RAPID LAIRDSs r i ■mi nr '/% '■Ji ■HE m THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY From the collection of Julius Doerner, Chicago Purchased, 1918. 655 W50 want a live agent to represent us for the sale of this book, and our other fast -selling subscription works, in every county in the United States. Agents can make big money. Write for our con- fidential terms, and be convinced that we can put you in the way of making lots of money. Absolutely no experience is necessary. The books require no talking. Boys and girls can do well with them, as they are needed by all classes in every community. Address, LAIRD & LEE, Publishers, 263-265 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, III. BOuK FOR ALL NATIONS THE WORLDS READY RECKONER AND RAPID CALCULATOR, THE TRADER, FARMER AND MECHANIC’S USEFUL ASSISTANT FO DoK n in a d n r^ in ?h al, Sor H of Commodities in anrt v^nf ii ents ’ sho ? m 9 at once the amount “"fl.™ ue n 0f -I y n “* nbep or quantity of goods from a Quarter of a Cent to Ten Dollars. WITH THE COINS OF ALL THE FOREIGN NATIONS WHO HOLD COMMERCIAL COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE UNITED STATES REDUCED TO THEIR EXACT VALUE IN DOLLARS AND CEN»^. Board by the Week, Forms of Notes, Bills, Petitions, Licenses, etc., TO WHICH IS ADDED Wages Tables, by the Hour, Day, Week and Mnnth B ° a a d Tah[A k 1 n II * umb * er Measurement Tables, ^ a Table of Interest per Day at 6 ner cent, on any number of Dollars from One to Twelve Thousand. COPYRIGHT 1890, BY LAIRD & LEE. CHICAGO: LJIIRD & LEE. PUBLISHERS? 1898 , f Laird & Lee’s V st-Pocket Webster Pro- nouncing Dictionary. Indexed S a? T -^.lyelition having a picture%l r*&“S tains, besides the Dlc V^ e v ’ hes an d A Gazetteer of the ^^l^Tlmproved Interest Tables and Bankers’ Cnarts. t i This admirable work is theonly ESSS .8™ «” - " l “” d “ once. Silk cloth, 75c. - p^cket^Encyclopedia Britannica. 400pages. IllustratedwiA ^^fj^six^l-page keyed SjSK ’vsaSssS.’SSW* 7^T&" Lee’s Combination' Memorandum Book. Calendars 1898 n nd AW pofson Anfidotef Weather tinders. Helps m Accidents Po^sonA^ Popu l a . ignals. Postal Rates, I t , p ore ip- n Coins, Electoral ' on o{ States and Cities, Value r of Fore.gn^oi , Sk Pre paper iea^binding, ^c. Leather bmding. ilt, 25c. The Mot orman’s Guide. By J. W. Gayetty. Hlustrate^ eont^ns^to| a motorman should Imow c.o» e Money-Saving Be- andAdvTce eC Endorsed by many Street Railway Managers. Flexible cloth, 7*,c. l ] Iaird^&lee, Pubhs^^ t SELECT FICTION. Paper Covers, eacii, 25 cents. The Fatal Letter. ............ A Public Man Whiz: A Story of the Mines. .A. E. Holbrook ’Way Out Yonder W. L. Visscher Herrmann, The MagLia/h Burlingame His Aunt’s Money . ,/ Henry Greville A Mile of Gold; or, Strange Adventures on the Yukon. Wm. M. Stanley The Weston Tragedy . . Clara Lanza An Uncle from India. Pierson Wooed and Wed .Theuriet My Wife’s Husband Alice W. Sparks Practical. Palmistry.. St. Germain Two Women . .S. B. Alexander Around the World on $ 60 . . . .Robert Meredith Zelda (New Edition) W. F. McMillan An Unconscious Crime Dr. N. T. Oliver The Fateful Hand. . . Her Sister’s Rival Albert Delpit An American Duchess ..... Harley Deene A Man of Honor. Feuillet The Story of Three Girls ........... Fa . cett Famous Romances of Voltaire Voltaire •The Doctor’s Strange Legacy. ...... .Robbins The Countess’ Love. ...... .Prosper Merimee Dr. Perdue . .Stinson Jarvis Six Years in Heaven A. McCleneghan The Art of Love-Making A. Silberstein After the Night Has Passed Ada Halsted Conventional Lies .Max Nordau Paradoxes Camille. Alexandre Dumas, fils Duchess Annette “ “ For Catalogue of all our publications (some 400 titles) , and for terms* to agents, write to LAIRD & LEE, Publishers, Wsbash Ave.. CHICAGO. JV*/ 9 ?*# bzWb r m PREFACE. The World’s Ready Reckoner and Rapid Calculator consists of a number of tables, by which the value of any number of pounds, gallons, yards, w feet, etc., of any article, from one to a thousand, at from one quarter of a cent to ten dollars each, can be told at a glance. No mathematical calculation is neces- sary, as the tables are so arranged that any person, by looking at the head of the page to find the given price, and at the column at the side for the number wanted, can tell the value of the article at once. Suppose you wish to find the value of 26 pounds of sugar at 7 cents a pound; find the 1 % cents page, run down the No. column until 26 is found, and opposite you will read $1.95, the value of the sugar. These tables are accurate and without error. The book contains besides these tables, the value of foreign money reduced to equivalent value in dollars and cents, table of board measure, tables of wages by hour, day, week and month, business forms and other matter valuable to the home, office or factory. • V.„ M • • Z' TABLE OF CONTENTS. Tables of Values 5-138 Tables of Money, Currency and Coin of the Wqrld 139-152 Practical Mensuration 153-156 Values of Rare U'. S. Coins 157-160 Interest Table 161 Table Showing the Number of Days from' Any Day in one Month to the Same Day in Any Other Month 162 Board by the Day or Week J 163-166 Business Forms 167-189 Wages Tables 191-251 Method of Reckoning Interest . 252 Lightning Tables for parking Goods Bought by the Dozen ' 253 Board Measurements 254-259 Plank Measurement. 260-287 Timber or Scantling Measurement 288-298 Rule for Wood Measurement. 299-300 Rule for Stone Measurement 301 Mechanics’ Iron Rule 302 To Measure Corn in the Ear 302 Rule for Brick Measurement 303-304 Rule for Measuring Casks and Barrels. . 305 Measurement of Grain 305 Rule to Make Square Timber Octagon. . 305 Legal Interest Rate of all the States 306 Tables of Weights and Measures. 307-308 Legal Weight per Bushel of Grain 309 Useful Receipts for Everybody 310-315 4 taL 6 At 3 Cent. No. Dolt. Olt No. Dots. Cts. No. Dolt. Cts. 1 l • 2 36 .18 71 • 35 | 2 . 1 37 .181 72 .36 3 • H 38 .19 73 361 4 . 2 39 .19£ 74 37“ 5 • 21 40 .20 75 .371 6 . 3 41 • 20| 76 .38 7 • 3^ 42 .21 77 .381 8 . 4 43 •211 78 .39 9 • H 44 .22 79 •39| 10 . 5 45 •22 \ 80 .40 11 • H 46 .23 81 .401 12 . 6 47 •231 82 .41 13 • ei 48 .24 83 .411 14 . 7 49 .241 84 .42 15 • n 50 .25 85 .424 16 . 8 51 .251 86 .43 17 • 81 52 .26 87 .431 18 . 9 53 .261 88 .44 19 • 9^ 54 .27 89 .441 20 .10 55 .271 90 .45 21 .101 56 .28 91 .454 22 .11 57 *28| 92 .46 23 .111 58 -29 93 .461 24 .12 59 •29j 94 .47 25 • 12^ 60 .30 95 .471 26 .13 61 .301 96 .48 27 .13| 62 .31 97 .481 28 .14 63 • 31 J 98 .49 29 . 14^ 64 .32 99 .494 30 .15 65 .321 100 .50 31 .154 66 .33 200 1.00 32 .16 67 .331 300 1.50 33 j .164 68 .34 400 2.00 34 .17 1 60 • 34| 500 2.50 35 ! .171 170 .35 1000 5.00 At 1 Cent. 7 JVo. Dols. Cts No. Dolt. Cts. No. Ihh. Cts. 1 . 1 36 .36 71 .71 2 . 2 37 .37 72 .72 3 . 3 38 .38 .73 .73 4 • 4 39 .39 74 .74 5 • 5 40 .40 75 .75 6 . 6 41 .41 76 .76 7 . 7 42 .42 77 .77 • 8 43 .43 78 .78 a . 9 44 .44 79 .79 10 .10 45 .45 80 .80 n ill 46 .46 81 .81 12 .£2 47 .47 82 .82 13 .13 48 .48 83 .83 14 .14 49 .49 84 • 84 15 .15 5$ .50 85 .85 16 .16 51 .51 86 .86 17 .17 52 .52 87 .87 18 .18 53 .53 88 .88 19 .19 54 . . 4 89 .89 20 20 55 .55 90 .90 21 21 56 .56 91 .91 22 .22 57 .57 92 .92 23 .23 58 .58 .93 24 .24 59 .59 94 .94 25 ,25 60 .60 95 .95 26 .26 61 , i .61 96 .96 27 .27 62, 1 .62 97 .97 28 .28 63 .63 98 29 .29 64 .64 99 .99 30 .30 65 .65 100 1.00 31 .31 66 .66 200 2.00 32 .32 67 .67 300 3.00 33 .33 68 .68 400 4.00 34 .34 69 .69 500 5.00 35 .35 70 .70 1000 10.00 .8 At lg Cent. Lvo . Dots. Ots. No. Dols. Cts.\ No. Dols. Cts. l • H 36 .54 71 1. 6! 2 3' 37 .55! 72 1. 8 3 . 41 38 .57' 73 1. 91 4 6 39 .58! 74 1.11 5 • 7 i 40 .60" 75 1.12! 6 . 9" 41 .61! 76 1.14 7 .101 42 .63 77 1.15! 8 .12" 43 .641 78 1.17 9 .131 44 .66 79 1.18! 10 .15" 45 .67! 80 1.20 11 .16| 46 *.69 81 1.21! 12 .18 47 .70! 82 1.23 13 • 19 j 48 .72" 83 1.24! 14 .21 49 .73! 84 1.26 15 .221 50 .75 85 1*27! 16 .24 51 .761 86 1.29 17 .251 52 .78 87 1.30| 18 .27' 53 .791 88 1.32 19 .281 54 .81 89 1.33! 20 .30 55 .821 90 1.35 21 .311 56 .84" 91 1.361 22 .33' 57 .851 92 1.38 23 .34| 58 .87" 93 1.39! 24! .36 59 . 881 94 1.41 25 .37! 60 .90" 95 1.42| 26 .39 61 .911 96 1.44 27 40! 62 .93 97 1.45| 28 42 63 .941 98 1.47 29 .43! 64 .96" 99 1.48! 30 .45 65 .971. 100 1.50 31 .46! 66 .99" 200 3. 32 .48 67 1. \ 300 4.50 33 .49! 68 1. 2 : 400 6. 34 .51" 69 1- 3 !j 500 7.50 | 35 .52! 1 70 1. 5 1 1 1000 15. At 2 Cents. 9 No. Dots. Cts No. Dots. Cts. No. Dots. Ots 1 . 2 36 .72 71 1.42 2 . 4 37 .74 72 1.44 3 . 6 38 .76 73 1.46 4 . 8 39 .78 74 1.48 5 .10 40 .80 75 1.50 6 .12 41 .82 76 1.52 7 .14 42 .84 77 1.54 S .16 43 .86 78 1.56 9 .18 44 .88 79 1.58 10 .20 45 .90 80 1.60 11 .22 46 92 81 1.62 12 .24 47 .94 82 1.64 13 .26 48 .96 83 1.66 14 .28 49 .98 84 1.68 15 .30 50 1. 85 1.70 16 .32 51 1. 2 86 1.72 17 .34 52 1. 4 87 1.74 18 .36 53 1. 6 88 1.76 19 .38 54 1. 8 89 1.78 20 .40 55 1.10 90 1.80 21 .42 56 1.12 91 1.82 22 .44 57 1.14 92 1.84 23 .46 58 1.16 93 1.86 24 .48 59 1.18 94 1.88 25 .50 60 1.20 95 1.90 26 .52 61 1.22 96 1.92 127 .54 62 1.24 97 1.94 j 28 .56 63 1.26 98 1.96 29 .58 64 1.28 99 1.98 30 .60 65 1.30 100 2. 31 .62 66 1.32 200 4. 32 .64 67 1.34 300 6. 33 .66 68 1.36 400 8. 34 .68 69 1.38 500 10. 35 .70 70 1.40 ! 1000 20. ID At 2h Cents. No. Dots. Cts. No Dots. Cts. No. Dots. Cts. 1 • 2 i 36 .90 71 1 . 77 j 2 . 5“ 37 .92! 72 1.80 3 • 71 38 .95 73 1.82 f 4 .10 39 .97! 74 1.85 5 •121 40 1 . 75 1.874 6 .15 41 1. 2! 76 1.90“ 7 .171 42 1. 5 77 1.924 8 .20 43 J . 7! 78 1.95 9 .221 44 1.10 79 1.974 10 .25 45 1.12! 80 2. 11 .271 46 1.15 81 2. 24 12 .30“ 47 1.17! 82 2. 5“ 13 .321 48 1.20 83 ' 2. 7| 14 .35 49 1.22! 84 2.10 15 •371 .50 1.25 85 2.12| 16 .40 51 1.27! 86 ( 2.15 17 .421 52 1.30 87 2.174 18 .45 53 1.32! 88 2.20 19 •47| 54 1.35 89 2.221 20 .50 55 1.37! 90 2.25 21 .52! 56 1.40 91 2.274 22 .55' 57 1.42! 92 2.30 23 .57! 58 1.45 93 2.324 1 24 .60 59 1.47| 94 2* 35 ! 25 62 J 60 1.50 95 2.374 26 .65 61 1.52! 96 2.40 27 .67! 62 1.55 97 2.421 [28 .70 63 1.57! 98 2.45 j 29 .72! 64 1.60 99 2.474 30 .75 65 1.62! 100 2.50“ 31 .77! 66 1.65 200 5. 32 .80 67 1.67! 300 7.50 33 .82! 68 1.70 400 10. 34 .85 69 1.72! 500 12.50 35 1 .87! 70 1.75 1 1000 25. 1 At 3 Cents. 11 No. Doll. Cts No. Do Is . Cts No. Dols . Cts. 1 . 3 36 1. 8 71 2.13 2 . 6 37 1.11 72 2.16 3 . 9 38 1.14 73 2.19 4 .12 39 1.17 74 2.22 5 .15 40 1.20 75 2.25 6 .18 41 1.23 76 2.28 7 .21 42 1.26 77 2.31 8 .24 43 1.29 78 2.34 9 .27 44 1.32 79 2.37 10 .30 45 1.35 80 2.40 11 .33 46 1.38 81 2.43 12 .36 47 1.41 82 2.46 13 .39 48 1.44 83 2.49 14 .42 49 1.47 84 2.52 15 .45 50 1.50 85 2.55 16 .48 51 1.53 86 2.58 17 .51 52 1.56 87 2.61 18 .54 53 1.59 88 2.64 19 .57 54 1.62 89 2.67 20 .60 55 1.65 90 2.70 21 .63 56 1.68 91 2.73 22 .66 57 1.71 92 2.76 23 .69 58 1.74 93 2.79 24 .72 59 1.77 94 2.82 25 .75 60 1.80 95 2.85 26 .78 61 1.83 96 2.88 27 | .81 62 1.86 97 2.91 28 j .84 63 1.89 98 2.94 29 .87 64 1.92 99 2.97 30 .90 65 1.95 100 3. 31 .93 66 1.98 200 6. 32 .96 67 2. 1 300 9. 33 .99 68 2. 4 400 12. 34 1. 2 69 2. 7 500 15. 35 1. 5 70 2.10 1000 30. 1 12 At 3h Cents. i xVo. 1 Dots. Cts 1 No. Dols Cts. No. Dols. Cts. i • n 36 1.26 71 2.484 2 . 7 37 1.294 72 2.52 3 .101 38 1.33 73 ! ! 2.554 4 .14 , 39 1.364 74 2.59 5 .171 40 1.40 75 2.624 6 .21 41 1.434 76 2.66' 7 • 24£ 42 1.47 77 2.694 8 .28 43 1.504 78 2.73 9 .3U 44 1.54 79 2.764 JO .35 45 1.574 80 2.80 11 .384 46 1.61 81 2.831 12 .42 47 1.64-4 82 2.87 13 .454 48 1.68 83 2.901 14 .49 49 1 .714 84 2.94 15 .521 50 1.75 85 2.971 16 .56 51 1.78i 86 3. 1 17 .59i 52 1.82 87 3. 41 18 .63 53 1.85£ 88 3. 8 19 .66? 54 1.89 89 3.114 20 .70" 55 l.92± 90 3.15 21 .731 56 1.96 91 3.181 22 .77 57 1.99? 92 3.22 23 • 80^ 58 2. 3 93 3.251 ! 24 ,84" 59 2. 6| 94 3.29 25 87i 60 2.10 95 3.324 26 .91 61 2.13| 96 3.36 27 .944 62 2.17 97 3.394 28 .98 63 2.20i 98 3.43 29 1. 1| 64 2.24 99 3.464 30 1. 5 65 2.27^ 100 3.50' 31 1. 8| 6K 2.31 200 7. 32 1.12 67 2.34? 300 10.50 33 1.151 68 2.38 400 14. 34 1.19 69 2.41^ 500 17.50 35 1.224 70 2.45 1000 35. At 4 Cents. 13 No,. jl?ofo Ct8. No. Dols. Cts. • No. Dol-. Cis. 1 , 4 36 1.44 71 2.84 2 . 8 37 1.48 72 2.88 3 12 38 1.52 73 2.92 4 16 39 1.56 74 2.96 5 20 40 1.60 75 3. 6 24 41 1.64 • 76 3. 4 . 7 28 42 1.68 77 3. 8 8 32 43 1.72 78 3.12 9 36 44 1.76 79 3.16 10 40 45 1.80 80 3.20 11 44 46 1.84 . 81 3,24 12 48 47 1.88 82 3.23 13 52 48 1.92 83 3.32 14 56 49 1.96 84 3.36 15 60 50 2. 85 3.40 16 64 51 2. 4 86 3.44 17 68 52 2. 8 87 3.48 18 72 53 2.12 88 3.52 19 76 54 2.16 89 3.56 20 .80 55 2.20 90 3.60 21 .84 56 2.24 91 3.64 22 .88 57 2.28 92 3.68 23 .92 58 2.32 93 3.72 24 .96 59 2.36 94 3.76 25 1 . 60 2.40 95 3.80 26 1. 4 61 2.44 96 3.84 27 1 8 62 2.48 97 3.88 28 1.12 63 2.52 98 3.92 29 1.16 64 2.56 99 3.96 30 1.20 65 2.60 100 4. 31 1.24 66 2.64 200 8 - 32 1.28 67 2.68 300 12. 33 1.32 68 2.72 400 16. 34 1.36 69 2.76 500 20. 35 1.40 70 .2.80 1000 40. -ifTtlffAr Sfci.V . U&jeAiitfc’ii'y 14 At 4$ Cents. No . Dolt. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dots. Cts. 1 . 4| 36 1.62 71 3.19£ 2 . 9 37 1.665 72 3.24 3 .131 38 1.71 73 3*28J 4 .18" 39 1.751 74 3.33 5 .221 40 1.80" 75 3.37^ 6 .27 2 41 1.841 76 3.42 7 .311 42 1.89 77 3.46^ 8 .36" 43 1.931 78 3.51 9 .401 44 1.98“ 79 3.555 10 .45 45 2. 21 80 3.60 11 .49. 46 2. 7“ 81 3.641 1'2 .54 47 2.111 82 '3.69 13 .581 48 2.16“ 83 3.73| 14 .63 49 2.20| 84 3.78 15 .671 50 2.25 85 3.82! 16 .72 2 51 2.29) 86 3.87 17 .761 52 2.34 87 3.91! 18 .81 2 53 2,381 88 3.96“ 19 .851 54 2.43 89 4. -! 20 .90 55 2.471 90 4. 5 21 »• .941 56 2.52“ 91 4. 9| 22 . .99 57 2.561 92 4.14 23 1 . 31 58 2.61“ 93 4.I85 24 1. 8 59 2.651 94 4.23 25 1.121 60 2.70“ 95 4.27] 26 1.17" 61 2.741 96 4.32 27 1.211 62 2.79 97 4.36J 28 1.26 63 2 831 98 4.41 29 t-301 64 2.8o 99 4.45! 30 1.35 65 2.921 100 4.50 31 1.39^ 66 2.97 200 9 - 32 1.44 67 3. 11 300 13.50 33 1.481 68 3. 6 400 18. 34 1.53' 69 3.101 500 22.50 35 1.571 70 3.15“ 1000 45. 16 At 5k Cents. No . Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 . 51 36 1.98 71 3.904 2 .11 37 2. '31 72 3.96 3 .164 38 2. 9 73 4. U 4 .22" 39 2.141 74 4. 7 5 .271 40 2.20 75 4.124 6 .33 41 2.251 76 4.18 7 .38* 42 2.31 77 4.234 8 .44" 43 2.361 78 4.29 9 .491 44 2.42“ 79 4.341 10 .55" 45 2.471 80 4.40 11 .601 46 2.53 81 4.454 12 .66 47 2.584 82 4.51 13 • 7 H 48 2.64“ 83 4.564 14 .77 49 2.694 84 4.62' 15 .821 50 2.75“ 85 4.674 16 .88 51 2.801 86 4.73 17 .931 52 2.86 87 4.781 18 .99' 53 2.911 88 4.84 19 1. 44 54 2.97“ 89 4.894 20 1.10 55 3. 21 90 4.95 21 1.151 56 3. 8“ 91 5 1 22 1.21' 57 3.131 92 5. 6 23 1.264 58 3.19“ 93 5.111 24 1.32 59 3.241 94 5.17 25 1.371 60 3.30“ 95 5.22A 26 1.43 61 3.351 96 5.28“ 27 1.481 .62 3.41 97 5.331 28 1.54 63 3.461 98 5.39 29 1.591 64 3.52“ 99 5.441 30 1.65 65 3.571 100 5.50 31 1.701 66 3.63“ 200 11. 32 1.76 67 3.681 300 16.50 33 ,1.814 68 3.74“ 400 22. 34 * 1.87' 69 3.791 500 27.50 35 1.924 70 3.85“ 1000 55. At 6 Cents. 17 No. Dots. Ots. No. Dots. Cts. No. J Dols. Ots. 1 . 6 36 2.16 i 71 4.26 2 .12 37 2.22 72 4.32 3 18 38 2.28 73 4.38 4 .24 39 2.34 74 4.44 5 r 30 40 2.40 75 4.50 6 .36 41 2.46 76 4.56 7 .42 42 2.52 77 4.62 8 .48 43 2.58 78 4.68 9 .54 44 2.64 79 4.74 10 .60 45 2.70 80 4.80 11 .66 46 2.76 81 4 ; 86 12 .72 47 2.82 82 4.92 13 .78 48 2.88 83 4.98 14 .84 49 2.94 84 5 . 4 15 .90 50 3 . 85 5.10 16 ' .96 51 3 . 6 86 5.16 17 1 . 2 52 3.12 87 5.22 18 1 . 8 53 3.18 88 5.28 19 1.14 54 3.24 89 5.34 20 1.20 55 3.30 90 5.40 21 1.26 56 3.36 91 5.46 22 1.32 57 3.42 92 5.52 23 1.38 58 3.48 93 5.58 24 1.44 59 3.54 94 5,64 25 1.50 60 3.60 95 5.70 26 1.56 61 3.66 96 5.76 27 1.62 62 3.72 97 5.82 28 1.68 -63 3.78 98 5.88 29 1.74 64 3.84 99 5.94 30 1.80 65 3.90 100 6. 31 1.86 66 3.96 200 12 . 32 1.92 67 4 . 2 300 18 . 33 1.98 68 4 . 8 400 24 . 34 2 . 4 69 4.14 500 30 . 35 2.10 70 4.20 1000 60 , ■' 18 At 6i Cents. No. Dolt. Ots. No. Dels. Cts. No. Dolt. Cts. 1 . 6} 36 2.25 71 4.43} 2 .121 .18| 37 2.31} 72 4.50 3 38 2.37} 2.43} 73 4.56} 4 .25 39 74 4.62} 4.68} 5 •31} 40 2.50 75 6 .371 -43| 41 2.56} 76 4.75 7 42 2.62} 77 4.81} 8 .50 43 2.68} 78 4.87} 9 .56} 44 2.75 79 4.93} 10 .62£ .68| 45 2.81} 80 5. U 46 2.87£ 2.93| 81 5. 6} 12 .75 47 82 5.12} 13 .81} 48 3. 83 5.18} 14 .87} 49 3. 6} 84 5.25 15 .93} 50 3.12} 85 5.31} 16 1 . 51 3.18} 86 5.37} 5.43} 17 1. 6} 52 3.25 87 18 1.12} 53 3.31} 88 5.50 19 1.18} 54 3.37} 3.43f 89 5.56* 20 1.25 55 90 5.62} 5.68} 21 1.31} 56 3.50 91 22 1.37} 1.43} 57 3.56} 92 5.75 23 58 3.62} 93 5.81} 24 1.50 59 3.68} 94 5.87} 25 1.56} 60 3.75 95 5.93} 26 1.62} 1.68} 61 3.81} 96 6. 27 62 3.87} 97 6. 6} 6.12} 28 1.75 63 3.93} 98 29 1.81} 64 4. 99 6.18'} 30 1.87.} 1.93} 65 4. 6} 100 6.25 31 66 4.12} 200 12 50 32 2. 67 4.18} 300 18.75 33 2. 6} 68 4.25 400 25. 34 2.12} | 69 4. 3l| 500 31.25 \3S 2.18} I 70 4 . 37 } 1000 62.50 At 62 Cents. 19 No. Dolt. Ots. AT*. Dols. Cts.\ 1 No. Dalt. Cl$ 1 . 61 36 2.34 71 4.614 2 .13“ 37 2.404 72 4.68' 3 .191 38 2.47" 73 4.744 4 .26" 39 2.534 74 4. 81' 5 • 321 40 2. 60' 75 4.871 6 .39" 41 2.664 76 4.94 7 • 45J 42 2.73' 77 5. \ 8 .52" 43 2.794 78 5. 7 9 .581 44 2.86" 79 5.134 10 .65" 45 2.924 80 5.20 11 •7U 46 2.99" 81 5.264 12 .78" 47 3. 54 82 5.33' 13 • 841 48 3.12' ?3 5.391 14 .91 2 49 3.181 84 5.46' 15 .971 50 3.25 85 5.524 16 1. 4' 51 3.311 86 5.59 17 1.101 52 3.38 87 5.654 18 1.17* 53 3.441 88 5.72 19 1.231 54 3.51 89 5.781 20 1.30 55 3.571 90 5.85" 21 1.364 56 3.64 91 5.911 22 1.43' 57 3.704 92 5.98 23 1.491 58 3.77' 93 6. 4 s 24 1.56' 59 3.834 94 6.11 25 1.621 60 3.90 95 6.17-J 26 1.69" 61 3.961 $6 6.24" 27 1.751 62 4. 3 97 6.30£ 28 1.82 63 4. 94 98 6.37 29 1.884 64 4.16' 99 6.43-J 30 1.95' 65 ! 4.221 100 6.50" 31 2. 14 66 4.29 200 13. 32 2. 8" 67 4.354 300 19.50 33 2.141 68 4.42' 400 26. 34 _2.21 69 4.484 SCO 32.50 35 2.274 70 4.55 1000 65. • 20 At 7 Cents. No Dots. Cts. No. Bols. Cts. No. Boh. Cts . 1 . 7 36 2.52 71 4.97 2 .14 37 2.59 72 5.04 3 .21 38 2.66 73 5.11 4 .28 39 2.73 74 5.18 5 .35 40 2.80 75 5.25 6 42 41 2.87 76 5.32 7 49 42 2.94 77 5.39 8 .56 43 3. 1 78 5.46 9 .63 44 3. 8 79 5.53 10 .70 45 3.15 80 5.60 11 .77 46 3.22 81 5.67 12 .84 47 3.29 82 5.74 13 .91 48 3.36 83 5.81 h .98 49 3.43 84 5.88 15 1. 5 50 3.50 85 5.95 16 1.12 51 3.57 86 6. 2 17 1.19 52 3.64 87 6. 9 18 1.26 53 3.71 88 6.16 19 1.33 54 3.78 89 6.23 20 1.40 55 3.85 90 6.30 21 1.47 56 3.92 91 6.37 22 1.54 57 3.99 92 6.44 23 1.61 58 4. 6 93 6.51 24 1.68 59 4 13 94 6.58 25 1.75 60 4.20 95 6.65 26 1.82 61 4.27 96 6.72 27 1.89 62 4.34 97 6.79 28 1.96 63 4.41 98 6.86 29 2. 3 64 4.48 99 6.93 30 2.19 65 4.55 '00 31 2.17 66 4.62 200 14. 32 2,24 67 | 4.6-9 300 21. 33 1 1 2.31 68 4.76 400 28 34. 2.38 69 4.83 500 35. 35 i 2.45 ; 70 1 4.90 1000 70. At 7h Cents. 21 No. Dots. Cts No. Dols. Cts. j No. Dols. Cts. 1 • 7J 36 2.70 | 71 5.321 2 * 15“ 37 2.77i 72 5.40' 3 ,22i 38 2.85“ 73 5.471 4 . 30 2 39 2.921 74 5.55' 5 .37 1 40 3. 75 5.621 6 .45* 41 3. 71 76 5.70' 7 .521 42 3.1^ 77 5.771 S .60 2 43 3.221 78 5.85 9 • 67i 44 3.30' 79 5.92j 10 .75 3 45 3.371 80 6. 1 1 •82i 46 3.45“ 81 6. 7| 12 . 90" 47 3.52.1 82 6,15 13 971 48 3.60“ 83 6.221 14 1. 5 2 49 3.671 84 6.30 15 1.121 50 3.75' 85 6.371 16 “ 1.20 2 51 3.821 86 6.45' 17 1.27| 52 3.90' 87 6-52* 18 1.35“ 53 3.971 88 6.60 19 1.42^ 54 4. 5' 89 6.671 20 1.50“ 55 4.121 90 6.75 21 1.57« 56 4.20 91 6.82| 22 1.65 57 4.27J 92 6.90 23 1.721 58 4.3 o' 93 6.971 24 1.80“ 59 4.421 94 7. 5 25 1-87} 60 4.50' 95 7.121 26 1.95“ 61 4.571 96 7.20 27 2. 21 62 4.65 97 7.271 28 2.10“ 63 4.721 98 7.35 29 2.17* 64 4.80' 99 7.421 30 2.25“ 65 4.871 100 7.50“ 31 2.32* 66 4.95' 200 15. 32 2.40 67 5. 21 300 22.50 33 2.47^ 68 5.10 400 30. 34 2.55“ 69 5.171 500 37.50 35 2.62^ 70 5.25' 1000 75. 22 At 8 Cents. No. Dels. Cts. No. Dols. Cts.' No. Dols. Cts. 1 . 8 36 2.88 71 5.68 2 16 37 2.96 72 5.76 3 .24 38 3 . 4 73 5 84 4 .32 39 3.12 74 5.92 5 .40 40 3.20 75 6 . 6 .48 41 3.28 76 6 . 8 7 .56 42 3.36 27 6.16 8 .64 43 ' 3.44 76 6.24 9 .72 44 3.52 79 6.32 10 .80 45 3.60 80 6.40 11 .88 46 3.68 81 6.48 12 M 47 3.76 82 6.56 13 K 4 48 3.84 83 6.64 14 1 o 12 49 3.92 84 6.72 15 1. 40 50 4 . 85 6.80 16 £.28 51 4 . 8 86 6.88 17 1*36 52 4.16 87 6.96 18 1.44 53 4.24 ; 88 7 . 4 19 1.52 54 4.32 : 89 7.12 20 1.60 55 4.40 90 7.20 21 1.68 56 4.48 ! 91 7.28 22 1.76 57 4.56 j 92 7.36 23 1.84 58 #.64 i 93 7.44 24 1.92 59 4.72 ) 94 7.52 25 2 ." 60 4.80 95 7.60 26 2 . 8 61 4.88 * 98 7.68 27 2.16 62 4.96 , 97 7.76 28 2.24 63 5 . 4 1 98 7.84 29 2.32 64 5.12 ! 99 7.92 30 2.40 65 5.20 100 8 . 31 2.48 66 5.28 200 16 . 32 2.56 67 5.36 300 24 . 33 2.64 68 5.44 400 32 . 34 2 72 69 5.52 500 40 . 35 2.80 70 5.60 1000 80 ' At 82 Cents. 23 No. Dolt. Ots. No. Dole. Cts. Wo. Dolt. Cti. ; 1 . 8| 36 3. 6 71 e . *1 2 .17 37 3,141 72 6.12 3 .251 38 3.23 73 6.201 4 .34 2 39 3.31^ 74 6.29' 5 .421 40 3.40" 75 6.371 6 .51 2 41 3.481 76 6.46 7 .591 42 3.57 77 6.541 8 • 68 1 43 3.65| 78 6.63 9 .761 44 3.74 79 6.71f 10 .85 2 45 3.821 80 6.80 11 .93' 46 3.91 81 6.881 12 1. 2 5 47 3.994 82 6.97" 13 1 . 1 °> 48 4. 8 83 7. 51 14 1.19 49 4.16J 84 7.14 15 1.27' 50 4.25 85 7.221 16 1.36 51 4.33^ 86 7.31 17 1.44' 52 4.42 87 7.391 18 1.53 53 4.50j 88 7.48 19 1-61| 54 4.59 89 7.561 20 1.70 55 4.671 90 7.65 21 1-78' 56 4.76“ 91 7.731 22 1.87 57 4.841 92 7.82 23 1-951 58 4.93' 93 7.901 24 2. 4 59 5. 11 94 7.99 25 2.12* 60 5.10 95 8. 71 26 2.21' 61 5* 18j 96 8.16 27 2.29| 62 5.27 97 8-241 28 2.38 63 5.351 98 8.33 29 2.461 64 5.44 99 8.411 30 2.55 65 5.521 100 8.50 31 2.631 66 5.61' 200 17. 32 2.72 67 5.69J 300 25.50 33 2.801 68 5.78“ 400 34. 34 2.89 69 5.861 500 42.50 35 2.974 70 5.95 1000 85. ' ' 24 At 9 Cents. No . Dolt. Cts ! 1 Vo. | Dolt. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 . 9 36 3.24 71 6.39 2 .18 37 3.33 72 6.48 3 .27 38 3.42 73 6.57 4 .36 39 3.51 74 6.66 5 .45 40 3.60 75 6.75 6 .54 41 3.69, 76 6.84 7 .63 42 3.78 77 6.93 8 .72 43 3.87! 78 7. 2 9 .81 44 3.96 79 7.11 10 .90 45 4. 5 i 80 7.20 11 .99 46 4.14 ! 81 7.29 12 1. 8 47 4.23 82 7-38 13 1.17 48 4.32 * 83 7.47 14 X.26 49 4.41 84 7.56 15 1.35 50 4.50 85 7.65 16 1.44 51 4.59 86 7.74 17 1.53 52 4.68 87 7.83 18 1.62 53 4.77 88 7.92 19 1.71 54 4.86 89 8. 1 20 1.80 55 4.95 90 8.10 21 1.89 56 5. 4 91 8.19 22 1.98 57 5.13 92 8.28 23 2. 7 58 5.22 93 8.37 24 2.16 59 5.31 94 8.46 25 2.25 60 5.40 95 8.55 28 , 2.34 61 5.49 96 8.64 27 2.43 62 5.58 97 8.73 28 2.52 63 5.67 •98 8.82 29 2.61 64 5.76 99 8.91 30 2.70 65 5.85 100 9. 31 2.79 68 5.94 200 18. 32 2.88 67 6. 3 300 27. 33 2.97 68 6.12 400 36. 34 3. 6 69 6.21 500 45. 35 3.15 70 6.30 1 1000 90. At 9a Cents. 25 j JVo.(/)ols. Cts. No. Dots. Cts. No. Dels. Cts. 1 1 . 9?, 1 36 3.42 71 6.74| 2 .19“ 37 3.511 72 6.84 3 .281 38 3.61“ 73 6.93^ 4 .38 2 33 3.701 74 7. 3 5 .47_J 40 3.80“ 75 7.121 6 .57 41 3.891 76 7.22 7 .66i 42 3.99“ 77 7.31* 8 .76" 43 4. 8* 78 7.41" 9 .851 44 4.18" 7.9 7.501 10 .95" 45 4.271 80 7.60 In 1. 4* 46 4.37" 81 7 .691 12 1.14 S 47 4.461 82 7.79" 13 1.231 48 4.56" 83 7.881 114 1.33 I 49 4.651 84 7.98 15 1.424 50 4.75" 85 8. 71 16 1.52" 51 4.841 86 8.17 17 1.61* 52 4.94 87 8.26* 18 1.71" 53 5. 31 88 8.36" 19 1.801 54 5.13 89 8.451 20 1.90" 55 5.221 90 8.55" 21 1.991 56 5.32 91 8.641 22 2. 9" 57 5.411 92 8.74 23 2.181 58 5.51" 93 8.83| 24 2.28" 59 5.60* 94 8.93 25 2.371 60 5.70“ 95 9. 2* 26 2.47“ 61 5.791 96 9.12" 27 2.561 62 5.89 97 9.211 28 2.66 63 5.981 98 9.31 29 2.751 64 6. 8“ 99 9.401 30 2.85“ 65 6.171 100 9.50 31 2.941 66 6.27“ 200 19. 32 3. 4“ 67 6.361 300 28.50 33 3.131 68 6.46 400 38. 34 3.23 69 6.55i 500 47.50 35 1 3.321 1 70 1 6.65 1 1000 95. ♦ 26 At 10 Cents No. Dolt. Cls. No j Dolt. Ct$ No. Dolt. Cta. 1 .10 36 3.60 71 7.10 2 .20 37 3.70 72 7,20 3 .30 38 3.80 73 7.30 4 .40 39 3.90 74 7.40 5 .50 40 4. 75 7.50 6 .60 41 4.10 76 7.60 7 .70 42 4.20 77 7.70 8 .80 43 4.30 78 7.80 9 .90 44 4.40 79 7.90 10 1. 45 4.50 80 8. 11 1.10 46 4.60 81 8.10 12 1.20 47 4.70 82 8.20 13 1.30 48 4.80 83 8.30 14 1.40 49 4.90 84 8*40 15 1.50 50 5. 85 8.50 16 1.60 51 5.10 86 , 8.60 17 1.70 52 5.20 87 ' 8.70 18 1.80 53 5.30 88 8.80 19 1 .90 54 5.40 89 8.90 20 2. 55 5.50 90 9. 21 2.10 56 5.60 91 9.10 22 2.20 57 5.70 92 9.20 23 2.30 58 5.80 93 9.30 24 2.40 59 5.90 94 9.40 25 2.50 60 6. 95 9.50 26 2.60 61 6.10 96 9.60 27 2.7 C 62 6.20 97 9.70 28 2.80 63 6.30 98 9.80 29 2.90 64 6.40 99 9.90 30 3. 65 6.50 100 10. 31 3.10 66 6.60 200 20. 32 3.20 67 6.70 300 30. 33 3.30 68 6.80 400 40. 34 3.40 69 6.90 500 50. 35 3.50 70 7. 1000 100. At 11 Cents. 27 No. Dols. C:s. No. Dols. Ctt. No . Dols. Gts. 1 .11 36 3.96 71 7.81 2 .22 37 4. 7 72 7.92 3 .33 38 4.18 73 8. 3 4 .44 39 4.29 74 8.14 5 .55 40 4.40 75 8.25 6 .66 41 4.51 76 8.36 7 .77 42 4.62 77 8.47 8 .88 43 4.73 78 8.58 9 .99 44 4.84 79 8.69 10 1.10 45 4.95 80 8.80 11 1.21 46 5. 6 81 8.91 12 1.32 47 5.17 82 9. 2 13 1.43 48 5.28 83 9.13 14 1.54 49 5.39 84 9.24 15 1.65 50 5.50 85 9.35 16 C 1.76 51 5.61 86 9.46 17 1.87 52 5.72 87 9.57 18 1.98 53 5.83 88 9.68 1.9 2. 9 54 5.94 89 9.79 20 2.20 55 6. 5 90 9.90 21 2.31 56 6.16 91 10. 1 22 2.42 57 6.27 92 10.12 23 2.53 58 6.38 93 s 10.23 24 2.64 59 6.49 94 10.34 25 2.75 60 6.60 95 10.45 26 2.86 61 6.71 96 10.56 27 2.97 62 6.82 97 10.67 28 3. 8 63 6.93 I 98 10.78 29 3.19 64 7. 4 99 10.89 30 3.30 65 7.15 100 11. 31 3.41 66 7.26 200 22. 32 3.52 67 7.37 300 33. 33 3.63 68 7.48 400 44. 34 3.74 69 7.59 500 55. 35 3.85 70 7.70 1000 110. [28 At 12 Cents. No. Dots. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dolt. Ctt . 3 .12 36 4.32 71 8.52 2 .24 37 4.44 72 8.64 3 .36 38 4.56 73 8.76 1 4 .48 39 4.68 74 8.88 5 .60 40 4.80 75 9 . 6 .72 41 4.92 76 9.12 7 .84 42 5 . 4 77 9.24 8 .96 43 5.16 78 9.36 9 1 . 8 44 5.28 79 9.48 10 1.20 45 5.40 80 9.60 11 1.32 46 5.52 81 9.72 12 1.44 47 5.64 82 9.84 13 1.56 48 5.76 83 9.96 14 1.68 49 5.88 84 10 . 8 15 1.80 50 6 . 85 10.20 16 1.92 51 6.12 86 10.32 17 2 . 4 52 6.24 87 10.44 18 2.16 53 6.36 88 10.56 1 19 2.28 54 6.48 89 10.68 20 2.40 55 6.60 80 10.80 21 2.52 56 6.72 91 10.92 22 2.64 57 6.84 92 11 . 4 23 2.76 58 6.96 93 11.16 | 24 2.88 59 7 . 8 94 11.28 125 3 . 60 O ri 4 . 4U 95 11.40 26 3.12 61 7.32 96 11.52 27 3.24 62 7.44 97 11.64 28 3.36 63 7.56 98 11.76 29 3.48 64 7.68 99 11.88 . 30 3.60 65 7.80 100 12 . 31 3.72 66 "".92 200 24 . 32 3.84 67 8 . 4 300 36 . 33 3.96 68 8.16 400 48 . 34 4 . 8 69 8.28 500 60 . 35 4.20 70 8.40 ; 1000 120 . At 12g Cents, or I of a Dol. 29 No . Dols. Ots. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cls. i .12! 36 4.50 71 8.87 J - 2 .25“ 37 4.62|- 72 9. 3 .371 38 4.75* 73 9.12 J 4 -50“ 39 4.871 74 9.25 5 .62-1 40 5. 75 9.371 6 .75 2 41 5*121 76 9.50 7 .871 42 5.25“ 77 9 . 621 8 1 . “ 43 5*371 78 9.75“ 9 1.121 44 5.50“ 79 9.871 10 1.25“ 45 5.62^ 80 10. 11 1.37 t 46 5.75“ 81 10.121 12 1.50“ 47 5.871 82 10.25 13 1.621 48 6. “ 83 10.371 14 1.75 49 6.121 84 10.50 15 1.87' 50 6.25“ 85 10.621 16 2. 2 51 6.371 86 10.75“ 17 2.121 52 1 1 6.50“ 87 10.871 18 2.25 53 6.621 88 11. 19 2.37' 54 6.75 89 11.12 J 20 2.50 55 6.87 i 90 11.25“ 21 2.64 56 7. “ 91 11.371 22 2.75" 57 7.121 92 11.50 23 2.871 58 7.25“ 93 11.621 24 3. 59 7*371 94 11.75 25 3.121 60 7.50“ 95 J 1.871 26 3.25 61 7.62 i 96 12. 27 3.371 62 7. J 5* 97 12.121 28 3.50 63 7.871 98 12.25 29 3.621 64 8. * 99 12.371 30 3.75 65 8.121 100 12.50 31 3.871 66 8.25“ 200 25. 32 4 . 67 8.371 300 37.50 33 4.124 68 8.50“ 400 50. 34; ® 4.25 69 8.621 500 62.50 35 1 4.374 70 8.75“ 1 1000 125. 30 At 13 Cents. No. Dots. Cts | No. Dolt Ctt. No. | Dolt. Qlt. 1 .13 36 4 68 71 9.23 2 .26 37 4.81 72 9.36 3 .39 38 4.94 73 9.49 4 .52 39 5. 7 74 9.62 5 .65 40 5.20 75 9.75 6 78 41 5.33 76 9.88 7 .91 42 5.46 77 10. 1 8 1. 4 43 5.59 78 10.14 9 1.17 44 5.72 79 10.27 10 1.30 45 5.85 80 10.40 11 1.43 46 5.98 81 10.53 12 1.56 47 6.11 82 10.66 13 1.69 48 6.24 83 10.79 14 1.82 49 6.37 84 10.92 15 1.95 50 6.50 85 11. 5 16 2. 8 51 6.63 86 11.18 17 : v 2.21 52 6.76 87 11.31 18 2.34 53 6.89 88 11.44 19 2.47 54 7. 2 89 11.57 20 2.60 55 7.15 90 11.70 21 2.73 56 7.28 91 11.83 22 2.86 57 7.41 92 11.96 23 2.99 58 7.54 93 12. 9 24 3.12 59 7.67 94 12.22 25 3.25 60 7.80 95 12.35 26 3.38 61 7.93 96 12.48 27 3.51 62 8. 6 97 12.61 28 3.64 63 8.19 98 12.74 29 3.77 64 8.32 99 12.87 30 3.90 65 8.45 100 13. 31 4. 3 66 8.58 200 26. 32 4.16 67 8.71 300 39. 33 4.29 68 8.84 400 52. 34 4.42 69 8.97 500 65. 35 4.55 70 9.10 1000 130. At L4 Cents. 31 No. Dolt . Cts. No \DqIs. Cts. No. DoU. Ctt 1 • 14 36 5. 4 71 9.94 2 .28 37 5.18 72 10. 8 3 .42 38 5.32 73 10.22 4 .56 39 5.46 74 10.36 5 .70 40 5.60 75 10.50 6 .84 41 5.74 76 10.64 7 .98 42 5.88 77 10.78 8 1.12 43 6. 2 78 10.92 9 1.26 44 6.16 79 11. 6 10 1.40 45 6.30 80 11.20 11 1.54 46 6.44 81 11.34 12 1.68 47 6.58 82 11.48 13 1.82 48 6.72 83 11.62 14 1.96 49 6.86 84 11.76 15 2.10 50 7. 85 11.90 16 2.24 51 7.14 86 12. 4 17 2.38 52 7.28 87 12.18 18 2.52 53 7.42 88 12.32 19 2.66 54 7.56 89 12.46 20 2.80 55 7.70 90 12.60 21 2.94 56 7.84 91 12.74 22 3. 8 57 7.98 92 12.88 23 3.22 58 8.12 93 13. 2 24 3.36 59 8.26 94 13.16 25 3.50 60 8.40 95 13.30 26 3.64 61 8.54 96 13.44 27 3.78 62 8.68 97 13.58 28 3.92 63 8.82 98 13.72 29 4. 6 64 8.96 99 13.86 30 4.20 65 9.10 100 14. 31 4.34 66 9.24 200 28. 32 4.48 67 9.38 300 42. 33 4.62 68 9.52 400 56 , 34 4.76 69 9.66 500 70. 35 4 90 70 9.80 1000 140. 32 At 15 Cents. No. Dolt. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. Bolt. Of. 1 .15 36 5.40 71 10.65 2 .30 37 5.55 72 10.80 3 .45 38 5.70 73 10.95 4 .60 39 5.85 74 11.10 5 75 40 6. 75 11.25 6 90 41 6.15 76 11.40 7 1. 5 42 6.30 77 11.55 8 1.20 43 6.45 78 11.70 9 1.35 44 6.60 79 11.85 10 1.50 45 6.75 80 12. 11 1.65 46 6.90 81 12.15 12 1.80 47 7. 5 82 12.30 13 1.95 48 7.20 83 12.45 14 2.10 49 7.35 84 12.60 15 2.25 50 7.50 85 12.75 I 16 2.40 51 7.65 86 12.90 If IT 2.55 52 • 7.8 U 87 -13. 5 18 2.70 53 7.95 88 .13.20 19 2.85 54 8.10 89 13.35 20 3. 55 8.25 90 13.50 21 3.15 56 8.40 91 13.65 22 3.30 57 8.55 92 13.80 23 3.45 58 8.70 93 13.95 24 3.60 59 8.85 94 14.10 25 3.75 60 9. 1 95 14.25 26 3.90 61 9.15 96 14.40 27 4. 5 62 9.30 97 14.55 28 4.20 63 9.45 98 14.70 29 4.35 64 9.60 99 14.85 30 4.50 65 9.75 100 i 5. 31 4.65 66 9.90 200 30 32 J 1 4.80 67 | 10. 5 300! 45. 33 4.95 68 10.20 400 60 , 34 1 5.10 69 10.35 | 500 j 75' * 35 1 5.25 70 10.50 1000 1 1 150. 7= At 16 Cents. 33 No. Dols. Cts No. Dols. Ots. No. Dols. Cts . 1 .16 36 5.76 71 11.36 2 .32 37 5.92 72 11.52 3 .48 38 6. 8 73 11.68 4 .64 39 6.24 74 11.84 5 .80 40 6.40 75 12. 6 .96 41 6.56 76 12.16 7 1.12 42 6.72 77 12.32 8 1.28 43 6.88 78 12.48 9 1.44 44 7. 4 79 12.64 10 1.60 45 7.20 80 12.80 11 1.76 46 7.36 81 12.96 12 1.92 47 7.52 82 13.12 13 2. 8 48 7.68 83 13.28 14 2.24 49 7.84 84 13.44 15 2.40 50 8. 85 13.60 16 2.56 51 8.16 86 13.76 17 2.72 52 8.32 87 13.92 18 2.88 53 8.48 88 14. 8 19 3. 4 54 8.64 89 14.24 20 3.20 55 8.80 90 14.40 21 3.36 56 8.96 91 14.56 22 3.52 57 9.12 92 14.72 23 3.68 58 9.28 93 14.88 24 3.84 59 9.44 94 15. 4 25 4. 60 9.60 95 15.20 26 4.16 61 9.76 96 15.36 27 4.32 62 9.92 97 15.52 28 4.48 63 10. 8 98 15.68 29 4.64 64 10.24 99 15,84 30 4.80 65 10.40 100 16. 31 4.96 66 10.56 200 32. 32 5.12 67 10.72 300 48. 33 5.28 | 68 10.88 400 1 64. ■ 34 5.44 69 11, 4 500' 80. 35 . 5.60 1 70 11.20 1000 , 160. 34 At 17 Cents No . Dols. Ct s No Dols. Cts. Jfo . Dols. Cts . 1 . 17 36 6.12 71 12. 7 2 .34 37 6.29 72 12.24 3 .51 38 6.46 73 12.41 4 .68 39 6.63 74 12.58 5 .85 40 6.80 75 12.75 6 1. 2 41 6.97 76 12.92 7 1.19 42 7.14 77 13. 9 8 1.36 43 7.31 78 13.26 9 1.53 44 7.48 79 13.43 10 1.70 45 7.65 80 13.60 1! 1.87 46 7.82 81 13.77 12 2. 4 47 7.99 82 13.94 13 2.21 48 8.16 83 14.11 14 2.88 49 8.33 84 14.28 15 2.55 50 8.50 85 14.45 16 2.72 51 8.67 86 14.62 17 2.89 52 8.84 87 14.79 18 3. 6 53 9. 1 88 14.96 19 3.23 54 9.18 89 15.13 20 3.40 55 9.35 90 15.30 21 3.57 56 9.52 91 15.47 22 3.74 57 9.69 92 15.64 23 3.91 58 9.86 93 15.81 24 4. 8 59 10. 3 94 15.98 25 4.25 60 10.20 95 16.15 26 4 42 61 10.37 96 16.32 27 4.59 62 10.54 97 16,49 28 4.76 63 10.71 98 16.66 29 4.93 64 10.88 | 99 16.83 30 5.10 65 11. 5! 100 17. 81 5.27 66 11.22 l 200 34. 32‘ 5.44 1 67 11.39 300 | 51. 33 5.61 68 11,56 400 1 68. | 34 5,78 69 11.73 500 j 85 35 5.95 70 11.90 1000 i 170- At 18 Cents. 35 No . Dola- Cts. No Dols . Cts . No. Dola. Cts 1 .18 36 6.48 71 12.78 2 .36 37 6.66 72 12.96 3 .54 38 6.84 73 13 14 4 .72 39 7. 2 *74 13.32 5 .90 40 7.20 75 13.50 6 1. 8 41 7.38 76 13.68 7 1.26 42 7.56 77 13.86 8 1.44 43 7.74 78 14. 4 9 1.62 44 7.92 79 14.22 10 1.80 45 8.10 80 14.40 11 1.98 46 8.28 81 14.58 12 2.16 47 8.46 82 14.76 13 2.34 48 8.64 83 14.94 14 2.52 49 8.82 84 15.12 15 2.70 50 9. 85 15.30 16 2.88 51 9.18 86 15.48 17 3. 6 52 9.36 87 15.66 18 3.24 53 9.54 88 15.84 ' 19 3.42 54 9.72 89 16. 2 20 3.60 55 9.90 90 16.20 21 3.78 56 10. 8 91 16.38 22 3.96 57 10.26 92 36.56 23 4.14 58 10.44 93 16.74 24 4.32 59 10.62 94 16.92 25 4.50 60 10.80 95 17.10 26 4.68 61 10.98 96 17.28 27 4.86 62 11.16 97 17.46 28 5. 4 63 11.34 98 17.64 29 5.22 64 11.52 99 17. 82 30 5.40 65 11.70 100 18. 31 5.58 66 11.88 200 36. 32 5.76 67 12. 6 300 54‘ 33 5.94 68 12.24 400 72, 34 6.12 69 12.42 500 1 90 * 35 | 6.30 70 12.60 1000 1 180' 36 At 181 Cents, or T 3 T of a Dol. No. Dols. Cts. No Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 .18} 36 6.75 71 13.31} 2 .37? 37 6.93} 72 13.50 3 .56? 38 7.121 73 13.68} 4 .75 39 7 . 3 1 1 74 13.871 5 .93? 40 7.50 75 14. 6} 6 1.12J 41 7.68} 76 14.25 7 1 .31 J * 7 . 87 J 77 14.43} 8 1.50 43 8. 6} 78 14.621 9 1.68? 44 8.25 79 14.81} 10 1.871 45 ' 8.43} 80 15. 11 2. 6} 46 8.62} 81 15.18} 12 2.25 47 8.81} 82 15.37} 13 2.43? 48 9. 83 15.56} 14 2.62? 49 9.18} 84 15.75 15 2.81? 50 9.37^ 85 15.93} 16 3. 51 9 . 56} 86 16.121 17 3.18? 52 9.75 87 16.31} 18 3.37? 53 9.93} 88 16.50 19 3.56? 54 10.121 89 16.68} j 20 3.75 55 10.31} 90 16.87} hi 3.93? 56 10.50 91 17. 6} 22 4.12? 57 10.68} 92 17.25 23 4.31? 58 10.87-1 93 17.43} 24 4.50 59 11. 6} 94 17.621 25 4.68? 60 11.25 95 17 . 81 | i 26 4.87? 