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A NEW EDITION WITH A FRONTISPIECE BY CHARLES GREEN CHATTO AND WINDUS, PICCADILLY 1885 [All rights 7'eserved] az3 I 885 r 70 M. G. B. AND E. F. L. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE I. THE EVE OF ST. JOHN . » • , . 1 II. THE FORSTEES . . . . . .13 m. THE HEIR OF BAMBOROUGH , . . , .24 IV. HIS HIGHNESS THE PRINCE . . . . .33 V. MR. ANTONY HILYARD . . . . .37 VI. THE CHIEF CREDITOR , , , , . -48 VII. ROOM FOR MY LORD . , . . . .57 VIII. A PRINCE IN ISRAEL . , . . . .74 IX. A HUNTING PARTY . , , . . .86 X. A TENDER CONSCIENCE . . . , .96 XL DAPHNE ....... 103 XIL FRANK RADCLIFFE . . . . . .108 Xm. CHRISTMAS EVE . . . . . .114 XIV. CHRISTMAS TO TWELFTH NIGHT . . . .122 XV. NEW year's day ...... 132 XVL A STRANGE THING . . . . . .137 XVIL HE LOVES ME . , , . . ,144 XVin. A CASE OF CONSCIENCE . . . . .149 XIX. MY DECISION . . , . , .156 XX. HER ladyship's LETTER . . . , .167 XXL MR. HILYARD's DREAM . . . . .173 XXII. THE FUGITIVE . . . . . .181 XXin. WHAT WILL HE DO ? . . . . . . 187 XXIV. THE MEETING AT GREENRIG . . . .192 XXV. THE FIRST DAYS . . . , . .197 XXVI. MR. HILYARD RETURNS ..... 204 XXVIL TO LONDON ....... 217 XXVIIL LORD CREWE. , . . . . .226 XXIX. IN LONDON 231 XXX. LADY COWPER . . • • . .239 viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE XXXI. THE UNFORTUNATE MR. PAUL • • . . 242 XXXII. A NOBLE PROJECT . . . . . ,251 XXXIIL IN THE TOWER ...... 255 XXXIV. MR. HILYARD'S FREEDOM ..... 260 XXXV. jenny's SCHEME 266 XXXVL THE lords' TRIAL ...... 271 xxxvn. Frank's attempt ...... 277 xxxviii. my lord's last days ..... 283 xxxix. tom's escape ...... 292 XL. THE END . . . . , . , 305 POSISCUIPTUM ...... 310 DOROTHY FORSTER. CHAPTER I. THE EVE OF ST. JOHN. Those who are so happy as to be born and to live out their appointed time in the North Country are not only removed from the luxuries and vices of London, but also from that wicked modern fashion of scoffing at the things which lie beyond man's compre- hension, and should therefore be accounted sacred. We of Nor- thumberland certainly do not pretend disbelief in what is sufficiently proved, but cannot be understood. Almost everybody (every woman, indeed, without exception) has seen, some time or other, strange and wonderful things which cannot be explained. Some, it is true, have endeavoured to reason these things away by pre- tending the insensible and brute action of chance (among them, Mr. Hilyard tells me, a great Latin poet, named Lucretius), which is incredible unless we allow the round world and all that is therein to have been itself constructed and set a-going by accident. Others, still living, attribute the stories which abound among us to foolish credulity and ignorant superstition ; unto such persons there is no answer but the evidence of things related and testified. Others again, whose opinion is to be received with respect, think they perceive in them the workings of man's Chief Enemy. Let me, however, for my own part, following the expressed opinion of Mr. Hilyard and what I believe to have been that of my lord the late bishop, continue to think that what is permitted, though it be not understood, must be received with reverence and without too close scrutiny, as doubtless intended for no other purpose than a merci- ful one, videlicet^ the admonition of the guilty and the encourage- ment of the virtuous. To those, again, who ask (seeking to throw discredit upon these beliefs by means of an idle laugh) why the things of which I speak are more common in the north than in the south of England — that is to say, why ghosts, spectres, witches, warlocks, elves, demons- 1 2 DOROTHY FORSTER. fairies or f aws, wauf s, warnings, and other strange manifestations and mysterious powers, continue in the North Country, yet are rarely reported from the Home counties or south of Tyne — I would venture to reply that (supposing the fact to be so) I know, indeed, of no other reason for the undoubted favour shown to us in this respect than the great superiority of Northumbrians over all other Englishmen in the matter of valour, strength, loyalty, and learning — I mean, of course, when they apply themselves to study, for, as eveybody knows, the gentlemen of the north are fonder of sport than of books. As for the piety of my people, much might be said and much confessed or allowed. We have, doubtless, the reputa- tion of being hard drinkers and ready strikers ; and we are also accused of smuggling and cattle-lifting. These charges are doubt- less true, and cannot be denied, though of late years there has been amendment, and one should remember that there has never been a time until the present when a Northumberland man could look for continued peace or respite from fighting ; nor could a lich man lie down at night with any certainty that he might not awake in the morning to find himself a poor man, his cattle lifted and his barns fired ; nor could he fall asleep with an assurance that he would not be roused at night by the blazing turf, and have to boot and saddle and ride after marauders, pistol in holster, sword by side, and fire- lock on shoulder. This has made a race of men quick to fight and careless of life, since, willy nilly, they went daily in peril ; and many families there are whose men, until a hundred years ago, never knew what it was to die in their beds. So much must be allowed my countrymen as an excuse for their readiness to strike. As to their drinking, true it is that the gentiy drink much wine of France and Spain, Rhenish, claret, and mountain, with brandy, usquebaugh, Hollands, ale, cider, punch, mum, cordials, and strong waters of every kind, while the common sort follow the example of their betters as far as they can afford (in which I blame them not) : but still our rough country fellows are not, so far as I know, so drunken as the rabble of London. And as for religion, I dare maintain that no gentlemen in England go to church with greater regularity than those of Nor- thumberland, or more dutifully repeat the responses ; while the country people, though there are many parts where there is no church at all for them, do still keep up with zeal the observance, with all customary marks of respect, of the great days of the Church — that is to say, feasting on New Year's Day and Candle- mas, fighting their cocks on Shrove Tuesday, eating parched peac on Carling Sunday, carrying round the plough at Christmas, getting up to see the sun dance at Easter Day, on May Day beating the bounds, according to ancient custom of the Church ; and all with the drinking of ale continually, both small ale and October, accord- ing to their means, and plenty of honest quarter-staff, bull and badger baiting, wrestling and boxing, to keep up the spirits of the people. Moreover, there are among us, though many staunch THE EVE OF ST. JOHN. ^ 3 Catholics, few, indeed, of the vermin who, undei the name of Inde- pendents, Nonconformists, Whigs, and what not, have within the last eighty years murdered one King, driven another from his throne, and do still keep a third from the noble inheritance and earthly crown which are his by Divine Right. These reasons seem to me quite suflBicient, without further inquiry, to account for the great blessings which we of the North Country enjoy in the shape of visits and messsages from the dead, supernatural warnings, with omens, prognostications, and the spirit of prophecy. As regards fairies and certain strange spectres which are reported to linger among our old ruins, I say nothing : first, because I cannot under- stand the purpose served in the Great Universal Scheme by the race of fairies ; and next, because, as regards the spectres, it is a thing incomprehensible to me why the ghosts of mere obscure and lowly-born persons, such as Cuddy the Reaper, or Nelly the Knocker, should be allowed so great a distinction as to continue among us, although it is seemly and becoming that the souls of great persons, such as that of the late Countess of Derwentwater (which I hear hath been recently reported to have been seen by many at Dilston) should be allowed to remain on earth as long as they please, either for the sake of weeping over the past, or of lingering in spots for- merly loved, until they can take their place in Heaven. On the Eve of St. John, in the year 1703, when Thomas Forster, Esquire, of Etherston, the elder, was Sheriff for Northumberland, I, Dorothy, his daughter, was at the Manor House, Banborough, where I was staying under charge of my old nurse Judith, in order to see the Midsummer Fire. 