat market, which, while they resulted in financial loss to the operator, proved of immense vlalue to the farmers of the Northwest. Mr. Joseph Leiter is largely interested in coal mines in Southern Illinois. The eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Z. Leiter, Mary Victoria, became the wife of the Honorable George Curzon, now Lord Curzon, of Keddleston, England, and Viceroy of India. The second daughter, Nancy Lathrop Carver, is married to Colin P. Campbell, a Major in the English Army in India. The youngest daughter. Marguerite Hyde, is married to the Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire. FREDERICK A. LENNON. Frederick A. Lennon, time-keeper and hog-buyer at the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, was born in Dublin, Ireland, February 24, 1859, and educated by private tutors. After leaving school he came to Chicago in 1879 and found employment with Armour & Company as time-keeper, remaining there for twelve years. He then bought hogs for the International Packing Company for about three years, and later for the Chicago Packing & Provision Company for three and a half years, after which he entered into the employment of the T. J. Lipton Co., where he has since remained buying hogs for this company. Always attentive to business and watchful for the interests of his employers, he is highly appreciated by all with whom he associates. NICHOLAS A. LIES, Assistant Engineer, Harrison Street Pumping Works, was born in Aurora, 111., February 19, 1865, and educated in the public schools. After leaving school he worked in the office of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad at Au- rora for two years, then in the machine shop of the same company until he went to the machine shop of Hoyt Brothers, remaining there three years, when in 1888, he came to Chicago, where he worked in the shop of Robert Tarrant & Company for two years. He then found employment in steamboating on the lakes during the summers for five years, and at Tarrant & Company's, during the winters. He was the first assistant engineer at the Rookery Building for ten months, and then assistant engineer for six months at the Mar- quette Building, when he took the civil service examination, and was the first certified under the civil service rules, obtaining the first ap- pointment. He then went to the Fullerton Avenue Pumping Station, remaining one year; then took another promotion from civil service examination, standing at the head of the list and receiving the appointment of assistant engineer for Central (Harrison Street) Pump- ing Works, where he has remained for more than four years, and, by strict attention to duty, has merited the approbation of his as- sociates. He is a member of Douglas Lodge, No. 125, Knights of Pythias: Columbian Knights, Oriental Lodge No. 44; and National Association of Stationary Engineers, No 1. He was married in Chicago, November 27, 1895, to Miss Amanda Krueger, and they have one son. ROBERT T. LINCOLN. Robert Todd Lincoln, lawyer, ex-Secretary of War and for four years Representative of the United States at the Court of St. James, was born in Springfield, 111., August 1, 1843, the oldest son of Abraham and Mary (Todd) Lincoln, and was educated in the home schools and at the Phillips-Exeter Academy and Har- vard College, graduating from the latter in 1864. During the last few months of the Civil War he served on the staff of General Grant with the rank of Captain. After the war he studied law, and, on his admission to the bar, settled in Chicago, finally becoming a member of the firm of Isham & Lincoln. In 1880 he was chosen a Presidential Elector on the Repub- lican ticket, and in March following was ap- pointed Secretary of War by President Gar- field, serving until the close of President Arthur's administration. In 1889 he became 938 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Minister to England by appointment of Presi- dent Harrison, and continued in this office until the accession of President Cleveland. This was the last public office held by him. After the death of George M. Pullman he be- came Chairman of the Executive Committee and Acting President ot the Pullman Palace Car Company, which position (1904) he still holds. Mr. Lincoln's name has been frequently mentioned in connection with the Republican nomination for the Presidency, but its use has not been encouraged by him. JAMES ARTHUR LONG. James Arthur Long, lawyer, Chicago, was born in Appleton, Wis., April 19, 1869, the son of Matthew and Anna (Martin) Long, who were both of Irish birth and ancestry. His paternal grandparents were Matthew and Anna (Lane) Long, while his maternal grandfather. James Martin, married a lady by the name of Cashman, all natives of Ireland. The father, Matthew Long, was a college professor in his native country, came to America in 1838, and finally settled on a farm near Appleton, Wis., then a frontier wilderness district, where he reared a family of eleven children — eight boys and three girls. James A. Long, the fifth son and the subject of this sketch, was educated in the high school at Appleton, in the Normal School at Valpa- raiso. Ind., and the Kent Law School, Chicago. In May, 1889, he went to Montana and rode with the cow-boys on "the range" in the north- west part of the Territory for two years. October 20, 1893, during the last days of the World's Columbian Exposition, he arrived In Chicago, and was employed by J. F. Snyder, a lawyer now in theTacoma Building, on a salary of two dollars a week. He studied law at night, was admitted to the bar, and has had a successful practice, his annual income during the last few years amounting to several thou- sand dollars. He spent two years among the Indians during his stay in the Northwest, and bears the mark of Indian bullets upon his arm. On August 6, 1890, he was married to Lulu Jane McKay, of Chicago. In religious belief Mr. Long is a Roman Catholic, and politically a Democrat. JOEL M. LONGNECKER, Joel M. Longnecker, attorney-at-law, Chi- cago, born near Robinson, Crawford County, 111.. January 12. 1847, was educated in the district and public schools and, before reach- inK his eighteenth year, in November, 1864, enlisted In the Fifth Regiment Illinois Cavalry, during his period of service participating in many hard fought battles and great raiding f'xpfditlons. Including the Meridian raid and th«- ••xppditlon against Jackson, Miss., and being finally mnKlr-red out October 27, ISfi.'i. Upon re- luming home, Mr. longnecker devoted his attention to study, attending the Robinson High School, where he graduated and then began teaching, but later took up the study of law and was admitted to the bar at Olney, in 1870. Then, after serving two years as city Attorney and four years (1877 to 1881) as State's Attorney, he removed to Chicago in the latter part of 1881. From the very start, his career has been both successful and bril- liant, having filled several of the most im- portant positions in the State. In 1886, Mr. Longnecker succeeded to the office of Prose- cuting (State's) Attorney, continuing until 1892. While in this office, he conducted a large number of important criminal cases, one of the most important being the trial of the murderers of Dr. Cronin, in which he gained a wide reputation for skill and ability as a prosecutor in cases of this character. He has a large and growing practice and, together with his son, Rolla R., has organized the firm of LongnecKer & Longnecker. He is a member of Lincoln Post, G. A. R., and, in May, 1900, was chosen as Department Commander for Illinois of the Grand Army of the Republic. He is a man of eminent ability with command- ing infiuence and dignity. His frank and genial nature, and his earnestness and confidence in his undertakings naturally fit him for a leader; his comrades of the G. A. R. knew this and hence their choice. Mr. Longnecker was married to Miss Florence Fitch in August 1870, and three children have been born to them, viz.: Rolla R., Joel F. and Theodosia M. JOHN McMURDO LORIMER. John McMurdo Lorimer, State Grain In- spector, Chicago, was born in Manchester, Eng., July 20, 1866, the son of William and Sarah (Harley) Lorimer, who came to America when he was two years old. The father, who was a civil engineer and stone-mason, was killed on a building in 1872, being then but thirty- five years of age. There are six of his children now living: Anna, William. Sarah, Agnes, John McM. and Mary. The mother died June 5, 1903, aged seventy-two years and eleven months. Mr. Lorimer's brother, William, is an influential factor in political affairs in Cook County and the State of Illinois, and. except a few years (1893-95), has held the position of Representative in Congress from a Chicago District continuously since 1894 to the present time (1905). John McM. lorimer attended the Scammon School until he was nine years old, then leaving to become a newsboy. When sixteen years of age, he en- tered the employment of the Street Railway Company, and in 1886 became a fireman on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, re- taining this position for seventeen months. He then (February, 1888) went on a strike, which lasted eight months, after which he was employed as fireman on the Wisconsin Central eight and a half years, when he re- signed, April 13. 1897. He then began prep- aration for taking a civil service examina- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 939 tion for the position of grain inspector, which he successfully passed July 1, 1899. Mr. Lorimer was married at Waukesha, Wis., February 22, 1892, to Miss Agnes E. Lenartz, of Chicago, and to them have been born two children: Agnes Catherine, born March 27, 1893, and William Joseph, born March 19, 1897. Mr. Lorimer belongs to the Brotherhood of Loco- motive Firemen and the National Union, and his people are Presbyterian in their church relations. His wife is a Catholic. JAMES P. LOTT. James P. Lott, prominent live-stock dealer, Chicago, and sole surviving child of the late Thomas Lott by his first marriage, was born in South Charleston, Ohio, October 12, 1839, attended the public schools as a boy, and after- ward worked on a farm. In January, 1861, he came with his father to Bloomington, 111., where he at first engaged in the grocery busi- ness, and afterward conducted a hotel. Coming to Chicago in 1870, he worked for his father's firm, Lott & Smith, until his parent's death, when he succeeded to his interest. In 1876 he withdrew from this concern to> enter into partnership with William Harpole, William T. Dickson subsequently becoming a member of the firm. In 1884 Mr. Harpole severed his con- nection with the house, and Messrs. Dickson & Lott carried on the business alone, until 1902, when Mr. Lott retired. Mr. Lott's ex- perience, judgment and sense are widely known, and have won for him both commer- cial and civic distinction. In 1897, Governor Tanner appointed him a member of the Illi- nois Live Stock Board, a position which he held until April, 1891. While a thorough-going business man, keenly alert to every detail of the important interests to which he devotes his personal supervision, Mr. Lott is genial in temperament and fond of social pleasures, readily making and keep- ing friends. He was married to Miss Mary E. White, of Sycamore, 111., on October 30, 1873. THOMAS LOTT. Reference has already been made, in these pages, to the important part played by the Union Stock Yards in the commercial develop- ment of Chicago and in placing it in the posi- tion of the leading provision and live-stock market of the world. In recalling this fact, however, the average reader is apt to bring to mind only the great packing houses whose enormous plants are capable of supplying the armies of the world, and whose empty cans have been picked up by explorers upon the sun-scorched lands of Central Africa. Not to these men alone does Chicago owe a debt, but to the I've-stock commission dealers as well, whose sagacity, promptitude and fair- dealing have become proverbial. To this class of business men belonged the late Thomas Lott, whose name was, for many years, a syn- onym for business integrity among both his customers and his business associates. Mr. Lott was born at Danville, Pa., in Sep- tember, 1815, and, after reaching maturity, engaged in stock-farmmg in Clark County, Ohio. Thence, in January, 1861, he removed to Bloomington, 111., and in 1868 came to Chi- cago, becoming a partner in the live-stock firm of Horine & Lott, at the Stock Yards. A year later he withdrew to form a partnership with H. R. (familiarly known as "Jersey") Smith. He remained a member of this 'firm, under the name of Lott & Smith, until his death, March 21, 1872. Thomas Lott was twice married, first, in 1838, in Clark County, Ohio, to Susan Paist, who bore him two children, one of whom, James P., is yet living. She died in 1842, and three years afterward Mr. Lott married Mary Holloway, by whom there were five children, two of whom are now living. WILLIAM W. LOWE, "Pioneer" Assistant Engineer Sewerage De- partment, was born in New York City, Decem- ber 21, 1838, and was brought to Chicago by his parents in 1839. Here he attended the Dearborn School and Wilson's Academy, and after leaving school was employed in James Potter's engineering office, where he remained until April 17, 1861, when he enlisted as United States Volunteer, being mustered in April 19. on Battery A, First Illinois Artillery. He took part in a number of prominent battles as a member of the Paducah Division, and was transferred to Gen. W. T. Sherman's Division after the battle of Pittsburg Landing, and later to Sherman's Grand Division. He was honorably discharged from the army July 28, 1864. After leaving the army he returned to Chicago and entered the omce of the Sewerage Department in the fall of 1864, as Assistant Engineer under W. H. Clarke, and, with the exception of sixteen months, has been in the service of that department up to the present time, proving that his valuable services have been appreciated by the administrations with which he has been connected during a period of forty years. Mr. Lowe was married to Miss C. K. Fish, in Chicago, September 6, 1865. and of this union one daughter has been born. JOHN LYNCH, Chief of Battalion 15, Cnicago Fire Department, was born in Joliet, 111., April 1, 1849. He be- came a fireman in 1872, and served on Engine No. 17 and Chemical No. 1. He was made a Lieutenant in 1876 and a Captain in 1886, later serving on Engine No. 18. In 1878 he was pro- moted to Chief, and is now (1904) serving at the head of Battalion 15, with headquarters at 1245 West Thirteenth Street. Captain Lynch has had many hair-breadth escapes, including the fire at the Academy of Music, just miss- ing a descent through the roof into the blaz- ing parquet, when Marshal Petrie and seven 9+0 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. companions went down. He was President of me Firemen's xjenevolent Association, when the clever Dan Healy, Superintendent of Pub- lic Service and an ex-flreman. was Treasurer. He is a fair sample of the genial, brave, fear- less and always ready Chicago fireman. He was married on the 17th day of March, 1875, to Mary O'Hallaran in Chicago, and five chil- dren have been born to them: Henry J., George E., M. E., Agnes and Annie. JOHN J. LYNCH, Lieutenant of Fire Insurance Patrol No. 4, was born on a farm near Bunker Hill, Macoupin County, 111., March 19, 1864, and educated in the district schools. After leaving school he worked for the St. Louis Bridge Company for eleven years, then came to Chicago May 3, 1891. and entered the employ of Armour & Co., and later that of the Chicago Telepnone Com- pany. He joined Patrol No. 1, November 6, 1891, and was assigned to No. 5, when it was or- ganized March 5, 1892; was transferred to Patrol No. 1. August 13, 1894; promoted to Lieutenant, November 1, 1896, and transferred to Patrol No. 4, Union Stockyards, where he is always ready to protect the valuable interests with which he is surrounded. He has no won- derful escapes or injuries to relate, but has had many close calls. He was married in Chi- cago, November 25, 1890, to Miss Nora Scully, and they have had six children, four of whom are living. CHARLES ELIAS MABIE. Charles Elias Mabie, President of the North- western Life Assurance Company, was born at Onion River, Sheboygan County, Wis. July 1, 1855, a son of Daniel K. and Ann Eliza (Hyatt) Mabie. The family name is an ancient one. its origin in this country dating from the time of the war between Holland and Spain, when an ancestor of that name came over as a privateersman on a vessel fitted out by the Spanish nation. This ancestor settled on the New York coast, and the family in due time became numerous and well-known in New Eng- land history. Daniel K. Mabie, the father of Charles E., was born in Putnam County, N. Y., in 1818, and was the eldest of a large family of children. He was a physician of high standing, and removed to Wisconsin in 1855, and from there to Illinois in 1871, where he practiced his profession for many years with marked success. The son acquired his education in the schools of Pecatonica. 111., and at the age of nineteen ronimencprl business as a fire insurance soli- citor. Following this, he took ui) life insur- ance, anri In 1878 accepted the position of Gen- eral Agr»nt for the Efiuital)le Life Assurance Society of New York City. In 1881 Mr. Mal)ie was elected Presirlent of the Northwestern Life Assurance Company of Chicago, thus assuming Btlll greater biinU-ns and responsibjlitics as an executive officer. His selection for this posi- tion was a wise step, and under his able direc- tion the business has rapidly increased. Mr. Mabie is a gentleman of fine social as well as business qualities. He is a member of the Hyde Park, the Hamilton and Marquette Clubs, and of the Knights of Pythias and Masonic orders. He is a widower and has two daughters, Litta and Dorothea. SAMUEL JOHN MACK. The extensive railroad interests of the coun- try are believed, at the present time, to afford the most inviting field for the exercise of un- usual business abilities. Certain it is that the railroad men connected with the Union Stock Yards Company at Chicago, are men who hold their positions by right of natural fitness. Their work is too complicated and involved for weak- lings and incompetents, and the men who are doing what their companies need are strong and capable. Among these men Mr. Mack holds an honorable place. He is the agent of the shipping division of the Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad, which has charge of the handling of the live stock at the Union Stock Yards, and during his long connection with the "Q" has displayed business abilities of the highest order. Mr. Mack was born at Lakeville, Washington County, N. Y., August 6, 1847, and was educated in the public schools. When he had finished his studies he secured a position with the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, at Somonauk, 111., and there was at work when the Civil War called him to the front. In 1861 he enlisted in the Eighth Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, and served throughout the war, making a record of which his friends are justly proud. In the fall of 1865 he resumed his connection with the "Q," and for two and a half years was employed in its train service, when he was sent to the Union Stock Yards to take charge of the ship- ping interests of the company at that point. For a time his business was amply accommo- dated in a way-car; but it speedily grew and, at the preesnt time, has attained mammoth proportions. Mr. Mack finds his one recreation in the enjoyment of a good horse, and is a pas- sionate lover of this noble animal, keeping sev- eral on hand. Nothing delights him so much as a friendly spin and a warm tilt down the boulevards. His long service of forty years with the great company whose interests he so zealously guards at the stock yards is ])roof of his signal business ability, and the warm esteem in which he is held by an army of ship- pers shows his manly qualities and generous nature. He belongs to Home Lodge, No. 508, A. F. & A. M., and is an adept in the mysteries of the craft. FRANKLIN MACVEAGH. The ranks of commerce have given to the world an innumerable host of men juttly fame,l for keen perception, far-seeing judgment, broad HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 941 knowledge of affairs and unselfish devotion alike to private and public trusts; yet among their members it is rare to find men who join to these powers — inherent or acquired — broad scholarship and ripe culture. Business cares, engrossing in their nature and peremptory in their demands, not infrequently stunt mental development and act as a curb to the natural expansion of latent impulse. The business life of Franklin MacVeagh fur- nishes a notable exception to the rule, and amounts almost to a contradiction of the aphor- ism. Lawyer, merchant, author, statesman, he has studied no subject which he has not probed, and undertaken no task in which he has been found derelict. Mr. MacVeagh was born in Westchester, Ches- ter County, Pa., his father being a prosperous and universally esteemed farmer, commonly hailed as "Squire" by his fellow-townsmen. Franklin pursued his preparatory studies chiefly in the schools of his native town, after- wards matriculated at Yale College, where he graduated in the academic course in 1862. The two years following he spent in Columbia Col- lege Law School, then under the wardenship of the eminent Theodore W. Dwight, afterward a member of the Commission of Appeals. While pursuing his studies theoretically at the law school, he was gaining a practical insight into practice through his connection with the office of Edmonds, Bushnell & Hamilton. At that time Judge Edmonds, the senior member of the firm, was engaged upon a private revision of the New York Statutes, a work which became recognized and quotable authority in the State courts of record. The natural acumen and painstaking accuracy of young MacVeagh, joined to his facile use of language acquired through college training, induced the Judge to employ him as an assistant in what was one of the stupendous legal and literary undertak- ings of the decade. Later, the young lawyer, after declining a partnership with Judge Ed- monds, formed a limited business connection with Charlton T. Lewis, Esq., of New York, but ill health necessitated his abandonment of a profession for which he had manifested a marked aptitude, and in which his native tal- ent and high endowments would, beyond ques- tion, have enabled him to take a high rank. Being advised to seek a change of climate, he removed to Chicago in September, 1865, and has there aided in founding and building up the enormous wholesale grocery business con- ducted by the firm of which he has been the head since 1870. Not all his time, however, is given up to the cares of business. Fond of literature and of literary pursuits, he spends many hours in his large, well-selected, richly housed library in his handsome home on the Lake Shore Drive, which abounds in evidence of a refined, even aesthetic taste. As a writer he is versatile and forceful, and his diction is often classic in its purity and elegance. Chicago has received many proofs of Mr. MacVeagh's self-sacrificing readiness to respond to appeals to his public spirit as a citizen. In 1874 he was chosen President of the Citizens' Association, and was charged with the chief responsibility of perfecting the organization of the body and formulating and directing its work. Although the task was an onerous one, his deep interest in the public welfare would not permit him to seek to shift the responsi- bility and burden to the shoulders of another. The results of the association's labors form a part of the city's history, and Chicago is today enjoying the fruits of the profound thought, patient study and systematic efforts of Mr. Mac- Veagh and his associates, to whom patriotism meant more than partisanship, and who valued the public good more than private gain. Through their efforts the City Fire Department was entirely reorganized and placed on a non- partisan basis; the bureau system of municipal administration gave way to one investing the Mayor with broader powers and providing for the appointment of responsible heads of depart- ments; provision was made for more adequate water supply, and other equally vital reforms were inaugurated. While taking a deep interest in political affairs, Mr. MacVeagh has never aspired to hold office because of the honor, the mere emolu- ments or patronage incident to official position. In 1894, however, he consented to become the Democratic nominee for the United States Sen- ate, and was named as such by the State Con- vention of his party. The Legislature elected was Republican, there being, during that year, what is popularly called a "political landslide," and while he received the full Democratic vote on joint ballot. Senator Cullom was re-elected. Mr. MacVeagh's brother, Wayne MacVeagh, of Pennsylvania, was for many years in public life, having filled the posts of United States Minister to Turkey and to Italy, and sat in the Cabinet of President Garfield. Mr. MacVeagh is a charming conversational- ist, and of polished, yet genuine and sincere courtesy. His address combines dignity with affability, and thoughtfulness for others is one of his pronounced characteristics. He is en- dowed with rare organizing and executive abil- ity, and his judgment of men is rarely at fault. Mrs. MacVeagh is a daughter of the late Henry F. Fames, for many years President of the Commercial National Bank of Chicago, which responsible position he filled up to the time of his death. CHARLES A. MALLORY. While not yet having passed the prime of manhood, Mr. Charles A. Mallory has already attained a high place among the enterprising and successful business men of Chicago. The only son of the late Henry C. Mallory, he has worthily followed in the footsteps of his es- teemed and lamented father. Charles A. was born on the paternal farm, in Hillsdale County, 942 HISTORICAL EN'CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Mich., on September 28, 1858, and brought by his parents to the City of Chicago while yet an infant. After leaving school, at the age of fifteen, he started in the life insurance business, but the following year began work at the Union Stock Yards, and since 1874 has been identified with the live-stock commission business. As a member of the firms of Mallory & Brother, and Mallory & Son, and as Treasurer and man- ager of the Mallory & Son-Zimmerman Com- pany, and as Treasurer and manager of the Mal- lory Commission Company, his name is still well known in every great live-stock market throughout the continent, his firm having branches at St. Joseph and Kansas City, Mo.; South Omaha, Neb.; South St. Paul, Minn.; and Sioux City. Iowa. During his compara- tively short business career, he has exhibited a quick perception, sound business judgment and executive capacity of a high order, which could scarcely fail to bring him prominently into the foreground. Mr. Mallory was married to Miss Elizabeth Allen at Hillsdale, Mich., on March 4, 1884, and they are the parents of four children, only two of whom are living. DEWITT CLINTON MALLORY. Although not yet past middle life, few men at the Union Stock Yards ^re better known or more universally esteemed than Dewitt C. Mal- lory, President of the Mallory Commission Com- pany. Mr. Mallory was born at Moscow, Hills- dale County, Mich." September 19, 1843. Attend- ance at the District school was supplemented by a course of study at Albion College in his native State, when, in January, 1872, he came to Chicago to begin work for the firm of Mal- lory Brothers at the Union Stock Yards, with whom he remained until the retirement from the firm of H. E. Mallory. The gentleman last named and Mr. D. C. Mallory then formed a partnership under the title of Mallory & Brother. H. E. Mallory died in 1889, and his surviving partner became a member of the Mal- lory & Son-Zimmerman Company, in which con- cern he held the office of Vice-President until December 2.5, 189.5, when occurred the death o£ another brother. H. C. Mallory. Not long after, there wa.s organied the Mallory Commission Company, I). C. Mallory being elected its Presi- dent and still retaining that position. On April 27, 186.5, he was united in marriage to Mary .Iosei)hine Vaughn, at his native town of .Moscow, and two of the four children born to them survive. S. A. Mallory. son of D. C, is now one of the employes looking after the Interests of the firm in the Yards. His daugh- ter Is married to A. C. Dean, who is now in the employ of the Swift Company and is located In New York City. HENRY CLAY MALLORY. For nearly forty years the name of Mallory has been a familiar one to dealers In live stock, not only In Clihago but al.so throughout the West. Under various mutations of style, the house of Mallory has grown and prospered for four decades, its original founder having been the prominent business man just named. Henry C. Mallory was born at Palmyra, N. Y., August 19, 1828. When he was a boy of nine years, his parents emigrated from Wayne County, in the Empire State, to Hillsdale County, Mich., settling on a farm near Jonesville. There he grew to manhood, receiving his education in the country schools and at Albion College. While yet a young man he entered the employ of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Rail- road Company, as a solicitor of consignments of live stock for east-bound shipment. It was in this capacity that he came to Chicago in 1859. Three years afterward he formed a part- nership with a Mr. Wallwork for the conduct of a live-stock commission business, at the old Lake Shore & Fort Wayne Yards. In 1865 Wall- work & Mallory removed to the Union Stock Yards. In 1867 his brother, H. E. Mallory, en- tered the firm, the style thereupon becoming Mallory & Brother. In 1878 H. E. Mallory with- drew to engage in business alone, and the name of the house was changed to Mallory & Son. The Mallory & Son-Zimmerman Company was incorporated in 1869 with Henry C. Mallory as President, and this position he continued to fill until his death, on Christmas Day, 1895. The foregoing resume of his life and work is necessarily brief and imperfect. The mere out- line of a life will fail to show the innate nobil- ity of character which underlies it. To assiduity in business Mr. Mallory joined gentleness and generosity, and to keen business judgment a scrupulous sense of business honor. While living in Jonesville, Mich., in 1850, he married Miss Susan B. Hoxie, the issue of the union being two children, Charles A. and Emma L. HERBERT E. MALLORY. The passing from life of such men as the late Herbert E. Mallory leaves a void, not only among the friends who loved him for his un- selfish spirit and broad charity, which knew not malice, but also in the community in which he was honored for his unspotted character and blameless life. For forty-four years he was identified with Chicago's live-stock markets, and during all that period his name was a syn- onym for probity and upright dealing. It was at Macedon, Warsaw County, N. Y., that he was born, on January 14, 1833, but while a child of four years, his parents removed to Michigan, being among the pioneer setttlers of that State. As a boy he helped his father in farm work, and. by the aid of such schools as the locality afforded and study at home, he man- aged to acquire a fair common-Hchool education. He was industrious and llirifty, and at twenty years of age was engaged in cultivating his own farm, to which he had acquired the title through patient work and self-denial. He was married early in life, choosing for his wife Lucy A. Wakefield, of Wheatland, Mich., to HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 943 whom he was wedded on February 22, 1852. The issue of this union was three daughters. The eldest, Josephine R., became Mrs. M. J. Messinger, who died June 24, 1873. The other two married, respectively, Frank Kinzie and George Moore. Being blessed with no son, Mr. and Mrs. Mallory adopted one, who is l^nown as Frederick A. Mallory. In 1862 Mr. Mallory removed to Detroit to assume superintendency of the construction of the stock yards there, and for a year was en- gaged in shipping stock, but the following year took up his residence in Chicago. Having ex- perienced financial reverses, and with serious domestic responsibilities resting upon his shoul- ders, he lost no time in making an effort to recoup his fortunes. He formed a business association with his cousin, John R. Hoxie. They were purchasing and shipping agents for a Cleveland concern, also doing more or less business under army contracts, and, during one winter, purchased and shipped $250,000 worth of stock unaided. In 1867 he entered the firm of Wallwork and Mallory, in which his brother, Henry C, was a partner. The style of the firm then became Mallory & Brother. Mr. Mallory continued to carry on business successfully at the Yards until his demise, which occurred November 3, 1887. Although always averse to holding public office, Mr. Mallory consented to represent the Fourth Ward in the City Council in 1878, and again in 1879, showing, in the service of his constituents, the same pains-taking care, the same sound business sense and the same fidelity to duty which always guided him in his private affairs. He was a member of Home Lodge, A. F. & A. M., but his domestic tastes always inclined him to the pleasures of his own fire- side. In reviewing his life and character, it is difficult to give him just meed of praise with- out employing terms which may sound like ful- some fiattery to those who did not know him. Faithful in every relation of life, with tender, sympathetic heart and generous impulses, his life was filled with deeds of unostentatious kindness and benevolence. The memory of such men cannot die. WILLIAM H. MALLORY. Few names are better known, or more thor- oughly respected, at the Union Stock Yards, than that of Mallory. Since the opening of the gates for business, the members of this family have been prominently identified with the live-stock business carried on there, and have been among those who have contributed much, not only to the building up of the Yards, but also to the increase of Chicago's business. The subject of this biography has been, for nearly forty years, a familiar figure and suc- cessful trainer at the great center of busi- ness activity. He was born at Moscow, Mich., January 18, 1841, the son of Azariah Mallory, who died June 23, 1853. After passing through the district school, he pursued his studies at Albion and Hillsdale Colleges, meanwhile work- ing upon the farm. After the settlement of his father's estate he came to Chicago, in October, 1863, and entered the employ of Wallwork & Mallory, with whom he remained one year. He then engaged in shipping live stock in connec- tion with his brother Byron. After his broth- er's death he continued to carry on the business alone with decided success until 1873. During these years he bought cattle for several eastern houses, among them being the well known firm of Comstock & Brothers, of Providence, R. I. In 1873 he became buyer of hogs for J. B. Mur- phy, and after two years accepted a similar po- sition with Armour & Co. He left the latter concern in 1876, to become cattle buyer for Nel- son Morris & Co., which responsible position he still fills, his sound judgment, shrewd sense and absolute fidelity having proved invaluable. OSCAR F. MALMBERG, Captain on Engine No. 83, Chicago Fire Depart- ment, was born in Sweden, October 30, 1862, and educated in the public schools. He came to New York in February, 1882, and to Chicago in June, 1882, and in the latter city was clerk in a grocery store until September, 1885, when he bought a grocery. On August 15, 1887, he joined the Chicago Fire Department, and was assigned to Engine No. 22 as substitute pipeman, serving with that company until transferred to Engine No. 13 on November 1, 1887. He was promoted to Lieutenant July 2, 1891, and assigned to the fire-boat "Yosemite," and on July 2, 1896, was promoted to Captain and transferred to Engine No. 21, then transferred to Engine No. 73, April 15, 1897, and later to Engine 85, where (1904) he is ready for any call of duly or danger. He has had several narrow escapes and rescues, and was honorably mentioned by the Depart- ment for rescuing a man from drowning at the Yosemite headquarters, at the foot of LaSalle Street, August 5, 1892, and on the following night, with the assistance of the crew, rescued two men from drowning. At the fire at 236-238 Monroe Street, February 14, 1894, he was or- dered with his company, by Chief Swenie, to rescue William Fleming of Engine No. 40, who was caught by falling fioors at the head of the stairs leading to the third floor, and while en- gaged in releasing Fleming's arm from under- neath a heavy beam, an explosion occurred, throwing them to the bottom of the stairs on the first fioor, just as Fleming was released. At the lumber yard fire, August 1, 1894, Lieu- tenant Malmberg, while with fire-boat "Yosem-. ite," did excellent service with the other officers and the crew in stopping the cyclone of fire from crossing the river south of the fire, thereby saving from destruction the Santa Fe elevator, which was on Are many times but escaped with slight damage. The wind developed into a cyclone of sufficient power to lift wagons loaded with lumber, whirling them through the air. One of them struck the starboard side of the fire-boat, doing considerable damage. First As- 944 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. sistant Fire Marshal W. H. Musham was thrown into the river and rescued by the crew. Lieuten- ant Malmberg was blown from the stand-pipe on the deck, but recovered shortly after. On September 12, 1894, the fire-boat "Yosem- ite" responded to a special call at 8:13 p. m., from box 1511, to A. R. Beck's lumber yard, South Chicago. In leaving the harbor every- thing was made fast, and the port-holes closed, as a gale was blowing from the southwest. In order to avoid the reef at Morgan's pier near Fifty-eighth Street, the boat was headed out into the lake. When about one and one-half miles from the shore, and one mile south of the Six- ty-eighth Street crib, the stoker informed the officers that the water in the hold was touching the grates, and threatened to put out the fires. Immediately the suctions were applied to the pumps, but too late, and the fire-whistle was blown as a signal of distress. The men were ordered to bail out the boat with buckets. Lieu- tenant Malmberg made torches by taking his own clothes and those of the crew, and saturat- ing them with kerosene oil, which attracted the attention of the life-boat crew at Jackson Park. In about three hours the life-boat appeared and rescued the "Yosemite" crew, although in re- turning to the shore the waves were so high that the life-boat capsized, and the eighteen occupants were thrown into the lake. After many attempts the boat was righted and the storm-tossed mariners were again seated in it, excepting Lieutenant Malmberg and Engineer Brown, who had to hang on to the edge of the boat until they reached the shore. The fire-boat sank within ten minutes after the crew was rescued, but was raised and placed in service again. Lieutenant Malmberg was married in Chicago, April 30, 1890, to Miss Jennie Akerland, and two children have been born of this union. AUGUSTUS K. MANNING. Augustus K. Manning, soldier and attorney-at- law, Chicago, was born at Waterloo, N. Y., No- vember 30, 1848; came to Warrenville, Du Page County, 111., with his parents in 1849, and re- mained there until he was about sixteen years old, when he enlisted in the United States Army, joining Company H, Twenty-third Illinois In- fantry (Mulligan's Irish Brigade), at Rich- mond, Va. When the war was over he returned to Warrenville, and in 1866 became traveling salesman for Torrance, Manning & Company, wholesale notion dealers, of Chicago, and at the time of the great fire in 1871, was traveling salesman for J. B. Shay & Company, of Chicago, wholesale dry-goods dealers. In 1872 Mr. Man- ning went into the real estate business, and, in 1880, graduated from the Union College of Law, of Chicago, since which time he has been en- gaged In practice of his profession in this city. HUGH MARTIN, Chief Engineer, Fourteenth Street Pumping Sta- tion, Chicago, was born in Chicago, January 1, 1863, and educated in the public schools. After leaving school, he learned the machinist's trade, including engineering on railroads and steam- boats, until he was appointed Chief Engineer of the Cook County Court House, January 1, 1892. He was assigned to the Fourteenth Street Pumping Station, as Assistant Engineer, Feb- ruary 18, 1893, remaining there two years, when he worked for the John Bullen Malting Com- pany, as engineer, for one year, and then for the Citizens' Brewing Company. He returned to the Fourteenth Street Pumping Station July 1, 1897, as Chief Engineer, and was transferred to the Sixty-eighth Street Pumping Station May 22, 1901, occupying one of the most important positions connected with the City Water Works. In 1904 he is again on duty at the Fourteenth Street Pumping Station. Chief Engineer Martin was married to Ellen Keefer on the 26th day of October, 1886, in Chi- cago, and four children have been born to them. JOHN H. MARTIN. John H. Martin and his brother, Lawrence T., may well be regarded as among the early pio- neers of the live-stock business of the West, the elder having spent forty-nine years of his long and honorable life therein. He was born at Tweedsmuir, Peebleshire, Scotland, February 16, 1833. At the age of sixteen he left the parental roof-tree for Edinburgh, where he learned the trade of a butcher, later entering the service of Sir John Thorold, an English gentleman of rank. In 1853 he crossed the Atlantic, and for about a year carried on busi- ness as a butcher at Cleveland, Ohio, but having secured a more desirable position at Burlington, Iowa, he removed thither in the spring of 1854. In 1860 he and his brother, Lawrence, of whom mention has been already made, formed a part- nership, under the firm name of Martin Broth- ers, for the purchase and shipping of live stock. So well did they succeed that, in 1872, they came to Chicago, locating themselves at the Union Stock Yards. From the first they were exceedingly prosperous, and their business has steadily grown. To its conduct they have brought tireless industry, hard common sense, good judgment and unwavering integrity. Few men are more widely known or more univer- sally esteemed at the Yards than they. On June 1, 1898, the name of the firm was changed from Martin Brothers to Martin Brothers & Company. In August, 1857, John H. Martin was married to Helena R. Patterson, at Burlington, Iowa, and they have had eight children, all yet living, and named as follows: Wallace R., James, Lawrence T., Robert P., Isabella, George E., Harvey R., and Lilias R., the last two being twins. WILLIAM E. MASON. William Ernest Mason, long a distinguished member of the Chicago Bar and late (1901) United States Senator from Illinois, is, like many other of the eminent sons of his adopted Stale, by birth a New Yorker. He came into the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 945 world in Franklinville, Cattaraugus County, in that State, on July 7, 1850. While he was yet a boy his family removed to Bentonsport, Iowa, where he attended the academy. On completing his preliminary training he studied at Birming- ham College, and from 1866 to 1870, followed the vocation of a pedagogue, teaching for two years at Des Moines. It was in that city, also, that he pursued his professional studies in the office of Hon. Thomas F. Withrow, who afterward admitted him into partnership. He came to Chicago in 1872, and for nearly three decades has been prominently identified with public affairs in the city and State. While continu- ously and successfully engaged in the practice of his profession, however, the natural trend of his psychical nature has irresistibly drawn him into the maelstrom of political and public life. In 1878 he was elected to the lower house of the General Assembly, and in 1880 to the State Senate. The rare capacity for public affairs which he manifested, no less than his natural gift of oratory, captured for him both popular admiration and respect, and in 1884 he was the regular nominee of the Republicans of the Third Illinois District for Congress. The con- stituency at that time was overwhelmingly of his own political creed, but owing to dissensions in the party's ranks, he was defeated by his Democratic opponent, James H. Ward. In 1886, and again in 1888, he was a successful candi- date for Representative, but in 1890 was once more defeated by a Democrat, Allen C. Dur- borow. In 1894 he was an unsuccessful candi- date for the caucus nomination of his party for the United States Senatorship, but in 1896 secured both nomination and election, serving his term of six years, ending March 4, 1903. Senator Mason is a man of rare native abil- ity and earnest conviction, but of impulsive temperament. Genial and of quickly sympa- thetic sensibility, he easily makes friends; en- dowed with unswerving fidelity, he rarely loses one. In his public career, fidelity to his con- ceptions of right have weighed more with him than chances of self-advancement, and, at times, he has been charged with lack of party fealty. Such criticisms stir him not at all, knowing, as he does, that the judgment of posterity, like the "fiat of the great Jove," is rarely at fault. THOMAS MATHEWS. Thomas Mathews (deceased) was born in County West Meath, Ireland, March 23, 1823, the son of Patrick and Ann (Cavin) Mathews, who were natives of the same county, his father being a farmer by occupation. Left an orphan at sixteen years of age, and being the oldest of a family of four children, the responsibility of caring for and educating three younger sis- ters—the youngest at this time being only seven years old — devolved upon him at this early age, imposeing much serious hardship. In 1848 Mr. Mathews came to America, arriv- ing on March 30th, and two years later sent for his sisters, whom he placed in a convent. After his arrival in America, he found employment on a farm in New York at a compensation of seven dollars per month, but a few months later went to work in the pineries. He there earned enough money to support himself and come to Chicago, where he first engaged as a street laborer. He next bought a team of horses and, in 1849, helped to open Buffalo Street. By economy and hard labor, with the aid of his team during the next two years, he was able to accumulate enough means to make his first in- vestment in real estate, which he did at the corner of Green and Randolph Streets, where he established himself, in a small way, in the grocery and saloon business. This he condnued until 1868, when he turned his attention to real estate, in which he was engaged more or less during the rest of his life, accumulating a con- siderable property. In 1883 he erected a home on Grand Avenue, where he remained four years, when, in 1887, he removed to a house which he had built on West Madison Street, and where he continued to reside until his death, September 17, 1896. During the previ- ous year, on account of failing health, he spent some time at Hot Springs, Ark. December 28, 1852, Mr. Mathews was married in the City of Chicago, to Catherine White, who died January 30, 1878. On July 2, 1879, he married, as his second wife, Catherine Lyons, who still survives. In all he had ten children — eight sons and two daughters — of whom seven are still living: Thomas, Harry, John, Joseph, Stephen, Mary V., and Catherine Agnes. Mr. Mathews was a zealous churchman and communicant of the Roman Catholic Church, and in politics uniformly voted the Democratic ticket. He was also a member of Court No. 8, Catholic Order of Foresters. Of genial temperament, he had a large circle of friends, and manifested his benevolent charac- ter by acts of charity for the poor. JAMES McCartney. James McCartney, lawyer, Chicago, was born of Scotch-Irish parentage in the North of Ire- land, February 14, 1835. His paternal grand- father, James McCartney, was also a native of Ireland, while his mother was descended from a Scotch family by the name of Fife. Mr. McCart- ney's family came to America when he was two years old and, after stopping for a time in Penn- sylvania, removed to Trumbull County, Ohio, where he received a common school and aca- demic education, the latter in attendance on the Western Reserve Seminary at Farmington. Ohio. Subsequently he read law with Judge Matthew Birchard, at Warren, Ohio, but in October, 1857, came to Illinois, settling first at Monmouth, where he commenced practice in partnership with Philo E. Reed. Two years later he removed to Galva, Henry County, re- maining in practice there until the beginning of the Civil War in 1861, when he promptly en- listed as a member of Company D, Seventeenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, of which he was 946 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. commissioned First Lieutenant. Resigning this position in April, 1862, in September following he re-enlisted in Company G, One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois, was commissioned First Lieu- tenant, and became Captain in March, 1863, serving as such to the end of the war, though officiating much of the time as Judge Advocate on court-martials. Returning home after the end of the war, he settled at Fairfield, Wayne County, where he continued in the practice of law until January, 1881, when, having been elected Attorney-Gen- eral for the State of Illinois, he removed to Springfield, remaining through his term of four years. During the last year of his term, as Attorney-General (18S4) he made the race for Congress on the Republican ticket in the Six- teenth District, and was defeated by only 313 votes, although Mr. Cleveland, the Democratic candidate for President, carried the district by l,8u0 majority. After the expiration of his term as Attorney-General, he spent the next two years in the practice of his profession at Spring- field, but. in 1887, removed to Ness City, Kans., where he engaged in the real-estate business, a year later locating at Hutchinson in the same State for the practice of law. In 1890 he re- turned to Illinois and established himself in the practice of his profession in Chicago, his present residence being in Berwyn, a suburb of Chicago. From 1891 to 1894 he was Attorney for the State Board of Health, and later served several years as Attorney for the Lincoln Park Commission. Mr. McCartney was married in 1888 to Miss Sarah C. Stadden, at Rock Island, 111., and has three children, two sons and a daughter. He defines his religious faith as "be- lief in God"; in politics he is a stalwart Republican. SAMUEL G. McCAUSLAND. To the hard-headed sense and sturdy physical vigor of its Scotch-Irish immigrants and their descendants, the country owes not a little of its material development. Men of brain and brawn alike, they have been quick to perceive obstacles and equally ready in overcoming them. Of this stock are the McCauslands. The first of the branch of the family, to which Samuel McCausland bt-longs. to settle in America, was his great-great-fjrandfather, William, who, with his family, left the Town of Omagh, County Tyronf. in the north of Irelan.l, because, as sfan'-h Presbyterians, they could not submit their conscience to the English Conformity Act. William McCausland bought land from the helr.s of William Penn, in Pequea Township. I^ncaster County. Pa., the estate remaining in the family for four generations, or until the time of John C. McCausland, the father of Sam uel. Several of the family were among the patriots of 1776, who served in Ihe armies of Washington, one carrying the commission of an