61 ■ 11.43| 96 18. I 27 5. 6? 62 11.621 97 18.18} .28 5.25 63 11.81} 98 18. 371 29 5.43? 64 12. 99 18.56} 30 5.62? 65 12.18} 100 18.75 31 5 . 81 ? 66 12.371 200 37.50 32 6 . 67 12.56} 300 56.25 33 6 . 18 ? 68 12.75 400 75 . 34 6.37? 69 12.93} 500 93.75 35 6.56? 70 U 13. 12} 1000 187.50 | xj * !i .v -v" • • #•> At 19 Cents. 37 No. Dols. Cts No. Dols. Cts. No. Dils. Cts . 1 .19 36 6.84 71 13.49 2 .38 37 7. 3 72 13.68 3 57 38 7.22 73 13.87 4 .76 39 7.41 74 14. 6 5 .95 40 7.60 75 14.25 6 1.14 41 ;.79 76 14 44 7 1.33 42 7.98 •77 14.63 8 1.52 43 8.17 78 14.82 9 1.71 44 8.36 79 15. 1 10 1.90 45 8.55 80 15.20 11 2 9 46 8.74 81 15.39 12 2.28 47 8.93 82 15 58 13 2.47 48 9.12 83 15 77 14 2.66 49 9.31 84 15.96 15 2.85 50 9.50 85 16.15 16 3. 4 51 9.69 86 16.34 17 3.23 52 9.88 87 16.53 18 3.42 53 10. 7 88 16.72 19 3.61 54 10.26 89 16.91 20 3.80 55 10.45 90 17*10 1 21 3.99 56 10.64 91 17.29 .22 4.18 57 10.83 92 37.48 S 3 4.37 58 11. 2 93 17.67 VA 4.56 59 11.21 94 17.86 25 4.75 60 11.40 95 18. 5 £6 4.94 61 1} s 59 96 18.24 *7 5.13 62 11.78 97 18.43 28 5.32 63 11.97 98 18.62 29 5.51 64 12.16 99 18.81 30 5.70 65 12.35 100 19. 31 5.89 66 12.54 200 38. 32 6. 8 67 12.73 300 57. 33 6.27 68 12.92 400 76. 34 6.46 69 13.11 j 500 95. 35 6.65 70 13.30 1 1000 190. 38 At 20 Cents. j Vo . Dols. Cts. No. DoiS. Cts. No. Dols. Cts . 1 .20 36 7.20 71 14.20 2 .40 37 7.40 72 14.40 3 .60 38 7.60 73 14.60 4 .80 39 7.80 74 14.80 5 1 . 40 8. 75 15. 6 1.20 41 8.20 76 15.20 7 1.40 42 8.40 77 15.40 8 1.60 43 8.60 78 15.60 9 1.80 44 8.80 79 15.80 10 2. 45 9. 80 16. 11 2.20 46 9.20 81 16.20 12 2.40 47 9.40 82 16.40 13 2.60 48 9.60 83 16.60 14 2.80 49 9.80 84 16.80 15 3. 50 10. 85 17, 16 3.20 51 10.20 86 17.20 17 3.40 52 10.40 87 17.40 18 3.60 53 10.60 88 17.60 19 3.80 54 10.80 89 17.80 20 4. 55 11. 90 18. 21 4.20 56 11.20 91 18.20 22 4.40 57 11.40 92 18.40 23 4.60 58 11.60 93 18.60 24 4.80 59 11.80 94 18.80 25 5. 60 12. 95 19. 26 5.20 61 12.20 96 19.20 27 5.40 62 12.40 97 19.40 28 5.60 63 12.60 98 19.60 29 5.80 64 12.80 99 19.80 30 6. 65 13. 100 20. 31 6.20 66 13.20 200 40. 32 6.40 67 13.40 300 60. 33 6.60 68 13.60 400 80. 34 6.80 69 13.80 500 100. 35 7. 70 14. 1000 200. At 21 Cents. 39 N*. Dels Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No Dols. Cts. 1 .21 36 7.56 71 14.91 2 .42 37 7.77 72 15.12 3 .63 38 7.98 73 15.33 4 .84 39 8.19 74 15.54 5 1. 5 40 8.40 75 15.75 6 1.26 41 8.61 76 15.96 7 1.47 42 8.82 77 16.17 8 1.68 43 9. 3 78 16.38 9 1.89 44 9.24 79 16.59 10 2.10 45 9.45 80 16.80 11 2.31 46 9.66 81 17. 1 12 2.52 47 9.87 82 17.22 13 2.73 48 10. 8 83 17.43 14 2.94 49 10.29 84 17.64 15 3.15 50 10.50 85 17.85 16 3.36 51 10.71 86 18. 6 17 3.57 52 10.92 87 18.27 18 3.78 53 11.13 88 18.48 19 3.99 54 11.34 89 18.69 20 4.20 55 11.55 90 18.90 21 4.41 56 11.76 91 19.11 22 4.62 57 11.97 92 19.32 23 4.83 58 12.18 93 79.53 24 5. 4 59 12.39 94 19.74 25 5.25 60 12.60 95 19.95 26 5.46 61 12.81 96 20.16 27 5.67 62 13. 2 97 20.37 28 5.88 63 13.23 98 20.58 29 6. 9 64 13.44 99 20.79 30 6.30 65 13.65 100 21. 31 6.51 66 13.86 200 42. 32 6.72 67 14. 7 300 63. 33 6.93 68 14.28 400 84. 34 7.14 69 14.49 500 105. 35 7.35 70 14.70 10001 210. 40 At 22 Cents. No. Doli r. CtS. Dols. Cts. No. Vols. Cts . 1 .22 36 7.92 71 15.62 2 .44 37 8.14 72 15.84 3 .66 38 8.36 73 16 0 6 4 .88 39 8.58 74 16.28 5 1.10 40 8.80 75 16.50 6 1.32 41 9. 2 76 16.72 7 1.54 42 9.24 77 16.94 8 1.76 43 9.46 78 17 , 16 9 1.98 44 9.68 79 17.38 10 2.20 45 9.90 80 17.60 11 2.42 46 10.12 81 17.82 12 2.64 47 10.34 82 18. 4 13 2.86 48 10.56 83 18.26 14 3. 8 49 10.78 84 18.48 15 3.30 50 11. 85 18.70 16 3.52 51 11.22 86 18.92 17 3.74 52 11.44 87 19.14 18 3.96 53 11.66 88 19.36 19 4.18 54 11.88 89 19.58 20 4.40 55 12.10 90 19.80 21 4, 62 56 12.32 91 20. 2 22 4.84 57 12.54 92 20.24 23 5. 6 58 12.76 93 20.46 24 j 5.28 59 12.98 94 20.68 25 5.50 60 13.20 95 20.90 26 5.72 61 13.42 96 21.12 27 5.94 62 13.64 97 21.34 28 6.16 63 13.86 98 .21.56 29 6.38 64 14. 8 99 21.78 30 6.60 65 14.30 100 22. 31 6.82 66 14.52 200 44. 32 7. 4 67 14.74 300 66. 33 7.26 68 • 14.96 400 88. 34 7.48 69 15.18 500 110. 35 7.70 70 15.40 1000 220. At 23 Cents. 41 No. Dols. Cts. No. Dots. Cts', No. Dols. Cts. 1 23 36 8.28 71 16.33 2 .46 37 8.51 72 16.56 3 .69 38 8.74 73 16.79 4 .92 39 8.97 74 17.02 5 1.15 40 9.20 75 17.25 6 1.38 41 9.43 76 17.48 7 1.61 42 9<,66 77 17.71 8 1.84 43 9.89 78 17.94 9 2. 7 44 10.12 79 18.17 10 2.30 45 10.35 80 18.40 11 2.53 46 10.58 81 18.63 12 2.76 47 10.81 82 18.86 13 i 2.99 48 11. 4 83 19. 9 14 3.22 49 11.27 84 19.32 15 3.45 50 11.50 85 19.55 16 3.68 51 11.73 86 19.78 17 3.91 52 11.96 87 20. 1 18 4.14 53 12.19 88 20.24 19 4.37 54 12.42 89 20.47 20 4.60 55 12.65 90 20.70 21 4.83 56 12.88 91 20.93 22 5. 6 57 13.11 92 21.16 23 5.29 58 13.34 93 21.39 24 5.52 59 13.57 94 21.62 25 5.75 60 13.80 95 21.85 26 5.98 61 14. 3 96- 22. 8 27 6.21 62 14.26 97 22.31 28 6.44 63 14.49 98 22.54 29 6.67 64 14.72 99 22.77 30 6.90 65 14.95 100 23. 31 7.13 66 15.18 200 46. 32 7.36 67 15.41 300 69. 33 7.59 68 15.64 400 92. 34 7.82 69 15.87 500 115. 35 8. 5 170 16.10 1000 230. 42 At 24 Cents. . No. Dols. Cls. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cta. 1 .24 36 8.64 71 17. 4 2 .48 37 8.88 72 17.28 3 .72 38 9.12 73 17.52 4 .96 39 9.36 74 17.76 5 1.20 40 9.60 75 18. 6 1.44 41 9.84 76 18.24 7 1.68 42. 10. 8 77 18.48 8 1.92 43 10.32 78 18.72 9 2.16 44 10.56 79 18.96 10 2.40 45 10.80 80 19.20 11 2.64 46 11. 4 81 19.44 12 2.88 47 11.28 82 19.68 13 3.12 48 11.52 83 19.92 14 3.36 49 11.76 84 20/16 15 3.60 50 12. 85 20.40 16 3.84 51 12.24 86 20.64 17 4, 8 52 12.48 87 20.88 18 4.32 53 12.72 88 21.12 19 4.56 54 12.96 89 21.36 20 4.80 55 13.20 90 21.60 21 5. 4 56 13.44 91 21.84 22 5.28 57 13.68 92 22. 8 23 5.52 58 13.92 93 22.32 24 5.76 59 14.16 94 22.56 25 6. 60 14.40 95 22.80 26 6.24 61 14.64 96 23. 4 27 6.48 62 14.88 97 23.28 28 6.72 63' 15.12 98 23.52 29 6.96 64 15.36 99 23.76 30 7.20 65 15.60 100 24, 31 7.44 66 15.84 200 48. 32 7.68 67 16. 8 j 300 72. 33 7.92 68 16.32 1 400 96. 34 , 8.16 69 16 * 56 ! [! 500 120. 35 8.40 70 16-80 | 1000 240. .. \ . .. At 25 C^nts. 43 No Dols. Col8. Ct». No. D ols . Cts. 1 No. i Dols. Ctt * I 1 .27 36 9.72 j 71 19 17 I 2 .54 37 9.99 72 19.44 1 3 .81 38 10.26 73 19.71 I 4 1. 8 39 10.53 74 19.98 I 5 1.35 40 10.80 75 20.25 j 6 1.62 41 11. 7 76 20.52 7 1.89 42 11.34 77 20.79 8 2.16 43 11.61 78 21 • 6 9 2.43 44 11.88 79 21.33 10 2.70 45 12.15 80 t 21.60 11 2.97 46 12.42 81 21.87 12 3.24 47 12.69 82 22.14 13 3.51 48 12.96 83 22.41 14 3.78 49 13.23 84 22.68 15 4. 5 (50 13.50 85 22.95 16 4.32 61 13.77 86 23.22 17 4.59 52 14. 4 87 23.49 ! 18 4.86 53 14.31 88 23.76 19 5.13 54 14.58 89 24 . 3 20 5.40 55 14.85 90 24.30 21 5.67 56 15.12 91 24.57 22 5.94 57 15.39 92 24.84 23 6.21 58 15.66 93 25.11 24 6.48 59 15.93 94 25.38 25 6.75 60 16.20 95 25.65 26 7. 2 61 16.47 96 25.92 27 7.29 62 16.74 97 26.19 28 1 7.56 63 17. 1 98 26.46 29 i 7.83 64 17.28 99 i 26.73 3C ) 8.10 65 17.55 10C ) 27. 31 8.37 66 17.82 , 20C ) 54. 3$ > 8.64 l 67 18. S i 30C ) 81. 31 1 8.91 68 1 18.36 1 40( ) 108. 3; i 9.1* * 6S l 18.6: i 500 135. 35 l 9.45 |;7C ) 18. 9( ) 1000 1 270. 46 At 28 Cents. zz; 6.1b 57 15.96 23 6.44 58 16.24 24 6.72 59 16.52 25 7. 60 16.80 i 26 7.28 61 17. 8 27 7.56 62 17.36 28 7.84 1 63 17.64 29 8.12 1 64 17.92 30 8.40 65 18.20 31 8.68 66 18.48 32 8.96 67 18.76 33 9.24 68 19. 4 9.52 69 19.32 35 | 9.80 70 19.60 , JV*. Dots. Cta. 71 19.88 72 20 , ie 73 20.44 74 20.72 75 21. 76 21.28 77 21.56 78 21.84 79 22.12 80 22.40 81 22.68 82 22.96 83 23.24 84 23.52 85 23.80 86 24. 8 I 87 24.36 { 88 24.64 89 24.92 90 25.20 I At 29 Cents. 47 No. 1 )ols. Cts. No. 1 lots. Cts. No. j Ools. Cts. 1 .29 36 10.44 71 20.59 2 .58 37 10.73 72 20.88 3 .87 38 11. 2 73 21.17 u i 4 i 1.16 39 11.31 1 74 21.46 5 1.45 40 11.60 75 21.75 6 1.74 41 11.89 76 22. 4 7 2. 3 42 12.18 77 22.33 8 2.32 43 12.47 .78 J 22.62 9 2.61 44 12.76 79 22.91 10 2.90 45 13. 5 80 23.20 11 3.19 46 13.34 81 23.49 12 3.48 47 13.63 82 23.78 13 3.77 48 13.92 83 24. 7 [ 14 4. 6 49 14.21 84 24.36 15 4.35 50 14.50 85 24.65 16 4.64 '51 14.79 86 24.94 1 17 4.93 52 15. 8 87 25.23 18 5.22 53 15.37 88 25,52 19 5.51 54 15.66 89 25.81 20 5.80 55 15.95 90 26.10 i 21 6. 9 56 16.24 91 26.39 22 6.38 57 16.53 92 26.68 23 6.67 58 16.82 93 26.97 24 6.96 59 17.11 94 27.26 25 7.25 60 17.40 95 27.55 26 7.54 61 17.69 96 27.84 27 7.83 62 17.98 97 28.13 28 8.12 63 1827 98 28.42 29 8.41 64 18.56 99 28.71 30 8.70 65 18.85 100 29. 31 8.99 66 19.14 200 58. 32 9.28 67 19.43 300 87. 33 9.5'" 68 ; 19.72 400 116. 34 9.86 69 i 20. 1 500 i 145. 35 ii 10.15 7 C > 20.30 r - 4 1000 i— 1.1 290. 48 At 30 Cents. — No Dols. Gts No • Dols. Cts No. 1 Dois. Gts 1 .30 36 10.80 71 21.30 2 .60 37 11.10 72 21.60 3 .90 38 11.40 73 21.90 4 1.20 39 11.70 74 22.20 5 1.50 40 12. 75 22.50 6 1.80 41 12.30 76 22.80 7 2.10 42 12.60 77 23.10 8 2.40 43 12.90 78 23.40 9 2.70 44 13.20 79 23.7 0 10 3. 45 13.50 20 24. fl 3.30 46 13.80 81 24.30 12 3.60 47 14.10 82 24.60 13 3.90 48 14.40 83 24.90 M 4.20 49 14.70 84 25.20 15 4.50 50 15. 85 25.50 16 4.80 51 15.30 86 25.80 }7 5.10 52 15.60 87 26.10 18 L n 5.40 53 15.90 88 26.40 19 5.70 54 16.20 89 26.70 20 6. 55 16.50 90 27. 21 6.30 56 16.80 91 27.30 22 6.60 57 17.10 92, 27.60 23 6.90 58 17.40 93 27.90 24 7.20 59 17.70 94 28.20 25 7.50 60 18. 95 28.50 26 7.80 61 18.30 96 28.80 27 8.10 62 18.60 97 29.10 28 8.40 63 18.90 98 29.40 | 29 8.70 64 19.20 99 29.70 1 30 9. 65 19.50 100 30. 31 9 30 66 19.80 200 60. 1 32 9.60 67 20.10 300 90 j 33 9.90 68 20.40 400 120. I 34 1 10.20 69 20.70 I 500 | 150. j 35 - -0.50 70 21. ! 1000 1 At 31 Cents. 49 , No. Dels. Cls. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dote. Cu. 1 31 36 11.16 71 22. 1 2 .62 37 11.47 72 22. 32 3 .93 38 11.78 73 22. 63 4 1.24 39 12. 9 74 22. 94 5 1.55 40 12.40 75 23 25 6 1.86 41 12.71 76 23. 56 7 2.17 42 13. 2 77 23. 87 8 2.48 43 13.33 78 24. 18 9 2.79 44 13.64 79 24. 49 10 3.10 45 13.95 80 24. 80 11 3.41 46 14.26 81 25. 11 12 3.72 47 14.57 82 25. 42 13 4. 3 48 14.88 83 25. 73 14 4.34 49 15.19 84 26. 4 15 4.65 50 15.50 85 26. 35 16 4.96 51 15.81 86 26. 66 17 5.27 52 16.12 87 26. 97 18 5.58 53 16.43 88 27. 28 19 5.89 54 16.74 89 27. 59 20 6.20 55 17. 5 90 27. 90 21 6.51 56 17.36 1 91 28. 21 22 6.82 57 17.67 92 28. 52 23 7.13 58 17.98 93 28. 83 24 7.44 59 18.29 94 29. 14 25 7.75 60 18.60 95 29 45 26 8. 6 61 18.91 96 29. 76 27 8.37 62 19.22 97 30. 7 28 8.68 63 19.53 98 30. 38 29 8.99 64 19.84 99 30. 69 30 9.30 65 20.15 100 31. 9.61 66 20.46 200 62. 32 9.92 67 20.77 300 93. 33 10.23 68 21. 8 400 124. 34 10.54 69 21.39 500 155. 3 d 10.85 70 21.70 1000 310. 50 At31 k Cents, or tv of a Dol. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 .311 36 11.25 71 22.18] 2 .621 37 11.56]- 72 22.50 3 • 93f 38 11.871 73 22.81] 4 1.25 39 12.18] 74 23.12] 5 1.564 40 12.50 75 23.43] 6 1.871 41 12.811 76 23.75 7 2.18f 42 13.121 77 24. 6] 8 2.50 43 13.43] 78 24.37] 9 2.814 44 13.75 79 24.68| 10 3.121 45 14. 61 80 25. LI 3.43J 46 14 371 81 25.31] 12 3.75 47 14.68| 82 25.62] 13 4. 64 48 15. 83 25.93] 14 4.374 49 15.314 84 26.25 15 4.68| 50 15.624 85 26.56] 16 5 51 15.93| 86 26.87] 17 5.31} 52 16.25 87 27.18] 18 5.621 53 16 . 564 88 27.50 19 5.93J 54 16.871 89 27.81]- 20 6.25 55 17.183 90 28.12] 21 6.564 56 17.50 91 28.43] 22 6.871 57 17.814 92 28.75 23 7.18J 58 18.121 93 29. 6] 24 7.50 59 18.43J 94 29.37] 25 7.8lf 60 18.75 95 29.681 26 8.124 61 19. 61 96 30. 27 8.43| 62 19.371 97 30.31] 28 8.75 63 19.68| 98 30.62] 29 9. 6| 64 20. 99 30.93] 30 9.371 65 20.314 100 31.25 31 9.68} 66 20.624' 200 62.50 32 10. \ 67 20.93J 300 93. 75^ 33 10 3I| 68 21.25 400 125. - 34 10.624 69 21.56J 500 156.25 35 10.93J 70 ' 21.874 1000 312.50 1 At 32 Cents. 51 No. Dots. Cts. No. Dots. Cts. No. Dols. Cts 1 .32 36 11.52 71 22.72 2 .64 37 11.84 72 > 23. 4 3 .96 38 12.16 73 23.36 4 1.28 39 12.48 74 23.68 5 1.60 40 12.80 75 24. 6 1.92 41 13.12 76 24.32 7 2.24 42 13.44 j 77 24.64 8 2.56 43 13.76 78 24.96 9 2.88 44 14. 8 79 | 25.28 10 3.20 45 14.40 80 25.60 11 3.52 46 14.72 81 25.92 12 3.84 47 15. 4 82 26.24 13 4.16 48 15.36 83 26.56 14 4.48 49 15.68 84 26.88 15 4.80 50 16. 85 27.20 : 16\ 5.12 51 16.32 86 27.52 17 5.44 52 16.64 87 27.84 18 5.76 53 16.96 88 28.16 19 6. 8 54 17.28 89 28.48 20 6.40 55 17.60 90 28.80 21 6.72 56 17.92 91 29.12 22 7. 4 57 18.24 92 29.44 23 7.36 58 18.56 93 29.76 24 7.68 59 18.88 94 30. 8 25 8. 60 19.20 95 30.40 26 8.32 61 19.52 96 30.72 27 8.64 62 19.84 97 31. 4 28 8.96 63 20.16 98 31.36 29 9.28 64 20.48 99 31.68 30 9.60 65 20.80 ioo ' 32. 31 9.92 66 21.12 200 64 32 10.24 67 21.44 300 96. 33 10.56 68 21.76 400 128. 34 10.88 ' 69 22. 8 500 160. 35 11.20 70 22.40 1000 320. 52 » At 33 Cents. No. Do Is. Cts. No. Dols. Cts.! i No. Dols. Cts . 1 .33 36 11.88 71 23.43 2 .66 37 12.21 ‘ 72 23.76 3 .99 38 12 54 73 24. 9 4 1.32 39 12.87 74 24.42 5 1.65 40 13.20 75 24.75 6 1.98 41 13 53 76 25. 8 7 2.31 42 13.86 77 25.41 8 2.64 43 14.19 78 25.74 9 2.97 44 14.52 79 26. 7 10 3.30 45 14.85 80 26.40 11 3.63 46 15.18 81 26.73 12 3.96 47 15.51 82 27. 6 13 4.29 48 15.84 83 27.39 14 4.62 49 16.17 84 27.72 15 4.95 50 16.50 85 28. 5 16 5.28 51 16.83 86 28.38 17 5.61 52 17.16 87 28.71 18 5.94 53 17.49 88 29. 4 19 6.27 54 17.82 89 29.37 20 6.60 55 18.15 90 29.70 21 6.93 56 18.48 91 30. 3 22 7.26 57 18.81 92 30.36 23 7.59 58 19.14 93 30.69 24 7.92 59 19.47 94 3 i . 2 25 8.25 60 19*. 80 95 31.35 26 8.58 61 20.13 96 31.68 27 8,91 62 20.46 97 32. 1 28 9.24 63 20.79 98 32. 34 29 9.57 64 21.,12 99 32.67 30 9.90 65 21.45 100 33. 31 10.23 66 21.78 200 66. 32 10.56 67 22.11 300 99. 33 10.89 68 22.44 400 132. 34 11.22 69 22.77 500 165. 3*5 V 11.55 70 23.10 1000 ! 330 '’N T Tf“ . At 33? Cents, or ? of a Dol. 53 No. Dols- Cts ■ No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 ■ 33> 36 12. 71 23.66# 2 .66| 37 12.33# 72 24 3 1 . 38 12.66§ 73 24.33# 24,66# 4 1 . 33g 39 13. 74 5 1.66f 40 13. 33i 75 25. 6 2. 41 13.66# 76 25 33# 7 2.33^ 42 14. 77 25.66# 8 2.66f 43 14.331, 78 26. 9 3. 44 14. 66 J 79 26.33# 26.66# 10 3.33| 45 15. 80 11 3.66f 46 15.33# 81 27. 12 4. 47 15.66# 82 27.33# 27.66# 13 4.331 48 16. 83 14 4.66| 49 16.33# 84 28. 15 5. 50 16.66J 17. 85 28.33# 16 5.334 51 86 28.66# 17 5.66§ 52 17.33' 87 29. 18 6. 53 17.661 88 29.334 29.66# 19 6.334 54 18. 89 20 6.66§ 55 18.331 90 30. 21 7. 56 18.66# 91 30.33J 30.66# 22 7.334 7.66f 57 19. 92 23 58 19.33# 93 31. 24 25 8. 8.334 59 60 19.66f 20. 94 95 31.33# 31.66# 26 8.66| 61 20.331 96 32. 27 9. 62 20.66# 97 32.33# 28 9.334 63 21. 98 32.66# 29 9.661 64 21 . 331 99 33. 30 10. 65 21.66# 100 33.33# 66.66# 31 10.334 IO.665 66 22. 200 32 67 22.33# 300 100. 33 11. 68' 22.66| 400 133.33# 34 11.334 11 .663 69 23. 500 166.66# 333.33# 35 70 23.334 1000 Vd .i'll I i 54 At 34 Cents. No Dels- Cls No . Dols . CtS- No. Dols. Cta. 1 .34 36 12.24 71 24.14 2 .68 37 12.58 72 24.48 3 1. 2 38 12.92 73 24.82 4 1.36 39 13.26 74 25.16 5 1.70 40 1 18.60 75 25.50 6 2. 4 41 1 13.94 76 25.84 7 2.38 42 14.28 77 26.18 ' g 2.72 43 14.62 78 26.52 9 3. 6 44 14.96 79 . 26.86 10 3.40 ,45 15.30 80 27.20 11 3.74 46 15.64 81 27.54 12 4 8 47 15.98 82 27.88 13 4 12 48 16.32 83 28.22 14 4. 51 19. 121 86 32.25 17 6.37| 52 19.50" 87 32.621 18 6.75" 53 19.871 88 33. 19 7.12| 54 20.25" , 89 33.371 20 7.50 55 20.621 , 90 33.75 21 7.874 56 21. "| 91 34.121 22' 8.25" 57 21.374 92 34.50 23 8.621 58 21.75" 93 34.871 24 9. 59 22.124 94 35.25 25 9.371 60 22.50" 95 35.624 26 9.75 61 22.871 96 36. 27 10.124 62 23.25 97 36. 37| 28 10.50 63 23.624 98 36.75 29 10.87^ 64 24. ," 99 37.124 30 11.25 65 24.371 100 37.50" 31 11.62| 66 24.75" 200 75. 32 12. 67 25.124: 300 112.50 33 12.374 68 25.50" 400 150. 34 12.75 69 25.874, 500 187.50 35 13.124 1 70 26.25" 1 1000 375. At 38 Cents. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 134 35 s. Cts. W). . Dots. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. I .38 36 13.68 71 26.98 .76 37 14, 6 72 27.36 1.14 38 14.44 73 27.74 ! 1.52 39 14. S 2 74 28.12 1.90 40 15.20 75 28.50 2.28 41 15.58 76 28.88 2.60 42 15.96 77 29.26 3. 4 43 16.34 78 29.64 3.42 44 16.72 79 30. 2 3.80 45 17.10 80 30.40 4.18 46 17.48 81 30.78 4.56 47 17.86 82 31.16 4.94 48 18.24 83 31.54 1 5.32 49 18.62 84 31.92 5.70 50 19. 85 32.30 6. 8 51 19.38 86 32.68 6.46 52 19.76 87 33. 6 6.84 53 20.14 88 33.44 7.22 54 20.52 89 33.82 7.60 55 20.90 90 34.20 7.98 56 21.28 91 34.58 8.36 57 21.66 92 34.96 8.74 58 22. 4 93 35.34 9.12 59 22.42 94 35.72 9.50 60 •22.80 95 36.10 9.88 61 23.18 96 36.48 10.26 62 23.56 97 36.86 10.64 63 23.94 98 37.24 11. 2 64 24.32 99 37.62 11.40 65 24.70 100 38. 11.78 66 i 25. 8 200 76. 12.16 67 25.46 300 114. 12.54 6 S ! 25.84 4( J 0 152. 12.92 6 S 1 26.22 500 190. 13.30 7( ) 26.60 1000 i 380. ' 60 At 39 Cents. No Do Is. Ots- No. Dots. Cts ) No. Dots. Ots . 1 .39 36 14 . 4 71 27.69 2 .78 37 14.43 72 28 . 8 3 1.17 38 14.82 73 28.47 4 1.56 39 15.21 74 28.86 5 1.95 40 15.60 75 29.25 6 2.34 41 15.99 76 29.64 7 2.73 42 16.38 77 30 . 3 8 3.12 43 16.77 78 30.42 9 3.51 44 17.16 79 30.81 10 3.90 45 17.55 80 31.20 11 4.29 46 17.94 81 31.59 12 4.68 47 18.33 82 31.98 13 5 . 7 48 18.72 83 32.37 14 5.46 49 19.11 84 32.76 15 5.85 50 19.50 85 33.15 16 6.24 51 19.89 86 33.54 17 6.63 52 20.28 87 33.93 18 7 . 2 53 20.67 88 34.32 19 7.41 54 21 . 6 89 - 34.71 20 7.80 55 21.45 90 35.10 21 8.19 56 21.84 91 35.49 22 8.58 57 22.23 92 35.88 23 8.97 58 22.62 93 36.27 24 9.36 59 23 . 1 94 36.66 25 9.75 60 23.40 95 37 . 5 26 10.14 61 23.79 96 37.44 27 10.53 62 24.18 97 37.83 , 28 10.92 63 24.57 98 38.22 29 11.31 64 24/96 99 38.61 30 11.70 65 25.35 100 39 . 31 12 9 66 25.74 200 78 . 32 12.48 67 26.13 300 117 . 33 12. 81 68 26.52 400 156 . 34 13.66 69 26.91 500 195 . 0 35 1 13.65 70 27.30 1000 390 At 40 Cents. 61 !| No, L )ol$. Cts. No. 1 lots. Cts. No. ^ D ols. Cts. I l .40 36 14.40 71 28.40 1 2 .80 37 14.80 72 28.80 3 1.20 38 15.20 73 29.20 1 4 1.60 39 15.60 74 29.60 j 5 2. ' 40 16. 75 30. 1 6 2.40 41 16.40 76 30.40 I 7 2.80 42 16.80 77 30.80 j 8 3.20 43 17.20 78 31.20 I 9 3.60 44 17.60 79 31.60 I 10 4. 45 18. 80 32. I 11 4.40 46 18.40 81 32.40 1 12 4.80 47 18.80 82 32.80 I 13 5.20 48 19.20 83 33.20 I 14 5.60 49 19.60 84 33.60 1 15 6. 50 20. 85 34 . j 16 6.40 51 20 o 40 86 34.40 I 17 6.80 52 20. SO 87 ,34.80 I 18 7.20 53 21.20 88 35.20 I 19 7.60 54 21.60 89 35.60 I 20 8. 55 22. 90 36. j 21 8.40 56 22.40 91 36.40 I 22 8.80 57 22.80 92 36.80 J j 23 9.20 58 23.20 93* 37.20 1 24 9.60 59 23.60 94 37.60 I 25 10. 60 24. 95 38 • || 26 10.40 61 24.40 96 38.40 | 27 10.80 62 24.80 97 38.80 | 28 11.20 63 25.20 98 39.20 | 29 11.60 64 25.60 99 39.60 | 30 i 12. 65 26. 100 40. 1 ,31 12.40 66 26.40 200 80. j 1 v 1 32 • 12.80 67 26.80 300 120. || *32 1 13.20 6 S ; 27.20 40 Q i 160. | l 13.60 i 6$ ) 27.60 500 i 2 C ?0 . , | 11 > 14. •JJl ) 28. 1000 1 400. || y *• ' . ' ■ * 62 At 41 Cents. No. Dols. Cta. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts 1 • 41 36 14.76 71 29.11 2 • 82 37 15.17 72 29.52 3 1.28 38 15.58 73 29.93 4 1.64 39 15.99 74 30.34 5 2. 5 40 16.40 75 30.75 6 2.46 41 16.81 76 31.16 7 2.87 42 17.22 77 31.57 8 3.28 43 17.63 78 31.98 9 3.69 44 18. 4 79 32.39 10 4.10 45 18.45 80 32.80 11 4.51 46 18.86 81 33.21 12 4.92 47 19 27 82 33.62 13 5.33 48 19.68 83 34. 3 14 5.74 49 20. 9 84 34.44 15 6.15 50 20.50 85> 34.85 16 6.56 51 20.91 86^ 35.26 17 6.97 52 21.32 87 35.67 18 7.38 53 21.73 88^ 36. 8 19 7.79 54 22.14 89 36.49 20 8.20 55 22.55 90 36.90 21 8.61 56 22.96 91 37.31 22 9. 2 57 23.37 92 37.72 23 9.43 58 23.78 93 38.13 24 9.84 59 24.19 94 38.54 25 10.25 60 24.60 95 38.95 26 10.66 61 25. 1 96 39.36 27 11. 7 62 25.42 97 39.77 28 11.48 63 25^.83 98 40.18 29 11.89 64 26.24 99 40.59 30 12.30 65 26.65 100 41. 31 12.71 66 27. 6 200 82. 32 13.12 67 27.47 300 123. 33 13.53 68 27.88 400 164. 34 13.94 69 28.29 500 205. 35 14.35 70 28.70 1000 410. ~ At 42 Cents. 63 No. J Dolt. Cf*-| No J Dols. Cts.| No. Dots. Cta. j 1 .42 1 36 15.12 71 29.82 | 2 .84 ! 37 15.54 72 30.24 3 1.26’; 38 15.96 73 30.66 1 4 1.68 j 39 16.38 74 31. 8 I 5 2.10 ] 40 16.80 75 31.50 6 2.52 41 17.22 76 31.92 I 7 2.94 1 42 17.64 77 32.34 1 8 3.36 43 18. 6 78 32.76 1 9 3,78 1 44 18.48 79 33.18 1 10 4.20 45 18.90 80 33.60 1 If] 4.62 i 46 | 19.32 81 34. 2 I '12 5. 4 47 19.74 82 34.44 1 13 5.46 48 20.16 83 34.86 1 14 5.88 49 20.58 84 35.28 j 15 6.30 j 50 21. 85 35.70 I 16 6.72! 51 21.42 86 36.12 I 17 7.14 | 52 21.84 87 36.54 I 18 7.56 1 53 22.26 88 36.96 I 19 7.98 ; 54 22.68 89 37.38 I 20 8.40 i 55 23.10 90 37.80 1 21 8.82 , 56 23.52 91 38.22 1 22 9.24 57 23.94 92 38.64 | 23 9.66 58 24.36 93 ‘39. 6 1 24 10. 8 59 24.78 94 39.48 I 25 10.50 60 25.20 95 39.90 I 26 10.92 61 25.62 I 96 40.32 I 127 11.34 62 26. 4 1 97 40.74 I j 2S 11.76 ! 63 26.46 i 98 41.16 j 29 12.18 ! 64 26.88 j 99 41.58 30 12.60 t 65 27.30 100 42. 31 13. 2 | 66 27.72 200 84. 1 || 32 ! 13.44 I 67 1 28.14 300 i 126. 1 32 [ 13.86 5 68 ; 28.56 400 i 168. J 34 [ \ 14.28 i i 63 1 28.98 : 50C 1 210. II 3t >1 14.70 i! 7( ) 29-. 40 i 100C ) 420. | 64 At 43 Cents. No. Dels. Cts. No. Do! ?. Cts. 1 No. Dols. Cts. 1 .43 36 15.48 71 30.53 2 .86 37 15.91 72 30.96 3 *1.29 38 16.34 73 31.39 4 1.72 39 16.77 74 31.82 5 2.15 40 17.20 75 32.25 6 2.58 41 17.63 76 32.68 7 3. 1 42 18. 6 77 33.11 8 3,44 43 18.49 78 33.54 9 3.87 44 .18.92 79 33.97 10 4.30 45 19.35 80 34.40 11 4.73 46 19.78 81 34.83 12 5.16 47 20.21 82 35.26 13 5.59 “48 20.64 83 35.69 14 6. 2 49 21. 7 84 36.12 15 6.45 50 21.50 85 36.55 16 6.88 51 21.93 86 36.98 17 7.31 52 22.36 87 37.41 18 7.74 53 22.79 sa 37.84 19 8.17 54 23.22 89 38.27 20 8.60 55 23.65 90 38 70 21 9. 3 56 24. 8 91 39.13 22 9.46 57 24.51 92 39.56 23 9.89 58 24.94 93 39.99. 24 10.32 59 25.37 94 40.42 25 10.75 60 25.80 95 40.. 85 26 11.18 61 26.23 96 41.28 27 11.61 62 26.66 97 41.71 28 12. 4 63 27. 9 98 42.14 29 12.47 64 27.52 99 42.57 30 12.90 65 27.95 100 43. 31 13.33 66 28.38 200 86. 32 13.76 67 28.81 300 129. 33 .14.19 68 29.24 j . 400 172. 34 14.62 69 29 >67 500 215. 35 | 15. 5 70 30 10 1000 430. At 431 Cents, or T \ of a Dol. 65 No. Dols. Cts. No. Dolt. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 • 43| 36 15.75 71 31,^6} 2 • 87| 37 16.18! 72 31,50 3 1.3l| 38 16.62| 73 31.93J 4 1 75 39 17. 6} 74 32.37} 5 2 18 J 40 17.50 75 32. 8l} 6 2.62! 41 17.93! 76 33.25 7 3. 6 j 42 18.37^r 77 33.68} 8 3.50 43 18.81! 78 34.12} 9 3.93! 44 19.25 79 34.56} to 4.37! 45 19.68! 80 35. 11 4.81! 46 20.12! 81 35.43} 12 5.25 47 20.56! 82 35.87} 13 5.68! 48 21. 83 36.31} 14 6.12! 49 21 .43J 84 36.75 15 6.56j 50 21. 87-! 85 37.18} 16 7. 51 22.31! 86 37.62} 17 7.43! 52 22.75 87 38. 6\ 18 7.87! 53 23.18! 88 38.50 19 8.3l| 54 23.62! 89 38.93} 20 8.75 55 24. el- 90 39.37} 21 9.18! 56 24. 50 91 39.81} 22 9.62! 57 24.93! 92 40.25 23 10. 6! 58 25.37! 93 40.68} 24 10.50 59 25.81! 94 41.12} 25 10.93! 60 26.25 95 41.56} 26 11.37| 61 26.68| 96 42. 27 11.81! 62 27.12! 97 42.43} 28 12.25 63 27 56! 98 42.87} 29 12. 68! 64 28. 99 43.31} 30 13.12! 65 28.43! 100 43.75 31 13.56! 66 28.87i 200 87.50 32 14. 67 29.31! 300 131.25 33 14.43! 68 29.75 400 175. 34 14.87!! 69 30.18f 500 218.75 35 15.31! i 70 30.62! 1000 437.50 66 At 44 Cents. No. Dols. Cts. No . Dols. Ots No. Dols. Cts . 1 .44 36 15.84 71 31.24 2 .88 37 16.28 72 31.68 3 1.32 38 16.72 73 32.12 4 1.76 39 17.16 74 32.56 5 2.20 40 17.60 75 33. 6 2.64 41 18. 4 76 33.44 7 3. 8 42 18.48 77 33.88 8 3.52 43 18.92 78 34.32 9 3.96 44 19.36 79 34.76 10 4.40 45 19.80 80 35.20 11 4.84 46 20.24 81 35.64 12 5.28 47 20.68 82 36. 8 13 5.72 48 21.12 83 36.52 14 6.16 49 21.56 84 36.96 15 6.60 50 22. 85 37.40 16 7. 4 51 22.44 86 37.84 17 7.48 52 22.88 87 38.28 18 7.92 53 23.32 88 38.72 19 8 36 54 23.76 89 39.16 20 8 80 55 24.20 90 39.60 21 9, 24 56 24.64 91 40. 4 22 9 68 57 25. 8 92 40.48 23 10.12 58 25.52 93 40.92 24 10.56 59 25.96 94 41 > 36 25 11. 60 26.40 95 41.80 26 11.44 61 26.84 96 42.24 27 11 j 88 62 27.28 97 42.68 28 12.32 63 27.72 98 43.12 29 12.76 64 28.16 99 43.56 30 13.20 65 28.60 100 44. 31 13.64 66 29. 4 200 88. 32 14. 8 67 29.48 300 132. 33 14.52 68 29.92 400 176. 34 14.96 69 30.36 500 220. 35 r 15.40 70 30.80 1000 440. At 45 Cents. 67 No . Dols Uts No. Dols. Cfs.l | No. Dols. Ots. 1 .45 36 16,20 71 31.95 2 .90 37 16.65 72 32.40 3 1.35 38 17.10 73 32.85 4 1.80 39 17.55 74 33.30 5 2.25 40 1 8. 75 33.75 6 2.70 41 18. 45 76 34.20 7 3.15 42 18.90 77 34.65 8 3.60 43 19.35 78 35.10 9 4. 5 44 19.80 79 35.55 10 4.50 45 20.25 80 36. 11 4.95 46 * 20.70 81 36.45 12 5.40 47 21.15 82 36.90 13 5.85 48 21.60 83 37.35 14 6.30 49 22. 5 84 37.80 15 6.75 50 22.50 85 38.25 16] 7.20 51 22.95 86 38.70 17 7.65 52 23.40 87 39.15 18 8.10 53 23.85 88 39.60 19 8.55 54 24.30 89 40. 5 20 9. 55 24.75 90 40.50 \2l 9.45 56 25.20 91 40.95 22 9.90 57 25.65 92 4! ,40 23 10.35 58 26. *0 93 41.85 24 10.80 59 26.55 94 42.30 |25 11.25 60 27. 95 42.75 26 11.70 61 27.45 96 43.20 27 12.15 62 27.90 97 43.65 28 12.60 63 28.35 I 98 44.10 29 13. 5 64 28.80 i 9.9 44.55 30 13.50 65 29.25 ! !00< 45. 31 13.95 ,66 29.70 i 200 90 32 14.40 ! 67 30.15 | 300 135. 33 14.85 1 68 30.60 1 400 180. 34 '35.30 I 69 31. 5 I 500 225. |35 15.75 1 70 31.50 i ! iooo 450 68 At 46 Cents. No. Dols. Cls. No. Dols. cr s. No. Dols. C/s., 1 .46 36 16.56 71 32.66 2 .92 37 17. 2 72 33.12 3 1.38 38 17.48 73 33.58 4 1.84 39 17.94 74 34. 4 5 2.30 40 18.40 75 34.50 6 2.76 41 18.86 76 34.96 7 3.22 42 19.32 77 35, 42 8 3.68 43 19.78 78 35.88 9 4.14 44 20.24 79 36.34 10 4.60 45 20.70 80 36.80 11 5. 6 46 21.16 81 37.26 12 5.52 47 21.62 82 37.72 13 5.98 48 22. 8 83 38.18 14 3.44 49 22.54 84 38.64 15 6.90 50 23, 85 39.10 16 7.36 51 23.46 86 39.56 17 7.82 52 23.92 87 40. 2 18 8.28 53 24.38 88 40.48 19 8.74 54 24.84 89 40.94 20 9.20 55 25.30 90 41.40 21 9.66 56 25.76 91 41.86 22 10.12 57 26.22 92 42.32 23 10.58 58 26.68 93 42.78 24 11. 4 59 27.14 94 43.24 25 11.50 60 27.60 95 43.70 26 11.96 61 28. 6 96 44.16 27, 12.42 62 28.52 97 44.62 28 12.88 63 28.98 98 45. 8 29 13.34 64 29.44 99 45.54 130 13.80 65 29 .'90 100 46. 31 14.2 b 66 30.36 200 ! 92. 32 14.72 67 30.82 300 138. \ 2 H . as . is 68 31.28 400 184. 34 15.64 69 31.74 500 230. j 1 35 1 16.10 70 32.20 1000 46°. J U 47 Cents. 69[ m. Dols. C cs. No. Dols. Cts. { No. Dols. Ots. 1 .47 36 16.92 71 33.30 2 .94 37 17.39 72 33.84 31 1.41 38 17.86 73 34.31 4 1.88 39 18.33 74 34.78 5 2.35 40 18.80 75 35.2 5 6 2.82 41 19.27 76 35.72 7 3.29 42 19.74 77 36.19 8 3.76 43 20.21 78 36.66 9 4.23 44 20.68 79 37. 1*3 10 4.70 45 21.15 80 37.60 11 5.17 46 21.62 81 38. 7 12 5.64 47 22. 9 82 38.54 13 6.11 48 22.56 83 39. 1 14 6.58 49 23. 3 84 39.48 15 7. 5 50 23.50 85 39.95 16 7.52 51 23.97 86 40.42 17 7.99 52 24.44 87 40.89 18 8.46 53 24.91 88 41 .36 19 8.93 54 25.38 89 41.83 20 9.40 55 25.85 90 42.30 21 9.87 56 26.32 91 42.77 22 10.34 57 26.79 92 43.24 23 10.81 58 27.26 93 43.71 24 11.28 59 27 73 94 44.18 25 11.75 60 28 20 95 44.65 26 12.22 61 28.67 96 45.12 27 12.69 62 29.14 97 45.59 28 13.16 63 29.61 98 46. 6 29 13.63 64 30. 8 99 46.53 I 30 14.10 65 30.55 100 47. 31 14.57 66 31. 2 200 94 IS 32 15. 4 67 31.49 I 300 141. 33 J5.51 68 31.96 ; 400 1 88. 34 **15.98 69 32.43 500 235. 35 16.45 70 32.90 1 1000 470. j 70 At 48 Cents. No. Do is. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. t 1 • 48 36 17.28 71 34. 8 2 • 96 37 17.76 72 34.56 3 1,44 38 18.24 73 35. 4 4 1.92 39 18.72 74 35.52 5 2.40 40 19.20 75 36. 6 2.88 41 19.68 76 36.48 7 3.36 42 20.16 77 36.96 8 3.84 43 20.64 78 37.44 9 4.32 44 21.12 79 37 92 10 4.80 45 21.60 80 38 40 11 5.28 46 22. 8 81 38-88 12 5.76 47 22.56 82 39.36 13 6.24 48 23. 4 83 39.84 14 6.72 49 23.52 84 40.32 15 7.20 50 24. 85 40.80 16 7.68 51 24.48 86 41.28 17 8.16 52 24.96 87 41.76 18 8.64 53 25.44 88 42.24 19 9.12 54 25.92 89 42.72 20 9.60 55 26.40 90 43.20 21 10. 8 56 26. 88 91 43.68 2.2 10.56 57 27.36 92 44.16 23 11. 4 58 27.84 93 44.64 24' 11.52 59 28.32 94 45.12 25 12. 60 28.80 95 45.60 26 12.48 61 29.28 96 46. 8 27 12.96 62 29.76 97 46.56 28 13.44 63 30.24 98 47. 4 29 13.92 64 30.72 99 47.52 30 14.40 65 31.20 100 48. 31 14.88 66 31.68 200 96. 32 1 15.36 67 32.16 300 144. 33 15.84 68 32.64 4 GC 192. 34 16.32 69 33.12 500 240. 35 16.80 70 33.60 1000 480. At 49 Cents. 71 No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 .49 36 17.64 71 34.79 2 .98 37 18.13 72 35.28 3 1.47 38 18.62 73 35.77 4 1.96 39 19.11 74 36.26 5 2.45 40 19.60 75 36.75 6 2.94 41 20. 9 76 37.24 7 3.43 42 20.58 77 37.73 8 3.92 43 21. 7 78 38.22 9 4.41 44 21.56 79 38.71 10 4.90 45 22. 5 80 39.20 11 5.39 46 22.54 81 39.69 12 5.88 47 23. 3 82 40.18 13 §.37 48 23.52 83 40.67 14 8. 86 49 24. 1 84 41.16 15 7.35 50 24.50 85 41.65 16 7.84 51 24.99 86 42.14 17 8.33 52 25.48 87 42.63 18 8.82 53 25.97 88 43.12 19 9.31 54 26.46 89 43.61 20 9.80 55 26.95 90 44.10 21 10.29 56 27.44 91 44.59 22 10.78 57 27.93 92 45. 8 23 11.27 58 28.42 93 45.57 24 11.76 59 28.91 94 46. 6 25 12.25 60 29.40 95 46.55 26 12.74 61 29.89 96 47. 4 27 13.23 62 30.38 97 47.53 28 13.72 63 30.87 98 48. 2 29 14.21 64 31.36 99 48.51 30 14.70 65 31.85 100 49. 31 15.19 66 32.34 200 98. 32 15.68 67 32.83 300 147. 33 16.17 68 33.32 400 196. 34 16.66 69 33.81 500 245. 35 17.15 70 34.30 1000 490. 72 At 50 Cents. No Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Ots. No- Dols. Cts • 1 .50 36 18. 71 35.50 2 1 . 37 18.50 ' 72 36. 3 1.50 38 19. 1 73 36.50 4 2. 39 19.50 74 37. 5 2.50 40 20. 75 37.50 6 3. 41 20.50 76 38. 7 3.50 42 21. 77 38.50 8 4. 43 21.50 78 39. 9 4.50 44 22. 79 39.50 10 5. 45 22.50 80 40. 11 5.50 46 23. 81 40.50 12 6. 47 23.50 82 41. 13 6.50 48 24. S3 41.50 14 7. 49 24.50 84 42. 15 ->1,7.50 50 25. 85 42.50 16 8. 51 25.50 86 43. 17 8.50 52 26. 87 43.50 18 9. 53 26.50 88 44. 19 9.50 54 27. 89 44.50 20 10. 55 27.50 90 45. 21 . 10.50 56 28. 91 45.50 22 11. 57 28.50 92 46. 23 11.50 ’58 29. 93 46.50 24 12. 59 29.50 94 47. 25 12.50 60 30. 95 47.50 26 13. 61 30.50 96 48. 27 13.50 62 31. 97 48.50 28 14. 63 31.50 98 49. 29 14.50 64 32. 99 49.50 30 15. 65 32.50 100 50. 31 15.50 66 33. 200 ioo. 32 16. 67 33.50 300 150. 33 16.50 68 34. 400 200. 34 1 17. 69 34.50 500 250. 35 17.50 170 35. 1000 500. r At Cent®. 73 f\No. Dols. C'C. I j No. >2 fcfir. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 .51 36 18.36 71 36.21 t 1. 2 37 18.87 72 36.72 3 1.53 38 19.38 73 37.23 4 2. 4 39 19.89 74 37.74 5 2.55 40 20.40 75 38.25 6 3. 6 41 20.91 » 76 38.76 7 3.57 42 21.42 77 39.27 8 4. 8 43 21.93 78 39.78 9 4.59 44 22.44 79 40.29 10 ' 5.10 45 22.95 80 40.80 11 5.61 46 23.46 81 41.31 12 6.12 47 23.97 82 41.82 13 6. 63 | 48 24.48 83 42.33 14 7.14| 49 24.99 84 42.84 15 7.65 50 25.50 85 43.35 16 8.16 51 26. 1 86 43.86 17 8.67 52 26.52 87 44.37 18 9.18 53 27. 3 88 44.88 19 9.69 54 27.54 89 45.39 20 10.20 55 28. 5 90 45.90 21 10.71 56 28.56 91 46.41 22 11.22 57 29. 7 92 46.92 i 23 11.73 58 29^58 93 47.43 24 12.24 59 30. 9 94 47.94 25 12.75 60 30.60 95 48.45 26 13.26 61 31.11 96 48.96 27 13.77 62 31.62 97 49.47 28 14.28 63 32.13 98 49.98 29 14,79 64 32.64 99 50.49 30 15.30 65 i 33.15 iOO 51. 31 15.81 66 33.66 %00 102. 32 16.32 67 34.17 300 153. 33 16.83 68 34.68 400 204. 34 17.34 69 35.19 500 255. 35 17.85 70 35.70 j 1000 510. 74 At 52 Cents. No. Dels. Cls. No. Dols. Cts. No. l/'ils Cts. 1 .52 36 18.72 71 36.92 2 1. 4 37 19.24 72 37.44 3 1.56 38 19.76 73 37.96 4 2. 8 39 20.28 74 38.48 5 2.60 40 20.80 75 39. 6 3.12 41 21.32 76 39.52 7 3.64 42 21.84 77 40. 4 8 4.16 43 22.36 78 40.56 9 4.68 44 22.88 79 41* 8 10 5.20 45 23.40 80 41.60 ii 5.72 46 23.92 81 42.12 12 6.24 47 24.44 82 42.64 13 6.76 48 24.96 83 43.16 14 7.28 49 25.48 84 43.68 15 7.80 50 26. 85 44.20 16 8.32 51 26.52 86 44.72 17 8.84 52 27. 4 87 45.24 18 9.36 53 27.56 88 45.76 19 9.88 54 28. 8 89 46.28 20 10.40 55 28.60 90 46.80 21 10.92 56 29.12 91 47.32 22’ 11.44 57 29.64 92 47.84 23 . 11.96 58 30.16 93 ' 48.36 24 12.^8 59 30.68 94 48.88 25 13, 60 31.20 95 49.40 26 13 fj 2 61 31.72 96 49.92 27 14 4 62 32.24 97 50.44 28 U 56 63 32.76 98 50.96 29 U. 8 64 33.28 99 51.48 30 15.60 65 33.80 100 52. 31 16.12 66 34.32 200 104. 32 16.64 67 34.84 300 156. 33 17.16 68 35.36 400 208. 34 17.68 69 35.88 500 260. 35 18.20 70 36.40 1000 i 520. 25S At 53 Cents. 75 No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 1 .53 36 19. 8 71 37.63 2 1 6 37 19.61 72 38.16 3 1 59 38 20.14 73 38.69 4 2.12 39 20.67 74 39.22 5 2.65 40 21.20 75 39.75 6 3.18 41 21.73 76 40.28 7 3.71 42 22.26 77 40.81 8 4.24 43 22.79 78 41.34 9 4.77 44 23.32 79 41.87 10 5.30 45 23.85 80 42.40 11 5.83 46 24.38 81 42.93 12 6.36 47 24.91 82 43.46 13 6.89 48 25.44 83 43.99 14 7.42 49 25.97 84 44.52 15 7.95 50 26.50 85 45. 5 16 8.48 51 27. 3 86 45.58 17 9 1 52 27.56 m t 46.il 18 9.54 53 28. 9 8^ 46.64 ? 47.17 19 10. 7 54 28.62 89. 20 10.60 55 29.15 90, 47.70 21 11.13 56 29.68 91 48.23 22 11.66 57 30.21 92 48.76 23 12.19 58 30.74 93 49.29 24 12, 72 59 31.27 94 49.82 25 13.25 60 31.80 50.35 26 13.78 61 32.33 50.88 27 14,31 62 32.86 9 r 51.41 28 14-84 63 33.39 98 51.94 29 15.37 64 33.92 99 52.47 30 15.90 65 34.45 100 53. 31 16.43 66 34.98 200 106. 32 16.96 67 35.51 300 159. 33 17.49 68 36. 4 | 400 212. 34 18. 2 69 36.57 ! 500 265. 35 18.55 70 37.10 l 1000 530. 76 At 54 Cents. No. Dots. Otz. No Dots. Cts. | No. Bols, Ctt. 1 .54 36 19.44 71 38.34 2 1 . 8 37 19.98 72 38.88 3 1.62 38 20.52 73 39.42 4 2.16 39 2 J 6 74 39.96 5 2.70 40 21.60 75 40.50 6 3.24 41 22.14 76 41. 4 7 3.78 42 22.68 77 41.58 8 4.32 43 23.22 78 42.12 9 4.86 44 23.76 79 42.66 JO 5.40 45 24.30 80 43.20 11 5.94 46 24.84 81 43.74 12 6.48 47 25.38 82 44.28 13 7. 2 48 25.92 ■ 83 44.82 14 7.56 49 26.46 84 45.36 15 8.10 50 27. 85 45.90 16 8.64 51 27.54 86 46.44 17 9.18 52 28. 8 87 46.98 18 9.72 53 28.62 88 47.52 19 10.26 54 29.16 89 48. 6 20 10.80 55 29.70 90 48.60 21 11.34 56 30.24 91 49.14 22 11.88 57 30.78 92 49.68 23 12.42 58 31.32 93 50.22 24 12.96 59 31.86 94 50.76 25 13.50 60 32.40 95 51.30 26 14. 4 61 32.94 96 51.84 27 14.58 62 33.48 97 52.38 28 15.12 63 34. 