'Twas the same year in which my elder brother Thomas, coming of age, entered into possession of that noble inheritance of the Bamborough estates, to which he was heir in comparency with my aunt Dorothy, Lady Crewe. The estates included the village and Manor House, with the castle by the sea, and a great many other lands, manors, farms, and houses, of which an account shall presently be given. The house on this evening was filled with his companions, come to see the famous midnight fire ; and after the manner of young gentlemen, they were killing the time between supper and twelve of the clock with drinking and singing. The tire was built every year upon the seashore north of the castle, where a broad space of level sand lies between the links and the water, uncovered even at high tide. The custom of the St. J ohn Baptist's Fire goeth back beyond the memory of man — it is so ancient that its origin is lost : it is so much esteemed that the folk would no more think of letting it be forgotten or neglected than the girls would forget to dream of husbands on St. Agnes' Eve, or to hide the men's shoes on Easter morning. Mr. Hilyard, who hath always something to say concerning the ancient world, will have it that the Midsummer Fire is nothing in the world but a pagan rite, videlicet ^ a fire built and lit in honour of the god Baal, 4 DOROTHY FORSTER, and of Phoenician origin ; that is to say, it came from Tyre, of which city Hiram once was king, whose sailors navigated the world in the service of Solomon, as is very well known, bringing to the harbours of the Holy Land gold from India and tin from Britain. For which reason, he saith, and in lasting remembrance of that wise Prince, the Church hath done well to continue the practice, and to place under the protection of St. John Baptist that rite which formerly was part of the worship of a false god, and would, therefore, without such protection, lay open those who practise it to the wiles and temptations of the enemy. From all quarters the people come a holiday-making, and to see the Bamborough Fire. They come from Lucker and from Spindle- ton, from the Sea Houses of North Sunderland, from Belf ord, which is six miles away, and from Ellingham, which is ten. It is the chief annual festival at Bamborough, even greater than the Hagameny carrying of the plough at Alnwick ; the gipsies come and set up tents upon the sands ; there is always a travelling show or two, with men who do strange things, and booths where gingerbread is sold ; and there is all day long cock-fighting, with cudgelling, quarter-staff, and wrestling. The rustics come at daybreak, the farmers ride into the place early in the day, and there is a vast deal of drinking, eating, and singing long before the time comes for firing the pile. The younger men build up the pile with wood, artfully laying dry branches and twigs over and among the big logs, so as to raise a sudden and lofty flame ; the boys look on and run about, and tease and fight each other ; the girls are making wreaths and garlands with midsummer rush, vervain, and St. John's wort ; the older women and matrons stand together and talk. It is a subject for gratitude to think how simple are the pleasures of country women, since a long talk is, to most, their chief relaxation and delight ; their husbands, poor souls, must still be drinking or smoking tobacco, or looking on at fights or banging each other with quarter-staves. As for the older men, if they are of the better sort, they sit together in the inn ; and if they are of the lower kind, they commonly lean against door-posts, each with a pannikin in his hand, and slowly drink and slowly speak (because a rustic's words are few, though his wisdom is great) in the soft Northumbrian burr, which I, for one, have ever loved so much, and cannot, if I would, lay aside. The ingenious Mr. De Foe hath lately called it a ' hollow jawing in the throat,' which is, by his leave, a rude and ignorant way of describing it, and more fitly applied to the rough talk of the Border Scotch. It is a way of speaking which cannot be set down on paper, therefore all that follows is written as if it had been spoken in the mincing, affected way of St. James Street, ur the rough tongue of the London Mob * Gh, nurse !' I cried, * when will it be midnight * Patience, lass,' replied the old woman. ' Time is a sluggard for the young, but for the old he gallops.' THE EVE OF ST. JOHN. 5 I was sitting in the parlour with my old nurse Judith, waiting impatiently for the time ; the loud talk of the gentlemen was heard from the dining-room. Presently my eyelids began to close, and my restless fingers became still. Then my head fell upon the tall back of the chair, and I was asleep. Nurse let me sleep till the clock struck two- quarters after eleven, when she awoke me, put on my hat, and tied a handkerchief about my neck, and so we sallied forth. As we left the house, the cold air, the shouts of the people outside, and the singing of the gentlemen within — * When candlesticks they serve for bells ; And frying-pans they use for ladles ; And in the sea they dig for wells ; And porridge -pots they use for cradles — * completely awakened me, and I shivered, threw up my head, and felt no more sleepiness, and ran, laughing and shouting, to the sand-hills from which I was to see the show. The night was clear, with never a cloud, and a bright full moon riding in the sky — yet in this season, even at midnight, it is so light that there needs no moon. The wind had dropped, and the waves, which sometimes break so high and terrible on this coast, were now little ripples which rolled along the sand in a whisper. Above the sands the great castle stood, a grand sight to behold, its rugged walls either showing white in the moonlight, or, where in deep shadow, black and gloomy, until the red blaze of the bonfire presently lit them up, and made them yet more awful. The sands were crowded with the noisy people. In the midst stood the great pile waiting for the torch. Everybody was talking, laughing, shouting, and singing. Upon the sea there lay a broad belt of white moonlight, very pretty to look upon. To me, think- ing of what Mr. Hilyard had told me, it seemed that perhaps when King Solomon's sailors came they may have built their idolatrous fire on the same place, and by the light of the same moon. But perhaps there were then as yet no Forsters in Northumberland. They are, it may be admitted, of later date than the age of Solomon and King Hiram. Perhaps, too, there was no castle. It seemed to me a great pity that Solomon's sailors should come so far and not be able to see the castle after all ; and this, although they had the glories of the Temple should they get home in safety to the ports of Joppa, Sidon, and Tyre. But then the clock struck twelve, and suddenly the fiire blazed up, and in a moment seized on the whole of the pile, and rolled upward in vast great tongues of flame, with a cracking and roaring very frightful to behold and hear. ' Thus,' said Mr. Hilyard once, ' thus the false prophets on Carmel danced and shouted round their altars ; through such a fire the children were passed.' Indeed, when one remembers the wild faces of the men and women who leaped about that fire, there remains no doubt that in the madness caused by the blaze and roar of the flames, and the 6 DOROTHY FORSTER. drink they had taken, and the shouts and dancing, it needed little to make even our own people toss their little ones through the flames, as, it is said, but I know not with what truth, is done to this day by the wild Kerns of Ireland. In half an hour the first fury of the flames was spent, the small branches being all burnt, and there remained only the steady burning of the big logs. And then the young men began to leap with shouts across the fire, and the girls threw their wreaths upon it and sang again, and again danced round and round the pile. Let us go, Judith,' said I, frightened by all this shouting. 'Wait, child,' the old woman replied. 