F^nslgn and another (hat of a Major. John C. McCausland removed to West Vir- ginia while hlH children were small, and there, in partnership with P. B. and A. D. Cookman, engaged in handling live stock. They drove cattle from West Virginia and Ohio to Phila- delphia and Baltimore, usually starting a drove from 120 to 150 head every two weeks during the summer season. Mr. McCausland remained in the East until the close of the season, in November, attending to the disposition of the cattle. The driver rode on horseback and had two helpers who followed on foot. Tiresome as the trip was, Samuel and his brother, Thomas, then boys of eight and ten years, often accom- panied these caravans, part of the time walking barefoot. Their youthful enthusiasm enabled them to learn rapidly, and at the age of fifteen they themselves became "bosses," in other words, each riding horseback at the head of his own herd. Mr. McCausland's father also enjoys the dis- tinction of having been the first Eastern ship- per of cattle by rail. The consignment con- sisted of nine steers, which were loaded on a flat car with slats and without a roof. The load- ing was done by driving them one after an- other, separately, down a chute to the rear of the car, nine cattle constituting a car load. There they stood, separated from each other by a rail partition, undergoing all the discomforts of a ride in winter from Fetterman, West Va. (then the western terminus of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad) to Baltimore. This was in 1854. The first shipment stood the journey fairly well, and brought remunerative prices but the second was quarantined by the health authorities as unfit for food, because of the alleged feverish condition of the animals. In the light of subsequent events there can be lit- tle doubt that this condemnation was prompted by a determination of local feeders and dealers to prevent the importation of cattle at any cost. Be this as it may, this official action effectually ended the incipient industry. In 1855 John C. McCausland purchased farm- ing lands in the northern part of Scott County, Iowa, near the present town of McCausland. With the exception of the two boys, Samuel G. and Thomas W., the family made the journey by rail. They, then aged fifteen and thirteen years, respectively, with inborn love of adven- ture and hardship, traveled the eight hundred miles together on horseback. There the father conducted a successful stock farm. His sons assisted him until 1862, when both brothers enlisted in the Twentieth Iowa Infantry, for three years. They were mustered out at Mobile, Ala., in 1865, Samuel as Quartermaster's Ser- geant. Samuel G. McCausland came to Chicago to reside in 1878, and at once embarked in the live-stock commission business at the Union Stock Yards, entering the firm of McCurdy & Heveridge. Scott & McCausland began business in 1880, and since then, death, withdrawals and adiiilssions have caused various changes in the firm name, which is now McCausland, Hoag and Turner. Mr. McCausland has never lost his boyish love HISTORICAL EXCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 947 for travel and adventure, and, besides visiting all quarters of the United States and Canada, has explored Mexico and Central America. He is the owner of an extensive and valuable interest in Honduras, being the President and one of the principal stockholders in the Central Amer- ican Commercial Company, capitalized at $500,- 000, which owns 6,000 acres of land already in process of rapid improvement. Two thousand acres of this land is devoted to the raising of cocoanuts, a thousand acres to bananas and fifty to lemons, and a hundred-acre grove of rubber trees. The company own vessels, plying be- tween Mobile and their plantation, which is located at the mouth of the Black River. In addition, Mr. McCausland is the owner of two well located, well kept farms in Scott County, Iowa, which he devotes to the raising of cattle and hogs. He was married in November, 1893, to Miss Mary A. Woods, of Lancaster County, Pa. The farms of the two families had been adjacent. Both properties were purchased from the Penn heirs about the same time, and the Woods estate has remained in the family for one hundred and ninety years. A son and a daughter have been born to them: John Woods and Anna Catherine. Mr. McCausland is a charter member of Lin- coln Post, Grand Army of the Republic, as well as of the Chicago Live Stock Exchange, and is now serving his third term of three years in the directorate, of the last named organization. Politically he is a Republican. JOSEPH A. Mccormick, Captain on Engine No. 79, Chicago Fire Depart- ment, was born in Chicago, March 19, 1864, edu- cated in the Chicago public schools, and after leaving school engaged in the painting business. Later he went west to Seattle and Tacoma, Wash., but returning on March 29, 1885, joined the Chicago Fire Department and was assigned to Chemical No. 2. He was afterwards succes- sively transferred to Engines 1, 32 and 4; was promoted to Lieutenant December 31, 1889, and assigned to Engine 22; was transferred to En- gine 27, June 24, 1891; promoted to Captain, April 15, 1893, and assigned to Engine 9; was transferred to Engine 33, August 3, 1893, and to Engine 42, July 25, 1896. In 1904 he remains on duty serving on Engine 79. Captain McCormick was at the cold storage fire on the World's Fair grounds, July 10, 1893, doing duty on Engine 9, and was honorary pall- bearer at the funeral of the firemen killed at that fire and one of the pall-bearers at the fun- eral of Capt. John Fitzpatrick, who died from Injuries received at the same fire. August 3, 1887, at the Box Factory fire on Goose Island, he was taken out for dead, being overcome by heat, but recovered after being laid up two weeks. He stopped a runaway horse and saved the life of a boy in front of Company 4's quar- ters, for which he received honorable mention; also had many other narrow escapes and as- sisted in several rescues. Captain McCormick was married in Chicago, August 4, 1887, to Bar- bara Windbiel, and four children have blessed this union: Mabel, Irene, Joseph and Helen. ANDREW J. Mcdonald. Andrew J. McDonald, contractor, builder and inventor, and also soldier, was born in East Point, Prince Edward Island, October 15, 1840, went to Boston with his parents in 1845, and remained there until they removed to New York City in 1850, where he remained until he came to Chicago in 1855. Here he worked at the car- penter's trade for two years, and then went to Milwaukee, Wis., and there engaged in the real- estate and building trade. During the Civil War he enlisted as private in the First Wiscon- sin Cavalry, was elected Lieutenant and Quar- termaster, and later promoted to Captain, and transferred to the Seventeenth Wisconsin In- fantry, finally receiving his discharge in 1864 on account of sickness, when he again engaged in the building business. Coming to Chicago in 1870, he engaged in the real-estate business and building, and in 1873 built the brick block on West Madison Street, known as the McDonald Building, which was the means of starting other building enterprises in that locality. He was the inventor of the first pneumatic-air rail- road brake ever built, and also devised many improvements in steam-boilers, having received from the United States Patent Office sixty-seven patents on his different inventions in three years. He has built three factories and railroad supply depots, and has done his part well to make Chicago and Cook County the wonder of the world as a manufacturing and industrial center. CHARLES B. McDONALD. The combination of genius with industry — as rare as it is fortunate — is one which rarely fails of success when united to energy and a high moral sense. The man thus endowed aims high; and while he may not always attain his ideals, he usually accomplishes not a little for himself while he makes his impress felt upon the world around him. This has been the case with Mr. Charles A. McDonald, soldier, mechanic, inventor and manufacturer. Mr. Mc- Donald was born near Frederickton, N. B., Jan- uary 22, 1848, but while yet a mere child, his parents removed to Will County, 111., settling at Joliet. He was educated in the Joliet public schools, and subsequently received a training for business in the Bryant & Stratton College at Chicago. At the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted in Company F, Sixty-fourth Illinois In- fantry, and served with gallantry until the close of the war. After being discharged from the army in 1865, Mr. McDonald came to Chicago, where he served an apprenticeship of about four years at the tinner's trade. For a time he worked as a jour- neyman for Frank Sturges & Company, and later entered the employ of the Chicago Stamp- ing Company, remaining with the latter eight 948 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. years, during the last two being foreman of the shops. In the summer of 1879 he accepted the superintendency of the tin factory of Armour & Company, one of the largest and most com- plete plants of its kind in the West, employing three hundred hands and having an annual out- put of 25.000.000 cans. While with Armour & Company his inventive genius devised many im- provements in the process of manufacture, among them being a new method of soldering cans, as well as many automatic machines. For the manufacture of these for the trade, he has organized the McDonald Machine Company, of which his son, Charles D. McDonald is man- ager, and which does a large and lucrative busi- ness. Mr. McDonald was married February 20, 1870, to Miss Willempa Coleman, and five of their six children are yet living. Mr. McDonald has resided in England since December, 1882. JOHN McGLASHAN. John McGlashan (deceased), pioneer and early Board of Trade dealer, Chicago. The memory of the early Chicago pioneers, the men of brawn and brain, whose earnestness of purpose and resoluteness of will laid broad and deep the foundation of the present great metropolis, deserves to be perpetuated upon lasting brass. Self-reliant, mutually helpful, patient under privation, courageous in the face of defeat and tireless in energy, they may be called the exemplars of the generations which followed them. To this class belonged the late John McGlashan, who, born in Perthshire, Scot- land, in September, 1815, and educated in the schools of Edinburgh, crossed the ocean at the age of twenty years and settled at Chicago in 1835. His first business venture was as a market gardener, his land lying around the point where Twenty-second Street crosses the South Branch, near the present McGlashan Street. He next embarked in the lumber busi- ness, but in 1865 became a member of the Board of Trade, and thereafter devoted himself to the handling of grain. His place of residence at that time was at the intersection of Vincennes Avenue and Forty-seventh Street. In his day he was one of Chicago's largest shippers of grain and provisions to the East and to Great Britain, Tobey & Booth and H. Milward & Com- pany being his only rivals. In 1849 he married Miss Jessie Guthrie of Chicago, who bore him one child. John, Jr. Mr. McGlashan died Aug- ust 11. 187.'^. one of the city's leading and most esteemed business men, deeply mourned by the many friends whom he had made by his kindly disposition, no less than by his blame- less life. His widow survived him until De- cember 24, 1898. PATRICK McGRATH. Patrick McGrath, born in Bailyfinch. County Down. Ireland, May 13. 1839. was educated in Ihf public Hchof)lK, and came to this country with hlH parents In October. 184fi. After spend- Ihk two years In Albany, N. Y., they mf)ved on to a farm near Johnstown, Fulton County, N. Y., remaining there two years, then removing to Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wis. Here the subject of this sketch remained until Novem- ber, 1861, when he enlisted in the Seventeenth Regiment Wisconsin Infantry; was promoted to Second Lieutenant at Benton Barracks, Mo., in March, 1862; to First Lieutenant at Lake Providence, La., in February, 1863, and to Cap- tain at Marietta, Ga., in November, 1864. He served through the campaigns of the Army of- the Tennessee, participating in the battles of Corinth, luka, Hatchie, Tallahatchie, Siege of Vicksburg, Champion Hills, Big Black and the Atlantic campaign. After being mustered out, January 25, 1865, he came to Chicago, served on the Board of Public Works for three years, then in the Register's department in the Chi- cago Postoffice, and later was elected County Agent of Cook County, serving in that capacity for two years; also served as Court Clerk for one year, and then as Clerk of the Superior Court for two terms, after which he entered the printing business. Mr. McGrath married Katherine Egan, in Fond du Lac, Wis., in November, 1866, and they are the parents of seven children, six of whom are now living. JEREMIAH McKEE, Superintendent Rock Island Elevators A and B, Chicago, was born in Kingston, Canada, in 1844, the son of John and Susan (Cousins) McKee, both natives of Belfast. Ireland, and who reared a family of eight children, viz.: Elizabeth, the wife of Thomas McGratten; Alexander, of Chicago; Mary Ann, married James Choren and died in December, 1900; Susannah, who became the wife of Robert Arm- strong of Mountain Grove, Canada; Jeremiah, the subject of this sketch; Thomas, also of Chicago; Rose Ellen, the wife of Nathan Cam- eron, Chicago; and Margaret, the wife of John McGowen, of Canada. The father died in 1887 and the mother in 1886. Jeremiah McKee came to Chicago in 1861 and, for some years, was engaged in tallying grain on lake boats or delivering groceries sold in wholesale lots to farmers in the coun- try; then became weighman and, later, fore- man for two years of Elevator A, with which he is now connected, in May, 1900, being ad- vanced to his present position at the head of both Elevators A and B. Elevator A was built in 1882 with a capacity of 1,250,000 bushels and Elevator B in 1870 with a capacity of 850,000 bushels— both being erected by the Rock Island Railway Company. They are pro- vided with up-to-date machinery and are cap- able of handling 250 cars daily. The larger employs sixteen men and the smaller ten to fourteen. In 1872 Mr. McKee married Miss Catherine McGratten, of Chicago, and four sons and two daughters have been born to them: George Thomas, born September 27, 1873. is now weigh- man In the Rock Island Elevators; Walter W.. born In 1875, Is trackman under his father; HISTOKICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 949 Albert A., born in 1878, is a grocer in Chicago; Susan, born in 1881; Leroy L., born in 1885, now a student in college; and Mabel, born July 16, 1895. Mr. McKee is a member of the Knights of Honor, attends the Congregational Church and votes the Republican ticket. MICHAEL McKIERNAN, Captain Engine No. 51, Chicago Fire Depart- ment, was born in Ireland, March 17, 1858; came to Cleveland, Ohio, May 29, 1875, and to Chicago in October 1877, where he worked at the Stock Yards until 1883. He joined the Chi- cago Fire Department October 3, 1883, and was assigned to Hook and Ladder Company No. 4; was transferred to Truck 5, October 9, 1883, and appointed a member of the department, December 28, 1883. His other changes and transfers included to Engine 23, in 1884; to Engine 6; promoted to Lieutenant, August 11. 1888, and assigned to Engine No. 2; promoted to Captain December 31, 1892, and assigned to Engine 51. He has had . numerous narrow escapes but has not had any bones broken; is always ready for any emergency, where duty calls. He was married in Chicago on May 15, 1884, to Sarah McAllister, and eight children have been born to them, six of whom are now living. GEORGE F. Mcknight. George F. McKnight, member of the Illinois Board of Equalization, was born in Buffalo, N. y., March 9, 1837, the son of George and Susanna (Wheeler) McKnight. The father was of Scotch descent, born in Massachusetts, and was by occupation a packer of beef and pork. Mrs. McKnight married, in 1847, James W. Sanford, who was for many years one of the best-known steamboat men on the lakes, and after his retirement from this occupation, en- gaged in the real-estate business, and at the time of his death (1895) was the oldest real- estate dealer in Buffalo. Captain George F. McKnight did not have the advantages of an academic or collegiate train- ing. His education was limited mainly to the English branches as taught at public school' No. 6 in his native city of Buffalo. His first occupation after leaving school was as check clerk on the docks at Buffalo. Later he became steamboat clerk on the lakes, for the then celebrated Troy & Erie Line of boats, and af- terwards had employment in the same capacity for the Buffalo & Cleveland Steamboat Com- pany. After leaving this service he spent three years in an engineering corps employed in the enlargement of the Erie Canal in the State of New York. From 1858 until the outbreak of the Civil War he was employed in a clerical capacity in the wholesale leather house of John M. Hutchinson, in Buffalo. Incidentally it may be mentioned that from 1857 to 1861 he served as a member of the Buffalo Volunteer Fire De- partment. Mr. McKnight's health had never been ro- bust, but when the call for volunteers to de- fend the old flag came, in 1861, he became fired with patriotic ardor and determined to give his services to his country. He enlisted in Battery G, First New York Light Artillery, known as "Frank's Battery." On March 3, 1863, he was commissioned Captain and as- signed to the command of the Twelfth New York Independent Battery, Light Artillery. In this capacity he served until the close of the war, when he was honorably discharged in the City of Washington, D. C. From the close of the Civil War until 1869 he was engaged in the oil business in the city of New York. In the year last mentioned he came to Chicago and engaged in the Fire Insurance business, in which he continued successfully until 1879, when he organized the Lake Gas Company, of which he was made Treasurer, Secretary and General Manager, continuing as such until 1888, when he became interested in the iron business and later in the real-estate business. Captain McKnight has always been interested in politics, and in the later years of his life has been very active in furthering the inter- ests of the Republican party. It is but natural that this ardent devotion to the principles of his party should have been duly recognized. The late Governor Richard Oglesby being not only an astute politician but likewise a good judge of the respective merits of men, saw in Captain McKnight a man who would be val- uable to the State in one of the most important positions under the gubernatorial dispensation. A vacancy occurring in the Board of Equaliza- tion, Captain McKnight was appointed by Gov- ernor Oglesby to fill this vacancy and thus, for ■ the first time, became a public official. He has since been three times elected to the same office, his present term extending to 1905. This continued succession to the same important position is perhaps the best comment that could be offered as to the manner in which the dif- ficult duties of the office have been discharged. On the annexation of the Town of Lake to the City of Chicago, in June, 1889, Captain Mc- Knight was elected Alderman of the Thirty- first Ward, one of the first two Aldermen from that ward, and upon the expiration of this term he was re-elected. He is a member of the Thirty-first Ward Republican Club, and has been a delegate to almost every city, county or State convention held since 1889. Captain McKnight is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, of the Army of the Po- tomac Society and of the National Union So- ciety. He has traveled extensively in a busi- ness capacity throughout the length and breadth of the country, is a man of courteous bearing, genial temperament and extensive in- formation on the leading topics of the times. He has been a member of the Home Club of Englewood since its organization; and of the Illinois Club for many years. He was married, October 22, 1863, to Miss Caroline G. Case daughter of Capt. Lyman and Rebecca (Rug- gles) Case and grand-daughter of Judge Almon Ruggles of Ohio. Capt. Case was for many 950 HISTORICAL EXCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. years one of the most prominent steamboat and vessel commanders on the lakes. He was a thorough disciplinarian whose authority was ever tempered with righteous judgment — a con- sistent Christian in whom all men trusted. Judge Ruggles, an early pioneer of the West- ern Reserve, possessed many rare qualities of heart and mind, conspicuous among which was a true conception of man's relation and duty to man. This fact gave him prominence as a promoter of the cause of abolition of American slavery, the achievement of which called forth such determined energy throughout the "West- ern Reserve." Captain and Mrs. McKnight have but one child, Sanford C. McKnight, who has attained his majority, is a young man of exemplary habits and who gives promise of succeeding worthily to the standing and position achieved by his father. JAMES H. McMAHON, Ex-Captain, Fire Patrol No. 1, Chicago, was born in Chicago, August 7, 1848, was educated at the Jones School, and after leaving school, worked for the Western Insurance Company, for eight years; joined Fire Patrol No. 1, in May, 1872, remaining there two years; then joined the Chicago Fire Department on En- gine No. 1, as pipeman, serving for one year, when he returned to the Fire Patrol and was made Lieutenant of Patrol No. 2 at its organiza- tion in 1874. Three months later he was pro- moted to Captain and transferred to Patrol No. 1, there remaining until October, 1884, when he resigned and went into partnership with B. B. BuUwinkle, in the teaming business at 48 Custom House Place. Later he bought out Mr. Bullwinkle's interest and changed the teaming business into the livery business, in which he is at present, as member of the firm of McMahon Brothers, at 46 Custom House Place, ready to serve his customers with his usual promptness and courtesy. While patrol- man he had many narrow escapes, but was al- ways ready when duty called and never sus- tained any serious injuries. Mr. McMahon was married to Miss Mary Morgan in Chicago, in 1878, and four children have blessed this union. THOMAS McMANNON, Lieutenant Engine Company No. 1, Chicago Fire Department, was born in County Mayo, Ireland, June 22, 1867, and educated in the district schools. After leaving school, he came to America in 1885, and reaching Chicago, worked in brick-yards and malt-houses until Jime 17, 1892, when he joined the Ii ire Depart- nipnt. being assigned to Engine 18; was trans- ferred to Truck 14, January 15, 1894; to ii;ngine No. ]. December 31, 1897, and promoted to Lieu- tenant, October 1, 1900. He was in the great lumber Are of AiiguBt 1, 1895, when two fire- men narrowly escaped being surrounded by fire In an allfv, while i..leutenanl John McOinn, of fhf r-'lre-boat "fifyspr." was fatally burned. Though rescued by Lieutenant McMannon act- ing under orders of Marshal James Heany, Lieutenant McGinn died two hours later at the County Hospital. Lieutenant McMannon was severely burned while trying to save the life of his comrades. He also had a close call at a State and Maaison Street fire, being taken out of the basement in an unconscious condition, but recovered in about an hour. Lieutenant Mc- Mannon was married in Chicago, September 8, 1898, to Miss Annie Casey, who died March 30, 1899. MICHAEL T. McNAMARA, Lieutenant, Hook and Ladder No. 20, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Cold Springs, Putnam County, N. Y., January 17, 1847; came with his parents from New York City to Chi- cago in 1856, and was educated in St. Mary's School, the Moseley public school, and the Condon Parochial School, at Polk and Sherman Streets. After leaving school he worked in the Illinois Central Railroad blacksmith shop at Welden Station, running a trip-hammer for his father; was next engaged at the Michigan Southern Stock Yards, Twenty-second and Clark Streets, and, when the Union Stock Yards were opened in 1865, continued work there un- til 1870. He then worked in the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific blacksmith shop, and later at Boomer's Bridge Works. He joined the Chi- cago Fire Department, June 1, 1872, commenc- ing as truckman on Hook and Ladder Com- pany No. 1, at Twenty-second Street and Went- worth Avenue, and remained there seven months, when, in December, 1872, he was trans- ferred to Truck 4; was promoted to Lieutenant January 1, 1885, transferred to Engine 8, Jan- uary 1, 1891; to Truck 20. June 30, 1892, and to Engine 82, January 8, 1902. He assisted in the rescue of a man and woman at a fire in Lloyd's Hotel, at Polk and Clark Streets, under the command of Captain Pazen, in 1872. and on July 14, 1874, carried a woman down a 45- foot ladder at 525 Clark Street while on Truck 4, under the command of Captain George Ran. At the burning of the Singer Building, corner of State and Washington Streets, he rescued the body of George Dudley, an ex-member of the Chicago Fire Department, found on the fifth floor suffocated. At the same fire he as- sisted in the rescue of John Flannigan, Pipe- man of Engine 18, and Lieutenant Chanfrau of Engine 6, from the debris where they lay in- jured by the falling tank from the roof. He served at all the fires during the World's Fair tinder First Assistant Chief Musham and Mar- shals Murphy. O'Malley and Kenyon. At the Cold Storage fire, although on furlough, seeing the danger the firemen were exposed to, he re- ported to Marshal Murphy, and was ordered to raise the World's Fair Truck, then under the command of Capt. Robert Palmer, to the roof, which he ascended and, after having gone on the roof about 40 feet to rescue the bodies of the firemen confined In the debris from the falling tower, was compelled to make a quick retreat to save his own life, as the fire was HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 951 then bursting out of all the windows fieneath. He has had many narrow escapes, one of which was on the morning Daniel Hartnett, driver of Truck 4, was killed at the corner of Twenty- second and State Streets. Lieutenant McNa- mara handled the tiller until the runaway team was brought under control without a driver. Under Lieutenant Kenyon he was ordered to get a chemical line of hose out to the fire on a wood barge in the river north of Twenty- second Street bridge, near Grove Street, and while obeying this order the rope tied to the barge was cut, letting truckman McNamara down into the water, but he swam to a way- ward boat, and then returning extinguished the fire. He has had honorable mention of merit in General Orders No. 10, of 1882; No. 4, of 1887; No. 7, of 1887; No. 7, of 1888, and No. 11, of 1889. He is still ready for any emergency where duty calls. Lieutenant McNamara was married to Miss Mary Kircher in Chicago, Sep- tember 4, 1865, and eight children have been born to them, six of whom are now living, viz.: Margaret, now Mrs. Petrie; Amelia, now Mrs. Hartney; Nellie, late Mrs. Millard (de- ceased), Elizabeth, Sarah and Edward. Mrs. McNamara passed away February 19, 1900. Anna, the first born, died in infancy. PAUL WHEELER McWHORTER. Col. Paul Wheeler McWhorter was born July 4, 1841, in the southern part of Waukesha town- ship, Waukesha County, Wis. His father, Will- iam McWhorter, was a native of Salem, Wash- ington County, N. Y., where he was a farmer and leading citizen. Of Scotch descent, the father was noted for his patriotism and pub- lic spirit. He married Julia Anna Wheeler, daughter of Paul Wheeler (after whom the Col- onel was named), all of whom were born in Washington County, N. Y., of English descent. Colonel McWhorter received a common school education and worked on his father's farm un- til August 20, 1862, when he enlisted as a pri- vate soldier in Company G, Twenty-eighth Wis- consin Volunteer Infantry. His military serv- ice covered a period of about four and one- half years, during which time he was promoted to the various ranks for meritorious service, until he attained the rank of Colonel and com- manded a brigade in the field. He was mus- tered out of service at Little Rock, Ark., where he located and soon after bought out the Lit- tle Rock Wood Company, in which he was a stockholder. A year later he sold out to But- ler, Cady & Gebo, lumber merchants. In the social affairs of Little Rock Colonel McWhorter occupied a prominent place. Polit- ically he took an active part in the organiza- tion of the Republican party and was assistant Adjutant General on the staff of General Powell Clayton when the latter was Governor of Arkansas. He read law with Judge Orval Jen- nings, United States District Attorney, was ad- mitted to the bar and settled in Arkadelphia, Clark County, Ark., where he successfully prac- ticed his profession in the Eighth Judicial Cir- cuit, and where he became prominent as a Re- publican politician. He was elected Chairman of the Clark County Central Committee and was a delegate to the Congressional Convention which nominated the Hon. Thomas Bowles for Congress, and in whose behalf he made a gal- lant and successful campaign. Colonel Mc- Whorter spent the winter of 1871-72 in Wash- ington, D. C, on the editorial staff of Gen. Hor- ace Capron, Commissioner of Agriculture. He declined the position of Attorney General of Dakota Territory, and in June, 1872, settled in Chicago. Retiring from the active practice of law, he engaged in the real-estate business, and a few years later bought a farm in the southern part of Cook County, to which he moved and devoted his time to the raising of Hamble- tonian trotting horses and Short Horn cattle, owning some of the finest specimens of stock in the State. He located Jay Gould's extension of the Wabash System, through which he be- came personally acquainted with Gould, A. L. Hopkins, First Vice-President Solon Humph- reys, and many other prominent railroad men. He was a Director and Vice-President of the C. E. & W. Ry. Co., General Manager of the Chi- cago Fair and Trotting Breeders' Association, General Manager of an iron car company, President of the Smith's Steel Car Company, and President of the Peacock Silver Mining Company, a well equipped dividend-paying mine of Secora County, N. M. He was also the projector of the Waukesha Beach electric line and was active in promoting the electric line from Milwaukee to Waukesha, besides being interested in' many manufacturing enterprises, gold and copper mines, steamboat companies, etc. Colonel McWhorter was also a great polit- ical student, firm and reliable in the Republican faith, particularly interested and active in na- tional affairs, but entirely independent of of- fice or political favors, having twice refused to allow his name to be used as a candidate for Congress or any other office. He is a man of strong moral character, never has used to- bacco in any form nor liquor as a beverage. He was one of the founders and a Trustee of the Anti-Cigarette League, and the American Flag Day Association. Socially he is a mem- ber of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Union Veteran Legion, and the Loyal Legion. In religion he was a Presbyterian, attending the Church of Dr. Dwight N. Hillis. A man of great ambition and decision of character, cour- ageous and energetic, he was an exemplary citizen whose highest business ambition was the development of worthy enterprises and a betterment of the conditions of his fellow men. EDWARD L. McWILLIAMS. Edward L. McWilliams, live-stock agent. Bal- timore & Ohio Railroad Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, was born in Turner, 111.. July 9, 1865, was educated in the public schools, and after leaving school, commenced work at the 952 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Union Stock Yards for R. S. Gough, Manager of the Western Union Telegraph Company, still later being employed by Mr. Gough who had accepted the agency of the Mutual Union Tel- egraph Company, remaining in each place one year. In August, 1882, he accepted a position with H. W. Getz, live-stock agent for the Bal- timore & Ohio Railroad Company, where he remained until July 1, ISyi, when Mr. Getz having been promoted to the local agency, Mr. McWiiliams was appointed his successor, which position U904) he still retains. His long serv- ice for this company is proof that he is the "right man in the right place." He has a host of friends among his employers, ship- pers and his associates. He was married in Iowa City, Sept. 24, 1896, to Miss Alice A. Close, and they have one child. MARTIN MERGANTHALER, Captain Engine No. 72, Chicago Fire Depart- ment, was born in Chicago, May 17, 1852, and educated in the Mosley public school and a German school. After leaving school he worked in a barber ship in the Matteson House, black- ing boots; later learned the carpenters' trade and worked at that until he joined the Fire Department, January 18, 1875, on Engine No. 1; was transferred to Truck 4; March 15, 1876, to Engine 2; Auixust 1, 1S7(5, to hngine b, as pipeman; promoted to Lieutenant December 31. 1884, and assigned to Engine 9; promoted to Captain, December 31, 1889, and assigned to Engine 47; and transferred to Engine 72, Sep- tember 14, 1897, where (1904) he is ready for any duty that falls to the lot of a brave fireman. Captain Merganthaler was present at the Cold Storage fire of July 10, 1893, and rescued his driver just before the walls of the building fell out on Stony Island Avenue; also had a close call at the last World's Fair fire, July 6, 1894. in which his company, having been caught between the Electricity and Mines buildings, lost nearly all their hose, but by joining hands succeeded in rescuing each other and saving their apparatus. Except for the foresight of Captain Gillespie, of Engine 72, who gave the warning, all of Company 47 would have per- ished. October 22, 1899. in a fire at 9138 Com- mercial Avenue, the members of Engine No. 72 were caught, having two lines out. Captain Merganthaler was on the roof of the livery stable when Truckman Rippey called to him, and he crawled out on his hands and knees, thereby saving his life as the roof caved in Immediately after his escape. The company lost their hose and pipe. Captain Merganthaler was married in Chi- cago. January 28, 1873. to Miss Elizabeth Schradcr. and ten children — three boys and seven girls — were born to them. The seven girls are now living, and are named Martha. Mftmle, Lillian, Julia. Joxie. Gertie and Cecilia. EDWARD J. MEYER. Edward J. Meyer, merchant and Postmaster. DesI'lalneH, Cook County, 111., was born in New York in 1862, of mixed German and Irish ancestry — his father, August Meyer, being a na- tive of Germany, while his mother, Katie (Mul- len) Meyer, was born in Ireland. Mr. Meyer was educated in the common schools of Des- Plaines, and on May 17, 1888, was married to Augusta Geils at Arlington Heights. They have three children: E. J. Walter, Myrtle and Lighton. Mr. Meyer has been engaged in the mercantile business for a number of years, and on October 9, 1897, was appointed Postmaster of the Village of DesPlaines; has also been Treasurer of DesPlaines since 1894. BRICE F. MILLER, Assistant Engineer, Engine No. 42, Chicago Fire Department, was born in De Pere, Wis., June 25, 1867; educated in the public schools, and after leaving school found employment in the steam forge works at De Pere, and later in a pail factory. He next became a sailor on the lakes in different steamboats, and still later a brakeman on the Wisconsin Central Railroad, also on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, and tnen for eight years was engaged in steamboating in the summer, and in the winters worked for the Standard Oil Company, boiler and tank making, until he joined the Fire Department, January 4, 1897, working first in the repair shop, and as As- sistant Engineer of Engine No. 69, February 9, 1897; and was transferred to Engine 42, April 15, 1897. He has had many close calls but sustained no serious injuries. Mr. Miller was married to Miss Effie M. Wheeler in Chi- cago, January 5, 1898. CHARLES H. MILLER. A long and useful life, based upon high and noble principles and animated by kindly im- pulses, which has been faithfully devoted to industry and directed to the discharge of every duty and resposibility, may justly be regard- ed as a successful life, without question of pe- cuniary results. If a fair share of this world's goods fall to such a man, how much more his worth is determined by his increased ca- pacity of good and cheer. Under such a search- light Mr. Miller may be pronounced a success- ful man in the best sense of the word. He has held honorable positions, has faithfully done his duty wherever placed, and retains tlie respect and confidence of all who know him. Mr. Miller is a native of the city of New York, where he was born June 9. 1829. and where he was educated in the city schools. When he became his own master, he drifted to the West, and locating in Carroll County, Ohio, soon found a standing place among the bright and capable young men of that region. For two years he filled the position of Deputy Clerk of the County Court under Clerk W. R. Lloyd. At the expiration of that period he turned his attention to mercantile activities, and for some years was employed as a clerk in the dry goods store of James Huston, at Carrollton, Ohio, and later in a store at Pitts- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 953 burg. In 1856 he sought out-of-doors employ- ment, and engaged to work as a conductor on the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. In this great industry he developed unexpected abil- ity, and his worth was recognized by his ap- pointment the following year as Freight Agent for the road at Alliance, Ohio. In 1860 he was made train despatcher at Crestline, Ohio, a position he held for eight years. Mr. Miller came to Chicago, March 5, 1868, to continue in the service of the Pennsylvania Company as their live-stock agent in the city, and in this field he has displayed executive abilities of a high order. He is still with the company with which he connected himself forty-five years ago, and is regarded in railroad circles as one of the most capable men in the service. Mr. Miller was married at Carrollton, Ohio, January 11, 1855, to Miss Caroline Jackson. Mrs. Miller is an accomplished lady of many charms and graces, and has become the mother of four children: Ada, Carrie, Frank and Fan- nie. The home circle is an endearing spot, and Mr. Miller finds much delight in his domes- tic relations. CHARLES S. MILLER. Charles S. Miller, Factory Superintendent, River View, Cook County, 111., was born in Bal- timore, Mid., October j.7, 1863, of German de- scent, both his parents (William and Mary Miller) having been born in Germany in 1824. After acquiring a rudimentary education in the schools of his native city, at the age of sixteen he entered into the employment of the Stieff Piano Works, remaining five years. He then went to New York and was in the employ of Colby & Duncan two years. Decker & Son a year and a half, and with George Woods & Sons (Boston) for a short time. In 1889 he came to Chicago and spent six years in the em- ployment of the W. W. Kimball Company, piano manufacturers; then went to Auburn, N. Y., where he spent a year with Wegman & Co. Returning to Chicago, on January 1, 1897, he assumed the position of General Superin- tendent of the Schaeffer Piano Manufacturing Company, where he has ever since remained, and is credited with having been the means of more than doubling the output of the company during his connection with it. On May 18, 1887, Mr. Miller was married to Miss Hannah Pepper of the city of Philadelphia. He is an Independent in politics and zealously devoted to the interests of his calling. ROBERT M. MITCHELL. Robert M. Mitchell, lawyer, Chicago, is of mixed blood, his father, John M. Mitchell, be- ing descended from two generations of Irish ancestry, residing in Virginia, but born in Alabama, while his mother was of African de- scent and born in Virginia. Mr. Mitchell him- self is a native of Alabama, where he was born August 10, 1854, but came north at an early age and was educated at Columbus, Ohio. April 18, 1878, he was married in Chicago to Amanda Bass. In subsequent years he held a number of positions of trust, including Dep- uty Collector of Internal Revenue for the Northern District of Illinois for four years, and Deputy Clerk of the Criminal Court for seven years. On March 26, 1895, he was ad- mitted to the Illinois State bar, having passed an examination before the Appellate Court of Chicago. Politically he is a Republican and, in religion, an adherent of the Roman Catholic faith. His abilities as a speaker have won for him a prominent position not only at the bar, but as a political leader as well. He is now Past Supreme Chancellor of the Colored Knights of Pythias of the World. In his law practice he makes a specialty of personal in- jury cases, and has tried some of the most important and extensive in the courts of Cook County. He makes sure the preparation of his cases before going into court, and has proved himself a successful lawyer. His clients are almost invariably of the white race. FRANK J. MONTAGUE, Assistant Engineer on Lngine No. 72, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago April 20, 1858; was educated in tne Haven, Jones and Brown public schools, and after leaving school worked for Marshall Field & Co.; then for Howard, White & Crowell, printers; and later, at blacksmithing for T. H. Brown and others, and later for himself in a shop left by his father. He then worked one year for the Con- solidated Ice Machine Company, after which he joined the Fire Department, March 11, 1891, beginning in the repair shop. After being ap- pointed assistant engineer, August 22, 1891, he was transferred in September, 1891, to En- gine 19; and to Engine 63 (World's Fair Grounds); to Engine 32, December 1, 1900; and to Engine 72, September 2, 1893, where he still remains ready for any call. He has had many narrow escapes but no serious injuries. Mr. Montague was married in Chicago Sep- tember 22, 1882, to Miss Johanna McGuire. Ten children were born to them, three of whom are now living. CHARLES E. MOORE. Maj. Charles E. Moore, veteran Chicago fire- man and soldier of the Civil War, was born in Dublin, Ireland, April 12, 1821, the son of Thomas and Margaret (O'Connor) Moore. In 1848 he came to Chicago, where he engaged in the contracting and building business and where he has since made his home. In 1851 he was elected Alderman of the Seventh Ward. In 1854 Mr. Moore joined one of the pioneer organizations of the Chicago Volunteer Fire Department (the Red- Jacket Company No. 4), of which he became foreman, and during the same year made a trip, as the representative of the city, to Utica, N. Y., to purchase a hand fire engine, which has been described as one of the finest ever brought to the city. In the fall of 1854 he united with a number of his countrymen in organizing a military 954 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. company known as the "Shields Guards" — named in honor of Gen. James Shields, who had won distinction in the Mexican War — and of this organization Mr. Moore was chosen Captain, with James A. Mulligan as First Lieu- tenant. Promptly after the firing on Fort Sum- ter, in April, 1861, Captain Moore was one of the signers of a call puonshed in the Chicago papers for a rally of "All Irishmen in favor of forming a regiment of Irish Volunteers to sustain the Government of the united States in and through the present war." The result of this patriotic movement was the organiza- tion of the Twenty-third Illinois Volunteer In- fantry (known as the "Irish Brigade"), with former Lieutenant James A. Mulligan as Col- onel and Mr. Moore as Major, and which, after some delay on account of the quota for the State under the first call being already full, was finally mustered in on June 15, 1861. A month later the Twenty-third was under marching orders by way of Quincy, 111, to St. Louis, whence, after having received arms, it went to Jefferson City and later took part in defense of Lexington, Mo., during the nine days' siege which resulted in the capture of that place by the superior force under com- mand of the rebel General Price. This was one of the most noteworthy events of the war in Missouri and, although it resulted in crippling the Twenty-third for a time, it was finally re- stored to active service, and during the last two years of the war participated in some of the memorable engagements in West Virginia and Virginia, including the battle of Petersburg Gap in October, 1863, of Shepherdstown and Maryland Heights (Md.) in July, 1864, both the battles of Winchester (July and September, 1864), and those of New Creek, Opequan Creek, and Hatcher's Run. In the first battle of Win- chester (July 23-^-1, 1864), Colonel Mulligan was fatally wounded, dying July 26. In February, 1864, the regiment re-enlisted as veterans and, a few months later, was consolidated into five companies, which served to the close of the war, taking part in the siege of Richmond and being present at the surrender of Lee at Ap- pomattox. After the war Mr. Moore traveled over Eng- land, Ireland and Scotland, returning to Chi- cago in 1867, when he began the study of law. In 1867 he was elected to the office of Justice of the Peace, holding the position four years, when he was made Police Justice, and was also appointed by Mayor Medill, as member of the Board of Health, holding the position until abolition of that body. Major Moore, in the enjoyment of a hale old ape of eiuhfv-four years, is making his home with a daughter at 230 Austin Avenue, Chi- cago, and takes especial pleasure in relating In- cidfntfi connected with his life as a Union sol- dier and a pioneer fireman of Chicago. JAMES S. MORROW. James S. Morrow, Superintendent of park- Ing-honsp of Llbby, McNeil! & Llbby, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, was born in Carthage, N. Y., June 15, 1850, attended the public schools and later "Falley Seminary," at Fulton, N. Y., where he graduated with high honors. He engaged with his father in the tanning busi- ness, remaining five years, when he came to Chicago in 1874, and worked for the Wilson Packing Company for five years; then went to San Francisco, Cal., in 1880, where he en- gaged in the mercantile business until 1886, when he returned to Chicago. He then entered the employ of Libby, McNeill & Libby, as time-keeper, later being employed in the ship- ping department, and finally as foreman of the paint and label department. He was appointed assistant superintendent in 1898, and superin- tendent in May, 1900, which position he still retains. He has shown by his close attention to business and kind, pleasant ways with his associates, that he is in every way fitted for the responsible position which he occupies. Mr. Morrow was married in Bellfort, N. Y.. August 10, 1876, to Miss Bessie A. Jones, and six children have blessed their union, three of whom are now living, viz.: Mary E., Bessie R. and Arthur L. CHARLES DANIEL MOYER. Grave are the cares devolving upon the man who is called practically to administer the af- fairs of two great corporations. To fill such a position successfully there must be a com- bination of traits which is rarely found. To broad, general information must be added a thorough knowledge of detail; to quick percep- tion must be joined conservative judgment; and with a mind of more than ordinary caliber must be found executive ability of the highest order. When this combination is found, we have a man rarely equipped to fill posts of the gravest responsibility. It is for this reason that the directors of the Union Stock Yards and Transit Company, of Chicago, as well as those of the Chicago Junction Railway, felt well pleased when they secured the services of Charles D. Moyer as Secretary and Treasurer of each coporation. He was born in Freeburg, Pa., October 26, 1862. and received his early education at the Freeburg Academy and the Franklin and Mar- shall College. He was a bright pupil with a retentive memory, and was but fifteen years old when he began teaching at FVeeburg. After leaving college he was appointed Superintend- ent of the City Schools at Dewitt, Iowa, but resigned the position at the end of two years, to accept the superintendency of schools at Waterloo, Iowa, where he remained for one year. Having determined to adopt the law as a vocation, he entered Columbia College Law School, New York City, graduating therefrom in June, 1887. For six years he practiced his profession at Minneapolis, Miinn. He then re- turned to New York City and did a large amount of special work for several large re- ceiverships of corporations. In January, 1896, he was elected a Director, as well as Secretary ,X'P'h..r yard fire, he HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 957 was swept into the river by a strong wind. His judgment and coolness in command of men at fires has been amply demonstrated on numerous occasions, and his foresight and care for the men under his command has been fre- quently shown. A fire in which Musham, as Acting Chief commanded, was that at the Manufacturers' Building on the World's Fair Grounds, in Jack- son Park on January 4, 1894. The building was saved, but the battle was a terrific one, the firemen having to fight the fire, from the height of 240 feet, where the hose had been carried under Musham's directions. In the ex- citement of the time Musham and Battalion Chief Kenyon were both supposed to be lost. This was Musham's most brilliant bit of fire- fighting. The deed was declared the best dis- play of scientific fire-fighting on record, and was widely heralded at the time., At the great Northwestern Elevator fire, August 5, 1897, his timely order saved over a score of men from death in the explosion that came so unexpectedly to everybody. Musham was first assistant at that time and had com- mand at the danger point southwest of the elevator. He was not expecting the explosion, but the unnecessarily dangerous position of the flreboat "Yosemite" was noted by him, and the order given to move farther away from a wall that was regarded as dangerous. The sudden explosion that followed, when the boat had moved one hundred feet, would have caused the death of nearly thirty additional men but for the timely and fortunate order. Musham was struck on the head by a beam, and was buried under a pile of iron sheeting and, in consequence, was incapacitated for duty for two weeks. He never lost a man under his direct command. Marshal Musham has frequently commanded detachments of the Fire Department in fighting fires in neighboring cities, which were threat- ened with destruction by fires which local forces could not control. Such occasions occurred in Racine, May 7, 1882; at Milwaukee, October 29, 1892; at Wheaton and at Pine Sta- tion, Ind. It was when he was absent from the city on one of these relief expeditions, that the late Chief Swenie gave one of the many illustra- tions of the high regard in which he held Musham. It had been reported that additional help had been wired for, and Swenie was sought to deny or confirm the report. He was found in his office engaged in shifting the plugs in the switch board, which indicated the movement of the companies out and into their stations. He was told of the receipt of the telegram that the Mayor had asked for more help. The Chief continued to shift the pegs, and without turning around said: "Musham is up there, and he has not asked for help. "Whenever help is needed, he will say so, and until he 'hollers,' you can be sure that it is not needed." It is said in department circles, that, in all the twenty odd years that Musham served as Assistant, and by virtue of his posi- tion was in command many times before arrival of the marshal, no order was ever given by Musham that was not ratified by the chief on the latter's arrival. This confidence in his judgment has been for many years 'shared by the general public, and the grim-visaged, alert First Assistant Marshal had been looked upon as the natural successor of the veteran chief. Upon the retirement of Chief Swenie, June 24, 1901, Musham was ap- pointed Chief Fii-e Marshal. Loyal to his duty as a public servant, and demanding of all others equal fidelity, even where life itself is daily put in peril, the rugged qualities of Marshal Musham's character but go to show that he is what his admirers have long claimed for him — the ideal fire-fighter and commander of men. After forty-eight years of active service in the volunteer and paid Fire Departments of Chicago, Chief Musham was forced to retire by politics October 17, 1904. DANIEL R. MUSSER, Ex-Lieutenant, Town of Lake and Chicago Police (retired), was born in Reading, Pa., December 2, 1842, and educated in the district schools. After leaving school he worked on his father's farm and later owned one himself for three years, until he came to Chicago April 15, 1871. Here he started as a carpenter, work- ing two years; was employed by the City Railway Company for two years to run a "Bob- tailed Car" on Cottage Grove Avenue to Thirty- ninth Street; then engaged in teaming continu- ing in this line until he joined the Town of Lake Police force, April 7, 1875, as patrolman, at the Stock Yards Station. In 1878 he was promoted to Patrol Sergeant, being thus em- ployed for three years; was promoted to Lieu- tenant in 1881 and transferred to Englewood Station, Sixty-third Street and Wentworth Avenue, remaining four years, until July, 1885. He was then transferred to the Union Stock Yards & Transit Company at Exchange Build- ing until January, 1887, when he was appointed Desk Sergeant at the Stock Yards Station, and remained in that position until after the an- nexation of the Town of Lake to Chicago (June, 1889). In August. 