2 98 52.92 29 15.66 64 34.56 99 53.46 30 16.20 65 35.10 100 54. 31 16.74 66 35.64 200 108. 32 17.28 67 36.18 300 162. 33 17.82 68 36.72 400 216. 34 18.36 69 37.26 500 270. 35 18.90 70 37.80 1000 540. At 55 Cents. 77 No Dols. Cts. No. Dols . Ct6. No. Dols. Cts. l .55 36 19.80 71 39. 5 2 1.10 37 20.35 72 39.60 3 1.65 38 20.90 73 40.15 4 2.20 39 21.45 74 40.70 5 2.75 40 22. 75 41.25 6 3.30 41 22.55 76 41.80 7 3.85 42 23.10 77 42.35 8 4.40 43 23.65 78 42.90 9 4.95 44 24.20 79 43.45 10 5.50 45 24.75 80 44. 11 6. 5 46 25.30 81 44.55 12 6.60 47 25.85 82 45.10 13 7.15 48 26.40 83 45.65 14 7.70 49 26.95 84 46.20 15 8.25 50 27.50 85 > 16.75 16 (j 8.80 51 28. 5 86 ^47.30 17 9.35 52 28.60 87 47.85 18 9.90 53 29.15 88 48.40 19 10.45 54 29.70 89 48,95 20 11. 55 30.25 90 49.50 21 11.55 56 30.80 91 50. 5 22 12.10 57 31.35 92 50.60 23 12.65 58 31.90 93 51.15 24 13.20 59 32.45 94 51.70 25 13.75 60 33. 95. 52.25 26 14.30 61 33.35 96 52.80 27 14.85 62 34.10 97 53.35 28 15.40 63 34.65 98 53.90 29 15.95 64 35.20 99 54.45 30 16.50 65 35.75 100 55. 31 17. 5 66 36.30 200 no. 32 17.60 67 36.85 300 165. 9 33 18.15 68 37.40 400 220. ^ S 34 *8.70 69 37.95 500 275. p 5 19.25 70 38.50 1000 550. 1 ; oo >■ 56 Cents. ' , No . Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. ; Dols. Cts. 1 .56 36 i 20.16 71 39.76 2 1.12 37 20.72 72 40.32 3 1.68 38 21.28 73 40.88 4 2.24 39 21.84 74 41.44 5 2.80 40 22.40 75 42 . 6 3.36 41 22.96 76 42.56 7 3.92 42 23.52 77 43.12 8 4.48 43 24 . 8 78 43.68 9 5 . 4 44 24.64 79 44.24 10 5.60 45 25.20 80 44.80 11 6.16 46 25.76 81 45.36 12 6.72 47 26.32 82 45.92 13 7.28 48 26.88 83 46 . 4-8 14 7.84 49 27.44 84 47 . 4 15 8.40 50 28 . 85 47.60 16 , 8.96 51 28.56 86 48.16 17 9.52 52 29.12 87 48.72 18 10. 8 53 29.68 88 49.28 19 10.64 54 30.24 89 49.84 20 11.20 55 30.80 90 56.40 21 11.76 56 31.36 91 50.96 22 12.32 57 31,92 92 51.52 23 12.88 58 32.48 93 52 . 8 24 13.44 59 33 . 4 94 52.64 25 14 . 60 33.60 95 53.20 26 14.56 61 34.16 96 53.76 27 15.12 62 34.72 97 54.32 28 15.68 63 35.28 98 54.88 28 16.24 64 35.84 99 55.44 30 16.80 65 36.40 100 56 . 31 17.36 66 16.96 200 112 . 32 17.92 67 37.52 300 168 . 33 18.48 68 j 38 . .8 400 224 . ' 34 0 19 . 4 69 38.64 500 280 . 35 19.60 i 70 i 39.20 1000 560 . ppppl [At56F Cents, or * of a Dol. . 56 } No. j Dols. Cts. No 36 20.25 71 37 20.81} 72 38 21.37} 73 39 21.93} 74 40 22.50 75 41 23. 6} 76 42 23.62} 77 43 24.18} 78 44 24.75 79 45 25.31} 80 46 25.87} 26.43} 81 47 82 48 i 27. 83 49 27.56} 14.62} 15.18} 15.75 16.31} 28.12} 28.68} 29i25 29.81} 30.37} 30.93} 31.50 32 6} l i 32.62} 16.874 33.18} 33.75 34.31} 34.87} 35.43} 36. 36 . 56} 37.12} 37.68} 38.25 38.81} 39.37} Dols Cts- 39.93} 40.50 41. 6} 41.62} 42.18} 42.75 43.31} 43.87} 44.43} 45. 45.56} 46.12} 46.68} 47.25 47.81* 48.37} 48.93} 49.50 50. 6} 50.62} 51.18} 51.75 52.31} 52 87} 53.43} 54. 54.56} 55.12} 55.68} 56.25 112-50 168-75 225. 281.25 562-50 80 At 57 Cents. — A r 0 . Dols. Cti No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Ots. 1 .57 36 20.52 71 40.47 2 1.14 37 21. 9 72 41. 4 3 1.71 38 21.66 73 41.31 4 2.28 39 22.23 74 42.18 5 2.85 40 22.80 75 42.75 6 3.42 41 23.37 76 43.32 f 7 3.99 42 23.94 77 43.89 8 4.56 43 24.51 78 44.46 9 5.13 44 25. 8 79 45. 3 10 5.70 45 25.65 80 45.60 11 6.27 46 26.22 81 46.17 12 6.84 47 26.79 82 46.74 13 7.41 48 27.36 83 47.31 14 7.98 49 27.93 84 47.88 15 8.55 50 28.50 85 48.45 16 9.12 51 29. 7 86 49. 2 17 C 9.69 52 29.64 87 49.59 18 10.26 53 30.21 88 50.16 1 19 10.83 54 30.78 89 50.73 i 20 11.40. 55 31.35 90 51.30 ; 21 11 o97 56 31.92 91 51.87 22 12.54 57 32.49 92 52.44 23 13.11 58 33. 6 93 53. 1 ; 24 13.68 59 33.63 94 53.58 25 14.25 60 34.20 95 54.15 26 14.82 61 34.77 96 54.72 ; 27 15.39 62 35.34 97 55.29 28 15.96 63 35.91 93 55.86 29 16.53 64 36.48 99 56.43 30 17.10 65 37. 5 100 57. 31 17.67 66 37.62 200 114. 32 18.24 67 38.19 300 171. 33 18.81 68 38.76 1 400 228. 34 ^ 19.38 69 39.33 j 500 285. 35 19.95 70 39.90 1 1000 570. At 58 Cents. 81 JSTo. Do Is. Ots. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Ots. 1 .58 36 20.88 71 41.18 2 1.16 37 21.46 72 41.76 3 1.Y4 38 22. 4 73 42.34 4 2.32 39 22. G2 74 42.92 5 2.90 40 23.20 75 43.50 6 3.48 41 23.78 76 44. 8 7 4. 6 42 24.36 77 44.66 8 4.64 43 24.94 78 45.24 9 5.22 44 25.52 79 45.82 10 5.80 45 26.10 80' 46.40 11 6.38 46 26.68 81 46.98 12 6.96 47 27.26 82 47.56 13 7.54 48 27.84 83 48.14 14 8.12 49 28.42 84 48.72 15 8.70 50 29. 85 49 , 30 16 9.28 51 29.58 86 49.88 17 9.86 52 30.16 87 50.46 18 10.44 53 30.74 88 51. 4 19 11. 2 54 31.32 89 51.62 20 11.60 55 31.90 90 52.20 21 12.18 56 32.48 91 52.78 22 12.76 51 33. 6 92 53.36 23 13.34 58 33.64 93 53.94 24 13.92 59 34.22 94 54.52 25 14.50 60 34.80 95 55.10 26 15. 8 61 35.38 96 55.68 27 15.66 62 35.96 97 56.26 28 16.24 63 36.54 98 56.84 29 16.82 64 37.12 99 57.42 30 17 40 65 37.70 100 58. 31 17.98 66 38.28 200 116. 32 18.56 67 38.86 300 174. 33 19.14 68 39.44 400 232. 34 19.72 69 40. 2 500 290 35 20.30 70 40.60 1000 580. 82 At 59 Cents. No. Dols. Ots. No Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 .59 36 21.24 71 41.89 2 1.18 37 21.83 72 42.48 3 1.77 38 22.42 73 43. 7 4 2.36 39 23. 1 •H 43.66 5 2.95 40 23.60 /5 44.25 6 3.54 41 24.19 76 44.84 7 4.13 42 24.78 77 45.43 8 4.72 43 25.?# 78 46. 2 9 5.31 44 25.06 79 46.61 10 5.90 45 r 2.55 80 47.20 11 6.49 46 27.14 27.73 81 47.79 12 7. 8 *1 82 48.38 13 7.67 48 28.32 83 48.97 14 49 28.91 84 49.56 15 &85 50 29.50 85 50.15 ia 9.44 51 30. 9 86 50.74 17 10. 3 52 30.68 87 51*33 18 10.62 53 31.27 88 51.92 19 11.21 54 31.86 89 52.51 20 11.80 55 32.45 90 53.10 21 12.39 56 33. 4 91 53.69 22 12.98 57 33.63 92 54.28 23 13.57 58 34.22 S3 54.87 24 14.16 59 34.81 94 55.46 25 14.75 60 35.40 95 56. 5 26 15.34 61 35.99 96 56.64 27 15.93 62 36.58 97 57.23 28 16.52 63 37.17 98 57.82 29 17.11 64 37.76 99 58.41 30 17.70 65 38.35 100 59. 31 18.29 66 38.94 200 118. 32 IB. 88 67 39.53 300 177. 33 19.47 68 40.12 400 236. 34 20. 6 69 40.71 500 295. 35 20.65 70 41.30 1000 590 ‘ - I At 60 Cents. 83 1 No 1 Vols. Cts. No. L his. Cts. No. 1 Ools. Cts. I 1 .60 36 21.60 71 42.60 I o 1.20 ' 37 22.20 72 43.20 1 3 1.80 | 38 22.80 73 43.80 1 4 5 2.40 3. 39 40 23.40 24. 74 75 44.40 1 45. I 6 7 8 9 3.60 4.20 4.80 5.40 41 42 43 44 24.60 25.20 25.80 26.40 76 77 78 79 45.60 j 46.20 I 46.80 47.40 1 10 6. 45 27. 80 48. 1 11 6.60 46 27.60 81 48.60 12 7.20 47 28.20 82 49.20 ] i 13 7.80 48 28.80 83 49.80 14 8.40 49 29.40 84 50.40 1 15 9. 50 30. 85 51. 1 16 9.60 51 30.60 86 51 .60 I 17 10.20 52 31.20 87 52.. 20 j II 18 10.80 53 31.80 88 ' 52.80 | 11 19 11.40 54 32.40 1 89 53.40 II ;o 12. 55 33. 90 54. 1 21 12.60 56 33.60 91 54.60 1 22 13.20 57 34.20 92 55.20 1 23 13.80 58 34.80 93 55.80 1 24 14.40 59 35.40 94 56.40 1 25 i 15. 60 36. 95 57. 1 26 i 15.60 61 36.60 96 57 .60 J 27 1 16.20 62 37.20 97 58.20 9 2 8 i 1 16.80 63 37.80 98 58.80 1 29 17.40 64 38.40 99 59.40 I 3C > 18. 65 . 39. ' 100 60. 1 33 18.60 66 i 39.60 20-0 .120. |' 3$ » 19.20 67 • 40.20 300 i 180. I 3J $ 19.80 i 6£ i 40.80 40G ! 240. 1 1 20.40 I 6£ ) 42.40 50C > 300. J 1 31 3 21. 1 ) 42. 100C ) 600. 84 At 61 Cents. - iVo.l DrS. Ots. No Dols. Cts. No. Dots. Ct 9. .61 36 21.96 71 43.31 '2 1.22 37 22.57 72 43.92 3 1.83 38 23.18 73 44.53 4 2.44 39 23.79 74 45.14 5 3. 5 40 24.40 75 45.75 1 6 3.66 41 25. 1 76 46.36 1 7 4.27 42 25.62 77 46.97 8 4.88 43 26.23 78 47.58 9 5.49 44 26.84 79 48.19 10 6.10 45 27.45 80 48.80 11 6.71 46 28. 6 81 49.41 12 7.32 47 28.67 82 50. 2 13 7.93 48 29.28 83 50.63 14 8.54 49 29.89 84 51.24 15 9.15 50 30.50 85 51.85 16 9.76 51 31.11 86 52.46 17 10.37 52 31.72 87- 53. 7 18 10.98 53 32.33 88 53.68 19 11.59 54 32.94 89 54.29 20 12.20 55 33.55 90 54.90 21 12.81 56 34,16 91 55.51 22 13.42 57 34.77 92 56.12 23 14. 3 58 35.38 * ! 93 56.73 24 14.64 59 35 99 ■84 57.34 25 15.25 60 36.60 to****. 57.95 26 15.86 61 37.21 K ) 58.56 27 16.47 62 37.82 97 59.17 28 17. 8 63 38.43 98 59.78 29 17.69 64 39. 4 99 60.39 30 18.30 65 39.65 100 61. 31 18.91 66 40.26 200 122* 32 19.52 67 40.87 300 183. 33 r 20.13 68 41.48 400 244. 34 20.74 69 42. 9 500 305. 35 21.35 70 42.70 3 000 610. At 62 Cents. 85 No. Dols. Cts No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Ots. 1 .62 36 22.32 71 44. 2 2 1.24 37 22.94 72 44.64 3 1.86 38 23.56 78 *5.26 4 2.48 39 24.18 74 45.88 5 3.10 40 24.80 75 46.50 6 3.72 41 25.42 76 47.12 7 4.34 42 26. 4 77 47.74 8 4.96 43 26.66 78 f 48.36 9 5.58 44 27.28 79 48.98 10 6.20 45 27.90 80 49.60 11 6.82 46 28.52 81 50.22 12 7.44 47 29 14 82 50.84 13 8. 6 48 29 76 83 51.46 14 8.68 49 80.38 84 52. 8 15 ^ 9.30 50 31. . 85 52.70 16 9.92 51 31.62 86 53.32 17 10 54 52 32.24 87 53.94 18 11.16 53 32.86 88 54.56 19 11.78 54 33.48 89 55.18 20 12.40 55 34.10 90 55.80 21 13. 2 56 34.72 91 56.42 22 13.64 57 35.34 92 57. 4 23 14.26 58 35 96 93 57.66 24 14.88 59 36.58 94 58.28 25 15.50 60 37.20 95 58.90 26 16.12 61 37.82 96 59.52 27 16.74 62 38.44 97 60.14 28 17.36 63 39. 6 ' 98 60.76 29 17.98 64 39.68 99 61 38 30 18.60 65 40.30 100 62. 31 19.22 66 40.92 200 124. 32 19.84 67 41.54 300 186. 33 20.46 68 42.16 400 248.. 34 21. 8 69 42.78 500 310. 35 21.70 70 43.40 1000 620. 86 At 62h Cents, or f of a Dol. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Jts. 1 .62i 36 22. 50 71 44.371 2 1.25 37 23. 121 72 45. 3 1.87i 38 23. 75“ 73 45,621 4 2.50 39 24. 371 74 46.25" 5 3.124- 40 25. 75 46.871 6 3.75 41 25. 621 76 47.50“ 7 4.371 42 26. 25“ 77 48.121 8 5. 43 26. 871 78 48.75“ 9 5.624 44 27. 50 79 49.371 ao 6.25' 45 28. 121 80 50. n 6.871 46 28. 75“ 81 50.621 12 7.50 47 29. 371 82 51.25“ 13 8.124 48 30. 83 51.871 14 8.75 49 30. 621 84 52.50" 15 9.371 50 31. 25" 85 53. 121 16 10. 51 31. 871 86 53.75" 17 10.624 52 32. 50 87 54.371 38 11.25" 53 33. 121 ; *88 55. 19 11.874 54 33. 75" 89 55.621 20 12.50 55 34. 37| 90 ' 56.25 21 13.121 56 35. 91 56.871 22 : 13.75" 57 35. 621 92 57.50“ 23 i 14.371 58 36. 25" 93 58.121 24 15. 59 36. 871 94 58.75 25 15.624 60 37. 50“ 95 59.371 26 16.25 61 38. 12£ 96 60. | 2^ 16.871 62 38. 75“ 97 60.621 2o 17,50 63 39. 371 98 61 25 29 18.121 64 40. 99 61 c 87 1 30 18.75 65 40. 62J > 100 62.50 ! 31 19.37| 65 41. 25“ 200 125. ; 32 20. 67 41. 871 300 187.50 33 20.62^ 68 42. 50 400 250. 34 21.25 69 43. 121 500 312.50 35 21.874 70 43. 75“ 1000 625. At 63 Cents. 87 tfo.'Dols. Ots . 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 No. Dols. Cts. 1 No. Dol*. .63 1.26 I. 89 2.52 3.15 3.78 4.41 5. 4 5.67 6.30 6.93 7.56 8.19 8.82 9.45 10. 8 10.71 II. 34 11.97 12.60 13.23 13.86 ,4.49 15.12 15.75 16.38 17. 1 17.64 18.27 18.90 19.53 20.16 20.79 21.42 I 22. 5 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 22.68 23.31 23.94 24.57 25.20 25.83 26.46 27. 9 27.72 28.35 28.98 29.61 30.24 30.87 31.50 32.13 32.76 33.39 34. 2 34.65 35.28 35.91 36.54 37.17 37.80 38.43 39. 6 39.96 40.32 40.95 41.58 42.21 42.84 43.47 44.10 88 At 64 Cents. No. Dyls. €2ts No Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 .64 36 23. 4 71 45.44 2 1.28 37 23.68 72 46. 8 3 1.92 38 24.32 73 46.72 4 2.56 39 24.96 74 47.36 5 3.20 40 25.60 75 48. 6 3.84 41 26.24 76 48.64 7 4.48 42 26.88 " 77 49.28 8 5.12 43 27.52 78 49.92 9 5.76 44 28.16 79 50.56 10 6.40 45 28.80 80 51.20 11 7. 4 46 29.44 81 51.84 12 7 .6® 47 30. 8 82 52 48 13 8.32 48 30.72 83 53-12 14 8.96 49 31.36 84 53-76 15 9.60 $0 32. 85 54 40 16 10.24 51 32.64 86 55. 4 17 10.88 52 33.28 87 ' 55.68 18 11.52 53 33.92 88 56.32 19 12.16 54 34,56 89 56.96 20 12.80 55 35.20 90 57.60 21 13.44 56 35.84 91 58.24 22 14 8 57 36.48 92 58.88 23 14.72 58 37.12 93 59.52 24 15.36 59 37.76 94 6 0.16 25 16. 60 38.40 95 60.80 26 16.64 61 39. 4 96 61.44 27 17.28 62 39.68 97 62. 8 28 17.92 63 40.32 98 62.72 29 18.56 | 64 40.96 99 63.36 30 19.20 65 41.60 100 64. 31 19.84 66 42.24 200 128. 32 20.48 67 42.88 300 192 33 1 21.12 68 43.52 400 256. 34 21.76 69 44.16 500 320. 35 22.40 i 70 44.80 1000 640. At 65 Cents. &89 No Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Ots. No. Dols. Cts . 1 .65 36 23.40 71 '46.15 2 1.30 37 24. 5 72 40.80 3 1.95 38 24.70 73 47.45 4 2.60 39 25.35 74 48.10 5 3.25 40 26. 75 48.75 6 3.90 41 26.65 76 49.40 7 4.55 42 27.30 77 50. 5 8 5.20 43 27.95 78 50.70 9 5.85 44 28.60 79 51.35 10 6.50 45 29.25 80 52. 11 7.15 46 29.90 81 52.65 12 7.80 47 30.55 82 53.30 13 8.45 48 31.20 83 53.95 14 9.10 49 31.85 84 54.60 15 9.75 50 32.50 85 55.25 16 10.40 51 . 33.15 86 55.90 17 11. 5 52 33.80 87 56.55 18 11.70 53 34.45 88 57.20 19 12.35 54 35.10 89 57.85 20 13. 55 35.75 90 58.50 21 13.65 56 36.40 91 59.15 22 14.30 57 37. 5 92 59.80 23 14.95 58 37.70 93 60.45 24 15.60 59 38.35 94 61 10 25 16.25 60 39. 95 61.75 26 16.90 61 39.65 96 62.40 27 17.55 $2 40.30 97 63. 5 28 18.20 63 40.95 98 63.70 29 18 85 64 41.60 99 64.35 30 19.50 65 42.25 100 65. 31 20.15 66' 42.90 200 130. 32 20.80 67 43.55 300 195 T 33 21.45 68 44.20 400 260. ( 34 22.10 69 44.85 500 325. j 35 22.75 7 C 45.50 1000 650. "90 At 66 Cents. No. Dol a. Cta. No Dols. Cts. No. Dola. Cta. 1 .66 36 23.76 71 46.86 2 1.32 37 24.42 72 47.52 3 1.98 38 25. 8 73 48.18 4 2.64 39 25.74 74 48.84 5 3.30 40 26.40 75 49.50 6 3.96 41 27. 6 76 50.16 7 4.62 42 27.72 77 50.82 8 5.28 43 28.38 78 51.48 9 5.94 44 29. 4 79 52.14 10 6.60 45 29.70 80 52.80 11 7.26 46 30.36 81 53.46 12 7.92 47 31. 2 82 54.12 13 8.58 48 31.68 83 54.78 14 9.24 49 32.34 84 55.44 15 9.90 50 33. 85 56.10 16 10.56 51 S3. 66 86 56.76 17 11.22 52 34.32 87 57142 18 11.88 53 34.98 88 58. 8 19 12.54 54 35.64 89 58.74 20 i3.2o ; 55 36.30 90 59.40 21 i 13.86 56 36.96 91 60. 6 22 14.52 57 37.62 92 60.72 23 15.18 58 38.28 93 61.38 24 15.84 59 38.94 94 62. 4 25 16.50 60 39.60 95 62.70- j 26 17.16 61 40.26 96 63.36 27 17.82 62 40.92 97 64. 2 28 18.48 | 63 41.58 98 64.68 29 19.14! 64 42.24 99 65.34 30 19.80! 65 42.90 100 66. 31 20.46 i 66 43.56 200 132. 32 21.12 1 67 44.22 300 198. 33' 21.78 68 44.88 400 264. 34 j 22.44 i 69 45.54 500 330. 35! ! 23.10 70 46.20 1000 660. 92 At 67 Cents. ! ? No. Dels. Cis. | Dols. Cts. No. Dol 8 - Cts. [ 1 .67 36 24.12 71 47.57 ! 2 1.34 37 24.79 i 72 48.24 j 3 2. 1, 38 25.46 ! 73 43.91 4 2.63' 39 26.13 74 49.58 i 1 5 3. 35 40 26.80 ! 75! 50.25 j 6 4. 2 41 27.47 ! 76 1 50.92 f .7 4.69 42 28 14 77 51.59 ! 8 5.36 43 28.81 i 78 i 52.26 | 9 6. 3 44 29.43 j 79 52.93 \ 10 6.70 45 30.15 i 80 53.60 | 11 7.37 46 30.82 j; 81 54.27 12 8. 4 47 31.49 82 54.94 113 8.71 48 32.16 83 55.61 14 9.38 49 32.83 84 56.28 115 10. 5 50 33.50 85 56.95 f 16 10.72 1 51 34.17 86 57.62 ! 17 11.39 j 52 34.84 87 58.29 ! 18 I L 12. 6 | 53 35.51 | 88 58.96 i 19! 12.73 54 36.18 89 59 63 ‘20 13.40 | 55 36.85 90 60.30 21 14. 7 | 56 37.52 1 ! 91 60.97 22 ! 14.74! 57 38.19 ! 92 61.64 i23 | 15.41 j 1 58 38.86 j 93 62.31 24 16. 8 59 - 39.53 94 62.98 I 25 16.75 60 40.20 ! 95 63.65 126 17.42 | 61 40.87 j 96 64.32 1 27 IS. 9 ! 1 62 41.54 } 97 64.99 [28;' 18.76 | 63 42. ‘2. | 98 65-66 | 29 ! 19.43| f 64 42.88 ! 99 66.33 j 30 j 20.10 j 65 43.55 j 100 67 • 31 j 20.77 66 44.22 200 134. j 32 | 21.44 : 67 44.89 300 201. 33 22.11 | 68 45.56 400 268. . 34 22.78 j 69 46.23 46.90 1 -00 335. 35 23.45 70 1000 670. At 68 Cents. 9fj No i Dols. Cts. 1 . No. Dols. Ots. No. Dols. Cts. 1 .68 36 24.48 71 48.28 2 1.36 37 25.16 72 48.96 3 2. 4 38 25.84 73 49.64 4 2 72 39 26.52 74 50.32 5 3.40 40 27.20 75 51. 6 4. 8 41 27.88 76 51.68 7 4.76 42 28. 56 77 52.36 8 5.44 43 29.24 78 53. 4 9 6.12 44 29.92 79 $3.72 10 6.80 45 30.60 80 54.40 11 7.48 46 31.28 81 55. 8 12 8.16 47 31.96 82 55.76 13 8.84 48 32.64 83 56.44 14 9.52 49 33.32 84 57.12 15 10.20 50 34. 85 57.80 16 10.88 51 34.68 86 58.48 17 11.56 52 35.36 87 59.16 18 12.24 53 36. 4 88 59.84 19 12.92 54 36.72 89 60.52 20 13.60 55 37.40 90 61.20 21 14.28 56 38. 8 91 61.88 22 14.96 57 38.76 92 62.56 23 15.64 58 39.44 93 63.24 24 16.32 59 40.12 94 63.92 25 17. 60 40.80 95 64.60 26 17.68 61 41.48 96 65.28 27 18 36 62 42.16 97 65.96 28 19. 4 63 42.84 98 66.64 29 19.72 64 43.52 99 67.32 30 20.40 65 44. 20 100 68. 31 21. 8 66 44.88 i 200 136. 32 21.76 67 45.56 300 204. 33 22.44 68 46.24 400 272. 34 23.12 69 46.92 500 340. 35 23.80 70 47.60 1000 680. 94 At 68 1 Cents, cj? {4 of a Dol. No. Dels. Cis. No. Dols. Cis. No ( Dols. Cts. 1 • 68| 36 24.75 71 %^81] 2 1.37| 37 25.43? 72 49. i >0 3 2. 6] 38 26.124 73 50. 18J 4 2.75 39 26.81 ] 74 50.87| 5 3.43] 40 27.50 75 51.56] : 6 4.121 41 28.18? 76 52.25 7 4.81] 42 28.874 77 52.93| 8 5.50 43 29.56? 78 53.62J 9 6.18| 44 30.25 79 54.31] 10 6.874 45 30.93? 80 55. 11 7.56] 46 31.624 81 55.68] 12 8.25 47 32.31] 82 56.37] 13 8.93] 48 33. 83 57. 6] 14 9.621 49 33.68? 84 57.75 15 10.31? 50 34.374 85 58.43] 16 11. 51 35. 6? 86 59.124 17 11.68! 52 35.75 87 59. 8l] 18 12.374 53 36.42? 88' 60.50 19 13. 6[ 54 37.121 89 61,. 18] 20 13.75 55 37.81! 90 61.874 21 14.43? 56 38.50 91 62.56] 22 15.124 57 39.18? 92 63.25 23 15.81? 58 39.871 93 63.93] 24 16.50 59 40.56? 94 64.624 25 17.18| 60 41.25 95 65.31] 26 17.874 61 41.93? 96 66. 27 18.56! 62 42.624 97 66.68] 28 19.25 63 43.31? 98 67 - 37 1 29 19.93! 64 44. 99 68. 6] 30 20.624 65 44.68? 100 68.75 ' 31 21.314 66 45.37i 200 137.50 32 ! 22. 67 46. 6? 300 206.25 33 1 22.68? i 6-8 46.75 400 275. 34 i 23.3741 69 47.43? 500 343.75 35 | 24. | 70 48.124 1000 687.50 At 69 Cents. 95 m. Dots. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. 1 Dols. Cts. 1 .69 36 24.84 71 48.99 2 1.33 37 2i>.*3 72 49.68 3 2. 7 38 26.22 73 50.37 4 2.76 39 26.91 74 51. 6 5 3.45 40 27.60 75 51.75 6 4.14 41 28.29 76 52.44 7 4.83 42 28.98 77 53.13 8 5.52 43 29.67 78 53.82 S 6.21 44 30.36 79 54.51 10 6.90 45 31. 5 80 55.20 11 7.59 46 31.74 81 55.89 12 8.28 47 32.43 82 56.58 13 8.97 48 33.12 83 57.27 14 9.66 49 33.81 84 57.96 15 10.35 50 34.50 85 58.65 16 11. 4 51 35.19 86 59.34 17 11.73 52 35.88 87 60. 3 18 12.42 53 36.57 88 60.72 19 13.il 54 37.26 89 61.41 20 13.80 55 37.95 90 62.10 21 14.49 56 38.64 91 62.79 22 15.18 57 39.33 92 63.48 23 15.87 58 40. 2 93 64.17 24 16.56 59 40.71 94 64.86 25 17.25 60 41.40 95 65.55 26 17.94 61 42.09 96 66.24 27 18.63 62 42.78 97 66.93 28 19.32 63 43.47 98 67.62 29 20. 1 64 44.16 99 68.31 30 20.70 65 44.85 100 69. 31 21.39 66 45.54 200 138. 32 22. 8 67 46.23 300 207. S3 22.77 68 46.92 400 276. 34 23.46 69 47.61 500 345, 35 i 24.15 70 1 48.30 1000 690. 96 At 70 Cents. No.\ Dols. Cts] A T o. Dols. Cts. No. Dels. Cts . 1 .70 36 25.20 71 49.70 2 1.40 37 25.90 72 50.40 3 2.10 38 26.60 73 51.10 4 2.80 39 27.30 74 51.80 5 3.50 40 28. 75 52.50 6 4.20 41 28.70 76 53.20 7 4.90 42 29.40 77 53.90 8 5.60 43 30.10 78 54.60 9 6.30 44 30.80 79 55.30 10 7. 45 31.50 80 56. 11 >7.70 46 32.20 81 56.70 12 8.40 47 32.90 82 57.40 13 9.10 48 33.60 83 58.10 14 9.80 49 34.30 84 58.80 15 10.50 50 35. 85 59.50 16 11.20 51 35.70 86 60.20 17 11.90 52 36.40 87 60.90 18 12.60 53 37.10 88 61.60 19 13.30 54 37.80 89 62. 3 G i 20 14. 55 38,50 90 63. 21 14.70 56 39.20 91 63.70 22 15.40 57 39.90 92 64.40 1 23 16.10 58 40.60 93 65.10 24 16.80 59 41.30 94 65.80 25 17.50 60 42. 95 66.50 ! 26 18.20 61 42.70 96 67.20 27 18.90 62 43.40 1 97 67.90 28 19.60 63 44.10 98 68.60 29 20.30 64 44.80 99 69.30 30 21. 65 45.50 100 70. 31 21.70 66 46.20 200 140. 32 22.40 67 46.90 300 210. 33 23.10 68 47.60 400 280. 34 23.80 69 48.30 500 350. 1 35 24.50 70 49. 1000 700. »- At 71 Cents. 97 No. Volt. Ots. No Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 .71 36 25.56 71 50. .41 2 1.42 37 26.27 72 51, .12 3 2.13 38 26.98 73 51. .83 4 2.84 39 27.69 74 52. ,54 5 3.55 40 28.40 75 53. ,25 6 4.26 41 29.11 76 53. .96 7 4,97 42 29.82 77 54. 67 8 5.68 43 30.53 78 55. 38 9 6.39 44 31.24 79 56. 9 10 7.10 45 31.95 80 56. 80 11 . 7.81 46 32.66 81 57. 51 12 8.52 47 33.37 82 58. 22 13 9.23 48 34. 8 83 58. 93 14 9.94 49 34.79 84 59. 64 15 10.65 50 35.50 85 60. 35 16 11.36 51 36.21 86 61. 6 17 12. 7 52 36.92 87 61. 77 18 12.78 53 37.63 88 62. 48 19 13.49 54 38.34 89 63. 19 20 14.20 55 39. 5 90 63. 90 21 14.91 56 39.76 91 64. 61 22 15.62 57 40.47 92 65. 32 23 16.33 58 41.18 93 66. 3 24 17. 4 59 41.89 94 66. 74 25 17.75 60 42 60 95 67. 45 26 18.46 61 43.31 96 68. 16 27 19.17 62 44. 2 97 68 87 28 19.88 63 44.73 98 69 58 29 20.59 64 45.44 99 70. 29 30 21.30 65 46.15 100 71. ! 31 22, 1 66 46.86 ' 200 142- I 32 22.72 67 47.57 300 213. 33 23.43 68 48.28 400 284. 34 24.14 69 48.99 500 355. 35 24.85 i 70 49.70 1000 710. 98 At 72 Cents. No. Dots. Cls. No. Dols, Cls. No. Dols. Cts 1 .72 36 25.92 71 51.12 2 1.44 37 26.64 72 51.84 3 2.16 38 27.36 73 52.56 4 2.88 39 28. 8 74 53.28 5 3.60 40 28.80 75 54. 6 4.32 41 29.52 76 54.72 7 5. 4 42 30.24 77 55.44 8 5.76 43 30.96 78 56.16 9 6.48 44 31.68 79 56.88 10 7.20 45 32.40 80 57.60 11 7.92 46 33.12 81 58.32 -2 8.64 47 33.84 82 59. 4 13 9.36 48 34.56 83 59.76 14 10. 8 49 35.28 84 60.48 15 10.80 50 36. 85 ei.20 16 11.52 51 36.72 86 61.92 17 12.24 52 37.44 87 62.64 18 12.96 53 38.16 88 63.36 19 13.68 54 38.88 89 64. 8 20 14.40 55 39.60 90 64.80 21 15.12 56 40.32 91 65.52 22 15.84 57 41. 4 92 66.24 23 16.56 58 41.76 93 66.96 24 17.28 59 42.48 94 67.68 25 18. 60 43.20 95 68.40 26 18.72 61 43.92 96 69.12 27 19.44 62 44.64 97 69.84 28 20.16 63 45.36 98 70.56 29 20.83 64 46. 8 99 71.28 30 21.60 65 46.80 100 72. 31 | | 22.32 66 47.52 200 144. 32 1 23. 4 67 48.24 300 216. ! 33 23.76 68 48.96 409 I 288. 54 24.48 69 49.68 500] 1 360. 35 25,20 i 70 50.40 1000 1 720. At 73 Cents. 99 No Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts No. Dols. Cts. 1 .73 36 26.28 71 51.83 2 1.46 37 27. 1 72 52.56 3 2.19 38 27.74 73 53.29 4 2.92 39 28.47 74 54. 2 5 3.65 40 29.20 75 54.75 6 4.38 41 29.93 76 55.48 7 5.11 42 3 C .66 77 56.21 8 5.84 43 31.39 78 56.94 9 6.57 44 32.12 79 57.67 10 7.30 45 32.85 80 58.40 11 8. 3 46 33.58 81 59.13 12 8.76 47 34.31 82 59.86 13 9.49 48 35. 4 83 60.59 14 10.22 49 35.77 84 61.32 15 10.95 50 36.50 85 62. 5 i 16 11.68 51 37.23 86 62.78 17 12.41 52 37.96 87 63.51 18 13.14 53 38.69 88 64.24 19 13.87 54 39.42 89 64.97 , 20 14.60 55 40.15 90 65.70 21 15.33 56 40.88 91 66.43 22 16. 6 57 41.61 92 67.16 23 16.79 58 42.34 93 67.89 24 17.52 59 43. 7 94 68.62 25 18.25 60 43.80 95 69.35 26 18.98 61 44.53 96 70. 8 27 19.71 62 45.26 97 70.81 28, 20.44 63 45.99 98 71.54 29 21.17 64 46 72 99 72.27 30 22.90 65 47.45 100 73. 31 22.63 66 48.18 200 146 32 23.36 67 48.91 300 219 33 24. 9 68 49.64 400 292. 34, 24.82 69 50.37 500 365. 35 25.55 | 70 51.10 1000 | 730. 100 At 74 Cents. '\ No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 .74 36 26.64 j 71 52. 54 2 1.48 37 27.33 72 53. 28 3 2.22 38 28.12 73 54. 2 4 2.96 39 28.86 74 54. 76 5 3.70 40 29.60 75 55. 50 6 4.44 41 30.34 76 56. 24 7 5.18 42 31. 8 77 56. 98 8 5.92 43 31.82 78 57. 72 9 6.66 44 32.56 79 58. 46 10 7.40 45 33.30 80 59. 20 11 8.14 46 34. 4 81 59. 94 12 8.88' 47 34.78 82 60. 68 13 9.82 48 35.52 83 61. 42 14 10.36 49 36.26 84 62. 16 15 11.10 50 37. 85 . 62. 90 16 ° 11 .84 51 37.74 86 63. 64 17 12.58 52 38.48 87 64. 38 18 13.32 53 39.22 88 65. 12 19 14. 6 54 39.96 89 65. 86 20 14,80 55 40.70 90 66. 60 21 15.54 56 41.44 91 67. 34 22 16.28 57 42.18 92 68. 8 23 17. 2 58 42.92 93 68. 82 24 17.76 59 43.66 94 69. 56 25 18.50 60 44.40 95 70. 30 )26 19.24 61 45.14 96 71 . 4 \27 19.98 62 45.88 97 71. 78 28 20.72 63 46.62 98 72. 52 29 21.46 64 47.36 99 73. 26 30 * 22.20 65 48.10 100 74. 31 22.94 66 48.84 200 148. 32 23.68 67 49.58 300 222. 33 24.42 68 50.32 400 296. 34 25.16 69 51. 6 1 500 370 . 35 25.90 70 51. 8 C | 1000 740 . -i At 75 Cents. 101 No. DoU. Ota. No Dola. Cts. •1 No. Dots. Cta. 1 .75 36 27. 71 53.25 2 1.50 37 27.75 72 54. 3 2.25 38 28.50 73 54.75 4 3. 39 29.25 74 55.50 5 3.75 40 30. 75 56.25 6 4.50 41 30.75 76 57. 7 5.25 42 31.50 77 57.75 8 6. 43 32.25 78 58.50 9 6.75 44 33. 79 59.25 10 7.50 45 33.75 80 60. 11 8.25 46 34.50 81 60.75 12 9. 47 35.25 82 61.50 13 9.75 48 36. 83 62.25 14 10.50 49 36.75 84 63. 15 11.25 50 37.50 85 63.75 16 12. 51 38.25 86 64.50 17 12.75 52 39. 87 65.25 18 13.50 53 39.75 88 66. 19 14.25 54 40.50 89 66.75 20 15. 55 41.25 90 67.50 21 15.75 56 42. 91 68.25 22 16.50 57 42.75 92 69. 23 17.25 58 43.50 93 69.75 24 18. 59 44.25 94 70.50 25 18.75 60 45. 95 71.25 26 19.50 61 45 75 96 72. 27 20.25 62 46.50 97 72.75 28 21. 63 47 25 98 73.50 29 21.75 64 48. 99 74.25 30 22.50 65 48.75 100 75. 31 23.25 66 49.50 200 150. 32 24. 67 50.25 300 225. 33 24.75 68 51. 400 300. 34 25.50 69 51.75 500 375. 35 26.25 70 52.50 1000 750. ^102 At 76 Cents. No. Dols. Cts. 1 No. Dols . Cts. Mi. Dols. Cts, 1 .76 36 27.36 71 53.96 2 1.52 37 28.12 72 54.72 3 2.28 38 28.88 73 55.48 4 3. 4 39 29.64 74 56.24 5 3.80 40 30.40 75 57* 6 4.56 41 31.16 76 57.76 7 5.32 42 31.92 77 58.52 8 6. 8 43 32.68 78 59.28 9 6.84 44 33.44 79 60. 4 10 7.60 45 34.20 80 60.80 11 8.36 46 34.96 81 61.56 12 9.12 47 35.72 82 62.32 13 9.88 48 36.48 83 63. 8 14 10.64 49 37.24 84 63.84 15 11.40 50 38. 85 64.60 16 12.16 51 38.76 86 65.36 17 12.92 52 39.52 87 66.12 18 13.68 53 40.28 88 66.88 19 14.44 54 41. 4 89 67.64 20 15.20 55 41.80 90 68.40 21 1 15.96 56 42.56 91 69.16 22 16.72 57 43.32 92 69.92 28 17.48 58 44. 8 93 70.68 24 18.24 59 44.84 94 71.44 25 19. 60 45.60 95 72.20 26 19,76 61 46.36 96 72.96 27 20.52 62 47.12 97 73.72 28 21.28 63 47.88 98 74.48 29 22. 4 64 48.64 99 75.24 30 22 80 65 49.40 100 76. 31 23 56 66 50.16 200 152. 32 24 32 67 50.92 300 228. 33 25. 8 68 51.68 400 304. 34 25.84 69 52.44 500 380. 35 26.60 70 53.20 1000 760. At 77 Cents. 103 iVb. Dol 9- Ots. No. Dots. Cta. No. Dols. Cta. i .77 36 27.72 71 54.67 1 2 1.54 37 28.49 72 55.44 3 2 31 38 29.26 73 56.21 4 3, 8 39 30. 3 74 56.98 5 3.85 40 30.80 75 57.75 6 4.62 41 31.57 76 58.52 7 5.39 42 32.34 77 59.29 ! 8 6.16 43 33.11 78 60. 6 9 6.93 44 33.88 79 60.83 10 7.70 45 34.65 80 61.60 11 8.47 46 35.42 81 62.37 12 9.24 47 36.19 82 63.14 13 10. 1 48 36.96 83 63.91 14 10.78 49 37.73 84 64.68 15 11.55 50 38.50 85 65.45 16 12.32 51 39.27 86 66.22 17 13. 9 52 40. 4 87 66.99 18 13.86 53 40.81 88 67.76 19 14.63 54 41.58 89 68.53 * 20 15.40 55 42.35 1 90 69.30 21 16 17 56 43.12 91 70. 7 22 16.94 57 43.89 92 70.84 23 17.71 58 44.66 93 71.61 24 18.48 59 45.43 94 72.38 25 19.25 60 46.20 95 73.15 26 20. 2 61 46.97 96 73.92 27 20.79 62 47.74 97 74.69 28 21.56 63 48.51 98 75.46 29 22.33 64 49.28 99 76.23 30 23.10 65 50. 5 100 77. 31 23.87 66 50.82 200 154. 32 24 64 67 51.59 300 231. 33 25. 41 68 52.36 400 308. . 34 26.18 69 53.13 500 385. 35 26.95 70 53.90 1000 770. 104 At 78 Cents. No. Dols. Cis. No. Dols. Cis. No. Dais. Cts. 1 .78 36 28. 8 71 55.38 2 1.56 37 28.86 72 56.16 3 2.34 38 29.64 73 56 c 94 4 3.12 39 30.42 | 74 57.72 5 3.90 40 31.20 75 58.50 6 4.68 41 31.98 ! 76 59.28 7 5.46 42 32.76 77 60. 6 8 6.24 43 33.54 78 60.84 9 7. 2 44 34.32 79 61.62 10 7.80 45 35.10 80 62.40 11 8.58 46 35.88 81 63.18 12 9.36 47 36.66 82 63.96 13 10.14 48 37.44 83 64.74 14 10.92 49 38.22 84 65.52 15 11.70 50 39. 85 66.30 16 12.48 51 39.78 86 67. 8 17 13.26 52 40.56 87 67.86 18 14. 4 53 41.34 88 68.64 19 14.82 54 42.12 89 69.42 20 15.60 55 42.90 90 70.20 21 16.38 56 43.68 91 70.98 22 17.16 57 44.46 92 71.76 23 17.94 58 45.24 93 72.54 24 18.72 59 46. 2 94 73.32 25 19.50 I 60 46.80 95 74.10 26 20.28 61 47.58 96 74.88 27 21. 6 62 48.36 97 75.66 28 21.84 63 49.14 98 78.44 29 22.62 64 49.92 99 77.22 30 23.40 65 50.70 100 78. 31 24.18 66 51.48 200 156. 32 24.9-6 i 67 52.26 800 234. 33 25.74 j 68 53. 4 400 312. 34 26.52 , 69 53.82 500 390. 35 27.30 1 70 54.60 1000 780- At 79 Cents. 105 No Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 .79 36 28.44 71 56. 9 2 1.58 37 29.23 72 56.88 3 2.37 38 30. 2 73 57.67 1 4 3.16 39 30.81 74 58.46 5 3.95 40 31.60 75 59.25 6 4,74 41 32.39 76 60. 4 7 5.53 42 33.18 77 60.83 8 6.32 43 33.97 78 61.62 9 7.11 44 34.76 79 i i 62.41 10 7.90 45 35.55 80' ! 63.20 11 8.69 146 36.34 81 63.99 12 9.48 I 47 37.13 82 64.78 13 10.27 148 37.92 83 65.57 14 11. 6 49 38.71 84 66.36 15 11.85 50 39.50 85 j 67. 15 16 12.64 51 40.29 86 67.94 17 13.43 152 41. 8 87 68.73 18 14.22 53 41.87 88 69.52 19 15. 1 54 42.66 89 70.31 20 15.80 55 43.45 90 71.10 21 16.59 56 44.24 91 71.89 22 17.38 57 45. 3 92 72.68 23 18.17 58 45.82 93 73.47 24 18.96 59 46.61 94 74.26 25 19.75 60 47.40 95 75. 5 26 20.54 61 48.19 96 75.84 27 21.33 62 48.98 97 76.63 28 22.12 63 49.77 98 77.42 29 22.91 64 50.56* 99 78.21 30 23.70 65 51.35 100 79. 31 24.49 66 52.14 200 158. 32 )25 . 28 67 52.93 300 237. 33 26. 7 68 53.72 400 316. 34 26.86 69 54.51 500 395. 35 27.65 70 55.30 1000 790. 106 At 80 Cents. 2s T o. Dola. Cta. JSTo. Dola. Cta. 2fo. DoU. Cta. 1 .80 36 28.80 71 56.80 2 1.60 37 29.60 72 67.60 3 2.40 38 30.40 73 58.40 4 3.20 39 31.20 74 59.20 5 4. 40 32. 75 60. 6 4.80 41 32.80 76 60.80 7 5.60 42 33.60 77 61.60 8 6.40 43 34.40 78 62.40 9 7.20 44 35.20 79 63.20 10 8. 45 36. 80 64. 11 8.80 46 36.80 81 64.80 12 9.60 47 37.60 82 65.60 13 10.40 48 38.40 83 66.40 14 11.20 49 39.20 84 67.20 15 12. 50 40. 85 68. 16 12.80 51 40.80 86 68.80 17 13.60 52 41.60 87 69.60 18 14.40 53 42.40 88 70.40 19 15.20 54 43.20 89 71.20 20 16. 55 44. 90 Z2* 21 16.80 56 44.80 91 72.80 22 17.60 57 45.60 92 73.60 23 18.40 58 46.40 93 74.40 24 19.20 59 47.20 94 75.20 25 20. 60 48. 95 76. 26 20.80 61 48.80 96 76.80 27 21.60 62 49.60 97 77.60 28 22.40 63 50.40 98 78.40 29 23.20 64 51.20 99 79.29 30 24. 65 52. 100 80. 31 24.80 66 52.80 200 . 160. 32 25.60 67 53.60 300 240. 33 26.40 68 54.40 400 320. 34 27.20 69 55.20 500 400. 35 28. 70 56. 1000 800. At 81 Cents. 107 No Do/#, Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 .81 36 29*16 71 57.51 2 1.62 37 29.97 72 58.32 3 2.43 38 30.78 73 59.13 4 3.24 39 31.59 74 59.94 5 4. 5 40 32.40 75 60.75 6 4.86 41 33.21 76 61.56 7 5.67 42 34. 2 77 62.37 8 6.48 43 34.83 78 63.18 9 7.29 44 35.64 79 63.99 10 8.10 45 36.45 80 64.80 11 8.91 46 37.26 81 65.61 12 9.72 47 38. 7 82 66.42 13 10.53 48 38.88 83 67.23 14 11.34 49 39. G9 84 68. 4 15 12.15 50 40.50 85 68.85 16 12.96 51 41.31 86 69.66 17 13.77 52 42.12 87 70.47 38 14.58 53 42.93 88 71.28 19 15.39 54 43.74 89 72. 9 20 16.20 55 44.55 90 72.90 21 17. 1 56 45.36 91 73.71 22 17.82 57 46.17 92 74.52 23 18.63 58 46.98 93 75.33 24 19.44 59 47.79 94 76.14 25 20.25 60 48.60 95 76.95 26 21. 6 61 49.41 96 77.76 27 21.87 62 50.22 97 78.57 28 22.68 63 51. 3 98 79.38 29 23.49 64 51.84 99 80.19 30 24.30 65 52.65 100 81. 31 25.11 66 53.46 200 162. 32 25.92 67 54.27 300 243. 33 26.73 68 55. 8 400 324. 34 27.54 1 69 55.89 500 40-5. 35 ' 28.35 i 70 56.70 1000 810. 108 At 8 1 i Ce nts, or ft of a Dol. No. Dnls. CtS. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 .81} 36 29.25 71 57 .68} 2 1.62} 37 30. 6} 72 58.50 3 2.43J 38 30.871 73 59.31* 4 3.25 3^ 31.68} 74 60.121 5 4. 6i 40 32.50 75 60. 93| 6 4.87| 41 33.311 76 61.75 7 5.68| 42 34.121 77 62.56* 8 6.50 43 34.93} i 78 63.371 9 7.31i 44 35.75 79 64.18J 10 8.121 45 36.56} 80 65. 11 8.933 46 37.871 81 65.81* 12 9.75* 47 38. 18? 82 66.621 13 10.56]. 48 39. 83 67.43J 14 11.371 49 39.81} 84 68.25 15 12.185 50 40.62} 85 69. 6* 16 13. 4 51 41.43} 86 69 . 871 17 13.8U 52 42.25 87 70.68| 18 14.621 53 43. 6} 88 71.50* 19 15.43| 54 43.871 89 72.31* 20 16.25 55 44.68| 90 73.12* 21 17. 6} 56 45.50 91 73.93f ■22 17.871 57 46.31} 92 74 7 5 23 18.68} 58 47.12} 93 75.56* j 24 19.50 59 47.93} 94 76.371 | 25 20.31* 60 48.75 95 77. 18 J |26- 21.12' 61 49.56} 96 78. 27 21 . 93} 62 50.371 97 78.81} 28 22.75 63 51.18} 98 79.62] 23 23.56} 64 52. 99 80.43J 30 24.371 65 52.81} 100 81.25 31 25.181 66 53.62} 200 162.50 32 26. 67 54.43} 300 243.75 33 26.81} 68 55.25 400 325. 34 27.62} 69 56. 6} 500 406.25 35 28.43} 70 56.871 \ 1000 812.50 At 82 Cents. 109 No Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 .82 36 29.52 71 58.22 2 1.64 37 30.34 72 59. 4 3 2.46 38 30.16 73 59.86 4 3.28 39 31.98 74 60.68 5 4.10 40 32.80 75 61.50 6 4.92 41 33.62 76 62.32 7 5.74 42 34.44 77 63.14 8 6.56 43 35.26 78 63.96 9 7.38 44 36. 8 79 64.78 10 8.20 45 36.90 80 65.60 11 9. 2 46 37.72 81 66.42 12 9.84 47 38.54 82 67.24 13 10.66 48 39.36 83 68. 6- 14 11.48 49 40.18 84 68.88 15 12.30 50 41. 85 69.70 16 13.12 51 41.82 86 70.52 17 13.94 52 42.64 87 71.34 18 14.76 53 43.46 88 72.16 19 15 58 54 44.28 89 72.98 20 ( >16.40 55 45.10 90 73.80 21 17.22 56 45.92 91 74.62 22 18. 4 57 46.74 92 75.44 23 18.86 58 47.56 93 76.26 24 19.68 59 48.38 94 77. 8 25 20.50 60 49.20 95 77.90 26 21.32 61 50. 2 96 78.72 27 22.14 62 50.84 97 79.54 28 22,96 63 51.66 98 80.36 29 23.78 64 52.48 99 .81.18 30 24.60 65 53.30 100 82. 31 25.42 66 54.12 200 16 i 32 26.24 67 54.94 300 246. 33 27. 6 68 55.76 400 328. 34 27.88 69 56.58 500 410. 35 28.70 | 70 57.40 1000 820. 110 At 83 Cents. Vo. Dols. Cts. 1 No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 .83 36 29.88 71 58. ,93 2 1.66 37 30.71 72 59, ,76 3 2.49 38 31.54 73 60, ,59 4 3.32 39 32.37 74 61. ,42 5 4. 15 40 33.20 75 62, ,25 6 4.9 S 41 34. 3 76 63. 8 7 5.81 42 34.86 77 63. 91 8 6.64 43 35.69 78 64. ,74 9 7.47 44 36.52 79 65. 57 10 8.30 45 37.35 80 66. 40 11 9.13 46 38.18 81 67. 23 12 9.96 47 39. 1 82 68. 6 13 10.79 48 39.84 83 68. 89 14 11.62 49 40.67 84 69. 72 15 r 12.45 50 41.50 85 - 70. 55 16 ^13.28 51 42.33 86 71. 38 17 14.11 52 43.16 87 72. 21 18 14.94 53 43.99 88 73. 4 19 15.77 54 44.82 89 73. 87 20 16.60 55 45. 6 o 90 74. 70 21 17.43 56 46.48 91 75. 53 22 18.26 57 47.31 92 76. 36 23 19. 9 58 48.14 93 77. 19 24 19.92 59 48.97 94 78. 2 25 20.75 60 49.80 95 78. 85 26 21.58 61 50.63 96 79. 68 27 22.41 62 51.46 97 80. 51 : 28 23.24 63 52.29 98 81. 34 29 24. 7 64 53,12) 99 82. 17 30 24.90 65 53.95 106 1 83. 31 25.73 66 54.78 200 166. 32 26.56 67 55.61 300 249. 33 27.39 68 56.44 400 332. 34 28.22 69 57.27 500 415. 35] 29. 5 70 58.10 1000 830 v At 84 Cents. 111 No Dots. Cts. No. Dots . Cts. No. Dolt. Cts . i 1 .84 36 30.24 71 59.64 2 1.68 37 31. 8 72 60.48 3 2.52 38 31.92 73 61.32 4 3.36 39 32.76 74 62.16 5 4.20 40 33.60 >5 63. 6 5. 4 41 34.44 76 63.84 7 5.88 42 35.28 77 64.68 8 6.72 43 36.12 78 65.52 9 7.56 44 36.96 79 66.36 10 8.40 45 37.80 80 67.20 11 9.24 46 38.64 81 68. 