'Wait, my dearie ; they are going to bring out the Midsummer Witch. We will go down and learn thy fortune.' At this point, indeed, there was a rush of the boys, always the most zealous in every ceremony or public entertainment, across the sands, over which was now seen approaching a procession of half-a-dozen girls, walking slowly, and singing a kind of hymn. In their midst, as one could presently discern, there walked a girl dressed all in white, and veiled from head to foot. Her com- panions were carrying, according to custom, wreaths of vervain, midsummer rush, St. John's wort, and mother- wort. * 'Tis Jenny Lee,' said Nurse Judith, half to herself. ' They told me she was to be the St. John's Eve Witch. A proper witch, I warrant. As for her father, sure he gave a love-drink to her mother, else how should an honest farmer's wench go follow a gipsy tramp, even though he wedded her in church and called him- self the king of his thievish people, and was, as a body might say, as well set up a man with as fine a leg as a woman can desire, and as proud as Lucifer — Lord forgive us ! And on Midsummer Eve !' She looked round as if she expected something fearful with claws and fiery eyes, and crossed herself — a Papistical custom, but com- mon in Northumberland, ' If you want a witch, you needn't go farther than his daughter. They say she can do things already for which in the old times a poor old woman would be burned — my own great- grandmother for one, in King James's time. But that's a hundred years ago, and the world is changed. Witches can come and go without let or hindrance, which is a shame in a Christian country. Yet it is a blessed thing to live in times when there is no fear of being burned for a witch when you are only old and toothless. Did I tell you, my dearie, how I once saw a witch fly across the moon, broomstick and all ?' She had often told me that story ; but even at that tender age I could not believe how a cloud, as it seemed to everybody else, should be to her a witch astride of a broomstick. ' To tell fortunes,' Judith went on, ' one must either be a witch or a gipsy. Jenny is both gipsy and witch, they say. Look ! Here comes his honour with the gentlemen and Mr. Hilyard. As the procession came across the sands, the white- veiled figure looking strange and ghastly in the moonlight, the gentlemen came THE EVE OF ST. JOHN. 7 out of the house and walked arm-in-arm down the street towards the shore. My brother Tom, it may be supposed, had taken a glass more than the strength of his head allowed, for he staggered a little as he went. With him were two or three of his friends — Ned Swinburne and Jack Swinburne, brothers of Sir William of Capheaton ; Mad Jack Hall, of Otterbourne, whose presence always foreboded misfortune to the Forsters ; young Mr. Peregrine Wid- drington, brother to my lord ; and Mr. Antony Hilyard, Tom's former tutor. They all trooped along together, noisily laughing. By this time the girls had placed the Midsummer Witch on a sort of throne or stool of state covered with red cloth and flowers < 'The Midsummer Witch must be a maid,' said Judith, 'and a firstborn child, else the spell will not work.' They placed in her hand a vessel of some kind with a long and narrow neck. ' It is filled with water,^ continued Judith, ' drawn by herself from the sea on this very evening. Now, child, double thumb and come along.' Everybody knows that to double your thumb in your right hand averts danger. I complied, and thus secured we ran down the hillock, and joined the group. The villagers were standing round their newly-made witch in a respectful ring, the middle of which was occupied by Tom and his friends. ' Now, fair witch and pretty sorceress,' said he, pretending not to know the veiled girl, ' tell us our fortunes, and we will reward thee with a kiss, if your ghostship allows us to see your face.' But everybody knew very well who was the witch. ' Your honour must put something of your own in the jar, said J udith. Meantime the veiled girl sat as if she heard nothing ; in her lap the jar, and her hands folded round it. ' Drop your ring in it,' whispered Judith, ' No need to tell her your name or the name of any gentleman. She is veiled, and cannot see.' Mr. Forster drew a signet-ring, engraved with his arms, from his finger, and placed it in the narrow-necked jar. ' Now,' he said, laughing, ' tell me the fortune of the ring and its owner.' She put her hand into the vessel, and took out the ring. Then she replied slowly, as if she were looking for words fitting the fortune she was to tell : * Great place, great chase : near the grave, yet one to save. Great name, great blame ; far off to die, at home to lie.* That was a strange fortune : what could it mean ? ' I said she was a witch,' murmured Judith. ' Take back your ring, sir.' The girl held out her open hand. Strange ! the stone had fallen from the ring, and lay upon her palm. 8 DOROTHY FORSTER, * Lucky,' said my brother, * that it did not fall in the sand- The sea-water loosened it. " G-reat name," ' he continued, a little sobered ; ' what is it ? " Great blame," or great fame " — " far off to die " — well, what man can die more than once ? " At home to lie "—one would wish to lie with one's own people. " Great blame !" — who cares for blame ? A good fortune this. Now, Ned, try your luck.' Mr. Edward Swinburne, a young man of my brother's age or thereabouts, stepped forward, and placed a piece of money in the jar. Said the girl, taking out the money : * Prison walls and prison-bed ; Who lies there is stark and dead.* * I wish to heaven, Tom,' said the young man angrily, * thit we had stayed at home, and sat out t'other bottle.' Then Perry Widdrington took his place. The oracle was more pleasant to hear. The voice of the girl was low, and she never moved the whole time : * Danger by land and danger by sea : Yet your death at last in your bed shall be.* * Thank you for nothing, witch,' said Peregrine, stepping back, ' As for me,' said mad Jack Hall, whom none of the Forsters, except Tom. loved, because his presence seems to bode misfortune to us — besides, a man of forty had no business drinking and cirousing with these young men — '• as for me, I will have none of thy fortune, good nor bad. There's plenty good and plenty bad in the locker. Good or bad, what matters, so there's beef on board and drink in can ?' His rosy face looked as if he had already taken as much drink out of the can as he could well hold. ' Come, brave toper — come, my lusty Tony,' cried the lad Pere- g'ine, clapping Mr. Hilyard on the shoulder : ' try thy fortune, man !' The young man ought to have shown more reverence to the scholar, but learning and Perry Widdrington did not indeed regard each other with respect. Besides, the truth is that Mr. Hilyard was himself somewhat inclined to stagger as he went. Mr. Hilyard was a young man then, although so learned. Perhaps he was about five or six-and-twenty. He wore no hat, his wig was awry and out of curl ; his cheeks were red, his neckcloth was disordered ; he stood behind the others, as if he did not by right of birth (which was the case) belong to them. His merry laughing face, when the fire lit it up, seemed filled with the joy of wine and song : the poet Anacreon (whose verses he afterwards translated) could not have been more jovial to look upon. His nose was broad, his lips full ; his eyes were large, his figure short and squab. ' My fortune ?' he asked, with a laugh— though why should ho THE EVE OF ST. JOHN, 9 laugh over so grave a matter as his own fate ? * My fortune ? What better fortune than to drink and royster among the gentle- men of Northumberland ?' However, he placed a coin in the girl's jar, and waited as if he was ready for anything besides that fortune might have for him. * Fortune has no more to give me,' Mr. Hilyard said presently. ' Or, if anything, she keeps it concealed in a basket, as the Egyptian his secret, who, to one asking, replied, " Since thou seest it covered what impudence is this, to inquire into a hidden thing ?" Keep silence, priestess.' But the girl gave his fortune : * Love a fair girl all your life, Yet shalt never have a wife. Thou shalt rise and she shall fall ; Fear not thou wilt top them all.* ' Why,* cried Mr. Hilyard, * here is an excellent fortune indeed ! Good Sybil, I thank thee. Yet Haman rose and topped them all. So did Stylites, and so doth Steeple Jack. So does every poor devil at Tyburn Tree. Nevertheless, I thank thee. Delphic oracles are ever obscure. And there are many ways of rising — did one only know them.' 'Enough fooling,' said my brother. * Judith, give the girl a shilling for her trouble.' He tossed her the coin. ' Come, Ned — come, Peregrine — come, Jack! Let us go back and crack t'other bottle.' They returned as they had come, arm-in-arm, tramping up the road, and the scholar began to sing as they went. He had a clear, sweet voice : * He drank till night, and he drank till noon, The thirst in his gullet was such ; He never could drink a drop too soon — too soon : And never, never, never — no never — Never a drop too much.' I whispered, * Judith,' when they were quite gone, * let me now try my fortune, too. Is it not my turn now ?' But Judith was shaking her head. ' That shall you not,' she said angrily. * Here is a fine Mid- summer Witch for you, with her bad luck for everybody ! Heard one ever the like ? I would duck her in the sea for two straws. And for all these gallant gentlemen, too !' ' Oh, nurse !' But the oracle sat as if she heard not. ^ Nurse, 1 must have my fortune told — I must indeed.' 