1889, he was promoted to Patrol Sergeant, remaining two weeks, when he was promoted to Lieutenant, September, 1889. He i-emained in this position until July. 1897, when he was pensioned on account of his over twenty years' service. He has always been on hand wherever duty or danger has called him. Never a charge was preferred against him while he was on the force. He was married September 15, 1863, at Read- ing, Pa., to Miss Maria Renninger, and ten children (five sons and five daughters) have been the fruit of this union. Mrs. Musser passed away March 26, 1901. THEODORE P. NEWCOMER. Theodore P. Newcomer, live-stock commis- sion merchant, Chicago, was born on a farm 958 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. near Milton, Northumberland County, Pa., January 14, 1831; received his education in the public schools and early commenced business as clerk in a store in his native town. In 1S5S he came to Forreston, Ogle County, 111., and there started a store of his own, by strict attention to business, obliging manners and honorable dealings, winning success. Desiring a larger field, in 1864 he removed to Shannon, in Carroll County, and there opened another store. Prosperity followed, and he opened a second store at Chadwick, a neighboring town. During his residence at Shannon, he bought a farm where, in connection with his other busi- ness, he commenced raising live stock and shipping it to Chicago. In 1892 he sold out and came to the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, where he was introduced to James M. Doud by his son-in-law. Richard Fitzgerald, Vice-Presi- dent of the Chicago Junction Railway Company, and soon a new commission firm appeared under the style of Doud & Newcomer, which was changed to the Wood & Newcomer Com- pany, November 1, 1896, and is still in opera- tion. To know Mr. Newcomer is to know a gentleman, a shrewd business man, whose kindly face, hearty laugh and genial ways en- dear him to all his friends, and their name is legion. He was married to Miss Anna M. Con- nelly, in Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, Pa., in 1857, and two children have blessed their union. ANDREW E. NICHOLS, Assistant Engineer, Fourteenth Street Pumping Station, Chicago, was born in Pecatonica, 111.. January 2, 1862, attended the district schools in Pecatonica and came to Chicago in November, 1871. where he attended the public schools, and later a business college for two winters. He then spent two seasons as fireman on the lakes, and one season as oiler, when he became first assistant engineer on a lake steamer. In August, 1896, he took the civil service examina- tion and secured a position as assistant en- gineer at the Lake View Pumping Station, in September, 1897, remaining there three years. In August, 1900, he was transferred to the Four- teenth Street Station, where he still remains, ready for any service to which duty calls him. He was married to Miss Ellen L. Carey, in Delavan. Wis., in August, 1887, and they have one daughter. REV. G. A. NIEDERGESAESS. Rev. G. A. Nledergesaess. pastor and organ- izer of tne Evangelical Church, Blue Island. wa.s born in Germany in 18.53. the son of August and Dorothea (Mahler) Nledergesaess. and was reared and educated in his native country, where he engaged in teaching; then went to Alexandria, Egypt, where he occupied a chair in a college as professor of the French and German languages and Music. During his stay In Egypt he made a trip to the Holy Lan(l. and. In 18S0. came to America on the same ves- H»'l that brought the cr-lebrated (jbellsk. "Cleo- patra's Needle," from Alexandria to New York. After coming to America he entered the Theo- logical College of the Evangelical Synod, located at Marthasville, Mo., now in St. Louis, Mo., and was ordained at Milwaukee, Wis. For twelve years he was pastor of a church at Eitzen, Minn., but in 1893, was sent to Blue Island by the Mission Board of the North Illi- nois District of the Evang. Synod of North America, and here organized the Evangelical Church and superintended the erection of the present church edifice. His pastorate of the church at Blue Island of over ten years, has been very successful. THE DEUTSCHE EVANGELISTIC FRIE- DENS-CHURCH, of Blue Island, Cook County, was organized with a membership of thirteen persons in June, 1893, by the Mission Board of Northern Illinois District of the Synod of North America, and placed in charge of the present pastor, Rev. G. A. Nledergesaess. Dur- ing the first year, the congregation occupied the old Methodist Episcopal Church edifice, but in 1894, bought a lot on the corner of Gregory and New Streets, and there erected a new church building at a cost of about $10,000, which was dedicated November 18, 1894. In 1900 a parsonage, costing $2,300, was erected and occupied in January, 1901. The church also maintains a school, where German is taught on Saturdays. The church membership numbers sixty-five to seventy. A larger pro- portion of families are connected with the church, and there is a Ladies' Society of eighty members, a Young People's Society of thirty- five, and a Sunday School of 350 pupils and fifteen teachers. The present church officers are: President, Hans Peetz; Secretary, J.John Joens; Treasurer, F. Witte; Trustees, George Meyer, Charles Wick and Herman Koehler. FRANK JOSEPH NIGG, Lieutenant of Chicago Fire Insurance Patrol. No. 5, was born in Chicago. August 29, 1864, and educated in the Franklin school. After leaving school he learned the brass-finishing trade at the Union Brass works in 1880, remaining there six years, when, on August 12, 1886. he joined the Chicago Fire Department on Engine No. 32. He was transferred in 1887 to Engine 27. and later to Engine 55, and drove for Chief Gabriel until 1892, when, on June 1 of that year, he joined the Fire Insurance Patrol, being as- signed to Patrol No. 1 ; was transferred to No. 3 in 1893, and to No. 1 in 1894; promoted to Lieutenant November 1, 1896, and assigned to Patrol No. 5. When Captain William Bergman of No. 5 was killed. February 4. 1900. W. E. Carney was appointed his successor on May 1st, following. Mr. Nigg retained his position as Lieutenant of Patrol No. 5. He has had his share of narrow escapes, among them being one at the fire and explosion at the Northwest- ern Elevator, on August 5, 1897, when he had a leg broken and was severely burned on tlH head and back. He has worked at all the fires ocurring In the downtown district of late years. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 959 excepting when laid up for repairs, but is always ready for any service where duty or danger may call. He married Miss Julia Buck- ley in Chicago, March 11, 1887, and one son, Frank George Nigg, has been born to them. JOHN J. O'BRIEN. John J. O'Brien, driver on Fire Engine 23, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago, February 28, 1858, and educated at St. Patrick's Academy and Skinner school. His father, Pat- rick O'Brien, was born in Ireland, March 17, 1804, and came to Chicago in 1835, where he died October 12, 1879. After John J. O'Brien left school, he worked for the Protection Life Insurance Company over a year, and later as driver of a team for Henry W. King & Com- pany and others. He joined the Fire Depart- ment April 4, 1882, and was assigned to Engine 12; was transferred successively to Engines 15, 7 and 17, Chemical No. 1, and to Engine 24, on August 4, 1883, and to Engine 23, April 5, 1890. Mr. O'Brien was married in Chicago, June 3, 1886, to Mary Doyle, and four children have been born to them. He has suffered no serious accident since he joined the Department, but has always been ready to face any danger where duty calls. JOHN O'CONNELL, Captain Fire Patrol No. 4, located at Union Stock Yards, was born in Ireland, March 17, 1865, and educated in the public schools; came to America and Chicago in 1879; ht,.'e learned the carriage-maker's trade with T. Scully, 253 Wells Street; joined the Fire Patrol, June 15, 1887, and was assigned to No. 2, as blacksmith; was promoted to Lieutenant in 1892, and to Captain, December 1, 1894, when he was as- signed to Patrol No. 4, Union Stock Yards. Mr. O'Connell had many narrow escapes, one occurring when he was going to a fire Novem- ber 6, 1896, being thrown from the apparatus and having a leg broken. BENJAMIN F. O'CONNOR, Captain Hook and Ladder Company No. 3. Chicago »Fire Department, was born in Chicago. January 1, 1859, was educated at the Kinzie public school, and began earning his own living as a boot-black and newspaper boy. In 1870 he began working for C. H. Reed, then State's Attorney, remaining some years, then drove team until 1883, when he joined the Fire Department, November 16, becoming Truckman on Hook and Ladder No. 6 ("Old Skinner"), was promoted to the Lieutenancy August, 1887, serving on Engine 4, Chemical 2, and Engine 42. February 3, 1891, he was promoted to Cap- tain, and assigned to organize Engine Company No. 60; was transferred to Engine 32, Novem- ber 30, 1891, to Engine 42, July 1. 1893; and July 24, 1896, to Hook and Ladder Company No. 3, which position (1904) he still fills. At the burning of the Northwestern Elevator, August 5, 1897, Captain O'Connor received the order from Marshal Musham, through Battalion Chief Seyferlich, to move the Fire Boat "Yo- semite ' (Captain Buckley) out of the way of the wall, as he felt certain it would fall. The boat had just been moved one hundred feet south, when the terrific explosion occurred. The "Fire Queen," No. 7 (Captain Burroughs) was hurrying in on the second alarm, and being warned by the act of the "Yosemite," slowed up and saved herself and crew. Had Musham not given that providential order, the death-roll would have contained about fifty more names, and swamped both of the fire- boats. During the twenty years of his life as a fireman. Captain O'Connor has had many narrow escapes, including his experience at the fire at the Illinois Can Company, No. 60-64 Superior Street, where this Truck Company won honorable mention for saving about thirty lives, and that at the Berwin Hotel, 248-250 North State Street, where eighteen lives were saved, three being lost. Captain O'Connor married Miss Mary Braley, of Chicago, September 25, 1882, and five chil- dren have been born to them; James F., Mamie B., Martha, Benjamin F. and William. In his career we have another example of the daring Chicago fireman who was never known to shrink where duty called. JAMES J. O'CONNOR, Superintendent City of Chicago Pipe Yards, was born in French Park, Ireland, July 25, 1855; came to America in 1863 and to Chicago in 1865; attended the St. Patrick's, Holy Trinity and Dearborn public schools, and after leaving school in 1870, entered the employ of the Chicago & Alton Railroad Company, in their general office, remaining with that company fifteen years. For two years he worked for the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Com- pany, for the Chicago National Bank six months, and, in 1889, commenced work for the City of Chicago as bookkeeper at the Pipe Yards. In 1897 he took the civil service ex- amination and was appointed Superintendent of the Pipe Yards, which important position he has filled with much credit to the present time. ROBERT P. O'CONNOR, Captain, Engine Co. No. 8, Chicago Fire De- partment, was born at Rockland, Mass., March 13, 1858; came to Chicago in October, 1864, and here attended the Holden, Washington and Dore Schools. After leaving school he was en- gaged in the boot and shoe business for four years; later worked in the Rolling Mill, and then as fireman on the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago Railroad, when he returned to the shoe business; then was engaged as a con- ductor for the Chicago City Railway Company for one year. He next worked on the Chicago River docks, and then spent a year in the shoe business, when he joined the Fire Depart- ment, March 1, 1886, as pipeman on Engine 32; was promoted to Lieutenant, December 31, 1888; assigned to Engine 13 and on May 31, 1890, transferred to Engine 1; was promoted to Cap- 960 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. tain May 6, 1891, and organized Engine 62, at Kensington. December 12, 1891, he was trans- ferred to Engine 28; took the civil service examination for first class Captain in Decem- ber, 1895, — the first that was held — was pro- moted and transferred to Engine 8, July 1 ,1896, where U904) he still remains. Captain O'Connor has been in many danger- ous positions. At the Knight & Leonard's fire, November 1, 1886, where several patrol- men were killed, he had a very close call him- self. On April 13, 1887, at the J. J. McGrath fire, he was on the fourth floor at the time of the explosion, and had to roll down the stairs to escape, his hands and face being severely burned. At the McVicker fire, while working on the fire-escape in the west alley, the wall parted and he had to remain until a ladder was obtained and he, and his Com- pany were rescued. At the fire of the Palace Livery Stables, on the northwest corner of Thirty-second Street and Cottage Grove Avenue, December 15, 1898, he was inside work- ing on the second floor. In changing his posi- tion the center of the building collapsed and Captain O'Connor called to his men and Chief Mahoney of the Tenth Battalion to jump down the stairway from the second to the first floor. Chief Mahoney and one fireman fell on top of the Captain but all were saved. Four of the firemen were killed by falling walls on the outside of the building and several were in- jured, including two of Company 8. Decem- ber 30, 1899, at Monroe and Franklin Streets, there was another close call for the brave Cap- tain from falling walls. After hanging on to the wall, he succeeded in climbing to the next roof and, procuring a ladder, assisted in rescu- ing three fireman of his own Company. These are only a few of his many narrow escapes, too numerous to mention, thus showing to the people of Chicago the pluck and bravery of the firemen who risk life and limb for the protec- tion of the City's property. Captain O'Connor was married in Chicago, November 3, 1878, to Miss Maria J. Newton, and three children have been born to them. JOHN R. O'DONNELL. John R. O'Donnell, live-stock commission merchant, was born in Jersey City, N. J., July 4, 1871; came to Chicago in the spring of 1882 and attended the Cottage Grove and Raymond schools. After leaving school in 1885, he went to the Union Stock Yards and worked for his father. Simon O'Donnell, remaining in his em- ployment until admitted into the firm of Simon O'Donnell & Co., January 1, 1899. Mr. O'Donnell is a young man who has made his mark among the salesmen at the Union Stock Yards, and is well esteemed by his friends and associates. PATRICK O'DONNELL. The Kubjfct of this sketch was born in Coun- ty Llmf-rick. Ireland, in July, 1838, and educated In the Hfhools of his native country. In 18.'j.5 he emigrated to America and located In Chi- cago, where he took up his trade as a horse- shoer, being the first man to shoe horses for the West Division Railway Company. He re- mained in the employ of this company twenty- six years, during which time he has worked under Superintendents James K. Lake and J. R. Jones, and, by his close attention to duty, has won for himself the confidence of the ofli- cers and the owners of the railroads, and is highly esteemed by his friends and associates. He is one of the good old-time pioneers who have accumulated considerable property. He was married to Bridget O'Brien in Chicago, in July, 1861, and they are the parents of eleven children, viz.: Edward, John, Patrick, Andrew, Frank, Joseph, Almira, Hannah, Irene and two others. Mr. O'Donnell is a Catholic in religious faith and an Independent in politics. SIMON O'DONNELL. To the successful efforts of no one man can the extraordinary growth of Chicago's live- stock business be attributed. Yet the city owes a debt of gratitude to the pioneer merchants in this line of trade whose hard work, unflag- ging energy and tireless industry laid the foun- dations for what is now the great Union Stock Yards, with their tens of thousands of em- ployes, their multitude of separate industries, their ceaseless activity and their enormous business. Among these early traders we find the name of Simon O'Donnell, who has been engaged in the business in Chicago and other points since 1863. He is a native of Lismore, County Waterford, Ireland, where he was born November 14, 1847. When he was but two years old his parents emigrated to America, settling in New York. There young Simon grew to be thirteen years of age, attending the public schools for a time, and later driv- ing cattle around the old "Bull's Head" on Forty-fourth Street. In 1861 he came to Cham- paign County, 111., in care of Hon. J. Frank Harris. There he attended school during the winter, in the sumemr working upon a farm. In the summer of 1863, coming to Chicago, he found employment in the old Fort Wayne Yards on Sixteenth Street, through the kind- ness of Superintendent Joseph McPher^n, who found him a place with Fawcett and Bankard, the government contractors for loading and shipping contract cattle. At the end of the Civil War in 1865, he left this firm to enter the employ of Conger Brothers, at the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy tracks, remaining there six months. In September, 1866, his old friend, Joseph McPherson. opened the Communipaw Stock Yards, Jersey City, and appointed Mr. O'Donnell Superintendent. There he remained until 1871. when he entered the employ of S. W. Allerton. in which he has continued ever since. For the first two years he superintended that gentleman's yards near Jersey City. The next y.ear he spent at his employer's slatighter- ing establishment on the Hackensack River. From 1873 until 1881 he served as cattle sales- man. Previous to this, however, Mr. Allerton HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 961 commenced exporting beef to London, and he placed his trusted employe in charge of the tirst consignment, on March 4, 1876. In Feb- ruary, 1882, he was given charge of Mr. Aller- ton's extensive live-stock interests at Chicago, his office being at the Union Stock Yards. About this time Mr. O'Donnell began doing live-stock commission business on his own account, although still continuing in the Allerton em- ploy. On New Year's Day, 1899, he was made general manager of the Pennsylvania Stock Yards at Pittsburg, owned by Mr. Allerton. There he buys cattle for export as well as for all other purposes. He still retains, however, an office at the Chicago Yards, where he carries on a large business under the name of Simon O'Donnell & Co. He introduced into Pittsburg the "Fat Stock Show," and made the first sale of a carload of prize winning steers at auction. This proving a great success, many similar ones have since been held. As may be seen, he is a veteran in the business, having seen well nigh phenomenal changes and fluctuations in both the New \ork and Chicago markets. Mr. O'Donnell was married to Miss Margaret Pearson, of Hudson County, N. J., November 7, 1877, and they have been blessed with four children, of whom three are living. THOMAS TELFER OLIVER, M. D. Some centuries ago two brothers were ban- ished for political reasons from Switzerland. They made their home in Scotland, and from one of them descended the immediate ancestors of the venerable physician whose name intro- duces this article, and who has long been prominent In the medical circles of Chicago. His parents, Robert and Isabella (Telfer) Oli- ver, were residents of Cromartyshire, in the north of Scotland, at the time of his birth. May 17, 1830. He was one of a large family of children, and when he was seven years of age his parents emigrated to the New World. They spent a few years in Quebec, but in 1847 made a permanent home in Ontario. It was in Ontario that Dr. Oliver began his study of medicine, at the same time dis- playing much aptitude for civil and mechanical engineering, a subject that awoke much in- terest In his mind in later years. Medicine and engineering seem very wide apart, and yet it Is the same keen, analytical mind that delights in the mysteries of science and the problems of healing. He took up the study of medicine in the office of Dr. N. E. Main- waring, of St. George, Ontario, with whom he spent two years. In 1856 he went to Toronto, and became a student at the Rolph Medical School, from which he was graduated in 1858, with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. For some time following this, serious ill-health pre- vented his giving any time to the practice of his profession, but led him instead to devote much time to his other favorite study, civil and mechanical engineering, in the line of mill- wright work, and plans for engines and bridges. His original ability and thorough understand- ing of these branches were shown in a number of useful inventions, and throughout his career his inventive genius has supplied him with many things he needed in his work along various lines, and which he could not readily find. For some two years Dr. Oliver was a resi- dent of Kansas, but came to Chicago in 1875, where for the last quarter of a century he enjoyed a lucrative practice, and won an envi- able reputation as an able practitioner. For many years he conducted a general practice, but later devoted his time and attention more particularly to family practice, and chronic and hereditary diseases. One of the chief ten- dencies which mark this age is a tendency towards specializing. A man should not dis- sipate his energies over the entire field of human endeavor, but seek some branch of the business for which he is specially fitted, and thus reach a higher pitch of excellence than he could othewise attain. Just as the stream limited to a narrow channel flows with greater force than it does when it spreads out over the broad meadows, so a man's energies shut up within narrow lines should be far more effective. Dr. Oliver, with a broad general in- formation and a profound and valuable expe- rience in every department of medicine, in his later years gave his closest attention to diseases of the lungs, liver and kidneys, in which he has attained marked superiority. In the prac- tice of medicine, as in engineering. Dr. Oliver has manifested the same originating and in- ventive disposition. He sees no operation with- out proposing to himself its possible improve- ment. Thus he has advanced steadily and rapidly along his chosen profession and long since secured a solid footing among the fore- most representatives of the medical science in Chicago. Dr. Oliver was married in 1860, and has had five children, whose names — Anita, Thomas Scott, Ida May, Bruce and Grant, — betray his admiration for chivalry and heroism, a part of the make-up of every broad minded and gen- erous man. Possibly his remote ancestry, which is undoubtedly in part at least of French derivation, has given him a mark of geniality and perfect courtesy. He is of a quiet and modest disposition, and has an independent and self-reliant nature at the same time, and holds the unstinted respect of all with whom he comes in contact. JOHN F. O'MALLEY, Captain Hook and Ladder Company No. 19, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago January 21, 1866, educated in the Washington and Carpenter public schools, and after leav- ing school went to work for Field. Leiter & Co., as wagon boy for one year, after which he was employed at the Rolling Mills for two years, and later for Crane & Co. (pipe-mill and foundry) for three years. He then drove team for Gee Bros, until he joined the Fire Department, April 2, 1886, as driver on Truck 962 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. No. 10; was transferred to Engine 13, as pipe- man in March, 1887; promoted to Lieutenant and transferred to Engine 27, June 1, 1890; to Engine 20, May 19, 1891; and to Engine 13, December 9. 1893. July 1, 1896, lie was pro- moted to Captain, and assigned to Engine 30 and was transferred September 10, 1896, to Truck 19 where (1904) he still remains on duty. In common with other firemen Captain O'Mal- ley has had many narrow escapes, but never suffered serious injury. He was in command of Truck 19 when a man was rescued at the fire in Brunges' Vinegar Factory, Ann Street, Mav 27, 1897, and when fifteen persons were rescued at a fire at 201 West Erie Street, Sep- tember 29, 1897. He is always to be found at his post of duty, and ready for any emergency where danger threatens. CHARLES W. O'NEILL, Captain No. 1, Chicago Fire Insurance Pati'ol, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, November 30, 1855, was brought to Chicago when six months old and educated at the Dore school. After leaving school he worked for the Academy of Music and other theaters, as stage carpenter; then joined the Fire Insurance Patrol, January 14, 1882, and was assigned to Patrol No. 2, as private, and transferred to Patrol No. 1, March 21, 1885, on account of six members of that company having been injured at the Lang- ham Hotel fire. He was promoted to Lieu- tenant January 1, 1886, when E. T. Shepherd was appointed Superintendent on account of the resignation of B. B. Bullwinkle; was pro- moted to Captain December 1, 1886, and re- mained on duty until he was severely injured in the gasoline explosion at the dye-house. No. 43 North Clark Street, May 10, 1891; his head and shoulders were there badly burned, and he was rescued by Dick Gillen, Fire Patrol Insurance reporter, at a great risk of his own life. Several of the firemen were disfigured for life. O'Neill was transferred from Company No. 1 to No. 2, located at 216 South Sangamon Street, September 6, 1892, but while discharg- ing the duties of Acting Superintendent, has his headquarters at the commodious house of Patrol No. 1, on Monroe near La Salle Street. Captain O'Neill was married on the 25th day of December, 1880. and he and his wife have three children. He has been on duty at all of the large fires since January 1882, and has had many narrow escapes. He is noted for his brave deeds, and kind actions to the members of the Patrol, and by them held in great esteem, having the good will of his superior officers and employers. JOHN O'NEILL. John O'Neill. Superintendent of Track Eleva- tion. Chicago. Is a son of Michael and Mary Stirling O'Neill, born In Newark, N. J., on the third day of Dfcembpr, 1832. Hl.s father was a native of HelfaHt. North of Ireland, and his mother waH of Scotch decent. They emigrated to the L'nited StaleB about the year 1831, and in 1834 the family removed to Pennsylvania, where they remained until 1866. John enjoyed good educational advantages and, after com- pleting his preliminary studies became a stu- dent at Westminster College at New Wilming- ton, Mercer County, Pa., where he finished his studies in 1856 at the age of twenty-four. Dur- ing the next ten years he had a great variety of experiences, including travel and service in the army, of which only brief mention can here be made. After leaving college he went to Iowa and during the winter of 1856-57 taught school at Mount Pleasant, Henry County. In the spring of 1857 he went to St. Joe, Missouri, where he was employed by John Severns, Engineer of Construction on the Hannibal & St. Joe Rail- road, then in course of construction, but did not remain long at this place. Being of a roving disposition, and hearing of an expedi- tion about to leave Kansas City under the famous "Kit Carson," for New Mexico and Western points, he joined them on a tour through New Mexico and Colorado to Utah Territory, there becoming connected with the United States Army as Scout and Guide for Major Lind's Command, to Fort Hall, in Wash- ington Territory, which was especially charged to guard and protect emigrants on their way to California. He assisted in the burial of the bones of those who were murdered in the famous Mountain Meadow Massacre in 1857, two years after it happened. At the beginning of the Civil War he returned to the East with the soldiers from Utah, under Col. Philip St. George Cook, and after a short stay at home, went to Washington and reported to Col. Clark, who was assigned as Chief Commissary of the Army of the Potomac. On his arrival in Wash- ington, Col. Clark placed him in charge of the receiving and caring for commissary stores, at the Sixth Street Wharf, at entrance into Wash- ington by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, the only railroad over which the Army then en- camped around Washington City could receive supplies. On February 27, 1862, he was sent to Fortress Monroe to report to Col. John McL. Taylor, Commissary, and was placed in charge of the receiving of supplies at that point for the Army of the Potomac, it being the inten- tion of General McClellan to make this the base of operations against Richmond. The first troops of the Army of the Potomac ar- rived here on the 5th of April, following; he was therefore one of the first sent from Wash- ington. He served with the Army of the Po- tomac until Richmond was taken, when he re- signed and returned to his home in Pennsyl- vania. When his father's family removed to Chi- cago in June, 1866. Mr. O'Neill accompanied them and has since made Chicago his home. Here he became associated with Mr. David Good Willie, under the firm name of David Good- wlllie & Co., engaging in the planing mill busi- ness and the manufacturing of sash, doors and blinds. At the end of one year Mr. GoodwiIHe HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 963 withdrew, and Mr. O'Neill and his brother Louis organized the North Side Planing Mill Com- pany, which was conducted with marked suc- cess until the year 1881, when they sold their plant to Messrs. Campbell Bros. Mr. O'Neill then retired from active business with an ample competence. For many years Mr. O'Neill has taken an active interest in political affairs and has been called to numerous positions of trust. He was appointed Commissioner of Public Works un- der the administration of Mayor H. D. Colvin; was elected County Commissioner in 1880, serv- ing for three years; was appointed one of the State House Commissioners to finish the State House at Springfield, by Governor John M. Hamilton, in 1883. He has been five times elected Alderman from the Thirty-fourth Ward on the Republican ticket, and served in the City Council from September, 1889, to March 28, 1897, when he resigned his seat to accept the position of "Expert on Track Elevation," in which position he served without compen- sation until the election of Mayor Harrison, by whom he was appointed to the office under salary. In matters of religion Mr. O'Neill holds lib- eral views, and in this, as in all other matters, thinks for himself and seeks to follow the prompting of an enlightened conscience. In his varied relations throughout life he has maintained a high character, and has been, and is known not only as an enterprising citizen and successful business man, but also as a high- minded gentleman. He has rare personal and social qualities, is fond of good fellowship, and is strongly attached to his friends. In stature he is five feet, nine and one-half inches, weighs 208 pounds, has a commanding presence, a pleasing address and a ready command of language. He has the courage of his convic- tions and is never swayed from that which he believes to be right. It is owing to this trait in his character, that he has been so successful in his long, continuous and persistent fight for the elimination of deadly grade crossings by the elevation of the road-bed and tracks of railroads within the corporate limits of the City of Chicago. In this field he has been very successful, notwithstanding the great opposition at first brought to bear against him, on account of the enormous expense to the railroads, and its seeming impracticability, but in the face of opposition and abuse, keeping his eyes to the front, he has never wavered, but kept up his stubborn and persistent fight until every ob- stacle was overcome and track elevation for the elimination of grade crossings in the City of Chicago has become an assured fact. He made the first Aldermanlc canvass in the year 1889 with this object in view, and in his last report the Expert on Track Elevation reports to Mayor Harrison for 1900, as follows: "We are highly gratified at the wonderful progress that has been made in the elevation of the road-bed and tracks of the several rail- way and railroad companies having their ter- minals within the corporate limits of tne City of Chicago, since the first agitation of the ques- tion in the year 1«90 and the commencement of the first work in the year 1892. From May 23, 1892, to January 1, 1901, 291.88 miles of rail- road tracks have been elevated and 213 grade crossings eliminated by subways, and fifty-one joint subways have also been constructed, thir- ty-seven street crossings have been discon- tinued by elevation and vacation. The work has cost the railroad companies an estimated amount of $17,405,000. Ordinances have been passed, and accepted by the railroad com- panies, for the elevation of 232.9 miles more of railroad tracks; when this work is completed there will be 88 more street crossings relieved by subways, and 71 crossings by joint subways; six grade crossings will be diverted into the subways and 17 grade crossings discontinued by the elevation and vacation at an aditional estimated cost to the railroad companies of $8,583,000— making the total expenditure, when the work is completed, $25,988,000. This work since its commencement, has given employment on an average annually to about 20,000 men." ROLLIN B. ORGAN. This distinguished citizen, whose name is as familiar as a household word in railroad cir- cles throughout the American continent, has been identified, with but an occasional interrup- tion, with the commercial development of the city for thirty-five years. He is yet in life's prime, having been born at Washington, Iowa, July 19, 1844. He received a liberal education, graduating from the college in that city and af- terwards beginning the study of law. In 1862 he laid aside his text-books to enter the navy, preferring that to the military arm of the serv- ice. He received his discharge in 1864, and in 1866 came to Chicago. His first employ- ment was with the Union Stock Yards and Transit Company, in the shipping department. The promptitude, efliciency and executive ca- pacity which he displayed soon led to his pro- motion to the post of yard master, which he filled for four years. Next, on the recommend- ation of the Stock Yards Company, he was made stock agent for the Leavenworth, Law- rence & Galveston (now Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe) Railroad Company, at Coffeyville, Kans. He remained there but two years, re- turning to Chicago to accept a similar position with the Michigan Central at the Union Yards. Two years later his services as stock agent were secured by the Great Western of Canada, with which company he remained for four years, then being appointed to the same posi- tion for the consolidated Great Western & Can- ada Southern lines. Four years later, upon the amalgamation of the Grand Trunk and Great Western, he entered the employ of the Nickel Plate Company. For a time he represented this line at the Stock Yards, but it was not long before the directorate realized that the position, in which his long experience could be most advantageously utilized, was that of con- 964 HISTORICAL EXCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. trading agent for the freight department, malt- ing him representative of all the fast freight lines running over the Nickel Plate Road. To the discharge of the grave, and sometimes perplexing duties which attach to this re- sponsible post which he yet fills, Mr. Organ brought the same qualities which have distin- guished him from youth — a keen intellect, quick perception, sound judgment, unfailing discre- tion and scrupulous honor. He is a Democrat and takes a deep interest in his party's suc- cess, being among its active workers and hold- ing a high position in its councils. In 1898 he consented to accept the empty honor of a nomination for Congress in that Republican stronghold, the First Illinois District. His de- feat was certain, yet he succeeded in reducing the plurality of his opponent, Hon. J. R. Mann, from 28,000 to 16,000. In 1900 he was his party's nominee, by acclamation, for the Presidency of the Board of County Commissioners, but went down before the wave which again carried the Republicans into power. He is a thorough going sportsman and has done much, both by suggestion and assistance, in the enforcement of legislation for the protection and preserva- tion of game and fish. He has been three times President of the Illinois State Sportsman Association, and had repeatedly served upon its Board of Directors. He is a Mason of high rank, being a member of Chicago Chapter, R. A. M.; of the Chevalier Bayard Commandery, K. T.; and one of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Mr. Organ was married at Washington, Iowa, October 30, 1875, to Miss Ida A. Hall. JOHN ORR. John Orr, ex-Captain Liberty Fire Engine, Town of Lake Fire Department, yard master and foreman sheep-dipping division. Union Stock Yards, Chicago, was born in New York City, October 21, 1844; was educated in the pub- lic schools, and at five years old went with his parents to Wisconsin. After leaving school he enlisted as a private in the Third Wisconsin Infantry on December 21. 1862, and was mus- tered out as a private, August 18, 1865. He then came to Chicago and went to work for the Union Stock Yard & Transit Company, as yard man, and was promoted to yard master; was also Captain of Engine Liberty at the Stock Yards for twelve years (1874-86), while at the same time acting as division yard master for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. From 1886 to 1895 he trailed sheep from Oregon and Idaho into Nebraska, when he came to Chicago and worked in the sheep division at the Stock Yards until he was appointed foreman of the sheep dipping division, where he Is located at the present time. ADAM ORTSEIFEN. To perform well the duty nearest at hand, to hrlnp to bear upon one's immediate task all one'B faculties, mental and physical alike, and to regiilaff one's life by the requirements of the rode of moralitv and hfinor — these are the true stepping stones to success. The vicissitudes of circumstance may, and often do, necessitate changes, more or less abrupt, in one's business pursuits; but energy, fidelity and perseverance are sure to win in the end. To demonstrate the truth of these assertions, it is only neces- sary to tell the story of the life of Adam Ortseifen, one of Chicago's wealthy brewers and honored and influential citizens. Mr. Ortseifen is a native of the City of Mont- abaur, in the Province of Nassau, Germany, where he was born December 2, 1854. His father's name was Christian, and his mother, before marriage, was Annie Roth. After pass- ing through the public schools, he entered Montabaur College, graduating in the depail- ments of business and architecture with high honor. For a time he was employed in an architect's office at "Limburg-on-the-Lahn," preparing plans for the remodeling of the Bishop's palace, and later in the office of the government architects at Montabaur. In 1873 he came to America, reaching Chicago on March 3d, of that year. For a few months he worked in the ofllce of an architect on Milwaukee Ave- nue, and then engaged in the sign painting business, on North Clark Street, devoting his evenings to study in the Art School, then lo- cated at State and Monroe Streets. He soon re- moved to a better location at State and Sev- enteenth Streets, where he had a large, well- paying shop. He did a large business in paint- ing signs for brewers, and it was while painting a large picture of "Germania," in a hall, in 1877, that he first met Mr. McAvoy. Not long after- ward he was employed by the McAvoy Brewing Company to devote himself exclusively to the conduct of their sign-painting business. After two years, however, the company decided to abandon painting its own signs, and Mr. Ort- seifen was assigned to new duties. Quick of perception and ready of execution, faithful and ambitious, he mastered details with remark- able facility. He was given the agency for the South Side, and his industry and capacity soon led to his being made agent for the entire city. Then followed his promotion to the po- sition of manager, and in 1892 he was elected to the Vice-Presidency of the company, and October, 1902, to the Presidency of the McAvoy and Wacker & Birk Brewing and Malting Com- pany, which he still holds. In 1899 Mr. Ortseifen was elected City Treas- urer on the Democratic ticket, but has never either held or sought any other office. He is Secretary of the Chicago-Milwaukee Brewers' Association, and prominent in many of the German societies of the city. In Masonry Mr. Ortseifen has attained the highest rank. He was made a Master Mason in 1890, and is now a member of Oriental Con- sistory of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. He is also a member of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine. In 1879 he married Miss Josephine Kruger, of Chicago. Their four children are named Adolph J., George, Josephine, and Margaret. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 965 JOSEPH OSHER. Joseph Osher, live-stock buyer and packer, was born in Montreal, Canada, January 15, 1837, and educated in the public schools. After leaving school he went to Buitalo, N. Y., in lSo3 and worked for "French Frank" as butcher. He came to Chicago in 1859 to the Ft. Wayne Stock Yards, feeding and taking care of live-stock for Joseph MoPherson, Super- intendent. He bought hogs for S. W. Allerton in 1862, and owned an interest in the Aller- ton Packing Company until its sale to the Eng- lish syndicate. Later he bought hogs for Thomas Wells for two years, and then for the English Syndicate and later for the Interna- tional Packing Company up to 1899. Mr. Osher was married to Miss Laura Bridgman, in Chi- cago, in 1862, and two children blessed their union. Mrs. Osher died August 19, 1878, and in September, 1887, Mr. Osiier married Miss Ellen Cooley, of Chicago, who is now deceased. Here we have an old timer who has done his part towards promoting the interests of the Union Stock Yards of Chicago. JOSEPH EDWARD OTIS. Joseph E. Otis (deceased), son of Joseph and Nancy (Billings) Otis, was born in Berlin, Erie County, Ohio, April 30, 1830. His education, other than that obtained by his contact with people and his extensive travels in later life, was received in the common schools of his native town and in a three years' academic course in the Huron Institute, at Milan, Ohio. In 1851, just after reaching his majority, he was appointed Postmaster at Berlin, serving in this capacity until 1855, when he accepted a position as cashier of the Milan Bank at a salary of $600 a year. A short time later he bought a half interest in the institution, and continued to be actively connected with it until 1862, when the business was brought to a close. Through the vicissitudes of the banking busi- ness a couple of vessels on the Great Lakes came into the possession of the firm in 1860, and in July of that year Mr. Otis came to Chi- cago to look after them. They were principally used in shipping grain from Chicago to Buf- falo and Oswego, N. Y., bringing back coal from Erie, Pa., and from Cleveland, Ohio. At this time the prices for carrying wheat from Chicago to Buffalo were very high and the business profitable. The return trips, when coal was carried, were invariably successful, cargoes being bought at Erie and Cleveland and being sold in Chicago at a good profit. One of the partners in the business died in 1864, and in the settlement of the firm's af- fairs the vessels were sold. Mr. Otis then began his investments in Chi- cago real estate, generally purchasing vacant central property and subsequently improving it. Tnese investments were, without exception, fortunate, because of his foresight in the esti- mation of present and prospective values, and he stood among the most conservative real-es- tate owners of Chicago. His interests in Chi- cago, however, were not entirely confined to real-estate matters. In 1868, in connection with Matthew Laflin, John V. Farwell, P. Will- ard, James Woodworth and others, he assisted in the organization of the Chicago Fire In- surance Company. The company was char- tered under the laws of the State of Illinois, with a paid-in capital of $100,000, and he was chosen President of the Board of Directors, holding this position for three years. Mr. Otis was elected a member of the Board of Aldermen from the Second Ward in the spring of 1870, and during his term of two years, served on the Finance Committee and the Com- mittee on Streets and Alleys in the South Division. Although elected on the Republican ticket, he was not a partisan in the strict sense of that term, especially in municipal affairs. In his late years Mr. Otis had been retired from active business, spending much of his time abroad. He was always an extensive traveler, visited most of the civilized countries of the Eastern Continent, the winter of 1888 having been spent in Egypt studying the country and its interesting antiquities, and in 1894 he made a trip around the world. He was particularly interested in Cuba, and made an extensive study of the industries of the island and the condi- tions under which they exist. He made two trips through that country, and in the spring of 1898 was at Key West, on his return from a trip through some of the adjacent West In- dian islands, at the time the battleship Maine was destroyed. Mr. Otis' wife was Miss Ellen Marie Taylor, a daughter of Judge S. F. and Judith (Kel- logg) Taylor, of ^ilan, Ohio. Four children survive: Joseph E., Jr., Ralph C, Mrs. J. E. Jenkins and Mrs. H. W. Buckingham. Mr. Otis died March 7, 1902, at the age of seventy-two years, after an illness of nearly a year, during which he was able to spend but little time at his place of business. MISS ELLEN PAGE. Miss Ellen Page, Arlington Heights, III., was born in Elk Grove, Cook County, 111., May 11, 1841. Her parents, Frederick W. and Selenda (Noyes) Page, were both natives of New Hampshire — the former born March 13, 1813. and the latter, December 27, 1811. Both Mr. Page's grandfather and father (each named John) were natives of the Granite State. The father was elected United States Senator in 1836 to succeed Gov. Isaac Hill, resigned, and in 1839, was chosen to succeed Hill in the gov- ernorship, remaining in office until 1842. Fred- erick W. Page came to Cook County, 111., in 1834, locating in Elk Grove Township, where he became proprietor of a farm of 1.000 acres. Two years after his arrival in Cook County, he returned to New Hampshire and was mar- ried to Miss Selenda Noyes, and returned to Illinois by wagon, the journey requiring six weeks. In December, 1883, he removed to Ar- lington Heights, where he died April 9, 1886. Mr. and Mrs. Page had eight children: John 966 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. C, born June 21, 1837, died April 12, 1898; Sarah E., born December 13, 1838, died June 20, 1S95; Ellen, born May 11, 1841; Hannah L., born June 28, 1844; Hiram, born July 1, 1846; Fred W., Jr., born February 5, 1849, died Octo- ber 14, 1872; Martha A., born April 27, 1851; George R., born June 20, 1853, died March 2 1SS5. POTTER PALMER. It was a goodly heritage of courage, indus- try, integrity and ability that Potter Palmer owed to his forefathers who were of the best New England stock. They had played their part in the starting of the young colonies; in their fight for freedom and their firm establish- ment. To their children and their children's children, they transmitted full measure of that strength and enterprise which has placed this country where it is today— in the forefront of civilized peoples. Potter Palmer, born in Albany County, N. Y., May 20, 1826, was descended from two distin- guished colonial families whose combined names he bore, the Potters and the Palmers, lue Palmer family was descended from Wal- ter Palmer, a companion of John Endicott when he came to America. Walter Palmer settled at Wequetequock, Conn., near Stoning- ton, where the Palmer family reunions are held to this day. Mr. Palmer's ancestors established themselves at an early day in New Bedford, and were among its most notable citizens. They felt the charm of the sea and were engaged in foreign commerce, but the loss of several members of the family in one year at sea, so shocked them that one branch decided to re- move far from its influence, and early in the nineteenth century went to Albany County, New York, where they became prominent mem- oers of a prosperous community. Here (later) the son, Benjamin Palmer, owned four stock farms, and here he married Rebecca Potter of equally well Known colonial ancestry. Potter Palmer was the fourth son and grew up in the shadow of the Catskills, and their vast, lonely spaces left an indelible impression on his mind, which probably did much to strengthen his predilection for a very different life. The silence and monotony of the country was distasteful to him all through life. The city called him, and he seemed instinctively to feel that its busy streets offered him the oppor- tunity for action that would give development to his powers. When he was seventeen years of age, having acquired a good education, he left home to learn to be a merchant, his father promising to give him capital with which to start in business when he had gained experi- ence. His first start was as a clerk in a coun- try store, postoffice and bank at Durham, New York. Here his extraordinary abilities were so Bwiftly demonstrated that he was, after two years, placed In charge of the establishment. In the light of later years the record of his early ability Is most interesting and signifi- cant , for never was a man's success due more to his own native ability and less to outward circumstances. Nothing came to him by