4 12 10. 8 47 39.48 82 68.88 13 10.92 48 40.32 83 69.72 14 11.76 49 41.16 84 70.56 15 12.60 50 42. 85 71.40 16 13.44 51 42.84 86 72.24 17 14.28 52 43.68 87 0 73. 8 v 73.92 18 15.12 53 44.52 88 19 ’*>15.96 54 45.36 89 74.76 20 16.80 55 46.20 90 75.60 21 17.64 56 47. 4 91 76.44 22 18.48 57 47.88 92 77.28 23 19.32 58 48.72 93 78.12 24 20.16 59 49.56 94 78.96 25 21. 60 50.40 95 79.80 26 21.84 61 51.24 96 80.64 27 : 22.68 62 52. 8 97 81.48 28 23.52 63 52.92 98 82.32 29 24.36 64 53.76 99 83.16 30 25.20 65 54.60 100 84. 31 26. 4 66 55.44 200 168. 32 26.88 67 56.28 300 252. 33 27.72 68 57. 12 400 336. 34 28.56 69 57 96 500 420. I 35 29.40 70 58.80 I I 1000 840. | 112 At 85 Cents. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dots. Cts. 1 .85 36 30.60 71 60.35 2 1.70 37 31.45 72 61,20 3 2.55 38 32.30 73 62. 5 4 3.40 39 33 15 74 62.90 5 4.25 40 34. 75 63.75 6 5.10 41 34.85 76 64.60 7 5.95 42 35.70 77 65.45 8 6.80 43 36.55 78 66.30 3 7.65 44 37.40 79 67.15 10 8.50 45 38.25 80 68. 11 9.35 46 39.10 81 68.85 12 10.20 47 39.95 82' 69.70 13 11. 5 48 40.80 83 70.55 14 11.90 49 41.65 84 71.40 15 12.75 50 42.50 85 72.25 16 13.60 51 43.35 86 '73.10 17 14.45 52 44.20 87 73.95 18 15.30 53 45. 5 88 74.80 19 16.15 54 45.90 89 75.65 20 17. 55 46.75 90 76.50 21 17.85 56 47.60 91 77.35 22 18.70 57 48.45 92 78.20 23 19.55 58 49.30 93 79. 5 24 20.40 59 50.15 94 79.90 25 21.25 60 51. 95 80.75 26 22.10 61 51.85 96 81.60 27 22.95 62 52.70 97 82.45 28 23.80 63 53.55 98 83.30 29 24.65 64 54.40 99 84.15 30 25.50 65 55.25 100 85. 31 26.35 66 56*10 200 170. 32 27.20 67 56.95 300 255. 33 28. 5 68 57.80 400 340. 34 28.90 69 58.65 500 425. 35 29.75 70 59.50 1000 850. At 86 Cents. 113 JVo. DoU . Oia I No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Ots. 1 .86 36 30.96 71 61 . 6 2 1.72 37 31.82 72 61.92 3 2.58 38 32.68 73 62.78 4 3.44 39 33.54 74 63.64 ft 4.30 40 34.40 75 64.50 * 5.16 41 35.26 76 65.36 7 6 . 2 42 36.12 77 66.22 8 6.88 43 36.98 78 67 . 8 9 7.74 44 37.84 79 67.94 10 8.60 45 38.70 80 68.80 11 9.46 46 39.56 81 69.66 12 10.32 47 40.42 82 70.52 13 11.18 48 41.28 83 71.38 14 12 . 4 49 42 . 1 4 84 72.24 15 12.90 50 43 . 85 73.10 16 13.76 51 43.86 86 73.96 17 14.62 52 44.72 87 74.82 18 ^ ^ 15.48 53 45.58 88 75.68 19 16.34 54 46.44 89 76.54 20 17.10 55 47.30 90 77.40 21 18 . 6 56 48.16 91 78.26 22 18.92 57 49 . 2 92 79.12 23 19.78 58 49.88 93 79.98 24 20.64 59 50.74 94 80.84 25 21.50 60 51.60 95 81.70 26 22.36 61 52.46 96 82.56 27 23.22 62 53.32 97 83.42 28 24 . 8 63 54.18 98 84.28 29 24.94 64 55 . 4 99 85.14 30 25.80 65 55.90 100 86 . 31 26.66 66 56.76 200 172 . 32 27.52 67 57.62 300 258 .. 33 28.38 68 58.48 400 344 . 34 29*24 69 59.34 500 430 . 35 30.10 70 60.20 1000 860 . 114 At l- 00 Cents. No. Dols. Cls. No. Dols. i Cts. No. Dols. Cta. 1 .87 36 31. 32 71 61.77 2 1.74 37 32. 19 72 62.64 3 2.61 38 33. 6 73 63.51 4 3.48 39 33. 93 74 64.38 5 4.35 40 34. 80 75 65.25 6 5.22 41 35. 67 76 66.12 7 6. 9 42 36. 54 77 66.99 8 6.96 43 37. 41 78 67.86 9 7.83 44 38. 28 79 68 73 10 8.70 45 39. 15 80 69.60 11 9.57 46 40. 2 81 70.47 12 10.44 47 40. 89 82 71.34 13 11.31 48 41. 76 83 72.21 14 12.18 49 42. 63 84 73. 8 15 13. 5 50 43. 50 85 73.95 16 13.92 51 44. 37 86 74.82 17 14.79 52 45. 24 87 75.69 18 15.66 53 46. 11 88 i 1 76.56 19 16.53 54 46. 98 89 | | 77.43 20 17.40 55 47. 85 90 78.30 21 18.27 56 48. 72 91 79.17 22 19.14 .57 49. 59 92 80. 4 23 20. 1 58 50. 46 93 80.91 24 20.88 59 51. 33 94 81.78 25; 21.75 60 52. 20 95 82.65 26 22.62 61 53. 7 96 83.52 27 23.49 62 53. 94 97 84. 39 28 24.36 63 54. 81 .98 85.26 29 25.23 64 55. 68 99 86.13 30 26.10 65 56. 55 100 87. 31 26.97 66 57. 42 200 174. 32 27.84 67 58. 29 1 300 261. 33 28.71 68 59. 16 400 348. 34 29.58 69 60. 3 500 435. 35 30.45 70 60. 90 1000 870. At 87 2 Cents, or £ of a Dol. 110 No. Dots. Ota. No. Dola. Cta. No. Dola. Cto. 1 .87± 36 31.50 71 62.121 2 1.75' 37 32.371 72 63. 3 2.62i 38 33.25 73 63.871 4 3.50 39 34.121 74 64.75" 5 4.37i 40 35. 75 65,621 6 5.25 41 35.871 76 66.50“ 7 6.12i 42 36.75 77 67.371 8 7. 43 37.621 78 68.25" 9 7.87.1 44 38 50 79 69.121 JO 8.75 45 39.37J- 80 70. 11 9.621 46 40.25 81 70.871 12 10.50' 47 41.121 82 71.75 13 11.371 48 42. 83 72.62J 14 12.25 49 42.871 84 73.50 15 13.121 50 43.75 85 74.37| 16 14. / 51 44.62| 86 75.25 17 14.871 52 45.50 87 76.12J 18 15.75 53 46.371 88 77. 19 16.621 54 47.25“ 89 77.87| 20 17.50 55 48.121 90 78.75 21 18.371 56 49. 91 79.62*| 22 19.25' 57 49.871 92 80.50 23 20.121 58 50.75” 93 81 . 37| 24 21. 59 51.621 94 82.25 25 21.871 60 52.50“ j 95 83.121 26 22.75' 61 53.371 ! 96 84. 27 23.621 62 54.25 97 84. 87-* 28 24.50' 63 55.121 98 85.75 29 25.371 64 56. 99 86.6 2l 30 26.25' 65 56.871 1 100 87.50 31 27. 12i 66 57.75“ 200 175. 32 28. 67 58.621 300 262.50 33 28.871 68 59.50“ 400 350. 34 29.75 69 60.371 500 437.50 85 30.621 70 61.25 1000 875. j 116 At 88 Cents. No. Dele. Ols. No. Dole. Ct». No. Dols Cts. 1 , 88 36 31*68 71 62.48 2 1.76 37 32.56 72 63.36 1 S 3 ! 2.64 38 33.44 73 64.24 4 3.52 39 34.32 74 65.12 4.40 40 35.20 75 66. 6 5.28 41 36. 8 76 66.88 ! 7 6.16 42 36.96 77 67.76 8 7. 4 43 37.84 78 68.64 9 7.92 44 38.72 79 69.52 10 8.80 45 39.60 80 70.40 ! 11 9.68 46 40.48 81 71.28 1 12 10.56 47 41.36 82 72.16 i »3 11.44 48 42.24 83 73. 4 14 12.32 49 43.12 84 V73.92 15 13.20 50 44. 85 74.80 16 . 14. 8 51 44.88 86 75.68 17 14 96 52 45.76 87 76.56 1 18 15.84 53 46.64 88 77.44 19 16,72 54 47.52 89 78.32 20 17.60 55 48.40 90 79.20 21 18.48 56 49.28 91 80. 8 22 19.36 57 50.16 92 80.96 23 20.24 58 51. 4 93 81.84 24 21.12 59 51.92 94 82.72 25 22. 60 52.80 95 83.60 26 22.88 61 53.68 96 84.48 27 23.76 62 54.56 97 85.36 28 24.64 63 55,44 98 86.24 29 25.52 64 56.32 99 87.12 30 26.40 65 57.20 100 88. 31 27.28 66 58. 8 200 176. 32 28.16 67 58.96 300 264. 33 29. 4 68 59.84 400 352. 34 29.92 69 60.72 i 500 440- 35 30.80 70 61.60' 1000 880 XTIS Cents. U7 No Dols. Ct*. No. Dols. Ots. No. Dols. Cl 8* 1 .89 36 32. 4 71 63.19 2 1.78 37 32.93 72 64. 8 3 2.67 38 33.82 73 64.97 4 3.56 39 34.71 74 65.86 5 4.45 40 35.60 75 66.75 6 5.34 41 36.49 76 67.64 7 6.23 42 37.38 77 68.53 8 7.12 43 38.27 78 69.42 9 8. 1 44 39.16 79 70.31 10 8.90 45 40. 5 80 71.20 11 9.79 46 40.94 81 72 9 12 10.68 47 41.83 82 72 98 13 11.57 48 42.72 83 73.87 14 12.46 49 43. 6i 84 74.76 15 13.35 50 44.50 85 75.65 16 14.24 51 45.39 86 ^ 76.54 17 15.13 52 46.28 87 77.43 18 16. 2 53 47.17 88 78.32 19 16.91 54 48. 6 89 79.21 20 17.80 55 48.95 90 80.10 21 18.69 56 49.84 91 80.99 22 19.58 57 50.73 92 81.88 23 20.47 58 51.62 93 82.77 24 21.36 59 52.51 94 83.66 25 22.25 60 53.40 95 84.55 26 23.14 61 54.29 96 85.44 27 24. 3 62 55.18 97 86.33 28 24.92 63 56. 7 98 87.22 29 25.81 64 56.96 99 88.11 30 26.70 65 57.85 100 89. 31 27.59 66 58.74 200 178. 32 28.48 67 59.63 300 267. 33 29.37 68 60.52 400 356. 34 1 30.26 69 61.41 500 445. 35 | I 31.15 70 62.30 1000 890. lt8 At 90 Cents. ATv Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. Pols. Cts . f- .90 36 32.40 71 63.90 t, 1.80 37 33.30 72 64.80 % 2.70 38 34.20 73 65.70 a 3.60 39 35.10 74 66.60 a 4.50 40 36. 75 67.50 '5 5.40 41 36.90 76 68.40 ■ 7 6.30 42 37.80 77 69.30 8 7.20 43 38.70 78 70.20 9 8.10 44 39.60 79 71.10 ,;.o 9. 45 40,00 80 72. aJ 9.90 46 4? 40 81 72.90 *2 10.80 47 42.30 82 73,80 U 11.70 48 43.20 83 74.70 14 12.60 ^9 44.10 84 75.60 1-5 13. 5J 50 45. 85 76.50 15 14.40 51 45.90 86 77.40 17 15.30 52 46.80 87 78.30 18 <6.20 53 47.70 88 79.20 IS 17. 1 0 54 48.60 89 80.10 20 *3. 55 49.50 90 81. 21 18.90 56 50.40 91 81.90 22 19.80 57 51.30 92 82.80 23 20.70 58 52.20 93 83.70 24 21 60 59 53.10 94 84.60 25 22.50 60 54. 95 85.50 26 28.40 61 54.90 96 86.40 27 24.30 62 55.80 97 87.30 28 25.20 63 56.70 98 88.20 29 25.10 64 57.60 99 89.10 30 27. 65 58.50 100 90. 31 27.90 66 59.40 200 180. 32 28.80 67 60.30 300 270. 33 29.70 68 61.20 400 360. 34 1 39.60 69 62.10 500 450. 35 » 31.50 1 1 70 63. 1000 900. At 91 Cents. 119 | No. Dola. Cia. No. Dola. Cta. No. J Dola. Ota. | 1 .91 36 32.76 71 ! 1 64.61 2 1.82 37 33.67 72; 1 65.52 3 2.73 38 34.58 73 1 66.43 4 3.64 39 35.49 74 67.34 5 4.55 40 36.40 75 68.25 6 5.46 41 37.31 76 69.16 7 6.37 42 38.22 77 70. 7 8 7.28 43 39.13 78 70.98 9 8.19 44 40. 4 79 71.89 j 10 9.10 45 40.95 80 72,80 j 11 10. 1 46 41.86 81 73.71 k 12 10.92 47 42.77 82 74.62 I 13 11.83 48 43.68 83 75.53 I 14 12.74 49 44.59 \84 76.44 15 13.65 50 45.50 85 77.35 16 14.56 51 46.41 86 78.26 17 15.47 52 47.32 87 79.17 18 16.38 53 48.23 88 80. 8 19 17.29 54 49.14 89 80.99 20 18.20 55 50. 5 90 81.90 21 19.11 56 50.96 91 82.81 22 20. 2 57 51.87 92 83.72 23 20.93 58 52.78 93 84,63 24 21.84 59 53.69 I 94- 85,54 l 25 22.75 60 54.60 95 ' 86.45 26 23.66 61 55.51 96: | 87,36 a 27 24.57 : 62 56.42 97 ' i 88.27 J 28 25.48 63 57.33 98 39.18 29 26.39 64 58.24 99 90. 9 1 30 27.30 65 59.15 ! 100 91. I 31 28.21 66 60- 6 200 182. I 32 29.12 67 60.97 300 273. | 33 30. 3 68 61-88 400 364. (J 34 30.94 69 62-79 500 455. j 35 31.85 70 63*70 1000 910. J 120 At 92 Cents, No. Do Is Cts No. Dots. Cts. No. Dots. Cts I .92 36 33.12 71 65.32 2 1.84 37 34. 4 72 66.24 3 2.76 38 34.96 73 67.16 4 3.68 39 35.88 74 68. 8 5 4.60 40 36.80 75 69. 6 5.52 41 37.72 76 69.92 7 6.44 42 38.64 77 70,84 8 7.36 43 39.56 78 71.76 9 8.28 44 40.48 79 72.68 10 9.20 45 4\ .40 80 73.60 11 10.12 46 42.32 81 74.52 12 11. 4 47 43.24 82 75.44 13 11.96 48 44.16 83 76.36 14 12.88 49 45. 8 84 77.28 15 13.80 50 46. 85 78.20 1^ 14 . 72 51 46792 86 79.12 17 IS. 64 52 47.84 87 80. 4 18 16.56 53 48.76 88 80.96 19 It. 48 54 49.68 89 *■ 81.88 20 1-3.40 55 50.60 90 ^82.80 21 19.32 56 51.52 91 83.72 22 20.24 57 52.44 92 84.64 23 21.16 58 53.36 93 85.56 24 22. 8 59 54.28 94 86.48 25 23. 60 55.20 95 87.40 26 23.92 61 56.12 96 88.32 27 24.84 62 57. 4 97 89.24 28 25.76 63 57.96 98 90.16 29 26.68 64 58.88 99 91. 8 30 27.60 65 59.80 100 92. 31 28.52 66 60.72 200 184. 32 29.44 67 61.64 300 276. 33 30.36 68 62.56 400 368. 34 31.28 69 63.48 500 460. 35 32.20 70 64.40 t 1000 920. At 93 Cents. 121 No. Dolt. Cl a. No. Dola. Cts No. ) Dola. Cta. 1 .93 36 33.48 71 66 . 3 2 1.86 37 34.41 72 66.96 3 2,79 38 35.34 73 67 89 4 3.72 39 36.27 74 68.82 5 4.65 40 37.20 75 69.75 6 5.58 41 38.13 76 70.68 7 6.51 42 39 . 6 77 71.61 8 7.44 43 39.99 78 72.54 9 8.37 44 40.92 79 73.47 10 9.30 45 41.85 80 74.40 11 10.23 46 42.78 81 75.33 12 11.16 47 43.71 82 76.26 13 12 . 9 48 44.64 83 77.19 14 13 . 2 49 45.57 84 78.12 15 13.95 50 46.50 85 79 . 5 16 14.88 51 47.43 86 79.98 17 15.81 52 48.36 87 80.91 18 16.74 53 49.29 88 81.84 19 17.67 54 50.22 89 82.77 20 18.60 55 51.15 90 83.70 21 19.53 56 52 . 8 91 84.63 22 20.46 57 53 . 1 92 85.56 23 21.39 58 53.94 93 86.49 24 22.32 59 54.87 94 87.42 25 23.25 60 55.80 95 88.35 26 24.18 61 56.73 96 89.28 27 25.11 62 57.66 97 90.21 28 26 . 4 63 58.59 98 91.14 29 26.97 64 59.52 99 92 . 7 30 27.90 65 60.45 100 93 . 31 28.83 66 61.38 200 186 , 32 29.76 67 62.31 300 279 33 30.69 68 63.24 400 372 . 34 31.62 69 64.17 500 465 . 35 32.55 70 65.10 1000 930 . 122 At 93| Cents, or H of a Dol. No. Dols. Ots. No. Dols f. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 .93} 36 33. 75 71 66.56} 2 -•sn 37 34. ,68} 72 67.50 3 2.8l| 38 35. 62} 73 68.43} 4 3.75 39 36. 56} 74 69.37} 5 4.68} 40 37. 50 75 70.31} 6 5. 621 41 38. 43} 76 71.25 7 6.561 42 39. 371 77 72.18} 8 7.50 43 40. 31} 78 73.121 9 8.43? 44 41. 25 79 74. 6} 10 9.371 45 42. 18} 80 75. 11 10.311 46 43. 121 81 75.93} 12 11.25 47 44. 6} 82 76.87} 13 12.18} 48 45. 83 77.81} 14 13.121 49 45. 93} 84 78.75 15 14. 61 50 46. 87} 85 79.68} 16 15. ' ; 51 47. 81} 86 80.62} 17 15.93? 1 52 '48. 75 87 81.56} 18 16.871 1 53 49. 68} 88 82.50 19 17.81}; 54 50. 62} 89 83.43} 20 18.75 i 55 51. 56} 90 84.371 21 19.68? ; 56 52. 50 91 85.31} 22 20.621 57 53. 43} 92 86.25 23 21.56} i 58 54. 37} 93 87.18? 24 22.50 59 55. 31} 94 88.12} 25 23.43} 60 56. 25 95 89. 6} 26 24.37} 61 57. 18} 96 90. 27 25.31} 62 58. 12} 97 90.93} 28 26.25 63 59. 6} 98 91.87} 29 27.18} 64 60. 99 92.81} 30 28.12} 65 60. 93? 100 93.75 31 29. 6 1 66 61. 87} 200 187.50 32 30. 67 62. 81} 300 281.25 33 30.93} 68 63. 75 400 375. 34 31.87| 69 64. 68} 500 468.75 35 32.81} 70 i 65. 62} 1000 937.50 At 94 Cents. 123 No Dolt. Ctu. No. DoU. Ots. No. Dolg. Cta. l .94 36 33.84 71 66.74 2 1.88 37 34.78 72 67.68 3 2.82 38 35.72 73 68.62 4 3.76 39 36.66 74 69.56 5 4.70 40 37.60 75 70.50 6 5.64 41 38.54 76 71.44 7 6.58 42 39.48 77 72.38 8 7.52 43 40.42 78 73.32 9 8.46 44 41.36 79 74.26 10 9.40 45 42.30 80 75.20 11 10.34 46 43.24 81 76.14 12 11.28 47 44.18 82 77. 8 13 12.22 48 45.12 83 78. 2 14 13.16 49 46. 6 & 78.96 15 14.10 50 47 85 79.90 16 15. 4 51 47.94 86 80.84 17 15.98 52 48.88 87 81.78 18 16.92 53 49.82 88 82.72 19 17.86 54 50.76 89 83.66 20 18.80 55 51.70 90 84.60 21 19.74 56 52.64 91 85.54 22 20.68 57 53.58 92 86.48 23 21.62 58 54.52 93 87.42 24 22.56 59 55.46 94 88.36 25 23.50 60 56.40 95 89.30 26 24.44 61 57.34 96 90.24 27 25.38 62 *8.28 97 91.18 28 26.32 63 59. Zz 98 92.12 29 27.26 64 60.16 99 93. 6 30 28,20 65 61.10 100 94. 31 1 29,14 66 62. 4 200 188. 32 I 30. 8 67 62.98 300 282. 33 1 31 . 2 68 63.92 400 376. 34 I 31.96 69 64 86 500 470. 35 I 32.90 70 65.80 1000 940. 124 At 95 Cents. No. Dels. Ots. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Ots 1 .95 36 34.20 71 67.45 2 4.90 37 35.15 72 68.40 3 2.85 38 36.10 73 69.35 4 3.80 39 37. 5 74 70.30 5 4.75 40 38. 75 71.25 6 5.70 41 38.95 76 72.20 7 6.65 42 39.90 77 73.15 . 8 7.60 43 40.85 78 74.10 9 8.55 44 41.80 79 75. 5 10 9.50 45 42.75 80 76. 11 10.45 46 43.70 81 76.95 12 11.40 47 44.65 82 77.90 13 12.35 48 45.60 83 78.85 14 13.30 49 46.55 84 79.80 15 14.25 50 47.50 85 80.75 16 15.20 51 48.45 86 81.70 17 10.15 52 49.40 87 82.65 18 17.10 53 50.35 88 83.60 19 18. 5 54 51.30 89 84.55 20 19. 55 52.25 90 85.50 21 19.95 56 53.20 91 86.45 22 20.90 57 54.15 92 87 >40 23 21.85 58 55 10 93 88.35 24 22.80 59 56. 5 94 89.30 25 23.75 60 57. 95 90.25 26 24.70 61 57.95 96 91.20 27 25.65 62 58.90 97 92.15 28 26.60 63 59.85 98 93.10 29 27.55 64 60.80 99 94. 5 30 28.50 65 61.75 100 95. 31 29.45 66 62.70 200 190. 32 30.40 67 63.65 300 285. 33 31.35 68 64.60 400 380, 34 32.30 69 65.55 500 475. ' 35 33.25 1 70 66.50 1000 950. 7E ?/ At 96 Cents. 125 No. tools. Cl*. No. Dolt. Ct*. No. Dols. Cts. 1 .96 36 34.56 71 68.16 2* /.92 37 35.52 72 69.12 3 2.88 38 36.48 73 70. 8 4 3.84 39 37.44 74 71. 4 5 4.80 40 38.40 75 72. 6 5.76 41 39.36 76 72.96 7 6.72 42 40.32 77 73.92 8 7.68 43 41.28 78 74.88 9 8.64 44 42.24 79 75.84 10 9.60 45 43.20 80 76.80 11 10.56 46 44.16 81 77.76 12 11.52 47 45.12 82 78.72 13 12.48 48 46. 8 83 79.68 14 13.44 49 47. 4 84 80.64 15 14.40 50 48. 85 81.60 16 15.36 51 48.96 86 82.56 I 17 16.32 52 49.92 87 83.52 18 17.28 53 . 50.88 88 84.48 19 18.24 54 51.84 89 85.44 20 19.20 55 52.80 90 86.40 21 20.16 56 53.76 91 87.36 22 21.12 57 •54.72 92 88.32 23 22. 8 58 55.68 93 89.28 24 23 4 59 56.64 94 90.24 25 24 60 57.60 95 91.20 26 24.96 61 58.56 96 92.16 27 25.92 62 59.52 97 93.12 28 26.88 63 60-48 98 94. 8 29 27.84 64 61-44 99 95. 4 30 28.80 65 62.40 100 96. 31 29.76 66 63-36 200 192. 32 30.72 67 ' 64-32 300 288. 33 31.68 68 65-28 400 384. 34 032.64 69 66-24 500 480. 35 33.60 70 67 • 20 1000 960. 126 At 97 Cents. J No.\ Dols. Ots . No. Dots. Cts. No. Dots. Cts. 1 .97 36 34.92 71 68.87 2 1.94 37 35.89 72 69.84 3 2.91 38 36.86 73 70.81 4 3.88 39 37.83 74 71.78 5 4.85 40 38.80 75 72.75 6 5.82 41 39.77 76 73.72 7 6.79 42 40.74 77 74.69 8 7.76 43 41.71 78 75.66 9 8.73 44 42.68 79 76.63 10 9.70 45 43.65 80 77.60 11 10.67 46 44.62 81 78.57 12 11.64 47 45.59 82 79.54 13 12.61 48 46.56 83 80.51 14 13.58 49 47.53 84 81.48 15 14.55 50 48.50 85 82.45 16 15.52 51 49.47 86 83.42 17 , 16.49 52 50.44 87 84.39 18 17.46 53 51.41 88 85.36 19 18.43 54 52.38 89 86.33 20 19.40 55 53.35 i 90 87.30 21 20.37 56 54.32 91 88.27 22 21.34 57 55.29 92 89.24 23 22.31 58 56.26 93 90.21 24 23.28 59 57.23 94 91.18 25 24.25 60 58.20 95 92.15 26 25.22 61 59.17 96 93.12 127 26 19 62 60.14 : 57 94. 9 28 27.16 | 63 61.11 98 95. 6 29 28.13 1 64 62. 8 99 96. 3 30 29.10 65 63. 5 100 97. 31 30. 7 66 64. 2 200 194. 32 31. 4 67 64.99 300 291. 33 32 1 68 65.96 400 388. 34 32.98 69 66.93 50C 485. 35 33.95 70 67.90 1000 970. At 98 Cents. 127 Ns. J Vols. Cls. No. J Cts. No. Colt. Clt. I 1 .98 36 35.28 71 $9.58 ] 2 1.96 37 36.26 72 70.56 I 3 2.94 38 37.24 73 71.54 J 4 5 3.92 4.90 39 40 38 22 39.20 74 75 72.52 I 73.50 j| 6 5.88 41 40.18 76 74.48 I 7 6.86 42 41.16 77 75.46 I 8 7.84 43 42.14 78 76.44 I 9 8.82 44 43.12 79 77.42 I 10 9.80 45 44.10 80 78.40 1 11 10.78 46 45. 8 81 79.38 I ] 12 11.76 47 46. 6 82 80.36 I 13 12.74 48 47. 4 83 81 • 34 || 14 13.72 49 48. 2 84 82.32 | j 15 14.70 50 49. 85 83.30 | , 16 15.68 51 49.98 86 84.28 | 1 17 16.66 52 50.96 87 85.26 | 1 18 17.64 53 51.94 88 86.24 | 1 19 18.62 54 52.92 89 87.22 | I 20 19.60 55 53.90 90 88.20 | 1 21 20.58 56 54.88 91 89.18 | j 22 21.56 57 55.86 92 90.16 | 1 23 22.54 58 56.84 93 91.14 | 1 24 23.52 59 57.82 94 92.12 | | 25 1 24.50 60 58.80 95 93.10 | 1 26 25.48 61 59.78 96 94. 8 | | 27 26.46 62 60.76 97 95. 6 | 28 27.44 63 61.74 98 96. 4 | 1 29 28.42 64 62.72 99 97. 2 | 30 29.40 65 63.70 100 98. I 31 30.38 66 64.68 200 196. | <32 31.36 67 65.66 300 294. | 33 32.34 68 66.64 400 392. S 34 33.32 6$ 67.62 500 490. 1 i ! 35 . 34.30 | 70 | 68.60 1000 980. j "At 99 Cents. No. Dolt. Ots. No. Dels Cts. No. Dolt Ott- 1 .99 36 35.64 71 70.29 2 1.98 37 36.63 72 71.28 3 2.97 38 37.62 73 72 27 4 3.96 39 38.61 74 73 . 26 5 4.95 40 39.60 75 74 25 6 5.94 41 40.59 76 75.24 7 6.93 42 41.58 77 76.23 8 7.92 43 42.57 j 78 77 22 9 8.91 44 43.56 1 79 78 21 10 9.90 45 44.55 80 79.20 11 10.89 46 45.54 81 80.19 12 11.88 47 46.53, 82 81.18 13 12.87 48 47.52 83 82.17 14 13.86 49 48.51 84 83.16 15 14.85 50 49.50 85 84.15 16 15.84 51 50.49 86 85.14 17 16.83, 52 51.48 87 86.13 18 17.82* 53 52.47 88 87.12 19 18.81 54 53.46 89 88.11 20 19.80 55 54.45 90 89.10 21 20.79 56 55.44 91 90. 9 22 21.78 57 56.43 92 91. 8 23 22.77 58 57.42 93 92. 7 24 23.76 59 58.41 94 93. 6 25 24.75 60 59.40 95 94. 5 26 25.74 61 60.39 1 96 95. 4 27 26.73 62 61.38 97 96. 3 28 27.72 63 62.37 98 97. 2 29 28.71 64 63.36 99 98. 1 30 29. 7 G 65 64.35 I 100 99. 31 30.69 66 65.34 1 200 198. 32 31.68 67 68.33 j 300 297. 33 s 32.67 68 67.32 1 400 396. 34 | 33.66 69 68 31 | 500 495. 351 34.65 70 69.30 1 1000 990. 1 At 100 Cents, or 1 Dol. 129 No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. 1 1 . 36 36. 71 71. 2 2. 37 37. 72 72. 3 3. 38 38. 73 73. 4 4. 39 39. 74 74. 5 5. 40 40. 75 75. 6 6. 41 41. 76 76. 7 7. 42 42. 77 77. 8 8. 43 43. 78 78. 9 9. 44 44. 79 79. 10 10. 45 45. 80 80. 11 11. 46 46. 81 81. 12 12. 47 47. 82 82. 13 13. 48 48. 83 83. 14 14. 49 49. 84 84. 15 15. 50 50. 85 85. 16 16. 51 51. 86 86. 17 17. 52 52. 87 87. 18 18. 53 53. 88 88. 19 19. 54 54. 89 89. 20 20. 55 55. 90 90. 21 21. 56 56. 91 91. 22 22. 57 57. 92 92. 23 23. 58 58. 93 93. 24 24. 59 59. 94 94. 25 25. 60 60. 95 95. 26 26. 61 61. 96 96. 27 27. 62 62. 97 97. 28 28. 63 63. 98 98. 29 29. 64 64. 99 99. 30 30. 65 65. 100 100. 31 31. 66 66. 200 200. 32 32. 67 67* 300 300. 33 33. 68 68j. 400 400 > 34 34. 69 69'. 500 500. 35 35. 70 70 | 1000 1000. 1 130 At 2 Dollars. No. Dots. Ots. No. Dots. Cts. No. Dots. Ots. 1 2. 36 72. 71 142. 2 4. 37 74. 72 144. 3 6. 38 76. 73 746. 4 8. 39 78. 74 148. 5 10. 40 80. 75 150. 6 12. 41 82. 76 152. 7 14. 42 84. 77 154. 8 16. 43 86. 78 156. 9 18. 44 88. 79 158. 10 20. 45 90. 80 160. 11 22. 46 92. 81 162. 12 24. 47 94. 82 164. 13 26. 48 96. 83 166. 14 28. 49 98. 84 168. 15 30. 50 100. 85 170. 16 . 32. 51 102. 86 172. 17 34. 52 104. 87 174. 18 36. 53 106. 88 176. ISt 38. 54 108. 89 178. 20 40. 55 110. 90 180. 21 42. 56 112. 91 182. 22 44. 57 114. 92 184. 23 46. 58 116. 93 186. 24 48. 59 118. 94 188. 25 50. 60 120. 95 190. 26 52. 61 122. 96 192. ,27 54. 62 124. 97 194. 28 56. 63 126. 98 196. 29 58. 64 128. 99 198. 30 60. 65 130. 100 200. Ui 66 132. 200 400. |*2 64 67 134. 300 600. 33 66* 68 136. 400 800. 34 68. 69 138. 500 1000. 35 70. 70 140. 1000 2000. At 3 Dollars. 131 No. Dois. Cts. No. Dols. Cts No. Dols. Cts. 1 3. 36 108. : 1 71 213. 2 6. 37 111. 1- 72 216. 3 9. 38 114. 73 219. 4 12. 39 117. 74 222. 5 15. 40 120. 75 225. 6 18. 41 123. 76 228 7 21. 42 126. - 77 231 f 8 24. 43 129. 78 234. 9 27. 44 132. 79 237. 10 30. 45 135. 80 240. 11 33. 46 138. 81 243. 12 36. 47 •141. 82 246. 13 39. 48 144. 83 249. 14 42. 49 147 • 84 252. 15 45. 50 150. 85 255. 16 48. 51 153. 86 258. 17 51. 52 156. 87 261. 18 54. 53 159, 88 264. 19 57. 54 162. 89 267. 20 60. 55 165. 90 270. 21 63. 56 168. 91 273. 22 66. 57 171. 92 276. 23 69. 58 174. 93 279. 24 72. 59 177. 94 282. 25 75. 60 180. 95 285. 26 78. 61 183. 96 288. 27 81 62 186. 97 291. 28 84. 63 189. 98 294. j 29 87. 64 192. 99 297. 30 90. 65 195. 100 300. 31 93. 66 198. 200 600. 32 96. 67 201. 300 900. 33 99 68 204 < 400 1200. 34 1 02 69. 207. 500 1500. I 35 ! 105. j 70 2 ! 0. 1000 3000. 132 At 4 Dollars. No. Dols. Cts. No. Dais. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 4. 36 144. 71 284. 2 8. 37 148. 72 288. 3 12. 38 152. 73 292. 4 16. 39 156. 74 296. 5 20. 40 160. 75 300. 6 24. 41 164. 76 304 7 28. 42 168. 77 308. 8 32. 43 172. 78 . 312. 9 36. 44 176. 79 316. 10 40. 45 180. 80 320. 11 44. 46 184. 81 324. 12 48. 47 188. 82 328. 13 52. 48 192. j 83 332. 14 56. 49 196. j 84 336. 15 60. 50 200 85 340. 16 64. 51 204. 86 344. IT *68. 52 208. 87. 348. 18 72. 53 212. 88 352. 19 76. 54 216. 89 356. 20 80. 55 220. 90 360. 21 84. 56 224. 91 364. 22 88. 57 228. 92 368. 23 92. 58 232. 93 372. 24 96. 59 236. , 94 376. 25 100. 60 240. 95 380 26 104. 61 244 96 384 27 108. 62 248. 97 388. 28 112’ 63 252. 98 392. 29 116. 64 256. 99 396. 30 120. 65 260. 100 400. 31 124. 66 264. 200 800. 32 128. 67 268. 300 1200 33 132. 68 272. 400 1600. 34 136. 69 276 . j 500 2000. 35 140. 70 280. 1 000 4000. At 5 Dollars. 133 No. Dots Cts No. Dols. Cts. No. Dols. Cts. 1 5. 36 180. 71 355. 2 10. 37 185. 72 360. 3 15. 38 190. 73 365. 4 20. 39 195. 74 370. 5 25. 40 200. 75 375. 6 30. 41 205. 76 380. C 35. 42 210. 77 385. 8 40. 43 215. 78 390. 9 45. 44 220. 79 395. 10 50. 45 225. 80 400. 11 55. 46 230. 81 405. 12 60. 47 235. 82 410. 13 65. 48 240. 83 415. 14 70. 49 245. 84 420. 15 75. 50 250. , 85 425. 16 80. 51 255. 86 430. 17 85. ' 52 260. 87 435. 18 90. 53 265. 88 440. 19 95. . 54 270. 89 445. 20 100. 55 275. 90 450. 21 105. 56 280. 91 455 22 110. 57 285. 92 460. 23 115. 58 290. 93 465. 24 120. 59 295 94 470. 25 125. 60 300 95 475 26 130. 61 305. 96 480, 27 135. 62 310 97 485. 129 140. 63 315, 98 490. 29 145. 64 320. 99 495. 30 150. 65 325. 100 500. 31 155. 66 330. 200 1000. 32 160. 67 335. 300 1500. 33 165. 68 340. 400 2000. 34 170. 69 345. 500 2500. 35 175. 70 350. i 1000 5000. 134 At 6 Dollars. No. Dols. Ols. No. | Dols. Cts. No. Dols. C 1 6. 36 216. 71 426. 2 12. 37 222. 72 432. 3 18. 38 228. 73 438. 4 24. 39 234. 74 444. 5 30. 40 240. 75 450, 6 36. 41 246. 76 456. 7 42. 42 252. 77 462 8 48. 43 258. 78 468. 9 54 44 264. 79 474 10 60 45 270. 80 480. 11 66. 46 276. 81 486. 12 72. 47 282. 82 492. 13 78. 48 288. 83 498. 14 84. 49 294. 84 504. 15 90. 50 300. 85 510. 16 96. 51 306. 86 516. 17 102. 52 312. 87 522 18 108. 53 318. 88 528. 19 114. 54" 324. 89 534. 20 120. 55 330. 90 540. 21 126. 56 336. 91 546. 22 132. 57 342. 92 552. 23 138. 58 348. 93 558. 24 144 59 354. 94 564. 25 150. 60 360. 95 570. 26 156. 61 366. 96 576. 27 162. 62 372. 97 582. 28 168. 63 378. 98 588. 29 174. 64 384. 99 594. 30 180. 65 390. 1 100 600. 31 186. 6 P 396. : 200 1200. 32 192. 67 402. 300 1800. 33 198. 68 408. 400 2400. 34 204. 69 414. 500 3000. 35 210. 70 420. 1000 6000. At 7 Dollars. 135 JTo [ Dsls. Cts. 1 Vo. Dots Cts. m. Dols. Cts. 1 7 36 25G. | 71 497. 2 14. 37 259. 72 504. 3 21. 38 266. 73 511. 4 28. 39 273. 74 518. 5 35. 40 280. 75 525. 6 42. 41 287. 76 532. 7 49. 42 294. 77 539. 8 56. 43 301. 78 546. 9 63. 44 308. 79 553. 10 70. 45 315. 80 560. 11 77. 46 322. 81 567. 12 84. 47 329. 82 574. 13 91. 48 336. 83 581. 14 98. 49 343. •84 588. 15 105. 50 350. 85 595. 16 112. 51 357. 86 602. 17 119. 52 364. 87 609. 18 126. 53 371. 88 616. 19 133. 54 378. 89 623. 20 140. 55 385. 90 630. * 21 147. 56 392. 91 637. • 22 154. 57 399. 92 644. 23 161 58 408. 93 651. 24 168. 59 413. 94 658. 25 175^ 60 420. 95 665. 26 i8fr% 61 427. 96 672. 27 189. ! •62* 434. 97 679. 28 196. 63 441. 98 686. 29 203. 64 448. 99 693. 30 210. 65 455. 100 700. 31 217. 66 482. 200 1 1400. 32 ,224. 67 469. 3001 2100. 33 231. 68 476. 400 2800. 34 238. I 69 483. 500 3500. 35 245. i ! 70 490. rooo 7000. 136 At 8 Dollars. No. Dols. Cts. No. 1 Dols. Cts. No. Dols. C 1 8. 36 288. 71 568 o 2 16. 37 296.. 72 576. 3 24. 38 304. 73 584. 4 32. 39 312. 74 592. 5 40. 40 320. 75 600. 6 48. 41 328. 76 608. 7 56. 42 336. 77 616. 8 64. 43 344. 78 624. 9 72. 44 352. 79 632. 10 80. 45 360. 80 640. 11 88. 46 368. 81 648. 12 96. 47 376. 82 656. 13 104. 48 384. 83 664. 14 112. 49 392. 84 672. 15 120. 50 400. 85 680. 16 128. 51 408. 86 688. 17 136. 52 416. 87 696. 18 144. 53 424. 88 704. 19 152 54 432. 89 712. 20 160. 55 440. 90 720. 21 168. 56 44.8. 91 728. 22 176. 57 456. 92 736. 23 184. 58 464. 93 744. 24 192. 59 472. 94 752. 25 200. 60 480. 95 760. 26 208. 61 488. 96 768. 27 216. 62 496. 97 776. 28 224. 63 504. 98 784. 29 232. 64 512. 99 792. 30 240. 65 520 100 800. 31 248 66 528. 200 1600. 32 256- 67 536. 300 2400. 33 264' 68 544. 400 3200. 34 272' 69 552. 500 4000 35 280- • 70 560. 1000 8000. At 9 Dollars. 137 No. j Dais. Cts. No. Dols. Cts . No. Dols. Cts. 1 9. 36 324. 71 639. , 648. ' 2 18. 37 333. 72 3 27. 38 342. 73 657. 4 36. 39 351. 74 666. 5 45. 40 360. 75 675. 6 54. 41 369. 76 684. 7 63. 42 378. 77 693. 8 72. 43 387. 78 702. 9 81. 44 396. 79 711. 10 90. 45 405. 80 720. 11 99. ! 46 414. 81 729. 12 108. 47 423. i 82 738. 13 117. 48 432. 83 747. 14 126. 49 441. 84 756. 15 135. 50 450. 85 765. 16 144. 51 459. 86 774. 17 153. 52 468. 87 783. 18 162. 53 477. 88 792. 19 171. 54 486. 89 801. 20 180. 55 495. 90 810. 21 189. 56 504. 91 819. 22 198. 57 513. 92 828. 23 207. 58 522. 93 837. 24 216. 59 531. 94 846. 25 225. 60 540. 95 855. 26 234. 61 549. 96 864. 27 243. 62 558. 97 873. 28 252. 63* 567. 98 882. 29 261. 64 576. 99 891. 30 270. 65 585. 100 900. 31 279. 66 594. 200 1800. 32 288. 67 603. 300 2700. ’ 33 297® 68 612. 400 3600. 34 306. 69! 621. 500 4500. 35 3X5. 70 j 630. 1 1000 9000- | 138 At 10 Dollars. 1 Vo j Dola. Ota. No. Dola. Cta. No. Dola. Otg. 1 10. 36 360. 71 710. 2 20. 37 370. 72 720. 3 30. 38 380. 73 730. 4 40. 39 390. 74 740. 5 50. 40 400 75 750. 6 60. 41 410. 76 760. 7 70. 42 420. 77 770. 8 8*1. 43 430. 78 780. 9 fcO. 44 440. 79 790. 10 100. 45 450. 80 800. in 110. 46 460. 81 810. 12 120. 47 470. 82 820. 13 130. 48 480. 83 830. ! 14 140. 49 490. 84 840. 15 150. 50 500. 85 850. 16 160. 51 510. 86 860. 17 170. 52 520. 87 870. 18 180. 53 530. 88 880. 19 190. 54 540. 89 890. 20 20fc 55 550. 90 900. 21 215. 56 560. 91 910. 22 220. 57 570. 92 920. 23 230. 58 580. 93 930. 24 240. 59 590. 94 940. 25 250. 60 600. 95 950. 26 260. 61 610. 96 960. 27 270. 62 620. 97 970. 28 280. 63 630. 98 980. 29 290. 64 640. 99 990 j 30 300. 65 650. 100 1000. * 31 310. 66 660. 200 2000. 32 320. 67 670. 300 3000. 33 330. 68 680 400 4000. 34 340. 69 690 500 5000. ; 3 5 350. 70 700. I 1000 10000. TABLES OF MONEY, CURRENCY AND COIN OF THE WORLD. Values of Foreign Money reduced to equivalent value in United States legal tender. UNITED STATES. GOLD. Double Eagle $20 00 Eagle 10 00 Half Eagle 5 00 Quarter Eagle 2 50 Three Dollars 3 00 One Dollar. 1 10 SILVER. Standard Silver Dollars $1 00 T rades Dollars 79 Half Dollar 50 Quarter Dollar 25 Twenty Cents 20 Dime 10 Half Dime 05 Three Cents. 03 5 Cents, Nickle 05 2 “ Copper 02 I “ “ 01 Penny “ 01 The paper currency of the United States consists of national bank notes, gold and silver certificates and 1 treasury notes — ranging from $1.00 to $10,000 in value, and are worth their face value in gold and silver, redeemable in either coin, and are legal tender. Fractional currency notes are no longer issued. S __ 139 ; ENGLAND. ■ GOLD. Five Sovereigns $26 00 One Sovereign 4 84 Half Sovereign 2 42 Double Guinea 11 06 One Guinea .5 2 K -6 OO Half Guinea 2 56 Third Guinea I 70 SILVER. Crown $1 20 Crown, Anne I 20 Crown, 1662 I 20 Half Crown. 60 Half Crown, George II . 60 Half Crown, Victoria 60 Two Shillings, or One Florin. . 48 One Shilling. 24 Sixpence 12 Four Pence 12 Three Pence °5 Two Pence. * r 04 One Penny 02 One Farthing o'A BANK NOTES. $4 82 /c - . 24 20 / I0 • . T O 48 60 £20 97 20 ^50 242 00 £*O 0 484 00 £200 . 960 00 £3°° . 1,440 00 The bank notes issued by the Bank of England are accepted as legal tender in all parts of the world. 140 | CANADA. SILVER. Canada, 50 cents . Canada, 25 cents . . . ,{ Canada, 20 cents Canada, 10 cents. Canada, 5 cents Bank notes are issued exclusively by the Government for $4,00, $2.00, $1.00, $0.50 and $0.25; no bank is allowed to issue a note for a less sum than $^.00. The coins in circulation are minted in England. Canada has no gold coins of its own, but the English sovereign and United States gold eagle of $10.00, with its multiples and halves are legal. BRITISH COLONIES. GOLD. One Mohur, India. ........ One Mohur, East India Half Sovereign Newfoundland, $2. SILVER. Sierre Leone Co. Dol One Dollar, 1791 80 Three Guilders 75 $ANK NOTES. Australian £1 $5.00, British Guinea ...... New Zealand, £1 New Zealand, £5 New Zealand, £10 45 00 141 FRANCE. GOLD. loo Franc piece ( 25 Louis d’Or 5° Five Francs 7 . 96 Ten Francs. 92 Twenty Francs 3 85 SILVER. Crown Louis XIV 75 Quarter Crown 18 Eighth Crown 10 Five Francs 93 Two Francs 3 6 One Franc 18 Half Franc, 50 Centimes.... 09 Twenty Centimes 03 BANK NOTES. 50 Francs 62 100 Francs 15 500 Francs... 00 1,000 Francs 15 The franc , or loo centimes , is the stand- ard of currency, and trade exchange is com- puted in this coin. France belongs to the Monetary League with Belgium, Italy, Greece and Switzerland, which have adopt- ed the decimal system of currency. BELGIUM. Gold, silver, and currency the same as F ranee. Belgium is one of the five continental states (France, Italy, Greece, Switzerland and Belgium)which have formed a monetary league, agreeing upon the decimal system, thus forming a perfect reciprocity in the currency of the five countries. H? . GERMANY. GOLD. Twenty Marks $$ 73 Ten Marks 2 36 Five Marks * . „ 1 18 Ten Thalers ." . . . 7 80 Five Thalers 3 90 Two and a half Thalers . . 1 95 | Fred. d’Or 3 9 ° Double Fred. d’Or 7 80 Caroline * * 7 S ' Ducat 2 20 Five Guilders 1 95 Quintuple Ducat * „ 11 00 SILVER. Five Marks $1 15 Two Marks 46 i One Mark 23 50 Pfennig Mark) * 11 20 Pfennig 04 10 Pfennig 02 5 Pfennig 01 Thaler 69 Double Thaler (called). 80 Double Guilder (called) 60 BANK NOTES. 5 Marks $1 16 20 Marks . „. . 4 7 o 50 Marks. 11 75 100 Marks 23 50 500 Marks. 11 7 5 o 1,000 Marks 235 00 The mark of 100 pfennig is the stand- ard of trade exchange. The 5 mark gold piece is called the halbe-krone (half-crown), the 10 mark gold piece is called the krone (crown), and the 20 mark gold £iece is called the doppel-krone (double-crown). Small paper notes for 5, 20 and Ko marks , are called reichskassenscheine . 143 AUSTRIA. GOLD. Quadruple Ducat s One Ducat Sovereign Half Sovereign 4 Florins (io Francs) SILVER. Specie Dollar $0 75 One Florin. . *6 BANK NOTES. I Guilder 5 Guilder io Guilder 50 Guilder • l 9 5 o 100 Guilder 1,000 Guilder. Copper coins are the 4, 1 , and V 2 kreu - zer . A 4 kreuzer piece is worth 1 A cents, 1 kreuzer is worth A cents. State notes are issued for 1,15, and 50 florins, bank notes for 10, 100 and 1,000 florins. The legal standard of the country is silver, and the florin , divided into 100 kreuzer , the unit of money. The chief medium of trade. however, is the paper currency. SWITZERLAND I Gold same as France. 1 SILVER. Five Francs Two Francs 36 One Franc ............ ... 18 Switzerland belongs to the Monetary League formed by the union of France, Belgium, Greece, Italy and Switzerland. See France. 144 HOIXAND. GOLD. Ten Guilders. $3 96 Five Guilders 1 95 SILVER. Three Guilders $1 13 Two and a half Guilders 90 One Guilder - 36 Rix Dollar 80 BANK NOTES. io Guilders $3 90 25 Guilders 9 50 50 Guilders 19 5° 60 Guilders . . 22 80 100 Guilders 39 00 200 Guilders 76 00 300 Guilders 1 14 00 500 Guilders 190 00 i,ooo Guilders 390 00 MEXICO. GOLD. Doubloon Half Doubloon Quarter Doubloon . ... 38s Sixteenth Doubloon Twenty Pesos • • • 19 55 Ten Pesos Five Pesos • • • 4 89 Two and a Half Pesos . . . 2 43 SILVER. One Peso , Mexican Sun Dollar 80 Maximilian Dollar 80 Eight Reals Half Mexican Quarter Mexican Tenth Mexican Bank Notes (per peso) 70 145 SWEDEN, ORWAI AND DENMARK. i GOLD. Twenty Kronor s $5 25 Ten Kronors 2 60 Ducat 2 20 SILVER. Specie Dollar (called in) $0 70 One Rigsdaler (called in) 35 One Kronor 25 One-half Kronor One-quarter Kronor 06 One-tenth Kronor 02 BANK NOTES. I Kronor $0 26 5 Kronors I 30 io Kronors 2 60 50 Kronors 13 OO 100 Kronors 26 OO 500 Kronors 130 OO 1,000 Kronors 2§0 OO The copper coin ore is the one-hundredth part of a kronor, and is equal to % cent in value. BRAZIL AND PORTUGAL. GOLD. Crown • • • $5 75 Moidore . . . 4 75 * SILVER. 640 Reis, Portugal. 960 Reis, “ 70 1,000 Reis, Brazil. * . . . . 2,000 Reis, “ 80 Cruzado The Milreis (1,000, Reis), is the chief coin. Large sums are calculated in Contos of Reis , or 1,000,000 Reis. In Brazil English sovereigns are legal tender. 146 ITALY. GOLD. One hundred Lire. . . . , , Fifty Lire Forty Lire . 7 60 Twenty Lire .. 383 T en Lire Five Lire 96 Two Doppia 6 25 96 Livres SILVER. Five Lire 93 Two Lire 36 One Lire 18 One-half Lire Ten Soldi 08 Five Soldi 04 Twenty Grani 15 Testoon 25 Scudo 90 Half-Scudo 45 1* Crown 85 Five Paul 45 Ten Paul . 