'Yes — yes,' cried the women of the village, pressing round. ' Miss Dorothy's fortune ! Let us have Miss Dorothy's fortune, too.' Judith gave way. She was as curious as the rest to krow what this wonderful Midsummer Witch w^ould say. Yet she was afraid. lO DOROTHY FORSTER. *Hast ever a crooked pin about thee, child T she asked. *So— this will do. Drop it in the jar. Now — double thumb again, child; The girl once more put her hand into the jar, and brought out the pin. As for me, I waited in a strange expectancy. Oh, what would she give me ? For the moment I felt as if this farmer's wench, whose father was but a common gipsy, actually knew the will of Heaven and could control the future. Impious thought ! And yet — it is truly wonderful — one knows not how — one cannot say why — the predictions of humble women are so often fufilled. Nurse Judith's great-grandmother — the one who was burned for a witch — predicted, as everybody still remembers, the tempest which blew down the roof of Belford Church, and on her way to the stake foretold a sudden and violent death for him v/ho bore witness against her. Wonderful to relate, the man was, only a year after- wards, done to death in a fray with the Redesdale men. Yet that little Jenny Lee, a milkmaid, a dairymaid, who dropped me a curtsey when she passed me — that she should — it was impossible ! What she said, however, was ambiguous enough for any fortune : * Lovers one, and two, and three, Lovers of high and of low degree, None of them all shall her husband be.* If none of my lovers was to become my husband, I thought, whom should I have to marry ? * Poor lass !' the women murmured. ' 'Tis a strange unlucky night for the quality.' It is a foolish thing that one should remember such a childish play, but I never forgot any of the fortunes told on that Mid- summer Eve. Nor, I think, did my nurse, as long as she lived, which was for ten years more. But now Judith dragged me away roughly, though the oracle had not yet finished telling the fortunes. ' Come, child,' she said. ' It is bed-time. Fuss enough made about a girl ; silly talk — though 'tis St. John's Eve and all. Come, Dorothy ! a maid of ten has got nothing to do with lovers. Lovers, indeed ! Who ever heard of such things ?' She, however, did heed them very much, for her lips kept mutter- ing as we came away from the great fire, round which the country people were now pressing and crowding together to know their for- tune. What J enny told them, I know not, but there now arose shouts of laughter. Yet to me it seemed as if they ought not to laugh when such melancholy fortunes had been told, and while the great fire — the fire of Baal — was still burning clear and bright, a terrible thing to look upon, just as it had done long ago when Solomon's sailors landed here, before King Ida built the castle, and before ever a Forster was seen in the North Country. * " Far off to die, at home to lie," ' Judith muttered. * What did the child mean ? Where did she learn it ? I hope his honour may not be disturbed by such a thing.' THE EVE OF ST. JOHN. II His honour was not, because, with his companions, he was put to bed that night too drunk to remember anything. ' Why, to be sure,' the nurse went on, ' it is only a play. And yet it is an old play, and we must never let it drop, or bad luck will come to us. Nobody knows who is abroad on such a night as this. Spirits whisper — I felt a cold breath on my own cheek just now. 'Tis a fearful night. Say prayers, my dear, and get to sleep.' Late as I had gone to bed, I was up betimes and dressed by six. When I went down the stairs I found Mr. Hilyard already up, and talking with no other than the girl Jenny Lee herself at the door. I know not whether he had been, like the others, drunk the night before. He was quite sober now, and composed and grave in his manner, as becomes a scholar and was his wont in the morning But his eyes were red, as sometimes happens after much wine. * Come, girl,' he was saying, ' thou shalt not put me off with non- sense. Who taught thee the rhymes ?' Jenny was a tall girl of twelve or thirteen, who might have been seventeen, so well grown was she. Judith called her a gipsy : her father, who was dead, belonged to that race. She had a gipsy's black hair and bright black eyes ; also a gipsy's swarthy skin, red lips, and white teeth. She bore on her head a pail of milk. When Mr. Hilyard spoke to her she looked confused, and hesitated. ' Come,' he said. ' Here is little Miss Dorothy. As you hope for any favour from this young lady, tell us where you learned those fortunes.' * Perhaps they were whispered by the spirits,' said the girl im- pudently. 'Everybody knows that on St. John's Eve the good people are about.' ' Perhaps they were not whispered. Perhaps I know where they came from.' I suppose there was something in his look which she read, because she dropped her eyes. ' Telling misfortunes to gentlefolk is no laughing matter, my girl. Such prophecies sometimes bring their own fulfilment. It is recorded of Marius — but that concerns thee not. Who was it, Jenny ?' * Granny,' she whispered. ' Grranny. Oh, she is a proper witch !' * Of course, I knew it,' he replied. ' Yet I saw none of your people among the gipsies yesterday.' She replied that, in fact, they were in trouble, one of them having been unjustly hanged for stealing a sheep (the whole tribe being ready to swear an alibi) ^ and another having been recently flogged through the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed ; and that as regards Bamborough, the last time they were camped in that place there were so many complaints about pigs, geese, and even cows dying suddenly and mysteriously (their bodies being taken away by the gipsies and eaten), and so many threats of throwing the old woman into the pond for a witch, that they were afraid of coming any 12 DOROTHY FORSTER. nearer. She was indeed — T knew her well — a most wonderful and terrible old woman to look at, being doubled up with rheumatism, and wrinkled and puckered in the face very curiously, yet with a pair of coal-black eyes which shone like fire. ' She cast the fortunes of the gentlemen and Miss Dorothy with the cards,' Jenny Lee went on ; ' and yours too, sir. Oh, granny's words come true — every one !' ' AVhere did your people come from last ?' asked Mr. Hilyard. ' They came from Lancashire, by way of Shotley ; and they are going to Wooler first, and then across the Cheviots and to Jed- burgh.' * From Lancashire.' Mr. Hilyard stroked his chin and lookod grave. Presently he began to speak with her eagerly in a tongue which I did not under- stand. Yet I knew very well that it was the language of the gipsy folk, and that Mr. Hilyard could talk it, being a most ingenious gentleman who could speak many languages, such as Dutch and French, and even thieves' tongue, which they call Canting. This he learned in London, while lurking (at great risk of being knocked o' the head) among the thieves and rogues of that great and wicked city. I believe there were also other weighty reasons, known to Oxford vintners and others who had trusted him, why for a time he should lie snug. You will hear presently how a person so learned and of such curious accomplishments became a resident in our house, and our dependent. After a serious talk, Jenny went away, dropping me a curtsey without letting the pail fall from her head, or a drop of milk to be spilled. Then Mr. Hilyard hemmed twice, and said : * I was saying to the girl, Miss Dorothy, that the poultry of Bamboroughshire must not be stolen, or rogues will meet their deserts.' This he may have said among other things, but I knew very well indeed that he had sent a much more important message. In those days of unquiet, when there were secret communications and letters constantly passing from hand to hand, and especially between Lan- cashire and Northumberland, even a child could understand that in some way or other Mr. Hilyard and the old gipsy woman were con- cerned in letter-carrying. * It is strange,' he went on, speaking gravely, and with his eyes fixed, as if he was reading from a book, which was his way — ' it is strange that the girl doth not forget the language of her father's people, though her mother brought her away so young. Much I fear that when she grows older she will leave the ways of Christian folk and follow with the camp. 