chance. He reaped only where he sowed. Industry and thrift soon enabled him to start a dry-goods store at Oneida, which later he disposed of to open a larger one at Lockport. But he was dissatisfied with the stagnancy of small towns and sought larger opportunities for his efforts. He hesitated between New York City and the great and rapidly developing West, which of- fered a most attractive field. In 1852 Mr. Palmer visited Chicago, which was then showing its great promise and draw- ing men of enterprise and ability from the older sections of the country. The Chicago of that day, which was reached by the Erie Canal, stage routes or limited sections of rail- road, was a pretty town with broad streets, and homelike houses set in shady gardens, where lived and moved a society of unusually agree- able and cultivated people. While the block- house and fort, which shortly before had marked the most north-westerly point held by the Government against the Indians, were still central features, Chicago was already marked out as a great railroad center and held a commanding position on the great lakes. The fertile Northwest and Southwest were just being opened up, rich wheat fields showing their promise, and the future success of the city was beyond question. Nevertheless, St. Louis was still the undoubted commercial cen- ter of the West, while Chicago's experiences with inflated railway and realty values, the recent ravages of cholera, had disheartened those chiefly interested in the young city. This state of public sentiment should be especially noted, for nothing was more indicative of the peculiar caliber of Mr. Palmer's mind than that he could come to a community at a trying mo- ment of discouragement, and, looking out and beyond, with tnat clear, unerring vision of his, see the real future of the city of his adoption. This self-reliance and faith in his own judg- ment was the keynote of his character. While this young visitor was infected with belief in the future of Chicago, the latter was inhospitable enough to infect him with some- thing less desirable, and its future merchant prince was prostrated by an attack of cholera, then raging, through which he was carefully nursed by friends. Captivated by the young and prosperous city, he decided to locate in it. He returned to the East, sold his business in Ijockport, purchased a stock of goods in New York, reinforced his own capital by the addition thereto given him by his father, and established the business through which the name of Potter Palmer be- came known all over the Northwest, and the business has ever since retained the leading position in which he placed it at the begin- ning. His establishment was on Lake Street, then the principal business street of the city. The new methods inaugurated by the brilliant young merchant were destined to completely revolutionize retail trade the world over. They included extensive advertising, an attractive HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 967 display of goods, and a hitherto unheard of lib- erality and courtesy towards the public, which altogether removed the then mistrustful atti- tude of the customer towards the merchant. Mr. Palmer, from the first, wished it understood that his name stood for fair and generous deal- ing, that he intended his customers should be satisfied and receive full value for their money, and what has now become the usage of all the world was evolved from this vigorous young brain. It is a noteworthy fact that he origin- ated the idea, and was the first retail merchant in the world to make a practice of permtiting a customer to return a purchase and receive in exchange other goods or the money itself at the customer's option, and was the first merchant to send goods out, subject to approval, to the homes of customers. He was the first to dis- play particular lines of goods on a particular day and to establish the bargain sales. Though welcomed by the public, these methods were opposed by his business competitors, who were, however, all forced to follow his example and, ultimately, to acknowledge his wisdom. Such was the success of the new stand taken that it spread universally. The head of the firm of Macy & Company, that large and suc- cessful New York house, acknowledged to Mr. Palmer later that he had sent a special agent to Chicago to study his new methods, and had approved and adopted them. Once introduced these methods became general in New York, as they had already become in Chicago, and thence they spread to the Bon Marche, in Paris, and became universal throughout the world of commerce. Through the new methods he intro- duced, his business prospered so remarkably that he distanced all competitors, and, at the end of ten years, was universally known as the proprietor of the largest leading mercantile business in the Northwest. It is notable, also, that Mr. Palmer never had a business partner — that his success came entirely through his own efforts. During his entire career he was noted for his unflinching energy, which was directed by his wonderful perceptive faculty and his notable power of organization; and these qualities, added to his just and generous dealing with the public, brought him the success which he achieved in so many different directions. His remarkable success, however, was attained at the cost of his health, which temporarily failed, and by his physician's advice, when only forty-one years old, he decided to give up active business for rest and travel. While it meant much for this comparatively young man to hand over to others the results of his own efforts, yet he bravely faced the inevitable, and with swift decision made his arrangements. The age of stock companies not yet having come, he de- cided to sell out his business. He showed his keen knowledge of human character by select- ing two young men comparatively little known at that time, Marshall Field and Levi Z. Leiter, whose subsequent success justified his judg- ment, and he aided them to acquire all he turned over to them, by leaving with them for several years his name, part of his capital and his credit, until their own resources enabled them to control the business. After two or three years of rest and travel, Mr. Palmer returned to Chicago with renewed strength. Debarred by ill-health from one field of activity, he could not remain quiescent, but speedily became pre-eminent in another less exacting but more important department, for he now decided to invest in real-estate the millions of which he was then possessed. These investments led in the end to his becoming the most forceful, formative infiuence, and the greatest leader in the up-building of the city. More than any other man, he molded and shaped the Chicago of today, because his sound judgment, aidea by his clear-sighted prevision of what the city's future was destined to be, enabled him to assume leadership when doubt as to the future made others hesitate. His principal achievement at this time was changing the entire channel of the retail busi- ness of the city from Lake Street, which ran east and west, to State Street, running north and south. Such an enterprise has never before been attempted and carried out in any large city by one man. Having convinced himself, after careful thought, that State Street, and not Lake Street, was the logical business thoroughfare of the city, Mr. Palmer under- took the great work. State Street was then a narrow, ugly route, ill-paved, ill-drained and bordered by unsightly, irregular structures, but he purchased about a mile of frontage on this street, and, in less than four years, after in- credible difficulties with less liberal and enlight- ened property owners and the City Council, he had accomplished his object. State Street was widened twenty feet for its entire length. The unerring character of Mr. Palmer's judgment is illustrated by the development of this plan, and his first purchase of property on State Street is, today, the site of the palatial home of the greatest retail dry-goods business the world has ever known — the one which he him- self originally established. On the newly broadened, well-paved thor- oughfare, he erected, one after the other, the finest commercial buildings Chicago had yet seen, much in advance of its needs of the mo- ment, into which the Lake Street merchants moved as fast as they were completed; and for this wide, commercial highway Chicago gives credit to the foresight and energy of one citizen. So interwoven were the fate and fortunes of the man and his adopted city, that, when the great fire of 1871 swept Chicago it seemed at first as if both had been ruined. But the story of the rise of both from the crushing blow is one of the romances of modern, industrial life. The long years of his successful integrity bore their fruit when the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company made to Mr. Palmer the largest loan. $1,700,000, that it had. until that time, made to an individual. With this he 968 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. started on the task, for the third time in his life, of building up a great estate. But this time he had an especial incentive; for in 1871 he had married Miss Bertha Honore, the eldest daughter of Mr. Henry H. Honore, a promi- nent capitalist and real-estate holder of Chi- cago. Of this union there were two sons, Honore and Potter, both of whom are living in Chicago and have attained prominence there. His work as South Park Commissioner, in opening the South Park and Boulevards, will be a lasting monument to his taste and far-seeing wisdom. But, perhaps the chief achievement to be identified with this era of his life, is the opening up of the waste lands north of Chicago Avenue and east of Rush Street, and turning these sand dunes and swamps into the now beautiful Lake Shore Drive district, in the cen- ter of which he placed his own splendid home, facing the lake, looking toward Lincoln Park to the north and the city harbor to the south. Here he established himself and his family, now consisting of his wife and two sons, and spent those last full years of harvest and frui- tion which should crown a life of such high en- deavor, where honor, justice and consideration for others went hand in hand with an extraor- dinary ability, energy and success. During his long years in Chicago there were few projects for the improvement of the city, for the ad- vancement of her industrial, artistic, literary and social life, in which Mr. Palmer was not actively interested. He was an incorporator of the Chamber of Commerce, an early man- ager of the Chicago Library Association, one of the first subscribers to the Chicago's May festi- vals, one of the three creators of the Chicago Interstate Industrial Exposition, and Vice-Pres- ident and a Director of the World's Columbian Exposition. In all these varied objects and in- terests his wife was his most sympathetic and able assistant. Though he was always keenly interested in public questions, and took an active part in them when it was to the interests of his adopt- ed city. Mr. Palmer did not care for the distinc- tion which comes from public office. In 1870 he declined a position in President Grant's Cabinet, when the latter offered him the port- folio of the Secretary of the Interior. This is only one of the many times Mr. Palmer de- clined public recognition of his great abilities. No man ever worked more for the joy of work- ing, and less for self-aggrandizement. In his own home Mr. Palmer was the most affable and cordial of hosts, he and his wife dispensing a generous and memorable hospitality, entertain- ing all the distinguished visitors to Chicago. I'nder their roof is gathered one of the finest collections of pictures, jades and objects of art In the country, a collection which has always \)ffn most liberally thrown open to the public. Herf on May 4, 1902. the end came to an hon- orable and (listinguished career. In the death of Potter F'almer Chicago lost her foremost citi- zen, one who always stood for tlie highest in civic and Hoclal life. In order to a just appreciation of Mr. Pal- mer's mental equipment, it should be remem- bered that he achieved large success in fields of wholly dissimilar endeavor, and that his later essay began after he had closed a success- ful career as a meichant, when he was forty- three years old; and that, if he had previously highly developed his capacity for administra- tion, he now had to arouse his constructive ability and study deeply the practical questions of urban development, and the scientific prob- lems of building construction, that he might know what production to demand from hia architects. The originality, vigor, balance and profound grasp of Mr. Palmer's intellect command re- spect, and yet these were not all the man. Throughout his career in every relation there shone forth the light that comes from justness, generosity, truth, high sense of honor, proper respect for self and a sensitive thoughtfulness for others. In Mr. Palmer were united great mental capacity and much beauty of character In all his life the luster of his good name was never tarnished by any suggestion of the em- ployment of unworthy methods to reach any result. FREDERICK D. PARKER, Chief Engineer, Lake View Pumping Works, Chicago, was born in Brandon, Vt., November 25, 1854, and educated in the public schools. He came to Chicago in June, 1864, was locomo- tive engineer for the Michigan Central Rail- road Company, and later for the Wabash Rail- road Company until he was appointed Chief Engineer of the Lake View Pumping Works, May, 1886, being transferred to the Springfield Avenue Station May 22, 1901, which position he continues to fill with great credit to himself. He has always been ready to accept any im- provement that might be brought out for the benefit of the increasing demand of the Water Service of Chicago. He was married to Miss Catherine Lynch, in Michigan City, Ind., Octo- ber 9, 1880, and three children have blessed their union, two of whom are now living. PERCY L. PARKES. Percy L. Parkes, typewriter. Exchange Build- ing, Union Stock Yards, was born in Chicago, February 18, 1876, and educated in the public and North Side high schools. After leaving school he entered the employ of Baker, Dawson & Co., at the Union Stock Yards, as typewriter, which position he still occupies. Mr. Parkes's mother, who is the widow of John C. Parkes, residing at No. 135 Seminary Avenue, is a daughter of Archibald Clybourne, who has the distinction of being the man who started the meat iiidustry of Chicago, which has assumed such gigantic proportions, as shown by the chapter on the "Union Stock Yards" in another part of this volume. FRANCIS LOUIS PASDEI.OUP. The name I'asdeloup is one long well known in the political history of France, as well as in HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS, 969 the world of music. The great-grandfather of Mr. Francis L. Pasdeloiip held an office of honor and distinction under Napoleon, and, upon the downfall of the Napoleonic dynasty, with others of his family, was forced to seek safety in self- imposed exile. They found an asylum in Bel- gium, in which country they remained until the revolution of 1830, when they removed to The Hague, but later returned to France. One of the first cousins of Mr. Pasdeloup's father was the famous French musician, Jules Eti- enne Pasdeloup, frequently called "the master of symphonic harmony," who organized and directed the famous Pasdeloup concerts given in Paris not many years ago. Mr. Pasdeloup's paternal grandfather married Melle Catherine Chaegnea, whose birthplace was Scheverungen, Holland, while his maternal grandparents were named Schrivers, both husband and his wife Christine, being natives of Holland. His fath- er, whose name was Francis M. C, was born in Brussels, Belgium, and his mother, Christine Louise, in Holland. The elder Mr. Pasdeloup , came to the United States in 1854, and engaged in the business of examining titles and pre- paring abstracts. He was a member of the firm of Williams and Pasdeloup, and died in 1872. He took a prominent part in Republican politics, and was a recognized leader in French. Dutch and Belgian society clubs. Francis L. Pasdeloup is a Chicagoan by birth, having first seen the light in this city on December 4 1866. He is an ardent Republican and has taken a prominent part in both city and State politics. For several years he has held the office of Chief Deputy County Clerk, which (1904) he still occupies. He was married in Chicago on June 30, 1896, to Miss Donna A. Jensen. They have one child a daughter, named for her mother, Donna Louise. FRANK D. PATTERSON. The late Mr. F. D. Patterson, with his broth- er, also now deceased, were for many years successfully engaged in the live-stock commis- sion business at the Union Stock Yards, whose success they, in common with other dealers of enterprise and probity, did much to upbuild. Frank D. was born in Nunda, McHenry County, 111., on April 4, 1844, and received a liberal education, being sent by his father to the Uni- versity at Ann Arbor, Mich. At the outbreak of the rebellion lie enlisted in Company F, Fif- teenth niinois Infantry, and through gallant service rose to the rank of Captain. He took part in many important engagements, among them being the hotly contested battle of Shi- loh, and the sieges of Corinth, Vicksburg, and Natchez. For several years after the war his occupations, as well as his places of residence, were various. He was a miller and live-stock dealer at Barreville, 111., and subsequently built a bridge across the Fox River at Burton. He was a great traveler, having made many trips to Europe and visiting Asia and Africa, as well as various parts of his own beloved country and Mexico. In 1872 he came to Chicago to reside, and immediately engaged in the live- stock commission business in connection with his brother, A. C. Patterson, and S. Frank Hall, under the firm name of Hall, Patterson & Co., which was changed to Patterson Brothers & Company in 1880. On the death of Mr. A. C. Patterson, on May 30, 1895, the firm became Patterson, Starrett and Company. Mr. Patterson was married to Maria L. Shav er, September 8, 1864, and was the father of four children: C. Earl; Mrs. J. M. Selleck, of California; and the Misses Mary L and Minnie F. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and a high Mason, a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, and a Knight Templar of the Woodstock Commandery. He died September 18, 1899. In no relation of life was he found wanting; as a husband and father, loving and indulgent; as a friend faithful and sympa- thetic; as a man, upright and true. JOHN PATTERSON. For nearly forty-five years Mr. John Patter- son has devoted his time and energy to trading in live stock. From a small beginning, in the 'fifties, his trade has enlarged until he is now recognized as one of the successful dealers at the Union Stock Yards. It is pleasant to recite the successes of men, who, like him, have hewed out their way to success, and are in the best and truest sense of that much abused term, self-made men. He was born near Waynes- burg, Pa., November 4, 1833. He was a young man of twenty-two years when he first came to Illinois, in 1855, and found employment during his first winter feeding cattle at one dollar per day. For a year he was engaged in breaking the prairie soil with an ox-team, and then bought a ditching machine which he operated with more or less profit for another year. Hav- ing sold out this business he opened a general store, but at the end of twelve months disposed of that also, and in 1858 began the buying of live stock, which he shipped to Chicago and from there to Buffalo, Albany and New York. This business he carried on for sixteen years, residing from 1860 to 1874 at Monmouth. In the year last named he came to Chicago, and for the first three years of his life here placed his business in the hands of brokers, namely: Nichols & Adams, and Martin Brothers. In 1877 he established the firm of Patterson, Byers & Co. This co-partnership continued for ten years, when it was dissolved by mutual con- sent, and in 1890 Mr. Patterson admitted his son to partnership with him, the firm name be coming John Patterson & Son, which still (1904) is in existence carrying on a successful business at the Yards. Mr. Patterson has seen many changes, both in the extent of that field of industry which he chose for his life-work and in the business methods employed in its conduct. When he first began shipping cattle 970 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. to Chicago, commission firms were unknown and money was scarce. He purchased his stock on credit and paid for it upon his return home. On February 14, 1860, Mr. Patterson was mar- ried, at Monmouth, 111., to Miss Evaline Ho- man. Of their six children three are yet living. WILLIAM G. PATTISON, Vice-President of the Bohart Live Stock Com- mission Company at the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, and one of the better known stock men of the day, is now in the prime of life, and well does he know how to push business to the utmost with profit to himself and satisl ac- tion to those with whom he deals. Mr. Pattison was born on a farm near Indi- anola, Vermilion County, 111., March 11, 1844. and when he was a babe of two months was taken by his parents to Higginsport, Brown County, Ohio, where they remained for the en- suing twelve years. There Mr. Pattison very largely acquired his education, as he did not attend school much after the return of his par- ents to Vermilion county. 111. Until 1863 he devoted himself to work on his fatlier's farm. In 1863 he began buying and shipping live stock to H. H. Conover, at the Union Stock Yards. Chicago. Three years later his growing abili- ties as a stockman were recognized by his call to Chicago to take the position of hog salesman for Conover & Hall. With this firm he spent the ensuing fourteen years, and then entered into a partnership with Hiram Holmes under the name of Holmes & Pattison, an organiza- tion that continued in business for sixteen years. On its dissolution he joined the Bohart I.ive Stock Commission Company, and buying an interest in the firm, was elected its Vice- President, a position which (1904) he still oc- cupies. Mr. Pattison was married, in Osage, Kansas, September 14, 1871, to Miss Mary S. Bryant, and of this union have been born four children three of whom are living. Mr. Pattison is a genial and courteous gentleman, with an envi- able reputation as a salesman of the strictest integrity and of business abilities of a high order. JOSEPH C. PAZEN, Late Second Assistant Fire Marshal, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Germany, Feb- ruary 14, 1844, came to Chicago in 1854, where he worked at the painting business from 1856 to 1857, and in 1859 was employed by George H. Brooke, a candy manufa('turer. In 1862 he en- listed in Comi)any E, Sixty-fifth Illinois Infan- try, and was honoralily discharged in 1865. He wa.s then employe.l by P. L. Garrity, a candy manufacturer, until 1867, when, on September 16. he joined the Fire Department, lieing as- signed on Engine No. 12, and later promoted to I,ieutenant on the same FJngine, where he rf-malned until June 1, 1872, when he was pro- moif'd to Captain of Hook and I^adder Com- pany No 1. Me received subsequent transfers aH followH: to P^ngine 23, In 1874; transferred to Hook & Ladder Company 8, and to Hook & Ladder Company 4 in 1878; was elected acting Chief of First Battalion, October 3, 1885, in place of D. B. Kenyon, who died from injuries received at the corner of Dearborn and Monroe Streets, October 25, 1884; was made Chief of the Fourth Battalion on the first day of Sep- tember, 1885, and on April 30, 1891, promoted to Third Assistant Marshal, with headquarters at 4000 Dearborn Street. On July 1, 1901, he was promoted to Second Assistant Marshal. That Mr. Pazen has been a brave and effi- cient officer is fully proven by his rapid ad- vancement, and he has ever been ready to answer the call for duty, acting promptly and courageously. ALLEN S. PECK. Allen S. Peck, Fire Insurance Adjuster, was born in Wallingford, Conn., April 9, 1830, and was educated in the public schools of that State. After leaving school he worked on a farm for a time and later learned a trade; then going to Milwaukee, Wis., in September, 1848. ' he worked at his trade there until 1852, when he went into the fire insurance business, in which he remained until 1865. He then came to Chicago, where he continued in the same line as a surveyor and solicitor. In 1868 he entered upon the business of adjusting fire losses under salary, and in 1874 introduced independent ad- justing, in which he has continued ever since, being now associated with Mr. C. Magill & Com- pany, 189 La Salle Street, Chicago. FERDINAND W. PECK. Ferdinand W. Peck, though younger by elev- en years than the city of Chicago, belongs to the first generation of her native born citizens. He was a son of Mr. Philip F. W. Peck and Mary Kent (Wythe) Peck, early residents of Chicago, where he was born on the 15th of July, 1848, on the family homestead, which oc- cupied the lot where the Grand Pacific hotel now stands. He applied himself to the means of education which the liberality and enlight- ened foresight of the enterprising citizens of Chicago had so abundantly provided and so munificently endowed. Passing through the grades of the public schools, he graduated from the High School, the Chicago University and the Union College of Law, and, thus liberally and professionally educated, he obtained ad- mission to the bar, and for several years en- gaged in practice in Chicago. In the meantime his father, who was a pioneer and merchant in Chicago, had died, leaving an estate, consist- ing in great part of lands and buildings, the care of which, under the changed conditions which the great fire of 1871 produced, was sufficient to tax his powers and fully occupy his time. He therefore abandoned further pur- suit of the law as a professional occupation, and gave himself to the care of his property in- terests, thus gaining opi)ortunity to devote him- self to the cultivation of such lines of effort as HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLmOIS. 971 his well trained mind and fine spiritual and intellectual qualities fitted him to pursue. While not an artist, he is a lover of art; his mind has a constructive quality, which, with sympathy with human needs and enthusiasm for the uplifting and ennobling the standard of life among the masses of the people, calls him to undertake enterprises of "pith and magni tude," for the education of the people, for in- spiring them with higher ideals of life, and leading them from the indulgence of degrading passions, through the ministries of the "diviner arts," to higher planes of living and of enjoy- ment. This type of mind is not often found amid the rush and competition of life in our great cities. To its possession in well devel- oped proportions by so many of the well-to-do young men of Chicago, whose names will read- ily occur to the observant student of her inner life, is due in great part the esthetic character which Chicago has taken on, despite her un- wonted devotion to the more sordid pursuits of her gigantic enterprises. The estimate which is here made of Mr. Peck's character and inclinations will not ap- pear extravagant or fulsome, when the posi- tions which he has filled or now holds by the selection of his contemporaries are considered Some of these are: the Presidency of the Chi- cago Athenaeum, and of the Auditorium As- sociation; the Vice-Presidency of the Illinois Humane Society; the Presidency of the Board of Education of the city of Chicago, and of the Union League Club; and, by no means least, the Vice-Presidency of the World's Col- umbian Exposition, with a seat in its board of reference and control, on its Executive Com- mittee, its Committee of Legislation, its Spe- cial Committee on Ceremonies, and the chair manship of its Finance Committee. On the 22nd day of July, 1898, he was ap- pointed by President McKinley, Commissioner General to the Paris Exposition of 1900. Enter- ing upon his duties, he gathered about him a corps of able assistants who, under his person- al supervision and able directions, brought to- gether a representation of the industries and resources of the United States in manufactures arts and sciences. Limitation of time and space brought many problems to be solved and difficulties to be overcome, but through per- fect organization, combined with activity, intel- ligence and unfaltering application, the success achieved reflects great credit upon the Gov- ernment of the United States and satisfaction to those instrumental in its achievement. Sure- ly such honors and responsibilities are not heaped upon one deemed unworthy or unsuited to bear them. It is probable that the success of the Opera Festival held in 1885, of which Mr. Peck was President, and which gave to the people of Chi- cago and to throngs of the best people of other cities the finest musical and dramatic enter- tainment that has ever been offered to an American audience, paved the way for, and made possible, the crowning work of his life, thus far. This was the construction of the Chicago Auditorium, which had been the con- ception of his active brain and his waking dream for some years, but seemed beyond the reach of accomplishment. The Opera Festival showed to the far-seeing citizens the utility ot such exhibitions of high art, and the need ot a suitable place for their production with all the splendor of which they are capable, and accessible to numbers that might make the cost and labor involved in their presentation re- munerative. In the spring of 1886 Mr. Peck laid before the Commercial Club of Chicago at one of its monthly banquets, in a compre- hensive address, the considerations that had led him to believe his project a feasible one. These stimulated those already interested in carrying out the enterprise. The Chicago Audi- torium Association was formed, and Mr. Peck was unanimously chosen President, while the list of officers and directors represented the wealth, the enterprise and the taste of the city. A central site between Michigan and Wabash Avenues was secured. The stock was sub- scribed for, and distributed among, three hun- dred subscribers. The first object sought was to provide an audience room of sufficient capacity to accommo- date the largest convention that would ever be likely to assemble in Chicago, such as the National Nominating Conventions, and that would be serviceable for the uses of musical entertainments and dramatic representations of the greatest moment. It should be colossal in size, solid in structure, elegant in proportions, and chastely ornate in decoration. Its leading aims should be utility, public convenience and education in art. At the same time the inter- ests of investors should be protected in the assurance of a moderate revenue, from rentals of the grand hall and subsidiary rooms, togeth er with a mammoth hotel, capable of sheltering and caring for, in suitable style of comfort and luxury, the multitudes that would be attracted to the unrivaled hall. The genius of the world has exhausted itself in devising and erecting architectural edifices. The Parthenon in the age of Pericles, glorious in all adornments of art wrought by the chisel of Phidias and the brush of Praxiteles, was a temple of heathen worship; the mighty walls of the Coliseum were raised to furnish an arena for gladiatorial brutality. Mediaeval archi- tects reared the clustered columns and vaulted arches of Gothic cathedrals to woo men to pious aspirations; the chaste lines and sculp- tured walls of the "Nouvelle Opera" were raised as a temple of music and dramatic art. Each had, or has, its beauties and special use; but it remained for the genius of Chicago to conceive, and its enterprise to provide by pri- vate munificence, a structure as perfect as any in substantial utility both as a gathering place of the multitude and a temple of all the arts — the perfection of architectural genius. It is 972 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. more capacious than the Albert Hall of South Kensington: more substantial than the New Opera of Paris; chaste, solid and sublime. Upon its completion the stockholders caused to be placed in the main foyer of the Audi- torium a bronze bust of Mr. Peck, upon the granite pedestal of which they caused to be inscribed: "A tribute to the founder of this structure, from the stockholders of the Audi torium Association, in recognition of his serv ices as their President, in behalf of the citizens of Chicago, 1889." The executive qualities and high financial skill inherent in Mr. Peck have been tested in his conduct as chairman of the Finance Com- mittee of the World's Columbian Exposition, which was charged with the intricate business relations of the great enterprise. It was a stu- pendous undertaking. The unstinted outlay necessitated by the preparation of Jackson Park as its site, the erection of its unrivaled build- ings, the installment of its exhibits gathered from all quarters of the globe, the preparations for the accommodation of its more than twenty million visitors, raised doubts in many minds whether it might not prove a financial failure. Yet, with conditions favoring a liberal patron age, its finances, under the watchful eye and skillful management of its committee ot finance, were so prudently and wisely admin- istered, that every pecuniary obligation was met, its large indebtedness discharged, and an unlooked for surplus left to be distributed among stockholders. A trust involving the ex- penditure of over twenty million dollars was one calculated to test the mettle of the boldest of financiers. Mr. Peck, with all his manifold labors and weighty responsibilities, finds time to indulge the amenities of life. He has been a wide trav- eler and is a devotee of music. His family consists of a charming wife and six children — four sons and two daughters. His city home is a handsome, new residence at No. 1826 Mich- igan Avenue, while he has a summer villa at Oconomowoc, Wis., where he enjoys the dis- tinction of being Commodore of the Wisconsin Yacht Club. Mr. Peck has not yet reached the zenith of adult life. He has already erected a monu- ment which will elevate his name to enduring fame. What the future may have in store for him can only be conjectured from the already splendid triumphs of his refined and versatile genius. ALBERT PEPIN, Lieutenant of Chicago F'ire Insurance Patrol No. 2, was l)orn in Quebec, Canada, .lanuary 10. 1852; ramf to CMiicago in 1800, and was edu cated In the Scaminon School. After leaving Bfhool In l8fiG he moved to .Jefferson County III., where he worked on a farm, remaining there until 1873. when he returned to C'hicago and worked at box-making for Cook & Pitt. September !». 1880, he Joined the Chicago Fire Department on Engine No. 10; was transferred to Engine No. 1, and from there to truck No. 3. Having resigned his place in the Fire De- partment, July 31, 1889, he entered the employ of C. T. Orr & Co. as salesman, but on December 6, 1891, joined the Fire Patrol, being assigned to Patrol No. 2; was promoted to Lieutenant November 1, 1897, and assigned to Patrol No 6, later being transferred to Patrol No. 2, where (1904) he is still on duty. He has had no serious injuries but many narrow escapes. He was married in Chicago, July 2, 1890, to Miss Katharine Ford, and one daughter has blessed their union. Lieutenant Pepin is an all round man, always ready to respond to ev- ery call of duty, whether the danger is great or small. JENCKES DAVID PERKINS. Jenckes David Perkins, an old and noted rail road builder and train-master, was born in Oriskany, Oneida County, N. Y., February 17. 1823. and though advanced in years, bears him- self v/ith the vitality of middle age. His par- ents, David and Elmira (Stacy) Perkins, were among the pioneer settlers of Oneida County, and there their children were reared and edu- cated. Jenckes D. Perkins acquired his educa- tion in the Oriskany village schools, and began what has since proved a very successful busi- ness career by driving piles for the old Erie Railroad, along the Susquehanna River in 1841. The following year he began an apprenticeship at bridge building and railroad carpentering and joining. For a time he was with Rogers Brothers, State Carpenters, but finished his trade with his father as millwright and joiner. In 1845 he was in the employ of the State of New York, and in 1846 began work for the old Syracuse & Utica Railroad, of which John Wilkinson was President. In 1851 the com- pany gave him a vacation and sent him to Chi- cago. Here he was solicited by John Turner, the President of the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad Company, to enter the service of that road. Mr. Perkins did not feel at liberty to do this without first obtaining the consent of Mr. Wilkinson, as he felt under obligation to him for many favors. The agreement was made that if the Syracuse & Utica should call for him, he would return, as Mr. Wilkinson pro- nounced him the best man on the road. Mr. Perkins entered the service of the new rail- road in 1851, and at once demonstrated his value in laying, at Fox River switch, the first T-rails ever put down west of the Lakes. These were laid at the junction of the old Fox River and the Galena & Chicago Union Railroads, two miles east of Elgin. Mr. Perkins prepared the patterns for forging the tools, as none were to be found in the country, and the rails them- selves had to be imported from England, there being no rolling mills in the United Slates at that time. The proi)osition to substitute the T-rail for the strap rail then in use on the Galena Road, met with much opposition among the directors on account of its greater cost, the opposition being led by Walter Newberry, HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 973 then a large stockholder. At a meeting of the Directors held in the little frame depot build- ing at the corner of Canal and Kinzie Streets, where the road began (the river not having been bridged at that time). President Turner urged the change, while the opposition of Mr Newberry and others vanished, as a not un- common accident at the time happened to a train just coming in with freight from Elgin. Right in front of the depot a strap-rail sprang, and, forming a snake-head, penetrating the floor of the caboose passed up through the roof. The train men pried the lower end of the rail loose, and tied a red flag to the upper end as a signal of danger to the directors. This practical illustration of the beauties of the strap-rail was sufficient, and the change was ordered. Mr. Perkins took charge of a gang of men and, as soon as the first cargo of rails arrived, began the reconstruction of the road at Elgin, and another great step forward was taken in the history of Chicago. For two years he had charge of the reconstruction of the road, and was then put in charge of the docks and tracks inside of Chicago. Later still he was made station master at the little frame station on the West Side; and, when the com- pany built a pontoon bridge at Kinzie Street he was put in charge of it. The depot was moved to about its present site and all the trains ran over the bridge. In 1854 he was transferred to the West Side Lumber District as Freight Agent and train-master for West Chicago. In 1864 he was made train-master at the Wells Street depot. His first vacation was had in 1861, when he had a respite of two weeks after a term of ten years of continuous and unremitting activity for the company. Mr. Perkins has been in the employ of the same railroad system, through all its varying fortunes and transformations to the present time; and it is a source of just pride to him, and of commendation from the officials of the company, that, during all these years, until his honorable retirement with pay by President Hughitt, after the World's Fair, he has never omitted preparing, signing and submitting his monthly pay-roll for all the men under him. When the new depot at Wells Street was thrown open to the public, Mr. Perkins took charge ot all the trains entering it, then being Superin- tendent of the Passenger Service from the de- pot. After the World's Fair he was retired from active service with a splendid record and full pay, but continues to give his JeparLment the benefit of his long experience. Mr. Perkins is a life-long Mason, belonging to Cleveland Lodge, No. 211, A. F. & A. M. He was married, April 22, 1844, at Oriskany, N. Y., to Miss Phoebe Jane Wiggins, by whom he has had two children: William Francis, who is an engineer on the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, having his home in Chicago, and a daughter, Martha Maria. Mr. Perkins has a host of friends who love him for his excellent qualities of heart and brain, and who hope that he may be spared for years to come, as prom- ised by his athletic frame and energetic man- hood. HOLLY R. PERRINE. Holly R. Perrine is a live-stock commission merchant at the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, and has won his enviable position as the result of pluck, push and energy in boundless meas- ure — qualities that go far to make up a worthy associate of the ambitious and successful busi- ness man of the present day. Mr. Perrine was born on a farm near Oregon, Ogle County, 111., January 1, 1850, where he received his educa- tion in the district school, taught in his earlier years in a log house, so near was his birth- place in those days to the frontier. He re- mained on the farm until he became of age and then struck out for himself. In the spring of 1874 he went to Nebraska, where he spent some two years. In the fall of 1876 Mr. Per- rine came to Chicago and engaged in business at the Union Stock Yards, speculating in stock, cattle and feeders, a line which he has followed without a break to the present time. For two years he was the senior partner of the firm of Perrine & Bortell, and for about a year was associated with the N. Wagner under the firm name of H. R. Perrine & Company. During several summers he traveled through Nebraska and Iowa for Wagner Brothers, and for Abner Piatt & Company. Later still Samuel Ayers was a partner with him in the firm of H. R. Perrine, and to this firm was admitted Andrew J. Weaver at a still later date. Mr. Perrine went to Ogle County in 1896, to look after real estate investments which required his close at- tention, and for the ensuing three years made his home there, still retaining his Chicago in terests. In 1899, having closed out his real estate interests in Ogle County, he resumed his residence in Chicago. Mr. Perrine was mar ried to Miss Nellie M. Hogan in Lincoln. Neb. August 19, 1884. He has won and retained a host of friends by his pleasant and genial manner, his strict integrity and thorough mas- tery of his business. MRS. ELIZA PETER. Mrs. Eliza Peter (widow of John Peter) was born in Franklin County, N. Y., the daughter of Samuel and Mary Rich; came to Illinois in 1852, locating in Wheeling Township, Cook County, and the same year married John Lytle. Five years later the family removed to Arling- ton Heights, and built a house on Myrtle Ave- nue, where Mr. Lytle died in 1859, aged thirty- two. In 1863 she was married a second time to John Peter, who died in 1876. Mrs. Peter had one daughter by her first marriage, Emma Lytle, who was married in 1880 to Edward Ransom, a business man of Chicago. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church. CHARLES O. PETERSON, Lieutenant Hook & Ladder Company No. 21, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Stock- 974 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. holm, Sweden, February 9, 1861, came with his parents to America in 1869, and, after reaching Chicago, attended the Pearson and Franklin public schools. After leaving school he worked as bell-boy at the Palmer House, then engaged in the printing business with McDonald & Com- pany for three years; later was employed suc- cessively as grocery clerk, as steamfitter with Baker & Smith, and as teamster for the Ameri- can Express Company until October 25, 1886, when he joined the Fire Department, as pipe- man on Engine 14. In 1891 he was transferred to Truck No. 3; was acting Lieutenant on En- gine 4 during the World's Fair in 1893; was transferred to Truck 3, November 15, 1893; promoted to Lieutenant, December 31, 1893, and assigned to Truck 1, remaining two years; then to Truck 21. January 10. 1896; to Engine 78. July 15. 1896; to Truck 21 December 31, 1896, and to Engine 56, April 10, 1900. In 1904 he is serving as Lieutenant of Hook and Ladder Company 21. Lieutenant Peterson has suf- fered numerous casualties; fell two stories to the basement at 32 Scott Street, in October, 1887; had his foot cut in two with an axe, and was laid up for six months at Armour's Ele- vator, Goose Island, in 1894; had his left arm broken at Southport and Lincoln Avenue about 1900 while responding to an alarm of fire; be- sides many others^ but is still in the service ready for any call of duty. He was married to Miss Ida Steele in Chicago, December 25. 1890, and one son has blessed their union. PETER S. PETERSON. Peter S. Peterson, naturalist, public bene factor and man of affairs, was born June 15, 1830. in Nobbelof. Sweden. At eleven years ot age he began work on a nobleman's estate which adjoined the old homestead of his family. This employment gave him an opportunity to enter upon the study of horticulture, which he pur- sued enthusiastically, obtaining, even as a boy, a broad knowledge of the calling which he fol- lowed so successfully in later years. When he had finished his apprenticeship on this estate he accepted a place on another estate near Lund, where he continued his botanical studies. Later he spent three years at Hamburg and Erfurt, Germany, and at Ghent, Belgium — three cities widely known throughout the world for intelli- gence and progressiveness in the conduct of horticultural pursuits. When twenty-one years of age he came to America, locating first in Toronto, Canada. His intelligence and general knowledge soon made it apparent to him that greater opportunities for advancement were to be found In the I'nited States, and he went to Rochester, N. Y., then as now one of the great centers of the nursery interests of the coun try. When he reached Rochester he had but $1.25 In his pocket, and his first employment there waH lemunerative only to the extent of elKht dollars per month. Within three years he had learned the EnKllsh language, had mas t»'red dctallK of the buKlness with which he was connected, and was earning a salary of flOO a month — in those Jays a much more munificent compensation than it would be considered now- a-days. Tempted by the wonderful gold dis- coveries of the Pacific coast, he went to Cali- fornia in 1854 sailing from New York and reach- ing San Francisco by way of the Isthmus of Panama. He did not find California to his lik- ing, and before the end of the year, came east to Chicago. For a year or two thereafter he was employed in the business to which he had been trained; but, in 1856, established the Rose Hill Nursery and thus laid the foundation of his fortune. He first rented a small tract of land, but the next year purchased ten acres of woodland, to which additions have been made from time to time until the nursery now covers nearly five hun- dred acres. In the early years of his business experience here he had to resort to many expe- dients to carry out his plans, support his family, and meet other demands upon him. While waiting for the seed which he had planted to grow, he would go to the forests and get native trees for planting, and, in the intervals, when not thus employed he chopped wood, made hay, worked for his neighbors and labored in every way with tireless energy to meet necessary ex- penses, while his nursery was developing into a paying property. The wonderful energy and great force of character which he displayed throughout these years is witnessed by the fact that he not only largely educated the people of Chicago up to the planting of trees in private grounds, but brought about the planting of trees in parks and boulevards, seven-eighths of which were either grown in his nursery or removed from their native forest homes. To him belongs the distinction of being the first man in America to institute and prosecute the business of trans- planting large trees, thus giving to parks and private grounds, in a comparatively short space of time, the beauty which comes to them only after many years when trees have to be grown from small beginnings. More beautiful and more grateful to the eye than polished shaft or mausoleum, these noble trees and shrubs, in living green, stand as a monument to testify that his strenuous life was not lived in vain. His love for flowers, trees and plants has made his life work a congenial one. It was this pas sion that gave him his unbounded admiration for the great Swedish naturalist Linnaeus, the originator of systematic botanical classification. This admiration for the distinguished Swede caused Mr. Peterson to become the originator and prime mover in the movement which re suited in the erection of the monument to Lin- na-us which now stands in Lincoln Park, and he was the chief contributor to the fund with which this monument was erected. He also pre sented a bas-relief statue of Llnnseus, of heroic size, to the Art Institute of Chicago. As his wealth increased his heart turned with increasing love and generous purpose towards^ his native land. During the World's Columbian HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 975 Exposition he conceived the idea of establishing a permanent Industrial Museum of all the world's tools, and as a result there stands now in Stockholm, Sweden, a permanent exhibit ot "Arts and Crafts." He sent hundreds of copies of the little book, "Black Beauty," to be given to Swedish children, and also established and founded in his native land an asylum for im- beciles, providing that the inmates might have a fresh-air summer home in the country. Each year he also sent more than one thousand crowns to be distributed to the poor of the parish in which he was brought up. His ac- complishments and his generosity caused King Oscar of Sweden in the year 1893 to make him a knight of the Vasa Order, — an honor conferred only on civilians who bring honor and distinc- tion to their native land. When Mr. Peterson arrived in the United States the slavery question was the burning issue in American politics. True to his noble instincts and his belief in freedom for all man- kind, he allied himself with the opponents of slavery, and in the campaign of 1860 was stan- dard-bearer for the "Chicago Wide Awakes," an organization which rendered memorable serv- ices in the campaign for the election of Abra- ham Lincoln. He always remembered with pride a visit which the club made to the home of Mr. Lincoln at Springfield, and the droll man ner in which the great emancipator asked if "all Swedes were as tall as he." As he stood six feet three, it is not strange that he should have attracted attention as the standard bearer of this historic organization. In 1897 Mr. Peterson was one of the Trustees of the town of Jefferson, his associates being William P. Gray and Clark Roberts. He was President of the Lincoln Avenue and Niles Cen- ter toll road, which now belongs to the city of Chicago, and the excellent public roads and bridges in the neighborhood of his home, are largely due to his energy and private contribu- tions. Mr. Peterson was married in 1865, to Miss Mary A. Gage, of Boston, Mass. Though confirmed in the Lutheran Church and a com- municant of that church up to the time of his death, he was a trustee of the Bowmanville Congregational Church from the day of its or- ganization, and did much to aid in building it up. His death occurred January 19, 1903. His widow survives and his son, William A. Peter- son, is his successor in the conduct of the busi- ness which he established. PHILIP PETRIE, Assistant Engineer, Pumping Station, Central Park Avenue, West Chicago, was born in Chi- cago, November 16, 1862, the son of Charles S. Petrie, also a native of Chicago, born in 1840. The latter held the office of Secretary of the City Fire Department at the time of his death, which occurred in December, 1900. Philip Petrie was reared and educated in his native city, where he learned the trade of a machinist He steadily worked his way up, studying the various branches of his calling and perfecting himself in all the details of his work until he attained the proficiency which secured for him the position he now occupies. His record in this position has been eminently satisfactory, as is attested by his length of service, he hav- ing been in the employ of the city since June 7 1892. His ability and thorough knowledge of his profession in all its details, combined with his honorable business methods, have been the chief elements of his success; and as he is still a young man, there are yet higher possibilities for him in the future. Mr. Petrie has become well known to a large circle of friends, by all of whom he is held in high esteem. He is a valued member of the Masonic fraternity, and is deeply interested in the welfare of the order, doing all in his power to promote its interests, and carrying out in his life the excellent prin- ciples which it inculcates. He took the degree of Master Mason in 1895, in D. C. Cregier Lodge, No. 643, was exalted to Royal Arch Mason in Corinthian Chapter, No. 69, in 1896, and created a Knight Templar in St. Bernard Commandery, No. 35, in the same year. He was married to Miss Sarah E. Large, in Chicago, on December 7, 1887, and they have one daughter, named Gertrude Marion. GEORGE ALBERT PHILBRICK. For more than a quarter of a century Mr. George A. Philbrick has been prominently iden- tified with the social, commercial and public interests of the town of Cicero. The family to which he belongs is of English origin, the name being generally spelled Philbrique in Great Brit- ain, from the Norman ancestor, De Philbrique, who fought at Hastings, with William the Con- queror in 1066. In both England and the United States the Philbricks have belonged to the intel- ligent, conservative, middle class which, among Anglo-Saxons, stands as a bulwark between kingly or class encroachment, on the one hand, and fanatical intolerance on the other. The founder of the American branch of the family was Thomas Philbrick, a shipmaster, who emi- grated from the mother country to the colonies about 1630, coming from Lincolnshire and set- tling in Watertown, Massachusetts. Some twenty years later he removed to Hampton, New Hampshire, whither two of his sons had already preceded him. There he resided until his death in 1667, his wife Elizabeth having passed away in 1663. Between Thomas and George A. Philbrick have intervened six gener- ations. James Philbrick, the eldest son of Thomas, married Ann, a daughter of Thomas Roberts. Their son, also named James, and a captain in the militia, and his wife, Hannah Perkins, were the great-great-great-grandparents of George A. Philbrick. Following down the line of descent, the next in order was Deacon Joseph, who was the husband of Elizabeth Per- kins. In the next generation are James and Tabitha (Dow) Philbrick, from whom was born David, who married Jane Marston. David's son, 9/6 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Simon, and his wife, whose name before mar riage was Lovica Young, were the parents of the distinguished gentleman whose name ap- pears at the head of this brief biographical sketch. Simon Philbrick was born in Ossipee, N. H., in 1801. There he learned his trade — that of a carpenter — and there he married and passed his early manhood. From Ossipee he removed to Corinna. Maine, where he bought land and passed the remainder of his life as a farmer. He was a man of strong conviction, earnest faith and devoted piety. His integrity was pro- verbial and his life without blame. His relig- ious faith was that of the Free-Will Baptist de- nomination, and, according to his means, he con- tributed liberally to the cause of religion. His house was a sort of hostelry for clergymen who were always warmly welcomed and hos- pitably entertained. His neighbors, one and all, respected and loved him, esteeming him for his high moral worth, and being attracted to him by his amiable traits of minJ and character. He lived to be seventy-five years old, entering into his reward on June 19, 1876. His widow, Lovica, who was of Scotch descent, survived him until 1888, when she, too, fell asleep at the ripe old age of eighty-two years. Three chil- dren were born to Mr. and Mrs. Simon Phil- brick: Jacob, George A. and John W. Jacob was a farmer, and lived at Corinna, Maine. He died in June. 1898. John W. died there while yet comparatively young, from small-pox, con- tracted from a woman for whom, with charac- teristic unselfishness, he had performed a serv- ice upon a lailway train. George A. Philbrick was born at Corinna, Maine, January 28, 1832, and received his early scholastic education at the district schools and at the academies of Corinna and Fox Croft. He had scarcely reached the age of twenty, when he began the profession of a teacher, in which he was destined in after years to achieve such distinguished success. For two years he taught in schools in his native State, and for the same length of time in Delaware and Mary- land. In 18.57 he came West, and for seven years taught in Illinois — one year in Adams County, and six as principal at Hamilton, in Hancock County. In 18fi4 he accepted the posi- tion of bookkeeper for Gafford & Company, then a well known firm of Iowa pork-packers, and in 1865 came to Chicago. During 1868-69 he taught school In that portion of Cicero which is now inclu.ied within the Chicago city limits, during a jiortion of the time filling the office of Town Clerk. From that time until the pres- ent he has been one of Cicero's most influential citizens. His service as Town Clerk extended over a period of four and a half years; and from April. 