90 Silver Lion. 90 Floria 27 BANK NOTES. i Lire... . 2 Lire* “37^ S Lire 93U 10 Lire, . 1 87^ 20 Lire 50 Lire. • 9 37>£ 100 Lire. ■ 18 75 250 Lire . 46 87^ 500 Lire • 93 75 1,000 Lire .? . IQO OO Italy belongs to the Monetary League formed between France, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland and Greece. See France. I.!,,..'. ■ — -r.r^. — ^ — •- — - ■ RUSSIA AND POLAND. GOLD. Six Rubles, Platina $4 60 Five Rubles, Gold 3 90 SILVER. One Ruble , $0 65 One and a half Ruble 84 One half Ruble . . .* 28 25 Kopecks 09 20 Kopecks 07 15 Kopecks 05 10 Kopecks 03 Five Zlot 50 Two Zlot 20 BANK NOTES. I Ruble $0 48 3 Rubles I 44 5 Rubles 2 40 10 Rubles 4 80 25 Rubles .... 1200 loo Rubles 48 00 The silver ruble or rouble is the legal unit of money. The copper kofeck is the IO'oth part of a ruble , and is worth $.0065. The viark of Finland equals 1 8 cents. GREECE. GOLD. Twenty Drachmas $3 7° SILVER. Five Drachmas 1 $0 90 Greece belongs to the Monetary League formed between France, Belguim, Switzer- land, Italy and Greece. See France. 148 _ SPAIN. GOLD. Doubloon Half Doubloon . 7 78 Four Piasters . . 3 89 Pistole Half Pistole . Quarter Pistole 97 25 Pesetas SILVER. Spanish Pillar Dollar Half Spanish Dollar.. Spanish Quarters, new Five Pesetas 80 Twenty Reals , . . . Pistareen Half Pistareen 08 The Spanish possessions of Cuba, Porto Rico, Philippine Islands and African pos- sessions have the same currency as Spain. PERU. GOLD. Doubloon Pistole Five Sols Ten Sols Twenty Sols. , 19 10 SILVER. One Sol One-half Sol. One-quarter Sol One-tenth Sol ; BANK NOTES. One Sol 149 CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. GOLD. Doubloon Half Doubloon Pistole 3 «7 Half Pistole One-Fourth Pistole Four Escudos SILVER. - Eight Reals $o 70 Four Reals Two Reals % One Real CHILI. GOLD. iDouMoon. Pistole SILVER. T Peso . . $0 73 >2 Peso. X Peso l6 i-io Peso Eight Reals 73 Two Reals One Real 08 One»Half Real BANK NOTES. i i Peso TURKEY: SILVER. Twenty Piastres Two Piasters. 08 One Piastre 04 loo Piastres The Turkish Lira or gold Medjidie is equal to loo piastres . A purse is equal to 5 liras. ' * 5 ° PERSIA. ' GOLD. % Toman y 2 Toman i Toman 2 Toman 3 S 6 5 Toman i o Toman SILVER. 5 Shahis io Shah^ i Kran 2 Kran 5 Kran COPPER. Pul Shahi 2 Shahis 4 Shahis ....... Accounts are reckoned in dindrs , an im- aginary coin, the ten-thousandth part of a Toman of ten krons. INDIA. GOLD. Mohur r SILVER. One Rupee — $0 30 Half Rupee. . . 15 Quarter Rupee. . Quarter Pagoda. BANK NOTES. 5 Rupees io Rupees 20 Rupees 6 60 ioo Rupees. . . . . V — 151 INDIA — Continued. The small coins are: Pie=^ Farthing $o oo^J 3 Pie — i Pice oo^g 4 Pice = I Anna 03 16 Annas = I Rupee A “ lac ” is 100,000 rupees. A “ crore ” is 10,000,000 rupees. CHINA.— HONG KONG. BANK NOTES. $5 ; -$3 5074 OO The only official coin of China is the copper cash, of which 1,600 to 1,700 equal one tael of pure silver, or 1% ozs. avoirdupois weight. Large payments are made by weight of silver bullion, the standard being the Liang or Tael , which is equal to about $i.i2^f or 4s, 8 % d. English currency. JAPAN. GOLD. One Yen $0 95 Two Yen 1 90 Five Yen. 4 75 Twenty Yen 19 50 SILVER. Itzbu .... $0 35 Five Sen. 04 Ten Sen 09 Twenty Sen 18 Fifty Sen 45 One Yen 90 The unit of account is the gold yen. The medium of internal trade is paper cur- rency of the various denominations and is on a par with silver. The copper coins consist of (or rin) sen piece, y 2 sen, 1 sen and 2 sens. 152 Practical Mensuration. Embracing many new and original ideas and short methods. Arranged for easy business reference, special classes in schools, and -all who wish to become skilled in this important branch of mathematics. Explanation of Signs. + Plus, the sign of addition. — Minus, the sign of subtraction. X Multiplied by , the sign of multiplication. -f- Divided by, the sign of division. = Equals, the sign of equality. Cylindrical Capacity. To find the cylindrical contents of a cylinder. Rule.- — Square the diameter and mul- tiply by the depth. To find the cylindrical contents of a frustum of a cone. Rule. — To the product of the upper and lower diameters add the sum of their squares, and multiply by one-third of the depth. To change cubic to cylindrical measure. Rule. — Divide the cylindrical contents by. 7854. To change cylindrical to cubic measure. Rule. — Multiply the cylindrical contents by .7854. Note. — A cylindrical foot is the volume of a cylinder one foot in depth and diameter, and con- tains 1728 cylindrical inches. It is equal to .7854, or for greater accuracy . 785398 plus part of a cubic foot. A cylindrical foot contains 1357.16 plus cubic inches, and a cubic foot contains 2200.15 plus cylindrical inches. 153 Cubic Capacity. To fit the cubic contents of a cylinder. Rule —Find the cylindrical contents by the preceding rule, and multiply by .7854; or^ square the diameter in inches, mul- tiply by tlu depth in feet and by .005454+ . To find the cubic contents of a frustum of a cone. Rule.; — iTnd the cylindrical contents by the preceding rule, and multiply by .7854. To find the cubic contents of a cone or a pyramid, whether round, square, or triangular. Rule. — Multiply the area of the base by one-third of the altitude. Measurement of Area. To find the diameter of a circle. R ULE. — M u 1 1 i p 1 y circumference by .31831; or, extract square root of area and multiply by 1.12838. To find the circumference of a circle. Rule. — M ultiply the diameter by 3^ or 3.1416; or, multiply radius by 6.283185. T o find radius of a circle. Rule. — M u 1 1 i p 1 y circumference by .1593:55, or square root of area multi- plied by .56419. T o find the side of an inscribed square of a circle. Rule. — Multiply diameter by .7071.. Multiply circumference by .225. To find the side of fen equal square of a circle. Rule. — Multiply circumference by .282; or, multiply diameter ,8f62. To find the side of a& inscribed equilat- eral triangle. Rule.— Multiply diamfter by .86. *54 To find the area of a circle. Rule. — Multiply the square of the radius by 3. 1416; or, multiply the square of the diameter by. 7854; or, square the cir- cumference and multiply by .07958; or, multiply one-half the circumference by half the diameter. To find the area of an ellipse. Rule. — Multiply both diameters together and by . 7854. To find the area of an inscribed square of a circle. Rule. — Multiply the diameter by one- half itself. To find the area of a triangle. Rule. — Multiply base by one-half the altitude. To find the area of a trapezoid. Rule. — M ultiply the altitude by one-half the sum of its parallel sides. Cistern, Tank, and Barrel Measure. Find the cylindrical feet, and for Gallons, X 5.875 or 5 1 ) Barrels X .1865 > Wine measure. Hogsheads X .09325 ) Gallons X 4.8126 Beer measure. Or, find the cubic feet, and for Gallons, X 7.48 ) Barrels X .2374 j- Wine measure. Hogsheads X .1187 } Gallons. X 6.1276 Beer measure. Examples. How many barrels wine measure are con- tained in a cylindrical cistern, the diameter 4 feet and the depth 6 feet. Operation . — Find the cylindrical feet by squaring the diameter and multipling by the ; 155 depth, which equals, 4X 4=16, i66X = | 96. Now multiply 96 by . 1865 (the part of j a barrel in one cylindrical foot) and we have 17.9 + barrels. How many gallons wine measure are con- tained in a railroad tank in the form of a frustum of a cone, the dimensions being as follows: Height, 15 feet; lower diameter, 22 feet; upper diameter, 20 feet? Operation and solution . — 400 == square of upper diameter. 484 — “ “ .lower diameter. 440 —product of upper and — lower diameters. 1324 5 of the depth. 6620 = cylindrical feet. 5 1 = capacity of one cylindrical , foot. 38892.5 —gallons. j To convert Imperial gallons into United States wine galtons, multiply the Imperial by 1.2. To convert United States gallons into Imperial gallons, multiply the United Siates gallons by .883. Sixty United States gallons equals sixty- one Imperial gallons, therefore, to convert one into the other, add or deduct i-6oth. The United States standard gallon meas- ; ures 231 cubic inches, and contains 83 lbs. of distilled water. There are 27.68 cubic inches of water * per lb. at 32 0 F. .036 lbs. cubic inches of water at 6o°. 62.35 ^s. P er cu hic foot water at 62° F. Forty-nine cubic feet soft coal per ton. Forty to forty-three cubic feet hard coal \ per ton The following list gives the value of rare and valuable United States coins. By using this as a reference, and carefully examining coins which come in your possession, you may be able to realize a handsome profit. The value of the coin depends upon its ap- pearance. If worn and mutilated, even thought a rare coin, the value will be very much less than if the coin was clean, bright and with sharp edges. SILVER DOLLARS. Date. Description. Value. $ c. $ c. 1794. Flowing hair 100.00 to 50.00 1795. Flowing hair 3.00 to 2.00 1 796. Large date 5.00 to 2.00 1796. Small date 5.00 to 3.00 1797. 6 stars facing 4.00 to 2.50 179*7- 7 stars facing 3. 00 to 2.50 1798. 13 stars, small eagle. 8.00 to 4.00 1798. 15 stars, small eagle. 12.00 to 5.00 1799. 5 stars facing. 10.00 to 4.00 1804. 500.00 1836. Flying eagle lo.oo to 5.00 1836. Name in field 60.00 to 30.00 1838. Name in field 75.00 to 50.00 1839. Name in field 60.00 to 40.00 1851 80.00 to 50.00 1852 75.00 to 35.00 >854 — „ 8.00 to 5.00 1858 „ 50.00 to 30.00 HALF DOLLARS. 1794. Flowing hair 8.00 to 4.00 1795. 3 leaves. » 6.00 to 3.00 1796. 15 stars , 80.00 to 40.00 1796. 16 stars , 90.00 to 50.00 1797 , 80.00 to 35.00 1801 8.00 to 3.00 157 1802 4.0a 1836. Lettered edge .65 1836. Milled edge 2.00 1852 2.50 1866 1.50 QUARTER DOLLARS. 1796. Fillet head . 5.00 to 2.50 1804 5.00 to 2.00 1815. Head to left * 2.50 to 1.50 1823 # 50.00 to 25.00 1827 .150.00 to 100.00 1853. No arrows 3.00 TWENTY CENT PIECES. 1877 2.50 1878 2.50 DIMES. 1796. Fillet head 2.00 1797. 13 stars 5.00 1797. 16 stars 5.00, I 79 8 4.00 l80O 5.00 ISOI. . . 10.00 to 3.00 1802 . . . . 5.00 i 8°3 3.00 1804 12.00 1822 1. 00 I846. 2.00 to 1. 00 HALF DIMES. 1794. Flowing hair 3.00 1795 1. 00 1796. 15 stars . . 8.00 to 3.00 1797. I 3 stars 4.00 1797. *5 an d 1 6 stars. . . . ... 6.00 to 3.00 1800 2.00 to 1. 00 1801 3 - 0 ° 1802 b 0 1803 . . 5.00 to 2.00 i8o 5 . , 20.00 to 5.00 1846 2.00 158 SILVER THREE CENT PIECES. lS6 3 . . 1. 00 to •SO 1864. . „ . . . 1.50 to 1. 00 1868 1. 00 to .50 1869 1. 00 to .50 1873 2.00 tO «- 5 ° NICKEL FIVE CENT PIECES. 1867. With rays. • 3 ° to .20 1877 2.50 to 2.00 NICKEL THREE CENT PIECES. 1877 2.00 to 1-75 TWO CENT PIECES. 1864 .40 4 :o .08 1866. .40 $0 .08 1873 2.0Q> to 1*75 NICKEL AND BRONZE ; CENTS. 1856. Eagle nickel 5.00 to 4.00 COPPER CENTS. 1 703. Chain Ameri ....... 25,00 to 6.00 1793. Chain American.... 15.00 to 5.00 1 793. Wreath 10.00 to 3 - 5 ° 1793. Lettered edge 15,00 to 5.00 1 793. Liberty cap 25.00 to 5.00 1795. Lettered edge 4.00 to •75 1795. Thin die u 2.00 to .40 1796. Thin die. . . . , 2.50 to •75 *799 30.00 to 8.00 1804. 15.00 to 5.00 1809 5.00 to 1. 00 1811 5.00 to 1. 00 1813 2.00 to •25 1817. 15 stars 1. 00 to •25 1821 2.00 to .10 1823. 3.00 to •25 1857 .50 to •25 ISO HALF CENT. 1 793. Liberty cap 5.00 to 2.00 j 794 2.50 to 1. 00 1795. Lettered edge. . . 3.50 to 2.00 1795. Thin die 2.00 to .75 1796 50.00 to 20.00 1797. Lettered edge. 4.00 to 2.00 1797. Thin die 2.00 to .75 1802 4.00 to 2.00 1S11 2.00 to .50 1831. Proof 12.00 1836. Proof 12.00 1840. Proof 8.00 1841. Proof 8.00 1842. Proof 12.00 1843. Proof 10.00 1844. Proof 10.00 1845. Proof 10.00 1846. Proof 10.00 1847. ProoT 10.00 1848. Proof 8.00 1849. Proof (small date). . . 8.00 1852. Proof 8.00 Some gold coins are very valuable; a double eagle, date 1849, having the head to the left is valued at $800.00. The gold half eagle of 1798, with a small eagle on it, is valued at $250.00. The same denomina- tion, date 1815, is worth $300.00, and date 1822, $500.00. Of course none of these coins are in circulation, but the few that exist are held by collectors. A good col- lection of coins is more than that, it is a good investment, for every year adds value to a rare coin. Some other coins are valued as follows: Gold colonial coin of 1787, with sun-eagle, $300.09; of 1785, with jus- tice eye, $500.00. A New England three- pence of 1652 is worth $300.00. 160 €flhk nt Sntmst, PER DAT, AT SIX PER CENT. ON ANY NUMBER OF DOLLARS, FROM ONE TO TWELVE THOUSAND. 5 5* "0 5* $ £ " 3* O 2 c* rJ. ft ft 2. . t Interest. ‘S' <*> ‘S' Co ‘S' < n ‘S' D. M. D. M. D. C. M D. D. M. 1 016 31 510 61 1.003 91 . . 496 2 033 32 526 62il .019 92 . 1.512 3 049 33 542 03 1.036 93 . 1.529 4 066 34 559 64 1.052 94 . 1.545 5 082 35 575 65 1.068 95 . 1.562 6 099 36 592 66 1.085 96 . 1.578 7 115 37 608 67 1.101 97 . 1.595 8 132 38 625 68 1.118 98 . 1.611 9 148 39 641 69 1.134 99 . 1.627 10 164 40 658 70 1.151 100 . 1.644 11 181 41 674 71 1.167 200 . 3.288 12 197 42 690 72 1.184 300 . 4.932 13 214 43 707 73 1.200 400 . 6.575 14 230 44 723 74 1.216 500 . 8.219 15 247 45 740 75 1.233 600 . 9.863 16 263 46 756 76 1.249 700 .11.507 17 279 47 773 77 1.266 800 .13.151 18 296 48 789 78 1.282 900 .14.795 19 312 49 808 79 1.299 1000 .16.438 20 329| 50 822 80 1.315 2000 .32.877 21 345 1 51 838 81 1.332 3000 .49.815 22 362 | 52 855 82 1.348 4000 .65.753 23 378 53 ,871 83 1.364 5000 *82.192 24 395 54 888 84 1.381 6000 .98.630 25 411 1 55 >04 85 1.397 7000 1.15.058 26 427 1 56 921 86 1.414 8000 1.31.507 27 444 57937 87 1.430 9000 1.47.945 28 460 f 58 953 88 1.447 10000 1.64.384 29 477 ; 59 ,970! 189 1.4631 11000 1.80.822 30 493 1 60986 Sl90 1.479: 12000 1.97.260 is vW 161 A TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF DAYS FROM ANY DAY IN ONE MONTH, TO THE SAME DAY IN ANY OTHER MONTH. 6 H* CO iO t}- CO CO cq HH Hi vo VO h H - *•> <} cq HH HH hi CO co CO cq cq G — — — - — — — — — — — — — j>\ HH O N HH HH 0 vo '3- CO CO cq cq 73 00 vo CJ ON VO co vO CO O 1 — > *— ■> HI hi CO CO CO cq cq cq T 3 — — — — — — — — — — — — — G § HH O _ hi HH VO vo CO co cq cq ‘ G tO C5 ON VO CO VO CO O Oh H- 00 ”G tG HH co CO CO cq cq cq hi G G JG O On HH O vo H- rh co cq cq HH hi .41 cj cq 00 VO CO vO co O "T 00 VO 'o a l—l CO co CO cq cq cq HH hi 0 »-h O ON hi vo vo H- H* co cq cq hi hi rG Qi ON VO co NO CO O !>. 'T hi 00 VO cq u c CO CO CO cq cq cq hi hi G — — — — — — — ~ — — — — — >» G f 3 On GO vo H- H- CO co cq hi hi O O S 10 VO CO O tJ- hi 00 VO cq ON s co CO CO M cq cq hi hi u & „JD hi iO 'S VO VO vo H- CO CO cq cq h* flj CO VO co 'T hi 00 vo cq ON vO O O fH CO co CO CM M cq hi hi h -3 fH IO rj- vo vo VO "T CO cq cq HH hi 1^ rtf VO CO O t"* GO 10 cq On 'O CO w 1 , CO co co N cq cq hi hi h-) cu From to Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May. June. c— i Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. s < X w 162 Board by the Week. The foil-owing Tables will also answer for calculating the amount of Wages , by the Week or Month of Hired Girls, Servants, &c., who are compelled to labor on the Sabbath ; being calculated for seven days in the week. JS3T Multiply these Tales by 4 t and you have Wages by the Month. Table 207— #1,00. Showing the rate of board per day, at $1,00 a week. Table 209 — $1,50. Showing the rate of board per day, at $1,50 a week. Days. Dol. Cts. 1 141 2 28J 8 42J 4 57 5 711 6 85| 7 1 00 Days. Dol. Cts. 1 211 2 43 3 641 4 85f 5 1 07 6 1 281 7 1 50 Table 208 — $1,25. Days. DoV Cts. 1 I7f 2 35| 3 531 4 711 5 891 6 1 071 7 1 25 Table 210 — $1,75. Days. Dol. Cts. 1 25 2 50 3 75 4 1 00 5 1 25 6 1 50 7 1 75 i Board by the Week. Table 211— $2,00. Table 214— $2,75. Showing the rate of board Showing the rate of board per day, at $:2,00 a week. per day, at $2,7 5 a week. Day 8. Doha. Cts. Days. Pols. Cts. 1 28* i 39* 2 57 2 18* 3 85} 3 1 17} 4 1 14* 4 1 57 * X 42} 5 1 96* t i n* 6 2 35} 7 2 00 7 2 75 Table 212— $2,25. Table 215— $3,00. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 32 1 43 2 64* 2 85* 3 96* 3 1 28} 4 1 28* 4 1 71* 5 1 60* 5 2 14* 6 1 92} 6 2 57 7 2 25 7 3 00 Table 213— $2,50. Table 216— $3,25. Days. Doha- Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 35} 1 46* 2 71* 2 93 3 1 01* 3 1 39* 4 1 43 4 1 85} 5 1 7 8} 5 2 32* 6 2 14* 6 2 78* 1 7 2 50 7 3 25* 1 64 .. ?■* .. • . L'M '/.• * w 'l t •»:> , i ris> ii i in i i ii Board by the Week. Table 2 17- $3, 30. Table 220— $4,50. Showing the rate of board Showing the rate of board per day, at $3,50 a week. per day, at $4,50 a week. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 50 1 64$ 2 1 00 2 1 28$ 3 1 50 3 1 92$ 4 2 00 4 2 57 5 2 50 5 3 21$ 6 3 00 6 3 85§ 7 3 50 7 4 50 Table 218 — $3,75. Table 221— f5,00. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 53$ 1 71$ 2 1 07 2 1 43 3 1 60* 3 2 14$ 4 2 14$ 4 2 85| 5 2 67f 5 3 57 6 3 21$ 6 4 71$ 7 3 75 7 5 00 Table 219 — $4,00. Table 222— $5,50. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 57 1 78$ 2 1 14$ 2 1 57 3 1 71$ 3 2 35$ 4 2 28$ 4 3 14$ 5 2 85$ 5 .3 92$ 6 3 42| 6 4 28$ H i 4 00 7 5 50" , .... um_ -a— a Board by the Week. Table 223— #6,00. Showing the rate of board per day, at $6,00 a week. Table 226 —$8,00. Showing the rate of board per day, at $3,00 a week. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 85| 2 1 71* 5 2 57} 4 3 43 6 4 28£ 6 5 14* 7 6 00 Days. Dols. Cts- 1 1 14* 2 2 28* 3 3 42| 4 4 57 5 5 71* 6 6 85| 7 8 00 Table 224— $7,00. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 1 00 2 2 00 3 3 00 4 4 00 5 5 00 6 6 00 7 7 00 Table 226— $9,00. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 1 2S* 2 2 57 3 3 85* 4 5 14* 5 6 43 6 7 71* 7 9 00 Table 227— #10,00. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 142* 2 2 8o£ 3 4 28* 4 5 VI J 6 7 14* 6 8 57 7 10 00 ..... _ , / 166 168 A receipt like the first acknowledges the partial payment of a debt, and one like the second, of all claims excepting negotiable notes. Business Forms. § Pu 5 © 1 & 9 o D- 0 0 P- n o- £ 55 -* 3-* a* o . bs cl £ O W & (0 o 2. <* CO & £ I *&■* V * t ? ~ $ i— i. 00 P 3 Or r» d W H *1 O o N > CM Nets York , 4pn*Z 27f/i, 1856. Received from Zachary Taylor , Business Forms. § 1 a co „ w H ^ >> n3 < 5> © <3 *■© £ 1? § > • f r~! «£> OQ ^ T3 S » c 13 ^ rt W S ^ a i, « V-) o J-t a- Q *■© *-* © co r-ci O . g'S © © ^ ** r? g © o O M «5 o-S «-» £ c a «i ^ u § § sS §!^ ^ GJ M a) 1 I - 1 I I o © CO * S C§ S' P* s g. I— I r CJ a ® -6 “ QJ si © 55 C3-.S &§ & s ® *T3 © § •§ a g © o ^ &. S o •- 1 - II © ° a, rt M g r° e3 >v a co © &8 M 5 « S3 a « a e pjS i— i M O ^3 © *5 © 03 ;> cd © Cd r^J ^ a 'S'g J -a 55 fi o w ‘O »o © CO O S3 il II Ou, « S-H O K*"» © •©! > S3 «a ;s ^ •gi rt S* I § s § © ^ ^ i3 1 ^ -8 s © ^ «S ao h® -5 2 §! \K © Sfote. $800. Newburgh, July 10, 1841, A person endorsing a note, or writing his name across the back, becomes responsible for its payment. If, however, the person thus endorsing is not notified when the note becomes due, of its non-payment by the drawer, he can no longer be held responsible for its payment. A partial payment of a note should always be endorsed on the same. Business Forms 3 6> 8 .£ 2 © &3 g © § s 5 P-. 2 ^ ra © ” a P-< © 43 I 0 © § M £ © 8 43 5 £ s « & • ^ *o £ fcj p* *3 r a m g P co * 2 £ m O tn O P« (A a; 4= i-> I © rO ^ O o I «“ o 'I S 3 » jg | 5 ^ £ -g & ' a M 'g « >> *- 1 .§ s © Q -6 I »■ **H © .s 'a s ^ I i £3 ss 172 Rec’d. Pay't. George Wright. Business Forms. Contract for Building, made the day of Business Forms. ® g ® ° $ « 0 5J k a (u iu S’E 0,53 to be paid by the failing party. fin Softness thereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written. Sealed and delivered in the presence of ^ Business Forms H s « « o out requiring any notice of non-payment, or proof of demand being made GIVEN under 7ny hand and seal the 10 th day of June , 1854. Business Forms. a 4 fc I A fc «4 A © A & 4 £ fc H W £ H a A 5C H fc A 0 H H | © «3 «*! N O O Ph o ■+-< c G * © I C s 13 65 *» p *■* O w JS 3 Pi £ a> £ G3 . a s « s g £2 £ a> 0> G 3 cd *r-i ** .3 o cd s* e ^ p*~» 02 ® ,2 o a .g cd G c r 1 o a G3 * a> J=5 P O G3 H S G G o Pi ® ^ O rn r- cd o o > CM j-T Ph O * cd cd - a JP t-> £ cd S3 O nd O) 1 w td JP H G G to cd G O «-*-< o £ >*

£ 1 G cd C G M O to G M as G rd 0J £ G o *♦— * s-< Td cd s* +-* *- G ® «G W 3 Td G £ * p G3 O CD CO • -H s O <-> G cd O P4 P I© & G O J* £ cu «+H o G 0) g3 H O o cd X S5 £ 8 n» Cd lO *■§ K» o C9 a CJ PL| * S5 H -a ju c G 3 E ,G ” G G G § ►* 03 C O. 03 *-H P-J CD 2 t-i 03 *r-i £ 03 ^ ^ £ w~ „ G 68 S - e ♦ — « rG 03 G 03 o > .2 £ *g " 6 b >> ely. c3 £ v- c3 £ 1 *§ *8 <5J 05 O O H i-J c i3 H O W O eo PS xo in K S C ^3 BD ZZ hJD r* .5 £ C M c _, K 1 eo co 03 G ^ ! 4 o o ^ bfl G G C c=q > G Jg G G G .38 ~ G s 03 § s ^ s G2 r O »!“• S £ M g £ ^ - 03 £ G G O 6 G 03 rG 03 G 03 "3 I G O G 03 ~ 03 G £ £ g g> » •— ,J3 ra CS 03 03 ^ O o X ^ « G -e 03 § i. •♦-» G G pu, 0 03 1 - >> 5 'o S *2 g: G 03 O O ^ 03 £ • i i cd ^ <=^ 03 03 £ •B >*.g' »v-t ,rH '■G 03 O G G G o S '•"* 03 s ^ G 3 ^ G 04 o =3 13 G 03 bD * I £ G o U *S K >-3 H H H . O PS 1 § ,© O Market Street , Philadelphia £orm ot a 3SIII of Business Forms 1 »o 00 no ' a r~ i £ #0 W o CL) (Z2 § 05 eg & 1 <1 $ -£ § o X W 3 P TJ i Q W £ o nd C S3 J £ tn 'to e* I 03 S 03 i *T3 H-i g 2 H 1 <0 r& M I I tt o o CO iff Pi *s Pi a s To Luke F. Cozans, Baltimore , Jfcf<£ to of ffoft process and service thereof, and to confess judgment in favor of the holder hereof for the sum that may be due and owing hereon, with interest and costs and waiving all ■ (K, itftA WAi.'.;. . 'dt St 'JtiiiwkA > 184 185 Richard Third, 188 Messrs. Doe, m f — ■ ■- — — 1 190 PREFACE. i The Author of the Mechanics* and La- E borers' Ready Reckoner, believes be has made a book that will be useful and convenient. Employers will find it convenient in ascer- taining the amount due to their workmen for any given time, from a quarter of a day to six days ; at wages from twenty-five cents to two dollars and fifty cents a day. Calculations are also made for labor by the | hour, for nine, ten, eleven and twelve hours J a day ; from twenty-five cents to two dollars | and fifty cents. Farmers and others employing men by the month, will find their wages given for any number of months and days ; from two dollars a month to fifty. Also, wages by the year ; from five dollars to five hundred, are so calculated that the amount for any fractional part of the year can readily be ascertained. Proprietors of hotels and boarding houses will find it very convenient in ascertaining the amount of board due for any number of days, from one to seven ; at board from one dollar to seven. And also, for wages due their servants. Those employed will also find it useful in ' I finding, at a glance, the amount due them for labor, for any length of time, from one quar- ! ter of a day to one year. To those it is inval- j uable : for by referring to the proper table, they can find the amount due them, without reference io figures. To which is added, the usual forms of note*, receipts, bills, and articles of agreement. WAGES BY THE DAY. 191 Table 3,— 37* Cents. Table 4, — 43f Cents. Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to 6 days, at 37 1-2 cts. per day, or $ 2,25 per week. Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to6days,at43 3-4 cts. per day, or $2,62 1 2 pr week. Days Dols Cts. Days. Dols cts. i n 4 ii I * 18f i 22 f 28 f 33 1 3?4 l 434 li 46l if 544 H 56| if 654 if 654 if 764 2 75 2 874 H 844 24 984 H 93f 2 J 1 094 2 f 1 03 2 f 1 204 3 1 124 3 1 314 H 1 21 | 34 1 424 H 1 3li- 3f 1 534 n 1 404 3f 1 644 4 1 50 4 I 75 H 1 594 44 1 86 H 1 68 | 4J 1 97 4 | 1 78 4f 2 08 5 1 874 5 2 18| 5i 1 96f 54 2 29f 2 064 5f 2 40§ 5f 2 154 6 f 2 5lf 6 LL 2 25 6 2 624 WAGES BY THE DAY. 193 Table 7, — 62 J Cents. I Table 8, — 68 f Cents. Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to 6 days, at 62 1-2 cts. per day, or $3,75 per week. k Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to 6 days, at 68 3-4 cts. per day, or $4,12 1-2 pr week. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 4 154 4 174 4 3l| 4 344 i 47 S 514 1 624 1 68f li 78 14 86 14 93| 14 1 03 is 1 09| n 1 204 2 1 25 2 1 374 H 1 40^ 24 1 54| 1 56 % 24 1 72 2f 1 72 n 1 89 3 1 871 3 2 064 H 2 03| 34 2 234 H 2 18f 34 2 40| 3£ 2 344 2 57f 4 2 50 4 2 75 44 2 65| 44 2 924 44 2 8l| 44 3 094 4| 2 97 4| 3 264 5 3 I24 5 3 43§ 54 3 28| 54 3 61 3 434 54 3 784 5§ 3 594 5| 3 954 6 3 75 6 4 124 v 194 WAGES BY THE DAY. Table 9,-75 Cents. Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to 6 days, at 75 cts. per day, or $4,50 per week. ays. Dots. Cts. 4 18f 37* i 56* i 75 li 93f 1* 1 12* 1 31* 2 1 50 2* 1 68f 2* 1 87* 2| 2 06* 3 3 25 34 2 43f 3* 2 62* 3f 2 81* 4 3 00 44 3 18| 4* 3 37* 4S 3 56* 5 3 75 5* 3 93f «£ 4 12* 5S 4 31* 6 4 50 Table 10,— 81j Cts. Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to 6 days, at 81 1-4 cts. per day, or $4,87 1-2 pr week. Days. Dols. Cts. 4 20* j| 61 1 81* 1 * 1 01 * 1 * 1 22 IS 1 42* 2 1 62 * 2 * 1 82 | 2* 2 03 2§ 2 23* 3 2 43f 3* 2 64 3* 2 84* 3f 3 04| 4 3 25 4* 3 45* 4* 3 65| 4| 3 86 5 4 06* 5* 4 26* 5* 4 47 5| 4 67* 6 4 87* 1 1 WAGES BY THE DAY 195 1 Table 11,-rSli Cts. < Table 12, — 93J Cts. ! Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to 6 days, at 87 1-2 eta. per day, or $5,25 per week. Showing the rate of wages froml-4 to 6 days, at 98 3-4cts pr.day,or $5.62 1-2 pr week. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts, 4 ! 4 22 43| i i 281 47 f 6 5£ f 70* 1 874 l 93f 14 1 094 U 1 17i i n 1 3l| 14 1 404 i if 1 534 IS 1 64 2 1 75 2 1 874 24 1 97 24 2 11 1 24 2 18f 24 2 344 2% 2 40§ n 2 57§ 1 3 2 624 3 2 814 I 3 * 2 844 34 3 04f 1 3^ 3 064 34 3 284 ! H 3 284 3f 3 514 4 3 50 4 3 75 44 3 72 44 3 984 44 3 93f 44 4 22 ' 43 ft j ‘*y 4 15f 4« 4 454 5 4 37£ 5 4 68f 54 4 594 54 4 924 54 4 814 54 5 15§ 5f 5 03| 5| 5 39 6 5 25 6 5 624 I 196 WAGES BY THE DAY. Table 13,— #1,00. { Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to 6 days, at $1.00 per day, or $6,00 per week. Table 14,— $1,€6}. Showing the rate of wages 1 from 1-4 to 8 days, at $1,06 14 pr day, or $6,37 1-2 pr week, j Days. Dels. Cts, Days. Dols. Cts. i 25 i 26$ $ 50' i $ 5o$ $ 75 j « 79f 1 l (M) i l og| ii 1 25 H 1 32f i$ 1 50 H 1 59$ i| 1 75 if 1 86 2 2 00 2 2 m H 2 25 2 39~ 2 50 n 2 65^ n 2 75 2f 2 92$ 3 3 00 3 3 183 3J 3 25 3 $ 3 45$ 3$ 3 50 3 $ 3 72 3| 3 75 n 3 98$ 4 4 00 4 4 25 4£ 4 25 n 4 51$ 4$ 4 50 H 4 78 4| 4 75 4f 5 043 1 5 5 00 5 5 31$ H 5 25 H 5 573 H 5 50 5$ 5 84$ 5f 5 75 5| 6 11 1 6 6 00 6" ! 6 37$ WAGES BY THE DAY. 197 "Table 15,— $1,12$. Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to 6 days, ax $1,12 1-8 per day, or $ 6,75 per week. Table 16,— $1,18*- Showing the rate of wage$ from 1-4 to 6 days, at $1,183-4 per day, or $7,12 1-2 pr week. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. DoU. Cts. 4 28 4 29^ 4 564 4 594 I 844 3 89 1 1 124 l 1 18f 14 1 401 14 1 484 14 1 es§ 14 1 78| 13 1 96f if 2 07f 2 2 25 2 2 374 24 2 53 24 2 674 n 2 814 24 2 97 n 3 094 2f 3 264 3 3 374 3 3 564 H 3 65j 34 3 86 H 3 93f 34 4 15| H 4 213 3f 4 45| 4 4 50 4 4 75 4 i 4 78 44 5 043 4i 5 064 44 5 344 4} 5 34| 4f 5 64 5 5 624 5 5 933 H 5 904 54 6 23| 51 6 18§ 54 6 534 5f 6 46f 5f 6 82f 6 6 75 6 7 124 198 WAGES BY THE DAY. Table 17,— $1,25. Table 18,— $1,31 1 Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages 1 .4 VQ of 4^1 Q I f A per day* or $7,50 per week. irUIIl 1 ** LUO UdyS, al «pl,ol 1-4 per day, or $7,87 1-2 pr week. Days* Dols. Cts. Days Dois. Cts. i 31i 1 32f i 62i i 65| i 93f S 984 i 1 25 l 1 314 ij 1 56J il 1 64 ! ii 1 874 H 1 96f is 2 18| IS 2 29f 2 2 59 2 2 62| , 21 2 81J 24 2 95| n 3 124 2 4 3 28 2f 3 43f 2§ 3 61 3 3 75 3 3 93| 3| 4 064 34 4 264 34 4 374 34 4 59| 3f 4 68| 3f 4 92i 4 5 00 4 5 25 4J 5 314 44 5 57| 44 5 624 44 5 90f 4f 5 93f 4S 6 23| 5 6 25 5 6 564 5 1 6 564 54 6 89j 6 874 54 7 22 5| 7 18f 5S 7 54| 6 7 50 6 7 874 WAGES BY THE DAY. 199 Table 19,— $1,37*. Table 20, - -#1,438. Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to* days, at $1,37 1-2 per day. oi $8,25 per week. Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to6 days, at $1,43 3-4 per day. or $8,62 1-2 pr week. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 4 344 4 36 4 68f 4 72 i 1 03 i 1 074 i 1 374 1 1 434 li 1 7l| 14 1 794 14 2 064 14 2 15f ii 2 40J ii 2 514 2 2 75 2 2 874 2J 3 094 24 3 234 24 3 43| 24 3 59| n 3 78 2i 3 954 3 4 124 3 4 311 3J 4 46f 34 4 674 4 814 34 5 034 3| 6 154 34 5 39 4 5 50 4 5 75 4i 5 844 44 6 11 *4 6 184 44 6 47 4f 6 53 44 6 824 5 6 874 5 7 184 54 7 214 54 7 54| 54 7 564 54 7 90| : 54 7 904 54 8 264 6 8 25 6 8 624 200 WAGES BY THE DAY. Table 21,— $1,50. Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to 6 days, at $1,50 per day, or $9,00 per week. Table 22,— $1,56$. Showing the rate of wage9 from 1-4 to 6 days, at $1,56 1-4 per day, or $9,37 1-2 pr week. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 4 374 4 39 4 75 4 78 4 1 124 4 i 174 1 1 50 l 1 564 ii 1 87J 14 1 95| 2 25 14 2 344 if 2 624 14 2 734 2 3 00 2 3 124 H 3 374 2 4 3 514 n 3 75 24 3 90f n 4 124 24 4 29| 3 4 50 3 4-68| 3J 4 874 34 5 07| 34 5 25 34 5 47 3| 5 624 34 5 86 4 6 00 4 6 25 44 6 374 44 6 64 44 6 75 44 7 034 44 7 124 44 7 424 5 7 50 5 7 814 54 7 874 54 8 204 54 8 25 54 8 594 54 8 624 54 8 984 6 9 00 6 9 374 : WAGES BY THE DAY. 201 Table 23, — $ 1 , 62 $. | Showing the rate cf wage* from 1-4 to 6 days, at $1,62 1-3 per day,- or $9,75 per week. | Table 24, — ftl,68i Showing the rate of wage from 1-4 to 6 days, at $1,68 3- pr day, or $10,12 1-2 pr weel Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 4 40 * 4 42* i 8l| i 84* 2 1 21* 2 1 26* 1 1 62* 1 1 68* li 2 03 14 2 11 H 2 43* 14 2 53* 2 84$ 12 2 95* 2 3 25 2 3 37* H 3 65* 2* 3 79* 2 * 4 06* 2* 4 22 2 % 4 46f 22 4 64 3 4 87* 3 5 06* n 5 28 3* 5 48* 3* 5 68f 3* 5 90| 3| 6 09* 32 6 32* 4 6 50 4 6 75 4J 6 90* 44 7 17* 4i 7 31* 4* 7 59* 4* 7 71* 42 8 01* 5 8 12* 5 8 43* 5J 8 53 54 8 86 54 8 93* 5* 9 28* 5§ 9 34* 52 9 70* 6 9 75 6 \ * 10 12* 202 WAGES BY THE DAY. j Table 25,— $1,75. Table 26|— $1,81}. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages 1 A (a fi r|o Vfl of tfhl Ql 1 A per day, or $10,50 pep week. iroin i luDUdyS) a.t^>i 9 oi i-f per day , or $10,87 i-2 pr week. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 4 43| 1 45J 1 87J 1 90J i 1 314 i 1 36 l 1 75 l 1 811 U 2 18f H 2 261 U 2 62£ H 2 7lf if 3 06 J IS 3 171 2 3 50 2 3 624 n 3 93j 21 4 07§ 21 4 37£ 21 4 53 i n 4 81J 2| 4 981 f 3 5 25 3 5 43| 31 5 68g 31 5 89 31 6 12J 31 6 34J 3f 6 56| 3| 6 79| 4 7 00 4 7 25 41 7 43f 41 7 701 41 7 87£ 41 8 151 4« 8 3l| 4f 8 61 5 8 75 5 9 061 51 9 18f 51 9 511 9 621 51 9 96| 5| 10 06f 53 10 401 6 10 60 6 10 871 1 WAGES BY THE DAY. 203; Table 27,— $1,87 j. Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to 6 days, at $1,87 1-2 per day, or $11,25 per week. Table 28, — $l,93f. J Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to 6 days, at $1,93 3-4. pr day. or $ ! l ,62 1-2 pr week. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cls. 4 47 4 48| 4 933 4 97 f 1 404 f 1 454 l 1 874 l •1 93|- 14 2 344 14 2 424 14 2 81i 14 2 90f if 3 284 if 3 39 2 3 75 2 3 874 24 4 22 24 4 36 • 24 4 68f 24 4 844 2f 5 15£ 2f 5 32f 3 5 62| 3 5 814 34 6 094 34 6 29| 34 6 564 34 6 78J n 7 034 3f 7 264 4 7 50 4 7 75 44 7 97 44 8 234 44 8 43f 44 8 72 4f 8 90| 4f 9 201 5 9 374 5 9 683 54 9 844 54 10 174 54 10 314 54 10 653 5f 10 784 5f 11 14 6 11 25 6 11 624 j a 204 WAGES BY THE DAY. P> Table 29, — $2,00. Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to 6 days, at $2,00 per day, or $12,00 per week. Table 30,— $2,06}. Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to 6 days, at $2,06 1-4 pr day, or $12,37 1-2 pr week. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 4 50 4 514 4 I 00 4 1 03 f 1 50 1 1 54| 1 2 00 i 2 06| i* 2 50 14 2 57§ 14 3 00 14 3 09| if 3 50 i« 3 61 2 4 00 2 4 124 n 4 50 24 4 64 24 5 00 24 5 15|»„ 2* 5 50 2| 5 67| 3 6 00 3 6 18§ 6 50 34 6 70j H 7 00 34 7 22 3| 7 50 3f 7 734 4 8 00 4 8 25 8 50 44 8 764 44 9 0C 44» 9 28 4f 9 50 4f 9 79| 5 10 00 6 10 314 54 10 50 «4 10 82 | 6J 11 00 54 11 344 5J 11 50 5| 11 86 6 12 GO 6 12 374 WAGES BY Table 31,— $2,12J. Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to 6 days, at $2,12 1-2 per day, or $12,75 per week. Days. Dols. Cts. 4 53 1 064 l 594 l 2 12J H 2 651 14 3 18§ if 3 7l| 2 4 25 24 4 78 24 5 314 2| 5 84j 3 6 37i 34 6 90j 7 43f 34 3| 7 96f 4 8 50 44 9 03 44 9 564 4f 10 094 5 10 624 54 11 154 5 4 11 68§ 5§ 12 21f 6 12 75 THE DAY. 205 Table 32,— $2,25. Showing the rate of wages from 1-4 to 6 days, at $2,25 per day, or $13,50 per week. Days Dols. Cts. 4 564 4 1 124 1 1 68? l 2 25 14 2 814 14 3 374 IS 3 93| 2 4 50 24 5 064 24 5 624 2S 6 18§ 3 6 75 34 7 314 34 7 874 n 8 433- 4 9 00 44 9 564 44 10 124 4S 10 68f 5 11 25 54 11 814 54 12 374 5| 12 93f 6 13 50 ■ 1206 WAGES BY THE DAY j| Table 33,— $2,37 J. Table 34,— $2,50. 1 Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages I frAm 1 A tn Hovrc of CJR ■ pr day, or $14,25 pr week. irum I - *k it# o uaya, tit | per day, or $15,00 pr week 1 Days. Dols. Cts. Days Dols. Cts. k 591 1 021 1 1 18J 1 1 25 S 1 78 S 1 871 1 2 371 i 2 50 1 2 96§ 11 3 121 H 3 561 il 3 75 if 4 151 IS 4 371 2 4 75 2 5 00 2 i 5 341 21 5 62l 21 5 93j| 21 0 25 2| 6 53 2 S 6 871 3 7 121 3 7 50 3£ 7 71f 31 8 121 31 8 311 31 8 75 3| 8 901 3S 9 371 4 9 50 4 1C 00 4* 10 091 41 30 621 41 10 68£ 41 11 25 4f 11 28 4f 11 871 i 5 11 871 5 12 50 51 12 46£ 51 13 121 I 51 13 661 51 13 75 5f 13 651 5| 14 371 6 14 25 6 15 00 2 WAGES BY THE HOUR. 207 The following Tables, from 35 to 59, show the rate of wages per hour, for 9 hours a day, at wages from 25 Cents to 92,50 per day. WAGES BY THE HOUR. Table 35 — 25 Cents. 