'Tis a strange wild people ! Nor hath it ever been made certain whence they came or where they were first seen, though some say Bohemia and some say Egypt. As for their language, which I have been at some pains to learn, that seems to have in it something of the Chaldsean. Meantime forget, child, the pretended oracles of this gipsy Delphic. As for THE EVE OF ST. JOHN. 13 his honour, your brother, he will doubtless in some way achieve greatness, as his grandfather before him, Sir William, sheriff of the county ; and what the witch says is true, that great name brings great blame. Themistocles is recorded to have compared himself to a tree, the leaves of which are plucked by every passer-by ; yet in days of heat they all run to it for shelter. And as for prophecy, every man is Faher Fortunce, or maker of his own fortune, which is the reason why some do spoil themselves in haste and hurry of making ; so that we may admire the wisdom of Vespasian, who stamped his coin with a dolphin and an anchor, and the legend. Soon enough if well enough. Forget the oracles, child : seek not to know the intentions of Providence : and doubtless when your brother and the gentlemen are ready to take their breakfast, they will have forgotten, by reason of the potency of his honour's port, the predictions of last night.' It is, indeed, as difficult to keep a gentleman of Northumberland from wine as a woman from talk. * The goats of Candia,' Mr. Hilyard resumed, stroking his chin, and changing his manner, ' being shot with an arrow, straightway choose the herb dittany in order to cure the wound ; the tortoise, having eaten a viper, seeks for wild marjoram ; the dragon, when his sight fails, cleans his eyes with fennel. Cranes, for the good of the stomach, drink sea- water. Tiie wise man, Miss Dorothy, after a bottle or two of port over-night, taketh a tankard of small-beer in the morning.' He disappeared, in search of his remedy, and I saw him no more that morning. At noon the gentlemen took their breakfast, and presently rode away all together, laughing and shouting, and I never heard from any of them mention or remembrance of this oracle of St. John's Eve, CHAPTEH 11. THE FORSTERS. There are in Northumberland (one may thank Heaven for it) as many Forsters as there are Fenwicks, and more. First, it hath been said, but irreverently, the Lord made Adam and Eve ; and then He made the Forsters. They are, indeed, as ancient a family as any in the county ; as ancient in the county as the Percys, who belong also to Sussex, and are now swallowed up by the Seymours ; or the Radclilf es, who came from Cumberland. The ancient and original seat of the Forsters from time im.memorial has beenatEther- ston, which is, being interpreted, the Adder Stone. An old ring of the family, now in possession of my brother, John Forster, Esquire, of Etherston, commemorates the origin of the name, being shaped like unto a twisted viper with his tail in his mouth, and set with a precious stone. There is a snake or dragon connected with many 14 DOROTHY FORSTER. old and illustrious families : for instance, there is the loathly worm of Spindleston ; there is the dragon of the Lambtons of Durham ; there is the Conyers' dragon ; there is a Sussex dragon ; and the princely House of Lusignan, I am told by Mr. Hilyard, is descended from Melusine, a witch, or sorceress, who was half- woman, half- serpent. The legend of the Forsters' adder is lost. Mr. Hilyard once made a ballad or song about it, but so full of knights, shep- herds, nymphs, and cool grots (of which there are not many in our part of the country), that I thought it fantastical, although ingenious. The shield of the Forsters is — argent : a chevron vert between three bugle-horns stringed gules, and for crest a bent arm and a hand bear- ing a broken lance. The Etherston quartering is also argent : on a bend cottised sable three martlets. The motto is ' Si f ractus f ortis ;* but, like the Fenwicks, we have our family legend, namely ; * Let us dearlie then holde To mynde ther worthines That which our parents olde Hath left us to posses.' There are branches of the Forsters everywhere : at Stokesley in. Yorkshire, at Durham (where they are called the ' Friendly For- sters '), at Tuggall Hall, at Aldermarston, at Berwick, at East Bolton, in Jamaica, in London, and I know not where else. With these branches we have nothing here to do, save to mention them with respect as flourishing offshoots of a brave old stock. Especially, however, to be considered is the noble branch of Bamborough, founded by Sir John Forster, the valiant and trusty Warden of the March, under good Queen Elizabeth, for twenty- seven years, and Governor of Bamborough Castle. It was to his son, Sir Claudius, that King J ames made a grant of the castle and manor. This made him a man of greater importance than his first- cousin, Mr. Forster, of Etherston. Yet it is a proud thing to be the Head of the House, which will ever be the happiness of the Forster who holds Etherston. The Forsters have always been, like most Northumbrian families, blessed with numerous progeny. One of them had twenty-one sons and a daughter ; being unsurpassed in this respect, even in Northumberland, except by Sir William Swinburne's father, who, to be sure, had thirty children. How great a happiness to bring up so many valiant sons to fight England's enemies and maintain the glory of the country ! By marriage, especially before the Reformation, into which many noble Houses of the north would never enter, the Forsters were connected with nearly every family of gentle birth in the north ; videlicet^ Lords Crewe, Wharton, Hilton, and Ogle ; the Radcliffes, Shaftoes, Swinburnes, Chaytors, Selbys, Herons, Carnabys, Crasters, Ridleys, Fenwicks, Salkelds, Grays of Chillingham and of Howick ; the Coles of Brancepeth, and the Ordes. By marriage with a Radclilfe, the Forsters of THE FORSTERS, Bainborough acquired the Manor of Blanchland ; and by marriage with a Selby, that of Thornton. One of the Forsters was Lord Chief Justice of England, another was a Puisne Judge ; many of them were Sheriffs and Knights of the Shire. Their history is, in a word, part and parcel of the history of Northumberland itself ; that is to say, of the great and glorious realm of England. This book is written for no other purpose than to set forth the true character of a gallant and honourable gentleman which hath been of late defamed ; and especially by one who hath eaten his bread, drunk his wine, and received many favours at his hands. The name of this gentleman is Thomas Forster, generally called the Younger. It was he who commanded the Prince's English forces durfng the unhappy Rebellion. The hand which writes his history is that of his sister. I am, it is true, unpractised in the penman's art, therefore unskilled in the trick of making the false appear the true. Yet I can narrate faithfully the things which happened ; I can show hypocrites and villains, stripped of their disguise, the horrid wretches which they are ; and I can tell how gallant gentlemen and loyal subjects of the lawful sovereign of these realms (whom may God restore !) were betrayed to their own undoing. No one should be able to speak of a man so well as his sister. As for his wife, she knows him only when he has arrived at man- hood, and has no knowledge of the time when he was a stripling, inexperienced and ignorant, though perhaps full of brave intentions, or a boy at school under ferule and discipline, or a curly-headed laughing child. The sister remembers the growth of her brother's mind ; she has watched (if she be an elder sister) the hesitations of the boy, his first doubtful flights, seeming, like the needle when the compass is shaken, to incline now here, now there, until it settles towards a steady north, as towards the straight and narrow path of honour which leadeth to heaven. To a wife, a man pre- sents himself completed, at his best ; like a finished work, a picture framed, a poem written and printed. As for myself, it is true that I remember not my brother Tom as a child, because he was older than myself ; but I knew him as a young man while he wore his own hair still tied up by a ribbon, and went about dressed in grey sagathy and woollen stockings, and great thick shoes for weekday use ; with broadcloth and silver buttons, thread stockings, and silver buckles in his shoes, and a silk ribbon for his hair, on Sundays and holy- days. A brave and gallant lad he was, better at hunting than at reading, fonder of sport than of books, hearty with all, ready with a laugh and a friendly word with rich and poor ; and gifted with a natural love for friendliness, companionship, and good-fellowship, which made him beloved of all. He is dead now, and his fortunes broken and gone, and his enemies may say, as in the Otterbourne Ballad : * Now we have carry'd all Bambroughshire, All the welthe in the world have we.