1874, until April, 1904, he was TreaHurer of the School Hoard. During his Incumbency In the last named office, Mr. I'hil- brick haH Heen great changes In the town which he hsK HO long and ko faithfully served. Cicero, even In IIh present circumscribed area, Is noted for the intelligence, wealth and public spirit of its citizens, who are determined that their schools shall be second to none in the State. For the fiscal year ending April 1, 1902, the ex- penditure on this account was $301,319.60, and for the twelve months expiring April 1, 1902, the receipts were $352,363.94. Mr. Philbrick is, and has been School Treasurer for thirty years past for the Town of Cicero, and, in April, 1904, was again appointed for another term of two years, which, when completed, will make a continuous term of thirty-two years. As Treasurer he has received and paid out over $6,000,000. Investiture with office of public responsibil- ity and trust is, however, but one of many ways in which his fellow-citizens have attested their faith in his keen intelligence, his sound busi- ness sense and his unquestionable integrity. Upon the organization of the Cicero Building and Loan Association, in 1886, Mr. Philbrick was elected a director. For four years he was the Company's Treasurer, and was its Secre- tary from 1891 until 1901, when he resigned. He Is a man of rare mental endowment, his perspicacity and memory being particularly re- markable. At the time of the great Chicago holocaust of 1871, he was invested with many financial responsibilities of weighty and intri- cate character, and during the months which followed that great disaster, these qualities were exemplified in a notable degree. At that time he was Town Clerk and ex-officio Secre- tary of the Board of Trustees of Cicero, Sec- retary of the Chicago Asphalt Company, Secre- tary and Treasurer of the Chicago and Joliet Gravel Company, Secretary of the Town, Treas- urer and Supervisor, and Secretary of the Union Park Lodge, A. F. & A. M. of Chicago. In all these various capacities he was the principal keeper of accounts, and in the fateful blaze of October in that memorable year, more than $1,500,000 evidences of indebtedness, in the form of books of original entry and negotiable or assignable documents, which had been under his care, were destroyed. Yet so accurate was his recollection that he was able to name both debtors and the amounts of their obligations, and, while there were necessarily many uncol- lectable accounts, in no case was the accuracy of his statement of the same, from memory, seri- ously or successfully disputed. This may be fairly called a triumph of "mind over matter," and its parallel can scarcely be met in the com- mercial annals of any city in the world. On October 25, 1855, he married Mary Hinds Stevens, of Dover, Maine, whose i)arents were Nathaniel M. Stevens and Betsy Hinds. One daughter, Mary A., has been born of the union, who is the wife of Oliver W. Marble, an archi- tect of Sandusky, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Philbrick are firm believers in Christian Science, the former being an ardent and constant student of the tenets and teachings of that creed. Mrs. Philbrick Is also an earnest worker in the cause of temjierance, and enjoys the distinction HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 977 of having been one of three ladies who pre- vented the introduction of the saloon into Aus- tin. Mr. Philbrick is a Royal Arch Mason and a Knight Templar. He was first initiated into Masonic Fraternity in Penobscot Lodge, at Dex- ter, Maine, in 1855. For ten years he was con- nected with Union Park Lodge of Chicago, and is at present a member of Cicero Chapter, No. 3 80, R. A. M., and of Siloam Commandery. He was Treasurer of Cicero Chapter from 1878 to 1903. THOMAS G. PIHLFELDT, Assistant City Bridge Engineer, was born in Vadsoe, Norway, October 11, 1858, attended a private school in Norway and at the age of seventeen, attended the Polytechnic High School at Hanover, Germany, for two years, when he entered the Royal Polytechnic Institute, at Dresden, Germany, graduating there in 1879. He came to America and arrived in Chicago August 25, 1879. For the first two years he worked at different jobs in machine shops, etc.; in 1881 was employed as draughtsman for sev- eral Chicago firms, including the F. C. Austin Manufacturing Company; entered the map de- partment in the City Hall in 1889, remaining until 1892; and from May, 1892, to June, 1893, he was in the employ of A. Gottleib & Co. He then returned to the map department, remain- ing there until February, 1894, when he was transferred to the bridge department as draughtsman, until 1897, then being placed in charge of the ofl^ice as principal assistant to the City Bridge Engineer, where he still remains. He passed the civil service examination, as structural iron designer, in April, 1899. Mr. Pihlfeldt, among many other works, designed the entire roof structure of the Sixty-eighth Street Pumping Station, and Central Park Ave- nue and Springfield Pumping Stations; the Carter H. Harrison Crib (the finest on the lakes) ; the Northwestern Elevated Viaduct at Wells Street; Fullerton Avenue and Diversey Avenue bridges; Thirty-ninth and Halsted Street Viaduct; the roof of one of the finest engine-houses in the West, located at Wash- ington Street and Michigan Avenue; also the roof of the Municipal Electric plant at Harri- son and Halsted Streets. He was married to Miss Erica Lehman, in Chicago, September 12, 1885, and two children have been born of this union. GEORGE PITON, Captain of Fire Insurance Patrol, No. 3, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., February 14, 1860; came to Chicago in 1864, where he attended the Christian Brothers' School, and after leaving school drove teams and carriages for thirteen years. January 3, 1885, he joined the Fire In- surance Patrol, No. 1, remaining there until March 21, following, when he was transferred to Patrol No. 2 as driver. May 11, 1889, he was again transferred to Patrol No. 1, as driver, and has the record of being the first patrol driver to be promoted to Lieutenant, as he was Aug- ust 17, 1894, being then assigned to Patrol No. 3. He as promoted to Captain January 1, 1897. The closest call Captain Piton has had was at 107 Madison Street, the Salisbury & Cline and Knight & Leonard fire, when he was the first man out of the building, the remainder of the patrol boys being caught while spreading tarpaulin over the boxes. A. Papineau was killed within six feet of Captain Piton. Cap- tain Piton has the reputation of having served as driver the longest time of any patrolman in the service. He is a great lover of dogs and horses, is an athlete, and Patrol No. 3 has the only gymnasium of any Patrol or Fire Com- pany in Chicago. Their time from the bed to street is 4 1-2 seconds, and they have made the fastest time running to a fire on record. Cap- tain Piton was married in Chicago, May 18, 1886, to Miss Edna Baloff, and they have one daughter. CHARLES PLEWA. Charles Plewa, East Side, South Chicago, is the Superintendent of the Columbia Malting Company and Elevator, which was put in oper- ation in 1898 with a capacity of a million bush- els. The elevator is equipped with the most modern outfit for handling, making and stor- ing malt. In 190u the company began the con- struction of an addition to the building, which has doubled its capacity. About twenty-eight men are employed here in the manufacture of malt, which finds a market in the East and in the South. Charles Plewa is a native of Ger- many, and came to this country in 1887. Be- fore leaving his native land he had learned the brewer traJe, and was in the employ of the Independent Company until 1899. Mr. Plewa was married in 1889 to Miss Emma Emanuel, a native of Germany, and they are the parents of one daughter, Clara, who was born December 16, 1891. JOHN F. PLUMMEH. John F. Plummer, a prominent and represen- tative stockman of the Union Stock Yards, Chi- cago, has attained his present enviable stand- ing by the closest attention to every detail of his business, whether it related to his employ- er's interest and profit or concerned the com- fort and satisfaction of his patrons. Courteous to all, genial and open in his manner and exact and systematic in all his business transactions, he is well known and highly respected for his many good qualities and manly character. Mr. Plummer was born July 20, 1855, on a farm about two miles from Leesburg, Ind.. where he was reared and educated, finishing his schooling in the Normal School at Val- paraiso, Ind. His paternal grandparents, John and Elizabeth (Harvey) Plummer, as well as his mother's parents, Fielding and Elizabeth (Miller) Luttrell, were all born in South Caro- lina. Eli Plummer, his father, was a native of Union County, Ind., and his mother, Mary Luttrell, of Fairfield County, Ohio. The Plum- 978 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. mer family still owns and occupies the farm in Kosciusko County, Ind., where John F. was born, and which was secured on a Government deed in 1S36. John F. Plummer was early recognized as a man of character anJ probity, as well as intel- ligence and reliability, and when he left school and came home to take his part in the work of his community, was made Justice of the Peace at Leesburg, a position he held for fourteen years. At the same time he was engaged in farming, and early drifted into the cattle busi- ness, buying and shippiing stock to Chicago. It was a business for which he had a natural fitness, and which gradually became his sole employment. In 1894 he removed to Chicago, to form a connection with the firm of Root, Norton & Company, going on the road for them some three years, and in 1897 becoming their salesman at the Stock Yards. The following year he became Secretary and Treasurer of the Lowry Commission Company, which gave place, August 1, 1899, to the corporation of the Archey, Son & Plummer Company, with Mr. Plummer in the same position. Mr. Plummer is now (1904) senior member of the firm of J. F. Plummer & Co. Mr. Plummer was united in marriage, April 24, 1877, to Miss Amanda Long, and of this union there have been four children, two of whom are now living, viz.: Radol L. and Othelia. SAMUEL POOLE, Engineer of Engine No. 27, Chicago Fire De- partment, was born in Hamilton, Canada, on December 29, 1858. His father, Samuel Poole, was a native of Birmingham, England, and his mother, Mary (English) Poole, was born in Ireland. Engineer Poole is a self-educated man. He came to Chicago in 1864, and worked for Wal- worth, Twohig & Furse, the Crane Manufactur- ing Company, and Haxton Steamfitting Com- pany, as steam-fitter, and thirteen years for Isaac I. Eaton & Company on steamboat work. He then carried on a shop of his own for steam- fitting; later worked for the Board of Educa- tion and also for Kerns and Crane, refitting City Hall. He joined the Fire Department Oc- tober 26. 1886, and worked on Fire-Boat "Gey- ser." steam-fitting; later fitted up Hook & Lad- der hou.se No. 3, and was then transferred to Engine 40, as assistant Engineer; went out of business in July 14, 1888, but returned July 12. 1890, when he fitted up Engines 3 and 28; also Trucks 8 and 11, Engine h. Trucks 2, 18 Engine ',] ; on December 7, 1894, was sent to Engine 14 as acting Engineer; in 1897 was transferred to Engine 4 as Engineer and then went wherever ordere.l, repairing heaters; is now Engineer on No. 27 by promotion. An- other brave fireman who is always ready to rcKpond to the call of the fire alarm. ROfJEKS PORTER. RogerH Porter (deceased) was born In Frome, Somersetshire, England, November 26, 1844, and died in Chicago July 29, 1902. The years which lie between these two dates furnish the life his- tory of one of earth's noblemen, and, were the events of his life chronicled, the resulting story would prove of marvelous interest and charm to the general reader. Twenty-eight years of Mr. Porter's existence were spent on foreign soil. He enjoyed the privilege of traveling ex- tensively during this period, visiting the Orient and traveling overland across the continent of South America, while all parts of Europe were alike familiar to him. It was not until the year 1872 that Mr. Porter reached America, but he at once found employment in the office of the Western Department of the Phcenix In- surance Company of Hartford, at Cincinnati, where he remained twelve months. Chicago's fame as a busy, bustling city reached his ears and he journeyed thither in search of fortune. When he arrived at the Western metropolis, he secured a position in the local agency of the same Insurance Company under the manage- ment of James Ayers. His zeal and interest in the work at once caused the concern to realize the sterling worth of Mr. Porter, and larger fields of usefulness were soon opened to him. On August 26, 1880, Mr. Porter was united in marriage with Miss Millie C. Long of Lewis- ton, Pa., and this union was regarded by all his friends as a most fortunate event in his life. To Mr. Porter and his wife one son was born, Arthur Rogers Porter. Having gained much practical experience as a fire underwriter, it was expected that Mr. Por- ter would soon be found in the front rank among insurance men, and his friends were not at all surprised when, in 1888, he was otTereJ a posi- tion with the Western Department of the Ger- man-American Company, being soon promoted to the office of Assistant Manager, which he occupied until the time of his death. Having secured recognition from the business world, Mr. Porter could afford to enter the social arena, and he became a member of the Union League, and the Athletic and Midlothian Clubs, where, as in business life, his value as a pub- lic-spirited citizen was not slow in becoming recognized. Mr. Porter possessed broad and lib- eral views along many lines, so that it was for him an easy task to win the respect and confi- dence of all those with whom he came in con- tact. In manner and deportment he was quiet and somewhat reserved, though possessed of a courtesy never failing and a temperament al- ways genial. Though hampered to a certain extent by a rather frail physique, he seldom complained, but labored ever with a zeal un- ceasing in its intensity. No duty, no trial, seemed too great to overcome, while his loy- alty to all obligations, and his candor and up- rightness, added to his richly endowed mental- ity, made him welcome everywhere. Along in- surance lines his worth and value were fully recognized. That Mr. Porter contributed much toward the success of his iiulividual company, HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 979 all acknowledge with pride, and his professional brethren will long hold his memory sacred. With regard to his political tendencies, Mr. Porter affiliated with the Republican party, but he was by no means what is termed a poli- tician. He was a member of the Episcopal denom- ination, and, when he died, it was said of him that he "had lived a pure and useful life, and had possessed a conscience void of offense to- ward God and his fellow-men" — a verdict the world is slow to bestow. On July 29th, 1902, at two o'clock in the morning, came the summons which no one can ever disregard, and Mr. Porter's spirit left the mortal frame slumbering within the chamber of his late residence. No. 3417 South Park Av- enue, while the soul returned to God who gave it. And thus passed away a truly good man — a man whose capacity for friendship had been large, and who thus had left many persons to regret his departure. The wife of his youth still survives Mr. Porter. The son, Arthur, is finishing his education at Cornell University, and for the time-being the home is somewhat broken up. But it is characteristic of humanity to dream of reunion, of eternal peace and rest where home ties ne'er can be broken again, and that intuitive desire causes one to think of meeting in the "Great Beyond," where home life can never be disturbed, for no death can enter Heaven. M. W. POWELL, M. W. Powell, manufacturer and contractor, Chicago, veteran fireman and late Colonel Sixth Regiment Illinois National Guard, was born at Ebensburg, Pa., September 13, 1831, the son of David and Mary (Morgan) Powell, his father being a stock farmer and of Welsh ancestry, while his mother was of English descent. Mr. Powell lived on the farm until about twenty years of age, in the meantime attending the public school in his native State. In 1850 he came to the city of Chicago, and here, for a time, availed himself of the advantages of a night school. The following winter after his arrival in Chicago, he went to Arkansas and en- gaged in rafting lumber on the Red River. This course he followed for several years, going South each winter and returning to Chicago in the spring, where he spent the summer months. Here he became associated with B. F. Barrett in learning the roofing business, with whom he remained during the summer for four years, receiving an increase of salary each succeeding year. He then spent some time as mate on board a steamer plying between St. Louis and New Orleans, but returning to Chicago in the spring of 1856 entered into partnership with a Mr. Mansfield in the roofing business. A year later he succeeded in consolidating the firm of Powell & Mansfield with that of his former em- ployer, Mr. Barrett, under the firm name of Barrett, Powell & Company, which continued in the roofing business for ten or twelve years. At the end of this period Mr. Powell organized the M. W. Powell Roofing Company, of which he has been President and Business Manager ever since. He is also associated with two other companies, including the Powell-West Paving Company and the Peacock Coal Company, being President of both. The first named company is engaged in cement and asphalt side-walk and street-paving, and the latter in the coal and oil business, operating mines and wells in Ohio. For some fifty-six years Colonel Powell has been engaged in the manufacture of roofing material. He is a strong believer in asphalt as the only suitable paving material for the city of Chicago. Colonel Powell was prominently identified with the Chicago Fire Department at an early day, for fifteen years being connected successively with the Volunteer and the Paid Department, and for all but six months of this time being an officer in the service. He organized the La Fayette Fire Company, No. 4, of which he was foreman for seven and a half years and engineer for seven years. At the present time he is one of the two surviving Engineers of the old Volun- teer Department, and one of the four Captains still living. Among his most valued mementoes of this period are a silver cup and trumpet and a gold badge given him by the companies in which he held office. During the Spanish-American War Colonel Powell organized a provisional regiment for that conflict, but it was not called into actual serv- ice. He is a member of the Builders' Club and the Chicago Builders' Exchange; is a Thirty- second Degree Mason, and, for over forty years. a member of the Occidental Consistory. Other organizations of the fraternity with which he is associated include Cleveland Lodge, No. 211; Washington Chapter, No. 28, and as a charter member of the Chicago Comandery, No. 19, K. T. Colonel Powell was married November 3, 1855, in the city of Chicago, to Elizabeth Prit- chard, formerly of the city of Milwaukee, and they have had four children: Charles, who died in infancy; George H., who died in 1902; Emma and Lillian. As a business man. Colonel Powell has had an active and strenuous career, and by stalwart energy and intelligent, well-directed enterprise has achieved success while maintaining a clean business record. During his long connection with the roofing business he has taken out a number of patents which have proved of great value. SAMUEL E. POWERS. Captain Samuel E. Powers, City Time keeper. Chicago, with the oflScial position of city yard- man, was born in Chicago, July 31, 1838, and educated in his native place. His father, Wil- liam R. Powers, was born in Meadville, Pa. and his mother, Melissa (Perry) Powers, in Malone, N. Y. His grandparents, Samuel and Katie (Swailes) Powers, and his great-grand- parents, Alexander and Katie (McDonald) Pow- ers, were all natives of Ireland. Ebenezer and Sarah (Campbell) Perry, his matei-nal grand- parents, were born in St. Lawrence County, gSo HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. N. Y.. and his great-grandparents, Ebenezer and Sarah (Loughson) Perry, were natives of Scot- land. Captain Powers' parents came to America in 1834 and 1835, the mother coming at the earlier date and locating at St. Charles, Kane County, 111., where they were married in June, 1837. They became the parents of a family of five children, of whom Samuel E. was the first born; Julia married Col. Charles 0. Goodrich, of St. Charles, who was an officer of the Eleventh Illinois Cavalry during the Civil War. They now reside near Pine River Agency, Neb., and at the time of an uprising of the Indians, she made a famous ride by night to Ainsworth, a distance of sixty-five miles, and the nearest point where troops cotild be called for, to arouse the country to the danger of the outbreak. The Colonel, with about 150 ranchmen, held the Indi- ans at bay tintil the arrival of troops. In this ride Mrs. Goodrich carried an infant in her arms and a boy of seven years strapped to her horse. She is still living, and for this heroic act. the State Legislattire in 1900 voted to pre- sent her a substantial gift in recognition of her services at a cost of $160. The daughter Hattie married George Lewis, a mechanic in Philadel- phia. William Rankin still resides unmarried at the old home. One child died from influenza. The father died in 1886 at the age of seventy- eight years, and the mother in 1891 in her eighty-seventh year. The elder Powers was a contractor, and built the first bridge across Fox River, at St. Charles, and the first dam at Geneva. He constructed the first thirty miles of the old Galena & Chicago Union Railroad, now a part of the Northwestern, and for many years followed the contracting business. Captain Samuel E. Powers received a limited education, and early engaged in business for himself, his first engagement being with the Butler & Hunt Paper Company, of Chicago, in 1848. with whom he remained until the outbreak of the rebellion, when, on July 15, 1862, he en- listed in the Seventy-fourth Illinois Infantry, being enrolled as a member of Company B. He participated in the battles of Perryville, Crabb Orchard, McMinnville, Nashville, Stone River. and Murfreesborough. at the latter losing an eye. Here he was promoted to a lieutenancy, and at the battle of Franklin won his captaincy September 1, 1864, he resigned from the service on account of disability. In 1870 he entered Into the fancy wood and veneer trade, which proved disastrous. Captain Powers was married, December 19. 1803, to p:mma I. Lynd, of St. Charles. III., and to them have been i)orn two children: Frankie, born April 2.'), 1865, and Hattie, born February 13, 1808. The latter married A. B. Fagan ,and has a family of three children: Julia, Ellen and Samuel Arthur. JOHN J. PRENDERGAST. Captain on Engine No. 54. Chicago Fire Depart menl. WBH born In Youghal. County Cork, Ire land. June 29. 1857. and educated in Mount Mellery Seminary, County Waterford. After leaving school in 1871, he went to sea with his father, and served from apprenticeship as a seaman to master on the ocean and lakes. He came to America in 1876, but returned to his native place in Ireland, in 1878, and married Miss Margaret Corcoran. He came to America in April, 1884, and followed the lakes on the schooner John M. Hutchinson, and later on the schooner George M. Case, which .was ship- wrecked on Lake Erie, October 14, 1886. Mr. Prendergast and another man were all that were saved of a crew of eight, after spending six and a half hours in the water. He came to Chicago and joined the Fire Department June 26, 1887, on Hook and Ladder Company No. 4, Town of Lake. October 1, 1887, he was trans- ferred to Hook and Ladder Company No. 3, Town of Lake; July 11, 1888, to Engine No. 1., Town of Lake, and in April, 1899, was promoted to the captaincy on Engine No. 7, so remaining until annexation to the city of Chicago, when the number of the engine was changed to 54 where he is still on dtity, serving with charac- teristic promptness and fidelity. He has had many narrow escapes while sailing and at fires At a fire at Seventy-first Street and Cottage Grove Avenue, he rescued William Calmann, who was hanging by a single wire in the court- way, with the assistance of Pipeman Kasmann, pulling Calmann through the window after he let go the wire. Captain Prendergast was mar- ried, in Youghal, Ireland, October 6, 1878, to Miss Margaret Corcoran, and eight children have been born to them, six of whom are now living. WILLIAM PRENTISS. William Prentiss, ex-State's Attorney, lawyer and politician, was born in Davenport, Iowa, September 19. 1848, and, during his infancy, was taken by his parents to Schuyler County, 111. whence the family shortly afterwards removed to Vermont. Fulton County, where the father who was a physician, died in 1854. In 1860 the mother married James Manley, a farmer at McDonough County, 111., and, upon the farm of his step-father, Mr. Prentiss soon became famil- iar with all the duties and labor of the fields through the summer months, while attending the district school in the winter season. He subsequently continued his education in a sem- inary at Abingdon, 111., in the State Normal School at Normal, and at Knox College, Gales- burg, but before graduation, his health having failed him, he was obliged to abandon his col- lege course. In 1850 Mr. Prentiss removed to Minnesota for the benefit of his health, remaining in that Stale for seven years. He there entered a tract of government land, which he transformed into a good farm, and in connection with his farm- ing oi)erations wliile in Minnesota, also taught sciiool and was Superintendent of Schools in Cottonwood County for three years. He began the study of law in the office of Hon. Daniel HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 981 Buck, of Mankato, now a member of the Su- preme Court of Minnesota. In 1878 he returned to Macomb, 111., was admitted to the bar, and the same year was elected State's Attorney for McDonough County to fill a vacancy. In 1880 he was elected Mayor of Macomb, being the only Democrat elected to that office in more than twenty years — that city being the Republican stronghold of the county. In 1885, after an ex- perience of only seven years at the bar, he was the choice of the legal fraternity of McDonough County, without regard to party, for Circuit Judge, and received the nomination of the Dem- ocratic judicial convention at a time when a bill was pending in the Legislature providing for an increase in the number of Circuit Judges. The act failed to pass in the Lower House by a few votes, and Mr. Prentiss consequently failed of election to the position which he would undoubt- edly have received had the law passed, as his district was strongly Democratic. As advocate or counsel he was retained on one side or the other of nearly all the important cases tried in the courts of McDonough County, and also had a large clientage in adjoining counties. Seeking a broader field of labor, Mr. Prentiss came to Chicago in 1891, and almost immedi- ately came into prominence as a leader of the Democratic party in this city. In 1895, he re- ceived the nomination for Circuit Judge of Cook County, but a Republican tidal wave swept the district that year and he was defeated, as he was again in 1897, when once more a candidate. In 1896 he was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention, and took an active part in the campaign of that year. He is very pop- ular in Democratic ranks and highly esteemed by many of the leaders of the party. Mr. Prentiss was united in marriage, in 1876, to Miss Elizabeth Helen McCaughey of Fulton County, 111., and to them were born three sons The eldest, James Manley, was drowned in 1893 at the age of nineteen years, while boating on Lake Michigan. He was accompanied by a young lady, whose life he saved at the sacrifice of his own. The other sons, Jackson McCaughey and William, are attending school. Mr. Prentiss is a man of genial temperament, of gentlemanly deportment and cordial disposition, and his so- cial qualities render him a favorite among all classes with whom he is brought in contact. THEODORE L. PRESCOTT, Telegraph Operator, was born October 21, 1839, the son of Wright and Panther Prescott, anJ received his education in Canadaigua, N. Y In September, 1861, he enlisted in the Twelfth Reg- iment, Iowa Infantry, and served until the close of the war, the greater part of this time being under command of Gen. W. T. Sherman. Mr, Prescott is a Protestant in religious faith, a Republican in politics and a telegraph operator by occupation. He was married in Chicago, in 1868, to Lizzie Edwards, and has six children, viz.: Edward L., Victor, Harry, Charles, Eva and Birdie. PETER PRICE, Postoffice Printer, Chicago, was born in Cleve- land, Ohio, July 17, 1846. His paternal great- grandfather, William Price, was a native of Wales and his maternal great-grandfather, Michael Rittenburg, of Germany. His paternal grandparents were William Price, born in Wales, and Sarah Hale, born in England; his maternal grandparents were Michael Ritten- burg, of Albany, N. Y., and Abigail Cody Sprague, of Massachusetts. His father was Jo- seph Price, and his mother, Sarah Rittenburg, the former born in Gloucestershire, England, and the latter in Farmington, N. Y. Peter Price was educated in the public schools of Cleveland. After leaving school he enlisted in Cleveland, October 8, 1863, as a private in Company H, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, which served gallantly in the Army of the Cumberland, and he partici- pated in all the campaigns of his regiment until the close of the war. He was mustered out and honorably discharged from service at Nash- ville, Tenn., July 9, 1865. He came to Chicago early in April, 1882, and entered the service of the United States Government at the Chicago Postoffice, on the first day of February, 1894, where he still remains. He was promoted by appointment, to the position of Postoffice Printer, March 1, 1896, which he has continued to fill to the entire satisfaction of the officials and his associates up to the present time. He was married to Almeda Westcott, in New York City, February 17, 1874. JAMES K. PUMPELLY. A progressive age, by bringing the wondrous discoveries of science more and more intimately into men's daily lives, has multiplied wants and correspondingly stimulated a constantly grow- ing demand for new inventions. He who can furnish a new appliance which will successfully meet even one of these constantly multiplying wants, has earned for himself a claim upon the gratitude of an exacting generation. It is in connection with such a discovery that the name of Pumpelly has become familiar to both the scientific and commercial worlds. As the in- ventor of the storage battery which bears his name, he has not only won fame and fortune for himself, but has proved himself a public benefactor. James K. Pumpelly was born at Oswego, Tioga County, N. Y., April 25, 1837. After graduating from Yale University, in 1857, he spent several months in European travel, re- turning to this country in the winter of 1858. The next two and a half years he spent at Fond Ju Lac, Wis., attending to his father's landed interests in that State, and in July, 1861, he re- cruited a company for the Thirty-third Wiscon- sin Volunteers, being chosen and commissioned its First Lieutenant. He served with gallantry and distinction for two years, but in 1863 ill health compelled him to tender his resignation. Returning to Fond du Lac he resumed the man- agement of his father's property, remaining 982 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. There until 1S85, when he came to Chicago. Meanwhile he had invented an electrical storage battery, on which he held patents of very con- siderable value. His chief object in coming to Chicago was to organize a company for its manufacture and sale. This he effected in 1886. The name of the concern was the Pumpelly Storage Battery and Motor Company, of which he was the Vice-President. This company man- ufactured the first storage battery ever made in the West for commercial use. For three years an up-hill fight was made, and at the end of that time a dissolution was deemed best, and was effected. Mr. Pumpelly, however, was not discouraged. He secured new patents, covering improvements in his original device and succeeded in organiz- ing the Pumpelly-Sorley Storage Battery Com- pany, Joseph Cummings being President, Mr Purnpelly Vice-President, and B. B. Arnold, man- ager. After two years of success this company disposed of its patents and business to the Electric Storage Battery Company, of Philadel- phia, for $100,000, the inventor being given a remunerative position, which he continued to fill for two years, when he left the employ of the company to become manager of the Crofton Storage Battery Company, of Chicago, at the same time filling the office of Vice-President. On the death of Mr. Benjamin Williams, the President, the company went into liquidation and its affairs were wound up. Mr. Pumpelly obtained title to the patents under which it had operated, and began the manufacture of stor- age batteries on his own account, in which line of business he is still engaged. Lightness, en- durance and moderate cost are the ends which the inventor has kept steadily in view, and his success is shown by the adaptability of his bat- tery to the propulsion of the electric motocycle. Mrs. Pumpelly's maiden name was Eliza W. Beall, to whom Mr. Pumpelly was married at Fond du Lac, Wis., September 17, 1861. Their only child — a son — is deceased. JOHN A. REAGAN. John A. Reagan, Superintendent of the Mer- rett Elevator, Chicago, was born at Pottstown, Pa., in 1872, and married in 1898. Fraternallv he is a Mason of high standing and a member of the Mystic Shrine. The Merrett Elevator was erected on the Calumet River, at Ninety-eighth Street, in 1900, and Mr. Reagan assumed the position of Superintendent when it was opened. It has a storage capacity of 650,000 bushels, and, with its four rising legs, is capable of unloading one hundred car-loads of grain per day, and is fitted to load either lake vessels in the river or cars on the track. Its machinery is of the most modern variety, both as to cleaners and cllpperK, as well as its steam-power furnished Ijy four boilers of (",'><) horse-power. The con- cern furnlsheK employment to eighteen men. I'revlouH to his conned Ion with the Merrett El- evator, Mr. Reagan was foreman of the Calumet Elevator for six years, and, at a still earlier date, was engaged in the grain and feed busi- ness in Philadelphia. WILLIAM H. REED, Assistant Engineer of Engine 74, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Ottawa, 111., September 19, 1867, and educated in the public schools of Ottawa and Chicago. After leaving school he .went to work for his father, who was engineer at the E. P. Wilce & Co. planing mill, for eight years. He then joined the Fire Department, working in the repair shop until June 5, 1891, when he took charge of Engine 46, January 12, 1895, was transferred to Engine 74, and still remains as Assistant Engineer. Has always been ready for any duty that may arise, and has never been injured at the fires he has at- tended. Mr. Reed was married in Chicago, July 24, 1893, to Miss Jennie Sypole, and two children have blessed their union. ARTHUR D. REHM. Arthur D. Rehm was born in Chicago, Janu- ary 10, 1870, the son of Andrew and Mary Rehm, who were natives of Alsace, France, and Beaver Falls, N. Y., respectively. His paternal grand- parents, Jacob and Salome Rehm, and his maternal grandparents, Albert and Ann Son- timer, were all born in Germany. The subject of this sketch has a military record to which he can point with pride, having served during the Spanish-American War. For one year and a day he was Second Lieutenant of Company F, Second Illinois Volunteer Infantry, during three months of which time the regiment was on duty in Cuba. He was then Captain and Inspector of the Rifle Practice from July 15, 1899, until July 1, 1900, and appointed Captain and Adjutant of the Second Regiment Illinois National Guard, July 1, 1900, to date of issue on Col. J. E. Stuart's staff. Mr. Rehm is a Republican and is in the fire insurance busi- ness, having an office at 92 LaSalle St. He was married in Chicago, June 16, 1896, to Miss Chris tina M. Lobstein, and two children — Ionia J. and George Andrew — have blessed their union. ARTHUR ROWLEY REYNOLDS. Arthur Rowley Reynolds, M. D., Commis- sioner of Health of the City of Chicago, has so discharged the important duties of that respon- sible position that his name has become familiar to all students of city government the world over. Dr. Reynolds was born on a farm near Meaford, County Grey, Ontario, Canada, July 21, 1854. James and Sarah (Wilkinson) Reyn- olds, were both born, educated and married in the city of Dublin, Ireland, and emigrated to Quebec in 1842. They lived five years at Pic- ton, Ontario, but removed to Meaford in 1847. Dr. ReynoULs' father is still living in Toronto, and vigorous at the age of eighty-nine years. Dr. Reynolds acquired his early education in the country schools and in the high school at Owen Sound. When he was" sufficiently pre- pared he matriculated at the University of To- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. 983 ronto, and entered upon the study of medicine. After two terms spent in that University, the young student took his third year at Bellevue Hospital Medical College, from which he was graduated in 1876, and immediately set up his practice at Orion, Mich., in association with his two brothers, both of whom were well estab- lished practitioners at that point. In 1882 he came to Chicago, where he soon won a stand- ing among the more capable and reliable mem- bers of the profession, taking much interest in sanitary and health questions. The appointment of Dr. Reynolds as Commis sioner of the Health Department of Chicago, in April, 1893, met with the very general approval of the profession, and his capable administra- tion of the duties of the office have won the pub- lic favor. Under a change of party he was rotated out of office, but in 1897 Mayor Harrison recalled him to the position which he had so ably held under the Mayor's father. Since his first appointment to this office Dr. Reynolds has given much thought and study to every subject that touches the health of the city, and in many most important respects the Depart- ment of Health of the city of Chicago is now without a rival in the world. It has closely supervised the water supply, and at the first evidence of any dangerous contamination of the drinking water, at once sounds the alarm; it has fought a vigilant fight with the ghouls who would sell impure and tainted milk to the peo- ple; its eye is on the ice, the fruit and other food supplies; it has worked steadily for the suppression of the smoke nuisance, and has accomplished much, though hindered by inade quate laws on the subject; its vigilant enforce ment of vaccination has kept down small-pox and prevented it from becoming a scourge; its officers have done valuable service in the home and in the school ; it has advocated a system of free baths that is proving a great boon to the poor. Chicago is now the healthiest large city in the world, and its Department of Health is frequently commended, not only in the medical and sanitary publications of our own land, but in those of other countries as well, very much of the credit of this improved order being laid directly at the door of Dr. Reynolds. Dr. Reynolds belongs to the American Med- ical Association, the Illinois State Medical So- ciety, the Chicago Medical Society, the American Public Health Association, the Sanitary Insti- tute, of Great Britain, and writes much for medical and sanitary publications. DANIEL F. RICE, Engineer on Engine 37 (Fire-Boat "Illinois"), was born in Chicago, August 9, 1854, educated in the Dearborn and Ogden public schools, and af- ter leaving school went on the tug-boat "S. G. Chase" one season, the next season taking a place on the original tug "Ameritta Mosher," and later serving on the tugs "J. L. Higgle," "Protection," and "J. H. Hackley." He was then employed on the propeller "Cuba" of the Com- mercial Line, Buffalo, and later on propeller "Colorado," then on tugs "J. H. Hackley," "W. H. Wolff" and "Black Ball No. 2," until he joined the Fire Department in December, 1884, on Engine 10. He was transferred to Engine 14. and later to Engine 37 (Fire-Boat "Alpha"), September, 1885; to Fire-Boat "W. H. Alley" in 1886; to Engine 41 (Fire-Boat "Geyser") in 1890; and to Engine 37 (Fire-Boat "Illinois") in 1898, and is still there ready for any emer- gency. Mr. Rice has had many narrow escapes but has never suffered any serious injuries. The propeller "Cuba," upon which he was employed in 1880, while crossing Saginaw Bay in a heavy sea, broke the 10-inch discharge pipe under two feet of water. While being lowered over the side with a rope, he was hit on the head with a plug and badly injured, but came out all right and received honorable mention by the owners of the boat. He was married to Miss Minnie Snartman, December 4, 1886, and six children have blessed their union, five of whom are living. WILLIAM H. RICE. It is a pleasant task for the historian to chronicle a career which has been distinguished by patriotism, by faithful attention to duty as a subordinate, and by a steady use of life's lad- der until crowned by success. Such is the life- story of Mr. William H. Rice, one of the fore- most and most prosperous live-stock commission merchants at the Union Stock Yards. He is a farmer's son and was born near Frederick, Schuyler County, 111., on March 17, 1846. At the age of fourteen he left home to begin the world for himself. His first commercial experience was as clerk in a store at Frederick. At the outbreak of the Civil War, he was made a pay- master's clerk at Springfield, 111. This position he filled for three years, when, having reached the age of eighteen, he resolved to carry out his long cherished desire to enter the army. Ac- cordingly, he aided in recruiting Company K, of the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Illinois Infantry. Notwithstanding his extreme youth he was elected Lieutenant of the company. The regiment was assigned to the Army of the Cum- berland, and served with gallantry until the close of the war. After being mustered out of service he embarked in mercantile business, at the same time buying live stock and shipping it to Chicago. In 1886 he came to Chicago, and. for the first three years after his arrival, trav- eled and collected for the J. H. Campbell Com- mission Company, subsequently being in the employ of the Lee & Maxwell Company for a like period. Since 1891 Chicago has been his place of residence. In 1892 he formed a part- nership with his brother, Thomas J., and George W. Nixon, the name of the firm being Rice Brothers & Nixon. On July 1, 1899, Mr. Nixon retired, and since then the Rice Brothers have carried on business successfully together. He is endowed by nature with many traits which win friends, being affable, generous and courte- ous. 984 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. His wife's maiden name was Sarah M. Brunk to whom he was married at Rushville, 111., on October 12, 1863. Four of their five children are yet living, a son, Thomas J., having died in infancy. The eldest daughter, Delia C, married I. W. Moore, a Chicago grocer; Laura I. married Dr. J. R. McDougall; Oscar A. is cashier and office man, and Charles R. is a salesman — both brothers being in the employ of Rice Brothers In politics, Mr. Rice is a true Republicao, and is a member of Columbia Post, No. 706, G. A. R. ALEXANDER M. RICHEY, Engineer, Engine 82, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Brockville, Canada, November 24, 1860; came to Chicago with his parents in June, 1863, and attended the Hayes, King and Skinner schools. After leaving school, he learned and worked at the machinist's trade until he joined the Fire Department, December 21, 1890. He was employed at the repair shop for a time, and was assigned to Engine 62, when it was organ- ized. May 14, 1891; was transferred to Engine 55, December 6, 1892; to Engine 42, February L 1897; and to Engine 82, April 15, 1897. He has never been hurt, and is always ready to respond to all calls to duty. He was married in Lanark. 