1 Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 9 hours a day, at 95 Cents per day. I Table 36, — 311 Cts. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 9 hours a day, 1 at 91 1-4 Cents per day. Hours. Dels. ct». Hours. Dole. Cts, 1 2| l 31 2 6J 2 7 s 81 3 101 4 11 4 14 5 14 6 1*1 4 16f e 20| 7 »i 7 841 | 8 221 8 27f 9 25 9 811 ~208 WAGES BY THE HOUR. 27 Table 37,-374 Cts. Table 39,-50 Cents. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for s hoars a day, at 37 1-2 Cents per day. Showing the rtae of wages per hour, for 9 hours a day, at 50 Cents per day. Hourg. Dols. Cts. Ho»rs. Dols. Cts. i 44 1 64 2 8 J 2 11 3 124 3 164 4 162 4 224 5 21 5 27| 6 25 6 33i 7 294 7 39 8 334 8 444 9 374 9 60 Table 38,— 43} Cts. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 9 hoars a day, at 43 3-4 Cents per day. Table 40, -56} Cts. SLowing the rate of wages per hour, for 9 hours a day, at 56 1-4 Cents per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. l 4| l 64 2 94 2 124 3 144 3 182 4 194 4 25 ' 5 244 5 314 6 29| 6 374 | 7 34 7 43f 8 39 8 60 9 43| 9 564 | WAGES BY THE HOUR. 209 [ Table 41,— 6?4 Cts. Table 43, — 75 Cents. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 9 hours a day, per hour, for 9 hours a day, at 62 1-2 Cents per day. at 75 Cents per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. l 7 l si 2 14 2 16* 3 21 3 25 4 27f 4 33* 5 34| 5 6 41| 6 50 7 48* 7 58* 8 55* 8 86| 9 62* 9 75 Table 42,— 68| Cts. Table 44,-81} Cts. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 9 hours a day. per hour, for 9 hours a day, at 68 3-4 Cents per day. at 81 1-4 Cents per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols Cts. i n l 9 2 15* 2 18 3 23 3 27 4 30* 4 36 5 38| 5 45 6 45f 6 544 7 53* 7 634 8 61 8 724 9 68| 9 814 210 WAGES BY THE HOUR. Table 45^—87^ Cts. Table 4 7, —$1,00. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 9 hours a day, at 87 1-2 Cents per day. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 9 hours a day, at $i,oo perday. Hours Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols Cts. 1 H i n 2 m 2 224 o •> 294 3 334 4 39 4 44J 5 48£ 5 55J 6 58J 6 66£ 7 68 7 77f 8 77§ 8 89 9 87J 9 1 00 Table 46, — 93| Cts. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 9 hours a day. Table 48, — $1,12£. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 9 hours a day. at 93 3-4 Cents per day. at $1,12 1-2 per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. l 10J l 12£ 2 21 2 25 3 31i 3 37£ j 4 41| 4 50 5 52| 5 62J 6 62b 6 75 7 73 7 87£ 8 83i 8 1 00 9 L 93| 9 1 12J "■■■■ ■■■■ WAGES BY THE HOUR. 211 Table 53,— $1,75. Table 55,- — $2,00. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 9 houw a day, per hour, for 9 hours a day, at $1,75 per day. at $2,00 per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. l 194 1 224 2 39 2 444 3 584 1 3 66| 4 78 4 89 5 974 5 1 11 6 1 16| 6 1 334 7 1 364 7 1 554 8 1 55£ 8 1 77f 9 1 75 9 2 00 Table 54,— $1,874 Table 56,- -#2.124 Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 9 hours a day. per hour, for 9 hours a day, at $1,87 1-2 per day. at $1,12 1-2 per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 20f 1 234 2 414 0 474 3 624 3 70£ 4 83| 4 944 5 1 04 5 1 18 8 1 25 6 1 41| 7 1 45f 7 1 654 8 1 664 8 1 89 9 874 9 2 124 212 WAGES BY THE HOUR. Table 57, — $2,25. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 9 hours a «£ay, at $2,25 per day. Hours Pols. Cts. 1 25 2 50 3 75 4 1 00 5 1 25 S 1 50 7 1 75 8 2 00 9 2 25 Table 58,— #2,37*. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 9 houre a day, at $2,37 1-2 per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 26£ 2 52§ 3 79J 4 1 05J 5 1 32 6 1 58£ 7 1 84f 8 2 11 9 2 37J Table 59, — $2,50. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 9 hours a day, at $2,50 per day. Hours. 1 Dols. Cts. 27| 2 55J 3 83J 4 1 11 6 1 39 6 1 66J 7 1 94£ 8 2 22J 9 2 50 WAGES BY THE HOUR. 213 The following Tables from 60 to 84, show the rate of wages per hour, for 10 hours a day, at wages from 25 cepts to $2.50 per day. WAGES BY THE HOUE j Table 60, — 25 Cents. Table 61,— 31* Cts. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 10 hours a day, per hour, for 10 hours a day, at 25 Cents per day. at 31 1*4 Cents per day. Hours Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 n l 3 2 5 2 6J 3 n 3 94 4 10 4 m 5 12J 5 154 6 15 6 18§ 1 7 m 7 2l| | 8 20 8 25 9 22 \ 9 28 10 25 10 314 <214 WAGES BY THE HOUR. Table 62, — 37£Cts. Table 64, — 50 Cents. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages • per hour, for 10 hours a day, per hour, for 10 hours a day. at 87 1-2 Cents per day. at 50 Cents per day Hours, Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 3f 1 5 2 n 2 10 3 Hi 3 15 i 15 4 20 & 18i 5 25 6 22$ 6 30 1 7 26 $ 7 35 8 SO 8 40 9 33f 9 45 10 37i 10 50 1 Table 63 — 43f Cts. Table 65 —56} Cts. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 10 hours a day, per hour, for 10 hours a day, at 43 3-4 Cents per day. at 56 1-4 Cents per day. Hours. Dols, Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. l 1 2 8| 2 114 3 13 3 16f 171 4 22$ 5 21% 5 28 6 26$ 6 33% 7 30$ 7 39j 8 35 8 45 9 39 $ 9 50J 10 43f 10 56| .. „ _ WAGES BY THE HOUR 215 Table 66,— 62A Cts. 1 Table 68,— ■75 Cents. Showing the rate or wages Showing the rate of wage® per hour, for 10 houra a day. per hour, for 10 hours a day, at 62 1*2 Cents per day. at 75 Cent® per day. Hours Dols. Cts. fieur®. Dols. c Cts. l 64 1 7 i 2 124 2 15 3 18§ 3 22J 4 ' 25 4 30 5 314 5 374 6 374 6 45 7 43| 7 624 8 50 8 60 9 56J 9 67| 10 624 10 75 Table 67,— 68f Cts. Table 69,— 81$ Cts. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 10 hours a day. per hour, for 10 hours a day. at 68 3 4 Cents per day. at 81 1-4 Cents per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours Dols. Cte. l 6f i 8 2 13| 2 104 3 204 3 244 4 274 4 324 5 344 5 404 6 414 6 48| 7 48 7 563 8 55 8 65 9 61f 9 73 10 68f 10 814 — \ 216 WAGES BY THE HOUR. Table 70, — 87£ Cts. .Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 10 hours a day, at fft 1-2 Cent* per day. Table 72,— $1,00. Showing the rate of wages per horn-, for 10 hours a day, at $i, 00 per day. Hoars. Dols. Cts. 1 8 f 2 17i 3 2 64 4 35 5 43| 6 52& 7 6 i| 8 70 9 78f 10 87| Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 10 2 20 3 30 4 40 5 50 6 60 7 70 8 80 9 90 10 1 00 Table 71,— 93f Cts. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 10 houra a day, at 93 3-4 Cents per day. Table 73,— #1,124 Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 10 hours a day, at Si, 12 1-2 per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 9i 2 18j 3 28 4 37J 5 46J 6 564 7 654 8 75 9 844 10 93f Hours, Dols. Cts. 1 114 2 224 3 33§ 4 45 5 564 6 674 7 78f 8 90 9 1 014 10 1 124 ; 1 pnnpisnH mmmpr • * WAGES BY THE HOUR. . 217 Table 76, — $ 1 , 50 . Table 74,— $ 1 , 25 . j Showing the rate ot wages I per hour, for 10 hours a day, at $1,25 per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 I2i 2 25 3 37£ 4 '50 5 621 6 75 “ 7 87£ 8 1 00 9 1 12£ 10 125 Table 75,— $ 1 , 37 *. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 10 hours a day, at $1,37 1-2 per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 13£ 2 27£ 3 4l| 4 55 5 68£ 6 82| 7 96| 8 1 10 9 1 23£ 0 1 37| Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 10 hours a day, at $1,50 per day. Hours. Dole. Cts. 1 15 2 30 3 45 4 60 5 75 6 90 7 1 05 8 1 20 9 1 35 10 1 50 Table 77,— $1,62£. Showing the rate of wages per hour, fdr 10 hours a day, at $1,62 1-2 per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 16£ 2 32| 3 48§ 4 65 5 81J 6 97£ 7 1 13§ 8 1 30 9 1 46J 10 1 62£ 218 WAGES BY THE HOUR. Table 78,— #1,75. Table 80,- —#2,00. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 10 hours a day, per. hour, for 10 hours a day. at $1,75 per day. at $2,00 per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours Dols. Cts. 1 m 1 20 2 35 2 40 3 52* 3 60 4 70 4 80 5 87* 5 1 00 6 1 05 6 1 20 7 1 22* 7 1 40 8 1 40 8 1 60 9 1 57* 9 1 80 10 1 75 10 2 00 Table 79,— $1,87 i Table 81,- -$2,12*. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate Oi wages per hour, 10 hours a day, per hour, for 10 hours a day, at $1,87 1-2 per day. at $2,12 1-2 per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 18f l 21* 2 37* 2 42* 3 56* 3 63| 4 75 4 85 5 93f 5 1 06* 6 1 12* 6 1 27* 7 1 31* 7 l 48§ 8 1 50 8 1 70 9 1 68J 9 1 91* 10 1 87* 10 2 12* WAGES BY THE HOUR. 219 Table 82, — $2,25. 1 Table 83, —$2,37* Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 10 hours a day, at $2,25 per day. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 10 hours a day, at #2,87 l-s per day. rlours. Dolfl. Cts. Hours. Dole. Cts. l 22 } i 23f 2 45 2 47 } 3 67 }' 3 714 4 90 4 95 5 1 12* 5 1 18| 6 1 35 6 1 42* 7 1 57} 7 1 664 8 1 80 8 1 90 9 2 02} 9 2 13| 10 2 25 10 2 37} Table 84, —$2,50. Showing the rate of wages per hour, frr 10 hours a day. at *2,50 per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. l 25 2 60 3 75 4 1 00 6 1 25 6 1 50 7 1 75 8 2 00 9 2 25 10 2 50 220 WAGES il if THE HOUR. The following Tables from 85 to 109, show the rate of wages per hour, for 11 hours a day, at wages from 25 Cents to $2,50 per day. WAGES BY THE HOUR. Table 85, — 52 Cts. Showing the rate of \v«ages per hour, for 1 1 hours a day, at 25 Cents per day. Table 86,-31} Cts. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 11 hours a day, at 31 1-4 Cents per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 n 1 2# 2 2 3 6f 3 8# 4 9 4 Hi 5 Hi 5 14 6 13J 6 17 7 16 7 19# 8 18# 8 22% ! 9 20# 9 25# 10 22# 10 28# 11 25 11 31i 1 WAGES BY THE HOUR. 221 Table 87,— 37^ Cts. Table 89, — 50 Cts. Showing the rate of wages 8h'©wing the rate 01 wages per hour, for 11 hours a day, per hour, for 11 hours a day. at 37 1-2 Cents psr day. at 50 Cents per day. Hours. Dob. Cts. Hours Dols. Cts 1 H 1 44 2 7 > 2 9 3 1G4 3 134 [ 4 13f 4 184 5 m 5 22f 6 20J 6 27| 7 24 7 31| 8 27J 8 364 9 30| 9 41 10 34^ 10 454 11 374 11 50 Table 88,— 43f Cts. Table 90,— 56^ Cts. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 11 hours a day, per hour, for 10 hours a day, at 43 3-4 Cents per day. at 56 1-4 Cents per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 4 1 5 2 8 2 104 3 12 3 154 4 16 4 204 5 20 5 254 6 24 6 30§ 7 27f 7 35| 8 31| 8 41 9 3 5f 9 46 10 39f 10 514 11 43f 11 564 222 WAGES BY THE HOUR Table 91,-62$ Cts. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for ll hours a day, at 62 1-2 Cents per day. Table 93, — 75 Cts. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for ll hours a day, at 75 Cents per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 5f 1 6$ 2 2 m 3 m 3 204 ! 4 22 % 4 274 1 5 28J 5 34 6 34J 6 41 7 39f 7 47f 8 454 8 544 § 514 9 614 10 561 10 68| 11 624 11 75 Table 92,— 68f Cts. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 11 hours a day, at 68 3-4 Gents per day. Table 94, — 81 1 Cts. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 11 hours a day, at 81 1-4 Cents per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 l 74 2 m 2 14| 3 18§ 3 224 4 25 4 29| 5 31J 5 37 6 S7J 6 444 7 4S| 7 51f 8 50 8 594 9 564 9 66| 10 62J 10 74 11 68f 11 814 WAGES BY THE HOUR. "c 223 Table 99.— $1,35. Table 101, — $i t r>o. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages per hour, for il hours a day, per hour, for li hours a day. at $1,25 per day. at $1,50 per day. Hours. Dol3. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 Hi 1 13 % 2 223 2 27* 3 34 3 41 4 45J 4 54J 5 56§ 5 68% 6 68J 6 81f 7 79£ 7 95Z e 91 8 1 09 9 1 02£ 9 1 22% 10 1 13| 10 1 36J 11 1 25 11 1 50 Table 100,— #1,37*. Table 102,- -$1,624. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 11 hours a day, per hour, for tl hours a day. at $1,37 1-2 per day. at $1,62-12 per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 1 14£ 2 25 2 29J 3 37£ 3 44J 4 50 4 59 5 62J 5 74 6 75 6 88| 7 87J 7 1 03£ 8 1 00 8 1 18£ 9 1 12£ 9 1 33 10 1 25 10 1 47| 11 1 37J 11 1 62J [224 WAGES BY THE HOUR. Table 103, —$1,75. Table 105,— $2,00. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for tl hours a day. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 11 hours a day, at $1.75 per day. at $2,00 per day. j Hours Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 16 1 184 2 32 2 364 3 47| 3 544 4 63| 4 72? 5 79J 5 91 6 954 6 1 09 7 1 14 7 1 274 8 1 27| 8 1 454 9 1 43j 9 1 634 10 1 594 10 1 81f 11 1 75 11 2 00 Table 104,— #1,87 j. Table j. .06,— $2,12*. Showing the rate of wages pr hour, for 11 hours a day, Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 11 hours a day, at $1,87 1-2 per day. at $2,12 1-2 per day. Hours. Dols Cts Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 17 1 194 2 34 2 384 3 51 3 58 4 68J 4 774 5 854 5 964 6 1 02J 6 1 16 7 1 194 7 1 354 8 1 36| 8 1 544 9 1 534 9 1 74 10 1 704 10 1 934 11 1 874 11 2 124 WAGES BY THE HOUR. 225 1 Table 107,— $ 2,25 F Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 11 hours a day, a* $2,25 per day. Table 108,— $ 2 , 37 *. Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 11 hours a day, at $2,37 1-2 per day. Hours Dols. Cta. Houvs. Dols. Cts. 1 204 1 214 2 41 2 43 3 61£ 3 64f : 4 81§ 4 86| 5 1 024 5 1 07f 6 1 22 % 6 1 294 7 l 43J 7 1 51 8 1 63£ 8 1 72f 9 1 84 9 1 944 10 2 044 10 2 154 11 2 25 11 2 374 Table 109,— $ 2 , 50 . Showing the rate of wage* per hour, for 11 hours a day at $$2,50 per day. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 22f 2 454 3 68J 4 91 5 1 13| 6 1 364 7 1 59 8 1 81f 9 2 044 10 2 27| 11 2 50 The following Tables from 110 to 134, show the rate of wages per hour, for 12 hours a day, at wages from 25 Cents to $2,50 per day. WAGES BY THE HOUR. Table 110, —25 Cts.* Table 111,- -31 iCts. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rat© of wages per hour, for 12 hours a day. per hour, for 12 hours a day. Hours. Dol8. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 2 2 4 1 2 ■ ‘ Si H 5 3 61 2 n 4 81 4 101 5 loj 5 Vi 6 121 6 m 7 141 7 181 8 16J 8 20| 9 18| 9 231 10 20| 10 26 11 22 % 11 28% 12 25 l 12 311 WAGES BY THE HOUR. 227 | Table 112,— 37|Cts 1 Table 114,- —50 Cts. Showing the rate of wages I Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 12 hours a day, per hour, for 2 hours a day. Hours. Hols. Cts. Hours. Hols. Cts. 1 3 1 * 4 a 64 2 84 3 94 3 124 4 124 4 162 5 154 5 21 6 18| 6 25 7 21£ 7 294 8 25 8 334 9 28 9 374 10 314 10 4lf 11 344 11 46 12 374 12 50 Table 113,— 43f Cts. Table 115,- -561 Cts. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 12 hours a day, per hour, for 12 hours a day, Hours. Hols. Cts. Hours. Hols. Cts. 1 3| 1 42 2 74 2 94 3 11 3 14 4 144 4 182 5 184 5 23| 6 ,212 6 28 7 254 7 322 8 29 8 374 9 322 9 42 10 36^ 10 462 11 40 11 514 12 43f 12 564- 228 WAGES BY THE HOUR. Table 116, — 62£ Cts. j |j Table 118,-75 Cts. Showing the rate of wage*’ ' Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 12 hours a day, per hour, for 12 hours a day, Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 H 1 61 2 10% 2 121 3 15f 3 183 4 21 4 25 5 26 5 311 6 31| 6 371 7 36% 7 43i 8 41f 8 50 9 47 9 56^ 10 52 10 62\ 11 571 11 68| 12 62J 12 75 Table 117 ,— 6Sf Cts. Table 119, —81 a Cts. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 12 hours a day, per hour, for 12 hours a day, Hours. Hols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 6| 1 6f 2 . Hi 2 131 3 171 3 201 4 23 4 27 5 28§ 5 33| 6 341 6 401 7 40 „ 7 474 8 4o£ 8 541 9 511 9 61 10 571 10 67f 11 63 11 741 Li!_ 68f 12 81* i a WAGES BY THE HOUR. 229 Table 124,— $1,25. Table 126,— $1,50. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 12 hours a day, per hour, for 12 hours a day, Hours Dols. Cts. Hours Dols. Cts. 1 10J 1 12 $ 21 2 25 o 31$ 3 37$ 4 4 If 4 50 5 52 $ 5 62$ 6 62$ 6 75 7 73 7 87$ 8 83$ 8 1 00 9 93f 9 1 12J 10 1 04 $ 10 1 25 11 1 14| 11 1 37 $ 12 1 25 12 1 50 Table 125,— $1,374. Table 127,— $l,62£. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages pr hour, for 12 hours a day, per hour, for 12 hours a day, Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 Hi 1 m 2 23 2 27" 3 34$ 3 40$ 4 45§ 4 54$ 5 57$ 5 67% 6 68f 6 81 J 7 80f 7 94 § 8 91f 8 1 08£ 9 1 03 9 J 22 10 1 U$ 10 1 35$ 11 1 26 11 2 49 12 1 37 $ 12 3 ( 52 $ mi ■■ Kk p i.:s Hk 230 WAGES BY THE HOUR. Table 128, — #1,75. Table 130,— #2,00. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages per hour, for 12 hours a day, per hour, for 12 hours a day, Hours. Dols C'ts. Hours. Dols. Cts 1 14J 1 16f 2 29 2 334 3 43| 3 50 4 58j 4 66f 5 72f 5 834 ! 6 874 6 1 00 7 02 7 . 1 16| 8 1 16£ 8 1 334 9 1 31| 9 1 50 10 1 45§ 10 1 66f 11 1 60^ 11 1 834 12 1 75 12 2 00 Table 129,— $1,874. Table 131,— $2,1 2£. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages pr hour, for 12 hours a day, per hour, for 12 hours a day. Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 154 1 17f 2 314 2 354 3 46f 3 53 4 624 4 70| 5 78 5 884 6 93| 6 1 064 7 1 094 7 1 24 8 1 25 8 1 41f 9 1 404 ' 9 1 594 10 1 564 10 t 77 11 1 71f 11 1 94£ 12 1 874 12 2 124 j mu - WAGES BY THE HOUR. 281 Table 13 2, -$2,25. j Tafcie 133, •$2,37*. Showing the rate oi wages | Chowing the rate of wages per hour, for 12 hours day,. ’ per hour, for 12 hours a day. Hours. Dols. Cts. Hours. Dols Cts 1 18| 1 19§ 2 37£ 2 394 3 56J 3 594 4 75 4 79 5 93f 5 99 6 i m 6 1 18| 7 1 31J 7 1 384 8 1 50 8 1 584 9 1 68f 9 1 78 10 1 874 10 1 98 11 2 06J 11 2 17| 12 2 25 12 2 374 Table 134,— $2,50. Showing the rate of wages pr hour, for 12 hours a day. Hours. Dols. Cts. 1 20| 2 414 3 624 4 83J 5 1 04 6 1 25 7 1 45f 8 1 664 9 1 874 ' 1 10 2 08| i 11 2 29 | 12 2 50 i 232 WAGES BY THE MONTH. Table 135,— $2, oa |l Table 136, -$2,50. Showing the rate of wages per day, at $2,00 per month, or for 26 working days. Days. Dole. Cts. 1 07 % 2 154 3 23* 4 31 5 38£ 6 46| 7 54 8 61J 9 ' 69| 10 77 11 84| 12 92J 13 1 00 14 1 07 f 15 1 15J 16 1 23 17 1 30| 18 1 384 19 1 46J 20 1 53| 21 1 614 22 1 69| 23 1 77 24 \ 84| 25 1 92J 26 2 00 Showing the rate of wages per day, at $2,50 per mouth, or for 26 working d*ays. Days Dols. Cts. 1 09J 2 194 3 28f 4 38J 5 48 6 57 % 7 674 8 77 9 86J 10 96J 11 1 05f 12 1 154 13 1 25 14 1 34| 15 1 444 16 1 54 17 1 634 18 1 734 19 1 82| 20 1 924 21 2 02 22 2 11 % 23 2 214 24 2 31 25 2 404 26 2 50 WAGES BY THE MONTH. 233 Table 137,— $3,00. Showing the rate of wages per day, at $3,00 per month, or for 26 working days. Table 138,— $3,50. Showing the rate of wages per day, at $3,50 per month, or for 26 working days. Days Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 1 13£ 2 23 2 27 3 34£ 3 40J 4 46 4 54 i 5 57£ 5 67£ 6 691 6 80£ 7 80| 7 94£ 8 921 8 1 07£ 9 1 03£ 9 1 21| 10 1 15J 10 1 34J 11 1 27 11 1 48 12 1 38J 12 1 61J 13 1 50 13 1 75 14 1 64 14 1 88£ 15 1 73 15 2 01£ 16 1 84J 16 2 151 17 1 96£ 17 2 28| ! 18 2 07£ 18 2 42£ 19 2 19J 19 2 55£ 20 2 30| 20 2 69 21 2 42 £ 21 2 82J 22 2 53£ 22 2 96 23 2 65£ 23 3 09£ 24 2 77 24 3 23 25 2 88J 25 3 36J 26 3 00 26 3 50 i23ir WAGES BY THE MONTH. Table 139,- —$4,00. Table 140, **$4,50. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages nor rl q tr. at or for 26 working da^s. pt/i lid,y^ ot spT PC'S or for 26 working days. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dels cts. 1 15$ 1 17$ 2 31 2 34$ 3 46$ 3 62 || 4 61$ 4 69$ 5 77 5 86$ 6 92$ 6 1 03| 7 1 07$ 7 1 21$ 8 1 23$ 8 1 38$ 9 1 382 9 1 532 10 1 54 10 1 73 11 1 69$ 11 1 90$ 12 1 842 12 2 072 13 2 00 13 2 25 14 2 15$ 14 2 42$ 15 2 30$ 15 2 592 16 2 46$ 16 2 77 17 2 61$ 17 2 94$ 18 2 77 18 3 HI 19 2 92$ 19 3 29 20 3 07$ 20 3 46$ 21 3 23 21 3 63$ 22 3 38$ 22 3 80f 23 3 53$ 23 3 98$ 24 3 69$ 24 4 15$ 25 3 84$ 25 4 322 26 4 00 26 4 50 | WAGES BY THE MONTH. 235 Table 145,— $‘7,00. Showing the rate of wages per day, at $7,0» per month, or for 26 working days. Table 146,— $7,50. Showing tho rate of wages per day, at $7,50 per month, or for 26 working days. Days. Dois. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 27 1 28 $ 2 54 2 57 \ 3 81 3 86£ 4 1 073 4 1 15| 5 1 34§ 5 1 44| 6 1 6l| 6 1 73 7 1 88£ 7 2 Olf 8 2 15£ 8 2 30| 9 2 42£ 9 2 59 1 10 2 69£ 10 2 88£ 11 2 96i 11 3 17^ 12 3 231 12 3 46i 13 3 50 13 3 75 14 3 77 14 4 03| 15 4 04 15 4 32£ 16 4 30£ 16 4 61£ 17 4 57| 17 4 90i 18 4 84f 18 5 19i 19 5 11^ 19 5 48 20 5 38| 20 5 76| 21 5 65£ 21 6 05$ 22 5 92^ 22 6 34£ 23 6 19i 23 6 63j 24 6 46| 24 6 92| 25 6 73 25 7 21 26 7 00 | 26 7 50 236 WAGES BY THE MONTH. Table 147,— $8,00. Showing the rate of wages per day. at $8,00 per month, or for 36 working days. Table 148,— $6,50. Showing the rate of wages per day, at $8^50 per month, or for 26 working days. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 30§ 1 32f 2 6l£ 2 65£ 3 92* 3 9.81 4 1 23 4 1 3o| 5 1 53| 5 1 63J 6 1 84£ 6 1 96i 7 2 15J 7 2 29 8 2 46j 8 2 61 J 9 2 77 9 2 94l 10 3 07f 10 3 27 11 3 38| 11 3 59§ 12 3 69^ 12 3 92^ 13 4 00 13 4 25 14 4 30| 14 4 57f 15 4 61£ 15 4 90J 16 4 92j 16 5 23 17 5 23 17 5 55f 18 5 53f 18 5 88 1 19 6 84tjr 19 6 2l| 20 6 15£ 20 6 53| 21 6 46| 21 6 86j 22 6 77 22 7 19 J 23 7 07^ 23 7 52 24 7 38J 24 7 84j 25 7 69| 25 8 17* 26 8 00 26 8 50 WAGES BY THE MONTH. 287 Table 149,— $ 9 , 00 . Stowing the rate of wages per day, at $9,00 per month, or for 26 working days. Table 150,— $ 9 , 50 . Showing the rate of wages per day, at #9,50 per month, or for 26 working days. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 34£ 1 36$ 2 69| 2 73 3 1 03| 3 1 09$ | 4 1 38J 4 1 46 5 1 73 5 1 82$ j 6 2 07g 6 2 19$ | 7 2 42J 7 2 55| 8 2 77 8 2 92$ 9 3 11£ 9 3 28! 10 3 46£ 10 3 65 J 11 3 80| 11 4 0l| 12 4 15J 12 4 38$ 13 4 50 13 4 75 14 4 84£ 14 5 11$ 15 5 19| 15 5 48 16 5 53f 16 5 84$ 17 5 88| 17 6 21 18 6 23 18 6 57$ 19 6 57! 19 6 94$ 20 6 92J 20 7 30! 21 7 27 21 7 67$ 22 7 61£ 22 8 03! 23 7 96J 23 8 40$ 24 8 30| 24 8 76! 25 8 65$ 25 9 13$ 26 9 00 | 26 9 50 238 WAGES BY THE MONTH. I Table 151,— $10. 1 Table 152,— $10,50 Showing the rate of wages 1 I per day, at $10,00 per month, or for 26 workihg days, Showing the rate of wages per day, at $10,50 per month, or for 26 working days. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts, 1 1 404 2 77 2 80| 3 1 16J 3 1 21J 4 1 54 4 1 61J 5 1 924 5 2 02 6 2 303 6 2 42J 7 2 694 7 2 82| 8 3 071 8 3 23 9 3 46J 9 3 63£ 10 3 84f 10 4 03§ 11 4 23 11 4 444 12 4 61J 12 4 844 13 5 00 13 5 25 14 5 384 14 5 654 15 5 77 15 6 06 16 6 15J 16 6 46J 17 6 53g 17 6 86§ 18 6 924 18 7 274 19 7 30f 19 7 674 20 7 694 20 8 08 21 8 07f 21 8 484 22 8 46 22 8 88f 23 8 84J 23 9 29 24 9 23 24 9 694 25 9 614 25 10 09§ 26 10 00 26 10 50 WAGES BY THE MONTH., 239 Table 153 - •$11,00. Table 1S|4,— ■$11,50. Showing he rate of wages Showing not* Q Q f 1 the rate of wages tt* * 1 not* mnntk or for 26 working days. ) WtV HP * S,c/v/ pui uiuutUj or for 26 workihg days, Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 424 1 444 2 844 2 88J 3 1 26| 3 1 32f 4 1 69* 4 1 77 5 2 11* 5 2 214 6 2 53§ 6 2 654 7 2 96 7 3 094 8 3 384 8 3 53| 9 3 80f 9 3 98 10 4 23 10 4 424 11 4 65J 11 4 864 12 5 07f 12 5 302 13 5 50 13 5 75 14 5 924 14 6 194 15 6 344 15 6 634 16 6 77 16 7 Q7| 17 7 19J 17 7 52 18 7 614 18 7 964 19 8 03f 19 8 404 20 8 464 20 8 844 21 8 884 21 9 28§ 22 9 30| 22 9 73 23 9 73 23 10 174 24 10 154 24 10 614 25 10 57f 25 11 05f 1 26 11 00 26 11 50 240 WAGES BY THE MONTH. Table 155,— $12,00 Showing the rate of wage9 per day, at $12, 0C per month, or for 26 working days. Table 156,— $12,50. Showing the rate of wages per day, at $12,50 perlmonth, or for 26 working days. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 46 1 48 2 92J 2 96 3 1 38J 3 1 444 4 1 84J 4 1 92| 5 2 30J 5 2 40| 6 2 77 6 2 884 7 3 23 7 3 364 8 3 69J 8 3 844 9 4 154 9 4 32| 10 4 614 10 4 80g 11 5 07| 11 5 28f 12 5 54 12 5 77 13 6 00 13 6 25 14 6 46 14 6 73 15 6 92J 15 7 214 16 7 38J 16 7 694 17 7 84J 17 8 174 18 8 30£ 18 8 654 19 8 77 19 9 134 20 9 23 20 9 614 21 9 694 21 10 09g 22 10 154 22 10 57f 23 1C 614 23 11 05| 24 11 07| 24 11 54 25 11 54 25 12 02 26 12 00 26 12 50 WAGES BY THE MONTH. 241 Table 157,— #13,00. Table 158,— $14,00. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wage* per day, at $13,00 per month, per day, at $14,00 pr month, or for 26 working days. or lor 26 working days. Days Dols. Cts. Days. Dols Cts. 1 50 1 54 2 1 00 2 1 07f 3 1 50 3 1 61£ 4 2 00 4 2 15J 5 2 50 5 2 69 % 6 3 00 6 3 23 7 3 50 7 3 77 8 4 00 8 4 30| 9 4 50 9 4 84$ 10 5 00 10 5 38£ i 11 5 50 11 5 92£ 12 6 00 12 6 46 13 6 50 13 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 54 i 15 7 50 15 8 07| 16 8 00 16 8 61J 17 8 50 17 9 15* 18 9 00 18 9 69* 19 9 50 19 10 23 20 10 00 20 10 77 21 10 50 21 11 30£ 22 11 00 22 11 84* 23 11 50 23 12 38* 24 12 00 24 12 92* 25 12 50 25 13 46 26 13 00 26 14 00 242 WAGES BY THE MONTH. Table 159, — $15,00. Showing the rate of wages oer day, at $15,00 pr month, or for working days. Table 160,— #16,00. Showing the rate of wages per day, at $16,00 pr month, or for 26 working days. Days Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 57£ 1 61$ 2 1 15£ 2 1 23 3 1 73J 3 1 84$ 4 2 30| 4 2 46 5 2 8S| 5 3 07$ 6 3 46 J 6 3 69$ 7 4 04 7 4 30| 8 4 61J 8 4 9 2$ 9 5 19J 9 5 53£ L0 5 77 10 6 15$ 11 6 34£ 11 6 76$ L2 6 92£ 12 7 38$ 13 7 50 13 8 00 14 8 07| 14 8 61$ 15 8 65£ 15 9 23 16 9 23 16 9 84$ 17 9 80£ 17 10 46 18 10 38| 18 11 07$ 19 10 96| 19 11 69$ 20 11 53£ 20 12 30| 21 12 11* 21 12 92$ 22 12 69| 22 13 53£ 23 13 27 23 14 15$ 24 13 84£ 24 14 76| 25 14 42J 25 15 38$ 26 15 00 26 10 00 0 WAGES BY THE MONTH. 243 Table 161,— $17,00. Showing the rate of wages pr day, at $17,00 per month, or for 26 working days. Table 162— $18,00. Showing the rate of wages pr day, at $18,00 per month, or for 26 working days. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 654 1 694 2 1 30§ 2 1 384 3 l 964 3 2 07£ 4 2 61J 4 2 77 5 3 27 5 3 464 6 3 924 6 4 154 7 4 57§ 7 4 84^ 8 5 23 8 5 54 9 5 88J 9 6 23 10 6 54 10 6 924 11 7 194 11 7 614 12 7 84f 12 8 30| 13 8 50 13 9 00 14 9 154 14 9 694 15 9 80§ 15 10 384 16 10 464 16 11 073 17 11 114 17 11 77 18 11 77 18 12 464 19 12 424 19 13 154 20 13 07§ 20 13 84f 21 13 73 21 14 54 22 14 384 22 15 23 23 15 03| 23 15 924 24 15 694 24 16 614 25 16 344 25 17 30§ 26 17 00 | 26 18 00 244 WAGES BY THE MONTH. Table 163,— $19,00. Showing the rate of wages per day, at $19, 0G per month, or for 26 working days. Table 164,— $20,00. Showi.ig the rate of wages per day, at $20,00 per month, or for 26 working days. Days. Dols. Cta. Day* Dols. Cts. 1 73 1 77 2 3 46 2 1 54 3 2 19 3 2 30$ 4 2 92$ 4 3 07$ 5 3 65$ 5 3 84| 6 4 38$ 6 4 61$ 7 5 11$ 7 5 38$ 8 5 84$ 8 6 15$ 9 6 57$ 9 G 92$ 10 7 30f 10 7 69$ 11 8 03$ 11 8 46$ 12 8 76$ 12 9 23$ 13 9 50 13 10 00 14 10 23 14 10 77 15 10 96 15 11 54 16 11 69$ 16 12 30$ 17 12 42$ 17 13 07$ 18 13 15$ 18 13 84| 19 13 88$ 19 14 6l| 20 14 61$ 20 15 38$ 21 15 34$ 21 16 15$ 22 16 07$ 22 16 92$ 23 16 80$ 23 17 69$ 24 17 53$ 24 18 46$ 25 18 27 25 19 23 26 19 00 26 20 00 WAGES BY THE MONTH, 245 Table IQS,— $ 21 , 00 . Table 166,— $22,00. Showing the rate of wages Showing the rate of wages per day, at $21,00 per month. per day, at $22,00 pr Ettoaih, or for 26 working days. or for 26 working daya Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Ct9» 1 80f 1 84£ 2 1 61£ 2 1 69£ 3 2 42£ 3 2 53S 4 3 23 4 3 38| 5 4 03| 5 4 23 6 4 84£ 6 5 07| 7 5 65£ 7 5 92£ 8 6 46 8 6 77 9 7 26| 9 7 61 £ 10 8 07£ 10 8 46 11 8 88| 11 9 30| 12 9 69 12 10 15£ 13 10 50 13 11 00 14 11 30f 14 11 84£ 15 12 ll| 15 12 69£ 16 12 92£ 16 13 53| 17 13 73 17 14 38| 18 14 53§ 18 15 23 19 15 34£ 19 16 07£ 20 16 15| 20 16 92J 21 16 96 21 17 77 22 17 76g 22 18 6l£ 23 18 57J 23 19 46£ 24 19 38| 24 20 30| 25 20 19 25 21 15| 26 21 00 26 22 00 246 WAGES BY THE MONTH. Table 167,— $23,00. Showing the rate of wages per d^y, at $23,00 pr month, or for 36 working days. Table 168,— $24,00. Showing the rate of wages per day, at $24,00 pr month, or for 26 working -days. Days . Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts* 1 38J 1 924 2 1 77 2 1 844 3 2 654 3 2 76f 4 3 54 4 3 694 5 4 m 5 4 614 6 5 30f 6 5 53| 7 6 19J 7 6 46 8 7 07| 8 7 384 9 7 964 9 8 304 10 8 84f 10 9 23 li 9 734 11 10 154 12 10 614 12 11 07| 13 11 50 13 12 00 14 12 384 14 12 924 15 13 27 15 13 844 16 14 154 16 14 77 17 15 04 17 15 694 1 18 15 924 18 16 6l| 19 16 80f 19 17 534 20 17 69| 20 18 464 21 18 ■ 57j 21 19 38| 22 19 464 22 20 304 23 20 34| 23 21 23 24 21 23 24 22 154 25 22 114 25 23 074 26 23 00 26 24 00 WAGES BY THE MONTH. 247 Table 169,— $25,00. Table 170,— ■$26,00. Showing the rate of wages per day, at $25,00 per month, or for 26 working days. Showing the rate of wages per day, at $26,00 per month, or for 26 workihg days, Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 96! 1 1 00 2 1 92J 2 2 00 3 2 88| 3 3 00 4 3 84| 4 4 00 5 4 80f 5 5 00 6 5 77 6 6 00 7 6 73 7 7 00 8 7 69£ 8 8 00 9 8 65| 9 9 00 10 9 61| 10 10 00 11 10 57f 11 11 00 12 11 53| 12 12 00 13 12 50 13 13 00 14 13 46J 14 14 00 15 14 42| 15 15 00 16 15 38| 1G 16 00 17 16 34| 17 17 00 18 17 30| 18 18 00 19 18 27 19 19 00 1 20 19 23 20 ‘ 20 00 U 21 20 19| 21 21 00 22 21 15! 22 22 00 23 22 ll| 23 23 00 24 23 07! 24 24 00 25 24 03| 25 25 00 26 25 00 26 26 00 248 WAGES BY THE MONTH. Table 171,— $27,00. Showing the rate of wages per day, at $27,00 per month, or for 26 working days. Table 172,— $28,00. Showing the rate of wages per day, at $28,00 per month, or for 26 working days. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 1 03g 1 1 07| 2 2 07§ 2 2 154 3 3 114 3 3 23 4 4 15J 4 4 30f 5 5 194 5 5 38| 6 6 23 6 6 464 7 7 27 7 7 53f 8 8 30g 8 8 614 9 9 34f 9 9 694 10 10 38| 10 10 77 11 11 424 11 11 844 12 12 46^ 12 12 92| 13 13 50 13 14 00 14 14 53f 14 15 07f 15 15 57| 15 16 154 16 16 6l| 16 17 23 17 17 654 17 18 304 18 18 69| 18 19 384 19 19 734 19 20 464 2C 20 77 20 21 53.| 21 21 81 21 22 6l| 22 22 84£ 22 23 694 23 23 88f 23 24 77 24 24 92| 24 25 844 25 25 964 25 26 92| 26 27 00 26 28 00 WAGES BY THE MONTH. 249 Table 173,— $29,00. Table 174,— $30,00. Showing the rate of wages per day, at $29,00 per month, or for 26 working days. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 1 Hi 2 2 23 3 3 34J 4 4 46| 5 5 57£ 6 6 69^ 7 7 80f 8 8 92| 9 10 03| ]0 11 164 11 12 27 12 13 38j 13 14 50 14 15 64 15 16 73 16 17 84f 17 18 96£ 18 20 07f 19 21 19J 20 22 30| 21 23 42| 22 24 54 23 25 65J 24 26 77 25 27 88J 26 29 00 Showing the rate of wages per day, at $30,00 pr month, or for 26 working days. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 1 15| 2 2 30£ 3 3 46| 4 4 61| 5 5 76§ 6 6 92£ 7 8 07£ 8 9 23 9 10 38J 10 11 53f 11 12 69 12 13 84 13 15 00 14 16 15£ 15 17 30§ 16 18 46J 17 19 6l| 18 20 76£ 19 21 92J 20 23 07| 21 24 23 22 25 38J 23 26 53g 24 27 69 25 2S 84£ 26 30 00 250 WAGES BY THE MONTH. Table 175, —$ 35 , 00 . Table 176,— #40,00. Showing t Ke rate of wages Showing the rate of wages per day, at $35,00 pr month, 3r for 26 working days. per day, at $40,00 pr month, or for 26 working days. Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols. Cts. 1 1 344 i 1 53f 2 2 69J 2 2 07£ 1 3 « 03| 3 4 614 4 5 384 4 6 154 5 6 73 5 7 694 6 8 07| 6 9 23 7 9 424 7 10 77 8 10 77 8 12 30f 9 12 11J 9 13 844 10 13 461 10 15 38| 11 14 80| 11 16 92| 12 16 15J 12 18 464 13 17 50 13 20 00 14 18 84| 14 21 53£ 15 20 194 15 23 07f 16 21 54 16 24 6lf 17 22 884 17 26 154 18 19 24 23i 18 27 694 25 57f 19 29 23 20 26 92% 20 30 77| 21 28 27 21 32 30^ 22 29 61| 22 33 84| 23 30 964 23 35 3S| 24 32 31 24 36 924 25 33 65b | 25 38 464 26 35 00 j 26 40 00 WAGES BY THE MONTH. 251 Table 177,— $45,00 Showing the rate of wages per day, at $45,00 per month, or for 26 working days. Table 178,— $50,00* Showing the rate of wages . per day, at $50,00 pe-r month, or for 26 workihg days, Days. Dols. Cts. Days. Dols, Cts. 1 1 73 1 1 92f 2 3 46 2 3 844 ! 3 5 19J 3 5 76f 4 6 92| 4 7 69 5 8 651 5 9 014 6 10 38| 6 11 53f 7 12 ll| 7 13 46 8 13 844 8 15 38f 9 15 57f 9 17 30f 10 17 3 Of 10 19 23 11 19 03f 11 21 154 12 20 07 12 23 074 13 22 50 13 25 00 14 24 23 14 26 924 15 25 96f 15 28 84| 16 27 694 16 30 76f 17 29 424 17 32 69 18 31 15| 18 34 614 19 32 88| 19 36 53f 20 34 614 20 38 46 21 36 34f 21 40 384 22 38 07f 22 42 30f 23 39 80f 22 44 23 24 41 54 24 46 154 25 43 27 25 48 074 26 45 00 26 50 00 INTEREST. The method of reckoning interest gen- erally usad by the best accountants and book-keepers is what is known as the sixty- day method. By this method 360 days are reckoned as & year and 30 days as a month. Six p. c. for 12 months, or 1 year, is equiv- alent to 1 p. c. for 2 months, or 60 days, and 1 p. c. of any number is easily found by moving the decimal point two places to the left. Therefore, the interest on any amount at 6 p. c. per annum for 2 months, or 60 days, may be found by moving the decimal point two places to the left. Hav- ing found the interest for 60 days, in order to find it from that amount for any number of days, simply divide them into aliquot parts of 60. Example i : Interest on $128 for 90 days. 1.28= interest for 60 days. .64 = interest for 30 days. 1.92 = interest for 90 days. 60 + 30. Example 2: Interest on $185.40 for 47 days. 1.8540 — interest for 60 days. .9270 = interest for 30 days, ^ of 60. .4635 = interest for 15 days, % of 30. .0618 — interest for 2 days, % of 6. 1.4523 = interest for 47 days. 30+15 + 2. To calculate the interest on any sum from $1 to $12,000. Having found the interest at 6 p. c., as shown on page 161, to find it for — 252 1 p.c. divide by 6. “ “ “ 4 - 2 “ 3. 