* i6 DOROTHY FORSTER. Many have drawn comparisons between Mr. Forster and his gallant companion-in-arms, Lord Derwentwater, to the disadvan- tage of the former. It hath never been my pretence or opinion that my brother was possessed of a nature so strangely and so richly compounded as that of Lord Derwentwater. He, it must be owned, drew all hearts by qualities as rare as they are admirable. But I make bold to maintain that if loyalty, fidelity, and courage may command respect, then we must give respect to the memory of Mr. Thomas Forster. These virtues were conspicuous in him, as in all his line. Like a river in a champagne country which runs evenly between its banks, so is the race of the Forsters ; like the river Coquet, which is now deep, now shallow, now gliding through open fields, now running under rocks, now under high hanging woods, is the race of the Radcliffes : and, like that river, they are most beau- tiful just before the end. The father of this Thomas Forster was Thomas Forster, com- monly called the Elder, of Etherston. He remained a private gentleman, taking no office until after the death of his cousins of Bamborough. Then he became Sheriff of the County and, between the years 1706 and 1710, Knight of the Shire. In the House of Commons he made no greater figure than a gentleman of Tory and High Church principles generally desires to make. Thus he was never a prater, nor did he waste the time of the House with idle talk and argument, being always well advised beforehand which side was the right, whose arguments would be the better, and prepared to vote, when called upon, with his friends. He, therefore, ac- quired the respect which Parliament is always ready to accord to members who sit silent and vote with their party. It would, indeed, have pleased him best could the measures have been brought for- ward silently, and voted without any speeches at all. ' It was a poor reward,' he said, * for the fatigue of a journey from Etherston to Newcastle, and from Newcastle to town, to sit out a long and tedious debate, when one's mind was already made up, and argu- ment can produce no more effect than swanshot on the back of a tortoise.' He married, while in his twenty-first year, his second cousin Frances, daughter of Sir William Forster of Bamborough, By her he had issue, namely, Thomas Forster, aforesaid ; John, who is now the possessor of Etherston ; Margaret, the eldest of the family, married to Sir William Bacon, of Staward ; Elizabeth and William, who both died young ; and myself, Dorothy. It was the misfortune of these children that their mother, who was as virtuous and prudent as she was beautiful, died while they were all of tender years, and I, for one, but a little lassie indeed, too young to feel the blow which had fallen upon us, and too ignorant to join in the resentment which filled the breasts of my elders when my father, forgetting the incomparable virtues of the wife he had buried, married a second time. This marriage lasted but a short while, ending most tragically in the shooting by accident of madam. Would not one think that any man would plainly see in the death THE FORSTERS. 17 of two wives the direct injunction of Heaven to wed no more ? Yet my father tempted Providence and married a third time, his wife being now a certain Barbara Lawes, from the South Country, whose birth was not such as to warrant this elevation, and who understood not the Northumberland people, or their speech, or their ways She brought her husband two children, Ralph, who lived to be thirty years of age, and Mary, now married respectably to Mr. Proctor. As to my father, he was the easiest and kindest of men ; all he asked for in the world was rest and a quiet life ; to this he was surely entitled by reason of his birth, his fortune, and his good health. His fortune was moderate : an estate of some few hun- dreds a year, and a house as good as any, except the great castles, in the county. Etherston Hall is a mile or so from the little hamlet of Lucker, and four miles from Bamborough. It is a large, square house, as full of modern conveniences as any gentleman may desire ; the sitting-rooms are wainscoted with walnut-wood ; it has sash- windows, glazed with crown glass, which make the rooms light and pleasant in all weathers ; there are stoves to burn a coal fire, as well as andirons for wood ; in the parlour there is a high-backed chair for madam, and a great oaken settle, for my father loved the wooden seat of the North Country, with its cupboard below, in which were kept all kinds of stores ; there is a shelf of books if any want to read ; there are still-room and dairy ; and there is a great cellar well stocked with ale, both small and October — wine, both French, Spanish, and home-made — and whisky, brandy, and Geneva. Outside there is a stately garden full of fruit-trees, and planted with every kind of flower, fruit, and herb ; and to screen the house from the cold north and east winds there is a thick plan- tation, call it rather a small wood or coppice, containing all the trees that afford thick foliage and shelter, as firs and pines, with wych-elm, sycamore, ash, rowan, and so forth. 'Why,' my father would say, looking round him, ' there is no better house in all Northumberland for the entertainment of one's friends ; nor, upon my word, doth a pipe of tobacco anywhere taste so well, whether it be on the settle by the fire, or in the garden beneath a tree. Go fetch me one, Dorothy, my girl.' Seeing how much he loved to be at home, it may be thought surprising that he should have endured so long the fatigue of Parliament, the discomforts to a country gentleman of living in London, and the burden of the long journey to town and back again. Yet a gentleman must not shrink from the duties imposed upon him by his position, and when it became necessary for him to become Knight of the Shire, he accepted the ofiftce with courage. I have no cause for repentance as regards the fifth commandment, and am easy in my conscience concerning my duty to my father The fifth commandment, although it hath been held by some to enjoin submission to all one's superiors in rank, fortune, place, affinity, or age, yet surelv was never intended to include step- 2 i8 DOROTHY FORSTER. mothers. If it was, Heaven forgive the Forsters, for they have greatly sinned. Still, without seeking, like Adam in that pitiful excuse of his, to shift the blame upon another, it is not unjust to say that the beginnings of the quarrels were generally made by madam, who desired to rule her stepchildren, now growing tall and beyond her control, as if they were still little ones, and her own. My sister Margaret, the eldest, a girl of uncommon spirit, was quite able to hold her own. Perhaps madam was wrong when she charged her with inciting the younger ones to disobedience ; but I am sure that Tom was right when he, grown too big to be beaten, even by his father, stood between madam and his little sister Dorothy, swear- ing that he would not let madam lay finger upon her, whether she deserved it or not. Let her go beat her own children as much as she pleased. 'Dame,' cried her husband, when madam complaiued, 'must I for ever be going about with a whip in my hand, like an overseer in a negro plantation ? Do you let the children alone, and they will let you alone.' Then would she sit glum in a corner till I went humbly to ask pardon and all for a time would go well again ; and over a pipe of tobacco and a pot of October, my father would talk with Tom about his horses and his hounds. When my sister Margaret married and went away, the household became more peaceful. Between Tom and myself — I being a child, and he a lad who was always ready to promise anything, besides that he regarded his younger sister with singular affection — it was presently arranged and understood that when we grew up we would live together away from Etherston Hall, and quite apart from madam. The compact was made long before it seemed likely that it would ever be carried out ; but then, who knows the decrees of Fate ? Nothing, says Mr. Hilyard, according to the French proverb, is more certain than the unfore- seen. ' We will live together,' said Tom. ' Cheer up, Dorothy. We will go and live together somewhere as soon as I come of age to do what I please. Then madam will have no one to flout but Jack — poor J ack !' It is sad to remember the quarrels which occurred daily between these jealous children and their stepmother. She would rush into my father's presence loud in complaint, scolding like a madwoman, though perhaps it was but a mere trifle, calling loudly for rods and whippings, lamenting the day that ever she came into a house where the children were so disobedient, upbraiding her husband for his lack of severity, and calling on the precepts of Solomon, who is no- where so clear as on this point of punishing children. (Yet Reho- boam, who was, no doubt, very soundly flogged, did not turn out such a son as the wisest of men and fathers could regard with pride.) On the other side stood Tom with Dorothy ; she hanging her head and holding her brother by the hand ; he angry, flushed, with fiery eyea, meeting accusation with denial or with charges of his own. THE FORSTERS. 