111., November 19, 1884, to Miss Laura P. Crot- zer, and two children have blessed this union. ALFRED G. RITER, Assistant Bridge and Steamboat Engineer, was born in St. Louis, Mo.. September 28, 1864; came to Chicago in 1871 with the Relief Expedition from St. Louis, and attended the Wells public school and West Division High Schools, gradu- ating in 1880. After leaving school he went west for the Delaware Bridge Company, Decem- ber 2, 1880; then returned to Chicago and worked for A. Gottlieb until March 5, 1885, when he went into the City Engineer's office, and worked for the Sanitary District for one year. Here he held different positions from assistant draughtsman to the City Bridge Department, and for some time Assistant Structural Engi- neer in connection with the Division of Archi- tecture, during which he prepared plans for the Boulevard Connecting Tunnel for lake front and the downtown street subway. Mr. Riter was married to Miss Sophia D. Vetter, in Chi- cago. November 20, 1889. One child was born to them, but is deceased. .JAMES H. ROACH, Assistant Engineer, Sixty-eighth Street Pump- ing Station, was born in Piedmont, W. Va., October 30, 1863, and educated in the district schools. After leaving school he served an ap- prenticeship in the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad shops at Piedmont, remaining there four years, when he came to C'hicago, where he worked for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company for one year; later was employed by the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Company one year and by the IllinoiH Steel Company for three yearH. Then he was employed by the Wal)ash Railroad Company for eight months, and by the Standard Oil Company at Irondale, on engines and at machine shops, for three years; by the Union Rolling Mills, at Bridgeport, for three years, and at the Seventy-third Street Pumping Station for eighteen months. He was connected for a time with the Chicago, Lake Shore & West- ern Railroad Company, and later as Gang Fore- man, until 1897, when he returned to Seventy- third Street Pumping Station as Chief Engi- neer; then, having taken an examination for promotion from the fourth to fifth grade, was assigned to Sixty-eighth Street Pumping Sta- tion, January 8, 1901, as Assistant Engineer. CHARLES O. ROBINSON. This gentleman, a son of the late lamented Joseph M. Robinson, whom he has emulated in activity, sound sense, integrity and geniality of disposition, is one of the prominent, prosperous live-stock commission merchants doing business at the Union Stock Yards, Chicago. He was born at Burlington, Iowa, May 6, 1862, and at- tended the public and private schools of that city until 1875, when he came to Chicago, and at once entered the employment of his father's firm, J. M. Robinson & Company. Shortly after his father's death this house was temporarily succeeded by Charles O. Robinson & Co., which, on September 13, 1886, was changed to Clay, Robinson & Co. This concern is still engaged in business, and is one of the largest and most successful houses in its line in the West. On November 17, 1886, Mr. Robinson was married to Miss Minnie Muller, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson have been called upon to mourn the loss of both their children. HERBERT E. ROBINSON. Herbert E. Robinson was born in Marshall, Michigan, Dec. 2, 1865; was educated in the public schools, and after leaving school, was employed at Detroit on the electrical works controlled by the Michigan Bell Telephone Com pany. Coming to Chicago, September 25, 1884, he was employed by the Chicago Telephone Company until April 11, 1887, then by the Calu- met Publishing Company, in South Chicago, until April 11, 1889. He was married to Miss Minnie Forsberg, in Chicago, November 10, 1890. and two children have been born to them. JOSEPH M. ROBINSON. Joseph M. Robinson (deceased), pioneer cat- tle-dealer and live-stock commission merchant was born at Washington Court House, Fayette County, Ohio, March 15, 1824, educated in the district school, and. after leaving school, drove cattle from Ohio to Philadelphia and New York walking both ways, and, later, in company with David Selzer, drove cattle from different parts of Illinois to New York on foot; also took two droves of cattle from west of the Mississippi to New York in the same way, the trip occupying 108 days. He next engaged in the pork-packing business at Burlington, Iowa; also devoted his HISTORICAL E'NlCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 985 attention to feeding and raising live stock. In 1874 lie came to Chicago and organized the firm of J. M. Robinson & Company at the Union Stock Yards. This firm, at his death, was suc- ceeded by Charles 0. Robinson & Co., and on September 13, 1886, the firm of Clay, Robinson & Co. succeeded to the business of J. M. Robin- son & Co. and Charles O. Robinson & Co. Joseph M. Robinson was married to Miss Margaret J. Jones, of Wilmington, Ohio, and eight children were born to them, of whom four are now liv- ing. Mr. Robinson passed away at his resi- dence, 3161 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, July 21, 1886, a few days after having made a visit to the plains of Kansas. He was a very active and energetic man, and his loss was widely felt. DANIEL E. ROOT. Daniel E. Root (deceased), whose varied ca- reer as soldier, live-stock dealer and Cook County Commissioner, displayed many qualities and business ability of a high order, was born in Baltimore, Md., July 5, 1837, where he ac- quired his education in the common schools. When only nineteen years of age he was ap- pointed by the Governor of the State book- keeper of Tobacco Warehouse, No. 5, and very acceptably discharged the duties of that position until 1857, when he resigned and went to Kan- sas. He was in that State at the outbreak of the Civil War .and very promptly volunteered for service in the Union Army as a member of the Eighth Kansas Volunteer Infantry. He proved to be an energetic and capable soldier, and, though nominated and elected as both Captain and First Lieutenant, refused to accept either office, preferring to continue in the ranks through the war. At the termination of the war, Mr. Root was mustered out of service, and selling his Kansas land at a good figure, in 1866, removed to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where he en- gaged in buying and selling stock, shipping to the Union Stock Yards and becoming thorough- ly familiar with the business. In 1874 he came to Chicago to sell hogs for Samuel Coffman, N. B. Ream and Cyrus Allen, who had formed a partnership under the firm name of Coffman, Ream & Allen. In 1879 Mr. Root became a mem- ber of the firm of Winsted, Allen & Root, from which he retired three years later, to sell hogs for Parmalee, Hanna & Scott, with whom he continued for ten years. Then the firm of Root, Norton & Company was organized, which gave way to the Root-Lowry Commission Company, a corporation which was continued until the first of the year 1898, when Mr. Root sold his in- terest to the Archey, Son & Plummer Company, and since that time has devoted himself to other extensive and profitable interests. Mr. Root was married May 1, 1872, to Miss Martha C. Cooper, of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. In 1892 he was elected a County Commissioner, and rendered faithful service on the Board, but declined re-election. He was a pleasant and affable gentleman, respected by his business associates and all with whom he has any deal- ings. Mr. Root died December 25, 1900. DWIGHT D. ROOT. Dwight D. Root, lawyer, Chicago, was born in Bennington, Mich., June 1, 1858, the son of Ros- well Holton and Lucinda (Vaughn) Root. Mr, Root began life on his father's farm, of which he retains fond recollections. His father, Ros- well Holton Root, was the son of Remembrance Root, of Belchertown, Mass., and a member of the Root family who were early immigrants to this region from England. His mother, Lucinda (Vaughn) Root, was born at Birmingham, Mich., of "Jersey Dutch" descent, her ancestors having come from Holland to New Jersey at an early day. Mr. Root, however, regards the mat- ter of nationality as a localism or provincialism, rather than a truism of universal application, and as not to be accepted as superior to those evidences of integrity which are always at par, and which may exist in any people. Mr. Root was educated in the high schools of Owosso and Corunna, Mich., at the Normal School at Ypsil- anti and the University at Ann Arbor, graduat- ing from the law department of the latter in 1880, when he was admitted to the bar during the same year. After being associated for some time with J. C. and B. C. Wood, attorneys at Jackson, Mich., in 1882 he opened an office and began practice there alone, remaining until 1893, when he removed to Chicago, where he has been continuously engaged in practice ever since. In political sentiment Mr. Root is a Repub- lican, and was elected City Attorney of Jackson Mich., in 1887, for two years. He is not a seeker for office or political advancement, preferring to devote his attention to the practice of his chosen profession. He is a member of various fra- ternal orders, and seeks the largest enjoyment of social life in a quiet way. While he has freely attended various churches, he has never become a member of any religious demonina- tion, believing that no sect has a monopoly of True Religion, and that its essential qualities cannot be hemmed in by or restricted to any set formula, creed or ceremony. WILLIAM HENRY RUGER. William Henry Ruger, ex-Assistant Superin- tendent of Mails, and ex-Senator, was born in Plattsburg, N. Y., August 15, 1841, came to Chi- cago with his parents, Harmon B. and Caroline Ruger, in 1847, and attended the Wilder, Dear born, Jones and Scammon public schools, and the West Division High School. He enlisted in the United States Navy, September 2, 1861. and was assigned to the United States Steamer "Essex," commanded by Commodore W. D. Por- ter, serving as Surgeon's Steward until the close of the war, being honorably discharged in Oc- tober, 1865. Steward Ruger was in all the bat- tles of the "Essex" from Fort Henry to New Orleans, including the running of the blockade at Island No. 10, at Vicksburg, and at Port 986 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Hudson, and was on board when the rebel ram "Arkansas" was captured. He entered the Chi- cago PostofRce as clerk under Postmaster J. L Scripps. In 1865, and was gradually promoted until he received an appointment as Assistant Superintendent of Mails under Captain M. J. McGrath, (then Superintendent), serving in that capacity for eight years, and until he was elected State Senator on the "Independent" tick- et, from the Fifth District, in 1882, and it was by his vote, during the session of 1885, after several weeks of balloting, that General John A. Logan was re-elected to the United States Sen- ate. Being an "Independent," his vote was much sought after by the other candidates, but "Hank" (as his friends familiarly call him) was true to his old comrade and friend, John A. Logan, resisting all overtures from the other side, financially or otherwise. The district where he was elected was Democratic by 3,000, but Senator Ruger overcame that number and carried it by 931 majority. While a member of the State Senate in the State Convention of 1884 he was elected a delegate to the Republican National Convention of that year which nomin- ated James G. Blaine for President and John A. Logan for Vice-President. Mr. Ruger's father, Harmon B. Ruger, was the first "Captain of the Watch" (as it was called instead of "Captain of Police"), being chosen in 1849 when there were only fourteen policemen on duty, and when the Fire Depart- ment Assistant-Chief, C. S. Petrie's father, was a policeman. Captain H. B. Ruger was bailiff in the United States Court for forty-six years, and until his death in February, 1896. W. H. Ruger married Miss Elizabeth Boden, in Chi- cago in 1867, and of five children born to this union, two — Harmon and Earl — are now living. EBEN FITCH RUNYAN. Eben F. Runyan was born in Butler, Wayne County, N. Y., December 3, 1831, and nearly twenty years of his life were spent in the East, where he secured his education. In the mean- time he worked as a clerk in a store, or doing any sort of labor which might aid in elevating him intellectually and financially. In the year 1850 Mr. Runyan decided to make his home in the West, finally locating in McHenry County, 111., where for three years he engaged in farm- ing operations during the summer months, teach- ing school each win(er. The study of law had always possessed a certain amount of fascina- tion for him. and so diligently did he engage in this, his favorite pursiiil, that on May 16, 1855, he was admitted to the Illinois Bar. Removing to Chicago soon after, he began the i)ractice of law, and became a member of the firm of Brown & Runyan. this partnerHhip continuing for a period of three years or more. In the year 1800. the relationship between his former part- nern and himself having been dissolved, Mr. Runyan entered into ijartnership with D. J. Avery, a lipothcr in-law. and Mr. Comstock, a formd aged eleven monllis: William Diirliani, born in Lynn. Mass.. .Juno 16. 1863; George llanilln, born in HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 989 Brooklyn, N. Y., October 5, 1865, and Annio Gushing, born in Marlboro, N. H., November 27, 1870. William Durham Sargent married, February 14, 1899, May Alene Partridge, daughter of C. W. Partridge; Annie C. mar- ried, September 19, 1895, Henry K. Gilbert of Chicago; and George Hamlin married, Janu- ary 12, 1904, Elizabeth H. Pittman of Detroit, Mich. In religious belief Mr. George M. Sargent is a Methodist and in politics a Republican. For two terms he served as a member of the Evanston Board of Trustees, and is a member of various fraternal and social organizations including the Royal Arcanum and Blue Lodge A. F. & A. M., Evanston Chapter and Com- mandery K. T., Evanston; the Mystic Shrine, Medina Temple; Union League Club, Chicago; Country Club and Evanston Club, Evanston; besides the Evanston, Glen View and St. Aug- ustine Golf Clubs. For several years he was President of the Society of Sons of Maine, Chicago, and is present Vice-President of the New England Society. After a long and con- spicuously successful business career, Mr. Sar- gent, with his faithful and devoted wife, is spending the evening of his days in their de- lightful home in Evanston, practically retired from active business, though still retaining his offlcial connection with the manufacturing en- terprise in which he has been financially inter- ested and an important factor for more than a quarter of a century. JOHN D. SAYRE. John D. Sayre, Superintendent of the Iron- dale Elevator, Chicago, was born in the State of New Jersey, October 3, 1853, the son of Jeremiah and Sarah (Walker) Sayre, his par- ents removing to Illinois in 1861, where they engaged in farming. They had a family of four sons and four daughters, the sons being Aaron, Lewis, Volney, John D. One of the daughters was named Sarah. The father died in 1897, but the mother is still living. Mr. Sayre has been in the grain and elevator busi- ness for thirty-five years, in that time seeing its development through its most important stages. At the age of sixteen years he found employment in a grain house at Maroa, 111 , where he remained two years, when he came to Chicago and became connected with the old Iowa Elevator, which then stood at the Lake Street bridge. By gradual promotion he was advanced through the positions of weighman and foreman to that of superintendent, in which capacity he was connected with Messrs. Munger, Wheeler & Company, for some twenty- three years, and with Bartlett & Frazier at the Calumet Elevator five and a half years. The Irondale Elevator, with which Mr. Sayre is now connected, is constructed entirely of steel, being the first building of this kind erected in Cook County. It is equipped with the latest improvements in the way of clippers and cleaners of grain, has a capacity for hand- ling 100,000 bushels daily, and is run by four boilers which combined have 700-horse power. It is owned by the J. Rosenbaum Grain Com- pany and furnishes employment to some twen- ty-five men. Mr. Sayre's qualifications for the position which he occupies is attested by his long and continuous employment in his pres- ent capacity. He was marriea in 1878 to Miss Nora Gilmanstine, of Chicago, and of this mar- riage nine children have been born, of whom William, John D., Lewis, Robert, Mary and Nora are living. The three others died in in- fancy or early youth. Mrs. Sayre died March 8, 1897. Mr. Sayre is a Republican in politics and a highly respected citizen. CHARLES E. SCHARLAU. Charles Ernest Scharlau (deceased) was born in Pomerania, on the Baltic, May 23, 1845. his parents being farmers. With his parents he came to this country in 1851, and settled in Chicago, having lived continuously in the Fourteenth Ward since 1856. He attended the Franklin public school until twelve years of age, when he applied himself to learning the trade of a gilder, becoming in time foreman of Rando & Co.'s establishment. In 1862, when seventeen years of age, he enlisted in Company G, Fifty-seventh Illinois Volunteers, and re- enlisted as a "Veteran" at Lynnville, Tenn., in December, 1863. He served at the front in the Sixteenth Army Corps under General R. J. Oglesby, and in the Fifteenth Corps under Major-General John A. Logan. He was with the Army of the Tennessee on Sherman's fa- mous March to the Sea, and was injured May 9, 1864, in the passage of Ostanola River, at the battle of Resaca. He was in the battle of Bentonville. N. C, the last battle of the war. marched with General Sherman's Army to the sea, and was in the grand review at Washing- ton, May 23, 1865, and received his discharge, in June, 1865. He returned to Chicago and resumed work at his trade for the ensuing ten years. In 1870 Mr. Scharlau was appointed Deputy Sheriff by Sheriff Tim. Bradley, remaining in this position four years, after which he served as Deputy County Collector under County Col- lector Louis Huck, and was Deputy Assessor for West Chicago under Assessor Pleasant An- sick. When Jacob Rehm was Chief of Police and Charles Rehm Chief of Detectives, Mr. Scharlau accepted a position in the Detective force, but soon resigned. In 1891 he was ap- pointed by Mayor Washburn General Inspector in the Board of Public Works, and held that position until the end of Mr. Washburn's term. In 1868 he was a delegate in the Republican County Convention, and was offered but de- clined the nomination for Supervisor of the old Twelfth Ward, now the Fourteenth. Since 1868 he has been Central Committeeman and dele- gate to various State, County and City Con- ventions. In 1874 he became a candidate for the State Legislature and was defeated. In 990 HISTOmCAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 1880 he was again a candidate, running against S. D. Mieroslowslvi. and out of this elec- tion the celebrated Schaiiau-Mieroslowski con- test arose. The ballots, after three counts, showed a majority of 50 for Scharlau, but upon being taken to Springfield the Committee on Elections declared Mieroslowski elected by a majority of 43. In 1882 there were rival Sen- atorial conventions in the District, and Schar- lau was the nominee of the Fourteenth Ward wing, but declfned in favor of William E. Mason. In 1884 he was nominated and elected to the House of Representatives by the largest majority ever received by a candidate in the District, defeating August Wendel, a prominent and popular German. He was re-nominated for the House by acclamation on September 29, 1886, and re-elected. While in the House he secured the passage of the Park Bill, allowing an additional tax of half a mill for park im- provements. He was a member of the Com- mittee on Labor and Industrial Affairs, and a firm friend of the Convict Labor Bill, and was also a member of other important committees. In his later years he gave his attention to the practice of law. Fraternally he was a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen; the Independent Order of Odd-Fellows; Court Jef- ferson Lodge of the Foresters; Winfield Scott Post, No. 445. of the Grand Army of the Republic; of Cregier Lodge A. F. & A. M., and a member, and for three terms President of the Fifty-seventh Illinois Veteran Volunteer As- sociation. He is also a member of John G. Whittier Council, No. 612, National Union, Humboldt Park Council, No. 75, Royal League. Mr. Scharlau was married, March 5, 1870, to Miss Martha E. Mugler, a native of New York, and has two married daughters and one son, Charles E. Scharlau, Jr. Mrs. Scharlau died April 19, 1898, having been in ill-health for over five years. On May 1, 1901, Mr. Scharlau was married to Miss Helen Michel. His decease occurred March 23, 1903. His widow, Mrs. Helen (Michel) Scharlau, survives him. Mr. Scharlau's father was killed by highway- men on Milwaukee Avenue, between Chicago and Jefferson, October 5, 1874, but his mother survived her husband many years and reside. 1 on the old homestead, No. 36 Will Street, Chi- cago, until past eighty years of age. CHRISTIAN SCHIMMELS. Chicago owes a debt of gratitude to its fire- fighters which it can never pay. The rapid growth of Ihe city and its rush in building has created conditions very favorable to extensive and frequent conflagrations. Perhajjs it is this difllciilt situation that has called forth the genius of the men connected with the Chicago Fire Department and has helped to make it th" wonder of the world. Such It Is, and this splendid reputation of the Department Is not a little d\ie to men like the veteran Captain of Engine Company, No. 2T). whose name heads this article. Captain Sclilinmcls was liorn the 11th day of May, 1845, in the family home- stead, standing at that time in a quiet subur- ban portion of the city of Chicago. No. 53 South Desplaines Street. At that time ther-i were only 16,000 people in the city, and but little dream of its future greatness as a city of two million inhabitants. Young Christian was educated in both English and German, and when young was set to work as a carpenter, in which trade his father had been a pioneer in the city. His father died in 1877, after having led a long and honorable career as an extensive builder; and his mother passed to her reward two years later. Captain Schimmels was mar- ried in Chicago, in January, 1863, to Miss Elizabeth Hasser, who died in 1885, leaving two children, Lena and Jacob J. Peter Schimmels, an older brother of Chris- tian, was connected with the Fire Department as foreman of the Tempest Hose Company, No. 1, then located at Washington and Clinton Streets, where truck No. 2 has its present quar- ters. He placed Christian on the Tempest Hose service, September 25, 1864, and the following year resigned his own position to go to Helena, Mont., where he died in 1888. Christian Schim- mels has found the fire field thoroughly con- genial, and has rapidly risen to important po- sitions. May 20, 1869, he became the Captain of Engine Company, No. 5, and September 21, 1874, was made Captain of Engine Company No. 25, a position which he has retained up to the present time. During these many years he has displayed such energy, daring and mas- terly ability in fighting fire under every cir- cumstance of danger and death, that his name has become familiar the world over, and is en- deared to the business heart of Chicago. His numerous friends assembled to do him honor in Apollo Hall, September 25, 1889, and marked the expiration of his twenty-fifth year as City Fireman, with the presentation of a gold fire- badge, which bore in its center a $500 diamond. Captain Schimmels was married May 11, 1895, on his fiftieth birthday, to Miss Nettie Bean, a native of Boston. During his long and active career in connection with the Fire Depart- ment, though he has always been in the thick of the fight, he has never been seriously in- jured, and has lost but very few days on ac- count of sickness. Some four years ago he took his longest furlough, being absent from the service about two weeks. He presents a hale and hearty appearance, and says that he is good for thirty-five years more of active duty. Through his long connection with the Fire Department Captain Schimmels has a 'complete record of its services, and since 1869 has kept a record of every alarm of fire, as to the time, box and every detail. He has served under every Chief who has been in office since the organization of a paid Fire Department. U. P. Harris, the first, has had for his succes- sors, R. A. Williams, M. Benner, D. J. Swenie, W. H. Musham, and the present Fire Marhsal, J. Campion. Foi' forty-one years Mr. Scliim- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 991 mels was a fireman; for thirty-five years he has been Captain, and for thirty years has been in command of the same company. Still a young man, he can do his laps with the best of the men in his command, and "where duty calls, there you will find him." In local politics he takes little interest, and votes for what he believes to be the best for the city at the time. Chicago is proud of Captain Schimmels and his faithful associates. NICHOLAS SCHMITT, Former Superintendent Alton Elevator, Chica- go, now Superintendent of the Keith Elevator, at Halsted Street, and the South Branch of the Chicago River, was born in Germany, the son of Jacob and Margaret (Miller) Schmitt, who came to America in 1865, and settled in Mil- waukee, Wis,, where they reared a family of six sons: Peter, Nicholas, Matthias, .John, Al- bert and Christ — all of whom are now living. The mother died in 1896, aged sixty-nine years, and the father in 1903, at the age of seventy- one years. Beginning as a laborer with George A. Seaverns, at the old Clark Street ware- house in 1878, Mr. Schmitt worked up through various positions as weighman, foreman, etc., until he became Superintendent of the Col- umbia Elevator, at Robey Street and Blue Isl- and Avenue, where he spent several years. From 1891 to 1897 Mr. Schmitt and George Phillips, the "Corn King" of Chicago, were side-partners as weighmen. In November, 1900, Mr. Schmitt became Superintendent of the Alton Elevator, as successor to his brother Peter Schmitt, who was transferred in a sim- ilar capacity to Davenport, Iowa. The Alton Elevator A was erected in 1879 with a storage capacity of 1,200,000 bushels and is capable of receiving one hundred car-loads and discharg- ing 120,000 bushels daily. Elevator B, erected in 1886-87, has a capacity of 600.000 bushels and is practically an annex to Elevator A, be- ing under the same management. The Alton Elevator was sold out in 1904, and Mr. Schmitt is now in charge of the Keith Elevator. Mr. Schmitt was married in 1880 to Miss Mary Jane Coulson. and they have had a fam- ily of seven children: Joseph George, Mary Alice, David Lee, Margaret, John Frederick. Thomas Christian and George M.— all living. They have received the advantages of a good education, the older ones graduating from the schools which they attended. Mr. Schmitt is a Republican is politics, a member of the Royal Arcanum and a communicant of the Catholic Church. FRANK SCHRAMM. Frank Schram, florist. Wheeling, 111., is a native of Germany, born in 1871, the son of Frank Schramm, Sr., also of German birth. In 1896, in company with his brother, he start- ed a greenhouse and floral garden at Elk Grove, near Schnell's Grove, on the site of the old Indian Village, where they make a spe- cialty of growing violets and carnations. He was married in 1897 to Rhoda May Schnell of Elk Grove. HENRY M. SCHREIBER. Henry M. Schreiber, of the firm of Schreiber Brothers, hardware merchants. Blue Island, 111., was born in Blue Island in 1869, the son of August and Minnie Schreiber, who were natives of Germany. The father came to Blue Island a single man, there married and be- came one of the first settlers, erecting a house on the corner of Western Avenue and Jones Street. He was one of the early business men of the place, being engaged there in the hard- ware trade during the whole of his active life, covering a period of over fifty years. He died March 18, 1883. and his wife March 17, 1881. leaving five children, viz.: William, engaged in the real-estate business in Blue Island; Lizzie, now Mrs. Shimmel, of Chicago; Minnie, at home; Philip A., of the firm of Schreiber Brothers, and Henry M., the subject of this sketch, and partner of his brother Philip A. Henry M. was reared and educated in Blue Island, and with his brother succeeded to the business established by his father more than fifty years ago. The first building erected by the senior Mr. Schreiber was a frame, while the present building, erected in 1882, with addi- tions since made to it, is a two-story and base- ment structure. 46x80 feet. The firm of Schreiber Brothers was organized after the father's death in 1883. the new firm making the additions to the building. Henry M. Schreiber is a Republican in poli- tics and has been active in public affairs; in 1891 was elected to the office of Constable, in 1896 became Superintendent of Public Works for the city of Blue Island, and in 1897 was appointed Deputy Sheriff, retaining this posi- tion up to date. Mr. Schreiber was married in Blue Island in October, 1883, to Catharine A. Sippel, born in Blue Island, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sippel, and member of a pioneer family. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Schreiber — Elvira and June. Mr. Schreiber is a member of the Liederkranz and the Blue Island Fire Department; is also an Odd Fellow and Knight of Pythias. HOWARD H. SCHRIVER. Howard H. Schriver, pipeman on Engine 73, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Colum- bus, Ohio, December 11, 1867, and educated at the public schools. After leaving school he went to work successively" at Stanley Win- jet's cigar factory, the Peter's Buggy Com- pany, at Flannegan's bolt works, and for the Wassels Fire Clay Company. In 1883 he went to Shelby, Oceana County, Mich, and there worked on a farm and later for the Hinckley & Young stove works. He came to Chicago May 29, 1887, and worked for T. P. Murray, hardware dealer. Thirty-fifth Street and Cottage Grove Avenue, and later for the 992 HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Cook Storage Company, Cottage Grove Ave- nue, and for M. Wilson as a painter for five and a half years. He joined the Chicago Fire Department, February 22, 1896, being as- signed to Engine 73, and is now pipeman. He has had many narrow escapes, but is always ready to respond when duty calls. HENRY C. SCHROEDER, Captain Hook and Ladder Company No. 12, Chicago Fire Department, the son of Thedas and Mary (Miller) Schroeder — both natives of Germany — was born in Germany December 6, 1850. and emigrated to the United States, ar- riving at Chicago, May 12, 1869, where he was employed at surveying by the Northern Pa- cific Railroad, and later in the lumber yards of Kelly, Lowe & Company. He joined the Chicago Fire Department, January 29, 1883, on Engine 3: later, was transferred to Truck 1 : was promoted to Lieutenant and assigned to Truck 6. January 3, 1887; transferred to Truck 14, December 31, 1888; promoted to 'Captain and transferred to Truck 11, Sep- tember 15, 1890; to Truck 14, October 21, 1891: and to Truck 12, May 1, 1892. where he may now be found ready for any emergency. Like many other firemen he has had many narrow escapes. He was married to Miss Louisa Hack, in Chicago, April 12. 1882, and three children were born to them, viz.: Herman, William and Charles. Mrs. Schroeder died January 4. 1895, and on May 12, 1895, Mr. Schroeder was mar- ried to Miss Louisa Beinson as his second wife. WILLIAM H. SCHUBERT. William H. Schubert, pipeman on Engine 55, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago, March 30, 1871, was educated at the Wells pub- lic school, and after leaving school worked for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company for one year; was foreman for J. A. Rice & Co. (window glass dealers) for two years; then police telegraph-operator at head- quarters, and later, was the first man to secure from the civil service commission an order for appointment in the Fire Department. October 8, 1895, he was assigned to duty as Truckman on Truck 8; was transferred to Engine No. 11, May 4, 1896. as Chief Musham's driver; was at the Tosetti fire, and at the time of the ex- jilosion happened to be in the street, thus es- ( aping without injury. He was at the North- western Elevator fire, August 7, 1897, when he went to the home of Chief Musham an.l brought him in answer to the second alarm. After giving the Chief his coat and hat. in about two minutes the explosion occurred, and a plate of glass two feet square fell and went through the buggy. Schubert's arm was on the buggy only two inches from where the glass Btruck It. The horse jumped, knocked him down and trampled on him, but he got up and (aught the animal near the river bank. By the concuHHion he lost hiH speech and Kense of Hmell for five days. Chief Swenle's driver, Thomas Monihan, was killed by the same ex- plosion. Mr. Schubert remained driver for Chief Musham until transferred to Truck 21, May 1, 1898; was transferred to Truck 19, May 30, 1889; and to Engine 55, as driver. May 1, 1900. His father. August L. Schubert, is Cap- tain of Engine 43, and William Schubert, an uncle, is Lieutenant on Engine 33, each hav- ing been employed in the Fire Departmet twen- ty-eight years. Mr. Schubert was married in Chicago, July 5, 1895, to Miss Georgiana Mc- Culloch, and three children have been born to them, two of whom are living. MICHAEL SCHWEISTHAL. Michael Schweisthal, broker and ex-Presi- dent Board of Election Commissioners, was born in Merzig, Germany, October 11, 1844. came to Chicago, arriving July 2, 1847, and was educated in the Franklin school and St. Mary's University. After leaving the university, he worked for the McCormick Reaper and Har- vester Company, and later with C. C Parks & Co., bankers, remaining there three years: then was in the employ of the Second Na- tional Bank as receiving and paying teller and cashier for ten years, and later with the Mer- . chants' Savings, Loan & Trust Company Bank for nine years, when he accepted the position of cashier of the International Bank, where he served faithfully for eight years. He was then chosen cashier of the Fort Dearborn Na- tional Bank, remaining one year, after which he went into business for himself, as banker, for two and a half years. Mr. Schweisthal was elected President of the Board of Election Com- missioners, serving for three years in that ca- pacity. In 1886 he was a candidate for the office of County Treasurer and ran 10,000 ahead of his ticket, but by the landslide of that year was defeated. Later he went into business as a loan broker and accountant. Mr. Schweisthal was married to Miss Annie E. Kilduff. in Brooklyn. N. Y., July 12, 1883. and five children have blessed their union, three of whom are now living. In the person of Mr. Schweisthal we have another pioneer who has done his part towards the upbuilding of the city of Chicago and its business interests. and who has won many friends by his kind and genial temperament, and his fidelity to the trusts reposed in him. ELWIN D. SCOTT. Elwin D. Scott, insurance agent and dealer in real estate, DesPlaines. 111., was born in Somerset, Vt., August 2, 1849, the son of Enos and Elizabeth (Upton) Scott, who removed to Maine Township, Clook County, 111., in 185'i. and engaged in farming. His paternal grand- father, Alpheus Scott, was a native of Connecti- cut, born in 1790, and his maternal grand- father, Jedediah Upton, born in the same State in 1793. The subject of this sketch was edu- cated at DesPlaines and followed the business of farming until 1882, when he removed to the HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 993 town of DesPlaines and engaged in the agri- cultural machine business. At the present time he is in the insurance and real-estate business, also manages a cider and sorghum mill. On June 28, 1876, he was married in the city of Chicago to Ella Webster, and has two daughters — Mary S. and Cornelia A. Mr. Scott held the oflRce of Road Commissioner some nine years, and, from 1892 to 1896, was Village Trustee of the town of DesPlaines. In religious faith he is a Congregationalist and politically an adherent of the Republican party. HENRY C. SENNE. Henry C. Senne, Supervisor, Maine Town- ship, Cook County, 111., was born in Germany, October 26, 1826, the son of Henry and Mariah (Muller) Senne, who were both natives of the "Fatherland." In 1845 Mr. Senne emigrated to America, arriving in Chicago July 16. The next four years he spent in that vicinity, work- ing upon the Illinois & Michigan Canal at fifty cents a day, during the summer, and at his trade of tailor, in the fall. In October, 1849, he removed to Elk Grove, where he spent the next fifteen years in farming and mercantile business. During his stay at Elk Grove he also served as Constable, Justice of the Peace and Commissioner of Highways. At the close of this period (1861) he removed to Des Plaines, his present residence, where he filled the office of Justice of the Peace sixteen years (1862-78); was also elected Supervisior in 1866, remaining in office until 1870. The latter year he was elected a Representative in the Twenty-seventh General Assembly for the Ssventh District, and re-elected in 1872, both times as a Repub- publican. Other offices held by him include those of County Commissioner, 1876-85; Presi- dent of the County Board, 1887-90, and Super- visor of Maine Township, 1896 to 1901. He has also served as School Director since 1875. and was President of the Board from the date of its organization until 1898: has also been (and still is) Secretary of the DesPlaines and Cook County Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company since 1875. For eight years past he has been engaged in the banking business, in a private way. To give an idea of the business ability and the systematic manner in which he attends to his matters, public as well as private, he has in his possession the County Board pro- ceedings from 1866 to December, 1901, some- thing that no other individual in the County has. Mr. Senne was married in Elk Grove Township August 22, 1848, to Miss Dorothea Linneman, and they have had eight children: Henry W. (who died in 1870, aged twenty-one years), William H., Mary, Louise, George, Min- nie and Sophie. In religious belief Mr. Senne is a Lutheran and in politics a Republican. PATRICK JOSEPH SEXTON. Patrick J. Sexton (deceased) was born in County Cavan, Ireland, October 13, 1843, the son of John and Susan (O'Dowd) Sexton. His father, who was a farmer in his native country, came to America with his family and settled on a farm in Hamilton County, Ohio, the son Patrick J., being then a child. When the latter had reached the age of twelve or thirteen years, his father having died, the mother re- moved with her family to Cincinnati, where the son was educated in the common schools, and, having learned the carpenter's trade, in 1865 went to Nashville, Tenn., where he en- gaged in business as a contractor and builder. After the fire of 1871 he came to Chicago and at once engaged in assisting to rebuild the burned city, here making his home for the rest of his life. Many of the more important build- ings of the city, previous to the era of the sky- scrapers, were erected by him, notably Plym- outh church, the Court House and City Hall, the County Hospital, etc. About 1893, having for a time been engaged in brick manufacture he organized and put in operation one of the most extensive manufacturing corporations in this line in the country — The Chicago Brick Company, located at Thirty-ninth Street and Western Avenue, of which he was President up to the time of his death. Mr.. Sexton never held any public office, but was a stanch supporter of the Government dur- ing the Civil War, and when the Confederate cavalry leader. Col. John Morgan, made his raid through bouthern Ohio, he enlisted in an emergency company at Cincinnati for the pur- suit of the guerrilla leader. In religious be- lief he was a Catholic and in his political 'as9pciati0ns an adherent of the Democratic party. Mainly self-educated, Mr. Sexton was well informed not only on public affairs and current events of the day. but in history and general literature, especially as represented In standard authors. He was an extensive trav- eler, and was especially well-informed on foreign affairs, having visited Europe some twelve or fifteen times. Of genial personality and engaging manners, he enjoyed a wide pop- ularity among a large circle of friends. On June 2, 1880. Mr. Sexton was married at Nashville, Tenn., to Anna Long, and of this union were born one daughter and three sons, of whom the daughter and one son died in in- fancy. The sons still living are Thomas O'Dowd and Patrick J. — the former now the President of the Chicago Brick Company, hav- ing succeeded his father in that office. Thomas O'Dowd Sexton is a resident of Waukegan. The death of Patrick J. Sexton, Sr., occurred October 28, 1903, at 1340 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, which had been his home for more than twenty years. ■ ARTHUR SEYFERLICH, Captain Engine 21, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago, February 23, 1868, wa'' educated in the Jones school, and leaving school in 1880, worked at th^ upholstering trade for Harner & Schoen, until he joined the Pipe De- partment September 28, 1891. He was first 994 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. employed on Engine 40, and later transferred to Hook and Ladder Company No. 6; was pro- moted to Lieutenant, July 17, 1897, and trans- ferred to Hook and Ladder Company 15, and to Engine 10; in 1904 is serving as Captain on Engine 21. Captain Seyferlich has been con- nected with many rescues, and has had many narrow escapes. December 11, 1894, about ^ P. yi . the ofBcers of his Company were noti- fied that the grip had broken and a Milwaukee Avenue car had dashed into a Madison Street car and Ogden Avenue trailer, setting the car on fire. The company hurried to the rescue of the passengers, and by removing the side of the car, rescued from twenty to thirty passen- gers, two of the passengers, however, being taken out dead. In October, 1895, Hook and Ladder Company No. 6 was run into by a Grand Avenue car and the truck turned end for end, but Seyferlich stuck to his place at the tiller, although severely injured. On May 24, 1900, at the fire at Irwin Brothers, on Clark Street, the fumes of ammonia were so strong that about thirty firemen were nearly overcome, and Lieutenant Seyferlich was re- duced to a state of unconsciousness for ten and a half hours. This was considered a very close call, but he was at work the next day. CHARLES F. SEYFERLICH, Chief of Second Battalion, Chicago Fire Depart- ment, was born in Chicago September 29, 1850. After reaching maturity he worked for a time for Becker & Kopsel, trunk manufacturers, and for the Illinois Central Railroad Company as a machinist for ten years. He joined the Chi- cago Fire Department in 1877 as a member of Truck No. 1; in 1881 was made Lieutenant and assigned to Truck No. 8, being afterwards trans- ferred to Truck 5, but later returned to Truck No. 1. In 1882 a special fire company was organized to protect the large plant of the sugar refinery on Taylor Street, and on the recom- mendation of Chief Swenie, Seyferlich was placed in charge. Returning to the City De- partment, he served on Truck No. 9, and again on Truck 1, where he was promoted to Captain in 1887. He was next elevated to a battalion commandership in 1894, and, on the death of Pat O'Malley, became Chief of the Second Bat- talion. Chief Seyferlich is always to be found in places of danger when duty calls, has had many narrow escapes, and has effected many rescues. On August 5, 1897, he received the order from Marshall Musham at the Northwest- em Elevator fire to have the fire-boat "Yosemite" move one hundred feet south and the tug "Mosher" to keep out of the bay, whit^h order, being promptly executed, was the means of saving about fifty lives, together with the flre-t)oat8 "Yosemite," "Fire Queen" and "Mosher," as the walls fell within five min- uteH after the order was given. Chief Seyfer- lich was married In Chicago, February 5, 1878, to MIhs Annie Meyer, of Manitowoc, Wis., and twelve children have Ijeen born to them, of whom seven are now living. EDWARD T. SHEPHERD. Edward T. Shepherd, Superintendent Fire In- surance Patrol, Chicago, has for more than a quarter of a century been identified with the Fire Insurance Patrol of Chicago, and during this long period of self-denying, faithful serv- ice his reputation for bravery and skill has steadily grown, while he has brought this branch of the service to a degree of perfection in discipline and efficiency unsurpassed in any city of the world. A somewhat extended ac- count of the early history and work of the patrol has been given in the biographical sketch of the late Benjamin B. Bullwinkle, its orig- inator and, for many years, its successful head. Under Mr. Shepherd's superintendency it has been very considerably enlarged and its use- fulness greatly increased. Superintendent Shepherd is yet in life's prime, having been born in the city of New York on May 11, 1850. November 1, 1875, he became associated with the Chicago Fire In- surance Patrol, and on January 1, 1886, was made its Superintendent. He has succeeded in establishing the most cordial relations between that body and the Chicago Fire Department, and enjoys the warm personal friendship and unreserved confidence of his Chief. During his administration the number of companies has been increased from two to eight, with a mem- bership of seventy-three officers and men, and the housing and equipment have been made nearly perfect. Several thousand calls are an- swered every year, where hundreds constituted the limit some twenty-odd years ago, while the amount saved by the prompt, energetic, dar- ing action of officers and men runs up into the millions. The fire underwriters who support the organization financially are naturally the chief gainers in the saving of losses on insured property, yet hundreds of uninsured owners are also among the beneficiaries of the system. Nor are the men less ready to hazard life and limb for the saving of human life than for the preservation of property. Among Superintendent Shepherd's many hair-breadth escapes perhaps the most remark- able and thrilling occurred at the Langham Hotel holocaust, on the night of March 21, 1885. He was standing with the men of Company No. 1 on the roof of an adjoining two-story brick building, when one of the hotel walls fell in upon and entombed them. At first it was sup- posed that not a man had escaped death, and for hours the gallant fellows endured the agony resulting from fractured bones, suffocation and the intolerable heat engendered by the great mass of red-hot bricks lying above them. Then came the seeming danger of drowning from the torrents of water which for hours the firemen found it necessary to turn upon what was believed to be their tomb before the actual work of rescue could begin. Two dead bodies were taken out. hut the other victims, while at first showing hut few signs of life, ultimately re- covered. HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 995 Superintendent Shepherd was married in Chicago. May 23, 1881, to Miss Jane W. Mil- ton, and eight children, four boys and four girls, have been born to them, viz: Milton B., Gertrude M., Charles H., Stella F., Roy E., Willa J., Ross S. and Edna E. JOHN B. SHERMAN. John B. Sherman (deceased), banker, live- stock dealer and one of the founders of the Union Stock Yards, was born on a farm in the town of Beckman, Dutchess County, N. Y., Jan- uary 15, 1825; was educated in the district schools, and at the age of nineteen began his business life as clerk in a country store at a salary of fifty dollars per annum. In 1849 he went to California to engage in mining, in 1850 returning to Dutchess County with a few thou- sand dollars, in the autumn of the same year bought a farm in Kendall County, 111., to which he removed; but soon after came to Chicago, where for a time he was engaged in the com- mission business on Kinzie Street as a member of the firm of Black & Sherman. In 1855 he leased the old "Bull's Head" Yards, at the cor- ner of West Madison Street and Ogden Avenue, and a year later the Myrick Yards at Cottage Grove Avenue and Twenty-ninth Street, and may with propriety be called one of the found- ers of the live-stock trade in Chicago. The "Bull's Head" plant was abandoned at the ex- piration of the lease. As the city's trade in live-stock grew, the number of yards increased until there were four, one on the West Side and three on the South Side. The disadvantages resulting from this system suggested to Mr. Sherman and others the desirability of cen- tralization, which resulted in the founding of the Union Stock Yards, in the inception and organization of which Mr. Sherman played an important part. By this time, having accumulated what he considered a competence, he thought to retire, and, having purchased a home at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., returned to the East. The need of a head for the new stock yards induced him to return, when he became general manager of the yards, being virtually given entire control of the plant. In after years he was again and again called to fill the ofl!ices of Vice-President and President until, after his last re-election, he positively refused longer to continue as the executive head of the corporation. One of the most pronounced features of his administration was his close relation to his sub- ordinates. Absolutely just, yet quickly sympa- thetic with them alike in their joys and their sorrows, he readily won their confidence and their esteem. It was a part of his policy to encourage the building of their' own homes by employes in the immediate neighborhood of the yards, and he repeatedly extended to them financial help to that end. At their funerals he was always present, and when the head of the house was called away, it- was his wont, when practicable, to give one of the older minor children of the deceased parent employment at an adult's pay, that the support and self- respect of the household might be preserved. Strikes among his workmen were unknown, and it is a noteworthy fact that, while he was the direct personal representative of capital aggre- gating many millions, and faithfully guarded its interests, it was no uncommon thing for wage-workers, in times of labor troubles, to select him as their representative upon a board of arbitration. Usually suave and disposed to be concessive, yet no man knew better how to say "No" when duty required it, and to say it with emphatic decision. He was never known to speculate, or to make use, for personal gain, of any knowledge derived through his official position. His charities were liberal and fre- quent, yet bestowed without ostentation, and many old-time Chicago pastors can recall his numerous non-sectarian benefactions. Though deeply interested in public affairs, the only office he was ever induced to accept was that of South Park Commissioner. The South Side parks were his pride and joy, and he has been sometimes called the father of the system. Mr. Sherman was twice married. His first wife was Ophelia Cram, to whom he was united at Fishkill, N. Y., November 14, 1848, and two sons and a daughter were born of this mar- riage. The first Mrs. Sherman died on March 5, 1894, and on September 25, 1895, he married Miss Catherine Nosson. Mr. Sherman died at his home February 25, 1902. RICHARD E. SHERMAN. Genius is given to but few, but where it burns its flame cannot be extinguished by unfavorable surroundings. One who is born to invent can- not be turned aside by the monotonous routine of daily toil. He will yet find the realization of his cherished ideals. These remarks apply with peculiar aptitude to Mr. Richard E. Sher- man, whose numerous electrical inventions have brought him prominently before both the scien- tific world and the general public. He is a native Chicagoan, having been born here July 19, 1858, and graduated from the public schools. At the age of nineteen he engaged in the manu- facture of dry-goods boxes, and continued in that business for thirteen years. The follow- ing three years he spent in Kansas handling oil, but this pursuit proving unsatisfactory, he returned to Chicago and again began making boxes. In 1896 he discontinued this business to accept a position in the Cook County Map De- partment. Despite the exacting nature of hia business cares and clerical duties, Mr. Sherman has found time for the pursuit of his favorite study of electricity and for devising numerous useful inventions, many of which are now in practical use. Among the best-known of these are the following: An improvement in underground trolley subways, now in use on the Broadway electric line in New York City; an electric mail-carrier; the Sherman umbrella, and electric horse starter, in use 996 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. on several American race tracks; and a plan for an electric tower, which was adopted by the exposition authorities at Buffalo, N. Y., and at Glasgow, Scotland. In 1879 Mr. Sherman married Miss Mary A. Morris, a Chicago lady, and their union has been blessed with three children. ANDREW SHILLINGLAW. The successful career of Mr. Andrew Shil- linglaw (now deceased) illustrates the possibil- ities which lie open to brains, perseverance and push. Without the adventitious aid of for- tune or influence, he steadily worked his way up the ladder from the bottom round to the high position which, in his later years, he held in the mercantile world, having filled many minor posts with distinguished ability. He is. In the full sense of the word, a Chicagoan, having been born here on May 23, 1856, edu- cated at the Foster public school, and practi- cally spent his business life here. His family was not in affluent circumstances, and while yet a school boy he sold papers upon the streets. After leaving school he went to Rockford, where he worked at various occupations until 1871, when he returned to Chicago to enter the em- ploy of the Western Union Telegraph Company. In 1876, there being a demand for "construc- tion men" in Indian Territory, he went thither, but remained only one year. On his return he again entered the Western Union service, but later abandoned it for that of the Baltimore & Ohio Company, remaining with the latter con- cern until offered the agency for the South Water Street district by the Bankers and Mer- chants' Telegraph Company. In 1879 he en- tered the employ of Armour & Company as a telegraph operator, but his knowledge of elec- tricity and practical skill in its application soon led to his being transferred to the electrical department, and it was chiefly through his per- sistent advocacy of the idea that Mr. P. D. Armour was induced to try an experimental introduction into his plant of electricity as a motive power. The first trial was made in 1888, when it was applied to the operation of a "stuff- ing" machine. In 1892 it was tested for haul- ing freight around the house, one eighty-five horse-power generator being installed and the equipment consisting of two motor cars and a few trailers. The track was of narrow-gauge (three feet), and the cars were built with a view to running under low bridges and around short curves. The trailers had a carrying capac- ity of 1,.')