3 « “ «* 2> 4 ** subtract 4 ^ * “ 5 p.c. subtract % 7 “ add Ve 1% « “ K g « « IZ 9 “ % Lightning Table for Marking Goods Bought by the Dozen. Retailers buy most of their articles by the dozeity such as books, shoes, hats, caps, and notions of various kinds. A vast amount of time is employed in marking goods by the old process, and errors are frequent, owing to the unnecessary figures used. It the purchaser will commit to memory the following table, he can instantly find the retail price of a single article with any desired business per cent, added. The fol- lowing per cents, are those generally used in business : Divide the cost To make per doz. by 20 per cent. 10 33 %, “ 4 < 9 • 50 it 8 100 it 6 40 “ it 10, and add 1-6 itself. 35 “ a 10 1-8 u 37 % “ it 10 1-7 ii 30 ii 10 “ 1-12 a 25 it 10 “ 1-24 it 12% “ ii 10, and subtract 1-16 ii 16% «• n 10 1-36 it « a 10 “ 1-96 ii R. H. Jones purchased one dozen hats for $27.00, and marked them to sell at a profit of 33^3 per cent. What was the retail price of a single hat ? Explanation. — According to 9 ) $27.00 table, simply divide the cost per dozen by 9. A ns. $3.00 For how much must I sell books, bought at $28.00 per dozen, to gain 25 per cent. Explanation. — Removing the 24 ) 2.800 point one place to the left, on .11 $28.00 we get $2,800. Now add ^4 itself and we have $2.91 + ans. $2.91 + The above table should be committed to memory. 253 and sold by the square one inch thick. If thinner than one inch, they are counted the same as if one inch thick. To find the number of square feet in a board, multiply the width in inches by the length in feet and divide the product by 12. This will give the number of feet in the board, and the remainder, if any, will be the odd inches. If the remainder be six inches or more, they will be counted as an additional foot. Example. — Find the number of square feet in a board 20 inches wide by 16 feet long. Process. — M ultiply 20 (the width in Therefore board. ■v . 254 — 8 will be 27 feet in the BOARD MEASUREMENT Contents in Square Feet of Boards one Inch Thick, and of Different Lengths and Widths. Jl a * 6 Feet Long. 6 Feet Long. 7 Feet Long. 9 Feet Long. 0 Feet Long. to Feet Long. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. 2 .10 1. 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 3 1.3 1.6 1.9 2. 2.3 2.6 4 1.8 2. 2.4 1.8 3. 3.4 6 2.1 2.6 2.11 3.4 3.9 4.2 6 2.6 3. 3.6 4. 4.6 5. 7 3. 3.6 4.1 4.8 5.3 5.9 8 3.4 4. 4.8 5.4 6. 6.8 9 3.9 4.6 5.3 6. 6.9 7.6 10 4.2 5. 5.9 6.8 7.6 8.4 11 4.7 5.6 6.5 7.4 8.3 9.2 12 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 13 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.8 9.9 10.9 14 5.9 7. 8.2 9.4 10.6 11.8 15 6.3 7.6 8.9 10. 11.3 12.6 16 6.8 8. 9.4 10.8 12. 13.4 17 7.1 8.6 10. 11.4 12.9 14.2 18 7.6 9. 10.6 12. 13.6 15. 19 8. 9.6 11.1 12.8 14.3 15 9 20 8.4 10. 11.8 13.4 15. 16.8 21 8.9 10.6 12.3 14. 15.9 17.6 22 9.2 11. 12.9 14.8 16.6 18.4 23 9.7 11.6 18.5 15.4 17.3 19.2 24 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 25 10.5 12.6 14.7 16.8 18.9 20.9 26 10.9 13. 15.2 17.4 19.6 21.8 SL7 11.3 13.6 15.9 18. 20.3 22.6 28 11.8 14. 16.4 18.8 21. 23.4 29 12.1 14.6 17. 19.4 21.9 24.2 30 12.6 15. 17.6 20. 22.6 25. BOARD MEASUREMENT. Contents in Square Feet op Boards one Inch Thick, and op Different Lengths and Widths. Inches 1 Wide. ii Feet Long. 12 Feet Long. 13 Feet Long. u Feet Long. 13 Feet Long. 18 Feet Long. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In 2 1.10 2 . 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 2.9 3 . 3.3 3.6 3.9 4 . 4 3.8 4 . 4.4 4.8 5 . 5.4 6 4.7 5 . 5.5 5.10 6.3 ■ 6.8 6 5.6 ! 6 . 6.6 7 . 7.6 8 . 7 6.5 7 . 7.7 C 8.2 8.9 9.4 8 7.4 8 . 8.8 9.4 10 . 10.8 9 8.3 9 . 9.9 10.6 11.3 12 . 10 9.2 10 . 10.9 11.8 12.6 13.4 11 10.1 11 . 12 . 12.9 13.9 14.8 12 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 .i 13 12 . 13 . 141 15.2 16.3 17 % 14 12.9 14 . 15.2 16.4 17.6 18.8 15 13.9 15 . 16.3 17.6 18.9 20 . 16 14.8 16 . 17.4 18.8 20 . . 21.4 17 15.7 17 . 18.5 19.9 21.3 22.8 18 16.6 18 . 19.6 21 . 22.6 24 . 19 17.5 19 . 20.7 22.2 23.9 25.4 20 18.4 20 . 21.8 23.4 25 . 26.8 21 19.3 21 . 22.9 24.6 26.3 28 . 22 20.2 22 . 23.9 25.8 27.6 29.4 23 21.1 23 . 25 . 26.9 28.9 30.8 24 22 . 24 . 26 . 28 . 30 .. 32 . 25 23 . 25 . * 27.1 29.2 31.3 33.4 26 23.9 26 . 28.2 30.4 32.6 34.8 27 24.9 27 . 29.3 31.6 33.9 36 . 28 25.8 28 . 30.4 32.8 35 . 37.4 29 26.7 19 . 31.5 33.9 36.3 38.8 30 27.6 30 . 32.6 35 . 37.6 40 , ' 85<3 BOARD MEASU&ElVfENT. Contents in Square Feet of Boards one Inch Thick, and of Different Lengths and Widths. 3 0 £)T> 17 Feet Long. 18 Feet Long. 19 Feet Long. 20 Feet Loag. <1 Feet Loag. » Fee* Loag. Feet' la. Feet In. Feet la. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. 2 2.10 3. 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 3 4.3 4.6 4.9 5. 5.3 5.6 4 5.8 6. 6.4 6.8 7. 7.4 5 7.1 7.6 7.11 8.4 8.9 9.2 6 8.6 9. 9.6 10. 10.6 11, 7 10. 10.6 11.1 11.8 12.3 12.9 8 11.4 12. 12.8 13.4 14. 14.8 9 12.9 13.6 14.3 15. 15.9 16.6 10 14.2 15. 15.9' 16,8 17.6 18.4 11 15.7 16.6 17.5 18.4 19.3 20.2 12 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 13 . 18.5 19.6 20.7 21.8 22.9 23.9 ,14! 19.9 21. 22.2 23.4 24.6 25.8 16 ! 21.3, 22.6 23.9 25. 26.3 27.6 16 22.$ . 24, 25.4 26.8 28. 29.4 17 24.1 25.6 27. 28.4 29.9 31.2 18 25.6 27. 28 j 5 L 30. 81.6 33. 19 27. 28.6 30.1 31.8 33.3 34.9 20 28.4 30. 31.8 33.4 35. 36 ;? 21 29.9 31.6 33.3 35. 36.9 38.6 22 31.2 33. 34.9 36.8 38.6 40.4 23 32.7 34.6 36.5 38.4 40.3 42.2 24 34. 36. 38. 40. 42. 44. 25 35.5 37.6 39.7 41,8 43.9 45.9 26 36.9 39. 41.2 43.4 45.6 47.8 27 38.3 40.6 42.9 45. 47.3 49.6 28 39.8 42. 44.4 46.8 49. 51:4 29 41.1 43.6 46. 48.4 50.9 53.2 30 42.6 45. 47.6 50. 52.6 55. 257 BOARD MEASUREMENT Contents m Square Feet op Boards one Inch Thick, and of Different Lengths and Widths. 1 Si IS 23 Poet Long. 24 Long. 23 Feet Long. 28 Feet Long. 2T Feet Long. 28 Feet Long. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet Id 2 3.10 4. 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 : 3 6.9 6. 6.8 6.6 6.9 7. 4 7.8 8. 8.4 8.8 9. 9.4 5 9.7 10. 10.5 10.10 11.3 11.8 6 11.6 12. 12.6 12.12 13.6 14. 7 13.5 14. 14.7 15.2 15.9 16.4 8 15.4 16. 16.8 17.4 18. 18.8 9 17.3 18. 18.9 19.6 20.3 21. 10 19.2 20. 20.9 21.8 22.6 23.4 11 21.1 22. 23. 23.9 24.9 25:8 12 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 13 25. 26. 27.1 28.2 29.3 30.4 14 26.9 28. 29.2 30.4 31.6 32.8 15 28.9 80. 31.3 32.6 33.9 35. 16 30.8 32. 33.4 34.8 36. 37.4 17 32.7 34. 35.5 36.9 38.3 39.8 18 34.6 36. 37.6 39. 40.6 42. 19 36.5 88. 39.7 41.2 42.9 44.4 •! 20 38.4 40. 41.8 . 43.4 45. 46.8 21 40.3 42. 43.9 45.6 47.3 49. 22 42.2 44. 45.9 47.8 49.6 51.4 23 44.1 46. 48. 49.9 51.9 53.8 24 46. 48. 50. 52. 54. 56. 25 48. 50. 52.1 54.2 56.3 58.4 ■ 26 49.9 52. 54.2 56.4 58:6 60.8 27 61.9 54. 56.3 58.6 60.9 63, 28 63.8 56. 58.4 60.8 63. 65.4 j 29 55.7 58. 60.5 62.9 65.8 67.8 30 57.6 60. 62,6 65, 67.6 70, BOARD MEASUREMENT. — i Contents in Square Feet op Boards one Inch Thick, and op Different Lengths and Widths. |»- iS 2? Feet Long. 80 Feet Long: at Feet Long. 83 Fees Long. | 83 J Feet Long. 34 Feet Long. Feet In. Feat In. Feet la. Fee* la. Feet In. Feet In. 2 4.10 5. 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 3 7.3 7.6 7.9 8. 8.3 8.6 4 9.8 10. 10.4 10.8 11. 11.4 5 12 J. 12.6 12.11 13.4 13.9 14.2 6 14,6 15. 15.6 36. 16.6 17. 7. 17. 17.6 18.1 18.8 19.8 19.9 8 19.4 20. 20.8 21.4 22. 22.8 9 21.9 22.6 23.3 24. 24.9 25.6 10 24.2 25. 25.9 26.8 27.6 28.4 11 26.7 27.6 28.5 29.4 30.3 3 1.2 12 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 18 31.5 32.6 33.7 34.8 35.9 36.9 14 33.9 35. 86.2 37.4 38.6 39.8 15 36.3 37.6 38.9 40. 41.3 42.6 16 38.8 40. 41.4 42.8 44. 45.4 17 41.1 42.6 44. 45.4 46.9 48.2 18 43.6 45. 4 8.6 48. 49.6 51. 19 46. 47,6 49.1 50.8 52.3 53.9 20 48.4 50. 51.8 53.4 55. 56.8 21 50.9 52.6 54.3 56. 57.9 59.6 22 53.2 55. 56.9 58:8 60.6 62.4 23 55.7 576 59.5 61.4 63.3 65.2 24 58. 60. 62. 64. 66. 68. 25 60.5 62.6 64.7 66.8 68.9 70.9 26 62.9 65. 67.2 69.4 71.6 73.8 m 65.3 67.6 69.9 72. 74.2 76.6 28 67.8 70. 72.4 74,8 77. 79.4 29 70.1 72.6 75. 77.4 79.9 82.2 30 72:6 75. 77.6 80. 82.6 85. 259 Plank Measuremen' Plank measurement is based on board measurement, rules and tables for which will be found on another page of this book. In order to find the contents of any plank, /irst find the contents of the surface on the basis of one inch thickness , then multiply the product so given by the' thickjtess of the plank in inches , Example. — F ind the contents of a plank 12 feet long, 12 inches wide, and2j^ inches thick. Process. — According to the rule for finding the square feet in a board (which ■will be found on a previous page), multiply the width in inches (12) by the length in feet (12). This gives 144. Divide the product so found by 12, which gives 12. This gives the contents, of a board 1 inch thick, 12 feet long, and 12 inches wide. Multiply this product so found by 2%, the thickness of the plank in inches. The result will be 30, which is the contents in feet. PLANK MEASUREMENT. Contents op Planks in Board Measure. Tbjckness, 1J Inches. a © *3 .23 ■23 .23 d d 1 .23 .23 1 d ^ .23 a o 12 .2 11 s‘£ S3? ioV ♦a g +■* -+-£ Ui < S3 ■« $ c « g- «2 O <2 37 41 44 47 31 19 23 26 29 32 36 39 42 45 48 32 20 23 27 30 33 37 401 143 47 50 33 21 24 27 31 34 38 41 1 145 48 52 j 34 21 25 28 32 35 39 42 i 46 50 53 | 35 22 26 29 33 36 40 44 47 51 55 36 23 26 30 34 38 41 45 49 53 56 37 23 27 31 35 39 42 46 50 54 58 38 24 28" 32 36 40 44 48 51 55 59 39 24 28 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 40 25 29 33 38 42 46 50 54 58 63 »6i PLANK MEASUREMENT Contents of Planks in Board Measure. ‘ Thickness, 1} Inches. I Feet long. 16 In. wide. 17 in. wide. 18 in. wide. 19 in. I wide. 20 in. : wide. a — 3 d 0 — -3 o> r a O «2 - a 10 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 11 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 21 12 9 10 12 13 15 16 18 ,19 21 22 13 10 11 13 15 16 18 19 21 23 24 14 11 12 14 16 17 19 21 23 24 26 15 11 13 15 17 19 21 22 24 26 28 16 12 14 16 28 20 22 24 26 28 30 17 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 28 30 32 18' 14 16 18 20 22 25 27 29 31 34 19 14 17 19 21 24 26 28 31 33 36 20 15 17 20 22 25 27 30 32 35 38 21 16 18 21 24 26 29 31 34 37 40 22 16 19 22 25 27 30 33 35 38 42 23 17 20 23 26 29 32 34 37 40 44 24 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 25 19 22 25 28 31 35 37 40 44 47 26 20 23 26 29 32 36 39 42 45 49 27 20 24 27 30 34 38 40 43 47 51 28 21 24 28 31 35 39 42 43 45 49 53 29 22 25 29 33 36 40 47 50 55 30 22 26 30 34 37 42 45 48 52 57 31 23 27 31 35 39 43 46 50 54 59 32 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 33 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 62 34 26 30 34 38 42 47 51 55 59 84 35 26 31 35 39 44 48 52 56 61 66 36 27 32 36 41 45 50 54 59 i 63 j68- 37 28 32 37 42 46 51 56 60 65 69 38 29 33 38 43 48 52 57 62 87 71 39 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 63 68 73 40 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 264 PLANK MEASUREMENT. Contents of Planks in Board Measure. Thickness, 1$ Inches. « ® .S.g .2£ .2 ® .s-§! a 0 d © .2 « C ai (3 © j- 8* 55* 8 ’5 8 * ofl a> £ 0 a O <2 10 20 21 22 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 11 *22 23 25 26 27 29 30T-32 33 34 12 24 25 27 28 30 32 33 35 36 38 13 26 28 29 31 33 34 36 37 39 41 14 28 30 31 33 35 37 39 40 42 44 15 30 32 34 36 38 : 39 41 43 45 47- 16 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 17 34 36 38 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 18 36 38 40 43 45 47 50 52 54 56 19 38 40 42 46 : 48 50 52 55 57 59 20 40 42 45 48 50 53 55 58 60 63 21 42 44 47 50 53 55 58 60 63 66 22 44 46 49 53 55 58 61 63 66 69 23 46 48 51 55 58 60 63 66 69 n 24 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 % 25 50 53 56 60 63 66' 69 72 75 78 28 52 55 •58 62 65 68 72 75 78 81 27 54 57 60 64 68 71 74 78 81 84 28 56 69 63 67 .70 74 77 81 84 88 29 58 61 65 69 73 76 80 83 87 91 30 60 63 67 72 75 79 83 86 90 94 31 62 65 69 74 78 81 85 89 93 97 32 64 88 n 78 80 84 88 92 96 100 33' 68 70 74 78 83 87 91 95 99 103 34 68 72 76 81 85 89 94 98 102 106 ‘SB 70 74 78 83 88 92 96 101 105 109 86 72 77 81 86 90 95 99 104 108 113 37 74 79 83 88 §3 97 102 loo'in 116 38 76 81 88 90 95 100 105 109,114 119 80 78 83 88 93 98 102 107 112:117 122 40 80 85 80 95 100 105 no 115:120 125 265 PLANK MEASUREMENT. Contents of Planes in Board Measure, Thickness, Inches. 5® a © C © a « 3% 33 d © a© 33 d © a £ Si si co 72 cm £ C5 7> CM P co > . *H CO ^ CM*> CO ? Sec Si *** ^ to ■> CO 9 o w J *3 J *»• & j «2 Q> o _a> $ ■£ ao °\i O © - 2 ! 2 * p © •S'© Si p*© * "O . r-4 5 * * a® 1 — •*© 2* 0 © •S'© Si 2 © — £i 1 £ 5 s 3 0 0 © .© 5 & © JO © © © © d V, C. 10 10 11 13 15 17 18 20 22 23 25 11 11 13 15 17 18 20 22 24 26 27 12 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26! 28 30 n 13 15 17 20 22 24 26 281 30 33l 14 14 16 19 21 23 26 28 30! 33 35 15 15 18 20 23 25 28 30 33 35 38 16 16 19 21 24 27 29 32 35 37 40 17 17 20 23 26 28 31 34 37 40 43 18 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 19 19 22 25 29 32 35 38 41 44 48 20 20 23 27 30 33 37 40 43 47 50 21 21 25 28 32 35 39 42 46 49 53 52 22 26 29 33 37 40 44 48 51 55 23 23 27 31 35 38 42 46 50 54 58 24 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 25 25 29 33 38 42 46 50 54 58 63 26 26 30 35 39 43 48 52 56 61 65 27 27 32 36 41 45 50 54 59 63 68 28 28 33 37 42 47 51 56 61 65 70 29 29 34 39 44 48 53 58 63 68 73 30 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 31 31 36141 47 52 57 62 67 72 78 32 32 37 ! 43 48 53 59 64 69 75 80 33 33 39 44 50 *55 61 66 72 77 83- 34 34 40 45 51 57 62 68 74 79 85 35 35 41 47 53 58 64 70 76 82 88 36 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 37 37 43 49 56 62 68 74 80 86 93 38 38 44 51 57 63 70 76 82 89 95 39 39 46 52 59 65 72 78 85 91 98 401 1 40 47 53 60 67 73 80 87 93 100 ii 267 PLANK MEASUREMENT. Contents of Planks in Board Measure. Thickness, 2 Inches. .3.8 .2.8 .2.8 a © .2^ a «> d <35 ’ p o •aO *£ si’ S2¥ O © ■eJ ta 4«3 *-> > \U I & 1 a $ a a CO 10 27 28 30 32 33 35 37 38 40 42 11 29 31 33 35 37 39 40 42 44 46 12 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 13 35 37 30 M 43 46 48 50 52 54 14 37 40 42 44 47 49 51 54 56 58 15 40 43 45 48 50 52 55 58 * 60 63 16 43 45 48 51 53 56 59 61 64 67 17 45 48 51 54 57 60 62 65 68 71 18 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 19 51 54 57 60 63 67 70 73 76 79 29 63 57 60 63 67 70 73 77 80 83 21 56 60 63 67 70 74 77 81 84 88 1 22 59 62 66 70 73 77 81 84 88 92 23 61 65 69 73 77 81 84 88 92 96 24 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 26 67 71 75 79 83 88 92 96 100 104 26 69 74 78 82 87 91 95 100 104 108 27 72 77 81 86 90i 95 99 104 108 li3 28 75 79 84 80 93 98 103 107 112 117 29 77 82 87 92, 97: 102 106 110 116 121 30 80 85 90 95 100: 105 110 115 120 325 s 31 83 88 93 98 103 109 s 114 119 124 129’ 32 85 91 96 101 107 112 ; 117 123 128 133 33 88 94 99 105 110 116 121 127 132 138 34 91 96 102 108 113 119 125 130 136 142 35 93 99 105 111 117 223 128 134 140 146 36 96 ,102 108! 114 120 126 132 138 144 150 37 99 105 Ill 117 123 130 136 142 148 154 38 101 108 in; 120 127 133 139 145 152 158 | 39 104 111 117 124 130 137 143 149 156j 163 I 49 107 113 120 127 133 140 147 153 1601167 1 PLANK MEASUREMENT Contents of Planks m Board Measure. Thickness, 2 Inches. a 6 .3*d a © S3 © d © S3 © S3 © p © p © d © 1 s © bo .3*3 .5*3 .^*o •«*g 1 r o J to "5 ’Sri V a § 10 30 32 34 36 38 39 41 43 45 47 11 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 50? 52 12 36 38 41 43 45 47 50 52 54; I 56 13 39 41 44 46 49 51 54 56 59' : 6i 14 42 45 47 60 53 55 58 60 63 66 15 45 48 51 63 56 69 62 65 68 70 16 48 51 54 67 60 63 66 69 72 75 17 61 54 67 61 64 67 70 73 77 80 18 64 57 61 64 68 71 74 78 81 84 19 67 61 64 68 71 75 78 82 86 89 20 60 64 68 71 75 79 83 86 90 94 21 63 67 71 75 79 83 87 91 95 98 22 66 70 74 78 83 87 91 95 99 103 23 69 73 78 82 86 91 95 99 104 108 24 72 77 81 86 90 95 99 104108113 25 75 80 84 89 94 93 103 1081113 117 26 78 83 88 93 98,102 107 112!117 122 27 81 86 91 96 1011106,111 116 122127 28 84 89 95 100 105110116 121 126131 29 87 92 98 103 109,1141120 125131.136 30 90 96 101 107 113 118 124:129135141 31 93 99 105 110 11 6)122.128! 134 14C145 32 96 1021108 114 120! 126: 132il38 144150 83 99 105111 118 124 130 136,142 249 155 84 102 108;il5 121 128 134.140.147 153 159 36 105 112,118 125 131!138:144|151 158164 36 1081115! 122 128.135142 1501156 1321139 146 154 160 162 169 37 111118,125 167173 88 114' 12111281135 143150 158:1641171 178* 39 117 124 132139 1461154 162 168|176 183 B 40 120 128 135 1431 1501 1 581 165! 173180 18S|f PLANK MEASUREMENT Contents of Planks in Board Measure. Thickness, 2} Inches. bo a 4 a © d © d © a.© a4 a.© a © 3 -§ G O * Cl 3 si r-* oO Cs> P o> ■> sf- o > OO P £i CM eo > '** 'S? co CO P co P «I j- © J W u $ © 3 © £ © 3 © a> 3 © a © *2 © £ feet feet. J 1 10 12 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 11 14 16 18 21 23 25 27 30 32 34 12 15 18 20 23 25 28 30 33 35 38 13 16 19 22 24 27 30 33 35 38 41 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 1$ 19 22 25 28 31 34 38 41 44 47 j 16 20 23 27 30 33 37 40 43: 47 50 17 21 25 28 32 35 39 43 46 53 18 22 26 30 34 38 41 45 49 53 66 19 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 51 55 59 20 25 29 33 38 42 46 50 54 58 63 21 26 31 35 39 44 48 53 57 61 66 22 27 32 37 41 46 50 55 60 64 69 23 29 34 38 43 48 53 58 62 67 72 24 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 25 31 36 42 47 52. 57 63 68 73 78 26 32 38 43 49 54 60 65 70 76 81 27 34 39 45 J1 56 62 68 73 79 84 28 35 41 47 53 58 64 70 76 82 88 29 36 42 48 ■54 60 66 73 79 85 91 1 30 37 44 50 56 63 69 75 81 88 94 1 31 39 45 52 58 65 71 78 84 90 97! 32 40 47 53 80 67 73 80 87 93 100t 33 41 48 55 82 69 76 83 89 96 103 34 42 50 57 64 71 78 85 92 99'106 35 44 i 51 58 66 73 80 88 95 102 109 36 45 53 80 68 75 83 90 98 105 313 37 48 54 62 69 77 85 93 1001108 116 38 48 55 63 71 79 87 95 103llll 119 39 49 57 65 73 81 89 98 106(114 122 40 50 58 87 75 83 92 100 1081117 125 PLANK MEASUREMENT. i IJW" — 1 ' n il I ■■ ■ ■ ■ ' I. Contents oe Planks in Board Measure. Thickness, 2$ Inches. to a o d d si . 2*4 Si d© ‘"■!2 co r it 19 id. wide. 20 in. wide. 21 in. wide. 22 in. wide. 23 in. wide. d © — T3 "C 25 in. wide. 1 **• ** j J *s. j h 1 © a 'J! © a & CD a © a o a 1 10 33 35 37 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 11 37 39 41 44 47 48 50 53 55 57 12 40 43 45 48 50 53 55 58 60 63. 13 43 46 49 51 54 57 60 62 65 68 14 47 •50 53 55 58 61 641 i 67 70 73 15 50 53 56 59 63 66 69 | 72 75 78 16 53 57 60 63 67 70 73 ! 77 80 83 17 57 60 64 67 71 74 78 1 81 85 89 18 60 64 68 71 75 79 83 86 90 94 19 63 67 71 75 79 83 87 91 95 99 20 67 71 75 79 83 88 92 96 100 104 21 70 74 79 83 88 92 96101 105 109 22 73 78 83 87 92 96 101105 110 115 23 77 81 86 91 96|101 105110 115 120 24 80 85 90 95 100,105 110115 120 125 25 83 89 94 99 104; 109 115120 125 130 26 87 92 98 103 108)114 119125 130 135 27 90 96 101 107 113ill8 124jl 29 135! 141 28 931 ! 99.105 111 117 [123 128 134 140146 29 97 103109 115 121 127 133139 145) 151 30 100106 113 119 125 181 138 144 150 356 f 31 103jll0 116 123 129 136 142 149 155 161 32 1 07 ! 1 1 3 120 127 133 140 147 153 160 167 33 110117 124 131 138 144 151 158 165 172 34 113 120 128 135 142 148 156 163 170 177 35 117 124 131 139146 153 160 168 175 182 36 120 128 135 143150 158 165 172 180 188 37 123 131 139 146154 162 170 177 185 193 38 127 134 143 150158 166 174 182 190198 39 130,138 146 1541163 171 !79 187 195 203 40 133 142 150 158 1671175 183 192 200 208 PLANK MEASUREMENT Contents of Planks in Board Measure, Thickness, 2£ Inches. Id® d d d d a d d d d d a d ! d d 1 a d a o 22 MN P £ £ oo CM P o 'Z CM P ® £ co 6 s cm -r CO p CO "Z CO P 'Z co p «o ‘Z . CO > j 1 8 u. ♦ft <2 feci. feet. W V a © a © a 0) a © <2 **-t .24} si 2* o "Z w i 00 '7 S3¥ . feet. i o «S> c? f £. <2 feet. J © 1® 42 45 ■> — 47 50 53 55 58 60 63 47 49 52 55 58 61 63 66 69 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 76 55 59 62 65' 68 72 75 78 81 60 63 67 70 74, 77 81 84 88 64 68 71 75 79 83 86 90 94 i 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 300 72 77 81 85 891 94 * 98 102 106 ! 77 81 86 90 95! . 99, 1041108 113 l 81 86 90 95)00,I05'109!l 14,3 19 ; 85 90 95 100.105:110 115*120 125 j 89 95 100 1051110 116 121 1261131 94 I 99 105 3 1 0| 11 6.121 1271132138 98 1 04 ino ina 109 1 1 A 1 15: 121 ,127! 132,138' 144 i on 1 i oat qo: 1 Ml A A 1 100 106.113,119 10411111171124 108 1 15 122128 112 116 120 119 123 128 124 132 128:136 132:140 miJ45 140:149 158 144153162 133 138 125 1311138, 144*150 156 1 30, 1 37 j 1 43! 1 50’ 1 56 163 135;i42|l49!l55 1431150 126 131 135 140 344 149 153 162' 170 166'175 140 14711541161 145; 1521160] 167 147 155 162160 157 165 158*165 173 1631171 178 168 176 184 173 1821390 162 169 168 175 179 181 180 188 186 194 192200 198 206 179 1871196 204 213 184il93j201|210 219 IftQ-'tQft 907191 ft 9.9JS 171,180 189:198 207-216 225 148!157 : 167il76.i85 , 194 l 204*213 222 231 162 162 171il8i:i90 200,2091219 228 238 156 166 176! 1(35 195:205*2151224.234.244 180 170 180 190 2001210-220 230 240 250 27 '' PLANJS MEASUREMENT Contents of Planks in Board Measure. Thickness, 3 Inches. el) d d 1 «■§! ad 1 d d ! d d ! - r -J rr*. a d rH .24 S J2 CM 5* K'is CO '> , ov £ 1 os O CM 1? *©? ' CO ? 1 M £ ”7 , 8 b CC > a*. 22 i 8* i J ♦a -J © <2 £ ♦» +2 u © £ 03 £ 03 £ & A 10 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 11 19 22 24 29 32 35 38 41 45 47 12 20 25 28 32 35 39 •42 46 49 53 13 23 27 30 34 38 42 46 49 53 57 14 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 15 26 31 35 39 44 48 53 57 61 §6 16 28 33 37 42 47 51 56 61 65 70 17 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 64 69 74 18 32 37 42 47 53 58 63 68 74 79 19 33 39 44 50 55 61 67 72 78 83 20 35 41 47 53 58 64 7a 76 82 88 21 37 43 49 55 61 67 74 80 86 92 22 38 45 51 58 64 71 77 83 90 96 23 40 47 54 60 67 74 81 87 94 101 24 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98 105 25 44 51 58 66 73 80 88 95 102 109 26 45 53 61 68 76 83 91 99 106 114 27 47 55 63 71 79 87 95 102 110 118 28 49 57 65 74 82 90 98 106 114 123 29 51 69 68 76 85 93 102 110 118 127 30 52 61 70 79 88 96 105 114 123 131 31 54 63 72 81 90 99 109 118 127 136 32 56 65 75 '84 93 103 112 121 131 140} 33 58 67 77 87 96 106 116 125 135 1441 34 59 69 79 89 99 109 119 129 139 149 35 61 71 82 92 102 112 123 133J143 153 36 63 74 84 95 '105 116 126 1371147 158 37 65 76 86 97 108 119 130 140' 151 162 38 67 78 89 100 !ili 122 133 144455 166 39 68 80 91 102 ! 114] 125 137 1148,1 591171 40 70 82 93 105, 117!128il40il52, 1631175 _ PLANK MEASUREMENT Contents of Planks in Board Mea s&kz. Thickness, 3$ Inches. 10 11 12 1$ 14 15 IB 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 86 39 . 40 q ® be i-l P 47 51 56 61 65 70 75 79 84 89 93 98 103 107 n © —* r O 1-1 p 50 54 60 64 69 74 79; 84: 89 52 57 63 68 74 79 84 89 95 94100 99ll05 1041110 1091116 1 14)121 112'119J126 117 124.131 121 2291137 126134:142 131 139147 135,1441152 l46! 149*158 163 168 145| 154 1491159 154 164 173 159 3f>9ll78 163174184 C © — •XJ 2 P 55 61 67 72 78 83 89 94 100 a © — TJ a ® 58 64 70 76 821 88 93 1 61 67 74 80 86 92 98 99104 105110 105 111 116423129 122 127 133 139 144 150 155 161 166 172 177 111:110 117 123! 128]1 35 134 141 140,147 146:153 152:159 158:165 1631172 169 178 64 71 77 83 90 96 103 109 116 122 128 135 141 q © CO w p 67 74 81 87 94 101 a® 1 3 70 77 84 91 98 105 1071112 114119 121 127 134 141 148 126 133 140 147 154 148 1541161 154 160 167 173 161 168 174 181 168 73 80 88 95 102 109 117 124 131 i 139 1 146 153 160' 1 68 1 175' 175:182 1821190 189.197 175’ 181 187 184 190 180il8S:i96 204 186; 195 203 211 193 2011210 219 196 1831193 188198 194204 1991208 2G5;215 2111221 218228 225 235 217 224 231 226 233 241 238 248 .245 255 168:179|189;200 210 173 183: 194 205*216 177 [1 88.200:21 1 222 182 .1 93 ! 205; 21 6 ; 228 1871198 210222 233 280 PLANK MEASUREMENT Contents of Planks in Board Measure. Thickness, 3J Inches. a © d© »_© d,© H © a® a © c«j .2-0 S 3 a 3 <£>'£ CM P h» *kI CO P eo’> CO P 00 P S p © +* © 3 © 48 © <2 & £ © e 4> 3 e CD Cm © <2 10 716 79 82 85 88 90 93 96 99102 11 83 87 91 C3 96 99 103106 ,109 1 12 12 91 95 98 102 105 109 112:116 1119,123 13 99 102 106 110 114 118 121 125 129 133 14 106 110 114 118 123 127 131 i 135*139 143 15 114 118 123 127 131 136 1401144 149 153 16 121 126 131 135 140 145 149,154 159 163 17 129 134 139 144 149 154 159 164 169 174 18 137 142 147 152 158 163 168 173 179 184 19 144 150 155 161 166 172 177 183 188 194 20 152158 163 169 175 181 187 193 198 204 21 159 165 172 178 184 190 196 202 !208 214 22 167 173 I8O1IS6 193 199 205:21 2l21 8 225 23 174,181 188 195 201 208 215221 228 235 24 182189 196 203 210 217 224231 238 245 25 190197 204 211 219 226 233 241 248 255 26 197.205 212 220 228 235 243|250 258 265 27 205,213 2211228 236 244 252 260 268 276 23 212 221 229/237 245 253 261 270 278 1280 29 220.228 237,245 254 26)2 271 279 288: 1296 30 228236,245 254 263 271 280 289 298 306 31 235,244 253 262 271 280 289 298 307 316 32 243;252 261 271 280 289 299|308 317 327 33 250260 270 279 289 298! 1308 318 327 337 34 258 268 278 288 298 307 317 327 337 347 35 265 276 286 296 306 316' 327 337 347 357 36 273 284 294 305 315;326!336 f 347 357,308 37 281 291 302 313 324 335 3451356! 13671378 38 288,299 310 321 333 344 355366 37 7 i 388 39 296307 319 330 341 353 364:375 387439 8 40 3031315 327 338 350 362 37 3 385 397 1408 281 . A I PLANK MEASUREMENT Contents of Planks tn Board Measure. Thickness, 4 Inches. ■64 a 4 6 S d %\ 53 <6 la © ' Id© la© a JO * ~ £ 2 i X > 5 7 I •A «4 -p£ it * £ QJ & 4 -> V £ 4 -> V £ 0) £ •M 22 rr jj 285 FLANK MEASUREMENT Contents of Planks in Board Measure. Thickness, 4£ Inches. Feet long. d © 18 in. wide. d ® si d © , -r« CN £ •2| £ £ d © 1 51 23 in. wide. 24 in. wide. .2 4 si 8 1 $ feet. © <2 •5 § I $ feet. 1 1 JO 60 64 67 71 75 79 83 86 90 94 11 66 70 74 78 82 87 91 95 99 103 12 72 77 81 86 90 95 99 104 108 113 13 78 83 88 93 98 102 107 112 117 122 14 84 89 95 100 105 110 116 121 126 131 15 90 96 101 107 113 118 124 129 135 141 16 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 144 150* 17 1021081115 121 128 134 140 147 153 159 18 1081115 122 128 135 142 149 155 162 169 19 114. 121 128 135 143 150 157 164 171 178 20 120’ 128 135 143 150 158 165 173 180 188 21 126jl34 142 150 158 165 173 181 189 197 22 1321140 149 157 165 173 182 190 198 206 23 138 .147 1155 164 173 181 190,198 207 216 24 144 153 162 171 180 189 198; 207 216 225 25 150 159 169 178 188 197 206216 225 234 26 156,1661176 185 195 205 215224 234 244 27 162' 172 182 192 205 213.223 233 243 253 28 168:179 189,200 210,221 231 242 252 263 20 174 185'196|207|218 228|239'250 261 272 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 186 193209,2211233 244 256 1 267 192I204!216;228|240 198i210|223;235 248 2791291 252 2641 27 6; 288 i 300 260 272 2851297 204 217 230 l 242 i 255 268 281,293 306 210 223;236 249:2631276 289 302 315 ,216:230:243 257 270,284 297 311324 309; 319 328 337 ;222 236,250 264 2781291 305,319 333:347 !228i242,257 271 285 299 314 328.342 356 234,249 263 278,293 307 322 336 351|365 240, 255,270 285 300 315 330 345'360!375 rii fr, 286 PLANK MEASUREMENT Contents of Planks in Board Measure. Thjcknes3, 4 h Inches. n © .S£ a © , 2 -s! .S-o Q o § © ‘Z Oi > QO ■*» & £ .1 © a ! i i $ & I 1 10 98 101 105 109 113 116 121 124 128 131 j 11 107 111 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 144! 12 117 122 126 131 135 140 144 149,153:158 13 127 132 137 141 146 151 156 161 166 171 14 137 142 147 152 158 162 168 173 179 184 15 146 152 158 163 169 174 180 186191 197 16 156 162 168 174 180 186 192 198 204 211 17 166 172 179 1S5 191 198 204 210 217 224 18 176 182 189 196 203 209 216 223 230 237 19 185 192 200 207 214 221 228 235 242)250 20 195 203 210 218 225 233 240 248 254:263 21 205 213 221 228 236 244 252 259 2671276 22 215 223 231 239 248 256 264 272 280 289 23 224 233 242 250 259 267 276 284 292 302 24 234 ; 243 252 261 270 279 288 297 305 316 25 244 253 263 272 281 291 300 309 318 329 26 254 263 273 283 293 302 312 321 331 342 27 ' 263 273 284'294 304 314 324 334 343:355 28 273 284 294 305 315 326 336 346 356 368 29 283 294 30531 5 326 337 348 358 369 381 30 293 304131 5 326 338 348 360 371 382 394 '31 302 314|326 337 349360 372 383 394 407 .32 312|324:336 348 360 372 384 396 407 421 133 322j334 , 347 359 371 384 396 408 420 434 34 332 ; 3441 3574370 3831395 408 420 433 447 35 34H354 368 381 394407 420 433 445 460 36 351,365 37 8 1 392 4051417 432 44514581473 137 3611375 |389|402 416*429 44414571471.486 3 $ 371*385 399 413 428-440 4661470 484499 Is?* 380:395|410 424;439 452 468,482 l496 ! 512 ) 40 3001405 420 4351450 464 480 4951509 520 2» 7 MEASUREMENT. Timber or Scantling Measurement. Timber or scantling for building purposes is bought and sold by the square foot of inch-board measurement. To find the num- ber of square feet contained in a piece of timber or scantling of any given length, width and thickness, multiply the width in inches by the thickness in inches. Multiply the product so found by the length in feet, and divide by 12. This gives the number of feet, and if there be any remainder, this remainder will be the odd inches. If the remainder be over 6 inches, it is counted as one foot. Example. — Find the number of square feet in a piece of twiber 10 inches wide , 8 inches thick and 24 feet long. ' Process. — Multiply the width in inches (10) by the thickness in inches (8). This gives 80. Multiply the product go found (80) by the length in feet (24). This gives 1920. Divide this by 12 , which gives 160, which is the number of square feet de- sired. 288 1 \ V, Contents in Square Feet (iuch-board j measure) op Timber or Scantling I used for Building Purposes. ! KS SIZE 2 by 2 Inches. SIZE 2 by 3 Inches. SIZE 2 by 4 Inches. SIZE 2 by 5 Inohes. SIZE 2 by 6 Inches. SIZE 2 by 1 Inches. Poet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. F«et In. 1 .4 .6 .8 .10 1. 1.2 2 .8 1. 1.4 1.8 2. 2.4 3 1. 1.6 2. 2.6 3. 3.6 4 1.4 2. 2.8 3.4 4. 4.8 6 1.8 2.6 3.4 4.2 5. 5.10 6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7 2.4 3.6 4.8 5.10 7. 8.2^ 8 2.8 4. 5.4 6.8 8. 9.4 9 3. 4.6 6. 7.6 9. 10.6 10 3.4 5. 6.8 8.4 10. 11.8 11 3.8 5.6 7.4 9.2 11. 12.10 12 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 13 4.4 6.6 8.8 10.10 13. 15.2 14 4.8 7. 9.4 11.8 14. 16.4 15 5. 7.6 10. 12.6 15. 17.6 16 5.4 8. 10.8 13.4 16. 18.8 17 5.8 8.6 11.4 14.2 17. 19.10 1 18 6. 9. 12. 15. 18. 21. 19 6.4 9.6 12.8 15.10 19. 22.2 20 6.8 10. 13.4 16.8 20. 23.4 21 7. 10.6 14. 17.6 21. 24.6 22 7.4 11. 14.8 18.4 22. 25.8 23 7.8 11.6 15.4 19.2 23. 26.10 24 8. 12. 16. 20. 24. 28. 25 8.4 12.6 16.8 20.10 25. 29.2 26 8.8 13. 17.4 21.8 26. 30.4 27 9. 13.6 18. 22.6 27. 31.6 28 9.4 14. 18.8 23.4 28. 32.8 29 9.8 14.6 19.4 24.2 29. 33.10 30 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 35. ! . ' - — - ■- TIMBER MEASUREMENT Contents in Square Feet (inch-board measure) of Timber * or Scantling used for Building Purposes. : i £ SIZE 5bv 8 Inches. SIZE 2 br 0 Inches. SIZE 2 by 10 Inches. SIZE 2 by 11 Inches. SIZE 2M by 5 Inches. SIZE 2X by 8 Inches. Feet In. Feet In. Teet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. 1 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.10 1.1 1.3 * 2 2.8 3. 3.4 3.8 2.1 2.6 3 4. 4.6 5. 5.6 3.2 3.9 4 5.4 6. 6.8 7.4 4.2 5 . ; 5 6.8 7.6 8.4 9.2 5.3 6.3 ! 6 8. 9. 10. 11. 6.3 7.6 7 9.4 10.6 11.8 12.10 7.4 8.9 8 10.8 12. 13.4 14.8 8.4 10. 9 12. 13.6 15. 16.6 9.5 11.3 10 13.4 15. 16.8 18.4 10.5 12.6 11 14.8 16.6 18.4 20.2 11.6 13.9 12 16. 18. 20. 22. 12.6 13 17.4 19.6 21.8 23.10 13.7 16.3 14 18.8 21. 23.4 25.8 14.7 17.6 15 20. 22.6 25. 27.6 15.8 18.9 16 21.4 24. 26.8 29.4 16.8 20. 17 22.8 25.6 28.4 31.2 17.9 21.3 18 24. 27. 30. 33. 18.9 22.6 19 25.4 28.6 31.8 34.10 19.10 23.9 20 26.8 30. 33.4 36.8 20.10 25. 21 28. 31.6 35. 38.6 21.11 26.3 22 29.4 33. 36.8 40.4 22.11 27.6 23 30.8 34.6 38.4 42.2 24. 28.9 24 32. 36. 40. 44. 25. 30. 25 33.4 37.6 41.8 45.10 26.1 31.3 26 34.8 39. 43.4 47.8 27.1 32.6 27 36. 40.6 45. 49.6 28.2 33.9 28 37.4 42. 46.8 51.4 29.2 35. 29 38.8 43.6 48.4 53.2 30.3 36.3 30 40. 45. 50. 55. 31.3 37.6 290 -.&• •)/ V- •• *< . J ft' d. y. \ f.\ \i: . ft •, \ \xa5s it l\\ : K TIMBER MEASUREMENT. I Contents in Square Feet (inch-board j measure) op Timber or Scantling used for Building Purposes. «, *» |j SIZE by 7 Inches. SIZE 2^ by 8 Inches. SIZE 2^ by 9 Inches. I SIZE 7.M by 1C Inches. I SIZE » 2X by 11 Inches. SIZE 2H by 12 Inches. { Petft In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In.' 1 1.6 1.8 1.11 2.1 2.4 2.6 2 2.11 3.4 3.9 4.2 \ 4.7 5. 3 4.6 5. 5.8 6.3 )6.11 7.6 4 5.10 6.8 7.6 8.4 9.2 10. 6 7.4 8.4 9.5 10.5 11.6 12.6 , 6 8.9 10. 11.3 12.6 13.9 15. 7 10.3 11.8 13.2 14.7 16.1 17.6 8 11.8 13.4 15. 16.8 18.4 20. 9 13.2 15. 16.11 18.9 20.8 22.6 10 14.7 16.8 18.9 20.10 22.11 25. 11 16.1 18.4 20.8 22.11 25.3 27.6 12 17.6 20. 22.6 25. 27.6 30. 13 19. 21.8 24.5 27.1 29.1ft 32.6 14 20.5 23.4 26.3 29.2 32.1 35. 15 21.11 25. 28.2 31.3 34.4 37.6 16 23.4 26.8 30. 38.4 36.8 40. 17 24.10 28.4 31.11 35.5 39. 42.6 18 26.3 30. 33.9 37.6 41.3 45. 19 27.9 31.8 35.8 39.7 43.7 47.6 20 29.2 33.4 37.6 41.8 45.10 50. 21 30.8 35. 39.5 43.9 48.2 52.6 22 32.1 36.8 41.3 45.10 50.5 55. ! ! 23 33.7 38.4 43.2 47.11 52.9 57.6 ! 24 35. 40. 45. 50. 55. 60. 25 36.6 41.8 46.11 52.1 57.4 62.6 26 37.11 43,4 48.9 54.2 59.7 65, 27 39.5 45. 50.8 56.3 61.11 67.6 1 28 40.10 46.8 52.6 58.4 64.2 70. 1 29 43.4 48.4 54.5 60.5 66.6 72.6 | SO 43.9 50. 56.3 62.6 68.9 75. 