19 When the angry wife flung out of the room, the poor father would turn a perplexed face to his children. ' It is hard,' he would say, ' that a man cannot come home and hang up his wig and find peace without quarrels and fault-findings. Tom, you villain, why anger madam ? Dorothy, child, go ask pardon for both, and then sit down and let us be happy.' Peace was attained presently, when, in a happy day, Mr. Hilyard came to the house. No one, before his arrival, understood how to treat the fancies of a whimsical woman, to humour her prejudices, and to keep her in good temper. Of Mr. Hilyard, more presently. For the moment, sufficient to note that my father soon learned to trust in him for the maintenance of an unclouded sky at home ; my stepmother looked to him for such personal services and attentions as were necessary to keep her in good temper ; my brother Tom, for such money (to be begged of my father) as he wanted for his personal pleasure ; J ack, for mediation in order to save him from punishment ; and I myself, for amusement and instruction, com- bined with the fingering of the spinet, of which I was always fond, and over which I attained, thanks to Mr. Hilyard, a proficiency (I may fairly say) equalled by few. There was never, sure, such a tutor in any family as Mr. Antony Hilyard. By my mother's side we came from the Bamborough Forsters — a branch of the family more distinguished in the world than the main stock, and remarkable for the gifts of politeness and love of learn- ing. Madam Frances Forster was the elder daughter of Sir William Forster, of Bamborouorh and Blanchland, by Dorothy Selby, his wife, daughter of Sir William Selby, and granddaughter of Ferdi- nando, Lord Fairfax. There were nine children of this marriage, viz., William, the eldest, who married his second cousin, Elizabeth Pert Forster, who died in 1698 without issue (she afterwards married Lord Stawell, and enjoyed a charge of £350 a year upon the estate) ; John, the second son, who died unmarried in 1699, aged thirty-one years ; Ferdinando, of whom more • immediately ; Frances, my mother ; and Dorothy, the youngest, whose birth caused the death of her mother. This Dorothy, my aunt, grew up a most incomparable beauty, the equal of whom was not to be seen anywhere in the county. In those days^ and until the death of Ferdinando, there was open house kept at Bamborough, with so much company and such prodigality and lavishing of good things as no other house in the county could show. It was ever a distinction between the Forsters of Etherston and those of Bamborough, that the former were quiet gentlemen, lovers of home, and not profuse of expenditure ; while the latter were large-handed, hospitable, and never so happy as when they were spending money with open hands and both hands. True, they had a great estate ; but there is no estate, not even his who owns Potosi or Golconda, but requires care in the spending. Sir William first, and his sons afterwards, lived as freely as if they had an endless revenue. They were not spendthrifts, nor did they throw money 2—2 20 DOROTHY FORSTER. away in riotous living, like him who was reduced to feed with the pigs ; but they lived at a great rate : their house w^as always open for anyone who chose ; their stables were full of horses ; their cellars full of wine ; their rooms full of company ; grooms and varlets in plenty lived upon them ; they even went to London. Madam, I remember, was for ever wondering how the Bamborough people could afford, even with their means, this great expense, and looking forward to a sudden end. But she was one of those women who rejoice to play the part of the Trojan Princess, constantly foretell disaster, concern themselves continually with the affairs of other people, and are never so well pleased as when they have some fresh misfortune to discuss, or some certain calamity to predict. To the beautiful Dorothy the coming and going of fresh company meant the arrival and dismissal of so many lovers, for all men fell in love with her at first sight. Those who were too old lamented their youth ; those who were married wished they were single for her sake ; those who were rich trusted in their acres ; those who were poor hoped she would accept their poverty. In a word, they all with one consent began to ask her in marriage before she was seventeen years of age. But she would have none of them ; not from pride, nor from a desire to make a great match (because, being a Forster, she knew that she could marry no one better than a plain Northumberland gentleman), but because she w^as young and happy, contented to wait single for a while, and because of all the lovers there was none who touched her heart. ' My dear,' she said to me once, long afterwards, ' a maid so young is simple, and expects more than she can get ; this man is too tall, that man too short, another too fat, another is boorish, another drinks too much wine, another has a hasty temper — as if she must needs have a man made on purpose for her. The gentlemen pleased me well enough to converse with, though sometimes they were coarse in their talk (a thing which gentlewomen cannot too strongly reprehend) ; but I liked not the prospect of spending my whole life with any one of them all. I desired, in short, more than a plain gentleman can be expected to give. Heaven granted my desire, save for one small particular, which, perhaps, I forgot to pray for, or I might have had that as well. My husband, most admirable in all other respects, had lost, when I married him, what many young women would prize the most — his youth. Yet he hath given me a great place and high rank, with learning and piety even beyond what may be looked for, even in a bishop ; wisdom more than one expects, even in the House of Peers ; and, my dear, unfailing love and consideration for woman's weakness, which is as rare as it is delightful.' And with that her beautiful eyes filled with tears— -but not of: sorrow. For there came to Alnwick when she was staying in their house in that town, being then but just eighteen, the great Bishop of Durham, Lord Crewe, upon a confirmation. Perhaps, but I am not Bure, she was herself confirmed by him on that occasion. He was THE FORSTERS, 21 then fifty-six years of age, and, though there is so great a disparity between fifty-six and eighteen, and between a grave bishop and a giddy maiden, his lordship fell in love like any young country squire with Dorothy, and proposed to marry her. To me it seems a truly awful thing to marry a bishop of the English Church, and I am not surprised that Dorothy refused him. Being still in her youth, she was naturally inclined to gaiety, mirth, laughter, dancing, and the company of the young, which is a quite sufficient reason for her refusal, and we need seek no farther. Yet it was a great match, for he was not only Bishop of Durham (that is, a Prince Palatine, with power to appoint his own sheriffs, and almost sovereign in his own diocese), but he was also a great statesman (he had made many enemies in his political career), and, besides this, a peer of the realm by birth and succession, the only member of his sacred profession who could boast of that distinction. When his lordship found that his suit did not prevail he went away, and presently married a widow — Penelope, the relict of Sir Hugh Tynte. But when, ten years later, she died, he found that he still remembered the beautiful Dorothy — probably he had never forgotten her — and he again offered her his hand and title. * Child,' she told me, ' when one arrives at twenty-eight, the pleasures of youth have all been tasted. I had been to London, and seen the glories of the park, the theatre, the gaming-table, and the town of London. Nothing is solid, I had already learned, except the jo^ s of rank, dignity, and wealth. When my lord came to me again, he was, it is true, ten years older — he was sixty-six — yet I assure you that he bore himself still with the uprightness and strength which most men show at forty, having no shadow of ail- ment or weakness, or touch of infirmity. I was, therefore, sensible of the great honour he proposed to me when he asked me again to become his wife. My dear, that venerable hand which I presump- tuously rejected at eighteen, I accepted with gratitude at eight- and-twenty, and have had no reason since for a single day to regret my decision. Pray Heaven my lord hath continued to regard his marriage with the same feeling of satisfaction !' Of that, indeed, there could be no doubt, because the Bishop re- mained to the end an ardent lover. Such, then, was the family of theForsters — a goodly trunk, with many vigorous boughs — their original seat at Etherston, with many stately houses and broad lands, belonging to the offshoots and younger branches : a House received with the respect due to an equal by all the great Northumbrian families, one which is