<)0 to 2,000 pounds each, and were so constructed as to l)e available for trucking around the house when not in use on the tracks. The average amount hauled per day was 300,000 pounds, an insigniflcant showing when com- pared with the enormous records of today. The Having In expense soon became apparent, and the system was rapidly enlarged. While in charge of the tire alarm system at the Armour plant. .Mr. Shilllnglaw also originated the jjres- enl admirable system of a combination of water and fire alarm service. In 1893 he resigned his position to enter the firm of C. E. Woodruff, dealer in electric and mill supplies, from which he withdrew the following year to purchase an interest in the Bradford Belting Company, of Cincinnati. This he retained until Mr. Brad- ford's death in 1896, when he engaged in the electrical and steam-fitting business alone, which he successfully carried on several years. Mr. Shillinglaw was married in 1886 to Miss Elizabeth B. Moffat, who died in 1889, leaving one daughter. Later he was united to Miss Agnes Paterson, who still survives. Mr. Shil- linglaw died February 10, 1901, very suddenly, leaving a widow, two sons and a daughter. GEORGE M. SHIPPY, Captain of Police, South Chicago, was born in Chicago June 24, 1854, and attended the Jones, Foster and Douglas public schools (graduating at the latter), and then took a business course at Allen's Academy. After leaving the academy he joined the Fire Department August 23, 1876; was promoted to Lieutenant February 2, 1879, to Captain December 24, 1884, and transferred to Engine 21. He resigned in 1886 and engaged in business until he was appointed Police Pa- trolman by Chief Ebersold, serving under Cap- tain Buckley at Harrison Street Station, and later as Desk Sergeant at the Stanton Avenue and the Twenty-second Street Stations for one and a half years, and then as Minute Clerk for Judge Driggs and Deputy Clerk under Circuit Clerk Henry Best; later acted as condemnation record writer for all the suits brought by the Alley L" Railroad Company. During the administration of Mayor Wash- burne, on June 19, 1891, Mr. Shippy was ap- pointed Lieutenant at the Harrison Street Police Station; was promoted to Captain Octo- ber 5, 1891 ; and transferred to Woodlawn Sta- tion April, 1892; was Captain of Police at the opening of the World's Fair and had charge of the escort for Mayor C. H. Harrison, Sr., on the occasion of the visit of Princess Eulalia, of Spain, to Chicago. A squad of twenty-five police- men was chosen from 700 patrolmen, each of them ranging in height from six feet one and a half inches up. Captain Shippy being the short- est man of the squad. He resigned in July, 1893, and again went into business for himself, but was returned to the Woodlawn Station un- der Mayor Swift, and transferred to the Stock Yards Station by C. H. Harrison, Jr., remain- ing for one and a half years. He took the civil service examination on November 30, 1898, and was transferred to South Chicago Station, and in 1904 is serving as Police Inspector. During the labor strike on Ajtril 29, 1900, he was sent to the Des Plaines Street Station by his honor, Carter H. Harrison, to assist the old veteran, .John D. Shea, in suppressing the assaults. Cai)tain Shippy's father, Richard, was a mem- ber of the Police Department from 1857 to 1877, and was the first member of the Lake Street Squad (now Central Detail). He came from HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 997 Utica, N. Y., to Chicago in 1846, and was mar- ried at tlie Matteson House to Miss Mary E. Smith of Syracuse, N. Y. Captain Shippy, the son of Richard, married Miss Sadie Randall in Lee County, 111., October 27, 1879, and four children have been born of this union, two of whom are now living. CHARLES SIGWALT. Charles Sigwalt, President of Board of Vil- lage Trustees, Arlington Heights, 111., was born in Alsace, France (now Germany), December 28, 1839, the son of John and Barbara Sigwalt, who were natives of the same Province. In 1862 he enlisted as a member of Company I, Eighty-eighth Illinois Infantry, and served in the Army of the Cumberland, participating in the battles of Perryville, Stone River, Chicka- mauga. Missionary Ridge, Resaca, Adairsville. Lost Mountain, Gulp's Farm, Kenesaw Moun- tain, Dallas, Peach Tree Greek, and the siege of Atlanta, Jonesboro, Spring Hill, Franklin, Nashville and other engagements in which his command took part. He held the positions of Corporal, Orderly Sergeant, and was finally pro- moted to Second Ijieutenant, and was never absent from his command during his three years' service, being mustered out at the close of the war in 1865. He has pursued the occu- pation of a bookkeeper for a number of years; was Town Clerk, 1885-89; Postmaster of his home town for four years under the administra- tion of President Cleveland: President of the Village Board of Trustees for the past eight years; a member of the Board of Education continuously for nineteen years up to 1898, the latter year elected Justice of the Peace. He was Master of Palatine Lodge, A. F. & A. M., for six years, and Master under dispensation of Humboldt Park Lodge; is also a member of Palatine Chapter, R. A. M., No. 102. Mr. Sig- walt was married in the city of Chicago in 1874 to Elizabeth Bleimehl, and has two children — • Lillian and John C. JOHN P. SIMON, Engineer on Engine No. 23, Chicago Fire De- partment, was born in Chicago January 18, 1868, and educated in the St. Paul parochial school. Later he worked as a machinist for the United States Rolling Stock Company, and as brakeman and fireman for the Chicago, Burling- ton & Quincy Railroad Company. He joined the Chicago Fire Department November 2, 1891, serving as a substitute on Engine 64; was a candidate on Engine 28, and accepted, later be- ing transferred to Engine 2, and then to Engine 7. He was promoted to Engineer July 2, 1894, and assigned to Engine 72, and transferred July 1, 1896, to Engine 23. Mr. Simon was married in Chicago October 21, 1890, to Margaret Smith, and five children have been born to them, one of whom is deceased. VICTOR W. SINCERE. Victor W. Sincere, lawyer, was born in Louis- ville, Ky., February 22, 1876, the son of Emil Sincere, a veteran of the Hungarian Revolution of 1842, and also of the American Civil War of 1861. He received his education in the public schools and the University of Chicago, of which last he is a graduate. In 1897 he entered the law office of Edward T. Cahill, where he re- mained until he became a member of the firm of Reed & Sincere. This firm has been, and still is, identified with several notable cases con- cerning the civil service law. Mr. Sincere is a prominent musician of Chicago, having taken a leading part in the organization of many of her societies; is also an ex-athlete of considerable note among the Western Colleges. In politics he is a Republican. FRANK D. SKIFF. Frank D. Skiff, soldier, author and scenic artist, Chicago, was born at Windham, Portage County, Ohio, April 27, 1841, and at nine years of age removed with his father to Cincinnati, Ohio, where the elder Skiff became a leading merchant. On the breaking out of the Civil War Frank D. enlisted in the three months' service, after which he re-enlisted and served two years with honor and distinction; was a member of the famous Fremont Body Guard under Major Zazonyi ,and participated in the gallant charge of the "Old Guard" at Spring- field, Mo. Mr. Skiff has won fame as one of the best scenic artists of the country; has painted scenery in all the theaters of our city, besides numerous theaters and opera-houses elsewhere throughout the United States. He began his successful career as an artist under Hiram Powers, the famous sculptor, who was a great friend of the family. His first work was with Powers, when the latter painted his celebrated "Infernal Regions" in the Old Western Mus- eum at Cincinnati. He afterwards accompanied Powers to Italy, remaining there two years. At the close of the Civil War he was engaged in sketching for "Harper's Weekly" and Frank Leslie's papers, sketching on the Union Pacific Railroad for a year prior to its completion. He was present when Governor Stanford, of Cali- fornia, drove the "golden spike" at "Promon- tory Point," which connected the Union and Central Pacific Roads. Mr. Skiff has resided in Chicago since 1867; was appointed a Deputy Collector of Customs under the Harrison ad- ministration, and placed in charge of the Barge Office, which position he held for some time, but finally resigned to embark in other business. He is a member of Farragut Post, No. 602, G. A. R., and is a writer of no small repute, having written several plays of dramatic merit; is also the author of a new historical play entitled "ILLINOIS," an epoch story founded upon the early history and incidents of Fort Dearborn, including the massacre of 1812. This play has the endorsement and cordial approval of Mr. Fernando Jones and many other men of note, who are loud in its praise, and who predict great success for the production, which is to be 998 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. brought about with characteristic scenic effect in the near future. Mr. Skiff can be found at No. 128 South Clarlv Street, Room 8, where he is always pleased to meet both old and new acquaintance alike. HENRY SLATER. Kenry Slater, live-stock buyer, Union StocK Yards, was born in Sussex, England, April 5, 1841, the son of Henry and Ann (Crossley) Slater. Henry Slater, Sr., born in Sussex, Eng- land, in 1810, came to Albany, N. Y., in 1851, and to Chicago in October, 1855, and here be- gan killing cattle for Tobey & Booth at their packing-house on what is now Eighteenth Street, in 1856 sartiug in business for himself manufacturing soap, glue, and rendering lard in the first house built south of Archer Ave- nue between Stewart Avenue and Halsted Street. He sold out to Philip Dyckman in 1867, and kept a market until 1870, but died in May, 1873. The subject of this sketch came with his parents to Albany in 1851 and to Chicago in 1855: worked in Tobey & Booth's packing-house one season, and then commenced butchering for S. Spencer, corner of Adams and State Streets. In 1860 Mr. Spencer kept a meat-market where the Fair Department Store now stands. Later Mr. Slater worked for C. P. Albee, 76 State Street, and for Wustum & Brothers, corner State and Eighteenth Streets, remaining until 1870. He then went to Kansas City and St. Louis for W. T. Keenan & Co., and subsequently worked for Nichols & Adams and for Conover & Hall at the Union Stock Yards. In 1873 he took to the house of Fowler & Brothers the first drove of hogs killed by them, and remained with the firm five years; also bought hogs for B. F. Murphy & Co. for three years, for W. H. Silber- horn & Co. three years, and later for Morell & Co. He then went into the butchering business for himself, remaining about two years, when he engaged in buying hogs for the North Pack- ing Company for nine years; at present (1904) is buying for H. F. Googlns. GEORGE B. SMITH. George B. Smith, Superintendent of carriage and repair work for Union Stock Yards & Transit Company, was born in Chatham, Can- ada. September 25, 1867, and educated in the public schools. After leaving school he served three years as an apprentice at $2.50 per week, being engaged in carriage building, after which he went to Thamesvilie, Canada, remaining there two years. Returning to Chatham, he worked one and a half years at his trade, then leased a hotel at Dresden, Canada, and a year later went to Port Huron, Mich., tending bar nine months, when he returned to Chatham and worked there until his marriage to MISB Alta Banning. Octol>er 6, 1891. One xisliiig limits of the city, and the subdivision of a large tract HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS. 1003 owned by him in the neighborhood of Jackson Park has, by its enormous returns, attested his business sagacity. Before it was placed on the market as city lots, Mr. Stone, to use his own language, "made a living from it ' by using it as a market garden. It now yields a handsome income from rents. Mr. Stone has always displayed a genuine public spirit, having been among the first to recognize the value to the city of the establish- ment of a system of improvements which might bid fair to be commensurate with Chicago's future needs. In that section of the city which he has himself opened up, he has taken especial pride in providing broad streets and handsome boulevards. In the facilitation of intra-mural transportation he has also taken a prominent part, and it was in no small measure due to his efforts that the property owners along State Street, between Lake and Twelffh, consented to the granting of a franchise to Chicago's first railway, on whose cars Mrs. Stone was the first woman to ride. Mr. Stone's political affiliations are with the Republican party, being an ardent and uncom- promising protectionist, while his religious creed is broad and humanitarian. He was married to Miss Mary R. Gardner, of Lynne, N. H., on April 4, 1841, and resumed the avocation of agriculture (this time on a farm of his own) at Bath, in his native State. Only practical experience and wise manage- ment enabled him to add, each year, from the sterile soil, a little to his small savings. Since his retirement from business, he has traveled extensively with his wife both in this country and in Europe. Chicago owes a large debt of gratitude to her sturdy pioneers and to none more than Lewis W. Stone. JAMES H. STOWELL. Dr. James H. Stowell, physician, Chicago, was born in Delavan, Wis., April 29, 1854, the second son of Elijah and Lucinda (Bristol) Stowell, who were natives, respectively, of the States of New Hampshire and New York. On the paternal side his family were descended from the Stowells who came from iijngland and became early settlers of the New England col- onies. Dr. Stowell received his literary edu- cation in Beloit College, Wis., after which he took a three-years' course in the Chicago Med- ical College, now known as the Northwestern University Medical School, from which he grad- uated, receiving his degree of M. D. in June, 1881. He was President of the Chicago Med- ical Society for the year 1900-1901, being suc- ceeded by Dr. Christian Fenger. He has also served as President of the National Association of Life Insurance Examiners, President of the Chicago Association of Life Insurance Exam- iners and Medical Director of the National Life Insurance Co., U. S. A.; he is a member of the Chicago Congregational Club; American Medical Association; Illinois State Medical Society; Chicago Medical Society; Mississippi Valley Medical Society; Chicago Physician's Club; the Royal League; the Royal Arcanum; Colum- bian Knights, and North American Union: is also Professor of Medicine in Dearborn Medical College. In religious belief Dr. Stowell is a Congre- gationalist and a deacon in the Plymouth Con- gregational Church; politically is affiliated witn the Republican party. He was married in June, 1880, at Aurora, 111., to Frances E. Beckett, who bore him six children, five of whom are living, viz.: Marion, Helen, Lucinda, James and Frances. Reeves Jackson, the fourth child, is deceased. Mrs. Stowell died in September, 1897. JACOB STRADER. Not to every man is it given to look back upon a well-spent life of more than three-score years and ten, crowned with a success won by unflagging industry, unwearying energy, un- questioned integrity and well-nigh unending hard work. Mr. Jacob Strader, one of the earliest and most successful dealers at the Union Stock Yards, is now in his seventy-eighth year, hale, well preserved, and vigorous in both mind and body. His life has been filled with honorable toil, the reward for which has been gained not only in financial success, but also in the affectionate esteem of those who know him best. He was born in Pickaway County, Ohio, not far from the City of Columbus, August 27, 1827. Inured to hard work as the son of a pioneer farmer, on leaving the district school which had afforded him his only educa- tional advantages, he was well fitted both by physical strength and knowledge of the care of stock, to become a drover. In those early days that position was no sinecure. Riding on horseback at the head of a herd of cattle, ac- companied by two assistants on foot, with a drove of hogs following behind, young Strader crossed and re-crossed the Alleghenies six times, the trips to New York averaging sixty days each. He began this work in 1848, and in 1854 removed to McDonough County, 111., whence, for several years, he shipped cattle to the Chicago market, consigning them to the old Myrick yards on Cottage Grove Avenue. Upon coming to Chicago in 1862 he resolved to engage in the live-stock commission busi- ness on his own account. For three years ha was located at the Myrick yards, but on the opening of the Union Stock Yards in 1865, he obtained quarters there. In 1867 he entered into partnership with H. H. Cooley, and in 1869 Allan Gregory and L. R. Hastings entered the firm, the style then being changed from Strader & Cooley to Gregory, Strader & Com- pany. In 1874, Mr. Strader withdrew from this firm to organize that of Jacob Strader & Sons, which is still successfully engaged in business at the Yards. On September 23, 1851, Mr. Strader was mar- ried to Hannah Maria Dunn, and of this union there were eight children, five of whom aro living. X004 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. WILLIAM F. STUBINGER, Pipeman on Engine 56, Chicago Fire Depart- ment, was born in Buffalo, N. Y., June 11, 1864, was educated in the Benedict School, Buffalo, and came to Chicago in 1881, after which he worked as a finisher for the Riley Furniture Company and at his trade as decorator until 1887; then worked at the same trade in the Sherman House until January 8, 1891, when he joined the Fire Department as a stoker on En- gine 58. In 1893 he went to the World's Fair Grounds and took charge of the Hook and Lad- der Company on the Midway, and was at the cold storage fire, July 10, 1893. He was next transferred to Engine No. 30; in 1895, to En- gine 33, and then to Engine 56; was on duty at the lumber yard fire and several other large fires in the down-town district. On July 29, 1892, he helped to save an old man from drown- ing in the Calumet River, being assisted by Engineer Charles H. Waters, of Engine 58 (Fire-Boat "Yosemite"). The boat caught fire while on the lake in a storm, and the company working hard to save it, finally brought It to the pier where Chief Swenie was waiting to receive them. He also worked in the- South Chi- cago Salt Dock fire, where he put in over thirty- nine hours in continuous hard service. He has had many rescues and narrow escapes but no serious injuries. Mr. Stubinger was married in Chicago, November 26, 1884, to Miss Bertha Boerner, and four sons and one daughter have blessed their union, viz.: Frank, Walter, Willie, John and Clara. WILLIAM G. STURM, Truckman, Hook and Ladder Company, No. 20, Chicago Fire Department, was born in Chicago, November 14, 1868; was educated in the Graham, Douglas, Raymond and McClellan public schools, and after leaving school, went to work for the American District Telephone Company, remaining with them five years, doing all kinds of work from running as messenger boy to tend- ing the regular lights. He then worked for Daw Brothers in their tin-shop for four years, and for Swift & Company until 1892; was next employed on the World's Fair buildings, until March 24, 1893, when he joined the World's Fair Fire Department, remaining there until the company was disbanded, December 31, 1893. Mr. Sturm had special leave from Captain Gar- vey for an "oft." William Mahoney took his place, and went to the cold storage fire, and when the explosion occurred, he, with Frank Blelenberg, slid down the rope about forty feet, and then dropped about fifty feet to the roof ot the main building. Both were severely burned, and Mahoney had both legs and his collar-bone broken. Mr. Sturm attended the cold storage Are and helped raise the ladder by which Cap- tain Fltzpalrick was rescued from the roof. HIh company was the only one that had a line on the lop of the tower. After the tower had fallen he was ordered to pull down the line that waH burned In two. With M. Bonflpld and others he procured a hose and another pipe, and worked at the fire. He joined the Chicago Fire Department on Engine 80, April 14, 1897, and was transferred to Truck 20, August 11, 1898, where he still remains ready for any call to duty and danger. Mr. Sturm was married in Chicago January 21, 1887, to Miss Bertha Spatholt, and four children have blessed their union. DANIEL L. SULLIVAN, Chief Engineer, Springfield Avenue Pumping Station, Chicago, was born in Kankakee, 111., March 1, 1864, and educated in the public schools in that city. Coming to Chicago, in April, 1876, he entered the Cornell public school, after leaving which he commenced his apprenticeship as machinist with the Illinois Central Railroad Company, remaining eight years; then went to St. Louis and erected a cotton and linseed-oil mill for Robert B. Brown & Company, remaining there two years; then returned to Chicago and had charge of all of the Illinois Central Railroad Company's sta- tionary and air-brake machinery for three years. He was appointed Assistant Engineer of the Sixty-eighth Street Pumping Works, May 8, 1889, retaining the position for seven years, when he resigned and went into the manufac- ture of castor-oil, but sold out the business in March, 1897. He was appointed Chief Engineer of the Sixty-eighth Street Pumping Works, May 20, 1897, remaining in charge until transferred to the Fourteenth Street Pumping Station, May 22, 1901, which is one of the largest and most complete of all the pumping stations operated by the City of Chicago. November 1, 1901, he was transferred to the Springfield Avenue Pumping Station, where he is still on duty. This is one of the most important stations in the city, having three triple-expansion Worth- ington engines, with a capacity of 20,000,000 gallons each in twenty-four hours, driven by six Scotch marine boilers each having 225 horse-power. Mr. Sullivan was married to Miss Catherine E. Gibbons, in Michigan City, Ind., June 15, 1892, and three children have blessed this union. Mrs. Sullivan passed away December 11, 1897. THOMAS SUNDERLAND. Thomas Sunderland, live-stock commission merchant, was born in Burlington. Iowa, March 5, 1839, and educated in the public schools. After leaving school, about 1856, he shipped cattle to New York from Burlington for some years. In 1859, in company with John H. Martin, ho started for Pike's Peak, but on arriving twenty miles west of Fort Kearney, on account of so many returning from Pike's Peak in a starving condition, they concluded to return to Burlington, and Mr. Sunderland engaged in farming until the war broke out in 1861, when he was appointed sutler of the First Iowa Cavalry, remaining with them three years. In April, 186(;, he came to Chi- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 1005 cago and commenced the live-stock commission business with M. G. Criswell undei- the firm name of Criswell & Sunderland, this partner- ship continuing for three years, when Mr. Cris- well having retired from the firm, Mr. Sunder- land's brother George joined him, and the style of the firm was changed to Sunderland & Brother, so remaining until John Wallwork entered the firm, and the style was changed to Wallwork & Sunderland. This was con- tinued until George Sunderland went to work for Armour & Co. in 1880, and the firm was dissolved. Later the Chicago Packing Com- pany hired Thomas Sunderland to buy hogs for them, and he remained in that capacity for five years, and then commenced business for himself. Mr. Sunderland was married to Miss Amelia Leffler in Burlington, Iowa, Sep- tember, 1860. Three children have been the result of this union. MRS. NANCY (BOYNTON) SUTHERLAND. Mrs. Nancy (Boynton) Sutherland, Palatine, Cook County, 111., was born in New Hampshire, both her parents, David and Sophia (Sawyer) Boynton, being natives of Meredith, in the same State. In childhood Mrs. Sutherland ac- companied her parents to Illinois, her father settling, in 1838, in the town of Ela, in Lake County, but in 1843, removed into Cook Coun- ty, where he engaged in stock-raising and farm- ing. Mrs. Sutherland was married at her home in Lake County, November 29, 1843, to Mason Sutherland, who enlisted in 1862, be- came a Captain of Volunteers, and died in 1863. They had six children: Charlotte Maria (who died March 4, 1899), Edward H., Emma E. and Charles M. Julia May and Hattie Belle are deceased. Mrs. Sutherland's mother was born in Boston, Mass. EUGENE SWEENEY, Chief of Seventh Battalion, Chicago Fire De- partment, was born in Chicago in 1851; joined the Fire Department in 1876, and was made Lieutenant of Fire Engine in 1885, and pro- moted to Marshal of the Seventh Battalion in 1893. In common with many of his comrades, he has had many narrow escapes while en- gaged in the discharge of his duty. Probably the closest call he ever had was at the Field & Leiter fire, at Washington and State Streets in 1877, when the huge water-tanks fell on a number of the firemen, killing O'Rourke and, by subjecting Lieutenant Scharenburg to the intense heat, causing his deatn a few days later. Chief Sweeney was knocked prostrate, but not unconscious, on one of the floors, and his com- panions nearly drowned him in the effort to protect him from the approach of the flames. His bravery and geniality of character render him a fair example of the typical Chicago fire- man. DENIS J. SWENIE. Denis J. Swenie (deceased), late Fire Mar- shal and Chief of Brigade, Chicago Fire De- partment, was born in Glasgow, Scotland, July 29, 1834, and was educated in the public schools of his native city until he was fourteen years old, when in 1848 he came to this country, lo- cating at Chicago. Young Swenie was a lad of fifteen years when on December 3, 1849, he entered the service of the Chicago Volunteer Fire Department. Before his first year of serv- ice was completed he had made an enviable reputation as a fire fighter. His first job was as runner for Hose Company No. 3, connected with Niagara 3, which was stationed at Kinzie and Wells Streets, and later on Red Jacket Engine No. 4. One of his first trips took him to a fire at Clark and Lake Streets, where he entered a burning building and carried out three women who had been overcome by smoke. The heroic beginning of his career as a fire fighter was but an index of the deeds that fol- lowed, and by the time he had come to his ma- jority he was Assistant Chief of the depart- ment. In 1856 he was elected First Assistant Engineer. He still continuea to do sucn e:« cellent work that, in 1858, he was elected Chief Engineer of the Volunteer Fire Department. A bitter controversy arose about this time on the subject of a volunteer vs. a paid Fire De- partment, and Mr. Swenie met with great op- position in the work of reorganization, but he was elected as first Chief of the paid Fire Department and served until U. P. Harris was elected in 1859. But Denis J. Swenie and Chicago had great possibilities yet unfolded. Before he had com- pleted his first decade of service, and while still a young man in his early twenties, he was at the head of the Department, and only stepped back into secondary rank for a time because the sentiment and opinion of those in control at that day were not abreast with his progres- sive spirit and judgment. The first steam fire engine tested and used west of New York was introduced into Chicago by Chief Swenie, February 5, 1858, and named "Long John," after Hon. John Wentworth who was Mayor at that time. The test occurred at the foot of La Salle Street and met with the ap- proval of the citizens generally. In 1871 Mr. Swenie was foreman of Engine Company 14, (Fred Gund) and as such served through the great fire. He located his engine during the fire at Bateham's Mill, on Canal Street, south of Harrison. He was driven back to Harrison Street, and later to Van Buren St. It was dur- ing this fight that Chief Swenie was on duty forty-eight hours with no food except an apple. In 1873 Mr. Swenie was appointed First As- sistant to Chief M. Benner, on his recommenda- tion. In August, 1875, the Board of Fire Com- missioners was abolished and a Fire Marshal was appointed, called also Chief of Brigade. On the resignation of Chief M. Benner, July 16. 1879, Mr. Swenie was appointed acting Fire Marshal and Chief of Brigade, and continued until confirmed by the Cotincil November 10, 1879, which position he continued to occupy ioo6 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. with great ability for many years, handling his brigade of about twelve hundred men dur- ing the excitement of a great fire with the pre- cision and order of a well-trained army and, what was of great importance, he had the con- fidence and affection of all the members be- longing to the Fire Department. Mr. Swenie had enough hair-breadth escapes to turn the hair of an ordinary man white. He had been caught in falling buildings and several times placed in great peril. All in all, how- ever, he was extremely fortunate, and never was seriously injured. His escapes were all the more wonderful, when it is remembered that he was always to be found in the front rank of fire-fighters, directing the work and exposing himself to danger as freely as any of his men. One of the severest accidents which the Chief ever met occurred at a fire, years ago. when his leg was broken. He was again injured in the destruction of a West Side ele- vator, and was thrown from his buggy while going to a fire, lighting on his head and shoul- ders. He frequently felt twinges of pain from the latter injury. Chief Swenie was married to Miss Martha Toner of Chicago October 16, 1853, and they were blessed with a family of seven children: John (who died in infancy), Frank, Denis, Jr., James J., Mrs. W. H. Ebbert, Mrs. J. A. Sauter, and Mrs. J. W. Kirkley. This veteran fireman celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his asso- ciation with the Chicago Fire Department De- cember 3, 1899, at his home, 36 Pearce Street, when six children and nineteen grand-children met and congratulated him upon his term of service for the city. In the City Council Chamber, on Monday even- ing, December 4. 1899, the Golden Anniversary of Chief Swenie's connection with the Chicago Fire Department was notablv celebrated bv the members of the City Council and a committee representing the citizens of Chicago, who sought to pay honor to the veteran firp-fighter by ])resenting to the city an oil-painting by the noted artist, Frank L. VanNess. It is a life- size portrait showing the Chief in full uniform with white helmet, a sT)uttering hose beneat'i his feet, and an atmosphere of heat and smoke about him. In addii'ion to being a splendid likeness of the Chief himself, depicting him in action, it also is an allegorical picture, the frame being a sort of epitome of the growth and service of flre-fighting in Chicago. Daniel D. Healy, President of Public Service, was the leader of the movement to thus honor Marshal Swenie and, being an old fireman himself, knew the value of the life-long service of the (^liief. He could rcm'-nilicr wlu-n ho i-an willi the old Riicket and Fire Hrlgadr- and worked the ohl- fashioned hand fire-engines at fires in Chicago. He recalled the Chief's service in building up the paid F'-Ire Department and the thorough manner In whkh he won his spurs and i)resent high position among the citizens of (Chicago. In behalf of ilie citizens making the gift to the city, William J. Hynes made the presenta- tion speech. He said things about the Chief that would have caused him greater embarrass- ment than a 4-11 fire alarm in the top-story of the Masonic Temple. It was suspected by the modest fireman's friends that he had con- nived at the Hinman Street fire, to save him the temptation to turn the hose on the burning words of the speakers. In polished phrases Mr. Hynes spoke of the character of the man who had been fifty years in the Fire Department and for the last twenty years its Chief. The speaker said he was of the stuff of which heroes were made, and compared him to Dewey, Hobson and Wainwright. His character, Mr. Hynes said, was untarnished by any act of his own, and declared his was an example for municipal service everywhere. Mayor Harrison accepted the picture on be- half of the city, and said Denis J. Swenie was not only a great fireman, but the organizer of the greatest Fire Department on the face of the earth. He said his father was prouder of no act of his, as Mayor, than the appointment of Mr. Swenie Chief of the Fire Department. The Mayor referred to the Chief familiarly as "Den- ny," and declared that he hoped that "Denny" might live another fifty years and still be the head of the Fire Department. Alderman Ailing arose and presented the fol- lowing resoltition: "Whickeas. Denis J. Swenie, Chief of the Fire Department of the City of Chicago, has just completed fifty years of active service as a member of said department, during twenty years of which he has held the oflSce of Chief; and "Whereas, In his every duty to the City of Chicago he has shown himself faithful and devoted in its service, and fair, honorable and progressive in conducting the affairs of his de- partment, so that, through his efforts, it has become the pride of our city and the peer of any similar department in the world; and, "WiiEHEAs. Public citizens of the City of Chi- cago have presented to the municipality a hand- some portrait of the Chief of our Fire Depart- ment to signalize the completion of his half- century of service, and to serve as a lasting memorial of his long and brilliant administra- tion; now, therefore be it "I'csolvcd. That the congratulations of this Council be hereby extended to Chief Swenie on this happy anniversary, and that our thanks be tendered to him for the high example which he has set of fidelity to public duty, with the hope that he may live long to give our Fire Dei)artment the energetic and constant supervi- sion which his long experience has made so valuable to the city. "He it fitrther resolved. That the thanks nf this Council be, and they are hereby extended to the citizens of this municipality who have so kindly and generously i)resented to the city the portrait of the Chief, and that the gift be formally accepted In behalf of the (Mty ('ouncll. "lie il furl her resolved. That the Mayor be, HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 1007 and he is hereby empowered and directed to appoint a special committee of five members of the City Council, whose duty it shall be to guard said painting from harm, and permanent- ly locate the same in a suitable place, where it may be enjoyed by the present and future gen- erations. "Be it further resolved, That these resolu- tions be spread upon the minutes of the Coun- cil, and an engrossed copy be sent by the Chief Clerk to Chief Swenie." Which were, on motion, duly adopted by a rising vote. His Honor, the Mayor, then appointed the following committee in accordance with the foregoing resolution: Alderman Ailing, Pow- ers, Brenner, Math and Werno. Alderman Neagle then arose and presented the following order: "Ordered, That the City Council spread upon the records its vote of confidence in the emi- nent ability and sterling integrity of Fire Chief D. J. Swenie, who has successfully fought our fires for fifty years." Which was, on motion, duly passed. This painting is now located in a prominent place in the Council Chamber, Chicago. The Illinois State Firemen's Association, as- sembled in annual session at Princeton, 111., January 10, 1900, presented Chief Swenie with a gold medal in honor of his completion of fifty years in the fire service. The presentation speech was made during the afternoon session by B. F. Staymates, of Clinton, the statistician of the Association, who paid Chief Swenie high tribute for his long and effective service. Mr. Swenie, in his response, said that he was pre- pared for anything in the line of duty much better than he was for the kind words that had been spoken of him. Chief Swenie joined the Fireman's Benevo- lent Association, October 15, 1863, and became a life member March 18, 1884, thus being identi- fied with the Association for more than thirty- six years. The city of Chicago is grateful for the skill, genius and daring manifested by the historic head of its Fire Department. The well- earned position which he attained was proof of the people's confidence and a mark of their high esteem. The notable career of Chief Swenie was terminated by his death at his home. 536 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Febru- ary 6, 1903. JOHN TANGNEY, Captain Engine Company 91, Chicago Fire De- partment, was born in Castle Island, County Kerry, Ireland, December 9. 1839; was raised in the parish of Scartaglin, Ireland, and attended the district and public schools in the latter place. After leaving school he worked on his father's farm, called "Gurtacapule," remaining there until the age of twenty years, when he went to London, and later to Liverpool, where he worked at ship-building and boiler-making for about three years. He then went to Bris- tol, England, where he remained about one year, when he returned to London, and there worked in the Daptford Government dock-yards, remaining there until the blowing up of Clark- enville prison by the Fenian Brotherhood. As all Irish then working in the employ of the British Government were under suspicion, he then emigrated to the United States. Captain Tangney came from Liverpool to America on the steamship "Manhattan," arriving in New York February 25, 1868, thence coming to Chi- cago, where he arrived March 18, 1868. He com- menced work for the Chicago Gas Light and Coke Company, remaining there until October 8, 1875, when he was appointed upon the Chi- cago Fire Department, commencing on Hook and Ladder Company No. 4, under Captain Louis Fiene; was transferred to Hook and Lad- der Company No. 2 in April, 1877, with Captain C. G. Anderson; then to Hook and Ladder Com- pany No. 1, with Captain Rollin G. Harmon. His subsequent transfers have been: to Self- propelling Engine Company No. 10; from there back to Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, under Captain F. A. Pundt; then to Hook and Ladder Company No. 3, under Captain Norman Holt; to Chemical Engine No. 4, on Dearborn Avenue; to Engine 30, under Captain A. L. Schubert; to Hook and Ladder Company No. 10 June 1, 1886, under Captain David O'Connell; promoted to Lieutenant January 1, 1887, and to Captain January 1, 1890; was assigned to Hook and Ladder Company No. 13, Jefferson; transferred to Hook and Ladder Com- pany No. 10 August 31, 1896; to Engine No. 89 November 24, 1900. and on July 1, 1901, to En- gine No. 91, where he still remains. Captain Tangney had honorable mention in General Orders No. 3, August 1, 1881; No. 8, October 2, 1882; and No. 13, April 5, 1889; also, while on Truck 10, by General Order No. 1, January 31, 1900, for rescuing five men at a fire at 407 Wells Street, on January 23, 1900. He has had many close calls, but no serious accidents; has always been ready to respond to the orders of his superiors when ever and wher- ever duty called, and the height of his ambi- tion is to work for the best interests of the De- partment in every respect. In all these years he has never lost a day's pay. Captain Tang- ney was married in London, England, to Miss Mary O'Connor July 23, 1865, and eight children have blessed their union, five of whom are now living, of whom James F. and Michael J. were born in England; John J., Mary E. and Jere- miah J. were born in Chicago. ROBERT LAFAYETTE TATHAM. Robert L. Tatham/son of William Henry and Eleanor (McWhorter) Tatham, was born July 29, 1849, at St. Omer, Decatur County, Ind. William Henry Tatham, the father, first saw the light and grew to manhood in Accomac County, Va. The parents of his mother were descended from old Virginia stock, and settled in Clinton County, Ohio, where their daughter ioo8 HISTOEICAL EiTCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. ■was born. Robert L. Tatham attended a com- mon school in Clinton County, Ohio, most of his childhood being spent on a farm. He had the great misfortune to lose his mother while he was yet but a youth, and the home being broken up, in accordance with a request made by his mother before her decease, he went to reside with his grandparents, whose home was two miles north of Wilmington, Clinton County, Ohio. These relatives also died, and again the lad had to find a new home. This time it was with his uncle, John McWhorter, who opened his heart and home. The grim death-angel seemed determined to close every avenue of happiness which opened to the orphaned boy, for the uncle soon died also. Then young Tat- ham lived a short time with a brother, George M., who resided at Hazel Dell, Cumberland County, 111., but soon went to Macomb, 111., then to Kansas, and to Morris, 111., in 1869. Feeling the necessity for a broader education, Mr. Tat- ham took a course in a commercial college in Cincinnati, clerking as time would permit in a dry-goods store. Then he began the study of law, reading with Mr. Edwin Sanford at Morris, 111., for a period of two years, being at length admitted to the bar before the Supreme Court at Ottawa, 111., when he immediately entered a law oflBce in the Metropolitan Block, Chicago. His first brilliant success was gained by the ease and skill with which he conducted an im- portant commercial transaction in London, for the firm of Fraser, Chalmers & Co., in whose interests he remained abroad for an entire month. Soon he became noted for being pos- sessed of a rarely clear insight, as well as for being active and punctual in all matters con- nected with his profession. He was often se- lected to settle estates and to untangle knotty problems which required tact and accuracy. Asked by an acquaintance to what he attributed his success as an attorney, he immediately re- plied: "Because all who know me in Chicago know also that if I make an appointment I will always be on hand to the minute." From early manhood this trait had l)een very prominent in young Tatham's character, and it appeared to increase with the years until it formed a strong element of his success. On the 25th of Novem- ber, 1874, Mr. Tatham was married to Miss Anna Grant, daughter of Judge Grant, of Mor- ris. 111., and two children were the result of this union: Anna and Florence, both of whom are living. Mr. Tatham's second marriage was with Miss Augusta Bell, of Chicago, on December 25. 