291 TIMBER MEASUREMENT. Contents in Square Eeet (inch-board measure) op Timber or Scantling used for Building Purposes. 1 to CD 0 *> 3 SIZE 3 by 3 Inches. SIZE 3 by 4 Inches. SIZE 3 by 5 Inches. SIZE 3 by 6 Inches. SIZE 3 by 7 Inches. SIZE 3 by 8 Inches. »*«et In. Feet In. Feet ' In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. 1 .9 1. 1.3 1.6 1.9 2. 2 1.6 2. 2.6 3. 3.6 4. 8 2.3 3. 3.9 4.6 5.3 6. 4 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 5 3.9 5. 6.3 7.6 8.9 10. 6 4.6 6. 7.6 9. 10.6 12. 7 5.3 7. 8.9 10.6 12.3 14. 8 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 9 6.9 9. 11.3 13.6 15.9 18. 10 7.6 10. 12.6 15. 17.6 20. 11 8.3 11. 13.9 16.6 19.3 22. 12 9. 12. 15. 18. 21. 24. 13 9.9 13. 16.3 19.6 22.9 26. 14 10.6 14. 17.6 2 L 24.6 28. 15 L 1.3 15. 18.9 22.6 26.3 30. 16 12. 16. 20. 24. 28. 32. 17 12.9 17. 21.3 25.6 29.9 34. 18 13.6 18. 22.6 27. 31.6 36. 19 14.3 19. 23.9 28,6 33.3 38. 20 15. 20. 25. 30 35. 40. 21 L 5.9 21. 26.3 ?1.6 36.9 42. 22 16.6 22. 27.6 33. 38.6 44. 23 17.3 23. 28 J 34.6 40.8 46. 24 18. 24. 30. 36. 42. 48. 25 18.9 25. 31.3 37.6 43.9 50. 26 19.6 26. 32.6 39. 45.6 52. 27 20.3 27. 33.9 40.6 47.3 54. 28 21. 28. 35. 42. 49. 56. 29 21.9 29. 86.3 43.6 50.9 58. 30 22.6 SO . 87.6 45. 52.6 60. MEASUREMENT Of TIMBER. , . . ‘ . .... i Contents in Square Feet (inch-board measure) op Timber or Scantling used for Building Purposes. ! SIZE 3 by 9 Inches. SIZE 3 by 10 laches. SIZE 3 by 11 Inches. SIZE 3 by 12 Inches. SIZE 4 by 4 Inches. SIZE 4 by 6 Inches. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. 1 2.3 2.6 2.9 3 . XA 1.8 2 4.6 5 . 5.6 6 . 2.8 3.4 3 6.9 7.6 8.3 9 . 4 . 5 . 4 9 . 10 . 11 . 12. 54 6.8 5 11.3 12,6 13.9 15 . 6.8 8.4 6 13 * 6 . 15 . 16.6 18 . 8 . 10 . 7 15.9 17.6 19.3 21 . 9.4 11.8 8 18 . 20 . 22 . 24 . 10.8 13.4 9 20.3 22.6 24.9 27 . 12 .. 15 . 10 22.6 25 . 27.6 30 . 13.4 16.8 11 24.9 27.6 30.3 33 . 14.8 18.4 12 27 . 30 . 33 . 36 . 16 . 20 .^ 13 29.3 32.6 35.9 39 . 17.4 21.8 14 31.6 35 . 38.6 42 . 18.8 23.4 15 33.9 37.6 41.3 45 . 20 . 25 . 16 36 40 . 44 . 48 . 21.4 26.8 17 38.3 42.6 46.9 51 . 22.8 28.4 18 40.6 45 . 49.6 54 . 24 . 30 . 19 42.9 47.6 52.3 57 . 25.4 31.8 20 45 . 50 . 55 . 60 . 26.8 33.4 21 47.3 52.6 57.9 63 . 28 . 35 . 22 49.6 55 . 60.6 66 . 29.4 36.8 23 51.9 57.6 63.3 69 . 30.8 38.4 24 64 . 60 . 66 . 72 . 32 . 40 . 25 66.3 62.6 68.9 75 . 33.4 41.8 26 58.6 65 . 71.6 78 . 34.8 43.4 27 60.9 67.6 74.3 81 . 36 . 45 . 28 63 . 70 ' 77 . 84 . 37.4 46.8 29 65:3 72.6 79.9 87 . 88.8 48.4 ‘ 30 r ' , 67.6 75 . 82?6 90 , 40 . 50 . 293 TIMBER measurement. Contents in Square Feet (inch-board , measure) op Timber or Scantling ; used for Building Purposes. to SIZE 4 b7 6 Inches. SIZE 4 by 7 Inches. SIZE 4 by 8 Inches. SIZE 4 by 9 Inches. SIZE 4 br 10 Inches. SIZE 4 by It Inches. Feet (n. Feet lo. Feel iu. Feel In. Feet In. Feet In. 1 2. 2.4 2.8 3. 3.4 3.8 2 4. 4.8 6.4 6. 6,8 7.4 8 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 4 8. 9.4 10.8 12. 13.4 14.8 5 10. 11.8 13.4 15. 16.8 18.4 6 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 22. 7 14. 16.4 18.8 21. 23.4 25.8 8 16. 18.8 21.4 24. 26.8 29.4 9 18. 21. 24. 27. 30. 33. 10 20. 23.4 26.8 30. 33.4 36.8 11 22. 25.8 29.4 33. 36.8 40.4 12 24. 28. 32. 36. 40. 44. 13 26. 30.4 34.8 39. 43.4 47.8 14 28. 32.8 87.4 42. 46.8 61.4 15 30. 35. 40. 45. 50. 55. 16 32. 37.4 42.8 48. 53.4 58.8 17 34. 39.8 45.4 51. 56.8 62.4 18 36. 42. * 48. 54. 60. 66. 19 38. 44.4 50.8 57. 63.4 69.8 20 40. 46.8 53.4 60. 66.8 73.4 21 42. 49. 56. 63. 70. 77. 22 44. 51.4 58.8 66. 73.4 80.8 23 46. 53.8 61.4 69. 76.8 84.4 24 48. 56. 64. 72. 80. 88. 25 50. 58.4 66.8 75. 83.4 91.8 26 52. 60.8 69.4 78. 86.8 95.4 27 54. 63. 72. 81. 90. 99. 28 66. 65.4 74.8 84. ,93.4, 102.8 29 68. 67.8 77.4 87. 96.6 106.4 30 60. 70. 80. 90. 100. 110. T I M fi K K M east; RE M ENT Contents in Square Feet (inch-board measure) of Timber or Sjantling used for Building Purposes. •» SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE 1 SIZE 21 4 by 12 Inches. 6 by 6 Inches. 5 by 6 Inches. 5 by 7 Inches. 5 by 8 Inches. 5 by 9 Inches. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. Peet In. Feet In. Feet In. 1 4. 2.1 2.6 ' 2.11 3.4 3.9 2 8. 4.2 5. 5.10 6.8 7.6 3 12. 6.3 7.6. 8.9 10. 11.3 4 16. 8.4 10. 11.8 13.4 15. 5 20. 10.5 12.6 14.7 16.8 18.9 .6 24. 12.6 15. 17.6 20. 22.6 7 28. 14.7 17.6 20.5 23.4 26.3 8 32. 16.8 20.; 23.4 26.8 30. 9 36. 18.9 22.6 • 26.3 30 33.9 10 40: 20.10 25. 29.2 33.4 37.6 11 44. 22.11 27.6 32.1 36.8 41.3 12 48. 25. 30. 35. 40. 45. 13 52. 27.1 32.6 37.11 43.4 48.9 14 56. 29.2 35. 40.10 46.8 52.6 15 60. 31.3 37.6 43.9 50. 56.3 16 64. 33.4 40. 46.8 53.4 60. 17 68. 35.5 42.6 49.7 56.8 63.9 18 72. 37.6 45. 52.6 60. 67.6 19 76. 39.7 47.6 55.5 63.4 71.3 20 80. 41.8 50. 58.4 66.8 75. 21 84. 43.9 52.6 61.3 70. 78.9 22 88. 45.10 55. 64.2 73.4 82.6 23 92. 47.11 57.6 67,1 76.8 86.3 24 96. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. 25 100. 52.1 62.6 72.11 89.4 93.9 26 104. 54.2 65. 75.10 86.8 97.6 27 108. 56.3 67.6 78.9 90. 101.3 28 112. 58.4 70. 81.8 93.4 105. 1 29 116. 60.5 72.6 84.7 96.8 108.9 30 120. 62.6 75. i 87.6 100. 112.6 TIMBER MEASUREMENT Contents in Square Feet (inch-board measure) of Timber oR Scantling used for Building Purposes. SIZE 6 by 10 Inches. SIZE 6 by S Inches. SIZE 6 by 7 Inches. SIZE 6 bv 8 Incnes. SIZE 7 by 7 Inches. SIZE 7 by 8 Inches. Pees In. Ft. In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet In. l 4.2 3. 3.6 4. 41 4.8 2 8.4 6. 7. 8. 8.2 9.4 • 3 12.6 9. 10.6 12. 12.3 14. 4 16.8 12. 14. 16. 16.4 18.8 5 20.10 15. 17.6 20. 20.5 23.4 6 25. 18. 21. 24. -24.6 28. 7 29.2 21. 24.6 28. 28.7 32.8 8 33.4 24. .28. 32. 32.8 37.4 9 37.6 27. 31.6 36. 36.9 42. 10 41.8 30. 35. 40. 41. 46.8 11 46. * 33. 38.6 44. 45. 51.4 12 . 50. 36. 42. 48. 49. 56. 13 54.2 39. 45.6 52. 53.1 60.8 14 58.4 42. 49. 56. 57.2 65.4 15 62.6 45. 52.6 60. 61.3 70. 16 66.8 48. 56. 64. 65.4 74.8 17 71. 51. 59.6 68. 69.5 7 M 18 75. 54. 63. 72. 73.6 84. 19 79.2 57. 66.6 76. 77.7 88.8 20 83.4 60. 70. 80. 81.8 98.4 21 87.6 63. 73.6 84. 85.9 98. 22 91.8 66. 77. 88. 90. 102.8 23 96. 69. 80.6 92. 94. 107.4 24 100. 72. 84. 96. 98. 112. 25 T04.2 75. 87.6 100. 102.1 116.8 26 108.4 78. 91. 104. 106.2 121.4 27 112.6 81. 94.6 108. 110.3 126. 28 116.8 84. 98. 112. 114.4 130.8 29 121. 87. 101.6 116. 118.5 135.4 30 125. 90. w . 120. 122.6 140. TIMBER MEASUREMENT Contents in Square Feet (inch -board measure) op Timber or Scantling used fob Building Purposes. i! SIZE 7 by 9 Inches. 8IZE 8 by 8 laches. SIZE 8 hr 9 Inches. SIZE 8 by 10 Inches. SIZE 9 by 9 Inches. SIZE 9 hr 10 Inohee. rest In. Feet In. Feet In. Fee* In. Feet In. Feet In. 1 5.3 5.4 6. 6.8 6.9 7.6 2 10.6 10.8 12. 13.4 13.6 15. 3 15.9 16. 18. 20. 20.3 22.6 4 21. 21.4 24. 26.8 27. 30. 6 26.3 26.8 30. 33.4 33.9 37.6 6 81.6 32. £6. 40. 40.6 45. 7 36.9 37.4 42. 46 8 47.3 52.6 8 42. 42.8 48. 53.4 54. 60. 9 47.3 48. 64. 60. 60.9 67.6 10 52.6 53.4 60. 66.8 67.6 75. 11 57.9 58.8 66. 73.4 743 82.6 12 63. 64. 72. 80. 81. 90. 13 68.3 69.4 78. 86.8 87.9 97.6 14 73.6 74.8 84. 98.4 94.6 105. 15 78.9 80. 90. 100. 101.3 112.6 16 84. 85.4 96. 106.8 108. 120. 17 89.3 90.8 102. 113.4 114.9 127.6 18 04.6 96. 108. 120. 121,6 185. 19 99.9 101.4 114. 126.8 128.8 142.6 20 105. 106.8 120. 188.4 135. 150. 21 110.8 112. 126. 140. 141.9 157.6 22 115.6 117.4 132. 146.8 148.6 165.. 23 120.9 122.8 138. 163.4 155.3 172.6 24 126. 128. 144 160. 162. 180. 25 181.3 133.4 150. 166.8 168.9 187.6. 26 186.6 138.8 168. 173.4 175.6 195. 27 141.9 144. 162. 180. 182.3 262.6 28 147. 149.4 168. 186.8 189. 210. 29 162.8 154.8 174. 193,4 195.9 217.6 30 157.6 160. 180. 200. 202.6 225* mi .r* ' >■ , •; .* ... *, - ip.™ TIMBER MEASUREMENT. Contents in Square Feet (inch-board measure) op Timber or Scantling used for Building Purposes. ff **.3 SIZE 9 by 11 locoes. SIZE JO by 10 Inches. SIZE 10 by 11 Inches. SIZE 10 by 12 Inches. SIZE 11 by 11 Inches. SIZE 11 tap 11 Inches. Peel In. Feet In. Feet In. Feet Io. Feet In. Feet In. 1 8.3 8.4 9.2 4 10. 10.1 11. 2 16.6 16.8 18.4 20. 20.2 22. 8 24.9 25. 27.6 30. 30.3 33. 4 33. 33.4 36.8 40. 1 40.4 44. 5 41.3 41.8. 45.10 50. 50.5 55. 6 49.6 50. ' 55. 60. 60.6 66. 7 57.9 58.4 64.2 70. 70.7 77. 8 66. 66.8 * 73.4 80. 80.8 88. 9 74.3 75. 82.6 90. 90.9 99. 10 82.6 ‘83.4 91.8 100. 101. 110. 11 90.9 91.8 101. 110, 111. 121. 12 99. 100. 110. 120. 121. 132. 13 107.3 108.4 119.2 130. 131.1 143. 14 115.6! 116.8 128.4 l40. 141.2 354. 15 123.9 125. 137.6 150. 151.3 165. 16 132. 133.4 146.8 160. 161.4 176. 17 140.3 141.8 156. 170. 171.5 187. 18 148.6 150. 165. 180. 181.6 198. 19 156.9 158.4 174.2 190. 191.7 209. 20 165. 166.8 183.4 200. 201.8 220. 21 173.3 175. 192.6 210. 211.9 231. 22 181.6' 183.4 201.8 220. 222. 242. 23 189.91191.8 211. 230. 232. 253. 24 198. ! 200. 220. 240. 242. 264. 25 206.3 :208.4 229.2 250. 252.1 275. 26 214.6! |216.8 238.4 260. 262.2 286. [27 222.9 ,225. 247.6 270 272.3 ■ 297. 28 231. i 233.4 256.8 280. 282.4.1308. 29 239.3 1241.8 266. 290. 292.5 '319. 30 247.6 . j250. 275. 300. j j302.6 [380. •*o8 MEASUREMENT. Rule for Wood Measurement. Wood is bought and sold by the cord. The length of a cord is 8 feet, the height 4 feet, and the width anything that may be agreed upon by buyer and seller. It is an error to suppose that a cord of wood should always contain 128 cubic feet, as, for instance, cooking-stove wood is seldom over 20 inches in length, and when corded the width of the pile is far from being 4 feet. Rule. — M ultiply the length of the pile in .feet by the height in feet , and divide by 32. How many jcords of wood in a pile 17 feet long, 6 feet high, and feet wide? Process. — 17=- length. 6— height. 32)102(3 3-16 cords. A ns. 96 6 Log Measure. To find the number of feet, board measure , contained in any log. Rule. — From the diameter of the log at the small end in inches , subtract 4. Square one-fourth of the remainder and multiply by the length in feet. To find the number of cubic feet in a round log in the shape of a frustum of a cone. Rule. — Square both diameters in inches * and to their sum add the product of the diameters. Multiply by the length in feet*' and by .ooi8j 8. ' r 299 • To find the number of cubic feet in the I largest square piece of timber that can be sawn from a round log. : Rule. — Multiply the diameter of the ! small end in inches by one -half itself, and by the length in feet. Divide the result by 144, or multiply the diameter in feet by one-half itself, and by the length. ( Examples. — How many feet of inch boards can be sawn from a log the diameter at the small end being 28 inches, and the I length 11 feet? PROCESS.— 28 ===. diameter in inches. 4 4) 2 4 A ns. 6 2 =36. 46X11 = 396. How many cubic feet are contained in a round log 30 feet in length, diameter of small end 10 inches, and large end 20 inches? Process. — -ioo=square of diameter, small end. 4oo=square of diameter, large end. 2oo=product of small and large diameters. 700 30=length in feet. Ans. 21000X.001818 = 38.T78 feet. How many cubic feet are contained in the square of a round log 18 feet long, and diameter of the small end 4 feet? Process. — 4=2=2= (J 4 of diameter) 4 (diameter) multiplied by 2—8. 8X18 (length)=i44 cubic feet. Rule for Lumber Measurement. Lumber is bought and sold by the foot, board measure , which is a square foot one inch in thickness. The standard lengths of planks, joists, scantlings, etc., are all the even numbers ranging from 8 to 30 feet. The following will be found to be the shortest cuts possible to produce cor- rect answers: Inch Feec thick. long. 1 8 multiply width in inches by 2-3 1 10 44 44 5-6 1 12 44 1 1 14 44 a 1 1-6 1 1 6 it 44 1 1-3 X 18 44 44 1 1-2 I 20 €4 1 2-3 I 22 €4 44 1 5-6 I 24 iC a 2 I 26 44 tt 2 1-6 I 28 a 2 1-3 I 3 ° a 44 2 1-2 General Rule.— Multiply the length in feet by the width and thickness in inches and divide by 12. Rule for Stone Measurement. Stone when laid in walls, fences, foun- dations, etc., is usually estimated by the perch, which contains 24^ cubic feet. This mixed number is a very difficult divi- sor, and numerous attempts have been made to save reducing it to an improper fraction or decimal. The following simple rule is the Shortest known: Rule. — Find the cubic feet and multiply by .0404. A wall 100 feet long, 5 feet high, and 2 feet thick, contains how many perches? Process. — .0404 —part of perch in one cubic foot. 1000= cubic feet. 40. 4000= perches. The above is an approximation although sufficiently exact for business purposes. If greater accuracy is required, add of the answer thus obtained. 301 Mechanics’ Iron Rule. T o find the weight of wrought iron by measurement. Rule.* — Multiply the thickness and width in inches by one third of ten times the length in feet. For — Cast Iron, deduct 1-16 Steel, add 1-48 Copper, “ 1-7 Cast Brass, “ 1-13 Lead, “ 1-2 Example. — How many pounds of wrought iron are contained in a bar 15 feet | long, 1 y 2 inches thick, and 2 inches wide ? Process. — 1^X2 =3. Ten times the 1 length equals 150. 1 50-7-3= 50, 50 X 3 = 1 50 I pounds. To Measure Corn in the Ear. The number of bushels of shelled corn in any space filled with corn on the cob can be only approximately determined, owing to various conditions affecting the kernel and cob. The following simple rules are, however, recognized by custom in nearly all sections of our country. Rule. — To find the number of bushels multiply cubic feet by 9 and divide by 20, | or multiply cubic feet by .45, or divide cubic inches by 3840. To find the number of Tennessee barrels ; (5 bushels each). Rule. — Multiply cubic feet by .09. Examples. — A crib 10 feet long, 8 feet high and 5 feet wide is filled with corn on ! the cob. How many bushels of shelled- I corn does it contain? 45 =capacity of one cubic foot corn measure. 4oo=cubic feet. 180.00 bushels. Ans. 302 Rule for Brick Measurement. Bricks are of different sizes, varying ac- cording to custom of State or locality. They are estimated by the thousand. When laid in walls one-eighth is allowed for mor- tar. A wall one layer in thickness is called a 4^ -inch wall; two layers, a 9-inch wall; three layers, a 13 -inch wall; four layers, an 1 8-inch wall; and five layers, a 22-inch wall. In most localities no deduction is made for openings, such as windows, doors, etc. , as the extra work required is considered fully equal to plain work. General Rule. — Multiply the number of square feet in the wall or house by the number of layers in thickness, and multiply the product by the number of bricks shown in a square foot when laid in walls. The simple table on page 304 gives the names of six standard bricks, together with their dimensions and the number of each contained in a surface, or square foot, of a 4^ -inch, 9-inch, 13-inch, 1 8-inch, and 22- inch wall. Example. — How many Baltimore bricks are contained in an 1 8-inch’ wall 56 feet long and 25 feet high? Process. — 56 X 25= 1,400 square feet. Refer to Baltimore in the table, and directly opposite, in the 18-inch wall column, we find 26, the number of bricks per square foot, which, multiplied by 1,400, equals 36,400. No. of bricks per surface foot 22- inch wall. x*» ^ N 10*0 N fOO CO co co CO CO rt* No. of bricks per surface foot 18- inch wall. r s\ ' VO 00 00 UOVO N N N N N N CO No. of bricks per surface 1 foot 13- inch wall. nnn^vo Oh w OO 't h N 0) h M M No. of bricks per surface foot 9- inch wall. CO rf- Th N COVO *4 h* IH M »H M No. of bricks per surface , foot 4^- inch wall. VO t^ir^vovooo Size. S00v^-\00V00S^0 1 r^HNi^KrONrOS N N M Cl CJ CJ XXX XXX CO CO Tf- Tfr Tf* xxxxxx 00 CO t^OO C^QO 1 Baltimore New York. Maine . . Michigan Fire Common . | To Find the Number of Gallons in Casks or Barrels. Rule. — Take all the dimensions in inches. Add the head and bung diameters and divide by 2 for the approximate mean diameter. Square the mean diameter and multiply by the depth. Multiply the result by .0034 for wine gallons, and .0028 for beer gallons. How many wine gallons are contained in a cask, the bung diameter of which is 22 incues, the head diameter 24 inches, and the depth 30 inches ? Process.— 22 + 24= 46. 46 --2 = 23 (mean diameter). 232=529 X 30 (length) = 15870. 15870 x. 0034= 53.9 + gallons. Measurement of Grain. Rule Find the cubic feet, and for U. S. standard bushels multiply by .80356; imperial (English) bushels multiply by .779. Or the following Rule. — Find the cylindrical feet, and for U. S. standard bushels multiply by .63111; imperial (English) bushels by .61183. Examples. — A granary 10 feet long, 5 feet wide, and 8 feet high is filled with wheat. Required, the number of U. S. standard bushels. •8°356 = capacity of one cubic foot. 400= : cubic feet. 321.44-= bushels. Ans. Carpenters’ Rule to Make Square Timber Octagon or Eight-Sided. Place a 24-inch rule across each side of the timber, with the ends of the rule at the edges of the stick, and then point off 7 inches from each end of the rule. Cut down to the points. If a 12-inch rule be used, point off 3^ inches from each end. 305 . INTEREST LAWS OF ALL THE STATES. ^MTM AND Tkabjtobibs. Alabama.. Arizona.. Arkansas . Connecticut. Dakota Delaware.... Florida.. Georgia . Idaho . . . Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky ..?. Louisiana. .'. . Maine Maryland Massachusetts. Michigan.. Minnesota Mississippi. Missouri.... Montana ... Nebraska... Nevada New Jersey . . .. New Mexico.. .*. New York. Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania.. Rhode Island.. South Carolina Tennessee.. .. Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Wash. Ter.... West Virginia Wisconsin.... Wyoming Penalty or Ustrar. J I •J Special. 8 10 6 No limit 10 perot. Forfeiture or prin. and interest.. No penalty 10 No limit 10 •• *» «• 6 6 perot. Forfeiture of oontraet 7 12 per ou " " " ........... 6 6 per ot. " *' all Interest 6 10 per ct. No penalty* 8 No limit. Forfeiture of all interest Forfeiture of three times the ex- 7 8 perot. cess of interest over 18 per Ct.* 10 18 perot. Forfeiture or all interest 6 8 per ot. •* *• int. over 6 per. ct.. 6 8 per ot. •• •' Interest and costs.. 6 10 per ot. *• *' excess over 12 perot. 7 12 per ct. •• *• ** of interest.... 6 6 per ct. •• •• Interest 5 8 per cl No penalty 6 No limit. Forfeiture of excess 6 6 per CL No penalty— 6 per ct. on jndg’ts. 6 No limit. Forfeiture of excess 7 10 per ct. Forfeiture of contract if more thau 10 per cent Is charged 7 10 per ol Forfeiture of int. over 10 per ct. . 6 19 per OL Forfeiture of all interest.. 6 10 per ol No penalty 10 No limit Forfeiture of all Interest and costs T 10 per ot No penalty * Forfeiture of three times excess 10 NC UmlL of interest 6 6 per cl Forfeiture of all Interest and costs 6 6 per CL No penalty 6 No limIL Forfeiture of contract t..... Forfeiture of double the amount 6 6 per ct. of interest 6 8 per ol Forfeiture of excess ..... 6 8 per cL " *' prin., int., and costs 10 12 per ol 14 •• excess. Act of 1858.. 6 6 per ct. M unless by contract!... 6 No limit. •» of all the interest 7 7 per ot. Forfeiture of excess over 6 per ct. 6 6 per cL Forfeiture of all interest. 8 12 per cL No limit. No penalty 10 Forfeiture of excess on R. R. b’ds. 6 7 per CL " *• ioterest 6 No penalty 10 No limit. Forfeiture of excess 6 6 per CL •• •• allinterest 7 10 per et. No penalty lOiNo limit. • Act of Feb. 21, 1879. f Also punishable as a misdemeanor*. | Also 6 per et. on Judgments. TABLES OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Cubic Measure. 1,728 cubic inches 1 cubic foot, 27 cubic feet 1 cubic yard, 128 cubic feet 1 cord (wood), 40 cubic feet 1 ton (shipping), 2,150.42 cubic inches 1 standard bushel, 268.8 cubic inches 1 standard gallon, 1 cubic foot four-fifths of a bushel. Surveyor’s Measure. 7.92 inches 1 link, 25 links 1 rod, 4 rods 1 chain, 10 square chains or 160 square rods I acre, 640 acres I square mile. Long Measure — Distance. 3 barleycorns 1 inch, 12 inches 1 foot, 3 feet 1 yard, yards 1 rod, 40 rods 1 fur- long, 8 furlongs 1 mile. Dry Measure. 2 pints make 1 quart, 8 quarts make 1 peck, 4 pecks make 1 bushel, 36 bushels make 1 chaldron. Liquid or Wine Measure. 4 gills make 1 pint, 2 pints make 1 quart, 4 quarts make 1 gallon, 31 X gallons make I barrel, 2 barrels make 1 hogshead. Apothecaries’ Weight. 20 grains make 1 scruple, 3 scruples make 1 drachm, 8 drachms, make 1 ounce, 12 ounces make 1 pound. Troy Weight. 24 grains make 1 pennyweight, 20 penny- weight make 1 ounce. By this weight, gold, silver and jewels only are weighed. The ounce and pound in this are same as in Apothecaries’ weight. 3g7 TABLES OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Avoirdupois Weight. 6 drachms make i ounce, 16 ounces makes I pound, 25 pounds make 1 quarter, 4 quarters make 100 weight, 2,000 pounds make 1 ton. Circular Measure 60 seconds make 1 minute, 60 minutes m*ke 1 degree, 30 degrees make 1 sign, 90 degrees make 1 quadrant, 4 quadrants or 360 degrees make 1 circle. Time Measure. 60 seconds make 1 minute, 60 minutes make 1 hour, 24 hours make 1 day, 7 days make 1 week, 4 weeks make 1 lunar month, 28, 29, 3°> or 3 1 days make 1 calendar month (30 days make 1 month in comput- ing interest), 52 weeks and 1 day, or 12 calendar months make t year, 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 49 seconds make l solar year. Square Measure. 144 square inches I square foot, ^square feet 1 square yard, 30^ square ^rds I square rod. 40 square rods I rood, 4 roods i acre. Cloth Measure. 2 % inches 1 nail, 4 nails 1 quarter, 4 quarters 1 yard. Miscellaneous. 3 inches 1 palm, 4 inches 1 hand, 6 inches I span, 18 inches 1 cubit, 21.8 inches I Bible cubit, 2 % feet r military pace. 308 Weight per Bushel of Grain, etc. The following Official Table shows ‘he number of pounds per bushel required, by law or custom, in the sale of articles speci- fied in the several States of the Union. States. Barley. rt V rC is O 3 48 CS c V T 3 3 = in O u 56 56 0 C 0 O 50 50 [ Onions. * jS rj 0 | Potatoes. Pi | Wheat. l ”1 70 in u F- s° JS z t E c d > ja 0 S H 42 Maine. . . . N, H 48 52 3 ° 30 32 32 28 32 30 3 ° 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 60 60 Ver 48 48 48 48 45 48 50 48 •• 60 Mass 56 56 58 56 56 56 50 5 2 60 56 60 60 60 Conn N. Y N. J Penn Del 48 48 47 85 ••1 (62 1 * |6o 64 62 44 Md 48 48 . . 56 57 32 60 56 60 56 • • 62 64 45 D. C 47 48 56 48 57 32 56 56 60 50 55 62 60 45 Va 48 48 56 50 32 60 56 60 56 60 64 45 W. Va.... 48 52 80 56 48 32 60 56 60 60 60 60 45 N. C 48 50 ka 46 OO 56 60 64 S. C 48 56 80 D 56 “t'-' 50 57 33 60 56 60 50 60 60 Ga 40 80 56 48 57 35 56 60 56 V. ; . . 60 45 La 32 56 32 32 60 Ark 48 52 80 56 50 57 32 60 56 60 50 60 60 45 Tenn 48 50 56 50 56 32 60 56 60 60 . . 45 Ky 48 52 56 50 57 33 56 56 60 50 . . 60 60 45 Ohio .... 48 50 56 . # 32 60 56 60 60 60 4 o Mich 48 48 80 56 . . 54 32 60 56 60 56 58 60 60 45 Ind 48 50 70 56 50 48 32 60 56 60 50 60 60 Ill 48 52 56 48 57 32 60 56 60 50 60 60 , , Wis 48 so c6 00 60 c6 60 60 Minn 48 42 . . 56 . . . . 32 60 56 60 . . 60 m # Iowa 48 52 . . 56 57 33 60 56 60 50 60 60 45 Mo 48 52 56 57 32 60 56 60 50 60 60 45 Kan 50 50 56 50 57 32 60 56 60 50 55 60 . . 45 Neb 48 52 . . 56 50 57 346 o 5660 50 55 60 60 45 Cal CO AD C 2 09 CA 60 Oregon . . . 46*42 56 . . .. * * 36,60 34 -f 56I60 . . . . 60 • • . . . 30,00 50joo . . . . . 00 . . 309 — USEFUL RECEIPTS FOR EVERY- To Clean and Polish Old Furni- ture. — Make a mixture of a quart of old beer or vinegar, with a handful of common salt, and a tablespoonful of muriatic acid, and boil it for fifteen minutes; put it in a bottle and warm it when wanted for use. Wash the furniture you wish to clean with soft hot water, so as to remove all the dirt, then afterward wash it with the mixture in the bottle; then polish with a soft flannel rag. Treasury Department Whitewash. ( — This receipt for whitewashing is sent out by the Light-house Board of the Treasury Department, and will answer on wood, bric\, or stone nearly as well as oil paint, and ^ much cheaper: Slac V one-half bushel of unslacked lime with * oiling water, keeping it covered dur- ing the process; strain it and add a peck of salt dissolved in warm water; three pounds ground rice, put in boiling water and boil to a thin paste; one-half pound powdered Spanish whiting and a pound of clear glue dissolved in hot water; mix these well together and let the mixture stand for several days. Keep the wash thus prepared in a kettle or portable furnace, and when used put it on as hot as possible with painter’s or whitewash brushes. To Paper Whitewashed Walls. — Make a flour starch as you would for starching calico clothes, and with a white- wash brush wet with the starch the wall you wish to paper. Let it dry, then, when it is wanted to apply the paper wet both the BODY. wall and paper with the starch and apply the paper in the ordinary way. To Clean Wall-Paper. — The follow- ing is a most excellent and simple method of cleaning wall-paper and can be used with confidence in every house : T ake one quart of flour and stir in 5 cents’ worth of ammonia and enough water to make a stiff dough; work and knead until smooth, then wipe the paper with this batch of dough, working it so that a clean surface will be presented with every stroke. Go over the paper in this way and your wall-paper will be clean. A Wash for Carpets. — Mix together 30 cents’ worth of ground soap- tree bark (which can be purchased at any drug store), 5 cents’ worth of ammonia, one cup of vinegar, one and a half pails of water. Boil this mixture one hour in a boiler, and use it on the carj^et with a sponge. To Make Kalsomine. — Kalsomine is a mixture of zinc white with water and glue sizing. Kalsomine for ceilings is made by mixing one-half pound of glue with fifteen pounds of zinc white; for walls, one pound of glue and fifteen pounds of zinc white. The glue, a night before it is to be used, should be soaked in water, and in the morning liquefied on the fire. The surface to be kalsomined must be clean and smooth. Zinc white is rather ex- pensive, and Paris white (which is sulphate of baryta, and can be purchased at any drug store) may be substituted. Suppose you wish to kalsomine a wall sixteen by twenty feet with two coats of kalsomine, proceed as follows: Take one-quarter pound of light-colored glue and five or six pounds of Paris white; soak the glue over 311 night with about one quart of warm water; the next morning — that . is, if you wish to kalsomine — add a pint of clean water to the glue (which must be put in a tin vessel), and place the tin vessel containing the glue in a kettle of boiling water over the fire, stirring the glue constantly until it is well dissolved and quite thin; by this means scorching the glue will be prevented. Place the Paris white in a large water pail, pour on hot water and stir it until the liquid appears like thick milk. Now mix the glue liquid with the whiting, stir- ring it thoroughly until the mixture is com- plete, and it is then ready to be applied. A good whitewash brush or a large paint brush will answer the purpose of painting the walls, with the kalsomine, al- though more expensive brushes, made pur- posely for kalsomining are sold in paint and hardware stores; whatever you use, spread the liquid on smoothly and evenly, dipping the brush frequently, and take only enough kalsomine as will be retained by the brush without dripping off. Should the kalsomine become thick, it can be thinned by adding hot water. Endeavor ' to apply thin coats, for a thin coat will not crack. A Remedy for Burns. — A celebrated German remedy for burns consists of fifteen ounces of the best white glue, broken in small pieces, into two pints of water, and allowed to become soft. Then dissolved, by means of a water-bath (an extempora- neous water-bath can be made by putting a tin pail into a kettle of boiling water), and two ounces of glycerine and six drachms of carbonic acid added, the heat 312 being continued until all is thoroughly dis- solved. On cooling, this hardens to an elastic mass, covered with a shining, parch- ment-like skin, and may be kept for any length of time. When required for use it is placed for a few minutes in a water-bath until suffi- ciently liquid, and applied to the burnt sur- face by means of a broad brush. It forms in about two minutes a shining, smooth, flexible and nearly transparent skin, and will cause almost instantaneous relief to the sufferer. This is a good remedy, and is simple, cheap, and expeditious. A Home-made Remedy for Sprains, Wrenches, and Rheumatism. — The following remedy is alone worth the price of this book. It is a simple ointment for man and beast which has been used in the family of the writer for years, and has never failed to effect either a cure or almost a cure / Ruy at your drug store one ounce of spirits of turpentine and one ounce of origanum. Take two fresh eggs and break them in one-half pint of cider vinegar, beat- ing the eggs and vinegar well together; now add the turpentine and origanum, and put the entire mixture in a bottle, shaking it thoroughly, so as to more com- pletely mix the remedy. Cork it tightly until needed. In applying it to a sprain, either for a person or animal, work it into the skin over the affected part by rubbing with the Angers and a flannel rag. For rheumatism this remedy is invaluable, and worth all the patent medicines made. Use it as if for a sprain, and relief will follow at once. Rub it well in, and apply some to a flannel rag, which must be wrapped around the place like a bandage. > 313 A Handy Cement to have about the house is made as 'follows : Melt together, in a common iron kettle or pan, 2 parts of common pitch and 1 part of gutta-percha, stirring the mixture continually until thor- oughly mixed, then pour the liquid into cold water. When it is cold it will form a black, solid, elastic mass, which soften with heat. It will become liquid at about 100 degrees Falir., and can then be used either in its liquid state or a soft paste for cement- ing broken metal, glass, or crockery. It can also be used for glazing windows. To Distinguish Wrought Iron, Cast Iron and Steel. — Make a bright surface on the metal by filing and polishing a small portion, and then apply a single drop of nitric acid . Allow the acid to remain a minute or two, and then wash it off with water. If the spot has a pale ashy ap- pearance the metal is wrought iron ; if a brownish black, it is steel, and if a deep black, it is cast iron. To Preserve Timber from Dry Rot and Decay. — The best way to do this is to force into the pores of well seasoned lum- ber as much carbolic acid or creosote as the wood will take. For barns and out- buildings this can be done by using a brush, applying the liquid until the lumber can soak in no more. To Prevent Splitting of Logs and Planks. — Logs and planks split at the ends because the ends dry faster than the inside. To prevent this, saturate some muriatic acid with lime until it looks like whitewash, and paint the ends of the logs, poles or timbers with the compound. It •will prevent the w r ood from splitting and afterward from retting. 3H « Glue Paint for Kitchen Floors.— To three pounds of spruce yellow add one pound, or two pounds if desired, of dry white lead, and mix well together. Dissolve two ounces of glue in one quart of water, stirring often until smooth and nearly boiling. Thicken the glue water after the manner of mush, until it will spread smoothly upon the floor. Use a common paint brush and apply hot. This will fill all crevices of a rough floor. It will dry soon, and when dry apply boiled linseed oil with a clean brush. In a few hours it will be found dry enough to use by laying papers or mats to step on for a few days. When it needs cleaning, use hot suds. To Perforate Glass. —In drilling glass, stick a piece of stiff clay or putty on the part where you wish to make the hole. Make a hole in the putty the size you want the hole, reaching to the glass, of course. Into this hole pour a little moulten lead, when, unless it is very thick glass, the piece will immediately drop out. Cement to Mend Iron Pots and Pans. — Take two parts of sulphur and one part, by weight, of fine black lead; put the sulphur in an old iron pan, holding it over the fire until it begins to melt, then add the lead ; stir it well until all is mixed and melted ; then pour it out on an iron plate or smooth stone. When cool break into small pieces. A sufficient quan- tity of this compound being placed upon the crack of the iron pot to be mended, can be soldered by a hot iron in the same way a tinsmith solders his sheets. If there is a small hole in the pot, drive a copper rivet in it, and then solder over with cement. _3L5 LIVE AGENTS H' Wise in their work, make more money and are more sure of quick returns, on the least expenditure of time and money, than any other trade, bpsiness or profession. We offer opportunities for permanent employment and reliable money making that are unexcelled. No experience or training is necessary. Our books are made tor special needs , and they sell at sight. Even boys and girls'are making good salaries selling these books, as they are needed by all classes in every community, and their merit can be understood at a glance. Address LAIRD & LEE, Polishers, 263 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO. Salva-Webster Spanish-English and English' Spanish Dictionary. 40,000 xvords and definitions; also maps of South America and Mexico, U. S. Consulates in those countries, and Spanish Consulates in the U. S. 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