num- bered among those whose origin mounts to the time of the Con- queror or earlier. Their name is not like that of the Fen wicks or the Swinburnes, of territorial origin, but is, perhaps, a corruption of Forester. They were, Mr. Hilyard says, the family who first seized upon the forest, or they were the King's foresters. In the old times, when they were always fighting, there was need of as many as could be produced, for the men were mostly doomed to 22 DOROTHY FORSTER. early death fighting on the Border, and the women, more to be p»tied, doomed to mourn for husbands, sons, and brothers. So that to both ahke fate was unhappy. But that time has passed away. There is peace upon the Marches ; and if wicked men stir not up the waters of strife, it is a time for sitting every man by his own fireside, his wig hung upon one peg, and his sword upon another, his helmet placed beside his foreiathei's monuments in the church, above the old coat of mail, a pipe of tobacco in his mouth, a brown tankard of October upon the table, with him a friend or two, and talk grave or cheerful, as the time and mood may suggest, while the sun slopes westward, and the shadows lengthen, and the dark crypt of Bamborough Church draweth nearer every hour. The way in which Tom Forster, junior, of Etherston, became Tom Forster of Bamborough, was as follows : On August the 22nd, in the year of grace seventeen hundred and one, Mr. Ferdinando Forster, Member of Parliament, the youngest and only surviving of the three brothers, was entertaining a com- pany of gentlemen to dinner at the Black Horse Tavern in New- castle. Now, there had been anger (for what reason I know not, and have never heard) for a long time between Mr. Forster and Mr, John Fenwick, of Rock. It has always been maintained Mr. Forster was a gentleman of easy and cheerful disposition, who bore no malice, and was unfriendly to no one ; also that he was ready and willing to come to an amicable settlement of their differences, whatever they might be, hating nothing so much as bad blood, and being ready to forgive private injuries so far as his honour would allow. Unfortunately Mr. Fenwick was of an opposite tempera- ment, being choleric, vindictive, and hot-headed. Also conceiving that he had been wronged, he went about demanding vengeance, and breathing threats whenever he should meet his adversary. "Was it not, therefore, a most unfortunate accident that he should be in Newcastle on that same August morning ? And what should be said of the mischievous wretch (reported to be mad Jack Hall) who informed this angry man that his enemy was at the Black Horse ? Thither he rushed, maddened by his great wrath, and, bursting into the room where Mr. Forster sat with his friends, did assail him with reproaches, insults, curses, and foul names of so outrageous and intolerable a kind that there was nothing for a man of honour to do but (having first called upon his friends to take notice that the quarrel was forced upon him) to rise and follow the aggressor into the open street. At the White Cross they stood, and both drew their swords. Mr. Hall, who had followed Mr. Fenwick, drew his sword as well, with intent to act as second. Just then, before the weapons had crossed, Mr. Forster's foot slipped, and he fell upon the stones. What followed is dreadful to tell, and shows how rage may make even an honourable gentleman blind and mad. For Mr. Fenwick, without waiting for his adversary to recover, or to be in a position to defend himself, instantly ran him through the THE FORSTERS. 23 heart, so that he fell dead. It has always been said that Mr. Hall should have prevented this cruel murder by striking up Mr, Fen- wick's sword with his own, and there are not wanting those who call him as much a murderer as the unhappy man himself who did the deed. I know not how this may be ; but so much is certa n, that nothing afterwards ever prospered with Mr. Hall ; but he was pursued with continued disaster to the day of his violent and un- timely end — a clear mark of Heaven's displeasure. They seized Mr. Fenwick red-handed, so to speak, and lodged him in prison. A month later he was led forth and hanged for the murder — a melancholy and disgraceful end for a gentleman of his birth and fortune. The intelligence of this terrible crime was brought to Etherston by Mr. Hilyard the next day. He lay at Bamborough that night, and so heard the news among the first. Madam was sitting in the garden with the two boys and Dorothy, Tom being then seventeen and Jack five years younger. * Alas !' she cried, when she heard the news — the children looking at each other in amazement, not knowing what to say. * Alas 1 sure some great wickedness, boys, must ha^e been committed by your mother's family. First it is John, then William, and now Ferdinando ; all gone in three years. Of nine children there remains but one. Some sins, we are assured, are visited upon the third and fourth generation. Tom, it would become thee to repent, lest it be visited upon thee as well.' ^ When I find out what I am to repent of,' said Tom sullenly, because he loved not to hear the least reflection upon his mother's family, ' I will repent. My mother's family have brought nothing but honour to us, as far as I know. There is credit in being worth notice. Now, a Lawes might steal a pig and be hanged for it, and his grandchildren never a penny the worse.' 'With submission, madam,' Mr. Hilyard interposed hastily, to prevent further words, ' this crime may lead to your stepson's singular advantage. For, if Mr. Ferdinando hath left no will, I mistake much if the estates do not devolve upon him, or upon him and Lady Crewe together.' ' Will Tom have Bamborough ?' madam asked. * Then he must not have Etherston as well. That,' she added, thinking of her own son, not yet born, ' should be divided among all the other children, however many there may be. The law is unjust as regards the younger sons. No woman would ever be a second wife did she know how her own children would be served.' ' 1 doubt not, madam,' said Mr. Hilyard, ' that should the oc- casion arise, his honour will prove as just and as generous as you would desire.' * Their father,' madam replied, tossing her head, * would give all to Dorothy had he his own Avay. When justice is to be done, Mi\ Hilyard, come to me about it.' 'As for me,' cried Tom, the brave lad, his face suddenly fiushing. 24 DOROTHY FORSTER. ' it will be my business to avenge the death of my uncle. Wnat The breath only just out of his body, and we are talking of his succession !' ' Nay,' said Mr. Hilyard, ' as for the murderer, he is in pripon they say that he will be tried for his life. Let me advise you rathei to keep this melancholy story before your eyes as an example, nevei to be forgotten, of the danger of ungoverned wrath, which Lac tantius calls a cruel tempest of the mind. Thus, as is recorded, began the madness of Ajax.' They brought the body of Mr. Forster to Bamborough, and buried him in the crypt below the chancel. It was observed that no longer procession had ever been known at the funeral of any- one : nay, it is even said that when the cojffin was borne into the church, the tail of the long line of mourners was yet a whole mile away from the porch, and they had to wait till all had reached the church, though all could not find room within, before they began the words of the Funeral Service. The chief mourner v/as my brother Tom, and after him my father, at the head of so great a gathering of Forsters that you might think them an army in them- selves. Then came the county gentlemen and private friends, and lastly the tenants and the common people, who wept tears of un- feigned sorrow, for they had lost a landlord and friend of a kind heart, although one who spent at a great rate and lived beyond his income. The foxhunters gave their brother sportsman the last view -holloa, as one fires a volley over the grave of a soldier ; and the Manor House provided a noble supper for all the mourners, of high and low degree, with as much drink of all kinds as their grief could crave, so that few, indeed, departed sober from that last tribute of respect to the murdered man. It was proved to be as Mr. Hilyard thought — Mr. Forster had made no will. Therefore, the Bamborough estates fell to Lady Crewe and Tom %m coheirs, each to take a moiety. ' Dorothy,' Tom cried, ' what we agreed to do shall be done. As soon as I am of age, and can go to live at the Manor House, thou shalt come too, and we will live together.' CHAPTER IIL THE HEIR OF BAMBOROUGH. A NOBLE inheritance indeed, even if one only had a moiety or half part ! Not only did it include the manors of Bamborough and Blanchlani, but also the Rectory and Monastery of Shotley, the Manor of Thornton, with houses at Alnwick and elsewhere, £f