1885. Two chihlren were born to them, Rob- ert L. and Ethel. Although of a kindly and charitable disposition, Mr. Tatham did not affil- iate with any church or sect. His deeds of kindness were very numerous and are graven on the hearts of the reclpienls. So far as his I)oIltlrH are concerned, he was a Democrat, but he had little to do with parly machinery or management. Mr. Tatham was prominent amoHK secret Hoclety workers, having held offlreH at various times and iielng a Thirty-sec- ond Degree Mason. He was one of the founders of the Illinois Club of Chicago, and continued as a director of this body for many years. He joined Cedar Lodge, 124, Orient Chapter, and Blaney Commandery, No. 5, at Morris, 111. (all Masonic bodies), and affiliated with similar organizations in Chicago, becoming presiding officer of Cleveland Lodge, A. F. & A. M. He had taken the Scottish Rite Degree and was well known in Masonic circles, being certain of a hearty welcome from members of the vari- ous fraternities wherever he appeared. Death loves a shining mark, and Mr. Tatham was not spared. He died April 23, 1902. His wife of the second marriage and four children survive him, counting the legacy of Mr. Tat- ham's love, life and example a most precious inheritance. WILLIAM THIEMANN. William Thiemann, farmer, ex-member Illi- nois State Legislature, Arlington Heights, Cook County, 111., was born in Ebstorf, Han- over, Germany, February 11, 1849, the son of Joachim and Margaretha (Hinrichs) Thiemann, the former a native of Ebstorf and the latter of Barnsen, Hanover. In 1857 he came with his parents to America, arriving in September of that year, the family locating in Lombard, Du Page County, 111. Mr. Thiemann was educated in his native country and in Du Page County, and on March 1, 1867, came to Elk Grove, Cook County, where he resided until November, 1898, when he removed with his family to Arlington Heights, his present home. June 21, 1872, he was united in marriage to Sophie Tonne, who was born and educated in Elk Grove Township, Cook County, and they have had five children: W. E. Thiemann, Pauline, Martha, Mathilde and Ella. He is a Lutheran in religious belief and in politics an earnest Republican; while a resi- dent of Elk Grove served three years as Com- missioner of Highways; for fourteen years was Township Treasurer and for a like period Jus- tice of the Peace. In November, 1890, he was elected a Representative in the State Legisla- ture from Cook County, and re-elected for four consecutive terms, serving in all ten years. On April 25, 1901, he was appointed by Governor Yates Live Stock Commissioner, serving for a term of three years. A farmer by occupation and of sturdy German-American character, Mr. Thiemann has achieved success as a busi- ness man, and has won the respect and confi- dence of his fellow-citizens as their repre- sentative in public affairs. CHARLES G. THOMAS. Charles G. Thomas is a prominent live-stock dealer at the Union Stock Yards, Chicago, and commands far more than an ordinary degree of the confidence of his patrons, who have learned by experience his sterling and genuine char- acter, his honest worth and his straightforward integrity. Mr. Thomas was born at Nunda, Mc- Ilenry County, III., October 18, 1845, and was HISTOEICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 1009 educated in the McHenry County schools and at the Bryant & Stratton Commercial College, Chi- cago. He acquired a good practical knowledge of business forms, and in 1876 became a resi- dent of Chicago. Here he secured employment with Hall, Patterson & Company, at the Union Stock Yards, as bookkeeper and cashier. In 1880 the firm became Patterson Brothers & Company, and Mr. Thomas one of the partners. On the death of A. L. Patterson, May 30, 1895, the firm became Patterson, Starrett & Company. V/hen F. D. Patterson died, September 8, 1899, the firm name was changed to Thomas, Starrett & Company, and under his fostering care it has taken on new life and vigor. Mr. Thomas was married at Geneva Lake, Wis., September 9, 1866, to Miss Mary Hughes. JOHN B. THOMAS. John B. Thomas, attorney-at-law, is a native of Ohio, bom in Darke County, that State, June 29, 1849, the son of John and Abigail (Carter) Thomas, being descended from an old Virginia family of that name, who traced their lineage back to the Pilgrim Fathers who came to Amer- ica in the Mayflower. His father settled near Union City, Ohio, and the subject of this sketch received his early education in an old log school house, afterwards receiving private in- struction in a classic and scientific course. His grandfather was a soldier of the Revolutionary War, and his father of the Black Hawk War, and in the spring of 1865, John B., being then in his sixteenth year, enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Indiana Volun- teer Infantry, serving in the campaign in the Shenandoah Valley which contributed to bring- ing the war to a close by the fall of Richmond. The father, who was a shipbuilder, is said to have built the first steamboat which ran on the Ohio River. The opportunities of the son for acquiring an education were limited, but as soon as he was able he began teaching, and, at eighteen years of age, commenced the study of law with Judges Allen and Meeker, of Ohio, and was admitted to the bar in Ohio and Indiana in 1869, entering at once upon the practice of his profession in his native town. He practiced in the courts of Indiana and Ohio with good success until January, 1873, when he moved to Chicago. Here he soon became known among the business men at the Union Stock Yards, for a time was assistant editor of the "South Side Record" and, in 1875, was appointed by the Trustees of the Town of Lake to prepare a revised edition of the Town Ordinances, and also served for four years as Town Prosecutor. About this time he bought for G. F. Swift the Moore packing-house, which became the nucleus of the great Swift packing concern, of which he was the legal representative for many years. In 1879 he became Police Magistrate for the Stock Yards district, which position he occu- pied for one year, and was afterward elected to the same office for a term of four years. Mr. Thomas is a zealous fraternalist, and, in 1878, was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, later becoming a Royal Arch Mason, Knight Templar and, in 1884, a Noble of the Mystice Shrine; is also afliliated with the Order of Independent Foresters, in which he has held several prominent positions; is a charter mem- ber of Star Lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, of which he has been repre- sentative in the Grand Lodge; and charier member of the Union Legion, No. 29, Select Knights, of which he has been Select Cam- mander and representative to the Grand Legion. Although not a member of any church, he was one of the leading promoters and a member of the building committee in the erection of the Union Aventie M. E. Church in the Stock Yards District. Judge Thomas, as he is known, was married February 16, 1871, to Miss Mattie Hall, of Springfield, Ohio. ROBERT A. THOMPSON. Robert A. Thompson is one of the many suc- cessful business men who engaged in the live- stock trade in Chicago at an early day. Like the shoemaker, he has "stuck to his last," and his industrious and useful career has been crowned with a very substantial success, not only in the accumulation of an ample compe- tence, but in the esteem and kindly regard of all with whom he has been associated. Mr. Thompson was born in Newcastle, Lawrence County, Pa., August 22, 1833; was educated in the puljlic schools, and when his school days were ended, worked on the farm until 1866. During that year he began buying and ship- ping cattle from Newcastle to Pittsburg, a busi- ness which he soon found very profitable and satisfactory, so much so that in January, 1867, he removed to Chicago, where he engaged in buying cattle at the Union Stock Yards, ship- ping them to Eastern markets. He later asso- ciated himself in this line with John Teufel, and the two continued in business together for eleven years. This partnership having been dis- solved, Mr. Thompson has continued in busi- ness alone to the present time. He understands the markets thoroughly, buys boldly and judi- ciously, and has been very successful in all his transactions. Mr. Thompson was married in Newcastle, Pa., December 10, 1864, to Miss Theresa Wilson, who died the following April. June 8, 1875, he was married in Cleveland, Ohio, to Miss Elizabeth R. McCrea, and two sons have been the result of this union. WILLIAM H. THOMPSON, JR. Many men devote a lifetime to a single pur- suit, yet do not all succeed. Some lack intelli- gence; others natural aptitude; others patient application to duty; and yet others fidelity. It is tiie combination of all these traits that enable a man to win fortune and renown in his chosen avocation. Entrusted for many years with the management of interests of high importance, Mr. William H. Thompson, Jr., has not been found wanting in any of those mental or moral lOIO HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. qualities essential to success. He was born July 4, 1842, at Valatie, Columbia County, N. Y.; at the age of thirty-one took up his resi- dence in Chicago, and in 1873 entered the em- ploy of Mr. W. H. Monroe, then a large shipper of live stock to Buffalo, Albany and Boston. At the present time he is head cattle buyer for the O. H. Hammond Company, one of the four larg- est concerns of its character in the country, hav- ing branches at Omaha, Neb., and St. Joseph, Mo. In 1888 Mr. Thompson was elected Presi- dent of the Live Stock Exchange, which office he yet holds through repeated re-elections. This circumstance well attests not only his personal popularity, but also his business qualifications and the able manner in which he has dis- charged the onerous duties of the position. His home is in the Town of Lake, in whose wel- fare he has always taken a lively interest; has served as President of the Town Board and was a member of the Board of Education in 1890. He is a Mason of high rank, being a mem- ber of Mizpah Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Delphi Chapter, R. A. M. ; Chevalier Bayard Command- ery, K. T.. and Oriental Consistory. Mr. Thompson's genial, social nature, unfail- ing courtesy and high sense of honor have made him a universal favorite in his very wide cir- cle of acquaintances. He was married to Jane Churchill, at Pittsfield, Mass., November 13, 1867, and the issue of this marriage has been two daughters: Mary C, who is now the wife of Wm. E. Watt, and Emily, who resides at home. JAMES A. TIERNEY, Chief Fire Department, Armour Stock Yards, was born in Chicago, May 15, 1855, and was edu- cated at the Carpenter public and Brothers' schools. After leaving school he was employed in the Coan & TenBroeke carriage works for eleven years; then worked in D. J. Wren's car- riage works for one year. He joined the Fire Patrol No. 1, July 14, 1879; was promoted to Lieutenant in 1881, and transferred to Patrol No. 4, Union Stock Yards, and promoted to Captain in November, 1881, remaining in that position for seven years. In 1888 he was ap- pointed Chief of the Fire Department for Ar- mour & Co., which consists, besides himself, of a Lieutenant and eight men. For apparatus they have 480 fire axes, 250 chemicals, 22,000 feet of hose, and four fire pumps with a capacity of 20,- 000 gallons per minute. For their walor system they have a set of reservoirs, containing in the aggregate about 5,000,000 gallons of water, sup- plied from thirteen artesian wells, which are rxl2 inches stroke; steam and water cylin- ders, 9Vi.xl2; capacity 9,000 gallons; will throw ten two-inch streams, or eighteen ordinary ly^- inch nozzle, equal to the same number of fire- engine streams; twelve IV^-inch streams, of 4- inch torrent revolving standpipe, 600 feet in- spirator and donkey pump; has 3,000 feet 3%- inch hose; can throw a 3Vi;-inch stream 400 feet; 414-inch streams 150 feet each; with standpipe working at 3i/4 inches; draws 12 feet of water and has a speed of 16 miles per hour; has steam steering apparatus, which can be reversed from one side to the other in nine seconds; is allowed 125 pounds of steams; has filter recommended by the United States' Gov- ernment Inspector, Stewart H. Moore, which is a success in keeping scales from the boiler and equalizing the temperature in the leg of the boiler. On January 14, 1899, when the fire- boat "Illinois" went into service, the "Yose- mite" was assigned to Engine 58, to take the place of the fire-boat "Chicago," while the lat- ter was being repaired. The fire-boat "Yose- mite" has had a number of narrow escapes, one of these occurred on September 24, 1894, when in responding to a special call from box 1511 (E. R. Beck's lumber yards, South Chicago), on leaving the harbor everything was made fast and portholes closed, as a gale was blow- ing from thf- southwest. In order to avoid a reef at Morgan's Pier, near Fifty-eighth Street, the boat headed out into the lake. When about one and a half miles from shore and one mile Bonth of the Sixty-eighth Street Crib, the boat sprang a leak and, within ton minutes after the life-boat had rescued the officers and crew, it sank. The "Yosemite" was afterwards raised and again placed in service. At the Armour Elevator fire she plowed her way through the debris and was in the hottest of the fight, and, at one time, could not be seen for the smoke and fire; but she came out, doing excellent serv- ice. She was also in the S. K. Martin lumber fire, doing good service there, and when through at that fire, saved the Santa Fe Eleva- tor from burning; also had a very narrow es- cape from falling walls at the Northwestern Elevator fire, on August 5, 1897. The "Yose- mite" has worked at six different elevator fires and two hardwood lumber-yard fires, and at the largest "down-town" fires that have occurred during the last eight years, where she could be utilized. ExGiNE 58, FiKE-BoAT "Chicago." — The fire- boat "Alpha" having been deemed unsatisfac- tory, the City Council authorized the purchase of the powerful tug "W. H. Alley," and the pumps were transferred from the "Alpha" to the "Alley," and the latter was placed in com- mission December 31, 1886. In 1887, the fire- boat was overhauled, the old pumps were re- placed by two new and more powerful ones (size 10x12x6), and the name changed to "Chi- cago." This boat is 91 feet long over all, 20 feet beam, with eight feet draft, and was again rebuilt in 1891, assigned as "Engine 58" and stationed at South Chicago. It was again re- built in 1900 (entirely new except engine and pumps) and took the place of the "Yosemite" November 2, 1900. The "Chicago" carries 140 pounds of steam, has a boiler 14 feet long by 8 feet in diameter, plate one-half inch thick; two pumps, 10x12x6 pumping engines 6x12, single or double; a single engine, 18M;-inch, 22- inch stroke, which develops 400 horse-power; has four two-inch streams which can be thrown 250 feet; eleven li/4-inch streams, which can be thrown 150 feet; and one 3-inch stream, which can be thrown 350 feet. ELIAS T. WATKINS. Ellas T. Watkins, banker and sterling busi- ness man, for over fifty years an important fac- tor in financial circles in the city of Chicago, was born in Milton, Ulster County, N. Y.,May 17, 1816. After attending the public schools at Au- burn and Seneca Falls, in his early youth he went to Brockport, Monroe County, N. Y., where he spent two years as clerk in the dry-goods store of Bristol & McKnight. In 1836, return- ing to Seneca Falls, he re-entered school there, supporting himself on the money which he had earned while employed as a clerk. He then returned to Brockport, and again entered Into the service of his former employers, Bristol & McKnight, remaining two years, when he ac- cepted employment as a salesman in the dry- goods establishment of William McKnight & Co., at Rochester, continuing with this firm un- til 1845, when he became a partner. Two years later, having earned a considerable sum of money, he withdrew from the firm of McKnight HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. loig & Company, and, removing to Chicago, organ- ized the importing firm of Eddy, Brackett & Watkins, which continued in existence for a period of eleven years. In 1859 Mr. Watkins became associated with John B. Turner, who, next to William B. Ogden, was the most in- fluential factor in the development of railroad enterprises connected with the history of Chi- cago, and which have contributed to so large an extent to the growth of the city. This con- nection led to the construction of the street rail- way on North Clark Street, which was one of the first street-car lines put in operation in the city of Chicago. About the same time he be- came interested in the Chicago Gas Light & Coke Company, which proved a most profitable Investment. In this company he finally became one of the most extensive stockholders and, for a time, served as President of the company. In October, 1864, Mr. Watkins became an ex- tensive stockholder in the Merchants' Loan & Trust Company, one of the oldest, as well as the largest financial institutions in the city of Chicago, with which he was prominently iden- tified for the rest of his life. During the same year he was made a director of the company, a position which he continued to occupy up to the date of his death. Mr. Watkins was also an extensive stockholder in the Edison Electric Lighting Company, which has had a notable career in connection with the development of city interests and enterprises, and for one year held the position of President of the company. He was a prominent member of the Chicago Historical Society. On August 3, 1842, Mr. Watkins was married at Brockport, N. Y., to Amanda Angeline Downs, who came to Chicago with her husband in 1848, and they spent their lives on the North Side, their residence during their latter years being at 148 Rush Street. In August, 1902, they celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage. Mrs. Watkins' death occurred at their Chicago home from an attack of pneu- monia, October 24, 1903, preceding that of her husband by less than two months. Mr. Wat- kins' death, which occurred December 16, 1903, was the result of an accident occasioned by a fall on a stairway in his own home. Singularly reticent and unobtrusive in tem- perament, Mr. Watkins combined a geniality of manner in his intercourse with his more inti- mate friends with a conservativeness and self- control in matters of business, and to these qualities are to be traced his uniform success in life. With these traits he united a strict integrity, which won for him the respect and confidence of all with whom he was brought in business or social relations throughout his career of over half a century in the city of Chicago. RANKIN WAUGH. The Union Stock Yards are the center of most interesting business activities and of op- erations on a bewildering scale of magnitude. The cattle on a thousand hills and vast plains of the Great West are slowly moving to this market. Here are prepared foods for all the world, and from here go forth to the East and to Europe, train loads of live stock daily. On such a field of action only strong men can hold their place, and it is safe to assume that those who rise to the surface and become prominent are unusually able and gifted characters. Among such men, the subject of this sketch fitly holds an honored place. Rankin Waugh was born in Westmoreland County, Pa., in 1850, and was brought to Bureau County, 111., by his parents, when only six months old. His education was secured at Lombard University, Galesburg, 111., and it is not too much to say that he made the most of the splendid opportunities there afforded. He shows in himself the value of a Pennsyl- vania heredity of character and moral fiber, broadened and strengthened by his life in the Great West. Reared on a farm, Mr. Waugh naturally took a deep interest in live stock, displaying such an excellent judgment in ev- erything that related to that noble activity, that it almost inevitably became his life-work. In 1872 he came to Chicago, and, connecting himself with the live-stock firm of R. P. & M. Conger, soon acquired a thoroughly practical knowledge of every line of his work as it waa conducted at the Stock Yards. In 1873 he founded the firm of Waugh Brothers, which had an honorable and successful career for twenty years. In 1893 Mr. Waugh assumed ex- clusive control, and since that time has done business in his own name. Every detail of the work is familiar to him, and he sells hogs, cattle and sheep as they may arrive on the market, to the eminent satisfaction of his pa- trons. Personally he is courteous and oblig- ing, treating his customers' interests as his own, and has ever manifested unswerving in- tegrity and high principle in all his dealings with the world. He enjoys life to its fullest extent, and has troops of friends, who look with pride on his creditable record as a live-stock commission merchant. Mr. Waugh was married June 6, 1900, to Miss Anna M. Fox, by whom he has had one daughter, Janice Elizabeth Waugh, born August 16, 1901. WILLIAM W. WEATHERSTONE. William W. Weatherstone, son of Edward and Jane (Parr) Weatherstone, was born in Oxford, England, March 28, 1832. Edward Weatherstone was an officer of the British Navy, who was forced to retire on account of ill-health subsequent to the War of 1812, afterward en- gaging in trade as a merchant. William re- ceived his education in the common schools of his native place and, at the age of nineteen, entered the employ of a silver-smith in London. Emigrating to America in 1853, he first settled in Boston, where he continued in the silver- smithing business. From 1863 to 1870 he was located successively in Wisconsin, St. Louis and Chicago, in the latter year engaging 1020 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. in the silver-plating business for himself at Aurora, 111., where he did most of the plating for the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. In 1S75 he settled at La Grange, Cook County, establishing there a manufactory of solid silver- ware under the firm name of W. W. Weather- stone & Son, James P., his son, being his as- sociate. In 1888 he retired from the firm, his son continuing the business. Since that time Mr. Weatherstone has resided in La Grange, a well-known and highly respected citizen. He has been a life-long Democrat and, though not a seeker for political preferment, his opinions on party affairs are of weight and influence. In 1853 he married Martha Dolding, a native of Kent, England, and ten children were born to them, but none are now living, James P., his last surviving son, having died November 27, 1902. JAMES P. WEATHERSTONE. James Parr Weatherstone (deceased), late Postmaster and well-known business man of LaGrange, 111., was born in East Cambridge, Mass., October 21, 1854, the son of William W. and Martha (Dolding) Weatherstone; was edu- cated in the public schools of Boston, St. Louis and Chicago, and on completion of his educa- tion, learned the printer's trade in which he was employed until June, 1871, when he formed, with his father, the firm of William W. Weath- erstone & Son, at Aurora, 111., engaging in the business of silver-plating. In 1874 they re- moved to Chicago, remaining until 1876, when they located in LaGrange and began the manu- facture of silver and plated ware. In 1879 Wil- liam W. Weatherstone retired from the firm, the business being continued until 1893 under the name of James P. Weatherstone. A life- long Democrat, active and influential in the councils of his party, Mr. Weatherstone twice served the people of LaGrange in an official capacity. In 1884 he was elected Trustee of the village, serving until 1887; in August, 1894, he was appointed Postmaster of LaGrange by President Cleveland, serving until November 1, 1899. Upon his retirement from the latter of- fice he engaged in retail stationery and cigar business, in which he continued up to the time of his death, November 27, 1902. Mr. Weatherstone was married on Novem- ber 11, 1875, to Isabelle, daughter of Harrison Albee, of Aurora, III., and he left a family of five daughters: Clarice A., Grace I., Blanche M. (now Mrs. Goan), Martha L. and Ethel A. Among the first of the business men to locate In LaGrange, Mr. Weatherstone did much to assist in the growth and development of the village, and proved himself worthy of the con- fidence of his fellow-citizens, by whom he was held In high esteem. ANDREW J. WEAVER. This successful dealer In live-stock has de- voted nearly forty years of his life to the busi- ness, which he thoroughly understands In all its details. He was born in Pittsburg, Pa., March 4, 1854. His school days were soon over, and, in 1864, at the early age of ten years, he engaged in driving cattle across the mountains from Pittsburg to Harrisburg and Lancaster. Subsequently he worked for two years for the Union Stock Yards Company of Pittsburg, and afterward was engaged for four years in ship- ping cattle, by rail, from Pittsburg to New York. For two years he also conducted an under- taking establishment, and a livery stable in connection therewith. Returning to the Stock Yards, he was connected with the firm of S. B. Hedges & Company, for six years. The next three years he spent in the employment of Sad- ler & Company, shipping cattle from St. Louis and Chicago to New York. Sadler, McCall & Company, of Pittsburg, were his next employ- ers, remaining with them one year. He next began buying cattle in Chicago, shipping them to Pittsburg, which business he carried on un- til 1890, when he came to Chicago. His first employment here was buying cattle for Simon O'Donnell, with whom he remained twelve months. For two years he was a salesman for Darlington, Quick & Company, and later for Alexander Rogers & Crill for a year. He then became junior partner of the firm of H. R. Perrine & Company, which was afterward joined by Samuel Ayers. The gentleman last named withdrew about 1897, and the firm was soon afterward dissolved. Mr. Weaver carried on business alone until January, 1898, when he again accepted a position as buyer for Simon O'Donnell. One year later (January, 1899), the firm of Simon O'Donnell & Company was or- ganized, Mr. Weaver being admitted into part- nership and placed in charge of the Chicago office. His career affords a noteworthy illus- tration of what may be accomplished by hard work and steady application to duty. Begin- ning as a cattle-driver when a boy of ten, he has gradually, but steadily, cfimbed the ladder of success in his chosen btisiness through un- wearying industry, natural aptitude and an in- tegrity which has never been assailed. Mr. Weaver was married on May 10, 1881, to Miss Luella McGregor, of East St. Louis, 111., and they have been the parents of four children, three of whom are yet living, viz.: Anna May, Albert Joseph and Lottie Barbara — one son, Andrew John, being deceased. HENRY WEBER. Henry Weber (deceased), late Superintendent of the Calumet Grain Elevator Company's sys- tem of grain elevators, was born at Grand Rapids, Ohio, January 1, 1849, the second of seven children born to Jacob and Elizabeth (Kebler) Weber, who were natives of Switzer- land, but of German ancestry. The other chil- dren of this family were: Otto, Casper, George (died in infancy), Lena, Mary and George Am- brose, the latter now assistant cashier of the Ohio Savings and Trust Company Bank, at To- ledo, Ohio. The father died in 1886 at the age of sixty-nine years, while the mother is still HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OP ILLINOIS, I02I living. The daughter Mary, of this family, married John Stollberg, a wholesale merchant of Toledo, and died in 1896. In early life Henry Weber was engaged in farming, but for more than twenty-five years was connected with the grain trade, beginning as grain-inspector for the Board of Trade at Toledo, in 1875, where he was employed for eight years. He then took charge of the Wabash Elevators, but in 1891, assumed his position with the Calumet Ele- vator Company, which he retained for the rest of his life, his long service giving evidence of his efficiency. On January 10, 1875, Mr. Weber married Miss Mary L. Culver, of Toledo, Ohio, and to them were born two children: Eliz- abeth May, born in 1876, was married June 14, 1899, to Courtney R. Merrill, assistant cashier of the Union Bank, South Chicago, 111., and they have one son, Wallace Edwin, born No- vember 11, 1900; and Mabel J., born in 1878, on January 18, 1898, married H. F. Branden- burg, of Chicago, and they have a son, Herbert Henry, born December 4, 1900. Fraternally, Mr. Weber was identified with the "National Union," and both he and his wife were mem- bers of the Methodist Church, while his daugh- ters and their families attend the Congrega- tional Church. Mr. Weber died at the home of his daughter, Mabel J. Brandenburg, 228 Seventy-fourth Place, Chicago, December 8, 1904. ISAAC W. WEEKS. Isaac W. Weeks, formerly Superintendent of the Pennsylvania Transfer Elevator, Chicago, was born near Belleville, Ontario, Canada, No- vember 15, 1860, the son of John Y. and Lydia (Hunt) Weeks, who were the parents of four sons, Daniel, James, Harmon and Isaac W., all of whom are still living. The father died, aged seventy-two years, but the mother still survives. Reared on a farm, Isaac W. Weeks came to Chicago when twenty-four years of age and, beginning at the foot of the ladder, has been employed for over twenty years in the elevator business. For eleven years he was connected with the Santa Fe Elevator, and for two years Superintendent of the Peavey Ele- vator B, when on December 4, 1900, he assumed his last position as successor to Christ Stiver. The Pennsylvania Transfer Elevator was built in 1897 with a storage capacity of 168,000 bush- els, is owned by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany and operated by the Requa Brothers. In 1882, Mr. Weeks married Miss Mary Anetta Cranter, and four children have been born to them: Percy and Arthur, who are still living; Gracie who died at eighteen months of age, and a boy who died in infancy. In politics Mr. Weeks is a Republican. JAMES H. WEEKS. James H. Weeks, Superintendent of the Mab- batt Elevators, Chicago, who was born in Con- secon, Ontario, Canada, has been identified with the elevator business over thirty-five years, much of the time being employed at the old elevator at the corner of Clark and Fourteenth Streets. He recalls many of the noted leaders of the grain market at an earlier day, includ- ing George Phillips, the "Grain King," who was a weighman. Elevator A, the older of the Mabbatt Elevators A and B, of which Mr. Weeks is Superintendent, was built in 1887, with a capacity of 650,000 bushels, and Elevator B, in 1890, having a capacity of 700,000 bushels and capable of handling one hundred cars daily. They are operated by George A. Seaverns, who employs some twenty-five men in their manage- ment. Mr. Weeks was married in 1875 to Miss Mary Ellen Smith, of Chicago, and they have had three children, one of whom died in in- fancy, those now living being Lydia R. and Frederick W. His family are attendants at the St. James Catholic Church, and he is a Republican in politics, taking an active interest in problems relating to good government. BERNARD M. WEIDINGER. Bernard M. Weidinger was born in Chicago, January 27, 1868, and educated in the Lincoln public school. After leaving school he com- menced working in 1881 for Shoeneman & Com- pany, continuing until May 1, 1886, when he read law in the office of Sears & Arnd for a year and a half; then went to the firm of Kea- ter & Thompson and Fred Arnd, in criminal law, for another year and a half, during two years of which time he was employed at night in the Chicago Public Library, and for the rest of the time was first copy-holder, and then proof-reader, on the "Chicago Tribune" until 1889, after which he embarked in the real-estate and insurance business. He was a candidate for nomination, for the Legislature on the Dem- ocratic ticket, in the old Sixth Senatorial Dis- trict, but since then has confined his attention to the real-estate business. NICHOLAS WEINAND, Chief Third Battalion, Chicago Fire Depart- ment, was born in Prussia, on Christmas Day, 1845, and in early life learned the painter's trade. In 1870 he joined the Fire Department, becoming a member of Huck Hose Company No. 3. He was under command of D. J. Swenie, Captain of the Gund Engine 14, in 1871, and staid with that famous fireman in his battle with the greatest fire in the world's history, when he lost his engine in the cyclone of fire at the corner of West Van Buren and Canal Streets, but saved an entire block with an out- side engine by drawing water from the river. The Water Works had then been burned. Weinand and his family lost everything they had except their lives, character and old clothes. In 1885 Weinand was promoted to a Captaincy on Engine 27, and October 1, 1894, was advanced to Chief of the Third Battalion, a position which (1904) he still holds. He has had many narrow escapes during his long expe- rience as a fireman, and was severely injured at the fire at the old Journal office, on Dear- 1022 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. born Street, and also at the National Theater on Clybourn Avenue. He is always ready to respond whenever and wherever duty calls. CHRISTIAN WELFLIN. Christian Welflin (deceased), Wheeling, 111., was born in Alsace, France (now Germany), September 13, 1845, the son of Christian Welflin, also a native of Alsace. Mr. Welflin came to America with his father and sister, arriving at Chicago on March 1, 1854. His father enlisted at the beginning of the Civil War in Company K, Thirteenth Illinois Volunteers (Col. Wyman's regiment), serving from 1861 to 1865, and died of yellow fever in Memphis, Tenn., June 27, 1869. The son learned the harness trade in Chicago, afterwards worked for some time in Memphis, but in 1874 came to Wheeling and established himself in the harness business there. On September 9, 1880, he was married to Mrs. Goodlobin Armbruster (widow), of Wheeling, and has four children: Minnie, Ed- ward. Frank and Flora. After his marriage he went into the Chicago House, at Wheeling, remaining until his retirement in July, 1893. In his later years he occupied a pleasant home just across the DesPlaines River and outside of the village corporation. Mr. Welflin died in 1901. GEORGE W. WELLER, Captain of Engine No. 80, Chicago Fire De- partment, was born in Chicago, July 18, 1842, and educated in the public schools. After leav- ing school he worked for his father at render- ing works; later sold ice, and also worked for the Steele-Wedeles Company, wholesale grocers, and other parties until August, 1870, when he joined the Chicago Fire Department, and was assigned to Engine No. 4 as driver; was next transferred as driver for Marshal Walters, then for Petrie, and later to Truck 4, and made truckman by Chief Williams. After returning from the Saturday night fire of October 7, 1871, and before eating supper, the bell struck an alarm for the Sunday night fire, of October 8, 1871, and Captain Weller immediately re- sponded and worked for thirty-six hours fight- ing the "Great Blaze" of that date. He was promoted to Lieutenant and assigned to En- gine 16, in September, 1885; next was promoted to Captain and transferred to Truck 18, January 3. 1890, by Chief Swenie; and then to Hook and Ladder Company No. 20 on the 12th day of December, 1891, where he remained some ten years. Captain Weller is now (1904) doing duty In charge of Engine No. 80. He is one of the firemen from "wayback," having served in the volunteer fire department as "torch boy" on engine "Wide- .\ wake" No. 12, in 1857, and having remained with the volunteer service un- til its place was taken l)y the paid fire depart- ment. Mis father was foreman of a fire com- pany, and two brothers were also members ot the same rb'parlment. Captain Weller has had many narrow escapcB, and made several res- riioH, aHHlRted l)y his company; was once serloug- ly hurt by having his hip broken and several ribs fractured. He married Miss Louisa Ebert, in Chicago, and two daughters, Carrie and Emma, have been born to them. HIRAM S. WENNER, Superintendent of the Grand Crossing Elevator, Seventy-seventh Street and Illinois Central track, was born in Allentown, Pa., February 8, 1859, being descended from a family who were farmers. On leaving the paternal home he went to Cleveland, Ohio, where he spent some time learning the milling trade, but in 1885 came to Chicago, when he became manager of the Chicago Cereal Mill, remaining there until 1893. He then formed the connection with the Grand Crossing Elevator, which has continued ever since. The building was originally used as a barbed wire factory, but was later converted by J. S. Stevens into an elevator, which had a capacity of about 50,000 bushels, and was capable of receiving 10,000 bushels per day. Mr. Wenner became the successor of F. H. Mealiff in 1896 when he took charge of the building and continued to operate it until August, 1903, when the building was destroyed by fire. Mr. Wenner then assumed the manage- ment of the adjoining building (known as the Chicago Cereal Mills) which he converted into a grain elevator, with a storage capacity of 100,000 bushels and a working capacity of 20,000 bushels per day. During the winter of 1903-04 Mr. Wenner installed the machinery in the new Grand Crossing Elevator which he set in opera- tion in March, 1904. In 1889 he was married to Miss Miriam L. Tinsley, daughter of J. W. Tinsley, and of this union there have been born five children: Dorothea E., Charles W., Miriam L., Alfred T. and J. Milton. Fraternally, Mr. Wenner is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Columbian Knights, and in politics an Independent. FRANKLIN WHITCOMB. Franklin Whitcomb, brick and tile manu- facturer, DesPlaines, Cook County, 111., was born in Jefferson County, N. Y., in 1830, the son of Moses and Lucy (Pike) Whitcomb — the former a native of Connecticut, born in 1787, and the latter of Salem, Mass., born in 1796. Mr. Whitcomb arrived in Chicago, September 27, 1845, and for the following six years was employed in ship-yards during the winter and upon the lakes during the summer. In 1851 he located at Niles, 111., where he engaged in building and contracting until 1863, when he removed to Park Ridge. Here he remained five years, being foreman of the pressed brick de- partment of Penny & Meacham, for four years, and in the building business one year. He then (1808) established himself in the brick-manu- facturing business at DesPlaines, using a ma> chine known as the "Intermediate Wonder," with a capacity of 30,000 brick per day. In 1883 he added a tile manufactory to his works, and employs some twenty hands in the mak- HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 1023 ing of brick and tile, and the sale of lime, hair, stucco and cement, his sales being divided be- tween the local and city trade. On October 15, 1856, Mr. Whitcomb was married in the Town of Maine to Elizabeth Jones, daughter of Evan and Ann Jones, and has three chil- dren living: Mary, Elda and George M. In politics Mr. Whitcomb is a Republican, and has held the office of Town Trustee and member of the School Board for a number of years. ALBERT G. WHITNEY. Albert G. Whitney, attorney and author, was born near Mt. Vernon, Knox County, Ohio, May 3, 1847; was educated in the public schools and at Vermilion Institute, and after leaving the Vermilion Institute, taught public schools for a time in Ohio and Illinois. In 1872 he was admitted to the bar in Keosauqua, Iowa, and then went to Champaign, 111., where he was a teacher in mathematics in the Illinois Indus- trial University; later was Principal of the pub- lic school at Salem, 111., for eight months. He then practiced law in Champaign until he came to Chicago, in 1900, where he continued his profession. He is the author of "Rights of Railway and Street Companies," etc. Mr. Whit- ney was married in Champaign, 111., to Miss Elnora Radebaugh, on November 9, 1871, and five children have been born of this union. SAMUEL A. WIGHT. This distinguished member of the Chicago bar, who has been for fifteen years one of Chicago's honored citizens, was born in Cuya- hoga County. Ohio, May 16, 1854, and when but a year old was brought by his parents to Hillsdale, Mich., where he received a liberal education at the city's high school and at Hills- dale College. In after years he also took a special post-graduate course at the Chicago Col- lege of Law. After graduating at Hillsdale, he was appointed, in September, 1876, Superin- tendent of the public schools at North Adams, Mich. On leaving that place he went first to Grand Rapids, where he read law in the office of James E. Wilson, and was admitted to prac- tice on April 30, 1880. Two years later he re- moved to Detroit, to accept the position of freight claim-adjuster for the Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee Railroad. The absorption of this line into the Grand Trunk System, in 1885, threw Mr. Wight out of office, and he came at once to Chicago, where he has ever since carried on the practice of his profession with distinguished success. At first he entered the office of Hon. John P. Altgeld, but has since found other quarters, going first to the Chicago Opera House and subsequently to the Fort Dear- born building. His specialties are corporation law and the management of estates, in which two impor- tant branches of legal lore he admittedly has no superior. He is general counsel for im- portant corporations in Chicago, Boston, Phila- delphia and Troy, N. Y., and is legal adviser for, and general manager of, many large es- tates. He has been employed in much heavy litigation, and is always an indefatigable worker on behalf of his clients, never spar- ing himself. In the important case of Edwin L. Johnson vs. B. V. Page Company, which he fought to a successful conclusion in the Fed- eral courts, and in which he represented the defense, he personally attended the taking of testimony at Atlanta, Ga. ; San Francisco; Day- ton, O., and Memphis, Tenn. Another case of great moment in which he was retained, and which he also won, was that of The People's Bank of Waseca vs. the Columbia Oil Company. A case involving the validity of a will dispos- ing of a large estate in Philadelphia, the trial and taking of testimony in which occupied four months, at the date of writing this sketch is held under advisement by the court. Mr. Wight has a wide circle of friends, who hold him in high esteem, alike for his high intellectual and his many admirable social qualities. ROBERT B. WILCOX, Engineer in charge of Intercepting Sewers, Chicago, was born in Chicago, October 11, 1867, attended the Skinner public school and West Division High School, from which he grad- uated in 1884. He then attended the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, for two years, and later Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., grad- uating from the latter in 1890. He then en- tered the engineering department of the Chi- cago & Northwestern Railroad Company, and later, the engineering department of the Sanitary District of Chicago, remaining one year. He resigned, and in 1892 was appointed by John Ericson, Assistant Engineer, as his assistant for Hyde Park Tunnel. When Mr. Ericson was made Principal Engineer, Mr. Wil- cox was appointed engineer in charge of tunnel construction, and later had charge of the con- struction of Lake View Tunnel, and then of the extension of the Sixty-eighth Street Tunnel, making in all six years as engineer in charge of tunnel construction for the city. In 1898 he was appointed Superintendent for the construc- tion of the Cleveland, Ohio, Water-Works Tun- nel, continuing for one year, when he resigned and was appointed in March, 1899, Engineer in charge of Harbors for Chicago, being next transferred to the position of Engineer in charge of Construction of the Thirty-ninth Street Intercepting Sewer. Mr. Wilcox is a member of the Chicago Athletic and Illinois Clubs and of Western So- ciety of Engineers. By the faithful discharge of the arduous duties imposed upon him, he has proved himself worthy of the confidence placed in him by his employers. GEORGE TITUS WILLIAMS. The quiet, uneventful lives of successful busi- ness men. who win their way to the front through earnest effort and painstaking fidelity to every trust, are often more instructive than 1024 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. are the stones of the achievements of great generals or statesmen. Patient toil may some- times count for more than valor, and rugged, unvarying integrity brings to its possessor what is worth more than fame. These reflec- tions are suggested by the long and useful life of George Titus Williams, who passed from earth, honored and beloved, on September 30, 1891. His father, William D. Williams, and his mother, whose maiden name was Margaret Lossing, were both natives of Union Vale, Dutchess County, N. Y., where he too was born. May 2, 1825. He was educated at Willett's Academy, and after graduation settled on a farm in his native town, where he devoted him- self to the rearing of blooded horses. In this he was very successful, and in 1854 he sold to James B. Clay, of Kentucky, the famous "Mam- brina Chief," for $4,000, a higher price than any paid for a stallion in this country prior to that time. In 1866 Mr. Williams disposed of his farm to accept the appraisership of the Dutchess & Columbia, the New York & New Haven and other Eastern railroad companies. The responsible duties attaching to these posi- tions he discharged with pronounced fidelity and skill for three years, when he determined to remove to Chicago. It was in June, 1869, that he arrived, and at once entered the em- ploy of the Stock Yards and Transit Company as purchasing agent. Later he was made Super- intendent, but in 1888 resigned that office, to resume his former position, from which he was called three years later, by death. Mr. Williams was widely popular and was much loved by his friends for his many noble qualities of mind and heart. Although always averse to holding public office, he consented to serve as Justice of the Peace in the Town of Lake, for eight years, commanding universal respect through his shrewd sense, keen sagacity and absolute fairness. Mrs. Williams and three of their four chil- dren survived him. Her maiden name was Phoebe Underbill, and they were married at La- Grange, N. Y., in December, 1847. The surviv- ing children are named Jesse L., Henry J., and Mary. Another son, George H., died at the age of thirteen years. JESSE L. WILLIAMS. Jesse L. Williams, wei^hmaster at Division D, Union Stock Yards & Transit Company, son of George Titus and Phopbe (Underbill) Wil- liams, was born in Union Vale, N. Y., January 31, 1849, and educated in the district schools and at Bryant & Stratton's Business College, Poughkef'psie, N. Y. After leaving school he camf to Chicago, and commenced work for the Union Stock Yard & Transit Company, Juno 3, 18C9, and has o<-cupin(l several responsible posl- tloHH with the Company continuously until the prfsent time. He was married to Rachel Wig- KlfKWorth In Chicago, December 11, 1873, and four children have been born to them, three of whom are now living: lola, Ethel and Jessie. George T., an only son, died August 26, 1877. Mr. Williams has stood by the interests of Chi- cago and the Union Stock Yard & Transit Com- pany, and by his faithful attention to his many duties and his pleasant, accommodating ways, has won a host of friends. ROBERT A. WILLIAMS, "Pioneer" Fireman, ex-Chief Marshal Chicago Fire Department, was born in Ormstown, Can- ada, June 25, 1827, and educated in the district schools. After learning the trade of a black- smith in Lachine, Canada, he came to Chicago, April 1, 1848, and worked at his trade for a Mr. Stevens until the latter sold out, when he went to Janesville, Wis.; was next employed by Asa Pierce, wagon and plow-maker, and then by Henry Witbeck & Co., remaining several years, and later by A. E. Bishop, after the lat- ter had bought the Witbeck interest. In 1858 he became Captain of the Fire Engine "Island Queen," Volunteer Fire Department; was ap- pointed Assistant Marshal by Chief Marshal U. P. Harris, in 1867, and received the appoint- ment of Chief Fire Marshal in 1868, serving in that capacity until 1873. In the big fire of October 8, 1871, a mistake was made in giving the alarm, and the firemen lost time while lo- cating the fire. Some of the engines belonging to that district were delayed in consequence, which prevented them from arriving in season to extinguish the original fire. Had they ar- rived with their usual promptness, there would have been no great Chicago fire at that time. Chief Williams fought the blaze with his usual tenacity, and fell back only when driven from his position by the intensity of the heat. Since his retirement from the Fire Department he has occupied several positions of trust. Chief Williams was married to Miss Harriet L. Yaple, at Adrian, Mich., December 31, 1854. HENRY J. WILLING. While the successful merchant, as such, does not usually occupy so conspicuous a place in the eye of the world as the eminent professional man, or as he who is prominent in public af- fairs, the duties of his calling are no less ardu- ous and exacting, demanding the highest order of organizing talent and constant watchfulness of the trend of events as well as financial skill. These are the traits exhibited by Mr. Henry J. Willing throughout a long and suc- cessful business career in Chicago, extending over a period of more than thirty years. Mr. Willing was born at AVestfield, Chau- tauqua County, N. Y., July 10, 1836, and died at Jefferson, N. H., September 28, 1903. The death of his father, Samuel Willing, when the son was but seven years old, left the responsibility of nurture and training of Henry J. upon liis mother, whoso maiden name was Mary Jane Maylome. She was of Huguenot descent and by both character and education well fitted for the task. Three years after the death of the elder Mr. Willing, the family removed to Chi- HISTORICAL EN'CYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. 1025 cago, and Henry, at the age of ten years, entered the small dry-goods store of U. P. Harris, later receiving his business education in the estab- lishments of Thomas B. Carter & Company, and Cooley, Farwell & Company. He spent eight years in the former and fourteen in the latter, passing through all the subordinate grades of clerkship. He was next tendered a responsible position in the house of Field, Leiter & Com- pany, and not long after his acceptance, was admitted to the firm as a junior partner. At this time his capital was comparatively small, being the accumulations of years of patient industry and economical living; but he possessed an ex- perience, tact and skill which proved of more value than his money capital. Upon the retire- ment of Mr. Leiter, Mr. Willing's responsibility greatly increased, and it is not too much to say that, to his sagacity, prudence and good judg- ment is due, in no small degree, the phenomenal success attained by the house. Thirteen years of unremitting application to business, joined to the heavy burden of responsibility resting upon his shoulders, began to impair Mr. Will- ing's health, and in 1883, satisfied with the hand- some fortune which he had amassed, he dis- posed of his interest in the business which he had so greatly aided in building up, and retired. He was a man of broad, enlightened public spirit, and in private life he found his chief pleasure in works of benevolence and philan- thropy. He adhered to the religious faith inculcated by his pious, prayerful mother, and for twenty-five years, was a Presbyterian elder, first in the Second Church of that denomi- nation and afterwards in the Fourth. He was also a director of the Presbyterian Hos- pital, and a Trustee of the Northwestern (now the McCormick) Theological Seminary, as well as Vice-President of the Young Men's Christian Association, and a director of the Chicago Home for Incurables. To all these charities, as well as to many others, he was a liberal and regu- lar contributor. A pressure of business cares did not pre- vent Mr. Willing from cultivating his taste for art and literature. He served in the directorate of the Art Institute, and was a member of both the Chicago and American His- torical Societies, as well as of the American Archaeological Society, and a Trustee of the Newberry Library; also maintained a member- ship in most of Chicago's leading social clubs, including the Union League and a number of others. He was also identified with the Citi- zens' League, which he warmly supported, both financially and morally. Politically he was a Republican, but in 1889 was elected a member of the first Board of Drainage Trustees upon a non-partisan ticket. Mr. Willing was married in 1870 to Miss Frances Skinner, a daughter of the Hon. Mark Skinner; the issue of this union being two children: Evelyn Pierrepont and Mark Skin- ner. Mr. and Mrs. Willing spent much of their time in the latter years of his life abroad, traveling extensively through Europe. EDWARD WILLMANN. Edward Willmann, city bridge engineer, was born in Lofoten, Norway, December 28, 1863, attended a private school and later graduated from Bergen Technical College, Bergen, Nor- way, in 1883, and at the Royal Polytechnic High School at Dresden, Germany, in 1885. After spending some time as an apprentice in the machine shops and foundries at Goerlitz, Ger- many, in June, 1887, he came to America and going to St. Paul, Minn., was employed for eight months in the bridge department of the Chi- cago, St. Paul and Kansas City Railroad, then for two and one-half years by the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad Company,* and still later for thirteen months at Pittsburg in the detail department of the Shifiler Bridge Company. In 1892 he was employed by the Commissioners of the World's Columbian Exposition as designer, but in 1893 became asso- ciated with the Sanitary District of Chicago as assistant bridge engineer, remaining in that position six years, during which he had charge of all the bridge designing and con- structing. In May, 1899, City Engineer Ericson appointed him City Bridge Engineer, which position he still holds with great credit to him- self and the city, proving conclusively that he is well fitted for the discharge of its responsible duties. JAMES E. WILSON. James E. Wilson has been, for nearly thirty years, identified with the live-stock commission business at the Union Stock Yards, for six years in a subordinate capacty, and for more than twenty years on his own account. Essentially the builder of his own fortunes, his success has come to him as the well-earned reward of his own energy, perseverance and hard work. He was born at New Hampton, N. H., June 19, 1845, and educated in the public schools and an academy of his native place. His school days ended, he learned the business of a druggist at Lowell, Mass., and remained in that city until in 1862, when he enlisted in Company C, of the Sixth Massachusetts Infantry. Ill-health com- pelling him to leave the service in 1863, he resumed his occupation as a druggist, and after a year spent at Worcester, Mass., and another in New York City, he came to Chicago in 1865. He here entered the employ of the wholesale drug-house of J. H. Reed & Company, and from 1870 until 1873 was engaged in the same line of business in London, Ohio. After returning to Chicago in 1873, he entered the employ of H. E. Mallory & Brother, at the Stock Yards, as cashier, and after six years began business for himself. His affability, courtesy and business capacity have won for him many friends. WILLIAM C. WILSON. William C. Wilson is one of the most esteemed, successful and influential members of the Chicago bar. His paternal grandfather, I026 HISTORICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ILLINOIS. Thomas Wilson, was a native of Dublin, Ire- land, and his father, Thomas H., was born in Butler County, Penn. His mother, Mary Neal, was a native of Ohio, the daughter of Thomas Neal, of Maryland. Mr. Wilson was born at Sidney, Ohio, February 28, 1836, and educated at Fort Wayne (Indiana) College. He is a Democrat in politics, and has been repeatedly requested to accept public office; yet the only nomination which he has ever accepted was for a seat on the bench of the Superior Court, being a candidate on the Prohibition ticket. In recent years he has confined his legal practice to real estate law, upon which he is regarded as authority. In religious faith Mr. Wilson is a Methodist. On December 1, 1869, he was mar- ried to Miss Anna E. Fussey, of Chicago. Their four children are named: John H., Walter W., Frederick H., and Catherine V. Their home is at Evanston. JOHN C. WINDHEIM. Captain, Engine No. 64, Chicago Fire Depart- ment, was educated in the Walsh and Foster public schools, and after leaving school, was engaged in the teaming business until he joined the Fire Department, July 2, 1886, on Engine No. 23. His subsequent changes included transfer to Engine 15, to Engine 40, and to Truck 14; promotion to Lieutenant in 1892 and transfer to Engine 41 ("Geyser") and to Truck 14; pro- motion to Captain, April 15, 1897, and transfer to Truck 5; to Engine 82 October 6, 1900, and to Engine 64 December 1, 1900, where he still remains. He has had many narrow escapes, and has been slightly injured, but has not had any bones broken and is ready for any call, either of duty or danger. B. H. WINKELMAN. B. H. Winkelman, DesPlaines, Cook County, 111., is a native of DesPlaines, where he was born in 1862. In 1883, at the age of twenty-one years, he was married in his native town to Miss Olivia Golde, and has continued to make his home there. By occupation he is a general merchant, deals also in wines, liquors and cigars, as well as grains and sprouts, and is agent for the Standard Brewery and for the sale of farm implements, carriages, buggies, etc. He has four children: Albert, Ida, Haltie and Phttibe. In religion he is an Episcopalian, and in politics stands by the principles of the Repub- lican party. ENEAS ARTHUR WOOD. In the death of Mr. E. A. Wood, which occur- red on February 15, 1897, his business associates lost a sage counsellor, the ci(y of Chicago, a citizen of enlightened public si)irit and blame- less life, and the church, an active, iirayerful member and liberal supporter. His unwearying energy was eqiialfd l)y his unfailing integrity, while his charity was in thorough consonance with hl.H unselfish spirit. Mr. Woo